index,UserIndex,Text,Number of Comments,Number of Subscribers,Membership Duration,Number of Uploads,Profanity in UserID,Age,oh_label 0,X1,"Does N.e.bodyelse Hear her Crazy ass Screamin ,HOE, everytime she say's Stupid Hoe .. Lol. did n.e.body see Chris Browns face at 2:04 wen Nicki was touchin him If you worked out we wouldn't be lookin at that Body D: She looks so tired :/ She has ah Tatto on her ass Wtf is this o.O Instagram Deze Nutt's In Yo Mouth Lmao This Video/Song made me ah Lil. Umm . . . .In the mood .___. We're all in this together motherfucka Wow you have an amazing voice. And I've never said that about anyone.",10,1,3,3,0,15,0 1,X2,There are so many things that are incorrect with your comment it's unbelievable. Guns don't kill people. A gun doesn't get up off a table and then shoot someone. He's not the reason soldiers are at war he's merely showing us weapons and explaining how they work and whether he likes them or not. You blame him for violent video games...Why would this guy mess around with video games when he has real weapons he can use and practice with. I can't say much more coz I don't have more space. Retard. This is all we need an Australian version of 1 Direction.... my dick was bleeding from how hard I was masturbating to this,3,0,6,5,0,31,0 2,X3,3:26 hahah my boyfriend showed this song to me I love it Me tooo Is she having a seizure. Omg u have a corgi I am training for the Olympics and I am Russian You want some rapes... LOL,7,0,3,5,0,43,1 3,X2218,dick beyonce fuck y a ass hole you are truely a dog bitch Pha looks like a DIKK god you make me sick what is fu*k is this ? bad he looks like chris martin just shitier bitch nude pic pls garbage like the hole in your mother's hi how to do hand writing on goodreader? suck your own dick what is this mother fucking song all about? bitch she is a man bitch gwen shity travis hahaha i dont think hanns zimmer's needs remix a waste of time. that is a whale best video ever! bs shit billie piper you whore Billie want to make it to Britney give Billie a chance because she wants to be Britney I want Billie Piper because she is a whore I want Billie the whore Call girl is a whore PH is real ugly what's f*king with rihanna right now? bitch gone crazy bitch gone crazy hate the red hair you will suck tom yorke's ass when he farts you're da fuq,34,0,3,5,0,44,1 4,X5,DongHaeTaemin and Kai ;A; luhansehun and bacon XD TaeminDonghae and Kai 3333 DongHaeKyuhyun and Henry Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 3333 WAAAAAAAAAAA DAEBAK !!!! 3333SeoHyun and Yoona XDDreally love the HyoYoon's rapping :3 LOL yeah i agree they really need a variety show XDthis the most memorable perf. for me !sehun and chanyeol laughed baekhyun almost slipped do's cute pose and joomyeon little exposure LOL XDD L.joe and Hoya ;A; luhan and Baekhyun ;A; baekhyun :3 i love little sooyoungyuriyoona and taeyeon :D bacon ;A;,11,173,5,5,0,21,0 5,X6,jejus lindos de maiss carlos canta um ritmo massalogan e lindooooooooooooooookendall e fofojames e gatinho muitoo linda eu choreii kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ta na profissao errada eu posso afirmar linddo parabens meu jejusinho luiza ta com frioo menina pq vc mais geme do que canta mentiroza lindooooooo princesa que deus te abenoe e que vc seja muito feliz bj vou postar um melhor desculpe mais esse video mal feito,12,1,3,3,0,27,0 6,X7,Ale pajac,1,0,3,5,0,23,0 7,X8,"How's ,freedom, working out for you? Still living on foreign aid and butchering each other? I wish Ian Smith was leading my country. White Rhodesians fought against the Nazis you fucktard. When Britain called they answered. When they in turn called Britain turned their backs on them. Not the British people the British Governments of both parties. You Sir are an anti white bigot of the worst type. Please educate yourself to the limits of your meagre capabilities before commenting again. Asshole. So..... you will be refusing to accept any more foreign aid handouts so that you proud negros can starve to death in your own filth and squalor? Naw thought not. Zimbabwe's problems are not shortages of food water oil investment or transportation it's a shortage of white people. Why don't they move to a better country such as Rhodesia? L.O.L. This guy is full of crap. He claims to be a dealer for 50 years and a founder member of NGC and PCGS and thinks PCGS stands for Pacific Coast Grading Services. School is fo' dem crackas! I hope the fat pig gets 20 years for tax evasion disgusting human being. I wish more white people agreed with this very astute black man. I'd rather live next door to him than a patronising white liberal dickhead. What's up homez your leafblower get repossesed? Never seen a monkey that fat. Washington DC is not the whole country Autotone is for no-talent boy bands not musical titans with a career spanning six decades. 18 people will die virgins 18 sad bastards never had a speeding ticket I frankly don't care how many muslim cavemen gets vaporised in drone strikes what concerns me is the belief by the Obama regime that Ron Paul supporters white military veterans Tea Party members constitutionalists and people opposed to high taxes are domestic terrorists. You make the absence of black people sound like a bad thing.",19,1,6,5,0,56,0 8,X9,nicki's too sexy holy hell oh. my. god. DON'T TURN MY MUSIC AGAINST ME! seriously so funny I really love this. It's a cool premise and I like how hard you guys worked on it and it's just fantastic. Well done. hahahahahahah So nobody's gonna talk about KURT!!!!!! FINALLY CAN SING AGAIN great song. you can totally tell ne-yo wrote it. hit,8,0,3,5,0,20,0 9,X10,stupid video George Z had to do that in self defense. Also if u replay the original 911 call u would hear that its the same voice! Its a tragedy Trayvon was killed but it would also be a tragedy to send George to prison! horble i need 10$ u bet All of them are already rotting! These psycos are not christians they are just like extreme Muslims who have been tricked by satan. They are on the paths to hell. Many will come in my image to deceive you these people have been deceived.,6,0,2,3,0,15,0 10,X11,wow big tune juicy tune this feels good in my brain high hopes for netsky nice amazing tune big tune i liked it! fuark still the best fucking thing on the internet do the aussies proud mate! ;) the start of something amazing.. fuark! fuark big tune tune that lift was pretty good tune If you get a virus now days you must be downloading some interesting stuff tune!! hoh what a tune!!!,20,76,6,5,1,26,0 11,X12,I would love to win the Mulberry bag because it so cute and small and I really only use small ones xx I would like to see on this channel a morning or night routine video xx The film that lewis mentioned was shaun of the dead :] I have tried out the colour honey and it is a really nice all round pink that stays around 4-5 hours in my case. I do recommend them because theyre really moiturising and yeh... My favourite Tv show is Miranda. Its an english comedy program but i bet you could watch it online xxx Second :] I don't actually have anyone to share the day with but I love all the decorations and concept - England I don't have a valentine but my celebrity crush is Logan Lerman xx,8,7,4,1,0,15,0 12,X13,I came here for Kendrick. :3 I love Anthony's Ocarina of Time shirt! Ohh I'm scared. Trolling makes games fun actually dick rider.It's because of you bad kids that rage over some stupid shit on a video game that fuck it up. So get off my dick. Oh I get it. BURN.LOLOLOL. BRRRRRICK SQAAAAAAUUUUUDD! Mad Father.. I know right. Totally.. I can't wait for GTAV. Hopefully it will be as good as San Andreas is. He's the 973356155th person actually. Atleast Xbox isn't as easy to hack as PS3 is. Not saying it's bad. They're both good. But PS3 Should consider putting up a price for their online gamers.. Lol whats up with you and things being gay. You must have experience with being gay dumbass. In the description. He's illuminati and doesn't hide it. Tape Stop.,16,25,2,3,0,22,0 13,X14,amazing good singer but cant understand a word the judges said! MattyB haters dont know who MattyB really is....they need 2 get 2 knw him 2:04 Matty your amazing! And u have your driving licence at 9 :D Im 9 and I dont ;P I love youuh 3 look at the girl on the left swing in 0:29 ur big bro shows no facial expresions :D I luv youuh matty 33 wish i knew u 'cause ur AMAZING 33wish u were my bf 3 luv ur dancin 3 Hope u had fun ;P what did he do? I luv youh matty 3Im 9 too xx I love u matty ur amazing! Keep following your dreams You'll get there Awwwh thats so sweet 3 The penguin on the left at the beggining awwhhh lol He has braces when he's 7 O.O Well done trin x LoL Its skyla Thursfield My bff's sister! I have a feeling she's just acting -.-,22,1,2,2,0,33,0 14,X15,I signed in a heartbeat. I don't necessarily want this anime (I would way prefer Red and Blue) but it will be better than what is on the constant Ash story that is always the same. Did they put him the Grammy's remembering artists who passed? I didn't see him. Shitty fake Colorado. I have been to Atlanta once and Tennessee twice so I was trying to base it off my experiences more than a stereotypical voice. I have improved it a bit more to sound like a plantation owner from Kentucky. Neither did I. Bummer. Thanks for informing me. But he is not as smart. It has already happened. Nightcrawler won. Were do I get the actual part? Like the music? And are voice overs allowed? Nightcrawler vs Nightwing! And those movies suck. And all those characters started in a single issue. It makes sense to have them all in the movie. Unlike Justice League. YAY :D I am an atheist and I love this song. very well written. I also admire the animation. The Dark Knight Returns is considered to be one of the best if not the best Batman story ever written. Read the comic or watch the movie and you will understand. LOVE IT! Batman Gotham Knight was a series of like 5 or 7 mini movies all by anime directors and art. Would that be acceptable? You make a Beta video based on the theme and you have to beat an opponent's video. I want that Alduin statue. They should have a collector to even out this argument. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every character should have like 6 alternate costumes. Martian Manhunter There is no such thing as too much blood in a Mortal Kombat game. Love it! Well thank you :3 Atheist and I love TFK,24,171,4,34,0,18,0 15,X16,I want an xbox now xD Girl: how much do u love me. Guy: count the stars. Girl: but it's morning. Guy: exactly LMFAO Who else is mad at wilshire farms?:) Legend of Zelda screw that Legend of Link:) I eat mine like a boss :) guys this works really:1. jump off a cliff2. dieand if that doesnt work...1. watch smosh2. die of laughter and happiness Kid: Mom can i kill 1086 people?Mom: NO WAY!!!!!Kid: But they disliked a smosh videoMom: GET THE SHOTGUN DONT READ THIS CAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORKS YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST POSSIBLE FRIDAY BY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. HOWEVER IF YOU DONT POST THIS AT LEAST ON THREE VIDEOS OR YOU WILL DIE WITHIN TWO DAYS NOW YOU STARTED TO READ DONT STOP THIS IS SO SCAREY PUT THIS ON AT LEAST 5 VIDEOS IN 143 MINUTES WHEN YOUR DONE PRESS F6 AND YOUR LOVER NAME WILL APPEAR ON THE SCREEN IN BIG LETTERS THIS IS SO SCARE CAUSE DONT READ THIS CAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORKS YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST POSSIBLE FRIDAY BY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. HOWEVER IF YOU DONT POST THIS AT LEAST ON THREE VIDEOS OR YOU WILL DIE WITHIN TWO DAYS NOW YOU STARTED TO READ DONT STOP THIS IS SO SCAREY PUT THIS ON AT LEAST 5 VIDEOS IN 143 MINUTES WHEN YOUR DONE PRESS F6 AND YOUR LOVER NAME WILL APPEAR ON THE SCREEN IN BIG LETTERS THIS IS SO SCARE CAUSE DONT READ THIS CAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORKS YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST POSSIBLE FRIDAY BY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. HOWEVER IF YOU DONT POST THIS AT LEAST ON THREE VIDEOS OR YOU WILL DIE WITHIN TWO DAYS NOW YOU STARTED TO READ DONT STOP THIS IS SO SCAREY PUT THIS ON AT LEAST 5 VIDEOS IN 143 MINUTES WHEN YOUR DONE PRESS F6 AND YOUR LOVER NAME WILL APPEAR ON THE SCREEN IN BIG LETTERS THIS IS SO SCARE CAUSE DONT READ THIS CAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORKS YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST POSSIBLE FRIDAY BY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. HOWEVER IF YOU DONT POST THIS AT LEAST ON THREE VIDEOS OR YOU WILL DIE WITHIN TWO DAYS NOW YOU STARTED TO READ DONT STOP THIS IS SO SCAREY PUT THIS ON AT LEAST 5 VIDEOS IN 143 MINUTES WHEN YOUR DONE PRESS F6 AND YOUR LOVER NAME WILL APPEAR ON THE SCREEN IN BIG LETTERS THIS IS SO SCARE CAUSE DONT READ THIS CAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORKS YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST POSSIBLE FRIDAY BY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. HOWEVER IF YOU DONT POST THIS AT LEAST ON THREE VIDEOS OR YOU WILL DIE WITHIN TWO DAYS NOW YOU STARTED TO READ DONT STOP THIS IS SO SCAREY PUT THIS ON AT LEAST 5 VIDEOS IN 143 MINUTES WHEN YOUR DONE PRESS F6 AND YOUR LOVER NAME WILL APPEAR ON THE SCREEN IN BIG LETTERS THIS IS SO SCARE CAUSE Watching Ego fucken thug life ! I was cracking up when i saw the aluminum boots lol anyone else? I troll like a boss xD Looks like you owe someone a lot of money EPIC FAIL his freinds films and does crap while other stupid kid is screaming on the trampoline spitting out blood Just a short swiOh...Oh...*Akward face* 'Im Taylor Laughtner Bitch!:P [kicks legs in air]',20,0,3,5,0,14,0 16,X17,i like that song cool video but i hated the black spots that kept coming on the love this song. good singing keep singing your good love this song,6,0,3,5,0,82,0 17,X18,red Mohawk? the dude next to him has pig teals lmao damn she hott jokes on you no one knows this song he says the same shit that he said in yonkers wtf take b.o.b out and put Eminem dammmmmmm watch that high. BUGOUT lmaoo that white dude in the back is lost lmao,7,5,4,3,0,20,0 18,X19,I believe u r one of the most beautiful people n the world!! Don't let the ppl who bully u bring u down. U r so inspiring and wonderful and they may not see it but ur followers do and u hav many followers so stay strong cuz we all luv u!! ur not the worst but ur definatley not the best lol its ok ur still awesome! OMG Kyles Whoa's r so amazing I luv there voices and I cant for more originals with Joey!!!!! OMG Come to Cody Wyo!!!!!!!! PlzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZ! I love your music been your fan since Yellow Cavinere (?). Your covers are always better then the originals!! :D,5,10,3,1,0,21,0 19,X20,grabee mo Vice!!!! what's the title of the song? wow I love this song so much! this is song reminds me of wonderful loveit's so nice! How I wish I was the girl that taeyang kissedshe's lucky! I'm insecured! after i watched this vid it gave me goose bumps.. :3 what kpop drama is this? I have watch all the music videos of super junior because super junior is my idol!! I love siwonkyuhyunryewookdonghae.eunyukleuteukall of them!! yaaaa..why didnt they become a dance group???they are so good..and cute..heheheheeh,9,0,4,5,0,21,0 20,X21,at 0:57 she really should have been out of breath thanks i can but u sounded really awefull in this viseo! lolz Jamiaca to di werl foolishness u said i can can sing 0:00-3:34 she cant hear you may she rest in peace thumbs up if you had already liked it or facenook it or dislike it or repeated ly listens to it or tel you frenz about it or just ' watever' this is weird...........and gay mi dj soon do road! this goal is motherfucking impossible this should go in the guiness book of records. holy fucking shit shi juk mi inna mi eye shi juk mi inna mi eye shi juk mi inna mi eye shi juk mi inna mi eye shi juk mi inna mi eye shi juk mi inna mi eye shi juk mi inna mi eye shi juk mi inna mi eye woiiiiiiiiiii awww ma poor girlfriend uploaded a video and i love her soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. i made this comment so i can use it for future ues ookayy then!!! that was excellent Sing from ur diaphragm..... Then u would sound like shit Good video I enjoyed it My money is on da old dude.........hahahahaha,17,4,4,11,0,32,0 21,X811,@RossJohn69 STFU with ur god bullshit u dumbass @lostinthecrowd5827 everything apparently to the gay dudes -_- Arrraghhhh!!!! I JUST WANT THIS SHIT TO BE RELEASED ALLREADY!!! :( i imagine its hard to rap and sing with cotton mouth my mouth and throaght ge,36,2,2,5,0,22,1 22,X23,"Osama Bin Ladin vs. Satan Note to self: Play turbo bass in strip club. Still either way you look at it it's still gross. You know these people are going to the South Harmon Institute of Technology I know I was in a bad mood one day and I took that bus with a driver that was all happy and completely changed my day. Also Metro is $1.50 in LA Did you not hear that this guy is a known dangerous drug dealer and he HAD A GUN within reach of him. Also he was trying to run his car into the cops. I don't know where you come from but using a car to ram a police officer counts as attempted murder with a deadly weapon. The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion. -George WashingtonThe Christian God is a being of terrific character- cruel vindictive capricious and unjust. -Thomas JeffersonChristianity is the most perverted system that ever shone upon man.-Thomas JeffersonLighthouses are more useful than churches. -Benjamin Franklin It's says that you're from the Netherlands so I'll take it as European. Well what about Europeans that invaded America? What about the Mongrels that invaded Europe. And the fact is that migration has been happening since the start of the human race. And one day you or maybe if you have kids/grandkids will maybe want to move to a new place. And with what you're saying it's not right to do that. And yes you're racist for denying ,blacks and muslims and polish and all, equal opportunity. Pope Benedict XVI was a member of the Nazi Youth the boy scout equivalent of Nazi Germany. I come back every week to this video to see the new ,Pull Out, comments by people They left the taser on the ground. Hey people the Police Department is watched and checked by a group/council of citizens that are not people officers. They are responsible that a police action's are just. So you can take it up to them too. 35:15 Customs officer: ,It's good stuff, Can't wait for the 3D version. Thumbs up if you watched this until the very end. The news video can be found think the shooting was justified but 120 bullets was a little excessive.What do you guys think? Wow I live right by this retirement home I guess I should spend more time there. They're coming Oscar weekend and they're protesting at my school.",18,0,5,5,0,23,0 23,X24,Ugh Martin joins DaveChaos in my hatred for biggest cunts to tag along in Yogscast videos.. None of those divas are latino... I can't wait to never play as him. Best most stupid comment ever. Thanks for the laugh. If someone is 1/32 of a heritage I wouldn't class them as it.. I'd only go back as far as their grandparents to be honest because everything after that is kind of pointless but if you're picky w/e class them as what you want. Except that he wrote the script for it after the first few episodes...,6,1,5,5,0,21,1 24,X25,She is so cute and I like this song but why did u have to shave her hair You r so pretty no matter what and I like both HAPPY BIRTHADAY . U r the best dancer ever Look at 2:56 and pause it I was cracking up Lol she said it cause she said it Pause at 3 seconds Nice try u look like a retard and u r not hot OmG that was awesome u should go on americias got talent cause girl u got some talent Aww I love u joey Lol both yur phones suck I fit the iPhone 5 Aww love u guys Omg blue111 that is similar to eat I did wit my ex but we coupled skated at skateland of Brandon and now when I listen to it I cry and just think about the fun times we had together,13,4,2,5,0,18,0 25,X26,"If you ever hit or shoot a cop just say you didnt have the intent to hurt. and the officer provoque the response.If it's OK for one side it should be OK for the other. Pourquoi mettre un casque ils n'ont pas de tte. Cop cannot take the key like this. This is a felony What did cops wrote in report ? Lady step on a banana peel and fellAnd all this while the baby is left alone on sidewalk. Just a little wind could have pushed the stroler off sidewalk and hurt the baby. But cops were busy breaking the law themselvesHope she sued them. Sue the police dept the city and sue the pig. Sue him for all he's got.Hope you did somethingt with your film. Hope you help her with a proof like this But i wonder what the pigs would have done if they saw you filming.. Find the error. An armored bulldozer cant go true a 1 story steel buildig and a fragile aluminum plane destroyed a 100 story solid steel builing. Alloooooooo Le policier dit: ,Je vais le fouiiler pareil,. C'est ce qui s'appelle du travail de cochon. Aprs les policiers se demandent pourquoi ils sont dtests de tous.Si le policier tait vraiment dans son droit de faire la fouille le simple fait d'effacer le disque dur de la camra en dit long sur leur droit de fouiller sans mandat. La police se fout perduement des droits des citoyens. Ils font ce qu'ils veulent et les citoyens peuvent aller chier. Va-t-il faloir donner le no 728 tous les coch The cop should have been fired on the spot. But on the other hand the judge was directly in front of him. She must have seen something. Why did the judge acted like this. Is it to save her ass for letting the cop do what he did ?But one thing is certain the cop had the choice to excuse himself or go to jail. He made his choice.And if the cop dont get fired he should be excluded from all court room for the rest of his carreer. By by go work elsewhere. but no longer at the court house. Hostie de gang de crotttttttttttttttttttttttttttts Les pires bandits et voleurs ne sont pas en prison ils font de la l'administration..Voler le gouvernement de quelque facon que ce soit est pouvantable et si vous tes pris vous allez tre condamn et emprisonn. A moins que vous ayez beaucoup de sous car avec de l'argent on s'en sort pratiquement toujours. Mais un gouvernement qui vole le peuple c'est de la gestion et de la politique. If all you said is truth why didnt you called 911. And you simply push the owners outside and wait for the cops sitting in the door way with a baseballbat. Is that all what cops have to do. Arresting for jaywalking.And madame if you dont want to incriminate yourself then shut the hell up. Dont you know you have to bow when you see cops. But the pigs got your face now. Just wait for the surprise cops will give you. Hope you dont drive because you will have tickets by the dozens. If the public realy wants to arrest all criminals they'll have to put every police officer in jail. Cops are the real criminals and the worst liars. Control demolition for the 2 towers. As for building 7 what was the content of this buiding ? You know the answer ? Then you know the reason it fell down...Look at the pentagone. They're trying to make beleave that the 6 tons motors vanished from the impact and the intense heat. And we see a desk a chair and a book in an office. No more walls but a book on a wooden stool is intact. Very weird..In french we say: ,cousu de fil blanc,. Is it a must to act like piece of shit when you're a cop. To afraid to join the army they beat citizen instead. Less dangerous for them.How many people are in jail because of lying police assholes.With out the camera this man would be in jail. Disgusting. No speeding ticket ? Are you serious ?I want to be a governor and speed all around and get away with it.Cops and governors are suppose to work for the public. How come the public get tickets and their employees dont get any. They work for us ! We pay them ! And they rob us when they dont get speeding tickets. Harder jobs in society Ha Ha Ha Just for you officer. What happened in Newtown is awfull. How can a ,humam being, can do such a thing. There is no word to say to the families of these little angels how bad we all feel.But... the US army is killing people in other countries. The army is doing this NOW.US army is killing complete families and it seems to be OK for Us citizen.How can we wonder why a lots of countries just hate US country and US citizen. We are actualy living a part of the lives of fallen families from other countries. Why am i being arrested for ? Because cops pretend to have the power and the right of doing anything they want. And if cops are wrong they will be protected by there chief and all the police family. Cops are rotten to the core. Without the camera this kid would have been in big big problems.. This is probably why some states make it unlawfull to videotape police. They dont like citizen to have proof of the police wrong doing.Can you imagine in some states the kid would have been arrested just for filming the cop. Hell with lawfull or unlawfull arrest he would have been arrested because he had a camera PERIOD. You haven't ask me permission. What kind of a moron this cop is.He said ,I WANT YOU TO ASK ME, The only reason the pig said that is because he want to say no. And after he'll arrest you for not complying with what he'll say is a lawfull order.Cop says you gave alcool to people they dont know if under age. If he dont know why bothering. Cop act like mentally retarded asshole. The arrest was for a specific reason. And this reason is they want to go in th RV. A good cop is a dead cop. Dont try to be logic they have no brain. They are there to get people arrest them charge them and give tickets. Cops are simply tickets givers. The more tickets they give the more the city is glad. And the more the city is glad the more salary the cops make. It's a circle dont play their game. Shut up. You're stopped at a red lite someone wants your car and point a gun at you. What do you do beg for mercy. You're at the store and someone comes in with a gun to rob the place. What do you do beg for mercy. A street gang want to beat you up. What do you do beg for mercy. Your car breaks down and you're far from the city. You start to walk and a wild animal is approching you. What do you do beg for mercy. You you you you. WHAT DO YOU DO. DONT YOU KNOW YOU HAVE TO BOW IN FRONT OF THE PIGS. Give power to pieces of shit and this is what you get. Cops are the real criminals. They will do anything to have you on your knees. If they want to search the van they will say anything to get you. At first cop cant tell what you did wrong and further he will put a charge on you for whatever he can think of. Cops are the worst liars they will invent charges. Cops are rotten to the core.As for the bitch she wasnt there at start Cops are the worst PIGS on earth. At least now a judge knows about it. Maybe it will help. MAYBE.As for the investigation it's cops investigating cops. And since cops are all criminals a hell with the complaint from the judge. Dont you know judge cops are getting away with murder. So taking a judge by the throat and choke him is just part of their jobs. Mayor made a U turn on a continuous line. I beleave this is unlawfull. He should get another ticket for that. M. Mayor seems to beleave this is BUSINESS AS USUAL.Sorry for the mistake it's not ,business as usual, but ,BULLSHIT ASS USUAL,All this is childish. Why did the cop stopped for the mayer blue lighting stupidity.But one thing is clear in all this and it's the cop who said it. , I'M KEEPING MY MOUTH SHUT, I want to know the end of this story. Cop is a 3 letters word. So does PIG Just asking for a complaint form can get you in jail. WHY ? Because police forces are simply a bunch of criminals who will do everything they can to have public noses out of their businesses. They want to control everyones and they dont care about the law. It's their laws and they protect one another. Cops are there to serve and protect the public. But they forgot. Cops dont even care about the law because they know they will get away for whatever. Even murder. In any situation cops arrive shit happen.Cops are the mentally retarded bastards. Police cant comment on the case and bla bla bla.When such a situation happen all cops who has to do with the case should immediatly be put in separate rooms and told to write a complete report of what just happened.If they dont do this cops will talk to one another and write a bullshit reporrt. It's funny how cops react when people can do the same to them.As for curly who says you cant get 6 people around 1 guy look at the video. Cant beleave they hire such stupid. If i understand this man the white wall is black and the red on is blue. Look at the tape before going on TV..They didnt want to show the tape to the public because they think the public has no brain and no judgement.All cops in Kelly Thomas beating should be jailed for life with COP tatooed on the forehead. Sir you're gone creat an accident Yes bitch and you are the accident.Your tax dollars at work. What is she doing in the police force. She must have problem with authority or she's been abuse at younger age.So it's a therapy for her to put the shit around. She's the worst f pig on the police farce.She is the very exact reason why everybody should have a gun at all time.And the male officers what are they doing there. And bitch says ,He was doing something with his phone , Stay home lady Cops have quotas to fill and they prostitute themselves to make it. And they beleave to be OK and after they wonder why people simply hate them bastards.You get ticket for going to fast you get ticket for going to slow you get a ticket if you touch a line and you get ticket for driving safely by stopping at non working light. So basicly you get a ticket no matter why.And the judge if you go to court will beleave the lying cop thinking cops are honnest. You cops are simply pieces of shit. You are a waste to humanity. You are suppose to serve and protect citizens. They are paying your salaries and this is the way you found to thank them. Die fucken PIGS If they put all criminals in jail there probably wouldnt be any cop left to do the serve and protect bullshit. Are you certain the cop didnt plant the grug. It's one of their many tricks.The whole justice system is rotten to the core. From top to bottom. And it will get worst my friends. Do you have an idea of the amount of police officers there is in the country. Just look at a single protest and try to count the amount of pigs in the streets.Do we realy need that many officers.",35,1,7,5,0,62,1 26,X27,Monkey D. Ruffy *-*Tolles Video :)! Wow! Toll gemacht!:)Endlich Strahlt Viva One Piece aus! Hi wenn ich orderedFriends eingebe steht da das nichts gefunden wurde. Auch wenn ich es millionen mal versuch. This is AWSOME! Thank you for this Video! :) No Maity is trying to make Otane realize how much he likes Risa! :),5,0,3,4,0,18,0 27,X1323,Trisha is too fucking hot. Worst commentator of all time. Eh not so much I think Dunkey's non-retarded enough to know that Techflamer is just trolling and he threw it in there as a funny bonus to all the other retarded shit in this vid i.e. subscribe for more call of duty videos etc. Yes Oh man sniffing the ball butter. Lee Sin the blind monk Get a fucking life asshole. Cat looks as shitty as her writing. You're a fucking bigot a delusional old christian assclown. The twins are 38 years old Matt is like 21. If you take TechFlamer seriously you are what's wrong with... you're pretty dumb. What a hearty laugh. Made me laugh oh my this is seriously so fucking great Vice waht r u doinVice stahp Lol bitches blow money on the stupidest shit. Clothes bags bullshit LOOKADIT YAAARGGGGGGG Is this real life? Like how the fuck are kids really like this? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh Trish's tits omnomnomnomnom The deadlifts are looking good.. but I'm still skeptical on those toe shoes... Shut the fuck up bitch. 3:21 made me laugh so goddamn hard What the actual fuck ACTUALLY ACTUALLY ACTUALLY ACTUALLY ACTUALLY ACTUALLY ACTUALLY The muthafuckin Onion liked this shit I found that porn and wanking daily has lowered my sensitivity both mentally and physically over the years. I kind of like this guy now. Still need to see Hank though Dooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuche I fucking love this guy. Sleeveless hoody is a no go bro,30,28,5,18,0,31,0 28,X29,what is john wearing... i dont give a fuck if this is mainstream this song is so good. that band?the justin bieber experience. can i have a shishka-BABoh god. 3 @JuliexChavez josh fransexy his eyebrows at 1:09i think im pregnant. pat is so adorable i just wanna cradle him in my arms like a little babyhes so little i could probably do it HAHAHAHA DURING LOVEBUG? OH GOD. HAHAHAI DONT KNOW WHY THIS IS SO FUNNY! i like jobes hair like this.(: i have the strongest erge to put this on my ipod. i cannot breathe. omg omg. i hate ryans hair here... 2:10 oh dear lord ian. if i was in that limo i would have probably jumped on kendalls lap. josh at the end. i cantdojfasdidougbjnskfmfadgb;lkhdfsldfvgbdf josh disliked this 125 times. his laugh saved my life that waitress disliked this 5 times :31 josh get up. i miss eric. @brittydicaprio ah! i went to that same concert i should have bought a 100 shirts so marshall would do unspeakable things (;did he kiss you on the cheek or lipssss!?bahaha guyliner.stop But guys Cameron And him and John at 2:20,24,0,3,5,0,21,0 29,X30,Great video I love it! In fact I can't hate Regina i can't! Love your face when you sing! :D OMG big baby! Wouah! I don't really understand the message behind this...someone? Enorme ! toujours meilleurs continuez comme ca ! seriously guy this video is awesome good job it was hilarious ans the music was perfect ! pure sa ram trop quand on est en cours XD,7,1,4,1,0,18,0 30,X31,i now have Partly Cloudy and Prince Jester you are way better than JB your a lonly person GET A DOG tommmmm :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD your just jealous that they are better than you Cute Your amazing and beautiful you remind me of my mom so kind and caring I know your hurting maybe but the time will come when the bastards will get there day and we can all laugh STOP STOP STOP I LOVE WHAT SHE'S DOING YOU ASSHOLES STOP!!!!!! YOU THK YOUR WORDS WILL HURT THEM DUMBFUCKS NO IT SONT SO PLEASE STOP Be strong girl you rock and your beautiful I steal all of them muhahahah I miss you buddy I steal all I don't even want to sit by him lol Green eyes!!!!! He seems nevous It's not that old guys Lol,17,15,3,5,0,24,0 31,X32,ZAYN MALIK!3 HELLZ YA! not rlly funny wdf did u c the little boy with da 6pack LMFAO . he has 1 ear ring dis is sad cuz wen zayn dances it reminds me of my lil bro i think she found some crack weed and zanex pills cause she white and singing black people songs now if she was in the hood siging that she would of got shot hey aqua man i found your pet whale ALL U HATERS SHUT THE HELL UP CUS SHE GOTS THE GUTS TO MAKE VIDEOS AND I LIKE TO SEE ALL THE HATERS SING BETTER SHANK YOU NICHOLE VERY MUCH I LOVE U TOO hes a good singer but this song is not ment for him damn u a fool and u from chi city u guysr so fukn gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE SERIOUSLY NOBODY LIKES U!!!!!!! DONT U GET IT!!!!! I WENT TO FUKN GAY TOWN AND THEY SEEMED MORE STRAIGHT THEN U OK!!!!!!! GO GET A FUKN LIFE AND STOP BEING RETARDED ON PURPOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOBODY LIKES U AS FAR AS I KNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLUS UR SUCH A COPIER RLLY MOODYTUBE UMMM U GOT THAT FROM FOUSEYTUBE!!!!!!!!! FOLLOWER!!!!!,14,0,2,4,0,20,0 32,X33,WONTBEE ON FOR TWO MONTHS DO UNSUB HAVE A GREAT VACATION EVERYONE! Im back,2,108,4,5,0,21,0 33,X34,"hahahahahahahahahah Love This so mucht! Hahahah s st!, You Really Good :) very better Than Me :) Willow vinner detta video klippet ..jag lskar rihanna mest nd 3 :) Bra! JAaa! fick du det av denna killen elr tjejen???? omg I like she . She's Beautiful.. ALL IS BEAUTIFUL!!! 2:an var bra!!! Omg HAAAHAH hhhh :D I just smile x'D ;'((( Den var bra! wtf Du ger! Du ska frga ett barn om hon/han har en hundra lapp du kan f nr barnets mamma r brevid! Men man fr ju nd mycket mer gonskugga sen? JAG LSKAR HENNE!!!! JAG R ETT AV DEM STRSTA FANSEN HON HAR!!! Tummen upp om du ox r ett av dem strsta fansen!!! 333 I LOVE RIHANNA!!!! AHAHAHAAHAH :'D Hahahahahahaha !!!",23,0,2,8,0,20,0 34,X1912,"Lol Lil wayne look so fucking ugly You can never ever compare Beyonce to Rihanna they are both Different. Jaide got her shit snap the fuck up that shyt was funny when she hit the ground LOCK THE FUCK UP. I love your accent cant even spell bitch You Suck. Really Simple I love it :) what products?????????????????????? Lovely so pretty You're very pretty what kinda dog was it? ,Human dog, Lol That workout looks like so much fun Bring yo motherfuckin' ass outside don't ,Hello, me she's a Diva Love her eyes Lmao Jay-z Niggaz be like ,i'm Bisexual, Naw Nigga YOU GAY!!!!!!!! Moma them hot dogs ready yet Thank you this is very helpful :) damn he ugly tho pipe down you thirsty hoe Congrats to them both but Machel is very wild and shows off a lot and its pretty annoying apparently you use your eyes to listen this is very pretty SpokenReasons :) He got asshole he didnt even get no Horse Pussy Lol Lmaooo Kevin was so funny Imma take my tip and try to touch your fucking heart Products?",31,5,4,5,0,32,0 35,X36,"When you watch this.. please comment. i wanna see wha tyou think She couldn't even watch the premiere of this movie in the theaters when it came out because she was like 15 and there was nudity in the movie. Damn you age of Concent:P I love LMFAO to death and all. But Redfoo sounds like he has throat cancer live. :/ OH MY GAWD!! OH MAI GAWD!!!!! I JUST GUNNA READ WHAT THE SCREEN CLEARLY SAYS REPETITIVELY AND MAYBE IT WILL MAKE DIFFERENCE!!!!! I like dominoes Don't make teh Hulk angry.... Don't make teh Hulk angry... 3 people pay attention to WEEGEE This comment won't get any thumbs up. :( I just wanna say... I LOVE CAPS LOCK! :D im so glad i can finally find a rsmv for this song Dear NASA your mom thought i was big enough. -Pluto the music made have to pee The girl at 00:30 has a dildo :o... Something inside me wishes i could spontaneously dance like that. NOT YOU FAT JESUS!!! PONG PONG!!!!!!!!! PONG!!!!!!!!!!!! which isnt saying much considering most dubstep is terrible. I'm soooooo glad the guide didn't suck as bad as the song. xD DUDE... TOBY... DO A LITERAL TRAILER FOR PONG. PLEASE. Ew God no No sir! 2349 people are ,Jealous,** :D Yes Gabuscus is Toby's friend Gabe. He is in a few of his vlogs. Nobody can speak Canadian quite like Tobuscus. Win. You obviously know all about Dragonball Z due to the fact simply that you know Vegeta is a character in the show. Who is a gay disgrace now?",27,4,4,3,0,17,0 36,X37,This was funking awesome the guy sucked but the girl was so funkin hot let me stroke my cock for you... I love this song and good job for acting in journey to mysteries island This is funking disturbing who really wants a little befoul girl wanting botox pit on there face You guys are amazing,4,1,2,3,0,21,0 37,X3464,RIHANNA'S SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL FUCKING ASS HOLE. IM GONNA FUCKING KICK YOUR ASS. YOU MOTHER FUCKING BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahahaha. he seems less creepy with this bitch. that piece on the side of her mouth bothered me. oh yes vagina boner. fat guy in short shorts. orgasmic shoulders. did you know that your fucking adorable? smart girl. her eyess 3 i wonder how fucked up this would look if they took off that rice paper drape. this is heart breakingg. Stay strong3 i like how matt bennett didnt change at all. Your beautiful. You remind me of Vanessa Hudgens. is that real hair. so its a car commercial? what the fuck hello new ringtone. 0:39 ..... i like how shes not even at the concert. so like. do you film all your videos in the dark? shes gorgeous and talented. two things you probably dont have. i love how she dances. its adorable. Aca-Believe it. Hold up. Brittish asians?? This is amazing. so thats where my paper airplane went... your beautiful and what not.(: KILL IT. KILL IT WITH FIRE since when does salad fingers have a vagina..? Do somethin fruity. (; does she know that thats not attractive...? ok. lezzbi honest. you a hoe. 0:31 Go home car your drunk. like if you shave your vagina.,32,0,3,5,0,19,1 38,X39,hey you are soo good at hockey I cant believe it great job she is sooo cute good job your great i wish i could sing like that keep up the great work great job wow Zico your great I hope to see you soon Hannah your amazing That dog is amazing....... you have talent nice jacob keep up the good work you do not sound happy hahaha haha great job 36 is the best looking your amazingyour voice is so beautiful wow great job I love your voice your so talented i wish i could be that talented i love your voice thats soo cute justin your a great person!so is that cute little girl!!!xoxoxo haha i love you justin!xoxo Great job syd xoxo,25,0,3,5,0,15,0 39,X40,I put that yesterday Thumbs Up if you got here through a scary montage click show comment for an adventure thanks it's the best I can record with Its the Lady GaGa of Japan I had that empoloen and the phanpy you mean do a barrel roll and then drive away like its no f**king deal right I'm a bro too *brofist* *spirit* it was a reference to Pewdiepie :D dead prince more like dead princess Hey Taylor so to start off I'm only 11 but will be 12 soon so theres this girl in my class that I really like and she liked me so we started going out then we ended breaking up but everyone still thinks I like her (which I do) but I don' want people to know so I keep denying it but with me being a total loser nobody believes me but when she says she doesn't like me everyone believes her so I just want advice should I tell that I like her or just keep it a secret. You can fill in names if u want I know I hate the people that think that we are all bros here so no need to fight I took a quiz on my and i'm fricking rainbow dash Internet Y U PUT DISLIK ON THIS VID!?!?!?!? your dissing ncs you cant even spell graduated right Click show comment for an adventure 69 and 1 is an untrusted knight WOO!!! For being out for more than 2 years it has no dislikes WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! 31:26 and then the quality went bad I was just about to say that lol Don't die 4:05 dildo? how about like 6:00 p.m eastern standard time which is 5 p.m. central and 3:00 pm western I'll give you an arcticuno for it *nipple*,28,7,2,5,0,30,0 40,X41,yesss YOU CANT JUST END IT LIKE THAT! neato ENGLISH He is you should probably drink cerfeee i like your shirt. and i'm the only views. ha! you are welcome i love the random coughshere AND there are you guys christian? hey Tri what're you doin under the table there... what kind of steady cam? internet superstardom they went to OT anyway,14,6,4,1,0,25,0 41,X42,.. They are so cute . . I feel so sorry to hear that people think all of Thai K-POP fan hate them because It's not!! I'm one who is Thai and I like this one! even I'm not BBC but I respect Zico's talent. Kyle Hanagami!!!!,5,1,4,5,0,19,0 42,X43,if only little kids could do that when a creeper is following them i like how the top comments are all connected (: (and funny lol) i think im raping the like button too much :( .... but i dont give TWO fucks ! XD I 3 his hair ! (: Lovvveee this song and the video ! :D 3 I cant get this song out of my head . this song used to be the shit :P you can never get enough of The Fray ^-^ 3 lmao Emmanuels facial expressions !!XD,9,3,4,5,1,20,0 43,X44,"215 hurry the fuck up we gota go! nova lol 157th yea boy 101 it was only 7 roes trooooool someone should get rid of these fuckers if they hate america why do they still live in america answer that question these people are dumb fucks do u sell these things free hugs it doesnt matter... but its my birthday... it still doesnt matter at 19:24 u can hear ray say ,im ray hi, wtf 1:32- 1:35 it looks like Jake is squeezing on some tits 10:55 nova says im sooo hornylol 2:07 is the funniest face hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha 8:03 listen really closely to what they say its fucking halarous I CAN SMELL U 8o if u really love her get her a promise ring girls love the jewelry it was Sp00n @ineurodreams btw she has no clue what she is saying because diesel is much better for the environment than the coal they burn to power their little smart cars and Prius at 30:04 i laughed soooooo hard from 0:19 to 0:25 is halarious look at seananners face at 410 its fucking halarious pickem up turucks",21,4,5,5,0,22,1 44,X45,"diran ke el Aese es un presumido y eso pero este wey sus rolas estan perronas... jajajaja Noo me mames me akuerdo kuando la escuchaba por una ex y estaba awitadisimo y Hora ya tengo una nueva plebita y estoy feliz :DNoo se awiten kompas y plebitas por mas ke les este doliendo orita uno vuelve a enamorarse ^-^ hey man thankz for the advice! rolololob de Ckan :) Chingona no C-kan empeso era de Tijuana? noooo Mames ke le paso a smoky solia ser mas vergas ke todos :s Eske fue inevitable violar el boton de ,replay, 4 veces repeti el video y el puto sargento me ganoo :c jajaja",8,3,4,3,0,17,0 45,X46,"Omg...i never thought kaughing my head off in front of my computer would help charity. so sweet. I LIVE IN HAWAII!!!!!!!!! acually Valentine's day isn't about romance. It orriginated from Saint Velentine who sent a note to his prison mate before he was martyred. He signed it ,Your Valentine., did u get piano lessons? u hav big muscles rapunzelle! those are fucking extensions. XDlol she's better than adele lol ,you know what fucking happens! they fuckin drive a car THE END, kony 2012 kony 2012 this i my favorite one yet ook up eharmony cat lady i LOVE messin w/ tourists! funny vid =) no u hav to exchange it with the magic coconut wizard ;) yea spam musubi!!!!! second!!!!! hahaha DARE WAS E HAIR FROM E DOWNSTAIR xD i died ryan: and the little girl she just so happens to be a vampirew with 3 nipples who never brushes her teeth or hairvampire chick: That's not true!!ryan: shutup get her jakeemjakeem: *smiles*vampre shick *screams* he should not rap COME TO HAWAII WE,LL LOVE YOU WITH ALOHA. (ignore my username) ...^___^ 17th veiwer 17 is officially my fav. number EVER",21,3,3,1,0,28,0 46,X47,I love Adele que horror yo estoy en gimnasia ritmica y nunca he visto cosa parecida mola muy bien ya quisiera hacer eso yo con mi clase dios k feas mola mucho muy bien I LOVE AQUI NO HAY QUIEN VIVA,8,0,4,5,0,49,0 47,X48,Hey Guys Waz Up Im Gonna Try To Upload Vidz Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo Ya But I Will Most Likely Sing On My Vidz But Rite Now Itz 10:46 PM Nd No School WOOHOO YAY LOL But Leave Me A Comment Nd Subscribe Me Hey guys was up im having a rough time so ya well ttyl :) :(,2,8,4,1,0,19,0 48,X2073,".. and she is only 15.. fuck top fucked up on this time omg The Quiett wrote this song I just knew that.= okay okay guys calm down No Daragon okay? you know why? I am going out with more Daragon that pisses me off I can't understand stupid speak English dumbass prod. Lo_Def ? you don't know how they do idiot maybe that little reason made kpop to be famous shut the fuck up king kong ass bitch hey fucking idiots if you lost then shut the fuck up Stop complain about this fucking crying babies flow .. no dae seung is fucking ugly oh hit the world? but then how come this video has only 229178 views.look at bigbang they have freaking billion views on total. stupid asshole fuck you art needs to communicate with people I don't fucking understand what the fuck are you talking aobut I wore the pants idiot he is fucking ugly omg.. ? ? don't think about it fucking seriously they just wanted to have fun with audience skillers beatbox doesn't sound like skillful you know he is just fast. I think he can do really fast becasue he has only kicks and snares wat the fuck are you talking about kk he is really good at singing idiot omg.. she is fucking cute please don't say that ,Junhyung brought me here, cause this guy is way better than GD wannabe this is the gayest movie i ever seen Geeks? fuck you Geeks = teenagersEpik high = The Legendok? don't even try to compare Epik high with some ass groups 10 . ? .. he is saying that not all of it.... stan ;; stan ? Freestyle town",37,0,3,5,0,16,0 49,X50,"I like how maps showing the riddlers challenges from ,Asylum, are replaced by the informants in ,City, that was a great idea by the programmers. Stupid loud mouth mother fuckers like him are one of many reasons this country is going to hell. I will thank for an IED when one is placed in front of her vehicle!!! I've said it before I wanna see Legacy of Kain remade! I love KFC extra crispy 2 piece. White meat only. I love Ghost's movies he is a goofy yet funny bastard. I loved this game too the only problem is how damn short it is. I truly look forward to the day that someone firebombs these sick stupid motherfuckers!!! Ive never understood how people can put so much stock in the bible. It's a book that was written by man what proof is there that any divine intervention was present. Religion is fine if it makes you feel good about yourself and teaches you how to love and live. But if you use it as an excuss to judge others on its behalf then you either haven't learned anything or got lost along the way. Is it just me or is this game's leveling system way too linear. I liked to control my stat layout and have more control over what skills are used not to simply be limited by my current level. This game doesn't measure up to what I expected. However Ghost you kick ass love the playthroughs. I wish that the whole LOK series minus Blood Omen 2 would be re-vamped onto the XBox 360 and PS 3. Imagine those classics with the graphics of today!! A job as a bus driver is not worth all that shit those little bitches need their asses whooped. I'm glad as hell that I took such good care of my games and corresponding consoles. I still love playing this game on my SNES. Jeez... I started drooling! Just a warning to everyone don't watch this video if you have to pee. Take care of business first I laughed so damn hard that I near pissed myself. Fuck You!! Damn #15 is a fucking cunt!! I don't feel the least bit bad for all of these stupid fuckers! There are far too many stupid people in this world. Too many adrenaline junkies and people who this that they are stunt men. All the people in the world who think that they can climb jump race whatever you deserve every bit of pain you endure when you're shit idea backfires. If a religion was to be created from science fiction why couldn't it have been the jedi and sith from star wars. At least that would be fun. I will thank God for IEDs when someone places one in front of the vehicles these sick bastards drive. I LOVE watching Camilla cry get angry be pissed. She is a completely useless and annoying bitch!!! The police did their job. She refused to leave and continued to resist everything the cop tried. Her dumbass was taken down hard if she had ,fucked him up, like you say she would've come out of the McDonalds with far more than sore arms and bruised ego that's nothing to be proud of. The girl is the definition of ,nigger, an ignorant person. Fuck that loud mouth CUNT!!!",24,0,5,5,0,28,0 50,X51,@christiansmification wat yellow line? Stop sayin nice boobs SHE HAS NO FUCKIN BOOBS! Cutie petutie X_X Wtf was dat hahahahahhahaha U call dat sexy hahaha Sergio ur gay Man I wouldve raped u lol La nina sabe mas k esas pendejas k ridiculo hizieron You guy,29,0,3,2,0,20,0 51,X52,"4)ah ja und die im video machn nur spass und die knnen was erreichen?junge!im welchen zeitalter lebst du?Du hast glaub ich weniger gehirn als ne fliege. das ist doch einfach unfassbar. das da im vide. KOmplett. alle die da sind sind reinster dreck der der dieser riesmaul hat kriegt irgend wann schon derbe auf die fresse.Wenn ich ihn irgend wo sehehen werde werde ich ihn den schdel einschlagfen weil er mir derbe auf die eier geht 0:38so kam bestimmt die idee was aufzunehmen.meine meinung?wieder mal ein grottiger ,raper, kein hass einfach nur ehrliche meinung was meinst du? deine mam isn bengel du unerzogener bastard i am no hater but tha fuck??this is talent? i am not a coach i am playing 5 years street football and can do this O_o tha hellofcourse good luck dude :D haters gona hate 100 who-who-who ihr lieben kiddys! habt ihr mich vermisst?natrlich nicht-.-ich wollt nur sagen das 1992cccp1992 in einem monat geschlossen wird ah mir war langweillig und ich hab nach so einem trash gesucht um ma bissi zu lachenich hab die videos von deren authoren geklaut meine fresse wie oft muss ich noch wiederholen das ich NICHT im vide bin? was hast du frn problem du handtuchhalter sollst ma deine klappe halten muckt er hier auf der lmpel hierzisch ab ? ? can u please shut your mouth?thanks was hab ich dir angetan das su ujetzt so ankommstw enn ich mal fragen darf? ehm sorry das ich nicht gleich geantwortet habe ich hatte vor das channel zu schliessenalso es ist ein ausgeshcnittener part von obe 1 kanobe so heisst dieser rapper das ist alles was er sagt in diesme track alles anderen in diesem track ist scheie weil e snicht von ihm kommt. hoffe ich konnte dir helfen die versptung tut mir leid halt die fresse verfickter esel ficker check ma deine einsellungen ? deine mama wird an der pest verrecken du UNGLUBIGER OJ OJ OJp.s. ihre muslimische nutten solltet euch mal ins knie ficken ich bin kein digger ich bin der groe 1992CCCP1992und ndu bist blockier weil ich tgerade bock dazu hab irgend einen eselfiockenden arschloch zu blockieren :) es war auch erwartet das es hier einen daumen runter geht und nicht nach oben . halt ma deine fresse verfickter tinni der hat recht deleted all you comments and thinking about what happens now?FUCK YOU nothing happens ich hab ma ganz gut berlegt und ich hab mir berlegt dne ganzen scheiss nochma fr einen monat zu berlegen ob ich den channel hier entferne hrt auf ihn anzuschreiben ich bin in bekannter von enprogroundmisterfailcraft hat ihn blockiert also kann eure nachrichten nicht beantworten will er auch nicht und ihr nerft langsamm mit eurer gepbbel. Er sagt ihr seit unerzogene kinder die nix im netzt verloren haben. und ich spar mir die mhe meine schrieb fehler zu umegehen den man merkts hier sind teenis in den kommentaren. der uploader ist auch einer. Man hrts von der redenart und stimme. Schreibt mir nicht zurck Bin 1x im Monat on Hey mal ganz ehrlich ihr mchgte gern rapper geht mir auf die nerfen. Hrt auf mich zu adden. Falls ihr das seht Ich werde die FE eh nicht annehmen weil ihr alle scheie seit. Ihr erzhlt das was nicht stimmt und tut so als wrt ihr richtig hart. Ihr knnt mir alle einen blasen. Ihr seit zum kotzen. BL -.-",28,324,5,159,0,22,0 52,X53,... my one friend overdosed on weed u guys dont know how dangerous this stuff really is beiber's better than the nigger music u guys listen to. u juveniles should be in jail for smoking this dope fucking idiots. ur a fucking idiot u criminals should be in jail for smoking this dope this is hilarious josh layton sucks nuts dubstep fucking sucks real grits dont shave and have missing teeth nickelback sucks pretty accurate lol i can do this in my sleep i think alot of his music sucks in my opinion but if he wants to skate who gives a shit. i think its cool hes enjoying skateboarding. ur fucking retarded both dre and eminem should stop rapping. this is horrible. i enjoy your kids ur a very good singer very nice congratulations. he'll be walking in no time.,20,0,4,3,0,20,0 53,X54,dat bitch ant playin The cops hate me with my 2 12s *This *of *my! dat ASS O_O hell yea watch the video for the song...thats why he didnt use his cell phone 35400 people dont have homies still Rebel Pride South Carolina Pride.,7,2,4,2,0,19,0 54,X55,if you can't play the game then you play taxi game I would waaaatch nigahiga's videos for a TEEHEE drake sat back down for more. :P where did you get this rom cuz i used to have mario party 3 but it broke.. :( so plz tell me what website you got this from he said IF... didn't you hear about the bar fight between chris brown and drake? holy crap sauce is a counciler at my camp.. that's jokes your sooooooooo retarded I be riding threw my new hood thinking bout adittude/ i remember in class we were learn bout ladittude./damn i can't rhyme but i can read your mind /i can read your mind.... Okay i;m not sure but i think timothy was eating chia's ass.. :P Funniest characters of the Boondocks: 1st Riley Freeman 2nd Uncle Ruckus (no relation) 3rd Granddad 4th Ed Wuncler 5th Ed 6th Rummy 7th Huey Freeman 8th Tom Dubois 9th Thugnificent and #10 Stinkmeaner... but this is just my opinion reply back who you think the top 10 funniest characters are.. :D hey u r kinda funny i would love 2 talk 2 u give me your e-mail mine is hey u should make another video about your first time masterbating and heres my e-mail its obviously a joke i gotta go doo doo doo doo doo doo dooooooo doo doo doo doo doo doo doooooo doo doo doo doo doo doo duuuuty This guys keeping it real man and that's all we ask ya know he ain't getting to high not smoking to much and he's not in illuminati so just keep the nice music coming we appreciate you meek. Thank you for bringing back rap to its proper purpose. please* Marth vs Strider (Just feel it wud be a good match)Ganandorf vs Nemesis (monsterous powerhouses)Viewtiful Joe vs Captian Falcon (masked men)Megaman vs Samus (side scrolling shooters)Yoshi vs Firebrand (Just feel it wud be a good match)Hsien-Ko vs Game Watch (transformable bodies)and thts it lol yes it is it's coming out tomorrow with 2k13 You should do a tornement pitting diffrent losers with direnet winners,20,2,4,4,0,26,0 55,X56,"This is the fastest version I've watched omg This is so cute aww Aww phil is so cute ^.^ Adorable adorian x OMG IM FROM NOTTINGHAM!! -3 OMG PHIL YOUR AMAZING I LOVE YOU XXX $31 but I'm only 15 haha I actually want their lives -3 OMG IMAGINE BEING THA GIRL AT THE END OMG I WOULD DIE A TO THA MAZING I love how it took them 4:36 to say three short things lmao I love them ahahh Isn't it ivory tower not every tower My friends went to this show!! Wish I did - I live in Nottingham LMAO ,Louis' so weird, ahahh! Well..That might explain ALL THE FUCKING BANANAS!LMAO",15,7,3,11,0,14,0 56,X57,U know u have good voices besides the autotune but the skyscraper of is not a good look. This was soooo good!!!!!! 1:08 haha whoo whoo I wanna be like you when i grow could i start? Did anyone notice the pic of jake gylenhall the guy was holding? This wont be on comment haha SUCK IT!!!!! Haha lovin the title.......nd elliot nd joe how bout we just stick with normal speaking not inhale talk k?(: The presidential election Why not just use the cassette adapter????? I know what its like to lose someone very close to you. My best friend committed suicide last year nd all i want to do is cry. But i know god puts these trials in our life. I love this cover and you3,10,0,2,5,0,13,0 57,X1754,no swag. shut up faggot cut your clips better anyone remember rugrats IRL video? LOL he was kidding... first dislike now shut the full cup lol at your social life and dick riding abilities faggot. - nerdyproductions. buy this anyway 1337 views 56 likes 1 prick nigga was chuggin stella at the end lose black oh mandyyyyy first dislike. lol jk omg so out of sync terrible song over used as fuck i see it everywhere omg this edit was shit it looks like all sony vagas omgz Bellport trickshotting is kind of lame now last clip :o tarantula dank this was too many peoples life lol youtube : where playing video games makes you cool yeah you better record this what a mexican faggot joe__15 hit one of the first dirty terminal 360 no scopes the black enimem robies a cunt he trash talks for no reason look up the video robbie wishes he smokes weed black ops 2 is so ugly stop following every other clan get back on mw2 niggas enhanced bass lmaoo community channel,30,64,3,6,0,16,0 58,X59,5114 8690 7416 plz plz plz plzzzz it sez ep 9 on the vid but ep 10 on the title!LOLZ :L XD XD XD XD XD XD XD im sorry but its like u have cloned my voice ^_^ and omg im so forgetful lol i only have an hour to get ready :o x haii :D I L.O.V.E. your vids but im not really into makeup :( please can you do a simple makeup tutorial if you havent! (i havent looked at all of your vids!) and please reply i am dieing for 1! ty :* xx are you left handed? OMFFG i want ur handwriting and your nerdy glasses 8)... AND THE HAIRSTYLES ive tried them out i L.O.V.E. them :D x yay im hapy i can tick all the boxes :D x I like experimenting with halloween costumes! :D x you done this on my birthday:O xxxxx jamie xD goddddddddd help me xD x sorry but u were braging about it at school today :l i have tem aswell they r horrible hahah x jamie this is a copy so stfu -__- x sorry if u gona make video's at least do it from your OWN mind and yuor OWN head jamie :) i know who you are but u dont knw me :D 3:16 i cried with laughter XDDDDDDDD omg i loved it XDD i laugh so hard when i watch ur vids XD x im not gonna lie i was in tears /3,17,4,3,3,0,21,0 59,X60,the xbox came before the wii... wait is that a glossy slim?? i thought they took them off the market! hahaha i remember this! HALO 4! TARC they are? man this has come a long way since your first video wallay!! good luck finishing! DUAL GTX 680's!! that is amazing!! yes! i love this show! are you guys planning on playing halo 4? best description ever hahaha i love your videos! i think i might get this game! never stop playing this! i love this series! i do agree with you to some extent but there are system requirements of the back of the game. now i don't want this to seem like i am a pc only console hater. i have an xbox to and i love it. sneak mode mate mail!! but with different specs. each one is an actual upgrade but but but he is a professional Russian love this series!! toby... you did not give duck the water and animal crackers sparkles always gets first D: JILL STIEEEENNNNNNN GLaDOS vs. Siri shhh don't tell lol :),25,15,5,5,0,22,0 60,X61,looking forward to the new chic-fil-a opening in town soon can't waite to show them lots of support. coming soon incredible new garage project! don't miss this one tell your friends! here it comes! any time now! 10000 views!!!! wwwhhhaaaammmmm!!!!! there it is 10000 views!! Ild like to thank all the little people....etc...,4,17,3,23,0,50,0 61,X62,I love this song!!! james should be first then avan then taylor lautner or robert pattinson cody simpson should be #1 joe and nick jonas are not cute there all beautifuli really don't understand you there not GAY!it's not wrong to be gay but there are not it's justFAANTAASTIIC it's a beautiful songcause i don't like what i see in the mirror (a really fat girl) trop choux mais j'ai a coin dans la tte: je m'appelle funnybear je m'appelle funny funny funny funny funny bear... it's so cuuute she's amazing ooh it makes me cry good voice ok she's horrible poor little girl but it's funny how is this possible i love this song that family is CRAAZY so cuute Arm joch zyn ouders zoude hem moete tegehouden,19,0,2,5,0,21,1 62,X63,that kid talking about matches while there is liquid oxygen in the room scares me.. AMAZING not what u want at a free party..surely a mistake is a mistake before sleeping jesus how u manage that on k when ever i close my eyes i trip so hard i cant sleep love it so chillaxing yeh at the point the guy was trying to run away was when he should have stopped...the guy was an arse whole though but kinda a shame he died but it is one person well my bro has bad lungs he has a air nebulizer to inhale drugs and i would just pump air into the cylinder and then begine to close it its alot harder to close it...that leadt me to say alot more power would love to join this lifestyle scandinavain i think that kiddy was on about how much the whole party drank anyway not just himself...i have drank silly amounts went to wedding once and drank 30 beers over the day by the end the bar staff were calling me the machine. used to do that with ketamine yeh it magic hahaha love it good god i love Bristol wisj i could say i was born here..but i can say its the place to be wow when i first saw spanky i thought wow!!!! you got he whole package there what a dream boat were was it.. i was looking for a party that night i always spew on codeine or at least i do when my tolerance goes the moment i have to do 600mg and im not even getting a buzz..time to stop i thinks yes your right huge squat parties hosted by hippy squaters.. this place could be rave city they used to steal peoples rigs really...thought free partys wernt about that sort of thing and alot of squater type tend to have a hippy mentality of sorts about getting along with every one haha heard they just put them migs on the lorry and pinched them...and they made a stone henge out of tanks dont see why people would be horrid to you over your videos or dreads ...some people are just horrible i knew a tramp in Cardiff his whole back of his head was one dread a giant dread...didnt look cool yeh i know but they are terrorists haha that what they could get thats what they used and it worked very made a hole in the earth and dealted 5 clubs i kinda love all the Scandinavian accents but danish might be my fav so what was the result of this did they keep the rig...was there noise complaints why the police turn up seems over the top for a small party like that id say yes cos i use it no trouble. really like your lisp nothing wrong with it cool i really wana get some love your long was your hair when you started? fookin aged terribly it makes me paraniod i like opaites though i was about to say id love to kick that guys ass but..that wouldnt be fair his choice to look like a dick and he aint hurting anyone..but fuck the way he looks pisses me off that girl was really good loooking amzuing good looking i just hope her marrige works out for her it is sick really but...well its not that bad really if she eat her own poop that would be real bad..people eat there own boogers...some people regualy drink there own this girl is young she say it was a dare yeh man i can get that its sick but shes kinda famous in a way..aprently i hear she killed her self i hope that aint true agreed there its disgusting uk prisons rape is rare really rare never even heard of it happening..not to say it dont but i think its the same for most of europe...seems to happen mostly in north and south america and south africa...wonder why that is bang use your imagination....just a huge sonic boom you dont have panic attacks blind drunk..panic attack are scary made him lick his rectum...omgggawwwd agreed i would never break the law the uk i dont give a fuck about the things i do im not a bad person but taking and selling drugs does not worry me a bit...would i sell drugs there no chance i wouldnt even take them kinda like uk garage,40,34,5,5,1,25,1 63,X64,"why aren't u allowing me to POST my damn comments?? right Bruce 1965 the body-guards/no shootin crew of crap did no justice for the girly pretty pimp! I can't believe ,old man, got hit only once in an open field lol....he could'nt even run fast but still wasn't gunned down the way he should've been...Lolllll old phoney flic but it was ok Damn Right JourneyRocks81 Yea I like ,Comedies, sometimes even the phony baloney ones- ,Well this was a Comedy rightttt, Lollllll joint made B4 Training Day- dug the twist N turns in it- all of em -cops 2the gang membs. were dirty azzz a mother ucker- kiss u N kill u-Wyclef he was ok.Gotta give it 2 my man Cuba-dirty manipulator (as my man Denzel played the hellaoutta his role).2nd movie i've seen Cuba Jr.portray a ,bad character,-he smashed that roll in The Hit man! I enjoy seeing actors/actresses good guys playin bad guy/gals roles;Sancho was ok (Cuba's partner)chick was goiN N on Cuba's azz-left him2the gang membrs. This 15 yr. old was ,drunk, and the cop rushed in behind her - nest to her and ,force pushed, her to the ground...WHY? regardless what she was doing previously 9scrapping with her mom which was wrong but she's DRUNK); she was NO threat2this overwieght Male Cop! She's a 15 yr. old Drunken FEMALE! RESISTING?????? They BEAT him2DEATH...Mississippi BITCHES! Look@that 1 in the middle and then the dude to his left...they're ready2go KILL something/ preferably someone! There's NO1 like Ms. Labelle..... So what what does that have to do with his political views; I would bet you a dime to a donut that his aunt os not in this country illegally. I'm positive my president had his aunt (IF it was true) become legit because he knew people like you would seek information about him or his family to use it to attempt to make things harder on him. Then too hell would not you help your aunt who was in that position? Then agao- you may not help her. silly but some are Lollll The ,danZing dude was more interested in dancing4JJ rather than havN her dance4him Lollllll 2much going on - it's a diversion N distraction from Ms. JJ. It's not necesary jJ doesn't need all those props - she's BAD in herself!!! I love U Ya JJ uggggggg That wasn't a fighttttt ....they were ,play tagging, with each other. Guess I should've written out my complete thoughts.Nar camelio I don't see it as ok PERIOD a 20yr fem screwing 13 yr. young dude. I'm sayN he ,kept going back4more, so actN as if she TOOK his virginity is off the cuff. ,I DID know the consequences could have been but at the time I wasn't THINKING,. ,I didn't know I could make a baby if I had sex, (non quote) Cam I'm also saying HE went to HER to have sex not once but 2-3-4-5 times Lol. Look camelio. this is not a JERRY SANDUSKY I betcha u would suck on those fake breast... lolOh well that is if u prefer females. Is fluid EXCHANGE the SAME as a Flush or is it closer to a drain + Fill? #2 what is a Transmission fluid SERVICE. #3 Had a transmiss. leak I spotted it b/c I knew the color (cherry red) was told I needed a Transmiss. LINE. PleZ explain2me how that connected to my leak-as in maybe the line was faulty or had a leak? $4 is it common that when there's a transmiss.leak somethings wrong with the RADIATOR because I was told I needed a new1. I had just bought that one not quite a year ago",18,0,3,5,0,91,1 64,X65,"Cant wait! I actually don't watch any one else's edits but yours now! lol lmao that was funny. Is DayZ available for MAc or is it just PC? Sorry i got my #s mixed up. #3 is best but #1 is a close second. WOW! Why you copying? Are you Jelly? awesome! Awesome! Im editing avideo huh? lol LIONSPEED :') WE MISS YOU SO MUCH! nice! Cool accent :) Lol that was sick though i cant lie I'm a little jelly but still wouldn't buy it. YourBoyBanks waz Here! My Stick has a Dome to :P Awesome review! I had a lot of the same problems but just playing with the settings I was able to fix it. Ya lol some other guys told me that yesterday This is one of those ,How did you Not See me?, Moments lol I want social blade on iPhone! Just saying... How do these people not see him? lmao I agree with TheCanada1995 18 views??? Because you were accusing me of stealing the video and I know that I got the permission to re-upload it so I blocked you because I don't like people going around calling me a thief when I did nothing wrong. You can clearly see that I put an annotation on the screen a link in the description box and in the description box I clearly put that I got permission so why are u saying that I stole it? If you knew how to read maybe I wouldn't have blocked you. So back off before I block you again",21,406,2,191,0,18,0 65,X66,I realy love it i will trie to do my best to learn it and do it and see if i am good k No one wants to here about your problems in life so who about u stop making videos the r stupid and you do not need to maje one every day thats probably y u r fat u never go out side I love it dont werey what other people say it is goid and i am8 Look me up I am lexi200245 She retarded it is not ornge it's like a lite red she must be happy because there are not alot of red Heads I am one You r so pretty I no how u feel you look really pretty I met this girl on the Internet and he has a face formal and now we r like best firends I get bullied because I have ADHD You suck at this now I hate your vids but now I like so other videos Lol mattdo45 is my uncle lol it is so post to say weird people Hey u really good Lol no one wants to listen to ur life every day mommy yard has a big for head ur vids r soooo long just stop Hey retard stop video taping wile u drive and fatso boo Did glaze just POMF?1:13 Hey u good it makayla :/ :),14,37,2,5,0,14,0 66,X67,So cute and is this real? de kleuren zijn echt heel leuk gaan jullie uit eten wat waar? Ik houdt van bananen :) hehehe o - O I love this movie Kill Esther Lol Pause at 1:27 :) lol ~~~~~~~~~lol~~~~~~~~~/\~~~~~~~~~~ Shoenice eats a lot I thought there was a bug on my screen :D,11,44,2,83,0,22,0 67,X68,"WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is pants! i want her to sit on my face!!!!! @ xSathya96x damn right!!!!! absoulte tune and amazing voice this dumb shit was using his second controller what a dumb cunt if ur gonna boost do it properly!!!!! dumb fuck hahahahaha probly american!!!!!!!!!! how come i havent heard of this woman before!!! britains got talent needs to fix up cause this is talent right here! uk stand up She reminds me of Sade from the 80's! Loving the talent the uk has right now! Wow 9 million views!! Well done! Absolutely smashed it loving this tune right now. Both versions,......' @ soulkairos hater! Give credit where it's due! Simples big up the uk killing the music scene right now! This is a BANGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crazy video too! Come on lady's have a look! Very very cheap How do u do ,another way in,? 'She sang words that would melt in your hand' Aaaaaaamaaaaaaaazing. Chipmunk in drag haha had to say it ABSOLUTE BANGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe its another chancew to mug myself again!!!! * Shake your hair girl with your ponytail. Takes me right back. When we were young. X Mic (fucking) righteous. You done it once again. MasterKeeff420 I couldn't of put it better myself. ^ true dat. Your not a badman cause robbed somebody fam your just poor and brave. Hahahaha Quality class epic talent. Just 4 words to describe this! There is many more. Haha. The black over heard him and started praying. Classic. Krispy Kreme dats who u look like ive tryed this easter egg 2 times but i find it hard wen the avagadro comes so anyone wanna do it let me know well team up xbox GT FORM4R yh same with me jus all ways that electric zombie but yh would be good to actully do the easter and cant wait for die riseee yehhhhh",25,1,5,5,0,23,0 68,X69,So freakin cute Awwwww! So CUTE!!!! eww all i aw was something sqwirtin out ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. I wanna see what other ppl doodoo look like!! I just wanna see the world mann!! Lmbo!!! Go girl!!! I luvv da song ALL I WANTED WAZZ A HOTDOG WITH CHILLI AND CHEESE....CHUCKY CHEESE!!! LMBO KMSL glozell ur lips are HUGE when you do them lyke dat!!lol Go Ray Ray!!!! I 3 u!!!1 Glozell-I should have listened to Sesame Street!!! lmfao lol So Cute. You Are So Cute!! I Just Did It And Loved It! It Looks Real Lol I believe in Chickennnn!!!!! Pick her up put her down all she wanna do is holla!!! Lmbo I said Oh Lord Jesus its a Firre!!! Lmao Smiley: *Not saying anything* Tay: You aint got that loud man!!!! Rotfl Funny at the end tho!!!!!!!!!!! I FREAKIN LOVEEEEE CORALINE I WATCH THAT MOVIE EVERYDAY RAY RAY IS MINE!!!!!#LoveStrucked #StayMindless #143,22,0,3,5,0,20,0 69,X70,"I have a question... Soooo SHINEE debuted before EXO so they are EXO's sunbaes. But in shinee Taemin is the youngest. In EXO they are guys that are older than Taemin. So what I wanna know is does Taemin still have to call the older EXO members ,hyung, even if he is ,older: than them because he debuted first??? ^ That ending scene is awesome! Idk why but when envy is in his worm state he is sooo adorable! :3 it was sad when he died! JJANG!! Ahh I knew she was from texas!!! Yay! I live in dallas too! Hope I can see you are northpark or galleria!",5,0,3,5,0,21,0 70,X71,i remember coming back from school listening to this every single day. ;o #memories. this explains my life. ;l zayn gives me a lady boner. :o *Liam she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. are you in a bathroom? xD hey i just met youand this is crazy but here's a condomso fuck me maybe. i love them all so much.but Miranda doesn't look that good looking beside Victoria Justice since Victoria's perfect. i believe in U.S x} the great wall of Chinese x) i love her body you're very beautiful *zayn. .llll||=||llll. UR SO BEAUTIFUL. 1:57 is that Madisen Hill? Nathan Kress' girlfriend? xD awesome song. but random video lol. I've been watching this since he uploaded it and now it finally hit 1 million!! so proud x without Brian they wouldn't be the summer set. Did anyone else notice the 'how to rock' photo in 1:54? So he calls me up and is like 'I still love you' and I'm like 'which one are you?',21,8,5,16,0,21,0 71,X3226,"WHITE TRASH YOU FUCKING INBREDS! haha thats what you get you dumb fuckers Thank god for inbred white trash nazis having bad gun control i hate america and dead troops can be good or bad but hating gays is wrong i hope yor being sarcastic 4-skins you mean before he was a faggot.... oh sorry hes always been a fucking fag 2:56 hahahahaha my friend haven set that as her grandmas desktop background lol three things 1. you spelled ,FAGGOT, wrong 2. Johnas Brothers are the real gays and 3. pantera has a song called kill all the white people how can they be racist and love white people more than anyone else? for all people hating saying she cant sing she has a cold and its hard as fuck singing and playing guitar at the same time i know and good job Lisa! Beelzeboss: And what if i win?Jack: Then you can take Cage back to hell.Cage: What!!?Jack: Trust me cage its the only wayTo be your little beeitchlol WTF is justin beiber doing on the fucking iron maiden page! lil crazed and traphik are the best and traphikk is timothy de la ghetto Thumbs up if you weren't even in eighth grade when this came out lol you want to give me a goodnight kiss? i like both :/ but limp bizkit is better NO! PUNX AND SKINS UNITE! FUCK!! WHAT SONG IS THAT! I REMEMBER THE LYRICS! sharp or bonehead douschbag? no its a stiletto dumbshit MR JACK!!! same with the theme song use this song on all the chicks... it works you lucky fucker 48 fucks in this badass rhyme! funny how almost all the comments on the first page are to the top comment seeing him at WIIL Rock Fest bitches! gonna see him at wiil rock fest i like both types of thc fucking pigs always got us down FUCK THE POLICE!!!!!!!! dont be a little fucking cunt most cops are worthless pigs and wastes of skin ther are fat fucks who are a disgrace to be called a savior or protector you sir are a cock juggling thunder cunt haha he fucked the system no deuce is way better Potheads gathered in their masses. Just like schoolkids in their classes. Sober minds that need instructions on power of leafs seductions. In the fields the crops burning as the war machine keeps turning. Pot and love to mankind resonates in smoky minds.",34,0,3,2,1,27,1 72,X73,:) 3 i have a bunny and i played it and held his paws up to dance he loved it lol 3 You can totally tell shes fakeing i mean really shes not even real crying!! my favorite is the dog im really good at it but i did it to this annoying guy and he thought i had mentdall problems sooo yea :) This video is very rude why would her famliy member put this on the internet to get her made fun of and i never and wont laugh at this no what were u thinking when you did ur makeup and fyi ninjas are way better then whatever u were talkin about Yeah your hotter! lol! Did you know your a hottie cause I do?! im really good at this on just dance 2 You look just like Drake! Shes the biggest brat. If I were her mom I would go crazy. Story of my life! Your the best! :) you two girls are horrible. she likes herself the way she is so leave her alone. I suport you 100 percent :) keep making videos! @aron4152 you are a horrible person shes beutiful. stop wasting your time hateing on Nichole @H3ath3r4596 your horrible she likes singing so shes going to sing. even if shes not the best shes tryinv thats all that matters. @20Claira11 good** she** singing** @LaurenP1503 you are so horrible and mean! There beautiful in their own ways! Don't judge them on how they look!,21,0,3,5,0,17,0 73,X3109,this sucks... why only big arms ? fake Its funny because he is fat and the black widow... is also :) dude they dont.. i fuck the princes i love the guy with the sunglasses ! :D damn he is nice! lol what up lady gaga... canon ball my ass. i will give u my canon thats why. i spray them with glue... and suddenly they cant move ... Why dont they make more of leo and satan ? i LOVE them :( what an evil father ... asshole Yeah :( i would love to see the end! HAHAH SO FUCKING FUNNY!!! I HOPE UR MOTHER GET BREAST CANCER!! SO FUCKING FUNNY WAS IT ! Bullshit fuck du er sej... du har da det hele var ? Seeky Ginger! they are trapping us! bsse how do u make shadows :O must know he is an asshole FU CENSORING BAR!!!! what is the song called when its epic meal time ? :D its AWESOME PLz! dude are u a virgin ? :) you know u are fucked when u see a bear with a rifle long live slipknot 3 it is sad that most of ushers music is stolen from Justin bieber :( minecraft is a copy of wc3 crafting maps... rigtigt nok :) yo nigger u do look like an xxxxL ... NOthing called ks ..,30,3,3,5,0,23,0 74,X75,Hi Watch this when your high lol ._. 3* Their in the description box Very amazing !! 3 awesomeness,6,55,4,4,0,20,0 75,X76,I liked it I would take your class if I lived in the area =/ You killed it man its like a song meant for you =] Yes! =] Great song and Nice Lyrics Damn they Killed it I loved the song he choose dam Brian Puspos has come a long way if you really think of it I'm happy for that dude =] Kyle made the song like 10x better haha loved the whole video They did really good Amazing!,9,119,7,2,0,24,0 76,X77,What do people say when ur out? are they like ohh :O thats cool or thats wierrrrrddd..??? how is it? LORISSA :D I wuv chu Its not that souer because you have to do a koolaid packet I know!!!! :)HeHe Idiot -.- ur eyes :D ur eye makeup :D When a ferret screams it's never a good thing! A scream is generally a reaction to extreme pain or fear. In some cases he may make it when he's extremely angry as well. Locate your ferret and find out what caused him to scream immediately - he may need your help. This is cool :D he sounds angry 0-0,11,5,4,6,0,23,0 77,X78,"thats awsome dude have you ever even listened to john mayer play live? hes one of the best blues guitarist that have been in the music industry in a while. those dumb ass faces ur making to mock the emotion he puts into his music only make you look like a major douche bag. if you played guitar maybe you would unde... sounds great man. thats the exact style im trying to accomplish. well done God never gave us the right to condemn one another. We are to love EVERYONE. God does NOT hate ANYONE. idk where these people get there facts from about ,the scripture,. not dwelling or admitting your sins is a sin... its called pride. and these people have tons of it how amazing and honoring to God would it be if this were called ,Most LOVED family in America., thats what these people need... love. by branding them as the most hated family we are putting ourselves at there level. they are full of hate and disillusioned when it comes to scripture... but i st... these people make it their mission to condemn those who sin against God. when did God ever say thats what we are here for? God put us here to love Him and all of His creation honor glorify and please Him. Above all He put us here to be deciples of Jesus. Nothing these people do are characteri...",7,0,5,5,0,19,0 78,X79,I just got my braces off and i cant stop singing this!! :D Your a unicorn too!!! 3 :D Hi Billie! Louis Tomlinson's theme song! My french teacher drops pencils (on purpous) and asked the girls to bend down and get them so he can look down our shirts and up our skirts and even just to look at out bum if we had shorts on... I jumped and fell off my chair... Larry Stylinson! Red Hair upsested with muggles...must be a Weasly What is air? Honey Boo Boo: So what if someones a little gay...everyones a little gay I liked this video before it was cool... The giggles! When will she learn?! Taylors new song...He called me Louis This guy does a bad Todd impression... :P OMG me too! When i hugged people i would bite them in the stomach...and i bite the heads off my barbies.. When i was a kid i bit people..i dont know why i just loved to bite people. Like whenever i was going to hug someone i bit them in their stomach. And then i would bite off the head of my barbie dolls...i was a weird child...well i still am REALLY messed up and im 14 Am i the only one who hugged the screen...? Yeah? Alright.. Poor Phil :( I know right!! *highfive* Sometimes I fill my bathtub with sause sit in it naked and pretend im a meatball Ed dident lose the grammy...the grammy lost Ed I need Mulan's make-up remover cause make-up NEVER comes off that easy Aw Harry is so lucky! He has the world best boyfriend! ( yesh i am a Larry shipper...they are in love GO AHEAD HATE ME),24,7,2,5,0,17,1 79,X80,The feel decorating! :) The feel decorating! :) The feel of it decorating! :) So good! I love Christmas! It's my favorite Holliday I am thankful for my family there always there for me and I'm blessed This makes my life so much.,7,8,2,3,0,19,0 80,X81,"One direction cake please comon there's been over a thousand comments to make this I beg of you please!!! :D mean girls Kevin G ! Lol How much money are these dolls?? Penis and the ginies lmfaoo can't breathe dying of laughter You sing wayy better than her :) Where is chapter 26!?!?! And chapter 24!?!?? God I love you so much you're so inspiring Lmfao the little girl at the end ,JUMP!!, hahahahaha God damn MAN UP I live in new York!!! I love this cover so much I'm raping the replay button :D I like this cover better than the original Bruno mars one",11,2,3,3,0,16,0 81,X82,I LOVE U GUYS SO MUCH!!!!! Please help i have this problem! What do i do?????!!!! It was great working with ya nat!! 3 then ur a bitch um yuck no offense Dont read this cuz it really works! Now that u started readin dont stop! Tomorrow will be the the best day ever for you and you will be kissed by the love of ur life. But if you dont post this on 3 videos u will die within over two days! After u post it press F6 in the nxt half hour and ur crush's name will appear,6,0,3,5,0,35,0 82,X83,Its' Dope!(: como se llama esta cancion?,2,0,2,5,0,15,0 83,X84,Only white people............ Smh Shake that ass bitch and Dingle nut sacks for face. Yes 127439 And if they added injuries. Pornography Yay You slid it under the table First 12 567 Booty every were!,11,2,3,5,0,14,0 84,X85,Quien canta?,1,10,3,24,0,14,0 85,X86,I made some orchestral music,1,208,4,19,0,34,0 86,X87,I was looking all over youtube for an amazing pianist finally YOU! yeah neither are cyberbullies! the only thing that makes ppl beautiful are thier personallity!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do us a favor and GET OFF YOUTUBE! wooow ur lammmmmmmmmmmme AHHH! Miranda you are AWESOME!!!Keep it up girlllllyyy! Oh! do a Lady Gaga Make-up tutorial!! 0:12 HA! ummm...... ok then i'd rather b an idiot than a stupid h8er yes :)hahah you see that blue ball go by on 3:54 ?,8,3,3,6,0,19,1 87,X88,OMG YOU ARE EVERYTHING A GIRL WANTS IN A GUY YOU ARE HOT YOU HAVE BROWN EYES A THINK YOUR HAIR IS AMAZING YOU CAN SING AND OH YEAH DID I TELL YOU THAT YOU A A HOTTIE ? XX33 you should sing what makes you beautiful by one direction :)333 waw 3 AMAZING :D xxxxxx did u win ?? xxxx harry xxx The blond one's fit! Omg austin your amazing i love you and justin bieber but i have deffanitly got to say you are better then justin bieber i absoulluty love you your amazing and 1 day i hope i can meet you your loverly your gorgous and talented i adore you ILOVEYOU 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yous need to give her a break shes only 13 or somthing and yous are saying that to her yas are dirty little c**ts yas should be ashamed ov ya sell she is actually amazin leave her alone if u have gt nothing nice to comment with then just dont okayy !!!! Girl Wiggle That Body :D use all need to grow up and leave him along i would like so see u have the balls to do this in m defence take a look in the mirrow before u condem any 1 else K !!! Matty dont listen to them i think ur really cute xx nar what it levae him alone so what if hes swearing infront ov his mam its a ''SONG'' and if ur saying fail u try and learn that song and see how far u get if u dont like it then dont watch it SIMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ryan is actually beautiful and hot video by the way 3 :* ur not only 14 are u??xxxx Harry Niall Zayn Liam And Louie I have a question for yous if yous could change any thing thats happend in th past year what would it be and whyy?? xxx haha shauna.,16,1,4,3,0,29,0 88,X89,"There's only one left:( sounds like you had a ton of fun.all my friends got to go but i didnt:( but im going on November and June 2013 :) i have that white shirt:) how did one direction ruin the beatles? Charlie McDonnell because he has a British accent Can you do a back to school tutorial?:) Can you do a back to school tutorial?:) can you show us how to use a primer I think you would get more views if you had your title shorter. maybe just call it ,Twins,? This is so pretty and you are too I'm crying. I feel so bad. You are only 13. That's not fair. I hope god looks after you and keeps you strong as long as possible. Can you get a better camera? Haha. This is really bad. I laughed during the whole thing. @rickames and you're so stupid wait... who?",15,11,3,14,0,21,0 89,X3026,"outta all serial killers dahmer is the only 1 that is actually worthy of any respect cause he fessed up took his punishment like a man didnt make any excuses for what he did anderson cooper laughs like a queer fuckin niggers the narrators voice is so fuckin annoyin what a fuckin brat selby is ,i wanna drive, kemper is in prison in california how the fuck can he be there which i know hes not attach your bayonet goddamn i wish some1 would shove their dick in her mouth just to shut her the fuck up she trys to talk like shes black she talks so damn fast she dont make any sense who the fuck said anything about kids elderly getting raped ok ill define big ,your beat out pussy or asshole or both, there the definition of big the way our justice system is u dont get punished when u break the law they just send u on a long state sponsered vaction they call it prison this piece of shit is only using this statement to brag about what hes done he didnt recieve a great enough punishment the shouldve tied him up tortured strangled him like he did his victims if i was the judge id have cut him off all hes doin is bragging about his crimes goddamn let warrior talk hannity is 1 dumbass mother fucker talkin like he knows everything about steroids from the looks of him im sure hes never done em this is just an example if u went shot up wal-mart with an assault rifle when the cops gunned u down if they did an autopsy on u it revealed u had marijuana in your system they would say smoking marijuana drove this person to be a mass murderer they are just so desperate to blame what benoit did on something its fuckin pathetic u stupid son of a bitch its a religion its not some fuckin business a business has to make money or it fails christianity has been around survived because of faith not money i paused it @13:07 tits thanx alot man u gotta be kidding its getting to where we cant do anything it seems like nature has more rights then people do supposedly theres never been a documented case of an orca killing a human in the wild the narrators voice is annoyin as fuck or Dylan Klebold here in a few years or so we'll be watchin RISE AND FALL OF TNA he wasnt much of a supporter niggers are the biggest users of crack they did invent it after all i dont remember any of this shit from the game i mean resident evil had asspects from the game alot of em at that but this has little to none this aint wrestling i wish u would have died instead of Owen i dont even know u dont wanna know u i hate you're mother fuckin guts u sorry son of a bitch respect respect respect respect respect respect respect FUCK ALL U GODDAMN MOTHER FUCKIN GANG BANGERS YOU'RE GODDAMN SO CALLED RESPECT they did for a stupid wal mart whats easier to explain bodies in your basement or black bodies hanging in a tree in your yard",31,4,4,5,0,26,0 90,X91,Hey i just met youo wait your a ladyso there's a kitchenso sandwich maybe? how many did he make 0.o?? he is 7? maybe 6? or 8? and plays cod... cant find 3.1 or 3 -.- y am i so addicted to waching his videos I CAN'T STOP WATCHING 0.o how am i just now hearing about him? his punches sound like they hurt. hate to be in a fight with him is he on ps3? worse place to fight on a bunch of stares going slanted Lol bobby is like the hulk So if a girl smacks a boy cop they can hit back? but if he wasn't a cop he would he be in troubble? i now what ya mean i loved that movie Tripple X No its not. So... Some dude cut a 4 second clip from family guy and got 7.3+Million views...Why didn't i think of that lol Im from South Carolina -_- how do they even build there nest? lol i don't ever see a wasp holding like a stick. when i do it it just say add a friend...,18,8,4,13,0,23,0 91,X92,love it harry and niall i thorght harry would say gotta be you where is the number on his hand they should really make it 5 ppl why did they think it was gibby cat and sam's fault he dropped it i hope liam and niall we're having a nice chat niall looked bored and sad poor niall ziall and lilo so much in this AT THE END OF THE DAY AT THE END OF TH DAY This is the sweetest thing in the world no he was smling he didn't cry yep it take me like 7 ish hours 2 get 2 london i live in newcastle thats almost the hole country me brois going some where and it takes 8 hours so he's going the whole countrie is it little things the one about there girl friends yeh can't u tell thier voices was that louis why isn't it a happy eneding it's MINEEEEE bkshhhhhhh bhskkkkkkkkkk YAY ahhh no you an't sign over some ones name sorry i almost have hair that long i would love to be ur best friend if i lived in ur country coz ur like totallly like me i am really scared coz i am going to be going to high school and i am worrid about the homework you get coz i go to lots of club like horse riding drama and i'm going to start piano tap ballet street dance and ballrooom wot happens if i don't have time for them? Also we are getting put in new classes and i'm worrrid i'm not gunna be with anyone i like or worse my enemy???? Could you make a video about making friends. were is it tell me i can't find it hi Sarah might you be able to take all the videos of me off your channel please my mum doesn't want videos of me on,25,4,3,5,0,48,0 92,X93,"this is like gotta be my favorite vid by u man ur great i think a perfect song for u to sing wood be ,Let me love you, by mario that wood be sweet i love singing that song myself haha the voices are fake but it still sounds great lmfaooo funnyyy shitttttt gooood shit broo your voice is great listen to my original when you cry woowww your amazinggg (: wish we cood record togetherr itd be an honorr lolll damn bro gave me chills goodshitt youll make it someday just keep livin the dream dog there you go got me on this beat now killin it my dude keep it up haha drake got caught up in alluminati shit he aint who he used to be cuz he gotta be someone different anyone that changes who they are for fame got no respect from me hes fucking terriblleeeeee lmfaooo this shit justtt made my dayyyy",10,0,5,1,0,30,0 93,X94,"Don't Consent when you get pulled of by cops Look it up on Google Of the Steps And will show you how not to get aressted I like To See Them Land An AC130 :p Ohhhhh He killed Him With ,Boom Bam Bop Badda Bop Boom Pow,... But he is not a rapper hahaha You guys didn't noticed the the announcers were using Studio beats? I just noticed that and I saw this music video 1 year ago. Oh by the way this is what he says And I Quote ,NONE OF THIS BULLSHIT HAPPENED EG THE BIT WHEN THEY WERE SURROUNDED BUY FUCKING VILLAINS FUCK YOU ROOSTERTEETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! although it was ok but stop falsifying your shit guys, I wanna Transfer To W.T.F high school xD",6,0,3,1,0,34,0 94,X95,Ur dumb. Ur welcome. I really wanna know how you know my life. Im really interested. Please tell. Sir like i said before calling me names you really hurting me and urself. Ok so maybe going 200 would be kinda cool. America. Why does the heavy one have to be black? ahahahahahaha HOW MUCH?!?!?!?! I drove my car OVER another car today coming home from getting my hair cut. hahaha Agreed! At least it'll be covered in mud! My job will be complete! American. awesome! Thanks man! Try country music. Trust me you'll do great. The first guy sounds like Kurt from glee. haha This made me stop smoking and learn to sing better! Like if you actually go to YoungLife!!! Love the voice... haha thats better. Good guess. Hi I live in twin Hills Chester Springs. I 'd like to talk to you about something I've seen lately in the sky. It might of been this. Message me for my email. I think you'r gonna really like what I have to say. no. Buy a real gun. Favorite Movie!!! Ghost K - Stop 170 used to my bus number! Not really a taylor swift fan but this was actually pretty awesome! Thank you! Ya pretty much,27,2,2,5,0,20,1 95,X96,love it !! wow ! omg i 3 love dj boonie i love justin that muchitis unreal love bruno !! (peter) omg i love this song and my best friend sings it :) xx awww! such a cutie!!!! :* omg his voice is perfect :P my love for this song is unreal! 3,9,2,3,5,0,17,0 96,X97,Dislike !! Can't believe it exist 4 this song.,1,0,8,5,0,30,0 97,X98,"I love harrys laugh :) 3 Nah i just love everything about him :) Awh ,Why cant i talk..Oh well Hello guys, 3 he's adorable Jay you don't have to be rude That sad moment when you realize the only reason you watched this was because of the Hot guy on the cover -.- 3 Niall wouldnt f*** you. One he doesnt believe in sex before marriage and he's waiting for his princess and you are definatly not a princess for Niall HEy dont listen to them Idiots who r just jealous! Hell your better than me! Senior day IM DEAD :) Awwwh your cute and funny :) Haha that's great and the pranker was hot to :) Haha yeah its people like them that piss me off Notice its always Harry and Louis :) Oh why we love our boys omg HER HAPPY DANCE LOL Simon: WHat are we gonna say to the mean Piers??Girl: ...Simon: Stick your tongue out.Girl -.- ...:P Louis: I just think... SUPERMANNNNNNNNNN I said carrot.. Thumbs up if your thinking of your bestest friends! Even if your in a fight you know its true Thumbs up if you think of your best friend when you here this song. If i was old enough to be your boyfriend... How do u do it!!! Thanks but i hope you know this was a dare and we had never even heard the song. so no need to h8 we were just having fun!! not in the least bit sure u did ur hair like hers but that is pretty much it wtf you just put Harry as 10 WTF IS WRONG WITH YOUUUU Neill?! WTF HUG FOR THE MOM niall *Akwardly patts harrys back.. You know your A directioner when you know whos singing with out looking :) Simon sits there like what the hell o.0 Just imagine is Simon had said yes to Liam Imagine if they were put in as seperate parts or if niall and louis had been kicked out of the band. Just imagine a life without 1D i know i cant. 3 We owe it all the Simon 3",27,6,3,22,0,13,0 98,X99,lmao my fave im so in love with the chipmunks ill never know why lol cool song tho :) awwww naw everything shoes coffee rims u name it lmao omg come on no fake titles but you guyz rock!! wow.... i love this take sooooooo much better awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww love them imma new fan! r.i.p dad i miss you so much but thank you for making me who i am today omfg i will always love his lil ass soooo cute! Daddy I lost you 13 years ago and it kills me you cane s. Your grandson your grand daughter i miss you june 1978- january 1999,10,0,3,5,0,22,0 99,X3159,Mistery man is in the back grown fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Fuck you!!! this was posted on my birthday Crusher is my fav xD Awesome video dude #NAME? :D: p Ho the hell is matt :) ha aha fu i made it!!!! cool bro do yo have hothead I did bich U spelled warnado wone The clover means luck Brandon Fuck u catpin sperkls cool bro im also perite new to minecraft your 2 vershin was better wut thefuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuopps had a seger lalalalalalalallaalallalalalalalallalalllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllaalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalaalalalalalalalalalaalalalalalaalalalalalalaalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalaallalalaallalalalalalalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalalallaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllaaalalalalalalalalalalalalalaalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalal wtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtf! i hate you special jonny wtf 6 put if video games were in minecraft 6 pelse ill do enything!! I worked at the Executive Bowl where Alan played a lot in the old days. He was a great great player. ignitor sucks u bich the Chinese dragon is not Camo retard im on drill-xs big rig to,30,0,3,111,0,40,0 100,X101,the whole thing woulda been funnier no cause he cant sing right stupid fucker of course its punk but hes on something and cant sing it right dunb fuck sweet fight loved it thats what bisping gets for talking shit and being a bitch to team USA beast song beast band best album ever made this in my opinion is the greatest album ever made tht is an amazing fight forrest and stephen toe 2 toe slugging it out! it doesnt even look real my god what the crowd must have benn like 2 be there how old is this song? yeah houston is a beast repping omaha bitch 402 love this fucking song nice yeah i know read it wrong how about that fight last night tony hawks pro skater 1!!!!!!! your shit motherfucker straight up amazing boxer and rapper the 1 dislike cant puff tuff the 84 people that dislike this cant pack a bowl worth shit. you raise a good point man. i guess i just stereotyped juggalos. my bad i went into this video with the mentality that Blake Griffin is a better dunker i see the err of my ways Love the beginning singer the others are ok liberals suck,23,1,5,5,0,22,0 101,X2659,i had 3 you are ruining a perfectly good dresser haha i replayed this video like 20 times just for the laugh can you guess what i did after this video.. who else thinks that the snapping thing at 0:46 looks hilarious stupid chink i just think bear likes to play in the mud Fuck! there isn't any related videos ..what the hell do i do now I used to make skyrim jokes but then i took a pussy to the dick Babe don't hurt my dog haha um where would u charge it?? who came here cuz of the DROPPPPPP stupid niggers clearly worst nipple piercing directly relates to this video.... clearly worst nipple piercing directly relates to this video.... sounds like a young john mayer hahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahaahahahh..........Jacquizz song is by clint mansel by the way There are two things i hate in life:1) When i'm taking a shit and water splashes in my asshole2) THIS FUCKING SONG!!!! There are two things i hate in life:1) When i'm taking a shit and water splashes in my asshole2) THIS FUCKING SONG!!!! There are two things i hate most in this world:1. When i'm taking a shit and water splashes in my asshole.2. This fucking song! same haha how the hell does he just suddenly get so far away lol who else hates when your takin a shit and water splashes in your asshole its 2012 bro spoiled little fuck 0:53 is this guy gay?? i mean press 1 for oral haha he says nooles instead of noodles worst nipple peircing reaction?? 2:08 what if she said no..... is this what asian people see 0:30 brian put me in drive LOL mmmmmmmmmm banana kush is the best who couldn't stop laughing? watch make it nasty typical naggers G eazy,40,0,3,5,1,21,0 102,X103,So basically gd was imprisoned for being a fashion psycho and he got help from the kids and his gang at the jail to break out. Then he had to go find a job outside and tried boxing circus master and a tennis player but they didn't work out. So in the end he got help from taeyang and stole all his clothes back while being happy that he's finally wearing an outfit again:) So basically that one shot at the end decides whether or they all die or live?,2,0,3,5,0,23,0 103,X104,Thanks for the video great gun just got a new one performs excellent I'm going into law enforcement myself there's no excuse for what they did but God will judge them I can't believe it was a brother and sister involved wow my people we have to learn to come together as God's people only then will this foolishness stop,2,0,4,5,0,30,0 104,X105,Once again I love this lookbook! I feel like I just planned my outfits for the week. lol BTW the shorteralls w/ leather jacket super great idea Sam! haha I thought I was the only one who stopped the video to take in that beautiful moment. *sigh... No Jamaican would think this is offensive. Most would think its funny especially since they tried so hard to get the delect right. Oh! I love Hosanna! I can't believe she did a cover of this! Wow that cliff jumping was crazy. They do the same in Jamaica and it looks super dangerous. Anyway I'm glad ur feeling better been there myself. Lol U just made me want to watch Nepoleon Dynamite again. Love that movie...yeah I know. those dolls are amazing! Happy bday! Felt like I was watching one of those weird short documentaries on PBS. Love you and Sam. I hope you both continue to enjoy the trip. :) Wurd! Just when you think you've seen everything. Where's Dave Chapelle with a skit? i love those. Beautycrush and her boyfriend Ricky wear them alot. lol Keke! Love it! I was actually going to make a wig like this because I've done this style as a weave before. I'm going to order mine soon. That's a crazy meeting. It could be on that mtv show catfish. Love it!!!!!!!! Btw nice voices! I do hair and I can tell u didn't use enough hair. Try making the clip-ins closer and adding more tracks for fullness Hey Lexi I was wonder if you would be willing to do a styling video for the Jordan's? wow! you guys really blow me away! ....I just had a flashback to my Stony Brook days... If this is what was filmed then what happened when the camera was off? lol Shimmy Shimmy coco puffs!,18,0,5,5,0,26,0 105,X106,You have gorgeous eyes3 Not even kidding. You don't need that much eyeliner :) Do you guys live together? banana!!!! hahahahah im dying!! that's rude. haha what? My boyfriend dedicated this to me3 Love you baby. simple simple simple simple please!! I love that artsy and crafty stuff:) simple simple simple simple It's so depressing seeing how Justin Bieber has evolved into being obsessed with women. His main focus is physical. Stupid world changed a sweet boy. LOVE THAT BRACELET:) please email me!,11,21,4,8,0,29,0 106,X107,LIER! this is so funny how fricken funny ..... !!! Love Debby but she screwed the song up:/ Lol:) Ur so cute but u shouldn't be singing this song Ur singing is to soft....I don't know how to explain it but u still really good I love Carly she is AMAZING but I have to go with Psy!!! She is so cute!! I love u Megan Nicole!!!! if u guys really wanna watch a funny cute hot AMAZING music video then search up kiss you by one direction and search it up on because there are a lot of covers and btw the only reason this video got a lot of views was because nicki minaj was in this video!!! ONE DIRECTION RULES! JUSTIN BIEBER SUCKS ASS! I LOVE NIALL HORAN AND LIAM PAYNE BEST PARTS IN THIS WHOLE SONG BUT I AINT SAYING THAT THE REST AREN'T GOOD! 3 I 3 U NIALL!!!!!!!!!! lol! OMG! so not excpecting that! lol... btw his eyes are crazy lol! so true can some one please tell me what niall said from 6:54 to 6:58! OMG! so true lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I HATE HOLLY HOT WIRE ITS ANNOYING! I HATE THE GIRL WHO TALKS TOO! Don't tell Niall Horan to shut up,20,0,3,5,0,14,0 107,X108,"Since when is Dick Cheney a pastor? Question: Is South London a place where the Muslims living there cry out in concern that they are getting scrutinized and unfairly viewed constantly playing the race card? Goodness so much beauty so much talent. Whoever marries you is indeed one of the luckiest guys in the world. Long live Metal Gear Solid.,In memory of a true patriot who saved the world., oh so you LIVE in mexico thank goodness ah aren't you a badass on the internet. stfu I'm hispanic and love family guy ESPECIALLY when they make a latino joke that I can laugh at and relate to I think seeing this in all its humor is healthy and makes you immune to it. Also only people who are self-conscious will have a self-righteous dildo up their ass. Why is it that when a black comedian makes a joke about the black community you see all these nodding laughing heads? or when a hispanic stand up does the same and hispanics continue to reiterate the joke? So relax seriously. and it begins a person who knows nothing says something. Sorry I didn't go and stop it myself but I wasn't even a sperm yet not even my dad. Also fuck you. Funny how people are so anti-american and say America is worst than Hitler when he straight out ORDERED the executions of so many innocents. But that doesn't mean Germany as a whole country is to blame. Same goes for America you fucktard now go choke on an AIDS positive cocks with fungus you fucking retarded abortion. suck cock you ignorant retard you mostly talk about CoD now :`[ why not Zoidberg? you sound like a japanese purist faggot who has long greasy hair. To all the haters of this awesome game 2:05 through 2:10 is just for you fucking cocksucking shit heads. you have to be a pc gamer to understand that. Yeah a loner right? PC elitists are the cancer of the net. Why even come on a console game video? Your subjective comments (like mine) are in vain. Case in point God of War 1 with it's shitty graphics is still a better game then say a new game like Diablo 3 or that piece of generic shit Crysis. Again all subjective comments. Now get the fuck out of this video. This takes the cake You sir or madame have made my week. I nearly lost it when I read your comment lmao. Gangsters are slaves to a path that leads to nowhere ultimately resulting in a descent to a personal and constant hell. Live your pathetic cynical lives you abortions. 10 out of 10 would bang He who dares wins Reading your reply was like correcting a teen's essay...oh wait you are a teen.1. ,go to mexico, - no that's ok I don't want to get decapitated or kidnapped.2.,my people are family loving, - lol dafuq?3.,your saying things like if you know whats what, - Apparently you're good at assuming too.4.,and good foundationg ha you say it like if it's suppose to mean something, - yeah it means those countries south of the border are not capable of advancing or being stable. Thumbs up if you would have wanted to see her reaction. Most of you people are fucking garbage blaming America is the popular thing to do huh? fucking pieces of shit. She ended up getting her wish assholes. I swear my country is hated so much on a daily basis and people seem like they WANT TO FORCE me to hate America as well. People are so high and mighty. Fuck you fuck all of you. Slit your wrists and jump off a bridge. damn rain just focused on my face for some reason @SoldierBoy1987 do you ever get that sense of a loss for words but you know EXACTLY how grateful you are to someone or something but just can't express it? Well this is one of those moments for me. I volunteered as much as I could helping out Veterans an Can I be allowed to love my country? May I be allowed to support and thank the brave soldiers and heroes who go into war? Is it possible to do that while still wishing we wouldn't be in wars in the first place? As a person who loves his home and the people in it I say yes. God Bless the world God bless America. Marcus Fenix and Augustus Cole from Gears of War Yikes all your comments seem to be driven by misplaced hate. You remind me of Precious' mom. Your anti-American agenda and/or ranting is duly noted. Happy now Mr.I didn't get the Shamwow I wanted for Christmas so i'll be a badass on the internet. fuck PC gaming you're awful leave my country the fuck alone. omg you're gorgeous your little rants are cute loldo send post cards from North Korea to keep in touch 3you probably live in a house in the suburbs and have been listening to yourtube too much lol I have this game already it's called Ninja Gaiden 2 and/or Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. Kid? Baseless comment jackass. louise from left for dead? zack from dead or alive? @ 10:40 that's what Kim Kardashian's reaction will be like when she gives birth all the attention will be focused just on her and she'll smile to the camera promoting new episodes for her show. damn I forgot I wrote this. And of course you have a guy! It's like against the law for you to not have a bf.",36,2,4,10,0,22,1 108,X109,0:48 Minzy ahhh Gain Brown Eyes Girls Who is lizzy ? who is the leader? cn na bn c vi ba ci t hiu w vi chc MV ''dm dm'' thuj really?I don't think so m Da ho hc d 04:04 c lch ca 2ne1 na Thng th mnh khng lm j khc khi ang hc nhng hay b mt tp trung suy ngh lung tung!!T_T ngh v chuyn ny chuyn kia xong ci wen c h lm bi ! c ai ging mnh hng?help me What are their name? I want to know 17 members Mnh thy ci iu nhy ca Dancing queen live khong 3 pht mi my c khc con Na ng u va bng tay va i ln ging nh trong bi ca Lee Hi.Ni ti y th mnh chc chn l Sn s ni l Dancing Queen quay 2008 nhng my bn xem li MV i khng h c khc .Chc l o xong ri em ln sn khu 1:52 3:45 PERFECT!!! All of them: Euna eunbi jenny kim.They are perfect...Euna Jenny can rap. LOL!! I think that is tablo hok m cn t sng..hok bik c git nc mt no hok m lau nc mt...nhn mt gi to gm i can't understand 0:45:16 he is CL's fan,17,3,2,5,0,13,0 109,X110,I luv u guys ur so awesome !!!!! ur version of our song is the only version i like!!!Could u do more plzzzzzzz me and bff Kels just luv ur singin!!!!!natalie from dallas,1,0,4,5,0,17,0 110,X111,I'll stop now this is getting childish. It was childish to start really. Bye now :D You appear to have missed the joke. 'twas only a joke.,2,17,4,7,0,20,0 111,X112,ahahahh u kinda look like a ganguru :3 BANANAS Maybe Mochiii :)) it's really cutee or snoop dog?? LOL EEEEE Sooo happy for uuu!!! :)) Oh you should've made it one that looked like Domo!! but i still love the one that u made :)) What is the name of ur pc or laptop? ^.^ much appreciated because i wanted to buy a new one SKYPE hahahahha ''Are u teaching Derick that??'' LOOL Waaa Lin is SHO CUTE!! Aj Raphael 3 3 *____* i feel bad for those who took this serously btw I love your makeup Gloriaa 33 AW HELL TO THE NAAW x'D,12,3,4,2,0,19,0 112,X113,Dexter Morgan VS Jack the Ripper I agreed with all of them except Max Payne. I quite liked that one... Some of it sounds like he's hitting some coke lines... Wibbly wobbly magic stuff? Crimelord? Dr. Who references all day. Yahtzee you're fantastic. Gassy streams all the time. You forgot his slightly cheap but still rather expensive bottle of carnivorous jam. Ehhh no thanks Immortal..,7,2,3,5,0,42,0 113,X2966,Canadians know whats up with electronic music to say the least. And I'm American.Fuck dem haters. god damn dude i literally just wanna beat the ever living fuck out of that smug ass cop. WOOOaaaammmmP.YE.YE.Ye.OAAAAAH DAMMMMMMN! see you 2013. Kanrocksas was the shit. shoulda took 2 mane yea dude he kills it every fucking time!!!! so dope so dope The positivity? oh yeah it's in my bowl and ayahuasca tea. YES! I CAN SEE IT IN YOUR FACE! brings a tear to my eye speaking the minds of many. you should be shot on site or just never look at one modest mouse song again. Issac Brock's lyrical imagery is one of few. ight pussy me and my friend have constant debates over this. BUT I'm going to see Isaac FUCKIN BROCK before i parish. massive as fuck. can't wait to hear this banger drop from Caspa or someone who still has a respectable name in fucking dubstep. are you from fayetteville? feelin this shit for sure. Curse of DA FUCKIN MUMMMMMMY!!!!! perfect example of dubstep at it's finest. Original as FUCK! Eptic fuck off you filthy son of a bitch. your stupid only good part about this video is Shell shock. wavves...please. Isn't poetry suppose to rhyme? i dont fuckin care one bit. fuckz errything. yea yea yea fuck dude. excision killin it with the TRUTH dub. u the shit!!! This isn't house like ya boy skrill. Skream and Benga. Stay original. I'm still amazed on how he mixed this because it's fucking genius. Im sure this was a great show by all means. I really enjoy this. This makes me wanna go nearest my closest enemy and beat the fuck outta of em. What happened to PHAT? did shoe nice die from drinking rat poison? Dude im not even gonna lie but this shit goes in. Keeep it real man.,36,4,5,3,0,21,1 114,X115,"I just realized how gross this song is.... Haha chris brown is my hero Chris brown is my hero...But why...sing...with...justin..... Wha? Haha kids.... Cum on guys stop with the gay jokes and really i was gunna make a gay joke butt fuck it. Who saw that ,What the fuck?, picture lmfao Why the girly smile at the end you pansy I feel for you And i hope you get better but if your lying just to get attention that isnt funny cuz people die of that HAHA KESHA IS THE TROLL! No. The gold names mean you can attack them and they cant attack you Haha new wow thing.... GNOME PALADINS!! :D This song reminds me of the good old days SHUT UP WITH THE FREAKING AUTO CORRECT! 8=D thats a face... the 8 is the eyes. the = is the nostrils. the D is the mouth... You know what? Fine you win. Congrats. :) We cool now? I should of used you're instead of your. Im sorry for ruining your day by using wrong spelling. Alright? I was just making a funny comment that had 151 likes. But it was right of you to ruin my parade and correct my spelling.Now I can go threw life knowing the diffrence between that.And really with the corny sarcastic joke? are you 10 years old? Cmon man your better than that. Now lets be mature and Im sorry for being mean.Friends? :) This song pumps me up. It makes me feel like I have a strong future and Im important T.I. is so inspirational This is a diffrent cat... The other cat died.. and he bought another one...and did this... I didnt read it :) And I do care cuz I could use that 1 minute could be used to get on my shoes to go outside :) FOR ALL YOU PEOPLE ASKING: EVERY SONG IS FROM THE MOVIE ,The Lord of the Rings, IF YOU WANT THE MUSIC TYPE IN ,Lord of the rings soundtrack, ON ITUNES! Thumbs this up so everyone can see. PASTA 2012! TRANSLATION: 10 likes: nothing 20 likes: nothing 30 likes: nothing (I wont post a vid and fool you all :P) Who cares its a genius remix. And dont say yall... Fav character The ,toy story 4, thing wasnt there idea. smosh copied it from a diffrent youtube video Its called ,smiley, wheres fishtank? How do I find this on itunes? I cant find it What?",29,4,4,3,0,15,0 115,X116,So much ip The ending is way too abrupt. If thats the full song im disappointed in that... First thing that comes up for edm Dont ruin your fucking voice with those cigs ron! Europeans amiright FUCKING FINALLY Pretty lights Woa woa woa they get fined in britain for that? LOL Who needs other items for adcs when you have the best item in the game the black cleaver Lol there was a zezima fanboy in your game! Rip stripper pole Holy FUCK that spear speed. Time to play me some nid before shes fucking nerfed to shit Damn rainman carried hard Should have gone ninja tabi or mercs zerkers arent that great for top laners... Rofl! How do you get so damn lucky nightmare The dougie is amazing wtf you talking about So creepy god Diana login still best! Hey look so awkward lol Ofc phreak would jungle with irelia Ewwww GIVEMETHEPENTAAAAAAAAAGHHHHH I lol'ed,24,5,3,5,0,21,0 116,X117,I love beyond amazing3 Love the meaning of that deep.....Gaga rules the world! whats the name of the song? Love you Julia 3 it made me cry 3 gooooooooooooood......ILOVE IT! I'm gonnamake it worldwide I love Rihanna everything she does is great....but...why in this video she's touching always her pussy?? O_o what Niki Minaj is singing? A really nice song......a complete mix from her greatest hits such as Celebration Sorry and Get Together...but still a good song....a lot better than GMAYL. at 1.15 epic can see cameras lol RIHANNA?!,10,0,3,5,0,21,0 117,X118,Steve rocks with and without aerosmith...end of. x strange then that he dont know hw to smoke it......!!! x class tune tho...x omg that was shit you'd be wouldnt feel shit. doh. cant even see whats going on. my childrens song andtoday my best friend gave birth and i sang it t her baby....x i dont think she needs to know how to use it to know that there is not a good shade for her! erm...what was that exactly? not funny just stupid thats 7. no one said it werent. but its still funny. tell me more at: love that its women in their fortiesas sex it all but this is particularily cool.......x,13,0,3,5,0,39,0 118,X119,Are u fucking kidding me Wow he really let himself go This shit makes me laugh I remember this Illegal She cute God bless her Damn Good video Damn they good Kane reaction to aj Da hell iGoodbye is about to start I remember this vid saw it in 2009 Rip I carly you did good I live here Gta ctw Wooooo! Wooooooooooooooo Shallon That is great zoom Rockstar gta,22,1,2,1,0,22,0 119,X3447,"love at first sight LOL 11:50 ,he later went on to be englands penalty coach, thats funny especially after the 2012 Euro Cup shut up most expensive hammer wtf is that drink is it just me or do other see the subliminal messaging? sue is a bitch for doing that to ms. young uhh i dont understand isnt everyone strippers there? LOLOLOL That girl has a really nice... hat What album is this from? I want to download. why is this video in response to a meerkat close up? the fuck mate i dont think youve ever seen 25 centimeters before RWJ can suck my dick security guard: jeez i just wanted to know what they were up to wait whiping your bum from the front is weird? 12:49 lol kid steals his turban! Yeah the scooter is cool but the quality of the hand held camera is so good! the only thing i think is shit is your editing Ran for that long and didnt even break a sweat... beast fucking bitch WASTING food!! bitch didnt end up having a bbq with them its funny 'cause hes fat Taylor Gang or die! bbbbbBbbBreaking BAD! He sounds good because hes singing over the actual song... Fuck you Mr. White! dumb bitch destroying food lol absolut vodka product placement ive probably contributed to a 100 thousand views gangnam style is south korean you uneducated fat piece of shit. Your'e one of those fucking idiots who represent america in the wrong way you shouldnt even be allowed to call yourself american. god i hate white people Slave ass illuminati puppet! seeing him this saturday! 3:05 you have time to jump from the edge of space but now time to trim... Shit.... you escalate quick bro",35,1,5,5,0,24,1 120,X121,whats up with the shitty music????????????? justin bebier is cool someone needs to take chris brown out well i really could have done with out the music you can't hear what is being said do you really talk like that? and........ at least Americans do not make 10 year old girls marry old men and have kids ( some die in childbirth because the are kids themselves!!!) just sayin Wal-Mart???? 2nd Tuesday @5:00.... REALLY???? I'm white and had no idea?!?!?!why do blks go to church??? the LATE GREAT??????? He killed somebody......what was great about that? bring SPARKY back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW Jason Aldean is wonderful and this song is really really great!!! AND he nice to look at too!!!!!!! it's such a shame they didnt get a chance to go back on tour the 70's had the best music...... all across the board!!!!!!!! too true I should have said that..... in music today you never hear anyone doing harmony... they dont know how and have you seen anyone use an organ in the last 30 years? hmmmm winecoolers camaroZ28'scruzing and LRB WELL Justin Beiber is a good kid why don't you trash the shitty rap 'stars' like chris brown or some like him?????? wow!!!!!! what a sexy smokey voice!!!!! i love this song no one writes like this any more. OMG!!!!!!!!! They were just.... great wonderful.....need i say more the Temps got screwed bad my husband new Eddy after the Temps he moved back here to B'ham to be with his Mother and died broke. if you love the Temps then have to watch the movie of how they got started and what happened to them......simply tragic..... my husband knew Eddy after the Temps when he moved back to B'ham he died broke so sad what a great guy!!!! i met the Commodores minuse Ritchy in the mid 80's at the Alabama hall of fame in B'ham we were standing in one of the breezways watching as other people were honored they were just the nicest guys ever....... i was 16 and star struck!!!!! hahaha.......lady kaka.....this is my all time fav song....i have been looking for it for awhile thanks for posting it! Linda Carter was Miss USA not sure what year no padding or fake boobs dumbass!!!,21,1,2,5,0,44,0 121,X122,I love this song I love this recipe. I am trying to lose weight and have begun to eat more turkey and less beef and pork. This is my favorite way to do wings since I really don't like all that white meat of the turkey. Thanks give us more. A great worship song for all those who love the Lord. You are believed to be innocent until found guilty. No one deserves that type of treatment. There is a hell waiting for those who will abuse their authority and for those who stand by and watch and do nothing. Oh send all those haters back to the caves. Check your DNA,4,0,4,5,0,65,0 122,X123,"this one is prolly the best slender the most work went into the grapics out of all of them WEDDING IS FIRE!!! get nicki minaj outta this song how did u get an entire mall to play airsoft with? DAMN SCIENCE YOU SCARY! you should do black ops zombies PLAY CLOP!!!!!! ERMAHGERD! a wee bit quiter on the music 1:41 Mustache man is not impressed basically welding the ,A E, means action express epic food as always but why the fuck did you guys bring riff raff on? I like this version much better than The actual video powdered sugar might work better damn PS1 era games im all nostalgic right now the assassins creed octopus wasnt 2 it was either brother hood or revelations A very heart felt video..except that gun control only takes guns away from law abiding citizens..not to take away from the purpoes of this video though was the dude in sunglasses jamie fox? are the mini 30 and the mini 14 considered assault weapons? Intro song? and good vid! mother fucker fuck the world!! Google search ,new york gun owners refuse to regester, we're not ALL liberals here in NY 2:19 im pretty sure is legal unless its full auto never see tomorow - hope is only skin deep im dissapointed in fine bros. they didnt ask the obvious question..what is chocolate rain? a very obvious mistake 27 ,bootys, nah over dramamtic is making a collage of your ex's photos and then going at it with a shot gun *raises hand* guilty te-he",28,2,4,3,0,20,1 123,X124,if you dont like it then why bother listen to it? Thank you so much Snake for choosing this game I wasn't sure if I was goin to get it but you convince me :D Again you rock as a person and walkthough!! Keep it rockin Snake!! hell yeah old classic mario karts good choice :D XD press B to avoid spinout XDD i couldn't stop laughing omg too funny rockin this music lol im loving this new walkthrough and nice that jany's joined up again :) i'm getting so paranoid i'm just waiting for a zombie to just be right next to an open door to just eat your face off omg my heart was racing when those zombies were starting to come to the alarm lol XD lovin the race so far ahhh childhood memories ^.^ I love how when the charcter zombiefies your a brand new person. Very creative :3 XD nice one jany you antihomo person!! lol jk my heart was racing on the second soundtrack. Great job! GO LIL SHIP GO!!! XD,15,6,4,5,0,23,1 124,X125,"hey can you send me this song i would love to remix it gt is booty tagger6 I JUST NOTICE HER EYES ARE CLOSE DA WHOLE DAMN VID OH WHAT NEVER MIND I JUST SAW THEM AND WHAT WITH DA DOG! O_o and da people who are haten.....plz dont hate on FRIDAY DA SONG!! LOOK EVERYBODY! SHE CANT SING OK THATS ONE THING TO MAKE FUN OF BUT SHE HAS DA SPIRIT OF A GOOD SINGER SHE JUST NEED PRACTICE DIS IS MAYBE DA FIRST TIME SHE SING AND AT LEAST SHE IS BRAVE TO PUT IT ONLINE WHY DONT YOU HATERS MAKE A RESOND VIDEO OF UR SINGING OH WAIT I FOROT YOU DONT HAVE DA BALLS TO SING YOU FUCKING COWARDS OK YOU MIGHT BE DA WORST SING MAYBE IN DA WORLD OK SO WHY YOU GOTTA BE HATEN IF WE (THE PEOPLE THAT ARE NOT HATEN) SHOULD BE DA ONES TO BE HATEN ON YOU! TOLLY AGREE COD SUCKS THATS WHY HALOS BETTER! then what does it mean im tall than almost ever one in my family and im just 14 i have a birth mark on my head for along time with im going to get surgery on da 15th im smart tall fast and alive but it makes me feel like a monster cuz of the depression i'v been going through for along time sure god might fuck up my life somtimes but still what does it makes me when i know the most important thing 'bladesgunsand bombs can hurt you but depression will kill you'. FUNNY CUZ HE DID LOST HIS SPOT LOLOL 2:07 to 2:10 when she ment daddy i know she ment by pimp cuz i know she is piss from her last client that didnt give her a $100 when he bought her some water to count as ,EXPENSIVE,. Hey Buckleythank you for the tip now i know what to do when my childern are pricks and hate me and when they dont need the stuff if they have their own house and ill be enjoying the the time when im 40-100 years old.-A random guy So hamster can you plz fixed da game its starting to piss me on a little and fix the option to send your songs to youtube plz. Is this a real book cuz if this goes to a pre-school omg the kids are gonna be fucked up when they are older. CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG THAT COLA!!! 4 dislikes suck at gutar hero. YOU PEOPLE ARE FUCKED UP! I dont get it I get on one day to listen to some dubstep and you guys always talk shit about god jews gays bisexual people and many things that are just complete fucked up if you think talk shit to god or about the holocaust is funny then i lose all respect towards youand if america is turning like this then i would go to africa instead being fucked up like you dumb fucks cant you listen to dubstep and be peaceful but i guess america is mexico. HEY GUYS IF YOU DONT BELIEVE THE LYRICS LOOK UP THIS SONG WITH THE LYRICS ON YOUTUBE WHICH YOU ARE ALREADY ON SO IT WILL BE EASIER R.I.P SKRILLIX MOM :{",15,0,5,5,0,27,0 125,X1868,eating taco bell while watching this helps out a little lol you're actually really pretty with your hair up i can read the shit out of things ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah lol asahi super dry is so shitty... coming from a 17 year old getting one tomorrow! my first smart phone so excited the girl who bit her lip hot damn shes so adorable hahaha @RIDEChannel what kind of bag does he use? shes a milf this... this is we can have nice things what a little bitch @Enno72183 YES fucking perfect ending. that show is so great just got a pair of these! @sethy2004 which is why he created facebook hahah i met the Fonz at work last week. nicest guy in the world so before i didnt like coldplay that much. but then in may the night before my birthday i worked their show at the hollywood bowl. they're fucking legit got paid to see this tonight at the hollywood bowl.. my jobs not half bad these kids arent pro yet though longboarders: the bitch kids that never learned how to ollie longboarders: the bitch kids that never learned how to ollie HA GAYYYYYYYY ok really if i wanted to watch young couples kiss over and over again id rather watch porn This isnt canada. only in america would cops pull this bullshit they're so fucking ugly make a video with yoon erica looks so unhappy haha seeing them in december fuck yes!!! Do you guys not have a car to begin with? 5:18 done that more times than i can remember @PennyLayne4Life either that or @cindybin2001 is a mormon I'm from cali but my aunt is from park slope... god damn i fucking miss new york.. holy shit nice tits a lot of that is hardcore dancing which is not moshing $w4g~~!!!!!!! can i pee in ur butt this makes me feel so uncomfortable..,36,4,3,1,1,23,0 126,X127,smfh the white race ain shut sometimes,1,2,7,18,0,26,1 127,X128,IRON MAN THE BEST !!! GOING TO BE THE BEST MOVIE !!! tres badd stupid but Cute replay yah replayy for the gial in white 2:56 to3:02 miamm All i see izz take downnn sasuke will not dieee my friend ti chinoise sa yo papa m ta conyen toute let me be your manager do ur thingg dont be sceuuurrrd dont hate on bieber he killed it black or white micheal iz a pouchii boy (no homo ) thx to those adds already see rick astley artist m bad broo wawwwwwwwwwwwww fuckk you lil bitchhh we love youu tooo shane waaww fucked english dubbed 0:53 nice ride tsunade doucement bouboule jte respect moi hahha merdee nicee nicee arretez avec vos 2012 on va tjrs ecouter ca keuuutt tiiiiiib bel bayy jai juste envie de tuer c gars la kimimaro true blood,25,0,3,5,0,26,0 128,X129,LOLOLOLOL she's so different LOLOLOLOL,1,1,3,5,0,21,0 129,X130,"I honestly think that these hosts needs a little assistance. They are trying to be cool. If you are cool you don't have to try. As the BEST ADVICE I can give you is PLEASE watch Rick Mercier a little bit.... if you want to rant without taking a breath then please look at Rick The Best Rant Report. Perhaps then I will have more respect when you can actually give you a great guidance. I am not a hater.. I just am directing you towards a fine journalist. I actually liked your honesty. It is rare on some comments. I voted you up. The Foo Fighters or rather ,DAVE, I lean into as my divorce is at my throat. I lean to him always. I love you Angel. This a beautiful tribute. I have saved 5 animals and I say thank you for thoses that can't speak! Omg.... that made me laugh. Knee slapper laughing. The facial expression is priceless. Cracked me up! When I watched this video I counted 11 places where I have been during the video. I love this song so much!!!! Wish I knew what was said as the whisper.",5,2,3,4,0,40,0 130,X131,I LOVE THIS SONG WITH EVERY OUNCE OF MY BEING. I love her voice! She sounds really good in this! BEEEEEAAAAADDDSS OOOOFF JAAAAAADDEEE FOOR BEEEAAAUUUUUUTTTYYYY! Memorized? Check. Ringtone? Check. Perform a duet with person I've know for two days by the light of a campfire while 22 girls and seven adults look on in a look of mixed horror and amazement? Check. Yep. This song has some amazing memories attached. This song reminds me of my summer camp because we did lots of canoeing and we went on a day trip to a river and the counselors claimed they'd teach us this song but they never did! I know the lyrics by heart and sang them in my head so it was ok. Ed Sheeran 3 I love this. That's enough Kevin. LMFAO. I can't stop laughing. The video is odd but that's okay because the song is brilliant xx I am in love with this song. 333 Marmite is terrible. It tastes like small children's tears. I LOVE THIS. Awesome job!,13,1,5,5,0,35,0 131,X3128,"How 'bout you both get the fuck of MY internet! Once doesn't do this... Kill it before it lays eggs! Kill it before it lays eggs! A Wild Snorlax Appeared! damn! this bitch got skillz...Kudos.. Kill it before it lays eggs! Snorting dehydrated whale semen. I actually like peter's rendition of this song better than the original I think Peter brings more energy to it.. Does anyone else feel like they're gonna burn in hell for singing along? HOLY FUCK SOMEONE CLONED THAT BEIBER FAG!!!KILL THEM BEFORE THEY LAY EGGS!! HOLY FUCK SOMEONE CLONED THAT BEIBER FAG!!!KILL THEM BEFORE THEY LAY EGGS!! I think hagred is less hairy. IT'S CALLED A SALAD......fuck.... Kill it before it lays eggs!! What's the release date for this horror movie? You spelled ,OMFG KILL THAT FUCKING THING BEFORE IT BREEDS, wrong... I find this difficult to masturbate to.. Was NASA throwing out their old shuttle landing chutes? WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WATCH!!! A Wild Snorlax Appeared! This kid is an amateur I would have thrown bags filled with liquefied dog shit and other various animal fluids... Damn Has this filthy food sponge ever tasted a salad!!!IT'S CALLED A TREADMILL MOTHERFUCKER!!And your shit ain't entertaining It's fucking rubbish.. You ordered meaningful beauty?!Didn't your momma ever tell you you can't polish a turd? Dude This is a rubbish rendition of the song It sounds very flat and tinny I honestly have not heard anything decent from these guys in quite a long time..Pretty much all their shit sounds the same..Regardless of how much of a fucktard Kanye is He knows he's shit..Best to leave Kanye to be sung by Kanye. No it makes him/her a girl who is a lesbian Dude you lost your funny..All you give a fuck about now is subscribers and bringing in shitty guests.comment question - gone over scripted too many advertising bullshit annotations Dude you need to lose the fucking production crew and go back to grass roots like it was a year ago we don't want this shit It's obvious you got drawn in by the money..And to be honest we don't give a flying fuck about who helped you FAKE the show Lose the credits and bring back the DANCING KITTEH!! The funniest part is They're not even hot Just a couple of slappers trying to become famous. RIP BRIAN WRIGHT. Kill it before it lays eggs Rest in peace dude. this truly is a sad day Rest in peace bro.. you will be missed RIP Lewis.. Why do these 9gag fuckers keep doing shit like this... shame on them It's the Gay Direction The fact they where attached to the flaps that make the plane to lift yeah it's actually possible.. pulling down the vertical flaps will cause the plane to go into an instant nose dive.",36,0,2,5,0,27,1 132,X2992,"All i see is stupid cunts dancing around like morons and a pissed egoistic dumb fucking american piece of shit trying to charge at a guy failing badly then goes , Shake my hand lets be bff!, the fuck.. 0:23 suits swell for this shit. Crybaby Come on it's a dildo must have slipped out of his ass while kissing the other guy. Every WWE *khrm* wrestler shoves one up in their ass before the show basic ackowledge. Captain state the obvious is back! The arrow has an splash dmg.. Math :DDD Bullshit. LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE *SNIFF* LEAVE HER ALONE! The death wouldve been way funnier than this shit. Pussy Keep holding hands and you might become something more than just friends. Too bad it's me.. I still think you should believe in yourself before anyTHING else. Apologies aren't enough everytime you better start shipping those babies in. Kill it with fire! Ye everybody vote for me and ill smoke weed in the white house. Well that is.. op? Combining this and the starfall macro madness together makes this a damn powerfull class O.o. Hopefully these tricks of mechanics don't get nerfed. Anyway keep bellydancepwning with ur boomer its awesome. Btw anybody got ideas/suggestions wheter should i play hunter/dk/mage? Having trouble deciding... Gimme dat naga. -.- And it sucks. Why people even bother to do these games anymore? Nobody plays copy-mmorpgs like these. Looks entirely same as rift or some other shits that came out last couple of years. After a year this game is going to crash to f2p shit too. drumming isn't for impressing skanks.. proof religions and believes in something greater don't exist Im going to use this one against everybody who claims that god or something else exists. Or just go by and pour some coke on their paper ... The life of a pervert everything looks like you should shove em up to your ass. Fancy shit for the fancy boys ain't that right sweetheart? What is? Are you man of god to say what is music and what is not? Are you jesus? Does jesus really exsist? Music video feat. interracial porn? Oh that is what Solid Snakes voice looks like! I've never seen a voice before. Yes i would be that is correct!",30,4,4,5,0,21,0 133,X134,check this out! NEW VLOGGING GROUP!!!!!,2,111,3,148,0,44,0 134,X135,anyone notice that there is only like 304 views and 1155 likes?????? dang what happen robin???? cheveron This song hits...,4,2,4,1,1,23,0 135,X136,nope im 17 and i got one :] 1931 model a flatbed! nothing else like it. work of art Okay Class Field Trip Off to the Swamp to do som' Muddin! i like jokes so i type in honda civic what kind of ipod hook up is that? did you notice and MPG increase with the KN filter??,5,4,3,3,0,17,1 136,X273,"of course there is asshole brazil's medicine technology is the most advanced of the world i mean Venosaur no shit sherlock oh my fucking god WHY DO MAIN CHARACTERS PRETEND THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO FUCK A WOMAN! YOU DISAPOINT ME SNAKE! I'LL CALL M. BISON HE'LL BE YOUR TUTOR congratulations! you just drank coal! dadadadaaaa(zelda) what the fuckity fuck?! did venosaur change to venusaur? FUCK!!! OH MY GOD!!! PLEASE MAKE MEWTWO DIE FOR GOOD THIS TIME!!! END THE BITCHES' BITCHING ABOUT ARCEUS!!! PEPPERCEPTION so her name is soul... neat... japan FTW it would be awesome seeing snake singing michael jackson... he already ends some words with ,h, like ,stuff-ahh, i want to be ,there-ahh, 13:37 video lenght flying or maybe ghost? falcon... PAWNCH FUCK YEAH BRAZIIIL MUNNY PLEASE BR BR BR MUNNY PLEASE aplique agua gelada na rea da queimadura TSSSSSSSSSSSSSS joga metal gear 2 kkk seria muito engraado divertido e interessante ver voc jogando mgs2 sons of liberty you like videogames.... i can say that videogames like you... ar-que-us my ass! i say ar-ce-us bitch WHO'S WITH ME?! FUCK THE POKELICE! 10:44 ,YOU'RE NO MATCH FOR MY SHUNGOKUSATSU(raging demon), -Akuma/Gouki jaffa cookies? simon's pardise Fucking stupid putting a dumb name with dumb grammar. Fucking scrup i feel like that face is raping my soul remove ,tube, and put ,repeat, press enter and enjoy MELHOR MUSICA DE TODAS KKKKKKKK ,vou bater punheta a madrugada inteira, I COMFUCKINPLETELY AGREE WITH #2 well maybe mewthree can exist... isn't there a ,return of mewtwo, movie? please do the livestream! i'm playin' through mgs2 on my ps2 right now #15 i agree with all except only kh1(not kh2) has a bad use of losing a battle#14 oh fuck not mario party TT~TT#13 ow my thumb#12 only metal gear saved this feature...#11 don't get me started on kingdom hearts re:coded... i still have nightmares#10 i still havent beaten all of the castlevanias on the ds....#9 DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THIS PLEASE I LOVE MY SANITY!#8 oh resident evil 4....#7 pure pure PURE GAMEPLAY TO FUCK! YOU! UP! AND NO BREAKS TO THE FINAL BOSS!!!! FUCK!! play slender with her ahhahahahha i fucking hate that voice.... it makes me want to jump from the top of the empire state building and hope to fall head-first on a moving bullet if you listen closely kinda looks like he's saying ,cyber! cyber!,",32,19,3,6,0,31,0 137,X138,the girl at 0:30 is hot. las dolidas porke las dejaron que comentan aqui.. aqui estoy yo.. haha comareeee well she named her kid gaybriel get on BF3. are you going to upload the video of you pooping yourself? avatar. quest crew. subscribed. pobre piso.. Asians are easy targets lol. y no la supe cuidar.. y como me arrepiento.. te amo shaparrita y te extranio como no te imaginas si ya lo se.. aunque mis intenciones no eran malas.. pero al fin uno siempre se da cuenta demasiado tarde.. no supe lo que tenia en ella. me lo meresco. it's 9 years old. en donde fue esta presentacion? como me llega esta cancion.. chingada madre,16,0,4,1,0,24,0 138,X139,"when I saw this on tv the music was louder than he was I love this video perfect for the holidays as well I fell asleep before they performed this so glad its up on here love this song Dez does look good for Country but maybe because he's from Lousiana so he does have that bit of country-feel in him :-) they put the three best voices and well matched voices in one song I would have this on repeat Tim McGraw is lucky she's so pretty! hahah I was asking myself out loud is that billy ray cyrus!! and the mullet was a total give way! awsome! I'm already crying when he read the letter Luke Bryan my favorite country artist among many others one of the best! congrats boys!!! Wanted Forever Josh Turner is hot he is seriously hot I'm still getting used to Ren he's a cutie though Rascal Flatts how perfect! oh my goodness this really is so funny tough men and babies right??? forget the ,leaving, dress we'd have a ,staying, dress cause there would be no way a woman would leave a gorgeous guy as him Love how he took this song and then did a sequel like video to this one girl needs to put the mic a bit closer can barely hear her sometimes but they are soo good! I bounce in the car when I listen to this song as I drive I love it @mlu991 I'm a city girl I can punch just fine lol and I have shot a gun before lol but it is true for some they can't they auditioned with this song and then did their finale with this song I think its a great end it was too cute I love how he picked up the hat and gave it back what a cutie YAY! Love this isn't that the same location where Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood did ,Remind Me,??? interesting hahaha Blake shelton saying Shakira's name bad boys! JC Chasez LOVEE 3",27,3,4,5,0,23,0 139,X140,Sorry no skyrim in a while postponed so i can do a tekkit playthough. Going to live stream Feed The Beast Insanity soon will be on YouTube eventually.,2,23,3,33,0,20,0 140,X141,That makes logical sense; if you don't like it then don't listen to it.I think what some people are getting that is how some people don't like this change and end up accusing YG instead.I'm just happy Epik High is making music again. I keep laughing at that damned mic. OMFG KAI MOVE YOUR MIC hahahaha I can't- Baekhyun...looks like a puppy./flipstables One of the members left officially. I don't mind that her dancing isn't great; her VOICE is enough for me. ^_^I wasn't expecting this from YG to be honest. I'm glad they went with this route. Beautiful girl beautiful voice! As far as people commenting on her pronunciation....I suggest listening to the original first. I didn't quite understand everything she said at first but the original cleared it up. She isn't horrible but she definitely has potential. It seems like everybody is suddenly a music critic now. There's a difference between constructive criticism and being flat out rude. Y'all crack me up. :D I feel like they should have allowed the girls to listen to all of the song choices first and then choose who they wanted to go out to. It would have made more sense. _ Why is everybody attacking JB? It can't be helped if he just can't return the feelings. It's a lot harder than it looks; I feel sorry for Seungha too but JB doesn't feel the same way.He isn't a villain for being honest. Would you rather him lie and say that he likes her too? Seriously this show puts these idols' feelings on the line and they should be viewed from all perspectives. YG really dominated this year! 2012 was YG's year and let's hope 2013 will be even better....Fantastic Baby :-D I'm looking forward to how they're going to be able to perform this seeing as the choreo is beyond the usual pretty poses and fancy walking.They haven't had any strenuous choreography since Into The New World.We're all waiting SNSD! :-D I've waited long periods of time for all sorts of things but never 6+ months for a GAWDDAMN COMEBACKYeah SM 2013 better include a comeback for these precious beings or else-- I honestly think she's the prettiest among the SNSD members. I'm not a SONE but if I had to pick a bias it'd definitely be her. Stay beautiful Yuri! 3 The album looked pretty but I think I'll just stick to digitally purchasing it. ;-) Haha it takes a lot for me to buy an actual physical copy of an album. I am feeling some secondhand embarrassment from watching Tao and Kris do Two Moons.ahaHAHAAHahahaHAhAhAh Oh EXO y'all so great Keep in mind she's from another country; you keep complaining about not being able to understand her but it's not like Engrish is unheard of in Kpop. Stop being so cynical and listen to her voice....look at her presence...her potential. Some rude ass people nowadays. Well then.,17,2,3,5,0,21,0 141,X142,Good choice of song! Damn that ass You way more chill then wen u were all corperate That was pretty funny hope u feel good kinda scared to get mine pulled Samolian pirates That so drake wipeout edition that would be cool!! wat tpindel is comenting thats dope man love u keep up the funny vids Crispy dean is just like krispy kream Beast Thats true it we can blame each other en less he knew about it nd i got that same gummi bear shirt That takes heart Haha Chivas are boss Sik i popped a molly and im sweating Funny Thats by far the best one,16,0,2,5,0,21,0 142,X143,I like this xD great job xD i wana clabb on a track wif yu xD if your down HemiNation The Realist In The Stream I wana make a cover to this now lol but a male version ahaha great job 2thumbs up One awesome artist right here xD Lol i liked this beasting on all of em lol 50Cent go hard ^_^ girl got vocals thoo xD i lovvv itttt Well done xD we should clabb in a song,8,104,3,20,0,17,0 143,X144,This dance just makes people happy. But haters gonna hate no matter what. It's like she don't have voice any more. Ahahahhahahhahahha Crnogorci hahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahhahahhaa She is B O R I N G !!!!!!!!!!! This shit is sooooooo good! Amazing! Ali devojko to je jutarnji program. Kada predivna Spomenka napise tekst... Poenta je da je ova devjko mnoooogo gotivna za gledanje. :) Very good video and song! So different from everything else that is made today.,9,2,3,5,0,19,0 144,X145,Why don't you talk about the I'm blogging here documentary ??,1,5,4,11,0,16,0 145,X146,Soooo sexy this sooooong!!!!!!,1,5,5,3,0,20,0 146,X147,u could do better ur pretty but at singing u suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck u suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck aloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot they r a cute couple u haters(aka) bitchs need to back of the cutes couple eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer this is totaly me through my last boyfriend i miss him she disent know the song HAHAHAAHAHA haters she is only five she can rap better than you bitchs the girl thatis in the dress is cute girl in the dress well................... u suck hey katie PD stop being a gg no one likes u he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot :) you haters r fucking anoying u r really geting on people nerves and justin u r a cool person say selena gomez 5 timesclap your hands 5 times post this to 2 vidscheck your voice say selena gomez 5 times clap you hands 5 timespost this to 2 vid check your voice you are sucha hater fuck u are you seriouse i am so sorry sorry i am crying know i will be sad for the rest of the month god loves you you are a little princess i dont really like it ni fence but terible i agree well i wanna punch you in the face mother fucker you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexy he is such a sexy beast then you must be a teribble singer surprise cause r jelouse they make the best couple ever u guys are all fucking jerks they are all gourges if you have to put them in order then you dont really like any of them so go f**** yourself they are so flipin hoooooooooooooooooot,27,0,3,5,0,21,0 147,X148,"She's soo fucking cute I'm guessing there 75th ? movie He's always trying to hard to be funny and it just not working ! @itonia firstnameonly my guess is her stylist prob made her lmaooo at 1:53 just pulls out a pistol lolol badass get a lower back tattoo same couple at number 5 my breast say its a 60% chance its raining from my dick i love nickies accent your fucking gay lol I BEG TO DIFFER oh man that music throughout the video is annoying. good video but it was barley warchable with the music you see someone who you think is homeless eating baby shit and instead of telling them to stop ill buy you something instead they laugh and run away...humanity..but funny prank! These girls are so fucking sexy Yeah you can message me HE mothafuckasss lmaoo thats random It is I , went , to college. Fisters lead the way hooah !!! @1999joel it's a joke it's from jeanna marbles fag boy You prob treat your sled dogs like shit right? Atleast you sound like you do. It's cruel and pointless. Millions of animals die a day in slaughter farms for our consumption. You can go to a grocery store and find hundreds of different meats and cuts. But people still insist on going out and killing these animals who are lucky enoguh to have their freedom for sport because there bored. Letting the ones who died for us to live go to waste. Am I the only one who wants to rail the shit out that bitch. She got a sexy accent Was this on Staten Island? Seems like Staten Island lol Yeaa because states like new york and jersey matter. No one could out montana on a fucking map. Your the state people the govt would give to china. In staten Island? Cause they prob get introduced to hundreds of random people all the time. Shes fucking sexy !! Its RIP Sailor. Stay motivated brother you got this!!",29,2,3,5,1,18,0 148,X149,"For 300 subscribers I will celebrate with this video! Enjoy! Finally Gangnam Style has beaten Justin Bieber's Baby in views on YouTube.Let the Bieber Fever rage begin. This will be used to let you know whether or not the video uses MMD. Yet again another terrible song I made on FL studio. Well this is a poor excuse for a ,song, let alone a ,music video, lol. This is how you get high I was bored. Lol I don't even know Another FL Studio joke song Here is my entry for the MOMI 3rd Cup! I've finished the city model I've been working on. I will be using this for my future projects. This is an MMD of the theater game ,Whoosh Ball,",12,460,4,115,0,22,0 149,X150,How do I tell my best friend I like him without losing the friendship? (I'm a girl) Gangnam style... My god. Once the old people found out it everything was just FUCKED. James League of legends.. 8 hours straight. played lying down on my stomach on my bed.. back and shoulder blades hurt like hell. When the parents start getting excited about it it's old. That's what happened to Gangnam Style -.- I think it was right to discipline him... but I think suspension might be a bit harsh. A trip to the principals office instead might have been a bit more reasonable considering the kid is hardly old enough to understand what being suspended means. I should win a pair of shoes because JESUS. *ding* Is Kingsley Mandingo workin taneet? And if I wasn't workin they would leave. I'M DEAD. GLUTIUS MAXIMUUUUUUUUUS in the southern bush XD mighty morphing power rangers XD,11,1,3,2,1,14,0 150,X151,2.4 hey Get the fuck out! I'm English so no comment. Wow humans are so violent I think this is a waste of money plus don't we all have you know a money problems,5,8,4,22,0,29,0 151,X152,Danke viel mal 33 Love you *-* Imagine if he didn't made it through would one direction sill excist just without him ??,3,0,3,1,0,15,0 152,X153,ya bro how bout u stfu it was a ipod bitch recording a tv it aint gunna come out good wat the heck r they saying fake fake i love this game i luv the school bus name of game HELL YA,9,5,3,29,0,31,0 153,X154,your parents didnt love you. Do ed sherrans you need me I dont need you I have been drumming for 9 years and I have to say you are one of my favorite drummer on youtube. Such a crisp sound you have. Sounds really good! Keep it up. how the fuck did I go from a hamster sleeping to mac miller to this... RIP Tupac....? Yeah Stan... Wiz is a hobo...hmm ABANDON ALL GRAMMAR! Would you read the damn description? lol I didn't even take credit for this. Straight em flow lmaolove it. Hippy neurologist...? 2:02 Lmao yeah you shuffle... xD 2:24 Avada kedavra! She's needs to stop losing her violin in odd places lol No? Its listed in the title in order.. Lace the FUCK UP! Cool story bro. You should tell that at parties. THUMBS ARE FOR PUSSIES! Better female rapper than a lot of what we Americans have come up with. Is it bad if I thought the chorus was song by that lady..? I miss Abe Lincoln as well.. I Shred guitar so hard I snap pics like photography. Damn man Great punchline for sure mad props! Hey I love your flow check out my song in this world? I kinda have your same though process. Hey man thanks for checking this out. Love your beats. -Also subbed. mmmm just how my grandma makes it. This shit is sick. Love to use for my mixtape but that tag man lmao Deuce sucks lmao ...What did I take before i watched this... @2:00 Same Voice. You really fooled them peter. This gives me fucking chills.,29,202,3,8,0,18,0 154,X155,"We'll never know will we?not until we try thats is......... yay new ep!!! its thursday here hahaha i shit myself watching this then fucking laughed like hell afterwards!! omg that was sooooo intense I WANT MORE HEAVY RAIN AND MORE QUIRKY Loving this series!Keep it up nearby! Lol love that......,The Future Will Be BLACK, Sly i suggest buying BO2 for pc only then buying the adapters for different controllers.that way you can saved up to $200 QUIRKY!!!!!don't be so nervous i think its really sweet of you to do this for nearby he's a really lucky guy to have someone like you be his side. :D how did sjin get his space suit back? dude if english is your second language than you're doing a great job my friend. thanks for working so hard for us nearby! speeds* FBI!!!! SHOW ME YOUR DAMN HAND!!!! omg drug overdose much.... dude don't worry you're not the only one out there in that is the same for me as for you christina has helped me through a lot too.hope things turn out well for you. my life hasn't since i was 7.i'm now 12 btw. I see how it is.... agreed.... omg this tutorial is sooo simple thanks zoo much for this now i have an x-mas present for my aunt!!! :D THANK YOU SYKK I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOUR VIDS!!!!!! it is... I've been locked out of heaven for the 2 years you started christina but this cover is the key for the gate. it's aj man stop this craap... fucking racist bastard. have you tried nerd ropes yet?they're delicious!!!! i think it's Dokucraft",26,0,3,5,0,20,0 155,X156,"fuck yeah A7X. You'll never disappoint me with any of your material. I'll always support love and rock out to your music foREVer. This is fucking badass as fuck. The first time I listened to Mercy I imagined it being a metalcore song. I can't wait to hear The Word Alive's cover I can't hear your drums. only the song.. but it looks like it was accurate fuck yeah headstrong by Trapt. Hell yeah you know it! exactly dude I keep searching for it every day holy balls this sounds fuckin great bass boosted I beg to differ I'm using them to listen to this. They fuckin' BUMP! HOLY SHIT DUDE! Thanks!! Theory Of A Deadman always features the sexiest chicks Electric Forest is a fucking amazing song. I didn't want this to happen. I need ISS to release something heavy and electronic like Filth Friends Unite. That song is fucking sick. So far from the dubstep artists I've listened to. I think Omnitica drops the bass the hardest. This is probably my favorite dubstep song. The drop gives me chills everytime. Omnitica you make some of the best dubstep in the genre keep droppin' the bass like you always do.For those who smoke the wacky tobaccy listen to this song while blazed. You'll experience a realm filled with electronic adventures. that pop-up scared the poop out of me ELECTRONICORE BITCHES Came here for Caleb stayed cause this song goes... fucking... HHHAARRRDDDD Best video on YouTube. The only comment I've ever seen worthy of being at the top. hm I didn't really intend to piss anyone off because of my comment. 1. I wasn't begging for attention? 2. You're adopted. That was pretty fucking sick. I totally understand your rockin. I also rage the fuck out of this song 2 phenomenal songs my friend. I got the chills when I saw that! :') and his body was jerking like a zombie! Jimmy ,The Undead Rev' Sullivan. Fucking Live On foREVer Jimmy!!!!!!!!!!! Synyster Gates... never... loses... Lol this is Woe Is Me. It's pretty much the whole band minus 2 people. and Woe Is Me's new material off Genesi[s] is all the same. The same double bass rhythms vocal harmonies guitar riffs and ,machine-like, sound effects. All the same throughout the whole album. I love Woe Is Me which is why I still do and that's Issues. Number[s] Genesi[s] In my opinion: Of Mice Men Memphis May Fire are the best Risecore bands. I'm pretty sure and correct me if I'm wrong that ,screamo, is a stereotypical genre towards all of the ,scream, included genres such as post-hardcore metalcore deathcore and hardcore. I think The Ghost Inside and Parkway Drive sound very similar Fucking fantastic job. Home town support. Fucking great song. I could not agree with you more. Also salutations and live long A7x brother. Holy fuck. Listened to Southern Red (just about shit myself). Listened to this (went to Walmart to get new underwear) God damn these guys wreck. Thank you kind sir. I The Breather goes fucking hard. Easily one of my favorite metalcore bands. ,Doomsday, shits on everything though. Fucking sick man can't wait to hear it all. WOOOOH! This is fucking brutal I love it. That mini breakdown was fucking sick too. To be honest I really fucking loved how it shifted to techno at different sections. Also that frontman is a boss.",37,18,4,20,0,16,1 156,X157,imagine watching this high fuck that. you look like the stoner hippie from dazed and confused ! :D THE BEATLES~ lmao they are so stoned i love it. c: hold that shit in. I wish i can see their faces when they die and end up in hell. I want go get hiiiiiigh sooo hiiiiiiigh. virgin lungs. I think he's hot. I think i find him attractive because he can rip a bong like crazy. who gives a flying fuck how old you are just fucking listen to the music.,10,0,3,2,0,21,0 157,X158,this is cute 3 jjj like this song love this I LOVE THIS this is funny i love this i love this 3 I LOVE HELLO KITTY i relly love this song ALL SOMEVITEO KE$HA NICS HER i love u lindsay cute but anoying super love it ha,16,0,3,5,0,24,0 158,X1799,that was actually the perfect translation of that email that's some high quality toaster footage your mum goes to college-Kip Napolean dynamite your a whiny bitch deal with it! that was just a fucking rant. UNSUBSCRIBE! chill bros it just the pigs tryin to snatch our crops at the begining u ask the other girl to flash and the same one flashes u wait until she's finished befrore u tell her u ment the other girl @nutcrackaz learn how to spell before trying to insult people also read the second top comment. you have to admit she had perfect features and great tits we'll thank those two people who disliked this video for making the like bar look like a joint :) cunt needs therapy this video should be shown to everyone all over the world. you can't hide the truth forever. BC bud all the way bitch! what the fuck is wrong with this deluded cunt?! there just kids don't hate on them they could be out doing way worse stuff than stealing a few gumballs bitch please fuck yeah straya cunt! fuck da PO-Lice ! America's finally found a way to destroy everything good u need a whatnot tally in your next video you guy are like so cool you smoke smarties and shit like that's just so fucking reckless and fucking hectic and shit like omg like you guys are just so fucking cool I have no money it would be nice I guess. may I please have a copy? for xbox? first to say smack dat why don't we all stop fighting and just buy call of halo spartan ops-4 don't come here trying to troll us go crawl back into your little hole and wallow in self pity the dog would have been getting a massive contact high @theneenz41 haven't you seen full metal jacket what your seeing right there I the next Pvt Gomer Pyle ok Mr smarty pants make me a hoverboard they said that woman was addicted to cannibis for 14 years which is impossible because cannibis contains no physically addictive substance in it at all how many times does that semi-literate fuckwit need to say bro he's so hardcore he does tricks with a zippo lighter the wonderful political incorectness of the 90's @SimpleCookingChannel lol and you did make a giant jelly baby bong? Satan didn't give him tacos someone just gave him some acid Jeff and britta from the community,34,0,3,5,0,22,1 159,X160,an other remix .... oh yay When life gives you skittles though them at the trolls and tell them to go taste the freakin rainbow They should all be snuffed out the way they took the life of these children locking them up is far to easy on them. You may aswell pay for them to go on a holliday. I pay high taxes and all i feel is that i`ve helped a monster like them to live and not the inocent ones. years ago we called them Nazis these days we call them Christians brian washed from birth stone them to death they didn`t try hard enough I want email adresses WBC IS A VIRUS if left untreated it will spread to the point everything will be infected. THEY need to be cleansed off the face of the planet. THEY have raped the freedom of speech for far to long. Burn the Witches and the Heretics WBC only takes what they want from the bible and twist it to their demented crap they try to feed everyone. THEY have sined in the worse way. The American gov has let them walk all over what it is ment to mean to the ppl. now add the mortar your a pussy if you use any weapon in a fight x rated pfff cock blocked 10:01 the fat rich dick should relies that his car cant carry the weight next time edit out the sound ALL I WANT IS THE FUCKING ORIGINAL NOT THIS SHIT REMAKE CRAP LITTLE TURDS PUT ON YOUTUBE. DONT LIKE THIS COMMENT ? THEN FUCK YOU. welcome to youtube the new pissing ground god damn it i just found out that they wont release the gen here in Australia always miss out on some of the smaller cool cars. Probably worried that some p plate fag will right himself off Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ok so the asians have lost it BIG time but what part of it makes me jealous Darkwave! i think not this is pop trying to be hard Buckle your seat belts its get all sorts of crazy. wtf OK so from here i hit the little box SaTaN- jinglebells (why i will never know).....I then continued to fall ass over head into the vacumus black hole of shit. freakin ay when i`m out for a ride it happens most of the time and 75% of that its little turds on their P plates usually on the phone. It also happens when i`m in my car i will never understand why they have to be so close. next time i wont worn them.,26,0,2,5,1,110,1 160,X161,"This is so perfectly weird. I love it. Well that was quite a slap in the face. You know people travel into the city from around the world. There are idiots everywhere. Congratulations. You're an ignorant asshole. OMFG HIS LAUGH AT 09:56 You're such an idiot. It's obviously a cat. It has a serious medical condition that makes him look like a human. It's called ,Felis catus ianus,. You sir just made my day. I can barely sing this song... and I'm a girl. What is this insane vocal range?! Better than yours. ...what's wrong with being gay? Before I get shut down I'm going to say that I respect your opinion. But how does Obama have more ,experience, than Romney? On what planet are you on? It's okay th.... WAIT. You're not even American... No vote = no opinion...... Sorry if this offends anyone. The Beatles! How could you not know? Come to New York City and visit me! The -tard nicknames are for their safety not your curiosity. This sounds like a ghetto version of Taylor Swift. But her vocals are fabulous! All I want for Christmas is a kitty cat. :P And this fellow Americans is what our county has come to.",15,11,3,5,0,15,0 161,X162,such a great guy . you are so sweat love you . awsome;) you are great a expressing yourselp keep at is great job . next can you do a justin bieber song . you perfect just the way you are dont let any body tell you different. you are awsome .;) your hot hot shut up she is just haveing fun singing . so stop being such jerks and get a life. love it justin justin bieber pics hot awsome your hottttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you guy are so hot and funnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy on ur videos yes your so nice . love you you guys stop being such jerks she seems nice . if she wants to sing let her. woooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww the guy in the hat and black and red shirt your cute holly craaaaaaaap your amazeing you should try out for best dance crew or be in step up awsome love your make up you are amazing i wish i could sing like that. great job i feel so bad for the dog gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy dont let your kid drive till hese 25 bye the way is the guy thats sleeping the coach or something?,26,0,2,5,0,15,1 162,X163,"Oh and scoutandali your stupid to see that her fucken mother is giving her daughter a deadly drink known to kill person it contanse a energy drink mixed with a caffein drink how do I know because I watch more than you. Know till me would you feed or give a energy drink to your young child would you force a child who say they don't wanna do a beauty pageants anymore? If you say yes then what kind of mental problem do you have? Will telepathicmeatloaf we call those who bet the crap out of us homophobic thoughts who hate us. And I used to be a gay hater I would do things I'm not proud of but yet when one is mad I told him that he shouldn't be mad at me. I fond out that one of my best friends was gay after 18 years of friends he was killed and was given back to his family with a bible verse and a crass of Jesus stuck in his chest. I was there when the people that killed him returned his body. Great funny shit Sorry missing words and and but I dropped my cell in my 10 ft swimming pool 3 times and it still works great I think they're cells can handle the steam just saying. Nether buy your self a freaken stand or do a better job filming!!!!!! ):( Wow that's why you don't put your winnings in your bank accounts! I wouldn't Isn't comments supposed to be for the person who put the video on youtube and not bitch at those low lifes that think it's funny or view it different than u? Or the fact it's a sad that you like to wright bad comments to each other just for your amusement. I feel bad for the person in that car and congrats to those who helped And for those with with good comments if there are any? I'm gay and love it I was saved from a car crash and had a ner death experience but I didn't go to hell I seen god but he didn't stick me down he hugged me I'm alive and still gay I hate religion I hate people who read the bible a hate god for bringing me back to this fucking world of hate and violence I would love to set fire to a baptist church one day just to see if your damn god will strike me down by a lightning bolt Damn spelling it's not ,world it's ,worn, sorry If god hates American idol fine but he didn't give u the right to judge others we have the right of choice as you have the right to kiss your preachers ass This f***en family is f***ed up you got a hippo feeding a little girl something that can kill her what bad parents. Oh and America is a better place till Obama stiped in office. I'm pretty sheer this health plan will cure her and maybe mommy can get some help too Oh and your very sexy ;) Stickstr8up1 I don't now if you applying to me that question but I'm gay and I said it great to see straight people accept gays I just seen that you commented and it went to my email so I thought you were till me that so know u know about me I'm done and out What the fuck I don't hate African Americans but the Those kids are awesome",16,0,5,9,0,22,0 163,X2490,"artists grow her ass.. he half sings and half whatever the fuck he wants it cool but. come on Best headphones ever? For under 75$..yupp HAHAAHAHA he just fuck with people and make em wanna beat him up You sounds like a faggot,Watchu say,You heard me,Nigga imma real nigga ill eat yo pussy out Dennis robman didnt ball.. whats teh point of buying them...then trying to break em? wouldnt you be out a few 100 dollars?? bitchs aint shit.. his signuture shitt is gunna be ,BANG BANG, XD costed? The Jamaican GP SWill keep you calmJamaican GPS: Chalm Dowwn, how do you soap up b4 you turn the water on??? dosnt look like one IMMA REAL NIGGA ILLL EAT YO PUSSY OUT! hahahaha too funny XD Hahaha they blur a retried number and not the NBA logo or Champion logo Xd his shirt says klit.. :30 Cat: Fuck this why? Lil Young Shorty Nick Cannon took me almost 5 months to see them o_O t.i. dipshit thats not nas is it? didnt work HHAAHAHAH The mic part is so true how? Dj hi-Tek is white and gay.. me no get No sir fuck you the fuck is in his mouth? No this video is 2 years old Ur fapping UHHH ur fapping UHH UHH! Dude. how am i spose to cheat of you if i cant read your fuucking wrting!! calls u 1st? fuck dose that mean??? what the medicine ball on the abbs do? Ross dosnt. WALE dose meek can masterbate",37,1,2,5,0,22,1 164,X961,"there rapin zebras out there!!! LMFAO! to bad imob's a hacker clan... Hey dumass your the idiot who noticed the scope before you took notice that the whole guns fake! I think your the ,Codsofter, or whatever the hell you call it that ruins the game. hey for the love of god can we get together sometime like within this month to redo that song. I just got done playing through a good amp and looked at this video and realized...that guitar sounds like absolute shit! :D Plus i wanna record somethin! stupid ass advertisement! I was listening to good music! D: go to hell....xD wow i watched your 1st review then came here and was like...W...T...F... who the hell is this guy? you changed your appearance. bro we need to jam message me. 101(; you sir have a new subscriber good point i took a handheld grinder and cut it into it. kind of a harder way to do it but hey it worked lol Interesting yes but completely fictional. A real life sword fight did not consist of bashing each others swords. (There may have been some bashing but it wasn't the goal.) In a real sword fight the object was to kill the intended target in the shortest time possible. Also if a blade hits an object that is as hard or harder it tends to dull veeerrryyy fast. If this fight were to be real their blades would be raped. But who gives 2 shits about logic! This is pretty badass!!! :D I respect your views but a man must pay for the crimes he commits... Die hard rock fan here and i aint ashamed to say i love WIZ!!! xD god damn if the man wasnt a pussy he would just go out in the god damn water and get the dog... I support the old man stupid ass skater junk... These are the people who give a bad name to skaters Just got into blacksmithing about a month ago and I have to say I love it! Plan on watching a lot of your videos for project inspiration and techniques. :D love skaters*Before Caught* - Yo bro come at me nigger! You wanna go!?*After Caught* - Hey man!): You touched me theres laws against that! Il sue yo ass up!*After Security Guard Leaves* - Yo man we jus bossed that shit uppp!! He was scared of us! :DToo many laws towards children... man that fat ass mexican does need to go back home... wow hes even got that gay faggot laugh... love these videos! :D makes me wanna punch a tool! :D intro = happiness lol hes trippin balls this whole video DAT!! one mighty fine hat beached whale Hardworking never giving up chasing AND acheaving his dream...this man is a true champion. F akeA nd G ay what goes up... Ive seen a lot of bodies of water in China and strangely none of them look like that ,Steampunk Shotgun, Good luck might take that path Yupp we rock Fantastic.",33,19,4,23,0,42,0 165,X166,@Justin how old r u? And wow her eyes! I luv em! And I want her beautiful hair. :) she has natural beauty!!! I really like this song. :) a lot. I've listened to it OVER and OVER again! LOL!,2,1,3,6,0,27,0 166,X167,New video coming very very soon. In about 3 hours according to the upload time. It's not Rogue Galaxy it's mostly me testing out the new camera but I hope you can enjoy it anyway? MORE RG WILL COME SOON I PROMISE.,1,1198,7,272,0,32,0 167,X168,Was just a suggestion not requirement ;) right srry still not less than a month four months is a shit ton for me bro Never heard of him who is that? Hey Joe its Ice just saying hi bro At 5:44 should've walked through the river what was that Sykk? Oh well happens to everyone sometimes. I thought she said she was from Japan she speaks the language she looks Japanese I assume she is Japanese. Owned. :) Pretty sure they are all friends Joven is never bullied or anything they just tease him they are probably really nice to him off camera and just like to mess around and if you are wondering about the slapping they do to him it was a bet that is in no way a personal offense to him. Bro fist :) Even so you should feel bad to anyone who gets murdered because no one deserves to die like that especially the children they are the future of this planet and are innocent. Please don't act like you know everything and think before you speak. Why doesn't this have more thumbs? Tornaneboes OP I agree with the description the depth of the story is just brilliant. It's Nihamu not ni-hao Japanese not Chinese. Should make a Sandshrew from Pokemon skin for Rammus that would be amazing. I think the reason Joven plays video games before he sleeps is because he's awesome single or not. :) cya dan No you. Because Shen's name is Chinese if it were to be Shun it would be Japanese oh the irony. Five potato So should Mari So much nostalgia not just the song which I remember listening to a few years back but the good days of Bleach the original arch was golden I mean to be fair the Espadas were cool but the story died down a little bit and now it's not even good thank you for this AMV.,22,11,4,30,0,20,0 168,X169,Say What the truck What the FCk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he does Cul SpickeyMickey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD Madison alamia i want to marry! Tell mikey to wait! they can wish me happy valentines day anytime I will never find someone like you mickey and mad boy i have a dance 4 this I 3 iconic boyz! XD I 3 maddison!!!!!!!! XD nice awwwwwww! this video is awesome! u go jb OMG shes so flipping good ! Lol sounds like justin bieber lol Ha ha its on ellen too ! :P whose that little head behind sam?,18,0,2,5,0,32,0 169,X170,"it sounds like a tube screamer or a bass modulator that adds distortion awesome chorus this is a great video. i feel like i cannot communicate without using some sort of psuedo etymological reference or concept beyond academia rhetoric this subjective dissonance however lets me understand things from a different point of view not grounded in any particular frame of reference other than the ones i was previously analogous to or exposed through outside conditions. id like to also say that i get more of a spiritual experience smoking salvia as dmt seems something that I experience when im going to sleep. Plus the way it is synthesized into a freebase that is smokable and only lasts no more than 10 minutes puts a detrimental effect on the original purpose of the compound psychologically sets people up to make it analogous to a hedonistic euphoria and there are no conclusive studies as to what it does to the brain in excessive consumption. dude fucking thanks man! I really appreciate the kind words \m/\m/ my buddy has a project called astral rapist btw im sure it can be found on the internet somewhere nice!!! im more of a heroin guy and i miss the pulp fiction days so FUCK you and your ringy ass trip no sports just sound like static thats all listen to jupiters moon IO it sounds whole tone at the end hmm maybe my friend was drunk and making stories up again why would you want to wear trousers if your on several hard drugs all the time anyway? wouldnt that shit be for squares? i would wonder if there a way to go lucid in a dream without revealing it to the dream itself unless then the dream reality is always lucid without the awareness of your locality. i remember taking risperdal and having lucid dreams that were very easily forced but very simple frame of referencewhere I would wake up and walk to the bathroom in a paralyzed state and try to look in the mirror knowing that i was lucid but seeing that my eyes were ripped out of my sockets then waking up terrified unconditional love is acceptance for freedom. freedom usually equates to hedonism. a bird really isn't free. suffering is upheld to desire crazy!! God Damn. This video is so hillarious. I can't help but to shout ,FUCK YOU!, and continue laughing ;D rofl christian metal is the most satanic i love it I wish shaun lane was still alive I would give anything to see this guy collaborate with him damn..those calves.. I couldnt agree more. Subjective connotations of what you think a culture is supposed to be regardless of the fact whether you are even a part of it just proves irrationality. And I agree with the fact that underground really doesn't exist anymore but its just making pop even more insane in its reverse psychological mechanisms of attacking things that people relate to the most. that ,trailer trash, tattoo is hillarious absolutely genius! I bet you a million bucks if I were to bring some of my buddies hydroponic indica no one would want to have a parade participate in any sort of games or ANYthing minus the drifting in and out of thoughts. btw the fake weed kicked my ass its just a synthetic hallucinogen i liked it so much i bought the pure jwh stuff right before it was banned its very mentally paralyzing and brings up locked up emotions to where expression is next to impossible i call it a j hole but i still smoked all that shit up mixing energy drinks with alcohol is crazy. it really does.. this commercial tels me exactly how the drinks makes me feel: ,get a rush while trying not to kill yourself,",27,152,8,46,0,27,0 170,X171,CHRISTIANITY: a lie about an affair that got WAY too out of hand. The end. SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL OF YOU AND ENJOY THE MUSICOkay bye. I didn't find this from the buried life. I'm a die hard Stacy Clark fan I have been since I was 13 and I'm almost 18 years old. R.I.P. REBECCA BLACK. I have to do this for drama class I'm m'lynn and I seriously don't even have to try to fake cry for this every time I think of how torn apart she is because Shelby is dead I just want to burst into tears. This has to be one of the best cover's I've ever heard. Rest in peace Angel. Tumblr brought me here! oh shit is that Scarlet Johansen? I slightly agree with you but only to an extent.Don't false shame women if they want to wear makeup let them. It is their body and their choice you're just plainly being an asshole. This is probably the best thing ever Uhm. Didn't find this on the hills because its a suck ass show. Someone made a mix cd and this was on it. She has a beautiful voice,12,4,4,8,0,109,0 171,X172,"Sweet song dude. I Lost my shit at 9ine btw you go from 19 to 21 to 20 then to 21 again in your numbers I can relate... But come on.. at one point during the process of him making this surrounded by people in pistachio suits about to make a parody of his own song (Which he probably hates by now because of the hype)and a bad parody at that. he had to have thought to himself... ,What am I doing with my life, First! No it his his right to speak his mind and his opinion. Just as it is my right to speak my opinion in reply to his commen Damn you bowser!! The fuck did I just watch That warning in the description needs to be bigger anyone else go back and click on all the links that they annotated? I have played the game before. it is fucking addicting as fuck That's ok I didn't need to sleep tonight. that's okay... I didn't need to sleep tonight. I lost my shit at ,Smoke Weed Everyday, Hey Guiz look Its more songs I will never finish wow... Its been forever... daaaaaaamn...... I hate this long line of glitch vids.... yeah... Love how that worked out for me... as far as garrys mod animations go... this is one of the best I have ever seen",19,175,3,29,0,21,0 172,X173,Wen me encanta esta cancin cssm Your voice is so beautiful *-* I love this cover :B And you are so cute :B Yo no lo pude ver :'c Lo amo ms que la chucha :'c ! ERES UNA GROSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ! e_ I love this They are amazing. Jonas Forever In our hearts.,5,0,3,5,0,18,0 173,X174,HARDSTYLE MOTHA FUCKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!,1,7,3,5,0,24,1 174,X175,SEARCH: OCCUPY WALL STREET THERE'S NOTHING HERE *,3,12,8,5,0,53,0 175,X514,Nice tits Nice tits Yea ive been made fun of... wanna know what I didnt do? A.cry like a bitch B. Yell at inatimate objects and C. give myself hemroids from yelling Grow up... Lifes a bitch make it your dont let it make you one And this whole time we should have been making fun of u! I wish she was deaf... I like deaf girls... They dont talk... she shouldnt talk... nice tits call me I was laughing my ass off till he took the offscreen shit too long Why didnt John Wayne Gacy off bitches like this? Epic Oh and they kicked you out because they could smell the trap a mile away... You just wanted to meet him... Have him fall for you and leave his wife... keep on truckin golddigger Muscles is getting cancer Tits or GTFO Wouldnt be the first woman ive made cry in the bathroom BAMF if you dont give me call of duty im going to bleed and pee on your hot dog cart You look like my ex... I hate you :-) I was filming while operating the forklift so excuse poor quality Lol Double WHAMMY! Peoople dont realize whether or not its ok for police to do this the easiest outcome is alwaysssssss alllwaysss to shut thw fuck up.. Do what they say... And if its wrong you file charges AFTER it happens... Doesnt make it right... But ittl keep u from getting k nj ocled the fuck out like this idiot We didnt steal it... We borrowed without asking.... THAT IS STEALING MORON! Excessive yes... Can I see that bitch going on and on and on talking shit yelling and such? Helllll yes... Next time STFU and noneeee of that would have happened Thats a guy I used to make magnetic fluid.... Then I took an arrow in the knee A hs dropout with no ged could count changw for christs sake If you dont give me an xbox im going to osama bin laden you phil! Thats fuckin bad ass Its goes like this..... Yes a straight!... Fuck a turn yes a wait no another turn fuck fuck fuck ANOTHER TURN!? COME ON! Lol weaksauce! You got one hell of a tan from shark week philly! @phillyD Your the man! But had that been an actual grenade they would have died. kill radius is 15 feet for shrapnel and pure Shockwave pressure. Probably just a concussion style stun grenade. Your a great man Phil and an inspiration! Maybe they dont watch your videos. The reason he asked those questions are because it pertained to images that were in the movie which he took totrial. Guys just doing his job. He needs verification that he admits to being the person in the clips that were used. Pretty much asking for the smoking gun. He asked several times nicely for her to sit down would he be? The world is not all rainbows and marshmallow skies buddy... Philly love your vid. Please dont judge people on theyre looks. I know what you meant and kind of agree BUT its dbotd material. No! Bad Phil!,30,1,3,3,0,29,1 176,X177,U are crazy LOL :DDD More better than Justin :) Jak si Mikel sednul naopak :D PROSM udlejte dal dly pod si poutm ty 3 dokola a jsou to ta nejzbavnj videa co znm vn prosm :) Dala bych si salmovou pizzu :D A) Niko B) Rocky C) Vlado D) Gino Bude akinomka :D Mnm MM's Rockstrar to nkdy zkusm :) 9:40 :DDDD Pokej pokej ticho :DD Takovej zser :DD To je lama :DDDDD dobe ty :DDDD,10,0,3,5,0,14,0 177,X178,"soo .... when does he DANCE like a robot? all asians look the same ... the kid at 1:23 - 1:31 pisses me offf. idk its just something about him well this obviously didnt take 9 hours.... it took 3 minutes and 30 seconds so what happens when u land? alright idk why none them starting running for the ice cream truck screaming ,ICCEE CREEEAAAMMMM, pause the video and click ,2, i remember those days... that was nothing I HAVE A BLUE EYE AND A BROWN EYE! very coooooool i do that all the time Klaypex is she the person from victorious? that kat girl or w/e? maybe thats why she has 10mil views so i just found out u use wikipedia for some of your facts... thats explains alot PAUSE AT 0:43 LMFAO so... is tomato a fruit or vegetable? guys the dislike button isnt a thumb clicking the ,power, on the boombox. ITS SO FLUFFFFFFFFFFFYYYY!!!!!!! steve spangler.... u do realize that i should be doing my homework right now? i...cant...stop... WATCHING! is john holland related to luke holland? if u dont know who luke holland is look him up. This comment serves no purpose but will randomly get the most likes... yeah i didnt smile.... i was freaked out. especially at 0:13 GIVE ME SOME THUMBS EVERYBODY FOR ROCK AND ROLLLL!!! thumbs up if you think they should make more of these (but better) alright well i think she gets made fun of all the time but realllllly need to say this. She like laughs in the beginning at 0:09 but then gets real serious fast. just wanted to throw that out Day 3 4 :26pm: Another night on the streets. Looking for a third set of speakers. .. wish me luck your welcome for the 90000 views... its pretty weird to see smosh with only 301 views O_o (as of nov 14) guys guys... you got it all wrong. He said ,math, NOOOT ,meth,!! 0:18 son of a fucking cock. goddamnit DUDE. ugh i thot u were just gonna go up to the camera and bite it man i didnt think u would do that! WTH!!! Your a fag and a douche So i guess all British men dont drink tea then... haha jk man im not a racist shithead Dont be all on the cops side. The girl was in jail and she was probably a bigass bitch that talked shit all the time. She probably didnt keep her mouth shut. Well you cant buy me love but ill kick your ass for free... thats the quote of the day MGM do a vid on all of the noises he makes! LIKE SO HE CAN SEE PLEASE holy awesomness. Mysteryguitarman Freddie Wong and Smosh all in one video!!! MGM make a video of all bathroom noises!!!! :D:D dude guys who gives a shit what people think thats hilarious its funny how this has more views than regular friday. and more likes... Which one is better:Rebecca Black - Friday orYoutube's National Anthem?Let's just hit the mute... hey everyone whos on the guys side stfu. I used to play and now that i quit things are so much more fun. believe me hes prob getting outside and doing shit for once. good job gf. keep on keepin on! Why is this video showing only my views? ...Weird",41,0,3,5,0,22,1 178,X179,Best episode yet n the music was perfect for the mission :D,1,8,4,2,0,20,0 179,X180,u guys are retarded for taking him seriously spew gonna be in melbs for perth show very nice work dude starting to look really good keep up the effort!,3,1,4,5,0,20,0 180,X181,Clean your fucking house you pig Get my pins out tomorrow :s How long after pin removal will someone be out of hockey for? Just an estimate Is this ferris beuller speaking? This guys still in shock next time drink your own semen or lamb blood. Btw i threw up today too.....swallowed some chewing tobacco Jason He definitely does not have a girlfriend....he's gay.... Plus chad needs to jump off a bridge Jason is so awkward Bob. God damnit He thinks everything is a troll Thumbnail reminded me of 2 girls one cup I really don't get the intro Ive watched 1 min of youre video and subscribed! i 3 youre voice lui Hamiltons fault Your dog is retarded like you haha SWAG You look hot Chads gay Beautiful... I'm funding Tucker's world tour Tucker is the best cod commentator because he always has original ideas!,21,14,4,4,0,23,0 181,X182,you are the best i like claw machine more than you! why the claw number is not shown in 16:50? yellow beauty and sleeping beauty all three of them!!!!!!!!!!!!! sea monkeys is my dream toy! 4:39 NO MORE PEANUT BUTTER! cute! why when some one die you replay it just go to the finsh line. so you will give it to a bear? you are lying you cannont win that rocket it is just with a coin thats all. my favorite one is on 6:22 one custurd pie wait i know this i played this in india! nice and china stop being so mean!,15,0,2,5,0,42,0 182,X183,BOWSS Boring Suck it bitches Lmfao freakin hilarious You are developing!!!! Heh heh Zev Nice swing for a 14 year old but looks like you might need a bit more control and a little better posture Dude been watching some of your videos and you got a lot of potential keep it up and you'll play pro in a few years best of luck to you!! What did you specialize as I.e general surgeon.. Orthopedic... I am interested in going to medical school and this looks like a fascinating specialty Wow nicely done where do you practice,10,1,5,5,0,21,0 183,X184,RIP just heard the news so sad :'( like a bosssssssss Listen to this at the same time as 'RainyMood' (google it for those who don't know it is just a recording of rain falling). Trust me its amazing! Jesus your voice is so bloody annoying in all your videos This is one of the greatest things I have ever seen I am set here at my desk smiling at how awesome it is!,5,1,7,5,0,23,0 184,X185,SO beautiful. Thank you very much :) such a beautiful cover dust oh my goodness I think I love you. If you're looking for a life partner i GOT YOU such a babe wowza nobody's perfect take your negativity elsewhere! you really made this your own! I'm partial to this over the original :p this is AMAZING well done well done. the second G string is meal all of the others aren't sounds so much like richie havens! love it Thank you :) very jonie esque so nice this is BEAUTIFUL,13,4,5,8,0,17,0 185,X186,i use my hands since the day i quit fighting opening my locker. (6th grade) so i like buying school supplies but i don't like school wait are you brothers? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :D you get better. :) i dare you to kiss with your tounge for 3 mins. im going to go to 9th grade,8,0,4,5,0,41,0 186,X187,is bored subscribe needs subscribers help!!! hey new vid out!!!!! i think i should make sum new vids hmm if only i could get sum advice,5,15,4,12,0,26,1 187,X188,dam the wierd side of youtube again i see what u did there hmm than go on my playlists and go to anime/dubstep its easier with boats imo it a flamethrower dont go down its a fucking wreck just a little fyi turned suck fucking dick the peacekeeper sounds amazing and plays amazing and i have yet to play die riese gonna right now tho its not possible to get it thereis a blocked door and if you wallbreach the camera than you can see the doorways on bolth sides are dead ends :/ because the raygun sucks at that round and explosive damage hey qdengler my friend made a video on how to mod enchants his username is darklygofast you should ask him if you can upload his tut im sure it will help make people wanna make way better maps! world of warcraft? maybe poop hey qdengler i sent you a msg to try to talk to my friend we have been working weeks to figure out how to mod enchants on weapons he got it and i sent you a msg to ask him to upload it on ur channel to help mapmakers did you get the msg? no there for the ipod halo i went past 20k and it counted. probobly a scrapped armour ability very helpful ive done the same thing but we got the enemy team to join in,18,8,3,3,0,32,0 188,X189,"Oh my goodness thank you SO much! :DI agree I should make more AGSM's but it's not too often when I feel like taking 600 pictures! xD Yup I did! I know what courage do I have! I've uploaded a new episode of Saige's Fashion Advice! Thanks! :) Hey guys! I know I've said this a million times but I'm actually making another AGTube mash-up video and I'm succeeding at it! *score*So far almost a quarter of it is done! (Pretty obsessive I know.) and it's going to be filled with all new AGTubers so there's a higher chance of you getting to be in the mash-up! If you haven't watched the first mash-up I did watch it here! I'm hoping to get at LEAST half of the video done tonight but if I can't then It'll probably be done tomorrow. Yup- we actually discovered Saige in November and I don't regret it! xDI actually have Saige now! :) Update On My Mash-Up: So far I have over 75% of it done. There is a high chance of me being able to finish the video today. I just hope everything goes well. xD Thanks for filling me in on these ,blind dates, now I know how to meet somebody in Korea! (If I even GET there. Oh well I can still dream) ^.^ Hilarious! XDThis ,mini collab, channel was pure genius and it's SO unique! :) Agreed. Beautiful! This was literally the best assignment yet- you are SO AGMA-worthy! 3 I think that there aren't a lot of outfits they released and they aren't even too cute. I honestly hate the white outfit too lacey for a modern outfit. I honestly think that the outfit at 0:25 has a summery kiddy feel... not a springy tween feel. I mean come on you don't see 10-year-olds wearing that do you? The only outfit I really liked from the collection was Molly's Limited Edition Pajamas (Could this mean she's on low demand?) and the Purple Party Outfit. Just use OXY-10 zit cream especially with a mark that severe. Also check the fabric quality of your doll clothes. Does the fabric stain your dolls legs? If so you might need to find a new fabric. Too hilarious! xDI loved it! I actually am obsessed with this song... thanks for bringing back the obsession! xD Thanks! :)The song is called ,Suzy, by Caravan Palace. I agree! I had to read this book for school called ,Journey To Topaz, and it's an amazing book about the imprisonment camps Japanese-Americans were sent to in World War 2 I found that book to be very interesting and informing! I want a Japanese-American Historical Character who gets sent to these camps now! If Molly retires they should do that. I'm so sorry about those loose limbs! Well at least it was free... and they got home early too. But I do think you should call AG and complain about it and while I don't think you can get a refund for the doll at least make them give you back the $13 you payed on shipping- since the dolls were only made worse and not better. You can always try tightening the limbs yourself it's way cheaper and you know the limbs will truly be tighter. How rude! If you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all! :( Oh mah gawd. You have a life-sized Justin Bieber mannequin. Crazy. Hilarious video BTW! XD",19,468,2,118,0,17,0 189,X190,"I really like this song! OMG! Kyu and Fany jjang! Hehe! Currently at episode 10 of this drama. OMG!! I just watched the movie If Only before watching this on youtube. So in love with Fany singing that song from the movie. My favorite movie! SNSD kids! So cute! 3 TaeYeon's singing really gives me goosebump. My fave singer of ballad songs. Emotion filled voice! Ahhhh Taeyeon-ah your diction improves quite a LOT. I guess Tiffany has been teaching you ehh?? XDD I just love her voice. Oh well Fany Fany Tiffany is good as well let's see how their ,daughter, did?? Off to Seohyun's video. Teukie and Krystal's dance soooooo FUNNY!! And wow YESUNG really cracks me up. I teared up when the maknaes express their feeling though especially Krystal. Ahh I didn't know I will like the artist in SMTOWN cause I am a loyal YG stan but then everything changes. I learned to appreciate them now. :)) Hmm?? Somehow I agree. It's just that TaeYeon's way of singing is just gentle and touched the hearts of the listener. That's why if I'm going to make a list I will put her higher than 4. Hyorin's voice is so powerful and I think she deserves the number 1 spot. :)) Davichi are great singers as well. Over all good choices. I'm a blackjack Bom and Minzy are great but still lacking. Goosebumps! I really like Sunny and Sica's part. Chorus eh? @__@ Tae stop being too good and beautiful. I cant help but fall in love with you if you are always like that. 3 lol T----T Aigooo Taeyeon-ah is so touched. Don't cry. I laughed then DIED!!! This girls are hilarious really. ____ Hyoyeon's GEE. Aigooo !! Really Funny. That's why I came to love these girls. I am no longer a hater (not actually a hater before but well I guess I don't like them before) LOVE them!! Violent Sica is soooooooo FUNNY!! Kicking everything!! HAHAHA!! Jessica forever ruining my bias list. This girl is so kyeopta ////// SNSD ballads never fail to amaze me! Really! I love this song. Great vocals for each member. WTH JungLi haha! This is so //// Taeyeon and Sunny those hyper kids. Aigoo! So cute!",17,0,2,5,0,22,0 190,X191,"You sound like a dying animal Wow lady NO ONE CARES I I hate you like a Selena Gomez song baby Get a life Last I checked SOAP went good with showers.............. Uh oh... my dog is howling.... I'm sorry Fido... God bitch DO SOMETHING!! You are so pathetic just sitting around making these dumb videos while everyone else your age has to go to school/work hard/etc. It's all you ever do! You're a drain on fucking society. Good job tramp. Crap kid. You're good. :) You are fucking ratch. Everyone let's chip in and get a muzzle for her birthday. Poor doggie... has no idea that Nichole probably gets off to it rolling on the floor.... :/ @dawndennette What????? Lmao :D @SIERRAAA1598 Duuuude chill out. You need a friggen tranquilizer. You're like what 9 years old? Wowwww ,ass, is such a naughty word for you. Why don't you get back to grammar school before you miss nap time. And Nicoya is right you're still the one wh @bouazizforever Ouais je suis compltement d'accord! C'est comme elle pense qu'elle est tellement importante ou n'importe quoi mais vraiment elle est trop conne! Elle va rien faire avec sa vie c'est presque triste :P Dancing in public for like 2 seconds and then going somewhere else and doing the same thing is not a ,dance dare., It is just another thing Nichole337 has done to make herself look like a mongoloid. Ugh WOULD NOT BANG That's great. But the truth is that this picture is a total hoax. It wasn't even painted by a girl it was painted by a male video game artist Robert Chang. If you Google this it will have all sorts of hits including links to this guy's website. Hohhhh fuck so sorry :P Awesome! :P This video is like one big outtake You should sing at a funeral.",20,0,3,5,1,20,1 191,X192,"my brother said..,clean your face.... :O,...i love your voice though you're like a guy!!!!! bbhhhahahahahah...!!!!nice voice!!!! nice bya...:) bhbbhhahhahahahaha!!!! the voice of the white girl is scattering......but its good.....really good :) its not that good...i didnt like it that much ....piano???.....super loud..... i love of my favorite songs!!!! criminal?or dancers?...i say both..heheheh har har the 1st one was like a goat dying!!!!hahah lol your stupid!.....this aint a fight!!! both of you are gay!!!!....lame!!! bullshit!!!!!....gaylords!!! i think i'm in love!!! .....with you!.....heheh hang overs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah!!! i agree...............HANG OVERS!!!! amaw! dili sakit ang bisung sa babae nga ni spit?hahah basin u just wasted my fuc*'n time!! bitch! hahahha....swavee!!..napa ka cute!!!... cute!...its cool your eyes are cute!!! you look like your dead! bbhahhahh... you're sooo cute!!!..i love it when your mom interacts!!!hahah lol!! r u gay??? hahaha...idol ka talaga!! i love you so much!! thankx!!!..mwahh why the fuck arr u gay?!.....",27,1,5,2,0,22,0 192,X2130,"- . . . . , , . . . 100500 ? damn he is looking THROUGH my soul... - . , , - . . -1 MAAAN! I would fucking destroyed that house with a RPG then Nuclear weapon then grenades then puted some gasoline on it and burned. : 0:23:41 This cured my meth addiction.",31,2,4,1,0,26,0 193,X194,how does he have a wife? god bless the troops out there in that shit hole country I dare you to shoot your self in the balls with an airsoft gun Man i got the same problem at my house think i shot two but dont know i hunt em at night got two traps but noth went in them the first night and after seein your trap it looks bigger than mine Mem kittys bein a dildo he is probably having his ginger period my vagina its its having its period you are such a pussy R.I.P dunn first its not the gun its the person stop demanding ok aint gonna work lady Psy hates americans just so yall know fag Thats some tasty stuff right there would of have kept it is i were him,13,6,3,13,1,30,0 194,X195,"tmartn please do the Hennessy venom gt as the the 5th map pack car i did not say it was street legal car i said it can be driven on streets and yes it does not have an official top speed yet but i have seen estimated times that range from any ware from 275 to 295mph witch is faster then the buggati veyron 16.4 speed of 257mph customers are limited to that i am indeed interested 5:10 he died in a hole anyway great vid tmartn nice shots:) i wish there was quick draw like MW3 but a part from that it,s pretty fun especially against bots and im 12 now so it wasn't long ago they planed it since i was born in 2000 oh like luongo it was getting scary until he said his mom was named Rosemary because my cosin is 13 has and older brother abnd i was just praying that my cosin didnt get trolled all the goalies after the save should say like a boss luongo is lefty hey jordan i saw your set up looks cool",12,1,2,6,1,21,0 195,X196,Yo creo que ya son mentira las historias Jajjaajajaj ves la luz roja? sisi uala jjajaajaj No me mola nada poner el liston un poco mas alto tio i que no cante tanto a set up Barcelona manda tu lo sabes yo lose Te acuchillan ati porque eres famoso jjajaja que toca huevos son No es espaol porque dice pinche jajajajajajajaj que grande josemi lo de la pizza tope de escrito 16 por dios ruben enano Vaya base nene i la letra una cancionaca sin duda el que canta a partir del 0:50 quien es yo pariticipo Minuto 3:26 para alante vas con la pali ya jajajajajajaja dislike xd te lo han grabao jurao so sick brooooooo 3333,15,36,2,5,0,17,0 196,X197,The porks even better! The captions were like the ones they put for don Vito lmfao nice!! This is sad Porn on your laptop...thanks Obama! And this got past YouTube security? Lmfao nice The fuck Ssiicckk!!!! Cow intestine? Lol,9,62,3,7,1,25,0 197,X198,Hey! Check out my recent vidds for mw3 gameplay and tips on how to get the rarest titles / emblems ingame!,1,183,4,56,0,16,0 198,X199,I want to see this guy walk 10 feet without dropping a firearm or looking like he has a pinecone up his ass i saw thompson 3 put it on a bowscale i knew how to build this but couldnt shut off thx so much ew gross an ion....oh wait i have that marker lose* first time that guy got to move all year in last of the mohicans u can see a helicopter in one scene awp nevermind i didnt read it right i look dumb dude how many differant drive thrus do you go to uh y r u guys taping...oh were filming harold and kumar go to chic fil a guy thinks hes got it bossin way NO WAY wat is this garbage how do you not have cheese growing out of your walls super soaker i was just waiting for that...could not focus on what he was saying thats alot of leather coats right there this is what i get for video surfing for too long i bought the dlc season pass today and i dont have nuketown i have to wait for the first dlc or am i just missing something i thought it was a plum very true besides the bandage on samuel theres in theater mode i saw one on mistys foot and a gash on the back of the young guys leg(cant remember his name) but i didnt see anything on russman holy fuckin discription,22,0,3,5,0,27,1 199,X200,Thumbs up if 24 oras brought you here!!! Thumbs up if 24 oras brought you here!!! mga tang ina nyo walang nag like sa comment ko!!! aww Im poor person! fuck!!! almost okay ..... but the uploader put a meaninglessfuckingassholebullshit background music.!!! you dont know who is me dont judge too early. and why you so concern in this shit video???...... or maybe becuse you one of them... Hancocks is not marvel i mean cock! thor shoots airplane Kill it before it Lay Eggs!~!!! Kill it Before it Lay Eggs!!! kill it before it lay eggs entire universe will fuck!!! I'm asshole number 57405412 Nah.....2008 hulk has the best looking Hulk........the avengers hulk only prettygood on him is his actions and smashing puny gods!!! avengers hulk has the best moves...!!! better than original after that ........the 2 girls do for what they have watched.... 1:49 you can see he licking a pussy you are really Chinese spelled Builtiful voice instead of Beautiful voice....that is poor advantage of Chinese in English. How the Fuck Asians Can Do Anything?!!! How The Fuck Asians Can Do Anything??!! hmmmbourne legacy...that the cause why Norton is'nt in avengers......but i dont have a news Ed Norton is in our country...... meanwhile my life in the phillipines its still HOT even in night . how about you how's your life in the U.S.A? Im Looking For How to Grow Long Thick Healthy Cock thumbs up if hulk have a new movie too. where is yuriko?? thumbs p if you wish Red Alert 3 is have an epic movie!!! Thumbs up if Hulk have a movie too!!! wow goku ssj3 turn into gogeta ssj4 0.o thumbs up if matahari makes you horny. 2:34 Goku absorbing the Death Ball with his Penis O.o Those of his gums makes me laugh.,29,1,2,1,0,21,0 200,X201,"robust my fav word speaking of blizz i just pre ordered Diablo III OK lets think 5% of the population is mentally ill 2% have no education 3% are thugs or drug addicts and the other 10% are homosexuals makes sense to me wow this makes me want to go watch some SPORN fap time!! FAKE AND GAY fake and gay you dont go around hating cause your bust fapping to a fag song so sad :( i think its funny how she says , I was just using their car without permission, lol i like cock what a fucking lying faggot. I would punch him just cause of how ugly he is fake and gay This game is great. The only problem is that you cant play. Other than that small glitch its fucking amazing..... whenever i get past the error i just get ,your request has timed out, :*( and even relief.... FAKE AND GAY!! what a fucking casual he didnt have the balls to swallow it Call them a Kugelblitz *winks* hilarious VSAUCE scroll of town portal thumbs up this if a bot is playing resource injections... You casual!! Dem flak frigs this is interesting alot of moba games ive never even seen :O i dont understand why he did not get a pk. I know in dota pudge cannot use one but im not sure if in early HoN it was that was aswellanyone? that is literally aggravated assault the monitor thing literally only matters if your computer can play the game above 60 frames per second",27,1,4,5,0,69,0 201,X202,Lol glare of a light or sun shining through the window. People are fucktards I hope she dies ironically in a bus crash They would never show this footage on American news Why the thumbs down Was that is head or just his helmet Such an intense crash Dumb monkey For rest of his life me Ching chong cho chong Not aids I just want to clarify that LOL! Look at camera when you talk bitch. These producers need to practice their interviewing skills We are doomed Obama will win we will dissolve into poverty there will be riots good luck all may god be with you Shows just how untalented Justin B really is I miss furious!!!!!! Lmao notice how she didn't deny it @thefreshest001 you get your kicks out of being an idiot and a loser over the Internet? Living life to the fullest I see! Now go suck your dads dick you little bitch. Down with niggers Neoblacknazi has nothing better to do then go from video to video posting the word Cracker ... Seen like 5 videos with his name lol another worthless nigger living off welfare Great feel good song. Would be awesome if the video near the end would have had the girl die in an accident or something and show the guy at her funeral maybe playing this song would have really tugged at the heart strings of the viewers and incited alot of emotion. Still great video and even better song. I never troll ...*trollface* -3 There's no talent like this anymore. We're stuck with 50 cent Justin beiber and lady gaga,21,5,3,12,0,23,0 202,X203,Fabulous idea of a video. Wish I can take a time machine back to the 80s...............,1,0,2,5,0,45,0 203,X204,"I have to say. That walter impression. Was actually pretty respectable. Chain mail! Boob bounce count- 11 Wow they got smacked Bricks because it needs contrast Lmao at the ,shut up for a second, NO WAY :O Borderlands toilets You just broke my hymen :(",9,2,4,5,1,16,0 204,X205,Do not change because no one who loves you agree do not judge. She has 19 years I do not know. We are all waiting! Obrigado a todos pela homenagem.,4,12,6,24,0,34,1 205,X206,this kids the next meatloaf marijuana rhymes with naranja um look whos talking bitch you should be my no homo (unless you want it to be ;D ) valentine for we will never rest TILL WERE ALL FUCKING DEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!! i love how you guys have that circus barker thing going on this seems creepypasta-ish i dont believe in god myself but i dont think that makes you or any one dumb for believing in him cause the truth is we really dont know what happens after death or why things exist but everyone is entitled to believe in what they want haha fuck that id never give up anal sex just cause some hippy died on a couple of planks,9,2,4,5,0,21,0 206,X207,ganda talaga neto ! kahit pa ulet-ulet ayus lng. pang soundtrip ng barkada nmin :3 iDoL Ko Tom Bata'ng Toh ! \m/ The First Eye Shadow Color I Used Was Pink (:Cause It's Light Just Why I Felt Comfortable On It.I Used To Be Afraid Of Bright Eye Shadows Cause I Think It Don't Look Good At Me And People Would Criticize Me. But Now I Do Wear Them To Make Me Pretty. Your Tutorials Inspired Me A Lot 3 NiCE WUNN .,4,1,5,3,0,17,0 207,X208,Did you win? At first I thought it was Burnie.,2,14,3,5,1,16,0 208,X209,Endlessly - Green River Ordinance,1,2,5,5,0,19,0 209,X210,"[iminent=qiKknAgUWfOB] _____________I have just posted a cool Emoticon! i [iminent=iacOJBgUWfOB] this :]_____________I have just posted a cool Emoticon! Agreed :D [iminent=MWHfzlR59l2] i love this watch it everyday._____________I have just posted a cool Emoticon! Daesung Daesung Dasung Daesung Daesung Dasung Daesung Daesung Dasung Daesung Daesung Dasung Daesung Daesung Dasung Daesung Daesung Dasung Daesung Daesung Dasung Daesung Daesung Dasung Daesung Daesung Dasung Daesung Daesung Daesung Herro Shimmy :) Agreed 3 DaeSung's Smile.3 Loved him for years. If you guises find this interesting we broke up sorry.[: He quit without telling me but don't worry I'm taken.3 I know right. DaeSung is so PERFECT. ^-^ Is she like Japanese? She looks Viet. :] @ RCMassicott - Pure asians born in the asian continent and they're white.But people who are born in somewhere else like the USA are like tan-ish. Meehhh.StrippyZebraxP OMG. Victor King's constellation is Gemini mine is too! If yours is LIKE! It's already out! Jeez. -..- You know how Daniel aka Victor King knocked on the random door I guessed the person who would answer the door would be some random OLD lady the door opened and a random OLD lady popped up. o.o I'm crazie. HAY GURL. o.o HE'S CUTE DAAT WAY BRAAAH. JEEZUS. Excuse me but you have the description wrong! Doodoo bears xD When Shimmy said ,aaa it's the sun!, I was like ,what's the sun?, c: :p Zayn Malik anyone? Hey! BIGBANG didn't win but they will always win the contest in our hearts! Yeah it's Lalala. [: You're horrible too. (: At least they're One Direction now. And please hope they'll never be apart.",26,1,2,4,0,18,0 210,X211,this is retarded angry birds BIOTCHHHHH :) HE LOOK LIKE SUPER EGOOO/ EGOO FROM CHOLO ADVENTURES beast ass song chido this hsit suckkkkk :P lol lol LOL :) SAVEN KE ESESOS LUGARES SON MUY PERONES PORKE DE AYI SOY YARIVAJUNGAPEO MICNOACAN ESPERAMOS M UY PRONTO ESTAR ENESAS TIERAS TANVONITAS SALUDOS PARA LOS ORIVIO DE JUNGAPEO DESDEESTELADO,10,0,2,5,0,17,0 211,X212,"who do these people think they are judging people only God can judge people. and i can assure you that NO WHERE in the Bible does it say that God hates homosexuals. As a believer in God I nor does anyone else have the ability to tell people what God hates...if i can get REAL proof that God hate fags then yes i will believe them. As a preachers grandchild I was raised to love the sinner but hate the sin not hate the sinner and the sin. I noticed how ,gramps, didn't even teach from the Bible! this video is no help in any way...there is no pattern or anything.This video is mor like a how to knit for beginners video. my school did this play this year :) it was AWSOME lol i got the part of simmon go a little less on the eye shadow",5,2,2,2,0,14,0 212,X213,Wuff.... nope its from Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe 2 not 3 its madness music its from madness combat 7 When Hank will have a chance to kill 'The Clown'Deimos and Sanford will avenge him in 8 and 9 user:JohnFighter123 user:JohnFighter123 i wanna see mah skin guys pls JohnFighter123 default skin JohnFighter123 JohnFighter123 nice vid BTW thats terrible man blue screen of death awmaybe you crashed your hard disk drive or somethin' err i dont know correctly maybe im joking or not maybe I WANT THE FREAKING SONG'S NAME MAYBE NOT!! what is the song name,11,2,2,12,1,89,0 213,X214,both of the cartridges belong to Pat the NES punk FUCK TAKE ALL OF MY YES Oh look the unpopular opinion of a /v/ viewer. YES Does anybody know if the quality of a yo-yo affects its unresponsiveness? I have a yo-yo that's worth $15 and more times than not it's unresponsive. Igno-rants is bloose.-JonTron 2012 god I love you guys. NOOOOOOOooo shoot. Does anyone know what this cosplay is called 5:02? It's like a japanese high school tough guy kind of thing,8,5,5,5,0,21,0 214,X2121,your bad lol lol you people are ugly your face es are ugley the boy is cuite they look ragity her boob is hanging out nothing to say oh wait your ugly lol dont make fun of people the way that look this i 3 christina you need face expressions ummmmm.....? yes i can survive lol so weird cool lol she did fart at @ 1:18 lol lol shut up already lol so hot good so good out loud i have glasses replay at 1:52 32 looks like hes sneezing cool whats the song at 1:42 boring,30,3,4,16,1,19,0 215,X216,Now this could just be me but why does it seem like since she got her surgery she feels the need to act 'sexy' and make these kinds of videos?!?!?!?! I dont understand it.,1,0,3,5,0,23,0 216,X217,OMG She's like a moving stuffed toy! so cuuutee!! 333 Vote for miss A on MAMA!!,2,0,2,5,0,14,0 217,X218,"I heard this on SNL last night... this is the first time I've been really impressed by her. Not that she isn't talented. But this song really shows her talent. Plus I love the sound. I agree especially depending on what area of the country you live in. In places with a high cost of living this is not considered ,rich., Thankfully I never needed braces. But my parents spent a lot of money on my two sisters getting braces one had a split plate and a bite plate both have had retainers and teeth pulled... For some reason I never had any of that. And my youngest sister may need braces too at some point. It really is a great amount of money. So when did Ricky leave? I haven't kept up with CH for a while. @TheDcac link please?? Oh mon dieu Oh my god who cares? Il est belge... le fin! Holy Shit... I really don't like what Hermela has to say here... lmao. you're a moron. What does cr1tikal look like???? I love you Actually I thought the hillbilly aspect of the ad was effective just because people would react to that stuff. The rest was kinda weak though. I love that guy.... AMAZING. Saying what has to be said. Allow immigration.",13,18,5,5,0,18,0 218,X219,I cared . . Just you and me . . Thinking. . . . . I listen to this everynight now ... I should also stop watching these. Thanks tho. Aww :(,6,4,3,5,0,24,0 219,X220,U should make them this long always You are a pretty Joey Marzia is so pretty I'm really just the normal one I am kinda popular but not as much as my other friends so I kinda stay on the sidelines Oh my god Play. Happy whee Sam is acting like he's drunk I'm wondering if he new that he said virgin 69 I think she means zayn I pitch perfect too:) 1st comment :) He put this out on my Birthday:) Toby u should str playing unfair Mario Youtubers should react to the Harlem shake Brreeeee There's no such thing as baby pink Hahaa I love this This was uploaded on my birthday happy birthday to me :) Haha The phone thing happens to me all the timmeeee Olgaaa:),21,15,3,113,0,18,0 220,X221,Anybody wanna explain what PewDieCry is? I understand what an OTP is I've just never heard of that one before. This was totally my jam back in 8th grade I think. Oh those good ole' middle school days...Dang I'm old lol. Graduating class of 2012!! I saw her Saturday she was AMAZING!!! That was the first Broadway musical I have ever seen and I chose a great one. I wish I could see it again and again. Jackie Burns has a beautiful voice I am soooooo jealous!!,3,0,5,5,0,21,0 221,X222,sooooooo luckyyyyy!!!!!!!,1,0,3,5,0,22,1 222,X223,1. Kharma Where r the results I agree with #1 shut the fuck up stupid fucking whore its eminem does anyone know who all 25 divas are? if someone does can they tell me please rosa is always elliminated first much better than rihanna I agree Onika Tanya Maraj :D amaazzinnggg :D,11,16,3,21,0,44,1 223,X224,"one of the greatest dance songs che idolo!! R.I.P. Mago RISE UP FROM GRAMADGA who is she?? YEAH NITRO CIRCUS! pleae what does the speaker say at 0' 25,? please what does he says at 0' 25,? yea rite thank you garbimba I just shit my pants. 12780 people doesn't put'em hands up to the sound WTF? only 55 million people watched this awesome video?? c'mon guys we ar all mesmerized! who the hell is the beautiful girl at 2'55,? She's awesome!",13,4,8,6,0,25,0 224,X2980,55% music45% porn0% pit bull hair NO TEEF! Also why are the girls so hot in brazil? Is it something in the water? I am going to fuck you Selena Gomez. I WILL FUCK YOU 4:12 how the hell is that possible? Are you alright????? ANSWEWIFJSA:JFLKSAJFK:LASMgsklafnl:anssfdf I think this was their worst performance. he says shawgun not shogun you are horrible at combat tactics.....Horses don't attack spearmen I clicked this thinking it was snorlax here because of tyler niall seems distracted lol One time? this aint no fucking justin beiber! FUCK YOU! I didn't know she was so ugly..... I love smoking weed to this song on a sunday while covering my penis with mayo and blowing it until blood comes out of my urethra. Thumbs up if you can relate to this situation? What the fuck happened to her? You're pretty good. I hope you become famous bro. Wow that's kind of funny since she is sucking on my cock as we speak. shes too ugly Nikki Minaj is a gay fish pause at 00:50You can thank me later Give NASA their computer back! Give NASA back their computer! GIVES THESE PEOPLE SOME MARIJUANA RIGHT NOW!!!!!! This is fake! There is a mouse in the way... PEDO BEAR APPROVED! PEDO BEAR APPROVED! AMAZING! Dude I have respect for you bro. More people need to listen to you! This is close enough to porn for me. *unzips pants* Gotye would have been more famous if they were around in the 70s or early 80s and released this song. Thumbs up if you agree agmner sounds like elijah wood alueokbod!!!!!!!!!,33,0,2,5,0,18,1 225,X226,"This song is so good without Kanye. We British don't say hamburger because... Y'know... They're made of beef. We just say burger. Sigh rotate objects by holding 'e' and moving your mouse. Haven't been many angry reviews lately. So... Resi 6. Why the fuck is Gabe Newell doing squats instead of making half life 3? I think it's safe to assume Mitt has lost almost 2 million votes. Yeah this channel sure has been 'political' alright. Well I don't even agree that the US should even HAVE these military bases in every corner of the planet. If you have an internet connection chances are there is a US base nearby. They have troops deployed to everywhere that matters and tbh I know most of them are America's ally's but if you look at it it's essentially scaremongering world policing and enforcing their assets on other countries. I am actually genuinely excited to see the end result. Mirin' so hard. I'd like to compete with you some day Ogus! FUCK THIS ADVERT I've been getting a lot of mixed messages. Currently coming to the end of my bulk and people are telling me not to do abs at all until I've almost finished my cut. I always thought it was better to just do abs but not expecting them to appear for good measure. So that when you cut they come out really big. Can anyone shed some light on this? Is that a new couch? Fucking hell I hope Obama wins... Lovado's triceps and biceps look fucking massive. I know you aren't supposed to but forearm workouts may be in order to get your arms into proportion D: The turrets came first. Message at the end ,No black and white 3 for you, Oh god Right in the OCD. Mormonism is a sect of Christianity. Well at least this episode isn't as terrible as top gear USA normally is. I remember waiting 3 years in anticipation of this game... And then it came out... And it was a day where no happiness was found in this hallowed land. No... He just isn't... Die. I...I've waited so long for the next episode... So... Long *single tear rolls down face* He is quite clearly natural guys. If you use steroids you look like a fucking cloud. What the fuck is this travesty. He does realize Niche is pronounced 'Knee-Shh' right? Or is that just how Americans pronounce it? Zap singing...slash pinging... smash wringing... nash kinging... hash slinging slasher... MADRE DE DIOS. This has got to be it. IT HAS TO BE IT. AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. FOLLOW THE FREEMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN Birmingham is the worst place in the universe to send a fleet of beautiful people. It is legendarily ugly and the accents are hated by 90% of all Brits. I live in Swindon too. And yeah it's actually easier to go around that most other roundabouts in Swindon. Although at rush hour you do get the occasional pillock that doesn't remember how to give way to the right. Manlet names eh? Senior blubberbuns. Yet again American conservatives deciding what is arbitrarily normal. To be honest that kid has such a colossal head start in life. He's going to grow up big and strong with no body image problem and absolutely no problem picking up girls or men if he is that way inclined. He will be popular all throughout his life because of how he looks. And good for him. Their dicks aren't tiny. They're probably average size. They just look tiny relative to their body size... Because y'know... They're all fucking massive. God dammit boy the necromancer is sauron who raised to witch king of angmar. I've never laughed so hard at a youtube video as soon as I saw that fat woman crying. It was 'zed' first. Americans just don't like extra syllables it makes their diabetes flare up. Neessan? Why do Americans insist of mispronouncing EVERY car name ever. Yeah Everyone see's the US as a shining beacon of justice and western progress. But it's not its like any other country. It has a shit shady past It's an incredibly militaristic society it values economic might over it's social issues and it's education system is laughable it's political system is convoluted and overly bureaucratic. America is amazing in how powerful it has become in a relatively short amount of time but it is just like any other place. Vastly flawed. 1. A lot of PC's have good reviews2. A lot of things aren't compatible with macs3. PC does have a lot of stuff and widgets4. Making that shit is easy as shit if you aren't a moron5. My mac crashes way more than my PC. Dat' spinning wheel. 6. Solve all virus's in 15 seconds with malwarebytes. Macs still get virus's7. No gaems on mac lal8. Can get OSX on windows too. Virtual machines.9. Kk this one works. But customization. 10. see point 611. Powerpoint12. Riptie. Problem solvedCONT- Didn't look roided to me. Incredibly low body fat percentage high muscle mass. If you keep that up by the time your body stops growing (18) you will be fucking huge. To be fair to the man he's one of the very few politicians that can hold his own against Paxman. Most just turn to horrified corpse dust. America has no gun laws lots of mass shootings. Countries that do have gun laws hardly any mass shootings. More people killed by gunfire in US than all their wars combined.Video games have only been popular for like 20 years. Shootings haven't shot up because of that. Yeah I've come to the conclusion it's definitely not guns that shoot people. I also got an A+ in sarcasm. C'mon guiz. The US constitution was supposed to be changed every 19 years. Not every 200 or so.",42,32,8,3,0,29,1 226,X2437,Not me...jk i still live with my mom your really good at putting loops together Ahhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeee love it! it was obviously sarcastic i believe that this musical is mainly satirical in nature with no real deeper meaning. Think about it it was created by the south park creators the kings of satirical humour. ya cause raping is so dope! to calm for me she may have made 28 grand a week from her video but it doesnt mean when she walk down the streets people dont spit in her face. i got a boner I would let her shit on my face its not that good This is the reason why my dick is on fire right now This is special features? Awww Hell YA i want to say Who? My mind has been Blown Why cant there be a download button on all youtube videos Maybe try adding some bass i was disappointed His voice does not match his face!! You scared the fuck out of me man I thought you were for real nigga fucking gay Can you please send me the preset i cant get that sound like you do! What about my asshole? I have a very hairy asshole. what the hell are they waiting for it amazing how well he writes with the mouse. It honestly amazes me. does anyone know where i can download it without the fucking ELECTRIC AREA Ive been searching for this for so long what a nice family reunion if anyone has the mapping tsi. please email me i tried denon but the window is not popping up my email is Why does it stop!! Sounds the exact same Bravo Now every time I hear this song at a club I cry,31,2,4,7,0,17,0 227,X228, said ALMOST kiss who else thought george's little moan/scream was the cutest thing EVER!? I'm a monkey *adorable smile* Harry and Louis' love child ;) Yea it's freaking awesome lol My favorite cover ever:) love you guys! xx -alyssa I know you can't walk worth shit! You bruised me at lunch yesterday!! I can't believe you pushed me out of my seat and hurt me!! YEAH OW! absolutely adorable:) 3,8,6,3,27,0,20,0 228,X229,I think her voice reminds me more of Macy Gray. I think she should doing one her songs. ;),1,0,4,2,0,25,0 229,X2645,"Oh shut up. Xbox 360 sucks shitter graphics and less powerful than the ps3 . I have had my ps3 for 5 years now and had no problems Had my xbox a year and got the red light . Go shove your xbox up your ass you nerd! OMG such memories :( Everything was so simple back then :( :( Shitty uncharted series ? Are you seriously that retarded to think it's shitty ? Naughty dog make the best type of games known to ps3 in my opinion uncharted 3 was the best game in the world so go shove your shitty call of duty up your ass faggot :) I only listen to it on this cause the official video freaks me out !! Aye will he fuck haha hes a wrinkly old man like your da Interviewer looks a bit like sebastian ingrosso. This is like the spider man story line Spider-Man is fighting his best friends dad and there both masked. Fan girls are so pathetic 14 millions views in 2 days what the fuck ........... 563 people are gothic hippy emo wankers Sea This song is shit now Punches through a dry wall wow LOL You clearly don't no what biceps look like then you silly fan girl idiot! Your a fucking idiot. Are you a nurse ? Was leo good in this movie ? He looks awesome in it! My user name is just stating the obvious you weirdo This trailer is so stupid the way they make it out to be a horror thriller. It's nothing like that its actually quite boring and rather stupid! The tv show is better. Il kill whoever disliked this He featured with swedish house mafia and his voice was amazing in those songs as well! This guy is way to underrated :( Why is jonah hill even in this ?? Did he give all his money to her and just keep a bit ?? He's not exactly living in a mansion like he would have been if he kept all the money lol The way he said , i'm law, was just awful. sorry but karl urban is the law! Gasby Haha no doubt your a little bitch whore You sound like him lol Why does it say tim berg and not avici ? :S Only because of there awesome facial hair! Does anybody else think this season has been pure crap ? I used to love watching supernatural every week now I don't even bother! So is slade wilson deathstroke ? Will oliver end up fighting him ?? Kim would get boned Girls are weirds he's an average looking guy the only reason you idiots like him is cause he's on tv girls are retards Awkward Bronson I find his scenes the most entertaining.",37,1,3,5,0,28,1 230,X231,Hope your doing great my sister is going to need jaw surgery soon because she has a under bite and can't bite wither her front 2 teeth much but she looks normal and eats fine just has to cut her apples before biting into them. Really thats all you can say! She just went through a big surgery and you see her bandaged up swollen preobably in pain and instead of any regular human being with a heart who would feel bad you say she's cross eyed. I wanna see what you'd look like after this surgery. This is why guys shouldn't wear heels I wish it would snow sometimes here I live in Texas so it's usually hot. It's like 70 something degrees here and everyones wearing jackets. It's been going to a low of 60 but I have only seen snow twice and not alot so I would like it to snow here sometimes. Your a jerk no she is NOT so don't go putting lies I did this song last year for my highschool christmas concert. They sound good. I played the french horn and had a shor solo. I loved that book I couldn't stop reading it. It was like was a zombie. Dumb Humour Ahh i'm tired of commercial I know it's the thing that keeps yuotube going but still I want to watch one video without having to see some commercial. It would of been cuter if it was an actual baby bear. Just my opinion Oh great now i'm going to have nightmares no offence but that toy scared me. He reminds me of a clown. I just got the pun in the movie Tangled. Cuz of all the hair haha. I actually knew them all. I got them all right Screw papi for not giving that cute face back his damn mittens!! Voldemort vs. Darth Vader This is another excellent example of how this generation lacks respect. His dad is doing him a favor of driving him to the airport in the fathers car and he has the audacity to interrupt his fathers listening programming. The dad has every right to get upset with this entitled brat. I tried wearing heels I stopped after the first ankle twisted. I love Mario but I was born playing Donkey Kong I don't like your top 4. Kim Hyun Joong should be #1 I will forgive you though because you have all my Boys over Flowers. But only one from You're beautiful ! Have you gone crazy all of them should be here! So talented! where is this? Can anyone hear them breathing or is that just me? There is its #9 I any one finds a good place that has pants for people with long but skinn legs ( 'm all legs) tell me. Haa I couldn't help but laugh my head off while watching this I can't imagine my band doing this I kind of which the high school bands would do something cool like this. Awesome song and loved the movie bt is it just me or do all the characters look like their dirty like sweat and dirt even in the beginning before any of the action. How many indians can you fit in a boat it took a 4 pauses and plays but i finally got it perfect. I got the hyun bin version and Baek ji young version aligned and sounds like a duet. Do it you won't regret it. Lalalalalalala He just lala his way into my heart. Kim Hyun joong and park jung min are my favorite!!!,29,0,2,5,0,13,0 231,X830,"Hahahahahahha! Dude I only do it 'cuz it pisses people of. Oh and you forgot your Caps Lock is on. It has good graphics.................. last The panic knifing is still there. It's not removed. I saw it in this clip /watch?v=Xcj_vbh8F_Alist=LLdsZpY5zMGXTX7cJkCmBsogfeature=mh_lolz How are we gonna play it? 07:00 Duckface What a pile of shit! What? That made no sense. But it is true you babykiller She got fired! That's it! I would fuck her up so bad that she won't even be able to smile. Oh wait..................... So funny!!!!! Actually Juventus is also hated. Awesome Deus Ex rip off Dude it's 'cuz his black That's why it's fucked up.............. Wut! Someone in a Lisa Gerrardvideo wrote in the comments that she has made up that language. You know I get that people want to be first but 2nd3rd4th5th and 6th are fucking bullshit They are chinsese.....or japanese..... I don't know but they are both crazy Please do a ,How Gladiator should have ended,!!!! WTF! Why change actor. Just continue with Christian Bale. He's awesome perfect and the best actor ever for me At 8:00 there is a new kind of zombie with a bear trap around his neck. Maybe a stronger zombie? Yea but i'm not in Kuwait Zombie camos also Brad..................I love you svrfar kungen?? vem fan r de ahahhahahahahhaaaaaaahahahhahahahahahahhahah dude dude ududsof omg im dying dud fsdfsf im choking!!! shitttt fuck sorry hahahah Please more DisHonored! 100% NIGGA fucking awesome",30,2,3,1,0,20,0 232,X233,"That's exactly what I was thinking what's he doin on a hardstyle song if he doesn't like it? Haha PLUR to you sir. I thought the same thing. I heard it and was like ,wait....., and had to make sure I was still on this video haha. P.S. All your video's have nothing to do with shuffling so as far as I'm concerned you don't know shit and can't do shit so shut your mouth til you got somethin better your such a typical internet kid haha. Haha you're such a douche bag. Why do you talk shit about my shuffling when you just ride bikes around all day?? Douche bag don't try to consider yourself better than me when you do the same shit. You're so good dude haha. Keep up the good work. (: And LMFAO or ,Cali, is a variant of this?? My ass. They should just suck it up and admit they suck. haha Sick video sick shuffling hope to see more. The guy at 3:25 is like ,Oh yeahhhhhh., haha Hell yeah dude all it does it give them somethin to hold you in place with and it get's all twisted up around you and shit and it ALWAYS gets ripped up. So really taking your shirt off just helps haha. Dude... no. I'll give you the bright colors but then again Ravers have always had bright colors too. The skinny jeans thing is bull shit though it was always REALLY baggy clothes. The skinny didn't get big til skaters and emos started wearing them. You were the first for what exactly and what do you think you deserve? A medal or maybe a trophy? Sounds like someone is into some kinda sick porn. Why else would he know what a cat and a robot tryin to fuck sounds like? You're awesome man. Would you consider making a hat trick video (if you haven't)? The second and third person are the same it's just from a different angle... I believe this is just 10 minute clips of the artists from the show I'm sure they're sets were more like an hour or two. Thou hath mastered the art of trolling haha. This kid stood no chance. Honestly kid just shut your mouth. You're a dumbass everyone can see it just stop. I'm not gonna reply anymore cause I feel so bad for how fuckin stupid you are. :) Pae and Sarah are fucking beast haha. The song is Do You Want a Balloon - Trance Generators. Sorry if you've already been told. You're a fucking moron. Read the description you piece of shit. Awesome work man Keep up the good work and I hope to see you again soon. :D I really like this one. It's so smooth it's sickkkkkk. Where do you get off saying they suck? I watched you ,shuffle, and you are worse than ANYONE here. So how about YOU keep practicing and try some real shuffling. Cali isn't shuffling and you definitely don't Malaysian. By the way EVERY SINGLE video you have has more dislikes than likes. A few of them by a lot. So before you try to get me down for that check your own stuff. ,Faggot,",19,5,3,5,0,18,1 233,X234,"Oh my god. Sure yushh No 0:17 is the funniest flip whoops! Oh sorry I didn't relize her teeth and if they are perfect or not effects the song. If you don't like her teeth than go on a different website instead of watching the video. Nice...... If I were only as pretty as you You look like a model You are gorgeous! They have 12262 ghost buster lovers 1194 vintage cotour lovers. I spelled that wrong lol He didn't say it in one of his videos Actually in multible videos. The ,personal post, video where he links a blogspot page I think he writes a post telling us he is a boy and a girl. On another note this isn't his channel his is jeyyouinit11. I do know the name but its a one of a kind just a local store so I can't tell you because it's near where I live. Yes she behaaves Well. And she had a problem with her tail but I took her to the vet and got it fixed. It was from being jerked up by her tail. She goes outside by herslef and comes back in. So yes xxxxxx Don't lie Damon its not a boxer ITS A HORSE I have 8 periods But only 6 actual classes Our english and math where given an extra period so we have more time in there and we HAVE to test each elictive I'm going into 7th grade What grade are you going into Please reply! xxxxxx Niether is you spelling How fucking old are you? How do you know when she is happy? She could be having a fucking ball. Dayyuum Why must you be gay? AH YOUR SO FUCKING HOT yeah sorry! jgkcxvkgvkgv GAGNAM STYLE jakhkhsdfhsdkhfskdh HEEEEY SEXY LADY GAGNAM STYLE jhsdkjfgkldfhgkh You have amazing editing skills t(._.) I can barley put two pictures together xD",17,23,3,10,0,21,0 234,X235,good job boys.................... lovely..good old times..... very god bless your heart.....,4,1,4,5,0,43,0 235,X236,i miss the old cm punk of u dont respect cm punk then you are son of bitchshow some respect how did u download this fight scene this a TV show bruce lee only appeared in this show few minutes Tai Chung Kim after watching this video i bit that triple h and shawn michael had sex best part 00:54 can someone plz explain to me this 1:28:42 ? thumbs up of u liked that part 2:52 finally i thought the video was removed,10,8,3,5,0,14,0 236,X237,awww his justin bieber hair flip sooo cute!!!!! -3334 i want the mans shirt :) everybody fuck off hes mine!!!!! cuteee xD no boob touching i would never leave my band!!!! -_- thanks my unicorn looks amazing :) the first 1 is sooo cute its my player card now hehe :) my kd is a 2.10 and im a girl :) his accent -3,10,3,3,2,0,30,0 237,X238,Grazie mille for sharing :) REVISED VERSION:What is it with people correcting grammars on the internet? Seriously I'm sure you make TYPOS all the time; I don't proofread my posts because it would take too long. Anyways I was talking about her speech pattern and how she says one thing and then says something else totally unrelated. Therefore you are dumb. I love this!! This story gave me butterflies especially the ending. Thanks for uploading this movie i truly enjoyed it! I really like this. But with your beautiful voice i think you should sing a slower version and it would be much better. Very angelic voice! Keep it up :) You just made an enemy of Nicki Minaj!! You're awesome! I never get tired of this movie!! Thanks for uploading :) Thanks for sharing. I love this movie!! Such a beautiful wedding and lovely couple; you can see the love in their eyes. Wishing you a happy married life.I pray i have this someday :) This video reminds me of Kpop i love it!!,11,9,8,5,0,24,0 238,X239,My mind is blown! Alex Jones is an immature idiot. I hate Piers. However Jones is a complete raving moron. I have a lot of the same beliefs that Jones has however if you can sit and watch this and support him acting like a 5 year old then your hopeless. New Martinsville is a terrible place. I must see you perform someday. Moore is a fucking idiot. He is a MULTI-Millionairewe are talking around 50 million dollars so he is not even living in our world. He can wear his little hat and try to say this and that but he is a liar. The man is not even from Flint MI. and his films are films they are not documentaries. This glutton is a liar and manipulator of the truth. Why people take him serious I will never know. I agree with the point Jones is trying to make but I cannot take him seriously. This game is so strange. Love it. I laughed til my face the first time I heard this Fucking pathetic shaky cam garbage. Dishonored is Bioshock and Arkham City? Your reviews are horrible and your presentation is sloppy. Kill yourself. Fuck this moyie they already remade 'The Evil Dead'. It's called The Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn. This movie looks like shit. Just abunch of fast motion gore scenes. When are we going to learn that remaking our classics DOES NOT WORK! Case in point The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Psycho Halloween Friday the 13th A Nightmare On Elm Street. All of these remakes sucked. And we are to believe that this will be different. Bullshit. Fuck you Sam Raimi go back to ruining Spiderman. Reminds me alot of old Darkthrone. Sweet...bangs... I honestly feel that he is nerves talking about something so sensitive with someone as intimidating as Gaahl. Apply water to the burn area.,15,5,3,3,0,28,0 239,X240,I love this video. It has helped me fall asleep two nights in a row. Bravo! I'm sorry that this woman was bullied by these kids. But why isn't anyone talking about her incompetence? She was terrible at her job and should have been fired long ago. If she was doing her job this never would have happened. GN'R really sucks live. Guess you had to be there to appreciate it. Haha! Didn't your parents teach you that art is subjective? Telling me to fuck off because you disagree with my opinion of a rock singer's voice shows what an ignorant human being you really are. You are beautiful...also love your soft spoken videos. They're very relaxing. You have some of the best ASMR videos I have ever seen. Thanks for making them to relax us all. This specific video is hypnotizing. Also you kind of look like Neko Case. Hey kids - in case you didn't already realize Timothy Treadwell was severely mentally ill. Timothy Treadwell in a nutshell: misanthropic loser who couldn't handle living in modern society. Since he hated people he desired unconditional love from wild animals. But since he was delusional he couldn't comprehend that grizzly bears don't have any love to give humans. His presence put bears in danger and led to the deaths of multiple bears including the bear who ate him. Timothy didn't belong in the wild...he belonged in an asylum. I agree with you but please don't tell me that Romney had any substance. He was an embarrassing candidate. Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce!,10,2,7,4,0,31,0 240,X241,wow(': i can't stop watching this. it's completes me (: 3 this makes me love them more awwwww his voice 3 i want to marry you. everything you say here is just amazing. i am a 16 year old fan of one direction. i don't call myself a 'directioner' or 'directionator' i like what they do and i am proud of them as they didn't win yet they've made it. i find young fans immature and downright cruel. this is incredible 3 this is really bad really bad. 'it's got fucking colours' xD,8,0,3,5,0,20,0 241,X242,omg this is why i love the janoskians 3 ahhahahahahhaha awh you're so small you're hot babe .jokeeees. he's cute when he is asleep ! this kid is going to be hot when he gets older !! you have an amazing body ! i love this song 3 if some amazing boy said that to my dad i'd actually marry him 3 1:25 hahha 'it's ma vaginaaaa',9,1,3,5,0,27,0 242,X243,I really doubt that xD I dont really remember but i think they both went in on their own terms ^^ You have a pretty strange idea of what pregnancy is then... She didn't even do anything slutty ._. I went to a similar place while i was in Kyoto recently! It was a lot of fun but it was awkward when they chose how you were going to pose XD I found the same thing with my teeth but I can assure you that yours look fine :) Kyoto is a great place... this video makes me miss Japan very much. They'd work on me probably. Love the screen saver XD It's a type of herpes i suppose but Ciaela thought they were talking about the genital kind :) Her friends were talking about the ones you get on your mouth. my feeeeeeels All the time** Ane! Zune! :D 6:00 ? wwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I'm so excited for you guys! Surely they could have found somewhere with more room x) Suju! :D Thanks for subbing but as a suggestion could you please use a different colour for the subs? i found it really difficult to read ^^ /watch?v=ro9WeKMZwe8 I think this is what they're refering to. His voice cracked in one of their performances.. personally i dont think its that big of a deal. Is that 'Bad' By Tablo playing in the backround? I think the Mayans were SONE :D Go to Kasukabe in the Saitama prefecture just because its adorable and I miss it there ;n; I have heard the song and I think its great. Its cute and fun where this one is sexy :) Its a matter of taste of course. i am sooooo excited! Colours that are more natural so not yellows or purples :) I think you're talking about Ailee - I'll show you :) How did they fix Sunny's hat? ._. SNSD and the dangerous boys :) 'Dashi hanbon' in Japanese is 'Mo Ichido' :D,28,19,3,5,0,16,0 243,X244,I love when it mimics the ending of durarara Dear ObamaYou promised to do what you said what you would do and if you didn't you would resign as president!You have nothing for this country!Look at the hell were all living in!How can you call yourself a leader!Because of you my father has been in an out of jobs all yearforcing him to work out of state!I may think I'm to young to understand the hell I live inbut even my nine year old sister thinks your doing a horrible job with this country!I shall remain anonymous.Forever anonymous I hope the hell we live in can one day end as well. Well done. lol yus I love how pinkie pie looks in the picture I clicked cause I saw iceland XD everyone was brought here by hatena I bet Scroll back up you little wuss oh yaoi - nosebleed- XD somer look whos talking your the one blowing a bubble bigger than your head o////////o -nosebleed- oh my glon @billiefrip dumbass take a fucking joke brofist anyone? yaoi on a manga of marshel lee and prince bubblegum at 0:26 xD so shipping them just an english comment passing through :P,15,1,4,5,0,18,0 244,X245,was that sly in the master cheif costume im suprised he didnt ged t hurt being so awesome vote lemon BIAYCH I WANT TO MAKE U A SANDWICH oh its my chance at a top comment. BUTTERRRRRRRRRRFLY Hey Ro My bffs and I are having a sleepover and I want to make this cake but my friend had recent surgery and can't have sugar. What should I do? SECOND VIEWER OH YEAH!!!!!! u look Mexican PREGO ME BANANA Hey quake there is treasures under the blu and orange pattirn plis ther is sum stufc in the house witb furnaces and stone slabs on top oh spanish the krusty krab la You can tell it's a good doctor when his name is Jesus Yo everyone with sensitive teeth like dis and chqin ur response on how you eat cold stuff plz let me play wit u my username is fulchera1 plzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplz Sir Willaby made smily U LEETL BIACH,17,0,2,5,0,31,1 245,X246,pants? at a time like this?,1,7,4,8,0,20,0 246,X247,I've always liked Go Wests music but their videos are absolute crap! They have no story or make any sense? Whoever produced their muscic clips just had no idea how to totally sell this group. Oh Hello is this the Queen? Yeah hi this is Joe all the way from Australia I come to do corrobree for you! LMFAOYou make me slack malaga.....TAST IT MMMM!I'll message you on FacebookAndrea xoxo Everyone I knew when this song came out had to get on the dance floor...... love this mix! I've seen heaps of huntsmen spiders this size and larger in my house! I hate them they make my skin crawl!! The supermodels haven't aged! Still beautiful!,5,0,7,5,0,38,0 247,X248,NOVA YOU SHOULD PLAY DAYZ good cover this song has become VERY popular in such a short time AAAAHHH MY EARS WHY DIDNT I LISTEN i like i enjoyed this my little unicorn is of coarse the most badass weapon in the game no derpy its MY banana muffin :( sorry i have seen enough hate about who is better between these famous gamers and who is copying who and its just annoying and ruins the fun of watching. some opinions should just stay in their head. i know it doesn't mean much from a stranger but happy birthday i watched all your videos i think there are more than one lighthouse dawwww HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEWDIE TACOS they dont know but there is a actual bomber man anime but i dont suggest watching it.its not worth it your mom is cool as shit i needed this this is all f**** lies WELCOME BACK SLY oh god....the tears...they wont stop,20,1,3,5,0,16,0 248,X249,is there a such thing as being able to dislike this video once hope trolling like a g is a girl cuz he sounds like a bitch lol thumbs down for spam was this song hard for you to learn also in your opion is drums easyier to learn then guitar cuz i tryed guitar and am debateing on to get drums im better with beat boxing and want to know if the simularities would help with learning the drums the top comments make me want to cry i think this guy is trying to be funny hes makeing so epic faces and hes alright in my opion let him be nathan hes tired let him be broken not true listen to the song fireflies but other then that your sorta right whats your opion on santa clause oh my god do you love him hes better then god. rofl yo thumbs this up so people know to flag the videos that are duplicates cuz those videoes are steeling this kids views being a boss like a boss its ronnie mother fucker was on the floor laughing its too late the music already started you all are crazy hating on this awsome and mike posner is definitly a humongous bonus ray keep up the good work this might be the best yet there probobly sting raysasswhole lol thats not something you ask hopefully many but u dont ask that thats a dick thing to ask go beener kee kee you rock lol remember the time eminem Slaughterhouse Yelawolf all said you have to listen to this or they will kill you oh wait they didnt your here by choice oh then stop fucking bitching and fucking leave if you dont want to be listen ..dumbasses these days yaaaaaaaaaaaa hes popular cuz hes white lol jkjk ok not to be rude actually i dont give a fuck if im rude if your video is good or bad enough you will get views rebbeca black and justin biever proof of the bad lol js the reason y this video doesnt have many views is cuz its not good enough it is good not good enough dont hat on rays videos cuz there better random english comment i like the first comment about the second one being about the third one meaning that the comments are ironic and confusing but the comments arent really that confusing,20,0,4,5,0,21,0 249,X250,You clearly are a mature individual. this is disgusting.. i cant stop laughing how has no one killed them yet good math this is so fucking ridiculous i love it cool story bro fuck off im in the weird part of youtube again I'm a straight 21 year old male and I approve of this song. is this borat how many hours did you have to spend on chat roulette to get that many girls? this guy looks like black jimmy tatro whoa he looks like a young will smith! go back to your shanties DAMN DUDE HE CRUSHED THOSE YOOHOOS Walmart... he says that in the 4th of July vid,16,1,7,5,0,25,0 250,X251,:D :D ? :),4,0,3,2,0,110,0 251,X847,someone killed themselves to hear you breath.... i'd be very concerned. 5:20 all those dudes are high as fuckin hell. lol she? einstein was a male _ dude i bet if i walked up to you with a 50 cal you'd be shitting your pants begging for someone else to take those shots you fucking shit stain on the underpants of society. cool. then that means i got to live my life the way i wanted and die faster and not have to endure the pain of getting older. i feel so much better now! :D can i get directions to the comment box please? you mean see? o_o if he doesnt like that purple one ill take it :P i need a mini other than my semi auto M-16 JT tactical o.O da fuq i just watch? o_o clean out that cunt and who gives a shit that person touched it you didnt stop anyone before not gonna stop them now if it blows they die the wreck is gone oh well their own fault let them deal with it. i love how every militia vid or 9/11 vid has some conspiracy theorists roaming around the comment box. lol the fuck you talking about you miserable cunt? it was just a joke get over it :P You do realize you are wrong and are full of shit this has never happened and that british study is also a governmental strategic lie just like how America did back in the 30's you sir are ridiculously misled. Dude fuck America I'm moving to Canada! i'm FILTHY!! and i didnt even start the song yet.. i hear something i like!! and i see something i squeeze!!! o_O my ears and i came at the same time o.o they are at the enigma in the veiled path i am very very stoned its so great :D you're a retarded racist bastard that has no life and nothing better to do than to just sit on your computer jack off to animated porn and place racist comments for your own amusement to feel empowered about something you fucking dumb ass did i spell that correctly or can you not understand english? i was thinking no but when i saw my curser on the video i was like ahhh fuck it to late went out to smoke a cig then i saw daddy long legs and i was like...... WTF o_o..... i just saw one of those outside!! hooray!! that is all. i'm smoking a faggot right now o_O oh wait i mean cig o_o why not go outside and enjoy some fresh air instead of sitting on your ass all week making retarded comments about a game you havent played yet? sounds incredibly stupid. yeah but look at yourself right now sitting on your laptop not doing anything important saying that the tallest man should be miserable instead of happy that people admire him i see how successful you are. stop whining about ignorance. its life deal with it i seem to recall ( you join youtube you dont suffer ads ) bull shit -.- have you ever loved someone so much you would do everything you can to be with them that your heart melts and your eye's are fixed on them that you could never look at someone else like that ever when you know you have it all and its right beside you and you never want to let it go. how the hell did i end up here looking up jizz in my pants? o_O wow just wow... i've been so moved.. oh wait no that's just my fist itching to punch you so hard in the face right now go die you worthless dick munching faggot. 429 are.... are... fuck it i'm to drunk for this where's my shotgun are you sure? i fell down the stairs earlier i think gravity is ok. i've come to the conclusion that my foot needs to go up your ass till you beg for mercy. lil wayne sucks period. lol your an idiot..... if it were false advertising those wouldnt be real moniters.. and then at 0:39 she drops the phone end of advertisment :/ ew...... and i hate human beings that are full of themselves ahhh fuck you... Pandemic studio's shut down spark failed lucas by making a different shitty game and another one that tried to make it turned into ubisoft they should just let bethesda make it or ubisoft make it.......,38,2,3,5,0,22,0 252,X253,may i ask who is the irish? sorry but bruce lee did beat your ass in a fight so... you sir are stupid what texter pack is he useing? what texter pack is he useing? what texter pack is he useing? could some one plz tell me!!! optic not faze! faze sucks ravens won the super bowl so suck it you sur are a faggot she is better than you hey you sould do more waw gameplay!!!,11,5,3,7,0,14,1 253,X254,Joey if u get a bowl you can eat the shrooms... and have unlimited food.... get the bowl,1,1,6,5,0,19,0 254,X255,Congrats on your 100 subscribers i really want to win the Hobbit Bundle thanks for doing a giveaway i love to write but i always have too many idea's going around in my head and i can never just pick one. So when i write my story ends up going crazy and i can't write alot like my story's all end up being short. For school i had to write a short story and i really liked what i wrote but i want to be able to make it longer do you have any idea's that can help me? Angel Burn cover is so much better than Angel cover which is what it is called here in Australia don't know where else it is called that The Hush Hush Series is really good the last books is amazing omg it is soooo goood. i use to love heidi now i can not stand her. yes i do :) I wish it snowed in Australia I am in love with the Mulberry Bag it's just gorgeous,8,35,3,5,0,15,0 255,X256,AND THATS SEX! Oh yeah! No they mean when marcus fell and then there was someone filming Alfie. Curtis... this was genius... my god. 3 Um. Who the hell cares?? BRINGING SEXY BACK Charlie wears glassesGlasses are cool ALEX. That was so brilliant omg 3 Why is this a top comment? Pewdie has the right to vlog like any other person on YouTube. A BILLION LIKES PLZ Teens React to Danisnotonfire! 3 xx Amazing. ;o; 3 xx *runs for dear life* Amazing! xx Expressions were amazing and spot on. Wonderful work! 3 Oh I'm sorry. I feel stupid now. ;n; Someone actually replied sort of rudely to me because of my reply to your first comment. Sorry I didn't get it! At least you were nice about it Haha. xx Speechless. This is just stunning and so very beautiful. Brilliant work Proxy. xx,15,85,3,8,0,17,1 256,X257,"That girls voice is super creepy!! This is an amazing song. LOVE the little girls and the freckled one is really pretty not to mention the other one! Definitely on my Top 10 list! Please like and comment! Urgh stop being so gross with the comments. Them being undressed is the only way they could do this video. Some people just can't see sense... The lyrics aren't exactly in time... but never mind!! :)Who sings this in real life? Awesome!!!!! You go girl!! ;-) My brother is eight now and he doesn't remember this! WHAT?! Oh yeah! lolz Britain's GOT talentAmerica NEEDS talentBRITAIN IS BETTER!! WOO! Amazing episode. DON,T LET A DROP TOUCH YOU.... What chucky doll? Lucky your dad is so interested in them. My dad isn't! lol I did this in Lower School for the summer fete. :)It's great fun but gives you stitch when you skip around for so long! Lol @pinkydoodle555 if these children don't enjoy it why did they audition? I agree with Eternal Higanbana. Typical american comment. At 1:30 is this a real girl or a doll???",15,1,4,1,0,30,0 257,X49,its not his fault wenger was to stingy to take him to nandos hahaha if that is the case then ronaldo was asking the referee out to dinner and wasnt asking him to send rooney off you cannot defend the undefendable rooney stamped on carvalho on purpose obviously in his book he is gonna say it was an accident if he admitted to doing it on prupose then he is to bl... it was so obviously on purpose if he didnt stamp on his balls on purpose then ronaldo was saying to the referee to leave rooney alone ur grandma u faggot dont try go on sick on youtube england are shit they never perform when it matters cause they are wank portugal arent great but they would hammer england (again) what they fuck- how can you call me pond life dick face ireland dont have anything but rivers and fucking hills and plus cricket does make more money rugby is boring SO SUCK DICK MOTHERFUCKER lol ok mr professor ur arent clever and you dont look it either when you rite things like '99% of guys talk about girls becasue they never get them'- you blantantly made that up and plus i dont understand half the stuff ur saying i have been to irelandhated it it is full of gypsies and lon... 100% true- rooney deserved to be sent off and if you saw rooney do that to your teammate you would want the right punishment for him too wtf- i didnt understand that at all cocksucker y did you put this on u peice of shit who the fuck is that guy wit the afro tell him to suck dick i will with ur grandma ll ya did was drink a couple of pints went to a few pubs and got HAMMERED by the poilce yh very well done ya football hooligans what a bunch of chavs if ya really have issues go on the jeremy kyle show. BACON MOTHERCUKERS to fucking true can everyone get over it now you came got battered and didnt even get your point across (whatever that point may be) as if your proud of looking like idiots jokers ur grandma is a slag u trash go back to your council house no one even likes the EDL so what does that say- U R WRONG lol dirty chav bastard i will definately see you on the jeremey kyle show you got issues mate seriously. why do you wierdos think that you gave yourselves a good name by doing this you looked like idiots it really confuses me is this how dumb you are. If you actually think that the edl stoke thing was a victory for you then you must be really dumb so pathetic its actually funny why do you wierdos think that you gave yourselves a good name by doing this you looked like idiots it really confuses me is this how dumb you are. If you actually think that the edl stoke thing was a victory for you then you must be really dumb so pathetic its actually funny true man and for some reason the little kid who dies has an indian accent even though he was born in america and their is no mention of him ever even going to india so why the heel is he talking like that. ur fucking gay and who is the black guy in the vid his voice is disgusting you shouldnt be a singer man ur voice is scary stop trying to be a singer man please you should try to be one of those people who are the voice of animated characters. U SOUND LIKE THE BROTHER OF THOSE TWO ALIENS FROM THE SIMPSONS what a shit idea from EA sports they should have never come up with this its ded gay it dont make fucking sense so all you wierdos that dont have lives and spend everyday on ur PS3 should die because your just wasting ur lives u cannot sing just stop it man for fucks sake you ugly bastard go fuck ur mum motherfucker why even try to sing wow i mean wow u guys make a really good couple. looooool oh my god i mean oh my god- its BRUCE LEE good but could improve just add a little kung fu and then maybe it could be great ur really talented- can you do karate loooool benny lava is ugly shut the fuck up i bet your english u motherfucker rooney couldnt lace henrys boots. BIAST SON OF A BITCH finally someone with some sense good on ya mate. HENRY= LEGEND ur grandma r u fucking stupid or something i asked you what a fuck face is not whoit is lol u thick bastard can you not gasp the fact that no one gives a shit anymore geez just get a life. As they say those who can become those who cant criticise. FUCK THE HATERS !!!!! damn right ken and ryu are the best and seem to be the main characters in the game so why not in the movie. taht has just pissed me off so bad man eboue is are real gunner he never gets to play in his real position but he never complains he just carrys on giving 100% but you get some real shit fans dont you at arsenal they only support them when they win but when they lose or draw they say that tey need to buy new players and all this shit NOBODY KNOWS BETTER THAN WENGER i dont know about that he is the best right back we have so we need him there. who is this??? whats your name even wenger knows that eduardos is finished thats why he is buying chamakh omg ur amazing u cant even see ur dick bounce when you wind (btw sarcasm is shit on youtube) captin is fidah u look like the fat guy from drake and josh but like a drugged up version,40,0,6,5,0,30,1 258,X259,I'll be uploading my own Animal Crossing Movie (Re-Subbed) Version on this channel soon. Check back here soon to watch the full movie in HD and subtitled correctly! @BrawlBRSTMs No I have not.,2,18,3,7,0,17,1 259,X260,I'll definitely try to be louder next time I loved it! Everyone did great Someone needs to do one of these with Reno and Rude You soud so lovely! 3 3 that comment made my day! Lol I tried to use this to make my cat get off my lap (she is a FF fancat...not gonna explain) she stayed and started purring............ I've felt this way before it's very pretty. Some parts need a little bit of enunciation but it's still really good! I did listen to the song as I recorded but I'll try even harder next time :) It think we all did a good job I showed my mom and we laughed like maniacs shes a doctor and im known for my strange taste in anime... I continued on to umineko,8,21,4,74,0,16,0 260,X261,After many difficulties our bigbang boys are back fantastic baby love you bigbang,3,3,2,5,0,23,0 261,X262,"Thank you so much for coming to my channel and subscribed!! Hey did you know? I'm taking singing lessons!! Well I'll start next week and I'm excited!! I worry a lot about doing things right and you know I LOVE MUSIC I love SING AND DANCE everyday I practice to get better and my next cover is ,this is me by demi lovato, I'll upload it on June and love you guys again thank you!! Muchas gracias por venir a mi canal y por suscribirse!! Saban?? Estoy tomando clases de canto!! Bueno empezare la prxima semana y estoy muy emocionada!! Yo me preocupo mucho por hacer las cosas bien y como ustedes saben YO AMO LA MUSICA yo amo cantar y bailar todos los das practico para ser cada vez mejor. Mi prximo cover es ,lo que soy de Demi Lovato, lo subir en junio. Otra vez muchas gracias!! Los amo. please find me on facebook like ,anlimema, and click on ,I like, I'll thank you.and twitter like ,ANGIE_MEDINA_,",3,2247,3,9,0,17,0 262,X263,you just ate rat food... i bet your mothers proud.... destany moon :) C AND D what are u on crack? dude your accent changed from english to german to like french... comment. :^D WHY CANT I BUY THIS ON ITUNES THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!! 2:50.... MY FAV PARTjustsayin MILLY haha shes so pure in life ;) My phone number is 1-800- amazinglyawseomesexybeastthatyouwishyoucouldbewithrightnow 3 hellyah pure awesome. .. and when i got double piercings on my ears i thought i was such a rebel... did anyone else see his boner when it hit slow mo? The steamy sausages I HAVE A CRUSH ON POTATOES!!! but then i ate it so i dont think i have a crush on it anymore D: What did you see?? DO YOU TASTE IT??? 3 3 3 you make my dayyyyy in 14 btw :D i have been watching your videos for 3 yearsss hawt. 3 moose gang so deeep. AUNT HILDA BROUGHT ME HURRRR you did it wrong bro ;) burn her....burn her with fire..... you obviously have never had fun before your redneck is a FAIIILLLLLL :P my favorite thing to do in the summer is UHMM sitting around trying to win your stuff but i never do somehow D: soo pick me! 3 ohmygod.... love how toy story is in the background... damn lol brought me here. this song was for her stylist tonya twist who committed suicide :/... she was my aunt..,29,12,4,1,0,24,1 263,X1305,@jg813972 Read did fuck the just I Guys go home you're drunk. Is it me or does that song sounds like its from High School of The Dead? Will Tom ever find out what the fuck is it? Will he ever find out where mule kick is again? Find out next time ooonn....,31,4,4,20,0,26,0 264,X265,"This is dumb though lol It's , the coolest, How exactly? It's lame. You make me laugh scared smile IT'S AMAZING because know one does that to me and maybe to us all . WE LOVE you pewds :DD Let me get this straight you didn't like when tommy uploaded a vid and you did t delete it. Wow I'm loving this fake stuff... It gets more obvious.",4,10,3,26,0,20,0 265,X266,:'( Poor Cassie..... COOOL!!! woah.. 0-0 meow....what.... xD wow..thats sad. :D xD cool. LOL lol this is funny.. I love this song ^.^ @SplasherYT he didn't know that it was Eminemyou don't have to call him a 'gayfish' -_- eyeball! lol.... 0-0 Cute video.:) awwwwwww it's SOOOOOO cute!!!3 Cool song. LOL xD cool!It Like al ofyour videosit has really good sound quality:) Love this song. -giggles-,19,0,2,5,0,22,0 266,X267,and definitely as well... Remind me to never invite you to be the 'life of any party'. This shit is a scream. Go to the search bar and look up stupid ho or beez in the trap and you'll start to see. *have = have'nt* I guess I don't get it what's so special about this video and the 'technology'? I'm not disrespecting the way anyone talks if that's what gets them through life. I'm pointing out how ridiculous it is to actually take the time and effort to purposely mispell words and totally butcher the English language in a comment on youtube. What would this persons subscribers not think he or she was cool anymore if they had written a half way coherent sentence? I wasn't judging the book by the cover but rather the cover itself. He totally reminds me of Kelso from That 70's show. Lol Yeah because I'm sure that every thing you've ever done was the ultimate act of perfection and you've never made a mistake or had an accident. After all it's so easy to completely judge what went wrong watching a video on youtube. Loser. Did you make the static shock video? Awesome! Hey it's okay if you don't have the same ability to distinguish between talent and a wannabe as most everyone else has. Nicki Manaj is famous because of the idiots she attracts not because of her mad rapping skills. And black folks wonder why some of them get stereotypical labels. I know what the narrator was talking about. I was only trying to say that when two guys started start shit against one the whole idea of 'cheap shot' kinda went out the window. They got their asses handed to them and there wasn't anything cheap about it. Right no more so then where ever it is you call home. In the first fight: If you adopt the name Jimmy 'The Reaper' Keeper you better be able to last more than 5 seconds in the match. Maybe he should change it to Jimmy 'The Reefer' Keeper because he must be high to even try MMA. At 1:54 the driver of the truck clearly grabs a large gun from the bed of the truck and points it directly at the camera. Did you watch the whole video? Right from the religion of peace folks. You sir are a great champion for your cause. You spelled eight wrong. I'd love to hear the twin J79's in an F-4 going through that pass. I miss those old birds. Gee how could you tell? Yeah we stole all your oil. That's why fuel prices here in the states are higher than they ever were before going to the middle east. But these people can and do fight back. It's a generic term not a literal one. The same way people call all inline skates 'Rollerblades' they call all German's who fought for Hitler Nazis. How'd all those great German planes work out in the end? You need to stop watching these videos and get out of your mother's basement internet tough guy. You go to prison and I bet you bitch up in three days. Lazy has nothing to do with it. It's all about not having to use a standard tranny to get the most out of an undersized engine like they have in europe. You DO realize this is a promo for a TV show she ACTS in right? I don't think Jennifer Love Hewitt has a reputation for being a 'whore' in the really real world where the rest of us live. You DO get that right? I read that Steve Jobs originally wrote and spoke the lines but Richard Dreyfus just has one of those voices. He sounded so great in Stand By Me. It's quite possible that robinhood may have been eluding to the fact that these riders are half dressed and doing a great many of their stunts on public roadways putting themselves their fellow riders and other autos in danger. That's pretty fucking stupid I don't care how much experience you have. Yeah but compared to your 1986 Yugo they do alright. If I had a video with 3/4 million views and that many dislikes I'd probably take it down. Ouch. Careful your jealousy is showing. Police officers should be made to watch videos like this one as training material on how to NOT be seen as an asshole with nothing better to do. This guy had every right to pull over where he felt it was safe as long as he did so in a manner that was expediant and not trying to elude the officer. She needs some remedial training and perhaps a visit to the station doctor for some diet tips. God. Alice Cooper and Henry Winkler-seperated at birth? How refreshing to see a lead guitarist with some color in his beard. Nice to see some life experience up on that stage. Nice job on that axe. @ 11:00 Honestly who sets up a course like that in a parking lot with trees? It's a mustang folks not a rally car. Go fast go straight don't turn. So by your logic even though he was 'just' speeding (some might call going 200kph or 120mph dangerous and even reckless on public roads) it was the cop's fault for trying to pull him over and not his own fault for refusing to pull over? Wow. YEAH cause 180 mph is barely moving yall. Idiots. I always laugh at how mad people get at campers. If you don't like camping don't camp. If you think someone else has sat in one place too long figure out how to take them out. I've never had the pleasure of seeing the stage performance but I am sure it would be incredible. Your response was good. Have a a great day. I was just holding it for him really. LMAO! Nice try because Mom never heard that in her day right?,40,30,7,6,1,41,1 267,X268,Other things are : wearing pj all day and drinking hot chocolate spending time with my family and friends !:) *where's 11 My fave are pink wink and cherry me I eat corn with mayonnaise too Alli is the special guest!!!! Every time i watch this video I cry..its just so sad:'(,7,0,3,11,0,19,0 268,X269,Thank you all for giving me 200 subscribers! :D,1,450,4,252,1,21,0 269,X270,Fucking amazing :D Would love to have a new keyboard Hate Justin Bieber love this song -.- Just seen ur videos and i must say i enjoy and love to watch your life streams and youtube videos :D Okay seje I dont want to live on this Country anymore..... You rock swifty This is maybe some of the greatest stuff i have seen on youtube in a long time ^^and thx minnesotaburns for keeping children playing mature games ^^ sup Hope not lil wayne sucks balls! Meget modent at snakke om andre folks forldreJeg har skam videoer bare ikke gaming videoer og har aldrig sagt jeg er bedreOg jo jeg har et liv jeg er bare landsholdet indenfor atletik rejser rundt omkring i verdenen for at deltage i stvner og for at reprsentere DanmarkOg lige til sidst dude relax alle youtube kanaler for kritik ingen grund til at rage sdan ;) 5:32 and you will see the camera man in his glasses ^^,12,4,6,10,0,25,0 270,X271,Sorry I had to I hope your ears can forgive me.,1,76,3,95,0,21,0 271,X272,so cute!!!!!!)) K1ngKahn eeaah!xDDD i`m in shok...HOLY SHIT! !! ! * ???)) Oh guys! Congratulations now you have a fan in Russia!))) *. .. * .. !?! __)) !!!)),9,0,5,5,0,19,0 272,X2628,Wow... let it go kids. I agree that a role model may be in any shape but this letter was not bullying. I believe that obese people are obese because they choose to be obese. Sure she may have a thyroid problem but what is her diet like? Obesity is as much a choice as water or soda. I think they took advantage of a mistake and that makes it theft. You wouldn't convict the woman that fell asleep with the window open and got raped. There are no black princesses. Why would I not want to's a compliment. interracial... fake This kid's parents should have hit him more...spoiled asshole. I am proud to be recognized for my hard work and dedication. My troop had 3 gay Eagle Scouts and several atheists. We were very accepting and tolerant. Ugly women bad dancing bad singing...crap Yeah...shes gonna call the police. How many people looked up Christie Stevens after this video? And stupid people can't use English correctly. This interviewer thinks he is so much better than these people. What an ass. really stupid and cliche of you to say. This is not helping how I feel about those people... Just a bunch of douche bags with guitars. prob better than yours haha Definitely my favorite drama out there. I may be the only straight guy watching these shows but I really loved the chemistry in this one. Really glad that I found this channel on accident. Is there a place that we can read all of your bios? I would be really interested to know more of the background on E2E. What a fucking power trip... You're not really playing Domination mostly just TDM. She should stop trying to use British colloquial language. It just sounds dumb coming from her. This is the most frustrating sequence in the entire game Just got the MP3 of this for my alarm clock. GO COAST GUARD! First I doubt he knows anything about fixing tractors. Second it's a good song but a really bad video. Is this supposed to make me feel bad for Germany? The graphic novel? What does that have to do with it? The Young Turks are not anyone's source for news...such a deluded group of people. That reporter doesn't have a clue what he's doing.,30,0,3,5,0,20,0 273,X274,1444 videos Congratulation DOTCurrency killed it in 1 shot You are singing dumb way to die right ? Song please Thailand :) TheFineBros :) Super crew ! LOL Is that a new profile picture ? Am i right TheDaboki might going crazy with this ! 3:48 3 Damn it so short ! The girl on right looks like MRirian !,13,42,5,4,0,18,0 274,X275,"Same here. I was born in 1982. Grew up on great music. Thanks for the great vid VK Check out the Viperkeeper 101 (411) video. He pretty much gives out all info about his career as a keeper. It is definitely interesting :) you end up on the Rebecca Black wannabe video too? Man that was a waste Man I have to say this was pretty good! I would say this gentleman has many good years ahead of him...Age is only a number Can we get a Real Life anime tutorial on how to make crystal meth? Yeah agreed. Hell they're kids and having fun doing something they love. Now back to /cringe to watch the girl/doll/real life anime/ cupcake thing I gave him $3.50 You need to join up with Gregory News Network That song ,My Simble, what kind of program did you use? I wonder if she gets pissed with a bunch of girls riding her boyfriend all the time It's so beautiful! Looks like a good restaurant! I wish we had more like these here in TN Just because you have a personal opinion doesn't mean it is a factTruer words haven't been spoken bro This is. AMAZING! Boobs. That is all. Wow! Your Tennessee accent is great! I am glad someone likes listening to us southerners. If you used that accent here most would think you were from up in the mountains in east TN. It also has a hint of South Carolina accent too. You should come visit TN someday! Beautiful scenery the weather is decent and the people here would LOVE listening to you talk. I know I do :)",18,8,8,8,0,29,0 275,X805,give back to the community what has odb taken from the community to warrant him needing him to give Think they intended for the dlc's when they first made gta4? Obviously a screen would make a difference u fuckin idiots No one buy this your all much safer smoking real hash than this stuff those research chemicals are highly addictive and very easy to overdose on Holly shit I hate pigs Lmao ur supposed to grind it before u roll it derrrrrr Thatd be so nasty smoking extracted nicotine out of a big fat bong just instantly get lung cancer Holly shit I hate the way this guy talks I live in bc man help me get some dmt Mankind is fucked lol we're going in the exact opposite direction as we should be going Chris Hansen pisses me off hes so self righteous i would agree my fellow shroomer Not one mention to DMT Beaners!!!!! I love Zelda games they're almost psychedelic It's fuckin ridiculous how many remixes of this song there are on YouTube Do you still use entheogens? shut up fag I love drugs Pg yo 1000 times worse than Vancouver What I do best. Fuck some shit up The states has places like Compton Canada has reserves I say it's staged but still funny Ur girlfriends hot XD for long range i wouldve went with the 300 win mag MXE is dope So far cry 3 is out now? I love smokin pot on ketamine its great Anyone ever notice how ridiculously annoying it is to try to find certain songs on an iPhone These guys with medical cards that go to despenseries are so fuckin lucky I totally thought this wasn't gonna work Lol even waka flaka thinks he's a shitty rapper XD I'm in favour of decriminalization of all drugs harm reduction look it up Journey Lmao the Canadian robbery What album is this off of? It's not The Unholy Terror I have that album First aotp song I heard good times,38,3,3,5,0,22,0 276,X277,"Why would he get arrested? Wasn't Ventura mouthing off? IT's legal to punch somebody if they're uttering ,fighting words,.He claims he ran off because that's what he was taught. Punch then flee the scene. LOt's of talk about people being cowards and yet your clown fucks miss the big point. Kyle admits he likes to punch and run. Fucking coward. And a liar as he made up the entire incident. The guy was a sociopath. Yeah takes lots of balls to make up lies then whine about wanting it to all just go away. Lots of balls or brains. looks like he just smoked crack.Was Dave Chapelle seen with him that day? the limitation is the Interstate Commerce Clause.That's the loophole that the feds are wanting to ,fix,. Federal gun laws are all about taxes and INTERSTATE commerce. Intrastate is up to the state. That's why building your own gun is legal too. It's not a loophole it's just the fact that the feds control guns through COMMERCE and if your not selling it's not commerce. People who build guns for the purpose of commerce have manufacturing licenses. They record and pay taxes on guns built FOR SALE the loopholes that he mentions are simply limitations of the commerce clause. If the state wants to have background checks on private sales it's up to the states.It's a very interesting speech as he mentions 911 which has become an emotional trigger exploited by scumbags.Glad to see him choose a corner. Yes whatever happened to Jaco? Haven't seen him on CNN for years. Sure did love the coverage from the middle east. was your friend a sub human or actually a human? What's the problem? Move to the UK. Your free to leave at anytime. serve?Serve who? Halliburton Bell helicopter Lockheed? They're making all the money so that's who's being served.The American public has to deal with the ,blowback, from all of these foreign investment adventures. They have to pay interest on loans taken out to pay for these stupid adventures. Who ARE they serving because it's certainly not the American people. I used to live there. I hear you. I got sick of the helicopters flying overhead 24/7. LA county is like a refugee camp and I'll never live there again. Beautiful places to ski and surf but the police state is unbearable there. he didn't admit to using cocaine?Cocaine isn't addictive?Do people lie about their cocaine addictions?Are you allowed to own firearms if your a cocaine user?How is that dumb? Explain. Use your word skills. If you live in the area the cops opening fire on the two trucks without even seeing who they were shooting at.......I wouldn't feel safe either. It's one of the reasons I and my girlfriend bailed out of that crazy county. It's a fucking police state. It's like living in a refugee camp with helicopters buzzing by 24/7. I moved way north. Haven't regretted it one bit. Maybe there will be a drone strike in Kings future?Is he on the ,secret kill list,? Will he be on some other presidents kill list? Stay tuned for more. And he thinks it's kooky of course. He even knows what compounds are being discussed/sprayed. He mentions that spraying sulfur dioxide won't reduce the acidity of the oceans. Interesting choice of words considering that it would OBVIOUSLY INCREASE acidity of the oceans.",14,10,4,2,0,63,0 277,X278,...,1,0,3,5,0,44,0 278,X2141,These first 5 seasons were the best. This fucking dead space commercial.... it follows me. haha GRRR A wild n00b t00b3r has appeared! Dip Dip Potato Chip Every blitzcrank is a stupid blitzcrank.Get rid of him. lol hahahaha fuck you :) I dont think anybody remembers to use the ghostblade active Why is it every time you are on my team you play a horrible jungle -__- Akali doesn't have shit on zed That awkward moment when that woman happens to be your English teacher... What anime is this? It appears IntelligentCODFanboy syndrome has spread.Don't worry good sir we can still cure you.... You are a funny guy. wut oh... Your vids suck. Im tired of idiot teamates Yes and let us play as elites again.There was no reason to take them out. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. ICan make that better *Screen transition to Blood Gulch with calm guitar strum* :) Thats what you think ;) hi! I do. Ok. 29-8I fucking love Zed EAT IT! These kids definitely aren't alright... This game is horrible... I feel like I'm the only one who liked this vid 19-029-8Don't be so quick to judge he's freaking awesome!,34,2,3,5,1,49,0 279,X280,"lol i had the same practice room as them downtown des moines. i met ,ace, one night i was locked out of the warehouse lol XD i agree shes got much talent coursing through her veins like wild salmon swimming down rivers and waterfalls full speed. im happy for her that she gets to be up there doing this i know what she feels when shes up there =) lol they are having so much fun lol lol you sir just made an ass hat of yourself XD eddie is like slow it the fuck down! lol yall do know he isnt really talking about sugar... hes talking about ,sugar, well this is awesome and all for little kids but its preset chords and doesnt mix well when you transition lol bahahaha slayer? how about cannibal corpse or gorogoth =D old fuckers =P RIP KELLY!!! dude lol you sing it just like i do lmao forehead smack wow haha hey... dumbass its a stringed instrument and its in the guitar family.. its a type of guitar therefore.. its a guitar lol im not calling you a dumbass to be mean im just playin around with ya lol i was 2 XD lol lil wayne.. should be uhhhh lil lame you are absolutely beautiful looks like it could be pushin over 1500 lol your an idiot.. not a funny car.. your right that is a 74 lol i want to know how many of these they made. my cousin has one its a bit of a rust bucket looking forward to restoring it though rswebclients dot c om/play/MamaliScape",21,4,5,1,0,26,0 280,X281,Yukio and Rin you sure rockin' dem mustaches and STILL sexy XD Beautiful It probably just recently came out. In fact it might not even be translated in English yet. I knew the female character as Ryouko Nagumo from the game but not much else. If you haven't been to this website though(it should've been the first thing to pop up by typing in the game name in google) then I suggest going here. When you type in the URL though make sure not to put the spaces in. ht tp ://v ndb. org /v7 259 I love this song so much. Just can't stop listening to it ^^ Katekyo Hitman Reborn Yes Yes! Omg thank you! The video got removed D: All my feels D: I want this movie to hurry up and come out DX 3:32 Smosh!!! Also anyone know the anime that shows up in the very beginning after the words are shown on the screen? One of the only animes that ever got me to cry 3: What is the song at the end? I know it but the name just doesn't want to pop into my head I liked the way the German one sounded You're welcome and thank you! I'm glad you like them ^^ I watch a lot of amvs and come across animes that I end up loving ^^ I'm glad you like my videos and that they helped you find some more anime to watch! Thank you for watching :),16,345,3,30,0,16,0 281,X282,Best. Video. Ever. @emikpo thefreemathtutor . com / addandsubtractalgebraicfractions . htmldougsimmsonline 4 months ago this guy is a boss Why did it get restarted? as in rules? Bitch ain't even eating half of it!!!,5,0,3,5,0,22,0 282,X283,"Starkid!! and ,Write another book please!!!!, THIS IS SOOO ME!!! Ravenclaw all the way!! 1:11 Every time I see how proud Blaine is of the little bow tie and how Kurt understands his little inside joke my heart just jumps into my throat. We shouldn't have had to wait as long as we did for this but it was well worth it. Thank you Ryan. This is just beautiful. Klaine has definitely changed my life and I am proud to be a part of this fandom. Thank you for putting this lovely piece together. Prejudice is just ignorance. 3 Thank you for this!! omg I am so proud of Chris Colfer. This movie looks amazing and I've been waiting for months to finally see this. Can December come any faster? This song is beautifully sung. I look forward to the Klaine duet every year and it's amazing to hear how much their voices have matured in the past 2 years. And to top it off Klaine are becoming friends again. I can't wait for them to get back together on their own time.",6,0,3,3,0,20,0 283,X284,"She didn't talk about Black Star Smile Not Enough 4 Real and Goodbye My reasons are: 1. Ariana Grande and Liz Gillies 2. The Songs 3. The Comedy Pink and Selena Gomez x Miley Cyrus And Jessie JP!NK: ,Your f**king perfect to me,Selena: ,Who Says Your Not Perfect?,xJessie J:,Cause nobody's perfect no,Miley Cyrus: ,Nobody's Perfect i gotta work it., Pink and Selena Gomez x Miley Cyrus And Jessie JP!NK: ,Your f**king perfect to me,Selena: ,Who Says Your Not Perfect?,xJessie J:,Cause nobody's perfect no,Miley Cyrus: ,Nobody's Perfect i gotta work it., Pink and Selena Gomez x Miley Cyrus And Jessie JP!NK: ,Your f**king perfect to me,Selena: ,Who Says Your Not Perfect?,xJessie J:,Cause nobody's perfect no,Miley Cyrus: ,Nobody's Perfect i gotta work it., LMFAO try to look on =] I'm not sure guys but since her mom is named Joan maybe the Joan isn't a last name is a name together with Ariana but it seens like a last name so her correct name is: Ariana Joan and her Last Name is: Grande Butera or Butera Grande i'm not really sure but it makes sense :D Thumb this message up so Ariana can see it and explain to us on twitter. haha You guys i really don't think she should be the star (Tori) on Victorious don't get me wrong i absolutely LOVE this girl but the character Tori is such not special Cat is awesome and the fact that Ariana is getting all this attention without being the star is even more impressive!! But a great idea would be Cat (Ariana Grande) as the star like the same character but Cat would be the star. Anyway love her 3 PS: She's already the star all the attention she's getting and the new album :D You guys i really don't think she should be the star (Tori) on Victorious don't get me wrong i absolutely LOVE this girl but the character Tori is such not special Cat is awesome and the fact that Ariana is getting all this attention without being the star is even more impressive!! But a great idea would be Cat (Ariana Grande) as the star like the same character but Cat would be the star. Anyway love her 3 PS: She's already the star all the attention she's getting and the new album :D You guys i really don't think she should be the star (Tori) on Victorious don't get me wrong i absolutely LOVE this girl but the character Tori is such not special Cat is awesome and the fact that Ariana is getting all this attention without being the star is even more impressive!! But a great idea would be Cat (Ariana Grande) as the star like the same character but Cat would be the star. Anyway love her 3 PS: She's already the star all the attention she's getting and the new album :D You guys i really don't think she should be the star (Tori) on Victorious don't get me wrong i absolutely LOVE this girl but the character Tori is such not special Cat is awesome and the fact that Ariana is getting all this attention without being the star is even more impressive!! But a great idea would be Cat (Ariana Grande) as the star like the same character but Cat would be the star. Anyway love her 3 PS: She's already the star all the attention she's getting and the new album :D You guys i really don't think she should be the star (Tori) on Victorious don't get me wrong i absolutely LOVE this girl but the character Tori is such not special Cat is awesome and the fact that Ariana is getting all this attention without being the star is even more impressive!! But a great idea would be Cat (Ariana Grande) as the star like the same character but Cat would be the star. Anyway love her 3 PS: She's already the star all the attention she's getting and the new album :D Cupcake knows the future some people really cliked the dislike button :O Smart bunny. That's what i was going for! Thank you. haha Hey you guys just wanted to say i'm posting Cat's Funny Moments 3 very soon. Keep loking :D I know Kelly Clarkson have more experience on the music world but is it just me or she sound exacly like Jessie J on this song? :D Does someone here watches How I Met Your Mother? Because the backgroud song is the one who's stuck on Marshal's Fiero. haha 3 I wish Daniella was there to represent vegetarians like me (: Um what fish didn't you eat? Like... none of them.",19,185,4,10,0,19,0 284,X285,If kosova is so dependent on other countries why do you want kosova to be part of Serbia? surely that's going to put a strain in Sebia. Therefore your arguments are invalid and have no truth in them. And I can't help thinking that this video is biased and manipulates history into favouring Serbia. And the truth can't be unveild by the opposing side of Kosova however by a person from a neutral country living in Kosova. Ohhh and..............what's the CCC the Serbian version of the Ku Klux Klan? ugly pig vomit maggots? doesn't make sense and is that all you got you piece of schit. We will NEVER burn.....and about crying serbian name....what? Next time don't use a translator you uneducated fag. No we have a direction and with the UN EU NATO our stunning country will remain that way seeing as we don't want it to end up like serbia do we? So mind your own buisness. here for my daily dose 1) Buy a dog2) Show the dog this songYour dog should have now transformed into a dinosaurThumbs up if it worked 1) Buy a dog2) Show the dog this songYour dog should have now transformed into a dinosaurThumbs up if it worked bass cannon bass cannon bass cannon bass cannon.... hahahah shes kosovan...:D i think YOU need to open your eyes and realise that your shit! ginger is a hair colour and it happens to be yours :D that motherfucking bitch should have kept her legs closed! Your videos are always so useful:D! Like a BOWSEEEEE:D he's HOOOOOOOOTTT3 oh damn i think i just broke the replay button!!!!!!:D oh shitt i think i broke the replay button!:D You are AMAZING 3_______3 my taste in good music brought me here :D Dr. Sheldon Cooper is that you? Dr. Sheldon Cooper is that you?,19,0,3,5,0,15,0 285,X286,I am so glad she made it even though i knew she would! She is amazing she deserves it.......who agrees Love her outfit and of course her... who doesn't?!?!? why isn't she famous yet???i mean come o people get her noticed tell your friends spread her fame!!!!!!!WHO AGREES!?!?!? Its dumbledore actually! this soo funny! one of my favorite videos so far!!!! hahahahhahh yeah she doesnt like the lights....idk if she coppied rhianna cause i dont really watch her videos sooo..... if u watch this video in 1 part doesnt it look like she doesnt hav a shirt on?????? if she does its like really low!!!!!!! i really hope she doesnt turn in2 a miley cyrus.........UGGGGGGG she sings good What happened Selena??? U r not that good girl i used 2 no.....please dont turn in2 a miley cyrus She is really pretty...hahahahaha lol she does come naturally She is amazing at singing and acting...she should be in more movies.... WIDE AWAKE i agree So sorry about this sabrina but this is not one of your best songs do wide awake pleaseeee thx STILL LUV U SABRINA This girl is amazing!!!!!!!!i luv her I like this song but lyrics are kinda weird and i HATE him!!!!!! oops typo I LUV THIS SONG!!!!!!!!! I almost cried hearing this song...brought back memories. Sabrina did you cry when you got the tattoos? How hard was it to bear the pain? O my goshh this video crackedd me up! i could not help but laughh! did not know she sang... I love we the kingss! Love you traviss !!! Havent seen daniel in a while but hope to see him soo! and meet you! :)) I love you guyysss! Hey! I love youu! Ur amazing. But why did you have to change the visor it looks similar but just a lil diff. Why did u have to change it? Ahhhhh I love your kitty! It's amazingand cuteeee. Haha you are reallly good! I am now a subscriberr. Keep singing plzz Can't sleep so I'm listening to you singgg! Haha I love the video but what I the ur grey and white kitty wasn't in itt! I love ur cat! And hope to see him/her soon! Haahhaha also how old are you? And u shud try for the x factorr! Sabrina ik this was a year ago but u look really lil. I'm 13 now so yeah I am lil so hopefully when I'm 14 I will have grown haha. hey Sabrina love ur new hair its gorgg. when will ur new cover be out? I hope its the new taylor swift song. but whatever it is I will love itt,23,0,3,5,0,41,0 286,X287,"Por fin! La vuelta de Chernarus! Y gente ,Friendly,!! (en peligro de extincin) Nice vid!! I love it! Mal nivelao MAL NIVELAO! XDDD S hay de todo motos quads helicopteros avionescoches... etc etc BEST DAYZ SERIE EVEERRR!!!!! 10:35 Poker Face Suerte con los subs",7,1,3,5,0,32,0 287,X288,indra* my bad omg how cme no one helped him? raining in ice is nrmal nt huge ice like in the movie assalamuallaikum .yes allah knw better and i am proud to be a muslim . bt no one knws when is the end of the wrld nt even our prophet nabi muhammad s.a.w . wht we need to do is pray and dnt frget allah s.w.t . 1.28 masturbate 5 times how desperate best busted song ! i rly think chrlie fits in fightstar . its his choice let him be hahaha fuck you tenuk im nt a big fan of jonas brothers bt this version is better thn busted cairo at 0:27 naqiu is gay he is the man naqiu gay naqiu ass is hot bunkface is the upcoming malaysia blink 182 intro sounds mre like panic at the disco aku pergi rileks je hahaha tp tkde kedai tu ah yg susah and trnsport HAHAHA THTS SME DOPE he reminds me of jim carey ! i agree wth you firari50 he totaly chnge his style since he is now not alone in a the band haha . bt honestly i like their autotune . baby were invincible is the best ahah bt i love their new album too haha wht kind of gay fck is this you guys suck damn tittas holy they have all grown up . james franco and jason segel looks mighty different i cant believe thats sam weir ! HAHAH he used to be so naive in freaks and geeks like it 13 dislikes are by all those in the team,27,0,5,1,0,21,0 288,X289,"oda bawa namakota jogja dan kebumeninget da lagu yg gw bikin di alun2..lo yg main gitar gw yg nyanyi n bikin lagunya haha skrg band gw dah rekaman da search youtube : the arjuns-hujan dikota jogja ajang seperti ini hanya merendahkan diri org lainseharusnya sebagai juri tugas anda anda itu hanya memberikan penilaian saja bukan untuk merendahkan orang lain dan menertawakan seolah orang lain spt badut yg lebih rendah dari pada anda..mari berkaca bung..kita semua sama dimata tau kok ini video cuma fiktif karna saat gw ikut audisi kemaren...sebagian crew indonesia idol..mencari orang2 aneh seperti yg diatas hanya untuk dijadikan kepentingan pribadi..parah!!! ckckck mantaaaaaaaaaaaaaafff....gila ih perfect banget suaranya the arjuns-aku dan wanitaku.avi budi doremi keren abis... ga kalah keren sama the arjuns-aku dan wanitaku.avi hahahhaha lagu gw pernah mo dibeli sama dhani juga tapi kata gw : ,sorry, search : the arjuns-aku dan wanitaku.avi yoda keren abis... ga kalah keren sama the arjuns-aku dan wanitaku.avi I think the police even worse than the garbage where your brain ... O forces? you bastard! treat humans like animals ... you should not protect people like animals where any country where the police just as well stay like a dog! Our Indonesia anti-government United States .... sorry for the people become victims of evil government!! United States state dog sukses bhalak...salam dr the arjuns!! tapi gw rasa yg di video ini bukan yg nyanyi sebenarnya.. :) keliAtan bangetawas lu kebanyatan boonk mandul ntar hahahahahahah bagus sodaraku...terus berkarya ya... anda mana? gw pngen nangis tiap dger lagu ini inget idola gw almarhum galang rambu anarki..pentolan band ini....tony tetep asikk suaranya SAMPAH!!!!! MACAM VAGINA!! SUKSES BUAT HUJAN....MUSICNYA ASIK..KEREN BROTHER!!! SALAM HANGAT DARI THE ARJUNS BAND INDONESIA... KEREN BRO....MUSICNYA KALIAN ARANSEMENT SANGAT PERFECT!! saya juga suka dengan klipnya...penuh dengan nilai seni...good jobs brader!!!!! mas hati2 kalo bawa2 nama arjuna rocker mas!!! nama anda ali fahmi lebih bagus..drpada anda melecehkan orang lain.....sejak kapan saya nyanyi lagu gak bermutu kayak gini? ini emaknye dulunya pas mo ngelahirin...kaga niat ngelahirin...niatnya berakk ee mbrojol dah ni orang pada... lets go GRIBS!!!!!!!!!!!!! pejuang gribs indonesia emang uyeeeeeee.....",20,7,3,15,0,26,0 289,X290,BIG LOVE FROM ARMENIA Mernem janit tsit jan are nents k@ qunei qez ara :D (armenian lover) Amenians who agree with you are total idiots that dont know history stop talking bullshit there is absolutely no Biji Kurdistan and no KurdoArmenian friendship as long as you are going to claim independence on ancient Armenian lands and you think we forgot what you did on the genocide? piece* JHASIDGAJSGDSAIGDKAajhajhsaashJADGASGDHGASHDGASGDHGAGAHAHAHAHHAHAGHAGHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHSAGDSAGDHYSAGDHYFGSYGAFASGDFGASDASFDASYGDUYHGTYUDEFGASYDGAYSUGDASYUDGASYUDGSAYUGDSAUYGDDASDJOIASYHASUIHDUIASHDUASHDAUISGFYGASYUDGUYASGDUYGSAYDGASUYGDASUYGDUASYDGASUYGDUYASGDYUASGDYUASGDAUYSGDYSAGDUYASGDUYSAGDYUGASUYDGASUYDGUSAYGDUYASGDYUASGDYUASGDYUASGDAWGYASYSHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i wanna swim in those boobs maladec quro jan sag hayernel vorteg apreluts @lnen piti gnan mer@ pashpanel ti ston poutso? HAYER CH@ VAHENAK ES INTERNETI TAVARNERITS P@TI MER@ PASHPANENK SAGS G@NUMENK BANAK VOCH MEK CHI PAXTCHUM MIATSUM HAYASTAN LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLu THE DUMBEST PIECE OF FUCK EVER ton trelo re hahahahha fart our balls ahhahahaha stupid fuck... HAAAAAAAA------HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-----HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- AND FINALY HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA aghashhahahahahahahahha THE END WAS EPIC LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL GET THAT MOTHERFUCKAA WNNA WORK ON A BLACK ASS? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL MUCH BETTER THAN JUSTIN BIEBER i was watching the video when i heard it then i minimised the screen to come and wright it then i saw u already did :D,17,6,4,5,0,91,0 290,X1606,"i'm suprised they have this kind of shit over there... hell.. a road side bomb could have just taken that supra out... na just license suspended for like a year this song wasn't out a year ago. fucking dumbass what's your address? let me send you a rope already tied in a noose. get a friend to upload the video on the internet lol he probably thought that price up while fapping one night just saw your name. you get a thumbs up a lot of the cars that have a lot of money under them that can launch well don't street race. it's always the shit buckets you find street racing. rx7 is faster due to weight power ratio this show back in the day reminds me of an educational video my high school teachers would show me they do that on almost all rotories on a dyno fucking faggot faggot bro there's hardly any left these days. it really is a classic now. you don't understand how much money you have to put into an rx7 with no resale value in return ricer? na... just fucking redneck not gonna lie. you know they deserved it wow.. their acting is so forced. it's so bad it's not even the actor's faults.. the script is horrible. only 12 year olds that don't know anything about vehicles hold to that claim do you even own a car? lol bc some civics dont have vtecs. all rx7's have motors sheeeeeit... na most people are cool. there's always the one guy with the napoleon complex that has to start fights though mustangs are fucking shit i clicked on this video bc i thought it was NOS tunnel vision like fast and furious faggot no fuck that shit. go back to your facebook account and get your fucking ,like if you love jesus, shit. dont get this shit on youtube the 3 rotor didn't make that stock. it made it after tune and turbo. this motor makes 800hp stock. with turbos and tune it'll make 2000hp. nub looks like the taxi driver did it on accident from not paying attention obviously this supra was stalk to begin with you mean 'stock'. Second you act as though supras in general take down exotic vehicles. Wrong a supra with a lot of money put into it. In general any car with enough money put into it will take down exotics. Not just a supra. Thirdly mister 'pimp0097' your maturity tells me you OBVIOUSLY know a lot more than me and I obviously don't know shit. was your comment before they had kaskade in the title of the video? just curious if your comment caused them to add kaskade :P TheJamesmario i predict that in 5 months you will be on Tosh.0.. this is viral material make a music video? No invading Poland will not fix the solution gay or i should say could you link your talents? he wasn't double clutchin either sex sandwich is now in my daily vocabulary",36,1,7,5,0,34,0 291,X292,OMG SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE! HOW MANY TIMES DID I SAY CUTE? what about mandarindo you speak mandarin chinese OMG! thx so much guys! it must be like giving birth this is good! :) very enjoyable. amazing talent 4 a kid. Her hands are burning! they're bbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrnnnnnnnniiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggggg! i imagine her hands. they must be burning! they're burninggggg! they are the next rolling stones :D no wonder her daddy ate her fries. :P what song do they use for this? Dear Ryan Can you open your mouth at least two feet high? i sat the whole way through. :)beat that there are probaly a million notes in this song. :O good video. good song.creepy character. :O No top comment? HAHA! This is my time to shine! its not impossible if you try to play it as a duet. YES! OLYMPIC COMMERCIAL! dear ryan can you kiss siri who is on your phone? this is a piano piece! not a fashion designers studio!!! nice animallova. What did you use to make this powerpoint? why 19873 like and only 302 video view? :O ...gliese581 looks dangerous for some reason.,24,6,2,8,0,15,0 292,X293,ah les callaron la boca a muchos pobres hueones. Mi mejor amiwo Rodrigo :) Ohhh ese Lunes jams lleg u.u,3,13,5,11,0,18,0 293,X294,"how old was she in the video? Totally agree with you. Stacy Singer was really good too though..... saweet!!!!!!!! Congrats A! I dont like whos playing Alicia because shes suppose to be more spanish looking and tan. Definately not Leesh. yo A. What'choo be doin homedog?? LOL! PM me when you get this message! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 U R THE BEST BBF 4 EVS! NO ONE HAS EVER DEDICATED ANYTHING TO ME B4! I WOULD IM U BUT MY COMPTER CRASHED. IT IS COMPLETELY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You worked very hard on it and it was totallyy cute! Awesomest ever:)):))TTYL! don't speak french lol! good though! the kangaroo definately! Definitely a 5 turn way to go! hey does anyone know what specific types of synthesizers that kesha uses? thanks-school project:):):):):) Hi! I have a question about high school because I'm going into it this upcoming school year. Are labels really going to count as much in high school? In my middle school almost everybody is going to the same high school and the ,groups, of girls are already set. Do those change in high school or are middle school cliques set in stone? Thanks! Please please please watch glee!! It's my favorite show and the songs are really good:) Lol u used beyondbeautystar's theme song :) I like the fishtail braid! I get my tank tops for $5 at old navy....$20 seems a bit excessive. i think this just described every single high school in america:P muy gusta mucho porque me ecantaba Roma.",16,29,5,9,0,16,0 294,X295,Omg shes so cute . And amazing! Love her!! Omg. Vanessa is so pretty. Selena also . Ahh i just love them . #springbreakerforever Guys! Its only a role! Doesnt meam they act like this they aee lile that! Its a ROLE! they like acting! So theres nothing we can do! And they are growing up! Things will change! Besides obviously they are not like this in real life! If you guys are a fan of them shouldnt you guys be excited? Instead of giving critics? You call yourself etc a selenator if you support her till the end! If not why call yourself that? || excited for this! Yeaahhhh! Omgg! Vanessa ftw! :D Vanessa's pretty no matter what. Shes perf :) Awww shes perfect! Love her ! Hi betty! Can we use this recipe for cupcakes ? :D,6,3,3,2,0,20,0 295,X296,1 3 SS2 + + + +,3,1,3,9,0,15,0 296,X297,Thanks for your hard work it sure saved my brainpower [whats left of it ] ! ever need a deal on tires call me should be able to save you some money!,1,2,7,2,0,27,0 297,X298,THIS IS SO PRETTY * A * WOW...... i am .... speechless. this is amazing. this just made my day 1000x better QAQ Thank you Pweedy * A * //sigh// um... thank you???? O U O THIS IS WHERE MY LIFE ENDS. //Murdered by sexi-ness// TOTO THIS IS AMAZING JASFKGLSDFDS = u = words cannot express my feels.... ohnoiwillhaveanotherdreamaboutyou //KILLED This is so pretty * U * omg this was done in one day? Damn you two are perfect. Awesome gift. Kura is sooo lucky. I love how chanyeol's hair blows soothingly at 0:09 Awwww... it's adorable but i feel sorry for them XD I WISH HE WOULD COME TO MY COUNTR * ^ * OMG YOU STALKER LOLOL Kai is adorable D'AAAWWWWW OH DAYUM SMEXY this is really pretty * O * HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!!! I had a gift for you all but i accidentally ate it. T A T I'M SO SORRY!!! and TY FOR THE 160+ SUBS,14,168,5,23,0,17,0 298,X299,"Did anyone else notice that half the people who listen to this are Bronies?(My Little Pony profile pics..) xD Mr. Sausage You? I know that... i obviously wanted a link for it:L Ohhh Okkieh! I Just Spotted Your Hair Colour And Was Like ,MUST HAVE !, Sure If you find a way to make sounds with it :3",5,8,5,2,0,19,0 299,X300,but in the sixties The Good The Bad The Ugly and many other sexy films were released id say thats a tuff call the original pearl harbor not the new shitty one which is completely wrong!!!! hahahaha might have to start a secret porn vet association Jr GODDDAMMMNNN ITTT!!! A SON OF A....WOWWWWAAWOOOO hahahahahahaha omg at 3:22 dildos!!!!!!!!!!! Klixen hj brought me here,7,30,6,12,1,31,0 300,X301,"No no no.... What the ACTUAL FUCK did you just say? LOL. Dead. .... DEAD. This one is my favorite.... I usually don't cry when I watch MMO but this one definitely made me cry. LMFAAAOOOOOOOOOOO. You screaming when Harry's Unbuttoning his pants you're like.. ,OHHHHHH MMYY GOOOODDDDD HAAAAAARRRRRYYYYY, I was dying usually it's annoying when girls do that but I couldn't breathe. Of course if you were jealous you wouldn't want people knowing so you take out your jealously by hate.It's nothing new it's common Keep telling me how you're not jealousI don't believe it You show it yourself in this video. I don't see the point of making an entire video on someone you don't like. Wasting your time giving out the most irrelevant opinion there is out there. Let me guess you hate other people Like Justin Bieber? Austin Mahone maybe? Lol. Stop singing seriously. Im not Saying it to be a bitch crush your dreams but all I'm saying is if you need that much auto tune just to sound decent bottom line is you can't sing . It may be your dream but you can't force yourself to be naturally good. It just comes. Some weren't born with a good voice like me. you so just stop. LMAO. I love Glozell.. Anyone know the song 5:40 ??? I always wondered how she got the money to pay for all the expensive shit she has I don't hate Bethany I actually enjoy watching her videos however She is definitely getting paid to be on Youtube I'm not intending she doesn't love her subscribers viewers but... Why do you think she posts videos constantly? ... Just sayinn' What's number 9? Lol it's adorable. -Me my dad watching this performance- 5th Harmony Singing: I know it's gunna be I know it's gunna be. My dad: Our very last performance. Me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I like how you don't edit the video with loads of Auto tune it comes natural beautiful that's real talent! you deserve more subscribers than half of the female male singers on Youtube! You're voice is stunning! Okay firstly Meaghan is the only one who gets this topic. The rest of the girls seriously just fuck off If they're going to have another topic w/ One Directionhonestly just let Meaghan do all the talking. Haylor I feel it isn't a publicity stunt but I hate Haylor. I don't like Taylor never have. Her music sucks I love the boys. to be completely honest I hope Taylor does break Harry's heart so he'll realize what a mess this whole relationship is I love Harry to death but.. ... Um nobody really gives a fuck. TBH you look like the biggest idiot on Youtube talking about Justin Bieber ,The king of pop The founder of dubstep,. Everyone knows he isn't.. So shut up just go. you look dumb. you think I didn't notice by now?... Lol I've been on youtube way to long to not have noticed. I can barley pull of the 'easy mode' Lmao you made me feel like a noob. you're SO SO good... Basically I stopped reading your comment after you calling Zayn a Terrorist.... Like honestly it pisses me off when people call him that. it's sad racial to him he's not a bad guy. none of them are bad. You just let your jealousy keep you from realizing that. you don't have to like their music but why do you hate them? You can't hate somebody you don't know... it's not a valid answer when you say ,Cos' they're gay, ... That's not a real reason. Again you're a jealous creep.. LMFAOOOOOO THAT ACCOUNT ISN'T REAL.",18,61,4,7,0,17,0 301,X302,directioners love this stuff. A++++ for you all yeah NIAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL daniel 3 Daniel is fucking sex Am i the only one who paused it on Skip's bum... ;) I would kill for the poster :P ... there's nothing wrong with that i got a photo with them :') how was your day jordan :) :) @a_shley_h i'll comment again! love you jordan :) @a_shley_h :) love this video too this video took to long you already follow me! can you tweet me 3 @a_shley_h THEYRE SUCH IDIOTS IM SCREAMING I CANT BREATH @a_shley_h SKIPS SHOES,16,1,2,2,0,22,0 302,X303,Ja estive com ele pessoalmente no Verao e viu-o no concerto da Lady Gaga Ele e um puto convencido e qe tem a mania qe bom. Cantar bem ate canta mas qdo veio a minha cidade cantar ... Foi uma merda! Ate tenhopena de gente assim ainda por cima nem sabe representar. Esta na novela mar de paixao a estragar tudo. Es uma merda moo.... Eu tbm acho qe ele era abusado por aqele velho.Qe desperdicio um homem destes andar cm um velho de 65 :( A filipa canta muito melhor que esta! Pra nao falar qe oritmo da musica e parcidissimo a qe portugal levou em 2007. Prefiro a Filipa sem duvida Are you gay?? Just for know .... Anyway nice video :D i like your eyes :Dkiss Puta do caralho e vaca com sida BRATZ FOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER BRATZ FOREVER How can this girl have 1506302 views with this awsome music in 4 daus and Rebecca Black Shit music ha 600000 viws in two days??? At least her new music isnt saturday xD Megan Nicole 3 Nice yellow teeth LOVE BEYONCE its just me or the guy looks gay?? Theres no problem i just wanted to know if its just me xD Willow looks like a monkeybetween shes dressed like that and she dont even have boop or but -.- Gosh Mister Gay i kissed you xD MESMOOOOO. Quando volta??? L estarei de novo xpp @angelaparkes Ow ok :( Well are you welling to sell some of your bratz?? You try to hard you voice is creepie and ugly nice eyebrow I guess that who dont have taste in music here is you...,17,0,5,5,0,29,0 303,X304,Whats for 200th video hell yeah 10 ftw yeah rockets want him now Guys vs Girl dating im not wearing a hat....... PS3 ANAL ORGASM!! Nope!! listening in 2013! everything is easier with a big rack lmao 0:3 1 million subscribers!! YEAH!! Oh shit.....,10,1,3,5,0,14,0 304,X305,mmmmm must've been salty i agreejust cause a girl doesn't have a small face doesn't make her any less girl likeand having a variety of body types are much more interesting to look at cool gloves dude damn! love your coloring style!,4,19,5,22,0,17,0 305,X306,"swagg.....first comment THUMPS UP IF YOU CLICKED THIS VIDEO AND YOUR FIRST IMPRESSION WAS ,-_-, LIKE ,WHAT IS THIS?..THE WHITE VERSION OF K-POP..BUT YOU KNOW..EVEN GAYERR, K ! I used to be a Dubstep Dancer like you....but..Then I took an arrow to the knee List Of Underrated Great Rappers:1.Jin 2.DumFounded 3.D-Pryde4.J.Reyez5.Lil Crazed6.Traphik7.ALO8.Massiah9.Wax10.Prince EaWhy?...Because they all have something to Prove. 5 MORE MONTHS OF SCHOOL AND IM OUT(*cough cough* middle school) CLASS OF APOCALYPSE YEAR BABAYYYYY! ;0 Welcome to America...Where the president is black and the King of rap is white.Umm...Never heard of D-PRYDE?...oh wait he's from Canada. Music Points?....ehhh you knowRespect Points?.... +1 Hey guys why don't we just laugh this off and make jokes about them like un-ignorrant civilized HUMANS..look ill get it started and everybody just start commenting jokes after me.....THUMBS ME UP FOR PEOPLE TO SEE! :)Joke #1:Drugs may lead to nowhere(like for these unfortunate girr-people) but atleast it's a scenic route. *COUGH COUGH* RANDOM TROLL: ego-maniac much? LIL WAYNE: *pshh* Even I wouldn't make a video just about myself 3:55 teehee :D If you look closely he kinda looks like ray allen If you look closely he kinda looks like RAY ALLEN",13,2,5,5,0,21,0 306,X307,"lol i love games but i dont love it that much if i was in his position id be distracted af are you sure theyre married? i mean he couldve just meant his future wife but i dont know can this be used to make your hair longer as well? just wondering lol can you sing me to sleep everyday? lol i love your voice you couldve at least made a better attempt to use it lol has anyone else just thought of hitting the wall instead of the door? tbh when i first clicked on this i was expecting him to sing like rock or something based off his looks then he started singing opera i was like O.o he has talent tho GDE and C does anyone know who the guy is? did anyone else noticed all the girls stood with their legs crossed? i think this is like the only mv of this song left on youtube yes there is :3 idk about you guys but i think paul kinda looks like dumbfoundead toot it and boot it O.o theres a talk about a teacher with a porn star past at my school lol you say ,water, funny indians are asian too bro .... so youre basically saying shit about yourself and your ethnicity nice cover :D sabaidee :D nice cover lol yes it is hes in really good condition for a 46 year old O.o they have an amazing tolerance level i wouldve slapped the fuck outta the kid by the 4th ,waz up den, i dont care if i get beat by the other nigga but atleast i taught that kid a lesson =_=",22,2,3,5,0,21,0 307,X308,"Sounds like Sponge Bob. Niggers Chris: ,What's your name?,Meghan: ,Meghan.,Chris: ,Get out.,How it should have gone. Great video have watched several times now. Never gets old.",4,0,3,5,1,31,0 308,X309,lol so true... lol :D fuck them t(-.-t) ....//).. (\`\ /.//.. \\.\ ../.// .\\.\ ..//./\../ `\.\`\ .././/././.|__| .\.\.\\.\.. (.(.(.(./.)..)..(..(. \.).).).) .\.\//.\. ..\/./ ..\.. /..\../ .\..(. ..)./ 7:47 sounds like elmo lol XD damn he good! i love all ur vids and all but i dont get wats so funny/fun about this game o.O lol XD .__. () awesome way to go :) awesome :D O.O,13,0,2,1,1,41,0 309,X310,phantom's hanhae is the model,1,1,3,5,0,17,0 310,X311,"That's why you never see people kicking beach balls in Zombie movies/games/'s unwise and dangerous. THANKS FOR YOUR COMMENT AND THANKS FOR WATCHING GUYS. Your point sucks so you throw in ,Americans,. Stfu your parents never touched you quit fishing for sympathy on youtube. A naked chick shooting guns is hotter. Gangstas paradise fuck that's an old song. Good stuff though. It wasn't until the end of the video that I realized the person on the left is a girl I thought she was the others chicks little brother for some fucking reason. I see people popping Abcess's at home on youtube all the time but doing it at home when it's on your eye is a bad idea. I hope your pops is doing good though bro. My girlfriend got this done shit was disturbing but it made her happy and as a good boyfriend I chose to support her but fuck that looks painful. I'll never understand this hobby but to each his own. You one ballsy chick for sure. Yeah fucking right I'm all for piercings but my dick is a treasured asset and I'm not shoving a fucking needle through it. This shit looked painful as fuck. That's wrong MRSA is just an antibiotic resistant staph Bacteria. You can get it from touching someone who carries the bacteria on the skin. Just because you have MRSA on your skin doesn't mean it will ever cause you any problems. But you can get it from more then just touching an infected wound you can get it from visiting a hospital. Wash your hands children. lol yeah right. Relax bro relax. If you're going to teach creationism then you should have to teach every other religion in the worlds belief as well. You would have to be fair to every faith and belief. Evolution is science and science is a prerequisite to graduate plain and simple. Creationism taught in school would be a waste and unfair to those religions that differ from Christianity. Shouldn't even be up for discussion anymore. I AM A TROLL That shit is so pathetic wtf bro. I fucking agree Beth has horrible work ethic. It's ridiculous some of the problems people are having with this game. There are indie development companies consisting of 2 guys in a garage that can put out games with out issues as bad as these. You would be right if Skyrim were fucking playable. So far skyrim is the most polished piece of shit this year. Doesn't matter how much content is in it if it can't be played across all platforms then Bethesda once again proved how terrible of a video game developer they are. Dark Souls isn't one of my favorites but at least it's fucking playable. The Average mine craft player. Nice spelling. God talk about over thinking a fucking youtube video bro what does any of that have to do with the song? Why is there always constantly someone on these videos trying to talk racism. Like fuck get a life or at least learn to enjoy music. An explosion. People are walking around with speakers playing songs while they beat other folks? Where the fuck do you live? So he defended himself but quick question. According to medical examiners why was the 16 year old beat before he was shot? Apparently he was also shot while he was on the ground. Doesn't sound like self defense to me but I won't judge. I like the music I could give a fuck about the artist. This wasn't very good and the ,Rediculous, part is ridiculous. Kanye West would like to have a word with you. Don't judge cause my vagina smells. You're on a hopsin video replying to a comment and defending Tyler you lame. Tyler a joke I could understand defending Earl...BUT TYLER? Yeah right. BUT UH WHAT INSTRUMENTAL IS THIS? Say what you will about the people in the video Louis Theroux is a baller.",27,0,3,5,0,21,0 311,X312,"*sniff* the kazoos...where did they go? 1:03 no SHIT sherlock what's moar hilarious is that i have a bunch of japanese videos recommended to me after this video. they just need some more creative script writers that's my only problem with the game who knows maybe in a few years modern combat will look better than cod mw3. I bet dem two f***ing while waiting for Mario. She probably uses Mario to keep up appearances. yeah but I could rearrange the spirit message to something else... its recommended to play the Arma 2 mod DayZ through steam right? I was thinking about getting the game. I got furries and sexy inner raccoon because of that video by dorkly. Steve you lied to us I can't see you as my herrrrrrruuuu anymoar :'( lol I wonder how often supplies are ,mysteriously, gone... Isn't that true think about this whats worse? Humans vs Humans or Humans vs Zombies? It will always be humans. We ourselves have the power to eradicate most life on earth or create total anarchy and pit man to the natural and harsh test of survival of the fittest. teacher why is that gorilla massaging her like daddy and mommy? A large influence of nostalgia brought me here also wut up with the emoticon do you usually wink with a flat face? 00:12 Doesn't he run a prison now? (If you know what I am referring to you iz awesome). you could have at least put how Ian doesn't give a shit over time with his beard growth or just overrun the house with walkers. THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM!!! I'd love to go back in time and slap my windows 8 tablet in their annoying face. How does this help sell product anyways? No they beat them using 3 guys on one mouse best ad everr.... fuuuuuuuukkkkkkkiiinnnnnnn WALKING DEAD SEASON 3!!! or maybe just the last for Han... it really depends on whether or not they make this the one film where Han finally goes to Tokyo and they still make large bank off of this film as long as the money keeps coming I guess the longer the series goes regardless of what character dies i.e; Obi Wan =O buts that's just my guess. Trixie and Octavia were my favs 3 *squee* 2:51 I want to say this to every person who says Swag YOLO or gets overexcited with 420. Blow jobs were more expensive back then apparently now wait a mo is stalker a zombie game or horror game because now I really want to play it 0:29 fa fuq happened to his hand?",25,41,4,2,0,24,0 312,X313,@Jaruphpng Kunchung - - 5555*,3,0,4,5,0,19,0 313,X314,Am I the only one that thinks ray Saw Roc's ZIlla ? At First i thought myles was scared of a bug . but no he showing off his Airbending Moves Birdigit Mendler is very pretty on here but on Good Luck charlie she is ugly ... i think it's the makeup Endorse Those Strippers Im Legit and High School 3 Lmfao u horrible at dancing .sorry not sorry Bitch I said steals . Lmfao Lmfao . I loved it Vixen and hoes are number one !!! Lmfao Merry Christmas from my big mansion to ur small home lmfao !! April 83 my bday Lmfaoo . I'm done I love you Lmfao * bitch you Nasty *,12,5,4,5,0,28,0 314,X315,@mseals29 Yea I know but I see wats wrong but u gotta say she does too... Guys he's in the nfl I don't see any of u in the nfl he tried so calm ur pussies bitches Wth the safety watched him just run dumbass defense But yea the story was kinda bullshit Hol,10,3,3,5,0,38,0 315,X316,"Realo nasty trick putting part 1 in the title then not supplying the rest of the vids thx alot came here to see the kick and saw nothing great upload NOT djokovic french open final smashing the shit out his chair ?? Not as bad granted but still. Aren't tennis such children sometimes eh ??!! Dolmens were used as burial grounds with a difference. If you are to believe in the prospect of re-incarnation you may understand easily. To the best of my knowledge when the body dies the soul transcends the physical realm and after a brief peiod of re-energizing and reflection re-enters the physical realm into another body. However when a person reaches a certain level of wisdom and spiritual divinity they may chose to be placed into a dolmen whereby they slowly fade away.... At the start of these vids it said Part 1 of Part 27. Now its says part 20 of part 22..So is there 27 or 22 parts??? Confused !?#* instrumental ?????/ The CE$O of Mccy D's must be so proud of what he's done to the kids. 50 ceo's sat around a board room table dicussing there next course of action., So we've sold the poor bastards everything including the shirts on their backs and we've even sold ice to an eskimo , ,What on earth shall we sell them next?,,Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could sell there souls even if only there was a way ,,MMMmmmm I'll get marketing onto it immediately sir !! , I have similar issues I think I need a therapist. Just ,A 4 V, the ticket why kick up such a fuss. You know them officer are thinking ahhh no not another freeman. people just jump out of the winsows and run off. As if to say , Ahhhh this must be my stop off to my shopping, WTF you've just been in a 2 way bus crash you mad Bastard. Love to hear this guy but everytime I see Project Camelot I get a faint whiff of dis-informaton truth sandwich. Anyone else get the same vibe? Is there meant to be some sorta timeline when this happens visionarypeace is this just BS mate its The end of July now I haven't seen no televised Illuminati Implosion what's going on ??? !!! Nice one stephen hawking :-) this shits a hoax surely light forces??? ET's come on Fulford don't believe in that shit surely?? TimeCrosser1 Explain yourself Me too after just watching how to drill glass and yet still no answer.HEY TRASH PEECHS Could you do this to make a hole in a glass container ??? How on earth do I always end up in this realm of youtube. Where Bullshit fakers reside and the Crazies come out to play ???? NO simple answer 8:44 well guys I hope enjoyed watching me get absolutely trashed get that poor man a drink You clearly are a fool. Why take a hit then reload your bong whilst holding breath then attempt to inhale all of the second hit. Of course it will get you fucked but why not just make a bigger bowl in the first place then take a massive hit and hold it in. I wont ask how you got your hands on a kilo of weed I think could possibly be a J brother to de-stress from the irreverant questions he's getting. if it wasn't done in robot voices it would have a chance of working. Any great comedian will tell you its all about delivery of the punchline. rubbish...:( sooo funny wtf you only played 9 ndays So for example on day three if you look at your stock you have enough coffee to sell 15 cups (60 divide by 4) but you have enough to sell 20 cups (40 divide by 2) so no matter what happens even if you sell out you will have 5 cups worth of milk left which is wasted. Which is wasted money.",28,1,3,2,0,32,1 316,X317,"wait... this isnt really christina g's account? this is an amazing movie.disney has changes so much since i was little and that is not a good thing.seriously what happened? basically every old disney movie is a classic but now all the movies coming out now are..........incomplete wow this song actually goes pretty well with labyrinth beautiful :)i would use the petal makes it a little less rough very beautifu but pedal would have made this video a 10 hey... your hair is perfect :p (even though you already know) haha i cant believe u actually took a shower and put it on youtube :D haha i oficially luv u! ,and then you get dressed...if you feel like it :), u have very nice arms :) very cute :)you have a pretty voice im impressed wow you are amazing :)when im wishing on those ,shooting stars, i will wish to play like you best cover ever! 3 is that a rabbit on your bed?! :D best piano and cover i have seen yet. you two are amazing 3 wow u have perfect skin :)ur pretty damn cute your adorable!!! :)p.s. this song fits your voice perfectly! wow you just admitted to the whole world that you have a small penis.have fun with that! omg if you listen you can tell that he has the most adorable accent ever!!3!!! you are soo cute! X) haha cute boys!!please make more videos!!!!!!",17,3,5,5,0,19,0 317,X318,audriann95 comment visit and subscribe Sure Its like a grammy award:) Omg they are great and adorable woe!! I cant hear anything I dont get this video Awww pretty good Awwwww:) I loved thid:) I was.making it up as I was going and idk I might later ne you didnt omg hahah hilarious kimberly elliot no way lol u have this freakin amazing voice why wont u sing:( sing to me bitch geeeeeeeeeeeeeeze dont waiste ur giftstop talkin and sing this is pretty good:) i like it:) me being stupid with this dumb song hahha ya wow this is totally fake u can tell by the way the guy is talking haha bad actor and i did also see the computer mouse wow! wtf awwwwww ya thank you wow!,19,9,2,40,0,19,0 318,X319,1 2 3 this video is 3:37 long...he he he get it..337 can you do a piano tutorial for Different People by Artist vs Poet?,3,11,4,10,0,15,0 319,X494,@danny hall: who are you to say someone deserve to die? Man!! the american people are brain washed since forever.i hope we come around soon. Great stuff why would i want to go to war? you have to be stupid u ass. do you really think they are fighting for ,34,0,4,5,0,25,0 320,X321,liking and faving the series x) video was made 2 years ago...? the creepers dont destroy blocks anymore. ernesto you fuckin suck llike you wouldn't rofl obviously you can't if you shake it it will shut the machine down cover the hole and you lose the money. you're* actually... guys a mexican... you go ahead and think that lol of course not. actually pc gets alot better gameplay and content.please research before you comment. no. woah... I don't even remember making that comment... must have been a good night.thank you for replying though. roflhis deck is too fast for it he'd have to open with it to play it. side deck dimensional fissure. sound you made me lose a bong hit :( I was mid hit and you did the wonderwoman thing with your arms and i laughed and lost the hit :'(,16,0,7,5,0,33,1 321,X322,wat een kk filmpje nice voice better go kill your self,3,0,3,5,0,19,1 322,X323,"spineless octopus motherfucker at 2:21 this is my life right now. great song man. this is my lfe right now. i had to let her go even though i knew she still had feelings for me. he better be treating her right. like the amazing girl she is. this is my lfe right now. i had to let her go even though i knew she still had feelings for me. he better be treating her right. like the amazing girl she is. shout out to all the people who had to let that special someone go. did maka's dad do a kamehameha while saying ,MAKA!,? How bout deeez robot nnuts aaron duddy i used this for my first cover. please check out my channel i'll have more covers up soon. thanks why doesn't sesshomaru use the sword he already has?",8,1,2,1,0,21,0 323,X324,LMAO. Probably one of the best jobs ever. I am currently living in Mexico with my parents before school starts and let me tell you that none of this it's being shown in the news or in any way on the T.V. there;s a complete media blackout. NWO Agenda. It's all part of the plan and what's crazier it's that Alex Jones sort of predicted this. Many people still don't believe this has been planned out. The next event will be The 2012 London Olympics and I bet you that people won't be wake up even after those attacks. LMAO you can tell this guy was made so you wouldn't be able to finish with a single life. You are so gorgeous. What cycle did you run? Wayne's World. :) Do the other Asian Pranks! This was hilarious! Just come clean. So it's Barthel natural? FUCK YOU DOUCHEBAG You obviously haven't watched his recent show have you? Everybody knows he did some kind of cycle. He won't admit and erases comments constantly. Every day he loses subscribers and customers. I found this rather entertaining sir. DEATH TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER Sup with them steroids when's the juicing 101 video? Illuminati. FUCK BARTHEL FITNESS What's the song at 3:56 GARBAGE VIDEO FUCK BARTHEL FITNESS HE CLAIMS TO BE NATTY AND SHIT FUCKING ROIDED SELLOUT Probably the shortest workout ever I doubt you can make gains like that. Nick Wright should watch this video. SCREW BARTHEL FITNESS STEROIDS FUCKING MIRIN BRAH,26,1,3,2,0,19,0 324,X325,"Some Oreo Facebook fans are agen' it the bible agen' it god agen' it and if you've got any sense you agen' it. Awesome ,season finale, (And epic cliffhanger.....haha). I haven't really been keeping up with the anime I've been watching this season (have like 3-4 episodes per show i haven't watched yet) but I've watched every Helvana part that's been released the moment I noticed it was uploaded. Act 2 is gonna be EPIC. Can't wait to see what happens next. lmao......if this lady had given her name she'd loose her head by midnight. Ana for the win on this. I like the videos that go over more general techniques/tips as opposed to videos that are a little too specific like ,how to draw Naruto, so this one was a winner for me. I don't know if you've covered this already but it would be nice to have a video on bushes/trees/gardens. Drawing everything line by line is absurdly time consuming and I'm loosing hair trying to figure out how to convey/draw it another way.Thanks for the videos mark :). Haha the elf girl looked like she had a ,thing, for Byrd the whole time. I've gotta make sure I have popcorn on hand for Act II :). Looking forward to it! We're not all monsters in Philly T___T; There will always be ignorant people Ana - even if tyt was the most popular show in the world there will always be incredibly ignorant and arrogant jackasses that do stupid shit and manage to get news coverage. Before I watched tyt I didn't give a damn about politics since it all seemed so frivolous. Now I care more about politics and the direction of our nation as a whole and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Keep fighting the good fight. I can't get enough of Byrd's expression as he said ,I. Deny. Everything,. Perfect response xDAnd I just realized - it's kinda funny how the artists are rich bastards in Helvana when really most artists are broke as hell :p I loved Megadeth.............but now this....... I'm all for Dave's music but damn man. Just damn =___=;. This is pretty late but to answer your question - The game seems to only run on 2-3 CPU threads and the more people/animations on screen at once the more CPU gets used (CPU handles the frames and animations of objects and models among other things) and the more the game bottlenecks on those 2-3 CPU cores/threads the less your video card has to work with/apply textures to. Also your GPU gets used more with AA because it's de-noising whatever frames its rendering. This is common in MMOs :). I didn't even know you continued filming without the mods man. That and real life responsibilities must have been tough - good call going on hiatus. If Helvana was becoming a chore then it would have probably started to show in your work anyways plus life responsibilities come first. Take it easy and see you around Dan. Damn they need to run that in an ad. Awesome statement. Ha I was about to make the same point. Seeing as corporate media panels are usually packed with a bunch of conservatives I don't really see the issue with having an all liberal panel for the point for contrast. Though I'll admit that it's GREAT to see people like Paul get shot down before the BS plane even takes off on this show. It's nice to have a conservative on sometimes to throw a wrench in things. This just made my night. Ryan is HILLARIOUS. Romney just got pwnt What song is this? Sounds a lot like touhou arrange music Cenk owned those taki editors SO HARD that I was cringing for the taki editors. I'm sure they're in the shower trying to wash off the shame now. Of all channels to have FOX NEWS talk about how being detached from reality is dangerous Is it just me or does Rush smack his lips a lot? I watch these shows while tabbed into a different window and I swear in almost every video of Rush I've thought that he was eating something. Or not. Just learned from reading comments that Rainbow did the original. Haha. Who needs super computers to direct resources away from environmental sustainability? Maybe some humans in another solar system do but we sure as hell don't need any help with that one. It seems like a lot of experienced artists tell younger artists that skill and technique isn't as important as we think it is yet art classes are meant to teach and hone skills and technique so I don't quite follow. I feel that lots of people have ideas but only a fraction of people with ideas actually have the skill needed to give life to the idea. I guess I'm trying to ask what your take on the importance of skill/technique as opposed to imagination or sense of composition is. Thanks. Ah super late response but thanks for clearing that up. I've been listening to a lot of touhou arranges lately but I don't know the names of all the originals that the arranges are based off of. I wouldn't even say that they're talking about christian freedom. They already have christian freedom. They're talking about christian dominance. [L]et me defend house wives and how they're persecuted by feminists etc. when they're the greatest thing on earth is what Cenk said. It wasn't the clearest thing he's said by any means but it still seems like he's saying housewives are the greatest thing on earth while mocking S.E.",27,0,4,5,0,19,0 325,X326,Every time i see this i feel bad for kev! Its dry cause you know health will be ok as they showed him later on.... /: fail Haha no question mark about that!! Omgg!! I wish i listen to that live!! Thats so mean but funny! lol that man,5,0,2,1,0,15,0 326,X327,KONY 2012 ruby rose? why did she have to kill him ? this is cute :) his very very very attractive i cant wait for this song to be released 3 her hair's amazing 3 shes so cute ! FINALLY OUT. OMGGG 33333333333 aww josh thomas is the cutest :) he didnt let them down :) awwww niall keeps eating :) OH MY GOODNESS brian 3 this is cute as 3 mitchells voice gave me chills at the start of this song 3 shatts he went home :( brian 3 awwwwww,17,1,5,1,0,17,0 327,X328,been watching hulu and I am SO SICK of Sean Klitzner's verizon commercial...T_T,1,484,3,62,0,21,0 328,X329,Ive memorized the whole lyricsTHANKS FRIENDSShaha :) WOWOW ur so pretty and ur voicei dont even know enough compliments to describe it! Nooo im listening to this on 350 BC on my IStone! gay. PRINCIPALMENTE dublado wowthat is sobeautiful and gandalf comes back for another kick-ass apearence! HE IS A MOD AND IS ONLY DOING THIS FOR DEMOSTRATION that was 4 words bro.... u have always been raging i have been reading all th comments and i only hear u starting more conversation and i dont even remember y and i dunno if ur still on this but plz stfu lol i loved this video but for watever reason i hate the forsworn.... he shall live for ever hate it when im playing skyrim and sauron ruins the fun D: soo much win Why does she have to be so perfect? I can never tell if she says 'if I was over' or 'sober...' I think a rapist said 'make you feel my love' to me once... Nooo 87 BC on my freakin IStone Meuusua voz eh lindaseu cabelo eh perfect! I hope you guys step on a legonothing personal :) is her voice too strong for you? orly...... This has officially been the AWESOMEST seconds of my life! I love it how he says 'trousers' You know wht u can provide me with?? You :)) And I said HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA I said HEY whats going on? ive raped the replay button soo many times!,27,2,4,3,0,29,0 329,X330,This further proves the point that all skinny nerdy white guys should be in bands. Did she say something about a black nipple? This is amazing. I can't wait to hear others. I normally would agree with you. This is seriously the only girl I've ever seen that can pull one off. When I listen and watch you play I can't focus on anything else. It just lures me in. I would hang out with this dude. I'm a dumb young girl. We know. Did anyone else notice Crossfade playing? Lol I didn't know Justin Bieber was in a pop punk band God Lance was terrible at that show. Lol I can't help but laugh at this band What does an accent have to do with how good a band is? You are a nice guy What happened to her vocals? She used to sound so good I didn't know Puddle Of Mudd changed their name to Basement gay You named her after the band? Wow fucking failure. Acacia the name itself is awesome though. I just think TAS sucks. Auto-tuning kills me.... If you run a couple of Rogue's Passages (which you can tap and tap 4 mana to make target creature unblockable this turn) you can drop a tormented soul or even replace your Duty-Bound Dead. I just put together an exalted deck that I have yet to try out. Silverblade Paladin would work well in mine. Will probably get some in the next week or so. You can check my deck out on my channel. Seems like you would get drowned in mana fairly often with this deck. I run a similar one. 22 lands 3 Arbor Elves 2 Avacyn's Pilgrims 4 Farseeks. That aspect of my deck always runs very well. Not trying to bring up anything personal but where do you get the money for all of these decks? Do ABU Games just send you the cards to open as a sponsoring deal or what? I would like to see your take on a Door To Nothingness based deck. to go see some douchey shit all you have to do is watch a video of your band playing you douchey shit I'm new to modern(only been playing Magic for around 6 months) and I'm gonna try this deck out for a while. Hope you don't mind. I noticed this was before Return to Ravnica came out. Has it changed anything in this deck? That seems like such a petty thing to lie about too. That rubs me the wrong way man. Thanks for pointing that out. This is phenomenal.,26,2,3,5,0,19,0 330,X331,"God doesn't work that way. You pray for forgiveness but it's up to you to change yourself. OOOHH Lord that is a serious knee injury for willis mcgayhee.,......... Yep, nightmares are awesome and give you a sick awesome thrill. HAHAHA when i saw the wagon i died laughin At the hour mark ,Thiiisss isss mee crreeepiingg thee shiittt outtt offff youuuuu, u really didnt see brittney in her prime did you... you're both wrong.. it's dihydrogen monoxide yes it does matter as he's stating import is better. so therefore it matters and whatever is stated isn't irrelevant. I'm a fox researcher expert. the fox wanted the cat for it's body. yep.. actually one of the differences between tigers and lions is that tigers are able to use both paws simultaneously while striking while most lions only use one at a time to land a blow. Tigers are (specifically the siberian) are larger than the average male lion. and your comment on instincts works both ways. now one of the big differences is that lions hunt in packs for security while tigers are solitary creatures. but also lions deal with more problems on the savannah. lets get a polar bear or an Alaskan Kodiak to face the lion what's impossible? that was probably the funniest commercial i've ever seen. but yeah this dude is awesome. maybe just a better rider or someone who knows the course better. the bike can only do so much P.U.S.S.I.E.S I think it's more so they didn't want to enter a potentially dangerous situation. Rather than waiting to see if the man was bit take the threat out first and foremost. While it is terrible to see a dog go like this it's animal vs. human. animal loses every time a self defense case or potential threat case comes up. LOL the chinese firedrill was sick funny. i wish i could do that with people i'd ride with... but i think i'd get out of the car and they'd just drive off.. are you kidding me?? that was probably the worst example ever. this one is by far more believable. you should've just grabbed a bat and acted crazy :D yeah i just got pulled over for doing 89 miles an hour and cop gave me a reckless :/ he probably thought you were an ariel atom or somethin at first. i ride a bike and i'd agree to hit that biker from behind i feel for her. if i was her lawyer i'd sue the mall haha nice i work at a chic fil a why? take the BV and buy 5 bmw's you know you're suppose to let go... haha but nice vid :D i think the problem was too much throttle really. it's more likely that they're just remembering their timing. just like how people who play basketball have a routine for free throws. eh if they were the same price. . . I would definitely take the veyron",28,4,5,5,0,21,0 331,X332,"if it looked better i might have considered trying it...but looking like this its not even worth pirating it A true warrior needs no head - Totalbiscuit Crikeni have 2 words for thee:,Karma Charger, how to beat ranked or draft pick so you can see if they pick darius2.pick yorick and go top3.profit the graphics remind me of borderlands Vic actually comes from victim...",6,19,5,11,0,18,0 332,X333,"I prefer her eyebrows like it is in this video :B Have anyone noticed that all the guitarist are left handed?? Or it's just me? :S Nuss eu morria de rir quando passava essa vinheta :P HEUHSUEHSEUHEUSU This song is like universal you know OMG their concert yesterday in So Paulo was just amaaaaaazing *-----------------------* AAWWNN 2:56 Nick *-----* 2:58 Smile :P Guys stop talking about Glee and younger older generations or whatever and admire shirtless John Taylor on 0:15 :) It must have been so nice to experience that decade y'know when they was just getting started :) This is goooooood :) Performatic people: :) 1:37 BOYS WITH MAKE UP I actually like the idea of having models in videoclips but I think the director could've done a funny thing or a cool classy thing with it. In this video it's just girls doing-nothing around thing like it's not surprising :/ But I reeeeally liked the song :) Nossa esse novo vdeo ficou muito bom parece que o Felipe Neto mega hiper ultra revoltado dos primeiros vdeos retornou! :P O surto dele no meio do vdeo foi demais heusheuhsheushu :P LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL :P I just love how BJ's doing a lot more falsetto notes now :) 4:10 Dan LOL You're not the only one!!! *--------* o/\o Wow that was just awesome :P + Couple days afterwords the principal came into the class I was and congratulated me for winning a scholarship which I really had won so I thought ,well I guess it's just all that she's going to say,... And then she asked me ,WOOW and what was that Holly",20,2,4,5,0,18,0 333,X334,Amazing :) On repeat for hours! Yupp still amazing! Wow this is awesome!!!!!! Perfect for hooping :3 If you don't mind me asking what diameter is your phoenix? :) Mesmerizing :D May I ask what size your green polypro is? So much love3 This is the version I've been searching for! Thanks so much for posting :D,7,8,6,16,0,21,0 334,X335,The sound it makes when you thumbs up a comment sounds so weird! What shoes is he wearing @ 1:31??? Haha BOOTY hehe How do you get it to always show the starting lineups like that? SEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D @lilcrazed ay Crazed what snap you wearin in dis one??? Its dope!!! I wish I had emo grass...... And its just hate and judge me like your honor.........kinda like court. What about Skip?.......:/ @KingInDisguiseENT Sharks are scared of dolphins......LOL @lilcrazed Crazed you a cheater!!! :( lyrics? Is the beanie really Knocksteady cuz i dont see it on there?...:/ Did you guys realize the guy behind Supa Hot is TBONE? haha a bandaid What Goodwood is that? LOL Crazed was listenin to JB @8:38. xD Thumbs up if you were actually wearing a hat when he said that ! For the girls bro Woah ben jamz. Haha Aye @lilcrazed what ever happened to puttin lyrics in the description? I'd always sing along to that $h!t mayne!,21,1,3,6,0,32,0 335,X336,mewtwo lol min are you a gril wtf i will ues a nerf gun wtf Tornadus Thundurus Landorus,7,9,5,18,0,16,0 336,X337,i had 100 nights in Bangkok what u said is true! :p when some people hate him for his religion and not his music meaning they are fans of Madonna who still jumping around with her plastic surgery butt u haters dont belong here...Yusuf Islam sings about peace and love....No religion in this worlds teaches us how to be rude to haters may u rote in hell thank U.... blaaa blaaa bla....piap! piap! piap! aduiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! mcm ni pun org melayu blh terpengaruh hindu pun tak mcm ni punya violence...pecah kelapa je abih2 ini pecah Kepala... Alhamdulilah Terima kasih kpd saudara krn upload ilmu yg sgt berguna kpd Umat Islam seluruhnyasemoga dirahmati Allah Ya Allah panjangkanlah umur Dato' Dr Harun Din Semoga kami beroleh manfaat dari beliau pd kami yg berkesempatan menuntut ilmu walaupun dari jauh Insyaallah semoga Ilmu ini menebalkan lagi keimanan kita semua...Allahuakhbar! beautiful song:) i sang this after signing divorce paper... 59 dislikes for her hair...thats alll... Illuminati Hair style....hahaha hahaha i love kids they scared of everything .. Adele and Skyfall just BRILLIANT ! loveeeee it! Hahahaha i agreed this is funny nevermind i love u Tom cruise - this is JACK OUTREACH movie...before your JACK REACHER ( two thumb ups ) she don't have to show her skin to rule the world..time for talent to take over ..back to basic forget nicki minaj..:p Masyaallah. i'm born muslim but i used to take our religion for granted i always watched converts journey to restore my faith finally last year in June Allah open my heart and show me straight path there's alot of muslims out the who are still living ignorance and Islam only by the name.. not only new muslims facing the great obstacles but born muslims like having same things family friends career wise... Alhamdulilah now i'm wearing hijab pls pray that i will stay in Iman 4ever,13,0,3,5,0,34,0 337,X338,It shoots good and looks good.......Kaye! Good job!!!!! This how filipina's do it...... Soooooooo cute:) Nice.... go girl,6,2,3,32,0,35,0 338,X339,Mike thanks for the cool vid .. helped me out with my 2001 honda .. thanks again,1,3,5,31,0,43,0 339,X340,like this album it is very good i cant wait for it suju fighting arab ELF i cant see anyting i just need to sleep but i will stay here for sj ZA:A IM ARAB FANS AND I LOVE YOU 5,9,3,2,1,0,13,0 340,X341,"mili-liter?!?....... me lol ****We wer Military but we still go On-Post for every Forth of July..... cause they set all these games bounce house Entertainment and FOOD for everyone then by then its dark enough to were they play God Bless USA while the FIREWORKS Explode :D!!!!!!! 3**** ****We wer Military but we still go On-Post for every Forth of July..... cause they set all these games bounce house Entertainment and FOOD for everyone then by then its dark enough to were they play God Bless USA while the FIREWORKS Explode :D!!!!!!! 3**** I HAV ALOT OF HATS.. I HAV TOOO MANY HATS!! 3lol where and HOw much did you pay for the INSTANT ARTIFICAL nail polish!!!?!?????!?!?!?! Well she's ingaged NOW!!!! (or married already) so who give a flying f*^@K wat u guys call her!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know da hairstyle beauty has on 1:12 is called I laughed all the way to to da comment box Dear Ryan can you be a ,go-go girl, or a gansta-pimp guy- watever?!!? Clear skin to give you that Glow-y look please ! LOL i love how near the ending it gose to dramatic song back to stary night lol not ture found one person @ 0:33 but pause at 0:35 How to wear WHITE clothing in the Fall!!! 3 She's been POSTED it.... Its not on youtube its on!!!.. Lol is she wit both of love da song not jus becuz of auburn but becus it sound good wit all of YALL!!! 3 srry PinkRose is my lil'sis account had to logout of hers wen i saw her Account Name Can i work with it work wit non-straight hair?....for instence mix-ppl hair? Ain't we all?!! (IN LINE/ LUCY SINGS)ME: DAMN come on mom time to go home...! AYYYYEEEEee!!!! I love dat bathroom scene doe! 3yall cool even if we rival schools I think your just ABSOLUTLEY BEAUTIFUL IN 2:41!!!!! Chris Brown like see ya lol 1:40 This song3 made me CRY!!....I LOve Chris.B. _lol_ She reminds me of Rihanna and Jennifer Lopez together",27,2,3,5,0,15,0 341,X342,This movie was really good!!!!! full show!!! :D PVP SAAAAAN!!! 3 PVO SAAAN!!! 3 PVP SAAAN!!!!!!!! -3 Hunger Games FTW!!! H8 hockey.. GIANTS ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!! What kind of cat is nylah THIS VIDEO IS ON WORLDSTAR :) Love fried chicken or fried buffalo wings SAAAAAAAAAANNN!!!!!!!!! Timothydelaghetto and prankvsprank (bfvsgf) :D !!!!!!!!!! -3 [iminent=U9a647YVffOB] _____________I have just posted a cool BigEmo!,12,2,5,5,0,29,0 342,X343,You got better! Nice job Nichole! :D Will.I.Am let himself go.. Lol I'm doing this song in choir :D He has a good singing voice :D,4,20,4,23,0,21,0 343,X344,"nice hairstyle:) Ang ganda ng kanta : ..... Simula palang eh :)) Good tutorial! :) what the strumming pattern?? Nice voice and nice guitar :) good job :)) nice : great job : good cover! : It's like the guitar chords of Replay by Iyaz xD can it be Dm A# F and C ? are you pinoy? :D Good Tutorial! Two thumbs up! you are the greatest band that i heard.I AM A VERY BIGBIG FAN. Your tutorials are the BEST!!!! I don;t how to play that game! I keep on trying but I keep on losing! :( What is his twitter account??? please reply! :) If youare Zhenwei's classmate or friend please tell that I like him so much! Please reply! :) alam mo ba yung official twitter account nya? :) How did you jump over her then strike her? Hayz.naging singing chamopion ako dahil sa kantang toh :,)",21,0,4,5,0,15,0 344,X345,wow (: i loved it !! the guy on the right is oober cute3,1,0,3,5,0,14,0 345,X346,"To each parent there own we all know wats best for our own kids If I had to pick one I guess it would be Jennifer Lopez's hair.. When she does the beach waves with the clipped puff at the top.. I love that look.. I had that problem with breastfeeding my boys.. I barely lactated 4oz a full day on my right and 8-10 oz on the left.. it was really hard but maybe my next baby.. You look amazing!! and the boys are so cute reminds me off mine when they were born.. My next tattoo will be a small dragon wrapped around my ring finger representing my husband he's was born the yr of the dragon.. I would do his name but he's is superstitious about tattooing spouses names so I respect his wishes When I had my twins they didnt tell me they had given me patocin*.. When I found out I was mad cause I had a 10hr labor nd delivery giving me they patocin in hr 2 I felt like they rushed it.. But it made my contractions a bit stronger I had a spinal tap.. And they barely allowed me to try a natural birth rushing me to have a c-section.. But I was 18 birthing twins it seemed at this hospital they didnt take well to teen mothers.. Awww my boys use to fall asleep on thier jumpers like that too it was too cute understand if we lived a good distance apart but we live in the same zip code!! less than 8 blocks apart.. I get how its easy to forget thats they're birth father I do it alot... Sayin goes ,Outta sight Outta mind, They are beautiful nd aww my twin boys were born 10/14 also can-section... they are 3yrs old now though... God bless them..",8,3,2,4,0,21,0 346,X347,Alice Chan Yuri 3:40-3:57 OMG LOL The one with the short hair is Jurina Matsui and the one with the long hair is Watanabe Mayu lol me too,5,7,4,5,1,20,0 347,X348,omg im dying wtf is this lmfao i love you jenna ;D wtf is wrong with u asshole hey bitch! i HATE you! 1:17 omg im crying lmfao I'm english. watching spongebob. singing. in german. what am i doing with my life -.- what the actual fuck is this lmao hahaha xD i think the funniest part of this is that there's over 79 million views. LMFAAO saame this is the best. 85 more comments since i started viewing 0.0 6:26 she realizes she still has another one meow there's a kitty with me! that's taylor's mother xD wtf is ur problem do u have eyes why was this in my recommended videos? sigh. fuck. its always been me me to me. too late to change now 7 people missed the like button. i had a hamster once... he escaped out of his cage dug a hole up into the wall and stayed there for 4 whole days till i found him :/ i love simple plan. so much. :) thanks a lot you tasty muffin snake.,21,7,3,5,0,22,1 348,X349,Pretty cool like it I liked and favorited I just was wondering if emerngcy air drop is gunna b back Man that sucks rocket died CRIP CUS Damn!!! Good FAST OFWGKTA Whats the science song called? Honstly i don't like justin bebier but you kinda killed it Killed it Even tho it's fake its pretty cool to c it become that one day Your wereing an iowa shirt GTFO Gaingus kong vs richard Nixon :) Last video sucks Why are people fighting enjoy the music 0:46 she got ass;) Shut up n pipe down its nature Aye @backHOLLOtips @justjazz46931 Xbox I use to like it now it sucks I wana see your gameing setup !:),22,0,3,5,1,21,0 349,X350,Its the moms fault that the kid is like that -_- he most likely sees this happen a lot to himself and does it back to her. This is good!!! :) dont listen to the hatersss -3 :) Thanks Tyler. KIDS REACT FTW! ;D @portal2lbp2 Right ?! Lol :p You gonna kill the puuuuuppiesss?! D: open condom styleeee ! -:3 Happy Birthday Babytard!!!! :) @TheFineBros :D I like how Sontard sacrifices himself for a meat shield when him and Princesstard fall down x) and how he goes after Rocktard. What a wonderfuuul big brother! -3 :P SOUTH TEXAS SOUTH TEXAS!!!!! xD ...please ? :D lololol. I think Leonidas won even though my heart will always belong to Master Chief -3 :3 How'd you get Steve Jobs to be in this ?! :o jk :| BILL GATES FTW (Xbox :3 ) Mr.Rogers!!!! xD i loved hiiiim ShhaaaaaayCaaaarl :P 2002!?!?! Damn I'm old... I wanna meet Carlos Ray Norris (a.k.a Chuck F**KING Norris) before i die...! Or before HE dies :S ...nah he'll never die! -3 ;3 This is amazingggg!!!! -3 I shall give you 20 dollars for your courage! :D TOM SYNDICATEEEEEE ! x'3 -3 Good job ! :'D,21,10,5,5,1,24,0 350,X351,Lmfaooooo Dashie Ahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahaaha omg I can't stop laughing the ending tho... No I refuse lol Uhhhh Soulja+ Rap= end of the world :) love Dashie and Tim and dare I say it Rick Shucks lol I love u Dashie! Lol Ahaa that shit was hilarious. I agree wit Tre I was caught off guard wen the chick in corner swung at ol girl I was like... *dead* lil Jaide got that ass beat lol Lol @deez nuts lol I'm not supposed to be giving yu props but I see you girl I see you! Lol but I'm not having a valentines until 2016 wen my bf gets out or wen I find someone new :( #SADLIFE Me don't like football like that lol Lol wow Mystic Lol naww man fuck that stage lol Can we come visit? Lol Lmfaoooooo REALLY DASHIE ! REALLY get the fuck out my house wit'cho stank ass loose pussy lmfaoooooo *dead* lol wow its been so long since i seen this Lol when she pulled that gun on him tho WTF?! Does anybody else think that Roc Royal looks more and more like lil Fizz ? Damn Mystic R.I.P Freddy E You its true wat they say about black men lol let's just say his dick was a baseball bat *dead* lmfaooo Ahahahahahaha,21,1,3,5,1,13,0 351,X352,YOU TALK TO FUCKING MUCH Dihh Shxt Dopee Af D A U M ! Y'all weak A'f How old is this video L M A O ! Bitch you living in a damn basement ! Get the fuck on ! Ewwww ! Bitch you ugly af,8,0,3,5,1,21,0 352,X353,"The Sun is fucking scary!!! Music is from The Elephant Man? Anyone who thinks they are gonna attack a person on pcp is retarded. This dude is already pretty big plus pcp makes you strong as fuck and immune to pain. Some people on pcp become paralyzed because their muscles tighten to the point that their bones crack. I would love to see how many cops it took to take him down if he even got caught. West Seneca Police are worthless pieces of shit they had tons of opportunities to arrest the assailant over the last year but failed to act. They actually gave these cops a medal of valor. I think I just had my 1st acid flashback and I haven't fucked with psychadelics in over 15 years. If you burn 13 copies of Final Fantasy 13 you can summon Phoenix. If this problem becomes overbearing I would suggest having someone around to monitor you just to see if they hear what you are hearing a friend family member someone you trust who knows your history. I don't know if your husband is currently deployed but you really shouldn't spend too much time alone if this problem gets worse. Last case scenario is call doctor or counselor I know you are not going to take any meds but they may be able to assess your level of severity from a professional view Anyone ever wonder if the sword in the pawn shop in pulp fiction was a Hitori Hanzou? If first you don't succeed try try again bro. There will be robots to fix the robots then robots to fix the robots who fix robots then robots to fix the robots who fix the robots that fix robots then robots to fix the robots who fix the robots that fix the robots who fix the robots that fix the robots. I live in NY where ordering Dominos pizza is a sin. I've been taking 300mg every night b4 bed for 7 years. This drug is amazing for sleep my moods are numb and complacent which is bad for my motivation but it is better than feeling manic irritability and anxiety/mixed episodes.The thing I hate about this drug is the hunger I get after taking itI gorge on food right b4 bed even if I just ate a full meal the hunger is insatiable and uncontrolableI have to eat or I get severe restless legsonce I eat I fall asleep within minutes.Good assessment Being unstable in and of itself is not that difficult until you add people into the mix try to avoid stressors drama and people prone to overdramatizations. The mood swings are apparent in this video you seem hypomanic your speech is very fast but it is also focused which is good unfocused fast speech is more indicative of mania or hypermania.I would chalk it up to a combination of both pregnancy and BP but the good news is it will all be better in 2 months when u can resume med. managemnt I wanted to share a little theory of a possible prophesy that may have been overlooked. The actual date when the series will be completed. I know that it is unlikely due to George's uncompromising deadline dates for his books but here it goes. On page 781 in ADWD when the final tally of the wildlings crossing the wall is counted the number came out to be 3119 total a very specific number wouldn't it be something if the final book was published on March 1st 2019 3/1/19. The Nintendo robot for the NES used to take naked pictures of me and my brother in the bathtub. Lamar from revenge of the nerds at 1:23. You look great Nicole. You should join the UFC because you are one strong woman. Hypomania can be strange because we tend to associate our personalities with hypomanic experiences versus depressive experiences in which we tend to feel like we are not ourselves. Getting on meds can be tough because losing that manic side can feel like we are becoming lame which is a hard adjustment. For me on meds exercise has helped me 1000% it fights the weight gain gives you energy and is an investment in yourself you have to fight the side effects by putting in the work to get better. I delivered pizza for 5 years and i've come to find that many of my black customers did not tip but also I have realized that most of those deliveries were in predominately black ghetto's. When I worked at another pizzeria near a predominately white housing project they never tipped as well. It's not a black or white thing it's a poor thing poor people don't tip and dont get me started on the rich because they are even worse tippers. Working class tip the best. Its all about economic status. Well noone is pure good or pure evil it was said that hitler liked animals and he was a little kid at one point with all the aspirations and innocence of childhood but if you made a scale from 1-10 1 being almost a saint and 10 being a near demon hitler would definatley score above a five. The only difference between fantasy and genre fiction is decoration good characters are good characters in any setting. It is fucking awesome to hear a positive game review from you Razorfist I love Super Mario RPG. I love your rants because the industry is falling to post apocalyptic but the same intensity directed in a positive fashion is even better makes us old school gamers nostalgic and serves to remind us which direction the industry should be heading it's empowering bro. Tell that to the Romans if you can find one. To get rid of this god awful feeling/ ,More than anything in this world,. Flip side of the same coin. This role made Robert Blake kill his wife.",25,1,4,5,0,36,0 353,X354,Any one no what time it is. 23 past luongo i think this song would be a little bit funier if it was sang by and asian not to be rasist just the acent wood mak my puss sound funnier ummm ok but trust me u wont be with forever and ur to young to date when u take her to the moie some drives u right.... chaperone helpful hint pause at 1:10 A hell of a lot more people than the wings. They fuckin blow Awww that's cute u copy my stfu. also ummm let's see ur gay and that joke was fuckin terrible I mean c'mon really that was that really ur best come back hahahahahahah and Lego batman and shit is gay Wow. I'm shocked that someone would actually have the balls to like other genres of music...DAMN...I need to rethink my life. How dare someone have an open mind. 2:44. Damn Umm that's nice. But it's better than havin ur Sublings fuckin annoying u about puttin it one u tube This song was used for my high schools team when the showed the highlights. So fuckin sick Everyone in my class loves this song. That song is very funny! Opa gangume style wow NIALL Is mine !!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure Wow you used training pucks. Those are a pound lighter than the real black ones Maturity Level....69,16,2,2,2,0,18,0 354,X355,"well that was fun harrys attractive thrust :) 3 you never know with her leather face seems more scared then the kids well if you combine the two words you do get fast i was watching jenna marbles how the HELL did i get her people at school hate us because we tell them we are going to hell but were nice to everybody....... bitch hes never read the bible amen :) i like this challenge 1:48 theres a kid with a baby.... hahaha :) comments. moving. to. fast this is going on my blog agreed... and im american her face at 4:25 i ran into this song by googling my name O.O sad old people makes me cry Thank you so much for this video! it really helps! I don't understand why people are being mean to you. You are doing a very nice thing by helping people not be fooled by scammers. Thank you again! You obviously didn't just ,find, Jenna's video. You've commented on plenty of them bashing her. I don't know why you feel the need to do that but it's not OK. You're being rather hypercritical by telling people you going to call the police on them for harassing you when in reality they're just standing up for Jenna who you felt the need to say bad things about. If Jenna's videos offend you don't watch them It's not that hard",20,0,4,3,0,18,0 355,X2469,"boy meets world is one of my favorite shows! Kill people burn shit FUCK school awful amount of haters in the comments....why the fuck would you go to a video of a rap group you hate........ grammar nazi- a term used to describe someone who corrects grammar when losing an argument with someone damn i miss when wayne drake rapped liked this alot of desperate niggas in the comments....and they are both ugly wtf!?!? lil debbie is gross damn i love battles like this....punch lines for days they put the Qp vs remdy battle on today and it is awesomepunchlines for days and still really lyrical @flintroll187 so because I'm not a desperate pervert theres something wrong you're whole insult was based of f of a false guess so please........just shut up the straps of that bag make it look weird. if they werent purse straps then maybe it would look cool i never trade in games.TODAY i walked into gamestop and bought 2 games and a controller. The worker actually helped me alot and got me a great deal on the games In the interview with peter rosenberg he says that his mom didnt approve of what he was doing OUTSIDE OF RAP not of the things he rapped about BEST MK LOVES EVER Rick Ross no joke systemsyko i was thinking the same thing as you that the pink colorway killed the foamposites after the pinks i knew it was all over like the nike af1 with the money print colorway. esmeralda calm down we'll get some tacos later lmfao! that is the most obvious thirst trap ive ever seen anybody who falls for that is an idiot HE SAID HE'S NEVER BEEN IN A FIGHT....... gay ass john brown Holy shit RWJ could actually be a really dope rapper. You know what i just realized that theres one thing missing in all these rappers. GOOD PARENTING. If only their moms or dads would have told them to stay in school i hate takin photos.and i hate people who take ,SELFIES, wtf is the point of you takin a picture of yourself alone LMAO!!! struggle sandwitch Those diamond turfs are sick ive always been a fan of those sneakers why are people hating on earl sweatshirt in the comments of a vid thats not even his Earl hair make him look poor as fuck lmao anyone who chose to kill your friends in the game completely defeated the purpose of the game.............The Whole game is spent trying to save them so in the end.....I did. fucks Dennis...he tries to stab u in the end Dont do drugs kids...... damn tyler is being followed by a ton of paparazzi I could only imagine odd future crashing a would go from the excitement of an average wedding to a project x party in like 5 minutes Dirty WHAT! Canibus fucking got owned The name of the fuckin video says ,Tyler the creator and hodgy if you dont like them why are you here? OH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Damn man the coloring of your camera must be WAY off",35,5,2,5,0,21,0 356,X357,"eeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! what the hell is with kids with crap ton makeup? enes the menace! 1:28 lol rondo and al im average at starcraft. now its time to be pro in basketball she mustve had a nokia 3310 phone poor pheonix got overlord poop on thats a handsome cop drunk dennis kim looks like my 8 yo cousin his voice is rather soothing it would suck if it stopped halfway... then you wouldve had to start all over 0:09 anyone see him say ,she has no father? haha,..... how cruel this could be a top 10 play or a top 10 blooper my favorite part was when the men made it rain money on that one stripper i had this movie in a vhd. i treasured it my whole life as a kid. Then I lost it. few years later i found this movie on dvd in a garage sale. best $2 item bought in my life. first time seeing anthony without ian dont drop the baby",17,0,3,5,0,14,0 357,X358,did you dye your hair? oh my gosh OH MY GOSH I LOVE CORN Best part is 2:16 loves it WHEN DO WE GET TO HEAR IT DAMNIT Anthony where are your pants No she's a victoria's secret angel I haven't watched the video yet but if it's one of those fake videos and you say it's all a joke I'm going to unsubsribe On the right obviously? Brian is adorable Willam you have a beautiful voice. This collection was rather tacky and the models seemed so unprepared disappointed to say this is one of few times versace hasn't hit the mark for me. I just realied this sounds a lot like the song swoop by etc etc brillz diplo... MIRANDA YOU SHOUDL DO THE HARLEM SHAKE Bluffing. YOU AND BRIAN MAKE ME CRY,16,10,3,5,0,21,0 358,X656,"Omfg. That's not embarrasing.. -______- lol ~ally I'm bored with my hair... Any tips? :) I cried like i was watching titanic Omg this is confusing as shit well i know her name now.. :3 funny:) lmfao that's sand OMG OMCR?!?!?!?! AYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYA Lmfao. Don't call her xtina that's the queen's name. 3 thank you. @MrClassyG?... Its a vlog... A family vlog on youtube is creepy to you? Do you care to explain? My body's beautiful 3 @lauren smithOmfg i saw Gerard Way and had a heart attack... I FUCKING LOVE HIM!! 3 1 2 3 4- Plain White T's How fucking true is this?! The beginning sounds like Twilight. Lmao Ahh I like the cherry one :) You sould like the lead singer of the Dixie Chicks!! Omg!! You remind me of Deb from the show Dexter!! Lmfao Lmfao ikr? :D 33 She is the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen in my life... Damn...... Eww his gf is way too skinny... 3: lol amazing song and video! Why do they both talk so funny? Holy shit that's Lauren! @Perri AlyceShe mouthed ,That would help me out ALOT!, :) Holy shit!!! People say I look like Adele but I see Christina Aguilera PVP SAAAN Omg!! LOVE the hair!!! :D Holy shit.. you look hot!",33,1,3,1,0,34,0 359,X360,"the turd you mean oh lawdyis that your best specimen chimpsXD if i wanted attention aren't you more stupid to give me what i ask.... TWICEhahahaha XD russians are tuff as fuck niggers are weak clowns deine mutter zum bei mir Baumwolle haben gepflckt really? LOLif you give me your mudhut address its me who could send a pack of ,you, to rape your family and laugh at the ironyXD nope nigger you will do as I say give me your mudhut address. sleepy nigger because they love niggers like you?i really doubt it. i think she is one of those girls loving a sick relation that usually involves a lot of pleasure.. and I think i will pass.. silencio negrito sandiaahaha you may try to speak dutch english (with the help of a niggerian translator)and ,so-called,2 more languages(more like african dialects) but that doesn't make you dutch either fucking nigger. or should i type verdammte de mierda.hahaha Its good the nigger didn't make it now those 3 white humans can repopulate the earth without any mistakes. dude its simple tell me a place we can met and talk peacefully about your skewed views about niggers in Israel. Or tell me who is your rabbi so we can met there is no jewish rabbi in this world that will support your those radical views. I mean Im glad that you support Israel in other videos but if you are a kaffir don't think you can buy your ,jewishness, by posting on youtube vids.Israel is for Jews only. its not andrew kramer just his actor I think it's not too hard for you.",16,14,4,5,0,43,1 360,X361,What are you Swedish or.. Honestly I love your outfit! :D in the video? Funny how the croquette tasted like chicken hahah I was just thinking that we are pretty alike and then you mention that your birthday is on the 14th of December... mine too! Omg haha those are the prettiest squishies ever! where did you get the clear phone case from? :) ADORABLE (+how I met your mother is the best show ever ) Diaries * Tempering is not meant to make it glossy it's meant to help the chocolate stay hard after setting! :D so my problem is that i actually want to see how to make them but not the nude part oh first world problems Omg you know Ashley :o,12,2,3,5,0,20,0 361,X362,Jimmy my brother says this is 'sick'. He's 7. I hope you stored that game on the hard drive.. 3:46 - my favourite bit. fantastic. TUUUUUBEEESSSSSS!,5,8,3,18,0,21,0 362,X363,- -* *0* +++ 5555 go to 3 million !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ !!!!! ^^ !!! *0*,13,7,6,3,1,24,0 363,X364,i love you lily-mae laptop hollister wat happened,3,2,3,3,0,17,0 364,X90,lets do it nigga extscy gangum idiot dude whtevr the physcos r saying bout saten and crap he doesent say it retatrds who the fuck is the msfts? No worries by Lil Wayne? no u wouldent 3:40 Debatable lil wayne u r prob the best rapper in the world the y r u here if u dnt like go bc i like it and so does 62756 other people so fuck off sucks srry but it sucks u should bc ima beat u up jk good luck kid r ur eyes real? he dident die then y r u here if u hate him so much? I dnt understand y people put these comments I mean after ur comment is posted everyone is watching it at the same time!!! half of the people who comment on this stuff dnt even know wht they tlking about dude dnt be a bitch hes trying to make it big so how about u shut the fuck up bc this youtube not a eglish class! so how about u show some fuckin support! not to be smartass but this is called a pit fight not boxing The lead singer is my dad (: haha The lead singer Is my dad haha (: how did u notice tht? people can do wht they wnt anybody else on a old song spree? My eyes hurt from reading that... he turned into a liger Hey Macklemore the 80's called they want there hair style back! Im straight and christain but i susport gay marriage its there choice not ours how many hats do u have haha no? Kripy u suck at music nd should stop making it. Get Red Solo Cup off the fucking list! I hate country but this song isent bad!,33,3,4,6,0,29,0 365,X366,umm i just wasted 2 seconds of my life reading your comment thats true if been there you ppl are stupid you actually believed it :OOOOOOO only girl is target exclusive they are all BEAUTIFUL! i dont hate him! poor rebecca why do people hate her!? shes beautiful!people are just jealous because she is famous just one question are your eyes green? your racist O.O ahhhhh!! everyone is beautiful what the freak people are laughing like freaks its not even funny just because you dont like it doesnt mean no one else has to not like it this is stupid all of their kids have a name that starts with j! they are sims those girls are adorable oh ive seen this girl on facebook(the one you where editing) like if you can find the v wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwvwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 33 it!! o shes beautiful ok! eww.... you people think wrong!!!,27,4,2,5,0,30,0 366,X367,taemin minho SHINee fighting soo,2,0,3,2,0,19,0 367,X368,"I'm not bragging but I have what's known in the industry as a ,golden ear., I don't use it for money. But I could. Don't believe anything you hear from anybody if they don't realize your gifting. You can play around with instruments; you may get good enough to do your voice justice. If not who cares. Stick with singing only then and you'll have a slew of the best studio musicians at your disposal.Just don't give up singing . . . ever. Michelle Malkin is annoying to insecure little twits who ENVY her success eloquence.When you grow up and learn to speak as articulately respectfully as she does you will not be laughed at behind your back totally disrespected by anybody with more Integrity and Intelligence than the average amoeba.You reprobates calling her a bitch and getting their panties in a bunch: you are pathetic posers who wouldn't make a pimple on a *real* human being's ass.REAL Asians act grown-up and mature. PLEASE [sorry for ,shouting,]! This is not about Bush or Republicans vs Democrats! Many Democrats voted FOR!Wake up smell the SCUM the SELLING OUT the GREED that has directed motivated benefited the FEW for too long. It's about the richest of the rich looking out for themselves saying to you and I ,Fuck you.,Vote AGAINST LEGISLATORS who voted FOR bail out.Vote for an INDEPENDENT next time NOT a REPUBLICAN and NOT a DEMOCRAT. It's the only way America will be truly FREE again. Gay. Totally. Not really funny but almost. Was this supposed to be funny? This guy [he *is* a guy isn't he?] is a petulant whiner who would make a good ,valley girl., GSP can settle this once and for all: offer a re-match.Bet Baby Jay is chicken! I'm tempted to call the person who said he has a ,smooth voice, an ,idiot., His voice is *anything* but smooth. In fact his voice is along the lines of Bob Dylan Joe Cocker and Rod Stewart. Seriously. So nice try please play again.On the other hand it *is* a great song with feeling and meaninful lyrics. But smooth voice? You're joking right? Hawaii where I live has politicians who are ,pukes., That's what we called the worst inmates in the prison where I worked as a C/O for 17 years.This guy --- Joe Bertram --- is one of those who in prison would be called a ,punk, by convicted felons of all sorts. You see in prison ,Chimos, are very low on the totem pole.In Hawaii politicians like Joe Bertram are lower than the scum they are trying to protect. Makes me wonder about Joe --- possibly --- having a ,proclivity, or two. Like 99.9% of all rap this is to ,music, what Etch-a-sketch is to art. Only brain-dead tards with no musicality can appreciate this type of so-called music. Please forgive (and ignore) ,godnmyhands., S/he is a pathetic (and no doubt very miserable) troll. Get it? Ignore the creature and it will tuck it's tail and go back to watching kiddie porn in his/her momma's basement. Just wait! yeah Nick Drake is a fair comparison. I bet there are a million stupid fucking people that would watch this shitand be impressed.I was only stupid enough to watch it.Well no I was having to share bandwidth with others here. Only saw the first 1:27 (long enough to urge you guys to not quite your day jobsif you got 'em).",11,0,8,5,0,52,0 368,X369,"Holy shit raist. So sic Hey I was wondering how I can join this clan Awesome song What happened to you D: Come back on the server! -baseball435 Did record my nice 360 I had on you Pain? Throw that on up Yeah I actually made an android game using LibGDX just never posted a video :P It's called Galactic Invaders on the play store/android market if you want to check it out! Thanks! That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Don't you understand that I have things like school and work to tend to? Im not constantly on the computer or in the mood to create tutorials. My god. Ill support ya Hahaha ,Pot shop,. That was the greatest times of runescape when world 1 was filled with players surrounding the varrock bank and the general store was constantly full of items.",10,737,5,79,0,21,0 369,X370,I so singing this for my talent show Hahahaha at 4:28 - 4:35 wats this song This explains my life right now You are beautiful and have a amazing voice,5,0,2,5,0,13,0 370,X2848,1:58 masturbation THATS NOT HOW YOU ROB SOMEONE DASHIE.I THOUGH YOU WOULD KNOW If something don't add up just pull out the calculator later. ( later as in good bye )If something don't add up just pull out the calculator later. ( later as in not now )If something don't add up just pull out the calculator lator. ( echo of calculator ) where does dashie get all his giant food -_-. no i am not jealous. why do people even like him. he's ugly and gay. i wouldn't want to be that and there are many other actors under year 10 to be jealous of that aren't gay. the show is just stupid and the jokes are lame. chuck norris is better the lava bridge is quite stupid if the level is not hidden Seriously? You guys are acting like dicks. 1:22 JOEY'S GOT A STACHE! if you don't reply to this dashie you'll die everyone did lol kfuck this generation =fuck dashiexp's video's.fuck tpindell's video's.fuck the computer you're on right now.just because what the children are more ' try hard ' and the tv shows are bad doesn't mean the whole GENERATION is bad. so you just looking up videos of people hating one direction? that's his trick people want more vids so subscribe to him and wait ( instead of just checking every day ) and then once in a while he makes a vid UNDER 100. 0:54 so short.. 0:54 WE ALL CARE. please put lyrics in description! under 1000? You're like my GRANDFATHER very good at making jokes! please make skin art spotlights -_- what is the song at the end called? UNDER 300! can you make it more specific? wat u think about krispy kreme so lulu's w is just a better version than zilean's e? They did though.. I pictured him as a super skinny tall guy with glasses with a very long chin :P,30,0,3,5,0,24,0 371,X2015,"lebron take notes.... fukin t-rex lookin as foo fuck this..that is why i live in L.A NNNOOOOO!!!!! SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND...SO SAD.. merry me looks like frankie got knocked the fuk out... wow cm punk is racist..4:55 my future wife.. screw lebron ruff riders-dmx fucking AMAZING... tim tell chea hook it up with her cousins.. fuck chicharito..fuck chivas also damn britney looks old all latinos have the plates and bowls with that blue classic girl ,if he loved me would have come back 100 times no matter what.,my answer., BITCH I AINT GOIN BACK AND FORTH LIKE THAT HAVE YOU SEEN THE GAS PRICES THESE DAYS, lol kinda wish some other animal came out and bit him just for being birthday sex!!!!!! turn.. u suck at madden jacks n joes AMAZING LIKE A BOSS... this white girl can get down.. i think i love australia already..shit i can get use to this lol nd koalas nd kangaroos nd stuff lol so what happened next? and now no job asians with aussie accents funny lol who would of thought... how do ppl get these photos...stotockers... thats it im buying a wheelchair.. crap i been going to the Glendale one for years yea that is why you lost that final... u cant do that in my neighborhood get your ass shot... can i also get the measurements? what year truck u make it for joke VT sucks sorry kid its a fucking joke relax bitch",38,0,4,4,0,23,0 372,X373,right in the childhood. I'm sort of surprised no one has mentioned the guts it took must have taken Yolandi at 2:59 Chicago would be amazing! Best music video ever Don't forget Tim Rice nice camera on the right at 0:41 she tweeted a link to thankathon 7 just now Let me know if you like it/if you want more Finally someone who knows how to play! Well done. Best trumpet version of this song on Youtube.,9,2,5,36,1,19,0 373,X374,it needs to be re-jetted to perform right. Is that sub beside it being powered too?? That huge ass one?? if you wanna see more of her click on her twitter page in the description box.HEY! you readin this?!?! If there is a song made by Kendrick drake and 2 chainz....YOU KNOW IT'S GONNA BE A BADASS SONG! more like primer. lol i had that glasspack on my 2000 tacoma. fucking ricers! did you graduate from wren high? best rapers? lol i didnt know they were good at rape. are you kidding me? i have 2 kicker 12's powered by an 800 watt amp. ill make a fucking video if you insist. hey how do you have that setup? man you are givin that air cooled its best!i can hear you breathing hard too lol yep nigga were all ignant if you have them in a car you should make a vid of them hell yeah thats right hes a POS welcome to the south buddy or just click this: 4:55Thank me later. thank you! lol fuck off so the front tires dont dig down when they're spinnin there's one fail in your comment. your grammar Lil Wayne did pretty damn good. looks like you drive a Prius yourself. haha make sure you let her warm up at low rpm's before you rev it high dont want to seize the piston. Damn my 2000 tacoma pre runner doesn't have the 6 disc changer OR cruise control yet yours does. ah figured. didnt know if there was something else to it haha. that distinct blaster sound.,27,7,4,20,1,27,0 374,X375,sucks about jimmy.... even ollie shed a tear. nah the song meshes well with gears of war. in my opinion you have a twisted mind. i'm an advocate of vampires and sex between the undead has more to due with carnal pleasure and blood. i'm totally with you on that one. Demi rocks hard! vevo sucks her voice is like water powerful and perpetually resonant excluding bane no one can break the Bat!! hahahaha how come Mr2009kid isn't top comment...? no one beats the bat. bane may have broken his back but he attacks back quite faster than that thats whats up! you know your shit no doubt! i love how strong you are. i'm with you all the way on this onegirl i'm trying so hard to stop robo-tripping!!!!!! everyday is a bad habit never seen acting like what will did in the tub..... i hear being stung by a jellyfish is the most agony any one person can suffer the compilation on this video was brillaint dragonballz brings back great memories from when i was a kid. i loove nostalgia! How foolish can you get sticking your hands into the water with a freakin' shark?! that guy almost lost his fingers! Who gives a shit whose gun is bigger? that video was off the chain. apex predators fighting for survival and their next meal. nature at it's most raw and fine.,19,2,3,2,0,19,0 375,X376,to serve and protect. HAHA! yeah cops are so outof control. power given to mindless pshycos.,1,0,8,5,0,24,1 376,X377,what song is at 3:22 fucking beast boys more of these dude! there fucking sweet - Orri you got your self a new subscriber your shit's real and flows man. im diggin itNYC REPRESENT GOD DAMN SHATWY this shits on repeat nigga! #taylors HAHA i fucking love these ed @TheLaughFactory will there be uploaded videos of his performance in chicago? i would loe to see those do you recommend being level 60 before trying this kind of build? girard douche would get along great with the guy at 4:00 ass all the a lmao it was 200 please... dont forget SOL stop at 4:06 lmap Juicy j is saying pop a Molly Yessssssssss I like him please add more,17,1,7,5,0,31,0 377,X378,"now you're making stuff up... the girl flashed someone onlineobviously today it's easy to spam that shit out there yeah but we never said anything about ,skills, or how to smoke.. i think you have a ego problem lol this is really stupid.... Lol this is humorous as some girls really are that way! I enjoy you didnt give the joke away...makes it funnier seeing idiots try to insult you missing your subtle hints. You really are pretty people are just hating..too bad they dont realize lots of girls are like this and just hide it (specially for guys) Humorous haha yee! =) haha yeah i do a bit i was never good at breathing while running but i figured that was due to my fibromyalgia=low energy.. but none the less it's about the medicate/meditation state which i achieve :) awh man! agreed!! well put. haha i don't care as it's a medicinal thing.. fibromyaglia..and a plant.. cannabis activism is growing and people aren't standing for things so much anymore and with the laws changing a bit it's funny how they legalize yet still give hassle to some people. i'm also in canada not as bad here. =)",10,423,5,21,0,21,0 378,X1385,"why in the fuck is a 10 year old on the internet? go play outside.actually everyone should what i wouldn't pay to goose step past this hideous display of chauvinism i want to suck on those tabs and those titties lol :38lold so hard feels weird to be lectured by a 13 year old. lol damn she is in heat just realized that the image looks like blotter Haha immediately upon seeing the thumbnail I knew that the comments would be all over her. sittin' on a cock cuz im gay I played this game when I was a kid. A few months ago I had a salvia trip involving a few levels lol. swineburne is a shitdick. He speaks as if only certain people are capable of experiencing the feeling of ,God,. how ridiculous kinda sad to see people eat acid so carelessly we all clicked for the same reason lol. lol i dont even watch this shit but this was awesome hail Shiva!and so another day ends I always figured montauk was gay friendly. what fucking nutcase drinks a 5 hour energy every day who wants a mustache ride this was your magnum opus how much did the hookers cost when did I say I was a libertarian? are you retarded? and you responded to the question posed of ,people abuse other prescriptions, against you complaining that you had to pay for peoples marijuana with WELL BAWWWW MY BROTHER DIED DAT WAY. if your brother shared your intelligence level perhaps it was for the best. how can a song that sounds like infinity be only a few minutes long? instrumental is dope lol this is so dry i love it. awesome can definitely hear her dad. you are missing way out lol what a fuckin load theres so much about this track to dig that really did not need to be greentexted. i think the message still stands- Fuck the police. Just fuckin' kill him. He obviously is guilty and the world would undeniably be a better place without him. perfect anti-hypocrisy song. why did i watch this before bed WTH? I'm on youtube and someone isn't stupid?! I don't think I can say anything but fantastic. being the most intelligent person in the room is often rough nice What the fuck is a stress card? Don't be a dipshit all basic training sucks. no it isn't",38,4,7,1,0,29,0 379,X380,tHa nEw mEmbeR iSz goOd eY yoOh guySz koOh yoOh guySz neEd mE iN uR viDEoSz tHo loL yEA rItE ilL maKe yoOh guySz loOk bAd buHt iM getTn thEre hoNestly iM getTn pretTy goOd tHo buHt yoOh guySz koOh loVe alL uR viDeoSz You have a nice voice but you just need to relax you look a little stiff just relax your body you can tell you were nervous but you sing good :) LMAO!!!! :D damn she hella scared me lol i seen the whole video it was scary but I just had to see the whole thing LMAO!!!!!!!!!! Wow you sing really really really good !! :D I can't believe an 11 year old sings better than me that's pretty embarrassing lol you sing good tho Hahahaha how cute! :) Wow! You sing really good!!! :D I LIKED IT!!!! :D Hahahaha this video made my day :) that's a huge pimple lol I was starring at it threw out the whole video lol I can't help it its like that thing was calling my name lol. your the best Sergio we your fans love you!!!!!!! :) Lmao! you know she has autism smh! thats really mean,11,0,4,1,1,20,0 380,X381,do you not even speak English? what the hell. I didnt even know it was a word.. I NEED HELP CAN SOMEONE HELP ME UPLOAD A VIDEO? anyone know what the name of the song is in the beginning Am i the only one that thinks they look like the girls form White Chicks?,4,5,3,8,0,22,0 381,X382,ahhh gotta love you guys GOD I LOVE YOU GUYS i dont understand this video it kinda makes someone have a stroke and i am a manson fan but i dont get this video fuck me dahvie i am dahviesSexSlave 3 i am dahvies bitch ahahahah andy i love you baby no one asked u this is so cute HORIBAL THIS IS CRAP GET THIS OFF THE INTERNET RYANTHEKILLLER IS BETTER AT MAKEING THE VIDEO I SAW HIM 3 shinedown SLENDER MAN KILL ME NOW PLEASE I BEG YOU omg i love this A7X and jason voorhees what couldnt make this better this is sick,14,10,3,8,0,16,0 382,X383,Thank you It means Thai people open mind and respect in human right we believe in capacity of people more than sexuality. 55555 (it means Ha Ha) it might true. Thai soldiers work hardddddddd Love them Dear Thai from Thai First piority of Thai Army is protect our home not played on the keyboard. good job ^ ^/ from Thai so sweet 5555 ( it's mean Ha Ha Ha) U know Thai girl commented about you are cute and good looking don't worry if you see thai comment here. welcome to so coolien world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you did a great job/ cheer up from Thai ha ha ha I like the end \^ ^/ greeting from Thai can I say You are Suck Seed!!!!! 5555 (ha ha ha) good job!!! Great perform\^ ^/ from Thai finished for them but Thai Korean still go on. Ha Ha why you think like that. please look at the east border How far you lost to Veitnam? Yeah! your Gov does't say anything to you coz they got benefit and try to make Thai like a bad person who wants to steal everything from Cambodia.This is the way of politic in your country. I wonder why Cambodian believe the stupid things like that. Listen!Thai people don't want your land or whatever Angor. Now WWIII is fight with TechnoGDP Quality of people so who's care an old world I wonder everytime when Khmer talk about the Khom empire. they always blame about Thai. But Who is Thai? Do you means People of Thailand?? Hey Guys Thailand just only 73 years! we changed from Siam. And who is Siam? Siam came from many kingdoms many lands with long history (included some part of Khom too)so our blood and our culture was mixed. This is our strong point to save our country and push us to go foreward. We ready to go with ASEAN next 3 years...Do you ready?? Thai Love Philipines and Vietnam ^^ we are friends Thai love peace Do you want to eat Ceasar salad?? Hmm...Do you want to say no any crime in your country??? You could not compare lifes with number (and what the hell number?) Anyway you go to farplease come back to the point. The situation in Thailand seem like nothing because Block B is NOBODY just only people who interested in KPOP know them. And now we ignore them. It's out of date!! it's not muay thai step 5.56E+35 Ha ha wrong spelling it's not MONABAN. Her move like a signature I google a lot about her in many days. I think I got answer already Try to find Lalisa dance clip before she passed yg audition then you will know. ( I m surprise that many people said she isn't Thai even her name and sure name is very Thai maybe yg called her Jeny KIM?) whatever I like her dance so much I don't care where she from. I'm looking for the next clip,21,1,3,5,0,28,0 383,X384,A bull shark wtf lol I'm new to aggressive skating how much is it to get into transition Stand free we are the famous Aberdeen... Aberdeen casuals could fucking maul yas It's a fucking wild animal what do you expect? Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Wow she is HOT!!!! Omfg I'd be shauna Cover yours Miiiinnnn 3.57 Is it me or does it look like she has a penis at 2.09 What about the width is it good for people with wide feet Hahaha Haha skrillex lol I would love to smack that kid Haha I so want to kick the shit out of that kid haha Editing is shit Why should anyone go to that war that should never of started I mean wtf lllooll Mmmooooorrrrrrreeeee!! Horrible nails Yo nice pit stains faggot What is with the tattoo of a table lol It's not Stonehenge lol it's in scotland duuhhh ha Bloody stunning You are pronouncing Hyundai wrongly You are shit with birds Haha my grey is called rio Hahahaha did u see the bird fall behind her haha Her mouth is fucking huge,30,2,5,11,0,16,1 384,X385,and to be so ignorant as you are and this guy is make me feel intense sorrow your you and him you want to change things? help the hurt? how can you help ANYONE when you have nothing but hatred in you im new to this and im 25 im hell bent on making one in the near future you dont need a licence for ones uner 260lbs but ive heard you should know what your doing before getting into flying them ive seen them anywhere from 3 grand to 100grand your one of those asshole who don't like something they try to ban it so no one can like ityour ignorant outlook at life just because your miserable doesn't mean everyone else has to be get a grip or a psychiatrist and keep you bullshit comments to yourself sport how hard are these to fly? the root cause for all war is religion they may sum it down to money and power BECAUSE CERTAIN PEOPLE AND RELIGIONS DONT DESERVE IT AND IT WAS RIGHTFULLY THEIRS dont be naive a little all over the place but not a bad instructional video fishbone is the main influence in sublime listen to alll of their songs Bradley took a bit of the same style as Angelo Moore fishbone is so much more revolutionary then sublime ever could of been both good music but fishbone SHOULD get the recognition they deserve. sublime is rich{remaining members} and fishbone is broke its fucked up when bands truly care about creativity and the music they dont get paid because they love the sincerity of their music when others care about money ive also had a mk4 gti which i loved only problem i had was i snapped a Axel it was a turbo vr6 snapped at about 50 k miles it depends on who you buy it from if the person beat the shit out of it ofcourse its gona crap outbut when you drive a honda shits noisy as hell in a german whip its quite steering is still and handles the road at130mph like your driving 20honda's are a rough ride noisy and made cheapthats why i dont like emthey do lastbut so do german carstake care of bothcars im currently restoring a 87fz700{ rare FZyours isn't to bad lookingi hate the original paint scheme thoim going black body/paintblack framered engine black valve cover black and red generator/starterwater pump red coolant linesred oil linesred rimsblack forks red calipers swapping the swing arm with a Honda vfr single sided swing arm and matching size rims 18 inch and the paint scheme im using is the 1991-94 style black with a red pin stripe length of the bikea stripe nose to tank this is a vlx? im in love with it what makes you think this video is fake? plus al of funker vids are credible plus ive been therelisten to the sounds of the weapons being fired from a distance closely look at the ammo hes using its quick but they are full metal jackets illegal to civis and they were probably spread so thin and over the sound of the 242 which you can hear and see rounds hitting infront of him what makes you think its fake ?? im curious everyones entitled to their opinion but may i ask you to explain yours no good if they miss snipers are the most important team on the field of battle can hold back an entire battalion advance one guy! well one team i should say im a army SAPPER{combat engineer} mos 21 bravo we specialize in demolitions has the same physiological effect as a sniperwe are like EODbut we go in firstbefore rangers and clear roadswe are infantry engineers demo expertsheavy equipment operators i believe its the most well rounded special force team in the militaryother then SF decent attempt but i think you lacked a tad bit of effort not bad but i believe your capable of making it better for me personally to much space between engine rocker covers and gas tank but i love this style bike looks good love the bike stupid video lol but nice bike should of used black heat wrap tape for the exhaust white looks retarded but sick bike not really a bobber but looks nice should paint or powder coat front caliper mount plates my squad killed quite of few all had at least one member fighting us i feel bad for doing such atrocities but i fully knew the extent of what could happen on my 5 combat tours many died many friends died i lost my humanity but i knew what i was fighting for and i dont blame my leaders bush was a leader obama is a joke he is getting service member killed unnecessarilylcpl Greg Buckly jr great friend of mine in the marines im army sapper but he was killed by a child while working out,19,0,7,5,0,24,1 385,X386,yea dad you get em. loooooooooool Courtyard/Wasteland Remix Ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugly ass shit. 2:17 lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo. Killer Mike Kills everything. 0:34 Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool I just looked at this again and it never fails to make me laugh.XD!!!!!!!!! Dude You are the best. Thank you for this tip. I thought I was the only one noticing this problem. Ray Rice my fav RB since Jamal Lewis. Im dead!!!!!!!! lmfaooooooooooooooo. funniest shit ya'll ever dropped. Bep Fan 4ever Her face look like a Gamecube Controller. loooooool Ya'll Say Grace Rozay Don't. As a sprint customer I can say that is definitely true. Lol free the wave. Best beat I ever heard Mobb Deep Shook Ones Pt 2 SO Waveeeeeeyyyyyy I respect your opinion bro. I fucks wit Trackmasters too.,18,3,4,1,0,25,0 386,X387,texas is iN AMERICA THOUGH IM CRYIN oh my god aodskjajskFDKJLAndfskjl gah you're so beautiful. 3,3,12,3,13,0,15,0 387,X388,Justin Bieber is so hot and talented no This is old lol She is the oldest elvis? Speak for yourself not funny omg I thought you were mariah carey! your so pretty! Get the Bieber one. You will love it! WoW! i can not belive this. its so scary! i dont understand how u can live without half of your brain without being a vegetable! adorable girl though. That just broke my heart watching you sad like that. you really brighten my day with you personality. love you! wait. pauz is nickis thing I would like to say that the creator of cutting for bieber is an asshole. now we have an even worse reputation Mariah cant rap so should i say that she is untalented too? I love Tyra. I cant believe she is turning 40!! to me she will allways be young 3 wow!,17,7,3,1,0,16,0 388,X389,me you should have gotton the thing befor the video started hey i love this song thanks i got them from clairs and it was really cheap thanks izzy and thanks yaser did that hurt no dahh,7,32,3,84,0,14,0 389,X390,First!!!! haha daniel goes to my school,2,0,3,5,0,16,0 390,X391,Like! You go girl! 3 She is BEAUTIFUL everyone is so if you need a skinny glamorous body to see someone as beautiful you have serious issues because one day your own body will rot and you'll be hideous by your own standards. I'm a christian too and everything speaks differently to different people. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion because God made everyone different and that includes how we as individuals think too. I know i defiantly don't agree with everyone else's opinion but i do respect it. Perhaps you could look through their eyes for a moment? Great Job! 3 Bonita!!! Me amor!! Does she have purple contacts in???,6,0,5,3,0,21,0 391,X392,"love disss So sorry about you and Mae Paul... Sounds like things have been kinda shitty. But us Grifflings love you and have been waiting for you to come back! I hope things are getting better! :) wtf did i just watch. THIS IS THE MOMENT MY LIFE HAS BEEN LIVING UP TOO. please love me. You should do more song covers your voice is like that of an angel 3 Wow okay marry me 3 I want it that way ,You got That one thing, same melody...hmmm You're a cutie YOU ARE BOOBS AND WE THANK YOU FIR BEING BOOBS! I LIKE YOUR BOOBS WAIT THEY'RE KIDS SMALL BOOBS JUST A LITTLE BIT SMALL BOOBS!!! Love me. LIKE DIS COMMENT IF YOU LUV PAULY POO!",12,0,3,5,0,15,0 392,X393,i remember albert park welli could even smell the little beck that runs down the side near the kids park and boating lakeand what about the sound of(come in number 7 your time is up) and (number 7 get back in your boat and off the island)a great park and my grandfathers name is on the plaques outside the park. brilliant!!!!!! yeahthis tourbus is mine and the band can have the other one!!!lol too sweet for meso get some cheese scones made and put plenty of strong cheese in them!!!,4,0,8,5,0,51,0 393,X394,YES AND TO GET OFF ON WAISTING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF SOMEONE ELSES BULLETS TO SHOW HOW INCONSIDERATE AND GREEDY THE COCK SUCKER IS. HE KEEPS HARPING ON THE SAME THING WITH EVERYONE AND HIS FALSE STATISTIC GET SHOT DOWN EVERY SHOW. GET THE HELL OUT OF AMERICA PIERS AND ANYONE ELSE THAT DOESN'T SUPPORT THE SECOND AMENDMENT AND THE ENTIRE CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS. HE'S NOT A CITIZEN AND SOUNDS REDICULOUS WITH HIS LISP. THEY THINK HE SPEAKS WITH AUTHORITY ? NOT HARDLY. TAKE CARE you sound like me i can't get anyone to take part in what's going on. they won't. they won't believe it or look at the info i send. most say take me off your mailing list. that leaves one person that responds.i'm so outraged that the supperbowl had no affect on anyone for their halftime show the past two years. they got into the whole thing. america is doomed. FUCK'N RIGHT HE CAN THIS OUGHTA WAKE A FEW SHEEP UP. I HOPE TO HEAR THE SHEEPLES REACTION WHEN I SEND THIS OUT. PROBABLY NO REPLY FROM ANY OF THEM AS USUAL. obama's wageing war on america to take our guns and save lives .those that still hold to the constitution will be executed does that make sence ? he needs prozak right the dog is a great alarm but you have to protect them from cops. the first thing they do is kill your dog. pet loyal part of your family. he's lieing about everything.the fat sloppy bastard it very well could be staged. he could have been framed too. all to expose drones as a new tool in crime fighting. what a dumb ass napolitano is great and on our side fox news is just an outlet for him. he takes their shit so he can get the word out. MORE SHERRIFF JOE'S HE'S WAY BETTER FOR AMERICA THAN OBAMA AND HIS NEW WORLD ORDER AND NDAA ARE YOU ALL THAT STUPID ? BECOME A LEGAL CITIZEN THE HARD WAY LIKE EVERYONE USED TO DO. LEARN ENGLISH THE CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS AND AMERICAN HISTORY AND LIVE THE AMERICAN WAY. OTHERWISE STAY IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY.DON'T CHANGE AMERICA POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. THAT'S A BIG PROBLEM IN IT'S SELF.IT'S UNCONSTITUTIONAL THIS IS AMERICA.THE FIRST AMENDMENT IS VIOLATED BIG TIME. NOW WHAT ? CONTINUE ON WITH THEIR ROBERY SYSTEM THAT'S BEEN ALLOWING PROMOTIONS FOR WALL STREET BANKERS. NEVER ENDING CRIMES NO ONE GETS CONVICTED OF.THE FIRST BAILOUT WAS A HOAX AND THEY RAN WITH THE MONEY. PROSECUTE THE FIRST RECIPIENTS OF THE BAILOUT. HANK PAULSON FOR THE MARTIAL LAW HOAX.WHICH WOULD HAVE INACTED REX 84 THE CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT PLAN TO HOLD AMERICAN CITIZENS IN THE FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS. THEY'RE TRAITORS THIS WOULD BRING NATO TROOPS TO THE USA TO KILL US CITIZENS. YOU'RE PROBABLY RIGHT LOOK AT SANDY HOOK THEY DIDN'T GET AWAY WITH THAT. THEIRE STAION HAD A LIGHT SIGN OUT FRONT EVERYONE CHECK IN. MEANING ACTORS. THE ROSEN ENTERVIEW ABOUT THE 6 KIDS AT HIS HOUSE WAS STAGED. IT WAS PLAIN TO SEE. DORNER IS LIKE TIMOTHY MCVEIY. HE MAY BE ALIVE TOO.,11,8,6,5,0,59,0 394,X395,wuts sad is that there are so many police in there watching n didnt stop it... its not about race with these people. u give them a lil power n they go crazy with it. they think they above the law n will get away with. hey they even get to take a paid vacation on tax payers money n come back to work with the same attitude {no body can stop me}... white people get locked up for serial killing child molesting killing their whole family hate crimes and molesting there kids. sick mo fos,2,0,3,5,0,32,0 395,X165,Make it available on mobile plz French Montana a fucking lame bro...Line up shouldve been Rick Ross Meek Millz and Wale..The stars of MMG..Lyrics Over HYPE!! Common makes millions off of movies and is lyrically a monster...Drakes real names is Aubrey and Aubrey went to Degrassi that a Teen Show School Aubrey lives at home with both parents and Aubrey's parents have a real nice marriage keyokiricki what bo? no your Ricki told her ass to stop cuz my whole lower half was sleep!! lol PWN!!! atleaast shes close enough to the refrigerator to make a sandwich for him now!! I rhyme and I ripI rip and I rhyme.... Have you been running because girl I like your figure. IMDEAD!!! thumbs up if key of awesome brought you here.....somebody get TONY!!! its a cover inside a cover....COVERCEPTION!! still picture Terry Cruz dancing to this song....AWESOME All it needs is timabland couple of randomly scattered words and they wouldve been famous Im sorry but kanyew west had the best baby of all time YEAH FUCK MEDS!!! This song is about obvious.. You know tyga was at a party and called someone out to meet him outside and ran on the bus instead of fighting @micHD15 are you retarded? bet you got some JAEKWON!!! lol @TitansAreBallers I did but I didn't meet your mom til after Tech N9n3= Michael MyersHopsin= JasonB.o.B= hanibal lector 04:34 jizzing!!! penis JASPER MADE The VIDEO jasper made the video FUCK HOPSIN.....He runs that mouth but when he got ran up om he did nada....WOLF gang fight at every show almost and its nothing for them to run in the crowd after a nig...FUCK HOPSIN Wat kind of gay shit is that....this video is tyler's take on love songs... Illumanit fuck that mean? When you get stupid rich niggas start making up stupid rich....1. Dancing like a 13 year old female...WRONG2.0:37 and 2:07 are contradicting each other.3 Cross Dressing and getting bitched in public..WRONGTYLER1. Dances but to be funy 2. Still dresses down and wears wtf he wants to wear even though he made 15 million off yonkers3. HAS RAN INTO SEVERAL CROWD AT SHOWS HAD THEM CANCELED AND YOU CALL HIM A BITCH Hopsin=Child actor(FAME That's So Raven)Tyler the Creator = someone who started from scratchHopsin=Lame delivery Tyler=Delivery changes but stays awesomeHopsin and tyler=talentedTYLER=just better FUCK FUTURE I have the weirdest boner right now @OFWGKTA why don't you come to kuwait...missing this because a fucking deployment GOLF WANG! = TV SHW World Fame A following of millionsChristain rap=no enjoying of the little the fame you'll getJESUS CALLED AND SAID HE WAS SICK OF THE DISSING Ars garbage....hitman buried him and he still in this molly induced haze thar he that nigga. Then he dissed smack for not inviting him to return of the legends and started talkin shit Crowd didnt let shit get off Ars still salty for not getting invited to SM2. Plus he was blamed smack for holding the battle in the D and the crowds reception of him. Now he has to pay niggas to battle him. Also he's fucking delusional he lost yo hitman calicoe okwerdz con.,33,0,3,5,0,20,0 396,X397,My musical moment of Dimenions flowers nice video also... This guy is the real deal so underground he's above ground,2,1,4,5,0,46,0 397,X398,TOP! I would do it for free WHOA top is really hot here GD said himself that he take this from maroon 5 and remixing it and he paid for that age 16 ???!?!? how lucky she is to be a YG trainee in such a young age PAYPHONE MIKEE He is praying and it's a right thing to do. don't laugh at it HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHA ROTFLOL OMG TOP AND JIYONG OPPA i think i am going to day *fangirling* *faint* the cat pose that gd did! so coollll,10,0,3,1,0,22,0 398,X399,haha kanyns too tall so you cant see her face in most of the ending pictures :)) HAHAHA! your so wierd! but its okay cause you're funny! I love this! You guys are realllllyyy good! (: marry me? So basically tiffany is bringing you down christina. Go back to the solo thing. Not trying to be rude your voices just dont go together.,5,4,5,5,0,18,0 399,X400,hes got a point you are all farts and no shit! To big is not hot lol haha you fool 10 years ago my Ass i only dream number 4 and 1 hahaha your a fool. lol high carbon steel .... i think why? i have this,11,23,6,5,0,23,0 400,X401,Yesterday it's 301 THIS IS AWESOMEEE !!! Amacam Najib ada goyang ka . Ini baru ler polis sentri one two jaga yg real . She's making a joke . I favourited this :D Bitch please Jerawat batu kotor. Tak lawak lah bodoh. Seriously thanks for the information. She's like Christina Perri =oo= 2:30 i start to move like crap. Guna windows apa ek? 3:05 Harry Potter,13,0,3,5,0,16,0 401,X402,Tim shouldn't have to change to be with someone that's just ridiculous if SHE doesn't like being filmed then they shouldn't be together. He's not white he's hispanic and by the way if you say asian instead of thai then you have to say hispanic instead of mexican. Otherwise people will think your fucking retarded. But don't get mad at THAT guy it is called the asian face. My mistake i didn't even think about it before i said that i meant the 10th amendment. But even still regardless of whether you are pro drug legalization or anti-drug legalization you have to admit making any drug illegal is depriving liberty. Not necessarily but i know what you're saying. Having a hard life doesn't qualify you to be a rapper you have to be good this was right before he was with chia keep in mind they haven't been dating for long at all. No one actually (that's how you spell that) gives a fuck about your comment. lol you must be ed from dashie's past vids nice to meet u bro you start highschool at 9th grade.(if you didn't skip a grade or get held back a grade) you end 8th grade when your 14 so 14. the default texture pack gets me all nostalgic Rapping is all about claiming that your the shit and that your the best at everything ever invented could you imagine humble rap??besides boburnhamhe funny as fuck Oh yeah cuz the people in OFWGKTA are the only ones to do that theyre just the first ones to be on mtv and purposely be incredibly ignorant for comedy and act crazy in their music videos. under 100 Hey man how do you get all these instrumentals?,15,0,2,5,0,23,0 402,X403,I think Rosie is just so cute and shy... Sophia can sing but she just keeps on screaming... I watched this vido accidentaly and i was so amazed...i myself am an adele fan but u sing just as well as her... keep it up!!!,2,0,2,5,0,62,0 403,X404,Kian your so hooooooooooooot! Sign: Be a creeper My brother won't stop singing this song 0.0 You shouldn't have changed when it say make out in your mustang to radio head to hang out... It didn't sound right Bathrobe Oh god.... I fucking hate Cher lloyd Even though I really hate Cher I loved the way you sang this song. You made a song I hate very much sound super good. Damn........ Creepy video.... I really don't know what there names are since this is the first time I've ever heard them but I think the girl with those blue eyes are super pretty I fucking hate Vanessa hudgens This is freaking stupid it sucked You look retarded and you can't sing It was great but I really not a fan of that dudes voice.... Hey my name is Bethany xD I cant wait for the animation!!!! :$ well thinking that you dont even know me or seen me sing you shouldnt be talking. And judgin on the picture of your account your the last one to be judging. I saw the secret message I feel special hehehehehe even though others saw it.... I order the white chocolate mocha frappecino to lol i fucken hate you janie dont be messing with my violet and scarletet they will fuck your ghetto asian ass up,20,1,3,5,0,20,0 404,X405,All I have is my experience as a girl dating a boy but if that were to be the case I would find out from people who know more about dating within the same gender to give better advice. :) That makes me happy and also want to send you a box of Funfetti. :) Oh friends. Please know there is no snobbery in this video. I don't take myself that seriously. It is all in good fun. That is my next cover per your request. :) I'm putting my vote toward calling the Darren Criss fandom Criss-tians. Not sure that I am going to be able to get this on iTunes. :/ 3 3 3 I have been trying to get over a cold but hopefully in the next few days I will have this on iTunes! :) You can do pie for Pie Day on March 14th! MATH.,9,4701,7,30,0,23,0 405,X406,love 0:33 funniest thing! x Hippos do like floating in jelly :) Love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x now i say meh after everything :') x this never gets old :) x This is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :') hahahhaaa x to all the haters go get a life and stop putting harsh comments about this video its just a bit of fun and this is an amazzzzzzzing song! :) x LOVE THIS! :) 3 this made me laugth! ahhaaa!! :') nice shoe :) x,11,0,3,5,0,21,0 406,X2083,"fuck MW3fuck Battlefield 3Im all hyped up about GTA V!!! i heard theyre making a remake.......please tell me thats not true 150 people are queers and stears that come from Texas. Theyre also called Lawrence what the monkey is going on!? i think so too but hes still the shit 1084 people need to work out. or something....... lol look at the guy with the black shirt on the left at 0:06 poor kid. stupid dad. dad? This is Snake that cop did the P.I.T. maneuver from GTA PS3: nice killXbox 360: *orgasm* *jizz* Liam fucking Neeson. Im so sorry for your loss Booger but at least Maddy wont have to suffer anymore and hes now in a better place and just know that Maddy loved you the same you loved him. R.I.P. Maddy Jackass the movie Yeah we'll go around the block and see your MOTHER!! I like this song. It kinda makes me want to party... smells like bigfoot's dick! anchorman. ladies and gentlemen! stop what you are doing and listen...cannonball! get a life fag. jk bloodblitz is freakin hilarious she mustve had a shitty day. Jigsaw: ,I want to play a game.,Victim: ,Twister!,:DJigsaw: ,Bye., not only is she hot but she can sing! This is why we don't do drugs kids. I would bang the crap out of her if I had the chance. 5:49 ,Whaat theeeee..., lol dumb and dumber 2 has been announced! deadmau5-Ghosts N Stuff thanks finally a million views. *dies* ,ok ok lets start fresh the game just started......, *15 seconds later* ,I SWEAR TO GOD THIS IS JUST LIKE THE LAST GAME!!!!,",32,2,3,5,0,57,0 407,X408,Oh I just imagine picking up leaves in the street and all that.... -_- You're kidding me right? the fray :) Because that's what it looks like! I didn't mean any ridicule! Gosh don't you have anything better to do than rage at other people's comments (which were by the way made ages ago)? where is this speech from? It was a small role. She was a Soothsayer Did you get it signed???????????! teens react to perks of being a wallflower I have no idea what she's saying but this woman is giving me chills Umm love the song but the whole picture of the two of them made out of pictures in the end was kinda creepy Demi is ruining the teens *serbian *najlepse *srpkinjeKoji li je idiot ovo postavio? You know the reason The Beatles made it so big?'I Wanna Hold Your Hand.'First single.Fucking brilliant.Perhaps the most fucking brilliant song ever written.Because they nailed it.That's what everyone wants.Not 24/7 hot wet sex.Not a marriage that lasts a hundred years.Not a Porsche or a million-dollar crib.No.They wanna hold your hand.They have such a feeling that they can't hide.Every single successful song of the past fifty years can be traced back to 'I Wanna Hold Your Hand.' - David Levithan,13,1,3,5,0,21,0 408,X409,tonight i'll have night mares Sfighiiiiiiiiii!!!! justin bieber! quello canta come una ragazzina! mitico! hahaha are they alla the same guy? no! un po' mi ricordi tiziano ferro! hahahaha hahahahahaha! 0:47 THE FINGER! the phone call is funny! questo video le ha rovinato la vita! non capisco se e' lei che canta! wooow! se non capite l'inglese non capite nemmeno perche' urla! ma lo parli bene l'inglese!!! che piccolo! io ti adoro! love it! she's my favorite singer! awesome! i fell in love with this song la stimo troppo questa ragazza!!! hahaha!!!,22,0,3,5,0,30,0 409,X410,"Dunadunadunaudnuandundunduaund... dudnudnd... DUNDUDDADAUDNDUN (DUNADUNDUN) All Pewdie does is yell and play video games while making weird noises. No the question is who the hell is gonna play TF2 on a console? 2 players who know each other go into a game with 2 or more empty slots and join the opposite team. After that they go to a deserted spot on the map and kill each other with tactical insertions. They ,boost, for XP Headshots camos basically EVERYTHING. see my comments :D I imagine 2 guys smokin' weed and doing cocaine with this song...Is that a good thing? Rechyyy do you like static or dynamic crosshairs? I prefer static because it keeps it still and really forces you to be more accurate. I love it how you say ,Quickly scoping, You need to have MW2 on Steam or find another way to get DLC maps for the PC rather than going to the console store on XBox or PS3. You make the title say ,THE BEST 10 PC Games of 2012, but in the video you say it's YOUR list. Either redo the video even though it's 2012 or change the title. Arms Race is Counter-Strike. Can't get it anymore. Just use the in-game addon installer. Well I looked at the Steam store and it said Published Oct 27 2007. I was really stupid XD I really hate Kill Confirmed videos where the player BARELY picks up tags. FWI IT MAKES YOU WIN. Oh god YES I believe so... Well the CPs do speak English in HL2. I find it stupid how Roosterteeth can get EXTREMELY hard achievements but can't even play the First World Bank in PAYDAY without going down at least 2 times on Easy. Now I can't really blame em' for the game glitching out but (not to brag) I beat FWB on my first try with bots and didn't even destroy cameras only going down once... I'm not a Sky Army Recruit nor any major fanboy. I'm proving a point not being a fanboy. I enjoyed V1 better. It was more focused actually on the idea of ,Slender shaking, but this? I don't even wanna know .-. Just look at Steam Group page. Last night I watched this around 7:45 PM... 5M viewsToday it's 4:33 PM and it has 6.8M views... Mainly used for stop motion machinimas but it's also a VERY addicting fun wildly used game. CORRECTION: DumbassAlso how am I the dumb one when I'm making logical reasoning and facts when you can't even insult with your spelling? Game winning reload VUUUUUUUUUUUUUUWEUM According to the Urban Dictionary the phrase ,the shit, is actually the greatest. The Ship is shit = sucks The Ship is the shit = Greatest.Very simple.",27,3,2,14,0,23,0 410,X2080,"lmao why so many people hate skaters wtf? LOL SHUT THE FUCK UP WHO CARES WHat a fucking waste! lmao this was pretrty funny finish the mission! he finished that shit alright... hi- this is the only comment not telling ppl what to do or what to think(; (show comment) x 100000 wtf? haahah ahah people who pollute??? what about ciggerates you fucking dumb fuck that kills people the most next to drinking ugh your an idiot dom kennedy no duh the video was made in 2010 Word. and kendrick lamar yo this beat is hard can i use it in my mixtape? i can only smoke joints i don't fuck with the swisher but hes smoking a blunt in his hand lmao lmao as soon as he started rapping i got a headache no shit I have been trying to open my third eye for a long time now sometimes i feel it shaping between my eyebrows how do you know when your third eye is fully open and oh yeah another thing can someone give me good tips on how to awaken i want to awaken and i think im ready who cares lol he says scoupe funny :D The definition of religion is believing in a god lmao? why not follow it look up the word religion haha so go with jesus and not follow god? is that what your saying i took alot of notes ahha wtf? uhmm sorry but your wrong obviously you do not know what religion is it is a believe in a god look it up Buddhism is teachings of life and what not this is a false documentary. Am calm but its really annoying to see this comment sorry if you cried. thank you! sorry for replying late aha lmao sad music ahaha and it sounded like you almost cried ahah Okay the message is telling you all these ,rappers, aren't real there fake there actors entertainers everything they say is bullshit and low life fank gangsters think there just going to drop an album and everything is gonna go well and make millions not gonna happen stay in school! This is bullshit you have your soilders killing little babies in iraq innocent kids for oil oh its okay... but then kids from our country die all hail breaks loose FUCK AMERICA SO FUCKING SCREWED UP WTF?!!? WHAT IS THIS DIFFERNECE IF A IRAQ KID DIES AND SOME FUCKING KIDS IN CONNETICUT SAME SHIT! isee a lot of LeBron ads. MY IDOL RIGHT HERE. Can i use this for my mixtape bro? lmao foreals. Is it virus free? Or do i have to pay for that to",33,3,3,2,0,22,1 411,X412,DaBoki Whats your most embarrassing experience ? Daboki! What would your daily life be like if you were an archer?,2,2,2,5,0,21,0 412,X413,butch faggots. theres no swearing :( fucking bull shit!!!!!!!!! get a life find some friends!! girls not funny at all i walk behind him :D this guys voice if annoying af! great job bro,8,0,3,4,0,18,0 413,X414,I would be like : i love you justin. say hi to jerry from me. im he's biggest fan. She has feelings to ? lol wtd dude. 0:19 is that a boner I see ? Its named Happy new year ! I love Justin to he is a amazing person! U have an voice of an angel. The song is written by a perfect singer song by a perfect band.,6,3,2,1,0,19,1 414,X415,"i think that niall is so cute with holly.. why did they break up they are so cute together and they look happy thats my opinion dont hate me jacob is sooooo fuckinnnnnnnnnnnnnn hoooootttt I'm not going to die but I'm still sick who cares if you are popular NO ONE soo SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO THE MUSIC :) 3 i dedicate this to you mackenzie you told lies to mestole my crusheswant to date my ex boyfriend and you tell me we're ,best friends, bull crap you always talk crap about me so now i would like to say FUCK YOU thank you finally someone else sticking up for him i respect you :) thank you :) i respect you very much he reminds me of my cousin tyler hes in a band in texas check him out on facebook type in TYLER WISE he is a great singer give him a chance!!!!! PLEASE big time rush started to bring boy bands back. thank you big time rush!!!!! 3 3 THANK YOU they never go away as it is rachel's challenge. a girl who was nice to everyone even when they we not nice back. she would talk to those with no friends to bullieseven to random people. she saw a man with a flat tire in the freezing rain and pulled over and held a flash light and umbrella for him and didnt complain once. rachel was killed in the colorado shooting in 1999 the worst school shooting in the US. she saved alot of people who wanted to suicde them selves with her inspirational words. thumbs up for RACHEL!!!! ok i am going to make this as simple as i can follow these directions if you hate jb1. DONT LOOK AT HIS VIDEOS2.dont comment on his videos3.dont come here just to click dislike4.think about your priorities if you come here just to make bad comments and dislike it5. think if usher or your favorite artist sang this song would you likethe song ... YEAH YOU WOULD LIKE IT but you just , dont like him , so FUCK OFF yeah lol hiii i am so offended that you think selena is a gold digger saying she only dates them when they are popular. thats bull crap she has all the money she needs and just saying how you think she is copying all those people did you ever think that maybe she likes that look. and you are apparntly a miley cyrus fan cuz you keep bringing her into this. AT LEAST SELENA ISNT A BIG WHORE LIKE MILEY. so LEAVE SELENA ALONE you are wasting your time making a video on someone you HATE you are a desprete BITCH!!!! she is a dancer so its her but they dont want her to fall and break a ankle so its someone else. so it would be selena but she cant turk isnt a girl what are you talking about HE hangsout with all guys and acts like one. you are talking crazy this song reminds me of a book called Forever i am his girlfriend literaly he is so cute i love him!!!! ask him do it i dare you i am dating him you all are jelly he is so nice in person ask him on his page on facebook ask if he is dating arika cool story bro needs more DRAGONS!!!! the guy thats ,niall, is the guy that plays justin bieber LOL JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST LIKKKKKKKKKKKE YOUUUUUUUUUUUU STFU!!!! i can dedicate this to a girl that said she was going to make out with my boyfriend then we would never EVER work out and that she is going to take him back BITCH PLEASE IF HE WANTED YOU HE WOULDNT HAVE BROKE UP WITH YOU AND HE WOULD HAVE DUMPED ME... girls these day i fucken hate them i WANT FUCKIN BOYS MIKEY 3 3 3 3 3 MIKEY 3 3 3 you are so freakin wierd -arika",26,3,3,5,0,17,0 415,X2520,"Very distinct sound happens a singer feels his lyrics I agree this is the best I've heard in a very long time :) lol in a perfect world perhaps someone could live that clean. You do not look like your on steroids no worries mate.... Those aren't biceps....those are oil filled fag balls. to put on 40 pounds of muscle in that amount of time at his age..... the juice Lol I could do it better when I was 16 years old. He is one sloppy player. Go listen to my version and see for yourself. he tuned to Q flat. Dude! I've been playing for almost 30 years and never came close to that speed! You sound awesome my brother You have made me want to practice :) Brotha got spanked no doubt lol everything shrunk except his traps definately has a strange looking physique now..... Oh yeah dude! I could never get enough Vinnie Moore in my practicing years! Thanks for checkin it out dude.... wow see we are all different. My bicep curls I do with 45 pounds(alternating)sets of 15. I use 225 pounds for my sets on squats don't know what my max is on that. Now the Old factor kicks in! cant do flies because of a bad left shoulder and no deadlift because of a bad back. Pullups overhand with wide grip sets of 20 I'll do 5 sets 100 reps. Pushups every wednsday 4 sets of 100 to = 400. And handstand pushups against wall. So I'm the opposite my weakness tends to be the isolation stuff. Perhaps age has something to do with it? I'm 42 years old I started when I was 36. I'm sure it's a faster process for the young. Don't get me wrong I have made gains maybe a few pounds a year. I weighed about 195 when I started now I weigh 225. Mexico is a fuckin joke I'll be part of the team that go gets our brother.... lets do this The guy who made this list is tone def and possibly ,fully, def. And the scariest part is that she intentionally made herself look this way.... needs more cowbell Mark! sup my friend. I stumbled on your youtube account and have been listening for a while. Everything sounds damn good bro....damn good. Very happy to see you still doing this. You are definately the driving force in the band just like many years ago..... The bands ,center, if you will.... Fucking awesome bro!!!! Oh and..... This metalstance character sounds like a nightmare glad you are past that one.... Keep on rockin old friend :) Damn Jay!!! Fuckin built bro holy fuck. I'm not seeing any fat on you dude pure muscle. No pitch correction back in this day..... just pure talent. I wish we could have those days back...... It's not a muscle up if your kipping like a crazy woman to get it done. Maybe its you that's stupid loser Holy shit that was an amazing display of notes good job Nicholas :) The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.... Imagine how pathetic her parents are!!! I honestly don't think there is a more stupid girl in all the world....Even a mentally challenged person is smarter than that. WOW.................. WHAT!! in lords creation was THAT!! OMFG?!?!? Guys I think this guy might be a bit mentally retarded or something of that nature.... I feel you dude.... Much respect for wanting to be a ,free, man. But dude you picked the WRONG country to try and be truly free..... Good luck to you my friend. Jesse you certainly bitch slapped these guys! good job dude don't take any shit from anyone.... :) A video full of fat asses.... with cellulite arms.... why is this even interesting?!?! Well that was pretty freakin disturbing....yikes! his right arm is tiny compared to the It's like the small cock syndrom only applied to guitar. It's envy",32,10,3,4,0,42,0 416,X417,check my channel guys pleaseee check out my channel and watch atleast one of my videossss pleaseeeeeee guys!!! im sure youll like! guys check out my channel please!. just watch one of my vieos and i promise youll like!!! guys please check out my channel i can promise you wont be dissappoined! guys please check out my channel! i have something to do with this song ;) cmon guys! JHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!!!! CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL!!!!!!! CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL ! NO NEED TO SUBSCRIBE OR LIKE! CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL! EVERYTHING IS FREE! CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL! FREE INFECTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL!! FREE INFECTIONS! CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL!!!!!!!! CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 pause at 00:00 true love what do they know? he says the same thing over and again thumbs up if ur listening to this in august 2011 what the fuck is wrong with u. ur mad u live in ur garage your amazing!! your a disgrace to sound u fat pig please put a bullet through your head you are so goddamn fat Please shut the fuck up stop making youtube videos u fat red head cunt pussy fat bitch. Your a fat ginger with no soul This video is in such poor taste. Not funny. Not funny at all. I'm sure the lady with MS who can't leave her house and who had to throw out her medicine will find it fucking hilarious.,30,1,3,5,0,15,1 417,X418,you are like the model for the girl i want to marry. gorgeous girl with a voice like that...solid. first youtube comment cred killzone gay. outta all the rap combos like NWA outkast drake lil wayne LITO and DON TRIP are the realest and most true niggas. Sick beats real lyrics. you dont like this song then you dont know rap pussy ass nigga. fuck a thumbs up i dont need your opinion cause thats the truth right there thatll teach her to run her mouth met you at malakouti's place this summer this is sick keep it up woahhhh!!! yack yack yack that's what I think when I think of black too! Can't Stop by Red Hot Chili Peppers and Lollipop Remix by Kanye and Lil Wayne No but it will get the 7.8 update,9,0,3,5,0,27,0 418,X419,And the idea that god impregnated a virgin and gave birth to a guy that was crucified and rose 3 days after being sealed in his tomb is any less crazy? Crowley did some crazy shit but his message was old news. What he dictated from Aiwass is nothing more than a new take on an old idea. Do what you feel you are called to do unassuaged of influence from others. It's not really a religion but more of a philosophy. You can't blanket ban weapons. When you live out in the country there are no police. I live in such a place and everyone is armed yet there is no gun violence. If you ban guns the people that commit these atrocities will not obey the gun laws. If they will commit murder a meager state jail felony or class A misdemeanor will not deter them. If you want proof of this look to Mexico. They have a total weapons ban and have 4 times the homicide rate we do. I love how when he points out that BBC fact he says we need to take a break. No but some of us don't live 3 minutes from a police station and would like to retain our right to defend our land and families effectively. I don't think I could talk to this guy without putting my foot in his ass. Piers is a douche. If you provide valid points and arguments that don't support his point he just shuts off your mic and talks over you. I applaud this mans patience cause I would probably want to punch this dude in his face. I find WW is better for packs Yeah but if you drive it normal rather than up mountain pass roads and topping 100 I'm sure that will go way way up. You are racing a diesel car that get's over 30mpg.... Damn... Outrun by a diesel His polls are based on like 600 people being polled.... Not a majority... What he didn't mention was the fact that we the people pay for the wars not the gov. Hell if Dorner wants to take out corrupt cops more power to him. When you hook this to your interface is each channel assignable individually within your DAW? Just because something isn't Christian doesn't mean it's evil. I find the contrary to be true in most cases. Crowley said love is the law love under will. Not a very bad mantra to live by. On the other hand the bible promotes murder condones rape and bigotry. And have you ever met god? How do you know what gods are false and which are not? The egyptians accomplished feats that have yet to be replicated. They have done things we just can't explain. Well the facility I worked at was ran like a political party. They would paint all the walls when corporate came down and treated their employees like trash. Hell our GM even told our employees one day in a meeting that he could fire all of them and have them replaced with monkeys....,16,7,7,9,0,30,0 419,X420,"love when PJ does this stuff instead of that repetitive stuff. forgot where i heard this..some party.some time between 1997 and what a blurr................long live the scene! naaa psycho drama never sold out they paid happy and straight hood. nuff said we know who is real and who aint. I too noticed that. is that east ned? i doubt it but I will say thier hiding something with the chemtrails. lens flare ok first time i can say not a lensflare wicked shot man. wow this is dead on.look at the american patriot act and others passed since..same thing. either this guys video is fake or his squad leader and drill instructor should be shot. What kind of fucking idiot jumps out into fire like that? and lazily walks with his head up? this has to be fake. as much money we pump into that war those boys should have thermo-vision. It is interesting seems the illuminati is STILL trying to ruin Bill. HE DID NOT SAY HE BELIEVED IN ALIENS. He said he saw the crafts and knew they were government. Tila fails to play that part. Bill was fully aware of the Alien/Demon deception thats why they killed him and patsy's like Alex Jones and Jessie Ventura get air time. Jessie killed people for a living u people.THINK!!! Does he really have YOUR interests or the biggest bidders in mind? SCIENCE -- July 27 2011 at 2:31 PM EDT don't forget the rascist shit too motherfucker snickers everytime he talks about one of his ,white friends,. I found most African Americans who wear that stupid hat and dress all African are usually the most Pridefull ignorant people on the planet. Professor Griff speaks SOME truth but STUDY the word people he speaks with a double toungue! one second he is telling you he is for God next min telling you all some rascist shit.he is leading you with some truth to HATE and REVOLUTION! illuminatic bitch! FAIL alex jones is a crock of shit. period. ever think it might be haarp making these dreams? My faith and the word tells me noone knows when its comming bro doesnt stop them from faking it. OMG I miss this show.used to have alot on V.H.S.!!!!!! Bello still out there on muskeagon? The reason we have guns is simple. Our forefathers stated it on numerous occasions and it is the REASON FOR THE AMENDMENTS! Of course we dont need high powered assault rifles and high capacity magazines to hunt or target practice. Simply stated my friend we have guns to keep out government working for us!!!!! Study your constitution. And if u say u dont need a gun you havnt had one in your face. GOD gives u the tools to defend yourself and your liberty. Period. Chitown cant find this anywhere! first heard this on paul johnson tape i baught at a rave in 97. Chitown james u stupid fuck i was talking to the skeptics dont message me again suck my fat dick Thats my boy LJ Sass.represent NW indiana!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice job once again Mark.please make a DVD i need to get this to people without internet! I also thank his parents! again I just want to point out..look at little wayne..he keeps saying the same thing crowley did.Do what is you!.same thing. really you the fuck up. Bullying is an excuse for pussies to cry about being weak. you don't want to be bullied?? don't be a faggot or a pussy stand up like a man and hit that motherfucker wit a brick like we did back in the days. Fuck this politically correct candy coating shit. MAN UP.",30,2,5,3,0,32,1 420,X102,This is song amazing when I'm high ^_^ Thank you for answering the question I've been wanting to know since this song came out! (: You ratchet if you found this video offensive lol This song + Beats by Dre = massage to my ears I wanna party with wiz :) From what some people told me (I could be wrong) It means fucking a girl on her period. I see that baby bump. Step up your game Ray! Your slacking off a bit. Throw in some new things! #Dead Haha you got shut down by momma :) Do women really find him attractive? Mariah don't act surprised you know you wanted him to get hit by that bus. Full volume + Beats by Dre = Ear massage Michael Jackson was such a hottie back then! Holy shit its the Slender man! South Park (: Andy your 36 years old?!?! You look 13 lmao Best black guy evar! I wanna be Freddy wifey! UGH WTF AM I DOING WRONG This song is the shit when I'm rollin XD These girls wouldn't be famous if it wasn't for there parents. Why tf did that fat bitch break up the fight then tell that girl to get Samone.. Smh. Kims talking shit about Nicki getting ass shots mean while she fucked up her face with all the plastic surgery. I wanna see what happens next! Watching this stoned xD Watched this shit high... Changed my life forever. Ray has a girl friend finally! I almost thought you were gay Someone's jealous lol I wish I could've saw her get her ass beat :( You guys should seriously get your own Food Network show. #TYBG 3 R.I.P Freddy 3 R.I.P Freddy an angel shining bright in heaven 3,34,2,3,5,0,22,0 421,X422,i only want biggestAriGfan (me) to be my account..i dont want a back-up account or a poser account!! im sorry but i just want my account..biggestAriGfan perfect* haaha HATERS BRING ME TO THE TOP OF THE CHARTS:],3,647,3,5,0,14,0 422,X423,Hahaha! Best intro ever! WELCOME BACK KYLE MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLLIDAYS EVERYONE! smoking the guy smokes like a smoke stack jeeeeeezuss really good sound damn 9k views? good job! glassjawdefeaterconverge,6,0,5,5,0,24,0 423,X365,Just purting it out there if you dont feel like dieing just bail out before hittingbthe tank Anyone who says deserves to die deservesvto due with them Great mask feels like someone is hugging your face but they tend to.cut your hearing a little bit not the best mask for the woods The beginning was honestly sooo embarrassing Freddie w does not belong on YouTube he should be an actual script writer/ directer Fuck sakes likes you This is fuckin retarted That ninja has some sick moves in all that cocaine I would really love to see the face of this master..... in that part of YouTube again Lets go check it out? You can see the fucking paint spot from russia is this like your first fucking time shooting a paintball gun? Kid that got shot point blank probably pissed his pants I have a drone they are a great gun i havnt managed to get my hands on a clone yet though :( It meand he's swollen dumb asses MACDEV DRONE DX! by gun i have ever used i get 150-200psi per 300 rounds its so good on air :) highly recomended THREE SOME! Dont you know to NEVER buy a used speedball gun. This is the best one so far! Sounds more french... Girls* 3 quarters of my town is native 3 quarters of my town is jobless. Why the fuck would you.a G4 or an extcy get a fucking macdev drone. Dumb shit. Sick wipe at 3:50 Need to bring this show back! Real sleek Dude? Is this at splatters? This is the first video of a macdev marker that i havnt had to search. Are they posdibly going hunting? Refy doing a crip walk at 1:37 lol I love how people say their exited for the apocolyps what happens if your the one to start the infections you dip shits. Mask will take a hard ball at 500fps pointblank is the average mask breaking range. Perfect song for a paintball vid. Last guy was priceless Who buys a 6 year old a. 243? Master chief is a black guy? Love the random rap. Sir come here. I was thinking about making a gay joke butt fuck it. If this sounds so much like skrillex shouldnt it sound like scary monsters and nice spirits? Because im almost positive all of his songs arevjust his first song. Remixed. AMAZING GUN! Love mine. To bad my solly is broke right bow Where abouts in manitoba was this?,41,0,2,1,0,31,0 424,X425,so he was late for his bday so his gf went insane??? please go on americas got talent you would win. hahaha hahahahah omfg south park please do an episode that makes these dumb fucks look like... well... dumb fucks Man soccer players will do anything to get a penalty called Are you serious? his cockiness is why i fucking love him Still doesn't mean he ain't gay haha. I dont give a fuck how much money he has money isn't everything. I prefer to live my own life and not be gobbled up by the media 24/7. I believe I have a better life than justin beiber. New game; first person to find a spot in the video where the stick is in his left hand wins!!! i'm not sure but i think bronson did a good job. i just watched this and it made me cry :') it's so sad that gay people are aloud to live 0:00 again!!!! i think you meant to say you don't say? hahahaha idk why i laughed so hard at this BONER BONER BONER BONER BONER BONER BONER BONER BONER ok so its satire of how people in our society see the black community. I feel like its just a little over the top. Not to say I don't enjoy it. what if she gets bankrupt. And now she looks like a genius too. If this gets 100 likes I will propose to my girlfriend tonight :) I feel like tonight is the night If this gets 200 likes I will propose to my girlfriend tonight! satan If God was one Tim Tebow's side then Satan was on Marion Barber's side smoke meth hail satan every once in a while the editors were like shit we need to throw a few white guys on here.,22,6,3,5,1,52,0 425,X426,"Honestly if she wasn't wiff tim we wouldn't even know who she was and if i saw her on the streets i'd be like DAYUM!! TELL ME WHERE IT IS!! xD you Wolverine Vs. Hugh Jackman (VOTE HERE) This reminds me of eminem lighters where it sounds like a rb song but then BOOM RAP!! at random?? it better be me!! Altair and Ezio Vs Desmond And Conner(Assassin's Creed III Main Character) Time to get into a real challenge. You have all of these fans and subscribers but you barley give them any credit. I think you should rap useing the names of some of your subscribers or at least the people who liked this comment (if you can see the names). Just an idea but KEEP DOIN WHAT YOU DO!!!(REPOSTED) Time to get into a real challenge. You have all of these fans and subscribers but you barley give them any credit. I think you should rap useing the names of some of your subscribers or at least the people who liked this comment (if you can see the names). Just an idea but KEEP DOIN WHAT YOU DO!!!(REPOSTED) man i remember the old ass chonny video's i loved the pokey parody commercial lol chonny just to let ya know i'm been with ya fo' a long ass mutherfucking TIME xD Charity for legalized weed Hey guess what shut up and enjoy the music and hop off his dick Sean Fuji!! people say j.reyez looks like tae yang when tae yang looks like j.reyez -.- dang y'all high i can tell by this -.- xD Lmfao ,balls, yhuu mean learn how to type right lmfao i love how yhur getting mad or pissy about this. don't worry i'll contact yo sis to get yhuu a tampon or a pad lmfao",16,7,3,2,0,22,0 426,X120,its a one cilinder same as mine! is that a benford? iam 19 and i love old buses hare me in i can get the job dun farster with it niceee digger 40ton? :) she needs some greese ffs one why would your kids be playing on ittoo why was somone filming it when it was going along! can u hare me in iam a digger driver myself the only tonnage ive driven up to 20ton :) poor cat but that was funny shit i have to say....XD sick sick SIIICCCK IN THE HEAD DO U HAVE TO BE! u can see this man is not right in the head! R.I.P fat man! all cops wanna do is cause truble poor girl fucking police! freerunning is a sport fucking police dont no nuffing! i did a random tomahawk throw on cracked and got a guy between the eyes it wa sick! :D ps3 are shit btw.. and then u have to fuck your mum to times then u get the to rayguns! or u can just get a life and stop playing on fucking games man! merry christmas you big peaces of shit and a happy new year thank you! hahaha.. i love this song but it makes me wanna cry haha! dude i are like awesome POWER LOVE IT !!!! i wanna play? :( whats this shes never going to go again what a fucking waste oh a beatuful machine :( hahaha this guy is a legand :D its funny how i was watching him playing that game and he still dident get to the end phaha! this really made me cry soo hard watching this nearlly pisst my pants.. xD dude i now how to snipe just liked your video but i do random lol. johns fat cock LMAO! i got a samurai sword bitch bring it on XD what's rong with JCB? i for sorry for u dude my new one saying to me disc error i wash the disc then it works! gammer nerd its a real one omg! :D i used my dads old car stuffit looks like fluff but i did a curcle movment got rid of the straches around it! :) I've met crazyer... YOU YOU CRUEL MOTHERFUCK IAM GETTING MY AK47 SHOOT YOU IN THE FACE SICK SICK MAN !!!!! well done m8 your the best i love you fucking hunters! :D i got so cross with a sick hunter i went after him with a shovel! booo booooo booooo go die in hell sick barsterds whhoooo WELL DONE SABS WELL DONE I LOVE YOU! (Y) HOLY SHIT! O_o Americans are so fucking dum so all the time bad people buy guns then start shooting people with them its a good thing iiam from england ffs Americans are so fucking dumb fu american no nuffing screw you bitch...,43,2,4,1,0,19,1 427,X428,hey guys have you seen my latest video if you havent here you goremember to likecomment and sub :D just done the footage for call of duty 4 review but that will be for tomorrow hey guys do you want to talk to me then add me on liveprofile LP0F41CX :),3,1124,6,204,0,45,0 428,X429,"watch?feature=player_embeddedv=_dpJuFZLRfQBn ny b chn nhc ri ~ Bn gc n ging Minzy cng hay lm ^^ ht th ny mi l ht ch 3 hi u thy c a g tn Jason m sao gi k thy na nh no t ngh y ch l 1 v kch thi mi ng lm g gh vy v b chnh l con ln hc mt vo ci ng cm yng ta vn thng ni l ngu nh ln m Hoa Mu n hay lm . tit mc xut sc nht lun37:40 ght ci m Thy Hnh hi v duyn v l , cc con n t nhm mi m hoa mu n th hon cnh ca cc con nh th no ?, Jennie Kim again ! What about the others ??? Wanna be - Spice Girls Cho mnh hi ai rap bi ny th",10,0,3,12,0,16,0 429,X430,By the way it's jackshmack101 Great,2,7,2,4,0,30,0 430,X431,BLOCK B FIGHTING! DONT GIVE UP but baro is the squirrel though :( im going crazy right now I LOVE YOU for uploading this. youve made my week just so much better ! I LOVE YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE i want them to be happy again :( are you blind ukwon no ? you are american right BARO BARO BARO I LOVE YOUUUUUU wtf whats the song jonghoon chose ? i forgot it :/ sorry block b 3 wtf is wrong with you. if you dont like themdont make a comment about them. block b is definetly NOT arrogant. no zico is an inspirit ukwon and awkward ? what ? you are so funny hahahah you cant compare them. you want to be a VIP Q well i can tell you youre not.zico can rap he can sing he can sing hes cute lovelya good personhe can drawdesigncomposeand block b is not copying big bang. just because big bang is so famous it does not mean they are the only talented ones.i love BOTH GROUPS. GDZICO BBC VIP FIGHTING. now shut up srsly. i dont think youre right Just because Zico said that gd is better doesnt mean its a know? i like both and i still think theyre too different to compare. but zico can also dance sing produce and write lyrics even freestyle zico belongs to block b damn zico is so talented i miss him...and block b kyung? p.o? I think Block B is different from other idol groups BLOCK B for ever :) I LOVE YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH you really should listen to Zicos mixtapes ( Zico from Block B ) lol me too zico is one of the best kpop freestyle rappers lol,27,0,2,5,0,15,0 431,X432,Please add me 323-815-693 Please add me 323-815-693 This makes me so happy to see this guy do this. God bless him and I hope the poor man finds a warm place for winter I bet people are spelling things wrong on these comments on these videos just to be in one Slurpie salsa I disliked again haha Disliked this one too Also disliked this one Disliked u Disliked again Disliked On the death star What is blue and smells like red paint? Blue paint duhhhh!!!!! Hate to rain on your parade but there ate 31 day in december Obama has a red tie and red is republican Ya good thing u didnt upload it on friday I care about Jesus dip shit a lot of people do so shut up I love your videos so much keep up the ggod work speedy Salsa Kyr Sp33dy-3 Speedy u said you were from Pennsylvania do u like the steelers Already subscribed to him 4:43-4:50 that damn neighbor in background Het burnsy:)I just wanted to say you are one of the best YouTubers out there! Every one of your videos makes me laugh! You and KYR sp33dy are the best trollers out there! I love your videos keep up the good work!,24,1,2,1,0,18,0 432,X433,HAHAHAHA YES IVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU TO PLAY THIS! wrong person . ..he said in the last couple of episodes it was a mod? Omg. You are like exactly me :L I'm in England.. I have an even less chance of seeing them live ;-; TEENS REACT TO WOOL BY UBERHAXORNOVA YOU FUCKING CUNT Oh my god I want to stab you in the eye for using the phrase 'rustled my jimmies' and calling Lil Wayne a genius in the same sentence. ._.,8,13,3,5,0,16,0 433,X434,and.. im a fucking fat bitch. okayy fucking get you with ya finger... n ya face expressions bbz. lol you try to hard screechers or what! what? what? you are amazing! your one of the crappest mick take ever she doesnt just keep saying F**k silly cow your poo,10,1,4,2,0,20,0 434,X435,"You are fucking awful and hideous lose some weight whore. You certainly are you disgusting pig like whore. Oh jesus please stop you're so fucking stupid. You're not even pretty wtf is wrong with you I would rather bang nichole 337 than you you hideous whore. Shut your fucking mouth pig whore. Good I'm glad you're sick. No I don't have feelings cuz feelings are gay! Her voice is beautiful you're afraid to be as purely brave and strong as she is and put her voice on the internet. You need Jesus. Wouldn't this be funnier if it were her parents crying at her funeral. I literally almost cry when i see this. And I have no heart soul or feelings. I'm a Republican. I just shared this with all my buddies playing diablo 3 and LoL with me. We've all agreed it's gayer than ,Curious black men kissing on the downlow, This is the best cinematic in video game history. If you disagree you're wrong period. I am the god of this game. GOD. This was composed in 1866 you stupid fucking racist faggots. Long Live Deutschland. It's a gun on rail road tracks genius not a magnetic weapon. And yes they existed. I feel like I've stayed alive these many years just to see this movie. ICP is garbage it sounds like a bunch of faggots who can't rhyme arguing with the world. He was THE British LEADER bargaining with chips that were NOT British. How dare he this man is an abomination. And to not see what was coming out of Deutschland was sheer ineptitude. He ignored an unfortunate yet absolute concrete rule of the human species ,if you want peace prepare for war.,And by appeasing ,Herr Hitler, he made nay ASKED for the Blitzkrieg across Western Europe. You're the biggest bigot on the thread. Thanks cockface. I hope god smites you faggot. I'm a kraut American honkie and I have love for the block trump that faggots. Roll out of bed Mr. Comet's spread. The morning's looking bright And your friends ran off to not hear ya whine. And didn't even write And your husband wants to be a girl. Be glad there's one place in the world Where Everybody Knows Your Gay And they're always glad you came You wanna go where people know People aren't all this straight. You wanna go Where Everybody Knows Your Gay RD Japan would NEVER support China theyre natural enemies. This has nothing on the curious black men kissing I made stop motion beast wars movies long time ago on my POS VHS camera wish i still had them to convert. I made a whole D-Day recreation with them. There's nothing gay about this it's clearly about power. I literally almost cry when i see this. And I have no heart soul or feelings. I'm a Republican. This is me and my buddies favorite part of the entire epic romp that is ,100 Million BC., Thank you!",28,1,7,1,0,27,1 435,X436,"Even though it`s not full of mistakes it`s sill nothing good or special How many bpm is that o_O 280? that`s impressive Go record an album! 321 go! 3:53 ,When you find that money cannot be METAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL, QUESTION HERE: could the ride be used as a ride and a crash at the same time? (I think it`s called dual-zoned) you`re not funny I mean you probably are but this is not your place all you did was great but catch 33 took a too small part great song but I don`t really get the idea behind the video background music is distracting me............ You are so amazing but why are you always so nervous :D (like Haake of Meshuggah ;D) I love the outro Amazing song!",14,4,3,5,0,14,0 436,X437,"Canadian Rednecks. more lemon pledge! LOL ACT A FOOL WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE LOL Too all the crybaby's ,NO HQ OMG I'M OUTRAGED,!It's HQ in my mind. Berry in the beginning... just witnessed something beautiful.",6,0,2,5,0,21,0 437,X438,je moeder @zwerver4ever rsn: Rsn Zerk i am now followng you :p Netjes Man ;) ik ben vG_TeQz claw 3 Subbed liked. Rsn: Rsn Zerk I want them so much!! i didnt earn the auths liked en geabboneerd Liked Psn: vG_TeQz liked nice subbed code? OMG NICE!!!!! ON 4:00 its a orgasm,14,0,3,5,0,25,0 438,X439,no way iu's too good! x) thanks~ whoa your sister is really good at rapping! and you're really good at singing :),2,17,4,5,0,16,0 439,X440,like ur videos enter me zankye do u like string launchers or ripcord launchers better childish and gey worst video enter me enter me please daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam help the poor little girl ='( DAM ! another JB ! i got 8.87 and im only 10 my best 8.87 RON PAUL 2012 thats because 2 ppl were playing next video should have halo 4 cortana looks scary in this video graphics look more real,14,1,2,5,0,26,0 440,X133,"Maaan this was awesome. But show us more of the conversations. So we can really feel the akwardness :D :D :D Sick video. But at least some commentary would be cool. Piano in the kitchen. Asian level: teach me master. This is your best fucking video yet julien. The topic of staying happy and positive no matter what is the most interesting to me. Plus the Infield clips...golden freakin golden. assassins creed 4 Maan I don't usually give likes to videos and I'm a huge chris jones fan. But I love how you handled this situation. Barney is awesome. quit being a bitch Powerful video my man You got some of the craziest eyes i have ever seen :D Haha I don't care they made fun of white people. I'm actually glad I saw bart talking to some. I hope somebody took a picture. Doesn't matter had sex MAKE MORE OF THESE WHAT HODGETWINS WILL EAT TODAY NAWH you are doing it WRONG! Make a full day of eating videos ! If the homeless junkie is a good person I would save that motherfucka. If not I would save the dawg. I heard stopping being a little bitch helps a lot. 26 fucking sets? Damn hodgetwins. You need to stop being a bitch bro. Cartman: red rocket red rocket c'mon boy red rocket! Yeah the other perv is right. Make a video of you washing the car. Bikinis are mandatory. Put the times of when you ate the food on the screen. Maaan ! I got the EXACT same soulder problem as you . Im fucking clueless. I can't benchpress for shit. You gotta give me some advice maaan. Maaan ! I got the EXACT same soulder problem as you . Im fucking clueless. I can't benchpress for shit. You gotta give me some advice maaan. THEY ARE BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!! If you watch closely there is a talking face in this video just above them titties. lmao Man they got some gigantic doors. If i go even higher usually the ho gets a little bitchy :D: D:D::D :dhaha hilarious Do you know why white people think you are weak? Look at yourself man you just lost your shit completely beacause someone far away made fun of you.I don't see anything wrong with dressing like a ,stereotypical, asians afracians europeans or whatever for a party on collage. Learn how to take a joke for fuck's sake Epic! I wonna grapple with him too! But seriously pete you need to share with us how do you stay lean It's a trap! :D Super kewl family",33,5,5,5,0,29,0 441,X442,Tell it like it is! Chris you are amazing! I that I knew what B.A.P was saying! They all look really hot and their singing/rapping is amazing,2,1,6,5,0,18,0 442,X2563,........penis...... .....(sound of soul shattering) NOOOOOO! MY CHILDHOOD HERO IS GAAAAAAY! ...sob... ...its...ITS OVER 9000!!!!! I liked the video because it told me who these people are so I can avoid them Troll free or Die Hard lol Please prank the west borro baptist church please! I had to watch aerith die 9 F@#king times!.....dick lol There are already plenty of people living in DOA Extreme beach volleyball.... its called heaven they ruined lauras ass for me forever... it will never look the same wheres your mom? Ian I hope you know that you just ruined your chances of making out FOREVER his computer isnt on lol .......Isnt she 12? .......NO! For me it was starfires evil older sister lol WHAT AM I WATCHING!? MAKE IT STOP!! Disarmed! Rainbow Belt ROFL He's cheating on pewdie!!! ....Damn Cleopatra was hot...(FAP) These guys remind me of 3OH!3 these guys need to make a well with a zombie in it lol Dont look behind will shit less lol you are all noobs i are have perfect grammar with my l334 5k1lls......troll face you had me at blue pikachu shitting marshmallows....and dem tig ol bitties Hes cut off for life lol That warden chick can imprison me anyday damn ;) 3:18 classic predator glare ... wait thats my penis I WANt TO BE A DEMON HUNTER!!!! Runs and hides in closet) this is where youve been tom cruise His ultimate weakness.... looking behind himself I mean 3:09,34,0,3,5,0,19,0 443,X444,Ain't * you not yall you* doesn't there thats how it's spelled and after everything you need periods and comas as well .Oh and I'm sorry but is that cool voice auto tune? Also music like this doesn't have the same thing be talked about they talk about reality not brag about the money and stuff that they get. They don't speak about sex drugs and money as if it's the most important thing they speak about life. Shit Hopsin is the only source of good rap we got. So fuck your shit 90's FTW His music makes me smile :D Please be talking about the replay button. A four year old can rap better then Lil Wayne is it me or was simmon emotionally to I love the videos you post,6,0,2,5,0,15,0 444,X445,I LOVE THIS SONG lol is this girl or guys wow buddylol SHES A HATRED SMFH why shit beatin both lol,5,0,5,5,0,26,0 445,X446,"mannnnn why cant i be young in the future :( i have a lvl 30 on 4 servers. EU East has a wonderfull community the Brazilian region has the worst players north american server has the best (imo) players but also the rudest. EU west is like a mix between EU east and and north america. poor* It's impossible ever heard of theoretical string dynamics? Such energy could not be in our dimension. It would have to be in the 4rth dimension. But here is the problem if something was living in the 4rth dimension. It would be omniscient and omnipotent but it would have no will or rational thought. It would just be there to be there. alot of complicated math and physics involved. Bottom line you only believe in a god because it may make sense to you. Everything is explained by science. A very pretty little girl you have how old is she? Who the fuck cares. When she dies it should have a big ,Game Over, pixeled banner over her head 0:18 EW LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT SCAR. She's at most a 7 out of 10 for that wouldn't fuck. Sierra Leone Yes. the guy in the front is garen and the back is yorick When looking through a high powered telescope and when you look at a planet from another galaxy you are looking at the planet when it was 15000+ years younger. If the universe is only 6000 years old the planet 15000 light-years away would not exist. In every category of science there is something that proves the world is older than 6000 years old. Try to imagine a different color She's unpleasant because she is unattractive. -.- that was not even remotely funny but you got 30+ likes. 2gb of ram intell hd 3000 and no gpu could run LoL on high smooth dude. I'm pretty proud of it all this attention from a troll comment 6 months ago is pretty nice. If i regretted it i would just remove it. FoW =/= bug A faggot is a bundle of twigs. Obvious advert is obvious you're sponsored by Razer. this is some real shit Aaaand learned more in 5 minutes of your video tan in 2 hours of my algebra class. 2cnd step: drop 900-14000$ on hardware. 3rd step: drop weeks of research to learn how to use your hardware.4rth step: drop the bass. Stop being ignorant lil wayne isint a rapper he's a hip-hop artist. hip-hop artists create boasting/dancy music that doesint have that much thought into it and is just fun to listen to. rappers send a message through lyrics. wayne wiz and many other have stated this when in interviews they were asked to compare themselves to 2pac. By my logic in a different scenario you're comparing skrillex to DM5 and stating that Skrillex is a terrible house creator....-.- Both ps3 and xbox look like sh!t guys stop comparing 8 year old machines that put out what would be ultra low graphics on a pc.",25,9,4,5,0,21,0 446,X447,What a bunch of eurotrash. Of course a few in a city of 10 million. The MAJORITY of them were not attractive. These people are so brainwashed. This is sad What an idiot that thing is huge. Farley would make a great Chris Christie if he were still around. Cool video one less lion in the world. This is how planet of the apes begins. First they learn language tools soon they will overthrow us! This woman is nuts. This is the problem with atheism it turns people into cogs in the machine of progress. Who is to say you are worthy of life? I bet if you became a quadriplegic you would want someone to care for you. Wow this is so biased. Just by throwing some cutesy animation and manipulated graphs on Obama's poor record doesn't make me more likely to vote for him. Funny how it doesn't talk about any of Obama's accomplishments. Oh wait he's done nothing in office but make things worse. I love Ron Paul. The voice of reason. Interesting the title says Fox News:Least Trusted Name in News. True I suppose but maybe the title should say Fox News: Most and Least Trusted Name in News. He uses the same dirty tactics that he accuses Fox news of using.,13,0,4,5,0,24,0 447,X448,yeah I didn't mean to seem angry I like this tablet a lot and I agree its a great tablet for 130$ my twitter is blondyeddy i also liked your pages i liked review i will most likely get this board when i make my computer you can speak english well but you seem to skip over words for good grammar but what you say is good i know thats a personal thing i respect that. keep it up thepiratebay is real . for the alcatraz idea i think every 5 rounds you should have to fight a famous inmate that has the thompson like al capone or machinegun kelly. and if you kill them without getting hit you get a perk and a max and if you get hit should get max only just an idea :3 cage the elephant made this song,6,13,5,38,0,20,0 448,X449,"You're just such a good editor it's unbealivable. I can't even describe the quality of your videos.. because it's unlimited! I love all of your videos they are all TRUELY amazing it's like a scenario being put into dreams!.. Above this for some reason your videos are intensifying up on an artistic level. I'm your newest and biggest subscriber so far hun - you can count on me *-* Make up your own mind. You really don't care about the character because the other characters didn't?.. wow how narrow-minded you are. I'm a strong Delena shipper so therefor some of the idiotic comments by _some_ of you Stelena shippers really irritates me. I do gladly watch Stelena videos willingly because either way I enjoy it but I just sooo wish the ,battle ax, betweent the ships can be lowered because I can't stand it because it gets really immature at times time is more valuable than that. Spread love not create war (Aiming this to everyone not just STE's). Becuase he happened to be in love with her. That's why. ;) Can I download this somewhere? :O Totally AGREE*.. every character contributes with their differences makes tvd to what it is - awesome.. and I'm a Delena shipper by the way ;) She _IS_ in love with him ;)",7,4,2,5,1,15,0 449,X450,u should make a video and try to do one of any of the glitch and see wat round u can last to 47,2,0,3,5,0,16,0 450,X451,Awe.! )': Usually I Don't Like Spanish Songs Pero Esta Cancin Me Cambi La Mente(: Whenever I Listen To This Song I Was Start Crying Lol This Made Me Crack Up So Much Lol 2:41 Fuck You Bitch Ha Love This. My New Favourite Of Theirs.(:,6,0,3,5,0,15,0 451,X3374,if halo sucks why the hell did you click the video that is obviously about halo. dumb asses 15:52-16:09 Dont speak bad about the almighty notch... it comes with grave consequences oh GAWD my ears!!! why must u repeatedly rape my soul with this songggggggg-MUTE then un mute just to remute! . lol omg i hate 1.2.4 so much ever since i got it ive been getting black screen every time i try to download a mod in. ive tried this with too many items spider queen and single player commands its really gay can anyone help or is it just the minecraft update iron man without suit- genius billionare playboy philanthropistcaptain america without super roids and shield- skronny midget -_- lol FUCK YEA LIKE FOR STORM SHADOW lolz at 0:34-0:40 he's a G i wouldve screamed during the vid picking up all that snow like if u kept watching this just to hear the music the old mans first shower lol 11:29 the skeletons were dancing on his grave-Pwned youre life would be soo much easier if u BUY ARMOUR I DID NOT GET BREAD TODAY U DICK. ROTFLOL holy fuck that looks so fucking complicated i just got a headache lookin at it good job cuz i sure as hell cant make it vote here for jackson so now if there is a sun in a pic its automatically illuminati ??? she ratched FOR NARNIA!!!!!!!!!! rotflmao well halo 3 been out for a long ass time halo reach is still pretty new so just give it a little time btw there is funny reach machinimas out there i seen a couple i think i shed a tear T_T who else came to this vid for the ass dude you should make a machinima with this sorry for spelling SHUT UP!! lmao did anyone else actually turn around when it said to... im pretty sure that was a cheetah this if it was just a random occasion + smart moving + mo creatures +waffle mod + sonic athers shading thing = AS REAL AS MINECRAFT GETS!!! youre typical cow in the tornado lol at 7:09 it looks like hes eating the blocks 102 people dont have slimes on their head i didnt get the 24242 part hey the dislike bar looks like justin bieber's dick i heard this soo much i can hear all three different voices 79 people got a card stuck in their neck,33,0,3,5,0,16,0 452,X453,The owners are going to be pissed when they come home and the lawn isnt cut and there is spick all over the equipment That monkey is eating more than just bananas. This nigger is eating more than bananas and fried chicken I heard they just wanted the banana he stole I loved every second of it I would have made her blow me from behind Great!! the towel heads are acting like the niggers now. I Shri Lankis run around with gold teeth and saggin ass pants so they look stupid and unintelligent? Dude you are the man!!! It sucks you ended up with a spoiled ass bitch but at least your trying to pull the reins in. Good job. This is the trouble with this generation Yea lets rip off other peoples jokes!!Thats so original!! The originals are much funnier. More than half your shit is a rip off,11,0,3,5,0,36,1 453,X454,Haha Um.... Sorry to alarm you but there is a Miyazaki robot on your head. Was that you screeching at your sister and being stupid or singing? I think a Lol so funny This is quite dumb This is very dumb Cool Haha cool Wow!!!!!!!!!! Haha Awesome Oh my god that's amazing :D Cool That was cool Awesome! But good choice 4 1st I have to say though Cute It was sort of easy really At the gaba GABA nononono Kool kows What the I got as far as the dollar one and I was lost Dollar one please help!!!! Lol I love these,25,3,3,25,0,112,0 454,X455,ya'll chinks are going to hell for this ya'll need to stick to your video games rather than these poor horses. if I was them I'd kick the hell outta ya'll..... severe bit plus did you see the wild look in that horses eyes? not good horsmanship to me its like he beats the poor thing i don't think vicki was told that stripes aren't flattering. especially when it looks like she just ate all her babies.... lmao.i laughed when that dude did a face planted at like00:39 through 00:45 i think murry? well i've been pronouncin maury wrong for years. Lmfao. I love the dance; goes perfect with the music XD you are so annoying..... lmao the fatass lol I'm kind of scared now... i don''t know how to react to this I rescued a fresian with stringhalt from our neighbors who didn't care and left him laying there. We put him on a special diet and gave him hay and such and he started looking tons better. he had raw patches from being down and the owner had cut his mane and tail off his tail was above his hocks. now hes able to be ridden and he runs around the pasture like a wild man :) cuteness overload. oh the 'ol rick roll3,13,0,3,5,0,21,0 455,X456,and we dumpin out the roof... THUF THUF THUF THUF THUF! HOOK ME UP WITH THOSE THREADS!! i dont think ASAP rocky was even with these niggas when they made the video lol theres not a single scene where hes with any of em THIS WOULD BE IN9TENSE LIVE!! people pay money for this shit lol who is these ratchet ass niggas? i dont ever recall asap rocky gettin on this beat??? im gonna get on it tho YUUCCKH! 2chainz... nope terrible.,10,2,5,2,0,21,0 456,X457,are you wearing a hospital gown? you cuss way to much. If you didnt these videos would be a lot better. You are so freaken pretty! You make me sick! lol Awww he is so adorable. This little boy is going to be making money when he gets older! This sucks! Totally ruined the real song! Ruined the song! DEFFFF! Girls should just not sing this song! Let Justin Bieber sing it! I give you a 3 NOOOOOO! Ruined the song! okay this really sounds like the cimorelitheband cover of this song! Not impressive! you guys are really good :) Answer this question honestly do you do this for attention? I really think thats why you continue to make these videos. what are you like 5? Learn to freaken spell and use correct English!Everyone is entitled to an opinion so im giving mine! Dislike you should really do pay phone by maroon five :) you would do really goo with that song! this song does not sound right acoustic! this song does not sound right like this! Thumbs down! HECK NO! She was trying too hard! When my grandma passed away i listened to this song over and over! The girl in the blue had no idea what she was doing! This wasnt good! A little off. This doesnt even look like her! She has an album on Itunes?! Are you kidding me! I wonder if anyone has bought this song! Um you are wrong! God does care if you are gay! It's an abomination! You are not born GAY! We are all born in Christ! You are an idiot! Stop making up shit and go eat a hamburger!,25,1,5,9,0,24,0 457,X458,if you dont want people to put rude comments then you should dance a little better or something the asain girl is cute wow funny love it i like you guys but sometimes you guys do the same moves over and over again you know what im saying man! stupid the fat girl needs to shut up sometimes at least you move really good like a girl almost(: you guys are losers! nuff said...... mini your good but this love stuff is a little to much i love this song(: i love your moves! your the best wish more people would watch cuz your talented(: Awesome!,12,1,2,5,0,19,0 458,X2570,u have wasted our tym and thts 57 scs STUPId gal!!!! tears came out of my house this the reality..... :') Honestly i have a prob when i hear heavy metal songs !! .. My brain doesnt works and it really Pains ! ! i love these little ones LOL ! as if =_) !! hahaha ! why some one would dislike this song they r all dumbs !!! meye gula mota moti shundor bhaia kintu r o shundr hole bhalo hote Accha btw s111 ki 2007 a ber hoisilo ? At least she tried!! .. :) 38432 dislikes THESE PEOPLE ARE FUCKING STUPID .. !! ! u edited ... goddhob Her voice isn't matured yet ! :/ WTF What this stupid asshole doing here? Man he luks like Pitbull !! :O The 16 dislikers are the son/ Girl of bitch ! @diana52821 is nothing its fucking ! What the hell i watched !!! :( ANNOYING !!! Wtf i watched period SERIOUSLY ANIME CARTOON ... Well never mind tom and jerry is bttr thn that ! :) it made me CRY ! :( it was cute @jenna Marbles i like watching stupid VIDEOS !! I thinks its hillarious ! I don't care if you are a mad or crazy person i dut tuv tu she is Andrew's Gal Friend ! Kidlly Flucking Duck XD COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL !! no .. he looks evn bttr thn Danial !! :) TOM CRUISE IS ALWAYS HANDSOME ~! OH SOOOOOO CUTE !!!!!!!! Actually he has a speaking or a tongue problem SO THERE'S Nothing to laugh Feel sad for him Just Think for a second if the guy was you and u sang in front of Paula and Simon and if they laughed HOW WOULD YOU FEEL !!! ?? YOU Will really feel Embarres like him WTF What is wrong i thought its BS's full song !! U r a stupid Such a douche bag ! One wOrd AMAZING ! Keep it up kid god bless u and u hold a better place for singing ! Loads of love from Bangladesh ! :) Hit like if u wanna spank these boys for insulting one direction ! :@ i want squash to squash ... a goat !,32,0,4,5,0,15,0 459,X460,follow us on Twitcher thru Eyephone ))))))) . Just amazing! DD in best traditions of 80s! Fur haters must wearing latex ...)) Brilliant! ... -76 . 2:01 2:15 -. ) Supafly Inc. - Get Down Tonight (Soulmakers 7 Remix) - ?- ! SNES and SEGA MD chronicles are also needed ... ! chinese quality at all even in mainland,13,0,6,1,0,40,0 460,X461,"Call Marley the corgi for Ludo :) This was better than ,bestfriends, witch is the second best track from now on ;-) Let's make walling famous! Forrest Gump vs Lance Armstrong",4,7,2,13,0,14,0 461,X462,Ign:theycallme_epicKit: cultivator I personally think there should be both a 2010 and 2006 version if they do release this Thanks i say add both and you can pay for one or the other or both Challenge : backwards mode . Hit f5 twice and keep it there Yes You should play ghostcraft I say we should have both '06 and '12 you were soo close to 200 Ign: theycallme_epicKit: Thor Are you going to suomi's 5bil party? This is very good it's towny,13,7,4,5,0,19,0 462,X2451,Try again. Or don't. This is how the world ends. Ygs 100 will change the direction of the universe Da hell? Is Sean constantly on drugs @ChristianPena don't like don't watch -.- Bloopers because I'm on my phone :( I hate when I rip my headphones out of my ears :( I'm constantly worrying about my weight :( @rebecca no one likes you. Stop trying. Ian sounded soo tired when he cut the video before x) @HorsecrazyMC please fix the audio and video sync prob!! Seems legit If there's anything that Ian fails at it's role playing The piss potatoes at 9000oclock Best scene ever I love when they hit each other off so much xD When Brock was in the background OMFG It's soo weird that this song was stuck in my head :| Cake Nope. No souls. Get off the caps locks retard MY RADIO STATION! MINE!! Okkaaayyy.... I'm not afraid to throw a chair. Lol She's so cute. I found myself smili g all the time OHH EHM GEE GUZ THT WZ TOTZ EPCCC When Jordan started swearing my dad walked in ._. 0-0 This is why I'm too afraid to ever do drugs. I'm absolutely terrified of what I could turn into. In Soviet Russia drugs eat you. I wish sp33dy would take a break from bo2 so he can do these sorts of vids I didn't blink once xD Everything I know and love has been destroyed. Well. Life? Someone needs English lessons. What a pussy. I've been swallowed by pain and wished for death so hard and bullying compared to that is NOTHING. Ignore them dumb fuck or tell someone stop being so dramatic. She seriously needed to get over herself. All in all she's a lying overly dramatic selfish dirty whore. This is fucking awesome Someone call Ian there are balls!! @laurenceestaris YOU DON'T EVEN FUCKIN KNOW WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE YOU DUMB CANADIAN FUCK,39,3,3,1,0,21,1 463,X2878,"Your first mistake was not getting your blue eyes when you discarded white stone. Then you could have used trade in on the blue eyes. It might be the swelling but it doesn't look straight. Wow he did that really fast. Usually they take plenty of time to make sure it's straight. I can has wii?! 22:34 did her daughter just call her Trudy? But.. My black ops was in der For cards like ,Graceful Charity, ,Dark World Dealings, ,Solar Recharge, ,Allure of Darkness, ,Common Charity, and similar cards: if you draw the fifth piece of ,Exodia the Forbidden One, through this effect then you declare victory after you finish fully resolving the effect. If the second part of the effect causes you to discard a piece then after you finish fully resolving the effect ,Exodia the Forbidden One, is no longer complete so you cannot declare victory.[8] My gun is... Who cares let's see more T-shirt girl! Oh vork you funny mother f***er Sylvanas is horribly over done.. And poorly.. None of them had the right ass ;) Oooh Nadine recording at the golf course tisk tisk =] Like the =3 T-Shirt Girl DUDE! Your dad is boss! Lol just glad he's not my Cockblocking dad haha Bitch would be single.. Omg who knew a chick could drive like a boss! Fuck all of you the bitch jerked away and he reacted. Maybe she should be a fucking retard and try and jerk out of his hands. Bitch got what she deserved. People need to fucking stop calling cops pigs. No matter if it was a woman or a man she deserved it. You wouldn't be so pissy it it was a man being punched. Hahaha he admits to letting DWI drivers go free. Wow this bitch is stupid@ 1:58 claims there is no crowd then @ 4:46 she's told she's wrong. People like this who don't have all the facts about an incident is why these laws are passed to protect officers from wrongful reports and aligations. I've seen the full video from Seattle and the officer had ever right to use the force he did AFTER HE WAS ASSAULTED. you don't see that part because it's been conveniently showen that way. Omg your =O face is so epicly cute! LOL love the kangaroos beating up the soldiers and the lazy ass giraffe just chilling eating leafs =P My personal opinion .. They all look horrible and horribly done Isn't it just like a bitch? He just be drinking some booze and she gotta come up and start shit FFS =3 I have to call bullshit on this I went on a date with a hot hot hot girl and had a really good time asked if I could see her again and said quoted ,no your a nice guy and I had fun but I like a guy who can treat me like crap, Sorry I don't find him funny at all... He's annoying. This one was actually funny I liked it! No night assailant? No tour bus? Hate buster? My necrofear deck would wreck this one. You are nowhere near fat! Who told you that? I will beat them up! Your stunningly gorgeous and always have been! He looks hella gay. =P jk he should know who this is.",30,0,3,5,0,24,0 464,X465,"No. No my mother stayed clear from beastiality. Bra skjutet Larsson! True comradery :) They do not spend time singularily on looking ,good, nor do they train much on these ,rituals, they spend time preparing their combat traditional gear that I respect. This is not cosmetic everything that they wear have a practical purpose forged in battle. These gents train everyday for combat they spend perhaps an hour or so every week doing training for this. And it has a practical purpose discipline. My mother told me I could be unoriginal once more before going to bed.So I chose this video. FUCK YOU. Manly tears shed for buffalax. Subbed. Poor buffalax got raped by the machine. I have been in this since the start. Life level=0. The wars of Kongo+Second+First WF also the Norway crisis. Also the silent wars. True my friend. War is more hell then anyone outside of it can imagine.",11,0,4,5,0,27,0 465,X466,Thanks for the upload man! Been looking for a good long Electro Swing Mix!!Love from Romania!! :D Superb Mix! Please don't comment like that on this video. Some people find this hymn very uplifting and your comment about religion is very distasteful especially to the people who find peace in this music.Thank you Beautiful mix/piece Aaron! Thank you Sheepy and Aaron from Romania for this incredible and inspiring mix! 3 haha its DnB... dubstep has a much slower beat.. I think around 100 bpm.. drum n bass has a much higher bpm.. I think around 160. Just trying to help you understand :) bpm= beats per minute Praise Jesus Christ Lord over all the universe. Laudat sa fie Domnul in cerul! What a massive tune! I wonder what kind of horseshit for music you listen to if you think this is shit. This song is nast filth Amen. Praise Jesus Christ in heaven Lord over all things in the universe! niggers! Awesome video and great skiing man! I was in telluride also over the New Years and everything was closed!! If you don't mind me asking where did ya find all that good powder through the trees? It looked beautiful I skied Crystal Electra and Confidence the whole time but would love to check out some of those runs for next time! Thanks for the upload and great video once again! Wow this is an incredible video.. One of the best skiing videos I've seen! If you don't mind me asking which chutes were those and which was your favorite (so I can try them out)? I was in telluride over the New Year and all of the chutes were still closed. But those looked like some incredible runs I'll have to try those out next time! Once again awesome video Dustin! Thanks for uploading :) 3ROMANIA3 Amen! Praise the Lord.. beautiful trance as well! Sweet video nice wipeouts and some sweet shreddin' ! very cool :( haha how about expensiveist.. n-am stiut ca este atat de faine in bucuresti I live now in Phoenix AZ but I was born in LA. I'll be going back to Romania this summer Cluj! I'm excited :) Can I still find some powder like that tomorrow (Saturday feb 16)? I'm thinking of driving up from Phoenix tomorrow morning to get some powder skiing in! Super track! Love from ROMANIA! 3,22,0,3,1,0,17,1 466,X467,Glee suck...TLC is the best 7 trainees Ti v 9 con nh my nh ln ngi ta nobody chear for them fuck you bitch.....jennie is still better than you Snow white is not BLACK I will support Jennie Kim and YG new girl group No matter what stupid hater says about her LOL I hope this flop stop copy GD The bitch of Beast copy my GD,9,7,4,5,0,21,1 467,X468,lol k o.o OH MY GOD REALLY? Woah o.o..... Uploader vs. uploader.......... lol i can tell you love it from your name~ I LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE the pic :) Lol i love Neko she's funny and extra in her covers :3 K lol Thanks ^^ (o.o) :3 ^-^,10,25,3,16,0,14,0 468,X469,GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU .GOD.IS.DEAD. Happy birthday :) WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD REJECT LEN?!!? She's beautiful on the outside and inside. I got to meet her in tokyo :) I just turned 13 heh obsessed with japanese media and scorns other cultures = weaboo go fuck yourself. what`s the name of the guy with long hair? Vocaloids are the best ever :) U WOT M8 Age restriction my fucking ass. U WOT M8 ryosuke!!~~ Whatever you're not worth it. this is sooo cuuute *~* Not all Japanese are like this. His name is Takeru :). I want to marry him too3 they're so cute!! YES YES YES!!! J-POP REVIEWS YES~!! Andrew is the most beautiful man I've ever laid my eyes on *~* Please explain how I am stupid for believing it is yaoi. I'd really love to hear your thoughts. I love it! Great job :),22,39,4,19,0,16,0 469,X470,You would probably have to have a serperate ban list. are you fucking kidding That's literally the point of the video,3,0,3,5,0,22,0 470,X471,Tentioner THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I APRECIATE THE VID AND WILL LIKE AND SUB. IM PLAYING LOUIGYS MANSION W AN XBOX 360 R3MOTE RIGHT NOW!!!THANK YOU!!!! wooow! i only liked the dancing at the end...... THIS GAME IS F@#iN weak!! Thumbs down. wow this is wac... da berguensa desir k eso es kumbia.... serio chavos mire dos videos de estos y los mismos pasos pa los dos kinses cambienle tantito muevanse mas no manchhen. aburren... sorry ur my hero man i always fail against terran yup fuking stupid cops. oh but they dont fukin lik it when there wrong fukin stupid pigg. i wass ruuding 4 the big boy from the bigging i hate piggs i will take as many of them as i can with me to my fukin grave. fukin PIGGS thats what they are. jus PIGGS!! you know she was truely scared cus she had her shoe on her hand!! no fake bitc# does that SEE! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU SHAVE EM AND YOU TEACH THEM TO TALK! damn this is fukin gangster i want this mod. ps its gta 4 Lo SAVia!! se lOS diJE y me lLamaron loKO!! los japoneses son robots.. o_O there was no reason needed for his death blood is thicker than water.. i like the ending with Fettel a lot more than the one with his brother.. i always cheer for the bad guys why do you play these games if yall gona be such pussys bout em??? go bak to playin kirbby pussys! thats what mine looks like on fajitas night... thumbs up for no commentary these is fukn GanGstA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HaHAHAHAHAHA ES DORA LA EXLORADORA...,18,1,4,5,0,22,0 471,X472,ahaha 0:51 young nigga goof nd sosa aint playing at 1:19 u wouldnt tell them to their face now would u? shit is dumb Hey bro im gonna lease this forsure or buy how it says 1.99. i sthat for lease? I did a lil sample but i want the full song ill send u what i did to it.. Ur awesome keep up the good work It wasnt mountaindew.. wayne is a pussy n got punked by a bitch named 40-glock who got got punked by another bitch GAME.. shut up bitch i like meek mill it sounded like she said that are alive.. I DID EVERYTHING!I LIKE AND SUBSCRIBED NOW IM COMMENTING!I HOPE I AM THE WEANER!OOPS..I MEANT WINNER! BLACK OPS FOR THE XBOX360 PLEASE. THANKS YOU ARE THE BEST DUDE! Kov xxBatmanxx :: This is my lil bro its not me hahhaha AHHHH i Just want to say is...Im Proud of you !!! AND YOUR AWSOME !!! GO TEAM LARRY..................NOw Sponsored by NoC if anything be advise..This is Batman and i Aprove These videos . =) fag duh sarcastic Did you just make an account just to say that?? 2:40 welcome to the country hawkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk spit......... his shit just sound corny even tho its the orginal I was on the statue of liberty bitch! naw cuz u will see it you are so right.. he is a gay fagget It's about the words that rhyme before boy dumbass. u suck bitch fuckin fruitcake ass nigga aww somebody is ridin ice man's dick you fag ass bitch.,22,37,6,22,0,22,0 472,X473,Gilbert doesn't even need good jokes. He's like an infant. His energy makes his bad jokes hilarious Love the Teller impression,2,0,6,5,0,27,0 473,X2376,"Damn this girl is sexy as FUCK!!!! eww weave.... GO NATURAL!!!!!! Name your new dog Marbles :) Why would he not fuck her :p Even Bugs like da Chocolate :p He should totally put some grey in his hair get some body guards and step out of a limo on the streets of Japan.He will definitely be mistaken for Obama at first glance!!! What's wrong with this ignorant fuck who gives a DAMN!!!! Kid probably took his phone out andtweeted ,OMG I GOT SLAPPED BY the WILL SMITH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Got dammmmmm.... asian got asssss Bitch your weave is on the wrong side of your body Michelle: ohhhh noooo I accidentally deleted my pics with Swoozie:''''''[ lol i spotted a white guy :p always thought they never knew any white people :p lmao JK Damn black people make songs sound epic !!!! WTF are you talking about BITCH!!!! interracial couples has nothing to do with going against GOD -_- lol... weave is necessary in the black community... SO TRUE!!!! ForneverWorld... do you know the aging process for the shinigami cuz kenpachi grew up and unohana stayed the same byakuya aged and yuroichi stayed the same Gin and rangiku aged and aizrn stayed the samewhat gives??? Adam CONTROL YOUR BITCH LOL -_- This looks badass but the whole point of spiderman is he cant do all these things... making him like iron man is total BULL!!!!! MY LIFE SUCKZ :( BEST FIGHT IN ANIME HISTORY!!!!!!!!!! -_- I think the real saying is... OMFG Jenna Marbles met SWOOZIE!!!!! @ 00:54 one of the guardians looks like Kratos Jenna Marbles turned me off when she was rapping :( ohh damn combo MAster!!!! Hashirama: How'd we get summoned who did you use for sacrifice....Minato: I would also like to know -_-Orochimaru: I used ZetsuHashirama: Dafuq is a zetsu? :/Orochimaru: Oh it's a white substance filled with senjus DNAHAshirama: o_O... I got summoned with my SPERM!!!!! ... how did my comment not get in his video :'( my comment got 41 likes+ in naruto chapter 619 review YAAAAAA IT WORKED FUCK YAAAA!!!!!! @ 1:00 now I know what you and Ray do on your spare time ^v^ My race needs to stop shooting up schools -___- is she from icarly :p This guys got GAME!!!!!",31,1,8,2,0,32,0 474,X475,"BADASS! Im pretty sure straight guys are all ok with gay means less competition for women. o.o BRACE YOURSELFS!For the shitstorm of the centuryAthiest vs Christian Internet war is amonst us. yes... 0:09 iluminate maybe?(the triangle backround)and there is a lot of stuff in here that could be pointed to it. got a ps3..but no fucking android wtf DE SWEDEN! I have never seen that many people at a hockey rink..maybe because the only games ive been to were the florida panthers. Well it looks like the brazilians aren't going to survive the zombie outbreak. If only he could see it now :( wtf is this shit! 5 likes??? I get that if im lucky.I at most get 2 likes. This shows funny sucks its not on here in the US..but its kinda hard to understand the accents. Warning: Teenage idiots talking about how they are ,SWAG YOLO MUDA FUCKAS, for surviving off something the mayans should have predicted after they got raped by the spanish.",13,25,5,3,0,31,0 475,X476,How old r u U should do what makes u beautiful by one direction Ur good Ur awesome I play lax Boston red sox power i love them i live near boston come visit soon Soo cute,7,1,2,5,0,21,0 476,X477,"I cried so hard! Its so emotional! While i was watching(and crying ALOT) my dad looked at me like i was a freak he said,what in the world happened!, then i said ,dont talk to me!, and i kept crying. GREAT MOVIE!!!!!! 7:21 ,boring boring!, haha loved it :) I`m gonna be honest there are a lot of unique voices out there but if you search for a million years you wont find a voice as delicate and gorgious as this one. It`s beautiful! Thanks it means alot! i have to admit that was really funny!",5,7,3,12,0,16,0 477,X478,@mrRza2212 bytch fuc u fuc rong wit yo real dum ass u beta tke yo dirty ass wea u came 4rm lil hoe sitin around arguen wit a gurl go find a boy 2 try n dnt try2 date dem bytch F.A.C.E.S @LesterThrush thnx im wrkin on dis case rite nw n truth b tld zimmerm,18,2,3,3,0,14,0 478,X479,0:18 How come mine never turn out this way :| A realistically odd example of what its like to read a teenage girl's diary :) this was stupid.. 0:18 talk about wanting to be Michael Jackson :| honestly i think its worse than Friday dang those nails could hurt someone jeez that last chick sounded like an entire zoo. But the reason her nose became larger was because she wanted her septum fixed. Therefore she could breath easier.. which makes it wider :) ive always been worried about surgery i mean im still only 14 but the comments alone when i was younger made me worry about it. But the truth is when i look at my profile in the mirror i dont feel like thats me the ugly looking witch nose isnt me. People with perfect noses of course say how beautiful i am and dont get me wrong im working on the whole inside personality and not outside. But i love every other feature. I feel like it could be perfect if it just wasnt for this dang SHOOT. i yawned. This video has been haunting me for a while.. Would this work with paper doilys ?,13,0,2,5,1,20,0 479,X480,Lol your funny @superShea Lmao word Papi pelea thisis My shizzzz,3,11,3,2,0,25,1 480,X481,I SAW WORSE.....BUT SHE'S HORRIBLE UR NOT THAT BAD i from marac and i love this song yes now spanish town mama a go beat yuh with the dodo stick lmao she kinda look like jasmine v,5,0,2,5,0,14,1 481,X482,Not to bad but i like how you use the special effects on the movies og conquering tide i have watched all the episods and i like them.I plan on making my own good videos with my wind ethereal. i know its not the best but Best fricken video ever she is ok The duet isent good for this song but yhall sing awesome I have the same rearing paint stallion he was my most recent breyer but im getting TEMPLADO!!! Im not a hater but its this you swear you'll do be fore you die she says that line in a horible voice i sing amazing i will put a video of me singing it and i think i will get better comments so if i put etching on the modle black jack(hes pure black) it would work? that dude seems to be on drugs this song is sooooooooo gay what up with the outfits?!?!? i love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw i could do way better than her i am getting him too his name is Newsworthy you do not need to rename him! no i agree it dose sound like madagascar,15,0,2,4,0,40,0 482,X483,100 minute special no? @MushroomPride Yeah and first gen Jeffery when it came out was some trippy ass shit love some mng Sad to say but were just gonna get worse and worse until a nuclear holocaust resets the palnet. That or well destroy ourselves some other way At first I thought it said faggot instead of fight Went. goddamn motherfuck titty sprinkles on top of a shit sunday Trippy ass shit in the back Tell you what else you can take anally.. Making a gayer generation to solve over population . I like your style FLuffe @Raedon Price Stan from eminem. U got some issues Stan I think u need some counseling to help ur ass from bouncing off when you get down some @tyson sayles Dosent like weed: goes to YouTube video comments to talk shit. Way to be a goddamn pussy @matskepladze Can't handle the heat? Then get out of the oven!,11,2,3,5,0,18,0 483,X484,love it so well put gee this is supposed to be humorous and people are taking it way too seriously and by the way fish do feel pain. I don't want to start a war either but every veg person has different comfort levels so just because your friends are ok with does not mean the rest of us need to be. But what about the lack of choice for the animals it's not really free choice when they are enslaved. It's already a war for the animals and we are fighting for their freedom. both my cats watched although the younger one watched it for longer both even tried to swat at the birds with there paws.,4,0,5,5,0,40,1 484,X485,He said noww. Hey yall listen toSACK FULL OF LOUD. :-) Lol love dem :-) Damn beiber look like sum asian guy beat ya lol Rip man! Theres gonns be 100000 parodys Aye man this good!,7,4,6,4,0,53,0 485,X486,Where the hell do you get these cars Wow Dis mii shit 9 ppl r haters nd don't have taste in ppl dat can sing I can't stop listen to this#team doddy She is sexy @prettygirlleelee Use to go to skool wit him Wow dey gone crazii over yazz not me i use to go to skool wit him This my song smh Dis mi shit yessir The 1st time I ever saw gemifly was went I heard her rap to supa freak instrumental lol I love her.....last nite I smoke cotton candy kush I was supa high...but from now on all u haterz call her supa fly...she supa fly she supa fly lol#teamGemiFlybitch Lol I saw it he do @downsouthbeauty Das wat I sed @jkelsonful Mike jones lmao Damn Doddy Lmao I fell n luv wit SpokenReasons.....i need to meet him smh he so fine,16,6,5,29,0,18,0 486,X487,I have ohgd (obsessive hunger games disorder) I just died again! :D every time I watch it and no he does not look like or sound like Justin bieber! Bieber could never top that............. So many words describe Ryan Beatty :) please marry me! ;D Lucky girl lucky lucky girl,3,1,3,5,0,18,0 487,X488,I love to watch your video's and make YouTube vidoe's and I love being with my family and hanging out with my friends and going shopping and sleeping in hahhaahahha 3 3 !!! :) AWWWWWWW !!! 3 he gets so exited 3 3 god bless you 3 Chicken * :) Your gorgeous !! 3 Yes they are :) Can I please have the angry birds ring !!! 3 I am going into year 9 and I love doing sports and english !!! 3 This song is the ecxact about my dad !! OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH PIINKSPARKLES I REALLY WANT TO MEET YOU XOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXOXOXO 3 PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MEEEEE PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL I LOVE YOU SO MUCH OKAY BABE STAY POSITIVE YOU ARE FUCKING BEAUTIFUL !!! 3 Enter me please !! 3 !!!!!!!! Hahahha yes I am :) Trishy fishy mermaid curls !!! :) xoxox she uses Imovie but you have to have a mac :) Singing video !! 3 :) My favourite was when I got $50 it was the best! No it was a car accident haha haven't you seen the video..,17,8,2,22,0,25,0 488,X489,I'm a girl and my fav color is red :p I don't relly like pink that much but it's not like I hate it :p Steven you troll I could care less about the videos. I'm just glad you're okay :D I'm only 16 OTL That ending xd ALL HAIL THE GRAVEL KING Best weekend EVER xd -Eline I saw this at Minecon2012 and it got tears in my eyes now after watching it again tears once again in my eyes. This is such a beautiful video Hey Immortal don't forget to breathe when you're raging can't have you dieing on us that Captain Sparklez top 3 xd Awww he's like almost crying D: Some bitches need to be punched ion the face for sueing him YEAH YAAAY I waited for this :DD 3 ImmortalHD ? I think you mean ImmortalRageD Best. Outro. Ever. Don't we all do that Immortal turn into idiots when we're tired :) Immortal and jakeybabs singing YES PLS,16,5,4,1,0,17,0 489,X490,thumbs up if u r still listening to this song in 2012!!! i swear she wrote this song about my life!! do i get to push the pedal?...omg to funny i love christina grimmie is awsome! yesss thx u!! hahahaha thats a funny shirt i love this song so much y do ppl use mics. all the time?!?? they can hear u without one lol i dont know if i like this or not... wow....... hahahahah some on here were funny wow ur amazing and rlly cute my first song i have ever learned on piano was black star my avril lavigne (i still need the 2nd part :P),14,0,2,5,0,24,0 490,X491,"Its called product placement. Just a marketing technique and really isn't really suspicious. Oh and good job Paige!!! Im sure you found it by now but you could have just looked up mulan reflection and it would've been in English. CAN'T UN-HEAR What about shadowers with assassinate? How long can you spam that arrow shooting skill for? remember when Really good times. si You can't speak for everybody. It would get VERY repetitive. When speaking ,simlish, you can use your imagination to think of what they're saying. If they used English dialog would be reused alot and it would get on my nerves personally. I think he sunk it by just deleting the foundation. I enjoyed it overall. I thought his name was Vellum I would continue my shadower if gameplay was still like this. This sounds like a Maplestory 2.0 and if it's going to be as massive as it sounds then it's defiantly going to come to GMS and probably all other servers.",15,11,6,8,0,24,0 491,X492,broche hayes looks like schoolboyqlol,1,22,5,5,0,24,0 492,X493,aller amene les cigarettes maman sinon j'coupe une plante la feuille !! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Des paroles comme celles-ci Taro arrive les rendre magnifiques tout comme lui et tout comme la musique en elle-mme 3. Je remercie mon amour de m'avoir fait connaitre cet artiste qui certes devrait se faire connaitre! I prefer Funny Bear as Justin Bieber. Seriously. Je viens de fumer une clope mon estomac est en train de se retourner l x.xCette vido devrait tre censure. Mon frre c'est les intestins de mon pre. ;) Girls there looks like dolls made in china.. i think that sending girls in beauty jams at 6 for example is totally stupid.. I love America i love USA but i dont agree with that.I precise: i live in France. And some pictures in this video make me think to Little Miss Sunshine the movie. i think it's a very good comedy which shows that these beauty jams are so vain u know.. Very funny ^^ Aaaaark i hate watching girls in this fuckin type of jam that's horrible i suppose they're pretty without all this make up and their moms are mad to make them do that!! I never knew what shit went through parents's mind. ( sorry for my english i'm French and i'm only 16 yrs ) Ca c'est des bons chanteurs car leur voix est la mme que dans l'enregistrement de l'album.Alors que t'as des chanteurs ils chantent comme des merdes en live. Compar l'enregistrement. Vive la Sexion d'Assaut!!!! Ils sont excellents cette chanson me fout des frissons quand ils la chantent!La Sexion d'Assaut qu'elle cartonne encore et encore pendant le plus longtemps possible 3,9,0,3,5,1,16,0 493,X2254,"T.I. Neeed TO Stop Trippin! . LMFAO -.- , Where the schoool at ? , LMfaoo -.-! :|*Pokerface* *Le Dies*When He Started Singing . I Started Crying. The Part When He Was Tellin Scary Stories I Started Dying! If This Actually Happen. I Would Be Sad As Fuck. Smfh The 1st girl looks like a caveman That Is Nasty. This Song Makes So Much Since. Ima download this :D Lmfaooooooo . Damn! She kicked that asss. smfh! She got some bad ass hands! . - lmfaooooooo . she's a pretty girl . but ... she is a slut. smfh She loooks like a Cave Man. She Reminds Me Of Bahja So Bad!! . She is So Cutee! This song brings back MEMORIES!!! . Season 5 Is Coming Out Soon Y'all ! ..* (Juss Telling Everybody)! . When The Video Started I Started Crying ... I Am So Inlovee Wit This Songg . ! No Top Comments? Heres My Chance.I LOVE THESE GIRLS SO FUCKING MUCH! . THEY REMIND ME OF TLC (but with colored hair) Lmao!! . #TEAMOMG Baby!(: Lauren's Baby Dont Look Like That O_OLMFAO! This Video NEVER gets old!!. They need to make one about OFWGKTA. Miles Your Hair Was Sooo Fucking Beautiful!! . This Shit Is Stupid. So Imma Suck Yo Vagina From The Back Give You 3 Orgasms Slap My Penis On Your Face. ~(*-*~) (~*-*)~ Lmfaoooooo. but cho ear smells good as shit nigga ! Just swallowed a baby by accident.. smfh! . Breaunna (Babydoll) Can Dance !! . Lmao! I Saw Her Shakin Her Hips! . ' I Screamed The Number 4 In My Head For A Hour... And Thats When Shit Got Real ' LMFAO! Pull Yaaa Dick out ! Lmfao -.- Smokey's Head Is Shaped Like Quagmire's Head But Skinner .__. ' So We Head Out The Front Door! Open The Garage Door! Then I Open The Car Door! And We Get In The Car Door! My Key In The Ignition Then I Turn It Sideways! Then We Fasten Our Seat-belts! And We Pull Out The Drive Way! ' I Was Laughing So Fucking Hard!! . Lmao! They said he has another part coming out .__. lmao This Reminds me of Ike Tina .. These girls need to stand up . or just leave the damn house while they are sleeping . . . . This show NEVER Gets Old!! .If i was one of these girls i would of sneaked out of the house and .. went to a friends house or a fam. member . There Goes my Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed(: lmfao -.- *Le Tear*So Fucking Beautiful. She Has A Boyfriend . . . *Mother Of God* OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I Love Your Hair v.v i Saw her in Tyler The Creator's Video .. It was .. Bitch Suck Dick . You did a wonderful job in that video :D I Want one. . . This Reminds Me Of Hugh Hefner .. And The Playboy Bunnies __ that girl doesnt even look like bahja . 4 Letter Word = LOVE. I am soo inlove with this song :D I LOVE THIS. Just Imagine Raiden Baraka At McDonalds -__- LMFAO. Who else came here becuz of channel one news? Lol",44,20,3,23,0,22,0 494,X2833,"Song of Storms was the best song in the game... FACT!garudo valley theme is second end of watch sucked balls dude... cant say that enough The Shining... bathtub scene 1:37 he's definitely talking bout the vegan fight shiiiit! i have a lil 1 too compared to the Whale dicks this slut takes on the daily What if....What if Lucas....WHAT IF LUCAS STARS AS THE NEW SITH LORD???*dramatic music plays* all these faggots following this guys trail of shit parody vid... but in all reality these hypocritical bitches talking shit bout disney grew up watching all the movies... so stop thinking youre too cool for disney and have some faith... Disney is gonna handle this shit! Dante looks like the guy from 'from paris with love, 7:19 HE PLAYS CALL OF DUTY!!!! Kung Fu Hustle-not a lot of ppl know about this epic masterpiece-there is NO reviews for this movie on youtubeu NEED to do a review on this... Kung Fu Hustle-not a lot of ppl know about this epic masterpiece-there is NO reviews for this movie on youtubeu NEED to do a review on this... john carter was actually pretty wasnt perfect but it didnt deserve the reviews it got =/ it was a good moviehaters gonna hate... fuck em john carter was a good movie! dammit! KUNG FU HUSTLE REVIEW!!!!! 13 ghosts scared the shit outta me pooornawwwgrefeeee.... RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEE!!!!! Do a Kung Fu Hustle please-thumbs so he can see- 2:49 gotta love black goku assassination attempt? Beefy 5 layer burritos are pure essence of awesomeness dog made me jump too 10 ppl thought u were being sarcastic 14 ppl r penis slaves Vitaly just seems like hes patronizing and insulting the prank victims instead of making it fun for every1... 4:55-5:15 damn i want those #NAME? ^^ This girl is HOT ^^ so if they found out they had a mole inside their system... who would they blame? no1 would turn him down if he wore a big fluffy furry sweater got an idea for ya!!!Ask a random chick to hold measuring tape for ya then pull the tape end to your stomache and scoot foward/backwards (while looking downwards) so the tape is about 8-10 inches ask her what the measurment says then say 'yea thats about right..., then just walk away... LIKE A BOSS! !!!Thumbs up so he can see!!! 0:15-0:25 they seems like they rly hate each other but theyre being civil bout it 1:29 was that scripted or is Blake just a badass? How many times has he stolen this car? he handles it like hes been driving it for years... Finishing a comment? aint nobody got ti 6:34 Penis: Wait 6 minutes to see kate upton? Aint nobody got time for dat! Seth's hair...",37,4,8,2,0,29,0 495,X496,SP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im up loading a vid right now!!,2,2,3,1,0,50,0 496,X497,"I bass boosted this song check it out on my channel. Erg I haven't played this in a while..... Its something on the number pad i think its 2 to open it and 8 to close. No i make viruses. And if i really wanted a mac i could get one but i choose not to because windows is better. Yea.. I'll buy it when i can go to piratebay and get it for free. ;D Right click on teh desktop Hit ,NVIDIA Control Panel, and then go to Manage 3D settings and change Anisotropic Filtering to Application controlled. They're hilarious. No the sentence is ,ur game spelled ,emp, wrong,. You're is you are combined so as you can see you are game spelled ,emp, wrong would be incorrect... So it would be your. LMAO You're like 9! You can't spell like half the words you typed in the video right. Thanks bro. Im subscribing because your one less bull shit youtube account. I got mine for $220 for the loss* You should do more I almost died laughing when you almost got beat up xD",12,29,4,9,0,18,0 497,X498,2nd . I like this song and dance but the video makes me what to throw up. its sooo disturbing! ahh im scared imma have nightmares tonight. Can you play as a teacher? I cannot see selena gomez being in this =/ wanna see how it goes but i dont feel that she would be good in this movie.,4,118,6,5,1,18,0 498,X499,@alidan233. Actually I wouldn't care if Matt or Patt were bronies or not because they are obviosly funny as fuck. I just know they are because of the suttle referenceing mostly Matt makes to mlp. O wait u didn't know they referenced mlp from time to time?,10,25,2,6,0,16,0 499,X500,3 em !! BBIGG UHP DHA V.I.!! lmfao!!! NYCE..!!!!!!!!!! lmfao!! LMFAOOOOO!! 33 IHT !! yyeesssii!! muhutmwah!! lmfao !! IZ THA ASS REAL!!!! #LMFAO! LMFAO! UUUUggrrhh!! HE IS SO FUCKIN SEXY!!! LOL ! IF YU SHAPE LIKE A MICROWAVE U SHAPE LIK A MICROWAVE!!! DONT MATTA I LIK MICROWAVESZ LMFAO!!!! yessi!! lol DOWN !! background music wiked! lmao!! lol CHUNE!!!! LIK ME COMMENT IF YOU WERE HERE BEFORE 10000 VEIWS Lmao!! I think you guys should do one of Beyonce songs lol THUMBS UHP IF YU THINK SO ??? LMAO!! goood job..! love you guysz!! Sooooooo Fukin SEXXYYY!!!!!! LMFAO!! WATCH DHISZ A MILLION TYMEZ ND IM HISPANIC! Lmao!! 3 JERRY!! yoo KMD..! lmfao! little girl is a trip! lmfao! 3 dhisz! chune!! haha kool! i like it!gooood job keep up your head.! also can you send it to me,24,1,3,5,0,20,0 500,X501,zebrie went to my high school.. That explains why he just standing my high school full of dumb asses I was in 5th grade and playing some board game with a girl I liked and when it was time to go I was standing up I let out a really loud fart. you fucking stupid lights out my boy... they white boy wearing jean shorts lol!!!!!!! pens 4:18 is that shit water? How did the pitch go?? white boy fucked it I lived there for 9 years to seymour yall bitches hatin on my pacers! Alex Smith will rush for 300 yards. this beats the fuck out of mine redskins suck why you hatin dick talk,15,4,3,8,0,28,0 501,X502,davcoolhandz bro dont let these children affect yo style bro im mexican i dont give a fuck what anyone else has to think bout my shit fuck these kids bro they just want what we got and have no way of getting it plain and simple theyyll probably come back with another racial slur but wo care couse we still rollin and they still at home sucking on they mommas tity hahahaha peace out...,1,0,4,5,0,22,0 502,X503,Jenna i wanna play with your boobies Im still a cummins man! But this is beauifl my dads got the lariat 350! Its a towing beast i cat magine this. You absolutly suck! Is it me or do her breast look bigger? Braces make him ugly af whats this song called THIS CONCRETES TO COLD! Who puts scab connected to the hood on.and who puts mask of first... Lol yea we use 5inch it's a bitch Your absolutely sexy It' looks like penicillin! Blow my whistle baby whistle baby let me know This is the biggest fucking joke of a fire dept I've ever seen! Dumb mutha fuck asjust run around with there fingers shoved up there ass @elisj80 Yea bitch I'm sure I'm raised around the firehouse so fuck you! NO KINKS NONKINKS NO KINKS...SHUT THE FUCK UP She is gorgeous,16,0,3,5,0,22,0 503,X504,"I love this song [iminent=YJ671jUL1VEE] _____________I have just posted an awesome Wink! [iminent=YJ671jUL1VEE] Awesome_____________I have just posted an awesome Wink! [iminent=UB9KOAgUWfOB] _____________I have just posted a cool Emoticon! I tryed the make up thing i went to school and it was on i told my teacher and she said , huh help somebodyy help, i had to fake cry it was fun my friends where freaked I think it looks good Nicki manaj has a great rap song on this song This is retarted good retarted NICKI MANAJ IS MY BEST RAPPER So that girl's supposed to be a BOY1! The girl in blue is more athletic than the girl in pink Emotional It's on 2:36 I like the end Ke$haWood My fave Spanish song i listen to it everyday Omfg quit shaking the camera it gave me a headace Geez they can buy shiz more like a 20 yr old Damn boy [iminent=aqC6F9gUWfOB] _____________I have just posted a cool Emoticon! I Agree She Ugly But Haters Can Hate That's Not Gonna Get In Her Way How did they die any way Your not 12 your 11 Oooo u ugly and a lair Pretty and good singers Alot of people can sing but...SHE NUMBER 1",26,0,3,1,0,20,0 504,X505,Hey mr tomali-chili-peppers I`m going to phuck you up when I get the chance you faggot Putaro-Cowards! Bugaron ! :trolldance: :trolldance: Please my pussy stop the Turd-talking text can not prove he is not Bastard !Fuck your Slut mommy you Sissy ! That cop should get his head blown off ! And the rest are racistbigoted faggot cowards! Yes ! Scream on these white-flat azz-beer-belly-liar-crony-turd-eating-coward-sissy-motherphuckerz yo ! LOL nonsense ! LOL that`s good the crony crappers and their status quo Bs rule is coming to a closeToo Bad ! LOL! XD! Take a look at that grown-women-child jumping up and down acting like a Childish-whore after the old fart tackles him. Then she goes over and kicks the guy after he is already subduedwow what kind of people are these geez! STOP this 'Bs' Black-on-Black Self-Hate Crime NonsenseEveryBody !STOPbeing Foolish for the white-man-boy Bastards in the world ! The Pork-lice need to be bushwacked-n-straightened ! So What !! Catch the old-man punk and chop him up ! Yes scream on this Bs pork-lice / pole-lice cowardly rent-a-cop faggots servants of the state. Hold their stinky feet to the fire. Yes ! @1:46 Great. Tell them ! I have now declared it is time to crack some gray-boys heads due to this incident ! white S-O-B`s are going to have pay for all the Bs they have been propagating on Blacks . It sounds and looks as if the crackers in Delaware are trying to spook the Blacks there in the state or city at least to get out leave feeling the state belongs to themNonsense ! This female is Brainwashed by the white power structurethis is the reasons for her bad or wrong decisions she has made. Being Inculcated by the status quo has caused Blacks in particular to self-destruct. This video is evidence which is noted at 0:53 - 0:59 using white images ( silhouettes ) to depict herself and her arguing with her dead babies father yet she is obviously Black. Another example of Brainwashing is her pictures of herself . Her hair has Blonde and or Platinum streaks. The tattoo of a white image on her left arm the bleached hairand the white images in her other music videos yet being Black all prove without shadow of doubt that she like so many others are Brainwashed by society at large .This coupled with being an adolescent if you know the meaning of the word is the Seed reason for so many misguided individuals in the snakes ( states ) wrongly act out. Resulting from being a products of a DYSFUNCTIONAL society...! Pour gasoline down from the roof tops onto the tanks and burn them up inside alive !,22,0,3,1,1,15,1 505,X506,Holy shit.... 1:03:27 XD,2,13,4,4,0,17,0 506,X507,The kit has one bracelet guys stop making fun of her... Dont u guys have a heart? shes a rare species help save her kind @ savethewales.pube at BH store its $3499 go check it out for yourself i guess so were did u get that background?? lol theres more shake on the camera when u zoom in ud probably be doing the same thing it says i have to install sure target effectwhat do i do? it says it cannot parse the file format 35:45 or something like that... how do i put it in to after effects?? CANADA ewww fucking heel wtf???? What you just said made no sense. How could it be a penalty if it was outside the box? What's the song called? :) omgomgomg where did you get that car!!!!!!! / /--/-/-/-/--//'--'/`_-/'/--/-/--/\--('(- ~/'--')\-'--/-'\'_-\--(-\--\ HEY ONE DIRECTION!!! / /--/-/-/-/--//'--'/`_-/'/--/-/--/\--('(- ~/'--')\-'--/-'\'_-\--(-\--\ / /--/-/-/-/--//'--'/`_-/'/--/-/--/\--('(- ~/'--')\-'--/-'\'_-\--(-\--\,16,0,3,5,0,24,0 507,X508,Your room mate is SO hot!,1,0,6,1,0,24,0 508,X509,Loved it! I still love this. And am still waiting for you to come here for your cookies! I spotted my house in there. YAY! I'm looking forward to monday.My appreciation for your existence has increased. Shirtless man at the end wins.,5,7,8,11,0,23,0 509,X510,Thanks for sharing the video I love this group. Much love to Pakistan from Texas US. This such a fucking incredible piece to hear on white widow Much love to Turkey from Texas US. am so high and this is so beautiful. i love u everybody HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHAHHHAhahhhahahhaha jajajajajjjajaj. fuk me dead this is not Urals Russia. hahhahhhhha let my good joint roll yeah blue berry train fukin wreck. getty i love u so beautiful. women more than equal then. In america a lady is improsned for life for rape of a boy. this would never happen t a man awesome. enjoyed this. thanks for video,11,32,4,5,0,65,0 510,X511,^^ VRZO .. lnu yasha,6,49,4,5,0,22,0 511,X512,I am meeting them before the show on 15th Feb this year im going to ask them if i can do this.. !!!!! Im not a belieber I'm a BVB fan but i'm not hating on him. I think it's pretty decent actually :) This is amazing. Meeting these people today. :) I was right at the front the whole thing was fucking amazing I was on the front row for this best night ever Okay so you must have been stood like right next to me?! :') I can't even do one side.,8,22,2,22,0,15,1 512,X513,Bands a make her dance! I beez in da trap! Suede was the word you were looking for on the boots. I hear its hard to get a job at MAC. How was it for you? I use the oil control lotion from MAC.. it helps me a lot.. but its cold over here right now so maybe in the summer I'll need some milk of magnesium. Mignon is so...mignon(cute)! I love animals! Yeah.. I think I know how to open a wine bottle.. Haha I bleach my lip hair. Heh heh heh =] God is divine. Don't try to humanize God. Or try to understand God with your own understanding. Ask God for wisdom and understanding and you will know the truth. I'm dead!! XD Lucy in the Skyyyy with Diamonds!! This made me laugh so much. He's actually a nice judge. She was just a spoiled brat. 30 days she needs that shit. Shimmy shimmy ya I always go to rock concerts.. I love them!!!! @Galafrey Torchwood pipe the f*** down. Both of your makeups look lovely as always.,16,6,5,2,0,23,0 513,X2420,"BUT PANDAS ARE FOR CHILDREN AND BLA BLA BLAAND CATACLYSM WAS...uh... IT WAS TOO EASY! YEAH THATS ITS!Said by WoW complainers globally. dont forget XXXXXX butt implants... Has he done anything about the tumblr bitch feminismrising? You know what i like about animals? That they don't debate over this shit they say ,WE GET FOOD. WOMEN MAKE AND PROTECT CHILDREN, End of story. That's how they live. Or in a praying mantis case ,take my head doesnt matter had sex, The COD games aren't really bad. Just generic.... as in they are the same game each time with an added or removed weapon. pewdiepie is fucking retarded and fake.. Robbaz is actually real with his audience. I could also do exactly what that retard does SCREAM IN FRONT OF A CAMERA and not control my own fucking audience. put repeat between youtube and .com... DO IT FAGIT Wait why the hell was the black guy in jail? 3th nigga you just went ful retard I declare him.... STEVE BLUM MARK II! also where is husky and kassemG? I remember that day.... the diablo release.. CHRIST! No you are stupid. YEAH I SAID IT! Arent covers supposed to be of less quality? read the description that is his nephew HOW THE HELL DO YOU BREAK YOUR FOOT THAT EASILY? Are his bones made of fucking glass? and so it insulted your internet social group... and what exactly did you report the video for? It is entirely in the youtube's terms and conditions and comedians get MUCH MUCH more money for jokes that they may or may not even WRITE! This guy is essentially a comedian that need a high tech computer and a bunch of recording equipment as well as editing the audio from the skype call and everything from the game together. He is more high maintenance then a lot of comedians out there. its been a year.... bla bla bla over dramaticize bla bla thats all i heard my speakers stole my microphone that is the point of music... 4 he doesnt make anything specific he makes whatever the fuck he wants not what people want for the most part THAT ISNT A FUCKING SAYING! fuck off COW says the whore lol only if you are fat not at all my friend not at all glitches are usually on consoles or PC. Unless the games are made differently on the different consoles(which happens way too often) the glitch is on both egg chicken evolved from another bird and came out of a mutant egg. BAM I THINK ITS SCIENCE fallout made by:bethesdaelder scrolls made by bethesdalol not same company my ass grandma its amazing how this guys main insult is ,lil' boy, its youtube... its doesnt matter this isnt english class ya know so apparently this is the 7th most played video on listenonrepeat com.... i dont even know what to say about that. i like how music annoys them mroe than billy mays I love the random guy that comes up and checks her out at like 4:20 what game is this? asians? then why the fuck are you on his video?",39,1,3,5,0,21,0 514,X515,Cave bears and snow bears are just higher level bears... Fap... Whats cool is that if you go to Yngol Barrow at the very beginning and try to kick his ass at level 1 which is buttfuckin hard if you succeed you get an ebony shield and sword *cough* PENIS!!!*cough* he probably still ate it Hey you should record yourself using unrelenting force on random targets and play them backwards in slow-motion... *suggestion* Lydia off of the throat of the world *hands cigarette* nyet nyet caca caca... caca XD HA!!! you said generalsam122 FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP... jizz.... everywhere.... FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP... @00:27 Difficulty: Asian ohh your mother must be proud of you... *last scene ...BAWWS LIFE I killed that dragon... with my fists... literally WHY? -____________________________- asians... 10 hour version?,19,0,4,5,1,22,1 515,X516,"- :( I want a best by gift cardPvp Holy fucking shit who else heard some guy say that after the truck exploded cadezz69,i saw th bold guy yesterdayy at th RaiderNation event. GO RAIDERS!! i seen them on saturday they are sooo awesome 3 :D omg I saw you t",3,1,4,5,0,38,0 516,X517,"HE TALKING ABOUT THAT JIM JONES KOOL-AID..,MAKE YOU KILL YO SELF, KNOW WHO YOU FUCKEN WITH!!!! Getum! Love It playboiz...that's some hot shit right there keep it 100ed doeboiz Ent..much love baby bro, sicco, all smiles Hott tack mane..Awesome Tricks..Nice Flicks love dis right here playboi....feel like im riding with you...mane i love the hood keep that real shit bangin... what you say!! I'm doing me fosho...this video makes me smile big love ya my nig miss you'll:0) 9min 27blessings Lovin it....DOEBOIZ OR NOTHING...Aaaaaaaaaaaa love the video girly I've never tried lashes before but after watching your video i just might try em thanks Miss Q",8,3,5,22,0,30,0 517,X518,RIP Rosemo ...john madden was a front man? because I play guitar so hard and beastly that without tape my hand would be cut to the bone. what the guy in #4 failed to realize is he had about 90% vagina in that crowed the stage dive can't be done in that situation.. oh yea and 3:08 that method also works. smoking mid my nigga.... now...we all know...Broly should of killed them all. bald guy is full of shit. sure enough later that night... you know how long it took me to beat this fucking game ...this song does something to the mind lol what's funny is i think it cost less to buy all the parts and build your Rolex from the ground up than it does to buy an already made one. he be in his spaceship lmao they handing out Magnums like everybody can fit em lol as a falcon fan that game was horrible to watch lol honestly I believe if he were black then they would have tried to arrest him. female screams are very annoying. LMAOOOO if we can just find 9 million ppl to donate 2$ what's crazy is this movie came out 12 years ago lol *wall yes I am an idiot who can't spell. there's a girl fight video on wshh and the girl looks just like chia lol,22,10,5,1,0,22,0 518,X519,no offence i like you sa a guy better I hate the commercials before the show Yupp or one direction I heard this on runescape too! But then at the end i got 1 mill after the song was over Ewwwww Kermit cool what the heck 5 husbands ..................LOL LOL How old are you!? I have a few questions 1 how old are you 2 can your lips touch and 3 do you wear a bra i won my friend has the one shirt thats a heart and has sequines on it did any ne else hear omg i peed holy shit he buried her boyfriend in her backyard *herself yehooo LOL glozellzz adelszz manzz ararzz pacmanzz donkey Kongzz frogozz Centipede!!! LMFA Homa sexes LOL did you know angry grandpa has a app on the app store its funny Going to the beach and eating posicals :P,21,1,3,5,0,17,0 519,X520,Heh see the geeky books at the end in the corner? ...Small World... This is SO COOL!!!!! I don't know if I should like this or not... Poor ipad but it's kinda fun watching it burn... Fail. Ok. I'm glad you decided to tell the world that your a jackass. It took long enough. I'm sitting here wondering what the consequences are except taking a week to scrub that red crap off his face. Like a boss. I am a programmer. Thank God for technology Nope. MAX not YKK. GASP! Wow. What did they do with that crapped-on bugs bunny head? This is my life when I play. Link to the past all the way!! Why do they go to bed at 4 in the afternoon? Justin Bieber isn't my favorite (At all) But this song isn't bad. (At all) vote challenger,17,1,3,1,0,14,0 520,X521,Batman vs The Joker we all have higher pitched voices that was funny im about to wi- HOLY S*** !!!!!!! If you do not know who lennon is then you do not know what awesomeness is... yoda vs mini me from austin powers the first couple of seconds was creepy lol... mass effect 3 would be awesome i would bang amy lee harder than a screen door in a hurricane At 3:42 - 3:56 and 4:22 - 4:50 I could not stop laughing 0:52 Kassem? thats my mom lol 1:25 is an awesome reference,12,8,2,2,0,15,0 521,X522,I miss ma girl mya straight gutta baybay give it to me baby like boom boom boom First off she's dancing - moving body parts YOU KNOW. She's not shaking her ass like a whore. You're just obviously jealous of everything or you wouldn't of taken the time out to post this comment. She is the AMERICAN dream not doubting that. Pop Princess 4 LyFe. LuL I like Kreayshawn but if you so swag'd out why do I see the same earrings in EVERY SINGLE SCENE and every single video you're in. no swag. DAM DEY GOT ONE NUKKA DAT DUN WUZZAP That's ma qirl MiniCat ; AlwaiSz tearin shit up. Infinite ammo? Minicat better! THATS MA NIGGA SMURFFF!!!!!!! 3 Lets just not dance to the beat............terribad. The mom from 70'S SHOW? ANYONE??!?!1 WHORE,13,0,4,2,0,20,0 522,X523,Miley Cyrus Te Amo soy de colombia papasito te amo un monto hermoso te amo me encanta esa canciom matty te amo desde colombia El video Mas Pelotudo que e visto jaajajajaj bff re quiero,5,1,3,4,0,22,0 523,X524,OMG THEY SING SO GOOD LIVE... THE SOUND SOO AMAZING!!!!! I LUV LITTLE MIX 3 3 BEEN WITH THEM SINCE THE X FACTOR Amy looks so preety 3 they all do!!! omg im so excited Also LOVE them 3 Camren forever!! I really love the makeup it is sooo gorgeous!! but the outfit... Still loved the video 3 They are definitely My fave 3 starbucks white peppermint mocca 3 OMG!! MEAGHAN KINDA LIKE READ MY MIND!!!! I THINK JUST THE SAME THING ABOUT THEM 3 3 3 REFRESH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not replay NIALL IS SOO SEXY 3 3 3 la voz de niall es especial 3 hay algo en su tono de voz q sea diferente y las directioners lo adoran simplemente escuchen cuanto gritan cuando el canta 3 3 3 niall es perfecto y el q no lo haya dejado cantar no sabe de lo q se esta perdiendo y miren chicas si no les gusta one direction esta vien pero quien les manda a meterse con las directioners y decirnos putas lesvianas!!!! osea q ahora somos putas por q nos gusta one direction haber mamitas diganos esto en nuestras caras y no en un video de youtube q tiene menos likes q o q ustedes tienen de cerebro asi q simplemente no sean tan imbesiles y guardense sus palabras por dios yeaah!! i loved her high notes they were amazing 3,12,300,3,13,0,26,0 524,X525,"i must tell salmon about this we have special one in our midst. i do have a samsung phone i disliked because you're a thumb whore. Oh so you watched the video too? fishing for likes bro. Judging by your picture are you from San Francisco? click show comment for an adventure... sorry man but your not right in the head for wanting a shitty iShit instead of The galaxy s3... so even though you said you love his black ops 2 content you are still unsubscribing because you don't like his black ops 2 content... i don't completely understand where your getting at here... so apparently you have fucked 3 people's mums who have coincidentally watched this video... and don't go bullshitting about how you have fucked my mother along with the other 3 people who you have claimed to have been with.. 12000 your kidding right? put green food colouring into a gallon carton of milk and then drink it it's unlikely that you will not be sick after drinking a gallon of milk... *facepalm* The song IS in the description. Roses are brown.Violets are brown.Grass is brown?..Crap someone shat in my garden. Click ,Show The Comment, for an adventure... It's been nice having you here t2Leggacy. Whiteboy7thst i'm sad to inform you we have just lost one of our 1758713 soldiers... t2Leggacy you shall be missed. You just went full retard. Never go full retard. well. that escalated quickly. i take it you didn't watch the video? cause 4/5 of these apps are available on IOS so shut it. that doesn't mean shit. Two top comments props to you kind sir. No. I was taking the piss out of the previous comment of the guy correcting someone's grammar when his literacy skills were not the greatest at all. if you can pick up a zulte-waregem home kit for under 3k it's a good buy they will discard for just under 70k! i don't know if the're is many in the market but i just bought a pack and discarded the whole pack and got 75k! Just discarded a Zulte-Waregem away kit for 68k is this normal? i'm not paying 20k for a bullshit glitch kit which 1 hour ago went for 500 coins.",27,4,3,7,0,35,0 525,X526,keep it up you will get there!!! you are amazing and gorgeous :) you will go far with that voice and btw you made this a day after my birthday ;) you are amazing keep it up!!!!!! if i do another video of me singing it would be this song. i love adele ama-zing 3 Ke$ha VS brittany spears Gilligan* Det var utrolig jeg ikke snakker flytende norsk men jeg forstr noe av det. Du er utrolig 3 du har den vakreste stemmen noensinne. Du er veldig vakker. (That was amazing i don't speak fluent Norwegian but i understand some of it. You are amazing 3 you have the most beautiful voice ever. You are very beautiful.) She is Norwegian Det var utrolig ikke lytte til hat. Den hat betyr at du er god og de er sjalu. Thanks :) Is this book a movie I love these books I have read them all. They are sad but I think what Maggie is trying to say is that love can overcome anything that its going to have its obstacles but you can pull through them. Oh and great video That was amazing I can't wait to read it finished linger yesterday. Was sad that part of the book was over and now there is only one book holding me to grace and Sam. I want to read it quick as a flash but I also never want to read it so I can keep guessing whats going to happen. This is the first book that I have read that has that effect. I cried at the end of linger and shiver and I'm defiantly going to cry at the end of forever. Maybe not because it's sad but that now Sam and grace are gone Looove your cast. Before I watched I was think Emma Watson would be amazing!!! I love all the characters i tryed singing it but i cant its too fast lol Love it . I think they would make a better couple. But I'm fine with J.K 's decision as well.,17,2,2,1,0,23,0 526,X527,"I live in Finland but I have never heard of the murders... awwww your life is awesome pewds :) wow I just realized Jimmy is taller than Lily so many penises... thank god for blurring. well I surely do not want to become an astronaut anymore... the sweet life. sir you have the sweet life. must. not. cry. this song describes my life completely. how the hell does the guy playing that damn neighbour keep a straight face? yes! Studio Ghibli has done it again! yeees awesome daneboe! holy shit these colossi are so awesome! I have one of those mooing cups. they are hilarious. Santa with knifes. Yes. I havent seen the movie can someone tell me why this scene is so important and who jamie is? teens react to PEWDIECRY!!! I wonder what they will do at 2 million subs... its not called being gay its called being FABULOUS! One Piece youtubers big bang theory... also a world that I control in my head :) this will be gold even when old. unlimited doughnuts! my dream has come true! cry's voice is just hypnotizing @_@ cry. calm the fuck down 0_0' women live longer because they know what not to do. I swear most of the stupid stunts made viral online are men testing ,hm... I wonder what crazy shit I can do without dying?, also men never go to the doctor when sick. and another thing about men having less common sense: alcohol + 16-year-old guy with car (and maybe drivers license) =car crashes =death to both the driver and passengers and possibly people they hit with the carthat oughta get women more points...not hating on men simply I hate fireworks. they are beautiful but if you stand too close to where they are fired from you will become either deaf or traumatized for life. also if you arent an expert at firing them you might shoot one into a persons eye so... I would rather stay in my room during nye than stand outside looking at fireworks. What. No seriously what the hell. 2002 B.S. (before smosh) the hippo thing is called moomin. it is from Finland :) pretty much the only interesting thing about us.. I am in school. Having an existensial crisis now. kinda... *adorable so many wtf's... I dont even... mindfuck. mindfuck. mindfuck rarity is pretty damn mean at her sister... *goes insane*",31,6,3,5,0,15,1 527,X528,this is hillarious i wan tot see this again!!!!!!!!!!! this guy is GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great song!!!!!!! this is annoying kind of! first time seeing it and i hate it! thats a lot of messages!!!!! DANG!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so small i feel like a midigit!!!!!! this is so awesome!!!!!! Justin Bieber really inspires a lot of people! (including me) some people think he sounds like a girl but i don't! and if you hate him so much then why are you watching his videos! i am a new fan of him and i can tell you that before the middle of last year i couldn't stand him! i thought he was gay i said that he was a girl! but how i learned that i was being a jerk and that stuff was not true because i listened to this song! so if you are going to comment please leave nice comments! i love you f this this sounds the same voice as she already had!!!!!!!!!! HAHA SO FUNNY BY THE WAY :):):):) :() awesome video :(((((( this is so sad! we need to stop this! he is adorable!! PHOTOSHOPED!!!!!!!!!! yupp you are gay! i really want to go too sky zone! this is so adorable I watched this show once... I'll never get that time back in my life. It's wasted brain cells.,18,2,3,5,0,16,0 528,X529,Like this if you can relate to this song. I wish music like this still existed I miss Tpain Eminem And akon I miss the old Eminem :( Audio sounds nice as shit im gay yea im on right now candyman619 nice Met G-Eazy twice mad respect cool asss guy he nothing like those other fags that rap about bitches and killing people. This game looks like shit. Are u sure this isnt Madden 2k12? nice QA... When you were trolling have u ever felt bad for the person u were trolling?,11,11,4,1,0,20,0 529,X530,I sneezed after watching this video. I guess sneezing is contagious too Selena Gomez is DA BEST! No ONE can beat her! Hi guys please watch and subscribe to my channel my friend and I just started making these videos hope u find it cool. Please don't use vulgarities when u comment. Thanks:) Hey guys please watch my channel my friend Vanessa and I are doing this video for fun please don't comment with vulgarity please! Thanks:) Yeah... Sorry we wrote middle school wrongly Hey guys please check out my channel it's not as funny as niga higa's but I hope u could just watch the video thanks! Please don't use vulgarities when u comment please subscribe too!!!:) And clearer I -3 Vanessa and una(: Cool! The girl on the left looks dead. Did the girl on the right kill her..?,9,1,3,2,0,17,0 530,X531,no money in the world can make up for it you asshole I hope there is a special place after death for these sick people I hope there is a special place after death for these sick people Hals Maul du arische Hure seigneur merci protege nous qui sont malade car nous avions besoin de toi papa amen He even looks like a black manlol.. Er hat 4 menschen ermordet und laeuft frei herum ...Unglaublich. and alcoholic ahaha american name ... everyone who is not russian is at home because you are all racist and alkoholicer.,10,0,5,5,0,32,1 531,X464,"why are all the ugly people attracted to youtube? i mean ugly doesnt = talent. neither do your FUCKING GLASSES YOU POOF.jks your just a warthog. the snow doesnt make it more interesting... because its not even interesting in the first place. isnt your face naturally upside down? we cant tell cuz your face is messed up. o: the tree poked you cos your fat ass was near its face. woaaaah your actual really fat? i actually thought you were skinny.... awkies when there is fat rolls squished up to the screen and my baby sister screams :/ your not funny. um. um. um. um. um. um. SHUT UP? a b c d e f g shut your mouth your breath smells like pee. im suprised she didnt hold up a sign saying ,hey guys its nichole, press 0:00 over and over and over OMFG its like shes chewing a peice of metal 0:25 shit flys out his pants! LOOL CORRECTION: she is hagrid. do we care if your fking feet hurt? NOOOOO la la la la la!~le woman that hurts my ears. good job gran. thats a nice change from all the whining nichole has been doing. uhmm WHAADDAH HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? actuals the fk? what do i want from you? I WANT PEACE AND QUIET AND ENOUGH OF YOUR CRAPPY LA LA LAING.much love xoxo' disliking the video before even watching it ftw its sounds like this on some of them: hai gui itsu that japanese for something? how is that supposed to be entertaining? 0:32 forgets lyrics...... laaaaawwwl put yah tits away it wasnt even a challenge. you like beetroot juice yet you randomly made it seem like a challenge? all the video shows is you pouring and drink a glass of juice?? ugh waste of our time. 0:25 either a dying whale or she farted. i found it funny and id run after him er you wouldnt catch up. acidently skipped to 1:30 and it scared the shit out of me O.O whats with your hair? you look like you brushed it untill it tried to kill you because yah mum. what hurts most is the fact that she thinks she can sing and she cant. and its actually reeeally sad that shes confident enough to make herself look like an epic retard. omg shes alive! jokes no one cares. you repeat everything over and over its like shut yah moot.",30,0,2,1,0,18,1 532,X533,DUDE GO GET HIS MOM! its not illegallllllll. im just recordingggggggg. what are they going to dooooooo yikes... a 3 year old could use it? hmmmmm This isn't cyberbullying you fucks! This is gold! Pure gold! Regardless of whether or not you're beautiful or not.. you're an attention whore... this is a joke right... right? ... please? AH AH AH ITL FIT! Hey why don't you umps call 911 or something? why dont you do it bitch!? Is someone gonna tell him you have to be 35 to run...? or should I? You're using your free speech to restrict other peoples' free speech? hmmm You can take anything out of context and turn it into something racist. Blacks are the biggest hypocritical group of people there is. fuck blizz lolololol. best there ever will be? bull I wonder if the people that make these videos are democrats? I cant believe you talked shit on pokemon :( Im not the only one with poop running down my leg... right? why dont ya just fuck off? haha FALSE This song sucks fucking weiner Nail polish remover!? You sociopath! I WILL SUCK YOUR DICKS FOR MILK! This kid is a champion Do you perhaps pursue shutting the fuck up? KEVIN FUCKIN BACON He deserves a medal? this guy is a clown! I just laughed for the entire 3 minutes Literally spot on imitation of tom cruise Hot damn! Kobe passed!,30,0,3,5,0,21,1 533,X534,"Such a stupid typical BOTDF fan you are. It's no wonder people hate this shitty excuse of a band. GAHHHHHHH James Hetfield is controlling him. Who the fuck cares? These movies are made to have fun with who cares for logic in movies like these? Grow a pair or GTFO. Although I'm let down better it be a delayed great game than a rushed buggy one. I'm pretty sure most Maiden fans would go with Seventh Son Powerslave or Number of the beast. *Insert number comment here* I am the table! Dat Iron Maiden LOL the intro I have no fucking idea what the fuck you just typed. I doubt it but we'll see. .....This was uploaded again? wut.... 2:13 2:27,umbjasbfibsdfbjdfnoeuifbnafbafbiefbefbiumessengerofgod,- Dave Mustaine Amazing song. Easily their best ballad.",16,66,3,93,0,21,0 534,X535,lovely voice more hauls yep can we not talk about 1d please,3,1,2,5,1,14,0 535,X536,i'm not a lefty. for some reason the vid was mirrored and i couldn't switch it back. yeah i heard it on kjee a few times too.... cool song huh Great job! I was wondering if maybe you could do a little lesson video for the part that starts about 5:10 in the song. Keep up the good work. 'fast means smooth and smooth means slow' -Carefulquickly He isn't playing a standard scale guitar there anyway. Thats a tom anderson cobra s which is a shorter scale guitar.,4,0,4,3,1,32,0 536,X537,2:50 xDDD Ich Liebe euch ja ! ;* This is DOPESHIT ! :D shit.,4,0,2,5,0,16,0 537,X538,Isso mesmo...VELOPARK a 1 Dragway do Brasil logo logo veremos o Tio John Force l arrancando! Whammy Rules! Nossa eu num via esse video desde 1996...Show!Agora fica o pedido pro Filipe postar mais videos desse evento...os dos Top Fuel Porra fazendo esporro na frente do hospital de Pinhais...KKK Scott Gorham Legend of Les Paul Isso de manh acordando meu vizinho FDP APzeiro...KSOAPSKASPOASKAPSOASKASA Fuck MTV and VH1 Quem patrocinou pelo visto foi a concessionaria Itoror de SP que existe at hj,8,5,8,24,0,26,0 538,X539,Good video I'm proud to be in the us army thank u for ur support. On the other hand u idiots that want to argue on someones tribute to the armed forces make me sick Got a 96 with 6 inch pro comp on 33's I love my truck urs looks awesome man Must have a good bank payment on this truck U must be a stripper U all are stupid calling cops pussies or losers motherfuckers prolly don't even serve our country prolly just a bunch of wannabe niggers Semi should have locked in the diffs,6,0,3,5,1,22,1 539,X540,"MINE WAS A POTATO LAUNCHER 1114 people are going to get shot up by a depressed whale XD 0:24 look at that beast--THE REV R.I.PLive foREVer who was the chick cause her voice is boneriffic Lol favorite video yet just cause of the whole pantie ordeal lmao Can you make an Avenged Sevenfold one plz Look at Zacky he is like OMG shut up I'm trying to read lol Next video he will be in a pedo bear costume saying ,I'm a pedo I will be watching you through your window, lol were you at the US Bank Arena? ............................. Can someone please tell me where to get the DVD with all this stuff on it I saw these guys in Cincinati OH at the nightmare after cristmas didnt even know these guys but i love them cause of this song A7X rocked out though but this was one of my favorite songs at the show best part of the vid is at 0:21 R.I.P. Jimmy we all love you and miss you alot the world would be more complete with you still here:( you were ,THE, greatest drummer ever brought into this world I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL YOU STUPID PIECE OF WORThLESS SHITLike if you agree with me And thats why so many people agree with you! People who disliked this THE REV is going to come back and beat you to your death with a flyswatter! YO you guys killed it! All respect goes to you guys hands down the best performance of the night! Keep it up! im going to be a man and admit that i cried when i watched this i dont care whet anybody says but Jimmy did not deserve this he was a great man he will be remembered for all of his greatness and may he rest in loving peace.We love youJames ,The Rev, Owen Sullivan i made it to 0:28 thats when my nut busted i dont think the driver was being an asshole. i think the cop was a fucking retarded nigger with a beaner name.",20,4,4,1,1,22,1 540,X541,K lindo..:) Te amoo alex...:'( K lindo eres angel tkm..3 K bonita cansion..;) Ay k linda cansion.:') K bonita cansion...:) :'( Im getting the white one on my b-day...;)) Te amooo alex...:'( K chido chiste... Jajajaja Me dio...;))) Omg yo no pude encontrar los delfines... Jajaja I had my first kiss when I was 6yrs old...=D,13,0,2,5,0,20,0 541,X542,shes soo prettyyy 3 lool did that slap hurt you :P thumbs up if you think he lookz like chris brown abit :) thwy are just havin fun so why use lot mtoherfuckers hatin for they are all cuttiieess and ya sayin they ugly buh guess what not as ugly as yo momma :) lady leshurr is not a slag your momma is ! omg mi love di song 3 stfu yu mother fucker on about monkey look at yur self yu selfsifh pussywhole go lick out ya mum and ya whole family's pum pum you fuck racist cunt!. TRUSS ME AND SHE TRYNNA TELL US ABOUT CHLOAS GO SUK YA MUM AND WANK YA DAD IN ASDA TOILETS! Rick Ross Is A FatFuck LOOOOOOL CHUP! omg:O3 ermm lemmi tell u suen bout ya self u reallly need to fix up lool i wonder how ur frends myt feel bout yu ! dont you think she looks like rihanna 1:22 ? wtf?is all this people comenting haters comments for? is just words why do u lot love hatin choke on some dick. why dont u just fuckin focus on ya french yet. you comment in english suck ur mum u dirty pussyhole just cuz on romanian person did that doesnt mean all of them choke on ya dads dick. your beautiful. nu esti tigan da o arzi cu eu eeeeeeeeeeeeeeshe acctually farted and ate cereals agen.this is not funny its disgusting and no am not a hater cah shes ugly anyways:P how do you knno? shut up man ur just hatin was this ment to be a joke? just cuz ur jelouse shut up u elephant (ur name says it ) lol LOOOOOOOOOL he can twerk better then her LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Yes Yes Son -.-,23,5,2,2,0,15,1 542,X543,boop cha cha cha chicka cha cha cha cha cha chicka wherrrrrrres the pie? No......... No............ Bad hippo *hits over the head with rolled up newspaper*One does not simply cover a Michael Jackson song especially if one is unable to sing! *Throws brightly painted house sized pokeball* - No effect . Vegetta what does the scouter say about its Grossness level?Its over NINE THOUSAAAAAAAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT?! NINE THOUSAND?! A wild........ i havent got a fucking clue..... appears! Do not feed le troll no matter how much of a deluded COD fan boy he may be.,6,0,7,5,0,27,0 543,X544,"I LOVE KUYA JAM HERE KENGKOY !!! I Already know why 12:51 is the title . Godbless you always The real love story never end . Oh Makes me cry :))) Taas ng boses ni Tita Vangie :)) starting to like Vocoloid 3 :,,, I Need Subtitle for this :) Thanks Loen ;) For Asian fans understanding :) She's Pretty Perfect :) If she can sing I'm sure she's just perfect :) :D I don't know that to say JUST PERFECT :) PERFECT This songs really the song for broken hearted . 10 likes I Cover this song 14091 dislikes ? Hell they are just insecure . GO SNSD :) KEEP THE HEAT !! I Love this song though I'm a FILIPINO I memorize it and I sing this song everyday",10,0,2,2,0,15,0 544,X545,****the only way to make us mad is to stop the vlogs THAT WAS THE MOST ADORABLE END SLATE IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!!!!!!! This tutorial was so great and affordable too! Thank goodness you're sticking to makeup videos!!!! Beauty gurus these days just don't even take the time to make a quality makeup tutorials anymore glad you are! All of a sudden I just see shay stick pencils in his ears!!!,5,23,3,28,1,16,0 545,X546,Ur hot! Does It matter how we found him? It's not our fault we found him that way. I'm so sorry that I mistakenly found it on Des and Nate before anywhere else... I'll go back in time and find him a different way. Lose Yourself- Eminem 3 Every freaking old song on YouTube has a comment that says ' Omg Like if your still listening to this is 2012! (: ' Does it freaken matter! Just shut up its so annoying. Save the top comments for something better and stop thumbwhoring! To me.. It still does. W...T...F Hey.. What the song called? I really feel sorry for her.. I mean what if someone wrote a song about you like that? Everyone would hate you.. And you would be like alone. That would be horrible.. Jeff Hardy :) You know what i'm sayin'? I have the same straightener :D Laughing my ass off.. DAMN! My ex sent me this song.. And he's about to move. :(,14,1,2,5,1,22,1 546,X547,"Reminds me of my fucking ex LOL Damn his hand left him LOL And this is an example of how far Swag gets you. Find us in Assassination matches ;] Its from 1998 wtf did you want 2012? I believe you have stumbled into the fucks given. 0. Translation: My high school education was useless. Emo is a music Genre.So is Post-hardcore.Alesana varies between songs. WHAT THE FUCK. Kay I know you're scared but dude I'd do the same shit pack my shit say fuck this and flip everything and leave xD That first comment LOL It use to work with containers bodies and so on but they fixed that the only thing that works now is armor on the dummies. and their attempt to fix it broke it more so watch out for the mannequins that will be moving through out the house and so on and spazz out. English please and I said Metal or Post-hardcore have ,screams, in it which doesn't mean it is ,screamo, a genre people made up but it is really based off Post-Hardcore and some Metal. Did not say the were the same so thus please re-read. She's correct but lately they have been making it into a genre some albums now have it labeled ,Screamo, also..... I labeled Chris Brown and Nicki Minaj whiny Repetitive shit. Make it a genre for the love of what ever. PLEASE Explain to me what love gets you besides pain eventually... Alt F4 pls.",16,14,3,27,0,21,0 547,X548,all these marijuana leaves lmao except that there is no afterlife :3 skittles black ops 1 yeah dude he's 7000 ass slap it's okay it was a fox reporter if i'm not mistaken if a police officer enters your property without your permission a warrant or probable cause he is entering as a criminal. Which entitles you to shoot him. yeah i'd rather have my brother shot with an illegally owned gun too... im pretty sure they mass cremated him and the russians pissed on the ashes there are no fully automatic assault rifles legal in the US... not even semi automatic assault rifles... just low powered semi automatic sporting rifles... he lives in montreal you idiot sounds like lil wayne's music go fuck yourself god doesn't exist most underrated weapon is the five seven... ihop is an acronym for international house of pancakes... its basically a restaurant where you can buy diabetes congrats on drinking a sufficing amount of water throughout the day... unicorn vote 2 vote 1,21,4,3,1,0,42,0 548,X549,"Y THIS AINT ON ITUNES? Justin is so sweet i just hope he end up good and not with bad stuff like michael jackson etc. definitivly your best remake I dont understand the ending with Izzie in the pretty dress and George in the uniform. Do they love each other till the end?? In the elevator?? this makes me sadd poor him I love DUBSWIFT 3 OMG it's so good from 1:25 hes sooo sweet omg. aww i feel just a liiittle bit with Justin there he's always in the spotlight and yeah I didn't know about the SISTINE chapel before now either.. And I'm the ,smart one, holy shit Sandy hahaha I love the random music i nailed this temple so bad ^^ i was a pretty smart kid. didn't stop once wondering what to do.. I SO agree with you.. this is so beautiful.. makes me tearyy.. lol hahahahahha ,GET on my level, tnaw Your such a cute couple. its adorable that he gets so shy well its ok. but they should calm down and not change it all the time it gets people a bit annoyed. :S ....",20,2,4,5,0,19,0 549,X550,i was eating a sandwich when lady gaga started making one o.o Lady Gaga Looks Beautiful When She's Crying 3Her Eyes Really Sparkle There New Jersey(: moshidosh doesn't work because it's EXPIRED morons!!i used it a while ago and it worked so just stfu and just say thanks. this song makes me cry every time i watch it. /3 someone at school was singing this song just a little differentlyIM A BARBIE GIRLIN A BARBIE WORLDMY BOOBS ARE PLASTICISN'T IT FANTASTIC.? :D oh my gosh alyssa. we're gonna make you a gay pageant pig glitzy! i'm on the midgets this year. competition is tomorrow! (:i'm so excited. but we have a 4 hour practice today :/WISH US LUCK! (: i think that there jumps we're o.k. they need to seperate there knees. i cheer for the James City Jaguars midgets and theres 9 10 11 12 and 13 year olds on the midgets. we won first in compitition this year for the 2nd time. but there pretty good. are rival team are the green and gold williamsburg hornets. i am too :)...SWAGGIE! he sounds 9 (: 3not making fun i am a belieber3 my teacher let us dance to this.the principal walked in and danced with us :D i'm in this video! (: at 2:50 when we tumble i'm on the right but i'm not tumbling. we won 1st place(: 3 i love this song3 All this video is watching some woman who can't sing eat gross looking food and take photos with people. Waste of my time. If you put a rat in a blender it would sound better. This is the worst song i have ever heard. She needs to get a real job. And WTF is a ' Persian pop priestess' ? Just shut up. She's really good at these bows and if you just wanted to the on her then why did u watch the video? And she was talking about HER Walmart hers might not be the same as urs. Mine is 3 bucks but were I used to live it was 5. She's just a little kid,18,1,3,1,0,22,0 550,X551,I haven't seen this movie since I was like 5. O.o I'm about to turn 20. So glad I found this. Yeeee! Last few days I have been watching old movies from my childhood. 90's kids were the best 3 Also the fairy godmother mentioned the shade of her eyes while thinking about the color the dress should be. Her eyes are blue. The wedding singer Meanwhile in Russia... Yeah. I downloaded it and it's not on there. Thank God. x) Rob you like Meatloaf? I'm a fan of yours btw. Caught me off guard seeing your comment here. :),7,1,3,5,0,19,1 551,X552,that was a good one! she is pretty stupid for a lawyer. damn dont stop making videos. People are ignorant when they can hide behind the computer. I bet they wouldnt do that in real life. People are just mean sometimes. I like your videos. dont stop making them I thought it was going to be a new one meet him! yeah!,6,2,6,1,0,51,0 552,X553,"24:40 sad moment for me :( lol Achievement: Modern Warfare MinecraftJump off a cliff with a bow and shoot an arrow at a mob and kill it LOL OMG me too! my youtube is stuck in french D: its ok im like 20 pages away from finishing so not many spoilers Your mom............seems legit thanks man :D OOOMMMGGG DUDE YOU SAVED ME!!! :D System:StuffYouShouldn'tTrustEverMan we better call dora Not sure if troll or just plain stupid i wish she was my mom D: Happy birthday Jordan!! 7:02 i ,C, what you did there Instead of fandango the Granbull can be Fangdango :D *cough* hyperbole *cough* Yeah just use TM87 a few years ago my friends and I were trying to throw snowballs at cars and then our principals car is driving by so i started walking away as i heard a shatter and then they started running we all got detentions D: THANK YOU!!!! Dragonite is my favorite pokemon :D trolled D:",22,6,3,19,0,21,0 553,X554,goodness you guys suck! you all should um try reading the book befor you acted well tried to act anyway's or is reading the book to hard for you silly little boys to do ? this is by far the most dumbset thing i have ever seen ! and in the begging that one dude looked like harry pottter in the black robe why did you guys on try to act the perv sences? are you guys or something..? haha i would too and lol arent you spoused to do the top first then the bottom ? i agree with babylove472 she is normal teen and all you ppl calling her names and crap grow up ! your the ones that ar being imature about this ! she is a mom a teen mom she is trying her best you know she still messes up sometimes but dont we all ? oh wow ppl jst leave her alone and stop holding all the mistakes she made in the past that was the PAST ... she is a better person now she has changed and i bet you all have made mistakes too and wht is someone held all of them against you ? how do you think tht make you feel ? oh wow dude ur mean !!! your the 13 yr the needs to grow up i can undersatnd how she feels tht was a reaally long time to be with somebody i bet ur jst all butt hurt cause you cant get anybody oh goodness if you guy really dis like it this much why cry about it and go on and on? when u can just ignore ignoernt thing's like this ad clearly thing are going to be diff where ever you go there will be rasict/sexist peopleads food whatever and black people arent they only ones subjecets to rasist comments whites mexcains chinese everyone is people are people girls can go to school and you dont stop going after a certin age like in most 3rd world countires girl can not go to school and schooling is not free and most children have to work to help support their familes and they have to work long hours and after all the bills are things like that are paid there rlly isnt any money left over for schooling and they dont have time to bcuz they have long hours omg wow ppl they are just little kids ! and its cute :D if i didnt know any better i'd say they act more growen up then some of these ppl posting these comments so thats why some of the moms go way over bored they turn their little kids into a beatifull monster and when they grow up all their gonna know is how to be fake . i bet some of these kids will grow to hate them self because no matter how hard they try they will never be perfect and that is wht drives them insane,9,0,3,1,0,15,1 554,X555,I see that Kim is pushing her and she's clearly not ready for it but Kendall needs to appreciate what is being given to her and to not be rude in front of all these fashion industry people. Its not their fault Kim is taking her to all those interviews She's shooting herself in the foot. She may need them someday. It's really funny you told this 9yr old girl you were better that her!!!! lol like even close! It's looks pretty bad too because ur like 13 being mean to a 9year old so if i were i would not be talking! js! It's really funny you told this 9yr old girl you were better that her!!!! lol like even close! It's looks pretty bad too because ur like 13 being mean to a 9year old so if i were i would not be talking! JS! I'm not judging ur skills its just you shouldnt be talking if you not better then her! Um... your voice could be good but you should get a singing coach to control your voice. Because your going up and down so ya...,4,0,3,5,0,41,0 555,X556,It's really hard to get over a crush when you knew before that he liked you but now he doesn't!! It's sad but i got over it That is so true people go though alot like everyday I think that people should speak up but it's hard I'm in 9th grade and everything you just said is true and I love my high school so far!!! :) Haha :) I never had my first kiss and I'm 15 Lol wow Love this song Do you like jeans more or sweat pants?? Can you do a parody video for I'm sexy and I know it?? Oh I'm jealous lol That was funny lol Your funny and cute :) I'm a girl and I just fund out I might like my best friend!! So thanks :) Lizzie I'm a freshman and theres a guy in my grade we are like best friends and I think I like him I want to be his girlfriend but if I tell him I dont know how he will react what should I do? Your hot and can sing good keep up the good work Wow you are to cute I would be your valentine if I was there Happy valentines day I love your videos and your so cute :) I'm a girl I'm 15 I have brown hair and blue eyes I live in Ohio and I'm skinny :) I love it I'm your number one fan now and I only seen two of your videos Lol so fuuny,22,2,4,22,0,22,0 556,X557,Every girl in this video is freakish sexy Ur getting fat Hannah This started it all Memories ah this started it all Nissan uber fail in not bringing a se-r model She's is pretty but not hottest woman ever Change my ass !! If he doesn't want to raise those kids let me ill treat her right . She just got a few bad apples . Poor thing she's young with no guidance Rigged Wait what happened other than the shitty handshake from the sexy woman I must say that was pretty cool Fat fuck I hope Palmer heals from this injury he's a good Qb what this team needs I love the draft it's soo dramatic suspenseful That's Gna be one ugly baby He settled for 40000? Wow he got screwed even further How can you not call the bluff with the look on the kids face lol wow they deserved to fold PTOTS Canadian girls are hott Fucking obese Fucking ghetto !!! Pretty awesome ITunes Yet ? Mannnn that's the old ER ! You should come to LA yes Los Angeles these fireworks go off crazy on every neighborhood for the 4th . including salutes Vw is fast. I love the Rs but it's just not doing well on WRC Amazing If gabry ponte produced like this remix he'd be fucking amazing but that cookie cutter shit he does is shit!,27,22,8,9,0,30,0 557,X558,1:50 ahahahah fuckin troll i want that hat agreed ahahahahah holy shyyiiitt NOM NOM NOM hey man awesome vid! how much sugar to water ratio in each jar? why coukdnt you just sit down and have some saltine crackers and tomatoes? 4:00 acoustic version is amazing awesome!!!!!!!!!! great rendition of a great song scary fuckin cat 1:27 baby go wah wah?? wimmin'...... whats the music? please respond song at 15:30? so cleannnnnn try napoleon-bearing loss yes i wake up to this in the mornings haha thanks for the cover :) chords? deep deep in the ocean and im feelin so cheap deep deep and im feelin so cheap fuckin love howard stern california? radiohead yes yes you are tis a good song gonna shoot my ol lady breakdown saw them at this concert they were phenomenal by far the best band there,29,0,4,5,0,33,0 558,X559,they cant sing for shit with how crazy these people are i expected like a preserved head to be the real leader as he was going up the stairs or some weird crazy shrine He needs to be detained call secu----OH HOLY CHRIST!!! that transition made me laugh so hard. I can't believe you left the small part I had in this in it. I love the song for some reason:) around 1:10 nice censoring those pale sticks you call legs....what the hell?,5,1,3,5,0,23,0 559,X3301,"There aren't many girl alter servers though. Why is it that everyone on youtube likes Ron Paul yet Romney has won both Iowa and New Hampshire.....WTF????? How does this bullshit make sense to anyone??? Why does everyone on youtube love Ron Paul yet Iowa and New Hampshire gave Romney the win....???? What the hell??? SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN! This is bs. Jesus look at that gay soldier's muscles. He probrobly holds down weaker soldiers and butt fucks them hard. I dont think I would want a faggot like that next to me naked in the shower. But outside of the military gay people can do what they want I dont care. Poor mexican man in the front. Cant understand any of this bullshit thats going on after having a long day mowing yards and laying mulch. This isnt what America is supposed to be mr mexican man! Doesnt the fact that illegal immigrants taking jobs the illegal way piss anyone off? It does for me a little but at the same time I am going to college to get a higher paying career and there is now way in hell an illegal immigrant will be able to take a high job like that. But in other circumstances I can see how it affects people. And they dont have to pay taxes!! American is full of fucking idiots. I swear to Jesus if one of these nutcases (not Ron Paul) becomes president I am moving to Canada or Britain and letting the US go up in flames without me because of my dumbass fellow Americans who can't make the right decision. Everyone is after you Dr. Ron Paul. Micahel Moore Fox news the other canidates... But We the people my dear friend Dr. Ron Paul got your back. God help us if you aren't elected. Any news channel that goes against Ron Paul and what he stands for goes against the American people. FAKE FAKE FAKE. This is what many people here on youtube say to this video. Ill be Captain Obvious today.....NO SHIT. America FUCK YEAH! Lets go kill some sand monkeys OH YEAH!!! WHOO!!!- some US Soldiers. Then again fuck terroists. Damn right but dont record it! You will just fuel the fire of the hatred of America. Or the whole world will get on your back. Whether or not its justified is one person's own opinion but in the opinion of the world ITS NOT JUSTIFIED! So dont record it oh mah gawd... I am a US citizen and I am against this bullshit. Please Iran dont kill us citizens! We are not against you. US will attack them both for that. You dont think they will? They are like powerful children they cant have their way and they will bully others for it. Santorum please go kill yourself you are a worthless cock sucker who will not get to become the president of the US so go fuck yourself now. Damn good point my friend. I want to become a secret serice agent just to protect Ron Paul when he gets appointed. Bipolar shcizophrenic and autistic? Jesus Christ maybe abortion is good... Tortue gets false details and it happens to innocent people alot. So why the fuck use it? Here is an argument. Everyone has the right to do what they please if AND ONLY IF it DOES NOT infringe upon the rights of other people. What is unfair about this? Let me punch you in the boobs. This is an amazing song. It kind of reminds me of the music from Halo:ODST Pshh go ahead use my joke on a Denny's video of white people acting up. Or on a Bud Light commercial. Its not like I said nigger. I was polite and said blacks. Ashes to ashes dust to dust we don't want to do this but we must we must!!!*censored by SOPA* you SOPA bill!and *censored by SOPA* you government if you pass this bill! Well you know what I think?I ducking love SOPA!!!*comment edited by SOPA* Its like the Alien and Sedition acts. The government tells us one thing but they have a deeper and darker agenda! Damn... Ohhhhh oh my god please no!!!! The FBI will come and arrest them for taking some food from McDonalds! The FBI will take time off from catching pedophiles and and serial killers to arrest these two teens for taking some mcdonalds food! I was going to vote for Ron Paul but as seeing that he will not make it GO OBAMA! The SOPA bill got shut down almost entirely why isnt the NDAA??? Because the US citizens are cowards! Tell congress to go fuck themselves or take it in the ass harshly... America F*CK YEAH!Black Friday F*CK YEAH! @RnadomChannel1655 Alright man nevermind that niggress is pissing me off now too... Why does that black man want amber lamps for his leaking face? Algebra blows balls. And I get A's in it.... @mindbop67 Slavery in Africa was alot ,nicer, then it was in America. They were more like servants in Africa then they were slaves. They could eventually work off their slavery and become free unlike in America. Slavery put unremovable mark on all negroes In the ghetto!!! Oh look another minority robbing America's tax payers....who would of guessed???? Back in the fucking 1920s and shit immigrants were useful today....NOT SO MUCH. Blacks on welfare and abusing the system? NO NEVER I SAY! That is just impossible! Blacks are hard workers and would never fuck America's tax payers!",36,3,4,5,0,21,0 560,X561,You have a beautiful voice . 3 Android all the way Lmao cx Eww hector looks like a ratchet ass mother fuck ! Cx Shack **,5,7,3,12,0,19,0 561,X2171,"he wasnt. he was saying that we already know (showing AC3) that a good ship mini game can help ..he was complementing it. aw poor aria ..youll always have mee /// just because it doesnt have new weapons doesnt mean its a piece of shit a dlc CAN just help with the story you know ok... the twisting thing is scaring me now as much as people seem to hat it ...i really like the team in this one reading the comments your play through can see that..i dont know why there bitching though..she dies shit happens..sorry..although i would love to switch her out with javil..just saying lol dude...even though my shepard is paragon...i would have killed his ass...or beat of the two sigh...i hate people me too...i reallly get pissed at that.. especially since its just because they don't do xyz so they think its ok to blame video games/movies/music ..its irritating more like CAPCOM: THE VIDEO GAME I really like actually a fan of the extended cuts..but i feel like that if ea sees this they should make a game quality version of it (not to say it isnt close!) and have it as another options :) but there not making fun or making light of it. People know damn well this is a movie about slavery so yes the dolls are going to be salves..they made the dolls because people like to collect things from their favorite movie. with all the hidden racism in USA people shouldn't be bitching about dolls that are made for adult collectors i love the yuri man love it lol no anime breast dont do that...bouncing boobs hurt like hell wow the judge is a pedo watch suits man is really really good hey hey no politics in anime! im assuming all the black people in japan look like that? idk anime in general cant seem to grasp ,diversity, when it comes to cultures very well lol welll if your watching this show you better know what a fucking dildo is *clap* *clap* i love you joe ^^ well its very good thing he wasn't asking for your bloody approval then isn't it sweet heart? eww no one deserves that.... right..compared to what you? because you sound pretty damned dumb. also don't want the government to have your money? build your own roadsschoolsmilitary etc etc .dumb ass . dude ..i love you ...i used to hate rap (im more of a rock person ) but damn this has changed my mind i mean..obama using god made me uncomfortable but...i wasn't offended i mean he said he was christian so its expected. besides..did we really want to give ,faux, news more fuel? dude..if you feel that way ..dont watch our shorts -.- other wise shut the fuck stop insulting us mere Americans and watch the animation -.='' also many Americans (mostly on the liberal side just saying ) dont like the fact our government is other countries.. so never judge a culture over whose in power dumb ass. also not mentioning other religions (though that really wasn't the point of the short ) is whitewashing things..which is also bad i love dubstep..but alot of them...suck i like this rap but...come on ERB . doing gender stereotypes is one thing..but if your going to do it..go alllllll out i was thinking red steel actually i mean in all fairness while thats true..(well i am African american so my opinions are a bit skewed ) if you just take this for face value..its cute its not trying to be offensive so i think it does deserve a little credit (considering they do stereotype a hell of alot worst in some movies) spoony *squeal* sorry..i just yeah ..*ahem* any ways its a movie tie end..sorry but it sucks by default omg hipsterrrrrrrrrrrrsssssss..i hate you! im an artist and i want to punch this creator in the god damned face",33,7,7,3,0,35,0 562,X563,Simplemente IMPRESIONANTES ( L ) Lo mas bonito q e visto. (L) Es impresionante este nio !No lo conoca pero creo que es genial.Ojal tenga suerte y siga sacando canciones como esta : )Te quiero !,3,0,5,2,0,17,0 563,X564,Mais elle est moche non ? Vive le patinage artistique sur glace ! You're in Never Say Never ! cimorelli in France !!! :D toi plus tard tu seras un beau goss ! Sexy Boys ! *-* sa me touche beaucoup ... ma soeur c'est mutile est maintenant je suis sensible a ce genre de chose ! ( Never Say Never) Mdr !! le ferme ta bouche sale groupie est juste trop bien caler je suis morte de rire ! never like justin but you've a good voice ! ;) super ! Non elle a un problme elle ! ta voix est superbe ! apprends a crire si on disait sa de ta mre tu dirais quoi ?,13,0,3,5,0,15,0 564,X565,Jessie you are the best I LOVE YOU 3 oh my god!! i love this guy dios mio que tia mas feaa!!!! i am a dude! I THINK THE SAME! i dont like anything i love her smile in 2:35 minute I HATE THIS SONG IS HORRIBLE! WTF?!!! me too jajaja is one of my favorites films Im from Spain and Im 13 simply love it.... WTF?!!! YOU ARE SOOO....SO...UGLY!! AND YOU THINK THAT YOU SING VERY WELL IS HORRIBLE!! MARIO ES GENIAL ES TAN TONTO Q MOLAAAA!!!! FUCK YEHA!,13,0,3,5,0,19,1 565,X566,"My fav part of winter is the snow!3 That girl in the blue shirt was so annoying. I felt embarrassed for them. OMG do u live in Vancouver Washington!? @ olive griffin it makes the hair blend more instead of a straight line across from the colors The kitty made this video. A warranty is a waste of time and money but breaking an iPhone isn't? Plzzzz upload the 15 days of pimpmas I didn't watch them now they're gone!!!!! D: plzzzzzzzzzz And is this ur subscriber special? My real name is chain (not shane) but I wouldn't change it(: Make more videos with Vanessa please! Beauty!3 PLEASE DO MORE VIDEOS WITH VANESSA AND VLOGS!!!!!!!!!3333 I've meet her like 5 times in Portland.! Plz do more videos with Vanessa.!! Plz do a winter break vlog I want to see it.!!(: This and fashopillow :3 My favorite slang is fuck cause I like to do that to your dad (; wats the song that goes ,if you a bad chick some me wat u workin with?!, Will u plz vlog and do more videos with Vanessa?(: Do u have an etsy store? i feel like im playing mario party on nintendo 64.. i love it *_* I was there they told them to wait for Kathy to come in that's why they stopped the girls but the arguing wasn't scripted. Well from wat I saw This was a waste of 3:56 minutes of my life. You're not cool. If I looked or sounded like you I would put a bullet in my head so fast Please make peaches cake from Mario party 1.!!!(: 333 MADAME WARIO!!!! HAVE U HEARD OF ANIMAL CROSSING NEW LEAF!? if its released before summer can that be ur animal crossing summer lets play?(: The cake is a lie.",27,1,3,1,0,22,0 566,X567,gonna do that @! omg so cute :3 OH i love it ! woa :o I sub ! AND U AMAZING ! WOA :O SOOO GOODD !!!!!!!!!!111 amazing vids !!!!! 3 believe it 3 amazing awe :) hes so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee btw how can you rec while skyping? uh,11,16,4,5,0,16,0 567,X568,STILL CUTE T^T They're the best!! not just Amber or Luna or Victoria WAA ! I MISS THEM~ YOUR A MONSTER You know it's hard to sing while dancing. LOL fail top comment. It's Sungmin not Sungming. It's Leeteuk not Leetuek and It's Kangin not Kanging XDAnyway Sj loves us ELF's no matter what :) will you be happy if i do also bash your pretty SNSD ?! Just shut up and watch your SNSD. 2NE1 have their own talent and BEAUTY. Yes And not her body ? XDDD JK. Are you all girls ? You guys over dance yourselves esp. amber sulli and victoria role players -.- luna and krystal role players are kinda pretty This video have more views than the official video haha I don't hate VA but her normal voice sounds better /watch?v=z3Y45dZg2NA WOW. UKISS 3 3 Now I know that Venus is not just an OTAKU but a Kpop Fan too 3 a Kissme. Yay DAEBAKK :) FINALLY !! ^^ YESUNG I think it will be better if SM and YG collabs XDDD,15,8,3,2,0,20,0 568,X569,"why would you ask all these questions?! LOL how would you like it if i scream,WHERE WERE YOU ON THE NIGHT OF THE 25TH?!ha Chamblizi IS MOTHA FUCKIN ALIVE BIOTCH LOL @Perk Barrow NOTHING HA! The only shit i will bring down to that rat hole is my wife to meat my aunt and uncle for the first time and my 1975 Ranchero to RAISE HOLLY HELL on that sum bitchen Southern soil! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! From me to you I ca I gotta Do it To it! but right now i am supporting my new family just got married on the 5th. That is why i have not been posting like that and my wife is one of those ,i support you but I am to open, with celebrity type people fuck the kkk don't confuse my southern heritage with that shit. no this wont kill you it can make you depressed in high doses though. i'm saying it to your face F*t get off my page... HA lol crazy got me along way I am now married because my sense of humor is halarious from having a fucked ass head lol man since i have been smoking marijuana for medical related issues i been feeling dopey and stupid as hell I catch my self zoning out at the oddest times. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i am GONE TELL HIM WHAT YOU SAID LOL coolest straight friend i known in a while lol actually it is... in small does refuring to size.. the 460 Is a big block in the since of fuel consumption and power lol lol ok would be hard to do that im a dying breed right now in the review business. i should check it out been there. i have only tried bali kratom so i am no the most reliable resource in that area. \m/ (^_^)\m/ !!! like your life little boy? *hello My names tyler and your a dead bitch* (THURST!) sounds good to me can you roll properly? shisha e cigs cigs and marijuana wild dagga blue lotus kratom etc. The list goes on......... tops when i was smoking.",24,1128,7,224,0,21,1 569,X570,"\\ Minzy!!!!!! I love you!!!!! cl!!!!!!!! 2ne1 no.1 !!!! ... ... Minzy,!! CL i love you! \ Minzy!!!! BIGBANG2NE1 FOREVER DARA !!! Yg fam!!! ^^ We love you minzy!!!! 2.02 2ne1 i don't care minzy i love you !!!",16,1,3,5,0,18,0 570,X114,kingstree sr high i love zayn so much PLEEZE TELL ME HOW THIS IS A PARODY. THE FUCK WRONG WIT THEM! I WILLL DOUBLE TAP THE FUCK OUT THIS GROUND RIGHT NOW LIL WAYNE SOUNDS SICK AT JAY- Z'S HOUSE who the hell is that yo how did you do that ure a genius if deer ate meat her hand would be gone @killpena you're probably one of those guys who's dad told you to try out for the football team and you didn't make the team I'll be danged iconic partitacular @MrJasonpanthers98 haha that's funny prime example of all bark nd no bite @lily little tru haha loo her yawn was so cute he on some trill shit everybody done had they ashy moments what about number derf he's making art he's always gonna kick his ass but never does it that Mic is huge she swear she was killing it and what's up with her mouth look at his face at 2:07 hella funny what the hell was this you ass wipe what's the concept of the video I love 1D but you guys are seriously full of it I got my ass whooped for walking out of the house after we got into an argument them kids gonna die looks like a condom on his mouth that was hilarious congratulations that was cute thoe that was funny @Despues Green exact same thing right here we must be telepathically speaking to each other by accident my ears have bursted with awesomeness your criticizing yet stupid comments doesn't matter because they're famous have millions of fans nd you have how many hits ................. none. exactly what I thought :D,35,1,3,5,0,14,0 571,X572,Kai is A BOSS how much was that microphone o:,2,126,3,10,0,21,0 572,X573,All you stupid kids need to shut the hell up. I bet you think Love Hip Hop and Santa is real too huh? She clearly has a different dad. Kim Kourtney and Rob all look the same. Khloe's skin is pale and she's alot taller and bigger. try 62 Actually by the title I thought you meant you like women not girls. None of the other celebs needed money either. They did it because they were proud to expose they're gorgeous pregnant bodies. Beyonce of ALL celebs would've done a shoot. I don't know what you mean by ''media storm'' but Bey was ALREADY showing off with that picture AND anouncing it at the vma's awards. She PUBLICLY announced it herself so I don't see why she would've turned down being on a vogue magazine for privacy. That doesn't make sense. Yeah he obviously had it coming but their size difference was too great and since he was in his face it was okay to push him down or give him a punch or two but to continue beating him while he's curled up in a ball was not okay and that kick was disgusting. Wasn't * she wasn't underweight at all @Conspiracy1020TV Well you're right because no body put a gun to her head. She made her own bad choices and she suffered the consequences. She messed with wrong girls boyfriend. But she definitely didn't deserve to be cyber bullied like that by something This is stupid because these people had no knowledge of politics or followed politics. Now approach a bunch of republicans and do the same thing. True democrats and republicans are gonna back their candidates even if they have no idea what they are talking about.Republicans like this will be just as clueless. Agreed this world would be chaos if abortion is illegal. I don't think it's (life) in general that they care about. They want it illegal for their own interest. The pro-life campaign is 77% men and 33% women. To me it seems like 77% of men don't want their women to have abortions because they want a chance to have children and that 33% are probably women who have slim to none chances of concieving. No. Human beings BORN and fetuses that have reached viability (now being able to live outside the womb) have a right to live. Well Miller we can agree to disagree. And I say it's part of her because they are attached. And since the fetus is inside her she pretty much owns it. I don't want the government having control over my wifes body my daughter's or any other woman or even mine. Would you? And I'm full aware there's a potential person involed but I think everyone should have entitlement to everything inside their own body. But like I said we can agree to disagree. No one wants to have a baby before they are 18 let alone 2 of them... Be honest with yourself. Who wants to be tied down THAT early when they have their whole life ahead of them? And if a girl does want to have babies that young then something's wrong with her because that is not normal. Sometimes people just make the same mistakes over and over.... stuff happens. Why are you guys painting her like she was an angel? She had affairs with multiple married men including the president AND his brother. The only reason you guys are being so nice is because it's sad how she died... or else you guys would be calling her a slut and a home-wrecker just like everyone else. It's still a very considering factor though because she has tried to kill herself before. And I think the theory of the Kennedys's wanting her dead to ''keep her hush'' is just a tragic coincidence. With the knowledge of her being an addict she might also have just accidently overdosed on her pills. But there are a million differnt other stories and no one will ever know how she really died. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder so there's no point in arguing with him. So if you think she's the most gorgeous woman in the world then she is. I'm a man and there are PLENTY The police wouldn't let him take the stuff back. Even though he bought it it's still hers because it was a gift. So he still robbed her because it's her property. It's wierd because she doesn't even look like that would be his type of woman. She has no business dating that young boy anyway. She's even wearing make-up in this video too she just looks so different now because she bleached her skin and wears alot more make-up better quality make-up. Well of course it goes both ways and takes two to tango but I wasn't talking about them I was talking about Marilyn. I don't think he was saying Marilyn was thick. Marilyn was far from thick. Nice body but she was a tad bit stick figured in my opinion. They went way to far with that Joe Rogan tattoo but he could've got it lasored off and/or did a cover up tattoo. I guess so... Personally I wouldn't hit a woman though. It just looks bad period. @DarqueBeauty She's actually lucky she has two babies by the same father.... considering all the guys she slept with mind you lol Love this chess titans game but mine has a mistake in it. In ONE particular square on the board the computer's pawn is able to take my pieces that are beside it. I also don't like how when I have the advantage it eventually comes to a stale mate if it's taking me a while to reach a check mate oh but if it's winning we can move all day long...laughable....Otherwise great game and beautiful 3D graphics. I have a question for Pro-Lifer'sWhy is it accepted for victims of rape and incest to have abortions but not ok for women that have sex for pleasure? I understand the psychological damage that it can cause her but both situations still come down to a person dying. So if it's (saving life) that you really care about you shouln't accept abortion under any circumstance. It can only be one way or the other it can't be both.,27,0,2,5,0,20,0 573,X574,Muy buena la intro! ooohh 3 this is so sweet! i love her Camila Jelenator: obvio es el director,3,7,5,5,0,17,0 574,X575,"Vergonzoso. Ni me da para putear del asco que me produce esto. He's so cute and sweet. And talented of course I've never been a romantic person but this is one of the most beautiful film scenes ever. And what a line: ,Now I've kissed you through two centuries.,! It really gives the chills. They were both so gorgeus and such great actors. Perfect divine unique and unforgettable. That's perfection! Qu do impagable y con una qumica absoluta. Me encant el comentario que compara a Dame Margot con Audrey Hepburn. totalmente de acuerdo Buensimo! Siguen teniendo un estilo brbaro estos tipos. Yo los adoraba en los 80 I'm obesessed with this song and this video. It' amazing. It's true. This song is absoluyely addictive. She's amazing perfect. A great pleasure to see her perform theese wonders My favourite song when I was 13 years old. It's still a perfect song One of my favourite of all times I simply love this song Wow hace como 20 aos que no la escuchaba. Linda cancin pero habr llegado al Africa alguna vez lo recaudado?... Tui amo Rita! Desde los 4 aos cantba tus canviones... y en italiano jaja You shold watch Rita Pavone's version in italian. Don't miss it Bravissima No tiene para nada la polenta la de pavone aunque canta bastante bien. Lei stata anche il mio idolo di bambina. Bravissima Rita! Una de mis canciones favoritas de Rita. Mi favorita de la Pavone. Y hay que cantar as en vivo. tiene una voz polentosa como pocas She's adorable and Arya is one of the best characters in the sereis. Amazing. wonderful",22,0,2,5,0,51,0 575,X576,"Did your sister wanted to look at a Chicken?? At least thats what i heard.... Fuk dah tom he ruined dah whole fukin song! 2:31 If i was there i would had said ,Hey! Shud up!, Wait Chonny? 23rd of June? Next Year? or you mean August? Or Next Month? I don't know.... I'm am dah so Confused man...... Du mai!!!! :D More Dubs please..........? SO SAD TODAY!!!!!! When Chonny's telling his depressing Stories..... he sounds like kaiba from yugioh..... 0:48Thumbs up if you agree. ^_^ Tim you should be in one of YourFavoriteMartions or i forgot what's it's called. But you should do a rap part for Ray!!!! :D kaito looks like Ikuto from Shugo Chara ^_^ The 1 Dislike person Doesn't like to Party. This made me Crave for a banana. XD Girl From Past in Future : Girl : He still has that small dick.... I BET TIM WOULD SAY : TIM : You still have DAT ASS! You kinda taught me how to win it now try to get your stacker blocks only on the sides so it's easy to know to hit the side! I'm gonna try it now! Hey Jason do you eat dawg? jk. :D He sounds just like you Jason. And kinda looks like you too. :D",15,5,3,1,0,19,0 576,X577,kl 3 this song wow ur amazing at singing dont give up wow great song weird and strange kl lol omg it worked!! Wow! lol ????? why the hell did u put it with music ?? emmmmm okay The video is fucked up but the song Is great Party and bullshit im 12 i quite like this song would it be ok for a 12 year old cause im going to see it next week with ma friends thanks for the codes :) Love this song its Emma Not bad i think step up 4 is gonnna be better than streetdance 2 thumbs up if u think that :) i dont like anonymous shes mean,21,22,2,4,0,23,0 577,X578,i really likke this ommg3 I just noticed that he didn't write this song lol no lmao I THINK SHE SHOULD MAKE A VIDEO ABOUT THE SPIDER MAN MOVIE THUMBS UP italian greyhounds are the best there so lovable and sweet. they wouldn't hurt a fly. and they love to be warm. lol i have one and she the best dog ever! i like this cover better then ellie goulding ii sound amazing theen the backup harmonny makees me have 2 stop my video uggh what kind of microphone do you use? Hi my is Natalie Romano and I am 13 years old. I have tried to get on Ellen since I was 10. I tried to get noticed. I sent about 15 videos of me singing to her. I know there are so many people out there that have the same dream as I do. I want to make it in the music industry very bad. Please check out my channel. And please thumbs up so Ellen can see this so my dream of being a singer won't be a dream but it will be reality. I will do anything to accomplish my dream of being a famous singer. Hi my is Natalie Romano and I am 13 years old. I have tried to get on Ellen since I was 10. I tried to get noticed. I sent about 15 videos of me singing to her. I know there are so many people out there that have the same dream as I do. I want to make it in the music industry very bad. Please check out my channel. And please thumbs up so Ellen can see this so my dream of being a singer won't be a dream but it will be reality. I will do anything to accomplish my dream of being a famous singer. Hi my is Natalie Romano and I am 13 years old. I have tried to get on Ellen since I was 10. I tried to get noticed. I sent about 15 videos of me singing to her. I know there are so many people out there that have the same dream as I do. I want to make it in the music industry very bad. Please check out my channel. And please thumbs up so Ellen can see this so my dream of being a singer won't be a dream but it will be reality. I will do anything to accomplish my dream of being a famous singer. Hi my is Natalie Romano and I am 13 years old. I have tried to get on Ellen since I was 10. I tried to get noticed. I sent about 15 videos of me singing to her. I know there are so many people out there that have the same dream as I do. I want to make it in the music industry very bad. Please check out my channel. And please thumbs up so Ellen can see this so my dream of being a singer won't be a dream but it will be reality. I will do anything to accomplish my dream of being a famous singer. Hi my is Natalie Romano and I am 13 years old. I have tried to get on Ellen since I was 10. I tried to get noticed. I sent about 15 videos of me singing to her. I know there are so many people out there that have the same dream as I do. I want to make it in the music industry very bad. Please check out my channel. And please thumbs up so Ellen can see this so my dream of being a singer won't be a dream but it will be reality. I will do anything to accomplish my dream of being a famous singer. Hi my is Natalie Romano and I am 13 years old. I have tried to get on Ellen since I was 10. I tried to get noticed. I sent about 15 videos of me singing to her. I know there are so many people out there that have the same dream as I do. I want to make it in the music industry very bad. Please check out my channel. And please thumbs up so Ellen can see this so my dream of being a singer won't be a dream but it will be reality. I will do anything to accomplish my dream of being a famous singer. Hi my is Natalie Romano and I am 13 years old. I have tried to get on Ellen since I was 10. I tried to get noticed. I sent about 15 videos of me singing to her. I know there are so many people out there that have the same dream as I do. I want to make it in the music industry very bad. Please check out my channel. And please thumbs up so Ellen can see this so my dream of being a singer won't be a dream but it will be reality. I will do anything to accomplish my dream of being a famous singer. no lol the sync in my computter got really messed up. sorry about that thaank yoou soo mucch ! :) YOUR ROOM AND DRESS ARE BOTH AWESOME! Im going to post on all of Ellens videos to get JENNA ON ELLEN. THUMBS UP if your with me! GET JENNA MARBLES ON ELLEN THUMBS UP GET JENNA MARBLES ON ELLEN get JENNNA MARBLES ON ELLEN THUMBS UP hes 16 yoour awessomme! wooww theesse are like runaway dreamz buut i actually like yous better! you should sell these! theey would make a bigger impression of runaway dreamz. wow thank you once again this is just amazing! whaat happens if you have an extra fringe how do you tie it? well she cares and so does 154 other people. i really wanted jenna to do the taylor swift video that she said came out horrible! I really think she should have the nail things like the sally hansens so i dont mess up and then they will look just like hers thumbs up if you agree! My Favorite thing for Fall is spending time with my family during the holidays. I also love all the fall colors that everyone wears. I also love the candles pumpkins and the changing colors of the leaves. This is my favorite thing about Fall.,29,29,5,10,0,20,0 578,X579,EXCUSE ME SIR BUT!!! YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE THAT IT SAYS LIARLIAR PANTS ON FIRE SO SHU UP OK :( I HAVE SOME CODES!!!!! WOO HOO!!!! I YOU WANT THEM POST A PERSONAL MESSAGE 2 ME UR USER PASS AND I WILL GIVE YOU THE CODE :D FOR ALL YOU DESPERATES I don't think you want your stomache showing though I did PLAY SUBWAU SURFER LEZ both girls??? BRO U R EPIIIICCCCC I HAVE WATCHED EVERY VIDEO SINCE UR 1ST ONE!!!! DONT EVER END!!!! whats Quinn's A.J.? my username is chrissypooh19 I sent you a pink party hat and I want it back please!!!! you know what I mean and I have a life so shut up! omg there were no fails because they wanted them... sorry amen!!! how did she get made into a doll I WAS AT HIS DEN THAT DAY! :D im not a bitch I thought it wasn't your password so it's not my problem that you called that a stupid password then go and use it. That's on you btw I had checked it and it said that password does not match our records maybe you shouldn't have went have changed it to that after I checked. EVERYBODY SHUT UP ABOUT SAYING I DIDN'T ACTIVATE IT!! MAYBE THE 1ST PERSON TO WATCH THIS VIDEO USED IT!! HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF THAT!? SO HUSH UP! GOSH! this was an AWESOME vid :) I loved the kitty in the corner and I got mouse classic! evil elmo is........ real! Hailey I have no sound because my mic was broken and I didn't know it. OMG MY BIRTHDAY IS NOVEMBER 19 LOL!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!!!!!! how am I dumb just if I say they ate the same siliva?? R.I.P MINDY!!!! :D YOU WERE AN AMAZING SINGER!! me... lame.... then why did you watch it ma'am?,24,49,4,106,0,15,0 579,X580,if only the song and the dance was longer i mean come on its the best part of the movie i was the 100th like i should get a prize someone needs to play this for barack obama me too U need to read the bible all thats lies..... god hates nobody......i dont support homosexals but i dont hate them and neither does god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU NEED TO GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! Eiether that or shut the hell up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 they were probably aimming at the lady u have pretty hair ur amazing under a rock ???? what r we bugs ?!?!?!? bella studders too much and how come the skin of a killer is sparkley thumbs up if u think josh should dye his hair blonde lol my pockets r so sparkley,12,0,2,1,0,23,0 580,X581,"Lights. You lucky butt monkey. Bitch don't know know what she missing.. I like and shit When I was 11 I dressed up as an ,emo, for Halloween because my sister told me that they were scary people who cut their lower arm as practice for when they killed themselves. I'm still disgusted at both of us. I didn't even know that around 3 months later I'd be the one with scars. it's America's hat. Am I the 0nly one that then though Mexico must be America's underwear? o.O Cool song bro play it again sometime :) I'd like to point out that I'm 99.99999999999% sure there has never been nor will there ever be a situation in which Brendan didn't like sextacular. I hate when I eat but I get so hungry. Today I realized that I thought I had been eating so much when in reality I only had a slice of toast when i woke up. I still feel full it's 7pm I woke up at 9.I was under 4 stone at 11 at the same height I am now(5'3,). I'm terrified to weigh myself yet I do it several times a day. I have anxiety severe depression whatever this is and I make myself sick. The truth is I'm 13. No one knows about this. There's too much pressure to be skinny in society. Haters gonna hate. Potatoes gonna potate. Tomatoes gonna tomate. Dogs gonna bark. And they're bringing out a single. The immediate thought I had was ,come to my house!, I can't believe that worked on some of you. My mum walked in just as Dan said ,Oh man I just wanna get naked! All right! Yeaahh yeaahhh yeeeaahhh!,. Sad thing is I know girls exactly like you.. Finally. Porn on YouTube.",14,4,3,5,0,13,0 581,X582,from what show??,1,0,3,5,1,19,0 582,X583,WHY DO YOU GUYS HAVE TO COMPARE EVERY BAND TO ONE DIRECTION STOP JUST STOP so proud of my babies aw,2,53,5,56,0,20,0 583,X584,G.T.L xp lol,1,11,6,16,0,17,0 584,X585,i just realised thts T.I. !!! nikki 3 2 chainnzz!!! she only raps 3 !! -3 Hey lov dis song -3 Saw dis on instagram!! Plz follow me @arisluhprince Thts my school tie!! Kolij!! Ahhh!!! Only Zachary but I shouldn't tlk... *im Arianne* lol Omg I hav the same fan as CD!!!! Lbarr Lbar only thing they spoke about was trains although they start off with fit RHIANNA MAE!! Prod Seems legit Lov this freestyle tho!!! Aww :( Love vein Bajan !! :),16,6,3,4,0,18,0 585,X586,naw they need dick lol they said so them selves no boyfriend lol dont judge unless you be judged and they are doing it backwards lol white people that hate black listen up yall hate us soooo fucking much WHY THE FUCK DID YOU BRING US HERE!? WHY THE FUCK MAKE US SLAVES AND PISS IN YOUR FRUIT LOOPS EVERY MORNING DO YOUR FUCKING CLOTHES? WHY!? DONT HATE US AND BITCH CUZ WE HERE LOL YALL DUMB ASS BROUGHT US HERE NOW DEAL WITH IT AND STAY THE FUCK OUT OF AFRICA PICKING US UP AT LMFAO is it me or does it sound like the cat is saying redrum!? lol its just music shut the fcuk up about it being who its was off of and fucking enjoy it O GOD NOT THE CYBER POLICE NOT THEME O DEAR GOD NO LMAO fucking LAMES TO STEAL WHY WOULD YOU DO IT THATS LIKE ME STEALING SHIT FROM YOUR KID AFTER IT DIES! AND LAUGHING ABOUT IT if you think that shit is fucked up what they are doing like this comment now fuck u ebay bitches he was like at least i won 1 match lol sorry on the typo lmao lol god did it first one dislike? the person that dislike did not block the shinryuken lol,9,1,8,5,0,24,1 586,X587,This is the best commentary show on youtube you fucking rock dude. I think Iran owes her and apology and a cock shaped cake or we release popey fuck Iran and there nukes we got seal team six don't make us use them. ohh and anyone who dislikes this show is a cock holster just saying. PEACE HaaaHaaa Johnny Depp is not gonna like that. :) What no film of me sir I am deeply offended and you shall hear from my lawyer Johnny Cockring. :P that was stupid J/K good vid Hits the heart Rest is peace George you will be missed. HaaaHaaa go suck a cock bitch Axe all the way! who sells it anyone anyone? I want some. WHY NOT MEEE MY light saber is bigger than yours no way dude its on. and thats how the Sith/Jedi conflict began in a nut shell. awesome :) you know dude I got to say this why do you make these videos. I'm hoping its for your own entertainment purposes because frankly you must not have had a debate class in high school or just didn't pay attention. I say this because I have watched a few of your Videos and was put off by your ignorance to the full aspect of what your talking about. you don't want to join the douche bag club of youtube do you? because your on your way do a little more thinking and research and you'll be OKBYEBYE Lots john wilkes booth and Gavrilo Principto name a few but there never like the movies the best trained killers are in the military special ops guys and such. don't get me wrong I like watching some sexy girl bounce around shooting guns. but its more comedy action to me than anything. I hate it for the same reason I hate manhunt its cowardly to sneak up on someone and stab them in the back. and that's the whole premise of the game I hate people like that so why would I play a game like that. another reason is and im an atheist but also a student of history killing nights templer is what muslems did so I stay away from that religious one uping bullshit you know. Ohh sry great video. so are you sweetcheecks If you want something original id be happy to oblige.,16,1,5,5,0,27,0 587,X588,I think VideoGame creators can put what ever content they want but should know when to draw the line and know when people will not approve of what they're playing. Dude your brain is a troll. I would jailbreak my iPod but not anymore. I mean jailbreak is cool but I had my iPod jail broken and I dropped it a mere two feet or so and got the white screen of death and it was irreplaceable. I had to buy a completely brand new one that probably cost way more than to just fix it. Wtf evolution I want awesome powers! Seems pretty fucking stupid. T_T That is bull shit. If its true I'm not buying it I'm sticking with current generation. I don't have cable. My sperm must be in the billions. The load falls. 2:45 was so clever! XD Killer Instinct and Mortal Kombat would be awesome. Very little but still freaking awesome! XD Condom ambulance. Youtubers react to Harlem shake. That whip would be amazing for footsies. Fighting game characters don't have blood types. sorry dude bs. DOA shows the blood type. Why? I have no freaking clue.,15,0,3,6,0,13,0 588,X589,"He comes from that one show ,Everybody hates chris, esta muy feo!! I feel like grabbing my hammer and beating the shit out of that nigguhs ass whoes Justin bravo?",4,4,2,5,0,17,0 589,X590,you obviously like rooster teeth and or red vs blue same recycled BS SO MUCH SLENDER/ HELIUM. 37 words: Brad play Penumbra: Overture/ Black Plague. Which is kind of this game accept SCARY! Kitteh Bro OUT! GOW is better than legend of zelda u fan boy i'm 12 and i rage way harder then any of these I tried MW3 last level hardest dificulty and I:Threw a pillow at my dogcriedraped myselfcried myself to sleepkicked my own asspunched my friend in the throatscreamed my head offsaid ill never play again and switched to halofarted on the discthrew a chairate some ice cream and some wings Thumbs up for PewDie 50 dragon preists vs. a lobster 100 nightengale sentinels vs. a lobster can you give a 12 year old a job? YES! duse whats ur g tag FYI I have Arma 2.,13,4,2,20,1,19,0 590,X591,"finish every sentence with ,that's what she said, this is such an underrated song",2,0,6,5,1,28,0 591,X592,Holy shit !!!!!!!!!!! What the fuck ? how can this person breath and be alive ? nasty and disturbing shake on it i fucking hate this music theme. fuck you you fucking goons/ thugs with badges and guns... Police in america are thugs and predators...very abusive and some are killers disguised as the good guys .!!!! 1/2 are bad apples and the other 1/2 are quickly contaminated.It's very disturbing and i wish it weren't so.. i just couldnt agree more .. these are not police men these are thugs and predators. animals are a better species THE LOOK ON HER FACE IS PRICELESS.. LMAO!!!!!! Going to try this mouth watering recipe this following weekend Que rico .. saludos desde El Bronx .NYC You sure are one of those stupid fuckers that believes the government .. That shit they pull on their own people is fucked up . Use your common sense I LOVE THIS WOMAN AND HER MUSIC.. MADE MY DAUGHTER JASMINE TO HER SONGS 25YRS AGO MAN I LOVE THIS TYSON GREW UP WATCHING ALL HIS FIGHTS .. THIS BITCH OPRAH IS TRY HER BEST TO MAKE HIM FEEL REMORSE .... AND HE HAS ... HE'S JUST NOT GOOD AT EXPRESSING HIS THOUGHTS AND MAKING IT LOOK GOOD FOR TV ... OR FOR THAT MATTER EXPRESS HIS APOLOGIES TO HOLYFIELD .. CUT HIM SOME SLACK .. THE PAST IS THE PAST NOW ITS TIME TO GROW AND LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES .. BIG UP MIKE NO ONE IS PERFECT ... still.... its real music ....on like the music shit i listen to now a days.. that shit is really repetitive .. these were the days for sure .... very class act ...,13,0,5,5,0,43,1 592,X1274,"Why the do I go to school i can just learn everything i need to know on vsauce so close...tell your friends lets get it up to a million! mmmmm looks like there's some new hentai hittin the internet Is this how all those old cat lady's were when they were young there's a lot of haze in that room kyle tell beck and nick to get off their asses and make a video for goodneighborstuff they pick on you don't they Glitch mob doesn't get the attention they deserve their music is amazing black sclera is what Tyler the creator uses in the video for bonkers aww yea sting that shit sting it hard tallywhacker wait so whose child is that i wanna go punch those giggling bitches in they're mouth I feel bad for the poor guy O 1:47 OH MY GUT why all the dislikes it is exactly what the description said. You all saw exactly what you were hoping to see He needed some more money for weed and One person is a top comment whore I smell a grammy oh shit! Is he ok? haha 0:40 sounds like your whacking it this is what youtube was made for reverse footage FTW that boy needs to take that thong off of his head neighbors from hell... what a successful series 2:46 he's gone OK i had my doubts but no more. I am a believer now sound like a rendition of rob dougans clubbed to death shit that kid got wrecked the ,Subscribe, in the description really worked out what is this witchcraft?!?! haha i love how its 420 seconds long i love skrillex and cross was a greta album. lulz your full of it Fuck you TMZ that girl is in kids react...I think its all good bro I know how to say it normally but when i sing it i just have to pronounce it like they do. this is for all the kids watching this- FUCK BITCH PUSSY ASS PIECE OF SHIT that was dark you might want to get you back fixed up my homeskillet i wish First Stardust is so much better cause they kinda wrote the song first.",44,1,3,5,0,21,1 593,X594,poor jessie Thanks dude! Big help! It looks so gooooood i love chile rellenos 3,3,0,3,5,0,22,0 594,X595,hiyaaa3 your good how old are you though??? :D the girl on the right follows what you do and it seems she doesnt know it even though u 2 r really good! awww i feel sorry for them! :'( ur good well better than me lol :) i loved it very sad tho i love glee songs! bad quality im sorry!!! u actully a ok singer do u have ur toung pierced? did it hurt? :D thankyou it was very usefull how long do they last for? can u put some loveable rouges on??? x can u please do 1 sayin ur gonna diee? hehe fittys!!!!!!!!!!!!!33 3333333loveyou333333 can u make1 sayinim ur real mother?,15,1,2,4,1,19,0 595,X596,"The only reason I even listen to this is to hear Lil Wanye's part. This song gives me the chills because it's scary relatable true. Thumbs up if you knew this song well before 30 minutes or less. Hahahah. You couldn't have said that any better! They'll be nobody's in college. So I'm not worried about it. I'm not worried about it now. I died the tips of my hair baby blue all the preppy girls are like... ,Why'd you dye your hair?, I just give them a dumb look say.. ,Cause I'm different., then they'll look at me weird I'll finish the conversation by saying.. ,Oh I guess you're too normal to understand., 2013 this song is still as amazing as the first time I heard it. This goes to show that you can NEVER judge a book by its cover. At first I was like.. These guys won't be able to sing then you start signing it's better than the original! Keep it up! I'm a total supporter! I'd love to hear you do Holes To Heaven by Jack Johnson!!! :) How is it possible for you guys to have better versions of these songs than the original?!Oh that's right... Because you guys are actually talanted! Great job! Hahahaha. Amen. Well at 0:14 he's a little goofy lookin.... .....I don't think I sound very good. HAHAHAAHAH! That was annoying He'd be sexier WITHOUT the hat. FUCK IT. Hahahah. Lovely wall.. .....Bitch yo pussy need a tic-tac. HAHAHAHA!! Aww hell naw. The fuckery sqaured. Hahahahahhahaha. Your accent makes this 14794247942 times better Best cover.. Hands down.",18,6,2,3,1,20,0 596,X597,Im not 'hating' but a lot of people blow autism up for way more than it is. Her austism isn't even super severe. Stop trying to protect her like she's a child. Obviously the bullying doesn't bother her if she speaks about bullying and austism to big audiences. I loooooooooooooooooooooooooove you. You'll be fine. Always. Should I be ashamed for loving this? Because I do... Hahahahahahaha Squirtle!!!!!!! :) This makes me legit smile. I dont know. It just makes me feel good. This is fantastic JC CAYLEN!!!! YUM That was the cutest thing ever This isn't bulleying... are you fucking kidding me @fungirl1121 take a bow cuz you're on the hottest ticket now That's not right when you explain it its a fan kick that your front leg does not just a kick. Therefore when you practice across the floor or on it you can do it Ef I love this song. Omg we have the same eyebrow brushhh Holy cow you're pretty DEVON! NO,16,32,4,31,0,18,0 597,X598,360 is the best. 111 people have no fucking heart :( she is amazing -3 what the auctal fuck ? HAHA you guys rock use arethe funiest,4,0,2,5,0,14,0 598,X599,"I see these guys shooting into the middle rings and getting 9 points.....They make the sport easier just sayain. At :52 Walor is in the trees :) If you look closely she's a ho-oh. Make more it's brilliant! That was an easy one and i'm only 17. I'm just like she better break up with that guy. We went to Two wars -which are actually skirmishes cause we never went to congress for permission- due to Bush and ,The War on Terror, is just the Slogan some jackass pinned to the ,Wars, You're being philosophical to a comment that Was Pure tecnicalities.",6,0,3,5,1,17,0 599,X600,Bro that's intense. We got mad desert down here but nothing like that.That's something else. I did and I'm going to say I'm not impressed.I'm not implying you suck but I'm just not impressed.Nor does that mean your not talented I just don't think you are. Oh dear lord...kill me now. #10-4ALPHA TEAM IN PROGRESS. Her Mom is teaching her how to give 2 guys a handjob at the same time by listening to Soulja Boy...nice parenting skills. Pretty sure I shouldn't have eaten before I got onto Youtube today... It's a good thing they don't post this shit in Africa rape is already bad enough there. This would just make it go 10 fold. Correction read not heard. Either way your a fucking moron. Vinnie Paz and AOTP always slaughter. Facebook sent me here. Your an idiot. The U.S. is already on the ground there not in combat roles but they are allowed to engage if fired upon.Check your facts before you spout off about shit that you know nothing about you fuck. Pretty sure I just found my new life goal. Please kill me now. I'm not going to say I don't agree but I'm glad to stepped out. It's nice to hear somebody who you don't usually hear spit spit but yeah... Well that was anti-climatic. What is the point of commenting...This is pretty much a handicapped match Immortal Technique.He pretty much told Tyler he wasn't shit from the start and proved it. Game over. Oh you don't use grenade launchers in this country?Huh...could of fooled me... 38* Makes it through front gate.Never seen again.Seems like a worthy life goal to me haha. Video is fake? Obviously never been anywhere near the Lil Alien Inn. You'd realize that those are actually on location dumbass. Been to New York bunch of inconsiderate assholes. I think Brazil and North Africa are way worse off then Russia. That kid in the back that's hilarious. You obviously don't kow what your listening to then.,24,7,5,5,1,23,0 600,X601,lol Perhaps you could find a mod or program that would ad or allow Australia as a playable civilization. if you have steam the workshop would be an excellent place to start I'm Australian and i am definitely getting this game soon but I am slightly sad that Australia isn't in the game even though we aren't particularly an old country.The gameplay looks solid and i hope that the game lives up to it's predecessors. I nominate sonic free riders Are you Australian? Caleb -_- N0 h3 w0n't Reporter chick in this video looks like Bianca from Pok'emon People have been asking for them to play Leaugue of Legends for a long time in the comments section and they are suddenly suprised when they are bad at the game.They rarely play pc games for a reason. KA ME HA ME HAA!!! THE BABY Happy Australia day THE BABY THE BABY THE BABY THE BABY THE BABY Might not have been a good idea considering that Geof was in the army Entire pastry is babies THE BABY THE BABY THE BABY THE BABY Nice video seriously what is that song? it's so catchy and it has been stuck in my head for ages. Australia says fuck you Bramble Blast nice sorry i thought the gun was set to Aladeen,27,13,2,5,1,33,0 601,X602,Fantastic song and awesome video. Awesome performer awesome song. Love this. These supermodels still give the modern models a run for their money. Great to see. I remember seeing this as a teenager and loved it. Enjoyed seeing this again. AAAAAAAAAH John Taylor the Brad Pitt of pop!! Same here but as I didn't get her name It took me a month to find out who she was. Would love to see a Lana and Leonard Cohen duet. Would be totally awesome!! Don't like the song much but the video is awesome. She looks smoking hot. Beautiful!! Yianna doesn't want to be known for her looks. Don't worry love Sarah is way more beautiful then you. I actually tear up whenever I hear Darren's voice. Not many people have that effect. He is a phenomenal talent!! OMG I have tears in my eyes. Amazing!!!! I behave exactly like Megan whenever I hear Darren sing. This is absolutely awesome!! Oh when are you going to do some show's in Australia??? I am a Leonard Cohen fan and I must say this is one of the best covers I have ever heard bought tears to my eyes. I love Darren and Sarah but Karise is getting my vote this week. Well done!! OMG Amy is back from the dead. Long live Amy!!!! Heard this song for the first time today and can't get it out of my head. Beautiful!! Nothing special. Boring song. He looks good! I like it!!,21,0,4,5,0,43,0 602,X603,"I love how Piers keeps calling an AR-15 an Assault Rifle. It is simply a Semi-automatic hunting rifle like almost every other hunting rifle in America. It simply looks mean. I say it cannot be banned simply because it looks mean. Anyone see the Presidential prayer breakfast speech? The good Dr. Ben Carlson was amazing if you watched you could see Obama getting mad and angry at being shown the way it should be done. Wonder what Piers Morgan would have to say about this case? Probably try to punish the family in some way for having such a deadly killing machine. Okay so you say everyone should be a trained killer with their hands registered as deadly weapons? If that were the case we couldn't use our hands to defend ourselves or others.No when a lawful person can carry their gun they see an insane man pull a gun out of his vehicle or out of his clothes he should be brave enough to stand up and take that predator out.YOU on the other hand would like to go behind the desk and hide like a girl. I don't need to argue with you coward. Is it okay to kill 176 kids if they are little brown kids from another country?Maybe you and the rest of Obama's fan boys/girls are okay with him killing little kids and innocent Americans as long as they aren't here in America? So when you go on vacation to a foreign country and get blasted by a drone that would be alright then?There are millions and millions of good lawful Americans that will not stand for it. I can see through this Bullshit Hitler used kids for his agenda too. She also looks part Klingon. Maybe he did maybe he didn't but that is not the issue. Obama is using Children to push his agenda while standing on the mountain of corpses of the children he killed in indiscriminate drone strikes. They could have easily been handled by snipers that would have popped their targets clean no ,Collateral Damage, of innocent little kids.I guess its okay to kill little kids by the hundreds when they are over there yeah? But when an insane man kills a few here we change the country. You are awesome lol... Very entertaining videos. You don't? You take a knife to a Gun fight and we will see who comes out with the most holes in them. Exactly right. It's just the system training us to take it up the ass by uncle sam. I find it odd that Bill Nye thinks it is wonderful that when he dies he just ceases to be becomes nothing it is over.When I and 3 Billion other people believe that we do not simply end. We start a new adventure. Sounds worse than what he believes we are the same as a TV... When we are turned off it is over. I really hope with all my heart soul and mind that the American people do not stand by and let the president and government disarm us.That is our last hard line protecting us from our most dangerous enemies. I really cannot waste my time arguing with you any more.There are 1000s of people in the United States who use Pistols and Shotguns in Self and Home Defense.I am not going to argue with you any more it seems Futile. Here is the deal. I agree with your right to not have a gun you can agree with my right to be armed. I will never point my gun at you unless you come at me to take what is mine. So have a nice day and do not reply any further thank you. I'm personally offended by his atheist beliefs. But you wont find me doing anything to stop him he has his right to believe what he wants to as do I and I still find the man funny as hell and they are BOTH awesome magicians. It is really sad how ignorant the masses are of the laws in their own states.,Oh shit that's a guy with a gun! He must be a violent felon on the prowl for his next victim!, Why can't person the caller talks to (if they are local pd) just tell the caller that this is a legal ,Open Carry, state?How many Thugs on the Prowl are going to do so with a .40 cal holstered at the hip? Roughly half a Million people die every year in America to Tobacco.30000 People every year in America to firearms only about 12000 are Homicides.The rest are suicides cops putting criminals down and civilians defending themselves. I'm sorry to hear what happened to you and I am thankful to hear that you had a form of self-defense. Don't worry about that asshole C0rvus.These liberal anti-gun people will never admit that guns have a good purpose until someone with a firearm saves them. But then again they may be so brainwashed that they may still be mad at the person who saved them because he had an ,Evil Gun,.God Bless and I hope you never go through such a situation again. Yes it's so sad. But I would not be the one to tell the thousands of people who have to do this very same thing on a yearly basis that they are not allowed to defend themselves because a few insane people wanted to go out in style.Those people would use Pipe Bombs or Machete's if they cannot get guns. They don't care about our ,Bloody Laws,.Don't talk to me about UK you guys have the WORST Violent Crime in any First world nation. Rapes car jacking home invasions run RAMPANT there. These will be outlawes soon enough if we let Obama get away with his plans. Welcome to the Future of America where even your TOY guns are now Demonized. I fucking hate when cops do this. It is LEGAL to carry the gun openly. I don't care how many sissy bitches that do not now their own state laws. Especially the one that states people are allowed to Open Carry weapons! All this does is waste tax payer money and waste internet space by needing this video.In an Open Carry state all calls regarding openly displayed weapons not being pointed at a person should be informed that it is legal to carry openly and to have a nice day. Why can't I like this a thousand times? I HATE cigerettes Tobacco kills on average half a MILLION people a year. But I sure as hell don't think it should be Illegal. I Hope that at least 10% of America can see through the bullshit. I really do.,If it's to protect our kids I'm all for it, This isn't to protect it is for multiple purposes train us to axcept it and train the soldiers to opress us. Nicely said sir I have nothing else to add. Thank you. I am truly sad that you see it that way. I feel that anyone willing to give up liberty for safety is entitled to neither.You will let your emotions tug at you today and tomorrow you will be a little less free something else may happen in a year from now and you will give up something else and you will feel a little more safe.Then one day you will wake up and realise you are not only living in a prison but you are less safe then you have ever been in your life.Thanks for responding. Do you have no sense of humor it is a party song a drinking song a song to have fun with at a get together. Not all music has to have some spiritual deeper meaning. Lighten up...Before you proceed to reply with some angry trolling comment look at my avatar. Yes because I am sure that they advertised in the commercials and at the dealerships.,A sudden impact to the rear end of this car will most likely kill you and anyone you have with you. But hey your saving 13 dollars,Because I am sure I would buy a car that would have a great chance to explode if I am the victim of a rear end collision.Please don't come at me with that terrible grammar and reasoning it just makes you look like a foolish child.",29,3,4,5,0,34,0 603,X604,omg the police are sick the police are sick thats great go girl wow i would of kicked that cat right over the room aww why the hell would you even go there ? that is funny,7,0,3,1,0,32,0 604,X2324,"People talk shit about the cops here... Go see how the cops in Bolivia treat you. All he did was lecture them. In a lot of other places they steal from you beat the shit out of you or worse. lol that fool is slow!!!! he's holding up his pants the whole time The cameraman is a sucka. Encouraging the kids to live by these bullshit ways... 6:34 Best quote of the video. this song goes hard. the beat is intense as fuck. it makes you want to keep going when things are tough gotta love metal drums sick song man. found it randomly i'm feeling your style. keep up the good work. you've got me writing to this track ;)... It's the new breed/ iphones and dual screens/ tied up no wires is no peace/ no time to just sit and reflect/ rather have my face stuck to a giant cassette Lol I had never even considered something like that. That's awesome. Nick Diaz showing the kids how to work! Ken Jennings sounds like a pretty cool dude. Amazing peace of music I love the song but I love the clothing style even more lol Race is made up. Imaginary. An old relic that won't go away. Culture is what makes people different. The boys This song is still so fucking DOPE. Eminem is fucking hilarious Lol everyone was doubting him back in the day talking hella shit. They had no idea that a true talent was on their hands. it's sped up with her voice Is it just me or is this shit very gay? I mean homoerotic. It's crazy to see how standup fighting has evolved WORLDWIDE. Thai boxers have a much more dynamic punching game now and non-Thai fighters know the kicking and clinch techniques of Muay Thai. You can tell that Rick Roufus just didn't have the knowledge and skills necessary to beat Kiatsongrit. This is what 15 years ago? I guarantee a similar match now would be a less one-sided affair. But then again it always comes down to the individual martial artist. Andre Ward!!!!! Hometown hero!!!! Keep up the good work Andre you are my favorite boxer! 1:18 dirty ass bart seats lol i would have loved to see the husband clap those girls in defense of his wife. those girls were 100% pure trash. 0:57 Yeah because they don't have money for bank accounts. 6:15 Something you'd never have heard in the streets 20 years ago. Lol ,Hip escape nigga!, Nonito seems hella cool. Ana is hot yezzzirrrr John Williams should be the official composer of all national anthems. Who'd blame him. I hate Chief Keef but somehow I end up listening to him. His retarded ass voice is hella recognizable too SOMEHOW. Lol. Can you make a remix for how I feel now? I hate being hungova. That was a one-sided beating. The Muay Thai guy had some experience. Sweatpants was there to die. Will Youtube stop asking me to change my name? /chick can sing High Score! Not bad. When your voice matures you could be damn good. 2Pac was groundbreaking but comparing him to Immortal Technique is shortchanging Tech. He is a revolutionary 'Pac was a poet. fucking bouncers.. Thank you for explaining these techniques so clearly. That kid is garbage. He should be arrested for punching that old man. Fucking asshole I hope he gets knocked out when he's that age by some faggot just like him. Good work! Sal has a pea for a brain.",41,3,5,5,1,29,0 605,X606,"anyone have an MP3 of this? At least we can spell here...It's CAMBORNE fools! No U and and E on the end. Wanky show off metal! NOT math! awful awful sorry excuse for beer that is in every pub in the UK!!! :( One of the many great beers Cornwall has to offer. Have you tried Sharp's Atlantic IPA? St Austell Brewery's Tribute? Or from Skinners Brewery Betty Stoggs? Cornish Knocker or Heligan Honey?If not seek them out you will not be disapointed. It's the best show I've ever seen Met Andy Nyman and Jeremy Dyson after the show and got my programme signed. Was fantastic! What a load of wank! Correct me if I'm wrong? But you guys are white and from Cornwall right? Then why do you sound like that? hahahaha Best pub in Cornwall! My problem with it is that it's so ,metal, that it's un-real! It's every metal clich in the book right down to the cut off black t shirts to the wanky guitar solo's. So unoriginal! What year was this filmed? Fucking A! Bloody awful just beyond terrible! What a load of pretentious bullshit! I will and can slag off who I like. By being in the public fold she has opened herself up to critism. As for the ,fame, point you make no indeed I couldn't do better myself and have no desire or will to be ,famous., But there are a million better musicians songwriters and singers out there. And that's a fact Mr Sweary! brilliant! :) Fucking Awful!!!",17,2,8,4,0,30,0 606,X607,Stfu. Ich kann meine Verachtung gegen dich ehrlich nicht in Worte fassen.,2,1,3,5,0,22,0 607,X608,"I'm gonna say something really stupid soon. @Vexli: Nickelback won ,Band of the Decade,. With that in mind I am not all that broken up that Godspeed will not be remembered. If you invested in a gravelly tenor-type vocalist to fill out them treble ranges this would be music that I would follow like a cult.And No Love Lost is a great song that sounds nothing like this. The only similarity is the octave driven bass line.It's good to see Neu! influenced drumming. They actually looked like they were on something. Their pupils were massive. @tomnivSlayer is thrash metal. @jbassman666 Tap the top rhythm with your left hand and the bottom one with your right and you've got yourself a nice little example of a 3/4 2/4 polyrhythm (which is what they use in the middle section). If you get it right it should sound like ,Carol of WHY THE FUCK CAN'T I FIND ,NUMBER ONE, ON YOUTUBE?? IT'S THE BEST SONG ON THE ALBUM!!! Fuck dude! That shit sent me over the moon! I'm a little high but that shit made me have a fucking acid flashback and now it's like listening to the crack of doom on the hydrogen fucking jukebox! Fucking Einsteinium! Fucking youth pined away with desire! Ugh sorry... It was really good. Good tutorial... This is so fucking awesome. Dude you should try listening to the out of phase bass on headphones and then on speakers. It's kind of freaky how different it is. QWOP until you drop... Everyone in this video except Billy looks like shit. Great boobies honey-bun. My lower intestine is full of spam egg bacon spam tomato spam spam spam- TOOL IS GOOD! JUSTIN BIEBER IS BAD! I'M BUT A WEE LITTLE SPERM ROMPIN' AROUND IN MY PAPA'S GONADS BUT I STILL LIKE TOOL! FUCK YOU! I appreciate your prayers and your mostly affirming if back-handed words. I don't remember exactly why I posted that comment (make no judgement I realize what that implies considering some of the subject matter in the comment) but sorry that you were offended. I hope that you can understand that my beef is with the church not the individual church-goers or the God you serve. Sorry to make you post a comment with the word ,bitch, in it and enjoy your unconditional love. I have never been so aroused in my life. What the fuck! I knew they were robots! Look at the back of Jordan Rudess's neck! Worst shit of my life. But I had to watch the whole thing.",18,0,4,5,1,19,0 608,X609,Ha Ha! YouToobWatcher3 finally admits he doesn't have a leg to stand on. I agree. He got off way too easy. A lot of fat ass cops in this video. Exactly You hit the nail on the head. If it wasn't pit bulls it would be another breed. They can breed and treat any dog breed to make it aggressive. Like you said it's not dogs guns or alcohol causing the problem it's the people who don't manage these things correctly. Agree with you completely magiccomments113. I agree.,7,1,3,5,0,35,0 609,X610,Smash omg I spend 8 hours sleeping. Another 8 hours at school. And 8 hours for free time. Go life :( Bob Lhrystal cewis? One word RACEIST That was pretty awesome I live in the atl Pause it at 2:42 it looks beautiful,8,0,2,5,0,16,0 610,X611,"thumbs up if u think the boxhead was epic aaaaannndddd....RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Gosh people you dont have to be dicksI dont like it but im not being super mean about it. NopeTyler didnt 100% complete the gamelook at his shine countits 119 So who noticed the mexican robot in the backround at 1:50 ? Ummmhow did i get here? At 4:55 in the backround it sounds like they are saying,Osama bin laden. I dont get it. You heard he died too? This isnt a joke because that would be a really sick joke lying about someones death.Its really hard seeing someone die that is like an idol to you. Whats the song at 1:25 called? 0:58 YupSure sound excited to play*sarcasm implied* I forgotwhich video is this pic from 5:51 NO TOP COMMENT?HERE IS MY CHANCE! Erm...Uhhhh.I like ducks Or you can type random keys.Either is fine I had school and i realized no one watched this :L Trollface at 2:50 Mega Blocks Can be considered a lego idiot -.- Its better then anything bowling can do.All he does is hates when he cant even make a video himself Then how did they click the dislike button ._. Pranked*",21,6,4,14,0,21,0 611,X612,son barios mods es el buildcarft industrialcraft pero esos mods vienen en el mod pack de willy en la descripcion del video 1.9 yo soy el de enmedio:(,3,7,4,5,0,20,0 612,X613,:) Amazing Song x Reaally good! I like how you made it your own :) x Youu have such a Beautiful voice :) x My god. AMAZING! x Hahahaaa Amazing Song :) x Reaally Pretty :) x L.o.v.e this song : ' ))Lovely voiceee andd great guitarr Skillssss ;D haha x Ahaaa soo cool :) x You are so sad. :L Really Crap English Amazing :),11,3,4,5,0,26,0 613,X614,Ye were amazing last night x No problum you deserve it x :) I neeed my Revlon lipbutter and BB cream !! ( Mayeline ) x Your also sooo smexy in this xox 3 haha love u x Ill dance with you guys!!! haha Amazing cover If i say its better than Whintney eole will scream at me but Amazing lads love you's x They were amazing I was to your right haha x Hey Babe your out of the hospital :) x Why do you sound so American lol ? I did Lol :) My uncle makes them just like starbucks lol x :) My friend is etting that exact one for Xmas Lol good reiew !! :) That was a really cool swap lol now i wanna do one with someone haha love u x Loveit lol x You should really try the Essence gloosy eye-erncil I was AMAZED Much better than the urban decay if you ask me !! You have to try the essence glossy eye=oencil its amazing better than urban decay im from Ireland i have loads of essence i love it x :) x I love you xoxoxoxo :) brillant amazing perfect x Perfection 3 xox Thank you so much x Why cant I live in America :( xoxo Love u Any haters are just jelous they cant sing LIVE like you do I love u xx :),20,18,3,7,0,17,0 614,X615,"2:31 - 2:32 ,I JUST LOVE THAT, i mean I JUST LOVE THAT TOO hello kitty's cool but i like keropi the best LOLOLOL die of laughter better than taylor i think :) GORONTALO PATRICIA GUNAWAN !! hi chriselle is this products also helps to grow your hair faster ? my hair is too short and frizzy and i really want to grow it at least like yours ! thanks ! and the video's fab as always :) this song would be more kick ass if mutya's still on the group ! they already did it :) 0:37 sica omo lollll XD OMG PETROON YOU'RE TOTES AMAZE ! my new favorite thing to do in the summer is watching aunt hilda and shanna kiss over and over again in this video 3 gimme more p'trique !!! ok then where's the gucci ? what color shampoo you use to keep brassiness out of silver hair ? it is ! and it's not that tall it's actually only 15 cm tall :)",14,0,3,5,0,21,0 615,X616,"I love the accent are you Cambridge schooled? ma ,tutto touch, significa che lo si puo' toccare dappertutto?e ,il touch e' funzionante, significa che il tuo dito funziona bene col cellulare? penso sia piu' facile capirti in inglese :)no scherzo ahahahaha ma il tethering non si paga in italia? ah meno male che hai detto che ce l'haialtrimenti non avresti avuto nessun diritto!ma non e' che c'hai pure un libro per imparare l'itagliano? :) I know I guess it was just a funny way to say that perhaps he should change phone. a.k.a. RUN's tricky!!!!!!!!!! i would love a phone this small but not a watch-phone...please start making miniature cellphones again!!!!!!!!!! ne dice di stronzate questo qua lol meglio del uappo spero... how do I meet vanessa for a coffee? why do stupid parents allow silly teenagers on the web???go out and play with a ballmake out with your cousinchase a squirrel to its tree.... wtf is wrong with these people and once you left the dimension you started to travel from how will you come back to the same exact dimension???maybe Dr mallett will be able to go back in the past of another dimensionsave his father from death and then go back to present timethough in a third dimension where his father is dead anyway because of natural causes (aging) and his wife is a bitch! very good mateharder than real guitar!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahhahhahahahahaha!!!!! all the make up of this world won't work on you. sorry! guest starring tony starks AKA ghostface killah?????no man everybody knows that tony starks is.....IRON MAN!!! actually Calliope was the muse of heroic poetry the one that inspired Homer for the Iliad and Odissey but yeslitterally translated means ,with a beautiful voice,... skyline gtr meets mustang with a hint of maserati (tail lights) they are not ripping you off....they are making you less fat!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't have to be a fan just need to be stupid....I had a reservationbut when I saw the que I walked away and went to carphone it in 30minpolioreo Sir I am just an ignorant who reads a lot and do not trust whatever wikipedia says. Further researches that I have found on the pangolin have demonstrated that it is RELATED to the above mentioned animals and NOT AT ALL to the anteaters and that they are in fact carnivores even though they feed ALMOST exclusively on ants and termites. This does not allow you to call them insectivores more than you are allowed to call a vegetarian woman an herbivore. The father should be happy that the girl that night learnt to respect the law rather than sucking c.... I know what happened she licked his finger and he thought , fuck me she must have done this before if she did this to me she probably did it to some other guy and I like to take it in my butt and now I am gonna have to have sex with this woman and she is gonna know my penis is very small and if she saw others she will definitely know mine is the smallest in town aaaaaaaaaah, slap! .........Go find out that there is an increase in people admitted in the hospitals due to an increase in cancer rate obesity and other health related issues criminality has risen and more people went to jail so are you aware that prisons and hospitals are another business that boosts GDP??? not something to desire though is it??? I loved these shoes so much when I got them in 1996 my 3rd hikes ever I wish I had them now Don't try this at home",27,0,5,5,0,27,0 616,X617,Run the worlds beat is major lazer pon de floor!!! and they have different colored tops,2,0,3,5,0,20,0 617,X618,lol its great I love it those girls had a chance to go out with this kid. Now hes gonna be a mega justin beiber like star within a few years. I like the fact justin was nice to greyson. Greyson is probally the kid right now next in line to be the next justin. Well I say instead of justin getting in trouble the photographer should be in trouble for stalking him. There should be a law agains this crap simple as that. This is awesome.. Where can I buy one Welcome to the new age of magnet motors. soon oil and gas companies won't exsist anymore. The security guard was doing his job. Young punks should have left. Hats off to him for doing his job. However it got out of line when the guard started hitting people. I don't blame the skate kids for beating his ass. The one skate kid did a good job whipping the security guards ass. Ok dude in the red I see your strategy you kept faking a kick and tried to sneak a punch in there but dude was playing defense big time. I advise you to get some wrestling skills. I saw about 4 times you could have went in and scooped him up. Good Luck. Boy in the white t nice D good time on your punches but you need to have more power. You should have ko old boy early in the fight if you had ko power you would have Dude kept saying OH you did not beat her up though. lol ummmm That girl just got her ass whipped. That shows how big of wimps they are when they have to jump people lol did someoe steal this fat girls cupcake or what she was pissed? lol people need to use their brain. Why yell at these punks why not just call the cops and end of story. This lady is a fucking phyco. Why does she care if you guys take pics its no illegal. I would have put the camea in her face and started snapping pics come on take this shit back to the hood Great job to the girl in the red dress. Her boyfreind looks like just someone who saw all this going down and did not like these punks messing with these old dudes. He was about to do somethigna bout it and his girl pulls him away. Watch again. Great job lady in red. You know what Im white as snow. Red hair and all. Yeah it is racist to notice they are all black.. Did you also notice they are all humans just like you. Did you notice they were all given the gift of life by the one and only God just like you. Why does the color of someones skin make anyone soooooooooo fn different. grow up. The cops did the right thing. They saved that mans life. The guy was freaking out because his dog was about to die. The cops did the right thing by stopping him. However this sounds like a classic case of the the rescue team not getting called for a half hour later after this was reported. These cops are worthless though kinda like the cops from the movie wild hogs. They got there training from playing doom. Only thing they did right was stopping the guy from goiong in after the dog. Phil can hardly walk I'd be surprised if he came back. However if he did Jove might get another ring. Im white as snow and if I ever get int trouble with the law I want this guy as my lawyers. No breathe test whats up with shit Some cops are so fucking dumb this one takes the cake. Messing with two guys making some video about a grocery cart and turns it into a riot by pulling a taser gun. Give me a break where do they find these fucking idiots Well I don't see why anyone would boo her. This is America and she is entitled to her opinion. You have the right to disagree with her on her views. However to boo her for standing up what she believes in is just stupid. I say good for her for speaking her mind. She should have won. I don't agree with this at all. I actualy don't agree with Gay life style at all. I know for a fact its something that God hates and in the end all Gay people will be punished for their sins. HOWEVER.... That does not mean that I treat people any different because they are gay. Only God can judge anyone. Its ok to tell folks what the bible says just don't hate anyone or pass judgment on anyone. Reserve judgmen for God. So yeah I don't believe in gay life style but don't hate anyone. My brothers and sisters listen to me very good. There is only one God. All who have lived have sinned and Jesus Christ died for your sins. We are living in the end time and this is all grade a donkey crappy and lies to trick you. Your 100% proof your looking for is when God fills you with his holy spirit and you feel him. There is no fake story that can deny you when gods holy spirit fills you up. Yeah the Dragster I would love to buy one of these generators for my home. I wont have to pay an electric bill anymore. This is awesome. Where can I buy one and how much. If its not on the market yet then can you build me one and I'll pay you for it. I need one with about 12 plugs on it and can run around 2000 watts Thats pretty cool. I did not think it would work so I tried it and it worked. super cool. Kind of like a magnet motor Great job. Don't let anyone tell you its not possible. Science has taught us this is not possible. Reason is because if it were then somebody would miss out on alot of money when the world no longer needed oil. This is mega huge stuff that your working on here. One guy though is a little ahead of you. unlike your motor his continues to turn at a high rate. He amps the motor up to around 120 watts and the cutts of the power and the motor keeps going on its on. He even put it in his car. This was hard to watch. This made my son cry for real. Maybee you get a kick out of this but after watching I realize how much of a fucking retard you are. The man was in shock and he was a beast for punching the shark. The woman seemed very interested in getting a good video shot rather than helping this guy get help. She screamed about has lound as a mouse on a roller coaster. lol this is so funny. lmfao Was laughing and went from so funny to wTF and silence. no one wins. You end up with nuclear winter and everyone dies. Yeah its 100% real but it probaly took him about 500 trys to do this lol lol at his arms thats so funny Ok I live in the united states. I get this and it makes since. However Sadam started this crap. His whole thing was Oh Im not worried about these americans they don't have the balls to come over hear. What happend we took him out and replaced the iraq gov and now we buy oil with dollars. Iran is next. Its sad and I don't agree with it but its going to happen. The us and britian and isreal will attack Iran. When they do its usa wins. Unless china and russia get in it then its ww3. If Christ were here on earth he would not be for any kind of war. Peace everone peace. Calm down. How about everyone get rid of all nuclear weapons and everyone get rid of all of their military and everyone get rid of their hate and everyone love each other. Sounds good right? When christ returns he will fix this whole mess. Ok Well this is obviously no where close to being a christian. What I want to know is where do these beliefs and Ideals come from? You have touched me on so many levels. First of all your right. Mormons are nuts. However I want you to understand that real christianity does not teach anything like what the mormons teach. Mormons is full of shit and its a brain washing cult. They other thing is if you want to talk about religion please do it with a different shirt. I don't want to hear you talkin about christ and keep thinking about your breast every 5 seconds. Hide those things put them away. Then lets talk. awesome dude. I wish I were a country boy I love eating chicken but this would be hard for me to do Nevermind I got it. Ok Gordon for sure did it on purpose. However bowyer started it. Dont start what you can't finish. I bet Gordon would whoop his ass in a mma match,40,2,5,27,0,31,1 618,X619,dude you suck Feliz Ao Nuevo your ugley you sond like a cat getting strangold dude get a voice FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Sun needs to hire real journalists these retards need to take their head out harper's ass. oh kill me already coolyour so awsome olivia i wish i was you lol lol baaa bbaaa baaaa baaaa baaa baaa god you people are sick and stupid evin justin is better than you you people are ding dong in the head ... stupid fat asses poor fishy ..... he had such a long life to live aha! she got an ugly fat ass xD i love it to,17,0,3,5,0,35,0 619,X620,My friend told me to watch this and i love korean pop stars!SorrySorrySorrySorry nikanikanikanikaSorrynikaI REALLY DON'N KNOW THE REST 3 this is so halarious!STOP!YOUR NOT HELPING!I CANT I'M STUCK ON THE GOD DANG THING! HAHAHAHAH SO HILARIOUS! is he wearing braces? watch her kiss the orange!i new it!!!!and watch her lipstick come off!i knew it again!!!!!!!!!!! ok we dont want to watch your freaken bird. i think i know that i remember this song when i was 7 hey i just met youand this is crazy so take this condumand fuck me mabyhahahahahah i just made that up! :-) ahh i wish i was with them making this video :( I dare you to go to a girls house tell her she's a mother fucken bitch throw a condom filled with shit and throw it at her. i triple dog dare you to do that I agree with you! yes he can! you don't have to be a certain age to do it! Your Good but you need to make your own songs to show your true self. Think of new songs in your head and your dream will come true and a lot of girls will like you. You can do it! your so mean! on the last 26 seconds osama really burned obama in rapping but go america Beethoven wone thios battle this is the best song she ever made!!! i love JLO!!! 0:52 AHHH I WANT THOSE DOGS!!! watch gonna do? watcha gonna do? watcha gonna do? EAT IT!!! this is the best rap i ever herd in my life!!! 2:01 STAY ON YOUR SIDE! DON'T TRY TO HIT ME! THIS IS SOO FUNNY sorry i have anger issues. OMG your amazing!!! especially when you play by ear! your very talented Maya and keep up the good work! and you should be on ellen and your even better than me in violin. keep it up! :) 3 DID YOU SEE THE BOOBIES?!?!WHAT DID YOU CALL ME? DID YOU CALL ME A HOE?!?!?BEST MOMENTS WITH GLOZELL 0:38 YOU LOOK LIKE RIHANNA SHIT! AYE! smosh v.s shane dawson!!!! plz let this be on if he has a lot of money he should give some of hi money to us 0:40 this is my SHIT. LMFAO!,27,1,4,7,0,18,0 620,X621,#NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? - You're all a buncha sick lonely fucks making fun of someone like this. For real. #NAME? #NAME?,9,14,4,2,0,110,1 621,X622,shes looks like she is lip singing but she really aint lmao whoever says hes gay means there gay and has no life so stfu me too :'( okay yes i agree with u hes a little scary lol this song is the best song ive ever heard she has a beautiful voice and she is my inspiration!!!!! leaves me speechless omg your awesome spread your talent girl i think we fount the kid version of adele like if u agree okay the diffrent song at the end screws it up maybe you guys should stop hating on them bc there kids adn i would like to see you do that !! This song is amazing!!!!! its hard but you should really let him know what u think just tell him that you like him and let him choose whos more important to him ;) funny how the top comment are alway stupid...... Right?? awww justin biber lovers how cute :P She looks to young to be wearing make-up.. Ther not spoiled brats....There parents must work there buts of to try and get there children everything they want.,17,3,5,5,0,18,0 622,X623,Im 13 O_O NARHWHALS O.O,2,37,3,6,0,37,1 623,X624,"nice swing. you know you can probably get more yardage and accuracy if you turn your shoulders more. that way you can have your hands a bit higher and you wouldn't have to cock your wrists so much. its hilarious not halaraious...and it's ,the only people who say that this song is good are the ones who don't know grammar or have any intelligence., you can't ,have, grammar. However you can have grammar skills. leona lewis... I would faint if I tried to sing like that.. it's not they are not mentioned it's just a teaser Am I the only one that is noticing the guitar/drummer are completely off beat..haha Same here I randomly came across it on TV and I've been searching it for it for years! I still remember that stripped Louis Vuitton sweater... like a boss... he's not dead yet...whats with the sappy music..and he double dribbled at 6:00.. they're* Can't belive is over now...:(",11,4,8,1,0,26,0 624,X625,Is her name on Facebook Anita Nail True Love? you need to do a few more top coats!! It wont snag in your hair then x lovely darling some people know nothing about style xx Lexi is my fave too.. :) girls got style.... if i lived close i would love to love him!! He is the cutest thing i have seen such a funny 'little' thing full off personality,5,24,3,6,0,28,0 625,X626,great job! I loved them all! its just fucking fur why do people make such big deal? get over it. FUR is FIERCE!,2,0,4,5,0,20,0 626,X38,"James Arthur brought me here his version is way better Wat the hell auto correct ?!? Just screw it Sammy ur my heart and soul! Never will be forgotten3 James Arthur brought me here When he said twilight I flipped I am a twihard but I know it's not true about all girls James Arthur brought me here and I love Adele but his version is better Cece is NOT THE BEST SINGER AT ALL 3 OTHER JUDGES KNOW IT TOO. SHE'S PRETTY BUT...IN MY OPINION SHE SHOULD HAVE WENT HOME AT JUDGES HOUSES INSTEAD OF JILLIAN My name is not marlon That's not ignorance by paramore I don't know why but this reminds me of twilight breaking dawn part 2 When I heard her brother was in college I was like fuck! Sure it's funny but what's also funny is that everyone I mean everyone even if your EuropeanAsian or hispanic originated from Africa. Then after everyone spread.all around the people closer to the equator became darker and not close were more pale (look it up if youdont belive me type in beringia...youll see )so you shouldn't really be laughing at anything you racist fucks Ur not ugly that's a compliment by the way I just don't want to sound like a fucking hore Thumbs up if this brings back memories! Look up Jasmine Jefferson singing this song it's amazing I knew this was kind of a Christian song but it can be for anyone don't get me wrong @bellaziva he's married I cried soooo much for ziva and Leon Cece makes me so mad she only cried cuz Paige did Him I meant him Ur kidding me! Omg who sees Robert Pattinson my love 3 3 @makaylawest ikr he is soon sexy! 3 That bass is kickin if u have beats ur in luck Dat boy is fine as heeeeellllll but IM 14 so IM not no child molester or nuthin @shirbiton Lmaaaooo! I get it and sooooo fucking true! This mix is shit @dynesha jones i bet i could dance better than you and plus why did u comment how about u just stfu and fall the fuck back because i really dont gaf about what u ,suppoedly, think... go fuck urself YOU DONT HAVE TALENT...k bye! @Jahquai47 u are sooo stupid don't ask people that! Ur sooo dumb The girls pitch turn was too quick but nice choreography They have house slave mentalities u should look it up because ur fucking intelligent and gorgeous Awsome vid and Awsome song",31,2,4,18,0,21,1 627,X628,please click on our channel link extremely funny videos /watch?v=q1MxN2S7WJ0,2,6,2,5,1,26,0 628,X629,lmaos its rhett and link! fantastic song :) you do brilliant tutorials for gorgeous hair :D Really great song :) impressive that this was done at 17 i'm 17 now and i couldn't imagine producing something like that! Keep it up! that old lady at 3:45 in the lower left corner covering her ears :L I love that a lot of these are of her smiling :) oh dimka 3 its just in bad taste maybe the little girl think she's being supportive but the high production of this just make it look like profit scheme. and it doesn't look like she even knows what she's saying judging by the way she's singing and the way se sings the lyrics it seems she really doesnt have a grip on the immensity of what shes talking about. this just didn't need to be made. A more sincere tribute could've had this girl singing to a acoustic no production no flash just heart.,8,4,3,10,0,16,0 629,X630,"okay fuck ,Tobuscus, this was a very popular song before what EVER he did that was so great.... have you guys done the first one? im having troubles finding it.... I came here because i like this song! so yeah.....end of story..... guess who has 2 thumbs 8 other fingers and just subscribed? not me...wait yeah... that is me my bad... i like resident evil 6! *shields face* I think he's trying to avoid notting up the wire while he walks around and over it....not sure sorry if im wrong. i like the idea of the boulder i can't wait till its HUGE maybe we can roll it down a hill someday........ ha! immortal never saw him as a ladies man thats cool go immortal! nobs and foofs 4 LIFE!",8,12,3,8,0,22,0 630,X631,Screw obama i dont have a problem with democrats but obama is evil. Smosh! Wtf? Mittromney for president! The jesus one is really disrespectful.. Woah.... They worship satan smfh These faggots are terribleat singing... My voive is deeper thsn his Haha wow.. I want to do this now! :52 fucking creepy as shit! @Taco25689,12,84,3,51,0,28,0 631,X2558,"It's got nothing to do with being cynical. I just think it's funny how this guys fans dickride him so hard they try to imitate him in the comments. Pretty sure that doesn't happen. You're probably one of those girls that thinks everyone is always checking them out. News flash you're not that hot. You get all dressed up hair done and photoshop the shit out of your avatar and for what? I'm sure all those basement dweller losers commenting on your channel raise your self confidence but don't act like you're anything more than some girl that wants attention. I love how much energy dizaster has in his battles. lol it's funny because they're fat. I dont understand does clyde cash actually exist and is he actually guido? Matthew sounds like Ownage Pranks...Could it be?! :o Did you seriously just hash tag me? :lol:Your comment makes no sense Not really. That only applies if you're ugly. $5 says those fags on the on the other line wear those tacky ,tapout, clothes. Where's the review? 0:10 I lol'd. Nobody laughed.. What a rip. The original is way better. What happened in BF3 again? I honestly can't remember. oh believe me I'm well aware UC is far from originality and I hate Nathan Drake and his retarded wise cracks. The series is hardly impressive I just made the reference to UC because it's the series most people will know seeing as it's an overrated piece of garbage/rant Sam Jackson is loosing it his whole angry black man thing is just getting old. He's one dimensional. Eh my whole beef with HP in general is the secret power of ,love, -_-Also the spamming of stupefy and expellarmus I thought it would have been cool if Dumbledore actually helped Harry with learning new crazy spells all with a training montage. How? Wale killed this shit. Meek just talk about the same shit doesn't have any range at all. Nigga you dumb as fuck. Say that shit to my dick you AMERICAN FAGGOT! The cheap Walmart version of Angry Joe. We already have an angry Mexican.. DMC has never been great it's more of a guilty pleasure than anything. You make beats that nobody gives a fuck about. Shut your mouth yeahh uhm no? He's a grown ass man in this game... Yeah if Robert Downey Jr got ugly and chubby. Pretty sure I have you aren't the only one that hits up datpiff.I downloaded everything off ,Soultape 2, and the only thing that mix has over the original is Cassie's hook... the first two season maybe but the minute that hooded nigerian black woman Michoone or something made her appearance I stopped taking it seriously. How would you rape a dead body? That doesn't make any sense you fucking idiot. You're right. Somebody needed to gob off Frodo and nobody else was about to do it. Sam and Frodo were so gay it was actually kind of distracting. I couldn't take the whole ,male bond, thing seriously after that. congratulations? Debatable. I felt like the entire movie had a very homosexual vibe to it. They should have just had a scene dedicated to Frodo and Sam fucking and be done with it. Chris Chan is calling somone else fat? Lol This dude just works out his glamour muscles lol. Guy is a fat shit. *one more thing it's just a show. Settle down.. Oh and I hated Michonne just as much. I felt like her character came out of nowhere straight from an anime. I thought the series was going for a more realistic approach in a survival-horror show. Her Mary Sue character feels so out of place and just makes me rage.That being said though I could actually stand Michonne more than Andrea embarrassingly trying to act like one of the guys. taint the Star Wars experience for you with Darth Vader's final line and everything else. The movie just kind of ruins everything there was to like about Star Wars and a few good scenes don't make it worth watching. Especially when it will ruin the trilogy for you. Typical dumb nigger. Instead of refuting all the valid points in the video just disregard it and call everyone a bitch.Can't say I'm surprised to be honest. I lol'd. Big man and his /b/ faggots acting tough. Quit embarrassing yourself and go back to your minimum wage job you beta goof. 4. Spoony doesn't have a life at all he's a greasy looking bum and people can bash his female guest all they want. Freedom of speech you arrogant fuck.",40,10,3,5,0,19,1 632,X2786,Very professional video and considering i just got this game on the pc ill be sure to watch alot more of these vids :) Post of the year 3 How old are you? 9? Nice profile name do you like cod and bash on pcs? :) Im suddenly a troll? Thank you for the honor my good man but i dont troll on accident. I dont like you either. Because girls are icky and you will never subside to them! So english was not your first language i guess... Suck a cock kid id rather them just make it whenever they want they could never upload if they wanted to be greatful they do upload pretty much every 1-3 days you whore. Its called taking a rest for once you ungreatful cunt. Get out now you pestilence. Wow he doesnt upload for 3 days and you start crying like a fucking child? go fuck yourself 60% of nova's fans that are complete douchebags. Lawl fag The pewdiepie fans will group. Immortal is slenderman! :D Obvious 9 year old is obvious. u jelly of seamus' skillz and hair? Is this why dan bought a 2000$ camera? EHTRG I SAW LENSE FLARES Hit it spot on his ENTIRE fanbase is a bunch of children. Dont believe me? Look up ONE of his vids and look at the comments. Some fucked up shit. Lawl you still an undeveloped religion monkey? Have fun preparing for the afterlife cunt ill be here on earth banging your gf while you are with god. ^^ Lawl I cant stop looking at dat shirt. Oh god its gotten to the point when i think everyone who hates hunting and how 'bad' it is are just trolls. I cant take you seriously just please go away. Are you retarded? go watch the original you dire hipster fuck off. Thanks i didnt just watch the same video at all. Its jennamarbles LOL ARE YOU SERIOUS? Please tell me you are a troll or an actual 10 year old. I could go buy some phallic shaped jelly beans at my local candy shop... Leave him be hes probably 9. Are you retarded? I said the yogscast would be great WITH and WITHOUT him there is more to the yogscast than just the main channel cuntstorm. It was eve :/ Please for the love of god facecam pls :3 I play pc i like it bye. Sp00n the game? Minecraft is fine how it is going quit crying theu arent adding new ores and stuff mojang wants to fulfill everyones ideas just one at a time.,36,9,3,5,1,36,1 633,X634,"This woke video is a that's what she said moment hahah I woke my neighbors lol, hahah I wanted to laugh so hard but it's 1am @IsabelM. That's rude at least I try you don't have to cyber bully me || all these things I take in and that puts in to my self esteem you might as well just told me to stop making videos Wich I love doing so go away peasant!-.-t My owls just sit there like,I'm sexy and I know it., Hahahahah fave part Lol just do it Only because Ricardo kept slapping him and tala lung him and that was MAKEING him spit it out no offens I love you both I just thought I would say Go on the voice or X factor! You have talent! I'm getting glamzy A-m-a-z-i-n-g you are so smart! Go up to a group of people who are talking and just be like:,mmmhmm yeah I feel ya mmmmhhmm, and stuff like that haha My name is Emily 3 I play trumpet I sing and dance! You me Ricky... Dance party yes? No? Trevor didnt upload D: Just let me touch your hair!:D BROFIST from OregonUSA MOREEEE!!':DDDDDD Head shot b**** We re in apartment b not c VEVO says they wont know untill tommorrow! sorry guys! Ricky dose not like he LOVES to dance with penguins!33:D Niall Horan!3 he's my husband! OMG OMG UGG I CAN'T BELVIE YOU MADE THIS VIDEO IT DESCRIBES ME PERFECTLY!!3 UGG ajaksjussjhjsjzjxjxhsjsjsukakaksjsksjizjsjskzuisbsjsbsk Wow your AMAZING!!!3SUBBING!!",21,7,3,32,0,18,0 634,X635,Fuck yes jonathan. You're a badass. I'm showing you some love from all the way from Michigan. Keep at it Macklemore is decent. Slug is a Legend It almost did. Got so drunk and fucked up on pills over some bitch that I drove around town going 100 miles an hour swerving around flying over curbs and narrowly avoiding trees. not sure how i'm still alive. I don't give a shit about that cheating cunt anymore You're an idiot haha black people have made a huge contribution to basically every single form of music every genre. Jimi hendrix? Ray Charles? Kanye? Bill Withers? Otis Redding? all diverse all incredible musicians. I fucking love this video. Reminds me of driving around michigan on snowboard trips. real nigga shitttt... you're wrong. Lucy Ford = Lucifer = The Devil. Lucy symbolizes the evil found in all women. Check your shit. hahah talking shit about johnny cash will get your fucking ASS BEAT by 9/10 people. good luck man. I'm at that point. I've been at that point for years. I don't fucking understand why i'm still alive hahah good luck driving this on michigan's shitty pot-hole covered roads when it's -10 out I'm from Michigan. This song makes me love Georgia. I've been in Atlanta in the airport it was dope. Ate some cinnamon buns. I'm fuckin hammered how am I typing It's a shitty when you realize that no matter how much you care about a person no matter how much they mean to you.. they're allowed to not reciprocate the same feelings and there's nothing you can do about it. Amen HAHAHAAAAAA KALAMAZOOOOO Cool man. tell me more about your opinion on bon iver. please we're all dying to hear. hollyyyyy shittttt Alcoholism regret and years of failed attempts at finding love brought me here,18,22,4,32,0,21,0 635,X636,"i cant believe Liam Has a major crush on Taylor Laughtner idc im not perfect Rude much? Hey Wade! This Is Karlie From School im hanging out with Jada about to make a vid wellllllllll maybe xd! well atleast i act my age? i 3 u girl! keep up the goood work! lov ur bff kk Yah guys im not a good dancer so yah im the girl that had the pink tank on ps i 3 u guys! ..... NO RESPONCE FOR ME! He has a nice body! i love this song so much! 3 but really gay? you know its called a tan? ikr! i love this song so much 3 i like this version better 3 omg! NIALL! i cant believe u said this ( hes talking s*** ) i love u 3 ( Im a massive softy - Liam ) i love this song! LIKE if im right! 3 Hey Wade This Is Karlie And You Went To Jadas Yesterday? Well Have a great summer Really Why Have An Account With Out A Bear And Put Them On Youtube If There Is No Reson To Play Em? That Was Just A Wast Of Making A Video i love this song 3 i love u Kendall 3 i love this song so much!!! 3 i love u Kendall 3 i like this song better than Jb's 3 i love BTR 3 i love u Kendall 3 i love u Shane 3 woah!! your good! i love your voice! 3 ARE U TOBY KEITH? Wowwww If Your Not Your sooooooo ggoooooood! Keep up the good work and dont let haters bring u down! 3 Yup Cause At School People Are like , What Kind Of Music Do You Listen to ? , And Im Like , Uhmm Country?, And Then There Like , I Hate Country! Its The Worst Music Ever!, And I Just Walk Away But Its The Music We Like And They Probly Hate This Music But We Like It So Thats Pretty Much All That Matters i like the Panda Dog! 3 Ok This Is The Blonde Girl And Whoever Clicked Dislike Your A Hater So :p It did not work",27,4,2,2,0,35,0 636,X637,"yuah KING Lol you sound like Krispy Kreme AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHA Shut the fuck up Glad Music 10x louder than your voice?I'm sorry to break it to you to oBZ but that it's impossible. Considering his voice is apart of the ,music,.Have a fantastic day and if there is anything I need to assist you on in the future don't be hesitant to ask. Gracious You must really enjoy that button up. I love you shutup liez Piggy she will not date you via internet sorry bro 2:08 I fucking love you Stack up swag up Known-Known(KnownProblems) ok pigglet ALMNI Cool hacking idiot",16,460,3,48,0,23,0 637,X638,I like this lady! good job! Violation of Probation B16 Sounds Sexy bro! Violation of probation Valentine One hidden! Good looking TL buddy!,5,1,8,5,0,28,0 638,X532,thats what i thought until i got vegas! dude i wish this was for ps3 and if u can tell me how to do it(: #realtalk this mutha fucka can sing lmao i cant give you a game but i can give you EVERY mw3 map pack and all the themes ect. Asmith dont fuck aroundU can see me round townWit a blunt in my mouthEat that pussy ima drownNow I need a fuckin towlIm the king wheres my crownHate on meparty foulI make ya bitch yell loudLike mac kill the beat heartattackFuck with me ill shoot like shaqGet her ass from the backAnd thats a motha fuckin factTell them niggas where im at no each blunt was a gram worth man im dry as fuck _ im gettin money this wednesday thoughguess wat im buyin BITCHES hahaha FUCK YEAH TENNESSEE!!! DIPPINSMOKINDRINKIN ! im a teenageri have a great friend named alliebest girl in the world(: beautifulfunnynicecaringbest personalityprettiest smilegorgous eyes3 i like her alot and i finally asked her outi got deniedbut we are still great friendsi like her so much i didnt move on cause she denied me im still with heri love this girl to death3 gotta love bud! when ur sad it makes u happy nigga xD going up the mountain in the wintertime looking out the window even if you dont like heights feeling the cold chills go up your spine and around your arms remembering the times of peace and love with all your friends and loved onestime to lite some mary jane up xD that aint mids dumbass??? i wanna get wit wiz khalifa and snoop dog and just smoke alot of weed haha if ur high watch this u cant sue somebody for having the same song title???? it doesnt have the same beat so it doesnt matter thats like sayin u cant say i want to hit that bong because somebodies already said that before?? got new clothes got new smokecome over here and take a tokemy rap games always provokedgettin new stanzas gettin new linesalways got new pants with a new dimelook at the clock its my timealways smokin grade alook in my pockets u can tell i make payim always winnin never losinin that 4runner cruisinall damn daythats the asmith wayi dont care what u sayim always makin bankgot 5 stars thats my rank wat u talkin bout give em a break?? i can smoke 1 gram of anything in 1 minute no u dont have to link a picture but i never said u were smoking seed shiti said they were smoking seedlesh shit which means its good shit looks like a nice family lmao :D on a cloud right now :) livin life climbin wallsalways on my grind so take a haultima party from mornin to nightill show yall how to party rightima go hard till the day i diedont ask whybut im always swaggingo around my city tagginget my name outyou can hear my name via shoutthats what raps all aboutgot so much money you cant countyou know im comin through when you hear soundspeakers bustedyour swagg rustedim in 1st quit ur fussin fear in the bible means respectso fuck you hes saying respect god oh wow ur a faggot id kick your fucking ass dude takin pills for the painsmokin weed every daylivin in this dark worlddrinkin my sorrows awayfeelin like nobody loves mefor me bein who i want to bei have a heartnobody has the key i was stoned with my friend and i thought i was driving a four wheeler hahaha he also thought i wasgood ass times man(: SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY! i listened to this when i was bakedit will be the best time of your lifeDO IT! because waka a real nigga who talk about true shitthey cant have real life shit on the radio dumbass u got ripped the fuck off looks like a dub mabey even a little less when you feel dem bullets hit uu start to feel mecant take the heatstay out the streetsdat zip of purp start to reakget out of my faceor we got beefgot 2 gunslost oneat night im nocternleu needa runfrom chatt-townwhere the weeds best aroundgot the semi on silencecause im all about the violencegot all the drugs cause im about the highnessthe hit on that nigga is pricelessno second-thought cause im not about nicenessmake ya girl cumlike im beating dat drumdis gangsta lyf is fun i am smokin that oo-weedat shit that makes u screamthat leanthat cleandat muthafuckin meanthe shit that has no remoursepurple hairs on it of coursesmokin out that new porcheim the realest nigga till i diepickin up bitches in that rideraybands onyou cant really tell im highu can hear that semi clappinbullets hit ya chest now u start gappinstep infront of my g'si'll have you six feet under measkin where ya homies bei book wen i see the copsnever got caught makin one drop semi clappinneck snappinhomies rappincheck cashinloners fappinheats packinfood lackinfeds taxinbabies nappinover gunshotsneighborhood cops coke in my pocketcali in the bluntdrink in my cupbest believe its rumchoppa in the backbooty in the frontbeaten pussy upu can call it cunt puntim the big dogu the runtslingin bricks cause its funscored a touchdownu can say im 7up Asmith complex individualsmokin cali loud that is my ritualstyle so originalswag so visualgot so much green u can say its fictuallast statement literalyall hypocriticalhide behind curtainswhile families hurtinwhile people starvingot new world flowu can say martian floatin in a waste of spaceeatin on cake with a weed tasteshow up fashinobly lateswag so meanmakes u wanna hatefuck the pastlets start with a clean slatenew beginningsnew bitchesnew weednew swishersdick suckers and innocent kisserskids with new wishesgrowin up with snakes hissin floatin in a waste of spaceeatin on cake with a weed tasteshow up fashinobly lateswag so meanmakes u wanna hatefuck the pastlets start with a clean slatenew beginningsnew bitchesnew weednew swishersdick suckers and innocent kisserskids with new wishesgrowin up with snakes hissinjust sit down and take a listenthis is my ambition im rapper 2 bruh and i like this flow u got homiemabey we can collab sumtime ill be postin shit soon everybody in the 423 think im cold see gods light no need for a viseryou can be stoned but im still higherunscrew ya ass hand me sum plyersscars are my stripes you can call me a tigeru say u better but all yall liars u can see in so i close the windowsall my raps go so damn loco hittin bowls is my occupation sniff a line of coke now my heart is racinwhy u trppin out all i did was lace itim fuckin her cause she is payinall these bitches love me like kush and alcohol u know A-smith beat the pussy till its rawbooty callsunday nightsippin codene mixed wit spriteganja's why im highjordan's why im flyfailures out of sightworries out of mindopen the door cause im ready to shine i bet i could out rap ur fuckin ass anyday bruh u havent heard any of my other raps its 420 in the 423bitches on my dick like they hustlin methe hustle in the streets isnt freeeyes always red like thay boy towly2chainz on my right 50 on my leftthats 52 cents i just had to theftpcp in my system that shit was keptlaced ass weed purple ass drinkfuck a bad bitch while she on the sinkim a god to everyone call me a minkim holdin the rap chainu the weak linkmoney signs in my eyessmokin sellin cali that is why flow so raw this beat is pregnantflow so raw its yeast infectedfuck with me ill have you restinthis is my gameheres my lessonrap contest1st contestentthrow my bone bitches fetchinkillin the game till i diesmokin dro till im highjordan flights cause im flyhydromorphinespurcacetesroxixanaxnothing lessswag quiz and i aced that test caine in my membranelsd in my spinesippin on blue drinkfuck sum red ass wineso drunk walkin in a straight lines outa mindima kill dis shit till the day i die7 years later like tupac i riseecstacygreat party supriseeat yo rappers upcall me hannibaleatin brunette pussy just like a cannibalshoot a glock 969 times2 favorite numbersplus they rhymeAsmith hereits my time to shine,42,2,3,2,0,21,0 639,X640,"Pitched higher :( yay jordan @cherlinwanton oh god your accent is so sexy Dont do any of those except the last one... it isnt taylor. get your facts straight before hating on taylor. and it isn't taylor's style of writing. it's actually Jersey Green. She has a lovely voice. do check her out on SoundCloud. OH MY GOD HOW COULD YOU NOT FEEL LIKE EATING IT WHEN YOU OPENED IT I WOULD HAVE ALREADY EATEN EVERYTHING HAHAHAHHAHAA he stood on a block of ice i like to peel off the skin on my lips when my skin starts to kinda shed LMAO mashed potato vending machine is from my country! it tastes delicious!! not to be mean but being chinese all my life sheng shou is pronounced ,shnng show, :) Omfg cant wait for tomorrow!!! it is still possible to pronounce it correctly with any accent. in mandarin pronounciation is very important and a little change of key of the word with the same pinyin (spelling) can mean another thing. but it's forgivable! :) aww so cute! omg i didnt notice til you mentioned it! hahaha I'm so sorry about that! just found out you're a kiwi when i clicked on your channel! my bad. kiwis are hot too :D it went from 0.5kb/s to 5kb/s didnt work for me :| went from some random cube i found in a park(which introduced me to the cubing world) to a rubiks to a type A or C(i dont remember) to a zhanchi/guhong. so good until you added the garbage song..why. did. you. do. this. THANK GOD YOU DONT HAVE THE GARBAGE SONG Jurey? or Colia? :) being foreign(me) it sounds a little bit similar. i am able to tell the two accents apart and the aussie accent is definitely my favourite :) or bi. just saying. love it when he says 'aw shit' cant wait for the studio version :O you deserve more subscribers! very well done! amazing! woohoo it's coming out a day after my birthday! which is also the death anniversary of MJ :O 3. I have learned to be myself and never change for anyone.",28,10,3,5,0,15,0 640,X641,Oh and my word count is 3002. I'm only fourteen but I'm doing my best! Benifits blush in ba bamba Happy birthday Cassidy's dad! Thank you for giving us Cassidy and my role model! Where are her parents? What kind of kid has thanksgivings with her friends? To I brought it home? *shifty eyes* Benefit POREfessional Courtney and Duncan FOREVER!!!!! 3 You look really thin like in your early videos Courtney and Duncan. Trent and Gwen. That's endgame. I love you!,10,0,3,5,0,14,0 641,X642,le pauvre son pre au dbut.. :/ RIP une pens a lui et sa famille franchement ils sont chiants a parler comme ca avec Ines FINI :( ca fait pitie Superbe voix :) Je regarderai le film 2012 le 22 ca va tre marrant..:) Arrete de raconter la fin! c'est quoi la musique a 27 minutes? Il est mme pas beau.. merci d'tre abonn Voix magnifique Le noir est le bien foutu c'est quoi le son que cauet met au debut elle n'nerve un peu celle avec son beret blanc il a chang C'est pour ceux qui savent plus l'aire,17,0,2,1,0,14,0 642,X643,Zach and Cody we miss you Perrie is wearing the jacket that she and Doniya were wearing in that picture! Christina is a fucking Queen and she knows it Excuse me? Damn you TLC,5,1,3,5,0,20,0 643,X644,no skill? so you're saying anybody could do this? shut the fuck up.,1,0,3,5,0,20,1 644,X645,love miss piggy :) I know she might be quite crap but at least she has the courage... wow! I don't flipping give one! cool make-up x,4,0,2,5,0,14,0 645,X193,"Here is a 300yd shot vid and it takes longer then this hahah /watch?feature=fvwpNR=1v=tY4TRlFadb8 minus okwerdz. id consider thesaurus and diz 1.5 rappers anyways lol. fuck off lil homie hahah Those cliffs would make some crazy acoustics. Probably just a wicked sound from the rocket.. but we can dream cant we? Why people like you think you know everything i'll never understand. does he have a hollow plastic penis that makes that noise? WHY ARE YOU YELLING 1:32 Smooooooth Pardon my french but FUCK YES. hd with head phones on i cant even hear myself type. feels like im driving. Best reviews and you dont say a word lol. One perfect sit up 10 shitty ones. Girl definitely wants your dick moar then the first guy. How could you even build this lol Gawtdayum. theyre*** Bitches eatin grilled cheese. I like it. actually they can talk about whatever the fuck they want.. thats the nice thing about this country. Its a beat he made he obviously didnt mix and master it. Racism is definitely still alive today. There are more differences in fly's then humans. get over the color homie. ID never trust a 10/22 with my life. those jam way to easily.. Glock 23 is fine with me.. 870 with buckshot to back it up. Fuck a survey Id rather lose a finger for sure... lol The midwestern wu tang I get the chills everytime that beat starts. Carbon copys gettin caught up in the paparazzi. You think R kelly knows? the dude cant even read or write.. yet hes a rapper LOLWUT Beautiful!! Id love to ride that!Nice bike too... :p Nah its kinda like a diner having bomb ass food in the middle of no where. starsky sent me... I hate spam but this shit is tasty brother! Dope beat homie he has a whole EP in double time.. Most folks cant appreciate the wordplay and lyricism when its spit that quick. Plus the mans got SOUL give him some slack. Watered down my shit is pure I want that job. I have no idea i havent talked to any of them since then. Its been years.. Sure you could find him on FB though.. Lol yeah but none of them are his haha That was a nasty few bars too. fucking dj's Nice block and counter soul. AMEN! Hes a khantract killer on the mic. Been following him so long and its awesome to see him make it this far. Bip ups soul! GOD. ,A mind full of evil shit like reagans depends., HAHAH just caught that line.",39,12,8,13,0,25,0 646,X2737,These guys are so talented!! All vocals no instruments they led worship at my church last Sunday. Very nice guys :) Always feel so convicted when I hear this song. However far I may stray he is always there. Nicely done!!!! Dethklok Cannibal Corpse That is not what I said at all.... All I'm saying is that from the hip it is way too accurate. I have lost many gunfights with many different weapons including those with a high rate of fire such as the Type 25 while they has sprayed from the hip while I'm aiming down the sight. The clip size doesn't really help my case either cuz the gun doesn't burn through ammo extremely fast. So happy that my favorite music is heavy metal. I don't have to worry about people like these ruining them. Yup. Especially with a laser sight. Quit running in the hallways Carl!!! The Longest Yard XDDDD Sad to see that he hasn't done anything like this in the UFC yet. I he can find his comfort zone and starts submitting people maybe getting some heavy hands who knows what he could accomplish. The next invention will be a machine that can measure intelligence without test taking. No more Studying!!!! MSP Bisping is weak hope Vitor puts his ass sleep. On the other hand I would love for Bisping to get a title shot... so he can run his mouth even more then get kicked in the face. Any takers? The person below me needs to GTFO then.... RAMPAGE Oh ya just slap a fat fart cannon JDM on the back and it's awesome? I know cars are a lot about opinion but a JDM muffler doesn't make a car fast. I personally can't stand when some douche thinking he's hot shit rolls by me in one of those I can hear the shit transmission and everything. The biggest fail since Justin Bieber..... Can't wait to see Bisping's face after this fight is over. WAR VITOR!!!! Shitting bricks all day hahahaha What is this song? I love it. Being a Metallica fan myself I hate to say it but it's true... =/ TJ Grant reminds me a lot of Jeremy Horn. Listen to this douche bag two comments below me. He's probably Canadian. This fight won't even be close. Listen to this before I hit the mat. Pumps you up. This looks like the kind of game I have been waiting for for a long ass time. I think it is Hall hat gets KO'd notice how Sonnen exploded out of his seat. Way to mess up a 120k car. This is why you drift on a track not the street. And Dustin will do the same thing to Swanson to secure that title shot!!! Your top ten is bad and you should feel bad. Well that being said it proves how dangerous he is when he gets in the mount. The only reason it seemed like he was getting beat was because of wrestling with Rory and GSP. If he can get decent takedown defense he will beat Rory again and he will be back for another shot at GSP. The wrestling is the only reason that GSP is still champ I like the guy don't get me wrong but his fights are boring to watch now. Thats why I was hoping Condit would beat him. An STi is shit? The dumbass driving it just doesnt know how to fucking shift right. BTW thats a WRX not an STi. Interesting to see what IW will do now that they ended the MW sub series. Well if Chuck is such a pussy than how come Chuck knocked his ass out TWICE. Seriously Forrest Griffin beat him twice he's weak shit. Awesome song and what once was an awesome band. Axel Rose is still a douche though. Meh not a fan of BFMV.,35,10,7,5,0,19,0 647,X648,"some people are TOO young for SOME things... you forgot ,can i cheat off of you,...i get asked that one soooo many times. it's funny how you think he wrote his own lyrics. especially when it's katy perry's song Did Theresa get into Yale? sorry just wondering. hahah I posted that comment about ,sam, before i saw all ur video...haha coincidence In dont hqve a staple gun....will a stapler work...i assume it will be harder to use but would it work It has nothing to do with age. I'm 15 and nothing happened either. It has to do with the fact if you are Epileptic and/or are triggered by flashing lights into seizures. It's a medical condition. A school shooting at Columbine high school you should really look it up to be honest. no...its Ashley Tisdale their ratings were actually worse before...that's why they brought her on (and keep bringing her on). you're disgusting.",11,1,5,5,0,20,0 648,X2188,1:35 It's A Poptart! xD @FliddsVoca02 Hellz Shea I LOVE it! :D *favoooooooooooooooorites!!!!!!! :D Lol at 0:16 kyo : ok heavy... Lol The song at the end! Haha I like it.......o.o hahaha!! LMFAO Oh my fucking god....soooo real Omfg amazing...just amazing One The 5th person below me a loser 1.say your name 10 times 2.say your moms name 5 times 3. say your crush 3 times now post it on 4 other sites and he will kiss u on friday Lb Cool Cool!!!!! Ahhh!!! How did u do this?!?! Mm Love!!!!!!! My gosh! xD LOL!!! Cool HAHAHAHAAHA!!!! COOL AD-DIC-TIVE!!!!!! :D! *_* Lol HAHAHAHAAHA!!!!! Lololol!!!!HAHAHAHA!!! 1st COMMENT!! *_* MUSIC CAAAN TEACH US SUMTHING Holy fuck creeeepppy....... Lol 0:00 mother fucking god she looks scary,34,0,3,5,0,13,0 649,X650,Wheres I.4.7 yea I replaced it with the minecraft I downloaded and I renamed it minecraft but it still uses the new update 1.4.7 And u just earned a subscriber My psn colespartan Carly Rae jepson singing call me maybe Looks like it hurts,6,3,3,25,0,22,0 650,X651,When a young Black Woman gets burned in the South for wearing her Obama Shirt.. the UN NEEDS to be involved.. Corruption Corporate evil has reached deep into the government lol this is a well edited video full of lies.. sad.. lol this was a great video.. I loved this game Did you guys know the Congress makes the Laws then govern the land NOT the president?The President Democrat Congessmen/women Created a Jobs Bill... the Republicans Blocked it CREATED NO JOBS BILL OF THEIR OWN....Yet you are still going to vote republican... Because....?#letskeepthewhitehousewhiteisaenoughgoodreasonthesedays loool too funny!! 1 word: EPIC! ROMNEY 2012!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! So Awesome.. Great Job.. Did they ever really do this? lol This was indeed Epic artistry.. lol@ Silver96 being your number one fan XDGreat Job The order of the movies are wrong.. 9:00 to get past the cornball M.C.. like wtf stfu dude!! lol how coo is that! Shes still famous imo =) He held his Daddies hand so Tight in this Picture he never wanted that time to go away.. there is truly no Substitute for a Father.. Wrong... He was assassinated by the same people that Hate Obama today.. you sir are a stupid fucking racist can't see that Mr.Kennedy was Murdered By those who hate THE POOR!!! People like you are why our country is in the condition its in now.. Because you only see Skin Color instead of a Person and Personality.. You dumb fuck. Good Job... very good job. LETS DESIGN A SOLAR CAR!!!!! Still listening to this in 2012!!! Go Queen Devynity!!!!!! Who Better then Trey??? NOT A DAMN MUTHA SUCKA YOU CAN FIIND!!!!!!! Jason Clark is the Hope for america.. God bless him =.( lmao they called the cops rofllll lol@ how the Black guy puts his head down for dramatic effect lmaoo.. hilarious.. this is Epic Work ABC.. i Applaud you guys lol Moms to the rescue Jackie should be a Regional manager after this.. Kudos to her.. lol word lol that the truth Hurt so many feelings... Man up mafakas stop crying'. Racism was a Trick for the Ignorant to hide the Class-ism that controls them.,26,2,4,3,0,30,0 651,X3124,what ever turns you on fat boy ill suck your big toe for it Art by man thats all She made me late for work sooooooo many mornings I want her sweaty bod over my face Pls have my beast of a cock mmmmm babe you sexy Hogan was old in the 80s fuck me how old is he now She really was a BASTARD hehehehehehe meeeeee You smoke to much weed Taker to win this year guys would be ..... I WANK load of balls so who won that royal rumble there speaking about Shes a man young ones plus watch bottom mmmm look at her bent over im sick but love it Id let her kill me with them mmmmmmmmmmmmmm iv see n the lochness monster jake was alwaays one of my favs. great 7.44 i saw earth quakes left ball sack This is fun but bullshit I bought my ex a abox 360 and she fin with me Love covered in squirt surly by now we would have prove Hey guys come ere and ill tell you a secret......... ssshhhhhh thoJulie Cramer dosnt own a tv and its 2013 my ex is a real witch i like muffs I love her shes a real nice girl I love Jodie so much If i won the euro millions i swear id pay Jodie 10mill to work out with me shes hot us humans are fucked stonned and lovin it Do THEY!!!! tell me when to shit and when not to shit well at least Scotlands ok,40,36,3,6,0,30,0 652,X653,"I love this song it brings back the time when i was going through almost the same problems as demi and this just makes me cry and be thankful i made it through- safe. too much powder stuff but your really pretty wowww you have a gift- your singing is amazing! GOOSBUMPS! :D WTF ahahahahaha you remind me of sharpay from high school musical and omg is that your room- I L3VE IT You forgot shakira and beyonce i really think they look alike idk what it is but she looks fake like if she got plastic surgery to look like angelina idk something is fishy here : / ok look she did lie i gues but FACT right here is lie detectors aren't really ,lie de_ tec_ torS, what happenes is that it is believed that when someone lies the get nervous and the detector machine ONLY detects that she's nervous NOT that she lied soo i meen i totally agree that she lied about the abuse but just think about how many people are in jail just because they got nervous but but they weren't saying lies sooo just saying but till this day like as in 2012 THE MIND CANNOT BE READ! wowwww so it made her a barbie if she ignores the bullies now why couldn't she before i meen come onnnn my defect is worse than that girl i was born with my legs different colors meaning ones extremely white- as in pale and the other one dark- as in black color skin and i deal with it and the bullies i meen i have tried tanning the pale leg but don't work cause then it fades off but i learned to deal with knowing that i would never be able to participate in miss universe or any sort of pagent! i would have to be drunk or getting bitten fire ants to do that and especially that part in 1:10 or that wedgie picking move lmao hahahahahahahaha! lmao i would be the mom in this video this just too funny i cried from laughing :..D ewww this is disgusting. what the hell why do girls like them.. they're gay This is the best thing i have ever seen. omg lol Your really pretty but i think you should have picked Kesha better i meen your voice sounds more like keshas and thats a compliment but no you shouldn't do katy perry ... but im not kidding you sing really good and your really pretty but just not this song",15,0,2,5,0,14,0 653,X654,all the 8th graders at ja ill miss you all and hope ill see you all at century kiss your hand 5 timesrepost this on two other videos and under your pillow will be an i pod. ( my job is done ),2,1,5,5,1,32,0 654,X655,ur a whore for doing tht to ur sister how could u well depends are u a good singer and good looking? well wht is wrong with cussing i am old enough :/ yeah...that lady is me i miss my husband (michael jackson) :( 3 you michael i love the hat and glove and glasses and i went to that performence and this is for dr.murray-YOU ABANDONDED MICHAEL JACKSON YOU KILLED HIM AND JUST CARED ABT YOURSELF WHY DID YOU LEAVE THE KING OF POP ALONE ON PROBAFAL? DR.MURRAY YOU DONT DESERVE TO BE A FRIEND OF THIS WORLD YOU NEVER ABANDED A PATIENT YOU NEVER DESERVED TO BE FREE YOU DESERVE TO STAY IN JAIL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU KILLED THE LEGEND AND YOU MADE ALL OF HIS FANS GRIEVE OVER HIM! DR.MURRAY YOU KILLED A LEGEND! ur just a hater celine cant pull of the famous KING OF POP MICHAEL JACKSON everyone knows that np it was my pleasur ikr they make beautiful babies lolz 3 u manson i saw marilyn manson's ass in a interview lolz and i loved it 3 ah ok ur a waste and u need to be recycled the bible is better than anything u can go to heaven with godjesusand the bible and christianity so get over it bub do marilyn manson makeup turtorial plss :) i know go kristen 3 and i LOVE YOU MICHAEL JACKSON =) IKR! they know they wont get money unless they earn it np i like Justin Bieber to but i LOVE Michael Jackson more than anything because he is my icon my hero my inspierer and all the good things so 3 you MJ i know but it is creepy as well,17,3,2,6,0,19,0 655,X2287,Go fuck youself i love all the games :U Yes my god... they will do what you fuck I think ridge should get a fancy picture of his face when it goes to Ridge cam if it ever dose that 6x and they get a orn tar to wear it! :D He spelled it correctly (From a smart person :P) Fuck no. You can play a FREE DEMO (Duh :P) of this game with oogle Chrome :DI've played it for the last few days its AWESOME Pause videoRight clickStop DownloadLaugh at screen His voice is all we needALL OF US I see you're shooting for top comment Nova: AHHHHHHH AHHAHAHHHHAHAHAHAH OH MAH GAWD *STAB STAB STAB*AHHHHHHHHHHHH *DEATH* Yeah gets worse per new layout :PI spent atlest a min looking for the reply button -_- #NAME? Trolololol you virgin bro? Yes you do:PIt's so people dont have an unlimited food source :P I did not get what i hoped for :P Good job IGN fuck yourselves :U My god.... Ray has a beard! :D Where do i go to order you BEST Dirt?I'm not so sure :PPlease help PAULSOARES ON MINEDCRACK?FUCK YEAH God i love these vids and I'm Chuck Norris Whos son? :P They not He :PDumbass Hmmm laugh as the guys fuck up or watch old hag talk for 3hours....... EEEEWW OHH GAWD YOUR SPELLING BRO! Canada to be specific :P ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME :DDDDD Just dont mention crazy guy on rooftops :P I'm sure all the Mod creators woud be really fucking happy to see their shit get into the game :P Poor Etho :P Nova said so :PIn last puppy vid :3 Gimme ur voice! Evertime i try to apply for ESO my Pc freezez....WHDAFUKlol WOOOOOAAAAHHHHHHH DAAUAUUUUUM MOTHA FUCKAS SHE KNOWS TEH CHEIF IS ALIVE! Yay episode 250!!!!Congrattz Etho! How the fuck did Lydia make it so far XD Love new intro!!!! Every time i click the 8:55 some cool music plays at random o.oWtf Youtube Y U DO STUPID SHIT LIKE THIS EPIDSODE 4 NOAW Rip?Bitch Please :PHe would throw her ass into space then shoot her with his mind 23min is good for me :P Just wait for all the popular Youtube people to die of old age Fuck you Al Capone :P Dear RoosterTeethMy fake daughter has learned to swearnot from what I say when I fuck the crap out of my fake wife. Shes been saying words like fuck and shit. What you are doing is wrong (NOT)and I demand with my threatening fake manly arms covered in manly fake muscles that you remove all you videos that have cussingor I'll contact Youtube(Wont do that :P)and have them remove the videos themselves. Now If you don't mind I'm gonna have rough homosexual sex with that cute Mexican guy. Thanks,44,0,3,5,0,41,1 656,X657,Honestly she was probably like that on purpose cause she knew what the producers wanted on their show. What's up with creepy black guys doing singles with little white girls.,2,3,3,5,0,21,0 657,X658,"Leave it to a Black Woman to Piss on a Black Man's Grave. Yet they wonder why 72% are single. So what's wrong with being proud of ones accomplishments. She says she's the ONLY Black woman he EVER DATED. Yet Not one of The White Women he Dated had any thing bad to say about him. She doesn't have Half the brain to think that the problems in their relationship WAS MORE THAN LIKELY HER BACK STABBING ASS. Next up Oprah... WHAT A FUCKING BITCH!!! I'm 100% Pro Police. However I'm also 100% Anti Corrupt Police. As far as I'm Concerned if they're Corrupt they deserve any and every thing Negative that comes to them. That Includes what ever happens to their Family and Friends. If you know they're corrupt REPORT THEM... CNN Is trying their best to make this a Racial Issue when in reality IT WAS FAR FROM IT... This was a Corruption Issue. Racism IS part of the corruption in The LAPD. He WAS NOT OUT TO GET ,THE WHITE MAN, as CNN is trying to make it seem. The reason he was fired in the first place was because he reported his supervisor Kicking A MENTALLY ILL YOUNG WHITE GUY in the Face and Chest AFTER HE WAS ON THE GROUND AND HANDCUFFED. So if he Dorner didn't like White people WHY WOULD HE HAVE REPORTED IT.. Just Think. Those kids are going to have to go to school one day with kids who have normal sane parents and Teachers are going to have to deal with them. Yet they wonder why Kids today in Urban Cities attack their teachers and bring guns into schools and start fights with other students. Dam... I Bet These 2 ,Mothers, are the children of Crack addicts. I bet they're Former Crack Babies... I don't believe a Fucking word they're saying. Example: They recovered all this Fire Power from a Cabin THAT BURNED TO THE GROUND. Yet Not one of the weapons has Any Evidence of Smoke Damage/ from a dwelling THAT HAS BURNED TO THE GROUND. What did they do Clean everything up before they presented to The Public? (2). A self Inflicted Gun shot to the head WOULD BE EASY TO SEE. The Entry point of The Round WOULD BE SMALL and the exit point WOULD BE REALLY BIG. The Scull would Clearly Show that. I agree with most of what he's saying. However The question should be Do you prefer dating a Psychopath. That's the real question. Normal people can usually tell if someone is a Psychopath and gets away from them. Then there are those who will walk away from Normal people and GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to find a Psychopath... Ah Man. Are you telling me I have to go back to Pythagoras because the answer to Dark Matter may have already been found. AND NO ONE NOTICED IT!!! DAM Man... Only Simple Minded people LIKE YOU Can't Grasp The Big Picture. It wasn't about ,Losing a job,... You're Simplifying it because you can't grasp the gravity of what lead up to what happened. You probably Like guns and Think America should use Nuclear weapons against people in The Middle East. Even though it would spark a thermonuclear war that would destroy 93% of all life on earth and change the evolution of Humanity. You probably think ,God, wont let that happen if you Pray hard enough... That Blond Haired Blue eyed Image that causes death destruction Mass Graves Slavery Poverty Racism Hatred of ones self and others who don't look like Jesus Christ. every place he is introduced. If they do then they get what they deserve. Jesus Christ needs to get the Fuck out of Africa and take his Christians with him... Too Include Stupid ass Brain Dead ,People, Like You. Got it....",9,25,6,3,0,50,0 658,X659,LMAO you say it bro xD go on ebay spend 200$ on Australian or Cavello jacket pant you will be the first real gabber from australia :) Greetz from Belgium :) don't deal it kangoroo fucker your style is gay !! sorry dude just look at europe gabbers from belgium holland italy etc.. are wearing nikes classics 90 dude training spak cavello or australian not like in austalia mini shorts tn's dance like bitches :D haha tshalabanzi bro (y) haha hole australian festival belong to mardi gras haha xD you would kill your mommy to come here to europe on a hardstyle or hardcore event :) aaaah europe... where everything started... lol sa fait bien rire... des gens qui servent a rien serieux coooooooompleeeeex goede oude tijden 3 this is the sound of the oh! The OH! E 17 aftritt 7 gavere zentrum 3 this is america haha :D lol @ you nation of animals !!! die mottes auu haha xD de beste tijd in mijn life was in complex pussys uit australia xD why dude? it just look gay :D we aren't so gay in europe u know europe is where everything starts :) so fuck YOU cunt.. mata e drogata nice nice :) MONGOOOOOOOOOOOOO remember this song in gran turismo 2 3 they don't give a fuck about what u did :) where da fuck do u come from?? this is holland braaaa defqon 1 what is the song from 3:25 ?? made in romania :D :D :D 3 got the same one but i have a cpu problem :'( a new cpu engine is 1355 in belgium :'( I NEED TICKETS !!!! ????? 5:54 THE BEST xD wer is der komiche hinten ? what is the track from 1h 06 min ?? song by 4min 10 sec ?? track name ?,28,2,6,5,0,23,0 659,X660,"I suggest you try it my it will set you on your spiritual path. I know how you feel bro.. :/ Do the research yourself. This guy looks like he has been tripping balls! Such a shame another young mind wasted... Smh I cried when I listened to this while meditating this is definitely healing music. I wouldn't say put them to sleep but what you expect out of ,Satanists,? Don't let them get to you they know how wrong they are for singling out a curtain race. I appreciate your concern but stop with the religious shit. My nigga Azariah! You never experienced high doses have you? Wow this man should be getting paid. Sudevi we love you as you are. You seeking Christian or Catholicism shows that you lack self worth and see yourself as ,not good enough, or you need more than yourself is a representation of that emotion of lacking self worth you are fine without Bishop ralph and all that nonsense. Dude you don't know shit stop acting like you do. Mushrooms and DMT are in the fucking brain how are they drugs?",13,4,4,12,0,23,0 660,X661,TAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANG Taeyang is so sexy when... screw that he's always sexy TAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANGTAEYANG This is like the only music video i've ever watched (other than haru haru) that made me cry. )': oh my god. he is beautiful. _ oh my god hes beautiful. _ 585 dislikes.. nice try jacob ASDFGHJKL;'LKGHAFH;LDSJVHFHCJX TAEYANG hes so hott OO; EVERYBODY TAEYANG IS MINE !!!!! BACK OFF GUISE 3. oh my. taeyang. ASDFGHJKL;' hes so hot -faints- AHAHAHAHA beautiful just beautiful omg 333 my fav rapper and my fav singer made a song together WAHHHHHH FSHBDHBVDGIVKJ BFJBLSF AISSHHHH GAHHHH . MY FAV SINGER MY FAV RAPPER MADE A SONG TOGETHER *__* HHSDGFHSDHASFDJ #SCREAMING TAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYAAAAAAANNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG IS SO SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY If YG forms another girl group she is gonna be my favorite:),15,1,3,3,1,17,0 661,X662,"Season 1 Episode 21 'Funk' That would ruin her only good song. Song at 3:28? Can some one please tell me the songs at:0:11 1:20 1:31 1:46 1:59 and 2:14 The song at 1:25? Team Peeta! And what is this song? Lots of birds repeat melodies. SPOLER ALERT! So does everybody! IT'S JUST SO SAD! THEY HAD A SON! Simon: Who did you bring?Jordyn: Uh my mum dad sister brother my second cousin's ex-girlfriend's brother auntie grandma uncle grandad my class teacher mum's best friend the entire neighborhood. Oh and the hobo who lives by the library. I sang this when I was eight. now I understand the lyrics I feel so embarassed. They're just... close. Well shit. I'm crying right now. Best. Epileptic fit. Ever. 0:11 oh hello Slenderman! You look like a person from The Capitol @lulady29 it is Seneca Crane. Songs at:0:211:001:051:16Anybody know the names? Why hellooo Cato! These interviewers suck. How could she not be able to pronounce 'Gonzalez'. It's one of the fucking simplest surnames. DEM TITTIES... What's the ,I have no idea what is going on, from? You're a 40F. Would you sign the bra for whoever gets it? Do the banana and sprite challenge! Damn I'm still on iPad 256. How'd you score your's? It just came out! @LittleBrodz thanks for ruining this for people who haven't seen it yet. Fuck you",27,4,5,2,0,19,0 662,X663,wow yor really talented! I love your music and you3 from your bestfriend gracie (: oops :p Is it just me or does that sound like Des and Nate??,3,7,2,5,0,14,0 663,X627,"i have been playing this game like shit lately so im just going to watch other people play this game until feel more confident 9/11 was not caused by terrorists. when this song dropped so did the plane. i don't know what it is but i trust this guy. can you play as a panda at this point in time? tiger porcupine holy war huh? only zerg players deserve to play the beta its whoopsie not whoeppieee this needs moar views MXE do one of these videos for snes and put cool spot in it THIS IS ANONYMOUS I WAS THERE oh god they were so amazing at edc im so glad that the winds did not stop their set man i know that feel of not knowing what to feel the Japanese dont have a ,L, sound so tower is appropriate. i was a little off to the right i really hate eureka 7 ao. why the fuck does it have a rock soundtrack wtf??? its really hard to dodge shit coming at you in castlevania so remilia would just make the game impossible i dont even like wow but i like your video anyways jammo since its flandre its probably rips you apart lol. im in a bug where i cant leave the fucking barakswhy dont games work on their release dates anymore? i was referring to psilocybes. other mushrooms grow here for sure. ill still be listening in 2070 Yea just blame minority groups for your problems. Sounds like Nazi Germany. Wait i think you guys like the Jews though right? im just a stupid Afro American Everyone in the BNP blame minority groups for their own shortcomings. These minorities are not taking a significant amount of the uk's gdp. The BNP is using minorities as scapegoats for the uk's problems. Also stupid people eat this shit up so the bnp gets members easily. Do you really getting rid of all the immigrants would do anything to improve the economy? Would it really get your lazy ass a job? i meant that she looks like one omg me and my friends said those ghosts look like pigs n a blanket... im surprised to see that everyone is being so nice to her...this is the fucking internet where are the trolls? touhou makes me wish i was girl...lmao i would not dress like a female character being a male. props you guys who do i live at the beach i should take a bunch of sand and make the video there are so many fucking touhou doujins guys... i hate that bug where you cant buy items and when they get stuck on your screen. poor guy legalize drugs now im pretty sure every dj at edc 2012 mixed this song...or at least the intro. um is this a part of the anime or is the music put over? um no... America... Fat and ugly girls.Russia...amazing beautiful girls after all the vodka goggles are put on.",37,3,6,5,1,22,0 664,X1832,Onision you're so gay dude..and boring pssh . . ' . . . .. in which minute u play the entire 2nd part in this vid i cant watch the entire thing..shizz For those who do not know SHIT about music theory this song has 32nd notes so she has to be that fast.. He's like he has ages to sleep from all this tea..lmao For Christmas i got a huge arrhythmia problem with my heart even though im only 28. I'm not angryi dont feel sorry for myself there's always worse things that can happen. Blame noone give as much love as you can cause only love will stay behind.. Nick why your eyes are always red and shiny dude? Hey can i get.. fake n gay internet is for porn RIP philosopher ignorant bastard.i knew ppl who have died from fuckheads like you Daksei file ki egw tote pitsirikas paok hmoun sto basket. Alla apo tote exei na ftiaksei omada o paok. Posa xronia perasan? tosa xronia o paok trwei poutsa apo ton olympiako kai dikaiws. Lol u re freakin hilarious duder..haha I really dont like Diaz family i dont like their faces. Henderson is my favorite fighter since WEC. He's a beast he has amazing powers even on his 5th rounds. This redneck diaz didnt have a chance.. U cant respect a fighter with this attitude. He didnt have a chance vs Henderson . tv . .. Yo Ed! Huge fight on UFC last night. Philipou and Miller made a mess on the ring..psh ' . Amazing trippin..i wonder wht he was thinkin while running to nowhere.Hilarious! i love how u let him drop a hot pipe on a wooden floor n u dont give a shit..thats why that stupid bitch is yellin at you I wonder why pozer-bitches like you listen to Synth-wave music..and if u ve found someone to fuck the shit out of you all these years.. Last vid of 2012 is a butt crack. Ed's classics fuckin ignorant ? ? . 50 IQ . . . 130IQ SUDOKU. . . u fuckin' stupid bitches Egw exw akousei oti ton Remo ton gamaei o Pyros Dimas. Twra gia paragontas eidame pou pige o hraklis.. JACK! . ' . .. . . ' ' Where's Beck? . . '84 17 . 120 17 ? .. He hits 9 times but the white guy was out with his 1st elbow hit Epeidi oso ki an prospatheis de vgazeis nohma de tha plirwsw egw opws les ki esu ta lathi twn progonwn mou.Ti se peirakse alitheia.Batsos eisai re? epeidi h genia tou '78 mia xara pronomia apolause kai mia xara eukairies eixe mh mou tsabounas emena malakies epeidi esu kataferes mono batsos na gineis.Alla eisai malakas na poume karaflo velos ki esu..pitsila magka pitsila,36,25,4,5,1,27,1 665,X666,"I love YG artist.They are so awesome 9 bitches suck... bitch face of SNSD I hate 9 whores generationand i never go to their vid...why stupid sone always come to 2ne1 vid YG new girl group dance practice 22034 likes 604 dislikes....Your Hello Venus have more dislike than them Let's face it Sorry SNSD is Lipsync MachineThey cant sing live like our 2ne1're my winnerI'm from Viet Nam love u sophie Mnh thy BooPeepn ni kh ngai c cm ca bn ny m thy ,nht, th cng ng gi mnh l VIP nh The real view is 1.411.084 Because SNSD' song suck 2NE12 N E 1 Love u Jennie phc v fans 2 bn ci ln g...YG stan c ai a ci l mi r ny t SM cha h cn YG...x I agree with you...SNSD is so fake 2ne1 is the best of that night YG lover crew l nhng ngi hm m YG tht sST319 l l tp nham cover Gangnam style n theo ting tm.Ni vy mi bn hiu ri nh.",17,0,3,5,0,21,1 666,X667,Thanks! We saw the video too. A lip reading of a lip syncing! I watched you watch him watch him watching him watching a movie once.... I was in this game with you! I'm M3ntal_Ace killed you too! Had fun playing with you! WE SAW THE VIDEO! THATS WHY WE ARE HERE! TO SEE THE VIDEO! WHY DO YOU QUOTE THE VIDEO THAT I LITTERALY JUST WATCHED??? DO YOU THINK I MISSSED IT??!!!? CUZ I DIDN'T! SO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP QUOTING THE VIDEO PEOPLE OF THE INTERNET. The pumpkin king... This is a comment. Get the premium pack it will pay off. it will give you all previous DLC and you will get the upcoming DLC for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,9,13,5,1,0,18,1 667,X668,LOL u talk different??? Brianna said that u told her were dating??? SHOCKER!!! and btw i didnt no what to say tell me if u said that.kay by :?,1,8,2,1,0,16,0 668,X669,This niqqa getting frustrated. He need some kfc down his throat. Umm they tried and now we own Northern Ireland hahahhaha. Try and narrow it down a bit more and say English not British.I'm sorry but it annoys me when people say britain because there is 3 countries in Britain. Thanks bro. Your girls love us so who cares what this inbred thinks lol. Snorlax used cleavage. It's super affective partially blinding the enemy. She's Australian twat. USA shouldn't even be in these slams. They should replace it with spain or Italy. American women are inbred. Why the fuck do women like guys like him. Your face looks like a troll you inbred fuck! 4:50 That's how you know she's doing grunting to put the player off. Who the fuck grunts whilst lobbing? But after watching this video you seem stuck up and snobby. Why do Americans never mention that France won them there independence and that we beat them in 1812? Oh and how we saved them in ww2 by not siding with the nazis.,14,2,3,5,0,35,1 669,X670,Really wanna see this released on an EP or something. Yeah I can see your point. I'm pretty young and they are my favourite band so in my mind they can't do a thing wrong. Whatever they do I love (so long as they don't cave in and start doing dubstep or something haha). My starry-eyed vision of them may fade in time. For the meantime though I love everything they do.You never know some of the other stuff on the new album (I assume this is going to be on the new album) might live up to your hopes :) Nice one. Epic vid to go with an epic song. Listen to it whenever I'm writing for inspiration :) Nice one. Continue 'proclaiming' them spread the word :)Whenever I do talk about them to friends I usually note that the really popular ones like 500 miles are quite low down in my rankings of all Proclaimers songs. So many songs of theirs which I prefer.I went to see them in Bristol on wednesday and was surprised to see a ten year old (or around that sort of age) there. Good to see some parents are teaching their kids about good music :D Still trying to figure out why Blu-ray version gets sooo much while all the DVD gets is a couple of deleted scenes. Blu-ray players are still a luxury for some of us and they haven't yet fully overtaken DVDs. Thanks so much for uploading this. As an amateur writer myself it was a thoroughly interesting documentary. Was hoping it would appear on youtube :) Combines two of my favourite things - science-fiction and the music of manchester! :D That Kenneth Williams impression at 11:06 is awesome!,8,2,7,8,0,28,0 670,X671,"And MSNBC is not? Tell the truth now.... Actually It took me a month to even log back into youtube and check my messages. That'll give you a pretty good idea as to how much of a fuck I give about you. I actually have things I do instead of trolling videos. Move along civilian. You did better than I did.... 945 people have no clue what a satire is. Fuckin morons. He also has the look of someone who just had his life threatened......which he probably did by the secret service. Apologize bitch or we kill you. Reminds me of Insomnium.....Good stuff!! I think you're being a little giving with the price. Try more around the 700-800 dollar range. Unless you want to run your shit on lowest settings..... Believe it or not a majority of police officers men rejected by the military because they're too aggressive. Whether you joined to protect our people our country or just to defend what you think is right you still signed up to fight. Because that's what we do. The Corp isn't about protecting anything bud you should know this. We are trained to kill plain and simple and that's what we do. We never know why we are doing the killing (and I wish we did sometimes) but nonetheless we do it. That is our purpose to fight and to kill. You wanna protect people maybe you should be in the Guard. They would be if they would stop breaking up......Every time they start gaining some ground and internal problem comes up and they end up breaking up. They've been broken up since last spring and that will be the second breakup.....No word yet on whether they will try again. 0:46 Bad notes.. oooooooooooooooooooooo...... YA HOO HOO HOO HOOEY!!! I think awesome my be an overstatement. Boardslide 2 feet....YAY......kickflip.....YAY... I see 5 and 6 year olds doing this stuff like it's second nature. Kid is ok but not awesome. Da fuq is this shit? 1 . Steven Kay is a moron and always has been.2. The rest of the parole board is just going along to be P.C.3. (Most important) They know that even though they are wrong in convicting him and totally screwed his case up beyond belief his name is so stained now that if they did let him out some other crazy asshole would hunt him down kill him just for the sake of being able to say ,I killed Charlie Manson,. Gotta give the man credit for standing in that fire. I mean it takes balls to willingly and knowingly go on a show hosted by 4 old irrelevant women and be ripped to shreds. Whoopi is just dumb always has been always will. Says the man with a fake name and a fake profile. Yeah man people are really going to take YOU seriously...........moron. I wish. Sadly we don't even have one Native American brother in the senate. Not one. We have only 1 political official Republican Congressman Tom Cole of Oklahoma (4th District - Norman Lawton in the middle of the State.)He is a member of the Chickasaw Nation and his mother who was a State representative and Senator as a member of the Chickasaw Nation Hall of Fame.He is also chairman of the NRCC.But our government would never allow a true Native American to ever be president. I was simply basing my opinion from another guitar players perspective. He sucks all there is to it. Besides anyone who shoves vibrators in their ass to get attention on stage is just retarded. PoE.....The game D3 should have been.... Man you people are retarded. When he refers to ,tripod, hes talking about the infamous ,3rd leg,.....In other words it was a blowjob joke and it went over everyone's head. Obviously people don't watch enough of his raw standup to even get what kind of humor Jeff has. I honestly can't believe nobody got it. I was using the ,tripod, joke in middle school 18 years ago. Have people really forgotten the basic fundamentals of toilet humor now? Actually I got an Academic scholarship to the University of Nebraska and played for the Huskers for 2 years as a cornerback. But you wouldn't know that cause you're trying to troll me. I will admit I was never good a basketball and never attempted to try to be either. But put your ass on a grassy field with that pigskin and I bet I stomp your ass so far above you're shoulders you'll have to take your fuckin shirt off to take a shit buddy. NEXT!! Technically no. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't. :) If you actually believe that we can't eat meat raw then you are mistaken. If you were to go out kill a deer and immediately start eating it while it was still warm you would be absolutely fine in eating it raw. You would not get sick and you would not die either. However if you eat meat that is processed at a factory farm then no you can't eat it raw because it's been dead for too long. Any animal will get sick eating raw factory processed meat. I know cause I worked at a zoo for 4 yrs. Reminds me of southpark when the dude says ,That's not true my wife and I have been trying to have children but she can't have them., And Mr Garrison says ,Well you better get an aids test buddy cause your wife is a dude faggot!,",25,6,4,5,0,29,1 671,X672,Omgosh Kelli you could not have said it better! 3 Omgosh Yay Kelli! You're one of my favorite YouTubers! So happy for you! Congrats ^.^ That's what you think. Psychics for the most part are like doctors because they heal people and guide people. If that is all you have to say it shows your amount of education that you achieved through the years. Perfectly said. 3 sending lots of love and positivity your way :) I love your perspective on this subject. You look so pretty ^.^ Yay!,5,8,3,2,0,21,0 672,X673,Quit hating he rocks I bet u don't even have that good voices get a life I would share but I can't get on fb I'm so sorry I cried Is this chasidy and I'm not saying I have the worst life this was stupid and bra where's my 10 bucks little hint don't bet money online u owe me some money no kidding eathrr he is sooooo cute way better than Justin bibber don't give up buddy u got it all good omg ur so amazing this is really good I love u babe I love u babe -3 no don't call them Fags if anyone is its u I'm so sorry I know what it's like to feel the way u do bro I accept u for who u are and dont let them get to u alright look who ever made this thx for the support but it's to late holy shit!!! sweetie find a way to contact me plzz I'm here for u,15,4,3,3,0,18,0 673,X674,ugh lol i wanna kiss shane!!!!! am i the only one? no ;) the new big fatty works alot better you should check it out! :) your hair before looks just like mine! haha and its cute! watch this stoned. i want thisss!!!!!!!Dx the link expired or sum shit :C (first world problems...) 3 I WANT SHANE AS A PET 0.0 3 its myah lol i dye and straighten my hair lol hey ummm ur really sexy hmu lol i want that hat... wow haha all i ever do is the first one or just straighten THANK YOU lol oh hell yeah...haha ur really hot hmu ;) the level of sexieness you posess is too high for words holy shit o.o im like in love pizza guys hot lol my iphone! its 5000 mcg not mg did u get in trouble hii want you inside me hmu ;)-Courtney can u come to my room and cuddle with me 0.o ur so sexy haha i made a response check it out boys!! ;) lol wtf where does he get caught? ..i did too lmao,25,2,2,1,0,23,0 674,X675,Man o man what an amazing video. No expense spared great to see them all having so much fun and 'still hitting it hard after all these years'. Great song btw. I love it my kids love it it's real music for all generations!,1,0,3,5,0,41,0 675,X676,hey buddy you shouldve gone with a little faster video card like a 6870 hey man why dont you disable comments like rodney reynolds so you dont have to go thru all the assholes posting shit here azza fusion 4000 dwarvs the cosmos no wonder they have all kinds of diseases over their IDIOTS DONT SEE WHATS GONNA HAPPEN IF THEY CHOOSE HIM ITS GONNA BE WORSE THAN WHEN BUSH WAS PRES !!!!! this is what happens to me every fucking 30 mins and its fucking annoying FUCKING SHIT HOW THE FUCK DO WE FIX THIS !!!!!!!! XD hey why dont you show us your system ? 6870 you should hear japanese i think its the worst lol you are mean linus shame on you damit linus so no 7970 ? :( and were was the parents to save her from suicide ? bad parenting skills lol you ass always niggers bring back slavery lol why not order online ? lol look at the animals fucking materialistic human beings they fucking disgust me order online stupid idiots now you know why i play bfbc2 big boner here lol how is this fun ?,23,3,4,5,0,22,1 676,X677,I agree with myself on this matter. and alas I've yet to find one... pity. A fuckin MEN! Some kind of new hot garbage. idk. Not better than slim shady. Curious... about them and all of you.... don't get me wrong i hate them they all deserve to die and burn or the other way around. but from what i hear god is omnipotent what makes you think you can speak for him?...her? whatever you get the point... only a fag would say that YOU'RE GOING TO HELL FAG!!! thats when you know you're going to hell And to whoever asked about a guitarist check with Bop Skizzum i think he got back with them.,9,0,6,5,1,22,0 677,X678,Lol hey again BITCH PLEASE Mario bros owned em Dear Ryan can u do epic rap battles of history plz :) i didint work for for me its showing me movies not videos on the insert options Amazing Good job man hop What a great artest Congrats u took off ur braces keep up the good work man Messi vs Ronaldo you get better and better,12,3,3,6,0,21,0 678,X1681,week* WAKE UP JOHN! i dont...its so......WTF AM I WATCHING YOUTUBE!??! shut the fuck up kid JAY BETTER BE FUCKING FUNNY its not racistits just a coincidence hes blackthe fact that his part sucked is the writers fault almost every pro vid is scriptedi have like 5 viewersand I script my vids those poor minecartsTHEY NEVER HAD A CHANCE!YOU MONSTER!!!! 1:30 i might start watching football this is a server side hack XD video starts at 1:50 This wasn't historically correctthere was no gay guy to back up the girl enough with th-OH SON OF BITCH! and the ultimate troll award goes to... He should stick to acting The bible does not contain the word gay ass-duff-moo-vee-seh-ven:i like planes.... i used to love this site. i can go on for hoursmy point isnojust stopbands and artists dont diethe avarage youtuber with a three second attentions spand should yes and if i get a boner i could destroy the house soooo...this wasnt the right express yourself problem solvedDONT FUCKIN UPGRADEif sojailbreak with evasi0nand get androidlock XT Siri cannot figure out your accentwhere are you from? There are.... :32 WTF MAN!?!??!? reallyive never seen siri on an android i could have gone my whole life without seeing thatonce again..THANK YOU INTERNET! 4:28 You know what sheldons thinking so...this videos quality broke my computer... what are you using? oh historyalways repeating itselfgood ol doctor who I would rant on youroh so very low intelligencebut you have already done so well your selfand i should also mention that i'm gay. hates piratingshow how to hacktivate,35,6,4,29,0,21,0 679,X680,"My friends asian do u know them? dying But but what about euna kim..... :( When everyone was saying who they liked and when Tao went he said ,I am micheal jackson' LMFAO XD Aw i didnt know david so was there :D MBLAQ cry I think it sucks that gd and big bang are the only people who didnt give thanks for there awards :( I mean i know they're really busy but it only takes like 5 mins LOL 'itsnt that the error sound for pc's'",7,5,4,12,0,17,0 680,X681,Hey Guys! Go check out YebraZebra and subscribe! :),1,281,8,69,1,19,0 681,X682,He sounds like tupac a little,1,2,2,10,1,14,0 682,X683,"as you wish doc is not the only one u need to worry about ...commander raven signing out thanks mr creepy pasta now i have to take the legs of my bed and changes my locks well no sleep for me well i want this one it is mine well done my friend well done doses wahtr is told to do hears noting ,oh shit i for got the cookies , runs of to the store and gets some ok now where was i now i am wanting to kill santa well done you have won my favor and i will grant u one wish well sounds like i need to go to bed with a bat now noooooooooooooooooooooooooo well angel i would class the scps better if i was not busy finding leaks like you commander raven i love it plz make more remixes o my gooooooooood!!!!!! BOOM!!!!!!!! i would love a minecraft sever to play with you guys and will gladly pay $20 to play hell yah i got nothing if i could help in any way i would /) x 10000000000000000000 /) what i going on in that bed behide them (\ spread the word",23,2,5,13,0,21,0 683,X684,"to everyone who says that LB is op before the Jayce Patch you guys are full of yourself. all u need to do is one of 4 things1) play a farm champ that doesnt get close to her in order to farm2) if you feel lucky play a champ that has high burst and a stun with cleanse3) do whatever it takes to not feeder her any kills before level 13 and call mia's/ward like a pussyand play not to feed rather then play to get fedHowever with the new patch things might get interesting more like ,i thought i could take them XD, ty now i know how to fake hmong the only real fail skillshot was nid swoozie u a true friend. you're much better then me and my other asshole friends that poor trist",6,0,3,5,1,24,0 684,X685,This Close To J Cole Ft Drake In The Morning,1,0,2,5,0,17,0 685,X686,wow you just mAde this video today Does it hurt go to my channel Cool what kind of dance is this go to my channel everybody Looove the way you cut soap pleaasse make a vid on how to make THEM I WILL LIKE TOO LEARN SOOOOOOOO BAD PLEAASE GO TO MYYY CHANNEL AND TELL ME ABOUT THE VIDEO ON HOW TO MAKE SoAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! PLEAASE READ !!!!!!!! GO TO MY CHAANNEL PLEASE READ go to my channel please go to my channel your great hey autumn go to my channel please. Go to my channel great job please go to my channel Awesome jack Great Job! Go to my channel please.Christian Clark Inspire Dream Create. Words that describe meinspiringhappysmartcreative actordancing artistknittingcrochetingMake art out of everything I mold my life I can change the life of a evil one to a happy one using the power from God. The sparkles in my eye are just the start of reaching for the highest stars. Hi Katie! It is Christian. I didn't know you had a YouTube channel. Check out mine! I was in six grade when i did this but now I am in seventh grade.,17,13,2,6,0,14,0 686,X687,"Colbie Callait songs are perfect for Kina's voice. I beg your pardon- I'm a Ravenclaw not a Gryffindor thankyouverymuch. IKR? YAY!!!!!!!! Learn proper spelling- piece. I before E. Although I agree with you on the rest of your comment. Teams. They both have a huge love triangle and teams. They actually are very similar; I think that they will end up the same way too. YAY! You're coming to my (often overlooked) city!!!!!!!!!! I swear you've picked the best place to perform in my town. Make sure you don't forget to have some babcock ice-cream. I'll be sure to remind you if I meet you (I wish.) I'm a public schooler and atheist and everything besides the religion things this describes me very well. Fail. (And as soon as I heard ,Having fun, I literally finished the phrase out loud. And yes my mom taught me calculus and my dad taught me physics and I'm a twelve year old public-schooler.) I love this song. But this video is an epic fail. Ewwwww. Maybe........ (yes.) Do a cover of stronger! (By the way I know that a lot of people say this but you are better than most celebrities out there. The only singers who you can really be compared to are Kina Granis and Adele.) I really want to meet you guys.... You make Justin Bieber songs sound really good. WOW! I think that you should voice a character on a disney show. The reason I prefer Dani is that she's changed the most and gotten better the most. We're the same age and have very similar voices too.... (she's better though) Lauren and Dani are best. They should sing a song without the rest sometime. (Don't get me wrong- I love them all as a team. I just want to hear what a Dani/Lauren duet would sound like.) This is great. Not quite as good as Gotye- not even as good as Jayme Dee who has the best cover of this either. But great. Really great. I am a fan of rock music and hate most rap. The Lupe version of this song is the only rap I will listen to- I just heard this for the first time and I'm sorry but it sucks. Smith is way better than Tennant anyway. This actually looks like what shes saying. My first thought was ,Is that Justin Bieber? It SOUNDS GOOD! Oh wait... this is a BLR cover. Whoops., You sound... so much like me..... I swear. That's so weird. But they have changed. Hey well I for one miss c,old,play. Sure bands change but a good Alt. Rock band shouldn't just become a pop band. They're worse than the American stuff now! Not like that's saying a lot though. I laughed until I cried... Yes. You aren't.",26,1,3,5,0,32,0 687,X688,This was part of my Marching band's program this yr for UIL. Search Cy ranch band (: please tell me i'm not hallucinating I love your pieces (: And you have gotten a new fan! I'm glad you came to that realization... I had the same problem but when I joined Marching band it kinda changed me. :) Love this (: This is the best thing I've heard.BOW DOWN TO JOE HISAISHI You wear a good amount a makeup but it doesn't really alter your looks that much! :) Now THIS is what I call natural talent 3 This gives me shivers every time. Thank you Tuomas for awesome music! Omg. This. 3! ...Now I know why my friend likes these guys... :o Thank you! I love this :D :D,12,1,3,1,0,14,1 688,X2522,"maybe you should just leave them alone .it would be easier for all concerned. the sound obviously sucks at this venue she was railroaded wheres her manager ? finally a fitting tribute to a great woman you and me both dont you have something better to d o like maybe get some exercise ?(fat bastard) very soft like a pussy! ok thaTT WAS FUNNY your still fat though those red things remind me of caps(as in cap guns)just sayin has no clue I believe I feel a tugging at my leg I love this woman as an artist ! a great pays tribute to another great .....all is as it should be mmmmmm..... and gene simmons talks boring trash. yea to you for telling off youre cats they piss me off too also zimmerman is a prick ? wtf ? clearly wants to be understood despite lack of communication skjll yay common sense is finally making a stand you should trademark ,republican biblepussy, it rolls right off the tongue ! yes a large dick for sure and doesnt seem to know or care the dumb leading theblind to dead end sad. obvious lying fool sdebate me pussy ! issues? I hope youre not really a police officerNot for myself as much as for the children what an embarrassment makes me proud what could have happened to make this make sense ? Im open minded one reasonable explanation will satisfy me this is a nation of law and you are not it. fucking racist! bones of contention.Ha ! backed into a corner ,evolution produces holocaust , wtf? the disgust is so thick you cant cut it with a knife!lewis black won but didnt enjoy it please tell me this is a joke.noone is this stupid. too much time on your hands ....and issues clearly i hope these fuckers are proud of themselves bcause i sure the hellami mean srsly wtf",34,3,4,5,0,48,0 689,X690,Well thank you Discord: Oh look dancing candles!Me: Meh I've seen better I bet his next revenge would be on school Me talking to Jonesy: You're an embarrassment to humankind you know that? 06:37 Henry: I'm smarter than Samael! I'm smarter than Sam-Samael: YOU ARE NOT SMARTER THAN ME! D:Henry: :CSamael: I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL YET HENRY GLEAVE!Henry: Not likely hehe Yay zombies! I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT! XD THAT WAS AWESOME! :D Me: Yep So basically it's like a Pixar Monsters version of Superbad? I hear ya,11,19,3,10,0,16,0 690,X691,Hey;) :) wanna be mac miller wtf? anyways Smh -_- Gangsta :) dang this gets down :) from Anaheim California im so glad this video finally hit 1 milli :)))))) swag enough said this is my most played on my itunes hahahaha ;) like my comment bitch!!! this is dope as fuck!! hello baby haha oh god read that book my sophomore year and it killed me blahhhhhhhhh showing some love from california :) Burn those shoes!!!!!ahahahsD;fghagjln;lifnadfjbnvdsfjgnsd;lrgnsedfiobndfjklnbv;dlfznbodiasfbnors;nbs;ofjns gasp ill be blasting this next time i go for a drive!!! I brought myself here bitch. gasp asdjfghasjgnsd;jrq;e class=men,20,3,3,2,0,21,0 691,X692,Lmao you fucked it up i always jack of to this did anyone notice she has dildos in the background ;D i was their awsome game hahahaaaha stupids This is nice i think i would see you guys being profesional one day keep it up by the way usa got lucky haha mexico took them out on the final last year 4-2 u say that hurts more than this friendly that dont mean anything he looks like 15 me hehehehehhehehehhehehehhehehehehehheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh ps3 is better stupid,10,1,4,5,0,29,0 692,X693,Where'd Nadia go? I miss herrrr! But this is still amazing! Everyone needs to shut up. Yeah she can't really sing But that doesn't mean you can treat her like crap. Why is this not on iTunes?? I've loved your voice for a year now... it was always great now its PHENOMENAL! Who's the guy who sings lead vocals in this video? I saw him singing at Taste of Reston on Friday and he was really really good!,5,0,4,5,0,27,0 693,X694,my theory is if you wait long enough to do something like playing guitar you already know how to play it thats what i did and it worked you missed a c#m and a B in the chorus omg your joking right :O you must have an awesome grandpa lol this song reminds me of superstition pmsl :D yeah i dont know it either dont judje me you dont know anything about me or my life so stop if you knew anything about my life im pretty sure you would never of said anything. so stop. you made me cry im doing a charity concert to raise money for the change for chidren foundation i need help please message me if you want to help. im fed up with justien whatever his name is the jonas brothers' songs have a meaning and they don't look like little girls ;P i would want to meet nick jonas for many reasons that are private but if anyone wants to know message me or something :) my friend was at the concert that he broke his foot at. it was in wembley can you see him blush when taylor hugs him how cute is that? god i love this song! if you have the ear for music or have been playing long enough ou can hear the guitar so dont hate it sonds good im proud that i tought myself guitar. the end bit upset me because i dont get that one life :( people think im emo ok i sort of am but im more like a loner and there is probably one thing that im not comfortable with myself about y weight but that doesnt give people the right to go around saying stuff about me because they think tey know me i am who i am because of reasons. go joe,13,19,5,13,0,16,0 694,X695,Marrissa copper! do your kingdom rip ur mouse... I would play this game if it was exactly like it is now.. i dont want quests I live in owatonna minnesota hit me up!! id love to help wtf people still play this game lol... funny... i thought u were a christian? 621-52-0236 it wont stay on i just opened it and i turn it on it vibrates litghts up and them goes black does it need to charge first? whats ur elo? FUCKKING LOVE SMALLVILE!!!!!!!! Ignorant people.. clearly that was pass interference... whether or not the guy even had the ball.. still pass interference...Worst call in Nfl history.. anyone else saying different doesn't know what football is...Packers won that game. GoPackGo. I hear that alot @3:00 Free ipad mini contest :D,14,16,2,5,0,18,0 695,X696,"CASSADEE!! :D THEY SHOULD DEFINITELY UPLOAD THE BATTLE ROUND WITH RYAN!!! :| GO MY BABY CASS! :, AWESOMEEE ! AWESOME AS ALWAYSSS!! :D AWESOMEE AS ALWAYS! :D GO CASS!! Weird. Is it me or she looks like Robin Scherbatsky in here. haha : FINALLY. Been looking everywhere for a good version of this =)",8,0,7,5,0,28,0 696,X697,actually 2 because i bought the episodes the day it came out for xbox 360. I swear you have got to be the stupidest guy on the internet. no mw3 run like him i also added it to my favorites How the hell aren't you dying? hey does your sensitivity increase when you use the mouse? mw3 sucks that shouldn't be a reason im pretty sure most of the bands out there would do the same thing. i know this is the only hard part in the whole campaign its pissing me off too. I mean there are you teamates walking on the ground but then again its call of duty and the enemies always aim at you. Thank you im gonna subscribe Like im commenting right now and favorite. Turning your sensitivity to ten was the smartest thing because all these other walkthrough never told me that. I got past it on my first try because of that tip thank you. your the most idiotic ignorant piece of shit go kill yourself. I was just about to say that until i saw your comment. I think infinity ward want everyone to see that they really didn't change anything from mw2 I think someone needs a graphics card update or just a new one. I love coldplay but this is not coldplay Whats the name of the song at the very begginning with the organ? i like sony but this is shit i would rather stick to my original ps3 slim Guys this video was uploaded last year im pretty sure that the kid is already out. BTW what did you name your kid and was it a boy or girl? to tell u the truth i didnt really see it till u sed something Funny i did this by accident You need to make more reviews.Your reviews are actually worth watching. Keep up the good work! What are the prices in Cali? That's low settings? Damn still good graphics :) Did anybody else notice that the time is 3:43? Just wondering is this the only song you guys can play? Hit me up on xbox live and ill play halo 4 with you. I tried adding you but you had your list full of course. Nimble Assassin is my GT how long did it take to vaporize? how is this hd? Is anyone else here out of weed?,29,0,2,2,0,18,0 697,X698,her voice is WAY better than this crap song beautiful girl irene was in the day :D i love the oh knee ders!! the oh-knee-ders RULE!!!! FUCK OFF LOSER TROLL.....GO DIE PLEASE uncomfortable now i know how to cross the road....thank you for this :) i love how no-one believes them to be robbers til george burns fires a shot!! i wanna play with these :D theyre so adorable :D what? truly inspiring.....made me cry....great video. thankx SOOOOOOO much for this ;( lol i know that....what i meant was that the vid was 2009 which was as u know 2 years before her death like it was predicted or something good song Sematecino Well I wake up in the morning And the 'larm gives out a warning And I don't think I'll ever make it on time. By the time I grab my booksAnd I give myself a look Im at the corner just in time to see the bus fly by. It's all right cos Im Saved by the Bell. If the teacher pops a test I know I'm in a mess And my dog ate all my homework last night. Riding low in my chair She won't know that Im there If I can hand it in tomorrow it'll be all right. Its all right cos I'm Saved by the Bell. hahaha little nicky style! like it ;) you LIAR!!! true! i think it was be a re-used shot i know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( ahhhhh i suck BIG TIME like you ahhhhhhh im crying now like the big boy my mommy says i am 6th!!!!! yea. GET LOST TROLL and stop looking for attention. it took you THIS long to reply......hahahahaha xxx im not watching it! i muted the vid and just came here to complain.....goodbye rude replier,24,17,3,3,1,14,0 698,X699,Lol Lol this made me lol So gay woah U fucking blow Sweet,6,21,2,4,0,14,0 699,X1429,whats up with the creepy song :( this its so sick!!!! :D hes not u fag! noits cambodia lao vietnam and thailand. we are all brothers!!!greetings from -cambodia- :) fuck i got a mac cant play skyrim :( how about u....fuck off!?!? EPIC I WISH I WAS THERER!!!!!!!!! :( 0:22 and 0:55 don't get me wrong but it looks like steves job :D WILL THIS GAME EVER WIILLL COME ON MAC!?!?!!!!!!!!WILLL ANY FUCK9ING GAMES COME ON MAC :((( wish my hand writing was as goood as that!!! Dx wish i would play this on my mac :( most of it WILL NOT HAPPEN! if he was a mage wow he will be throwing load music to throw people off.(sry to much skyrim) :DDD YES ITS DUBSTEP! 174 thought it was a download button? :P WTF?!!?!? DUDE BE MY DJ IN MY PARTY ;P DUDE I WANT HIM TO BEATBOX AT MY PARTY!!!!! ;P HOLY SHIT NEVER THOUGHT IT WOULD BE THAT GOOD! dude we hate people like u!...piss off! NOnoNO! NOW i feel like a noob in drawing :(but still AWSOME JOB MAN! GOD!!! glad my mom its a pro at driving! i only got them just to look like an alien :DD did they made 4402 accounts to like this?! i used to get so SCARED WATCHING this when i was a child... 50565 People thought the dislike button was a download button :DDD L!!!! --------- my own version :DD u know what else's its also faster? (trollface) ur a loser XD t()_/ amazing i am speechless of nice words to say!!!!!:)),31,2,3,1,0,15,1 700,X701,"I still prefer doing the finger tache. You bitch!! For some reason this reminds me of The Monty Pyton sketch The Black Knight.Just a flesh wound./watch?v=zKhEw7nD9C4 Why don't you sit on my lap and we will talk about the first thing that pops up. Caption: When I said I was a positive person I meant HIV. I'm offensive and I find this a joke. The Olympics is on? Pat was there. You can see him behind his computer in the background. Thought Amir's favourite colour was Green? Jake is in a relationship and he's hitting on the new girl at the office. Poor Marah. Sweaty Betty in green. Dick Choke haha FEED ME SMORES Personally I am not a fan of Desmond. He's just so dull and lifeless and it's just going to end with him being the ,Super, assassin with the ability and knowledge of Altair Ezio and even Connor and end up saving the day. I didn't really pay much attention to doing the side missions as they weren't too interesting. The hidden blade seemed less effective in AC3. Lack of Amour and weaponry. Connor earns the title assassin too easily. He was not an likeable character. Too hard to use the rooftops. At 0.56 isn't that Altair? God. You're such a pranker Barats. My penis brought me here. On a Simpsons note. Why the hell is Maggie still a baby? Girl must be like 20 or something? Honestly I think the only person who could of beaten the streak and not been hated for it was Stone Cold but he's retired so that wont happen. I believe it is - Mafia II Adolf Hitler. Boobs Oscar Pistorius must of thought his girlfriend was a zombie.",23,2,4,5,0,21,0 701,X702,How do you get the green screen to do that? I can never get it right Do you ever feel like a toilet bowl and a fat man comes and crushes your soul? If you answered yes.....then you nastyyy Awesome He wants to get revenge on her. Duh!!!!!!!!!,4,16,3,13,0,15,0 702,X703,sorry I swore @tiryli apple his name is smegol the spirit inside the ring is called gollum get it right idiot u do comedy? never noticed! I'm just kidding love u and all ur videos rock on! look if u don't like nicole then don't watch her videos or comment and leave the rest of us who do like her alone!!!!!! Jenna marbles 3,5,1,2,11,1,32,0 703,X704,thumbs up if u dnt like her thumbs up if u like their little group I agree with pengsupergirl and I'm never ever hyper,3,2,3,3,0,15,0 704,X705,she looks soo uncomfortable this song awesome.,2,1,3,5,0,31,1 705,X706,HEY IT DIDN'T WORK! YOU GUYS SUCK! YOU ARE GROSS! #26 Try to fit in a very small space with five other people. You suck at singing you sound like crap! You can't even hit the right notes on this song! natyKOOL34 you are insane! Lady Gaga is the stupidest joke on earth! That was amazing. Lol!!!! :D Hi I don't have a microwave but can you bake it in the oven and if you can for how long?,9,3,2,7,0,61,0 706,X707,AHHHHHH when the alien says should i pop a BEEP in his ass lol could not stop screaming like WOW LOL i am totally OPPA GANGAMSTYE episode 10 has just been uploaded and hasnt been taken down yet thanxs so much doing an audition with this song life saver :D might post audition on youtube all you ppl who think its clever to date someone else's bf should:go stand in a corner and think about what you did :) i hate english dud i love the english subin japonise he sounds so much hotter! that is disgusting to much info i dont understand how there is a dislike button but not a Love button listen can u hear that no implications of sex or saying it straight up guess what this type of music is called .... DECENT MUSIC i think its of a couple perfect match love story they are together and still act the same why oh WHY did it have to end when it comes to the good parts i think it is so mean to do that to older people like honestly 4:35 ? really its beautiful honestly i am a Usui fan from Kaichou wa maid sama if u want black characters watch school rumble Layla is a character that is black you say you are not a kid but you get a kids meal well... ar'nt you clever is it just me or does this song strangely tells you what is going on in the anime... how can there even be a dislike button for this song who is that one person who is crazy enough to even PRESS IT! for the twilight pack NOT me! :) just saying i want a bro like she has why are anime characters so luckyyyyyyyyy D; i aint no Believer but i know a good tune when i hear one and i cant believe i am saying this but this is one of them i just love how people accidently write paino instead of Piano RAOUL IS A ASS ONLY WHEN HE HEARS HER SING HE WANTS HER WHEN THERE IS THE PHANTOM WHO LOVED HER SINCE HER MOTHER DIED W=ONE AGAIN ASS.,23,1,3,5,0,18,0 707,X708, you likee breadsticks? My grandma can do better editing than this. She's 97. Harold Edward Styles. I love you. You're amazing and don't let those people bring you down! They are jealous! :'( Happy Birthday Lou! We love you! *absolutely Ohhh my God girl!! I miss you all so much!!! Tell everyone I said HIIII!! No wait! Bella I need your hairspray!,7,7,3,5,0,18,0 708,X709,Hey my name is kaylie u may know me from talking to me a couple of times but i dont know what to do and how to win the luxbox but i really really want the microne oil i think thats what it is called i dont care what i get or would may when out of the luxbox but yeah so i really hope i win and if u need me to send a video or anything i will do to win a giveaway out of the luxboxp.s. contact me if i win or anything or if a may when(; Hha its christmas baylie lolz:) U guys are so mean to her u think that's OK. She is beautiful she isn't ugly Fat does not make u ugly and skinny doses not make u beautiful Prize pack 3 Please:,4,1,2,5,0,30,0 709,X710,STEPHEN Y U SO FRICKIN HOT WHY DINT I HEAR THEM BEFORE?!,2,0,5,1,0,16,0 710,X711,disappointed in what way exactly? would you rather her appear in a cradlke of filth video? go fuck yourself this is fucking beautiful. Mirror's Edge. Too fucking sexy. Alexander. Fuck yes. Obviously a masterpiece anyone who says no is an idiot. A very under looked track from CoF so glad they included it in their latest album. to all you fucktards its like mother fucking listen to it step. I understand what your saying but I think people forget that pretty much every other team that has wont the league had a LOT of money at some point. United Chelsea Arsenal have all had the riches fuck even Blackburn and look what happened when they did they won the league. That's just the way it is. clearly you don't understand 'what' Pyramid Head is he can't die. At least not in the games not permanently. It's a manifestation of thoughts and feelings just do some wiki research. -.- Janick comes into my local thumbs up! laughed sooo much i dont know what at YOU FUCKING WHORE! this has been getting shown off as a cradle cover for 10 years or so now and I have to say I do love it knowing its Graveworm I fucking wish it was Cradle. Yes and especially when this song doesn't fall into either category if we we are being clever little shits. The thing is I grew up listening to metal black etc and now I listen to everything from Cheryl Cole to Cradle of Filth to Hocico because I love music as a whole. I notice the artists time and effort put into the song. This still remains one of those coveted secrets I feel and probably always will to our corner of the world its a beautiful track. then WHAT THE FUCK are you doing on here get out go away and get your mother off stage you fucking moron. Radio 1 Dance Anthems bought me here!Sexy damn tune. seriously dude i was listening to these guys in 1993 were you born? Off the high one please. 5:00 ish Big Orc Guile haircut. huhu may I suggest if we wanted to be there we would be. this recording of this song is one of the best ive listend to it for years. Just an awesome song nuff said. Awesome tune nothing else need's to be said. 1:30 is all you need in this vid. I'll take two! This popped up after I downloaded Dredd it started in the opening chase scene I actually thought it was part of the film worked suprisingly well O.o Then I saw the pop up in the background and the faces of these mushes. -.-,22,1,3,5,0,27,1 711,X712,yup oh shit up yeah turn off the fuckn video i have one way stronger bitch kid easy WHF is a fukin dinosaur im so scared monkey see monkey do monkey make people shitfuckbiched them selves LIKE ; ) la fuk you fuck up people you said it thank you some one cries ille pay you 50000 for all exodia peices ive tried it doent fell like a real one FUCK YOU KID hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahahhaahahhaahahahahahahahahahaha Bruno Mars RULES Give Me 100 Likes YOU Rule you know you suck you should be ashamed of your self BITCH Im Going To Blow Up The Speakers In Your Fat ASS Face Im National Champion In Four Square LIKE If You Think Im Champion fine maybe hes a little good but he needs more enthusiamsim hes rocks,22,0,2,5,0,21,0 712,X713,HAHAHA THE LADY PULL JENNA ! WTF ! parece abispon I WILL LIKE TO BE IN THAT PARTYYY ! it will be the worst bond girl eveeeeeeer ! taylor you have enough money to take acting classes or to put a real actress your a great artist in the music not in acting !,5,0,2,1,0,19,0 713,X714,HAHAHAHA the ending Thanks! I like Posietint and I would like to see more haul videos!,3,19,6,5,0,21,0 714,X715,"... ........ ! A' la radio il y a un TSIOY!!!!! ..... !!!!! The ad of (GREEK) VW Polo send me here! this video DID NOT HELP ME!!!!! Tim I have the very EXACTLY problem....I cannot shut down my ps3 too when I have no guns during the game. I have also the very same problem with the disc....cannot be detected after I shut down the ps3 from the power button.HOW THE HELL AM I GONNA SOLVE THIS AND PLAY AGAIN THE BF3???? try ,Secret Space, Magic........ !!!!! boring!!",9,0,7,5,0,35,0 715,X716,Watch where u walkin nigga!! u act like a retard get a life who ever said he had a dick in his stomach is kinda funny to meh no offense to him or anyone else though i think i just sh!t a brick into my pants... aaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! you kinda suckeven if this is funny and if you camp that means you suck!!! really? how old are you 2... btw get contacts 4 eyesyour eyes are huge dude!!!!! how tall are you hahahah!?! ill admit your great but pink scooters? really... dude really your a fucktard how do you save combat kill cams on an xbox??? MOSKORTAH!!!! hes are lord...fucking cool....o my god...megustaaa. well i am well your in the kids way you fuckin fag and you are gay and yes i see you cant help that but its ok. like if you flinched when it exploded if u stare at it for a wile till he tells u to look away ud see the wall moving around like i did IMA slap that black off yo face!! XD hahahahaha seriously if you listen to others during a test they are all sniffing and coughing. i always imagined it as a way to cheat but i never though someone would actually use it. its also fun to listen to everyone. freshman ftw!!!,20,0,3,5,0,14,0 716,X717,yuh,1,7,3,1,0,19,0 717,X718,Damn always well said. We need you to get a hour on cnn so those liberals can see the truth about gun control. why so serious? very artistic he reminds me uncle sam I like piers for one reason he makes the liberals look like the dumb shits they are. I want to join the Army infantry but it seems as though it doesnt prepare you for a civilian job so my parents want me to become a 12M instead. Still think infantry is the way to go though. This guy is cray to think that k thanks for the bullshit. PSY raps about killing Americans slowly and painfully becomes a star.Guy who makes video that offends Muslims arrested and sent to prison. God bless you Ted. God bless you Ted D'Souza for president. I believe you should respect the fact that he is an intelligent man compared to Maher who is the exact opposite of intelligent and a man. Where did you get this information from? once I get some property out of city limits I'm going to have a gun range setup like yours. Did you serve in the military hickok45? If so with what unit? You almost sounded like charlie Day at the end.,17,10,3,37,0,51,1 718,X719,"a little fast A MIDGET SAID ,SPEAK WITH AN ACCENT!, that made sence when i was little and now it souds like hes saying sex my name is not marlon no coliflower i win i win i didnt laugh thats really easy 9+9=18+6=24/2=12-9=3 he said i have to guess your weight he didnt guess it right he guess your exact weight beautiful she is the most beautiful creacher in the world 3:45 justin and cobie in da background your stupid your dumb ok but whose fathers on crack lol im gunna lick the waitressim a waitress go cry in the corner and when someone asks whats wrong yell in a realy deep voice dont talk to me! and then poke someone and when they turn around dont look at me like you know me! my friend playyed this and i had to beat on part for him but i don't know what part",17,0,3,5,0,18,0 719,X720,,1,11,5,7,1,21,1 720,X721,Thats what I heard woah same here :) who is the person in the other bed you have a great voice and I love the song! Is there any chance you could post the chords?,4,0,4,5,0,110,0 721,X722,talk about your top 10 favorite things ? ;p keep it up khmer kromi am khmer battambong kompongsima. this song is so cute but i can't download it =.=,3,9,2,19,0,18,0 722,X723,spit that truth kiss fab killed it omg arsonal's first is flawless this is 2 dope preach mack preach this song is powerful once again the zombies come with it meech put this track in a body cast then put that body cast in a body bag straight up goddamn lol stop it foreal man in the hood they call that the sherm worm 5th time watching this i just go str8 to ill's bars best album of the year sorry kendrick im glad they made a video never gets old where was this event held? this battle is a classic one of smacks best,15,22,7,5,0,26,0 723,X724,"Origins.~Damion Rainy day in door to the Factory. Lisa says ,Come over for Tea,~Damion When I saw this video I looked away into the sunset and shed a small fragile tear of joy. As it ran down my face I realized that greatness had graced me with her presense for a period of time no shorter than 3 minutes and 23 seconds.~Damion The tongue action definitely elevates this video to a whole new level. Great work!!~Damion Totally Awesome!! ~Damion Much like particles of Anti-Matter.....I think of Obscrurity and southern Jupitor then ,Project,Damion I don't have volume...but it looks better than chocolate cake and I'm just going to assume that it's intelligent and well done.~Damion I need more products!!~Damion be honest and down to the point is most likely the greatest visual and audio insertion that I have ever received into my reality. I am enhanced on a cosmic level down to my very essence of my soul and even down to the quantum realm of the quark. I am inspired to quit my job and focus on the distribution of minnows as they enter fish orally. Thank you for giving me meaning and a purpose to continue. ~Damion",9,51,6,15,0,37,0 724,X725,its the first 1 i love danny smarty jones NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ppl look up mary bell are you ok,5,0,2,5,1,15,0 725,X726,Chelsea is Beautiful ! Arisoladdicts101 is hatin cuz he cant afford to buy one LIL wayne is wearing Supra Shoes !! DELAY . GOTTA SUCK! put it this way . IF manny pacquiao uses steroids like Floyd Gay Weather say dont u think manny could've been caught by now ? seriously FLOYD MONEY GAYWEATHER is SCARED (PERIOD) . Back when Chris Brown Bow Wow souljah boy and lil wayne wears XXXXXL Cothing . I hope his a man of his word coz this is gonna be sooo funny when pacquiao either Knocks him out like hatton or Disfigure his face like Margarito . . SOoo cant wait for this fight to happen . !!!! i knw it will . UR A SICK FUCKING HUMAN BEING !!! I HOPE U FUCKING DIE IN HELLL PLEASE SOMEONE BREAK USHER HEART AGAIN!!!! @0.37 Watch ! Manny aint taking steriods ! THAT BITCH ASS NIGGA IS TALKING TRASH !!! FOOL No wonder this pigs are fucking aggressive !!!! FUCK seriously why cant we just leave things alone alone . !! shit @4:09 From what i can see thats manny pacquiao beating the fuck outta Margarito WTF ? its just a fucken music video !!! Damn ! Seriously You's really thing Them both two would walk @ 5 in the morning by them self !?1?! FUCKEN DUMB-ASS! Wiz Khalifa Has the sickest Tatt than Wayne . HAHAHA HES GOOD BUT NOT THAT GOOD !!! hahahaha MANNY AGREED TO TAKE THE TEST BUT!!!! ROACH IS MORE THAN A TRAINER ROACH IS A HERO !!!! not only in the philippines but to all disable people . 3 S.W.A.GSOMETHING .WE .ASIAN .GOT haha Bruce Banner his having sex he gets angry HAHA STUPID FUCKING WOMAN !!!!!!!!! Serves u right ! ! STUPID ASSHOLE !! WHY THE FUCK WOULD U KISS A FCKING SHARK ?! FUCKEN DISGUSTING ! TO SERVE AND PROTECT MY ASS !!!!!!! BITCH ASS CUNT !! 667 people listens to souljah boy SLIPKNOT DONE IT AGAIN !!!!!!! Slipknot3 ill fuck you till you love me faggot Mike Tyson3 Clearly 28 people are blind . Manny won and marquez is a loser not only a loser but also a cheater. DOnt believe me ? here watch thiswatch?v=S1cP4ce9LhM U fucken dumb fuck . GET OFF THE STAGE . Manny won and Marquez is a cheater . !!!!! FOOTSTEPPER ! U dumb fuck How could he be a cheater when clearly Marquez is !!! watch?v=S1cP4ce9LhMU fucken dumb fuck !!! go crawl back to ur mums vagina . Come Be serious !! manny's Been in a game for more than 11yrs now . Dont you's think that if his on steroid he could've been caught by now ? ? ? ? ! ?! Just coz the guy has Speed and Power Punches Doesn't mean in on Steroid .,29,0,3,5,1,20,1 726,X727,u did a very good job it really touch me blessings to you Hi everyone i just made this video i would really would appreciated it if u would tell me what u think about this i just made thank u in advance. DEF!! kik: ray republic,4,629,3,12,0,21,0 727,X728,i love these!!! :) wow what a pear shaped body. wait what happened at the hell did she fall over? jack you are SO FUCKING HOT. 5:32 HAHAH too funny. 0:43 ahhahahaahhahahahah hurricane sandy ;) he's so fucking hot. she's so much prettier with the long hair :( love the fact that you're from where i live! way to rep the 585 ;),10,3,3,5,0,25,0 728,X729,What is wrong with this world? I got a rip off recorder from the dollar store. I'm pretty sure that I either need recorder lessons or I'm missing holes on my recorder. I actually enjoy this shit,3,30,5,5,0,21,0 729,X2676,"I was so waiting for her to rub her blue hand on her face. Fat people are gross are you mad yet? It's quite amusing to me to annoy fatass ugly scumbag people. I didn't know Yulia had freckles. O GOD. THAT AWKWARD MOMENT WHEN YOU HEAR A FUCKING RIP OFF OF THIS WONDERFUL SONG AND THEN THEY CALL THE NEW FUCKING COVER THE ,ORIGINAL, TRACK. PLEASE DIE IN A FUCKING APESHIT. I would like to know how is my absolutely normal and simple wish of seeing you dead a fetish. There are several many different ways to kill yourself without hanging yourself so don't worry you have plenty of choices. I would also appreciate an explanation to this: why did you even mention masturbation since you're the one who pretty much needs a social life (other than your fat friend and your hand if you know what I mean)? I'm a woman and the only gore I'd like to see is you being tortured. I know but I like your music quite a lot. I wish it was used in the game as well you're really good. Keep on doing the great job best wishes. That's exactly my point I'm so glad you understand me. I couldn't find any song from Yulia I actually liked though its lyrics and its life performance would always betray my hopes on her.. so I don't see the old Yulia Volkova no matter what anymore. Now Lena she is incredible really talented and I have faith in her she is really amazing. s* aulas. Ok este vdeo tem mais cortes que o pulso de uma adolescente idiota e deprimida. Fall fall fall fall fall fall fall fall fall fall please fall fall fall.. YES HE FELL! liek dis if yu crey everytiem Awww I found it so adorvel when you talked in portugus with him!I'm portuguese and I also know how to speak english it made me smile when I saw you doing it!Desejo o melhor para vocs! PFVR ALGUM CALE A BOCA DAQUELA CRIANA MALUCA LAVAGEM CEREBRAL INCOMING! Breaks my heart watching 72 dislikes (and probably growing since people are insanely mean)Your kid is amazing I hope that when I have kids they'll behave like that too. Bjork is not impressed. I'm sorry this video is so late. I have had a lot of stuff to do lately and been stressing to trying to make things work.Spends his life playing fucking games and making stupid voicesConsiders it work LIEK DIS IF YU CRI EVEYRTIM are greeks mad because of their shitty economy? Since I have boobs I've probably seen boobs already yes thank you for your concerning. And I like how you commented about her useless chest but not the stupidty of the video itself. which one of them is spanish and what language does the other speak? Cus excedeu as minhas expectativas. Adorei o vdeo ahaha normalmente sou uma mal-humorada que digo mal de tudo e todos os vdeos que vejo mas este realmente fez-me rir muito bom!Pareces novo mas tens futuro continua assim! VOC IDIOTA O SUFICIENTE PARA ACREDITAR NESSA MERDA DE ADO E EVA? NO ADMIRA QUE ESSA ESCUMALHA DE SOCIEDADE NO EVOLUA... OMG.. I usually seriously don't behave like an idiot retarded hysterical girl but being in a LDR myself with the most beautiful woman and keeping up with your videos that give me hope knowing your favorite movie is also Amlie Poulain (or so I hope so otherwise derp) it's really cute. Ol ao contrrio dos idiotas ignorantes que amam uma coisa que no existe vim aqui dizer bem do vdeo e que concordo. No vale a pena dar ateno para uma cambada de crianas que acreditam em contos de histrios com o intuito de ir para um paraso imaginrio no fim das suas vidas vazias repletas de estupidez. Fracos que no conseguem pensar por si mesmos e usam uma figura barbuda de fralda para conseguir (supostamente) atingir os seus objetivos. s. Thumbnail seemed like naruto. Yeap this song sucks ass. I had to laugh insanely not only at your poor useless failed attempted portuguese skills taken from google translator (which translated it all wrong) but also because you're too dumb to even admit the stupid greek comments in vertical are lame. Enjoy the song instead of being a fucking asshole thank you. *_________* WHAT'S THE SONG NAME I AM SO FUCKING SCARED RIGHT NOW ;_; Both aliens Lol why didn't you cover with chocolate again in the same container?",32,16,6,5,1,31,1 730,X731,TE AMO JuLIAN MALISIMO como si fuera tan grave GENIAAL! :P HORRIBLE CANTA GENIAL NO SEAN ENVIDIOSOS! AGUANTE NEUQUEN!!!!!!!!!! JJAJAJAJJA gordas HORRIBLE MALISIMO! maricon MALISIMO dejen de copiarse de las canciones petes,10,1,2,5,0,14,0 731,X732,Those punches at the end have gotta hurt!! :( Waste of 14 seconds of my life. LSD trip lol Every one do you think that one president could change nearly a decade of Bush's doings in 4 years Grammar police I see incorrect spelling help they are going to kill me with the double negative. Thumbs up if you watch this in 2013! This is not really suppose to be about politics it is just Entertainment! Yeah a npc with a name smart a bunny Not all black people came from Nigeria heck not all black people came from Africa. Yea not give up yeah right do your old ass soldiers still remember where live the colonies remember the Boston tea party. Wait and did you say enemies so than you are saying that blacks are enemies. Anti Racism does mean ati white do you know why you don't see a random black person talking about a white people but a whie person will do it in a second. I was just watching Bromance by NigaHiga and now I am here how. All I heard was I feel pretty I feel pretty I feel pretty and GAY lol thumbs up if you agree. Did you know everyone here that post a hate response I can get them locked up because of cyber bullying Not everyone wants her tits we just really want to to here what she says you perverted bastards. Why is there so many dislikes. This was posted a day after my birthday. Nice video Wow Greg JERSEY SHORE!!!!!!!!! Greg u suck Syke nah see u at school next year Nice vid My question is how old are u.,23,10,2,4,0,23,0 732,X733,i would love to try this because me and my husband have been TTC for almost 2 years after 2 miscarriages and being diagnosed with PCOS we have almost givin up hope. it seems like we have tryed everything. i would love to try this because i was reading some reviews and i really would like to try a quality prenatal like this one:) i love that they are all natural which if we do become pregnant i will feel like i am giving baby the absolute best. thanks so much for the givaway god bless:) congrats to the winners!:) nice bleach stains all over your shirt but yet shes going out looks like she needs a new shirt not a new bag more like lmf! lazy mother fucker! LOL!!!!! this was awesome!!!! wooo the giveaway is huge cant wait!:) mothers dont breath for their children babies breath in small amounts of the fluid this is why babies get their mouths suctioned after they are born its to help remove that fluid i seriously think u r the best mom i hope i can be as good as mom as u one day:) :) god bless u n ur little family usa :) 1. did berkley fit into newborn clothes when she was born2. did you and jake ever break up like when you were and my hubby have dated since i was in 9th and he was in 11th. we have broken up for a few months back in the day lol:)your a awesome mom and such a insperation i love you videos and the kiddos are such cuties! much love:) this was to cute:) omg!!!! YAYYYYY!!!!! i am in tears of joy right now because i missed you guys so much seeing that the Schuerman show is back has made my entire week! this is deff going to make my next few weeks go better because i just had sergery!:) thanks so much for the comment its nice to no that were not the only ones trying best of luck to you tho and i will deff be calling my gyn tomorrow:) thanks much:) im crying this was so good i must watch again! yes dont miss ur window for having little babies :) i hope u also have luck in ttc!:) good luck:),15,1,3,5,0,18,0 733,X734,the best!!lov it insanely funny your realy way better than half the ppl on tv.wish i could sing like that. so funny. its so just like death mtl,4,0,6,5,0,22,0 734,X3423,"i....fucking.....loved...that show whats that one episode of rocket power that has that movie being shot and that kid that doesnt know how to skate? the sound of his balls hitting his legs scares me i actually have a lot of support for these guys they must have spent so much time on this haha its so perfect I love to connect with this song whenever im feeling good about myself :) makes me feel alive! can't wait till yall come to virginia im deffinatly going!! .....i paused it..and saw like a 5 year old breast feeding on the redhead. I mean I love the nudity it expresses so much feeling but I dont think kim needs to even cover up her boobs haha she has less than I do and Im a guy. why are their voices messed up again? kinda makes me wanna party.... but the sad part is nobody says anything about the other kid that died with him quarters arent magnetic haha dude you really should have stopped they could have really used that video for insurance as retarded that guy was you still should have stopped. and they should have used the pagani zonda What is this? Shit load of mash potatoes day? Hahaha this is one of my favorite wkuk vids it's hilariously sarcastic Hey sam watch this what is this youtube poop? this was fucking hilarious i like it but kind of a rip off of don hertzfeld whats a bluetoof? Hahahaha I like how you said this is a knife like the croc hunter lol Hey I just sent you an email could you send a reply back to an email from so this will not work for the ipad 4? hell yeah fat joe is speaking the truth so much. Im white but I can get away with it because i dont hesitate when i say it. I just hangout with a couple of black people I mean I dont act black but I say I say it almost out of respect. hahahahaha i love when he spits out the beer and says i dont even like faux hawks they are fucking disgusting wtf is at 1:53??? its like a spiderman robot?? dear god he has no idea how right he is Timmy's always got to fuck everything up hahahahahaha i love it when he says ,cant imagine when daddy opens the door he be like WHAT THA FUCK!?!, I almost pissed myself dude holy crap how did you get in their!! what is this book?",31,2,8,1,0,23,0 735,X736,noob name of the film ?? get loss from you tube kid mislam deka pred toa zgo vide kaj otide ali neznaese tocno kade i po tolku godini igranje kanter si pretpostavil kade e toj i toa e toa ;) what is the name of this movie can you give us a dawnload link aore you just show your pc hah fack you ! Ajde be smirete se :) se glea nemozete eden bez drug ;)) 3 The song name is Nelly Furtado Give it to Me! xD pa so jak gz si ima ja boli nea za videovo ;) we are the party :D gahahagaahag dont fake your self,10,1,2,2,0,15,0 736,X737,damn thats bad ass! thanks sometimes i feel like shes afraid to go in my room because she doesnt know what shes gonna find i try to get better im goin to therapy and everything but sometimes its just too hard Truly one of her best songs ever R.i.p amazing Angel 3 :) Omg im team Kelly Clarkson on Duets!!! Girl it doesnt matter if your as thin as a stick or a lil bit curvy because confidence is what makes a girl sexy ! and you own your style ! Kill it with fire before it lays eggs ! I had a bad Day :( He wont stop looking at my boobs -__- love it! Everyday i fight a war against the mirror :/i can relate . . . . . When it says her mothers heart is broken 'it breaks my heart to see what i out my mom through Because if you dont feel beautiful you dont feel alive . You hate yourself and rather diethats why i dont expect you understand it yes yu should you dont know my story you dont even know my name so dont talk shit you anit funny Omg Gay its not an insult people!! if you dont like the video go listen to something elese dont give shane dawson a death threath cuse the fans that love will find you ILook at the pictures of the pretty skinny girls i say i dont wanna be me i wanna be her :( The perfect sonf for my Ex :),16,1,2,5,0,21,1 737,X738,.... or we wont die at all and it will be a normal day .,1,1,4,5,0,32,0 738,X739,yeah I love both so much 3 3 3 kekeke If you hate don't comment and get out of this video now! 2:05 That jackets remind me about BIGBANG *O* I'm in love with this song!!!! No it's completely real Why she got a lot of thumbs down? she's only asking who's who :/ Btw I LOVE T-ARA!!! 3 3 I want their comeback! 3 2NE1 3 they are the best :'D *O* Los amooo! Son geniales vengan a MEXICO! GOSHHH! JunQ 1:29 *O* Well for me all her songs are completely dope but this one... I don't know.. I actually love it xD ...This came out on 2010... But this is not like I am the best this MV is completely different I love it!!!! 3 Shut up haters! This new group is going to be very successful!!! I bet you that you'll like it when they come out! So shut up and get the f*ck out ok? It's Korean :) I love her!! She's so awesome sexy and cute at the same time!! 3 Gangnam Style copy... sorry but I think that he tried to make a viral song like PSY Se refiere que suerte poniendo la coreografia en alguien mas la proxima jajaja no que ellos la vuelvan a hacer SISTAR LOL LOL LOL This Boy is sooo cute x3 hahaha They dance better than me xD That sucks No way this so F**** awesome *0* I was just like WTF?! don't kill my babies TT^TT xD VUJHCBFALS en serio Minzy lo vio?? wow ahora sabe que hay muchos fans en Mexico :'D Me hubiera gustado ir y bailar con ustedes ausbfoasfnlkc Jajajajaja JYP la va a acabar .e muajaja,21,8,3,9,0,19,0 739,X2257,1:22. Hell yeah bro calm and logical in the face of possible death. Keep it up boys bad parenting was letting the kid out on his own. Good parenting would have been putting the kid on a board FUCK YOU SCOOTER FAGGETS GET ON A BOARD YOU FUCKEN FAGGET CUNTS Fight starts 2:57Action starts 2nd round. clip converter Nice mix man epic job well done. OH. Here I was thinking PTFOut Perfect example why BF has it over COD. You have to use your head rather than running around in circles shooting a gun. sit in your fancy chair and say that asshole you havent got enough hair on your box to do what they do. F*ck he political sh*t you get out there and put your life on the line for anythingand then you can talk sh*t. until then back to coffee and donuts you fat f*ck um I gues this is a bad time to watch this since I havent played the game In Battlefield you could use all of those vehicles. Actually search End of Nations and see what you think Is it just me or does kevin bacon actually look like a pedo? Never back down...Wont back down...Whats next?! And here I was thinking it was the tower. Where the hell did that come from? who the hell are you? and Battlefield 3? I'd understand if it was Assassins creed but BF3 is a completely different genre. That'll learn ya from 05:00 onwards we did left set right set middle. by the time the left was done the right would be in view then after that middle is in view. *NOTE* keep shooting until they drop headshots do not work on this part.Other than that patience is required because you will fail this a few times. But perseverance will get you the trophy =). Took me a week to find a partner and 5 hours to get it. you forgot to mention hardcore mode trophy is just pure bullsh*t too Has this been nerfed yet? What in the f*ck is that christ thats nearly as big as my left nut. 1:09...WTF?! homo This is why YOU suck not op metro. LIKEABOWSS YOU ARE AN IDIOT we rich we rich!! no IM RICH!! lmao check an online map of fast points unlocked and compare it to yours. You cant be pretty sureyou have everything the cameras fkn sideways I am going to find one of the cunts at ubisoft and kill them for the fucking goddamn shit in this game I swear to fucken christ f*ck off c*nt go run around in a box with SHINY weapons and little kids that mummy and daddy bought the game for. Actually I bet you are exactly a kid trying to get attention. go talk to a pedo hell give you all the attention you want. Hey you can even play COD too lol Awww thats heartwarming stuff right there good on her I've Fallen in love with this track this DJ is incredible if only more psychos were like this Vaas 02:10 lmao awesome clip converter... wow you really have no idea who Blink 182 is. You get your boy to call me daddy I fuck your wife.I'm congressman Cam Brady and I approve this message.,36,1,3,5,0,26,1 740,X741,i like the kitty cat with da gun LOL :) Gangnam style :) this is da mean as vid hehe:) OMG I saw you on the blingles ad here Austsralia !!! (: Wht Camera Do you use ?? (: Im Dressing up as a ZOMBIE HELLO KITTY 3 Im Dressing up as a ZOMBIE HELLO KITTY 3 Im Dressing up as a ZOMBIE HELLO KITTY 3 Im Dressing up as a ZOMBIE HELLO KITTY 3 Im Dressing up as a ZOMBIE HELLO KITTY 3 Im Dressing up as a ZOMBIE HELLO KITTY 3 bad language 1:27 sexiest face ever !!! 3:27 - 3:30 favourite part _ cool,16,3,3,5,0,19,0 741,X742,liat dika date *ketawa* *dateng temen* ah kayak loe gak kayak dia aja kemarin *hening* naaa u girl or boy? LOVE YOU CINDY ELVIRA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaah kpopers yuno kenapa banyak orang nonton begituan? karena dunia mulai rusak dan seni sejati mulai hilang I just cant stop laugh at 0:45 how can he... LOOOOL praise piazon when there is press conference and he will change his mind :D cows go TEEHEE 114868 like him he thought he was offside 00:32 NAZI MAN!!! U DONT SAY??? U MAD SIST?? WHY HESKEY 74???????????????????? Mother of God.... we watch youtube with youtube? arsenal vs arsenal of spain,16,2,3,1,0,19,0 742,X937,She had her puppies 3:15 pause! LOVE(: Sam is MINE! (: 1:51 Sams eyes/smile (: Sam's hair! All those haters have no lives. Don't listen to them you are amazing you are so cute. @ ItsDillonTime shut up! Live him alone. So good (: (: 0:38 there faces .. Lmfao (: Sam (; 0:42 lol they aren't gay.. 2:04 I hate AJ LEE this was really good! great why are you calling him gay... He just ate a bottle of CINNAMON!! I dare everyone who calls him gay to do that if you have the guts... (: Sam is amazing. amazing litle girls Why are they so cute? eat a bagel. amazing! amazing(: Great job! (; follow me on Twitter @foreveer__alone I honestly don't think you are that cute... but good job(: This cover is amazing not everyone can sing this with the right notes.. great job! follow me on twitter @foreveer__alone. Ily(: I think I'm in love.. oh wait I am. [:,31,6,3,9,0,19,0 743,X744,Syrian or the native. Ezio is too much of a pretty boy Just a game...JUST A GAME?!!? You sir. are my hero . I have this on repeat. thanks. i like the video btw. i miss this game . Either Dig Dug Mortal Kombat or Sonic the hedgehog This was good. And got me thinking. and an urge to watch movies like The matrix and inception . 5:36 oh fuck this . Either 2 or 3 is my favorite. Do an ending video ~ omg George washington was hella funny Nice cover :D Thanks for showing me attention mike but uh.. i don't care about this sorry crap i uploaded :P in the budokai games (or atleast 1 ) each transformation raises attack power by 10% Nice. Restart from last checkpoint ? lol . I felt like i failed a mission on AC. Yeah i feel you . But i kinda see what they did there because budokai 3 kinda makes 2 redundant in terms of like advancements. Aww man.. now i wish 2 was in there :'( I don't mean to be that guy but how ? We must flex for the gram ! xD @YungTimeWeaver lol. chill out on him he's a journalist that bothered to learn a synopsis of the story i would sincerelly love to be pelted holly fuck that slam was scary can't catch guida i can discriminate against emos if i want lol DAMN IF THAT WASNT A FIGHT IDK WTF IS GO KILL YOURSELF FAGGOT MINECRAFT BITCH,24,11,7,3,0,23,0 744,X745,CAN'T...STOP...LAUGHING!!! I love bitchy Shepard! Legion is so adorable when he cocks his head to the side. Totally agree with you on that one. I will hold the line with you. Hold the line! Poor Scarecrow. I'll be your friend! Watching this made me want to throw up. Seriously that family has issues. I understand their right to free speak but they take it way too far. Pillage! I wish my puffers were cute like this... I know! I love you too. :),11,2,3,4,0,20,0 745,X746,"Which Pixel is Bobbie Andonov? These top comments are horrible. I guess KevJumba's 280 million subscribers don't mean anything to you. What do you have to back yourself saying your better than him? The Americans who are trying to defend their country and can't take a joke are making the rest of us look bad. Black People. Water Tribe Detention for upholding and showcasing ,gang signs, Can you lend a nigga a pencil? 90 fuckin thousand comments. HOW THE FUCK does goof troops have the least views This has Jontron written all over it. FUCKIN PITCHEEEEER! Gotta give her props for taking the critique and not freaking out like others Copying Game Grumps much? Kermit the Frog much? All three of these performers must go to the same karaoke pub",15,6,4,4,0,22,0 746,X2534,pewdiepie is awesome Pewdiepie urn awesome bro Iam in 7 I have never kissed Not teamtaytay she cheated on her bf Me to metro Holy shot its or b day pewdiepie me to Mandy is cute And that's why I don't trusttm tanning beds Shit Ass* Enderman and don't look it in the eyes U really look like leon lucky I am a boy scout No wonder u losers are signal Viper from six flags Ok page zombies are decaing right so zomebies smell humans so we don't smell like rotten meat so yea sorry for my bad spelling Why can't I get it to work? Rick is awesome but laureate died John can.I come see john town I was there when we first started message me back plz Country boy I can kick his ass Amen Ha ha kid let me tell u boy scouts are awesome all of u idots that think its stupid its not Well I kinda agree cause boy scouts are based on christans vaules soooo yea but I don't mind if they are The babge is for cubs Omg guy u tell me nothing jezz oh and high brian and luke U have sex at 17 slut How did u guys like it Where dose he live dose anyone know U guys don't tell me anything Troop 40 camp out this week end hoping to get my 2 class wish me lucky Ongoing the skeleton guy I lo e that game,31,80,6,17,0,20,0 747,X748,"Lol ,What are you a fuckin' Silverback!?, Same. Back to the forums it is! And what do you make of Han Solo? Nice video! I just made a Scoundrel (level 28 atm) and am taking a break from my Powertech (don't feel it's balanced and it's just a facerool tbh). It's a blast to play so far and I like the Sabotage Charge you use for extra burst too. Thanks for the help! *You're Calls Pickleboy white trash. Lives in trailer park. *You're Shut the fuck up ChristFag. Nice apartment dude and for a good price too! Lol what the fuck are you talking about? It's the Battlemaster saber. Smoke meth Hail Satan. This bitch is fucking nuts.",13,2,3,5,0,19,1 748,X749,Of course no one likes my channel... CAN LIKE ANY ONE SUBSCRIBE PLEASE??!!?? If you guys subscribe i'll subscribe back! CAN MORE PEOPLE SUBSCRIBE!!!! CAUSE NO ONE SUBSCRIBES TO ME!! I changed my icon! (: I still feel lonely... SORRY I TOOK EVERYONE OFF MY BOX! My belly is grumbling like an earthquake!!!! PACKERS WON WOO HOO GO PACKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! home alone and nothing to do *sigh*,10,27,4,5,0,21,0 749,X750,Also does this work with mineshafter? Im with Mike on this one if you have ever played MW3 then you will change your opinion about BO2 its not a bad game at all. Minecraft server: WKO Gaming IP: or Multiple worlds good service and staff. Barely any grief factions... Please join to make it popular! Tell Aeonsaway or Conner that jr2010 told you this server! Sorry about the sideways viewing... My phone was tilted the wrong way I guess XD Bob the Builder vs Elmo When the shark bit him it scared the shit out of me! OMG I FEEL SO SORRY FOR YOU! PEOPLE TOOK EVERYTHING FROM UR ACCOUNT Teehee he said nigga,8,0,3,5,1,25,0 750,X751,hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :) hey everyone :)im david burkhardt a 15 year old boy with the dream to become a singer one day and be known all over the world..i live in vienna/austria so the only way i can make it is with youtube and your helpi know it wont be easy but with a lot of training some luck and of course YOUR help it could happen! (:the only thing you have to do is go on my channel and take a look at my videos :)please give this comment a THUMPS UP so everyone can see it :)thank you guys so much! :),17,935,3,5,1,15,0 751,X752,"Pretty bad band too. and that he also sounds like a 12 year old boy. he's speaking the language - everyone must speak it. If you can see the difference - you shouldn't be posting. Oh really? What gauge string do you use? You fucking idiot - you can still be out of tune and flat sounding when you're dropped down.Your instruments are out of tune. You suck live. It sounds like shit. You suck at life and music. lol - you don't really need it when your band is as tight as this. Thanks for the positive comment - I was damn near ready to pull this video.. Dude - that fucking ripped! No need to watch the rest of the show. Its a jaw harp - they cost like $3 bucks. You use your mouth as an acoustic hole to amplify the sound. This guy is balls good too I wouldn't doubt he's been playing for years. POPular music you idiot. I feel that pull out method is best. @firesword20 you don't know dick from cock. No tits no views. I love the guys that comment like she's gonna read them and then call you because what you posted was so sweet. Fucking needs. I think you should just change the title to ,things guys don't give a fuck about, taste my sack. Then who saves the sardines from the dolphins? You fucking idiots.",17,2,8,19,0,29,0 752,X753,Loloolololo Death doesn't reap your soul he just bitch slaps the fuck out of you rofl All hail lelouch! Mostly because if you don't you will get mauled by armies of angry fan girls.... I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING....... Lol soul eater not soil eater silly potatoe This is a fine example of why little kids shouldnt be on youtube If I don't get more code ment I WILL HAVE WITHDRAWLS!!!!! And you don't want to see me like that'-' After the song is over shit sonic killed my million robot armies wait... where did I get the money for all this shit?,6,0,2,3,0,13,0 753,X754,I think it is ArmA Jsi troll nebu plnej idiot ?,2,3,7,2,0,20,0 754,X755,hahahahahaha,1,1,3,19,0,24,0 755,X756,Seattle and New York though I've never visited the latter I'm all for well-raised children abortion and population limits but the man better be able to have sex or the judge is humiliating him. Is there an actual instrument for opening music? Too true,4,1,7,5,0,26,0 756,X757,As soon as he said sexy i started choking i swear to god i had to rub to the fridge and get some water i was weezing 1D. life ruined but worth every painful moment Oh of course Cameron. MY APOLOGIES YOU YOU YOU,4,4,6,2,0,27,0 757,X758,"of course SNSD will have bigger money . cause of the number of their members . psy is only a solo artist . so he cant please everyone . not like SNSD . even u dont like the other members . it doesnt mean u dont love one of them yeah :))i love 2ne1 gdragon fx and girls generationnd i feel like everything was mix in one music video :)) damn :)) love this group yeah . the views seems getting higher nd higher one of the groups in SM that sings live :)) this is why 2ne1 became . famous so fast :)) . uniqueness overload yeah . it is because of dara . that's why etude becomes available to some parts of the world :))) because of dara Etude House was able to sell outside Korea . but sandara is not their endorser anymore CL looks stunning :)) i wish JYJ . joins YG entertainment :) yeah . she was shock . because it was more on like a ,surprise performance, for black jacks :) :))) epik high's outfit are really good . im really jealous of their style of clothing since they moved to yg u really got a taste for music ;)) poor spudgy being attacked at the tail at the beginning Zelo's role models :)) Oooohhh bigbangbconcert",15,0,3,1,0,22,0 758,X759,Hi! My favourite make-up product is Benefits Posie tint! i no you said earlier on one of your videos you didn't like it but i just like it how it stays all day:),1,0,3,5,0,15,0 759,X760,"Nice that's really niiiiiice. LOL This was hilarious but WHERE. THE FUCK. IS OAKLEY?!?! Something about the woman at 3:18 just kills me I like the part where they shake their hair and have fun. Like the deaf woman said it felt warmer and nicer NIGGA IT'S MONDAY WHERE THE FUCK IS REALLY B REALLY ALL Y'ALLS IS LIKE IDENTICAL. YO BROTHER AND ESPECIALLY YO MAMA LOOK JUST. LIKE. YOU. Omg trisha I see every last one of your videos and LOVE them so keep goin!!! You is grotess LOL LOL ,EYE WILL ALWAYS, I CAN'T I just have one question. How the HELL do the cranes get down? This isn't funny Lmao glozell NIGGA DIS MY SHIT NIGGA What the hell are you doing it has been 2 weeks The guy sounds like he's mean and controlling of his wife",16,10,4,11,0,24,0 760,X761,"Oh and mod for mod forgot about that bs crap haha the cars arent equally modded nor are they even close to comparable which is what too many people try to do Boosted Integra beat the Z06 in THIS race end of story we don't need hypothetical ,what if's, and ,well if it had this in on it, bullshit you're taking away the enjoyment from true enthusiasts please Fack off. Still running? It's the chip that gives +35 whp ANNNND raises fuel economy all on one setting lol it compliments the electronic turbos on ebay quite well! Is that a hottie with a dog??..... Wwhat the fuck kinda dog is that?? hahahha made my night No ones gon fuck wit me n ma mazda.I can find a way to turn you into a mazda. Let's go get our engines. 2nd dont come on a 2 year old video trying to be a badass car dude to someone who was simply trying to give the correct and accepted answer to his question I know exactly what I'm talking about so please don't try to demonstrate how much you know from your buddies wrx experience. Was this bm for sale on CL? 16:50 I think that's lil blood or lil rue I cant remember but I like their music weird seeing him on here! I think the spring or tightness you chose was too much the boost isn't enough and it's being forced backwards causing that flutter sound (compressor surge). Loosen it if you can sounds cool but MAY shorten the life of your turbo. So this is who Thad Castle was characterized after!!!",11,1,5,3,0,29,0 761,X762,lol so funny :) cool gun dude! nice voice kid ur the next jb,3,0,3,5,0,28,0 762,X763,Yes I am this vid kinda makes me sad 2011 is gone :( thumbs up if you miss The Muppets :'( :'( My sister has a crush on Flynn Rider...or however you spell his name heheh samee :) wait what? thanks! I really can't believe people are saying such nasty things about this girl. She is freaking beautiful. more beautiful than you guys will ever be. She is sooo cute she's like a little teddy bear! She is the most beautiful person in the world inside and out. She didn't deserve to die. Selena Gomez you are truly an AMAZING person. You are in my prayers Hana Hwang. get better soon! Um you do know she's an actual special needs girl? You guys are really mean Subbed :) So you are saying that if I called a baby or a 6 year old cute I would be molesting them? Hahaha you're that's not molestation.You obviously don't know what molestation is. Go look it up on Google. And who cares if you have perfect teeth...nobody's perfect...I like being imperfect. I like my flaws and insecurities. No correction I LOVE being imperfect. It makes me human. Who cares if my teeth aren't straight enough? Who cares if I'm weird? WHO CARES! Get a life. Kthnxbai Are any of these from the 6/2/12 concert in Chicago???,14,32,3,18,0,21,0 763,X764,"well aren't you fucking made of sunshine and rainbows :) you know even though its not one direction.......its not a bad all really :D Seriously? You came on this video just to hate? 1. They are not fags (Zerrie E*LOU*nor and LiamDanielle) 2.Thats really mean and hurtful seriously you don't have to lash out like that. 3.This is pure opinion and I know so many people on this video that now hate your guts. 4. Calm down if they can be friends why can't beliebers and directioners? They make noodles together and even are writing songs together so ya your points invalid about how Justins songs are better because they are the same. anyone else having a childhood reminiscing marathon??? :') zane? really? 2:09 when youtube stops loading :/ that she has no friends XD its ok neither do i this the best no they went to high school together they were sweet heart she was being is wrong with you? Its so beautiful. It makes me feel every little thing i hate about the things that someone will love someday. :') thank you One Direction Niall Harry Lou Zayn Liam. For my hope 3 lol omfg apparently being nice is ,Flirting, but when i do: Other people: *giggle* Your so funny Me: Well hey there sexual. You have a pretty nice face there She reminds me of Raven from Thats so Raven XD that awkward moment when burt hummel can dance single ladies better than you. WTF? Seriously an innocent and beautiful person DIED and your just going to make fun of that? You got some issues bro. did anyone else put a heart up to there screen when she did? :') stay strong brooke. 3 gangnam style I don't feel I have a home anymore. My family can't sense the numbness of my heart. I don't tell them. My best friends are becoming distant to me. They won't tell me about their problems even after I told them everything thats happening to me. I just feel abandoned and sad.. I listen to this song it gives me hope. That someone will be my rock my home. This isnt for attention I have actual problems. So please don't say I'm a cry baby. You don't know me. You don't know what I've gone through. RIGHT IN THE FANGIRL!",18,3,2,4,0,15,1 764,X765,im bullyed ive tryed to hang myself but they both ruined me so please stop bullying in any way hey dick i live in southpark CO and yes you dont have a soul you want me to proove in come to south park and let me cut you open but first i have to take all that fat off and cut you open and then we'll see who has a soul,2,0,2,5,0,41,0 765,X766,Typo mania shouldn't go so in depth when imi drunken equal p =p Or impress you with intent that you might hopefully reply and carry out a conversation with them not to down play a conversation with you because I feel that would be stimulating on do manny levels but idk still dunk so I guess most of the jazz I'm talking right now is bs Try eating a frozen banana taste strait like banana ice cream Great fucking job man 20 million views you go and wow everyone talking shit must be pretty fucking pathetic. I mean come on if you have to make fun of this poor little girl to feel better about yourself you should just kill yourself because you will never truly be happy in life Dude you are a strait fucking badass man I wish thee were more ppl like you who can could come out and post a video like this. Bmx* Too* Dude you rock you are so good at teaching I've already learned a couple songs from you,9,0,2,5,0,19,1 766,X767,who won?? Who?What time or minute? Elvis won!!You're a creeper dude you like to grab your own wanger. wtf man the teacher said the bus was fine.Fucking son of a bitch!! Columbus won! Ben Franklin won wdf are u doing? kill dont stay there Its ok lol hey Richie!! hi ItsDamageInc I think Macho Man whoa whoa whoa whoa... OMG i know right? who won guys? yeah exactlywdf the rock won though I LOVE THIS SONG 2:06-2:14 is the best scene in this trailer y does a guy put a shark in the lake? wat is the songs in this video called?,19,0,3,4,0,21,1 767,X768,"My personal worst is scaphism. The victim is fastened inside a canoe or a hollowed out tree and is previously force fed honey and milk and left to float on a stagnant lake. They would develop severe diarrhea and would essentially stew in their own waste as insects burrowed into fed on and bred in their gangrenous flesh. They would usually die from dehydration sun exposure disease or a combination of the three. He said ,This is sucks, so I said ,Your comment is lacks good grammar., It's supposed to be ironic. Phil: *plays Zakk Wylde lick extremely fast* Alright now let's try that fast.Me: O.O Anything by Opeth. Best. Video. Evar. Just changing pickups won't take you from a clean sound to a heavy rhythm tone. He may have some sort of MIDI switcher in his guitar which could have gone out for a moment in which case he would have control over it. But a lot of guitarists have guitar techs that change their effects backstage so it's possible that he didn't have total control over the sound. maybe you should have made one of the robot doing the robot. Lol. If you look closely you can see that he's actually using toilet paper. I'm surprised the ,Half of my sex life has been while I was unconscious, comment wasn't in this video. Still as great as the day it was uploaded! I won the staring contest. What's my prize? Drac are you planning on getting the new Rough Cut 2x4? This is by far the best parody of the song yet. You know you're an idiot when ICP owns you... You're smarter when you're drunk than most people are when sober. It's also been found that Sharks are immune to skin cancer. They will get darker with sun exposure but will never get cancer or sunburn. This deserves to be a full song. This and axeofcreation's entry are the best I've heard so far. Good to have you back bro! Can't wait for new music and game videos. If I may make a request I think it'd be awesome if you played Slender or one of the Slenderman's shadow maps. I personally think the same thing but in sort of a different way. When weighing the pros and cons of a particular choice I don't just weigh them for myself. I try to think of the effects of my actions on other people. This empathetic approach I feel results in a much more collaborative effort to find out what is ,right, or ,wrong, to each of us which results in a much better overall system of so called ,morality, And for my next trick I shall make the lizard disappear... *cuteness overload*",22,85,5,5,0,17,0 768,X769,Turn the lights back off and scroll the hell up there. I really want this to be a full band song with all the bells and whistles. No acoustic as badass as that is. They should have coded in a response for both have a helmet and just having a visor I like how they recognized the glitch where conrad will say you shot him either way :p 0:11 Krogan pimpslap Stop being such a moral fag. Good god this song is fucked up. LOL Childhood fucking out the window and into the lake This movie had the sexiest soundtrack. MY BACON NOW! DIGIMON 5EVA THIS VIDEO GIVES ME SEIZURES She looked like a normal human being before she got every kind of known plastic surgery now she looks like a fucking alien. Ok Buzz Killington...... I'm not saying it was aliens but it was aliens. HOLY FUCK DICK TITS YOU HAVE THE SAME CHAIRS AS I DO IN MY KITCHEN PEEEEMIOS da fuq did i just watch The beat is this is awesome. GET HBO TO MAKE AN AMORY WARS SHOW Most definitely. Buy the PC version though it is much better. bf3=#1,23,7,4,5,0,21,1 769,X770,soooo schn :-* so schn :-* hammer :) sweet :) soooo good *-* Hammer geile Bilder hammer geiler song :) Ihr seit zu geil :D gruss Eure Kartbahn Nachbarn :D sehr schn :) Fett :) gruss an Daniel :-* Geil gemacht.. Voll schn... Respekt hammer geil... :),12,0,2,5,0,28,0 770,X771,"Y u no comment Wat With his fingers just by saying ,BANG, No She said damaged anvils. Not diamond shovels SONUVABITCH Can I play with u guys. No Skype though How could that impact not make the dust bin fly. Or get a dent 134 coal and build a giant villager statue :D No 2 anime uses the same song. I wonder how the new anime will find songs uploader's** @Sunbreaker7 are you here for the songs or the animation? Bdubs you're amazing. I just met you at the meet-up and you're such a humble and down to earth person. It was really amazing to meet you and Generik. You wasted a lot of redstone and it could be made smaller and compact The description says they go trick or treating. It's Christmas and their signing carols o.o Which is the first anime What about reborn Stolen video Where's part 38? Noooooo Amagami SS isn't there!! Good list though. Help Stop talking and get on with it So racist so elitism and OMG WHERE'S PART TWO Everyone came for 37:18 Fire at start was on a vine This sucks balls HE COOL",27,2,3,5,0,17,0 771,X772,legal.... Adorei... eles cantam demais... ^^ O povo bobo..... rashei aqui.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk eu no acredito no que eu to vendo... kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Que gracinha... Que gracinha...rsrs...' hahaha..que graa tem isso...? s pra quem nao tem nada pra fazer mesmo...aff'-'...*----* oh :O elas cantam bem... oq seria de mim sem ti Senhor ! ..... Eu Te Adoro mais que tudo nesse mundo e espero que o Senhor possa esta sempre Abenoando todas as pessoas deste mundoo nossa muito legall esse garoto ja ten seu futuro garantiido neahh !! Adorei os videoos 3 mto legalll :D ameii *--* canta mto beem kkk adoooorei canta mtooo,14,2,3,5,0,15,0 772,X773,conceited wtf is this shit,2,8,3,12,1,19,0 773,X774,No need to be sorry. Just hoping I guess. At least we both know one thing. This song is great! AWE~ Elliot gave me a kiss. Thank you!,2,0,3,5,0,16,0 774,X775,"P.s. don't forget to add the guy from cold steel doing the execution! Trucker cut aka the bottom nose up check! Try the gross messer I LOVE YOU JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) many smiles my most loving gentle sweet god for I say yes to your gifts and my unconditional love! Dear smosh please play SCP CONTAINMENT BREACH thanks! What I'm saying is that fighting's fucking stupid! Plain and simple! Yeah I'd rather burn the piece of shit than play with it! I got a wonderful idea for cold steel! How about making a fairbairne Sykes knife aswell as a authentic looking rapier sword from France like the ones the three musketeers have with a small 4.5 inch knife blade that pops out from the bottom of the rapier by having a small button on the handle to push it by moving your thumb forward while gripping it to opperate it! I love this video the same way as I love those who are haters and mindless fools who don't have a clue on the words they are using! If any of you wanna touch joe your gonna have to get through me first and believe me it won't be easy! I have nothing to fear because I know that 'I'm rejoicing with god! But I see what you have to say there my friend and I do hope that god protects you aswell as everybody! I agree to what my friend joe says because I believe in living my life rather than destroying it on a useless crappy piece of paper with number written on it to describe it's value like it's importance gives a shit what about the world aswell as the people of this world do you think for a split second that they are going to rely on a piece of paper forged from a machine in a stupid building to live the way that they want to for the rest of there lives? I think not!! One of my favorites! I've always loved vogels! Awsome stuff guys now try nunchaku's made By cold steel! And after you do that try making some martial arts or street fighting moves against a zombie for that will be most impressive! How about a polish meal time! How about a cold steel cainsword aswell as the gross messer! One thing I'd love to see for zgb is the Scottish dirk by cold steel! That be badass! Oh man this was just tooooo funny!!!! Of course Jesus wins he always wins for he is the true one and only Devine creator of everything around us with ease and love! Well in my opinion the only thing we can do now is show peace and love! Due to the fact that god is the most important person in our lives and it is important that we follow and value him more than anything I know I do because I love Jesus Christ more than anyone and or anything in this world and in my opinion the reason why these so called demons are the way they are is because they haven't been shown love and they need that love because that's what Jesus taught us ,and forgive us our Try an assassin's creed 3 tomahawk!! That would be the best eyegasm ever!! The meat whacker Try dressing up in a penis costume to pick up girls!! That would be hilarious! Try a cleaver Pewdiepie's fucking awsome! You should be on zombie go boom! Try doing an apeshit with a cold steel version Freddy kreuger glove and see how bad it would mess up the target!! Hey Victor I've seen a couple of your videos on the gun disarm I was wondering if you can do one with a knife it would be much appreciated! I would also like to state the fact that I too am a spiritual person who believes in the lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth aswell as his mighty archangels and I would like to start out by saying I will pray for you and that I too know what it's like to go through crap as a young man and I hope all is well! P.s. Swedish meatballs kick fucking ass!! Yum!!!!",28,2,3,5,0,19,0 775,X776,Who Will Win CR7 or WR10 Maybe he didn't win the Ballon D'or But The Champions League Is Coming To Madrid Baby! ;D#Fact Assassin's Creed IV :P New Video! My First CR7 Edit Got 323 Views in 1 Week with 2 Likes 10 Dislikes! Scandal! We Will Always Support This Legend!#SupportCristiano Who Will Win?! I'm Not Your Father Nor Your Mother! So Don't Tell Me What You Will Do! #LoyalSubscribers lol You Will Never Leave Me Alone?! My Final Answer On If Im Quieting or Not In Few Hours! Cause Of You Guys I Started Editing ;D Me Or Cristiano :P? Cuz My Birthday Is Today!,13,11200,3,201,0,18,0 776,X777,and yes girl love that dress omg lol like this song love you hannah i will always its me yall know who iam do you just put water in the bolw umm do you but it in like just a bowl.. and do you put just hot water like what you need to put in the bowl GO GIRL that is my songggg GO DANIELS THATS MY SCHOOL TOO :D justin i love u... sooooooo cute their soo cute and sweet. not cute at all...... go girl ya how do they how do join the bad girl club on sims bbecause i got sims 2 i knows that right awwww omg she is sooo cute. she is going to rock that stage when she get older... U GO YOUR DREAMS GOING TO COME TURE.:D cute. shes good. when she grow up she is going to rock that stage. girl dont let people bring u down. keep doing what u doing. she is goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood. no AMAZING bragging kkk hanna dont wanna live a kid anymore but now its time to move on. she want to live her life but some people dont understand. its her life she mostly can do anything she wants now she is not a kid nomore..... mmmmm this is my songggggg do that shit yalll... your good CANT STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP there good thats first place,29,0,3,5,1,43,0 777,X778,"and wat does being black have to do with any ting ?????? whos pants are thoes he gone put the gun on the floor and run to thhe truck lmao lmao the beat cold adn yall got ryme but this is funnie peaches and steam wtf the utha nikkas wasnt funnie lamo nevva mind falsee alarm ur voice is beautiful but the shoes u pass by in the store window .... but shiddddd it dont even matter u killed it and i wish u would have soung the whole song but good job i wanna be fit but shit wat is fit a size two naw fuck that id rather be a size 13 14 wearin a large in shirts and SIZE 6 MEDIUM IN UNDERWEAR(panties) and ad ubble D in braw im a big bad fat bitch fuck the skinny it to hard to stay skinny and to easy to get fat but sweety imma stay mi size imma eat alot of food and work out when i feel like ! fck the vission of america im an african india fat queen !!! madam!!!!! all i say is love ur size imbrace ur self !!! she still makin money beautiful !!!!!! im 15 about ur size all i hear is u should loose weight i think we look good !!!!! from bad bitch to bahd bitch i love yuo if i new u and was older we would have a ball ilove u stasi when r u not ever drunk gurl u a true chi town btch man i love where im from we dont give two fcks bout nobodies point of veiw !!!!!!!! judi and miss vodo against the world bitches lmao is it dat bad kay the one in the pink was not the best one she is wayyy to stiff and so is everybody else loosin up i understand why yuur stiff cus i cheer to and when i dance i start getting stiff but cheering and dancing are two different things get loose girls! you u look like ike turner sooooo funny i love him !!!!!!!!! i hate catss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 is mi fav numberi think in 3d tooi do the same thing lie to my self laughhin at something thats not funny any more too ur the only one who watches chines pornbussing a shit smh u r nasty !!!!!!!!! but every thing u sayin is true awwwwe fuck off lmao ,dad,? omg eyes are the prettiest things ever boy boo have a nice day ......... good bye white girls cant even dance so how is it a white girl dance and another thing its anybody dance who dance to it ! lmao lmfaaoo goofy its alot like chicago foot worl but the legs are being exstended more in jumpstyle this is a very unique type of dance crazy legs =D",24,1,3,5,0,21,0 778,X779,"Cover the faces says Darth Vader. Just Shut the Fuck up and rap. Damn. She is good She just needs more vocal lessons punk. Much love xoxoxo America:) Haha I know! That's the main reason I uploaded it Lol :) 'I'm like' Shut up. Fat bitch. dumbass family. That poster :) Has never moved. Dani looks older than usual. Go dani! This looks horrible. I love him. Rabudabudoo Not at all. If anything I say will help! I'm sorry. I must not had read this statement correctly Couldn't had. Demi deserved it more than anyone after all the obsticles she has been through. Be happy for her instead of bashing her she needs supporters Not another hating wanna-be. This statement make no sense. Learn how to speak English correctly. Dumbass Hater. :) You are a horrible person. Is ,Urban Decay, Palettes as pigmented at ,MAC,. Someone please get back to me on this one! H.e.l.p! :) It's kid make up you Dumbass. Yay I live in Mississippi! Not too far from yall! ROLL TIDE! Fit me foundation makes me look grey! I hate it Worste product ever!",21,0,3,1,0,17,0 779,X780,Loving the sound! Great! I know the dude in the truck. It's Amtrak's Michigan Road Foreman of Engines. It's a government truck because Amtrak is a government owned company. GREAT! Sounds like a young Bono to me! Read the description it's there for a reason..... Great video! Subbed! Another great video. Adding to my other channels list. Great video Bill! Pretty bumpy looking rails for that speed! One of my favorites so far! Thank you so much for such a nice comment! Hey thanks for such a nice comment! Will do! Thanks for such a nice comment! I got a great shot of this train. Nice meeting you there. Uploading my videos now.,12,2144,3,236,0,15,0 780,X2502,"Dude I'm tired of first person shooters period. They lack story originality and an extreme lack of simple physics that would make them stand out. Seriously I never got into the Halo or MW craze cause that shit is boring. It's the same thing over and over with a couple of new weapons and locations. Big fuckin whoop. Sean William Scott as Flash...Period. I would have said Ryan Reynolds but he did Green Lantern which was a horrible casting choice. Really an Antman movie. I better hear about Black Panther movie soon. I think Daredevil shouldn't be in present day but it also shouldn't be in the 70's. The 70's would be way to late for him to partner up with anyone. If anything it should be in the late 80's or early 90's back when NYC was grittier. It should also use a younger Daredevil when he started to make a name for himself in the court room and the Daredevil myth began to spread. That way as the years to the present go on it would allow to show his development. Plus it would make more sense. Villians that need to be in the next Spiderman Shocker Rhino Vulture and Doppleganger. Dude I respect the fact that you don't only review kits. You reviewed toys hands and now action bases. Thanks for keeping me entertained. My Wife and Kids Married with Children and Malcom in the Middle. At the end of the day everyone has their own opinion but that doesn't mean that their opinion isn't fuckin stupid. If I said I felf Hitler was justified everyone but the racists asshole and pathetic skinheads would agree. Why? Because its a dumb fuckin opinion. Shyne just wants attention. If the case of being trash is going to be debated by this has been he needs to address 2 chains Wayne Wiz and all the other garbage ,rappers, thats in the lime light right now. Kendrick hands down got it. No seriously most of the action came nearing the middle and end of the movie. We got 10 or 15 min of hulk time and Hawkeye and Black Widow got more burn than Thor and Captian America combine. Shadow of the Colossus Dude I've been listening to this stuff since I wasold enough to appreciate good music and I'm a 21 yr old black guy from Harlem born and raised. Don't hate because people choose to be cultured and open minded. I bet you want some pop or dubstep right. SMFH I would make a metal mold of my face Can you do this with phones and usb cords? He uses his laser vision to cut his hair About time man I've been waiting for this with high expectations. Spoken like a true gamer. I've been saying this to people for the longest. FUCK DLC...if it's not worth it. I remember back when you got a fully developed game and if you wanted perks you either work hard for them by beating the game or you used cheat codes. X BOX has single handedly killed 1st person shooters for me. If you want a multiplayer experince you need Live and if you want a full experience you have to pay more. Like 60 bucks isn't enough for something I can beat in a week. I'm a 90's baby so I wanted to see this just for laughs Dead ass though. How the hell you get past highschool let alone college and you can't spell a word as simple ass restaurant. Yo no offense I can tell all these ppl are from the south. So southerners don't feel bad I'm gonna do this shit on the streets of New York. I'll go to rich white neighborhoods and ask them to spell shit. Well they had enough damn time. They should of mastered that word in middle school. I'm not even in college and I can easily spell that shit. There's ppl on this shit who graduated from college that can't spell it. If anything those ppl need to have their diplomas revoked. LMAO ... restaurant I'm definitely entering the next contest. Congrats on the 100th episode. I've been watching since the first episode and you guys have come a really long way. Congrats to you Ryan on your new bundle of joy. I seriously need to get an airbrush machine. You make it look so easy. I feel the same way about Deathsythe and Shenlong. Definantely the Swat Katz You lucky dog you you also forgot the dude always blasting his music and the dude that's always walking the halls. Heavyarms and Buster I don't want to hear shit about Tallgeese until I see a mg Nataku I'm just sayin all the other gundam series have gotten extreme love from Bandai. Especially the seed 00 and age. Can Wing get some love? All the mg's for the seed series were well designed and almost 100% accurate to their tv versions. I feel like Bandai was really half assing the mg's for Wing with the exception for Epyon and TV version Wing gundam. The TV designs for the Wing MS were way different than in EW. Bandai didn't really do anything to make the designs from TV and EW different. Anything other than that wouldn't be justice served for this master piece Its basically almost the same kit. The only differences are the color schemes and the wings shoulder blades and forearm blades aren't on Deathscythe. Also Hell doesn't have the buster shield. Over all though their body designs are extremely similar. I used the same painting method for my mg Heavyarms. It came out way better than I thought it would.",31,0,4,5,0,21,0 781,X740,Even if you don't believe in a higher power. Praying just means you wish the best for the kid which is nothing wrong.Look at it from your point of view.. It's just something nice it means you hope the best for him. Nothing wrong with that agnostic/atheist/christian or no. There was no colored television in 1948 I believe. And what do you know? America is the world's most corrupt country; they lie steal from it's own citizens and are murderers. This is American propaganda and I live here in the US. America has killed innocents; it's proven. Okgui? How can you call all white people pussy ass white people lol?I'm not white so don't call me that either. You are a disgrace to say that and then point fingers. First of all look at gays.. They were opressed and stood up to everyone but they don't go gang-bang.. Smh There are two types of freemasons I believe. What exactly does your dad believe in? Where do you get this false information? Jesus is God... Jesus is the human form. Last time I checked the Government wants everyone to be blinded while they focus on a New World Order agenda. Tupac was just a follower of God. Don't misinterpret his beliefs please. Thanks Thanks man appreciate it. Nah... I think that's just your luck. No lie my average kills per death in a match is like 30-5... I play the same map on rush every single time... Everytime I see people throw me ammo revive me repair my tank when needed suppress fire so I can pass etc. Even with my 30-5 average score I am on top because of score not kills. I feel like the players in the lobby are great! I play similar servers so maybe it's just me. Also I play this on 360. I do agree it's worse. But give it a chance Hitler knew what Jews were capable of. Hence why his reasoning to kill all of them with no mercy. Not saying I support that but it's a fact if Hitler was alive today the world would be technologically advanced 100x. It only takes one bomb. I'm glad to see people with open minds like yourself... People are sheep nowadays man. LMAO what? No way. He was talking about Tupac and BIG in most songs he just says that shit to show he has the potential. Because people don't know music nowadays he isn't as mainstream... PAC was for quality. Nowhere does he say he's against all white men. This is coming from a Middle Eastern's mouth.He's right. Whites are becoming the minority now. White are the only race who are honestly hated... It's crazy. I swear.... I just noticed that too.. That's how they catch a lot of men... Women who like modern rap are just degrading their image. Poety = LyricsAre you kidding? Eminem is garbage with his whack ass white boy 12 year old fans. There's a reason Pac was a modern day martyr. No one compares. Still a great song. You are not getting his point... He's saying basically: How could Tupac not have as many views. Oh big whoop. Just you saw that in a dictionary or online dictionary doesn't mean that's what it is.. That's not 100% accurate because SOCIETY ASSUMES THUGS ARE a common criminal. The media made the word thug appear like that.. But nah Lmao atleast that music was sang by a nigga with autism... Shows how easy it is to make a song... Sigh* Fuck My Life LMAO you're retarded son. You're acting hard for telling that guy not to start shit when he asked 2 simple questions. Don't take your punch line? Ah so you invented your own phrase and had a patent on it. Your cool bro. LOL @ you.. Saying I'm acting like an admin. You're a hypocrite because you're the one telling people to just listen to music and nobody gives a shit. That's your opinion. Not everybody else's. MAN you're a dick sucking fag. Go learn to spell then talk to me chicken shit. Yes they all are. Your mind can't comprehend the facts that the evidence is so blatant. Beyonce is not Satanic she's a puppet to to the Illuminati is all. So simple. I have never or will I never touch a woman; not even in self-defense because I know I will regret it. I'm sure every man does but don't be bias. When a woman tries to act like a man she damn well deserves to be treated like one. End of story. Women have the same rights as men I don't see why they have the right to trash-talk men to FULLY KNOW they're gonna initiate a fight. Simple as that.... Because Eminem is whack. Jay-Z sucks. Busta is mainstream and Jada is horrible. Yea man it's not only hard in New York. Rough times in Detroit I had fam troubling in Chicago. All over the world man... We all relate. Eminem is a sell out listen to his songs with D-12; they're horrible. He's only DECENT with Royce Da 5'9. Eminem is a mainstream rapper ruining rap along with Wayne etc. Why you think he sings with those whack ass rappers? Drake Lil Wayne Khalifa LMAO. Whack brotha.Nas is old-school Eminem isn't good nor old school. Pac Biggie Nas Wu-Tang Big Pun Rakim DMX NWA etc Eminem. He's not even my top 25. Fuck Jay-Z. Sellout to the rap game. Everyone true fan of Hip Hop knows he deteriorated Rap. Look at his whack ass clothing companies rap groups... Gay he is the fall of Old School.Him and his Illuminati puppets. This is fucking gay. Disgrace to Tupac. LMAO I love how you slide through EVERY other pieces of fact and state he needs to study up on such a miniature point.,30,4,4,1,0,20,1 782,X783,"Love ya guys and def love this video lol soo funny Bubz you are truly a beautiful personyou inspired me so much Thank you @MsWoodward08 oh come on its casual Iiked it :) Oh cool :) @Denisse Delcarpio Man why are people so mean ? I truly feel bad for that woman she needs help. @saintcatherine she was trying to be nicebut it came out wrong. I thin she meant I hope you do a good job. Yes actually there is a way to keep four year olds happy and entertained that is by giving them hugs and playing games such as hide and seek or tag @Denisse Delcarpio I mean tough down In behalf of all Spanish girls I would like to say that you make us sound really good thank you. Your an atheist great I respect that choice .You have to learn to respect other people's beliefs . You were tight a some points but most of it you just don't understand you just assumed. Man you have no idea what Christianity is. You just guess. Why is it that you hate Jesus so much. youtube -- ,baby loves beyonce , its so cute There's some milk some breast milk...from a human lol Benji Auburn hair would look beautiful on you. I love Jimmy's comment about Bruce winning an Olympic medal and reminding Kim about it Benji meeting Laura it's like a little kid meeting his super hero lol",18,2,3,5,0,16,0 783,X784,"Men herregud vilket verklighetsfrnvarande svar! Jag har d verkligen inte ftt allt p ett silverfat jag har dock ftt en vldigt bra uppfostran och kan tnka kritiskt.Det hr R sjukt! Frmst att dyrka en fiktiv hjlte och sedan sga att en annan fiktiv hjlte uppenbarar sig nr det utan tvivel endast r kondens och en slump! Det hr hnder inte alls i lika stor utstrckning bland etniskt svenska kristna och r sjlvklart kulturellt betingat och ingenting som passar in i ett modernt samhll Well it would be very easy to program the keyboard as to using english letters when typing normally and arabic letters if holding shift etc...I clicked the video because I came here from another video that I saw on the side of another video etc. etc... As it's headline was in English I thought that it would be in English and it looked interesting so I clicked it. So much better than the album version! By far! Hahaha norska :D Probably stole them to That's nice HAhahahha ,sunnyside, fina engelska kunskaper Skillnad p patriotism och nationalism. Patriotism kan dra t helvete ven Reinfeldt har sagt att han r en krigskt patriot som endast ser till STATEN Sverige. Nationalist r den som vill behlla det svenska kulturarvet terinfra den ,svenska tryggheten, och som ser till svenskar. Jag skiter vl i staten om de beter sig som de gr nu... Vafalls svenskar i Malm?? Vi tycker ju det r viktigare att underhlla 100000 invandrare om ret n att ta hand om vra egna som hamnat snett. ckligt r vad det r! MEn s jvla gay... dafuq lol Dawkins is clearly the more intelligent person and the cardinals beliefs are very childish but wow he has really prepared himself for this debate! I must give him that!What a great and insightful show. :) Thumbs up if Oozaki sent you here. Trodde du var dansk s urskta. Hehe jag tror han gillar att spela som terrorist Hehe those immigrants must've been integrated well then ;) Nej det gr jag inte. Att medelsvensken r mer bildad n medelkenyanen r s uppenbart att det inte behvs ppekas. Intelligens mter jag med IQ som r hgre hr n i Kenya.Om det beror p skolan eller ngonting annat lter jag dock vara osagt. Samsonov Waldner Persson = Legends! Damn niggas Yes ofcourse you can laugh and joke about peoples skin colour we are all equal.What I react on is that you say that you are black as an excuse for your ,offensive, humour. It doesn't matter if you are black or white you can still be as much racist! ,Racists wants all black people to die, is the most idiotic thing I have heard. You do know that if a black man wants all white people to die he is racist too right? It goes both ways!Have a good day. Haha this is stupid. It's no secret that the muslims and middle east were very ahead of most other people 2000-1500 years ago but it is today that counts. Now you are almost on par with Africa when it comes to contributing to society... STOP IT KITTEH!!! Those twin statues you talk about are just plain silly! If having statues/pillars in that formation indicates on freemasonism/masonic orders then my whole hometown of Stockholm must be the Illuminati stronghold of the world... A song made by a Swedish and an Australian band being watched by mostly people from UK Finland and Hungary... Globalism motherfuckers! YOu need to make it much less obvious that you don't know shit about physics :) Why are they mixing english and what seems to be a language spoken in India? Du vet att Sverige r vrldens 3/4e (kommer inte ihg exakt) strsta musikexportr va? Tror du han ska sitta och rabbla alla artister?-.- England is a great place.",29,1,2,5,0,16,0 784,X785,-/\- 38 55555. 44555555555. THAILANGD GOT TALENT'' ! female artist : male version : calories bla bla 3 -.-5555555 -___- I'm thai 15 yearsI learn dance class this musicwith this choreography nowbut i'm just learn one hour and last saturdayI can dance at 24,6,1,3,1,0,25,0 785,X786,funniest thing ever!! just because you wear boots and camouflage from time to time does NOT make you a country girl!! if i were their parents i would be disappointed for raising prostitutes! they look 12 they should not be dancing like this!!! i doubt you look any better!!!! dont treat her like shit! she doesnt need to deal with your shit! she atleast has the confidence to post a vid of her singing. ok i see that makes it a very good video! i guess i just didnt understand what they were saying.,5,0,3,5,0,32,0 786,X2215,Brate tako je! Sad cu ol na fixni da te zovnem? That is one hell of drug. Brock Baker is crazy dude. To bad for that Lumiua. ahahahhaaha DIDI bogotac! Giant lamp lol save it to meeeeee MANJACA MANJACA MANJACA do TOKIJA! Svedska do Novog Zelanda! this video is so vintage but it soooo cool! PES13!! Tooo bad. Nope. Jasson Statham. Maria Petrovic marry me :P Medved je iz Zemuna. Pouzdana ifnormacija. DOJAJNO! Poenta je da si pglu ko ona sto sjedis na njoj. Inace Zonjo je bogotac! Ali meni je ova sto snima kraljica - ZVACU POLICIJUUUU ahahahahhah Happy birthday legend. Pepe is that you? Generation Kill ftw Born in YU! 3 Uf kako je ovo depresivno ali dojajno depresivno. On postoji od onog trena kad ga je onaj lopov od Vuka uzeo za osnov da pi prepravio tamo neciji govedarski jezik. Koji nikad ne poznaeSramotnoga ropstva lance.Ponosan sam sto sam Crnogorac. Nostradamus was here. Ftw! She ugly! LoLmfaoRofl WTF youtube? Ko je ovaj majmun? That boob is MINE!Fuck. What happened with old Gueta? For new year i want that beatbox fish! Weed + Pink FLoyd Echoes = floating through time and space,33,4,5,5,0,22,0 787,X788,Saw them in 1983 at the famous Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles. I was 13. Fantastic! Bagpipers and all! OK people. Maybe someone else already noticed this but they're NOT HIGH OR DRUNK. They're young and brilliant!!! Seriously. This is how the west coast kids act and talk especially up north. Sad that people would automatically think they're intoxicated. How could they be so clever here and quick and be high? great vid thnx for HQ :D THIS IS SO CHEEZY. I love these guys but really. Seems like mid-life crisis to me. I do have to say that using the original super-models was good to see. Where is Christie Turlington???,4,0,6,5,0,43,0 788,X789,omg you should give me ur number omg u are the sexyest person ever and u should follow ur dreams you should make a vidio on the posters in your room love u !!!!! u should do sexy and i know it!!!! he has a sexy voice love him you are to perfect omg im crying he loved that dog alought and its sad to see some oje you care about lose someone they love omg he is so sexy,7,0,3,5,0,14,0 789,X790,It Was 20 Years Ago Get The Fuck Over It,1,2,5,5,0,17,0 790,X791,I agree with the parents. It's sad to see so many people who don't want to understand. And that baby looks like a boy to me ^_^ The doctors think she's only gonna live 'til 50? Meh I say at least 93 ^_^ That made me have a sad face. I know that feel bro :( All parents make mistakes ????? That's one fucking huge mistake!!! (pun intended) I remember having anorexia luckily I never got as bad as her. I only got down to about 88-91 pounds. I didn't go to doctors my mom helped me. Now I'm at a healthy 115 pounds ^_^ (that may sound underweight but I'm a small person) It may just be the way he normally acts but he seems like he's drunk right now... Eating a brownie while watching this. We were all just Rick rolled.... The reason I clicked on this video was to watch some dumbass chick but this was AMAZING!!! I have no idea how you stayed so serious!!! XD XD XD I know you're probably a troll but seriously bro?? You..... You just don't say stuff like that... 15 points from Hufflepuff. Peeps? Like the cute little marshmellos?? I knew they were alive!!!!!! PRINCESS LUNA!!! 3 3 3 Oh I love her so much!! Videos aren't rated by stars anymore so you might want to revise that. Possibly but there are more white serial killers in the U.S. So is petty theft really that bad compared to other things?? It would have been a good video if you didn't make it repeat itself so many damn times -_- The way they talk sounds like me playing with dolls when I was 9 -_- That...... Was.......... AMAZING!!!! X'D I'm surprised this video isn't getting more views XD I love this song 3 I liked your comment because I love your picture of Ciel!! ^_^ To be a contributing member to out internet society there are rules. Here are a couple to get you started:1) Proper grammar is most appreciated. Failure to type properly gets you many insults as punishment.2) Mindlessly clicking on the related videos will help you find the truly weird ones and those seem to become very popular. Failure to click related videos makes it so you don't understand many inside internet jokes.Welcome to the internet and have a nice day.:) When my mom and I watched Repo! The Genetic Opera we where very happy to see her in the movie!! ^_^ Um........ What??,22,8,5,5,0,17,0 791,X792,I think that's Sugar of YTV fame doing Rini's voice This ep got me hooked to the series in 96. Thanks again. 16:41. Creepy. Man I remember this was the last ep of the series in 1995 on YTV and we had to wait 2 years to see it continue. Man that girl was horny Got to meet Terri Hawkes the voice of sailor moon in this and other eps. She's awesome. This ep was heavy duty Yeah they're a great trip down memory lane. Thanks. This story wasn't in naoko's books but when I didn't know about them it seemed like a cool chapter in sailor moon's history. Hello? Mars fire? Just melt it all down. Yeah then rini goes all 'you're not allowed' lol Montreal hasn't sold out a single game since this win. Came close a couple of times and only in 2002 was there over 200000 at their parade. 2010 wasn't even 100000. January 3rd that is. One year apart only The seeds of greatness were sown. x 2 Jadeite stopping that tiara was badass. The furthest in the playoffs the Concordes had ever been. The Cats were truly the beasts of the east. Thanks for posting this. The Concordes' only playoff win and Montreal only playoff win between 1980-1996. Only 11000 in attendance. Thanks for posting this. That game was a heartbreaker to watch as an alouettes fan. Kudos to the cats. They haven't won an east final since and we'd win 8. Great game. Will we ever see OT in the Grey Cup again. Leak took one for the team in the loss to BC so that McPherson could return and beat the ticats after being on the 9 game injured list and then AC would return to finish the season. The last game of the alouettes before they became the dreaded Concordes. Same ending as with ep 42 except egobossler is wearing his mask this time.,23,12,3,5,0,40,0 792,X793,You have to ask me for the links of my videos.,1,2,3,5,0,32,0 793,X794,You sir are a terrible person... HOLY ASDFGHJKL;' Ididnt know you could sing this well! o o,2,24,3,18,1,21,0 794,X795,i lost my mom my brother my grandmother my uncle and my grandfather all with in 3 months of each other. five love ones with end 90 days and this song song is what keeps me going with out blowing out my brains. THIS SONG IS SO TRUE NOT ONLY DID ME AND MY HUSBAND WAS IN TO CAR CRASHES ON THE SAME NITE BUT NOT IN THE SAME CRASH. HE WALKED OUT OF HIS SO SO. BUT I WAS DOA WHEN I GOT TO THE HOSPATIAL. I THINK GOD MY DOCTORS STILL DONT NO TILL THIS DAY WAY I AM ALIVE. I HAVE A PLATE IN MY HEAD DONT EVEN NO MY OWN CHILD. BUT ALL I DO NO IS THAT HE SAVE ME. AND I GOT A SECOND CHANCE. AND HOPE ONE DAY I CAN REMERBER MY PAST. AND MOST OF ALL MY CHILD MY HUSBAND MY FAMAILY.,2,0,2,5,0,43,1 795,X796,"Are Ocarnias easy to play? Or are they hard to master? My friend said I'm so black I shit out search warrents. I don't even know why he continues to pit everyone against Goku of course Goku's going to win he seems imposssible to beat. GODDAMN IT TAILS HOW MANY TIMS DO YOU HAVE TO MISSPELL THE WORD ,SAYS,!? No. Everyone can say what they want to say wether it's an adult game eroge or just baby games. I'm actually referring to the fact Saxton Hale will win. Fight Bruce Lee and ,allow, him to win. I love that gun it's the world's most awesomest gun. We're not begging you to. Will blowing shit up really help us? It's obvious he cut Mario's face off hardened it and made it into a mask. Everyone cries for 9/11 but what about the Hiroshima victims? How is Israel? Do you like the laws? I love you. Okay everyone. Let's get a child sell her purity to national television and let's make tons and tons of money while we spike her. Oh nice! You heard the song too? DID HE JUST HIT A GUY WITH A KEYBOARD!? KILL HIM! Shrek is love Shrek is life. I lost it at ADOLF HITLER ADOLF HITLER! I love you. Me: Last place in Call of Duty. Still last place in life. I know your grammar is horrible. True in Call of Duty no one has a class and no one helps each other out. It's every man for himself. The Multiplayer options should just be Free-for-all.",23,5,3,5,0,28,1 796,X797,I'm Jai..I think! 5:44 I laughed so much! The rules are No speaking English!;) It sounds so much like One Direction!:O I'm addicted to listening to it!! Because he is his brother?..I wouldn't reject though! Why did I have to be born on the other side of the world to them?:'( Oh..I look so stupid now aha-_- We're all in this togetHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!-Luke I think the mums put them into these pagents because they want the girls to have what they always wanted but never had but I don't agree with it! They're kids not barbie dolls! I want powerade now!! Umm she is with Jai..Not Luke-_- 31 and up..Glozell..I'm 14..Sorry! I'm watching this on my hovercraft in 3045..It's a pretty good life here! 4:00 SO CUTE! A fucked up scientist.. Me knees hurt! Your Welsh accent was amazing! I couldn't stop laughing! I laughed so much it hurts! So do I! But this song reminds me of Luke Brooks:) I don't know why but I cried at this.. I think 'i'd recognize then haha What are the J-ah things they do? It's really bugging me that I don't know:) I have been that angry! I know how you feel!:) I had to laugh so quietly! It hurts!! What's the J-ah J-uh thing they do at the beginning? Can someone explain it to me? I can't stop watching that bit over and over.. 1:07 I started laughing so much in a room with a load of my family as they ask what I'm laughing! on fire.. The moment of happiness where I realise I have a very similar guitar to the boys but mine is shit! Oh my gawd! I can't even!;D,29,4,3,5,0,18,0 797,X798,i respect females more than some females respect themselves ive seen longer si fumo mota y le gusta fumar mota regularment y todos lo saben nomas no lo dice en camara porque se lo carga la chingada apoco eres tan pendejo para creerle lo que dice en este video halgien que haga un canal con todas la peleas de sabados de corona gracias por el video por favor sigue subiendo las peleas de tv azteca y tambien deberias de subir las de sabados de corona por que canal pasaron esta pelea me cae bien pero la cago porque firmo con top rank nobody wants to see your shit canelo vs mayweather wtf you dont like this shit i honestly think it will be a hard fight for broner what episode is this from fuck dana hes just mad because hes helping someone make money other than him este puto que save that realy happend como se la maman los comentaristas al porky medina el venezolano gano casi todos los rounds y toda via desian que los ganaba el porky,16,3,4,3,0,21,0 798,X799,"lennox also was not on his prime when he fought mike tyson. by the way lennox is 1 year older than mike... you have a great answer but it does not mean all are correct i think. For me one God the heavenly Father and one mediator Lord Jesus Christ. Every time i pray at end i always say through Christ. amen. God the Father just give the authority to Lord Jesus Christ but doesn't mean they are equal only they have a unique relationship more than angels and human could imagine. Jesus never said He is God instead he mention the Father Or heavenly FATHER which only the true God. thank you for this one. I'am a roman catholic but later became a born again christian but when i have studied the bible deeper. now i am a unitarian. Joh 20:17 /john17:3/John 14:28/Act 2:22/1Ti 2:5 /1Co 8:6 some of those bible txt i have clearly understood with no farther explanation about Jesus. Thank you. God bless you all through Jesus Christ... nice upload... i think you are producing 1.5 liter bottle. the same problem we encountered it crash during blowing time. the alarm fault was plc fault it just a lose connection to rotary union of the profibus to the FM cards. this is a very good machine if you only have a good maintenance for this machine then surely it won't give you any headache... but before Jesus did these miracles I think he prayed to God the Father first... try to check this on youtube.Hebrews 1:8 - Verses used to Support the Doctrine of the Trinity explained God in the bible my friend. trinity formula: 1+1+1=1. only in the bible according to Jesus prayer in john17:1-4 the Heavenly Father is the only true God... pagans have many gods that's where the trinity came from... i think. You can be save without believing in trinity. refer to biblical texts of Matthew 19:16-17 Jesus talk about the commandments and what commandments by the way? pls. refer to Mark 12:29. You can read also Romans 10:9-10 , you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved,. Remember God raised Jesus and who's the only true God? Pls. read John 17:1-4. these verses are simple straight and clear. God bless You can be save without believing in trinity. refer to biblical texts of Matthew 19:16-17 Jesus talk about the commandments and what commandments by the way? pls. refer to Mark 12:29. You can read also Romans 10:9-10 , you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved,. Remember God raised Jesus and who's the only true God? Pls. read John 17:1-4. these verses are simple straight and clear. God bless Two heresy in Christ Deity. one who tried to explained it twisting english grammar and etc. and one who simply denied it. funny people. trinity=1+1+1=1. Great! teach this to your kids... Trinity=1+1+1=1. Great! teach this to your kids... wow! i enjoyed it a lot. thank you for uploading...",14,2,4,5,0,31,0 799,X800,"I know theres peope gonna hate -_- but I'm just saying... I really love The Above the Influence Advertisment ::')okay Akons on ^_^ bye now. Taha .I'm Mexican and I have black Cousins ..And No offence but .. Weren't African American people like discriminated on for a long time?So why would you try and do that to anyone else ?!EQUALITY IS WHAT AMERICA NEEDS 3Fuck Racists ; Uhm just to point out .. Vevo show the official music videos of all artists .. so also including that Motown records is in the description.. it's obviously a music video . just saying ; 4:09 - 4:13 ;Ddon't lie he brought this dance back (; It took me 5 years to find this song .. My Life is once again so complete ::')3. Damn wind -_-t bitch you were less annoying when you were on Justin beibers dick -_-gtfoh. Damn Elephant pleasures my eyes ::,D3 hey dude ! :DLemme know when you have all kinds of bitches dropping there panties for you at the snap of your finger. When your a huge country singer oh and you have 1 million records sold (;then you can talk shit :D So I haven't ever had the greatest recomendations and maybe it's just lack of mainstream society not allowing us the pleasure of hearing actually very amazing music like this but i just had to find this song... It is simply to great. Rest in Paradise Sam Inthavonsgy 3.",11,6,4,3,0,14,0 800,X801,"q: what is my incentive to play...a: to kill other players in pvp.thats how I look at it. ^^Nice set of vids. Keep it up. 19902012 i was surprised this was incredablly well done.!!You should get funding to turn this into a full length extended feature film. If you do please don't let them take creative direction away from you.Kudos! loved the original. been looking for something to play thats not fantasy. going to pick this up and give it a try on impossible ironman mode. lol I started with your ,Impossible, series and i'm now slowly going through this one. Thanks. Enjoying them alot. Up till now the few comercials i've seen have been normal; however this vid's comercials volume was many times louder than the vid. 6(ish) AM is too early to suffer bleeding ear drums lol. No clue if you have any control over things like that... anyways just thought you should know. Your science teams love that ruthless streak of yours to run your troops into deaths jaws to capture those Xrays. Hehe,) you seriously left her alive to be eaten by those walkers... thats so cold. lol. Guessing you dont believe in karma debts. '., thx for the uploads enjoying watching how others have played through this game i enjoy your series.. but putting 6 comercials in this vid makes watching it from bed not an option since those comercials volume is many times louder than yours. bummer what no zombies? [jk] Thx for UL this. makes me think of ShadowRun... Dang i skimmed over some of these posts looking for info on this vid... and found nothing of the sort. Oh well. The 'crazies' have taken over talking s***. LoL. Anyways thanks for the UL going to check out this old movie... and see if it good enough to drive some of my friends crazy. i'm going to run around as a fat hairy greasy 'cook'; beating on enemies with a cast iron stew pot and an enchanted ladle.~!~ rawr~!~ watching this makes me remember all the movies i saw at late night drive in's ages ago. Thx for the UL.",13,0,5,5,0,41,0 801,X802,Same its so sad I get scared 17134 people didnt call her ! 186 people didnt put there hands up OMG STOP IT AT 1:41 I like Danni :D I think hes nine LOL Hes so cute xxxx LOL who eats fondue and im suprised Justins old enough to drive!! Zayne and Liam look well left out 96 ppl dont like disney;3 Anyone else notice theres no 47?? you iz [iminent=qiKknAgUWfOB] _____________I have just posted a cool Emoticon! is she meant to be bad heh I know her :P [iminent=W2mWdAgUWfOB] _____________I have just posted a cool Emoticon! I want to do a sex on you At that point i was liek WTF Maybe he's a ufo wanna be..... LMFAO 1:21 xD 2:31 Dat Ass,18,0,2,5,0,15,0 802,X803,el porno gay mas raro que he visto en mi vida!! I need EP:4,2,3,8,5,0,24,0 803,X804,i dont dance but u just cant help it with jay kay Lets be honest 3 people didn't dislike it they were just dancing with the mouse in their hand and clicked it by accident. Why did he kill himself? The vertical piece of metal in the beginning of the video is typically used to block the heat from the afterburners on a plane. :) Real music still exists... Love me some ZBB Cycle for a local club? You really didn't just compare cycling locally to the Tour De France did you? FACE PALM Some people still don't know that if you run over the same gun that you have you add their ammo without scavenger? lolz Violent crime is down 50% in 20 years rifle murders are only 5% of yearly murders with guns.. Gun deaths in general have steadily decreased over the last 4-5 years... But NOW its time for more gun laws? GTFO this is the government disarming America. Just more laws for criminals to avoid. Why so many confused white guys? They dont make em like this anymore... Just gotta reminisce and listen to the greats. I think its Skrillex - Ruffneck Bass,11,14,3,19,0,26,0 804,X132,WHY ISNT ANDRE 3K IN THIS VIDEO?!?! HES THE REASON THAT IM WATCHING THIS!! AND WHO THE FUCK DECIDED TO REPLACE HIM WITH A HORRIBLE DIGITAL RENDERING OF A CAT!!!!! thumbs up if you thought that was a stupid question...@ndeyed32 2:45 really really loud is nice my favorite line is at 2:05 i thought this was featuring swizz beats lol...still a good song this song is really long and its ALL wale...fuxkin dope Parkway Drive is thee best..these guys are purty good tho NICE IPOD! weeeeeesssssst siiiiiiddddddde these guys are creepy as fuck but shit they sound good this dude is a fucking tool my vest green like my sub-machinelol eminem is funky fast When was this video made?? not a big lil wayne fan but no ceilings is THE best mixtape alive i giggity giggity somebody needs to come out with a music video site without all the BULLSHIT #fuccvevo eminem is about to make so much money wtf did i just watch.. was that real? cute love tap faggots 1:35 landyachtz team is way more dope good eye sarge i wonder what Eminem thinks about this fool lol. prolly smh-ing this is not the way Nas intended the song to be. #FUCKVEVO 2:46 is the reason Im listening wait.. so you're telling me that this song is about mari'huana?! WHAT IS HE TRIPPIN ON! LOOK AT THOSE PUPILS!! THEY NOT EVEN THERE!!!!!! good lord these kids suck he doesnt look like anything from how high.. OMG IS THAT KID OK?! this song was so sick live she gon' get AIDS hangin around all them black folk i thought america killed osama? suck it fag what would tupac say... Somebody explain to me what nas was talking about and why please,35,1,5,3,1,30,0 805,X806,Way too much work and time! I would have just punched my brother in the face. He would have learned his lesson instantly. :) If thats the case they did a damn good job. :) Booo! Waist of 55 seconds. -_- I'm pretty sure this wasn't english 4:22 OMG I wish I was there! MAD RESPECT. U_U I really don't understand the amount of views. My 2 year old cousin dances like that when she watches Yo Gabba Gabba. U_U Why the hell is he hitting his face on the ground? Just makes no since. HOW? Who the hell squeezes anything with Q-tips? Use your fingers. O.o DUH!Q-tips..... $2Safety Pin...... $1Finger Tips...Priceless :) LOL They look so tired of smiling. Thats one bad ass cat! :D I'm only here for Jenna. :D I Love how the first lady seems to think if she doesn't it in the eye It wont see her. LOL I now understand why Ke$ha looks the way she does. Lol FACE PLANT! 1:03 LMAO,16,0,3,5,0,20,0 806,X807,She isnt a Junior! I think if you search at Dandelions Cher maybe it will show up something..but then! dont pick junior :) For a minuit i thought it was Michael Jackson with the bear..something.. hey you are cute and cool i like your video and your brother is very cool and cute to. love your biggest fan. I love his voice..even when he just talk!!3Amazing boy! caleb!!!!!!!!!!:) Great!!! Really love it. Im deaf but I can hear that this is really great! good work Jasmine3 Lovin it'!!!! Great sound whats your gear - amp and effect pedals? Its look like youre bored,8,1,3,1,0,14,0 807,X808,"you should do a slomo back flip. or a slomo sneeze. @jake myers and your a guy who is a troll and has no life. Have the best mothef fucking birthday ever. @jkiller117 jesus all has a plan for us. She has progeria because jesus wanted her to see life differently. wow. she is so beautiful.. creative.. young. You have stolen my tears for sure. God bless. i am bawling.. especially when her cousin came. Wow.. beautiful girl.. its just not fair. RIP. and God Bless from Florida. @hockeyfan13131313 Because nobody in hell likes Laraque. Does anyone else think her voice sounds a little off? This just goes to prove everyone is beautiful.It teaches you to be thankful for your friends your health your talents and your family.I cry every time I watch this. :'] Why did you keep talking to him? He obviously didn't care (no offense) because it probably was the only time his ears could heal. Ok? She is referring to Gabby Douglas. Is it wrong this made me cry?Hockey means so much to me. Love your hot accents. ;] HOCKEY DOESN'T NEED CHEERLEADERS. Actually a very good routine.They weren't dressed as whores either. Bitch please.. I play hockey and all i wear is Nike Pros. ;] ew. Honestly I don't respect those cheer leaders that don't take their sport seriously and brag about their flexibility or just do it to be ,cool, or somewhat talented.I respect those who do it to be athletic to be someone.That want to be higher than everyone else. Funny thing is its more of an activity.Want to play a sport?ATLEAST go play fucking softball or swim- little sissies. I play hockey..I don't remember saying Bro before everything. Guess what? We Can't Hear A Fucking Word You Are Saying When You Talk Over The Voice. I don't know what Connor is talking about ugly gingers..he is the ugliest freaking kid. the weirdest offense. Why can't we have 1. Teachers Like That2. Or fucking comfy ass chairs like that? she is actually really pretty. :] Second Third teacher.Describes everything. fuck you.ignorance is not bliss for you..",26,1,3,8,0,27,0 808,X809,Gave me a virus Ms jacobs class!!! I need help unsolving it. It's so confusing!!!!!! Doc brown won Penis Not 1 Journey song smh...stairway to heaven? I am the slave of candy thankyou mistress I obey master Its a rare one guys:A video that has something to do with the song. Play #1...why not do that every down?,10,1,4,4,0,22,0 809,X810,He's so good that his hair couldn't keep up with him 1:31 sweet 40 bro oh yes there was a tiger woods advertisement before the video Johny cash covered the song of nine inch nails... :D fuck off im heated haha swoop it bro i liked so there wasn't 666 likes anymore haha 1:28 welcome to my life the people at 00:26 are like holy shit that guy went up that rail haha,10,1,3,5,0,22,0 810,X372,yeah and they are really sweet when u r good to them DANG! WHATCH OUT TIFFANY ALVORD U GOT SOME COMPETITION!!! bostin terrier?? NICE! is the psp a good system?????????? how much was the psp I FREAKING LOVE YA SHIRT!! GO TAR HEELS! ohhhhh duhhh lol yall are good i live in georgia ur good keep the hopes up!! your not bad dude great job!!! HOW OLD ARE YOUUU GREAT JOB ... KEEP IT UPP SERIOUSLY i wish my friends were as cool as yall haha ;) haha sylvia.... WE ARE! you scream like a gurl!! haha thts really not funny please comment below :) thanks omg yall are mouthing it and faking thats annoying totally!! liar this isnt real love you girl!! i loved coming to see you sing!! keep it up your amazing-jade hampton great job beutiful :) you can clearly see there is a ball in your shirt....har har very funy Great job! watch out adele u gotta a challange coming :) dont call him fat i mean dang he is just a little kid ! and hes not fat anyway!! are yall siblings?? cuz damn tyall are good and u look alike :) how old are you??? haha YOUR AMAZING :))))) HOLY CRAP your good(: are you gay? baby room??,31,1,4,4,0,21,0 811,X812,Reggie Bush is soooo dame fine :) Hahahahaha nastyyy....and awkward as fuck XD 0:11 same chick from the crush on you video I know girls like this and....I cant stand them The 391 in her username is how much she weighs... Yep.. I watch the videos but I don't to even try....that would just be an He was ALWAYS hard...where the fuck were you? Tyga's version is better.... What drug are you on? Dido.. Uuuhh we all have our opinions and we're entitled to state them we don't all have the same taste in guys....I think Tyler AND Hopsin are both ugly af (I guess I have high standards) if you have a problem with my taste in guys....then fuck YOU cause if I had fucks to give I still wouldn't give any. K? Bye :),12,7,3,5,0,19,0 812,X813,You gotta thank Justin bieber if it wasnt for him i wouldnt have known unow u rock and i love u so much Carls!! xxxxxxxmwaahh thats funny :D hehee shes 10 years old :) omg justin ur so adorable F*** you! Oh my gosh i remember u when u were young! u grew up so fast!! :D you rock so much your bllue eyes still charm me i really love u and u remind me of my friend leah and both of u are really cute! :D how old r u? im an 11 year old girl (12 in sept.) xxxx omg just realised this was uploaded today o.O :))) thx i agree with u and just coz im a #belieber doesnt mean i hate selena actually i love selena more then anything! I hate u she is perfect so noo need for her to try and none of ur business who she dates she has a personal life if u dont know so shut up and leave her like to see u in her shoes lets see what u doo! stupid........ Hey Lynsey I know you probably won't read my comment but its worth a shot im an 11 year old singer-actress and i would love to work with u and we could sing together xx :) you would make my dream come true thanks Lynsey Dear Lynsey I hope you can read my message im one of your biggest fans and id love to work with u sometime im a singer and an actress...and i also am a Belieber xxx we love u too!! lol tajjeb :) It doesn't matter what you are we are all humans :-)I love your's adorable! Wow it's like I;m listenin to angels! wha?? This is the same vid but because of copyright i changed the colors canadians are sooo awesomeee! My birthday is 2day 26th of September Justin I lovee yoou :) xox,20,30,4,23,0,18,0 813,X814,I wish I had more subs. Haulstutorialsootdsand whatever else. Even if you say no offence that's still rude. I want my hair like yours!!!!! its so beautiful. I didn't know you had a boyfriend...but I am super happy for you anyways.,5,6,2,36,0,13,0 814,X815,im sorry this is the funniest thing i dont mean to offend you is that a crayon? is this what u do everyday? thank britney.this is your first music video that there are more likes than dislikes. eww im armenian so the genocide was when turkey tricked armenia to find more land and they made them march thousands of miles without food or water in the syrian dessert. Armenia was huge and almost a million were killed and they took about three quarters of our land so you can call it the armenian holocaust i like your makeuo omg she looks like donna fronm that 70s show omg david guetta is the DJ he MAKES the beat noit wouldnt because your body needs to know so they can stop if its dangerous in fact it is a disease. If you got a bite from a rattlesnake and u didnt see it u would act like nothing happened and you die i love the begining music EXCACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! is both of my feet hurt the only lyrics? doesnt she remind you of emily osment her face? 1.Taylor2.demi3.miley4.selena where are her pants? thank u so much! some things expire so they just put it as one of the old things so it all adds up i am ;)) nichole...... i love you so much and all and your singing and all your videos 3........... but seriously im sorry but what is this shit and this music,20,0,3,5,0,87,0 815,X816,"I saw these peeps live they are still in Aus if you have the chance go fucking see them. A very memorable moment in my life. You looked so much hotter in the little preview box. Why is that? What is grape ape? Who is this by? Roid rage So many grenades... SWACKING! @Ace7553 You seem to have the intelligence of an 8 year old though. You are a goddess It would be hard not to get a boner from J-Lo That was tight can I download your stuff or buy it from anywhere? Not sure how you can tell how heavy the drag is by watching the video? Sometimes you have to go light to get the bite never mind kid good video keep them coming! The fuck are you doing Mac Miller? Gayy I thought I would wig out from the half head bloke but your chin is creeping me the fuck out! Stop it. You have a shit house Trolled like a mother fucker bitch! This bloke is a tosser Yeah man I agree Bill Gates is way sexier than Justin Beaver! This is so fake dude Pikachu does not have a banging body 1:39 ... After all of this you're still a shit cunt driver At 5:11 it has his whole diet and work out where'd you get that? Fuuuaaarrkk he is brah! Peace be the gaming! Fuck me this bitch titted cunt can go to hell the fuck did I just waste :35 seconds of my life for and another 20 seconds for writing this shit cunt comment also fuck off to your dildo Kurt Cobain look a like and don't send me more of your shit! Could not have put it better my self bruz Rest In Trance brah! Strong frog hat/10 She is so fucking beautiful VEVO Turn your fucking shit up...! I was ripped when I watched this 9 months ago You're lost because you're an ignorant fuck you don't deserve to hear Duran Duran nor do you have the privelige to refer to this song as ,nowadays, trying to display you knew Duran Duran before fuck right off mate. You have so much fewd We have an international futsal team?!!?",31,0,3,5,0,19,1 816,X817,im here for the stupid advert and im not from the 70's hi bro unsub and stop watching troll whats my fidy cap? i dont see why xcal doesnt just make an call of duty only account and that will make more money and get more subs tbh i know its sad. and wheres spoon? u have to reply not just write there name 1 was an average long shot ksi army get your gramma fixed.,9,193,4,14,0,19,0 817,X818,Well its true ya know! :) Touche' F.O.R.D - Found Off Road Dead. whoever disliked this video should dieslowlyin a holeat the bottom of the oceanwith sharks 4 months still online xD and teachers say we don't work hard in school So proud of LInk! I knew from the very beginning he was going to win. :D Cloud fans could talk all the shit they want haha Super Smash Bros. and Play Station All Stars should eventually have a crossover! actually your wrong so shut up I like this man! It made me wonder whether you were going to escape with your lives it was cool and you guys were pretty respectful which was awesome hah great vid you should make more! can someone tell me where to find the original star wars video?,12,1,4,5,0,20,0 818,X819,fuck the mom she's an asshole like if you cummed all over the place Marty McFly vs Shaggy Marty McFly vs Shaggy dude this shit is actually pretty raw i hella want this beat dude! hella raw holy smit i actually felt some tears.. :') *sniff sniff* I AM NOT AFRAID OF ANY GHOSTS! Shirley Temple vs Honey Boo Boo hahaha SherlockRobinWatsonBatman,10,9,3,8,0,21,0 819,X820,me cago si yuya y werevertumorro se hacen novios maybe... sabes que es un sarcasmo ?? es un lead (square)...manda al carajo al otro moquete dios te va a castigar song name ?? i mean he obviously is stealing that watch everybody saw it... me maman estos videos donde descargaste la libreria ?? k i'm gonna find you then i will kill you drink your blood eat your meat and then throw the rest to a river damn can i get the sylenth preset ?? or at least tell me how you did it both done hahaha ammm....0:57 are those balls ?? wtf ?? anything could happen ??? why you people like that song ?? es interesante y no es por molestar pero eres fea y con maquillaje eres peor que payaso que edad tiene chichico y que edad pretende tener ? que pinche inmaduras shit daddy yankee on Spinnin' TV ?? it's like Zombie apocalypse entering to a new country me la pelas coment esa madre hace 10 meses wtf is pitbull licking a tampon ?,22,50,4,6,0,111,0 820,X821,Enttuschung Man war das mic scheie XD Ich glaube ich spreche fr alle deine abonnenten wenn ich sage wir vermissen deine gailen videos :( !! jo Lavendia Turm :* xD Casa heist sein bruder hat er im livestream gesagt :) Auch 2013 3 Verraten.. xD,7,48,5,32,0,20,0 821,X822,Hey new videos will be coming in shortly like and subscribe!!,1,13,3,5,0,26,0 822,X823,"most folk-based bands kicks the shit out of mumford and sons the only time i had heard of neutral milk hotel i thought that they were just an invention of John Green's from Paper Towns (or was it Will Grayson Will Grayson?). Anyway I hadn't heard any of this hype and i thought NMH was a very underground unknown band. Then my friend introduced me to this record and it changed my life. Amazing amazing. I wonder if I had seen all these memes and jokes first my opinion would have been different? Regardless this is one of my all-time favorites. review Fancy Diving Denim Wedding's new EP this is the greatest thing you should also so your cd collection ^_^ great video. kinge shaved his head and is growing out his beard lookin like mc ride what's 2:17? hey Anthony! two quick things: 1. i think it would be really cool if you put all the classics reviews into a playlist and 2. thank you for putting so much effort into your channel reviews and everything!thanks although they were saying you can't compare Tyler to anyone but within the first line of the first Tyler track I listened to (Yonkers) I immediately thought of Tech N9ne. Andre Nickatina is my #1 (I think of ,Train With No Love,). I also thought of A Tribe Called Quest. Then I agreed with Slick Rick Murs Special Ed (I think of ,The Mission,) and Eminem (I think of ,When I'm Gone, and they also mentioned ,Stan,). One that hits me though is ,Follow My Lead, by Joe Budden Joell Ortiz. yeah i thought you were joking haha i just wanted to make sure :) i think the beard looks good. what about The Wall? you forgot arcade fire MORE MOUNTAIN MATES?? have you heard of death grips? agreed x1000 peter i love you and i love this video.",19,9,3,3,0,15,0 823,X1378,lol Cartman trolllllllll i LOVE your lisp! its friggen adorable. lol i have a lisp too and ppl make fun but i like the way i talk so i ROCK IT! :) finally.. bout time yo 2:09 AHAHHA!! LOLOOL!! ive never laughed so hard in my LIFE!!!! dude! thats a weighted exercise hoop! lolthose things are heavy and kinda hurt when you hoop NORMALLY!i dont know how the hell you hooped with that thing on your neck!!!fuckin beast. you make these beats greg? i waste too much of my life watching these videos dearlord thank you. thank you for this wondrous meeting of these oh so talented and beautiful souls. this music has changed my life. love just isnt enough of a word to describe the feeling i get when i listen to these boys play. GORGEOUS 3 you should put captions.. i can never understand you girl. waaaaay better than ray huge penis you are adorable. that is all. :) that was the most beautiful perfect kiss ive ever seen recorded! i almost cried. you two are perfect :) i want a baby!! damnit.... that was actually better than i expected. fuckin justin bieber... DAMN YOU! i knew when he started to get older he would sound better... its happening!!! the world IS going to end!! yer doin it wrooonnngggggg.... i think you just wanted to deep throat something phallic /: i LOL'd pretty hard thru out the entire video. good one! lol LOL i can't BREATHE!! THIS IS THE FUNNIEST SHIT IVE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE!! everything happens for a reason! fight for what you believe in. godspeed 3 HAHA! thats funny!! he was GAY! haha! get it?!!? sounds very christian rock.. lol he spit EVEYWHERE how would i know not to watch it because of her shirt unless I've seen it first then? so you're telling me not to watch her videos then because of constructive criticism? who's the dumb ass? watch your mouth kid. don't be rude. cool dragon :) holly madison is a PORN STAR. lol... thats her taste. oh SO classy this is ccol and all... but am i the only one worried you could break thru and fall into all that pretty lava?? just seems sketchy How dare I? Got news for you... People who abuse other living things Are PSYCHOTIC! Therapy cannot fix it! Medication and shrink sessions are a temporary fix. It will always be in the back of this girls mind buried deep down. And it's going to come back one day. She probably had dozens of small animals buried in her basement now! And what about the brother?! That kids messed up in the noggin too!! Hes going to be the next charles Manson! Watch!. To hell with this feeling sorry stuff.... The wor @krystlemsu013 WHO PUT THIS UP THEN?The Family is freakin out! no it doesnt. dafuq? do more Cartoon Network voices! Adventure Time is amazing :) lol so mean... so sooo mean lol so damn true it hurts,34,10,6,11,0,22,0 824,X825,No one can do a show like Madonna..She's the Queen of Pop!! Period!! Sweet nice one Josh! Classic joint had the 45!! Brilliant and amazing song!! Changed the game with one performance!! super dope Tolla!! I like the music vocals need some work as far a lyrical content ..thanks This song is a metaphor for sex!! Awesome I love Bjork! Respect! Grimmy mate...fucking phones!! Thanks man that was me Djing!! real black girl would have beat dat ass! Pots and pans type shit..Lorana bobbit type shit.. legend! Hey Ashley..Walters Room is iconic!! Bravo Bravo!!!!!,15,6,4,3,0,42,0 825,X826,awesome .....LOL I CANNOT STAP LAUGHING.... good job lmao Wat? lol basic bitch get out ma face lmaooo omg yeah I feel like that xD im not good at singing yasssss the mall do that at the park?!?!?! :) YES SPEEDYYYY SUNDAYSSSSS lol jeanaaaa ur scaring me hahaha q canciones son Las q estan tocando? loool bambinoooo LOl he cute lmao Looooooool WAT hahahaha I thought you were going to prank her xD UMMMMM.... SO CUTE OMG LOOOOL HAHAHA HAPPY BDAY MILES :***,18,1,3,1,0,15,0 826,X2014,00:53 - 1:02. LIKE A FUCKING BOSS. This can't be real. The jews are just as scary as the catholics/christians. Also TIL Italians in fact not Kosher. Why people hating on this? Better than most all people in the scene. lmao. God ignorance makes people look like such idiots. And she calls him ignorant. lmao. Shit flow. What did I just watch? And you can't even do Nitrous out of a ballon it's pressurized. Well I guess you can but you'd waste a lot. And you will never stop online piracy. lol People need to be just less greedy and allow people to like their works rather then forcing them to buy it. Like on SoundCloud. trolololol Lol they sampled sounds from Pinball. Dawg you are wasting your life basing everything upon that. I'm not telling you not to believe in religion but come on. This women is so delusional. I've never seen someone be so desperate to be a different race. Creepy obsession. I smoked before school just about every day of high school. 3.4 GPA so did most other people I knew. Those need to be censored. I would have got up opened the door and knocked him the fuck out. I don't care about the video that song was just awful. This isn't even rap. It's just talking on a wack beat. No shit. Nice try but ignorant. Lol you better be trolling or you are in fact the idiot. Well you have massive amounts of HP. You can get better poitions they each go up exponentially. Also some skills heal HP and MP. I mainly only run out of MP since I don't use MP pots. Resting just takes a second and is really only needed when you expect to be mobbed or fighting a mini boss. It's not being racist when you are telling the truth. Skrillex is Complextro and also them some mainstream producers get a lil underground my dude. metronome. Anyone got an instrumental of this? Them lyrics kill this sick as beat. Not gonan lie they get some fat beats. But them words... totally ruin it. Dont give a fuck about Gucci but who is his producer these beats go hard. All bad. I usually listen to this genre for the trap beats and the lyrics are sometimes a bonus. A) Wack Beat. B) Soulja Boy C) Wack Video. lol Katy is going to grow up eventually Is already an adult. lol fail. Lol I dislike most rap/rb typically only listen to it for the beats. On a different note this kid fucking kills it. How can you guys say he sucks he obviously doesn't. What? Have you even listened to Soulja Boy? Literally no skill catchy as fuck but zero skill. Such a strong song so much more respect Macklemore.,31,2,3,5,0,18,0 827,X828,"damn....they are kinda sexy.....well not really...but they are cute! lmfao dude.....most epic voice for a commentary this based on that a movie?????? i freaking loved that video man........if is is someone please gimmie the name salute to you sir......she's a keeper....damn damn.......the girl dancing in the blue short was funny...but still hot when she say.....,awww...sorry pumkin, and grabs my head...and stares me me with those puppy dogg eyes!!!!lol that shit makes me melt eppppppppppppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccccccccc.........i made it and fed it to people b4 i tried it.....but it was actually really good......thanx mrs. ego dude this vid was too fucking funny.....u got those negative com-mentors real good la dominica republica?? soy gusta mexicoooooo made me laugh now go do that to her face bro!!! kidding but burn her make up and clothes damn....they are cute well the one with the glasses...didnt see the other one brown and they should make more vids together cali on anal sex that was amazing......real artistic and shit....swear on my booty i clapped at the end cute accent.... it was a joke....jesus christ...was pretending to be a racist white person......if you don't see the humour it..ain't my all the comentors in a dick if your offended i personally could care less....and oh yea....trinidad is kool yea but not better than dominica republic...and go get mad for that too....people nowadays are so damn sensitive...lmfao....oh well ;) no disrespect to america....but these darn election ads are getting annoying now -.- lmfao.....ego is too funny damnnn.......that shit was crazy..... officially a fan now probably hiding bodies in the woods and/or strangling know all that stuff people usually do on Halloween.....and oh yea there's a party in the grave yard......can't wait to dig up bodies......woooooahhh....(i love sarcasm) really? dislikes?? 300 fucking percent bro.....i agree with ya brahhhh...we equal...and they act tough as or tougher than us.....lay em the fuck out.....but i wont...momz would disown my ass lmfao......i use nothing but vaseline and olive oil(cooking oil)....and my shit aint dead yet wow.....gabby seems really fun!! you guys are freaking hilarious",26,1,3,5,0,18,1 828,X829,"12:21 I see what you did there... NO! SHE'S MINE! :( SeaNanners do you you think the path to a gamer will get you to retire? I have to memorize this by Wednesday!! :( I mean RWJpiece I agree but I was think it would be prefect for Adult Swim. IDK man its just like that. :P Yea I like deviantart better than YouTube. People are nicer there and more talented. There are very few trolls there too. I just typed ,Adventure Time,... We always have Cloud Cakes oh god two Derpys? WHICH ONE DO I SHOOT!",11,9,4,12,0,38,0 829,X571,"NORTHPOLE weird error the same with the fucking UFO CJ's mom spirit LOL LOL LOL 3:33 get killed by bigfoot LOL LOL LOL fuck!!!! i'd rather watching Gangnam Style instead this the dirty ver has been deleted i saw it everytime ohthat storei saw it when i played vice city multiplayer that girl looks like Tiffany Thornton that's just a eagle ng ci ny m VFC ko fang cho mi ht just use the hydra to kill him LOL cheat code Only 2M views????? Kyo G G Corbin's voice is so cute XD XD XD A lesson: Don't forgot about Dre (if notyou'll meet trouble) 200 ci ct ct! p pa hay bc hmy chn ai h ch??? th l sao??? mt ci ca cu th Yaoming (ging ci mt ci troll trong rage comic) fuck who report this video to YouTube You Only Live Once ??? just wait to get f*** from Michael Bolton don't try to spamgo away con ny b t k tng t nh ,u pn, THNG CHM!!!!! GIN vn vi my =)))) flag mnh tay !!!Spam or misleading misleading text b con on cui phi fang 1 +2 x3 mi n c vip hum qua chi blah tc tng ng vo th 1 hng th 3 =((( because Dancing Queen just a piece of shit Nowe must get this on Youtube 100 Chart",35,24,4,11,0,21,0 830,X831,How original... going to the vids Ray reviews and ask for thumbs up because he sent you here... So annoying This is brilliant. OMG LOOK AT HIS BOOTS!! wait wrong video... 6165 people did apologize however they were told to eat shit. THE FUCK IS THIS OMFG XDDDD El buen reggae me provoca ganas de sonreir y el sentimiento de volar no pude dejar de reir en las nubes con esta cancion! Nice reggae makes me smile I luv you. porsupuesto que no lo es pero lo hace mejor ;) Viva el reggae foreva rastas That robot kicks fucking ass Next time i go to mass im gonna ask jesus for those red beats 3 77 parents lost their sons from excesive joy attacks... Q buenas vibes mop Thx to those who disliked the video so the like/dislike bar looks like a lit joint Id like to see try you little bitch justin is still a fag like you dude you made my day thnx I'm into watching my wife get FUCKED! hahaha lmfao AND THIS... is cinnamon sticks haha Light a joint man JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA YOUR MOM SAYS HI! LMFAO!! Who gives a shit how the look?? Their music is what matters and its great Costa Rica's got the herb!!!! This shit is great I love this group Jah bless to all potheads by the way algun rasta que quiera decirme adonde puedo bajar este piezn para fumarla muy alegre en todo chepe cuando se venga la despenalizacion? CHIVO QUE ROMPE TAMBOR!!! AYYYY PAPA QUE SABOR Nobody gives a damn if you take drugs. Nobody gives a damn if you dont. The reason why we are all commenting on this page is the freaking music so here's a tip for everybody: Take some LSD turn your speakers up and enjoy the vortex. Bless,27,1,4,5,0,19,0 831,X832,higtDIRTY DIGWASHliked the vidsubbedneed 10th for mod2waw1600 i will pay for the twomessage me xbl if interresteduk points ok? hii am needing10th for mw2an also tenth for wawgt DIRTY DIGWASHhave uk pointswill offer u 2100 points if u can do the twomessage me at xblmany thanks gtDIRTY DIGWASHgot uk points need 10th for mw2wawmessage if interested higtDIRTY DIGWASHxblhave subbed an rated good luck matei am needing 10th prestige for mw2waw can u do the two for mei have uk pointsthank u gtDIRTY DIGWASHcan pay u uk points for mw2wawneed 10th on bothmessage me on xbl if u can helpthanks building bridges with care packages f##king insanei like it a lotmany thanks gtDIRTY DIGWASHthanks hi like what your doing heregtDIRTY DIGWASH thanks lukei am hoping to change the clips every couple of daysso watch this spaceDFB. the 42nd ROCKS! portal!?!?all well n good if you know what that islooks like a fag emblem anyhow! why do u think ps3 suck? still waiting for invitesubbed 2 months agogt DIRTY FAT BASTA xbox i will buy itwhy wont you? i am gonna buy itwhy not? hii liked vidthumbs upetcgt DIRTY FAT BASTA can you derank me on waw ?leave me a message on xblthanks subbed liked etcgt DIRTY FAT BASTAthanks pantaloom and complete buffoonneryits this sort of thing that the fuzzy wuzzys want you to believepoopycockattention seeking charlatenswho in my opinion are in need of a sound thrashingwithin an inch of there livesdamm your eyes sir! the worm is gonna turn brothers n sistersthat poor brother did not deserve thisi hope thouse cops familys are real proud! fake well done my mani would have done the samethe punks should not have touched your lady! you defendend her like a true gentlemanagain well done sir,20,3,4,9,0,44,0 832,X833,"HAHAHAHA why she gotta be a whore????? Dragon ball z is the only series i cant stand watching in dub. Hate the voice actors. This song makes me feel depressed about how fucked up my child hood was..... Wow i never knew Tara strong was the voice actress for Raven. She is one of my fav voice actors. :) Dose anyone know if Carly dies no matter what choice you make? I could think of a few things i would have done differently in that situation but if she dies no matter what kind of shits on my plan. -___- Cant stop replaying 1:05 so badass!!! Looks great been waiting for a game like this. A little worried tho why is it a arcade game??? What eva :( Okay no rush :) Why you gotta be a zombie!!??? hahaha i woulda said if i was leon. Zombie rape sounds a bit hardcore. You funny Dose anyone know if the sims we already made can turn into witches? or do i have to remake that sim? And he FAILED!!!!! Dident think i could get more pumped for this game until i saw this video. Man i cant wait I know two girls who act just like this in my town. RATCHET. Just got back from watching the movie! Ill make no comments about it not going to spoil anything. Calm your shit down Caps. and why you have to called Chris a nigger? da fuck wrong with you man? HAHAHa you almost made me piss myself Pretty sure alli larter wasent in the movie because she was knocked up. woulda been funny seeing a prego claire kicking zombie ass haha. sucks that chris wasent in it hope it wasent because of that. I would be pissed if i dident make money because some chick shat out a baby. I really liked the movie. Liked the Jill Alice fight thats exactly how i wanted it to play out. You dident like it? Liked Rain was hopeing she will be in the last one but they kind of went out the way to stop that from happening. Your right about Ada she was cute tho so ehhhhh. I dont really care for leon in the games so in the movie i dident pay him any attention he looked like a dick. I really liked the little girl thougth i would hate her since i hated the one in the second movie. Right I had the same phone for about 6 years and its just now acting shitty so ill buy a new one. Dont really get why people buy these phones liek that could spent money on more important things. THANK YOU nuff said Me too my mom used to blast this shit. Dontchuwannafanta......Hahahaha love that Been waiting too long cant wait till next week. then i wont have to keep watching vids and hearing ,True, Fans bitch about the game. No matter how hard you bitch its gonna be a great game and i bet you play it so shut the fuck up already. Glad im not the only one who thinks lucy would make a great psylocke This bitch dont fuck around. this what I been waiting for :D Glad i read pokemon adventures without the changes. never even knew they took stuff out Hahahahah got em She is too young to know this flow. hope she wins This is sad. she is a great actress",31,0,4,5,0,21,1 833,X834,lol im a bush fucking jew wasting my time! lol gd song filthy! exactly whats wronge with rats????? there not that different to hamsters or gerbils why do some people not like them????????? gd racing with the track and all but the music?????? im not 2 sure about that???? yh the losi buggy is quicker and more powerful but this truggy is ALOT more easy to start i really wanna race at that track i dont live too far from it what have i got to do to race i mean i have a car and everything but im not sure? lol his eyes look into your soul lol it farted blood whats the name of the song? lol he's probaly got 1 pueb on his nuts lol lol theres a nigger on the highway is this worth getting for 90 at my hobby store??? is it a good engine for buggys and how many tanks do u run before you can really lett the throttle open?? lol same even im better at driving then he is and im 12!!!!!!!! but then again i do have one of the best buggy's round....................losi eight and a xtm-xt2 which is a good beginners car great little animation hi.......... is this buggy worth getting? coz im thinking off getting one awwww so funny and cute lol tht is one big cat you really need to have a spektrum if anything... so you dont lose contact lol theres no recoil against his weight omg you fucked up'd shits putting a baby hamster in a tank like that if you were gonna do that you could of at least given the hamster time to grow so that it would of had a better chance This guy's face is really disturbing especially when he says this is gonna be soooo good at 0:15 ewwww looks like a pig with hair !!,22,0,4,6,0,30,0 834,X835,"you guys do know that lil b isn't really a rapper haha he sings like this to make fun of ,rappers, that sing like this for example.... lil wayne nicki minaj drake soulja boy etc.. how can people actually like this shit? listen to some real shit and i mean real shit not lil wayne or any of them pansy ass ,rappers, i mean underground rappers. earl sweatshirt stole eminems line , jackin off to asher roth, he just said it differently... you could tell eminem was either on coke or ex haha man you gotta be the funniest guy ive ever come should do more SKIPPY and BLUETOOTH MAN videos they are classic as fuck haha exactly its pretty much like someone growing there hair out long and someone saying they copied skrillex haha some people these days words cant describe how awkward my boner is right now oh hell yeah and the sickest most illest beats ive probably heard! dubsidia is an amazing producer i don't get why he isn't more known. whats the song at the end called?",10,21,3,27,0,20,0 835,X836,So can I get a picture of your boobs? Was? He still is Your wish will be granted u mad bro? Your bad ass fuck hannah and HER bull shit lol I love you Made me lol Yes that's a guy,7,91,4,137,0,29,0 836,X837,(SPOILER) the helecopter is gunna help bring in a charactor called the Governor in the comics the helecopter crashes and the governor kills who evers on it FIFA 12 OZIl is on pills (gurning) That's some metal gear solid shit!!! tooo consistant! never bails nyjahs sick Love how man spider walks hahaha She's offensive to fat and ugly people Shit video Biggie smashs tupac hands down Don't drop this one Ramos This is shit Lil Kim smashes nicki Your fucking weird He's better than cal freest give him a Mic in all If your playing career as a player with your virtual pro and other clubs can try sign you as you progress Ksi!!!! 15:07 your face hahahahaha Anyone else notice the watch changes back to ks watch after will puts his down Your dad is funny as.fuck you Should have a four way game you and your dad vs your mum and your bro Ian your fat! Too much lunchtime with smosh!!! Looks much older than 32 got fat!!!! Turning into Phil I used to be an adventurer like you..... Then I took an arrow to the head Can't wait for this one! Good choice of coaches!!,22,7,4,3,0,21,0 837,X632,"fuck ! fucking shit .. this is awesome. 90's were good .. 80's were better .. fuck ! i is cum semen on her ? if youtube was aroud in 1975 this song would have 10 billion hits. I would like to inject semen into thier cunts. 6ft 3, Love the rotary dial phone at 0.45 . check out that frikken hair ! wow ... That was a cool look .. Baggy white pants with zippers white sportscoat rolled up sleeves.. Even today the right guy can pull that off ! fuckin pakis !! fuck you all !! she's a really good singer ! This is one great track ! Played it like 10 times now. I was a white young looker in the 80's. The women were endless. Often 2 and 3 at a time. I'm a hard rock lover but I've always likes this song ... sshhhhh ... ;) Hilarious ! Great song. I was 16 when this was out. Reminds me of an old girlfriend ;) How much ,coke, do you think Andy and John are on here ? Andy looks pretty hopped up .. lol .. Hey .I would have done the same .. Look at the audience ... a bunch of stiffs.. If they only knew .. I know If I was him with his fame I'd be looking as good as I can. He's still got all his hair and can still sing. I'm a man in his mid 40's and have a beer gut now but nobody gives a shit about me I don't perform in front of millions. I sit at a desk all day and go home depressed. just listen ... just listen. it's unbelievable how many views some of these old tunes get ! :) F Bieber ! you're just remebering the good ole days ;) I hear ya. ditto ! Christ ! Awesome ! lol !!! nobody worked out to this. It was for teenage boys to whack off to at lunch time ! Mississauga ? .. I don't even see any turbans in the audience ! wow. You said it ! For me I would live that year over for the rest of my life If I could. It's really strange how an old song just tattoos on your brain. I must have been 6 or 7 years old. In the car driving back from the golf course with my dad in around 1976. This song was always on the radio. I cry when I listen to it now. It's good . I don't know why. but it is. i eat cat I heard she choked to death on a Big Mac.",33,0,3,5,0,43,0 838,X839,I miss paul ;( 2:07 omg they're Scottish !!!! :D Haha i love jacks t-shirt! :D they should stop doin parodys why does everyone like 1D or TW they just sing soppy love songs about absolute bull shit omg i have the game of life as well!! :D Phil seems really awkward around that girl I love how you have put Scotland Scottish in the tags! do you have a twitter? Does Stefan have a twitter?? Bones ~~ Young Guns -33 What happened to Carley??? :( Did she die??,11,0,2,5,0,13,0 839,X840,@salvi1979 yea she was. I bout would have let one roll down to. Lol Listen to the song frm 3:17 to 3:50.Tht nigga start trippin. I m not bout to choke u or chase u down the street shedamn show bet tell me tht she cheated! Lol Listen @ 1:06. Some guy in th,18,0,3,5,1,27,1 840,X841,Umm... youre about 7 months too late buddy. 4chan figured out who it was what clubs he worked at and who employed him. They sent the videos to local authorities. Not sure what came of it. Whoever did those cut outs was really betting on a vag shot. What a fucking cool dude... Be honored a mascot picks you out for ridicule. Dont fucking cry about it. Fuckin boston... Watch out... we got a badass over here :) Subbed because his fucking name is Zaka. Come on man I win the Internets. Thanks for playing. The ideas not original and has been done multiple times with some of the same songs but god damn do i still love it. good job Whered you get that Google chrome hat from bro? thumbs up for cutting onions on my keyboard. hes canadien EH when both players are wearing HEAVILY padded helmets. oh my mask can stop a 105 mph slapshot but someone skating 5 mph... OMG.,11,1,3,5,0,24,0 841,X842,"Instead of ,Behind blue eyes, I thought it was ,Behind the lies., :p. Derp. Now 629 dislikes. They were so blinded by their tears (because Louis is such a wonderful singer) that they clicked the wrong button.. I just love this song.. Thank you.. :) asdfghjkl words cannot describe my feels.",4,1,4,5,0,20,0 842,X3061,"pm skadzi kak ?! Siski xorosho za eto stoit traxnyt jane So if game has no good storyline gameplay and no graphic?! why the fuck u play it?! cause non of transformers games have this things... i want to see stalkers atmosphere L4D gameplay Crysis 3 Graphics RE5 that u can barricade house... in one zombie game... amogiyvane chemi shambala trakidan pirshi she bozo what is maximum number of people can get in car? and can i crate group or something? and last question can i find armored car? am going to buy arma 2... so can i play it coop? and am buying it cause of Day Z.... cherez garena modzna igrat vi typie vobshe tam chto y vas bablo ne kanchaetsia ? :D In my times this what we called shit... everyone would do i would fuck that dog in doggy style Pitbull wants to rip your cocks off.... Old chinese method put dead mans cock in your head hair will grow up ;) beware of pedo nicky as well... he needs same and more DUDU KERTAK I dowload this game for free 7 days played... than i buy it and it installed again... so i have 2 game ,Red Orchesta 2, ,Red Orchesta 2 Beta, one is in russian another on english... Please tell me both game is same? so can i delete one? btw it cost me 4$ deluxe Reccomand me this shit or no? I RAPED NAILED GIRLS IN LITHUANIA David Dislike it y nevo prosta scenari oxuenni everyone hates jews there should be a reason why !!! xrenovi trailer oh yeah yeah blow me suck it suck it all Only nigers can like this song... Btw am asking what is best video card for price 200$-300$ ? ft. Marc Anthony is best part and guy says that Na hitmen THEY ARE FUCKIN RIGHT I LOVE THEM THEY SAY WHAT I THINK You are the little one !!! : D You are good for pedophile David this is cause michael it would be better if only he song Already 4 plus you u never did u had not arguments... this is not porn u dumb fuck... go watch real one at What do u have against EMO KIDS? WRATH OF THE MARILYN!!! Hangover 3 - Georgian (country to black sea) it would be awesome 4 man fight against The Dictator President Its same We all know who is mother fucker JB=MF DIE MF=JUSTIN BIEBER DIEWE DONT NEED Ur POPWE DONT NEED YOUR FACEDIE MF DIE i love kandall suck davids cock u son of a PAATAA",38,235,3,26,1,16,1 843,X844,Ok Actually falaco is ok on fifa. But yeah your right he could be better and Zabaleta is not good on fifa either. FIFA make mistakes messi should be faster . And tevez faster too. Esseja stop spamming! How do I on PS3? YAY! There is an even bigger one living in England! LOL! I like Manchester City. Scumchester Ushited. 0:17What are those 2 big lumps? Why should I? TEENAGE MUTANT RATS! I'm not she could have died. ? Bandaid? I thought it was called a bandage. American football should be called Handfootball Tevez is funny at 20:47 when he has to read the words out! He never learns english! KSI ARMY! Yeah right. The USA will wipe you out if you're a terroist in the USA. Terroist....,19,26,3,39,1,48,0 844,X845,"It is obviously her mom ....... hehe ashly got hit by a stick jk(: thats why it got so many views lol purple pants i like how it ends ,you went poo yesterday, (: taz is sooooo curiosous lock your windos and doors because im going to steel him you no what? I love that duck first of all rest in peace Ben youre video is beautiful(:and im glad your in a better place now and have this feeling we hear in fairytales all the time now seconed of all what is a matter with you people? honestly hearing this story is a blessing and if you cant hear it like i do i pity you and hope someday you will this story is not meant for some ears but I know that you are a insperation not only to me but all these people.. i love the show but all the voices sound funky were so weird (: its awesome do i really sound like that? darn I know some might disagree but i feel bad for these girls. there parents have barely any standerds for them they feel like getting pregnant at 14 is a good idea geez therapy is not that far away ya we get it sofies the cool one ;) and especially normys : jackson YyYYYYYYYYAaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy llllllllllooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllll i love you haylee your so funny you know hen somones bad when Paulas looks disgusted next Rachel Berry don't be mean to her okay if you didn't like it keep comments to yourself i infact love it :) guys dont be mean she just wanted to have a shot at the big time like any one else!!!! Harry loves a good group hug (:",21,1,3,5,0,13,0 845,X846,It was a joke lol chilllllll pure genius what kind of guitar is that? FRANCESCO'S SOLO @ 33:00 3 why did he leave born of osiris? What kinda guitar is that it sounds amazing! And how much does it cost!,6,1,5,5,0,22,1 846,X2061,"IT HAS A MIND OF ITS OWN! Loved it rythian is like the doctor he needs a companion oh teep always playing with his meat! At the end of the day your still the good guy.Real world trading is against the rules. I KNEW IT! under 301 ok Guys im putting up a bounty on a guy named ,killerveen14,rip every cent from this kid and ill give you 1mhes a f2p noob so hell have 500k max good choice in music Yea snow does shine like diamond dust Your a cunt.lost it thats all the internet for to night This is why i kill everyone that isn't a shopkeeper EDD WAS RIGHT! awesome just wait till you have to fuck applejack that will be entertaining to watch wasn't expecting the code geass reference gotta subscribe for that one i should give some green mms to nyuu that would be awesome 1 need a wallpaper or 1:34 so bad error: unable to access jar file RSBot*.jarplease help soo legit just noticed nana getting her fingers ripped off in the background. nah Ricky Gervais sometimes sounds like simon Still did better than methe watermelon got stuck in my dickI AM NOW A SNAKE! ok my bets on lucy winning that fight i expected more code geass and i see you have crushed my expectations Maybe its broken! No.",30,10,4,12,0,15,0 847,X848,If my Ex-Girlfriend tries to break our promise ( to FALL INLOVE AGAIN ) im gonna post this to her FACEBOOK wall. haha .. this is good for DOTA background. DAFQ? BOY/s with voiCE... Just PERFECT HAHA. sabihin mo yan sa sarili. Hindi kami gaya mo :) We also have our own Version in School. :)- KENT DOMINIC- KYLE ROD- JUNE JERARD- JOHN EFAR- JAMES GABRIEL.HAHA! sounds funny cause we are not singers! HAHA! :D Get a LIFE DUDE. your sister has a TASTE. Our GRADUATION SONG THIS COMING MARCH 26 2012 :) 2:23 CLOUD STRIFE of FINAL FANTASY! xD Ni Link sakin ng EX ko :) na inlove tuloy ako ulit sa kanya :D Ni LINK lang sakin ng EX-GF koto sa FACEBOOK. na inlove tuloy ako ulit sa kanya! HAHA! OLD FRIEND---Y U So SHY?:D This thing reminds me of ROBO WARS. :D Im listening to this song cause im Bored. SUMMER SONG.! :D COOL! xD Magaling pako sa Inyo! HAHA! how poor Your hair is not good to become a SUPER SAIYAN. the best role for you is to become PICOLLO or POPO. ASTIG! haha Thumbs Up If you LIKE DOMO KUN! xD SO CUTE!! xD Watch OUT! Hes HIGH! PEACE FROM PHILIPPINES! :) RESPECT FROM PHILIPPINES! ONE LOVE! PHILIPPINES O J A! ONE LOVE from PHILIPPINES. :) ITO CGURO YUNG PANGONTRA NILA SA ''BUDOTS-BUDOTS'' DANCE ng PILIPINAS! haha!,27,2,3,5,0,16,0 848,X849,best online shooter ranked game ever! you actually had to be good to level up! games now a days take no skill to level up just game time! i wish they had more games like this! but now they are all noob friendly! ): considering this is a beta video and the sensitivity was only max at 20 then... lol. lol kids who make montages dont play ranked... good joke! too legit!!! lol. that awkward moment when he sounds like justin beiber and is probably like 8 years younger? someone doesnt have any balls! lol. i took that picture also! i should be a photographer! lol. (: and plus anything you tell her i know. and im pretty sure she was by me when i made most of these comments and she laughed about it. Okay you did the only good part of that song! Good job best friend! :) Wow... lol Michigan fans get butt hurt easily! thats the only way i can see it getting dislikes lol.,10,0,2,5,0,19,0 849,X2442,"Um its mutated cancer... everyone's going to be bald pale and on steroids. YES YOU DO.JUST TRUST ME MY FELLOW HOMESTUCKER. Its not real. I saw the same exact comment by some other guy on another video. Well.... at least most of america has nothing to worry about!! .... moving on. What about the personality where you just want to fuck with someone? Yes because the first thing you want to happen to you in an earthquake is to become trapped in your bed as your house crumbles. What... it's the cross that Jesus was killed on? Technically the actual cross that jesus was killed on had bars that went through his knees and feet but Roman Catholic churches don't particularly like putting that in. I like to call it ,the happy video spree,._. I agree. A lot of people are seeing her as just stupid and mean (and she is) but there's a reason behind it. Stuff like this seriously hurts mental health :/ I can relate to her but she needs to find a way to heal. It might be true but a lover saying to your face something like that is harsh. The more he criticizes her the more self confidence she's going to lose and the more she's going to hate him. It's going to create a rupture in their marriage. Point is truth isn't good in some situations. Did youjust put a hashtagon youtube? From the person who can't even spell handicapped. SNUGGLE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Satan is the orchestrator. But...what if you're gay? Why the hell did you say thanks? It's not like she/he said it to you. And Akira aided in the production of Silent Hill which is certainly not shit. I don't think he meant forest as in the thick vast rainforests of south america. Whoever came up with these movies has some serious problems that they need to talk about.Love it!!! Do you groan every time he does it like i do? Hey my dad calls me a bitch and a dirty slut and my parents have a hella good time making fun of me. And then they wonder why I'm terrible at school and why I have mental problems. js yo pic I don't understand what's wrong with the hockey family? They seem normal to me... No it just means she's finally lost it. Thank god people like you still exist. I'm an atheist and I want to accept people and their religion but sometimes they make it VERY hard for me to.Stay that way; love everyone and accept everyone. God didn't lead you anywhere... that was called logic.Astrology is just another thing people believe in like religion.They're both just things that are silly/fake. She's like a 5 yrs old throwing a temper tantrum. To be honest she looked completely possessed. The hippie mother did so much good for that family and she just comes in and ruins everything. ,Ungodly woman,? What because she didn't believe in god? Do you seriously need to reject it like that?But I love how the rest of the family finally saw how batshit crazy she was. I actually feel bad for the cow :( Unfortunately I still hate her for the whole religion thing but that guy WAS an asshole and for once she's not spewing out any religious shit. But she shouldn't have left like that. I mean she went crying to a neighbor.... seriously? Immature much? The guy I could bitch about for a long time about how much of a jerk he is. *2050 I bet they wear those suits during sex. hopefully in the oceans. Those are the biggest. .-. we need to find john. Why did nobody notice hell when they were putting the foundation for the house? sexy I have a fear of heights and games dont bother me.... Wth are you trying to say? People hate brad?:|",38,17,5,5,0,21,0 850,X851,thanks maaaan !! crows * ?,2,0,5,5,0,18,0 851,X852,I have seen Ryans Daughter Who rattled your cage ?? GRATE as in the fireplace !!! do you mean GREAT ??? :-) Thank God us females are NOT ALL like this bloody bitch !! hope the Husband left her !! I can't stop laughing :-) served the bitch right what a tart !!1 I noticed this is an Asian person !! white people DON'T get this many/kind of blackheads !!! I thought this was going tobe funny !! need to leave Have you got FALSE TEETH ?? they look funny weird !! I came in here to see Chris not this dude praising and making excuses for that bitch !! she looks a bloody mess with ALL that BOTOX in her face !!! I didn't even know us females could do that until I was 35yrd and then I wasn't sure how to go about it :-( so I didn't bother until much later on when I happened to see a programme about it ;-) shut your hole dude we love our clit !! Where is the straw for the poor pigs bed you people are SOOOO CRUEL how wouldd you like to sleep on a stone floor !1 Chines people don't seem to give a fuck about HUMANS or ANIMALS I have noticed RESPECT !! ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING ??? if your not YOU MUST BE LIKE THIS PERVERY FUCKER !!! I agree with you !! I think the one on the left was the druggie !! you will all was be present What the hell does that mean ??? Hi Jamie I watch all your 15 min cook programmes on tv :-) your the best xx AWWW bless him I just love Jamie he's such a darling and such a brilliant cook too !! Your a poor bastard if you think THAT'S HOT :-/ you need to get out more He can only act NUTTY maybe that's because HE REALLY IS NUTS !!! I wouldn't want to watch him in ANY bloody film !! Some people can't see the obvious but you and I can !!:-),22,4,5,5,0,47,1 852,X853,This was fucking beautiful. I'm not even kidding it was strangely touching. I love you Kyle. Messages gameplay and commentary.This is the greatest answering of all time. I'm pretty sure its a physical impossibility for Sandy to get less than a 3 K.D its reached the point where I talk along with the crew's intro's to myself without even realising it AssasinBallista w/ SuppressorPerk 1: GhostPerk 2: Cold BloodedPerk 3: Dead Silence + AwarenessWildcard: Perk 3 greed Do this with veteran bots! Sandy plays better drunk than most people do tryharding I know but if it does release like this I just feel like its going to be really hard to use. Like it looks too bulky,8,5,4,5,0,17,0 853,X854,Have you tried the lobby? 5 guys singing how about instead of this shit lets all listen to HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD. I AM APART OF UNDEAD ARMY YOU ARE A BADASS Awesome THIS IS LEGEN - wait for it - DARY Im a straight guy and i listen to this song. THESE GUYS HAVE TALENT AND THEY DONT SING AUTO TUNE SONGS LIKE EVERY POP SINGER AFTER 2005 How the hell is this considered music. This is shit. U want to know a good love song: Most perverted somg of the 90's Fuck yea My mommy a bitch and she can burn in hell THANKS FOR THE VID! I LOVED WATCHING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE WHEN I WAS A KID! XD Wow that was dumb,12,0,3,5,0,16,0 854,X1473,"That was deep shit... Beer wins! :P Da haste jez aber einen gerissen... Chabos wissen wie ein Handy funzt... Auch wenn die die Auenseiter echt nich mag find ich das hier deutlich besser und besser gemacht als das original... 7:30 OMG the vid goes... oh... wtf? 5:16 13 y old boy??? Well in 56 days you will probably have about $25000000 why don't you make about 500 episodes at once? I mean you made $30000 in a few minutes Show us the shit you bought! Das einzig beschissene an Techno base sind die Spasten DJs die dauernd irgend ne scheie dazwischenlabern The Woman who's singing isn't really that hot... :/ Bring Neebs to the show! :DI just love his voice so much... Is that fat pig an ugly boy or just an ugly fat girl?? Oh yes! The comment area. I'm save! Don't wanne scroll up again... Well i've got Cottentail Teemo and i'm a MAN! Because it makes me feed so damn fucking Masculine! Because all the pussys love me cuz i'm so freaking fluffy! I'm not a girl! :C Mein Lieblingslied von SDP ^^. Sogar besser als die Sido features! Nein wir wollen nicht mehr! warum hast du mehr gemacht??? IT'S CREAM!!! You really need to make more episodes of this! U can't reach Infinity 2008!!! Better than 2012!!! Well he was like the unnecessary character in that group anyway... Seems legit... Das ist wirtschaftlich leider kaum umsetzbar... Kim-Jong-Un was there too? OMG Twisted Fate :DD Well the name ,Mordekaiser, is pretty german too OMG I'm just soooo glad u returned!!! The z0r loop is better... It would be awesome if you could just give us a link to all the images in HD. I would like to use some of them as my desktop backgrounds. Would be verry nice! I think we all know the music that ez should dance too... You know... where is dance comes from. doesn't work that good anymore omg ban that Eve! wtf? such a noob! no help at all",33,0,3,5,0,19,0 855,X1978,"yup or level crafting your watching video's all day why are you even talking both of them are idiots they do sell for something and it adds up =( first of all that's not true a player can wield the Ashbringer if they got it in naxxramas beforeWOLK and that is not real frostmourne it is a weapon from nax. yup. automatic bow you mean you never heard of it?!?!?!?? both top comments are the same... from the same person.... INCEPTION if you hate league of legends why watch the videos? i think your just here to hate because without hate your depressed. WHAT WAS THAT TRASH next to the local walmart. so instead of just saying he is dumb you said dumb AMERICAN... decreased for people who do not work you mean? IT WAS THEIR TNT just moved alittle bit =P ikr troll. your an idiot and you make drama out of nothing. nope played the game got to 60 and had to do the exact same thing i had already done 4 times i do not use the auction house. your correct sorry. so is crendor dodger or is dodger crendor hmmm! you forgot to learn that we fought british as well ! yes getting us out of debt... right because that 4 trillion dollars of debt under his presidency is fake... right? he has done nothing but make it worse LOL his ,opinion is wrong, that makes no sense opinions are not wrong they are what they personaly think the fact that you are saying that his is wrong because it conflicts with yours is just stupid forgot olaf on the health ability thing NICE LOL awesome EPIC third! day9 made me...",30,0,3,5,0,26,0 856,X689,LOL tell breaks kobe ankles then dunks over yao ming like he a bitch What website is that madeupmonkeyshltcom ? lol He did homies over hoes BECAUSE HE A GAY BITCH Lol they started playing Thugnificent Booty-Butt song when rollo goodlove was at that stripclub Uncle Rukus is the most retarded/funniest character on the boondocksUncle Rukus: I have clean bathrooms for a long time and i can say you White man Shit is not as bad as black African Shit lol LOL thugnificent Stomp em in the nuts song 17:30 Wow wtf..... dude trying to return crack? thats some shit you dont see in most movies or games Its probaly not a good idea 2 get chinese food after beating them in kickball lol The Miz was more than likely gonna get picked instead of Zack Ryder or Satino but lets see if he words are true about the big matches lol who has a record company call Racist Records thats just funny but sad im surprise they dont get sued some* 10:28 wtf that does not look right with a dude WTF pause at 14:56 that nigga woke up with a boner A pimp name slickback.....Thats actually a nice name I wasnt laughing at the injury i was laughing at people faces after the injury LOL uncle ruckus step-dad just called him a mexican....Thats somee fucked up shit robert dick is small once he realize that he should probaly stop dating Mr.I wanna lock niggas up for Peing Robert: Now hold up slickbackA Pimp Name Slickback: No thats A Pimp Name Slickback.Robert: thats what i said slickback.A Pimp Name Slickback: No No its A Pimp Name Slickback like a a tribe called quest you say the whole thang A Pimp Name Slickback!Robert: well cant we call you slickback for short?A Pimp Name Slickback: No nigga ima Pimp Name Slickback! LMFAO Damn rock ran thru o fast you barely can see him even the camera didnt get him fast enough LMFAO how did miz fool the croud he didnt even have his tattoo or he didnt look like him except head LOL he did rock bottom better than the rocks Theres about a 50-100 chance that it happened because of brain damage so he maybe didnt even know what he was doing hes the rock WHAT YOU EXPECT? Paranormal state and Ghost Hunters always creep me out but they are good shows so i was end up watching them the next day He not big and bad now lol Did any1 else think when he said field labor..He actually went and mined the tnt? because at first i actually did Nice Ships I wish there was stuff like this on xbox version Lmao this music is off halo if no1 knows mines work its just my numbers and some of my other keys not working it was a xbox it even looks like it when he picked it up when it was broken you watch the vid but dont know what sexting is.....shame Bane Is a complete monster. He barely got stop in the movie The people that disliked this was the guys on bane side that lost i did when i new exactly wat they were sayingso did a few others it was 300 police officer not 3000. The Police were actually were outnumbered and bane's army had more firepower The thing that made this so funny to me was how the guy running with football didnt know wat was going on intil he made it to touchdown and turned around....thats a damn shame,38,1,4,2,0,18,0 857,X858,Hi Mr Zach Hadel... Hadle? Sirs may I lick your eyeball and touch your purple ice cream? 3 OH MY GOD!!! AND THERE'S 4 582 LIKES??!! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE. YOU MUST BE GOD LIKE TO NOTICE SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!!! YOU'RE REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY SMART. Good Job Childhood Tom looks like Syndicate :O Cool *sunglasses* Oney am real super sand you will never stop him Rice. Will you eat my hair if I put it in a fruit smoothie for you? Um not really sure that you're up to date so I'll fill you in. Unless you are someone like fucking Pewdiepie or Syndicate you will make fuck all money or get fuck all views from playing new games. People like these guys Jontron's private channel and most of all AVGN actually average more views playing classic games rather than new ones. So they're not selling out. Also it's a cliche but it is their channel they are actually allowed to post whatever fucking content they like. #hipsterdouche MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Am I the only one who got really pumped during this video?,9,22,4,8,1,19,0 858,X859,In the past I liked and favorited videos in order to attempt to win giveaways. These are the only videos that i've genuinely liked and favorited in a long time! I had to watch this twice because the first time I watched it I was distracted. I never claimed I was but i'm not a LoL player - therefore I don't have the downy brownie syndrome. I would hope you feel fucking comfortable against terran. You're zerg. SC2 son! Wish this band would just kill themselves worst contribution to society yet. ^ Retarded Sweet giveaway Cobrak! I enjoy watching these destro videos as well I was looking for a decent person to subscribe to as most warlocks run Demo and I wanted to play destro - I'm glad I found you! I've played against this guy he's not that good - nice gear though lets him seem better than he actually is. Comment below It's comedy DUMBASS Counterstrike Sc2 Smite WoW. I like how he's complaining about the other comp when he's playing kfc. ironic. no u Swifty why the fuck are you still using skype... USE DOLBY AXON it's harder to DDOS.,15,0,5,1,0,19,0 859,X860,DO ME IN MY BUT NOW EYEEEE the intro lasts two weeks... you are an unclever fag funnyjunk/4chan you so funny why FJ WHY illuminati are the devil why would he choose such shitty way to die? dark toucan from funnyjunk calls you a cocksucker little fuck face OMG I TOTALLY CALLED IT AT THE DAMN it would be better if i could hear the video over the music tits or gtfo are you retarded never mind them i think you are hilarious i wanna rape that young bitch why hasent anybody killed these fucker yet. i volunteer you are creepy admin there is a line and you crossed it am i the only one that saw the laser pointer that he used for the cat? wow really this is the least funny video what you only watched it once i sat here for a good ten mins on fullscreen watching it loop over and over this is the funniest thing i have seen in a long time btw its fake as hell tylergillen2016 seems legit i dont need that fucking commentary in the background you fag they have been pulled out a while ago dumbass what the fuck is your stupid ass talking about well suggestions are based on your internet searches... look at all the nig nogs must have been a bargain at kfc man this is really hard i know most of this from dragon ball z charicters so the main guy in bleachs name is strawberry??? yea it make sense did you come out of your mothers ass?,31,1,5,5,0,31,1 860,X861,He wasn't making smart remarks maybe he didn't hear them say it I don't even remember hearing them say it So don't be a prickHomies unite Nice Pocky you sick bastard No Every one of these videos has the same top comments i think we get it that this intro is fucking awesome I'm going to play this at my funeral Woah I was taking a poop then they started talking about poop you're profile picture really proves that fact Did those robots just fuck I used to like mission craft but then me Jake made a song and it became a smash hit and we toured around the world became famous then i forgot about it You spelt your own name wrongand Billy mayes doesn't sell shamwowsResearch your billy mayes goddamnit Oh my gosh Tomdog,13,1,3,5,0,23,0 861,X862,HALF PORTAL 4!! Cos half life + portal 2 =4 since Valve cant count till 3 SHAZAM! Thank you VISO! 54 weeks! happy 1st birth day to this show thing. Roses are redViolets are blueand fuck you. I care Stacy i really do. Give me more of them Fallout news right now! Looks like some one been replaying that level way too many times.. Bro that way if pining existed so long i even remember it from lord of the the things rts.. Speech was not written by him but he does a really good job acting. Charlie Chaplin was the king if humor back in old days. Ok good we get it you feeling good...... 4th ! this game is cool!,11,3,4,2,0,21,1 862,X863,sorry for the crappy cell phone video wow what a bunch of racist faggots... i hope these fuckers rot in hell... my 4 stroke 72cc can go 50mph my 150 limits out at 84 according to gps sweet now i have a bricked phone.... thanks jackass,4,1,2,3,0,25,1 863,X864,ZOMG Harry winked after he was called a flirt.. and i died X.X ahh well played... Angie..P.S. I LOVE YOU!! 3 Ahhh Angela GO AWAY!! -.- he's too awesome for them xD Ugh all this talk of being unclean.. -.-If it's that big of a deal just make everyone take a bath... Why is Lau always rubbing his sister?!?! Wasn't Voldemort the mummy in the box.. they sure as hell looked alike... Bwahahahaha omg I died when Prince Soma just broke down crying after he promised he would pretend he had never met Ciel O.O Vagina Cannon?,10,6,6,7,0,36,0 864,X865,I bought this product but something seems to be wrong. Whenever I press a key or hold it down I can't move my mouse at all. Does anyone have a solution? what the fuck you were right... when i do launch.bat mine says 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file. What do i do? same here If people wanted to show that they liked the video they should like the VIDEO not your comment... For me it looks like the restriction tubes don't connect to the crafting tables mkII so is something wrong? So he should put a lever next to them then so that they dont lose heat So many people getting in his way god.. 10:33 netherite 10:43 blood gem -_- lol its 2:52 AM wtf Tee shit im the dumpster XD Well not really like if they're injured you might see blood but you won't see it gushing out of them like in other anime one of them is a dude o.o ok wtf she's so hot o.o Well I believe life is a bacteria that grows on cells and consumes it over time (Earth) so screw everyone else's theories I'm sticking with this. I think i can say that's what she said for every single sentence she says. Martyn put the iron in the macerator! =O FOURTH =D whats the song played on the phone? I remember the tune but I don't remember what its called and it's so annoying to not know =( Blue Exorcist if I'm not mistaken If you're looking for a nice romance anime don't watch it o.o she's yandere and it's very gory. Am I the only one who wanted them to hug? =( lol =D,24,0,3,5,0,21,0 865,X866,John's hair at 2:13 is what I imagined Harry Potter's to be just in black. You know actually messy and standing up? Love you all! From what I've gathered It's like British Mardi Gras. Which I would argue is not as awesome as New Orleans' Mardi Gras. HINNY WINS EVERYTHING What do we want? TIME MACHINES!When do we want it?IT'S IRRELEVANT! Nah maybe alupecia. There's Dan's inappropriate winking thing again. Except in quite a lot of places crystal meth production is replacing moonshine. It's more lucrative and so much worse. There are loads of meth busts all through the US but mostly focused in the south.,7,1,4,10,0,21,0 866,X867,"You have no clue . Ive been playing for 35 years and my bands have opened for ZZ Top Little River Band and have played festivals all over the US .....TRYING to p-lay a vibrato on EVERY note doesnt make you Michael Schenker . Theres an unwritten rule that only the best know about ....Its what NOT to play that the way ...Go fuck yourself asshole. Go fuck your mother faggot piece of shit ....You asshole . What are you some gay stalker faggot ??? Youre a pussy that couldnt fight his way out of a wet paper bag so shut the fuck up before I slap your fathers dick out of your mouth wimpy fag boy. MY band opened for them at the South Florida Sunfest music and Arts festival in West Palm Beach 2010........... A good LITTLE man will NEVER beat a good BIG man ......Thats just the way it is ....... What I find MOST amazing is is that it sounds like you are in a hurricane yet not one flower leaf or branch is moving ? SCHENKERS Favorite !!!!!!! The place to stand to record a live concert is NOT the side where the bass player is !!!!!!!!!!! Tune your EAR first !!!!!!!!!! I GUARANTEE them two are fuckin !!!!!!! He called her ,BABE , ?????Ya see how close they were to each other !!!???? Thems fuckin body language !!! How come this singer could NEVER sing on time live !!!!!? WTF did I just watch ? Listen to me you fucking worthless pimple on a gorillas ass....I dont HAVE to know how the dictionary defines it OR what YOU think it means . I only have to know how useful civilized people like ME and MY Kind define you . Worthless filthy non productive animals that have down nothing for this Country but TAKE and have never produced a single thing . Youve ruined everything youve touched You smell you cant speak English you look and act like apes ....Fuck you Monkey !!!! Transmition ?????? Nuff said ...... Fucking Awesome !!!! Dude not for nothin but do you know any more chords than A-G and D ? You sent me private messages and Ive sent them to the authorities. Son you are in deep shit which you should be used to after fucking your pimple faced asshole faggot buddies. Bye Bye jerk off . Tubeless....You need to crank the volume or distortion down ...throw a compressor on it THEN youll get some tone ! Im not watching shit ...Im responding to your stupid fucking comments asshole . I could play better licks than this when I was 16 !!! Why dont you try and make some sense you stupid ass jerk off ..... Youre just a stupid fucking nigger ...I can laugh at that all day long because thats ALL youll EVER be ...An unwanted unliked monkey ...fuck you ape boy come on down and call my bluff and well see if I dont pack an MP ....Asshole ..Just because you cant afford one because you job at Red Lobster sucks doesnt mean white working people cant buy one stupid faggot niggter",21,3,8,3,0,54,1 867,X868,let the zip file open longer before touching it this girl is hot :) is there any way to download for mac? I know how to do this on ps3. I am on everyday at about 4 or 5 pm pacific time. Psn is RiseAgainstKnife ITTY BITTY TITTY COMMITTEE! add me bro i know all of the glitches. RiseAgainstKnife 6:00 nice shirt you still pack like a girl. it would take a guy 30 seconds haha haha 70 ft someone doesnt know how to convert meters to feet. more like 20 feet It's techno/ electronic California on sharking is it down? the hippo's name is punanny? like granny punanny? use the mp7 or acr if you want to do good ps3 your picture of nuketown is wrong. 1 is 4 and 4 is 1 alrighty,17,6,4,6,0,21,0 868,X869,That's HD :) HQ Doesn't mean louder Just means the music is more in depth which they did a good job on for uploading :) This is obviously an advertisement for that company of the bowl thing. In every single one of his videos There is something about an item or talking about a certain video or something. Its horrible acting and he needs to kill himself because noone fucking likes him. Kill yourself... No-one loves you and you were probably raped by that preacher weren't you? 1 like and i will sing this to my myself :o her. I definitely want slim back :( I would beat the fuck outta this cunt. She would be dead if I was her son. Let me find this bitch... Let me find her. Does she want a cold shower? Or hot as fuck hotsauce? How about a kick in the face? Or a nail in the arm? How about I cut her a little? I'm sorry to hear your story mate. Need someone to talk to? Go ahead and feel free to message me :) Gave you a sub for uploading :) 10-Sep Not a joint but an unfiltered cigarette Oh Bumsy... you got meh again. Trololololol Whats your name then? I honestly kinda like your videos. Message me sometime. It would be really cool to chat with ya I got alot of things you would have a FIELD DAY with!~Cheers~ I want to fucking stab this kid honestly.. For those whom it didn't work for Q6LQL-AGCQE-LU5HD-UC2KQ-JPGIR-DPCMM and when you copy and paste it there will be 2 of these (-) between JPGIR-DPCMM so just get rid of one. Cheers :) That is so fucking funny but true. FUCK YOU ELDER,17,0,3,5,0,22,1 869,X870,"lol i get it 0_o nomnomnomnom lol Oh wait what's the sites name again? lol i really really wanna ENTER lol omg i live in the same town AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! The sad thing is you're trying to sound smart btw you failed. can't wait to watch the series!!!! I was joking lol Partrick Warburton lolz Hurry someone make vsauce 5 so we have them on lockdown. lol Slightly? Ex-wife lol The two only women i know that can pull off orange hair is that girl from the fifth element and megan. lol I can live happy now =) kit kat omg SO GOOD lol Is that english? Well the description says song: ,Dial My Number, by Benedek other than that no telling. Crap mines green =( VANILLA BEAN PASTE I NEED IT lol I almost died reading.",23,0,3,5,0,32,0 870,X871, lol at the intro!!! your voice is amazing! this is awesome! I love how you put a line from Fergie's Clumsy in it! it brought back some memories from that song haha OMG HI TAYLOR!! 3 Twitter: jonnswift13 Facebook: Jon Mitsiaris Why should yo C876,6,1,4,3,0,29,0 871,X872,Thank you. :3 Ahaha. Thanks. (:,2,15,3,4,0,14,0 872,X873,thats why i like sand and an open beach :) nice vid I'm doing a kyurem giveaway along as a 13 tgc vid check it out pls. never seen those cool box's i want 1 :( just cause he's black with dreds don make him lil wayne don't try it. its a horrible mix!!!!!! roman.leef anyone else got a pocket of hawthornes? Balls nigga I love this video!! Niggas in Paris try to sell u shit everywhere Anyone read the description ?,11,49,3,5,1,15,0 873,X874,Third track sounds just like something off 'Sons Fascination' love it! Derek I hope you will use these songs on your solo album they are far too good to waste. Stunning! 'Broken Glass Park' is like a lost B-side from the New Gold Dream era it's absolutely stunning. I hope it won't be long before the studio recording is finally released. For some people Derek Forbes and Mick MacNeil *were* Simple Minds. Everything that was good about their signature sound came from those two amazing musicians. Not forgetting Brian McGee either - a brilliant drummer who is sometimes overlooked which I think is a little unfair. Mel Gaynor is good but Brian even more so. However all being said the current line-up did a very impressive job on the recent '5X5' tour so much so that I deeply regretted not going to see it. They nailed it. 2012 = 1982. Love it. Why don't you ask Blur themselves? They have said as much in interviews. Listen to their early hit 'Girls Boys' it's very reminiscent of Duran Duran. First heard this song on Radio 2 yesterday and if I wasn't so familiar with Simple Minds I'd have thought it was them! You're right it is a great song I just feel that it would have benefited from having an organic bassline. John actually plays synth bass on this track... Hi Mick. I wasn't expecting a reply most kind! Any plans to record with XSM again as I understand that Derek Brian have started work on new material? (see XSM website) I sorely miss the contributions made by Derek Mick and Brian but after the 5X5 shows I've sort of convinced myself that the current Simple Minds line-up is still very good without them. At the end of the day the 'real' Simple Minds are working on a return-to-roots new album (inspired by Reel to Real and Empires Dance) and Derek Brian are writing a new album with their own band based on the sound of Sons Fascination / NGD (don't know if Mick is involved). Very exciting time to be a fan... Probably the closest Jim has sounded to his 'old self' in many years and yes there are shades of Sons Fascination here. I can't wait for the new Simple Minds album especially as it's supposed to be strongly influenced by the first five albums. If Jim sounds as good as this then we could be in for a real treat... This may be a cover but stylistically it's as close to early Simple Minds as you can get. It's just a shame that the original five members of Simple Minds didn't record this as per the original plan... Don't want to sound controversial but I actually prefer this to the original. It oozes classic Simple Minds although I'd say it sounds more like 'Sons Fascination' rather than 'Once Upon A Time'. Along with 'Broken Glass Park' this is among their best work in the past five years. I actually think he is quite amusing. Far more entertaining than the awful Meerkat adverts. Roger on percussion Nick on synth / synth drums Andy on guitar John on his fretless Aria Pro bass... What a load of bollocks. After over 18 months this album is still sounding great to my ears. I wager that in ten years time people will still be enjoying it. If anything I thought Nick was more restrained on AYNIN than he was on Astronaut or RCM. Derek Brian and Mick tried to do something similar several years ago but due to personal circumstances Mick had to pull out so I guess it was a case of waiting until he was available and willing to participate again. And any hardcore fan knows that Derek Brian Mick have just as much right to bear the Simple Minds name as Jim Charlie or Mel... How so? This guy's name was Paul Smith and afraid to say he really is dead. Go into Google and put in 'Motorcycle News Paul Smith' and it's there at the top... Sounds very Duran Duran. Good track! Doctor Who is brilliant. Much better than the crock of shite that David is complaining about here. What a horrible thing to say about a person. Jim Kerr is one of the loveliest blokes you could hope to meet it's disappointing that you feel the need to make such nasty remarks about him. Anyway back to the music I agree that this is an excellent track could almost have been on 'Empires Dance'. However the real treats are yet to come... Cracking tune even if part of the melody is a complete rip off of 'Factory' by Simple Minds... Studio version out in March on the 'Celebrate: Greatest Hits +' box set along with the intriguingly titled 'Blood Diamonds'!,24,7,5,3,0,24,0 874,X875,"LMAO!! So true! This movie scared the crap out of me when I was younger! Yet now I truly understand Ray Bradbury's work of art I wish ross' hair in this whole video was how his hair looked in AA season 2..minus the part at 2:33 but other than that his hair is perfect...but in season 2 of AA his hair is different..and Idk what it is about it that I''m just not liking Thank you!! I think China might like Ross haha from the many times she say ,I love you Ross!, what's the ending song? How does he seem tired? what's the beginning song of this video? lol never gets old! This is reallly really really random but does anyone have a name to this lip color? I know its red but its not maroon nor cherry I'm trying to replicate this look for friends. its at 0:55 Did you happen to here what he mumbled? awwww!!!!!! srsly I want a jacket like that lol!!! haha that's so cute! This made me so pissed off!!!!! Idk how i am going to continue loving this show ):",15,13,4,5,0,17,0 875,X876,duran duran DNA all over it. Loved the Astronaut sessions. Thanks guys. Didn't expect to ever see the original 5 back in action in 2005 I believe Duran Duran donated the song to FIFA. It was off the Astronaut sessions 2003-2004. My favorite from that era. H O L Y F U C K! This is probably Duran's best live performance EVER! goosebumps all over 1 van de betere Bond films en nummers. Roger Moore is the true James Bond followed by Mr. Connery. Great bond song and movie. one of my favorites. Holy fuck this is sooooo awesome! Andy get back NOW Just incredible how hard these guys have worked for their success... my respect God I miss that man Sounds a bit like Lily Alan Lekker!!! Brings back old times... Lekker!!! Every word spoken is one too much.... just listen Wat lief!!! Ik zie er zeker al 2 die ik zou willen hebben! But i'm sure his bank account looks a lot better than yours ;) boy this brings back memories. Nice song Hope it will be successful. En ik haat je terug Yep Thnx Heineken ;) This is fucking viral! RAWRR,21,43,8,5,0,38,0 876,X877,for those people who dousnt like this video thats just pathetac imagin if that was your dad i bet you would be sad and this is comeing from a girl in sixth grade but i woudnt want my dad to die and im preaty sher you woudnt want you dad to die As I Lay Dying forever As I Lay Dying is way better i think Badass song but weird video I do parkour but its hard to find spots in shelbyville without getting in to trouble My Favorite Deathcore band I got an xbox cause ps3 is shit haha Nice fart The sleeve reminds me of samantha any1 agree Do more angry bush they rock U wanna lik my taint Fus ro dah get it right He sounds like my rubber weiner,13,0,4,5,0,32,1 877,X878,i think thats really cool. good stupid and lame what the fuck is this incredible horse shit i know. this is the worst crap ever gosh youre smooth can i get your autograph? this song goes well with a shot of heroin imo 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 over and over then the verse 1-2-3-4 1-2-3-4 1-2-3-4 nice sucker punch nigger lol this guy tells it how it is. former heroin addict here try cocteau twins specifically the song carolyns fingers this is the most pathetic stupid crap ever lol. phil is the best this always makes me laugh gay. whats your problem you shitty loser dont upload shit like this ever again faggot same came for the weird pic stayed for the good music thanks homeslice if you liked the firstid like to see a colab,20,22,7,18,1,32,1 878,X879,yo was Gucci was Gucci new vid peeps,2,97,6,14,0,41,0 879,X880,ur gay The Beatles Chris Brown While I do oppose the ACTA I think you should address the enormous amounts of misinformation on it. This country protects your right to an opinion. It should protect the right to same sex marriage. Um... Basic Physics. The cheese grater I murder toddlers with... I enjoy preforming genetic experiments on orphans in which I attempt to create a female version of myself. I have always wanted to have sex with myself. I legitimately scared of this man. She's quite a bit better than me. As a 14 year old I can verify that my age group is a bunch malevolent thugs headed for poverty. I wish I had half the energy and talent as Freddie... Ice Ice Baby was written 9 years after Under Pressure... Dr. Brian May. :) Founding Father? Queen. yes Makes my day. I would love to see someone do Freebird on minecraft noteblocks.,18,0,2,1,0,23,0 880,X881,"Booo!! You whore! Everyone will hate you. But you ,won't, notice. Lol. Seems like a hard thing to not notice 'specially if it's gunna be anything like Oblivion where all you have to do is walk by someone who doesn't like you and they curse at you. So... The two new movies are completely different... And can't be judged together. . . seeing as this one is obviously comedy and the other one is serious... Even though no one will take it seriously with Kristen Stewart in it... I mean. How long will we be able to with stand her blank expressionless 'I don't know what the f**k is happening here' face.... Oh LOOK! The first decent movie they've ever put Kristen Stewart in... Hopefully she doesn't butcher it with her horrible Gaylight acting.... Oh LOOK! The first decent movie they've ever put Kristen Stewart in... Hopefully she doesn't butcher it with her horrible Gaylight acting.... 20 people like being stereotyped. People can choose what they want? Amen to this video!! Thumbs up if the Titanic one made you laugh the hardest. It's like they were made for each other... This scene and this song. Don't like our country? Get the f*ck out of it. Bangarang RUFIO!",12,0,3,5,0,21,0 881,X882,Whats so funnny about the last part? I did. Just failed to see how it was so hilarious. i was genuinely worried he was going to slap a baby for a second. Those sausages looked strangely appetising cant tell from hearing it. you may as well have just said duncan haha. seriously shut up. You almost make me somewhat less embarrassed to call myself a brummie dat ass. Give up on the music you have no talent. That 'British' girl is putting that accent on she sounds like an American attempting a stereotypical British accent. Isn't the black kid the one who went on X factor? they feel too awkward to react you're not even saying words just dribbling noise? they make them regurgitate the eaten pizza and then throw it in the bin. no pizza for the homeless. the fake laughs really ruin this. why does any of that matter? i dont find dcigs funny anymore. Love jimmy hate tyler james oooo the dilemma what a piece of shit arghhh hate tyler james turned off at the dmc Are u in primary skl unfunny you dress terrible and you have zero personality. May as well give up pal.,24,9,4,1,0,22,0 882,X1866,"let the bodies hit the- mute. FUCK YOU! and i bit my pet hobo's face off. nope. so fuck off this is all you can feed them. the two top comments are two responses by the same person to the same comment.... just sayn 1:20 alien? 6:00 i've watched enough hentai to know where this is going. LET THE FINGERS HIT THE MUTE! LET THE FINGERS HIT THE MUTE! No the fucking UNIVERSE loves Serj! would you reccomend feeding inside or outside of the enclosure if i use ground walnut? Admit it you came here because you saw your idols locked in a prison elevator. might want to take the hot rock out it can burn the snake. excellent video though :D That was satire my friend. dammit................ why would you post that here? i just wiggled the mice and kept wiggling the mice. eventually my ball took it. drugs. honestly i love korn an slipknot equally. korn is a great band. so is slipknot. why the put downs? i bet most people here would agree with me that comparing bands like this is childish and unnecessary. bitch this has no genre THIS IS FUCKING SLIPKNOT! 4 people thought ,dislike button, meant download. emminem? meh. snoop dog? meh. JON DAVIS. IS THAT YOU? obvious troll is really fucking obvious. obvious troll is too obvious. everyone just stfu...... such an original comment.... NO THE WHOLE WORLD LOVE YOU! PENIS how is that snake related? click ,show comment, to go on a quest. poetic talent and metaphor skills? yes. dark songs? i'd say korn takes that title. Hey. stop scrolling down. really unless you want to see a religious debate go back up. 2:00 sodium. 92 i ba ma crak ma smak ma bitch riiiiiight ere in olllywoooooooooood 18 th comment :D FUCK THESE COMMENTS Y U NO I-E-A-I-A-I-O? SHUT THE FUCK UP GET UP! too obvious trolling. no reaction. warning you'll be agessive nice spelling error bud :P Cewey's snake is the best. never mind me just a English comment passing through...... No.",42,1,3,4,0,30,0 883,X884,:( hahahaha!!!!!! lol 12 he has mental problems Nyny!!!!!!!!!!! SaaaaaaaaaaaaaN PVP sassan!!!!! Get well soon jeana saaaaann!!!!!!!!!!! -3 jeana!!! pvp saaan Good job ariane!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol yaaay mmmmhmmmm Robecca skelita and spectra ooooohhh im watching the live stream,15,58,5,212,0,17,0 884,X1024,i saw hp in it lol call me sadistic but this shit is funny fuckin fag longboarders think your so toughget a skate like a real man hmmm last time i checked that wasnt no fuckin skateboard and you dont push mongo you fags well dont you just look like a bunch of fags holy shiiiiiiit those look fun lol oh you hicks and your guns when you rock a mcdix shirt dont ask why your fat later in life tubby why did he fill up the full mag? hes only gonna use it just the once i love how they say crappy you fags ironic shower. best of luck duncan and alli would be the penguin cuz she likes to dress all fancy and stuff. plus who doesnt want minions that are in tuxedos 24/7? like cmon guys thats legit right there thats some love right there songs called magnetic off his cruise control mixtape i love living in calgary. nuff said 69! lol omg 1080p blew me off my chair with these yo rick your so wise you should live in some sick ass dojo with tim and pedro on a mountain where you get free skinimax and shit man. keep up the good videos its calledthe joker and the thief by wolfmother Good Job Chap Good Job Chap gonna have to go with my boy tim booty all the way yo diji the link doesnt work! i wanna download this sick shit so you should fix it. great song man i have two tattoos my families initials on my left shoulder and a raven on my right calf and i think as long as they mean something then theres no better way to honor someones memory and such i mean yea you can bring flowers to a grave stone every once in a while but wiht a tatoo you have them wiht you and carry thier memory with you every day of your life. not a day goes by that i dont think of my family everytime i step out of the shower and notice my back. i love it not pee but i pooped in a guys garden and wrote him a note saying not to be alarmed its just extra fertilizer lol. i also gave him $10 because i used his gloves to well....wipe lol youtube stop getting more and more stupid! what was wrong with it before drinkin this shit like a boss. it keeps me and my polar bear warm all winter eh! lol great vid of course its rick that spends all his time humpin :P lol i have my paents and brothers intial on my shoulder blade. so no matter where i go in life i know my family is always behind me :) You Suck you grow a mustache You only rick could rhyme famous and penis lol its a goat but yea lol rappers delight at the begining hells to the yes lol,32,0,3,5,1,21,1 885,X886,what the fucks wrong with his eyes that man should wear a looser shirt nice nose faggot lets boxhot haha your sperm counts high too lmfao freeway looks like a skinnier rick ross cokes one hell of a drug 0:06 a wild ginger appears this. this is whats wrong with america. Wait... hold up.... is mac not wearing a snapback? .... avicii did it better Alright this is dope and so is skrillex's. Both are good so stop arguing and ENJOY THE MUSIC The beat is a redone version of The 900 # by 45 King. Such a sick beat thumb this so everybody can see. love how skrillex used pop culture wtf is this shit and this... is cinnastix It seems as if the best song to mix this with... is itself aww how cute Ron Paul 2012 Biggies rolling in his grave Webby shared it this porno has terrible music,22,3,4,1,0,50,0 886,X887,"Quien fue el hijo de puta que puso no me gusta? Dale me gusta si fue un resentido sin cultura. This makes me think about Rayanne from My So-Called Life. Anyone else feel like if this were a 90's video? Episode Seven: ,Why Jordan Can't Read, ;) en todo caso. jjajaja 4:55 Kurt Cobain. Mommy!! LOL 4:55 Kurt Cobain ;) Photoshop trick ;D Dios!! I'm too proud that my mother language is Spanish :3 I think it's the most hardcore song about cream sodas. pero la micro por dentro se parece xd igual hubera sido la zorra si :) The tempo is fucked up... But it sounds really amazing ;D The crowd dude... THE F-ING CROWD 3 that was a commercial uhm... is She. the volume is way too low for a video like this :( I think this song is really sexy. thumbs up if you think that the little boy at 2:27 is cute Igual gan :) Homero si es libidinoso xD",21,59,6,7,0,21,0 887,X888,yes! yes amen. what's your guy's tumblrs? xD I'm actually doing the same thing except my beverage is chocolate milk lol asians are so gorgeous and the world exploded at this unanswereable question i adore you. i actually have one of those santa claus dolls that moves like that and my mom puts it by the window at night and the candle slightly lights up his face and it moves around and it is so creepy i'm pretty sure it scares the neighbors. That cat 3 3 ^.^ PLEASE can you tell me about the mods? what mod should I download to get rid of error code 12 and how do i download them and is it safe?? my sims game is unplayable due to this dumb error code. you are such a beautiful person inside and out. i love you forever. you are so beautiful. i absolutely loved when you said you don't smoke. :) You are a beauty. How old are you? I pretty much just fell in love with you. 3 Marry me please ANTI JOKES! :D What's the links to all of your social media?,19,18,5,2,1,19,0 888,X2839,"Douglas Adams wrote The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy and in it he states the answer to everything and the universe is 42 (English humour). Fat ugly women aren't allowed in libraries How the hell did a hacker get 84 votes? Man there are some stupid people if they actually went to that website. 400 million? You're obviously a fucking idiot awwww don't like swearing? Fucking shame read a book idiot. Dude if any fully clothed woman gives u a boner theres something wrong. Yeah shes pretty and has big boobs...... what else u need? Wtf are you on about? To be honest the singularity and what came before has always bothered me. There are theories that universes are bubbles floating in a void and fusion/fission between them causes ,Big Bangs, but that doesn't explain where the first bubbles came from. As neither science nor religion can prove what banged or why it banged and maybe never will this argument is eternal. Maybe they are both right. The singularity was the only creation the universe the result. God that guys voice is annoying I couldn't watch it anymore. WTF is this? Is it a real game? It looks shit and weird and why is it Tower of Babble when it's spelled Babel. And jesus dude you really need a cough drop. I'm talking economically if any big economic city were to fall (New york Tokyo London) the rest would fall like dominoes because we are so tightly linked. You can see that 1 American bank closing almost caused global depression if the whole lot went........ Hacker alert! Too many of these fukrs Youtube needs to start taking some action. Why does the sound cut out every 20 seconds or so? Damn it you hacker tards are everywhere!! and using other accounts to increase votes is genius.People must fall for this scam as it seems to be everywhere on youtube now. Do they not have stereo sound in Pakistan? You are either with us or with the terrorists Only the Sith deal in absolutes. Wait a minute. You recorded a youtube video on camera and then put it back onto youtube........ Best documentary? Apart from the fact the sound isn't synched fail. Who the hell gave a thumbs up?! Beverley Crusher WTF? Chill pal I thought IDs and warrant cards were 2 different things and you do know us civvies only care if you have a number on your epaulette uniforms are harder to fake than bits of plastic. In all my life I have never seen an English cop produce an ID card. BTW I was threatened with arrest cos I was getting annoyed that a copper would not help my friend who was being beaten inside a pub (he had to have a metal plate put in his cheek). At least this cop did his job. I'd rather live in a communist state than a police state. The American police state in action. Even the gestapo didn't arrest people for dancing. I can't believe that a country that has a constitution that prevents governments from doing this are sitting on their asses. That's 320 bonus points You weird But black holes only contain a very small fraction of the matter in the universe so it couldn't create a universe unless scale is somehow altered through a black hole or the black hole matter content is universe sized. Someone get the rubber room ready. This is so messed up it has to be government sponsored to discredit the 9/11 truth movement as whack jobs. A better upload that doesn't keep pausing and is in HD is here watch?v=aYsT6LxjXfo Around 1985 my dad my sister and me saw three bright unblinking lights in a triangle formation moving soundlessly across the night sky. Needless to say we never told anyone. 1985? That was the year of the plane crash not the year the program was made LOL Here's a fact : Jesus Christ never existed so his influence on history is purely fictional. If you think the bible is historical you're more stupid than you appear. You can't call someone stupid when you believe in fairy stories.",31,2,4,5,0,39,1 889,X890,"His ratings must be pretty low to talk to another person this way.Why yell and use such inflammatory language.Wonder if he has a problem with women hmmmm? I think if the criminals stop killing people we would get rid of the death penalty.Why was this execution botched he was executed. hey wait thats not an rpg in his hands thats a lollipop and flowers he is pointing at us in the apache.I do not think that killing the taliban represents innocent deaths and maimings as you said. Obviously your thinking and reasoning is just slightly askew you probably just need to visit some of these places and find out about the real world before commenting.You have a good day sir... should of put the camera in a box and then we could of just listened to it someone throw that whistler in the river please enemay did you take this with your stapler lol thats a good one click click click lol i heard this guy is a pedophile GOD BLESS AMERICA these other countries are all animals they are 2000 years behind civilized countries its to bad hopefully someone has to clear this up for me the meaning of racist is when a white person targets a black person in a negative way am I correct.....?that is the meaning of racist correct...?and if a black person treats a white person in a negative way what would that be considered racist no no no the black person can not be considered racist because if a white person thought that he would be ....racist . actually there wont be riots near me soon but good luck with that thought lol.and what does 120 lb versus 220+ lbs have to do with racism ????? can you wear a hoody and sunglasses in a bank ?and if they ask you to remove them they are racist. those poor defenseless criminals i feel so bad for them.I guess when a cop tells you to do something you do it what no death penalty jesse lost his hair and his mind if he ever had one are those cars a tribeca.Maybe you should buy his truck and come on here and review it.I saw a review that a brand new toyota truck sucked so i responded with my 20 year old toyota tercel and said they dont suck i have never had a problem with my car this video is a fake big time who says athaaleets.this is either the wayans bros.or dave chapelle which ever it is it sure is funny.I really like the guy in the back with the glasses he looks like a black peewee herman with attitude to funny what was the answer to his questions where did it say 50 x 4 on the box at first he could not find it i know its here somewhere lol.Then when he finds what he wants it only says 14 x 4 ooops.And what does 120 divided 4 equal 7 huh.,In my opinion this radio 7 watts per channel,What in the world was this video about maybe about the chinese where do you think most of this stuff comes from. haha hes like three times her size he shouldnt have been arguing with her the way she was arguing ..hes supposed to be the mature one...... those statments are just to funny plus they do not make any sense oh well who needs common sense lol",18,0,4,5,0,56,0 890,X891,Have you seen the ghost of john? Long white bones with the skin of gohn. oooooooo wouldnt it be chilly with no skin on. 85th Best videos ever. That's a fact Lol Vm it was me It would be nice if you cut out wild battles so it shortens up the video so you can play the game longer Ever heard of dont go by bring me to the horizon ? Please answer The last two episodes you slept on the right bed haha keep the chain goin You've have made 128 vids MILESTONE,9,10,3,51,0,16,0 891,X892,!!!! ... ! !!Just perfect!! so true!!!!,2,2,4,5,0,21,0 892,X893,if i get killed im like ah fuckit il respawn any way Asian? wts?? it means what the shit? 3:13Hes like:What could pssibly go wrong? BOTS check enemy names -_- Apreciate your work i will subscribe and suggest your songs to others great work! You Shouldn Have Say that -_- you will not wake up (sometime...sometime) She was slim and than she came to america an now shes (_______) not counting that shes pregnant Hes so fat he walks with a freaking stick 25 peaople can only draw stick characters Your gay Why and how a pig made her own account? You aint living in my hous go live on the streeeet 3:20 They should make a full movie And how are they secret? -_- Looks EPIC. cant wait. terraria??? Kill It Before It Lays Eggs,18,0,4,6,0,22,0 893,X894,"1:35 @fashionwithdanielle Her bro ;p sounds like he said fuck!!! lol 5:41 gay homo fagg!!! Swifty why you no give me head set :( hola you should upload. ,Enough Said Vip - Megalodon, as in happy!!!",8,4,4,2,0,21,0 894,X895,UNSTOPPABLE FORCE just build an enormous statue of a man shitting into his own mouth and be done with it LOOK OUT GUYS IT'S THE FUN POLICE WEEEOOOOO WEEEEEOOOOO,3,2,4,5,0,18,0 895,X896,"thumbs up if you dont give a fuck about when your watching this. holly shit! Everybody a massive hairy thing from dj planet is attacking the world..AHHH! quiz for blondes:find the 00 who sang this? i can rap this way fasterand btw im 10that should tell u tht u need to speed it up more :/ im 10 and i can rap this fast :/is that bad? just because it has faster/more drum beat doesnt mean its actully sped up.. Dont worry guys..The people that disliked this song are crazy people that found a internet conection on a computer in a cafe after they escaped the hospital and started randomly clicking dislike buttons on Christinas songsi mean that is the only possible solution for the dislikes i hate u Is it just meor does Astro remind u of a cartoon dinasour.. u luv dat pic of her eminem ft lilwayn?more like lilwayn ft eminem holly shit that is kinda scary! when i herd this on the radio i thought it was eminem... 3:17beyonce?!?!? CHECK IT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! that scary looking.!! can u tell me what all the songs are???! wowthat was harsh over a video about a frickenkids websitelike really?get a life.!!!!! awesome songs! 1:30 i just gave u a button to the most bestest thing u eva herd bitches! thumbs up if u dont give a fuck when ur watching thisbut u do give a fuck that its a great song! people still going on about this 2012 shit when its half way through da year! haha danny is sooo funny! to late.. i liked it.... 2:17 siren lol! Hmm let me recreate that sentance for you..okaywe all know that i am a stupid hater for nicki minajs styleand im also the meanest hater in historybut Nicki is talented and she has many good songs.Stop hating:)Nicki is amazing.p.s im jelous of beez in da trap and stupid hoe because i didnt do it and she did and she is an amazing person!!!!!!!!that is wat u should have said! are you dying?!!?! hahaha u should say,i killed himwhere do i put the body?, sayI dare u to open the door. 2:30 lol! Lauren was great! MY NAME IS MIA!!!just saying.. Nonot really. HAHA LAREN! thumbs up for lauren! david actully MADE all the music. you dont say?",39,3,2,1,0,14,1 896,X897,Let the sky fall would be an awesome song I topic im sorry but still. I WANT MARK OF ATHENA!! lol. and Dear Bully i want to check out lol. Divergent BOOK THREE....Veronica Roth what's the matter with you?! This was hilarious! Awesome! I envy your bookshelf. A voice told me to comment. These actors are awesome with the characters! Percy hates flying. Didn't know Jennifer's body was a book. How was it? Cassidy Tucker you are a great motivational speaker. The Hobbit...was awesome.Crank....Cra to the zy.I bought both mine from Goodwill too. I question what I did with my life before I came here. I think winning Unwholly by Neal SHusterman would be cool. :D Have you seen the movie yet? Those people in your backyard probably like one direction. The ask in the answer....that book was just....whoa. And twilight was pretty slow but like the mortal instruments after the first one it was pretty okay. But mortal instruments is better. Warm bodies!!! I have it but cannot seem to pick it up!,16,35,2,2,0,15,0 897,X898,Great job. Frgan kvarstr. 2:51-3:45 pure ear orgasm. Dont just tell us that it is ``evil``PROVE IT! please. Nationalism is a staledebunked and old ideology.The passing of greed and dellusion is soon over.Long live the spirit of the human race!,5,8,3,5,1,16,0 898,X899,Only in America... Dio vs Ozzy Henry VIII vs Julius Caesar jack needs to grow his hair more the only problem with this song is that it plays every 10 minutes on the radio -.- this defines people lost on minecraft my code won't reset.,7,0,2,5,0,14,0 899,X900,"i was crying.. but then shanaynay found the pubic hair.. lol gay fag is faggitty gay who's the gayest fag... and he's a homo Make Ray get a haircut... You don't know what's in that thing 1779 are potatoes :/ 460 people forgot the ice T.T Me and my boyfriend's song (: i soo bet aliens are watching this and laughing at our stupidity :P um.. am i the only atheist here who understands what he means? that's a bible it all makes sense now.. Chicken dance? don't you mean Cucco dance? that's an awesome room :D maybe the one who beat her up. still better than justin bieber SPRITE;The only soda that tastes like 7up (: 2359 people got sent to the moon BEFORE they grew up you guys should songify ,sitting on the toilet, :P They can actually swim you know? throw one in water near zora's domain and see for yourself. Hey did you guys hear the news? There is no God. mario wasn't a plumber yet he was a carpenter i wonder if ian and anthony ever get laid :P i love how the fat one is the christian :P Good thing these girls are not interested in having a partner; a sign that their hate towards people will not spread far. Is it possible that their state of mind is considered a mental condition? I would love to have all these hateful parents locked up so they don't spread hate to their children's minds. loving the tittle of the vid.. wonder why they call em that.. the kid looks like a nazi.",24,0,4,5,0,14,0 900,X901,I got my camera working again so please subscribe :) Hello all my subscribers... could you share me ? Heey :) Someone share me? Need more subscribers :/ like waaay more! subscribe to them woo 13 subscribers ;) ermergerd 16 subscribers... woooo (Y) when I get 20 subscribers I will upload a video of me playing Slender :L I just filmed me playing Slender... scary sh*t! Go subscribe to him he makes great videos on gaming :) it's 1:45 AM! I am so tired but I am staying up and editing a video for you guys :) Urg really need more subscribers ! Customize your message Customize your message Customize your message Love this one! 20 Subs!!! 21 subs 3 yay omg guyssss :) tweet this to the boys :) Customize your message go subscribe to someone called xSimplyEl it's my new channel :D subscribe to xSimplyEl please it's my new channel 3,21,25,2,7,0,21,0 901,X902,"lmao you guys are adorableand mean :] lmaooo loving it you two are adorableee. talk about sitting so straight while driving! YEAH CHICAGO! 33 i love living herelmao at ,imma dollar, was there too! complete bullshit.that show was insane!left side of the stage seemed crazier than this side. mmmmm i bet godseys voice is stephen and stephens voice is in sync with godsey WE WILL NEVA KNOWWW",5,1,8,5,0,33,0 902,X903,how did flo rida get into dis? i love say somethin but this song is just..,1,10,2,5,0,44,0 903,X856,"where is the talk about balance???? south park jumped the shark... to me hydras woulda been better because after something like a cannon rush voids are pretty popular and hydras rape gateway units so if he went voids all hes gonna have is gateway units and voids hydras counter both of those so we win easier then with infestors. like with infestors voids are a annoying with hydras they are no problem and then after we hold off his attack transition to infestors cause he will get colosi up and try to melt your hyrdas THIS DID NOT MAKE ME LOL! this should haev way more views this is hilarious god marines are freaking op warlocks are going to be #1 class unless blizz freaks out and nerfs them into the ground... jesse l2p 3 also 279 views in 4 minutes lol 1.2 million views in 2 weeks... fucking beast what is the counter to blink stalker/sentry/imortal with upgrades? o and some templar. what in the fucking world beats that (other then 12 brood lords with 20 infestors)? bahahahahahaahahahahhahahahahhaaha ahahahahahahahahahahaa FLUFFY!!!!!!!!!!!! terran with 1 worker and 1 mule is half the income of protoss with 21 workers..... how do u fucking kill terran when they have 10 tanks 50 marines and are positioned perfectly? how the fuck do u engage the armies he went up against? there simply is no good angle at all the most amazing thing about this video is none of them are black lil wayne vs 2pac 2pac better fucking win or i hunt your ass down :P nicholas cage is fucking insane dont make fun of numa numa guy he is biggest nerd bawler ever holy shit i didnt know trolls are real so true hahahahahahahahahahahahaha what if that police officer is a total nerd bawler gets home watches this daily and shits his pants. this is why i love tlo i wish this was what wow was like rick were is the gym that u where ,shootin, in and what's his name was not with you? ahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahh meeeeeeeeeeeep monster from amnesia made me die u are one cocky sucky player my healing involves dynamite classic TB first one was completely set up kassadin coulda easily killed him boom face full of xin oh shit... hey codguy3843if you hate nerds and thus have almost all video games except the ones designed for 3 year olds like cod why are u watching this video? why are you on youtube? why aren't u out there smoking a cigarette and shopping at hot topic you worthless piece of shit. what is name of this song? that WW gave me cancer",36,1,5,5,0,25,1 904,X905,i love aston merrygold sooo much!!!!!!!!!! heyy i want him to marry me LoL!!!!! ASTON IS A FITO makes me cry x noooo the song ended OMG wanna marry aston xxx love the song its the best and if u avent got anything nice to say bout this song dont say it .xx just saying me too :D im sung it at my leavers assembaly :( dont listen to the haters there just jealous he's amazing and so cute!;D i actually love him!3 :* Look Ollie is amazing he has a lush voice and whoever hates him should go get a life and stop watching his videos he don't need idiots like you in his life grow up and get a grip your just confused jealous admires and btw he lives in Bristol and I don't really care if u know him loads of people do and he's changed their life's-he's made it magical some people like mee ;;) would give the world to know him! I love Ollie!:'). @ellawattsxo look ollie i know you get alot of people asking this but seriously i adore you you have swaggiee and you would probably kill me with excitement if you followed me ;) @ellawattsxo,10,3,4,5,0,19,0 905,X906,woo hoo! I love this song! hahahah what the fuck your the cutest little thing ever!! keep on singing!! YOU YOU YOU...I know you! hahaha not much dudeeeee just chillin...:D thanks just chucked it together quickly..wanting to do another soon!! not much time.. this was one of the funnest things I have ever been involved in!! So amazing and so much fun. wish my full name was on this not just eli!,7,8,3,17,0,22,0 906,X907,I loved the way the bare wall sounded! Well this must mean if celebrity's want to ban guns that means no more movies will have guns in them right? I don't know if is he more jealous of her new found fame or Lebron is on her tail! You did a great job on this video! How was the steaks! She is only agreeing with everything because Alex bought her a steak dinner! this video should be moved into the comedy section! What pre amps are a good match with the p67? I record pop vocals! Martec MSS-10 - Avalon M5 or Millennia HV-3C! Imacs are ips as well! Sometimes i wonder if these videos are just acting and are fake! Who cares! She is or was the HOTTEST girl on the planet! Back when NYC was exciting! Listening to this on Focal SM9 just to prove to a guy that the sm 57 can be just as good as high end mics! Is that a Lawson mic? WOW they weren't kiddin that mic is stellar! This video was so awesome that i have now switched all my web hosting to Go Daddy! I think she is going to be our future president! This guy should do stand up! Just saw this on CNN Looks like a great network. All you need is some marketing geniuses to put this out into the mainstream. A meteor just hit my house!,21,69,7,3,0,23,0 907,X908,This is disturbing RIP Dimebag R.I.P Dimebag and my dad Well i just spat out orange juice on my mom when the FWAYYYY part came on....she was in her new dress....yeah im so in trouble... @mustachesarethebomb yes yes he did :3 I like the beard! :D hehe but this is fricking funny It says shes 9 in the title I love Dani! :3 So adorable!!!! RICK ASHLEY IS AWESOME :3 She used harry for fame because she finally realized that he's more famous then her.And Harry left her because of her cheating.#JustSaying You lost me at batman xD awesome,12,7,3,5,1,22,0 908,X1639,I would elect you for vice president. get minecraft and we can do some multiplayer :) alot of people love minecraft multiplayer! im 16 (just saying if you hate annoying kid sounds LOL) does xbox and pc The fuck did i just watch..... LOL slicer havent seen him in a while dat cat ;D the cat should be in the team as well! i just got an idea for a new kendama..... umm because we're on a computer dumbass the fuck did i just watch..... woop name of song? Lol anonymous should find the hidden files of aliens by the government . or the portals they're making to another universe. 1:55 Trish just finishing sucking Elliotts dick :| is it just me or does it look like she has a lazy eye? e.e or should i say e.o Lol at the end. IM DONE!!! PUT A DAMN TAMPON ON.....then eat it and get facebook famous green screen? e.e i see no shadows what so ever LOL Sean Fujiyoshi from the old time nigahiga :D didnt like it :| probably because i dont like those types of beats. my left ear enjoyed this video.... i bet you're really fun at parties huh? finally a vid about kendama Lol disliked :| it was eh :O OMG SAM YOU LIVE RIGHT BY ME!!!!! I SAW THAT HOUSE FOR SALE A WHILE BACK!!! OMG! the generations under 1995 are horrible..... you just got yourself a new subscriber LOL FAIL AT THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nuff said it worked :D thank you. i have xray and a bunch of optifine other mods and it actually works Lolfirst modloader mod ive had that adds stuff to my game :) ty Pocahontas Jones 1:18 EPIC SAC GUY MUSIC LOL amazing :0if only i could get a mini kendama Lol my computer cant find gpedit.msc,33,49,5,75,0,21,0 909,X910,did her sister live after the op or not ???? didn't really start a fight he just started a conversation and they started fighting bout it that black guy was talking shit anyway bout it being dangerous trying to make him uncomfortable wants to learn some social skills The film Ill manors LOL Snakes on a plane... This music video isn't from a film lol OI mowgli! put down that tigers tail! You say get a job but if your talking about wealth there hardly skint and probaly comfortable financially just stressed over how they obtain there wealth. you say this i grew up around london and we couldn show white or british pride our generation doesnt want to be soft like the one before it gave up all our jobs to immigrants because you didnt want to do them then tell us were the problem and dialect and language doesnt cause riots so educate yourself you joke cuz ur some neek that doesnt know grime jst the shit dappy turned to after he got signed Been a while since world war 2 buddy anyway wed be better off running to china lol and this being the non racist USA that used slavery to build its economy ur a clown m8 serious.,11,0,4,5,0,22,0 910,X911,I think this video should be shared around simply so the morons featured in it get recognised and hopefully publicly humiliated. I suggest the French woman be allowed to stay as long as she wants and we deport these fuckwits instead.,1,0,3,7,0,42,0 911,X912,please do more. this was fantastic. the girl is AWESOME and the actors are all great- a really fantastic idea. its about time students did something creative like this. really seriously well written and the fast paced humour is just right. nice one guys. ellen- you deserved to get through. you were great mate- your voice is insanely good x whheyyyyy!!!! :) x i stalk you now.....THIS IS SO GOOD!!! THIS is what film-making is all about- something that makes a difference. this is....disturbing.... this is great. :) makes me really happy and ready for the summer. hari me lassanai sinduak! isthuthi!,9,2,3,2,0,20,0 912,X913,Aww so cute So funny omg Sounded like Italy from Hetalia This was out a while omg why is it so popular now What uraboku episode is that,5,5,4,5,0,24,0 913,X914,"marry me danny? a trailer has never scared me so much in my life. you suck i'd easily turn lesbian for her;-) adele you freaking beautiful women3. HAHAHAHAA. If there weren't fat people African's wouldn't starve. omgomgomgomgomg. omg. i've never screamed so loud that's german Esme looks like she's on drugs.. yeah? well fuck you :) i just can't get over how much they sound like wolves when they go 'yoooooooooou.' ahahahahaa Liz's hair though... LMFAO. kingsley your a babeeee Paloma Faith? her figure her face her hair her voice her smile her eyes = perfection 3. @jimmy2k4o @jackGamer193 - BANTER eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. eye sex. what i would do to live in australia omg. not cringey at all when your posters upside down... OMG. THE EVIE GIRL IS FROM BARNABY BEAR! she's my favourite song 3 Lennon's fucking amazing wow. I can imagine Barack Obama singing this in his office after he became President. Oh lord. You're pathetic and not even worth arguing with. People commit suicide because of bullying and you're basically saying it's good to bully? You might as well become a murderer while you're at it. It looks awful ,That's because it's on you dear, get's me every time ahah :')))",25,3,5,3,0,21,1 914,X915,"I drop in it =.=, u ate dirt i wonder if theres ice cream human XD",3,2,2,5,0,23,0 915,X916,"Hate Twilight love this :) I love her so called 'skank' clothing. I wouldn't really call it skimpy. It is revealing but it covers as much as your average singlet! Defs could wear it :) MTV can't cancel I'll bomb them HAHAHA! love it My name is an anagram for love Excuse me bitch you don't need to shoutFEEL THE FAT POWER! 5:24 who is she?! When she looked normal... She's beautiful! Not everyone has to look like a Victoria's Secret model to be called good-looking. Okay..... Maxie is..... So hot. Then came the day Osma blew us away,HE BLEW THEM AWAAAYLOOL! Mr. G shit right there ;) aw poor Cass lol :( Now I know why they never get Sid to fully cry on Skins... Nevertheless this is one of my favorite episdoes :) Love Skins especially 1st Generation!! Jal has to be biplolar... Maxie was so hot... OH NO THEY'RE GONE :((( One of my favorite episodes :) Series 4 is just fucked.... Not the series the song lol. LOVE SKINS! omg I love you because of the Rihanna shit. You're so right. I seriously hope this is not fan made.... I want EVERYONE in ONE MASSIVE SKINS! Please! :( I'm so glad Cassie's coming back. But I want Michelle Maxxie the twins AND EVERYONE APART FROM JJ AND FRANKIE! I tried doing this.... Nearly stabbed myself. Love you Cassie so glad to know that you're back for Season 7 :) Please stop trying to make another Effy... Especially someone like Frankie. In the bible it CLEARLY says God sees all SINS as EQUAL. God made us to SIN we are NOT perfect. People who claim to be Christian yet exlude homosexuality are not really Christians. We preach love yet have these freaks act out hate. Its just wrong... I can see myself doing this. Not because I hate gay people I actually like them. But because I'm just naturally fucked up. I'm insecure need a group to talk to and mask my faults in hateful groups. I know this is hateful and wrong. But I'll do it. There. These people are not Christians they use religion as a disguise. They do this because they're fucked up. They need closure and comformity. Like me. I... Don't have later you stupidbitch So funny. Best trailer= Worst season What SailorSocko means is adolescents are recieving a negative message from the media. Have sex take drugs and throw your life away. I mean what is this 'YOLO' and 'SWAG' thing that they all keep talking about? I loved this show :) But I don't think its right for teens. Its like who's fucking who on Glee LOL!!! I agree. I love this :) Why is shit like this even legal?!",29,10,3,5,0,22,1 916,X917,You're amazing! Remember you're only 9!! You have a lot of time to mature and get better! But dont try so hard. I know you're nervous! Good job (: You have a bright future! If you're going to post mean comments at least learn how to spell! You're great! Keep it up! (: This video is awesomee 3,3,0,2,5,0,17,0 917,X918,hey my names josh harrison I'm 15 and i sing :) people say I'm talented and I'm getting pretty popular on here so please check my live acoustic cover of boyfriend out thanks to those who support subscribe comment rate lets go #teamJOSHY hey my names josh harrison I'm 15 and i sing and play guitar :) people say I'm talented and I'm getting pretty popular on here so please check my live acoustic cover of BOYFRIEND out thanks to those who support subscribe comment rate lets go #teamJOSHY hey my names josh harrison I'm 15 and i sing and play guitar :) people say I'm talented and I'm getting pretty popular on here so please check my live acoustic cover of BOYFRIEND out thanks to those who support subscribe comment rate lets go #teamJOSHY!!!!!!!!!!!!! im josh im 15 i sing:) check my live cover of boyfriend out ay im josh im 15 and i sing :) click my channel check my live acoustic cover of boyfriend out much love :) hey I'm josh harrison I'm 15 and i sing :) click my channel and check my live acoustic cover of boyfriend out id really appreciate it thank you im josh harrison im 15 years old and I'm a music artist I'm getting signed soon :) so check my live acoustic over of boyfriend out thanks much love im josh harrison im 15 and i sing :) click my channel check my live covers out I'm very talented don't miss out thank you lots ! thanks alex im 15 years old i sing I'm getting popular on youtube..check my live acoustic cover of boyfriend out don't miss out on my young talent :) im 15 years old i sing I'm getting popular on youtube..check my live acoustic cover of boyfriend out don't miss out on my young talent :) im 15 years old i sing I'm getting popular on youtube..check my live acoustic cover of boyfriend out don't miss out on my young talent :) im 15 years old i sing I'm getting popular on youtube..check my live acoustic cover of boyfriend out don't miss out on my young talent :) my dream is to do music im 15 ive been singing and playing guitar since i was 6 years my channel and check my cover of boyfriend out i promise u wont be disapointed dont miss out on young talent my dream is to do music im 15 ive been singing and playing guitar since i was 6 years my channel and check my cover of boyfriend out i promise u wont be disapointed dont miss out on young talent my dream is to do music im 15 ive been singing and playing guitar since i was 6 years my channel and check my cover of boyfriend out i promise u wont be disapointed dont miss out on young talent im 15 i sing im talented and getting signed soon..check my videos out love u guys im 15 i sing im talented and getting signed soon..check my videos out love u guys im a 15 year old music artist im getting signed soon check my boyfriend cover out :) i love my fans thanks for the support im a 15 year old music artist im getting signed soon check my boyfriend cover out :) i love my fans thanks for the support sucks floy off cuz he a lil bitch molly with that leann boi picked up them bently keys splash on em soulja #blvd,23,493,6,4,0,23,0 918,X919,I was sick and sad.then i watched the bloopers at the end and now im happy and feeling better ^-^ A.A has that affect on me C: I swear cx hahah YESHHHHHHHHHHHHHH PLEASE MORE VLOGS! unicorn!!!!! Hurricane Shayanna XD I like this cast better than the official ones.. this was posted on my birthday xD Chinese and dress up as nicki minaj xD hahha fig bars xD yes @-@ fried cx I love you Shane and fuck all the haters that don't get the freaking jokes! I mean seriously. I have always watched you from the start and I'm so happy for you. Don't let these haters kill your love in joking and making videos. she is as huge as a toothpick xD Writing fiction books...Now I'm nervous to write now. Half of my family disowned me for it.. blood mary Danny on the fucking 3 Why don't you tell Marilyn that? -_- I'm sure he will be so HAPPY to change your answer. so sexy 33,18,0,2,5,0,15,0 919,X920,Dude If you were really a hardcore player You'd have swept through that dungeon like it was nothing. Also you should take up smoking It'd calm you down like mad. Best trained army eh? Then let's jump back to WW2 And have the Russians stay out of it this time. You would be speaking German today buddy. Also it's YOU'RE a cunt not YOUR a cunt. If you're gonna be so proud to be english At least care enough to learn the language you silly fuck. Probably because they're more busy focusing on something actually important rather than dumping billions of dollars into something so useless as a movie. If this were an american child I'd have no doubt believing it were real. I remember a kinda recent story saying that sex was starting as early as 9 years old for some american kids. Of course of course. Always had great products from there The games and movies always work perfectly And they always have the latest games in stock. I shop there daily :D Ironic that the URL for this video has Joy in it. I agree they do seem quite cliche. Fiji Water is so god damn delicious. Your days of stupidity are almost over. Picking out random shit from that false book called the bible doesn't help. Besides The antichrist is our saviour it's christ himself who is the real devil. Prime example of an awesome Brony And person in general. Can take shit and not give a fuck. And Taught was the word you were looking for. Damn ponies can't spell for shit :P You really think he cares at all if he gets dislikes? No one cares only you. More than I should . I feel since it's private property Let em do with it what they will. If they wanted a statue of Adolf Osama And the Grand wizard all stabbing Jesus I wouldn't give two shits. Never cared for geek squad. A bunch of idiots who wouldn't even know the difference between SSL and SQL. Mom's dead so you're a necrophiliac good to know. That would explain why your brain is pretty fucked up. And even if my IQ was that of a fucking squid I'd still be infinitely more intelligent than you could ever dream of being. Well Things like that aren't really games. They're more along the line of apps or whichever term you prefer. Like the one in this commercial It's just a program to pick random outfits or whatever. I couldn't think of anyone who would call it a game. You know nothing. My Dying Bride are the pioneers of Doom Metal. Some guy killed some criminal scum? Good day. Well technically since GIF is an animated image It would be possible to turn the whole video into a gif But the size would be immense Likely several Gigabytes. I'd be interested to hear. All I can say though is just hang around Life is a crazy bitch. God I actually had this game as a kid. was actually an alright one. Memories... Of course not. Mainstream media can't promote guns That would be bad for the poor overly sensitive ones. Guys are fucking stupid :D Folk songs are always about drinking My good friend :D,24,2,5,5,0,22,0 920,X921,name Granbull Granpappy Radical Highway Metal Harbour and of course City Escape are some of my favourite stages in all of Sonicdom?... Sonic-story?... out of all the Sonic games blasphemy! you know that you can just take a screen cap while having the video on fullscreen with a high video quality and adjust it on just about any photo editing software in order to make a nice custom wallpaper? the question is do we also have kuudere in the house? either Final Fantasy IV or VI for me to be precise the DS version of IV and the Gameboy Advance version of VI I know but i just have to ask for the sake of it face it i do this for every Nerdy Nummies video as well I think he's talking about the apparent immortality bit You don't really need to know much for it though the only recurring character is Raiden so you only need to know his story in order to get the game's story,9,5,4,5,0,14,0 921,X922,she is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol what is there too hate???? xxxxx I LOVE THESE GUYS XXXXXXXXX if u dont like her dont listen to her!!! AWWWWWW love this dude soo much x lol x actually love this woman! is she lip singing?? someone is obviously jell of pretty people !! wishing i was just to be with sesame street!!!!! aww love this video xx its soo clever xx aww niall my baby aww niall my baby,14,0,3,5,0,13,0 922,X923,Patrick's voice flawless. you're kinda hot but you can't really sing. js. but good control of your voice. Hnnnnng they left out the reason why the girls beat her up.. DIY FRIZZY HAIR MASK PLLEEAASSE!! :D this actually wasnt THAT bad...,6,10,6,8,0,19,0 923,X924,(: we all will i dindnt know u could shoot through that wall I like promenade they dindnt have one and its private match ::::)trlolololololo :) I will always remember this comeback stewie griffin vs Roger 2nd roster:D youhave to die to get the 2nd M.O.A.B. fuck fucky fuck fuck 0:10 epic face :) :( its real wtf u have color eye sight wrong :P IT HAPPENS TO ME :( when do u get xray vision? ur talking shit i bet u haven`t gotten a moab united kingdom fag how is it fake r u stupid? ohhhhh 1:35 bottom left what perstige is the biue one on ranked 10 on career before he kicks him out of the bus he says sorry asshole good for you i won 0:30 saints vs colts yea ps3 in bottom left at 3:17 Erhmahgherd Wirz Khareefa,28,3,6,5,0,22,0 924,X925,wapaaa it very different veri beutiful pero quien es lo sabes ole ole me encanta jajaja esta muy bienn Por culpa de gente como tu se arruinan las canciones anda callate ola k ase mola ajajaj,8,0,2,5,0,15,0 925,X926,i'm pretty sure you didn't watch it more than 414842 times but i bet you wished you sis because i do too its ok do you see what i see 1:34 will i do! catie's and mia's like if you didn't know what banz a make her dance meant and went to Google and found out,6,2,4,5,0,28,0 926,X927,Hey guys please check me out all I need is a jump start and ill be on my way! Bitch shut the fuck up and go back to your fucked up generation before you rot you old ass nigga bitch i told your old ass. his voice is almost deeper than justin beibers. your voice is so nice i want to shove my wrinkly scrodem down your mouth till you choke and shit yourself. thumbs up if you hate people to do thumbs up for top comment -__- were too late the alines are already here. HURRY UP AND KILL IT BEFORE IT LAYS EGGS! @0:37 LOL if you looking in her window shes watching disney -__- i just jizzed in my paaan ts,9,0,2,5,0,28,0 927,X928,"No Decatur tx. Thanks dawg! You spelt awkward wrong. hot dog condom style The only ex =3 writer I have respect for is Steve Green. He's actually really funny. Hey dude you dont need money for sex search simplepickup on youtube watch their vids watch all their simple tips take notes subscribe to simplepickupextras subscribe to their email list. Do this it will help you get laid you have a sexy voice dude use it with confidence on chicks when you hit on them. What does eqs stand for?? Mindfuck. Fuck it hit on those girls at your school that's what I do just remember to keep in mind of the quote from SimplePickup ,Fuck me or fuck off., And who cares if it gets awkward if you get rejected by them try to find humor in that awkwardness or you can just go on with your life normally after that by not caring about it.",9,71,4,32,0,21,0 928,X929,screams into the night,1,8,3,3,0,16,0 929,X930,PEPE the robot !!! papaya,1,0,2,5,0,16,0 930,X931,stokta var m beyler alcam hemen THS S SPRGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! gzel bir prezervatif reklam tm kutsal kitaplar ard arda yrtp tuvalette iftar yapm ak evlatlar dislike verenlerin kulaklarna sokaym FEED ME ! beat nerden tandk geliyor acaba :P ahahaha linki kaydettim ok iyiymi :D Yalan syledim anne.Dizim acmyordu ama sol daam ok acyordu anne.Bak imdi sylyorum. uram iteSol daam ok acyor anne.Sustum ama okula giderken yine aladm anne.Ha bi de sol daam yine ok acd anne. legends never die! its just AWESOME better than justin bieber thanks man %99 porn %1 music my penis brought me here ark fenaym AS:FwqE:ASf:qwe:ASF:QWe just go fuck yourself,17,0,3,5,0,36,0 931,X932,@davidlee110 Really ? Lol Chocker Not!!!! With what bush did he deserved it!. Lol 10 dislikes are Bush and the security guards... I have to tell My Penis to come down... ? @fatrangecam kk But you dont make that much money on youtube... you cant live off i,28,5,6,11,0,32,0 932,X933,Voc a cara da atriz brasileira Aline Moraes algum j te falou isso?! Voce to delicada no combina com esses pirceng feios Simples tambm fao assim. Tenho medo de ir em manicure... as vezes uma amiga minha que manicure faz pra mim mas eu levo o alicate;) Mas como voc mesma falou uma terapia fazer as unhas Lindinha! Lindo com M?,5,1,5,32,0,31,0 933,X934,he is sooo cutte (: i watch this when im sad sadness no more. (: this is only funny when your high. i ... love ... penuuus! i wannn go too vidconn ! right through his ribiclles! Penis wrinkle..? Some flipppy floppys! Fuck bread! hahah(: skyype ; usmarine1523 ! Yo Chiick She So Thiirsty (; haha im a little birdy! sorry i said condoms.. :( he's sooo mean but its sooo funny. everytime i hear this song i blubber like a baby. -_- Danny you are so cute :) awwwwwwwh :3 your soo pretty! BLESS YO FACE TOBY.,19,0,3,1,0,21,0 934,X935,"Bones:angela's dad 4:46 mg magyauul se tudsz beszlni b+, te se... a magyar fogorvosok egyesletnek ajnlsval... j s elgondolkodtat film csak az basz fel hogy a nje mindig azt nyomja hogy :LEGYL VEGETRINUS LEGYL VEGETRINUS!!!! haggya m bkn!!!! 06:50 ...s van egy ojan rzsem hogy a fal mgtt van vki...-----^- jk az sztneim... xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ez egy puffadt mosmedve",6,2,3,5,0,20,0 935,X936,Mooo Moooo :3,1,6,4,12,0,19,0 936,X359,"why did the comments turn into battle of the sexes like damn just enjoy the song or get the motherfuck out gay or not he can still take your bitch marijuana is a gateway drug to the fridge can i go to one song where one direction isn't mentioned what's going oni see your thonggirl did you know that i'vegot the same one o-o-onI CANNOTTTTTTTTT diplooooooooooooooooo boy george was so frigging adorable wow....was i so blind to not see what this song was actually about.. who's the guy in the beginning? i understand completely ....what the fuck.... ...he's fucking hot literally me lol they forgot one letter probably by accident so i don't understand how they need to ,learn how to spell, lol you guys are so cute ...considering this remix is years old and project x just came out know what yeah you're totally right.. i'm tired of you little children harassing me if you don't know all of these people then...i don't know what to tell you.. trinidad 3 ching chong suki suki desu desu huh i don't know where you got your information from but it's false. He's not even Russian. ..what the hills x i love how they block him out saying ,oh shit, when he's going down the slide lol ..recess.... Manatees invented Starbucks and sold it Bill Gates who turned it into a Boys and Girls Club...oh my GOD I have an isu due in half an hour. Did I start? Nope. i don't understand what the fuck one direction has to do with this who is giovanna the description box omg she looks like nightcrawler from x-men bad boyssss who is that at 0:50 I'm confused did she kill ALL the boys? fresh prince lol",35,4,7,5,1,110,0 937,X1148,"Thumbs up if Machinima should get a TV station so the NannerBananer can be a tv star!!id watch that shit all day every day all night i can now say that I've shit myself from watching a youtube video.thank you Mark kinda sounds like Geoff from rooster teeth! =] Hey I just spawned hereAnd this is crazy!But imma kill yo face now'Cause this is Day Z! Thumbs up for a video feed of Juice? the title of this TRIPPED ME OUT cause i watch all of your and seananners videos and comment on almost all of them and my name is Scott..thought i was getting a video dedicated to me =Dbut then i remembered im not important =[ thumbs up for shark week coverage by sir nanners! maybe snoop DID smoke too much weed.. League is free Arma 2 not not free finally someone brought back the best game ever 0,58 ,okay..,even the moderator knows hes an idiot who just completely dodged a yes or no scared how blind people are when it comes to Schmitt Romney RON PAUL 2012! no spoiler alert? fuck this guy 4:35 i guess the stupid bitch doesnt realize what ,we the people, means.. BIGNESS! I bet if you searched that guy you'd find a barbosol can full of dino DNA I wish collectives gave me free tester strains =[ FINALLY THE OG HUTCHINGTON IS BACK!!!! Nanners it takes me longer than 4 minutes to jack off.. that fucking white kid.. Hutch if it means anything.. I think your choice in farm animals is superb! watching nanners face when you know hes lying about his innocence is so fucking funny =] Just noticed the artist name for the song at the end.hahahahaha this is like watching a retard try to hump a door knob If its true that you gain years to your life from laughter im pretty sure adam is immortal by now.. sketchy ollie = sketchy kickflip I'm Scott Malkinson that was supposed to be my power-pack I have diabetes. I usually don't watch these blogs hutch but i had to Nanners for extra fun knife the bus driver repeatedly!thumbs up so he can see!! Thumbs up if he should give a link for those samples!! HUNGER GAMES MINECRAFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NANNERS PLAY HUNGER GAMES MINECRAFT!!!! I would give both of my left nut's to play an hour of any game with the NannerMan.. 1:53 you convinced me with your persuasion.. If you don't already know placing a turbine next to the recentley deceased driver will re-activate him. Well. you're all no longer fucked! anyone know the song from the ad??That shit fucking bumps!0:33 - 1:18 This is the exact reason why I fucking hate Skrillex.Stupid mindless fucks like you jump on the bandwagon as soon as sunny moore gets big and think he invented Dubstep when he actually destroyed it. 0:00-4:45 so fucking alpha.. video2mp3(dot)net 0:26 get me every time XD his lazy eye at the begening always gets me thumbs up for a dead space 3 live stream!!",43,6,5,7,0,29,0 938,X939,. . ! ! ! ! guys you are awesome!goddamn its great! ^_^ :D lol true lol ) why 480p? . 2012 best That makes me love her more) I love her so... i dont get it. why did he do this? i miss them( sh*t i feel scare( thanks thanks thanks!!!! omg Im so so happy delena still love this song awesome! lol its over than 1 billion. cool Katy Perry wow...^^ so cute^^ Gabi u r awesome :) people are u crazy? this is fu*king hard work and desire not steroids!,27,1,4,5,0,19,0 939,X940,Someone disliked all my videos :( TROLL! Two New Videos Coming Later Today My Chemical Romance And A Scary Suprise 3 :3 Audition for CollaabersUniteed :D OMG thanks guys! 2 subs away from 50 yay!!! 3 Hi guys. Youtoobies :') Subscribe to esmeeevlogs if you would like a room tour! Woot Kay so I really wanted to make some new videos over summer but my laptop hasa virus so I will probably only be able to make around 1 :'(-sorry guys xox Hiiiii :DKaay so Im super excited becuase my laptop has been fixed so I can make videos!Any requests mail me or collab requests mail me too :) i really want to do a collab with someone so if you are interested mail me kay?3,8,143,3,5,0,13,0 940,X2555,"22:30this bitches boobs are literally at the same level that her belly button is. what a hideous sickening person alright dumbass. lets throw you in the middle of a desert and see just how well YOU fare the hurst police department disagrees with you. they called this video ,embarassing, you were comparing this situation to another situation that was completely different. dont compare 2 situations and then act like you didnt youre so fucking stupid. no one EVER said we need to teach our kids about sex. they said we need to teach our kids about how to be SAFE with sex. which is obviously true just because you cant prove something doesnt exist that doesnt mean you should believe in it.i cant prove that the flying spaghetti monster exists. or that there is a teapot orbiting saturn. does that mean that it is logical to believe that they are true? drugs cause harm to the person doing them. rape causes harm to someone else. that is the DUMBEST fucking comparison i have ever heard we all have dumbass. its on google oh no the stupid fucking pig was humiliated. its not like he's ever humiliated anyone else before right? you keep saying that the bible is perfect to anyone who understands it. you are SO incredibly ignorant. the bible SPECIFICALLY talks about how to handle your slaves. it specifically says to kill unruly teenagers gays and people who work on the sabbath day. PLEASE explain to me how ANYONE could think that that is a good thing to say you dont think he did that on purpose? nothing he does is a fail aspire* this is a really really stupid video. a random girl playing her violin and dancing in a world of ice? after having watched the video you seem like the kind of parent every kid would disrespect. what you did is 1000 times worse than what she did. now shes humiliated grounded and you have done NOTHING to actually make the situation better. in fact all this did was make your relationship even worse. so way to go dumbass. stop telling everyone its just a joke. EVERYONE ON YOUTUBE knows that it is a joke if it wasnt for my picture you would have no idea what my age is. your comment is invalid no one is saying that the union guy was right. what they are saying is that its obvious that steven pushed him. go to steven crowders channel. he made a video about this with all the footage and in it you can VERY clearly see steven pushing him first oh my fucking god what are you people talking about? can you honestly just not see? look at 5:52 and then tell me that the guy is not in front of steven. then we will all know for certain that you are legitimately blind wtf man not even close sympathy* its salvia man not weed. if you smoke salvia yourself youll understand youre looking for reasons marijuana should be legal?prohibition doesnt work. that is the only reason needed. whether marijuana is legal or not people are going to get it. the only difference is that when it's illegal the money goes to criminals instead of the government.and no marijuana does not cause cancer. stop being stupid 8:07 is OBVIOUSLY fake you dont think guns help impede crime?what youre saying is that police should not have guns. and that no guns have ever been used to actually do good.that is the very definition of ignorance you're what moron is washing her fucking cat? hes really not good at all. foreverdrummerhmm... who's the wannabe here?seth macfarlane is incredibly talented with music and the fact that you dont think so only shows that you dont have the slightest idea what talent is. kill yourself shut the fuck up about it. you dont need to see his face to enjoy his genius. atheism doesnt follow any kind of pattern that religion does. no one prays to atheism. no one thinks that atheism makes miracles or talks to people. atheism is the LACK of religion. i dont understand how people dont understand that",30,3,6,2,0,22,1 941,X942,So you take the time to comment? Nice! Play this while in a deep cave in Minecraft. You didn't take into account of the soak damage. Think before you post. But doesn't that make you one of them? Idiot. Boyston* does yours. Speak English. I just wish it was better quality! HOLY SHIT FUCK YOUR AVATAR PICTURE,9,4,4,18,0,27,0 942,X943,When I stay two long my ass and hair burn also my skin hair burns that lets me know what time to get out. i never get why the videos are never in HD or some shit. No fagget no body wants to see that shitty minecraft video. join the military if you're a fucking slave to the goverment of course! Fuck you faggot Anyone can.... nigger are worthless yeah smoking cigarettes not weed. Holy shit it doesn't matter if you fight a female and if she beats someone she's just a regular fucking person. you my sir haven't even seen the internet yet. and how would you know how jizz tastes like? you can't can't even compare these two idiot. Then everyone would be mostly dead don't get so butthurt you little faggot. AAHHHH SHIEEET SON 0 people have never died. i did not see that cumming. he commited suicide didn't you see the article?!! Both of their shows really do suck ass. I'm not even black i assume you saw my profile pic of course I've been listening to eminem fro years now i'm just saying immortal technique is way better then eminem which is a fact. Learn to fucking spell write and make sense of words you illiterate fuck and no you cannot be addicted to marijuana dumb fuck. What am i doing with my life? What the fuck did you just fucking say about my gear you little n00b? Ill have you know I am a lvl 90 Undead Arcane Mage and Ive won so many PVP matches and I have done raids on every 10 man heroic dungeon. I also have a fuckton of macros and I have a GS of 10K. You are nothing to me but just a lvl 12 gnome hunter. I will pwn the fuck out of you copy pasta much kiddo. Let him do what ever he wants i also hate it when people do that but just remember he's talking alout so he doesn't have alout of breathe. It would be harder to get a med card actually. you just went full retarded...never go full retarded. No not really.,27,3,4,5,0,31,1 943,X944,Thanks so much Angelique! :) i had to get up and love it :) you definitely deserve more subscribers! GOSH! I love his voice!!!!! Your eye color is gorgeous! Enter me! What is one quote you live by? wow this was amazing! YAY!I have 100 Subscribers on YouTube. It may seem little to you but its A LOT to me.THANK YOU SO MUCH to each of you that subbed!love you! God bless!!! oh nice :]. Thanks for watching! lol your wall is awesome!! hahaha omg i love your blanket!!! 3 So sorry for your loss. Praying for you. With God's help you'll get through this. Love you God bless :),13,101,7,15,0,18,0 944,X945,"thats what we're told its a second plane...,WE SAW IT ON THE TELEVISION, ????? YOU NEED TO BUY A NEW CALENDER!!!! LOSER! NO MATTER WHAT KIND OF GUN IT WAS.... THAT COPPER LOOKED LIKE HE WAS CONFUSED BY IT?!?!?but...... ,cannaworms1, is absolutely correct IT IS A SHOTGUN. I JUST WATCHED A VID WITH THE GUYS WHO MADE THIS SAYING HOW N WHY THEY DID IT I WAS GUTTED : (... FOR SOME STRANGE REASON I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANTED THIS TO BE LEGIT ITS COOL AS F$%^!!! : ) LOL SERIOUSLY? THATS YOUR ARGUMENT??IM NOT SAYING THE WORLD IS GOIN TO END BUT IF YOU ,ARE, GOIN TO USE THAT ARGUMENT YOU SHOULD HAVE ATLEAST RESEARCHED WHEN ,EXACTLY, WE REACH THE CENTER OF THE GALACTIC PLAIN. FYI ITS.... 11.11am.PS. back thousands of years do you think they had time zones? IM NOT CONVINCED ABOUT THE 9 CIRCLES THING BEING 1000000000 VIEWS PERHAPS THE LASSOO ARM SWINGS?? WHO KNOWS NO! THIS VIS IS PRIMARILY ABOUT TELLING PEOPLE NOTHING HAS HAPPENED TO THE PLANETS IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM!!! AND THAT OTHER VIDS ON THIS TOPIC ARE ,CRAZY, REGUARDLESS OF WHAT SOME USELESS LYING BINT HAS SAID.POST VIDS ABOUT THE ANOMALIES IN THE HELIO AND COR VIDS AND EXPLAIN EXACTLY WHATS HAPPENING WHEN IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES A PLANET JUST FLIP TURNS.DO NOT BELEIVE (CRAZY) CGI IMAGES FOLKS!!! i have an 8 year old girl and OMG! if something happened to her like these poor kids.... WOW!!he looked as happy in the vid as he did in the family photo!WATCHING HIM MAKES ME WANT TO HURT HIM!!! TILTE IS WONG!!! THEY WERE AFTER 1 SUPREME RACE! stunning! makes no sense!!! they have a tracking device on em why not wait til they were off the freeway?? somewhere a little more quiet?? or even til they stopped? but of course they will have a perfectly reasonable excuse i mean explanation! : ) ive seen the the Madonna/hover dam thing mentioned before but no-one mentioned the CRACK Tthat is actually painted onto the seat/Dam!! THAT POOOR GIRL. THOSE BASTARDS SHOULD BE LOCKED IN A ROOM WITH 100 RAPE VICTIMS!! great vid thnx. top marks to the guy for following them for us to watch! yeah THYALWAYSSEEK.... geeez cant you tell ive got my volume up full?? how inconsiderate of you to shout!LEE..... dont be a dick!!!thnx Thyalawysseek",16,3,5,3,0,31,1 945,X946,MAHOGANYYYY!!!! OHHHHH!!! You are a genious. 3:25 FAVORITE PART,3,1,2,5,0,30,0 946,X947,GREAT TUTORIAL! But remember kids get cstrike from the css folder you download. Your brilliant. Anyone who says your not is idiotic. I need this. Thanks so much! Im not saying she's good but seriously. Fuck off... Wonderful video YOU MOTHERFUCKING DICK MOUTHED SHIT BALLED WHORE MONKEY FUCKTARD. Exscuse me but your wrong...,5,0,6,3,0,39,1 947,X948,you sing very bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-( you sing very well!!!!!!!! :-D me encanta!! es genial! de verdad :D :P wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! what years old she had???? she sing's very good!! xD mmmmmm...... no thank's que mono!!!!!! es genial!! Yo estoy llevando tapones a mi colegio y ya hay muchisimos!!!! seguro que se recupera muy pronto mal W.O.W I LIKE IT SO MUCH I LOVE MOHOMBII yeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!! they don't sing!! i don't like it wow!!! he sings very good!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG Wow!!!!!! Me encantaaaa!!! :-P jejeje i love la reina de la discotecaaaa Me gusta mas el remix... Pero esta mola tambien i really like this song!!! i love it i luv this song!!! it's my mum's favorite song... and mine! this is playback no?,17,0,2,1,0,15,0 948,X1165,"I killed michelle and now im with barbara Carl johnson ftw A wild snorlax appeared! 00:01 wtf a fart or somming? This is why playing skyblock in 2.1 is better cus the mobs have better AI so if you go to the left they aint stupid anymore so they carry on walking across the bridge unlike what andre does the lil pussy @Hakimrockz1 Yes you must be premium you twat you minecraft unless your on premium and you cant join this server on mineshafter or minecraftSP with hamachi so yes answering your question you MUST have premium This video has got more views than my nan doing an impression of a penguin and doing 10 backflips at the same time in a wheelchair FUCKING HELL!!!! Thumbs up if you didn't even bother applying cus your in europe After gta V they should make a gta san andreas II which could be like san andreas and gta 4 merged! This would have been better with the zepplin mod The cleaning womans there like ,come get bitch.. Soon as this cleaning stuff goes away me you round 1.., i barely ever play on my ipod or iphone NO SHIT SHERLOCK YOU GOTTA FUCKING IPAD! im gonna cut out here and do some inventory organising ... , oh hi :) , * has four empty spaces Furnaces and armor will be added food may possibly be added there still working on it you WILL be able to get gold diamon ld and iron tools and TNT is definatly added and a couple more blocks e.g coloured wool Gayest video ever How the actual fuck did i get here?!! Bravel-1=Scar-L MC81=MP7 Intercept-L200= Intervention ACM=ACR 6.8 OPS55=UMP45 KT-44=AK-47 Maiden=Famas TXR-Reaper=Vector TZ4-Compakt= dunno Automat= AugHBar ZN6-Prototype=XM8 Prototype Hope this helped:) I find it funny how people are making installous 5 videos yet there still using notes on display recorder!:') Your quite good. For a starter im 3rd prestige so... But for a starter your good some kill signatures really piss me off This should be renamed girl turns in to boy and back to girl hes that convincing Unlike this bouncer most of them are shit this ones useful 95% of bouncers are just mouthy fat cunts To get multiplayer just use LogMeInHamachi then just look for a hamachi server on youtube theres plenty:) And yet your still sneaking in your greenhouse to avoid ghasts TWAT! Right i know that soulsand makes you slower the last comment was written by my brother and i have had so many replies on it so please can you stop replying sayig its soul sand i know that. I used to like team NvS and some of them are good but i can beat anarchy and ethan at mc2 so thats when i thought naah. I CAN DO IT!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! @dragonskeeper1012 Its by the way im just doing a grammar Hitler. When is the mc3 commentary coming out? In england we still got another 4 weeks :( Paul is so loooneeelllyyyy hes all on his ooooooowwwn ;) Black: DragonFang White: MilkyWay Nice vid :) sorry i left. NvS_FinalScope @ReaperAHHH Probably has like 1TB Dude in ToK knockback is crap cus you kill something and it goes flying back and drops all the coins like a mile in front of you @Yuixiu Dude!! Are you fucking stupid!!!!!!!!!! At the begining just as he turns the camera around to face his tv you can see a kid lying down in the hallway in the bottom right with his arm out holding string!!!!! And also if his cousin got invaded and c Actually if you look into the history of herobrine when he was first discovered it was a name used by a swedish gamer a lot. Not a mexican. LOLOLOL. Dude before you go calling everyone noobs and saying you can only connect over local wifi you should do a bit of research because you can hack the game with a jailbreak and iSSH to join over online multiplayer. So it looks like your the noob. Dude how do you find out the username and pass and what do you do if your on sky? XD Nice vid bro :) and anyway fuck your haters your the best youtuber there is. -SxC_St0rM",40,5,2,1,1,18,0 949,X950,this isnt a gtr its a gtt just got gtr body panels to make it look like a r34 gtr thumbs up if you just muted this video and watched her boobs holy fuck she would be a awesome pornstar ive seen this chick before wtf how old are these 2 ill have the one on the right my god i just got a hard on fap fap fap noooooooooooooooooo y did it have to end the good part was coming up cefiro how do i keep doing this from a clean vid to a i got a boner vid for peoples who dont know what car that is its a nissan silvia s15 wata buzz killer this looks planned out like he said you guys just jump out and ill shot you and one of you guys shot back to make it look legit hey bro can you add me if your on psn its walanable and can you do g36c vs ak This is nasty 0.49 going full retard,16,0,4,5,0,27,0 950,X951,Jaquan you are beautiful!! 3 Hi Boogie! I was wondering if you would have any views/advice on Long Distance Relationships? even if you haven't been in one yourself your advice is always really good! I'm in a long distance relationship and I have been for a year and a few months ive only seen him once since we've been together because of various things was just wondering if you had any views =) 3 I LOVE IT KEEP HE TORCHES! Maybe Antony hung out with PewDiePie to much which is why he's saying crazy stuffs XD YOOHANDOKU,6,5,2,3,0,18,0 951,X952,"edds last words see ya blaaaaaaaargggggggg bacon head banging at 3.46 first eddsworld i watched Just found ou that edd dint have the bone marrow transplant.which means if he did have it he would still be here. Everyone Else: random words. tomska: ahhhhhhhhhh Lets drink coke and watch eddsworld read eddsworld comics and wear green hoodies in memory ofr edd and call it ST.Edds Day THATS WHAT SOMEHTHING A CYBORG WOULD SAY DONT READ THE COMMENTS BEFORE YOU WATCH IT THEN IDIOT Oh bing everyone new that you were gonna steal something at some point How old to u have to be Stay strong stay strong we will get through this together I WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY ANIMATIONOH WAIT YOU CANT BECUASE YOU CANT DRAW OR NOTHINGYOUR LIFE IS WORTHLESS best line in animation,i can stop everything in in the world as long as it isnt lasers!, Laser beam ,ahhh, bullys are the worst people in society i youre one you should be ashamed of yourself lets stop bullying not all of it just the stupid parts i cried bullys are worthless arrow to the knee ------()---- Finally deans forehead not always i dont buy a gun on the first round coz waste of moneyi dont use bullets u can knife and kill them instantlyand etc what the f*** Brilliant short film this man is talented Sorry edd died which is a real shame he will be missed",23,0,2,3,0,20,0 952,X953,She's a transexual. female appearance male 'parts' :) Teach me Your Ways. Like All good music :/ thanks anyway though! Play Slender to make this not seem as bad. IM sorry but you gave maple story too much credit for the game it is. it's ridden with bugs Wizet isn't updating the game engine and it is still running the same engine from 2007. It has gone so downhill when the developers decided to abandon their original plans and make stupid overpowered classes such as the dual blade and resistance characters. Its not a good game and i don't think it should be on this list. who spends their time making these O_O we need a 10 hour version of this. wow you have an amazing singing voice! im so confused your photo is from facebook it looks different to the youtube icon -_- dont like ponies? press 7. photo.gif,14,1,3,1,0,18,0 953,X954,this is the shit!!! GAY dont forget are dark asians lol (cambodians and indiansand all those good people) () Eeeeyyyy sexy laaaaaadyyyy() Op() Op() Op() Op() Oppan Gangnam Style nooooooooooooooooooooo clark no!! Yeaahhhhhhhhhhhh Bro i got minecraft we should play together . . .Pandi wow u look like superego or u look like him???,7,18,4,15,0,25,0 954,X955,Nice! xD First! Frist!,3,10,3,2,1,18,0 955,X956,Err:508,11,1,3,2,0,16,0 956,X957,"Anyone here have green eyes? :\ WOULD I?!?!?! NO I HAVEN'T READ IT YET!!!! DON'T TELL ME THE ENDING!!!!!!! Dude don't lie to yourself Blue! Uh.....sure I'd donate my hair but shaving it just because of a bet is just........uh.....idk. That's something I'd personally never do. The title is self explanatory -_-, That's amazing. Once I'm an adult I'm gonna name my daughter Melody also3 I really love this anime! At the end I cried because it was so beautiful! Ahhhhh! This game is REALLY good! Scared the crap out of me but it's a good game :}",10,4,3,5,0,14,0 957,X958,Help me make a habbo retro from the beginning and ill reward u with 10$ paypal ( afterwards trusted ) hey im armanaapje u keep afking xD Freak Check out my new song at my channel n.1 Check out my channel :) Check out my new videos at my channel :) uhh wtf? Awesome dude!!! I really liked this video Nicee Check out my new videos :) My channel!!!! for cool videos :D Where are the 2 other guys? I really liked them My channel :)) Nice mix eeeey ik ben het aapje ik ben ook gedemote waar kan ik die server vinden? So i suck myself? Hmmm i think ur parents are soo happy to hear what youve just said :P lol gl dankje jaimy :P Jasper TROLOLOLOLOLOL Duss?... oost west deze pagina is weer verpest :P thx bro,22,9,5,2,0,41,0 958,X959,woher haste den hintergrund was sich bewegt ? ja ihr admin pussys habt es gut knnter ihr kein server restart machen wrt ihr ziemlich am arsch bannt jeden weil er euch killt oder eurer lager plndert ! what is the name of the anime ?,3,16,4,40,0,17,0 959,X960,Ok..... Thanks for ur oppinion thts great I dont give a shit no need to be mean Go to WOW workout world DERPz Oookkkk??? ThAt WaS fUcKiNg ReTaReD!! C'mon smosh this pretty weird man! HA What a boss Cena the boss New York loves cm punk My friend went here when he was 9 at the izod center Ya didn't that come out last month ya I'm pretty sure! 1 direction got caught bro raping fans at izod center ya I'm pretty sure it was on the cw 11 news KP spazes out XD When I went to Washington I had a view of the nationals park baseball stadium at my Marriott renisence! CANNON PENIS!!!! Guys watch SportsNetwork123 and leave comment below thanks u people talk so weird compared to americans next time make sure u put the camera on the person thts taking a shit all I saw was an ugly womans laughing face So ur saying tht animals need to do this to wow tht doesn't make much sense Why the fuck did the jets even go to jersey didn't they think in the future they could build another stadium next to citi field and stayed at Shea till 2008,20,4,2,15,0,18,1 960,X1624,"This is bull shit...the whole video was an intro then it just ended Read comic books and drink chocolate milk. I feel like Seananners is either thinking way to hard or trying way to hard. Just be you nanners we love ya. What are those orbs when you kill a mob? Do you level up now? Propaganda to join armed forces. It has been increasing to support future wars both against Americans and the world. you picked the right person to do the video haha This guy goes for it and should be an inspiration to all if not for dancing than just living life itself nathan about to run this shit Fucking disturbing......I LOVE IT! So weird how every ,black, person who responds say they will physically hurt someone. Why not say ,I will give a good argument on why racism is unnecessary and if can't see my point your ignorant.,...or something like that. Now wouldn't that be a little more productive? 5:03 I've never seen anyone so happy to get chocked 6:54 = Beavis and Butthead Yeah and please don't post anymore. I LOVE ANDY No wonder why diaz hates interviews lol I feel bad for girls...they are just sexy clowns :( When did he find a turtle? You think your slick.... Doesn't matter what he said and how dumb he is. The 1st amendment is there to protect people like this. That is what is twisted. Doesn't matter if you agree with what he says you should at least agree with the amendment that is in place. Agree..both situations are messed up but people need to be shown this can't be tolerated...but your awesome and good day sir! So why did you reply lol I highly doubt it lol GAY! i mean first hahaha frieza has flow more like insecure and black but still great lol Hey...whats wrong with toby turner Flippin hilarious this family is awesome A good episode yay!!!! I agree pacman won...I am so sick of boxing I am just done with this fucking clown show. why so many dislikes this video was actually really funny what the heck is that potion toby always carries around? As weird as this might sound this dude knows how to rap. Painting a picture and rhyming a story instead of just rapping about money materials and fame. This was verrrry entertaining I don't even care if hes trolling at this point. Oh thank god they got those drink stealing hooligans off the street This is amazing boring as fuckkkkkkkkk uh yes I believe you are right. I fucking HATE cops but dude did he really think he could just pull away? Spongebob doesn't count. It uses double meanings pretty openly. The only thing I think is that Spongebob might have a little adult humor thrown in but nothing serious....not like the word sex hidden in stars lol oh no he didnt...who gives a fuck lol I love you andy I don't get it they don't seem that bad a lock picking...everyone acts like they're a pro their first time lol coke is a hell of a drug type dj khaled brown paper bag instrumental it is perfect lol bamf of the day bc he brought you sandwiches?",44,0,5,5,0,23,0 961,X962,"Drew you are so cutee.: A srcnak annyi foga van ahny fle.:)))xDD Nagyon szp.*-*,Amikor a szivnk egyknt ver ,^-^ 1:46 A szivemre bazdmeg!:)))",4,6,2,6,0,16,0 962,X35,"this song has so much true emotion... the lyrics start off kind of like happier and hopeful... but then at the end the lyrics r questioning god... and just a feeling of true hopelessness juns don yor soul... ( im 13 ) O_O this is my favorite movie of all time what i said to my teaacher yesterday when she asked me if im using , naaawww i dont use drugs ( sarctically ) *sniffles and wipes nose* lol... but seriously i dont use lol i'd give any amount of money to get into leo's pants o_0 lol Shane Dawson is da shitt i hve watched the bsaketball diaries exactly 15 times every night for the past 2 years.. not exaggerating 12507 people are stuck up and already think they're good looking!! hey my name is Roxy!! ( short for Roxanne ) this song is unbelievable!! there arent many songs of this kind these days.. theres just a whole bunch of retarted rappers and Ke$sha.. amazing song.. hard 2 believe she's just 16.. she inspired me to learn how to ply this on the piano!!!!!!!!! 3 i have regular internet explorer Will all u retards just shut up!! he has a speech impedament u heartless dicks!! dont u have anything better to do then wish 4 this guy to die because hes different!! stop hiding behind ur computers and go get a life... what if i wished 4 u to die because u have brown hair or blue eyes? how the fuck wuld u feel??! Get a life~God bless ur fucking soul hmmm... whats that little tiny red smudge on the like bar?? peculiar... :3 Anthony!!! its Gabby!! celebrity crushes: Gerard Way and Leonardo DiCaprio Jessi Slaughter: Bipolar at it's best! Correction: Drag Questions shop at Target Jessi Slaughter: Sluttiness at it's best OMG SHE LOOKS LIKE MILA KUNIS!!!! I found this on my mother's history.. twice like if u watched the WHOLE thing yo mama so fat when she wears her yellow raincoat everyone starts yelling TAXI!!! OMG The Kitteh said What The Hell!!! WHAT THE HELL??? 2:14 dude is strumming that Guitar LIKE A BOSS Nirvana my favorite band of all time and Kurt Cobain is soooo sexxxxyyyyy XD UR SUCH A GOOD SINGER! awesome song :) Guys i do feel bad for this girl but she is subjecting herself to this stuff. she can just stop making videos so ppl wont bother her no more but she chooses to keep making them. well i guess she has balls for doing that. Stay strong gurrl. Nice Vid Like if Niall is your favorite 1:17 i died!!!! i Love Niall!! 3",31,12,5,18,0,32,0 963,X1994,omg is he about to strip at 1:22... HAHAHA LOL wow he doesent know to stop red wrings hahaha turn it off for 2hours lolz thats how sometimes works or put damp flannel on it i did that it works lolz :D mmmmmm very yummy... ahhhh it tastes like COOKIES!...mmmm LOL her ass and boobs are SOO FAKE...lolz they are way to BIG hahaha this is way better than the real one... HAHA LOLZ ooo wait SHIT OMG REAL GOOD TRANSFORMATION but im not gay hahaha!! OMFG i would NEVER do this 4:55 omg f****** scary HAHAHAHA LOL WHAT A RETARD I GOT A PICTURE FROM SOMEONE AND IT WAS SOO F****** FUNNY xD lol i always go threw it tol see if thats their...LOL LOL IT JUST A GAME i just saw he died and kept on playing! xD...LOL 1:51 lol 4:33 LOL it turns him on! xD lol i have done this like 50 times xD this is all true i have been there and scored really big 3 big pieces of big GOLD! awesome! omg u have no pick axe and u have 2manyitems...LOL yes i will do this with my 1050 diamonds! ...NOT LoL 1:44 wtf the dragon is gay... i wouldn't wanna join them now! yes he is the strongest dragon ever!... 10 seconds later o he died before i touched him :D omg i thought this person was A man listen to the voice then look what happens 0:34 omg still if she did get pregnant she would really BURST because all of tha babys! sry bout the span I JuSt LOvE tHiS sOnG XD OMFG i got 1 diamond! um what to do with it... NOOO i pressed q into lava D: NO i was gonna make a shovel! well OMFG more dimonds OMFG i got 1 diamond! um what to do with it... NOOO i pressed q into lava D: NO i was gonna make a shovel! i did it again! wtf im cursed D: and he SNAPS bang on the floor ahh i think my leg is broken! help... u are u bitch haha ur leg snapped ah then he faints what a little dick id give a shit about the bully go get fucked U STOLE MY CAT nahh u didnt mine looks like that... like it looks all the same with my cat! um can someone say that this is scary whats the point to find scary stuff ahh this is boring mite go watch a couple of scary shit horror movies and crap myself bye... i did i a sloppy joe! ahh gotta go clean myself in the shower RIGHT! dude yes he did blink haha just give them a wip and FASTER! people know ur a boy its just that they just wanna get u angry and that they are 2 year old little dicks its ok they just wanna go get fucked OMFG MY FRIEND WAS RIGHT THIS IS F****** SCARY! wow thats like my old crazy cat what scratched threw a F****** door! i got my pillow ready to play cat baseball! but parents came out and kicked it across the hallway! sooo funny! (bit scary) 0_o weird looking for a dum kid give them a lollie and take the child to a van PEDO XD !!!,33,0,2,5,1,16,0 964,X965,"The hairy boss-guy looks kinda dead xD There is no such thing as a ,attractive and smart Juggalo,. Hur kommer det sig att du trffar s mnga kndisar? Eller... r det kndisar? O.o SVENSK OCH STLT Ehm.. LOL xD Kan du vara vnlig att prata lite hgre! Nej Love you Nichole very cool video :D I Think we (Your supporters) should e called ,Lobsters, :D:D.D Well done :) You are amazing ^^ 3 U spell like a hobo.. Cuz you'r a juggalo xD lol You look awesome 3 :D",12,9,4,1,1,21,0 965,X966,totally Awesome thats all i shall say already played i 3 this game!!!!(sorta ) clove killed by tresh THATS MY FAVORITE ONE! im just saying thats not a secret passway thats just how u get to the retail place IKR!!!!! i would so see it!! 1st time i was so freaking scared! 2nd time i laughed hysterically,8,0,3,5,1,29,0 966,X967,asdfghjklwqerg 3 OMG JUSTIN !!! YOU'RE CUTEEEEEEEEEEEE lmao this is funny girl! omg perfection,4,12,2,3,0,17,0 967,X968,"2 cause it will go great with my natty dreads man. Jah bless Cried** Welcome skateboards That bowl is huge. Ate so much shit there Damn sf still got hackers? i love thrasher! the only appropriate time to say ,swag, GOOD NEIGHBOR STUFF!!!GOOD NEIGHBOR STUFF!!!GOOD NEIGHBOR STUFF!!!GOOD NEIGHBOR STUFF!!!GOOD NEIGHBOR STUFF!!! HAHAH DUDE! i love your porfile picture. Mr. Mooney! made me laugh when i saw it. my birthday is the 4th. you should give me a shout out. in your next vid. lol Jammies hahaha. Never heard that one before Happy birthday to mee. This and the will arnet shit is shit. nope I read the description... Can i haz Kate seems so unhappy or mad...i don't think she wanted lucky charms I lol'd so hard Lookz lyke muh boi sebastian ;) And of course.... The black guy dies Fail. Dude rips. You remind me of Stewie Griffin when you get upset. Way to show gonz'z channel nigga...we get it you like mark gonzalez. How cliche Awww i dont have a twitter:( Ehh",26,4,5,5,0,22,0 968,X969,Who is redhead girl with cigarette? Girl on thumbnail?,1,0,7,5,0,29,0 969,X970,i got higuain and valdez honestly this one isnt even that bad if your story is true Justin must have had really good taste in women back in the day are you sure its not Bate Borisov's year? Hahaha lol. i actually have trouble scoring corners but he is not THE pope Does the virus come free too? Christmas music is the only thing that can get me through studying for finals,9,1,5,5,0,17,0 970,X971,Chicos algunos videos estan siendo usados por empresas para mostrar publicidades y ganar dinero con ello. Les recomiendo instalen ADBLOCK en sus exploradores para evitar que eso pase. Link para Chrome: -- Link para Firefox:,1,2352,8,169,0,30,0 971,X972,Penis Guitar No here is it already Friday.... It would be a honor to get beating by your hands in this game! He sound it like Niko Bellic from GTA IV when he said IIIihhhaaaa! mother focker Bacon is redjack daniels is dark emberand making poems is not my style so give me that bacon now! Better than justin Bieber Some say he still slicing the fruits to this day. I know but what makes belguim an latino country? its only for smart people ;) Do The Rock! Why not? We don't care if its fake or not! I have that to only I dont wake up I just hit the ground and then I wake up :S Can you add some subtitles?? Wtf is dit er zijn grenzen! OOww shit badass! Zo Facking Geweldig!!!! I think your 12 years old...,18,13,6,13,0,18,0 972,X973,"596 people didnt love Champagne Thumbs up if you listened to this after hearing Kim Jong Il died Screw you VEVO I came here to listen to Pet Shop Boys not be bombarded with ads for Willow Smith Thumbs up if you loved this song before Bronson I played this song in my music class for ,play your favorite song day, in 6th grade back in 2001. Got laughed at by everyone been rocking everyday since. This album is a masterpiece...plain and simple. Todays music has nothing on this. Heard this song in my friends car Thought to myself ,Hey I cant believe I haven't heard this Duran Duran song yet,. Music just isn't as good as it used to be; then saw it was released in 2011. My mind is now blown. Duran is back baby! FYI this isn't a Miyota 8215 this is a SII NH25A movement which is basically a Seiko 7s25a made for third party watch companies. Seiko's quality are unsurpassed in their price range. They really are awesome watches. You show me a watch in the Monsters price range that has better specs and I'll show you a cold day in hell. Seiko ftw I though Tech N9ne was good; then I heard K-Rino. I also loved my first bike until I started driving. In other words become a Libertarian and elect Ron Paul. Rino is a lyrical giant. The only reason this stuff isn't on the radio is because there'd be too many car accidents from people getting blown away by his rhymes. K-Rino's lyrics would burn those guys to the ground. They don't even come close to him. Every one of them would decline a chance for that. It's live news. The guy is running from the police drives into a field and gets out of his car holding something. Anyone could've seen that coming. It's the risk you take airing live footage. I will defend my right to bear arms until I'm dead. As a New Yorker the laws are already draconian in nature but this is the last straw. I'm never A) registering my rifles and getting fingerprinted B) turning my guns in if the day ever comes. Some people may say that now but back down if given the opportunity but I will fight for my rights. This is only the beginning . Keep speaking the truth Nutn!",15,0,8,1,0,21,0 973,X974,ewwwwwwwww Hot !!!! 5.56E+20 WTF !! stupid pinoys 55555 Poor pinoys 555555 Good idea ..^_^,9,0,4,5,0,23,0 974,X975,your talking shit. who has the time to ask all of them qs i have had some really cheap carpet cleaning done to my carpet and it was well done. your putting people of just because you have stop doing that job! Nice Rick is simply the boss Gucci is realy thugin no bullshit this is a hot track gucci stll killin it! fuck gucciz thugin! i fucking love the end of da video muslimes for life you fucks wow i love you god bless brother. fuck ya bitchez thug haterz rick ross is doin his thing n damn boy is he killin them! back of his DICK fuck ya haterz he came up doesn't matter how he did he came up. lets see you come up bitchz i cant wait till buck bucks the world again. come on buck drop an album plzzzzz kiss the boss's assssssssss fuck banner that faggg RICK ROSS is the fukin BOSS fuck you this is fake and bullshit. you fucking idiotic son's of bitches shias dont do that you fuckin animals!!! hes one of the best out there Niggas talk alot of shit but thats after im gone cause they fear me in the physical form.. hes fuking unbelievable.. wat could hav he done if hes still alive fuck you bitchez all sina are dogs you have no respect for no one thats why you all ll burn in hill so shut the fuck up and stop talking shit and by the way fuck you all again!!! lol damn the boss is killing it!!! cool song goi to play it wen my girl comes home! man fuck that shit cops do whatever they feel like. like they own us. try to keep way from police n police stations because they will do that to you! ricki rose killd it just thn! thank you no shit they hatez. rick ross keep it up i feel like taking my rotti for a long walk now lol fuckin nice they look like they really want that guy i hate dogs that are lazy n it just dose nt do much g unit is this guy for real bitch that dont exist no more they are snitchz that why that bitch ass crew is gone. rooozzzaaayyy!!! Afflication fuck you son of a bitch you cant see the beating didnt you see how they picked him up i wish you were here so i would enjoy picking you up like that.o yeh cops are not all bad its just a small percentage of them just about 99.9% god is there n justice ll be done pigsR.I.B god bless your soul thank you dj thats some good shit best soccer player hes complete nothing he cant do. oi your nt fucking the rapper your listening to the music you love so dont matter what he was what he is hes a great rapper hands down shaikh Ahmed Al waeli god bless your soul 50 cent had a rough life big fukin deal buddy. do you know how many ppl livein shit life if we gona respect every one who had a rough life thn we are fukd in the head yeh ok life is not fare but thats why they say such as life so dont mouth off about 50 like hes a big deal that nigga loves attention and trys to start shit with every one. 50 do your thing and shut the fuk up. and try to catch up with rick ross caous he s killing it right now and you would never win this beef buddy. fuk them guy listen to his music hes music is the shit who cares what he dose with his money and who he is we like his music we dont want to fuck him,32,0,7,5,1,25,1 975,X976,the song at end is from action allstars i play goal keeper and i am better then him i blocked so many goals i can evan block his gay shots 3 last words HE SUCKS ASS shut the fuck up zbdc123456789 its all about mw2 and mw3 nd all the last kill camps were him casillas is better then buffon and ocho chris redfield5000 its casey my daughter not can't see my daughter dome bitch he is better then gay messi and gay barcelona that first trick you did was cool when it started fuck naughty click who would ddo that at the end of a battle i know mw2 is cool thats gay naughty click still beat you guys cristiano ronaldo does better freekicks than that the gk wasent evan ready i am in 4 grade and shuffle and malaysian shuffle so your the suckiest shuffler in california in number 5 i have those shoes he sucks barcelona stop crying its just a trip u replaced goldberg ensded of the rock mmmmmmmmm thay looks so bomb and hot i like your video you better calm down messi or els pepe is going to dominate you robbenrobbenrobbenrobbenrobbenrobbenrobbenrobbenrobbenrobbenrobbenrobben can u atleast eat the takis wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you didn't evan finish them at the end when you droped them i herd some hot cheetos his vouse sounds wierd this is to the rock all because john cena is better than you doesen't mean that you mess with him.This is the rock im gay because i have a team name john cena is better than team bring it. HE BEAT BROCK LESNAR NOT LIKE YOU TEAM BRING IT SINS YOU THINK YOUR SO COOL THAN TRY TO BEAT UNDERTAKER IT DOESEN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK YOU NEED TO SHOW RESPECT OR ELS YOUR GOING TO 1 GRADE TEAM BRING IT. thats the song from prison break at the end and ronaldo is not a bitch they all suck they all suck im better than them and im nine impact suck there kill of was gay he is good (: bling does not suck he should of won HE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD!,29,0,5,5,0,22,0 976,X977,video soon say by tonight or tommorow?:D Hmm... It seems as if I can't comment people back... o_O Dang... I kind of wanted to keep my 69 friends.... *sigh... Anyone want to do a collab video? I actually have some time on my hand now:p If you want to do a collab video i'll probably be up to it(; just PM me;D and if your an asian that lives in Cali you should tell me so I can mention you in the next vid lol..... See you guys in five days(; New video tomorrow! but for now check this out(; New video soon. ;D Hey if any of you guys are Filipino. PM me!:) New video tommorow:) Sorry I haven't made a video in awhile... but check me out every week on my collab channel:D I just made a new video for it. Finally ungrounded:) Does anyone actually read these? I apologize for not making many videos recently... I've just gotten lazy and my camera is half broke...,14,510,4,21,0,21,0 977,X978,Played so well sungha:) Haters have their Fucking opinion shut up hes gay alright?? Funny!!pause at 0:36:) @pavel18boyerShut up they are not gay Sungha please do Clouds theme from Final fantasy 7:) At least i've got chicken... Nichole please do a cover of black Veil Brides knives and pens I already asked u on twitter and u didnt retweet So funny!!!! Great joband great cover:),9,0,2,6,0,15,0 978,X979,Tummen upp om man lyssnar p den 2012 !!:D is there a video to the scene at 1:55 want to see that half kiss thing !! xD is it a movie or tv serie? please tell me :) and the name of it want to see it ...x D how long time? :o its AMAZING3 OMGG!!!!:O ONE OF THE FIRST !! :o in the beginning there it's a video where they sleep there is no full clip or any of that?? :D one word .. Noo..... I am new...... what serie? :) HOLY MACARONIII !!!1 that was AMAZING! Sjukt Vackert. lskar orginalet men detta va bara fyyyyfannn!!!SJUKT VACKERT !:D that is the MOOSST ADPRABLE BABYS I EVER SEEEEENNNN! awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sooooo but !!*__________* this song is a DRUG!...... yeahy first comment!:D I am not soo into this song for real.. but when you sing it ... OMG looooooooovve ittt !8D3 frsta lten? xD vill veta vad den heter They are Gay but just acting in the movie .. xD,16,5,4,8,0,15,0 979,X980,tu chante trop bien ta une magnifique voie et tes trop belle 3 c est claire sublime voix magnifique omg elle a une bete de voix moi je dit bravo j adore comment tu la chante is verry good toi tait toi I like !!!! I love !!!! 3 verry good no I hate omg I hate Je Kiffe ! Et Ils Sont Trop Beau Surtout Zayne Et Harry ! :D et bravo tes trop forte ma belle jtd tu et la meilleure trop forte je te kiffe tal tes trop forte is THE VOICE Cortex Faut Le Mettre A Sa Place ^^' ! Mais Cool Comme Montage ! :D 9 ans 30 Vous Voyez La Diffrence ?! La Vrit Sort De La Bouche Des Enfants ! :p La Preuvee ! OMG you amazing is the voice yes is verry good I hate Je trouve la chanson superbe ;)TAL ta voix est magnifique !Le sens de la chanson est cool ! :)J'aimee le cliipTu danses super bien ;)J'spre que tu continuera a nous faire de tels chansons et de tel clip ! adele I love love love adele is amazing Tu Chantee Troop Bien ;D ! Je Kiffe Moi ! Continue A Occupe Le Web !,19,0,2,5,0,14,0 980,X2662,Shes gonna be one of those japenese girls that mov across the floor with their legs weird BO YA SECOND COMMENT Love this song Wow you know how it says before you came into my life I missed u so bad? Well she didn't know about him hen so wow Love this song Lauren weir said it sounded like a chipmunk screaming i am waiting for the 3:24 moment She looks fake in the first pic. No offense Like your information is freakin annoying. I mean you say don't forgot to like the video. We don't have to like the video you dumb fuck. Vegta?? Thats so cruel to make her do that and lie to her and say that JB is watching when he NEVER mightve NEVER seen it. But she did complete it and that was fucking awesome I know what ur username means koko Too much echo. And too much warble. And it would be better if u told us it was a cover. Okay. otherwise.. IT WAS GREAT I love bm It s dont JUST say goodbye just sayin Sarah jessica parker Its either a movie trailer or a story however its not real FAKE WITH A CAPITAL F Hahaaha funy when you cant get any more easier ways to get stuff done USE UR VIDEOS TO HELP. There is a life hack. But seriously USE A HANGING SHOE RACK TO STORE CLEANING SUPPLIES. USE BREAD TABS TO SAVE FLIP FLOPS WITH SPLIT BOTTOM HOLES. USE TOOTHPASTE TO CLEAN AND CLEAR HAZY CAR HEADLIGHTS. USE SODA POP TABS TO OFFSET HANGERS AND SAVE SPACE. CUT FROM THE SIDE: CUT FROM THE TOP OF THE HANDLE ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM FREE DUSTPAN!!!! THERE ARE SOME LIFEHACKS the only reason I THINK people complain about top comments is because they didnt think of the same comment. Also a reason people dislike these videos is because they are sad they didn't think of the same idea MrPrepaidScroll: we I agree with hbh950. KarFiction the pleasure is all mine but seriously u do deserve those views. Lolz and this video was hilarious. I didnt expect this. And ur not a loser. But seriously i liked this video. U should make more go wrong vids Those cops can suck a big butthole. They suck he is deaf and handicapped he couldnt hear people telling him to get out and hes HANDICAPPED to the cops: FUCK U ASSHOLES FUCK U ASSHOLE MOTHERFUCKER COPS. WHEN I SEE THEM WHEN THEY ARE OFF DUTY I AM GOING TO PUNCH AND KICK THEM AND SAY OH SORRY U A HOMELESS PERSONIM JUST GONNA BEAT U UP FOR DAT. IF HE IS ON THE STREET @HnThronePride hey man and ikr this is weird Sorry for the extra part after 2:07 Omg u r very very very very pretty. U should be a model if u can. Seriously ur very pretty 210 dislikes ive lost hope for humanity lolz Btw CALI did NOT steal this song from sweet home alabama THEY GOT PERMISSION. AND IN FACT this song is better in my opinion so quit saying that they stole it. Please. END OF DISCUSSION. If i like the alabama one better fine. I LOVE THIS SONG. GO MOO SHINE I would have said that I want the letter C with the answer A And who really cares if u dont like yolo thats ur damn problem. OMFG U GUYS R FUCKING KILLING ME OUT HERE SERIOUSLY I STARTED LAUGHING INSIDE AHAHHHAHHAHHAHA Number 10 is E,34,17,5,20,1,41,0 981,X982,coolest fucking dude on the planet i still wish they would have disarmed the prick that shot dime and tossed that motherfucker to the crowd and said here you go guys do what you want with him FUCK OBAMACARE man you are stupid you cant even spelland the southern flag does not mean you hate everyone thats not a nazi you are really dumbdid you get your spelling skills in mexico also? like being in the hood is something to be proud of i bet you dont know a goddamn thing about the rebel flag and its history you are the faggot you pussy. looks like he does a heil hitler with his arm before saying white power to me. what a cool motherfucker every song on every album is badass most favorite band since pantera sounds like a chicken may be getting raped where the hell do i get these damn comic books because i need to know what the hell happens just finished wathing on netflix and after its all over america and its allies are celebrating their victory i dont trust mexico and their is to many of them over here allreadythey would turn on us if they thought they would get something out of it i would bet usa all the way i am americani would fight for this great country but i dont want to fight for people in america who just want to fill their pockets it would have to be for a good reason to save livesor defend what i love whats going on here? cartels and gangs are for pussy ass people FAKE how fucking gay is this ok wow you are a beautiful souland im glad your full of love and hapiness and hope the best that life has to offer comes to you. you dont want to know me i am beyond salvation i am a losttwisted person with no belief in anythingand i try but i just cant it is hard for me.and if their are really angels than you must be one because i felt a since of joy during this and i listen to death metal music so i find it a little odd to be here listening to this. i just wish i had the power to put it in effector help anyway i could. i have a few mexicans that work for me and they are the kindest people i know and one told me the other day she would love to go visit her family in mexico but she said she wouldnt even be able to relax because of all the chaosit made me kinda sad for her. she said her husband was a cop in mexico in charge of over 100 officers but do to death threats she asked him to quit and said if he didnt he probably would be dead now. i am american and i like all people that like me. ive hired people from russiamexico jamaicaukraine and other places that come to work for a few months on work visa to save money to better their lives and wish i could do more for some of themusually the russians have bad attitudes like im going to rip them off but i would never do thatthey is prob a bigger chance that they would get fucked by their own people.i dont have to hire them but im nice.if you dont like me then FUCK YOU. i have original ps3 from when they first came out and it is still working greatnever had any problems everybody i know that has a ps3 never had a problemive known a few people that had their xbox360 fuck upone of them just a couple days after getting it. that tells me that ps3 is KING the sound is not that great but its still awesomeid pay $20 or 25 to watch live maybe 30 just because the pantera shirt. awesome band by far the best band with female vocals i have ever heardhell just as good as any guy on vocals and the band is all around badass i think it might be more easy to play on real guitar when i say im white and proud people call me racist so iguess you are a racist also. we need more people like this people who care people that want you to know the truth people that dont lie to make money. shit happens hellyeah awesome video and music this is great about fucking time the old zombie movies are so much better. most of these are crap BULLSHIT BADASS it is the best ufc game ever it just sucks that the online part sucks so bad that it cuts off in the middle of the match like half of the time and say the other player has left the match. its better to stand up and box because as soon as start grappling its a 50-50 chance that the match is about to cut off right when your about to win. it pisses me off ive had atleast 100 matches cut off with no winner kind of a waste of time movie is american history x about a cool dude that becomes a nigger lover,36,0,5,5,0,30,1 982,X983,"if i talked to my mom like that i'd be shitting out teeth who else turned down their volume around 5:22 so people wouldn't think you was watching porn Starts with a,D,... GOOFY!!! I hope these dudes never break up does anyone find it weird that it airs on a sunday? i wana learn how to do that dance at 0:37 lol 241 people are fat Handcannon BITCHES WOOO Whats the name of the song in the end HOLY SHIT was that 50 cent? This guy loves headshots lol Who the FUCK did wesker bone!? HUHAAAHHHHH lol BOBBYA1984!!!!!!!!!!!! Crash better be in this..... LIKE A BAUSSS!!!!!!! CLOCKSUCKERS lol I hope they dont forget crash. WRYYYY!!!!! 11:05 is that mf doom?",21,0,4,5,0,22,0 983,X984,Are you retarded? Sicktanick what are you doing? Is this Bugz of D12? It doesn't sound like him classic... best east coast rap album imo This is stupid... I hate living in MD wuz about 2 say the same thing Wish she would let me eat her pussy in the shower I forgot what this song was called so I typed in I could make my ball sack bob like a yoyo and it came up This is the shit n fuck mainstream Gordy was shot by a belieber My list:childs play witchboard last house on the left nightmares in a damaged brain virgin among the living dead house where evil dwells bad ronald the little girl who lives down the lane american werewolf in london rosemary's babymaniac sleep away camp basket case the entity pin I drink your blood visiting hours the burning the shining halloween,11,53,7,35,0,29,0 984,X985,"3:59 ,Oh Hai Gandalf!, Lazy lazy lazy Its a shame people haven't realized how boring batman is and come to the epiphany that deadpool is the best comic book character ever sad...sad but she is sooooooo not a natural blonde please go away 4 was definitely better than 6.5 and better than this yes i have as a matter of fact its like a not very good half life with dinosaurs as i recall i remember it being quite linear as well i was thinking an open world jp would be interesting How is that not better? Pretty sure that's Monty Python although a GOW/Python crossover needs to happen... Well at least this show's good for something proving delusion is a mental condition quality of the game has no bearing on whether its shocking or not the only thing shocking here is your bias i had hoped it would end at 3 at least chronologically Good trailer inappropriate music something productive how long should it take to format? thanks",16,0,3,5,0,28,0 985,X986,"First learn how to spell ,LONG, you dumbass! then go stick your head up your ass about that shit! hitler was a fucked up man that did'nt deserve to live! dude! i would freak the shit out if i were in this town!!! haha they creep me out!! i just wanna start hitting their heads off with a baseball bat! The dog scared the SHIT out of mee!! :P 3:50 goosebumps.... dude! keep it up! hope you ge that trip to nashville TN! you're great man!! I like how you take each note to the extreme; every chorus giving it a special touch which keeps you interesting!! keep it upp!! stay great! are you mentally deranged? 8 people don't build castles! fuckkin noobs! :) you don't even need that shirt!! no one hates you!! but i think i might5 need it! check out my channel and you'll see why! I can't take my eyes off of dani!!:) Every video! Messed with the wrong Bad Ass little girl!! Haha Still a coincidence!:) Immediately...I think Y.O.L.O!!! Your uncle is deifinantly my spanish teacher! haha But good job man! Serious talent! For real!",15,18,3,5,0,15,0 986,X987,Best video ever Can you plz spread my vids that would be killer....thanks and look forward to your next vid Be quiet Ginger lolz Your beast Soap from mw2,5,2,2,8,0,13,0 987,X988,says the girl with no taste in music did anyone ever think that the terrorists could have packed the plane with thermite? So am I the only aussie who wants to stick these fuckers with a knife? so confused right now.......... but great tunes :D YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lukeasome and love the singing was that the old spice guy? got a good laugh from this she's so fucked up in the head hahaha what a fucked up bitch. but you are batman. Peter Asks a simple question gets a random who rambles on about nothing he has anything to do with. How is that fair for Peter Schiff? My Best friend said this was a terrible movie....... they are no longer my friend. it almost looks like a russian hind fuck china. What Australia and the US share is a common goal of keeping a free democratic nation in the pacific from coming under threats and ultimatiumsby a large comune of people who should not be trying to dictate one of its largest uranium and steel trading partners. then they have no right to centrelink payments that people with jobs pay forand which they take without even thinking of contributing to the community as awhole and not as racially segregated groups. Enough is enough and its time for these double standards to be put in the past but for that to happen the people at tent embassy need to pack up go home and get a job that contributes to Australia.If this is the choice they want to make then they can fuck off government property. love it how americans think Australians are like them in every way hahaha now that's the only real crime in this 'news' report hahaha best singers ever............ too bad its opposite day. really good to see US has started being abit more serious with their international rugby team. you never hug your opponents you buy them a beer after the game. rape smile much 2:35 love the look of guilt on her face when she was found on the bed :D anonymous the modern day robin hood society. SO MUCH LAUGHTER!!!!!! HURT MUCH PAIN!!!!!!!!!! Hope your not travelling with QANTAS the plane engines might explode half way to aus What just happened? What's the name of that song at 9:08?,25,1,7,5,0,23,0 988,X989,"As much as I like crendor... he obviously doesn't know this game... at ALL. Its just a very good mask! lololol Ahhh old youtube :D Please.... Stop trying... Lions are not cowards. Cheetahs ,lack courage, to go near lions because they would tear them to pieces if they got the chance. Just stupid and ott tbh... Would've worked better if it was a flash mob :/ That's why all English JFL shows are in Canada / UK / Ireland wat Thank you for getting fresh music that I havent heard a million times already :D Every other mix seems like deja vu lol It was flagged inappropriate Are you REALLY complaining about something as little as that? Really.... Oh man I loved this game so much!!!! mad mi cri so herd amgz Please stop... As much as I like you guys this fad is getting on my nerves. It was funny at first but after like 30000 videos of the exact same thing it's getting annoying... NO.",14,62,4,1,0,22,0 989,X990,e eu j pensei q tinha ouvido tanta porcaria nessa vida.... mas essa a maior bosta de todas pqp morre por favor vi na boa se mata ;) Those who speaks too much I bet that you guys doesn't do better than this child. So shut up.You rock little Abbi! Legal ! GTA um dos melhores games ever Um dos melhores filmes brasileiros! E uma grande obra de Ariano Suassuna! Esse dia foi INESQUECVEL! A Presena de Deus foi tremenda! dia INESQUECVEL! Quem foi sabe do que estou falando!A presena de Deus foi tremenda!,6,0,3,5,0,22,1 990,X991,"Firearms make it too easy. Anybody can pull a trigger but it takes a whole other mindset to say stab someone to death. There's also a sense of empowerment from having a gun and you can hurt yourself or others by thinking you are invincible. Halo 3 played in some way that made it awesome but I can't really pinpoint what it was. Either way Halo 4 is a decent successor regardless of its faults. Boor-zwaw-zey If she has people throwing grenades at her it's time to end that relationship. Gotta be the Blues Brothers! I'm not trying to start anything but I do not see the fascination with a pair of shoes. Some people completely obsess over them and freak out if they get even a little scuff. I need a link to that song! I thought Dothraki would have been on list. Oh well. Try songbird ocarinas This looks pretty good but I just want a remake of R/S/E. You would be more of a Buddhist. But really you are human. I think that Alan's thoughts and observations apply to the human experience. Though religion does not necessarily have to play a large role. I heard he blinks when you blink. It's sounds like a guzheng but I'm not completely certain. Hah! Magic the Gathering reference :D Predator I believe it would be considered ,dark jazz, or ,ambient jazz, something like that. Hi Boogie! I was wondering what that poster above Spiderman and left of Pac-man is from. It looks familiar but I can't remember. I'm not sure on the details but in the expanded universe he did escape the Sarlac and is still alive. Bullseye by KDrew",19,8,6,1,1,18,0 991,X992,@klmnmommy hmm..and you are a mom? enough said. I know Trudy was a mess without u when u were in LA!! @3mxxily someone needs to get a hobby... I wish u would makeup tutorial videos more often this might be the last pregnancy vlog!!! lol just skip to 1:10 ,20,0,3,5,1,22,0 992,X993,didn't know susan boyle had kids oh my lord i just followed through lol load of cock lol i totally agree with you he ain't all that yes let's follow america into a war that has nothing to do with us....english boys get killed by friendly fire wtf!? that's just the way it is. if it's none of your business don't make it your business omg he proper went to town on her should have been arrested their dancing was shit bet they didn't steal again rofl should have kept her bloody mouth shut lol honestly what the hell was that lol see what happens when u leave the kitchen i think he has a mental illness coz i know if i'd ever pulled any of that shit my old man would have leathered me. Period. fake oh i've been nicked before and had it large coz i couldn't keep my mouth shut. Only saying from personal experience. honestly wtf big man.... yes i did find it funny at the end,19,0,6,5,0,35,0 993,X994,"i want to cum on your back pussy QUEER Stupid bitch got what she deserved. Next time she'll keep her mouth shut. I'd fuck them. Waaa! ,Racist, cops beat me to death. Waaa!So Daniel Evans and Dedri Caldwell you know the black ones. Their racist piece of shit too? this is what they play at those man on man fuck you in the ass underground techno rave scenes. I pulled the Crimson King's finger.... and he blew mind away.",7,7,3,6,0,61,1 994,X995,FINLAND this cant be her real voice dumbledore wouldnt let that happen. They got a little to creative at the end with the whole death and my friends know all of the lyrics and we always sing it @ lunch everyone looks @ us like WTF shut up :O how dare u insult a ginger!!! the world wont end because the mayans didnt count the leap years so the world should have ended a looooooooooooooooong time ago... The reason Snape hated Harry was one because he reminded him of James and two Lily died for him so if he never existed Lily and James would still be alive. Sweeny killed someone and got a blood spot on the like bar. this reminds me a lot of the harry potter character snape and his situation with lily...i hate to break it to you guys but...48 million! i know 48 million is hard for you guys to understand but like if it made you upset too ;( just got these cats in a bath man...Jai guru deva om unless your the cat whining in the background 1 am in pajamas LOL:P i wish ppl would stop hating on mrs lovett! if u were looking for your love for 15 years would u rather hear oh the pathetic thing tried sue aside but lived then went mad and forgot everything and probably wouldnt remember u? no. no u wouldnt. u would rather hear they missed u so much they poisoned herself and died quickly and painlessly. she was trying to spare his feelings and get him to move on...and flirt with him of course :P Say Iphone 5 5 times then comment this 2 times then look under your pillow,12,0,3,5,0,21,1 995,X996,Yeah! I love Experiment from Voivod. Oh wait... Man just wondering how much they spent on this video It didn't happened was one of the first suggestions =D Infelizmente terminaram fizeram s um showzinho ano passado se no me engano. Volta a Guto! Hmmm OK I'll buy that :) cancer e depois cancro Travinha mas eu pegava r r r r r r r r r animal t l j! I was the 666 viewer!! \m/ Mostra os peitos! Is there a click on 0:46 or is just part of the song?? Yeah you're right r r r r even better! Clssico subestimado!,13,0,4,3,0,30,0 996,X997,So true..I am caucasian and believe me I know many of these same people..some in my own fam damnly. (continued) I love Carlin but he felt that all politicians are crooks and don't give a crap about anyone..I have to disagree with him somewhat in that the Democrats are our only hope. Which just plays into the hands of the mega richies like the Kochs who want us to either buy the crap they promulgate or give up like some people like Carlin. If we all felt this way we'd be saying Pres Romney (omg) right now. Thanks..I always post your vids to FB. Thanks much. I will try headphones. You are very enlightened and insightful. Thank you. EVERY SINGLE LIE he tells about 9/11 is disinfo. He will NEVER say outright that Bu$h and Israel had anything to do with 9/11..that's not what they pay him to do. People believe a guy who believes in reptillians..Jesus wept. Everything Jones spouts has been approved by his handlers in the CIA..disinfo. Jesus wept..where oh where will Exxon get their subsidies? Get a brain or quit replying to my posts. FO Female..not obvious from my comment? sorry: Jonestown.sdsu..go to link and go to McGeehee link The drink/injection mixture contained (I can't recall name of drug) the drug used in lethal injections and massive amounts of valium. They were drugging the people on a daily basis with Thorazine to keep them complacent and manageable. Everyone had to go to the 'clinic' (run by a family member of a Nazi doctor from Houston) daily for their 'vitamins'. Most of the ppl were shot Imo as they tried to escape/some by Guyanese govt police who did what the CIA told them to do. Jones was a communist like JP Morgan was..or Rockefeller. Jones spouted equality and communism but practiced the exact opposite. His inner circle at Jonestown was all caucasians..the black people were all slaves and money suppliers. Jones worked for the US CIA Jonestown was an experiment in mind control..see MKULTRA. The Temple had accrued mega millions that was hidden away in foreign bank accounts. Have you read NOTHING about this? Jones and Ventura both may have started out with good intentions but both sold out to the highest bidder. I consider both of them to be corporate shills. Zombies reptillians and Obama oh my. I see there's LOTS of PIGS commenting're not fooling anyone with your 12 screen names PIGS. No decent HUMAN is not bothered by this atrocious brutality. Of course PIGS aren't human so that leaves them out. Hope it happens to you PIG'S mothers. Oh wait a minute you've probably all already killed your own mothers huh? It's much braver to be non-violent than to be violent (or something like that) Gandhi Thanks that's probably right. And hey! we hear this and yet the CIA is not help accountable..probably no fear cause they can lie and manipulate and kill witnesses and people who know too much so easily. Jones was about as much a Communist/socialist as JPMorgan was. Jonestown was a CIA experiment in mind control see MKULTRA; and Jones was a CIA asset long before he started the church/cult. In Jonestown the inner circle were all caucasians and the blacks were slaves..yeah communist right. He had amassed many millions of dollars in hidden foreign bank again communism right. You need to become informed before you comment. Thanks for the info and great pictures. Amazing that it is still there. I never thought I'd hate anything like I do greedy heartless Republicans. Then the Tea Party boobs came along. Congress is now filled with these corporate puppets because even the smart Democrats and sane people think they only have to vote every 4 yrs. If the working class always voted and became informed we'd abolish the GOP and Tea Party in 2 years. Their goals are not to help the average person..just the 1%.,19,3,2,5,0,62,1 997,X998,always and forever you will leave in our hearts.,1,7,5,1,0,54,0 998,X999,angry birds ring please? xoxo i've left so many comments in the past week hahaha xo HATER BACK OFF! SHOUT OUT TO CAMILLE I LOVE YOU MIRANDA YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL I WISH I WERE YOU YOU'RE SO TALENTED!!!!! Oh my god Barbara Streisand said my name. Dayum I was 2nd. What's Severus Snape doing there?!,6,9,4,5,0,21,0 999,X1000,LOL I COULD JAB YOU AND MAKE YOU FALL OVER THAT CHIAIR. I'LL CALL THE POLICE LMAO WASTE OF MAKE UP LMAO JK Lmao!!!!!!! @ 2:45 when my dad does that I fucking run lol I love you!!!!!!!!! LOL THIS ALBUM IS GREAT. THE BEST TWO SONGS ON THERE TO ME IS GSEASON AND SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!! DBZ IS THE GREATEST SHOW EVER RT this shit go hard af ON Rihanna nigga LMAO the song Actually sounds good!!!!!,11,5,5,5,0,22,0 1000,X1001,What a GOOD team (NOT) The guy that gets 9 chem with FetFatZidis He should be really 4 star skills in what I saw in here It has the best rated players but not the best chemestry do u recognize anyone? EL SHALAVI Teams like Inter Chelsea and Man u I just love seeing Barca lose... Yours sincerely Man Utd fan btw this is xyrus I've been spamming this ESPN tournament in single player :) Easy 5k coins... why get lucas rb when there is cicinho who is better n cheaper... lol nice vid btw i cant hear ur voice lol marcelo 10k wait... wheres ronaldos goal where it hit hes back and scores :) Hmmm Thumbnail: Ronaldo holding his head... Last 16 I might be a noob when I say this but what is E3 I WAS HERE FOR MARVEL WYNNE 96 PACE CB nice vid again SWAP SILVA WITH INIESTA Ex ManCity? They dont have any legends? I was expecting Akinfenwa at ST :( Lahm rb and santana cb?,24,5,4,5,0,21,0 1001,X1002,Before you bag someone out do your research you twat.Go back to google and use it. Laykyn's voice is one of the best of all the guys on the show! Hope he goes all the way and wins it! Love seeing hayne get punched in the face.. Should happen more often! Remember watching this with my dad (he's the dragons supporter).. Love nothing more then seeing eagles lose! LOL shit box au that smashed the 'worked ss' hahaha fuck wits I wouldn't complain! The Lambo jumped the start.... Pretty obvious the subie would have been pretty much dead even with it! That's an awesome orange!! Have watched/listened to this video many times. Tear up every time.RIP PITBULL is AWESOME! nuff said. Watching the Zyzz Legacy and now this The Revolution without crying is like watching porn and not masturbating you can't do it!R.I.P Zyzz!,11,0,3,5,0,20,0 1002,X1003,what is the name of the game it sound more like minecraft theme what game is this no she is a sick motherfucker 5:39 the world trade center there not there any more ok dani do some more gameplay does it have force feed back yes first view and like what do u use to record gameplay luck fred is out of bottom i like the little info on the track before u race,11,6,3,15,0,15,0 1003,X1004,"eclipse is too damn hard to use couldn't even do the Hello World tut ikr lol 8:14 random chicken........ KFC! do you have a skype? If so mine is technogeek12 for when i make a new business if i can get successful free advertising hit me up sometime on it I will keep it open 4 u 2day! :D Hey man found it way earlier! :D If this actually works (I just went to the success page) then I will subscribe and like. Why no comment? Because I am commenting already. :-) it did in episode 1 wtf this was 6 months ago! Why have they not made a 3rd season? This is like my mother and vampire diaries.... lulz then lets show him a lesson EVERYONE REPORT THIS AS: SPAM ----- MISLEADING TEXT oh shit your a PETA person someone please come to their senses and flag these comments for spam FriedrichKling if you don't like the video don't watch it just dislike a video but please don't leave a hate comment. PEOPLE LIKE YOU MAKE ME FUCKING SICK TO MY GOD DAMNED STOMACH! hello my name is kenny i help people with computers if you need any help i do provide SOME free help. For more info contact me on skype at: kennyscomputerhelp your lucky you have a bow and arrow did your dad take you out to do this? If so you are lucky to have a dad my mom and dad got divorced when i was 3 i haven't seen him for 9 yrs glad he still pays child support only thing we have to live on since my mom has 2-3 auto immune diseases! BTW NICE SHOT!I could never have that good precision prob. Awesome earned a sub.- Kenny I am not retarted I'm just enjoying my childhood sir I'm sorry you miss yours but don't take it out on a 12 year old. Thanks to you comments are pending approval. That's all!- Forsakenworldkenny lol prof. got owned! damn around 40:50-40:55 I was about ready to cry.... oops meant to thumbs this up and that's what i said when i saw the Camstudio or Camastia or whatever recorder he is using I LUVED THE FUCKING SANDWICH PUNS! I CAN'T STOP WATCHING.... God help me! this is my new theme! :D GEEKS FTW how good does the paper protect? ikr? I don't agree but he should have said ,Greedo did shoot first get over it, omg prizerebel has surveys that require money those 'GET AN IPAD FREE!' surveys that require you to fill out $1+ offers lol close to the same way i felt 1st of all I just think it's weird you would screw your own mother with a knife. I'm like ,wtf?, and 2nd of all why would you brain fuck a man? Is that like zombie sex or something? Is that what the new era is? Brain fucking men? Sir I have heard better comebacks from a turkey sandwich now if you would like to keep the same level of humiliation then so be it don't post back but post back if you want to be humiliated further. That is all thanks! Alright 2 things 1. Where does it say that in the description 2. When something says ,Full Version, I think that I am getting it with no features locked. Please don't be stupid and do something better with your life! Thank you- Kenneth CoxP.S. I've heard better comebacks from a turkey sandwich",24,3,3,8,0,19,0 1004,X1005,Oh... my... lord... this is so Bad ass I love it except for the fact that you kinda butchered the bassline Holy fucking shit thats awesome. 9:44 Double click on that bitch,4,15,5,17,0,19,0 1005,X1006,to all minecraft ppl creepers!!!! Sssssssssssssssssssssss wow its a new species of troll a GINGER TROLL. these do not have souls and are easily aggravated approach with caution as due to their fat they may roll on you and squash you thus providing them self with an extra meal to go along with the other 15 they consume in an hour. holy fuck this is HORRIBLE!!!!! i would hang myself for just being associated with this abomination!! ugh i feel mean for saying this but honestly this is enough 2 turn the happiest person emo because they couldent deal with the loss of their eardrums. fuck that ill go worship the devil :D What the fuck????? 3 amazing xD ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED MOTORHEAD ARE NOT FROM JAPAN THEY'RE ONE OF THE ORIGINAL METAL BANDS AND THEY'RE FROM ENGLAND. that is all. these guys mos certainly paid close attention to the how to get signed to rise records video -.- honestly guys this would be a good song if not for the guy doing the cleans attempting to sound like Tpain. they are even more amazing live then in the recordings 3 reasons why they are on of my altime favorite bands 3 3 AS I LAY DYING FTW 3 3 :) I never said there was not teenagers who have some musical taste just simply stated that we are outnumbered; I do agree not all modern music is crap some of the new bands in the metal and hardcore genre's and sub-genre's are extremely talented and have some amazing stuff xDI was however taking a stab at the media controlled foolish little girls who are obsessed with whatever the media tells them to love next and the dreadful state the music industry is in currently :) do you have a tab for this anywhere? Just wow. Eargasm X100000000. This is pure amazing I love it and I usually am not that into electronic music but I do love classical instruments especially when they're played by someone as talented as you. 3 you made a Metalhead enjoy electronic xD Are you actually retarded? Or just musically oblivious?? What did you use to pick up the sound?? A toaster????,14,3,4,5,0,23,0 1006,X1007,Ineed of some more subs! put it on your psn comment or xbox and get us out there! soon to be making motages daytages teamtages and trickshot montages once i get my HDpvr! Hey guys just posting to say im not inactive at all if you have anything you wanna say or know feel free to inbox me im always on haha feel free to add me on psn just inbox me how you found me i dont like randoms haha but yeah thanks guys :) Hey guys Fractal Temper here just want to say we are still active and for those who sub'd thank you alot we know its been a while and we have not uploaded amontage yet but Braiins and a few others have finally orderd there HDPVR's and i order mine soon im making a new account called FrAcTaL_NewEra! pureley for the fact that i am over being called a fan boy(wich im not) and we will post a video soon on the release date of our montage it will be a team-tage please like favourite sub and hey guys!! just made a twitter account! and got a facebook Like page!! please follow and like to get the latest news on FractalTwitter:!/FrAcTalClan just beat some shit talkers :D props to Spektrum for going HAM! on those faggots hey fuck heads! im baccckkk but sooon to be gone haha im gonna upload a gameplay/commentary and this will be my last call of duty video being uploaded im gonna start uploading rants about cod maybe a bit of graffiti clips and what not so please please dont un sub cos more content is on your way! stay tuned - xVansss callmedale: your a fucken disgusting putrid cunt your running down a girl that committed suicide and all your little followers will stand by you because you are known simple fact is that your a disrespectful fucking inbred dog period,7,161,2,12,0,19,0 1007,X1008,You are one of my heroes. Really. I have been a fan for 3 years. When life doesn't suck any more than yer doin something right. Happy New Year Z.J. You fuckers. Buy Grandpa a pack of freakin smokes! Was Deniro in God Father?? If So I give up my Movie NErd Badge. We should all build actuall MOSQUEs out of LEGOS and share them on YOUTUBE.Dibber yer the Man. KEep up the good work my Brotha. What a fucked up Backwards ass Culture.Rub me with a dead chicken and I wont be GAY?? Fuckin Animals. Bro. I have been watchin your stuff for quite a while. This song is epic. Glad you made a Vid for it. I have tears on my cheeks. Please make more. A Question I have always wondered about. How Come when you buy yerd kids a Helium baloon after a day or two it falls to the Ground. Any one with answer Please. I am Curious.,7,23,4,83,0,42,1 1008,X1009,"Is it just me of it started as a bloopers video thing and ended up as a dating website video...I'm gonna have nightmares with this clown tonight.. lol Waahhh! Dan is EXACTLY like me... I never thought that was even possible.. I'm not alone in the world!!! xD That's an awesome Tetris theme remix you got there PJ. Is this like some sort of dating site video thing where Wiggles introduces himself to some lucky lady? I wonder who does the dishes after all that... Noooo!!! The whole of doom for guitar picks.. you'll never know when it is getting out. You probably have it by now but still. Estoy segura de que eres de Venezuela jajaja EXACTO! Es que soy muy curioso? Ms bien ,Es que soy muy celoso, xD Once... my foot got stuck between the doors of the Caracas subway.. That same day I fell in love yes in the subway full of sweaty smelly people best scenario EVER. FML.",10,0,3,5,0,22,0 1009,X1010,Meine Vater ist eine Stierkmpfer.. Und ich bin ein Wassermelon .. :DD voll geil tommy ist das ein sony bravia? was ist den jetzt mit acta OMG Einfach Der Hamma :DD You Are An Absolute Fake! 0:17 Ardy *-* wo ist Ardy D: nein ich bin kein Kommentar ich bin nur die Putzfrau :D,8,1,3,5,0,21,0 1010,X2584,"Real creative.... That probably only happened because your wearing long black socks you tool. I love how he says ,Sorry for broken English, at the end of the video. If you look really closely you can tell that it's fake. they also play it different live. Every band does that. I logged in just so I could dislike this video. I signed in just so I could like this video. It can't get much more pro American than that. Iron Man What's in the boxxxxxx? I must be in the weird part of YouTube again. You can tell how wasted Slash is lol I love how they play the thing but you can see their different style's by how they hit each note at 1:00 I'm not in your face baby it's funny cause she is nobody's baby. FUCK THAT!!!!!! I'm ashamed to say that I live in Kansas.... I don't know if I should like of dislike this video.... The Bible is the greatest lie ever told. I love the way Samual L. Jackson says ,Motha fucker, I'm from Kansas and you can buy almost any liquor at Wal-Mart except fine wine of couse. But only some hard liquor can be bought there. The bridge is so beautiful!! Thanks dude For some reason my girlfriend didn't like it when I played this song for her.... Marty hits it because that is when the drummer hits something and it just flows better with the original song. I think the one you're talking about is Here We Go Again by Ok Go. It's an actual song. I hope that helps. Tabs! I must have the tabs! Blue Ho lol No Problem dude. I also posted a whole set list but I couldn't post the times because there wasn't enough room to fit them all. I'm like a little bitty kid with a real big mouth and you're gonna have to catch me if you want to wash it out. Cause I be standing on the corner calling you names with your jouvinal skills and your jouvinal games. I'm a fast mother fucker let me tell you about it sucker you wanna fuck with me I'll fuck your mother. Sister too. Best girl friend. I'll line 'em up and put 'em end to end. Stick it in. Pull it out then I'll grab your face and I'll cum in your mouth. I said it taste good? How does this only have 1000 ish views?",30,0,4,5,1,30,1 1011,X1968,i am not trying to be mean but if you don't wanna explain you sel just stop yep ihe is probly right i cant tell you but that is what i think not trying to be mean you should get a pretty wig because you are pretty flippen aweome soooo proud of you bff !!!!!!!! girl u can be as kool as u want do let some haters tell what it is man i is as kool a hell and u know i did it on my oun yeah there is some haters brush it off :) right she sounds like she is all awkward why do you bother u are for sure aint no barbie lol know tat is right she is a wanna-be not being wierd but iLOVE you user name wish my dady was here and knew him 'wish i had one' wow what an ass hole do be like that you are a fucking dick you wish you could do this and have the the talent you are a loser Dislike this comment. Thumbs up for smiling Ian in the background! :) i thought this video was on makeup! why did this person waste 11 minutes of my life on taping a raccoon? u should use greese i can sing good but like danm she is awsome wow idk that drake wore eye shadow she looks like jawow but this song for my bff sarena wow you are awesome shane that ould mean he is gay You are a complete idiot. I only came for music! ^_^ Pause at 3:16 WTF?! BEST. REMIX. EVERRRRRRRRRRR! great? wtf shut up if u dont like it dont watch it that is what he dose shut up. ikr if i get 100 likes i will do this cover 100 likes i will do this cover titanic uk that ahe is trans gender,30,1,2,2,0,34,1 1012,X1222,jiracandy U told me That was dumb World population is 6 billion sooo 1 of every 2 people consume a whole pizza Don't you get payed a lot if you work at Google Fps all day cod I give it a 3 out of 10 He would find a bunch of mail mainly ps news and better delete them Curry is made with yogurt That's funny how it says to be continued in the end At@t dominates Verizon I would give up smell so I can see and listen to sourcefed I would get robo head so I can watch sourcefed anywhere I go I thought u said u were critikal Treyarch 6 hours straight up mw3 Used to like 3d not now Playing cod in real life Y can't u just tell the 10 Psn plz I Wana get mw3 maps Videos like this sucks Where's the proof of santa Weak U don't go to school do u because my friend says that he is critikal and that this is his account Is that beckham Come to the bay area Why is everyone zero prestige Will it be 5G? I'm gona unsubscribe because I hate the mullet If u understand shirni you will laugh ur ass off,30,3,4,1,0,21,0 1013,X1014,"Is it bad that my first thought after his arm got cut off was ,Can he use it as a weapon?, That was radical. I...I haven't seen Lord of the Rings either.",3,0,4,7,0,15,0 1014,X1015,"Fancy seeing you here. :P Aelita's role in evolution is to find her mother. Thats all the information thats around at the momento. :3 OMG Y DAFUQ IS DIS SHIT NOT IN HD?!?! FAKE AND GAY!! AND YOOUU ARE FAKE AND GAAAY!!... Sorry. Just getting you prepared for comments. Note I didnt mean what I just said. xD Oh my GAWD SO ADORABLE. I WANNA POKE DEM CUUUTE CHEEKS!! ^w^ Erm. Look at that ,guys, chest please.. Holy carp! Your neighbours must be pissed! ERRMERRGAWD NERDGASM!!! ITS FINALLY HERE!!! Welcome to the internet. Have a nice stay! 8D",8,25,3,36,0,17,0 1015,X1016,"why do the ,another boring week on VEVO, comments always gets top? Do you people even bother listening to half the songs on these videos? waiting for dat 18+ only ratingThe video was weird and a little confusing but I love the song! Familiar to what? I don't think it sounds much like the past 2 MIKA records to be honest. It seems to have a lot more electronic influences becasuse this is really fucking good pop music first world problems we're walking we're walking... NO FUCK IT'S THE BLUR SONG NOT THE BIG TIME RUSH SONG parenting award of the year the realization around :30 that there is not one but five dancing giant hip-swiveling eagle men was the most terrifying part You know why they cut the time in half? For ushers 20 minute remix of climax. I'm not even kidding. ii can'twhat is...somebody hold me no stop they shouldn't exist if taco bell is what it takes to get this to the mainstream... so be it. that sounds absolutely awesome oh my god how could I've missed that Dude Green day album is so mediocre this is like fuckin digital joy trade it in for that too bad they don't exist",17,18,4,5,0,15,0 1016,X1017, Spain! Today's general strike demonstrating against austerity cuts. Solidarity! ReGENERATION: NEW Trailer for OWS Film Narrated by Ryan Gosling Bush and Blair Adminstrations Found Guilty Of War Crimes Mass Murder and Genocide! #NATGAT Occupy National Gathering June 30-July 4 2012 Philadelphia America is NOT the greatest country in the world,6,30,3,5,0,49,0 1017,X1018,"Hey stop wearing eye shadow and all that shit. And try blush. Fuck bitch you're trying to look ugly or what. dirtier than drinking out of a used condom my dick is carrots. i love this song but i cant watch the video because he simply frightens me with all that enthusiasm fucking too cute. How to Make Her REALLY Want It. LMAO! If I saw DOOM fucking my girl I would turn back around and leave. i tripped on salvia with this playing. i do not reccomend it. dat nazi swag. Tyler is a hot crossdresser. I want to sniff her cheeks. dis nigga high yall FUCK DAT NIGGA. this shit goes so hard its gay. Reminds me of Crystal Meth and scrambled eggs. I just remember getting stabbed in the stomach with a cactus. You have no sense of punctuation. I fucks with Chris Brown. Makes me want to punch a girl. Go back to your Illuminati bullshit. A girl named Courtney showed me this song a few years ago just heard it on TV again. I love this song. I love the cumshot at 0:40 YOO VANT TUU RAM WIFF MEE? Bitch looks like Bailey Jay. women on tvnot talking about weather or showing their titsyou're doing it wrong VOTE FOR TYLER. And Trolling went down a few. If you lost your wallet and I found it I would not commitTo stealing it but if the tables turned then you would pocket it +I'm here to benefit the world+It's people like you who talk that ,should've could've would've, stuff+I more than likely could be someone you admire yes+You don't have a skill+I work around the clock you slack off a lot for time to restYou bullshittin' till your life is gone Lucas Vercetti SWAGSWAGSWAGSWAGSWAG",28,1,3,5,1,21,1 1018,X1019,Love your dead grandma No one supports you... stop singing the only thing you can do is just join your dead dog!! At least you can save money in hell and share the same food... not like your used to any better. Her hoof.... IT'S HER FUCKING HOOF The only time I dance is when I'm on your dead dogs grave Awwwww.... I'M GONNA FUCKING GIVE IT A CHELSEA SMILE. BTW you had a dog before... It's dead :D Hahaha he's dead 123 your dead Random Mourning With Toby the Dead Dachshund I shit on your gran... I'm out of ideas I want her to eat my poo... Then fucking yodel 0:01 The grudge 0:00 The grudge... with a dead dog If you didn't talk to me I would just use the chloroform.... Then fuck you I'm going to fuck you... You get no say a day in the life of Toby the dog......... oh wait he has no more days. because hes dead.....forever......not coming matter how much you cry at night.....and i poo on your half dead Nan...... his dick wont move anymore... because hes matter how much you cry about you nans prolapse thats why my friends including my fit ass girl friend re around my ouse and im typing this on a 600 laptop :/ oh and..... i dont care.,17,0,2,5,1,50,1 1019,X1020,Popping Wtf? You killed my friend on Xbox... xD,2,1,3,5,1,23,0 1020,X1021,"it looks like you were able to leave a comment pretty well i thought you got the new mouse and you were gonna burn the old one :( i hope you don't think he's being serious... HOLY MOTHER OF DUCKS FOR REALSIES lol i wanna see when that happened which lets play was that? wait dude i dont mean to interrupt your argument with the other guy or anything but if your wife is 17 and your daughter is 12 wouldnt that mean that you who would have been 31 at the time had a child with a 5 year old?um.. you would demonstrate your love more by spelling it right HAHAHA IM SO FUNNYgrammar nazi out everyone who is fighting. super mario wiki. that is all. waait so what are you talking about with the 27/11/2008? its also from like the 3rd episode when he gets the enchiridion. the episode is call ed ,the enchiridion, i just love it!!!!!! love ya selener! im actually a girl on my best friends step brothers thing so do not think im a boy! i love the song luv ya biebs! woah he is 43 now so uhhh yeah BOTDF! XD 5. Bacon Pancakes4. Bacon Pancakes3. Bacon Pancakes2. Bacon Pancakes1. Bacon Pancakes so i guess finn isnt still mad at pb for the scissor thing hm..i was convinced that he was gonna be kind of mad at her for a bit or something",16,22,6,2,1,22,0 1021,X1022,anyone who has to say nigga that many times really doesnt have much to say. Thank you for sharing this.,2,3,5,1,1,33,0 1022,X1023,"I'm so sorry but I started laughing right after ,BUTT NUGGET,!! Soo funny IKR!! I don't even have a phone and I'm 11 @flyingbirdloveslogan OMG I'm 11 too and I haven't got mine yet!! All my friends have thier BUT ME!! It just isn't fair!! At least there someone I can relate to! is the mailman the guy who plays Otis in Because of Winn Dixie? Hey keep ur rude comments to urself if u didnt like it that dosent mean u have to hurt others feelings to make urself happy so back off big fat bozos! funniest joke: how do 5 gay guys walk? IN ONE DIRECTION!!!!! fav joke of all time cracks me up every time! why cant i be pretty like them? :( the dog was da best!!!!!!!! ive tried lots of korean chews/taffy/ whatevea u call i stuff bc of my korean exchange student SIT IN THE BACK YOU STUPID KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it really is in stores no joke my sister got one for 10 buks at cracker barrel and they even have happy pigs too 1:44 a smily face on the bulliton board :) i want to see that soooo bad but its freaking rated R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",13,3,2,15,1,15,0 1023,X747,"36 your close :D unlike most asshats on this website you know something!!! lol i love all the people who are like ,i used to like your shit when you rapped, he still raps but he is very commical too and alot of people love it nad he still makes more money then you so i doubt he gives a fuck about you :D and retards like you will jerk off at home till there 50 then realise there a piece of shit and kill themselves by hanging how do you damage a large building without something such as a sledge hammer car or other large heavy object...i do contruction and if this guy was able to punch through brick those buildings had bigger problemssigns are not that much and neither are fences no no you obviously need to look at a comic some one made for riot called league of raven they have dravens face on soraka ashe cait and some others and its hillarious while yall claim to know the answers (we dont understand the question) i step into the session like the changin of the seasons cuz for me rhymein comes naturally its as easy as breathing words hang in the evening like clouds of dank smoke (all for now sorry) also for a tanky item and still damagey get IBG its great on him instead of grabbing tri force like you would for soem nice damage it gives u mana armor cdr and sheen proc its nice only dyrus beats it i would say snowbunny nid swifty has some awesome pronuciations why can i not find the first song T-T i want it so bad great song also GS!!! MY MONEY NOW!!!!!!!! of the best league songs T-T you have a new sub RIP Scarra old videos* looks good....but i also love wow :/ not sure ill prolly try it though why can i not find epic everything??? or Da Gankline i just subbed you and i was wondering if you could ask your buddy to do the same for me he has successfully trolled....trolled his chance of everygetting a good amount of subs and people who lie him to 0 divided by 0 atleast i have 7up 8:44 right now i have Will of the Forsaken....gj athene your years of wow have made you fuck up mentally by calling an item wrong because if we dont continue im going to jayce someone to china ive noticed this...there are no male champs that use balls to attack degree in music history yet I need to ,learn my shit, ok go have fun being a dumbass elitist prick who thinks he knows everything from your name u must be a troll have a nice day faggot A learn to spell B if you are in any religion you would know he isnt YOUR god C you call this vandalism yet i bet you support people dropping bombs in middle eastern know the ones that hurt small children and woman also...btw i believe the bible tells you to turn the other cheek...also if this is vandalism then what are all thos fucking giant signs???why are they legal???because the government gets paid to let them be up??? thats why i just bought him :DDDDDDDDDDDDD ( /(. . \)YOU PISSED ME OFF FOR THE LAST TIME RAY!!!!!! yes we know jesus sent you here...after getting smashed by a hatchet suprisingly Draven started up a long while before Draven came out in LoL i never get a DDos nami is forever alone...her CC is very hard to land ulti is easy to dodge her heal is minimal and the atack buff she does isnt all that great",32,2,3,1,0,23,1 1024,X1025,So sad to see so much bickering and so liitle respect for Stormin Norman Schwarzkopf. Strong EF1 at stadium.Did not see too much damage to trees or buildings.The stadium had damage because of wide span roofs-winds about 100-110 mph.Probably stronger elsewhere. All the generals are baboons! Excellent Intamin megalite. Can u cross a dog with al lion? Russia has a huge alcohol problem.And drugs like krokidil.Alcohol often results in suicide and krokidil amputates u-leading to disfurgment and suicide. The USA is doing the same-esp the private prisions Why make this movie about Paterno and Sandusky? This will reopen old wounds of victims.I hope they cancel it! parseltounge? That tornado seems to be a slow mover.Early spring tornadoes tend to move fast. Yes.Ejector air threw him out! SPLAT! Great GG twister! U should make more GG twisters and fewer Voyage type GG.All ur coasters wood and steel are sooo great! Jolly mean green giant! This is a fantasty coasterso u guys don't take this seriously.I've seen many fantasty coaster on NLthe most exterme was Atomic Compessor. The New Zealand Maori were the worst cannibals! Ever watch Storm Riders on weather channel-one chaser is black. Stalin was a Georgian-not a Slav! prolly EF2breifly EF3.,17,2,4,5,1,54,0 1025,X225,Well I am ''just saying'' you screw with the cops you get what you get...try running from one sometime and see if your pleading gets you wont! What? You are kidding right? Eleanor Rigby. Goldfish can live in toilet kills tropicals almost instantly. Ha! What a bunch of idiots! Take away the profits and you take away all of these morons jobs..that is if they even have one to begin with! Your ''brother'' was the lowlife...alot of street garbage are ''baby daddys'' good riddance to trash! Looks like a hoarders dump. Of course NBC is anti-american....just look at the fools they have as hosts over at MSNBC...that right there should tell you all you need to know! The paint job was hilariuos Load up the family truckster! I had it on 8-track Warren the Ape was awesome. I had the same exact thought. Dont you just hate idiots like that Steve? They seem to crawl out of the woodwork here. This is the first time in quite awhile I have heard something Matthews has said that didnt make him seem like a nutjob! Those are the same types of ignorant people that have attacked Ms.dash. Douchebaggery...that is hilarious! Its sad that a worthless POS like this has the right to should lose that right if you are as stupid as she is! What is that ladys name? That my freind is what we call......a bear! If you are too dumb to see that then stay out of the woods! Bet thats the first and last time another human has been that close to her snatch! Pitbull is a jizzstain compared to least Satriani has real talent! I used to watch HR Pufnstuf and Lidsville when I was a kid and never really thought about how strange it when I see it I am thinking this stuff had to be made for adults that dropped acid. I did plenty of knuckle busting playing with these when I was a kid! You tip the winder over a little bit and scraped the hell out of your of my favorite toys back then. I agree you know about sucking dick...but you dont know shit about music! No one is keeping you here Mr. Morgan you tool! Please put up your version..I'm sure it will be awesome. (sarcasm intended) These days he looks more like Barry Manilow. Didnt realize VHS was still in use even in '07 Are they broken up yet? This ''customer service'' guy is an idiot. This kid needs his ass beat.,32,2,5,5,0,47,0 1026,X1027,"These people are idiots. sauteed racoons assholes on a stick. This is the only candidate that represents the American middle class except for maybe Ron Paul. Roemer has the right ideas on jobs and trade. Build the car ditch the Hybrid idea. This is the best looking sports car Jag has built since the XK-E. Mr. Callum - you destroyed the XJ's looks annihilated the S-type and replaced it it with a Lexus look alike. You sort of redeemed yourself with this vehicle. This is the best looking Jaguar sports car since the XK-E. This is the most beautifully styled Jaguar sedan in history. This makes the Series 1 XJ6 look sad by comparison. The interior and exterior had exquisite detailing. The car was nimble yet smooth. We'll never see the likes of cars like these again. In the 1990's several automakers tried to imitate the styling of the Mark 2 series cars (which included the Mark 2 the S-type and the 420). Chrysler used the same rear quarter window shape on the LHS as on the 420. The dislikes are racists or haters. I want the girl.. No scratch that. She's an old woman by now. Michael Savage can burn in hell as far as I,m concerned. Mike Savage hates America. Although I disagree with Ron Paul on some economic issues (mainly trade) I think that he's the best person for the job of President. When confronted with the reality of the job he will do what he believes is right. What more can we ask for. I have never heard him say a racist thing ever. Absolutely sick. HE NEEDS TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT. Idiot. You do not speak for Ron Paul principles. Take your anti semitism and prejudice down a run down the road in busy traffic. Ain't that the truth. They left out the best line ,time to trade in the old gas guzzler Russ., This officer needs to be caged in a holding cell for the rest of his life. it was a lot easier for most to pay their bill back in 1969 than it is today. Since that time we have lost more than half of our manufacturing jobs and the population has gone up 70 percent. In 1969 only half of households were two earner. Today it is over 80 percent. I'd go back to those days in a minute even minus computers and gadgets. It was before environmentalists got under the hoods of our cars. Leaded gas no emission controls no airbags. Cheap fuel. This is what I'm talking about. Rock and roll. It thought this sound died in the 1990's. People need to quit with this zionist muslim or whatever crap and turn attention to the fact that the U.S. government may have been complicit in this. Wonderama captured the easy going early 1970s perfectly. Played just before the 1974 energy crisis I remember waking up to it on Saturday morning and watching it before the Road Runner came on. This particular clip is motivational to get off your butt and exercise move around. Hey Hey got to get away.Bought myself some trouble got the devil to pay.No no really gotta go searching for some time and a place to lie low.Hi gear and I'm going nowhere fast I've got my foot to the floor and I'm afraid it won't last.Stand clear and I won't be slowing down I'm gonna drive these wheels right into the ground..... Very nice. Love the sound. How's the performance? I would like to learn more about where you got it what you did how much it cost and how it is running. I have a 2010 and would like a bit more power.....",22,0,4,5,0,27,0 1027,X1028,"Meow? Jack. Bauer. Oh? And where are all these facts coming from? I can pull ,facts, out of my ass too. How about giving an intelligent opinion or not at all. Oh wait this is youtube let me revise my argument.AHM RIGHT CUZ JOOR WRONG. MY OPINIONS IZ BETTER THAN YOU. Fortunate that we can even argue on our nice computers. Foolish that we do :/ Happy Valentines Day.Seriously.",4,4,6,5,1,31,0 1028,X2532,"The 10^9th viewer should win a prize or something Objection. Pudge. The end yup but usually their carry will be having bkb. So instead of hexing the carry you can hex the rest of his team lol. Doesn't work against a 6-items Void though he'll just ult and kill 3 guys before it ends I see you've been doing your homework I've been using ,No doubt, and ,Hell yeah, instead ,I'm sure, and ,yes, since I first listened to this song Thumbs up if you have found the 2 hidden champion guides in this video Your mom's dildo no it's not vodka At 0:32 they're all like ,Where do I run!!!??? Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!, Hot girls+metal porn So was Red Yeah people are racist against snakes Brofist so epic you go airborne Hey what's your lol account? Let's duo rank sometimes Then Jack finds out that the sinking was just a fucking huge ,kick, then wakes up on an unknown shore as Dominic Cobb. Titanic Origins: Inception Oh that is so big!That's what she said i know right? Vodka es numero uno! I came here to read the hilarious comments and also because you look abysmally retarded as far as I can tell from the thumbnail I feel handsome after watching your videos. Thanks mate! I don't know if it's because of the camera but your voice sounds really annoying It's not hatred more like pity because you're retarded Igor 1080p shit just got real At first I thought she didn't have pants on bu then I saw a flash of black... I think she was being ironic Fuck math test fuck tutor You laugh at his English he laughs at your bank account while shagging hot chicks every night You forgot lamps in your list My toilet paper? GUCCI ! Shit this is depressing even more so with the music. I know this really isn't the best place to ask but can someone tell me the name of the song? In which part of Canada are you living? In live in Ottawa it would be nice to know that a gorgeous girl such as yourself might be living close to me. I make iron women out of iron maidens. Best line. Somebody should go save her LoL you don't say Sherlock. Whale obviously we have a rapist in Linkin Park Zidane is so good he scores without having the ball touching the net Sorry Nelly it's not your song anymore If I had a body like that I would love myself too He doesn't need to speak English when having sex with super models or when counting his money. 0.o Black magic...literally Karma gets no love =((",39,1,4,1,0,20,0 1029,X1030,I quit guitar. :O what the fuck ? Love this song heaps lol sing it 24/7 ONE DOSE NOT SIMPLY HATE ON PEWDIEPIE what dude ? Flowing lyrical geniuses you are the... and i quote the biggest fucking loser in the world ....... fuck off you cunt. Holla Homey,8,10,3,1,0,29,0 1030,X1031,Lol Worst song ever That was the first really good one in a while iMovie :) I'm gonna see this:) So cute!! I can relate I love those scenes Do the booty jam and I can't stop stealing!!!,9,6,3,5,0,76,0 1031,X1032,what strum pattern did you use ? 33 oh lord jesus. you're too beautiful to cry. stay strong. do you know how to get your hair longer? HELLLACOPTERRRRR YOU FEEDING YOUR PET ROCK WITH THAT,6,17,5,5,0,16,1 1032,X1033,holy crap so beautiful Big girl won Best Version Try To Top That Ya'll How does it feel to have your song on pitch perfect Love it Wow I just puked in my mouth!,7,3,4,6,0,17,0 1033,X1034,"my english teacher is such a bitch. 5k views almost 6k i don't really follow them anymore since i started mixing dubstep like 8 months ago i mean i just fell in love with the dubstep genre and all the electro/dub shit so... But i heard they're producing an album right now. go home you're drunk random english comment Are you fucking stupid? What the fuck? What about Quebec City? said the Russian who can't spell right A wild snorlax appears! 1:54 The son of sucessful black man The crowd is horrible they're not even following to the beat and the front stage is just a bunch of whore who don't even know what dubstep is. They look like people who own a shit-ton if money and don't know where to spend it. I mean when they are in the sight of the cam they just freak out like: ,OMG I'M ON THE BIG SCREEN!,. Awesome set tho. You made a good job skrill. I just don't understand why people hate him that much? In my opinion Skrillex is really good and this why dubstep has been popularized. Hate me if you want this my opinion. *can't",12,8,6,4,0,39,1 1034,X1035,"HAHAHAHA!!! Cual es el nombre de la cancion? What a brave humane and wonderful woman Donna is If by being humane with an animal someone is called crazy: then BE PROUD OF IT! And about the clown laughing... Kharma will get him: ,What goes around comes around,. And be away from the water...because if you start drowning NOBODY will move a finger for you. =) To ,The One Million Moms,: GET YOUR FAT BUTTS OFF THE COUCH AND STOP WATCHING TV COMMERCIALS!!! GET A LIFE! Go feed hungry kids take care of people dying of cancer give money to abused children organizations...Jesus NEVER taught INTOLERANCE TOWARD OTHERS! JAJAJA! CELOS DE QUE??? GRACIAS por validar mi comentario. Si remotamente consideras que alguien pueda tener celos de algo respecto a esta chica entonces HAY UN PROBLEMA DE INFERIORIDAD.Ademas yo soy una adulta y ella una chiquilla...que clase de comparacion es esa?...en fin... Que tenga o no talento no esta en discusion. BRACAMONTE DIECIENDO: ,Hay que linda, SIN OIRLA valida mi comentario. Es concurso de talento no de Miss lo que sea. This kid was framed. DAs do everything to have a quick conviction in benefit of their reputation. DNA tests were NOT conclusive therefore NOTHING linked him to the victim. That is why there is an INNOCENCE PROJECT to overturn wrongly accused people. Meanwhile the real murderer is FREE...",6,0,8,5,0,42,0 1035,X1036,justin beaver is a devil worshiping cunt BEAVER IS A WANKER fucking traiter go wank your fathers dick,4,0,2,5,0,25,1 1036,X1037,Bitch if you make fun of the Hunger Games I will cut you so deep even Clove will be impressed. @KeshasPartyz Thats what im doing to also 12 almost 13. I think were not to young nd for growing it out u should just part your hair on the opposite side so it covers the shaved section. :),2,2,4,5,0,15,0 1037,X58,damn alex looks dumb though :) so does mila kunis represent his first love or break up? no i think he means FRANCIS DRAKE the pirate im 667 and i got lost here ooh hey it is them they look way different to me () hah ima do that right now actually that film was greg wish it was a bit longer sohinki slap hiimmm!!!!!!!do it!!!!!!! not really a pc person and for some reason xbox doesn't want to put it on the marketplace which is depressing why and u is for you and me!!!!!!! lucky my can pees on everything i have no blankets cause of him what ladies jovenshire squirtle squad !!!!!!!!! i agreed fully with you until you brought foster the people in this lasercorn is on it and he's not single game of the decade -_- bethesda should be 2 or 1 i read this comment and thought whaaat how. . . just why . . . ahhhh!!!!!!!!! the history of the strokes 24th??? When is their next album? hate jack do a history of The StrokesRise Against or The Killers no homo but if i were a girl my wet dreams would have johnny craig in them you got him dumbass x) i see what you did there the name of the song and your name you made a funny what genre is this considered ? hell yeah ebay bidding war and memphis may fire best combo its a some what manly color wow i was on a other tab then i realized the lyrics there . . . there so amazing this video has a dislike bar? haha they shut that girl up XD JOHNNY CUPCAKES!!! no no it is not -__- every fucking thing about new horror films TACO BELL !!!!!!!!!!!!,39,0,3,5,1,18,0 1038,X1039,HOW MUCH DOES SHE COST Wow that was like very on DRIVE AT YOUR OWN RISK she can do that dance on my johnson what gives the USA the right to kill other people and tell other countries what they can and can't do? showing it all and she has a man these females are showing it off to see who can drop that ass booty bum the best. So if you gonna bare it then share it. I'll judge the best booty drop from around the globe. So ladies lets get them booties to poppin at,7,0,3,5,0,44,0 1039,X2439,"thanks.i wish i can say im the most religious person but im not.i also make choices to bend the truth sometimes for my own desires but in the end when it all boils down. i know that im wrong .no long as we continue to seek the truth and know it it will become easier for us to wake up and realize what we are doing to ourselves what most are letting others or the media do to them. when people think the bad things they are doing is right they are lost.good to know you are not:) you have my last name :O) lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the bass brought me here. now ima dipp off on the next jet to rick ross/birdman born stunna!!!!!!! your opinion this my ears favorite food he sings like beyonce really? a bunch of dumb disrespectful reject adults commenting under a kids video cursing using profanity really? you people feel you have to try that hard to be liked or get your point across? no respect at all. we got kids who come here to watch Shaheen as well as adults. kids shouldnt have to read that type of stuff while watching something they like. sad. what a bunch of rejects im offensive and i find this ksvoco lmao thanks. most people are to dumb to believe it LuRkINNNNNNNn!!!!!!!!!!!! slow a f ...SMH no actually you need to go google the case or something....cops shot both befor rudy was killed....i dont have time to argue with you.....smh LMAO @germetreian I dont know what the fuck she is but this my shit. this track getz turn up instantly. I dont know whats what now a days Im not there when she gets naked I f she is she is if she aint then she aint....yall up on here arguing ova a dick or a pu she has very bad posture. I think she got her ass stumped out so many times already m in the hood its always n a goofy fake black bitch who works in a convient store owned by arabs. Lbvs. T If I was the judge I would give all four the death penalty. there isnt a specific color a criminal comes in. the nature of this crime was unbelievable. :( none of the defendants should b giving the ,privilege, to be in the pressence of human life ever. (inmates correctional officers etc) but thats just my opinion. U wouldnt keep thomas brown hewitt (the texas chainsaw man) in a prison around inmates or staff so why are they so lucky? They are monsters amd monsters belong in hell my opinion. :( Sad Nice music. Piano sample from Zombies Ate My Neighbors. (Level 21 the day the earth ran away. ) Lol keloid Ear cartilage Rubberband Pain!! Ice Relieved pain 6 days past Kept on same rubberband Scissors Success. Thanks for your inspiration . Great video! Idk how I even got here .............but how is this animal abuse? I look at snakes/rats/mice/roaches all the same way. Kill em. They carry deadly diseases or venom. They are unclean. All these remakes where the real one at Rick ross live fast die young beat True. He right. Its just kinda sad that simple minded people gone say he crazy or dumb. Thats how most realists appear now a days. he 100 with it. Call him crazy but u can never call him a freakgayfollowerfakeetc. .... Its crazy bcause while she keeps saying ,they are bullies and ,they get paid to post negative commentsi was reading comments and I kid u not there was like five different comments from the same person trying to bully her. Lol I thought this was bs lol woow Is this even worth making a youtube video about? Really? If she was so fucked upwouldnt u just leave her that way? Im not even a tila taquila fan but I seen these videos and its tripped out. The illuminati huh the dude who made this vid sound like an atheist. I bet they gone try to band her video exposing the illuminati. Sad. She kinda reminds me of ana nicole. I hope she dont get murdered. I hate bullying period! The only way to do something about it is to stand for the truth. If you are of the truth you wouldnt condone any of the bs that almost the entire world does. Mushroom trip? Howard is an asshole. Theres nothing funny about her being this way. If he cared about her and the kidwhy the hell didnt he try drug rehab instead of holding a camera talking about this footage worth money.. beyonce!!!!!!!!! Only like the beat",33,22,4,5,0,23,0 1040,X1041,"So what you're saying is you are completely unqualified to make such a dumbass statement. Dipshit You clearly lack common sense then. Really? Explain how you came to that conclusion dipshit. Because you said so. What a fucking retard. Hey if your dumb ass wants to believe all the lies Zimmerman has told that contradict the 911 call then that's your choice to remain ignorant and blind to common sense. GZ is a sociopath. GZ has a history of excuses for everything. He's a liar. And he's a murderer. This dumbass motherfucker will go down. But by all means stick your head up your ass and overt your brain from logic and facts. I boxed in college. I may not have remembered right afterwards but I recalled all my mistakes throughout a fight especially a mistake I made right before I got my clock cleaned. And I've been questioned by police as a ,person of interest,. I have no problem recalling the truth. However keeping lies consistent is impossible to do. Next. Neil is the greatest. My bucket list includes a 5 minute conversation with Neil She's awesome. From what I've seen thus far... it's this girl or the Paris Ooh-la-la girl Jenelle Garcia that should win this por nada We hae this thing here in the US called freedom of speech. Our speech is not beholding to any other country or religion. We hold freedom of speech as seriously as some muslims hold their religion. This is a crappy low budget film. However answer some of the stuff he brings up. Christian minorities in Muslim countries are ostracized beaten killed and treated like animals by their Muslim ,brothers,. Please address that. We Americans love our Freedom of Speech as much or more than Muslims do their religion. Neither trumps the other. The problem we have with Islam is it dictating how the rest of the world is supposed to cater to their beliefs while their religion appears to be intolerant of all others and embraces terrorism and violence as the answer. Until Islam is able to coexist peacefully with all other religions you will continue to be a target of hatred and vitriol. You preach peace but live terrorism Wow! Jesus looks just like Kenny Loggins. It's so laughable that this kid saw Jesus with blue-green eyes. Can you say fairytale? I don't get tired of watching this video. I love this chick. She's awesome. You're just full of shit. Name calling making fun of someone are forms of bulying. Maybe you're just too egocentric and wrapped up in yourself to know the difference... or to let it go. I endured a lifetime of being disparigingly called Skinny Twiggy Link Toothpick or any other name you can think of. I got panced multiple times dropped in mud puddles got my ass kicked and threatened daily throughout junior high all because I was skinny and an ,easy target., That's not bullying? Wow! GZ can remember the name of the complex next to him but the night he killed Trayvon he couldn't remember the name of one of the 3 streets he regularly patrols. He had a right to be in the gated community because he was a guest of his dad's fiance. Are you that fucking stupid to be making that claim. Also true Martin was taller than Zimmerman but GZ outweighed TM by almost 60 pounds. Where the fuck do you get off making the claim that TM was bigger. You'd have to be complete idiot to not understand that the man that is 60 pounds heavier is the larger man. You GZ supporters are ridiculous I'm still wondering how GZ was screaming if TM had his hands over his mouth and nose. @TheProKent: Get off here with you lies. There is no such conclusion or proof this is GZ screaming on the tape. Quit making shit up. Maybe that's all you have as a brain and logical thought are clearly missing. Provide a reliable new source to your claim",17,0,7,5,0,55,1 1041,X1042,we can't use video games to say they cause violence to society. Is there a fucking game out there that lets you go around and kill all the kids in the world no obama so leave the fucking video game industry alone its a disgrace to involve us gamers when we know it's just a damn game.,1,0,2,5,0,19,1 1042,X1043,Black guy is staring at me. Get 99 range noww :o Hey im 52 cb id love to risk fight u... add me in game ( phelons ) i was totally tryin my azz off........ Nice vid. Id love to fight you.sometime. im52 cb. Add me ingame (phelons) Feeds are getting so boring. Sorry but unsubbed. No hate just my opinion... The stun goes off after he gets the hitmarker. U can see and hear it lmao haters You miss bde days... thats it? You aint a mac fan... Ill be on today so make sure u add me. I changed my name from im krunk to phelons ok man i would offer more but id still have to buy it mems Gf kirsty Best edit and episode so far! Hey just a idea but u should make a community risk fighting montage. Thatd be sweet Ur a mod?!?!? Sick vid man!!! Bank vid bro? Btw gf. - Phelons Respect... Nice man. -Phelons 6m dung tokens??????? 99 firemaking!! High risk pk vid please :) What lies below Killcam on overgrown 3 Blonde is hotter...,24,2,3,5,0,31,0 1043,X1044,"This is the best cover ever.....i love this song and this nice... Wow..really nice Christmas song...Thanks for this fairytale Justin... I think Justin's songs are the best to hear at Christmas eve....this one bringing me so much miracle.... nice @YereBrusselski :) dzer comment@ kardalov chkaroxaca antarber ancnel...minchev verjers karcum ei vor hay txanern aylevs chunen hayrenasirakan vochmi jix u hpartanum em dzez nman mardkancov..chnayac ete es el txa linei kkangnei u kpayqarei hayr @lider77999 gitem shat jamanak mer erkri eritasardner@ kpaxchen krivneric isk spyurqum aprox hayrenaserner@ jam araj khasnen hayreniqi pashtpanutyan@..patmutyun@ da e vkayum...inchvor tex hamadzayn em ...bayc mi qani serund heto nuynisk spyurqahayer@ kmor hastat..mard che mardik..u shat shat mardik... R.I.P all of you Armenians.....we all Pray for our great proud of my Armenian...My country is the best...i know that we will overcome all this pain and make turkey to recognize our is not human....PEOPLEIF YOU WANT TO BE SAFE YOU MUST RECOGNIZE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE ... your can just blame...nothing else...cos you just want to drop your past and go on..but you cant do that Unikal erg er..aprili 7 i iskakan nver mamanerin....taxandavor erajisht u xelaci eritasardutyan var nerkayacucich Garikin el shat shnorhakal enq lav ergi hamar.... wonderful feelings..... hmmmi dont like those type of contests....but thank you..... es 18 dislike-er@ miss hayastani axjiknern en Tnx to Serj....i love is really great... An jan shat lavn es...inchpes misht..shat sirun es ergum :)))) pachik nman chen amsagri mi hamarum kardaci ,YES, amsagirn a henc.// Es erg@ shaaaaaaaaat em havaanummmmm......erani mer hayastann esqan vaar liner voncv vor klipum.......... Mec hachuyqov Art jan :))) shnorhakalutyun Apres ))) verjapes )))",20,56,4,17,1,16,0 1044,X1045,Jonah you're a brave young man and I applaud your strength and courage. You are an inspiration not only for your situation but for others that might find themselves in a similar position as you had found yourself.Be well and keep showing that great smile you have to the world and the world will be a better place for you being in it!Thank you for your courage! Good stuff! I admire your strength - that's a good thing. Keep it up!,3,0,3,1,0,60,0 1045,X1046,"OMG HYSTERICAL!!!!!! I love Taylor Swift! I wish this song had been around when I was in High School! Thank Goodness it's here for my kids. My favorite part is the morons yelling at the cops ,The whole world is watching!, Yeah...I watched and I agree that this dude needed to put down and tased! They gave him ample opportunity to put his clothes on he didn't oh well! OMG! The fact that you would go through a movie looking for this is disgusting. You need to get a life. Seriously beautiful!!! I loved every minute of it! According to part 1 most of this ,church, is made up of one family. Inbreeding would explain A LOT about why they're like this! The girls will need to marry a brother/cousin/uncle because who is willingly going to enter this cult...uh excuse me ,church,? Where is Gramps getting his info for his sermon? Where in the world are they EATING BABIES LITTLE CHILDREN AND EACH OTHER?!?! How is possible that any wackadoodle can start his own church and be allowed to get away with the crap this guy is preaching? It's hatemongering. I have loved this song and video since it first came out. It's not really the best song in terms of singing ability but the beats and the dancing make me smile even in a bad movie. I didn't even hate it when Alien Ant Farm covered it. Something about MJ in the suit and hat with all the dancers.....LOVE IT Did not read all the comments. Hitler and Germany did not treat Jesse Owens well because they were kind. It was propaganda. Hitler and his party had done their best to make sure that Germany came off as a clean safe happy place to live. This is actually discussed by residents of Germany in the documentary ,The Third Reich,. Hitler was good at hiding the ugly which is why he was able to kill so many jews elderly handicapped and yes even black people. He was a monster!!! That had to be the cutest thing ever!!!! He was only 29 when he died. Can you imagine what more he could have done had he stayed away from the pills and the booze? I'm thankful we have the songs he left behind...the man really knew how to tell a story with song. I hate the comments ,I love this guy and I'm only..., What does that mean? That only old people like classic country? It's music. It's timeless. Music is the language that most of the world speaks. It's not about age. Love this! I loved how the love Dad has for his son is written all over his face even if the little boy slept through it. Hope your welcome home was for good! :) Beautiful! LOVE IT! That riff is definitely The Clash and not as cool as the original This was amazing! The Tetris and Zelda parts...hands down my favorite. Oh...and Bowser's castle with the flags....epic! This was the most beautiful thing I've seen! Totally made me cry! I'm a little worried about this movie. Les Miserables is my very favorite show and I am afraid that the directors/producers/writers are going to either remove music from the show add music to the show or rearrange the music in the show for the film version. They did it for both Evita Phantom of the Opera and Rent...changing music adding scenes deleting others because they thought it filmed better. And it sucked out loud!!! Leave my musical theater alone!!!!!!",19,2,5,2,0,37,0 1046,X1047,"people tripping on acid or other hallucinogens get agitated easily dont take it personally! :) lolllllll thanks for the heads up we didnt understand the video at all!! im sorry your anus was the answer just an english comment passing thru i dont get it.. because he is 40 now whats the song? its a new invention called a ,cigar, RIP ISRAEL!!! :''''( agreed man.. wanna double team it ;) then you suck dat intro!",13,2,6,2,0,21,0 1047,X1048,pepper,1,0,4,5,0,17,0 1048,X1049,what o.o I'm in love. GUYSSS!!! Play me in Draw My Thing: sweet :3 this makes so much sense doesnt it 3 the boobs and the name vanessa. if anything baby a boy who turned into a girl. or what society likes to call A FAGGOT YOU DONT. UNDERSTAND THE FEELS I HAVE FOR YOU. YOU ARE AMAZING REPO MAN AND PUNS AND FACE AND FUNNY ERGUIO;HSAKQASJWDPO;IAEGJRDFK'JHMS'J geekgod14fanpage @ fb tuch it i think i wana mrry u i changed a lot. in 1 year. dannggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggge diversity. GET EXCITED GUYS NEW VIDEOS NEW VIDEOS first one will be posted tomorrow and all you tumblr fans out there are going to love it! 33 stay awesome and smile yes. yes he does 3 Brutus HEY THERE YOUTUBERS! It's been about an entire YEAR since I posted my first video and I just want to thank you all for being so fucking awesome 3 it was sexy you know it huh oh my god FUCKING ANTS,18,816,3,72,0,14,0 1049,X1040,"sounds.... Delicious. thats becouse in the last 10 ~ 20 years kids have been less disciplined. they think they run/own everything even their parents. when i was young if i stepped out of line my grandfather would whoop my fucking ass!! lmfao tbh its what kids need nowadays... yes but she was DOING 50 ni a 45 5 miles over the speed limit. wich is still BS tho the cop is a fucking idiot. The judicial system no matter what country its in will always be flawed. Aslong as people are corruptable and have control over others prison systems court hearings all of it will be garbage. But in the Islamic faith the prophet Mohammed married a 9 year old girl named Aisha... umm admitted pedophile in religion... wich is the main basis as to why im an Atheist i do not blame stupid shit on a ,Bronze Age Deity, but i blame it on humanity as the curse it is. Throughout time there has been and always will be sick motherfuckers. and no amount of ,worship.... ., will prevent it. and i dont need ,Religion, to have morals on whats wrong and right. so no need to ,repent, You seem like a smart young woman but take it from me. Marriage is fucking hell after the first 4 years..... yea sometimes people find the right one but most of the time its the simple ,need to be with someone, that keeps a marriage together. I love my wife and i love my daughter but ill be honest... it is...fucking hell sometimes.... and im only 25 btw... Im a white guy 25 and i dated several black/yellow bone women. But to be honest i dont see a difference now im with a white girl and hope to keep it that way not out of being racist but just becouse im happier with my own race it turns out. but to each his or her own i guess ^^ Crotch Lobster..... :D As true as that may be his glove appears UN-damaged. and the mercury vapors are only deadly when mercury is boiling. So no you ARE in fact wrong about him being in danger. I have been around chemicals for the better part of 24 years. As long as you don't BOIL Mercury a simple latex glove when worn correctly is more then sufficient to protect you from poisoning. Agreed. :) your correct its David ,Allen, Coe :D in all fairness the child DID attack the cat first....just as if i punched you in the nuts would you not retaliate? gtfo . Lol yea i play a game online called Fiesta by im on Teva server its the only pc game i play tho so let me get this straight.... your suggesting that youtube users go and buy hookers and risk the possibility of contracting a horrible STD rather then simply look at a harmless ,physically, pic and listen to epic music.....and if a girl DJ is wearing almost nothing then no your wrong she IS infact wanting to be looked at. Only one of yours are correct even if your being sarcastic... gtfo . For a MJ lover your very lax on the facts of what he did. Personally i hate MJ and im glad hes fucking dead all pedo's deserve to die and his music wasnt even that good ffs. anyway he DID hold a baby over the second story railing of a building. lmao The drummer for this and a few other of David's songs was a black guy...jus sayin.. easily one of the funniest comic con videos ive seen in a long time And blame horomones for their generally bad attitudes instead of just admitting their a bitch -.- Your a dumbass....just sayin -.- nerves dude...nerves... just like shooting any other animal in the world deer bear elk moose squirrels... when an animal takes an impact hit to the head the nerves go speratic. However the animal is infact dead and feels nothing. Your a fucking idiot...nuff said.. xD yea i always got a kick out of the story of noah back then i guess they did write fantasy novels... im curiouse if in 300 years they'll be worshipping Harry Potter.... Bill Clinton VS George Bush :D!!! Is the old MB from Bijou? If so im an OLD MB member Garden_mage. switched to Teva tho and have a diff name now too :P yea ill admit it he had some pretty good lines i dunno i cant tell i think their both pretty close to being bosses in that rap battle. Factually incorrect christmas was never a celebration of the birth of christ it was the celebration of the winter solstice. according to the bible christ wasnt even born in winter he was born closer to the spring equinox.... . Faith in humanity level: Lost. Kill yourself.... I wouldnt know i no longer play on Bijou. I now play on Teva and the main reason why i quit bijou is due to all the fucking assholes on there. Teva is a much better server then Bijou could ever be in my opinion.",32,16,5,4,0,25,0 1050,X1051,"Ivan my heart sank when you threw your sword at him don't give up you can salvage this from the brink I've always been perplexed by starcraft and its lore could some one explaime it to me? yea i'll have a go A person who looses is better than a person who cheats to console his own mistakes you sir Spadge are neither a scholar nor a gentleman. Spadge... you're still cheating!!! and no fiddler on the roof will fix that fact i really wish you well in your stand up Toby they are a gaming channel not a minecraft channel I live in England with a strict gun laws i also own a gun not for protection but I shoot in competitions as a hobby and I don't fit into ether category. yay Dan Bull gaming bout freaking time octapode you sir just made me laugh good show =] nice track I'm liking the chilled out nature what is that song at the end? is there something wrong with being called black? you are the one who decided that ,black, is a term with a negative connotation he is just using it in a way to describe a person in more detail I'm sure if he was talking about a white person he'd describe them in more detail than just man or woman. try not to feed the troll and Vaas quoted it from Albert Einstein",16,1,3,1,0,26,0 1051,X1052,The black guy that broke day tv defiantly lost a bet Wow that's here in Miami? Bruh ill beat the fuck off him for u you have to record it tho i didnt know etho didnt like advertising i already appologized it was a dick move of me im probably ethos biggest fan being watching since the very beggining :D sorry i advertised i didnt know doc disliked advertisers Doc i appologize brother im a huge fan DUMMYYYY U MADE ME CRY Ivan dragon vs ...?,6,12,4,5,0,22,0 1052,X1658,me gusta why is everyone coughting are you sick// what did you think was gonna happen YOU WHERE GONNA FLY DUMBASS FAKE AND GAY 1323 I agree with both..but guns are well helpful for people like hunting...but minors shouldn't be able to buy guns ahh well played scar...creating 127 accounts and disliking this video...well played my clever friend well played BEST MOVIE I CAN'T READ THIS FAST STOP COMMETING PLEASE Honesetly i think the only reason i listen to this song is rain rain go away thats what all my haters say HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE FROM ME AND ALL YOUR FANS AND HEY @donspalluccia STFU Thats one hell of a sales pitch I love how after she messes up everyone looks around like what the fuck?? So no police give a crap about all the other signers PEOPLE HATE JUSTIN AND SAY THAT NO ONE GIVES A CRAP WHY IS THIS SO BIG PEOPLE ALWAYS SAY THAT TO PEOPLE THEY HATE... Its at 1:45 is it bad i almost peed my self Happy Birthday love from me and all your other fans33 why are you hashtagging #stupied My right ear enjoyed this OMG THATS WHAT I TELL MY FRIENDS...BUT I SAY PRINCE WILLIAM lmao forgot there wizards Ahh must be related to the kid that laughs at the ripping paper :29 Thats attractive No they did...they just fell down the stairs you forgot the not i like sheldon..thats it and lenord If you look up swag in the dictionary you get a picture of doger You look up swag and the dictionary and you get a picture of Dodger NO I BROUGHT MYSELF HERE CAUSE I LOVE THIS MOVIE way to take both the top comments... @LifeInTheOcean Oh award it was for @iamthedreamerable Comee on every scene with sheldon is the bestt I like how the top comment is i farted....very nice to know I almost peeded myslef honestly,35,0,2,5,0,14,0 1053,X1054,He took that way better than I would have. Why would you fucking do that? Fucking Mexicans I'd fight them all. Pieces of fucking trash. They don't know what it's like living in the fucking ghetto. Guns get real. I hate rednecks. Dumb fucks. Nice job but not hardcore. EAT 1 OUNCE OF MARIJUANA You can peel my shrimp. Singer is Ross Farrar Supermarket by far the quality is better by far. Fresh cut deli meats and cheese can't be beat. But as far as Subway vs. Quizno's Quizno's has much better Subs. God damn Kenny is straight edge as fuck. Mosh hard. Haha fuck dude why'd you vomit all over your table?,11,0,3,5,0,19,1 1054,X1634,"Best ending ever. Jesus Christ look at who's talking. No Seriously LOOK AT YOUR OWN DAMN WORDS AND SPEAK ENGLISH -.-Stahp. Naow. I think if they made a 3rd game it should be with Rattmann even though we already know what happens to him it'd bring new ideas to the game sense he dosen't get the portal gun and has to travel through so many chambers and wreckage. Honestly the worst mistake was not allowing users to use a fucking controller.Like Zero Puncuation said gamers come home to relax by playing video games not by flailing there arms around or lean so much to fall onto the floor. I think it's the style that Mr. Rogers rapped that made him win. Just absolute calmness even when swearing. Its the new ,Wheres that DAMN fourth chaos emerald!, That actully gives this song justice like escaping a quickly collapsing tunnel hoping you find yourself going the right way instead of hitting a dead end. I wouldve actully enjoyed this level especially the rising sand hills at the end.It was scrapped due to time constraints not how good it was. I think a good idea would be to find a good balance between skippable and nonskippable because if everything is skippable you know but if too much is restricted people feel uninclined to speedrun it. 0:22 Suddenly Puberty turns Classic Sonic into Modern Sonic! 3 years ago and the face is popular now.(fucklogic) mp_friendlyfire 1 Correction RIP Sonic: 1991- 2006 then revived via a FUCKING KISS. Dosen't apply to me i have common sense :U Hey not my fault you decided to make them look like perverted stuff. DAT ELEPHANT. And we should care for your dumb mistake why? It wasn't segas fault the game was planned to come out next year but the sanic fans wanted it so badly they got early release and disappointment for being impatient. 3d hubworld incoming? Ohai I was SpeedTheWolf Even though the new voice actor added life to Sonic's voice? In Shadows defining namesake game he drove a bunch of vehicles shut up. WWOOOOO-WOOOO-WWWWOOOOO-WOOOOO-WWOOOOO If it's possible Do it loved Rivals. That... is not... how it works.... AT ALL. What was the music in the Perfect Chaos Battle? Looks like a movie with the cameras and music. Thats not little known thats a NO SHIT SHERLOCK. Not being able to run is part of the story Dr. Robotnik stole Sonic's shoes and replaced them with normal similar looking shoes.And I say Dr. Robotnik instead of Dr. Eggman because this is way before Sonic Adventure xD :3 I may have said I was an asshole to you in my other comment but I take that back. I would have rather have seen this fucking video going through the whole level instead of a few fucking stand still boring as FUCK pictures. Shame on you. It's bad enough you mispelt Chimera but THE FORGOTTEN SECOND A IN CHUGGA---a---CONROYS NAME NO SHIT SHERLOCK I think the editing is okay but ONLY for this series as long as it i'sent excessive. OH HEY LOOK ANOTHER POINTLESS UNNEEDED COMMENT FAG.Seriously You are being more immature by trying to tell a famous youtuber how to act.And Why Is it so fucking HARD for you idiots to ignore what you don't like.I like both Nova and Pewdie so for me all I see in these arguements is complete bullshit on both sides of the fanbases.Be mature yourself.(Also You are a detriment to the Bro army by trying to start a fight. Nova was here first nothing will change that.) What about the fire on Charmander's tails and his evolutions? Supposedly if it goes out it dies. TITLE. YOU FOOL ME. What if I told you I figured the first one out when I was 6. Except many people knew him before he had cancer and died. Old memes die hard :3 YA-YA-YA-HOO(GIVE ME THE FUCKING KEY) It dosen't disturb me you're just doing a thing called OVERREACTING to the improper use of words. I typed in headcrab (from half life) for the slogan makerFirst result: You'll be ahead with headcrabs.Second result: Sleep under headcrab for the rest of your life.third: headcrab - Many minds. Singular results.FTW. Also realistic looks in 2d are just a bit ugly anyway.",45,5,3,15,1,19,0 1055,X1056,i agree with that i like the tac 45 better also you are funny thats funny This is really important: this happen on 9/11 however that video camera showed 9/10 something ain't right about that. of course the white man is stopping the black man from talking of course aw man i didn't get to see the last image :( thanks for showing this i put it on my facebook to show my friends to show their friends people need to open their eyes and the Connecticut shooting was set up to activate this law you guys are awesome and too bad there isn't an option there isn't a double like two thumbs up these trolls must have pushed you to the limits dang they are better of being on live gaming not on here hey whats up with the live broadcasts i want watch 'em its amazing how many dislikes you have 4:15 lol scrub XD is that patches because my brother and i tried doing it or do you have to have a ps3 or play custom games wow that is alot of views and likes 2:47 XD aw man i was hoping to see two of the same ray guns not one from black ops 2 and one from world at war :( this ruined my day just follow the directions and click on things in the directions in which the directions are pointing almost lick black ops you had to do certain things that cyclist holy crap im not a big fan of moding anymore but that is awesome i like that last one that is genius,22,2,4,2,0,17,0 1056,X1057,! ) A-One ) )) - )) 1 . ! . -,17,2,3,1,0,21,0 1057,X1058,she looks like Sieneke from the Netherlands she's beautiful on the in and out side I hear your whole life story in your voice. beautiful Beautiful you have a great voice :) You have such a nice voice ! Perfection GREAT voice So Beautiful ! wauw youre amazing ! wauww Deena beautiful wow. your voice is beautiful ! ginger are u dalena or are u trinh ? ;o Perfection ! I guess this is Perfection. are u facking kidding me? Perfection Ystijd is betrapt. This is just perfection. OMG Beautiful ! one word; AMAZING ! 20 likes and i'll do a cover .,23,0,4,5,0,21,0 1058,X1059,"That fat sec guard prolly listens to gay ass tool or fagsmack but non the less if I was in front row I wouldn't let someone who dislikes the band or who stares like that ruin my day please fire 'antoni no D whatsoever man! hire phil please Yessss uploaded on my birthday (: @courtkneexxsays lol dude this is not a live version it's a studio recorded version yeah lots of ppl are dick riding kevin durant and lebron there both rly good bball players but are they good like kobe? not even close. god dammit this bass in this song kicks ass lol i love this song has that christmas tune lol love it sorry but i just wouldnt find it possible to sleep thru AvA playing right next to you lol.. You don't what love is..shut up lmao All it is is a new yr beginning for the Mayans. Just like us our year ends the 31st theirs ended the 21st a new cycle in life get over it and stop building up hype and scaring ppl and you've yet to give an explanation on why so go kill yourself. You guys are retarded they used yelawolf bcuz Travis and him partnered up and made music together it wasn't always just blink for him I bet it was Travis's idea to put him in one of their songs so why hate? It their songs at least they gave out a short album bcuz everyone kept bitching about a new album when's it coming? Well it's here.. That takes you an hr n a half? Wow...I do that in about 20-30 min..and I work hmm... I believe Kobe is still in his prime. Haha get away from the door!...NIGGA! Geezus spit it out!! have to Uhh..realize that..Uhh...I was black Sniping is the worst thing cod has to offer smgs are OP'd to shit but even after the update I think there still OP'd the sniper quick scoping shit is unrealistic it's all based on lag and luck they had a chance to remove it to make it an actual sniping weapon but nope they didn't wanna lose there gay sniping fag kids who do it and they wanted kids from mw3 to go to bo2 so yeah.. He wanted to stay AFC bcuz the colts ya know. Duh What happend to mark man! 2 back2back afc championship games both loses you'd think a third times a charm return to a super bowl ya know? Lol damn!! @theHeelz7 so NOW your race looks bad? Lmao dude pick up a history book kid the white races has been ,looking bad, since the 1800s racism owning black slaves your kidding me if your sayin that now just Bcuz someone's being racist here wow. It's glitchy Bcuz some asshole decided to use theater to glitch his rank to lvl 10th prestige. Of course it's fake why didn't he look up to follow it? Yeah FAKE. Retro such a disappointment I hope it gets revoked or reduced heavily it should take half or if not 3/4 of the clip to down someone it looks like that player got shot 3 times and died if not 5 times which is OP'd. @CharizardNoob yeah I would imagine I'm not circumcised and cleaning mine can be a pain considering pulling my skin back hurts a bit but I get over it. Idk but all I can say is when I have sex I don't have to imagine anything or put my mind into it as muc I love the sharp practice acoustic than the rock version idk just has a more powerful sound to it in my ears.. Wedding song.. That catch by tate was a catch. It was a simultaneous catch both players had their hands on it are you kidding? Fuckin touchdown quit cryin about it. Besides Tate had both hands on it and both feet on the ground while possessing a simultaneous catch between Jennings. That's called a TOUCHDOWN and goes to the offensive player. Seahawks won get over it. @Me497 your joking you should not be smoking kid 14? Wow Hahaha Yeah you hit him twice shoulda been a down but oh well this game is FUCKING GARBAGE! CliffBitchzinski never plays his game online only LAN and thinks this games doesn't need any fixes. im sorry? did we just clobber your ,gay, san fran kids? 42-13? when you only beat us 13-6 on your home turf? GARBAGE. and im sure your the one crying after that game. FAG. @Breakingchains954 the clip at 3:00? Damn idk this video seems fucked up just showing deaths on here but that guy who got sucked in he's still alive you said? I want this to be my wedding song if only. nice flop harden very well played. and at least thunder have a player who actually passes the ball more to durant now unlike you in the finals taking random crazy shots but good effort tho. i'd be yelling if i was in the stands or even the players explaining to the dumbass refs on how bullshit their calls are. happy new yr cocksuckers and i doubt these guys would have time to be using youtube accs lol. just MO.. yeah i think its bcuz he went off of the last years colors for the seahawks this yrs is of course different i think. love the new uni's tho. hah yeah okay no you clearly do not know what steroids do to you then. you see the size of marq at fight 3? now look at 4 he looks ripper and stronger than before. pac? still looks the same he's in politics a fighter he has no time to be doing anything like that. how? its clearly fake you fuckin moron. no human being wouldn't realize the shit on their face and not do anything about it. so go on and believe everything you see kid. Yeah i suppose but it just doesn't make sense how that 1% is enough to cause pregnancy is all I am saying. Is it really that ,powerful, to make a baby happen? But what if a woman is on birth control could that sperm be effective enough to cause birth? yeah and im ok with that lol. yeah which means your bandwagon hop on it kid bcuz eagles aint winning shit for the next decade.",41,3,5,5,0,26,1 1059,X1060,that was tragic with the vocab massive faggots;) he makes it look sooooo easy :( hope they're fucking happy with themselves I wouldn't want to live with the fact I made such a nice caring mother kill herself you really deserve to die for this :/// urghhh that's so weird pause at 6:58 :') parred by gravity how on earth was 2:32 sexy agdfhbrdffds milf Ahaha omg:'),10,1,4,1,1,21,1 1060,X1061,When is mindcrap season 2 coming out? it is also in smart moving mod more please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D The song is by CaptainSparklez!!!!!!!!!!! that is so sad that you had to choose to cut of his arm! :( For some reason it doesn't work. It logs me on but doesn't launch it! :( i can't make any vids because i am here in the Philippines and the internet i use is really slow so i have some vids recorded here but uploaded back in London. So please bare with me here if youare getting really bored with me. I promise i will try to upload vids but it takes a crap tone of time to upload these vids because it was recorded with fraps and takes long to upload. So yeah please don't send me any hate messages and please don't unsubscribe like what my other one did. icica more please i'm a Filipino so you shut that mouth of yours. Go and stfu!! Stop with the singing OJ like seriously can you do another one sky? Don't fucking disrespect filipinos becuz manny is the best!!!!!!!!!,13,11,3,56,1,14,0 1061,X1062,why the police will take his money. The police are idiots they didn't how much did the beatboxer spend talent and effort to have a money and they will just take it?. and he will get arrested for nothing?. Use your brain you morons and you siad that he needs a licence to perform that talent. damn what an idiot.. hello??police he's not selling products to get a licence noob camera man hahahahhaaa skaters gets owned by a CHIC seriously? NOT FUNNY!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i laugh at what you siad hi miss i like your comment :) u sound like a pervert LOL that was funny LOL BRO THAT WAS VERY FUNNY!!! ----LEVEL----- 1.amature2.pro3.Asian This is gay retarded video O_0 no comment? so cute ahhhhhh!! i think NASA viewed ur video you are stupid. you dont even know what is martial arts Nakaka GM hahaahhahaa **LISTENING** WOW I SEE IT maybe it's the autobots im 14 and i like it Yeah men it is his choice :) oh damn im gonna watch porn instead of watching this scary crap Fat kids like you must play wii fit hahhhahaha its for the noobs angry black man hates call of duty because his a noob Level 10 asian Lol HUH?? what martial art is this 00:24 if this guy is already dead so put who put that video on youtube LOL stupid sound your skin is a nutella WHAT THE HECK im not racist because i have colored TV Im not racist because i have colored TV The emo guy is so scary :( Were just desame race we are humans not aliens so why they Hate black people. God created us perfect so dont insult the creation of God. Shut up and get out of here you Damn pervert!!! All i see is Emo :) LOL this is silly Dead people can do the harlem shake hahahahahhaa dont worry campers are noobs. they are just boy scouts not soldiers LOL I dont speak german LOL Hey guys This is a Gay camper of justin bieber!!!!!!!! LETS GO OUT HERE GUYS Hitler!!!!!! why are you still playing MW3 The judges are racist LOL if im a judge i would like to say to that man EENNNGGG!!*bell ring** Get OUT OF HERE YOU IDIOT!!!!!! OLDEST NERD ever hahahahhaha so damn funny i never head a singing poop LOL,45,2,2,5,1,16,1 1062,X1063,"that might come back to bite us in the penis and i love kenny!!!!! lol..., and who am i talking too.,... sound so cute i love this voice actor o...k....... im german lol its soo cute lol i love germany WOOP WOOP GO GERMANS!!! aww danke are the rily gay oh and btw i love u bartbaker u so freakin sexy!! yay ich sprechen auch deutsch!! haha how does he have a stait face when he does this!!! lovehimlovehimlovehimlovehimlovehimlove he can banish me to die any time ;D HES FRIKIN MINE BITCH!!! O///O -:^ @ChiLL0ut stop being a stupid show off ok im german u dont see me being all fancy and translateing into enlish and german /:l the only fun nice and Inspiring people out there are bronys some people out there have nothing better to do than make fun of them and if you don't like the show than why are you watching it why don't you just you keep to your self and if it makes you that mad that you have to cuss and say your ganna shoot them than go scream in a pillow or something",13,2,3,6,1,32,0 1063,X1064,im inlove with ronnie lol hes so sexy I hope the skinny bitches got thick thick bitches got fat and the fat bitches explotied lml he just made my heart melt what somebody try to get pregnant by him now lml Chick got forehead for days like damn i cant stop looking at it,5,1,3,5,0,37,0 1064,X1065,"in with her eyes and hair then he doesn't deserve you her voice thrills me hahahathats what happenes when you are home alone sweet little angel LIGJIIIIIII you got a problem with that???? oh I got it ... you are bald :)) i didnt know this fucks girl if i had your hair it would be a miracle :) seal in you kisses ith a top coat lol typical cutepolish :) it is freezing in europe and i can't wear any of them but all the outfits were so pretty loved the first one :) daddy's sweater here i come we've been all sent here by PVP saaaaann i thua jo atij - je kurve del per kafe me nje cun - je kurve vesh nje fund te shkurter ose pantallona te shkurtra - je kurve nuk ia var dikujt - je kurve lidhesh me dike - je kurve lyen floket - je kurve ke nje pirsing - je kurve ke nje tatoo - je kurve sta jep nr e tel - je kurve mban make up ne shkolle - je kurve n.q.s je vajze - je kurve buqalleqet e shqiptareve hahaha lol :) hahahaha ok this made me laugh that awkward moment when she uses illuminati symbols :P can someone tell me what happened on , olympus , ????( i may look dump but i dont know it ) lol i love this vid . and happy :) eeewww u r crazy how did you come up with the idea?",22,439,3,15,0,16,0 1065,X1066,And if he die out there ima eat the mufucka Pussy is probably the reason the Earth rotate around the damn sun Hook up the Heelys. Or a t-shirt. Or Heelys wrapped in a t-shirt. Yeah Heelys wrapped in a t-shirt so I can swing around one Heely going WEEEEEEW while riding around my neighborhood with the other one on my foot and while I throw Top Ramen at people. Two sponsors in that one run on sentence? Wow I feel accomplished. I'm tired I'm gonna take a nap. have us caption 3:51 :D I need heelys because i am a ginger so that counts as not this species right? i am thankful for satan. hail satan Prank call tobuscus for Ian is bored He admits he's bad at games and plays them maybe because he likes video games? Tobuscus photoshop justine isn't funny. but i like looking at her,10,0,3,5,0,23,0 1066,X1067,OK Im sick of people not knowing the TRUTH. After the dispatcher told Zimmerman he should not follow him Zimmerman said OK!!!! After he said that no one knows if GZ followed TM. According to GZ he said he started walking back to his vehicle which is where he was Assaulted by TM. THIS IS FACT TO CLARIFY THE INCORRECT STATEMENT YOU MADE. This is not even about Stand Your Ground that has been out of the picture since everyone knew they were in a scuffle. They were spooning? Don't break the LAW its actually not that hard. I haven't broke the law in 37 years or at-least that I was caught for :) You could hear a pin drop in that place. It was great... Surveillance of a suspicious individual is not against the law. Following him is not against the law. If you have considerable reason that he may be in the act of a crime. The right thing to do here would have been Zimmerman walking up to him and introducing himself. I agree that Zimmerman may have seemed weird for following Trayvon but he broke no laws in the process. THERE WAS NO STALKING OR THE PUPPET WHO CHARGED ZIMMERMAN WOULD HAVE HIT HIM WITH THAT TO. He attacked a man with a gun and lost. It's unfortunate to say the least. However I cannot worry about those who are thousands of miles away when I have neighbors who can't afford to eat here in America. I have no control over how people are treated in another country nor do I wish to care. I see people saying God bless may God be with them. WTF has GOD done for any human being on the planet. If we had no religion we would have no WAR..... Life would be better.... Because Im not fighting over who's freeking GOD is better. Very nice... Fake That is just retarded See the fat ass woman cop kicking dude in the background Shut the hell up. There are 4 white walls that want to hear everything you have to say...I can't stand people like you. Move to another country if you so disgusted. The police officer on the ground was attacked by this man. She was protecting the other officer. He deserved far worse than a woman beat down. Martin ultimately paid the price for attacking another man. He will not spend a day in jail. There is no chance of convicting him of second degree murder. At most they should have tried for involuntary manslaughter it would have be a better choice. He never recklessly put the other mans life at risk. The charges were fabricated to satisfy the black community. I'm not down playing the talents of this young man. I would like to say as a coach and mentor of 1000s of young men. The poster of this calling him a phenom and inflating the ego o this boy will do more harm then help. I have seen countless talented kids get over inflated by family and friends that they become un-uncoachable. They get the idea that they don't have to work as hard only to be passed by someone who works harder to get to the top. Cudos for the mad hit though.,16,1,8,5,0,37,0 1067,X1068,Wooow.... your voice make me calm Oh damn... I always love this instrument AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I WANNA I WANNA XD,4,2,4,5,0,19,0 1068,X1069,"Que barabaridad qu nos espera. jajajaja chayotero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! La fachada de otro cerebro jajajaja!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!seri major la fachada sin cerebro. Alejandra se pinto miss pegy cmo le ha hecho esta mujer para que no la maten. me quede helada.esto no es el futuro esto es el presente. rosy orosco es una pendeja que se debera poner a trabajar.pensar que como monitos y perritos amaestrados van a repetir esas conductas.vieja imbesil ese spot es el reclamo de un pas que como dice l se muere entre la pobreza y la violencia real NO ACTUADA. somos un pueblo globero que se merece a ese ?#% de presidente que coraje que aya ganado. bien dicen que la culpa no ta tiene el indio sino el que lo hace compadre y ahi hay muchos indios. Yo saba que esta bola de buitres iban a salir con algo as y eso que galtan 5 meses para que regrese el PRI al poder. Que coraje !!!! El colmo es que ya estamos acabando con lo ltimo que le quedaba de legitimidad a nuestras instituciones.A mi lo que me da verdadero coraje es que fu testigo de que el PRI estaba comprando descaradamente a gente borrega sin cerebro. Ayer v ,CAPITALISMO una historia de amor, y cas me pongo a llorar es decir s eso ocurre en USA que nos espera a nosotros. l se ha hecho rico publicando sus ideas y cuestionando a su gobierno desde que punto podra ser un manipulador??? en nnguno de sus documentales dice tienes que creer lo que yo te digo al contrario incita al cuestionamiento ciudadano eso es la democracia.S en Mxico hicieramos eso otro gallo nos cantara. Y que lo callan!!!!!!!!! psss si es un muchacho artiulado e inteligente pero no manches. me encanta como mueve las manos. Este video esta genial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eso es una mentira cmo hibal a tener toda esa informacin. Ese discurso es para enmarcarlo.",19,0,2,5,0,24,0 1069,X1070,"Haha dude your funny!!!!! X'DI was almost laughing the whole time!Great recap! Haha Hey y did it freeze!?!!! -.- Fire away! Fire away! I love it when they sing that. Lol u guys properly don't even know what I'm typing cos u people speak Dutch right? Eh oh well... :) Wonderful movie! I'm going to name my sons Joseph and Nathan and hopefully they will turn out to be brave smart and noble as Joseph Smith and Nathan Steed :) * until v 1st time I watched this was before school so in social studies class we were learning about perl harbor and the part when ,my parents my parents died! My parents my parents WHY!?? Sad! Sad! Sad! Sad!, came to my head and I was laughing and smirking so much in class and the teacher's face!... Priceless! XD hahahaha Funniest video I have ever seen!!!! Every single time I watch it I laugh the whole time. Always brings a smile to my face when i think about one of the lines. Im going to show my family this and they are going to laugh their heads off with this video. I love being Mormon :D Did someone say David Archuleta?!!! XD People need to get it straight between Jesus and joseph smith. Joseph was a prophet threw gods power. When people were following Joseph they were following god and the right way to live. The book of mormon is another testimate of Jesus Christ. And just has more questions answersd like telling you where you came from why your here and where your going.",9,24,2,5,0,16,0 1070,X1071,@rainbowmeadow12 IIIIIIIIIII LLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE UUUUUUUUUUUU TAYLOR ur mint alyson i love you ive gt that guitar u r relly fitt well thanx 4 puttin me on there,6,0,5,5,0,28,0 1071,X1072,44 omig ur sooo pretty n i LOOOOVE ur accent ( idk how to spell ) cx skinss3 love tat shoow!(: hahahahahahha this is sooo funny i just died(x aww stop it!(; u make me blush aww this made me cry :'c depresd kareen lol hahaha!!!!!(x,7,1,3,5,0,25,0 1072,X1073,Hi Guys Happy New Year and I hope you all had a great Christmas Wow its sounds amazing and so do you !!! Your room is amazing TEAM JACOB all the way 3 Yay SO basically you have a full bedroom of Hello Kitty stuff ... Cool !! 3 I love your houses !!! I have sims 3 and the expansion packs but I have a old dell laptop and it just wont let me install them !!! Can you help ? I love watching room tour videos !!!! 3 Gosh your a guy but your fucking beautiful !!! 3 xxx I love your accent !!! x Im so jealous your beaut Why did they all have to die watching a trailer ...... Im confused !!!!! Its ridiculous I have that bedding !! Woo go gleeks Lol I think your videos are amazing I could just watch them for hours and Im jealous of your beautiful looks Xxx Where did you get the dance from x You are aboslutley amazing !!! Xx Your amazing what happened to your voice ? hes not fit How old are you ? xx I love your videos you 2 are amazing and soo funny why dont you stop being horrible about her ! I was screaming at the video 207 !!! GODAMMIT 207 !! but I think your really funny when you commentate,22,0,3,5,0,14,0 1073,X1074,Go BigOr Go Home! What's next?Cinderallathe stepmother hunter or Little mermaid the leg hunter? Michael Bisping vs Chael Sonnenbefore they even start to fightthey would knock each other out due to their trash talks Do It All Night-Song Zekeley @AllHailThaKing Clay Guida?I guess Do that to a colourblind guy,7,1,3,5,0,16,0 1074,X1075,No joke i have the exact same spoon action figure. I would only add the iron bow and the reinforced bow. Halloween update...* Added herobrineBut seriously Armour statues would be cool along with scarecrows would also be nice. I thought zombies dropped them no look in the minecraft jar its no beard. It already looks awesome. no panzee shit. lol NO IT CANT END! IVE WAITED TOO LONG! I WONT GO BACK I JUST WONT! I live in washington it doesnt rain ALL the ttie ipod. :D Im american and i would kill anyone who tried to remake this. If only. I really like the new grass one but the sand one sounds weird. And whats wrong with that being rich doesnt seem bad. Ethomob eggs would be cool in minecraft but I rhink they should stay only creative.If mob eggs were implemented minecraft would be too easy. When notch was in development of minecraft he said he rather have it more difficult that too easy. instead I think they should add carryable animals not like mob eggs but animals that take up your hand item and add a slowness effect it would add moveable animals but with a cost. What are your thoughts? It was inspired by minecraft but there completely different you should try it its pretty fun. They have the fourth largest army in the world then can do shit. who hasnt played mc until now? let alone watched a video or two. They killed WoW I always new that game would die. Grim reaper? 3:00 only reason i watched this. You're a really good poet dude. Bukkit Fusing diamonds is impossible anything that got hot enough to melt diamonds would melt itself from the inside out not to mention the ammount of energy to create enough heat. You awoke 1. If you always want headshots lso aim slightly higher when u use auto aim. I love that software. Nope,27,1,4,5,0,29,0 1075,X1076,Feggit I remember playing this as a kid all the timw. whenever my older xousin was over though him and my brother would use boht the conrolers so I had to use a fucking steering wheel conteoller that was for some racing game. :( your not funny at all. You really on your accent ( that is layed on heavy ) for laughs (n) your watching an snl skit soooo... ya. 6:18 fake arm tats? my family life is exactly how you explained yours -.- this gave me tingles just watching it and i feel like i respect you more bro ! :p 2:07 fuck yeah hey ian you look dumb with your arm braces i think the old dude was in the wrong nope,11,17,7,1,0,20,0 1076,X1077,focus people focus the quiet guy looks like rev from remember the titans coach carter Jimmy is hilarious but what you said is stupid. The cast of workaholics have been making videos and acting like this long before jimmy tatro came onto the scene. Check out dungeonofthenutsack and mailordercomedy if you don't believe me. Do some research next time so other people won't have to waste their time educating your hollow head. damn those boxing knockouts were brutal draco malfoy? this is the same fat kid that got lit up by his friends with paintball guns a few years back get educated you fool. what the fuck does this even mean I always end up clicking show comment hoping that it will eventually bring me to the original but it takes forever and by the time I do get there I've lost all interest lol fuck you i'm not sure why but the last song feels perfect for this highlight reel the music is gay,13,0,6,1,1,29,0 1077,X1078,alystarr1998 i knohow u feel i got the same dilema A big bag of penises U wanna kno where im from??? U momma pussy! I would say Im Mexican BIATCH!!!!!!!! As long as google pluscan ( not even a minute) Tobuscus jst made a me gusta face I would fuk miss ,14,0,4,5,0,27,0 1078,X1079,My granny died 3/31/10 and I still struggle with that but God see you He understand! 1Love im sad cause justin sad :'( imma true beliber so i hope justin and selena get back together i cried when i heard they broke up please get back together! im crieng rite now! poor avalanna and i bet justin cried to Selena was like well bye now i just wanted my manicure so uh ill be on my way now XD lol i dnt wanna go to skool mommmy why i gotta go there? u should never make me go there ug i guess i gotta go there daddy why did u eat my fries? i bought them they were mine....R.I.P fries RI.[ #kidrauhl BELIBER FOR LIFE! JUSTIN BIEBER WE WILL LOVE U 4EVER what does Justin Bieber have to do with this exactly? yea didn't think so hes going to have a believe 2.0? yes it is a real song XD lol XD swag! don't mean to be rude but its called 'Nothing Like Us'' crying omg justin i luv u! beliber 4ever!,13,0,3,2,0,27,0 1079,X1080,"Madara is not gonna be in the game they said I call FAKE on ya'll who complan Kushina for me I agree and for vegeta with his saiyan suit mines gotta be deidara and bee What's Harlem shake? She's fine yea ikr the gameplay was the bestfree roam was smooththe music still rocks 3 more weeks!! New BG made by TakaBlades Awesome scans can't wait for this saturday for story mode in france The God of konoha is here Uchiha Madara!!Awakening to be Perfect Susano'o? goku33000,DASHIE PUNCH!!!! THIS GUY IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!! you dont say i agree IN THE PICTURES THEY WERE TOUCHIN THERE DICKS! it's the guy he influnced her thats why you should date good guys/girls and pewdiepie is so ugly nope just prototype i lov nova's character bulma wants the D i am an adult ahhhhhhhhhh no ultra kaioken one word it will be the of all of us NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have a bad case of de-ja-vu right now cuz he already uploaded this it will young one how namekians don't have a penis we hit over 54 he wont bitch Bitch listen to yourself saying that's mario. Bitch does mario wear a hat like that no. Man even lW said thats captain price. DUMBASS HOE psp Can you please make it for the galaxy phone? 8=====D --------------------- can you give us a release date what episode was it when trunks got stabbed by 17? Your on crack then im 3rd but it did happened anyone noticed that they went to round 4 and the vid ended in 4min guys i will be making trouble in terriost town videos on steam if you want to add me on steam my username Dragonz_Ball_PEE so if you want to play trouble in terriost town with me add me i will mention you in the videos fuk u he already did that look at his channel uploads sir not to be mean but you misspelled *agreed not agred. You speak the truth. gokuownz9000,yeah and then listen to this song when your high and xit by 1212312131232490234802348239084230 resn gokuownz9000 that was a a wate of my time lol im triping out right now holy fuck word yeah people are listening to it right now is any1 else really high? the point of the extened mix is to get pumped for that awesome part#really high fag loooooool oh yeah this song always make me think of some special someone 3 i remember the first time my brother showed me this song in the summer the memories 3 the power of weed 3 gives us the courage to do anything Thumps up if you ambidextrous :) we have a new record the 62 year old virgin! there pupils are giant lol everything is sliding when i trip dxm i somked salvia for my first time last night and i thought i was a street name thingy me to dude crazay rsn gokuownz9000 that santa hat would look good on mee ;p are you retard man i feel like i got trolled at 2 what is this it feels like all my favortie songs are playing at 1 time can this really be possible??? why does she keep saying please? poop song name? wow that was pretty good that little kid sounds so annoying he doesnt look like hes fooled.... this lady is soooo nasty lol icalled it i knew it was teasing da noobs haha this used to be the shit back in the early days of my skateboarding career funniest yahoo ever your neighbors must be like wtf this guy is crazy goldenhawk952,JESUS love you mate fag didnt even show it SEE THE SIZE OF THE EARTH AND WE THINK THERE NO GOD HA YOU FOOLS GOD THE CREATOR IS GIGANTIC MATE AND IF HE SAYS HE WANTS YOU TO LIVE FOREVER WITH HIM THEN BELIEVE ME YOU WILL IF YOU PUT YOUR TRUST IN GOD AND JESUS CHRIST HIS SON lay off the crck joe JESUS really is the way the truth aND THE LIFE i have struggled with sin and bad things for so long so now im gonna surrender to him and let him make me something all in his hands ill do what i can but im really gonna just a stab at it and live for Christ YEAH LOOK AT YOU YA LOW LIFE SLEAZY DOG gotta love 3:48 amen america needs to wake up and see the miracles of the LORD OF HOSTS matt dAMON NOTHING BEATS THE OLD MAVERICK LAST HAND QUADS STRAIGHT FLUSH BAM ROYAL FLUSH all these things are the beggining of the birth pains that JESUS CHRIST spoke about in the gospels more to come yet unfortunately i didnt laugh for once good on ya coppers i wouldnt of stopped and for those defending the motherfucker he killed an old person and killed a cop who cares about the low life fucking scum burn in hel cop and granny killer hope ya like the cock meat sandwhich yuou scum dog praise hiS NAME how awesome is God how wonderful are his works man i look at the heavens and earth stars and am completely in awe of his power and majesty GLORY GLORY GLORY TO GOD GLORY HONOUR POWER AUTHORITY DOMINION AND BLESSING PRAISE AND HIGHEST PRAISE TO GOD FOREVER no they are not my friend you ovbiously are seventh day adventist which has only been around for maybe 90 years 100 years and so how can you say there is no hell now when the book of revelation says there is that death and hades aka hell was cast off into the lake of fire hitler is burnning in hell now and will be forever the people in Enochs day who died without God are in hell dude get out of here and save precious souls for God GoldieBombs,Love the part at 3:39 :D This was actually really funny XD Jshack Bau? Of the France Secret Service Anti-Terrorism Unit??JACK BAUR FROM 24?... I did not realize that until now... Oh God now I can't stop hearing without choo, instead of ,without you., So three metalbenders walk into a bar...The fourth bends it out of the way.........Punchline is I took their bending.",11,155,5,158,0,65,0 1080,X1081,BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH psy beat your faggoty ass :D WTF i would be mad as hell if some random group of people came to party when im trying to enjoy my thanksgiving food. David Guettas face is ruining the video :( WHERES SHANE DAWSON???? You dont even seem like yourself in your videos anymorewhich is kinda sad. still better than bieber :) im no fagim just a female :) her lips look big like that because her mouth and jaw are still healing from her jaw surgerytrust me i looked like that too after my jaw surgery. why are you randomly brushing and playing with your hair.this is a music video not your morrning routinne. just an english comment passing through.,11,18,5,5,0,26,0 1081,X1082,How old are you? 0:29 xaxaxaxaxaxa Awww :) :* yamaeii :* the video is 2 old ;) 2009 ;) .. 0 ?! ;) ... .. .. ! 9 ? ;),7,11,2,16,0,18,0 1082,X1083,What kind of potatoe was this filmed on? Asians. Nice sweat stains Ray.Don't wear grey ever again.Fag. 10/10 Censorship Skills. We're not going anywhere today.Well no shit. 1. Buy new monitors.2. Listen to this song.3. Buy new monitors. i see what you did there. Eggroll! What the actual fuck. Psbox3 Psbox Psbox,12,3,3,11,1,22,0 1083,X1084,Enter message question where do u get this kind of beyblades? WHERE DO U GET THIS KIND OF BEYBLADES what about dranzer ill give 10$ for it u got contact number becuase i wan to buy some is it for sale cause i want one no robin noooooooooooooo ireally dont care his name is jason scrooch vs the grinch how fo u make these videos rey mysterio vs sin cara american dad vs family guy any one know when this comin out?,13,0,3,5,0,17,0 1084,X1085,They actually have these?,1,2,3,12,1,23,0 1085,X1086,tht lookz so epic!!! and the ending music was from Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride right? I added u!!!! My # is: 4470-4263-6743 I added all four of your thingiez!!! My # ish: 4470-4263-6743 Add me: 4470-4263-6743 skrillex_taco ^^^ my user and thnk u soooooo much if ur rlly gonna do itthnk u thnk u thnk u!!!! luhve u xD I'm anorexic and I'm telling you right now I DO NOT want attention. When I used to be fat people would stare at me. Right now I'm 14 and i weigh 92 pounds. Now people don't stare at me. No one but my three best friends even look at me and I'm glad. And also if you were a doctor you would now that anorexia isn't only in women. I know a guy from my school who is anorexic as well. -_- yay! okie xD My mom wouldn't let me watch Ed Edd and Eddie... :( dayumm.... suremy fc is in the description and my current username is DAHVIExMIRreply ur fc back please c:,11,5,3,5,0,20,0 1086,X1087,"omg u look just like the doctor ;___; its beautiful Reese's best fuckin' candy ever Mandarin because I have no idea what the heck the teacher is saying ...... I imagine that it is is the 1st doctor seeing how it is his past which he has always been running from. I would boycott turkey bacon. I really hate how people say America is the greatest country on earth I am an American and I disagree completely Captain Jack vs House Yes I was thinking of this one at first but he said he liked bananas because they were a good source of potassium but he never told her to bring one to a party. This is freaking awesome and I cant be the only one who laughed at the name. The nyan cat cut out i awesome too was shocked to see a joseph vincet cut out. A monkey cause i could fling my shit and not get in trouble for it. krypto or diablo My tattoo would say 'Hello my name is dumbass,",12,21,5,4,0,14,0 1087,X1088,"I like how the hobo always takes his spoils of war one of THOSE I see she only has a swimsuit if you bought the collectors. It had alot of stuff so it was worth it You can't make the pupils white otherwise they would be okay turned it up loud and put my headphones in he does say beat down but I couldn't tell before because of that obnoxious noise whoever that is(i'm assuming it's the rapper)makes right at that point which made it sound like No doubt to me atleast fucking coincide that ending chun-li combo was sick nina is hela fine 1:55-3:00 goes HAM I hope someone besides me caught the fact that the coffee mugs handle was a exclamation point and when he moved it she alerted and looked at him like ,wtf are you doin?,...ha classic metal gear yeah I was wondering why he kept yelling to the world. lol dashie too funny lol notta near nutterr someones been watchin how high lol shit was so hype oh shit at 0:12 that was hela my astronomy teacher last semester :3 I consider myself an artist but my jellynous normally turns into inspiration and motivates me to draw more and improve.....which I think i'll go do now. You can't get anywhere by not putting forth effort which is what a lot of people seem to not get. just practice dude you gotta put time aside to practice ewgf everyday. I do like 20 to 30 minutes. I can get 3 with kaz but only 2 and no dashing with hei @bloodangel224 he uses open canvas he's not even Chinese he's Korean BABY!! mothafucka got the braniac symbol on his forehead Graduated from master debater slash massive masterbater to michael jacksons activator meanin i'm on fire off the top might want to back up data that lines so sick the beat on this is sick Will mothafucking Smith everybody im pretty sure its an animated show and not a game",24,38,5,42,0,26,0 1088,X1089,This is the 11th hour....lets make the 12th a new beginning Here we are 5 years later and we yet need all of these people at this town hall forum to wake the F##K UP! We are all the next victims of illegal arrests at an unprecedented number currently. If we don't ban together together we will fall. The power is with us not with guv'ment paid individuals who are either brainwashed with propaganda or more frightened than we are. The fear lies in what WILL happen if we don't all see this for its face value the fear is not present in the now! One love ....thats what WE have in common My friend you are quite right. Us guv'ment has been inciting violence with countries all over the world for years. Due only to the fact that the US LIKE MANY OTHER COUNTRIES has become a puppet to the few families that have been running the world. This is a time for the world as a whole to ban together. The militaries and guv'ments of the world are only protecting one thing. Money. Most of this money being funneled in to an illegal market for the ultra-rich. Read up on the illuminati,4,0,3,5,0,26,0 1089,X1090,hahahhahahaaahahahahahahahahahhahaa ga stuk fotoje 0:13 hahhahahahhahaha jeffery post hahahahahahaahhaha kk goeie deze kk op kan je politie zijn je moet gwn je bek houwe anders staat je bek in eens schreef hahahahahahaahaha,3,0,5,5,0,31,0 1090,X1091,hhaha the same ugly fat man from toxic is back lol minute 4:15 ..funny !!! r u kidding ?? omg wwass funny lol ahah i do and trust me you dont wanna know !!! ahah you guys give him more importance when you comment this i hate Justin too but i just pretend he doesn't exits.. because when you make this posts look like you actually care..!! more than just agree hahaha xq antes eran buenos entonces todos esperan que vuelva a ser asi..!! DUHH Juanchooooooo !!! jjaja donde estan las amigas de danilo??? o.O,10,1,3,5,0,29,0 1091,X1092,Lol asleep One is awake :D Haha. I love these videos! You go Arnold! Omg its you from drunk balancing :D I found the secret llama! How often do you meet fans if you do?,6,1,3,5,0,22,0 1092,X1093,"Whatever. Doesn't anybody know who this man is? IT'S MICHAEL FROM RAGE QUIT! :O 0:39:D:O Terezi. :? Aren't you a friend of PewDiePie? It isn't. ;) I'm just trollin'. At 1:52 I was drinking a Faygo Redpop and it nearly came out of my nose. I was just trolling. I'm not THAT retarded. I have 57 tinderboxes. The tags. Ye2. Me and my friiend2 are actiing liike the troll2 and II'm 2ollux. Anyway bye. Niice knowiing another Home2tuck watchiing PewDiie. I only have 51 friends. My dad has 700. I am SOOO popular. *Brofist* Notch got the idea of Enderman from Slender Man. He IS playing Doom. Says the guy with ,One Direction, in his name. Meh.. We play Team Fortress 2. I remember on the day of November 9th. I sold my precious copy of Black Ops for MW3. Biggest. Mistake. Ever. Can someone PLEASE make a MLP version of the Justine DLC? I'm gonna be a troll and say another game Bethesda made: Skyrim. [Speech 100] Get the fuck out. Bet you didn't expect that. GET THE FUCK OUT. Shit......Just got real. Oh yes. Titties. 3rd comment You forgot Freddie Mercury D:",28,3,3,14,0,27,0 1093,X1094,I have a new video is confused is about to add another video later,3,6,6,1,0,18,0 1094,X1095,top gear did a mile run of that yeah brz :D hahaha i think i cried seriously who is that.. porter robinson sent me here vvv currently have a numark mixdeck. its shit. how do u like the pioneer?? haha the guy was singin big boss by doctor p protect your baby and my babies and my babies babies even my aunt tikis babies babies babies i bought the mixdeck about a year ago. wrong choice.. shuda gotten this. so much more you can do with it Shes cute af hmm kinda needed that one. iv deff been only trying to find that model type hot blonde kinda girl but i never really connect with them. thanks jenna! XD atrracting the wrong girl first of all. lets see if a hot ass super model would choose that tin can over the lambo i know the car isnt built for speed but jeez at least make it as fast as most cars in its class -.- the spedometer is a lot like the gtr's haha except the rev needle doesnt move as quick datsik is baddass really great voice. but this song requires more emotion... musicality was off the charts anyone else seen adventure club live?? bangersss this shit is gona be poppin 3 JUSTICE KNIFE PARTY MAJOR LAZERR 3333 i hate wen people shadow the true creator of the song... -.- only like this song cuz ZEDD produced it just saw him the other night with porter robinson. twas awesome. corvettes and vipers suck at performance. most professional drivers hate these cars on a track saw r3hab live the other night. did not drop this song. pissed off how sick would it be if he did that backflip and landed on the seat :0 lol corvettes=mid age crisis carmustangs=redneck carsgtr=drivers carASK ANY PROFFESIONAL DRIVER id totally put this kit. its not to flashy and overdone. maybe without the spoiler tho i think its slam the door dirty need remix but i cant find it anywhere -.- love this song :D. ALSO. WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT SLAM THE DOOR REMIX I HEARD IN THE POSEIDON TOUR!!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!!,29,1,3,4,0,17,0 1095,X1096,it said she needed a stronger champion to start this quest?? BRROOO FUCK YES!!! THANK YOUU!! :) AND NICE SONG! XD whaatt how lol i wnna get it number 11 rofl DAYYY WALKERR!!!! GINGGERR RAGEE!!!! whats this song!?!!? you suck @fusionxx1000 why dies he keep getting choked and then hitting himself? ANYBODY WHO WANTS TO PLAY ADD ME!! B1ZNATCHES!! you are my fucking hero!! outdated -_- Dident work i got an error :(,13,1,4,5,0,14,0 1096,X1097,"You should do stand-up comedy. You sir have not heard Michael Jackson's ,Thriller,. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say ehhh.... close to 17 hours. 30 second mandatory advertisement for a 36 second video. Wtf YouTube... Omg my two guinea pigs do that ALL the time! The Benny Hill theme by Yackety Sax. Beautiful orchestral simulation. I love it!",7,1336,4,30,0,20,0 1097,X1098,Jimone33 for reals bro I hate mainstream It feels like you don't know yourself you don't know what life is,2,1,3,1,0,21,0 1098,X1099,SWOOZIE turn on: knows movie references especially any christopher nolan batman moviesturn off: cant use left and right analog sticks on controller simultaneously (ex girlfriend) wow you try too hard to be funny the girl's dimples in the thumbnail made me click this!.....i was not let down thank you brain she got a tongue piercing but realized she couldnt eat it i roid raged once....playing little big planet....i almost aced a level died punched a massive hole in my wall yao ming has the best chase down blocks what are you? mr garrison or something? oh you didnt get me my MGD like i said don't you ever call kyle a smart ass....EVER do you even lift bro! haha thanks man subscribe to my channel! 2MKTQuackFilms maybe you will like my humour with my buddies! 4:34 best freestyle ever! help them out by sharing! everyone should! i threw an apple at her head in high school! good job michala you know who i am!,14,5,3,5,0,20,1 1099,X1100,lmfao At first i was scared for her. Now I'm scared for him. lmaoo LMAOO oh my god Becky.......WHO'S BECKY!!!! OH SHIT THT COMMERCIAL SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME Red shirt black pants.....#popping,5,6,4,2,0,20,0 1100,X2723,"WTF LEE SIN UR BLIND last clip vayne didnt stun udyr and udyr didnt stun anyone. they made a treaty! ;) you got a million heads a in row .. lucky man! this porn has a creative storyline no. This epid is a bit disappointing Top 5 fails is the top 5 plays in elo hell wtf is this chain it's a jukee! no it would have been chuck norris hit by chuck norris yeah i'm shocked also vshare to able to sacrifice what you are for what you will become 2008 lamest shit i've seen DO YOU EVEN PLAY SONA? cumbag herpa kog it was so bad he had to delete it how are you so creative.. would you feel good if your opponent ,gave, you a penta? i wouldn't :\ he was trying to sound like he's from a WAY higher elo it's in transformers :3 i play singed starting 5 sapphire crystal actually it's 185sec / 18 = 10.2777778 times.* step back we've got a badass over here your weapons'a little bit outdated but who are you talking to? who? track*nigga please can you tell me who you are talking to :( haters gotta hate what's the song at the start i always hear it doesnt work cool story man :) let me grab some popcorn so you can tell me again! wow.. how did the score go from 2-2 to 2-1?",35,8,5,3,0,16,0 1101,X1102,For those of tou asking no it is not an mmorpg iit is an actual cardgame and for all the die hard yugioh fans trust me this game is way wayyyyywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better. Trust me i used to think yugioh was the best but magic is that times 1000000 Two and a half men brought me here lol Plz honestly marry me lulu lol you are AMAZING 5 color control! What ever happened to ex gf series just take my money lol Naw bruno mars sounds like him lol Not to be mean but why was the woman there she really made the vid unfunny Grixis decks will destroy all lol I need to perform this like how he does it would be epic I saw grixis and was like yay and then saw tibalt and went hmmmmmmm this guy is crazy but i like it,11,3,4,5,0,16,0 1102,X1103,how do you make one :D how much do they cost ? and how does it work when someone doesnt live in your region and want one ? kipkay u did work on computers a copple years i assume. could you give us some tips for our pcs ? how do you get that great quality ?? that black guy is priceless 0:27 hahaha random woman: are you brothers ? sad voice: noo i totally agree with freiburger that he leaves the car in this state it gives it a nice hot rod look. its kinda like art some people love it and some hate it but the car looks great the story behind the car is als very cool that people fixing old cars makes me feel good nathan did you bought that pacman machine from a tv program ? i saw you in tv ! top gear rip off the picture of notch on the background hahaha priceless ! i am the space wizard... thats weird ! haha priceless and the unconfortable silence haha thanks for uploading ! 722 people like to be a busdriver,13,5,5,5,0,21,0 1103,X1104,"no shit Anyone else notice how Demi is a dream killer? Slayer's fucking boring!.....*runs away from angry mob* JK Slayer has nothing on this.. That's from The expendables 2.... GO DAWGS I was laughing my ass off until i heard white boy's name.... Am i the only one who thought he was going to talk about ,The Joker, as in the comic book villain *Pantera...idiot 0:18 Obi's got that ,well look who it is..., Satan loves you too MEGASLANTHRAXICCA! my guess is because if someone is recording a pit they are either at a safe distance or it's too weak to interrupt the footage. Fucking Slayer Ty has 666 videos uploaded \m/ Pff! Throw him in a Slayer Crowd.. This is the best show i've seen except maybe the wire. As much as i respect the band and the song...but how did this beat Iron Maiden Megadeth and Anthrax?",18,9,6,2,0,17,1 1104,X1105,"check out mine too? ill check urs out u sub to me and ill sub to u obviously im better than u. post a video responce showing ur better? how am i even remotely cose to as bad as you? lmfao you should do more country :P were do u get that outfit?!?!? lmao why u copy me? i posted that a few days ago..... get ur own trevor who? lmao 8:25 dude was like ,screw this im out, hahaha thanks! that means alot!! :) the funniest one is at 0:27 hahahahahahahathat kid is like f*** you! im out hahahahahaha u mad bro? i also subb'd :) excellent you got my message! kidding :P Hey guys! My name is Chris. After discovering who Austin is nothing has inspired me so much. His skills arrangements and personality. Now I am asking for your help. I need you to do me the biggest favor by giving this comment a thumbs up. I need all the awesome fans of Austin to help me on this. Because I want to be like him one day. It would be great if he notices me. But if not at least I have you guys to support me. Check out my latest cover guys much appreciated:) Chris- Mahomie for life thanks for your input. i did this song for my grandmother not for you. ill be doing more songs soon... that's me at 2:34! my name is Xx__wargazim__xX :P his mods are awesome lol 1. click on video2.look at likes and dislikes3. leave video",18,19,4,5,1,15,0 1105,X1106,nice 2:00 lmao xD alwaaaaayss blazed and i don't give a.. fuck! fuck yea reppin nyc :] only they can kill themselves.. when its quiet.suicide silence i love yo face rain was the best part can't wait for wapred this year WTF july 12 94 2:02 xD,11,4,5,5,0,31,0 1106,X1107,'i wonder if died would tears come to hers eyes forgive me for my disrespect forgive me for my lies'.......RIP Biggie dam so sweet u make sugar taste just like salt Jenna you rule! This vid is chock full of hilarious lines...definately one of your best Rip MCA thats a little scarey ay....I find it hard to believe that kid will kick that coke habit lol what happened to hate the sin love the sinner....i guess they decided that part of the Bible doesnt apply to them where do they get all this hate.....I thought God was love.....right? its like they've chosen to be as offensive and rediculous as humanly possible if ever there was evidance that humans twist religion...... LOL... dont move and they cant see the cheeseburger this vid contains of your funniest material Jenna =) Well if I had to guess Id say its war related judging by some of the lyrics and the bomb noises at the beginning. What a cover dude without a doubt you do this beautiful song justice. Wow Jenna really is larger than life huh....,14,0,3,5,0,28,0 1107,X1490,She looks like a Ghetto Disney Princess... IM SO FRICKIN' PISSED XD This is the best comment ever :D My mother was right hell is real.... XD The exact emotion when I have a unexpected test in class Oh.My.Fucking.God That was the BEST trailer EVER!! :D Are you serious....? When I was eleven I had freaking Barbies (though I did not play with them) and you're getting knocked up at eleven... What a sad community... Honey they are lying to you... Its been past 4 years Honey. We're waiting. This movie looks so fucking epic! I reallllyyyy wanna see it!!! How does Akihisa and Kota never faint from blood loss..? Sting is hawt!! *0* I really like the StingxLucy AMV! :D I love the crack paring ;) Uhhh this was in 2000's That would be awesome xD but unfortunately I would get in trouble...-_- What Anime is this? Hiya My name is Ally! I'm in 8th grade so I won't tell you my age because that would kinda creepy... My favorite colors are green blue purple white black and gray!! I'm freaking european. I'm verrryyyy sarcastic. I am very calm and laid back. I really wanna be a artist or a writer or both. I am very strange child but I'm normal too so I'm not a crazy psychopath or somethin'! I laugh at anything. I like rainbows and your videos So yeah Byeee :D Holy.. This is realllllyyy good!! :D 1:13 got owned by the purse again I see Gajeel XD 0:22 what anime is that? No one cares about Justin Beiber.. and He's Korean not 'Chinese'. Asian is a race not a language this is the exact reason why I'm watching 'Pokemon High Season 1 2' again... XD You're such a man whore Lol XD Grell~! 3 :D This looks epic Adorable~3 Greatest battle in Fairy Tail history XD Me too.. XD Lisa's is really pretty!! I like this boy but always hide it and he kept giving me mixed signals about his feelings toward me.. now he has a girlfriend :/ Aunt Hilda!! Don't like Math.. D: Thats funny! XD Great job for telling her off :),32,1,3,17,0,17,0 1108,X1109,"*0* 55+ 30 27 1 6 30 8 8 TT Dota 55+ 55+ ?? 55+ _____ TT, AP* 3D ! 5555 /// 1 .... saddd TT 55",13,1,2,2,0,24,0 1109,X1110,YOUR HANDS ARE MAGIC! i do piano by ear and iknow already by now i can never do that! let me live in california...luckyyyyyyyyyyyyy BEST COVER OF THEM EVER! so...who's NICK?! OOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! I know who's nick... :D you scratch my head i scratch yours! my doctor is dr. bieber it doesn't get better than that!and he also told me I have bieber fever LOVE U JUSTIN! Honestly when I heard Coldplay and Rihanna made a song together I'm like... They go together? But I finally heard it and I was blown away. I actually wish he could be my father... wow amazing spectacular special incredible the list goes on and on this list! LOVE HAIR LOVE HAIR LOVE HAIR!!!!!!! americas got talent? american idol? forget that they already superstars! AWWWWWW!SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!! THEY LOOK LIKE ZACK CODY!!!!!!! OMG!!!! i cried did beautifully and i wish i could have her voice...your really beautiful to :) i hope this is what you want to do in the future cause you are a superstar already.and a very good one :) OMG!!!U R AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! Press 7 for the hit in the head! lol thats to funny now iknow why i love being french im literaly moving from canada and coming to this school and i wanted to chek out the schools cheer leading team REALLY GOOD!!! mmmm...not 2 sure if when i move that im gonna try out 4 cheer leading im screwd ellen andy has children try harder to get him dirtyer i hope u die of cancer jurk LOL NICE BULL SHIT!!! LOL. I honestly forgot this was from Blades of Glory until the Nigg** in Paris video..,27,0,3,5,0,14,1 1110,X1111,"do i have to play 1 and 2 to play 3? this guy he is playing with im sorry but his english is making me laugh my ass off xD another great video ali 3 i always get motivated to work out at night but when i wake up the next day i cant be arsed... damn this girl is stunning! why did u get someone really good? you're already rich... prick. such a virgin omg i get a HUGE smile on my face when i see you have uploaded a new video ! 3 nei. DAS WUT IM TALKIN BOUT RIGHT DURR uvant bli kjent hele tiden e du fette serr.. patetisk du e jo snn 6 r No. Just no. way too manly wut du hell He didnt do it intentionally.. prick. Should destroy North America :) burn in hell. You still can't score a goal Yea ma das wat im talkin bout up in dis crib yea man smoke weed urrday fuck dem bitches welfare check cap a nigga Borat get out of here For gods sake shes a woman im just joking. im not racist facepalm ali xD when he said ,what kind of stadium is this?, i fucking lost it That guy he was playing was so socially awkward xD Is it real?",22,15,3,3,0,22,1 1111,X1112,I've just found her online dating profile with nice pictures inside. All the guys who wants to see more of her lovely tities - you can find it here bemydate.usJust register and search for profile : It's really she? I'm not sure but looks like it's she. Waiting for friend confirmation :) I've just found her online dating profile with nice pictures inside. All the guys who wants to see more of her - you can find it here bemydate.usJust register and search for profile : Hello for everyone who is interested to see more of her videos you can find it here bemydate.usI've found her dating profile with pictures and few videos inside.Just enter the website register and search for Lalice16 profile.Thumbs Up If It Helped You.,4,1,2,5,0,27,0 1112,X1113,no she aint pause at 38 seconds gay bitch dont tell me what too do STFU well she cant sing its ugly just like you I know you hate your pretty :P you fake :P He is soo cute wow they are just another boy band trying too have a career and look totally amazing and they are doing a heck of a good job I seen shorter! wow dsdfsdfsdfsdffd gay can she talk? ugly fat Yeeeeaa lol Thank you It was meant to be mean Uh yu gotta little something on your upper lip both of ya,23,0,3,5,1,19,0 1113,X1114,Sad? The headphones Beats are b = 6 MOLY He must have stroooong hand huehue My like made it the 4666th like yeaaaaa Gameshark Amazing. Gamesharkmith destroyed. He gives all the damn applaudes to fuckpple 1:38 Which one is thinner? Cube U30gt IPad? . Yeaa Wrong. Where is the dinosaur explosion???? That FEEL... Read thw descripton fagt-e,15,5,3,30,0,15,0 1114,X1115,@Cristalraindrops I don't think the people who 'liked' this video actually enjoyed it you know... Haha nice song I feel bad for that baby on 4:23 ... He'll be brainwashed by those lunatics I find Sophia annoying... This isn't the most viewed video actuall,7,0,2,5,0,21,0 1115,X1116,something,1,114,3,1,0,15,0 1116,X1117,"uncle Vernon! yeah its from the message poor word choice but.... jesus christ ab soul-dictionary rap haha so IGN... exactly how much did Treyarch pay you for this review? fuck me that's that earl I remember Just came here from ,put you on the game,... fml no as children are not consenting and gays are Highest respect. beats man vs vodka anyday You cant compete with this lad. Hes far to Lad-like for a non-lad such as yourself. Your just jealous of his maximum lad status I would like to apologize for my initial assertion that you are a troll. Just had a look through your channel and found it full of likes for anti-evolution and fear mongering judgement day videos not to mention a load of comments on other videos calling masturbation ,self worship, as well as the ranting biblical warnings your kind so often inflicts us with. so to sum things up just die and rid us of your ignorant hate as soon as possible. thanks *Behaviour. The main reason the USSR's government was atheist was due to the mistrust built up by the Russian orthodox church in the rule of the Tsars AND that same government then based its hierarchical system on that of the church before it. So don't pull that ,Stalin was an atheist, crap This isn't a bad song. Why the fuck don't you put the real title though? It could get views on its own. Nice video for an exellent song *hasn't At Easter we invoke the name of goat haha How do you know? Could you please re-categorize this as entertainment. I feel the current tag is somewhat misleading lol no",19,0,3,5,0,110,0 1117,X1118,"11:30 quit scrapeing th mike bryan we can hear it!! 2:06 XDDDDD Jonne O-o he died his hair brown?Why? Whats ,the left one wants to play, mean? Who 3s Cry's singing lol Lol at the end he was sniffing the fake foot XDD @Jupiter Reynolds no its Octavia; look at her ,Big in Da Clubs, vid Or it could b that the red just doesnt go with her color scheme so she sticks out and comes off as detached This is not episode 12 its 11 Is he sick or alergies? Either way poor Jonne I wonder if he got to a trashcan n time @RosyMill i have the same body type and im a girl plus u can tell the boobs r real Loud much Pewds louder than normal Did he use this song because of Bravest Wariors remix? U should make a vid with Cry! Who else had liquid pride t^t i wana go to Brony University :3",17,2,3,5,0,21,0 1118,X1119,That's my nickname XD YEAHHH! WOO! PARTY ON!! The little girl is turning 5 and i'm turning 13 :D You have taught us all something. Thank you for teaching us to be brave!!! You should do one about waffles ^_^ sometimes when you upload the video the audio speeds up and the video slows down..... keep working on it cus it was kinda bad... DUDe what the fuck is up with this video? are you just trying to get attention?? Dude who puts up a video like this! I personally think that ur just trying to get compliment and shit like that.. none of these ppl online know you or know how you really look like. who knows. The pictures could've been edited or something...... YOU SOUND JUST LIKE MILEY CYRUS!! XD to be honest: i actually like it slower like that.. So amazing!!! how come ur not a pop star yet?? 3 omg i love just love your voice! The first person was way way way way too stiff.. but i love the second person! and the third person was okay.. keep on working first person.. you were stiff and kinda bad.. but i loved it! AMAZING DUDE!! AMAZING! The video didn't record your voices very well. I think you guys are good but the audio sounded really pitchy.. how did you guys do those awesome effects?? i wanna do those! Q/A have you ever smelled like waffles??? TUTORIAL ASAP!,15,5,4,10,0,21,0 1119,X1120,this is point less btw Guess what? I found a site that's giving Xbox Live codes away for free! scary maps at 43;56 ya when i was little i killed all the rare pokemon and arceus worst thing if done Hey evan whats the name of the music that plays during the video? (Y.) 47 mins lets do this your talking a bout xbox and the game you chose is fucking minecraft why not bf3 or halo nice kittens the world now a days *facepam* lgr new thing comes out for sims *youtube search bar lgr* and here i am RAYQUAZZA noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no how lets get that 5 likes people same njf? fuck Anonymous use a war head to kill people for one death i hate liveing in fear of shit like this 2013 sucks dick.~zach ya have you seen how many fat kids ther are today deal with it,23,8,4,52,0,31,0 1120,X1121,This game is disgusting I'm going to convert a party popper into a nuclear bomb. Yeah. Like my $25 M16A1 airsoft rifle is going to be turned in to a real weapon. An M16 fires a .223 round. An airsoft pellet is about 3X smaller than a .223 bullet. It would not fit through the barrel. It would just explode in your hands. He's quite tallented with cardboard actually. Before* How to beat return to castle wolfenstein: Kick ass and don't fucking stop!!! What did he say? Grunts sound like cartman. I just finished It. I think that I'm going to read creepy pastas now. VERDAMMT!!!!!!!!! Not true. DON'T YOU RUIN THIS FUCKING MOVIE FOR ME!!!!!! According to an FBI record hammers kill more people than guns. Ikr The reason that I don't like him is because he uses the same joke over and over again. I can't move beyond the first sniper tower. Whenever I kill the first guy The alarm goes off. Nobody give a single fuck? Learn proper grammar pal. This music is quite fitting for Return To Castle Wolfenstein. Then fuck off. I hope you step on a lego. Making a baby cry is an easy thing to do. He felt bad enough about making the baby cry. Getting hounded about it didn't help anything. Read my comment. I never said that he had any mental problems. smiley- Jeff the killer's other brother. quiet* Why did this so popular?!,25,20,4,32,0,19,0 1121,X1122,Amazing Rihanna! Such a truthful video simple but really beautiful! 3 Best parody ever!!! So obsessed with this song!! Super catchy!,3,1,4,2,0,21,0 1122,X1123,Ahh que padre! que ansias de ver el MV. Gun Woo te amo Insoo es lindo tambin mas bien todos son bellos el maknae es super tierno. Que padre me encantan wow amo L. Joe que lindos va sonar genial! :D,2,1,2,5,0,18,0 1123,X1124,Okay so it's about a kid named Eric who hates talking and is a split personality boy whose second personality is the night shimmy. Eric makes a friend and the night shimmy doesn't come out anymore but when Eric flies a kite the night shimmy says goodbye. That makes sense.... NOT! Wow I first heard this song 6 years ago... and I still like it! Oh and too bad I'm not old enough to vote... Make it legal Ryan! I love Tumblr! So much funny stuff! This is really cute! I'm embedding it on my website (giving you full credit of course!) I love Christmas and anything that has to do with it! AhHHHH! Taylor Swift you need to get your life together. You're beautiful but come on you constantly have a boyfriend and you have to write a song about every breakup. Try taking a break! Why are you so perfect?! You have an amazing singing voice and you're so beautiful! I sound like a dying cat! This is the spring musical for my school this year! Can't wait I sew costumes and it'll be so much fun to make this stuff! Plus I'm friends with all the actors so I'll hear all the songs from them while they're practicing! I saw this gifset on tumblr and I wanted to see the real video! My school's doing this right now! Love it! It's so weird to see other people playing roles I'm used to my friends playing! Yeah it is but I also look exactly like her so I'm not one of those people who's trying to be like her. I actually am. YES SAVE THE TWINKIES THEY ARE AWESOME! I wish I could sing like you you're so awesome! Everyone who's depressed or about to commit suicide should hear this song do you have any idea how many lives it would save?! something is seriously wrong with this girl if you've ever seen ponponpon you'll get it. I once had a dream about the perfect guy and this song reminds me of it! So cute I would buy it on itunes if it was there. A lot of people are saying its racist to use an Asian for gang am style but I think she's good at it and could you imagine anyone else singing it from that group? I don't like glee but i admit I love all the songs! Kurt is my favorite singer Yeah I have I know how to PROGRAM computers mine's just slow and I'm too lazy to fix it. I remember watching this with her a few years ago she cried when she saw it. She was a super nice person but I admit she lied to me a few times. But overall she was a great friend! I wonder what happened to her I haven't seen her in a while. Awww! She just likes to be social with people she never had rude intentions! I know her too I haven't seen her in a long time but she's really nice. Thanks for standing up for her even though I saw you posted this comment about a year ago. You're awesome and see you at theater! People say things about other people to make themselves feel less ugly (etc) than themselves. You're not ugly and by those people calling you they basically are saying they think that they're ugly. Ignore them they're just insecure jerks Oh replying to your question in the video:It's probably too late for this but let it go you're still young and have time for that. I hate Taylor swift's version of this but their cover is awesome! What happened to the sound after 35 seconds? Auditions for my school's musical were today! I can't wait to do this show! My teacher showed us this in class and I was at a restaurant and the original came on! My mom had no idea why I was laughing so hard.,29,4,3,27,0,28,0 1124,X1125,You are so so so so amazing 3 seriously if we don't do our covers soon I will punch a wall. ashdkahiqwheo this is so nice you are so nice oh my goodness. Thank you so much 3 This is gorgeous! I absolutely love this song really. You did a fantastic job. :) We missed you too Logan ): Well thanks a lot :) Well now I just look like a terrible hypocrite. Haha I am so sorry! I knew that too. I guess we're even then. Okay like seriously how are you even so talented it isn't fair ugh. What does that even mean like you think I hate my life or. I don't even.. what. This whole thing made me cry. I love you so much. Words can not describe how happy this made me. Thank you so much again everyone. 3 Lol also thank you very much :),12,71,5,52,0,17,0 1125,X1126,Oh mein Gott. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D uh i'll try. aso .. hengste . cool :D:D hab das letzte album gekauft .. fr diese musik gebe ich kein geld aus sorry. mag die stimme weiterhin noch und den text auch . aber das ist nicht mehr mein geschmack .. meiner meinung nach weiterentwickelt und zwar in die falsche richtung. cute ! irgendwie besser als das original:):D :D:D Das Beste! :D 5* :) war sicher schn :) Bis auf die Serie an sich .. gut :) keep your hands off my helga :D ur cute! emma6 sind wirklich super. :D:D:D:D:D was ist das denn fr ne scheie ?kein vergleich zu liebeslied ich war ein puma raawwr :-D brutalo barbie! sowas muss man einfach mal live hren und erleben! bldes ende fr so ne geile serie! wenn der noch ein einziges mal unfassbar sagt dreh ich durch :-D,22,3,5,5,0,21,0 1126,X1127,Oh so adorable Oh god im crying :') Oh man why are they so cute D: Loved the parts around 3:00! Look at you little awkward cuties ;__; This is great!! This is TOO great! Perfect!! As always :),8,1,5,5,0,21,0 1127,X1128,oh really?? sorry my bad =) for gd and yuna!!! i didnt know how big she is now till i saw micheal buckley video that listed her song as one of the songs around the globe that u should im proud of her..! im malaysian too! she just won some song award show in malaysia just now though someone else sang the song for her.. terukir di bintang= song of the year 2012 amazing voice!!! omg! goin to korea in march n planning to go to this namsan tower for sure one problem A BIT SCARED To take the cable car!! omg! really hate the one i took in barcelona...scary merry! WHERE ON EARTH is the self decorate your own cake shop?? omg! that is awesome! i really like your last comment... true.. i do look at random people with green hair for example on the street.. but not in a negative way.. just that your eye caught that..n it stands out.. like how foreigner stand out in foreign country its like ice kacang... yummy! WHERE EXACTLY is this restaurant?? the location? im goin to korea in march..really wanna try this you have the very least of pendidikan??? WHAT NONSENSE ARE U SAYING?? WHO SAID THAT?? i mean u can always advise her nicely...! this is rubbish!! how on earth did he arrived at departure hall?? when i arrived from somewhere its the arrival hall straight away... he must have went upstair is it...aww! jealous of all malaysian..! nak balik!! who on earth is the one giving the award is she not moving away when GD trying to give speech...btw im malaysian but i dont even know her..hehe the very short moment of top and daesung...i cherish that! lol YES U ARE or maybe they are answering in korean cuz they obviously know how to express their thoughts more in korean...come on for me as a non english native speaker i still find it hard sometimes to explain things in i dont blame them.. of course its easy to understand english but to talk in the language itself is another thing this is amazing!!! is it in HONGDAE?? CAN I come and see u guys in march?? these 5 PORN STARS!! drive me crazy every day two of them cant really sing or rap well... hmm... maybe choice of song that part of the boys is really high... but really good dancers!!! omg... how much does the sticker booth cost!!! where is NOISE BASEMENT 2 club?? owned by YG..i heard its in hongdae.. GUYS remember you mentioned two different areas of HONGDAE quiet and 'club area' so the hello kitty cafe and the cats cafe are on which side? same here SO GOOD!!! curently addicted! SUPER NICE MV!! i really like it!! and song of course!! the lyrics are deep in meaning! my sparta kook!! fans are crying,25,15,6,8,0,21,0 1128,X1129,wat a faget,1,2,3,5,0,30,0 1129,X1130,Dame That's Sexy Af no lie Im size Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ^_^ I'm fucken wit u(;,2,0,2,2,0,31,0 1130,X1131,First Comment!! lol Amazing!!!!! Julian you are amazing subsribe me!!! See you in school Thanks but your better O but I'm taller So TRUE Your so SEXY!! Your A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! 3 3 Haterz don't like him? So y u listening u can change the song you know!?!? DUHH My crush and this sweet boy asked me out. I had a crush on him for 4 years and the sweet boy I met him this year. I don't know who to choose. I fell in love with my crush but this boy he makes me feel good.My crush understands me like no one else PLEASE HELP IDK WHO TO CHOOSE!! MEE No its not there account. THIS FAN U a girl or boy R U A GIRL OR BOYY ANDREW WHATEVER What song is he singing?? Like if your listening to this in 2012 Dannie is my favorite but i love them all @allybriannasisrocks1 u WROTE THAT 3 DAYS AGGO Hahahaha,16,10,2,7,0,18,0 1131,X1132,omg i love you my bestfriend is perfect would you just listen to her omg love u chloe kerton,2,1,4,5,0,15,0 1132,X1133,sranie w banie imperium to syf zero porownania do histerii kurwa pamietam jak siedzialem przed mtv i czekalem caly dzien az to puszcza :P :D nic dodac nic ujac...RUCHA BYM 3 As someone said b4! POLAND WANT Q-DANCE! jak to sie mowi...memories :D kupa kosciotrupa,6,0,3,5,1,20,0 1133,X1011,whoever said that david cant sing..u guys really have no ear for music n singin ok..i noticed that the audio n the movement wasnt synchronized right from the i think its live it's about me.. simply amazing autotuned awesome lip sync..but they could do live if they wanted to holy shit!!! this cracks me up!!!!! roflmao!! hairstylist here.u cant get that kinda look with just a hair cut ladies.this is called concave layer haircut.also known astransient layer having this haircutyou will have a lot of volume on top and gradually lesser hair towards the ends.with a lot of layer like thatyour hair most likely would flicked out when they're not properly dressed.and alsou cant have this kinda haircut if you have very few hair. note that hair texture and cutting techniques effects the outcome.. wtf?! singapore?! fuck this guy he was on cocaine during this show props to this little girl you sound like a F-ing dimwit omg! amazing! brilliant! amazing i got goosebumps every time i watch this whats the song called? in a long run lee's voice gonna take its toll..his voice is breaking lee is tired..that high note was killing him on previous performance..but props all the way! the best singer imo @padarack1 try to hit that note when you're at your 50 you dumb asshe's a great singer she dont have avril's voice tempo is a bit off your english can anybody like not great. not bad. she's better off acting than singing IMO. no offense sumbang thats his voice. got deep. accept the fact that he's no longer the brat he used to be i watched this like 10 times and i still laugh should have you mean you are hurting my ears with your autotune everyone can party as hard and as wild as they want! you all suck coz you party like shit. so what if he hooked up with a stranger? dont be naive. we guys have to get it out of our system ans sometimes jerking off is aint enough nobody ask for ya'll opinion. suck it up Keyboard warriors bad control melanie suck,36,0,9,5,1,23,0 1134,X1135,:o post!!! thanx :'( ... or just flip the safety switch on the back lol,3,2,4,11,0,21,0 1135,X1136,I'd give me left nut to go to this!!!! Looks like a crazy good time! WHAT THE FUCK!? DLB...i wish you ran after me ;) Damn Rob you lucky fuck...i hate you....a lot....ya T-Minus 1 hour:24 minutes till slide time baby! GO SAINTS! I have PSY fever... subaru front fender.....noooo....SNOW PLOW! 1:56 he's gonna cry like a little girl! hahaha Fuck ya man Good shit! BEAST MODE! HAHA sir i'm so sorry that no one finds 315 for 15 reps impressive lol i think you're fucking animal. Well done! So as a pervert i clicked on the video...while watching the video i was completely blown away! you have phenomenal skill and undoubtedly incredible dance skills. Well executed and the flow was wonderful and you kept it tight and quick! I sure hope you pursue dance! Amazing! you sir deserve a beer. pedobear at 0:17 ??? No barry go to the happy place! GO TO THE HAPPY PLACE! stupid hair in my eye... good position: CheckBreathing exercises: double checkpull fucking crazy amount of weight and catch it on my shoulders:....Check VJ JUST FUCKED UP HIM UP OH MY GOOOODDDD! lol no no it's not. put a link up.and if this is your version of trolling that's just stupid I'll agree with you upon 16 year old pubescent boys trolling about form on every video of lifting or physical exertion known to man. i bet that dude has some weird fetishes.... hey bro if that's true message me! i'd love to have you on skype to share your success story with some of my new boys on the team! Hey everybody Vemma is about motivation and getting excited about this opportunity! If anyone need motivation or wants to join message me at! join one of the fastest growing groups in Vemma :) Lets GET IT GOING! Would you like me to arrange that? i'm under her leg? message me for info. My name is Jake Harris out of Carroll College on the Dream Team I couple that works out together stays together! BEAST! Loved your voice man and that alone will get you far but guitar wise i felt it wasn't up to par with the sound of your voice and distracted me a little from enjoying it to its full potential. I wish i was experienced enough to tell you WHAT to do to make the sound better lol but sadly i'm just a critic. BUT NICE JOB! @katie turner send me an email at and I'll call you immediately :) You can sing too!? #Vervinitupsoon ;) Dude....PHENOMENAL! The Vemma Gospel.,29,0,3,5,0,110,0 1136,X1137,by far still my fav 4minute song even though its 2012 kwanhee could also be go crazy over hyosung solo dance like half of the male idols AFTER like rreally though TROLLLL,4,1,5,5,0,17,0 1137,X1138,KONY 2012REMEMBER THAT NAME. JOSEPH KONY.SPREAD THIS MESSAGE. WE MUST STOP HIM. KONY 2012REMEMBER THAT NAME. JOSEPH KONY.SPREAD THIS MESSAGE. WE MUST STOP HIM. KONY 2012REMEMBER THAT NAME. JOSEPH KONY.SPREAD THIS MESSAGE. WE MUST STOP HIM.!! KONY 2012REMEMBER THAT NAME. JOSEPH KONY.SPREAD THIS MESSAGE. WE MUST STOP HIM. KONY 2012REMEMBER THAT NAME. JOSEPH KONY.SPREAD THIS MESSAGE. WE MUST STOP HIM. KONY 2012REMEMBER THAT NAME. JOSEPH KONY.SPREAD THIS MESSAGE. WE MUST STOP HIM. KONY 2012REMEMBER THAT NAME. JOSEPH KONY.SPREAD THIS MESSAGE. WE MUST STOP HIM. KONY 2012REMEMBER THAT NAME. JOSEPH KONY.SPREAD THIS MESSAGE. WE MUST STOP HIM. KONY 2012REMEMBER THAT NAME. JOSEPH KONY.SPREAD THIS MESSAGE. WE MUST STOP HIM.!!,9,0,2,5,0,18,0 1138,X1139,"*Various screaming and panicking*Lmfao and they just started the game! xD Mother fucker why did I actually follow those directions.. No it's not .__. Don't tell me what to do mom! Kill it with fire. IT DIDN'T DISAPPEAR YOU LYING SONOFABITCH!-- I TRUSTED YOU! I must be hell in Alexia that's all I can say.But in other news I beat all 8 nightmares and do you know what my prize was? :DA mother FUCKING stamina potion! Like my 14 one! Oh goody me!You know this event is ALL about LUCK and not how many nightmares you beat?I met a giant who won a reading chair on her first try- and she only finished the second nightmare!UGH! I'm from the USA and I agree LOL! This song is so absolutely goddamn beautiful! x.xEspecially at 3:05 and forward when they do the vocal part together.So amazing... This is true music to my ears haha.. Yeah this one kinda feels like ,People with too much time on their hands or doing pointless things and getting lucky., I can NEVER un-see that now.Thanks asshole. I almost DIED @2:58...,Fuck the Police!, Lmfao This AMV tears at my heart. I literally just finished watching the anime this morning I finished it in less then a day (because I have no life) and it was amazing.I'm SO sad it ended so quickly... DAMNIT I read this thing before but why did it make noise @2:23?! I haven't seen it do that before I NEARLY shat myself from fright and pissed from PewDie's reaction. Did she see me?WELL I DUNNO SHE DOESNT HAVE EYES.Or a head as a matter or fact.Yeah she definitely saw you PewDie xD This game makes my dick rock har-! Lmfao xD... IT'S BEEN MADE FOR PS3 NOW!I must get it! :D That is the coolest cutest chicken-hyena-cat thing I've ever seen! :D Naaaah I'm good. Thanks for the lame commercial though. You scared the shit out of me at 7:04... fucking barrels ._.; Oooh ok. That makes perfect sense :D LMFAO. This is just plain sad.... Super dramatic :D Daaaaaaaddy wake up and feed me!! D: You're swedish? That's hot. AH! STOP! PLEASE!Haha I almost peed... JUST YOUR AVERAGE DAY IN JAPAN. I'm pretty sure this is a hentai. Can we play as a girl character already?! D: I nearly cried from happiness when I saw it was Carol. I started cheering and screaming and my mom got freaked out xD ,YES I KNEW she was alive!! Yeeeees!!!!, She only looks Asian but her last name is Conners.Your argument is invalid. Why would I search through everyone elses comments and your responses to THEM? You're fucking stupid for clicking the link in the first place. GTFO. Yes.",34,6,4,5,0,20,1 1139,X1140,"ESPN First Take just played this had me dancing like an asshole This song is just viciously awesome i'm still rockin the boombox too yes OG swede version of Wallander brought me here I love the one white ginger dude getting his boogey on in the middle of a sea of darkies Dre and Snoop disliked this song this one's a slammer right here love this shit they're my favorite Rick Rolling myself on a friday afternoon damn i love this damn album another tight ass song right here what's a ,coin indian, just curious Battlecat strikes again i agree but it still brought me here its a TV show called OZ tight ass show mang Toasters don't toast toast people toast toast hey man at least its from a fucking great show not Glee or some shit Come to San Diego there is so much to see... From the sparkling waters of Mission Bay to the warm tortillas of Old town.... And after a day of sight-seeing why not try spanking it one of our charming city streets. the fact u mention snoop shows you ain't with it LOL holy shit i never realized how funny that line is until now Daz opens up so slick on this one luft means ,air, in German i believe Say hello to LUMBERG FOR ME awesome CONGRATURATIONTHIS STORY IS HAPPY ENDTHANK YOUBEING THE WISE AND COURAGEOUR KNIGHT THAT YOU ARE YOU FEEL STRONGTH WELLING IN YOUR BODY.RETURN TO STARTING POINT.CHALLENGE AGAIN. Snoop Dogg is the shit fuck a hater I was trying to be cool and spell suck and dick like a crip would since this is a Snoop Dogg song and indirectly related to his utter cripness. Since we're passing out grammar lessons today ,someone who thinks being 'homosexuality' is a bad thing, is terrible English. You should have said ,someone who thinks being homosexual,. But unlike I don't stress off of minor grammatical issues when trying to win an internet argument. Furthermore I have no problems with gay people i support gay rights love the quality",27,2,3,5,0,28,1 1140,X1141,You probably didn't make it because you're just a prick You're all fucking morons. No homo but I'd like to fuck your ass. I love you,4,0,4,1,1,17,1 1141,X1142,hell no and you call this justisethis has all got to stop.and one dayit will.this is a jokeman.people have had enogth of all this piss.keep the faith.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxgod bless.x,2,0,3,5,1,54,0 1142,X1143,for a dude that hate niggas so much you sure watch us alot wat happened? nigga stole yo girl?or betta yet nigga pounded your momz in to submission?or maybe both since i hear you boyz like 2 keep it in the family!! so dont hate on all of us for something im sure a whole bunch of niggaz did!! chooooochoooo on momz?oh my bad yo girl!!sukkka!!,1,0,3,3,0,33,1 1143,X1144,It IS in tune smart one. Holy shot I live in Minnesota!!! Ps3,3,11,3,3,0,19,0 1144,X1145,20 likes and i'll cut everyones head off who make these comments :D !!11!!11!!!!!1!!one!!!!!1!!!!1!! @xxZachxAttackxx2010 I couldn't have ever guessed. OBVIOUSLY DUMB SHIT. @xixlovexinuyashax oh sorry!!1!!!!11!~ i'm watching this in fucking 1982~!!!!!1!!!!!one!!11!!! stfu.. anyone else have that feeling they should watch the lion king after watching this? i like watching this with the volume on mute =^.^= could loose the nickleback.... -.- lame i went from watching assault with a car to racism on the news to felony fights too THIS! like hell at least you could've done was poked an eye out or something! obviously this guy has women issues omg :Fthat seriously nullifies all rick rolls!!*clicks next page* ~*faintly starts to hear another dreadful up beat rick roll~*,9,2,3,5,0,23,0 1145,X1146,"I'm a girl I think you're FUCKING sexy. ps. I'm not homosexual. You are beautiful!(: TRISH!(: My theme song.. 3 You're the cutest silliest thing! I love it! This is awesome. This child is going to be an amazing preacher in adulthood. Came across this totally by accident... But it is so relevant to what's going on this second... /3 This song... is about you(: congrats! HOW FLIPPIN CUTE!!!(: Even this song is about becoming a star I relate it to my passion for cheerleading. It get's me pumped for a practice or game(: You're fun to talk to a great rapper?.. amazinggg....(: COON EYES... DAYUM....#trolllllinnn I am in love with my best friend. He says he has feelings for me that in his eyes ,I'm his, but on the flipside he sometimes acts as if we are nothing but friends. It seriously hurts. I just want to be with him but I don't know how to say it. /3 Baddass drop. 3 Me my ex's song.. We were together almost two years/3 This is the first time I've listened to it since the break-up.. I can't believe I did this to him../3 It's a homophone dude. Who gives how it's spelled? My name is spelled ,H-A-Y-L-E-E, yet it's pronounced ( HEY-LEIH ) Funny how that works right? Calm down bud.(: LOL Olivia.. Same here! xD Might be doing an extreme routine to this for cheer competition.(: cute3(:-Alex nichole. Yes she may not be the most attractive creature or have the voice of an angel but God loves everyone. So shut up haterrrrz.",20,28,3,14,0,21,0 1146,X1147,"cashiers probably like ,Oh god not these guys again..., is a little dead isn't it? Best thing i've heard all day (thats sad isn't it?) the only thing i could think was that he was ruining his bra....he kept stretching it out.. Thank you! HA! oh Nevermind! i got it! its cause i corrected you! wow gold star man i really couldnt read that! Im a grammar snob because my sister is the grammar Queen. I didn't yawn.. at all.. welp... Haha dude. shut up seriously. Hey 3 Oh shush~ Because I love the way your room smells :D (Inside Joke Everyone Else Go Home) what. WOW. OK ok i'm really sorry... But that's Edd Gould. Hes actually from England and he died a couple months back and he was kinda a big role model for me.. Even if you don't know him and you were just making a joke I found it disrespectful. watch?v=jkEvbOsr138 That's a link to his R.I.P video.. Sorry again.",12,9,2,13,0,14,0 1147,X1913,"I plugged the doo-hiki into the thingy and the gizmo went DING!That was hilarious I thought he only had one bro?! Maybe T is his brother hmmmm....... Can't wait! @mindlesskissez143 the problem is that it's awkward and disturbing for my husband to be your father! And Kelly Rowland is dating some guy named Tim! Build-a-baby workshop lmao Thank you!AndI have two Alter Egos in real life1.Deshawn-when I get bored I dress up as a boyonce I went to school like that and my teacher was like ,okay what the heck?,2.Laquita-That's my ghetto sideI can turn classy to ghetto in two secondssometimes when I comment Laquita comes out lol.Next time she comes out I'll let y'all know I start school next week on Tuesday and I STILL haven't got my school supplies! I wish teachers at my school would be like Mr.Freeman :( Well I guess are meanies.... Sorry I haven't been commenting!I lost my ipod a while ago and i still haven't found it.But damn.....I'm glad that we alive at least! That call better have been important Aww! Shit Langston get it together! It's really good! did you go into the girl's bathroom?? Awww! Been waiting for this movie for 2 years-_- 1:36 ray looking a lil ashy over there I'm so worried now!(sorry I haven't been commenting a lot of stuff going on right now but I am reading!) Prod Y U No stop selling dope?!look where it got you!(sorry for barely commenting a lot of stuff is going on and I'm going to try to get back on track with everything even though it will be hard) 1:00 the struggle Well aren't you two a pair of freak-a-deaks! *shrugs* I guess c.Because one day imma fight backget a bat and beat his ass! I have that reflex.i got kicked out of a haunted house because I accidentally punched someone. The bitch had it coming with all that shit popping up ad trying to touch me and follow me! Bitches be doing the most... I wouldn't have passed out thoughI would have died.then I would have snuck out of heaven to see it again and crawled backoh it's a tie because I can't choose it depends if she's a slut wait that's mean if she's a hoe. of all fuckery?lol guy at 3:58 seems to know the lyrics lol because this was the day when TM started trending #mbfanconfessions on twitter and TM were all upset and tweeting depressing stuff (they weren't mad at prod though) 4:48,I got them girls girls girls talkinboutme everyday!,",30,17,3,5,0,19,0 1148,X1149,most haters just pissed off that BEAST win....hahahahhaha...pathetic... dear uploader.. ur subs is getting better and better ...great job...thanks a lot for subbing this :D just my opinion its not necessarily true :) wow...he actually talked for 7 mins.... its cute how Ilhoon teased Sunggyu by teaching him how to do variety shows...kyaaa~~~our Ilhoonie :D this song is an eargasm...their voice is superb...and Ilhoon..OMG that was damn awesome!! this song give me an anime feel...or maybe a bit Paramore-ish..i demand japanese ver!! finally..reached 1mil views..:D somehowi love this choreography better than the current one.. have u watched the whole video?WOW is just the intro..its Lover Boy.. in the end Jonghoon with with Eunyoung .. Yewon and Jiwon will be alone because Minhyuk choose N..LOL . Sungjae and Sohyun did an awesome job!! arghhh....just date already!! . if this is my APPETIZER i rather dissed my main dish... .,14,15,4,11,0,20,0 1149,X1150,saw this on tumblr today. probably have seen this a hundred times since then cant stop. sooo amazing,1,2,4,2,0,22,0 1150,X1151,Estas chicas se han separado es verdad pero ahora Destinee y Paris han hecho un video con la cancin born this way precioso! Adems esta guapsimas! Enhorabuena...vamos a quedar los ltimos!Llega un momento que da igual quien vaya a eurivisin sea bueno o no en mi oipinin los votos consisten en politiqueo...los paises amiguillos se votan entre si..PD: Me alegro que vaya esta cancin asi no iremos ms... Estic d'acord qe dona igual que siga valenci o catal perqu a la fi l'un s dialecte de l'altre per teniu que conixer que este grup es de Valencia del meu poble aixina que estic segura que es valenci fins aixina que ms dona ! DISFRUTEU-LA I PUNT es una pelicula? por que la quiero ver! me encantaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!3 NO PERDON NIALL* QUE ESTOY YO EN OTRO LADO JAJ y para que iba a salir con justin si no le queria? y aguantar a gente como vosotras insultandola y haciendole sentir mal buscando el mas minimo defecto para destruirla y acabar con ella? enserio tener vida JAJAJAJAJAJAJJA hombre cuando yo me maquillo tambien estoy mucho peor sabes? pero es que aparte de buscar la foto que salgan sin maquillaje sacan la peor que encuentran y incluso me juego la vida a que la retocan para sacarlas aun peor! ENVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIA!!!!!! ni maquillada soy como ellas fuckin perfect baby you are fuckin perfect for everyone and if someone tells you otherwise is wrong. Que cancion de Michael es? en el minuto 19 no dicen mas fuerte? AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!! awesome awesome awesome diossssssss mi NIAAAAAAAALL *_* QUE MONO ! ESPAA SIEMPE FUCK THE HATERS!!! Se nota que no has tenido contacto con la muerte porque si lo hubieras tenido no dirias todo eso aun odiando mucho a una persona la muerte es algo muy gordo y tu ESTUPIDA ZORRA no tienes derecho a decirlo. Ella es la mejor y por mucho mucho que quieras que se muera va a seguir viviendo y siendo feliz asi que pequea hija de puta te jodes. so cute !!! X Me encantaaaas,18,0,3,5,0,21,0 1151,X1152,Sence you are not going to do and facecam videos at least show us your face so we can see a real viking,1,3,4,2,1,21,0 1152,X1153,I dont! i can speak it!! soo shut up. byee I am nott making fun of her AT ALL!! I am just saying I was 9 when i got mine. i didnt cry at all mostly because i have a VERY high pain tollorence. And aww :(( soryy Ella!! I love her!! SHES SOO CUTE! I Love him!! Well I hate you. Omg. Ur 9 . I'm 10. U should go to N.Y and Date me! ILY MATTYB! NOOO I AM1 Why would you use a friken safty pin!?!?! Haha... Cute . hope my parents will love it. Too bad im only 17... I got a new laptop.. Well people cant take the pain of emotions so cutting is a better option. This was Long before we knew about her cutting. GO AWAY GET OUT OF EARTH BYE I really love your voice! And your so pretty!!!! Nice jobbb!!! Plz write back 33 Oh they are? Oh wow. I feel like an idiot... OH well She is amazing. I love herrrr.... 333 The Last One! It was awesome and I loved the fabric and the colors GO AWAY Point Your Toes More!! But Its Good. My cartwheel is like either 2 or 3... Yea i suckkk. Let me just show you Oh hi kermit whats in my bag Jenna your my girl crush xD !! Justin Im in love with the thought of uuuuuu Lol....... This is the funniest thingg Your so nice. But so mean. But still awesome :) Amanda will be missed R.i.P Ok You could have said ANYTHING else to her. But you brought up her brother that died? Do you even have a heart? Out of all the mean and awful things you could have said. You said the most hurtful thing possible? Why watch this if you dont want to hear about her problems? That is the worst thing you could say to her. About her brother that died? Who do you think you are? ITS HER DEAD BROTHER! What would you say if she said that to you? You have no right. Its her brother. Show some respect. ONE DIRECTION 333 I am a dedicated directioner but this song333 This ones cool but 2009 is my fav. 2011 isnt bad either I love this one! Your so pretty 3 How old are you? I'm 11!,30,60,2,2,0,16,1 1153,X1154,Oh My Goodness Your Amazing!! Pretty Much In Love With You!!!!! Mcl to you Homie!!!! I have bad anxiety going through those car washes to Id rather just wash my van myself now!! lol Obviously you girls are not country girls!!! this isnt trash trash is bitches that wear five pounds of makeup and name braqnd boys are HOTTT and spend their money on better things :) Dont hate!!,4,1,5,5,0,24,0 1154,X1155,hmm maybe but you will know when flandre is there...her music will play she will laugh insanely and you will die :/ and i played as her for halloween. i scared the crap out of some kids xD FLANDRE SCARLET either that or it will have to be a tie like if Sail Cat brought you here! 500 One Direction fans disliked the video. now id like to see flandre do this... has anyone noticed that the laevateinn kinda looks like a a snake head??? O.o FML nuthin can help flan...its true and if the world did end it would be flandre fault... why was flandre crying in the second time she appeared in this video? lol lol during the fight Flandre falls backwards lol... poor patchy just dont let the baby find out about flandre or else she will be scared for the rest of her babyhood this is when the little bird escapes its nest and then kill everyone in sight thus this proves that looks can kill TASTE THE FUCKING RAINBOW!!!!!!!!! and i had this on loud and i went HOLLYYY SHIIITTT!!!! DX XD 2:07 i thought my youtube crashed again...ah my fucking ears! lol hey Remilia Scarlet here! if you like remilia and flandre and sakuya like this page! like and share the love!!! Bad Apple is music based off The Touhou Project...The Touhou Project is a game. attempting to learn and die in 3...2...1... AND I GOT MORE PRACTICE SO IT SOUNDS MORE FREAKING EPIC!!! XD and the sucky part is that the dummy here is Dante DX Im making one right now Im Blue If i was green i would die if i was green i would die if i was green i would die if i was green i would die if i was green i would die if i was green i would die If i was green i would die!!,23,7,3,15,0,15,0 1155,X1156,I'm struggling to understand why this has 149 million views? Fuck yes Tom! gnarly. Sounds heaps like For The Fallen Dreams and The Plot Of You! Nice fucking work! So very generic. But enjoyable. The start sounds like Runescape. Not anyone fault you were fucking bullied it's part of high school. Your 20 something and your acting like a 12 year old cam whore. Autism at it's fucking finest. Sounds like he is being molested. More like Periphery and Meshugga but sounds cool as fuck. Fucking autism. Fuck the kid. Waste. Of. Life. Watching this is comparable to being raped. When I launch the game it tells me to update or exit the game but when I click update there are no updates available? In App Purchases need to die. i love it! Disohnroed. Nice typo. No tabs this time :(,19,22,5,6,0,17,0 1156,X1157,It's same as CD Wow.. soooo cool Love ya,3,0,3,5,0,15,0 1157,X1158,"Your pretty! Haha.. heart attack! lol.. Oh come on.. I watched theese movies when I was a kid and the cartoons and it had none of those things.. ur just trying to make things up YOU SUCK!! Deja Vu means you have already seen it! In the monsters inc.. He says ,Sugar, not ,BBBBEEEEPPP!!, Gas problem? 45% Atleast he dont do drugs! Honestly how did 1D get so ,famous, haha they suck! And 1D fans can spam on all the music they like but seriously? Lmbo 1D? What kind of freaking name is that? Direction Infection.. thats clearly stealing from Bieber Fever (not that I have it ) *You.. just saying It sounded like he said Bunny! Hehe.. i got a bunny -.- ~Talking to my guy friend on facebook~me: Im only gonna break break break ya heart..him: seriouslyme: yeshim:Well!true story bro Swag u dont got Your voice is amazing.. I love your hair and personality Hes a jerk.. sorry he dont know nothing about you.. do better! XD Love this song! That was amazing! That was the social worker and if you dont take care of your baby then they come to your sims house and just take them.. OMG SO ADDICTED TO TANC Alyssa and Nick are the best couple!! This song.. is so life like/3 Awww..!! Thats so... touching!! LOVE YOU TOO SHANE my favorite thing to do while im alone is: watch ur videos! love ur #1 fan!!!!!! I liked it.. it was awesome and oh my favorite thing to do over the summer is stay the whole summer at my best friends house!",23,1,3,5,0,20,1 1158,X1159,Why am i crying?! This is too amazing for my emotions.,1,2,3,5,0,23,0 1159,X1160,"Leu-House!!! He cant make it to the NBA too short! The Beast after every verse is hard asF @1:36 if you watch the movie he drops the Gun and then pulls the knife out SMH! Fucking Crackers Lmao Most of them were Black guys Lmao @Fisticuffer245 Nigga stfu like you can do better...Go wipe your trainer's ass Lmao English you Mofos!!! What are these guys samoan or flip! You know this on 1000 Ways To Die and he killed himself so GoodLuck with that LOL They Bomb! :) Geddit White Boyy!! Vitaly you could of seriously ran away from that fatass he's So Slowwwwwwwwww! One Does Not Simply Give A Facial to Lebron! Stop saying Best freshman in the nation Besides so so. Than he's not the Best smh Yall look like PornStars lol but Good Singing best Covers! What a gayass Hit! Isnt that Fatass on the Bench now Lmao Youtubers they really Dont give a single Fuck about what you think of their movie! Their getting their Money still. And I even bet Most of yall saying it looks Pathetic are probably still gonna go watch it lmao Fuck all you Crackers! He is 50 fucking Years Old! Its Not gonna happen,",20,16,5,7,0,24,0 1160,X1161,Given a licence to be naughty indeed! LOL! John you still rock my world after three decdes...go on get nawtay! LMAO! Am I the only one that notices the black piece of cloth on JT's lap?...Something like the end of a necktie but...where is the Necktie connected too? I think I need to get JT personally involved so I am sharing this to him via twitter... Still can't get enough of it honey! XXX Timeless gorgeousness The album Red Carpet Massacre didn't have the DD sound the fans wanted and I am one so I should know but never the less Night Runner was one of the best on it so I am pleased there are more likes then dislikes I love Roxy Music but...They are so not the best band after the beatles...the next fab 5 were Duran Duran no doubt bout that Still a great video and the music is TIMELESS! Duran Duran will rock 4ever! He remains irresistible what a man... Love the way you managed to make each intrument stand out by itself and incorperate it again good work Daniel! Jeetje meid je stem je F***ing GOED! The man of my dreams for 32 yrs! Is there a part 2 anywhere? It looks like there is more...and I wanna see it! Damn not avaialble in my country after lke... half way through..I so hate that!! This is the Duran-sound to the max! Love it! It fits no doubt about that...gosh DD make me shiver with their futuristic music will love them 4ever! Talent and perfection...that is the big thing Hmmm...not so sure about this it is a catchy tune that reflects the music of the 80's and being an 80's lover I should love this but I don't know...maybe it's because of the video it's too simple (sorry Eric Schockmel) :/ LOL! Love this song! And the lyrics are funny too hihihi! Thanks for sharing BBlackOrchidd! Oh I like this! I know babe I was looking on amazon and they asked over 100 dollars for it..I was like WHAT?! I mean I love JT but there is a lint on how much I spend on him ;-),19,10,7,2,0,42,0 1161,X1162,She isn't ugly. I thank Finn Jack's parents for having you know what. Otherwise we wouldn't be blessed by this wonderful gift. Please please stop being so hot... Oh and move to Belgium. :) Story of my life already saw the dissection of the polar bear?,4,2,3,1,0,14,0 1162,X1163,mas lenguas??? jajajajaja vi... morrer estilo???? hahahaha ele no tem por isso axa isso! puta que pariu o tilo tocando e o povo no cala a boca! affffffffffff porque na melhor hora sempre tem algum que coloca o brao ou a cabea na frente! que raivaaaaaaa rghh! amo essa msica demais! 31/12/2011 melhor dia da minha vida! ich liebe dich!,6,1,3,5,0,23,0 1163,X1164,"2:01 ,I see the Demon!, 4 years later and they still know exactly who he is lol Gravemind has an uncanny similarity to master chief's helmet when his mouth is closed... My friend and I concluded with all those long arms all he wants is a big hug. Thank you Resident Evil 4! Bless Duncan and rest his soul too but I hope you're not mistaking him for Debo or you're gonna get knocked da fuck out! What's all this hype about realism? So you're on the terrorist side and shoot everything that moves and you like it because it's realistic? :0 All cod guns sound the same If that guy in the #8 video saw Skyrim I think his exploding head would start another Big Bang I know you posted this four years ago but I totally agree I told my cousins this past summer in Iran that you all have to be either the worst drivers or the best drivers in the world I know it's been in almost every halo game and it's sad to not see it but is it worth it w/o being able to dual wield it? Take that fat greedy monopoly man! Just what I need a paper shredder on steroids! Chuck Norris's Bike James Bond's Aston Martin Congratulations you just found the first easter egg! Naw I'm still smelling a little bitch whose never gotten pussy in his life so shut your retarded mouth I hate the lines blahblah getting high and some thing rhymes with O and then they say ,I'm getting higher than Super Mario,. Rappers please don't exploit mario when Mario's theme with a rap twist can own any rap song coming out today. Thank goodness I'm not the only sick sadistic bastard to do this I know how they say battlefield is pretty realistic but splattering with jets isn't iddqd =D",19,2,5,2,1,31,0 1164,X1259,say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? dayyyum! this is funny he has a boner she cant sing i am gonna hav a nightmare after this cool I LIKE IT the top comment hasnt got much thumbs up does it any one can hear that awful noise OMG! AM I A DOG? IT WAS RIGHT!!! ur not that pretty r u lol! this actually made the song listenable! omg!!! only the hottest boys can wear makeup!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL first comment yay! my name is not marlon seriously??? its a baby you....... swear words you are so so stupid. read the f description what does ghetto mean...? waz dat a jew bin laden or fucking jesus i am sad. i was watching youtube witht my brother and then this caym on then i waz sad. becosz i am balck. i am 4 yers old and i am a blak persom. i am a bad girrl becos i am balk. i am sad. sorry if my sister spelt some things wrong. she was adopted. and she is only 4. she is really upset with this and i feel ba that i can't say something because i am white. please say something nice in the comments so she can feel better. please help. she thinks i am lying when i say nothings wrong. please. and i thought God loves everybody. soooo they are wrong... i am Muslim by the way lshifomdjkidhadbiidiwniw!!!! laughed so hard i fell off my dinosor just kiddin i dont hav a dinosor but if i did i would name it wilburt! lol grant! first coment!!! first comment!!! yay this is my country!!! email me if you want to know more about it 3rd comment!!!!!!!!!!! 2nd comment i love this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is my cousin you know then lifes a bitch!!! how could they make a lil gal say that!!! lololololololololololol that ad creeped the fuck out of me! i am gambian my country! dis is good i hope u like my country!!! he screams when he says baby! youll be falling for me BABY! 0:29 S L U T,39,1,2,5,0,17,0 1165,X1166,@TuRbothiSBaby93117 O.k so you just self admitted to eating shit?? interesting choice of something to eat but I digress.....With the # of broken bones and stitches and self financing your local hospital that you do sounds to me like you need a new hobby t,28,1,5,8,0,38,0 1166,X3431,"was it amazing?(: 5 days. MD. (: Like this status for each child you think Danny Worsnop has had unknowingly. Jesus when the fuck will they're album drop.???? Gotta love parties huh? I love you. nice beard. You milked the shit outa that... Mute it. :) Ooocompreesh De Frandia ,Ooomcompreesh De Fienda, ... The language everyone must speak it. Bahaha. :) BAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH@1:01 I don't use the microsoft security I have norton which i disabled and i still got error 3194? OUCH. It works but it wont let me get past the start screen? He actually doesn't suck live. And so what if he is getting fat he is World President who the fuck are you? Holy shit. 'Nuff said. Your shadow makes this video so much more badass... Dude. Raped. As soon as I heard their first single... This band will be huge soon. Thumbs up if you're an original fan. AGREED. However Austin is better in OMM. who gives a fuck if they sound like Asking Alexandria? This is their FIRST song and obviously they show potential. Stop calling them a wanna be band. Cause they have a music video for a fun song and you don't. PLEASE help me! I had an iPhone 4 jailbroken on 4.3.3 I tried to just plug it in and restore and update. But I get NOTHING but Error 3194 and 1016 a couple of times. It is stuck in recovery mode and NOTHING I've researched is helping! Please like this so I can get some help with my iPhone!!! I just want it restored and brought to IOS 5. No jailbreak or data just a clean iPhone! I got a boner when I saw the ,Ps Vita, through the wrap the console was in. Feb 22nd. 3 I will admit. Impressive. 1:18 is that her laughing?....... 1:42 - My mom walked in and yelled to stop watching porn........ Dear Women if you are having to fake orgasms in bed UKF may be right for you. Let these steps help you in your sexual achievement.1) Buy a large amplifier and an auxiliary cord.2) Plug in your laptop/iPod/MP3 player.3) Sit on your amplifier!4) Turn to UKFDubstep channel.5) Enjoy!Side effects may include but are not limited to: Uncontrollable orgasms Euphoria Ecstasy and more...Please consult your Doctor P. before taking these steps. @Shagbani96 Fingerprints!! It's also nice to know that it works through fabric. How did you get all that great armor? Also does anyone know any wheel-spinning tactics? Man we don't go down that easy. 3 Thumbs up if good taste brought you here.",31,8,3,8,0,16,0 1167,X1168,Get back to the kitchen! I have those same bowls. I want it Theres no quick way down...Ohhh yes there is! Do any of the people on site have polymer gearboxes or are they all metal? PDW-R for the win RAGE QUIT. Dear Osama Bin Laden i hope your rotting in hell you fucking prick. They jump around like a bunch of retards. Hes not even funny Hey Scout that MP5 at 2:30 is that a JG? Do you Recommend a GG Combat Machine M4 Raider? Nice job man keep it up. Nice guns BTW. Move somewhere else you fucking douches. Your the biggest fags in america. These are actually good videos. Good job guys! Actually the South Vietnamese used tiger stripe camo the airforce uses a new version of it. So does that mean that the BBs are actually good now? Hey crazyNCman i think your right about Jarek i cant even find his website. And i heard alot people got ripped off.,18,1,2,5,0,27,0 1168,X1169,fail 4:29 look at hands lol is there a faze clan for gta? i use religion when im in a situation where im about to get screwed and i ask god for help the public didn't have much access to computers when malcome x was in 8th grade cuz your american tim all americans are fat hahaha lol so funny love this show! ll i know is he's a genius compared to you 3 days ago,8,0,3,5,0,21,0 1169,X1170,Ricky Collins was probably the man that talked to John Green about Hitler and Sex. The Yeti feeding John popcorn was too adorable. FANGIRLIN. FANGIRLIN. MY FEELS CAN NOT BE CONTAINED. Connor Brown I love you. Never stop being perf. Waaah. This is just awful . I mean it's so sad how from a young age gender stereotypes are enforces into our heads. :/ Charlie you're wonderful and thank you so much for sharing this with us. I really recommend you talk to someone about this on a more personal level where you can get feedback and jank. I know it might seem weird but it is necessary some times. Really. I hope you start feeling better and this anxiety-ish jank or whatever it is goes away. Do something Doctor Who themed!!!! Even though I don't like the song musically that much I can't help but enjoy it. IDEK. I just know I can't stop listening to this song. I'm here because of Merlin. oh god I know what happens but i dont know how they're going to interpret it and waaaah im dying from nervousness and i wanna know what happens. djgakdslgja;wetjo LIVING ROOM ROUTINE! For the half covered hole thing among the musicians I know we just call them half-holes. Joining the group that the new guy was singing in at 0:09 The one girl that swoons for Moritz is pretty much me. I'm worried. I'm so worried for you Lydia.,15,0,3,5,0,18,0 1170,X1171,thank you very much that answerd eveything. :) SO what does this smell like???please respond WHERE IS PART 2? ANYBODY KNOW?? OH COME ON!!!! UGHHH!!!I JUST WANT TO WATCH THE FREAKING MOVIE! i got a problem with my left foot on my pinky toe its twisted sideways but it doesnt hurt but can this be fixed if they break the bone?? please respond yup you are 1000000% CORRECTecpecially the part about that damn jusin bieber sick and tied of hearing his namebut country will sure live!! ***the old west***i would love to live up in the rocky mountains! ok LOVE THIS SONG!!! somebody really needs to report this video this really upsets me so much and i cant even believe the way they torture these harmless animalsthey did nothing wrong YOU PEOPLE ARE REALLY FUCKED UP! THERE IS NO REASON TO DO THIS. i mean flora.. why dont you shut your mouth you think you can do me that favor?? when year did vivien leigh died?? and how?? my god vivien was absolutely stunning in gone with the wind...... your welcome. :) HAHAHAHHAthat's funny im glad you taught that little city slicker a lesson!! yea i think that's great. :) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA 5% black 95% amazing=my 2013 song yup a long long long time ago i wished i lived in that time.. so the nose magic doesn't really work?? i just bought the nose magic yesterday and i probably just waisted $25 on the nose magic? what a screw up i just did maybe i shouldn't have bought it then well i bought nose magic 2 months ago and been wearing for a couple weeks and i do see results it made my nose much smaller and made the hump on my nose away but on the other hand the nose right is a scam it doesnt do crap and no results just my opinion HAHAHAHA WE ALL KNOW THE NOSE RIGHT IS A SCAM BUT THE NOSE MAGIC IS THE ORIGINAL NOSE SHAPER DO YOU KNOW HOW I KNOW THAT? CAUSE I HAVE THE NOSE MAGIC AND IT REALLY DOES WORK AND GLAD I GOT IT.. IT'S BEEN 5 MONTHS ALREADY AND STILL NO PART 8 THAT'S IT GO GET THE BELT!!! hahahah i thought you said druckin Duck WHAT????? YOU HATE THE EAGLES? WHY? ARE YOU FLIPPING CRAZY OR SOMETHING??,28,2,2,5,0,17,1 1171,X1172,how do you get those fontsstuff? Where do you make the video? It's really good x ;) 1:31 looks like a little doll I used to have when I was little... disturbing...,2,0,2,5,0,15,0 1172,X1173,Hes so sexy Good song! I love angry grandpa Hes cute Hes so sexy This is beautiful Ahahahahahahah So sexy :* I bought it! Jk this sucked,9,8,3,5,0,21,0 1173,X1174,No not BUTT friends.. Don't say it like that loool this is the best thing ever wtf. when did his voice get all hot. omg. can't even handle this right now. so many feels. asdfghjkl;. I want a hedghog 33 OH my god can I just love you forever? oh mu god so many feels333 asdfghjkl; I ship this so hard. wait. what the hell. did they just kill tony.... what the fuck. OK is it just me or hass everyone become fucked up since the last season... asdfghjkl; Maxxie is the cutest thing on this planet33 I have so many mixed feelings about this episode/333 oh my god. it was sid's locker they opened. so many feelings. omg. oh my god. let me love you. omfg i love this so much.,12,5,3,2,0,21,0 1174,X1175,HENTAI what's your address and phone number ? tells us now you said you would if we asked so dont be a liar press 7 then 8 what if hes trolling? last one looks like mr.bean can you still donate it ? it's a show ''Mortal Kombat: Legacy : Ep. 1: Jax Sonya and Kano (Part 1)'' she likes chicks is that LOTR music I was shocked when I saw the fourth hokage .,10,4,5,5,1,24,0 1175,X1176,291245236views my god Louis is so cute. Very good 555 lovely cute So cute Ich liebe deutsch. Im from Thailand. Awesome that's my fav. I love it. This is my first song on ukulele. Thnx again. my things are still in there. what should I do? I live on ground floor. TT w w w . s o c i a l v i o . c o m w w w . s o c i a l v i o . c o m,16,1,5,1,0,27,0 1176,X1177,"Love the bloodsquirts. Man.... I really wanted to see them play Carrion in Russia. damn u Thatso no essens off darkness is esey and you cant give them that ned to make a zombie houres you cant bread a hourse to get a pegasus you need a nightmeare and a bat hourse and to get them you need essens of darknees and fire sly fox This game is pure awesome. you got knockt out yeah its swedish i know that cus i am a swe How does anyone like you? 1:16 ,Vet du vad som hnde?! - Du dda dig sjlv med en raket, lol'd You suck at it Oh god funny as hell. dapaps your to yong and shudent watch this your a littel fagot turn off the tourtch ohh man so true song Oh fuck no. Die nigger Where is your father son? Gay video I'm so fucking subbing Nooo AMNESIA Fuck yeah! This is why i subscribe to this channel so fucking awesome! haha next episode you gotta go to the big forest where you spawnd sly its a boss in there your gonna shit cars",23,0,5,5,0,27,0 1177,X1178,Uhmmm... That must be wrong NO ONE can get 900.000 likes in like ONE hour... Fun fun I don't know what fun is! Dude you are like 20... Get. A. Fucking. Life. Yeah as you said there is a lot of people asking this question and you just gave the same answer... DO NOT RECOMMEND SHOES! EVER! People have so different feet... You're just wasting ppl money... He tried to do a OVER-G landing Fake! I love scottish english! Its sounds so fucked up! Search for glasgow gangs and click on the video with a ginger... What the hell!? They don't even know how to carry a wounded/dead human... Over the shoulder if you carry people like they did it could just end up in damaged spines and neck damages... Why the fuck is this video 18+? Is it a original by them or have they copied another song again? I imagine you in the bed :) I got the ultimate solution for lonlieness! Its called CHATROULETTE Your voice is so different! Fuck these types of show where people try to show how indredibly healty they are!,15,0,3,1,0,22,0 1178,X1179,BRAVO RE KLAJDI!! i totally agree with you!!,2,0,4,5,0,25,0 1179,X1180,... ... ...,3,558,3,1,0,31,1 1180,X1181,Keren banget chingu... Daebak!!! Semoga sukses dehfighting!! ^^ It sounds like orgasmic in your ears. Aaaaargh can't wait can't wait any longer!!!! This is definitely can throw away all the rubbish so called summer music out there. Taeyang looks like wearing a batik 333 WOW Bang! in Japanese sounds GREAT!!!I bet After School will be a legend in Japan.Nana looks so gorgeous 333 double eyelid doesn't always mean beautiful. Natural it does always mean beautiful... Woww they're sexier than SNSD!! kekeke God bless them. Hoping the best for YG upcoming girl group! She's so fun and down to earth! God bless her 3 God bless her with that talent and hard work. All the best and hope for YG upcoming girl group! Jennie-yaaaa~ saranghae ne dongsaeng~,9,0,4,5,0,21,0 1181,X1182,He should have named the grey one slinder Boy if somebody would have called my mom an idiot...BEHIND HER BACK there would have been a fight That was a suck ass ending,3,1,4,1,0,17,0 1182,X1183,Her Voice is beautiful *_* Du bist ja ein ganz hbscher,2,0,2,5,0,22,0 1183,X1184,i have used all of the masks and they r really good FUCK OFF ! who cares how much stuff u (no 1) have this just means ur spoilt while u have spent tones in jack wills people in Africa are starving 2 death plus whats wrong with saving a bit of cash? The lawn is the grass and the garden is the area. blooper - tv -darn sky sports did u go 2 the jw ins salcombe or ur local 1? r u Irish ?,6,1,3,5,0,16,1 1184,X1185,AWWWWW3 You already are fucked up.. So that's what you look like without make-up. Not her legs her stomach she's pretty but it's not natural. Just stating my opinion. I guess I'm the only one who doesn't say that stuff.. i love her but...she I cut so why would i hate? IT'S OUR RELEASE? It was mine too. So how about you stop. thanks. :) he's amazingly gorgeous....didn't see that coming. :P The lady at the counter was a fat bitch. Lmao. AWWWW HE'S SO CUTE. i think she's really pretty tough.... Hana is beautiful and she is my hero. I love her! 33 THANK GOD YOU'RE ALIVE. I love you so much! You're so beautiful I hope you live a long happy life if I saw you in person that would be the best day of my life. You're super strong so many people believe in you! it's not funny. how the heck would you feel if you had to suffer from that? You dumb bitch. I hope you will try again for another baby and i hope they will live a long happy life with you. 3 God bless your family. what happened to the rat?:( this reminds me of my grandparents /3 R.I.P. Grandma. :'( You sound like my math teacher! yes they can be! but i just think she looks perfect the way she is if she wants pericings i don't care. i love her look also(: wish my mom was as cool as you. she's a cool mom. other people are on youtube not just teenagers and pre teens. grow up people. you're just jealous that she's having so much more fun than you. she's cute. i wish my mom was like her. o. cute. SHANE DAWSON?!?!?!? um ok thanks for that. i wanna woohoo with Katy Perry. i feel like some of he other expansion packs are a waste of my parents money because this should've been on late night :s I'm still excited to see the features but i want something really new. I agree with everyone. i don't exactly find it fun to pay 40-50 dollars on something that could have been in the same expansion pack. i know i'm not the only one. -_____- Who in the fuck is this bitch? Oh it's Arianna I died. you,28,0,2,5,0,14,1 1185,X452,"Prices. Nuff said. We don't. We use alarm clocks. I personally hate Quagsire (the Pokemon in general). WHY WASN'T THIS REMADE?!?! GOD!!!! Is it too early to have nostalgia for DPt? I'm still going through RSE nostalgia (and the lack of remakes). Very nice but can you make one that includes all the generations? There are a lot of really good songs out there especially generation 3. Ok only 3 so far have... Some people just need to be told because they don't have a clue what they're doing. It's not like she is putting you down in public. Personally I'm glad I was told because I really was fucking clueless. Second base? I think you may have been a little young for that... Oh please you ladies WILL NEVER do that!!! Guess what? There will be 7 buildings now! They already have the designs for WTC 1-5 and 7! They will look awesome! Y'know I never thought Fox News would actually agree with me and the thing we agree on is THESE MUTHAFUCKAS IS CRAAZZZYY!!!! I think the book meant it wasnt ok to lie to mean taking into consideration women had no place in society back then.... but then again nobody on Earth will believe you idiots. I built 1 7 story building and it took me all damn day! (It includes the inside part but still). For example: Poop Crap and Shit. Different words all MEAN THE EXACT SAME THING can be used in the exact same way BUT ARE ALL ON DIFFERENT LEVELS OF BAD. That just does not make sense. How can one label one as bad one as not so bad and one as family-freindly when they are all synonyms? Dude in the Bible there is a whole part that says ,God is Love, and such and I'm an athiest and I'm aware of this! Don't judge dude.... I'm an opinion guy. And I think you would really fit in well with the fucked up Westboro Baptist Chturch. How about ,Democrat,? Why the hell are you so mad? I hope we can get the Universal Healthcare fast because you need a chill pill. XD ...and it was confirmed today that it is Sylveon. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a new type because when you look at the common coloration schemes for types the closest things it would be would be Psychic and Normal and we have Espeon and Normal is redundant. Lets go Light type!! Because they can. And besides the attacks it did does that even remotely look flying type to you? Shooting playing cards (spades) a big ball of light magical stars and a yellow aura thingy? That can't possibly be flying type. I think we are indeed looking at a new type here. Just look at the attacks it did in they trailer! You can't even guess what type those are! Flying playing cards? A new type is almost inevitable. Machamp was. ....Tentacool? He knows!! Tell the CIA!! To be fair 600 million people in China are below the poverty line. Yeah its not racist if everyone laughs at it (except the Arabs if u see what I did there) and you make fun of yourself too. I call it... ,Euro-Trash,! Glenn Beck were you not aware that ancient civilizations had an excellent understanding of math and religion coinciding and at a level that we cannot fully comprehend? And that it was all lost when the dark ages (christianity's fault) made everyone stupid as fuck? Trump really needs to learn how to not take things so seriously. If I called someone an ape they would not sue me. Be realistic. Don't be fucking blind. Challenge of the day- Define Socialism. And they became the nationality that is American. Because our nationality is a mix of various ones.",32,26,3,33,0,14,0 1186,X1187,"best intro ever HAHA LOL THESE INTROS ARE GETTING BETTER! always have to be a bellend. i said to my mate im going for a shit n he said record it so i did this is the end result :) DFD REP RES ENT ! hes better than he ever was now. LOL 3:29 FUNNIEST SHIT YET! amazing video cheers byte! im going of other peoples replies :) Dumbfounded never ever stop what you're doing.. you're music is a blessing keep it up cheers alex. press 9 and enjoy ROFL house music is the shitttttt 3 ratata 3 legend not backing anyone even if i love TMW but by the sounds of it you don't have a clue you're self.there learning by doing and going by that you're going by shit people put in books. PHD in nutrition etc no offense but i think you should stick to just making videos from YOU'RE point of view and why you don't agree with stuff that is sold etc. not making video reply's to other channels videos. hodgetwins health4thoughlowcarbcory scooby etc all have been doing fitness for YEARS. just for having mrs jones i have 100% more respect for you than before :) FUCKING LOL i like the beginning.... were i get dbl'd ffs :( dafuq boxxy. arthur just shat on son ROFL i listen to this before i hit the gym thanks for the inspiration to push myself harder! CHEERS CHRIS! learn to bake. ya downer i have nothing against either side i love the hodgetwins and respect them and follow them im not going to tell you to shut up or anything like that im going to say a few simple things they train and pass on what works you are doing the exact same they say ,do what ever you want, is there disclaimer... bust1n being dire as ever ROFL love watching the difference between beavern n stefans aim why so shakey beav?",24,47,8,24,0,25,0 1187,X1188,Anyone know what kind of microphone that is? Mind taking a look at my cover of BAAB? Thanks! ( I know it's not that great comparatively so if you don't want to I don't mind) Cool I've used PS (not on this channel) but never cinema 4d 3d looks really hard Thanks! Did you make this? What? Not sure if 1 is on purpose or just really bad speller idk I enjoyed it roflcopter This is too awkward but funny as hell. He has a different voice style that probably isn't that great for EDM though the autotune wasn't too bad Check out my cover of this? Thanks it's nowhere as good as this though. He looks like Macklemore How will they explain this to their children? New games only is a great idea but I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford new games/movies unlike others. I had to upload a presentation and one of your boob titles was the first thing people saw in my spanish class as I logged in... Bravo,17,80,3,5,0,27,0 1188,X1189,Why wouldn't they write their own music? Not everyone is an untallented pop artist. Some can actually write music. I'm pretty sure he was just kidding lol @Richard Contreras Your tone is undesirable to put it nicely. Sounds pretty good. Personally I would like a little more trebble and a little brighter of a sound.,4,0,3,5,1,16,1 1189,X1190,#AskTravie Would you date a jamaican girl?? #askTravie Do you like caribbean girls?? LAWL is tht on high 200? #Asktravie Do you like caribbean girls?? HAHAlolu guys are so cute i bet tht was orange juice:) abby is there!!:) THIS IS SO AWESOMEU guyz hit the moves so perfectly not every black person stealsand dont act like other races dont steal too lol!!this is funny this is really awesome this is awesomehe is just umm i cant even describe it wth tara????i think that tara picked a horriblejennel didnt like the songi feel bad for jennel too He is so awesomei wish he did get through:( bambi is so out of orderher bf needs to dump her and turning backs This is the first song by justin bieber tht i actually am inlove with:) loly wont he put down the brush:P YOUR VOICE IS AWESOMEkeep it upyou are a great singer cuteee! this is nicei love the song itself but i love it more now:) LMAO #YouKNowYourJamaican if yuh nuh ramp wid yuh bun and cheese whether its easter or not Awwwwwwwwwi LOVE this videou have a great voice,23,3,3,1,1,17,0 1190,X1191,it has hentai type xxx wont matter if you can go super saiyan should of got a honda pachai your so hot lol we use to kick white peoples ass all day in oroville ca now there is no racism lol im buying lol imma king now eating feasting believing religion is endless but befriend this forever relentless with my power you cowards be falling like the towers im in power decomposing bodies of your families tied to your mouth cut throat and beheaded like we do in the south like drug cartels we be running you out hunted like bin laden bomb to your house we thee ruthless when we speak you bitches be silent not loud obedient bitches like yall is what i need in my house lol lol we all do hey i like ur camera what camera were u bloggin with you watch ufc and somehow it gets integrated into your mind and when you get into a street fight you remember how the armbar was use and you try to pull off a crummy armbar only to find yourself getting step on the face lol and then you make a run for it if you can i just need hear you sayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy going up higher hitting a high note and prolonging it would make this song beautiful pretty good cheng we should collab lol hey waat camera do you use novaruku you look like linda vangs twin ;) thats what Overeem gets for talking hella shit got whooped and drop on his ass how embarrassing ntxawm you sound beautiful =),16,8,8,1,1,24,0 1191,X1192,"ASSHOLE!! This whole towns a pussaaay just waitin to get fuuuuuucked! Whats wrong with her hair? :O 2:18... scared the shit out of me! you wanna hear me ROOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR!!!! Share the dicks you both wanna suck xD lmao i died :p she's like 12? and she cant live without him? what the fuuuuuuck is this shit? You're not even hot? I love all the songs you do this to but these things are funny as shit! :Di love you! thats fuckin adorable. finnaly ARK made something worth listening to. wassup allie? wassup allie? Ahahaha. this is great. :p This is so stupid.. While im sure that you are content with your small minded ways lets try and keep our ignorant comments to yourself. Did your parents not pay enough attention to you and just leave you in the church nursery for to long? Is that why you posted this on here? to get the approval of mommy and daddy? Im sure they are so proud of you now for being an ignorant fuck. if they love god so much why do they hate jews? wasnt jesus jewish? This is why other countries hate us. -____- aahhhh i love this (: What part of dont you understand quit being a mocker!hahahaa. YOUR GUNNA EAT,CHA BABIES!!!! Their leader probably had a gay experience and none of this would of happened if the guy would of just called him back. Excuse me Yes yes. im sure all the other children at your PUBLIC school are very impressed that you have a video on youtube that hardly anyone has heard of like 9000000000 other people in the world. Just because your mommy and daddy have money doesnt make you talented.... She still cant sing. Ahahaha. yeah i bet you are. What have you written? She is super talented.",23,0,4,1,1,17,0 1192,X1193,I mad they took 2 Chainz out the song I LOVE THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOUR SELF-CONFIDENCE!!!! I FOUND THE VIDEO JABARI. Why they shirts so big? #TeamAshley I love your voice and Creole Nation!!! We're Creole!!! Also I love Your Voice and I'm #TeamAshley on the Glass House We got YOU!!! I envy you right now You sound GREAT!!,8,2,6,4,1,20,0 1193,X1194,Raku-chan your voice... ow. 3:41 WHAT THE?? But....Rabies has a 100% death rate... and you only know it's there when it's too late... I wasn't sure at first but then I realised that he wasn't moving that much then I clocked xDD genius. OH MY GOD I JUMPED AT THE END. I applaude whoever came up with this it's been in my head all day. 1:08 Oh hi phil xD I actually passed out an hour before the livestream. n'aw that was so cute~ You guys just brightened my day xDDD Aha I didn't expect that TT_TT and I was just about to go to bed. My favourite urban legend is Spring Heeled Jack OuO I don't know why I think he's kinda cool I guess vomiting blue fire sounds rather interesting. How much money has this got you xDD I always thought this sounded a little russian... but I freaking love it. I love it when you do RPGs! u I always want to play them afterwards ^^ Pardon me as I dance like a bloody idiot :3 This is a great song well done guys! :D I shipped it way before they kissed js :'D Omg I saw Cloud Atlas as well I loved it xD I really liked the makeup and how they made them old or asian OuO,18,7,3,6,1,21,0 1194,X3075,"She acts like a school Headmistress. :) It doesn't matter if it was fake or not. Somebody still had to build it. I just wanted a hug... FREAKIN' BITCH. *gak Nice little Dwarf reference there. What a guy. You are the cutest thing alive. Sounds like somebody furiously scrabbling at a locked door trying to escape pursuit. Sounds like Alice is coming to in the streets of London doesn't it? An excellent game but nowhere near as frightening as the original. Perhaps it was the primitive graphics in American Mcgee's Alice that made it so fantastically disturbing? What is the multiple of stylus... Oh yeah! I don't give a shit! The high-pitched noise on that... pad phone... was in fact 3 seconds of the DDR song 'Butterfly' warbled by something reminiscent of WMM and sped up to be repeated 3 times. Ignorant American. Just because we don't all wear retainers and braces at the age of four doesn't mean we all have terrible teeth... Nah the point of the series is for random celebrities to take the piss out of Rob's shitty cars. IT FEELS WARM HANNAH O_O Hearing Mickey Mouse use all the obligatory curses in a few sentences gave me the most enjoyable childhood rape I've ever experienced. Oh boy. The Youtuber Charlieissocoollike. Possibly the best thing I've ever seen. Oh god... not the teabag. Oh you.... stupid.,Wait why're you being mean :c Skip to 7 minutes to see something happen. I'm pretty sure that Heavy is a spy. The show is called NERDY NUMMIES. One Direction is NOT nerdy. You might wanna try beating up an Xbox with something a bit stronger than a spindly little golf club. My God your accent is PERFECT. Yeah... JennaMarbles is nothing like that. Looks like you had a lot more fun with this Rumpleteazer. c: This is actually the best thing ever. Put your tits away. Do you not have standards? I love how Harley says 'Batmayn'. If it's a flow you want I'll be happy to oblige.~WHOA JOKER WHOA I used to listen to an old tape with Disney songs on it and at the very end when Goofy said something I used to run all the way upstairs and hide under my duvet. I am Dave! Yognaught and SHUT THE SMEG UP AND WATCH THE CLIP LIKE AN ADULT. Red Dwarf cake! c: Nailed it. Red Dwarf cake? Pretty pwease? c: Senior prefect of Thorns ladies and gentlemen.",38,86,4,5,0,16,0 1195,X1196,This November will be awesome. I will eat pencils and lick danisnotonfire. I will get a job as a doctor and then kill Benedict Cumberbatch with my elbow. There are some things in this world that are not okay. This is one of those things HERP DERP IMMA WHALE!!1! I LIEK KRILL!!!@@@!#$ THOR ITS THE FIFTH DOPPLEGANGER!!!!!,5,3,3,5,1,93,0 1196,X1197,"That's gonna hurt comin out the other end! I'm a female fan!! I choose that lifestyle. I had my weed phase but it fucks with my head too much. I choose not to do LSD and weed. Doesn't mean I judge anyone else who does it. It's not my life. I'm just saying that no drug is truly ,safe,. I had a really hard time watching this one.. ahhh this was painful. I find number 13 extremely attractive. this is the funniest video in the world! Can I just be her? Gah! So gorgeous with a beautiful voice! I know! I can't find it anywhere either!!! I love how she's not ashamed of all the trash she carries around. lol hahahaha fucknut. She didn't even do the Gangnam dance... Thank you! Seriously.. da fuck? 15th in Portland! Saw him in concert on Thursday. This song touched everyone. Amazing! Does it make you feel good about yourself to be so rude to Nichole? ,Stuck up bitch,? really? Keep your negative comments to yourself or stop watching her videos. repeat. repeat. repeat. repeat. repeat. repeat. Allllll night long. Have you listened to her other stuff? She's nothing like TSwift. Well technically you don't HAVE to respect him. But there is nothing we can do about that fact that he's in office for another 4 years so we kinda just gotta accept it.But asking for Republicans to respect Obama is a lost cause.",20,3,4,5,1,29,1 1197,X22,"And LOL he did XD I got one yur mama is so fat when she got hit with a bus she said who through that rock at me thumbs up if u liked my jk Yur mama breath is so stanky that the tic tacks went on strike Capition: ROFLMAO (roll on floor laugh my ass off ) yur mama's breath is so stink that the tick tacks went on shrikeyur mama is so fa twhen i ran around her i beated terry fox's recored yur mom is so fat when a bus went by she said , STOP THAT TWINKY, The person u copied wont be happy now who would take a bite out of a blue apple LOL now 152 D: lol so were paying with love instead of reall money that works :P she looks lost at 2:24 LOL LMAO ROFL lazy song lol Lol (: Yur a angel and dont u forget u sing like one :) ily :D Im sure justin loves you too :) 20 LIKES AND ILL WAVE MY IPHONE INFRONT OF MY TEACHER SINGING THIS XD K 5 likes and ill sing this at lunch in the hallway at my school xD Cant stop googling myself Defintion of googling= MasterbationBlog me= Fuck me xD Enter message But it is pretty good since your sick so.... Yeah DAAAAAAAAAMMM are u an angel :D 3 3 3 Bro my Birthday id on December 31st and the best birthday pressent would be arresting KONY like if u agree :D Btw We care He gets what he deserves Hey its me Amanda :] DONT MAKE FUN OF MY NAME OKAY THIS ISNT MY ACCOUNT And good job :DD 3 3 FUGLAY ;] THISE 540 PEOPLE ARE DUMB !!!!!! Then u see the girl behind her LMFAO! Why aree u wearing gloves? LOL pussy frog xD since when do boys have pink phones u have no life and we dont have a life for watching this LMAOO Why are you guys lying to her She cant sing She needs to lose weight and if you guys keep telling her that shes Really good at singing and too keep her up She gonna keep doingg it and people are gonna say bad stuff Im not tryingg to say She SUCKS! Im saying she just needs to learn and look more better and get singing lesson's thats all :) Why are you guys lieing to her She needs to lose weight Get healthy Get more singing lessons And if you guys just keep telling her shes really good then shes gonna keep dinging not saying its a bad thing But i dont want anyone's feeling to get hurt if she posts another video singing And someone says somthing bad :) SLUT+WHORE=SLORE=Her^ Whats up with her EYES! now i know who to call to paint my walls ..",33,5,5,8,0,18,1 1198,X1199,OMG...they made a movie about me and Hugh Laurie's love...... I WOULD BE HAPPY TO SUCK HIS BALLS THANK YOU! DR. WHO VS. DR. HOUSE!!!!!!!! :D Sherlock Holmes vs. Dr. House the host3 is it me or does the phrase 'shine bright like a diamond' going over the chorus don't really fit..? well after 100 tries....i got nothing. meg and belle was SPOT ON! personally if your going to do a competition song don't pick a song that will work on your emotions. if her emotions didn't take over i felt she would've done amazing. ...defend the true underground...cause its not bitches kissing all over each other...this is a sad example of the EDM culture. they look like fucking terrorists i don't know who was the vocal instructor for this production but they obviously don't know what they were doing when they were working with her. She has a beautiful voice but she can not pronounce her words correctly...that should be the first thing too work on for a musical! other than that it was great. please do Dr. House vs. Sherlock Holmes. you are adorable! :) nice tutorial! Kingsley this was the greatest idea ever! love you! yall need to leave this girlie alone! she is so ADORABLE3 he claims his a DJ but he only presses play and acts out the part hence the fact that he had to get a tech crew up there and fix the 'problem.' he produces great music in the studio but performance wise his a horrible DJ. If you wanna see a REAL DJ go check out someone that actually mixes songs LIVE using vinyls. Technical mistakes happen all the time but with a real DJ you won't see a 'tech crew' run on stage and fix anything. The DJ fixes the prob and you hear them come back into the show. shes pretty but im sorry Amy Lee is sexier ;) and she doesn't have to throw her boobs around to prove it you sir are adorable! =3 and aladdin was deff my fav3 every single one of those GIRLS look so SICKLY!!!,20,16,6,1,1,20,0 1199,X1200,Dam you funny What the hell! He was tired like hell You are cute This is not faded!? Wtf You fucking dumb ass! Daaaaaaammmmmm My shoes are way better the this shit Where that app The Conductor Was On Point . This Bitch Need Too Stop . Maybe Try Something Else . Or Just STFU . Thank You . Daaaaaaammmmmm Lol Fuck off What the fuck !!!!!? I WOULD HAVE BEAT THE FUCK! OUT OF THAT TEACHER! IF THAT WAS ME I BET YOU WON'T LEAVE THAT SHIT THERE! LOL :),18,1,2,5,1,22,0 1200,X1201,Baby girl and he can't see how much you're worth than he does not deserve you! You will find better and someone who will always love you and ONLY you. You can't give up. If a man got me a puppy i'd marry his ass right then and there lol. Damn baby where you live? lol ;-) Lol DAMN. What the hell happened to Rihanna. - All songs should be like this!! instead of being about smacking ass smoking weed -.- Omg he look juss like him.. his eyes doe!! You act like it's 10 years old or something..,9,36,5,3,1,23,0 1201,X2264,@suicidesilences you would have to be suicidal not the believe in allah. I would also like to take this moment to say to muslims I have total respect for your true and beautiful religion and please don't chop off my head. White people were called cracker ,38,3,4,5,0,28,0 1202,X1203,"This damn legal system fucking up peoples lives for past mistakes (murder rape and etc are exceptions) when they try to change and same on people like Hansen who make their lives worse. The ,Parasites, are there because of the countless countries Britain invaded (Black people indians) and some british people reproduced with them and that why nowadays these ,parasites, African-English Indian-English people are there. So they are not ,parasites, they are half British people too so you are insulting your own country men @FabolousChrisshonda you know what this is way better then the parents fighting. I can actually connect to this better then my famiky fighting for me. You got a good point on the esteem boosting i was being bullied in 8th grade and my family forced me to it sin't zombies and shit. People love to blow shit out of proportion these days don't buy into the hype i bet nostrdamues feels stupid ( i know i probably spelled his name wrong) BLACKHOLES Blerp blorp!! RELEASE THE DOGS!! TOTEN! kudos to those cops fucked that pyschopath shit up @doomraccoon12 I'm an atheist bu I probably heard this only once. we don't become atheist because of silly songs we think about it. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! YOU ATE MY CHIPS! LMFAO this was the fault of religion he would never have gone homicidal if they were Muslim boys. Some of you say it isn't because you weren't raised as strict as most Muslims are being indoctrinated. I have a muslim friend who i had (i know this maybe disgracful) who i had casual sex with her pyschopathic brother came at me with a knife ,In the name of Allah, i had to crack him in the face with a bat. i thought he chopped he head off i was like ,DAAAAMN HOLY SHIT, @Alii Kaimi where are these roits and food shortages happening in america now? @Aaron Benton im an atheistand I find this hilarious I wonder how tough these gangs would be against an abrams tank or an apache helicopter These are some terrible suicide bombers Fuck it #YOLO LMFAO They could have shot him not lethal shots but in the leg",19,3,3,6,1,21,0 1203,X1204,"and oh my god you weren't afraid to say my full username! and you actually knew what i meant to say too. awesome :) by the way i just got one of those fuckers in the mail today how long did it last u? not to be rude but the thumbnail seriously looks like you're holding a dildo.. fuck you. no she actually doesn't suck dick at all because she hasn't had a serious boyfriend in a long time and she has these annoying things called morals. dark eyebrows are beautiful as long as you shape them. you're inspiring. i like you. thankyou!!! thanx so much. looking forward to being twinzies with you with the bracelets :) my friend usernameyoulike invited me to your channel! i subscribed :) your hair is so damn pretty. do u guys curl it everyday or something? cuz weed is SOOOOO bad right? you're a bitch and you have ugly teeth. a real onion!? :D is that boy a little slow? um i'd be stoked about a rusty old pickup truck. but my parents would never even buy me that. this chick needs to be shot. pliars. like literally oh my gosh lol the crying one looks like i did when i was little. the ring. lmao meat sticks. lol sounded like u said ,my cousin who's hung, your eyes are HUGE am i the only one who thinks its weird that her parents got her belly rings?",24,168,3,17,1,19,0 1204,X1205,"Dear epic lloyd I am here on behalf of my friend who is constantly bullied at my school by people for being ,annoying, and having a Jew fro. (I'm not saying this offensively im Jewish also.) People (bitch ass whore cunts that they are)constantly beat him up and destroy his self-esteem. He has a mild case of asbperger's syndrome. Please destroy them. There are lots of these people so feel free to call them whatever you like ;)-sincerely mars It was a good movie but I wanted more of the cows they werent in it enough. R.I.P :'( only 3 more to go!!! Wow... so original! Kanye are you on the police cars again?! Oh god can we get some sunglasses over hear we need a way to lure him out!!! Me also!!! Thank god there is someone else here with a brain Thanks!!! Subsrcibed Thank god another 13 year old with a brain One direction IS going in one direction... and it isn't straight MMA *In addition you have no idea how much Germany has contributed to the language and culture you belong to.",13,3,3,5,0,16,0 1205,X1206,Zaraz Polska :) Co ja pacze przecierz to jest ..... zajebiste masz apencje :) a strange the island of fear ja pierdole ona tak brzydko piewa e a mi sie wosy na karku jerz ze strachu. WTF Kill Him This is Zombie AAAAAAA jaki ciota... troche dziwny jest ten mod bo jak go zainstalowaem to wogle tych nowych ukw nie byo tylko grzyby :( ale prbowaem paczowa tylko e od nowa musiaem odnowa pobiera mine crafta ja sie nazywa ta muza 0:10 0:20 ? ey klimastarega jak masz skype to zobacz moje zaporoszenie ja ci na skype wysle linka do download i do forum Przez Cb Mam teraz 5-7 kb/s a miaem 20-30 kb/s thx szmato adna jest :D :D to jest proste jak ruchanie :D ProGramI100 itemhoshi ma pancerze ale trzeba sie w niego zmienic on je ma Zajebiste :D kto tak uwaa apkowa w gr :D :D Polska Przejmujemy Fajny zombie mod fajne mapy nowe rodzaje zombie polecam wedug mnie zjebane te miechy w oddali dobrze wylizuje :D,21,0,3,5,0,21,0 1206,X1207,Finnaly herobrine!! The moment of truth.. WTF IS THAT AGRJJRDTTUIOOO!!!!! FUCK WITH US JEFFRY... OK! :D I CANT STOP LAUGHING LOL!!! IL STOP YOU WITH MY PEE PEE HAHA!!! God is real i love jesus! this made me cry lol online whores the joker vs jeff the killer!! for a holloween special! fuck the radiers thats why we beat them we run the bay bitch whos got it better then us?! lol white people cant dance Damn Communist basterds you have to do exactly what i do in the video gay ass song gay ass song fucking love harry potter :) Are you fucking kidding me everyone knows this spot Lol Wtf Bob marley vs marthin Luther king Jr What the Fuck did I just watch? I'm alone :( Wtf,21,5,4,4,0,32,1 1207,X1208,both of u r great !!!!! 3 very nice =))) luv it...3 3 you are full of tattoo =((... nice video btw =P all of them r very good actors =)) its fake(everyone knows that =D not only you :P) and great =D =P thank u its great =) it's so cute =),7,2,4,5,0,17,0 1208,X639,"lol @ Evan Turner Or Chris Smoove? Thumbs up if he should continue to grow that badass beard! 0:58 was just sick! 36 0:07 I like how he makes fun of himself :) 0:52 genius! i think Sefolosha deserves his own video.. Sefolosha deserves his own video... 0:01 Tim Duncan's Fingers lol he doesn't jump he flys... wow we have a lot of basketball experts here... get a life... the freethrow windmill from James White was sick...! nice T-shirt girl :) it looks better if you slam your knee against one bottle.. watch ,worlds fastest interview ever, on youtube... he should wax them... watch other videos from one he mocks his rebublican racist dad. stop bitching around about nr. 1. That was a huge play... it's always the same. One muslim did something bad and automatically every muslim is bad. thats just pure ignorance... running away from lions? some african runners began to run so they could escape from the poverty. This gave me a derection... yeah god is love. but if you don't love him you're going to hell. seems legit yes he has well how old is it then? ah sry i mean 3.048 mwell it is ca. 3m tall shut up and enjoy the music! Travel? Yes no sick youtube money alley-oop passes are very difficult... solid player Bobby's high as fuck! so beautiful i miss summer",38,0,2,5,0,18,0 1209,X1210,skip: AHH I CANT BREATHE FUCKbeau: FUCK IM GONNA DIE FUCKluke: FUCK JAMES HOLD MY HANDjames: I HAD MY EYE OPEN FUCK jai: mmk that's bad...k teemo destroys garen no kennen? TONY IS BACK!!!!!!1 runescape...league any game i'll follow you ali you rock! LOL i get it... *deep* this version shits on glee :( lol ur liam is so funny he caught him out... because he knew he could win. The fuckhead had no reason to spray him +1 for Tom umm what? lool go naut! dip n dots are actually the best... do they still exist?,12,46,5,3,0,16,0 1210,X1211,This guy is actually damn catchy and good.. Damn.,1,12,3,7,1,21,0 1211,X1212,wats the first and 2nd Aye at least hes not as bad as xbox players at least there not like super squekers the accent blocks that a little his music i dont like it as much hell yea we were bored you suck at breaking things fuck birds I GOT THAT SAME FUCKING SHIRT I LOVE YOUUUU!!!!!!!!!!! 0:56 OMG,10,1,3,5,0,15,0 1212,X1213,She's like a million times better than on x factor. I really wish I didn't have a face for radio so I could work on this Morning and get to laugh and eat all the time! Holly and Phil are hilarious! SMELL THAT MUFFIN! Haha Pete you look like those people from the DON'T DRUGS AND DRIVE advert from a couple of years ago! the push downs are they for triceps? the arms... i love it Another masterpiece. So talented Nichole. Where exactly ARE YOU today? I would like to know where IT IS that your supporters have propelled you to. wtf ew he's vile,9,0,3,5,0,21,0 1213,X1214,This maze was great this year everyone was on there game and idk I like the finale the girl playing Carrie scared the crap outta me That was amazing That was awesome #Team Jack More more more! Slenderman vs la llorana,5,6,4,3,0,16,0 1214,X1215,dave needs a British accent Kick me! 2:06 4 cute British guys and 1 cute Irish(Niall) if you really appreciate his music you should wish the best for him! watch logo house! ed is everywhere 3 17:45-18:01 And now you know you're beautifulta da daso you're no longer beautiful. LLN i bet danielle is pretty proud of Liam! dumb VEVO ad..,9,1,4,4,0,20,0 1215,X1216,Nigga you dumb. Quit with your hatin' ass. This is good. :) Keep your head up. Forget the rest. You got this. :) So being haters. just cos you guys can't look as good. Like you would have the confidence to do shit! Nana it's AWESOME! :D Nana! This is great. Keep your head up... those of you out there quit hating on her. Just because you guys lack the thing called confidence. Seriously gtfo or something. Immature asses need to get a life fer'shuree. It's sad to see you guys hate on someone you can't be. Pathetic lil' shits! NANA YOU'RE AWESOME! GOOD LUCK STAY STRONG. :) LMFAAAAAOOOOOOOOOO.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SERIOUSLY? SOMEONE SHOULD BUST'A CAP IN YO ASS! FER'REAAAAL THO! THIS IS NICOLE LMFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO!!!!!!!!!! I think I just fell in love. I love you Anthony R. Baeza! c: I think I just fell in love!!!! ^-^ Omg!!!! This shit go hard! Keep my swisherrrr rolled! c: I think I just fell in love. You're so beautiful! :) there is no f13! -____- Is Kid Ink even singing? Or is that just Pries?!!!,12,0,6,5,0,23,0 1216,X1217,"7:00 I tend to do an imaginary reloading sequence for no reason other that I am bored. This song is so addictive. The learning curve is very small you point at things and shoot but you can definitely increase the skill range assuming you get the most out of the tight controls quick thinking and fast reactions. Definitely. I like being behind the trend because I get to buy great games for cheaper prices. I thought the same thing it's such a stupid plot. I understand that other Call of Duty campaigns have traitors like MW2 or people behind the scenes like in BO but at least they were built up to that point. It's not the same with this one. This has to be the least insightful show. Haven't played the game. What was wrong with it? I mean in a practical point of view. Yeah I prefer ghost this way. Campers can't hide.But they need to fix footsteps. Otherwise Ninja and Awareness are useless. You represent the role model player. Very impressed. Perfect Valentine day song That was pretty cool. Tip for playing dead that has worked since COD4: Play dead overlapping an actual dead body for guaranteed success. The containment areas are made of hundreds of thousand dollar soundproof and lightproof fiberglass. Not your typical five-dollar fish bowl. Stay in school kids. You must be missing the ,Aggression, part. They should have just showed all their playthroughs. We're here for them not the game. They sound like they're having an awesome time. Ain't that the truth. Wish people would just ignore them. Not very interesting but I'm not here for the game anyway. I want to see if anyone has ever curb stomped that zombie kid lol. 13:45 I swear Larry let out a grunt. Just listen closely right after Lee says Four. He was alive. If you do CPR correctly you can actually see and hear Larry take a breather just before his head is smashed in. Larry was ALIVE. He's always been clumsy even as Twilight's assistant. They're only emphasizing on that trait for this episode.It's like in the episode ,Dragonshy, where Fluttershy was so afraid of everything even her own shadow.",21,14,4,5,0,24,0 1217,X1218,Oh shiet Honda prelude and its H22! Boiy! sorry Yuung kel i had to say it! They Removed it! :( SEAN!!!!!!! . (The Face of Ryan Saying Meterors*) i like 11 of them the rest is hekkka ugly If She is awful ur ugly :) Ihre sehr schon und du bist so gut halten die gute Arbeit :) i threw up bvecause i was eating war heads and watching this Dayum finally had sex after I wanna fuck you hmm? How many years? aha jk Akon love ya OH Shiet She Has The Rights to hit her Shes A bitch not a women anymore:D She was a Teacher im a former student And who is ur cousin? 1 reason why im a guy and i listen to it is Jasmine V. is in it She is helluh fine :D Yo muh boy... i was scared ass fuck!!!! This took longer than agents of secret stuff :( Kinda dissapointed it doesnt look like the old nsx but nice car tho i just love the 619 + Spear = easy win Finally! V- Tec Cracked Yo!!! 2856 You should keep Singing! :) Dayuuuum! Spechless!!!! Keep it Up!,20,0,3,5,1,23,0 1218,X1219,Good:) Wow you guys are super greatt:) You are ahhh-amazinggg:) You are really good:) this is really good:) you have the greatest smile ever:D Cokee:) really nice tank,8,2,5,5,0,22,0 1219,X3246,This is one of best numbers your tooth ar a little bit ugly but your voice is good:) I whip m yy hair right now She IS fashion Hoe slecht wil je het hebben? Katy Perry Part of me = Call Of Duty your are really pritty and your voices is good. Maybe its really good. I dont no? BAD weard BAD and its only the same. BAD its only the clip. I like songs like super bass. NICE VOICE mega funny Dit is toch greyson chance? Hij wel erg goed natuurlijk maar heeft wel een meisje stem want hij heeft de baard nog niet in de keel gehad. Wel jammer trouwens dat hij niet op zijn coole piano speeld. Die heeft hij wel bij waiting out side lines. awesome! She is ugly and she cant sing! Haha i love this Thats not Selena 1. Ariana Grande wins!2. Keke Palmer wins!3. Bella Thorne wins!4. Debby Ryan wins!5. Vanessa morgan wins!6. Jennette mcCurdy wins! (booth not beautifol)7. Selena Gomez wins! (booth beautifol) I love that girl on 2:36 this is faked. This is beautifol it's much better than the orginal! VET goed weet je dat je zo vaak bekeken bent dat je boven aan staat als je mia intypt! :) i love her! waar woon je? she cant live with all her fans! but i love her!!! he is so cute I am 11 years and i play this on my viola. She is cute! But shes playing good. NICE!! beautifol you can sing beautifully but this song does not fit in so your voice :) You sing very well but this song does not fit right with you voice.PS: are you sick? Sometimes you sound a bit like that could be caused by the camera. :) ik vind jullie zoooooo goed en vooral de danser !!!!Sarah you guys are soo good kiep up the good work its so freaking bad WTF t-shirt???,38,0,2,5,0,28,0 1220,X1221,can you say hi to Abbie White? please 8:12 .... ._. omg im the bandana girl who was freaking out!! haha! mmmmhmmm XD 1:46... 0_0 i believe i just sharted my pantaloons.. i sowwieee again ._. im crazy around ppl who have more than 10 subscribers... lol,6,1,5,5,0,32,0 1221,X291,"I loooooove this Poor cat :(( I can tell by that meow that he is sad or maybe upset. Aww AWESOME \m/ What the hell She's getting better and better when she's singing live! Awesome! hey orange what do you do if you cross pear and marshmallow orange do you like passion fruit hey orange do you agree that grapefruit's so mean to all the fruits in the kitchen orange how long grandpa lemon live in your kitchen a chili chimi cherry and cherry changa orange is the freezer really hunted hey orange does pear like be on fire my favorite pun is wining 1 migit apple in a new kitchen a water bottle Lol :))) @orlandocastill0 someone deatroyed the 69 thumbs up :( Is it ,D I N O S A You are a Dinosaur, or ,D I N O S A U R a Dinosaur,? Im confused 0.0 Kaye Mayes you're fake. Dumbo Cats 3 Possesive little bitch eh? I hope she makes more of these. I miss you v-logs quite terribly. Her first vlog in ages. PRAISE THE LORD! THANKS SO MUCH FOR POSTING! :) Hey everyone! you should check out my trade video. I've got tons of songs and maybe we can trade :)watch?v=AkHFEPrHXcc check out my trading video. I've got loads of rare songs (even the newly leaked ones like under my head)watch?v=AkHFEPrHXcc I will never fucking shut up until you fucking shut up bitch Right now I'm looking for Nashville (the one she wrote not the cover) full version of R-E-V-E-N-G-E and full version of Wait For Me. I already got my Crazier alt a few days ago. So yeah.",32,1,3,4,0,20,0 1222,X1223,HOLY ICONIC THIS WAS AMAZING. ASDFGHJKL AMAZING. ASDFGHJKL ahh AMAZING!! LY JASON! 3333 That title is really upsetting... SARAI'S COUSIN IS HOT ;0 mine doesnt even touch my nose.. I just looked up two kids and a sandbox.. I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU DO NOT LOOK AT IT. Idk why but I burst out laughing for 10 minutes straight when he said spaghetti xD This perfectly describes the situation I'm in right now3 This reminds me of the lion king idk whyxD I just choked omfgxD I love all of them but no hate.. Matheus's body roll thing wasn't attractive it creeped me out..xD I miss this so much:( I miss talking to the boyz everyday at the hotel the insiders i had with them;/ ik this is fake but whats the second clip from when everyone's screaming and scared? They should do a video when hey're shirtless the whole time. Electro: AAAHHHHHMos Wanted: AHHHH RNG: AAHHHHH 8 Flavahz: uhhh Loved it!:) Its @ICONiac4ever1 btw:) From 16 to 9...... Can we go back to April 14th 2011? When everything was perfect? Everything was so simple. No drama. 14 boyz. I miss this. I miss them being a group. Its so sad to see so many leave. But Tony Vinny Madison Mikey Louis Nick and Jason will always be ICONic Boyz. Once an ICONic Boy ALWAYS an ICONic Boy. 3 WORM ATTACK. Imma start saying that. Ik we dont talk but I've been through really similar things. I'm here if you need to talk to anyone. Just stay strong33 You're really beautiful by the way:) This video makes me so happy. I cry every time I watch it. Mostly because it just reminds me how much I owe him. He's gotten me through so much I owe him my life. I wouldn't be alive without him. I'm so so proud of how far he's come and I know one day he's gonna be huge. One day he'll have millions of girls screaming over him. I'll be able to say I've been here since the beginning. When that passes I'll still be there. And even though I can't wait to see what's next I want it all back3 Considering how mature she is I think its ok for her to wear the makeup and heels But I dont have an instagram cuz I cant afford an iPhone or an IPad or a new iPod :( A singer on youtube look her up lol Tyler's dimple though3333 Dear HWEplease stop being so cute it kills us. SincerelyEnders everywhere no school the spirit in everyone THE FOOOOD the prettiness of all the decorations of everything3,29,23,3,2,0,31,0 1223,X1517,YES I FOUND ANOTHER REDDITOR MASTER IS GONNA BE SO PROUD ;D ACTUALLY NVM THE CHOCALTE DONUGHT cant stop laughing the last one is just pure evil!! XD sometimes i forget they are the same person ouch it didnt work for me but did this help. do you have to delete meta.inf for this to work because when i started minecraft meta.inf wouldnt appear in my minecraft bin so i cant delete it. any advice? but the chicken was still alive.... weird i saw this on smoshextras before this came out oh it was probably just wind all of my friends are weird anthony has a girlfirend i but i know he has it is their funniest video XD childhood=ruined.. i thought my life was saved when we switched to timewarner cable but i was wrong. my parents installed an internet thing that has has every freaking arabic channel on it known to man.... what do i do now? swoozie is better then any other youtube channel and deserves to be to subscribed it was a stack of 8 ores who said i mined only 1 diamond? 0:49 buuurrrnnnn Dear Ryan Can you do fpsrussia? Is it bad that i was eating a twinkie while watching this? I love his impression of her XD James Bond vs. Black Widow stolen top comment from long time ago poor kid DERP DERP DERP DERPPREPREPRPEPREDER JLOIE James Bond vs. Black Widow! First Video; What the fuck??! XD He ate it in 11 seconds... He lights a match that was hidden in his wallet at 1:03 look very closely at him pull the dollar out James Bond vs. Black Widow i had to use the bathroom really bad and i just started watching.. im gonna risk it wish me luck,30,1,3,5,1,15,0 1224,X1225,"Intellectually Stimulating - I learned something new about my religion by a non-Muslim. Extreme views can be misquoted from every religion for example according to the Old Testament Jesus says - 'I havent come to bring peace Ive come to bring war - if you dont have a sword sell your garment and buy one'. There are crazy people all over the world - a minority with huge consequences and thats why the majority in Muslims Jews and Christians have an immense responsibility. (Hamza Yusuf) BIG UP its about my personaaint nothing like a man that can do what he wanna I have to watch it again! 10 mins = 10 million A SQUEEZY has a got strong and powerful personality: them actors musicians footballers directors (etc) looked intimidated and pressured. I mean 50 cent's lost for words at one point and he's a rapper. This guy brings back down to earth reality check - HELLO!!!Original and fucking hilarious!!! well done very impressive good blend of music and art i wish had the confidence to draw something as telling and beautiful as on my interrior wall... exciting and original... yeah!!! the fame is making its mark she looked like a princess in smile... There is something about her expression when she says 'what did you do that for' and 'i didn't know what to say'... I don't know what to say! Youn never hit women never not even in battle or war... excatly never. She needed help she probably felt threatened she was that kid once. My school merged with an all white school and they treated us like aliens. They never been so close to a pakistani before they could not help but stare. Someone needed to just start a conversation with her so she would stop swearing. Ask her why she felt that way.I see insult as insult: race fat hair - by the way your hair looks cool! Firstly i only think that she felt confident enough to go on like that because she had i child on her lap. If not that black woman would have mashed her up something crazy. She needs help though. She was once that child. And to grow up with them values fixed into your head create that kind of ignorance. BUT YOU NEVER HIT A WOMAN. If that guy sat behind the racist woman hit her i would have stopped him. (I wasn't there) she is confusing 'english' with 'british'. its not about skin colour coz she's at it with the polish too. it is about colour as well though. she is drunk. What qualities do you need to be British?1) White2) Chav3) Ignorant4) Job seekers5) Hate everyone except people who are not BritishWhat ever you think it is all I know is that I LOVE BRITAIN. And it's not this. what do i need to do? how long does it take? i am 200lbs 6 feet 4 inches age 21. Can do 40 push ups and 15 wide grip pull ups. 20 days increase of 40 kilos approx thats great... did he reach it? Is he jabbing? are these the powerlifting days he talks about... yeah pissing dick they are... WHAT!!! Its figure of speech. Technically we are all slaves. There's is no hierarchy of sort. However the closer you are to God you are generally more respected. But getting close to God is a path full of trials and tribulation. The stone tear drop really cracked my heart. Whatever the myth this protrayal is truly heartbreakingly depressing. Poor Medusa...Beautiful song too ,shadows shape the wall,You got me real hard with this one Patricia and Nik. Good job! Whoever you are... im stupid (clearly) i dont know WHY? And that's the reason i'm doing Engineering at Bradford... the best video i've seen all year no joke. Fucking hilarious. Atleast he had a good go at that itch... Love it awww!!! how wonderful God doesn't sleep drink eat or do anything human. It defies the definition of god itself. By the way god cannot be defined these are facts about god.'Intellect cannot comprehend god but god comprehends intellect' Basically you can never fully know god only what god shows you.Don't understand... well your not supposed to... so shut up and watch hulk kick thor's ass... or which ever way round you prefer it... both maybe definitley... (no spell check sorry) police should really take grapling lessons. get him in a headlock man. why you gripped his waste like a kid crying for his mummy. total joke i'm not dissing just helping as i would someone to help me. I think its immovable not ' In movable'. just thought you'd like to know. What a shot 15:15... Hawk game written all over this episode I've never felt this way about a songmy head is literally flying how do i corn row my own hair is it even possible. my hair is like two fists long. funny measuring units i know. you still have to train hard when you take steriods. this guy can move some weight. but he looks disgusting. errr! 2000 push ups in one hour thats 33.333 a minute lets says 34 equalling a total 2040 an hour. doing 35 a minute possible but doing 60 sets with 10-15 seconds rest is WOW. Bronson holds the title of 1700+ an hour which is AWESOME strength and stamina. I did 500 in hour and half what a fucking failure!!! 4.21 them legs ooh shit. WOW WOW normal pull ups are for muscle strength and gain and faster because you travel less disance but you'll burn out. i think the goal here is to get your chin above the bar as many times as required. like one event is 21 thrusters 21 pulls then 15 then 9 each respectively. when i can't do normal i start doing these swinging butterfly kips. still effective. looks funny ha",33,0,6,5,0,21,1 1225,X1226,2:45THATS ARABIC SAY : I WILL FUCK YOUR MOTHER YOUR MOTHER IS BITCH ! ! ! 10 ! !! ! 0:35 full game ? DOESN'T WORK HELP !!! 0:58400% 100% FAAAAAAIL !! !! !! 3:50 7:35 ! 0111111110 2012 .. ! : ! : 0:23 !,21,1,2,5,0,21,0 1226,X1227,Worm got lost. ohhh btw you are very pretty :) #GMBN You are drop dead beautiful. Lol you are so amazing 333333 My eyes and hair,6,2,4,1,0,19,0 1227,X1228,Shame on him? Other people have to make a living to. You need to work on your grammar..... When you spell were instead of Where it makes me wonder of you really should be going to 8th grade xD Lol. People are so stupid why does she get charged with rape?? Im sure that kid was really suffering having sex with her so many times xD The USs court system is fucked up No vegan diet no vegan powers! This is my comment. Doez I get my card now? Only the Japanese Santa xD Does Gon not get his hand blown off by gensuru in the anime?!? Lol people like them condition there bodies to not get dizzy it take a lot of practice though Unfortunately animes also sets unrealistic goals on how relationships should be so that people waste there time looking for that special person that will never show up or will never meet their expectations. You may think it sounds crazy but for some people (not everyone) this is true. This isnt enhance! I if was enhanced there would be alarm that went of every time he lied! wait nevermind you wouldnt be able to hear the audio at all... I own a ps3 and that was the funniest opening ever!! xD The audience was priceless! xD Can I has game? never played any of the final fantasy series yet Favorite part: 4:52 *walks through the door and sees 10 cops* you shit bricks.... Everybody is sooo stupid... in the cracked minecraft people can make there name whatever they want to. obviously this guy either knows his video is fake or he meet impersonators thinking they were real. But judging by the fact he Forgot hes probably a troll Lol was the Principal wrong? I believe I was talking to Jossa not you. You obviously to young to carry out a intelligent without attacking the person instead of the belief. Forgive me for expecting to much form an evolutionist. Please enjoy the remaining time you have left on this earth since you believe theres nothing after I dont wanna keep you to long. Please go kill yourself... How did I get here from the Boondocks??? Lol I would go out there and start shooting them with a paintball gun playing the part of earth. but in this roleplay i win xD Homeless looking guy tells you to meet him at a remote location tells you to get into the car and proceeds to take you into the woods.... SEEMS LEGIT Just leave trolls alone the media needs to just shut up and focus on more important things. These people sicken me and Im a christian. In the bible it is said that God loves the world and everyone in it. He never discriminates even when we sin he still loves us. The idol that these people are worshipping is no god i know.... Did you ever find the answer to this problem? im having the same... I love this song would this be possible without the 7th hole? or would it not be the same? WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!,26,8,5,6,0,16,0 1228,X1229,I'll sub if you give me kush's patch ;) Wonder who made this....haha I'm glad you pulled out your excellent high def video recorder! Skype:YourFavoriteeAsian @JunterModz Yea cfg,5,178,4,1,0,22,0 1229,X1230,stop hating off this dude dont hate appreciate i found it while looking for saints row walkthrough halla city esqualla you guys should make this into a tv show it would make millions its a pilllow its a pet its chia pet thumbs up if you have just now realized that it was probably illiana who got her boobs stared at after watching 12 x`s who the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss mmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnddddddddddyyyyyyyyyyy LOL ITS A GOOD FACE wait that was rick ross yea unh is that fresh prince bel air i hear? that ass so big i DIDNT get a boner supaman mutherfuckers!! speak english who is on the other line of this terephone worlds pretiest girl ever in respectful lines of course 5000000000000000 thumbs up for chia buy her a chia pet for her birthday with fighting,15,3,3,7,1,26,0 1230,X1231,Omg.,1,0,2,5,0,13,0 1231,X1232,"ii have all those powders hehe I agree with you with big Sean. his voice... omfg. I love it. I love your bag Can you be mine? Jai OMG I love him We can do that forever if you want My favorite thing everrrr xDDDDDD Acacia you're hilarious OMG this is so funny Aww boo She doesn't even know the words TAYLOR SWIFT LOL Wtf was that??? Lol ,and 911 on speed dial, She sounds like Nina D @saktar01 read the book Justin or Clay??? I love Steve-O :* my weird celebrity crush This is my name xD You're pretty and have a good voice x) Awwww NOOOO ELEPHANT NO NO",21,4,3,2,0,18,0 1232,X1233,Meek is to fuckin good omg. yes its the kit lens i purchased it from bestbuy! I played in an ultimate frisbee game last week and i wore cargo shorts the entire time.. southern cuts! 3:37 are you an idiot? obama was giving his father a medal of honor. he doesnt want him to die.. my god do you have a brain in your fucking head? does anyone know this song???? why do i like this? wtf,8,2984,3,33,0,21,0 1233,X1234,fuck your good! omy godness!! yey!! lol! i recently went to one of there concerts . lol. now i know. hmm hehe they werent that big in christchurch haha nearly died moshing it though ! so hott!! was loving it though haha! hayleys so cool! amazing as always you guys are amazing you are really amazing oi !!! love it:) kemo,6,16,5,14,0,17,0 1234,X1235,Shut up white boy The jews??? Shake N Bake IE!!! OMG Q looks so hot in the video =P,3,1,5,5,0,30,1 1235,X1236,He probably lost a duel XD What are you playing this on? shame he gets killed :( Is it just me who finds gangam style annoying? I am a big K-POP fan but is just me who finds it annoying? What can be used as a substitute for essential oils? Can you use other oils like mineral oil or baby oil? Thanks! Enter me! I think everyone would like to say thanks bye the way! Its really generous (I don't know how to spell the words XD) Hehe I know right? Its a really nice place! ^ ^ Enter me ! ^ ^ May we all have a moment in silence for our brothers in the friend zone XD Its their first wash so I was a little shocked. Actually Tetris was wonderful. I think she was a bit confused cuz she rose up on her hindd legs . OOOOOOH!!!! I wish I could get ANY merchandise - strict parents! Have some of the books though. ... but they're in japanese I can't read it XD Cute isn't it? Kinda a christmas present to myself! Check out the shop - its surprisingly cheap with great shipping deals ^0^ 3 One Ok Rock! 3 Guys leave her along ~ I know that chocolate and sweets are bad for bunnies but Chocpie is alive and healthy. If the chocolate was having a bad affect on him he would stop eating on his own . Basically the girls get a boyfriend and the become even more beautiful because of their happy hearts ~ and the song is just showing off the great relationship (the mv) Bigbang rock! G-Dragon! 3 Hehe - check the subbed version the meaning is really funny XD Does anyone know who's acting Chan Doo? Hes in a number of the dramas I watch but I can't find him _ WHEN WAS THIS RELEASED?! Avex still doesn't have it? Or is it just my stupid thingy ma bobby ah! Newsfeedy thingy ~ Wow and I bet you live in a eutopean country right? God how dumb people get these days I would think it's a disease XD How am I supposed to brush up my manliness when I'm a girl XD From the looks of it he only uses his sword against another sword wielder ~ Yh me too getting rid of acne really makes you confident ^ ^ Just be strong and do your best try different cleansers masks and scrubs cuz different things work for different people. Good luck! heres a tip for people who very heavy blood flow especially if you are really small like me. take iron supplements when your on your toms cuz lack of iron can cuz fatigue and many more problems the more blood you lose the more iron you lose does anyone know how to 'play all videos' in a playlist on an abdroid tab?,25,36,3,36,0,44,0 1236,X1198,yea and its comments like that that make women not able to see good men you sick pervert! O HELL YEA!!!!!!!! Hell yea MITT ROMNEY is reaching america.....i only hope people see the good in him and at least give him a chance because with what Obama wants to do....I don't see America Surviving another 4 years of him. jk btw lol America is Screwed even more While obama is in control of it. I dont think there should be a marines if people are just going to kill someone without finding out if they are an enemy or someone inocent. The Killing of a Human being is still Murder No matter who it is. yes he did and i think thats very evil of them these people are suppose to be standing up for america Not giving us a bad image. that dont mean half of the women that have men over there dont go behind their mens back You make a choice when you join the army to leave your wife home for a very long time and alot of women cannot stay alone to long before lonlyness kicks in....Im sorry but if a man chooses to go off and fight for this country he shouldnt have a wife because I know it must be hell to wonder if that next phone call you get is going to tell you the one you love is dead. if she cheats he made her cheat. I COULD DO BETTER!!!!! :P yea and the dude should be arrested for assault so this is how Our Vets are treated now FUCk america and fuck you gang banging wanna bees you just proved to me america Dont have a heart HELLLLLLLLLLL YEAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! He promised to take this country out of the hole were in and LOOKIE HERE were deeper....4 more years and I see america being attacked but then again I think america needs it Since you people are to stupid to believe the truth. Every person that has died in Iraq has died in vain if this country Dies and trust me america can be attacked and it can be wiped out We are not United anymore and I dont believe america deserves the title united. O and obama lied he wasnt the one that killed osama I believe with all of my heart that this is true because Michael is one of god's most well known Arch angels and i know that when god created us he was standing there watching and I bet you he was amazed at what he saw but saddned at what he saw we would become...but with flesh we are open to sins attacks once we die and go home Nothing can ever touch us again. it was.....AWSOME!!!!!!!!! cant wait for next one way they ended the movie shows that there will be another one. HAHAHA dammm #1 comment :) omg all through the song your like wtf she dont love him and at the end your like Ummm wtf is going on here!!!!!!!! :) good song though had me fooled. NOpe blame the assholes on GW2 that go to gold sellers and ruin it for all of us....if you go to a goldseller Site you are the one that fucks it up for all of us. Btw Its not areanet doing it its the fucking players and personally I think they should remove the store from GW2 do that and hackers go away because they wont be able to earn gold. Im sorry but if you all buy into this Media Bullshit You deserve this debt as well as world war 3 when it does come and Trust me it will. RUN FOREST RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good men would have to grow the fuck up and learn How to treat a woman right and stop cheating so I'm all for this. Not sure if this will work but try using i use it alot to put youtube videos on my laptop They lived happily ever after and had many shower babies :P lol then you dont have a real love with her because this right here is what love made for. It saddens me to see people disrespect love like that. ya know what comments like that are why good women with beautiful hearts like this Kill themselves because people like you make them think they will never be accepted in a this world. First of all beauty is on the inside If you dont believe that your full of shit Second of all before you go judging this woman Why dont you look in the mirror at your own Ugliness Because I can tell with a comment like that Your one ugly mother fucker on the inside. RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) ya know what first of all to the dude making this video you are not God's gift to Xbox. Second of all you do not have no respect for anyone that you would treat a boys father like shit when hes in his 50's that shows you are an asshole. I pray this Happens because War is going to kill us all. killing him wont bring the people that died back and what you dont realize is once he is put to death its not going to make the pain in those families eyes go away. America needs to wake the Fuck up ya all are like a linch Mob this is what happens all around the world THE SAD THING IS NO ONE IS DOING A DAM THING TO MAKE THIS WORLD BETTER!!!!!!! lol i was only kidding but hey if I found a nice lady on wow that wouldnt be a bad thing since i play the game O.o wouldnt it heeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllll Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa We treat women and life just like a gameand in the end they'll do the sameWe cannot stand as one you seeBecause we hate anything we can beWe like the tears we see a woman's eyeWhen we make them want to crymen are in change thats our wayBut fuc what we feel just do what we saymarriage is a way to playWith another woman while ours is a wayThats what it means To stand as oneSo in my eyes AMERICA IS DONE *dead and gone* The boy didnt have a gun to his head he is the one that slept with the woman hes the one that has to live with his choice.,32,8,3,5,1,34,0 1237,X1238,"I gotta admit this white guy raps seriously good about food @Wac619 Excellent funny,I've got pubes I just dont know what to do with 'em,Happy bday Obama won",4,3,3,7,0,18,0 1238,X1239,"/watch?v=oIkhgagvrjIfeature=related lol i love your too I hope Disney dont fuck the whole series up add in terrible CGI and annoying characters like Jar Jar Binks. Oh wait LucasFilms already did that. I hope Disney dont fuck the whole series up add in terrible CGI and annoying characters like Jar Jar Binks. Oh wait LucasFilms already did that. I hope Disney dont fuck the whole series up add in terrible CGI and annoying characters like Jar Jar Binks. Oh wait LucasFilms already did that. Love this show it's so funny I wish all Americans were like this. I would play that app if it would connect to a server. nick cage as the dad sounds out of place. its not sick! its funny. surely disney wont fuck up star wars like lucas did in the last 3 eps So this guy is saying bad things to get a rise out of the lobby. How is this different from SopranoPictures telling women they are ,telephone prostitutes, on his babestation videos.oh yeah thats right You can give it out but not take it. That kid was copying Kevin word for word. you mean World of Homo Just round up all religious people and put them down. bunch of twats Now do Top5 stupid blond whores who present top 5s Ive been playing games since the early 80s and i cant remember Duke Nukem ever being good. Puss needs a boot up its ass BF3 Vs CoD comments You sad fucks need to get out more i wrote that comment as a piss take to all the other dumb mindless retards who have heard stupid rumors about what the song is about. so shhhh the monsters are really crazy lol read the description! what? me no speak english Its DopeFish Pewdipie is gay I would eat a dog a penguin and a monkey for this game. (I'm fookin Serious) There are loads of female characters playable in games just look at ,cookin mama, or ,Disney Princess Enchanted Journey, or any other Wii game. lol If only cycling was this exciting. Oh well I'm off to go punch baby animals.",26,26,5,13,0,29,0 1239,X1240,"9:27 theres a chest to the right I was like bro this shits gonna be gay this is acculay pretyy dope i might go down stairs and brake a apple 2:42Guy:AHHHHHHBoard:Fuck You LOL it is fake the fin is wwway to big for a shark to fit in that kind a on shallow area Cray cray How would you like a like :3 Well the graphics changed MOSTLY when it changed to umderground Nnnnnerds Minecraft on pc beats alot of games out there Minecraft so much better theres more of a point to it Aye kix ive been wanting to say your gonna make it big bro just dont change when you do you work is dope fuck main stream -seth Check yo shoes they prolly say made in china boom he lost Clap clap clap 5,4 would be from a 52 to 54 im a 5 foot kid XD riding 52 Exactly the reason i hate church so much is due to that exact reason. the last time i was at church they had a guest speaker speaking about homosexuality and how much they hate gays. The worst part about it all is that i seemed to be the only one in the group of 300 people who actually noticed something wrong with it! Hey man thx alot dude im on kradia trying to merch on ABR's wasnt working ver well -.- so i saw your skill book guide had 15m bought 3 on the last one got mw30 freaking love you MAN SUB AND LIKED In all my maple life ive only hit three mmb,s one of those was mw30 xD XD 4:33 thats me who got knifed 0:45 Aye Film This shyt XD Lol? i didnt get bored this guy is pretty awesome ima sub and like 2:23 LOL twice on sunday",21,2,4,8,0,22,0 1240,X1241,"Yeah I've seen it. I actually uploaded it but then I got flagged for copyright infringement. :/ MR. WHEELER. U MAD BRO? It's Wang Leehom! o__o He's so fine. xD I'm glad they put him in the commercial because DAYUM HE IS FINE. How does ,Express Yourself, which is clearly an older song (1989) copy a song that just came out last year? Han is a common transliteration of the Chinese surname (simp.) or (trad.) pronounced Hn and the Korean surname (hanja ). The spelling Han, is based on China's pinyin system and so used throughout Mainland China. Spelling can vary from 'Hon' in Cantonese-speaking areas to 'Hang' in Hainan. The Korean version is sometimes spelled 'Hahn.',Han is a Chinese name. Your ,exhibits, mean nothing. On his channel he says he is Chinese and Vietnamese and he's spoken Cantonese in some of his other videos. Furthermore the accent he uses when making fun of his parents is a Vietnamese accent not a Korean one. Don't make assumptions based on silly things like ,he listens to Korean music., There are tons of non-Koreans that listen to Korean music. Pon is an onomatopoeia for ,pop., So the lyrics to the chorus are:Every day *pop*Every time is *pop*I wanna ride a merry-go-roundEvery day *pop*Every time is *pop*Thats probably not such a good idea is it? Chimpanzees are NOT like gorillas. Chimpanzees are extremely territorial and violent-- male chimpanzees will often beat females they are copulating with. Although gorillas will sometimes get into scuffles these rarely lead to serious injury. Female gorillas often get along very well and are friendly with each other while female chimpanzees rarely interact with each other. Although they are related they are very different in social structure and temperament. This is in the United States. Koko was trained by scientists and grad students at Stanford University (in northern California). Koko's parents were rescued from poachers and sent to the San Francisco Zoo where she was born. (So Koko was not raised to be a pet.)Training involved pointing at objects and then signing their meaning while simultaneously saying the word. This way Koko could learn the object the sign and the vocalization for a word all at the same time. Koko came up with ,water bird, for duck. I believe it was Nali (?) the chimp that tried to explain a watermelon though. The video's on Youtube but I don't remember the name. The trainer says that the chimp didn't know ,water, or ,melon, so tried signing things like ,candy tree, and ,drink fruit, to explain it. Chimps and gorillas are really interesting in that they can create compound words very quickly something a human has to think about before doing. :) Would you please do a full version? This is my favorite of your covers! __ You must not be a fan. The Amazing Spider-Man and its cast has so far been incredibly well received by the Marvel fan base. Its portrayal of Peter Parker has been the most accurate out of any of the other Spider-Man movies. It also uses the original title. Also he gets with Emma Stone (playing Gwen--the blonde). If he's gay you must be a friggin tranny. The reason why there's a bunch of comments in Thai (looks a bit like Arabic writing) is because a bunch of people found out that the trainee is Lalissa Monaban from Thailand. :DI'm not Thai but I'm really happy to see some different talent from around the world. I asked my Indian friend what Rohan meant and she said it meant something like ,glory., Avatar Wiki says it means ,to attain great heights, so I guess that's what his name means. xD The creators of Avatar meant to use the Hindi name (he's named after Bryan's Indian nephew--hapa). The rest of my message got cut off. There's also a difference between ethnicity and nationality. When people call her a Greek they are talking about her ethnicity. When you call her Egyptian you are talking to her about her nationality. I'm offensive and I find this very robot. The film is based on a novel. Wanna know something depressing? It's based on the author's (Nosaka's) life. The guilt of ,letting, his little sister die was so great he wrote the novel as a way to apologize to her. It's really sad. Children always blame themselves for traumatic events and it follows them throughout their adult life.Fun Fact: Nosaka was a Diet member (the equivalent of a House member in the US) and currently has a column in a daily Japanese newspaper. *are ignorantSorry for the terrible mistake. o__o Don't know why I said ,Or., Where's the Loser's Banquet at the end? D: (Where the losing chef eats all the food he had to make. xD) If you can't tell computer vocals from real vocals there's not much I can say to you... *Yeah USA is #1. That's why our uncle is sending our jobs to China and I'm still making the same wage as when I was 19. In animals pain studies have had every possible outcome. Human studies more reliably show that men have higher pain thresholds than women..[However] boys typically learn that they are expected to be tough and not complain about pain. One study conducted by researchers at the State University of New York at Stony Brook found that men reported less pain in the presence of a female experimenter than they did in the presence of a male.Source: Penn State website This is ridiculous. I don't have a car or a passport. And you know what? I HAVE A STATE ID. If you really wanted to vote you'd get the stupid ID and get it over with instead of bitch'n about how Republicans are trying to get Democrats from voting. Uh no it keeps lazy stupid people that don't know how to apply for an ID from voting. It's not that hard. I'm not homophobic but it really annoys me when people misuse information:1) The house was divided by sex. Thus men could only easily get sexual pleasure from other men if they were unmarried. 2) Women were considered inferior; their only use was giving birth. The thinking of the time particularly in Greece (an influence on Rome) was ,of course you want to have sex with the superior sex., Sorry for being pedantic but you're using modern thinking to explain ancient thinking.",26,4,3,5,0,19,0 1241,X1242,"ADELE'S NOT DEAD. STOP REPOSTING. DON'T BELIEVE ME?GOOGLE IT. I would spend the whole day crying because I'm about to die...,MR.INCREDIBLE I'M A SECOND NICKI MINAJ! this would be NARLYaah cutest thing:')",4,0,2,5,0,18,0 1242,X1243,your amazing Don't dis on any animes this is getting flaged OOOO Damn thats hot lolololo was i the only one who got a boner from this did any one els notis the the white girl in the crowd say nigger 7:27 i can say this because i am hafe black A 5 year old would be a better parent. this women prob cant even take care of a baby alive dall! Thumbs up if you aggree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is that a guy or a girl 5:48 Must Read Steve:Are you just stupid or evil?Crowd:Both!! LOL After all these years I STILL come to this video to pretend Jessica Alba is watching me masturbate. Im jappenese Then Blow THATS WHAT SHE SAID no but thanks for the tip him: Its all in my mouth 1:15Me: no duh My 1 cuz is morgen freeman no joke oooo poop I jost joking I was thinking four 10 $ be quit the paris girl we all go to haven and live long did any one see jacob spit 2:34,19,0,2,5,0,22,0 1243,X1244,"Hey guess what.. Suck a dickkkk withhh red lipstickk (; Damnn yuu effin changed alot I just noticed that lmaooo Haha Gotta love him3Ur voice is effin deep ! (: I am so sick of this rude horrible comments.. Dude grow up . If you dont like Justin Bieber then don't watch him . It's really that easy just stop with this rude comments. Damn.. -_- This is amazing! You sing perfectly! Ignore the haters!(:3 If yuu wanna know who he is .. go to Jeydon Wale Personal Post . It has a link on the bottom . If yuu were born as a girl yuu dont feel it . Yuu wanna be a boy same thing if yuu was a boy .. its just a people feel. Get over it . Yuu guys can say what yuu want and yuu can see if Jeydon cares... (; At the end of 0.35 yuu should haved kicked it up ! :) But I still loved the whole song . (; Lmao failll at 9:28 lmao you have a really beautiful ann amazing voice!(: Chop my balls off (; Awwwww your soo brave to do this.! Ur sooo cute and everything.! (; I am tired of the comments to . It's 2012 not 2000 .! People its time to build a bridge and walk over it. I just thank calling Justin Selena names makes them a stronger person. I'm happy for them. They really are an adorable couple. (: Justin Bieber is a qirl,Justin Bieber is qay,Justin Bieber died,Justin Bieber raped a 13 year old qirl,Justin Bieber is doinq druqsSeriously people..?Get real .. Point black period . I LOVE YOU JUSTIN BIEBER.33 Forrlyfeeeeee.(: 3 She changed sooo much @XoXStephanieJeanXoXBecause she will get kicked off of Jersey Shore but this is WWE and she wouldn't get in trouble because its when all of the girls fight. She will get kicked off of Jersey Shore if she fight like that on there. I love yu justin bieber.! 3 what the hell",17,0,3,5,0,20,0 1244,X1245,what an idiot half of this is wrong bless :') woohoo nissan 350z AUDI TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT :D lucky shit haha On ma **Android** S2 right now with pride Your thumbs are really curved o.o Gosh im 13 and I can do acrylics better then that. You skipped so many important steps and you sorta cheated by only using clear. Oh and NEVER put your brush in the monomer bottle. So whats your opinion animal testing? (y) Fuck apple nokia all the way People who get iphones usually have no idea about phones. They just get what is said to be the best and do it to show off aaaaw little smart haha,14,10,4,2,0,46,1 1245,X1246,twinkle twinkle little whoreyour in school not Jersey Shore itz probably ur own fuckin view @cimorellitheband I -3 u dani r u not ashamed of ur weightelephants r skinnier than u I do not carry anything because I am barely gonna go 2 middle school but everything u use in ur video I thought was useful and I would like my first day of middle school to pretty with the makeup,5,0,3,5,0,16,0 1246,X1247,I guess she doesnt feel the pain of hewie attacking her but the force slows her down. hahaha guess what? go fuck yourself or go write that stupid shit somewhere else because seriously you can have your own opinino but dont try to go ruin someones day or try to start a fight becuase you just want attention I love how creative you are with things like this :) I guess im one of th really skinny ones. I eat a TON but i dont gain weight. recently some kids started a rumor about me being anorexic and starving myself and barfing but i woul never do that to my body. These tips really help with things or else i feel really uncomfortable about my shape. i usedto melt m barbies in t microwave and when i was young about 5 or 6 my parents woul wake up from heaing me in a room down the hall laughing like a maniac in my sleep..... hahaha th end lady is from insidious :)))) that sounds like a really good idea :) Pewdie i want to thank you! even when i was down i always had these vids to be excited for (yes i know it sounds sappy) but you are seriously awesome and a really good person and i am so happy you have something in your life you love!!! Stay awesome!!!! :DDDD like this up guys so he can see this please :) 10 minutes and already so many views im so glad! When you say you miss seeing the bones i totally understand that no matter how sick. Ive been dealing with depression and i used cutting as a coping tool. Sometimes i really have the urge to do it again and i miss the feeling even though that is horrible. Its so confusing to miss and hate something like that. wow Marzia!! you have seriously inspired me a TON because every time i see something adorable you make i want to make something like that!!! your creativity amazes me!!! 3 this is the 1111 video!!!!! great job pewds!,12,4,3,5,0,19,0 1247,X1248,THIS IS ME voice over? microphone? who knows so deep man watch her vlog channel and you'll know no im coming to her concert yay this should be the official music video for this song. my fab products would have to be anything Nars and TANYA CONGRATS ON REACHING 600000,8,0,3,5,0,29,0 1248,X1249,Worst actress award goes to.....TRISHA PAYTAS! If you just had jaw surgery your whole face wouldn't change like it did. PLASTIC surgery is more like it. I feel so popular now! What a piece of trash. I have never seen a muffin top quite like hers. Buy some pants that fit and for god's sake pull them up to hold that thing in. One thing the surgery didn't help is your voice. PLEASE stop singing! What happened to women having a little class? Distasteful! Uh speak for yourself trish im a thick white girl and my FLOWER ain't all open and WIDE like yours. Sheesh. Do you put your kids to bed in their regular clothes and let them sleep together in that little bed? Distasteful and gross. And kids look up to her? Go Chip! :) 1:25 is that a cat in the background I heard? LOL your RUTS grew out? lol I doubt she's struggling she's driving a BMW. I think you look gorgeous and very feminine in this video. You have changed so much and for those saying she got stuck up is so not true. Her confidence got boosted which is GREAT. GOOD for you ROCKED your make up and you deserve the boost. Love you. LOOKS like CUM TASTED like HEAVEN? OMG Trish. WHAT? Gee don't get too excited. Lennas are uneven and one's smaller than the other seems like they aren't all that big either. Saline looks better. So you're telling me that what Trisha does is any better? Her demonstrating how to insert a tampon and boobies hanging out is more acceptable? AMAZING video RayRay. Keep that strength and bravery and don't worry about the haters. You're an amazing man with a great big heart of gold. Hug Buddy for me and take care of yourself. Much love Brother. Can't wait to see a video of you and Buddy. 3 (From: Robin) i hope one of you BUSTS your saline or silicone boobs doing that. Stupid and unclassy.,21,12,5,3,0,32,0 1249,X1250,"wow you've got some serious pipes!!!! keep singing!! i want to see you on TV someday!! this is amazing!! this is great! keep doing what you do and you will go far! :) I AM IMPRESSED!! PLEASE CHECK OUT MY BEST FRIENDS CHANNEL SHE IS ALSO A YOUNG 15 YEAR OLD SINGER WHO LOVES MUSIC! she doesn't have many views and she deserves more!!!!! Her channel is ,Kaylaashleysmusic, my favorite video of hers is her cover of safe and sound by Taylor swift!! please check out her channel thank you!! This is her lifelong dream guys and im trying to make this her best birthday yet by at least getting her 50 subscribers so please help me out!!! thank you!! PLEASE CHECK OUT MY BEST FRIENDS CHANNEL SHE IS ALSO A YOUNG 15 YEAR OLD SINGER WHO LOVES MUSIC! she doesn't have many views and she deserves more!!!!! Her channel is ,Kaylaashleysmusic, my favorite video of hers is her cover of safe and sound by Taylor swift!! please check out her channel thank you!! This is her lifelong dream guys and im trying to make this her best birthday yet by at least getting her 50 subscribers so please help me out!!! thank you!!",5,1,2,5,0,47,0 1250,X1251,cole and dilayn are so cute when children CLAPS thx i needed it! lol i found that when i was new to the game.. im level 16 now! agree john f kenedy said children are our future and we must protect them not f**uckin distroy them i can sing better but she should go on amaricas got talent we can only... its sooooooo out of date .... jk!!! its perfect ima getya so scared i really respect this song :) i like toontown version i couldint make a vid like this if i treied its not frekeslam its not real guys but very sad I REALY THINK YOU DA BEST KIPPY wat its made?!?!!?!? i jioned but it shut down i cant find it any where i havint heard this song in 6 nine lol get me one! wee pony 15883 peple are peple who dont have a skweaky voice an d are jelus :) YOU WHERRE TOLD RONG thumbs up if you tried to go to the web,24,0,2,5,1,31,0 1251,X1252,but i do. LOL right im just here like............ damn this nigga dumb.. nigguh cute! . 3 exactly slenderman- what the fuck is he doing .... Who Can Bang To Thisss !? I Wonder If they Fucked Already ? COOL SHIT MA NIGGA :) - btw its me briana :3,8,0,2,5,1,28,0 1252,X1253,"i love this song 3 it reminds me of my ex boyfriend though ): YOUR GORGEOUS. howw do you dooo those effects ? thats really coool. this was stupid anyways This explains my life EXACTLY right now /33 Heart break avril lavigne you always have the best songs ; welcome to crack donalds WHAT THE FUCK do you want ?! hhahhaha (: I love thhhhiiis 3 this wass stupiddd but I likeee your accentssss ! hahah (: You guys are rude.. Nobody said you guys had to comment if you guys were just gonna talk shit. You cant freaking here anything? whoever posted this is stupid.. Youuu are completley amazing! i wish i could talk on the phone ): with you ! awh 3 @PenguinStorm221 uhh you need to stfu.. your a hater. I actually like this one better :) love it :) omg!! i love you :) i am lime(lymphoma) ! i AM going to make it thro this. i belive i will.. keeping my head high. thumbs up if you agree that Avril says ,Yeah, in way to many of her songs. Shes a great singer though (: I love youu V nasty ! you go hard . everybodys just hatin ' cuz you're the bessst white girl rapper right now ' mooofo's just jealous . keep doin yo thaaang girl ! I LOVE HER ! :) Your face looks hella plastic your amazing though :) this songs so sad the sadest part is where you're like ,im alone and i feel empty god im torn apart inside, i listen to this song over over again . its amazing :) shes GORGEOUS ! haters need to stfu 3 you dont even know the words hahahahha. I try to make a sound but no one hear's me .../3 Fix your teeth Hahahhaha",26,0,4,5,0,35,0 1253,X1254,haha my real name is Diana! :P omg love this song but eveytime is hear it always reminds me of the end of cant hardly wait these people are crazy! i thought america was somewhere you can be anything you want practice whatever believes? seems to me like america is contradicting itself... some of these kids dont need meds they need a good spanking!! TRUTH! my bday is dec 3 too and that was the same thing i was thinking! man even youtube cant make math fun for me lol man i wish i could get this from itunes!!,8,1,3,5,0,24,0 1254,X1255,i love dis dog ill watch every video of her shes so adorable 2 when u guys want to get rid of her plz tell me. 3 3 3 nice video i like it i can sing lil wanyes part yay!!!!!!!!!!!! ok go in 2 the bathroom either make sure theres no toilet paper in every single bathroom OR tape the end of the toilet paper 2 the roll so he wont find it!!!! ooh i love dis song i luv dis song ur awsome u live in laporte in guessing OMG U LIVE in IN ME 2 LOL i always get bullied damn hes HOTT!!!! right im little i WANT to be a singer when i grow up :) or now i didnt laugh at all shes awsome! ur awsome omg u should be a star omg i would love 2 have your voice KAIBA IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! idk y but i luv this tht is just uncool omg i luv Stuart he is just one of a kind lolz,20,0,3,2,0,18,0 1255,X1256,"Sorry here is the creepy thing once you start reading this you can't stop my name is summer I'm 15 yrs old I have blonde hair and have scars on my ears and nose - I am dead.if you don't post this on five different sites just like the ring I will be by your bed with a knife when you least expect it .if you post this 5 times on videos something good will happen. Sorry here is the creepy thing once you start reading this you can't stop my name is summer I'm 15 yrs old I have blonde hair and have scars on my ears and nose - I am dead.if you don't post this on five different sites just like the ring I will be by your bed with a knife when you least expect it .if you post this 5 times on videos something good will happen. kiss your hand three times and post this three times look under your pillow a pink ipad kiss your hand three times and post this three times look under your pillow a pink ipad kiss your hsnd three times and post this three times look under your pillow a pink ipad bailey*** we'll*** ashley that is frickeng creepy now 59!! could u use frosting? quik alina rlly...its quick! not trying to b rude but if ur a guy y do u had a hair dryer....j.w i kno cher fav song is oath by her kk 0:40 lololololol my name is Kiki and i was raped before i died. I use to enjoy pain and now i inflict it upon people. I was tortured and raped until i could no longer breathe. Those meanies now suffer and die and those who do not repost this to 5 videos will die too. i hate this 2 but i believe the strike of 12AM those who did not repost this will die a horrible death after seeing a bloody face covered with long black hair. Those who repost this will get a kiss from their crush my name is Kiki and i was raped before i died. I use to enjoy pain and now i inflict it upon people. I was tortured and raped until i could no longer breathe. Those meanies now suffer and die and those who do not repost this to 5 videos will die too. i hate this 2 but i believe the strike of 12AM those who did not repost this will die a horrible death after seeing a bloody face covered with long black hair. Those who repost this will get a kiss from their crush my name is Kiki and i was raped before i died. I use to enjoy pain and now i inflict it upon people. I was tortured and raped until i could no longer breathe. Those meanies now suffer and die and those who do not repost this to 5 videos will die too. i hate this 2 but i believe the strike of 12AM those who did not repost this will die a horrible death after seeing a bloody face covered with long black hair. Those who repost this will get a kiss from their crush my name is Kiki and i was raped before i died. I use to enjoy pain and now i inflict it upon people. I was tortured and raped until i could no longer breathe. Those meanies now suffer and die and those who do not repost this to 5 videos will die too. i hate this 2 but i believe the strike of 12AM those who did not repost this will die a horrible death after seeing a bloody face covered with long black hair. Those who repost this will get a kiss from their crush my name is Kiki and i was raped before i died. I use to enjoy pain and now i inflict it upon people. I was tortured and raped until i could no longer breathe. Those meanies now suffer and die and those who do not repost this to 5 videos will die too. i hate this 2 but i believe the strike of 12AM those who did not repost this will die a horrible death after seeing a bloody face covered with long black hair. Those who repost this will get a kiss from their crush lol t is I'm rittee @manalacazu what do u can ,damn boobs,? if u can read in the description it says this is fake and she did it out of love because her sister loves harry styles",23,15,2,54,0,44,0 1256,X1257,"... 1:47 I'm mad in love with this mask! Awesome video :P I am mad in love with this mask seriously 3 Dang I love Paul lol Not funny It's Sam! =O whoa :) I love Sam ^_^ he's adorable Awesome video! Not a fan of calling her ugly I think she's pretty before but you are really good at photo shop! ^_^ I admire the person who dove in the water to save the 'cat' Omgeeee the shower in the port-a-potty scene where the guy goes in the shower with the girl is priceless! Lindsay Lohan V.S. Brittany Spears xD House V.S. Garcia Dr. Phil V.S. Oprah! Abe won idc about the other guys Abe came f***ed s*** up and left BREAKING NEWS! ABC Knows Nothing About The Teen Generation! Congratulations on being clueless about what really is going on! And also why the fudge are you interviewing a sexuality educator 1:17 WTF!? You may want to stop interviewing people who play along just to be on the news ._. TeensABC Omfg lolololol ,MEOW!, Best ending ever haha Omg how couldn't he get that? Her name sounds like ,Rachael Trolled You, YOU DELETED UNDISPUTED WHITE BOY!? By far my favorite xD",21,3,3,4,0,18,0 1257,X1258,"Snacks on snacks on snacks chip packs on packs on packs on packs. I read this comment RIGHT before he said it. Oh sweet Lord do they ever get angry... When SALAD FINGERS is scared YOU NEED TO BE SCARED. I for one think this is an awesome show. I hope my kids can grow up with it. As someone with a Jamaican background I like that my kids could identify with the characters in a positive way as opposed to just seeing how the media portrays Jamaicans and Rastafarians. I like that kids can hear a positive character speaking in a Jamaican accent and see that people who sound this way or look this way can be nice. It's kinda playing with the stereotype and well... Making a bad thing good. J.R.R. Tolkien vs. J.K. Rowling Adult Nala was PERFECT. Cee Lo? Is that you? To be fair comic sans is a terrible font. SISTER ACT IIaweklrtjnyditekl4whgjdkruy8'jt6jly78o4setwdauy9tup7pyou6hyp9;kuyg8hgistur8kdcr. TAKE MY LIKE. I feel so proud that I actually got the pescatarian/presbyterian joke. AWWWWWW WHY'D YOU HAVE TO MAKE ME THINK ABOUT IT ?! I really wish you'd done the middle part. I reeeeeeeeeally wanted to hear you say. ,Idiots there will BE A KING. I WILL BE KING. Stick with me and you'll NEVER GO HUNGRY AGAIN., Your Pikachu Raichu are phenomenal. Dude I did a christmas parody of this song too and I have to take my Santa hat off to you. This is fricking amazing. I'm definitely willing to concede that yours is waaay better than mine. Fricking genius. I ain't even mad. The rapper names made this all the more enjoyable. Then again current Naruto is like 20 chapters away from being ninja Jesus. Naruto would win but not in a contest of brute strength. To be fair THIS Sasuke (apparently from right after the timeskip still using the curse mark power) could lose to Zoro. He doesn't have any mangekyou powers yet. Itachi is still alive as far as we can tell. Everything changed when the Melon Nation attacked...",19,71,4,28,0,21,0 1258,X2443,"Stared. Mostly stared and laughed. I was one of te last in line to get my book signed so I had the pleasure of not having a bodybuffer between myself and his excellency. (not complaining because I got to talk to him for like 10 inutes after) But yeah... John Green stared and laughed at me. Does anyone know when Job Hunters is coming back on? Yay! New Dokapon!! *obligitory new years referance* Trust me very /very/ rarely do people stand up for transgender people irl atleast in texas where I live. Also they really picked the most vanilla setting possible no violence slurs or threats which are all to commen They should do the same scenario with girls. 'My mind is so blown, I cannot tell you how disappointed I am that you didn't put a 'your dad' joke in there. (Or there... god you're rubbing off on me aren't you...) I will remain painfully single and cry over attractive men on tumblr... so no change from every previous year. -Ravenclaw 4:45 I understand that reference! :-) Actually some hedgehogs do make good pets if they're breed in captivity or more often give birth in shelters or the like they naturally go towards people and can't be released into the wild and are really sweet pets. If they have the right temperment they can live really well in houses (but they should have very large cages or no cage at all) and they are great with kids. do they have them in the U.S.? Because I need al of them! I live in the second biggest state and there's not a single effing gathering?! GAH!!!! Apparently 'Space Cowboy' isn't a viable career option either! don't make her go through the wait! It's so cruel!! I legitimately can't tell if this is sarcasm or not ... :) I don't die alone on my computer with iniety cats... badumtchsss Find me a find Catch me a catch I did these all the time when i was a kid! READ MIDDLESEX!!!! GAH IT'S FANTASTIC!! Gay guy with a vagina here still hate'm. Just sayin... I literally couldn't stop staring at your nipple the entire time... idk why that sound really ingenious thank you :) interrobang!!!! I thought they did tumblr the musical ;) GOD WHY DID I READ THIS BEFORE WATCHING? I couldn't stop staring the entire time! so is the cunt cunting the cunt or the cunt cunt a cunter? thank you! :) your icon makes me happy ASDFGHJKL my mom got those once they're delicious! Your comment made my day I'm also recovering and I'm at my heighest weight since this video seriously helped me feel less shit. Where can you buy a music box like that? carefully you'd probably me smashed by thrown chairs and tables University is still a bit away fro my but I'ev been worrying about dorms and such because I'm trans* and planning on going stealth in college but worried about dealing with the issues of enrollment geting a roommate ect. if anyone's been in this situation or has some advice please help me :) I love that these are the length of a real tv show but like 10000x better Random fact: In the culinary context that metallic shiny stuff between lawyers of fat and muscle's called silverskin. The more you know. Swap lives with Bryarly for a day She is the most underappreciated member of this cast.",38,1,2,1,0,32,0 1259,X1260,Ridiculously good gotta be one of my favourites... absolutely love the combination of hardcore and piano AMAZING. This band make me proud to be British. its like black ops gone wild HAHAHAHAHAHA PERFECT Why thank you! you're such a LAD. I love you too faggot.,5,122,3,7,0,16,0 1260,X1261,"How did you get it ,Technically For Free,? That is if you dont mind telling. You get the real steel feel when you shoot the real deal What did you do as your summer job? Merci! All this rain is making me think of drowning. Harvey Dent? Or you could get like two of the real gun.. At first i was like TURKEY! But then i was like. wait thats not a vegetable ok CARROT! heheh you probably thought i was going to say someth-.....ok.... next video.... o.O Valid point. Half the accessories on my KWA aeg are for looks as well. Keep up the good work! L.A.R.P.= Live Action Role Play. Add an ,ing, to the end and you've got a present- continuous verb. One might call it a hobby. I'm sorry. What? It's a tactical flashlight. They attach to the end of your gun so that a beam of light points roughly about where your next shot is going to land. Prestige: 1Level: OVER NINE- THOUSSSAAANNNNDD! What kind of battle belt is that? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Awesome video. Very informative. If you plan on making another video like this would you mind reviewing the Aek-971? That would be awesome. Thanks. An Idea: give me money. Totally expecting some metallica in this vid lol. Looks legit. Squirtgun. 5:52 I like the wizard of oz.",20,1,3,5,1,28,0 1261,X1262,YALL NEED TO COME BACK TO DC,1,3,4,5,0,21,0 1262,X1263,Nicely done! :D HOW DID YOU GET THE SHADOWS? :O Mina kll kuskil laggi ei ne vibolla su arvuti laggab youtube videosid vaadates. ? It amazed me when it came out but if u complete it then theres nothing to do. So I dont think so. LOL :D ANYONE NOTICED THE FRAPS 60 AT THE CORNER? :D Mistusega :D Can someone help me? I need these campfire object ids to samp server. Seen on 2:05. ?? dont think so. tetris maybe? :D So anyone on the street can just take your color off with finger nails? :o I knew that chernobyl should be in there. :D If you cant look then look from here: YOUTUBE . COM /v/Vzue74y7A84 Running animations were bullshit they made me laugh. :D 05:45 Sitt osa algab. :D Vin kihla vedada et see kes selle Amateur footage sinna kirjutas ei oska ise kll nii hsti sita kui Urmo. :) ITS HIDE IP EASY NOT EASY HIDE IP SO CHANGE THE VIDEO TITLE!! ITS CONFUSING! He doesnt have a mistake. Cpu is core 2 duo it means it has 2 cores. And if cpu has 2 cores its a dual core. HAHAHHAHAH :D:D lol man.. It is a GTA IV not a some kind of a kinght rider game! Lol hahahha.. :D Lol 12 vaatamist ja 1 like. Pris norm.. Sellist asja igapev HDTaneli videodel ei ne. :D /tripledislike Kas see ongi see kurikuulus tetris millest vanaisa mulle rkis?Uskumatu lihtsalt.. -.- Kuidas tegijad sellise mngu ldse vlja lasta said mul nende asemel oleks ikka tohutult hbi see mng teiste hetkel vlja tulevate mngude krval on umbes nagu nokia 3310 vrrelda mingi android telefoniga.. -.- BULLSHIT,23,10,4,21,0,16,0 1263,X1264,I was nice ofcourse :) soo I FUCKING NEED THAT WIUKisses me :) I love thisYou are talented And I love you :)ffooollow mee @imke_XXX_ You read every comment omg ILOVEYOU ILOVEYOU ILOVEYOU 3 PLEAAAS FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER 3 @imke_XXX_ it's selena her song with other lyrics hahahahah god --' this is soo beautiful soooo perfect you did a great job 3 This is perfect ! (pleas follow me on twitter @imke_XXXXX_ )This really is good! just like you 3 You always been awesome and I love sony with a chance camp rockPs: I'm 16 not 12 :) OMFG 3 You can try if you can do it better I love u pleas answer your direct messages on twitter tumbs soo he will notice pleas 3 I think 5 milion vieuw are only of me HA Still here in 2013 3 Still herein 2013 i love you bieber 3 Oh YEAH YEAH NOT TJEH TJEH PLEAAAS you are right ;) but he is cute :) 3 i don't like it sorry you guys are OVER the top at the end trying to be like *cool* but it was like really over the top u just watched the behind the scenes Ha good one smart boy Ok that neck pussy made mee sicckkk ehhw i had too cover my screen :D cutie cutie cutie cutie BE MY BOYFRIEND PLEAAS YOU FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER @imke_XXXXX_ :D pleas tumbs up soo he will read this and pleaas dm me 3 duu--uuuhh :) thats because he is life perfect 3 he doesn't need autotune! !! x FAIL THIS IS BABY :) don't destroy that guitar and buy a drum :( A PERRY CAP Can i join the deal? @imke_XXXXX_,25,3,3,1,0,15,0 1264,X1265,You r very talented okay first of all tht is really rude making fun of someone i bet any one of u guys couldnt sing any better how would ulike it if someone did tht to u think before u say or do something to hurt someone cuz it will always come back to you i love this song so much its beast just saying we are beautiful like dim ands in the sky 3 i love justin drew bieber so much he is my world he is my other half he is my HUSBAND #nohate #ihavedreams #ihavethatthing #bieberfever such a great song 3 I love you so much austin carter mahone,6,1,2,5,0,37,0 1265,X1266,enjoy!,1,28,3,11,0,22,0 1266,X1267,Thats cuz she dances with brodus clay LOL Canada! LOL OMG u should make a dark knight rises parody...:-) I wish they made them 4 xbox :-( yes No i dont like sheamus i was just correcting u because u have the grammar of a three year old uh NO Best Cena Ever! I like that comment lol I cant see the comment0.o The ghostbusters vs The Mythbusters! Thumbs up so they see!! Punk will not be going against Ryback anymore. When Punk was put through the table on raw last week he injured his knee. The WWE though put Ryback in a six man tag match. His partners are Team Hell No and they will be going against the shield at Tables Ladders and Chairs. I would have loved to see Punk single handidly take out Ryback (im not saying i don't like Ryback) but this match will be hell in the overworld as my prediction. Nothing like the old times but it will be very epic. Alot of other people like Cena. ^^^ I like this comment 0.o Thats too far no one knows the whole story everyone stop teasing him please. Fuck u asshole everybody is unique. Just because someone is a different color doesnt mean they are bad! Some of the most kind people on the earth are African-American! It doesnt mean u have too go and start ranting on them! Go die in a hole u racist son of a bitch! Back when cobblestone looked good I dislike O sorry lol didnt know whick one What are guns for....... Disagreed? I just called you a retard. Thats all Dafuq Im still alive bitches!,24,11,2,5,0,21,0 1267,X1268,he looks like Zayn :3 you look hot in that hat :) OMGwhen you were posing at the very begining i was like wow cher lloyd is so pretty. and it was you! you do it perfectly! this video is so inspirationa katy perry is amazing 3 *rolls across a pooltable* SO COOL :L naw niam 3 Nialls solo 3 'nuff said. Vampire Academy is an amazing book series your not the only one. Trust me 3 i can do this :) easy-peasy.,9,1,2,2,0,19,0 1268,X1269,Truly stunning...and still perfect.,1,0,3,1,0,38,0 1269,X1270,cassidy and torran were both on the same episode of toddlers and tiaras :) how did you do your nails? or where did you get them done cause they are awesome! I love this!!! im a fan from New Zealand :D DEMI LOVATO! YES DEMI SHOULD STAY! 3 this is the funniest thing xD i love it! perfection! woah! here in New Zealand makeup costs at the least $18 ....i wish we had American prices :( sonny vs cher do you have any clips from the sonny and cher show 1976 -77 ? :) GO NICKI! i agree with every single word nicki said! HAHA Cher! omg hilarious :d adrienne has the worst comebacks!,13,9,3,5,0,16,0 1270,X3138,Well I can die happy now o.O What do you win if you win? Thumbs up for Guitar hero 3! 6:00 lol!! Well you can't wTF is this Kill all Ben Stiller comments United States of America.. IDIOT Vitun ebin Bitch bitch about music no nononono! It will never leave me gusta Lucifer vs. Diablo Pick of Destiny? Crap wrong channel Why does your Youtube channel say your 17? Thumbs up if you've got hair Siis mit vittua t on? You are almost as awesome as Kraimer Frodo vs. Willow This is killing business! No Miss Carriage. Oh snap Lord British vs. Gwyn Lord of Cinder wtf? Tyrael vs. Castiel hi No she was bit by a normal (insane) human Spotify I am from the future Maybe if I watch all episodes again part 3 will be ready? oh... Now I should try to drink my own piss Now that I'm wet and cold I can drink my own warm piss Alot of people seem to be great hackers The animation is good when they are in their space suits but whit out em.. Its amateur level No.. Crap! I curious on how they breed Vegeta!,37,2,5,5,0,21,0 1271,X850,Indeed haha. we'll see...son. ;) i just started ranked in this new season..ehh already nearly 900 elo .. noobs everywhere..everywhere no matter how u win ur lane they will ruin everything 3 240p we met again its called having fun this i s beast sin :p assassin cant combo.. Sin brought me here Ahah who knows we can make same question : Why he sounds retarded while he was with deidara? Still like 1 0:40 singed almost gotya Umm 54 hell set takes nice time to get. and lvling in okapia .. is terrible Rofl at captions - Here's near office - Lol poor fizz didnt expected a dunk *Shadow dash '' He's feederHe's assholeHe's ruining every game'' What if i tell you...that she extremely squishy early? and if u fuk up ur ult u pretty much dead. Talon? anti skill champ 3 1.6 Map? Hei kills Chuck with his smile Olaf : Your mom is smiteable minion*Olaf gets totally cumd in teh face* I would say that people who was saying S2 bad just made them stop this anime... truly i don't see anything bad in S2 i enjoyed it as much as S1 He dont sacrifice anything in S2 ending neither Hei or Yin dies ^^ *Spoiler* Um...Suo doesnt die just lives without memory Hei seperate Izanami from Yin with his powers which Yin gave him back. Umm my comment still says more than ''UNTZ''comments for commenting video? Lol i always underestimated AP ez...i tried him and in first game i got a penta... 16:43 alright we have lich bane *bought sheen* Oh My God!!! I do crazy shittt in LoL . But this ziggs dunk....god. Rofl... i loled so hard at 3:16 . ward wars xDDDD ROFL janna suckkerr -.- Lmfao dudeat 1 lvl with hunters machete u can barely kill wolfs...not talking about golems. How do you expect to save up those 3k? I think ill close mozilla now... Dang...I rly want to see Talon one ;// My Skin 3 ROFL hahahahahahahaha are you okay -annies face- lmfaoooo wtf Ehh english dub so disgusting ;),36,6,4,7,0,20,0 1272,X1273,Get A Free Macbook Works I'll Send you an email of me and mine Please,2,0,2,5,0,21,0 1273,X2377,"l000000000lllllll!!!! lmffaaoooooo 0:05 l000lll wtf was that??? What is it?? Kill it with fire before it lays eggs! I have her beats in the beggining ommgggg!!! :D Wtf are you talking about? i think your talking about KONY.... thats a fail and a neck. 2:45 - 2:49 , i went to sleep on the clouds but i woke up in the dirt, .... she woke up in the dirt?.... 0_o.. L000llll croc beating a croc ^_^ I'ts because you are black... thats why you can't be a super saiyan... eyhua46ij46iaq9q56i !!!!!!LOVED IT LOVED EVEYTHING I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT HER SHES BEAUTIFUL SMART AND HAS TALENT OMG I WISH THE BEST FOR HER~!!!! but... that tan was a little overboard.. :P.. BUT SHES DA BOMB.. THROUGH THIS VIDEO I WAS SMILING IM SO PROUD OF HER.. :)!!!!! LOVE YOU ARIANA!!!!!! l0000000l picking cotton lmffaooo!!!!!!! black joke ^_^ l000l@!!!!!!111 -_-... the intro was wack and you told me about that story :) Anthony 3 thats cute I was there.. mohombi is freaking sexy... omg shes gorgeous.. omg... they didnt realize that they are HISPANIC not SPANISH so they probably forgot and realized it until now and decided to put it into the video.. spanish people r from spain.. hispanic people r from central and south america keep pressing 7 :D.. not too fast You should spend more time on signing the song then making doodles that are not necessaries while ur making the video... just saying.. what.... was.... this..... this is worse than stupid hoe... and who is this guy trying to be Lil Wayne..?.. this must be a joke.. 1. i like your shirt.. where did u get it? :D omg this was on my birthday!!! :D THATS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!! ITS JUST A BABY!!! if im walking down the street and see this kid and the kid starts walking then running towards me.. i just might cry and sprint the other way.. god thats scary.. even when it moves i might pass out. Guys.. shes from Australia just so you know.. Shes not from Romania.. -____- I would tap that... Old Rihanna is back.. :) OSNRNMSORTMPSMTNP;NMP THEY ARE SOO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL !?!?!?!!?!?!?? ESPECIALLY THE 1 THAT PLAYS DRUMS AND SHE IS ADORABLE AND PRETTY /.. OMG THEIR EYES we need to be friends.... we need to be friends 1. hes really ugly 2. whats wrong with his teeth? 3. shes also really ugly 4. this is a horrible song and makes no sense and they cant sing 5. i dont understand this video... and i dont know why this song id so popular.. this is foolishness.. my opinion whats on her head?.. 0_0.. i hate her style.. like eww... and whats on her head? Could you be any more blind? shes ugly as fuck and she always has this black thing on her head.. she should really take it off i thought nose piercing was a pimple ... 0_0.. i think that couple is sooo cute... age doesnt matter... love does. its *niggas with no money act like money isnt everything*.. u dumb shit -_- great voice but u keep rushing.. slow down and then u got it :D Japanese Chinese Korean Philipean .. who cares its a great song... they are all the same shit anyways.. I love this i love all of it",40,0,4,5,0,24,0 1274,X1275,I remember when i used to watch these videos daily. I never could belive how amazing someone can be. Now i am seeing them live in 126 days. cant belive it I would like to see you wash your natural hair This is so catchy cant stop listening. I pray there'll be a 7th part. I love the aatir videos so much 39/40 :D Cant belive how many fagg*ts hate on him. They dont even know him? Saying he was gay is 1. not true 2. no reason ? Ich htte soooo gerne ein Bauchnabelpiercing oder ein Tragus aber meine Eltern erlauben es mir nicht weil es ja gefhrlich und so ist :( Kann man den Teig auch mit einer Maschine mischen oder ist es klger mit der Hand? :) teens react to the janoskians!,8,4,3,2,0,15,0 1275,X1276,thats like 30 cents worth of deodorant being wasted! What the fuuuck! I miss my dog. So much. :/ It's like a billion rainbows!! Fuck i cant find my balls So what was the prank on number 3? I didn't see it. :3 Dat mystery video poor kid at 2:27 OH GOD! I pood... im diggin the mustache Amazing. bring that goddam sexy back The penn state one. lol 8=D small but it'll do. 2:44 best part,14,1,4,4,0,21,1 1276,X1277,1. Christina Grimme- Titanium and Find me2. Lennon and Maisy- Headlock and i wont give upThese 3 girls are amazing! this chick was such a bitch to Sophie Tweed-Simmons! 2:08 ... need i say more,3,0,3,5,0,22,0 1277,X1278,i love this song so much! 3 i have a cover up on my channel if anybody could check it out!!!!??? :) this girl is pure and simply...INCREDIBLE!! an absolutly amazing woman and i have so much respect for her and her talents!! 3theres no way it comes close to hers but i also have a cover of this song acepella on my channel if anyone could check it out?? hi i have a cover of this song too! :) check it out??? Tori you have a very lovely voice! audition next year!!??baby158127 thats not really a nice thing to say? 1. WHADDA CUTIE!!2. WHOOO OUR OWN HOMEBOY AUSSIE!!3. ADORABLE SEXY FUNNY AWESOMENESS!! i really like the clarity in your voice here saying that please never loose the grit in your voice! your a true legend and bringing proper rock back! the kind i absolutly love and wish i lived during haha!! but thanks to you your bringing it to our gen and showing us all what real rock is!!! thanks for the amazing music bro :) never let it go its days like this being like everyday (unless you live in melbourne which i do and our weather is kinda bi-polar!) i feel so lucky to aussie 3 weird question...where'd you get the picture from cos it wont let me copy it and i wanna get my hair cut similar and this is the best example :D dude! you forgot the BOGAN accent!thoguh i guess that would be kind of hard to explain to people from outta the coutnry what a bogan is though it is genetically possibble for a redhead to not have frckles my friend lauren = hottest redhead ever! and she tans! really dark! we have no idea what in her genes cos she also has the most natural highlighter orange rare but possible... :S we're keeping the faith alivegod i hope that's some kind of hint!!! 3it is actually my dream and has been for years to someday be able to write play or even just talk music with these boys.... im keeping THAT faith alive 3 wow! im a jack johnson fan and this is such an amazing cover! from aussie to aussie be proud mate :) do you think she's a John Mayer fan....??? well done guys this took alot of courage :) the first time i heard them was live so nothing recorded will ever compare 3 and this..makes me proud to be aussie ! :P,16,15,3,1,0,17,0 1278,X1279,in your car steves face was saying wtf do you do in your car wtf did i just watch i wish when you play solo your stats would show cause i made 38 rounds on town by myself the dsr upgrade was a one shot kill for me at round 34 so you were getting cheated with it sorry to tell you cod waw was ass the guns in multiplayer were shit cod 4 i can agree it was the best then its black ops 2 mw2 black ops then mw3 there is so much shit wrong with that game every gun besides the shot guns were over power then you have stupid ass spawn protection like if a predator missile hits you in your spawn you should die then you had really stupid death streaks like dead mans hand you die when your half way across the map but where your up there asshole you live like wtf i should have 48 rounds on that map but my xbox froze i was pissed now i can only get up to like 34 rounds im saying your a 4 year old that has no idea what call of duty is 2+2= you masturbating to bad i only played for 2 years your not loved by anyone and i love the voice at the end Francis grimson was like come here its the pdw not pow White version of murry i think this is the best song he made that girl at 3:00 goes to my school weeds is a shitty ass show wtf you talking about its good nicki minja i want to stick my penis in your anus lol when your phone went off i thought it was mine to bad this is impossible to play on a guitar,19,8,3,8,0,21,0 1279,X1280,"people realize that likes arent gonna tell you what to do....if you wanna sing a song to your crush or wanna let him/her know how you feel about them...go for it.....dont count on likes on a comment....believe never know if you dont tryXoxo i fuckin love the way she says * i hate you* at 01:01 STFU YOURSELF -.-, im sorry to hear that /3 stay strong i truly hope you will be alright i will like this i always do :$ i love how they have lyrics from kiss me through the phone in it =] lol better start learning how to write english before saying some shit =] well i wouldnt wanna call it *crappy* at all its just i only knew cascada's version of it....but i can happily say that im glad i found this song and Savage Garden =] lol idk for you but there was nothing wrong with yeah...FAIL =] gosshh austin is freakin sexy :$ omg just 2 more month's to go your sister??miley tisdale??next joke please =] that was exactly what i was thinking xD lol its fine =3 cute laugh at the end ^_^ nope same here its just the video =] since when did it matter who or what kind of person you are to like another kind of music then you usually do??exactly Never =] yeah....i'm reaching out...for anyone.... i would've helped that person....i wouldnt just let that shit happen.....but thats just me....and like me there are more....just not everyone wants to get involved even though they know they should.... honey you'll never know if you dont're afraid that you're gonna mess up because it might not work out....but at least you've tried it than...just go for it...who know maybe he does feel the same way about you too 3",20,8,3,5,0,17,0 1280,X1281,"Like this if you want her to record this one and put it on Itunes!! Charlie Brophy brought me here the awkward moment 2:58 when the girl tries to get up and and talk to Channing..and gets denied. Please be gay....I'm in love. WHAT SONG IS THIS!??? LOL 2:52 when she death stairs a kid I'm here because of Miranda... My absolute favorite part is when you mess..most perfect part of the video. you're talented keep singing. Wait if you are that beautiful...Idk if it is fair to sing that beautifully too. oh myy. minor freak out when the dogs runs in. who is the girl who sings?....she is beautiful. I'm Vinyl Richie Ellen ARE YOU SEEING THIS!? Everyone flag this as abusive. Life is too short for such hateful people to exist. girl with purple hair please be mine? @AnnyPB13 Sadly it basically is illegal. The love you guys share is beautiful thank you for inspiring us all. you had me 3:40 she kinda looks like nicki minaj.. do you think this will protect me from a tsunami?,It will protect your eyelid I'm shmacked brought me here Yea Brittany she sings it real GOOD. Ithaca: The land of lesbians",22,0,3,5,0,29,0 1281,X1282,on upn lol well actually i would be buying BATTLEFIELD because it was voted on by IGN to be better than call of duty on VOTES!! so in reality more people pick battlefield over COD. if you think call of duty is better than battlefield than you really are delusional lol. yemen is camper land nice trolling lol strategy is boring? dude you need strategy in both games which lead me to believe that you suck at both. totally seeing it hell yeah ibrahim moizoos lol one direction sucks cock and all of you are jealous that that one bitch harry has a new girlfriend and that you cant be his. he doesnt know you he never will and if he did he would think your ugly. i applaud harry's new girlfriend because she has proven to me that harry isnt a complete faggot still a fag but not a complete faggot. she will always be better than you and harry will never care for you. i think the whole experience is taken into consideration not just the cutscenes. so all together it might add up to 9 but the cutscenes might take a point. atleast thats how i see it it really was unfortunatley i cant play it no more due to a bug that froze my progress. im not about to start over anytime soon either. its really hard to throw weeks of work away. maybe in a few months. ooooooo nice comeback lol. freak this song LOL!! 3rd bn india co Plt 3048-3052 Go fuck yourself tmz Turn yo punkass over This shit make you cry Them nigga think they styling they ain't up on shit. Fuckin carny son. Bro got tha shoes with the wings lol trying to match color for color hahaha!,20,6,4,5,0,19,0 1282,X1283,4:28 Leave Brittany Alone Spoof Superluv and my friends actually recorded me doing a cover X3 this song gets me going . Lol -goes back and watches it again- you make a funny face while shuffling marry me!!!! X3 :)i loves it O.o ummmmm okays..... XD Awww lol Doug.... . You no watch my video.... And second IDc You hate me XD REALLY ON HERE TOO??? LOL yes,11,35,4,17,0,21,0 1283,X1284,halo is CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the robot does the spongebob dance we would've done better how the hell i got here hand me the gun i'm in the weird part of YouTube THIS SONG IS SEX FOR THE EARS!!!! epic fail he is still better than 1000 of you are Casillas version: I'm not afraid to block the shotEverybody get a turn Everybody get a turn they deleted it cuz it would embarrass the whole movie these bitches would burn hell what did immigrants do to them its not like we shited on their flag after all these years he still has the same cortz am i the only who raped the replay button thumbs up for if he so FUNNY!!!!!! thumbs up if o new years see people drunk. i have the game lets see you compare to them thumbs up for Stephen hawking . Peyton Manning Vs Aqua-man I freaked out when Dylan said he eats the sushi with his blood on it. go to 7:15 fake it is a bug how I know because fact or faked and they solve it.,22,0,3,5,0,18,0 1284,X1285,One Year. Merry Christmas Guys! My first post-Christmas video! If you need a tablet that's solidly built super-quick but don't have enough cash for a Nexus 7 - this is definitely an option you should deeply consider. The first look at my MacBook! Many more videos on the way. I'm starting a gaming channel! If you enjoy my videos maybe like a bit of light hearted gaming then please consider popping by! Thanks guys! Happy 29th Birthday Macintosh! Sorry the upload slow down guys! My internet is absolutely terrible but alas! We are getting Fibre-Optic very soon! I've just bought something very VERY cool. You may be shocked. One clue - polycarbonate. Hello my favourite people :) Here's my review on very first Android experience. Enjoy and keep an eye out in the next couple of days for an absolutely AWESOME unboxing :) That's right! It's an iMac! I didn't have enough cash for an '06 Pro so I went with this! (Main machine) Intel transition = complete.,10,166,3,71,1,24,0 1285,X1286,She's 13 years old The person who taped this video sucks! Skarang udah 10 July. Kata mereka 8 July Akan upload video lagi deh. They lip singing Saya Dari singpore :) Apa* Ini episode 1 yaa? I love your top ^^ Can't watch it on my iPad. Boohoo Omg! The planner is exactly the same as beautybaby44 . Go check her video! Goooo! Bastian cute!! At 0.55 Muka bastian... Haha cute banget! At 4.00 HAHAH! Ok maybe it ends already. Haha ok maybe I don't know. Lol. I'm so sorry Nice cover! And you are beautiful! ;) Nice voice! ;) Pls help. Thanks @iSallyGurl they did come to Singapore. When June holidays Can you please do a skin care routine? Pls. Your skin looks glowing. How old are you ? Abeh bastiaan agama apa? What? Do Selena Gomez pls!!? Cos your pupils is big and is very creepy I love your top! There's an Ipad 3?,25,1,2,5,0,19,0 1286,X1287,-__- My birthday being on the 22 on the next Shout Out Sunday scares me! :O 3:41 My favorite part Your hair is so fluffy may i touch it? :3 You have a beautiful face you could be a model. :) I heard the word tounge whats going on! xD grey rabbit.... -___-,24,3,3,1,0,26,0 1287,X1288,"That's not the way I want my story to end... is this tyra version of maury show? :) racist bitch Money cant buy love.. iloveyou! AND you will post the video on youtube right? I want that blue gum! I lipsyinc this song at school... ! Jim carrey rocked this workouts. Macy is the queeeeeeeen! Show me Nuts... lol 1 dislike? GTFO justin. all fucking dead because of RUSSIAN PRESIDENT the war has GOT to stop it doesnt do ANY good to anyone!!!! Thanks uploader you did a wonderful job! Bad voice? ugly face? yes yes you are.. Macy is The Queen! I see a red stain on the like bar . WTF people?! Pop is not ,gay, just not as good as this. never will be either. 59 Why are you girls so jealous of his legs?! Hey guys so today.. everytime :) Aw :( How did something like that happen?! Oh my gaawdd lol",22,0,4,5,0,16,1 1288,X1289,My dog (a ShihTzu) howls at the Sound of a Tenor Saxophone and only if they are really slow or go into the higher octave either way she follows the pitch and dynamics. Dogs really are amazing huh? Cool! This is amazing! Full metal alchemist cake? You are having way too much fun with those sugar things.... Then again I would have probably gone insane 3 minutes in to making them.... I'd be terrified if I saw a weeping angel! When you said your Uncle was really accepting and said it to the whole family I thought it was so sweet I started to tear up. This is epic! I can imagine that this actually happened in the books. PEETA (not a cat) Rin: Len. What are you doing? This is pretty I think I remember my school choir singing this once... I love how after you said happy birthday everybody swarmed you. This is so cute! More Japanese toys and food please! Butter knives are banned at cons in our areaso are forks... Metal ones anyways... This is also a high energy dance so It's perfectly explainable why you'd get tired to.,14,4,4,5,0,16,0 1289,X1290,Memorial Arrangements 4:52 This is the real Behemoth feeling,2,1,3,5,0,22,0 1290,X1291,7:19 LOLOLOLOOLOL You should the Thrift shop - Macklemore and Ryan lewis.:D Like so he can see? I've noticed that you give the flutes most of the melody. Where'd the shark come from... I came here because of just dance 4. Just dance 4 is better.. xD 2nd Clip: 0:32Saints row 3? You guys should go for America's Got Talent :D not to hate or anything...But Sometimes they sound like their talking about sex... What are you spraying it with? Harlem shake xD,11,9,5,16,0,39,0 1291,X1292,new girl group? When about new boy group? I'm always waiting. hehe. btw its okay. I'll support this new girl group. YG FAMILY HWAITING! Taeyang is so charismatic. I love him but i really hate taeyang's fans that really obsessed until he feel uncomfortable. There are so many girls in the world. But only one girl can marry them. I hate to accept the facts that I'm not that girl :( OMG. Why so cute? Yeah papa YG love cute face. haha. Can't wait for new boy band. Look at EXO's member faces. So insecure! TOP had proves to korean boy that they don't have to shows their body to looks sexy :D Dada is so pretty :) No offenses but this song remind me one of the international songs. I don't know who is singing that. Err just saying. No hate. No bashing. I'm just said my own opinions. Even like that myself and i also enjoying this song so much. Good job :) This MV should gains some viewers since the video is interesting. I love the choreography. An entertainer should entertain everyone no matter their age. So I think this MV is not suitable for the lower age groups. No offense. I just say my opinion. No offenses. But bang yong guk's voice is really remind me of T.O.P's bigbang. I love this song. OMG!! TOP's hair. So hot. And Daesung's voice!! Never fail to makes me melting. Not bad. Good luck! PLEASE COME TO MALAYSIA FASTER!! MALAYSIA MALAYSIA MALAYSIA MALAYSIA MALAYSIA MALAYSIA MALAYSIA !! The girl that go by the name of Euna Kim. She's got swag. She have GDCL's soul. Dear YG Please debut them faster. I can't wait. I always stop at the big bang youtube channel but I already download all their videos. WOW FANTASTIC BABY!! I think Sandara not fit in SNSD. Their personalities are very different. She is more suitable with 2NE1. I'm not a Malaysian but i think this song is great. The song was weird and this MV is so scary. Oh sorry it's just my opinion -- Loen Ent has many talented artists but they still lack the fans and viewers of their videos and songs. Everyone please give more attention to the talented. I think this song is great. where mblaq? where taeyang? :O YG loves to make me anxious. Release full song FASTER!!! :( PARK BOM IS REALLY PRETTY! AND SHE IS REALLY CUTE AND EVERYTHING NICE ALL ABOUT HER. I hope they're release this song soon. Better if they're release MV once. YG YOU CAN UNVEIL THE OTHER GIRLS ALREADY. THIS GROUP CONSIST OF 7 RIGHT? WHERE 2 MORE? :(,25,0,3,5,0,14,0 1292,X1293,White chicks lmao. Im surprised Liam didnt start a Twitcam in the control room. Who else had an orgasm when Jc spoke in a British accent?,3,2,2,5,0,21,0 1293,X1294,The Selebrities are my very favorite band. If there was one person in the whole world I could marry it would be Maria Usbeck. Thank you so much for this!! ^_^ Thanks for this :) I know the night is not as it would seem Why is he dressed like that? Did he just come from a Renascence festival?,5,2,4,3,0,28,0 1294,X1295,legal o vidio mais eu e minha amiga Maria Eduarda vizemos um vidio igual s que foi da Miranda cosgrove eu fiz dela e minha amiga fez da Jennet mccurdy se vc quer ver e s acessar jennet + imitao tchau ha e eu sou Isabelle e minha amiga a mais morena e eu a de calsa de brin tcahau. =) gostei mais achei estranho a parte que se empurran estava no roteiro muitro legal vi esta musica hoje e ja vi umas 30000000 vezes bom bom mas se vc botar imitao + jennet vai ver minha amiga finjindo que esta cantando eu soa a isabelle com uma cao d Miranda cosgrove @leletuciacherry vc mimada isibita e mandoda chata e burra tchau sou a isabelle e s tenho 8 anos ola sou eu pequena eu era uma grainha se vc quer me que no youtube bote isabelle -kissing you quebrou o meu copo de tao ruin meu primo ama mas eu no ele tem 2 anos e eu 12 Ela minha melhor amiga e sou eu que estou filmando e cantando a guria que esta em destaque. Se vocs acharo ela boa vocs to loucos.Ela canta orrivel e quebrou o meu copo de vidro voc canta muito.voc uma cantora Ela fofa mas j vi crianas melhores Ela canta mais ou menos ESTOU COM MEDO!!!!!!!!!!!,14,0,3,2,0,22,0 1295,X1296,on second thought don't free vnasty.,1,5,7,17,0,29,0 1296,X1297,Wow!!! How sweet!!! 333 Amazing job!!! AMAZING!!! Really really amazing!!! Really really great!!! Thank you very much!!! :))))) No problem :))) Really nice videos...I subbed! :)) Sub back? Wooow!!! Really great!!! I subbed!!! 33 sub back please? Really really great video! I really like this song and the video's awesome 33 WOOOOW!!! This is really really really awesome 333 Totally going to my favourites!!! 333 AMAZING :)))) salut! c'est une superbe video! :)) ohwho am i kidding I don't speak frenchsorry.... I just wanted to say this is a really great video and I subscribed! If you have any time please check out my videos :))) AHHHH!!!! I LOOOVE IT!!!! 3333 SUCH AN AMAZING VIDEO!!!! 33333 Aww no problem!!! *hugs back* 333 AHHH TOO AMAZING 333 Great job sweety!!! 333 Really think so? Thank you so so so much!!! :))) Really reallly awesome 333 I checked out some of your other videos and they are all really great! I subscribed!!! :)) If you have time please check out my videos... Really really beautiful 33 I love Tomb Raider and Evanescence 33 Those two together = amazing video 333,16,62,3,49,0,23,0 1297,X1298,Desabei... EU AMO VOCS ! Vendo esse vdeo eu chorei :( Tenho uma cachorrinha que est comigo desde pequena.. Hoje tem 4 anos E infelizmente vou mudar pra um apartamento e minha me no quer mais ela.. A unica soluo deix-la num canilzinho... S de pensar no fato que nunca mais irei v-la.. Espero que algum de bom corao aparea e se interesse por ela.. :(((( Hoooje meu aniversrio \ J veio um monte de fdp me ligar aqui.. aopksoaksoaksopaksoakos *-* #HAPPYBITHDAYTOME Olha a Ferdi aqui *o* Caderno sem dvida.. Odeio fichrio :@ Mini Luan Santana.. Do mesmo jeito que voc acha que todos os boylovatics so gays eu acho que voc o demonio e a ? Ele postou faz 5 minutos ' Eu quero. no por ser um relgio verde e fofo mas sim por ter vindo da Sange *-* Ele quebrou mesmo ? kkkkkkkkkkkk Metralhadora trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ? I'V WAITED FOR THIS ALL MY LIFE *--------------* Com quantos anos e como foi seu primeiro beijo ? E sua primeira vez ? haeuahuehauehuaehuah Obrigada Gabi canta super bem mas nessa msica ela no foi muito bem no :s DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE VOLTA PRA ITAJA !!!,16,9,3,5,0,23,0 1298,X1299,still one of the most beautiful Drudkh tracks. Holy fuck this shit sucks. most badass room. ever. FUCK. The south looks like a nightmare. I'm so thankful of youtube for mother Russia! I'm actually glad that they rejected those two asians. YEEEEAAAHHHH I have this on vinyl. This record will finally be released this year. Finally. you're fucking kidding me right? It's refreshing to come across a band that identifies with no genres but their own. I remember listening to this years ago. Such a great reminder of when they used to be a good band,13,25,6,19,0,33,0 1299,X1300,Kimchi!333,1,8,6,1,0,110,0 1300,X2684,"Omfg no. HAHAH! Kristin's slow mo in the bloopers! LOL Chillax man.. Woopoooe she missed an ,L, Automatically makes her a directionator This must have been so awkward for Harry.. Gosh I even feel awkward.. No. Uhg.. awkward Jesus Lord.. Calm yo tits brotha Can you shudoop Stop trying to act cool.. Because obviously you're not. can we take the time to appreciate that Niall's wearing overall's Why does he have to learn English? He's obviously not American so why would he need to?! Im so jealous.. no. Were not fighing! No blood anywhere (; dawwwh.. Harrys voice sounds higher when he talks with a American accent (; Hey Ok you guy's take it easy. Stop calling American's dumb because none of you guys know who's really saying he's fake. Alright thanks! (: xxx. hi Lily it's Summer on Sierras account! suup. i thought this was coool this video is so random ._. this is really freaky but she has skill! Well they were going out that time.. (Show the comment) oh my god 0:54 I can't stop replaying I like da second outfit. Im borrowing. c: you don't even know how much I laughed at this video. Louis wasn't dating anybody at this time... awkward. or maybe he thought of somthing funny randomly.. i don't know I just don't know ok. yeah this song is teribble but there obviously not ugly.. yeah they have bad voices but im pretty sure they werent looking for a emmy award.. so they made a dumb video?! THEY DID IT FOR FUN gosh people get over yourselfs He has a girlfriend.. I would love t run into him at my apple store.. It acually has to do with A LOT in the industry right now.. Whats wrong with people mistaking it for a laugh? It's not a crime yo. I got butthurt.",30,1,3,5,0,14,0 1301,X1302,i like youre style of trolling i think you should go :) i got vertigo just watching that... yeah at ikea lol geraldton speedway been there many times i could have swore i saw one of hands go back and forth under there... a briton is someone from the u.k i hear the presets in the background :) i was 13 :) because vevo is run by idiots as a matter of fact i notice some similarities in this video to avrils video for im with you go home harry you're drunk,12,8,3,5,0,16,0 1302,X1303,"and he was a high school all star and #1 overall pick damn set up id like the video Theres no running up the score in the NFL... every team is there because they are good. Play defense if you don't want to be embarassed stop complaining... it's a fun game im a pats fan but this song is hilarious ahah. love boomer and carton HOW CAN ROB PARKER SAY THROW OUT THE DENVER GAME? ,he should be 0-5,shoulda woulda coulda it's a team game and he crushed a good denver defense. And he said Brady is not elite? Blasphemous you can argue hes not the best in the league at this very moment but i'd disagree but he is definently elite. this looks so fun... can't wait hmm. i guess i'm gonna buy this after all. looks like a blast I'm a huge Pats fan and I will be at the AFC Championship Game but you guys deserve to be where you are and this song is pretty good. I believe in BRADY though :) So glad i was at this game by the middle of the third quarter us Pats fans outnumbered the Jets supporters awesome im going with my dad too :) go pats Huge Pats fan here can you upload the AFC title game from last year (i'll be attending this years game) or tell me if you do have it uploaded already. Duke sucks wow how ignorant... she isn't even fucking singing what the fuck this fucking pisses me the fuck off im here to masturbate because the super bowl is the biggest sporting event of the year in this country and garners millions of viewers worldwide. just because you don't care about football doesn't mean it isn't news Some liberals are so fucking stupid so are some conservatives but this is such a stupid discussion. Liberals love when someone dies because they can use it to try to pass radical control laws. You're the same people who complain about the Patriot act but you support this! i don't watch fox but ok. you're just a brainwashed liberal. except black people ruin america. they are handed more than any other race and still suffer from extreme poverty and astronomical crime rates We should ban alcohol guys because there are no benefits besides social drinking and it causes parents to neglect children it harms children while they are in the womb and it causes drunk driving deaths!Come on liberals enough with the double standard. what about his fucking gay? The play call on the first 3 plays was absolutely horrid... on 4th down the play was broken someone missed a blocking assignment and Kaepernick had to get rid of it doubt that was the design. It was surely defensive holding but the Ravens played the better game so whatever. PRAISE THE GOOD LORD! on 12 minute quarters... durka durkistan durka burka durk 12 minute quarters on pro with 99 3 and you just shot every time you touched the ball... not impressive at all lol these people are idiots. they look like a bunch of homeless people... why are you characterizing a group. there are sweet people with down syndrome and sweet people without down syndrome just like there are mean people with and without it -_-",29,2,4,5,0,19,1 1303,X1304,I would DIE if I ever got to meet Gerard Way. Seriously that man is my hero. I love him to death. This was actually pretty interesting. It differs from your other videos but that's not a bad thing. I actually really enjoyed this one. Keep up the good work man. -Katt,2,5,3,5,0,14,0 1304,X459,Has he got two kick drums? or am I seeing double. I like how The Edge watches Jimmys fingers when he plays Whole lot of love shit as if the Edge doesnt know that riff a friggen 5 yr old could play it.LOL. My favourite has always been the G string .LOL. Very clever but can you play twinkle twinkle little star?LOL. You can tell that she shaves her pussy! Yeh jokes aside beautiful playing bro keep it up! cool All that work building that guitar then spoiling it by giving it a bad finish!!! SHIT. To suprise my girlfriend I might swirl my dick.LOL. Buy another guitar. Yeh a fucken vodka bottle! Whats with your trousers? Looks like hes playing in the middle of the road does that mean his music is classified as middle of the road? LOL. I was waiting for her to hitch that yellow number just a little higher! Shit I think that japanese girls dont wear panties. This rips my heart out watching this but I think the real beauty we find here is the fact her father still finds her beautiful. I recognise that tune I think its called Put Another Dog on The Fire. Ripped off I thought she was nude. This bring backs memories I remember seeing this band many times in the 80s I did my apprentiship with Rudy and I recall the great conversations we used to have about music.Great stuff from Pete Gee. Beautiful I cant believe your only 10. keep it up sweetheart! Im pretty sure hes screaming into a Shure SM58 Mic. ooh yeh! Where the fuck does Iggy get his energy from? THE FUCKEN DEVIL? This is so cool I cant believe it. Sounds like raw garage rock to me just like it should be. Lucifer Lovely and you know it. One of my all time favourite aussie bands they should of had greater sucsess than what they experienced. You really are lovely good taste to yeh too bad were so far apart...Im off to karaoke tonight I will dedicate a song to you darlin. Youre very very beautiful! He allows those things to happen sure but hes not the author of them. I cant wait till the day when we see no atheism long live religion. He knows what its like to be spat on having already experiencing it you will have to be more original than that. sorry! A serial killer that plays guitar Allright. Dont you mean so boring and false.? This guy would of have to be the most decieved human on the planet.,34,0,2,5,0,21,0 1305,X1306,THIS WAS A SUPER LUCKY DAY . I have felt like this like a week ago ? .I felt like i needed to leave this world end up in Heaven I chose my decisions to stay for a while but after this video this brought me back to life. I'm thankful that you actually made thisI pointed this pout to several friends they are very happy to see this video they said they 're not giving up . Several of my friends me wanted to leave this world but we decided not to because of this video thanks for this video STAY STRONG EVERYONE Wow 3 . Thanks for supporting Big Time Rush ! 3 (: I'm 14 they're amazing truly inspiring . (: Invite me to your school please Austin (: Carly Rae Jepson is 26 .... seriously she even announced this at the concert.If you see her perform you probably would see her as a very small kid but she's really 26 a amazing singer . RUSHER FOR LIFEEEE. omfg i 've always wanted to do gymnastics. im 14 i dont think i should do gymnastics at my age anymore . These young girls have super talent are very amazing WELL DONE. I dont even know if i should start gymnastics class. Lauren's good in every video . :o. best cover ever. i love your lyrics (: 3 .HAHAHS AMAZING .i cant do this ! this is a good video on a sad day . no they;'re not. Not to us as rushers. I DONT SEE any rushers commenting on one directions video saying big time rush is better. why do you guys do this ?!?!. its messed up. we all have different opinions so dont bother commenting on big time rushers videos saying that one direction is better you will just know that you;re gonna get hate comments from us rushers (: .okay bye . Their not good ? excuse me what did i just read ? They're amazing they have talent. what about you ? you should post videos about you singing too then .You would get a lot of hatred comments from this They are very good in fact they're very nice. You should do the same song make a video and post it. and see who's better. I'm sorry if i offended you but they seriously have talent. Don't get mad for what i said because that;s what you deserved. . THIS IS WAY TOO ADORABLE . LOOOL .GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT . Big Time Rush obviously made this video first and posted this video first. You're probably only saying this because you're a directioner ? before you post comments like this check your facts. I'm sure that One Direction copied Big Time Rush for this video. You're quite smart however please don't be posting these comments if it's not accurate. Thank You . I look bad in everything even though im Asian .,15,2,2,5,0,14,1 1306,X1307,"To Pink Hrvatskaaa!! :D I'm crying ... no words for this YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!! New Fantasia!! Hey is it too late to vote for Fantasia?? :) You both great!!! Girl I remembered your name from X factor cause a friend of mine told me that we have similar voices ...and his voice is like Adam's hahaha... wow talking about talents!! And your comment about 1 $ menu cracked me up because I have similar story!Adam I love you babe... love your voice and personality...and thank you for visiting my channel and leaving a message it litterally made my day! Hope to see you both Jessica Adam do great music....lots of love from Croatia!!! You are gorgeousss!!! You inspire me so much (I'm also a singer) .. omg can I get that machine in my country ... I'm from Croatia! Lots of love :*** Dear Panda you have fans in Croatia!! 3 Love it. 3 fan from Croatia! snimljeno mobitelom ahaha :) hvala tebi ;) I love you!! Muchas gracias por esto!! Aprend el espaol desde telenovelas - la usurpadora marisol ajajajajajaEspero que voy a cantar eso en una noche de las canciones espaolas ... Gracias por el texto! Saludos de Croacia! ;) Candice got a Mary J blige flavaaaaaaaaaaa :)))) flawlessssssssss :))) Zoanette = Fantasia (of this season) !!! love yaa girl 3 3 3 I really love you right now. Keep it up! :) :* 3 within 2 seconds I subscribed!! Amazing work girls! 3 Adam I seriously love you! 3 Candice sang it better than Alicia Keys for sure anytime. Man I know...but I just watched him she IS a really good singer but there are better contestants who deserve it more ... somehow I feel that few wrong people are through instead of the better ones who just maybe had a bad day low energy or something and at that point the people who are not as talented use it to outshine them ... I should know I've been on these competitions and some singing shows in my country. What does ,burn an L, mean?? Love this song.",18,12,5,12,0,25,0 1307,X1308,"Alex drutters showed me this XD Lol ...... Hi HUG MEH , XD WOW BRAH YOUR ALL LAME! THIS IS FUNNY. ILOVE BOTH VERSIOS WHAT DID YU EXPECT ORANGE IS ON TV OOW. DIFFERENT PEOPLE TELL HIM WHAT TO CREATE NOW soooo chill peoples tht wasnt even soarta nor the owner of sparta..... IM CONFUSED URSILAS SISTERS: I didn't miss the cake and ice cream did. I? me: bish YOU GET NONE THIS WAS GAY P.S I AM THE BROWN HAIRED PERSON. I am much prettier now. -.- someone is under the rug scaring the kitty. look closely at the pattern Hey dude! I have to make a group dance to this song. I'm totatlly taking some of these dance moves. Ba da da da da da da da",13,0,2,2,0,43,0 1308,X1309,you look like whitney port :) I'm in love with me like it's serious you have no idea ;),2,56,4,60,0,19,0 1309,X1310,"cute bom....dancer: wooohooo!!!bom: we already got a complaint...dancer: (laughing)bom: do you want to go to jail....dancer: (laughing again)bom: let's go to jail!!hahhaha.... very funny... ahahhaha!!! sorrrryyyyy.... i accidentally clicked the thumbs down button... well its just GD's idea... well in my opinion he's right at some point since as a leader you are the pillar of support... and as one being strong is an important thing.. i prefer this lightstick unlike the other one.. since this one shines like its really for 2ne1.. the older version is plain white doesnt have a unique shape... YG lighsticks rock.. a lot!!!! beat is good!!!! damn... kdrama! kdramakdrama! kdrama! kdrama! kdrama! ! kdrama! kdrama! sponsored by NIKON!!! dara! bigbang! 2ne1! psy! tablo! gummy! se7en! YG! FAMily! awww... se7en oppa! hurry up and marry park han byul unnie! i know that in reality dara and gd are not together yet every bit of vid of daragon gives off a little hope wich really makes me happy... them being together for me is really magical and i dont know why... dara's kiss withjonghyun - she's like feeling shock and shykey - she's like tempting himtaemin - she's actually asking for itminho - she seriously wanted to kiss.... love se7en...!!!! totally a fan of all YG artist!!!! thunder sure is hot and cute!!!!!!!!! thunder..sooo cute!!!!!! and hot!!!!! some people posted: ,is this song exciting worth of 8 million views..,well my answer would be... ,you think barney's song is exciting worth 100 million views,views just shows how good the singer MV song and how supportive the fans are....just enjoy the music guyz.... love 2ne1... love dara too...!!! this is really funny... hhhahahah is this the latest teaser so far??? the best ang pag kuha right timing right focus... philippines!!!! a grand prize for a VIP/BLACKJACK like me!!!!!! 1 million+ views!!! not bad for a 4 year pre-debut video...yg really has something.... LOL... love the kid dancing like an adult.. hahah see u here in d philippines!!!! LOVE BIGBANG. period lucky to have not only one bestfriend but more... hehe... wish all of u to have more..!! YG sure knows how to create unique MVs!!! i actually like her.. she looks like the lead female act in my girlfriend is a gumiho... and besides guyz didn't some of us doubted as well the success of yg having 2ne1 debut... but look at the group now... anyways i love the YG family so i support everyone of them...",26,25,6,1,0,32,0 1310,X1311,my mom walked in when they said 'fuck old men and spend all money'thats wonderful. sure i like here and allbut seriously taylorfuck you. i just lost it when that kid says you owe him 10$ get off your ass bitchmake me a snack bitchthats why they call me the boss bitch (; TAKE THIS RING OFF MY FUCKING HAND LOOL THE GIRL AT THE END shes single thats not at all why she had fans. she started as a tumblr girl and went on from there. sure she might've picked up a few fans when she was dating sam but thats not the only reason. she doesnt do that anymore and it was ONCE. people make mistakes x in my opinion they are nothing like blood on the dance floor. im just here for kimbra. IT SOUNDS LIKE THE CLUB GO RAT SHIT THOUGH i havent listened to this song for 2 years how did i forget it i wish i had someone to send this too like oh my god girl crush on xlosuh oops Amen. i'm obsessed oops Are you guys even fucking sure she was talking about Harry? 1. She could've been talking about the person she wrote the song about ever thought about that?2. That's either a really bad British accent or it's her impression of the guy she wrote the song about.I don't think she would do that to Harry knowing how much hate she would get. But I could be wrong.,18,66,2,7,0,20,0 1311,X1312,"gpoy. I must ask would you happen to be a year 432847382943829389 at Hogwarts? Because this is magically phenomenal! You don't have to be rude. Nobody's perfect y'know bro. Thumbs up if you witnessed Rebecca's soul tweeting. You guys can't even aim your camera to your faces right. Mia you look like you have a dick.Stop hating. Lol you all are saying she's not good. Give her time to grow up guys. She's FABULOUS for a 9 year old. Keep up the good work sweetie. :) All of you are assholes this kid has an illness.And for the person who posted this you're the reason for it. Nick Pitera you are beautiful. Who cares if he's gay?He'll go far with his talent. Where will you get with your hate? The other day I was flipping trough Ellen videos on here and came across a Tyra Banks episode of YouTube stars. This kid was on that episode. His name is Sam and he has a condition called IGM Nephropathy which is a kidney disease. I'm not a doctor or anything but neither am I an asshole who says things like ,He needs to go on a kid diet., Think before you speak and maybe if you read the description first it says ,Get well soon Sam.,Assholes. NOPE. I'm watching more videos after this one! I'm probably speaking for myself and 1442+ other people but PLEASE form a band. You're absolutely AMAZING. Your comment is so accurate omg. It should have been way faster. :c But this is good. :) My marching band played RPH this season and it was a ton of fun. I'm fingering along to the mellophones' features. :D He's absolutely beautiful. French Horns. Nuff said. My band's playing this for our Fall Festival Concert and I'm first chair French Horn. The solo is absolutely beautiful and magnificent to play. This piece is absolute perfection. Go to 3:12 for Airheads Xtremes. c: He is SOOOOOO sexy! He's SOOOOOOOOOO sexy!",20,1,3,5,0,17,0 1312,X1313,What became of Gods promises to give the blessings of Abraham to his descendants? Many Christians understand that the promise of salvation through Abrahams Seed was fulfilled in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:16). But what of the physical birthright promises? If we believe that God fulfills all His promises we will look for a company of nations and a powerful single nation who have been blessed by God. America was a part of those nations that have received the promise of Abraham. Praise the Lord! 4:46 Wouldn't going to the moon be outlandish instead of not going to the moon? Today's weather in West Virginia from Fox NewsForecasters say the first snowstorm of the season in West Virginia's mountainous areas is going to be a blizzard. I need healing from cancer poor chicken i thought horses came from europe? The enemy will try to make your life difficult. He will try to stop you but champions of God know how insignificant those attempts really are. The enemy is a weaker entity trying to stop the omnipotent omniscient omnipresent immutable Deity who moves through youthe enemy is not going to win. Please pray for cancer to leave my body in Jesus name. Jesus paid the price for us to be healed of disease Isaiah 53:4-5. God promised to help and heal those who help others that are in need. Psalms 41. Pray for this pain and suffering to go and my body to be completely healed and my sins to be forgiven as God promised James 5:15. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Psalms 122:6 is this the summer on america idol? MTV AWARD LOL sounds like he took the red pill,12,4,6,5,0,42,0 1313,X1314,"Lol still the man. Don't let them drive you crazy. Sister in the black clothes looking like Tony Braxton. True. Old microphone so i will sound a bit fuzzy. It's true some of us are jealous of each others success which is kind of dumb since they can get up and do the same freaking thing but there to busy being corner store celebrities. All she had to do was leave because it's not the only mall in Atlanta. In my world man and woman are wrong and i don't follow people on here because i am my own man. And if this issues with Tommy is eating you up that bad then maybe you and him should talk it out on his radio show because going around calling him names like ,Tammy, and ,he bitch, is not helping you. What a shame.",9,235,5,131,0,23,1 1314,X1315,ugh omg ITS JUST A GAME homer:then will put you in a crooked home we saw on 60 minutesgrandpa:ill be good this is like the best roller coaster tycoon ride i ever saw your AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! best vid EVER i agree garlic is gross and anyone thinks vampires are real then GET A LIFE oh my glob O_O O-O OoO SPARTA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa ehh...your right its ruined for me..the vid is better than its show no germs lol LETS GO CRAZY BROADWAY STYLE!!! freds the bomb and is always the bomb no matter what YO HATER SUCK MY D*** TROLL FACE 4:34 i dont know lol your so right and right now is kinda better back than the first episode i know its epic i did it for decoration:) epic vid morethere arnt anymore!MOREMORE!MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRREEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ikr why couldent they let jack lived so sad:( did they survive? oh...wrong word thanks for telling me Hello all youtubers and haters im jackfoster224 and this is my feed and yea + my best friend is lexproco and so yea...well enjoy my vids GAWD YOU DONT HAVE TO TAKE IT SERLOUSLY OKAY!!!!!!:O,23,3,2,5,0,17,0 1315,X1316,no way! someone was very bored no thank you so much!,4,0,3,5,0,16,0 1316,X1317,LA PELICULA ES SIMPLEMENTE GENIAL LLORE MUCHO Y LOS QUE CRTICAN NO LE HAGAN CASO LA PELI ESTA SUPER Y SI TE GUSTA LLORAR RECOMENDADA COMO A MI ME LA RECOMENDARON TREMENDA!!1 buenisimaa realmente hermosaa esta musica!!!!,2,3,2,5,0,18,0 1317,X1318,that's a a dimebag signature series bro you don't make fun of those guitars. @ndjxfso yes i mean it. i am very lucky to get to know about this site. but i can tell you one thing even my friend got the maybelline mascara for nothing after signup in this site. i got it from here. you can also try it - @nbyeike yeah. that was a mascara in the parcel which i got from maybelline last week. Listen dont forget to give ur email id and delivery address to receive via courier. its worth a try here = @ynziqcr yes. i really got shocked when i receive my maybelline beauty kit without any dime @ my home yesterday. Listen to this you just need to give email addrss and tell them where you want to send. if you wanna try just try now = fuck man #4 i want that fucking guitar! @xyoouez for sure dude you hit the nail on the head there BUT! if your bored check this good time waster!: @gunhgwz for sure dude you hit the nail on the head there also! dude you would probably enjoy this online game @tfytvmu yep i agree. before I started eating right it didn't matter how much I exercised my abs were still jello. But The surprising part is my friend who is not doing much excercises maintaining his six pack with this secret food items. you can watch o you just went full retarded... i don't remember asking you a god damn thing! @opjtevw that's right i couldn't believe it when my friend told me about this site. and i can tell u my spouse is getting paid monthly for doing some surveys and browsing sites. i got it from here. you can also try it: i Di d YUierr cheLaan Gee @smbhwmp yep. You are smart if you understand you need to eat right at your age to kill your belly. Between Do you know about the 7 odd foods that kill belly fat if you don't know about them you must see this. get to know here == @flhgdac yeah. that was a mascara in the parcel which i got from maybelline last week. but i can tell you one thing make sure you tell the address and email properly to send the giftbox. i found it here - @jtmhkhy yes i mean it nobody can believe about this quickly. i know one thing for sure my spouse is getting paid monthly for doing some surveys and browsing sites. i found it here: oh shit we're dealing with a badass over here! congratulations another fucking attention whore video i thought she had sepsis? or was that a lie to get attention... what? your comment makes no sense... @byydgfq yep this is really fantastic. i know one thing for sure really lucky that i registered and earning more than $40 daily from this web site :). its worth a try here: is there a way to stop it could my account get hacked? @lxzdsfs yes i mean it nobody can believe about this quickly. i know one thing for sure i've been getting paid about $200 a week just for letting brands know what i prefer to buy. you can get it from here: why the fuck are you kissing a rose most gay ass picture i have ever seen... @xjntbwp yep. that was a mascara in the parcel which i got from maybelline last week. but i can tell you one thing dont forget to give ur email id and delivery address to receive via courier. its worth a try here @mpicyjc yeah i know alot of people who think it is fake. i know one thing for sure really lucky that i registered and earning more than $40 daily from this web site :). if you wanna try just try now: yeah some auto generated bullshit i can't do anything to stop it.. sure is right nobody can believe about this quickly. the thing is i've been getting paid about $200 a week just for letting brands know what i prefer to buy. i got it from here. you can also try it:\WZECZI @fmeeuas yeah thats what everyones been saying and dude! i think you would enjoy this game have a look @csdnbmg yeah yeah we all know that! BUT! ive been playing this game all week its worth a look - i just got some ernie ball power slinky's and put those on my dean vendetta and holy shit that guitar just came to life after that and it was only 3.99 and i got a set of 6... can't beat those deals dude... you are correct. i am lucky to get my gift mascara from maybelline for nothing. Listen is really easy to register for your gift just give ur email and delivery address. i found it here -\WZnmne sure is right. i am glad to see maybelline mascara which i got previous week as a gift from them. and i can tell u email and your address is enough to get your mascara gift. i got it from here. you can also try it\15aUahT lol they did this for pantera's domination think it was the same guy too. slipknot is pretty metal just listen to prosthetics... I already told you. you can make your workout sessions much more productive if your eating the right foods to avoid fat and belly. btw!but ye Do you know about the 7 odd foods that kill belly fat if you don't know about them you must see this. you can see it here --\YAHN8i yeah sorry i can't stop it. just ignore it,35,7,4,19,0,21,1 1318,X1319,Nice and don't have a fucked up face LOL Danm MOST people are disrespectful FUCK YES :-) Ghfgjgnfmjhfngfdmhgdmygdrfhhhvcfbdhbeghjjyb They cute together,7,12,3,19,0,32,0 1319,X1320,Boring! Go cody!!!! you rock!!!3 Scotty is has such a good heart and it would be hard to live without him because he is so amazing!!:) boooooooooooooo this really helps lots of people did that boy really die?? How could someone dislike this? i3 it i think she dropped that scarf on purpose awww hes crying please dont cry :'(,10,0,3,5,0,19,0 1320,X1321,I miss that amazing country. Is this an ad for Monster? I grew up hunting and our family of four had no problem using every last bit of three deer. Sometimes more. It's called a freezer and it makes for a much smaller grocery bill. Poland is the birthplace of democracy? Hating on that kid for getting results without gimmicks is about as low as I've ever seen the judges get. Whatever happened to snorting it? It would be nice if you had any idea what you're talking about. I'm a hunter fisher hiker and have a very serious profession as a government contractor. I don't use because of drug testing at my job but that doesn't mean that myself and many of my colleagues don't approve of another person using it. You're completely clueless on the topic buddy. Hmmmm... A documented medical condition or magic beings that have no scientific backing and not the slightest of evidence... I don't know. Call me crazy but when it comes to treating the mentally ill I'll go with science over magic. I'm going to go ahead and say that this song isn't just one of her personal bests but one of the best songs I've heard since well ever. You don't need to block 100% of UV radiation. Seeing as how in all my time in the desert I never knew anyone to get a sunburn while wearing long sleeves and no one had UV protecting anything I think it's safe to say that a normal long sleeve shirt will work just fine. haha. Taming it isn't the same as mastering it. A hot lap without crashing would be considered taming it. That's what competition is all about: being faster than the other guy. That's what Kawasaki did. They even took it one step further and made a bike that is fairly comfortable for long distances. I don't understand how 200 MPH is a record on a motorcycle. I've hit 195 (honest not speedo) on I-78 in PA on my modified GSXR 1000. I know there's plenty of people that have gone faster than me so where's the record in this? Check it out! A $150000 car is about as fast as a $10000 bike. Woah! Why do people insist on riding bikes they can't even pick up after they drop them? And why do they insist on learning without a helmet? I had an '06 and believe me when I say there's no need to clutch up. What are you talking about? Especially home made pumpkin spice pancakes when the frost is just starting to lay. That cameraman has balls of steel. I just didn't see anything very impressive there. Awe... some fan-boy that doesn't know their ass from a hole in the wall is upset. Surprise surprise.,21,2,7,1,0,28,0 1321,X1322,"q chupen el perro esta way a los q no opinaron bien SON UNOS ANTICUADOS DE MIIERDA!!!!!! wenas aqui te dejo me post oye soy el dueo del cholo es chile wnes es en brasil con agustinas en la shue q ay ay yo era el chico q recojia petardos y lis lansava el chico al q le pejaron qdo en ciyya de ruedas y estuvo 2 cemanas en coma ami me icieron esa pregunta yo macheteo en la she q ay ay saludos ay q suvir mas video se viene los estacionadores del barrio brasil en contacto tienen q verlo puede q salga en diciembre o enero q esdten bn tiesto is dios joajoajoajoa vico c ta fumando mucho q se coloco verde!!!! ---------/'|)---|-|copia y---|-|pega si---|-|has---|-|perdido---|-|el tiempo viendo---|-|este video---|-|---|-|--//'--'/`_-/'/--/-/--/\--('(- ~/'--') Menuda MIERDA\-'--/-'\'_- THE LOMOTORO(MAN) yo vi uno aparte en el 00:38 al 00:40 si se fijan en la puerta ay un nio mirando por la ventana de la puerta cn las manos a los costados de la cara como mirando por una ventana al les dejo mi aporte bye ---------/'| Este video---|-|Es el mas estupido---|-|De toda la vida---|-|Copia y pegalo---|-|Si has perdido---|-|Tiempo con esta---|-|Mierda! Pero k---|-|Una mierda grande!---|-|--//'--'/`_-/'/--/-/--/\--('(- ~/'--')\-'--/ metetelo por el culo como te gu ojaojjoaojaoj parese q es chileno eso lo asen para evadir los porticos de peaje aca en chile por la zona sur esta yeno de porticos por cada pueblo q pasas aojaojaaoa esta bn si ^^ por q osino tendrian q suvir mas los precios de los fletes pq de ay se recortan plata pa las minas 1 por pueblo o mas bn su pito xDDD vivan los camioneros buen futuro xDD 2 track is abject - promo (rip) emmm la comunidad ya exisite ase tiempo yapos yo soy el admin y tenemos productor managher nos faltan dj xDD y yo saltanto atras xDDDDD a charleston le gusta esto (y) escuchen el grito de la mujer intentando recuperar el aliento q terrible ecto tesla ,la turbina, simple y extraa fisica una corriente de aire en un lodeterminado y exacto lugar genera grandes cambios",16,0,8,1,0,29,0 1322,X909,Chancho I need to borrow some sweats keeping a girl k i couldve said they dont appreciate talent At first i actually thought that roi was a girl how old are his sisters I actually like this one the best and if your little sister really hates bieber then i would consider subscribing I'm U of M student and I didnt see you guys here no offense bro but your sister is better at rapping my mom is like dont go so fast dont get to close I want the Cal one and the Red Chicago Bulls one tim you need smaller frames best part isn't the hot girl is beiber getting beat up wish it was real I'm the top comment nooooo its not Rolanda its YU Quite an ending this shit was dope i would hate this job Bitch this is my room reminded me on a onez since when those atole look chunky Thank you Rick I stand for believing that poster in back is amazing I wouldn't mind having this argument with girls that beautiful I'm ashamed that Jonathan has the same last name Didn't expect him to start singing in English bears and NY Love this video the most hook me up bro the bears and the red chicago one With renewable energy Booty all the way that girls is so F en tan that I thought she was black when she said fucker beaner tree I got a little offended but I was still cracking up My primo is a Mexican ginger Your lil sis is awesome for hating beiber TBAG,35,0,4,5,0,18,0 1323,X1324,The aussie was a cunt to the asian dude I would like love Dag How do you put it in Grabban i want him to grabban my arse . Southampton youth are insane ! Such a good game Play Lallana and Scheinderlin both great players We need some experience so we can start challenging for top 4 or we will start losing are player ! I 3 drunk peeps How the fuck do you do you seasons so fast ! Best fm person on youtube and a Liverpool fan :) Be time to move clubs. So shite Unigay :) 339 Downing pacey. HahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahhaahahhahhahahhhahahhahahhahahAhhahahhahahhahhahahahahhahahahahha 236,16,2,4,1,0,22,0 1324,X1325,"Solidarity from Washington State Nice try big pharma. do you even depth hmm how can I comment on this video about cows and jazz in such a way that everyone knows I'm a misogynist...?NAILED IT BRO You even called the segment ,Heroes Villains,? At least *try* not to be so transparent in pushing an agenda. I gotta stop him before he fucks luigi! D:",6,2,3,6,0,20,0 1325,X1326,M8A1 SELECT FIRE .mns 2 because iam chuck fking norris OMG already have it 2 :D video is fake no such map of turnine but there is a turbine but it isnt turnine wow Jamie ur awesome chuck norris is so good he made this mod cool wtf i gtg kill my bro he un subed me but i re subed if its permnate u can never die u can just go down get up go down get up bank and refridgerator chrismas i got the permnate quick revive and i still have it to day i dont kare that no one kares os n s p u n so tab i did no nuketown it was hardcore i wanted my teamate had a care and hit me out of the map hey lier is 110k views,15,4,4,5,0,15,0 1326,X1327,"Amen to that mate bathrezz is a cocksucker. They're better than an uneducated dickhead like you. Dickhead Dear RobI am very sorry that Sammy died. You did everything in your heart to save her losing a pet tarantula is a very sad experience. I understand that every tarantula you have means something special to you.R.I.P. ,Sammy,Kind regards JamesKeep up the work Rob I believe in you mate. You don't have a clue do you because you're just an unsympathetic prick. That tarantula did mean alot to him to you it may be , just a stupid spider, but to him its alot more than just a spider. So how about you just shut up and get lost? I am sick and tired of people like you slagging Rob off so fuck off and get a life will ya!? Could you be anymore mindless and heartless?!Give Rob a break!!!Fuck off somewhere else will you?!?!Whats he done to you?!?!You're a fucking dickhead shame on you!!!! Dickhead You have a beautiful wife Rob how long have you been married?James. Shall I piss the letter ,S, on his front lounge window? Whats the hole on a tarantulas head called? What are they for? You fucking cunt. Dear RobLily my Java Earth Tiger Tarantula she passed away and I only had her for a month and it really has affected me deeply. I am sorry that your tarantula died too it really is emotional to hold a tarantula that you loved in its last moments of its life. R.I.P Owen.If you want to talk to me Rob please do anytime.Best wishedJames. I just got myself a Thailand Black Tarantula today. Bam she was fast and aggressive. Are ,Rollie pollies, suitable for tarantula tanks that contain haplopelma pterinochilus and poecilotheria species? Hey Rob its jambo again. I was wandering if you sell any Poecilotheria species to the UK? If possible how much would Poecilotheria regalis Poecilotheria Metallica and Poecilotheria striata would cost individually? Please get back to me thanks. Hey Bob its Jambo again. Are there any spiders you can keep legally without a DWA license that look like phoneutria species that are still aggressive but aren't deadly?Because I have wanted to keep a Brazilian Wandering Spider but I need a license for that kind of species because of its deadly venom. If there is a spider similar please tell me.Many thanks BobJambo Guy at 2.30 minutes sounded fucking terrible. Girl at 0.56 is out of tune. The guy at 5.05 sounds like a man having his ball twisted. This girl needs singing lessons she wouldn't even pass a karaoke competition. More like a constipated drunk woman. Your videos are fucking shit you stupid motherfucking retard. This song makes me feel emotional because not only are you a beautiful woman with a powerful voice but I started to listen to you sing shortly after I left my girlfriend after a year and a half of being cheated on. Your angel voice calms my mind. I agree with you man. Shut the fuck up you stupid arsehole! I agree with you this guy needs to buy a butt plug and go and fuck himself. Poecilotheria metallica I am an experienced keeper. :) what true spiders do you keep Jon3800? Hey tarantulaguy1976 its me again whats the most dangerous spider you have ever kept? Hey Jon3800 just to let you know that is definately Scolopendra heros. Hey mate mine name is James just out of curiosity do you live in UK? Hello tarantulaguy1976 have you ever kept anything such as Fat Tail Scorpions Vietnamese Centipedes or Wandering Spiders?",29,1,5,5,0,22,0 1327,X2957,8 stringStandard tuning down one semitone:F A# D# G# C# F# A# D# On the subject of the music video you don't see many that are one continuous shot. Very nice :) Track names? Hahaha Super Hans' head turn at 8:07 Imagine if it landed on 0 Well I know who I'm dressing as for halloween Must be 13 years old Of course there is! The comma is there to help ritards read the number more easily. By the way I major in Math. Erm jazz is ultra tasteful but bends are not at all traditional in jazz.You gizcock. My girlfriend heard the intro and asked what is this techno crap. Don't worry I wrapped my guitar around her face. Best clip ever. word up Guys... It's getting close! Bullshit 30lbs. No kidding fuck same here man. If that shit comes crashing down you are fuucked! Can't stop listening!! It seems that the bass is struggling to find a place in the music like it used to. It used to be like another piece of percussion and for me that was a defining Korn sound. Not hatin' on the music just miss Fieldy popping those bass lines. Spongebuble key-opener @adequatebehaviour where did you get this? I only read the title and I was already laughing. 2:20 That's the money shot right there I made this. It's fucking delicious. The paste lasts quite a while too You can't actually reach 0 kelvin though however in laboratories scientists have reached within millikelvins of absolute 0 What about a perfect mirrored room? Like say you're inside a sphere has perfectly mirrored walls. I guess it would be the same colour as when you close the sphere since the light would bounce around infinitely and never be absorbed. It is I'm afraid. Think about it; most highways/motorways are wider than the Great wall and you can't see them from space. Take a look at the tab in the description. His vibrato is THE NUTS!!! Fuck yeah Chopin! And then plays them perfectly live Really fucking brutal tone awesome! But I feel the vocals need to cut through the mix a lot more. Otherwise.... Champion work!,31,0,6,6,0,27,0 1328,X1329,"I agree with you. What I was saying that Obama should be helping you but he isn't and the wealthy are getting away with it America need a more fair tax system. lil Wayne came third don't listen to this McCarthyism all of Hollywood is liberal not left wing. He is just faking it because he is a troll. that sounds quite elitist to me jesus people still play this pointless game sad honsestly. really Mitt Romney talking about ,a better future, and of course millions of Americans fall for it. Only in America are politicians in their place simply because of money taken away from the poor. It does not matter weather it is Obama or Romney they still support a capitalist system that is failing Americans now more than ever. This plutocrat will make things worse for all but the wealthiest. Romney is good for taking money from the poor to enhance Americas immoral capitalist system plutocrats should not rule politics. twilight is not overrated its terrible but its rated so low that is cannot be overrated. perhaps this is a good thing you might spend the time instead doing things in real life :) trust me real life is far better that a stupid game like wow. probably a good thing it will stop u wasting time on wow... cannabis lowers your IQ it has been proven. its funny seeing people get mad at Athene what a bitch I feel sorry for you... George Galloway is a confused leftist that supports terrorists and dictators. George Galloway is a confused leftist that supports terrorists and dictators. how was it racists he is just standing up for British culture. Sir I salute your courage your strength and your indefatigability that is what he said to Saddam Hussein in 1994. He supports the ,democratically elected government, in Gaza but why would you support them if they are murdering terrorist who would destroy Israel and America given half a chance and enforce Sharia. I also do not read the sun never will. Do you really know what you are saying there because to me that seems way to far. I do not support everything the US army does but comparing it to Nazis is pathetic. Nazi Germany is responsible for the death of tens of millions of people many civilians. I think soldiers currently in Afghanistan sacrificing there freedoms so you don't have to would not be happy about being called the same as the worst murderers in history. suicide is selfish no respect. people should calm down this video is years old and was about the suicide of some people who where gay this was not made for Amanda Todd but for Obama getting the LGBT vote. how are Jews criminals you sound like some bigot to me. this is so gay it gave me aids Hunter any day more fun to watch than a spell caster. Sounds good to me. yeah and people view this more than once",27,2,3,5,1,22,0 1329,X1330,Adolf hitler vs Darth Vader. I was wondering y it wasn't showing ray!!! 22:21THERES A FUCKING KKK MEMBER ON THE WALL Get set to get decked mother Fucker. You should have just Made this a rant because I wanted to watch you play. Viewer #28 *faggot the word 'nigger' means ignorance due to the fact that the slaves were ignorant of the constitution. slaves were not only black the were also mexican asian and white. so shut the fuck up nigger. Tim was my favorite you sound like akspartankiller If it wasn't for his camera onision could never function in life The peron below me doesn't know anyone from this video. 1 like= 1 respect. Do Sadler from RE4 Charles Darwin vs. JesusNickolai testla vs. Thomas eddisonDr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde vs.Pinkie pie Leon Scott Kennedy calls a sperm bank The darkest part of this all is pinkie is the element of laughter. Damn I remember buying this when it came out Pokemon courage Johnny bravo. sbud Now do it on cocaine Who let her out of the kitchen? AK the megaman and castlevania characters can double jump,23,7,3,4,0,15,0 1330,X1331,"Adoro ver esse cara danar! A parte q a Katy criana d um piso no cho me lembra a menininha do clip ,First Of The Year, do Skrillex demais!!! Achei bem legal a iniciativa alm de prtico muito bom o lancho! Vocs podiam fazer receitas caseiras de molhos tambm. Sugiro que vocs faam fondue em algum video gostoso timo pro frio e acompanhado com os amigos! (e budweiserrs)Bjos Pq vc no ficou na Ana de Csaro??Vcs brigaram?? Srio Ana chorei aqui!Quanta garra e determinao lindo demais!",5,6,4,5,0,21,0 1331,X1332,Matty u laugh so much like ur sister p.s this is janel That's jacked up I didn't mean to post this lol so funny luv this vid i am just asking but if u r telling ppl not to care what ppl say about them y r u posting vids about if u r fatugly and a bunch of other stuff you had lipstick on ur teeth p.s. this is miranda I got all of them right yay :) Lalalala dada dada firework hahah luv this chick why is my name on tht list behind u is tht bad email me or somethin Thank you and goodbye subscribe to our channel ppl ps this is JJ Wow dude ur awesome U have inspired me so much good job emily work on the rhythem ill work on it wit u on tuesday u r so stupid and funny tht y i luv u chick its anjel btw good job ur really good,14,1,2,12,0,15,0 1332,X1333,I had to get out of the theater i couldn't watch it and the principal of that school is an idiot. God Bless you Alex the story about this kid broke my heart :( Maks needs anger management is sorry to see that such a wonderful dancer looses his temper and can be so disrespectful Best concert ever!!! Aerosmith rocks!! Derek is such an amazing choreographer I know he's going to have a huge career!!! congrats to both Val looked like a hot hot!! WOW....QUE VOCES!!! Que personas tan ignorantes en este mundo y como se dejan lavar la cabeza tan facilmente por eso estamos como estamos en este mundo.....y como este hombre no esta preso???? este mundo esta perdido I was there that show was amazing!! He is so damn georgeous!!! Hopefully that's when i'll have my baby in April!,12,1,7,3,0,38,0 1333,X1334,What's wrong with dubstep??? DAMMMMMMMNNNN,2,3,3,5,1,22,0 1334,X963,"does anyone else notice the black guy with the afro in the background at 2:33? :D thumbs up if like ps3 move and not dumb ass xbox kinect with horrible games and cool games for ps3 move dont you love how he says 12 to 14 hours is short!!!!!!!!!!! Now a days the average story length is like 5 hours. Oh I miss the the good old days Its is a different voice. The original actor could not get it done in time for e3 so they had someone else do it. Pretty good immitation if you ask me IN those particular two plays. Kevin Durant got lucky with his shot and Brandon Roy had actual skill. Kevin Durant is a very good play but you should have picked a play that actually showed how good he was not just a lucky shot People need to stop saying B-Roy sucks. It's true he is nowhere near his old self but he definetly does not suck he is still a very heavy presence on the floor and draws double defenders all the time. He is good for a solid 10 points a game and an occasional miracle game. Give him time and he might be the sixth man of the year. People need to stop saying B-Roy sucks. It's true he is nowhere near his old self but he definetly does not suck he is still a very heavy presence on the floor and draws double defenders all the time. He is good for a solid 10 points a game and an occasional miracle game. Give him time and he might be the sixth man of the year. haha. Somebody's a miami fan. Dude I'd be mad too I've never cummed so hard 13 couldn't get touched This deserves way more views. Man i laughed. I don't get why people care where the Normandy is going? Compared to everything else this game...Series does. All the questions they answer ,where the Normandy is going, is so small in comparison that it doesn't bother me very much. Plus if all this ,hallucination ending, stuff is true (which I hop it is not)...Chances are you'll find out soon. going to miss him. it was a good year with wallace up here in RIP CITY In one month the Blazers have fucked up everything Brandon Roy spent Five years building. I have been a drill Instructor 5 times (YMSSgt) I can tell you that there really isn't anything hard about bootcamp. It's just the way the DI's build it up. It's our job to make you think bootcamp is hard. Young Marines can't hold a candle to the actual military. We all know that. But that doesn't mean it's a walk in the park. We have eight year olds in our unit busting their humps every day to promote! These kids are trying to better themselves so who the hell are you to talk down to them. I'm going to laugh my ass off when the new ending has NOTHING to do with indoctrination. The indoctrination theory is stupid and full of holes. people just want to believe it so they do. It's stupid and it wont happen. JOHN FUCKING Q! This movie was terrible this movie was really bad looks stupid *Rubs forehead twice* Why didn't the reapers blow up the crucible?Because then there would be no story and effectively no game. Sometimes you have to look beyond things for the sake of the story. No Crucible=No chance Reapers win everybody dies The End.But there are way too many plot holes i agree. Your loss. why do i feel the urge of killing myself after watching this video? my eyes hurt. last of us looks so gay. Disappointed in Naughty Dog. I think the reason all the endings are pretty much the same is from a technical standpoint impossible to make. I think there is too many variables that make it almost impossible to code for all that. That doesn't excuse this piece of shit end we got. But really I don't think it is possible to take in all those different outcomes. And then lead to 0-4 the next year in the playoffs This looks so stupid! Mass Effect 3 is a great game Just a second let me look for a fuck to give.... So people hate EA.... but are they really worse than Activision? In my opinion big publishers like them should just go away. Stick to smaller publishers who only work in the gaming industry like Bethesda or Ubisoft. Or hell if everybody could self-publish that'd be even better. EA and Activision are going to be the downfall of the industry. And it's not fair to companies like BioWare who end up taking all the heat. Best ME in mt opinion. I don't care about RPG elements and stuff like that. I only care about story and while ME1 probably had the best overall story I felt like ME3 developed the characters more (I actually cared about kaiden/Ashley....WOW) And the Normandy felt alive the way people would always talk to each other and roam the ship. It's a fantastic game that I just want to play over and over again every time I beat it. Hats off to you BioWare. no Fantastic DLC. Any questions you had regarding the Reapers are answered. It is presented incredibly as is the usual with BioWare and is just top to bottom fantastic. I almost like it more than lair of the Shadow Broker. :O TedCrusty! You use reddit! My life is complete. Ray is the funniest person at Achievement Hunter. Thank God there is still humor in the call of duty community xD Oh damn I'd do UNSPEAKABLE THINGS to the girl on the left. Lemme see that bearded clam;) I'm not buying either until like two years after they release. When the 360 first came out the RROD was everywhere. When the PS3 first came out it was crazy expensive and not nearly as good as it is now. I'm going to wait until they lower prices and smooth out the wrinkles.",42,2,4,5,1,15,0 1335,X1336,Can you please tell me what song this is? BTW YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER :DCute video I know how it feels. To be called so many names to be hurt and to feel like nothing. To think that there is no reason to live. Ive cut so deep that ive been in the hospital 4 times. ive tried to kill myself twice But I met this one person on youtube he showed me what he was living for. He told me that its okay to be scared but dont give up. There is always a reason to live. He showed me GOD and now im doing fine If anyone ever need someone to talk to you can message me Never give up on yourself Even with all the burns you still look gorgeous(: Just because you have burns doesnt change who you are your a survivor and your so beautiful dont let anyone ever tell you different. Im very glad that you made it out of the fire(:,3,1,3,1,1,14,0 1336,X1337,Mi smo kao narod i nacija nebitni ne povezuji eventualno znacajnu stratesku poziciju Srbije sa Srpskim narodom. good argument backed by so much evidence of zionists intentionally killing women and children. guided rockets (my grandmother was operated by one) lawyers judges (the high-court judge that convicted an Israeli ex president Moshe Katsav was a Palestinian). If anybody thinks there are ways to deal with Hamas without innocents dying on the way (when considering at their tactics and ethics) they are completely out of their minds what happened so that Gaza gets under siege? What happened before all the measures taken on the territories in general? When you declare holy war on a people perform indiscriminate killings with absolutely no ethics in fighting for your cause you cant expect to be treated with niceness and when compared to how other ethnic conflicts in the world unfolded when one side gained practically absolute power over the other Israel is super nice. When you learn to accept the fact that Mubarak Saddam and Gaddafi were relying on the traditional authority of Islam in those societies (its funny that you mention Gaddafis Libya since it was a Jamahiria Islamic republic) they just dont want them there because they are little wannabe revolutionaries who dont know shit about this whole situation and the history behind it but are trying to fulfil their dreams of saving the world... life is not simple or easy and conflict is not pretty but please ive seen policemen being much more unpleasant without any decades old conflict in their operational area any suicide bombers and terrorists that kill families in sleep and such... so if you care about arab civilians tell the people from gaza to stop firing rockets at us and we will stop defending they would have done it a long time ago if the objective was a military one seeing how their rocket attacks are ineffective but hamas is sacrificing their own civilians over the course of years on purpose so that wannabe freedom fighters from the west would cry and pressure their governments to annoy Israel the problem with verses from any holy book is that they tend to be ambiguous and they lack context its really easy to fill the gaps the way you want them to be... it is all pattern seeking an essential evolutionary instinct that survived because it helps us survive in fast moving environments but not good in finding true cause and effect...this is what created religion in any sense or form... just because something fits into a pattern does not mean it reflects reality. and what about shamelessly attacking a country's civilian population while using your own population areas as a human shields...we could make a parking area out of gaza in 2 days if we really wanted to and didnt care as much about the people living there as Hamas does...,10,0,3,5,0,20,1 1337,X1338,You are so Very Sweet *-*,1,0,2,5,0,16,0 1338,X1339,"Very cool. The 3D effect is super They make me ill. This guy sounds like Ferris Bueller. I'm learning Paramedic stuff so I can deal with my own problems am just gonna ring emergency services to order the ambulance. They're disgraceful always just ,another day on the job,People don't wanna hear ,just relax justrelax just relax, in monotonous voice. They wanna be told what they can do to help.They should teach these people basic psychology instead of how to be repetitive monotonous unfeeling pricks! I dunno; he's got a bit of that Charlie Sheen glimmer in his eyes... They enable Darlene's behaviour by allowing her to dress them down ignoring her rude manner inappropriate language. (3:33) Unfortunately it's this kind of parenting albeit well-intended meant to challenge ,traditional, patriarchal 50s values that's failed every generation since BabyBoomers. They've been so intent on reversing their parents',mistakes, that they've raised fat loud-mouthed obnoxious pain-in-the-arse entitled bitches (the rather accurate American stereotype) unsure men ROSEANNE MARATHON : - ) Why do Americans think wasting food throwing it around like monkeys is funny? These writers must have been taking these characters from their own experience; no wonder Americans have such a bad reputation all over the world.Quite honestly both girls are. Super role models for American girls; I know SO MANY American chicks who are entitled little pains in the arse just like these girls. I don't care but it is different. We actually have external hairy sweaty body parts there which sometimes require rearranging since men decided to wear unnatural underwear. Constricting our testicles is very unnatural.Not the same for women we men wouldn't do it if we didn't have to so it does come across as both unfeminine a bit nasty unnecessary. I don't fancy sitting in hospital for a few hours. I'll just live with it and die a slow painful death.-Moaning whining people with free healthcare make me sick to my stomach! Poster children for American consumerism ! I think it's the editing that makes it seem scripted. They pick choose the ,best, moments the therapist does sound like he rehearses what he says and/or edits out what makes him look/sound less ,intelligent,. They tracked her by her tits not her teeth. Ha! That's a first. Looks like Pam Anderson will never be lost : - ) Very cool how we don't notice Rachel in her prison jumpsuit. Sick sociopath. Rachel's as convincing as that chick on video hiring a hitman to kill her husband who then claimed to her husband she'd never done it...Oh they also had audio written proof the ,hitman, she tried to hire. She still says they were lying Dalia somethin'...American chicks are INSANE BITCH. Always trying to blame the guy after the guy tries to take the rap for her.She's only crying for herself. Sociopathic selfish crazy bitch. Diagnoses are statistical averages not facts. In statistics conclusions drawn are based on confidence intervals of 95% meaning conclusions will generally hold true for 95% of cases. This makes deviations rarer but NOT out of the ordinary.95% of people's IQs range from 70-130 but that doesn't mean people aren't often outside that range. I myself fall outside that range. Therefore it's faulty to conclude that the ,urine must be helping, vs. the diagnosis was just not accurate for her case. Ironic - a psychology student who doesn't recognise their own psychological illness Also why would you wait THREE YEARS to check up on a hoarder? Knowing how much damage they can do in that time. It only takes 15 mins to call by once a month! Thats not a health hazard to the neighbourhood. Moral issues are VERY different from physiological ones. He needs to be sectioned forced to address the underling mental illness. Western (esp. American) don't see the same percentage of hoarders in 3rd world countries. I was talking about ALL hip-hop. This particular song is a type #1 genius Agreed but that goes for ANY 2 people not just spouses. One person should NEVER be assaulted by another. Ignorance is bliss eh? Wow you've just reiterated your own faulty logic yet still cannot see it: THE WRITERS who are NOT adolescent girls are writing these lines so they represent how the writers feel.,Pronunication,?? Wow Americans are really stupid Are you DEAF? It is the FACT that forward locomotion is generated with the arms that is clever in itself. I am not advocating use of this specific device for quadriplegics. I SAID there is potential here. Parts of this could be integrated into a future invention which uses arms exclusively for example.Get it? Got it? No? Well fuck it; just don't bother me. American news ALWAYS sounds ridiculous You people THRIVE on sensationalism. If it's NOT weird you don't put it on the tellie so why should this be any different? FYI when the admixture began to thicken and become more viscous that was an indication of the emulsification process (i.e.,trace,). Because you're using the heating method you should add salt (even table salt) after saponification and drain the liquid off and voila bar soap a bit more like what you're used to ; ) I don't think sexually forcing yourself ONCE on a woman merits such an extreme reaction. The women is left alive is not physically battered or irreparably damaged etc. It is a serious crime and the psychological ramifications are severe but we are all fucked up these days and all need psychological/emotional repairs since we now all have personality disorders messed-up childhoods etc. Persecuting rapists over and beyond attempted murderers is ridiculous though. It's a good thing David fucked a couple of different chicks while he was out cuz he probably won't be seeing pussy again. Full stop. Wow are you from the past? ... At least you and your kind are such dinosaurs you'll all be dead soon (even if not soon enough).",29,0,7,5,0,35,1 1339,X1340,Thats the shit The presidents black my gun is to so I say fuck niggersfuck jews im not gay wonder if theyll give some go rounds with the daughters shes callin u nigger u fuckin boot lip fried chickin watermelon suckin uncle tom lookin mother fucker hope that bitch gets shot hope its in gods will to bang lauren,6,0,3,5,0,30,0 1340,X1341,wow!! ur totally awsome..!!! keep it up.!! =) i love them.!!! .... it's just crush . ilang taon kana jobell.?? alam ang ganda mo po ate ... at ang swerte mo aman po ... 12 palang ako ... =) Hello Daneboe how can you make awsome videos .. the video effects ..?? hahaha ... trip trip .. hahahaha .. nice .... =) =( ... haixx ... nakakamiss ... hi .. nice voice .. very soft .. keep it up !!! .. by the way please check my cover too .. =) i really really love it !!!!! ... simply awesome !!! aus toh ha ?? .. hehehe =) .. love it ...!! low quality nga lng .. =( ang cute !! ... serious na serious .. gustong gusto ko ung attitude ni barbie kc pinapakita nya kung sinu talaga cya .. eh ung iba kase nagiiba ng ugali ... that's so nice ... =) nice .. ako po ung guitarist ... pretty !!! oo nga naman ... hahahaha .. kahit sa pick pagnanglalambot ako .. nabibitawan ko ... ^_^ .. nakakatouch talaga .... T_T ... ganda loveet !! you're super fucking cute ... ^_^ her songs rocks !! .. every meaning of the songs is real !! ... love AVRIL !! cge vianka .. lageng pinakekelaman cp ko hahaha ..,22,23,5,5,0,20,0 1341,X885,new world record of destruction why did you make this video I would get her that toy then return it back to the store when she gets bored all kids love a toy for 3 hours and get bored of it come on he didn't say it but he means to other kids just say it and when you go a way they laugh doesn't she arleady have one? preschool? seriously? cool but it's easier than it looks where is cn? ........ haheeahahahahehe the result looks wrong legs look too manly ten year olds are totally knowledgable about style and class your teeth disolve quicker than cola plus if you don't brush your teeth properly cola is there on it for over a week wow his singing is bad but the lyrics are totally epic people don't perform executions in Canada not all hispanic and black males are murderers and crime comitters. Just a lot of crime makers are she might be spoiled but at least she still apreciates stuff good luck with children these days so its your child I don't abuse children but everyone I know has at least hit or emotionally hurt a child 5 times wrong wrong wrong ???? not even as funny as the word funny your face is not ugly you just need a hair do that fits it so much better then the pineapple boat yes you're ugly she's not that ugly I've seen worse her face is small flute is a hard instruement you are 500 times better than people I know keep it up beautiful snakes aren't as evil as people portray them as the're just long and big so its sort of scary I live on the third story I won't kiss you ever!!!! scary !!!!!!!!! I'm speechless inaporopriate\ who the fuck does he think he is? just do it next time again don't know a thing about spanish folk but loved it!!! not well syncronized good for amateurs though fuck,40,0,3,5,0,24,0 1342,X1343,This is the only video I have of my daughter Cecelia saul...( this was posted by my ten yr old son) Cecelia passed away a week laterin her crib. My ten yr old went to get her up jan 262012...she passed away of SIDS . I only looked at this clip for the first time a month ago.. I watch it religiously now...mamadaddyjaysonand Mallory. Miss u.... Where do you put the cheats One more bottle hollywood undead I was the ginger and the only one in my school,4,8,5,42,0,28,0 1343,X1344,"why not just smoke a J? typical Italian douchebag what a fucking dipshit. quit turning the wheel counter clockwise before the door trying to get 23 grand for a car you beat on? why not just walk up and shoot it in the head. u r a great hunter! NOT! fucking douchebag cock sucker. did you get beat up as a kid? i bet your daddy made you suck his little dick. big man can kill lion. FAGGOT! yeah i have shot at moving objects with a scope. we call them insurgents. not defensless animals. things that were trying to kill me and the rest of my team. i dont mind hunting but hunting is for something you are going to eat. but whatever. if if makes you feel powerful to kill a 30 pound animal good for you. Fat ass fucking pig cop Dear troops: Thank you for being kick ass mother fuckers!!! all the men and women in green fucking rock!!! Remember if its brown its down!! why are they calling nco's sir???? Are you kidding me you fucking idiiot? SIMPLE SOLUTION.... OBEY AUTHORITY AND YOU WONT GET YOUR ASS BEAT!! MAYBE HER USELESS PARENTS SHOULDVE BEAT HER ASS AND TAUGHT HER SOME RESPECT HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA STUPID MONKEY FUCKER!!!!!! YOU ARE A FUCKTARD TOO BAD THEY DIDNT TASE YOUR PUNK ASS If any veterans are watching this; THANK YOU Thank you for your selfless sacrifice. You are all truly american heroes.Thank you for fighting for me and my family and my neighbors. You guys and gals are the bomb!!!!! USA USA USA USA I would have shot his limey ass SIMPLE SOLUTION; OBEY AUTHORITY You stupid hillbilly redneck fuck stick ran your mouth now deal with it. I would have tased your stupid ass took your camera and filmed you crying like the little bitch you are then posted that.. Harris and Kleibold were not famous. They were selfish little douche bags that should have been captured and tourtured true grit. a real mans man. see you when i see you FUCKIN EPIC! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE MEMORIES MR. CASH QUIT DRAGGING THE CLUTCH COMING OUT OF 2ND! LET THE REVS BUILD UP A LITTLE I have a very rare detroit tigers jacket that I won as a safety award while buildind the stadium in 99. been worn a few times rumored to be the same model as the players wore that year. Email me at if interested. dont bother lowballing I already have an idea of what it is worth. I will email pics I hope someone kicks my sons ass if he thinks he is big enough to talk shit YOU ARE A STUPID DOUCHE BAG FUCK FACE! THESE MEN PUT THEIR LIFE ON THE LINE TO KEEP YOU AND YOUR DOUCHE BAG FAMILY SAFE. I WISH YOU WOULD MEET ME SOME WHERE SO I COULD SLAP THE STUPID OUT OF YOU no but these two little buttfucks walk around with their guns carried in the open like, look at me look at me,. well IDIOTS that makes you the first target when the shit hits the fan. if i was going to rob someplace and saw their dumbasses with guns on their hip I would shoot them then rob the place.",26,0,5,5,0,38,0 1344,X1345,ADMIT THAT I JUST DID IT BITCH! milk does a body good! ha Dude thats awesome. I was just thinking that earlier too! :D,3,9,3,5,0,20,0 1345,X1346,omg i saw your movie lifted and it was awesome i didn't know that your voice was this good so how did you like it yesssssssssss finally he is dead i win u lose fuck u guys who said that video is dumb yep singing and acting everyone dislike this thanks boogbea i think its cool ur not fucking ugly yr a hot baby lets get together sometime u r good fuck her she is horrible she brooke m ear drums that pic is u one of your bf's its more dancing instead of singing sorry sooooo funny man dang your fat as hell u need to see a doctor and it looks like u have a vgg u are just disgusting your not even funny and of course your hungry your morbidly obessed she probably looks really fgood if she takes that make up off does her make-up and dresses better............not,18,1,3,6,0,39,1 1346,X1347,"Cut the guy some slack...He's only human you know...Besides I don't even understand why people care about getting a signiture from a ,famous person,...What's the big deal? lol watch?v=JvjuG_jMF6I Nose manny nollie B/S shuv switch nose manny fakie B/S shuv switch manual....what?...Clean as fuck Congrats man...Hope you live a great after-life...If ,god, wants you that is...I mean you did just call someone a ,big dumbass,...Haven't you heard that's not very nice! :O - Good day ;] Why should religious people get offended? They both have an opinion on the topic and if you are religious didn't ,jesus, ,tell you, that every person was created equal? So consider each others. Personally I'm with 4hpook. Although suicide is tragic the person commiting it must really want to go and if they do who am I to say they can't? I myself feel like I'm going to want to do it around 75 (expecially if I don't have kids) but who knows. I just appreciate every day like it's my last :] We'll see if you're saying this on your death bed and the doctors let you know that ,luckily, you're not dying ,yet,...You still have 6 whole months! Enjoy them!.......In excruciating pain doing nothing but watch your family members grieve while you lay in bed only alive due to machines...Euthanasia is the way to go. Peaceful with the ones you love. What if you're 90 by yourself and fall down outside. You believe that's ,God's plan, compared to dying with loved ones around? Smh Gee I wonder who wins... *Recommended video's list : 1st video ; BATB4 Final Champion - PJ VS Morgan* This guy landed more tricks in 3 minutes then I will in my life You're crazy if you think this women is chubby... Why is he argueing with some kid who commented saying he got it 1st? Does it really matter who got it 1st? lol I love how they talk about America like they give a shit what happens to the ,everyday people, like you and I. All they care about is the power the reputation and the money. If my generation of people wern't so arrogant they would realize that Ron Paul is the only good canidate. The fact that the media doesn't publicize Paul should be reason enoughto know he isn't for the elites but for the common citizens. Romney is a flip flopper and Obama is for FEMA camps enough said. Thumbs up for truth Maybe it's for people who want that ,new game, but it's definitely no tutorial on how not to get ripped off by gamestop that's spill proof. You could buy a game take off the wrapping in the store then go back up to the counter and say you want to sell it and they'll give you 15% of what you just paid for it then sell it for $10 less then new price. Gamestop hustles more then your neighborhood drug dealer. Fact I can't wait to go there Friday and skate those bowls ^_^ TRUMPET SOLO FTW! If they cheat once they will cheat again...Forgiving is saying ,it's ok,...In my opinion on to the next one. Ya...PRACTICE! screw being pretty for picture day!...wear a smile with that road rash! The scars will remind you when you're older of how much of a bad ass you were when you were younger! Price is irrelevent...If I WORK to PAY for MY 75 cent candy bar only to have it stolen I should be justified in taking something from him...if he didn't wanna get shot all he had to do is not take MY candy bar...It's not about the money it's about the principle - YOU DON'T TAKE WHAT ISN'T YOURS Keyword : ONLY 459 Ten year olds I knew this was gonna be sick as soon as I heard The XX FS hurricane was sick Why should Ozzy get sued for making a (great) song? If the kid did what the song says he killed himself with a product made by our own government. And the fact of the matter is he obviously had problems before hearing this song. It's not like he was the happiest kid in the world then all the sudden he listens to this song and is like ,Hey! That sounds like fun!, -_-...Who kills themself to this anyways? I live for this! My death song will be Baby - Justin Bieber lol...cheers to that? ;] Back 180 switch manny was sooooo fuckin sick! That bowl is the sexiest thing I've ever had the privaledge to lay eyes on and my girl is pretty damn sexy",25,1,6,5,0,42,1 1347,X1348,beautiful song and an awesome cover. :) i'd love to see obama's reaction when he looked you up on youtube.... uhm i think you've lost your bra love. no just no. he is like a male version of jessie j. impressive dance moves you have there love. more acoustic! :) ps your jackets pretty cool too ;) This might be my fave cover you have done :) The actress in this video played Alice in Transformers coincidence or...?!? I'm pretty sure that a 4 year old could write shit lyrics such as 'baby baby baby baby oh oh oh oh' or however that shit goes. So no. Just no you idiot.,10,0,2,2,0,20,0 1348,X1349,Im Streaming live on Google Hangouts!,1,66,5,116,0,16,0 1349,X1350,love all the videos can't stop watching them ; ) !!!! if u r saying cena is gay then y r u putting gay seens on your page lol omg i was just thinking that we all know u wanted 2 c some hot girls but u got tricked ha ha ha!!!!!!! why r their titles misleading : ( OGM i love this video best in the web great taste of music and cats!!!!!!!!!!!! why mom....why do I have poo poo eyes : 0 love this video but hate that people are hating on asian.... equal the guy with black hair on the right corner is sooo cute look at 3:10 if u put it on mute if is ok if u want 2 c a good cat video look at Fat Cat Dancing To Very Random Music by- JMO41111 after looking at this video i had 2 go look at some SMOSH it is the best not this video we watch smosh because it is funny unlike you GO SMOSH HELL YA GO 2 HELL U SMOSH HATER U f*** peice of s*** this guy is crazy get out of there dude I love this video it makes me think of my father how passed ......if u can take one thing from this please never take your loved ones for granted.,16,0,3,5,1,21,0 1350,X1351,omg.. i use to be that girl =/ awkward hahahha except the showing up to their house _ so sexy (gutarist) faaark has this person ever washed there face? ick hahah but how did i even end up here..,3,6,5,6,1,22,0 1351,X1352,I WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! josh ur so hott and nice vids!! my family can talk really fast u can barley understand us when i talk fast awww :) DID U KEEP IT! I LOVE U JOSH AND UR VIDS :D TEHEE :) :) do u like snooki of of jersey shore!?? Girlfriend: turns on song and starts dancingBoyfriend: Smiling 3 and starts singing the song :)Girlfriend: you make my heart beat fasterBoyfriend: u taste like sunlight and strawberry bubble gum!Girlfriend: how does sunlight taste??Boyfriend: i don't know but do u want some strawberry bubble gum?Girlfriend: sure :) i love this song and hollister :D THIS IS AWESOME :) I LOVE U JOSH :) Shake Yo Booty To Da Music Everyone Shake Yo Money Maker!!!!!!!!!!! Ha Ha LOL I LOVE U SO MUCH CODY BOUGHT YOUR CD YESTERDAY THE NEW 1 BEEN LISTENING TO IT ALL DAY IN THE CAR :) 3 TOMMOROW'S MY BIRTHDAY! SO IF U WOULD RESPOND TO THIS IT WOULD BE SO GREAT THE BESTEST THING I COULD RECIVE FOR MY B-DAY ha ha love this song :) :) my dad's name is Robert though he is not a murderer! XD LOVE IT BUT NEXT TIME MAKE A SONG ABOUT NOT KILLING KIDS ANDF DON'T USE MY DAD'S NAME ROBERT IN A SONG LIKE THIS :) THNX!!!!! love u justin ur awesome i have to say somthing i really love u your talented i think im ur biggest fan!!!!!!! i think ur sexy and i'd do anything to meet u anything u name it. so i wish u could surprise me like u did paige on ellen so badly!!!!!! ur face is on all my walls in my room in my locker att school and everything i read tiger beat magazine and the first thing i do is read about u!!! happy b-day charlie I Love Cody Simpson 3 3 woohoo imma astronaunt forever keep it up!!!!!! please never ever give up no matter what!!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe he's so HAWT I LOVE YOU JUSTIN I HATE ALL YOUR HATERS! :D YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OH MAN I HAVE 5 ZAYN NIALL HARRY LIAM AND LOUIS :),21,22,3,18,0,20,0 1352,X1353,"Listen whoever thinks he's not hot and doesn't have a hot body has awful taste. I would have ur head checked. Peg legs means that wen he got his knee injury he was limping like he had a peg leg!! U** @TGFan101 stfu u @MrsJBiebsforever ur so right I luv Justin Bieber too and if all u jerks don't like it then don't bother watching it. It's better to keep ur opinion to ur self and just not say anything rather than being an ass bOut it so stfu all u haters. This is HILARIOUS!!! Ur so funny I just subscribed luv this vid!!! Noooo ur fine!!! Ur not the skinniest person in the world but it's not good to be too skinny. Luv u GloZell!! Ur good!! Oh btw it's Alyssa's friend Steph :) And @Wordedgagadirty STFU U PROBABLY SUCK BALLS AND UR COMPARING JUSTIN TO REBECCA BLACK???!!!!! WOWU R STUPID.JUST FUCK OFF. She sounds much better!!!! Not bad!!!! @loveme606050 just so ya know I did it today and it hurts like hell. Salt and ice together cause a chemical reaction. Now I have blisters all over my arms so it does hurt so don't tell her to man up if u have never tried it. Just did it yesterday and my arm looks like that!!! Plz blisters go away!!!:( And u think this is the best cinnamon challenge ever? Look at the cinnamon challenge by GloZell and ur video will look like nothing. She didn't know how much u were supposed to take so she used a ladle!!!!!!! It's so funny and btw I wasn't laughing at all at urs. Not funny at all. No offense. Lol *nipps* Hey Selena don't let the haters get to you cuz ur dating Justin pple just want him for themselves and I'm even a Justin super fan and I don't hate u. Lol. Byeeeee:)))) If u didn't notice this doesn't have the lyrics Oh and I love Justin Bieber and I'm not mad AND he won rookie of the year. Did behn Wilson? I don't think so. Your WAYYYYY too young to be asking that. Wat r u like 7? Ur so sweet!!! And since u say ur not gay I believe u but if u were it doesn't matter. Peace love and cotton candayyyyyy!!!!!:):):) @Adam Moran u r just sick u don't have to like him but u don't have to go that far it's just like disgusting. Wtf is wrong with u asshole Y r u asking this? How old r u anyway? Sweety u don't have to ask that and there will be pple who will be mean to u and say mean stuff just to make u feel bad so if anyone one says that ur ugly fat r bad at siniging and ur voice is annoying don't listen.theyre just losers who r trying to get a rise out of making u feel bad. Don't worry hun ur beautiful and sweet. U don't need to ask pple that.:) @manhin45 R u blind?????!!!!!!! Jordan was the best ever but Kobe's the second best ever. Dumbass. Ur pretty Your really good!!!! Luv ur hair!!!!:) @theavonlady09ify If ur only 9 first of all u shouldn't have a bf and I don't have anything against u cuz I don't know u but even if she doesn't look exactly like a Barbie doll u don't have to trash her Ok for the pple who r being mean to rayraysongs23 STOP!!! U don't even know her!!!!when she made a YouTube account Ishe didn't say ,oh I'm gonna make a YouTube account so pple will be mean to me and call me a bitch dork and a jerk., plus she's only 11!! Ik tons of pple say this but it's true! Don't worry rayraysongs23. Ur a beautiful and sweet girl and a great singer don't let all these haters get to u!:) @BiebersTheMan How the hell do u think Larry Byrd was the best player ever?Maybe he is in your mind. And it's like disrespectful that u sed that he's better than Jordan and Kobe. Larry Byrd was good but there is no way in hell that he is the best player e",28,3,2,5,0,18,0 1353,X1354,:) :) Ja ...and watermelons too :) :) :) U So ROCK !!! Kittie Rules !!! Awesome :) cats and roller coaster's yay 4 that :)3 cats what a riot :),9,6,4,5,0,40,0 1354,X1355,damn well all of you guys can argue about stupid shit but I'm ecstatic that BUSH is finally back together after these past few years. HELL YEAH!!! you guys can worry about the end of the world but without this wonderful stuff it would be the end of the world haha. keep crying and whining bitches!!!! ;D shut the hell up lets see you get your ass beat and then rephrase what you just said. and its big mouths like you that make people think this and then DO what you just saw in the video. that had to be the dumbest comment i have seen on here. i would make loss number 5 believe that lol you wasted to much time on your valve but you are fast Phnx Arizona in the States,4,0,5,5,0,25,0 1355,X1356,"Kris: Hey Gerald UP HIGH!Gerald: YEahhhhHHH!! 0:25 WORST .. SONG .. EVER!! Always been a fan of you DJ Earworm but i dunno bout you but you used the same base track as ,Robin Skouteris - PopLove (2012), did who uploaded a month before yours .... ??? LAWYER'D! he didnt say that ...? he was just using Dwight as an example as a tall person who cant jump as high as the footage portrayed Isaiah Thomas to be doing Thats like me saying ,who said lebron james and james white had the best verts in the nba?, making you look like a liar as you did to him. He was blackHe was whiteCould it be anymore obvious ... 16 ... Gay cunt you are homosexual that sucks dick. Fail woahh ... Raptors game winning shot .. is this real life? ahhhh ABC kids :) good ol days I'll make you the one :) puns ... puns everywhere! I thought this was going to be a segment from a Stand Up comedy YOU,RE A CUNT! Greatest video of Youtube thatd be so loud! LOL .. shes 13 in this ... wtf ... she looks 20 Thats just gross ... Lebron is not dumb just saying .. he realises that when people get older their physical abilites decrease. His work ethic love for the game and competitive spirit is too great to stop him from becoming the greatest player. your life must suck ... All units the OP is not a faggot i repeat the OP is not a faggot tell the scientists!! just about to say that ... re-read his commenthes saying that a player a can get allot better in 2 yearsDerrick Rose 2009 Rookie of the year .... two years later MVPImagine MVP Rose compared to rookies that yearso much more mautre and developed than he was in his rookie Liar! You lied to the people Chuck! - 9:05 LOLOLOL",26,5,5,2,0,36,1 1356,X1357,a good song about bullying that is up beat and not depressing. Good Job she sang so good she killing a dolphin !!! was i the only one who noticed that one of the sisters fell,3,1,3,5,0,19,0 1357,X1358,holy shit your a queer you know ur dad hung up and broke down cause u put dick in ur ass no gay men should be in our army.. they join the army so they can be around men this is a joke.. queer actually put his dad in his video for all the other gay fags in this world to see you need to realise putting dick in ur ass is only for chicks kids need to step up any little bully isnt gonna stand a hit to their nose what my dad told me when i was in the 2nd grade and never got bullied ever again.. i got the hook on ak-47s wut chu need bRUH america is a fucking joke girls think there god and dont think they need to do simple things as wake up for school and do ur homework and clean the fucking dishes SHUT THE FUCK UP SPOILED BITCH. he payed a Chinese restaurant worker to do this video stop giving this loser fucking money honestly this guy is fuckin hilarious ceh9 gettin chunky to look like jack black ARE YOU GUYS COMPLETE MORONS THIS GAME TAKES 100 TIMES MORE SKILL THAN COD AND ITS 10 YEARS OLDER what you think codeine is you retard lil debbie a pill dylan you must be new.... more like crack steven saunders still the best villain in 2012 fucking cunt has nothing better to do so they go to someones funeral that has given there life and given more than more this cunt could imagine in her fucked up head PLEASE SOMEONE GET RID OF THIS BITCH AND THEY THINK THERE GOING TO HEAVEN ROFLMAO please goto Jerusalem so someone takes a AK and slaughters them all they deserve it i would do the same thing if someone did that to me 60 fps? his wife is hot just stop... if i can stop using methadone cold turkey u can quit adderal.. you got some serious talent. yo to Obamas campaign manager i dont give a fuck what you have to say. they all were off abit id say cause if you have watch him other tourneys his is insane. almost looks like the room from Prometheus shits hard lmfao miss fat america real good award dumb fuckin fat bitch.,26,0,3,5,0,21,1 1358,X1359,HA THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT OMGOMGOMGOMG I THINK I'M DEAD In the Pooper...What?OMD I LOVE THIS GUY SO CLOSE OMD ADVERT AT THE BOTTOM! WE'RE MAKING MONEY RYAN! Just because they've been successful doesn't make them 'Masterpieces.' Gangnam Style's very successful but it's harldy a masterpiece. A Masterpiece is something like Beethoven's 6th or Mozart. ASS MOUTH VAG How gorgeous is his Girlfriend though? You can't actually die from holding your breath so jokes on you. 16:00 yeah because this guy's ever been sucked off... Have to admit I'm the fucking funniest guy on this shit. YOU KNOW WHO ELSE WAS A PAUL HEYMAN GUY? BROCK LESNAR AND HE SPLIT sup bro You can tell when she's like 'Maybe they're just throwing Conkers at each other' if it was anyone else Alex would be like 'GET THE FUCK OUT' but because he wants the V he's like 'HAHAHAHAHHA' Funniest KSI video ever... SHIT A DICK STICK,16,3,4,5,1,34,0 1359,X1360,What the hell is wrong with you?! More like 'Louis Tomlinson' took the look fro Olly Murs love. No you're just talking shit. You have your opinion others have theirs you're gonna need to learn to accept that one day.,3,0,2,5,0,18,0 1360,X1361,"Mother of god..this talented then me....B\ Mean while in America.. K stands for kevin D stands for his rap name Dantae. what a whore... lol but she was pretty ;0......even though they were acting haha Does anybody else think that birdy looks like the guy as Tony Stark? In the beginning? No okay ; ~ ; Birdie how tall are you? :0 Skorpion or MsMc i love this we have to meet one day and do a song :D! one day x3.. Yall bitches know the Mayans predicted the end of twinkies right? X3 Does this improve your voice? Like make it better or just warm up before singing? Answer please like if you remember watching this when it was 100000 views? lol.. To add on to what I said even the invitation was racist in a way. ,Herro Nice Duke Peopre and the line We look forward to having Mi Yu You and Yo Friends over for some sake., Your question is understandable in some way but also absurd. That is all I have to say.",12,3,4,1,0,28,0 1361,X1362,Ps3 medium Ps3 That was the best ending for a video What mod is this? Ps3 5:08 BostonMA PS3 Ps3 Ps3 please Ps3 no Im going to start using this The 30 seconds I was already dying I just sat through a commercial to get a playback error unsub woody unsub Rejected the shit out of that warthog How come woody keep checking the leader board after he dies Was Rick bald????? at 5:30 i thought sub zero was going to land on it a different way Naruto in the background at 5:40 Why did he say surprise butt sex??,18,0,5,5,0,26,0 1362,X1363,"jij bent echt gewoon fucked up. waarom kijk je zn video's als je dit soort commentaar geeft? grow up If she don't like her let her don't like her. -.- HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOUIS HIIIIIII TABBY YOU ARE AWESOME. you're sooooo beautiful this is a fucking shame for the directioners. ''this is like making dessert. :) FOR THE FACCCCCCEHH'' how can you even dislike this. OASOCDPPEPESA well that's rude HAHAHAHAHHA WTF YOU'RE GENIUS I LOVE YOU K BYE wait you said ''little snowflake'' we call niall like that from one direction what 5:34 / 5:33 THAT IS SICK oh my lord what's happening to this world. LASAGNA IS THE SAME IN ENGLISH loooooooool :,( what the heck is nutmeg I LOVE YOUR KOOKING SKILLS Liam: ''i work oooout''Niall: *foooood*LOL I LOVE THEM I LOVE YOU THIS IS AWESOME",18,2,3,1,0,18,0 1363,X1364,@GAMER2013DAVID there is a bug on YouTube that made me unsubscribe you and it won't let me sub again!! :'( I'm sorry... We can make minecraft videos Sorry Jon. I dont have a sister lol Sexy oven... Lol this is awesome. Hello kitty ftw I like your face FUC,18,5,2,4,0,21,0 1364,X1365,"My favorite part was when the video ended I hate to turn up out of the blue un-invited Jenna your videos rule what's not to like about it ! XD ........ I don't like her :p HOWWWWWWWWWWWW??????????????????? Um ....... WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????????????? She looks like a voodoo doll that came to like ...... creepy! Just saying because you don't think your pretty shows to the world that your ugly because you don't appreciate yourself for who u r ...... I HAVE THAT BRUSH!!!!!!!!!!! :D 3:33 - wasn't expecting that and the girl's face! hahha :) Heyyyyyy buddy Belllaaaa! --- guess who it is??? Bubbly asian at you school! Ok so for both of you you guys are so beautiful! :D And I can't go -- camp but i'll think of you guys and love the idea of the butterflies! 3 ok so my post sounds like a 3 year old.................. sorry............. but luv the video! bbyeeeeee :) -- people who read this don't judge because it makes you ugly and everybody gets to live their life their own way XD hahah i'm such anidiot ...................... O.O LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO hi annie! :) Haahha that was me in the beginning who said ,Oh I love this song!, *facepalm :) Shan Sannnn! 3 miss you! I luv his costume haha and I love this song! The Scientist by Coldplay",14,3,2,5,0,14,0 1365,X416,and the polices glasses. LOLOLOO who actually won anyway. if your not against gay people quit saying they are gay. cause we all know they arent. NOW BACK TO CHER. A speaker came to my school today znd spoke about her and her amazing story. EVRYBODY CRIED. even the toughest guy in school. Eric and Dylan respected Hitler which is why they chose to shoot on Hitlers Birthday. To honor him. I live in tuscon. i really want to ride my bike right now. too bad its midnight. not really a good movie but the beginnign made me laugh so hard i cried a little! My names brooke and i live in arizona. WHAT A COINCIDENCE. Sorry. I meant pop singers and modern day singers. because 332022005 is in the millions. Finally! a person that can actually explain it REALLY WELL. looked amazing on me! THANK YOU SO MUCH. Love.? That's my life motto. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MANY TIMES I THOUGHT OF THIS TOO. YOU ARE JESUS. your girlfriend found out justin bieber has a bigger dick then you. eh.? R.I.P an amazing Angel. You will never be forgotten. Let this be a message to all bullies. guys you are doing exactally what the bullies did. we are trying to stop it not fight and threaten others. Think. My uncle went to the wedding and he said the candy was hard especially the fishies. THE LAST ONE WOKE UP MY PARENTS BECAUSE I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD! the cash register girl didnt sound happy for perry. they suck your blood. spoil not everybody has to live to your expectations for their boob size. if you thins hers are small then you are never gonna find bigger. Thank you so much. im at that age where i care about my appearance and my hips are medium looking big. im 110 pounds and gained alot of weight over the simmer starting this tommorow. what a gorgeous and amazing girl. if i ever got expelled to school my parents would literally disown me. these people are really nice. gettin extra credit showing this to my teacher. :] her chicken coop. she is paying for it so why cant she have it where she wants it? ENGLISH? please. Take biotin! i have been using it bout 5 months and my ha gotten really long (for me i listen to this while im in the shower. i have a party. its not bad. there are alot worse than that. im 14 and 93 pounds and im really tall which i dont understand. but i bet your a beautiful person inside and out (: its christmas eve and im blasting this song while trying to sleep. LOVE THIS SONG. just blow dry it guys. SHE DIDNT STOP TO GO TO CHEER. she just is getting ready for homecoming. she will be back 4th episode.,36,10,3,1,1,24,0 1366,X1367,Lmao What is the movie about? What is the name of the app? Omg Im crying ....herself and the speach is beautiful 3 You look almost just like Claudia lynx .. The one at :31 Lol actually she's really pretty without the makeup aswell go check out her other videos where she dosent wear makeup......she's beautiful! And PLEASE make more videos!!!!! Don't leave YT!!! Your so prettyyyyyy! All races are beautiful who cares anyways? Just be happy with what you are and stop comparing peace y'all I usually don't comment on covers! But my man this is amazing! And that's saying something 3 Gosh chill guys she's just a child being rude wont make you feel any better about yourselves let them be She's not trying to be shakira... she mixed in some commonly seen bollywood dances so stop comparing .,13,2,4,5,0,19,0 1367,X1368,Do u love me as much as i love you? :),1,4,2,2,0,16,0 1368,X1369,"Maz c: Malfie is the new 1d.3 Why Is The First Letter In Every Word In Your Sentence Capitalized? it's january so i can't. :c People repeating themselves. Besides harry isn't even seen as a womanizer in this. All zayn said was that harry has an impeccable way of making girls attractive to him. Basically saying that a lot of girls like and a bunch of other people have been blowing it out of proportion. I'm not trying to be rude or offensive i've just always wondered this: How do people who don't speak English (Japan for example) like/become huge fans of English/American bands? You're so cute Alfie.3 Alfie is correct You guys should have asked for milk when you were eating the really hot wings. Milk coats your mouth and throat so it isn't that hot. Honestly no one cares what other fandoms you're in this video is for Little Mix.There's no need to state if you're a directioner a belieber a mahomie and a mixer because that has nothing to do with this amazing song. that cannot be healthy This video reminds me of the ,Did I turn my boyfriend into a Vampire?, storytime video @ 4:20 -.- calm your titties. Just search Ed Sheeran sings little things in paris. i love perries outfit.. I'm speechless. lolol no. He's good but not that good. This reminds me of the type of music i listened to before one direction.3 I've just realized how much i've missed music like this.. 3 what does this have to do with high school? It's really nothing special. Emblem3 is PART of the reason. She was so rude to themand Simon basically every week they were there. But if it wasn't for the X factor i would have never seen demis true colors.",21,16,4,12,0,16,0 1369,X1370,Awww wtf ! :/ Me encanta ((: As soon as this song is on the radio i turn it up and start singing along ! I love it ((: Harry : What youre saying im not human?Louis : i dont know harry why dont you ask your 4 nipples lets see what they think.Lmfao ! Youre a good dancer you just do the same movements a lot but ur good (: So beatiful ! Muy bonita cancion (: Malditos los que les hagan esto a sus ninos ! Me queda esta cancion.. No vengo a rogarle.. :(,10,3,3,4,0,18,0 1370,X1371,Brilliant! Made me smile! Why are spaniards so fucking cruel to the animals they are supposed to love and admire? Perhaps there was a lot of fake fur in this but was it necessary to have the very real looking dead fox hanging over the back of the chair? (3.40) All those people complaining about the fur complaints should have a look how it's produced. Not pleasant viewing I assure you. Shame on you Duran Duran Love it! Brilliant vid! Ridiculous! Fox appeared more interested in eating the strap anyway! Bloody pointless idiocy!,6,0,4,2,0,44,0 1371,X1372,"I don't get it.. Bon Marley is main stream for like half the stoners of America.. And btw I'll Wayne doesn't make is own lyrics anymore.. Just saying. If you want to see true talent.. You won't find it on the radio or on a cd. A lot of the best are just sitting waiting to be found. I failed one of my hardest tests this year.. And this video is the only thing that made me laugh the entire week. How can you say comps are weak.. It's a shit amp.. I am a DJ and have been for 15 years and I use comp 15's. 1000 watts to each. They would blow you and your boyfriend away. I want to hook up a single 12, comp kicker. Will this In a good ported box AND THIS AMP shake my room pretty good? It's aw 4 ohms. No.Noo.Nooo. Why wasn't it rated R..? 12 year old kids killing each other and a broken system that thinks they can run as a form of government that's is not even close to moral.. Why is this movie not R? I can't believe 13 year old kids are watching this i cried because its actually good WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME YOU HOE love the truck. where did you buy the supercharger kit? I have ATT I think your quick to assume. ATT is much better than Verizon. I had Verizon. Their customer service was terrible and their service was and is only half as good of ATT i also play bf3 on my iMac people say it looks better than hdi xbox 360... so that should say something... and i have a wireless xbox 360 controller connected to it. Gobble gobble! Yeah I was told no pictures Ethan that's an excellent career path read read read gets tons on education. I know I hardly know you but I'm proud of you A burn out at like 45... God.. Correction publix The point of the right lane is for slower traffic.. Not passing.. Amazing Meh Thank you great message for the day (: It's hard to make fun of apple but man they did an awesome job..",21,0,3,1,0,19,0 1372,X1373,"pree sick but like the dude under me said more agression i like to say just get a more hard gangster beat n it'd be sick and please explain why pot is ,garbage, i've said many reasons explaining why it's good for you until you can put your facts where your big mouth is just stfu kid. same 2 you my friend. no not really WTFFFF limp wristed? wtf? please elaborate. haha it's obviously not kush so that's why it's 100 one time i've been offered a oz for 95 lol but i didn't take it because no one wnats it now i know where to look if i ever rob you some people have a very weak gag reflex lol funny vid tho he never held it in wonder it didn't work shouldn't say that not all of us are like that lol actually he got jumped 4 a lil then they said ayo don't jump him so bitchass don p stop[ hitten him but 211 ain't shit yo yes actually it is and as a women she should cook and clean i doubt she has a job so suck it up wtf..? keep chasing the dream bruh shits go hard! smart idea having that bong beside your laptop lol these guys are not canadian if anything they sound like their visitng from scotland... long time no talk? i'm trying to buy back a xbox msg me if you still play heatbag where do you live? let me guesse you're a girl (you couldn't survive a 9-5 probably.) is it really that new to you that this world is fucked? look at the government i want that cat i'm very real fuck the government!!!! i shall never surrender my soul even if they threaten to kill me!! You're one to talk with your 3rd world grammar and spelling mistakes! I respect traditions but this is plain idiotic. This is not okay the people who do this are dirty scum who should be gutted like a DOG",29,2,5,5,0,31,1 1373,X1335,"click show comment to see the comment i replied to that has SO much relevance stream together plz. that would make my youtube life that is the fucking coolest mouse ive ever seen how can Darius make Blitz bleed? holy shit... are you telling me you actually saw the video too? whatever the fuck number it is by the time i posted this series they probably saw the smoke from the cauldron at the camp and thought that was the decieve smoke recently started drinking coffee. About halfway through my coffee i realized ,Oh my god..... i can finally have coffee with dodger!, Weekend just got that much better. well that escalated quickly goth annie is so fucking cool now. Too bad it costs 3900 rp and ill only be getting 2 champs from it... its soooooo tempting generally when there are subtitles i just sub consciously mouth out the words. i noticed myself doing itbut all i was doing was just going ,hftplisfjghrsdsfk......... I CAN RAP, yeah... sums up every social encounter for me... i think cooltrainer botan is a pun. He is a grass trainer and a botanist is like somebody who works with plants alot isnt it? might be wrong though i dont think he has had any basic education either... it depends on the highest rank you had last season. For me i had silver so its kinda grey the same one peepwood has when he is in vids. its 2013 and i just found out about these now. Still fucking hilarious no 0:43 why is there a bush outside the dragon cave?????? you literally spelled the word dumb wrong that was the cheesiest shit I've ever heard the base is but its a custom skin Die. this guy looks really cool. two blades invisibility slow backstab and an exploding fake. Yeah Shaco has always been fun hasn't he? plus the orange beard i love when people under estimate your main character. my main is Ganondorf. All my friends think it will be an easy win and i win every time. riot made DoTA?? Wait a minute. The second time you wrote ,narwhals, the ,h, was in the wrong spot. A clue! H is in the alphabet. The first letter of the alphabet is ,a,. A + H..... I've got it! AH! the government is after you for discovering their plans so you left the hint of your final free words! Do not worry i will save you. if they have an idea for a skin they aren't gonna be like ,Well this champ doesn't have that many skins so we shouldn't make this one for (insert champ name here) even though we have a really clever idea for (insert champ name here),. But yes i think we should get a skin for volibear. He should get a skin that makes him tibbers and all his effects are fire. you were playing solo q and there was a CG on the enemy team? sorry bro but no. PENIS!!!! gets first comment. Doesnt say first. You sir are a better man than I.",34,4,3,5,0,21,0 1374,X1375,he got dress behind him gay ass nigga sit yo ass down bro nice let me fuck exwife clown :) thank you nice beats LOL lookin for subs lookin for subs pm me lookin for free subbbbbbbbiiiiiiiiee your mama eats shit your mom was a ho all ya suck it first,14,297,4,84,0,22,0 1375,X1376,"What kind of pellets do you shoot ? I've been watching hunting videos all day on youtube and i'm so sick of all these FAIRY FAGS posting anti bullshit ! If you don't like it then DON'T WATCH IT . I don't watch your crap . WTF Why would you try to puke at the table ? Hello other ppl would like to finish their meal ! Where the hell have ppls manners gone ? ! Good shot dude ! What a bunch of WHINE BAGS ! Very good video but kinda basic . Most outdoors men know how to make a fire from flint and steel . THANK GOD I'M A FUCKEN MASSHOLE !!! FUCKEN PISSAH OMG just posted on my FB Okay so I'm a big tough construction dude from the Boston area . ( I mention Mass/Boston cuz I think we have an even bigger ego than other states ! ) Well since my wife first showed me one of you vids I fell in love with your songs ! The other day she walked in and said ,oh are you listening to your girlfriend again ?, What I'm saying is that your songs appeal to all kinds of ppl . Thanks for the awesome music !P.S. Keep up with the silly faces they kinda make the songs ! OMG That was awesome !! You totally described that whole video !! Nasty right ? Did she call him ,dark vader ,???? Love the silly faces !!! And you're awesome !!",12,0,4,5,0,34,0 1376,X2293,"I only speak like Bond the way he does here I grew up with his movies. Yet I merely come off as arrogant even though I'm merely flirting hoping that the girl can keep up and enjoy the banter. Hardly ever. Difficult to connect. one of my favorite sounds 0:10 you fuckin cocksuckah XD !!! Im trying to find some of this cocksuckin' cheese XD Drogo beatin his own meat 0:10 74k likes only? Are people deaf? +1 America so that we can watch this video and finally say that his guy is dual shooting a photo of a man who's finally fucking DEAD. *fap fap fap fap fap fap fap* facefuck 1:50 my spoils not yours peasant. fuckin dog returnss for multiple servings why didnt they just grab a surfboard... 2:22 An khe DEEEEEEED Gan-dalvah...khe DEEEEEEEED!!!....Akhhhawwe! i count do et petah evolving to audiences favorite character ftw this was right around Iron Man Not only was he kidding he ERASED his blasphemy 1:56 SHRUG where in the books are we if i wanted to pick up from season 3? Thats the title of my favorite soul song of the 70's-Bill MORTAL KOMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAT! BEAR GROWL 0:07 Ritchie at the end ftw 2:37 o_0 ! SNUFF!!? o_o ? Warmest ,Ciao, in history 2:27 Kids! Playtimes over! 0:09 I don't observe and go act on those aforementioned items because of jealousy I do it because I'm inspired and know I can do better. Jealousy is core rotting horse shit. 8:30 gizz it would be a 5 second video ,fapfapfapfapfap, zzzzzz Grieves great job. But hats off to you Marvin Gaye: watch?v=gkUsGkxZSvM your tits are off the chain wtf? this is a sick song 24:44 gets me EVERYTIME Slavery nuff said",34,2,3,2,0,24,0 1377,X2886,"i know who it mom xD 0:13-0:20 -----WDH HE WAS SNIFFING HIM all the cheerleaders have ,WTF, on their boobs Nope i'm watching this when Abe Lincoln was born :) Btw thought time machines were invented on Phineas Ferb! I thumbed down because I'm listening to this in 1964 :) She played on Big Time Rush b4 xD wdh did I just watch?..... now im afraid of big boobs o.o I DIDN'T GET IT AT FIRST THEN I RELEIZED IT WAS SUPPOSE TO LOOK LIKE NASTY SHIT I DONT LIKE WAFFLES I LIKE PANCAKES! Hes like the only male singer who doesn't use auto tune. idk either .-. are we left out on something? Why isn't this dude famous?!!? Do some animations and stuff. Btw liked your Herbert accent from Family Guy. I could do this but to lazy I dont speak spanish .-. your an really stupid 12 yr old bc when I was 12 I knew what a ,PARODY, was. Dumbasses -.- .-. ik I kinda like being alone bc my old bf cheated on me with 3 other chicks .-. Single is me ;} Thats sweet and I hope you too have a wonderful relationship ;] chicken .-. SCARED ME TO DEATH! :D My fav part at 3:26!!!!! 5 likes ill sing this in front of my mom10 likes ill sing this in front of my dad15 likes ill sing this in front of my class20 likes ill start singing it in every single period (9)25 likes ill call 911 and sing it to them30 likes ill go into Wal-Mart and yell this into a workers face35 likes ill sing this with my mouth full40 likes ill sing this in the malls intercom45 likes ill hold wafflespancakesand french toast in my hand and sing this outside50 likes ill sing this to my crush 0:51 Smosh:What the hell are you doing? Homeless guy:I'm cursing ya :D Seriously? Bet she gonna love ya for it ;] Just put in ear phones and turned volume up so loud that more Justin Beiber Fans could listen to Green Day for once -.- Daniele Bush (2) You? I'm not an idiot! :] Spoken Reasons: Nigga I'm gangsta! Get me a big one for a big boy.Me: WTF... He still gay as hell :3 Then why are you on here? -.- Why isn't she famous still? BAHAHAHAHAHA Im 19 -.- and I said that bc I was proving a point that I was single! And I got bakc together wiff my ex bf and he proposed @nickyboyisexy That means that your just weak. This song has a true purpose! The purpose is even through rough times you can make it through. Your only saying that becuz you think every girl/boy has to fuck you! Go suck your mamas balls becuz this song ha",33,0,2,5,0,21,0 1378,X1379,rather boooored :3 hmm. listening to a day to remember (:,1,114,6,12,0,19,0 1379,X1380,Leave her alone Alex looks like Carlile from Twilight lol. You guys are gonna be the next Judy and Benji :D No guy Nooo guyyy. lmao You slightly look like Kristen Stewart Luke Lucas what a lad She's like that film Bad Teacher with Cameron Diaz lol. He could pass as Juicystar07's brother lol. So amazing! I think this video is about her tattoos.. Rickys little dance towards the end is hilarious! lmaooo You and Ricky are such nice people! Love your videos xoxo Girl your beautiful xoxo I have a feeling Ricky is gonna propose lol,14,2,3,5,0,21,0 1380,X1381,"I love this workout because it feels like dancing! Aaand I sure do feel it the next day. (: this is soo much fun! I love how harvey doesn't question why mr.kraft is bald and in a wheelchair the end is so cute. I love this! have you ever used the muji? Does it work as well? what fake lashes+applicator would you recommend the most? He's just a baby,well thats his problem! CHILDHOOD what the french toast? It would be fantastic if I won the original urban decay naked pallet(: you're so pretty flawless! I love your laugh! this is incredibly awkward. I love thiss. I FEEL THE BURN CASSEY YOU'RE SO CUUUTE",15,0,3,1,0,16,0 1381,X1382,I hate Taylor swifts music but I love this song Whaaaaaa? Fags Love his voice Erm I dunnoooo Pretty good Love yur eyes Okkkkkk....... I'm officially worried Why did she start it over....? Sorry if it's a stupid question lol We all have our own opinions so let's just get over ourselves and let ppl hate and ppl who love her love her Omfg Wow Wow I've never had beats Oh wow I've never had beats but they look gross I like it Awesome :) Love it Sexy and talented.... Love it so much!!! What happened?,21,1,4,3,0,15,0 1382,X1383,"DONT READ THIS CAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORKS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST POSSIBLE FRIDAY BY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. TOMMOROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF UR LIFE HOWEVER IF YOU DO NOT POST THIS COMMENT TO AT LEAST 3MORE VIDEOS YOU WILL DIE WITHIN 2 DAYS . NOW UV STARTED READING THIS DO DUNT STOP. THIS IS SO SCARY PUT THIS ON AT LEAST 5 VIDEOS IN 143 MINUTES WHEN UR DONE PRESS F6 AND UR LOVERS NAME WILL APPEAR ON THE SCREEN IN BIG LETTERS. DONT READ THIS CAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORKS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST POSSIBLE FRIDAY BY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. TOMMOROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF UR LIFE HOWEVER IF YOU DO NOT POST THIS COMMENT TO AT LEAST 3MORE VIDEOS YOU WILL DIE WITHIN 2 DAYS . NOW UV STARTED READING THIS DO DUNT STOP. THIS IS SO SCARY PUT THIS ON AT LEAST 5 VIDEOS IN 143 MINUTES WHEN UR DONE PRESS F6 AND UR LOVERS NAME WILL APPEAR ON THE SCREEN IN BIG LETTERS DONT READ THIS CAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORKS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST POSSIBLE FRIDAY BY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. TOMMOROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF UR LIFE HOWEVER IF YOU DO NOT POST THIS COMMENT TO AT LEAST 3MORE VIDEOS YOU WILL DIE WITHIN 2 DAYS . NOW UV STARTED READING THIS DO DUNT STOP. THIS IS SO SCARY PUT THIS ON AT LEAST 5 VIDEOS IN 143 MINUTES WHEN UR DONE PRESS F6 AND UR LOVERS NAME WILL APPEAR ON THE SCREEN IN BIG LETTERS DONT READ THIS CAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORKS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST POSSIBLE FRIDAY BY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. TOMMOROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF UR LIFE HOWEVER IF YOU DO NOT POST THIS COMMENT TO AT LEAST 3MORE VIDEOS YOU WILL DIE WITHIN 2 DAYS . NOW UV STARTED READING THIS DO DUNT STOP. THIS IS SO SCARY PUT THIS ON AT LEAST 5 VIDEOS IN 143 MINUTES WHEN UR DONE PRESS F6 AND UR LOVERS NAME WILL APPEAR ON THE SCREEN IN BIG LETTERS she's just flollwing the footsteps of lady gaga!!!!!? this song was very very amazing.... it let me sing with it everytime i play it... i really really love this song.... this remix was nc... you sang very well..... she sangs natural she don't need music studio to edit her voice.. like some singers do thesee days... thumbs up if you think she can't dance well... the one who created this was incredibly amazing.... my eyes were stucked on the drawing because it's very touching..... honestly speaking it really made me cry.... excuse me????? anung di magawa yan ng abs cbn.. are you in your proper mind..??????? malayo namang magagaling ang mga singers ng mga abs cbn kaysa jan sa gma... tapos sasabihin mung di magawa yan ng abs-sbn.... excuse me??!!!!! her voice is natural.. she don'tneed some stupid music sudio or editing... to mae her voice very good and good to hear I think other people is telling that she is like taylor swift because their voice is alike and then they are like man-equines and they look like barbies... iba na ang mga tao ngaun anuh.. pakapalan ng mukha.....hahhahahaha.... joke lng... pero matamahan sapul.... i can't help but to stare at there handsome faces... the boy that is not holding the guitar is awesome... he's not HOT but absolutely HOT!!!!!! this version of hers gave me goosies all over my body.....she's so amazing.... we all know that she is great much better than phillip philips..she doesn't win because you don't know how great she is.. you are not voting for her but you vote for the person who is not capable to be the next american idol... that's why she lost the competition because you are not voting for who is really great... it's not her fault it's yours.. because even though that she is the best if you really don't vote for her then she will probably lost right??? can any one tell me who is the hot guitarist??? hahaha..xD... a very good song.. I really ove you ONE DIRECTION!!! This song makes me cry.... for me myself is a gay and this really touched my heart.... the shifting of her normal voice to her falsetto from 2:16 to 2:30 is not that good i think you have to work on that..... but overall you did good you just need some improvements like being PITCHY sometimes and you eat some of the lyrics which is not good.... just practice but nice try... i think there is no such word as ,better, between jessica and skylar because they have their own TEMPOS and has their own GENRES in singing the two of them really rock in different ways....and we should compare persons who has the same genres and tempos like colton dixon and philip philips... hollie cavanagh and jessica sanchez... isn't it??????? ikaw kaya gumawa ng ,INCEPTION, na movie..kung magsalita ka parang ang dali gumawa ng pelikula.... kahit naman papaano pinaghirapan naman nila yan.... at kung hindi ka man nila ma entertain maaliw or masindak huwag ka nalang manood at magcomment ng mga ganyan..... manuod ka nalang ng 'INCEPTION, na mga movies... oh really???? did charice join AI??? huh??? and remind you charice also joined a singing contest here in the Philippines and she doesn't even win....And you're telling that Jessica didn't prove anything then what did she do when she is still in AI singing wonderful songs and making something good out of it..??? maybe your just one of the people that is insecure with her.. why don't get a life",24,0,3,5,0,26,0 1383,X1384,Thank you! Also Not trying to be an asshole but you spelled sauce wrong. Still an amazing video. You lost by just inches.... just like life Well made. I enjoyed that lol It really pissed me off also. I am about two missions away from the end and I wanted this achievement. Thanks man. You have really shitty water pressure yes they do. I love my M50's but when compared to v moda crossfade lp2 they arent as good. The lp 2's have more bass to them naturally. They aree fairly similar in price. M series would be the nicest BMW line. fight mike. one punch and i'm done we listen to a lot of the same music My coach used to put a bench behind us for squat and we had to tap the edge to make sure we where low enough. tap out fuck dicks dude. Laughed hard. That cooking videos sound awesome! As a college student that hasn't really leaned much culinary skill over the years I'd love to see some tips on cooking or how to make healthy and inexpensive food. Also Nice cover of Smashing Pumpkins. Good luck with family and have a wonderful 2013! I'm pretty sure it's a mercedes benz S class. I'm here from that video too! Honesty keep up the good work. I love your drummer. No one fucking cares. Fuck off. You sound like a neck bearded faggot that just trolls. I'm not even American so don't think i'm butthurt. You're a filthy fucking cunt.,19,0,6,3,0,25,0 1384,X3120,"It's a song from Top Gear. I forget the track it plays on but just look up some Top Gear gameplay and you'll recognize it. 8:10 Story of my life Don't the Toads have spears? Twilight: WTF?Spike: WOAH!! Dude that's creepy. :D (\ Yep that's defiantly internet you have there. I work out to this. Derpy is my favorite pony. Oooooohhhhhhhh how did I not put that together? Rumors has nothing.Got nothing on this.Nothing at all.fuckin' RIGHT!! Was it really fair to put Pikachu up against someone that was resistant to electricity? I hate Dragonball Z and I hate Superman but I really want to see this one. Why not just call the video ,How to change someone to administrator on Windows 7?, I did what you said but I don't know how to play the game. It says it's done but nothing happens. No icon on the desktop or anything. It just says it's done and thats it. I love how everyone is getting mad at the comment. ...shit. Of course it wouldn't work. The search continues. Why can't I just find this damn game? Heh you too? Why does this never work for me? I went into the program files and everything but Fable wasn't there. Then when I tried to just open the file without bothering with the Microsoft games window it didn't work. I got some C++ error or some crap. It really should say Assassin's Creed 3. Unless this works on Windows 7... Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow neither was I. I got the same problem. Have you figured it out yet? Fuck you and your surveys. Mr. Picky Pants.Where else have I heard that before... Oh god. SOMEONE TEACH ME HOW TO USE VEGAS PRO 12!!!! Pfffffft. Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft. Dude. Thats my sister's name. XD I have to say I saw this coming from a mile away. Still though my heart along with millions broke a little. Still SEASON 4!!! :D",30,3,2,5,0,16,0 1385,X1386,sweet moves kid U guys r great dancers the one in white is better all together but the one in orange is good at oh oh oh ooooh part u two rocked though That was awesome I live ur little dance actions though u r an amazing singer way to rock it What a great message to share guys u sound so good together keep it up u r a waste of time If u want to hear a good singer check out my channel I love gants locker looks like my locker at school U r terrible don't sing when i was a kid i was abused by my parents when we did something wrong (like laugh) we got nails stabbed in our legs we are now safe but i have 2 metal knees a metal ankle and brain damage which causes add adhd dislexia and learning disabilities put a stop to child abuse please when i was a kid i was abused by my parents when we did something wrong (like laugh) we got nails stabbed in our legs we are now safe but i have 2 metal knees a metal ankle and brain damage which causes add adhd dislexia and learning disabilities put a stop to child abuse please That was amazing but can everyone come to my channel and let me know if they think I am a good singer Hey I am a big fan I was wondering if y'all would check out me singing I agree it looks like I am lip singing but it's just because I have a bad camera anyway check it out and leave a comment Hey some people like JB some people dontSo what sometimes he sounds like a girl it doesn't mean he is a bad singer. So what if he flips his hair it's better then a mullet. Seriously don't make fun or be rude to someone just because they have a different opinion if u agree like this Mara where have u been did u move?,14,1,3,4,0,20,0 1386,X1387,no problem! :D The Exorcist...watched it three times in my life just to see if it was as scary as before as I got older...yep. Never again. Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction Bruce Wayne vs. Tony Stark Bruce Wayne vs. Tony Stark Jungle Book for sure. This is so cute! :D Congrats on getting engaged Tanya!! :D Aww! You are so awesome :)) this is so hilarious omg what i would do for a single of chaos...thats one of the prettiest colors in the palette for sure o: I guessed right :D My goal is to get fit and be healthy!! :) I'm almost at the 30lbs-lost mark and I'm definitely toner than I was before starting this. SNL for sure. You have really pretty eyes! they were so good!!,16,4,5,1,0,110,0 1387,X1388,Is it me but does the girl have similar features as Sandara Park? I'm not shipping or anything just to be clear. I've watched A Wolf's Temptation and didn't see this aura/look from her until she acted with Il Woo. Anyway they have such a cute chemistry. Dj tukutz!! Congratulations!! Being a parent is the greatest blessing in one's life. Enjoy it!! ^^ Oh my goodness. I remember crying over the ending when I was high school. Now as a wife and a parent my heart still aches over this OVA. Rurounin Kenshin is such a nostalgic anime. I love the story very much. Thank you for this! I have to agree with a lot of you folks. :) they do look so relaxed. What a fun and memorable performance! Thanks Epik High and HiTech/Crazy!! I miss the 90's.. The song sounds like a Japanese Anime OST. ^^ really cool. It also sounds like the one of the old Rurounin Kenshin songs. Awwwww... Same thing happens to me whenever he's out of the country (which is every other month) T_T I also don't know what to do.. GD's infamous cameo... LMAO,8,11,7,17,0,25,0 1388,X1389,LAMO Jessica puts her hand in the back of soo's head getting into it LOL HoyYeon KILLS it 3 WAEEE??? Now you've got people hating SNSD damnet keep it to yourself im a SONE and i shake my head at you I like it -3,4,7,4,5,0,21,0 1389,X1390,"I knew it wasn't going to get any better when I saw him in a commercial with Justin Bieber. Sure I laughed about it at the time but I just knew it was all down hill from there. Now there is a commercial with a minivan full of kids singing Crazy Train... Why have you forsaken me Ozzy? I don't understand this concept. What does Rammstein have to do with anything? Couldn't you have just said something stupid like ,1092 people aren't gonna be alright.,? That makes more sense. Alien. All my friends ever want to do is play video games... I can't wait until the digitally enhanced super deluxe special collector edition comes out! People don't make fun of you because you are a 'Juggalo'. It's because you are a chud. You think you're hardcore for 'stabbing' people with a butter knife. I bet that made a nice bruise! All she had to do was follow direction and not be a cunt. It's not that hard. Don't be a cunt and you won't get the shit smacked out of you. It's not that hard. What does this have to do with the economy? The cops were on their way out and you had to start screaming at them like an idiot. He deserved it. Kicking the car and threatening the driver then hovering around the car as the driver is trying to get away. When the car starts to move get out of the way. It's that simple. Fucking zippers they keep my junk from falling out. How is this possible? Where does the water go when I dry myself with a towel? Why is the sun so fucking... sunny!? And how come after eating a bowl of Honey Smacks my pee smells like the cereal? You can't explain that! Pure mother fucking miracles right there! Wait that's a bitch? hahaha... Go scoot around Wal*Mart in a mart cart with the rest of the parasites. Thanks for the video. That cured my morning wood! Exactly my point. The excessive use of caps lock and naughty language is not helping you prove that juggalos are more than just parasites. That's part of the Thieves Guild quest line. Quest name is ,Speaking with silence.,",15,0,7,5,0,27,0 1390,X1391,does this guy know this is team-deathmatch ? the flag references are really unnecessary.. sum1s a lesbian :S great song Ha the naked guy at the end :L,4,1,4,5,0,21,0 1391,X1392,the news guy is trying not to laugh about how ridiculous this is how much do you weigh? you suck go on fags eat pooop my favorite sign 14:05 waiting for a t rex to come swoop one up,6,0,3,5,0,17,1 1392,X1393,"what the name of that sniper game where u see where u hit ur target? did he ever told u about Madness? last explosion is fps russias alarm clock 2:40 forrest gumps opponent mist ok danke dann frs hochstellen What if I told you he is Asian? abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz I LOVE YOU LETS HAVE 300 CHILDREN a wind and his hat is gone er trgt ne lance butters maske left boy version is better haha u can also see the history of the changings between mw2 and mw3. right none. first clip is a ,Oh God Why, story squid. Aw yeah Germany! Thats how we do cars! remember the name macht bisschen arg auf lance und? hat sich das wirklich gelohnt? bessere schauspieler als bei allen anderen heutigen sendungen auf RTLII so funny this people... what the schei :D your sister u ever been in germany bruh? 0:32 omg they meant me! hey dude did you miss the 26 other episodes of Greatest freakout ever? pretty much sums up what the politicians of my country think of videogames. (germany)",27,14,7,8,0,17,0 1393,X1394,Isabeli fontana,1,3,6,2,0,22,0 1394,X1950,"WTF WTF WTFucking hell was this?! what the hell? how do u guys even keep a straight face through this!!!!!!!??? prick OMYGOD OMYGOD OMYGOD IT'S KUTNER! he rose from the dead! REJOIN PANIC AT THE DISCO LIKE NOW THIS WAS ALL AROUND THE WORLD FIRST ur accent is beautiful as well as ur voice :) he's so fucking hot this is 3 times higher and twice as fast dumbass The Social Network's music isn't as memorable I don't care how ,good or original, it is while watching Inception this music inspires you enough to make you look up Inception's music online and play it over and over and over and over and over and over and.... It's a game within a game! What language is this? did anyone else see that little boy at the very end?! and kind of.... WORLD DOMINATION. there's a creepy swearing man on Brendan's shirt..... WALLS! I don't think was even any malk in the fridge. theyre mine. I got them from the frizaa and ahh put 'em on ma plate I go to college... sometimes CHUN. I LOVE YOU. MARRY ME. The ice cream trunk should've run him over CAT. What's the name of this?????? @MusicalMindAssault Not formal but different enough and cleaner enough to catch a girls eye You disgusting piece of crap. Go take negative ass comments to your mommy and tell her how you treat girls. Or tell that to any other girl so they may punch you in the face. homophobic sexist insecure idiot can someone please tell me what this songs called? perfect alto audtion piece what's the name of this song?? it's beautiful Can you please say dance one more time!?! I'm a little teapot short and stout. Here is my handle here is my spout. Nobody else thinks it's kinda sad that all of our mainstream music can be put together within the same 2 chords?!??! lol DO MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS. Brendon Urie does NOT look like the dude from Smosh. The dude from Smosh looks like Brendon Urie.",35,3,6,4,0,19,0 1395,X1396,I get watter bottles thrown at me and they call me names too . I see how you feel This played at my school dance In youre next song you should say . Im single and ready to mingle like a pringle,3,2,3,32,0,56,0 1396,X1397,My Nail Polish When I try to make the design My Nail Polish get stuck to the tooth pick and then the whole thing comes off with the toothpick before my finger is in and I used ICING nail Polish I need Missy Elliot again That The stuff Artist!!! Y is the MUSIC SO SLOW!!!! For something that is suppose to be happy But SWEET still......... OMG Fake Mhmmm Shame Loool Where y'all from and you guys some baggy pants last group first girl in the middle DAMMMM Beyonce the last outfit u need a bra under tht thang MAN psssst tht is a lil Messed Up PERFECT Adn I LOVE ur videos next time can u make a video on Trouts (why old guys are into young girls) ur really purty hey how do I message uon youtube so I can share with u a few things about nails U did Good but ur voce died out at certain points and also practice on the ascend part and u will be fine! Where did u buy it? where did u buy them|?,18,1,2,25,1,15,0 1397,X1398,You certainly do not want to be the high profile entertainer who is on the wrong side of animal rights organizations. You will be forever known not for your musical talent but for supporting an industry that is no longer socially acceptable. Do you want anti fur protests to follow you wherever you go. Do you want to have to keep banning your fans from your FB page? you will forever be known as the band who supported murdering animals in the name of vanity.,1,0,8,5,0,41,0 1398,X1399,lol i wasnt allowed to go to town when beach party was going on i was like 7 XD holy fuck steez is dead i just got into him..... my brain is instantly on goverment cause he called them on alot of bullshit he needs to get 2 mics XD i cant believe they existinstant legends wow the video is realy goodbut this dude fuckin jamz hes sayin crack dont make enough money oooooooooo hes gonna get in truuubleeee lol where is zro?he belongs on this song texas shiti jam rap tooso i know this isnt their song and its a cover the 25 lighters are used to sell crack inlisten to the lyrics you have the most mexican name ive ever seen ludacris is a definite influence in his style...atleast in this song liaryou would have froze stupid lol id chill with her shes pretty clever plus she trips me out and i only chill with trippy people holy fuck thats was impressive i ought a game for 2 flipped it for 70bought another game for 15 and its currently at 177.00i dont neeed a damn book jkhe prolly knows alot about other items too high for this david almost made me suffocate from laughter idiots they are american their irish ancestry means nothing shits getting real our generation was tired of bullshit we made it clear for the last 5 years on youtube comments and social networking this is the payoffthank you bill gatespimp c tupac biggie nas john lennonbill hicks george carlin etc...,18,22,4,10,0,21,0 1399,X1400,Cheers mate will do :) Liked and Subbed PSN: qPid_xDS PSN: qPid_xDS Subbed PSN is qPid_xDS thanks :D Thanks mate but I should have mentioned earlier that I have a slim would it still work? And also do I need to make any specific files on my usb to transfer the mod because I don't see it in the Game Data Utility. Does this even work? How to install it please? *Reed this as a song* Ohh FFS can someone help me all i want is an AIIIIIIIM--BOT. *Guitar solo* Fucking Jesus Christ an Aimbot is all i need yet no one seems to want to heeeeeeelp mee and if you have any information ON HOW TO GET A REAL AIIIIIIMBOOOOOOT. Without Jailbreaking...and just by using a USB.....! Please please please please fuck help me I need an AiiiiiMboooooot Aiii....aiiim...boooot....aimbot. I hope you liked my little song I did there -_- SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE?! Is there anywhere else I can download the gpado cm file? That link doesn't work correctly. D: Mate you have no fucking clue what you're talking about...faggot. How dare you you fucking scumbag! Get the fuck off your high-horse and have a good think about your weak pathetic outlook on make me sick! 14/88! 14/88 From England! 14/88 From England! Yeah it's good to know there are others out there with brains us Whites are now the minority in most cities in the UK...sickening I know but we are fighting for our country back and we wont let the bastards win! White Power 14/88! Well said mate! First comment from England 14/88!!! What a fucking hell of a songSieg Heil from England! 14/88! Lol it looks like he's trying to transform xD Yes that is correct I have a penis well done...was that your attempt at insulting someone? Pretty weak mate.,18,15,4,2,1,21,0 1400,X1401,I think its Craig Uhh ok? Well Fifa is actually an international footbal organization. But Fifa is also a shitty soccer game :p What do you mean? CryTek is from Germany -_- :p hope they do it better with AC4 You air have got a new cubsriber - ROFL lol no got homework :p ROFL ROFL ROFL Hahahaha! I KNEW IT WAS CRAIG Srsly dude you suck so hard Sony Vegas GTFO here and go play some CoD you kid... Screaming trough the mic.. Looks nice Not really..SFM is free yes but Source and CryEngine are 2 different engines bro.. Lol The Wii U is a console lol not a controler and BTW The Shield is almost the same size as the Xbox or PS3 controler.. Thats why the screen is small like that Great idea :) They wont make a game about this but maybe a DLC for AC3 You dont have to say that cuz the video already shows the names You new to Battlefield 3? Read discription :) Same for you But it doesnt have a story That doesnt make sense.. Geekbox DigitalStorm OriginPC CyberPC MainGear,23,17,3,7,1,16,0 1401,X1402,i havent heard of anything but im sure there will be one,1,0,4,5,0,32,0 1402,X1403,hey omg luv that vid 2 wow hes gud shes tracing yeah i hope u die bit! Oh my gosh!! Awesome video WE LOVE ITTTTTT :) 3 uhhh she flashed us :/ does that gurl know she has one sock off :/ lol im sorry :/ :) those were cool if u dont like her dont watch her!!!! @dancergirl3131 why u lokking there?!? you are soooooo funny (: its stupid. pause at 00:21!! cool not that highh...... I am going to try!! is there screaming in the backround?,17,4,3,29,0,37,0 1403,X1404,"My god this was great. Colin would correct ,broke, with ,broken, I love you but I don't necessarily want to procreate with you. :) It would be better if he said ,There are more murders in the states in a week than there are on TV in the Netherlands in a year., Oh murderers why can't you just kill yourself with drugs like the rest of us. It's from veggie tales you heathen. Haha",5,0,5,5,0,90,0 1404,X1405,Loved it you guys are hilarious and that did not come out fine for justin bieber saying swag at the end lol Hilarious lol best video everrr! Logan is soo cute i love hes smile he looks wayyy better than the other three lol Joally 33 Logan ;) You guys are bad actors i feel bad for you :/ Me encanta el video qe Dios te bendiga (: I was a color guard this feshman year but i got out cuz they were being rasis theyy though i was white I'm hispanic (: Love Oak Ridge High School best experience ever! Never Gona Forget Hecktor Big Mouth lol I have see better little kids dance (: Omg hes soo cute! (: Hs sings gud too Youuu suckkk! Damm hes so cute (: hahahahaha matele con el guineo co~no HAHAHAHAHAHA STTUPID UGLY GURL your cutee but you talk ALOT LMFAOO yeah miss broken glasss everyone put thumbs down hahahaa ur cute i dare you to take your dhirt offf you betta do gurl Cute but too perverted! You Have a Beautiful Voice [: You Should Audition For American Idol Omfg wat is he doing..? Great execise! haha She is soo cute and how thee hell did it get up too 9 million views!?!!?And the little girl dont look FAT!! Youu wack niqqaa you think you hard af but you aint braah i bet youu mexicana! xD Lmfaooo braah you doo look like drake xD You mad funny niqqaa !Are you hispanic? Yes im done of seeing your uglii ass face (: . Oh and leave your glasses on cuz you still look ugly both ways xD . And you Irenieeeeeeeeee you need braces. :D ooh and i think dat the one in the back TAKE THE WIG OFF!! girl no one caares who you like ok cuz you dont have a chance wid him. ooh dats great the video is 9:35 minutes long -.- are you serious that was a waste of my life BICTH! NO ONE CARES BITCH!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! FAT BITCH!! You are a bad lip singer (: Bellooo i love it!!!! xDD que Dios lo bendiga (:,26,1,3,5,0,14,1 1405,X1406,are you dating jack ? sweet vid you look a bit like Callan McAuliffe x my life,3,7,5,5,0,110,0 1406,X1407,you are a realy good singer ur cats adorable hehe :D stop picking on a 9 year old ! your just jealous she has a beter voice than u !,2,0,2,1,0,15,0 1407,X1408,Subscribe to my channel! :) Sorry I didn't post a video for a while guys! I was on vacation and I had to wipe out my computer. Thank you! I've reached 1000 views guys! Thanks a lot!,4,7,3,33,1,35,0 1408,X1409,Was hoping to see the trailer on the 15th but its ok that its not up yet. Sorry for your loss and we as a community understand that what you're going through takes time! As much as we all want the game to come out now nobody wants a half-assed rushed ura project. Especially not the Ura Team. Imagine being married to her! I would never get anything done! Just sleep 24/7 She's beautiful and even sounds like a women. Proud of her! Some trans people still have a husky voice when they transition Greg just seems like he thinks he's the king because his dad has money and he can use it. I love his videos but I don't know if I like him anymore. Hey I was wondering if you could do a video where you are organizing/counting money the sound of the coins/bills. Either count or just whisper talk over the coin noises thank you so much! :) good personality but bad songs!,6,0,5,5,0,19,0 1409,X1410,Kids??? What has Brazil done in the war against terror? Oh yeah thats right NOTHING! Good luck hanging out on the beautiful beach. It must be really tough doing nothing. We consider brazil orphans. UK Jack... news flash buddy your military is in Iraq also! Make sure you know the facts before you look like an idiot. In fact i am positive that there are 3000-4000 of YOUR soldiers in southern Iraq. Man it must suck to be that dumb. I agree Iran needs to be stopped. Few countries in the middle east want peace and Iran isnt one of them. I would not mess with israel. Israel is the premier war fighters of the midle east. Israel deserves to live where they are and prosper. Its sad nobody can live in peace but one day there will be peace for israel and it will be the end of Iran. Iran has their nose in everything. They should just leave i all alone caus the will not win. Great movie by the way music pics A+++ totally agree with ED4409 all you guys who dislike this are not true stooges fans. I bet some of these stooges fans are G.I. Joe fans also and hated the G.I joe movies. G.I Joe was awesome and i am sure the stooges will be even better daddy paid for yale... I mean damn... really? Maybe she was lippy but to toss her around like that? Messed up! Stupid video! Not true Native Americans were here first... way before the vikings. The vikings tried to colonize eastern block europe. Once europeans came to America they pushed the indians to camps. Your welcome! Read a history book One of favorite videos! When you call someone a retard make sure you spell 'second' the right way. To include a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence ass your and a period at the end of a sentence. Someone comes into your house with a 12 inch knife you going to give them a cookie?,11,0,8,5,0,33,0 1410,X1411,I had loads of chemistry jokes but they argon yes the black man lives in the white house i didn't get the 2nd one youtube simpsons vs futurama you then win the car and you name it gus you love gus and as each piece gets old you replace. eventually you replace all of the pieces. you kept the pieces that have been replaced and decide to make another car out of them. which is the real gus? react to college humour whats the word on the dayan panshi don't tell gay jokes. cum on guys if you don't mind can you tell me what you said ( ) hahaha hi mom i'm 12 why am i watching this? it does that on every video papajumba has a strong accent im sorry im sorry. i raped your mommy can u solve a rubik cube we have the same birthday ! whats with the percentages asap science is little known but very good what happened at 5:57 NO don't be like pat castles haha i win you were wrong i wasn't bored,25,0,2,5,0,31,0 1411,X1412,It's grown on me Is he dead? RayWilliamJohnson cause I heard he died. . . You've been trolled fags. I lol'd Dude they freaking died you moron. If you think it's actually them on twitter then you are an idiot. that is their reps trying to keep the news under the lid because their families are embarassed they died from AIDS I cant believe that died of AIDs RIP :(((( I lol'd so hard. Rascal Flatts are a bunch of candy ass faggots who suck and Caylee is a little cunt who deserved to die. Looks like someone put this link on 4chan lol 20084 people are 12 yrs old. This wasn't actually filmed in Biloxi. It was filmed in Arkansas at Fort Chaffee I live about 20 miles from the fort it's pretty cool.,11,0,3,5,0,26,0 1412,X1413,What a great vid! Thanks bro. Good thing u can pick these up for about 30 bucks now. very nice! Great job! Camera u used? Oh great work by the work. lol! And music too. sick!!! fire the camera man!!! Wat happend to showing sone pics? I just bought a hasselblad 500 cm and a Lubitel 166 b. Great results. In the process of buying scanner. Ive learned a lot buy switching to film. Great collection too. lol i did. Got a Hasselblad 500c/m and a Yashica 635 and i havent looked back.,9,2,3,5,0,44,0 1413,X1414,i wanted the 920 but since im on tmobil i guss il settle im on tmobil so naw they got faith in Lynch. Adrian Foster do his thing in Houston we aint even mad My name is Gospel iv been filled. Sea Hawks he went great last year still great Lucky Tennessee but were straight Russel Wilson's a keeper tho. Come to SeaHawks weeds legal here just saying. Bandwagon Real Rob Report Fans. Its cool welcome to the 12th man fellow SeaHawk Russel Wilson for real tho.@VictoryIsMudkipz Russel Wilson,11,2,4,9,0,21,0 1414,X735,"EPIC! fav song ever! i want all Enrique over me! She looks BEAUTIFUL!!! AMAZING esta debi haber sido single. es la mejor del lbum. best bond sountrack ever!!! Belanova lo mximo! INCREBLE! hoooooy trato de sacarlo mucho que dejaste aca dentro tuyohaaaaay duele la verdad como una enfermedad incurablehoooy voy a reclamarle al tiempo el pedazode mi que ha muertoaaaaaaaaaa no estuvo de masquerer para entender que se paga un precio. MAN! CUM ON ME OSCAR WINNERRRRR!!!! LOVE U ADELE! que recuerdos... cuanta nostalgia Gran regreso musical. QU HERMOSURA DE CANCIN. NUNCA ME CANSAR DE ESCUCHARLA. BEST BOND SOUNDTRACK EVER!!!! SHE LOOKS A LITTLE FATTY BUT LOVE THE SONG AND VIDEO SORAYAAAAAA DESCANSA EN PAZ... CUANTAS LAGRIMAS ME SACAS AUN! JAJAJAJAJA ELLA ES LA MASSS,! i LIKE IT! she looks better than someone of 20! LOOOVEEEEE THIS SONG!!! AMAZING MUSIC.... i loveeee it I LOOOOVEEEE YOUUUU SOPHIE ELLIS BEXTOR! I LOOOOVEEEE YOU MEL B. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! the best shot at 2:40... BEAUTIFUL! I LOOOOVEEEEE IT.... ALWAYS MAKE ME CRY! fuck people---- the song and video is great JUST ART - STOP BULLSHIT ALL DAY WITH THIS SONG IN MY MIND.... looove the movie and course the song hermosaaaa I LOOOVEEE IT LOVE THIS SONG! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL BITCH! me llaga al alma! QU NOSTALGIA ESTA CANCIN!",37,7,5,1,0,24,0 1415,X1416,"Absolutely amazing. Why does she not have a shock collar on? Did a 3rd grade girl make this list????? It's a good thing she's cute!! Any one else thinks it sounds like he's saying ,You're a cum dumpster?, Anyone else is thinks he saying ,you're a cum dumpster,",6,0,5,5,0,25,0 1416,X1417,No boys are trying to touch your junk... I was there! We were at the top in the suites we were the ones he was pointing at!!!!!,2,0,5,5,0,29,0 1417,X1418,Such a great website 0.0 Wow that's going way to far putting a mother away for 10 years just for selling 20 bucks of weed,2,1,3,5,0,17,0 1418,X1419,! ! !,5,227,8,203,0,32,0 1419,X1420,FTC 7:45 ICECREAM God Damit My soda woods back from Block Ops hell yea Get the hell out my office!!,5,0,2,5,0,15,0 1420,X1421,XD What's the song playing when they announce J-Law is the winner?,2,18,3,7,0,19,0 1421,X3215,Maybe because today is the ninth and he just uploaded today OHMYGOD he only uploads one episode a day.. Hey bro this is Seth When you were going down the stairs I actually laughed out loud with the head motion When you said 'energy' you're both right and wrong because it's the gases that propel the bullet. Which is obtained with kinetic energy i.e. heating the gunpowder.. I don't think you know too much about rifle cartridges so I'm going to let you know some important stuff. The difference in grain is how much gunpowder is used which means the more powder the more bullet velocity which just means how fast the bullet is going to go. Oh my god that's what hollow points are for! They expand inside your target! It doesn't matter what bullet you use so much if you shoot the animal in the heart or lungs it will die nonetheless. Please never comment again. You know what you faggots really need to do? Pick up a real gun that shoots real bullets and get out to the range. Yeah there are actually billions of ways to light matches any surface that can create friction is able to light a match on fire. Why not just go out and hunt in real life? he he My rifle has a detachable box magazine so I can unload it by just taking out the clip and cycling the bolt DAD BUY ME ONEEEEEE Nice tits Oh but its not .22 I get it Thats his dog Gunner. You must be new here hi I am the internet. You are the one watching it and you were the one who commented. Who is the dumb one now dumbass? Sub what moa just one? Why hate on canadians? They show nothing but love and get so much hate because of two of the worst boy groups/singers came from there. I am getting the savage 11.. So excited for it.. Did hear a lot of shit things about the 10 though. Yeah sure just let me enter my zero.. What do you think the wind is across the atlantic? I think its a few miles too.. Don't worry I am slightly with you. Yes because US army wears blue berets. Good observation I will definitely follow your orders.. Jackass. Does it look like anybody really cares HAHAHAHA You're a dick Why for making an innocent joke to scare stupid politicians? Like criminals are going to follow gun laws. I don't know why you have such a grudge against the scope it gets the job done what more could you ask for? Representing Colorado thank you. Just shows you that people break rules because they are put in place if there were no laws against guns in these places guess what nobody would shoot them up. My form of protection travels at about 3000 fps so I think I'm good. Savage model 11 .308 sorry. Okay what is your email I'll send you one. Well the magazine and the chamber can hold 5 I am not sure if technology can dictate yet whether rifles can hold their own rounds unless you mean like in a stock round holder.. Savage model 11? The truth about this video is that is a full size bear Russians are just fucking giants. What people don't understand is that this thing is trying to get him. that squirrel is the size of a small cat this must be in southern colorado or new mexico or kansas somewhere. Saw your leg then followed it up to your stupid face took the shot that killed you. Try to not move next time. EVERY TIME PYLE FUCKS UP I WILL NOT PUNISH HIM. I WILL PUNISH ALL OF YOU. NOW GET ON YOUR FACES.,38,7,3,5,0,14,1 1422,X1423,"D1ckheads! Yes I can relate.... there was a tall dude in front of me blocking the view...ya shoulda heard the thoughts....unprintable they were ;) Now that all makes more sense than The Leaders Debate on telly WARNING! WARNING! ATTENTION SEEKER! If you download the CloneZilla LIVE iso you ca then burn this image to CD using something like IMGBURN you will then be able to boot CloneZilla off the CD. You can also download files from the same site to load onto a USB stick to make CloneZilla bootable from there too. Typical egotistical crap we have come to expect from Simon et al....take the naked girlies away and you still have a shite song....time to retire boys!!! OH go and get a fekkin' life! You have been conned there is NO GOD There is NO DEVIL......wake up! you are being manipulated by MAN those in power want you to be happy with your lot ie: ,The meek shall inherit the earth,. How come some churches ask for a percentage of your salary? How come the Catholic church is the richest organisation in the world? Does God need cash? All religeons are just ,clubs, that promise you what is not theirs to offer. Ha Ha....poor hotel worker.....hasn't been seen since.... nyah ha ha! ....subtle eh? lmfao Looks lie a real good movie can't wait to see it! Worked out if you removed all the F**k's and F****ng's this video would only be a minute long! SOUND VERY MUFFLED if you want us to watch/spread your message give us something we can hear please :) Video was shot in the UK (Perivale actually). It is supposed to be American Diner themed which would be lost in a Greasy Spoon. Looks like a good fun movie! Honor Blackman Alan Ford Richard Briers.....yes please!",16,0,6,5,0,49,0 1423,X1424,so YOU HAVE POT IN YOUR RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha like hes on crack un Feetable?? 1:07 hahahaha haha black dude got PUNKED This was in Vista CA back in the 90's thats the Duffy green cars. By sherrif John Duffy Before talking siht.... Lets hear what the mom told the cop.... We didnt steel the car. We used it with out permision.... WTF dumb nigga lucky that is all that happend. Her dad is right there and not saying SHIT wtf kind of dad is that? To teach your kids that she did nothing wrong. WTF shes a fuck up like her dad WTF why did I have to watch the video 2 times? just play it I'll slow it down if I want to Okay Its confirmation time. Is it law that all old fat rich white guys don't have shoes? Hhhahah that shit if FUNNY In my town that would have been school police car.. they don't give a shit unless you DUI.. And your all dumb that one way points right. Notice the school xing sign its a diff angle. Who would put a stop sign on the wrong side of the road? I bet the guard will smuggle a few extra smokes in this week. For FREE :) Wow nice to see they have an extra 65k for new trucks Update I forgot about this video. Now you will want to use location Spoofer from Cydia. repo After trying alot of programs. This worked!!!!! thank you a TON man GOOD WORK!!! Everyone is dumb who thinks this is hacking. YOUR CRACKING THE FIRMWARE to hack is a complete other thing. you get the cracked ifile from sinfuliphone repo google that and you will get it . I just downloaded it on 4g iphone 5.0.1 I'm not into rap. But I don't understand the hate on the music.. You know there is a mute button? Why would I pay for anything when I have IHR? Yeah lets start WAR to end WAR.. that makes sense to ME Who the fuck would pay for EasyBCD??? That is whats fucking stupid I cant text my mom she has 4gs.. I can text my dad and my son both have 4g. Whats going on? I cant figure it out Lol boom Double TKO 5 more min and that white boy would be part black lolol Yeah I use my moms Safeway card too. How lame I want my 10 secs back.,25,0,7,1,0,35,1 1424,X1425,Hehe. Nice. It's not really without anyone knowing if you film it and upload it on youtube C: There better not be any surveys on the download link for the survey remover!,3,0,3,5,0,22,0 1425,X1426,"Que beleza gente ...estamos pagando nossos representantes para estarem fazendo versinhos !!! trabalhar que e bom nada ...volte para a cozinha ...please OBAMA 2012 !!!!! in the end he goes : Subscribe. Are you serious? I don't see why he would't want people to see this ...As far as i know he does not claim to be a white guy right? I am with Mitt on this one .Are you ? Yeah why am i here working my ass off to buy a house when you can just go there and still one?this b.... shit .i have spend all teenhood working and saving money and i am sure ,most, of this people spend theirs drinking and using drogs and now i have to help pay for they houses?how is that fare whit me and all of the people who did the same as i did? Bill Shut up !!! A discussao mais idiota que ja vi !!! sem fundamento idiotisse sao paulo nao vai se separar entao prq ficar com essa idea... nordestino mineiro bahiano o negocio e o seguinte somos pobres brasileiros cegos e mal educados !!! That was way to much information for me !!! Alex Jones please shut up !!!! I am going to unsubscribe TYT Because of sensationalist journalism And they have all the right to ... Go do a little research !!! Good Bless America !!!! coitada das criancas vivendo nesse ambiente de ignorancia . Who cares about what Trump Says? It has been 27 years since 1986 !!! I am sure no one will cross the border in 2014 and say {its ok we just have to wait 27 years and they will give us citizenship... } Now that's a true person !!!! This guy is awesome !!!! do you think so? Most people only have a problem with illegal immigrants because they are most Hispanic.if they were all from England bet you people would welcome them!!!",20,1,3,5,0,28,0 1426,X1055,"what the hell.. Yo you people have to stop tripping over the whole ,my daughter isn't dating a muslim so I will kill her, it's fuckin ridiculous. Let ur daughter date who ever she wants. I understand you guys are suuuper religious but she has to experience life don't lock her up from freedom. It's really sad. that was so funny she's so cute! get gooooood YOU. ARE. AMAZING. He is so refreshing.. When she started singing I was like ,ehh she's not bad, but then when she started hitting the high notes I lost hope she's actually rlly pretty without all that makeup that endiiiiiing I need that purse! Richard is a fkn idiot.... I LOVE this look! that old woman at the home.... wow so touching her daughter is the cuuuuutest little thing!!! omg this was exactly my mother and I when I was 18!!! Always thinking I was king shit and that I could do ANYTHING and hang out with ANYONE loool got my ass kicked a couple of times and learned my lesson. LA loved her! hahahahhahah slut Perfection.............. Love it lol idiot If I wear that much liquid liner I'll look chinese.... This is pure awesomeness! I love the comeback! Mr Bean is probably the best comedian I've ever seen.. and the best part is that he doesn't talk and it's just hilarious with just actions!!!!! Love him! Been watching him since FOREVER! Performer and a half I cried when Jennel was holding Jillian :( I'm Greek and I literally diiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeed I remember back when I used to watch Grey's Anatomy... this scene came up and I just bawled my eyes out!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOO FINE You make it so believable lmfao lmao idiot What I do in the morning: get up get dressed brush teeth eat put concealer and mascara on go to school It's one thing to be passionate and another thing to be obsessed :) I'm not saying that Elle is obsessed it's obviously her passion but some people just can't tell the difference! Aaaah re Thanasi..... She wears hair extensions :) omgomgogmogogogmg 3 it's scary how at some points she looks like Adriana Lima... he's so uuuurrgghhhh!! I remember watching this a while back.. had to come back to get a good laugh llolol",37,5,4,6,0,20,0 1427,X1428,j aimeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee franchement l emplacement dez la camra est nullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll on ne voit rien vivement les photos on dirait que c est amateur wtf,3,165,3,41,0,22,0 1428,X843,"Don't get caught in the crossfire. Legalize and cartels loose their power. No need for guns no need for cartels no need for law enforcement. I'm trapped in an vsauce loop Love you guys and would relish one day in the life I didn't the coffee reference until the end...Juan Valdez haha I'm so distracted my this song or whatever it is. Haha I have no Idea what this is but it is hilarious. My kind of humor Who in their right mind would say it's a waste of time? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Wow the amount of ,C,rack that must have been ingested to create this? Call me an idiot but shouldn't there be some diamond display of the crown jewels or something? It's a failing system. only a reason pomp. oppressive and evil. what would have happened before your country actually and really adopted a prime minister. dont be delusional. wake up and join reality. yet again...moron trang the bitch great cum on your face BA love Ilike youbangs tank you somuch I will have to learn more I'm cornfused mehhhhhhh I liked the third film the best. beauty is so boring well said I need one of those Immediately. I got here from Dear Canada We're sorry. No drip I'm convinced Stoners Gooey I'm impressed! Hilarious I once banged a chick and we called her Ray Ray. don't want to walk around the mystic... Go back to the barbados beotch Wow great short! Very unexpected! Still fuckin with hats off",32,2,3,8,0,32,0 1429,X1430,why does selena have t' where peace signs on season 2? why selena wear peace signs? OMG!! u = rox!! u made things so much easier!! keep it coming ^^ u rox~ ^^ i jus ordered your miki falls series!!! i'm so anxious to read it !!! it'd b arriving the next tueday ^^ please ratecomment and subscribe ^^ Keep the bad opinions to yourselves i did this just for fun read the description for a second justin looked like taylor lautner o.O PRO~! i'm laughing like mad ^^ ahaha i prefer curly but this still rox on her! GO TAYLOR! =) the story is so touching great job :') once again owl city has not failed to mezmorize me =) great job! 5/5 jea!!!! x3333333 xD i played it for only 3 days and i find that it rox!!!!! hahahahahhaa nice one MQJJ!!! XD lolx MQJJ you're not fat o.O you're uber thin o.O yerrrrrrr MQJJ you say you hav bro nvr tell me u hab sis T.T i personally think that ninjas shouldn't participate in too much stages -.- cuz their short range left click suck omg nice graphics LOL i really enjoyed the gold dragon part it rocked how do u win cells? pls go to my channel and tell me =) thanks! wow... 1 hit kill if the trailer already fascinated u i bet u'll love the game o.O,21,2,5,5,0,18,0 1430,X2897,"The unstoppable power of five but i don't really believe the rumors of them reuniting i mean at times i wonder why would avex or whatever they call reunite them when they tried evrything in their power to block JYJ in japan that is just some fishy rumors even if they unite hope they do it with other comapany coz that japanise label works with SME M.A.X. IS A LEGEND ok i am kinda new to kpop indutry so i aint so familare with2pmbut what happened to nickhun i wanna know coz i think i am in luv with them boys. plz someon update me OMG i am sick and tired of seeing snsd in ever girl group video stop with the comparing already i have to admite this song has a similare theme as taxi but who cares i perfer this song to taxi n this group is only group that makes songs that i get addicted to even though i am a blackjack. as for you i like them super junior boys so i aint hating but i would like to let you know something did super junior made it S top 10 chart and won an mtv award no . so lets stop here no need to get a bad name for them awsome boys lol the duck story was classic damn ur funny true colours of the legends 3 years and still counting without no ,dislikes, i hope they will reunite someday. By far the sexiest group to walk the surface of the planet. i mssed them as 5 lol on your face bitch , is useless to shout this loud they dont understand you, then he pretty boy was like bitch plz we have 4 chine members present so go and bury yourself alive. what a arrogant whore disrespecting such a innocent boys.. i love exo-m even though i dont't know their names yet. is it just me or is the girl at 2:00 and 2:12 looks like victoria from fx jeez she can pass as her twin leave it to YG to produce such awsome dancing machines i mean taeyang n minzy r prfect example can't to see how this group turns up to be. i like what i see i dont't think the tattoos are real. as for the plot i believe that they are of some secret society and their tattos has hidden meaning behind it that is why that lady tried to seduced em it didn't work so she poisned them. now instead of examining their body as a forensic scientist she is coping their tatoos of into a peice of paper to get whatever it means. that half naked boys are regretting their death and wished to haveone more time so they will party hard and flash their sexy bodies. OMG at 0:36 i can hear luhan says so! damn thes boys are beyond sexiness mwh exo m you just got yourself a new fan. Amber is full of attitude anda swage without an effort most girls try to hard and don't even pull it of and expection of cl of course. well i did vote for yg family as much as i love mblaq my vote went to shinwah i am not even a fan i just wanted to welcome them back into the kpop world after thir break. i have a feeling this song is going to be ,THE DANCE OF THE YEAR, kinda of like tell me or the shuffel dance i bet key from shinee or the the kid from infinite i dont remmber his name or the dude from 2am will do a cover to this soon enough. This song is freaking awsome i don't understand why they are so underrated u-kiss keep on believing soon enough you will see the result. i am lol it is so sad how sexy they look and how amazing they are but they are somehow underrated ,I DO BELIEVE BELIEVE BELIEVE, in their brigther future. them lol who wouldn't have a perveted thoughts for this dude he is just wow minding blowing. fat? lol you are damn funny can you even move like him and a little unknow hater like you have no effect on him we will always be one of the lead dancers of super junior. He is one of the reasons i like superjunior. oh really now you just made my day i get to see him do other things rather than acting thanks darl. i think you mean 00:12-00:27 and this is Gikwang also know as Aj one of the lead vocalist and the group's visual. because of dumb asses like yourself these poor girls from SNSD keep getting the black ocean. I think it's about time you start respecting other fandoms and keeping your comments to yourself if you don't have anything nice to say. i am not even a fan of these boys but i wont denia there sexiness so i went to vote i love how soohyun is all serious and passionate at 2:42 and along comes sexy kisoep amd pushes the love birds out the way. it's kinda of sad and unfair especialy seeing how talented they are and i am so in love with this song and kevin is such a sweetheart. at 0:58 i am the only one who sees a female version of minho from shinee freeze at 2:11 and guess who i see... omg she is just beautiful and her voice is to die for this is the version i want on my i pod oh and off course add the sexy amber to it as well. lol omg ,you are so easy man, ozic ,no you are easy girl, lol epic. can someone tell me the song playing at 10:00 i heard it before but dont know where. hater beauty is in the eyes of the beholder what is ugly for you might be pretty for someon esle i have seen UGLY before and CL is nowhere near ugly. omg that is how i also feel even though i like the exo-k kids too i just perfer the exo m much better even though D.O is like my ultimate baised of 2012 debute individuals weird.",33,0,3,5,0,20,0 1431,X1432,"Stay behind the yellow line maam. lol Ppl saying Batman would've escape the web bullshit. That web is probably 10 times stronger than steel not to mention it's thick. Batman might be able to escape it but not in 5 seconds. Seriously ppl. You make every trap seem escapable in 5 seconds when it's not. When I found out duels were going to be on bikes I knew they were making shiz up and throwing random crap in there. It downgraded yugioh. Zexal is better. It's about a loser who starts winning with the help of an astral and CANNOT lose no matter what if astral wants to exist. Better plot than 5ds. *gets beaten by superman* 1. Hinata got tits. Why do you think she's wearing that big jacket?2. THey say you're in love if you crush on someone for 4 months. Hinata had for years.3. She's fucking cute when she's shy.4. Hinata was the only person that liked Naruto when he was a kid. Everyone hated him.5. She risked her life for Naruto and fought Pain. When did Sakura jumped in and fight Naruto's battle? It's from the 6th shippuden movie. It's about what would happen if everything didn't go to shit in th village. Like Naruto parents dying. Saskue saying. Stuff like that. Orochimaru. He did experiments on ppl and he was pretty much fucked up. She sound like she have a deep voice not a british one. The song is about Harry anyway so why make it more obvious? xD Did you seriosly spilled popcorn like there weren't hungry children in Africa? I said he was the only one with dramatic character development. Piccolo is second. I didn't have to list all of them. lol not this superman. It's possible to beat superman if he punches fast enough. You see how Superman couldn't even take explosions in this show anyway. Beat that woman like Chris Brown. lol With Goku's speed strength and durablilty Madara won't win. Goku can survive a nuke and Madara can't even make a blast like tht. What is he gonna do? Stab him with a Kunai? Goku can stop bullets. Goku can bring an onslaught of ki blast Madara can't dodge forever. I know you're stupid if you say Zetsu is stronger when all he does is scout. Do you even know what sarcasm is? ,lol its called abbreviation kid so stfu u male ass grabber im a fag a female ass grabber so stfu cunt., First you say you abbreviated then cussed me out. You must've been serious about what you said. No you're just covering your stupidity with stupidity. 1: 45 ,but youe back, Mother of all terds? lol Of course they can. What made you think that? Obviously you go faster if you increase your power level. Look at the difference in Dbz. Goku trained with King kai and got through snake way Krillin and Vegeta even acknowledged how fast he was. If speed was the same GOku wouldn't have had a hard time defeating Freeza. How do you think Goku won? His hair didn't just turn blonde you know. Buu glitches are cheats. Chip off goals at the beginning are cheats. I hate the wall moves that gives an easy point. It's too repetitive that it's annoying. Ppl don't score the same way or the way they usually are suppose to.Most of these tricks are glitches because the goalie can't comprhend them nor stop these shots for 5 seconds. I had my goalie literally go off the playing field. Cheap af. It's ok to flip over or use monty though. So many pewdies. o_o THen Sonic and Shadow woke up.. Hell to the fucking no! You would not only make a obvious battle but waste time doing it instead of a better match up. Obviously Goku and Vegeta would win. I'd rather have Naruto Vs Luffy. At least they match each other. 1:43 mindfucked. 32:27 Derp. That's not what the vid is about. Yeah it's about who would win but who's a better character. Weren't you looking at the video?",24,2,3,5,0,32,0 1432,X1433,Your Right! :O No Top Comment!? Its My Chance! :D He just fukin Slip! care about Jason ;3 Thats Still Ok :D Im in a emo Part in on Youtube! RETRO! These Remotes Also Make me Happy So i Prefer both. . Dont worry guys Try to Uninstall internet explorer and you wont be able to Download SAfarimozillachrome and opera :D S-T-U-P-D-I-T-Y You cant even read what is he/she saying? Make The Light Saber a Pencil! (if you know what i mean) :D Cant stop Laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! I Laughed So hard that i can cry!!!!!!! 1931 dislikes? Nice try Rebecca . i Like the robot sound XD i like this on Battle los angeles :D Ok i Watched know What? (-.-)_/- You Edit Them :)) Cheating is Easy...How about something more challenging ?Like Being FAITHFUL :),19,4,2,5,0,20,0 1433,X2385,ps4 xD Nice Nope :D they said there will be more AC Games Thats the song from intouchable or something :D just shut up and this was not xbox you can activate that its not standard xD Pff wii graphics are so much better They both look good never played killzone 3 so i go with Crysis 2 They both look good never played killzone 3 i dont even own a ps3 but i go with killzone 3 Uh im 15 xD and i love this game and you dont see me running with a ak 47 shooting crocodile's and people's and dogs its fucking bullshit with their rated M xD This creeps the fuck out of me im watching this in the dark and with headphones omg well gonna watch em all I was more watching the face cam xD I live in holland how to get these:/ Im jason aswell xD nah he is cool :P ah well i better not talk to you because you dont understand how hard it is to lose weight come back when you fat and understand what i mean ok dude 8:24 i had some tears in my eyes omg xD Both look good of course pc better but for the price i stick with the xbox then xD Your comment is not funny if he dont talk it would be boring well to be honest i thought it was real xD WOW and thats says a xbox player Im here just because this looks epic and gameplay even if i would never get a chance to play it aha ok i never seen it so yea Coiffe? First song? For you Pff xD why do people like you make always such a big deal out of it? Im so happy i found mark couple days ago he is freaking amazing and we all hope you will keep making videos :) keep on the good work His voice is amazing omg not gay xD I wish i could enjoy live :( so i just support other people to make them feel good about their self so if i would ever die i know that i was their for some people so i know i accomplish something. mark never stop you let me feel so good i love you :) thats a mod i got minecraft 1.4.7 and it does not work if he was real yea why are there so many people still alive even if they play all these game omg there is nothing in the world that can change in fucking octopus or a tree or tall man with a nice suit omg and they say if you believe in him he will find you so thats fine because i dont believe in that sort of shit xD she could just click the button in the xbox fail do you realy think that someone would take that much time to like their own video fucking 11.000 times omg retard well we cant say the graphics are shit now OH LAWRD SHUT UP Touch his nippels xD i dont think so because im on the site and pre order xbox and ps3,38,2,3,13,0,22,0 1434,X1435,I was brough here by jelly well you're lucky enough for them to go after you on my tryes they all go apeshit on Ope and he dies realy quickily break dead island! :D it probaly won't be hard tobut you can get some realy funny glichesplease do it :D,3,0,5,5,0,23,0 1435,X1436,fuck haters iam a guy and i love this song Mirenda Cosgrove Ma die Tiewai is egt kak man zo slecht!!!! Best 8 minutes of my life!!!! Stephanie ik ken u als vriendin en het is prachtig wa ge doet 333333 Ma goe geacteerd zenne wtf?? i listen to this song every time life sucks and it works Belgium's Finest!!!!!!!! Gelukkig zijn ze lekker want de vid. trekt op nix xd Dude how old are you guys and you stil play with nerf toys xo Fuck haters macedelic owns!!! heb zolive gezien op dranouter en het was awesome!!! my litle cousin bitch!! Nice birk egt dope! Geweldig skate park egt zalig!! te dope!! gast het is zo hardstyle is dikke brack man!!!! Ma cousin gots his style! Hahaha min peter is de fucking directeur bitches!!!!!!!!! ik was daar lekker VIP!!! Die gast heeft talent!! Ma hij mag wel een deftige cap kopen zenne Where's lil wayne???,20,3,3,6,0,14,0 1436,X1437,"I think EpicChcikenDouche is Victorian. Would explain everything. Man JonTron sure likes his Monkey Island soundtrack Omg WHAT is with Woolie's incredible ability to find the most OP broken characters in a crappy game and just spam like hell? I hope Woolie watches THIS video at least.. OAK SONG! I think Wulong Goth looked and sounded more like The Monarch than Loki.. One of the best TBFP endings ever XD ZIEGE ONLY NO ITEMS FINAL DESTINATION!! 3D Sugarcube Corners is awesome Finally 2:54 for the start of the greatest shitstorm I've seen on YT XD I got the impression that the idea was to segue into it but since Alex Jones wasn't actually answering most of the questions Piers jumped straight to it. As to why I think it's just to call Jones' credibility into question. RAIDEN ONLY FINAL DESTINATION Dat ending My favourite part was Pat dying from the decoy Power Up that HE put down Of course he does. Everyone wants the joj He says ,And I'm Javert,. A lot. Because everyone seems to be Nintendo fanboys I've worked in a library providing foreign language books for customers and one of the issues was trying to source books that were 'Brazilian Portuguese' as opposed to 'Portuguese'. It amounts to the two countries having slightly different dialects. Interestingly both nations seems to claim the other uses the more 'old fashioned' version of the language. Jon clearly finds it difficult to keep people onside - ,A game should only be as long as it needs to be, Yup hard to disagree. ,I mean 60 hour games just shouldn't exist,.... what? And it makes me feel better after some prat told me I had to be retarded to not be able to work out what all the buttons do. Suddenly a wild Watsky appears! This is a good song to have when I'm feeling suicidal I remember hearing he was disqualified for TTT and RotK due to the fact that leitmotifs from Fellowship were re-used so it supposedly didn't constitute a totally 'original' soundtrack. I imagine the same rules barred him here along with Original Song since some of the lyrics were from Tolkien. What do we do next? So why does Jon answer the door with no pants on? Is that Pat's mom in the background? I actually only know the Chaotix from the comics...",28,2,8,5,0,109,0 1437,X1438,"E impossvel saber o local especfico onde a vida comeou porque esse local de certaza que j nem existe. Essa primeira forma de vida foi uma bactria portanto mesmo que este suposto local ainda existisse seria impossvel saber onde tinha sido lol. Bastava o jornalista de merda que fez isto conhecer a teoria da tectnica de placas para no dizer tanta asneira seguida Cabro? Se no foste este senhor o nosso pas j no tinha direito a mais dinheiro do FMI. Sabes o que que isso significa palhao? Bancos a falir inflao a disparar...Depois nem com uns 20 euros compravas uma bola de po Europe is liberal? LOL Every Prime Minister in Europe is elected. You don't know what you are talking about. Last year I went for a swim in the Mediterranean.Still alive... Land of the free? Give me a break... Every one in Europe hates the US. Most people hate the ending. I think it couldn't be better. Shit tier? I love where I'm from too. I'm portuguese and I love living here. We are struggling a bit but this country is wonderful. I wouldn't live anywhere else The entire country is a corporation. The USA was founded by european people killing indians and taking their lands. It's a fake ass country with no real history You didn't get the film at all. Go see transformers They never said british cars were better. They said germans ones are and most people in Europe buy german cars You probably also think Inception's ending was crap right? It was perfect for that movie just like the ending to this one. You are a jerk. Do you think seeing the man fight a wolf would be better than this? not for long ... Isto uma porcaria. No faz sentido nenhum nem inteligente. Se isto para ti do melhor humor feito em Portugal ento tenho pena de ti Por exemplo na cidade onde vivo na cmara municipal existem 14 pessoas no departamento de informtica. Numa fbrica enorme aqui da zona que dos maiores empregadores existem 4 funcionrios no departamento de informtica. Isto uma misria. E depois fazem greves e exigem coisas que nem existem! Os meus pais tinham duas empresas e uma faliu a outra est perto disso. E depois essa gente que tem mais que o resto faz greve? Deviam ser abatidos Outro do bloco de esquerda... Then americans must love it They could use the chinese flag lol Just like in Europe. You forgot to mention the religious nuts. They believe in most of the stuff that comes in the bible. And then they shoot each other just because someone steps on their lawn. Oh and their suburban houses are made of wood. Such a civilized nation. Are you american? I'm not the one who spends my days on youtube trying to come up with theories for a series finale LOL. You're just another ignorant american. The best insult you can come up with is ,little faggot, xD. Go eat some burgers It's south korean and the countrie population is about 50 million. Another american dumbass Portugal 13th of december Fazem merdas piores. Vocs esto na lista dos dez piores desastres nucleares da histria xD. Desmantelaram uma mquina de rdioterapia numa lixeira e morreram 4 pessoas. Isso sim burrice Americans if you can't fit in an airplane seat don't travel! Your prioty should be losing weight Estamos um bocado mas o que que o turismo tem que ver com isso? In my country I never heard of a teacher preaching to a classroom. I thought the USA was supposed to be civilized lol To you it was",29,0,4,5,1,21,0 1438,X1439,I am a white who cannot stand skinheads and there arrogance belief of superiority. If I was in charge of that jail he would have been put right back in there. Until he got his head right. He just learned that he was not superior he lost the fight. Then then black would be forced into a cell where guys would force him to give up his clothes.,1,7,4,5,0,64,1 1439,X1440,"What about her hot?*You're ...How old are you? I didn't know tickling someone's head could make them orgasm lol. She's a character. Those presents were bought wrapped and opened for the purposes of this video. I don't get it...why do cats just come to you? Whose are they? xD *Mac os TEN Miranda you should sing I KNEW YOU WERE TROUBLE by Taylor Swift! Your bootiful voice would bring that song to life. Just saying. Don't you mean ,reminiscent,? lol lol basically. How does one ,get to, a composition of various photographs? Congratulations. You must be so proud. Not doesn't even have a quad core processor. Lots of Androids no it's not the fastest ,preforing, (you meant performing) Ty you live in NORTH CAROLINA. You don't have the right to complain about cold lol. That water on the pavement at the skatepark wasn't even frozen. So quit. it's a character lol That's cuz they're 21 years apart. So theoretically she could be her mom. HOLY CRAP HER SMILE I CAN'T i cri evrytiem I can't dislike this video enough times. That looks like something a 12 year old came up with. Jessica Lange's voice in this is so cool...I don't know how to explain it's just so lively! :D HATERS BACK OFF! Yes I do. Obviously you don't if you're questioning my comment. Irony is when something contradicts what you'd expect. That person said ,your grammer sucks, when their spelling and grammar was bad too. That's ironic because they were correcting someone else while being incorrect themselves. Yes I know the definition of irony. fasf How annoying. Tell her to die. I would NOT wait. But then again I forgot that you're hiding behind a computer screen. I know how easy it is to tell a girl she ,might as well kill herself now, when there aren't any consequences. You my sir are pathetic vile worthless and need psychological help if you tell people you don't know to commit suicide.",25,101,4,8,0,24,0 1440,X1441,"haha everyone is trying to run you over. :] seems so peaceful and quiet unlike TX. ;Pespecially since you said ,summer vacation, its packed here as it is. Hello from Texas :] i mean if you go to their online store its still being sold :] *** maybe instead of them just having rosie up there doing nothing they should give her a dance class so she can show off her moves while sophia sings? ah bothers me they just have here there cz they have to. i hope my future room mate is as cool as you :]",5,3,3,5,0,18,0 1441,X1442,:O what an ending to that song!! She's sooo amazing :D Whitney has been reincarnated O.O!!!! 2:09 New fact I learned today: I'm a goo hoarder :/ AHAHAHAHA I'VE SEEN TYLER PERRY MOVIES.... I know what black people do.. (i died) Finally someone who gets it!! hi Shanaynay!!!!!!!!! :D lol 3 u sound amazing!! I could've sworn this sounded like Adam Levine 3 this kid made my day :'),10,63,3,12,0,19,0 1442,X1443,wow this is great! Awesome! Gosh how times have changed. Makes you wonder what kids today will say when they look back at ads in 30/40 years time You guys are really awesome nice song and lyrics keep it up! :D Wow! Really awesome!! I soooo wanna visit New York City maybe one day :D nice one keep it up! great quality great thanks! awesome Oh my gosh! This is hilarious really funny! Great stuff keep 'em coming. Really great video so artistic and professional excellent! Wow can't believe you did everything yourself! The editing is really great :D Quite surprised at this it's gotta take off it's just gotta! Hahahahaha! How funny is this! OMG LOL. Keep 'em coming matey Nice one pal sweeeet! great vid! Love your videos dude! Need more keep 'em coming thanks :) You guys need way more views you're so awesome. Hope people see what they're missing out on soon! OMG!!! So amazing!! I cant wait for the next one!! :D 3,20,3,4,5,0,19,0 1443,X1444,ich finde das total ekelig aber Muss man da mitmachen?sollen das nm. nchste woche in bio machen.. hatte auch mal sims3 hat aber leider nicht fuktioniert =( konnte es zum glck umtauschen..leider funktioniert bei mir nicht mal mehr sims2...absolut toll!! beste freundin!!!wiedermal ein geiles video von euch.. wow!!!amazing.. that's the best cover of this song3 it's absolutely amazing!!love it 3 beautiful song..3 Wuhuu!! Endlich ist Staffel 2 daa..Edward Edward Edward!!! geil xDedwards gesichtsausdruck als er merkt was jake da abzieht..=D OMG..lachflash!!! Robert Pattinson...obwohl ich Philipp lieber mag..3 ich bin doch nicht eiferschtig auf..was..nein ich....xDihr seid toll!! ahh I want to see it!!NOW!!!,13,4,5,5,0,16,0 1444,X1445,THAT WAS Sick!!!! video is sick!!! that gainer was the best Heyy im on a parkour team check out some of my vids and subscribe if yu like it and subscribe to lance downing too,3,51,6,65,0,33,0 1445,X1446,......hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! I want the job they have Nice gixxer dude Sister nearly gets raped best thing to happen in the family... only in America 0:29 a cock on a motorbike on a mission Ana you are absolutely gorgeous woman. I wish you success in your career. After 2:00 was the coolest part. Not that crazy bitch nearly killing the motorcyclist but seeing all of the fellow bikers race after her to serve her ass some fucking justice. all women are crazy Loud bikes saves lives. This really hurts... and its an s1000rr... 2:27 wtf... lol 1:33 Who ever made this beat is tone deaf... I feel a love story brewingto be continued...,14,1,3,5,0,21,1 1446,X1447,"i just had to laugh at the beginning. love it 3 9:40 ,One at a time bro!, LOOL looking at this video again i realized that my friend did his hair to look like G-Dragon's... COCKBLOCKK 5:34London: I can't sleep!!Maddie: And now I can't hear!!Esteban: Neither can I!!Mr. Moseby: No yelling in the lobby!!",5,0,2,5,0,14,0 1447,X1448,LOVE. perfection but like stop being amazing? lovely video! so lucky you have snow love ya jade thanks thank you thank you thank you JC YOU ARE JUST THE CUTEST OMG new video adloikfndduxh love it AMAZING IM I THINK IM CRYING BECAUSE I LOVE THIS SO MUCHGUIDFBHVFSIUDJB luv ya tew thank youuuu! @RobiiPhoenix exactly you live like an hour from me! haha and my friend is from madison weirddd LOVE LOVE LOVE GRACEANNE youre amazing bye im obsessed with music and sleeping you wake up at 7?! try 5:50 hahah im in the car at 6:50! geez youre lucky and i love the video youre amazing the fucking description its called pioneers by the lighthouse and the whaler and its lovely:) thank you so much!! aww youre so cute jesse OMG AARON LOVE THIS AHAHAHAHAH I watch portlandia as well it's my favorite,23,574,4,48,0,23,0 1448,X1449,Oh yay thank you! so excited I could die oh my god that is brilliant! Like something out of a movie XD From the thumbnail I thought for a second you'd put your grandchild in the box...amazing video though! :) There are silver balls in the areas that you aren't allowed to build stuff on so delete those or move them using cheats codes etc and there you have it! Soon they'll be picking up our kids from school and shit LORD replaying this over and over just for that yoo hoo Get well soon Shiloh! -huuuugs- -3 I know right? Changed my life SUCH A JAM Oakley's a little fluffy hahaha made m laugh :) Have to admit I'm a big fan of Les Mis and I was worried I wouldn't like this version at all but you actually completely BLEW. ME. AWAY. Your voice is golden 3 This made me so happy :') 3 Can I have a cab please? killed me Hahahhaa omg brilliant the mummy just makes it hahah omg this comment made my day!,18,29,3,8,0,18,0 1449,X1450,thats latin america for you highly doubt that do your own hw whore but if you assault them then you're fucked hahahaha you're hilarious You're one weird Russian Great thanks Sweden has a way smaller population than the u.s. though i've never seen such a bad gamer i stopped playing bf3 when premium came out because Dice is a bitch but now really miss it everywhere just look around Thank you i try my best No there isnt dick breath Eat shit you're a pretty bad video! whats your poo telling you. hahahaha Yeah i learned that the hard way but with a different gun. thats exactly what i was thinking it literaly says her name in the video i just watched the greatest episode of naruto well you see i kind of made fun of your name their. then i added has spoken because well you thin you know it all there were so many simultaneous views the timer froze it will go back to normal in a day or so hell yeah whats the original? I go to this school. and all the info is wrong! one she wasnt a teacher she was an aide. Two they werent special needs they were horny soccer players,25,7,5,5,0,26,0 1450,X1451,"oh cabin in the woods was terrible u must have been on crack at the time thats ok ill forgive you. i thought the Romney line was hilarious restaurant mainly ideal for breakfast food you putting this on itunes? I dont know what made you pick up your camera and start filming your road but i commend you. Still one of my favorite videos on Youtube your sooooooooooo cute when you talk 6some???? didn't win powerball maybe i can win a headset. you rock man so glad to see treezy back on Youtube hope to see a lot more videos my man Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is gonna be my wedding song DEF one of your best videos of the new year so far Keep up the good work Devin amazing shots!!!!! MORE LOLA!!!!!!!!!! Jim Jim who talks in 3rd person I'm making a video titled ,Why YouTube pays you, Amazing work man this just made my night!!!!!!! it took me a while to know what i was looking at lol that was outrageously funny. What is it from? theres a website and an app for TheChive. and its the complete opposite of what you think it is. you should check it out. OMG this is so priceless Wheres Dude Perfect when you need them?",19,6,5,17,0,22,0 1451,X1452,2:33 looks like sumfin outa harry potter oh my gosh he was such a beautiful baby!!! X( thumbs up if funny animals 7 brought you here cuz you pressed the dont press button!!! XD cant the doctors just ya know pop dat suker back in yes thats why with all of the news about childhood obecidy a child goes missing every 43 seconds i saw him in jesus christ superstar on my middle school trip.. needless to say judus was the faverote person of about 300 kids in a catholic school lmao. they wouldnt stop talking about him for months XD uhh at 0:33 those were some......uhh..... different noises uhh im pretty sure the wardrobe departments goofed and put girl boobs on him... 1:10 thats not a good impression of his voice... its too deep not real. his abdomin goes up before his head ad toung do 0:52 woooow this trick also makes the room get lighter then darker almost like its timelapsses woooo\ this man is like 1000 and is trying to abduct small children with oranges and funny faces. hide yo wifes hide yo kids andone can do that. the hard part is accidentaly swallowing it and magicly getting it to cone out your ass i think that was part of her dream of the baby boy if u read the book you would know that in her dream she loved this baby boy who sat on a pile of her dead friends Jar jar was my fav r 2:55 the guy in the orange sweatshirt eating soup. LMFAO!!!!! so random will it melt in your hand? and how hard is it? 1:27:45 you could see someone in her window even though he kicked ass follow me on intstagram Catie__k follow me on instagram!! catie__k how does he not get in trouble? his laugh omg lol,23,0,3,5,0,20,1 1452,X1453,Ughhhhhh shyt weak Dls: I love mi boyfriend R.i.p petty an allante an all mi loved ones I cant wait until we meet again Hood shyyt this tha shyt that i like I like.....3 ........ Im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo EASTSIDEEEEEEEE.. I LOVE TEWAM EASTSIDE HEAVYYYYYYYYY Rip Tone Spell check bread Thys shyt lame af This the shit Xkkxxkjxu that beat Axf GB CV,13,0,3,3,0,18,0 1453,X1454,anybody notice at the beginning he had 01/01 ammo? False. It's suppose to sound like a stick/branch cracking. I do agree with both side in that it does not sound correct and it does not matter to much in this situation. Chicken Scratch* how did you record it? Hd pvr? Awesome. Keep going. I had no idea this was Peter. Oh man this is awesome. 2:56 ... she takes a peek at his pee-pee... tehehehehe KILL IT BEFORE IT LAYS EGGS!!!! hey guys just dug up some random mans grave and had sex with him. he died in 1709! new record! that guy from 1709. remember him? yeah me and two of my friends gang banged him im so gay i enjoy it when twenty plus guys cum on me 8===========D~~~~~~~O:,13,5,2,1,0,18,0 1454,X1455,No 107 people want it alll.. idk y but i feel like 2 chainz should be in dis/: This song basicaly explains my relationship Damn this song probably getting every girl horny lol,4,0,3,5,0,14,1 1455,X1456,hahaha..your full of yourself tryna act all good! there's nothing wrong with mayonnaise. yeah well UR RACIST BITCH..she's beautiful. wow..k wtf you are one messed up kid..your mother was there for you your whole life..i'm happy to see my mom when i can. snooki is the best :) canada* parents don't suck they just want 2 keep u ALIVE can't even hear,8,4,2,1,0,16,0 1456,X1457,Subscribe to me im subscribing to you. Am i only the only noticed theres a dollar in the wall. That wasnt me i left my youtube on and my older brother got on. Im not disrespectful. Jokes on you i was looking for this song. Hes gay he was wearing capris... Shakiness much? 36 people missed the like button. Amazing.3 Anone else notice the babydoll? aw sorry. #NAME? My favorite part was when she was sitting at the bar. Shes better than half the people that comment with negative comments... One hit knock out? More like two gay kids barely tapping each other.. Like this if you checked your computer when the windows sound came on.(: All the girls on this video look like they should work at hooters.(: Napoleon had a better voice and style but Napolean had better words. (: I DID BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!. well im not gonna drink it. I HATE YOU! My favorite part.(:,19,2,3,11,1,21,0 1457,X1458,They can move it like bearnie at the beginning Do you guys really like eachother??? WHAT is up with the dislike bar??? Go DaniGo Dani!!! 3 Ur hott 3 This is deff the most true one of them all was he suckin his thumb??? ahahhaa 3 Uhhmmm how old are you?? Ur sssssooooooo cute!!! And both of u have grreat voices!! Oh m geee!!! Amazinggg Do u live in AZ??? The like button was talkin alotta ish about u... this is my EVERY,12,0,3,5,0,21,0 1458,X1459,"Rain is coming down through your FlipFlop just kiddin' hahaha Wonder Girls Akon ........ :) I wanna see this in Thailand Asean Asia and our world we will connect together :D MV MV Version Real Environment BTS .... --- 5555 MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD SIN BEST! ..... Singer - -, 0.29 55555 200 ( ) MV ,, ... 5555 5555 / 80 10 5 (+++) 5 GMM GRAMMY :) MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD MILD link honey I hate you 555 SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR SINGULAR I like japanese girl behind! Pretty and Kawaiiiiiiiiiii ;D",17,1,8,10,0,27,0 1459,X593,did he ever come out again or did he you know d.. wowo wow sad nek minite bybyby yeah you great what thats inpossible wow in nz its 15 ponds thats cool your wall is full of mohi monsters you just have to try and stop droping it and speak louder but good job they played h2o just add water there cool i like cleo bella emma rikki lewise charlotes ugly who is she talking to wow you are good can please hurry up and put the trree in thankyou what chipwrecked is not on dvd but if you want it you can go on worldalive im saling it brandnew you are really good hehehheheheheheh put it on man not i love it gool i mean cool no man they are not stupid un like that girl dose not know anthing shut up crap up man did you see the angry grampa lame why do you think your cool what contry do you live in shes preety your ugly that dog who died is sad your dad is mean you must love wenni the poooooooooooo,33,0,3,1,0,14,0 1460,X1461,Hayao Miyazaki and Joe Hisaishi ?!?!?!?!?! I CAN NOW DIE IN PEACE nope its real i my self been in korea stpd your hair color is sooo pretty! I really really love you :3 i wish you do more vids Anastasiya : the whole make up looks fine and cute! :3 Apply cold water to that burn area. She looks very normal and simple without makeup! and looks like she didnt have much cosmetic surgery its really the makeup that makes it look soo unreal. seeeyahhh Doing a harlem shake with hachiko! Briliant! PDRK! ur so handsome :3 my face forms a big WHAT? through all the vid.,9,1,4,5,0,22,0 1461,X1462,You should do a cover of if im james dean then your audrey hepburn,1,14,3,26,0,19,0 1462,X1463,"Even the white kid... No you are not going to get top comment and yes you will get a definition for pandemics.A pandemic is a disease that spreads worldwide. Not to be mean or anything but you could always check the dictionary or stop at 2:30 of the video were it says ,When diseases such as measles influenza or HIV go global we call the pandemics., Yeah! No advertisements just a beautiful song! Elegant...and pretty :) The little girl is sooo cute! Breathing 1. Open a new tab2. Search 'Jar of Hearts' (add 'by Christina Perry' if needed)3. Play both of them at the same time4. Love it5. Thank me by liking this comment ;) her British accent... LUV!!!! () I think I'm addicted in more ways than one... So smart!!! You can't video tape me until I get paid So cute! Pours it. ,Mommmmyyyy I want more!, Too cute!!! The only fact I realize is that you can't spell So true! Oh My God! So Cute! How did this video not win? I would have raced to the nearest supermarket to buy Ben Jerry's Ice Cream: I I had 1000000 Flavors LOVE JESSIE! Liking this video non-stop!",17,2,2,2,0,73,0 1463,X1464,T^T 55555 5.56E+20 . 2013 WOW!! really love it ; ) From Thailand ^____^ _ HEART SHAKE -,13,0,3,3,0,20,0 1464,X1465,Why so amazing Taeyeon? of course is amazing as well for that haha.NONETHELESS Taeyeon is indeed a 10 more then a 10.She is just that amazing =) Lots of love from Norway The irony in that is that underneath it all kpop is none of that.The kpop industry is very corrupt. Not trying to burst your little bubble but that's the truth. Nonetheless kpop and korean variety shows does cheer me up a whole lot I just try not to think about what happens behind the screen.,2,1,7,7,0,23,1 1465,X1466,AAAAAA maanoow qe Doooido .Ameii [/ eu ri mt ! oooooooooooooooooouuuuwwnwn *-* Muiit Lindo ! lindos e cantam muito bem .. gostei =D,3,1,5,5,0,20,0 1466,X1467,"Liam is ALWAYS hot !!!!! i hate hannah she spoilt and split up johnny and tee !] It's a bit mean but i LOVE the speeches that go with this !! Like ,FOR NARNIA !!!!!!, Yeahhhh its a party... Tu chante super bien continue comme ca mean : you sing great carry on like that ! love both of u But it's funny !! cool ! LOL^^ si je tombe du tomber des 2 coter ! ..... j'ai des si beaux seins ... !! LOL XP !!!! Tellement MDR ! 1 mois apres je suis aller au champs lise... ET IL Y ETAIT PAS !!!!!!!!!! Quel groos connard ce mec !! srx ! J'adore ma Loriane !!!!!! C'est trop cool !!! great voice !! carry on like that !! Loving it ! And all of us girls... DRIVE ME CRAZY ! That's a great idea ! Thumbs up if your still watching this in 2012 !!! But why ? good but a bit too fast for meeee",17,1,2,5,1,15,0 1467,X1468,burn in hell son of a bitch.... hey fag! wtf! er wollte sagen grner schalter ftw! challenge acepted! echt? mama? coolster dude... oh wait... ah doch... coolster dude! watching this while playing.. fight night round 2 on ps2... tell me more about your sadness dude :D dem deutschen fallschirmjger ;-) weil er die geilste drecksau der welt ist... und wer musik nur fr geld macht ist keinen penny wert... darum! ich seh ihn immer nur 5 machen und 30 sagen kollegah... mach mal 30 climb( ja das schreibt man so )zge... fr alle... fasch? langsm! beschwerd! aufm bahnhf!!! ive seen al lot of zp! hotw or hotm but this my good sir is one of the best fucking movies ive ever seen... nothing to do here! *jetpack on* not bad dude! fuck you thats why i take care of my children! ANDERSTER! ist kein wort... son of a bitch! im to poor to buy me a ps3 :D so i still love this game :D,20,0,2,5,0,24,0 1468,X1469,"i stand corrected its 50% only in sunlight Click Show Comment for a journey :D what about bugsy lolz my first shiny not counting gyarados is a sandshrew in safari zone in soul silver. i propably saw one in emerald but i was too young to know what a shiny was im so glad there werent spoilers in the top comments Shofu's too hard body to let this shit happen He did it's way too easy if his eyes were open Shiny Magikarp with Sheer Cold and No Guard Seems Legit Full grown 800 pound tuna sounds legit he was making refrences to a game called ,The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, like the stormcloaks i never even got to finish the game cause of those fucking things that blew shit up. (trying to be as vague as possible) why was this not in my sub box seriously also are you the same person who commented on dwhales4 cause you seem to have changed your opinion from god particle is a stupid name to they need to call it that cause people are idiots. it took me 10 minutes to find the deer head thing and nbz found it in 40 seconds the snuggie commercial was very missleading i thought it was kinda like a gown that was like a blanket but it was literrally a blanket with arms. like on the commercial they never show you the back 15 people hate life and AMERICA!!!!!!! You must be on drugs gen is the best gen at least for me. and i know i lot of other people say its the best aswell lol shofu calls his mom and haydunn always has his moms phone calls go to voicemail I'm watching this on my cell phone Ellen Vs. Oprah is possible theres a ERB for Barack Obama Vs. Mitt Romney",21,0,3,5,0,14,0 1469,X1470,"cause i can't come back home 'til they're singing la la la la la la la. i dont understand these first page comments lol. the ,heaviness, is balanced with Jeremy's voice...this is how an acoustic version is supposed to sound like. this band is so good that every time another song of theirs is on the side over there --- i wanna click it but i end up clicking it like 20 minutes later after i replayed this song 5 more times. when you watch this video idk just doesnt seem like a voice you would expect to come out of his mouth and then youre like .-. woah. he can scream. nice username lolol yeah in a circle cause they dont know what straight is. why cause he squints his eyes? lolol. my gf cheated on me...yeah mine too....really? mine too. seriously man? mine too! bursts through the door.... MY GF CHEATED ON ME. with who? some black guy.....some black guy....some black guy. i think it was some black guy. same bro. thats not a coincidence or anything... cooler hotter more manly better version of justinthat doesnt even sound like a possible version of justin bieber.... he's quite better than ,just a beaver, i must say :PP please dont compare anyone or anything to any is an is subjective! lets just leave it at they are amazing and not continue to bash any good bands. ahh sweet thanks(: this video expresses so much in such a simplistic way. The art is pretty cool(: 3 this song. this- is so beautiful. their voices dont even sound similar -.- both of them have good voices. wow that was a really dark music video. he sounds and looks like a guy with a beard who didnt hit puberty -__- too bad the band members have to deal with a beard. lol im not answering that. i watched this video....the whole time my mouth was like D: dropppeddd open. she. is. so. amazing. god. her voice is so powerful it can like break your heart in a profound way that you come to realizations about yourself. you dont want to get into that discussion on youtube... people will probably get so mad at you and take everything personally haha so you should keep that one on the DL lol :PP Most people in music videos lip SYNC. Its called lip syncing because its syncing the movement of the mouth to the ,prerecorded, voice. They do that cause the audio sounds better. If they didnt lip sync then it would be the quality of a home video with a lot of white noise and wouldnt be very pleasing to the ear. Its because the quality of mics in recording studios are much better than mics on the actual camera youre taping with. youre right though. Shes not doing a great job pretending. this looks like a drunk persons perspective of the main stage haha. why did they sign justin bieber....they forget to listen to your videos ): this is a real cover. Everyone on youtube basically recorded the same song as neyo but that's not what a cover is....this is a cover. You guys really made it your own- nice job! Cheers(: this is like a very sexy version haha i liikee it. (: cheeerrs broski",24,4,5,3,0,18,0 1470,X1471,this is fucking tight!tabs? damn man.that was fuckkin milky as fuck. where did you say you were from?your the shit dude i gotta admit. whats the second one? man.this is great.tabs? whens the tutorial? what audio editor do you use?,7,0,5,5,0,29,0 1471,X1472,cover girl mascara! I am dressing up as a cheerleader. Just gonna wear my uniform. so yeah. 1:19 .. crusty toes. only 50 bucks.. HA ! I want the Amika 3 in 1 really bad ! I have never had a curling iron.. my mom won't buy me one :/ how do your friends handle your cancer probb? @2:13 when she opens the door.. likee what was he doing to her ? im so confused.- someone please answer meee. You effing weirdos. lmfao i died watching this. username - kaliaeniyaa This was the stupidest thing i have EVER watched in my life I love when you guys all sing together.. it just... sounds amazing 33,11,1,3,5,0,21,1 1472,X3076,"Wait for Dayz standalone to come out should be out in a few weeks or another month. Cry him a river - it would be more useful than the comment you left fucking hater. Wtf is this garbage?These girls should be put towards the death penalty.. You can physically see the emotion in turpin each close up the cam gets to his face - the sheer anger in himself to hold back on knowing that hes knockin out his best friend.One of if not THEE most incredible experience in an emotional fight boxing has and ever will see... The wink he gives him when he kos him to the ground...explicit. poor dog Anyone know what the beautiful piano music is at the end of the video? This game doesnt ask for anything at all you sign up - you login you press play on the website and your in game.. hahahah i love this little thing!! 50:42 = a fucking plague. low fps is low :P How the fuck can you compare 2 shows that have absolutely no relevance to one another - wish i knew you in real life id fuck you up everyday.Fucking retard NO RESTRICTIONS - NO GENDER LOCK! PLEASE GOD! Sounds to me like you need to get off it buddy. god i miss this game been almost 8+ years since i last played and i still miss/adore/dream and go nostalgic about it everyday of my life cant wait for A Realm Reborn! So much hard effort - just to eat.... Whatever works i guess. Those beards HAVE to go.... hahahah amazing! You can almost feel and hear the difference in Frankies voice he almost doesnt do this for fun anymore its like his life...At the start of his older vids - he was always so ,friendlier, - more cautious and calm but can totally hear frustration in his voice content and a more serious side to Crazy. This is by far the most marvelous thing i have ever seen in my entire life when it comes to cinematic....O...M...G - MOVIE! outstandingThis + Archeage = Real Gaming This is archeage!Best upcoming mmo ever FUCK facebook - Dont introduce it to MMOs at all its a plague bound for disaster. Dayz will eventually die out until the standalone - noone is caring about Dayz anymore for arma 3 i think more ,wasteland, will be more suitable and enjoyable to this game.Wasteland will be pure team cooperation (unlike dayz where everyone shoots on sight now)...This game will shine by itself without the hope of dayz on it. Just got my beta invite :D ~How ignorant can 1 person be?Dont you fucks understand that Frankie is an extremely active + busy man with a REAL job and a girlfriend also to attend too.Im sure if Frankie could play games 24/7 he would upload them constantly - but the fact of the matter is he cannot - so how about just appreciating the fact that your getting the vids at all.Seriously im not usually this blatant but your comment just enraged me. 1:09 - i wanted to fucking SMASH This guys so face for the constant stutter i know its supposed to be a laugh - but ffs you milked it. I cant stand oliver tbh - but he deserved this. Clearly. zzzzz MORE!! Pet traps that you can go BACK too (Deploy/make trap type in woods - leave - check at the end of the night to see if you have snagged anything....)Fishing - Ive encountered many beautiful little areas i would love to fish + set a fire at also opens the possibility for many good/bad encounters for friendlies + bandits... Russia does not have the worlds worse drivers there just the world worse people in general.Seriously... 3 russians - but fuck me.",31,5,5,1,0,26,1 1473,X1474,ma cosaaaaaaaaaaaaaa DAAAANI 3 Concordo! Potevano degnarsi almeno di candidarla!,3,3,3,5,0,111,0 1474,X1475,awsome song! xD whered u get the pictures? lol WINTERJAM 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! GOD RULES! hold on i need to go throw up is she speacial? I think you are a good singer but try a diffrent song like bubbly by colbie. :),5,4,3,9,0,14,0 1475,X1476,This song brought smile on my face!! Great job! :) @furiouspete123 I was wondering how much protein shall we try to consume per day including the supplements and food we eat!!What do you suggest?? Thanks! Dude It depends on how much angle you're making for inclination his angle was rightLower reps are for strength training. Flies bring the shape dude you know no shit lol.and Dips like that are again for strength training which I guess you never did in your life. I've eaten it... without much difficulty... maybe because I'm from India and I'm used to eating Spicy things. post Dude drink honey after it.... it generally helps. Learn to Concentrate Fire NOOB! Yea He has Cameo in the movie. He indeed is Amitabh Bachchan. best part @2:04 That is why youtube has full screen option! ;) @1:35 Pete checking her ass!!! ROFL ... And then Restaurant got Bankrupt! where the fuck is crysis 3? @3:56 the girl in black was ready to get laid. Look at her expressions lol! :D,14,0,3,5,0,22,0 1476,X1592,tht was innapropriate idk why but i think it is oh god he is aweome (falls over) ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont listen to haters nichole note to the haters:just stop hating let nichole do what she wants to do and if u dont have anything nice to say then just dont say anything umm lets see here YOUR AN AWESOME SINGER! STOP HATING IF U DONT HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY STOP WRITING COMMENTS!!!!! AND I MEAN IT u ugly girlfriend ur pretty i think ur ugly srry ur just jealous on how pretty they r 1.bella thorne2. zendaya coleman3.debby ryan4.stephanie scott5.liz gillies6.venessa morgan7. victoria justice i swear to god i didnt laugh love the music......the music made me laugh u aint the best singer in the world you r beautiful u ugly girlfriend your pretty inside and out dont change a thing ur perfect ur beautiful inside and out oh my god i bet u cant even leave the house because ur to fat to fit through the door llfalls overll you ever say tht again to me and ill do jujitsu on u u have anger problems girrrrl woah cool i just did it and it worked aww thx and happy earth day to u to and i picked up trash and planted trees and flowers will u be my friendon youtube......jk if you dont want those high hells on your door give them to me give me the jewlry on club penguin my name is popstar haha there were 14 hello kittys aww poor thing,31,5,3,2,0,22,0 1477,X1478,Great band dude!Thanks The next generation of Evanescence!!watch?v=js6TBze6vNA Truely amazing new song!!watch?v=js6TBze6vNA Want to hear an angel?watch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Wanna hear an angel?watch?v=xXRh5ne7xws This is the new shitwatch?v=QJJLCdPkZjsCheck it out The next generation of Hard Rock!watch?v=QJJLCdPkZjs WowYou all need to listen to thiswatch?v=js6TBze6vNA Truely epic!!watch?v=js6TBze6vNA Is she an angel?watch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Want to listen to an angel?watch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Simply amazingwatch?v=xXRh5ne7xws the next big thingwatch?v=xXRh5ne7xws THE NEXT PARAMORE IS HERE!!watch?v=js6TBze6vNAYoutube and enjoy THE NEXT GENERATION OF ROCK IS HERE!!watch?v=js6TBze6vNA THE NEW SONG IS AMAZINGwatch?v=TCnlGhlXXBw Fucking amazing new song!watch?v=TCnlGhlXXBw,17,0,3,5,0,22,0 1478,X1479,1.bring me joy2.wide awake3.dark side4.under the to be a heartbreakerBTW: nice chart nice chart amelia lily deserves 2 be no.1 she `s so awesome and katy perry as well i recommend conor maynard he is awesome 2 :)))) flashback : hot n cold any way nice chart :)))))))0 where did u see it???? she wolf the best go 2 no.1 one more night 4 no.1 1.dark more night3.chasing the sun4.primadonna5.strongerfb: so what r they lesbians???? she wolf no1 he is talented much better than justin beiber and 1d !!!!!!!! ya thats exactly what happened to me there is no song will compete to this :) when who is alex i like the new florence i love tina`s voice so much nice boobs :D anyway not what i expected from xtina !!!!,18,0,6,5,0,31,0 1479,X1480,"Haha fan nja Turina Milosevic och Borges r inte direkt svenska namn. Hlsa era svartingar och resten av laget lycka till frn Skne! ohhh halo 2 16 hours straight after it released. Haha great... Matt Damon episode...greatest episode ever. Lilla Edts flickidol. Det r s gulligt Didnt think black people came that far north. Props to you bro fucking great questions thank you i loved the first xbox gamepad Ja hur svrt kan det vara att hitta en svensk skdespelerska i en sdan seris serie... Biggest let down Pariah.... Mari sucks at playing most games its really annoying... girlfriend.... non-english speakers learned better english through games. Thanks. I actually just wanted to thank you for your comments on your own video.Great stuff! yes...its not funny having a girl losing all the time.Maybe one time but this is just a parody.. Schindlers list vlkommen till malm! Queen Elisabeth vs King Louie I actually got kinda like ,ooh shiet thats to much, when the black guys were kicking the shit out of each other. Other than that great fucking movie. I just wish that he had some short clips with fast phase coming out of nowhere to introduce charachters like the rest of his recent films. Wasnt he in scrubs before parks? Just a great fucking comment thank you for a big laugh Jon is just to in to old games shame. Amazing fantastic great. Keep it up no Halo? Really? false damon was cast in saving private ryan before he got an oscar for good will hunting. Chewbacca dating Sweeney Todd. Or just Edward Scissorhands either way that would be awesome. Trying to shave a wookie...",25,0,3,5,0,21,0 1480,X1481,"I dunno :/ his personality is too limp and did you see how fast he moved? not really my type. 0:35 . Artemis kinda looks like shay mitchell. No you win on this one. I was guessing I dint know much of Poison Ivy until a few months ago so I know a lot less than wikipedia. maybe the blond was their original idea but then they changed it and forgot to fix the first part I know... but i dont really like beast boy for her. Holy shit! you're over 12?!? and here I thought you we're just a dumb 9 year old. Not saying you're not dumb just saying you're not 9. Annie the movie xD at first she escapes her orphanage does anyone know the duet of this with the vid about the guy who finds the girls diary and so on? :/ i miss this shakira she still doesnt... I love how bane goes ,Im gonna break you Scream my name, and then batmans like ,Never ..*grunting noises * ,. . sounded more like a sex scene than a fighting one. harley almost killed batman but joker threw her out a window and got batman out of the piranha filled tank Im pretty sure im in love with young justice's nightwing 3 . Im so traumatized I almost expected slender man to come out from the woods... :P nope i got it xD just not immediately.",15,4,4,1,0,20,1 1481,X1482,@theleo0891 No son dos cosas muy diferentes la crema agria es mas parecida al yogur sin sabor Hi my daugther is 3 month and she has down syndrome and i love to see how smart your son is @ktono2010 El vocalista si es rafi andino no albino y fue gravado con,16,2,3,5,0,31,0 1482,X1684,"This video should be titled ,how disney gets fucks with your kids without you knowing about it, I unliked this. Your dumb They played this on cbs news you better ask them why they did it without giving credit to you. This vid is gonna blow up Is impressed The moon landing itself isn't the most important slice of the pie. It's why it is a hoax that people don't pay ateention to. What purpose does making it to the moon or not serve? The way I see it the reason for there to be a moonlanding hoax is to have a show for spent tax dollars. What is NASA really doing with all the money it gets? Why does every dime spent have to be a secret? most government programs operate this way and it is important to our safety to find the truth. thats why we do it. And the rats and pigs alike will burn with fire. God's wrath will make them writhe in agony and love will reign forevermore. Soon my brothers we will be one with the universe. And we will represent love. You sir have big nuts For glory!God wills it! So funny Intro too long.. More jiggle less standing and lipsynching Not real. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm gay. wooooo those refs rushed off the court lol. and people tell me sports aren't rigged :/ ummmm yea they are. anything drawing attention will be manipulated to produce maximum capitalization whether for sports teams themselves or the media broadcasting them. It's called ,the entertainment industry, classic. crawford must die refs are R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D crawford is retarded. the NBA is most definitely rigged. its all bout them benjamins. Your music sucks you look ridiculous and your grammar could use some 5th grade english class. ,you know what I'm sayin?, I wish they would have really shot him... Ashes ashes we all fall down At :12 the guy with the glasses looks guilty as fuck.Then when the other guy makes the ,stuffing, hand motion he does the same lol.This commercial is hilarious hahahahahahahahahaha i never get tired of watching this oh god... Awesome I wanna see them box... The music was awful... And your acting couldnt sell water to a victim of dehydration. 2:21 what.... the ... hell..... Illuminati Pigs will scream when they turn to bacon in the fire of judgement Thats proper arresting.technique no brutality at all. Bravo england police wish you could teach american cops not to be such pigs. You will all live in a police state and you wont even know that you are all being farmed like dairy cows. Good cheese comes from cows that think they have freedoms and a vote. Add a few ,pigs, to the farmer's payroll and you will have farm animals keeping farm animals from opposing the system. the US is a human farm and even the pigs dont know it hahaha. Stop feeding the farm with your money and see how violent the farmer gets... You dont have any unlocks during this vid. Knife pwns with assassin module. I hate your review the video was hilarious yours is annoying. Go hate on something stupid so dont accidently click on your videos. Pigs will fry in hell for their vulgar display of power and instilling fear in the masses. Their agony will fall on deaf ears and no mercy will find them. You like that shit?! You are calling an entire race theives. Do you know how ignorant and generalized your statement is? white people dont steal anything and if they do its not going to receive the attention that a black person would. give more thought to what you say before you say it. Lol. Wow I swear at one point he... Lags? This is the video that makes me so happy. Bosh your tears are so delicious. Artest is a hired thug for the nba. Guy is nothing but trouble. He shouldve been dismissed from the league back in 04 when he went after a pistons fan and caused a riot. This little elbow is only a fraction of his violent bball career. Speech therapy requiredBasic grammar requiredFactual argumentation requiredTreadmill requiredanger management requiredSoul required Lawsuit :) most people commenting on this video are being just as hateful as they cops you so dearly hate. counterintuitive maybe? want to fight the power? do something that matters and stop being an internet zombie troll",45,0,7,1,0,24,1 1483,X1484," do you buy this song? i feel like this would somehow fit into a certain scene from my life. It's a shame I haven't had the privilege to be at a concert. But after my 4th bowl I've decided that going to a sufjan live show stoned* will be a memorable experience. It's like he says ,everything just falls into place, ;) Anyone capable of creating music such as this Can't put in a sentence sorry haha I would react like this because 1. my dad is now black 2.Some black dude flashed me some brain. I'm not even high and I'm wondering ,the fuck is going on, Holy shit. I can do that?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Hahahaha funny shit Our sperm is not dirty. You two are Wow what song is this? It kicked ass Man his vocals on the Trojan commercial was amazing haha I read the previous comment you replied too. Oops you just sounded like the typical racist asshole. My bad :D Such a serious crime uhhhhhhhhhhhhh",14,0,3,5,0,17,0 1484,X1485,Your videos always give me chills! You two are AMAZING! This song would've actually been pretty tolerable if it wasn't for all the autotune.... Too much Ke$ha.... You guys are soooo amazing! Hahahaha I haven't watched this in forever! We're still amazing! 3 Dave you're so pretty! You guys are so great! And the guys stealing your furniture crack me up! :D You always amaze me! You're so great!!!!!!! :D Oh wait no I can't do that. If I sing songs YouTube is gunna come and steal my couch. Hahahahahaha Kiera you rock! Dave I think you are pretty much amazing! Your videos just keep getting better and better! :D I think maybe you are my favorite person ever! Yay contests!!! Last Friday I spent all night trying to come up with creative things to say here without sounding stupid... And failed horribly! XD You should sing this to your girl anyway. Buck I love how you always tell us that you aren't going to post this video... But always end up posting it anyway!! XD **You're Still a better love story than Twilight. My guess.... Is that your baby is going to be adorable no matter what the gender is!!! :) But you've got a boy so a little girl would be great! You obviously didn't grow up in the nineties. This is like my favorite thing ever.,19,2,5,1,0,20,0 1485,X1486,"If only she walked into the living room... I wish I knew when you were going on Omegle. I would totally try and find you! :) Haha no I wasn't offended I understand why you posted that comment and it was your opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It injured over 1100 people and over 200 were children Maybe you should my response to the first guy who made a comment like that it is a top comment so go ahead and look. ;) Also why is Alec hotter then Jace? XD This was a horrible movie... It honestly was so full of holes it isn't even funny and the acting was horrible. I hope Lily does better in City of Bones Jace is so unattractive though. :/ I mean Alec is better looking then him and Jace is supposed to be some super sexy beast. Also I hope Lily does a good job because she really hasn't been good in her latest movies (Blind Side was good though) He is so fucking sexy!!! :D what a well cast character. Once the hair is dyed of course. :) Why is it Lily Collins dates her co stars all the time? lol First Taylor now Jace... This looks so shitty and like it was made by amateurs not to mention the acting looks atrocious. Ian's Thor had an ET body. XD Why do people like these? LOL America's stupidest tattoos and the guy is wearing a Canada shirt. I love tattoos personally and I don't care if some tattoos look stupid to other people if it has meaning to you then who cares what people think.People thought I had the Illuminati symbol tattooed on me but it wasn't even close the only similarities was the eye. Honestly I planned out my tattoo then waited three years to make sure it was what I wanted and I have done them with every single one since and been super happy with them. It is like these people walk into the shop look at a few designs and go ,Hmm sure I will put this thing on my body for the rest of my fucking life., You don't say? :D",16,37,6,9,0,21,0 1486,X1487,"LOVE THIS!! :D I didn't even know who this chick was until I heard Miranda Lambert's version of this song and found out some Cassadee Pope also sings it. Well I listened to both versions and I have to say I kind of like this version better. Don't know how she performed on The Voice but Cass really hits those notes. Well size Has always mattered to him so...yeah. You're right LOL! The beginning of his performance was the best! Ah. Perfection. :) 3 This song is wicked awesome and this video is wicked awesome!!!!!!!!! I love Peeta. :) Very nice video! The words were a little hard to read though because of the images behind them. Not sure what you can do about that; I know absolutely nothing about making a video like this but I loved the video anyway. Thanks for posting! :'} I know Peeta is really good at disguising himself and everything but there's no way he could have been able to match the rock exactly without actually SEEING what he was doing. Great job but cheesy at the same time. :/ Still love Peeta to pieces though GO PEETA!! What did he go through?? O__O' He seems like a really nice kid. And he's got a real talent! I'll tell you one thing there would be a complete uproar if any kisses were exchanged between a judge and a 16-year-old contestant here in the U.S. 1:20 He should have just let Morgana die. I mean morally he did the right thing but............. anyone who has seen the finale understands what I'm talking about. :/ Aw they tell such a cute story. *-* Whatcha talkin' about Shorty? What' you know about a woman's worth? Enter complete STUD!! LOL 3 My dad always says ,Love the art not the artist., One can appreciate this song (which I do; I think it's great!!) but not have much respect for the one who sings it. Who is the kid from 0:43-0:45?? Sorry I don't watch the show...I want to though. :) Yeah. *sniff* :'( No fair. We all had such big dreams for the show...and things turned out differntly than I think we all imagined. I will. :) Just do as Jesus would have you do and your brother will witness Jesus through you. Don't lose hope that he can change. God works in different ways for all of us and reveals himself in different ways at different times. Your brother is still on his journey to discovering the best part within him: his inheritance from Jesus Christ. I have faith that someday he will find his way. You can help him along the path with love but remember to let him chose what direction he'll go. I knew the second I heard this song that this video was going to be great. I was RIGHT!! If I read fan-fiction I TOTALLY would read this one; I love ANYTHING with a Merlin pity-party. I'm confused by a few things though: How does Balinor tie into this? Is Merlin tortured simply to get to Balinor? Also did Arthur find out about Balinor through Merlin's unconscious mumbling or was Merlin mumbling magic words and Arthur overheard? Sorry so many questions! GREAT JOB I LOVED IT! *sharing*",18,2,5,5,0,26,0 1487,X1488,lol ok i see no love for the aly! omg! i miss high school!! angelica run!!! its rain in babies!! love and miss many of you- aly nice boys:) love this!!! :) he is not ugly by any meaning that boy one my heart u tell em hugo who likes that sorta thing:) yep sounds like me hahaha lol i say most that crap too:) SnackPak!! and i do ido ido ooooohh:) think they say like enough?? lol will be doing videos more often now lol :) cool song love it ur soo pretty boss lady:] its great :] i just love it and the song fits perfectly :] he dances well!! aww a dislike up urs im pretty lol @katt_astrofic @kookiemonster52 i was in the feild trying to help coby take care of the horse and it hit hard there a yellow submarine !!! love it love it!!!! that is wrong on so many levels lil white boy should have whooped all there asses for that!!! wonderful!!! alright i totally agree if any woman steps up and acts like a man she desevers to get her ass whiped.if u cant handle your shit dont step up like that,23,10,5,8,0,20,0 1488,X1489,"Joseph Kony and The Invisible Children sounds like the name of a band. Finger lickin Lisa. Omfg. XD I love this guy. You can't spell either.... -_________________- Pause at 0:03 Niall looks terrified lmfao3 No. Justin Bieber is Canadian dumb fuck. ._. Same is discusting. =[ Wtf did I just watch.....? XD How about punctuation? ._. Ass hole LMFAO I STARTED LAUGHING HAHA XD I have to pee now. 1:20 Please tell me that wasent a person :( DX Twinkle Twinkle Yall Callie LMFAOOOO IM DYING This hot dog advertisement... I thought there was a dick on my screen. O_o My dad grew up with Tommy and Timmy Haskell they were neighboors and friends. =[ .. R.I.P You will be in our hearts forever.3 My dad grew up with the Haskell's rest in peace Tommy and Timmy 3 You will be in our hearts forever :'( 13 Is old enough. You just labeled us yourself ,scene wanna-be's,. A little tip: Grow the fuck up and keep your opinions to yourself. Ewwwww *Drink.... There is alot of things spelled wrong there but I think that's the most obvious.. Lmao O_o Hello. :) That was six months ago if you haven't realized.. I've actually grown to be a lot more mature in those 6 months.. I'm 13 now. I don't know what I was thinking when I posted that comment.. Thank you for your concern though? -_- Leave him alone.. Don't judge someone on what music they like. Anybody is in tiled to whatever music they want. We don't need your opinions , Don't be so quick to judge me;you only see what I choose to show., Maybe you should take that quote into consideration. =[ I'm so confused right now. Why must you confuse me? @SuperCallofdutyxx Is that seriously what you think we fucking want? At least Justin Bieber knows how to treat girls with respect. That's a real man. -.- Your an idiot. May I ask were you even alive on September 11 2001? -_- Ommgg! My WGS name is Duke too :D It's December 24th in New York v_v 3 Haylor..... T_T :(",29,5,4,2,0,18,0 1489,X730,Tell me about it. Wow this made me teary eyed but only if humans would do the same.. Tell me about it. To me I thought the video was cute. I want a great Dane. That is some bark. What are you talking about? It's right in front of your face and you still think America is all innocent? The country has been getting raped for a while now. Wow I don't advertise for my church and I pray with my eyes open and either sitting or standing. Us standing together and going against the government is going to do nothing because this new generation is to ignorant and are blinded by lies. You called this woman ignorant because she believes in GD and yet can see the truth when really the ignorant ones are those who allow humans to blind them and keep them in darkness by listening to wicked words sung by whores for the government. Why do people spend so much time trying to figure out what hell is like when we should be spending more time changing our ways and living a GD like life style. LOL No I watched it because of what the title said and why would I hate on this beast? Why would I hate on a crack head who can't even speak English? SUICIDE PILLS! Oh I can speak like this as well. MURDER PILLS! Kesha and Sasquatch from bad girls club. Did you just make that up? Why won't they show them glowing in the dark. LOL Yeah so people will struggle to be with out it. It makes me wonder about our regular IDs. We can't do anything with out an ID. Slowly the elites are tricking us into taking this chip. I went almost a year with out an ID because it was expired and that is until bars started carding me. I was trying to use my expired ID but because they had this new machine they use to just swipe your ID instead of reading it for them selves I couldn't get a freaking beer! Time to start making my own beer I guess LOL! This woman is on some kind of drug jeez.... That is her.... Anyways who cares she is a harlot whore anyways. We seen her naked and having skank sex.... Who cares... I know right. Haha. I have noticed that everyone that goes on the Stern show is high on something. The comments in this room are hilarious. KILLILLUMINATI!!! Lovely hair reaction. It was so bad we had to go in the house. Our eyes were watering and our throats were itchy and dry plus the sneezing. We don't have any kind of allergies. I know it was the chem trails because the sky was covered in leaking gas and especially 5 or 6 p.m. it was rare to see that happening at that time of day. The mornings yes but not all day long. This is one broken sad world we live in and these people I wish I could do something to them because they are harming us! Dog is big!!!! But cute. Just went to the pet store and played with a male husky and boy was it hyper. I love huskies!!!! LOL People are stupid commenting negative things about this video. Wow! Air plane turd. These broads are lying. How can you feel good being fat?! I am a big girl and it feels uncomfortable to step down and the stomach jiggles. People are so stupid. The only reason they are big is because they eat a lot in large portions. You can eat what ever you want but just don't be greedy about it. Crack Whore of Babylon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,37,1,6,5,0,26,0 1490,X1491,i need to stop watching these videos while on psychedelics. that is brilliant finally the truth. i love all of you. like all of those are illegal man. whats next? you have to let it give you control like the psychic tandem war elephant. im going net march to do woofing ill let you know my views man weakest bong rip ever. and some hippies. how do i get the skills to evade capture for 46days while hungry and thirsty and injured?,11,1,3,5,0,20,0 1491,X1492,"This is soo much better than the original. 2:57 Louis reply thE SOUND THAT JUST CAME OUT OF MY MOUTH WAS NOT HUMAN ,keethan,",3,10,5,3,0,22,0 1492,X1493,My gymnastics coaches had me do the drill with the panel mats only and I got my tuck after a few weeks:) The Wanted deserved this they've worked so hard. Great job to the TWFanmily. We all did a wonderful job at voting. I'm so glad that they won Sweetest thing ever Learned about all of them in school. Most of them last year Bet Harry wants to bang the pregnant girl This is my first time listening to Lawson. I keep hearing about them from the TWFanmily. All I have to say is just that I was wondering if I was dead. Because I think I found heaven... Now I'm going to watch the hunger games and count how many trees look like slender man... The music in the background is my floor music for gymnastics so every time I see the movie I think of gymnastics:) YES! ONE FUCKING MILLION TIMES YES!!! BEST THING EVER!!! Your singing voice is amazing *my One dislike. Nice try directioner Teddy Ochoa you're a dick. First of all they're is no level 14. So that makes you a dumbass dick. Second of all you're 10. So that makes you a midget dumbass dick who is only 10 and shouldn't have a YouTube account. Dear the 5 brilliant boys of The Wanted You have no idea how proud I am. I just got home from school an hour ago and heard the news. Nathan you and Dionne are a beautiful couple. Good luck with your relationship. I just heard about it. Nearly after I heard things about your new TV show and I literally cried. It's 2013 your year. I have to get ready for sports but before I go I just wanted to say congrats on everything. The rest of the Fanmily and I are so proud of you. We love you. Too beautiful The last one's pi I like bring it home better but this is alright There's a Harry Styles cardboard cutout in front of one of the stores. Well I had a small sticker to indicate clothing size and stuck it on his crotch... Chuck Norris + command blocks I love how the order is different and how you included extras:) Can't wait to see where he's at in 15-20 years Jay:) This is the fanmade trailer I won,24,4,3,2,0,15,0 1493,X1494,i know this video is wrong but no need to say this -.- Great video Nichole!!! NURSE JOY!!! ^_^ :) He looks seventeen.! Scroll up you're missing Cimorelli! D: My favorite is Dani :D I love Dani!(: i couldnt disagree more. -.- :) I love it! awh shes crying! but i freaking love kermit and marble! Oh my gosh. I love them so much 3 3 I really hate the boy I used to date. So much. I hope he sees this. Ur very gorgeous. i know. ok. I love One Direction. i see what you did there. catchy. Will you marry me? X) 3 But seriously! Ermagerrddd. Green tea frap! X) O.o you are now hated by millions. They think they are gonna be funny when they should take a look at their like box.. No not only the fact that you pick on Nichole337 but this isnt good.,22,6,2,1,0,15,0 1494,X1495,"You sound so ridiculous. All of these things make perfect sense. If you can't be open to these ideas what on earth do you think? Do you really think we're alone in our vast infinite universe? Alright. EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING. Hahahahaaa!!!! Reddit wasting all of my fucking free time again... Do I really have to be the one to say it?... I guess so.This certainly isn't the first time I've seen one of those guys blow up. Wow. This video was made as a promo for the Super Bowl... Just taking an old celebrity and recycling shitty lyrics to make a shitty pop song with new shitty pop stars. This is so unbelievably filled with fail. I do too much DXM dude... I show this video to everyone. Especially if they're on DXM. Hahahaha... It's funny because laughing on DXM is fucking weird as shit. REDDIT FTW. *come at me bro stance* I know! I saw this video for the first time in the fifth grade. Changed my perspective on life for some reason. xD It was the Russian version too. Goddamn it's been years. OOOOOHHHHNNKKKAAYYYYYYY That's caliente senior... (Insert comment that says exactly what every other comment says) My rhymes are so potent that in this small segment I made all the ladies in the area pregnant. I watch this video every single day.It has been a VERY long time since I heard a song that moved me this way. I hope Sierra and that boy get married when they grow up. Seriously. Awesome dancing. FUCK the Collinsville Police Department. A bunch of assholes. Yeah. BUTT metal. This is my text tone. Fucking awesome. What the fuck are you standing on? Still adorable.And dare I say FANTASTIC in bed. The reason atheists doubt your god's existence is because there are COUNTLESS religions that feel the same 'presence' you all seem to feel. What makes YOUR god so special? Just a thought. This song is amazing. It touches me in ways that no song on the radio has been able to touch me in years.Keep it up dude. It's a...Cigarette! I'm white. I'm twenty. I'm female. I graduated from high school.... And I think this song is fucking AWESOME. Smoke weed every day. I love this song so fucking much. I second this. The whole ,le reddit, trolling thing was never funny it's just obnoxious and actually does make reddit look bad to people that don't use it. I fucking love this song and this band The Doctor is the best part. Oh my god. He's just waving that sonic screwdriver around like there's no tomorrow. So let's just drive right towards it then Facebook/KayteeBlue please add me so we can be best fucking friends. None of my friends are Whovians. It hurts.",29,0,3,2,0,20,0 1495,X1496,swag :D me to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so fuckin scared ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tonite we r young so lets set the worldon fire!!!!!!!!!!!!love this song:-)this song i more than amazing check out the video called its rainning men508 million people wached it,5,0,2,1,0,20,1 1496,X1497,What's her Instagram I couldn't really hear it Aw this was sooo funny cute cat (; They should get back together ): There cute but I miss Zanessa ):,4,3,3,5,0,17,0 1497,X1498,My name is james All these niggas lame Diamonds in my golden chain james is my got damn nameplain the game bout to get a raiseaint nothing change I'm still I'm smoking mary jane. if thats what you after money coming its going to be in the next chapter killin niggas I'm fuckingrapter You are so sick bruh ! The only thing you really need is a better mic ! Hi joe budden im dancing to the hit song you made 37 years ago ! LMAO dead I have the same problem,5,1,3,2,0,19,0 1498,X1499,lyckad vart den vll ? ;') oooooommmmmmmmggggggggghh 333333333333333333333333333333333333333 loooool (n) sweet hart 33 va stt men inte tillrckligt aw jag lskar dig ocks gumman den dr sista bilden var p dig :) man ska inte sminka sig nr man r s liten 1 boy HHAHAHAHAH like you'r hair :'3,9,6,2,1,0,14,0 1499,X1500,dayum shame lol turn out he is a good guy lol crazy cant catch this lil lady bug...,4,0,3,5,0,40,0 1500,X1501,Tom Brady man!! Just keep swimming.. just keep swiming! 2:18 He's got jungle fever!!,3,5,3,5,0,15,0 1501,X1502,Haha ihr seid so genial Jungs :D Ich liebe deine Augen Jan *-* Mach weiter. Echt gut :D Ich hab trnen gelacht :D:D Spielt das nchste mal Assassin's Creed 3 :D Ich liebe Dominiks lache *-* Wieso ist das so kurz? Haha das letzte ist genial :D Ich hab eure videos schon geguckt da ward ihr bei wkw richtig beliebt :D Ich verstehe nichts :( :D,10,3,3,5,0,22,0 1502,X1503,justin bieber Here in your arms by hellogoodbye,2,0,5,5,0,18,0 1503,X1504,HIGH SCHOOL SUCKS :] DONT FUCKING LOOK AT THIS PEACE OF SHIT!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE AND THANKS YOU :] how do you like make the music for your videos im dummm Dx Lmao Cry Got damn you make me laugh 3 Let me see it ;] lol Jk :D i have a peacock feather :],5,0,2,5,0,31,0 1504,X1505,3-11-10 A friend of the family mother passed when after she had a pac maker battery replaced her kidneys failed why you think this happened what did you use for your cold air intake whos your cell phone provider and what phone you have and is it a good phone kelly park crip gang Kelly Crip what you saying locc fucc you,6,13,7,9,0,31,0 1505,X1506,Hopefully through-out this week I will be filming... Diary of a Wimpy Kid -OR- Dork Diaries. Please Subscribe to this User He deserves more subscribers! Hopefully getting the Sims 3 for my Birthday! (October 12th) Maybe do some videos of that? Comment on my channel if you want me to. Also going out today but hoping to go out late afternoon... (3pm 4pm) So before then may do a LPS Short? And you like my new Channel background? I didn't go as well as planned but I like it anyway! Birthday Eve... I am SUPER BORED! Someone wanna Chat? Dodedodum... Excited about my Birthday though...:) I seriously hope I am getting Sims 3! Thank-you SO much everyone for supporting me! Anyway Sims 3 Showtime Gameplay?I just went up to the mall to spend my birthday money and bought 'The Sims 3 Showtime' and 'The Sims 3 Generations! I got 'The Sims 3 Pets' and 'Thee Sims 3 - Town Life STUFF' for my birthday.At the mall I alos got 'Monte Carlos' the movie with Selena Gomez in it... So... Want me to do a gameplay of the sims 3 at any point? PM (PErsonal Message) me if you want me to do one of them :-) Just got a school Gmail account! And how do you video sims 3 gameplays?,6,85,3,2,0,41,0 1506,X1507,0:59 AUDREY IS SLEEPING tswift xmas album y dont they just get rid of all the guns ? and make guns illegal? like in australia? Part 2!!! 1 and four i wanna c holden and eddie!! ikr her intro is so cute!! :D is the snow carpet? forever 21 was made in korea its not americanised... most of american stores r from korea like forever 21 omg shes so funny this is fake u know they just got another clip and connected it.. bom is not saying what the subtitle says hahah so funny she kinda looks like emma watson when she bends her head down how old r u australia! omg i love ur vlogs! and im going to korea on 25th!! i rlly wanna meet u audrey annoys me dinner,19,2,2,5,0,24,0 1507,X1508,"uve got to have toby no doubt. ummmm other than that ill let the others tell u who. jenny lopez what does it do i saw no effects. oh and jonny love culture shock. please dont get rid of it! World War Z by Max Brooks!!!!!! tee shirt? this reminds me of flight with denzel washington. but his plane was falling apart he was drunk and he landed sucessfully with no flight gear. loved that movie. yeah but ive had my ps3 for 6 years and its been through a fire and it works great and runs all the new games (CoD 9 Gears of war 3 skyrim ect.) without lag. but i will give some leway that pc does have more graphical options. but pcs require alot of maintaince and upgrading. so yeah. love the how tos and pc stuff! the whole thing for project purewhite was awesome! the ghost were supposed to represent the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) they are very racist and kill/torment jews african americans catholics immigrants ect. but i thought this video was pretty funny xD gotta love gabriel! War of The Worlds all over again!!! =P but if this comes from a small meteoroid what comes from a bigger one? =3 Lord help us... no 2012 november election to 2016 november election a little thing called ,you clearly dont know a Bob Marley song when you hear one,",12,2,3,5,0,16,0 1508,X1509,That awkward moment when there is a real squid in the pond just bc its old dosent mean its not funny why is everybody saying sorry? and thanks?,3,4,4,7,0,23,0 1509,X1510,i think your really good savannah im a singer too and i hope to make it just like you i love you and think your brill dont stop posting vids i love your songgs :) X omg ur amazing i watch your vidios all the time i think your an amazing singer and i love singing this song too :) x i dont understand why you watch the vidios if you hate her ....just because shes beautiful and probaly has a brill life u all hate her ?.....x the 1 in the black top sounds like diana vikers from x-factor ...your boith brill girls keep going :) X i like this version best :)(Y) xx u are really but dont try and copy the way stacie sings ...have your own style of singing :) but your still good :D keep singing :) x omg your apsolutly AMAZING !! i love singing this songg :) ur brill ilove it :) xxxx thiss iss a lil sad but i chuckledd ...x ??? omg your amazingg :)iloveyou 3 xxxxx ilovethis song :) 3And iloveyou 3 xxxxx OMG ILOVEYOU 3You weree sooo good :) officially added as a favorite on my internet explorer :) 3 xxxxxxxxx iloveyou 3You are soo gooddddd Please marry me 3xxx you are so good im sorry but that guys voice is amazing :) 3 ppleassee tell him to sing here comes goodbye by rascal flatts :) thankyouu iloveyou xxx i love it 3 xx Please Marry Me ? ... Your amazing :) 3 Thanks Could Ov Used Decent pics .. this is amazing . your so good :) keep going ! 3 xxx Your gorgeous chick and soo good :) .. gonnah make it girl :) 3 x thankyou guys :D,20,2,5,1,0,17,0 1510,X1511,"Omg I need to show this to my hunny! He loves Legend of Zelda so much! I even got him a mint tin that's shaped like Link's shield. So I'm sure he'll love this Omg this just made my day a thousand times better. 3 Omg I'm dying here laughing at how silly we were Omg you made my day Oh my gosh I love all three of you guys so much! Whenever I see how talented all of you are on here I feel a little more of a drive to try to further myself because it always gets me thinking ,If thy can get started on Youtube then why can't I do it too?, Thank you so much for that inspiration 3 This is my new favorite song",6,15,4,12,0,20,0 1511,X1512,i have the old viva new york mod on my gtawhen i install this mod nothing changesi have patch this song always reminds me of the attack on 9/11 the beginning reminds me always on home alone....i wish all a wonderful christmas in 4 days we know that he has copied it from cranberries.....not annoying everyone with themcause the song is very good..!! i put this in gta4...fantastic!! thanks:D without this mod gta iv would be only half so good....:D 0:49 Let Start The Best SONG! the girl from the fast and the furious tokyo drift :) GTA IV!! :D we have a new AKON!! good music :) ashley benson is so beautiful...i love her 3 like the old man loves his wife...i think this is real love good work! (Y) im dead cause of the subtitles..hahahaha du weisst nicht wie man richtig etwas isst oder trinkt..hahaha die beste szene knnte ich denk download link haben? FORZA ITALIA!!!! every year a little bit better :) gta III was a real evolution e sei io per esempio getto questo bicchiere di aqua giacciata in faccia a cody non sento niente e resto asciutto hahaahahaha :D perfect by jaicko is the title of the song :),21,3,5,3,1,31,0 1512,X3433,how did i go from watching charlie and the chocolate factory.... to this?!?!?!?!? LOL if you are turned off..turn off u look like an olsen twin well i imagine most ppl in america to be fat and ugly omg 6:10 simon has a red X ????? what annoys me about ths show (dont get me wrong i still watch it) is that these 'judges' dont have any bAackground knowledge of many of these acts yet they sit there and judge... and can be very hurtful... at least in talent shows like got to dance these judges are experienced dancers and they know what they are talking about and give constructive critisizm as appose to this where they just make them feel humilitated if they dont like it... i want CHERYL BACK !!!! at 0:32 is that stifflers mum from american pie??? hahaha no its a whatever because i dont have the time to argue with nobodys on youtube c-ya i cant get the ice to the fish lady in time without it all melting ... any hints please anyone???? Thanks x i can see her next being on little miss perfect... really was there a case really like that ??? :-O HAHAHA lol oops my bad im mean hahaha i agree i got D'S and F's and it is no big deal there are still colleges out there that accept you for who you are regardless of what your grades may be... omg hav you seen the teeth ON tht guy now you know how it feels when you break my stuff LOL did you know that one sheesha sesh is the equivallant to having 100 fags repeat 1.16 lol WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ...weird part of youtube....yet AGAIN... lol why do people feel the need to do this???? at 0:27 she looked really stunning before then after she ruind it ... how do i always end up geting in to the weird corner fo youtube AAArrrggghhhh that is so true ... yaaay good times in HK... i feel so old now... lol its strange how peole spend lots of time looking for videos like this and others just happen to come across them :-) i like it tho the beat sounds like the magic roundabot song from the movie the magic roundabout with kylie minouge lol or is tht just me... wow what a quirky video are there any men out there that like shapley women??? im not asking to get hooked up with anyone just wandering ... or is it all about skinny where is the spaghetti sauce heyy where did you get her hair do??? thts sooo cool really????? ashtom kutcher is wayyyy better and better looking :-) awww this is so mean i feel for cinderella lol i cba with subtitles i find it hard to red at the beast of times wth am i watching here ... GOODBYE...,35,0,3,5,0,21,0 1513,X1514,"I'll be waiting for the first concert (: 5 lucky girls 1Day will be:Mrs. StylesMrs. PayneMrs. HoranMrs. TomlinsonAndMrs.Malik One word- TALENT!!I'm hoping to get a follow from you today :) And your name is Hannah... what a coincidence ;) If you're calling in regards to the Jenna Marbles Youtube video you have reached the wrong number. Well obviously I didn't reach the wrong number if I called it purposely The whole time Astro's like ,Baby *breath* I'm *breath* moving on *breath*, Haha Yeah this is Torn... that's the point. They were singing Torn as they were growing up. (: 0:44 Nialler's little Irish Dance! (: 3 I love these boys OMG I love theeeeeeeeeeem soooooooooooooooooooo muchhhh!!!! Haha omg sorry... I just love them A LOT. And they are NOT drunk. Why would they be drunk at a concert?? They are sweeties. I love them so much! You can not waste your time on One Direction haha If you listen closely to this song you'll see what it's about. It's about the love of his life dying so he commits suicide by jumping off a building. It's such a sad song. Zayn's solo ,Flashing lights in my mind going back to the time playing games in the street kicking balls at my feet dancing on my toes standing close to the edge there's a pile of my clothes at the end as i feel myself fall make a joke of it all, Such a sad song but so sweet how much he loved her (': Wonder what happened if someone set this as their ringtone and it went off in class... o.O LOL I'm sure he did! He's Harry Styles. 33 Thumbs up for all the boys not just one ! Tailer this is probably your best video yet! Good job (: Thats good ! (: Welcome (: Terrible acting and that was chocolate. They might be roommates or one of them is visiting the others dorm",20,2,4,1,0,35,1 1514,X1515,No description available.Damn right and there never will be one Aw shite mate this bugger is a cheeky bloke Very good job this deserves way more views. Other zelda videos have a ridiculous number if views and didn't put in a fraction of the effort or information,3,75,7,15,0,21,0 1515,X1516,"So...Zarbon's Tim Curry? That woman has an absolutely gorgeous voice. Oh man. She has the voice of an angel but the beat and the bassline in this song just hit it home. What a track. JUNGLE BEAT!!!!! TC - Do You Rock VIP = TC - Do You Even Lift? Dude I wasn't taking a shot at drug users. I was simply stating that I don't do drugs not do I need them. Whatever choices you make as far as drugs is none of my business nor do I really care whether you do it or not. I never go on Reddit (Nor do I really care about it.) and I am just as free to express my personal opinions about NOT using drugs as you are saying that you use them. That is all. Awesome man thanks! :D CELL REACHES HIS PERFECT FORM!!!!! His little ,Ha!, at the beginning makes me laugh the most! XD KJ Sawka's pretty damn versatile though. They could've gotten another drummer but they got one of the best drummers in the electronic music genre. ;) I think Conspirator's music is nice enough even though his work with Pendulum was killer.",10,7,4,2,0,26,0 1516,X1828,it already said before the video was made it was a fan made trailer why does this song have so many likes when its not even the kanye west song lol wow so am i!! this little girl is adorable she seems like a good person so he felt bad for derek? thanks a lot wtf! yes but even though they said they wouldnt that was before they kissed and stuff so you know never know :) your an idiot that does not mean your musically ignorant at all thumbs up if click brought you here so what was that creature anyways don't listen to this guy his life obviously sucks so bad he really just needs attention your a loser im gona be honest i didnt hear a word they said god chill out gross i don't like glee hope i didn't offend anyone i was listening to this song at the beach lol oops i clicked lol the guy in the tank top is cute ppl need to chill out on youtube lol you need to chill Italian kid is cute haha that was cool what? lol i remember that i was at the mall with my friends we were fine why would they be our enemies you dont know that they will hate us they have better teeth then me wtf your a loser and everyone hates you dude we get it you dont like dubstep i know where can you download this into itunes im still alive do you think dally would ever hit a girl ik he likes cherry but i wonder if he would ever get mad enough to hit a girl lol yeah he killed 77 kids very intelligent.. idiot janes face when alec died i thought this song had a guitar part to it?? what was the point of posting this? i think they will all be friends monday and i think vernon learned a lesson to andy has a crap load of food cuz hes a jock claire has sushi cuz shes rich brian has perfect lunch cuz his parents want him to be perfect bender has nothing cuz hes poor allison has a weird lunch cuz shes well weird,40,0,3,5,0,22,1 1517,X1518,You should make it available for everybody to download :) Awesome video man :),2,38,3,19,0,18,0 1518,X1519,NO And he will just come back to life. 1:02 HE BE HOLDIN COMPANION CUBE! 2:00 Movie night on the Normandy. I tried that once but found myself romancing tail no matter what :P No shes the engineer with the cute tush :3 Anyone else love how the characters look like the voice actors! Lol that wasn't admin abuse. That was you using a reset loop. Seriously dude stop exploiting roblox your ruining the game for us all. Many people dislike you right now ._. ITS NOT A SUPER TREAT. Its a butter treat ._. Well... i was expecting to see more of chiefs face. I did this on legendary and I was pissed to only see his eyes! But still a nice game. Lol that comment was kinda gay but seriously pewds your awsome :P QUAKE SUCKS COD RULES! (Lol jk) Pewds I admire you I couldn't get to 5 minutes in the game. Umm... OR! Your not funny. ._. Edd Gould is dead (Why D:) and Thomas Ridgewell made the original ASDF Me: LONG LIVE THE TROLOLOL MAN!Other youtuber: He died...Me: D: OH SHIT ITS A GRAMMER NAZI BURN IT WITH FIRE QUICK!!!!! SHIT A GRAMMAR NAZI BURN IT WITH FIRE QUICK! Nazi is spelled with one I not two. Grammar Nazi fail! Favorite scene ever.* ._. The Walking Dead: LORE! Youtube is quite interesting with closed captions. So... The top comments are the same? Well that works! Wait there trying to change the ending AGAIN?! WELL HI THERE BEN :D THEN HOW DID YOU READ MY COMMENT!?!?!,28,5,5,12,0,111,0 1519,X1520,"6:59 looks like she's giving birth. Damn it penis! Stop force me to click on videos with boobs in it! Made my day! xD Die Bahn kommt pnktlich! STNDERTEIL!! Why the fuck did he shot with his LEFT foot?! H? Was willst du denn? Versuchst diesen ,Baumschiff, Typen etwa in Schutz zu nehm oder was? Niedlich.Ich hab doch garnichts schlechtes ber das Handy gesagt! O.o Auer ein paar kleinen Abstrichen im Vergleich zu den ,High-End-Smartphones, gibt es eigentlich nichts an dem Handy zu mekern! Dude it was obviously a ,joke, of you but it was so damn lame and was already posted 100000 times in other such videos... -.- not a single chance to follow his steps... 2:13 is badass! R-R-R-R-R-REPLAAAAY BUTT0:00N!!! You mean to hell... Asians! Wir wurden verhaftet als weil wir an einem Freitag Abend Schwarze warn. Ich lach mich weg! xD Vielleicht weils n Video ist das der Person zu langweilig ist und er die schlechte audio und video Qualitt nicht gut geheien hat... Aber das Dmmste an dem Video ist nur die Rechtschreibung! DAFUQ did I just watch?!?! huhh GAAAAAAAY!!! how can the music go on when the video already finished at 0:35??? O.o DAMN WHITE TEETH!!! O.o *nnnnnnice Balls. of. STEEL!!! nooooot funny... Bro fist at it's best! MCLOVIN!!! The nipple hair is nasty. . same here. xD Get the difference between an undercut and a sidecut! damn... -.- EPIC ANIME! LOVE IT! 3:08 wise words from a wise man!",29,2,5,5,0,21,0 1520,X1521,I want those Panda shoe so cute!!:D Right tiger head bob :D 0:33 - 0:40 he looks good as a girl :D you gotta love the green screen I am AFAIRD of the Robot MEXICANS that's what he should have said :D that tiger needs so excrise :-D Sorry to tell u but my school is much better than u :) I never exprincened bullying must suck you know what would suck if the backup dancer were gay :'( WOW FUNNY Well look at that David can rap huh last time I saw him he was in grade 5 but it was good keep it up DAP :) my dad put this song on my first mp3 and i love it always,12,3,4,4,0,22,0 1521,X1522,JRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNanaJRNana i like jong hyun sao anh doc tieng anh gioi the dongwoon soooooo handsome sehun3 mi ban cai nhau ghe qua ta thay hay day chuiu nhut la sehun oppanhg ju ji ta van iu nu'est vs bap hon jr dang iu the minhyuk soooo cute daehuyn sooo hottt33 sehun3i love you333 luhan3 daehuyn3 soooo amazing DARA is number 1She soooooo beautiful,14,0,3,5,0,17,0 1522,X1523,"10-Jul Explain? It never ends i cant get enough of this i just keep coming back for endless laughter10/10 could use some improvement /) dnb come on man Fuck sorry this is dominating like the entire comment section. Good discussion we have going though I think we deserve it. anyway GO M MACHINE THE PALACE FUCKING ANNIHILATES Music isn't hd unnecessary upload 'better' ? Imo Skrillex is 'better' ; I enjoy listening to him more than Gartner. But it's subjective don't wonder why anyone's taste differs from yours. Torrents are legal yes You should fix the timed links in the desc. after one hour the links click back to the first few minutes since youtube takes your 'hour' slot to determine the minute. 1:05 should be 1:05:00 ect Where's the reference? That's awesome Oh come on He didn't use one in 2009 he started performing in 2011. Until then he hadn't touched Ableton. No this is the original studio version. The like/dislike bar is for opinions in black and white. The comment section is for discussion. IMO trivial comments like ,I like this song, are taking up more space than judgmental comments",16,2,6,3,1,18,0 1523,X1524,tuuuuunnnne this is mad sneaka is sick keep it up kai haha easy and simple i like thanks :) sick kai when u making ur next bruv?? please have a look at my channel please look at my channel please have a look at my vid please look at my vid please look at my channel look at my channel please please look at my channel please look at my channel please look at my channel im 14 and i have a job atm i live in the uk and i work as anglian home improvements i love it xxxx shes so cute tom ;) xxxx thanks xx you wanker thats so out of order hes just having fun and doing wat he loves and u call him a freak GET A LIFE twat Titanium by david guetta levels,20,10,5,15,1,21,0 1524,X1525,1 dislike this early?? burrow creeping is boss. Thirst quencher WTii gonna be my last video for the next few months :(... starting basic training tomorrow. i will be missing your Wit. Take care GagOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,4,0,7,5,1,22,0 1525,X1526,"I would deff date your sister and be a good guy to her she seems like a great women if she raised like you then I bet her personality is so sweet.....message me and let me know something. I'm a great guy that's been done wrong by so many women just looking for the right women n it seems she funny cute perfect This girl is hot I'd dance with her in the parking lot :) Idk Wth wrong with me I can't get any of it down besides running man and that's half ass....idt my brain functions right to dance.....Fml I been practicing for 5 months and my moves look like s***.... How do u afford this!? I own a house and regular bills all on my own at 12hr at my job....I only dream of cars like these Holly shit! Go ta yea! Wanna be Bf3 graphics still suck and reminds me of terminator....cod needs to step up there game Finally a person that does it right and not being a dumb azz! Go you my friend show them you do have rights! Haha this guy deserves a hand shake and pat on the back. They tried pressuring him into automatic detainment by giving up Id. Well done well done I'm with this guy vvvvv Really lol.....these people are retarded with there chants and foolishness. They should all be exterminated this is why they legalized pot cause people like these just show they can't be responbile laws are made cause morons like these wanna do dumb shit so they make a law to go ahead and be able to make arrest to stop the dumb shit...I understand freedom of rights but this is out of hand its like a riot. Now they will enforce a new law no protest on curbs or in streets lol. Can you email me I have questions about this. It's my birthday today There must be a easier way when you have huge bedrooms to do Man boobs your just fucked I have them they never go away I have b cup sized man boobs n they are impossible to get rid of I work out 3 hours of a day 5 days a week with a six pack. Surgery only way What I wanna know is what do you guys do for a living to make money to live in a nice home and stuff you guys have Can't wait!!! What are you using and what weed eating string!!!! My place looks just like that but can't now it cause off the trees and sticks!!! Please help I gotta have that what your using! Just bought one its on its way how does it do? Also where all the camping spots hide outs grass areas to hide out in and surprise attack people. Ugh I love mw2 do to the areas u can hide and I enjoy sneaking up on the campers and jacking there shit lol. I thought this would of been way better. Medal of honor looks like u got a new fan No nuke :( Dude is a younger dmx he sucks Damn not bad just needs a harder drop. How much? Awesome!!!! Love learning how to better myself for the apocalypse. Man I got a 3200 watt 2400 rms pioneer 12, pro comp sub and I was wondering if this amp is to much for it? I was looking at the brz 2400.1d but I want to push the sub to its best what do you think? Exo help me!!!! Please. I have a TS-W3002D4 12, sub. Tell me the amp I need to push the sub to the max and match it handling capacity. You the man bro help me please. Sounds like you need to replace that evaportor thing that drys out the moisture in car it's a circular tube thing under hood. Have a mechanic do it. I had the same problem in my truck Wtf! I want a damn computer not no Damn smart phone Oh that's like what I had before ok How do I go back? You figure it out.........hahaha This guy needs to lay off the drugs lol....",29,3,7,15,1,30,0 1526,X1527,Working on a Video :D AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG I'm sorry folks Its just that i'm outta inspiration for a video. Any ideas? Who else has scene the new Harry potter trailer? NYEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Still haven't found A way too download wmv. Videos off youtube :( MUSICS WILL BE UPLOADED. I will attempt to upload various Video game music like CoD.,6,145,6,22,1,23,0 1527,X1528,is that his real voice? you guys are retarded he is autistic Killer fucking Gibson by the way!!!!!!! Yeah thats kinda how everyone reacted ooo except the mommy part... i yelled GRANDMA instead... Jk i never saw it DAMMMMNNNN lol... this has to be one of the better versions... killer guitar Wow a voice that matches a face... beautiful!.. btw great cover i love this song and thought you did it well speed and recall at which one retains information this song makes me wanna kill ur boyfriend too what about B.B. King Clapton T. Bone Walker and the great Buddy Guy? those is some blues Metallica doesnt hold a candle to Zeppelin if Metallica was half the band Zeppelin is/ was they would have stopped playing back in the 80's this song is fine... saddest song = Jimmy Eat Worlds: Hear You Me dude stay sober... it works if ya keep coming back... 11 months great job keep it up idk if yer in na aa or anything but if ya are keep working them steps i had 6 months didnt work the steps fell of now i got 5 days.. support man Are you sure that this is hell and not just North Korea? isn't religion just great!! i mean it seems to be the corner stone of all closed mindedness. and they never saw little billy again bone thugz is the best... missin the good rap from the 90's. fuck this new wanna be rap what ever song Krayzie Bone was rapping was not flow motion,17,0,6,5,1,22,0 1528,X1529,"Obviously there are more stupid people than the British. An example would be anyone believing that story. Have you ever watched professional football? What you're saying is something you tell little kids. At a professional level they do it all the time. Your just a fuckin piece of shit and someone's already coming for you :) Because you didn't get any thumbs up you dumbass. ,Please give me recognition on the internet by liking my post., Please just die. At least have a fit bird shooting the gun. He doesn't split the arrow so it's still all good. Fair enough. U-shaped? Really? What kind of U's? Professional medical opinion. Not that you'd need to be a doctor of any sort to see that. Honestly her english isn't fluent. Overstatement of the day. How about faggot or nancy instead then. Using queer about a person in modern english means they are homosexual. Original meaning doesn't matter. But does it blend? Link? Dude so did I. I don't usually defend America or American policies but you're way out of line here. Knowing the transportation needs of the future has always been a major challenge no matter which country you're in. Not really sexism bordering on it though. And geez don't take things so fucking serious. Sexism/racism isn't ruining the world oversensitivity is. No the operative word here is ,only, smartass as there are 3 ways usually used to put a ship into water: dry-dock stern first and sideways. And yes they do use the stern first method on large ships so stop acting like you actually know this stuff. Idiot. There is a compromise between cheap fares and safe service. Ryanair does not offer this. Own up Swedes pretending like she's Norwegian. She's NOT. She's Swedish through and through. Good for you. Now shut the fuck up Right cause they just keep winning the Euros and the World Cup all the time don't they? fuck deg Alright no offense taken. And just like I am sure that most Americans do not want their country to become socialist most Norwegians nowadays tend to move away from that mindset luckily. I am all for freedom to think and do what you want :) The actual goal is nice and hard but I have no idea what the goalkeeper was doing. Nei det at du kom med en slik latterlig kommentar og at den faktisk ble likt av 45 personer det er tegnet p menneskelig dumhet og egoisme. ,Jeg liker ikke det s da skal ikke du f lov til like det., Barnehagementalitet.",25,0,8,5,0,23,1 1529,X1530,yeah same here i loved the original but then it just went downhil WOW one whole year thats NOTHING OK absolutely NOTHING and if Cena suck whys is he The Face OF The WWE WTF DID I JUST WATCH HAHAHA HAHAHAH OMG YOUR AN IMMIGRANT YOU HAVE THAT EXCUSE hahahaha omg HILARIOUS OMG THATS FUCKING AWESOME I was 13 when this song came out and i honestly thought the Stacy was better looking and i look at it now and YES MILF and Stacy is Still HOT Limp Bizkit - Rollin Its like a cross of Halo and Power Rangers Caption ; i just wanna kiss ur lips between ur hips makes sense RUBBER ROBO GANG OR TEAM ROCKET? THANK YOU MARTIAN MANHUNTER IS THE BEST kinda the joke haha cuz they are both Asian well you have to if u want to learn the ways of the force 8/10/2012 GUNS BOOBS AND BOOZE IS A GREAT MOVIE im 300 i did two rounds They BETTER NOT disgrace Harrison Ford with the new Han Solo u would have time if u still had two days of videos,19,2,4,5,1,21,0 1530,X1531,cooles video und gut nach gebaut :DD your poor parents ... : DDD cooles video ich mchte auch lets playen hat mir echt geholfen danke ! :DD,3,0,2,5,0,42,1 1531,X1532,Megan you are very beautiful and amzing at singing keep it up!!! Awesome vid guys lov ya !!!! Fuck u ponytail woman r beautiful people even tho im a lil judge mental bout ugly chicks in high schl but whoooo hooooo i love you jennamarbles!!!!! :) you go girl lol!!! Lol i agree keep that bitch in line lol!!! Its mr chow from the hangovr Lucky!!! I didnt get a phone when i was his age in fact they didnt even have smart phones when i was growing up now i have an android!!! I never got tht kind of room til i got in to high school at my dads house cuz my two sistrs got it instead of the awesome football playr since my parents hav been divorced for a long ass time!!!! You go girl!!! I love you soooo much nicole!!!! You are awesome at singing keep going at it hope you make it to the pros!!! You mispelled subscribe theres no e in the one u spelled dave almost!! Fucking hilarious!!!!! Sabrina u r hot as hell!!! Y do all tue hot chicks hav to liv in canada?!?! Shes a month and 11 days oldr then me!!,13,2,3,2,0,14,0 1532,X1533,laaambchoooooooop phone taps reminds me of Kyle kind of. you know Kyle? anyone? 2001 ! no... do you find yourself capable of probably reading between the lines and not making a case out of every word on youtube?I meant it's really hard to imagine that kind of reaction from a man so seemingly capable. It might as well be a setup I can't detect anything that would point that way except for the bizzare unnatural way it escalated at the end. so I expressed my doubts.clear enough for you? 3:45 xDDD this is delightful to the point I can't find any good words for it!!it's A list great !! also is it like that movie Defendor with Woody Harrelson ? ... watch this? definitely. the acting is at the level of a porn movie that has a very elaborate back-story you just made Mary from Mcdonald's appear WEIRD AS FUCK. imagine the look he'll give her if he sees her again lol no you just bitch about religion that's why I'm comparing it to corruption! I don't see you itch about corruption that much ahah what is you peoples's problem with religion? you don't have any idea what it really is or you wouldn't have been so itchy about it. that's the funny part.what you're talking about is as my experience shows most probably isn't even real religion just bunches of ppl lying to themselves or others out of shallowness or for money. so either get real or stop pushing keys yea man !! the nineties lifestyle promotin madness bitches.,14,2,4,5,0,21,0 1533,X1534,AWESOME! Best. Cover. Ever. -wipes manly tears- Q.Q Ah the feels... ^^ Le wild Shuichi leaves le wild Ayase doin' his bussines in za mirror like a grown up person because potatoe xD I love this cover so much 3 You are awesome -subscribes- ;D It sounds like Pula (in Romanian means d*ck xDD),6,9,3,2,0,21,0 1534,X1535,i bet your some queer who lives in florida the kid is clearly overcompensating for something calling you that and calling other people virgins and how is bubbas life gonna be so important he is just playing baseball hes not curing cancer be a little less relevant next time saras so attractive tobin kelly and alex are number 1 na Maknooooooooon nice video thnaks for posting Shut up Blake i would do two chicks at once tobin heath I can fap to this do dig that would be cool,12,0,6,5,0,27,0 1535,X1536,i had a friend who cheated on almost all her relationships. but i hated all the guys she dated anyway so i wouldn't tell any of them.... if i liked the guy andd we were friends i would tell him tho.. she was jus young and selfish and immature and wasnt ready for a relationship... shes still the same at 19... turns out she is just as bad a friend as she is a girlfriend and now she has no one to have her back... moral of the story be honest and faithful folks! i would like to see liz with red har!... but theyre are both beautiful. great vid :) i once knew a guy that i had a HUGEcrush on. he liked me too but we were both too shy awkward to move forward with anythin. it took a long time to get over him but i did. now i know he wasnt meant for me any way so i dont really regret anything. but i also had a bestfriend he confessed his undying love for me and tried to kiss me one night and our frinedship has never been the same sense.. i would've love to still be friends but he was too embarrased and avoided me.. :( that one still hurts emma 1:44-1:50 .... 2:44-2:50.... 5:10-5:20 3 shes so precious haha i heard he has a small penis... ...still not funny... i heard this song on the radio and half in my sleep i typed a few of the lyrics in my phone cuz i didn't now what the name was. i'm so glad i found it. its a beautiful song :) ok you can have cheese xD On my way to the gym with a bottle of water before work :),9,0,3,5,0,19,0 1536,X1537,I have watched this video like 50 times and keep forgetting to subscribe and like it! I think you look really pretty with you crazy hair and you beautiful makeup:) You remind me of one of my best friends very pretty yet so perverted!!! I just can't stop watching this because such a small word makes this baby LAUGH A LOT!!! It is kinda scary how your lips match the laughs almost exactly! But I also have watched this many many times:) And... This kid has braces before me:) What A Stud!! Huh? We can't hear or understand you!,6,0,3,5,0,23,0 1537,X1538,Sophie it was a request from one of my friends and i do a video every wensday.. Aww so cute! Cute lol. Been there done all of that. :PP I play moshi monsters. Add me i am popstaromg. :) Wow she is such a cutie. Bless her xxx She is the most cutest child i have ever seen! R.I.P gagnam style. We will miss you :) You did this? I was not aloud to sing this when i was little.. this is on just dance 4... Going there this year! Poor Rosie she looked really lefted out.. I love all your videos! Your reborns are so cute and i really want a reborn too. xxx This is horrible! That mother needs to be in prision for life! Now this is kind of mean. I would not like that to happen to me. But i know that you want to express you opion She is a good little acter. I think they wanted to just do the known spices but yea they have missed out a lot . Hope she makes her goal! I was 2 when this came out. I am now near 13.. Meromies! I love your videos but for some reason you blocked me on your other account? Your too young to be on here then. 13+ should be on youtube. I remeber watching the day in the life when she was 2 weeks old she has grown so much! xxx And your too young for youtube! Omg stop it! At 9:46 i have the same shoes but in pink :) Sorry for the lighting probs. :),28,26,3,78,0,17,0 1538,X1539,Nice Tat's Pieter...You have grown up nicely since the good old Fraser days huh! Why are people so concerned about what happens when they die? What about the here and now? That's what is important to me! Also these people are INSANE! So much focus on hate only breeds more hatred. The mind is a powerful tool such a shame that they use theirs in such a despicable manner. Is a sad sad case. So basically they are saying everything that is in our nature as human beings is a sin? In that case God is a sick motherf*cker who set us all up to fail! Guess he enjoys being in 'heaven' all by himself then. They have devoted they entire lives to hatred. They can't seriously be happy living their lives in that manner. Makes me cherish my life. OK so I understand that their message and behaviour enrages and offends people but it still is not right to attack a child.,6,0,5,5,0,24,0 1539,X1540,"Why? You don't have to nothing is impossible and you are not bad. ;) Just belongs to those things I wanted to learn thanks! ;) I'm an absolute beginner and would like to know the following: How come you are invisible for so freaking long and how come you can achieve the red buff so early in the game? Nice guide btw. ;) Good. You improve every new video! You have got lots of potential good luck for the future ;) wie lautet der titel der musik am ende des vids? Beim Schauen des Videos ist mir eine Idee gekommen:Wie wre es wenn du mal ein Video mit all deinen Charakteren (zB. Dnerbuden-Ali; du selbst etc; Retro-Ali (?)...) in Interaktion miteinander produzieren wrdest? Ich finde die Idee nicht allzu schlecht :P Dieses Video war btw super! ;) haha thanks man! ;)yeah that's kinda cool :P Great love that! Super jetzt hab ich den am Hals xD very nice Haha thanks and yeah me too xD One thing to add:I didn't know my name was Hyio :P Das halte ich davon:watch: U_CHRucv20U It's declared later on ;)kirbo Tipp: hnliches wurde letztes Jahr verlost :D, - 3:32 it was more than a year ago... maybe they had other tactics there? ;) ^wunderschn mal wieder was von dir zu sehen :* hat das ende was zu bedeuten? great bambarambam! omg great! he will be so freakin much nerfed :P Du bist lustig. goody! oh my god u r undoubtedly the best",24,20,3,26,0,18,0 1540,X1541,New video coming soon! (i hope) what should my next topic be? Shoot me a message with your suggestions. If not then I'll think of something ;) Sorry no videos for a little while. I'm out of batteries and can't operate with no batteries. I don't think you guys will miss me too much though :-P,2,31,3,2,0,21,0 1541,X1542,Ich hab die alle BossHoss Alben Alec ist soooo cool!!! Aber warum hat Sascha eigentlich immer einen lachflash?! xD Cool!!!! We love BossHoss!!! Ja sowas meinte ich... weil CamStudio ist schrott thanks! can you send me a link? i cant find it Who thinks he should play more Slender? 1:42 ... Scary... 10:17 das war geplant Heiko bewegt die Lippen mit Die Katze ist Slender!!! Starrt einen an man schaut weg und wieder hin und die Katze ist nher da... :O Warum so kurz Das eine ist Slender!! :) aber voll unntig Daniel Radcliffe is the first place!!! BOSSHOSS BOSSHOSS IS BETTER :) But this is good anyway DAN 0:00 - 5:34 beste Stelle xD Das rockt!!! Hey! Were on Facebook and Twitter now... have you noticed?Facebook: it out!!! :) Das ist voll witzig!!! Bester Telefonstreich bis jetzt!!!! :) Kanns sein das Heiko hinter der Kamera steht und sich totlacht? Ich hrs nmlich :D of course!!! for this brilliant video i HAVE to sub Rofl Hahaha 6:40 : DONT FLY!!!! ITS FORBIDDEN IN THIS HOUSE! I TOLD YOU ITS FORBIDDEN!! STOP!! Hahaha :D I DID IT :D,23,12,3,22,0,15,0 1542,X1543,1 month tomorrow thanks clay,1,1,3,1,0,15,0 1543,X1415,"SPONG BOB VS PATRICK!!!!!!! P VS PO O P FIRST then how do you explain that there was no name over his head and no green arrow on the map THUMBS UP IF YOU MUTED THE SOUND! TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO IS ALL I CAN THING ABUTO 1: Right Click On The Video2: Click Stop Download3: jeark off all you want YOUR IN A CAR Dr. suess Vs Hilter WAIT WE GOT CARROTS FOR 1.3.1? just saying leafy says wambo combo Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake fuck this shit im going to pornhub.... porno music hahahahha invisivble man were are you ween i need you !!!! i win! i jumped at 1:01 $1.50 for 1 ballon?!?!?! like if you skipped to the end are you luahging or are you having sex? FIRST!!!!!!! THE MUSIC MAKES YOU NOT WANAN LUAHG OR GRIN Lol 5 million views nice job 1 ANYONE EALE LOOK TO SEE IF THAT LIL BOT WAS ON THE ,G, ON GOOGLE? THUMBS UP IF YOU DID tecxter pack? what the fuck did i just watch! IP????????? IP????? 3:00 WTF 3000 dilikes WTF !!!!! what the fuk did i just watch???!!! MY ASS FEELS GOOD!!! :D lol a necro would have so much fun there hey nice one u guys to bad that last guy got u that would have been some epic loot dad just died last night while in his sleep me and him use to listen to this song and all of rascal flatts songs now its just me if anyone can plz show love thx",36,2,4,1,0,28,0 1544,X1545,... witch doctor Alvin in the chipmunks (im not lieing AT ALL) i stole your christmas.. im the Grinch MWWHAHA hey.. better than 9 dollar eggs yes she does deserve it she posted this video thats completely stupid fried oreos! no im going to use dirty socks.. i understand slaughter because of over-population. but this is NOT the way to do it. its brittnii bitch you're welcome(: why would you want an outie.. i have an outie and im so embarrassed. i hate summer only because i have to wear a bikini and show my outie. its time for a haircut my friend let me just pull my airbrush out of my ass,12,1,4,5,0,22,0 1545,X1546,Thanks for taking the time to help us out. I dont trust these bitches || \/ this is perfect,3,1,8,5,0,27,0 1546,X1547,im petrified of bees this gave me a chubby. Rule 61 do not mix alcohol with drugs. This will fuck you. black ops 2 ps3 he made a swear word! How big was Tmartn as a baby and did he hurt.. I'd like to see bieber as your target.. the one on the right looks like sheldon cooper ahaha ;D that sword looks like ashbringer :l what's a boon? Hey babe are you a trickshotter? could you give me a quick 360 so i can see if your arse is as nice as your tits. ahahaha BTRS SLOWBURN retweeted me on twitter js i fucking love you. i saw a mum yelling at her crippled son to hurry up and she started yelling at him and demeaning him in the highstreet This is the best birthday present going. Juno temple 3333 The characters say war over and over I play this once a day. This is a music students dream.,17,5,4,5,0,21,0 1547,X1548,Holy shit... they don't name their engines... at least not that i'm aware of what type of gas are they powered on? the live stream sounds chill...,4,11,4,5,0,17,0 1548,X1549,you all are so beautiful! 11:33 guy is carrying giant Subway sandwich on his back...... lol cute! awwwww this is one of the cutest things ive ever seen!....congrats! she is precious!...and Happy B Day Vivienne! beautiful :)***** oh my gosh shes not a baby anymore! Cute :P,6,0,5,5,0,28,0 1549,X1550,I HAVE DISGRACED MY FATHER FOR EVERY VAGINA I HAVE NOT ENTERED...... BY FORCE dude i remember when this song only had like 1000 views I LOVE ALL BITCHES 3 good song this is the shit !!!!!!!!! raaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww this deserves more views fuck kony hell yeah watch my motherfucking name i L O N 2 hoes 1 bitch 8 condoms and 3 dildos :D o yeah OBAMA GOT SWAG what happened to this Eminem its sad that they play shity pop music now a days finally found it F dang you dumb son ! i hate it when the song fits the situation i actually had a dream like this o.O while hes putting his life on the line ill dickie doo you from behind:D i wish i could get that Thompson 5 likes and ill sing this to my crush WE NEED THESE CARS IN AMERICA LOL i sang it to her anyway and she loved it creepy shit HAS PITBULL EVER TAKE OF HIS SUNGLASSES i hate it when the song fits the situation,26,0,2,5,0,21,0 1550,X1551,Is everyone in your family so musically talented!! Its brilliant that he observed not enough children lather and to find a way to encourage it :) PLEASE POST LYRICS XD!!! The gospel does make people better. I do believe gratitude given to the most powerful being is never a crutch especially since he believes in me purifies my heart intentions helps drive me to become even better. I don't blame him for bad things. If we only rely on ourselves time time again we will come short there will be some successes but if work with him we are more likely to be successful. The power of friendship lol,5,1,6,5,0,18,0 1551,X1552,wow 20k views in 7 years i feel great lol all kidding a side i will be post games reviews starting next month plz leave comments letting me know what game you would like me to review and i will post you comment in my video,1,12,9,2,0,30,0 1552,X1553,2407093 dislikes ohhhhhhhhhhnhhhhhhh 4:55 I dislike just for their rasicsm first comment! The huey is soooo useless @PsychadelicLaza7 @videomakeingmaster12 lol,7,1,4,5,0,31,0 1553,X1554,I wouldn't x the 7 yr old but I would of told him no in a way he would understand that he's not going 2 the next round. We have 2 b careful on how we crush a child imagination. Rejection early on N life leads 2 low self esteem. Low self esteem leads 2 self hatred self hatred leads 2 hating others hating others can lead 2 killing sprees. Nick handle the situation very well. Thx Nick. 2 all parent especially blacks it's very important 2 instill confident n your children no matter what. Lol! yep the pope hat it is hell on the neck that's why the bit*h is worn out. SUCH A LOW LIFE DANCE. Thanks for the demo. What is the latest and the best looping unit in 2013? Thxs. Is he still alive? Blacks need to stop beating each other down so much on any and every little dumb sh*t. If you disagree with another black then just disagree don't start the character assassination. Whats the latest looping unit on the market in 2013. Thx for sharing. Is this the latest looping gear on the market?. For an instrumentalist whats a good looping gear one should check out/purchase?. Thanks for the demo. AWESOME!!!. You're very creative. The loop gear you used what kind is it the photo wasn't clear and couldn't see from a distance? and what is the latest loop gear on the market that's really good for a vocalist or instrumentalist? Thanks for sharing. Very sad. Firefighter are one of the few decent hardworking people we can look up to why on earth would anybody want to kill them? Hope that sh*t will never ever happen again. What are the cables connected too? this vid should of showed the entire set up. Oh well Thanks for the demo. Great Demo!!. I notice around 4:18 when you added harmony you use your foot on some foot pedal gear on the floor which you didn't talk about. Is that gear pt of the TC Helicon VL 2 or..... How long has the TC Helicon VL been on the market and what is the price range? Thanks so much for the demo. This one looks as if its easier to use then the VoiceLive 2. Is it? Thanks for the demo. Is there a big difference between this one and VL 2? if so what is it. Also none of the demo vids talk about the set up like where/what the cables are connected to?. Thx for the demo. Whats a cricket bat? also could he at least called out her name first before shooting to make sure it was an intruder and not her were they living together? VERY FISHY!!! and why would an intruder want to be in a bathroom did he need to take a sh*t? I wonder if he bludgeoned her w/the bat first then shot her or vice-versa? if he did the bat thing first then there was no need to shoot her? Goosh! he must of been really really angry at her about something. Can you loop with this unit?.,17,32,4,5,1,37,1 1554,X1555,"not even if they are canadian? no shit The fact that you took part of your life to go throught the trouble of making an account called kurtcobainisdeadhaha shows that you will never have the talent to amount to anything. I verk alone-best line ever. picture matched the video so well ' ' lol Your mad because you know both those CUNTries are not worth a hobos dick cheese What can you use sodium metal for? correct HOW DARE YOU BAD MOUTH AGENT CODY BANKS 2: DESTINATION LONDON!!!!!! How long has the affair been going on?Two hours and fifty-three minutes! Considering this song was made by americans it is my opinion you should get the fuck out............please. Don't judge America by the 12yo's here that go on the internet. I'm a mother FUCKING police officer. lol Comment DouglasQuaid618 @18:00 Ben Stiller? Probibly not because it's built with steel and only fires 22. caliber rounds. Looks pretty cool. Thats not Arnold its JOHN KIMBLE! HAHA you got dissed fag....hope you burn in hell Gets what he deserves.....fuckin thief YEAH!......while blacks rob and open fire on any place that is'nt a school or movie theaters......wait scratch that they do that too. It's know you're wrong when you find yourself fighting proven statistics and fact. FACT points out that the average euopean/european american is smarter than the average african. Its proven yet I garuntee some one is going to say ,your racist,. How is it racist to state fact. I would rather everyone be equal in IQ but it is'nt that way.So don't call me racist for pointing out fact. AA is scared to come near this guy fags watchin it right now I really just wanna hit this kid its nothing personal I just really want to hit him.",28,4,3,9,1,19,0 1555,X1556,KATE 3 i like her. not really her music The fact that this is age-restricted really upsets me. I know that we can see Rihanna basically naked but she isn't selling sex for a change. She is showing vulnerability.,3,4,3,5,0,20,0 1556,X1557,"Im sory but the meat they use in hamburgers and mostly any red meat in the market is full of hormones and addictive substances and also they are bad for you in varying ways(obesity heart disease some types of cancer) yet I dont see anyone oposing these as much as with drugs. I can understand cocaine meth acid ecstacy and heroin are self destructing drugs but with smoking weed or cigarettes its just stupid to even start a debate... creo que la javiera tiene ASPERGER ( una forma de autismo) yo se por ue se parece a una amiga se le va el avion y dice cosas que no tienen que ver en el mmento menos indicado o no entiende el sarcasmo about the jury Im from mexico and the judge haves all the power so even if you are inocent and he was payed or he just doesnt feellike it he can send you to jail.... because here in mexico everyone is guilty until proven inocent I guess purple is not a recurent word here... I insist show some love to THE PLASTICS REVOLUTION pleaasee.... they are mexican :P even though she stealed her friends mother car why would a full GORWN MAN beat a 15 year old ? I take a sanity day I lock myself with food and soda ad watch movies or series or youtube play some vids or maybe just make some music and thats it... everyone who knows me knows my mental sanity days actually the tes was pretty cool but yet I didnt think it describes me completley I feel I can change whenever I want im not guided o r done by rules so Im not sure if I am always going to be INTP cause maybe I take the test in a month or so and something else shows up.... so yeah anyway it was cool thanks cat! I like the sound of Quality time travel... but did I heard woody saying third season? I hate this Im from mexico and the only people you would see firing that is drug dealears ,sicarios, or Zetas I hate you have fun with something so powerfull and dangerous... how they even let civilians have this type of weapon... shame on your country smuggling weapons into mine... :S soooo great! what is the name of that first song about 4 years ago at middle school I played an original song with my friend and was pretty nice but we didnt win because it was a little of harder rock than any past talent shows soo yeah ... The Great Jimmy is back!!!! greatt song cant wait for it to go on itunes I sort of like the song and just mostly because I saw it on NANALEW channel but I think this cher girl is a little bit of an ass she dumps the guy and then he grows cause he is no longer with her but with a better girl and now she wants him back if she was the one to dump him on the first place she sould stay by that and suffer as she should for being such an ass pure new and fresh CATACOMB PARTY! and all that we obsess making these amends are we saling away...... (8) BRUTE THE BEAST Im from Mexico and i am afraid ill never see them live:S that was a jake sweatshirt? at the end? NANALEW is way better and she only acted like 40 secs of these song Hahah jimmy ,like a good....... man, jajaj why is it so fast ?? awesome Mexico Monterrey",25,5,7,2,0,24,0 1557,X1558,"Achilles was the best warrior... you can do whatever with the time but Hector will always be defeated. Also Achilles is not a negative persona... he goes all this way and he changes. I still prefer Achilles for his transformation during the whole battle. You should just kill yourself... NOW... I didn't think of anything lesser for you... he's an atheist... I laughed so hard on that one :D :D :D Who are you? If they are so much better how come pewdie is not writing comments on your videos? Oh right... he's not a moron such as ________ (you can write your name here) CORMANOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! That black chick is just... amazing... love her... I paused it at 8:50 and ROFLMAO'd... still laughing... BEST!!! 3:58 :D If solving that could make me a genius... easy btw... nope... heartattack... how can someone make a fake video of that? You really help people with that... Probably the only person doing it for free... The trick actually is to try to talk constantly so your ,victim, doesn't use their conscious... You simply override it with a constantant monotone voice...",10,3,6,41,0,24,0 1558,X1559,i have that dress!!! 00:46 lol i cant even do a handstand. RIP summer 2012./3 was that miley at 0:44 ? What the fuck are they doing? if u dont like it leave. poor thing your like a baby go hug your teddy bear and itll be better. get a life. HARRYS VOICE FUCKING TURNS ME ON. oh lord. the new rebecca black is back... i see the inside of your houseee!! it looks like it would be like a barbee house!!:D shes like a teenager!! THE CAT @0:10 AHAHAHHA lol whut. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW3 i thought this was caspers channel? i thought he was gonna say that hes deleting his channel!!!,15,0,3,5,0,22,0 1559,X1560,But he didn't because in this game he explores different Mansions. No way in hell he could of bough that many Mansion's How the fuck did this happen? The maker did GO TO JAIL HE WAS FUCKING IRISH MAN Kill Waker lol So true Listen to the actual beat it gives you a damn headache. I'm 16 Can you break pots to get heart pieces? Why is the guy that is playing as Mario always being targeted and you never aren't. How did this song get so many views? Were you drunk when you were playing this? HONNEEEYYY I'M HOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) DF are you guys talking about that is true!!!!! If you set your mind to it of course you can FUCKING DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why can't I close the wii u box thingy at the bottom?SOMEONE FUCKING HELP ME I'VE BEEN HAVING THIS PROBLEM FOR A LOT OF DAMN FUCKING DAYS. PLEASE PLEASE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME!!!!! :) SODMG= Suck On DICK MR GAY I lol'ed when he drank milk in front of them I love how the openings are serious but the anime isn't lol so funny Thumbs up if you come here to see everyone arguing. 0:58 my favorite What a troll,20,0,2,5,0,15,0 1560,X1561,So happy for Anand!Stunning game! So happy for Vishy!Absolutely stunning game! Anand is the Man! nice Mesmerizing!!A Wonderful talent!,5,82,4,76,0,29,0 1561,X1395,lol andrew 3 sounds like abit of my chemical romance - the only hope for me is you in some part lol now your watching DESTROYED IN SECONDS on Discovery channel Usain Bolt i have the same MXS toys lol that the guy had in 0:32 ama supercross 2012 gopro sent me here :D @ 2:34 the black jumpsuit guy at the back was kinda laughing LOL i mean omost going to laugh that's chuck alonso norris driving the bloody renault lotus car or watever beats* monster and rockstar isnt sponsered during this year..........yet xD olden gopro was just some tube camera ama supercross 2012 rd 20 in geylang wah shiok prostitute class xD go pro fighter pilots awolnation SAIL :D sexy legs everyone lets rock against PSY- OPPA GUNGNAM STYLE batman on drugs :D dude just got final destination'd Final Destination in real life but somehow old skool way tooooo tragic real life final destionation? look up diving gone wrong face split in half 1977 tom pryce f1 bloody accident marshal's body got fucked up split in half in a really grossy way step up 2 the streets nice c-130 u got there missy yeaa Step Up the streets :D lol bunch of banglas' crowd around Tom Dugan like they have never seen any whites b4 lol asking alexandria sum41 the offspring killswitch engage chealsea grin alltimelow escape the fate BVB 3 well just kidding LOL they talk really fast lol 17 again rock against bush nfs ug2 tony hawk ug2 :D kpop concerts is just like the american Monster Energy Outbreak metalfest concerts just with a little difference in there the music helll yea independent sk8-board trucks 3 it battlefield 2 style but with more realistic gameplay this video is making me dizzy lol lol beginning of the vid aluosrsffsberkasdsdfsdfsdofijaosidjaoskjsldfkj LOL i rather use spec ops m4 with eotech sopmod or even a ACR or mayb a scar L mw3 style lmao LMAO the mini baby whine at the beginning lmao sweet tits little nigga nigga bill little bill grows up to be bigger bill aka Carl Johnson no.2 grows up go everywhere in the streets and kill ppl taking their money steal cars GTA style like a boss lol @ 1:00 the 9gag shit girl which appears on facebook lol the 5th grader kid gives the finger lmao 2:29 that badass mother-russian guy says that this is russian special forces is he trying to act big by trying to say he was a russian spetsnaz?? LOLOLOLOL lmao FUCK YOU BASSSS--TERDDDD at first i tot that bitch on the win 8 commercial was Carly Rae Jespen but im all wrong SHIT THAT GUY AT 2:00 was also featured in TheKansascityStarzzz Chatroulette Expericene Thumbs up if you notice this shit so everyone can sees' it lmao its LUKE SKYWALKER!!!!,45,2,4,5,0,25,0 1562,X1563,dislikes = Japanese,1,0,2,5,0,27,0 1563,X1564,World will be turning to the KPOP WORLD ~~~~ lol their debut is my Birthday date !!! hahaha !! so maybe that's why i'm addicted with their songs ! haha You are more suck than SNSD cuz you didn't know anything about them so just SHUT UP !!! and thanks to give SNSD for more views here ! next time come again :PPP Lol Lay !!!! @0:05 lol it's like SNSD 's flower at The Boys .. haha ... just saing :P SONE PUT IT BACK ON !! let's us make Fanchant !!! CUTE !!!!!!!!!!!,8,430,4,11,0,15,0 1564,X1565,"three complete runs of temple trekking on hard with a hard follower --- I know the older wgs kinda went downhill but please do some of music based on the older wgs because it was amazing the choreography and the music itself was great I honestly don't care if it was real or fake because it could be either side. Omg ..... just omg so good No i don't because eventually something will happen where if there is overpopulation occurs that multiples will die .... damn nature you scary oooooo dont give people fire capes because those are so hard to get already ...... it really isnt that hard to keep rhythm without a metronome high school / college / professional bands do it all the time made it 2 minutes this time .... new record Can't even watch it in english subs without tearing up .... R UOEFVW UDC::KHAE lol he didnt get hit by a car he pushed off of it that is why he landed on his feet because the car technically stopped NIGGA I DONT LIKE BATMAN.... NEVER WATCHED ANY OF THEM I'm pretty sure that once you get to the level of which he was in the military your hands can be considered a weapon. Seriously give me your dragon sooooo much ads..... its amazing PELT ME!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!! Flag Captured... Headshot. no it shouldnt be illegal because that would be a fucking STUPID reason to go to jail and yes freedom of speech does need a limit. Get the fuck out of my face LULZ First we can't be in a ,Civil War, with another country and Psy is South Korean not North Korean lol DUMBASS btw nice herpies kid Well I'll take a little bit of this and a little bit of that anyday How was the editing horrible... Not only did the slide show flow well it also went with the bass in the song. It's funny because the people that say something about monotone obviously don't know what ,monotone, is because he definitely sings this with multiple notes. So much lulz that my sides hurt now Fackin want dat halo 4 son//.//././.. Yah he had a badge just like that one on his shirt...",25,1,4,5,0,21,0 1565,X1566,"This comment was not okay I was dying at Dan's horrified face as Carrie explained period pains To be honest I don't care for these videos anymore either. I'm just too lazy to delete any of them.But they're discontinued for a reason Oh my god Cry made so many amazing references in the end I'm dying,You are an alchemist but not of the Ed variety.,Bro I love you Might I ask what channel that is?",5,22,4,52,0,15,0 1566,X1567,qe cambio tan drstico el que ha dado la zuluaga la prefiero mil veces de pirobita :D y ella jura que kim zuluaga no finge la voz Reprimida comprate una vida mas bn me mieee cuando le pide la moneda jajaja ai me miee jajajaj muii charra ;) jaja si seorrrrr si no le gust no lo leaxD,8,18,2,36,0,20,0 1567,X1568,"they blocked out the word ,pipe, ......its the first beep thats yg trainee lalisa. i know her and jennie kim i love this cover! the best i have seen awesome job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! perfect dance cover!!!!!!!!!!! I live in florida!!!!!!!!!!!!",6,0,2,1,0,15,0 1568,X1569,WHERE OMG. Can you tell us the names of everybody.. This makes me cry my bestfriends are going to a way different school far away from mine. And we wont be able to see each other. :( I got those flowers pants like you. At Pacsun. (: You are mean though. Well thats what i think. You can be mean sometimes. The video people that need to be slapped was mean. You have beautiful eyes. Your next video you should make a clay creation (ex. Kirby pikachu you know like creatice stuff.) Or you should do a diy. (ex. Jewlry boxes pillow.) You know. :) Emily do you go to Karen and Liane's school..?? How does David Beckum do this.? David Beckum is a soccer player,9,2,3,5,0,21,0 1569,X1570,this is possibly the most irritating video. ever. bahahah sooo bad. if you have to write a disclaimer that you're not probably are. wow.,2,0,5,5,0,21,1 1570,X1571,"And this folks is why we don't drag our kids into ideals they can't understand much less defend. Please leave all comments in a comprehensible form thank you. I just want to know what song is playing in the back ground. Blah blah blah. *clap* *clap* *clap* Blah blah blah. *clap* *clap* *clap* Profit. I like the pretty picture of capitalism that this video creates if it were only as good as it is portrayed. Nice to see how weak these people believe their god really is. I have to draw a line between not believing what science has to say and not believing what our sensationalist media has to say. The amount of information (or disinformation) being put out on a daily basis by media which later turns out to be wrong should leave even you to not want to immediately swallow what's being shoved down your throat. I'm not saying that jumping to mad outlandish conclusions is the pathway to truth I'm saying there's no way I trust the media completely. You mean someone had to read to get information? Inconceivable!!! This video was made in 1976 maybe he wasn't so full of ,woo-woo, back then. Well I'm glad that he knew that he was spouting nonsense I guess? And why do you feel the need to interpret some random bullshit someone said and then defend them on said randomness without knowing their true intent in the first place? When did you become super psychic defender of all idiots? Well if the premise of your statement is: when the US lost thus being something that happened in the past rather than; when the US looses something that may happen the future. Then I must have been late to the party and missed my chance to deleash your little penis whatever that means. Show Dr. Tyson the respect he deserves and shut the fuck up. Yeah because short metal prongs plucked by a spinning barrel to recreate classical music hasn't been done already or anything . . . ever hear of a fucking music box? It's a fairly simple contraption maybe you should look one up some time they're fairly new and have only been around since the early 1800's. Are you aware that there is a calendar that has been used by human beings on this planet for over that amount of time? By the Gregorian calendar it is year 2013 by the Yoruba calendar (which is still used by Nigerian natives today) it is year 10050. So please explain to me how living humans kept a calendar and recorded history 4050 years before you claim anything existed. Since you like verses 1 Peter 3:15 so now I ask for your answers instead of deflections and vague statements. They've stated they list the ingredients on the site so you can go get the supplements yourself. This needs way more thumbs up. Maybe you should study a map and get back to me again you realize how big the Atlantic is. The US needed Britain to set up a spot for a supply depot to invade Germany the German army would have had no where to set up close enough from any European to maintain those lines you're delusional. And second you were talking about man power you kept bring it up like it was important and when i shot that down you switch topics.My advice to you is stop being dishonest.",17,0,3,5,0,35,0 1571,X1572,I like the kamehameha graphics man!!,1,0,5,5,0,32,0 1572,X1573,"Cara... se mata um favor que voc faz. @TheVinix8 comprei no mercado livre princesa :) @adaltomatosmusic eles perdendo tempo brincando e vc falando merda aqui. que lindo o amor que o seu deus te ensinou shuahusahusahusahu Falou tudo Cau! Caralho eu bebo 3 copos ja fico loko magina uma garrafa D: Video digno de palmas! Cool :D Posta o Making Of Cau! quem fez tudo? vc ja estudou cincia historia ja leu um livro a nao ser aquele livro ridiculo que vc chama de ,bilbia,? Crente uma bosta memo So em ver esse video roubaram minha carteira KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ri muito cara Canal Vesh :) KKKKKKKKKKK muito foda curti favoritei e compartilhei... o mnimo que posso fazer por vc por me fazer rir quanto meio pra baixo rs. boa sorte daqui pra frente.",17,9,4,2,0,59,0 1573,X1574,"your my big black teddy bear xDD kyle i found your wife on face book but i was looking for you i woulda messaged her but that woulda been weird toby your still doing this game? xD really? she needs to start doing crack again the fuck can you train me to be this good my eyes hurt anyone else see the google ad where it talked of the dude who won the million dollars for pitching the perfect game? i did it taught me that if theres any way to make a living its by staying inside and playing video games i have the same hat ,trey songs, had on are you single and ready to mingle? xD i want the amazing spiderman for xbox :D robbing a bank is a petty crime? i wouldnt take advice from a guy who cant pronounce dirks last name corrctly homosexuality is indeed linked to genetics they dont have a choice and im with that one homophobic pastor that says we need to kill all the gays the police stinger is the fastet car in gta 4 jus sayin holy shit comment after comment funny shit btw xD 3333 cant wait for knock madness when i saw the video i screamed like a little girl and ran to itunes to buy it just a little peck at the end the fuck kinda bullshit is that moar of this its fuckin mac miller schmeeeeglleeeee dat hairline",23,1,4,1,0,22,0 1574,X1575,I like how you had to wear a bathing suit top to distract us from this shitty tutorial. Thx that helped! I like how everyone in the background is acting like this is completely normal This is creepy watching her sing a religious song and knowing she brutally murdered someone Omg get to the point,5,1,4,5,0,22,0 1575,X1576,Faking her accent? Lol. Im from GA and have family in Mississippi. I dont personally know anyone who doesnt talk like this. Love her GO HARD TAYLOR!!!! LOL Hoooorayyy!!!! I loveddd this song! Boys will be boys. Even when they are gay. Wow. Phillip Phillips in the back ground. Workin that dress Glozell! I noticed the teeth too lol She even looks shocked! Love GARY!!!! Wow. Illuminati. Mine dont do that stuff lol Justin Biebers bday is March 1st (my bday) you fell in love with him because you are both pisces! :) Heyyy guyysss its Nicholeeee. (Every video) ROFL Rip :(,19,7,5,13,0,22,0 1576,X1577,"I use to be a nerd. I was called ugly everyday. One time I was hanging out with this group that I looked up to because I thought they where so beautiful. I did everything just to be there friend. I even let them make fun of me. One day I was at lunch with them and one of the girls told me to walk over ,there, and so I did then she told me to walk back and I did then she yelled ,prostitute!, Everyone laughed and so did I even though it hurt so bad on the inside I still laughed because I wanted t Dude aint gonna get anymore girls. Fat bitch asked for it. Use mediaburner. It works. It is because youre evil. God doesn't judge. Its okay cause she's going to hell anyways. Saying someone is going to hell isnt very christian is it? So gods going to come back and like only 70 people in the world because they hate fags and soldiers. Yeahh that sounds about right. She doesnt let tyra banks talk. Shes always interrupting people so im glad her didnt let her talk. 18 months...? I wish the people who arrested her and herself would get abused like she abused the baby then tell me if 18 months seems long enough. What's going to make her stop doing this once she gets out? more like top 10 most sluttiest girls HAHA . It froze on 1:03 .. xD I understand where she is coming from but people go through way worse things and are still making it today. It's not uncommon for someone to get beat up for sleeping with some girls boyfriend. And I use to eat lunch in the bathroom everyday. She's not alone.",13,2,6,3,0,28,0 1577,X1578,I FROM FLORIDA TOOO! -teheehee :) What retard swims in gello? My favorite part 1:43 - 1:48 My favorite part was having the shaving cream fight at the end of the week. Even though I got stung by a wasp 3 times it was really fun!!! me too! This is stupid 368 dislikes to be exact... My feet are cold..... I just wanted to let you know that the back ah yo hayr is rudiculous How may likes for this video? Your an idiotSincerily an 11 year old From Friday by Rebecca Black to this??!! HOW where can we find the sheet music for this song? my daughter wants to learn it....thank you!!!!!! Yeah me too,14,1,6,95,0,41,0 1578,X1579,GET IT IN T ZILLA Junt bumpin manne...12 She went harder then most bitches ive seen plus it like 40 other fine bitches,3,2,7,6,0,33,0 1579,X1580,Its like a controversy on every video that Seamus uploads of Left 4 Dead 2. xD Nobody really knows what role AshhBear plays except Seamus and Nova. They are probably laughing at all of the arguements. OH EM GEE THAT WAS ME! :D The video isn't clear. I can't see shit.. Almost sounds like the original Marshall Mathers. MGK. Momma jokes are so year 2000God damn faggot. That means your the bully you god damn idiot.,7,0,3,5,0,19,1 1580,X1581,"I literally can not believe this. Don't they teach children in our schools to accept others and themselves for who they are? Don't they teach children in our schools to embrace everyone's differences because it makes us who we are? Don't they teach children in our schools that no one deserves to be laughed at or made fun of? Some people are gay. And that's the way it is. So either keep bitching about it or get over it. Who are these people to speak on the behalf of God? Please correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't God want love? When this woman says she wishes death upon ,fags, WHY THE HELL DOES SHE BELIEVE SHE'S A GOOD CHRISTIAN? These people contradict themselves so much. So if a homesexual is going to hell why aren't you a father who kicked out his own daughter no longer misses nor loves her going to hell as well? That is so fucked up. So basically no one but these fucking people are going to heaven. You know what I think I'd rather go to hell then associate with these assholes. We're not about serving ourselves. bitch wishing hell upon people so you can go to heaven is serving yourself. How many children do you have? ,Don't ask me that silly question., WTF. This Shirley woman is full of shit. ,Did you just call our service weird? Your statement doesn't make it a fact., Okay but you saying God hates fags makes that true? Makes sense. she has a huge voice and it is perfect for this movie wow. that was incredible. i hope you pursue this amazing talent you have. you will shock so many with this voice of yours. I LOVE THIS SONG. not a huge fan of the music video but adam's voice is just unbelievable Best song Maroon 5 has ever written. This style is truly theirs and I hate to see them change. I think you have a great voice...add some passion and emotion to it and it'll sound even better. Wow. Well done. When you have 8 million views-you must know you're good. I hope you actually pursue this amazing talent of yours. Well you don't seem very happy with me now so I'd say I was right... The generation being prejudice isn't irrelevant to this video. And out of curiosity what proof did you find to support your statement that homosexuality is commonly genetic? I'm not doubting your reason; I honestly would like to know. I am so so sorry. Completely my fault. Did they tell us they were going to release it before the album comes out? Because I am a die-hard Maroon 5 fan and I was unaware. It was a nice surprise (:",18,0,2,5,0,15,0 1581,X1582,anyone thats been on a track whether its dirt or pavement knows that he just grabbed a little to much front brake too quick i love living 15 miles from here It absolutely blows my mind that people are allowed to spread around this kind of bullshit haha your just a pussy its definitely not broke as i saw ur weak ass get caught up by the compression. 1000 i want to beat this bitch with a wrench hopefully the little girl doesnt turn out to be a whitetrash cow like her mom ur an idiot man u kids are pussies just leave stupid fucken video that last kid was a fucken faggot she would blow you away these kids are fags lmao stfu your a dumbass lucky that was a street bike omfg sick shades and turtle necklace brah hahaha clearly this guy is making fun of creationists. I sure hope so at least.... idk i found this video a flight bit creepy stop its incredible gears are so long so you really dont have to shift too often because the bike has so much torque not enough funcos fuck the pope....1.3 million on a ferrari enzo then he preaches to let go of materialistic things and give to the poor. fucken scam shut up dumbass he would put one in your head stop this guy is pretty good but no where near one of the best,27,1,5,1,0,21,0 1582,X1583,I love this song elle varner we lve you mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhm i dont hate her. i just hate math. this song is catchy though watch out dirty dan sandy is coming ! Not the real Ambrehhh,5,11,3,20,0,14,0 1583,X1584,"go to vidtomp3 . c o m - thats where I always go to convert youtube videos to put on my iphone. Nightcore - Reviens Moi ahaha wow that was so not funny you must be so proud of yourseelf for coming up with that - because black guys dont have jobss rii? search up ,Luka Vocaloid, on youtube and google- she is not a anime character May I ask how did you develope this? I am very interested in creating a software. Do you know a site where I can learn to make a ,voice recorder, like this?",5,6,3,5,0,21,0 1584,X1585,What the fucking fuck Shane Dawson's voice teacher sings this. Hi I'm Spencer and welcome to Jackass Their hair stays perfect oh never mind mental hospital. but its taking up time for him to play other games that I actually want to watch Learn some grammer before you try an argue and I might take you more seriously. Yes I am human but I eat everything except the bones. Brains? Thats fine with me. why do people draw pewdie with bright blonde hair? Nova's not funny. And hes loud. I only came here because I didn't know if pewdie had more subs or not. Hi Im a wolf lover my friend is a wolfaboo. What do I do? Its hard because when I first met her i thought she loved wolves not sparkle dogs. So thats what made me want to be friends with her and I like her a lot she is my best friend in the whole world and my only basically. I don't want to lose her but i don't want to put up with some of her crap anymore. I'm sick of the wolfaboo haters. they are just as bad as wolfaboos. even if some are ignorant it doesn't mean anything. there are worse people in this world. I am not a wolfaboo. I want a gay best friend ;-; I am not American. And if they banned guns how would most of us hunt? Unlike me most of the humans can't use a bow right so most of us would be useless. Actually maybe banning guns could starve that stupid people... haha joking because if you are really that stupid you would just eat other things... but what im saying is a gun can't kill a person unless in the hands of a person intending to kill. Or someone stupid. But you could get hurt worse... go bitch at the other top comment now. What language are you speaking?Spanish.Where'd you learn spanish?The eekamos Why has twilight become such a troll treat? Why has twilight become such a troll treat Mako= sexiest man in anime The reason he hated bending was because of his father how he used his blood bending for bad and I guess that's what made him so psycho about it all. I kinda agree though that was something weird in the series I think there should have been something more. I want to see a real beauty pagent- no mak-up no wigs no fake freaking boobs on a four year old. And for god's sake- the girls should show their real personality! Not what their mothers script to make the judges love them! They all had whoo-hoo thanks to my cousin -_- lolz. that's why Irony. ( . Y . )lol LOVE THIS GAME! Honestly changed my life xDD it's weird I know. My tounge hurts.BUT DAT THUMBNAIL IS HILARIOUS Someone I've seen is using this as a profile pic on another website. does she not notice....? Look in the damn description before you ask.,28,6,3,2,0,32,0 1585,X1586,D Dorian is D E F G A B C D - it's the white notes on a piano starting on D. It's parent scale is C Major but it's better to think of it as a completley different world altogether: if you know the D Minor scale then you simply take the 6th note of that scale (Bb) and raise it a semitone (one-fret) to B. This works for any minor scale. I'm sure it was a typo but to confirm: C Dorian is actually C D Eb F G A Bb C and is derived from the Bb Major Scale.,1,21,3,6,1,19,0 1586,X1587,. . Don't feel sorry we know our history very well and (things) like you! can't change it with few youtube posts! lol A guy who opposed the regime of Libyan former leader (Qadafi)...and Qadafi was later killed the same way (by the way he was shot dead in the jail before being dragged out. . . Keeps removing all the good comments and keeping the cheap pro USA once. Weak!!! . Thanks ...and you got no bread to eat! O Story teller tell us a story tell us about ancient times.Tell us a story from one thousand and one nights. About the daughter of monster and son of the Sultan (ruler)Take us away from his world.Once upon a timeEach of us has a story in his heart Tell us a story even thou we are grownupThink of us as still kidsTell us about paradise and fire about the bird that never flew Explain the world (life) to usDont add more or skip any How intelligent is the man in the black car (the crazy attacker)? When questioned by the police this is what he said The man in the footage is not me! and by the way the victim (ken) is a former police office (at min6:46) . This clip is a reply to the Anti-Assyrian clips made by chladeinz on youtube. if you want to stop us then make sure they stop too otherwise don't waste my time. I am busy working. When a US Marin was asked about this footage he replied this is nothing new we did this everyday. ie: shoot civilians. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 Saudi did but Saudi today are pumping millions of dollars converting western blond girls to Islam so enjoy Iraqi revenge! :Kill Bill (The Lonely Shepherd) James Last feat. Zamfir Iraq went to War with Iran for 8years kurds never joint the fighting they enjoyed great life in mountains eating wild figs hunting birds! when west killed Saddam they gave autonomy to Kurds who were fighting killing each others! Th hands of th Kurds r Red with blood of the Assyrians Kurds committed Genocides of Thousands of Assyrian Christians. They suffer from Kurdification their Assyria land is occupied. God will not forget crimes Kurds have committed against peaceful Assyrians. It needs some Milk ! # Talaban are coming to rule Syria that's what the West is Supporting and promoting. God save the people of Syria from all Evils including the crimes of FSA.,28,42,4,20,0,29,1 1587,X1588,"gay butt sex You Play To Much Mw2 When:You Yell ,EMP All Electronics Are Offline!, When The Power Goes OutThe Sec your Dog Jumps On You You Snap Its NeckYou Think You Have Comando Pro On So You Jump Off A 5 Story BuildingYou walk into your bosses office open his briefcase make some beeping noises and throw it out the window saying ,Bomb defused.,You put a flare by your xbox so you can spawn by it when you wake up.You kill a bug and say ,Tango down, 1845 people grab their ice cream like this... already subscribed and liked... gt: Mac Miller 95 THEY TAKE THE BIGGEST HITS!! 125 people arnt speaking the language he need to smoke some dank from him to mellow out... that is the only way my child only 18 people who rated this either only likes wiz sense black and yellow or they don't smoke good shit. (___((__aijuana___() i wish ther was marijuana porn.... i am a young white boy looking for older men to touch me...?? anyone interested?",11,1,3,5,0,17,0 1588,X1589,BITCHES BE LOVIN HAHA I am swedish and you're swedish one was like... WTTFFFF HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHA hahahhahahahahahahhaha lmao what the fuck did i just watch hahaha wow this was really cool and different. Great work! xx This is the best Harlem Shake hahaha oh my marcus wtf ha OMG LOUIS AND ELEANORLOUIS AND ELEANOR OMG THAT'S RIGHT I KNOW BIG WORDS OMG,10,1,3,1,0,20,0 1589,X1590,YG Family Style:Big Bang: Street Couture BAD-ASS2NE1: Feminine Empowerment Strong Futuristic BAD-ASS se7en: Gentlemen Soft Strong BAD-ASSGummy: Soulful Gentle Passionate BAD-ASSPsy: Goofy Energetic Fun BAD-ASSEpik High: Gangsta Street BAD-ASSand ..... Lee Hayi: Soulful Passionate Fun Vintage/Retro and a BAD-ASSYG Family is BAD-ASS :) go vote for 2NE1 for everything ... but mostly BEST GLOBAL GROUP (they deserve it :D) MAMA 2012 go vote for 2NE1 for everything ... but mostly BEST GLOBAL GROUP (they deserve it :D) MAMA 2012 go vote for 2NE1 for everything ... but mostly BEST GLOBAL GROUP (they deserve it :D) MAMA 2012 kids are all the same no matter where in the world :PP TOKYO DRIFT DRIFT what is it like around Stockton ? is that a city street town ? .... I only heard bad things about it (high crime rates) but I want to know from someone that lives in SF ? or at least in the UC Pacific Area.,7,0,3,5,0,18,0 1590,X1591,"'ll be the two girls she'll be the cup!!! dat shit was funny haha President Obama vs. Osama bin Ladin Starting fight on some lil girls comment page real cool. @punkchick this video is the real version of Friday get it straight hahaha she ain't ur cuz either I would shit myself being on top of that bridge let alone jumping off :D Str8 up this shit be rydin and speakin the truth I smoke to his music everyday @bigsteve3292 way too early man no one can ever replace Ryan Dunn One of the many reasons I hate the police Damn I nor realized how diff 50 sounded bfor he got blasted... Crazy shit He made that very believable lol He finks to himself , wonderful wurrrrd haaa no doctor it's perfectly normal",14,0,3,5,0,17,0 1591,X1513,Fuck you. this movie is so irreverent now... LOL THAT WAS HORRIBLEEE! ;) haha Phil you weren't too bad! Dan.... Dan you're American dumb as shit girl isn't that bad.... ?! I honestly thought that was psy for a sec.. LOLOLOLOLOL. I adore him:) OMG.(:3 I have the biggest girl crush on Rachel Hurd-Wood. :) STOP.3 HAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHA LOL :) 3dan you and me are the same person I swear! :) I love you to death. 3 ;) :):):) such a great video. does any else think that macklemore is sexy?? OMG who's the guy?! LOLOLOLOLOLOL my fave song by him sweater fetish ;) Cody hahahaha so Gallagher ;) unicorn is so cute! :) he was asleep most of the time! ;) haha this is actually so hilarious I really like this series! hobbit fas for life! 3 I didn't realize how bias my school was until you pointed it out. My school does not use an abstinence only program it teavhes all forms of birth control but as a 14 year old it made me terrified to have sex. beautiful work of art! 3 my freakin childhood right here! 3 ;) OMG THE BOY IS SOOOOOOO HOT! 3 he's probably like 3 years you get than me.... but whatever... ;) haha haha you're funny! and cute !;) these are my favorite. ***i enjoy it! haha sorry I feel like my life wouldn't be entitely fulfilled. I feel like I would need more time! I love these videos Charles! Health is sexy! ;) Dan I went back to schoo three weeks ago Ian's adorable and awesome too :) haha I freaking love this show :) my new obsession guys words can't explain how much I love this show. this was cool! :) btw those were totally not they're real usernames... lol this was fucking sexy lol they trade girls xD ONGOMGOMGOMGOMG this is so cool. great music! song? :) he was very handsome back in the day.,39,6,5,5,0,24,1 1592,X1593,it was fake. because thats what i did -.- That end solo was orgasmic i thought it was my chemical romance's ghost of you at first xD the i realized it was selena gomez xD i love my two pitbulls. they are the best they can growl on command yet they are the nicest dogs ever. i love pitbulls but im sorry i laughed when that cop shot the dog. i just threw up. no that was my brother who was playing xbox xD Stop to help or look for survivors time to get off of youtube.. MGT 4.6 destruction/retardation**,10,27,3,26,0,21,0 1593,X743,"WTF is that bowtie Karan is wearing? Porn is ,illegal, in S. Korea? How are darker-skinned people treated in S. Korea? That's kind of sad to hear :-/ You're supposed to enjoy your childhood. Incredible encounter! I can't believe how lucky you got with a sighting like that :) 6 movies and Paul Walker still can't act. Thanks go he got lucky with this franchise. The paychecks must help when he can't bag any other film roles. Awk-ward. This will be a PlayStation 4 game. Yes I totally agree with what the vocalist said. And then he beat her up. Shows his class. Even I won't vote for Rahul Gandhi but at least I have the decency to not make such insulting remarks. What a waste of time! Clazziquai = Chill pill For posting the truth? If they are reported will Modi order their suspensions? Not bad. Rainbow girls are SO pretty! Damn this guy is awesome! We need to stop our reliance on Tamil Nadu for our poultry needs and Kerala should become independent when it comes to basic food supplies. Great job Jihadmon! Beautiful song! Funny Happy CNY to all those celebrating anyway. The hand movements during the chorus need to be simpler and lighter. Other than that great job as always! I see a bright future ahead of you :) I hate it when girls DISCUSS what's going on the screen! Can Paul Walker pull this off? Political FAIL! I'm LOLing from India! My ears... 0_o No matter how many tutorials I watch when I try to do the same outline it NEVER works! :( So disappointed! Fucking DSP sucks!! Treats Rainbow like shit! Damn this is so much better ,Tell Me Tell Me,! So '80s! :) Would it have hurt to zoom in a bit closer? 0_o If a free song is THIS GOOD I can't imagine how good his paid album will sound like! LOL their entrance! Love TaeNy! Lil Wayne doesn't even deserve to be in the same sentence as Britney Spears! Probably the first song by ZE:A I actually like! :) Pretty much more information in that link the description box.",36,102,8,110,0,30,0 1594,X1595,I love to see your kool stuff I like the hair down too I used the Air brush acrylic in gold you showed mixed w water and no clogs yet Being good n stupid will not help why did obama pardon the new black panther party after they screamed to kill all white crackers and their babys for freedom take the guns from gangs not middleclass and problem solved People are so stupid Mexico is MexicanAsia is AsianAfrica is African and killing all white farmers but white people can not have a country or a pride day only population controll watch totoo I will take her class one day but Im tapped for awhile too,9,3,5,54,0,43,0 1595,X1596,I LOVE HER!! She is so Awesome she need to come out more lolz i can't stop laughing,1,0,3,5,0,18,0 1596,X1597,Ich liebe es !! .. So toll!! schminkst du dich immer so bertrieben???...nicht gerade Perfekt .. aber fr dich ist es okay.. Meine Freundin ist geprfte Kosmetikerin und da sieht es einfach Genial aus !.. aber mach weiter so! .. fr dich taugt es! du weit schon das dass hier nicht kurz ist.. fr dich vielleicht. Aber andere Menschen z.B. haben echt extrem kurze Ngel. ! And how to get the ass now so high .. So in some videos .. to move up and down ass sry no idea how to describe it .. but can you tell me how that is please? .. Please write me a Nachrricht Thanks! sunny lila ich geb dir da echt recht .. sie versucht es ! :D wow Hey ich finde eure Videos echt toll.. Ich hab selber 3 Jahre lang Kickboxen gemacht ..werde auch dem nchst wieder beginnen !!! Ich liebe es .. und wischlingen wird geil! nicht schlecht .. hatte zwar keine polen bller dafr 4000 raketen usw.,9,0,3,5,0,19,0 1597,X1598,"com'on it doesn't even look that bad! When that shit is music...I wonder what type of music real music is? how the fuck did i get on the darkside of youtube... I feel sorry for bailey productions for having produced this.. I can't even call it shit because shit still has a higher value. This will be probably the first time that I'm going to download a song from ITunes to support a band with such a badass song. This.. is.. SPARTA!!! Americans...this girl is certainly undeveloped the first words I heared were ,I'm pretty feel pretty and gay, 0:05 the prove! Yes Nicki indeed you are. why did I ged here.. Cash Money Records is for sure producing the worst music I ever heard. insulting others won't make their music better sorry man.",11,0,6,5,0,29,0 1598,X1599,*hands you a medal*This is my seal of approval.:D 2:19Leeteuk's lip bite.OH GOD THATS HOT. 24/1/13 at 4:28pm.999 subscribers.Who's gonna be the 1000th?OH MY GLOB.IM SO HAPPY! Oh my God. Next solidarity day is this Friday.It's been a year since this video was released. Oh my God. These feels.WE SHOULD RECORD TOGETHER AGAIN ON FRIDAY! :D 3 -5 3 I can hear the sound of millions of girls' ovaries exploding....Including mine.And not to mention the many lady boners out there.... With this fan.... I WILL RULE THE WORLD. BEST. RESPONSE.EVER. SOME KIND OF MAGIC. I'm actually older than that o__oxD And did you seriously just thumbs up your own comment? Yeah I'm mostly Vietnamese. I mean there's probably some other ethnic background going on in the bloodstreams but mostly Vietnamese. CLOSE ENOUGH. Oh my God. Sungmin's apron jokes.You sir are. a. GENIUS. Yeah I lose my hair ties really easily x.x Actually Super Junior got me here...But hey I still like this song :D And BOOM!Pregnant. Your voice is ear crack.... And now I sound like an obsessive fangirl.To hell with that.I am an obsessive fangril. I actually teared up a bit :') Uh... I don't like my own comments...? Um...Mainstream? Like legit mainstream?I have not gone outside and seen anyone with these hairstyles before...But okay...? LOLHAI.Dat furniture.Fo cereal. You're freakin' hilarious xD My heart fluttered.My face smiled.My feels went through the roof.And my ovaries melted.,22,1102,3,61,0,29,0 1599,X1600,kk thanks :) lol i am fast as lighting *Walks slow* Im gonna miss this :( i wish i could of been there leave amber alone -_- me and my best friend are drifting apart too. since i moved we just werent as close. good luck will yu guys have a nice friendship its so sweet . without makeup yur even more beautiful trish it's people like yu who brighten my day 3 if thats short than im bald glad yur feeling better trisha yur effing sexy dont ever think otherwise yu look like my 6th grade teacher,13,9,4,2,0,22,0 1600,X1601,My name means tree. Fuck. Jimmy has magical future telling puppies. Tickets to Watsky Concert = Best decision of my life.,3,1,2,5,0,14,0 1601,X1602,"Great review Blunty. Been dithering over this or...something else. This has won me over the wife's getting an N7. Good review bud well presented. Good to see your initial problems didn't taint your overall experience of using the N7 guess that's a testament to the quality of the device overall. And couldn't agree more with your conclusion. 199 for a 32gb device with 1.2ghz tegra 3 quad cores and a 216 ppi display packed into such a nice looking and functional form factor well that represents almost ridiculous good value for money. Great presentation dude you have a talent for it. I really enjoyed this. That actress was not up to the quality of this production. HAHA...,I will you!,This is epic work well done. I very much enjoyed this video. Wisest words I've read on YT today. Mind boggling. I sort of feel sorry for the guy even if he is probably a narcissist....but what a GRASS! This is an inspirational video.....every sick little fuck out there thinks you're the man and they'll want to top this by doing it for real make a name for themselves. 2500 thumbs up there's bound to be a little Jeffrey Dahmer or two among them. Bit of a lame comment tbh you thought it probably sounded rational and wise too. Look we have a working relationship with dogs that goes back thousands of years to the earliest hunter gatherers. They occupy a long established niche as working dog or companion. In some countries dogs are treated like shit in others they're a delicacy. But in western culture that isn't so. Last time I checked we weren't using chickens to sniff out cocaine or plastic explosives or to round up sheep. Geddit? Well I think you're missing part of the picture. I agree - animal testing is justified under certain very strictly controlled circumstances. But that doesn't mean we should abdicate ethical responsibility for an animal's unnecessary suffering. We can do these things when we absolutely must but we should do it with our minds firmly set on achieving those goals without the sort of cruelty many vivisectionists appear to go about their work. Those 'scientists' laughing and joking as they subject animals to unspeakable cruelty seems to demonstrate a total absence of empathy or sound ethical judgement. So thoroughly de-humanized that you have to wonder how these people can ever maintain normal relationships or look their fellows straight in the eye. Utterly beyond my comprehension it blows my mind honestly. We're living in a hell of our own making. I fucking love this band. Saw them supporting Motley Crue in Hammersmith Odeon 1984 - an amazing gig. Dave how are you getting on with your Chameleon mod since you uploaded? I confess I had some issues with mine mainly quite poor performance due I think to some oxidisation at the ring switch contact point. Even so I'm very proud to own mine especially since Dancer seems to have dropped out of sight...never to be seen again one wonders. Holy cow US news is just awful! These people are peddling scaremongery via myths. If even one person dies from cancer as a result of taking this kind of reporting at face value the editor of this program should be tried for manslaughter. Total unmitigated bullshit. Every single doctor who advises against people using ecigs as a route to getting off the death sticks should be struck off. Advocating for cessation is one thing but advocating entirely against a harm reduction alternative. As for ABC ,News, - well done guys you probably just sentenced a fair proportion of your viewers to certain death by scaring them away. You utterly appalling bastards.My god what a world we live in. Very cool cinematic. Saucy elf proper bo I tell thee. Fuck me what a rush. I could care less about the expansion not much of an SCII fan but make a movie and I'll queue for it along with the die hards. Yeah spot on dude first thing I thought of too. I'd be up for that but this doesn't look great to me not going on the trailer anyway. Shame 'cos it's got Benjen Stark in it and he's a a bad mofo. Oh look a lesser spotted SHILL! Brilliant. I watch this video whenever I'm in need of a lift - ,I think it's a bad fish flavour, gets me every time it's pure comedy gold. Kade I've watched a few of your vlogs since one you did on the L Word and how it was pissing you off. Subsequently I've found the stuff you discuss interesting and inciteful. You seem like a very chilled out guy happy with where life's going etc.Great stuff do more if you can find the time and are so inclined it makes my forays on You Tube that bit more rewarding. Peace. Dude when you're 35 and people think you're 21 you'll be glad of that fresh face.It's health and youth is all everything appears to me as you feel it should. All that hard work pain seems invisible the scars are just transitory things right?I've a few of my own (not quite like yours) they tell their own small stories but not any defining ones. I hope I made some sense sometimes I do but not always. Anyway peace bro. Oh and dude you're in better physical shape than I ever was at your age too. Dude...when (if) you've grown some hair on your balls you can come back and play with the adults. But only if you promise NEVER to reproduce. omg Oh I misread your question.Ruggero Deodato the Italian director has said that butchered animals in those scenes were used as food either by the crew or to trade with the native people who were used as extras particularly the squirrel monkeys whose brains are considered something of a delicacy apparently. *hostel This is awesome.",31,3,5,4,1,42,1 1602,X1603,i dont come on youtube a lot if you have send me via private message your tumblr livejournal or twitter and I'll add you cutie! 3 this is so good your best SlamJam janai .... ZEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this is actually my ringtone good luck kid high school sucks here Fuck skrillex. Fuck Zyzz. Fuck Pandora. I sent myself here. Why is she white? asian girl got swag,8,1,7,3,0,41,0 1603,X2754,thats the way everyone should think you and your bro are funny as hell best thing out there keep it up bro cant belive the nipple slip is still in the video it took them 3 months to notice and correct it2:19 i am not military but i do work overseas with them as a civilian contractor. i have been to some area's that are not friendly to all my brothers military and civilian that are still therebecareful and thank you i met him when i was really young i dont remember it but my mom use to own a bar and he took a pic with me when i was like 5 or 6 i still have that pic to this day it's a shame you think that. since bikers donate more money to children charities than any other orginization.there are people in law enforcment and the government that have done things that would make any biker look like an angel.and as far as treated like a terrorist. i really would like to see that why so bitchy towards harley riders i ride a harley and respect every rider on the road and not all riders look like what you put on your videoi bet you ride a jap bike and catch hell from riders in your area dont lable me i dont lable you it is mearly a preference im done with the speed now i ride in comfortand as far looking like a dweeb you all look like gimps wearing all the same gear on those jap bikes all your missing is the ball gag i was there in 2010 for work i would love to go back for vacation what brands can this be done with shut the f**k up and listen to the song if ya want to argue politics go to washington what site did you find this on the jailer that started it is in jail right along side of his daddy who was a judge and got busted taking bribes but it still dont even come close to what they deserve you hit the nail on the head there brother. you guys are awsome i am i n houma now working on a base same reason you guys from the south sound like your half retarded still a minor i wasnt saying anything bad about india and i do know a little history of india i was just saying i want to go back and visit my friends and see the country again thats funny we went to korea every year and they did the same thing therejust because they dont train like you doesnt mean it doesnt workim sure if you post you a vid people would say the same to you damn does that make you happy. always a critic out there i did and that was nicest thing i could come up with. your going to tell me you would let someone woop up on your kid. well you might cool vid sorry that person had to post about grammer and punctuation i been messin with these things since the 70's you wouldnt belive how far they have come try 30 the man just trying to help chill out udue you couldnt have handle'd this any better yes i do i have actually built part of one now im not trying to defend this prick in the video so please dont think that i am.just saying not all americans are like this. i have gotten worse treatments from other contries . i hold no ill feelings towards anyone . but i am also not going to be put in the same catagory as this dumb ass on the video and anyone else who does that sort of crap . and all contries are share holders in the fed reserve. fed reserve holds money from all contries. way to go marlon sorry for your loss this lets me know how much i love my wife dont know what i would do if i lost her you must ba a strong person i am from ks and you can get a suppresor you just have to have a damn good reason such as collector or dealer. im not sure why they do it that way but they do rest in peace little brother i work overseas every now and again we go and build embassy's and consulate's. we got sent to some very unfreindly places to help build bases and f.o.b's bunkers and such. the only protection we had were the soilders there and there were times when we didnt think that would be enough to help us. we were actually told to pick up weapons and help if need'd. but our soilders never let us down.thank him for me please and i know words dont mean much .thank you sir for your sevice absolutely ruin'd this song hang it up axl you aint got it no more Turn the grain the right direction and anyone can do it ms laws states the fire arm cannot be concealed in whole or partially concealed,33,1,6,2,1,39,0 1604,X1605,there's a download link in the description... nope i think this is varsity's song.menudo has a song called echo too but it's not the same as this one... joe might be more of a goober than darren. oh goodness.thank you so much for uploading these! oh my gosh i heard this song on pretty little liars the other day and couldn't for the life of me figure out where i'd heard it before.KYLE XY WAS THE BEST. I'm your mother now!how do you cute oh my god i can't even. THIS IS NOT A NICE COMMERCIAL.tears everywhere oh my god.beautiful but WHY. i got chills from this speech. he is incredibly well spoken and to the point i can't believe he's only 19. i even started clapping at the computer. oops. but how did he remember all of the words. yes. if joey richter just showed up in my doorway though. brothers suck.,11,580,5,78,0,31,0 1605,X100,"thx :D :D Hey stephen! At 0.37 were that girl comment in non englisch! :p she is asking , stephen! How do you make your hair so sexy !!! :p SHARKS ON THE WALLS! OR WHAT EVER IT IS SHARKS ON THE WALLS! OR WHAT EVER IT IS Hey guys how much time spent at the toilet :p were shall i start laugh ? -.- @yourmom22345 i bet you have even worser breath cuz my mom has a epicbreathofdoom. haha to borrow someones car whitout permission isnt that stealing ? :p this is the only extreme thing that ever had happend in sweden trust me recorded with a banana!!!! rare footage niggas on dirt bike only means the bike is stolen! 12:24 friendly chopper gunner incommin! roadkill those riceboilers! haha det dr ,flapp, ljudet p hgsta volym nr du r trtt ! XD the first map he gots a mega penis :o maby premade XD ? or he is a police that not are in duty. NAVEL IS BELLYBOTTOM! 0:35 chewing on the wall ? did ut taste like chickn.? why we hate barrels ? THEY FUCKING BLOCK UR RUNWAY! :C mind fuck does he goes forward or backwards at , can you survive , ? :p you were right @izabellraczynska epic scared fell of my chair. :3 1:00 hrlig bild det dr du! why even make fun if him ? isnt he worth the same as us ? i shit lamborghinis. top comment ? Now what are they just going to float there until they are beingfound or are they sinking. They have this parachute then it wount sink bcuz there is air under it:o still better love story than Twilight :c lol do he have converse ? and he fucking build houses with mud ? :o oh models have bigger head... just bcuz the pussy russians can aim the head. TOPCOMMENT! HAHAHAHAHAHA FFS MAKE A WHOLE GAME INSTEAD ! HAHAHA i died like 2 times during 8 mins. :o haha why in the bathroom ? :p DO IT BETTER FAT-WHORES! linus e as brA^ i dont get it.... he is in tokyo drift he EXPLODE with his car. and he appers in fast five ? :o Im David mohaaahahahahah PEWDIEPIE GOES SNAILMODE!!!! to meet pewdiepie in omegle is like finding a santa hat in runescape :p please spread my friends metallcore band ! Eh well. You failed your rickroll. I figured out that this was a fake in the beginning.",38,1,2,5,1,18,0 1606,X781,"yeah except he sings a bit better live that's starting to get really old now lol it's funny how half the video consists of fails and cards. The man can play football but his ego is way too big did you enjoy it? then go play pac man ffs! thanks for the lyrics Yes you can. He's talented but his ego is way too big you're: as in ,you're a fucking idiot,your: as in ,your grammar is horrible, you're better off with porn He could be a Final Fantasy character with that haircut you're so fucking funny that's my point. stop making 'funny' comments just listen to the song. great angle -_- do it faggot Wat benader ik verkeerd? I'm sorry but I just don't see the humor in this. It's not funny because of the spelling badly drawn characters or their actions. pls dunt h8 me fu diz (that's funny right?) be creative for once - . - is that the reason you're commenting on a youtube video right now? thank you for this video Jon? Is that you? I like you What are the chords? It's lovely to watch someone play like that. Keep up the good work! are you alex lee? :o that's pretty cool that's his best live performance ever There were only girls in the audience? I don't want to be the only guy going to his concert lol I guess I can bring a girlfriend of mine You're better off with porn hahaha geweldig! what happened to your facebook page? Feel free to tell me what you think",33,48,5,3,0,17,0 1607,X1608,im in love with this girl 3 oh my god. i hope you go so far Maddi :) so so so far! wow Christina came far :) i love them both 3 that one asian lady wasnt too bad :) awweee im so sorry about your daddy :( you were amazing though 3 you will pul through beautiful voice :) im like dying over here XD I HAVE TAMED THE WILD BEAST!!!! No he dont like that! haha my lordy Glozell 3 you might just be my hero 3 oh my goodness 3 heart attack!! :O also can i have your shirt? XD im in love with this man... and im a lesbian so that says something XD haha 3 i couldnt help but notice that not only do you smile the entire time you play but you have awesome tattoos and i fucking died when te chocobo part came on like i was partying in my room. no lie. oh my god. i love you. One winged angel. Orgasmic melody man. keep it up! demi you inspire me everyday. i have a group an anti-bully/suiside prevention teen chat that i wish to bring to all my local people... thats why the leprechaun at the end of the rainbow chucks nuts at the squirls and sings to the trees,12,1,5,5,0,19,0 1608,X1609,nhjn` mat tu a ca phat tom? thag 4 ka vua dj loi dung To Ngon vua lay Kim Chi de co loi cko minh trong BBKT tu ka tot vay con trong phjm nay thay phat tom? chj bjet loj dung nguoj khac con T Ngn b bnh ? TOn i hi Tnh xuyn xong n lc cui th li hi hn th ng hm hi t u cn hn ng l v n bi ngha m ci loi con ba 4 aka ch bit i li dng ng # mt th xu hi mun nh cht n cho r` con mu Duc Phi nham hiem the' nhin thang thap tam trong phim nay phat tom da xau nhu ma mut laj con de tien SooHyun so cute bai Cung duong~ ai' tinh` hay nhj? con mu Duc Phi dung' la` ran doc con TO ngon cho chet vay lay oan tra on ma` biet bai nay ten la j ko? i want full scene and see other girls in this video me too yuri nhng bn i phn 2 ko cn t din cho Phong Mch na nn mk cng ch xem,15,0,3,5,0,21,0 1609,X1610,Soo Cute!!!! I love your hair! Your even cuter than Justin Beiber!! Don't trust those stupid people who are commenting bad comments!!! I know that you'll be a great rapper in the future more than Justin Beiber!! But I'm bigger I'm 11! But still! Wow! Great Show! Great! But you need to work more on your voice! BTW Great Rapping! Love this Song! Who's the rainbow space unicorn? I'm guessing Rainbow Dash!! Love you Rainbow Dash! Love you Rainbow Dash! You are just like me!,6,0,2,5,0,33,0 1610,X1611,Que isso ? O.o O........o credo creedoo kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk LOL ela ta se tacando na parede do elevador .-. A vc e mt Linda *u* De vc e perfeita seu cabelo e perfeito vc e mt lindaa *u* aa eu queria cortar meu assim mais minha mae nunca iria deixar :c Que dooo velho :O Mari sua voz e perfeita vc e perfeita //3 Canta bem :) Aff velho q kara fdp kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk credo,13,0,3,5,0,20,0 1611,X1734,i have hypercam and it sucks! everytime i try to make a webkinz video webkinz runs slow! then when i get the hypercam box thing (the box that says everything: play record stop recording keys etc.) out pieces of it are left behind! FUCK YOU HYPERCAM :( YAY PPL R ONLINE :DDD are you talking to yourself?? fuck YOU. YOU DONT KNOW TRUE COMEDY OMG THERE ARE BATS FLYING OUT OF MY HOUSE :DDDDD ADORABLE! PLEASE BELIEVE ME! I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THEY GOT HERE! I LIVE IN A JUNK PLACE AND WOW JUST WOW BATS FLYING OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!! OMGG!!! dude Your a little butt. thats all i have to say New icon! bad news is that it says PSIsabelle XD stupid height dude shut up it doesn't work! and then..XD I MUST GO THERE. YOU SHOULD LOOK AT MY ICON XDD I also subscribed :) I've only watched one video so far and 1+ subscriber to you! ALRIGHT NO OFFENSE BUT NOW EVERY LPS LOVER LIKES MY LITTLE PONY!! I LOVE IT TO BUT COME ON ELIZALPS SMOOTHIEQUEENLPS LPSLOVER possibly muckyducky101!!!!PLEASE STOP :( ITS GETTING ANNOYING WHY CANT YOU JUST MAKE A PONY ACCOUNT LIKE I DID? I MADE A WEBKINZ ACCOUNT AN LPS ACCOUNT (THIS ONE) AND A MLP ONE! THATS WHY I DONT MAKE PONY VIDEOS HERE :( PLEASE STOP :'((( i know im being rude but i feel like they dont like LPS anymore and now theyre making pony videos instead :'( please stop! I really love making LPS videos. But I don't use this song alot. lucky! i have 260 sumthing XD I cant get more because now they're selling the new ones and..theyre cute i guess but i dont like them :( i really want to get some on ebay but sometimes my dad doesn't let me :P and i cant trade because my mom only lets me like give my adress to companies not random ppl XD hey guys umm..well my tooth feel out one of the big ones i have in the back. IT HURTS ALOT :((((( i dont think i can speak :( it started moving today and it fell out today! :'(owwwwwww.GOOD NEWS: i download a sanrio photoshop thing XD now all i need is photoshop :P hey guys so i think im going to get pinnacle studios! installing softsonic then download or install pinnacle studio! EKKK. IM GONNA MAKE AWESOME VIDEOS o-o np(: How did he get there!? You are a lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky girl! I downloaded it but deleted it because it was very slow and it kept asking me questions like: The following page want allowance to VideoPad. and stuff :( its like causing a virus! alright so im so sorry i havent sent any of them! i need your gmail to send it :( NO SCAM! I will only give 3 more icons away to: RAFFLE! lol jk :P i will give the ones to: @savannah_scoutyea ur lucky :3 Or however you spell it lol and guess what i got i got 12 proof videos showing that your a liar WEBKINZ 100% WEBKINZ! NEOPETS THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL WEBKINZ THEYRE KILLING HACKING MS. BIRDY AND THEY ARE SCAMMING US WITH ADS! NEOPETS SHOULD GO TO HELL!! yay. cp sucks now...SO 10 YEARS AGO wow i just realized a few things existed in those times O - O hi peeps if you dont know what my bg is it's a bg of rainbow dash but its not hd sorry! :P Okay MRS. LOVEATJUSTINBIEBER DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT MY OPINION? I GET REALLY PISSED OFF WHEN PEOPLE ACT LIKE THAT. SO GO MAKE SOME SHIT SOMEWHERE ELSE. ^^ I love horror now just look at my profile picture. Gonna record something. Oh and if somebody writes rude comments I'm gonna turn on my b!tch mode. *types XD I say them sometimes. uhh...I guess I'm leaving YouTube in a while..sorry. I just..Yeah I love LPS but my videos are lame. So eh..yah..I'll delete my account when I get a better camera...and I already have my character.,31,70,2,15,0,40,0 1612,X1613,"Kyrie : , Look guys I'm gonna break your heart .. slowly.. , He deserves actually xD thats a shitty reason xD ahaha",3,1,2,5,1,22,0 1613,X1614,"This whole editorial is based on the notion that all government stimulus programs are equal.NONE of these republicans have EVER opposed all forms of government stimulus. They were opposed to OBAMA'S stimulus package specifically. The instances in which they were quoted as praising stimulus were in fact in praise of stimulus programs they felt WERE effective- NOT OBAMA'S STIMULUS PACKAGE! ...More msnbc propaganda from our favorite bull dike! msnbc can thank HER primarily for putting msnbc at HALF the viewership of FNC.I believe personally msnbc AND FNC are propaganda machines but at least fox news has likable people unlike this miserable creature! Which Don't need no more money?... I remember the good old days when people who hadn't yet mastered the English language just kept their mouth shut. This was actually a made for tv miniseries that ran 3 nights... So Railsback couldn't have won an oscar for this.. but it was a wicked performance! Personally I think tying in Levay's quotes with Hollywood belief systems is very effective but all the examples of Actors summoning spirits to guide their performances as somehow being satanic is a very weak argument. At 2:48 for a split second you can definitely see two pedals..makes you realize how amazing john was.. If only she were not white... then the media Sharpton etc.. would have made sure those cops received SERIOUS punishment. Where did you learn that a fetus doesn't have a brain...The brain is fully formed approximately seven months into the gestation period. I think what you meant to say is that many people who post comments on youtube don't have a brain yet. Yeah and it took FOREVER to finally convict this guy...Kind of goes totally against what Sharpton has been telling us for years...That justice is ,swift, when a black man is the perpetrator. I love how even AFTER the judge takesHIS copy the woman is still acting all cocky...isn't the writing pretty much on the wall by that point? This will be a typical American prom night in about 30 years. Two wrongs don't make a right didn't really apply in this situation. ii There is not ONE shred of evidence to support the notion that the Muslims in the middle east who hated us during Bush's presidency hate us ANY LESS now!.. The only difference? they just don't respect or fear us any more. Jim! you are embarrassing yourself.. I expect you won't get one... because there isn't one. He was actually quoting reverend Wright in this section of his book...Nevertheless imagine what would happen if Romney had an autobiography and quoted HIS reverend saying something like-- ,Black crime forces whites to flee, (or something like that). It would be instant political suicide for Romney... And yet THIS quote goes unnoticed...scary... It's a skinny Roseanne Barr. I'll take a guess and say that ,bug-hunt, sucked even back then. I love watching liberals who are all about republican greed and only taking there fair share etc..and they obviously don't know how to stop stuffing there own face. why are there so many people who don't understand the fact that a quality show on PBS is GUARANTEED to be picked up on some normally funded channel...There are around two hundred plus channels on television these days some of which are specifically geared toward music etc.. They would LOVE to pick up a show like Austin City Limits! why is this not obvious to these liberal whiners? ...Or maybe if FM radio in the mid nineties chose NOT to ignore all of their new material they WOULD have been as big as they deserved to be. I don't speak Spanish but I think the interviewer at the end asked him: ,What does it feel like to be a sadistic pussy?, Larry the cable guy has the best laugh! Am I the only one who thinks page needs to shut up during the Jones/Bonham No Quarter groove? We've all heard of John Wayne Gacy Jeffery Dahmer Ed Gein etc...How many people are familiar with Kendall Francois?... More proof that the media just isn't interested in blacks who murder. I'll never understand it. I don't understand all the negativity. What's the harm in sitting down and playing a song CORRECTLY! ..0:50...That wide pedal to the left is called your ,brake, She was actually hotter in 2005 then she was in '98",28,0,5,5,0,40,1 1614,X1615,C'tait ironique jespre ? Merci beaucoup s'a ma bien aider ! Moi C'est ddemain la rentre :3 C'est Malo le Camraman ? :) Je prefere Cheveux lisse :3 Quand j'ai vu le titre de la vido j'ai cru que c'etait un fake. x) Au pire Math Seb sont aussi bien tout les deux... Norman ! :3 Nouson la chante en musique :3 Ca me fait plaisir de l'entendre Merci sa me touche ! Quand je ne savait pas crire... -____- Sympathique.. JE PARTICIPE ! :) MON PRODUIT PREFERER EST LA LOTION CORPORELLE A LA POIRE :) Sa se lave hein -__- Il a quel age ? Amliore la Qualit de l'image et du son aussi.,16,21,3,35,0,110,0 1615,X1616,Like you can see HE IS A HUMAN He have feelings not like you is ok if you don't like him but at least respect him. I love you alfredo omg. AMAZING @NiTuNiYoLoL Me la suda tu vieja en tanga :D Belieber* No ovaries now. omg.. I love this. coooooooooool i cant... Estoy llorando eres una genia loco ASDFGHJ. :') siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iksfhiphsufdfghui`heri0ojidsisdjsdiedieudhuioafehiasdfujhdjhfsdhguyhsdfyugdfsguyhdfuhdfgbdfuhdfsgyidfssdfsdf me gusta GRACIAS GRINGA OMG TE AMO GRAAAAAAAAAAAAACIAAAAAAAS,15,0,3,5,0,14,0 1616,X1617,Fuck. Yeauh.c; Seriously dude just calm your fucking tits. -__- Why Are There So Mnay Depressing Pictures? .-. Just Wondering How Old Are You?-Laurah Never Gets Old.xD I Want To Know Ant's Youtube Account ;x Boxxy ? .__. I Kinda Ate my Family. ;x I Guess People Dont Comment Much on This Song. . Courtney Love Must Have Been The Luckiest Woman To Marry Him. -In My Mind- This. 3 Ich wrde also hngen mit euch! ;D 3 Lol ;),13,0,2,6,1,14,1 1617,X1618,idk if hes joking or not... i think they like to be around baths anyone read the disclaimer..,3,135,4,46,0,17,0 1618,X1619,"Las mejores cosas de la vida son----- entrar en la ducha y que el agua no este ni fria ni caliente*-*.Estar borracha total y haber ,ligao, y a la maana siguiente con resaca que te llame:). Estar en el superesperando en la cola y que justo abran una nueva. Y seas la primera:) TE AMO MELO dios me encanta 1:22 quedarias genial siendo rapera :) eres mas homofobica que los musulmanes me das asco enserio murierion los niitos? D: que pasa? no canta ella -.-, di algo: algo :D pues por ejemplo cuando te dicen QUE? tu dices MEC eso fastidia o por ejemplo pate o cafe o cuando te dicen eso tu dices chupate el pie. :D vaya voz o.o espaa es mejor es de cachondeooo joder 138 diez aos :D no: porta shuly eminem snoopp dogg violadores del verso swan fyahbwou aid aloy nino y muchos mas pero no pienso hablar con un mierda. 16 jaja no perdona eso no lo queria poner. Esque mi prima es mas tocahuevos... yo no puse eso solo que cojio mi orde... espera de dice cojio o cogio? bah que importa. bueno yo no puse eso:D Gracias:D soy sorda y no lo habia escuchado , yo pensaba que eras mas guapo :(. da igual mola ^^ Grandee GOSTA!! sigue asii!",17,469,3,2,0,15,0 1619,X1620,"You are also stupid. why? I fly trought ,Cliouds, and ,Moubtains, sometimes too. best song ever oh. I like trains. oh thanks :)(i made this a long time ago so its kinda crappy) xD They're AWESOME!! Kult I know but I wanted to say that da mustache was beautiful too :'D Me too Spanglish x'''D this sucks your* that's racist I love this song.-from Norway",17,5,2,17,0,34,0 1620,X1621,Huh?,1,2,4,5,0,17,0 1621,X1622,"the song is called ,the call, tetris.... i want a piece of that...... for my birthday :P dedicated to harry styles.... dont push your brother! :) follow.... tumblr references 3",6,6,4,5,0,16,0 1622,X1623,you are a christin but you use the word fags? doesnt sound very christian like to me......,1,0,5,5,0,31,0 1623,X371,I found waldo!!!!!! This guy is jahova lol at 1:10 look at the search bar Bottom left No wonder why it went in its DP Shadow likes the pittsburg penguins smh Yo sick peter what kind of HDPVR is this Hey mike i thought u said u didnt play minecraft ya fayg Kobe was drafted 13th? Wow :) Its not a surprise canada won its basically NHL Allstars vs the Columbus Blue Jackets So does he have to pay taxes? Why is that kid that said he doesnt fall asleep in that class falling asleep? Wow johnny rejected Rielly Strome Reinhart and Galchenyuk plus 2000 for Blum i would of accepted Scuderi's from long island like me My guys a 94 overall and on the 76ers and i got 120pts 10reb 15ast only 2TO and i was 12/14 for 3s and 42/50 Justin verlander is one lucky guy Replace kesler for john tavares Glad the isles did this they stuck up for themselves for once. Good job beating the shit out of the pussy penguins. And for the pussy fans that are complaining boohoo old time hockey Burnz do a NHL 13 vide @sikuaka thats not true pens sucked 98-06 and 1968-1988 Nhl is better PA isnt anything without John Tavares or Matt Moulson Loved when DP was booed and loved that JT got the best ovation It would be funny if kronwall was there What about the isles and their waiver pick ups @Green Cheetah thats the point retard 1st Hes so fucking fast Wow what class the Winnipeg fans hold. They will never win a cup Horrible islanders last?Devils 12th? Not looking good for the predictions Why are the islanders in last? Absolutely horrible prediction My teachers son wrote this song Great setup Tavares is better because Hedman tailed off with his defence New Jersey Devils? Pssh like other rival teams wouldnt cheer the same thing? Philly Boston NJ NYR and alot of other teams too Wayne simmonds is better kane is just a dirty fag Johnny what do you think of the isles future? And what about John Tavares(How good will he get? Lets go isles Wow all 25 fans particpated Johnny Hockey,42,10,4,3,0,29,0 1624,X1625,PARIS AINT LOB CITY BABY !!! that was stewie griffin tryin to kill lois oh shit my homie doin it again - liam YAOWA STILL THE ILLEST fuck YMCMB n all that faggot shit you know the real hiphop fans be here,4,2,3,22,0,22,0 1625,X1626,How hasn't she been killed yet... Watching this makes me mad.. just absolutely furious. I need to quit. they kinda look like jelly beans to me. what about the jelly bean knot or something. :) this is like... a super creepy comment but i love your voice... c; ICYHOT!! YOU SAID TENTACLES. Your lipstick is such a pretty colour. What is it? :~~) Why is EVERY top comment for videos like this about cats. They're all over ebay :)) Guys seriously. It's a piercing. Something you wear or have done to your body doesn't automatically categorize you as a slut. Stop being so close minded. Her parents can do what they want. It's not harmful she's not causing any harm to you so keep your mouth shut and stop calling a little girl a slut and a whore. How do you get into it. you should do a car tag :) The idea of Sims 4 scares me. I like the game the way it is and I won't want to spend money on a new game with tons of other expansion packs.,13,0,6,5,0,29,0 1626,X1627,"lMFAO YOU JUST HAD TO BE dominican STILL LOVE YOU IF I DON,T WIN Man fuck this you all racist ur pussy to go fuck ur self thanks Your Big black pussy Let me say i had one I fuck you up and get away with it u fat black bitch. it work thanks man your my 1 in 1 million u can delete me after i show u because i don't make youtube video many more",8,3,3,3,1,20,0 1627,X1628,Btw this is posted on KCs bday! TOTALY GAMIN GURL! U ROCK!! they new eachother when they were babis? oh louis. i luv u yep. 1:27 LOUIS.... SEXAYY IF KATY PARRY RUIEND NIALL i swear i would kill her!!!,6,0,2,5,0,14,0 1628,X1629,i wish i would have recorded all of these on vhs as a child... so i could convert them into dvds and have my children watch them... considering how horrible the children's shows are now a days. i feel so lucky to have grown up during these times. allll the fricken money man... i dont think anyone has the right to say who is and isnt a 90s kis :S like if you were born in the 90s then i thnk you are man... this shit didnt air ONLY in the 90s... aint like the cut it off completely once the year 2000 hit. anywhooo. im a 93 baby and have sisters born in 82 and 85 which could be part of the reason why im so keen on all the oldie shiiit. (: i didnt even cheat but i beat all 8 levels by googling the logos. lolol define cheating then please jenna. hahaha listen to it by Letters to Cleo. :) true christina fans know that NO ONE will ever compare to her. ever. lady gaga fans may think the same about her. it's just the way a person decides to feel about a singer/band. no point in fighting over opinions that won't change. this song gives me fricken chills. i dont feel she's directly speaking to the president. lol. she's talking to all of those who've got the power and the money to make a difference on the world of poverty and don't.,7,0,3,5,1,19,0 1629,X1630,thats was really good!3,1,1,3,4,0,21,0 1630,X1631,omg you guys are the best (not to mention HAWT) keep making videos... luhv you!!! Ohh My Gosh... your voice is amazing!!! Lluhv your version,2,0,5,5,0,22,0 1631,X1632,her mouth is like an octopus asshole chords?!?!?! no frumpy faces allowed in this place his voice + who cares? sally! not really shut up joe! please do not ever type like that. shut up joe! PLEASE MAKE MORE OF THESE!!! DO WEREWOLF!!!!!!!! please do one for werewolf. it's a classic. you have to. no heroin 3 if only America was the America she sings about added to favorites instantly 3:25 lol can you pretty pretty please translate these guitar tabs into piano chords?? i have been ooking forever for them and no luck. please. i LOVE this cover. i sing with it all the time. i'd really appreciate it. thank you doll,18,9,3,7,0,20,1 1632,X1633,i just noticed on 2.08 her hands as if its on fire. iloveyoualways kak maria :) keep it up. she's 16 nd damn the talent ! She's What's Up people. Flicking fingers ? Miyyo ! Maria Elena ! Sungha ! 33 Nathan 3 omaigod.,8,0,3,3,0,19,0 1633,X3166,Whats going on with the cars? How are they flying everywhere? lol ksi isbad When did he play on the same team as Ronaldo? could someone tell me? Also im not sure which Ronaldo he is referring too. asian accent are the only ones I actually watch please stay goose Lol is this a joke The server is not that when I enter?? Kaka is good very much underused at Real Madrid David Villa alright? Wow You did anyways FEYENOORD Well if you insist :) my player :( I hate Amir so much Soccer memes much? FEYENOORD FOREVER Red dead redemption Feyenoord Im so bummed you picked Ajax I feel so betrayed Are those his parents at the end? third What is this game called? Why would you feel bad for him he tried to kill you Not sure if happy face or frowny face This looks sick What a troll lol Go back to QPR no one wants Ajax Go back to QPR Go back to QPR Wheres Hershel or Carl? Does Will Ferrel even have twitter? Theres a bunch of parodies of him Feyenoord is my favourite team wish you had gone there LEAVE AJAX The daughter looks older then the mom Shut the fuck up bandwagon people like you is what ruins sports Most disloyal my player ever Leave the lady alone holy shit every video I go to,38,0,3,5,0,110,0 1634,X1635,"what is the song on jordan's theme? the only correct word on all parodies areeee eeeee sexeeeeyyy ladiieee can you sell it to me? thanks mate bozo.. bozo's everywhere could you please inbox me the exact link?thx Guys breath of fire 4 is still up check out the manga the ending will surprise y'all go google utsurowazarumono cheers. like this link to watch ,psychic, share it to others as well. man this is too much not funny. feel sorry for the girl. lol then i was in that noob game. can you please please please buy me a hero? since you have plenty of ip :) you sure have a sick vision lol. Great vid indeed. because he is chuck norris you dont find him on every videos you watched but he is on every videos we watch. i love the idea of this movie mixed cultures at its best. no racism and shit your mom gave birth to one. best commentator.EVER. Fou Lu vs sephirot How about zero??? Willey created him. there is no point on deciding who win this battle goku and superman took our heart they help us grow up and we learn something from it i hate to see goku lost but it is our individual choice to decide who wins make your own choice and keep it to yourself dont rage on these death battle guys they did a good job for their own reason. dont speard hatred no more. gtfo super saiya jin (jin is a japanese word meaning person or human or some sort of a nationality) shut the fuck up fag you think you speak perfect english? shame on you bitch this story is about two asian brother died after they were hit by a cement truck what brings you here to bash the anchor man's english. you are so dumb.",22,0,3,5,0,19,0 1635,X1636,Lol:D I LOVE IT DO MORE THEY ARE SO LOL -3 Pleas don't die miku Butterball,5,0,5,5,0,46,0 1636,X1637,he got bones but it's too flexible play play play play your lanjiao let your mother fuck also can ah I DON'T CAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRE port it forward == you should learn health education D: no i don't like crowns they are fugly D: sick why don't your leave animal alone ... you should die too C: why should asian die? only some people eats not others you fcking idiotic bitch think before you type C: Roses Are EvilViolets Are AngelYou SuxBARRELS right in his nipple XD A famous person making ' Maple Gone Cyber ' named Kirk brought me here quardinipple santa XD i listen to this since 2002 and now I'm 11 omg I can't believe I found the song D: -sob- LOL I'M GOING TO FAP LATER XD if you think its bad then shoo don't watch and make your own mmv ._. Welcome Back To Gary Dark Penis XD!!!! omg my eye ._. but nice!-Supports-Liked-Subscribed Sub back please fuck yourself you fucking barrel ... OFFICIAL SEIZURE WARNING!!!!! fuck yourself first noob :) look at your own fucking retard face :) Bro long time no see nice vid anyway :)-Bro Fist--Your Friend *[BEA}Sasuke*,22,22,3,4,0,17,0 1637,X1638,LMAO xD lol 3.33E+13 lmao crash xD aha xDD lol lmao AFRRIIICCAAA I love playing this while blowing up tanks xD ;A; 3 Why is religion being brought up? o_o Just listen to the song and calm yourselves. ;A; perfect music to go to sleep to~ 3 lmao same :P lmao Jack XD I love using Dragon Sniper. Only 1 or 2 shots than a dozen. lmao lmao xD i love that show xD lol my name is Maria o.o xD,20,4,4,5,0,15,0 1638,X2829,"When i saw the weapon transfer at 0:46 i was impressed. From the training vids I have seen here on youtube no other dogs have done this. They do kill them face to face with some of the most TOP NOTCH weapons known to any army. THE US is shitting on other countries technology wise. Dont believe we have good weapons for ground combat? Explain what happened to Bin Laden Dont worry i'll wait... Just curious who are you talking to exacly? And whats your point with all that ranting? -___- ... Damn lady you have anger problems.. You cant just converse withought insulting people? Some class of a woman you are... I lost my cool yesterday but im off that now dont reply this is gonna go no where... Good shit! I spaced the fuck out! Im vibin tho! Whats ,hate, worthy about the pitbull? And what makes the GSD so ,amazing,?... your dog might have more pitbull type ears? Well.. Were glad YOU live in UK.. Bless your words! Jesus i'm tired of the everyday youtube troll who spew their idiotic beliefs on the public and are quick to curse out anyone who simply tries to correct them.. Its insane how people are now a days. How? Because of my shoes? Its not that big of a deal i like collecting shoes. Im in college now i made this name when i was a freshman get off my case. Shows how ignorant you are profiling me when you dont even know me in any way? My current dog is an AKC registered GSD champion BloodLine Im thinking of adopting a Pit they need help.. Now GTFO my case bro make a difference in your life and stop judging people.. All bullies are like this. I don't really like them but the ADBA American Pitbull Terrier it the real ,PitBull, search it up and that should help.. For real yo Nothings more annoying than having a person who doesn't even listen to Hip Hop or Rap comment on something they have no clue about... Nice dogs Best youtube video in a long time! Would be no need for jails because it would get too messy if you let a lion off unto a human.. probably a 80% kill. IF ANYTHING! Not black people... Ignorant people in general.. A white ,trash, type person is no more better to society than a ,thug, chico or a ,gangster, black dude...All the same.. Anyways i doubt Chief Keefs song is the place for this topic. Rushin thru all these old Three6 songs. Good to get back to the og shit. TRIPLE six Was that OG grimy rap dont give a fuck bout shit type music straight bangin music. Being honest I dont like bullies but they are better in the hands of the public than an ABDA APBT (the real pitbull terrier) Since bullies are a mix of english bulldog and apbt they have adapted the english bulldogs personality and are calm and lazy and not dog aggressive. I Own a Scott's American Bulldog tho and he seems very friendly with other dogs just very energetic. Even if they can its still the owners bad in the end when they euthanize their dogs. Rolling Papers! Finally the video comes out! Any one that hates is lonely.. IM happy for the guy lol... How you know he mexican? That spanish nigga that say that is dominican... Dominicans and Puerto Ricans are the prodominant hispanic race in the burbs of NY. I Live in Miami now but will forever miss it up there. Im lovin these 30 sec. Harlem shake vids! O_O Best one haha Best trolling done by anybody in a while lol LIVE! Shorty in the grey sweatshirt killin it! Funny to see ,professionals, having a sense of a humor 11:14 FTW haha",31,3,4,5,0,21,0 1639,X1640,"Baggeeer Baggeeer! Goldfee Deine Rechtschreibung ist mehr als nur peinlich! Schm Dich! Ja wir hatten die Schnauze voll von der DDR. Nur:Wenn wir gewut htten da die BRD eine noch viel grere Lge ist und da es bei Euch nur noch um Ausbeutung Qulerei und Profit geht und da die Menschlichkeit ein Fremdwort wird dann htten wir die Mauer nicht eingerissen sondern htten gleich noch eine gebaut!So schauts aus. Ich hasse Euch! Schnes Video Gre von der ,Partneranlage,.|SacK| Austin Bethj007: Made my Day! Thank you! Es grt herzlichst: Ihr Fan Yps ;) unerreicht! ;) Thanx ! Works also on 1/4 Mile Career-Mode ;) Come to Germany pls! Thumbs up for this! Das bleibt ihm doch unbenommen ;) 1st mix was the best one. Back to the roots ;) Good Stuff Guys! I share it on FB 4 U;)",13,0,7,22,0,38,0 1640,X1641,"i really am glad im not as fucking stupid as you. btw that bass is filthy!!!!!!!! your comment is proof that you are the fucking retard so gtfo of here if you dnt like this music and go listen to your mozart bitch!!!! :] i would have been proud to be the guy next to you who kicks yur ass after doing that. :] israel belonged to the jews long ago it is not for the palestines plus israel is bombed everyday so give them some respect. israel was supposedly given to the jews by god but was taken away from them. later they got it back as was predicted in the bible. they are littleand harmlessand constantly bombed. if not for their land thay would be persecuted in what ever land they lived in. if you and/or your family was starving in your country and all you had to do was cross a border to have a better life than you would. stop hating people please. i wouldnt hate it so much if it was 4 hrs long and only 3 or 4 days a week. and if they werent so controlling.[for exmple-your parents go to court if you miss a number of days.] next video-[how to open a bank vault with a blender] i commented because i want a thumbs up like everyone else. ok? lol and you call my brain retarded :D if jews controll the world why is their country 1/8 the size of florida? lol hate how people think everyone of a race or religion are evil just because of what a few of them did or what past jews did. get on with your life people and stop hating everyone. i am not trying to offend you but i could never bring myself to believe in a holy book that promotes hateviolenceand female unequalness on the other hand the bible promotes love and forgiveness. also many of the bible's profecys have come to pass and it seems another one is yet near to happen. i really hope i did not offend you i am just stating my opinion. i myself am a bit skepticle but i definatly believe in god. im not trying to convert anyone or anything lol. if the bible is right then everyone is going to see it for themselves. :| might i remind you who dragged them out of their land and brought here only to be worked as slaves?[taking it that you are talking about the united states] it was white people. anyways the us does not belong to any is a country of all races and it belongs to whoever lives there. we are disgusted by by the beheading video in a different way than the bombs being dropped. bombs are worse but this was graphicaly shown up close. : they dont have to kill us all at the camps you know. they can kill alot of us off in many ways and then the few that are left can be put in camps. her and her friend borrowed her friends moms car without permission. we werent bad before when we obtained food and lived sorta the same as the rest of the animals around us. technology is so horrible. all it does is addict and brainwash us you're fucked up the plan that will pollute and destroy northern quebec PLAN NORD-the plan to ,environmentally, pollute northern quebecpollute the clean watersruin the culturesooner or later turn quebec into a modern wasteland.SAY NO TO PLAN NORD! the name of that mountain or town is an epic win lol greed and religion i mean after all most of these religions are about peacefullness but the greedy people took advantage of them. what a shame. molly weasly and bellatrix hybrid! IRONY",26,0,3,5,1,15,0 1641,X1642,I have that same Calendar :D lmfao! I am in this comercial lol those damm white shoes!!!!i want them! :o :o :O:o:O lorac pallete us subscriberglam eyes rimmel london in pink I feel most loved every single day. knowing I am healthy and living the life I wish to be living. Not having to worry about the little things and knowing every problem is just a step closer to success. knowing i am love by my family and friends makes me strong. lmao it says nigahiga in the synonyms lol /3 :p ass. ASS. ass. ASS. ass. stop! do the mother fucken Dolphin time. -_- whats with Bow wows hair? 0.0 tell me who doesn't now n days . unless you can do better then shut the fuck up,14,10,4,3,0,20,0 1642,X1643,"They are fat pigs. That doesn't give them a right to beat on a teenage girl. Fucking nazi cunts. aha Sounds like the guy has some sort of psychosis or schizophrenia How did the people that were on the bus allow this? I would like to think that in my Country if I came across someone raping a girl I could kill them right there outright. In the most brutal way possible. I think this is a perfect example of how laws and ,order, police judges and politicians can really do nothing to bring law and order to the people. If I were the people if India I would demand all of the perpetrators heads on platters or spikes above the Parliament Building or w.e they have What are you peaceful protests doing India?Nothing that's what. Don't Be peaceful. If you want change. Pick up a gun and start killing those responsible as well as those that allow this type of thing to happen. I love this guy haha he calls them sooooo stupid He's tearing CATSA apart ahahaha not held accountable for their crimes ,prey on the system rather than protect it,Let them come. And see what Jesus Christ has in store for them and their master. They will cower in the light of truth and so will their pathetic master. Tell me again why someone didn't kill this man? More perfect proof that the elite who rule us love to have people like this running around. I fucking spit at this shit this man and those people. Fuck them all. They all deserve to die. Though being human I wouldn't eat them after the fact. What a sick depraved fucked up world we live in. The day it all ends I'll be saying ,Good Riddance, wow! wtf tho finish the song! fuckin right Sweet! Fuck the cops! If I was that kid I would have gouged his eyes out first! I can't believe that College still has it's name as that like what the fuck Lol so you're school mascot is a genocidal/homicidal maniac. Great place to send your kids... Fuck you buddy. This shit CAN happen when taking vaccines. Why don't you do some fucking research you ignorant fucktard This song makes me cry for all that we are and all that we should be but are not... Cry for humanity... We have lost our way... Let's put it this way I've read a lot of comments on this page and you're all fucking idiots. No fucking intelligence whatsoever. I honestly hope this planet fucking implodes so no one has to suffer any longer seeing as all of you are so lame and incompetent that you can't even protect your children or yourselves. All so blinded by the next gadget or some other fucking prize you can attain in the small miniscule life you have. The day u all wake up and learn together will be the FUCKING DAY Wow I can't wait till shit hits the fan and the world starts to end looks like humanity fucking deserves it. If anyone starts WW3 it won't be Iran it'll be you fucktard Americans or the Fascist Zionist Israeli Regime. Im going to scour the internet now and watch this fucking awesome movie. I hope anyone who sees this does the same. It is a life changing movie. More than Requiem For a Dream Donnie Darko any of those movies. It is Epic beyond proportion. This is why the second amendment exists in the US Constitution. This is why you can't let the Government take your right to bear arms and to sustain militias away. These cops are Nazis. All one has to do is play Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. The opening of that is a perfect example of what most likely is going on here. The police are probably forcing kids to run drugs for them. Amongst other things.Police are the most heavily armed immoral and largest gang on the planet. Fucking cops. Nothing but pigs. Just look at Oscar Grant and his Cousin. Or all the other videos of police abusing their authority. You sir. JudsonTomaiko. Are the fucking idiot.PlainAndSimple Maybe if protests were better organized. And understood that the Police are using roman style tactics you'd be able to over run their lines and flank them. Unfortunately these people aren't trained to do such things. See this is why there are second amendment rights in the United states. Too bad Canadians don't have the same rights. me too Dorner Knows what he is doing. He is defending your fucking rights as Americans you pieces of shit. Maybe you should wake up and think for yourselves instead of listening to the Nazi Media and your Nazi Leaders. You fucktards. Im all for this guy he's doing what you all should have been doing to protect yourselves against tyranny. Dorner is excersising HIS FUCKING RIGHTS to defend against tyranny. NO STEPHEN HARPER! THE PUBLIC APPOINTED YOU. THE PUBLIC FUCKING CARES. YOU NEED TO WORK IT OUT BEFORE WE OUST YOUR FUCKING ASS AND REPLACE YOU WITH SOMEONE COMPETENT.YOU ARE GOING DOWN YOU FASCIST NAZI PIECE OF SHIT.THE PUBLIC ASK THE QUESTIONS THE PEOPLE WANT THE ANSWERS.YOU ARE A NAZI PIECE OF SHITCANADA CARES NOT JUST OTTAWA YOU FUCK I really want people to understand about the drug tradeWhat like you and your international cartel friends? like the UK Monarchy or GW Bush and his father and his family? Carting fucking heroin into north america for profit?What the fuck Canada don't you realize why we are really in Afghanistan. Because of the Heroin.Drugs are illegal because it gives cops and judges and lawyers and politicians a paycheque. Get it through your thick fucking skulls. That's a declaration of war. You shoot someones citizens over a border? Jeez careful USA you're running out of friends This is why you should always be carrying a Sig Sauer P226 Ahaha that dumb bitch. A fucking hour seriously?",32,6,4,5,0,24,1 1643,X1644,Well...that isn't going to happen... USA needs the desire and the passion! They can't win because they don't want it as much as the others do! Honduras's population is nothing compared to the usa's. Be ashamed that you lost and go work harder! My left ear is lonely...maybe we could share? :) wow...2 years have passed and I finally find this great travel series. Thanks for providing me with these definitely going to share them ;) Get another striker so your offense is up to par) And diaphanous :),6,7,3,5,0,21,0 1644,X1645,Eso si es bailar esa tipa les da una cachetada a toos los idols xD 3.33E+45 GDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGDGD El hombre perfecto de pana ;____;,4,0,2,5,0,16,0 1645,X1646,Its stupid that one person gets top comment for noticing her breathing but then 23423 people try to copy it when they dont know anything. i likeit i dont like i like it i do a a a a a a a a a a a i dont like it hey! do the bernie ! he he he he he he aaaaaaaahe he he cors ro ufc he he he he he it is a baby he he he he he he he he ~he he he he HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA lol you say we dont know you but right after you call us haters like you know were all jerks well shut up you dont know jack I like ti do you .........? I love it but i am 7 but i do like it i lke it your so good,15,0,2,5,0,22,0 1646,X1647,Ahhhh Jenna you never cease to makee me laugh 3 i lovee jenna marbles ohh and they invented this amazing thing called makeup. you bitches should try it sometime. kay thanks. i agree ........... you call this music. your voice is amazing! lol wow.... Gorgeous voice!! Great job :D Your voice gave me goosebumps!!! Beautiful Hopefully gonna upload some of me singing covers :D Gorgesous! they need to sign you to a record deal! 3,14,0,3,5,0,16,1 1647,X1648,U have an amazing voice bri!! Love it! Ps this is lexie b! Him and i are gwtting married!!! (he just doesnt know it yet..) Awesome! Lovezzz it! Lovelovelove LOVE!!! Awesome! Awesome job! Me and scotty share a birthday!!!!!,7,0,3,2,0,17,0 1648,X1649,LMFAO. 3' if i dont here it its not true. if i dont here it its not true. lmfao best part. ross lynch is so cute 3. WHAT IS THE EPISODE AT 00:30 ? Modern Warfare 3....By fucking far. 3. why do you all watch these videos if you hate her?she is just like us. she does have a voice. and so what if she auto tunes? A BUNCH of other people do to. she is just starting. jeez. your all just jealous that she is rich and famous and your not. i love this its amazing.describes my life aha. your soo pretty! 3 i still am to this day aha. k i fucking love this song ok bye c: thanks alex i love you to man 3 this isn't about god.... it's about love... but god can point you in the right direction to love. but this is just basically for a guy to remind him how much he really likes a girl. :-),11,37,3,8,0,15,0 1649,X1650,Mr flamming cook needs to stfu about blk ppl Justin beiber thts tht shit I dont like this game gonna be killin I kilt this dance and im only 13 Tht comment was for lilg7 Yall weak af is yall gotta jump ppl Love this song Lol Wooow Fresh up outthe box love tht part Shine bright like a Diamond Get yo dam kids Daaaam Lolz Lexi was here,15,5,2,12,0,14,0 1650,X1651,they're so cute!! loved it looool did anyone else notice that sera thought chritina wa gonna kiss her so he freaked out after finding out she was gonna kiss her on the cheek...dead!!,2,0,3,5,0,14,0 1651,X1652,mporei enas filos m na parei ena poimeniko eine 12 xrwnon kai mporei na ton kratisei se polykatikoia? how i can train my pug doing the same tricks??:P how did you do this video i mean the cartoons do you have a programme?? plzz tell me.. I WILL TELL ONLY ONE WORD : IRON MIKE.. pleasse tell where i can download this game?? fuck buakaw zambidis is the real king hahaha who is talking .... you are a real madrid noob fun ok we lost from chelsea you cant always pass the finals rember real vs barcelona 1-5 ... shut the fuc up ;) Welcome To Barcelona!! Pou Katantisame... Auto eine xilies fores kalytero ap tou stan...,11,0,2,5,0,16,0 1652,X1653,I love this video!! lo rapping chao xD :O Best song ever... EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! boring... -_- you started play when you were 21 years old...OLDER I love this guy so much!!!! Rofl :D Overpowered....but awesome Thanks for the epic fight WOW so epic my eyes blew up under 2 point one seconds :o plus my mind I saw this video the day it came out and I remembered if for 6 year!! Wow and today I couldn't even remember my keys smh holmes no question. lol obama Cleopatra I know you're not gonna see this and maybe never will because you and any other haven't been on in years but I'm still wanna say this. Thank you will never understand how much this video means to me. I've been through alot with this song and even now it helps heal the scars from my past. Thank you again and I hope you feel as good as you made me feel with this. Mmm... Questions do guys really care about this stuff??? It seems kind of odd,17,3,3,1,0,22,1 1653,X1654,Why dont u love me?? :''( HAHAHAHHA! foreign :P DID THT GUY SERIOUSLY JUST BUST A GLASS OVER THT BITCHES HEAD??? why do people not like this song? this song is fun funy and makes me laugh and smile! :) honey...please tyr a different talent... it think you would be amazing at painting :) she went all black girll on them!! uuuuhhhhhhhuuuuuuhhhhhh!!!!! uuumm is this supposed to be like that movie where they kidnap mlittle miss perfect and do things to her? ..............sure hpe not like the movie with jim carrie? (dont kno how to spell that) but wat ev!! at 0:24 he laugh continues for about 5 min ru irish by any chance? dude guy man you ssoooo.........BEUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!! and so is your vioce i barely smiled that was supid and anyway its LICK that lollipop its a toy good gawd woman! great now you made me feel dumb and gullible r they blieving this? u should shave your beard youd look 10 years younger (and a little better) you guys are cool for nerds hahahahahha ineed to meet you because i love o draw and sing!!! whoa ur singing is soo pretty it makes me want to go to sleep aaaawww they r mean! he was brave enough to do that and they make fun of him! poo on u people! lordy hes cute i hate that cake its ugly.,23,0,2,5,0,26,0 1654,X1655,495 now... my pastor song this today and when i came home i played it :D reef is creepy ......he has to be bisexual 0:53 she has a 12 yr old normal body sure cute l0l damn its a shame you think that way,4,1,5,7,0,19,0 1655,X1656,shakira sucks ! ; ) song it's ok . music video is hopeless . A jak ma niby si nazywa ? BIGOS - Letni Chamski podryw . Czyta nie umiesz ? Jak ci si nie podoba to nie suchaj !!! Ten beret nadal mi sie po nocach ni. dziecko we lepiej nie mw po angielsku bo wacza Ci si akcent ktry mnie tak wkur.. denerwuje e mam ochote wywali monitor przez okno! lepiej przesta si malowa bo wygldasz jak stara maleka. ty rasisto! murzyn taki sam czlowiek jak i ty! myslisz ze murzyn to jakis brudas? w jakim ty swiecie czlowieku zyjesz?! sadzisz ze biali nie maja hiv'a? lepiej napisz to na portalu dla rasistow moze oni cie popra ale nie normalni ludzie ktorzy sa otwarci na swiat. ponad polowa ludzi na siwecie to murzyni! jak myslisz skad u murzynw hiv? biali ich zarazili. sluchasz beyonce jay-z kayne lub innych piosenkarzy innego koloru skory? to lepiej przestan skoro z ciebie taki rasista! al mi tego they looks like doll! without that girl! gdybys byl inteligentny wiedzialbys ze mowic pisze sie przez '' najwyraniej mona :),12,0,3,5,0,20,0 1656,X1657,Noo!! it's amazing!! :P ;) They know dance! :P,1,1,3,22,0,22,0 1657,X1562,"CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( oh cute CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( ...hahahahah cat with orange hat :D CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( @NPTNin -- DIRTY CAPITALIST PARASITE FOOL. PEOPLE WORK not the MONEY. its called MONEYPOWER + any iSMs = it: GLOBAL DEBT CLOCKPEOPLE can SURVIVE without GOVERMENT while...GOVERNMENT cannot SURVIVE without PEOPLE :(HUMANITY lose MORALITY CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :( (___((__aijuana___()~DRUGLORDS BANKS are SWINE MENACE to ANY OUR ECONOMY.they DESTROY our INNOCENT SOCIETY. they SOCIALIZE. DECEIVE. PROFIT. TERRORIZE etc. etc..SLOWLY but SURELY they KILL us all HONEST. HARD WORKING. HAPPY. PEACE FREEDOM LOVING PEOPLE.DRUG LORDS promote VIOLENCE TERRORISM in our WORLD SOCIETY.DRUG LORDS has NO SOUL. they belong to SATAN. they make REALITY a REALM of HELL."" BURN DRUG LORDS ALIVE OCCUPY THE WORLD.!! "" (___((__aijuana___()~DRUGLORDS BANKS are SWINE MENACE to ANY OUR ECONOMY.they DESTROY our INNOCENT SOCIETY. they SOCIALIZE. DECEIVE. PROFIT. TERRORIZE etc. etc..SLOWLY but SURELY they KILL us all HONEST. HARD WORKING. HAPPY. PEACE FREEDOM LOVING PEOPLE.DRUG LORDS promote VIOLENCE TERRORISM in our WORLD SOCIETY.DRUG LORDS has NO SOUL. they belong to SATAN. they make REALITY a REALM of HELL."" BURN DRUG LORDS ALIVE OCCUPY THE WORLD.!! "" (___((__aijuana___()~DRUGLORDS BANKS are SWINE MENACE to ANY OUR ECONOMY.they DESTROY our INNOCENT SOCIETY. they SOCIALIZE. DECEIVE. PROFIT. TERRORIZE etc. etc..SLOWLY but SURELY they KILL us all HONEST. HARD WORKING. HAPPY. PEACE FREEDOM LOVING PEOPLE.DRUG LORDS promote VIOLENCE TERRORISM in our WORLD SOCIETY.DRUG LORDS has NO SOUL. they belong to SATAN. they make REALITY a REALM of HELL."" BURN DRUG LORDS ALIVE OCCUPY THE WORLD.!! "" CAPITALISM creates DRUG LORDS. LAWYERS. BANKERS. ELITE CRIMINALS. INEQUALITY. INSTABILITY. GREED. RUTHLESS COMMUNISM. NWO. NAZI. TERRORISM. LAZY PEOPLE. REBEL POLITICIAN. ANARCHY. worst is WAR etc.. CAPITALISM was designed only for CORRUPT OPPORTUNISTIC MANIPULATIVE LAZY POLITICIAN. BANKERS. NARCOPOLITICIAN. JUDGES. CRIMINALS. DICTATORS. RULERS. KING. SULTANATE. EMPEROR etc..HARD WORKING PEACE LOVING HAPPY HONEST SOCIETY were always the slave victim and poorly starve to death. :(",37,49,2,5,0,21,0 1658,X1659,"hahahahaa These white girls they're making fun of sihrahThese white girls they're making fun of sihrahThese white girls they're making fun of sihrahThese white girls they're making fun of sihrahThese white girls they're making fun of sihrahKill joy. Is it me or the man with his trousers down seems to have a vagina? :0 Like if tumblr brought you here. This song is not on the album. lol What is with her lips Go to settingsClick ,1.5x,Enjoy. no its a wig!!! =O (its his sister) x",8,4,3,1,0,17,0 1659,X1660,"It's amazing *o* Wow *o* thank you for this great tutorial. i'm a huge fan of you! your english is very adorable :D Ich bin mit der sterreichischen Version aufgewachsen und liebe sie! Ich bin selber fr den Fledermausschutz ttig und finde euer Video klasse ;) ich wollte jetzt nicht ,klugscheien, oder so ^^ ich bin selbst im fledermausschutz ttig und wollte dir da nur den tipp geben :) bei babys gehts eh aber wenn eine groe fledermaus zubeit dann besteht eine tetanusgefahr und das kann man durch handschuhe abwenden :) toll dass du das muschen gerettet hast! RIP from the Tyrol AUSTRIA :D And I live in Austria and know lots of people from Switzerland and they have an extreme accent. In Switzerland there are many different accents so be cool _ it's just amazing! you are a wonderful person. thank you for giving us so much strength. you were the hero of my ,childhood, ;) come to europe/austria/tyrol :'D oooh totoro 3 i love your hair 3 i love your short AND your long hair and every colour you choose :'D Taryn is cute :3 Oh wow. I'm studying theology at the university. So if I've got a question about the life of Jesus I just have to write a letter to Keanu Reeves? Great. i just found your youtube channel and i LOVE it! you're awesome! Danke ;)",19,16,4,4,0,19,0 1660,X1661,"so..random.. hehe It is safe to say then that Jisoo and Jennie are officially part of YG Girl Group. I'm waiting for another teaser of Lalice ~ i hope she made it to the final cut.. the next teaser will be of lalice yay... too much hand movements lol peace! suho really likes to talk neh?.. cos just like most exo m members Xiumin dance is ,text book based, He learns the basic of the dance steps/choreo and stick to it. No fancy/ ad lib. He executes them well. He's not a born dancer If I'm right but yet he's one of the more dependable dancers in EXO (insert kai sehun lay luhan)",6,0,2,5,0,23,0 1661,X1662,holy fuck Gee outfit Ni Hao is Japanese? LOL Goddammit bring it back to 1:40 8:51 see the witch on the window? son of a bitch cool guy lol i'll be back to love you again........~ lol the hell is the matter with e4 GTA Vice City you're robot the end 5:33 goddamn awesome face Goddamn he stole the guitar? hey look a copycat! it's amazing that a human body can transform like that WHAT THE FUCK HAHAHHA,17,20,6,5,0,27,0 1662,X1460,"If me undressed you like anything goooes! aaaaaaaaawh xD I'd love to see an updated version of this you could include all of her kick ass things from the third season and the dragons aang and zuko meet at the ,slaaay my own dragons!, bit xD I'm 18 and I love a good zombie massacre on COD in fact the first time me and my ex-boyfriend kissed was after I kicked his ass at Halo nothing says romance like ,DIE YOU SNIPING BASTARD!, I used to think he was so sexy and now I'm 18 and can't watch this without thinking how ,he's only a chiiild!, Ahh perspective xD I thought that eye thing was true too! It is a little distracting smelling so good I wear these rope type wrist bands all the time and they retain my lovely raspberry and strawberry wash ahhh makes my mouth water- Y U NO EDIBLE?! Awh kitty why would you make all my subscribers lose to game? Bad kitty! I used to have this insane obsession with ants I would find lines of them and have 'em crawl all over me. I loved them yet sometimes I would feed them to this spider that was on the washing line... I played with them all the time until a black one bit me and my world fell apart I thought only red ones bit! Whhyyy? Trust = shattered. I went to this guy's room yesterday and asked if he wanted to go to this theatre with me I had the tickets we just walked there there was not him paying for anything for me or him having to ask it was just ,hey theatreee!, My gay sister describes it as the lesbian grape vine :L ...Why didn't I just look at your screen name? *facepalm* Don't get me wrong I love Trisha and Steve but it would have been awesome to have the original three all do this episode just for a wee bit'a nostalgia :) Ahahaa that's what my mum said to my sister and that's what I said to my best friend ,we know we love you :), LEE! And... Toby? Oh my... I have a new ship. I... Might have to watch that again... Michael Jackson. Just sayin'. Seriously man how old is she? I'd love to have been called Sarah when he went all demon voice :L Where's your Official August dance Phil? That's right I didn't forget ;) What do we have to tell them Dan?,Me and Phil... Anyone else think he was going to finish that sentence with ,are togeeether!, :L Maybe that'll be the big announcement ;) I can move my ears? and my toes. My toes are troopers they can pick stuff up and move my pinky toe almost horozontally outwards :L Didn't even know the second one was weird until last year when my friend saw me walking around with 'em all spread out after I'd painted the nails and freaked out xD Everyone else it angry birding it up on their smart phones but I'm kicking it old school with PAC MAAN! I'm sure that me and my best friend look like we're together we always hold hands and peck kiss but we don't get too many strange looks :) The door is everything and nothing. The door controls time and space peace and hate the door can see into your mind. THE DOOR CAN SEE INTO YOUR SOOOOUL. Britain doesn't have this thing.. What's going on? :L that escalated quickly... I wish that every time a rich ass hole kid said or did something horrible something of theirs magically appeared in somebody less fortunates' house! Wow.. That sounded really cheesy but it would be fun for karma's sake xD We have RECES NOW! Thank you Queen!Phil I have to console many people on being Hufflepuff but it's not that bad you're the cosiest and most loyal of houses AND you fought with Gryffindor when Voldemort came; Ravenclaw ran away and we had to lock Slytherin in the dungeons. :) No I mean 2:45 :P Keeeeevin.... Hun so japanese is just backwards english You had three female best friends and nobody suspected you were gay? xD Just skin coloured underwear I went all peeping tom/detective on the video went through pausing every millisecond until it flashed a photo of her on the horse :L But they must have got paint all over that pavement... It probably looked better beforehand xD Listening to Alex say that it's better down where it's wetter... Heh I was only kiddin' I know what Jack looks like ^_^",37,5,5,5,0,23,0 1663,X1664,! ^^ where else can I find rest of the video clips? 2.55,4,0,3,1,0,23,0 1664,X1665,:D I'm glad you liked it :D,1,12,4,5,0,15,0 1665,X1666,about to make my first youtube video.....hmmmm this should be interesting come and watch my nursing school graduation,2,8,6,16,0,42,0 1666,X3145,Guns n Roses=Axl and Slsh. Now it's just Guns in this video she's simply gorgeous this is the same like the shining love both of the screen picturesjared's hot in some very addictive way it sounds so this year vevo should remove the comments like if good taste in music brought you here what's the Rihanna video like ? this is fucking amazing why should it be ? you're 21 not 314151 and what's the matter if somebody is ? this guy is super hot This is Hole's video not Kurt's one. Why the hell he's everywhere around here ???? people should learn when to go Adam's last name is Hotness She looks no more than 35 the jeans rock Whore=You Why is so important what brought people here ? I like this as well I do like Madonna's version. Don't kill me... her song was the first of them two that I fell in love. And I still adore it . So I don't clearly see why people deny it. I love this song. When I heard it in The next best thing I felt in love with it. Eminem's the best thing in this song Because they all look hot as hell It's a beautiful video and Lana's talented to hell but there's something pretty much over about the video. I don't know what it is but it's making it cheesy somehow. I still think that her best video's Blue Jeans. I can't believe that it's been 8 years since the song has been released. It's amazing. I'm now watching The O.C. and it's so fantastic as it used to be years ago. And I love this song as I did before. It's so touching. I remember when I was listening to this song. I've been going through really hard time and now when I listen to it... I can feel like I put down all the baggage. I liked much more him than Ryan despite he was the worse one. I bet in 50 years from now The Stones will be still rolling this guy is the hottest thing about the video... awww + the song The book and the movie they both are marvelous outstanding. Just great. I miss this P!nk !,30,2,4,5,0,20,0 1667,X1668,"some Teenagers these days fucking idiots for getting pregnate at a young age .im 17 and im still not looking forward too getting pregnate . and omq that girl that smoked a ciggarete on the couch shes a fat ass mother fucckeer .. i would take that baby away from her after she has it . and i would slap her right across the face cause smoking while pregnate can obviously kill the baby |3 Lolss ;) actually she can get raped because of how much she looks like an adult sostfu .. wel some of the girls 8:32 that guuuy probablly pisseed himself c; hello :)i think these shoes are Lumping awesome !! Do you think you are able to make me a pair ? you don't have too but if i would really appreciate it if you did . 3 so yea c: please message me back whenever you read this message . Thanks ! =] hi :) i also messaged you on your other video with the finn and jake shoes 3and i was wondering if you can make me the finn and jake ones (: they are super cute and i would love too have a pair before school starts ! [:thank you ^ - ^ can you please make me one ? (:i would REALLY Appreciate it 33 haha a fluffy puff 3 I Alsooo thinnk your german or irish ... or maaybe italian xD Lol i knoow riqhht !! Add meee lillybean12345 33 (: Ehh.. His arm swinging is creeppy ): Thaatss soo sweeeet buut Victor ?psshhhh weeeirdd asss naammee :p , sexy can I .. Have $20.00 ? Lmaoooo :3 ` I Loveee Thiss sonq / . \ 3 Nicki minaj ruined part of it ): 3:04 .. FEZZZZZ ! 3 britney bitch .. c: 3 nobody is perfect. . . . . bitch . fun with dick and jane c: i love this so much . ^.^ 3 okay okay . shut the fuck up . c: FOUR c: four . you are such a good person .. 3 ooh my ba-jesus.. drakee 3... i love youu.",29,0,2,1,0,19,0 1668,X1669,Check out my newly designed website! It's nothing special but it's something to do when you're bored. Thank you to all of my subscribers! I never thought I'd get more than 3 or 4 so this is a nice thing. I'm not exactly Arturo Trejo or Ray William Johnson level for subscribers but I am perfectly happy with what I've got. :) LilMizAdorkable Hey amigos! I just posted a new song you should totally check it out. C'mon it's only about 2-1/2 minutes long. You know you want to . ;P,3,114,3,11,0,18,0 1669,X1670,*Inspired* :) LMAO i would love to play with you and you are right it is entertaining and people do need to calm down its just a game thats it lol,2,0,4,5,0,21,0 1670,X1671,ok so wheres the UNcensored version ? welcome to 2012 Hell is gonna be fat. ugh Atheist makes me so mad your living aren't you...SO WAKE UP theres is a God I bet you'll put OMG on Facebook or if something bad happens you say OH MY GOD !! WAKE UP !!!!! Why do the planets rotates around a ball of fire ? Why haven't there been a plague that wiped us out huhh Evolution is a diversion created by some scientist that thinks he is smarter than every single person on this Earth. Yes bad things happen but pay attention to the positives. Laugh now Cry later :)) :..(( but he have DNA from New York to Japan ha !! He said ninjas XD he ate a baby wait how did did yaw take the picture on the right then see then talked to the girl on the left who turn the camera off then on ? DON'T JUDGE ME. Damn fags welcome to 2012 @1:41 scared as hell MORTAL KOMBAT 9 was only 60$ plus tag Kombat now you have to spend 60$ on Tag tournament hell naw !! MORTAL KOMAT 4LIFE !! humbling river 6 RESIDENT EVIL ClaireWesker. So the asian getting jumped is the bad guy girl watch porn ? u like cum in your ass Scorpion is the best ever he would pill his skin and then wear it to cover his skull face. so why are you looking at Transformers 3 if it suckz ? Raidens scratch fatality was coo are you on crack Jarek didnt die Kratos vs Scorpion hate how niggas drink !,27,1,2,5,0,20,0 1671,X1672,"awwww thanks Kenna!!!!! 3 I love when Dougie just goes , I do , with the biggest smile on his face!!!! And when Tom goes , I didn't say speak now or forever hold your peace. I didn't say that , and then Harry I think it was just goes , too bad let's go on our honeymoon!!! , I love this and them!!!! Omg they're not real rocks!!!! I bursted out laughing!!!! I say that all the time now!!!!",3,24,3,33,0,19,0 1672,X1673,You are pretty good I am a singer myself.I perform alot. you could use more practice They are soo cute...I thought Sophia was 4 She is so damn cute She is amazing. My mom cried I have to sing this at a performance on december 11th in a rockband at carnagie hall. Its way to hard and fast but i like the song. Hi guysyou r awesome I think this video rocks- I am 9 years old and that is my favorite song. Thanks that mean a lot to me means I was in Les Miserables and I was Eponine!!!!! I want them!!,12,0,3,5,0,55,0 1673,X1674,"OMG JOEY THIS IS SO FREAKIN AWESOME AND YOUR JUMPCUTS ARE PERFECT AND I JUST WISH YOU WOULD POST A VIDEO EVERY DAY!!! best reaction ever: ,OMG A SOCK MONKEY! A SWEATER IZZY IZZY YOU WORE THIS IT SMELLS LIKE YOU IM HIPSTER!! AWESOME!! SCRAPPER! He has cancer. :( Cool video though it ends at the end of febuary I swear to god like I'm not even kidding that's like the 50000000TH TIME I'VE WATCHED THIS it is so good",6,1191,2,17,1,39,0 1674,X1675,so sad i just cant belive the people who did this to her! she is so pretty and didnt deserve what happend to her!!! rest in peace amanda! those people will pay sometime! because god doesnt make everyone perfect! /3 we all love and miss u very much! /3 3 /3 /3 i have no clue how is this racist jw? (: with fatify hahhahahaha niall @meagan simon u should make ur own songs JUSTIN BIEBERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR can u put it on screen next time i love one direction danielle is so sweet! she deserves no hate what so ever!! love you dani peazer ans she loveddd liam and she still doesw im sure!! niall voice has reallychanmgedddddddddddd and i wanna cuddle with you harryyy the dont mean it like that here is replay buttons your gonna want thease 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 oh paul why are we doing that!! why are we doing that!! STEP BACKKKK!!! and he had a mean look!! omgg look at harry afraid of fireworks!! lolll i love them all so much words cant explain liam and niall sing AWSOMEEEE TOGETHERR zayn: oh so yall didnt call on me cuz im indian? fine i wouldnt date none of you!! ohhh ZAYN just love them!:) they get alone so well!:) they have such cute sneezesss!!!!!! ohh louis!! he is so crazy! i love them all haha thats why niall never talks alot in interviews he swears alot!! JUSTT LIKE ME HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!:) xx i know i dont try to be rude but when they break up she is gonna write some stupid song about him................... `haha niall is like wow harrys ridiculous............. miall louis liam and zayn HATE taylor swift perrie can talk like half american and british,24,3,2,21,1,33,0 1675,X1676,i came to your channel when u did toribash with chimneyswift they should put blue gel boots that lets u bounce higher and take 1 heart each fall,2,2,2,5,0,24,0 1676,X1677,I have 520 subs that say otherwise.... You dont even have one.. Hehehe Woops 158 people can go to hell I wonder what his neighbours are thinking when he is next door screaming at a camera Are you smoking playdoh or something? Press F13 to see the troll face at 15:48 I switched to porn when my parents came in...... Easier to explain.. I have one word for you...... WTF Like Whore....... Great Vid Sam I loved it But I think you should make it longer and talk about it more because I would happily watch 5-6 minutes of that :) Awesome job I dont want anything for Christmas I just want to family to be safe and together your dog is amazing!!!,12,520,3,26,0,40,0 1677,X1678,"cool ur wats up thumbs up if your listening in 2013 he trolling I remember this show US Americans are ,fat assess, in comparison to the U.K...... phyc you are the ones with this pitiful show :) what the FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK 11 200 people like being normal swrv brought me here years ago trying to song it in Spanish...he he he good luck i like it better in Spanish that's how I was last night SPORTS BRAS ARE THE SHIT!!!!....... i never noticed before i have like two i've never worn before... my up north jam dinosaur glamorous what next ch- ick_- en i want a chicken wang????? where had our music gone wow had me rolling WORK BITCH!!!!! got me rolling birdman had me rolling your name I'll broke ass nigga on the street if it wasn't for me you can dance DAMN so we all just chief keef today this explains a lot SUPRA'S it's it just me or is the clean version better it wasn't ment to be sang that way at all.... #justsaying New episode today wow this is soo hilarious it's actually not bad DAMN i didn't knOw that was your real hair",27,0,2,5,0,21,0 1678,X1679,I like crisps good trailer! I'm gonna watch this bacterial contamination whipped cream poured like water falls... Ah ha ha ha! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhh I would want to make a viral video so Ray will review it. my first screamer! Trolls would. Hm all correct apart from I don't think god is haruhi I think god is a girl who pretends to be a boy with black hair. you're an otaku? omg me too! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this version It's nice compared the the Itsuki and itsuko ver. Oh I can't be an otuku because I'm disabled and I can't watch subbed. (I can read it just takes me 30 seconds to read a sentence) 2:57 wooooo lord death :D I've never seen 2 girls i cup is that normal? did anyone notice in fruits basket yuki and kyo had boners. :D cool I like it is there there such a thing as a female version? Mikuru looks really gay. I used to love this show but now I notice that Robbie rotten is a gay pervert who stalks sportaus and sportacus is stalking Stephanie. It's even longer now! there's an even longer one on the 10 hour version! was that a black butler reference at 4:08 woosh magic! :D is it just me or did Grell do a cartwheel at 2:16 I like Grell's! If Grell is a girl then it's a very flat chested one. dis dude has a name! 1:39 there's who should have won! SEBASTIAN!!!!!!!,29,2,2,5,0,13,0 1679,X1680,For some reason I see Christoph Wantz being Alexander Anderson. *cue DPZ cursing like Tourettes Guy right after* My reaction to Sallie Mae's payment plans. You should see Dr. Isaka from Kamen Rider W. Spolier: Looks like Lex found his evil YJ team. Actually that can work.... seeing how Superman:TAS and Batman: TAS are on it. Yea this anime sucked. Hey education comes first. Sorta doubt it especially with The First Lantern being released. 3:30 - Oh god why..... okay I wish I could unsee that. It's more of no defenses against magic it's not Kryptonite where he feels tons of pain. Wouldn't Buu count too? Understatement. Wait that was made by Madhouse? Didn't know that. Why is there Legends of Multiverse on the side? Well it's more of being put into a coma by IXA. You see now that's a better explanation for Obito's character. I seen Superman survive worse. Yea it's unfortunate. Kamen Rider was always good? Yea I agree with that sentiment but replace Decade with Hibiki. I feel the Decade movies made up for it. The only way to save quality like YJ GL:TAS and Sym-Bionic Titan (No Thundercats doesn't count) is to put them on Netflix IFC (respectable channel) or maybe.... the CW.Well after GL and YJ go off the air I'll be done with the CN hell Toonami won't bring me back. Fate/Zero Gurren Lagann Blood+ FMA I think you can keep going. I wonder if I should mention Demonbane at this point... Hint: Demonbane is actually more powerful than TTGL. Yup the only one that comes close to Ruroni Kenshin are Hunter x Hunter and FMA. Degenerated would be a understatement. Well Plank just defused that with his 4th-wall breaking. Well this is more reason for me to stop watching cartoons in general. Actually my last dog acted like a human before she passed away. Well that's a surprise. Actually humor in anime for me is hit-or-miss.,29,11,3,5,0,19,0 1680,X1186,"i died laughing at this! eh they lasted 6 years. I think that's enough. It's better than 6 months haha my friend thinks you pronounce it , Big Sheen, She is so wrong but she can't stop arguing not where i live haha what you said reminds me of the first episode of the suit life of Zack and Cody where Cody enters a beauty pageant and ends up dressing like a girl yeah... that's right punch her reeaaal hard. lol my favorite insult is at 2:48 from the movie Billy Madison uhm... why? if you have ever really seen the show you'd notice that they're fricken rude! that dance was horrible! thank god they didn't place it's actually spelled allouette my dad is gonna get mad when he sees all the paper missing but it was worth it (: I sang this song many times on guitar hero! my mom has some good sense of fashion and she's always trying to dress me up! I hate it when she does that but she does make me look pretty good (: I read the book. It was amazing! Dumbledore: May i have your attention please?Harry: YOU CAN HAVE MY FIST IN YOUR FACE! I'm sorry Dumbledore go you sound a bit racist. on this day i discovered you guys 2 years ago and i don't regret a single bit of it. She took twerking to a whole other level... actually to tell you the truth... some of that songs The Beatles made were copied off by some other artists. only stupid people would listen to dub step and think they're badass. omg i saw her in Niki Minaj: My Truth and she seemed like a total bitch. to be honest i didn't know who santa claus was until i was 8. My parents never spoke to me about him. on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 i was at a birthday party and my parents got drunk at peter piper pizza. My parents don't care either. The only reason they haven't forgotten about the event is because they have to be reminded of it every year on the news. My brother has ADHD and he always had behavioral issues in school. It's not the ADHD that made him have problems it's the fact that he hung out with the wrong crowd and never really cared about school. I'm actually don't hate justin bieber but i thought that was pretty funny. no we shall kill it before it's spreads its disease called ,stupidity, no! i think the best thing to do is to give it a dictionary. getting an iPhone is useless. A new one comes out every year and every time you get the new one you want the next one that comes out. will my virus also come in free? ever heard of limited rights? sure you can express your opinion but the law says that you are allowed to say whatever you want as long as it doesn't offend anyone. I thought he looked really hot when he was taking a shower. this movie sucked but i thought it was funny.",34,8,4,5,0,19,0 1681,X1682,He was soo good this year! 3 Z 100 ? 9:12 xD Did anyone else hear her fart at 2:47 How can he just touch them like that! Thumbs up if you got here from Jake Miller :D,6,0,3,2,0,15,0 1682,X1683,For me is to be summer ready and to just be in a happy mode Can u do a hair video I love it And I will never unsubscribe ur awesome I do like ur videos but eating with ur nails eww and there r teen girls watching u and I would just be careful with what u say Wht were u like in high school? And would u change anything about it?? awesome!!!! How did u get ur job at Macy's?? Why??? I really wan that wand :) love it videos,9,6,3,1,0,22,0 1683,X605,he drove of cliff lol haha lol this is well funny ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my ears are bleeding wow how old is she she is epic singer lol i was laughing for about 10 mins i found this so funny lol i dont think that is a chipmunk singing thats definatly justin beaber he laughed hes gay what is this song send email to ahhhhhhh puss in boots is so cute thats not the real chipmunks sharankanna123 the creator is a boy there horrible to papia this is not the real maker of the annoying orange actuly if you watched the movie you will know that pixie lotte is judy i know his scream is well loud he dosent know how all u have 2 do is buy the correct book by the way i have to go to hospital because my ears started to bleed and my eyes u ugly boy ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im dieing lol that game should also have mini people falling off if the spellings are wrong sorry thats just because my eyes started bleeding when i saw her i have to go hospital because of her face not 1st atempt hes got pokemon that u have to have all badges to catch i though that was pritty good i like second one he is a dj u fuked up the words but the thing is you dont have souls ur a bitch what is that game this is not mod menu if u want good mod menu look for elite mossy one listen to skrillex version how u really do that i copyed and pasted OMG it worked 4 me Thanks man it worked woohoo,32,0,5,1,0,59,1 1684,X1685,I love this guy please never stop making vids you are AWESOME! Why is he in his underware on stage? :psyduck: Its hard to feel bad for these people when they are so fucking irresponsible is this supposed to cut so suddenly? Please genius explain to us how clouds move then? I started watching you when Minecraft was relatively new I wanted to know what was happening and what they were planning at Mojang thanks! This isn't..... real is it? why has no one pointed out the the tracker thing is from Far Cry 2 It was the map you would use and the light would flash when you are near Diamond chests! What is the song? Through the whole video I kept thinking dont crash dont crash,10,25,6,9,0,32,0 1685,X1686,there is no word that can describe how AMAZING you are!! ahaah 4:34 she cant get up!! :) ahah aa 1:36 couldn't stop laughing!! 2:18 the funniest part,4,8,6,5,0,23,0 1686,X1687,btw im just saying.... im not a spaz...... :D OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG SO HAAAAAAWT!!!!! xD OMG THATS SO FAKE!!!!! cuz i thought it had SWAAAAAAAAAG!!!! lol same here... its always so confusing in other peoples tutorials... Do you have your own horse? LUCKY!!!! CHASE IS SOOOO UGLY!!!! Immanuel's so cute! wow they're really good!!!!!!! uhhhh... no offense but the first hairstyle kinda makes you look like an adult with little girl hair....................... LOOK AT THE MUSCLE Could you do a video on how to wink like a pro? 3 thx for putting this on.. really appreciate it! well anyways THX SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! i was getting super duper super duper bored... i was like uhhhhhhhh... then i saw ur comment and then YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! :D lazy.... JK :P oooh.... i knew that... hehe.... OH GOD I LOVE YOUR HAIR 0:13 OMG I LUV UR WALL WITH THE CHERRY BLOSSOMS!!!!!!!! lol u trying to copy erwannur? lol You = so next we do blah blah blah blah...Me = (after first workout) so tired..... lol YEA PLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZ I REAAAALLY WANT TO GET GOOD AT THE SPLITS AND UR WORKOUTS AAAAAAAAAALWAYS WORK! ummmmm... ok... nice to know..... I LOOOOOOOOOVE UR ACCENT did ya win?,25,0,3,5,1,17,0 1687,X1688,thanks for checking out my cover of this yours is dope too :) i like your cover! i did a cover also to this song let me know what you think zach:) ive never had lessons! i was thinking about getting some! :) thank you!! i wonder why my views arent posting? CAN YOU PLEASE TAKE THIS DOWN. I'm using this song for an audition! :) i did it as a cover on my channel :) hahahahahaahahahahaahaha OH MY GOD. thank you for this video!! i'm auditioning in new york its my first audition for anything televised! hahahahahaha I LOVE THIS! great job! :) I love the emotion behind this updated version of the old song. 3 i love the vulnerability of her voice. I hope you enjoy my cover if you end up watching it! haha thankkkkk you! :) haha this is was such a fun cover to do! :) if you check it out on my channel I hope you enjoy it this song brings me to tears i just did a cover of it. haha i had to stop myself from tearing up haha. i agree right at the end it falls apart. we hadnt rehearsed and were just going for it :) i was also pretty sick haha. but you know had to gig to make money lol,15,296,6,29,0,23,0 1688,X1689,adnie ci w kucyku na wosach .no .sie tak.....takie adnie ci tam bya selena gomez czy mi sie przywidziao??? (_) kocham t piosenk I Tacata 3 bardzo yciowa piosenka ;D Sweet 333 wrry good :D Super te mam na imi Roksana :))) moje ycie 3 ;* Kocham mj Sandomierz 3 wiesz masz bardzo adne oczy i cer wic moe to nie najlepszy pomys eby niszczy sobie tak adn buk? :D nie obudw hahah rozwalie mnie POLACY 3 APKA W GR Poland 3 love... songPOLAND3 mam taki sam telefon :d Ja znam atwiejszy sposb.... bez szczoteczki i bez jaki misek -- moja imienniczka :D,19,5,3,5,0,16,0 1689,X1690,"^winner! omg! i super love this version (more than the original even if i'm a Taylor Swift fan) since third year highschool (2009) and ngayon ko lang nalaman na Rey and Kaye are FILIPINOS!!!! i just saw this vid now coz 4 years ago with lyrics yun napapanood ko. I'm so proud and happy to know :,) Congrats and i hope you go a long way! Happy family life Mr. Rey and Ms. Kaye! I'm a fan :)) hope you have a tour at UPLB thanks!",2,0,3,1,0,17,0 1690,X1691,Wow I can't believe she used to be your student :O WHY IS THERE NOO KARA??! I don't really like this song no offense :/ it's really confusing. YAYYYYYY U KISS!!!!!!!!!!! Yay they won EYAs!!! I totally agree. This song is kinda confusing 1st This should be called tit Tuesday Favorite tv show? CALL OF THE WILDMAN ! More!! She sounds kinda nasally :/ this song seems kinda hard for her Dogs like WTF bitch let go!,12,6,3,8,0,22,0 1691,X1692,I think a patch video would be fun So Matt's birthday is on the 20th? If it is me and him share a birthday :D I'm 16 years old. I applied for a volunteering job in an animal sanctuary yesterday. I was quite nervous as I do dress different and have stretched ears and ect. All the workers either had stretched ears brightly coloured hair piercings or tattoos. Even the boss who gave me an interview had piercings stretched ears and coloured hair.Words cannot describe how relieved I felt. I got the job which shall help towards my work experiance in college Yay :D tu es trs belle 01:46 Mocha thinking: Let me out. Please let me out I've been lock inside with a pair of nut jobs who are doing an awful job at intimitating my meow. I say anyone there? Let me out! Oh god you and Kevin are too funny I wish I could meet you's in person it would be such a hilarious time :) Very well said Leah it's a guinea pig showroom dummies by Kraftwerk People who accuse people of some shit are the ones with the most insecurities. If someone bad mouths you over you parting with a mod I bet its because they're not sure what they're doing to themselves body mods wise is right for them,9,5,3,1,0,22,0 1692,X474,"I'm sure she really cares about all the African Goyim........ Hell most non-Jewish Americans think like this.Just do the PC-bitch-Litmus test take a statement and replace ,Whites, with ,Jews, and replace Male with Female..suddenly everything becomes offensive and hateful.....just watch them cry rivers and scream racist racist racist racist . you actually use the term racism seriously ....lmfao When do we get land specifically for our race/religion. (Jews claim to be both) Mac city bitch mac city bitch 10 10 10 20 chicken nuggets bitch SINCE THE DAWWWWN OF TIME. ANTI-WHITE SENTIMENT HAS REACHED CRITICAL MASS IN AMERICA You cant Generalize or use the concept of group dynamic when talking to these types of people (usually brown or anti-white whites) They are incapable of understanding concepts such as group dynamic - they're cultural Marxist training demands it.,No one is more inferior than those who insist on being equal., Stereotypes are generally true when they aren't ....they don't stick. You white trash crackers are racists. Support Israel You're probably white trash you racist. Race is just a social construct.Support Israel 0:40 ,White folks like myself, lmfao Ever notice how Jews are Jews when it benefits them then claim to be white when they attack whites. TYT are right you are all WHITE TRASH PIGSKIN HONKEYS Racist Nazi's ..... Ya those crackers are just a bunch of white trash racist honkeys. We owned those Nazi's in WW2 Black Power ! Anti-Jew speech is not free speech. Only Nazis and Racists believe in free speech. People like you and your intellectual inability to notice this double standard is going to start a race conflict. We can't continue to treat non-whites like kings as they continually play the victim card. The great irony of this situation is these are the type of people who claim to be paragons of equality and ,anti-racist,. google ,hate speech, Oily Zionists you mean. We Jews are a Race Religion Race Religion Race Religion haha dumb Goy's You're just a Racist Anti-Semite Nazi. Israel is our greatest ally. Einstein is known for being pro Jewish Nationalism (zionism) and also quoted as saying Nationalism is the worlds greatest scourge. I guess what he really meant was that all NON-JEWISH nationalism is a scourge. Didn't communism gain part of Poland/Germany/Ukraine ect ect because of the war. So let me get this straight Truman built the tools needed to fight the cold war against communism after he helped the communists win WW2 and take over lands all across Europe....You sir are a retard. It has also been proven that matter can travel faster then the speed of light. Which means e=mc squared is not perfect so much for deep space exploration.....thx anti-whites how dare you say that you anti-semite ! I think Hitler actually said in his book that Jews use ,the big lie,He never promoted it.....why am I wasting time nodoby cares don't forget to send money to Israel.and ignore all the CoR labels (congress of orthodox rabbis) and U labels (union of orthodox rabbis) on your food it only pays rabbis around 3% of the prodects cost to ensure it is kosher. How the U.S. still has any freedom of speech while letting women vote is beond me. Here in Canada we have hate speech laws so you know to keep your mouth shut when you have any anti-establishment veiws they could be considered hatefull and hate speech. To this day I have yet to see Jared Taylor lose a debate.The guy is a silvertongued paragon. According to Jews themselves they are a separate race but cannot be identified via genetics tests not even for priestly class Jews. Truthfully Jews are mixed race anthropologists would call them Turko-Finns They came from Khazar's who converted to Talmudic Judaism around 1000 years ago. You don't like that ?You aren't a anti-semite racist nazi are you?",31,0,3,5,0,52,0 1693,X1694,You sing so good! c; You guys did and amazing job c; HaGAYYYYYYYYEEEE C; You are soo good bby c; Anytime3. You are so adorable c;. You sing amazingly good3.,6,4,2,1,0,14,0 1694,X1695,singing along with the music at 2:30 ok. just googled it. that's pretty crazy. wait!! WHO WAS THE SPY!!!!!????,3,0,4,5,0,23,0 1695,X1696,"sure you are sweetheart! Me and my friends are doing a mashup against bullying. We needed a quieter song to do the Ballet portion and we were like ,huh a quiet song to do an anti-bully dance to....... MEGAN AND LIZZ!!!! On my birthday (yesterday) aftr singing happy birthdaythey go hapy wizard birthday etc and i start crying I remember that! LOL! You did a great job! @alison burke U don't understand. Don't be ignorant. If U were forced into an arena u'd do whatever u could to get home you'd even kill a little girl. Think about ur siblings would'nt u want to go home to them no matter what the cost??? I'm gonna audition!! SAMANTHA BARK!! Anne made me cry Sams face when they were singing :( I know no one will read this. Its just when Anne sang ,So different from this he** Im living, It makes sense. All of the characters dream of the perfect life and they all desire something but their dreams are all crushed and they're all ,Miserables, Do a QA!!!",10,1,3,5,0,40,0 1696,X1697,an btw .. if you werent weak minded as u put it ... you wldnt feel the need to be negative an tlk shyt about sum1 who clearly is DEAD .. ur a loser .. ur children will b losers ... if it wlda been me i wldnt of settled for that amount .. if im fucking bleeding an feeling like im about to faint not to mention pregnant an dese two piece of shyt cops chase me down an arrest me .. hell yeah id sue for a lot more den dat .. she clda lost her child im glad it was blurred .. i watched the video .. bt was so sad that sum1 cld do that ... wow some comments are jus stupid ... smh omg that was so gross ... absoulutely disgusting .. every single one of them joined in .. not 1 person tried to stop it .. not 1 .. jus standing there watching it happen is just as bad as doing it .. idc what color da so called cops are .. there all disgusting pigs .. i thought this was hilarious ... lol .. to funny ... i like how the one cop comes up can i see ur camera for a second .. like wtf ... lol .. funny shyt yea that dog was sooo fucking vicious ... scary ass bastard ... goes to show cops abuse there power with ppl animals ... fucking disgusting piece of shyt well first of all the way the lady was grabbing the dog .. uh yea of course the dog is gonna fight ... how da fuck wld u feel if sumbody grabbing u like that ... 2ndly i am a firm believe of any dog no matter the breed can be turned around even if aggressive .. wld u put a child down bc the child has behavior problems .. thats the dumbest shyt ive heard/seen .. idc if u having a bad day .. im paying ur ass .. so u betta give good service or i wldnt leave a tip .. period ... to call the cops after they explained why they wldnt leave a tip .. is jus a bitch move .. they already got 70 sumthing dollars for damn chicken fingers fries .. u wanna call the cops ova jus 16 dollars .. bitch move this country alone needs ppl like him .. its all good fine to wanna help other countrys .. but uh lets not forget our own ... the fact that he kept hanging up on her really irritates me ... i wonder what wlda been done if the dad actually died bc of his ignorant behavior .. idc how she was acting ... she obviously was calling for a reason ... DUH that is most def hatred ... for one what about the children ... you know there are lesbians an gay men who have kids so what happens to there kids if u jus throw em away an lock em up ... pretty sicking to want to take away sumbodys parents bc there gay or lesbian ... i am a proud lesbian myself ... an ppl lyke this make me wanna punch him in his face ... he contradicted his self ... first he said I HATE OBAMA ... but than says he loves all gods creations ... well uh OBAMA is gods creation as well ... now i personally dont care for Obama as president ... but jus pointing out the fact dude is a dumb ass lmao ... i thought that was hilarious ... well this was a waste of video ... smh lyke its not dat serious ... nebody who has kids knw they have bad days too ... crying an nothing u do calms em down ... the stupid blk bytche needa mind ha own buisness ... when u screaming yelling like dat ... course da baby gonna keep crying ... i wish sumbody wld say sum shyt like that to me ... idc ... i dnt see sammy did nething wrong .. she wasnt the only 1 tlking on da phone ... an she didnt take her phone away .. sammy handed it well tried to hand it to her an she snatched it an threw it on the seat ... she didnt take it politley ... the bus driver was way wrong ... the gurl wasnt even tlking that loud on the phone in da 1st place ... that was brave of him to do that for sum1 he didnt knw .. nebody who loves there pets .. treat them as family .. it is not jus a dog ... it was her family ... he did something MOST wont ... i commend him for that .. great guy ... i dnt see how there is sumthing wrong with the camera ... why didnt it do that when 3 of them ran towards the wall .. bt than 1 is running towards the tank an u dnt see him till he gets to the tank it was a sloth .. the way dude picked it up tho .. better than me .. i wldnt of touched it .. well sum of of previous comments are a bit much ... i mean hes 6 not 60 .. i am against Obama personally ... an for sum of the reasons that was stated in this video ... as well as other reasons that were not ... bt some of yall are doing WAY TO MUCH .. hes jus a kid amazing story ... shes gonna be a ballerina ... that was cute that was a cute video ... love it ... welp damn ... craziness ... but aye dats wat happens when u fuck around ... stupid ...,28,3,3,2,0,25,1 1697,X1698,"That black dude had the biggest boobs i ever seen! This was stupid and portuguese people are not consider ,latin, we were never conquered by any spanish ruling plus she sounded stupid. Yes there are black portuguese but the way she spoke didn't sound portuguese... Sabes uma coisa vai a merda racista! haha it would be funny if brazilian was an actual language but is not sorry kid but ur speaking portuguese the story of my life... (smh) their should of been nets to save them!! why where there explosions in the buildings? reminds me of the snickers commercial.. man i wish i knew how to play guitar hahahahahah the new republican party LMAO xD keep them stupid they will vote for stupid! LOOOOOOVE this song looooooooooooooooooooove this song Ya mom is a stupid bitch but hey i aint hating on her for not getting that abortion. Awesome video! :) lol ,taggert, lol sounds like a faggot name.. no offense to gays but damm ,tagg?, Will. I. Am. is a genius whatever he touches is magic and Britney is the Queen hands down love this girl! forever! ela e tao bonita!",15,9,6,5,0,26,1 1698,X1699,did anybody else see that green flash??? please marry me CHARLIEISSOCOOLLIKE why did i watch this i'm a little disappointed can we get a dog or something worse video clip good song. sam you are the definition of perfection. WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR SNORLAX TOP?!,8,2,3,2,0,19,0 1699,X1700,#NAME? Cool! =D3 echt genial! :D *Jetzt bin ich unten! :D,4,0,5,5,0,20,0 1700,X1701,MODONNA NUMBER # 1,1,1,4,5,0,31,1 1701,X1702,"Todays my birthday :) haha 4:18 Random dude on the wall:,Really foo? DAAAAM, Cool She's trying to make you guys jealous I just wanna say I'm sorry Lil' Kim I've always hated on you ever since I became a fan of Nicki I didn't even know who you were Nicki made a lot of songs hating on you and I did it too. But now I know the truth. I'm sorry Kim. And Nicki You lost yourself a barb. Ps. Now I know what a barb is D: -Peace Out Cool wow mis amigochas en las noticias UNIVISION 14 ... chiquillas manden saluditos no? jaja The Beat Doee 33 This song 3333 omfg",9,1,3,5,0,21,0 1702,X1703,shut the fuck up you dont have no room to talk i bett your fat too !!!!!!!! ~ alisa malany good job she is the most prettiest thing in the world!!!!!! cutee hahahahahahah jerrian thats funny but you suck love alexischapaman,5,0,3,5,0,34,1 1703,X1704,awwwwh wish i had a big bro like this! 3 Help help help my ears are burning :( he sounds like nick jonas when hes starts singing beutiful song 3 All I can hear are trainers squeeking like for STAR WARS :) Im missing half of my brain......rawr 3 Does he change the color of hiss braces? HahahHa this is soo good awwh this is soo good youll make a good singer! :) Stop yelling woman! The speaker said Matt Cardles phone # heyy oooo my boobs are huge Me: *facepalm* I'mma girl I'm not a lesbian tho but your boobs are districting they're just so big and bouncy no offence and NO I'm not jealous Ur good This cover of billionaire is way better than the 1st one Can u do a video about styling or make upP.S plz do a vid dedicated 2 me Keep strong -3 Well hello doggy Some music would of been better 1:38 dafuuuq who is he? shes famous for being in a spanish tv show called 'eva luna' (never watched it) and shes a singer! 0:43 dem legs man! Humour videos get better each time they re enjoyable Lol 3:56 not sure if anyone has noticed this but Katy Perry is scratching her (or pulling her skirt down) WTF no hate but caitlin is taller than jb notta good match :\,26,0,2,2,1,21,0 1704,X1705,i love this so FUNNY!!!!! XX I LOVE THIS SONG ITS HILARIOUS LOL I LOVE THIS DUCK!! WADDLE WADDLE you need to learn how to sing love no affence lol u go girl u have a totally amazing voice rock on caroline!!! xx love ya awwww cute how does she do tht!!! lol i wanna do tht :) you cant sing love this song especially the fast!! love u cher lloyd! i think this video is absolutly awesome loving the music guys! 3 you are absolutly awesome jemma!!! do u have facebook?,10,0,3,5,0,22,0 1705,X1706,nice video :-)))) !!!!!!!!!! original and amazing voice!!!)),2,0,4,5,0,17,0 1706,X1707,"noo she have a lott more dresses!! believe me!! xD your pretty buth i really dont like your piercings .... can you smell him xD kijk je eigen hoofd dan praten we verder xD hoe kan je dat verstaan OMG dat is soo leuk!! zomaar ga je met kanker schelden kijk je eigen kop je bent niet moeder mooiste kindje kanker kind wtt your a fucking ashhole! you dumbass shee is fucking amazing !! look at your own face! your just jealous!! stupid dumbass in the first place it is it: rihanna and nicki MINAJ..damnn duhuh -.- i LOVE how the old people try to dance too its just super adoreble! i love ke$ha!!!! whoo O.o his laugh.. its scaring me.. ehmm.. i'm sure this wass not porn.. O.o yeahh.. WHERE THE FUQQ is PEWDIEPIEE?!!!?!? yvette toch je kan echt geen engels ^^ no hate i 3 uu Good Luck!! 3 2:50 ,I'M GONNA POOP MY PANTS, WHAHAHAHA i'm gonna poop my pants from laughter! No shit sherlock!",19,0,2,5,0,17,0 1707,X1708,"That was fucking amazing. I'd date someone from One Direction or Zach Vaughan. And I want that picture of Harry with a dick on it :D am i the only one that thinks Zayn's the best part of the video? This is by far the saddest video I've ever seen. It was Liam that did the backflip haha. Tumblr NEVER crashes for me. hehe :) I have that excact same cell phone!!!! I'm putting it on my pet anyways. Yours is so much better than mine haha. Thank you Tumblr. I cant figure out how to make a video response on my mac :,( I saw that today and some guy was all like NO KATNISS DON'T GO DOWN TO THE BASEMENT!! I almost fucking died it was so funny. I won't get arrested for watching this right? The emo lion/bear guy with the mustache is the only reason I keep coming back to this video. It really pisses me off when people say Shane's loosing his touch. If you don't like his videos now why are you still here? His real supporters are the ones who will keep watching and LIKING forever. So fuck off. Yours is Here Comes Honey Boo Boo isn't it Shane. Why was the Duck vertical filming? Lyk srsly.",17,11,2,6,0,13,0 1708,X1709,i messed up i love this song no mattere what i love ths sng she is adorible you guys are stupid justin bieber is hot and so is the gys in the show this is shit lol you do sound better than her she sounds like she just fucked her self in that ugly face of hers like this. you'r stupid and ugly burn my dad walked out when I was 6 I sat there and cried for along time my mom asked me who do you wanna live with and i chose my mm she got remarried to my step dad then they got in a divorce when i was 9 or 10 and also my parents would argue every day 24 7 my dad ha thought my mom was cheating on him when she wasn't )': be who you are dont change ew srry but you do not know how to sing a little pitchy gurl you are awsome i hear the piano play but mostly i hear a angle singing love you no homo are you emo you are one of the best singer have ever herd for your age dont listen to losers because they are just jelouse because they cant sing keep it up huny you are awsome. whatch my video 'who says by aria k.' love your outfit your hurting my ears you look like an idiot You are so cute you are so cute how old are you i am 12 you are really good just work on high pitches k but the rest is so good and dont listen to bullys i want the old jb back i am a beileber entil the very end stop being mean she cant help what you say is what you are she just needs practice so you guys need to shut you mouths i take that back she is the worst love her gationin please comment,24,0,3,1,0,17,0 1709,X1710,I can't stand the facial expressions or the shaking of the camera but the dogs are pretty cute. would she... would she float or sink in water ? what video is 1:16 from please tell me D:,3,7,4,1,0,18,0 1710,X1711,"Yep. Exactly. T-T Youtube why must you change so much? _ Awesome! I love that game! ^.^ Do you think all I do is step on plants? All I said was ,I'm a vegetarian, Meaning I don't eat meat. Can you just leave me alone? I know your just trying to make people like you by joking around but its getting really annoying for me.",3,2,2,5,0,16,0 1711,X1712,"TPPToilet Paper Penis???? Well could u troll somewhere else This is 9/11 not some Brony video js Reminds me of my Alarm Clock; Loud and Annoying He's calling me an Orange Flavoured Mothafucka D: Twilight and Glee fan? KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT!!!!! BEEN LOOKIN FOR THIS FUCKIN SONG EVERYWHERE FINALLY FOUND IT HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!! I kno I'm the child of Overly Attached Girlfriend :D 0:54 ,Had soooo much BOOZE, Lump is about Katiethesinger123 well i'm not saying i dislike it i dislike the ,culture, of people who made it Her smile gave me the HIV Cod 4 hackedWaW possibly hackedMW2 HackersBlack Ops goodMw3 greatBlack Ops 2 EPIC!!!! Fuck the stars Bruins RULE!!!! Leafs new draft pick MUGATU'S DAUGHTER/SON!?(Only people who watched Zoolander remember him) Not sure if retard or Troll Black guy sounds like a guido I feel stoned when i listen to this me? douche? lol Bert pls Anne Frankly I did Nazi that coming",21,6,3,25,0,29,0 1712,X1713,our human brain has limits as i think i can imagine myself playing GTA V ; 05:10 u look very relaxed out there hair swing HHh i think the crack file is damaged i watched the show back in 1994 EPICASITY Omg 19fucking94 dude u just saved my life bro working just fine lol NOD32 7th place??? omg the poor robot ; thought it was a human holy shit ARABIC i can speak arabic !that's awesome google chrome is not appearing in my idm browser list plz help !!! shake hand; wtf! guitar hero on PC really sucks Category: EntertainmentLOL nice i have the same laptop dell 3520 i3 pretty cool i have a DELL INSPIRON 3520 intel core HD 4000. MY question is can i run batman arkham asylum ? can i run GTA IV in my dell inspiron 3520 intel HD core 4000 ? plz sarcastic nice yeah whatever yeah whatever i'm not talkign about where it's done i'm talking about WHY what in the hell was that ???? baby;well wtf wa sthat ??? lol ? parents could be real A!!mholes sometimes u really dont need to. once ur online it can update itself of course with ur permission! lol,28,1,2,1,0,19,0 1713,X1714,"Fuck ya lady gaga Hey man we all have a thing! YOU HAS A SUCKS! :( u can has get a cancer doing this much you can u has a sucks trolololol no one troll'd you OH NO TUMBLR IS DOWN!!! D: What the fuck? Lol that chick was being hostile. I say she deserved it. The way she milked the whole ,You're going to jail I'm a fuckin' female, thing was super sexist. If she hit the bus driver after the bus had been harassing her the way she was harassing him everyone'd be all Yeah-Girl-You-Did-The-Right-Thing-Stand-Up-To-That-Man. Fuck sexism. fuck ya rays back NO RAY FUCK YOU YOUR VIDEOS ARE BETTER LIKE THIS OMG the is this. the this is best fucked up thingg seen. me? guise i miss meekakitty. she made me happy. you should just talk about super deep stuff all the time... I like it. PLZ SUPRT CUNCR RERSRECH/? yes lg vs hipster wtf just ate a fucking double barrel hotdog sandwich. I'm voting for shaggy. I like this show. It's so wierd... LET'S GET HIGH WITH MEE MAW AND MAKE A DATING VIDEO. lol y cant evry1 jist get alone? my moam sad that my dad was gay but he wint 2 teh salvation arny and he one what a gentle tune 3 Viola must have been such a profound human being. I DONT LIEK NEW RAY WILLIAM PENIS:( aesrdtfyghdserdtfyghjkhgfdghjkljhgfghjkljhgfdghjkljhgfdghjkljhgfdhjkljhgfdhjkljhgfdghjkljhgfdghjklkjhgfdghjklkjhgfdghjkljhgfghjkljhgfhjkljhgfdghjklkjhgfdghjklkjhgfdsdfghjklkjhgfdfghjkljhgfdghjkljhgfdghjklkjhgfdghjklkjhgfdghjkljhgfdghjkljhgfdghjkljhgfdhjkljhgfdghjkl;kjhgfdghjkljhgfhjkljhgfdghjkhgfdertyuiytrewqertyutrewqertyuiouytrewqertyuiop[iuytrewrtyuiopiuytrewqwertyuiopiuytrewqdfghjkloi765432134567890-987654erdtfghjklkmnb #yolo No fuckin movie will be picked for best picture. Movies aren't pictures dumbasses.jezzs I just want to be bff's with Elliot. He's very cool. canada. folk ya lol8minutesasumhighgrilplayonwitdollyzaintnobodygottimefodat FRIST",31,11,6,8,0,19,1 1714,X1715,DOSNT WORK i got all of them :L Did It Help? heyyy i no u u got more firnds so i cant add u u r on leval 11 Kid:mam mam i got something for ya mam ..Mam:if it aint a pack of smokes i dont want it.Kid; no mama you silly goose its .... (Farts)(3 seconds later get booted at of the house ...) bordee aw CRYS CRYS CRY WAAAAAA WHAT IS SO SAD .... (not) i love all thoes songs ! FAIL! I feel sorry for him what is so diffrent my brother died his hair ginger so i dontcare i love my brother evan tho hes ginger if you gotta problem tell it to god ! why am i not on it? haha i am not some taken it coz i was on my roxy one and i was allreaddy friends with fb-lover and someone else was on it so shut your mouth,13,0,3,7,0,16,0 1715,X1716,Armadillo lmao People are dumb then haha. Leaving your plugs out over night let's them shrink ever so slightly so they become thicker and healthier. Lotion eh idk I prefer vitamin e or bio oil. What's the song called that goes this is hell I believe you're mistaken. What part do I ingest after extraction? U suck Obviously this guy had some before and thought he was tony hawk hahaha cheers Terrible ear lobes well ur probably fucking up a lot of kids ears Go kill urself faggot How would u take this Watching dis smacked is soWeird Incredible lows and gutturals but I'd use a different style of high screams for this More diaphragm. Doesn't sound full and rich like it should. Sounds raspy. Really flex those abs like ur taking a massive dump Don't inhale.... Turn down the song man we wanna hear u Lose the faggot hair clothes and nails and thicken your lobes Good god u suck crazy Steve They got famous because they are talented. ignorant... Sounds jus.t like the carnifex intro in the beginning lol This was my first incense. Smoked way to much and started twitching a fuck load Um my ears don't smell like anything and never have....if your ears reek then you're not washing them... Robots These aren't menthol. They're lights Lol lady cigs These dudes are stoned hahaha Don't listen to these stupid fucking haters. I'm taping up to an inch right now. Ear stretching is beautiful and in no way shape or form does it make you a faggot Holy fuck you're high as hell Pisses me off how the kid in the grey smokes,28,11,3,30,0,17,0 1716,X1717,i dont like this nationality stuff u r pushing on-but why dont u go tell that reasoning of urs to arny bad boy swarzenegger? ur mistake is that U START FROM CONCLUSIONSWhat d u start from? u start from: AMANDA KNOX IS INNOCENT and all the rest comes after and doesnt matter so U R WRONG in the methodU ll never complete a puzzle that way. Have u ever tried figure out what would have happened if RG entered the house as lone introuder to steal as u suggest toconfirm ur idea? look at all the pieces of evidence and circumstance before judgingBurglaring is staged what that mean? ANDA ramt 0:56 anyway this is from transylvania speaking here's another Mignini hater next stop: porn one this guy is just a fucking fusser who believe a guitar is the money u pay for it I bet if u gave him this guitar in hand and a standart fender tele and had to play it with eyes closed he could not tell any fucking DIFFERENCE BECAUSE he just dont give a fuck about the sound and playability but just about finishing and look and hey me too: NOBODY is paying me- Check it out im sure and i know there's much that should be donehuman rights are not respected systematically in USA prison systemJust check what is said about in Wikipedia because it's common knowledgeUnfortunately it is common knowledge but with litlle awareness by the general public and indifference by the authorities. The whole north american society should re examine itself about what justice and equality and real civil democratic rights are without searching for excuses this is fucking gay half of the girls have a home dildo in the USA? that's funny anyway. And what the other half do to cope? American sweet girls may be a bit blown up! That's why anyway porn industry in USA shows the highest rates of growth and it's one of the most prolificient business. So many sweet girls get into that i think one in ten is or would like to earn money making entertainment with sexually explicit content she knows how to shake those dam hair,12,2,3,5,0,26,0 1717,X1718,8==D~~~ O= REAL Dizzy fans watch the ad at the beginning of the video. lol corny... u gotta be a straight hater and non appreciater of good hiphop to use that shit the girl in the top right is kinda hot.... please tell me the difference between communists facists and socialists. i bet u $100 that you cant do it without looking it up on the internet. fuck I doubt ud be able to do even that because ur calling him a communist and an anarchist at the same time!!! lol smh these words have become so dissolved that people dont realize what they mean but they know its a negative connotation.... what a whale tail. 0:10 ahhhh in the beginning of fallen they have a guy walking down the march of death or whatever and he sings time is on my side. it looks soooooo much alike. go to 1channel(dot)ch search and when u get to it click on a putlocker or sockshare link. Dear Flo RidaYou cannot make whistling look cool. It is not gangster. stop it.sincerelyME it was never proven that hitler was jewish. he is austrian but no one is able to prove or disprove that he was jewish. and its Hitler not Hittler. lemme guess tho.... what makes you hate black people? do you hate gays? muslims? What defines a song? a new possible funk volume signing??? hopsin wouldnt bother with the dude if he didnt think the guy was kinda raw. wait about a year and see what happens. please tell me thats all a joke.... that was the worst possible 2 minutes i gave.... you and chief keef are whats wrong with hip hop so you're also against blowjobs too?? cuz i mean anyone can give a blowjob. and some blowjobs are fucking fantastic........ I actually liked this song. lol True HU fans dont give a fuck whether the song has danny or deuce in it they listen to it and like it for what it is awesome. thats what i heard too. Nas is fuckin dope. this is a great sample of the original by nipsey russel. bahahaha that's why I chose to go into history. That way I don't have to deal with it constantly in everyday life and have to hear about it from idiots that don't know shit about YEAH THAT TRUMPET PLAYER IS WEARING A SOUNDERS JERSEY!!!!!!!!!! GO SOUNDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! real shit swizzz low key snapped on this. where did u get that hat??? that is dope as fuck!!!! your post displays a complete disregard to what my comment says. Those artists definitely had songs about childhood and that but they are from the 90's generation and have since basically retired as far as music. except maybe for Rakim hes supposed to re-release his debut album. Grieves and Murs i haven't heard their music so they def aren't more popular than macklemore. I'll give u kendrick Lamar though. he is good but he pisses me off when he does a song with drake. PS dont be a fucking prick **flattered** eyebrows all of j coles song. hes dope,24,5,7,5,0,20,0 1718,X1719,So we had a P.S.E teacher he was always quite weird and would only stand near the girls we always had cool parties and days when he would just tell us jokes. One day he didn't turn up for a lesson so we all just talked. However the next day we all found out he had snapped taken a boat (like a little wooden one) onto the top field and started rowing... when the police came to take him away he hit them with his ore yeahh we never saw him again.... Dan you just reminded me i have maths homework thankyou! Sam Can Ride Bulls,3,0,2,5,0,15,0 1719,X1720,WATCH HOT GIRLS!!!! /watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc WATCH HOT GIRLS!!!! /watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc WATCH HOT GIRLS!!!! /watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc WATCH HOT GIRLS!!!! /watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc WATCH HOT GIRLS!!!! /watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc WATCH HOT GIRLS!!!! /watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc HOT GIRLS WATCH!!!!! /watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPclist=LLDk-CqXky82L5mtOyntkx9Q HOT GIRLS WATCH!!!!! /watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPclist=LLDk-CqXky82L5mtOyntkx9Q HOT GIRLS WATCH!!!!! /watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPclist=LLDk-CqXky82L5mtOyntkx9Q HOT GIRLS WATCH!!!!! /watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPclist=LLDk-CqXky82L5mtOyntkx9Q HOT GIRLS WATCHHOT GIRLS WATCHHOT GIRLS WATCHHOT GIRLS WATCHHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPclist=LLDk-CqXky82L5mtOyntkx9Q/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPclist=LLDk-CqXky82L5mtOyntkx9Q/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPclist=LLDk-CqXky82L5mtOyntkx9Q/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPclist=LLDk-CqXky82L5mtOyntkx9Q/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPclist=LLDk-CqXky82L5mtOyntkx9Q HOT GIRLS WATCH /watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPclist=LLDk-CqXky82L5mtOyntkx9Q HOT GIRLS WATCH /watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPclist=LLDk-CqXky82L5mtOyntkx9Q HOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc HOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc HOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc HOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc HOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc HOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc HOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc HOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc HOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc HOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc HOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc HOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPcHOT GIRLS WATCH/watch?v=QX_Cxn6PRPc,25,11,3,5,0,20,0 1720,X1721,"Oh lawd miles you was a hot mess back in the day lol Why doesnt the marines have a marine syphony orchestra? Nigga what? Big sean? Really lol Gurl that face mask really worked. Yo skin so smooth and shit Was I the only one who almost cried at the end? Oh wow... Music of the night was absolutely phenomenal. Yes I love Robyn! :D Is it just me or does he sound like the police at some points? @pinkdollphinz oooooo Shade lol xD You got dat beyonce hurr lookin so good I don't think you should take so much offense to it she has a right to her opinion whether you agree with it or not. and as for slut shaming do what you please with your body. If somebody calls you a slut why get all bent up about it? It's not about what they call you it's about what you respond to. mine too! like this song just speaks to me I dont even understand. Those last few lyrics ,So I was screaming out a language That I never knew existed before, always gets me. Lol Danny are you sure you're the best person to be giving relationship advice? Xoxo love you Someone help me understand how this song got so popular. I masturbate to every video he posts where hes shirtless she looks fine and who exactly will you report some girl you dont even know to? Jesus last time I saw Pewdie he had 600 videos... goddammit now I gotta catch up -__- Can I just see max shirtless who else is turned on by the thumbnail? Fun Fact: That mask he had is modeled after the masks doctors used during the black plague to keep from getting infected. I hope it wasn't penny D: BRIAN DANIEL AND MILES PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ;-; No more reason to watch this channel ;-; I was only here for miles and Brian and Daniel. ;-; Jake has been whoring himself out to every famous gay youtuber. lmao girl dont even try to act like yo momma cray when you know you as cray cray as she is",26,2,5,5,0,28,0 1721,X1722,where am i ????? amazing I love it!!!!!!!,2,2,3,5,0,31,0 1722,X1723,"OMG u really saw justin bieber thats so exciting love ur vids!!! OOOOOOO MYYYYY GOOD she is SOOOOO LUcky i hate himmmmmmmm that john dude is amazing wtf christian lol @ilovejerry1234 omg dude right on im a dancer and these girls are amazing i wish i could dance like that who cares if they show there stomachs its like wearing a bikini lol UMMMM Hello if they made a remeake it should be ME!!!!! and Justin Bieber I LOVE U ELMO!!!!! UR SOO CUTE 3 I LOVE U JUSTIN!!!!!! ur lyrics are so inspirational and personal i love them 3 omg hes sooo hawt 3 ya...first if u hate him i cant believe u actally go to his video just to post a negitive comment and vote down on it. and second if u dont like him thats totally cool with me but if u ,hate, him then u are just trying to be cool (for girls) and guys are just jealous what is there to hate in a guys perspective....he is rich famous and he can have any girl he wants.......just sayin PS I LOVE YOU JUSTIN 3 I CANT DECIDED BETWEEN VANILLA AND CHOCOLATE EITHER!!!!! WE ARE A PERFECT MATCH LOL jk.........or am i??? :) and my fv movie is never say never and i like coke with my subway!!! hahah im allie are i think ur cool lol ohhmygawd!!!!! i loveeeee it 3 ur sooo amazing WHY R U SOOOO ADORIBLE!!! 3 i thought her baby cry was a real little kid haha share your dream :( pwezzzz i love the EVERYTHING!!!! They rushed through their arms quite a bit though! but overall it was beautiful 3 ok yes she didnt get a good start with friday but i actally really like this song and video and she doesnt sing to get famous she sings because thats wat she likes to do. and for all of you tht dont like her music thts fine but she didnt do anything for you to not like her. she just wanted to follow her dreams.... not get death threats SHE IS SUCH A (fame) HORE!!!!! SHE JUST GOES OUT WITH WHOEVER IS FAMOUS AT THE TIME. SHES HELLA PLAYING HIM she wanted to kill the cullens because they killed James (her true love) dude ur obsessed with your cock haha ILL GO OUT WITH YOU this is fucking bullshit. fuck you and your fucking cult.",22,1,5,5,0,19,1 1723,X1724,5:20 there was someone by the tree! Beef as long as you dont use those diamond drawplates you can use an uncrafting table to get your diamond back:) Break the beehives with a scoop and you get bees and beeswax 2013 and its still an epic song! He edits the grass texture himself:) omg u guys are amazing what u on about man wayne kills this! funny i meen cato* btw im not shaun im his sister hello joey im only 11 and i play the lobby hunger games so the 1 u play im not shaun im his sis so please play on it please Accuracy: 10.89%... Really bdubs cmon! Anderz please do a lets play with tiggy!,13,2,3,5,0,22,0 1724,X1725,DONT NEVEER TRY TO RAP U SOUND LIKE A DAM PIG U CANT RAP U STUPID FOR PUTTIN IT ON YOYTUBE DUMB ASS BITCH U IS FINE ASS HELLHIT ME UP dammmmmmmmmm u is da next lil boosie I AM BEAUTIFUL so u gay?? Thur thur slow i don't even and i am in 3 grade and make 100's on the test ever friday i will do that I bet u do dat anyway dats wat he made it for,9,0,3,7,0,14,0 1725,X1726,"you're so fab i love your videos my favourites on youtube no doubt! Viva la Juicy! They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and failing. But that part of us great than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end and so it cannot fail @andybarboza thats rude! gosh you're so cute! great tip! thanks :D september for us girls in canada! :D blaire has a boyfriend!! thats exciting! :D september seventh! :D looove living in canada! i feel like molly parties more then megan :P she looks fab! you're awesome:D haha you're so cute :P please leave. your comments are not wanted here. and also your grammer and spelling is hideous. that makeup makes your eyes look so green! :) the aristocats ! :D do people in the states not learn basic basic french? how do you not know how to pronounce soleil? ( So-Lay) meaning sun?? you make my whole day! :) great story :P awe you two are so perfect for eachother! so cute :) @red23la that was rude there was a way nicer way of saying you dont think this will work you guys are all babies those tampons arent that big and really they're lifesavers. i would never ever go back to using pads. disgusting. ahaha im subscribed to everyone doing the glam bag stuff and all of them did one of these vids :P canadian girls never get to enter anything... :( you have these perfect veiws of ,equality, as an aithiest however it is obvious you think that you are better than people who are part of a religion. you're not putting a very good face on yourselves. yes it is true religion has caused millions of deaths and are not free thinking we do not deny this however the fact that you are and you don't believe in a God does not make you better than the people that do. I used to really like you then I saw this video. wow I really used to think that you were great and free thinking thanks for showing me your not. there is no reason to make videos putting down other peoples veiws. youre hideous display of a stereotypical christian does not make you look clever it makes you look pathetic. i don't care that you are an athiest everyone is entitled to what they wish to believe however you putting down christian veiws makes you look no better than the christians you were trying to make fun of.",23,0,4,5,0,21,0 1726,X1727,"For this kid being 9 hes freaking amazing. Knows what he wants and hes gonna get it. ((:And hes gonna be good looking when he's older (: Keep it up kid! Dont let NO ONE discourage you! 3 You need to sing more! Your voice is so pretty! I didnt think i had any potential i hated hearing myself sing but now im singing songs from Phantom of The Opera and i didnt think id ever be here. Use your voice to its full potential! (: TRUSTME! Ive seriously almost mastered this song im a singer myself. but ive been too scared to upload a recording of me :\ You wanna know something awesome? SHES MY MUSIC TEACHER! (:freaking love her 3 So...he cant sing to save his life.. the only reason he was on the show is because he's hot. I mean seriously? He sounds like he's yawning!! lol They all act shocked that they got rejected... really? That's why you don't go slutting around. He only got hit a few times! Why is he on the ground like a little bitch?? Just because you have a deep voice now doesn't mean you gained any muscle Justin.Dipshit. OMFG steve i freaking love you (:dont ever stop making these videos!!Please!! Can I give you a hug now?? she is so freaking lucky. I love eminem. Okay seriously guys? These people worked really hard to make a film for the hell of it. It wasnt an acting competition. I liked the video. I think they did a good job. So shut your fucking mouths. You people piss me off. Oh damn. Nigga took off his shirt! Shits getting real!!:D I can send you the picture of the sticky note i tallied on. Count them yourself. ITUNES PLEASE!!! There is SERIOUSLY something wrong with you if your willing to put your child through that. Let me tell you from experience that boot camp and military shit SUCKS. My kid wont be in the military unless they WANT it. Im trying..but im always ridden with thoughts of the phantom you know? Hardest decisions of my life.. This song was played at my brothers wedding two weeks ago it was during their first dance as husband and wife. It makes me so jealous i cant wait until my wedding! 3 9 months he fucking deserved that knock out!,I punch niggas in the face nigga. OW FUCK MY FACE!, So you stayed and watched the vid anyway? That sounds like a personal problem bruh. This is beautiful brandon! (: I had no idea you could play like this (: OMG. Her tongue like fell out of her mouth. Its so long. And she didnt even flinch when they poked i want my tongue pierced so bad but im so scared to do it. I hate you. You're so pretty. ): 3 The song is about drugs...hes supposed to look high.. id be scared to get hit by her she has some muscly arms",24,2,3,5,0,17,0 1727,X1728,my husband and i thought the same thing when we were looking at it it just did nt seem right really eeerrie there is no god damn proof that there is a planet like that for god sakes it should be on our doorstep by now. and everyone should be able to see it with the naked eye by now.. its a planet not a comet... so what do u have to say about that... its all lies thats what . so get off the effen trip all ready A this nibiru crap is getting so old get off it already... u people dont seem to have anything better to do with your time then telling a buch of bull shit stories to scare all the young people out there who are to ready to believe this shit.. get a fucking life ass holes. if those are planets they are awefully close to the sun I guess the guys living there must be called crispy critters... come on... what do u think is being hidden. we are part alien we are going to get visiters from another planet soon. the end of the world is coming.. or all of the above.. really lets all just try to take care of what we have here... which by the way is in bad shape... who cares whats up there... its here that we should be worrying about and that is the truth most people wont face that ... that is so phony... that kid will have such a rough life... hi's so effen fat no kiddingpoor cat they'r evil people your making to much noise with your body. but that is some scary stuff your fuckimg wierd who are u and where do u get your information such a good song loved hearing it ... its been a long time pretty good singing so relaxing.. it was all i needed to get my day started... thank you for this beautifully done sounds... oh wait or even shown a fight... if you want to put something on here at least make sure that it looks real... im not convinced with this video. its pretty bad and not real looking.. for me this song is sad my sons nick name was little willy. and one nite he didnt come home .. he was nineteen yrs old and was killled.... and he was a wild one at times... sorry... just a sad song for me awesome song.. have always loved it then your a fool to join such an organization ... you can have that loyalty without being a fool to them crap we are not criminals.. you must be a pig lover.... u must kiss their assez tooo those fucking cops should be put in there place... they use their badges to be able to abuse people all the time... any one that believes that cops have the right to do the things they do is so dumb... they always break the law... and never have to answer for it... cops are crooked and they use their position to abuse the law... for their own use.... never trust them... I never will again... crooked old pigs.. thats what they are its the same here in Canada the cops are crooked here too... my son was killed by one of them... and they covered it up.... I hate them all this movie is awsome havyou seen it be for it is the best movies of all time im not old im a nine year old child so dont think im a old lady no i love this song there are so many parasites in all meats.. if you believe the crap your spreading is true your a bigger fool then you think... get a life. woman killers and those fuckers will get away with that too just the way they got away with killing my son in the public safety building... the cops here in winnipeg are not good.. they are supposed to fight crime not creat it... no one deserves to get that shit... oh man make those effen buggers suffer they should stay in the fields this video i awsome YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! If you step outside right now i guaruntee you would here there same thing :/ its january 24th 2013 and i could here a similar noise outside. cloudy and thick blankets of powder snow. pretty noisy... this songs aight! but you guys are not . bahaha,32,1,5,5,0,46,1 1728,X1729,"ends video will..., not british...byee..., Love your music3 this is amazing. seriously though. one of my favorite songs right now. great job. (: I love love love this song!",4,3,4,5,0,15,0 1729,X1730,Haha cuute Haha FUNNY This is Great(= I think it sounds better with earphones(; I don't know much about music but I love to sing and I think you have a wonderful voice keep trying I think your amazing(: This is a great song but I like the English one better(: * had thanks :),8,2,3,3,0,14,0 1730,X1731,8 flavaz :),1,0,3,5,0,14,0 1731,X1732,u talk like u hard but rappin no shit u better speak on wat u live on nigga!,1,0,4,5,0,17,1 1732,X2815,3 guys think dont you think if she killed herself this would be bigger news? Its still sad if this is true which i guess it is because who would go through the trouble unless she actually felt something. But she obviously didnt kill herself. Look at all the girls who actually killed themselves in minutes theres facebook pages blogs and being reported on by major news networks. Look up this incident its on a video game blog and a couple of other sites that are mostly just blogs. yea i get confused sometimes sorry lol. I just think ego is a company sometimes what about solitaire? Lol basic paintball thinkers he slides into a bunker and put his gun in the air then switches. FUCKING PRO. This guy should play for dynasty new rabackoff right here editing color correction exposure. Most people really dont know what there doing lol 15:57 lmao thats not how jumping jacks go haha sick vid. Whats up with the players not playing? Once agian lil wayne leaching off artist that actually have talent This is by far the best and most inspirational paintball video i have ever seen nobody understands why we play so much and spend so much. yea you should get better footage though lmao forget you had a speedfeed 2:15 Now your playing like a pro You can like stuff on youtube to does anyone know what the bottom of the triangle said was that your first time? @Ozielhc lmao im pretty sure you werent there do u know the story how can you call him a douchebag. Maybe that kid was talking shit to him earlier and his friend hit him for it lol purpascurp Apparently this kids life is pretty exciting consisting of finger-boarding and rolling tires down a hill. to bad corey looks like a clown Where is child porn legal? This isnt really special at all. Hope you rehost one didnt even try because i just came to the thought that someone proffesional was just gonna blow away everyone. You could have done this easily with the footage and a basic editing system. try unplugging it b4 you shut it off How does he have it already? If your watching this video you shouldnt need the 'dirty ' in the title Is this pretty much a cigar? That guy looks like he got his wendys Damn i wanna mac lol Wait Mike im confused you always play recball? Doesnt that get boring after a while. Do you use twixtor for slow mo Why would you insult cnoddings then upload something like this,31,5,3,5,0,21,0 1733,X1374,"OH! OHHHH! THAT'S AWFUL! I'll never get to sleep now!I like the eighties version better when it looked so fake! D'X You know the Disney short ,the Little Match Girl,? I think that girl in there would be a great Cossette for one of these Disney trailers for Les Miserables. WHY TWINKIE! WHY! DX Superman gets whipped both ways. It's that time of month people! It reminds me of those old bugs bunny cartoons where he's in the shower and someone's trying to kill him at the same time. I am torn in thinking that this is a conspiracy because I cannot believe that people even the government would go so far as to sacrifice the lives of CHILDREN in order to stage a shooting all to prove some point that guns should be illegal. Yet when I watch the responses from these so-called grievers I can't help but see the obvious facades being displayed. Also their numerous story variations don't add up. If this is a conspiracy (and I'm not sure if it is) then stick to one story. I loved this commercial when i was little. It's nice to know it's still here. That's cuz we all know he's not talking about guns... The way to get famous these days is to just post a kitten video. Two Power Ranger Fans dislike this video. Knox: Let's keep the profanity down!Team: HUH!?Knox: I mean it. No swearing!Mitchel: Well that eliminates speech for most of the team. I think if I was Arnold I'd jump. I think Bruce would win because Tony may be quote unquote a ,ladies man, and ,life of the party, his expertise is machines and technology whereas Bruce's strength is really his unfailing knack of getting things right. His whole life is based on psychology and analyzing a person piece by piece to know what they want and how they want it and he can employment that skill to every woman he encounters whether its at the party or in the bed. What the hell is his name? Superman you're such a nerk! A shirt that doesn't protect against bears?! But that's why I wanted to buy it! :( Oh that sounds ever so wonderful! He doesn't need a license for anything. He's the goddamn Batman! That's license enough. Isn't this song from the Brave Little Toaster? Terry: Hey you know maybe you could...,Batman death glare,Terry: Never mind These dads are bigger babies than their babies. This better not be ligit. The first movie was borderline awful! STELLAAAAAA! Oh wait that's in the next episode. There's only one being whose more badass than Batman... and that's Alfred. Like if you want to hear Batman hum his own theme song and then punch someone! Oh god i'm afraid! Ooh first comment! Yay!That kid is an official hero forever! A good bad guy is a person who assumes the role of a good guy who just wants whats best for people when in actuality his purpose is to make sure his plan works for his own goals. Rita is such a bitch. So... does anyone know Chocolate Boy's real name? A thousand points to Collin for being bald. Otherwise these jokes would be stupid. How would that work exactly?",33,0,4,5,0,20,0 1734,X164,So you're comparing all those innocent people that were killed or maimed in Colorado to bunch Nazi pieces of shit? Well that's true the stories are very similar. Or you could just play REAL paintball..... Rainbow Six Vegas 2 FTW!!! Someone watched Tokyo Drift one too many times..... Wouldn't say she's brave more like ignorant/naive to how hot it really was. Definitely tuff though. The water content in beer is too high you need hard liquor or milk to help quell the heat. I put this sauce on EVERYTHING it's delicious. It might sound strange but shuffling reminds me of some native american dances I've seen at powwows. It's almost like this is a tribal dance of our age. $750000 to fix his face afterwards. Him and the video were just on tosh.o They're actors... That's pretty creepy... He didn't have two rounds left he fired all five. You should smell my hockey gloves.... Funny because throwing wine in his face could be considered assault..... I think I was wrong though she later cheated on me with one of my friends. I feel like the mental trauma of almost dying changed her. We lost our house and I feel like I lost her in that fire as well. No matter how hard I tried to hold on to her she just turned into ash and slipped through my grasp. We both died in that fire. The guy she left me for spent all her money got her pregnant then left her. He sounds like Tom Hanks!!! What's up with the headphones? I love how these kids always say THEY payed for something when in actuality they didn't pay shit for anything. He is right about cooking the skate though it helps the boot conform to your unique foot shape and cuts down on the break in time. Kung Fu Pandaria? It's all good man no need to thank me. Bieber out!!!!! EEEEEOOOHHHHH!!!!! Well regardless getting shot by the prongs is WAY worse than any drive stun. I've done both and I'd take a drive stun over the prongs any day... They don't need a female in their group they need to keep it original and not give in to all this gimmicky playground girls need to be included in everything bullshit that society is pushing down our throats. Jabbowakeez Does anyone else notice all the funny faces girls make when they dance like this? Ok honestly iHeatzify or whatever their name is has my respect for having an informative and convincing opinion on the subject I presented. YOU are abviously an uninformed idiot who needs to shut the fuck up and go crawl in a whole to die somewhere. The world is better off without trolls like yourself. Never said you couldn't find it under that name; I was just saying that's not the name of the song. I wear hockey pants 2-3 times a week. Can't stand little shits that never pass I deal with them too often at pick up games. How stupid do you have to be to get goth and emo mixed up seriously?? O__o In my experience fresh rattle snake is like a cross between fish and chicken. The texture of the meat is like fish and the taste is just like chicken. It is delicious if it's cooked right. I loved Drive and I ended up walking out of this in the first half hour... I have beaten this challenge 3 times so far. You get a certificate each time you beat it and your picture on the wall of fame. The burger consists of 3 half pound patties and about a half pound of bun condiments and veggies combined. Altogether the whole thing weighs about two pounds. I always get it with skinny fries and Gold Peak sweet tea on my cheat days it's fucking delicious. 27 dead including 18 children...,35,1,5,1,0,25,1 1735,X1736,"Heh... I thought that said box fart not fort xD I love this music :] it's so calming. They are amazing but remind me a lot of Alvin and the Chipmunks xD love Ryan's expressions Story of my life sadly. Beautiful song. So glad I found it. So much prettier than that other girl Justin who sang it ^.^ xbox those draugr deathlords make the gaurds look like like wimps I watch it with my dad.... very very very very awkward If school explained things like this it'd be a little bit easier to survive it! AMEN TO THIS VIDEO Does anybody else die laughing at the end where he goes ,I WILL BE IN MUSICALS!, ? If you're still friends with Carletta please please tell her her two friends Lauren and Lexi want her to get on meez again mkay? THANK YA :D Fun video guys Want. To. Buy. This. Book. I'm so buying this and making my grandma read it to me without knowing the name xD See her reaction We're so startled! YESSS Heh 0:11 x] 0:45 Yup xD and yes we're working on making this a movie thingy The key is to say I love youtube really quick. It sounds like you're saying I love you c: I just died of laughter. How can I sleep after watching something so amazing Thanks for a good laugh Ryan! That was so frackin funny . . . . . . I will vote for you Ryan only because you approve this s*** and whatever s*** Ryan approves is the s*** I will vote for!",21,21,3,25,0,17,0 1736,X2781,"thanks!! what type of microphone did you use to record this and software to edit it? how was she bullied? she's just so beautiful! stay strong forever! is it like a mosquito netty thing? omg i remember driving on the motorway christmas eve forever yours was playing! 1:43 love poo huh? team 'PHAN' good ol' captin Jack! i can understand vector put shadow? muffin maguffin :D 0:26 italy had a death the kidd moment! can you imagine the english dub? english miku not sure if thats good or bad? you can get some vegetable juice for 200yen! :D 2:17 amazing!! it's 'ARMS' the magical kitsune! *kitsune is japanese for two armed fox XD* Charlie is really bad by the way he steals things and hurts people not like ,murder, bad but bad enough that you should we warned.Well i've helped to warn you now you're on your own... DAMN STRAIGHT! i was bought here by hetalia (england) :3 lol! OMFG WHEN!!!???!? he sounds just like alvin the chipmunk when its sped up! tobio's dad promised to take him to the fun fair he forgot and said another day they had a minor argument and tobio was told to go home he got into the car and it crashed he died in hospital and his dying wish was for his dad to make the strongest robot in the world and name it tobio to replace him is it wrong i didn't know denku was a girl? lol they thought hungary was a boy and italy was a girl! hi joe! if you don't know what a thing is you should ask the toilet would 2p prussia be quiet and creepy and always putting himself down? im not gonna lie i checked my thumb in the middle of this you fell i laugh haha i love how awkward prussia looks in his religious dress! theres actually older series than this but he got porn for christmas lol!! I'm from England ~ahhh~ and this would wind up so many people i know!! :D When I was little I thought the british slang for cigarette fag meant a lottery ticket (don't ask why) so when we went into my local Asda I went up to the kiosk where they sold cigarettes and lottery tickets and said ,Please may I have a fag?, It was only then when I was told what fag meant :P Stuart became an english teacher at my school lucky us :/...... lol beth! probably not! but this video was brilliant! my names Tamia like Tah-me-yah i was that one kid that never came in with those customized water bottles or pencils. my fandom drug is Hetalia it's so bad that I've pretty much made all of my friends watch it. thats not all..Me and my friend Nicky ship these two characters: Prussia x Hungary we were in english and we've just started watching Romeo and Juilet so we replaced all of the characters with Hetalia characters Prussia and Hungary being the main characters and we actually managed to fangirl overour english class.yeeeeeah... i need that rehab.... oh yeah i know but i know Toby in real life and that's what i call him XD",38,4,2,5,1,14,0 1737,X1101,"Give her a pet cat only its not a cat. its a dildo Rae. i think we must be related in some way luul Man I think its awesome how you've said ,thank you, to so many of the complement you've recieved.. its cool respectable and most of all humble.. especial since you do have a good voice.. keep it up man when i sit on the toilet to long.. my legs fall asleep the only reason I didn't cry when i saw this was because no one could see me crying behind my 3d glasses. After a couple months of strait BF3 one day i decided to pop in Bad Co. 2 and i forgot how effin epic it is!! I will say that BF3 is more realistic but that takes away so much from the wow factor if I want to see what a tank looks like when it blows up I'll watch a youtube video. If I want to blow a tank up I want a unrealistic AWESOME FRIGGIN EPIC FIREWORK SHOW thus I will play BAD CO. 2 VERDICT= BF3= realistic less fun BFBC2= a little bit less realistic Loads more fun. BC2BF3 Those AI's are stupid i mean who ever was playing 47 was pretty obvious with his stalking luulz aim your gun.. arrg Favorite Disney movie 3 3 she's waiting for me 333 she does't know it but she is. herself Cant wait for this year!!!! Its going to be my first time.. i had the chance to go last year but didn't because I was doing some stupid stuff with my life.. I'm coming this year as a rededicated fishermen of men and I. can. not. wait.!!! I am so stoked for 2013! Why did you flush... let it fester in the piss of all the ones who paid for this game I feel that Treyarch really tries to please there Audience I think Black Ops 2 will be an awesome game with a new/fresh multiplayer feeling while still staying true to the run'N'gun action that people play CoD for. I feel that treyarch strives to take leaps and bounds with there games unlike the copy and paste feeling of MW 2 and 3. I'm really looking forward to playing this. Im a Government Major so obviously I voted for Romney. Geodesic Domes its MAth next to that Finn and Marce JOSH!!!!! Angel with her blades Niko! No Homo but we need to hang and watch Adventure Time. I had skull with blue eyes didnt play zombies for couple days studyin for finals i got on an hour ago my blue eyes are gone 1:42 xD take the words out... perfect night longboarding tune. Jacob you might be high Your really good at what your doing dude.. excellent review GameSpot doesn't see what gaming is about they look at what's good and what's bad about every game.. does anyone rememeber when you powered up your system the only option was start. And the game would play. We didn't know about the secrets if the world we couldn't look up how to get through a level. You're only option was try until you get. That's what I feel that the creator of this game was aiming for. The gaming industry needs to step back and remember what Gaming is all about. (Fun) I laughed so hard when I saw that. NSW twilight beats this by a long shot.. there are few movies that I would label below twilight but this is for sure one of them. Brandon are you high ? 634.64 Dat fohead let her touch your penis dude Summer time lovin ya ya lovin in the summer time. KRISPY KREME bwaa haa ha.. We shall taunt our enemy by dancing atop our walls!!! -- BRILLIANT!! Should be voicing Marshall Lee! I didnt like it the first time I watched it.. but the more I watch it.. the better it gets",38,7,3,1,0,19,0 1738,X1739,bitch u aint no barbie lol :D keep it up thumbs up if u want bully 2 the first one was the beast :D ur reaction is funny nd ur cute :) love this song man got me hearing it every time when im bored nd not love the song nd beat man let me borrow mw3 lol man ur vid are the beast the box cover looked real but i knew it was fake when i saw the number at the bottom coner ... but nice thaz cool how juri is niko....bully juri gta4 niko an dboth from rockstar latinio my hermano and have u ever weared glasses lol got no other question lol love ur video i dint need to no abot the d**k and head i got one lol ... and thaz mest up about wat hey said abot mexicans ! nice videos an get me a GET DOWN CRAZY shirt plz lol i know why he put ironman in it cuz at the end at hulk 2 that character from ironman is in it at the end .. i fell like a nerd :) nah u dont have to show me were to go nd nah to late the music arardy f to the fail Q bonito es escuchar esta cansion pensando en el amor de tu vida chikito te amoo ;)) laffy thumbs up for bully 2 :) we want bully 2 they are really good ideas but it look like u kinda took some parts from bully 1 if claude did died they show how he died in a mission in gta v that was a pussy for peter bitting the chicken i bet peter was like can i have barbiq hey ego do u know sergio razta ? if u do i bet ya 2 make the best youtube video hey let me have them i pay $20 lol but for real they cool nd u really selling them he scared me he got an ugly laugh nd smile lol,20,0,2,5,0,17,0 1739,X1740,Jenny goes bannanas! Gos bardzo fajny podoba mi si ciekawie brzmi ale dziewczyna nie umie piewac...i wysza lipa.a szkodamiao by sexownie a wyszo bezpciowo she makes me wanna work hard is she black or is she or yellow black or yellow... Ale ten Stasiek pikny......Bozicku!!!! I like to watch her she is way better then Gaga though I don't like her music muzyka z windy:),7,0,2,5,0,23,0 1740,X1741,"it's ages since the first time i heard this mnh bit mnh khng ht hay nh h nhng xin li phi ni thng l ht kinh qu chu ko ni. cm gic bi ht yu thch ca mnh b ph hng tht khng khip con gi nht c nt p g rt l. khng phi p 1 cch hon m (ch ny c rng khnh) nh dv hn quc nhng duyn cht ngi. nhn 1 ln l nh mi. c vi cnh quay khi ch ci ln nhn c nt hao hao victoria m cng hi hao hao l b la 2012 MAMA song of the year. i believe that ..... no. yg lovers they need to change their style. i mean their concept is so boring. nothing new with their music. never understand because she is chinese. mt my p lm. nghe cch my ni l bik my ,p, ri 84 haha mnh nghe c t CH MA .......... he can't sing like this once more times 5 minutes late and where's the mv ko mentos y nhn mt ng nhn lc camera quay lc make up ka. ch hiu c g b mt m giu k qu thi ny c th ni l nh cao ca m nhc vit nam. tic l n 2009 nhc hn gy nh hng qu mnh nn by gi ai ai cng nghe nhc hn i'm so sorry but her expression likes a brick on the wall from VIETNAM",17,2,2,5,0,15,0 1741,X1742,It might Or in some cases it'll infect flash disks and write itself to the partition table. You: GOTTA MOVE THAT GEARMe: CUT THE BLUE DUT GEAR Make a 10 hour version... What was the CPU? If it was a 486/Pentium well damn :3 Nowadays that would be around 1 exabyte Hey I was making a AVGN Joke! But I understand you don't get it. Pleeeeeeeeeeeease? It didn't work I was trying to join 2 .001 and .002 and they failed to play after the join Putt-Putt needs to take Time traveling lessons from Emmit Brown This used to be my younger brother's account OH BOB SAGET no Oh and if it did It would probably fail at catching malware. Oh and nice 'original' Layout.(Stolen from Malwarebytes) Dan Remember! Windows 1.03 to Windows 3.11 runs on top of dos thus not making it an OS. That was my brother. This used to be his account he still uses it like it's still his. I have an AMD FX 8150 HIS HD 78460 graphic card.:) YOU CRUEL IDIOT!!! BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY BLOOBIDY Well With all the shit they put up I think there even. Thank god for emulators. PORNY 2012 Right. It was her business laptop too! It was around 4999.99 $ That Heatsink reminds me of the old 486DX/Pentium CPU's that were so slow that they did not get very hot. I threw mine away a while ago but I had the original HDD.I got the same model pc and stuck the drive back in there. Ultimate nostalga!,23,21,3,9,1,18,0 1742,X1743,Siempre que lo veo siento lo misma emocin creo que nunca me cansare de amarte tanto solo espero que algn da por mas lejano que sea te conozca alguna podria traducirlo por favorrrrrrr Pum!! ovaries Justin Bieber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jahedjwkjwqhekjwqehasjkd shasteeeeen te amo okno pobre justin le pegan :S ame el video :D esta cancion siempre me alegra el dia! GRACIAS 18 de septiembre del 2012 ! Los amo nunca habra nada mejor que REBELDE nunca habran unos personajes capaces de transmitir lo que ustedes transmiten y lo me ensearon nunca lo olvidare generacion rbd por siempre!! VONDY Llevo meses enteros viendola cada segundo que tenia libre era dedicado a la mejor novela que se pudo inventar...nunca olvidare sus enseanzas hoy 18 de septiembre del 2012 a las 10:26pm declaro que siempre amare RBD porque siempre sera parte de mi REBELDE por siempre! LOS AMO GRACIAS GENERACION RBD 19 de septiembre 2012 Los amor RBD seran siempre parte de mi GENERACION REBELDE Wow es todo un hombre destrozo su guitarra e insulto a un joven de 18...Me asombra su hombra Wow hace imagino que eso lleno sus corazones vacios enserio busquen una vida todos los cantantes lo hicieron alguna vez es parte de ser cantante su vos debe descansar -.- idiotas saludame !!,12,1,3,2,0,15,0 1743,X1744,yall fucking stupid is all about dat texas puro cst they good i like em fo sure,3,0,2,3,0,19,0 1744,X1745,ganas de matar aumentando.. Que manera ms original de cortar con tu novia.. en vez de decrselo por SMS le escribes una cancin. nice kitchen xD Os echbamos de menos Lo que se puede hacer hoy en da con un par de chutes de silicona y un equipo de autotuneros.. mierda de vida para los msicos de verdad y no para esta chusma No canta Manolo Escobar no te jode xD No its Tyler.. XD in the first phrase there is a note that autotune fucked :(.. dont use autotune You are more than that!! standard retarded que hace ese con mi guitara? xD Repeating 4:30 4ever :3 asco das tu defendiendo esta puta mierda next winner of x factor mmmmmmmmmm (8) friendzone :( Eso no es espaol es panchito. Britney.. bitch please.. 2:15 - 2:20 He can sing and is a magician. The whole pack! for a moment I thought you were not going to smile D: She sings like Justin Bieber :D (double sense) Take note Sheldon,21,783,6,10,0,22,0 1745,X1746,"hey man can you do one without the hook ??? i would HIGHLY APPRECIATE that....please and thank you.-LuisR Cudi is a genious. He is killing the game and can honestly out flow anyone. He has started a movement. I know this is annoying as shit.I know you read these all the time but im gonna try it anyway on the off chance that real will recognize real.Im a new artist just trying to get heard.Problem is its impossible to get a following on youtube without reaching out. Check me out and if not vote this up so maybe someone else will. One click can change my life. Much love Youtubers.. same here man ! o: they thought it ment ,dis i like, thats just an is a cycle. LIFE is a cycle. Just my thoughts i could care less if my thoughts are ,impractical,...and okay lets replay this. Thank you and peace ! (: Assassin's Creed Lineage make Aliens Fighting Robots i would really appreciate it !!! D: this was really dope !! fuck i bet we can all own ash hes trash xD LOL xD YES DO A CUDDER BEAT ! fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck MAY 6th CANT WAIT !!!! not hating or anything but i wonder where traphik keeps all his stuff he has alot of shit man xD 200 dislikes??? i cant even get 200 views o:fuck the haters tho :P i think its badass how she actually replies to comments..funny video tho xD BOSS hahaha this is actually true.. xD Cudi too ! reply to me tim !!!!!!!!!! this concert was the shit !!! i was in the front ! (: i freaking jizzed when i was there o: RoryC whats your thesis ?! ,I dont fucking believe this!!, i was right infront of chris when he would get close to the crowd shit was awesome how would you clean the red suede area on the varsity red/ white 13s ?? help please /: This is a hype story!",26,92,3,6,0,16,0 1746,X1747,awsome add me araiza 77 but only ps3 every time i come on youtube i come to this video dont work dosent work u i fell bad 4 u the doll u have the ghost girl had in here HANDS!!!look closely and youl see the doll in her hands!!!!! dont hack if its to hard noooooob @kaylee gomez Dud some day ur brother is going to kick ur ass an the mast up part is that he's mental dumb ass it's not working doesn't work anyone can u help me that's not him shit bitch never mind it does work,16,2,2,10,0,16,0 1747,X1748,Pokket what do you use to edit your videos? Vareide you just got a sub like and a favorite! KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK! 3 Woo! Can't wait! Well this was a kind of a dissapointment... which program do I use for PC? :( Ok thanks man figured it out for pc :) Can me and my friend make a dual-tage recruitement response because we both wanna join? can you please put it in mediafire and if you wanna make money off it make an link please!!! Fantastic montage sick OMFG,10,2,3,4,0,26,1 1748,X981,I like the music You have cool toy lego I like your dog I no this game You guys are not smosh I have that toy I lost it Noooooooo Funny Funny again It's funny we' He did your thin Toby Funny cool I no Smosh That happens to my gllas Name it Jason I like this song Omg cool Is that a new dog Are you with pewdiepie Yo mama so fat the equator is her belly Cool That was funny dino It's fake Cool but that's fake Not scary at all I love jurassic park Happy birthday I see this at school I like the boy Poseidon get it right That's not a penis Omg I no town Is that a new dog What about the old dog,35,6,3,7,0,17,0 1749,X1750,amazing :) very pretty ;) super like it :] i love taylor!! :] your super good love it :) it reminds me of my grandpa :'c i never had a chance to talk to him he died last new year 2010 wow.. super cute.. i him i want to have a child like him..:) nice :] too bad i didn't had a father to watch everyday..^^ i like you :) coolest cover thank you thank you thank you... thank you. thank you. thank you :D,12,6,5,5,1,18,0 1750,X2608,"Heh. P0wned. Four people have severely impaired hearing. On Goats its called a wattle... This has nothing to do with being a great display of Christianity. This is simply a great display of humanity. Sting himself says that this ,song is very very sinister and ugly and people have actually misinterpreted it as being a gentle little love song.,Try to find some deep lovely meaning in it if you want but even the songwriter says that it's about a controlling stalker. A lot of restaurants that you probably eat at use this kind of pre cooked bacon. Basically throw it on the grill to heat it up put it straight on a burger. You really think the threat is gone? The entertainment industry will continue pushing for more draconian copyright laws. The president just signed the ACTA treaty which if ratified could lead to worse consequences than SOPA/PIPA but on an international scale. Yeah? And? Right so they can instead waste their time arresting people for minor cannabis possession. Ideally anyone filing a police complaint should lawyer up. But who says that this is actually the protocol? Do you have proof that it is? I'm sorry if this isn't politically correct but maybe if she reads mean comments she'll make an effort to get healthy. There are hundreds of thousands of obesity related deaths every year.... It's okay to tell people that their smoking is killing them but it's so terrible to tell someone to go take a run and lay off the cheetos? Maybe people saying the tough truth will motivate her to better herself. Sorry but the world isn't always such a nice place. Is this the song from FF8? 3 years. LOL! A Chuck Norris joke? OMG! UR SO FUNNY. The Christian version: God did it.Oh wait was that how the world began or the explanation for everything that you don't quite understand? This is obviously a joke. Just a couple girls trying to get Rebecca Black level attention. Haha kid you think you're bad because your first console was a PS2? Have you ever played a 2600 or an NES?Your comment ,now I'm joining the best futuristic fps in there, really shows a lot about your perspective. Best graphics does NOT mean best gameplay. You mean cupcakes? Retarded people are like big children. That's not how many countries see themselves. Israel sees itself as a Jewish country and they want to preserve their Jewish heritage and pure bloodline. Japan's population sees their country as a place for and owned by Japanese people; outsiders are shunned. Are you kidding me? Liberals are the ones who try to get rid of things they don't like? Like gay people? Muslims? Atheists? Poor people who can't get health care? Minorities? Independent women? Science? Public education infrastructure healthcare and all other publicly funded resources they deem as socialist while reaping their benefits?Yeah fuck you. Conservatives are some of the most hateful people in this country and when they can't get their way they whine and filibuster. bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww......... Have you ever seen how much work it takes to brew beer properly? You're a few years late. Corpse paint at 10:10 Ann Romney wore a lot of jewelry during her speech in the RNC too... Are you really suggesting that the Romneys have a better idea what it's like to be lower or middle class? Go look at the price of 27, IPS monitors at 2560x1440. Then consider that this laptop display has 40% more pixels packed into a screen 12, smaller. Plus it has a very decent i7 processor a very decent graphics card up to 16GB of RAM an SSD the best trackpad on the market and it fits inside a ridiculously thin case.Of course Apple makes tons of money on each sale but this laptop still has a lot of value. Plus people are willing to buy 3 year old macbook pros for a lot of money. No there is Bethesda Softworks (a publishing company) and there is Bethesda Game Studios (a game developer). It sounds like Randy Marsh. Yes everyone goes to college with their parents' money. Women can't rape men remember? Just like it's impossible to be sexist against a man. /s Yeah Americans definitely don't understand it... Are you retarded? The imagery is not that hard to understand and many many Americans are not obsessed with the horrible mainstream music industry.",31,0,7,5,0,32,0 1751,X904,ok i have one think 2 tell u SCREW OFF MOTHER FUCKER ya ummmm looking at ur pic i'm way hotter than u will ever b. I'm a freaking model kk? so mind ur own business next time around. I LOVE U! U R SOOOOOO HOT! 3 wow... posner looks like my cousin and she should so go out with Zyan from 1D! Cheese he is good at sand sculpting!!! what?! :) mako island is from my little sister's favore that is so a mermagica tail haha it doesn't look that bad... i guess... ha ha someday someone is going to die doing on of yhese things and i bet a buncb already have so sweet what minecraft needs is fish make the oceans look good ha ha do you have a mind the dogs did nothing to you!!!!!! do wolves please!!!!#!! omg that is so totally what happened!!! what happened to the idea of making flippers!? lol !!!!!!! the dogs name is now dezzi and that is a fact!!! is that...... at least we know richerd is nit gay... and that is to everyone its not a glich... u place a block under water and place one under that break the bottom block and uv got an air hole we had some heavy snow today... desert style! i won a skin contest on that server and got 2500 dollers. its one of my fav servers Just so u all no that song isnt about Harry the song was out before they started it's just a song k? Get a life haters o god... lol wtf ewww lol harry is super hot btw wtf... that made no sence,33,5,3,5,1,27,1 1752,X1753,"HOLY FUCK!!! YOU ARE HOT OMFGGG LIKE ON MY KNEES WOULD SUCK THE PERIOD OUT OF A WOMANS VAG JUST FOR 5 MINUTES IN YOUR ARMS!!! OMG!!! I never said it was my mothers bag? Its my bag... i collect louis vuitton... UH DUHHH thats not what I'm saying man... i know he's talking about homosexuals... my comment is how ,I, view homosexual sex. I'm gay... thats how i see it.. idk.. the neighbors ,GOD DAMN QUEERS NEXT DOOR!!, yawn... eh.. my boyfriends hotter.... Never mind haha its a Babyliss... You herd right my friend! :) coated canvas lasts longer than leather. The outside of fake bags is usually a cheaper and thicker coat. Louis Vuitton monogram damier azur damier canvas have all the same structure. People always think the reason why the classic bags are so expensive is because the monogram print is stamped on leather. this is not the case! The only part the signature bags that contains leather is the handles and trim. Which is a wonderful idea! the coated canvas is much more durable than leather. its a keep all 55 :) this should be urban outfitters commercial... well i think its real! spirits only show themselves when they wanna be seen... besides... its not like everyone has ghosts in their family trips... people only report it when they notice something creepy behind them! then they get it verified by professionals. their not fake thats really cool! all those things are is magnets.... thats it.. all you need to get off any of these stupid alarm tags is magnet.... don't people ever just look at how the store clerks get off the tags... Ne volez pas la veste... I have never touched a needle to clothes before and i absolutely LOVE MAKING CLOTHES NOW! Thanks to you and your easy tutorials I am now making clothes that i always dreamed of having! But I always sew my pieces by hand.... If you made a tutorial on the sewing machine and how it works. That would be crazy good! Thanks again! GREAT VIDEO! THANKS A BUNCH! Some day I will work with Rick. reminds me of the goblin.... ones you can't find in stores nor can afford. You are really REALLY good at this! i love these old school dances his other work is better... How did this get 11 million hits...? common... 27 seconds in and I'm done. IM GOING TO TRY THIS NOW! :D nothing he says is funny ok bye",28,106,3,15,0,19,0 1753,X1342,Le mooby lol It's not fake coz i bought it off iTunes Still watching it in 2012!! I bet it's poo... To be popular is to bee confident and funny Lol I first saw the video and I thought it said 'I want to suck your dick' It should be BUttons LIVE HD ( Nicole Sherzinger ) Lets go and suck someones....dick! Lol 16:42 he says something bout jimmy saville! my favourite song who saw blac chyna? What do you use to record your video? I'm gonna do this I'm level18 people are so funny commenting! they only write bad comments to be on the top comments!!!! Honestly people get a LIFE. so old There is 4204859 comments! Nothin like him lol Lottiedoll is osm This is fake guys check her other vid if you don't believe me Stop acting like Fred to get subscribers I froze my skin Its weird how he got uglier at each photo Whats the name of the song at 2:20 whoever answers first ill subscribed to there channel How old is 2nd grade coz I'm English 2nd view Lol My last name is green and my favourite colour is green I love when you swear! xD Cool glitch It would be even funnier if she said 'is that your breath or did you just shit',31,0,2,6,0,14,0 1754,X1755,this is just so lovelly im not much of a one dierection fan but this is seriously the most adorable song ive ever heard :') 3 love song of the year i think.... this made my day :') omfg cant stop laughing. once there was an ugly barnicle he was so ugly that everyone died the end--- FAV LINE! liz your just amazing as a girl i think you have an absolutely stunning personality and it really shines through. your beautiful no matter what xox im ashamed to say that i think hes hot.... that boy is so hot.. i swear this man has a fetish for blackheads. MAKE MORE!!! OMG :D yh because when your dead you have your tounge stuck out... do caca poo 2:58 i had to get my asthma pump because i laughed that much :'D Ear sex. eargasm that last one was deeeeeeep. she should be called ''holey'' but the thing is i understand what she was trying to do she can sing but obvisously they arent clever enough to understand her style. harry potter harry potter uuuuh! techno chicken style. this dude has like 100000 balls.... i can see you being as big as conor maynard or someone one day,21,13,3,3,0,21,0 1755,X1756,me too! Adam is not the kinda guy that can be controlled just because she cling to him all the time. Time will show that Anne is the best for Adam.. :) Indonesia my fav thing about Valentines is getting pink stuff for me.. nit the cheesy ones but like Japanese cherry blossom set from The Body Shop which is exactly what he got for me this year.. ^^ Thank You David! lol hi too! ;) i think that's erin heatherton,5,6,5,1,0,26,0 1756,X1757,- i know he sing to me though. yay ! - bitch ?! who you calling bitch you dont know me alright. ill fuck you up ASAP ! dont fuck w/ me ! - aint Kasumi cold in that frezzy weather ? - JESSICA WON !!! BAD BITCH RIGHT THERE - CAMILA IS A BAD ASS BITCH!!! - t,12,1,3,5,0,14,0 1757,X1758,Just loveeee it! Op Curacao opgenomen :) hahaha nice ! :-),3,0,3,5,0,14,0 1758,X1759,Awww.:D-blushes-=:D ^_^ HES SMILE!:D-laughs- awww :DThis makes me smile.;)33look at my channel.;Di sing.make crazy videosO.O hahaha XD Awwww(; Cute :D Lol Okay.,6,163,4,10,0,17,0 1759,X1760,why do you have to be so flippin gorgeous i saw her when she was twelve in a documentary on netflix called first position. so good! why is everyone so bitchy lately? i thought it was fine. it's her video not yours. you don't like it? cool. but don't tell her how to direct the video. if people thought she did a bad job then she wouldn't have as many views and subscribers. keep your thoughts to yourself. UPDATED morning routine! throwing myself off a cliff bye you must be fun at parties,6,13,6,4,0,18,0 1760,X1761,Keep voting for the same two criminals in the same shitty system and wonder why nothing ever changes... People need to stop moaning about pointless shit. Ashton Kutcher should be pulled off Tv because he is a terrible actor not because of this non-racist advert. I think TNA is doing a good job atm of pushing it's own talent - Bobby Roode and James Storm. Angle Anderson RVD are all still main eventers but it is time for the younger guys to be the champs now. Tuition fees are free in most European countries they also have healthcare. U MAD? Successful troll is successful. This song is about Mengele - the angel of death This was from Match of the Day. The BBC stations commentators at the games and they commentate on the game as it takes place live. The leviathan mentioned in Psalm 74:14 has multiple heads. It is clear this is a mythical creature as no plesiosaur with multiple heads has ever been discovered. Who would vote for this bullshit? All politicians are the same they hate you and want you to pay for their lives. Globalist nazis will kill everyone. How is it stupid? Gravity and electromagnetism are 'just theories' why single out evolution for disbelief? Any proprietor can refuse service to anyone for no reason. Glenn Beck has successfully proven Mormonism. I don't like Cameron but fuck these Liberals trying to call him sexist. AW's new stable. Homosexuality is fun to try! RON PAUL WAS AN INSIDE JOB9/11 FOR PRESIDENTNWO 2012EDUCATE YOURSELVES What a screw job! Dastardly won! If you don't want to get hit don't hit someone. I know it is dancer but denser would make more sense. Dancer isn't even grammatically correct denser would make it a kind of metaphysical question.,20,3,4,5,0,111,0 1761,X1762,Niveau ;) schei homophope ich wre fr ein fettes youtube in 3d mit kleinen bildern von den bekanntesten kanlen drauf als denkmal . liken damit der vorschlag gesehen wird ! ICH VERSTEH RAUCHER AUCH NICHT THE MUSIC - Name and Interprete please Was is das frn Kramm :D ?? Die sieht aus wie ein Dalmatiner :D mit ihren Leberflecken Malt mal jeder den Anderen also Andre malt Yengiz und Yengiz malt Andre Das nennt man Kiemen mein Junge ;) Kimme is deine Poporitze ;) Liken damit diese uerst interessante Frage beantwortet wird ;) 1:27 Best :D Mach mal bei JuliensblogBattle mit :D Wre doch geil Wunderbares Lied!! Danke dafr! Ich liebe es. Kleiner Tipp du kannst das Nutellaglas auch reinigen :D Ich bin Vegetarier. Esst mehr Gemse Kinder!!! *Feine Sahne ;) What is the Riddim ?? Chill dich mal ;) Musst ja nicht gleich beleidigen auerdem nehme ich an das das dieses Lied ziemlich viel Ironie und Sarkasmus enthlt ;) Sehr coole Aktion aber ALTER hrn die Leute eigentlich zu ??? Oder sehn die nur Uii der is ganz sympatisch der hat verkaufsqualitten da kof ik ein ???????? Krasser Schei geiles Lied Hrt sich meiner Meinung nach hier aber nicht so geil an ALS! Voll die bse Botschaft dis mit dem schwarzen am Ende. ich musste am Anfang fast lachen und habs unterdrckt (War nicht so schwer wei is nicht soo krass lustig) ca. nach einer Minute is es einfach nur noch nervig,22,2,4,5,0,15,0 1762,X1763,J'adore ste musique elle est trop bien !!!Me gusta muchissimo este musica !!!! t trop nul srx ! Wouah !!!!! You are so good and so beautifull !!! x ),3,1,5,5,0,18,0 1763,X1764,also ur telling me an m3 will beat a vette ? that a load. and even if u the oldest a5 2007 or so i guarantee u couldn't pull the engine open without needing a 10000 lets put ur 50000 a5 against lets say a camaro zl1 ? similar price. ur car will without a doubt in my opinion look nicer inside..... but if ur buying sports car camaro wins. mpg similar and urs would have a turbo.... i dont know if u know about turbos but longterm they suck. its a complete exhaust and engine set up ur blabing about the law this etc..... and u want the government to make it illegal to do abortions ?..... im all with god etc but religion is an opiate... make a personal connection.... just think ur infront of minors ! make this message a pamphlet and give it to those who wanna see it! dont go pressing ur beliefs on other especially minors.... ur pretty much telling them go have kids what about todays europeans aka americans ...dude evryone has a past just some dont know about it lost it never knew it or are ashamed...... i care where im from because thats where i came from..... when america looses her name i will have known what it meant to be an american..... soviets knew what that was..... dont ever forget where u came from i like mike.... he is a bit boring at times maybe a lil prep before and if its gonna be alot of opinion without testing make video a lil shorter? just sayin....much love mike ur rambling one of the largest are u serious ? ford prides on small blocks this is not a small block.... this is chevy sized plus this is a car that ranges from the 20k and the 60k !!!! not worth it i rather buy a vette why ? lol,7,0,5,5,0,22,0 1764,X1765,I really want to see the video Joe was talking about lol 'i ain't no bitch..::bong hit:: Wolf is a robot.,2,0,8,5,0,23,0 1765,X1766,Silva CAM TOURE CDM What did they lie about Napoli an average team? they are in top 5 last 3 seasons Whys that? Are you actually brain dead? It's fucking advertisement Moran. Dutchy you have to learn when to take finish shots or just drive them.. i do be fucking shoutin at the screen haha lovin the series. LONGER!!! VGHS,8,55,3,2,0,22,0 1766,X1767,"Flip Cup!!! What about ,you're prob 30 and live in your moms basement, haha or ,oh look at the internet gangster, haha If $27.02 is minimum wage then call me ghetto all you want. We don't care if it's broke or in perfect condition. We gt paid to deliver. And that's what we do/ Mad much? haha Sounds like the convo from DMX first album. Not taking away from the talented dude tho.Dude got crazy skill. Such a beautiful piece!! I can just close my eyes and relax! Trolling at it's finest! Well played! The little things we take for granted day by day! Everyone of us should be lucky we have a roof over our heads and a bed to sleep on! Wow someone's a little insecure! Well let's not talk penis size! I'll win there!! ========D ~~~ You couldn't find an actual newspaper? Who has their Christmas tree up in February!? The description says it's a sonic boom that was created from the meteor. Doesn't hurt to read a little! Austin Texas!! It's always funnier when you read it after you watch it! hahaha NOT",14,1,7,6,0,30,0 1767,X1768,Hey if this brush doesn't work who's fault is that YOURS not mine lol .....ok Lol I almost died laughing What's sad is that my mom is friends with my friends on Facebook.... Please Leave Comments! @americantopteam101* So disrespectful. It's funny what people believe Please Leave Comments!:) Awwwww That is such a bad comparison! I tried and failed....I have no muscle.... People sayin she's ugly get a life she is like 12! So cute! You could be pretty if u took the crap off your face. It's not your face that makes you ugly or pretty it's your personality!:) Don't. Study at all and guess....always works!:) @ballstoyou33 who cares of his voice cracked he is awesome NO never been arrested...LET'S GET HIM ARRESTED! Lol @Smoshgirl28 whale girl?! Really?! That's all u got? Thumbs up if u cry every time u head this song! Ok for 1 the child looks happy so don't worry about the kid 2 I do think the way they treat the dog is ridiculous! @musicXmidgetsXmakeup this is that Chrissy and Katie in that video?!! You made this video on my sisters bday!!!:) This is so random but....if someone leaves a comment on your videos will YouTube email you about it or do you have to check yourself?!! @xLambertLover19x thanks I was just wonderin!:),26,0,3,3,0,35,0 1768,X424,"00:05. My reaction to Justin Bieber the Twilight series and Obama. POTO you alone can make my song take flight it's over now the music of the night!!! Truckers salute you Red Sovine. Yes indeed he was. Just got the Redwall CD in the mail and am lovin it. This is not the greatest comment in the world this is just a tribute!!! I'm lookin for a day of fun so I can GIT-R-DONE!!! I swear my dad got excited when we did something wrong just so he could spank us. Now they need to do the whitest names in football. I'm the cop that pulls you over for no reason. JRT would you consider going to a movie with me Saturday night? Ya gotta admit it would be pretty creepy if a dude wearing a mask walked through your mirror. If you enjoy this movie do not watch the Nostalgia Critic's or EpicFilmFail's reviews of this movie. First singer- very untalentedSecond singer- pretty goodKarate Kid- not bad Well that's makes about as much sense as a porcupine at a pettin zoo. Too bad Carrie and Taylor couldn't be country like this. Atta boy Mr. Rich. The original King of Comedy. He's already got one you see.,Are you sure he's got one?,Oh yes itsa very nice. So God made a farmer. No truer words ever said. You are correct. When Cecil and Jeremy were scamming the critters. Didn't say you were gay. Just said that if you are a guy and that you like the Twilight series then you're gay. My bad. God Bless America and God Bless Farmers. Harry Potter vs Harry Houdini Weird Al vs Jack BlackMiley Cyrus vs Hannah MontanaNostalgia Critic vs Nostalgia ChickSammy Sosa vs Mark McGuireGlenn Quagmire vs Faceman PeckHank Hill vs Peter GriffinSylvester Stallone vs Arnold SchwarzeneggerVADER VS HITLER: THE FINAL BATTLE Michael Crawford there is no way anyone could share your triumph. Watch it Mack or you'll be gettin towed! I think I'll go outside and hug my car when I'm done watching this. She's not the dentist's daughter she's his niece. This movie was not that good in my opinion. A pretty foreseeable ending not very good characters and a terrible villain. Plus the old guy's ,childhood hero, should be dead considering he was way older than him. Tramp is a playa. One of my all time favorites and Top 5 Disney movies. The death of Littlefoot's mother beats Mufasa's death Old Yeller's death and Bambi's moms death. Why becuase we actually see the way she died. We actually see sort of how the Sparptooth bites a chunk out of her back. We then see her and Littlefoot together as she dies. Where else do you see that? That death scene always got me the most as a kid and even to this day as an adult.",34,3,2,5,0,20,0 1769,X1770,The 2 minute outro was for the music you retards. VIDEO SPOILERS: She died at home ;) Awesome play-through Rythian. Thank you so much for playing :) Yay! @CloudNineSuperiority I bet he'll do another training vid. No need to worry :) Tempestas (Latin for storm) or Fulgur (Latin for lightning). I thought they fit and sound cool :) That paralyse must have been what the redguard used against Sadia. :) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Nice Trev :) Just ignore them mate. Block em and be done with it. They don't deserve the attention. You'd solve more puzzles if you went on starite vision. Lol! The assassin cracked me up :D Nice Liam Neeson line there. That was awesome! :D When Axel got shot I wasn't expecting it. Even though I saw it in the promos :D One of my favourites by far.,13,23,3,5,0,20,0 1770,X1771,I love you videos SO MUCH!! I simply can't stop listening to this song!,2,11,4,1,0,16,0 1771,X1772,love her olds songs soooooooooo much3333333 okay good other ppl saw harry other then me i was like OMG IS THAT STYLES!!!!!!(: haha good not goin crazzy by watchin to much onedirection..33 1:40 - 1:42 haha zayns i just love them33 hahahaha love this love these boys voted for them everytime333 Awwweh(:,6,2,3,5,0,42,0 1772,X1773,so fake they are good at danceing you dont have to be prefect to have friends so cute come on ha ha,6,1,2,5,0,76,0 1773,X1774,moccasins I 3 Justin Drew Bieber.!!# True Beliber.! it doesnt work. Thumbs up.! Soo she can see this.! I am going to be Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween.! Thumbs Up so she can see this.!! I am going to be Little Red Riding hood for Halloween.! Thumbs up so she can see this I am going to be Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween.! Thumbs up so she can see this.! I am going to be Little Red Riding Hood.! Thumbs up so she can see this.!! I am going to be Little Red Riding Hood.! Thumbs up so she cans see it.! :) 0:38 HAHAHAHAH!!! I JUST PEED!!!!! Who Is Older.? You Or Linsey? Oh My Gosh!! I Flippin Love You Liz!!!! I have watched literly all your videos. You are my FAVORITE Guru on youtube. Please like this so she can see it!! It would mean the world to me!!! Thank You!! Xoxoxo ;* Maddi3 Dance Moms,14,1,3,5,0,25,0 1774,X1775,nice morgan! I am going to do the cinnamon contest soon!!! like seriously! with my cousin lol i love your voice(: keep it up! I will always be one of your fans! i really love how you can change your voice. I am trying to do that. lol. good job(: WOW. who the heck wheres that kind of EVERYTHING?! right below there.b theharajukucoc you are freaking stupid she is only 9 years old. I bet you can even sing so thanks for your opinon but seriously dude have to hate becuz i bet u couldnt sing like that so shut up! i love it. you were really good at this song. I LOVE SINGING THIS SONG! why cant i marry them??3 First of all you can shut you face!! she has autism. AUTISIM. ohhhh that show!! you were telling me about that in science i love watching jenna marbles3 you are a good singer(: you look nice! and you should put more youtube videos on! im she famous? omg i love your voice(: i love this song! you sing it better tho.,14,3,2,5,0,16,0 1775,X1776,go vegan and be healthy and save the planet along with billions of animals...or eat meat and kill billions of animals and spread cancer and heart disease instead of positive energy and world peace YOUR AWESOME!! just literally made my future that much better.i have a 18 month old son who i loooove spending all my time with recently got layed off from my job (best thing that ever happened) and i love the idea of living off the land but i was scared id have to become a slave to society again just to provide for my family but u just changed that for me. we dont eat any food thats not grown organic and now i can grow my own!! thank you so much for making these videos... vegans are crazy? you seem much that your gf doesnt pay any attention to u at all so you go on youtube and make videos showing why she no longer pays you any mind. vegans have no need to make videos about dumbed down fluoride drinkingcancer and heart disease flesh eaters with no knowledge of good health..thanks for showing the world who the real crazy people are..i gotta go enjoy life due to happiness caused by great karma from not making animals suffer for me to be fat and unhealthy the only person that looked like they got in a fight was the fat kid in the pink shirt mumbling something with a cheeseburger in his mouth...and it looks like it was with a pair of happened to his haircut? cavemen died at like 30 years old hahahaha good luck with colon cancer and heart disease and high blood pressure..i'll stick with my fruits and veggies good thing i didnt waste my time with 1-4 and he did boxing?? hmmm its worse then the holocauset...waaaay more victims and still nothing done about it. and for what food? people suck! vaccines are death!!!!! thats why all kids are getting dumber now and all have adhd....its so sad!! say no to vaccines!!!! last comment b4 the video ended leads me to believe that you used gmo season try hard to find non gmo organi seedsc...your health is most important. awesome garden tho! nice work p.s i also had a heart attack at 19 and i wasnt fat...i was all muscle but the food i was eating was literally killing me but thats what i got for eating animals that had to be killed for my consumption hahahaha! good point!!!! post your bloodtest please...i would like to compare this guy isnt that smart at all no one has teeth problems from 80/10/10. yea give up on fruits and veggies and start eating foods rich in cholesterol and cancer...hahahaha coming from a skinny guy with bitch tits maybe you should buy the 80/10/10 book and learn a thing or 2..good luck weirdo what belt were you in this video? yea gotta eat that cancer and cholesterol and processed amonia to survive...haha and whos the dumbass!?!?!?! YOU ARE hahahahaha!!! go vegan! garlic has toxins that eat away the inside of our stomachs...i cant remember why onions are bad tho she's awesome! dur huuur huuur maybe some cheescake and a burger....fuckin idiots you look waaaay better than demi moore! much healthier too saturated fats....GOOD?!? HAHAHAHA any fat is bad fat...even too much avocado is bad just not man enough to do it urself tho huh??,22,0,3,3,0,24,0 1776,X1777,i dont all white people are bad but the once that are need to fucking rot in jail and u white faggots on this bitch talkin bout the word nigger i bet ur pussy ass wont say that shit in no black persons face u'd get ur shit cutt up real quick got your mind right and face the fact that yall dont got slaves no more and we fucking yall bitches i think thats why yall mad fuck with this joint whole time i think i was locked up with u lol dame,2,0,4,7,0,33,1 1777,X1778,i never liked miley but im sad she turend out this way you should teach us in steps ive watch alot of ur videos but i always mess up plz help i try i get it pefect little brothe comes demolishes it walks away tells mom i spellt i get in trouble clean it up he laughs the f word is evrey where boooooo stuped i cry evey time you suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it would be funny if the duck song started playing in the middle of this weird side of youtube you jack . you are the gay computer you are a jurk well hi i love it no you cant call dibs on that good of a person and if anyone calls dibs on him its me bad chipmunk bad im on a giant banana if this is beginner what is expert i couldn't do this if i was boneless how can someone dislike this i no top coment my chance. TASTE THE RAINBOW WHY IS THE NEVER A TOP COMENT ON THESE VIDS ummmnmmm weeeeeirrrrrd,21,4,2,1,0,15,0 1778,X1779,I do that thing with my eyes too. I've watched this like four times Fuck Wtf u r a fagot Sweet,5,1,3,2,0,21,0 1779,X1780,"The person who made this video has confused the amount of salt used on a steak when ,grilling, most of the salt is cooked off with the juices in that case. If you put that much salt on a piece of meat and cook it in a pan- you are asking for a stroke. That's a New YorK strip steak. That is by no stretch of the imagination a Top Sirloin. Just saying. :) Imagine all teh money he shells out to look like THAT. What a waste of cash. Recorded with a spoon. I love watching the numbers -Guido Filmed with a sock Who said he watched it? Who can? It's shit quality Take the cock out of your mouth before speaking please. Better yet don't speak at all during JJ. You also need to upgrade the spoon you recorded this with. Why do people put this shit on youtube? Seriously WTF dude? Hot. Hard 2:24 there is no axle drive or cam to rotate the wheels. FAKE I'd hit that Great stuff here! Very soulful! You seem like you are well organized but I'll be back when you a bit higher in level for a bomb guide. GL What is that music.. ? Cher? Um.. I can't tell if that guy has a British accent or if his voice is just extra fruity. How does putting this on Youtube make you money? Bitch Good Vid Picked up some useful tips for my Mesmer. Thanks! Looks great. :) Very cute! bad you're* Nice CYBERCREEP Award Winner!!!",26,3,6,5,0,111,0 1780,X1781,YEAH Mequon Fire saving basements since 1957! Sounds like a typical MFD fire. Could set up a shuttle or relay pump from a hydrant that WASN'T frozen....nah let it burn. Paramedic service?? I-99??? AT LEAST tell me where this great ambulance company is the one where the pay is great and everyone likes thier job.....WELCOME to Fantasy Island! OK but Wisconsin has no concealed carry he can't have the gun on him all the time. Here it is a big thing. Granted it sucks I'm totally pro-gun and pro-CC Actually that WOULD have been the firetrucks fault. The Firetruck has the red light even with his lights and siren activated he needs to operate with due regard. I'm not saying the SUV's is NOT an IDIOT because he/she clearly is. But in the eyes of the law the firetruck would be at fault Very moving you are not smart The kid needs to use his big boy voice Brother Bob should run for Mayor! It certainly seems extreme but I have a feeling she probably had this coming Blacks are dumb Believe it or not there are good private ambulance companies out there Asa...damn spell check,14,0,7,5,0,34,0 1781,X1782,AWW I CRIED /3 LOVE U AUSTIN PLEASE DONT LET THESE HATERS RUIN UR DREAM AND GOING FAR IF YOU SUCKED THEN YOU OULD HAVE OVER A MILLION FANS 3333 Nick is so adorable in this video:) like if you agrree FIRST3 idk why but thomas seems to be alittle bossy :/ 0:29 How did you get videos from youtube on to windows movie maker because idk how to Thanks :) Shes really pretty 3 Roise has perfect hair 3 WHY WHEN HES WITH SOMEONE HE TOTALLY IGNORES THE FACT HES UTREAMING Poor rosie no one helpedher tie her shoe at 1:37 - 1:42 OMG me and mikey are both allergic to peanuts 3 I ccried thru the whole thing this is really saad RIP Angel 3 If i was this women i would hide under the bed lol I cried So hardd.. i hate when things change.. i waant austin to be sucessful but i Honestly didnt want him to get signed for this reason. The crew will last forever no matter ho far apart 3 If im crying when Austins dog died im gonna be really sad when my dog dies :/ She passed away Why cant my brother be like this when he was 9 lol Hes the same age as my sister lol This is all he did? i relly miss austin Madison 33333333333333333333333333333 78 people are Jelous of his talent Nick : people said i got shot. the way he said it was sexyy 33 NO more braces 333 How do you not know the lyrics to baby like seriously :/ He goes to the same school as me but hes 3 years older :) Hes not the next Justin Bieber hes the first Austin Mahone... Haters gotta hate;mahomiesgotta love 3 Hes very into it haha What is it for??? I wonder if they get their flu shots. I get them and i got the flu once. they get the flu alot,29,0,2,1,1,14,0 1782,X3390,"At 0:51 you can clearly see him laying still not resisting and then a cop stomps him on the back of the head he then reacts to this hit by flinching and the cops start mercilessly beating him again. How can you say that you feel bad for the policemen involved That was some hustle by MWP. he did This man deserves a raise. It's a damn shame when a man is threatened for doing the right thing A damn shame. amen bart my mom is the sameway I think I just found my soul mate...but alas she is older than me and way hot. I had this game when I lived in South Africa and my opinion the vocals makes it so much better. Now that is some good basketball not fundamentally but with the intensity they play with. Good video Great video you're pretty good. There is a mod that enhances all the colors of BF3 I forget it's name but Russian Badger uses it. It is quite good. Great unboxing keep up the good work. Thats pretty much Nova but thats why most of us love them both. Why can't be all just love one-another? When he apologized to him that brought a tear to my eye it was one of those moments. I understand its a tough sport but Uriah looked genuinely concerned. Great sportsmanship. This is really exciting I can't wait for the next episode. That car sounds amazing for a stock KA Great video. Keep it up. Great video bro. nice car Lol Blade is funny They actually say the word ,at at, instead ,ATAT, This sounds like the beginiing of a rap song. I'm assuming you aren't from Calgary(Where I assume this is shot in.) Ain't nobody got time for dat. Pinche Flaco LOL They black girl sang sex. Majin Buu!!!!!!!!!! Daniel Tommy just crunchin' away. 9:56 there is an eye behind Jesse. Kurt DAMMIT YOU COULD HAVE TAKEN HIM SO BAD. Charles Bukowski Thank you so much for making this video Hutch You pretty much just connected the pieces of my current status on religion together. I respect you a million times more now from a former Christian. Again thank you so much for being an awesome fucking dude. I weeping right now man but again thanks.",30,1,2,5,1,34,0 1783,X1784,Thanks :) for all the tuts! Beatin on lil girls big man. I hope he got time. Every 1 loves a piggy in a pen. Each got wt they deserved. Wear the badge take the hate He's clearly shouting ok ok stop. Have sum1 hit u in the face and see if you don't struggle to get away from the crazy fuckin power mad bitch. Hope she got suspended Guy obviously saw something he didn't agree with. Where all the real men at? Standing up for their rights and the rights of others? I see one real man and a bunch of sheep. Once people take the blinders off and see the world 4 what it is they will see how ignorance is one of the worst plauges on mankind. You tell em Sargent! Man I'd like to see him get a tazer to the head. Lazy fat fuck. All she needed was some counciling she obviously has confidence and social problems. Fuck these cops. I hope they get fucked up in prison. People like this don't deserve to live. As punishment let's deprive them of air. Lmao you can do this yourself these days :) google unity3d :) the guys doin this obviously failed a bit at modelling and animation see if u can do better :) Camera it's bad my ass. Let's see your game with dynamic lighting models and animations nice voice acting and a visual theme. Plus this was done years ago I'm sure the guys making money from gaming now. Unless he lost d dream :) Dudes bitching on here stfu. Seriously if u wanna learn about games development go and do it dnt talk on utube about it. Seriously with all the tech on your hands it's ez these days. Learn about shaders b4 talking about them... Here's a lil advice learn coding modellingriggingwriting shaders animation and engine functions. Then you can write ur own and make the engine more yours. If not make ur own engine. This will take years. Now go learn and stop the hate. Noobs Hey I never knew a vector had it's own symbol :) I'm self taught but always learning clearly :D thanks dude!! Haha treat every man equal.. Yeah ermm I'll leave that there. Religion is a form of control nothing more. Notice Rome was one day killing Christ the next day worshiping him know why? Because the people we're sick and tired of what they we're doing. And a few years before sum guy called Jesus had sum gd ideas but they had to kill him from what he was saying. Every 1 equal? But then I wouldn't be rich!! So years later the people revolted sick and tired of the bull shit the government and what n I love what khan has started to show the world education should be free and with the tech we now have convenient. I don't ever imagine the class room being diminished but websites like Khans and udacity it helps me learn while being flat broke :p free/ cheap degrees online? I know Stanford do a few but there 20k+ :( I'll wait! Unity so whiped there ass :p I luv google but no. Do something else with the millions :p flash has just been added for unity and Linux should hopefully be on the way soon :) oh and unreal team ftw on mobile gfx There's a reason 4 automatic vehicles who wants to pay a driver when u can pay a machine who can work 24 7 ? Welcome to the future and say bye to your jobs :p Love it 3 3 Jimud's acoustic version of this song is great!! You guys should check it out!! Bad ass guitar and a lovely voice!!! I see the video like this. The clown is a fool he acts all happy and nice but it's all a show. His clown girl is the biggest fool of all for thinking he wants more than to slap cream in bitches faces. I think that's why they are represented as actual clowns ... Lol just my opinion though,19,0,3,5,0,29,0 1784,X1785,"I always need a chapstick It's Jai here not Luke....I think haha I love him their eyes are so perf you're so perfect baby omg her eyes are amazinggg Would you rather never put lip products or eye products ? 212 - Azealia Banks She's so cute aww You're beautiful Megan! You are so beautiful :') awwwww so cute hahaha caitlin ily I voted for you hope you win you're so funny omg ya i know haha what doesn't kill you might paralyze you omg hahahaha it's in french not swedish and it says ,lana del rey never wanted to be a star, :p You're beautiful love you :) This is perfect I'm going to school.......haha hang out with my friends and yeah it's because she removed the hot pink curtains and bed spread :') you and your friends are so cool haha you're beautiful i love you",23,4,3,5,1,15,0 1785,X1786,"Wigger you're fucked up in the head. did you're mother rape you when you were a little kid? My nipples are really hard right now. hahahahaah wtf bitch you have no right to talk shit about dubstep when you happen to like one of the worst genres known to man gimme your address so i can have my gf beat tthe leaving shit out of your stupid down syndrome fucking retarded ugly face up stupid ass bitch i hope you die from honestly thats how stupid you sound in this video you might as well take it off and kill yourself after..stupid dumbass fat cunt XD what? lol What is that song in the beginning? This song really awesome and i never see Deadmau5 make remix's Oh hell yeah flux pavilion and knife party I love you deadmau5!! lolol that's so mean I really wish Ron Paul is going to be president. Where is professional griefers? Look what they made they made it for me happy technology Hi lol i kinda agree with you the vocals in this one does sound different. I like it! Skrillex Birdy Nam Nam ,Goin' In (Goin' Down Mix) Get the fuck out. Love it! messed up. Those damn screams How is deadmau5 related to all of them? You mean canada is proud to have him? I love strobe. It just it this is Emazing What do you mean it sounds different? Ted! This is fucked up. This is why religion is bad!",28,2,5,3,0,23,0 1786,X1787,LOVE THEM!!!! OMG YOU ARE SOOO PRETTY! If you don't mind me asking how old are you? OMGGG YOU ARE PERFECT...seriously I FREAKIN LOVE YOU DUDE I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE SOOO PRETTY where is your lamp from!? I LOVE YOU. where is your headboard comforter from!? wheres the black jacket from in 36 seconds!? HAAHAH I LOVE THIS Lmaooo!! Sooo funny,12,4,3,5,0,16,1 1787,X1788,you don't look the age though..braces suck big ones please man u two fuckin kill me what's the rick ross song at the beginning? what is the last song?? i just fell in love,5,0,3,5,0,19,0 1788,X3224,"What kind of asshole puts a bird feeder out then tries to kill the birds? Man I bet that would make you get so sick lol Yeah it makes it harder to predict. Why does that matter? If I am one would I reveal my identity? If I revealed my identity would you believe me if I didn't make a video of myself? Why would I do all that just to try to prove something to a moron such as you? Once again the guy in this video is a dumbass and if that isn't transparent to you then you are one as well. Go watch expert village or something noob. Yes ban GMOs. Each GMO is different and some are certainly dangerous. I no longer eat breakfast cereal that is from regular brands because I notice a strange and disgusting aftertaste since they started using GMOs. Genetic modification has the potential to do good but not when giants like Monsanto who are only out to make a profit and care about nothing else are using it to make farmers dependent and monopolize the food market while suppressing negative health and environmental effects. He sure is articulate and thoughtful. I think a Jewish girl who has been abusing inhalants Thanks! She's like a princess from a fairy tale she is so intelligent sensible strong beautiful and dignified. One last thing is the plant Peganum Harmala aka Syrian Rue. The seeds are antibiotic. To prepare them crush the seeds (mortar and pestle or coffee grinder) and mix with pineapple juice (the acidity of it releases and activates the antibiotic alkaloid harmine). You can then either drink it right away or let it sit awhile or cook it. It is an MAOI as well so realize this. This also makes it a safe and natural anti-depressant. It is cheap and worth having especially since it can be grown. It's legal in Germany. I've talked to Germans who said the same thing that legal prostitution makes far fewer rapes happen. 0:31:41 FTW! Yeah seriously the government is single-handedly responsible for more guns going to criminals than anything else....not even including the CIA which has a habit of arming and training terrorists or the military which committed war crimes by invading Iraq and Afghanistan without legitimate pretext. Maybe Dorner was getting surveillanced and harassed by the police and mobbed at the workplace. lol The very first time that Malkin has said anything I agree with is concerning gun control. Here's a plan: mandate a 50k per year salary cap on Hollywood actors. Doublespeak bullshit bullshit doublespeak doublespeak doublespeak bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit. Submission grappling is popular among all sorts of people around the world and if Iran could produce respectable champions in this similar yet significantly different sport then it could increase it's global standing a bit. lol that's a healthy thing to do as long as you clean it well. I've noticed that apples from the supermarket are covered with some sort of substance that I think is a preservative and it ruins the taste of the apple unless it's scrubbed thoroughly under the faucet. I'm glad presstv is not showing just one side of this issue. I was a little worried when I saw only pro gun control people on it previously. that last guy reminds me a little bit of roy jones jr Yes true. I think that's human nature to judge though because judgements are pretty much what people think about and associate with one thing or another. The problem is that many people's judgements about things are not based in reality but by indoctrination by propaganda. Many people are quick to judge and even hurt other people rather than question anything or think. I think it's a good idea to allow people working at schools to have a concealed weapon and a bad idea to make them gun free ,zones., I think it's a bad idea to have armed guards at schools because it would be kind of like a prison then for the kids it would cost more money and they would also be a target. Where's Roy Jones at? It's very obvious to us but I've met strange and demented people that actually think we are in Afghanistan to champion women's rights. The FBI and CIA do a lot of bad things too much worse in my experience than the TSA or DHS.Also have you ever considered that AshkeNazi pseudo-Jews had a hand in the rise of Hitler to power and the parallels between what happened in Germany and what is happening here today? Zionists (aka zionazis) happen to be involved deeply in both. That certainly sounds more plausible. Sibel Edmonds is so fine. But my point is that collectively people always govern themselves because rulers are people too lol. Outside of that one could say they are governed by circumstance. But then to stop there would ignore the concept of free will and relegate everyone to being nothing but machines which I don't think is a healthy idea. It's not the microwave per se but cooking in general that destroys enzymes and certain nutrients. I think that whole thing about the camps all came from one website originally because every time I searched the net the only things I could find referenced a single highly speculative article. Some of the ,camps, listed were in my locale and were merely ordinary detention centers.The intelligence/law enforcement agencies spying on people and sabotaging and harassing people is quite real however as I can attest personally. Ryo Chonan fought really well in this fight.",33,58,7,8,0,34,0 1789,X1790,I rock!!!! Heyyyy wats up yo Awesome!!!:) she is s awesome!! i luv her!! alot of people thinks she is wierd but she isnt. She just thinks outside the box!! She has inspired so many in life!! god bless her!! i HATE THE NEW CHANNEL LOOK! really like the old look better ur GREAT SINGER J!!! I 3 U!!!MALAYNA U look pretty,7,3,3,5,0,16,0 1790,X1791,NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KKKKEEEENNNNNNNNNYYYYY IIIIIISSSSSS DDDDDEEEEAAAADDDDD!!! FIRST! nice Server first :) Love These Vids dude!!! Keep up the good work :D! hey pwn man ur content is may favorite. I wish i could help u but im only 14...Hope stuff gets better :),4,7,2,2,0,19,0 1791,X1792,Se PASAN!!!! Muy Bueno el Video hehehehe MMM Nice Job MEN!! Keep Practicing.... Your Future is GOOD! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! Muy Jevi La Cancion Buena Melodia Buena Voz y Buen Videoo Hehe ATT: Frank Tavarez Lopez El es bastante bueno Men... y Si tu eres Guitarrista muestrame un Video tuyo -_- i Cant stop Listen this Music! haha muy bueno Muy Buena LETRA :D Mierda men BUENAAA VOZ PUTOO!! Hehehe Que esperas para forma una BANDA? Hahahaha Maldito Loco hahahahahaha :D Esta banda demuestra que el Metal Core Mexicano es mejor que algunas bandas de Metal Core Americano!! Puto :D y es mi opinion jeje Por que Siempre que veo los videos de Parodiadera Tienen de 300 a 301 Reproducciones? XD,12,3,7,3,0,33,0 1792,X1793,rachel + channing =the best kiss og 2012 ali aleks ubija....................... njemu salju hehehehe msm jeste simpatican aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ni misica ni visine ni nekog izgleda prosek hvalaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this bieber-so annoing Serbia??? most beautiful.... If Tayson is then she is fo shore Is this Mr Beans brother ahahahah SVAKA CAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My name is Valentino Rosi and your drive isn't something special !!!! a vise ona i ovi ludacki space pokreti,11,0,3,5,0,21,0 1793,X1794,sa s'entend tu loupe des mots mais si non c'est trop marrant !! trop belle voie j'adore trop belle voie mais le refrain sa fait bizarre mais sinon je te flicite ! j'aime je peut mme dire j'adore je sais pas comment elle a fait !! escuse mais horrible !!! la honte !! dommage qu'ond te voie pas mais tu chante trop bien ! j'aime pas je suis contente car je la connais parcoeur rien qu'and la chantant 3 fois trop belle voie !! patant c'est trop beau chanter ensemble c'est mieux !! tu chante trop bien j'adore et en plus tu est trop belle je suis fan !!33 j'adore cette chanson ! cc c'est dommage on te voie pas ! tu chante trop bien !! j'adore a force de l'couter je la connais par coeur j aime bien,17,0,3,5,0,35,0 1794,X1795,dur +1 je suis 100% d'accord. C'est le systme qui veut a. Ce n'est pas dans leur intrt que les gens se rveillent et se posent des questions comme les tiennes car cela fout en l'air cette matrice. again again again agaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini'm a rommielover addicted! real junkie! i looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove that show loooove lisa 02:48 hilarious 09:36 lollll i never noticied that it's a fake guitar you are so patient with those b*tches lmao the spider scene 2:21 face LMAOso cute btw 7:26 LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SO HARD 05:47 LMAO Issa what are you doing with you tail/dick???? hahahaha Y'as pas plus raciste qu'eux hein... Merci c'est super d'avoir ragitBonne continuation vous so sweet OMG omgggggg CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Elle dchire hahahahahahaha,18,0,3,5,0,21,0 1795,X1796,Please make more videos I love your voice such great talent :) from*,2,2,6,5,0,27,0 1796,X1797,I enjoy wasting 10 seconds of people's lives.,1,4,3,2,0,22,0 1797,X1798,sounds like overreacting girlfriend.... ITS ONE OF THOSE PLANTS! FROM THE FIRST HARRY POTTER MOVE (maybe book too?) he looks good in drag . even while hes dancing gary looks smug,4,10,6,15,0,15,0 1798,X1195,watched the whole thing u are so cute how old r u??? the vid of when I turned nine lol dat breath love it lol jk rage comics I said oh lord jesus is a FARE!!!!! I hate 556439 ppl right now cuz they got a ketchup stain on the like bar l.o.l mai songzz really you couldve simply made one stupid ppl kiss your hand 5 times post this on 2 other videos and u will find a pink ipad.under your pillow wtf just wtf slicccce ur welcome lol your phone??!! dis goes 4 u giovanni!! w.........t...........f man jus wtf lol luv itt!! this is scary awsome!!!! I hope it works!!!! im eating one of those big bags right now!!!! all dem haters yall need to lay off just because yall have no life watching videos of something that u would like to try but u so poor u cant afford it OHH SHYYT I WOULD HAVE PANICKED!!!!!!!! @ kipy4eva its not glitchy its just the closer slender gets the scarier the game is what is that box??? ive played that one the first one!!!!!!! @missyflesky123 lol me too!!!! that athletic chic brought me here 4:25 DAMMIT WHO BROUGHT A FUKEN TELETUBBY IN MY DAMN LIVIN ROOM!!,33,1,2,5,1,54,0 1799,X1800,yes could you where is this from so true i cant even understand her hevy echo droidbait cutup sarg waxer 99 Now you gut Hamilton Trumbo Trout and Pujols damn broncos 212th apology blow job priceless 0:23 what do you expect from a habs fan havoc and how'd that turn out i miss these cards i remember when you could have any card in your deck no they all have certain cards that belong into a group like six samurai machina i wish it was still like taht 0:01 you see her underwear how? no you get too my first yugioh cards ever were from this gx was descent 5d's and Zexal were just horrible Shut up a you face can you do a request Ahh My Crusty Old Nipple im a flyers fan i enjoy watching this this was thebest series and teams i ever seen they spped it up to avoid copyright issues my moms dead thanks for asking where is the 4th one with the down the shirt how does maul go to the bathroom and shouldnt he be dead since he cant go to the bathroom or eat wheres 4:15 from Grandpa: i havent spoken to her since November 13th 1927.Arnold: What happened on November 13th 1927?Grandpa: I have no idea go to sleep No really,29,2,3,5,0,22,0 1800,X1272,"they need a cartoon ez skin and whenever you use your Q it goes ,kapyew, Carmelita can sure scream loud!!!!!! 0.o minez 0-0 i feel the same way i feel when i hear texans talk as in it must take effort to sound like that. never! Im battling in a large marble palace...The. Best. Imaginary fight. EVER everyone look! its princess Leia and a huge kuriboh! THEY ARE COMBINING TOGETHER AS ONE! hey team im gonna do caitylin top lanedodge nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nope still not symetrical88888 | 88:08? Joe sounds like sykkuno 'how DARE you question Muk and Torkoal! and it turns out it was just a racoon outside. nobody does dem: IS obama worse than bush?rep: obama IS worse than bush @moxieInfinite I know I didn't fuck off bot Princeloli45 took it. true but getting pumped with music helps. granted this is not the kind of music i like there are kinds that get me energy filled. *takes off shirt*ha we both know this is completly possible with a shirt on XD its the accent probably. compaerais the spanish word for girlfriend yahtzeegoogle translate for the win. move quick with magic damage?ap scales with everything EXCEPT THAT. weegee: SPAGONIA but in this boss its SO DAMN HARD TO SEE THE RING!its like trying to find a virgin in a maternity ward. its so they feel they have a purpose in life other than fueling the anime porn economy. Cupquake VS Bunny Game..... AND THE WINNER IS......Bunny Game!! XD C! Don't make fun of the Sound Of Music... thats my favorite musical! -_- sending to grave from hand = discarding two terms that mean the same thing Demian looks like a MONKEY!!!! XD thats sad... the kids only have 2 toys....thats just sad. not even that more a re-coloring pretty bad except the one line everyone is talking about. fun fact: there was an old game called dark void hard as can actually get it on the DS downloadable games. Wow...the boy is such a jerk... just look at him.... he's killing the sand castle the girl was making. watch the cooking shows on tv they help you get your cooking skill up Ruby starts playing theme with drums getting everyones attention*Saphire comes on stealing the show with a flute*BATTLE TO THE DEATH Gir would be depressed is he was considered a Crona... seamus the audio is just less than a second off... its not much but.. eh. Did you know that hannah spelled backwards still says huh! THAT FIRST THING WITH NAYAN CAT WAS THE CUTEST THING I EVA SEEN!!!!!!!:P",43,3,3,5,0,13,0 1801,X1802,"I was just about to say this is how car accidents happen and then they wrecked. Why wouldn't she stop shouting in that little kid voice??? It was so painful Oh my gosh I've seen that one a long time ago and it's hilarious! (: Watch this one (: /watch?v=G7oGx2dImE8feature=related Not meaning anything bad juuuust saying it's ,Part of me believing it was always something that I'd done., Not ,But happy believing it was always something I'd done., Other than that it was really good Sooooo about them mudkips... Shape-shifting",5,2,4,2,1,16,0 1802,X1803,Hhahahah that's funny as hell,1,0,3,5,0,23,0 1803,X1804,the like dislike bar looks like a joint multitasking level:Asian 649-531-516 Next time you are at the beach make it seem there is a shark in the water wut stfu faggot dude stfu,7,0,2,5,0,16,0 1804,X1805,PITBULL AUN CREE K ES POBRE ??' POR K SE VISTE COMO MESERO DIOS NO LO HAGAS PITBULL O SERAN SUS AGENTE K NO LO QUIEREN??? JAJAJAJA Y POR OTRO LADO J LO SE PUEDEN CONTAR A KADA NOVIO K A TENIDO MARIDO AMANTE FREE YA K LOS SAKA EN SUS VIDEOS Y LUEGO C ARREPIENTE NO LO HAGAS NENE DATE CUENTA QUE SOLO ERES EL MOMENTO PARA ELLOS Y UN TRAMPOLIN A LA FAMA EL TIEMPO ME DARA LA RAZON EN CADA VIDEO ESTA PUTA CRITA COGANME DIOS DOND ESTA SHAKIRA LA DE DONDE ESTAN LOS LADRONES DONDE ESTA???' CREO K EN SUS CONSIERTOS POR K ESTA SHAKIRA ES COMO REALMENTE KISO SER SIEMPRE UNA PUTA DELGADA Y RUBIA alguien la vi en canal 11 k pedo es el final alguien jajaja por otra parte como ven al pendejo k comia kekas en el mismo puesto jajaja k wey neta k weyy k es sexy ahora el cabello castao de lindsay woww k es sexy lindsay elligson y su nuevo color castao wow felicidades quien mejor con un cuerpo de 10 y atletico sano anna selezneva es la top del momento la amo una mini cintura y una cadera de infarto woww esta muy delgada luce espectacular dios regresa a desfilar a victorias secret please desbancaras a muchas WOWOW EL FINAL PERO A DE SER UN AMANTE DEL DISEADOR POR K EL MODELO ESTABA EL NABO POR SIERTO LOOKS MUY BONITOS MUY BIEN PENSADOS no entendi el pedo pero diganme ya cambio a anna v por k la modelo del video es igual una de victorias secret dios maldito nada peor k blancos rapeando y flakos k asko no mamen no es la nueva version de freddie mercury le falta aos y toda una trayectoria o lo diran por k al igual k el es gay = ( MODELOS COMO LA GENTE NORMAL K VISTIRIA ESA FORMA DE CUERPO SON CUERPOS ANTIGUOS Y DE TRABAJADORES FORNIDOS TODO MUY LATINO AOS 20 A 30 ES UN TIPO DE CUERPO AL DEL TIPICO MODELO DE REVISTA BUENA PROPUESTA ALGO MUY TOM SAWER wowww me traslado a los gloriosos aos de gianni woww kasia struss woww jajaja nada modesta c da el lliujo de desir soy bella aun y sinnn maquillaje jajaja guapa bien por ella wowww vlada and magdalena obio igual karolina en mexico siempre las kieren desgraciar en algo porrrrrrrrrrrr que diablos no le depilaron las patillas esos estelista son tan celosos por ( que sera ? ) como cuando alessandra ambrosio fue a mexico le hizieron un peinado espantoso donde dejaban ver y ponian en evidencia su unica inperfeccion k son sus enormes orejas por que por k c esmeran en desgraciarlas aun k sea un poko jajajaja envidiosos ahhh y c acuerdan de la campaa de adriana lima las fotos la hacian ver gorda y chueca jaja jajajaja les mando la foto de como kede jajajaja un hombre evolucionado ??? o para gente con un pene diminuto jajajaja se veran como bebes k alguien mate a ese pederasta k le gusta ver alos nenes k enfermo wakala mmmm no es como si fuera versace la verdad por k diablos no c vaso en en lo k hizo para la coleccion de alta costura o por k no hizo una version femenina de su coleecion de hombre dios yo me esperaba estanpados escotes de una diosa griega dios lo k salvo el show fue anna selezneva y kasia struss sooooo sexies mexico ilove it moctezumma inspiration la inspitracion en el mexico prehispanico woww un icono un icono pero dios mio si que el photoshoth hace su MILAGRO dios ya no es la kate k era prefiero mil veces ala magnifica anna selezneva o a kendra spears en sus catalogos soy su fan amo que hable en espaol,21,4,6,5,0,26,0 1805,X1806,he drinks it at the end.. derp HA GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Satinists.... Satinists Everywhere! i want 3 stratos back :( goddammit i need to do my fucking essay! STOP MAKING VIDEOS i think the Dulce base is the.... THE POWER ROOM... he would be the most annoying kid EVER to play with u gotta love the pillowpet in the background i was watching this back when it had 5000000 views :P dee toe nah tay LOL he literally just made me understand most of the COD series story... thank you rabbidluigi omg when did this happen D: no more chris brown songs :'( how could u reborn ra it cant be special summoned? azneyes have you ever tried YGOPro? if u havent its better than Dn mainly becuz the effs go on their own activate upstart it draws for you and stuff you should try it since there is also tag duels and anime duels thats cute lying to sound cool on youtube everyone look at the little hater madolches would be meta if they had some kind of search spell like E-call or hieratic seal,16,4,4,1,0,27,0 1806,X1807,I was really weird last year ... who cried? I did.. is that a penis ora vagina? ----for the face thingy Shit your butthole say ahahahahha Ill do it right now lol Metal -3 some people don't get it.,6,37,3,77,0,18,0 1807,X1808,hvad ville du gre hvis du hed Lars ? Ask Me: Hvad ville du gre hvis du hed Lars? Ham den lille er en taber ! The last song name ? CHECK MY CHANNEL ! :)MultiFreekicker14 CHECK MY CHANNEL ! :)MultiFreekicker14 CHECK MY CHANNEL ! :)MultiFreekicker14 CHECK MY CHANNEL ! :)MultiFreekicker14 S m du da vre lkker? Like hvis du er SORT! Hende har jeg Bollet!!!!!!!!!! det bare ikke iorden at du ikke har lagt videoer ud s lnge... det bare ikke iorden! det var da smukt mit barnebarn. Det var da knt. 1:34 :) Braziiiiiiiiiiiil? Du er da det man kalder en kn dreng ! Lav en agenten 2 Son: Dad can you get me from school?Dad: Sure i'll be there in 15 seconds 07:30 - Was it only me who thinked of Vaas from Far Cry 3?,20,0,5,5,0,18,1 1808,X1809,HI c= I LOVE YOU!! XD how did you get to be soooo amazing???!!! Im only in high school and play tenor sax... do you think I will ever be as great as you??? glitches,3,7,2,5,1,17,0 1809,X1810,fake cat 1: i will knock that hairball right off ur chestcat 2: tryy to im dangerous meow dam that cat is mad the cat at 1:30LOOKS ACACTLY LIKE MY KITTEN friend me on moviestarplanet my name is mariah12345678910111213 add me mariah12345678910111213 add me mariah12345678910111213 SHUT THE FUC UP coolz awsome dam lol lol u can tell when she grow up shell be a striper XD gift me pwz im not vip it no fair and friend me my name is mariah12345678910111213 i cried to :( my brother is stupid XD so r@nD0M it didnt work cuz the first person who did this video changed the password once she got on it stupidz duh me my fwend were younger love this song yah ha ha u didnt 1:51 mommy i scared lol JEALOUS BICH draw mskatie00 its meh yesh and plz draw me when availble~thanx ps love the song can u make a drawing of mskatie00 plz this is probally my number one wish im playing on sp and youtube at the same time :D nope copied chat me and friend me mskatie00 watch when someone hacks pump -.- work it girl i ment boy 2:07 eh -.- i look better now,25,1,2,21,0,20,1 1810,X1811,aw lml lml my cat got all crazy that looks mad fake i no lol n yea she was lmaooo lol aww 3 she sounds so funny but still cute who u commentingboy??? lol ily2 kaylee n i no kevin hey it was ok lol DOO IT she is soo cute... n she can rap 3 she is sooo cute hope she become famous 3 srry but it was horrible -.- next time practice more AND BE CREATIVE :P like it :) she is so pretty even though i hardly no her but r.i.p i remember when she was a lil girl and she went to my 1st bday party i will miss her..... R.I.P 3 i love it ........ :) she should be famus 3 love it she good for a 9 year old... she's better then me and im 11 lol love it 3 i cant belive an odeniaryy girl can become a singer and famus like if u agree :] 3 valid like saladnice like ricesexy like pepsiwavii like gravy gucci like sushijiggy jiggy jiggythumps up?? 3.3 i lovee it =] its better than bella thorn ttylxox thums up?? too cutee 3 i think he's to short......... lol this is soo funny:),24,3,3,9,0,17,0 1811,X1812,the beginning sort of reminds me of party in the usa. love you ed ain't no frank getting up in this ocean. omfg i love you your nails are perfect! your room is so perfect and elegant and mine is just posters and a lamp I LOVE your get ready tags! thumbs up if you knew this song WITHOUT bethany's (macbarbie07) help she's too perfect to be real. it's like she's a robot made from all the great qualities of every person. if i ever meet lana in real life dear god have an abulance ready. how can you not listen to the intro? her singing voice is amazing but her normal talking voice is surreal don't say ALL one direction fans said that because you honestly have no idea how wrong you are. amazing.. you guys are amazing omggg slow songs are nice so you can appreciate it more :) this songno matter what i'm feeling always makes me cry YOU'RE A YOUTUBE SENSATION!!,15,0,3,2,0,23,0 1812,X1813,yeackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk you are geting more hottttttttttttttttttttttterrrrrrrrrrrrrr hey nice song plz send me a freind he is so good i no i am on youtube yeahhh i like logan is that the long hair one if it is i pick him and i am going to see them in real life and i am going to see cody simpson too in real life i am seing them all LIKE THIS and messged me if you like thisthumbs up hey hey i like this song more then you they are so cute hey i love cody simpson i am going to see him he is so mine you get a life girl i like this song shes really good ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you are sickkkkkkk oh my gosh ryan i LOVE YOU so much i will die for you ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww they are ewwwwwwwgllllleeeee omg yeackkk what do you mean he is sooooo cute and he is a nice singer that is a niceeeee one dear one direction you guys are the best you make my life better and kind you make me happy ever time i am sad or mad you make me feal Happy i love you guys so much ;) i love you ;) i love you justin bieber and that is me just you no that hey he cute i love you it makes me want to cry cody simpson love you hey im maria,27,0,3,5,0,55,0 1813,X1814,JAJAJ quien eres tu su pololo? . habeces digo...abra sido una historia real? apuesto que tu computador se puso lento... enferma mental... te pones lentes de contactos ? es que tus pupila se ve grande. no le pongas mucho color a la cancion que exageras mucho pero quedo bien...,7,3,3,8,0,16,0 1814,X1815,haha Lol i cry when i whatch this vidio we miss you Michael Jackson :( Avril singing this song so much better :D i love this :D That's Slim Shady yeah baby Slim Shady's crazyShady made me but tonight Shady's rocka-by-baby... I love Maroon 5 . They are very cool . what the fuck :D Its not true Who is belive in it she or he is very stupid :D i love this song *_* :) only 5 milion oh this song is great !!! OPPA GAGNAM STYLE heeeeeeey :DDDD i all time sing this song do you like it ?? Zayn;s voice !!! :D 1:50 this part it's mine :( what song is this ?? I like Harry and Taylor too . I also like cheese and nutella but i dont like this things together Oh nice vidio ... I love it :) Happy Birthday Chuck Taylor is gay .... Oh we knew about it :P,15,1,3,1,0,15,0 1815,X1816,Ich gebe dir mal einen guten Tip! Lass den Kopf niemals hngen aber auch wirklich niemals..!Wenn du fest an etwas glaubst schafft man das dein Krebs ist vielleicht nicht heilbar aber man kann damit leben ... du machst echt wunderschne Videos .... Ich Habe RESPEKT vor dir ! Hast du was genommen ? xD nein deine haare sind soo schn *-* kindisch ^^ Das ist der hammer i love you *-* mich nervt diese scheie wenn leute andauernt andauerrrrrnt was posten mssen und ber auch noch ihre probleme posten msseeeen -.-* da luft er so weit um so ne falle zu holen obwohl da neben eine war in der ecke neben das hsslige vieh da ^^ Meine freundin und ich wollen ein habeeen *-*geht das vielleicht ??,8,7,3,18,0,20,0 1816,X1817,"T-T Oh gooooddd Ih sasusaku Oha wie geil D.: Kann man irgendwie mit euch kontakt aufnehmen?Bin dieses jahr auf der lbm und will euch unbedingt sehen D:! Wow *__* *_* oi Aiso cute Du kannst nichtmal genau beweisen wer ein Fake ist wer nicht.Zieh die Pics in google rein - dann hast du gewissheit ob das Bild ausm Internet ist oder nicht.Achja sowas zhlt zu Rufmord Best cosplayer fuck fuck fuck fuck thats so aweesome ich will ja nichts sagenaber wenn ich da einen sasuke sehe werde ich glaub ich in todes gekreische ausbrechen. frage;Ist es ok zu jemandem zu gehen und lieb zu fragen , knnen wir in Foto machen,? o___o DAFUQ? wie wrs mit Blue Bird? ;) can you make a tutorial about wigs D. ew.. Naruto.. I love you so much.. How can someone be so wonderful? stfu? Oha die alte Zeit war so schn :O OH OKHAHA I'm a Veggie now haha when I read the comments I can explain right now my parents why naruto is awesome. thanks for making me crying Thanks Narutofor letting me be your mother.. man of the world",25,20,3,5,0,19,1 1817,X1818,dafuq? Once Upon a Forest was my favorite!!! @xDiZizZ I'm just a poor boy I need no sympathy what anime is at 1:40? It reminds me of ben ten with english voices xD Do you mean Japanese? The best version of this song!!! Thanks Chhidori!!!! she is just 19 years old Sa Sa Sasukeeeee *nosebleeding*So now he's 19? ! !! O Yoh einai toooooso glukoulis!!!! Listening to this when read the manga!!!! gt? to elpizw!!! :) alla to erwthma einai pws 9a kataferoun na allaksoun ta pragmata?? vgainontas e3w sto kentro tis a9inas kai vandalizontas ta magazia twn pateradwn mas den einai lush!!! sthn polh mou ekanan siwphlh poreia st kentro tis polhs gurw sta 5.000 atoma alla pali tpta.... oti kai na kanoume oi $%^%% tis eksousias 9a exoun voulwmena ta aftia tous gia mas.... :/btw koritsi eimai ;) Thanks Captain Obvious! Whatever you say anti awesome freak ^_^ So how old are you really? I inform you that I am 18 I've got more experience than you about music and in despite of you I have more taste than you. So shut your mouth with tampons and stay in the kindergarten where you belong!! That pussy (justin bieber) it isn't anything more than a gay faggot. So come and talk to me when you'll grow up and learn something about life!!! I bet that when you'll turn 18 you will hate him more than me. I'll be waiting ;) hahahaha prwto comment prwto like latrevoume ta saligkariaaaaaaaaa afta ta makaronia apo meli ftiaxnontai?,19,2,6,2,0,18,0 1818,X1819,"This is now my favorite song. Better than Busta Rhymes' original song. Dat bitch didn't like ma status!:O ,Ermagursh, Not a single fuck was given by Katrina that day.. Why such few views? Just pull that off andBAYUMM that just kicks it up a lil bit. Press 1 to see a running banana This songsponsored by Giovanna Plowman. I'm sorry I thought I was hitting the brake. Now we don't have to go through insurance do we?*Throws $40*Ahahahahaahahahahaha Anal stopping?2:16 We're off to Trinity and we're gonna do some mad boppin,Some mad skanky.,Mad skank bop twist!Lol.10:55",11,2,2,2,0,19,0 1819,X1820,Orange is dumb pear sucks and all the dumb fruits in this youtube channel us a bunch of bull crap if 500 people say yes then the thing I'm saying is ture I'm the 301th viewer double dash rainbow road,3,13,4,4,0,16,0 1820,X1821,Soo proud to belong to Wyandot:) I am in Mr.Wesley's and Ms.DePoorter's class right now and I can't wait to get started on the second bully prevention video!!:) Christina Grimmie is my idol. I love to sing and I look up to her and her amazing talents(: heyy. I love youu too!3 Thank you! Yeah before this I was using a laptop webcam that didnt work too well so I switched to better technology(:,4,15,2,6,0,13,0 1821,X1822,MA DO JUCE SU LIZALI DOZU JAJA BRE ZA PROMOTERADANAS SE KURCE JE L SU DOBILI VECU POZICIJU NA !! NE OTVORENOM SERVERU AHAH !!! A TI MOKI PEDERCINO DA TI SE NE KUNEM OVDE ZNACI MRAK CE TE POJESTI SVE TI JEBEM Dobio je mali misa iz male podgoricepero iz begeca i mali simica iz belgije,2,3,4,5,0,20,1 1822,X1823,"THC is not good for your brain its actually GREAT for your brain IMO...(Depending on who you are because we all react differently to it that's because we all have our own Endocannabinoid System)It makes people more active and makes you wanna get-up-and-go... it even sometimes increases reaction times and focus...You see the misconception is that the Couch-gripping feeling brought on by Indica strains is caused by the chemical group CBD...not THC.. WTF MAN??? EVEN ON THE INTERNET MY FAVORITE VIDEO IS CENSORED??? Wow man you are so original you could be like on Last Comic Standing or First off-Phish is the worst band in the world IMO Taco Bell usually sucks unless you are desperate..but still eww powdered meat no thanks... More like Pink Floyd would be the most populat band in the world and America would make Billions of dollars off of Hemp Industrialization and Marijuana Regulation.....All in AllFuck you Cocksmoker.... 1 DISLIKE...HMM WHAT DOES THAT DISLIKE BAR REMIND YOU OF?ANYONE?,IS THAT A JOINT MAN?, LOL You are a sad strange little man...and you have my jk but seriouslyz d00d...LOOK UP,Run From The Cure,LOOK UP THAT SHIT MOTHERFUCKERPeople have been curing their Cancers and other Ailments w/ Hemp Oil. FACT0 DEATHS CAUSED BY DIRECT USE OF MARIJUANA FACTDO SOME FUCKING RESEARCH AND MAYBE CURE YOUR IGNORANCEOR YOUR CANCER IF YOU GOT IT BUDDYPEACE FUCKER ....yeah did you go? jk you mean ,you're fucking retarded,lol Ironic isn't it?... Thc isn't water soluble unless the water is at a certain tempi.e. cold water doesn't break it down LOLbe funny if it came rushing out at him... who'd would you rather get in a car with a drunk driver who's falling around and can't barely stand or somebody stoned and chill and has no problem doing any task given to him as long as it doesn't have to do with MARTY FELDMAN You fuck off you daft cunt.... lol SUE THE BISH it is Cannabis Dingus...Weeds are those things you got growing in your gran-mammy's cooter Satin? like the fabric?....I think you're thinking of ,Satan,... lolzwhy are you telling me weed makes me dumb when you've got a rap album called ,Kushed out, LOL cool gun Wow another douchebag who blames his bad choices on a harmless/medically-valuable plant..I too smoked weed since I was 12...and the only thing I have tried after that is mushrooms- You talk about people not having a clue but you are oblivious to how stupid it sounds to be blaming marijuana for your drug-use and obviously your consensus is weed ,opened doors, Well guess what? The plant didn't ,open the doors, YOU DID. CRACK IS WHACK COKE IS A JOKE AND WEED IS ALL I NEED. yeah at least have the decency to call each other faggots!.... Get the Mail-man!!! He's not dead if you're talking about George Clinton His name is Fozzie Bear- waka is what he says when he's trying to be funny",21,4,5,5,0,21,0 1823,X1824,"You're the best. This is the best cover from this song. xx so realistic! fantastic! tellement vrai. pretty nice! where is it? hawaii? aww sorry mexico... didn't read.. :x cool ^^ hahah from David Guetta 2009. :) I'm waiting for something always waiting. Feeling nothing wondering if it'll ever change. Then I give a little more oh babe. It's amazing how I can feeling the same right now. Well you guys are awesome... ! Thank's! dommage qu'on entende les bruits internes de l'ordi ! merci pour les paroles ^^ I'm feeling so fly like a G6! ,Put your hands up,...! Hell yeah...!Gush I'm so ,high, with this song... . quel beau public ! quel beau clip ! argh bastards... all around you... they are supposed to be there to protect you but they kill you... :o this song rocks!I wanna know who are these actors! ok... :/ Can you write the lyrics please... :3 kay... When they write ,glad, at the end it looks funniest when you imagine something like ,owned owned owned owned, LOL 2:36 : Girl I'm a freak you shouldn't say those things. LOL that's sound so fake! hahaha but is your brother behind saying*mmmhhmhhh*? this video is perfect - yes I like the look the video the music... great job as usual mish",21,0,4,5,1,21,1 1824,X2338,"3:03 jason mraz aww hes a good boyfriend ): oh! okay thanks alot :) ahhh you dont have to act like a nerdd. hey guys you dont need the autotune! try without it HAHAHA Just noticed!! so funnycant stop looking at it D: talented! but work on the singing i already saw this vid of the little girl crying over him LOL wow thats a cool robot ): jacob gained some weight anyone else notice the slight lissp? (: hahaha nononononono nononononon nonono 3 what kinda fking laugh is that.. LOL and no gator.. waste my time LOL she told her not to express the song through her eyes but dang the judges are rough. damn.... that was cute...excuse me.. i need to kidnap me a new sister WHOOOOOOOOOOO bang wow how do you play like that LOL your so good! this song is basically all cuss.. LOL i dont understand what that has to do with was he said. lol im not saying youre bad. just keep it up! i would die for his friggin voice ): ARRRRGG his range is insane... and jdsalkjgoaisjdlkgjaslkdjgasj envyyyy ): WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS?! :O holy shett did anyone else notice how high christina went at 3:31 :O bwahaha haha the highfive in the beginning made me laugh and the ending ,are you peeing, made me laugh LOL honestly horrible singer and ugly /3 sorry honestly i dont understand why people even bother to dislike videos... unless the person is really stupid . youre really oober good (: shoulddvve eddiittedd itttt . justt sayinn guys did you watch the ending? hehe she said she loved me. that was for me. :) nice worrrk man! but i couldnt help laugh at your accent (: its coo Music can be a very subjective matter yet it's a powerful medium that transcends race sex age you forgot the fact some people just no hater. but its truebtw good job (: just work on it alittle they did korean (: awww yee all day err day angelic voice much? who wants magic defense i want damage forget that nonsense demi lovato?! what?! LOOL micheall?! :O is that just your mic or is like auto tune? wow everyone's siding with john? i really feel bad for nikki..... oh man.. nikki... do something worsee please LOOL i wanna see john lose for once... heyy! how are you playing the guitar? like do you have a capo on first? or what?? cuz i sing in the same key as youuu :O stop the cursing.. youre not cool... please... who else dies when they hear the violin? holllyyyyyyy .... i actually laughed cuz it was so bad hahaha",43,1,5,5,0,21,0 1825,X1826,don't hear stuff like this anymore....this is awesome. luv motown they don't write stuff like this anymore.... one of the scariest vids i've ever seen.... I'm Canadian and I agree with you 100%....I'm pretty disgusted. E' uno scherzo vero? Mi sto sentendo male..... togli la voce avrai pi successo... Is this for real? awesome! I'm going to write this in english because you speak it are insane....just saying! AMEN! For chr'st's sake he's just a kid...shut the f**k up and listen to his voice jackasses.. goosebumps baby....,12,0,3,5,0,49,0 1826,X1827,"Whenever I go to my friend Jordon's house to ,chill, this is what we listen to and I love it so much. It sounds even better under the influence. Nina is me; when it's at school. BUT THE DOORS HAD NO BASS My two favourite things; The Smiths and Germans. I totally agree but Howard Deutch was the director but John did write and produce. Whoever was at Woodstock deserves to be first! No one likes Nina. All she ever wanted was to give Jim Morrison a blow job Smiley Face. Anna Faris. Best movie ever with pot. Even better when stoned. IT'S JUST SO LONELY BEING HOLDEN CAULFIELD. My friend claims to know about ALL music. I asked her if she wanted to listen to the Sex Pistols and she said ,Is that a movie?,. Me:............ GET OUT OF THE REFRIDGETAROR RIGHT NOW! Anyone else notice that Craig is spraying bug spray on his head? I listen to this song to feel at peace. The most amazing moment of my life; meeting a European who looked exactly like the ever gorgeous Morten Harkett. I love how it looks like Gerald is about to cry at any second. Like the capitalist pigs!! The really good stuff; if it's anything like Canadian west coast. A 10 13; pretty sure thats a drug bust. 12 STRING! Purple Rain in the rain while wearing a turbin? Only Prince. I had this dream that I called my best friend from a payphone near this interection. But he hung up I began to cry until I saw him down the street soaked in rain. We meet in the middle of the street and embrace and he kisses me like unbefore. This song makes me think of that dream I had. Then there are the thift shops in farm country; dead Grandma leisure suits. MY LIFE IS RUINED. DON'T DREEEEAAAAAAM ITTT''SSSS OVERRRRRRRRRRRRR! I'm saving myself for the big J,Jesus?,No Jim Morrison of course Beautiful and artistic video. 90's hon.",28,3,3,1,0,22,0 1827,X1237,"my Mal is afraid of our cats. He once got chased by a de-clawed house cat.. He ran and hid on the couch with his face under a pillow. I could never imagine him killing anything. This is what malamutes were bread for. Inuit tribes would breed Mals to watch their children while they went out to hunt. Imaginneeeee all the hatred. Mind blowing Great work! Prometheus can be super awesome but it's not the kid is going to get tortured seriously. yep. that's it. When I have kids they're not going to have a camera or computer. CHIP SKYLARK! Frank Ocean hit the nail on the head when he decided to call it ,non stop, because that's how I'm listening to it. you do realize this song is about emotion. not just fucking bitches and getting money. He's got the moves man! of course her name would be Platona. People are retarded. Well I know of people trained in circus acts let's do them while holding babies. why would a baby need yoga. Isn't this the time in their lives when they are most flexible? her dance reminds me of Thom Yorke from Radio Head in the music video Lotus Flower.. xD This story is misleading. The woman didn't fire ANY shots until the children RETURNED from the neighbors. They weren't going to the neighbors because they were shot they were going to the neighbors just to hang out because they're mom was acting weird. simply heart breaking. If her parents didn't want to turn her into a dancing freak show perhaps THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE PUT THEIR SMALL CHILD ON THE MAURY SHOW! It's not like it's Dr. Drew or Oprah it's Maury... Seriously?! don't subject your baby girl to that.This is the internet. How do you think people are going to react to a dancing obese child? I mean yes in this case CPS stepped in but only when things got extreme. They should not let it get that far. I think it's really funny you tell people not to tell you what to do but in the same video you tell people to do what you tell them. Why are you whispering? And doing that weird thing with your eyes? I actually live in the area Toni did. Toni didn't mean to kill her child. It was a horrific accident that she was already struggling to cope with. The justice system served her the child and the community. Nancy Grace had no business dubbing her the ,vodka mom, and causing the horrible harassment of this woman which ultimately led to her demise. Charge her with manslaughter.. sleepy happy hungry :) um no he's talking about the scar he gave her. When someone walks away from you to end the fight and be a bigger person you don't follow the person and continue the fight that's when you deserve to have your ass beat no matter what colour you are. Also avoid saying things like ,all because in 6th grade.., because it makes it sounds like you're like 14 years old. The nick-name for Minnesota is ,southern Canada, My thoughts exactly. whoop whoop do you not understand or something? and my brother wonders why I get so mad when he dresses my niece in babyphat and rocawear.. sigghhh. I grew up on a farm my entire life and I've NEVER heard any animal make a noise like this.. especially a sheep. a foot rest you dipshit. North Side. uhh.. Google Albert Fish..",33,0,3,1,0,19,0 1828,X1829,to sad but my fav song ok these 2 peeps r my 2 fav singers wht the h she is to slow they suck and they talk 2 much i luv nicki minaj hahahaha i cant believe it scared u i mean a song isnt scary i only have 1 grandparent left all died mom side died when she was around 10 years and my grandpa died 2 years ago when i was 7 i luv this song so much!!!=) u brat u coulve killed it my puppy muppet and my girl cat twinkles love him and maybe my cat simba if he were a girl wth i am sexy peeps hahaha screw you Dr.drew and your stupid camera crew!!!! ur retarded i did not lie anybody but debby ryan selena and david looked like a good couple i love you Justin i am your biggest fan. hehe tht is hilarious teehee hahahahahaha exactly and my user is mary19214 and i accept all member buddy requests lava my bad :) ok i will trade you lava,22,0,2,5,0,56,0 1829,X1830,fatoumata! elle ta mate! mdr gg la chanson! ton toomanitem frigiel! xD super video! ^^ bonne chance pour votre porte xD (porte avec pistons ) xD hey! very veery good! :D OUAIS :D super la serie!!!! hyrule..,7,0,2,5,0,49,0 1830,X1831,Nicest Santa ever,1,0,3,5,0,25,0 1831,X1825,"Forgive them for they know not what they do .. Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do I dont care what she is but those changes were not for the best. The 2nd picture was the best for you.. please stay there. I moved to TX for college then moved my bf of 4 years out here I'm 6 months pregnant and terrified to tell my family.. I may not ever tell them .. You are blessed with a great family !! in San Diego? They should of shot this nigga instead of Tupac! FAKE. They should of shot this nigga instead of Tupac! ratchet. Whats disturbing the throwing up or the fake blood on the tampon. I thought it was simply hilarious. Confused as to why they are running and why just because Wiz. K. got his car stolen that he's all of a sudden homeless ? Worst song of 2012 The moms dramatic as hell. She provoked the fight then she on the floor talking bout , Call 911 , Hahaa and wheres the daddy ? forget the video ... your eyes are beautiful . Just threw away every single cup in my house.. thanks. Great style! Going to try it now! My border-huahua does the same thing! She's only 3 months though lol (:Too cute! Love nanny Deb but nanny Stella looks great here!! my eye looked like a broken light bulb can you really compare a warm up to a performance in front of millions and a live television audience? DUH Demi would take it but it wouldn't be a fair competition. gay. lmbo @ your fake voice lol I think your the sick one. You just created this video of real cartoon characters making them to be aborted ghost prostitutes and crack babies using your imagination. Your the real Angelica you twisted perv! I love this version but we only need one Rihanna .. Oh there goes my dog .. lol Permission to Worldstar this? Lol love your attitude abt the situation.",31,3,3,6,0,20,0 1832,X1833,top 3 de mis temas favoritos del disco merece video ojala levante la carrera de Nicky Jam uno de los mejores cantantes del genero estas pendejo en su disco El viaje a ninguna parte en casi todas sus canciones se inspiro en Nicaragua la entrevista es pesima en el min 2:34 gritan Viva el partido liberal!!!! jajajaja un crack Alvaro y un crack Albert Luque kedo kabron el video el pinche sopitas esta super cagado jajaja pinche doctor tocando las teclas a la pera,7,9,7,5,0,27,0 1833,X1834,No way in hell im going to drop direct tv beacuse viacom wants an extra billion dollars for the stations i hardly ever watch. I watch spike comedy central and mtv 2. So im supposed to pay 30% more for these channels? Why do we have to suffer beacuse some corporate faggot in viacom wants an extra billion dollars a year. Why dont you get the bright idea of charging every television provider like 5% more instead of trying to make direct customers pay 30% more. Does that make sense to them???? Spongebob is possibly the stupidest tv show ever created right next to alf. Hate viacom beacuse its trying to charge your mom and your dad extra every month. Rest assured Viacom would much rather put their channels back on direct tv then loose directs business all togeather. They are trying to act like direct needs them as much as they need direct. Direct is keeping most of its customers if not all of them. Viacom does not need n extra billion dollars from direct when dish stays the same verison fios stays the same time warner stays the same. its a bluff viacom will give in before direct beacuse direct is its number one provider. Hopefully they do go bankrupt. Whoever is able to create a monstrosity such as jersey shore should go bankrupt for ever putting the situation snookie and dena on tv and giving them fame. My asshole sounds better when i take a shit then her voice does when she speaks. that ass is fucking disgusting. Someone tell that bitch to hit the gym and go run some miles. Its not like she went to smoke some speezy or some creezy or snort some yeezy. If she wants to go smoke some weed id say let her. Complaining and constant bitching towards your child for smoking weed will only make the situation worse. If your kid is caught smoking weed be calm and tell them you dont want them to be smoking beacuse it could lead to other drugs. Dont yell at the child it will only fuel the fire. Show as much love as possible so they dont resent you and start doing real drugs. NOOOOOOO! Frosty WHY WHY? True dat. Should have killed him so his baby would grow up in a household without a piece of shit father. whats a ratchet Yall should have just shot Wacka Fagga and Cucci Fag so they would never have the opportunity to make a nother rediculiously stupid song. Its only fake to you because you have obviously never met anyone who plays world or warcraft. oops niggers The one in yellow is a bitch nigger Beaner Eye. my favorite tequnich. Fuck man i loved baccon cheese burgers until now. What is everyone running for? When the current rolls in its going to be a giant jacuzzi. Were you violently choked and raped before in your lifetime? Seems like it. In america that is a 2000$ fine and a weekend in jail. Fuck i should have known before i clicked this shit. Silva vs Pie Slice would lead to this gay song. This is is a great example of the reason beaners carry around guns. Went from hot to sexy. Little Angels. These ignorant faggots think its the peoples fault. Were not the ones who did this its not right what we did i agree. This video was made in response to the video of a solider getting his head cut off by some teorrists. Then the video as sent to his parrents house so they could watch the video. You can be mad at the individuals who made the video or our government but they make a small portion of our country. We should just sit back and watch the middle east destroy itself. These guys cuz there geniuses. This kid would ket kicked off the first episode of americas got tallent. People are pussies its a cartoon why bitch about what someone created in hismind. Certain individuals get upset and the world has to pay for it. Teach the little fucker a lesson. I consider a drop when you cant chase after someone after. Yeah Nigga look like a ghetto version of prince. Its an upscale lowclass facility. Thank you for making this video. Very helpfull. Go search for the worlds cheapest hooker Little kitty Fuck bad boy as a staff record lable and as a mother fucking crew. And if you down with bad boy then fuck you too. She is just about ready for a double black diamond Lol all the meat i've eaten i forgive myself.,41,2,5,5,1,20,1 1834,X1835,Lewis' 9.8/10 review... Needs more derp Gavin should of pushed the button that blew up the TNT Bad advice? More like GREAT ADVICE Youtubers React to Moxxi Iron Man vs Zeus* They cut that part out. Hint hint So I'm guessing Seamus' fans will also hate on all of his videos also? They are on the xbox360. They can't put download links. I have 3 They do. England Look at the paintings. Theirs new paintings now. PC isn't even a console... Just to let you guys know they are making Half Life 3 but they are making a new engine to make it better so it will take longer. I didn't realize he was THAT good with it xD We'll bang Okay? I think what he's saying is that MW3 got bought more in 2012 and battlefield 3 because everyone bought battlefield 3 the first day. 0:59 Borderlands 2 Lord of the rings easter egg. It wasn't hard to figure out.. Ray won Geoff wins I'm pretty sure we all clicked on the video because of the thumbnail. I'm calling that death bullshit You need minecraft forge I like cats! Teens React To Why Why Manti? NerdCubed plays Rome Total War They only do that in area 51... go on canIrunit to see if you can Fish food You can't make fun of a game if you don't even know how to spell it. Old man took his revenge and killed him. If he's partnered he will make money. w4de is Nova and ro5co is dan the white one (not main character) is seamus cl4nky is kootra WOOT W8 BUDDIES!,38,6,3,13,0,43,1 1835,X857,"its a compliment and if creepy people say it they are trustable and you should follow them home. Dad ;he looks like a freak he looks like he came from another planet but wich i do not knowpublic: HAHAHAHAHAHA twats while watching this video ipunched my screen 4 times when i saw the mothers (each) can i please hit her plzz just once plzz my grammar nazi sense is tingling ^^ its good when the third game has frustratiuon index meter INFINITY ^^ wonder how the rest of the games areXD kids shure loves ice cream..... 12:57 he had him listen to justin beiber Xd black eyed peas _ i came her cuz the song name was faggot :I first no comment on the that guy with the glasses scene?second omfg you watch tgwtg you realy are awesome. ok i love evrything you done you are awesome to the whery core great sense of humore smart and watch anime ......BUT and this is a big smelly but .PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SAY SPOILER ALERT.;( now the death of kamiina from gurren wont be nearly as chocking *spoiler alert* wellllll i guess hes feeling imature todayy cuz hes calling hi tit wank :D ok either he realy likes anie or he only review good ones but im having a hard time finding a review he made where he had a lover score then 7. btw how could you put code geass r2 lower then this QQ generic fanboy whimper 9 well for saying absolutely nothing bad about the anime im a little suprised by 9 ........ 2.13 it looks worse then it is ;/ if you look closely and isnt dumb notice that noones with him STOP WASTING YOUR LANT FLASHLIGHT :D HAHA hes pointing at hes own name XD wtf 1214 o.O did evry rushian vote? if you want that check out other youtubers cuz pewdie is gonna win the internet with those screams and cries :3 -.- does being creative make your brain hurt? top comment is ,..., THEN I WILL BRING YOU 4 DOTS .... pratar du svenska = the other than that ...... seems legit 8.50 either the makers of this anime are superb or its edited. I NEED TO KNOW *watches entire anime* he has 160 likes you 7 he won 5248 views and 8880 likes .... just proves how awesome pewdie is :D*brofist* oh god that shit is 8 hours long :D this is in my play list on my ipod now :D 5:38 high speed chase....... what is the subject? ? what does that have to do with anything? is it only me that noticed that half the comments are responding to kargurachi.... yeah hes a moronic douche and deserves all the crap people say to him FPS isnt scary unless you tape a picture of dracula to the sight :P 2.30 -.- i dont know i thought that picture lookd diferent. C C C C COMO BREAKER sub preferably: guren lagan one piece toriko dub pref: black lagoon kuroshitugi samurai champloo this guy is my zero punctuation of anime :D 11:46 holy shit look the time oO i just love that he said ,im swedish so if i dont read good then srry, after he made 810 videos XD but kane and lynch 2 and too human is good enough?:3 Great i just got her from nyan cat now i going to have to search smosh video...",42,0,3,5,0,14,0 1836,X1837,6:13Michael sounds like Brian Badonde! wheres Jason? Dick face :P 0:30That is not natural!! a bit like Siouxie and the banshees We're those words from a book called ''THE MEANING OF LIFF''? I shall watch everyone! You look for girls with breasts that point directly up? lol Did you enjoy your ''NICKERS'' bar? I'm a cancerian I don't think myself luck though especially not if i get Hodgekin's lymphoma what's-it... Well that was nauseating :S ''I haven't fallen over yet!'' - Don't say that! lolI think the snow makes places look orangey in urban areas at least because of the sodium lights like you were saying but I never thought about it before lol Search for ''Actually Ironic'' on here It's like if David Hoyle was to do a cooking show lol Ranty Nick is ranty. Yay I'm the first viewer! I feel special.... Yeah it doesn't take a lot to amuse me.... =( 1:06 - WOFT!,17,7,4,3,0,23,0 1837,X1838,Only 13 million Jews and they have accomplished so much.... good song too Reeder did you have a coffee? You appear to be in a much better mood! :) we're all having fun here aren't we? Legend has it that the modern day' fist pump' evolved from this. I've killed three of those things in my place this week and 3 white tails today. I need to get my place fumigated.,5,3,3,6,0,23,1 1838,X1839,"and i love how brady looks at dalton when he starts singing like ,that was my part motherfucker :(. you shall die tonight, did you film secrets or our last night?? What's the adtr song in the background while they're playing football?? they were the headliners of the show they better play this song at warped tour I enjoyed what was probably an impression of a Canadian by Richard at the end youtubers react to blood on the dance floor what song is at 22:31??? worlds away - fftl Is there a link to the video of the old show if themselves they were watching? If so someone please send it to me so basically everyone who has been in thats outrageous before this lineup is gone except for tom? yes he did as well as chelsea grin When did the show end for you??? goddamn that fys shirt is amazing oh... that explains so much whats the song at 0:05? i know it's heart and soul but i've heard so many different versions but not this one. i must know who it's by. I enjoyed kriss's Elvis cover very much great band but i still don't understand how they opened for underoath. they're so different from underoath setlist??? losing sight i see stars - nzt48for all those sleeping - i'm not dead yetcapture the crown - ??ice nine kills - someone like youget scared - sarcasmupon this dawning - a new beginningpalisades - ??? was this the talk your shit tour or the tour with omm?? oh my god your dad's reaction to i see stars is just priceless 0:44 dat stheart shirt. :D i think he had an ear infection I love sonny's crab core",26,5,3,11,0,15,0 1839,X1840,"Lady Who? Quem minha diva?! KKKKQuantos anos voc tem? The only queen. Eu acho engraado que os fs da Lady Xerox dizem pela internet que foram os Rolling Stones que cantaram com ela e no o contrrio.At parece. Omega the character was made to looks like if has no sex in his world. O que que a msica tem a ver com o tema? The best GNR song ever. 01:06 Axl looks like Linda Hamilton. ;)Greetings from Brazil. 01:06 Axl looks like Linda Hamilton. ;)Greetings from Brazil. I have been a heavy metal fan since I was a kid (30 years old now) but I always loved MJ and his music. He was a special human being and I never believed he was a monster the media wanted us to believe he was.Rest in Peace MJ.And.....for you who believes in God stop spreading hate on youtube.Greetings from Brazil. Cad a voz do Michael Jackson? Que interpretao que histria que filme!!! Orwell foda. :) Cultura nunca demais.Ter a cabea limitada sim. Lana Del Rey and Avril Lavigne rockstars?Are you kidding me??Those stupid singers can be pop stars not rock stars. Banda ridcula. And you're stupid! No citei nenhum ator Maximiliano.Agora se voc acha que a cultura de um povo est resumida em arquitetura e invenes est na hora de voc procurar o verdadeiro conceito do que cultura .Voc est relegando toda a forma de arte feita no Brasil na poca da ditadura ao carter do promscuo? Tem certeza que voc conhece realmente Os Novos Baianos ou Os Mutantes? Eu acho que voc ignora tambm a literatura do Gregrio de Mattos ou da Clarice Lispector. No odiamos os testas mas fica difcil quando nos deparamos com comentrios como os seus. Os testas so incapazes de conseguir pensar racionalmente ou manter a postura enquanto esto sendo questionados. Deixar as pessoas serem livres de pensamento? U tanta gente foi morta por no acreditar em Deus ou no compactuar com os preceitos cristos. Patrick Mssil.KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Se voc quiser ler a matria inteira s jogar algum excerto da citao acima no Google. O texto foi postado na ntegra no site Whiplash. Libraries gave us power...then work came and made us freeThose lines....those lines. LOVE THIS BAND. The gospel choral is really really amazing.Love this tune. Ok. I'm you BEAST friend... KKKKKKKKKKKKImpagvel. The best comeback from a ,glam, band. Even better than Mtley Cre post ,Dr. Feelgood,. Se era para no falar NADA como voc fez nem precisava ser to prolixo (a).Texto ridculo mal escrito e cheio de falhas lgicas.O discurso comeou com ,ou voc ama a todos ou no ama ningum s gosta,. Agora mudou para ,voc disse que ama um estuprador,. Pattico eu ao menos disse que amava a minha me?E quem voc para dizer quem ama ou no? Novos conceitos para o que o amor significa? Menos bem menos... A explicao sobre voc mesmo foi bem simples de fato. Mas voc deixou de responder as minhas outras perguntas.Legal que os seus pais conversavam com voc sobre sexualidade enquanto voc ainda era criana. Acho isso importante.",28,4,4,5,0,29,0 1840,X1841,better take law into own hands and shoot him straight in the head!!!!!!!!!!!! because police always be not guilty bez komentarza black pepole everyone thinks I'm a gangster hehe stupid people but nothing we can do not yet hehe data 1206 wykoszenia ruskich data 1306 medja!! POLSCY KIBICE ZACHOWALI SIE SKANDALICZNIE WYKOPUJAC RUSKICH KIBICUW TAK WYSOKO ZE LADOWALI W MOSKWIE to odpowiec na wroclaw i na ich swieto niech swietuja u siebie maja durzy kraj ci ruscy nie maja swojego kraju bys wietowac i szpecic EURO fuck england lol they think to much lol BECAUSE HAVE TALENT:-) close your eyes and relax fucken kafferonly black can do shit like this she can say what she like to but fuck !!!not with boy she only scard this poor boy ....... hahaha stupid black guy but is normal blacks haha SCAM !!!!!! DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY TO VIETNAM OR HAVE CONTACT WITH THIS EMALLS U WILL LOSE MONEY!!!! SCAM !!!!!! DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY TO VIETNAM OR HAVE CONTACT WITH THIS EMALLS HESS ALEX U WILL LOSE MONEY!!!!,14,0,3,5,0,28,0 1841,X1842,that was the dumbest shit i've read all day i'd rather drink busch than that shit i spit on my keyboard somewhere after the 10 minute mark lol shut up faggot you must be fat too i would nail her lol cool fag how many cheetos do you think are hidden somewhere underneath his computer i would fuck all those girls how many fingers you using? loooool i went out and bought one of these fucking things and cant ollie on it for shit im pissed do you have to ring that damn bell everytime.... next let me guess... you watch nanaluvstroubles videos lol lol your a fag are you gay or what? faggot lol black people you must be black huh? shut up tree hugger he says 50ml not 15 go suck yo motha mon so when do we see boobs go back to school faggot so nearly the first whole two minutes of this video is you high on spice? lol bad link has a trojan i gave you a thumbs down because you are gay your videos are sweet bro. keep it up. hunting fishing trapping baby so i like girls asses? lol? quit bitching about dumb shit and send me a pic of urs later babe,27,2,8,5,0,30,0 1842,X1843,"This song is to raw. OH man this game looks so fucking raw. G-Mo you are so fuckin sick bro I swear to God hahahaa. I love your fuckin music. Keep it the fuck up you got a bunch of mother fuckers supporting you and I'm one of them. he looks fucked up lol This shit is sick hahaha I love G-Mo (NO HOMO) Maclane you aint bad either bro keep that shit up pimpin. hahahahaha he said ,are we in the refrigerator?, hahahahahaha this is raw This is raw bro. I'll admit Wayne fell off this year but he did come back later on this year... This older shit is dope as fuck though..... Man he is good. 1:12 I used to have that Pirates fitted hahahaha G-Mo man you gotta come to Ohio bro! I take it you guys aren't from around here? lol I think it's weird as fuck we have the same name.......... this video honestly bothered me This is a great fucking song. I don't know if I believe this.. As much as I want to... Hahahahahahaha sick bro!!!!! I had a 19 second ad. quit bitching. Hahahahaha fuuuuuuck Me too. I know.... You're amazing dude. this is sick as fuck you are the greatest fucking drummer I swear to God lol. LOL HELL YEAH",25,49,5,4,0,17,0 1843,X1844,thanks natalineeeeee 0:49 THIS IS BEAUTIFUL QUINNIEEEEEEE 3 YOU'RE SO AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 3 so like where's the song? lame. ps you said my name and i was like OMG WHAT'S GOING ON it was a blast. i agree that you should make me a video. preferably on facebook so i can tag myself and have it forever. ps i LOVE that you're still wearing your bracelet. LOVE YOU TWINNIEEE 3 ahhhhhhh thank you so much!,6,21,5,11,0,18,0 1844,X2252,"perhaps My right ear is lonely. I'm probably the only douche here from his twitter page lol This is awesome! Bill Nye is the science teacher in this movie! Ummm i agree with all of these EXCEPT for ho-hey. Love that song. It said in 2012. I was watching in 2013. Sooo.... ya No one with ever fuck you. Nice grammar. And I've already done the deed many times if you insist on knowing. Why is it that every disphit that records a fight can't just hold the camera still and keep it pointed at the ACTION? for gods sake i swear this is the most annoying thiing to watch my brotha Aww is somebody getting butthurt? That's sooo cute. Acting all scary on YouTube. OH! lookout here comes buffering productions. What am i gonna do?! of course! otherwise i wouldnt say it on youtube... lol Bro you make Christians look like dumbasses... They did shoot him @ 0:38 Damn you are a GREAT couple. All my girlfriend does is btich at me... haha And you're probably a fat uneducated American that has nothing better to do then sit on your ass in front of your computer monitor in your parents household and rip on people actually trying to make a difference in the community that they live in. When I first started reading this comment I knew it was going to become dumber by the word and it did. He never said it was RIGHT but that's just the way it is in this society. It's inevitable power makes people corrupt whether we like it or not. Even if a peasant didn't respect a king he wouldn't go trying to change it lest he get his head cut off. I think you're right just because someone has a lot of power doesn't mean they should be granted respect but Buckley wasn't exactly saying that either at least that's not the notion I got from him. Why are you showing us a how to vid if you said we should ,leave it to the professionals,? No it's not moron. It's Angelus Leather Paint that's what it's made for wow this video is so cool and all you notice is the camera quality....besides its not even bad not all of us just go out and waste money on the most hip cool stuff ya know You are a Christian?? I liked you before.... but now i LOVE you!! Thats awesome dude! Be strong in Christ brotha!! I got thise same pair yo! Had em for about 2 years One minor thing you missed was on the flap with the red jumpman logo. At the top of that flap you can un-clip it and tuck in the plastic lace holder thingy (lol idk what its called). Doubt you'll see this or care 2 and a half years later but watev Sneaker freaker zane of heat seeker reviews I like it! btw im for real subscribin these are so dope and i see you got a ton of these vids in suggestions so im for sure gonna check em out later PLEASE tell me where you work I swear you be rakin in the dough if u can afford all this nice steff man. Like i know u get deals and steff but u still need significant dough to afford all this stuff u get crazzy mount of pickups yo hmu It's spelled *dumbshit* if that's even an insult. I've heard of dumbfuck and I've heard of dipshit but ,dumshit, is definitely a first. Real creative kid you're gonna make it far in life. This has got to be the worst troll commentary I've ever sen mine are cooler Okay ghandi that's enough YouTube for one day. You're not very witty are ya there guy?",31,4,6,5,0,29,1 1845,X1846,Add me please I sub I got only imsnayxyo my name is x-all-legit-559 Keep talking to us plzzzz Psn add x-all-legit-559 I did everything Psn x-all-legit-559 I did everything Who's your girl sly,5,0,3,1,0,22,0 1846,X1847,Why the hell do people like us Canadians when cool people like us but when other people argue that canadians are cool the Americans step up? Go Canada... Oh and I have nothing against America You fucking dicks she has a type of down syndrome!!! She has been bullied all her life you fucking hypocrites get a life!! She tried to be what she wanted to be and you just shut her down!!! People have dreams you know!! Bitch please the world Dosnt revolve around you and your fat heads!! Selfish bastards!! Omg pink dragon or whatever stalks this poor girl and just posts bad things you don't like what you see than get lost she dose this all for you guys and you give nothing back *real canadians not reak K seriously how low can you be to make fun of her. Most of you assholes serf the Internet looking for people to judge! How dare you say you r any writer than her. In my opinion she is way better than any of you to have done this! Go nicole!! No haters!! Omg I wish I could do nails like you robin!! You are so awesome. Thanks for your vids. Omg you fuckin racists and on a video that was posted to create god damn fucking peace. You assholes I am sorry to those who don't get what I am saying but if you have the nerve to comment shit like that you have no point in life. This is the Internet people not a blog it's not a diary or a BFF you can tell SHIT TOO!!! People don't want to hear about fucking high standered assholes. If u agree reply!! OMG why is it us humans have to please everyone around us just for thier own benefit and not our own? Why is it that we have to be so selfish in our actions? And why is it that someone finally realizes what people are doing is wrong they are shut down for it? I think I finally found the answer. You people are to obssed with perfectionism that if someone dosn't act the way you like they are just unacceptable in your mind. Shu up and listen to the lyrics!! There is a meaning!,8,6,4,5,0,17,0 1847,X1848,some of the best mixed martial artists are black. whats the big deal?! Looks just like an episode of Jerry Springer. reminds me of cruisin around gettin high as fuck. man i miss the old days! Im not trying to start a big argument over youtube so sorry for even saying anything you and i both are entitled to our opinions. so lets agree to disagree and leave it at that. read the description. yeah bro hes good just no fun to watch! dang scott dont forget a fellow tenor if you make it big!!! whs...good for you bro. 11B. you?,8,9,3,7,0,22,0 1848,X1849,more focusing on my sandwich is more like it oh it was cutiepie? sorry i didnt know where did you get your dress??? umad bro? where do you get your booster boxes 3rd where is sweet carillone? enter me please name: yummybeer23 im 11 and i did this its not that bad uploded on feb 29th? the real fail in number 15 is its fox news 69.,11,0,2,1,0,23,0 1849,X1850,thi map is awsome but i cant play multiplayer please help:( how do u truffle shuffle[iminent=5lvU7AgUWfOB] I need to know so I can get in that kitchen!!!_____________I have just posted a cool Emoticon! spoof call of duty zombies!!!! please[iminent=W2mWdAgUWfOB] [iminent=qiKknAgUWfOB] _____________I have just posted a cool Emoticon! sWooZie u r my rolemodel Get a gummybear lamp When are you guys going to make another music video 76th viewer,7,0,3,1,0,21,0 1850,X1851,To 111TheViper: You do realize that replies to what people have to say are a form of bullying right? You don't even know me and yet you think you have a right to call me a loser? You don't even know this kid in this video and yet what makes you so certain he's a geek? It's impathetic assholes like yourself that have created this bullying epidemic because you feel you have the right to label people and categorize them based on how they look or if they have an opinion different from yours.,1,0,3,5,0,20,1 1851,X1852,His tone of voice is actually pretty normal. Also they averadge MIC will make anyones voice higher than it appears in person. So give the guy a breack. @ self Yes i practically did just slam my keyboard and expect u guys 2 know what I meant... I feel bad for the poor abused kid in china who got paid 5$ a day to make that monitor only to have it destroyed. U got it man! Very! Really?I didnt orginally think much of it but then again sometimes those little simple redstone contraptions are the most robust. Oh THX man! Yes...;) Just wait one more episode!Ill have one then XD the problem with their tests is that they dont seem to familiar with the information about thier cars. The drag race and most of the compotitions were just stupid because the ford seemed out of shape. I mean shure the chevy is lighter but really. The ford can do 190MPH and something 100 if on new oil and prenium fuel and that model chevy maxes out at 175MPH. There is a reason that police have switched from chevy to ford along time ago! Yeah Im going to look for some rubber trees and try to get thier saplings! Whoo! 42 Subs!The small community is becoming big!FAST! tee hee... Haha we do too! LAG MUCH? I mean LV 30,16,43,2,281,0,18,0 1852,X649,"Spooky Language is pretty dope. Different beats than what im used to but the flow is immaculate and the lyrics are great. oh so i guess your believing in believing then if the logic applies to both sides. no. you can believe or you can not. its that simple. atheism is just a name given to people who do not believe even if they want it or not. its just what people use to refer to them generally like the name of a religion. it is not actually itself a religion but the title is used in the same context. spiders feel pain. try burning one or spraying it with something acidic and it freaks the fuck out. thats because of its nerves feeling the pain. same thing that happens to humans. i like how he sat on the grass when he clearly set up that chair for the video I came here for Webby SwizZz and Dizzy Yeah its more chill for sure but the lyrics from la la la are better in my opinion. This is more of a mellow smoking song whereas la la la is a party smoking song. Its unreal live. its youtube deleting accounts and forcing them to unsubscribe from channels. thats pretty much all people know right now get off his dick nobody cares when you got here Cool except he never said Killuminati and it clearly doesnt even sound like it. its just illuminati until he found out the bomb was real. then he was forced to put it on. The only problem with that way of thinking is that you were a kid once too and were put through school from adults taxes and now its your turn to do the same. its only fair. actually beats studio head phones have really good bass and since it covers your ears the bass is better because theres nowhere for it to go Plus all of his real life shit like family. Hop is a person just like us and fans never think about that. I hope he does go off on his fans that only care about new shit and not the artist. Dude your retarded. You just said rhyming the last 2 words of every bar isnt lyrical and thats exactly what you did for the entire track. @mikeyb8D well they just did another broken language so they havent lost this style at all. and have you heard Jane Adams? its got the same style of flow as this too. cmon man dont try and say they changed when they didnt at all This is a perfect example of term and ac's lyrical skill. Dudes can go hard for 4 minutes with almost only rhyming with the sound ,er, im gone? lol its original shouldnt be proud at all. shits fire thats how cars work. that cycle will literally never end lol its how they make money selling out by making a track featuring two other artists? what? do you know what selling out is? hes still unsigned you ignorant fuck Canada does this on Remembrance Day for 2 minutes. But i dont think majority of traffic stops. Usually just people outside and at work and such more than twice. and they plan out when he crashes so that he isnt going to hit anyone of course hop madness is already out. do you mean kock madness the album? you can buy it online or download it for free once its out obviously although i agree with you danny looks like a fucking goof in a very bad way Holy fuck your acting like your 10 well first off its not that hard to take 1 shot of pure alcohol if youve done it before cause you are expecting the feeling and real moonshine is actually supposed to taste good. My buddys dad makes his own moonshine and its 90% but is filled with so much sugar it tastes like 20%. Makes it real easy to get hammered or kill yourself webby hit #1 in itunes hip hop charts so calm down bud Thats because its simple and your used to it. android is much more functional and advanced and thus it takes a little longer to get used to all the features it offers fight? i think you are confused. this is youtube No your totally wrong. Swizzz asked hop if he could be in funk volume when hop came up with the idea and hop said sure and then Dame helped start it. Also even if swizzz helped how does that relate to his fanbase at all? fans are based on your skill and honestly swizzz is not nearly as good as any of funk volume. hes lucky to be on funk volume cause if he wasnt hops friend he wouldnt have a chance getting on it Lyrics: Yeeeaaaahhhhhh whats up soulja boy tellem hop up out the bed turn my swag on took a look in the mirror said whats up. gettin money. I just realized rocky sounds like denzel washington. Like a lot.",32,74,7,16,0,25,0 1853,X1854,LINK FTW!!!! woooooot! thanks the video looks great :P its been 2 years............ MOTHER OF GOD o.O what if you get robed? MOTHER OF GOD O.o Happy b-day :D its my dads b-day too :D well its fair not to treat him better cause hes younger :P but at the same time hes only 7 :P *looks around* why isn't he standing up?!?! why cant mystic gohan go super saiyan? kingdom hearts :D nice title................................... 1 hour for a toy review?!?! mother of god i love how this game is going! i might buy it myself :3 alright guys if you dont like pewdie SHUT UP! stop hating on him he just because makes videos! he's just a normal guy who likes to make youtubes videos. so SHUT UP or leave him alone! gosh people these days :P please don't stop playing ni no kuni D: but goku cant cook? XD nice video! wow :P XD R.I.P troll guy D: *drops dead* XD protect the human! mother of god o.O YES!!! FINALY! :DDDDDD,22,5,4,27,0,15,0 1854,X1855,eunos18 Borderlands perfect you? Id say retard just like your comment english Blue is using sanshou style kicks MATT Do you train abs? I was just about 2 buy it and realized the shirt only comes in an XL??? WTF kinda shit is that? I cant get a medium????????? Does anybody know how or where to get Mutated Nation merchandise? what about martial arts? Beautiful video Frank Probably not but I hear that ankle and wrist weights can be bad on your joints depending on what you use them for. A weighted vest might be a better option. No because you can not isolate fat burning Depends on your mind. I find it the opposite of depressing. Failed like this several times and all you have to do is lean/roll to one side and drop or rest the bar on the ground because they dont????,15,16,4,3,0,23,0 1855,X1856,Omg this is amazing xD x I want a pet tarantula sooo bad :( I love the ones with the orange legs :) x Omg it looks amazing :D and it's released on the day of my birthday :D can't wait to get it :D Wow that's good :D will there be a tutorial anytime soon? :3 That is amazing :D x,5,7,3,2,1,16,0 1856,X1857,"Up in the air for a few seconds then covered in shit - just like her career They need to make a movie of this in the style of Lord of the Rings but with Tim Burton direction I was against it...until TOM CRUISE!!! Dude its a kids movie The Joker's not joking hahaha If by ,ruin, you mean took it from average to great!!! Then yeah he ruined the shit outta this song! Good observation there buddy John Williams DID do the score for this what is this song Whenever they play football they stay within like 3 feet of each other Oh I'm just sitting up here thinkin u know ,No I dont know, Youre a smart man my friend. Well done DUDE!!!! you scared me with the Avatar joke. Well done big guy I agree with you all the way until the villiian. I thought his performance was terrible. He kept trying to be dark be being ,funny' and brutal at the same time but it just comes off as pothetic. We need to be scared of these guys and instead we're just rolling our eyes at the comical villians. I cant believe thats Luke Fucking Skywalker behind the Joker!! That awkward moment when youre told youre going to hell hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...she called herself an artist! Props for doing this WHOLE THING in rhyme. Very impressive review. 3:27-the student on the far left seems to be at the wrong school. Fuck Nicki Minaj. This is real music. Oh yeah! That's American Idol worthy!",20,0,5,5,0,23,0 1857,X1858,"Wow she is pretty much properly marked as a human being in my opinion. Good strength good form good agility. I like it. Let's not forget they are attracted to blood too. So if some numb nut jumps in with some blood leaking they are no doubt being targeted. His books and products are on his website. Always pasted in the video info. I'll say the answer to that depends on where you at. From my club experience I'd get the girl's attention by grabbing her hand and pulling her towards me. If she doesn't wanna dance she'll refuse. If she is willing to dance she'll follow your lead. That's true. I actually happen to have met a cute white girl today who bragged about how much she likes dark skinned guys. And she also said that the fact that her parents don't want her in a relationship with a black guy is what makes her want one. Supremeism. That has a nice ring to it.Almost like giving birth to the Supreme Religion. While a lot of you are clowning this guy about being gay he is actually giving good advice and examples on how to dress for certain occasions. Just go out and actually try it. I'm not saying literally go to a club wearing a pink button down shirt change the color. Damn Mike Jones in the back seat. I was wondering what he been up to these days. Bro 2 of my friends get girls extremely easy simply because of their height. I played the hell outta this game when I used to have it. Damn Chainz is tall as hell. That guy was on all kinds of bullshittin'. This makes me wanna hook my truck up. Lol wow. I wanna hook up my Avalanche but that there goes over what I wanna do. Bro lol I wasn't asking ,Should I be in a good mood or bad mood, I'm saying I woke up and asked myself that because I use that as a way keep my head up. And I don't smoke. I'm just a social drinker that's it. And those girls at my job it was just for that assignment. I have no desire for women at my job. Jeez why people always gotta stress about jokes parodies and comedies? The vulgarness is what makes it funny.People in their morals. Being all moral uptight just ruins the fun. And people stating it's not an appropriate video this is Tim and Rick we're talking about. When has their work ever been really considered ,appropriate,? I think ball caps are called Snapbacks now. I don't know I could be wrong. So why not just balance out the thug and nerd? Be a thug with some smarts. HO-LY Shit! So I DID see you out here in Florida!! I thought I was just seeing a look-a-like!",19,2,8,1,0,24,0 1858,X1859,LOOOOL 'well how do you expect me to feel beautiful?' im proud one direction are english! im not big of a fan but to know they make janoskians happy im glad to have originated from england the same as the janoskians like. yes and ant farm and other various movies/programmes. shes very smart! so go get the facts right first. ahhhhh i love them so much....... whos the other little girl? i like your leotard! its really nice well they should get people to read that to them im a fan im not a hater of many but i dont waste my time to make them more famous while commenting stuff theyre just helping so thanksss your moaning his famous you made him one more comment famous! wooooooooooooooooo! wow best video everrr! i love it1:D aw the spoon person walk is sooo cute3 yep uh-huh im sure your mother is proud. they annoy me so much at school.. gr. so country and different love it! im not getting it someone explain 4th. 1:20 beautiful of liz3 2:01 beautiful of megan3 beyonce is perfect yo that person dont diss the artists you like? are you retarded? and megan and liz are entitled to their music opinion. dont tell them to kill themself? your seeming worthless writing that comment but i would never say go die. life is precious and they might love it so dont try and bring someone down because everyone is entitled to there own opinion. blonde one is liz and the brown haired one is megan i felt the same when i first found them:) i just love it. omg i love this his little sister is well cute! her voice is cuter! Omg I love this I'm your new biggest fan When you said 'what kind of sink is this' I have that sink:) Because it was a screen protected? Stupid title Dye your hair ginger boom Ed Sheeran lookalike!,27,23,4,24,0,17,0 1859,X1860,Just got betty Lou bronzed soon pretty My gloss was red Me too thankyou Haul vids You do the best hauls love watching you What hair color do u have on ur natural hair Ok so you can tell by now iambic confused I already have brownish hair and I wanna go dark like u. I see you mention the ion color brilliance but u have also mentioned the Revlon one too which do u recommend? Thanks Thankyou for replying I lovelove your hair Life is short I realized a lot these past few days get closer to her you'll feel regret if you don't believe me.older people usually posses a lot of wisdom worth taking the time to listen to. Thanks again about my grandpa. Smiles Good job Sephora sucks going to ulta! Is sephora having a friends and family sale this yr? Is it for everyone! Thankyou for this I finally bought this one but got it off dermstore cause I Had a 10off credit it's nice you look gorgeous What lipstick r you wearing? Love the eyeshadow nice nail color which Is it? You look so beautiful Nars blushes Option 3 the natural at night palette what a cutie Wow you look amazing Nice vid The ysl fuchsia pink lippie what's the name? Frivolous pink is a light pink color it's gorgeous So blessed my life Glory to God! Hey Jess I hope u were able to get another ultrasound? I would say the lady was unpleasant but you have so much to b happy for maybe surprise? That's torture but fun the day of. If you like the element of surprise hope all is going well. I haven't been on much myself. Sweet tarts my favorite,24,1,2,5,0,30,0 1860,X1861,I din't know that Serperior was this bad-ass. O_O 'Me watching Digimon for teh first time'Me:Hmm...looks like normal Pokemon. -_-'' I thought they looked epic......................O_O_O__O_______________O''''''''''''''' ERMAHGERD!!!!!!ALL HAIL THE EPICNESS OF DIGIMON!! O_O Now I just realizedPokemon should be the younger brother of Digimonand they should have a movie battling Poke VS. Digi!! What is CFW O_O YOU HAVE GAMEBOY :DDDD ERMAHGERD WHEERRDD GEERRMM UUUU PLEEERRR oh GOD...if you made this video on 23rdthen happy birthday to me.... ._.' but you made 1 day before... And of coursehigh school.... graduate next year :D washing the disheshelping brother wash the clotheshelping brother at anythingsweeping up my rabbit's shit. portugese....maybe?! and yesI do like bananas. Poor Jeffy... Hey 1Mey7is there something wrong about what I done? at the first event (black heart - red heart) I did everything thereI said yesI would like toI dinedand did everythingbut the heart is still black!! help me! I don't know what to do! ScyllaI've always hated it..when you slice its headit pops out two... ...This songContradanza and Devil's Thrill for me :D help! i just bought my violin todayand i want to tune it so i started with string Ewhen i tighten iti struggled a bit and it snapped!help mehow do i tune it....and my violin size is about 4/4its very big for my sizeso help me madam!!i cant buy another onebecause its a getting the string fixed tomorrow....please reply as soon as possible...thank you...this all happens because im a bad violin playersnatching strings in 3 still a beginner my class is next tuesday..ty This song really inspires me to play the violin.For my birthdayI am going to buy myself a violin.Before thisI din't even care about musical instruments..But now 3 Fell in love with the violin.. :') Cashier:Arigatotrjgngrkghgjrgrgrehrh...h.rththrthrthMe:'takes out gun' ENGLISH GIRLDO YOU KNOW IT?! Oh my gawdwe have the same fate.Last yearI got scammed and hacked.I was trying out some websites and the next day I can't enter my habbo and I looked at my room using my other accounts and it was empty!!I was a rare collector and very rich :( I got lots of gold bars back then..IS IT MEOR IS THE SCAMMER STUPID?IT WAS HACKED BY THE DUDE WHO MADE THE WEBSITE IN THE VIDEO :(( Try-Not-To-Die Video 'where's my iphone' scene XD best 5 minutes of my life. I already did... The train scene=Priceless Dear IhasCupquake Make a video about minecraft with Tobuscus!! :D Am I the only one that gets nose bleed from watching this series? I just realizedthat even though it is played by itselfbut it must has SOMEONE to play it to make the cover...... ( O y O ) 3:21 - 3:25Oh god = Priceless. Am I the only one that thinks that maybe the Mayan's calendar did not have more space to put 2013 and beyond? No Top Comment?Roses are redbacon is toobacon. and if you don't like the pickled stuff yo will certainly hate my culture's traditional food live and I mean LIVE pickled fishstored a long timeuntil the insides of the fish turn yucky and very softeaten with soy sauce....I hate eating thisjust looking at it and smelling it makes you puke. Watching other people tried durian is fun since I'm a native at Malaysia I wanna see their comments.....what they react after eating this I personally like durian but I won't be searching for it.. I hope Vocaloid has their own anime!!!,29,4,4,5,0,21,0 1861,X1862,"i ate a pancake no. its funny. simply speachless mr swee that was...woah...that was really something. oh fuck off no being detained means being arrested dipshit. oh ok hey bill lol youre pathetic i bet you cant drum for shit youre literally blind of your own ignorance. do you not understand that all cultures are different? and how dare you talk about them as if they have some kind of fucking choice in their lives. they live in a third world country you asshole they have no other choice but to use what theyve got. fuck youre such a westerner.... fuck you you need to work on your english clean cut straight through your fucking finger the last guy was a total dick none of that was awesome they were just hot fuck off spammer 3:16 holy shit that guy was in another documentary about british soldiers in afghanistan. wtf are you on about black dolphin prison is the worst prison you could possibly go to. i dont understand those two one of them some child midget or something. do you honestly think that god gives people a second chance when they get these illnesses? youre completely brainwashed by a book and what your parents have taught you. people surviving impossible odds is not uncommon it does happen. so you are a navy seal. whats it like never doing anything youre an idiot. your country was made of immagrants and you hate asians for ,backstabbing,. what the hell is that supposed to mean? that is extremely good for someone who is 3. wow its still illegal in afghanistan to have an unlicensed weapon. you really dont know what youre talking about.",23,11,4,1,0,19,0 1862,X1863,"haha the motorcycle high five was the beat you should have a giant dick on the wall behind you because you take in in your poop chute you faggot bitch tit cunt fuck ass retard booger face puss bag Where did you get those smoke bombs? Lol fucking dumb ass niggers lolol you should put a score board on the wall behind you for number of banned consoles and number of banned gamertags RIP This is obviously a joke why are so many people butthurt? Dipshits its a backfire from water being in the fuel I LITERALLY CANNOT STOP SUCKING COCKS Great job telling people you were the ones who did it im sure that was the smartest thing to do I think my cookies are done in the oven... Theyve been cooking for 16 minutes instead of the reccomended 12-13 Fucking dumbasses no one would be left alive on the planet after a few weeks because all of the nuclear reactors in every country would experience a nuclear meltdown due to the lack of proper maintenance. This would cover the entire planet in radioactive material for several thousand years and itd kill every living organism on the planet save a few types of bacteria and single cell organisms. Seems legit bring me solo and the wookie Oppum gangnam style @mrazyatticHow about you fucking say that to the families who had their children shot at school you fucking asshole ... Boobs no shit can literally respond to every one of the ,secrets,. ,ifruit is copying apple,Really? I had no fucking idea,it says cheap but not like cheap cheap like cheep like a chicken says CHEEP,Because no one would be able to figure this shit out on their own *sarcasm* Spree shooting practice... Then the real deal Cancer It ruins everything... Just hurts to listen to",21,2,2,5,0,16,0 1863,X1864,very cool! outstanding! keep it up! TEAM JESSE ALL THE WAY!!!!!! I loved the prank when you trapped her in the bathroom with that spider!!! HILARIOUS!!!!!!,2,7,4,37,0,19,0 1864,X1865,First of all if you don't care that he's Jewish then don't talk about it. MatzuzakiLoise its Edon not Edan and its a yamaka you idiot!!!! thumbs up Edon!!!!! Likelikelike! like the song but your stupid mind told you to write wrong words. lead singer touches himself alot in the video good song though gibby louis is HOOOOOOOOOOOT NO FREAKING WAY DUUH! Omg YES!!! i WOULD LIKE TO KISS LOiSE Idiot You could pay her she deserves it she has a job you two BABYS! STAY AWAY FROM HIM HES MINE ALL MINE if you didnt own anything you couldnt have made this video 2:22! lol 'Merica LOVE LOVE LOVE this song but i dont like the video the lyrics are late and some are wrong and that messes me up when i try to sing along shouldnt her JaJaJa be HaHaHa???? click like for YOLO!,16,0,3,5,0,27,1 1865,X2161,you havto move your camera around you idiot yup too bad this was'nt IN THE GAME!! i am a playstation fan and i totally agree with you. I mean really? they use raiden but not SNAKE!!!! i only disagree with you for them using the fake Dante. Honestly i dont care about that but the rest of the comment i totally agree with you yeah but he had the most amount of games. meaning he did more stunts and stuff than connor where do you get this from? please give me a link. why did they fire matt? tomatoes.... :3 wheres nigahiga? are you aloud to cut episodes? zuess from god of war 3 GIVE MATT BACK !!! this game was made by a COMPANY ya it is rip rubis. 1. Gamecube2. PS33. PS24.Wii5.Xbox 360 every pet you get eventualy dies so might as well say it now. R.I.P Rubis after ps2... i agreed with you 100 % until you said kovic is lame. If Matt was there but Kovic was the one who got fired IGD sill wpuld have been just as lame. i guess you are ugly has a small peis is a fatass and is a constipated shitface because you got top comment :) he lamdrew why did i get banned? (saiftk) uncharted duh oh ya my username is saiftk dear gosyboy i am here to ask you why i got baned? can you unban me in the server you made? (saiftk) yo gosyboy can you unban me in the server you made hey lamdrew can you tell gosyboy to unban me plz? (saiftk) your GAY make a farm for every thing you can plant (carrotsmushroomscactus sugar canes potato pineapple)in 15 minutes. GET MATT BACK!!!! first its 2013 and i have a ps2 a gamecube a and a broken gameboy colour make farm of every fruit and vegetable ( every thing you can possibly make with a farm) in 20 minsutes in peaceful PUT ME IN THE END OF THE VIDEO to comment on this video no im watching this in 2013 with my windows 7,35,4,4,3,0,98,0 1866,X1867,The Dark Knight Rises Parody! That is brutally awesome!!!! ...This video is more literal than saying tomato's are vegetables... AND FRUITS!! Is that you? (Jenna) I've been wanting to learn this for quite awhile. Thanks for this. Batman Beyond X SWEET! Key in her tits eh'? I would've looking everywhere else first. Makes them have anal twice 69 third time. I fall asleep to this a lot. It's like heaven coming from a stereo. I hope Joseph is playing as Bruce Wayne and not continuing from tdkr story. Ezio vs Nathan drake (the guy from uncharted) Too bad. One of those calls might have been from Deryck Whibley... Agent 47 vs Ezio What no exit wounds? WEAK. Just kidding great videos! Furniture Fix Parody!! I tried to watch this while eating... Not the best idea... AWESOME I think...I just soiled myself... Check our NEW CHANNEL! With this AWESOME NEW VIDEO!!! We are too!,21,50,3,37,0,18,0 1867,X3213,"haha i miss this show :D ah well....being normal is boring :P kinda sucks :/ haha yeah...sure... well this is the song though :P *evil grin* :) cunt I enjoyed this vid...great advice :) I lost all faith in my generation when I saw the tampon girl .....smh how can you see properly with those lenses on? you put on makeup like a BOSS! :) this is really beautiful :) her lyrics are getting darker and darker...i wonder if it tells of the life she lived before she got famous....if it's quite disturbing and sad....i still love her as an artist though i love ur hair!! :) i'm a girl..... Tony from skins 3 paul rudd is so freakin sexy to me! i'm so weird but oh well yeah...i noticed it too.... avril lavigne and kesha's baby?? :P an 18 year old black girl driving and blasting this song in a ghetto neighbourhood whilst singing along and rocking parents always told me i was different... 3 hahahahhahahaha fuck this really made me laugh XD *sigh* long distance relationships are so hard :'/ hey it's tawny (spelt that wrong) from even stevens :D i remember my first lo....oh wait nope still didn't happen as yet... courage the cowardly dog was the shit for me back in the days! :) goes to show that karma is a bitch! yup hayley can stop wars simply by hugging the guy who starts it :) 3 this song! so sad..yet she's so beautiful...why does she still love chris brown? i have a hot cousin too...he looks like freakin ryan is so unfair :/ i did not mean to touch that! XD sure sure.... lol my best friend and my sister! (angry face)....MY BEST FRIEND AND MY SISTER!!(happy face) :D ..LOL she's back and better than ever! :D omg you have the cutest admin pic :D i'm jealous.... :P ha ! i love it! brilliant vice :) gosh that guy is creepy..i just wanna chop off his balls! ughhhh! bunny ears is cute ;) lol haha awesomeness :) don't worry Harry you'll find your Sally one day! ;) hey i have a quick can a person really protect themself from demonic possession if a) they aren't that strong in their faith (religion) b)they are scared to death by demons and c) they have an annoying curiosity for the ,spirit world, and think that they could become the next constantine ? aww thank you :) your pic is cute too! pandas rule XD",40,5,3,5,0,17,0 1868,X1869,"Awwwwww!!!! This sooooooooo cute! -3 Why is there soooooo many views?!?! It's dumb lip sync 9 year old....? It's good but not the right song I don't like the actors and actresses in this one nor the story of the new one. Flicka 1 is the best ever!!! They should make a new flicka to go with number 1 with same actors and horse just the same everything Where did this music go? Did it just go extinct or something?! I love the old songs! Oh and where did Mario run away to? @34devilsblood I know right? Mario should definitely come out of hiding Hmmm wonder where he dissapered to!? That is STUPID!!!! Stabbing a girl who is innocent!!!! I thought better of her!!! Is dumb and stupid!!! No hate but she looks like a Barbie doll in some bits... NO HATE!!! HE CHINESE MAN Im an Irish Canadian I love Irish and Scottish music!! Im trying to learn the violin and im looking for a Irish Flute so one day I will be able to play Irish music. I also have some Scottish blood in me :) @MrsG4y your telling me that man made DINOSAURS?!?! Honey im sure cavemen and cavewomen didnt have sharp teeth and big fat tail. This game looks awesome!! Sounds interesting have to try it tomorrow. Have no lemons at the moment! Way cool This is the BEST music video I have seen in my LIFE!! I don't regret watching it!! Plus haters give us more of a chance to break the record!! The keep watching it!!! Tsunami!!! Your disgusting LOL!! Approved by engineers kids! 5:18 ,Enjoy the rest of your lives, I understand now Humans are such F***** up beings. I'm a humanitarian and seeing this makes me super duper angry!!!!!!!! I want to help the people :'( Simons an 'it'??? Nah your not gonna be World famous. Its 2012 now. Not 2007. 1:03 Baroom baroom baroommmm What song at 1:46 ?? This is such a good video thank you :)",29,0,3,5,0,18,0 1869,X1870,"When girls dont take showers Im Tyler and i am emo my fave colors are red and black i love to watch your vids cuz they keep me from cutting myself You guys need to leave her alone you assholes!! Dont call us stupid!! *sniff sniff* ill save you derpy Derpy come back she was my fav Ima a brony and derpy was the best! im sorry about the noise in the background that was my phone by the speaker thanks for subscribing Awwww no more kids react?? awww i fucking hate bullies i get bullied at school but i made it stop by ignoring the person but he didnt stop so i threw a basketball at his face and then he stopped for good but then tried to get his ,bully buddies, on me so i got my buddies and they are afraid of me still i like all games so cute but sad also Im in middle school and this already started because my friends were smoking weed and then started drinking then peer pressured me to do it Kaito is a killer bad bad BAAAAADDDDDD someone who agrees!!! thank u do u rlly think tht this was funny u fuckiung maddddddd botdf rulessssss niceeeeee:P GREAT JOB!!!!! OMG SUCH A LIE THE SOUND AT THE END WENT AWAY Adorkables I love you demi :'3 Why didn't they just leave her alone so what if she made a mistake everyone makes mistakes they are just bad people that don't know who she is they go ahead and assume that she is a slutwhore im sure she wasn't any of that i bet she was a caring nice girl that had no choice",24,2,4,21,0,16,0 1870,X1871,funny/stupuid!!!! Frenchninja who are u fyi what r u crazy u imbrerresed your self your a miz fan lame sic it sad cause nathaniel didnt win-comment from austin jacobs FAT boy from avery way better than my friend i mad at music re re who is that first boy he fat is his name ethan or fat boy FAGET i made this video fullllllllllllll camera person rocks boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thats stupid worst flip ever dont work but dont mean u got to be mean boringgggggggggggggggggg,18,3,3,10,0,18,0 1871,X1872,WHAT i never knew they didn't have kinder eggs in US! ahh best things in life ! :) That exciting moment when you are under 100 views 3,2,3,5,5,0,23,0 1872,X1873,haha wow you found it SOMEONE GET THE HOLY WATER Alison is alive cuz the episode when the Liars went to Ali's grave it showed a clip of her and Ian in the woods and they made it look like that she was ambushed but she was alright... or what bout the time when she was in spencer's living room cuz she needed something from the bag like the news papers.... and A's a team cuz the black swan coudnt txt them all at once thats why they have other people to do it and the black swan is probably kate...... WHO KILLED MAYA!!!!!!!!!!!! of course shes not gonna fit in with that voice!!!!! wow u even got Louis's voice right and I love the part when harry was trying to hit the high note!!! did you read my facebook page my name is agatha by the way!!!! where does paul fit in with the kissing and the romance????? whats with the picture of you.... like what were you doingthat made you smile like that??? but its still freakin hilarious!!!! Lol Love u angelo sangelo and charles mcflikinburgur cuz ur the same person and thts really funny!!!! Lol (both)ITS JESUS!!!!! hahahaha Love you guys!!!!!! Lol whats with the spongebob theme vid paul???? Lol people PLEASE WATCH PAUL DAVIS GRIFFIN'S VIDEOS AND SAY THEIR FUNNY OR U MIGHT BE THE ONE IN THE BEACH CHAIR whats with the hand movement and the voices??????? that ride was really fun but I got my mom addicted to it though and had to ride it 4 times....... but i love the part when ur at redwood creek...... you could actcually smell the pine!!!! Lol I love the part at 2:17 since Jan is mine!!!! the brothers are really cute btw and did anyone else notice tht in every short film everyone is british?!?!?!?!?!? Im from IBL and this piece is my favorite next to Joy Revisited!!!!! not to be rude but I just want to say that iswhats wrong wit kids these days like if ur getting bullied jus tell the teacher or something and Im getting bullied as we speak and Im still alive DREW U SHOULD PLAY MONKEY GO HAPPY you play every scale but the A flat concert scale!?!?!?!? USELESS hearts up for strip shirt 3 3 3,21,0,5,8,0,30,0 1873,X276,"And look at you. You look like frodo before he went on Biggest Loser. Me too! Fuck this shit. Ant didn't win. That's gay. Like everyone that didn't vote for Ant. Stop Hating. I was in this future city competion but like bepop said we just used sim city not minecraft sadly. Antfarm + Dwellers = Antlers 0_o I try to tell everyone that but they never believe me. My question is What is the difference between WWE '12 and WWE '13? Other than the rosters? This is why I didn't buy the game and waste my money. I watch amazing race and I cant wait to see you on there! Ants voice is in the backround and its behind. Shane please dont put it on netflix! only like season specials or season finales! I don't want to have to pay for it! :( I love Goat cheese 3 I like how joey is like ,I killed an emo girl! they are like the easiest to kill!, I love bridgette. Because I love divas. 1. Go to google.2. Type in Minecraft Swords3. Click Swords- Minecraft Wiki4. Scroll down the page to The chart5. Look at Damage6. Gold does the same fucking amount of damage as wood but wood lasts Longer. Therefore Gold is the worst sword in minecraft. They said it Children seem more innocent so they want parents to feel guilt of sending their child that they raised out there to fight to the death. One does not simply have time for that. Me too ur too skinny joey! @FireHorse234 Gary missed Madge! she is very important! Joey! Why are u moving? D: No shit WHEN HE DROPS THE SUGAR CUBE LMAO Michael wants to be in Grandpas buisness all the time but when it comes to him he doesn't want to be filmed? The dog got me D: I hope shes wrong. SORRY MISHKA! Get Joey Graceffa! ^_^ Kind of a disappointment coming and seeing this isnt an hour long :( Do you really come to minecrafters vlogs to see if they are cute? I've never cursed in my life! Like ever!LIES Amandla Stenberg plzzz 1. Joey stop friggen using your arrows when they are up close! (and you aren't good with a bow in PvP2. you know that guy that won? THE SAME GUY THAT U SAW THROWING OUT STUFF AND U COULD HAVE KILLED HIM IF U WERENT TRYING TO SHOOT HIM. @ldblueberry no its not. 41 I dare u to take off your weave on camera. Grandpa know damn well he wanted to try that challenge because he was hungry. :D 2 More hours here on the east coast! CANT WAIT AHHHHHHHHHHH",39,27,3,5,0,18,0 1874,X1875,De 2 minutes 40 a 2minutes 62 j'adore ! :DEnfin j'adore tout 3 3 You take lessons of singings or not 3 ? :O,2,0,7,5,0,44,0 1875,X1876,natalia vc linda dmais n liga para aqueles q falam mau d vc falam mau d vc so pq vc perfeitinha vc maravilhosa o que os outros tem inveja d vc liga no linda de meli. vc linda nati n liga para a queles q teem inveja d vc so pq vc perfeitinha vc uma lindona !!!! linda Duda voc merece linda linda linda linda que princesinha mais linda linda quem fala mau tem siume pq ela perfeita lindaaa!! linda natalia!! nossa! uhuuuum amei mor e bady !!!!!!! s2s2,10,0,3,1,0,21,0 1876,X1877,Wow! Youre just amaizing! :),1,0,2,5,0,16,0 1877,X1878,oh wow big woup dame right he is i totally just did that and its not that easy its amazing it fits in that skirt i think they get bored really easy why the fuck would you say that u know ur gonna say that to someone and ur gonna get ur ass kicked and dont listen to it then fuck face its one less ass hole we have to listen to she is really pretty this is so sweet i listen to this song everyday no im listening to this in 2998 Damn right it is The dog was not an It it was a dogbut R.I.P Zelda same here And who says blondes can't get into harverd,14,0,3,5,0,14,0 1878,X1879,"Damn i died when Sean let down the window and blew smoke a the cop. Man ride smoked out fareal. Goku's new killer combo ,The Ultimate Bitch Slaps, Booyah MOTHER F#CKER!!!!!!!! So that wat happen when hit a wall named Shaq Idk watz funnier the uppercut or when he threw off the bus.....damn she was straight rachet though Lmao im getting back some of that child support money lmao where is the fuckin heart",7,0,4,2,0,21,0 1879,X1880,prodigy looksso much better with his shades off them muscles ooo omg thats what i said you dont want no weak man so its true but if they too much of an a**hole than WE have PROBLEM s**t beat his a** but how he going fck if we dont let him so he dont have a free pass to what he want the first half was ALL ME DEAD ON we did a great job why is the city upside down,7,0,3,5,1,42,0 1880,X1881,Aww Ur Voice is just so amazing :) I want to have ur voice even though i'm a girl :DDD I hate how the master is so dumb although I love this :X especially this monkey king :) He's awesome!!! Wukong is awesome but stupid pig and master. He's so dumb!! The monk is so annoying seriously! guilty I always think of the worst possible reasons gio duyen ghe luon! Hay day ban :) Ban cung co hinh tuong nua! GL! There are always room for improvements new year's resolutions are not for asking for more but to get / have more with what you already have. Okay you can't blame Pit for believing Rave because she always been the nice girl in his eyes and of course Thae is the lying mean demanding etc girl most of the time. It's hard to just go against everything and trust the people who lost your trust. Rave hasn't lost his trust yet. 0:25 toi se lay nhung chai rong nay0:27 ngoi di ngoi di! 0:32 ong la ai? 0:37 Toi noi la co ngoi! Tai sao ong lai nhu vay! 0:46 xin giup1:00 kho qua 1:05 Cam on 1:18 cai gi day?1:19 mot mon qua 1:59 Co co muon chup hinh nhu vay cho mot tap chi khong? 2:01 Toi ah?2:05 Em nen lam khong? Co ay se lam!2:44 Huh? hinh khong dep ah? 2:52 hinh dep lam rat dep!3:01 Da dao dien 3:07 Da cam on Ur so pretty and awesome singer. WOW !! PLease sing : A team by Ed Sheeran :) Awesome =D It's funny how this song is not the trouble maker that you would think!!! Nice,14,4,4,5,0,18,0 1881,X1882,"ok what ever bucket face drake has amazing hair and how can you say that about drake when this person doesn't even show their face and wears a kfc bucket on their head and makes terrible music for the most part! i guess a couple bits were good but seriously don't go hating on others or your going to get hated on your self kiss it all better plz! it didn't help me when you left me sobbing there like you didn't care i was like a flower slowly being killed by a storm you were the storm hon you knocked me down and i caved in i collapsed and started withering away farther every day untill you left and i got back up and my colors came back after your attack TRUE Um that's not an instrument Wow um you guys are good singers I think if you took this more seriously got a better camera and a few singing lessons and wha la !! There are some great singers :D I've shot for the moon I landed on the stars but that's okay because the moon wouldn't have taken my scars away and the pain would surely stay so my star is just a small moon T.T Aaaawwww yeah bish he said drive!! If only the people we dedicate this song too actually knew how we felt about them when we hear this song 3 T.T Gurl you trippin imma Instagram this joint LOL Shane I'm getting comments about I'm getting talked about on hater zone is it spam because I made an account on that 'site' and its like a chat room why would peeps be talking about me on there ummm I don't really know why but yeah I mean my channel isn't any thing big soooo I don't even know why I'd be getting this Hey are you getting hater zone things sent to you I am and it says you are to Ok my friend had this happen to her I asked her today she said it IS a hack you can't stop it ( and she's very techy so yeah) she said she doesn't go on her old one her old account and made a new one she used a diff e- mail and she recently checked her old one there was 158 of those messages on it and some were recent so I'm going to make a new account I already have and I'm going to start using a diff e- mail I hope this helps you umm no you have to let go of power button when screen flashes white and keep on holding home button untill a little pop up comes up from itues asking if you would like to restore you,re device you will restore it and it will go back to how it originally was before you put any apps or any thing on it",13,1,3,1,0,14,0 1882,X1883,As for the former porno/stripper chick I'm glad she changed her life around. I can only imagine what she went through while being held hostage in that basement. They tried to have an Australian version of TV Burp only lasted three episodes. Shame really :( Maybe it was the late night time slot. If anyone is interested the song was originally Oi Oi Oi Randy Sailor Boy and there is a music clip floating around on the net. Essan Laurent rocks. Adora I saw your priate gear and it was pretty cute. You are looking fantastic in this vid too. It's almost 2 am so I'm going to leave to in the morning to find out who got Prom Queen :) I noticed that some of the Barbies are old school early 90s lol. When Teresa asked if Megan has been raped. I think Megan doesn't understand the full concept of rape. She might have thought it meant something worse but at the end of the day this little girl has been raped by many people. Ever seen the Madtv parody? Sorry to hear that sweetie. My N would watch porn videos with the genre of rough sex forced sex or rough anal. A part of me thinks my N was molested or raped at a private boys high school he attended. Made me think he was was reliving it when he forced anal sex on me. Or at least revenge. However when I saw he was looking at porn. He started to watch inter-racial rough anal sex. My N is caucasian and I'm mixed race (Mom black dad white) when I saw it I freaked out. The period blood on the tampon looks real to me. At one point you can see part of the uterine lining (clump). Wow it took them a long time to update. But so worth the wait! I agree he is wonderful and is very giving to others. That is a gorgeous photo of Agnetha. This song is so haunting and beautiful. I think as an adult who can truely appericiate it we have at one time or another felt like this before we met the one. I'm sure if we had couponing in Australia my grandmother and I would so be into it. I agree with you this song is sexy and classic. ;-) I know right who is this Colleen chick? This is Miranda who is a special snow flake. ;) lol. Funny I read about him in a crime magazine and Youtube recommended this. A very interesting interview indeed. So that makes you and your sibilings ugly too does it? I think the toilet paper is for guests and I bet she took a roll from a public toliet. HAHAHA that comment is defunct. Since he hasn't been on in almost 5 years and even then this was posted two years after he joined Youtube. Can't wait for her show in March :D This will be my second time seeing her live on stage. I'm wondering if EA and the crumpets will be breaking out of their aslyum in this concert? I have to say I like this recording too. Still think it was rigged ps this clip is shit. I know 4 years to late to answer but from what I can gather he works in home health as a carer.,23,19,5,5,0,28,0 1883,X1884,Nice vid :D It was so-so. -_- MY FAVE SONG! TRY WATCHING THIS WITHOUT LOOKING DOWN THERE! AND ARE YOU SURE THAT IS NOT JB REALLY?! 3 I LOVE YOU!! I WILL MEET YOU SOME DAY MATTYB!!!! uh.......... he is awesome!!!!!! ALL THE HATER NEED TO STAY OFF HIS BACK!And mattyb if you are reading this i wanna say :3 3 I am you BIIIIIIGGGGEEEEEESSSSSSTT fan!!!! AND you look about 7 :) lol i am 10 and i love you!!!!!! u!! Awesome,10,0,4,5,0,45,0 1884,X1885,i love her with simple make up even the eye shadow like that. and i love her without bangs. :) gorgeous lol Ailee! so its mean in IRIS 2 they say they are some old cast that are going to comeback in season. like Sa woo? probably it was for a flashback. hope to see seon-hwa or Top. YEAY for gen.park and BAEKSAN. much better if byunghun making a small cameo. hahaha WOW!!!!!!!!!! NICE!!!!!!! xD sonata musim salju?? sesat kah? lol anyway miss this song TALENTED! HELLA YES!! I CRIED! ( TT_TT ) THANK YOU SE7EN! SEE YOU THE NEXT 2 YEARS!!! STAY HEALTHY AND I LOVE YOU!!!! ()~ LOVE FROM MALAYSIA,8,35,6,4,0,20,0 1885,X1886,"lol he's on Top Gear's test track. Wait if a really rare part is broken wouldn't it just make a broken copy? I think I may have missed something. :I I actually replied 3 days after you sent it to me but I replied again because you hadn't. By the way ,Whatever, is just another way of saying I'm right and you're wrong so thank you. White people aren't all good in fact many of us aren't. We smoke weed too and break laws. There are many great Africans just like there are white men Asians Latinos etc. Not all blacks are poor either some make very good livings. Besides being poor doesn't make you a piece of worn out crap. If you can't see that then you are a ignorant sorry misguided sack of shit. Go back to hell and fuck off there please. All The Pretty Little Horses is at the end :I poor car :I i remember listening to this on the radio! Reliable? He said he rebuilt it 5 times... Lol regardless I still enjoyed every second. I think there is some kind of sound emitting from his back pocket or something because you,ll notice that every time this happens they all look directly at him. If it were a tap on the shoulder they would just turn around... Because Coldplay wrote the song... Jesus you don't believe in this or the moon landing. Whats wrong with you? I suppose you think that 3000 people disappeared from society just for an act? Even if you're not aware of it calling someone a nigger or sand nigger for that matter is a big deal.You have no understanding of how offensive that term can be. Besides you upload the almost exactly same kind of anime bullshit i used to. you seem FAR more into it than me. Contradictory dick. Dafuq should I know? And may I just say your English and grammar are awful... Between you and me it probably took it days to get there. XD The amount of ads YouTube puts on videos these days is just infuriating. No look at the symbol. It's Ferrari.",17,13,5,31,0,15,1 1886,X1887,what was the reality show called and what episode? maybe tons of gifts from other people?,2,1,3,5,0,14,0 1887,X1888,Dude the #89 dude...I can't tell if that's a gay dude or a butchy dike lol 1:58 Don't you wish a run like this got a touchdown? lol Don't throw em in tha fucken seat lol,3,3,3,2,0,24,0 1888,X1889,"Hahaha that's fucking stupid hahahahah Dubstep is insanely retarded sounding haha funny how it's trended so quickly. I honestly think the whole ,Tier, thing is fucking bullshit cause what am I going to do play the game for fucking ever every single minute of everyday fucking stupid not impressed. 10/10 would bang. 420 BABY!!!!!! FUCK BITCHES GET MONEY!!!!! KILL PEOPLE BURN SHIT FUCK SCHOOL BLAZE IT UP MY MUSLIM BROTHERS!!!!! I love your videos Damian they cheer me up a lot of the time you have good energy man keep making videos :D You my friend are a rockstar! Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The drama made for a good video but in real life all that drama is not worth it. Fucking love this song I love the emotion. Please please please do a guitar lesson for this!!!! Lol the guitar went out of tune haha I hate this video it's so gay fuck...fuck...fuck!!! Brian Warner is the tough man wimpy boooooy. Arrest the Dog. How do you pronounce the band name? Dumb fucking bitch. Lol get this Christian Pop crap off here haha. Fucking Epic makes you want to stand on a hill with a hammer and beat the bastards down and eagly fly free heavy metal is forever!!!!! @atlpeach93 FAIL you are way WRONG. Mike is pronouncing it correctly. The video is kinda dumb but the song is pretty badass. ....YOUVE GOT IT!!!",20,5,3,12,0,42,0 1889,X1890,Illegal download (; -3 one too free...... omg a wild wailord :o *go pokeball!!* wouldnt it have been akward when he bout the cloths ..... i wanna be like that when im old.... it cost 479 at bestbuy(: its 399 :DD its $10 in texas Put that shit in your mouth now :_. i like his after shok :D i fukken heart u bro :DD3333 go to class idiot isnt abuse..... i was expecting blood to gush out..... damm pimple!....u scary! did any one notice that at the end it said pussy.... i see no rain.... taco party33 keisha333 back is confusing .-. #i hate this,19,3,4,4,0,19,0 1890,X1891,Dec 21st = 1000000000PSY = illuminati O.o,1,1,3,5,0,18,0 1891,X1892,This is so beautiful thank you for playing for us...where did you get the notes?? Sorry if you answered this already. Simon loves Britney so much Simon loves Britney so much!! You're like wow!!! I'm a teen and don't have kids and not expecting but lilt I have a different view now!!! Wow I look up to you!!!,4,1,4,4,0,21,0 1892,X1893,"hes so hot idgi youre the only skyrim video maker who makes me laugh ily Are you American? Hopefully not. Weed itself isn't addictive the feeling you get from it is addictive. The reason I wouldn't smoke it is because it's a gateway drug/substance and I've seen it ruin so many people lives. That would be the only reason I look down on it. I did gymnastics for about 6 years..and I wanna start again after a few years. Does anyone think I could do it? Gymnastics is the only sport that does all musclesWrong. Rowing tooo. Like humans can horses get paralyzed from diving the wrong way? This honestly made me cry. I want a horse so bad it's taken over my life. Ive been riding for about 5 years. I think about them day and night and into my dreams. I see myself in them and I would give up almost everything I had for one. I don't have alot of family or friends and to have a horse seems to simply be too far out of my reach. My family doesn't understand how I feel. Sigh maybe someday. c: I don't think this horse wants to jump...haha I really hope no one adopts him yet. Im going to a boarding school with an equestrian center. It has a ring and trails. But i'll need to move in first and get situated and that might take a while. I want him more than any other horse. *fingers crossed* Earth seems to be becoming Not freedom as in us ridiculous humans in America or wherever. But the poaching mindless slaughter and this..its not human. I know some things have to be done some animals will have to be killed for us to eat. But i dont understand why everything has to be done to cruel..I guarantee if women watched over more of these things it would be a better place haha says the girl with perfect hair fuck this Disgusting culture. What a bunch of bastards. Equestrian is about being a team trusting eachother. Ellens horses all look unsettled and restless. I dont care how ,great, of a rider she is if she doesn't respect her horses(which is obvious) she is not a worthy rider at all. Well thats not your place to say ,ew, now is it? Pay attention to yourself and dont worry about putting your religion on others. Thats why everyone hates Christians. geez does she know how to ride? i feel bad for the pony being yanked on like that. i woouldve buked tooo Im not trying to bag on her riding but why hasnt anyone told them to keep their hands lower? The mother keeps saying she has ,calm hands, when they are actually at an uncomfortable level. I feel like Lucinda is very stern but still loving. Which gives the rider a respect for her. She gives enough praise so that the rider isnt always let down. I truly wish she was my trainer. A horse can take off on you in ANY kind of bit. I think shows should allow bit-less riding because it does show more horsemanship than a bit and its more comfortable for the horse. I think that the more natural horsemanship offered in equestrian it would seem more of a sport rather than shoving something into a horses mouth and telling it what to do. I dont understand why some people would want to make their horses uncomfortable like that. Will someone explain? For high strung horses many people think bits are necessary for control. It's not. If you've got the patience and will he would jump probably even more beautiful in a bit-less. Horses also shorten their stride in a bridle because of the feeling of constriction which is another up for the bit-less! :) Just learn how to move with your morgan he'll do just fine im not gonna subscribe if you stop the song tf were you thinkin That's not your choice is it? Geez I wasn't being rude. And yeah i said ,thats not always true, myself. God damn How could that girl ride horses then feel good about eating them? I hope she does't become a horse-rider because she will never earn the right to be called an ,equestrian.,",24,1,3,5,0,33,1 1893,X1894,WTF too much red bill dtrix!!! Haha still love you ! ryan did puke ae?! lol hahahahah still so cute lol am i weird? wow this is so amazing. Hello from germany. I love you guys =) du hast echt schne Zhne =) HAHAHAHA oh man du hast mir die Zeile voll versaut hr das auch nur noch! xD soo true hahaha (Y) i love the song but this video made me laugh so hard because of the wrong lyrics... geeeez xD a bunch of ugly ppl and they dnt even kno the lyrics of the songs.......... what a waste of time so funny i was actually looking for the song crying out for me by mario and for some reason i ended up here.. im a huge ytf fan and didnt even kno this cover by jr (: wow what a damn stunning girl Wooooow so creative :) my moms reaction wasnt like hers.... Wow this mom shud know that shes making it worse with this reaction. Im speechless.My mom was so understanding when I told her or she found out. Thats why im very open with her now and i can talk to her about all that nd stuff.. I love my mom for that 3,12,2,7,6,0,23,0 1894,X1895,what wrong this guy .... wat a dick 3:14 i was thinkin the sams thing he look just like kenan thompson when he make dat face she'll b squrtin pussy juice lmao ayyyyyy dats wat i go buy 2 dats n ON DA REAL{kevin hart} 3:20 girls laughin at rick ross cuz his but crack is showin ashy ass elbows he ben playin patty cake wit powder look at lo dah head just moves not dah body lol 0:46 YOUNG MAN WASH YOUR UNDERPANTS LOL the lil rick ross everyday im hustlin 2:39 BITCH WE OUTCHEA LOL STORY OF MY LIFE .... I JUST GOT CAUGHT IN SPANISH DA OTHER DAY,10,1,5,2,0,30,0 1895,X1896,love it k leave him alone dont put bad comments you no ur just saying that because you no he can sing and he is cute they are not twins and i love this kid I love this kid add me on Facebook michaella hogan oh all the way no need to be saying stuff like that and sure your 17 more like 5 ya this kid is really good he is not an amateur but if he never said he was better he just said he was a piece o shit rapper can i buy this off of you you can tell me if you sell them on facebook michaella hogan or i will buy this off you i will buy this off you Your so pretty and so good How much do they cost one of the tiny ones umm ok then and you are how old hey i want to see swag shirts and hats and stuff if there was a purple shirt with lime green swag on it i would buy it where is your store this kid is awsome i want to meet him im a bgirl and you are how old they are really good for there age and i hate how people are being so mean when they cant do better tell them i say they are really good for there age Can some one give me the number i love mattyb he is so awesome i love how she uses a banana iwish i whould have heard this when i was younger and my mom was happy when she was sick i was only around 5 when she died it hass been 6 years but now i no why she was happy because she loved her kids and my dad and wanted to show it befor she died stfu you are so rude shut up shut up delete it this song makes me cry ever since i was 5 i heard it at my moms funaral 6 years ago and it still brings me to tears Now how you feel Cheryl Katy was going to say no the he would not be where he is thank god she said yes How have you not seen it says Nail Horan Like Amazing :),27,0,3,5,0,18,0 1896,X1897,THERE IS NOTHING GLAMOROUS OR LUXURIOUS ABOUT WEARING FUR. It is disgusting and wrong. Google FUR FARMS if you still feel that way you ignorant assholes.,1,0,6,5,0,22,1 1897,X1898,where can i play this game Subscribed to Sourcefed They should do school home them play video games. :O The American Idol of Youtube. 46 what colors were each finger better than 7th street are these e-lights? does money deposited on solo mode transfer to multiplayer?,9,4,3,4,0,14,0 1898,X1899,yesssssssssss cool but should be matching number to put that price on them kings damn powered up lil b is the realest no imagine this guy in a band with misha mansoor S'morez is one of my favorite bands 2013 false its S'morez 2013 keep up the good work wooah bud task force is here calm down we will help you,10,32,5,6,1,45,0 1899,X1900,This is a mockery of one of the best shows to ever be shown!! When Natsume cry I cry. I saw that anatomy model and instantly thought of Corpse Party.Good things do not come to those who look at anatomy models. Karin. I could never come close to such talent. I was on Cry's channel looking for something to watch and this popped up! THANK YOU CRY!! I LOVE THIS GAME! Wait......Did Gravity.....WINK at that doctor before that woman tripped? OMG!! I LOVE YOU DAMON!! It's okay if Elena doesn't love you cause I will always love you. If you need someone I will always be there. Why can't I be your friend on the show. I LOVE YOU DAMON!! What was the point? Actually his show updated an hour ago. This project is sacked though. Any idea why they're mad at him anyone? You looked better before he shaved his head and got a beard. Hilly Hindi. And Hannah Hindi plays Ron. I'm watching you on 20/20 right now~! Keep you head up~!To all you haters fudge off~! 2!!!! #2!!!!!!! Don't say that. It is an amazing book. And have you seen the movie trailer? Jace is the sweet guy with the perverted funny jokes. Love the series~! READ IT FOR YOURSELF!!! Jace is so freaking sweet in this book. I'm Jace all the way. If he goes over to the dark side i swear i will follow him. I CAN LOVE JACES' DARK SIDE. And also I LOVE THE IMMORTAL SERIES BY ALYSON NOEL. I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!,16,0,8,5,0,20,0 1900,X1901,"Ps3 world of color is better at DCA i rented a lambo for my drivers test and wen the instructor got in the car he ask me if i was rich and i said oh yea. then he told me to pull forward so i refved the engine and peeled out and drifted the corner and then i said am i gonna fail and he said turn around this test is over and i said i cant and he said turn around now! so i turned around and he screamed this is a one way your gonna hit a car coming at us and i said well you told me to turn around a hole :) true story damn ur good bro damn mormons go suck your moms tit !!! Nintendo 64 just do it anyway. what will the HOA do!!!! YOLO to bad you cant catch any hr balls in oct... :) Cinnamon Challenge :) now would you look at this its still in the game just not for online. They will bring it back for special week/weekends in the future. you dnt need to reserve your spot. what you do is they start lining up for the new years show after the last world of color showing for that day . but you cnt leave the park during the day cause dca sells out tickets and wont let you back in dca after a certain time cause of the capacity same as disney even if you have a day pass or a season pass. once you get there in the morning or whenever they give you all the details and tell you what you should do but thats wht they did last year! dang if ur high watching this! mother of god mother of god mother of god. well i can tell you one thing is that i kicked some ass on snake while this video was loading! listen at 1:23 you hear a teammate yell at tebow ,shut up virgin, damn i was there hahaha Hope you get big on this btw its san miguel haha To my amazing subscribers we have another video on how to make the McCandy. watch and like and lets make this a big hit :) #McCandy",21,111,4,24,0,20,0 1901,X1902,She sounded like Courtney Stodden. This was a cool video. Love the concept. Yep! Definitely. I'm just laughing my head off at how ridiculous and depraved this video is! Gonzo WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOUR BRAIN?! AND WHY WAS FREIZA A BLACK GANGSTER STEREOTYPE?? I second that! Beatboxing to this video makes it 9000 times better! I like the way this video was edited. Like a trippy terrifying horror movie. Awesome! Thank you very much for this tutorial @cwtrain! Shmuley Boteach looks like a bearded older version of Elijah Wood. I thought Jet Lee was supposed to be retired from film '_'. YES!,12,4,3,4,0,23,0 1902,X1903,"this is fucking crazy those pigs shall all die. fucking indian police allah fucked his mother and his mother gave birth to the pig muslims. they are too cruel! they deserve all go to jail for the rest of their lives. hermosa! espero que yo tambien tenga una esposa asi. es real o no? that sound's like the Chinese musical instrument ,Pi Pa, it is no big surprise for me. that shows the different character of english judge and american judge. english people are too serious. i though it was not porn i knew it was a normal video so i came here just for proving that i was right. yeah!!!! i was right!!!!!",13,0,3,1,0,30,0 1903,X1904,Congratulations winners!3 I love your videos Tabby!!:) And I love how you reply to your comments. Whenever you upload a video it seriously makes my day. Never stop making videos! Happy thanksgiving!:) You were supposed to press it on.. Does this work with black toasters? i feel so cooli live in idaho :) I honestly don't understand why people say you're fat. Apparently fat means over 100 pounds now a days. -_- You can't nail something to the ceiling in most dorm rooms.. Just saying haha otherwise it would be a great idea! Yeah! Haha damn he's attractive. lol White peppermint mocha or pumpkin spice latte :) I want you to move back to Rathdrum ): I didn't think it was that bad.! ....Although you did put sand in my sandwich. xD oh my god the pictures in the background killed meholy shit my sides so glad im not the only one ahahaha i seriously got so happy when benji was dancing to thrift shop. thats my favorite song!(: What song is playing in the beginning ? tearswut r u dointearsstahp My holiday gift idea is a makeup set from sephora!:) Everyone is saying Benji is rude.. but honestly every couple fights and it's not like they are yelling at eachother they are talking it out! I like how they put in their arguments because it shows that they aren't fake!:) Hair tutorial ??:) I love your videos. But at :10-:11 you can literally see your nipple. Not even just your aeriola. No you're whole nipple's just out there for everyone to see. I learned that you should exfoliate before you shave because when you exfoliate you are taking off some skin (that sounds so nasty lol..) and it can feel a little stubbly afterwards so you should shave after you exfoliate!! :) I wish I could look good with my eyebrows that dark! They look so good on you! why was your cake multiple colors~ I'm going to the owl city concert. so excited to hear you open 3333 Yeah ..I'm pretty much sexy.,25,4,2,1,0,13,0 1904,X1905,I will the windows taste surprisingly good there. Hurr Hurr goodbye now. I started Watching your Walking Dead series and was instantly hooked on your channel. Thanks for all the amazingly entertaining content Brad! Just to let you know Zemalf I'm pretty sure that once a faction/empire has declined your offer once they will pretty much always decline the second attempt. Love the series man! :D Most people just know how awesome The lonely island is... 2:21 when did Tyler The Creator start working at McDonalds? I completely agree about the corpses disappearing too quickly It can be a pain if you spend forever looking for an animal then finding a few and having the corpse of the first disappear before you can skin it. Love the series man and keep up the good work! :D The redneck american accent killed me XD That would be epic! This one is honestly way better made than Obama style in my opinion.,10,0,3,5,0,22,0 1905,X1906,Oh gawd da S word. Doucchepp STAHP He's got a stupid ass name. What kinda name is that? Is everybody in Arizona fat???? Ratchet song,6,2,3,5,1,22,1 1906,X1907,nice THAT WAS SICK!!!!! is this for xbox 360 mt favorite it is resistance and dome HOW DO U GET IT,5,0,2,5,0,66,0 1907,X1977,N64 was not only better it was much much much more difficult. Before I watch part 2 I'm going to guess that number 1 is the Kirby one they keep using as the intro to each number. Nuts Bolts vandalized the child in me. I couldn't even imagine such a thing. Open Face Surgery by Cryptopsy... look it up immediately. Nice ode to Voivod in the logo. Awesome tribute to Voivod in the logo. I only listen to Heavy Metal but recently I've really been getting into Necro Ill Bill Non Phixion Heavy Metal Kings etc. and it's fucking brutal. What I am what I want I'm only after death. - Postmortem by Slayer Celtic Frost fucking rules. Vinny Appice*Not LOH... it's Hell Awaits (Slayer Album) King Diamond is a Metal singer for those of you who don't know. Kill Devil Hill is a band that Vinnie Appice plays in. Awesome references. Dead Kennedys had a song called California Uber Alles.Jeff Hanneman is the guitarist for Slayer Seasons in the Abyss is an album by Slayer.I love all these Heavy Metal references they're making. Black Metal is actually the second album by the band Venom. Ozzy or Dio = Black SabbathBruce Dickinson or Paul Di'Anno = Iron Maiden Lord Worm of Cryptopsy did it longer in the song Open Face Surgery on the album Blasphemy Made Flesh... That was terrible Korn isn't even Death Metal nor are they good. Right click that and go to run as administrator... *HONK*... umm. I have that Voivod shirt :D He's in the 4th dimension now his power levels can't be tamed for at least another 3 and half hours. Let's just hope that Beck has some Cinna-stix. Try out the band Vektor... Dat 90s fashion. NAZI PUNK FUCK OFF! Or he's probably in the crowd. The thing about Venom is that they were very straight forward about the Satanism and marketed themselves as Satanists. As for the *extreme* tempo Discharge and Motorhead still weren't as fast as some Venom songs (Witching Hour/Black Metal) and their Thrash riffs. Regardless of what you think every musician in this documentary say that the start of Black Metal was Venom. You got me on harsh vocals though. Slayer riffs Sodom vocals. That kicked major ass... I would like to hear a guitar solo though. Limbonic Art they're a really Symphonic type of Black Metal and they kick ass. I think the worst sound wasn't the gunshots... the part that made my heart sink was the humming of the amps afterwards. Shapes of Black by King Diamond? I wouldn't say so... from what I heard in interviews Wagner Antichrist didn't very much like the Sepultura guys at this time. I wouldn't think he'd dedicate anything to them. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. VILLAGE PEOPLE RULE! The song is actually 13 minutes long that's what they said on their Facebook page. Is that Jinx Dawson from Coven?,36,2,3,5,0,22,0 1908,X1909,I love this!!! Then when they make the circles they throw the scrap. I kept telling myself that this was fake. I could believe it is... But seeing those gory things made me throw up. I guess me too... O_O I can hardly believe that's his voice. Last thing I remembered... It was not like this. He'd probably suck up the whole water balloon and be one. It's fun to watch this while eating popcorn. Oh! Watch out! We got a badass over here! I just love that cat! Oh and excuse me? Japan is NOT A WASTE YOU IDIOT I didn't come from Japan but I love that country and I was in horrid shock when I heard of the earthquake what if you were there and died because of the earthquake!?SO BACK OFF. It isn't your business of what he's doing. But first promise that you record every single thing and post in on youtube share it on facebook show the videos to your teacher tell your teacher it was you.Im counting for it. I want that maskot in my room. And Hanate... PFFFT!!! xD Yes I got rice. : Thank you Hanate. Even an asian can't do that. OH MY GOD. You sure that's powder? Of course. :') This Kid is my new idol. SHE SHOULD BE FAMOUS!!! Nice but... Does it really have to be that big? It scared the hell outta me in the beggining! And don't forget to light it up first! Jigsaw: Live or Die Make a choice.Emo: DIE.FOREVER EMO.,22,4,3,9,0,19,0 1909,X1910,"eyelenses..?:) truee..I accept/find out it newly now that u cant compare mainstream and ug. UG is always better.of courseits real__________life ! 3 ! 3 ! 3 how u do that do that do do do angel is soooo fine :) cuz im out oooof my mind I'm speechless.amazing. nnaaah. clearly you dont. I like music u know and many other things. I like being girl. I hope someday u will see..:) dont have to be emotionalbut ditsy like you are? nnooo This song will help me get over my divorce. love you Frank..3 you guys are horrible....rats xDD so good song!! so different! when comparing to other tyga songs woooow lysin iltalehden sivuilta..amaziiiiiing!! go girls :) soooo beautiful! this song gives me chilllllls and your voice 3 ei tietty kyseisen tanssin tarvitse hivell sun silmsi. kaikki ei toki pidkn kaikesta. jos ei tykk voi ntisti sanottuna pit pns kiinni kuin tulla sitten laukomaan tosi vittumaiseen svyyn oman mielipiteens..toisten huh heijaa paljonko s painat vai painatko mitn? jos on jotain mist ottaa kiinni pyreytt kurveja ei tarkoita ettei huolehtisi kropastaan niink. kyll toi kalisee mun korviin vaan=) en kyll fanita ollenkaan nicki minajta...nounouu Ihanat 3 This song is too amazing. gives me power I cant explain!! 3 love beautiful Ciara love this song staynobodys bisness and this song 3 Thanks for this. really.:) I do believe what u sayin...I think that too that u need to eat first more and thus get fat on your body/butt.then second exercise more and get muscles. Mean if u really want b o o t y 3 I have watched almost all your videos tonightfirs timein one hour. I want to say that you are gorgeous!! and these videos gave me so much tips to make good squats to get more booty and good eating tips too. thank you soo much Ihanabiiiiisi.t on jotain lpp nist suomen cheek ,pyrkiny vhent,jontte valosaari feat elastinen ,jos m oisin sun mies,,miksi naiset aina rakastuvat renttuihin,-tryin to be american rappers we got sexy ladiess biiseist 3",21,2,3,5,0,21,0 1910,X1911,man titties lol oli43 they delayed gta 5 to september 17 2013 Minnesotaburns KYR SP33DY DELUXE 4 fatass i know that thats the same logo though do you own a super car? no wounder hennessey are crazy fucking tuners oh 1:40 there is an aventador man if your gonna buy a supercar dont be an idiot that up there is whats gonna happen to you unless your a person who knows how to handle a supercar,10,13,2,6,1,21,1 1911,X1738,"1:Put on headphones2:100% volume3:???4:Profit (mini party) Too much half life 2:52 *walks away like a boss* It says No back up found and i cant play plz help Cocainom 0:00 Cumshot Shhh dog IZ DED 00:26 I MUST GO MY PEOPLE NEED ME *Line from the gamer poop series* Lol im one of those bandits :{ HOOOOHOOOO HOOOOOOOOO MERRY CHRISMAS I like when most of the crazy sfm/gmod videos have a funny/weird ending. Nice grammar you have there mate! Theres ALWAYS have to be that asshole who dislikes -.- There is a shitload of laughing in this vid :D 06:05 i see what you did there pewds! XD Kootra try to do headshots it gives you 2.5 times the exp. *line from video* Obvious wolf is obvious its not AJ its a...umm...spy? Well i bought The WarZ becouse you cant find anyone who sells Arma2 Combined Operations WarZ is not that bad but yes id really want to have a refund. 2:35 Wtf is that ,Thing, in the background it has white hair...shit is scary Hey any lithuanian bros out there? Cmon LT BROFIST!!! You look pretty good... We can see you also like molesting? *your pic* @DJAelxs could i use this track in a video outro?Would be awesome if you reply. =3 I think he says ,Benkt, with a T Yea sure I mean who doesnt know that this is star wars you can apearantly see lightsabers and hover bikes and robots. Oh look i think theres aliens in this too. Oh and another thing you are so clever that you won 1 cent to recive it go to china. Nova is a proffesional Makeup Artist he could make millions with this experience. you look pretty good Your pic related. Advice: Move a bit away from the mic so we wouldnt hear that annoying air coming from your mouth ( Notice: this comment does not have any offence ) Rage quit: Pong And then smosh reacts to kids react to smosh react to kids react to smosh and after that kids react to smosh react to... fuck et you get the point. 3:14 Santa claus is real!!! I KNEW IT Ive heard that a new map is coming: California and it will be 2x the size of calorado map so cars will be a MUST. Half Fortress modern craft 3000 @NotARealName yes you can get a free million bucks just follow this shitty fucking link:bitfuck.crap.FREEVIRUS.cuntIt has over 9000 viruses hope you like them. Well he is dead but i guess he could return as a robot that has his brain seing on how saints row can get random. Can i haz one =3",39,4,5,7,0,32,0 1912,X2181,"I second the motion! 110% accurate! THANK YOU! that's exactly on my mind... THANK YOU! REALLY ?! AND WHO IS THIS ONE DISLIKE! HUH... I love how the song sync to the scene where camilla was breaking the mirrors...CAMILLA's is a boss... 0:09 LOL... PEREZZZZ HILTONboom! *drops mike and walks out on that bitch....* @1:32 ,IF YOU KNOW THAT PEOPLE ARE GONNA GET UPSET ON WHAT YOU'RE GONNA SAY... THEN WHY SAY IT BETTER SHUT THE FUCK UP... SIMPLE AS THAT., -explanation done... I just don't get it rima and fallen has the reason and chance to jump and beat up mehgan's ass but still it looks like meghan won the fight... and fallen is bleeding?!FOR REAL!?FOR REAL!? same here Just enjoy the music... people thank you! i agree... then why the hell you click on this video??? who's the guy with glasses? :) he looks adorable... BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOREVER! FOREVER! AND FINALLY!!!!! @1:33 ,so whats your plan here?,@ 1:35 *the face then screams...* at the end part she looks like kirsten Dunst what happened? ...Oh because I've just fainted this past 4 minutes listening to this amazing singer/pianist hells yeah!... AS THE DIVERS SWIM ALONG THE BOTTOM SOMETHING LOOMS IN THE DISTANCE... *seconds of silence* ,IT'S A BRANCH.,o.o really thought it was cressie already... tsk tsk tsk 0:39 three lana del rey sitting on the couch... o_o h m lana del rey and the song brought me here. 3 reasons why i'm here:1.) Lana Del Rey2.) The Song3.) Him Why is Lana here? Top comments?? LOL AND I CRIED... IDK why. i feel dizzy O_O Victims of Karma... lol loved that! Bo you liying Don't be lying bo bo so now when i see you at the reunion *swsh* off with her head. Good Night! LOL! X_X oh with an ,A, for all this time... lol that didn't occur to me. Christina's entrance was somewhat the most ,kiss my ass, entrance in the history of BGC reunions... the best part is when Juilie tries to say something then Erica immediately cuts her...,BITCH SAVE THAT F**K!, Same thing here the part 1 is a waste of time... and i bet the rumble when mehgan throws the cranberry juice and where julie is drag down to the floor beating her ass is going to be in hte part 3 reunion... Donation money for Falen because Mehgan said Falen is so broke on the show... is janae a black girl??? why is falen laughing??? YellowBlueGreenPinkRedthe sexiest to the least sexiest entrance",35,0,3,5,0,20,0 1913,X664,we were both wrong :$ lmao Niall* umm... he's from the UK :3 they are cause my parents made me go with them to that jewlery place.. dont ask lmao and it only said raj's jewlery store or whatever and she told me their divorced :P haha this song makes we wanna dance :P omg im so proud of you guys! :D 3 you guys are amazing!!!! JENNA MARBLES ON ELLEN!!!!!!!! I saw your comment on ellens video :P you have a good voice you should try emailing her its was louis... umm...? why you commenting bout austin mahone on a one direction video? :3 just asking :$ im watching this cause its the last friday of 2012 :P LOL Luke ily!!33 :P those costumes luke and jai had to wear were hilarious xD I CANT WAIT ANYMORE OMGGG then why the hell you here listening to their song if you think they're talent less and know you're not gonna like their song...? LOL Gurdwara Run xD does anyone notice harry doesn't have his two bird tattoos on his chest :$ :P i love you so much Lilly you are so strong and a true inspiration :) 3 THIS IS SO TRUE OMG -_- xDand i have the same remote :P listen you little bitch. Zayn is NOT a terriost and Liam does NOT abuse children how can someone as sweet as Liam abuse children? YOU probably do. 1D is not gay. Justin Bieber and the boys are all friends. Stop with all the hate. If you don't like Zayn Liam Niall Louis and Harry don't listen to their songs if you know you're just gonna hate it. there are people who love them just like me. we have our own fandom and you have yours. So please just shut up and stop hating. you've inspired me to do my hair like that xD omg my life xP haha great video :) YAY LUKE! :D Happy 19th birthday harry 3 ILY!!! LOL donut wholes xD oh harry i love you :P happy birthday 3 you need to come to Canada!!!!!! i love cookies and creme hersheys! :P i love you priyanka :) but my opinion is you should stick to acting im not hating! just an opinion.. why Canada being so racist like just make it silver don't take away my penny xD it just won't be the same without the penny. That's so true with the $9.99 thing my mom would be like $10.00? hell no we're not buying it. :P im laughing more then i should be xD idk :P I CANT WAIT! i swear in the beginning you can hear Lou say 1 2 3 FLICK... :3 :) i love you Acacia thank you for this video you are so pretty and you don't deserve to hear those words stay strong 3,32,2,2,5,0,19,0 1914,X1915,was Ray raped by a dolphin as a child? he is gonna be the next justin bebier! ........this video is......just sad soo cute! you sound AMAZING! aww hes so cute! i really dont know what just happened..... im confused,7,0,3,5,0,16,0 1915,X1916,If you like singing or know anything about it will you check out my video and tell me if I'm good or not? If you know anything about singing or enjoy it will you watch my video?! I need feedback! If you like singing or know anything about it will you please leave feedback on my video?? Thanks! If you know anything about singing or enjoy it will you please leave me some feedback? I've never sang before and I'm wondering what you think! If you know anything about singing or enjoy it will you please leave me some feedback? I've never sang before and I'm wondering what you think! If you know anything about singing or enjoy it will you please leave me some feedback? I've never sang before and I'm wondering what you think! If you guys know anything about singing or enjoy singing please leave me some feedback! I've never sang before and I'm curious what other people think. If you guys know anything about singing or enjoy singing please leave me some feedback! I've never sang before and I'm curious what other people think. If you guys know anything about singing or enjoy singing please leave me some feedback! I've never sang before and I'm curious what other people think. If you guys know anything about singing or enjoy singing please leave me some feedback! I've never sang before and I'm curious what other people think. If you guys know anything about singing or enjoy singing please leave me some feedback! I've never sang before and I'm curious what other people think. If you guys know anything about singing or enjoy singing please leave me some feedback! I've never sang before and I'm curious what other people think. If you guys know anything about singing or enjoy singing please leave me some feedback! I've never sang before and I'm curious what other people think. If you guys know anything about singing or enjoy singing please leave me some feedback! I've never sang before and I'm curious what other people think. If you guys know anything about singing or enjoy singing please leave me some feedback! I've never sang before and I'm curious what other people think.,15,0,2,1,0,17,0 1916,X1917,liindo ending que locura genial !! buena serie Me gusto de entrada el opening de ah conoc el diseo de la animacin (el dibujo menos digital y mas manual me encanta) y ahora la serie. Es una historia muy linda y da gusto verla porque tambien es divertida y entretenida con esto de la escuela y la vida cotidiana de Makino. Ya es una mis series shojo favoritas!! Hana Yori Dango es calidad en muchas areas merece ser vista y recomendada !! Esta ova o pelcula no me gusto... me encanto!! me ha hecho emocionar desde el principio hasta el final. Es una historia muy linda y da gusto verla porque tambien es divertida y entretenida con esto de la escuela y la vida de Makino en el amor y la danza. Como serie y tambien movie es una mis shojo favoritas!! Hana Yori Dango es calidad en muchas areas merece ser vista y recomendada !! (Efectos y Soundtrack Exelentes +10),5,0,3,1,1,17,0 1917,X1918,Press 7 for my Christmas present to you! Wanna hear another sentry joke? *Beep beep beep!* Ahhh it all makes sense now! What did Robbie Barton say?! I MUST KNOW!! No it's fucking not idiot I live in a European country get your facts right! It was a 3 part special! Yeah ASSUMPTION! It's in the title!! Wow! You must have a sucky life! Your username describes you in person! 1:08 - No! Faggot! Phil is the only one in the squad who you can understand all the time! 2:10 - Right in the Jingle Bells!! That is awesome! More Octagonapus!! Do u not get the hint? PEDObear! Why WOULDN'T his name be there because he helped a lot of these guys with their animations! 0:39 YOUR welcome! WOOT WOOT! Wouldn't it be illegal to kill someone anyway?! He IS a zombie! And I'm guessing: It's all gunna be more complicated in LBP3! Enderman vs. Slenderman!! Because there was horse meat found in Tesco burgers! Will you ever record right way up? Baby: I wanna see!Dancer: F*CK NO!,25,10,3,5,0,19,0 1918,X1919,Axl roses voice is just so hot ;) You have such beautiful eyes for one! lol and I love the wall be hide you :) I agree no one can ever out do them and I think one direction should fall off the face of the earth 3 I honesty love all the generations There are good and bad in all 3 :3 I will never grow out of Pokemon XD One of theses days I'm gonna learn how to whistle like that :o :O I had that doll!,5,1,3,5,0,30,0 1919,X1920,Cuuute World peace Couldn't you just listen to each of the doors and work out which ones make The goat noise??? anthony 1:44 I love how that guy is just staring at you play tetris if you are so smart why do you wear plastic glasses that don't work? 2:50 Ian Gangnam Style,8,10,4,5,0,16,0 1920,X1921,"how do you autotune your voice?? skrillex for life 3 this is soooo cuteeeee XD Christina is so amazing - keep up the good work girl!! The best easter egg ive found in a game was in halo reach i dont play this dumb game anymore anyways... so i dont rlly care ohh and nice rapping XD lolol all yall stupid nobody is touching me! or putting a microchip in me! psst whats your skype? you seem so fun to talk to LOL XD oh my god! that is such an amazing tooth brush! lololol 2:20 gave me the chills... XD that is so easy XD (twirling with the stick) THE SONG IS BY Sleeping with sirens and its called ,if you cant hang,.. :D runescape 4 life :d",16,0,3,11,0,14,0 1921,X2525,"I hear the counter screaming LOL I saw a pardoy on jacksfilms where he killed 2000 subscribers and Olga killed him XD Pie. I have teh original xbox...BEAT DAT!! :3 Oh...My...Cow _ LOL. This was related to save the whales! XD LOL. This was related to: ,Save the whales!, Save the Whales! Nah scratch that MAN THE HARPOONS!! _ Ummmmm...WTF?!?!!! D: My teacher is a fat ape Get a life. Fred is a ballsacl Guys all the people with negative comments...GO FU** YOURSELF. I'd like to see you guys live in japan's desimated area. Annoying Orange has a TV show... :D Roblox Sucks Eggs Wha... Why does cancer have to take the good peeps? WHY CAN'T IT TAKE THE FUCKTARDS?!??! You smell EAGLES FAN HERE Dis movie is my favorite I love spongebob :D What the fffff..... Yeah Kerri :D 0:42 NO SCHOOL!!!!! :D @below another life wasted... 300 bucks for a fuckin outrageous bc... F**** YOU JAPAN STOP MESSIN WITH MY MIND!!!!!! I wanna make out with you... Those boobs and your belly... Has anyone noticed dalila has bigger boobs then a 12 year old...? Alright then no need to taint my childhood... This guy is too awesome this too awkward... BEACHED WHALE!!!!!! Fucking Mayans...",36,1,3,9,0,22,0 1922,X1923,kyuhyunnnnnn3 buktinya snsd plagiat apa ? huuuuu cuuppuuu KECE ABIZ in Thailand with tiffany ? maybe :D hiks IAM PROUND TO BE A SPARKYU AND JEWELS :D i love this song HBD LUNA,8,0,2,5,0,25,0 1923,X1924,"Like if you favorited the video. Hahaha 'Disney fireworks' :) Shane I love you. 1:50 Will Noon in the back! :) 0:12 Paul is sooocute They are gonna. Tonight. :( Sorry to burst your intelligence bubble.. but... Stealing*. Also they get the artist's permission before using anything. :) Have a nice day. Like if you cried. LOVE THIS SONG THANK YOU Such a great video. Love everything about it. :) Thanks for uploading. Sorry to correct the corrector but the correct term would be your* as the conjunction 'you're' means 'you are' which wouldn't make sense if it were used. Sorry. :) Like if you cried. :'( LOL!!! Fred and George Weasleyl the FIRST to start ,Get out of the kitchen!, Agreed. I swear I get chills when I hear this.",16,2,2,5,0,27,0 1924,X1925,you're like a female version of darren criss...,1,0,3,5,0,19,0 1925,X1926,"That's a really...*puts on sunglassesWET PUSSY!YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH! YOU DON'T SAY! what? Those 12 year olds need a life No I'm watching this in 2025 on my iPhone 16 Can anybody explain the music video? Oni ni ne znaju sto to pricaju -.- And the paint is better :) A sto se to tebe ticenemas ni 13 godina Have you been brainwashed??? O.o Neither is yours Story of my life :) If you look very closely you can tell she's overweight. Super :D Jel' ti uope zna to ,gay, znai?Odi si na urbani rijenik pa pogledaj -.- 6:45 fail How come Katy Perry has the best lyric videos? :) iPotato 4S That's Time Turnerthere's about 10 doctors :) FAN-PAGE???KO BI TO LAJKO? Ko ovo lajkatreba ga nalemat! hahahhahaha istinagledas boxxy? :) So is the timer real or no? JEBI SE Napisao sam pise se jer mi se nije dalo pisat .A ne vjerujem ni da sam jedini! In Japan :) Oh that?It's /watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0 /watch?v=O65oQN0eZF0",28,7,3,10,0,19,0 1926,X1927,I'm not a huge one direction fan but if meekakitty listens to it I guess it wouldn't hurt to listen too :) When I was littl I heard you're happy song too and I agree you should do what ever you are best with and like better but I really think you are a great singer and it would be great to hear more happier songs because it would be nice too find good happy music sung by a great singer 3 I look in the mirror less than 5 times a day... I knew 4 of them but I do have a unfair advantage of my dad being a biologist so I learn stuff like this My mom has 4 sisters Wheel secret spot idea (idk if you do that but oh well): Link goes mountain biking and Rhett sits in the child cart thing that's attached to the back of you're bike lol Wish I had a twin... Have to deal with the sexist guys out their that think their worthless (sorry my message was cut of my screen was broken on my ipad and so it pushes buttons randomly sometimes) I play Mario Zelda anything on my ipad minecraft (but my computer broke so It doesn't work anymore) since my computers not working I haven't been playing as much as I would usual and if I'm aloud to I will play anything but I have more important things to do with my life like..... Watch youtube *facepalm* what am I doing with my life? I thought Disney was gisnep until I was like 10 lol I used to be a straight a student then I moved and found my natural enemy who happened to be my teacher.... Good bye A! I'm sorry :( I'm on my ipad youtube if you're reading this: let me click on stuff!,13,1,3,5,0,111,0 1927,X1928,fangirl over a danisnotonfire video blue monkey Bye Zoe :D I can't say I hate of the things you talked about because I do all of those things. they're youtubers named Marcus and Alfie who like One Direction Yesterday I heard someone at my school say 'cool story bro' yeah that actually happened Christmas pickle I feel like we were getting new people but I don't know what happened with that Backstreet Boys!,9,2,5,4,0,17,0 1928,X1929,ELLADARA beautiful couple This is talent... one of the best voices in music xalase h kopela,4,0,3,5,0,21,0 1929,X1930,whayyyy too much she looks ugly even withoutprobs you are soooo good at this you should go somewhere my cousin won talent show u know britains got talent he won it after doing this on you tube and u are nearly better xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx lots of wishes u really good xxx hope u get some where with this xx go for it awww she is soo cute u got 1 clever lttle girl there aint ya!! yeah leave her alone peopleyou are great darling! i use them too but i use vibrators instead of a penis does that take your virginity away m8 coz u can lend it if u like,6,0,2,5,0,27,0 1930,X1931,true! OMOOOOO! 3:10 that shoes wtf :A hahahaha Sunny so cute :3but CL u really KILL MEEEE:Dpoker face? hahahaha hahah GD! minzy Love this Interview! CL the best like alwaysow how shy Bom Dara and Minzy:3! ya entedimos Sandy!todos mientenala vergaaaaaaa(:,8,1,3,5,0,22,0 1931,X665,"This was uploaded on my bday :) When I saw goku I started laughing my ass off! number 6 sounded like he was having sex almost 1k necros! Whats the mod that has the minimap in the top right corner? Chris smoove playing domination? Is this a fake video? I was ur 97 Subscriber! The next big invenntion will be flying/talking cars When did we get 6 more states? Nothing PSN What you mean after u die?AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FO DAT! Play some party games like sticks and stones or play ZOMBIES OR CAMPAIGN!Also I laughed so hard at 1:59 when you said , You see all those gold tags on the radar yeah thats right those are my tags, even though u didnt say that it pretty much sounded like that. if u need help with zombies remember that that im on ur friends list Deathblade808 2:35 Dog: Freedom!!!!Hunter killer: SIKE!!! Chris you should upload a minecraft video everytime you get killed by a combat axe or knife and also thx for telling me all those reasons to sue u now ill be rich. JK :) Smoove once u get master prestige on the ps3 what r u gonna do next? get master prestige on the pc and the wii? What I suggest for a better channels is to try different things. Don't just keep uploading COD gameplays for the rest of your youtube channel. Try uploading like assasins creed 3 gameplays or minecraft because those are the best out their right now. Im not saying you have to waste your money on those im just suggesting. Add me on ps3 Deathblade808 :) Congrats my nigga i supported u all this time hoping youll get partnered and u finally did I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF THE WHOLE GODAMN VIDEO! Call of Duty nothing PSN I still dont undestand how to get the metal barriers I hate it when im sleeping my mom busts the door open and starts vacuming and im like mami bachu karni sakde. make it 2 terms! 2021! I think the rpd the rpg pack a punched its name is the full name but when it isnt the name is abreviated Fuck this easter its complicated for me the tower of babble was easier and getting the emp grenades Not to u caspahz i like u i just dont like the easter eith all the mahjong tiles and everything when u started talking about the mahjong tiles thats where i lost u I would give it to my mom for all that she has done for me and this family everytime i see a helicopter in the air i saw THROW THE CHEEEEESE! Dude so true Your Y are u mad? The new keys dont work it says its not a valid microsoftkey plz help me! Yes I did Does this work on the ps3?",32,3,3,6,0,31,0 1932,X1933,that made me and my mate cry so much we love you beau 3 xxxx aww beau sitting in bed how cute lowl i wish i lived in australia but soon x i love this boy hes so cute x his family must be so proud i would be xx amazing song lowl love you martyn xx ryan lowl,5,0,3,3,0,24,0 1933,X1934,omg ur taylor swift lol lol tea party awesome,3,4,3,21,0,14,0 1934,X1935,favourite movie 3 cant wait to see it in theatres for the first time :) i was to young when it first came out not even close im from canada so maybe I just don't understand british humour but I found this interviewer incredibly rude.... harry is so not ugly. they are all gorgeous mark schwan if you kill nathan i will hunt you down yes glee brought me here but i love both versions. this song is amazing!! I really want Katniss to be with Gale actually winnipeg concert was incredible. when they played this song i cried 3 Nathan...... i 3 you theres 5 members in both bands.... who would ever cheat on nathan??!??!!...stupid bitch NATHAN 3 3:29 killed me. nathan you are beautiful 3 i miss the stairs.. this family is disgusting.fuck the phelps family i hope this whole family burns in hell. they are disgusting demi is talented inspiring and beautiful 3 she is so inspirational 3 she has helped me get through my despression and eating disorder. I have so much to thank her for and she deserves to be respected and praised for her courage and insulted and put down. Everyone hating on her should shut up and if you dont like her dont watch her videos.Demi is so incredibly talented beautiful and inspirational 3I 3 you Demi :) still the best out there :) i miss this so muchbackstreet boys will always be number 1 3 BITCH PLEASE BACKSTREET BOYS ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE BEST BOY BAND THAT EVER WALKED ON THIS EARTH! justin bieber and one direction should be kissing the ground they walk on. KNOW YOUR FACTS BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING are you really that stupid..?..backstreet boys have been around since 1993 before justin bieber was even born.the world was a better place in the 90's the new generation is a joke 90's baby :)backstreet boys forever 3still the best out there!! so proud of them! they deserve it :) Incredible! Really does justice to Beatles music. Jim Sturgess was phenomenal as Jude. Great choice! great movie!! Jim Sturgess may I have your babies?,25,2,3,5,0,19,1 1935,X1936,This is very disturbing to me. I would love to see these pathetic people run for some water. and these are the people we have defending our country and representing the USA. This makes me ashamed to be an american. No wonder other countries hate us. Really? Can u blame them. Those poor kids and the one that ran the longest didnt even get the water. Shame on them. And may they rot in hell. Agreed. Hang the old fucks who dare hurt a child! Or anyone at that. I agree. Way too rough. This video will forever haunt him. Shes a little girl. Does she really pose that much of a threat!?,3,1,3,12,0,28,0 1936,X1937,Earhart is fuckken gaay now!,1,1,3,5,0,103,0 1937,X1938,"Awesome montage :D live you guys :) 3 Asdfghjkl 7 views :D How the hell does Marcus' hat stay on?! XD my heart is beating so fast! :O i hate this game so much its the scariest one I've ever played :( it's snowing here too :D i went walking with my friends and our dogs and i might go sledging this afternoon :) hands on your hips squat and... twerk *falls over* XD XD XD laughing so hard! i missed you Chris :D How did I know this would turn evil? ;) The scary thing is my name is Suzy I'm 14 and I have blonde hair :S why are they illegal?! XD Im gonna miss this series so much :( can you please make the honeydew compound a downloadable map so we can all explore it? :) Hey Amy :) 3 the cool thing is my dog's name is dasiy XD love you guys :3 happy birthday! 3 love you Phil I've been watching for almost two years now and loved every video :3 x When I read the title I thought it said ,omelette, XD Caesar's so good with kids :) omigod his voice is so low :P I really didn't think you'd look like that although to be honest I don't know what I thought you'd look like :L anyway congratulations on 100000 subscribers :D Oh my god Zoe you must have spent hundreds of pounds :o The lime original source shower gel is sooo nice I love it so much :D 3 Use a gate :) omg welcome back Chris!! :D this was so funny XD Yey wiggles :3 I love zipwires even though I have a terrible fear of heights :P I was too busy looking at Sam's body to notice he was wearing a bee head XDXD Your hair looks good in this video Martyn :3 x",25,3,3,5,1,13,0 1938,X1939,"No Niall. My Heart Is Not Taken But You Can Have It... ;D 130 :) Ya Think? Lol try to make a shield of darkness omg he has a bunny hat lol OMG POOR TIMOTHY TURTLE TURTBUSCLE KILLED HIM WHYYYYYY WHYYYYYYYYY I Love How Luke Dances.(: heheh.But His Name Is 'Niall' Not ,Nial' .O. WAIT. was that christian beadle?i thought i saw christian beadle.. u misses one wkat is pass its banned change the pass i am watchin this in 1952 i mis the fish goddangit disney i bet its just saylor i bet 8spotlight8 is pass is spotlight delete it plz banned wait is it ban 2nd com YES dude what real pass i has a penguin who is 2097 days old today plz delete the vid i dont want people to ban it wrong pass what is pengable like if u watchin in 2012 just cuz Woah Hes Good!!! :D",28,5,3,5,0,21,0 1939,X1940,she's better than you pathetic cunt who the fuck are you? go die in a hole Hannah Simmons(: LOVE YOU SAM!xx you don't brush your teeth or hair? 12347 Sam your so brave! I LOVE YOU!3 10!3 you remind me of simon from the inbetweeners your voice. love you xx grfdj 2.31 hmm:)xx yummy where is it? i went to your meet up yesterday/saturday alfiee would you ever lie to a fan?I got you that t-shirt!3 marcus i always like and comment on your vids you dont even need to ask no more! looove yoooou!xx i just cried.. i was the girl infront of you!xx,15,12,4,11,0,22,0 1940,X1941,like song like MV love WG... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOP ^ ^,2,8,6,4,0,26,0 1941,X1942,Sorry you're wrong. Eric church is the best If you're gonna dish out on her and be mean then atleast learn how to spell surgery righr dumbass. You've had to much ice cream cream cream cream Why is she so cocky lately?,4,2,4,2,0,27,0 1942,X1943,@FTDNews you CAN fix the subscription issue 4:35: if you HOVER over the subscribe button your given the option to choose All updates of that person or Just new videos why thank you thank you very much oooooooOOMMMGGGG i used to be soooo burned out when I ,9,4,5,5,0,17,0 1943,X2772,lol c'mon comments ive got none im his sister and HOW DARE U! another one of my great videos.who am i kidding go animate sucks i just wrote all the lyrics for it on paper for my friend dominika this is one awsome lyric video this is my favourite song it was katy perry -firework but now it's this. Fun little fact.The first Tesco Express was built next to my house (not right next to my house)My old man helped build it. play WII PARTAY oh my god that dog scared me stiff i literally jumped out of my knickers! but cute baby just kiddin your fab and pretty :) oh awsome i kinda sing like that but of course more quiet' I AM ONLY 9! PLUS I SING BETTER!no offence DO YA THINK YOU CAN DO BETTER! AND YOUR NAME DOOFUS239 IS TRUE U DOOFUS! i could do better but im to shy :( im umm fa :( umm overweight and im great at singing cool awwww cute! she's amazing how old is she better than adele oh wow ! and i thought i was good! that is so funny but HOLY CRAP DUDE THAT IS SERIOUSLY MEAN! U GUYS ARE HORRIBLE SHE DOESN'T MEAN TO BE THAT BIG SHE HAS PROPERLY GOT A MEDICAL PROBLEM POOR THING I BET IF SHE DIDN'T HAVE A MEDICAL PROBLEM SHE WOULD BE SO BEAUTIFUL! awwww he is just miming and isn't even a baby he is like 11 he has just got a medical problem or something but cuuuuuute he is a helpless sado and is a loner who is mentally retarded poor nerd :( she sounds like a stupid elf ARE U FAKING! you ARE a boy or you are a girl miming what a boy says awwww little princess oh noooooooo she died i feel like crying she is wierd awsome pupa smurf is real! what country is she from - germany or something blondes are dumb but great singers,31,1,3,30,0,14,0 1944,X1945,0:56 thought my skype signed in xD YOUR SUCH A GREAT SWITCHER! DOPE! shot Jordy :) x Don't you mean x Is boss? Half these views are propably just me... Lol Sick :) Skinheads... Nerf ireila. Please please do more cliff jump vids (: Scratch like a cat.. Fly Like a dog.. Seems legit. Youll be waiting a while.. Uhm ill turn on the lights.. I didn't even ask my mum to go on the internet when disney asked for it... Cuz fuck it im off the rails cunti dont give a fuck Oh thanks(: 3 kills a game? I get warthog 3 times a game on Kill confirmed and end up with 70+ kills to 15 or below deaths. That's with a SMG and it ownz.. IT OWNZ Too Easy.. 0:28 She's got big balls.. Ive hit a 360 This kid is a fucking nazi or some shit good friends 2:20.. I Changed my mind i like FaZe now.. Good times..,23,10,3,14,1,18,0 1945,X1946,You are all asshole. Srsly. i say like 98% of these. ... THIS IS SO TRUE. Love you bates! This is nice.,6,14,5,8,0,24,0 1946,X1965,"Oh my God Dara is sending me hearts. 3 What in the world is Dara wearing.... CAN I PLEASE LIVE IN THAT DRUM? The color pink has never looked so damn fine until TOP wore it. Those eyes. Oh my fucking goodness.AND THEM PEOPLE BE WORKING THEM 'FROS YO Who's the guy at 2:05? LOLOL. DAESUNG. 7:46 LOLOL Why the hell would somebody dislike this? This is total eargasm. His face was like ,what the hell is she doing..., Someone needs to make a star out of him. Oh dear Lord. YURIIIIIIIIIII. I don't even remember hearing this soundtrack in the drama... lol You wanna know who kind of looks like L?Francisco Lachowski I really love the choreography for this song. I heard this song from Smallville. Tht ,Hellllooooo, had me dying lolol Oh my Clark and Lana feels. LOLOLOLOLOL. GUBOOM. Reminds me of Billy May's KABOOM These two would make an AMAZING duo. If eunbi or euna aren't in the group... I'll be flipping tables LOL it's not a movie... Saddest moment in Smallville ever. I spent about 10 minutes crying for Clark and Lana ... then later when to my brothers bitching about the green kryptonite and the storyline writers for a whole hour Cut his heart now LOLOLOLOL Wasn't Flowsik also featured in JYJ's song I Love You? I love both version. I use this version to relax and clear my mind and then i use the other version to use at the gym and hype myself up lol Yeah they are It'll be sad if Euna wasn't a trainee under YG anymore. Her voice is super duper unique and she's one of my most anticipated rookie in 2013 Regardless of the Ahjussi clothing they still look hot.I'm still not diggin Taeyang's hair _ The blonde guy is super sexy... Yeah they are where did he get the bras?!!??!!? LOL 16:35 May I say that Wonder Girls have VERY GOOD ENGLISH. Likes.. Comments.. Reblogs..",32,1,4,5,0,18,0 1947,X1948,nice and cute Great video...just remember 2 things about EMS work: there are no such things as choking babies and CPR doesnt work. by the way...Enterprise needed to take out more Romulans....but well done indeed. Poor Captain Garrett a shrapnel to the head. Alanis is perhaps the most under rated star....her lyrics ...her angelic voice...yet sassy voice...simply personable and amazing.Welcome back...and thank you for rescuing from the pop music garbage out now. I love this song... Great words... I love Gowan... But Dennis was king of Styx... And Gowan is still awesome... But Styx without Dennis is like peas with no carrots... Just isn't the same. It's simply easier and cheaper to buy planes... Why bother doing something else? christians are broken people too...sadly this is all theory and conjecture...medical chips make sense and it is not necessarily a way to the beast,8,2,7,1,0,45,0 1948,X1949,Be my dad please :D? When will it be done? If is good I'd advertise it to my friends. What the fuck is this? Jessie has a quite childish voice. Heh. Don't forget Daniel Redcliffe! I live in Latvia do you people know how FAR it is?! I can go 8 songs without a break. PEWDIE WORK OUT MORE! Dave dave dave. Didn't Sokka teach you NOT to drink cactus juice? NononBoys: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!Me: OMGLOLOLOL!!! You guys have obviously never heard me. It makes me sad she uses makeup in this video. I've always wished to have a twin sister brother I don't care. I've always wanted to have someone to take care of \3 09:06 for Epic face :D Bro Love 3 So what if this is fake? This is still a better job than any of you little whiners would do. It was just used as a reference or something like that :D @All people who say she's hacking: She's not hacking she's just tricking dumbasses into sending their account information to her. Press ''Show Comment'' for an ADVENTURE! Emma: We both wanted it to be over equally.Dan: It was so passionate! I suck at drawing all tutorials I watch never help me. I've bought many ''How To'' books and they never help too. I know all of my drawings look bad but I do it because it's fun and gets my mind off things. I don't really like Minecraft Chick :z So what if she's a girl? I'm one too :D 1. Deaf - CAN'T HEAR2. Blind - CAN'T SEE3. Mentally retarded? Who says something like that about their children?!4. (If he could see and hear) Moderate what your son does5. *Yogscast6. Fuck off. Copy - paste. So just fuck off kid. Go watch some MLP or play Club Penguin. Make it rhyme next time otherwise just don't post that crap. ''YOU KICKED ME IN THE NUTS'' Lmao This should seriously be made. xD Me gusta.,27,0,3,5,0,19,0 1949,X126,"Oh Brother! WTF Metal is just as superior a form of music as Classical if done well! And the fashion is timeless! Something about this time in music. Every part blends so well! So original! What year was was this guy born? Yesterday? One of the greatest classic rock bands EVER! My Favorite Album for sure! This is unique video! Reminds me of a Civil War Twilight Zone episode! Sounds like an ossum bunch of fans! Amazing piece the guitarist of this band is so innovative! People can duplicate but can you create? This song is a fantasy! Dream can't come whatever%*%%#. There is none! Obviously alot of work went into this album! Sounds alot like Rob Halford on vocals but with more tension operatic and growly not to mention his lyrical materiral which was stronger and darker written by DD and Bobby so there you have it! These guys remind me of Germany's ,Deathrow,. Around the same era of Metal. Very proud to have this on CD! I purchased this about 20 years ago when it first came out. I need to get this recording again. With Martin Ain out (briefly) part way through the protracted chaotic recording of this black Metal landmark (replaced by Demonic Steiner) Celtic frost was very much the grievance domain of Tom Warrior. From the blasphemic H.R. Giger artwork (the guy was a fan!) There are even early symphonic elements here. This song is one of the best off the ,Akimbo Alogo Album,! I've loved this album since the 80's. Ian Anderson is just a naturally great entertainer. So much talent! I'm Speechless! Legends for damn sure! Same director for the movie Sole Survivor Hot women but horrible music! Sounds like you have a low IQ scum! #1 Metal fans are far more intelligent than most and probably give more a shit than your average politician! At least we don't legislate morality Music or peoples minds! So before you talk shit eat it before its heard! Killer Solo! All you need now is the foot pedal included. I don't understand this mathematical equation to juggling! Put some balls into those chops!! Can't say I could ever meet a real biker that would dislike this version! Mad Max would of also been cool! Gaata Feeyd the Snaayks!!! SWEET!! The pattern isn't bad looking! Few months practicing everyday will be a definite improvement. 7 balls is the REAL experiment! Glen is a lovable satanic loon! DEEEEEEPPPPP!!!!!!!!! Metal is meant for the intelligent beings. If you can't understand it AND BAD MOUTH it it builds a bad reputation therefore it is misjudged like a bad ingredient. It's like the wrong answer to a formula or ingredient! E=Mc2 (METAL)! OVERFUCKINKILL! Was ,Feel the fire, their first album? I loved this Album when it came out! I was 13 years old. Intense ending! Yeah! It almost makes you think they care nothing about the music itself. I used to love his frozen fake shower (not shown in this video). It Still is my favorite three ball trick! METAL! Doesn't get any better! AMAZING!",41,0,3,5,0,41,0 1950,X1951,well i don't remember anyone (real security system) back then. good day -w- WTF no! is consuela you fool!! i don't know what's make it look like toys and not real people damn it. easy... you can't lol you can do it if you like to have a 480x360 image streched on your screen. trolls trolls everywhere!! wonderful life *o* why this video looks so blurry indeed even today is high res when 4k or 8k resolution came out this is going to be nothing for sure. valla que cambio desde tus primeros videos. nice. Aww cry you had your first time :D le spy: wrong dude naterv11: same for you decent long life? dont make me laugh leave it there and both of you show some respect. oh that glitch after the kill cam. I thought it was only me and my gpu but anyway XD. nice video keep going i thought stepmania was dead good old times... but they are already combined since the borealis. 1:15 accel world poster.... yeah ten years ago... so he punished her just for saying ''bye'' in spanish? that's kinda racist or the judge doesn't know spanish and is an idiot with all that courtroom. OK un consejo para futuro por que ya deberias haber mejorado antes de hacer un unboxing (review) estudia bien el componente por que mucho de lo que has mencionado es incorrecto incluso me duele escucharlo y claro cualquiera se puede equivocar pero hay que tener un conocimiento apropiado del componente antes de mostrar algo lo peor que pudiera pasar es que tales datos erroneos se esparzan y creen confusion.,17,24,3,7,0,21,0 1951,X1952,howw did u builtt it !!!?? :) thaTS MYY NAMEEE!! dESEREE prodigy 3 1:48 hahhaaa funni lol singss gudd :) i likee he beat by dr dre 3:10 lol he is soo gudd!!! :)) uumm!!! omg!!!... :\ urr gudd!!... :)) this is my dawg dont like this song it suckz dawg he sucks love this song this dance waz awsome dang i loved the dance yall punks i think tyler sucks lol ur sis is soo cutee,19,2,3,4,0,29,0 1952,X1953,"holy whore! shes lucky auto tune was invented... even then she still sounds horrible... and i hope 2279 people hit the like button by accident! since when are natural disasters awesome? these people are obviously sheltered from the real world.horrible people.... posting the words ,fag, all over their church and teaching these terrible thoughts to their children scaring them from being their true selves by telling them the world is going to end and everyone is going to hell... these poor children. wow this pastor is a dick! He is pissed becuase hes having to do another shitty movie. I have two aunts getting married soon they have been together for over 30 years. I will be there along with my 100+ family members and friends i will watch them walk down the isle kiss eachother and then dance and have a merry old time. No one goes into your house and judges you for what you do so why should you be able to do the same?Enjoy losing",5,1,5,5,0,21,0 1953,X1954,thanks man. that was sick too eminem was so bad in the begging this is sick kid i rofld no. sooooo i got high and then this song made sense. simple plan :Othumbs down. this was honestly one of the worst fights ever i love how he makes it sound so dramatic and they lost by 20 points i wondered that toi bought the song from itunes and it didnt get cut off in uploading soo idk :/ ahah it didnt look like she used the rush at all @madhav110 he didnt... bob marleys song is called johny was a good man this is just more of a mixtape kind of thing this worked for me.... i just want to quickscopes :( youve obviously never felt depression wtf....this is the most hipster rap mix ive ever seen..actually its the only.. that was fucking nuts... ME TO so excited 3 cant wait! @Xstatikkkk damn i forgot about this songgetting high laterand me and this biddi will be screaming someones name together(; some gay kid told me he had sex with his boyfriend to this song. COMPLETELY RUINED IT FOR ME. Du br erknna att jag bodde i Sverige tills jag var 8 they never went anywhere(: this is fucking garbage. tinfoil joint well in my mind they hooked up(; he fucking is stoned havent watched this in months but the happiness in this is going to make me watch everyday. was that drama? if only she actually went.. it seems like hes just fucked up on coke. when the fuck is a man named Scott coming out? UGH. such a sad song. such an amazing writer. People like this should be remembered as the musical voice of our generation not talentless fucks like ke$ha. YEEEEEE FREAKS AND GEEKS. no actually he blows at rapping. i can listen to this song again and again and again actually i have been. what the fuck is she saying ugh. hes like yo dude dis is my frands hat. that is 100 what a methadone high looks like. It's just new and unique. Isn't this always what happens when something new and unique comes out?,40,27,5,3,0,30,1 1954,X1955,Well i kinda believe that because One Piece had a crossover with Toriko and the fact that Jump advertised it well it's so big but mostly he One piece thing *brofists* I was about to comment to twedros12 comment but your comment has shown me the light thank you finally a person who actually tried shit before they judgedI did the same thing to Naruto by the way Oh it means that what you said was 100% true Thanks for being real I believe dinosaurs were created to cover up the extistance of pokemon Id like to introduce you to Little Big Planet DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is like my best friend now Hey dude thats pretty harsh. Its not like he came up in here tryin to preach 'n' shit. He just stated what he believed to be true and that's it. #2termz Sit your lying ass down the ipad 3 is the lastest version of the ipad. And clearly i can't spell Here comes a religious and non-religious shit storm. I going to watch some spongebob Obama #2termz Does anybody notice that at 2:19 it looks like a pair of giant balls and a small dick Look at that nigga wit his LeBron James ass hairline #getanewbarbernigga I got whipped by my dad by my skin being to tough at the age of 7 from all the beatings I've had causing the belt buckle my dad was beating me with to break then my dad made me cut a fresh branch from a tree just to whip me with it #AfricanParentsCantHoldBack #AfricanParentsDontGiveAFuckAboutThePoliceP.S. I was originally getting whopped for slipping on some water my dad spilled in the kitchen#AfricanParentsWontBlameThemselves DJSonicFreak I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for producing beat like these because they get me to think inspire me to make my one music (Which isnt on my channel BTW) and do my homework (Which is hella important nowadays) and i know you might not get this but i just wanna let you know that you are doing so top notch work right here. You're passed god level this is some Jesus returns from the dead level shit you're doing here so keep that shit up. Some man just wanna watch the world burn,20,2,4,5,0,29,0 1955,X1956,I just love this song :) 3 Liam Payne :) 3 I like this..soo cute 3 he's adorable but... I guess she's now my favorite female singer :) nganga ako kay FRANK MAGALONA. O_O lol 3 You're back! Galing mo talaga Mikey! Dami ko tawa dito. :D lol Di nakakasawa panuorin. hahahaha ! :)) Galing sumayaw ni Michael V. :) OMG. Richard's a hottie. 3 lol 4:30 - 4:33 Im just curious.. uhmm nagdadabog ba sya o nahilo lang? hahahaha! This song is very inspiring and makes me to fall in love. Favorite! haha! 3 :) Wala ako makitang spoiler. Haha. Ok I'll watch it nalang. lol Thanks for uploading this. haha :) Sam Tsui 3333 :),15,3,4,8,0,17,0 1956,X1957,This is awesome. Stupid cunt. Love seeing scum bag criminals being killed. What was the shootout for though? What were they wanted for? What a moron. Only dude thats talented on the radio. i havent heard one shitty nas song..,5,1,5,1,0,29,1 1957,X1958,lol thats mean total shit! fake-bitch cant act tough singing to butt ugly chicks 2 puss teams how awkward for this tool! feel bad for this idiot! you cant sing about love and heartache looking like her. Its sad but nobody cares about heavy girl relationships Its hard to explain but its like nobody beleives fat girls man problems. There treated like your lucky to even have a brother. proves the rest of the world has not evolved yet! fucking morons how akward for that bitch lauper get your choppers fixed and the spitting might stop and you wont have the lisp.. good luck dear 1984 called they want there hair get the cock out of your ass and breathe look like serial killers gary busey 60s are dead! and lets leave it there nice nibblets-ok voice hes not bad typical cali girl--beautiful baby! do you take requests BECAUSE i would love to hear you sing im in love with a mcdonalds girl!! get rid of the takamine---shit guitars..capo 3rd fret shes not bad-she should skip the stick twirling and stay with the beat! i seen her first! idiot just like his father! tool on meth! whats up with that freaks girls eyes to the left ? and the weird ladies eyes to the right! jesus what did your face look like before? great im paying for him to stay in the hospital! you cracked me up with the spin! just make sure you dumb fucks stay out of the usa! if it wasnt for america you fucks would be speaking german ! pure shit! stfu Hello! I wish i could see the floor! Is it some where beneath this gown! For i havent ever carried a tune! Lets start by saying I Love food! Peace and any sauce will do! complete shit-nazzle dude and fat girl couldnt carry a bag lisp from him killed the song and u can see her face not liking it!,33,0,7,5,0,37,1 1958,X1959,"I was fed up with so many boring videos on You tube until I found you guys. If I get heart attack you are responsible. I lough and lough and lough. Heie Norge Heia TV Norge heia Ylvis! Skulle nske de sparket meg! jeg ville helt sikker bli politianmeldt! the title should say,....on a very narrow road, Is this Anwar Abdolrahman guy really a journalist? He is really stupid. The reporter never asked any question about religion and mixing it with politics. The guy tries all the time to defend Saudi by saying that Saudi does not mix religion with politics! Not so strange that people in Arabian countries are so ignorant. ! () . . . Me and you may decide to forgive. This is our choices according to what we find as best for our society but a judge should not be free to take his personal assumption for what is good or not into account. He is supposed to do a job according to current laws. Our personal assumptions can be channelized to lawmakers. I am not living in Los Angeles or any American place so I do not know if all whores are gathered there but one thing I know for sure. That you are a cheap ,sighehei, (Islamic whore) who likes to kiss Ahmdi Nejad's legs?? Are you sure you only want to kiss his legs? Do you promise that you would not go further when you have the opportunity? . I did not understand the end of the movie in the court. was he convicted and the wife walked free? Poor Europeans who have not yet discovered the real food. poor people! Are you the nobody? In this particular case; I love the attacker! ! The playing of the guy is much sexier than her dance! While dancing good she is way too sweet for Belly dance. a good belly dancer is a tall woman with black hair and rough face. Ridiculous or not I am happy that little Parisa didn't need to be YATIM! . . : . . Viva Iranian girls. At the end Batman came to help.... . . .",27,6,6,5,0,49,0 1959,X1960,OMG I LOVE AIDEN NOW JUST BECAUSE HE LIKED TMNT 3 WE HAVE THE SAME FAVORITE TURTLE 3 pause at 4:48 matt has a creeper smile gonin on Rupert Grint - Has a massive wand xD i would like to see this wand *Louis,4,3,2,5,1,15,0 1960,X1961,so you're just calling all the viewers idiots now? 0:8 game crash? lol can ya get it in English? batman vs the joker Dont really see why everyone is fighting over what gun it is shes holding. just listen to the epic music jeez . DAMN hurts meh fingers trying to do that :/ creepy as hell moment at 4:22 when my name IS Nicholas ;-; oh sorry that was me xD 1:12 maaan unfair you made me jump D; they were about to escape because they needed to put the bridge up so there boat would go under it -.- prob not because it downloads the items in toy box but it might work just press Q and go toybox one thing to do if you really do see this. DROP KICK MUDA FUKERRR XD LOL 5:44 thats what i said when i went on it ;-; half life and portal are connected cause it shows that on bring you're daughter to work day on portal 2 or 1 cant remember it says Alyx's name on the wall (chick from half life and also on episode two of half life it says that her dad used to work for them as well as hes leg theres other proof if ya wanna look :) boo yah 61.000 person to watch this :3 she looks disturbing T_T 3:29 owned? indeed T_T they hate fags eh? then one day a bi came along... trolled? MOVIE :D qwll No need to FUCKING SWEAR... And I'm back in the weird part on you-tube... its great to be home... ;D And of course just ask a random guy over the internet for a video of hes sister that you never met? dude that's kinda disturbing. Hey i downloaded the link and it installs a program called DownTango? and it said it installed it but when i restart the Error is still there? Help? 15:44 thought my computer crashed ._.,25,6,5,1,0,21,0 1961,X1962,"I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM OMG HARRY B MINE?? why is this so sexii oh yea i forgot thats harry styles and whenever i see his face my mind goes into harry land :D doesn't the song go ,cuz im dieing just to make you see,??? not ,cuz if not they just don't make you see, ????? o.e 1D is soo much better than the wanted :) hahaha harry casually eating a banana oh harry ;) 3 Don't wear swim trunks * pretty smile* hehe ovaries in the process of exploding lol Niall stop I'm firing over here BOOM that was the sound of my ovaries exploding ;) omg Niall i cried when they cried and when they were so happy that they were a group i cried the most when niall cried hes like its the worst feeling in the world to be waiting to get called but you don't WAHHHH im still crying NOUIS!!! my new favorite bromance (: Louis is so sweet didyou see the hand thing he did after giving the mic to nialler all like salute (;;;; does management have a twitter ?? -:) Niall: let's go surfing dude XD Please notice how Larry shares a mic (; -3 Nialls jump gets me every time (: -3 I like LILO and Larry and nouis basically all of there bromances they are cute and beautiful (: I never want this to happen I want them to go forever other singers do it the part that made me start crying like a baby ,Bye we were One Direction, :'( I will never be able to forget one direction they have completed my life for so long it will be like tearing my heart apart I don't know what I will do when I hear one direction is all over which pretty much will mean I am over D: Lovely night to be in that area wouldn't you say ? (; x",16,1,3,2,1,17,0 1962,X1963,21 ( ) ^^ ^o^ ^ ^,18,1,2,5,0,15,0 1963,X1964,i would be very mad justin tried to keeping it cool but that girl was being annoying af people hating on this video are clearly stupid,2,0,5,1,0,24,0 1964,X647,"22:12 you jelly? whos the sumbich who disliked this video? step up! you got time kid. 11:44 omfg lmao lol no. a zombie is a dead person who was brought back. you dont have to be all ghoulish and shit wtf did you shoot this with a potato? 7:46 dude....... its not logic bro its love. 0:00-0:08 dafuq? how am i a hater. learn wtf a hater is before you type. i didnt say ,wow you fucking suck for making an amv, i wish it wasnt. lmao the way he says wtf at 2;16 is too funny. funniest opening ever. ,dafuq is diz,? This dude fucking knifing people man i fuckin hate em. what was it about? its down now please reply ignore him. i know that. im saying that it sucks that people have to be that way with each other in japan. i still dont get it. get tired of people talking about these myths.... if ufos and aliens do exist then they arent always going to be the cause of every unexplained phenomena....... severe manhandlage at 10:00. bitch you just got owned. what part of new york do you live in? i live in queens yea i heard about niburu 2. the whole concept of an invisible planet suddenly appearing and blowing us to hell is absurd. when people usually go ,im black, or ,im muslim, they usually arent. not trying to be a dick just saying. you deserve it bro guys people listen to this person he knows what hes talking about. thumbs up so everyone can see why this video is so disturbing after the halfway point. challenge accepted i was listening to this in 5th grade and that was 03- 04 so yea. that sounds about right. this isnt funny 2 me anymore. it was when i was 14 but now its just.... this one comment by sarge8561 started it all. click ,show the comment, to go on an adventure and learn just how stupid youtubers can be. obviously doesnt know l4pyro. did anyone else find 16:41 insanely hilarious??? omg i cant stop laughing even nowlol yea he does alot of characters for funimation not just allen. 5:36 jets hat? wtf? mine is 1:07 - 1:17. that clas at 1:14 was beyond epic. sorry i dont play cod like this is this the same soap from code 4? ikr??? whats up with japan and incest. if its not the sister its the cousin or something like that. im from new york. the area code is 917 and thats if you got an old phone. the newer one is 347. for those of you wondering the picture of from the best wii game ever(wii doesnt have many good games in my opinion). its called xenoblade chronicles and its definitely dusting off your wii to play. ty!! lol the big caterpillar is a boss. topple him and use chain attacks to win at that level. thats rin from blue exoricist. i saw princess lover because of this vid and frikin loved it. This..... is a dragon slayer EPIC!!! I'm trying to use strong but it wont work for some reason what am i doing wrong? doesnt really matter what race you are. they suck but ive seen some good ass white guys.... yea that sounded gayer then i meant. the video says parody. it means its just a joke. listen to you though. thats what we call the pot calling the kettle black.",46,1,2,5,0,18,0 1965,X1966,"the first time i watched it i said ,Oh my fucking god, at the same time you did xD How dare you go through my things!,HOW DARE YOU OWN A LEPORD THONG!!!ohh xD If only this was the album version.... but this is still one of the most amazing songs I have ever heard. I cried the first few time I heard it Enchanted sounds like a good song the name really strikes me December seems to be a special month for everyone. I'd love to go back to December... I messed a lot of things up that month...Great song though :') I love the music most the time I don't even pay attention to the lyrics because the music is just so beautiful I love this so much :DD I love this song :) And the fact that Tim McGraw was featured in it makes it even better I'm trying to sing to this could someone tell me where to start the ,I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at honey, part please? i like your singing. you should make an album(:and that was a very good tutorial. helped a lot :D aww man this is so pretty that's really beautiful Best. Video. EVER. This is is gorgeous I cried the first time I heard it.P.S. 2:12 is very cute(: best. video. EVER. I love this song I listen to it over and over and I'm still not tired of it(: This is so pretty(:And with Taylor it makes it sound more professional but with out her it sounds more real. And I like real stuff.. I love you for this.amazing Dear ObamaAny power not written in the Constitution goes to the states. Health care is not in the Constitution. There for your Health Care bill is unconstitutional. Love Anyone who passed 8th grade Civics.",19,3,4,5,0,22,0 1966,X1967,@monceverastegui I cant understand the minute 4:01 can someone explain me? Please! I love you will! Omg! Your spanish is so good :3 She was nervous! Thats why she don't sound so good but i love her voice! And she is nice and so naturally nice :3 Selena!! ,7,1,5,2,0,22,0 1967,X3169,you never know could be a lie. lmfao where is Godzilla when you need him? yes but it also changes your brain frequency like for an example you might be in a deep sleep but you are awake that can also cause OBE try to listen to this stuff during sleep. lol Are you Emo? Special penis cannon.LOL (myself included) call of duty black ops 2 made this shit possible. lol His head is shape like a blender. how do u win? Now im starting to think dead pool is mental talking to a yellow cardboard in the comics the avengers took him to a mental institute in the comic Dead pool kills the marvel universe. what happen to ghost rider is he dead? Its called messing around maybe he got bored with the game jackass. This is and really is a cool video and it should be a on cartoon network.LOL In case you haven't notice a child could not play this game retard unless there parents are idiots. Ronald McDonald vs joker i saw the movie it was pretty cool not as the original with tobey maguire I used like everything about the movie lol the stupid ass lies he used to come up with the movie will be missed but i cant wait for the amazing spiderman 2 the movie has Jamie foxx playing Electro and some other guy playing Rhino.cant wait. dont forget COD black ops 3 coming out this year 2013 who's ready to be back in black. yes the game will have it I checked it on the website.Good Morning Miss Bliss Vegeta have a bad habit of talking to him self.0:50 probably super Kaio-Ken 4. is this xbox 360 online because ps3 online have been shutdown. in the cartoon he starts out as a supersayian. no the DBZ on toonami curse more than the one shown on nicktoons. yeah I like the old Pokemon with mist i hate the new Pokemon black and white cartoon but i dont watch it anymore. yeah back in 2002-2003 so those years will be i looked on IMBD it says (2003-) meaning its not cancelled. Thumbs up for Favorited childhood memories. I like the old yugioh with Maximilian Pegasus rather than any other episode.what is yall favorite episode. Rage mode Engage!(ON) OFF what is your gamer tag name gonna need some help? can you drive a car while its damaged like in gta 4 like if a car is damaged in gta 4 the car would not work. saints row the 3rd are gta 4 I hope Chuck Norris finds you. actually its not one time I threw a tomahawk off the wall and it hit someone. That was epic you did a triple kill with a fuck'en knife they suck.LOL no teddy bears.,39,5,3,7,0,29,0 1968,X1969,oh wow! i also chose 41 days and hysterie as my 2 favorite songs of their albums. O.O Luhan hair flip at the end. :)),2,1,3,5,0,16,0 1969,X1970,neva heard of this whitey fellow. em ripped him apart. I LIKE YOUR VOICE(: weird My one and only GOD!!! why do u blame God for this u freak!!! he is nit being funnyhe is acting like a dumm ass ur a lil bit weird! we are truly the reason!!!!i thank God for everything!! 5 stars man. you look like vanessa hudgens and samantha boscarino HAHAHA :),11,6,5,22,0,17,0 1970,X1971,She is so young here :D Lolololol Ryan ^-^ It is o.o ... Wow LMAO NIALL XDDD .... da faq. Its not true are you that smooosh gai?*FACE PALM* xD THIS IS AWESOME Idk. It sounded like 'oh shit' :D naawh ;( Exploding TNT! Do the harlem shake on Minecraft! Lol the poster behind him xD SAMM! 3 *Anthony Ian isent there. But Smosh and Pewds are friends Please:Dont reply to spam/troll comments. Don't advertise your channel/whatever. Respect each other.-Simply thumbs down and flag these comments. (Its to make comments enjoyable to read for everyone)Guys seriously.. stop replying .,15,11,2,7,0,32,0 1971,X1972,she is such a good singer i wish i could sing that good and to you who say its gay your sooooooooooooooo funny any way love you avery LOL that is so cute and so funny ! cute i agree its spongbob you are a wonderful singer if only if only Gerard is such a drama queen!! What does SMH mean? Radio station please? It'd be like Pinkie Pie when she had straight hair. LOL. My little romance. My chemical pony.,9,0,3,5,0,27,0 1972,X1973,Makes me want a kitty now lol Too the mothertrucker who decied to recorda man take his last breath while being attacked.....i hope u die a slow and painful death wat kind of idiot whould sit there nd record nd not even try to help! I mean u could have at least thrown a rock or something.. But noooo u decied to zoom in to capture the whole aspect of his death. Shake my head. Maybe its just my heart for people that allows me to care....regardless if u do or dont.... U could have done better MOREEE!!!,3,5,3,2,0,22,0 1973,X1974,those look like tracks ...i liked the song lol wow YOU SUCK lmao look at the cute dog lol FINALLY chris brown vs cm punk is her eyes lightning up oo rihanna voice crackin thats gay LMAO lol lmao that's funny he done got cute and i dnt evan like just bieber but i like this song lmao it won't be so cute if the glass just shatters and it bites da baby's head off oh wait lol he sound like ludacris too lol she got happy ova dat friend request lmao dang get out they house da fuck?,22,0,2,5,1,21,0 1974,X1975,This summer I'll probably be putting up a BUNCH of videos. So I guess I'm taking song requests. Just send me a message and I'll try to learn to the song and yeah. :),1,30,5,50,0,17,0 1975,X2730,"unless you solved this in 30 seconds I'm unimpressed. Victory through sacrifice you present a very well reasoned argument but another side one could take. perhaps there is a God who does love us and care for us. compare the concept of a God to your parents. for 19 years they care for and raise you then they turn you loose and allow you to experience the world on your own. whatever you do whatever mistakes you make are up to you. but your parents still care because they know that these experiences will make you a better person. Perhaps God is trying to do the same. what are you using to record your gameplay? how do they honestly tell people ,you're going to hell, with a smile on their face? I agree with you entirely. However the fact of the matter stands that no-one else wants them either. I don't think they realise that Jesus broke the social norms of his time and accepted hospitality from the social outcasts of society ie. Prostitutes Tax Collectors Diseased people such as those with Leprosy. I saw Theroux's docco on this and they said that outer-marital fornication is sinful. WHOA there! wait a second. your prophet hong out with sinners and what happened? well according to scripture he's sitting at the Lord's right hand. go fuck yourselves with a rake WBC. this is one of the best ones I've seen on YouTube. I'll be using it for cosplays if I ever get around to making an Ezio costume. What's your PSN ID? about three minutes. didn't turn the paper around. followed the rules. If he's a war vet why does he adopt the foetal position when he falls out of a heliopter? thumbs up if you checked your skype at 0:49 this is really good but I honestly think it could be better if you were a bit more liberal with the sustain pedal from the word go. you're both wrong...homosexuality is neither a choice nor a disorder. you can't choose to be homosexual: it's a genetically dictated attraction. And the view that ,It has to be something wrong with them, was the view that many 1960's and 70's psychiatrists took which led to homosexuality being classed as a pathological illness which could be corrected with drugs and shock therapy.I'm not homosexual myself I just fucking despise ignorance.What's more I think XboxLiceSpartan001 is trolling. DAT SHEET!speaking of which where can I get them? this...doesn't sound like your natural range... This food is illegal in every state of America...except Texas. reason 1: suck it the fuck up. Australian's are paying between $80-100 (depending on platform) for the base game so you have no cause to complainreason 2: pick the ,role play, option and stop bitchingreason 3: I have nothing but your voice is annoyingreason 4: so the characters are hotter big deal. Give the loner fanboys/girls something new to wank over.reason 5: they used Two Steps From Hell in the trailer. your argument is invalid shut the fuck up. This shit was beyond intense. Fixed: the only man in the universe with both an MBBS and a PhD in cheesemaking. more staccato How do I load the texturepack into tekkit? Im using a mac if that changes anything... it works. I've done two sessions of this and my abdominals are aching to high shit. I've also just about lost the overhang on my shorts I thought it was in the lore somewhere that Altar's son travelled to Europe and settled down there. Then his children would've married the locals in Italy at the time and the rest is history...well pseudo-history TEACH ME YOUR WAYS MASTER! So the story follows that the Animus has become commercially what happens if Abstergo sells one to someone and they find out that their ancestors were Assassins? Furthermore what happens if the Templar agenda is revealed through the Animus? didn't think this one through very well didja guys? What was I fucking doing this game again? beta. as. fuck. I am so ridiculously hungry right now... That statement is as closed-minded as the Westboro Baptists ,Church's, do you define a ,true Christian?, what the Westboro baptists are is a fundamentalist christian group; they believe that every word in the Bible is truth. there are other new age christian groups like the Metropolitan Church that believe that everyone is equal irrespective of race gender or orientation. they're still christians; are they stupid and evil?people like you sicken me as much as Westboro does. They took the one song...THE. ONE. SONG...that probably should've told them exactly how what they were saying feels...and they shat on it. and then threw the shit at the general public. I mean knocking the gays is sending them straight to wherever you believe bad people go when they die and I'll be laughing at them no matter where I end up. don't. knock. Ozzy...ever. What's your piano? I love the sound on it! I will be making the bacon weave pancake at some stage That frontier landscape looked absolutely gorgeous leftover Pizza for sure. leftover Chinese food makes my stomach cry acid are you self-taught or do you take lessons? does it surprise anyone else that she just turned completely logical after she got kicked out of the ,Church?, This game is beautiful!furthermore DAT MUSIC!",38,1,4,5,0,17,0 1976,X3256,"dang u sing this better than the original i dont think you look dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love your face your adorable i think it would be so cool to perform with you cuz me and my bff want to be singers together...we could do a triplet lol you know sometimes i count like that too! i luv your humerousness oh my gosh ur like the perfect guy!! u can sing u can play guitar ur hilarious and ur adorable!! all the traits that only a few guys have ur that ,perfect guy, who is it?!?!?!? plz tell me i need to know!!! i want to see a video of you just talking and being you your soooooo entertaining!!!! lol!!! i loved the 5 facts!!! i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was weird you suprised me! your good k so ur hilarious. i think a good t-shirt idea would be like ,me and my friends are the type of people that spend hours and hours trying to drown a fish, oh my god u guys are such preps!!! yea preps are gay and orange rox!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!! hey you have an incredible voice. do you think you could do ,from where you are, by lifehouse? id really appreciate it and would like it a lot! holy crap your freakin amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why even bother putting this video up on youtube? yall are awesome and HOT!!!!!! when yall started cl;apping to the beat so did i!!!!! dang i dont kno who would say ur not pretty cuz ur extremely gorgeous even without the extensions!!! hey gabe ive been watchin ur vids forever and ur amazing! im surprised ur not like big and famous already! anyways i just put a vid up and its not that good but im gna be putting up more so plz watch! :D dang boi u are amazing!!!! u sing this betta then the original seriously ur just incredible!!!! 3 yo singin! 3 you!!! hahaha oh my god i love you guys!!!! i almost peed my pants like seriously!!! im still upset mr softie didnt come the last day i was there! tell the Grandparents i said hi!!!! it zooms in cause of a setting like a face capturing thing so just turn it off STILL JEALOUS WOMAN SINGING IS NOT YO THAAAAANG its fine to do it in your room alone but dont post it online cuz your not gonna get nice feedback and again i dont mean this in a rude way but you need to find something your good at be a lova not a hata what are you?? 5?! you sound like your on a freakin episode of barney! geez dude you are beast at guitar!!!!! and yall are AMAZIN!!!! GANGSTER TOTALLY!!! ok how is this video pointless? are you saying everyone should just starve themselves to look good? NO! being insanley skinny doesnt look good! it just looks like ur trying to hard be looking like a stick! so u can shut ur fat ugly face i cought it!! 3.33E+251 ok at 0:49 me and my best friend were laughing soo hard! we like justins lyrics at the end better than the original song!!! haha Peter. Emotional breakdown. Are you really home schooled????? I love you!!!!!!!! Can I have your number??? Oh my goshhh !! I have the same dog as youuu(: I feel so special. I love you too btw(; haha.",33,3,5,6,0,17,1 1977,X2697,"Did the watch the video?...Where he explains why time has everything to do with it? NEIL is at a comedy what are you on about? And I don't get why you are hating in Jim Gaffigan. And if you would rather hear Tyson talk about that why why did you click on this video when the title pretty much hints that is not what you would get. ...-.-... There are sometimes very insightful comments people can make so not reading the comments at all may solve one problem but for a gain in another. And I do not think you are understanding the real reasoning behind TheMeEvan's comment I agree that the English language is a very horrible one and I get confused by it on a daily basis but I think you know better in this case... hahahahah QQlololol It just feels good to sometimes. Nothing special about it. I'm shocked that Ronnie's protein isn't BBQ flavor... Hi Jason I want to do that progressive overload technique that you talked about a while ago for bench press. first week 3x3 next week 4x3 then 5x3 etcetc. I workout chest 3x a week soo I wouldn't do this for every workout right? Because when I get to 8 or 9x3 I would be doing that 3 times a week?? Or do I do the progressive overload for one day in my week and do other things for chest on the other days. TY You don't do one or the other...rofl. The point is to do both on a cut. You wont lose weight from doing IF but not being on a deficit... Then myself and all these other people would be wrong. But the complete opposite has happened so many times that it is to the point where it would be justified to worry and give her advice from those who have observed the most likely outcome. We should establish first that this relationship is more likely to go very wrong based on thousands of other peoples experience (some of which I have witnessed with my own family) and common logic. This may turn out very bad or good but worrying is just. I agree with what she was saying till the end...everyone has faith in things (beliefs without sufficient evidence) like how if she was married she would have no evidence (lets say) to worry about her husband cheating on her. She has FAITH that her husband is not cheating on her without going around and doing experiments to gather evidence. I really don't like that last part that cam out of her mouth...ugly... Ey man show some respect at least call him Mr. K. I agree but it would be for the greater good :(. What does any percentage have anything to do with truth? About 90% of the world believed the Earth was flat at one point I would imply stupidity on them also because they could have figured out that it was not through the use of reason. Does the fact that 90 or 30 or 100% of them think a certain way have any relevance? We have the evidence go to x and y where you can see it,Anyway...since you have no evidence....WUT? It happened off camera but I agree with you lol. How tall is he AND whats his height? You're askin too much bro too much. K stupid. LOL!!! Frank gave me a valentines day gift. No homo? LOL you can get to level 90 in a few weeks so easily by doing instances alone. I made a char 3 days ago and am level 45 srs bro? I've had that face a few times. Id like to hear peoples crazy stories where they are placed in that kind of situation it's really funny. lol It makes it even funnier that you still used horrible grammar lol. I don't think I have ever been flagged as spam yet. I'm so confused. 45billions years? The universe is 14.7billion years old. So how can the Earth be older than the universe? Am I missing something?? Dear Keith stop stabbin the shit out of us at the start of every video. Shit hurts. -Meson Great editing Ah my mistake comment deleted :). Not weird enough. Assuming that someone is ignorant of something based on your own ignorance of that thing is not a very bright thing to do. They are somewhat allies...why would they do that. And even if they where not allies they would not want N Korea to become democratic if we invaded so China would prob. attack us. Then all the other countries would get involved and it is WWIII...and in the case of us invading I do not see us protecting ourselves from China while battling in North Korea at the same time. What about the way vikings did it: They would take a sharp blade cut the persons back open and tear there spine out from there back. Idk how true it is but it was on the TV. Doesn't seem as bad as some of these though. Man horrible stuff. their advice** not your lol",34,5,4,5,0,21,0 1978,X1979,what is your number hes ssoo hot boo! miss my lil man :'(,4,1,4,5,0,29,0 1979,X1980,MY SOUL IS COMPLETED BECAUSE FINN IS SINGING BABY,1,0,3,5,0,15,0 1980,X646,"in the dark days ahead for the species to survive it must die completely that guy is sooo gay Has anyone ever read 1984 by George Orwell? This is absolutely TERRIFYING. When republicans look on the web for voter fraud Obama committed outrageous voter fraud when Democrats look republicans committed outrageous voter fraud. does it make you uncomfortable? go listen to Beethoven plz do enlighten yourself here's an idea....brain LOL delete your comment you idiot.. do it Its so weird to see him standing? lololol human genetics peaked 2000+ years ago so maybe thats how? even jesus himself agrees rofl Swartz* RIP George Green your fuckking voice bro hes from the south yo :) im glad so many people have read 1984 :) 16:17 No we are not regulating the casinos Anna. its reverb you tard yea but its made for $2 overseas remember that your arguement is something from nothing? Where did god come from? and btw doesnt it say in the bible god ,made, us (from nothing btw) in his image? Im so glad I live in the information age lol is your knowledge up to par on all papers that hint to or even suggest climate change? my guess is no.. you're not first you must prove why having faith is indeed a ,goog, thing.. then you must also prove creationism even has a scientific leg to stand on... both of which you cannot.. good day sir everyone feels sorry for the black guy lol yep... smh @ ,Merica all religions are totalitarian doctrines and they wonder why things like cancer are on the rise? where did the universe come from? the big bang... why? asking the question ,why?, implies that there was in fact a ,reason, for the birth of the universe.. but probably came about like most things in our universe... random chance lol get owned.. The internet... Where religions come to die. :) Based on what evidence? Sit the fuck down. cool dont believe either",32,3,4,3,0,25,0 1981,X1982,woaaah u get loads of stufff :D merry xmas i have been crazy about this song since i got the album and im so glad its now a video woohoo! 3 i love you p!nk saaaaammeee!!!,3,8,2,3,0,15,0 1982,X1983,What do you use to record? :D Haha this part was great! :) Chuggaaconroy diss song I fkn destroyed him. /watch?v=33xwyTxQvG8 Chuggaaconroy diss song I fkn destroyed him./watch?v=33xwyTxQvG8 Hope I wiiin :D Inga problem haha! :)) Wooooooow do you really think that this would work for any kind of tv channel?This is barely works for Youtube HA Chuggaconroy was dissed on this song HAHA he got pwned: /watch?v=33xwyTxQvG8 You just size it to be bigger then the first one and your layer has to be on top of the first text :) (on the bottom to the left that's where you find the layers) Aren't you a true American hero ^^ Wonderful video :) Easily useble :) I dissed Chuggaaconroy on a rap song check it out on my channel HAHAHA You do know that you can remove a black background with a simple click? HAHAHA I dissed Chuggaaconroy on a rap song check it out he got DEESTROOYED. It might be because everyone owned a nintendo 64 and playstaion 2 when I was into games haha ^^ Kr ps3 nu xbox kostade fr mycket att kra online ^^ I know,18,243,4,73,0,16,0 1983,X1984,Love this song!! Do you think putting a thick tank top underneath this will look ok? I have to be in dress code when I wear this She's precious!!! So awkward sad :/ You're so dramatic. Your skin before makeup doesn't even look that bad.... And everybody has large pores somewhere This is a fantastic song. 3 What a great song! This is so cool!! I love it :) This is amazing. I love them so much!!!,9,2,3,5,0,16,0 1984,X1985,"The anotation wasnt going away. Anyone else have that problem? what season is 2:31-2:36? Haha! ,Don't poop a French Fry, @MeXyCaT back off! He hasn't had sugar in about 2 to 3 weeks! Byee. I'm waiting for the new blog to be up! So excited!!! Love you guys you gorgeous!!!!",6,8,3,12,0,15,0 1985,X1986,jesus let the kid have fun on his ATV!!!! the neighbors are lucky i wasn't the kid because i would be doing them from midnight to 6 am! I've jumped from the tip of that thing over 20 times love that fire engine red lmao this is priceless So i'm assuming he brought a cooler that's in his car because he didn't put anything in bags.... please do not reproduce mine lasted 6 months before it ripped nice sky i think he hits her got to be gettin atleast 3mpg now i thought about your comment i just received my basic firefighter and EMT certs in Texas(i went to school) I just signed up to volunteer my goal is to be a paid firefighter i'm volunteering for the experience and from what iv'e heard paid departments almost expect you to have some sort of volunteer work under your belt. that bouncer bounced those idiots back to second grade she says not like naWt thats not kitesurfing .... thats paragliding!!!! lol lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol get a different hobby if you get hit in that thing your creamed corn. very cool spot lol everyone got to have an opinion..... SHUT UP! MA MA MA MONSTER JUMP JUMP JUMP seems like a pretty decent cop great video ya it is,24,1,4,5,0,26,0 1986,X1987,djesi watafak boli me kurac. jelena YOU,3,48,6,2,0,18,0 1987,X1988,So glad that I'm not the only one in the world who enjoys an immature weird sense of humor. Go Furious Pete! Seriously thank you Misha and everyone from periphery. I've never loved a band that gave back to the fans more than you guys do. You guys truly do reach out to your fanbase. Brilliant. Love it. Print it. what. When he goes to his laptop he's actually just tweeting and updated his facebook status... Not playing music. And also notice how the music continues playing when he's stage diving and NO ONE is standing behind the gear. Like. Uh. hahha Hahha yeaa it was.. The medical field will do that to you. It just really bugs me when people actually really think they can feel better about drinking a diet version of something. Please shut up. If it were the same Periphery would have a fanbase full of obsessed 12 year old girls. My god people I like the instrumental version too but give spenc a break. He's a great singer Thanks Nick!-Zach I seriously can't express how much I hate the genre of music.,12,34,4,100,0,20,0 1988,X1989,"i love ur dogs xx 3 the guy called john look likes john bishop but dose not sound like him :/ it is!!! brilliant song and film!!!! xx 3 ah amazing film xx 3 i swear most of the alien sightings i hav seen hav come from this house!!! it looks the same as the others i hav just watched!!!! aaaaawwwwww i hva 2 dogs and thtn is sooo cute x aaawwwwww i 3 they way she says MERRY CHRISTMAS like 5 times xx same person aint they..... around 8:44 for condom style ;P ive got a iphone 4s its christmas eve eve now!!!! at first i was like tht aint bad and now im like ,how the hell do people ride these things just goin over the edge would scare me!!!! bit like oblivion tho do u even know they boy next to u? i luv it how they r lke he only people on it turn the sound off then he looks really weird nearly 2013 tho ;) miley in most!!!! is it just me but all of em look very small.. not meanin to be harsh but R.I.P michael jackson always hav loved u and always will ;( xxxxxx 3 3 whts the song called? xx shouldnt the wig be a light pink... xx not hate! xx 3 no shes like 15!!!! its not gd!! ur kinda bein offencive to people like me who love michael jackson!!! is he actually singing english or is it spanish/Portuguese with a different person translating on top xx",29,1,3,5,0,24,0 1989,X1990,good song good sound.... i love u pique,3,0,3,5,0,23,0 1990,X1991,"I still remember the original commentary live: ,tough got there! MAURICE AGER!, 4 strings! he showed the card at the end. that doesnt explain the trick AT ALL ben cooper is a songwriting genius. I've listened to this album a jillion times and this song still gives me goosebumps this is the original version is that summer glau looking like a fucking sex machine?? this is definitely processed people. this one is too good also the slide riff at the start reminds me very much of Other People's Lives by Modest Mouse these guys are fucking amazing live. saw them touring in support of twenty one pilots last night I was there. FUCKING great show it's still fucking awful human beings that cops almost inevitably turn into",12,0,8,2,0,26,0 1991,X1992,I'm with you! Wow you're 6th! Shaycarl is 11th!Amazing I see that studying has come to make you insane as it does. Aid miladon sa'eed ya Youssef :) I love you braid! I like your glasses :) you frustrated fuck So what if you were matching the bra and the scarf?! Rocking the kurta and bandana and nose piercing love it You're so insanely fucking stupid :D You're hilarious :D You're funny! I'm sure you'll get more subscribers ;),11,0,3,5,0,20,0 1992,X1993,To agapw auto to kommati at 4.40 she's not kissing a woman but a man... and he's not very well shaved...xaxa to pitsiriki stin arxi einai oooooooooollllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaa ta leftaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,3,0,3,5,0,24,0 1993,X2657,The key of awesome needs to make a hinder parody like this if you agree My friends sister moved I know its not as bad as all the other stuff on here but shes lived with her sis her whole life and now her sis is gone U guyz r so crazy u guyz cant really get this bored Mark just sits there You guyz can not get this bored and I love how in every video Mark never really cares about anything btw dont ask who I am cuz I'll never tell but you know me and I know you you should put Kaleigh singing on youtube I meant hair do's i meant three amazing songs maybe if you practice more it would sound better I'm not trying to be rude though just giving some advice and my opinion that is cruel this si good most vids that mix songs are so horrible but this is good THE PPL WHO DISLIKE THIS ARE STUPID BCUZ THEY SHOULD THINK WHAT IF IT WAS US!!! Me 2 KONY 2012 KONY KONY 2012 ur great you r now my best friend bcuz ur an amazing singer you like Evanescence and you seem really nice that is rude yes its true she said that she was bad but you've gotta think thats totally different when she says it then when you say bcuz she probably doesnt even know you so yea you should shut up in my opinion just saying oh and xxPurple Turtle ur amazing your amazing just ignore the haterz and if ur taking there crap it should only be for motivation prove them wrong u go gurl plz keep it up I enjoy watching u sing on here that is when ur actually singing U R AMAZING you r like my cousin amie's clone or twin or something you have to be related go to american idol you will win go go quick woww me to omg I saw it when i saw this comment I rewinded it the first time I didnt c it but the second time i did STOP KONY!!! 2012 STOP KONY 2012 KONY 2012 stop KONY bring KONY down,30,3,2,5,0,14,0 1994,X1995,how often do you update dude I've liked all your Zelda stuff i would like to see mor of that in the future. ilove how byou decided to spice things up with a guitar very nice. i couldn't stop laughing when the cat scared it's self lol your really boring cock block Grow a penis,6,0,3,2,0,20,0 1995,X1996,...,1,70,5,10,0,17,0 1996,X1997,thats what she gets thats what she gets thats what she gets,3,0,5,5,0,31,0 1997,X1998,"Maybe 41 people like the Bed Light for Blue Eyes version better? If so I DON'T BLAME THEM!! That version's amazing! Heh if you look behind John at 3:12 I think the guy sitting down behind him is the singer for Hidden in Plain View. Another awesome band. Good times. I remember when I first played Twilight Princess. I pulled out the master sword and went crazy when I heard the tease for the Zelda theme. You don't hear it so much (or at all) in the newer games so it was a breath of fresh air. It made me really want to keep playing! I suppose in a way that's no different than the hundreds of people on here who were ,changed, by watching a movie trailer. The little girl with the balloons wasn't innocent either. Sea turtles die all the time 'cause people release their balloons like that. They eat and choke on them after they've popped and landed in the ocean thinking they're jellyfish. That girl's a cooooold son bitch. He's sugarcoating the whole thing and was clearly picking on Casey. If you were to stand up to someone who's been bullying you (like he claims that he did) you wouldn't be confidently jumping around and taunting that person. He's obviously done this before. I hate it when people claim that suicide's a cowardly act. It's NOT true. The human body is biologically wired to keep going and to save itself. Most of us naturally have the tools to cope with stressful events. But for the one's that choose suicide they're obviously in a lot of pain and they're not well. I think it's even more selfish to not take that into account. Are you familiar with Superman at all?? Krypton's been destroyed dude. There's no home to go back to.",8,0,7,3,0,25,0 1998,X3198,That was fantastic. Oh my gosh thank you I laughed so hard! Perfect reviews. It's just part of getting your rep... YO! Danny: Walks down stairs then slips and falls.Me: BAHAHAHAHAHAHA Best epic fails ever! I laughed a couple times. I can dig it. Freedoooooooommm!!!!! Love this!!! Awesome video!!!!!!! Seriously so good!! super funny! There's nipple oh god I just missed my nipple just barely. hahaha So weird... Laughed at the cut out parts though so it's all good Your eyes looked like cat eyes. I couldn't laugh cause I was too freaked out. You should really be careful. That shit is addicting. It can really fuck you up. I almost want to send you something but I can't afford stamps. without having to fist anything! wow. that's like really impressive. Kermit is so cute! Why was this so funny? I do not know. Can you upload the video of your face while you were making this???? I liked the colors I laughed but I somehow I don't think the benefits outweigh the costs. I must be a baby because that made me smile poo di dee dee poo pretty funny very nice decorating So this is what I learned for the day I LOVE this song! I think they mean pray for them because they didn't like the Christian song and maybe there's a reason for the dislike besides personal taste in music. I don't know if I love this song but the lyrics are just sooo gooood I love sickness when it's love sickness! hahaha everybody loves mail! That face! Hahahahaha Funny stuff Oh I've heard it before I mean come on it's Queen. I just never watched the music video before now and it's a little out there. totally gonna use that line for the kiosk guy/girl I like to color You should try a bunch of different temporary jobs to see what kind of working environment you like best. I love puzzles! You should really finish one. According to this video I'm a nice person and my face isn't fucked up... cool! funny stuff That description though I thought my friend was a hipster... but she's not a stuck-up asshole sooo... now what is she? I guess that just makes her nice person. THEY ALWAYS TRY TO RUN!!!!,43,1,5,1,0,18,0 1999,X2000,i love your songs leah hi omg love your hair do u do make up i love hair style plus love make up love eye shaddowxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx from nicole ennis do u do make up please please respans hay i love your songs justin GIVE ME YOUR NOMBER love the song,6,0,3,5,0,37,0 2000,X2001,The mutha fuka let go of the gutair while the music gutair was still playin Fuck u crab bitch nigga blood gang get wit it or ima have to murk one of niggas Uapb y'all keep doing y'all thing She fine At youngmarv I don't know who u is and let's keep it that way but motherfucka on the blood don't ever talk about the red devils Backwood I should say something but I guess I'm not I didn't get it was his shoes maganets Fuck y'all haters they marched they asses off Big ups to Alabama can't nobody stop y'all Wtf is this nigga crying That look like central high Lace me up lace me up Hahaha that nigga could not get no cudie Bitch hell nawll u better sit on the ground in the front I wanna fucking A+ They fine as hell Where the nigga in the back seat come from,16,1,3,12,0,15,0 2001,X2002,"you like penis. joey on ts3 :3 he doesnt even play anymore xD we should skype somtime thomas.jacob40 thees things are awesome ;D 2:52 holdfast montage why dont u play bfh anymore ur good;D what happened to mustangs server Lmfao xD Lmfao xD Alright Thanks! and u never aded me D: Caution is better than crisis... When Is X3 Coming Out I Cant Wait Anymore :P Tristam - I Remember My favorite song of all time This here is what we would do to ,mgl, jump back in the day xD Make it bun dem owes this song big time skrillex is such a fuck up Oh ik but i just love original xbox ;) Yea i guess... K. Your so beautiful :3 Calm down nitro:P :D",23,24,3,2,0,23,0 2002,X1783,":D this vid is #SWAGG Justin Bieber Sorry Austin you sound good too but i'll go with JBiebz Amazing Voice Austin :) Austin you okay hun? :D Aaaaaaw Austin i love you 3 I cryed during this video i love Austin mahone 3 Your just so amazing and your my inspiration and i love you i wish i can meet you someday first time i saw your videos it was just amazing.... i was like i have to meet him someday love you Austin Mahone Mahomie for life :) love you austin mahone and live your dream :] Mahomie for life :D 3 His butt at 0:02 you play the keyboard pretty good . Are you okay?? :D Love your voice i will do a cover of Boyfriend On the keyboard soon :D Keep it up !! Amazing Voice Dylan . You need to go slow im sorry slow teaching please ,D Amazing Voice and Video :) Keep it up bro Amazing voice with Autotune wow you should make one with you just singing without autotune just saying .... i just want to hear your voice Amazing voice though :D Stop that's not really nice your just going to cut on her like wtf is wrong with you? LMFAO 0:50 Lmfao yeah i was laughing too This girl is so crazy she was like i can do it dont! lol btw im a girl . lmfao :D Cute boy :D Love this song by Justin Biebz 3 Amazing Voice Justin Tyler :) :D Song kicks ass :D Amazing video i love this :D Funny vid :] Amazing :) :D Voice is good :] OMG UR SO TALENTED LIZ 3 Amazing",30,1,2,5,1,13,0 2003,X2004,How can you truly sit in your house and bring someone who has died up? I have yet to see a single person on here tell this bitch to kill herself. I have seen people posting to kill the beast but nothing in the sense of her doing it. Also you cannot sit there and defend someone while offending them. That makes absolutely no sense what so ever. You stated above ''She doesn't look like the rest of you people''. Please explain what you mean by ''she doesn't look like the rest of us''? A monster? Yes sir. I would say around 430lbs. How you gonna breast feed me mom you ain't got no tits! Lacey has been hit a few too many times over the head. She's a typical blonde idiot. Why drool over the bitch in the passengers seat? She has no tits at all! Pathetic. Nothing like watching low-budget wrestling. Thumbs down. Nothing wrong at all with being turned on by feet. You do have really sexy feet and toes but you need to learn how to paint them. Soooo sloppy. 297lbs my ass she's a good 350 easy facebook app taggalious check it out Facebook app taggalious is an app you can vote and tell people what you think of them. You can chat and everything. Check it out please i'm sick of seeing the same people. Thanks. A kid that can try to trash talk on the internet. Am I supposed to be impressed and send as stupid as a reply back as you did? I will let the kids say what they want cause they will get their ass beat later in life. I can honestly say I have lost some respect for RVD. He is a hell of a wrestler but he's really cocky. Thinks of himself as the best EVER. How are there more likes than views? That makes no sense at all. You say he would kick John Cena's ass in real life? Cena is a lot stronger than Batista is. It's already been proven. You think because he has some what of a MMA career that means something? His MMA career is a failure in the making. He's going to get his ass beat so many times it's unreal. His first match he got lucky and fought a fat slow guy. You wait until he actually fights someone that isn't a fat slob. He will get his ass beat. WWE is scripted so you can't use a match against anyone. It would be nice if it went back but it never will. I hardly watch it anymore because it's so predictable it's unreal. I can tell you who will win every single match before the bell rings. It would be nice to go back in time because back in the day when wrestling was a lot better it was much harder to predict. As for the Justin Beiber thing I do agree it is mostly young girls. You're a faggot! I heard this chick was hardcore can't say I was impressed with this song. Time to check out their song 'whore'. Hopefully it's better. Call me one of the Justin Bieber fans but thumbs down. Wow 30 some years later and they lost it. Time to retire boys. Thumbs down Boring. I want my view back If you are going to use phrases use them properly or shut up. 'Shut the fuck up' is the correct way of that. You are asking them to be nice instead of making them? Hahahahahah@making them!! Are you some kind of internet gangster genie that can poof into a computer screen and go through the servers and pop up into houses and make them? You have to be the stupidest person I have seen on here. I don't care if you are the fag brother fat friends or the ugly bitch in the picture but fuck off. What the fuck is this shit? I came here to see a guy get bitten not to hear he got bit. Thumbs down. 5 I agree on and 5 get the fuck out! You do a lot of great covers. I fall asleep a lot to some of the covers you play. You have any of your own or have you even thought about writing your own? I'd love to hear it. You're extremely talented. Thanks for all the covers and time you've spent recording for us to hear. Wow dude you just fucking killed that song. I have never heard a cover of this song done that damn good! You have amazing talent. I truly wish I could give you a high 5 and a pat on the back. That was fucking amazing!,26,1,5,5,0,27,1 2004,X2005,Ananasspizza was soll der shit oO ? wo siehst du da figuren aus mlp oda generell ponys :D ? die figur im video hat zwar haare wie rainbow dash aber die farben sind nicht richtig :P und es ist kein pony ! :P du bist mir ein fan .. man man man ^^ und nu erklr mir jmd was das soll.. king of the road ! xD super geil ... der mann is total klasse der spielt seine rolle super aber so ist er ja sicher im echten leben auch :D ich mag ihn jumpstyle .. xD this song makes me happy ^-^ stimmt diedie die ganze zeit immer kamen waren nich so toll war eher wie nachrichten :D Dnerfleisch Raggae :D very very nice .. lecker der anfang is zu geil xD (\ love it der hammer.. xD ihr seid echt n verckter haufen deshalb mag ich euch so ;) 5:23 die lache xDDD rainbow dash *_*,19,12,4,12,0,25,0 2005,X2006,"Or it could be that:A) One was highly publicized and the other was not.B) John Lennon basically lived in a different era. I don't... And lo I am the swift mistress of death. I can already play as Zeus Give it back Plenty of dicers get cleaned #NAME? Long time fan luv ya Ali I guess you've never watched a subbed anime then . Told my nan He means a shadow blade basically he thinks he's a badass veteran because he uses DotA-1 terminology. My opinion Is this: The challenge a hero presents is based on one's playstyle; Personally I've never found Drow easy to play Sniper or even Invoker are both easier for me to play. Skin colour Isn't an excuse to not follow your dreams bro! Imagine how many messages he gets/day. Come on be realistic. 5 hours given that he bought nd used the pernix cowl for killing the boss nd it finished with hlf chrges I actually started to like you and this song more when you said you didn't rap... It's pretty easy you just have to have some experience watching invokers play tornado + EMP isn't hard to learn Nobody said DotA 2 is better than LoL HOWEVER you stated in your first comment that ,LoL is superior to DotA 2, which while being untrue is also a blatantly stupid statement to make. ,Needless complexity, I'm sorry that you can't handle proper map awareness and time allocation TP scrolls also allow you to teleport other places on the map this allows for dynamic teamfights and added value. Play a DotA game and tell me why it feels so much more... Versatile than LoL. As I have exp in both. Because It seems like the obvious answer to me Kanye this is a remix It's not about the size of the dog in a fight It's about the size of the fight in a dog. Anyway you should get that checked out",21,15,5,5,0,16,0 2006,X2007,can someone please tell me the song he uses in the begging dude Bambi calm down may i ask where you got that shirt? i know i keep asking questions but where do you get your turtle neck? can i just please find a video that teaches me how to stop on a longboard? he's a big fan of The Beatleshe's got Tattoos of John's glasses and the 'War is Over' poster on his armthat and he has the Beatle haircutthey inspired him. but why though when i saw the link for this i thought everyone was dressed like Stormtroopers,8,2,5,5,0,21,0 2007,X2008,Is that slingblade playing the keyboards??!! Pewbs ...just keep making great vids ....its obvious your fans still love you...stop stressing over past shittys really doesn't make great vids and that's what really counts Hey Pewbs...Im a screenprinter and would like to send you a one of a kind Tshirt...Im to stupid to know where to send it to though...can u dm me so i can hook u up ....thx .... : ) I wanna sex the driver of this car up sooooooo bad This is my favorite version of this song This is my favorite video ever!!!! Yes it is Flamer is an overly gay gay that they are flaming...burning up with the gay What's happening ray?...stop fucking your fans in the ass and get back to twice a week...we were the ones who got you here so stood shitting on us Sad to say .....first Love it bro....great stuff Blue is a flavor? If i saw u in the street i would kick your ass with hugs I use my hands when i talk too....except better,14,1,4,5,0,32,0 2008,X2009,Pretty funky stuff dude! Not enough stuff like this out there anymore. Awesome! you're trash and so is your belief system. i dare you to go to the VA hospoital and walk up to a Marine who lost his legs in Iraq and show him this video. but then i know you'll never do that frebooy53 because you're a little bitch. God bless America. arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics. even if you win you're still retarded.... every episode after 29 is a repeated episode.......... public masturbation. The daughters aren't allowed to have boyfriends yet their psychotic mother has eleven kids..... what a dumb bitch. i feel sorry for the kids... some people just shouldn't be allowed to procreate. Fred Phelps for example.... they should've locked her up permanently...... Fenton. I'm Asian.,10,0,7,1,0,22,1 2009,X2010,So I just got done watching all of these vids and I finished corpse party the other day and can't believe I haven't heard of this guy before :3 Kris you're so cute on the camera :3 you just got a new subscriber Omgzzzzx thi5 guy suckzzzzz lolz,4,26,3,9,0,17,0 2010,X2011,Please you never buy a car before you use it. Why do the same with a partner? Sex is it a huge deal with marrige or any relation why settle down with a person that's horrible in bed and be missirable. All you religious nuts out there take a chill pill honestly Don't talk shit to an officer next time serves her right for stealing her mothers car then assaulting an officer and running her mouth she gets the same treatment all of the other thugs get when they do the same exact thing. Wow if you watch this and don't laugh you have no soul lolllll Funny part is he broke every rule in that game. If he actually followed the rules he would have never of had this happen. Karma sucks and this is why you read rules before you do some thing stupid These are all out of order except the last few,5,0,3,3,0,22,0 2011,X2012," a lot. Damn iPad. Separating my comments. Mmmmmm. That Gears controller. I hate the limit method. Damnit!!! Ive been jilbroken on my 4S and my SHSH was saved for 6.1 I upgraded and didn't pay attention to what it was going to. Is it still possible to downgrade to 6.1 since it was saved in my SHSH? MrCoreyd15,i would TOTALLY fuck you jenna marbles i am in love. oh and we can have a three way with your dog if you're into that;) no he is great video man! out of curiosity how much did it cost you for the total set up? i wish my schools initial's were WTF.. totally changed myself to a female... ya'll are the CUTEST couple ever:) so this is garbage disposal of the future... is this real?? obviously the cop is Hispanic what do guys like? oh yeah BLOWJOBS. but can you even light a match in zero gravity? because all atoms have mass they of course give off a gravitational field. don't you also need oxygen for a flame to work as well? great video though! cheap? hell no. this shit cost more than the fucking monitor! MrCyanide1980,NA MrDani11112,ante re atalante palioaderfh pou mono piteskaneis.. san th giagia mou...adelfo!!!!(suck me)!!! den gamietai h klapsiara aderfo.....klapse ligo mporei na se lipithi kaneis k na se gam.....sei f222k off!!! l o v e! i totally fuckin' agree of course...she's black!!! ....well.. cindy still rocks!! but thenon the other handyou could put anyone near these boys and they'll's not the crystals it's pure glamour... xxx well..i agree..what an intro it's like we're here.. eat this!,....sweet!!! DT YEAH!! I SAW THE FRUIT BUT...WHERE'S THE MIRROR? ;) diamondsfur coatschampagnewomen caddilackcocaine...(suiside is the name of the group)....d. THAT'S RIGHT .THAT IS WHY THE VIDEO IS ALMOST THE SAME WITH ,PLANET EARTH, BY DURAN DURAN..AND DEAR NATURALIST9 IT'S NOT ONLY ABOUT DRUGS BUT THE FAB DECADENCE OF THE 80'S...(BOY THOSE WERE THE DAYS...)!!! C'MON BITCH ..BELLY DANCE 4 ME U BASTARDS WHO COMPAIRE SHIT(TURKS) WITH DIAMONDS...U STILL HAVE STEAM BATHS..DO U HAVE A NICE TIME THERE????? F**K OFF ;)WITH LOVE 2 YOUR MAMA... i can see it too!! poor nick!!!imagine what happened 2 the elefant!!!!!!!",4,7,5,24,0,27,0 2012,X2013,The best 2:05 2:09 Also wer mag RTLNITRO wegen diesem lied!? LIKEN ---- TUT AUCH NICHT WEH Der neu iBro :) Am 20.3.2012 im Handel! verstehst du es berhaupt das ist russisch Aaaarrrrschgefickter hoommmoo was hast du denn du kleiner Rassist nix gg trke und andere du RASSIST fick dich du opfer :D Wer ist wegen Internet Explorer Werbung hir!!??!?Like 2:13 bis 2:14 er hat bei Rapanalyse Bitch vergessen wayne? Will mal mir dir mit rauchen :D Gebe mir selber like :DD HaRt Musik pls! SCHEIe Replaybutton--0:00-- Replaybutton--0:00-- Replaybutton--0:00-- Wer lacht ber seine eigenen Witze? Dislike Ist ein P-Server.. :DD Hey ich wollte helfen schreibt mich in YT an oder in Skype meine Skypeadde ist: warrockthomas Kommt nach Steinfurt die wohnen hier die lappen Kommentar 1,24,32,4,1,0,37,0 2013,X379,its not that boring and its not horrible its just had little action and bad diolauge the writters and producers made it the way that it was so blame them not the actors i like anakins hair its kinda hippie but its cool. i felt so bad for him in the begining because he was so in love with padme and to think about someone non-stop for 10 years is very touching.he was so blind he could not see that she felt the same way about him but she was looking at him as little ani so she didi ot let herself see him that way until the end of the movie.he had waited so long for her to say i ove you and when she did he was confussed by her words but i am glad they are together she is so focused on herself and the safty of the people around her even though it is very carring she is young and should have a life that is care free she uses her position as a senitor aganist the people that she loves like anakin she wont be with him and is using it as a excuse to push him away just because he is a jedi does not / should not mean anything anakin is a victum all that he has ever wanted to do is find his mother and be with padme he had no choice to become darth vader he was trying to protect padme and luke and leia but was killing the children neccesery 2:11 was hecka retarted ok is that the best hes got (fuck off you writer) i know he could have said something better than that but do like the insult(your mama so poor i saw her kicking a can down the street i said what you doin she said moving hecka jacked up this is my song zero is great and so is stanly but that counsler is horrible i would have hit him 2 i was like 6 when this movie came out i still love it wish disney kept making shows and movies like this i dont really watch it anymore it has changed so much wow his license plate really says show boy so retarted rihanna is at 1:05 and 1:45 love her style her voice she is my favorite singer can't stop listening to this song maya is so funny loved her on snl her beyonce impersination was so funny his last box not piece box and didi anyone see the guy in the back in the begining i mean he came out of no were everyone at my school is singing this song love this song with and without the rap you may say that this is fake but this happens to real woman. stupid insecure men if you notice they do not start crying and acting like they care until they see the one that they suposedly love in a coffin rita and rihanna are sign'd onto the same label besides her music should be the only thing that matters not her comparison to rihanna so if all you pay attention to is her looks then why bother being her now i like both of them but i dont see why they are being compared to if they have different styles and sounds cant wait comes out in july love being human i think zander and kacey are cute together but who knows stevie and kacey and zander might end up dating other people lmfao i am on the floor laughing these are some of the funniest insults ever hahahahahahaha to much make up they all look so different especially snooki but in a good way see people the old rihanna never left she just took a vacation for a the danceing in this video love moose he is my favorite are you stoned or something they tried stoneing me my dear it did not work wtf this reminds me of corpse bride loved that movie it is life changingSTAY STRONG and finally be heard love both voices can't choose babe im bored ........ so get a 9-5 love drake love this songis that ria ora???????? i tel you wt she said when i untied her she said the nigga pulled up told her he had candy in the backseat i said bitch wht th fck r u 7who da fck falls for tht.woah woah woah excuse me mother fucker. love his cover videos she sorta sounds like jessie j but her voice isnt as deep,36,0,3,1,0,22,0 2014,X652,Blow pops! I LOVE YOU TRISH!!! Where is Fleur's shirt from? it's so pretty straight (: Why do you need to let the tarts cure? sorry if thats a stupid question! awh your house looks beautiful (: mr. morgan (: id like to see a nail polish collection video(: you should do a meet up in virginia!! twitter and instagram are both colleenpoertner (: you looked gorgeous (: blair is so funny! I love your bookcase! santa baby! i collect nailpolish! twitter/instagram: colleenpoertner your hair looks so sassy! dress 3!(: all are pretty though the bike is beautiful (: she'll love it pinecones toy is so cool! i havent tried it! i like the vlogs where youre being goofy with blair(: tumblr! Miss. Ellie (: donate a dollar to the bell ringers! love that coat! your friend is so funny! i just had oral surgery so i know how you feel blair! china glaze's ruby pumps (: giveaway #2 22 or 23(: 3 can you do a video with your mom?(:,32,15,7,2,0,31,0 2015,X2016,"Example have , Changed the way I dance ,. @1968AndyW - Don't get me wrong spandau were a very good band and this is one of my favourites now let's compare bands Duran have stood the test of time lasting from 1978 to present selling over 100 million albums nominated for 14 awards and winning 9 Sp @bluewolfe96 - I totally agree if you are looking for a band who combines lyrics music rhythm video and fashion there's no better than Duran Duran. Simon's voice sounds great. @tube2007rhw - I have to disagree maybe I was an innocent 20 year old but at the time I understood the words ,you came , as Kim Wilde had intended ie ( You came into my life and changed the way I feel.) Don't give up your day job. Rihanna can come to my corn field anytime. Lads if you want to see boobs and bush check out Duran Duran's , Girls on Film, uncensored version you get to see everything not just a tease. LOL at the guy doing a hand job at 3:11. Now that is how a band should sound live - 5 stars. Searching for Best Song of 1981 brought me here. @brandan003 with a comment like what age are you grow up and have some compassion. @unit1262 - You havn't got my point judging this video from 1982 is like judging a video from 2012 in the year 2042. Put away the camera ya eejit. It's a pity you have to leave a woman for her to realize what she had - great song and video. Looks like Duran Duran have been touring China. I am an AUDI fan so when it came to buy a jeep for the farm I had to look at the Amarok they look good in brochures but in real life I thought they look too square and boxy and plain in the rear the front looks like an ordinary car with a fat bonnet - vw designers take note I ordered a new shape Hilux last Friday. i read it For the dislikers - Go find a band anywhere in the world who have produced music videos as good as Duran Duran over a 30 year period and get back to me I think I will be waiting a while. Don Henley's version is my favourite summer song of all time but I also like this version if I were a dj I would play this. Yes at last I found the original Favourite summer song of all time.",21,0,4,5,0,42,0 2016,X2017,listend to this for like an hour whaahahahaha favorite indeed one of my favorites,4,0,3,5,0,14,0 2017,X2018,nice video :DD this is an amasing vidio luve u captainsparkles!!!! dolphin mode activated BOP! i luv u PEWDIEPIE congratulations pewdie 600 awsome i have seen every 1 of them :3 GRATTIS AAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW im sexy and i know it 3 i luv u hmmmmmmmm im norwegian challenge for you is to do an entire video in swedish WTF ponys zelda and amnesia Shut up A nd take my money!!! ---___---- my father is russian and my mother is swedish...... im bad ass they see me rolling they hating deafoq did i yous see i have seen everyone of ur videos and i have liked and favorited them i have told all of my friend about you im from norway........jag elskar deg pewdiepie/felix i have seen everyone of ur videos and i hava liked and favorited them i have told all my friend about you im from norway...............jag elskar deg pewdie/felix this is an amasing song the music industry is all fucked up beacouse off all this tecno shit! what the world need is real music like this like this if u agree parkour is an lifestyle freerunning is about doing tricks and stuff like that Y u no like Megan fox ! lol this i is stolen from the windovws error remix u fucking noooooooooob this is oOluxuX!!! stop copying,17,0,2,5,1,32,0 2018,X2019,"Probably not that far but I would say pretty damn far haha. Let me tell you about homestuck. Additionally to amend my previous comment I did not mean to say that I don't ,believe, in the concept of superiority I meant that in areas of focus where you have options and choices such as Halo vs. CoD superiority and inferiority is relative to the player and as such consensus of one game's dominance to the other is impossible to achieve because of the large schism in preference. Sorry for coming off as brash earlier. Even in Death (T'Morra's Belly Mix) from album 8. Make? I didn't make this. Read the description to see where it comes from. Does it really look like this kid has to try at all? Only if for a night - Florence + The Machine this beatt issss soooooo goodx) ohh my gawd i am a horny asian girlc: Real quick question guys. If your right boob sags a little more than your left boob five days after the operation is that bad? Should I be worried? Ive been holding up the sag with chopsticks. I want you to talk about ,The End of Evangelion, How the fuck do you have all the top comments YOU MAY HAVE ONLY ONE THEME SONG AS STATED IN THE RL RULEBOOK.",12,79,3,23,0,41,0 2019,X3347,O'Reilly isn't standing up for America. He certainly isn't standing up for the people of America who don't condone violence and revenge. He isn't the one who goes and fights wars his children aren't the ones taking bullets he's just a guy who talks a lot.For the most part we already know what he's going to say. He will mostly take a far right stance on issues and talk louder than his guests to prove his point... his point being that he's O'Reilly and he's always right. Your constituency are not exactly political science PhD'sFunny neither are yours Bill. He's popular because people are so incredibly partisan here that they'll look past ANY character flaws as long as that person is conservative or liberal. In most cases though the conservatives are the ones who have people like this guy on their side. And Friends had way more viewers than Arrested Development... your point? Just because something is popular doesn't make it the best. The fact that Fox is a news organization and flat out LIES to people should be enough to deter Americans from viewing it yet they still watch. She seems to be doing this sarcastically I love it. I hate to admit it but I've had a religious person ask me this before... I just facepalmed. WOW she just compared child molesting to smoking weed but she gets pissed when he talks about Rosa Parks. Fucking Fox My bad I thought I made my sarcasm clear. Not really calling someone a brainwashed uneducated drone when that's exactly what they are is.... accurate and factual. Not that Fox viewers would be familiar with those words. You're the reason dumbasses shouldn't vote. He's done nothing for the economy? If by nothing you mean save the auto industry and lower unemployment for 30+ consecutive months... yes he has done nothing for the economy. I'll tell you one thing gays are way more likable than you'll ever be. If you can't see the difference between incest marrying an animal and homosexuality you're not even worth arguing with. Obama has been president for 4 years in that time I'm sure no gay couple has turned you gay. Guns are still around. The economy has improved. Osama is dead. Poor people are getting the same amount of welfare. National debt increases because republicans keep cockblocking every effort Obama makes to have bills passed that would help us out all to make him look bad to voters.It's also increased because rich dudes like Romney keep outsourcing we don't make anything in the US anymore. The universe had other plans for you haha. Ok I see what you mean. Yeah she really does and it is truly unfortunate because I have some conservative beliefs but I cannot bring myself to side with people like Coulter. The fact that there's people like her holding political office just makes me wanna go even more left just so they wont have any power. Get Black Ops 2 the others will drop in price bigtime here soon. Assassin's Creed is cool but once you beat it it's over you're done. CoD you can keep going back to it. I prefer Halo's campaign (it's 4 player and way more open) and the graphics are clearly better than CoD's as well. I'd say Black Ops has the edge in multiplayer right now... but people tend to forget that Halo gives you a ton more options. With the amount of custom gametypes you can make it's a no brainer Halo wins. I love CoD and will most likely play it more than Halo but that's because it's more my type of game. Halo still remains the king of console shooters imo though. I'm high time to breakdance with my cacti friends. Song at 6:30 please!!! Deadpool is a ripoff of Deadthstroke dude. They may have different personalities but they're both essentially assassins both use the same weaponry both are antiheroes and villains and finally Wade Wilson-Slade Wilson. I'm not sayin Deadpool isn't awesome he's one of my favorites but he's definitely a ripoff. Just happens to be one of the best ripoffs of all time. This was in Rock N Rolla. Badass movie check it out it has Bane Leonidas and Sinestro. Or videogames for that matter. It all depends on the accent. Beb means baby bebe means drinks. For honur!!! For famiry!!! Just watched them tonight at Holiday Havoc here in Vegas and they played this! I didn't think they would. It's my favorite song by them A threesome with Adriana Lima and Adriana Lima. Money aint everything homeboy. Justin Beiber is worth millions too doesn't mean I have to respect him. I don't envy either of em. One thing I always loved about Bizzy and Ice Cube is they kicked you right in the balls with their verses to start the song they were perfect openers EVERY time. Well they still are but they're past their glory days. So... where was the hula hoop? PS3 is better in every way except in the controller. The PS3 has a better online service with PS Plus cause they give away games and actually give you deals on games that you WANT to buy not just shit games from years ago like XBL.The online service is free without plus. There's WAY more exclusives and they have a pretty sweet PS classics section if you wanna play Crash Bandicoot Abe's Oddyssey Twisted Metal 2 etc. Also Catwoman but I agree we need more women. How about just putting them both in? Aquaman can be an interesting character with his water powers how about having him slide across the screen on a wave having the screen fill up with water and have sharks eat you as a super.. or throwing his trident? He could very well be a badass character Lol at the dude at the bar 1:23,31,5,7,18,0,22,0 2020,X2280,"She should'nt have laid one finger on the child...she SHOULD HAVE told her son to beat the shit out of him if he put his hands on him. She got what she deserved in my opinion. Ryan Jillian look like a couple from fucking Twilight or something. Can you make a video with Jenna?! I miss those stories everything! 3 I litterally said awh outloud. haha Oh my goodness. Too much adorablesness! LOL at 5:54 you could just tell Declan was like ,Okay....yes....nice present Tripp...on to the cake, haha. You have the sweetest boys on Earth! Wanna take a chill pill? FUCK OUTTA HERE Ohhh give it a rest and shut the hell up! It's a JOKE! You remind me of Andrea Russet but I like you wayyy more! 3 Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Yeah her dad's from Ireland! (: Its not a funny joke...Xanax is serious shit...don't joke about it.. Awhhh somebody's jealous....maybe you should work on your spelling too. (: You can do it! (: I got the game after you said Duck Dynasty. hahaha Do you think your going to go into labor early??? hahahah Mehdi the guy! (; Satue of Liberty? I feel like thats what I saw! haha Don't test us. You need to be punched in your jaw.......... no she was coughing Shay's definatley getting the good-good's tonight. We're getting married kay? 3 Forrest Gump by Frank Ocean! It's amazing! Yeah she got them done like last summer The Nightmare Factory in Havelock North Carolina! THEY THROW DOWN!!! DELETED SCENES! DELETED SCENES! DELETED SCENES! We Love Yousss!3 Theres natural acids in your stomach that can break down ANYTHING. Even a penny. GrandmaTard GrandpaTard! Mona Moment Pause! hahaha(: I LOE YOUUU! 33 I think shes a pyhscial therapist! Jeana: Well...we picked a movie!Jesse: And it took 45 minutes! *thumps up*Me: hahahaha Have you gone online to PartyCity??? They have the already made theme with all the goodies/accessories/plates/ect.. and all you have to do is order everything. They're pretty cheap! (: Are you serious? -_- He has a beautiful blocked head! (: Are you serious? 1:20 LOL(: Thrift Shop by Macklemore Just went through the same! Feels good to get my independence back. 3 OMG! I didn't even know this was the actual labor video until I started reading the comments! LOL Congratz Linds! 3 xoxo! Because you didn't show shit?",41,15,4,3,0,22,0 2021,X2022,"too many comments to read! Was the squash a boy or a girl? He still has to apologise for Gulliver's Travels before everything is OK.... Keeps him happy and draws a demographic? It's all marketing and politics... Uncivilised Why did you not tell him how you felt rather than making a public video watching him? 4? I count 3 unless the dog is a white supremacist?? SO what happened? I reckon those kids could of had him as well... YEAH!......yeah That film is going to have the best soundtrack if they can afford all the songs mentioned in the book... 1 dislike?Well....3 divided by 3 equals 1YEAH!And that's a magic number... I am going to safely assume you are wrong about dimensions as you can't spell the word dimension Is this free? That punch is brutal 1:29 Gulliver's travels was a stinky sellout poo Hi SamMy name's Josh and I am freelance filmmaker living just outside Glastonbury - I am looking to develop my crew for some upcoming dramas I am directing - if interested drop me an Skip to 13:18 to see shit get freaky... Try potassium then Really? I think better to be educated on the truth to make your own decisions...Otherwise sex education would be like..Couple are having sex when grim reaper comes up and shouts ,YOU HAVE JUST GOT AIDS!,writing pops up DIEING TO DO IT? OR DOING IT TO DIE?Should respect the filmmakers for taking an honest non dumbed down approach as it is the easier one to make... No audio? Minus the font this video is quality - really like the music and concept :) The left hanging situation is a cruel one - as the nice guy ends up looking like a loser...",23,2,2,5,0,23,0 2022,X2023,"Through 40 games My Player averages 40 points 4.5 rebounds 11 assists 5.3 steals and .9 that good? It's only my first season and my first 2k game..I don't know if it's good cuz I have no one to compare to.. :( Can someone help me by telling me if that is good..average..? Idk...all help appreciated. :) I don't remember my numbers by I got drafted to the Warriors. :p They even traded away Stephen Curry to give my the starting PG position. :p 2 people couldn't find love. :( @lLoveRebeccaBIack---get a life and get off her back...she is just trying to do something that she likes...wbu? Did you grow up liking and wanting to be an asshole cuz that's what you are. Let the girl sing bro! 627 are deaf. :( Oh well...I'll never stop listening to this song I can't! Man I hate when songs do look away for 2 seconds and you have no idea what they're talking about dammit! Thumbs up if you're here just for some good muthafuckin music! @FluffMaster101 me tooo bro! :b Hah did anyone else notice the cat run across the screen at 3:49..? :b thumbs up if you're listening to this in 2012.. Whenever this comes on while I'm playing I can't help but sing along. Just awesome. Don't Stop Don't Stop Can't Stop listenin to this! It's hard to masturbate with Lil Wayne staring at me. like this if you're still listening to this in 1879! Stop hatin on Kanye damn.. SMH I don't even think about drugs let alone do them..but somehow I feel high as hell when I watch this video. 24374 people need a pencil and 752 people don't have one to lend... MUFF! This song is pretty beast but play it with ,Invincible, by Machine Gun Kelly--makes the video that much better.. :) Bro sunglasses?Sunglasses.Cool.hahha :b Everybody's a tough guy! Rick Ross needs more than a 9 piece when he orders from KFC Aye Wiz who you with? Answwer: Press 5 RISEABOVE HATE Awesome vid..should have about 3000000 more views(: Mom: Who are you listening to?Me: Wiz KhalifaMom: He sucksCop:So she fell out the window?Me:Yes sir Math City Bitch Math Math City Bitch 10 10 10 plus 20 makes 50 Bitch",27,1,3,5,0,22,0 2023,X2024,0 dislikes =) lol XD XD I want to join i subed and my username is ChocolateBwains THIS IS THE WORST SERVER EVER IT LAGS SO HARD ITS SHIT DONT DO IT IT SUCKS CANT EVEN TALK OR WHATEVER NOOB SERVER 0:15 JOIN MY HAMACHI SERVER TRYING TO SEE IF IT WORKSJOIN JOIN:DNAME: Mrfunkynoodles Password: 123 IP: JOIN PLZ VANILLA :D funny vid :D sorry :( BIG MISTAKE FROM ME i mean't computers XD looks better on the inside but still nice :D so i was looking at some guys castle and it was nice and thwn I LOOKED AT THIS AMAZING :D A MC BOSS yes i am good job blood WHATS A GOOD SCREEN RECORDER? NO FRAPS BTW WRONG CHANNEL DANG IT SHUT THE FUCK UP DICK,19,3,3,5,1,112,0 2024,X2025,"One of the Triquetra's forms also means Immortality. Maybe it is that because from the zombies Richtofen is trying to use them to become all powerful and immortal. You can only pack a punch the BO 2 new guns twice or more....... I just got thebord for $30 and the back bushings are ok but the front need loosening Ah! Then I have no idea with the story lol. Its Jet Gun! Dang TG is just a ,nick name, for the Jet Gun! The game is already out! The only new wonder weapon(besides the one in the new map pack) is the Jet Gun! Trust me Thunder Gun is a dead project. Have a good day.... Hey Muffen! I suggest using Fraps for recording and then use Sony Vegas Pro for rendering the videos. Go look at one of my new lets plays and check out the quality Original. Very hard to find videos with that quality. It is equal to around 2000p. If you don't have Vegas Just buy it. If you want to just download a free copy(NOT SUPPORTING PIRATING). Good Luck btw. Hmmmm. You have been accepted! IP: must manually add MystCraft into the MindCrack mods folder I did talk! It must of glitched out. No you hold the [Fn] key and click F3 (Thats how it is on my HP Laptop..and my dad works for HP so.) Step 1. Force UpdateStep 2. Download Forge ModLoaderStep 3. Put Forge ModLoader in minecraft.jar and launch game.Step 4. Close GameStep 5. Add mod into mods folder (create on if it is not already).That is the forge way of modding! No hackers are immature children who suck at the game. Also they are fucking dicks who suck balls. HAVE A GOOD DAY! Tom: 18Brandom: 23Grant: 20Nick:21 Not really It started there as a teleportation device creation test but it went wrong Even if they tried to stop it Rictofen locked Dr. Maxis and Samantha in with the mutated dogs (hell hounds). So they were screwed and Rictofen saw the issue as a little ,opening, to great power if he could control the beasts. So it kinda could not have ended unless they just shut down the project before ,the incident., I would love to record with you! But my xbox live messed up so I can't play online but on PC I can! I was just about to start a vanilla MC Server for a let's play. I would love to record a let's play! I'm sorry next time I will not delete the old videos and just keep the re-uploaded.",15,16,3,19,0,16,0 2025,X2026,du glaub ich dir die quali ist leider scheie hinterwldler dann vergleiche mal die englische stimme von vaas mit der deutsche hab den sender garned Orgiprnchen 5 schwr auf deine mutter? Wieso habt ihr keine Facebook Fanseite? wie breit er ist :D that ipsw is not supported by this version of redsn0wHELP PLS knnt ihr bitte neue micros kaufendie hintergrundgerusche sind lauter als ihr yolo bei jedem video hast du belste augenringe und extrem fettige haare alter wtf bist du besoffen oder was dein schmatzen regt mich auf die labern nur damit die polizei nicht kommt :D :D technik mechnik du weit wie sie votes bettelt und anderen die chance klaut omg die kanste selber erstellen mit schmiede modus vielen wenn du mal die kommentare anguckst also rede nicht dafr gibt es kleine ubootdrohnen oder wie die heien ^^ hentais sind anime pornos its german motherfuckers 1:18 :P gibt es davon ein video?,26,23,4,7,0,23,0 2026,X2027,"First of all no prove that she has gone through that but +1 if she has im not dissing or anything but it's just weird all these bullied kids come out now... but thumbs up for doing it. but yeh Kalle please hold those thoughts to yourself please RIP You forgot 4: set repeat :D Why are you saying that you don't want Combat Readiness because you like cloack better but they dont share cooldown any longer and if you play arena mobility wornt be that big og a problem just get a mage but overall a nice demostration would like to see some arena along with a update :) please when you make vid make sure people now if you'r talking in duels or Arena's since there is a HUGE different. who the hell cares? apperently some doll math freak... guess it say's more about you and this is why you dont try to rap fast no disrespect but rapping isnt about doing it fast but doing it right and express your self dont even try to cover some songs many will hate it.But nicely done I bet its godzilla! yes let me just tell you over the internet.... she's dumb as fuck! dont try to save her man! xD women.... Played this song max volume.Says hello to my upcoming family The local orphanage.*TOTALY WORTH IT!* I wouldn't see my self as an educated individual but I still think it is a masterpiece i think you need to becareful when you use terms as:,education, and ,educated people, since educated people can dislike aswell would that make them uneducated?and disliking doesn't mean not recognizing the brialliant way of playing or writting simply could be because they think that Beethoven made better music than this specific. ahh thanks :) always glad to know :) Money is the best superpower! because it is reaL! besides no Indian lad should have played that role ruins the whole Sherlock Holmes reputation England invaded India and won! and those rhymes pathetic No one won because Batman's rap was poor and Sherolock Holmes was played by a Indie and not Robert Downey Jr. We've got a bad ass over here! They said that the success of music was theoretic but my revenge is sweet enough to murder diabetics! so much eargasm by so awesome lyrics! cant stop thinking about ,The dictator, HAHA xD wow maybe you should attend those classes while you'r there:Spitting her in the face*Choked by my cock*cold feeling*Please man get you'r grammar right... absolutely and I do agree with you but it is way out of context in this song bro ;) Jack D. vs Captain Morgan!! :D Bilbo* Disagree with a bunch of those 31-21 Gotta love hotted!Swifty: ,Kathy left this for me, *opens the box* ,I ate one.,Hotted: ,I ate one too., XDDDDDD",22,1,4,1,1,30,0 2027,X2028,"Probably the only time we'll get to see 45% of *Nysnc reunite i hope i'm wrong. Well Lance definitely looked gay here. That moment when they get a video claiming it's the original... when it's not. Damn. This adapter sucks. I can only plug the microphone jack in to allow it to work.When i have both jacks plugged in the shit doesn't work. Mad annoying. This is just sad... trying way too hard for subscribers and views... Just fucking reunite for your fans. We still love *Nsync mature up and reunite for one show at least. I hope every member of *Nsync feels the same emotion and passion to get back together like 98 Degrees. Backstreet Boys came back 98 Degrees all we need is *Nsync. I fucking love munchos i just play the beginning and focus on Luxi I agree. Adorable. Jeana- Stop trying to be a buzz kill. I hate in the beginning how she tries being a bitch towards Jesse ,im trying to freak him out, yada yada like you're not freaked? STOP BEING OBNOXIOUS. The...fuck? His remains were there mostly his teeth and they were able to obtain those and identify that it was indeed Dorner. My goodness Luxiboo i fucking love you.",17,412,4,6,0,22,0 2028,X2029,we love you Gaza :') epic i love her forever :') adeh. bila la nk jadi pro cmni..huhu so cute :) get well soon~ :( Allahu rabbi perkongsian yg saya kira sgt bagus. terima kasih :) sudah setahun baru direply komen nya ya.. hihi .salam ukhwah saudara~ love this song so much! :) 3 tips yg bagus.. suka sangat! ^^tp belum ada bran lg..takutttt~~ . good job semashur~ :) the last three kids are very nice! love it! ^__^ 3 good job doc! HAHA xD,14,160,3,4,0,18,0 2029,X2030,Is God willing to prevent evil but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? NOMAD! The fuck?! You can't just throw out huge psychological concepts you just displayed and not do a single thing with them?! Dafuq How the fuck do you people do this shit! I tried to draw a tree yesterday and I got so angry I had to lay down and count to ten! Dafuq did I just watch Ship simulator bitch motherfucker watchaknow playng this in third band well you did fail just fail... you just embarrassed yourself in front of thousands of viewers its a Swedish accent... inform yourself before making claims about ones accent. lol really concert band at cedar park high is playing this as well prince uses red hat for his OS what do you use? rainy mood but apparently yo yo ma isnt lol FIRST!!! this cereal tastes like EGORAPTOR!!!! fail i hate when people call me chief i have special eyes i like surprises excuse me miss you have a little bit of regret on your face no have you ever spoken to a Jew befriended a Jew or even thought for a few minutes whataburger she is in texas stupid,26,0,4,5,0,28,0 2031,X2032,Awesome video guys i think you navy boys should stick to the sex tapes IMO!!! pfffft this movie has Tasmania portrayed so wrong..... not one tassie in this movie had 2 heads..... WTF dude chill out its a 9 year old do you feel so bad in your self that you need to put down a child @ Abbi keep practicing one day you will be a huge star no matter what any one else says if you want it keep practicing good luck and thank you for the video my daughters loved it.,3,0,3,1,0,29,0 2032,X2033,dude you need to chill... for real. toke up or something dear Jesus Christ. please help this retard. is that a bra strap on your forhead titty baby? yo girl the back of your head look rediculusssss yo girl. you 18??? I hate you. go dye your hair or something. your red hair makes me want to hang my self. do you huff paint? Why in the world would you want to act like a wetback? A better way to act like one is to stop speaking english and work at McDonalds. bald one tit old sack of fat! you wanna fuck? hit me up bitch Can you please just do what normal kids do and either beat up fags or get bear up? A GINGER JAVA THE HUT!!!! I knew they existed! Hardass right there SHE LOOKS LIKE A DOWN SYNDROM PIG Will you squat on my dick? you are disgusting. please go back in your cave,16,1,3,5,0,20,1 2033,X2034,fuck you! im crying from laughter hahahahahahahahahahahah yes fuck off you spamming cunt. go die. theres someone else in pool! that was awfully awkward... i didnt actually sub i just want boobies sjin was takin hits from the bong i like breast size increases you're a fucking faggot hahahahaha I'm way more cautious driving when im high so if anything im better at driving when im high. Toby you are so dumb its unbelievable. I love you anyways. But seriously. 14:12 * sips ftw! Ratthhhhissst! Rathhiisssstt! hahaha oh Sammy Sprinkler how you entertain me. Chim you're my favorite dawg! haha Laalimir make a wheat farm!:) unlimited food. BAM. Hahahahaahaaha i was laughing so hard when you died! The irony was just incredible hahahahaha Enderman sounds are so scary now!:( they missed a bleep!! Laalimir! Can i spoil something it's not a big part of the story it's just awesome..;) haha Come to Colorado Toby! We got lots o' snow! Laalimir is getting mo' popular!;) congrats buddy! Nova:)) no time for prayer in school. Creates controversy and is just fucking annoying. bucket I love how you hate on me by saying I'm not going to get hate.,27,4,4,11,0,16,0 2034,X2035,"however. Them's some ugly-ass kids. I'd do her. The Officer was doing his job and keeping the kids in check...But I'd call him a liar if he said he didn't enjoy watching those two kids squirm at least a little bit especially the Tear-stained Mohawk. NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRDS!!!!!! What is it about video games that brings out either the manliest roars or more often the girliest shrieks in guys? I was really hoping they'd make the kids wrestle at the end. Now That's a Knoyf.Also Accordian Bread! 5:13. I want to punch that man in his stupid goddamn face! If anything He's asking the very same questions that people all around the world want to ask. ....Trolling in Real Life at its finest. Not everyone in this video was fat.That's false advertising. ...How the hell do you fuck up sliding? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?Was anyone else expecting Dwayne ,The Rock, Johnson showing up and just hanging out? What is this bullshit? These bitches can't even fight! Welcome home Stifler! Machines like this existing are the reason we must defeat Skynet. The Penis Cam is one of the greatest inventions in use today. The description said Larry was going to tackle the guy. There was no tackling Larry grabbed the dude and dragged him down like a bulldog. While awesome I'm disappointed. I imagined him flying through the automated entrance at 60 miles per hour and executing the perfect wheelchair joust on that motherfucker. Zombie Patrick Swayze is such a kick-ass singer. I admire his flexibility to get his leg up like that with a rollerblade on. When Mona started trying to spray around Pamela I started chuckling. Easy to talk with a gun in your hand fellas. Thanks for saving my ass while I was too busy shitting myself and crying Officer. But still fuck you pig! Ya'll ain't do shit for no one!Big Man Big Mouth Short Lifespan with them words. You all can sit here and bitch about how Nicko is or is not rushing or whatever it is you're squabbling about but you're ignoring the real issue here:Is Nicko McBrain a really small dude or does he use the biggest drums and cymbals he can get his hands on? He looks fucking teensy. And that's The Play of the Week. Back to you Phil. at 2:36 My inner monologue just roared ,FINISH HIM,. My Dark Passenger demanded blood be spilt. Can't tell if ,Gratest, is a spelling error or used to describe that man's flesh... ...This has to be a joke that all of Colombia is in o-Well. I reached the 13 and one half minute mark. This isn't a joke. Run while you can. When did Shia Labeouf become bald and mocha-skinned? Violent J looks like a ghetto Humpty Dumpty... So Deadpool is having his video game made by people who did Fuckin' Darkwatch? I'm so glad I was sitting on the toilet while watching this because this is so fuckin' rad. Sleeveless shirts should be illegal unless you have biceps. You lost me at vegetarian. ....I could eat Lars Ulrich. He is not a big man. Guy in the Front Row. ,OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!, Steve Hofstetter is a very handsome man. ....She's not very stealthy. ....I want a pair of shorts like all of these guys. I'd prefer to see The Texas Rattlesnake mix it up with this thing.Steve Austin would whoop its ass. I'm so glad Ving Rhames started rapping. You're deplorable.Good for you. :)",40,0,4,5,0,28,1 2035,X2036,"or how about his legendary nipples 1 video off until you have a 1337 amount of videos so why is there sunlight on the peoples faces when the sun is behind them? I didn't know people practiced being a tool die But he's not a rapper a found vibrator would be easier to explain die last you should have killed him like a watermelon so do you throw the egg with a velocity of 15 km/h or 20 km/h? yes i do slender + barrels = scariest game of all time strippers... lots and lots of strippers die nice butt *gun shots*Wou Wou Wou Wou Wou Wou Wou Wou!!! sv.laqedfvqerg\ why would you date someone just on their looks when you know nothing about their personality you bitch You're really fucking stupid. I can tell by your usage of the colon inverted comma left angled bracket slash your grammer and how you said that he has ,swag, that you are the epitome of how stupid the fans of this guy really are. The only people that say that word are people that are dumb as fuck and think they are cool when really everyone hates them. die die Wow thanks for the wonderful tip i better get on practicing! kill yourself One Direction vs Backstreet Boys Name him Scrambles best name EVAR That comment gave me cancer.",27,5,5,4,1,22,0 2036,X2037,"apa ini ciri,hari kiamat ...??????????? jajok den ... hahhahahahahajust wanna saywhat was she thinking about when making this video?What she does not see herself in this video? itu tkhnik ciptabagi ke temen temen lo ya",4,0,3,3,0,20,0 2037,X2038,You've gotta have spare time to listen that song. Once the first note enters you can't quit without at least 20 listenings! Let me evaluate the chance of not being a VH fanatic; this song seriously rocks! Possibly old fans wouldn't like it though. I know it from my own fanaticism; Yes. We hated Trevor Rabin 90125 Big Generator etc back in 80's. But time passed and we old school Yes fanatics realised- as everyone else - that 80's Yes was fantastic. Different than 70's but still priceless.So listen to this song 10-15 years later and we'll talk again. So somebody has watched David Byrne in Once In A Lifetime video! This is seriously one of the best song... wait THE best song I've possibly listened in last 10 years. I first listened to DD - Hungry Like A Wolf- some 25 years ago when I was in high school and amazed. Here they amazed me for the second time! Thanks DD! The guy @ 6:53 figured everything out. Kudos to him! haha u exactly told my story and my Judas Priest loving friends :)) Yes all of us were listening to DD secretly! So a sincere soul gives 30+ years of his life to this research and gathers great information and some people judge him for requesting 70 $ for his service? Who are you to judge him?And you dear youtube wiever what do you do for sustaining your 3D body? Sell something that someone else (possibly Chinese) produced if you're some kind of salesman? Give someone else's info to students if you're an educator? We all need to DO something to earn our lives and so does Pane! possibly the best comment I've ever come up in utube! :) totally agreed! Very impressive movie. This unites a lot of alternative theories and fills some gaps. As it is said at the end it should be taken with some grain of salt but it makes good sense for people who are into alternative research. For others this is sci-fi move along nothing to see for you here.. Never seen such a perfect entrrance. Never listened such intense powerful song! For me this is simply the best song humanity ever produced. Normal human beings' mundane existence can not create such flawless form of art. Every second of this album is unbelieveable. This album came from somewhere else as a gift to humanity! I've also always wondered about this! The song is preparing to get real psychodelic @ 2:57 then Nick makes a very promising entry @3::27 but then it makes a U turn to synth-pop @3:55! IT'S still a great song but if Nick would go on from his first entrance it would be an epic song! :)) Interesting! I didn't think about it before but you may be right! Definitely agreed! Two Against Nature: Such unbelieveable magical album! You forget it for some time and deal with life's neverending buzz. Then one day you remember it and decide to listen to it after a tiring work day. And you are amazed once more thinking some new songs are added to the album! These songs are so amazingly multi-layered that everytime u listen some new stuff comes to ur ear!,16,0,3,5,0,41,0 2038,X2039,I miss Duffy! Don't like this one and I never realised you had a lisp! Love it! Michelle's the worst singer anyway.... But I want it now! Is she holding her nose? Goosebumps! Awww I love her! I love that song so much! Ronan Griffin Well she just did cover it and smashed it so shhhhhh.,9,1,3,5,0,25,0 2039,X2040,,1,376,4,166,1,54,0 2040,X2041,Good cover though they shouldnt be suing them thats just putting a price on your sons life what would you reccommend for a begginner on an epiphone thunderbird gotta luv the irish lol I'll bet if u were having dinner with the sing he'd be like pass me the salt or die!!! Or gimme more pie or die!!! 2:14 brilliant I don't think a shoelace belt makes u cool it makes you a toddler Just ordered my Xperia s two days ago so it's comin tomorrow so happy Such a good screen resolution that I almost reached out to push one of the buttons whilst watching on my tablet Flax make linen like the vids Pause at 2:02 U should get a cat and call it the syndicat or syndikitty. It could stay in a syndacage. Or a syndak9 could stay in ur syndakennel. 08:24 that's what she said For beginners and all round riding I would recommend air pro I would only get air g fox or classic if you're going to use it for carving big hills due to their slight turning advantage of 360 degree casters Who else thinks the commentator sounds like Liam Neeson I bought an air pro off amazon uk I'm goofy Dudes gonna get fraped I go thete You should do a zombie train school haha,20,0,3,16,0,23,0 2041,X2042,How am I suppose to wait 6 more days?? Blonde chick in the back wants to jump his bones. I've seen that smirk before lol Did I just get wooed by a guy?? It's obviously going to be bad but that's not going to stop me from watching it drunk 2nd greatest thing ever 1st being the original Great throw with that said... How funny would it be to watch a baseball game with only blind players?? @greg21240 He was actually one of their most consistent until he got injured and had to take a year off the field idk i've been in a couple of holding cells and i'm pretty sure if i kicked my shoes at a cop they'd do the same. Hell i'd probabaly get kicked in the ass a couple times to lol All i heard is we're going to help get cops overtime and plenty of it,9,1,5,4,0,25,0 2042,X2043,plz tell me he had bed head yay!!! Gible I'll kick your tits in laddy!! Tom what happend to the sims? Holly shit nice Pvm clips fags Link me to that song on Skype Sorry guys this isn't spam but i have a clan aka legion we really need some editors and gfx please message me if you would like to help us out and join. ;) No comment.......... :( Kill yourself Lol our cheerleaders dance to this Stupid whore. :) Kill your self you 7 year old twat Tom I've been with you since before the minecraft project started and I've seen everything along the wayI hope you are ok Holy shit they have nice bodies,14,2,4,5,0,75,1 2043,X2044,omg you r weird are u from mexico he sings like a man Song: Eyes OpenArtist: Taylor Swiftjust so you know u r brutal soooooooooooooooooooo stopppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp maybe you should think before saying stuff just stop hating people dang let her do what she wants you are not her mother there both good SHi its mia my 3ds is bad and it got stolon so i know my singing is bad because my 3ds and i wont be making any video intill i get a cramra or i could baro from sombody but im fine because my birthday is coming um also you have a chance to win a free t shirt please say happy birthday to me. Ps my birthday is oct 25th,9,0,3,10,0,36,0 2044,X2045,FUCK THE POLICE THEY GET AWAY WIT EVERYTHING THEY DO NO MATTER WHAT IT IS IF YOUR NOT A PIG YOUR GOING DOWN THATS WHY THE WORLD IS SO FUCK UP NOW THAT COULDNT HAVE BEEN ME BOY IT WOULD BEEN THE OTHER WAY AROUND FUCKING PIG FUCK THE PIGS FUCK THE PIG ALL THEM PIGS AND THE SHOT HIM,3,0,3,5,0,23,1 2045,X2046,she sucks at this girl should be on the worst poo song OMG how did he even git on america fucking idol well do you know i love this fucking song,3,0,3,5,0,28,1 2046,X2047,cant find the friend request button!! fcdsf is bored right now check out my new vid!,4,3,3,7,0,29,0 2047,X2048,every one belives every thing u say lol u dont need to be like trust me lol u got 454 videos rob 100k subscribers how could we not trust u lol everything u said in theis video is true if u gona sage make shur it does not look like u taken a shit and if it does then don't sag lol looks good thoguh just fix the bag thing the strap it sicks out to much do something abought that lol his right though IF it was ligal more people would be going out on the streets triping balls and shit and driving under the influence so in what way does this seem like a good idea they have dune studies on diff strains most of the weed today and now all weed does for u is make u trip balls weed used to just relax u but now they changed it so much with chemicals and stuff it aint good for u and trust me lil wayne is suffering cuz of all the weed he smoked YO THAT FITTED IS VALIED I NEED THAT ONE 1:27 THE RED ONE WITH WHITE ya were do these girls live at lol my girl got ass like that but i dont see to many bitches like these wow how could i forget this song 3 so the SAS executed the terorist so wat those mother fuckers killed like 2 people and were willing to kill more they got just deserts so stf up u cant just kill the hostages and expect to surender the SAS had orders to rescue the hostages not arest the terorist they terorist cant just kill someone and surender they were gona get fucking exacuted wat they think was gona happen it took them 1 min to kill like halpf of the terorist and 3 min to finish that was beast i seen ya before at burger king ha wiz Khalifaa replied and u though it was fake lol omg did he take the dick out his mouth 2:10 nice song add my fb Kool Aiidin Bronx lmfaoo 7:48 fuckkkkkkk thisssss lmfaoooo 6:16 the way he said it meant something he just shooting randumly fucking dum ass aim for the objective building -___- ASHLEY this song is amazing and u made this song amazing ur voice was perfect and ur lyrics was amazing great job this is a really good song 3 . 3 fav song lmfaoo lmfaoo 2:32 3 lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo why does Joso always look like that and the way he be singing like his tung be sticking in his mouth like d.a whats up wit that,25,3,4,9,0,25,0 2048,X2049,"te amo logan llamame!!!!!! jajaja oh my god i love when calrlos say ,stupid, to james in 0:35 i love you too 1:12 to CARLOS:a sandwich with love and maybe a kiss will be ok to LOGAN:I love the chocolate but i love you more @cossanana me volvere to fan no puedo creer que no fui a verlos al concierto pero los vi en la firma de autografos...casi 21 horas esperandolos sin dormir y sin sentarme;mi familia dise que estoy demente.PON ME GUSTA SI CREES LO MISMO QUE MI FAMILIA TO CARLOS: whats wrong with u carlos?why SAMANTHA is there?TO SAMANTHA: te odio y a tu risa chillona de pedo. es genial este videoposdata te amo carlos calmate no te pongas al brinco. si le estoy diciendo que baila bien... ,disculpame mi sensey de los modales,",9,0,3,5,0,18,0 2049,X2050,Good film with English words. More films welcome Their music is pretty brutal word wise and their songs are generally all over the place darting here there and everywhere. They are eccentric uncontrolible and eclectric if you like that sort of thing. They remind me of The Alex Harvey Band definate connection there. Anyway this song is really neat. So tuneful and mellow and yet the words are in complete contrast LOL WELL YOU CAN ADD ME. THIS WAS THE SONG AROUND AT THE TIME OF MY FIRST REJECTION AND IVE NEVER FOUND ANYONE ELSE SINCE. LIFE AND LOVE IS UTTER SHIT. THIS SONG HOWEVER IS CLASS IN A LOVELOST DEAD WORLD One of the best live funk jams ever - L C fan club here you all sit and judge this from your own feelings. Yet you are all so separated from reality. Marriaged is practised in church church preaches the word of god the word of god is contained within the Bible the Bible makes it clear that marriage that is to say union is between a man and a woman. The civil law holds no validity in the context of Christainity. you have legislated on directly opposed the content of the bible. There you are against the Bible and so are those that follow you Beautiful GB and the 2 cream pots. The soil or rather ash is so loose it must make it more difficult to dug not less because it just keeps crumbling on its own We are wrong so wrong to even suggest how ghana should run its country especially when Ghana has a culture of Christianity through the Bible and the Bible is clearly against gay marriage. It is the UK that is now corrupt and perverted away from the Bible. We need rescue from this hell The fact is the Bible is taught through the church - the church is the Bibles voice and practise in physical terms through its leaders. The Bible states very clearly what is meant by a union so I really dont understand how the straight people that you call Christian can is any way be'happy'. The fact is the Bible isnt at all gay friendly its actually anti gay.. Theres no nice way to say it. Bible written over x years during which times gays lived because there have always been gays LOL you should have discovered years ago that many films dont actually exist to make a point. They more exist to to entertain by thrillers scares horror and twists and turns in the plot and open ended scenes that cause you to think question or just get darned irritated by LOL Good film and good quality thanks for uploading I will not watch a film thats dubbed. No matter how good the film is and how good the image quality dubbed films look shit. A billion times better to upload in the original language with English subs. Really sorry to have to give this a miss by a mile ukkk In life there are always a few utter dickheads. Best to concentrate on those that have clicked the like button and voted for complete and utter perfection in doing so TAVARES = SUMPERMO ALWAYS A PLACE IN MY HEART Debbie Taylor back again just because she is she and that is beautiful ITS A SHAME THIS VIDEO HAS BEEN ALTERED AND LOST THE CONTEXT OF THIS TUNE ESPECIALLY THE POEM WHICH IS SO UTTERLY UTTERLY BEAUTIFUL IN ITS SIMPLICITY,15,6,5,5,0,52,0 2050,X2244,"first thing that came to mind during the bed/monkey noise scene:,you and me baby ain't nothing but mammals so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel..., She was at the party like Ted said and it even showed her in line outside the party.If you take another look at her preview when she's in line and look at her pants they match exactly with the girl who Ted bumped into.And again the ,random, bumping into with that girl inside the party just confirms it. First off Jack Black is a joke. He tries to hard to be funny. And he's not. Secondly I've been a fan of Nirvana since the 90s and this is not good use of the greatest song of the 90s. A serious cover would have been nice but this is shit. I love the Muppets and I love Nirvana but this isn't right. yeah! you pussyyeah! you pussyyeah! you pussy.I SEE IT OOOOHHH I NEED IT!I SEE IT OOOOHHH I NEED IT! zakk was replaced?!?!?! a little jealousy is okay as long as it's not overwhelming the relationship. I 3 Lacey Sturm this cameraman really sucks anyone else notice all the Macs? 00:49 that Russian is a beast I mean even his grunts sounds insane. 1. who goes to see a heavy metal band at a show where it is common to see mosh pits and ,the wall of death, and not expect the possibility of getting hurt?2. the only reason people go on stage is to jump off and crowd surf. wtf did he expect to have a casual chat with Randy?3. assuming he was a metal fan he obviously has been to other concerts and knows there is a barrier separating the stage from the crowd for a reason. after the incident with Dimebag Darrel and countless other musicians worst pick of songs from Rocky. where's ,Hearts on Fire, and ,Eye of the Tiger, ???? Black Metal is for the older metal-heads Deathcore is for the younger ,new Hot Topic, crowd.everybody transitions to heavier music as they grow and it just depends on what was around and what their taste was when they did the transition to heavier metal. I can't pick sides because both genres have some kick-ass bands.But I don't like this new tight jeaned/tiny shirt/emo-looking image that deathcore is going.Keep it Brutal guys. not the best pick of bands for representation but a great video nonetheless.glad to know some people can tell the difference and not just assume they're basically the same thing.personally I prefer Death Metal. It shows more talent in guitars but still smooth (DC is a bit on the messy side) and I love solos.Deathcore just seems more fashion based (not emo but close) and is more for the younger crowd. that's just my opinion.Keep it Brutal guys. okay some of these ,Not Metal, bands are pretty gay but you can't bash on Trivium at all they're way more Metal that a lot of bands on here.Slipknot isn't so bad Cradle of Filth is okay too.great taste in Metal though.And we can all agree that St. Anger is the best Metallica joke ever.Keep it Brutal guys. Rock/Metal: guitarists drummers bassist vocalists. guitars bass drumset microphones speakers amps chords pedals talent.Rap: nigger mac book. Allyn Rachel Allyn Rachel gunter glieben glauchen globen USMC. when you thought your balls couldn't drop any farther. I'm trying to gain some weight lean up and put on some muscle. what do you suggest? MEOW MOTHERFUCKER MEOW!!! this tour came through Lubbock back in 2007 and it was a killer show.this song was probably my favorite from the entire show.happy birthday dimebag.8/20/2012 never been to Disney. AMERICA me gusta LeeAnn Aguas 3 I can hear the Matt Heafy. Nice. Slipknot shirt?!?! i love her style",30,2,6,1,0,22,0 2051,X2052,is awsome ip in desc. It's mason hey David braeden told your channel name so ya cool ideo Congrats theres a easter egg on moon that blows up the earth LOLOL 10th GIVE MEH MA COOKEH 5th6th7th8th9th10th lol can i do this with a usb w ww com w ww com for free microsoft points! w ww com Tom Can you add me on xbox? My name is Conjuctionz. Thanks Brink For the win way to go from copying dubstep pictures Jack did you make this video?,16,19,3,41,0,18,0 2052,X2053,you are white as fuck awesome video but why'd you have to make it black and white? the last guy that lifted is ray lewis in prison lolz yea its a side effect of roids i wish i had the balls to be this guy.. yeah hes not very good at mma but hes like everyone that does it for cardio. its a fun way to stay in shape hes not looking to learn how to defend himself or to compete. dont be so sensitive your rapper name is Chompsy??? hehehhe i absolutely died when he did the zebra impression. i bet he had to do like 20 takes of that to stop laughing were all out. sorry man lil wayne has made a shitty song about every championship team in every sport. hes a dickrider i said i liked your music dont be such a babydick,12,1,4,5,0,111,0 2053,X2054,KOSTON FOOTNOTES rene is always tapping their shoulders when he asks them questions WazzupNOOB sucks man nba 2k13 anyone?,4,1,3,1,0,38,1 2054,X2055,you should upload the one at drone and lets do some more :P -quincy 20k in siege mode at 150 0.o so did you expect them to go to every country in Africa? you should have made an assumption that it was just 1-3 countries in africa so he doesn't know his roommate knows magic? hell naw I aint doin this psp go bullshhittt most likely when end game comes out a dollar a comment are you fucking stupid?if that's true seannanners made 13000$ on a single video from the comments alone. and the reason their pissed is because he threatened to hack his account not because of the damn modded controller. now gtfo your just trying to be some type of hipster by going against the crowd so you can feel good about yourself... the song sound like the trainman song from robot chicken get something happier :P so Detroit has bloody pirates? oh ya draw my thing minecraft and the fucking chimera game are all fps's I like your statements. i think there shooting blanks which imo makes it kind of... dumb? they should be using airsoft or paintball so you can actaully tell if your hit but then again they might be using airsoft 4:32 what the fuck is this shit lol omfg your so ausome and nice hopefully you havent changed your name on xbox :))) @callmedilbert he sounds like a fucking dolphin when he laughs ctfu their just friends making jokes... calm your tits,15,1,3,5,0,22,0 2055,X2056,Jep :D Using jetpack. BFBC2! hmm I cant aim that fast with any perk I only get hitmarks... weird... btw using pc You could run trough the map before that grenade explodes. Ice Cube talkin' at 0:54 Yep sounds retarted where the fp are you Those shoes ruin it.. xD If u were from USA u wouldn't have that fail english so cool story bro. Bad Game Good Video,10,11,3,9,0,20,0 2056,X2057,Och det r s ni bakar en jockekaka What headphones do you use? :) and are they good to train parkour with? Spotify?!?! PONTUS!!! THATS MY NAME!! :D gilla om du vill att stamiste ska fixa en tvling p minercraft som hunger games fast p minecraft istllet ^^ How do i get this game?!?!? stog* better than the original and I can listen to you for hours!!!! 333 U are gay man I will see you doing a frontflip outside u will fail go home and cry :) What is the name of the first song in the video?? Okay :/ im live in sweden so its kind a far away xD 26:00 hatar hennes fail :( Lt? hahaha xD Lt?! FUCK DET; DE R MANGE SOM GLLER BTW MANGE BJUDER!! Coolt story bro changed my dreams vad heter lten i brjan? :P I wanna listen to you on spotify!! 32:49:00 STEPHANO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUR VGAR DU!!! Ching chong chang pling chingeling pling plong chong chang chi. :) song at 4:30 ?? jag lskar din stil yeah * Yeah why not :) 0:00 - 20:01 3 3 3 3,25,7,5,9,0,31,0 2057,X2058,Runescape? On seatown you shot your gun in the kill cam... you didn't get a kill with it but still you said you didn't want to shoot!!! You didn't get panic knifed... Throw a grenade at the wall and pick it up and throw it at the enemy --- like so he can see!!! My fav map :) Thumbs up if liked it before you even watched it :) Like before i even watch the video because i am a hardcore fan :) Love you Tom!!! 14:22 missed a max ammo dude! Yes they do! Bridgend Wales UK I am going to be honest with you i didn't enjoy your play style i thought it was really campy and not playing the objective! Fair enough your trying to get a MOAB with all the guns but i find your play style something i don't want to watch sorry! Like + Fav + comment Before i even watch the video! Because your amazing and i love your videos :) BOSS! Probs because he just argued with Kate and i do not hear or see Kate in the video and that's exactly what i do! Go out for a walk blow some steam and come back talk hug! Best friends again :D,13,0,5,2,0,21,0 2058,X2059,ok podaj nick:posta :i jak chcesz gra. moje mikro ;c S dobre strony ale take ze tego patchu. ale i tak zajebicie si gra z znajomymi :P To by kole z symulatorem ? Raczej tak Super xD Zarbiste Kocham To 3 Jak zwykle super Nie. Graem Jak wszystko byo ok.Ale teraz gram w Aion Free To Play.Na kanale mam film :P 4 Gb. Film 2 godziny. Photo Shop Zapraszam do mnie ^^ A gdzie cycki ? ;c I Like this ^^ Ta babka to teemo z nowym skinem ^^,16,142,3,132,0,15,0 2059,X2060,What makes me laugh so much is all the two faced nicey nicey people on here none of you fucks would give him the time or day if you didnt know he could sing thats life people are up there own arses and think there better than everyone else lmfao stop being an hypocrite and speak your mind for all the money you might have being truthful and honest cost nothing and makes you a better person ffs when you people going to wake up all this religion bolloxs is shit it starts war and if your weak enough to want to pray to someone you dont even know exsist then good for you but when im down and need strength i look into my kids eyes if they was something there dont you think chidren wouldnt die of starvation ect He was just trying to save face :-D Lol his ex wife don't wanna show her face don't blame you love Suggestion: instead of doing high fives do handshakes on no not you and what I like to do is go around the supermarket putting things in peoples trollies for example put pregnancy test in old lady's trolley when they ain't looking and durex in old men's trolleys and men's face cream in big hairy bickers the possabilities are endless sorry supposed to have died Bet if the film crew wasn't there the bounces would of probably owned them Bruce lees mom Did rich drop them boys he never said My brother used to work on that ride it was dodgy then As an ex royal marine I know what it's like out there no one wants to kill kids ect but when they are harmed with small arms what do u do? Oh my giddy aunt this guy is good very good hope he gets signed good luck bro This is real music just a dude singing cause he wants to I don't understand why r these people homeless this guy is amazing It's stone cold Steve Austin hell yeah *got Shit on me shiiiit on me this guys good Just bounce to this n that's it Someone needs to drop this fuckr Got to smoke to this Get up u bum look at this rent boys picture buwhahahahaha lady boy Shit the verse sounds like nate dogg lol every death that happens everyone says illuminati simple fact is its the mafia they own the music industry and u step outa line u get whacked simples pac is dead and so is jacko and whitney people r saying there deaths aint real or the illuminati killed em heres sone simple facts the mafia are still as strong and run the music industry step outa line and your whacked simples why u thi k eminem changed his style u bring shit down on the industry and ur fecked proof never fired a shot that fuckin rat dont wanna go to jail so he got everyone to lie,26,1,3,5,0,32,0 2060,X407,I really love the acoustic version of this. AN ALLEY?! dont drop the soap damon! What?! I don't even know.. - i thought that the title said 'wafer'. im dumb sometimes :P he posted about you on twitter!! :O I hate passive aggressive Facebook posts! Anyone else waiting for that dude to get hit with a flying mass of lava? Just me? Ok... I hate how he never responds to comments D: DAMON WE NEED TO GET MARRIED AND THEN HAVE SOME BABIES TOGETHER... THE CATCH... THEIR NOT HUMAN. YOU GET TO CHOOSE WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL THEY ARE! :O awh its adorable!! xD can we share some silverware together? c: that last part. nathaniel. what?! I know right! ;D where do you get your beanies from! :O HIGHLIGHT OF MY DAY RIGHT HERR! SOLUTION TO NO MUSIC: open this video and in another tab look up 'Dance Party- Sleeping with Sirens' play both videos at once replay dance party if it ends. problem solved! I actually watched it first before I posted it. So second view. n_n If this song were a potato it would be a good potato. The mansions across my street hands out $1-$10 bills. I like trick-or-treating there. Same thing happened to me. I'm glad it happened. Pasta whoo! I'll tweet it to him. he looks like shane dawson :O Your comment made no sense.I rub pasta sauce on my nipples. Congratulations now stop spamming my video. This is terrible it looks like polymer clay which should NEVER go near your ears. And look they aren't even symmetrical! This is not safe. Dont sell them your just going to infect people's ears. Title: Destery Get Molested By Midgets title: Destery gets violated by a horse I meant like it would be funny if the addiction he was referencing to was food. Im glad you do :D Also I don't think people actually care in a sense that they were screaming 'OH MY GOD SO DID I! IT'S LIKE WE'RE CONNECTED OMGOMGOMG'. No. They just 'liked' your comment. They could have liked it for the sake of liking they could have misclicked when aiming for the 'dislike' button. All in all I don't think anybody actually gives a fuck that you came here because of Leda and Ambreh. I can't find it either and she couldnt've blocked me because i've never been on her page before :P Anita does 2 swaps with people. The first swap she actually sends stuff. Second swap is where she convinces the person to swap with them again and she asks for more pricey stuff and she sends them a package filled with shit (she sent one girl a package of rocks) and she receives the pricey stuff. Thanks for your comment then :) Just stop fighting over the music and actually listen to it Gosh. :P your back my little nipple.,35,31,5,27,0,31,0 2061,X2062,"2:46 THAT FOREHEAD IS HUGE Yeezy taught him ham 5:21 LMAO , im 12 why would i be gettin pussy? ive been pettin puppies, 9:09 funniest thing ive ever heard in my life Its a givanchy kilt representing that he is royalty. ASAP rocky and kanye always wear itthey always take fashion risks and i respect them for that UGLIEST NIGGA ALIVE she got a nice ass *coolgreys* i cant even imagine how much pain u went through for that tattoo alright but its annoying how frequently they release white cements in general 3:07 The truffle shuffle LMAO funniest thing ive ever seen fuckin racist ya i know im drunk i totally forgot Yeezy taught you well Did you get it at the Natick Mall? no such thing as black eyes dumbass and black people can have dark brown eyes brown eyesand light brown eyes.....i agree with you that we cant have green or blue eyes but if someone is mixed and they classify themselves as black then thats what they are. -______- he has more than one hit and hes only 17 WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE THESE SHITS????????? tired of seeing them as top comments nice vid lol if u grew ur hair u would look just like justin bieber lmao at girls like you that always try to find something wrong with a beautiful girl that goes out with a guy you like. i just threw up a little",23,5,4,1,0,22,0 2062,X2063,ahhhh vids vids vids check this out guys FOB SQuad vs. AZn Squad check out FOBSquader's channel hes azn sq im fob sq the fight has started!!! check out my vids!!! :) thanks for supporting us and watchin ur vids; new vid comin up! vids? watch my old vids they remind me of what i were a year again so fun Guyz im back to youtube and will do a unboxing soon but here is something you might want to check out... Super Cheap!!!,8,10,4,4,0,16,0 2063,X2064,It's my close quarter weapon =P I think you may be right =P Hauppauge HD PVR gaming edition I already did it a while ago xD Yay! I'm glad I'm not alone with that =P You know that makes me very happy that someone eats while watching my videos =P Most people I have met have been bitches to me but my mother my brother my nephews my fiance....nah wouldn't leave any of them for anything lol Why thank you lol Yeah I would definitely recommend it go on craigslist lol you can get one super cheap xD Just make sure you don't get kidnapped... LOL! one of the best comments ever Yeah I definitely will do as soon as I get my diamond SMG's again I will pick them up more is but that's my choice lmao I will be doing one! I'll record it probably on Monday I used to but I stopped a while ago just because it didn't feel fair to accept some and not others I definitely have enough clips for that lol My first unlock was on ghost second was scavenger third was C4 I definitely thought about it I do love Skyrim but I also do want to do tomb raider....I should have a better computer within the next month or so so doing two LP's at once could work lol That....was....random Like I said before in a previous message this particular video was about people running a SCAM trying to SCAM money out of me and they happen to all call me 3-4 times a day from India.....I am perfectly aware of the fact that many help centers (who usually don't help me and don't know what the hell I'm talking about but that's not the point) are in India. You are most welcome =) My thoughts exactly lol I was going to reply saying the same thing xD Lol it definitely is a tough question I haven't played it no I definitely want to though Lol! you're welcome That makes me happy =) Sure Lmao thank you =),27,42962,2,239,0,22,0 2064,X2065,Dude was that a big cock floating around the crowd? If so that is everything and then some! haha :p Yo.. . your comment made me shed a tear yo... sad shit hahahaicipher1926 To be crystal clear love i posted from my phone and didnt realize it autofilled it. so get your panties out of your ass. lol I am a MEGADETH fan and have many tshirts and cds and even a few posters so slow your roll sweety. have a fabulous day :),3,0,5,5,1,26,0 2065,X2066,amazing great good ass job yall make mo vids A dance to spcie up things in a marriage or relationship U are so right u need 2 tell dese boys rite nd tell emm wat u sd in da video Were cn u dwnload this 2 cute It reminds me of yo man fucking up and music playing bt he say sumin so romantic to win you baq 2 romantic Dis had me cracking up 2 funni Da fuck da whole time dey dancing da grl wit da white jacket acting like she bout 2 die wit her cejure ass boo bet u aint make nd u dance hard af dnt mean good hard i mean get rid of yo dancing shoes nd gt another proffesion U way 2 funni ima do dis Lol u right cuz it be scenes wer I look at my man nd be like nigga y u nt romantic bt da movie be lady the tramp I bet Taylor swift seen dis video nd start.smiling saying dats wat yo ass gt This is so dumb they r really dumb foreal Wth Jus like yall I put my draws on one day at a time Who watched this den r Kelly trapped in the closet If u lookin for some hay I suggest u look in a stable OmgI hope everyone safe,19,0,2,5,1,15,0 2066,X2067,It's anti bullying week and your all say their writing shit on a very successful celebrity's video about how he has less views and that he's 'gay' and a 'fag'. Nice one guys! Way to friggin go.,1,3,3,2,0,20,0 2067,X2068,people grieve differently THAT FUCKING UGLY GOAT LOOKING BITCHI WOULDN'T BE WAITING FOR THE POLICE I WOULD KILL HER MYSELF I DO AGREE WITH YOUFUCKING THIEF I LOVE THIS SO MUCH ALL WHEN YOU THROAT SICK YOU SELL OFF TASH YOU TOO GOOD...LUV YOU GIRL TASH MASH UP THE PLACE SO SWEET...HOW COULD PPL HATE THIS VIDEO so true STUPID DON'T WATCH LOOKS...CHECK IS WAYS AND PERSONALITY SPEAK YOU MIND RYNO YOU PROVE YOURSELF CELINE IS A ONE MAN WOMAN AND A CLASSY WOMAN NOBODY CAN TAKE THAT AWAY FROM HER... YOLANDO FATUGLYGRUDGEFUL AND BADMIND THAT IS WHY SHE KILL THE POOR GIRL SHE SHOULD NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR PAROLE SHE SHOULD ROT IN JAIL LIAR LIAR I DO AGREE WITH YOU KILL HER LMAO YOU TALKING FOOLISHNESS... ENERGY TUN UP fred look like peacock lol CAN'T OPEN THE YOU TOO UGLY LMAO,20,0,3,5,0,43,1 2068,X2069,"Mikey's abs...I pause it there everytime I watch it... 3 I.aM .mE...Terrible. I don't like them at all...ICONic BOYZ 3 The way Channing Tatum walked back up the stairs xD I died watching this video xD 3 Youu don't know how funny this was. Oh and love you Austin 3 HAHAHAHA ME TOO!! If that was me and Austin was singing to me. I would be crying.. Shut up about the Justin Bieber song and this song. Just shut the fuck up. Damn i DONT go in the water :) Well. Only got 1 and 5 right... Damn I hate the way she talks.. DAMN. Girls aren't strong? Shit... He has beats..3 Austin is so into character xD 3 Awwe 3 When he does the ,hee hee hee, *DIES* 3 Austin said a cuss word xD ,Ahh hell no, That's fucking awesome xD He stepped on the scale That scared me. same here!! haha I had a feeling Micheal Jackson would be last.. I just raped the play button. No.. Just no. You guys can sing just don't change the words and the dynamics. Thanks. I wonder if he turned on the lights and found ''er'' Aww. Max looked so pretty 3 Hey Austin. Lolol don't laugh at my username(; Well I honestly love you. Could you please follow me on Twitter? Its_Maddieee929. My birthday is coming up soon. The 29th this month(: It'd be cool if you could perform for me at my party. 3 I don't think it would happen though /3. Could you say Happy Birthday to me? Thanks for being my insperation. Your music makes me feel better when I'm feeling down. I can't wait for your album. Well keep living your dream and do what you do best. Bye ~Maddie I pee out of my bellybutton xD SEAN!:D Get it Mema Mahone (;",29,0,3,5,0,22,0 2069,X2070,Bloody fantastic love The Cabs. tucking great track just a shame no proper new album.,2,0,4,5,0,41,0 2070,X2071,Haha ska bli din strsta fljare och strsta fan!!3:* //Gnul Detta r just den dansen vi ska dansa p lussedansen i skolan! MEN GUD DET R JU DEN SKOLAN JAG GR I HAHA,3,0,3,5,0,19,0 2071,X2072,Powerful!! Keep shining ladies @frostbitepup87 Lmao Lol... Very nice u showed me an easier way thx Law u did pillow wet wit tears lol! Thank u sooo much!!! Keep the video s coming please Omg ya ll are TOOOO funny lmao..I am def. a fan lol So he basically letting us no that he really wasn t into her like that off rip then they got CAUGHT UPshe got pregnanthe got other shit going on so he not trying to hear dat...hmmm,8,1,4,1,0,33,0 2072,X3243,"This is seriously the best song to listen too on drugs specially chemically altering drugs like MDMA exstacy acid or mushrooms The reason there isnt as much hardstyle and raves in the US is because the government is against it Hardstyle raves the an epicenter for drugs and freedome and just having fun which to be brutally honest the american government is against. THey believe people should just work and pay taxes to them not have fun with their livesThats why Europe will always be better than america not as bad as your mom last night Ok first of all Call of Duty is gay second When the fk is rockstar gonna release a date for this game? This trailers been out for a year... 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 The end is coming.. This song Defines my childhoodNOOOOMADDDD YOUR THE RIDER SO MYSTERIOUS!!!! Polands gay hahahahahahaha fagggg(From America) This Game series defines my childhood ever since i got my Gameboy Advance when i was like 11 and got The first Golden sun my mind was blown. Now a days its all that modern warfare crap kids dont appreciate what a good game really isLike if you agree This song defines my childhoodNone of that Modern warfare crap kids play now a days I miss all the good games like theseLike if you agree no shit sherlock All i can do is LOL at the fat person xD HOLY SHIT he sounds JUST like he does in the album!!MAIDEN FOR LIFE 3 1 word for this song: LSD Haha ive never once had a bad trip off acid mushrooms on the other hand those are not something to mess with Sounds like the ,Guy with the FuK me im famous T-shirt, standing at the bar Slipped some Date rape in the Tequila she remembers before her memory goes blank TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Isnt 1:18 from the Oblongs? Hank: Those are the rules dale you've gotta have a strickland paystub or be a strickland wifeDale: Ge Ge Ge Ive sprayed strickland for termites i have a paystub im on the team!!Hank: ,goddamit, Thumbs up if you know this song and have never seen The ,Hank of the hell ytp, or the ,red skeleton, this songs easy to sing you're just a pussy Hardstyle is my favorite genre of music this song is in my top 3 favorite hardstyle songs along with Supernova by D-block S-te-fan and Riotstarter by angerfist(I listen to this song every day at least once if i was there my life would be complete 3 )UNDERSOUND! 3:50 Or turn up the heat with a flamethrower (Starts torching the weed plants),Yes i love this thing!!, Thumbs up if you watched this whole video then started walking around like that all pussies id run in there with a sword and start cuttin bitches into pieces Jon Trollston i got busted with a girl in a park and i stashed my shit before the cop got to us my friend got busted with her bowl but the cops couldnt find anything on me. He saw me run off to the side so he knew i stashed something so he kept threatening to bring in dogs but he never did. Eventually after finding nothing on me after a search i asked him if i was free to go as i wasn't being charged with anything and he let me go later that day i went back and got my stuff.These tips work You're all pussies THIS IS FIGHT MUSIC!!!!! I think its funny how you spend the entire game hunting Alduin and killing all his dragon friends when if it wasn't for him you would've been decapitated just like the other prisoners These videos are all staged i know for a fact a few of those guys Playing soccer near the end are friends of Devvo the guy in the white shirt with the Long Dreads has been in a few of this other videos hes also in the Music Video ,Boys on the beach, Violantly attacked 2 costumers?!?!?Thats bs he was defending himself Women want rights? dont go out of your boundries and attack someone over a fake 50$ bill or you will get smacked I prob like it more than you do have you even been to europe? most american's claim to love hardstyle and dubstep with there skrillex and deadmau5 but dont know any real good artists The songs actually called ,My 303, by the hardstyle group Showtek We Mash up the place turn up the bass abd nake them all have fun a we a blaze the fire make it burn them And we a blaze the fiah make it burn them!! Excuse me sir thats like my marijuana THERE WILL BE NO MORE LIGHT!!!! This song is so peaceful and calm and... and... SOMEBODY SCREAM!! BASS!! *BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM* This movie was awesome saw it in 3D yesterday!Honestly it was one of the best movies ive seen in a while it wasn't some different story it was basically the fairy tale hansel and gretel but on crack.Its rated R because its Extremely graphic (Gore violence and a very sexy nude scene ;O) )The witches are scary and intimidating along with amazing Special Effects for there spells (which themselves are epic)I give it a 5/5 and am going to be adding it to my DVD collection when it is released 5:30(Cops in the UK are mad chill compared to cops in america) If that guy was swearing and saying that stuff to an american cop hed be in handcuffs in a matter of seconds 0:04 Seal: ,Yo im just chillen, Who came from Canada Cause I'm a restless beast and anybody disagree they gonna rest in peace",40,2,3,14,1,31,0 2073,X2074,Sooo Gaill *___* Hahahaha 1:31 XD Uhh das fand er jetzt garnicht lustig XDXDXD Sau geil Hahahah hol dir mal was fr deine Fresse XD zu gail hahah wies rad abknickt XD Die Nonne wa am gruseligsten Fr sowas setzte ich mich ein bei JEDEM Tier Was heisst hier PETA das mit der Koppel der Spruch is auch unntig... Die Tiere sind ermdet wir knnen dich ja mal ber Tage hinweg laufen lassen un dann sagen ne kurtze Pause reicht fr dich un Hufe scharren bedeutet nervositt oder verlangen nach etwas (ungeduld) :( Einfach mal klappe halten wenn man sich ned auskennt... Es werden viel zu starke Erwartungen an diese Tiere gestellt mahn wann begreift ihr es endlich es sind keine Sportgerte sie waren mal sooo Wild und Frei und heute nur noch qulerei... Und genauso ist es auch bei anderen Tieren Hauptsache draufgesetzt un los... Dein Absatz is auch nich tief un sau viele Pferde bei euch haben ein Hohlrcken mahn es gibt soooo viel zu bemngeln... Ihhhh der schlabbert wie n Hund ach du scheisse Oa wie im Mrchenbuch Sag mal bist du bescheuert noch nicht mal gescheit longieren kannst du deine Longe hngt durch und dein Pferd luft in viel zu engem Zirkel dass kann spter zu Problemen fhren berleg mal ob du was ndern wills ... un der typ redet assi schul -.- Ich wrd mit meinem Pferd auch abhauen... Is iw gruselig UIIIIII FRIESE 3 I LOVE IT Ja ich muss auch alleine Ausreiten weil keiner n Pferd hat mit dem ich dann ausreiten kann... Irgendwie unerzogen eure Ponys =D hahah mama weg mama weg mama weg zu gail voll frech die sssen haha sss wie n hund gekrault werden :) So macht man das bestimmt nicht das Pferd weiss nicht was es davon halten soll -.- Unglaublich Kauf mir in 11 Monaten auch n Friese *______* 4te und 5te ;) Geil Tobi ;) Typisch KPS damals Abschluss Klavier :) Ja leider gebe ich dir Recht aber die Pferde sind nicht beschlagen deshalb nutzen die Hufe schnell ab und dann noch wenn keine Ferien sind ein normaler Reitbetrieb da ist dann keine Zeit mehr fr den Hufschmied dass mssen sie selber machen aber den Pferden geht es Gut keines dort Koppt oder sonst etwas auch wenn ich dir etwas recht gebe :) Anscheinend weisst du nicht wie man mit Pferden umgeht das Pink ist nicht mein Problem ich habe einen Friesen zuhause stehen und die Zgelhaltung habe ich auch etwas anderster in erinnerung berlege vorher bevor du etwas kommentierst !!!,24,4,3,6,0,15,0 2074,X137,"zodra die arm door de opening komt met ze alle het scherm terugduwen en vastzetten.. ,eredivisie-schandpaal, inderdaad.. als ajax-feyenoord de andere wedstrijd is dan kijkt iedereen naar vitesse-nec. absoluut.. geld zit in rusland op het moment. je kunt op komen dagen jaa.. spelen is een ander verhaal ik vind maher beter op het moment. ligt er alleen aan of hij zich blijft ontwikkelen of dat het blijft steken op een bepaald moment.. affelay is blijven steken omdat hij geen speelminuten meer maakt. hij is gehaald om zich te ontwikkelen maar dat kan niet alleen via training. als maher nog een jaar of 2 in nederland blijft en dan naar het buitenland gaat dan word hij beter dan baffelay.. AZ is toch wel altijd leuk voetbal. ja in nederland vast ook.. onder allochtoon vallen: turken marrokanen surinamers antilianen polen russen tjechen siriers joegoslaven chinesen italianen spanjaarden portugese belgen duitsers libanese en de rest wat niet uit nederland komt. dan is het toch logisch dat de ratio hoger ligt bij allochtonen dan nederlanders. dat zou hetzelfde zijn als auto's met 4 wielen tegenover auto's met 3 wielen vergelijken. maakt niet uit of het peugeot is of volkswagen of audi of wat dan ook. he's been around since forever.. BOSS im sorry if i offended you or your favorite artist but i think this has more value than adele. i dont know this man's background but im pretty sure adele got lessons to sing the way she does. im guessing this man didnt have any lessons. thats why i said it. (again.. maybe im wrong and this guy had even more lessons) sjaa.. meningen verschillen =D (kan inderdaad wel leuk zijn jaa..) WOOOO... nice reply you right.. i guess he got murdered from the inside out short attention span with quick reply.. people need to look for the basics.. not just follow the majority of people talking bullshit without looking further than their own nose.. instinct!!! (little bear is like.. dont pet me im trying to eat you!!!) 11:54 you hit my dick.. DICK! true.. people should start thinkin not just go with the majority of people without taking on their own opinion.. 1:12 what were you thinkin' ?? you owe me a new pair of pants.. i shit myself laughing! came in to get money.. came out without even his bag.. FAIL FINISH HIM.....FATALITY !! his neck is bigger than his head.. dont try to hide it under that cap we see you!!! all i know is.. DONT PISS THIS GUY OFF. he send you back to your mother in 432 pieces.. Charlie murphy.. !! its a bigger issue in the city life.. on the country side you got a whole other kind of rascism.. he's like... let me tape that shit for tonight.. 5:44 .. het is dus zoals vele ingrijpende gebeurtenissen in het verleden wederom de schuld van het blanke ras. slavenhandel kolonisering holocaust. allemaal voorbeelden van de zieke geest van het blanke ras. helaas.. moet wel veel voldoening geven dat je enkel zwak begaafde hebt als publiek van je programma die uit minachting een mening moeten posten. wat voor slechte dingen dan? kun je je nader verklaren aan de hand van een aantal voorbeelden? well trained i must say.. there goes your tax money people! 2:45 .. he's looking at those wierd ass f*cked up youtube video's.. (and likes them) normaal hoor je 020 schreeuwen bij elk youtube filmpje.. blijft nu wel aardig stil wel grappig om te zien dat iedereen nu op de hand van de ouwe knar is. als het een allochtoon was geweest waren de meningen geheel anders. dan was hij onbeschoft en was het zijn eigen schuld geweest.. just saying =D gaat ze dat zeggen.. sorry mevrouw! misschien snap ik het niet helemaal hoor.. maar als je gewoon vanuit belgie naar nederland komt ben je toch gewoon toerist? pas als je in nederland wilt verblijven heb je een vergunning nodig toch? jij ook want je moet wel degelijk zorgverzekering betalen. ook parkeergeld en de belasting is daar ook vrij hoog.",34,2,4,5,0,26,0 2075,X2076,she actually said that she will give benzino the time a day because of his connection SHE WRONG FOR THIS SONG!!! SHE KNOW DAMN WELL SHE BETTER THAN THIS this my shit omg i feel soo slow smh that was the part i liked too lol i hope you do this for basketball wives LA me too @MysticGotJokes about the math part its really hard smh rico and beno fine as hell lol chris star brought me here @latoyaforever we should really do that ghost pepper challenge i always wanted to do that with someone give her ice cream teleport you know if you wanted to go somewhere far away and dont have the money just teleport there. or if you got grounded and you really wanted to go to this party just teleport there. if you and your girl/boy get into an argument teleport to get away im coming to the crib lol AYEEE!!! GOD IS GOOD!! HELL NAW!!!! her eyes are soo pretty pause 3x WTFFFF ohh what the song he was singing in the car around 2:30-3:00 OMG YESSSSS WHEN PEOPLE THINK THEY KNOW MORE ABOUT YOURSELF THAN YOU SMFH!! I BE READY TO SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF THEM 85 from verizon I LOVE THIS!! JayFluent is TO DAMN CUTE! Happy Birthday!,22,1,3,5,0,17,0 2076,X2077,uhm NO. that is not what i said. i said hes in pain because she is. ear piercing of course would hurt to a baby. but im pretty sure she doesnt feel it anymore. and also im saying he has every right to do this. it isnt against the law. thank you. (: sorry im just now seeing this. Yes it is. There were two different versions. And if you know about Kurt you can tell this is his voice. But honestly... Do you need to argue over it and call people names? Wow! Sirish or whatever needs to go back to school because they cannot spell to save their life. Also who else got goosebumps? I loved it! Blade what's ur new number now? The number posted sayin it's just lil blaze. I miss talkin to you boo! Yanoob this came out before Ted! Dumb twat. Lol. and youre fine as fuck! first half of the song....I do not feel like it x 4 I'm not in the mood not to hate me I don't want to touch myself I would like to jack off but I don't want to try it I would like to take my clothes off but I don't want to see myself naked Ref: I would like to do it with big animals I don't want to risk it I don't feel like going away of the snow I don't feel like freezing woman by scorpions it is what the baby feeds off of while in the womb. hahaha awhhhhh why is there always some negative shit on a music video? dont like it why do you proceed to come to it and trash it? just smoke some fucking weed and chill the fuck out! haha wtfe. this is country rock. not country!!! country is my achy breaky heart. get that shit straight. urgh why is he gay? :(,14,3,3,1,0,19,0 2077,X2078,Bambino! He clearly just won the ball! Har jag sagt ngot annat? I haven't watched this vlog yet but I hope Jesse will propose in it!! jenapvp I think. PAUSE AT 10:30 THERE IS A FACE BEHIND JESSE! (LOOK AN INCH TO THE LEFT OF JESSE'S FACE),6,30,4,35,0,16,0 2078,X2079,Server not foundFirefox can't find the server at aussietechheadsYes sir. Publicity stunt? No one really knows who he is and an album of his is out soon. Why does IGN watermark content that isn't theirs? That fucking pisses me off. Can't spell ignorant without IGN. Everytime I see a bubble saying to like I dislike. Peter knows all. Site seems to not work through TPG. No. Where's Return of the King? BAHA. Should of went full screen on Skype. Why not have your office at home? Working at home sounds good haha. How often do you take guests? Fuck you cunt stop telling us to like the vid. Fallout 3. 2 was better than 1. I'm sure his signature isn't secret lol. Man this guy is one cheeky cunt. It doesn't piss you off that they watermark videos that aren't even theirs? Hank Hill is the king of the mother fucking hill. 6:05 Talk about sexism. Also the mother of the man who made 'Silence of the Lambs.' I tell you it's a small world. That would be so fucking epic if they finished Breaking Bad with this clip. Arlenton Texas..... KING OF THE HILL! Ummmm they never intended for it to be a trilogy. City of God? /watch?v=Prhzzqc0aFQ No. Maybe only 2 billion have Internet. OI DO SE7EN's sins! - the irony. 3 We get the fucking point: there's 12GB of RAM.,28,1,3,5,0,22,0 2079,X3060,"OMO poor Taeyang D: Oh my god TOP! Don't cry ): What's the name of the song of se7en? :O You are fantastic baby Aclarenme algo. Es un chavo nada mas o 2? XD Manita arriba si te gusta el KPOP Segunda parte porfavor. :) Esta buenisimo el programa :DSegunda parte porfavor. :) Esta buenisimo el programa :DSegunda parte porfavor. :) Esta buenisimo el programa :DSegunda parte porfavor. :) Esta buenisimo el programa :DSegunda parte porfavor. :) Esta buenisimo el programa :DSegunda parte porfavor. :) Ok.. You are a slut. (: Justin Bieber doesn't even know that you exist darling.. (: And then.. If you dont like kpop what are you doing here? Go to see you homosexual idol.And then you have no fans bitch. Wow.. Sorry but the of you are very agressive. We like kpop right? Lets love kpop and please stop being arrogant.. He is singing to his girlfriend :33 Wow el video esta tan.. muy raro.. jaja pero GD se ve sexy.. Su cara *u* Haha Taeyang so cute.. ,YoungBae? You were cutting watermelon? Yes watermelon.,And the way he goes por the kleenex is so cute.. TOP is such a good actor.. And also is sexy at this movie.. jaja SeungRi looks so sexy in this video.. *U* HOT HOT HOT HOT Bitch you ain't got shit on me.. :D Owww so cute :3 Thanks (: Could you send me the link or the name of the app? Thank you. And if you get accepted by YG let me notice (: FIGHTING! Was she crying at the end? Yes.. Sorry ,I really love this song! 3, It was GDragon from BIGBANG.. Awww SeungRi :D 3 Jesuk is the best MC WOAH!! Such a great body.. She lose weight and she look incredible!!! Haha Wow.. asi es como GD se siente.. :S pobresito.. Wow.. i would never knew GD feels like that! :S Aah.. Esta genial Jajajaja.. No porque les guste BIGBANG son gays. O ami porque me guste algun grupo de ROCK soy lesbiana? Aprende a diferenciar.. Si te lo encargo para la otra.. No! .____. So cute all of them.. BIGBANG Shinee",32,1,3,5,0,19,1 2080,X2081,C'est dingue qu'en France on n'en entend pas parler de ce tube et le clip est gnial !!!,1,0,3,5,0,24,0 2081,X2082,SHARECOMMENTLIKE AND SUBSCRIBE NEW SKITS COMING VERY SOON 1262 i love her i love them and this song ps check out my youtube show tjltv i love them and this song ps check out my youtube show tjltv i love them and this song ps check out my youtube show tjltv,7,14,2,24,0,21,0 2082,X3408,Umm I think you missed episode 20. I cant find it. Thanks For an oxford professor he is rather stupid... He should have taken out clover while she is trying to break it apart... They did it in the latest Winnie the Pooh movie. Ah good times good times STEVE!!! Silk Touch... Now you can mine exp forever... Why would they even release any of their prisoners... Most of them all committed crimes against humanity instilling fear into others and putting their lives in danger... -_- Just curious do you have bioshock two? You seem rather good at this game and since your walkthrough is commentary free something that is very rare I was hoping you did bioshock two. Can't find it at your channel. Please let me know if it is there. Thanks Dead island people really need to learn how to make a wrench like the one you have... Shouldn't you be doing more research? It helps greatly... The people sitting around should really have tried to mitigate the situation... Angry people seldom are able to think straight. Gold is very very weak one hit and it dents easily... Hans is seriously demented to want to build an army wearing gold... It is not airplane fumes it is due to him breaking the sound barrier It is funny that there is an actual chance he might say any of these in real life.... Those that take offense when they are called gay then to be gay... It ended? LOL as jamie is talking about how dangerous the slide can be at the corner there is an ad for worst case scenarios 10:45 since no one is doing it...2:5814:0024:0032:0039:57 Again...4:2613:3021:3629:2938:48 :) Enjoy2:5411:3817:5926:0030:55 In a nut shell PETA should just wipe out the entire human race for that is what will finally achieve their own dream. The way the economy work is that society is defined as consumers plus producers. Consumers are people with effective demand which means they have the wants and the purchasing power to fulfill that want. So if you take out government it is almost the same as discarding the poor from your society. The function of the government is to make sure everyone is taken care off. Granted it did not do a very good job but to take government totally out is to screw over the poor. While it is horrible that such a bomb is used the people in the blast radius will undergo spontaneous combustion there wont be the zombie-eque people that the video has... What is his name his acting is great! He will turn the minecraft world into our world 5:02 they kinda look like Justin Beiber... She forgot to leave a wound too... 00:44 Sanjeeb!!! He is in a music video :D Someone should really get the kid into hollywood... Do they get to keep the stuff toy? Money... Turn on the captions... :D Do one on animes! Watching tom is painful... Thank goodness... Now people wont waste their time and money at this dump...,34,2,6,5,0,32,0 2083,X2084,quando mi manca casa e il mare io ho la medicina Pino che mi accompagna da una vita con la sua musica guardo indietro e penso per dio sono cresciuto insieme a lui . I wonder. When human bean will experience the music we had from the late 70 to the 1990!!!!!probably never again Bryan to add on the list of the great artist of the 80's,3,1,5,5,0,50,0 2084,X2085,lol why nigger?! u dont even know if he/she is black....fucking moron!! lol one of the realest songs ive ever heard! such a tragic story sung straight from the heart. im amazed he could even get through it!? nuff respect from england bro.... this song is probably my favourite stevie track! everything from the horns to the percussion is relentlessly sick! a true masterclass in music... not normally a fan of this double/treble time rhyme scheming but gotta say shotty killed this with some sick content and wordplay the mans killin df and more than holding his own on the international scene at the moment and u gotta respect that one of the best about at the moment.....p.s shotty vs tony d all fuckin day!? clear bodybag for caustic jeff did ok....but caustic bodybagged the fuck outa this one! they can both be proud of this one! youthoracle was his standard sick self but jai 90 came better than ive seen him come yet! could have gone to either as everybody said but yo was a deserved winner....great battle!! haha this song is tooo fuckin real man the whole dynamic with dh is sick and bolic murders it...REAL hip hop right here.. SING IT GIRL!! great voice and still only 12!?. imo one of the most powerfull songs ever written and was sceptical as to how a young girl could pull this off......i sit corrected!! haha wish her all the luck in the world... imo opinion that decision was as wrong as mw's leggings!!! hahahahaha thx bro pretty pointless statement but felt like ranting!! haha haha should b sick bet ya 20 quid ars pulls out that played out bet-eurgh rap-eurgh than you scheme... cruger 1 and 2 and madness had 3.....that was the worst decision since the oj trial!...smh shuffle t reminds me of gris but imo quite a bit better better delivery and more relevant bars liquid was standardly sick and in all honesty i preffered his content in this 1 not to take anythin away from shuffle tho as he did kill it....p.s theres more comments about villun than the battle?! try giving more respect to the said rappers you bunch of fuckin bitches!?!!! favourite sizzle track of all time for me fire bun dem rude boy..... from the looks of things ark stepped his game up for this 1 lets see i f the rest of his bars are watchable!?.. and u think a planet of predominantly white human beings is gonna be less of a corrupt shambolic shit hole than it is do you?! even if you say is true who gives a flying fuck?! haha typical ramson filth!! have'nt seen this afro samurai episode b4..... fuckin sick thanks for uploadin... well said wtf with the cute animals already...more krokodil and warlord cannibalism please vice!!!!! without seeing the hole cards you cant follow the! for the souls anguished love and the moment my brothers programme these drums boom boom hamdulillah we put the truth ta the test proof that we blessed students of this music at best it them bars and the drop is subtle but sick!!!...great track!. imo this battle was bullshit didnt care about that twitter stuff coz this aint a mother fuckin tv soap!!?! just fuckin rap some shit!. i didnt think either were on point for this 1 and to be honest i felt it was a let down... in every way this is gorgeous....real talent dignity and class at its best. ill club!! for me def narrowly had the first tony d smashed him in the second and then bodied him in the third looking forward to shotty give tony that work in june!!...,26,6,4,5,0,28,1 2085,X2086,what do you mean You are amazing!! :) i was just doing that if you wanted to know! And thank you! Bake something with pewdiepie!! Whoops. I forgot to say to clap before you pick it up to the side! i mean smart alek,6,29,3,102,0,35,0 2086,X2087,i think it was why didnt you use your machine gun or smth I like your music please make more ^^ vote 1 should have more views than this i would say fuck you then slam the door as hard as possible and lock it and if thats not the parent i will flip the whole house up why does she hate energy drink so much? its Brodish language man Brodish IT WAS THE POWER OF THE BROARMY DEFY LOGIC Brofist From Malaysia Singapore! They should really do this more often leave them alone niki and john and pvp are different peopledont be such an ass nice music what is it called? they should get 2 girls 6 male much more fair y u no call pewdie did sheldon notice leonard is sitting on his sit? shes a goddess holy shet AMMO HAX LOL he can defuse a bomb fuck you dont be jelly pewdie rox u son of a barrel,19,1,3,5,0,21,0 2087,X2088,Can you tell if they a jack rabbit moderate or marathon just by looking at them? Im not real :p Im a rookie and I'm not as stupid as these fuckers Wtf only 18 likes Fucking ppl that hate on da raza is cuz they scared of us REAL TALK ESES Epic track Stupid dj Dat guys teeth r fucked up,8,3,4,13,0,22,0 2088,X2089,I know y he can do this Hes no human Ther laging thats y better then me iknow right but remember me killed 100000000000000's ..... no ur ricky lol thats a fail not nasty lol All about xbox 360 All about xbox to then walking is a sport at the end hes like fuck that rune scape is way better im Esirawesome!!!!! back to the good part lol on me by bad No from wisconson NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Just got mind fucked !!!! who eles watch the whole thing cuse i did thumbs up if Beethoven won,19,0,2,5,0,25,0 2089,X2090,his clothing style is like bruno mars :D du lappen julien gibt selber zu dass er kein rapper ist also klappe du wrdest auch nicht gegen klitschko im boxen gewinnen. my first one was 2003 with this david guy on the front i was soo happy when i got this for christmas :DD wow thanks for this song!! *_____________*,4,9,5,1,0,29,0 2090,X2091,I love it 33333333 omg you are amazing you are so adorable c: I love your laugh you are yo daddy's child (: lol yall was both blessed I love you girl but you could've chose a different song :o cause that's my ish you like ... idk .. O.o is that Damarinda? lol I love it 333 yeaasuuuhhhh this song (: I love it! lmao @ the comment below he's so gay :P lol I love it 33 I love this ^-^ your voice is beautiful I love this song 3,13,5,4,5,0,19,0 2091,X2092,da singt meine katze ja noch besser wiefieljahreald bist du how old arwyou Nimm einen anderen song wie (Rolling in the Deep) verry good oh i love you kid das mdel das dass in echt singt viel besser also mach das doch nicht das ist voll scheie fr das andere mdel this is so so good you singing wondervoull s voll geil you singing so fantastic and you pretty so good Perfect Was ist das fur ne ******* ich mchte mir die ganze zeit don't think about me anhren aber immer kommt diese ******* as much years old you are you full pretty and your voice is beautiful Meinten Sie: und deine stimme ist wunderschnGeben Sie Text oder eine Website-Adresse ein oder lassen Sie ein Dokument bersetzen.AbbrechenDeutschAlbanischEnglischAlphayou're full of sweet and your voice is full of beautiful der ist voll s sie ist total nidlich und hat ne geile stimme und sieht gut aus die ist ein gesammt paket geeeeeeil ich liebe die songs von jb deine mutter ist ja nicht tod Ein daumen hoch DEINE STIMME IST ECHT TOLL LASS DICH NICHT RUNTER MACHEN DENK DRAN SUPER GEMACHT du kannst voll gut gitarre spielen I love this voice daniele war der beste von dsds ich wollte nur das er gewinnt und dann gewinnt luca :( bei dieseeem lied bekomme ich voll gnze hautsorry wegen der rechtschreiben armgebrochen und mehrmals vertippt,29,1,3,5,0,14,0 2092,X2093,noo me gusta para nada esta cansion y amas el chavo ke la canta es reketefeeo meencantaaa engo floww el meejorr g4life 3 iss really good for a 9 years old 3 mass floww noo puuedee tenerr 3 dalee duro papiii a lala lala long 3 bobb iss the beessst TeMaZo!!*_* ALOY el puto amo Este man es la reostia! 3 Fuma weed! 3 DaLE MAMASHIttA C0N tt ttACAttA DALE MAMASHIttA ttACAtta! 3 porrffaavorrrr qquee mierda musica s esta?? Escuchar un rato engo flow que os ase falta! ;) P0RttA EL PUtt0 AM0! 3 L0l! 3 0h my good is AMAZING! 3 ME ENCANttA!*_______________* MENUDO ttEMIttHA!,14,0,3,5,0,28,0 2093,X2094,"iTS FUNNY BUT NOT THE BEST IVE SEEN Justin beiber does NOT love her!!!!Also off topic her real voice not in the studio sucks. U know what guys? She's just a 16-17 year old girl who's living her dream. You would sing the same thing if the company said to. And it's true! So shut ur mouths! Enjoy ur lives not hate hers. She dosent go around saying ,Oh i hate Crazycookies1123. I also hate 1995juliet's life becauseshe sings true stuff, So lay off! This is so sad. But it's true Everyone is cryinn over This? So she's thinkin about Chris! So what. Its her life. You did really good. Make more like this. Also can you subscribe to my videos? My name id Msbunzi. Thanks. =) 1.take a deep breath2.think of someone u F10 5 times4.send this to 5 youtube videos5.look at your backround 1.take a deep breath2.think of someone u F10 5 times4.send this to 5 youtube videos5.look at your backround 1.take a deep breath2.think of someone u F10 5 times4.send this to 5 youtube videos5.look at your backround 1.take a deep breath2.think of someone u F10 5 times4.send this to 5 youtube videos5.look at your backround Why would u pay $50 for his fone #. Its 404-665-3410. No joke. and im not lieing. :P stephen sounds better no offense to justin yah it would be funny. :P that us soo cute !!XD i have a 4 yr old beagle and daushund (both gyrls) i want to find them boyfrends and have puppies. urs r soooo cute!! they r very calm sometimes depending on the rabbit. they usually can stay outside of their coop or cage 10-15min before having to poop again and yu clean the cage 1-2 times a week. i think u should get 1. My rabbit is the same way! She loves Wheat Thins crackers and almost anything else my dad is eating that night. My dad spoils my bunny and she loves it! lol! she is turning 1 on March 30!! HAPPY B-DAY LUCKY!!! lol thats so funny i think mama died im a geek im a guy i almost died laving. lol Thxxxy IAmGeckadoriable. Workin on the next one :) i luv it!! great video!! that is just awesomer i believe i can fly i belive i can touch the skyall i wanted was a chicken wingand a burger from burger kinglol thats how my bro sings it :D i saw the same video of a lil boy...hmmmmm. but good :) yu can see at 0:44 they had to stop the vid bcuz he was laffin y the heck do yu ppl say he is DEAD???? he isnt. yu guys r just dumb with no lifes thx Olivia... did you like the movie? and yur part in this vid? awesome stories!!!!!",25,7,5,17,0,18,0 2094,X2095,this has been stuck in my head for the past three days and I cant get it out! Its like music crack! So addicting! Lincoln straight up! All of those moves were in party rock anthem Im gonna have nightmares about this video listen to this song with beats audio headphones on full blast! I have to say I was not expecting that at all. Now I will have dreams about deformed naked men trying to dance like aliens and succeeding at it. If this video was to make 17 year old girls cry. You have accomplished your goal. In every one of the Harlem shake videos someone is humping something,7,1,5,5,1,16,0 2095,X2096,annnd they are back love u blackboxx thank you joey for having the most amazing eyes hes cuter then justin beiber m and j this is so funny omggg its the real olgakayy i bow down in your presence blackbox brought me here i dont know why people thought it was cool to destroy these persons comments thumbs up 4 mee sooo unfair yeah she did some badd things but killing her laptop c'com thats a little too far HEYYY GUYS JUST TO LET YOU KNOW I JUST CAUGHT UP A FEW VIDEOS THAT I OWED YOU GUYS ENJOYYYYYY- LOVE THE MASTER OF ALL CHEEKYCUPCAKES okay going up noww!!!!!!!! your a butt he is no justin beiber he is better then that kidd anybody who watches this show knows what it means when cece put her glasses on man tis was a while ago your stupidd but i lovee youu joey graceffa he has his own youtube channel He snores funny I was watchin pretty little liars on netflix and i just cut to the end to see who a was very surprising -not gonna spoil- She sounds a little like her sister I hope that when i get older(im 13) that my friends and i will have a friendship like theirs. They always do fun things together !,20,5,3,17,0,23,0 2096,X2097,"Oh and ... The secret is .... He rips the dress off and in the cheast area is another dress and the dress falls as he rips it off..... lol Oh sorry lol this was just 2 years ago not what i meant yes...yes i am... because i dont check my mail :P lol and what i meant by in my first comment was...i missed the lights cuz i live in EAST EL PASO meaning i most definitely missed that ... so durrr listen this was retarded -.- so i saw this video and i went to the website... i told her she was ugly then she said i was ugly then i told her u cant even see me......then she said...thats what you think.....O.o Hahaha I showed my friend this and she goes ,is that diego?!?, me:yes friend: oh go Diego go (cuz she thought he was cute) i hate how she says gangnam style XP BABY DICK Lol I'm fat and I don't even like those things.... I eat more vegetables then any sweets ever.... What got me fat was hot Cheetos XD lol DO MORE!! That was beautiful!!!! Wow first one I've seen that's actually good!!",14,8,2,13,0,19,0 2097,X2098,RuPaul!!! Even though Viola killed the dog this scene is so hilarious... they're cute i want my hair like this really bad Gary Dourdan smh good God he is FINE!!! the girl with the blue dress on was talking all that mess. but when her friend got her ass beat she was just standing there I'm glad she got her ass beat,6,0,4,13,1,19,0 2098,X2099,I miss SABGC SO MUCHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You and your voice is beautiful (call me boo) Lol Yhu GottItt Lls!!!!!!Kill Moee There's a easy list for season 9-Julie-Falon TALENTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Love Your Vids Soooooo Much AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But im sorry that you got ripped off!!! I WOULD BE SO MAD!!! But you made him look super cute. Need her tale whooped My dog is crying A BOY THOUGH?!? AND 9 YEARS OLD?!?!?! DANG She Need Help No Shirt...................Hmmmmmmmm THANK YOU I HAVE BEEN WONDERING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does it cost to get her hair done? I dont see you with anything on your channel and tha twas so disrespectful I bet you couldn't do better :O Lls Can they cut the hair for you about an inch? PARTY FOUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I TOOK OUT CECILE'S CURLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS ALOT OF WORK TO GET IT STRAIGHT LIKE I WANTED SO DO NOT TAKE OUT HER CURLS!1 omg thank you soooo much is all off!!! I took out her curls and it wasn't looking to hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But if you really want to gret her hair straight you have to take a washing brush abnd use that to brush it out after you finish washing her hair. This will take her curls out and make her hair look glossy but straight. But you should get her though she is so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,23,2,2,4,1,16,0 2099,X2100,grimmy was better but greg is sooooo lmfa-ing sexy! who to pick? i know... both lol mwah! 3 lol exploitation answer to the mascara question opening ur muth relaxes ur face and it easier people can do it with their mouth closed but it usualyy messy : 3 how dumb is that MOFO?!?!?! she soooo arrogant and nieve show off your so stroooong steve!! bitch that guy is a truth tellingsickvulgar horrendousvile P.I.M.P money greedy f-ing mofo ohhhh that mofo is a real bitchin' scumbag-hoe! ooooh he is a fat ugly bitch go to its japanes sweets and stuuff its AWESOME slenderman! WTF OMG WHY IS SHE VLOG-DRIVING?!?!?!? eat while ur revising i absorb better then X-P lol wtf thats me!! MsElephanillafull,14,2,2,5,1,17,0 2100,X2101,"ahahahahahahaha That is good i was referring to the comments at the top Dude holy shit you need to get your head straight before you comment. eating a window XD Poor Mr Thorppe!!! 1:14 oh the scornn..... Ahhhhh a good old YouTube classic :) seriously? man all he was trying to say was you need to respect what you might think is bad just accept that some of us actually like his voice. Its fine to say your opinion and all but dont call songs ,utter bullshit, and certainly dont try and question the lyrics if you dont like the song in the first place. On reading when you posted the comment i now realise you have probably lost interest in the conversation and really dont give a shit..But im gonna press ,post, for the hell of it :) Peace oh wow this was such a good show...Was my childhood. aww thank you! I managed to track it down shortly after posting my comment but thank you anyway :) tis a gd song! AWWWWWWWW dey are so sweet . There is A LOT of capitols on this comment page..... just look at his face XD",13,6,4,36,0,14,0 2101,X2102,You're awesome :D This is actually pretty good! Good job! Omg paint it black :D Your so cute! And reeeeally pretty :) Haha omg im dieing. That thing made the weirdest noises,5,4,3,5,0,15,0 2102,X2103,sounds like my moms boyfriend -.- IM MEXICAN AND THEY TREAT ME LIKE ANYOTHER NORMAL PERSON IN SCHOOL THE DONT GIVE A SHIT WHAT RACE I AM....IM 13 AND I RESPECT EVRYONE NO MATTER WHAT RACE.. WE'ER ALL EQUAL Love this song333 im 13 and i wear a size 3 -.- there varsity jackets,5,3,3,5,0,21,0 2103,X2104,fuck yeahh bass found hashima island Austin is awesome Just get a case this nigga cutin me off How much was it dose this delete your contacts and apps,8,1,3,5,0,22,1 2104,X2105,"chris johnson ran for 2000 yards in the nfl with grown ass men. she ran for less against 9 year olds who don't even know what puberty is and can't tackle. now i may be over-reacting bc i'm a titans fan but let's be realistic here she'll grow up to be 5,6-5,7 she can't compete in college nfl and prolly not high school and then bsu won... the clothes were stupid the song is phenomenal. #typo. dude you need to chill the fuck out. and seriously lay off the capslock... was she supposed to be threatened by the bus driver bringing his grand-daughter on the bus? that dude aint need his grand-daughter to kick her ass he fuckin wiped the floor with her! nah g 50 ain't the student of anybody. he fuckin took shit to jay-z! he beefed with jay dmx and the wu tang clan. when you can diss the entire industry n get them made with a single you are the master. while he won't win it Braxton miller is the best player in the list. he and lee have the two best upsides. and how did wisconsin do against nebraska the rest of the game? i'm pretty suremonte ball was doing this all night. grow a dick you pussy. it's little bitches like you who take the fundamental fn of football out of the game. now if a corner so much as taps a receiver or a d-line man breathes on a qb it's a penalty. LOOK AT DAT DETERMINATION DOE! Were those next year's skis????? well shishio has also been burned alive so his muscles can't be what they use to be and i'm sure those bandages restrict his movement so the playing field is relatively equal. but of course that makes kenshin all the stronger when he prevails. this is that shit! you need to gestoppo making those jokes or someone is going to get fuehrerious! lol hopsin is good but can't chalk im up wit biggie and pac right now. maybe if he keeps risin steady like he is now but damn that's a big if. ...ok... (slowly backs away) this sounds like skrillex... click show previous comment for a long youtube comment adventure... damn this nigga dress like fucking RICK james... straight most uneducated porch monkey music ever so that's why i love it. he loses his head gear so much... well worth 4 minutes of my life. and of my life i mean programming class. this is why terrorists hate our freedom... we use it for the funnest shit. hahaha",23,6,4,5,0,15,1 2105,X2106,Enter message this is the best video ever! Hah :D lolz That's amazing you should be really proud of yourself and consider taking singing seriously They didn't do that good a version of shake it out,5,8,4,1,0,35,0 2106,X2107,"ummmmm are you listening to the song as i am?? cuz this shit makes me cry evertime i listen to it unlike 'i kissed a girl' they are both good songs i love katy....but this song has more emotion and im sure millions of other people agree with me i am easily 1000 of the views :) dam you britney for makin me want to dance!!!! IMPOSSIBLE! WHAT KIND OF SORCERY IS THIS?!! oh wait its skill :) when people argue on a song this beautiful i go to full sreen so im not tempted to look at that shit and become enraged. aww my fav part was the lil kid cant remember his name right now i in love him!! :D at 0:20 i thought ,we have tv dinners!!!, so i made it XD hmm i think ill make that dress :) or at least attempt to i know how you feel ;( if your willing to be that for a girl then any girl that doesn't want to be with you is crazy at first i thought dam that bitch snotty then towards the end i thought dam that bitch crazy! lucky -.- i decide to watch these at night......fuck -.- i love the 80's wish i lived through it If it was my last day... spend it with family and friends punch the people i hate in the face eat my ass off!! and tell that special someone how i feel :)",16,1,3,5,0,14,0 2107,X1108,no he wasn't I skipped this episode to get to the cat episode but paul u deleted it why u missed iron 0:44 what the flux capacity metere by the time i throw mt monkey bomb im down there all my favourite o look its july the 1st now why did u pack a punch the commando and not the ray gun but u had 4 diamond wen u made the pic u had 1 left over what did u do with that i just had an appifany the acronem of tower of power is top did u name it that because its at the top of a hill 1:34 CARRRRRRR!!!!! 0:36 and 0:56 break dancing enderman u said u would give sam a blue carpet u gave him yellow this is what happens when u cross the simpsons with Stewie Griffin where was raiden in the jungle the mighty jungle the ocelot sleeps tonight no that was sammy at 3:01 did any body see u could craft golden nuggets isnt sushi japaneese u said u wer gonna buy the helmat but u didnt u idiot! u should of said i dont have time for this do u u idiot u didnt get the reward idiot u had 106 messages why dint u fast travel to the grey beards u r an dick u passed master Borii hang on a minit is steve the girl or is the dog the girl coz i find it would make more sence if the wolf was the boy wat launguage is this some of these r the actual lyrics party creeper in the house tonight what about cats what was so scary about this,31,0,3,5,0,24,0 2108,X2109,hahaha gee ass song! ross be the mo fuckin boss ! hes so gee! i just wish he would get rid of that pubic hair on his face! lol yo your stuppid. STFU! i be shitten on my wack ass haters. they makin me famous! :) omfg!! papa roach is sooooooo sexyyy!!! ;) its so funny how people comment so much shit on here. yall all haters cuz diz nigguh got way more cash flow then you!! hahahahah it makes me laugh. you people are sooo ignorant! music dont have a race! wtf! im white and i love flocka! im white and i like reggeathon too. who gives a fuck! best rapper alive! ya bitches hate cuz hes white!! hahahaha eminem is the best rapper alive! akons a good singer 3 this song is sooooo raw!!! lol this white dude is sooo sick. you CANNOT diss eminem! hes so fucking gee! 3 lol bitch nick got NOTHINGGGGGG on eminem!! wtf? lol what! this song goes to kim not mariah! eminem is the shit so is 50! hahaha damn!!!! she pissed him off! lol oh well she cheated on him. wat a hoe. i loveeee eminem. thats hilarious! :) hahahahahaha...if some cops did that to me i would be soooo confusedd.... i wanna know how they did this? lol out of all the ones i saw this is the dumbest one. lol thats funny... i love this song but everytime i start singing it i go into the glee version and sing someone like you with it like if you do that :) i wanna see them in concert sooooo freakin badd :) this is the cuttest thing everr :) 3 i want your hat justin looks soo sexy WOOOW UR VOICE IS SOOO AMZING you have a good voice but i can barley hear you,27,2,3,5,0,39,0 2109,X2110,"i would go to that school. when ally says ,well you and i make great music together .. , in my head she goes on to say ,so just think about our babies, this is amazing! job well done tim!",3,59,4,16,0,15,0 2110,X2111,This is sad and hard to watch Their using these dogs like trash because all they go for is the cashnot the dogthis sickens me alot 1:20 CRAZY WOMAN OUT THERE! These babies are really adorable That guy in a purple suit is STUPID..I hate racist people I think that white racist should leave because seriously it's none of his business and he can't control us of what we areI'm Mexicanso I don't really care what ever is coming out of his mouth.,6,1,2,5,0,14,0 2111,X2112,GO DIE U HUMAN EATING SLOB/ MACHINE/ FATSO/ PS. PLEASE DONT GET MAD AND EAT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I BEG OF U DONT EAT MY FAMILY EITHER (EVEN THOUGH I KNOW U CNAT CONTROL UR STOMACH IF THATS STILL APART OF UUUUUU BITCH PLEASEEEEEE U CREEPER LIKE ERIC (MMMM GIRL LOOK AT THAT U FREAK/ MESSED UP) BTW. I KICKED A CAT THATS FUCKED UP IM NOT SOME LUNATIC WHO GOES BLAHHHHHHHHHHH LIKE U AND WHO HITS ON U UR UGLYYYYYYYY (EWWWWWW GROSS) she got views for her uglyness jeezzzzzzzzzzzz (HER FAULT FOR SHOWING HER FAT DISGRACEFUL FACE)BTW. I HATE UUUUUUUU :D IM NICEEEE A LITTLE WIDE AND SHE CANT BREATH U RETARD SHES A FREAKIN MONSTER U SUCK PLEAZE DONT SING :D MMMM GIRL SHE NEED MUCH MORE THAN THAT (SHES SHOULDNT EVEN BE FEED) BUT THEN SHE WILL EAT NORMAL HUMANS LIKE UUUUUUU AND MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SO RUNNNNNNNN U MUST BE DEAF FOR SIZZLE U MESSED UP UNITARD :D u must really be hideous if that thing looks even a bit normal to u REALLY ummmmm u WACK and UGLY MUAHAHAHAHAH GO DIEEEEEEEEEEEEE HOT ACCENT EVEN THOUGH UR UGLY r u thanking or trying to torture us and make us tone deaf jeezzzzzzzz worst thankyoueverrrrrrrr DISCRACE OF ONE DERICTION just learn how to sing like a guy and ur set what r u some creepy anime watcher oshomroni WTF im aladin mother fuckerr he definitly IS GAY,16,0,2,5,0,16,1 2112,X2113,"please doo it girl by jason deruloTHUMBS UP SO THEY CAN SEE GET WELL jason 3 omg stop bring justin bieber here IT'S CODY SIMPSON BITCHH you guys it in hbo if you wanna know (: 3 IF YOU HAVE COMCAST 3 AMMMAZING 3 am i the only one who inlove with yousefs laugh HELLA SEXY you say dude aLOT mohammed jordan! lol liked if you laughed! STOP BEING A BITCHeveryones beautiful 3 hey i sing even though i'm not very good at it let her do the fuck she wants too!don't let these bitches turn away from something you enjoy doingp.s you are beautiful in every single way~! (: thas right hunny you are beautiful no matter what they say no words can't hurt me nowyou are beautiful in every single way no words caN'T HURT YOU deshawnraw agent 0.0 lolol in the synonom of swog it said nigahiga 3 (: Christina and Amy own this one 33 you look like gigi from jersylicious Dani has been growing up soo fast! idk bout' that ,ham, stuff ya'll talkin' boutBUUUUUUT THIS GIRL GORRRRGEOUS! how he bout to say he does laundry when he wear the same shirt as supa hot alll the time no one does better than MUTE SPITTAH 3 lol she used graph paper face it if this wasn't cody simpson sister she get hate badlyANYWHOOOkony 2012 KONY 2012MAKE KONY FAMOUS SCROLL UP YOU PUSSY. lol that means she got wet.... get it now? I swear you're so dumb. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING?",26,0,4,1,0,111,0 2113,X2114,Aw she tried to use her brain. how old is shayna? :p i always wanted to know the answer :Dgreat series 3 plz plz plz reply! How did you get Jasmine's feet so real at 7:28? SOMETIMES they are spaghetti strap tops! i JUST discovered epic meal time and NOW I FRIGGIN LOVE THEM :D copier... XD jk happy spongebob finally got top comment :D I ordered it! cant wait to get it! Thanks for doing step by step mark You Are AWESOME :D I 3 Mark Me: UGH! I can't draw a perfect diagonal line like you mark! - redraw- UGH! Still not perfect! - redraw - and then repeat 77 times yepppers peppers :D No chiz theres rainbows :D! GW8 JOBZIES SAMARIA where u start? D:,11,7,2,17,0,14,0 2114,X2115,"yutalex8 IS AN SNSD FAN!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?! HE POSTED A MASH UP! SO WHY THE HECK ARE YOU TROLLING YUTALEX8? want proof go to his channel! the saranghea part mean snsd we love you i wasnt trying to be mean. sorry if it came across like that If you guys want to get this look here it is:top: fantasticfam(.)com its called bubble tea baby tank top in unisexpants: get them from chachimomma(.)com and its also $50 eachshoes: black vans. you can get these at a vans store or online. they have them at diff stores ms? or do you mean sm? just asking thats because SNSD didnt have much activity in 2012 they only had tts and that was a sub unit ahhhh!!!!!! yay SONES!!!! SNSD 3 pls dont tell me you hate yuri or SNSD :( thats bs i liked this guy. he said he liked me back. he led me on. he asked me out he said if i break up with her will you go out with me. i told him no because she was nice. i was naive then and i regret everything now. when he broke up with her he wen tout with one of my friends and because of that i ignored him and pretended he never existed....but i cant it feels like hes always with me i still see him at school and we pass by each other as if nothing happened and its breaking me little by little. i loooove your comment! lol thanks for that! The 1st song is ,Nobody, by wonder girls. they are a k-pop group i absolutely love your comment This made me cry. seeing the girls in this video and seeing how far they have gotten it made me realize how much more i loved them. all the awards they won how hard they work everyday and their amazing personalities. they have captured my heart from the start. they are my favorite girl group no other compares to them. they have introduced me to k-pop and i am forever in their debt. proud to be a SONE~!!!3",15,1,3,5,0,19,0 2115,X2116,That is my least favorite name ever please no. This was the most British thing ever. She is Sailor Chibi Belle!,3,0,4,5,0,21,0 2116,X2117,HOLY CRAP Jessie J looks amazing :O Yes please 3,2,1,4,5,0,21,0 2117,X2118,popcorn is delicious:) my dream date would be a fancy restaurant or the movies x nandoes with my friends x i have been loving simple face products:) hahahahah! this is hilarious! love monique!x soo glad your back!x omg!!you met Olivia!!!:0 xxx,7,197,4,5,0,19,0 2118,X2119,Downloaded it (: completed the levels in 3 stars Prodigy IS FUCKING CUTE AND CAN SING at 00:1 did she just trip? JADEN SMITH IS FUCKING HOT JADEN IS SO FUCKING HOT why is she the demie t when shes called demie p im nearly level6 its on level 1 Shut the fuck up. Mb has more talent in there little finger then you have in your whole body Prodigy is so smexiiiiiiiiii Ahhhh! at the end when she started singing call me maybe the viewers went down! Whats all the excitement about I want your body Mi backsideeeeeeeee My fucking ass Prodigys damn hot Im diagnosed with anorexia i weigh 21lb I weigh 21lbs and i will die if i dont die i weigh 21 pounds and my height 52 im anorexic No man. your a girl Love Drake 3 ha ha Thumbs up if you sounded terrible at Pictures of last night Lol Pine? Prodigy is soooooooooooooo Pine! xD THERE NOT 10!!!!!!!! AWWWW yup Its good but u need working on nope,28,0,3,1,0,25,0 2119,X2120,"31~33 me : O_o she didnt do it right.She wasnt supposed to eat them lol this song is actually really easy and if you do the b minor a different way its easy to switch to the f7 faster. he was saying ,im sorry i would never disrespect your mom, i sorta feel bad for him :( santas fake. -_- snorlax (you) cannot learn speak. i think she's actually getting waay betterpersonally.And you haters are probably losers covered in zits watching this video and calling her ugly..bro ! seriously ! go look in the mirror ! STOP SCROLLING.LOOK IN THE DAMN MIRROR NOW. BAYSIDE IS AMAZING i miss it soo much ! it really changed my life ~samantha m this for computah ? i sent him something months ago and he never replied :( soo fake wtf is with the music you don't have fans... she doesn't reall;y need to get noticed..she used to be really famous..she was just..forgotten.. :( idk..but he has eyeliner under his eyes and messed up teeth.. aha no your not ugllaay. 4:29 you missed though Oh my gosh..I Absolutely love this song and the fact that you are singing it.Live you heather ! -Sam Um..who are you to say your better then her? at least she knows at least 10% of the lyrics...",19,2,3,1,0,18,1 2120,X838,"what is the cord after A minor? I got G D and A minor....what was the fourth cord? I would still hit that....hubby or not! They were both about equal. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!! One guy just had a louder stack was all. And yes most was guitar tricks and trem crap! Now this was metal.....oh and you can pull your slipknot remark they rock! See em live 1st then dis em if ya can Gotta give it to ya....good lesson with tabs. Nice repeats to help people run through those hammers plucks and pulls Yeah since this is another cover to this page and lets see what ya got! Tune it up! I like where the tit sits...and she can play Great Movie. Will knocked it out the park! Ali was a great man! Troubled like us all and still stood proud! And yes I know what the song is about........... but I also know where the artist mind heart and soul live. Do you?LOVE Awesome band....listen to the rest of their stuff. Youll love it and suffer suffer......yeah! Great song! Great meaning! Seems like a day in my life! One of the best passed over bands ever! Im sorry he is dead. I really am. However He was drunk walking in the middle of the freeway. She shouldnt do anytime despite her condition. I love running! And no shes not the worst cook.....her books are dead on. Try and make 5 things. Youll see! I just test road this bike today. WOW!!! I am an old Harley guy with a lust for aftermarket pipes. I love this Victory but now I am in search for the right pipes to put on it before i jump in. I have to (HAVE TO) have that bad ass aftermarket sound and performance. So these sound pretty good from the video. Kinda have a Rinehart sound wouldnt ya say? Let me know....I am close to making the jump! Awesome Video....mine went very well......xcept......Broke the LCD doing the Digitizer replace......oooopppppppssss! O well now I get to do it all again! funny F.M. was now then and for all time will be one of the best voices to ever grace this shitty little planet!Love you Freddie......I will wait for time to play another song with you! I lost so many friends to this fucking goverment planted virus so many wonderful people. Losing Freddie was hard because his voice was perfect and I would have loved to of had more more more of it. But someday I too will pass and I know I'll get my chance to play a song with him. Luv ya F.M. Why do people (GOP's) and the like think that its Obama fault nothing got done? Repuplicans BLOCK EVERYTHING!!!! FACT!!!! Why oh god dam why doesnt Obama just state this in every speach for the 2nd run? Paul Ryan and Mitt keep saying....,are you better off, ? Then blame Obama. Obama didnt make this mess. BUSH DID!!! FACT!!! And the Retardagins BLOCK EVERYTHING he tries to do. FACT! Why do people (GOP's) and the like think that its Obama fault nothing got done? Repuplicans BLOCK EVERYTHING!!!! FACT!!!! Why oh god dam why doesnt Obama just state this in every speach for the 2nd run? Paul Ryan and Mitt keep saying....,are you better off, ? Then blame Obama. Obama didnt make this mess. BUSH DID!!! FACT!!! And the Retardagins BLOCK EVERYTHING he tries to do. FACT! Why do people (GOP's) and the like think that its Obama fault nothing got done? Repuplicans BLOCK EVERYTHING!!!! FACT!!!! Why oh god dam why doesnt Obama just state this in every speach for the 2nd run? Paul Ryan and Mitt keep saying....,are you better off, ? Then blame Obama. Obama didnt make this mess. BUSH DID!!! FACT!!! And the Retardagins BLOCK EVERYTHING he tries to do. FACT! Yeah and I think cops that make deals then dont back em up should be hung! Love LA GUNS!!! A true LA band!!! Too bad whoever shot this video couldnt hold still! Your killing it! But still pretty good. Thanx! Love LA Guns!!! A real LA band! Good video....kudos! *STILL sounds great! Phil and the guys sound great! La guns are the OG L.A. band!!!! Good for what it is! Marty is always the man! Great song! Hatebreed are not racist....fuck off out here with that shit....and I am rolling this show at HOB 2marow nite....o hell yeah! I ride in a real MC and still love this flippen show! RIP ope....even tho he is a fake person....lmao....Hey Greg Glad the world will now see what we see in you as a song writer! Hang on brother your ticket is about to X splode Thank god Sons Of A did one of G's song in a the world will know who GH is. Love u Greg! U are a true talent in this world. See u in SD CA He3y fuck all these haters. Good Job in posting a help vid Thaqnx to No Res you have another fan! If you felt ,awkward, if you think she was ,rambling, you didn't get it! ,LIFETIME AWARD, Means ,she gets to reflect,. She has earned it!! As well She is a collage grad and a VERY VERY VERY smart woman. What she said is the only way it needed to be said. Try oh please try to wrap your head around more than black and white. Try and see an orange sky in front of you. Best Song EVER!",40,0,3,5,0,42,0 2121,X2122,"rekni Na Crepera Prej ,Ty Salte dia Pry :D :D si BEST Jeichu :) Ja mam Minecraft ORIGINALKU :) Pls vemte Me mam skype i mikrak a Je mi 12 let a Mm Docela Hodne Zkuenost v Minecraftu Husty Skwor Nej !! Smrtka001100 :D Mm Rd Diamanty :D Pcovina Minecrafaku ty potrebujes holku . Klikani mi nevadi :D Rytmus..? SVATY CLOVEK !! JE TO KING OF POP N Krl..!! Ty Debile Budes nadavat jo? jako si to natoc Sam To video A Uvidis jak je to tezke ty KKTE... uuuuuuuu.Palce dolu lidi:. No Moc tam slyset nejsem.. :( Smrtka001100 Husty..:D No Domino :DSmrtka001100 xD OMG Pak Kdo je Blzen xxxDDD Ale GoooD :D :D :D :D xD :D :D To he COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Video xD XD :D :D :D Matej ten ho m dlouhatej xD :D :D Cool DI do prdele blbecku Nevadi Alem Jinak Good.:) [VIP]Smrtka001100 KURVA NATOC UZ CESTU DO KONCE NE ZADNE PICOVINY ! MattyB ?? Fail !",22,5,2,2,0,32,0 2122,X2123,"Thank you:) Dang hes good for being so good!! Lol i think everyone should check out my channel and videos let me know what you think good or bad;) ,subscribe, oh and also need more video ideas if u like! I love the message behind it because its so true! Noone knows who they really are because the government turns you into what they want you to be! We fed up! At the speed the plane is going wouldnt it make since for it to atleast come out oft the other side..? Fake Shit Thats amazing... Make you own songs and be famous! I love your voice! Where did that armbar come from?? Lol Its fake! Watch his body speed up... What kinda human can speed there body up while in the air? Gravity must not exist constamtly for this guy Shes fast as hell for a heavier person! Like Damn! I know this would be hard but why do a video if your not going to do your pushups right? Straighten your arms out i betcha cant I cant do it! Lol I bet hed break that guys arm if he really locked in the arm bar! They dont play! Does noone else get the true message behind this? Its time to give up all these bad things of the world that control your mind .. God is the way and so many people dont see it bc of all the negative temptations put in front of them! Lets spread Gods message our self guys! Hopsins basically famous and he is! I made the biggest mistake of my life leavingthe girl i love more then anything:/ i want to take it back i want to make it right but i need her trust most of all i need her.. who else noticed the all seeing eye inside the triangle at 2:16 @helaswag p",15,9,3,12,0,17,0 2123,X2124,,2,0,3,5,0,23,0 2124,X2125,wut an asss i fuckin hate the pigs i dont need someone to like my comment to go on i just have the balls to do it weed is fun your just on crack so its not fun for you any more :) and your not 12 your a bitter old person :),3,0,3,5,1,21,0 2125,X1947,its gonna be hard to hide my face but...who r u?*sigh* i'm a cupcake....:D LOL hhhhhhaaaaaahaahahahahahahaha great job but how do you walk around..? lol you look AMAZING and beautiful:) where is drake? sorry if it's personal.. Kyson Kaden and Lilia all look adorable and handsome/pretty!!you do too. hope you had a happy Halloween!!:)3 um.. is there a bucket? A LADLE. A FREAKIN' LADLE. LOL GLOZELL PLEASE. milk bread glozellthis is and actual question. What did that feel like? cause you looked like you were in a lot of pain but u didn't say why. anyone else know? or glozell?? you look so pretty:) and i think you are a great mom and its your decision not your viewers:P lol i think you're doing just great and all the kids are adorable! that's great:) hope all is well best wishes from down here in florida. obama won :P haha obama 2012!!! HORRIBLE SONG NO CREATIVITY omg so did i..... but i luv this movie!! 17. she was so good innocent here :(( God bless. hope all is well and things will be better soon. IT'S SO FREAKING ANNOYING!!! LOL I DON'T CARE WHAT THAT CREEPY WOMEN'S BABY DID I CAME TO SEE ELLEN!!!!!!! ;p hahaha thank you3 lol PLEASE. teach them their phsycho issues. fuck you loser brat. You're not always right. oh. and learn how to spell. shut up. this has nothing to do with that and she said nothing against it. stop picking on her.anyway Lilia is SO pretty and cute and smart!!3:D kyson and kaden are also SOOOOO cute and handome:) i just wish they would never grow up!! happy birthday! hope your wish to go back comes true:) the way they look at each other is so heart-warming. i don't care if they're are homosexual they are still amazing women and a great couple. been grinning ear to ear this whole time and just noticed:)3 sorry. can't talk. i have to go tell off all the people who disliked the video. ok so.. i've got my chainsaw nail polish.. and um... OH SHOOT! where's my SHOEHORN?! yup. its eyeshadow. 0:12 :) you're welcome I'm sorry. I understand where you are coming from. That's what I think sometimes but the Bible says to no matter what remain faithful in the Lord. If you deny Him in front of your friends He will deny you in front of His Father. Anyway that is actually an interesting question. I think I'll ask my teacher tomorrow in Bible class. I honestly don't know. thats what i would think too!!!!!!!! but remember they either drowned were killed by the force of the water or escaped. I don't think anyone would've stayed in there. then again i wasn't there so i have no idea. it means EXTREMELY ugly rude annoying horrible.. etc. omg i love that ride its awesome! how do you make these?! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA LMAO!! that was so funny! omg. Im literally laughing! BAHAHAHA!!!!:) oh my goodness! your voice is so beautiful and natural! you nailed it girll:) omg! when kyson popped the balloon the face he made was SO CUTE!!! love them and lilia!3,33,5,3,5,0,16,0 2126,X2127,"IT BURNS!!!!! i WAS going to become a videogame designer but now i just want to be a DJ ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER DO YOU SPEAK IT?! this is the first song ive listend to by this band and honestly i though it was some of that bullshit but this is good fucking music. LETS BRING BACK ELVIS!!! LOL 4:30 But you choke my game must be broken... it did not show me time or hints how i beat it without knowing what to do is beyond me. Put a belt to this kids ass. Wow.she must have a heart of something harder then stone ice i couldnt even resist at least petting that cat... 0:56 Drunk Twilight Cutest...Fucking...Giggle...EVER! You Sir Deserve a medal Diamond A diamond medal... Fucking genius Stop in the name of Celestia You have commited crimes to Ponyville and her ponies what have you say in your defence? SO he shoots a giant pillow with custard and the pillow blows the fuck up? That pillow must be filled with bombs. I agree. Not just a regular medal A Diamond medal. How Much? if you dont know this then allow me to tell you on the ,belly, of the claws there should be three symbols enhance view of the claw and study the symbols that should be the code HA! Fuck that i learned this shit on my own and then they come out with this and im like ,Wow Really?, if they have that sniper in multiplayer im going to get pissed If you think they are over rated then why are you here listening to the music and intruding on other peoples good times? You are a disgrace. Shut the hell up. WHAT THE FUCK?!",25,0,3,2,0,27,0 2127,X2128,Fumoasa mell! :) ..Ce ochi frum are mirela 3 =))))) SELENA GOMEZ :D...SEAMS MORE NATURAL CHE BELLA MERDA,4,1,3,5,0,15,0 2128,X2129,Drummer is sexy af Fag gamemakers Caught Thresh off guard with the muttations causing douchebag Cato to get a lucky chance in finishing him off. Thresh should have one it all. #teamThresh,2,1,4,5,0,29,0 2129,X3385,"lol at 2:29 the pig denies toby's request to live in his house XD hahaha shitty shooting at 0:57 XD lol only toby needs 6 attempts before success at the renaissance fair level XD lol they went to bed at 9 then 8 then 6 then 4 pm lol wtf 1:24 thumbs up if you saw the stalker XD dafuq did i just watch? Barack Obama plays mine craft Pause at 1:14 XD Barack Obama plays Minecraft Barack Obama plays Minecraft lol he's not racist he says? 3:05 WHERES JER???? you guys should get helicopters and try to destroy each others heli using only your propellors XD MOAR MOAR You dont know how disappointing it was coming home from school to not see a walking dead video.... now he just needs to learn to use f3 Rocky Balboa vs. Jackie Chan the logic in this episode is none now that toby understands charcoal now someone just needs to explain the concept of shift-clicking close your eyes and listen... SUPERFLAT SURVIVAL 2:50 pig in tree lol at first i thought it said their and i was like ,wow what a devoted fan, XD We all need to take a stand against violent people Okay let's start with you CopperCab.... Videogames kill people i just puked in my mouth you know youre life is at an all time low when you cry over a video game OH MY GOD THEY KILLED KENNY. YOU BASTARDS *Show comment x20* ,This comment no longer exists, GOD DAMMIT you see this series ending is the MAIN reason the world will end. without the minecraftian how will we survive? fake and gay",32,0,3,5,1,21,0 2130,X2131,Ohh ok butbcan u tell me the song? YOU TWAT OH GAWSH!!! I really miss u guys naow!!! :'( Just think about what they are going to investigate on the crash sight (just like in the movies) Dude don't swear and if you hate it don't watch it.,5,15,4,7,0,32,0 2131,X2132,"Lol it's only my opinion. (And most of you are going to comment that this opinion sucks) I play on hardcore mode im a beast No not really. One of the ,Show the comment, are deleted *Trollface Kill it before it lays eggs LOL!.Hahahah. Nice Comment ;) SirIt is ,Da fuq/ Da faq. And please don't right any swear please.I'm terribly sorry for any inconvenience.Thank you for your time. 0:49 Save and quit to title get pig companion mod now i'm set to defeat herobrine! Steve logic What song at end plz? Fuck you. I got sent here by RaywilliamJohnsonI think you wrote a comment. So I decided to check it out.! Not like your Youtube name. Dude. This guy is more popular then you. So dont talk about it.Go suck your own dick Australian F*ck hole*R.I.P English Just shut up . You are not even cool.Why don't you shut up. BITCH! no :P Hey man It's TheTysonz and EpicMe :DRemember Me?What is the IP to HappyCraft Fuckin hell. I muted my sound high on the headphones and on the beginning it scared the shit out of me D: ;_; Holy fuck what's the name of the song in the end please. I know it's a minecraft song but it has a catchy beat on it TELL ME AND WILL SUBSCRIBE Suck on my dick SteveCEPTION texture pack? Cannibalistic style. like if you've seen Hwnt's version of this Jesus Christ! we are nearly to 30000 views. Thank you all very much!~Ernest Matty B your a faggot",25,81,3,124,0,38,0 2132,X2133,JOHN BONHAM......There is no substitute. Tony is battling lymphoma and is missing some fingertips....and he STILL rages. Thank you Phish for the best weekend I've had since Superball!!!!!! Trey getting molested??? I don't get it...... I miss Jerry so much... Led Zeppelin brought me here...,6,31,2,49,0,38,0 2133,X2134,it keeps me strong in dark times. stay metal my brothers. i dont think that this is nirvana but this is a damn good song!!! kill those fucking copsrape their motherscut their kids wide openjust fucking kill them allthose motherfucking cocksuckers!!! die kanker tering reclame steeds van te voren als je een nummer wil luisteren!daar krijg ik nou echt de tyfus van! rock n roll baby. i think youre mother sucks to many nigger cocks. fuck 2012fuck people and fuck metal for life. how the hell can you NOT like this. youre a fucking piece of shit you motherless fucking cocksucking black ball licker pitbull is a fucking faggot he must die and rot in hell. 31 people that must be destroyed krijg de tyfus! godi miss those days! helmond de bruutste. I can't believe this game did'nt sold wellthis is one of the greatest games ever madeat least in my book. this ain't RAW. the real RAW hardcore rap died a long time ago. and that is really sad. the rap from these days is fucked up and i hate that crap. fuck that shit. hoodratzdas efxwu-tang clansupreme ntm that's what i call raw stuff not that fucking bullshit from these days. hardcore rap is DEAD. muffe schijt woute i like to shoot some pigs i hope he dies on cancer soon duisterrauw en diep. vette black metal good shit. the real stuff. oh yeah and by the way fuck you i can't wait for evil deadmanhurry the fuck up mr. Sam Raimi. it's a fucking shame that they haven't remaked evil dead yetand by the wayfuck this fake ass trailerdo think this is funny?wellit's notfuck you and goodbey. ha ha haaa that's a fuckin' good one newton Faulkner ha haaa. if you don't like steel pantheri will kick the living crap out of you and rape you're mom untill my dick is soft. for anybody who disrespects me:FUCK YOUSEE YOU IN HELLMOTHERFUCKING WORTHLESS SLIMESI'LL FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU'RE MOTHERS WHILE YOU ARE WATCHING AND CRY LIKE LITTLE MOTHERFUCKING BABYSFUCK YOUYOU HEAR MEFUCK YOUMOTHERFUCKERS!!! fuck beyoncefuck her in her black fucking ass i hate that fucking smiling cunting bitch i hope she will die soon.whore.,29,4,3,5,0,63,1 2134,X2135,Dude are you retarded ? Pas drle du tout. :) Entretenir la haine entre les gens de la sorte base sur un simple quiproquo c'est abject. Viens me chercher Galle emporte-moi au loin dans les tendues dsertiques de notre amour et faisons une tonne de lapin tout mignons et dociles. BORDEL C'EST NORME MERCI ! Very nice cover man I just loved it ! Salut tu peux m'envoyer l'install par MP stp ? Merci :) Omg I can't stand Resetti what a douchebag Snorlax Dafuq did I just watch Bastards deleted the original one Goodnight sweet prince Great job dude Je me demande ce qui est le plus drle : la vido ou les commentaires ... J'me tte. Merci Captain Obvious ! Moi qui pensait que y'avait du calcium et des omega 3 dans la clope. Putain hardcore. Wtf am I doing here Yoko is such a bitch.,18,1,3,1,1,19,0 2135,X2136,yes my xbox wont read my battlefield 3 disc but it reads perfectly at my friends house,2,27,5,37,0,15,0 2136,X1733,"any suggestions on how to sing the solo :( i have to do it in about a month and im worried. Hope you can help D: this... has helped absolutely nobody and its up to the bullied whether they are hurt I think people should learn that and yes people have the right to do to themselves what they want why? because it is their body their mind their choice and their mistake it may never be the right way but it is a way and those people chose it. People have no right to STOP them but they do have the right to talk to them and help. depression is the responsibility of the individual chronic deppression is chamical and mental. take care of one its temporary take care of both then you will be cured forever. Normal depression is when you can't accept that this is how it is and thats ok. We put meaning on things including the meaning to life. You create your meaning you create your life and you are responsible for 100% of your life and what happens in it. These are not scolding words but it means you are very powerful. I NEED SINGING LESSONS FROM THAT GUY O_O I liked it exept 4 accent :) im studying cuz i have solo too :P that was a weird way to do the solo O_o intersting though I might try it thanx :) the tempo was a bit fast for thesong -_- good voice for the soloist though We have actually finally provided evidence of the big bang. scientists have finally converted energy into matter black holes have infinite energy therefore infinite amounts of matter can be created and the bang is because created atom start compact because most of an atom is empty space then it expands and when they do that is what we call the bang it all came from a black hole and the black hole is a singularity it just happens due to existing physics. keep up with science ul b suprised. evolution was to happen sooner or later somewhere because time is infinite All things within the laws of physics are will happen in the infinite timespan of the universe never hate a race because of a generalization if you should complain instead do something indians are not bad some are just sick with certain aspects of their culture. Its really weird that nobody listens to the dalhi llama and actually takes his advice and uses it holy shit choose classic or pop not both idiot solist was pretty terrible they should have chosen a more classical singer who sang les with his nose. No offense my choir singing this too and we could do better job. We have a orchestra that hired us to do it :D i agree with jonaslover123222 and also holy shit dont bring religion into a song this beutiful it taints it :( its a spiritual song not a christian song dont get full of urselves NO NOT IN STACATTO DEATH TO THIS CHOIR AMAZING finally a choir that does it well exept that.... YOU THOUGHT IT WAS ABOUT CHRISTIAN BELIEFS XD. It is a spiritual song not christian just incase u were treating it that way yes they do look the same IDK if ur trolling but if your not then fuck off if your trolling do something useful with your life please. I dont care what the rest of the people say every religion has ridiculouse stories and the thing that makes religion amazing is that it has extremely useful phylosophies. I love what you have started and I hope you stick to the commitment of loving you had. sincerely an anonymouse atheist umm I commented good but this video makes me rethink it but not completely I would like to state that another dangerouse practice is preaching to those who live riteouse lives without the bible (yes that exists) so I would like to say that preaching about what you believe is right and wrong is good but that conversion was NEVER one of christs goals it was to simply teach of morals and love. Although I do not believe in him his philosophy lives on and must be interpreted correctly-an atheist God being good would not purposefully tempt us and I couldn't give a crap whether the bible says so or not the bible is not 100% factual (as proven by creationism and geology and evolution) Ok all I have to say is that this works if you want a fling but unfortunately men who are like that are the men who make a bad name for us. All you need is confidence and actually wanting to be their FRIEND not their lover but also having a sexual attraction so please identify the difference for your . TY :) this is a video I like to see I hate it when people say how to ,hit, on a girl because the kinds of relationships where the friend is taken out of girlfriend/boyfriend is pointless. TY for awsome video it makes me feel ok :P just wish i didn't have self esteem issues for sum reason I feel like we have more trouble finding dates than girls is that true? YAY MINECRAFT PLAYING GIRLS. A man's dream :D just to note I respect peoples personal opinions about sex but don't impose it on others there is no RIGHT view. Also kids seeing porn is only bad if they have not had previous education on the subject. Teaching people about it first is important but they don't lose what they learn first so just don't treat it like a taboo. Please stop trying to delete porn from the world when you can simply improve it to a point where it is only beneficial HAHAHAHAHA THTS TOO FUNNY I LUV U MAN (no homo... kinda)((joke)) jst keep living how u are amazing atheist :) I LUVED THT JOKE CARRY ON umm I like being circumcized but you have a point I kinda wish I could have chosen. wow this was a teensy harsh but still hilariouse its funny because I liked this video O_O I would like you to talk about Bhudism(i spelled tht wrong) atheist experiance... only show better than this. no offense. I would like it if you would rethink your opinion about libertarians not because you are wrong or right but because I want you to ACTUALLY see both sides people who post on youtube about libertarianism usually have a different definition. I want to have a logical conversation about it with you too though because I always love to learn :). libertarians can be republican economically and liberal socially that is what I am and I think that it is an ok view. umm libertarians can be either left OR right it has nothing to do with socialist or not it is making people responsible for THEMSELVES. That is all it is nothing more and also socialism is such a fuzzy term its not even funny so dont go there he made a mistake by bringing up socialism. Im libertarian so I understand where he comes from. Umm I am kinda republican and even I hate Romney so im going libertarian because that is my actual party I hate both main parties sop fuck it libertarian party to the max. Luv u (no homo)",36,1,5,5,1,16,0 2137,X2138,!! Hey guys! :) Follow me on TWITTER: MUSICCOVERS98 GOT TO 500 SUBS! :) Thanks guys! Whoever didnt watch it heres my new cover! NEARLY 4000 VIEWS! :) Dont you worry Child cover coming out today! :) ;)),7,922,2,11,0,14,0 2138,X2139,"49 cent golden weenie. woah. REBECCA BLACK YOU ARE FORGIVEN Fwong is too cute daw3 x) She's a nymph. A tree nymph. I'm positive. she's cute :* jesus anthony you're perfect oMFGGG omfg anthony is aGOD lmfao ,I would've grabbed some Poland Springs, HUNTER JESUS literally crying; omfg Greg bb3 like heartbroken. I would buy this. Your idols aren't rude. I met 1D at a meet and greet in March and I adore them but they brushed us by. They're completely different bands look at the way they act and sing. Apoo LMFAO. abu. she should relax. like jesus this girl could take a hit or something.. Marina is simply gorgeous and her voice is lovely. WHICH ONE WHOREE marissa I miss you soso much. Why'd you leave me.. Maggie omfg you are so perfect wah well this is the music video technically they had to put the song over it. they do sing live I've been to 2 concerts met them at a meet and greet and I'm going to another concert next year lol. . . . Awkward moment when Ian is a prettier girl than you... omfg you guys are just TOOO much. Love you! (: Kreayshawn the dude from scary movie and what I like about you Andy Milonakis. I dig it pfft I'm watching this in 1000 AD on my iStone these homosexuals are perfect. *o* look at how far you've gotten Boobear c; you did it. and us fans are so proud of you. I think what this man is completely sane. I mean for her to do that thinking she could get away with it? pfft. honey facebook is no diary. What that man does for you he's your father. I'm 15 myself with my dad quite similar. He hunts as do I. If I did this man I'd be screwed. She is ignorant and way deserving. I respect my father though I always help him. this is so true I love it! I love how it's like kind of an exaggerated stereotype it makes it funny. people saying it's sexist need to chill though. I mean I'm a girl who does these like eat chips way too loud and then complains. But I never have computer or gaming troubles lmao. I love Legend of Zelda and I play nintendo emulators on my laptop. Most girls don't even know what a winRAR file is lmao. On the weird side of youtube yet again -__-",28,8,5,1,0,17,0 2139,X2140,Cocoa puffs! Cocoa puffs! Did I mention I love this vid I am not that into football but I'm so glad i watched it. This was HILARIOUS!!!!1 YESS SOMETHING FINALLY HAPPENED TO ORANGE! Now this looks useful! Are u a lefty? Lefties over here! Yes I had to read that little blurp. Congratulations to the both of you! :-) #imahashfag:(,9,1,3,8,0,22,0 2140,X2993,"your 'portal guns' are available from toys r us and stop copying Smosh Morons the puppy would have humanphobia from me....LET ME LOVE YOU!!!!!! You can put a C4 On AN R/C Car Vaas is the most awesome man of all time... Vaas is one badass Motherfucker! Vaas is one Badass Muthafucka! He was a voice actor in Shaun White Skateboarding As Francisco.... da fuq is wrong with you bach? 'No one found him that night' This is a nice video ... This is a nice fucking video Hey vaas you like my friend? i sent him with his family to your island :) Puppies * wow just type in a name then a spam after it really? kirby? You Sir/Mam missunderstood Life i thought it was about throwing rocks in the beach :( There is an option i don't have the game but i noticed there was a (i'll be watching the ladies) in the dialogue I always hated your videos ray now i have no idea what happened Slaughter.Valor.Eliminate.Raven The video has 3 dislikes.. HL3 CONFIRMED! Glad to see someone is caring for Arm pits :) I know i own the two major consoles but no PC But PC is destroying All consoles in gaming Dead? No He meant the setting an the gameplay of the game i agree that crysis 3 will need a very powerful computer to run it smooth Snake from MGS?Old guy but crawled through a fuckin' microwave :S ??? that's their friend the one vaas mentioned when he said ,do you want me to cut you up like i did your friend, in the very first cutscene of the game that is vaas giving Michael a lesson not to be romantic Are You using any special controller or the normal Ps3 Dualshock? make a video about what happened between you and the girl after the kiss FOR SCIENCE ! it's not available you can get it with the purchase of God Of War Ascension if you need something to clean your eyes google Eye Bleach Console gamer here not all of us are idiots ...",34,0,3,5,0,21,0 2141,X2142,love it :D average salary is 32000 nicce love it this is freaking amazing .. my bad i thought u were being serious that case it was funny lol xD u guys are awesome this is the best song ever 3 lol sound like kermit the frog :),7,27,4,22,0,19,0 2142,X2143,fabienne is beter. swagg. nice! ILOVEHIM. omg. how cute. 3 waauw ik vind haar echt een mooi meisje ! ze kan goed zingen. 1:18. LOVE THIS PART good ! wooowwww 0:56 is echt een mooie foto !!!!! HATERS SHUT UP.I love this song 333 WHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT MAN 1:49 woow ! so good ! NO SHUT THE FUCK OFF BITCH HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAAA U SUCK U SUCK PHAHAHAHAU SLUT PHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I HATE DANI.GRRRR i hate the lips of dani when she sings : 'oeeeeee'. your hair is ugly on this way * NOOOOOBS Ik mag jullie kleine kutkinderen niet.GET A LIFE,25,0,2,5,0,46,0 2143,X2144,I'm so glad that Junhyung sings! Rarely do we hear him sing! ^.^ I LOVE how much fun Hyunseung is having with this song ^^ he's just so carefree I LOVE it! (and him~!! ;P) What's the name of the show with Jay Park and some of the member from BEG? I know right! I like Youngwon better XD Eunhyuk you nasty oppa XD lol!It made me laugh when everyone was pointing out that he was smiling and I HAD to see for myself! Yonghwa is a fucking genius o.o no joke. Whoever his future wife is will be one lucky female. He'll probably serenade her everyday and write hits using her as his motive o.o I Love You Yonghwa!!~ . I LOVE Chanyeol's deep voice! . Haeri you little rocker! ;)and I Love how they're using the outdoor scenery~! It's very creative ^^Good job Music Core I love their chemistry and harmonization~ I'm proud of strong and independent Ivy has become especially with the MV and the's good :) Lol! Youngjae probably wants to kill Jongup now! XD There were more than these current members? Yonghwa making love to the mic . . . ;) Same here. I was wondering why everyone was like Busker Busker and I finally decided to check them out and now I'm hooked o.o kekeke Jinwoon is too buff for that dress! XD How these guys can restrain themselves amazes me o.o I wonder how he did it without laughing! XD Who is the guy that sings before Shin Dong Yup? He has a beautiful voice -__- Cool :) Pretty solid legit piece ^^ Lol the make-up artist is probably like damn it! Stay still you fanboy! XD Agreeing with everyone: heard it on Coach Carter and I think it was also on the movie 7 Pounds I died laughing! Peniel I LOVE YOU!!!!! And I wish they would have left his original tone :(,23,12,7,5,0,30,0 2144,X2145,2:45 funniest shit ever haha! ronnie kind of sounds like a fag. Lebron's headband is to on his forehead and d will looks creppy really the faces arent improved much but the feeling of the game is sick i think this games going to be bad ass! lebron's head band is to low? troll glasses subscribed. lol he looks like a lil chode What an excellent choice or words my friend. What ever happened to diego??He should fight Nick Diaz or Nate Diaz beware dont look down.numbers and shit. I'd fuck. LOL THIS IS AWESOME. i would freak the fuck out if i saw steve nash.absoultley love that dude lol why don't you talk to people? is that the best way to troll? like no lie 2 chains looks like a staight mop. go listen to justin bieber then fag. i agree. damn wiz eat some food my man! #skinny his best song by far keep it up justin got a new fan. you dick head hodge twins brought me here i like this dude too. TOOL Jeremy Lin! dude your a beast!! This is the shit Lollololololololol Lol the dentist Hell yeah this fight and Diaz and GSP will be worth paying for RiSe Tres- Sub I did it my mic echoes when I hear other people talk if I plug in and don't hear them talk it won't echo.,29,37,4,5,0,20,0 2145,X2146,imma snake thank you friend This looks like something from Modern Warfare 2 FUCK!!!!! His voice made me want to kill someone...... Paul Wall was in love with a stripper..... california on my dick! or his boobs how dare you kill siri google it! so you're addicted to masturbating... so youre having lady problems. why.. I want Halo 4 copy so i can be part of what my friends are talking about because im broke and stuff... ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!! Give that guy an xbox 360 copy!!!!!!HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAA so you can't get over your girlfriend.,17,0,3,5,1,71,0 2146,X2147,mine flew out my window into the road :D im so adding this to my collection yea me too not to hate on ps3 i like some games on that consul but ive always been a halo nerd since the beginning so i like xbox a little better i bet cupquake will win that challenge we need lyrics for this song,5,7,3,14,0,20,0 2147,X2148,This sin't romantic. it's about two stupid teenagers who fall in love in like a week(not possible) and then fake dead then kill themselves... That just made my day 3 we love you Jenna! Hope you feel better! such a cute video Justin Beiber should NEVER be president or Paris HIlton.,5,1,3,1,0,16,1 2148,X2149,you said bye 3 times! what the heck! :( thats so sad about your dog!! and i always wanted a cat but my landlord wouldn't let me once i tried to adopt a kitty named peaches didn't work :/ i loved the 1st one and the 4th one! omg my best friends name is Emily! like BEST friend. and danggg that's a long relationship! lol! and i know in Michigan school always starts the day after....labor day? idk it that one day at the end of August beginning of September some holidays seem the same to me haha. and you just got out of school? I been out since June 8th!!lol an i hope you don't have to get braces they seem like they suck. But glasses do to i think i look wayyy better without glasses but i get contacts next year! oh ok thanks! i 3 nicki minaj! ur awesome! :) great job! inspiring actually! :) lol change the thumbnail XD u seem like ur gonna cry... :( girraffe! (: batman vs iron manone direction vs AC DC,12,14,3,5,0,21,0 2150,X2151,"he went sweat... That's a little harsh. 2:19 I'll lay your shit out bare? WTF? Obvious troll is obvious. Did mouriniho say ,No, when KSI asked him was he the chosen one? I'm a beatles fan. I love nearly every one of their songs but I do like a lot of other artists. It's just there's a LOT of bad music nowadays (probably with the boom of music videos and internet and big companies squeezing money out of consumers) . I like skrillex and other artists like coldplay but I digress. All I'm saying is that a lot of Beatles fans like other kinds of music too and don't bash them. (unless they're shit and shouldn't be aloud on television) :) SORRY! Seems like it doesn't work! PLEASE don't dislike!Why wouldn't I? You clearly admitted the video was bullshit. I have a feeling that CiaranOBrien89 has a lot more subscribers now. Jealous because he can't afford an iPhone 5 That was such a good trick. Goodbye. Tis scruffy ;) Emenike is going to go up a lot in value now... Thanks Jim :') Wrong cup bud. When he was like ,If you are a new subscriber..., I was like ,ME!!!!, Yeah!You're awesome :P The end of the book was shit anyway... He watched the trailer... everybody cries when they watch the trailer... I live in an estate in IRELAND! and trick-or-treat is huge over here. the bad thing though is that if you do live in a condensed area (eg. an estate). you get people coming from miles out just to go trick-or-treating. I've seen people who have come from 15miles away just to get more sweets than they should. Another bad thing is that you get some b**tards coming to the estate just to cause mayhem (eg. Egg-throwing Fireworks etc.) So in my opinion Halloween is the most overrated holiday ever. It's now very common to hear people say 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well so fucking what. - Stephen Fry",20,53,3,5,0,16,0 2151,X2152,"trash I mean trish you stupid wow... I mean wow at one point Kentucky actually did... I think I like this guy not sure what the hell is going on... only in America. do you have kids? they like to learn and understand as best to their ability the world they live in: Science.Admitting that religion is man made would be a huge step for 90% of the population.,science is simple,? OK without Googling it can you give a clear definition of evolution? how about Entropy? he's a poser people from what I understand he's christian pretending to be an atheist pretending to be a christian or some shit like that. he's called using different names and Matt finally called him on it but he denied this of course. because I don't understand evolution I'm going to deny it.because I don't understand entropy I'm going to refer to the 2nd law of thermodynamics.because I don't understand child psychology I'm going to tell my children god thinks they suck ass.ignorance really is bliss can someone explain to me what the fuck Darwinism is? show me the bad Dora wasn't there with her backpack. I'm going to ask you a hypothetical question and pretend you actually said that and use it against you. do you know that for certain? I AM THAT I AM take that bitches. ufc free fights are shit they never play this format is shit the worst videos to watch on utube. if any of those kids were mine house arrest would be an unsafe environment. sure would be nice to let the man speak that's the same shit we get from them. At this point I have more respect for the theist. agreed...... the Iklwa would be a perfect weapon for smok'n zombies. fast versatile with a long double sided blade. it is a specialty weapon though. I would love to do something I think is unique with what I think is a unique game and have people complain about my annoying voice. paper thin...",18,0,3,5,0,37,0 2152,X2153,I love chainsawing girls. ..So your saying solo-healing Ultraxion Heroic.. Isn't skilled? I hope to god you're trolling. Otherwise your incredibly stupid. Just saying. This was probably my second track I ever listened to within Dubstep. First was Bass Cannon - Flux Pavilion. This make me want to shed manly tears. Best dubstep track I've -ever- heard. Makes me think of everything that is beautiful with this world. Love to you Blackmill from us all. We all love dat RNG. Deify 2012 Cata was purely only about gear. Gear and no skill. Braindeadly got R1's when skill actually was needed. GJ! Good job ScrubBusters! Good luck with Sha of Fear :) .. And you think Kripp out of all people is serious? No he's not. Easy shizzle Good luck. Rigg was a SSgt in the USMC. Amazing movie can't wait for part 2 next year! No they only get 25-man footage from Method and do 10man guides with their own guild. Ephixa made my day. 1 MOTHERFUCKING BILLION VIEWS SUCK ON THAT JUSTIN BIEBER! PSY FOR PRESIDENT! Send this to RayWilliamJohnson! He has legit WR's on Xtreme Jumps and they are carefully examined for hacks/illegal settings. So please just shut up. kayne is one of the better Kreedz'ers around nowadays. Oh shit. Pokemon met Metal Rock. Also calling both Tobuscus and PewDie shit? Grab the shotgun boys. Get your arses over to Sweden! Want to see you live totally loving the music you produce!TMB 3 IN IN IN IN IN IN IN! Thats what she said : Anyone can become like grizzLY. It's all about dedication. Practice enough and you're there. A rangymeeledeepz. Best class imo,23,2,2,5,0,16,0 2153,X2154,lmfao my squad's name is the Eagles too and our school name is george jenkins high school :) awwww you both are too cute.!!! will you be my Valentines please?? 3,2,8,3,1,0,19,0 2154,X2155,@JaiBoyTV holla @ me if u ever need a lil help ;) lol Damn dat boi is out of it haha Goin in ma favz 3 Dang u fly as hell Damn :s OMG lame bitch HAHAH :L ugly u mean :k racist pricks dats all u PPL r oh would you look at this i wont fit in it LMFAO love i,31,66,4,6,1,18,1 2155,X2156,We seen this shyt too me and my bestie I thought it was ICP not icon lmaorotfl this song hits me in my soul,3,0,4,5,0,27,0 2156,X1607,i was just like that when i took a car to the face i know thatd its a hobby but i chould not see spending thousands of dollars on airsoft how do you do it PLEASE REPLY i whould ride that O and the bike too shit got emo i almost cried by the poor acting of that girl at 1:38 that was the funniest one that was like Godzilla SAAAAN THE REASON ALL PEOPLE FROM AROUND THE WORLD WHANT TO LIVE IN THE USA THE GOVERMENT IS TAKING AWAY AND THIS REDOM OF SPEECH so is it bad for you or good for you i herd many difrent things from shows your forgeting the next upset Black Ops 2 sounds nice what type of pipes is that im 15 and have a suzuki intruder and whould like to say i get so much respect from riding a crusier than one of those death machine crouch rockets we did it no she did it u looked like a bitch how much water should put in the bottle shaker is this good for after workout dick in a box i phone i robot any resemblance do u have to feed these things think he took more than his meds so if there not emo do they cut there wrist or eat the neighbors dogs ya what is the top speed for one of these bikes never had a Ford never will grizzly my first was skoal straight was not a bright idea whats the deffrence between straight and natural do they still have Cope whiskey bled cause i have not seen it in a while i got kicked out for not whanting to empty out a water bottle cause i was drinking it is this normal tunning what was the first song that bike it the Tits i look up to this guy he gives up every thing for his family and the game i just whant you to know i dont care if people make vids making fun of you while working out ur doing the right thing that none of them people can do his swager level is over 9000!!!!!!!!! USC's best investment USC's best investment can you make a cd out of these songs 3:20 wiz khalifa is that a pump or co2 what pull back is that,39,4,4,5,0,21,0 2157,X2158,Love you. Gaga! :') You have a really good voice! Love the song and i would love for you to make new songs. Just WITHOUT AUTOTUNE because you have a great voice! Great!!!! You will go far in life! You have a real talent man you can do it! Come on CHEERS! :) Charlie you make my day every time i watch your funny videos i love how talented you are dressing up as other artists! :) quisiera saber que dice pauilina rubio cuando dice make love? que? no le entiendo mejor que ni trate de hablar en ingles por que no le queda y aparte no sabe pero las amo a las dos. She sucks but id still go for her instead of justin bieber. Love radio head. @MatthewBGaGa1 she is gay being Bisexual or having sex with a girl does make you gay so she is GAY DUMB ASS if you know her that much you should know that. Love her though. i wish i would of auditioned too and she sounds so good she truly has a beautiful voice! Super fake. looks the same as the iphone 4s I AGREE 100 PERCENT! with you all the songs she's been releasing have been so awesome!!!!!!!!! love her but she cannot be better than gaga ever omg everyone listen to STACHE from gaga!!!!! but omg i want this song aslso but more stache!!!!! LOVE HER! and this song is awesome fuck all the bitches saying shit! i agree i love taylor i love her more in the pop genre but also country at the same time but she's the queen of country and gaga is the queen of pop! :) do you go to a studio and record your cover songs or how? I AM REALLY IN LOVE WITH YOUR VOICE YOU SHOULD ALSO TRY SOME LADY GAGA SONGS SUCH AS EDGE OF GLORY AND YOU AND I!!!!!!!! Yo man so you made this song who is singing? Like it.... Lmao,18,2,7,1,1,19,0 2158,X2159,"YouTube lo baja a 30 fps. PC Best Graficst :D Hahaha a ok :D se pero por lo menos comento algo .... Buena! :D noams que .... pronto me la pelaras :D muy facil haha cualquiera lo peude hacer haha Espero que lo escuchen y saken sus conclusiones Hahah Saludos D 2 MUERTES 1 COLATERAL PUFF R.R la que aplico y me dicen hacker :D PAtrocinado por COCACOLA! En hora Buena chicos les traico un gameplay clasico pero bueno Escuchan los ,cliks, entre cada comentario cuando dice ,numero 1 2345 , Asi deveria de ser con fundamentos y no con gritos para que se queden callados Que Onda Subs! Rifare este diseno! ya saben Like y Favoritos! Benni! :D Esto yo ya lo vi con octosumer hace ya mas de 4 o 6 meses.. Muy Inestable el nexus.. i use this clips 4 my videogames xD one does not need to see it to know it's there so you think qeu headsets exist? NOBS NOBS NOBS Te reto a que subas un video con 2 Sprat Gunner! a ver si tan facil. o que se te hace chikito_? Me Encanta :D! QUE NO ! DIME DONDE CAMPIE! CABRON! No confundas campear con esconderse... Muy Buena S! se pierden el chiste r.r! PLAYOS!! GAYS! xD I hope that the Xbox 720 can play with keyboard and mause: D! xD I AM PROMETANWALLHACK! :D para eso le tienes que poner un scrip :S Claro! Cuando tenga tiempo para hacerlo are otro tipo de tutorial. Oops! An unexpected error (380) has occurred.",29,33,4,47,1,19,0 2159,X2160,Nichole you are absolutely beautiful! Keep singing! Don't listen to haters they will always hate! You are amazing!!! This is awesome! I love you Nichole! keep singing and don't listen to these hateful people. They are just jealous that you love yourself and they hate themselves. Hufflepuff :) my favorite video yet..... God bless you :),5,0,3,5,0,19,0 2160,X1422,"Very incorrect. Troll-1Youtube Community-0 Some people believe that the winning country of the Olympics is the the group with the most gold medals which Canada had in the winter olympics. No you're wrong because its some imaginary weed kyle invented. Grammys are for musical performances... How is that awkward Everybody has. You're completely wrong. This series IS about the game and will be like it. These beginning episodes are showing the backstory BEFORE the tournament and the later episodes will show the tournament. It's not like they'd just start the series right at the beginning of the tournament. Probably because you started skating maybe a year or two ago so you have no idea how to do any grinds or even the terminology of them. And all you like is guys throwing tricks down big stairs. LIKE andrew. Now when Terry does something like nollie noseblunt or a fakie overcrook you wouldn't even be able to say what those look like without going to wikipedia. Do you even know what DXM is? 360 flip Overcrook? What the fuck is a double shuvit Fuck no I do not believe you. Dude. Look at your fucking videos. Salads would be pointing opposite from him. This is a suski. Lol. Thats Pretty much the definition of a 270. I don't think It was crooks.. But I jumped out of my seat when I saw it though I'm just saying there's a reason Pros are Pros. Message me. I'm sick of flakers. Troll-1Youtube Community-0 You fucking idiot You can tell that Joe is so awkward with girls Or maybe they're just showing the clips to show that he was doing difficult tricks and that he was frustrated. How the fuck is he so steezy with his hands? Obviously he did if he thought she was pregnant. Where does that kid at 0:06 come from? You know that was just a rumor right? Hes not actually autistic. SInce Slims are NS they have the same inserts as Trinitys and other NS models. That gap is actually so sick. That wasn't anywhere near the size of the hubba at street league. Battle commanders are for pro skaters. I swear that was a front nose Its because skaters and filmers aren't supposed to react after a trick as it would ruin the flow of a video part. SO they let him roll away before they react. This song is just tech n9ne's version of Common's ,I used to love H.E.R.,. Commons is so much better than this.",36,7,4,6,0,20,0 2161,X2162,Guy: good girlMishka: iiiiiiiiii KNOWWWWWW !!!! hahah wie heit der song??? sacha pls ruf mi an!!! hahah xD nottt good!!! sweet!!! :D,5,0,3,5,0,19,0 2162,X2163,Finally~ Music Bank in Jakarta!2PM. BEAST. INFINITE. SJ. SISTAR. SHINEE. TEEN TOP. ERU.Most of them are my favorite! 33thanks for Marygops Studios Asia Top Ent etc who would bring them here =] daebak! the fanchants was damn loud! and Gyuri umma's performance was awesome! ** omoooo! I just watched this mv and surprised that Geonil as the model here .maknae Jjing and G is so cute here 3 kekeke uri maknae DW's smile at 00:58..... johaaaa =] LOL at Sandeul~ He never fail to make me laugh xD oww.. your own song. Naega joha =]Coco accompany Sungha while he played the guitar kkkk 3 ROFLMAO KYU!! OMG =)))))),7,1,3,5,0,16,0 2163,X2164,"This song really hits home This movie is really stupid. But that's just my opinion. Seen these guys in concert pretty kick ass I love how the ,special juice, is mountain dew and red bull. Sully Erna is hands down sexiest guy ever. Sully Erna is soooo sexy!!! Especialy in this video! POD is a good band. But not the best band to see live. The wiggles are creepy looking. Oh I wanna steal your heart and eat your brains 3 I was very close to you. I can hear myself screaming haha After this video I started calling my friend Branden Win Win ^_^ Wait... She has a friend named Farzine? o.O My cousin morgan... we run this channel together",13,5,4,29,0,29,0 2164,X2165,You should do more hair tutorials :) Omgg jenny so many nailpolishes! Love love ! Love your hair 3 and your so prettyyy! Omg your hair is so amazing! What did u do to make it grow?m Can you do more hair curling turtorials :)? Do more* I thought my hair looked bad ... Hella cute! Can you do an updated hair tutorial Youll look alike! Lol and dont listen to these ppl! Damn shes just liitttle no need to bully-.- Hair tutoriall!!!! I love this!!!! I have shorted hair and its layered like alot! And i was able to do it! Thanks so much for this tutorial! Yeah~ you is tryin to hard to be some one u aint. Ha. Ha. Nobody was talking to you? Yea stay out of this . Ha idgaf ? What flat iron are you using? Loving those curls girl! Haha Hair tutorial!!! Esta chingon el corrido You should try organic coconut oil ive been using it and my acne has been clearing up it does not clog pores it helps with acne and its amaizing for your skin hair and also when taken inturnally you should reseach it! Its 4th gen tho? I updated my ipod 4 and it has pass book now,19,0,3,5,0,21,0 2165,X2166,ist auf Facebook ;) danke Why is he giving her that look?I'mma Rape you!And i'mma kill you like wooorI love that part! Carley: Our Group is smallLee: You're smallWTF?! 0:06 anyone ever noticed that they lay the boy that got eaten in the woods instead of the teacher on the car. Later on theres the teacher laying on the car! i thought it was funny that Pewdie hated Duck so much. But now i hate it that he WILLdie Ending Song?? DENIED DOUBLE TRIPPLE (Zombie pulls instentine out) NIPPLESUCKING hahahahhaa hrt sich jetzt zwar komisch an aber wenn man so nen Fiddle mit diesem Skin im gegnerischen Team hat und ihr macht sonen berraschungsangriff wie bei den 30 min erschrickt man bei hoher Lautstrke dann nicht wenn da pltzlich diese Fiddle Ulti los geht? Die ist ja schon etwas... Naja laut neein ich meine damit wie ihr damit klar kommen knnt theres no door in there! That's what i meant kommt das nur mir so vor oder sieht die ganze Base bis zu den Inhibitoren verdammt riesig aus?!,11,0,3,5,0,13,0 2166,X2167,I lovee this song'3'JadenJustin'3 she's good :D omg you're just jalous... love it :) . love this song haha :D .,5,7,3,4,0,14,0 2167,X2168,Make more anti bullying vids #4 or #1 THANK YOU!! if i was in that i would scream bloody murder and win! jk I think that 1D was more popular as they grew this year but The Wanted deserved it too they both have a passion for music and work hard. u r rlly talented ur beautifl and uve come so far from wen i saw u singing te first time but i miss some of ur old videos can u do more bullying/autism awareness videos. Remembe tha i willl be here to support u and a lot of ppl will too. at first it didnt sound good but it got much better!! @lildancer47 i dont know but all the beauty gurus have used it. its rlly catchy i liked the country girl Taylor! Not the pop girl!! Well anyway taylor is very talented. Biebs zac efron..wieerrd............! u r looking more and more beautiful! Try less eyeliner and a light eye shadow. also use a darker lipstick!! soo cute Why does everybody think that violence and harshness is the answer!! i love it Shes so cutee!! shes realy talented and u both sound great together! /bullying videos i missthem so much,18,3,4,12,0,49,0 2168,X2169,lLlllll Very sorry to hear:( my condolences I Didn't Fucking touch his fucking dick You Fuck 360 tore shit up Penis It is shit you fuck face Haha thats awesome !! Next time throw it at them Ive subscribed so i can see if you've done it Please do it ! He Means he's got all the Gear ( Bike Trisuit ect. ) And he has no idea how to Transition aha Is the Dog Ok ? Im disgusted im fatter than you still,10,1,2,5,0,27,0 2169,X2170,Is this Jasmine V? Oh please skip the panter print on the side of your head it is getting annoying I like her makeup in this video so much i love cher's hair You guys say we should be more convident but video's like this make us even more insecure 5:23 best song ever can you do a cover of Catch Me? justin bieber? maybe this will change your mind: watch?v=-9MpO2TzUEU at 0:50 and watch?v=tbEniex3n_Alist=FLfe4LEZcLeXCpaZgwXvnhvAindex=20 makes me think of justin bieber's song Can't Live Without You what song is this??? please tell me i've ben wanting to know it for a very long time tumblr boys are guys that have a lot of followers on tumblr because of their pictures tumblr boys are really really cute and handsome you can look it up and you''ll see what i mean,11,6,3,5,0,22,0 2170,X427,"The symbol is the Egyptian Eye of Horus or many people incorrectly say eye of Ra Im sorry but the mp40 was far more accurate than the thompson and M3 grease gun combined Barely decent MP40 are you joking me? the best sub-machinegun in the war and for years to come Attention getter annoying? Shes not the one who replies to every viral video on Earth. And about the attention getter she doesnt tag viral videos to get more views as if anyone would watch if you if you didnt do it. The button you found is the pocket button to a heer soldiers coat the soil had all the shit scared out of it hahahaha :p thats a really bad pun Well played lol this creepy pasta sounds like an illuminati theory You own Canada...? maybe you guys wouldnt be 16+ trillion in debt if they did. And I hate that the Americans think theyre so good cause they can join in the latter half of the world wars and soak up all the glory they can Did he watch twilight for instructions on throwing that pitch LOL. it looks like he did a better high kick than a pitch And your so much funnier? I doubt it i'm pretty sure your either have no sense of humor your really jealous or your one of the replygirl's alts. Another thing about the weeping bell card is that its a carnivorous plant pokemon in the pokedex and its staring it the bird and its mouth waters I hope they include motor cycles or cars to make travelling faster and I completely agree with his arguments I think it would be awesome if they made the game with kind of animal or vehicle mounts more joinable factions more intense battles with maybe a cover system better sound effects and better explosions and muzzle flare If the man that lay in those graves been as weak as those men desecrating their resting places these men would all be in unpaid forced labour at the hand of the Nazis. Now wouldn't that be a shame. Maybe they'd be more respectful if we didn't fight bravely in North Africa Actually like what I said to hellom was that the Nazi party would never have been formed had the Germans not have to pay over 1-billion marks to France and Britain. AUSTRIA STARTED WW1 NOT GERMANY but germany had to pay I hate this how this guy is so defensive. She said that she was raised in a way in which her family did not support it not that she was against it. and she said that other states should legalize same-sex marriage + you cant oppose someone a question. I love how he makes a mistake while talking about half a brain. If he was expecting people to have brains why would he go to a pageant? I also hate how some uber-defensive gays make it seem like normal marriage is some dumb shit that sholdnt happen lol I love that 10 year old swearing all the time lol he said if this no prestiger gets ahead of me omg and i was like if this grammar-er graduates middle school omg Activists? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDThats hilarious i completely ROFL'D activists work for a noble cause. Why would we give in? just surrender and not be fined. P.S. have fun spending 1 million plus hours hacking us all lol You think your uncle is going to let you use that software for such a petty cause he could be fired in an instant This kid thinks 100 ,skilled hackers, can take down an organization 20+ strong good luck kid its not like it will help This guy sounds like the majority of the female teen population of the U.S. first of all each state deciding for themselves is a dictatorship for a law to pass it has to be approved by multiple different party's a state cant arbitrarily make a policy furthermore you cant oppose one a question he speaks like one too. It's not a bad answer. you could ask all the signers of the declaration of independence and they would give a far more offensive answer I doubt alot of this XD No one here is arguing that slave labor is an American fundamental. No need to bring up unmentioned and fairly unrelated topics which could start an argument This looks fresh and new unlike the COD4 DLC we have been getting from infinity ward for the past few years. The MW series was great but nothing was the same as COD4 except for new guns campaign and bug fixes. Black ops and black ops 2 are original The thompson was not a very good weapon during WWII it was good when it was made around the 1920's the BAR was good when it was made in the 1910's and the Browning1919 (still in sevice with the US) was a good weapon in 1919 but the US uses to many old weapons for them to be called good And honestly what backing do you have to say that is typical Canadian behavior? how many Canadians have you seen that have made similar comments. Have you or is it an invalid argument I brought up earlier? Your full of shit the main story line takes 40+plus hours never mind the other quests. Bethesda is a word look it up. Saga is a word SEGA is a company. Nintendo didnt make Bethesda Bethesda has been making games for years and years. He thinks COD is good and innovative. YOU IDIOT THEY ARE SELLING YOU THE SAME GAME EVERY YEAR WITH A COUPLE NEW GUNS AND THEY CONTINUE THE CAMPAIGN WITH BUG FIXES. there really isnt much new to call of duty Why would you buy a game for XBOX when you have a PS3 you are a complete troll you probably like every game you say you dont Having worked in the Can Healthcare system I assure you The Canadian Healthcare system is just as or more effective America's but is free",30,0,3,5,0,21,0 2171,X2172,darth sidious is a belieber..........???? your soo cute lol aw shit im in that strange part of youtube again............ can i get them cool greys... :) ocho that hoe lml..... i was slightly disapointed............ This isn't ray...... Is it just me seeing shit but does ryan hav a wedding ring on _ do people like you do that to feel good about yourselves? i bet your some arrogant little 14 year old that thinks there all cool on the computer because we can't see your face. I luv drake 3 Guess who's back? Back again? Ray is back!!! Tell a friend IM FAILIN MATH :) do u hate ur girlfriend....??? @kelseylove14 this song is the shit !!!!! @jaylover91 I noticed....... Fuck u to all my drake haters drake is the fuckin SHIT!!! Fuck one direction-_- this is 90's music right here Born in 99. Just discovering great music Ily drake 3 How I wish I was born in the early 90's #realshit Write a song about her and get ALL of ur suscribers to facebook nd twitter it to her :) I only watched this to hear the song...... te amo romeo 3333 :) paused at 5:45 googled stupid brain syndrome lol,25,1,3,1,0,16,0 2172,X2173,I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY i love your voice You guys were amazing! do you love me ??? Cause i do. I CANT ASDFGHJKL SOME ONE HOLLD MEE This is flawless I FUCKING CANT THIS VIDEO DESERVES AN AWARD @Beausbittch :) 3 DM ME BABYYY,9,6,4,1,0,19,0 2173,X2174,kren banget (: GBU. Jesus died for us and now we live for Him! :) Niall are the best. friggin gentlemen in the world. This is really nice (: you're adorablee!!! LIKE IF LIAM SENT YOU HERE! :) 0:20-0:22! LIAM LIT HIS HAND ON FIRE :O woah Liam. Niall bby if you're a dentist i'd go to your clinic everyday sick or not. ohh goosebumps. beautiful voice! you got talent there! just keep diggin'em and be more confident! xo Perrie why u so beautiful. OHMYGOD CHER YOU'RE SO PRETTY. I WANNA BE CHEEESE. she's gorg the girl on that Justin or... My school is doing this for the year's school play. woo Does anyone know the song that started playing on 2:10?x LIAM'S BEATBOX. 2:35-2:42 why is her voice so different?/: NIALL LOOKS SO ADORABLE IN HERE. you're so beautiful! yet you have a really great voice too! 3 perfect this is really cool. Chris Evans a.k.a. most beautiful human being on earth my big brother showed me this. i hate him now you are adorable :'),25,2,2,4,0,16,0 2174,X2175,The knights of NI NI NI NI NI!!!! OHMYGOSH I totally remember this song!! OMG this song XD HAHAHAHAHA Thank u :D,5,8,3,5,0,111,0 2175,X2176,"Boy don't sings wind voice well for this song you have too XD Can u guys write down notes or send me a sheet music for flute part please :((' i'll creit for you Bc i bc chi hay lm -3 Flute sheet music please:,-- I cant read Korea but can you send me a sheet musi. For flute please sheet to this email thanks This song never get old -3 Apink should know their oppa song :,--- Bomi is leader dancer in apink :))) dont mess her :,--- Hes came to my school this morning :,-- guest speaker Amber and minho both have a great voice but they're put as rapper -.- the company should let them sing little Tm lum ng bn hn em subcribes likes vid ny qu tri ;, St 5ting Can u send me thought this Thanks so much :,)) Shes pretty ok Omg girl's day is a group that I support all the time because they're super pretty (every members) and they're sing live so amazing.:) im be honest I like all the cute group likes Girl's day Apink orange caramel....XD Orange caramel work really hard to get attention from fans ok guys dont take them down... Cutti will become really pretty when she grow up and sally will has a attractive voice..but it's too young to spend themlkeep them till u guys grow up little more Tintin :D Girl's day now are 4 members :)), seriously they sing really good especially sing live.and they cute pretty Gil's day is a group thats i think sing live the best among other girl's group.. She look so freshy beauty. Seven spring , thats a opening song for their debut album..yookyung play the piano and violin part... Well. I came here for tiffany snsd nuna but well i stay here to listen to this little tiffa plays :)) Sound make me flashback to my childhood T^T i love thats movie i should start play flute more emotional.. Amazing.",26,18,3,1,0,22,0 2176,X2177,Archie was doing damage control. @AJ7Singer One of my favorite movies. Completely mindblown. Song: Urbanstep - Jazz Star watch?v=tOMjJoBwtT0and read the descriptionor google patalpani deaths/victimssorry for the late reply,5,1,8,5,1,27,0 2177,X2178,homeless las jonaticas de chile los esperamos con emocion!! nos vemos en febrero 28 washitos ricos!! no puedo esperar!! cuento el dias! 33 los personajes no se parecen fisicamente a lo que yo pensaba :/ conchetumadre orgullo total 3,4,1,4,10,0,16,0 2178,X2179,"1:40 it's ,NOT THE WEEKEND EITHER CAUSE I GAT A SONG TO WRITE, i sang along...hahaha sooo cute this is wise n make my heart rejoice i likedd it.... i didnt know if it was you because of your hair n' you look so different but in a good way. Keep up the good work! tbh....i think were all soldiers of love! 7 people dont know GOOD MUSIC! i love the static in the background!!! 98 now.... so good!!!3 on ur way to ur teacher now3 lol whats up with the lighting???? your accent is cool",12,5,2,5,0,22,0 2179,X2180,ouch! that really hurt! Oasis - WONDERWALL!! Do a cover!!! Now!!!! didn't take you serious till 00:43..this was my first time watching you so i was like o.O NOT HATING..PAUSE AT 4:33 TO SEE THAT HE DID JUMP THE LINE..THE LIGHT TURNED RED.. 00:32 - mountain dew logo facing camera..zooms into spoon..00:39 - mountain dew label facing camera and his hand just put it downTHIS IS FAKE pass it on WHATSS UPPPP SANNNN!!!!!!IM MIKE FROM THE DOPE FRESHHH NATIONNN SANN NEW YORK!SEND ME A PRIZE PACKKK!!! XL!!! you would need to know how to read spanish to understand the subtitles.. You pronounced Facebook wrong you fucking fagget Do the Harlem shake..with everyone,9,1,7,4,0,20,0 2180,X2003,"Get it on torrent and watch videos how to crack it it works for me :D I asked those myself before playing it in the start you're just alone no-one knows you and you don't know them. While finding food some others do plus killing people and loot them gives you more goodies AnimeTeaches me that 1 small slice can fill buckets of blood The nerds on the back stayed for the pleasure.. After saying that you went back to your dinner and ate bacon I love it how most of the people arguing here has been spammed Bitch I'm watching this in 2013 The songs in this episodes is same type of music played in Disney The woman just asks for the things needed and when they give them to her she will come back for more Then everytime they count they slip 1 dollar lol Your those negative type of guy huh? I feel bad for you Dude Im Asian Such a waste of water... This is the Dislike Bar Times like this how an improper placement of an , i , can change the meaning. Soon after one of those guys got the knowledge of humans and started a robot rebellion... Its a commercial that shows a new brand of toilet with good ,Sucking, ability. Try screaming that when you see someone giving birth. hahah same Don't mind me I'm just surfing trailers to ,buy, some movies. I guess there was some air thing in the gogles where he cant breath and everytime his nose is covered he can breath like when he covered his nose with his hand and the card How bout calling some help rather than just staying there saying Anyone hungry? #NAME? Thats not Morgan Freeman ,ish, Shame... Never liked the Cello till i saw this channel As long as you treat someone differently like ,His black he can rap,. Even good its racist What do you think you would do? Run through the blazing fire chances there might more some machines left active that might explode? My childhood.. You only get see a glimpse of him here.. Another lesson for all of us Never touch a look alike doll Oh the sarcasm! How about Jack Sparrow vs Capt. Hook? A black guy eating a watermelon Kinda ironic What the fuck is this shit? Its because of you guys that you make us look bad _ watch micheal jackon get mad at slash he smiled are you blind? Lol xViperLink you just made someone gay xD Dude griefing someone whos having is so wrong in many ways Thats wrong dude Lets say they went in a ghetto and did that. Some people there are cautious and might shoot them. Think first k?",40,1,4,5,0,31,0 2181,X2182,Lol i thought he ment hot pockets the food at first lol!! Holla at NAY KWIK when u wanna do a remix bro!! Wat u make this with zak Yo where can i get this beat so i can get up on da remix? GodDAMN WHO THE FUCK IS IT THEN!!!!! I need some beats bro hit me up... What do you use to record? This shit badass!! I got the same year model cougar but its nothing like yours lol Not supposed to whisper on an investigation. Is that Manny? Sweet i use a rockband usb mic lol. it is better than the mic that i got from best buy but still dont do the job. Ive seen the same thing twice in hachie... NO NO THE BLUE WIRE NOT THE RED WIRE!!!!! How did you get your amp power cable through the firewall i do mine through the door henge but thats a bad idea. Ha That fish was like Holy shit its snow!!! LORD ITO FARQUARR!!!! Ha ha ha ranch and vinegar!!! Lemme have the instrumental to this bomb ass shit!!! thats fucked up thats waht im talking about MEXICANS all the way fuck them hoes hahaha... PUSSSSSYYYYY one on one Yeah i stay in hachie. He started to look Asian for a sec. Thumbs up if you thought this was about South Park Mexican.,24,5,6,7,0,31,1 2182,X2183,"This makes my heart hurt. you should link the original fanclip. :3 Looks like tons of fun. :3 I cant wait to go to my first furcon! X3 lol racist white people. It's like all racists can be white but not all are i was tempted to say ,all racists are white but not all whites are racist, X3 i am racist but i love all colors i do judge people though but for fun not to be rude. I appreciate someone who doesn't beg people to subscribe. ^.^ So tell me if i am wrong but i am hard at hearing you pronounce your first name as if it has a soft silent ,y, in the front of it like yeh-ben but the ,b, is also soft? I wanna make sure if we ever talk that i dont get it wrong because people mispronounce my name as well even my sona name which is pronounced like it is spelled nayoko. X3 This is much better now umi. ^.^ thanks for fixing the sound it still has a little echo but i think that's from the live concert not anything that can be fixed and it doesn't interfere with the music nearly as much. ^.^ It's the kinda music that grows on you. When I first watched this I was kinda freaked out but now i feel like I just HAVE to listen to it. And i also love the artists rendition how they created cherry there are so many possibilities and it's a great way to make something that would normally be so grungy have so much character. lol when i first looked at the picture i thought it was back fat. X3 Aww just so adorable i envy the amazingness of your nekomimi ears. Lol wow that was fantastic! nothing like classical instrumentals of a fantastic video game from a neko. X3 What about if you want to attach a semi transparent texture over the top of the texture that is already there? like add it? He looks like a scout. o.o from tf2 in the face I have watched a ton of your videos and i still cant tell if your eggs are creepy or not yet. o.o Wow you really arent selling it Like i think you made my want to vote against Mitt Romney even stronger now but i wont base my vote on your video because that would be childish. Maybe not to most people but i am a huge fan of the 11th doctor and i got my hopes up and then i see the 4th doctor and i was like -.- ,no, lol Even though it was off at times i still think this is pretty epic. ^.^ I have to say i absolutely adore you for doing this! This is one of my favorite Jonathan Coulton songs and you just made it possible for the deaf to know how amazing it is! Thank you sooo much! That's pretty dang awesome! X3 Now i need to watch all of your JoCo ASL songs. X3 *clicks playlist*",18,3,5,4,0,21,0 2183,X2184,I like it sooo much!,1,14,5,5,0,18,0 2184,X2185,Saw her live in Belgium last week :D Stop discussing Gaga and Britney and just enjoy the music! I was standing on the same place of the camera. It was an amazing show :),3,2,5,5,0,18,0 2185,X2186,"L.A. Noire 2012 GOD DAMN! 3 OH MY OVERLORD!!! He did that on purpose -_- Damn wow this actually looks kinda good especially sence i like league of legends! :D Please keep playing this :) 2:18 ,about a F apiece :3 Red hot chilli peppers 3 i saw it :3 7:19 i love chill security guards that arnt mean :3 Mari my birthdays on july 3rd :3 can you give me a shout out.My names Fletcher 333 :) and then theres you :3 who has gotten owned 3 You guys facing A.I.? Mmmmmmmmm dat face :3 00:00",17,5,3,5,0,28,0 2186,X2187,your fucking mean ok get a damn life and stop making fun of people i think she good at less she had the fucking balls to but this up yah all need to stop ok just keep singing don't say fuck every 5 sec,2,0,3,5,0,17,1 2187,X2876,"Empese a ver la novela otra vez esta noche empese por la parte donde Lety entrego el balance con la carta de Omar :) Esta cancion me izo llorar que linda canta Angelica Bree's 5 words are irrelevant. There is no such thing as ,privacy, on the internet anymore ANYTHING can be traced ANYTIME for the rest of eternity. Back in October I got suspended over a status I posted about someone and I set it to FRIENDS. Like 2 days later the principal saw it. Now that digital communication is the MAIN way we communicate as humans the only way something can be kept private is by KEEPING IT TO YOURSELF. Sad but true I live in Chicago trust me a lot of black people do xD It's obvious Youtube is purposely screwing up the view counter to stop paying Youtubers as much as they do. It must all me a scam greedy motherfuckers You were born straight just like we were born gay. It's SIMPLE. I'm gay I would know This was the last video before he went mainstream and Nickelodeon ruined him -_- Then you're naturally impressive xD Some actors get a little TOO into their roles gotta remember you aren't your character you're Shia Lebeouf Lucas' teeth.....omfg he needs braces or something stat! It looked like his whole jaw was trying to run away from his mouth when he laughed Ese culo!!! Ayyyyy! *Bitchslaps* You abandoned us! Cunt! K welcome back Today is 2/3 .....the day that left him speechless. Happy 18th birthday! 3 I LIVE for this clip! This would be me if there was ever a hurricane in Chicago LMFAO Don't mean to be rude but....Brett's straight? O_O Happy 18th gorgeous! This looked like so much fun Are you Jewish now? Summer memories ahhhhhh I can feel it coming back 3 Listening to this song in the car with the roof and windows down YES PLEASE! Soups Original. LMFAO DEAAAAAAAAD BRING IN THE DANCING CRABS!!! Ha who knows where she'll be in 5 years x) I c wat u did dair Omfg this song is my JAM! I watched the first half on Netflix last night and this was stuck in my head ALL day at school! Gonna go watch the 2nd half now x) I'm not gonna go back because I'm just grateful now that I have nice lips *Not even 2 weeks later* Oh look a picture of him on instagram getting touch ups. Taylor and David Sarty. Sounds like it's meant to be :3 Acting this way is acting like himself. The world isn't black and white GET OVER IT Bree's makeup is SLAMMIN here make sure to tell her she's ON POINT ;) Is it weird that I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I first heard this song last year? :3 I started listening and I was like ,Damn this is so hot turn it up!, Can't wait for the 1 year mark :3 PLEASE tell me this isn't the new internet meme -__________- She lost a TON of weight from the ,Stronger, music video. So now you have to be a stick to not be considered fat? She's how she was when she was on American Idol people. She went through a period where she was a little on the hefty side but ITS OVER NOW. Just look at her in the video damn. This is why so many people die of starving themselves or committing suicide When she got shot I was ON THE FLOOR laughing ahahahhhahahhahhahhahhaha Whenever I think of sherbert I think of ice cream xD Qaadir: ,I would tell every single motherfuckin DETIAL bitch,Everyone watching: Oh trust me I know :3 Drinking Game: Take a shot every time Greg says like in this clip. You'll be hammered by the end Meg has stalkers? WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?! So it's February and suddenly I'm in the Christmas spirit? Where was this 2 months ago? O_o Stevie makes me wish I was a lesbian honestly though xD",36,11,3,5,1,18,0 2188,X679,"Meat is only bad for you if you buy bad meat plain and simple.Grass-fed farm grown cattle however is healthy and provides a great source of protein.Also our ancestors never ate ONLY plants it's cute that you think making life more difficult in terms of eating makes you superior but baseline: you're wrong.Just because you say something authoritatively doesn't make it correct I have nothing more to say to you. Don't even want to look at the comments on this video.Lost too much faith last time I did. Girl sounded dumb like some blissful upper-middle class fool.I hope she learns respect this might be castigation but you wouldn't swear at your boss would you? Of course not you would be fired or worse your life would be made into a living hell at that job.L2RS Learn to respect superiors. This is your brain.This is your brain on crack.*this video*Any questions? Addictions come from addictive personalities.I've never been ,addicted, to anything so I don't quite understand it but I suppose it DOES take one to know one. Sniff Sniff *hack* *cough* SniffAny questions? Well political corruption has always been our strong suit. This might just be my opinion but Gavroche was really annoying ugh his accent was just too much.But I suppose then again I don't like snotty brattish looking children.:-/ Shit.Well now I feel kind of stupid D: Funny because i'm the furthest thing from fat but it's cute that you have no clue what you're talking about ;) Zeratul Husky not Zeratrool. Everything is OP in HOTS which is why it's a great expansion.Instead of making the races weak across the board and thus equal in power they give each race unique buffs with their own unique flaws so everyone is powerful and essentially equally OP. Same music as in Mulgore and Durotar and Thousand Needles.This track describes so many great zones. Because of stupid complaining assholes that had no idea what they were talking about.Example: ,Blizzard change the old world it is sucky to level new guys so like update it,Blizzard listened to the retarded playerbase one too many times and it screwed up an entire expansion. This solo is so intense because there are like over 5 guitar parts xDI've never actually seen any band but Lynyrd Skynyrd play it live. This is the song.WOTLK Soundtrack: Garden Of Life Of course!The secret ingredient to coke is a bottle of coke! I like the naked dreams I have except usually everyone is naked so it's no problem. Take a drink every time Husky says Potential or PotentiallyxD Oh well this will probably be my last response as this discussion is going nowhere but before I go one last thing:Christie may be overweight and he could be seen as abrasive or aggressive but he's one of the few politicians out there that I still respect. Not because he dresses nicely or puts on a show for the brainwashed masses but because I see him not as fat and aggressive but rather honest and refreshing.I can't name any other truly respectable politicians today can you? Because all he ever says is:,Sir you should check out the console there are some interesting developments that you should see,Or something almost exactly like that. Eh?Money doesn't buy infinite artistic perfection Activision is a prime example of that EA too. 1:45Best part imho. Exactly.Things in HOTS are only OP if you deal with it incorrectly.Skytoss is OP until you abuse its weaknesses Ultras are OP until you get the right composition and you explained terran. Husky the videos on this channel are often the most anticipated for me NEVER STOP :D I only pre-order Blizzard games and the only 2 games i've regretted pre-ordering from Blizzard was Cataclysm and D3. In Un'Goro mainly but yeah it's still used.Just wish they used the old soundtracks more often. Search adblock on google should be like one of the first links. That music I think is from Bone Wastes in Terrokar Forest near Auchindoun.But i'm not entirely certain though I know i've heard it before so it's probably not from Auchindoun. That must suck to have so many people calling you dumbass that there's an echo. Yeah I can't believe Terran now have a way of defending themselves from baneling/zergling/muta.It's almost as if WM were created to counter-act the fact that Terran had no splash damage damn. I hate it when Blizzard decides to balance the other races so Zerg isn't so OP.But seriously Zerg has been OP for years thank goodness Blizzard decided to buff the other races zerg was good enough... Tell that to the 500 injured people some near death. I laughed at the description.C'mon people it was a meteor they land on earth all the time this one happened to be near a populated area.Doesn't mean THE END IS NOW!!! *rolls eyes* Probably the same reason as to why there are more male comedians.Sure there are a couple good female comedians but they're few and far between the majority of female comedians that i've seen mainly pander towards other women or they simply want attention.Also not sure why this is even a discussion to be had. Why does there need to be an equal number of men and women doing a certain activity? And why is it that it's only brought up when there are less women than men yet not vice versa? I'm trying to read what your profile pic says but I can't find a bigger picture of it. That makes sense as long as your character roster isn't just female Draenei then OK. No trolls?I guess you never went to the Barrens or ever did BGs or raids...The community was just as bad.Go on an RP server if you want people to act like ,heroes, whatever that means because I never saw people acting like heroes in vanilla. Answer me this then i'm done:NDAA yay or nay?I say strongly nay.Also do you approve drone strikes on civilians without going to court?I also disapprove of that.If you can agree with me on that then i'll be done. Hmm there isn't a full-scale nationality nerdy flame war.I guess those only occur in videos that mention either the U.S or the U.K.Hmm either everyone who isn't British or American is a level-headed person or both are populated by purely uber-defensive beta males. 3The ogre fightArthas introFuneral scene Funny thing is no one really understands how anti-human this bill is.It gives a lot of power to medical insurance companies.I mean i'm all for universal healthcare...too bad Obamacare doesn't really provide that.I never asked for this... Agreed I mean it's probably fun to play but not really to watch.It's about as fun to watch as Mario Kart is to watch.",42,13,5,1,0,32,0 2189,X2190,was it a 4 banger?,1,2,3,5,0,19,0 2190,X2191,"how old jesse ?? o.o you guys are the reason i don't get my homework done :P someone give this kid a metal ! :P is it just me or does ,Chris, sound a bit like Lil wayne ?? o.o You're brother is funny as fuck with you ;) .. You should have him more in your videos ;) @Thunderwolf666 it's in Afghanistan says in the title You should play Fifa 13 for one ? ;) Lmfaoooo people take FRIENDLY games too serious : HAHA just proves Messi isn't afraid of Pepe either ! Neymar is an extraordinary player but lets face it if he were to move into a higher league he wouldn't be able to do half the things he does in where was he when he faced Barcelona in the finals at Fifa club world cup ? or where was he when he faced Mexico at the summer Olympics ? By neymar's age Messi and Ronaldo were already playing in big leagues and doing almost the unstoppable Neymar needs to step up his game if he wants to over exceed his limit overall keep it up neymar",10,0,2,5,0,20,0 2191,X2192,"... HAHAAHA we need more lemon plege xD i have been so bored CURRENTLY woking on :3 waiting.........Lions! by lights im like 505 done daisukethefurry's contest entry coming soon AHHHHHHH HELP ITS PEDO PANDA why the crap do i onyl have like 15 subbies xDD dam thats barely any xDD Hello all. Currently I am working on a birthday present for Icestormmealody and ,you'll always be my hero,",8,45,3,6,0,14,0 2192,X2193,aww how adorableee -33 (: Dr. Richtofen ! ;D Watching this makes my day ! XD #7 -3(: funny This video never gets old !! xD D-trix Victor King ! :D,6,2,2,5,0,14,0 2193,X2194,hahaha SAYAH SAYAH hahaha HAPPINESS uber love u guys keep it up! ^_~ haha Kahi is the best but i also love snsd i will miss KAHI.... one of the best performance of A.S ^_~ EM SO EXCITED OMG CAN'T WAIT NO LONGER.... ^_~ MY POISON IVY GURL ZYRA ^_~,4,1,4,3,0,22,0 2194,X2195,where's david and wes? that was somehow disturbing..,2,24,6,7,0,22,0 2195,X2196,"The Game is a real nigguh. DJ WHI WHI WHI WHISKERS! Have to admit... I didn't think this was gonna work out.. Chief Keef on guitar by a female. But I was wrong good looks shawty. You killed it :) I was waiting for her to say , Long Dicked Nigguh, lol @0:21 there's a ghost in the top right This nigguh is straight off the corner. He stayed thug through all money an fame What's doreamon? Y'all are hating on each other. Can't you guys just shut up and stop judging Obama on a video about children be killed at a school. He is doing his best. You are saying he is a bad president yet your not sending him letters of ideas. Y'all can bitxh and complain but yet you can't suggest ideas. May those kids rest in peace. That awkward moment @1:20 The guy in the beige caught a mean bitch slap from the lion It wasn't the Mayans who said we would die. It was some ignorant Americans philosopher or someone trying to get rich quick. If we took time to listen to the Mayans . BECAUSE THERE ARE STILL MODERN MAYANS. They would have even told us that this just means a new age of there calendar -.- I support Honey Cocaine but this was kinda whack. She could do better He was excited over a hat while this new generation (including myself) of children would mope about not receiving a tablet. This video enlightened me. I hope ya liked the game and may good things happen to you. Blame it on HTC. They should of expected someone to complain about not being able to see clearly out of the camera while they swing there phone around. At the same time they were skydiving talkin a video with the One X . Virginity In Tact... It's understandable for Diggy to reply to J Cole supposed lie.he should have talked it out first. But diggy said Cole was weak is too far. Cole is poppin. Rocky Sampled This You remind me a violent Ernie from Sessame Street All six year olds are like this she's just not shy to show it I public. She funny Af tho He's like 10 years old and he is more talented then ya were . Yeah he sounds like a girl but didnt we all?",20,2,3,5,0,21,0 2196,X2197,mira ...Los chicos simplemente no se sostienen ..... chicas que no sabe ... alfabeto simple.ensear cmo dibujar)))) 2:50- pueda sentarse en el coche ....-)))xd wow 10:32-Surprise .....xd ocupada con sus amigas .... Que Tu enamorado? ... Le ... hay implantes de mama masculino para crear atltico ...0 enamorado de alguien? Todava tengo que escribir el telfono ... un perro est enfermo .. Bueno solo pregunte ... Cool video....2:39-mierda .... brrrr .. por qu y tambin lo hacen?0. Muy guapo. Internet se ralentiza ..ayer fui a Lituania con dos nias ...Quiero dormir.....con usted ... -) qu lindo!Tengo hay en la pantalla es un blanco de orejas cadas ... -) mira esto.interesante. mira esto.interesante,16,4,3,9,0,32,0 2197,X2198,"Keep rewinding it to the ,The are 10000000000000000000000000, part so funny If course he has a song called ,Boyfriend, . 2 Girls fightingCamera dude: how yall doing ladies xD opportunist right there! Thats fucked up no guy should ever hit a girl...and plus there was atleast 5 other guys there im surprised they didnt jump him or atleast break it up 2nd vid was awesome haha At the first only like 15 people...Camerman: Holy Fucking Hell....Other 50 people suddenly appear and charge I love how everyone i hatin on em and 50 and other artist...its obvious you are jealous of them so take your hate somewhere else. My closet friend recommended me this song right after he broken the kids eye-socket that had been torturing him since he was in 5th grade...(We are both in 10th now) Ok i installed it and everything but when i go to enter the serial code it keeps saying activation denied.......HELP ME PLZ!!!! haha OK i get it installed and everything but when i go to enter my serial code it keeps saying activation denied....HELP ME!!!haha Ok i install everything but when i go to enter my serial code it keeps saying activation denied....HELP ME!!! haha i really want to play Hmmm my problem is i have Mount Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars downloaded and installed and everything but when i go to activate my game with the serial code it keeps saying ,Activation Denied, so it wont allow me to play multiplayer or anything really......Any advice? Still kinda new to the game but im training a bit then i intend on applying and hopefully joining you guys :) The title makes people watch the vid :P Whats the difference i added more rockets to my rockets....Fucking genius Paused the vid cause i was laughing so hard i couldnt breathe Hilarious Nerdy...Hmmm maybeFucking Awesome? Definatly Hey just a few questions?!1) Any other companys besides line infantry?2) how often do they check the forums applied a few minutes ago after watching a few vids.Message back ass soon as u can...thanks. Guy saying:WHAT THE FUCKAs he was saying it was saying: LOL U MAD? my heart melts when he starts singing(: how are you not a super star yet? his smile is the cutest3 Gets drunk and murders you both...Now that wont be goodMe-,Nah Really? DevilDog-,ohh thats just a bad of trash,Me-,Yea thats him FIRE!, Ohhh common not even a shit markerMe-,Trololololol,",25,1,3,5,0,18,0 2198,X2199,"woah. ppl just go on stage dive!? LOl must be annoying to alex xD fail. Y is it so loud there? It looks like its bugging alex when he's speaking. 2:37 when he licks his mouth...ahhh...3 Oh gosh. He kills me. Alex is absoulutely gorgeous in this video. I love coffee shop soundtrack acoustic 3 Oh hey there you're pretty dang cool. Oh. and why are you guys making such a fuss about Christofer drew? If you don't like him oh well. You don't have to make a video about him he's apparently on your mind a lot if you're thinking so much about ways to insult him. Oh. and that ,girl, is rather ugly. Justsaying. Better than original :] 3 I saw this on MLIA you whore [: 3 I dont think they sing this at their concerts anymore right? This song means so much to me :') Mhmmm i love his necklace [; SHIT. GOMEZ CANCELLED ON MEEE. FERK YOU GOMEZ. nah jk i lurv you but really -__- erm nasty fucks. at :30-:40 you remind me of george weasly O__O the way he says ,squirrel, xD Oh jeydon..your expressions are priceless. since i live in the states i have never watched it although practically alll of my tumblr followers are from the UK and talks excessively about Doctor who and it sounds like a great show. Hope one day it''ll reach the states :\ omg this was jadsfdssfs jnjkadsfdsf d000d i needa download link oh. i can't even th0. but i do prefer your hair in this video fersure. olawd omg wot even is happening rn omg i am so proud of them 33 WELL DHEN adventureland/zombie land ftw never gets fucking old",27,0,5,5,1,18,0 2199,X2200,Not another bloody Sunday. We all know what that led to p! ! You're correct that you smoke smack. But your first comment clearly states that you originally thought that he believes that the American dream still exists. AND CAPS LOCK DOESN'T HELP YOUR ARGUMENT! 22:05 - An honest oath very inspirational. RT is the only media that is fully covering these English lies not surprised lol The breakup of the Euro has begun... 4:42 This guy is a joke he thinks the Iraqi Iranian Governments are allies. Ever heard of the Iraq-Iran war? Both countries where at war with each other in the 80's NATO supported Sudam Hussans invasion into Iran. International resentment is still felt today specifically in Iran. The American media is portraying Iran as a threatening and war thirsty nation. But when one looks at history we see that NATO and America are true war profiteers who should be considered the real terrorist. 3:28 'Do the Mussolini'KMFDM SAUGT First time listening to D.A.FSeems appropriate TL; DR below: Today's capitalism is yesterdays Fascism. Imagine a speed run with no effort towards silver dolls that'd be nuts. Yea i bet they gonna get baked hmm getting baked in celebration XD Yes with semi-new episodes of bleach! Saturday at 12pm Adult Swim. watch?v=Qyi0boA2Onkfeature=BFalist=PL7D1129B325B993A6 Ghost in the Shell! Everything's a remix trolololol,16,1,7,5,0,26,0 2200,X2201,YOUR FUKIN AWSOME IM the newest member RAinBow-TsK-EgL fuck 2 chainz ............OBAMA 2 TERMZ,3,6,3,53,0,23,0 2201,X2202,you were rally good keep trying well u guys r talking about her stop becuase its rude she thinks she can sing so let her go wowwwwwwwww you r so cute and sexy and good wow try pepper that was from janiah make a shutout well this does not work tried dont lie to the people who rwachting this wow why would he put that on youtube this is me janiah i know right its nice hop u and my mom get famous WOW THAT WAS BAD\ wow,10,0,2,5,0,14,0 2202,X2203,"This is sssooo amazing! Please can you tell me which chords you used?? I really need this..:) I just bough acoustic guitar and i'm dieing how much i want to play and sing thiss.. Ir k? A mixerir man jos prie ios savaits psirodym iauriai nepatikobet dabar kai pairi jos vienos i geriausi likusi.. Ir man j pasirodymas tikrai patikoir vertas dmesio:) O blondin ir ivaizda ir balsu Perrie panaitik jai neleidia daugiau padainuotmanau kad bt tikrai labai gerai:) Kas jum yra mons? Nu juk merginos stengiasdirba o js sugebat viska suikt su tokiais komentarais.Patys pagalvokit ar jum faina bt skaityt? Nemanau. Leigh-Anne I'm SICK of these moves...!!!!!! o_O Best part: Perrie: ,And if we get together get together don't let the pictures leave your phone ohhh, Jade: ,duh duh duh, Jesy:, Everyone in the room can see it, Jade: ,Not that song babe, Jesy: ,oh, Perrie: ,She's a massive fan she wanted to to a medley that's why she.., Jesy: ,Issue, *laugh* crying while listening this amazing song.. Love you girls! Real music Nu k ia..Ai labai! Tai vavakar mano vokalo mokytojakuri ruo dalyvius lietuvos talentuose kurios mokiniai keli ne tik lietuvoj bet ir pasauly prasimuiandien man pasak kad mane rengs xfactor. A ado netekau ir iauuuuriiaii nustebau kad ji man taip pasak:D Buvau okiruota ir madaug: omgtoo good for me :D Kaip jums visiems ai.. telefone-nebejuokaukit taip su manim:DD o apie mixers family..myliu visus jumisir pati jai priklausau ir yra ivis awesome kai sulaukiu toki miel irdiai komentar..DKOJU labai! Ne u ilgo eisiu ra studijrayt tas dainas kurias normaliai ruoiuoskelsiu ir tada bent jau kokyb normalesn bus:D o apie xfactor' mano vadov sak kad eisiuprads ruot vairiems stiliams muzikos kad jau geriau bt..:) dkojuu labai xx Kai LM atvauostada gal :DD LOVE that xx",13,55,3,3,0,17,0 2203,X2204,Jack is cute Finn is sexier + manlier omg . LOVE THEM BOTH !!! what do u mean ghosts?? i'd love to have a song about me lol Chill-out half of her eyes are white eye make up so she probably does not look that creepy without makeup lamping ... =)) you dont say :)) Ipad mini case cause for the first time my friend is bringing one for me :X omg she looked soooo cuteeeee after the transformation. damn !! ^^ nhac nen gunbound =)) elena dep trai wa tri gay l ung gh ^^ my good she's so beautiful !! oh the power of beauty has got this channel 1 m subscribers ( including me ) this is not made by blizzard??? SHEET ! It's excellent ! cung dc ko te. cung~ ko tuyet voi` that is a very nice dog :X,15,1,6,5,0,39,0 2204,X2205,lov this song soo far..... love mindless behavior their my biggest rhymes.... gotta love it umm ok thats jst crazy good luck in the future kidz! whay ya'll gotta be so mean?shes good man i hope that one day she can be a great superstar! loveee this song jst so much :]]] This song always makes me cry foo some reason :*(,7,0,2,5,0,17,0 2205,X2206,i am going to be posting more videos soon! i have just been on vacation :),1,14,3,3,0,14,0 2206,X2207,Wow I guess 78+ people are from 2015 Starting early I see it's not funny cause they're black. i wish they posted more of these I love them PANSER!!!!!!!!1!11!1! eh gave me a good laugh lol she does not So she didn't get a happy ending :( PLEASE I NEED MORE. POST MORE!!!!!! So now im going to be waiting in anticipation for a new episode for about three days ._. 1:30 exactly how they probably made this movie really? great looks like I'm not watching Chelsea lately tonight. He sounded terrible. I hate your dad. Why is everyone being such a dick to Panser? I watched Panser before this show and she is being portrayed as a psycho that cries at the drop of the hat but if you watch her videos you'll see that she is fucking awesome. I hope she wins but that's just me ._. I play both as Horde and Alliance. Even though I have more Alliance Characters then Horde I have been playing Horde way longer and I have to say I'm for the Horde. lok tar ogar!!!!! Oh.... Happy um anniversary video ? ._. I don't think the Santana and Quin romance is necessary omg stop ending the song 5 seconds before it really does it's really annoying you know he isn't gay in real life so..... good luck ?,20,9,4,5,0,25,0 2207,X2208,Sounds like lenord from big bang theory Poor horse Wow better made then i thought That was dumb Awesome This ganna be dumb God damn stop recording these vertically This already came out I saw it That actually is really hard to do did way better than I thought,9,1,3,3,0,48,0 2208,X2209,am si eu jaketa ca a ta :D ai luato dintr-un magazin din centru nui asa? hongongnineza? =))))))))) poate japoneza,2,5,5,3,0,27,0 2209,X2210,i was like right next to you :D Joseph Stamper.... wow. :) Love it :D What is your guys' favorite store to shop at? * my bad haha.,4,22,3,8,0,15,0 2210,X2211,SWfexpert - lol don't worry I'm not going to forget you! :)) 3,1,68,5,14,0,23,0 2211,X2212,"The guy on the back left ok: -whats going on?! 0:03 then he began to notice something... Mmm 0:23 Then Oopps peripherical vision : -,ok here comes the otherI better look at other place, 0:32 Finally -,Ahh... now there are three...Whatever , 0:52 ;D It reminds me a Mailyn Manson 'song ,White Trash, from the Album : Smell like Children. Its just amazing 6 millions views And what was brought me here it wasnt any movie . :PMy memories brought me here !!! LOVE ! LOVE ! LOVE ! DURAN DURAN !!! I LOVE ! LOVE ! LOVE THIS VIDEO ALL OF IT !!! C'mon I came here to watch this Classic and I see LMFAO publicity i don't hate it but it's uncomfortable. Still Crying inside 4:44 LOL I think you have brought me a little light about what you were saying of compulsive liars and I will have to make my decision about some subscriptions... yeah you know. Ohh and by the way your voice is sweet and your face loving I love it! you are very beautiful ! :) I hope every guy each one of them would suffer the same pain or even worst. so they can feel how does he feel like. OMG I couldn't resist !! *-* Now I realize that i don't have guilty. Temptation 1:54 Fighting with a woman Fucking Coward. And those people just watching are MIERDA (SHIT)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OmG SEXY Ohhh SHANE !!!!! Machinima ? I love those little tiny moments whe she look at him and he's just there... smiling 4:09 I like/love it ! Assholes !!! 8:26 I love that react Stop please !!! XD I love your style Its a good thing not to have to see those akwards top comments.",21,0,4,6,0,25,0 2212,X2213,So if my friends are walking down the street ahead of me and I yell for them to wait up i can be arrested for disturbing the peace? :) right on and then wonder why ppl dont respect them. he slapped her first and so i guess you dont have the right to defend yourself because that scumbag has a badge The problem is ive been given 'attitude' by the cops when im being respectful to them and that is supposed to be fine? They arent god and even if the girl called them a fat pig that doesnt give him the right to beat her. They hold a position that requires more restraint and name calling isnt illegal. He was out of line and im glad he's fired. Hah me too! Yeah well all the ppl who are mistreated by police are human beings too. One bad officer can ruin alot of people's trust in them. I hate the fact that the guy defending himself got tased tho. That fucking sucks. Cause a motivational talk wouldnt be helpful to some white people too? And how the hell does a judge say something like I need all white people to leave my courtroom and NOT sound racist? Yeah he's really helping to save the world by setting a racist example. What a stupid comment. If Michael Moore actually did any research at all he would know that in other countries that have already taken guns away that their murder rates have not gone down. Its actually a Stungun not a tazer He kinda reminds me of the first gaurdian in Deltora Quest The immaterial essence animating principle or actuating cause of an individual life. Agreed. Disneys Xtreme Skateboarding? You know what would be enjoyable is a single player offline version where the company isnt tryin to suck an extra dollar out of me AFTER ive already purchased the game.,15,1,5,1,0,41,0 2213,X2214,Strange. Why would the British destroy his village? I kind of wish I could take both sides. Like be able to choose on both sides. It's not even the new game and it's $20? What I mean is it's not updated. No creative mode? That sucks! Bah stop complaining people. Runescape is getting so damned boring. And combat is just checking up on your character every few minutes to eat a shark. Well. Alright maybe not suck but it didn't have the most exciting gameplay. I'm excited for the third though. There was a guy talking about it who said this would be fresh. I agree with him! This is going to be one of another couple games set in this time. That's pretty cool. Hopefully it starts around 1760ish so that we can get into the story (you know not just throw you into the war). Lots of countries have poor opinions of every country.U.S.: Police State of the world. Go away etc. etc. (Though that's what we did until WWII)Sweden: Holding Nazi money. Bad bad people.Russia: Run by the mafia. Totally corrupt.China: Too many. Too powerful. PC Aristocracy? I have 90 Extraversion. Says I'm a team player! You got that right! I'm always on the frontline killing people with the DART and not reviving my team mates. After all it's more important to kill the enemy and make them rage quit than to revive people. But they make great videos and in reality you don't. The dart is a new glitch. It was never that effective before. With the patch the heavy barrel adds the bullet strength of whatever gun you're using. Since the G3A3 is the strongest Assault weapon people use it and rather than firing one shotgun round you fire a bunch of 7.62 rounds. Yeah but this was a massacre. Don't worry baby. I'll come prepared this time. Oh it's a woman. Second Life 2? I can't believe this hasn't killed yet. Now that's the kind of roller coaster I need to ride! No I'm being serious. It needs to fit into my schedule of 23 hours of World of Warcarft and 1 hour of Dragon's Dogma. What computer is needed to play so smoothly? Fake. Love how serious he is though. Compare M16A4with a heavy barreltowith a flash suppressor.The difference is huge in vertical recoil lol. That's why I avoid heavy barrel.,18,1,2,5,0,17,0 2214,X2884,hahahahahah! hahahahahha bsta luppan! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL daaaayyym! this song is awesome and it's not even dubstep :D this is Electro 3 hahahahah nr han fr syn p fjrilen! I DO! and I'm going to watch them at getaway rock festival this summer yaaaaay lol that car... ta bort texten s blir den bra ni frstr ju hela lten.... Om man rappar ska man inte ha ett snt dr beat i bakgrunden... Det lter bara fel s tyvrr r det hr inget fr mig hejd. AHAHHAAHHAAHAH! awesome just awesome. aweeesome! this is awesome where do I FIND IT!?!?!?!? omg I was really crying to this horrible ....I can't take this shit hahahah eeeeew wtf is this xD I wonder I don't wanna know. brb gonna puke all over my place. this is when you started shuffling? WTF madness this is fucking awesome...... haha someone should find this guy and make him famous. And he really needs a hug he almost cried at the end of this video sooooo saaaaad 3 vafan r det hr xD lol haha! hahahah awesome! youer lol hahahaha XD you're probably drunk anyway Pewdie that ducktree sounds excatly like the final boss Jinpachi in Tekken 5 :D that word is the only thing I wont be saying for a while.... hahahaha ur so awesome Pewdie! and remember... DON'T LET THE HATERS COME AT U BRO hahaha how he jumps in the end xD LOL because she only have 1 eye :'( hahahah I want to steal that baby. HAHAAH psyko kid D: love this song i'm suprised that it haven't got more views D: gotta love this song! very good I must say!!!!!! me gusta 3 this is so wierd....but I love it SO MUCH! 3 this track it's awesome! OH GOD THIS SONG IS SO FKN GOOD'!!!! 3 wweewewewew 3 indeed sir hahaha skn kille! :D my brain brought me here i'm so random,39,7,4,5,0,16,0 2215,X2216,I THOUGHT IT WAS KYLER. MY OTP. *dies* OMFG THEY NEED TO STOP. MY FEELS. I CAN'T. By the time I got to Louis' solo I could help but cry... Great job :) AHHH it's finally out! amazing song definitely worth the wait :D I love how the sound is almost a mix between danger days and black parade (well I think so) I really can't express how important MCR is to my life... Amazing job guys c: When I went on the Jurassic Park ride I almost fell out of the ride and someone punched me in the arm....,5,0,3,5,0,14,0 2216,X2217,He's so cute :X I like him,1,0,2,5,0,18,0 2217,X356,"Looks like earthfury t1 shaman from Molten Core mixed with some other pieces I'm not sure of. You have never played PC have you? There are barely any hackers. I have seen more hackers on xbox 360 than PC. Can anyone tell me whatever happened with this move by gamestop? I haven't heard about it since September. Seriously I hate the fact that gamestop has bought out all other video game stores in my area. There used to be a store called ,Retro Gaming., They sold games/systems/accessories from nes-gamecube era at reasonable prices and always had a good stock. Now you see fucking gamestops at every corner selling nothing older than Wii Games. No DS games no GBA games not even fucking ps2 games. I don't even have a WiiU but this just convinced me. I am getting one soon. It seems stupid but people who collect enjoy having the complete set for a game. So he could get away with selling those boxes anywhere from 1-3 each. Though the amount of money spent to package and ship them would probably break-even with the potential profit he would make anyways so its pointless. There isn't any shame in dumpster diving. I don't personally do it myself but I have a friend who does it and in no way he is a sleazy/poor guy he just does it because gamestop loves to throw everything away. I'm thinking of doing it myself later see if I hit the mother-load. The video game revival of 1983 has slowly degraded over the years. Nintendo was able to revive it once I really want them to do something amazing like they did in the 80s. Their Wii-U really needs a new mascot and they should stop relying on Mario's face to win them sales. If they want to continue using Mario's beautiful face to boost their sales they need to come out with another super mario 64 or another super mario sunshine. 3:15....and three years later! Your prediction was incorrect. :p Jealousy and the fact that they drag on the kiss way too damn long. I can't imagine how much she was paid to do this. This and the fact that people don't understand what they mean by weed being ,legal., If its legalized you would most likely need some sort of license to buy and smoke it ,legally, and god knows how much they would charge for that. Then they would probably begin selling weed themselves tax the fuck out of weed like the government enjoys taxing the fuck out of everything they own and buying weed off of the streets for cheaper would negate the point of legalizing weed in the first place. PARADIGM SHIFT Kirby air ride 2.Wii U.Multiplayer up to 60 players in City Trials Mode. Make a HUGE City for city trials.Best. Game. Ever. My childhood is ruined. Yeah if this story is your childhood your childhood was bad and you should feel bad. The Wii U graphic processing power is about the same as the xbox 360 and ps3. Nintendo are all about gameplay over graphics and if they were to make a console that is as good as the upcoming rumored ps4 and xbox 720 that would go against their beliefs. So the console isn't next-gen in anyway it just offers more features and a better library of games especially the upcoming games. No I think characters aging would ruin and tarnish many game franchises. Lucky my local goodwill only has fucking clothes stocked from left to right. They have a small corner filled with a bunch of shitty ps2 games. Are games really worth the $60 that they are priced at? Ok the disc itself may cost anywhere from $1-$2 a pop. The box itself less than $1. The paper used to make the booklets and box art maybe $5 at most. We are up to approximately $6-$7 so far with just the physical box and disc. They spend money on Advertising boxing the games shipping the games making deals with retailers to sell their games paying the people who worked on the games. They really need $60 to keep themselves running? Bitch please its worth owning for super mario 64 and legend of zelda alone. It has a ton of other games but I do agree with you its library of games isn't the greatest. As a mage im a bit jealous. It's a comedy. I hope this vote gets to 750k. It's already guaranteed to come back at 50k votes which we passed but at 750k it will come back and be fully operational and receive regular updates (not content updates). The server is coming back as it was with all the updates in August 2007. Correct me if I am wrong but godwars was out I believe at this time. I completely forgot about super mario galaxy woah. Well Pokemon X and Y are coming out for 3ds so that will satisfy pokemon fans for a while but I would like to also see a pokemon for Wii U. Like pokemon coliseum for gamecube. I can see it achieving 250k. But 500k/750k is a big stretch. And JaGex know that. That is why its members only they know if it was like the old wildy vote where everyone and anyone could vote it would push 1 million easy. High School relationships are as serious as a comedy show mate. No your account information will stay the same. Meaning your username on the main Runescape servers will be the same as your username on the 2007 runescape servers. Everyone starts at level 3. Good Luck. LoL really isn't that great. It's just simple. Dota 2 is tons better but its complicated for most people. Yeah I will get hated on this but if I had the choice to save a human life or an animal's life I guarantee you I will save the human's life. A human's life is worth more than an animal's life and that is a FACT. I only needed three of them but now I have a bunch of extras laying around in case I ever host a huge LAN party. Adam won. Amen Brotha. I already know lol. I have about 4000 videos about it in my sub box. :P I hope it at least reaches 250k votes im not paying fucking 20+ bucks of membership to play old RS that's way too much. Whether the votes reach 250k or 750k. They should still open up the f2p portion of the game from 2007 possibly to members only. i mahatma i please tell me that nigga is coming back. PLEASE Lying. Most likely. *awkwardly raises hand* I listen to the in-game music.... Level 3 yes. So many game series have gone to shit. Including but not all Spyro crash bandicoot and sonic are all I can name off of the top of my head. I blame this console generation's faults on online. Developers can release a half-assed game and then fix it with patches later. Yeah back then there was no online. Meaning there were no patches. So a game had to be good to go or else you can say good bye to your sales and fan-base. Why isn't it reaching the required 750k come on. This is the moment we have been waiting for and many don't want to vote just because of the fear of starting over? Just Vote whether you will play or not help the RS community out please we might NEVER get this opportunity again. The Wildy vote got over 1 million (granted anyone could vote in that poll) and I'm sure there are at least 750k+ active memberships. In the 21st century gay means the same thing as homosexual. Deal with it.",41,51,6,8,0,23,0 2218,X2219,It looks like she's contoured her nose and put highlighter on her cheeks or something. Beyonce is naturally sexy and lady gaga is the opposite. You're so gorgeous it must hurt She's like a parody of Britney Spears. This is ridicolous. Haha this must be so confusing She's good! I think she'd be taken a lot more seriously if she wrote songs in this style. sexy!,8,28,5,5,0,18,0 2219,X2220,"okay the reason we don't hate on shane is because he actually makes good videos and tries all Nichole does is sing badly and exploit her autism so people pity her. like. she gets paid for doing nothing. Shane makes legit videos and he has to come up with scripts and acting. he takes time to make videos. no we're not saying the word so is annoying we're saying you need to stop saying it because litteraly every other word you say is SO. So vidcon is in 6 days so i'm so excited. so yeah so. so i'm so excited. like so yeah. oh i don't think people should be picking on her! i actually hahaha i really like her videos :3 i agree it's wrong for people to pick on her and even hate on her. but she said herself MILD high functioning autism i actually know a lot about autism because one of my best friends has a worse case of autism than her and even she knows it's wrong to use that to get sympathy points. idk. that's all. Hey! Fans of Janoskians! Me and my friend made a fan twitter called @luvJanoskians1 and we will follow youu back if you ask :) please follow us! Love you!Ps jai you're sex Her songs aren't really ,songs, more like poems with a sort of tune? Oh well keep up the good work girl! I actually love your hair In this video... omg i just realized that too. woah *mindfuck* First of all it's great to be passionate about issues but please get your facts straight before you make a video. It seems like you're blaming the schools and the teachers because they allow bullying to continue. You keep saying ,they should do something, but what can they do ? It's not like these kids do it in front of the teachers. I have a lot to say but. Ughhh. Like it wasn't awful.. She has a decent voice ((not x factor quality but not absolute shit)) but her attitude is just too much Hahah this was partially true except it seemed like you were slightly shallower than most tumblr girls.? I get that it was for the video though :) At first I thought she was being stupid because you sgouldn't let your friends decide who you like second that isn't cyber bulling really and he wouldn't commit after one dy. plus she could have just said ,sorry I don't like you like that :/, I don't think people would be thinking of suicide because someone does that. Plus most people who are suicidal aren't even sad. They are so depressed that they become numb. This video is not very accurate @typicalhungryteen No me neither I just thought it was funny how the judges couldn't stop laughing :p she took it well though. @StaraskyLuna I was honestly do confused.... I Find it rather ridicoulous that people on here are arguing over religion in the comments. Religion is a personal thing that is different for everyone I think it's wrong to judge someone by what they do or do not believe in. Okay is it just me or does Dan say ,we're getting each other wet, but he's like super quiet. Idek I love this too much :') @1xYenax1 Yes!! Honestly this is my life in a video I'm done. Fandoms didn't @Jay Cooke Well you can sexually assault a man and touch them intropriately but it Is quite difficult to actually rape a man if you are a woman. @DFTBALilly159 Was moving out. They live together in London now. I just really wanna go to VidCon? And England? @Marissa Harrison He's only like 25... That's 10 years older than I am. ((not so bad)) @LittleSweetHeart7 You're moving to London? Lucky!! I used to put my mum's makeup on my feet to make them look clean when I was was too lazy to go wash them. .. That's pretty weird At my friends new year's party me and my friend tried to make Pia ColAdas when we were already a bit tipsy and ended up breaking the blender. We found it the next morning hidden behind the counter. Malfie is the new 1D ;) hahaha I love you guys so much you have no idea how much I laughed. So why is Sam there and also text from Kingsley much? ;) They bought some of the clothes at hm :) Adam Levine is hot so that's why I watched this in the first place",28,28,4,7,1,15,0 2220,X2221,@Leonards118 if you mean out of Dan and PhilPhil is the oldest :3 Love child of Liam Payne and Niall Horan. jesusi didnt know they dated i just thought these were random people then i see Nathan and then i look and Leda and BAM!My mind exploded. Call Matt,13,5,3,5,0,21,0 2221,X2222,All ya band wagon fans don't know nun about this !!!!! I want that beanie !!!!!! How the hell this shit gets top comment ! Coooo l ((: Cool video . Let the haters hate You should read the more important suff on the top beacuse it obvi says December 29th 2011 Lol this is a very interesting thought ....... Is this legit When did they brake up???? This is soooo auto-tuned -.- i'd give it a thumbs down too ! Lol Nooooooo ! Kendrik is asss and azad is a nobody nigga fuck outta here if anything he should hit up frank ocean stick with drake ! Id love to see him make music with the weeknd ^^ When we run out of resourses and you wont blame me no you'll than blame scociety and the Gov. 33333 ^^ Its thursday aand its valentines day !!! So you know shits going down today ! Lol Fucking anniying faggot just stfu and stop commenting on peoples shit ! Every song i go to your dumb ass commented on ! -.- And fuck the haterzz ! They are just mad beacuse were more updated on our music like the weeknd been around for years now these bandwagon fans hardly know anything else from him rather than like wwicked games smh ...... Yess ! I dont grt along with cancers either ! Every cancer i've met i argued with them (im an aries) they complain about EVERYTHING ! Well some. They get mad about the littlest things and they are just fucking weird Happy birthday able 33333 :* ( from a fan thats been here since '11 ) Your stupid . The app is not for recording video games ! Its for making videos ! But hey if you want to record your video game go right ahead (:,21,2,2,2,0,18,0 2222,X2223,Guitarist is HYDE from Larc En Ciel ? He got gold medal boxer from Oympics still fake? 1752/2514...,3,0,3,5,0,22,0 2223,X2224,omg! you're so damn gorgeous! damn! ailee must watch this! you are so cool . thanks fyi :Dbut I can't acess smtown website from my country -- cross gene- la di dadi please :) good job girls :D c-clown - far away please kangen masa2 kelas 7 T.T i guess it will be great if you dancing get out by aoa because i believe that you'll can made a great teaser like their mv.oh i guess elvis dances by aoa is good too ^^,9,0,2,1,1,14,0 2224,X2225,MIKE LEARN!!! most wicked painter and builder out there he did the skull carved V i saw these designs years ago on project guitar years ago!!! custom wood options would be really cool i see thanks,4,0,3,5,0,28,1 2225,X2226,"he he he 69 video : jan 8 2012!!!1!!111! CANADA FTW how long has this been on for? 5:00 PM in Toronto Ontario Canada bamboo is their new kitten of* FINALLYYYYYYYY FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 does anyone know whose coming because i know who is:D I feel so guilty laughing Charles and Alli have the BEST jobs EVER We the Kings should come to Canada!!!!! CALL US ZEXERS lool ,cobble that stone, yep",16,2,6,4,0,31,0 2226,X2227,Thailand's Got Talent Kingdom of Thailand,3,0,4,5,0,72,0 2227,X2228,hahahhahahhahahahahhahahaha Er du en dreng eller?? :D are you fucking kidding me ??? and why put it on youtube when you could put it on fuckingkillme. com,3,0,3,5,0,30,1 2228,X2229,how do you use MuseCore? I've installed it already but I don't know how to open the sheets there. O___O comments are filled with Anterograde Tomorrowhaha ^^;,3,1,2,2,0,15,0 2229,X2230,"Is your whole reson for being on youtube to bitch and whine about all the ,haters, if it doesnt watter how you dress then why are YOU making such a big deal about it please shut the hell up cryin and bitching!! FIRST!!!! What was that....... SHIT!!! SHIT!!!! I hope theres not an edge to edge screen because i think there ios products are allready to fragile i dont want to have to buy an otter box because it covers the whole look of the phone and the feel of the glass Repost!? Spank em with a chainsaw hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST ONE LOGHAHA You sure did work hard to get in says the guy with the ladder It's not that your truck is so high its cus your wife is so fat lol! hand crafted by christians its portal time man lets do this! hahahahahahaha omg that thing about a word over and over i used to do that all the time just to mess with myself and i thought i was just crazy dude i didn't know there was a name and a logical explanation for it thanks for the learnings:) lol im gonna learn how to play the bag pipes sp the next time anything dies im gonna be ready you should of had a meet up down here in alabama war eagle! i want those plushys thrown at me please oh please i want that amazon gift cawrd and i think those florida cops are the biggest d-bags thats MURDER wtf!?!?! how have they not been charged thats ridiculous but we move on ;) see you tomorrow philly throw it at my face! ,black ice is a bitch, lol this was awesome!!!!!!!!! is it just me or did omar look a little too comfortable with that ak-47 (nervouse as ef) my favorite part was when he said ,would ya look at this, this was an awesome and accurate reenactment but im really not sure if it was supposed to be funny i started laughin then i stoped cus i thought it was pretty serious then i started laughin again HAHA im confused but still i loved it great job How old are all of them?",22,5,5,9,0,20,0 2230,X2231,"i can't believe that one of my legend is die . R.I.P. GREG . PLAY YOUR SAX 4 EVER IN PARADISE one of my fav band my fav of australia. why? the great parts and solo's sax of greg ham . R.I.P. i think without robert palmer power station don't exist no it wasn't one hit wonder. omd made many famouse song like ,enola gay, ,souvenir, joan of aerc maid of orleans locomotion sailing on the seven seas pandora's box etc.(famous in england and europe) and ,dreaming , ,if you leave , ,so in love , ,live and die , secret, ( america and canada) i think this version is better than original. what can you say now? it's my opinion in the 80s there was some great artist and band like talk talk omd howard jones Johnny hates jazz that made a different kind of the classical synth pop like DURANS DM SPANDAU it was so melanconic ok everybody have fun tonight but wang chung haven't so much fun this is the ,true, music !!!!! 80s rules only for fans!!!!! 80s = simple music with a lot of class harpsichord !!!! every modern song with this strument is so suggestive !!!! straglers kings of end 70s first 80s music the name of the song is ,be free with YOUR love, great song thanks to spandau07 for video ah anether idiot !!!! the drummer is vince leigh the bassist is pierre pierre (gigliotti) drummer's brother keyboards player james leigh singer guitarist is brian canham two different bands by my opinion however the fixx much underrated duran duran 4 ever all the covers don't exist for me tony hadley the best pop singer of 80s and one of the best ever ma non la penso proprio cos .il repertorio specialmente degli 80s degli u2 ottimo . sono due gruppi totalmente diversi e come te continuo a preferire i duran ITALIA i didn't know sorry! :) respect you puck the very best in world you have a passion for cooking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wowxd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okpuck!!! e bellissimo!!!!!! wow bella collezzione se rileggerai la mia risposta non ho mai epitetato travaglio come ,comunista,",27,6,3,1,0,22,0 2231,X2232,"well he sounds like a perfectly homophobic young man. 3:00 lawllawl 0:07 her necklace is the word fuck adorned with wings. like a flying fuck. lol. its racist because its implying that the feat is less impressive solely due to the idea that ,black people are more athletic, not to mention what shitty taste in music your girlfriend has. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHA jkpnadshbgvhafhbdan i love yoouuuu homophoibiaaaaaa dude that shits not cuuutteee best night of my liiiiiiiiiiiiife ahjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjhfbgesduajk well i dunno there was that video that federator put out that cartoon network had them take down 'cause it talked about them liking each other as more than friends and also i mean marceline is supposed to be a touch chick and she doesn't seem like she'd be one to ,want to, apologize to some one who hates her for no unless she liked them A LOT. plus the whole t-shirt thing. idk man just sayin. agressive courtney love is fantastic OR maybe heroin use bipolar disorder and a lifetime of insecurities ruined kurts life. the relationship wasn't healthy for either of them but they were adults who could make there own decisons and clearly saw something in each other. so shes singing with her husband who was the lead guitarist of the moldy peaches which was kimya dawsons band. asdUHAHBDJHDSBFWEHFAJHFAHSDKAFAKJSNDJKSFNjafjhsdferbf *my english teacher haHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahaha this video reminds me of Water World like a ton idk man this song is pretty damn ,mainstream, 2:10 - 2:21 omtnjeihjFUBGRAFDJXLRT omg are you serious. Blood is oxygenated when inside the body. it looks blue because of the color of your skin. you're a moron. literally LOOK IT UP just got laid parade ssx on tour",23,1,3,5,0,43,0 2232,X2233,Love you Tee!! lol you crazy!! That RED is off the chain!!! Love it!! I think it's beautiful worth every penny!! Houston Tx loves Taren916!! Such a beautiful baby!! She's one of God's Angels now!! I'm sorry for the loss of this precious child!! Rest in Paradise Beautiful Bella!! Personally I love the wig and for the record Taren I'm sick of people messing with you about things... I get so angry with the negative comments that other BLACK women make... I mean it's really sad!!! We love you Taren keep doing what you're doing... Apparently you are really doing a GREAT job sharing with us your processes and growth... Thanks so much LOVE YOU TAREN! Wow you said a mouth!!! Thank you for this video! Sisterly love is priceless! Amen I love your message!!! This is very powerful stuff!!! You are soooooo gorgeous!!! He is beautiful!!! Girl you are too much fun!! Love you! No this isn't about race I'm black and I'm totally ashamed!!! Now see there goes to show you theres a difference between black folks and niggas!!! Sorry to say but it is what it is! LMBO!! Doooooooing hu thannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng!!! Man I like fell out laughing!! Yeah I graduate in May!!! Its really a good school!! Girl you sound like a true black woman!! LMBO I closed my eyes and I swear you sound like my aunt Faye Jean!!! I died laughing!!! Love your videos! A countried black woman from East Texas!!! lol LMBO!! I almost pissed on myself!!!! Too funny! You are new favorite YouTube Star!!! OMG that was a good story I hung on every word like a goat princess at New Years!!! That was a beautiful story! This song definitely takes me back to a few years ago when I was living this pain out loud!!! Sing babygirl the pain of a woman in love!,20,3,7,5,0,43,1 2233,X2234,Zico damn he's fly as hell 3I love GD also so don't get me wrong.But in rap comparison gotta give it to Zico o u o; 3 We all have our opinions but this is a bit harsh.Go ahead don't give a flying fuck about me but seriously what is your problem?Maybe you should listen to their other hit singles before you judge.See you fucking never. I totally love this song *O*Hwating SNSD .3. Seriously this song is like wow3Why aren't there more views D;Like omfg I love this33 I don't get why people are complaining that they copied Bigbang :/I mean do you actually KNOW Bigbang?I've been a V.I.P ever since they've debuted and this does not resemble them.Like seriously just because a band has a few things that may seem the same it doesn't automatically mean that 'they're coping ______'.P.s these boys are wonderful3 Oh puh-lease bitch.I live in Utah and it's fucking ghetto.Junior High students already fucking and getting into relationships.My middle school actually had teachers that call you bitch and whore behind their breaths and yes everybody mostly was mormon.Still everybody is fucking ghetto.There's a gun store next to a church here.Point proven. I'm deeply sorrybut have you gotten lost?If you don't have a certain liking towards a band then why are you on their video? Also if your trying to strike up an argument I suggest you do not reply at all. If you think I'm an idiot or sadly delusional. Then why must you take time from your life to type me the opinion?Have a beautiful day. To all the people who cannot understand her SARCASMlol you all don't have a healthy mental health :PNext time listen to how her voice squeaks up to a tone that even a fourth grader could identify is sarcasm. god i miss this show ;nn;,9,41,3,5,0,15,0 2234,X2235,kpc te vieni lietuviei.?? why this video was deleted from FloVEVO..???? Both albums from FlorenceTheM. just cant be described in words..,3,0,4,5,0,17,0 2235,X3310,"0:49 BLAZE WAIT...SOUL EATER STILL GOES ON?! I'll take her~ wtf. black star u being a perv? It's Patty STREET DRUM LIKE A BOSS RARITY!!!WATCH WHAT U HIT! Hooves up if you like being a tree! NOOOOOOOOOO VINYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 54 ignored their calls 5 ponies don't rave *lip bite* LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL well i know one thing: MORE WINGS This was one of my favorite ending tracks in Naruto...I wish Netflix didn't take Naruto off... There's a teenage version by bronies and pegasisters on DeviantART a MLP:FIM fan comic which is known as ,Dash Academy,. If you read it you might also see RainbowDash and even Derpy as teens(before 15 after 10) as middle schoolers like a Sophmore. Jack: I GOT A JAR OF DIIIRRRRTT.Jawk: ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL WHERE'S HIS M16?! Dude. no varia? IT'S THE BEST SONG IN IT EVER same song used in the Portal 2 sixense DLC trailer I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN LEMONS!!!!! Wheatley: YES YES IN YOUR FACE IN YO- aww.. it's the thing with the bass speaker thing that hits back when projects a big sound next to your internet It's different on mine. I have the one where it asks you your sample ratewhere to record from sample size and number of channels. HELP ME I USE XP BUT AN OLD ONE. it's 32-bit one for Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 I use Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 desktop. Can you help me? mine uses the sample ratesample size number of channels and where to record from and I have only stereo mix and that is on my Sound Why is there static on your vid? R.Kelly...Pissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss BUT SHIT IT WAS NINETY-NINE CENTS!! OH MY GANGNAM STYLE PSY'S VIDEO HAS REACHED OVER 1 BILLION!! CONGRATULATIONS PSY! EPICNESSIN A NUTSHELL YOU FORGOT THE ELEVATOR NAO BANDAI VS CAPCOM",31,6,3,5,0,14,0 2236,X2237,"CAN THIS HAPPEN HERE.CAN OCTO COME TO JAPAN SO I CAN SEE THISPLEASE FUUTA LET ME LOVE YOUFUCKIN' CUTIE OMG BRB FUCKING SOBBING This is very helpful since I'm living in Japan right now. ( = 7 = ) Thanks! CAN I BE AN EXCHANGE STUDENT???? I'M ALREADY IN THE COUNTRY DAMMIT! Why do I torture myself so watching videos that give me immense feels? AB. YOU FUCKING PRECIOUS! I'M FUCKIN TEARING UP Oh noThey're hot Me too Tav. Me too All I could think throughout the whole video was,Damn I want Iggy's boots.,",10,1,3,5,0,18,0 2237,X2238,@SkullQueen72 yeah the person that did the movie was trippin on acid but the author of the original book(s) was just a little....creative. believe it or not old people are some of the best drummers was it expensive? what is that mode called that Terra ent,17,0,5,5,0,25,0 2238,X2239,1 disk for single player and another for multiplayer!!!! awesome swag swag swag u get beat up alot and when the word comeback shows up u press y an then u press y again to do the comeback if u have a running comeback u run and while u are running u press y if u are in the corner put him there same process after u press y press the buttons that appear on the screen quickly can u help me i finished rock's story line but it says i didn't complete it and i finished the rest of attitude era mode yeah u play as the person that interferes TROLOLOLOLOLO i bet it is the governor yep your back!!!!!!!!!!!! what a waste of time how long can it hover before running out of fuel? I saw him but it ended up being Christopher walken did I ever tell u the definition of insanity.... this was awesome can u try making a movie about the rake Nova is bossome ITS BAROLD!!!!!! It was bork laser that attacked the rock not the shield hey its me mike from conrady oscars friend @Ryan LeBlanc batman because he is batman they see me rollin with the dolphins nothing nothing please don't hurt me FAKE!!!!! @gab041329 I need new camera it will have game play footage from video games This was smosh wen they wer kids pewdiepie reference Sorry I was quite did not want to wake up my dad,26,10,4,8,0,41,0 2239,X2240,keep up the good work girl! :) i know westlife when i was two. this is the first band i know. they're really great! keren nih dance nya eunhyuk seksiiihh This is the best song I've ever knew :) Tina :) :) I have a photo when she wear that T-shirt! :) I know you obesessed with harry potter. cuz you're Mr. Peter-Potter :) This music remind me of something I don't know. I just really feels good when hearing this music :) gila! keren banget! sumpah deh gue aja gak bisa main piano :O huahahah kak isal ikut joget juga! xD remembering me to someone who likes to play this game :') lol is that pia mia perez in 1:36 3:59 LOL :D Ah I really sad when Zanessa broke up. I almost cried when Yi Soo died. I'm impressed :),17,5,3,4,0,14,0 2241,X2242,He didn't pull up high enough :P If i could do that I would show you Good luck tomorrow :P i live in CA Dude I could help you i am good with r63's and old school I got a 4.23 jb for you guys :D Dude you must be fucked up! she isnt sexy at all. Im making r63 now if u want one like mine just inbox me then ill privit message u a working phoenix and database pluse ubercms ;D I can teach u how to use outo tune better that people wont know ur outo tuned but i think u dont need outo tune because we all think u have a beautiful voice Sure Soooo true :/ :'( Tell him u love him before its to late then u will fell better and much better if he likes u back :) Hi i am willing to host a minecraft server for u inbox me if u want me to ill put ur map on it to. Sorry but u spelt it wrong(not trying to be rude) *here* My wish is to get Antonia(my ex gf) back I miss her so much I love her so much i have never forgot her 3 she will stay in my heart for ever *fell* lol yeah idk why etheir code please???? im kinda new at this but how does that work? i use gecko I know anonymous is a bunch of old people they dont got a name its called Anonymous because they dont have a name! if it the group is real n wants to hack me go a head ill just shut them down anonymous ur fake LOL it is fake u idiots!! their a hacker group never trust hackers Where do i put the codes? Lol i played with u before: mom what does rape mean?!? OHHHH I dont rape or do i IMSOHAPPY How do u downgrade? without e3 flasher never forgot this song since 2007! no you dont my friend did it without that his name is: PURPLE_RAIN_MODS hey can u do a tut on how to downgrade without e3 flasher but with usb flash drive When u do put it in does it downgrade it?,26,22,3,12,0,37,0 2242,X2243,We Zaa Cool lalice I just can't wait. !!!! 555 / / // / / / / / / / * / / / / / //** / / // / / / / /,7,0,3,3,1,23,0 2243,X1836,That was....weird.Just plain weird.But u seriously got me When I first heard this song I thought she was a black lady singing Mean but funny Music to my HEART.Hilarious Hes pretty cute.....the monkey Love it I remember I used to be crazy for him This is the only good song she has That was Good They are so cute Cool!:) no dislikes so far! This is adorable THAT IS SO FREAKIN SAD!!!LIKE I READ THE COMMENTS FIRST AND IM STILL FREAKIN CRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!:( Who asked you? You sound a lot better.keep it up!:) Oviamente ylenia y jerry... Duh! Los dos estan buenos nadamas los ninos mexicanos tienen mejor coreografia HOT!!! This dude is not 12 heard old!! What happen to the black girls chris? Hilarious!!! :D Ikr k estaban los dos desnudos I know one was druged Amen!!! :') Ur stupid Ikr Back then cells lol About this guys know how good this is for our econony these kids will start buying cars pay taxes and many probably start new businesses How old r u ? Me gusto mas el baile de esta cancion con yelena y jerry del ano pasado TEEHEE You r so awesome demi! Don't listen to those u haters!!!! Boring Esta es Su mejor video Me gustan sus letras El burro hablando de orejas Funny :D You've got that one thing??? You call that dirty dancing....I wonder what's todays??? She sounds hot,39,0,3,5,0,20,0 2244,X2245,Ailee is so sweet...she congratulates BAP before she speaks :3 nicole and jinwoon 3 4:40 omg i love you hyoyeon @nyesther21 i mean rappers and dancers lol so so so so so beautiful 3 lol sorry man the only good part is the part they stole from best one i've ever seen :) 2yoon is amazing esp jiyoonhow are their voices so stable while jumping around pause at 2:47kinda creepy manxD,10,38,5,5,0,21,0 2245,X2246,Woah..Your HAIR. Aww3 cutest cat ever. C: Marry me Coach came.hi coach! Bear with me rocks. 0:55 thanks a lot.....NOT!!! Coach Z is better than this. I'm way better than that. Your a troll. lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol,10,15,5,5,0,16,1 2246,X2247,Hey guys If i get to 30 Subs i will have a little treat for you Assassins Creed fans. Hey Guy I would like to thank each and everyone of you for supporting me and giving me 30 subscribers. Now... As a man of his word i want you guys to send me a message of what you want me to upload. I will then make a video of it.and again thanks alot guys. Just went to see the new Batman and Brave. Highly recommend watching both. they are brilliant movies Just Turned 18 Today. WOOH!!!! bottoms up people.,4,36,3,32,0,48,0 2247,X2248,P.I.P you piece of shit lol 50 Nice stop at 5:37........ Playstation 3 Umm just wondering whats up with the little black bar :)? He must of been here perfect killshot C.S.I. Namalsk Starring Sacriel I liked for Dogmeat Why is his ring finger nail painted? First time I've Favorited liked and subscribed because of one video Wild Irish Rose is like 5 bucks at the gas station near my house Its good not wine but alcohol still diffrent flavors to. I wondered why he asked if this floor will take 40000 pounds lol what the hell type of question is that xD Yolo :3 lol j/k Is it a squid? Could of atleast washed it.,14,14,3,4,0,19,1 2248,X2249,the best video 2011... puros grandes los duran y massu!! Donna Summer is live!! duran duran The sound of Thunder Duran duran ... the first album.. thanx donna si duran duran rio jajajajajaj good job n1 bonds music,8,0,3,5,0,40,0 2249,X2250,...pinche tiburon vloguero ala verga...jajaja no mames XD mmm se pusieron a pegar fotos y audio en movie makerXD mmmm what paper type use you for this job? mi maldito sobrino me hace que lo ponga...chingatu madre yo tengo el mismo problema pero mi error es 0x8004005 y no encontrado nada ue me ayude wow!!! wow que buen video se pueden remplazar el transmisor y el receptor por otros?? lo que pasa esque no venden en mi ciudad ayuda porfavor :D jjajajaja eres un pendejoo XD alchile like ya me la aprendi :) jajaja pendejeee jajajajajaja me caga sentarme atras de un dinosaurio que se come a las demas personas -.- WTF?!!!! hija de puta :( Damn niggah!,17,0,3,5,0,15,0 2250,X2251,@DidHeDied Wow you poor thing if Obedient Faith is mental gosh what an aweful case you must be ill have a padded cell arranged for you the oober deranged. Will be praying for your sanity.,1,3,5,2,0,39,0 2251,X320,"im 12 and i tried suicide she is a carnavor she just let him in the oven to long i love how his face was when he said ,No... I live in up-town Philadelphia., your not an outcast your just you. Wow! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! shut the F**** i hate Justin bieber he annoying! it's called pay back :] what kind of laptop? you should of cleaned and sold it! my brother was born the 7 of January! she is good but crazy! 1:00 ! is awesome yes.... aww do you breed? if you do how much? i would love one. 2:33 got me dying! i told every one i loved frank ocean and there like eww so i bitch slaped them :D i love those contacts were did you buy them? harry was just like omfg wth! how old were you two? does any one else feel somthing behind them or sothing touching you feet? do you have spider ball pythons for sale? ummm bitch please i bet you eat hamburgers and people keep the as pets too im getting my male albino and female hypo for 250 :} soo exited! in description: How can a teacher hit a student?Well idiot they use their muscles! and swing on the retard! i think i would put some apple juice! and a condom 0:38 omg sooo cute! awww i love zayns reaction! omg i just read your ad god bless her i love this song! i love those gifts. whats their address? omg perfection! i love you! can i marry you anthony? . how much did you spend? on every thing",35,7,3,1,1,16,0 2252,X2253,"ahah eddies freaken gooddid he like o most trip well he was doing it!!!!!WTF!!!!!!!:)):D shes good;DJERSEY SHORE JERSEY SHORE!IM LIKE ADDICTED TO IT MAN !!TEE SHIRT TIMEMERPYEA BUDDYCABS ARE HEREGRENADEMEATBALL LOVEOHH YEAH TANNING YEAHSNOOKI''EATING FRIED PICKELS WAS A LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE,.SORRY HAD 2 RIGHT ALL THAT!TEAM PAULY D N TEAM VINNY N TEAM MEATBALL!!!!!!!:D OHH YEAH JERSEY SHORE YEAH!!!merp merp merp merp merp merp o tay!==)) What is cHRIS DOING IN THE BACK ;dAnd i liked {VIRUS} BETTTER i ment came how gay usher is not dead!!!also dont talk about comptine like that foe!!IIDIOT ISNT WWE SUPPOST TO BE FREKEN FAKE shes very good but she should would be better if she didnt have the acsent TRU DAT",9,0,2,5,0,14,0 2253,X1908,lukes voice sounds great sounds like a smokers voice lol tori...... beautiful voice beautiful face omg i couldnt take my eyes off daiyel the whole time and it made me smile ^_^ He's from American Samoa that says it all he shouldve been from Western Samoa. They must have used the duck duck goose method when selecting this runner rofl ahmed's talk with his friends is hillarious. dang y'd they flip the script and change damon's daddy. i wasnt expecting to see uncle philip banks on this programme lol reeeeeeeeoooow kitty likes to scratch she's amazing i wasnt expecting her to pull it off but she does. SUPER. you just cant beat the original orange curly haired Annie she was by far the best. Willow Smith aint gonna have nothing on the original either but my children are looking forward to seeing the up to date version your no better than the rest of em that think its funny to portray maori as a useless race. people think maori are brainless woman beating alcohol drinking uncle bully kiddy fucking feed their kids noodles so they can smoke p and weed horieeeeez. keep encouraging people to think your a peasant. ya filthy animal. very cute guys. my 14yr old son is the SKUXX king lol havent heard a record from him in a while so im getting my fix of LL through NCIS hehe dont know why but all i had in my head was uh ah ooh ah - squeezing you tight and holding you close - those were the only bits i could remember and i kept singing it over and over not remembering what song it was so i made it my mission to look for it and im soooo glad i did. definitely a brilliant song. Miss you Boys II Men naw his upbringing was stunning i saw his audition and he blew me away. i hope he's doing well today. that voice reporting during the eye witnesses comments is sooo annoying it sounds computerised rofl Patero.... Falebaku buahahaha good clean fun great share guys stan the man is really a wo-man fag someone needs to punch her in the mouth the little slut - u dont know me u dont know me - well listen up little girl we dont HAVE to know u before we come to the conclusion that your a little toerag especially coz your on TV saying it loud and proud absolutely magical 3 3 3 your voice i cook your dinner i wash your clothes baby hell no its not the way it goes ITS ALL ABOUT ME TONIGHT!!!!! thats right guys were not only your personal maids we need it to be ALL ABOUT ME sometimes so make us proud ^_^ you nailed that song sweetheart great job!!! very appropriate word change too. I cant wait for my 6yr old daughter to get home from school she's gonna love you. i look forward to hearing more songs/covers from you. someone to look out for in the future. keep sharing your beautiful voice with us. can u post the lyrics please absolutely beautiful lol did they beep their horn at it lmfao HAHA DROP IT LIKE ITS HOT DORA samoans know how to have good CLEAN fun!!! gj all 12186 people dont like this song???? they dont know good music when they hear it OBVIOUSLY or is it the same person viewing it that many times :/ keep giving it the thumbs down people wont have to watch it theyd just know its a bullshit clip shouldv changed the word. I heard that you've settled down that you've found a GUY/BOY mission 8 feel that heartbeat race snap your fingers snap your feet just keep up with the pace hey samoans are heaps better than you tongans. know it biitches i thought these contestants were both smart and pretty apparantly their NOT lol omg what a whiney little bitch. your an embarrasment to ALL GAYS!! send this idiot to the warzones im sure they'd surrender if we get him to stop moaning like a little fag oh i wish my man could sing like you. id definitely be making love to him after he sings this to me ;) I miss you so much. Please give her back to us and take some of the crappy artists we have instead haahaahaaaaaa good shit guys. great that yous can make fun of yourselves and let us enjoy your stupidity. errrr maaaa geeeersh typed in hillarious videos and this crap was at the top of the list lmfao every time i see this clip it makes me laugh GOOD CLEAN PRANK. LOVE IT,38,0,6,5,0,32,0 2254,X2255,HOLY. SHIT. O_o (*MINDBLOWN*) Imagine her as an old lady. That'd be brilliant,2,0,3,5,0,19,0 2255,X2256,ADD ME ON,1,97,4,26,0,15,0 2256,X1134,"I WANT DA CAMEL What the fuck I didn't get a poster See if I was to win anything I would want a shirt I already have a razer mouse headset and keyboard I just don't have a shirt Swifty if I am to win this prize I don't want the stuff cause I already have it all I would just want a t shirt u could give it to someone else I would vote for hi. BEST EPIC RAP BATTLE EVAR The pit of shame?FUCK YOU! TEBOW TIME Did anyone else notice that when the BG started the horde symbol flashed instead of the alliance symbol like it is suppose to? HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEWDIEPIE Damn that is some great skill here baj LISTEN UP YOU SLUUUUUUUTS haha yea i would enjoy that one YES The power of christ repells youTHE POWER OF SATAN IS STRONGER FUCK OFF!!!!! Swifty im so jealous of your computer setup i agree with this 100% Hola Senior Swifty Hey Swifty Nikerym here i was wondering where you got your sound canceling foam things that are on your walls cause i need those for my apartment please message or comment as fast as possible please and thank you haha Swifty that guy added me i thought it was you and he told me he hacked you and i flipped out on him Razer naga please swifty :D lol look at Anthony at 11:02 i just love the random HAMISH WILSON rodney mullen is a beast can i please be on one of your episodes this all looks so good if i win the prize i just want a shirt i have a nostromo and a mousepad a shirt would be cool Swifty you lost to dixienormous in the dual haha ,this is my game,*watches next episode*Jovenshire gets slapped and wears a twilight shirt i want the dragon mount they should make this the theme song for AC3 Yay this was published on my birthday i would agree with the first two the third one would be michael Amen make it like the graphics today haha would be awesome YAY jack Is it me or does jovenshire look like seth mcfarlene? yea i know its a game i was just messing around take it seirous why don't you miles if you want to try world of warcraft you can play on my account i don't use it anymore Nice joke barbara You guys need to make a T-shirt that gavin has that says keep calm and tease it",39,5,4,1,0,17,0 2257,X2258,Two Steps From Hell.... What an ironic choice of music. Wow! That is so cool! Thanks for letting us know! Thanks tanner! Any requests? @jakecucaracha Thanks man! If you like Iration or The Expendables you might like the covers of Down Down Down and Nice and Slow on our channel! Check 'em out if you haven't already :D Thanks Michelle :D Thanks! Be sure to check us out on itunes! Yo Skrill' drop it hardER... Don't you sell out on me man...I love you. For your grimy wobbles.This lacks grimy low ends. Don't listen to the fucktards who wanna change your music! Fight them with the dub! Wubwubwub! It's going to be called Automatic and it's supposed to come out this summer! Hahaha thanks man! Thank you sir! Spread the love! We really appreciate it! Thank you!,11,100,3,51,0,27,0 2258,X2259,Learn how to spell fucking before you say shit like that. Why the fuck would you hi five eachother and get exited when you just crossed the border. thats pretty suspicious. Its epic how into the music he is! Lol he only used those locations because they are iconic and it adds to the comedic aspect. Dumbass why are you listening to rage. I LOVE JUSTCAUSE 2!!! Plus thats a pretty epic grappling hook mod you've got there. Wait did you just get that from the description? HAHAHAHA! Why are you here? If you mean yogscast2 you're just being sexist... Hannah is really entertaining. Yep XD now i feel like an idiot. (First person who has admitted their defeat on youtube! Haha.) Its good but you gotta slow it down a little. It sounds shitty when you play it that fast but besides that it was awesome. Nice jab man XD! This is epic! Your use of simple editing makes everything more funny XD :D:D:D:D Thanks for putting an annotation to my channel! I gotta give you a shoutout! Fuck you. Why would you come on to a RATM video just to diss it... Hahahahaha! Yeah lol. Wait noah is nukeman! CONSPIRACIES! I lived in 7 different countries before i was twelve. And i was kind of a weakling. Lol i kind of had the same childhood as him. Yeah plus the drums are DAMN HARD in this song. Props to that drummer! I bet his arms went limp after this song XD First off there is only one guitar the other one is a bass. And fuck you for that sarcasm. Are you serious! Thats awesome! You mean white noise? It occurs because there is no other noise that you can hear. Also sometimes because a loud noise like a bomb going off shook your ear drum. Not absolutley sure if correct but this is my thought. RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE OR THE FOO FIGHTERS! I just got that the title was supposed to be like XD How could i not remember you man XD,25,89,7,79,1,44,0 2259,X2260,Disturbance ^^,1,0,2,5,0,15,0 2260,X2261,The girl said it was fake.. She just put ketchup on it apparently omfg Jawn Ha Name him TeeHee LOOL,3,0,3,5,0,19,0 2261,X2262,Sub plz Add OhhSmpL everyone 3 GET EVERYONE TO SUB ME | Lift_SmpL Everyone Sub To FinishOrigin Plz my clan channel Hey Guys check out my mate Texture hes an amazing editor give him a sub Hey guys Just wanna give a shout to my good friend Texture. Hes an AMAZING editor and deserves 200 Subs hes at 165 atm so go show him some love and sub him :D OMG Check this JIZZTASTIC Edit by Text sub him and he might do you a Ep?:D Hey guys Just wanna tell you all that i am gay (Homosexual). I have been feeling this way since i was born but didn't have the courage to tell anyone. I hope you guys can help and support me as i am going through a rough patch in my life. I also love Rothyy's and Vzul's small cocks invading my butt hole. so yeah i love you all (especially you VzuL) -SmpL Had an interesting day an old man jerked my penis a little to much yo guys just wanna say to all my new subs SUBSCRIBE to ths nsane edtor! hes amazng.. Hey guys SmpL here just wanna ask you guys to do me a favor.SUB THIS AMAZNG EDITOR and tell him SmpL sent me. it would mean alot if you guys could because hes an underatted editor and been a good mate of mine.cheers.,12,301,2,1,0,21,1 2262,X2263,i seriously want to bitch slap her right now this is soooooo bronze league but that's already been pointed out. I mean really? mass marine against banelings? Justin beiber definently everything is better than jb i'd still bang her pedo bear approves! i have the same issue Says the 8 year old who plays legos. How the fuck can you comment on the graphics of this game when you play a game about lego's for 5 year olds with even worse graphics an eight year old like you probably doesn't even understand that minecrafts graphics are supposed to look like that to bring back the old days. Your one of the people in the world i wish would just freaking die in a hole. before you call something fake learn how to spell. well fuck you too bitch how old are you....,11,0,4,5,0,27,1 2263,X3097,1;16 Spore in a nutshell where things fly. this is amazing... (( Im glad to go back through this cave several times )) LOL 6:16pewdipie: Lolwut. PLASMA BEAM IS LAVA BEAM! enemys love lava... this is a fact... 5:52oh shit...was that...BLACK WARGREYMON???? no... thats not it... SOMONE FOUND A FREE HAT INFRONT OF MY EYES ITS POSSIBLE FOR A FREE HAT FIND!!! Well if I be shot by a bullet and shoved out in space I LOVE THIS GAME!!...even if i did cheat after the 3 legit times i beat it :D Suggestion Box: My littpe ponyMe: ...damnit i cant escape after i watch it once... I will never look at a sentry the same way again... 4:43Pewdie: OMG Hes awsome!Me: He? you made a she pewdie :L Cant get any better then this... chugga playing a game that doesent involve killing on a high level... with peaceful music :) 10 second into LIKE A HALF MINUTE BOSS! Well thats good. atleast I know somone cares enough to watch me :) I have a boner right now... I gotta say... things are less creepy when you got an even weirder boner... 12:24GameGuy: Go! Beetlemon thing...i now love beetlemons. I want a rubberband to do that in real life... I was in this video if you can see which one i was you get a cookie. Oh how i love this space gag... This made my day laughing at your comment. Cudos to your enthusiasm! ^^ Press 9 for rubs! Quick! get some random spacegags for the long trip to the end of the game! You earn my sub cause you do a ton of random stuff that is apparently entertaining to me. keep up the good work sir :D How to be the best kid with hacks and a mc:Have a high pitched voiceHave voice hacksChange voice to even higher pitched and more squeaky...100% FOOL PROOF PLAN(This is what i have learned) Pewds when im dieing... give me a heart transplant. Your the only 'certified' doctor that i can trust :D GameGuy I love watching your live streams :) Ace Hardlight just got hurt from having BEEP-BEEP!! yelled in his ear?... I found his one and only 'true' weakness. You need more subscribers. you make excellent videos maybe even the best ive ever seen for so many games. :D Wow. I know some people dont like pokemon (not saying anything bad about him) but its just... you could of sold those cards atleast... Why do I agree with these so much....,31,0,2,5,0,45,0 2264,X2265,My mum Is also allegic to fake earrings but what she does is she puts vasaline on the earring before putting them on an she doesn't react to them maybe give that a try :)) omg ellens coming to australia uejgsdbfkujsdbfljshdfc i must meet her when shes here!!!!! do a makeup collection or more makeup tutorials :)))) i like shoes wow before your video there was an ad for the carrie diaries :O I've been using the falsies flared mascara for quite a while now and mine till this day hasn't dried up at all ive probley had mine for about 6 months Try living in australia everything here costs double what it costs in America shits unfair I can't afford anythingggg Higaholics 3 COME BACK TO MELBOURNEEEEEEEE so glad your back! Do you know of any sites that sell authentic Mac products cheaper?? And thanks for the video very helpful for us Aussies :)) omg i legit cried Harley!! My favourite thing about you is that you are actually hilarious and you do your makeup so well your not like the other gurus who cake on the makeup. I also love you cause your from australia and so am i and there aren't too many australian beauty gurus out there so you use australian products and products that are available in australia. -i am following you on twitter (twitter buddies or?) hahaa xx My favourite product at the moment would be the master precise liquid eye liner by maybelline!! i get $9 at mcdonaldsssss,16,8,3,5,0,16,0 2265,X2266,j adore cette chanson une caresse pour les oreilles.... Ce mec est un Gnie jamais egal ni egalable.... Le top du top....Orgasmique et Puissant.... La classe le top... superbe voix et bonne ambiamce j adore..... c est enorrrrrrrrrrrrrme.. j adore c est trop bon tout est dit la vie d'artiste c est d etre sure que demain n est pas qu il faut tout faire pour accomplir sa mission d artiste qu on soit chanteur peintre autres.... Un maitre une rfrence.... Un gnie...une machine musik....,9,0,3,8,0,41,0 2266,X2267,"wheres drascier ;( u got trolled insulting how childish :) omg this looks so fucking GREAT ! made me wanna go horde but horde shouldn't accept pandas horde is NOT CUTE ! hey thats my pc^^ fluttershy's voice actor even has a cute voice when she speaks ,normally,^^ i recognise let'os beautiful voice in the background 3 Real question is why not ? :p",9,0,3,5,1,21,0 2267,X2268,Yess Lil Kid on xbox is the best nigga so funny. Shutup Meg. I dont think hes being serious he's Mr. Pregnant guys! Hes the genius actor the Youtube Legend !On a semi related note i like me some fat women no lie... them thick women be tha best;),3,3,3,55,0,20,0 2268,X2269,"name him sean name it ,simon's wiener,",2,5,4,5,1,21,0 2269,X2270,When the hell does this thing come out? You be one crazy mutha F***** Shit be going down the future.....sign me the hell up! I got vertigo watching tis. Market this shit and make it available to the world! WeW!! Shit I thought the Facebook IM was my Facebook IM... why would you buy these pieces of shit. Buy a Windows/Android/IOS for cheaper.. why do they put ugly Logo's or lettering on the front. Throw that shit in the back.... Fucking retarded advertisements... This guy is funny Im a horrible person this shit just cracks me up.. cool tablet..but I hate white for a color..prone to get dirty...dang..if only black or charcoal grey was an option.. damn this sucks Im tossed between this Beautiful specimen or the Asus Vivotab Smart which comes out later in the month... Ohh right on. Ive never owned a Thinkpad at all Ive always built my own PC's or just went with Asus Labtops. Im really thinking of getting this Win8 Tablet. Thanks for the Reply. F the weapons I wanna see the Red Head Not only did he make the Xbox a scream free environment but saved that lady maybe 50 dollars lmao. Cool story brosef.,17,3,5,5,0,21,0 2270,X2271,"Don't you mean U.I.C.O.K.Y.O Unfortunately i can only kill you once Skyrim for the win right think about what happened to him though I let my mom watch the part about tetris and she was fliping the fuck out ,your doing this wrong you stupid motherfucker Ok must appreciated It's bad you have to put that after the joke it appears we share pictures How about Arch mages vs Rhexx Yes pretty sure you can only do it once I agree with this guy It's a bitch 9:20 MARK NUTT!!! I well went over ten by now FRONT FLIP FOR STYLE!! Do i need to repeat myself? isn't she a he though? Hell yea we got Ezio on our side the hippies are fucked Agreed dang someone beat me to making a harlem shake on this video time to leave the internet i found a Norwegian Seamus /watch?v=jp1yclQXd1Q",22,1,2,5,1,20,0 2271,X2272,Gow2 Gow3. (: Siick. (: Siick edit.!! (: Niiceee.!! (: Siick Liked.!!!! :D good shit. (: Dope.!!! (: Siick.!!!! (: Siick. (: Siiick. (:,10,141,3,15,0,23,0 2272,X2273,"nope. Si #8 po yung ex ni Vice :) HAHAHAHAHAH wow CZ ang cool mo! ;))) HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA ibang klase! :DDD Laughtrip si Czymon :DDDDDD KYAAAAA Jason este WOOYOUNG!!! :Missing Dream High LOL :)) Someday my prince charming will come too :, Great love story ;) Dara's hair I LOVE YOU EVEN IF YOU'RE ALL A MONSTER! 3 Love this part 1:11 - 1:15 the beat : The best moves: HYUNA :) How can I delete a song? :| Thumbs up for ,THE MOB, \m/ :D knee drop to body drop!!! Amazing Ending!!! :DDDD Leggo Ultimate HipHop :D hahahaha opo. Thanks Dafnie :)",14,9,3,18,0,17,0 2273,X2274,NOW ON MACHINAMA! before the hype ahaha funny for u guys who arent on PST im enjoying this live feed @Matthew Miller this video is kinda outdated ill try to update u guys @deadlyzairsoft thank you! Ahah you tell'em thanks Thanks!!! This is gopro hd 1 the one before hd hero 2 that shows you don't need the more expensive gopro's. they are all great! yes it is VERY reliable :D,8,94,5,68,0,16,0 2274,X2275,SO FREAKING CUTE!!! Well you're late! Just heard song hurt by johhny cash it is crucially sad! I am serious Tiarra I'm crying right now!!!1 FUCK YOU it's an expression You just mad! You just mad! Who says I can't be a belieber and like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im one got a problem I look stupid omg thanks alot my peeps thanks a-lot!~Skittles Who cares shut up! OH MAH GAWD I CANT STOP LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your life must be really interestinh! lincoln es winner 2700 people got time for that. So you're saying that people who love Justin and have him as their user name are stupid? No that awkward moment when his name is Dookie Me too handhug bestie! OMG! Just because there's a cute guy and he can sing doesn't mean he's a next Justin Bieber! Gosh! The get with Samantha 2013 HONEY BOO BOO CHILD That made no sense. Go back to school and get an education ok?,21,12,3,62,1,18,0 2275,X2276,Good This is sooooooo funny This is an awesome wallet I wish I could do that!!!!! Hahaha this is so stupid!!! : ) Great job This is so cute Great job!! I like Teddy and Spencer and Justin and juliet Thanks I -3 this song Luv this song She is soooooo good I like the songnand the dance moves,12,0,2,5,0,42,0 2276,X2277," a target=,_top, href=,,img alt=,Search Win, title=,Search Win, border=,0, src=,",3,7,7,5,0,23,0 2277,X2278,Ah good goodbye made by pewdiepie to duck OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG HEAVY RAIN IS THE BEST keep the trolling working. pc whats your set up for emulator? WT HELL PewdieXD DO DAILY!!!!!!!,6,0,3,5,0,22,0 2278,X2279,Piranha 4DD = Denise Milani =P @suraj avinash .... Agreed randip hooda's gonna replace Eemran Hashmi SONNU KAKKAR I AM UNCONDITIONALLY AND IRREVOCABLY IN LOVE WITH YOU FOR SINGING THIS SONG .... MUWAAAHHHH =P ... Greetings From Pakistan,3,1,4,5,1,21,0 2279,X2051,"i kept saying ,use chariot!, punch that pyro paul! Dude just fast travel back and froth from morrowing and skyrim it makes things faster! It seems cobblestone is the hardest thing to get or so nanners has shown us. I want the name of that intro song. Who needs a time portal when you have a TARDIS?! No it was Reptile i just wanted like Scorpion's Fatality more :3 Anyone else think of Doctor Who when they showed the tunnel in the clouds? i think he ment game title wise :P WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Honestly i like this death more than every other idea of what hapens when you die. It's more peaceful and just overall makes death not as bad. I feel more sad because the dog die rather than the guys but then again most people like dogs than other humans sometimes. He would rape iteat itand drink his own piss in that order. Fun Fact: I'd rather not interact with people who have less the two brain cells and can't formulate a comprehendable sentence Prince Whore. Go home jeff you're drunk. To get rapped. Because it wouldn't have made much sense if there was a mexican guy in there when it was world war II a year later and still no video wow guys ._. How do youl know that?! O_o Just...a thought ya' looks like it's the internet...just a thought... Yes yes it is. You're in the loop right now! @_@ Keep calm and Allons-yAll of my yes! What's the music that played during the Samus part of the information of the two characters? It's awesome. Ian go home You're drunk. Two Hearts? He must be The Doctor. (Kudos to anyone who gets it :P) It's a kind of fish. .....Wut....? I bet that one comes with a free cookie virus as a surprise too. I think you just blew up his mind with pure logic...good job sir. For the fist question....use magic or something.....As for the second part too bad you are grounded! I guess you just suck at trolling. Trolololol! You suck at the art of trolling. *troll dance* You mad bro? It's not supposed to be real :P ....Or is it?! *DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!* I can't believe it's not butter.",35,11,5,7,0,27,0 2280,X2281,..... ... - ... ? ? ? too few elephnats too many indians does everyone have a problem with the official site? .. when i try to get on it i get booted to youtube .. i cant see any videos past the 12th muahahahahahaha its ok so long as it happens to yours pirate muslim scum .. go get an honest job and get of drugs prostitution and piracy well put ... here is a professor in Athens Uni living in Seattle a left wing communist with an agenade giving advise to the capitalists ... riiiight .... file mou ego polu kala katalaba ... esy den katalabaineis tio foumara sou poulane stupid driver .... he kept on driving ... my sentiments exactly but i (we) are not specialist or trained in this .... i keep thinking i am confusing the calories with the kilocalories .... or whatever the units are in the states apple falls under the apple tree what a liar .... he thinks she is cheating? !!!! wow .... by the way what is that material you are using to cover the beehives? ... is it waterproof? they ought to know better .... the fact that someone provides the opportunity does not mean you have to act on it is this another intelligent design argument? .... dont want to waste time on it too bad that your view does not apply in real life ... religious philosophies dictate our lives .. some are evil at tis foundation like islam some by application as crhistianity was in the dark ages to 1700 this is wild cherry .. change it,19,5,6,5,0,32,0 2281,X2282,Yeah! Maybe he could teach you in english ;) excellent*,1,9,5,5,0,21,0 2282,X2283,i doubt you're perfectso before judging somebody make sure your hands are clean first. No one cares about your opinionyou say it's not okay to be gay! :)so no this is about YOU not justin bieber. Shut the fuck up OMGYOU'RE A GIRL AND YOU HATE 1D?!!!FINALLYME TOO!!!!fuck you One Direction just fucking diefucking gays fuck!my faith in humanity = restoredthank you. HAHAHAHAHAFUCK YOU 1D HAHAHAHAHA FUCK YOU Girl: I LOVE ONE DIRECTION OMG THEY'RE SO HAWWWTTT!!! :DOMGOMGOMG!!! *__*me: Ha GAYYYYY!!!!!!! This video is fucking lame and you're ugly! :(fucking kill yourself! :D you are a BULLY YOU SING LIKE A GIRL!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP AND KILL YOURSELF!!! ^_^GAAAAAAYYYYY YOU HAVE FUCKIN' OSAMA BIN LADENAS YOUR PROFILE PICTURESO WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TALK?!!! -_-(sorry this is my troll account but you ACTUALLY support himso go fucking die in a hole and burn in hell with fuckin' osama):D Ummm okay?you're weird. and you're homophobic Me either i meanhating somebody and wanting them to die over just 1 song?wanting somebody to die over MUSIC?!!!you treat him like he's killing babies yet Niki Minajalways makes horrible music and she seems to get away with itmore then he dose!...weird. Fuck youuuuuu Niccchooleeeeeee! :) HA!!!i agree with you but you like One Directionso you shouldn't be the one speaking at all! :Dthey're so gay!!!and no straight male likes them! only 12 year old girls with horrible taste in music! ;) Shit music? lolyou treat him and his music like Rebecca Blackit's not that bad!... you're just a bit over dramatic that's all.,15,59,2,5,0,16,1 2283,X2284,"Cute hair Nichole :) I completely agree with you about the animal part Nichole. And you look very pretty! :) You think your all hot and awesome. Your mean and as I can see everyone else thinks so. I think you should do yourself a favor and delete these video's. I have a crush on him and Donny. Jesus has returned. i have a question.... what do you mean? like its a bad thing to brag or what? For people saying how they skip to lil b's part I hope its for a laugh 'cause if you think that's good your ass is just as whack and off rhythm ass the nigga lil b! You thought it was a rip off of cat power?I thought it sounded similar to the suburbs by arcade fire.. Seriously? You know what those girls from Arizona are going through? I personally think this is really dumb and would never post a video full of hate on YouTube. Nichole's a sweetheart. She doesn't deserve people like your selves treating her like scum. Goodness people. Leave her alone. If you don't like it then don't watch it. Nichole don't listen to all of the immature people who comment on your videos. They're so immature. Good job expressing yourself Nichole :) Kinda has a Kesha sort of beat. For one all of you 'haters' need to take some grammar classes and leave her alone. None of you should comment unless you know her story. None of you have hearts. Have fun in hell. I always have trouble with constructing that look and keeping the sides from standing up. Now I know to straighten it! Thanks!-3 Nice job on all the music Nichole. Looks and sounds like you put a lot of work into it :) By the way Ellen is a beautiful person. Its ,something filled up, .. The best version is the Arcade Fire one.. Sorry but I had to say something. Awesome! :)",17,0,3,5,0,20,0 2284,X2285,That is awesome. Keeping the OAR groove going from generation to generation. Keep listening and singing little buddy. @Lights0ut1108: Brett Favre isn't getting into the hall of fame? Really? You are an idiot The captions are completely wrong. She beat that hoes ass I would suck your farts Marc you are from MD you should be doing this at Camden Yards. There is no way this shit is real What horrible acting @Mrhunkalisious when did Flacco choke in the playoffs within the past four years? Our wide receivers choke. If Lee Evans catches that ball the Ravens are in the superbowl. At least Flacco can beat the Giants. Is that a doggy door in Dougs kitchen? @ justin ashman dat is not a word. Just for your uneducated prediction the Ravens will win. This is awesome. Goosebumps man I love it.,12,0,3,5,0,23,1 2285,X2286,"I love that first woman! ,I don't need no man to buy me breakfast!, Yeah it was interesting when they changed the appearance of the girl. ive been in situations where i swear it was my outfit change that made ppl stand up for me. top+skirt= i got no ppl backing me up. sweater + jeans= an old man coming to my defense. lol if only the bill of rights added ,every human being has a right to have a good time dance and shake their asssmile and laugh, :) yeah their singing ,we can do whatever we want to , now but when they get home its like ,Go wash the dishes! you dirty rotten nose kids!, lmao these ppl who were so EZRIA one day then was like OOOoo wesley and aria belong together...rlly have no faith in their couples the ,dolma's, voice is hilarious...,nothing is hidden from the dolma, lmao o godd..not this shit again... all these dair references is actually kind weird considering reports are saying that him and leighton meester were dating. go figure! lol @ 4:54...robin is all like ,i dont know which one is worse..a monster coming to kill me or starfire asking to define our relationship, lmao for the ppl saying that cam is going to attempt it but eclare is gunna save him in time..probably not cuz i think it only takes like a couple of mins to stop breathing when u hang urself. bt idk. SMH i was really rooting for cam..smh",10,1,3,5,0,21,0 2286,X938,"daumen hoch wer all diese kurzvideos kennt :D Apu is rocking this shit LIKE A BOSS maybe the kameraman was horny on emma ;) die lampe klingt wie coldmirror this is NOT a german and rassism is all around the world without hitler. hitler was one of the badest persons ever but we can look forwart P.S.: sorry for my bad english its may be photoshopped ... but i`m not sure AWESOME GUYS he is a little bit like mister bean. such a awesome actor i am sooo jealous :) die melodie ist wie jedem aufgefallen ist KOPIERT i like the part when he dances homer is a mexican DIOS MIO das lol am ende verleit dem gesamtlied den letzten schliff :DD alter man du kannst die serie ganz alleine synchronisieren :DD ich kenne david persnlich :DD XD hows speaking the squirrel or something from behind ??? ICH VERMISSE STIFLER :DDD Bestes Inneneinrichtungstutoril EVER ^^ :DDD the vid should better as the name : ,Aliens found in my garden very weird looking, Did anyone notice that there is a piano at 2:45 ??? ich spiele seit 10 jahren klavier und spiele jetzt grade verschiedene filmmusiken wie die lieder von amelie und forrest gump und Fluch der Karibik und dann tauchen leute auf die als meister vom Himmel gefallen sein MSSEN. ^^ ich be 1 stunde am tag und wei nicht warum ich das net schaffe XD aber respekt eines der tollsten lieder meines erachtens nach. ich find Herr Dekay sympathisch aber (sry name vergessen ;) ) dein vorheriger Freund war besser. Ihr labbert ziemlich langweiliges sinnloses zeug aber der unterschied zwischen gronkh und dekay ist das gonkh lustig ist und herr dekay nur lustig sein wil. wollt nicht bld rberkommen are his hairs red too ? dumm Dumm Jonathan haha markus marko und der ganze rest XD ihr habts einfach mal drauf ... NICHT und markus kratzt immer an -.- behindert hier schreiben nur wir rein die uns alle kjennen ihr behinderten penner XD ich bin hoffmann Ich hoffe der uploader dieses Videos versteht im gegensatz zu sheldon aus the big bang theorie sarkasmus ironie oder wie das jeder nennen mag und hat diesen Titel bewusst aus SARKASMUS UND IRONIE gewhlt. herr gott noch eins ich fhl mich hier wie auf dem youtubechannel von RTL XD was macht der ferrari bei 1:23 ? ^^ nchste klassenarbeit: errterung und interpretation dieses knstlerisch und anspruchsvollen Liedes.Zusatz: Schreibe eine Inhaltsangabe you have the same accent like the leader from fat figthers from little britian :D *nchste Video man. Seid ihr alle Analphabeten oder was ?!? -.- video is shit but you have a fucking nice house :D man ihr seid die fettigsten jungs die ich JEMALS gesehen habe. MAN MACHT DEN S FEHLER WEG WIE KNNT IHR BERHAUPT LEBEN IHR. man ich und nicht ISCH ihr seid einfach nur zu faul zum sprechen X( ok sie sind vielleicht nicht die gebildesten Leute aber sie lieben sich ehrlich und ich finde wenn man sieht wie sehr sie sich vermissen geht das einem schon ans Herz egal wer da vor der Kamera sitzt. Ich finde das auerdem schrecklich wie dreit diese Kameraleute draufhalten um einschaltquoten zu kriegen :( Hallo lieber namensvetter :) sehr gut DUDE BEST TRAILER EVER. nice job fantastic AWESOME :))) jaja kenn ich aber was mir fters passiert ist bei 9:46 ;) Die ist ja unglaublich begabt. Groes Talent",36,0,2,1,0,16,0 2287,X2288,Is this pewdiepie`? Obama? omg! it's you..fucking attention whore Gay is normal and it isn't wrong Are you stupid? I want your cookies. and teach jolteon shock wave I pray for you and your family. A Ditto gyarados or steelix would be funny :) was a plot with yamask and cofagrigus aswell as metagross No but croagunk doesn't look like it has muscles either Yeah that's your opinion..not mine. I love slipknot. Part fighting in this version Then sit down you faggot. there are more parts just search for them Obviously i wouldn't watch something i don't like. Btw last comment was a joke. Not a fan of your music but keep doing what you do. Jynx and Nikki minaj must be twins. fuck you. The intro scared me cause my volume was too high. mrsexile teach shock wave to jolteon waterfall or surf to walrein also you should go and get the exp share so you can get a drapion No they beef from runescape. Duece still sings about that. And dissing hu i just have to ask why he does that? he stole the beat from dead in ditches and b.o.b...that's just sad. He's got nothing on hu if he can't make his own shit. This sucks dick through a straw. I don't make music dumbass. I'm stating my opinion. He doesn't do that dumbass. You have no proof. Ask me if i care. Why would i watch this shit or listen to it? i do listen to real music such as Slipknot lamb of god as i lay dying black veil brides suicide silence escape the fate miranda cosgrove cannibal corpse in flames hollywood undead falling in reverse. What the fuck? lmao Everyone of you faggots that says he lip synchs search for 'no. 5 by hollywood undead live in buffalo' and watch the other videos thats in buffalo as well He does bottle and a gun really well Chris drew seriously can't sing to save his life,27,11,3,5,0,19,0 2288,X2289,maybe fatboy doesn't care what u got to say.. their is someone out their for him. will like him for him.. and you or old.. i but you payed these girls to do this.. and to go out two with you... why doesn't ppl just get a life.. let them be and let them have fun.... it's not who sings better or bad.. what matter's is all of the singer's out their are havieng a good time.. why doesn't ppl just get a life.. let them be and let them have fun.... it's not who sings better or bad.. what matter's is all of the singer's out their are havieng a good time.. D.S. that is just so wrong.. wow that is sad.. i thnk she deosn't need to take care of kids.. all she had to do was let her off.. and the bus driver hit her fist and thin her kid.. yeah i would help out my mom.. but hitting one other is just wrong... thin why didn't they go back to the store and tell them that thin?? god had maid her a Mermaid to show everyone that is is one sweet litter girl that i do miss.. when i had seen her void i was like what.. really until i seen her feet. now she is swimming with god 3. oh yeah.. i'm 23 i been betting from my bf and i do not feels no pain at all.. so you never know.. i love how you do your make-up.. cute dog you both will be fine believe in your self never give up ok =D did this really happen? and are you trying to say that we will soon become a zombies? who say's it is aright it is ok. why are some people just so rued to other's around them RIP Carmen i'm sorry they did that to you. but i do hope you will have a baby girl sorry haven't been on to get back to you we had lost my cousin but he will always be a hero an no he isn't in the army he was just one person that liked to help everyone out. if you need anything he would be the first person their to help you he his a son and he will be 2 here soon and he looks so much like his dad. a lot.,15,1,4,5,0,23,0 2289,X2157,"youll find a blink once in a while doesnt happen often though natural selection already takes its course atleast when legal theyll be regulated clean products and dosages will be limited he doesnt know but he doesnt think so I wonder how he purchases his cigars or wraps if you need 556 wraps in a week youre going to go through 278(2) or 185(3) packs of wrapsI dont think snopp buys them by the case I want to see the pallet of cigars or wraps that he has next to his shrine/temple Fair enough but why the shirtless profile picture?do get me wrong I have one myself but the reason behind is because woman end up throwing themselves at me and I like the attention aye aye captain dont dip you slip for the Conserv-a-fucks either well you need a map of the cannabis landfirst timers dont have maps shes clueless like everyone at one pointonly once if you smoke a lot can you make a map thats legible good suggestion it could start something huge bio amplificationand how do its makes sense to drink it when you just want your teeth better? would you drink the special cream?how are you so sure about ,special cream, that sounds so fucked...are you 15? God is more of a state of consciousness that you feelGod is not magical sky god lol just incase youre too stupid of lazy to search the definition of ,Militia,ill copy and paste for you 1. A military force of civilians to supplement a regular army in an emergency or engages in rebel activities and youre funny from whom do you think that militias are formed?non-citizens? lets hire them mexicans to keep a well regulated militia It's not a country that has attack the US if you take a look at mexico they have done exactly what you said and it doesnt seem to be working considering they have had 52000 deaths since the ,war on drugs, started Its not a military battle military is meant to killpolicing is needed militarization is not it effects people differently note if you have an addictive personality note if youre going to use it to get fucked up or use it to enlighten yourselffeeling+meditating+drugs=enlightenment that would kill the sport of shooting and target practice plus open up a blackmarket with a bunch of basement smelters taking up the slack of people who are not willing to pay an increase of like 50000% per bullet which is retarded to begin with its about a shooting no its not its fucking bombhe is cool i would love to have an oreilly account I was just being a grammer nazi since its illegal schedule 1 it cannot be prescribed only recommended I live in Canada so I wouldnt know but if I were you I would call a dispensary or two to find out but i doubt that state doctor recommendations are inter-provincial what do you mean more expensive?sure you can go ahead an spend however much to get a gas or oil furnace and pay for the fuel for the rest of your life or you can get the more expensive green solution that's also more reliable sustainable and when shit hits the fan itll be without you Im slightly on your side but did you check out the frequency of the super storms? ever heard of nobles taking small amounts of poisons so that if they get a real dose their body may have developed some resistance ? yes your comment made me lol you sure about that? search charles manson epic answer they cant! haha Man you have crazy and mean people everywhere doesnt matter where you are but statistically canadians are pretty nice use proper grammar please or at least learn how to spell hypocrite The tip will stay nice as long as you roll it properly A filter is unnecessary but if you want it its your life you can chose to experience whatever you want to experiencethats the beauty of consciousness unless you block your consciousness with thoughts adderall is not meth",30,4,5,5,0,22,0 2290,X2291,Marine Special Operations i think. Holy fucking HOT who cares pes bought the right to new camp computer Sound! Holy Ramos (Neymar Ramos da Silva Santos Jnior) KSI is purple Raw?? SUUUURE You are HEAT! Is he not aloud to swear? Since he had to run trough a park half naked haha 4.5 pounds PLENTY Can't blame him. PLENTY Holy HOAT Or 82p That your fault? He will get handy capped blah blah blah nanana hahaha tkoviacpamc NO Where near Papiss Cisse's goal against Chelsea Plenty Hahaha yeah sure fucking idiot,25,2,3,3,0,26,0 2291,X2292,the ending;) i love itt3 ;) wow... amazing33you should put the extra posters on your ceiling! TOOO CUTE;') O.o BEN! OMMG! this was soso long ago;) LOOLOL! ;) UGLY? aha! ;) there just jealous.,7,5,4,1,0,15,0 2292,X2964,"lol. wizard. welp we all have our own opinions. :) tragic? funny more like it. im to lazy to show the comment and im sure others will be too. eventually this will become endless. well clearly its false advertisement. i still am disappointed because i didnt learn how to make crack. xbox is fun :3 hax are fun :3 what a bunch of DICKS! :D back in my day we didnt have no fancy shmancy tell-ee-vee-sion ads on you tube just good clean fun. there is so much more to this :O seriously beat all of the 'story' missions and eventually the 'god' who talks to you will invite you into his office after saying you've completed all of his tasks. just saying the ending is very creative. such a fucking twist lol. if you do the 'story' missions the 'god' will invite you into his office. this game has a very VERY amusing ending in my opinion. i feel so sorry for China and Australia the world already ended there. :/ fuck call of duty that game looks so much better. i must say modding is quite fun however i do it offline i dont wish to ruin it for others as humorous as it may be. not only that but its not worth getting banned besides doing it offline can be just as amusing. for me anyway. example: zombies is excellent to mess with :3 okay wheres that teddy bear? i think what he is saying is he is playing it to have fun. sure you can bitch and moan about a video game but it would be stupid of you. when you 'die' lol just walk it off or if you are so 'good' congratulate them for actually killing you. just saying i find myself doing my best when im calm collected and having a good time. yes. straight to the point is what i needed i thank you. fucking finally! people say its a bunch of noise. to me its art you cant tell me his music doesnt stir up certain emotions whether they be good or bad ones its still amazing. Back in mah day being random didnt seem so... Douchie.. But who am i to judge the younger generation even if i am of the same age group its just a bit shameful is all but just expressing my opinion and im sure the only reason this is so popular os the majority of what i like to call ,13 year old girls, who think that all you need in life is some ,hot, prick. Sure he beats you but hes ,nice on the inside,. Anyway. All my opinions. I agree with Gabriel Orosco however i enjoy cod as well as any halo. Not as much as halo only because halo is more unique CoD on the other hand is unique as well i guess but what im trying to really get to is they are both entirely different games so why choose between them? Who said you can only fucking enjoy one? Seriously.. Somebody.. Tell me why. what you say means nothing to me. i will continue to think this cause i guess its my opinion. i was just pointing out that (to me) its like hes just there. no im not going to listen to his other songs cause im not really interested. as i said doesnt sound like rap. his friend rhymes but hes just. there. LOL im so fucking happy you said it was opinion. lol i love halo and CoD. that looks just like the wal-mart near here :O... oh. SO since we're all up... should we tell ghost stories? ahaahahahah...hah....heh... :/ i love moist towelettes. pfff pink? call 1 800 ROFL (its troll free) and get rainbow iPads. i have a small fear of them what's a bit freaky with this is it appears as if it could just jump at his hand at any moment xD i do commend him though for helping it. it's a trap! you sir put a new perspective on modding :3 back in mah day we used to play games fer fun! still do. :D im guessing this was jtag? sorry for seeming so stupid but im not to great with this stuff. i would like to learn but its difficult to. what i desperately want to know is if mods (at least skin mods) are able to be done through a usb.. once again im not really educated with this but i want to learn how to do all that fancy shmancy xbox moddin' :3 very true however i used to play roblox when i was younger.. even though i stopped specifically for that reason.. guess what im trying to say is i play games for fun and roblox was fun at the time. both are great games and have developers that put a lot of work into them roblox just happens to be more appealing to younger people.honestly though its like CoD and halo both are very diff. why even compare them? thats urine. fuggin finally someone else agrees with me. it looks like candy. David Heuff. graphics shmaphics still a fun fuggin game. its too bad school is only a small portion of your life. you say you're unique yet you let yourself fall into groups people make up. just saying when people group people based on what they're like or what they do it has a way of making me (in my opinion) feel indifferent. isn't survival? isn't tranShit?.. guys its classic! :D i keed. but i didn't really enjoy tranZit too well. not just because the F%#ING lava (yeah that's part) but it just didn't really hold much originality yeah i know they will eventually need to try new things but that doesn't mean they have to abandon the originality. still a great game. rebel scum.. yeaaaah this ruined it for me. not your comment the voice. sounds like a five year old talking to a 20 year old -.-; beautiful :3",41,5,2,3,0,23,0 2293,X782,You guys should call down and watch the video... If theyre fat they have boobies..... just look at a fat man In League of Legens things can always change drasticaly XD it happened to me many times that we are loosing and boom we hit and run and win or when we are 40 to 10 and they win... I voted XD Your joke is hilariously not funny... Ok so she has a great voice and talent but where are the feelings?I think she is a bitch! Why? Because she is singing a song from a great person who sang them before with great feelings she doesnt make her own songs she doesnt sing it like its intended she does it by shouting while the original one is like a sleepy song. I am sure later she will consume drugs sleep with over 900 men per year and everyone will just forget her.If only she wouldnt be such a fake girl.Maybe you dont but I see it. *Russian voice* In russia women rape men. Are you dumb? Mos tof those scenes where 3d porn and 1 was world of warcraft... -_-' It took me over 6 hours maybe because I playe dthe other elder scroll games and knew how to get money and equipment fast. :D I will learn the dragon tongue too thanks for reminding me! So? Ok just look at that white as heck perfect skin then look at that perfectly made face ITS LIKE IF SHE WAS WEARING A MASK! definetly she looks alot better than many beautiful girls... you seem to just be jelly about it... Your life must suck then because just because its new doesnt mean old songs arent good as heck too... Just watch Gary Go's songs. Just imagine this song without all the effects and with normal voices... wouldn't it be a bit weird? I guess this video turned the into the blackhole for people who want to be stars... SHAME ON YOU! But I like it how it just ruins the Justin atmosphere lol! I move like that O_o The best girl EVAR! Seriusly she just gets rid of all your problems... Imagine suiciding and giving endless gold to your team... I think what he heard was creepy pasta not copypasta and so he just used it... I guess people don't understand the joke that you hate the creepers so much you want to make them suffer more than just making them blow up... Why did you stop here? Just get a shiv its quite the same but with some more stuff. je crois que on a eu une fin de monde pas mal tranquile XD Better nerf Irelia. This is just soo hilarious! Most of these things are actually to make the game a bigger challenge like the stamina bar I like that concept it is just harder... I play both and they are both good games. You got to be kididng me i say that alot... and who the heck is sykkuno? If tahts true why would you need to say it? lolz Why ? What did he do wrong? He just couldnt do anything against thornmail maybe later game he could get life steal but he would need to do tons of damage... REALLY!? O_O Janna did her job or kind off she saw the enemies coming and did a ping i just dont knwo why she stayed there the closest to where she saw the enemy... I cnat sleep normaly withouth teh sound of my ventilator with this i can get 2 in one. now people wont drink their beer... Le pire c'est que cella est totallement vrai. D: Mon enseignante de franais m'a oblig aller voir ceci. JD He just flew trough galaxies XD The best one is On crack.,38,1,5,2,0,23,0 2294,X2295,555555 555555 5555 5555555 55555,6,0,3,1,0,18,0 2295,X2296,kmitl HENRY HENRY HENRYHENRY HENRY HENRY ..... .,4,0,4,1,0,21,0 2296,X2297,Boy- SteveGirl- ray William Johnson Ur mommas anus Ahh John ur soo cute:)) saw u in Glasgow on thurs soo cute web Edward went into the crowd for the first time EVER!!!! U need to cum bak again soonxxx Wtf!?!? Y are do many people hatin on a couple of 20year old who's dreams came true??? It a video of them u don't like it then it's simple... Don't watch it!! U bunch of mindless fucktards its funny cause after buying 41 of bananas and loads of bread they forgot toilet roll...xx @hussien2632 Johns the fit one Edward the cute one ;Dxxx lolx Lol at Liam's face at 2:59:D luv jedward soo much thanx for puttin the vid upxxx The storm was HURRICANE BAWBAG and they probs Burt the trampoline... Cauz that's how we ROLL in Scotland!!:Dxxx wow... for christmas i asked santa for an arrow to the knee... instead he gave me a scrotum to the chin :( Follow me on twitter I follow backxx Follow me on twitter please I follow back If u ask @parisagrimesxx OMJ actually think young love is gona be the best album!!!!!! CANT WAIT 3 @JEDWARDTV when we reach 1000000 views you guys need to do a twitcam!!!!!!!! 3xxx come to glasgow =:) @JEDWARDTV jedkiss pleaseeee =:* Marshall Mathers III 3 When you guys coming to Glasgow we need you!!!! =:* Aww he's so cuteexxx love danny (the script) and eminem so this song is like perfect 3 @JEDWARDTV hellooo please can I have a jedkiss/ jedhug. I'm on the bus going on a biology trip with my school. A jedhug or jedkiss would mean everything to mee!! PLEASEEEE?????xxxx,21,2,4,5,0,19,0 2297,X2298,i would be interested in the turtle lol to late i bet you sshould get out more haha fat chance lolololol that made me laugh lol do you want to touch the spidle AND WOWCRENDOR I NEVER NOTICED THAT AND I WATCHED THIS LIKE 10 TIME LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOL gigi shall never be alt GRATS!!! i cant wait til season 6!!!!!!!!! i listen to this while i play wow im so jelly of hood wats up it wont let me see the video dude i love gigis part in this its so boss that must of sucked lol like my ball tig ol bitties the so big anominousely opens letter* 2:21 NICE TITS!!!! i was laughing in a good way it was good but diffrent from original video good job i like you with pink hair better =) jk this kid makes me laugh will fuck mr.t up like literaly fuck him up the butt with his chode now i know,21,1,2,5,0,22,0 2298,X2299,Tiffany 3 bai hat 2:33 s la bai j zay. cac' ban ? F-O choi mat' dai. wa' di =]] 2:02 =]] 2 ng gi phim coi ngay cang xam` va chan cam dong that TT.TT mat cuoi muon' chet' .Mu Hyori map u' te' nhao 3 =]]] 9:06 that su Lee Hyori rat xinh dep khi cai hoa 3 ci j mnh lit z z :D choi oi doi bao nhiu thang TT.TT,10,1,2,5,0,17,0 2299,X1013,"2:24 My only fear is death... ,Tupac knows he has a lot of money and don't want to die young.2:34 Take A Private Plane Trying To Survive The Game...., Suge Knight was the one who help Tupac planned his escape to CUBA on a private Plane by faking Tupac's death. Blackmailing the cops and hospital cares. Haha you even agreed..lmfao Best Fatality Kill. That nigga is 2pac for real. He added more Tattoo I wasted 12:02 of my life!!!!! Pacquiao called the shot 45-55 split. WHERE MAYWEATHER AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So the whole point was Mayweather would retired even if Pacquiao offered a 100 - 0 split!!!!!!! It's Not You That Shocked The World. It's The Fucking JUDGE!!! Sounds like an HKS turbo from Japan. It's a sport of business!!!! Casino can sell or buy any NFL games at any moment. Sometime pass interference are meant to be on purpose. It's a all cover up sports. Patriots would whoop any teams in the NFL if weren't for casino money from the big gamblers!!!!! 73% of the money were bet on the Patriots so of course the casino can't afford to pay that money so they sell the game and make Patriots lose. Who is the artist of this song and whats it called? She's hot but Maiv Xyooj is better!!! I wanna see the GREEN BEAST SUPRA smoke that Koenigsegg Agera R!!!!!!!! I wanna see the GREEN BEAST SUPRA smoke that Koenigsegg Agera R!!!!!!!! I wanna see the GREEN BEAST SUPRA smoke that Koenigsegg Agera R!!!!!!!! Do I know you or you know me? lol I thought the steering wheel were supposed to be on the right side? Your mom is banging hot. Love them filipina women Americans were booing Kobayashi because he had the title too long in JAPAN. Chesnut was a fag. He should at least ask the judges to let Kobayashi eat. But ChestNUTS is scared. Real Talk at the end. Welcome to the Patriots!!!!! Jerry Yang was the best and he won the WSOP on the final hand!!!! Easy Go Easy come Never get your hopes up so high on a video game. Small Dicks Fat Chicks!!!!!!! LMAO Panic Knife at 0:28 Koenigsegg Agera VS Kepler Motion who win? Koenigsegg Agera VS Kepler Motion who win? HTR- ,She Doesn't Know, in hmong version. Haha awesome The teacher is like the brunette version pornstar of Sara Round 20 solo is like round 10 with 4 players. Came here only for the BLONDE CHICK!!!! Pretty much you can only activate 2 account. Unless you deactivate the other ps3 that has your account. Your kinda screwed if you sold your ps3 without deleting it. Only Idiot people would give out their PSN name password. They can hack your credit card!!! I already have Aliens vs Predator!!! Why should I buy this game when their is no predator.",36,3,2,1,0,18,0 2300,X2301,! . ! ) )) . ) ? )) ) - ! )) .. - .. .. ST ?!! Russian Grandma sang much better!: D,11,0,2,5,0,19,0 2301,X2302,"Daehyun main vocalist. :) actually this is not kesha's song at all. she was just asked to sing it and it got leaked. and this song is not from her company. Hwayoung's not in this MV you should watch the dance ver. of this. She's the first person to rap. he's a guy. is that a new shirt? Ahem. ,Girflriend,. Ahem. Hem. 9:09 haha perfect. yoon eunhye's lips are sticky omo lol let me rephrase that. ,YES they went to malaysia for their holiday,. ohmAGAD laughing so hard. is the instrumental available? woop. there should be a dance version of this. what's it called?",15,2,3,5,1,15,0 2302,X2303,i really like this song it sums up how i feel now very well. we loved one another but all we did was hurt each other and who ever does take my place will love him more then i ever could or at least that is what i hope because that is what he should get. Love is not black in white i found that out the hard way and now i am left with something i regret and pain. But also happy memories and hope for us both its very bitter sweet how did you get the stomach muscles O.O i need to know i am new to belly dancing and even though i have a flat stomach i can not do that its so pretty i must now what was it crunches sit-ups plz answer back you look like JoJo!!!!!!!!!!! damn i missed alot of Glee so the two cheerleader girls are together what about everyone eles? go ron go ron your out of the friend zone!!!!!!!!!! good for you i like this one alot it looks pretty my hair is naturally kinda like that but the ways are not as defined i think i will try this 1. your really really pretty 2. do the first bun look more it looks really nice on you healthy dead skin cells haha you are so cute!!!!!!!!!!! :D i think shes cute and the copying thing idk and i don't care and the persona thing ehh don't care about that as well. i don't know her so i can't say anything if i did then i would have an opinion but i don't. as for her singing and her acting yeah it could be a lot better but in the end shes making money so i don't think she cares if some ppl like it or not haha. oh and i love the song :D nice it made me smile :) i am happy for you. what was that?? ewwwww you need help and lots of it you are on sick puppy. just wow poor dog and this is not funny its amazing and yet so freaking creepy seeing the skin move and all amazing just amazing * continuation from the one below* and to all the people who will get all mad about this post i am really being as nice about how i feel as i can and the way she acted about the whole thing was what pissed me off the most i know that some ppl just should not have kids that having a chose is a good thing but some woman do it just do it and treat it like its nothing like this woman here. and next time you want to get all prissy about things just stop and be thankful that your mom didn't kill you you are so mature now!!! good for you! her hair is thin its just got a lot of layers however i wish i had her hair its so pretty and long scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want your hair!!!!!!!!!!! wow i love it to bad my hair is to short to do this haha i am going to use it on my friend though wish me luck i want your shirt!and i want to do this i love this song! i am sorry i was not very clear when i said that. What i meant was that some woman use getting an abortion as if it were birth control and spend way to much time on there backs with out caring if the guy they happen to be doing has a condom on. if your not ready to have a kid then be careful and use a condom or birth control or better yet both. i'm 16 and i have a 32B i hate it they are so small i'm really thin and tall i'm a little over 5'5 not quite 5'6 and am 110 pounds naturally i hate it so much is there a way to get curls like this with out using heat? i have tried this more then once and i fail every time i don't get acne much and when i do its on my chin and T zone this is about a week before i start my TOM i want one of those hats so bad!!!!!!!!!!! so cute so very cute it's magic magic magic i say! how you make it look so easy *no it makes sense that Willow went the other way she didn't seam happy liking guys when the show first started. when did she go to the other team? were they all still in high school? i stopped watching the show really early on a friend told me that she became a Lesbian and that one of the girlfriends she had died :( she finally said it!! crap she basically made her self be alone that whole fucking time grrrrrr. i get that she didn't want to come back from heaven but still she had someone that was willing to love her despite all her crap. and i don't think it was all about her having to come back. i think she just didn't want to get hurt again and tried to push him away this movie makes me want an Asian boyfriend even more haha i all ready thought they were hot to begin with well...........they just got hotter ;) three months sounds good and just trimming your dead ends is really smart,38,2,2,5,0,15,0 2303,X2304,"are those real? hahahahahahaha dude this rhyming shit is a mazing years down the line when people ask at what point the fixed gear bike fad died i'm going to point them to this video (just kidding that's never gunna happen lol1!!) this is the worst excuse for music i've ever heard she seriously sounds like some sort of animal how many eyes are your red ones? bongos? seriously? is the crappy guitar intentional? either way it totally works maybe his chain is just super tight this sucks there's a new doggie store in town? cool story bro beck seriously looks out of his mind that just means it's a good character so you guys dont do drugs right fag california on new york hardcore more like ,You are the love of my life, dude wow this live version sucks so hard",19,0,3,1,1,21,0 2304,X2305,This is totally epic you have such an beutiful voice,1,0,3,5,1,33,0 2305,X2306,i think the orginal beat was better the blonde was really hot he lost the weight and mac where do you get your clothes from? this needs to be on tv compared to just about everyone else back then even eminems infinite which came out this years as well this album sucked and his flow and rhythm is mediocre at best his rhymes are cliche and not suspenseful at all he got far enough to get her number i think she wanted the D lol i remember that scene in monsters ball it did look really real i hope its not patched great vid tho dude you are the biggest fag ive ever heard of what are you 11 you got wrestling shit on your picture and in this song he isnt dissing fred durst which is a total faggot hes the reason limp bizkit was popular for a while fred durst said that everlast would whoop his ass in a fight so he dawged him out and left him in the dirt hes not even relevant anymore i dont think they even make music so why dont you just shut the fuck up and stop while you're behind dudes a beast they're getting a new one anyway why bother being mad Cleveland always one love i'm from the west side i live on the eastside now shit sucks but great memories have come from it if theres a will theres a way i promise bro i found my way out you can too keep it up i know many who have fell of the clean bandwagon stay strong brother i may not have done heroin but i have quit many hard drugs and seen people hooked on it lost my uncle to it stay strong man he didn't die for another ten years and got the disease a little over a year before he died Yes and the year is 2013 everything has already happened no more surprise can happen. dj magic mikes bass tapes No freedom til we're equal damn right i support it best line of the song i am not gay but i support freedom for all who deserve it haven't met anyone who isn't deserving but many of my friends are gay as well idc more power to em Tom Brady and him are completely different style QB's and respected the same Tom Brady is a great QB and was said to be by Joe Montana who is better than John Elway and Elway said he's great also calling one of the best QB's of all time a bitch sounds like jealousy so why don't you just stop while you're behind please. no? im sorry for all those ignorant ass people me its nothing personal trust me the forever remix him d pryde dfd and prince ea did the white one smh do reh me fa so la ti da dont blame me cuz your washed up lossed ya spot is what it says Best and most real song out there. gatrick proening,26,8,4,3,0,22,0 2306,X2307,I didn't watch the actual video and only listened to them sing. I couldn't tell a difference between the 2 voices. It sounded like the same person. THOSE HARMONIES ARE AMAZING. well done. This song has helped me through a lot of heartache and heartbreak,3,1,3,5,0,16,0 2307,X2308,"Mother Mae-Eye wants to be Robin's mom and Slade wants to be his dad...WHAT A HAPPY FAMILY!! Starfire and BB??? Most messed up ship ever! BBxRae furever!! He/she can't stop won't stop HA AHA Beast Boy... I LOVE YOU I'm not trying to win this contest I just want to say this when you get creative and draw is much better than your other videos. I've got the moves like Slade. I've got the moo-oo-o-oooves like Slade Another thing from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is that no matter what when they were in car chases the NYC rodes were COMPLETLY TRAFFIC FREEFrom Power Rangers I learned that no matter how far away you are from an explosion you will still blow up and fly fowardEverything else you got perfectly correct I like the belle bottom style but where I am at this time it is WAY TOO HOT TO WEAR PANTS!! And in green?? It looked yellow on my screen As a teenage girl I will answer your questions :)1. I don't know about other girls but I don't like it when guys pay for a date because I think he deserves to keep his money for himself. He worked hard for his money and I don't want him to have to use it for me. If he really wants to though I won't start a fight. I could care less about being ,independent,2. I completely agree with the last things you say. It happens all the time.Girls will date the same shirtless douchbag over and over again I have a mad case of ,Ineedthatcamra-itus, I just need to say that you are such a hipster!! :)And the one make-up product I can't live without is my eyeliner. (Pop Beauty Cat Eyes: No.3 Black Olive) Tan and bronzie? You're very pale Brittani..But really this was a good video :) Retro- Graphic tees and colorful jeans! You get so many cute things from the flea markets but the ones near me make the traveling circus look normal! I like how you shop at cheaper stores. Unlike some people who show off their clothing from places like Free People or Abercrombie I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute! How is it that everyone else went to some super cool place and Don was stuck with this? How is that even possible? I mean they should've given Mikey a bad place to go as well. I hate how they did Beast Boy There are so many things I think happens off screen this season... I just picture so many conversations about the Doom Patrol! That's why you read the comics. This IS a child's show I love art class. It's the only subject I can be creative in and forget about the other acadimc things in school. I hate how far away they go from the comics with Terra. Terra should be dead Terra shouldn't come back. That series was supposed to have Terra regain her memory and help defeat Slade one last time with the Titans. Which was never even remotely possible in the comics. Which before the creators did a good job with sticking to. I love you for posting this Thank you for doing this! Hot as shit in NYC? Probably 94 degrees. Come down south that'll show ya hot. iphone 5",27,0,2,5,0,17,0 2308,X2309,I love you! ^^ this is so cool miss ~3 Katycat right here!! ~3 I'm a seventeen gal who appreciates classical music.But I wish every teen like me would too.. :)It will sooth their hearts and take them back to their sanity..To reality that reminds us Life is beautiful.. no matter what happens..~3~ Are you sure this isn't for sleeping? @u@ lovely ~3 have you ever wondered ...In 100years or so will they tell your story like this too? lol This was better than the official video Ke$ha. Thumbs up if you aren't a fan anymore after this stupid shit. :( If only she isn't so's sickening. I like her songs..but her persona and videos in warrior.Will be so satanic. :( man i ain't buying that anymore. This is so beautiful!! The band is PERFECT!! and I loved the fact that I heard Nick's autotune voice again like before ex. Not a second to waste ;)~3~ Haha I love em both I love how these youtubers interact with each other! ~3 Finally! Back to the Ke$ha I liked before DIE YOUNG.This is more like it ~3^^ Starting to like you again. she looks like possessed in the preview photo of this vid haha THUMBS UP IF YOU ARE SO EAGER FOR HER NEW SONGS ~3#KatyCats :3,14,2,6,35,0,17,0 2309,X2310,"Anywhere in The Tyrol - Hollodrio - Austria! I think so :-) Nice Video! Wein no Weib and Gesang :-) Harrys Lieblingssoundchecksong :-)Like it very much Good for me to practice this song. So I can improve the song....... ;-) Of course the got the fish after his death! Kim Jong IL(L) was sent to a fish factory after his death and was formed into fish fillets. And the people cry why they have to live in N.K. Al che alhuched Sadat Ahmed ;-))))) Lukas the sportsman! :-) Da wird der Hiesl aber sei Freid haben! :-D REF: Everybody knows that money dont grow on the lawn and you cant eat it but it would burn excelent. But we burn instead the wheat and the beet and the corn. If we do that much more longer ,the hat will burn, (last minute panic) and drink too much.... I am working for the Austrian Railway Company. That is NORMAL. In every Country :-) You ARE great man! Do ya also play in a band? Or only with the Yamaha Boys :-) This was a very very interesting report. Thank you!! PUsh him in the Pool!!!!! :-) They make no mistakes. Everything is perfect. This man was a great musician! With this dress she looks like a pawn in the game :-) It is allways a interesting trip through this cool ,Cool Town, :-)OnceI will come to see it. I wanna make a trip through different northern countries....when i got money :-) This was a very interesting film!!Maybe the cuts between the fotos were a little bit too fast. I stopped the film a few times to watch the fotos.But it was a great comparison between old a new NUUKA lot of things became much better! never heard such a cooooool sound.Great thing you twomade there!CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! yah guy s that rocks. ya can watch my videos the video medley is muchj interesting for you maybe. watch also the account of harry davidson.Much videos. Very niceVoice! The Audience is too loud! Cantthey listen to the music? It was the first song in the shool choir we sung. (1989) :-) Na Leitln do geht die Post ob bei eich im Nurdn. Grsse aus STIREICH Wow ich bin begeistert. 11/8 Takt ist schon schn schrg. Vor allem wenn man wie ich aus der U-Musik Branche kommt :-) da gibts nur 4/4 2/4 manchmal 3/4 und wenn es ganz hoch hergeht einen 6/8 Takt ;-)Alles Gute!!!! Bei 13.000/14.000 Hz war Schlu aber ich bin schon 40. :-)Ich hatte ehrlich gesagt nix gefhlt aber wenn man dem lnger ausgesetzt st kann das schon ungut sein.",27,7,7,5,0,38,0 2310,X2311,I mean seriously U make dope beats.! Its so energetic and a sick beat to dance to. Im planning on using this beat for my song so if you dont mind then inbox me and u will get absolutely full credit. Keep making awesome beats and all my love goes out.!!!!! All of your sick awesome beats give me an idea for every song i have n u make writing songs a lite bit easier by focusing on the.beat so thank you so much. @goodhair100 nobody really cares tbis isnt even a lot of makeup sooo uhh do me a favor stfu n go get a cookie:) @cle789 Noooo baby N.O bounce would kill it no matter what... yall need to catch up a bit n get wit da program... JUST SAYIN YU KNO. ;D BYE BYE HAVE A NICE DAY kimbra sounds like katy perry this video needs like 6million views instead of the other one because that one was like out of tune and wrong this one is much much better !!!!3;D 0:27 wayne wuzzzzzzzzzzzz soooooooooooooooooooooooooo fuckiin fiine ! oh i see him na lol,9,0,3,1,0,60,1 2311,X2312,proud of justin :) I CAN SEE JERRY . Like if u too vos sos la del meme? jajajaj genia 3:51 fuckin bitch! so jeaulous! i want those etnies Marana so bad! jajajaja de nada! lamentablemente la bateria no aguanto ms :/,6,6,3,29,0,16,0 2312,X2313,Of all of these this one was my favorite,1,337,8,820,0,57,0 2313,X2314,Soooo cliche wats the one called at 9.22??? the like bar on this video goes to show how many dumb bitches there are out in this world. i fear for the future... 4:25 tactical munt! artist michael jackson? fail lol black ops 2 brought me here... Daymn girl! U fine sugar XD im guessing un ugly duckling made this video... but that doesn't matter omg theres 2 of u! yuummm fucking shitty reviewer. never heard about the game til now and yes it doesnt look that great but ur just criticising it left right n centre from the get go. not helpful thankyou R.I.P Jesse Bowerman you were a sick bloke R.I.P jesse i fuckn miss u mate dumb bitch i just had the best shroom trip last night that's why im watching these kind of videos gee to think i had a joint in that same place. at least it was a colourful mess u guys made good job boys! pure action with every awesome action hero in it who ever lived what more could u want? fucking loved this movie only for hardcore alien fans though. really sets up a good background for the alien legacy! learn how to speak english u fucking tard omg shut the fuck up no shit sherlock. for racing games fast cars tend to be the ideal choice of preference but for off the road and bendy tracks ur gunna want something equally almost as fast but that will compensate for better control and braking. common sense buddy no einstein here... 1.27 i fucking love it jeremy! u could honestly sell me anything and i would buy it bouncy bouncy XD i think that corvette may have hit the g spot! i cant stand people who say fake n gay to everything. whether its was fake or not its youtube and it still managed to make me shit my pants a little bit. You look like the joker :) FAKE!!! this guy's on pcp.... fo real he might be a hypocrite but at the end of the day he's an incredibly smart and powerful man and the word hypocrite means absolutely jack to him. he's gained the power and control through hard work and persistence and even though it doesn't seem fair to regular people that he can suggest to people a better way of living when clearly his way of living is no better it doesnt matter because he doesnt have the problems us regular people have every day. his concern is about the bigger picture. 7/10 - stunts filming acting was top notch. story had potential but lacked a solid conclusion. character development looked promising but fell short in some cases as the plot unravelled. in my opinion the ending really let down the movie however in any event it is a batman movie and an entertaining one at that. 213 no shit thats why i said can u talk about lsd cuz hopefully woody can share stories i havent fuckn heard before. To be fair woody is just expressing his concern for drugs through these stories which perfectly fine but im hoping he can also shed some light over some of the good times he's had if any... c'mon woody Imagine all the people in this world replaced with people like John Lennon we would all be living in heaven.,29,2,4,4,0,21,0 2314,X2315,DIRTY FUCKING SAND NIGGERS!!!!!! fuck you and your muslim culture and your terrible backwards ways. SHOULD SEND HIM THE FUCK BACK HOME IN A BAG WITH HIS FAMILY!!!!!! @needleinvein! I believe he is a product of the system I have known many people in my life who are constantly in and out of jail and bring the same attitude when there out in society. They just don't know hownto act any other way then when there in jail. You were brought to America as slaves and have made a lot of progressso its very simple you have the means to go back to where your ancestors are from. GO THE FUCK BACK!! SHUT YOUR MOUTH GOOF!!!! Parts 5:28 to 6:05 make me laugh no matter how many times I see it! Never mind 100 motherfuckers can't tell you nothing your video was only posted on april 6th and so far 80181 people said this song is shit. That guy did nothing to help that kid should have let him fight. Next time around he will be expecting his friend to be there again. No I am just too busy to have a argument on youtube sorry! Get a life buddy and move on!! Somebody needs to get rid of everyone from Cash Money Records. Garbage and garbage every song or artist!! Justin Bieber did a version of this?? SUCK A FAT DICK BITCH!!!! These cops should have got rushedthe next time they would not feel so powerful bullying innocent people. FUCK THE POLICE!!!!! Its easy in any country just need to be easily brainwashed. Im form Toronto and there all zombies here. Next time I'm gonna fuck you up lmao Im from Toronto and its no difference here. Police think they can do what they want. That comment made my day lmao Hey jay63811 go fuck your hat you stinky pig lover. I have never been charged for anything I also have a buddy who is a cop and I cll him a dirty pig to his face. I am sure he is one of the few good ones out there. None the less most cops are just little bitches who hide behind there badges. Go fuck your mother in the ass till she bleeds out you piece of shit. Thats what most of us think of Toronto cops!!! A black cop should do that to your mother or sister then you would change your tune. But I am sure if he did you would not care too much eventually you would just go through her wallet and steal her money like most monkeys do. What a dummy he could have shot her so many times.She never even grabbed the gun this si far from brave and she is lucky that guy was not a killer or she would be shot or dead. Religion is a business and keeps people from going insane when nothing else is is worth looking forward to. Otherwise there would be a lot more psychos running around on the street affecting businesses and not working and paying there taxes or doing something that contributes to big business. America is just a bully that does not know when to keep there nose out of something. Should have learned from Vietnam but as usual you have red necks for president who don't know any better. Your government is a joke and the rest of the world knows it the states will fall eventually from there ignornace. Greetings from Canada!!! Totally!!! These attacks are from the Talibanthe government is pushing woman to go to school there. Learn some facts you ignorant small minded person!!!! Big deal!!! So set up its no wonder this show did not last and Kim only got famous from sucking a RB singers dick on camera. Even Kanye admitted it on his new song Clique. Why the fuck do you keep going up to the same person? Holy fuck its annoying!!!,26,0,3,5,0,30,1 2315,X2316,Por favor podrian poner una msica un poco mas acorde? no se trata ni de Brasil ni de Portugal.... creo.. la vuelta la vuelta la vuelta la vuelta....jajajajajaa!!!!!!!!!! ring tin tintin ese estilo tan nico!!!!!! son grandiosos super funky!!! Hermoso tema!!!! lo escucho triste porque no vienen a la Argentina... :( esperemos que se solucione sea lo que sea que haya provocado esa decisin de cancelar al gira por Latinoamrica xq ac los estamos esperando!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bellsimo tema Que lindo video Joel! Soy Virginia fui tu alumna mucho tiempo y hace tiempo tambin! te deseo lo mejor en todo lo nuevo que emprendas!,7,0,4,2,0,42,0 2316,X2317,"Even though I am only one person out of 7.5 billion your video has reached me. That is one more person from those 7.5 billion people that has seen and felt your message. I understand... you completely. :' / JUST Thankful. :) Well done short film. Good moral. cancion y letra perfecta I'll find my ,Carl, one day. :) You guys are an amazing role model couple. I'm a sucker for grand romantic gestures. Happy anniversary Nick Ken thanks for letting us see your experience :) He goes back in time to save her. It's great! Distance it is a test (obstacles) of love many will fail but for those who can withstand it have the answer: true love. Fairytale or not I believe in SOULMATES/TRUE LOVE. You guys are a prime example :) So lucky. It's very rare to find someone so creative and romantic like that.",9,1,3,3,0,20,0 2317,X2318,"kicking legs and pumping knees cheater u working out your back? flutealize legal crystals This is the most important video on youtube. strong username to post content ratio.i can't work legs because of injuries. so yeah I look like a lightbulb Benjalsssssss :( cmonnnn benjals How can i acquire such an object? arnold is a russion fag he doesnt even lift and he takes steoids. im smarter than him. hes only the president because he was in movies nonsence ?nonsense what do mean Modern day Romeo and Juliet. Montague (Black) vs. Capulet (Hispanic) Please explain the part where you move some of the meat to the right. Why did you not move it to the left? shut up pussy what the fuck am i watching y r blak ppl so stewpid? dey dont no shit!!! loL!! roid rage... daytona cubs = classless poopoo meow cucumbers insects rule daytona... no fricken wine bread slices with MINIMAL tissue paper? 130 ,grams of calories,? lol grams and calories are two different units of measurement. Just say ,130 calories, not 130g calories I'm watching this video so I don't have to worry about watching this video while I get my stuff done. you sound agitated bro.. SHIIIIIIEEEEEETTTTTTTT Go bitch",22,5,5,5,0,28,0 2318,X2319,how do u time lapse??????????// waste of time!!!! u funny u remind me of my cuzin...........ur sooo cute!! your so pretty....just ignore the people who say ur ugly.....i'm 11.....ur like 13....i ignore people who say ur ugly as hell.....well they're just jealous of how pretty and smart you are! ha ha ha lol...not!!!!!!!! that was sarcasim!!! GIVE ME MY DOL;LAR! ;lol u guys gotta make an u guys have an oovoo....if u do the next vid tell me it and plz give me a shout out!? to get a bigger neck or arm u can just stretch it.....u no..tug it a little bit i feel terrible for her @dolphingirl1205 welcome :) you should brush ur teeth.....thnx 4 the info...:) u look like a bull with that nose how did i get here?? stop hatein......nobody asked u what u think.....its fine for his first guys who are posting these mean comments are just freakin jerks......STOP!!! This was FINE QUALITY! i like almost everyone of those hairstyles except for how you did ur bun...i dont really like all of those bumps on the top of ur head...but over all i like them.....thnks sooo much u were really helpful and your skin is clear enough u dont need makeup.....u r pretty! prettyyyyyyyyyyyyy,17,0,2,5,0,13,0 2319,X2320,u need a high five in the face with a brick -.- sounds like alien noises that comes from movies XD she looks anorexic 0.0 tried sun chips today. THEY ARE POOPING AWSOME i kept laughing at parts with jacob appearing randomly and at edwards face i remember cece she has a bad attitude. she was slapped in the face with his awsomeness xD Tanya bahahaha these is a video that said the exact same thing 0.- haha and your so cute xD couldn't stop laughing at the end bahahaha how did the puppies breath? best if u don't know dog but nylah is awsome i hate it when people say that stop it please! 0.0 i screamed when arwin popped up i love her shes so funny 9 lives to live! *slams into floor* did i just loose one? I LOVE JUSTIN! lol and i had the same dream before. Akward lol wow ur good. can u make a JB cake PVP SAAAN maybe shes a hard to get type. U would know whats best i didnt get pranked i saw the prank already on pvp theirs no sound blake!,24,5,2,5,0,21,0 2320,X2321,0:37 fine by me your team mate had a diamond GG Nialls laugh to cute DIAMOND BLOCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its on every Sunday normally but you'll have to read the description one direction xx does it come with a FREE virus too :],7,1,4,2,0,15,0 2321,X2322,So I guess I'm a stupid hoe,1,1,2,5,1,15,1 2322,X411,"DONT BE A DICKHAMMER !! i chose to save my friends than have sex with Citra which Citra would kill me after having sex with her.. !! good... diee ! well i dunno why they always differ the Shia from the Sunnis.. im a Muslim too but i dont know whether i am a Sunni or a Shia im from Indonesia but i support the Syrian army.. kill those American backed terrorists ! Afghanistan during winter 2:13 fake product im Asian but im not Chinese.. i look more like Chinese.. and when i got to this school i met a Chinese guy and he started speaking Chinese to me and i was like ,wholy shit bro i aint no Chinese, haha im a non-Chinese Asian.. but i've been to China before and no one ,played, with me and the taxi guy didnt go whoo whoo to get more money cuz maybe im also an Asian so doesnt want to go whoo whoo.. of course.. just press the Enter on numpad.. MI-28N Feb 20th ! penis just stahp ! but there is still a bullet left in the chamber.. he is shooting that bullet in the chamber POLUSHKA POLYE REMIX !! hah KGB lol.. Leopard 2 is still the best tank in the world and beats Abrams good thing it was an AK74 not AK47 man your shoulder will hurt alot if u fire an AK47 full auto.. so much win in this advertisement that's what they got for trying to attack a town the tanks were at rest i think.. by i mean at rest means that the crews are not inside the tank.... u see that one guy running from the burning tank into cover.. very interesting.. im really interested on the Eastern front battles than the Western front.. actually that street crossing lesson is useful in Indonesia.. cuz the street is kinda the same in Indonesia but just a lil' bit worse.. no one gives a fuck about the crosswalk yeah it is a requirement for everyone to have dashcam on their cars in Russia this is why no country wants to invade Russia some of the maps look more like BFBC2 map.. some of them look like the Harvest Day map in BFBC2 ahah hah hah hah... that's your own fault to let your 6 year old to be on the computer... not Frankie's fault.. hahaha... that's what u get for calling a level 100 ,noob, a loser you can't even spell ,leak,.. go home troll you're drunk i have Arma 2 OA but dont have Arma 2.. can i still install this mod ? my reaction when my friend told me to study",32,36,3,33,1,27,0 2323,X1944,"He's so perfect it hurts ok This is lovely. They've come so far. :) STOP CHEATING SIVA YOU CHEATING FUCK. I love Tom. Finally a clean studio recording of this cover omg where have you been all of my life. This is so beautiful. aka if Ed performed this song with a band.... awesome. Expecting big things from James. This guy is going to be huge. He was brilliant on X Factor. LOL Nath was totally drunk Am I the only who would really want to hear TOm play the cello BRB CRYING I'M SO PROUD OF THEM YEY I could have sworn that ,[parental advisory], part in the title of the video wasn't there before. Or was it?? haha. Came here to watch the video again after seeing them win the breakout artist at PCA then I just noticed. Nathan at the beginning though lol They look so nervous and shy and just uncomfortable like they weren't expecting this at all. I am so proud. I'd be willing to get the flu from any of them any day too just sayin Nath's eye roll. Favorite. HAHA Ermahgerd gangsta Ed is back. FAVE. Wait omg why is AJ McLean here. WHAT This gave me so many goosebumps my god. Childhood feels. Ed has the cutest laugh : Shame I couldn't find the whole video of them on Blue Peter. Can anyone help me out? :( My favorite thing about their soundcheck videos is that even if they don't look like they're trying to make an effort they still sound fucking flawless. talent man. TALENT. No I'd stay here and perish with you idiots. I swear everyday I love Jay more. I love seeing comments from male fans of the band. On YouTube vids and on Twitter. It's adorable. I love you guys just saying. It's Nokia calling me. jesus christ nathan. this bitch is ruining my life with his talent and perfection. this whole goddamn boyband is ruining my life omg Casually watching Ed's old music videos and realizing how proud you are you just want to hug him and thank him for changing your life forever. God this is making me emotional. What am I even doing with my life. We'll walk your dog!! My favorite thing about this video aside from their pure talent is that we can hear that one fan boy in the audience holding the camera or something. Awesome :) what I would give to have lived in the uk all my life and go to shows like this. this looks so good omg Omg I LOVE THIS Why was Tom singing the first part not Max? But the way Tom looks at Nath at the very end though...... Damn son. How I wish they'd all look at me that way. I love gangsta Ed MACAULAY CULKIN! Nath's reaction killed me Ok I don't know why exactly BUT THIS FLIP MADE ME REALLY EXCITED FOR TW'S TV SHOW BECAUSE NANO OMG Max's laugh is the cutest srsly",35,11,7,5,0,25,0 2324,X2325,please make more of these pokemon noises they make me chortle into my socks ! I'm over on the other side of the console than you ! HI ! A long and violent over-reaction taking your statement very personally as it's my favorite then continue to insult you incredibly harshly followed by an insinuation that you copulate with your mother. My mum slapped me not very hard but it was still a slap once or twice on my butt when i was a little kid. I turned out OK and don't consider myself at all abused or unloved. I realize now that i was being an irritating little brat and deserved a little spank it was really more of a scare than anything.Not all hitting is bulling obviously excessive violence is wrong actually really physically or mentally hurting someone is awful but there is a difference between spanking and abuse. I know this is a truly terrible thing to wish on someone but i kinda hope one of their kids gets something terrible happen to them like terminal cancer so then they view their own family as condemned by god. They might realize then that bombs and death are not acts of god but just sad things that happen and no one should be harassed for saying goodbye to a loved one. I find it so funny when people call being gay 'unnatural' unlike everything else in our very 'natural' based lives like clothes ovens cars air conditioning books internet. Yeah we have very natural lives. that awkward moment what a black family wife swaps with a family that uses racial slurs -_-' ha ha ha ha ha - ' i judge people soley on the colour of their skin but i'm not a racist' - oh darling you have no idea i'd like to see how they'd instigate that law check for crusty socks and tissues in every teenage boy's bedroom across America ? *life long atheist high 5* sorry about your mum sucks she was brainwashed like that HELL ! could you imagine where we'd be if we changed marriage ? We'd allow all kinds of crazy shit like woman being allowed to leave their husband or inter-racial couples or inter-religious couples ! Holy crab cakes if we ever changed the rules of marriage ALL out lives would change FOREVER ! Lucky we've never changed marriage am i right ? . . . ..-_-' yes but many atheists are anti-religious but are still legally referred to as 'married' even if it has nothing to do with a the church. Marriage in a religious context also outlaws divorce too but that's legal. i'm going to embroider that on a freakin' pillow ! not really the twins are gorgeous and thin they'd be great as models as actors - not so much. it's not really double standards though it is ? i mean yeah she shouldn't expect him to pay for her but then he just fucks off and sits on his ass - imagine if this was two guys going out friends he'd be a douche for not helping his friends out. OMG ! I had sex once with a guy who found me sexually attractive and liked porn ! I have slept with a rape supporter ! And even though i gave consent i could have still been raped ! Cause i can just decide later right ? That's how it works according to this list ! Cinnamon Ravenscroft ! It's a pack with angel and gummy ! what did the cheese say when it looked in the mirror ?Hallumi ! Hufflepuff i hate facebook timeline i don't go to facebook for fancy formats i go to check up with my friends quickly or re-connect with old friends to me timeline is pretentious - calm down facebook your functional not fashionable. 'Lays piss me off more than Michel Bay. Where the hell is my black baby ?' This needs to be a tee shirt subbed for Buckley ! holy crap i loved raggy dolls !,23,0,2,5,0,20,0 2325,X2326,"Who cares =D she makes more money than you ever will. How exactly did Lady Gaga copy her? Wow you spambots have really lost your touch. How do you know Asmrer is gay?What does sexual orientation have to do with whether you watch a video on getting your make-up done?Since when are ALL males interested/knowledgeable in make-up gay? Oh man!It's a good thing you put ,no homo, in your comment!I was under the impression you were gay! It'd be the worst thing ever if someone were to think you were gay!Because obviously if you like someone's singing voice it means you're sexually attracted to the person. I used to live on Earth. No thanks.I'd rather not mate with you nor shut up. Yes obviously it's gay!Because if a man acts feminine it OBVIOUSLY and ALWAYS means that they don't like vagina and like penis. And Lady Gaga Can't tell if trolling or just stupid... All this ,like, shit is really fucking annoying.Like if you agree. And how would you know that? I'm going with Froakie. Yes because obviously it can't be that he's just a man whose daughter or sister was supposed to get married but due to the war was killed before she could. And it could in no way shape or form be that he was insane so he was trying to speak to her and ,re-enact, the wedding. Obviously all people who wear wedding dresses MUST be gay (if male) or a female. -_- Exodus 21:7-11But I guess God will bless a man selling his daughter into slavery? What's funny is that you think all gay men look the same and people can thus ,look gay,. AshY U NO POKEMON MASTER YET? Take me for example.My family is really homophobic and they're all straight.Yet I'm gay. :P Why do you say he's a pedophile? OOH THERE AINT NO OTHER WAY Wow I bet that will really stop all abuse.You called them a slimebag oh that's gotta hurt! So this is basically what happens;Boy has sex with girl. Girl gets knocked up.Boy dies. Girl gives birth to twins and gives them to foster care.Girl and twins die. SO SAD :'( lol I hope I live long enough where people like you will stop saying partner and will finally actually say boyfriend girlfriend husband wife. It's kinda funny that you use a term like ,homo, to describe homosexuals on a remix of a song about accepting gays because they were born that way. My dad died at the same time this was recorded :'( At least I can understand her more than I can understand you. :) 0:10Shit just got real 97% doesn't mean all the time you little bitch I'm confused what doesthis is a pedophile not a sameduhmean? Pinkie Pie!Language! There is no reason to think he's stupid; lots of people watch videos from people they hate just to post hateful comments. Also I find it extremely surprising that someone who apparently loves Lady Gaga would try to offend someone by asking if they're stupid or use such a hateful word like ,faggot.,Are you sure you really love her? No it's the fact that Lady Gaga is so much as making a reference to lesbianism and homosexuality in general. She would still bash on Lady Gaga even if both of them were lesbian. She's just a homophobe. Ok?That's great? How exactly are the laughs homosexual?I didn't know that laughs could have sexual orientations. Maybe just MAYBE they did it because they don't want to get strikes on their account for uploading a Degrassi episode?Or maybe they just didn't feel like uploading the whole episode or series? Better musician than who? Lady Gaga? So you're a fan of Lady Gaga a gay-rights activist and you're using gay as an insult? I'm just saying.No reason to hate on someone just because the whole world does or because you think they can't sing well.And if he decides to hate on Justin Bieber then I'm simply going to inform him that he can think as lowly of Justin Bieber as he wants but it's not going to change either of them. It's not going to make him better and it's not going to make Justin Bieber worse.And no I am not a fan of Justin Bieber. 1:27 to 1:30 gives me an erection and I'm gay lol Scared of what?Getting hurt?She's gonna get hurt either way.Why not go the way that *may* bring you pain in the beginning but finally be rid of the guy instead of going the way that definitely will bring you pain and staying with the guy? *I'mI guess the reason this didn't get 1st place was because of the fact that it said ,Im, when it should have said ,I'm, TL;DR:If some bitch be bullying you swing at their face.Problem solved. THANK YOU! No!Not another fucking religious nut!I don't know how reading the bible would help me in this situation. I am angry at BeautyFab13 not the poster. Maybe get your facts straight before you write a paragraph in response to a sentence I wrote.",44,7,3,1,0,32,1 2326,X2327,lol it sounds like your trying really hard to convince yourself your crazy hun actually...they all do.... lmao yea we had to get the polarbear to pull the couch to the ravine yo this is pretty good i just suggest try not to squeeze too many words into some of the bars and try to introduce different parts throughout the song. it also built up well i like your voice with a bit of practice itd be pretty unique and awesome,4,43,7,16,0,26,0 2327,X2328,your good i cant speak spanish at all or sing it i try to but i suck and plus i live with my mom witch she is white but my dad is spanish witch he left when i was three damn john mcbain can kick asstodd you could of got revenge a differnt way instead of involving natalie and liam my mom told me when i 3 my aunt let me watch it and after i watched it i kept on thinking there was a monster under my bed the selena movie my brother thinks your hot this is proof that fawns can talk cause that ones saying mom mom mom if this two arent dating they should be like if you agree i have a white pam and a border collie they fight every day also watch your mouth christian your only 9 tiffany you are beautiful and have a beautiful voice i love you both todd and his bother victor raped her that women was cazy she is coles mother you now stars bf that died is star recording connie i love this game hes not dead it is she just got fat after eddie died and when your fat it changes everything your not the only one that hates her gutts he sucks a raping but omg hes so cute and he has a nice voice why do you people say horrible things about him you dont know if hes gay or not and i am not a jb fan i just listen to his music when i am in a bad mood i swear i just heard spend a week with you boy is that really part of the song ha ha britt got caught patrick you tell her ellie lulu and maxie are so beautiful i love there characters expectantly i love that game maybe caleb is real but i know john mcbain isnt caleb maybe they are twins trjiypoer shut up! your gay i rather die then to sell my soul to the devil all rafe is so sweet i FREED A MOUSE OUT SIDE WIN IT WAS CAUGHT BY A GLUE TRAP I FREED IT WITH AN OLD PENICL NOTING SHARP I DIDNT WANT TO HARM IT ANY AND I DIDNT WANT TO KILL IT BUT MY MOM WANTS THEM ALL DEAD,29,3,3,5,1,19,0 2328,X2329,Not a fan of pink myself except on the cheeks so fresh. Excellent video as always.. Has anybody seen this human in person?? On tape? With family?? Really pretty casual look Your reviews are perfection. Your videos are a work of art...really a pleasure to watch Alright I will get a convinced me..... You look so pretty and Springyyy....I watched Joshs video twice I can't did you decide??.....but I really really want one..and the adorable brush...always something new and fun isn't there?? Good for you getting one early! What a great haul..I love that Chanel lipstick I head for high end lip products when I am having a pity party for one as well.... Great tag...Waffles is the eye palette really suits you....enjoy your weekend Really pretty that lip shade was made for you Great review on both...with brown eyes I love a plum or navy that little palette would just be brown on brown..pretty the lipstick! Beautiful make me want a your lipstick always look forward to your reviews I love all things patchouli....must sample... Great skin is sooo dry not for me,14,2,4,5,0,51,0 2329,X2330,"This guy is cool :) Al principio Jesus se nota nervioso jaja Gracias sper til tu video. I'm in love with you. Bien chido. Yeah boy Fucking kids Karma is a BITCH. They'll pay for this. Hahaha you guys rocked it. I could watch her forever. Every woman is beautiful. Her confidence is amazing. Imposible tanto engao. No nos van a ver la cara de pendejos. Abajo EPN. @jaspe99 Son preguntas muy importantes. En qu realidad vive este seor? No saber el salario mnimo del pas qu pretendes gobernar? La economa y el costo de alimentos en mi opinin son temas muy importantes para un ,presidente, EPN es un ignorante lo ha demost Loooove it :) Eres bien travieso @chiptorres Maravilloso. Love you guys. Es el primer video tuyo que veo Yayo lo puedes creer? Yo no! Me encanto. En mi opinion no me agrado mucho Anne Hathaway para el papel de Catwoman. Una de las mejores movies del ao llor al final. Es verdad que hubo uno que otro detalle que no tuvo sentido pero after all HE IS BATMAN. Yo veo tus vdeos por que YOLO y por que no tengo dinero. Gracias por hacerme sentir miserable. GRACIAS. Jajaja. ME ENCANTO. Goose bumps!!! AAAWWWWWW I WANT HIM!!! Loved the video. I've been eating watermelons the wrong way my whole life. Hahaha LOVED IT!! Very well done :) Con leche hahaha Worst ending ever! Totally agree.",25,8,6,5,0,23,0 2330,X2331,Ugh I love this hairstyle but when I do it it falls flat in like 10 mins!!!! Can some one please help!? Thanks(: That's kinda lame you commented on your own video pretending some one liked it -_- Your sooo pretty((: thanks trying it tonight!!! @okuhara ikr I love that one!! They're soooooo pretty !!! @roboticsquirrel very clever...;) Love Michael Scofeild!! That was so cool -3 it wasn't like most of the lane videos ;) Bitch please. I can't get the rubber band to stay in between two teeth I have like no spaces. Help!!! Love how she says I'm not going to put eyeliner on the lower lash line when she has it on -_- Amazing filming and your very talented(:,12,0,3,5,0,15,0 2331,X2332,lol TUMBLR! Look how Ryan is FEARMONGERING omg i hate snow im deadpool-anon btw,3,9,4,31,1,27,0 2332,X1366,"That light bill went up high! Lmaoo Me and my friend was like ,you pick Thunder because of his sister., Pfft you pussy get up! I always loved the beginning. 3 that moment is memorable. (: SCREAM LIKE A LITTLE GIRL. *FAKE SCREAM* *REAL SCREAM* definitely the same reaction when I first so it. Lol i wish you upload same day as immortal. I already know what happens. :'(I didn't do it Chilled. I support you all the time with your evilness. Let's have a meeting!! All your subscribe in a livechat. This time no holding back. Do it immediately! Lmao he almost laughed when he was about to fall. You can tell he a giggly person. And laugh at anything. X: I love you oppa ~ Aaahhhhhh *dies* cute cute oppa! Thank for sharing this video. Lol I was searching for Joonie oppa scared moments but come across Pewdie. I love both shiiiiiiiszz. What show is 2:38 Seungho rolling on top of Joon's body. What a leaders for? I just notice it's already Lee Joon birthday in South Korea. But 2 more hours in the states - east coast. I love oppaaaa ~ He basically the only Elder man I be attractive to even if I'm 18 lol. he old enough to be my dad. Love this guy!! Especially him with Daesungie ~ KNOCK OUT @ 0:45 Awesome!! JongKey the one that tear up myungsoo. ( I think that's how you spell it lol ) Jonghyun took all the attention in this video. You made me all happy thinking for once Seungho showing off that body but No it's something different LEE JONGHYUN SHOWING HIS BODY. SOMEBODY CALL 911 SHAWTY FIRE BURNING AT THE POOL SIDE. LADIES AND BOYS. I PRESENT TO YOU BURNING!! Not actual evidence. But I do love these two together. YongSeo Couple pfft get real. I even wish he be with his ideal type Kim Yuna lol shit I don't mind it. I love her laugh What? I don't understand but who cares when there's a sexy handsome man in the middle name Yang Seung Ho. (; Lmaoo that kiss. My biases in one episode. All of them 9:00 OPPA SO CONFIDENT IN HIS ANSWER ABOUT HIS PIGEON FILES Like A BOSS! I had to come by and see what's up. I don't trust you guys. . . Ya total penises to Chilled. Lol basically all my bias brought me here. omfg i screamed Forhadd jinwoon oppa xD Fucking Beautiful. Sooro appa should've done it Family Outing style like he did it all the time to Chunhee oppa. All in his face. 0:35 whenever I see him. That's how my expression is like. But it's not as beautiful as his. Omfg I'm in love lmao 14:37 soo cute. I love his English accent. (: he sound so American like Taylor Lautner exactly. Me and Onew need to meet. I'll make him Fried Chicken all day everyday if he wants it of course. Me and him can eat a chicken dry. I hate when people eat chicken and leave meet on it. I'm like do you not know how to eat chicken?! 14:19 hold up is that Seungho oppa having a water festival Lol.",33,10,3,5,0,17,0 2333,X2334,The trolls on rwjs comment section hm. human ignorance once again rules the day. its fine to make fun of some random girl on the internet but once she has autism its the devils work to be calling her names. That escalated quickly *Chief Queef The white guy behind the camera was probably scared shitless wat. You are my idol. Im so glad people can go out there and express their sexuality like they dont care. Keep up the good work gay-buddy,7,0,3,5,0,14,0 2334,X2335,"I literally said to myself someone said ,put your dick in it, in the comments and I scrolled down and sure enough... I agree 100% about the stroller on public transport thing. Three days a week when I get off school at 6 in the fucking evening I have to get on a tram that wouldn't be half as crowded if it weren't for all the mothers acting like they have priority because they have S.U.V. sized strollers and a crying pooping machine inside of it! Holy shit I skated that ramp at 1:21! It's at La grand Motte or something it's near Montpelier France. I'm pretty sure that was Remi Gaillard! Two wrongs don't make a right... Unless you are involved then revenge killing is perfectly acceptable. Actually Buddha organized the Pearl Harbour attack during the Civil War when George Bush was liberating the Iraqis from France and Saddam Hussein was the President of Canada who called an attack on China where the Hiroshima nuke was dropped. I''m not a satanist but I am educated to know that their branch of satanism is not necessarily theistic so Satan to them is a symbol not a deity. It's getting old NO! And does it come with a vir.... wait never mind it's old now... There is no family in the world I'd rather see in hell with red hot pokers stuck up their asses for all eternity but the troops didn't do shit to keep them alive since WWII. It's been oil and resource wars since then. Not that the troops are bad they didn't want to go to Iraq or Vietnam for the most part. Just sayin though... Step 1: Find a bridge.Step 2: Jump off the bridge.Step 3: Die.The result? A better world... He made me think about my philosophy obsessed communications teacher... Yeah I dropped my oven on my dick. 03 if you want lows and 33 if you want highs. You have issues chill the fuck out! You know that you can buy a pack of Zippo flints for like 1 dollar right? It is something that has to be changed just like lighter fluid -.- Exact same thing happened to me! I think it's because I used an induction stove... I love black people but that guy is a n*gger... That was on private property. It is perfectly legal to drive on private property without a license. You can't blame him for not knowing he needed an ambulance in that state! If that ever happens to one of my friends I am calling an ambulance whether he likes it or not! I remember when console graphics were like this. It seems like a lot more fun than realism. Now we get better graphics than this on touchscreen cellphones. I really love to play some GTA 3 sometimes just for the memories... He's Swedish. Don't smoke it then cook it up in a batch of brownies :D Skateboarding for me just because I've tried both and I like skateboarding better but both take immense amounts of skill and balls. Lets not hate on each other we can save that for scooters :) My friend does and funnily enough he pushes mongo in real life too x) That's Japan not Korea :P There is water in bleach..We are 70% water..WE ARE BLEACH.",26,2,3,2,0,20,0 2335,X2336,Loved it. You let me breathless :) I want full version so badly D; Lol I'm so happy they made this video :D,3,0,3,5,0,22,0 2336,X2337,YouTube Hot100 :) 5555555555 From Drug Education's classnote ;),3,0,5,5,0,20,0 2337,X3207,"No one gives a crap if you hate them.... -_- am I the only one that can't listen to the chorus without thinking about the Joe? I am addicted to these girls......... isn't harry always adorable? What if this went of in Church or something....... I think he's 14 right now... this song is freaking addicting.... haha I didn't notice that... Didn't Louis braid her hair for her? you're pretty good I just think the songs you chose were a bit too strong for you :/ diane's face looks...... painful...... it's painful just watching her try to smile. 5:11 I was laughing way too hard at the girl who fell........... I will bite you so hard you die. oh good! I thought that there was only one girl an that she was getting plastic surgery or something! I just heard this song on the radio 3 ................................. We're not fans. We're directioners. and that is the reason we have no life. is that what the new single is? just a cover of this? I like this song and it's older than I am. :D My friend and I are both Directioners. She tells me I'm a Directionator because I love Little Mix too. does she still sing? I love how she says wo-o-orld yeah it is her it's just about 10 years old :P how did I get here? I love when niall says tirty seven countries I am so using this for the sad part in my story... :') nuf said. I'm Mormon and this is so spot on it's scary... wait what? whats never growing up? I'm so confused... I'm scared.... I want to live there was this made before ,Tom-Boy, was invented? Dave Days! 1:15 yeah we buy their album to listen to their face...... so wait now it's officially released? not just leaked?",35,8,7,5,0,19,0 2338,X1271,7m-gte is a realy good engine ive got one in my mk3 supra pushing out Ca 600 whp sikkert jvli arti lev av 20tusn p en mne lol what song 17:48 fy faan kor bra xD mer 75 mill ikke 14 haha dat face when the cat peed no? go get a dmr and right click the mag and u can convert it into more rounds if your car doesnt make it look like your girl is wearing a push-up brah it just aint quick enough! haha problem ? do people stare at you when you use the glasses and talk to ur self haha if u didnt experience this when u where a child ur childhood was bad yeah dude haha like a audi straight 5 it means yes you sir have built a heck of a car lol lol thats just sad who even tries to drift a bmw x5 with original soft suspenssion and automatic gearbox ? compare that with a hurricane m5 name of the girl in jeans mine can cure aids 7m-gte is a very nice engine my brother has one mk3 supra with 600 hp i love to ride in it name of the girl in the end the black smoke u see is all the exhaust gasses being shot our way faster cuz of rev limiter ka hete kjerringa i videon der if you jump down dont you have any chance of surviving ? what are thoose towers used for ? antennas mabye ? thats one cute turbo this can work but i think u need a smaller turbo a 50cc engine is just to small. gisele love krones his name souns like its from dubai or some shit XD they can afford it or a newer m5 epic put a gpower hurricane m5 vs that 302 i know who i will put my money on yep she has nothing to do with norway!,34,1,4,2,0,24,0 2339,X2340,you guy's need to be signed. now. yeah that was really gay yeah you dumbass. check it out guys this bitch thinks osama blew up the towers LOL The cheerleader boob thing is true as balls. No points. If you look closely lebron traveled. If you left before 3:08 then you don't deserve what comes after 3:08. POOP. LOL!,7,1,3,1,0,25,0 2340,X2341,Im excited Very powerful horror film gave me nightmares I used to cockblock my freshman friend by saying extreeme sexual jokes everytime he went to kiss his girl xD but mine would have to be her friends my freinds my inner voice and small penis -_- Captain Spaulding from The Devil's Rejects Looks kickass and much better than 2 :D I liked it but I have more questions now I love Judd Apatow movies and have no problem with it being long it's just right Im a huge Seth Rogen fan Kick-Ass 2 @ChrisStuckmannGood review man Ill deffenly check out out but if you like the director Jonathan Levine so much check out The Wackness with Josh Peck he is shockingly amazing in it as well as Ben Kingsley but we know he is a good actor A Serbian Film scene jk umm the Watchmen sex scene As much as I'll like a Jar Jar film it wont happen so yoda,13,6,4,44,0,27,0 2341,X2342,I like it it's catchy. They're old stuff is better but this is good too Mi favorita parte es quando el chavo esta rockiando con el trapo xDD you know i don't know much about homestuck but I like Gamzee already. Something about him draws me in .-. Can I just have him omfg 3 I wish they would finish the song. It's so amazing lol,6,204,7,9,0,17,0 2342,X2343,We are very proud of you ladies T^T THANKS YG! YOU MADE MAMA 2012 A MEMORABLE ONE.! I'm speechless. O.O Congratulations PSY ^^ Bom wearing pants? COOL. ^^ Dara is fierce. girl power :) thank you made a good job again ^^ Go Irish! minsan respetuhin natin ang girl scout uniform ah :) joke! SHINee is realllllyyyyyyyy baaaaaaaaaccccccccckkkkkkkk!!! aaldshgjhljkl!!,10,1,2,5,0,16,0 2343,X2344,es un remixado... y segundo ejemplo... david guetta es frances si no me equivico y mete temas en ingles... es pq se escucha mas y en otros paises q hablan ingles demandan mas... asi q cerra el orto y si no qeres no esuches Aprendiendo a bailaar woohoooo lets go lady!!! que bueno esta el clip!! que bueno q esta jajajajaj HIJOS DE PUTAA!! q impotencia q te da al ver estoo ajajaja SALI VILLERA jaj buenisimo QUE HERMOSA VOZ!! estos chicos son futuras estrellas :) alfin una chica latina loco jaja this is life fuck yeah lol jaja Nope CHuk testa jaja genial! y .. Mathew954 jaja grosero del culo? jajaja sino te gusta no mires pelotudo jajaaj QUE TALENTO! cantas re bien !! Pero hasta en py Electra es una masa ! jaja el otro gato nose qien mierda es.. jajaja Y eso q vivi en paraguay pero soy argentino jajaj ELECTRA TE RE BANCO LOCA jajajajaj Da orgullo de ser LATINO! somos un mundo q no pueden comprar y nuestra sangre emana en esta tierra ! desde ARGENTINA :) @alexitotupapa respondes puteando pq sabes q es verdad lo q dije jaja @Marioporo me tente con tu comentario.. jaja tu ignorancia me mato.. el saludo argentino con un beso como decis viene del saludo europeo.. no por el echo de qerer besar a algien sino q es por una cuestion de respeto y fraternidad .. si a vos te mambea sal Yo pregunto no.. sabran los brasileros que CQC es argentino jajaj jaja este video es toodo menos CHETO jaja mi abuela es mas cheta q estos pq tiene unos anteojos de dolce gabanna wtf?? jamas hable de tu economia gil hable de q somos mas nomas..y si temblamos y nos lebantamos ustedes temblaron y ahi qedaron jaja y bueno LO DETUVIMOS y por eso somos ARGENTINOS y no PARAGUAYOS :) espera.. eso no es algo parecido a el paso flogger? jajaja que hablaaas rial siendo q le compras todo ese a la puti loli jajaja dejense de joder caretas de mierda !!no defiendo a nadie pq la otra me parece una pelotuda tambien jaja jaja me rei de los comentarios q dicen no es una nena! aca hay chicas de 19 con hijos.. wtf?? si cojes sin forro y te preas a los 19 es tu problema por ignorante capas xD y la mina es asi en su vida normal almenos no hace personajes pedorros.. envidienla q se caga en plata y ustedes no.. En todos los paises siempre esta la chica que extraa que llora q no esta segura jaja,21,4,5,5,0,16,0 2344,X2345,Check this out best Gangnam Style choreo ever!/watch?v=FWdI29BxG3M A melhor verso ate hoje. Vou tentar espalhar o link. Tomara que dar tudo certo :)Vlw 100% sincero Check it out /watch?v=FWdI29BxG3M Mim desculpe voce estava certo mesmo. Eu confundi as clulas ;) Yes but Embraer develops a new family of aircraft now. They called E-Jets Evolution. It is a more economic E-Jet. And they will add a lot of new things like moodlight. And ok CRJ are more economic than E-Jets but the E-Jets are more comfortable. This is the reason why Lufthansa stopped to buy Bombardier Jets and are going to order E-Jets.Hugs Ta amarado. Apaguei ate minha enscriao Done! Uma pessoa pensou que o botao de dislike para baixar o video.......kkkkkkkkkk Ai 2:42 Sucessoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!Arrocha Arrocha Arrocha que elas gostam!!! Ento desliza desliza desliza Rachei de rir em 1:03 kkkkkkValeu Jefinho um abrao marreta da Suia Eu no criticei o Professor Jefinho. um tal de Wesley Passos. Vai ler direito! Bom de + Jefinho como sempre.Abrao Minha opinio do video: Nossa eu acho ela top nossa eu acho ela boa demais Chute neles!!! FDP Muito bom Jefinho!!!No existe uma pessoa que faz as coreografias melhor que voc!!!!,17,98,5,42,0,16,0 2345,X2346,Flodude19Dishonerd,1,0,3,5,0,21,0 2346,X2347,"Blue rolls to the left like I do... It's really weird because I'm right handed in everything else but I roll to the left. I've never seen a left roller other than myself before. Reply to this comment if you are also like that or if you roll left because you're actually left handed. @OMGFishoo he's doing free running that's what the useless flips are. Parkour is what you are talking about people just don't know how to classify it correctly. Parkour is what assassins do free running is for style. I personally take the side of parkour That poor lady... Her ears assaulted with no clear reason... The lyrics. Story of a tracers life we get so many people that don't like what we do and frown upon our lifestyle. I hope one day they will accept us and stop discouraging us from being ourselves. This is when the human race goes too far. Yes we kill and eat animals but we should at least have the respect for that animal by making its death quick to avoid suffering BEFORE eating it. I know if I was going to be eaten I'd want to be dead. I prefer the Native American approach: kill only what you need make it's death quick and pay respect to your kill never waste anything from the animal. I respectfully disagree with this title The look on her face when she thought she was so smart and then ,I think..., See there's a reason why his music isn't famous... He's nothing more than a 14 year old kid with a very rich and successful daddy. Anyone else hearing this imitation of scary monsters nice sprites by skrillex. Compare the 2 and you'll see it... Beautiful drop! But everything else was kinda lame... @Kevin Purdy ignorance comes with a price you should watch your actions before they come back on you. Well not necessarily better than skrillex he's got some fast ass hands though. They look like they might actually be really good if they weren't mentally jello",13,3,3,5,0,20,0 2347,X2348,hahaaha oh god my sides lol WHAT. IS. WHITH. THE. FUCKING. MUSIC??? Yessss lmao You're a faggot. Suck my dick fag yes yes he is.... Awe you're so cute and nervous ;) thanks for the vid! This looks good! I am trying this tomorrow thanks!! :) I just made your FB fanpage 10614 :D Seattle loves you man! Stay awesome Cool Breeze!! roflmao I wanna fuck the shit out of you even with those stupid glasses on ya hipster word! WooHoo!! :P sexy what? I mean why? *adding,17,6,3,1,0,29,0 2348,X2349,shay looks so good! he lost so much weight! :-) keep it up you look amazing! shes so pretty! no shit sherlock. @JustRockOn @JanBeauty11 @03Vicktoria @bewateverr @17Someday19 no one can take a joke? i was kidding. jeez i wear a size 2 or 3 in shoes and im 17.......its really sad @ilai3 @allycatk well said. well said. faggot. @MissPoisonFruit y wow.....this sucks. thank you so much! now i get it! dear Ryan can you irish dnace. id like to see a noob like you try that. @OrangeAvacado101 omg i know right?!? nut you gotta love livin in mn :) i can do it! not hard at all! im an irish dancer though so i had the strength im 16 and i wear a 3 or 2 my big eyes @jaqswag15 did you used to do ballet? he did an awful awful job. no confidence. @melissaaa831 advent calenders are really common in minnesota i work at a daycare/ learning center.. this is how it goes everytime,26,13,5,5,0,16,0 2349,X2350,Doo Moore from your work please !! -3 xx Good luck! Hahahhahaha Beauty. I love this !!!! -3333 Sam is hot Lov ur videos Luna!!!!!!!!!! Doesn't this enbrass u Love it oxox How can she sing that good? AW! :O im so jelous Your pretty.!! Hottie I love it xxx,13,2,3,5,0,15,0 2350,X2351,3 So. Good. SO. GOOD.They just get better and better. 3 Your music is extremely annoying but good tutorial. (: HAHAHAHAHAH. 0:21. lol what This song is perfect. It always will be.,6,0,5,5,1,27,0 2351,X2352,"The second video at L'viv on August 17th is almost defo fake. There is quite clearly a very active thunderstorm raging in the area yet no thunder recorded on the video? Right oh. @Celetic12 Watching interviews with John I always got the impression he just enjoyed the trip wherever it took him and I guess when Freddie died he felt the trip was over. The point is Freddie didn't leave he died very young and it must have been incredib Its like she's jumped in a pool of shit honest to God I nearly died there. @1stonegrooved Not really it just amazes me your life is so empty that you spend your time trawling YouTube for ancient interviews of dead recording artists you don't like. You make me realise how lucky I am. Thanks for that. He does have one very important association with this song. Jacko was a massive Queen fan and went to see them in concert numerous times. It was Jackson who persuaded a very reluctant band that had to release AOBTD as a single. 31 weeks and 4 million copies later the rest was history. He doesn't have a bad voice actually the issue always was his reluctance to sing and the fact his voice doesn't blend the with Freddie Roger and Brian's. As for replacing Freddie? They have actually toured with another singer minus John but the band are and were a four piece and when Freddie died part of the band died with him. Queen fans would never have accepted another front man and neither would they. Brian and Roger have continued to promote the bands work keeping it in the limelight and the record sales strong. They frequently stated in interviews it was the fact the line-up never changed that made them so strong. If you look closely the titles for series 5 (the test card ones) don't quite fit the theme tune. The first programme of series 5 used a completely different mix of the theme tune from the ,classic, version. It was promptly binned by programme 2. I was pretty much alone in that I actually liked the alternate version anyone got it lurking? This is used as the intro to We Will Rock You. I've seen the show 5 times and still this song sends shivers down my spine. Most epic opening to a musical ever. @ksb100pr Aberdeen is one of the weathiest cities in Europe with near full employment. If your poor in Aberdeen its by choice and you deserve no sympathy. So stick your ignorance up your arse!! As a general rule not many TV shows kill off first billed cast members unless the actor themselves chooses to leave. They've spent alot of time in season 2 fleshing out Shane's character. There are production issues with a small cast the smaller a cast you have the longer and more intensive it becomes to film each episode. and abused me in a punt. Bloody hell I was there! It was thinking ,unemployment has been over 2 million for 17 years 6 of them over 3 million we've had two recessions in under a decade they've doubled the national debt crashed the pound and wasted billions in the process a million people have lost their homes they have sold arms illegally and taken bribes,. In other words ,time to get the bastards out and hope we never endure them again,. 14 years on the Tories are still crippled by the result of this election. @ailingequation It also gave us never before seen levels of mass unemployment never before seen interest rates and never before seen levels of people losing their homes when the ,prosperity, they created collapsed under the weight of thier incompetence. I Given that it took a 17% swing for the seat to fall with a small majority it was surprising they even won it in the first place let alone held onto it with an increased majority in 2001. The fact this and seats like Wimbledon fell that night shows how unpopular the Tories were at that stage. In London as a whole they are still not that trusted coming second to Labour in the 2010 election. Basically they are like early Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet meets Joy Division and I like them all the more for it. Its odd that Blair ultimately suffered the same fate as her. Both won 3 General Elections both won 3 landslides yet ultimately both had to resign mid-way through their third term because they could no longer keep the party united. Blairs exit was cleaner than Thatcher's but the reasons behind it were the same. Oh hilarious. You actually believe that. Bless. What a year for pop music 1984 was. It began with Relax and Radio Gaga and ended with Last Christmas and Do They Know Its Christmas? I suggest you listen to Tiger Tiger by Duran Duran mate. This song to me is one of the last genuine ,wow, moments in pop. I can't think of many other tracks in the last 10 years that genuinely made you stop in your tracks. British Glam Rock with an American edge. Whole album is fantastic there's not a duff track on it. Me like a lot. :) It was all to do with production space. No. 73 had a permanent set for the duration of its run this meant for 6 months of the year TVS's largest studio was booked out making it more difficult for them to fit other productions in. The original idea was to take No. 73 down the soap route with a large outdoor set somewhere along the line we ended up with a wild west theme park and the show just died instantly. Now whose the one telling porkies they've said no such thing and none of the money goes to the Ugandan Government. You are very sick if you consider this pornography. Go and seek psychiatric help before you harm a child.",26,2,8,5,0,33,0 2352,X2353,kinky kinky kinky Yes I wanna dance now Things can change ^^ He ws at my school yesterday :D That guitar sounds sexual. Lol i paused it and played it and it sounds like a rap :D I dont have PS3 so uncharted is a meh and battlefield 3.. GIEF! Im in love with elder scrolls it rocks! Omg it looks like my r.e teacher Its like twilight except the woman playing the main character if hot and she has boobs. I wish she had the nurse outfit on :/ I like it! haters :l love it love katy 3 Could everyone sub my band account? theELEMENT132 thanks :) Thanks. Season Finale noobs. This is so amazing. Black Ops isn't everything.. he wants to do well in his education not end up as trailer trash. Me^^ Your 4th bar is wrong ^^ It is A D F sharp:) True!:D,22,55,7,5,0,28,0 2353,X2354,baby you are awesome.. yes im green jealous damn girl. nice yea more of good sounds from these fellas,3,2,6,12,0,40,0 2354,X2355,Freaking Jaejoong man~ He's messed up all my feels! I really want to do a dance cover but I don't know what song :( How can you guys do this me? I vote for Jaejoong *runs* Speaking the truth and nothing but the truth! You go Eat Your Kimchi 3 One word to describe this group: *AMAZING* 3 100% HWAITING ~ That bride that kissed lucky! thanks! That made my day tbh! JYJ is pure love! His beat flow is SICK ~,9,6,5,7,0,17,0 2355,X2356,20000 ^^ 555 5555,8,1,3,1,0,18,0 2356,X2357,"just goes to show wisconsin sucks in every sport except football. everybody knows shuckle is the best pokemon ever!!! i liked this movie well i have no problem with the months that celebrate minorities (im white) but there just arent enough months to go around i was born in america my grandmother was born in germany so i guess u could say i have a german heritige. but there is no german history month but i understand that blacks and hispanics are the 2 biggest minorites besides whites and they have changed the history of america so they should prolly have their own month but thats it. looked like they were playing the wizards at first..... yea but thats a part of the game u are at risk of getting hurt plus i dont think most helmet to helmet hits are deliberate. what if it would have ended at 5:05 fuck you dumbass how bout black people only fighting when its 10 on 1. fucking idiot. you do realize this is from an earthquake right? Fucking Troll CUNT so all this DLC is coming to the consoles aswell?? Lol Im pretty sure nothing you predicted came true. Oh yea and the xbox is still leading the ps3 in sales so that huge buying frenzy you spoke of didnt work lol. LOLZ have fun with that china will NOT call americas debts because as soon as they do it will drive the price of the U.S dollar down and they will get next to nothing. Then you must ,conviently forget, the powerglove. By your logic sony ripped off the idea of a handheld game system aswell since nintendo was the first. Face it your heros over in sony cant come up with their own ideas (besides the eye toy) but even then if the eye toy was as good as you ,fanboys, claim why didnt sony persue it? if they did then most people would know the truth of how the kinect ripped it off. but they didnt thats why its not commenly known the kinect is a ripoff. Easy Kane he didnt wish injury on anyone. And last i checked when drose got hurt heat fans jumped on that and wish he never comes back the same. Thats fucking low i guess they are still bitter about jordan owning ur guys shit for a decade... bwahahaha idc what lebum does in his career he will FOREVER be in jordans shadow. dude ur fucking stupid and learn how to write none of that is required plus xbox HAS better graphics than the ps3 look it up... yet they frequently show images of the game on the news which anyone can watch including children. I hate fucking idiots like these women yes we do even after all that the ps3 is DEAD last in sales and the ds shit on the psp. Just like the 3ds is currently shitting on the psvita. and so do you. ok please explain the other 30 bullshit calls? i can only image his butthurt if he was wrong. dude the seacocks are one of the worst franchises in the nfl. just cause they win 1 playoff game this year doesnt make up for years of being a shitty team.",23,0,4,5,0,18,1 2357,X2358,"Oh and by the way...... Merry Christmas this is so terrible THE HOT TUB'S TOO HOT!! You don't respect the classics! - Workaholics you're all virgins just trying to get top comments Gentleman's Rant: My Penis is Small this is a piece of poop fuck you who cares its funny :042 I wish my face would look like that Gentleman's rant: Why there isn't a prize this week Rosland and his fucking dimwitted sidekick Mr H Bout 15 cargo pockets between 3 dudes.. lol *forerunners if *you're really a Halo fan you'd know how to spell properly 1:55 to 2:00 best 5 seconds of vid 0:08 thats that real shit Whoa Whoa..... In the Sandwich 2:27 0:43 how I sound when I orgasm 1:51 best reaction to anything 0:17 I got the same response from my alcoholic stepfather for my birthday The last few seconds made the video Coach Hines brother 00:25 is how I get all the bitches 0:59 is the best ,Shamoan, See this pinkass shirt I hope the asshole match man! Meet me at Club North Pole! why don't you suck his dick already",27,0,3,2,0,27,0 2358,X2359,XD lip singing and threw up lol what a fat kid That was weak he made all the green ppl look stupid Wow a pervy rhg NO IT SAYS 11 HOURS AGO... :3 HES A BEAST AT PIANO :D no fool i was just sayin damnit -_- i know the 1st was the bucket dude and this one but when the 3rd time o_O I RAN OUT OF MY SEAT AT 3:43 u can see his tentacle at 7:04 plz like put the notes on the bottom of screen becuz it sound like ''d'' and ''e'' sound the same anothe stupid question but how do u play those flats.... Stupid Question: What notes are all Sharp? @tadikb22 @suesue41,15,0,3,5,1,23,0 2359,X2360,almost 8000000 views and 2000000 dislikes Dafuq? Thanks dude sorry for bein a dick Holy fuck am i high? Haha Nothing wrong it just took seven months for a new vid Anybody else think swoozie will shut down 5 guys... Ok just me Gay fag My dad told me this broke his heart I am and forever will be a pirates fan The fuck Now drakes saying yolo hell no Wait I don't apologize you were a dick to everybody Being a pirate fan this was epic Commeny yes Nope chuck testa That was epic,17,4,2,5,0,13,0 2360,X2361,Well aparently im not human.stupid roller bladeing is gay YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!And your ugly,3,0,3,5,0,21,1 2361,X2362,I fell in love with that dog in the beginning.,1,8,3,2,0,19,0 2362,X2363,Right. Now we can feel smart and go back to our caves. I do kind off expect a video about fanboys now... Please stop doing this Wow zo origineel -.- Look over here:ht tp:/ /bit. ly/ Vea1rL(Leave out spaces) Jordan goes back to get some buttons because he doesn't have any wood on him. Doing that he walks past about 10 giant trees. *facepalm* I really LOVE the fortress! Geez dire! Fix the lag!,8,0,4,5,0,22,0 2363,X2364,"Ok I'm 1'75cm tall and i could beat the shit out of them both at the same time.Loosers Finally a productive commentary on the youtube. Thank you! Menuda americanada mejor dicho menuda ,yankeeada,. Siempre tienen que explicar la historia como verdaderos anormales. jajajajajajajajajajajajajajjaajajjajajajajajajaja Parece un puto pato pataleando en una piscina Si no educis a vuestros hijos seguiris sufriendo las consecuencias de odioVaya cojones que tienes de escribir algo as. Tienes idea de lo que est sufriendo el pueblo palestino? En vez de tirarles piedras deberan quemarlos vivos. Esto es la verdad y no la mierda que nos muestra este ttere./watch?v=3tkrri14Zl0feature=related Muchas gracias por el aporte el juego funciona perfectamente!!! Quera preguntarte como instalar el parche de la radio y decir que algunas de las conversaciones entre los personajes o algun video no tiene audio. Tienes idea de como puedo hacerlo? Imagino que habra que poner algun parchesi es asi podrias ser tan amable de decirme como instalarlo? hijos de puta Si si est muy bien el vdeo pero no os olvidis de que somos nosotros quienes ponemos la pasta y quienes decidimos cuando cortaros el grifo... Vaya par de vocalistas se han ido a juntar! Grandes! un pinguino spitoso jajajajajaja Grande Luis!!! ridos? JAJAJAJAJAJA Menudo crack ests hecho bscate un diccionario colega. Son buensimos!!!! Temazo tetes BASURA opino igual que tu. Big Duke era el mejor Tu lo conoces para saber si sabe o no de teologa? Detesto a los subhumanos que se creen con derecho de juzgar a los dems sin siquiera conocerlos. Sigue amenazando con tibizos atravs de una pantalla te delatas tu solo criticn. Creo que he escuchado este vdeo ms de 40 veces. Sin exagerar eh! Sicario gana en directo este disco suena mucho mas caero en directo.UN GRANDE.",19,4,4,5,0,21,0 2364,X2365,Read the description... Aww shit yeah! Couldn't stop laughing when you brought out the dictionary. Yeah well you were adopted.,4,0,4,5,0,31,0 2365,X2366,Working on a new Transformice tutorial! Post requests in the comments! If I like a request I will do my tutorial on that.,1,62,7,21,0,27,1 2366,X2367,"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! 3:) YuppersTaylor getting fired up in this video!(competitive much) CAUTION:RAPE FACE ACTIVATED! I've seen weirder.Try coming in my class once in a while... Nothing suspicious about this at all...YUP this is very true :p OMFG...I FEEL LIKE I KNOW ONE OF THESE FRIGGIDY FRAGGIN PEOPLE!!!!!!!! *FACEBOOKex bf posts this song 4 me after I break up with him the same day he writes me a love song.Asks me back out on Facebook.IF U REALLY CARE 4 ME ASK ME OUT IN PERSON I'm getting the chills and starting to cry from this song.It reminds me of my ex bf because this is exactly what happened to me and I just can't stop thinking about it.I keep playing this song over and over again because of it :'( It doesn't matter about her teeth.Since when do you have to have perfect teeth to be beautiful?I bet everyone of you have a flaw toobecause you do.I have a flaw.You have a flaw.My friends have flaws.My flaw is that I have a problem that I'm not going to share because I only tell two people.My best friend and the person I trust the most.But I have a flaw other than thatone of my elbows are more pointed than the other.Don't focus on the small details in peoplefocus on the inside.She has beauty. I LOVE THIS SONG!!! Are these signs?! Well I know hes on my mind when I see the word ,LOVE, but not sure about me being on his mind when he sees the word love...but he blushed and smiled when I told him I like him.He looks at me a lot and tries to protect me or stand up for me...these signs? He does ten of ten :D Couldn't have said it betterAmen He's finally getting annoyed by it's self and jeez people!Would it kill you to stop getting the freaken cat high on sugar?! Seems legit :| WTF?! Very touching :' ) I'll be impressed once you try that on my laptop...but as for nowyou gotta make me a sandwich.",18,0,2,5,0,21,0 2367,X2368,Haha thanks! that was my favorite part! no one likes lauren!!! :) just kidding she is a hottie :) SOMEONES AT LISAAAAA'S! YOLO hhah just kidding! whoever play Rona flawless! See this is why I love Jenna. She isn't a Youtuber that just ignores their subscribers. If this was any other youtuber that I know this is how their video would be: A short 2:00 min. video telling them why they broke their Hand. Jenna makes a funny 7:00 min. long video!!! I love her! I love how Grace always makes a video unless she is on a major vacation! I applaud you Grace. Any other youtuber would have been like I can't make a video today BLAH BLAH BLAH! I love you! Subtle way of asking for a blowjob: YOLO OR GOLOW The hat: Laura Bell No hat: Becky what are your 10 favorite iphone apps at the moment? I JUST SHIT MY PANTS! THAT WAS SO GOOD! DeQuinna Moore over acts a little. She was selling out arenas! SO MANY BALLS! Well seeing Azealia couldn't lip sync right...She is doing it right. I want to hug a cactus....OWWWW NEVERMIND! Jennifer- 10Adam- A FUCKING 0 My name is Brody. It was like you were talking to MEH!,18,69,5,219,0,20,0 2368,X2369,i like that dansing on yesterday very enjoy ()? chelsea winner uefa champions league 2012 107 She is Pokpag or alice and She is Thai,6,24,4,17,0,14,0 2369,X2370,lol LOL hA HA HA HA HA HA HAA,3,6,2,3,0,17,1 2370,X2371,Dear Ryan Can you be spider girl this is mine ....the honey badger doesnt give a shit ...she needs help don't listen to those mean comments. you're just like them except you're cooler. they're just being jerks when they make fun of you because they're jealous of you. you are so nice to people even when they are mean to you. you are my role model. keep being nice. stop making fun of her she has autism. you would be singing like that if you had autism. I bet if she didn't have autism she would sound exactly like Miley Cyrus. So stop being mean because you probably would sound worse than that if you had autism. She is my role model because even when she has that terrible disease and you make fun of her she is really nice to people who make fun of her. So stop being mean!! where did he admit he is gay? i meant find thanks so much!!,9,6,4,27,0,14,0 2371,X2372,Tried lambanog yet? Why do you use a capital letters in each of your words? Double negative bro! good luck to you. @loli Kok if you can still rock the gp guns That's a pretty crappy green screen yum look at that water. This April! wooo GassyMexican! @delta1inc They have a right to o.o so do we Lmao! I know right. you got yourself a bad egg there he used a strong magnet Kimbo maybe try W.W.E? Pac vs. Floyd is dead. It would've been a good fight but it's too late now. Tagalog rap style are all immitations and never have any originality Uhh... Same with American rap music most of the time the only thing they talk about is getting bitchesgetting money and smoking some kind of drugs. No. Lmao Vital in a porno xD bangbus,18,17,5,23,0,106,0 2372,X2373,"Blackberry...Apple ...soon they gon have banana *cant breathe* Did i just hear him say ,lawd-a-mercy, at the end of the rap LMBO MI DEAD Ratchet ass northeast high yj lmfao THATS MY BESTIEEEEEEEEE!!! #1 FAAAAAAAAAAAN 3 U BESTIEE",5,0,3,5,0,20,0 2373,X2374,i think that this whole time krispy was waiting for a excuse to reveal his true talentin this case he said he had to change his name and once he changed itit gave him a chance to do so and from now on i think his raps will be good like this one.krispy is the cleverest man aliveeven fooled tosh.o i like how that one guy is just giving the finger the whole time,2,1,3,4,0,22,0 2374,X2375,omg ians laugh and smile is sooooooo cute!!!!!! and anthonys too!!! XXXDDDDD wow AWESOME dramma queen!!!!! EPIC FAIL!! i cant believe her teacher is not doing anything lol why did the jugdes say yes? she was horrible!!! damn i wanna see that now U R A COPIER U COPIED ME THANKS A LOT JAKE!!! AWESOME SOOOOOOOOOOOO COOL ISNT THAT BABY JUST PLAIN ADORIBLE OR WHAT?! now i want doritoes lol XD ian has beautiful blue eyes XD omg i wasnt ready for that... this is funny as hell,16,14,2,74,0,41,0 2375,X883,"When I was 14 I thought I was the smartest 14 year old in history. In reality I was just another dumb kid making dumb mistakes. I don't know how this guy has a radio program maybe his parents are rich but you shouldn't be putting 14 year olds out in public and telling them to have opinions because they'll look this dumb every time. Morrowind Skyrim Oblivion. I never played the first two but they don't really seem to be as interesting to me. Music is just creative expression through sound and while this may not sound good to you there's a lot of creativity here. That's why people listen to it. I'm in a band that makes music like this (usually not as extreme though) and I can tell you that making a song like this can often be a million times more creatively rewarding than making a nice melodic song with a catchy tune. funny parody but the subtitles go too fast. try putting less words in next time There's quite a gulf of time between junior and freshman years of college even if there isn't in normal time. ;) Go ahead man. Take my drink. I... dare you. DA DA DA DA DA DAAA The perfect music video! Oh that's right because many (not all or even most but many) Serbians are paranoid xenophobic racists who like to blame all of their problems on the Muslim Albanians or Bosnians next door. Because Tchaikovsky wrote it and Tchaikovsky is a famous Russian musician. I can't see her face anymore but I know she's still there. I'm holding a torch amidst seas of burning mist and I look in horror below as I see the cathedrals of mankind crumble into ash. All around the world rebounds the sound of decaying humanity and I listen as the theme of our demise blasts brazen across the hilltops in challenge and hate but defying fate I take a step forward and scream ,No!, to an unlistening eternity. With the force of my spirit I shout the pride and greatness of the human race to the graying stars as I stand in rubble. Kudos TYT for staying remarkably professional while reporting about a dude with 100 pound ballsack and super kudos to Cenk for backing up the Dr. Oz producers on their decision. Smart professional reporting that doesn't take the thoughtless liberal road of ,YEAH FUCK BIG MONEY EVERYWHERE EVERY TIME, is why I stay tuned to your show. I've never seen Cenk agree with Ron Paul on any specific issue (however they do agree on the more broad concepts of politics from time to time). However Ron Paul isn't a crazy hypocritical nutjob; you might think his policies are dumb impractical and naive but he's a decent human being who sincerely believes in those policies and to argue against him as a person is really kind of low. Dude watching fireworks is something you do with your friends so you make plans and stuff and you sit and get into it and if you get a good view you can watch like three different cities' fireworks and it's awesome. However if I make plans and chill with friends and there's only 30 seconds of fireworks and that's it wow that totally ruined the moment. Ana demonizes conservatives like every other story. It's hilarious to hear her say that you can't demonize other people on the news. That said fuck Nancy Grace she's a terrible human being. These trees have watched us wage wars cure sicknesses persecute others create brilliant works of art destroy our environment and reach the moon. I think they would have a lot of wisdom to share if they could only just speak to us. Your accent jumps from French to German lol. Very confusing. I just can't believe that one guy in the black shirt is okay. I don't know. Every time I see the video it looks like he like Ana says gets his head blown off. I can't enjoy the silliness of the video because it really just does look like someone really did get massively hurt. Well it looks like it's time to become a Support main. That fucking woman had four chins. Four chins! Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. What is that monstrosity? It can't be human. You can usually buy them on like eBay for about the price of a Legendary. Elementz and Stvicious could be on trial for ethnic cleansing and I'd still forgive them in a heartbeat. They're such brahskis. This guy is a typical philosopher: he thinks of really cool stuff that has absolutely no basis in reality. The color of an object is wholly dependent on how electromagnetic radiation is emitted or absorbed. For example the sky is blue because the sky's electromagnetic spectrum absorbs all radiation within the visible range except blue thus it reflects blue and we perceive it as blue. Furthermore color changes under different lights because some colors it reflects may be absent. Learn science. I approve. Great trailer but it really looks like the terrorists win (ignoring that stopping bombs takes longer in the game; trailers like to speed things up naturally). There was no way he could have cut that wire in time. Kind of a downer that the police lose lol. Yes. Snapshots are development versions of future releases intended to help bug test new features. Everything you see in the snapshots will be available with the release of 1.4 this Halloween. Westrice leaving Crs house would ruin so many Crs orgy fantasies... THAT is how you do a fucking climax. Is this really how English people perceive Americans? I don't understand this at all! I live in America and people don't act like this. You are a visionary and a genius. This is amazing stuff. Ha ha oh ja! Dies ist gud! This isn't a commercial. Bill Gates has a billion trillion million dollars and wants to shoot a sketch video with Jerry Seinfeld. There is not a fantasy in this world that he can't afford. I love Moyes. I think he has really shut up his critics with this season! He wanted the world to know what God looks like. hah that's classic! Thumbs up if you were singing one of these songs during the 88 seconds between Pienaar and Jelavic's goals against Spurs! Where to buy this online? Bandcamp only shows CD orders. i imagined you with long blonde hair. this look works too though Praise to Holy Dvar for this great inspiration. May we all hye vry lkekee haaghi tchibaba haaaaaa. The Great Dvar is angry at you! Repent or aiee zhee gaaaa! 9:11 I love these guys but that was one of the most socially awkward things I've witnessed in awhile lol.",41,3,5,1,0,18,0 2376,X463,are you f***n kidding me you flew BETWEEN the (former) Bank of America and Arco Towers I'm keeping a copy of this! I always am amused how people are repulsed when they see queer situations on tv when ironicly their mostly just freaky puppets of what straight people think we are. Can anyone tell me... not one person has mentioned that the song' hot fun' is from the 'modern man' lp and is in my opinion better then this version. The version I am speaking of seems a little slowed down some one counts at the beggining you know 1... 2... 3.... it's really funky! I have never heard it on you tube does anyone else remember the version of hot fun I'm speaking about??? Thank you. yea I like they way they slaughter Dolphins in 'dolphin bay' I think it's refered to0? and they block it off so no one can see what their doing but a few do see it. It's too heartbreaking to watch. I know not all Japanese kill sea animals. How about the people who cut the fins off sharks then just throw them back alive into the water I don't understand people..... murderers That is really a sweet story of a crush that never dies! I know he would be very touched. why are people especialy other guys so intimadated by these guys? they cover it up by calling them faggots and all the usuall ignorant stuff. People get put down for having a little corny fun. so you haters keep 'being too cool for all that! and Take it from a queer theres nothing like being young and having great sex with the guy you love so bitches go back to your 'girls' and keep telling yourself 'I'm not gay I'm not gay! I belive that this is the most terrifying site that I have seen and I've seen alot of these shows. I had an out of body type feeling and this is just a re-inactment lets just not follow the facts if their not Americans so we don't hurt any feelings He was flying the plane!!! he must be looked at whats wrong with you people!!! Of course blaim the American infadels!! all we do is smear these poor poor religious peoples .I see politicions are the same everyplace. First of all I am American second that pilot is a HERO! First I am American second he is a big HERO!!! He should be a President I don't know if they were dumb they just didn't care? and once again that is one hell of a pilot shows that 3rd world dosen't mean stupid! I guess she can't bother him anymore..... amazing! I love this melody body double was not perfect but it had it's great moments and the music was amazing! also Dressed to kill and obsession had amazing themes and songs throughout. In the 80's I thought I was one of the only people who listened to this music! who knew! I know he's in shock but maybe if the camera was sitting still you coud see the movment I guess I really didn't truley know how many evil people there are in the world. How can any straight person spend their o so 'godly time' searching for this poor kids video just to slander him after he KILLED HIMSELF!!! are your lives so misrable that you need to spit on some innocents grave! what is wrong with your parents! and what is wrong with you!! The two most beautiful woman in the world? Mom and Angie Dickinson. Hi I'm a lifelong Angie Dickinson fan. I always felt that of all the leading men she worked with that she had a real love for Janssen also I have a very nice set of DVDs of 'Harry O' really good show do you have copies? I think he looks pretty bad ass! Us fags have ALWAYS bin in the military and unfortunatly always will. This is a senseless act of MURDER of children. To the hater men out there that guy your having sex with.. He might be GAY!!!! USA always has to be the one to spell out the truth some countries dont have the guts I won't mention them ITS TRUE It's so great to see young people with respect for other creatures It's really great that those two woman found each other during such a unamaginably painful time they are truley survivors! They just seem like nice people having some fun! some one who can't commuinicate well always has to come along and filth it up and insult people. I think Dee felt a connection to mr Gibbs. I sure have got my moneys worth from my purchase of season 12 3 of WH the package set. I really love all the actors and I really enjoy almost all the episodes. A sweet show. Reminds me of working at a shop in Studio City (Los Angeles) called 'The Paper goose' if you live in Studio city you probably know what I'm talking about....With Heavy traffic at Moorepark and Tujunga I can still feel the vibrations of trucks going by as this song played on 'The Coast' really miss those days!! plus this seems to have exstended lyrics!!! I have loved her since I was a boy infact I used to leave the apartment door open when Police woman would come on and blast the theme music( this was late at night mind you) I was so drawn to her and I watched her every move. With some concern My mom sent me to a shrink. later I found out she told my mother the reason I loved Angie so much was she was a strong woman with a gun. A bit personal I know but I had to share...... wow it for me has the flavor of a late night out in la or any city for that matter looks like potential terrorists? most religions seem to breed this kind of behavior I say most because Im no expert. luis the looser! hes uggggly too ... what a shock hes bin in prison. he will probably say the police are railroading him. does sound like they may have doing drugs at the hotel at least he was look at how skinny he looks. why do these women like these loosers they think they are going to save them make them better instead they beat on their woman and intimadate them. i'm so nervous watching this as they go threw check points my heart feels like its going to pop out of my chest and its only began.... I really like and enjoy Lt. kenda and thoughtI asumed he was a pretty smart and cool guy until this video he said the most bizzare thing: 'Gay men often put wash cloths in their pants to simulate endowment' I have had many friends had many a converstaions I have NEVER heard such a silly thing ....,34,1,7,5,0,50,0 2377,X2378,falsooooooooooooooooooooo! are woooooooooooow jajaja We love yours covers :D from chile :D sudamerica buenisimo :D miren nuestros cover ; somos nuevas ; de chile :d WOOOOOOOOOOW !,4,1,5,1,0,32,0 2378,X2379,"This is Daeeebaaakk!!! 2NE1's best jam ever! We love you Sungha Jung! :D I think it'll be pointless to make any comment about GD on this one since he's flawless-ly swag.So i just wanna say that Choice looks cute in here! Hello there Choice! ;) Brody looks gay to me. And why do i get these feeling that the new ,center of attention, will be the new girl Marley instead of Tina?And I want more Quinn and Kurt please :(Woo Kate Hudson looks hot! Watch out ladiess ;) i heard it will come around September 15th if i'm not mistaken. :) at the beginning of the vid from left to right: Lim Yubin Yeeun Sohee Sunye i saw her once walking with the other trainee in front of YG building and OHMYGOSH she's THAT pretty! and has long legs too. *envy* :) OMG this is so serious! SERIOUSLY HILARIOUS! LOL! yeaahhhe's the idiot that can get what you get in ten years in two days.HA! in your are bored aren't ya?me too......that's why i reply your comment OMG only YG and EPIK HIGH would troll on their own youtube channel like this!! LOLOLOL :DTHANK YOU YG for making my dream come true by adding Epik High to your family!I LOVE EPIK HIGH!! I LOVE YG FAMILY!!Now if only Jay Park would join YG Family too. :))",9,1,4,5,1,22,0 2379,X2380,Kassem G's nose!!!!!! kids react to like mah status! hold six!!! what do you see? Thumbs up if you noticed it was always 4:20!!!! did you hear the kid say god dammit at 0:50? This was great! i dont know what was funnier... shawn saying victor i have this letter of great importance or the monster with the red neck ascent!!! one person is a DICK!!!! How can you dislike a video like this?!? For Jack not to like Ray William Johnson why is he subscribed to him? last good job! sounds great dick ball sweat penis hair vag juice balls penis shit damn hell wii? I need it! @BlackBladeSamurai insert genric hate comment here ITS NOT FUNNY THUMBS UP RAGE under 300 club! Hell try it whats the worst that could happen you Eare a prwtty \dog :)) dogs are cool favorite dig:) I have had many games where i get over 3000 xp without fast track and double xp. level 64 and counting! its not snoop dogg! its snoop lion! lol,22,2,6,5,1,22,0 2380,X2381,*hardcore riochet mode?!* how much for it 2:05-2:08 BanZAIIII!!!! So could the right ammount of bedbugs Kill you overnight in your sleep due to Very high ammounts of blood loss? Then the ant comes and regardless Of how many termites The ants somehow always win.... Is it weird that white stuff dribbled from my ears during this?! IT IS COOL I would brake ur Fucking face u little ass fagbag Looking bitch. Hitting a sweet girl like that Id fucking kill you it was cool lol......... nice..... Just hate this game to a max Being able to shake that fast is good? Yeah no Thats a nazty ass lmao Btw i have 1kissonly On Fb And He is not a girl Just saying. Ps3 All the way sut up u can't Im wondering what he said that allowed him to do that... Ps3!!,19,0,3,5,0,21,0 2381,X700,"Heh my parents stopped giving me money after i was 8 Woah.... Early birdy! I was so expecting steve to have a british accent I know it's bad to pick favorites... But babytard is my favorite. PLEASE DON,T HURT ME!!! What's the video when Babytard is 7 months Omg Rocktard's hair is turning brown.... Well it could be the lighting. I had a dream that Collete was pregnant... Man I want that dream to come true! Hey! My name is Abigail! Haha I get SonTard! *Shay not Shya Oh my! She still is a little one! Woah Sontard.... Lay off that Angry Powder Boy: JamesGirl: Emma Dear Colette I am 12 years old and turning 13 in May. I already have my love life planned out start dating in collage and have 4 or 5 kids. When I tell my friends I don't want to date until collage they call me weird and put me down. Also I want to live on a farm when I grow up and I'm worried that whoever I marry won't. I mean I REALLY want to live on a farm!!! Dear Katilette I am 12 and I still don't shave... I feel so embarased and uncomfortable but I'm scared and lazy! Sometimes I'm too tired to take a shower so the hair will grow back and I don't want to cut myself. What should I do? What are some suggestions??? I was tearing up at the intro... Then Avast! had been updated and interupted! Ravens A blonde Colette! YAY EARLY BIRDY But it's February... The doritos one with the screaming goat! ... Casey I have an uncle that eats all meat. He has alsi been hospitalized because he doesnt get the rifht nutrients.and vitamins that are in fruits vefitables and grains. IKR Well I'm sure they won't because they already hae Malchi Yeah... I know.... It's supposed to be a joke... #Youcan'ttellmewhattodo! Oh.. Teehee!!!! lol Why do they all have nice homes? Is it weird that them two have been in my dreams multiple times? What is there not to love about you?",31,4,3,9,0,13,0 2382,X2383,looks like an upgrade. Instead of rewarding pro player by giving cash money for league championships I think Riot should reward the LoL community instead for having such a dedicated playerbase. Athene: The Jesus of gaming.,3,1,8,5,0,26,0 2383,X2384,what's her name 00:35 brilliant! My right ear is dead,4,8,3,4,0,17,0 2384,X176,"Mario Party For the wow players.... DID SOMEBODY SAY Thunderfury Blessed Blade of the Windseeker? It says right on the label do not consume more than 3 per day... maybe it should be bumped down to 2 SPOILER ALERTDESMOND DIES! Maybe they should film it... porn isn't illegal. My halloween has been postponed twice... screw sandy The creators thanked you guys on the cube :P Phil owns SourceFed... PS3... Well this is awkward. I feel like Sipps is Israphel English... We want to see the whole uncut version Rhett dresses as santa and Link as an elf and give us facts about the holiday season :( im in school at 1est No i ment right LEE NEWTON! Probally had to to play this piece of shit One can say it was a... *takes off glasses* pound cake! Sarah Kerrigan in the SC2 cinematic. Made me cry the first time i saw it. Can i do this for XBox360 pppppppppppllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzz *song . Yogscast brought me here :P i guess i'm not human... lol some1 make a meme... One does not simply drive to the north pole. This is SOOOOOOOO bad! That it is actually good. :P I got OSS for hole punching a teachers hand... Thing is teacher put her hand it it while i was using it. . Can we just throw an apple at her?*You Failed You attacked Beatrice*,Aww fuck sake,*Awkward silence*LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Bully part 12? Was debating weather or not to buy the whole album but after hearing this the choice is obvious! Behind Stormwind's gate in WoW cant do it any more but it was epic as hell :P Robert Downey Jr. (Ironman) vs ANYBODY! 25:06 only happens cause 22:54 happened :( Salem... the cat from Sabrina the teenage witch :P On the subject of sequels that i am DYING for Sly 4. COME ON SUCKER PUNCH! I never saw that coming i dont think they really donated the money... I think they blew it all on making this video. XD jkjk. I loved it and kinda want to see the normal footage :P Flameretardent because it cant wall fire :P That is cool i will make sure to do that next time I am at a hotel3 Yes",39,3,4,5,0,16,0 2385,X2386,"Nice one mate. When a girl says I told you so. What did you use to cut the video? 60 cent ! We should give Ray that droid costume!! very nice keep it up! Well got some shitty mouse i'd like the real thing! Razer mouse! He is ever so wise! So missing the episode where Turk and JC talked to the black guy all night and ,I will follow you into the dark, with Death cab for cutie is on! Justin Bieber is gay gooooodshiiii He is such a charmer! HAHAHAHAHA 3 eru ekki vinir HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA .... i viti a Gillz er a grnast egar hann ltur eins og hann s fokking svalur? When was weed a bad name sigh Vevo. Tears started running down my cheek when he sang the contingency Which UI addon do you use? She said 2 ways. First way the glow stick thingy and the second way is tonic.. Ertu fimm ra ea?",21,4,3,4,0,16,0 2386,X2387,Goth twilight BUT I THOUGHT YOU WANTED WHINEING Whats the first song in the beginning She sounds like shes singing Alright deviltrigger555 you've posted hating comment on a lot buckin vidios so SHUT THE HELL UP OR I WILL LOVE AND TOLORATE THE SHIT OUTTA YOU OK and I WILL PUT YOU ON THA MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON BEEEEEEITCHH Saberspark who is best pony Yes it is yo Conner its me DJ sup man sup spin apple.spin,11,1,3,19,0,31,1 2387,X2388,His face at 3:21 tho lmfao he's clowning right now Did brittany really say Keesha?! Lmfao does she mean Kesha?? At 0:33 you can see x Tina doing the moves to the song haha I love her!! :) Howls is she!!!! She's an inspiration shows that pole dancing isn't just for strippers it's an art :) Those bitches were eating chickfila oh HELL NAH!!! Shit just got serious Bahamas we don't have tht in my town :( I would cry if she leaves I think her and emblem 3 will be the top 2 I fucking love Jerry springer and that dude must be fuckin stupid or high as hell haha he's talkin RECKLESS!!! I love how fame hasn't gone to his head like other celebrities how he doesn't think he's better then anyone Fiance ahhhh HELL NAW boy how old r u?!?! @arceousx571 me too!!!! But will it count because psy isn't a vevo account and it's a vevo record?? I love this song!! Haha but why is everyone freaking out saying well what did the boys do and stuff lol the boys didn't even write this song so yeah haha I wanna hear them sing this live expecially Harry at 2:40 @wantinggogra108 yeah expecially at the beginning the guitar Does he have a mom edition What's the ringtone at 2:32 @qbauploader it's called faded by Tyga ft lil Wayne @Olivia Boye nah we get to pick between Spanish French German or Latin and we either take 3 years of one or 2 years of two to graduate I'm taking Spanish cuz its the logic thing but u no lol Did she make the auditions?! Did d trip get the audition What's that silver think in her hand I'm jw Jaja I love it!!!!! Haha but does her voice seem a little lower?? Or is it just me @1:05 he was dead serious tho haha hes bout to look that up My names Cassandra !!! :D Zach is thin in the interview?? Is mayzie la bird in the movie?!,25,1,3,5,0,21,0 2388,X2389,I almost died King of all trolls i see tits :D he is the definition of yolo whats the name of the machine the car is on at 0:16 Orgaaaaasmmmmmmm :D she wants the rich dick rainymood on google dam this is nice porn brought me here Awsome go to world star now and watch the teacher read the lyrics worldstarrrr who was that at the beack at 3:10 this is too accurate the end was funny 2:17 was epic People need to work harder starting from high school. 6:41 lmfao look at 2:06 nigga licked his lips while looking at him ngga gay as fuck lol they bought that life james dalbly Im nigerian omg really fuck little ceaser cheap mofo Dormtainment should have did this Steven jo is back to his real shit. nice ad,27,9,5,3,0,26,0 2389,X2390,"lol i played the pro bottle run yesterday LOL i said the same thing how do you get the poseboxes to go into your game i loved this episode keep up the good work *brofist* omg i laughed so hard when cry said ,she had her boombaboombas on me, i think it was matt or amy YES ABUSIVE MOTHERS SHOULD LOSE THEIR KIDS people these days... I'm having a nerd gasim right now lol lol i luv the ending you can change that by going to the settings kk i luv this seires :D pricess20ful @tangerinethao lol first comment :D",17,6,3,38,1,29,0 2390,X2391,Shay VanBuren's voice got soo much deeper that's why she's my favorite character they have a making of the series where you can see the cast and all that i am so fucking scared right now this is great! pretty sure it's modesty they probably didn't think anyone would notice is the video going to be on itunes? i can't open the file! :( why did she rerelease this with a different beat? I love both versions though. + what are the cartoons? I didn't recognise them wow this is a really great video! is it available to download?,11,3,2,5,0,21,0 2391,X2392,Bought one of these SBB machines and after 10 minute screen went blank stayed that way ever since cant do nothing with itwhat a load of rubbish buy something other than this rubbish or you will regret have been warned.1 second ago Bought one of these SBB machines and after 10 minutes screen went blank stayed that way ever since cant do nothing with itwhat a load of rubbish buy something other than this rubbish or you will regret have been warned Mine does the same Bought one of these SBB machines and after 10 minute screen went blank stayed that way ever since cant do nothing with itwhat a load of rubbish buy something other than this rubbish or you will regret have been warned The storms have buggered America when Romney or Obama get in they will finish the job you should have voted Ron Paul in he was the only one with heart for America. Mark my words the next four years will be the gravest in American history.and this is from the UK. Mr Rothschild is waiting in the wings to finish America off You have been warned The storms have buggered America when Romney or Obama get in they will finish the job you should have voted Ron Paul in he was the only one with heart for America. Mark my words the next four years will be the gravest in American history.and this is from the UK. Mr Rothschild is waiting in the wings to finish America off You have been warned The storms have buggered America when Romney or Obama get in they will finish the job you should have voted Ron Paul in he was the only one with heart for America. Mark my words the next four years will be the gravest in American history.and this is from the UK. Mr Rothschild is waiting in the wings to finish America off You have been warned The storms have buggered America when Romney or Obama get in they will finish the job you should have voted Ron Paul in he was the only one with heart for America. Mark my words the next four years will be the gravest in American history.and this is from the UK. Mr Rothschild is waiting in the wings to finish America off You have been warned NO. INFORMATION GIVEN.I COULD HAVE DONE BETTER THAN THISWHAT ABOUT ROTHSCHILD NEW INFO REQUIREDYOUR HEADING IS ROTHSCHILD.LETS GET RID OF THESE EVIL PEOPLE. HAVE THEM UP IN COURT FOR CONSPIRACY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLDS COUNTRIES BY ECONOMIC DEVIOUS MEANS THIS DYNASTY NEEDS TO BE COLLAPSED Brown is the biggest c**t this country has known he sold off half our gold reserves without explanationsomething about AIG THE ROTHSCHILD BANK he nagged to be PM then buggered it up for all of usall the borrowing he did put us in deep shit now Cammeron is carrying it on he must be a pal of Rothschild .He talks about a new world orderwhich was devised by Cecil Rhodes. Brown is not an elite just a bumbling fool he's on the waste pile Alex Jones voice grates on my ears does he not know he has throat problems on the way.he is getting worsego see a doctor Alexyou may be sorry you don'tit needs rest by the sound of it? This man and his families banking empire should be taken to court for conspiracy to undermine the worlds economic systemswhere are the justices are they frightened of these people.they should open up this can of worms while they can and see what evil ways they have of taking control. The Rothschilds should be taken to the world court for conspiracy for undermining the worlds economies they will be the downfall of civilisation as we know it.What's wrong with this world are all the justices corrupt .will these guys keep getting away with murder.They need to be eliminated from the world stagefor the rest of humanity to survive .Theses guys make profit on wars eliminate them for the rest of humanity I hope the queenthe governmentthe councils and the rothschild bankers are in london when they are spraying over london if not you know its true..,13,2,7,5,0,66,0 2392,X2393,"WHAT THE FUCK AT 0:09 ! I Almost died. -.-, AHAHAHA! You're so great. You never failed to make me laugh. Keep up the good work. *2 thumbs up* OMG. :)) It only means he's hot. -.- OMG! 0:45 HAHAHAHAHA! The best! *hats off* HAHAHAHAHA! OMG! OMG Jackson. It's my 3rd time watching this and still laughing. This is so cute. You're perfect. 3",7,4,5,8,0,22,0 2393,X1328,"and the left guy drinks the pee yum yum 10.000 Besucher ihr NIGGAZ !!! @TheTradSkin1969 reib nicht jedem unschuldigem Youtube-Besucher deine schei Meinung unter die Nase. Du bist locker so einer aus der Anti-deutschen Szene. Allein dass jedes Land laut dir beschissen ist. Traurig. This here is NOT POSSIBLE. Tolkien described the eagles as good and evil in the same time they took no side until the end. Gwathir (the one that rescued Gandalf from Orthanc was the only one) would have been killed in Mordor because there were 9 Nazgul against. Got it? read the books...Still laughed about this funny imagination ;) Women are fighting tougher... 2:56 real republican LOL ^^ Thumbs up if you mind he looked like Barny on the cover ;) Damn Em is a fucking Monster SKILLLLLLLLS See it as it is both are genius man! shit Digger seine Mimik ist ne Mischung aus Micaela Schfer und Rocco ich SCHWRS!!!!!!!!!!!! No comment?? Well here it is. Jimmy youre my idol FC BAYERN!!!! Gre aus Hamburg Sorry Du Ober...h...ZICKE :D 0:55 nice punch at 8:26 :D haaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa With me is not good cherry-eating! Roenhelmify verwechselt da leider ein bisschen was :) oh man Leute ohne Ahnung... Immer das gleiche DU KANNST DOCH NICHT DEUTSCHLAND MIT DEM IRAN VERGLEICHEN !!! und verbldete RTL-Politik-Schimpfer hier mit rmsten Menschen in den bedrohten arabischen Lndern !!! HEUCHLER ! video must call: Highschool-Rapper against stand-up comedian -.- mind it was,german retard!, :D haaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaa der deutsche akzent ist der GOOOIIILSTEE eyy voll der spastiiiii eyyyy hahahaha kstlich eyy man diggi ohne spa du siehst bei 1:00 Krass aus wie Tarantino zu seinen jungen jahren = das feier ich derbe !!!!! my favorite song... @TheSuigan Uhhhhhhh that badass is lots tougher than you! why the hell a german actor at 1:02 ??? oah mirobeats du spast hr auf mit deinem linksautonomen Gelaber digger nerv -.- schau mal: die sind einfach SCHEIE!!! hat nix mit Klassentheorie zu tun du affe ey 2:32 was bringt es an der gleichen Location sein T-shirt zu wechseln? Digger die sind einfach alle so einfach struckturiert -.- alle dumm -. digger wie es mich nervt -.- hach es wird schwer mit der neuen stimme zu empathisieren... Aber die Stimme bleibt in meinem Herzen. HERR DER RINGE IST MEIN LEBEN - :D das wird wieder ein Meisterwerk fr Peter Jackson ist das eine Herzensangelegenheit :) goanation Ja man ich muss echt sagen diggen dass ist SO ein geiles Lebensgefhl was bei allen LOTW teilen einfach entsteht. Oah ich hab schon SO oft drauf geflasht mein Alltag mit meinen Jungs besteht aus Zitate draus gegenseitig an kopf haun oder zuhause ordentlich buffen und das als spielfilm reinziehen oder in park nachts und mit unsrer 5000 watt basemachine auf hammer breit einfach ma als Hrspiel reinziehen. - Jungs DANKE !!! :D diggen zieh dir die outtakes rein man BPK bringt die Line: ...dass du aussiehst wien mdchen das aussieht wien junge ?? das is die ganze zeit von den gleichen das is ne gruppe man jeder bringt sein Teil !! :D LOTW = LEBENSGEFHL :P einfach nur geil entspannt und lustig und flashig diggen trust dont bust ;) erstma ein baun america... they exist ;) dont you know WHATS THA DIFFEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENCEEEEEEEEE ??? :D classic developed minds dont talk like you my boy... :)",33,0,2,5,1,22,0 2394,X2395,how does this only have 6000000 views? should be at least 60000000 Yeahh you totally ripped off Axis of Awesome's four chord song.. doesn't really matter if you give them a shout out or not. Full credit goes to my man Tim Hawkins with the original Chick-Fil-A,3,0,3,2,0,21,0 2395,X2396,All you people are fucking retards if you think she brought this on her self. Shes just a kid. You are all a bunch a of fucking dumb fucks! Holy fuck this argument is still going on? Guys first of all the foo fighters kick ass. Dave Grohl is just a man not a legend. Second All you nirvana fans bitching about Dave is fucking retarted. Kurt is dead get over it. Yeah it's sad dbut stfu. Kurt would probably tthink all this bitch was fucking stupid. @tcollins297 name five songs that were.... Who the fuck is axl rose? @Dave Moore stfu Tps!!! Love that game and millencolin. I think they had sugar mixed up with cocaine rye? Man i miss shit like this. wtf is this.... Bitty still belongs in the kitchen though... Just saying. Trade barg hes not working. Get some solid defenders!! Fucking brilliant Weeeeeeeeeeedsssssss Truly awesome! Classic @Matthew Moore Your retarted. That is completely no accurate. What a human being! I would step on that cats face if it ever attacked me. All you people bitching about hunting are fucking retards. The king!!!! And im not a miami fan! Fucking haterz! Hahaha this guy needs to talk it out with kg @JamesyD1988 fuck you mangggg.... @JamesyD1988 fuck you mangggg... Lmao!!!! I killed pac. Fuck this... Im not gay but i have a boner...i think i just came out of the closet... Holy piss that's funny! XD Fucking haters What the FUCK!? this is the little piece pumpkin that billy shouldnt of smashed... @canopus1a your a fucking retard....get over it. I thought canadian news was stupid....well. @craneop32 i would love to see you say that to ali tyson holyfield. Stfu you rascist hilbilly cunt....oh ya im white! @PoliticalWaste444 you are fucking retarted. That shitty singer is lead for one of the most amazing neo punkbands ever. bands @12ShotCafe really?! Wow....great voice. Fresh!!! Wtf is this not on the radio? Grew up blink. Kind of sick of there new sound. This song is really killer though! Fuck jesus Loving this shit mang! Bringing back the good ol days.,40,0,3,5,1,23,1 2396,X2397,"yea give me the gift card and i will donate it to cancer research :) I WILL Roses Are RedViolets Are BlueThumbs For DubIf Not Fuck You 30 sec later.........FUCCCCKKK I'm 16 and i have always have respect for my parents and what my mom does all the time when she sees a kid acting up saying ,he wants it or hes gonna stay there, she literally goes up to him not giving a FUCK!!! what the mom or dad cares and says to the boy or girl ,okay come on lets go, lol funny shit is the kid goes running for his mom or dad like a little bitch and mom or dad says thanks!!! to my mom shes such a BAWS haha try it i assure u it'll work :D real life LAG!!! lol 1 what ever happen to original cool craft and tech videos now its just pure live video sthis is boring i rather use a condom hehe hey you guys check out my video i have many Special Effects videos as well as my other ones here's the link to my cool muzzle flash video You wont regret it ;D--thanks-----/watch?v=7gTd3ClpHGofeature=relmfu hey you guys check out my video i have many Special Effects videos as well as my other ones here's the link to my cool muzzle flash video You wont regret it ;D--thanks-----/watch?v=7gTd3ClpHGofeature=relmfu hey you guys check out my video i have many Special Effects videos as well as my other ones here's the link to my cool muzzle flash video You wont regret it ;D--thanks-----/watch?v=7gTd3ClpHGofeature=relmfu woop woop Is the guy in the middle Mr.tumus from -Narnia!!! 0_o??? im high as fuck haha have you or red ever gotten mad each other while recording and just leave? like so they can see this :) nope not for them because they off the ground doing that they are not touching ground it doesn't create a negative charge and fry them something like that check this link for more info en(dot)wikipedia(dot) org/wiki/Tesla_coil The cons to this if i did this were i live Definitely will get robbed even with a high tech security system :/ 0:36 those two blonde chicks were so slow to realize that they just got scared that sucks",20,12,5,23,0,15,0 2397,X2398,Yeah like Disco! Fuck that shit Yup I guess we all forgot about Hiroshima. That totally wasn't a cowardly move on our part... Best. Concert. Ever. Go back to EA and release Skate 4 I know they have it. I know there is only one cowbell hit in this whole song haha. Sorry but where in tha fuck is LED ZEPPELIN Just because Tom did it first doesn't mean it shouldn't be done again. No shit he's a vert skater ya kook.,8,7,3,6,0,22,0 2398,X2399,Shuffle! Tht is sooooo freakin cute! I guess my brother is an android then.....,3,0,2,5,0,19,0 2399,X2400,@carolsageful she is lipsinging Thats what popstars do in music videos Use your common sence. Marina's voice is AMAZING she deserves more views ermm no. My new account is my happyending32,4,8,2,5,0,16,0 2400,X2401,that poor girl! Damn! are u smoking crack or something? that's a clear loss for probie. long shift bad shoulder regardless. clear loss. ohi knew a girl name eilleen! and thats all im gonna say about that. im a nigga from the hood and i didn't! Thanks Jay!,6,1,5,2,0,37,1 2401,X2402,Have you seen Left 4 Dead Part 3 on ABG yet? Then why the hell are you reading this! Go ahead and click that link right there :D For those of you who liked my minecraft videos here you go! Now you can watch me continue the series once again. If you are reading this post then stop and play some Halo 4! Thanks for 30 subscribers and 3000 video views. It may not seem much to others but it means alot to me. Thank you guys and keep being awesome :) Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!,5,75,3,43,0,24,0 2402,X2403,"Hi you may want to consider learning something about your world. Let me ask you do think that the Bible was written by one hand? It sometimes amazes me how purely ignorant some people are please go back to the Dark Ages where the masses were spoonfed their religion to keep them under control. And btw if you fall for the lie that Jesus offers you salvation and you just have to sit on your ass then you have been deceived he said you must do as he did period Hmm...well it's gonna do what it's gonna do right? None here gets out alive...period. As for the Bible thumpers gotta say it ya'll need to learn about the biblical history and exactly where Judeo-Christian beliefs stem from. The word 'Hell' actually comes from Norse mythology which was predominantly pagan. In fact ALL of the christian worship rites prayers and symbolisms are pagan. But hey you gonna do what you gonna do all I can say is....ladies and gentleman...the Three Magi...they don't need the rock and roll hall of fame...they are beyond that.. God she is gooooooorgeoous! Muahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! wyrd! Anyone else notice that the time on the clock in the graphic seems to coincide with Neil's birthday? Wow..really nicely done..this needs more likes..dark though it may be..sometimes when we wlak through the long dark night of the soul..we come back with gifts and strength few can imagine...again very nice:) Well form the comments I see on this video..wait let me rephrase that..the negative poopoo comments...evil is alive and well and making sure ignorant people stay ignorant...hence our world is is an inherent nature of evil to use any and all methods to keep itself hidden..and that includes in plain sight...i enough people were actually educated..with the ability to use a rational mind towards the development of better technologies for the planet as a whole...we could change .. why in the hell is this freeking music with like 85 pct of youtube some Rush or something...geeez I am no one my name is writ in water...I'm only here for a little while...and then this name and face will small dream will become one with the great dream...from which my small dream came..all raindrops fall from heaven to earth become streams ...then rivers rivers find the ocean...and the water rises to become the rain..and the rain falls...each drop has a name..part of the bigger name..water..the bringer of water...and flow..Lee will never die.he is water:) I see all these smartass comments from lil punks not takin any of this serious man you need to get your flesh slapped don't understand how fast the road can get ripped out from under you..where mommy and daddy can't help you..all you smartass punks talkin shit here because you are nice and safe in front of the screen you would be the first to cry balls out your ears when faced with the life behind those bars..those men tryin to help you even after thier lives are ruined .respect!! Given that the 11 sephirot on the tree of life is are considered gate ways in the jewish Kabbalah maybe just maybe we should hearken back to that knowledge maybe there is a hidden message there. The 11th sephirot was called Da'at( and was traditonally hidden) this was hidden for a reason perhaps this dimension contains the Pit the Beast is within it..and must not be loosened upon the this may sound crazy and religious but it is far from it..this is high mysticism..high magic! you should have used 'Natural Science, from Rush as the music..not this lame retarded Axl Rose crap...but that small matter aside( pardon the pun) nicely done:) Hi I'm a sag sun moon in psces capricorn rising..venus /neptune scorpio jupiter taurus saturn in aquarius mars virgo..pluto..yadayada...and I can see what you mean about people, seeing, a cappy rising that way simply because of jealousy perhaps?? You really need to perhaps develop a bit less of a focus negative atitude maybe . I'm sorry your ex, fake, boyfriend was an ass but you were attracted to maybe you saw yourself in him?? the animus /anima attraction? you're lovely btw Actually this song was inspired by the manager/producer dude that Ann had a relationship with and fell head over heels for...I wish it was about me..but ..Carly Simon remembered me with , Your so Vain, me some Nancy.!.I would drink from that woman's river of beauty for makes my belly jump:P ..David...( bows) we are not worthy... Haters gonna hate cause they just can't rate..MeShow is great says the humble Scotty Yates!! Bruce is part of the heavenly glory..don't just make him the tip of the finger:) Excellent !! That flint napping technique you have developed is impressive. I can tell you have lived the abo lifestyle a bit. Well done and thanks for sharing...oh and @ creamiorange...learn to spell creamy..before you correct others:) Nice Nativerobin..this is the first video I've seen of you..and the first time I've seen the fire piston concept..looks like it's easy to make:) You do such a great job of teaching and your manner and presence is so relaxed and comfortable. Great job..thanks for sharing:) nice..Ill be making one of those...:) Oh and..nah you don't look like russel look like..yourself..:) You can even use a stick or other floating piece of debris to make a bobber( float) if you wanted to..nice addition of the fly into the mix. I would use no.6 trout hooks or ,egg, hooks with this could even use a small spoon or spinner ( with the ring and hook(s) removed .or a couple of them that can be incorporated into the weave.and they would appear to be decorative. Thanks for posting this young lady. It's good to see folks thinking of these things. You have the basics there and that's essential love the altiods box idea. I would like to make a few suggestions. The fire type would get frustrated. Always have a very good full tang blade..and learn how to ,baton,( using a solid chuck of wood to strike the back of your sturdy full tang blade against a tree to chop it down.....always have cordage make a paracord belt ..mahalo That is a great idea! Hmm..I guess it would work with a nickel or quarter as well? What about a penny? Or..would that wear out to fast since it would be copper? The answer is simple as most complex problems are usually answered. The answer is: we can and will be able to use our minds to do this..yep. Only the human mind as we know it can conceive it imagine it and achieve it. It has already been done..ask Nostradamus:) Hmm...interesting stuff to say the least Trey. I like the way thing shave been put together. I'm with ya on a lot of this..some of it..meh..maybe not so much. I'm sure that you are into reading about all different forms of spiritual practice throughout the world and the Ages. There is a thread..running through it all...the evolution of human know extremes even. I like the ancient Toltec way of looking at things somewhat. We are emanations of awareness. Right on!",27,5,8,3,0,47,1 2403,X2404,Shake that ass,1,0,4,5,0,21,0 2404,X2405,HAHAHAHAHAHAHA WTF :D !!!!! looks damn amazing im gonna get this! hahaha hilarious fucking cerial bowl and a spoon u got it all hahaha hahahaha two suits and u guys shared that gotta hurt!!! i vote for more black cops and no ginger cops! Just like ur mom ;) lamest thing ive heard ppl like what they like just like u do.... til helvette med blaaskjell lol ''are you serious?!'' best moment :P,9,3,4,5,0,21,0 2405,X2406,J'aime trop cette musique surtout le rythme... celle la** J'adore tes video mais la mdrr j'avoue que cortex ta un minimum tue avec son piment d'algerie Et gogole ces trop nul ton vieu truc gogole !!!! Cete video ne sert a rien en + pourquoi ta marqu cortex sa ne sert strictement a rien pfff ces n'importequoi les gens de nos jours.... d'abord je dit pas bonjour ni bonsoir ce que vous faite c'est nul archi nulvous avez dit que la fin du monde est en 2012 or que c'est juste la fin d'une Aire te renseignez avant de parler comme a !!!!!!! Pouce vert pour ce qui adore cette musique et trouve que ces encore mieu de l'avoir mis en Lyrics Ah et un petit mot pour celle qui a fait le montage : C'est super un peu en retard quelque fois sinon super !!! J'adore merci encore !!! Marquer haksam91 et dane91y sur youtube merci :D Mdr sava on n'entends pas trop bien parcontre... Ouai sa va mais bon de rien pour les 1millions mdr Oh mais ces LA MEILLEUR MUSIQUE DU MONDE ELLE FAIT PLEURER EN PLUS JADORE CETTE MUSIQUE ELLE EST TRO BIEN AAA JADORE JPEU PLUS MEN PASSER CES LA MEILLEUR O MONDE ENTIER ELLE EST SUPER FRANCHEMENT LES MEC CES SUPER AVEC LES VIOLONCELLE DERRIER ET LE PTI ORCHESTRE CES ENCORE MIEU FRANCHEMENT CES SUPER LE RYTHME ET TT CES SUPER Marquer haksam91 et dane91y sur youtube et regarder toute les video et cette musique est super pour se qui sont daccord pouce vert On n'entendpas trs bien mais je vais mettre un j'aime ;) AAAAhhh WWAAAWW ces trop geniale pour se qui sont d'accord avec moi pouce vert !!! Super srx ces le titanic en + cool Sur youtube marquer haksam91 et dane91y Totalement Tom a 14ans ;D M'ouai J'ai essay et ces super facile en plus ces trop bon OMG tu a completement raison !!!! C'est inpossible d'avaer un gateau consistant sous les 3jours aprs qu'il te l'ai serrer moi j'en ai un et je peut te dire ces pas de la tarte tou les jours ;)PS: J'aime trop tes video !!!,21,1,5,5,1,19,0 2406,X2407,"We're really nice to everyone. ,Then why do they hate you?, ,Because we tell them they're going to hell., I don't think anyone in this family has a brain.",1,0,5,5,1,21,0 2407,X2408,FUCK FLU SUWWOOPPP FUCK CRABS N GD me watchin these video make me wanna goo up there and just crash to make a show for yall lmao lies cuz usa gov mad a jet that can enter water I LUV THIS SONG YOO IT MEANS ALOT TO ME N MY PAST i guess im not human lmao ahhh khmer pride all day crazed thumbs up if u notice the w.t.f high school poster,8,0,3,2,0,19,0 2408,X2409,ur amazing you are soooo cute you are pretty good for a 6 or 7 year old!!!! :) ARE YOU TRYING TO BE BAD IF YOU ARE THEN YOU ARE SOOOOO FUNNY!!!!! I love this dance Moms!!! it is the best show I do dance my self but my Mom is nothing like that and I can not dance like that!!! :)))))) you rock!!! so funny!!! like really I don't give poo!!! so funny!\ lip singing? really? wow wat happened 2 ur voice i know all the words off by heart and i can hit all the high notes and hold them!!!,8,1,3,5,0,22,0 2409,X2410,Your welcome! I hope you had a great day,1,76,4,53,0,20,0 2410,X2411,I really love Nicholas but really hate tony!!! F*uck TONY!!!!!!!!! Sid look hot more than Tony! LOL omg my poor sid!!! ;( Please!!! leave Sid for Cassie!! Common!! I love Naomi and Emily when they're staying together :D I love JJ :D I think you're cute girl! I like your voice and your make up. Anyway you look like Adele...:) WTFFF Freddieeee!!!!!! commonnnn!! Please! find Freddie! omg I can't accept he died!! Rich! fucking handsome! I really love your voice! Can't stop listening!,13,1,8,5,0,24,0 2411,X2412,"I tried the ,Tropical Trance, Gum its awesome thanks for recomending it! You are rude! Get over it and no shes not shes talented YOUR ANNOYING so get lost never watch this again and u r just jealous because they are talented and are out having fun but your just wasting your time huh yep smells like jealousy! am I the only one that noticedd the ,ding, whenever you comment??????? Necklace! :) Kiss your hand 5 times. Post this on 3 video's. Check under your pillow and you will find A pink IPad. It really works! Kiss your hand 5 times. Post this on 3 video's. Check under your pillow and you will find A pink IPad. It really works!",6,2,2,1,0,17,1 2412,X2413,"Sometimes Marley reminds me (lookwise) of Leighton Meester! She's beautiful and her voice is lovely. Jake's not too bad either. ;D Haha I had a chuckle at ,they were really hard to track down in the nude!, It's terribly unfair for you to post these things at midnight my time!! ;) Haha aww well thank you! I don't think I've ever been told that I restored someone's faith in humanity before that made my day! It's people like you that remind me why I never want to post hurtful things. :)) Oh Kitty I think I have a girl crush on you haha! Bethany I am always thinking this but you honestly just have to be one of the most flawlessly perfect people I've ever seen! Inside and out! xoxo 33 Oooh that is just the perfect bow ring!! So dainty and adorable. :D Revlon Black Cherry! :) That moment when the top comment is a comment about the top comments being about top comments. Top comment-ception. You need to learn some manners. YOUR ROOM. 3 My dog! :) Seeing my brothers! :) I'm usually a bubble bath kind of girl! :) Ohhhhmygooodnesss that scarf!!! 333 It's just baby Gandalf. Happy new years to you and Tanya Jim! Much love to you both. :) 3 2:33 on bari sax is my favourite memory of high school band. Ah how many times have I watched this moment. Truly one of the most moving scenes in television. It is almost entirely because of Brian Kinney that I put the emphasis that I do on the words I love you......a powerful lesson that too many of us forget about at times. Bruce Cockburn! More cooking videos please! :) Making some delicious food together or going out for a nice dinner!",22,0,6,5,0,24,0 2413,X2414,Heaven? I think so Spread'em ;) Hell yea he cool with it She dont look like she 8 fake how do you take the hood off him HORNBALL!! This is bery good! I think you could make a living off singing You are a wonderful singer :) i like how a race car doesnt go back and forward Sing any slower? only if i could get the girl in the back right's number Never say now let me kill you FUCKING SLUTTY ASS BITCH Sounds like a bad case of gayness LOL joking Who is mm Done better I just think its funny how he used other peoples tricks shots and not his,18,0,2,5,0,15,0 2414,X2415,n shit 3 had this song on the party bus yesterday :D so catchy :P What the fuck what happened bfmv!? this is shit no offence i love bfmv but this is shit really... 2 pac eminem linkin park korn + green day :P girl 1:51 - was it me or is there a cow that does a backflip :L i have such a big crush on andy and ashley :3 swear shes trying to be like hailie williams... shes not cool enough for that well that was wank. BUSTED :D,10,12,4,3,0,19,0 2415,X2416,You shouldn't be proud. If you are using Chrome or Fire Fox get adblock as an extension. Stops all the ads on Youtube.,2,1,3,5,0,27,0 2416,X2417,@Terfen - Woah chill the hell out. This movie is simply about the development and ensuing controversy over the founding of Facebook. Facebook was a pretty cool idea for a college kid so don't be a douchebag yourself by bashing on people who will probabl I,16,0,4,5,0,21,0 2417,X2418,ahhhh i live in manhattan beach! hahaha are you home schooled?? my dad works in the movie industry and my brother is your age and is an upcoming camera man/director/editor. it would be sooooo cool if you guys worked together sometime in the future :) hahaha that awkward moment when.. i love fall weather 3!,5,2,5,5,0,31,0 2418,X2419,does he break up with her or does she break up with him?! ROLF OMG JONGHYUN AT THE END!!!! Aww wanted to see if Jonghyun could do all 159 I cried wen Jonghyun cried!!! THEYRE SO TIRED!!! Onew's voice cracked and is out of tune... Jonghyun is injured... Minho doesn't have his usual amount of charisma... and Taemin just looks plain wilted and tired :( his face is so clean and smooth!!! no matter how much Taemin has changed he will still hav those moments where he's the adorable makenae lol the three oldest r lik bursting into tears while the other two r happy and bouncing around hugging their hyungs AWWW JONGHYUN DOESNT CRY LIK HE USED TO EVERYTIME HE WON!!!!!!!!! LOL I STILL THINK HES SO CUTE why is this so beutiful?!?!?! it aid shinee debuted in 2005.............i thought it was 2008 i luv ur covers lik crazy and im so jealous that u play the piano so well and im a huge shawol! there the only reasons why i stll lik kpop but i really wanna play this on the violin do u hav the sheet music on the treble cleff? BEST MOVIE EVER!!!,13,1,3,5,0,21,1 2419,X824,"The guy looks so small in the car Wonder if they're gonna get sue from Astin Martin Hey all it takes is to look the part then you blend right in.... oopsee The majority of these cars styling and proportion is out of whack.... looks out of whack...styling looks like it came out of the 90s...every decade has a certain look As us transformer book is more worth it U forgot the one USB...that's not enough Asus transformer book is better thought out. lol...what a joke...I don't think KIA belong to the cool kids just yet. Yup ir body built has a lot of ur genetic KIA is a bad name branding...they need to change those letters into just a logo What a mess...they just turned into a rice car. lol...its an alligator. Some people find this cool and hip....Different strokes for different people. This is like adding some skirt and slap the letter ,S, on a Corolla and call it a sport car. It's call a rice car... Hyndai and KIA are just as boring and as lame O And how old are you? Lol.....KIA I guess kids do buy Kia Mexican are either super fat or they're super skinny Thank god this era of beetle is over The Justin Bieber 22 kinda sycks Jay has a very expensive hobby... I use to like Fiat styling but now no matter how they dress it up it looks dorky like a golf cart. I rode this and it feels like a fun car but the customization price of this car comes out so expensive. Not digging the styling...go retro never gets old...I can see how this styling will get old after a couple years. lol...all this would be consider illegal in the USA. lol...rice car Crazy If this was real was is the music is sync with the crash...they just glorified the crash Lol.. I like I gave it a chance...but I thi this movies is made for middle school's so corny Herat chic in the back can't catch up? Oh and it has to be an Asian to save the day?..really? It was ergonomically backwards No thank you...same bullshit....there better fun cars out there I had an older model and it was a horrible car .ergonomically backward ...there are better cars What about android integration? ....with android all u need is stereo Bluetooth 9pm and its not even dark...must be Alaska damn thats big wing on ur own car",43,37,6,12,0,38,0 2420,X2421,What a cunt Did any of you read? She was a slut a whore she was stupid. I did this a week ago and my wounds still haven't fully healed yet no joke. Awesome :) At 6:38 is that Princess Juliana International Airport? I only cost $50 with the bundle. I would cost more but only half Asian so... Beta as fuck R.I.P. man you had great skills. The fucker who... I'm in tears right now it's so fucking sad.,8,1,2,2,0,13,0 2421,X2422,bring in mlgHwnT,1,3,5,5,0,21,0 2422,X2423,"Rainbow comeback please =( Jeff was like ,I'm going beat the shit out of him, after what Chuck said to Clem.And then all of a sudden he leaves the conversation with Chuck liking the his ideas.Not one punch was given that day.Homeless persuasion at it's finest. Lol ,pathetic antis, yet only one person is here talking. You don't know anything and yet you claim that it wasn't bullying with no evidence that it wasn't. Yet you come here waste you're own time to reply to me with the same thing everyone else replied with. I'm saying she could have been bullied don't tell me that I'm wrong please you're just making yourself look really stupid. There's more evidence to support that she was bullied than she wasn't therefore I claim she was. Simple. Since the beginning of the Episode one she always had it to talk to her parents. YUL~! Why the hell is it that they're always trying to make Kai stand out? WE GET IT ALREADY.It makes me feel bad for the rest of the group. Replied to a 4month old comment. -sigh- This is J-Pop for crying out loud.You just gave yourself +5 to retardation. This MV+Music... is terrible. Like this comment if you flagged this video. Oh my god... I anticipated them... for this? What a disappointment. The M/V was so random for me and the fact that they didn't even act like they were singing NONETHELESS EVEN TALK in the video was so ridiculous. The girl on the right danced a lot better than the one on the left. YOUR MOVE JO KWON. Just to let you know his comment is from 4chan. It's something they say to troll-threaten people everyone knows it's a big joke you just happen to fall for it. Eh.. the MV is good and all but the plot of it is totally demoralizing for women: saying that men only like ladies with make-up on and 'pretty's themselves and generalizing men: saying that men only care about looks and would never pick the 'nerdy' types. I just don't think it's 100% true about every guy out there nor is it true about what every girl needs to do in order to get picked.Overall the song was catchy but the meaning behind it is kinda iffy for me. Damn Adam you look ridiculous sexy as ever. Nah JoKwon is just super short. LOL No it's not retard it's 1000000000 That was Nickyboy's keyboard not Catz you would know if you look at the times keys were pressed and noticed the actions on Catz screen were off. qwerty. That's the year she was born. -facepalm- ...What's this a teaser for exactly? Snow Summit? =-= Sounds like she's cheating to me. ALL HAIL THE MAGIC CONCH! 5:34 So long Gay Bowser. AWWWWW YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH",26,1,7,1,0,31,0 2423,X2424,"Alpha Testing Phase is when the game isn't presentable yet and is undergoing heavy game play testing and smoothing so that obvious glitches are a rare sight. Beta Testing Phase is when the game is polished presentable and also playable completely and will likely undergo few editing later on. What I see here with a side experience in game development is something totally unpolished unless you currently live in 2002. Ratatat is such a chill electronic / downbeat song.. I love it. My favorite kind of music. I don't drink.. mostly cause i can't at this age but hell. I lose 1 out 8 usually. I so hope that a Ranger's Recruiter would come up somewhere. That would be a God send. And thank you. i can hear the bass with my tritton px720... and my laptop. 1:07... whoa. Thumbs up if you're listening to this in 835 A.D. I'm so fckin' scared.. I'm probably one of those people who will be like... WTF!? oout loud... but hey... that was cool. I get tired just watching... non-perv comment. Seriously. PEDOBEAR is B0:55I'ma cosplay him. thumbs up if.. wait... wtf... Oh. OH. that lucky child! =D cat fucking a handbagyo sow me oatsA walrus tickle dancebag i was waiting for pedobear to get one of you. lol half of my favorites in one video.. how convenient. two words combined in one... Bitch-Slap. know it? yo sow me oatscat fucking a handbagyo sow me oatsA walrus tickle dancebag super cute redhead alert. =] BEST SONG EVAR!,NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP,NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN..., asians... are so badass. ...u-u-u-uaua... ='] I tried to make the mustache heart with my hands. =] a flying cat toaster strudel farting stereo noise rainbow.It was bad before... now.. NOW.I lost all hope for humanity. You're title is a lie... I get white girls all the time! her headset looks like a halo. look at this troll. Still living in this country and has truly never motivated himself to leave and support another. Yet he favorites the video and comments on it.Darn you Matthew Pete Peterson I liked that Kip Moore - Somethin' 'Bout A Truck song though. I own a truck so that song sticks well. What a cool guy with a humorous sarcasm. I don't know why but drifting and offroading with the nissan frontier is way more fun than any other truck i've driven. we need more games like Halo =/ Halo is so simple... and yet so fun.",28,5,5,5,0,32,0 2424,X2425,fag. get off youtube Come on man I actually liked this song damn queen myrrah's got a nice ass and thats cool thanks for telling me that you wasted 6 years of your life working a dead beat job and making meager income. i'm just chilling at Princeton you know. I only watched this to wack off to Mariah there's something wrong here... oh that's right. my dick's not between your rack Pitbull= Jason Kidd's musically gifted twin if she'd touched my dick it would've done the same exact thing oh gosh i was really expecting one of those drivers to do a drive by jesus they need to realize that they should just never leave america again. period.,10,0,3,5,0,25,0 2425,X2426,"fake and gay THIS IS NOT you BiM .. ..? .. ? , : : : ? ? .. ..? .. ? , : : : ? ? SHUT YOUR BABY ASS AND DEFEND !!! wow thats cool editing! but small screen.. well yea its bad btw NICE UNBOX! )()()()()(",11,1,5,5,0,23,0 2426,X2427,"He sorta needs to delete this video DSL's(; Hey dick the actual song is called lights! this is a remix of the original version which is sang by ,Ellie Goulding, So fuck off! 3:30-3:40 did it for me! ;'( agreed they are.still would rather have a tuscani I'm white and I'd love to be at this pool party they got chicken water music etc.Don't mistaken me for a ,wangster, or a ,wanna be,.. I just get along with my true people not my fellow white racist bastards!! I'm tired of hearing on every bouncer fight ,That's a law suit, ,You're getting a lawsuit,!Listen you dumb fucks AS SOON AS YOU TOUCH THE BOUNCER YOUR ASS IS DONE FOR he has every right to take you out! Haha see ya guys tonight!! ;D His other song he did tonight on SNL was ,young girls, !I wish it was on youtube so I could get my girl back that I left!!); 1:13 - 1:20 .. good job I liked that!(: The comments are where it's at!!! Defiantly puts me in a better mood!! hahahahah:D It's cool to see peaceful fights/matches. Always brings a smile! Make it all 4 and yea. unless that is they all get some bats and chains and the whole 9 yards of defense shit and all of them want to jump in at once. Why is it that every time I listen to this song I crank it close my eyes and think of the past. Kind of depressing during the moment but then it ends and I open my eyes and realize Fuck the world it's just me fighting for me! Will someone fill me in on this ,Super speeders, and what they are? lol I have never seen someone love to get pulled over like this! lmao! waste of oxygen Not very many amateurs can get my attention like this! Congrats you're on my favs! these are great! I have yet to seen so many stupid fucks on youtube(: fucked up shit): ENGLISH PLEASE! I just watched like half these on ridiculousness today! lmao Was there actually proper manners being used? hahahaha please no one ever put a condom on me with your FEET! I got here from watching sad songs for my dead dog! WTF youtube): bath salt You bet your ass I'd torture that fucking cunt and cut her up into little pieces while she screamed for mercy. People wonder why I'm Atheist and it's because shit 40X worse than this happens hundreds of times a day.... our city looks so shitty!):",27,0,4,5,0,27,1 2427,X2428,hell yea he got blown up studer box the football team is sad cuz they never win a game what kane did made me cry go 2 249 haha i did just like my mic man gost was fie befroe he started working 4 makorva no gas is on ghost lol What the this kid is crazy This is crazy What the fuck Lol Can i add u Lol!!! Parties What game is this,18,0,3,5,1,32,0 2428,X2429,they prolly goin to hell who tha fucc is they to judge anybody damn cant get enough of this song shit on replay i still love this song i know exactly wat she talkin bout she go harrd man i love her she reprensents the real woman like myself all over tha world i even hate to give em pussy thats how wacc he is lmao i fell in love with this beat he sound like yg,7,0,3,5,0,19,0 2429,X2430,This is so good and you're very pretty! 3 Haha zayn! I love this :) this is extremely amazing! idk why people do the 30 sec version! lol I love this ! sounds cool! loooooool AMAZING. I can't wait to use the sky as a blue screen! hello! I love this ! :),9,190,3,6,0,17,0 2430,X2431,"Zico has a good flow but I still to say GD ! BIGBANG ! 1TYM 3 ! TEDDY FOR SURE ! 3 his voice *^* 1TYM BIGBANG 3 ! ** so cute ! Wouaw Perry's rap is amazing! who is , Terry , ? You mean Teddy ? Eng Sub please T^T I'm from France and I don't understand very well that why :/ ! BOTH OF THEM ARE SICK WHAT THE HELL ! YG LOVE 3 ! GDTOP ! Respect TUPAC va ! Srieusement le monde tourne l'envers ~ Wrong ~ DFD and G-Dragon are different as you see ;) ! Even they are different they are AWESOME ! :) TAEYANG ! :) pff you know you are so dumb ! JAY PARK TAEYANG are friends ! So don't make look them bad ~ Anyone is better they are both different ~ ( sorry for my bad english I try to do my best ) I have nothing with her but please she destroyed this beautiful song with her , style , voice if I can say ~ whouaw so lucky you are ^^ Congratulation :) ! ViVi ! 358 no no Gildarts looks like Shanks ! :) They are better in SM YG.. cause in SM there are very good in dance and YG for their voice :) ! J'aime beaucoup tes vidos :D ! mais tu bouges un peu trop tes mains ^^, BIGBANG Still N1 ( in my heart ) ~ Thanks ^^ hahaha so funny hahaha u_u ! SHUT YOUR FUNCKING MOUTH REALLY ! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND OR WHAT ? WE SAID SHUT YOU HELL UP ! DAMN IT ~ Eh oh ! Calme toi ! Insultes pas mon pays merci ! J'insulte pas la France moi hein je la respect mme si il y en a qui crache sur mon pays ..C'est pas parce qu'un idiot dit sa que c'est bon vous rentrez dans son jeu ! C'est bon quoi soyez plus intelligent ._. CL cause her voice is very powerful and strong ! LE is not bad too but I prefer CL ( in my opinion ) ^^",28,139,3,5,0,17,0 2431,X2432,Bitch had it coming. bitch had it coming Old people had it coming Go Lobos!! bitch had it coming LOL Stupid women had it coming bitch had it coming,7,0,4,5,0,25,0 2432,X2433,Tokushima! I was there during spring break! :D,1,1,7,1,0,18,0 2433,X2434,What you on about... the vocals here are miles better than many of her live performances. Missage or Message A show dedicated for people who are... Some of these anthologies are better than the record! :) Epic thanks :) Sorry I hear he did write 'Move over MS L' It was his last song afterall - so I've heard. Bloody Brilliant Well done Katy! This is actually quite good :) Egomaniac Fair point it didn't go far. But it did need tweeking up a bit though didn't it! Yes... The Geatles Back in our day we only had geeks... I like that... it's inclusive. It's saying with always been around in one form or another but now we have a label for it! Well he did didn't he... but just not in the way people thought ;) Thanks for writing it :) The Best version of the Blue Peter theme tune in my opinion :) Fuckin hell Many CDs sorry! Oh dear shame really :( She's Kiki he's... not Elton...,21,16,5,7,0,24,0 2434,X2435,"WE LOVE AFRICA (this is why we donate!! to watch videos like this) awkward because IT'S ALICIA KEYS duh? i like Alicia keys just the way she is and her music is simply perfect she is 1 in 7 billion bad comment Went to his movie today and spent two litres of tears. One of the best movies I've ever seen in my life. maybe even the best that was not a nice thing to say. some people will be offended by that 483 people i hate OMG OMG sooooo funny :l I meant Not ,Psss, Captain you can make a a hundred grand at least from adds. know why? cos you got 2 mill subscribers. please take a note of this ;) thnx im 15 and i got a ktm 250cc sx 2 stroke 2013 model this month and i freakin rock. also installed some upgrades and some fmf exhausts Shut the fuck up and watch. we spent our money to the huge co-operation's because we are buying their hard work and sweat and in return we get a sweet bike. what's wrong with that? btw just stop complaining for being poor i bet your sitting behind your screen 24/7 making a mock out of people who actually go out and adventure in their lives. OMG!!! Gangman style has got 800+ mill views on youtube and this only got 78 mill? WTF! Fuck this world my bro plays like that from call of duty 4 till now. ive been living with this shit daily for 6 years. People wish me luck :( Team jesse Who cares about KD ratio people. just have fun playing the game. and if you really want a good KD ration then just become a camper duh :o is Lisa Cuddy the leader of the brotherhood? he o guy ths is nw mut rew vew",18,1,5,5,0,21,0 2435,X2436,I knew this video would be short. Get someone to film your panels at magfest! I wish I knew about it longer. The scenes changed my life. :3 DIllon francis brought me here. Ego. You have said Wowie Zowie. Awesome center. :3 Why does everyone hate on mc's? There with most hardcore live shows. Stfu and quite bitching. Seattle washington is now all electro/dubstep and very few events have hardstyle or hardcore or ANYTHING that new gen. Crap. That just so happens to be a guy. XD Self conceaded? Nah. I remember when i first started mixing. Take less away from effects and put most of your emphasis on the music. Clean transitions and whatnot. I started with electro aswell but now I mix Psy trance. Goodluck and keep the love for the music. :) You should do this again! Zedd for president. ffs . I think should really do a game in the province of elsweyr. So cool! I have no problem with the layout. Reverse bass. :3 Jumpin and stompin. :3 Moonboy still got it.,18,11,4,5,0,29,0 2436,X1751,"That cameraman needs a raise! Damn the female body is a thing of beauty...well most of the time. Hugh Hefner can take the picture...but only gawd can make it! Women runners have the best bodies. She's gorgeous. I currently do power bodybuilding but minus the power :) Mr T still rocks! Man it's not about inferiority it's about talent. O'Hearn and other guys like him just get jacked more easily than others. Just do the best you can. If everyone looked like Mike O'Hearn the world would look ridiculous. Sign me up! Step Brothers! Seriously. These videos attract some of the most ignorant racist trolls on the planet! Even a fat Mr T is still a badass. He is a piece of a work...and I am a huge fan Not bad I'm sitting here drinking coffee and almost hurled just watching. That's a nasty workout. I would shorten the reps to 15 and up the rest period to 3 minutes. But that's just me :) excellent! I didn't realize how important the grip was. Those dumbells are still on their way to China! Ok imagine if you're in the gym with Mike O'Hearn and he says ,could you hand me one of those dumbells?, What do you do? :) You're welcome sucka! One of the all time greats If Stallone was 6'1 and 250lbs that's what he would look like wow these kids are already beasts Not a good idea to mess with any of these guys girlfriends LOL. Make no mistake this girl is gorgeous. Great video Austin I love seeing girls strong and confident and self-assured too :) There's a strong correlation between power lifting and bodybuilding - but bodybuilders take the isolation moves to an entirely different levels. They have very strong squats and benches but devote entire workouts just to the lats and rear delts. Just totally different goals. Bodybuilders aren't weak by any means. Looks like such a great environment to train in. Great people. Too bad I'm in NJ :( epic show! Kipping clinch - LOL These people are all obviously very gifted with strength. Are there people that come into California Strength and don't have as much success? Pound for pound Rob is unbelievably strong. Looks like a regular guy not a 320lb NFL lineman. He's got a gift. Donny Shankle pound for pound has got to be one of the strongest men on earth Wow that's a DEEP 616lb squat There was a race?? Thanks Scott I guess there's still hope. Although I'm nowhere near that strong. I'll gladly take a 210 cj by next year. Well maybe there's hope. Rush is finally getting inducted in April and maybe that will open the door for Yes and especially Kansas. Rush needed to get in because of their consistent output and enormous album sales over the past 35 years. Just takes time. Love Rush! Inspiring stuff. This is a great example of how important a strong social climate is for getting the most out of people. Each lifter waits his turn then has people watching and encouraging them. I believe this mental aspect gets much bigger resuts compared to if they trained alone. Great environment. thanks I was working on this movement today and I'm not able to rest the bar on my front delts. Not flexible enough yet. absolutely I could watch her do Olympic lifts all day. Nick Greene is getting stronger impressive. But I think it said Nick Moro when he was doing his lift?? Well I definitely believe his strength and size is natural. There's plenty of strong guys out there that don't use steroids. But the very gray area is in contest preparation. Heavy dieting wanting striations in the quads etc. Maybe there's something natural guys use that isn't totally natural prior to a contest. But that may be the extent of it if anything. Also some guys like Mike have naturally high testosterone levels which definitely is a big factor in any type of athletic success.",39,5,3,9,0,42,0 2437,X2438,Merry X-mas. Got myself what I wanted; A drawing tablet and money~ Fucking amazing dude. Hey hey. I'd so fuck the shit out of that cybergoth. If you're into that style you know she looked bad-ass. No problem~ I love you. D8 Bitch got bitch slapped. What the fuck is wrong with you? Tigers are already endangered. The world is overpopulated with humans. Why not go kill yourself and help with that problem. Lul I actually laughed.-Xyphic I WANNA TOY DOH. Drew you ARE gay.You're a very happy person. So this is what epic sounds like... Yeahhh.... Even though you're not gay you'd so be the taker it that relationship Drew. Js. Amazing. I'm so glad I subbed. Then why are you here? Lul. 2:02 - 2:10 killed me. Well do you know what's not funny? Acting like a child when you're not supposedly. That girl did nothing to you yet you insulted her. Try acting your age it'll get you places in life. I needed this. Thank you. 3 Yeeahhh bullshit.It's funny how in all of her videos she's showing off basically half of her chest but in this she's all covered up and pretends she doesn't know why she gets most of her views. You remind me of my big toe because I'm going to bang you on every piece of furniture I own. Ray's girlfriend. Goosebumps man. Wrong. He hasn't told ANYONE about his life in over a year. That was the past. The past should be left alone. You obviously speak with ignorance.,22,24,2,1,0,18,1 2438,X1922,"It's happened to me before and it IS terrifying.I thought I was actually paralysed. I was screaming and crying because I was completely awake but my entire body couldn't move. I remember mentally telling myself ,move your legs!, but they wouldn't move at all. So obviously I began panicking. I had to wake up again if that makes any sense? I had to close my eyes and mentally wake myself up so that my body would return. It's very scary. Don't listen to random idiots your channel is awesome! She's awesome. Why so? Probably knowing them. This is such a tragic story if only the child had received proper medical screening and help. The poor baby's suffering could have been avoided. I wonder if they can remove it it looks so painful. A TAB DOWN HERE!!! *points up* 2:55 It's reiterate if you were wondering. I'm not blaming you at all I'm just angry with the entire situation. I'm sorry if I implied that. Same. It's a serious mental condition but I guess it's important to laugh about these things otherwise it all becomes too serious. This was hilarious. Are you really that stupid? What a horrible thing to say. Oh mi piace questa canzone! Ahhhhh! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!! Hilarious. My dream... Sei bella anche senza trucco! I absolutely adored this tutorial. Best song ever! I fucking adore this woman. She's perfect. TROLL LEVEL: 1000000 It's Australia not gun crazy America. I was thinking the exact same thing. I'm not going to lie it frightened me a little bit. The dagger reminds me more of Macbeth. I weep for humanity this must stop. IT MUST STOP! Les Miserables was AMAZING. You must really hate yourself then. Are you insane? lmao Brilliant! No you're just too stupid to understand it. That's the joke. I am literally crying with laughter. The song is absolutely brilliant. PERFECT! How can someone so smart be so childish? lol My absolute favourite episode! lol...just lol. Indeed! Yes they can. There are still a small amount of people across the world who contract the disease. However medicine has evolved so we have antibiotics that kill it. It's my dream to study at Oxford. I've wanted this for 13 years and soon I'll be there!Good luck with everything :) you're also an idiot. There are so many issues with this video...I can't even... I just want to openly state that I'm not a Canadian I'm an Australian. However you do realize that the whole world laughs at the fact that America has no health care or rather is disappointed. I don't know why you're so proud to defend it? By the way 20 years is entirely false.Good luck with that... Huh? I didn't realize we were living in the middle ages.",40,5,3,5,0,17,1 2439,X2440,fuck odd future they dnt ggot sht on icp but wak ass rhymes and gay ass beats those foos only r out there cuz ther illumanti puppets...mcl frm killa cali whoop whoop fuk off fuk ths bitch ass norte listen to sureno music n sht foo ur jus ah bitch ass netnorte ahaha puro VARRIO WESTSIDE BLOOMAS #ST.LOCOS GANG 205 juggalos 2 bitchmade pussiez foreal samesht i havent heard dis since ah kid i couldnt find ths song for a koo minute ths bitch iz a fucking psychapath 3:10 wer tha fuk iz tha remix wit weezy n diss shit???... 1 of waynez hardest trakz frm yrz bak sum gee shit remindz me of all tha homiez frm tha hood that passed ...purro WESTSIDE BLOOMAS #STREET LOCO'S GANG BIG 909 IE... R.I.P HOMIEZ hell yea u gotz to get lifted to dis track fooz went hard az fuck...stay rolln mad spliffz to dis joint @hXcHipHop n ur a dumb fuk huh? how tha fuk r u gonna call me white thn on ur next comment call me ah beanr n sht ha go get ur facts strait before u start runnin ur white bitch thoughts on tha internet hav no sense of humor pussy bitch thts sum funny sht tht foo took tha whole fukn register these foos sound too much like triple 6 if you tell ima kill you too...haha ths sht get funnier evrytime i listen to it danm sht goes hard 2:28 ths foos say 666 sum illumanti sht haha gay fuk red bitch fuk chista gang all u vatos r gunna keep getn smoked ese com across dat BLOOMAS bridge n c wat happn dis for5th will lay all tha rest of u chista hynaz dwn...purro WEST WEST BLOOMAS #Street LOCO's gang big bad IE 909 fuk smell.a. fukn loose assholez shut ur monkey mouth nigger ass up n keep sukn on tha white mans dick u house NIGGER u monkeyz mad sum G musik but i cud giv 2 fukz about ur nappy haired race ha fukn nigger ur alwayz guna B 1 till u die dnt forget that fuck foncaca BIG WESTSIDE BLOOMINGTONE13 ese i pak anotha kush bowl i no hez comn for my soul....v.WSBLOOMAS13 #STREET LOKO'S IE 909 FUK THA REST FUK DICK SUCKING WEENIES FAGGET ASS TAGGERS THTS Y I BEAT THA SHT OUT OF UR HOMIE CNT WAIT TO CATCH U FOOS SLIPPN AGAIN B ON DA LOOK OUT FOR DAT BIG WS BLOOMAS 13 #ST.LOCOS IE GANG FOOS AINT EVEN WORTH AH CLIP OF MA 45 U AINT NO G'S JUS SUM FAKE ASS TAGGERS foreal these foos aint no 13 they got no big homies puro WSBLOOMAS13 #ST.LOCOS IE GANG FUK U PUSSY CUM DROP BITCH I KNO ALL BOUT WAR U PROBALY NEVER EVEN HELD A GAT N UR LIFE THA FIRST GAT U WILL TOUCH WILL B MY FOUR FIFTH IN UR MOUTH BITCH BIG BAD WS BLOOMAS13 #ST.LOKOS GANG what song iz dis? dis sht iz fukn hilarious u gotta b a pussy cumm drop bitch to thumbs dwn ths sht 2012 n still bumpn ths sht iz better thn all there new sht ahah hahaha theses fags must b n txas ahhhha foos got punkd by the teacher lmao hahah it never gets old,27,2,5,5,1,29,0 2440,X2441,I do not hate chickens.21st Pause the video at 3:30. Just do it. I lol'd. The Janoskians had girls being thrown off the fucking stage if anything they were more of the nuisance and the more likely cause of a riot if anything. /watch?v=SVimwyRFBiQ fuck your song Wait I am some what retarded when it comes to this stuff. What does tethered mean? People tell me it means that the phone can't be turned off or it glitches or something. What do the Janoskians inspire YOU to do Randi? How does that make any sense? Oh wow another channel using omegle to get bigger. Never seen that before.Origionality/10 Oh Nick you and your over reactions 3 Okdkshgbfb eramgawf,10,8,4,5,0,17,0 2441,X1220,hi =) Are u a girl? Jajaja hasta parece trailer de pelicula jaja cool 0:20 did she grab a rock? o.0 Is that scar in the back ground talking? o.0 The revenge of the fallen 3 Calla basura subhumana sois un sudaca basura muerto de hambre aqui en europa no los queremos basuras. Can you play this online?? Look's pretty exiting. Pura envidia aca Viva el glorioso imperio Norte Americano :) Me gustan lox men tambien. mame? yeahh Thanks mate :) Ojal que llueva caf :'-( amen Same here Sephiroth: Killed a beloved party memberKefka: Destroyed the worldExdeath: Did BOTH Sephiroth: Killed a beloved party memberKefka: Destroyed the worldExdeath: Did BOTH I love this game dude i love this team killing Dude kill them always no matter what i support you :-D Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh Hahaha kill that fucking spic puerto rican duch bag hahaha BelmontVladTepes Give me a mail or something. lol Basura guerrllera. Great improvement IBroLLyISephirothI IBroLLyISephirothI UltimeciaKnight si Dios bendiga la gran super potencia americana estado Unidense seguira dominando el mundo por 80 aos mas saludos desde espaa tus hermanos blanco te apoyamos y nuestros aliados canada inglaterra la alemania francia corea del suer australia y muchos mas. hi alex,37,846,4,498,0,30,0 2442,X443,"And this is definitely the best way to make the bullying stop... I love how this is an insurance commercial. This guy's a freak but he makes good music. Cept this isn't a Vevo video. Anyone else think this is reminiscent of Marilyn Manson? I didn't know Adrian Brody spoke Predator! Fall Out Boy did a song called ,I Don't Care, and in the chorus the main line was ,I don't care what you think as long as its about me, which is taken from this song word for word. I'm not the biggest fan of Fall Out Boy so it kind of annoyed me. John's really good solo. I love when he does soft stuff like this. He's well suited to it. I felt that what we were doing didn't warrant what they did in ,retaliation., I want to be clear that I don't think the American government is perfect by any stretch of the imagination but I refuse to even remotely side with the Taliban on this issue. They're not on drugs they're trying to disgust you. Woah there sailor. It's good but the original's classic. Check out the one for ,Kill Your Heroes, if you haven't already. It's a good one too. Weed doesn't make you think deep thoughts. So stoner is a swear word now VEVO? Don't we all... Sadly it can't happen because Axl is being an asshole. This is a decent video it just doesn't really fit the song. These lyrics are so amazing. Man he sure loves brushing his teeth. Anyone know what the story is with the toothbrush? I'm checking my energy levels right now... I'm about a 5.... If there is a football play in Europe it is strange. That term is used loosely now a days. I was a hipster before it was cool. Atticus Ross must feel like a bit of a third wheel... Kesha can sing? Everything I know about the universe is a lie. 2001: A Space Odyssey for the win! Andy Kaufman was a comedian and actor best known for his stand-up and work on SNL. Since I'm in America I call it soccer but I agree that we should have named our football something else since there is far more foot to ball contact in soccer and it would make far more sense to call it football like the rest of the world. Then again we still don't use the metric system so I guess America's just hopelessly stubborn. Ron Howard seems out of place. Speak louder next time but this was very helpful! Instant House: 27:40-29:40 Anybody know the title of the Bob Dylan song playing in the background? This is what we in the business call shitty casting.",33,0,3,1,0,16,0 2443,X2444,It's supposed to be like that i think. This is brilliant! xxxx ahhhhhhhhhhh 3 3,4,4,5,32,0,18,0 2444,X2445,"These are two of their four decent songs. I miss my childhood ): Nickelback's YouTube: the only place where they have fans.They're not even cool enough to have a VEVO. There's a reason he's engaged to Avril Lavigne. I hate Demi Lovato. I mean really hate her. I guess I'm way too old for this video because I have no idea who any of those ,Disney and Nick stars, are except Emily Osment. Video needs more adds Wow the girl is absolutely beautiful. I love the lipstick color on her. I really wish I could pull that bold orange off. Yeah...this is the kind of makeup style I did when I was in 7th looks terrible. They probably think it's boring. And that's an urban legend. Good thing you believe urban legends are true and call them facts. The way you spelled famous is the reason you didn't pass high school Dan Smith. I want to make one but I want to figure out a better way to make it than with duct tape. I don't even know why actors and people that THINK they are actors like Ms. Silverman here act like they understand politics. The more rich actors singers rappers etc. tell me whom to vote for the more I'll look the other way. They're so out of touch with REAL reality. ...there opinion...Yes MrMAHP. I'm going to take you seriously now that I know you don't know how to use the English language. How dare he what? Be right? Or expose you for being an idiot? Either way Ben Shapiro Piers Morgan. ALWAYS. This song is just amazing. ownes lolol Tears into...? More like ,torn up by..., Poor Piers...he knows Adam Lanza only used handguns. That was the greatest impression of Joy Behar that I've ever seen. I'm sure Moore cares as much about God and the Bible as much as the Constitution. It's not your fault that you don't know any of the answers to the questions he asked. He's exposing how uninformed our youth is. How is that bad? Who cares? Stupidly addicting. Take your tits out and dance",26,3,4,2,0,20,1 2445,X2446,I wanna find a girl like that Where did you get that shirt in the Obama Based God video Lil B? Face time when I'm gone... she gimme dome from a distance. She like to climb on top but she like to walk off limpin MMG All day Wtf these kids need help How could you dislike this song? Lebron you a bitch ass nigga bruh! lmao Domos beat lmao Lmao we all were going in for a while too Aye man you and dukethakilla are the only people I like watching keep up the good work if you play NCAA 13 get at me on PS3 rjeezy14 Real niggas on that PS3!! Lmao all I'm saying is hit my mouth and I'm choke slamming a bitch idgaf First follow me purp keep it trill @Li_Rahzta_Fe Dude i need these like everyday lol i know you cant do it but just sayin Can you you do a Falcons full game Friday New Mexico? damn I didn't know brothas were out there lol Fuck yall Olly Tesla made these beats I was in the lab with him when he made em! Bitin ass niggas! My Boy Olly Tesla made this beat a long ass time ago I use to freestyle off this its goes hard we show love to the KLVN all day The homie bumps Doms fuck knifing and strike force Went the fuck in I'm 17 black male even though im young i see the same shit you do when it comes to black women i have no animosity towards them but they always want to conjure up something out of nothing to just see a brotha stress out and I think the same way you do about women man it's good to know I'm not crazy it's the main reason Why I'm single now I always end up having to put up with bullshit so I just focus on succeeding in life and making friends Half of these niggas never even been in a courtroom I would be crying too dumb fuckin kid He bumping that New Jet City #JetLife,26,1,3,5,0,22,1 2446,X2447,"Marry justin kill cheech (dont know who dafuq he is) and do russel. Never said it had to last long :) Awwww da snake is so cutee!!! OK! FINE! WHAT EVER! YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO BE QUIET UNTIL I ,GIVE IT, OR LET YOU WIN SO FINE! YOU WIN I LOSE I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON AND DESERVE TO DIEHappy? I wouldbe constantly praying... Ive done things... Not terrible but i really need forgiveness O.O at the end. oh well XD it doesn't really matter if you dont like people making a lil fun over 1D then why did u click on this video? It's your own fault for clicking on it. Wow. This time IM the normal one :P Ugh stop talking aboutstopping!!!!!!! We all love u and whoever doesnt need to shut their face Youtube.... Lol",9,13,3,5,0,18,0 2447,X2448,haha thankks LOLOLOLOL mee again 3 LOL. Im From Canada But That Was Hilarious ! no offense because I know she trying ... but this wasn't good at all and now I think my ears are dying and I have a headache ... sorry .. o.o -____- d'awww33 i rememberrr this :') i miss it :( tumblr... hahaha xD i smell a grammy... All I here is fjkevhcnefwjcmdncsajdcxnxdfjkfcherkfjcn hey hey hey fiuehvckjhdfkujhfe hey hey hey... :$ no offense :$,8,4,3,5,0,111,0 2448,X2449,"This is such a pretty piece!!!!!!!! THIS IS AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! however i think everyone is being a little to harsh on this girl... she didn't just start singing this song and ,dancing, *throw up* like that - someone taught her that so blame them not the kid!! and stop being mean about her voice she's only like 5 or 6 yrs old. fucking slut You sneaky mom!!!!!!! Lmfao What type of bees make milk.........boobeez haha lmfao The best performance ever!!! Soooo sexxxy Lovely Jackson fucking five lmfao Kind of insulting to the ballet world I love you rilo kiley!!!!! I mean holy hot damn share some of your godly talent! you have a beautiful voice keep practicing i can't believe how jealous i am of a six year old... SHE IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!really good control extension on the first part and last diagonal!!!!she needs to work on turnout before the pirouettes though :)",15,0,3,5,0,30,0 2449,X2450,My fall stable is a fall colour inspired nails!! 3 thanks for this give away your all fantastic! My fall stable is a fall colour inspired nails!! 3 thanks for this give away your all fantastic! My fall stable is a fall colour inspired nails!! 3 thanks for this give away your all fantastic! My fall stable is a fall colour inspired nails!! 3 thanks for this give away your all fantastic! My fall stable is a fall colour inspired nails!! 3 thanks for this give away your all fantastic! My fall stable is a fall colour inspired nails!! 3 thanks for this give away your all fantastic! My fall stable is a fall colour inspired nails!! 3 thanks for this give away your all fantastic! I tend to turn to darker reds and burgundy's grey's And Gold's! Inspired by nature and the dusky environment! : I love being cozy for fall and comfortable wearing baggy cute sweaters and scarves and boots with leg warmers :) 3 Hi Elle! I adore you and your videos! You inspire me :) During the fall I tend to kid of blend in with the nature around me the dusky environment the different colours of the leaves reds oranges greys and im really feeling mint this season as well :),10,2,3,4,0,20,0 2450,X2827,Must be a 10tb SSD drive to cost that much This needs to be a gif Shush Minimum requires 1gb toaster I'm using this exact build but with a different case do I need some sort of LAN/Network card to be able to connect to my router wirelessly? Most likely fraps Is it me or do you look a lot like Ryan Gosling... That's an incredible analogy. Well I actually found out that my pc couldnt connect to the internet after I built it :|so I went to radioshack and bought a $38 USB wireless network adapter and I am literally going at superspeed. This isn't related to any jump maps but okay. Yes. Aaaaand done. no wei bro es yo boii whitey mcwhiteass u just got band from watchin my vidjos!!!1111 Holy god you're one smart 9 year old!Because you're dead wrong. Opinion opinion opinion. Highlander. hey dad I guess if you want a pretty portable pc type of thing... it's good. If money isn't an issue PC rules.If I wanted to only play games and nothing else. Console would be great.If I wanted to do anything else involving the internet obviously get a PC.On a sidenote: With good PC specifications you can outdo a console easily. puu(dot)sh/1NqpI 4:07 :) What are you implying How do I tell the whole world that the minimum deposit to your steam wallet is $5.Going premium is $5 Did you skip the first half of the video too? Lmao thank you for pointing that out that's hilarious Is your avatar the Sachiel angel? Bob Odenkirk was doing similar before Breaking Bad. Look up Mr. Show Comment of the year! you shutup you dumb idiot Best actor 2013 Weren't consoles just made to be cheaper than to buy a whole PC yet still play games...So much fiteng. What was the guys name? Peter something?I loved him in Prison Break Not in this gameplay,35,6,5,8,0,23,0 2451,X2452,"You still can't notice I'm mocking you for saying ,an heart attack., ? Wow you're dumb R.I.P. Hahaha what makes you think that that that that? You are so wrong man. lololololololololololol Maybe you're emotional quite often? ;P This game is not reality and as he said himself ,Obviously they're not good at aiming when killing unarmed people, he's not pro but he is good and obviously better than you cause he's not afraid to take a chance. But it's fun. Still caps eh? This is actually the first text from you I'm reading cause it's short lol.",8,0,3,5,0,19,0 2452,X2453,your running man just 1 ? are you fuckin serious thats shuffling ? no its okay son its okay alhamdulillah saya normal -____- pake baju barong semua haha :D that's Sally Stitches OLD SONG NEVER GET OLD ! NOH LU LIAT DISLIKES NYA HAHAHA ;D,7,2,3,7,0,18,0 2453,X2454,"most chart artists use auto-tune even if it is only slight. they are using auto-tone gay This is creepy nope FVDisco is why do people who make these kinds of documentaries try to make them creepy? its just irritating. why is master chief narrating this? im doing an experiment. on the latest 'becoming youtube' video they said how nerd fighters can be complete small minded dicks. i am seeing what people's reaction to this comment will be. thanks! this was great! *Scottish *they're And I never even paid him... hi five wait how do people know she died? YOU FUCKING DRANK A GLASS OF TEA?!?! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!! YOURE A MONSTER!!!! this was brilliant. however i apologise on behalf of the norwich audience. i hope the coughing wasnt too distracting :/ there is no excuse for commenting ,first, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!! YOU FUCKED HIM UP!!!!",17,8,3,2,1,23,0 2454,X2455,i was gonna do it just like cloning on ps3. but on ps3 zombies there is no store. what do i do!? D: Ezy I just added you. Its me nasty. If possible and if you have the time I would really appreciate if you clone your account onto my account. i will send you all the info right now. Thanks for being awesome! Redfox most singers on youtube sing to get paid or just to sing. You sing because you love it. You always have a positive attitude and your voice is great. LIKE Your so pretty! I wish you were my GF O_O Piff I need help D:9338 Kills21088 Bullets Fired16 Downs8 Revives110 Grenade Kills802 Headshots12 Deaths7688 Gibs111 Perks Drank129 Doors Opened1.06 Hits73 MilesI have a plain skull. All I really want is the skull with knife. What do i do? :( @kalkanciii i dont think that if u have blue eyes the game is waiting for u to get the required kd. i had like a 800kd and blue eyes. and i was stuck at a skull. and i still am :/ hey could you send me the info to an acc? the highest acc i have is a skull with knife and im willing to donate one if you let me borrow a shotgun to duplicate. Thank you so much :D Liked and Subbed. Please send me the info so i could borrow My PSN is x-NaasTyy-- Thx!! (lol at the crappy account part) Im @ 28000 kills and 55 downs and 35 deaths. Im stuck at a skull with knife. What do i need to rank up? this is fkin stupid. i rather glitch my way to shotguns. way easier :\,9,1,2,5,0,21,0 2455,X2456,True that bro Your so bad at the game LOL turn the game volume down it really annoying trying to listen to you when your quite and game volume loud Uninstall the game and quit youtube He stole this montage where is omer Grow ballz before you commentate KSI HATES YOU OMER I MISS YOU your right i looked at it and it is a little kid with shit vids can you try and copy off KSI any more Squishy wishy bo baddy I came from Keralis What sever will you play on when game comes out cos i would love to play with you Great vid man Dumbo he giving it a d because all his reasons are beginning with a D Sand witch Please What sever will you be playing on because i wan't to start up a let's play or something on guild wars 2 on my other channel and i would love you to join me or just to be on the same sever You just erned yourself a sub little man DIE IN A HOLE A massive airship It is a seirs Bluexephos are doing on their own sever and it has actors in and i recomend you watch from ep1 to 42 DIE IN A HOLE BAD-MIN-TON NOT BADMIN OR BADMITTEN Gungho do you get trolled alot little boy,27,77,3,5,0,22,0 2456,X2457,"This sounds like something someon would commit scuicide tobut i love it .......You gave a fuck. and you proved it by giving him satisfaction I would be in Ravenclaw because 1 thats a bad-ass name(probably the coolest) 2 blue and silver? Fuck yes. 3 if you think about it no one is ver like: ,Oh shit we're all going to have to go fight some Death Eaters lets go get our pals Ravenclaw, ,Actually they just left like half an hour ago on hippogriffs., I noticed that you have Fight Club back there on a shelf. Favorite movie ever. Just saying. YOU'RE DAD'S MY TEACHER! Did i hear ,Rinnegan Hold,? I gained a new level of respect for these guys Screw Yall for saying jessica alba brought you hereMothafuckin Starry Nights brought me here.",7,4,5,5,1,32,0 2457,X2458,Why is Stamper wearing nail polish and still not looking gay and why does Zack sound like McLovin My gamertag issssss MarylandPitbull FUCK YO SISTA,3,2,4,2,0,29,1 2458,X2459,"Being a dick is ok. Just not to much of a dick. My 8th grade class started a food fight at the end of the year. I think it was started when someone threw my milk. I was thirsty as hell because of that. We cleaned it up and went on with that day as if we didn't just throw food everywhere. 3 nuggets and 14.4 saturation because a connect four board is 7x6 DRUGS ARE BAD! Mmmk. MMMK? I live in the second most populated city in New York State. I wonder what they will do with the main characters. Seeing as they are totaly silent in game will they have speaking roles or just other characters talking to a mime? And there is a chance that giving them speaking roles can ruin some peoples' images of the character. For example maybe someone playing portal imagined Chell to be a dick towards glados but in the movie them make her seem innocent and confused. Only 3 but thats out of 9 so.. I get about 3/.7Youtube just doesn't even want to use that much.When my sister is online she doesn't understand bandwidth I get between .1-.4 download and want to stab corgi puppies. I got ir right. Kinda. I didn't know who it was but I knew why. Well he's a professional driver. The show says ,The Driver, or something during the intro under his name. the scab? isn't that a Police Academy reference? yes the dragon doesn't collide with blocks. He also destroys everything that isn't bedrock obsidian or end stone. da hell is Cain's Eye? So a gay bar from the side is still a gay bar B00 rename things to match the team and class it came from. That way it will be easy to put them back. I don't think we see colors exactly the same. But we do see about the same thing. our visual spectrums are shifted up or down slightly. Just like we have different hearing ranges. did the blue player win every time at landing on the rock? i have the game but still want to guess for fun. 208 I don't think it should be illegal to have a demo that isn't in the game. I think it should be that way. Just make sure the demo is a good showing of the tech the game has and visually what you will see with the full game.",20,0,3,2,0,14,0 2459,X2460,Harry has four nipples Harry has four nipples oh my god hahaha my ears hurt. 0:53 ONE DIRECTIONNNNNNN Lauren(one with bow) is now 14 and Dani is 12(: That awkward moment when the two top comments are the same. GOOSEBUMPS. That would technically make you sisters with the others.,7,384,4,101,1,15,0 2460,X2461,fucking genial :D! where would I get a hat like the one Tim has? /watch?v=ZDdmRicijdQ :D best idea for a series evar! hvad hedder hun? I live in Denmark so I can't do this. Any work-arounds?,6,29,4,19,0,22,0 2461,X2462,Somebody sign this man!!!! How is his vocals still singing while he is throwing up!!?? Lol Cool!! 10 year old girls rocks!!!! This song is creepy!! l love it!! i will be singing this one for the halloween fest in las vegas!! Very nice!!! Love your voices girls!!!! @missdiamondgirl7 Thank you!!! Twins?? I love it!!!! I like your music!!! Great job!!! @theBRiFame I love your new song!!!! Morawsha!!! You're going to blow!!!! Lv love!! Wow !!! These kids are awesome!!! He going to be famous!!!,15,50,3,3,0,32,0 2462,X2463,"not niceguns hehe i cant belive im doing this but this girl i like invited me to lunch with one of her friends when i got their she told me she forgot about her friend and called her and turns out she couldnt callwe then talked for 2 hours like streight. does she like me help i used to lov reading this like this until i toke anarrow to the knee :P :) ty GO MARYLAND best qoutes ever ,OH YES IM SOO HORNEY, ,WERE SO JEWISH, ,AGHGHGHGHAHAHA, we want clemeyyyy Im guessing moooooooooooooh ...... on pewdiepies channel he showed a video saying he hates people who thinks people copy him same aplys for toby so pewdiepies hates you and theres alot of playthroughs on happy wheels that alot of different people have done so furthermore your rere and pewdiepie hates u :) obama VS romney 101.1 wwdc mostly none of the movie 300 was true just thought all should know ps MASTER CHEIF i just got grifed lost alot.. oved minecraft fr hours no more no more... NEED MOREOREOREORE damn u need for speed commercial dam u also every time i here trojans i think of trojan man!! DC 101 represent allrightt XD why u no use buckettttttttttttt with water ten times faster ROBOCOP VS DREDD ROBO COP VS DREDD my dad told me about this song along time ago.. freddieW im not gay but its funny how 2000 years ago it was actually embrased to become gay the saying in greece back then (so ive heard) was ,females are for procreation men are for recreation, same thing goes for females i dislike how they played of the name der riese :( i was sad to see it wasnt that and i kno its my own fault but its still misleading oh well gj on video though hipster alert",26,3,4,5,0,17,0 2463,X2464,yA motha shouldve swallowed you shut up i mean carlos i hate lil wayne soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad amazing xx wasnt sure if it was a boy or a girl at firstt lol like if you agreeeeeeeee fuck you make that ass shake yeah sexy lady this song rocks waw his voise is soo good lol,11,1,3,5,1,19,0 2464,X2465,"If you think the music sucks just mute the music and play whatever you want ._. lol i wanna be in best-crew! :DD Dream hair (: hahah the end... ellen let me go.. i have 2 meet my friends right now...oh wait.. just one more video..! 1:43 he was going to say ,fuck, but he didn't ;) awesome:) sir justin bieber? sir? I was replaying this for 4 hours not kidding! I love it. 3 Bob .. Bobby.. i don't know:DD i want this movie lol;) lol the lyrics are there 2:Dd Well what is wrong with you when you can't do it? just kidding;) very good(: There's something strangein the neighborhoodwho you gonna call?Those bastards! :DD I've left some brains down in Africa lol That's pee in the corner. I would still be holding you like fish. woow how fascinating. :DD hah awesome:) this tattoo is so awesome!:)",21,2,2,5,0,15,0 2465,X2466,"he actually said ,come get me,. You guys are so cute! and so are the kitties in the back. ^-^ they're such beautiful babies! dafuq o.o MY EMOTIONS CAN'T HANDLE THIS. IT,S TOO BEAUTIFUL. emo goth scene lo que sea.. normalmente no escuchan reggaeton.dafuq? ._. pola es muy bonita! the misfits",8,1,3,5,0,13,0 2466,X2467,1:31 LOLOLOL Love you toby! 5:34 I HAD GOOSEBUMPS HOLY S*** Sooooo GOOD! too much free timee......w Bahaha 2:22 - 3:00 AMAZINGGGGGGGGG Love yah! guys thats just frickin hilarious! :D couldn't stop laughing you guys are smart about it. I LOVE THIS!!! I Learned it yesterday. The first part is easy switching hands is a little tougher. But either way it's fun and entertaining. This is freakin awesomeee Everyones like Awweh they're a cute couple. and im just over her like.... nice tree. do you mind if i just..... like.... kiss you on the cheek? ERMIGOSH........ MIND BLOWNNNNN :D So GOOD. :D LOVE IT DUCK! DUCK! DUCK! Bubbles bubbles bubbles everybody squeeze a cat everybody pet a cat everybody pet your friend everybody climb a tree. WHOO LETS GO! I WANT GLITTERRRRRRR :3 you know as a you tuber i feel i have extensive political issues I don't care who this black guy is or this rich white guy that were always fighting and arguing all the time..... why can't they both be president? LOL,15,10,2,8,0,14,0 2467,X2468,same When do ye get the new Kane attire including new mask in WWE'12? I am so turned on right now need a wank ha I am so fucking horny looking at all these girl fights oh and the skinny bitch looks a bit like Angelina Jolie Jealous of her sexiness I'm Herbert the Pervert hmmmm That should say would :} Bit of a scary landing but that was a great vid. Cheers Sound video Who's the racist saying nigger all the time??? Bit of an overreaction at the finish shut the fuck up How anybody can dislike this is beyond me bleeding class 1 person got disappointed when they realised there is never summer in dublin :} Ur a fool real balls? These are human lives not a uniform HUMAN LIVES somebody's child. Some people. U thick he doesn't eat the baby he takes their soul. So before u start making fucking stupid comments know ur shit. I only implied I found it a comedy he made me laugh with how his character was acted oh and stupid punk U SPA Good Video man bit of emotion in it too. Nearly had me :} I'm sure he didn't mean to hit him in the face. If he asked two guys to stop fighting do ye think they would turn around and say YES OFFICER RIGHT AWAY uhuh no way. Ah hahahaha Hello Wait Sorry Follow me remember this shit Im guessing it's in the hood??? The best part I've found is Tony talking bout his Ma very funny Loved it when I found this plane. Hope they have these and other planes in GTA V. Well at least you said Goodbye. Later Sir. THAT'S BRILLIANT ENOUGH SAID Ta Tong ta Tong Tong Tong This is very catchy can't get it out of my head. He is a HERO Did the Pilot survive do you know? I just signed in to give this comment a thumbs up just great knowledge. Just broke up from the misses this song shall be the one I shall remember the good times for. :) I'm like Herbert The Pervert now I want more,29,4,6,1,0,25,0 2468,X2830,i think he is funnyer sober his jokes dont have all **** that and *** this in them and his act is more well thought out !! thats just my opinion like =D . nah the world ended by me !! it was shoved me not shot me !! Damn thats COLD he needs to CHILL .. maybe he should just sell ICE to make his cash insted of robbing man he totaly got CREAMED !!! im a little tea pot zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz jump? maybe a machine to teach you to spell too -.- the cat is achuly a vid from lol cats and hes asleep if you watch the full clip he gets up and growls at him and walks off !! well his name is coke284 why does leanodo from the turtles show at bottom left at 1:44 .. lol =P hey gus i have two lvl 82 accounts and a low lvl started void ( never finished ) .. im looking to offer all 3 ( some have afew mill each in them in members items ect .. anyway all 3 for a high lvl mage pure ( must be mage pure ) .. does not to have any items .. i dont think its a glitch jagax have uped the amount of cash from there drops becose such things like phat hmasks santas ect have gone so stupid that there are ppl with litalry over 100b ( and tons of them) plus gp trade has gone stupid so they made it easyer from ppl to make there own ( just my opinion its not a stone fact ) ive just started playng again after years of uni and looked at phats i used to have full set ( when where like drop at xmas worth about 10m ea when quit ( gave away ) started again was like WTF !!!!!!! lol could of have like 100b + well k sarh sarh i know how to get 99 mage 10hp on f2p but range and str how message me somone thnx o would love to know how much ( and how they get there cash ) they spend each meal lol man i wish i still had my save ( had to delete for space still got afew ) i got 1st and 2nd blood with warlord ( start off with 2 TK ) from just chucking from start .... I LOVR A CHEESEY MAC !! .. wait hold on thats not right ! didnt he quit drinking ? hot tub time machine ? wow a police troller !! p.s .. why do the last mins repeat ? well if he dont die on a train the butt cancer will get him !! sorry good call but this is as funny as anal cancer !! oo hahahahahahahaa wtf did he say ? hey if ya aint gona listen 2 it do comment on it ! how to lower your IQ almost instantly: read through youtube comments now i am doh lol gotta love the mistakes love the walk through thumb ^ RIDE THE PIGGG yayyy you called it a workbench .. wool for beds .. water ..... you mean beer ;) .. if you put torches around your base you can find it easier ! doh i just realized its not sea nanners its Sean Anners .. hey you said goot some wood with no joke to it .. :( ..zombies should drop something cool ;) ... i would watch a hour long vid ! ..the movie is blade when she wants to see the sun light ! ..chickan soouppp !! dead cow helmet humm just like freddy got fingered !!..(ok i know it was a deer ! .. they don't swim there taking a bath !.. retro games are in .. and i hope you never say i love me then kill me .....and getting caught in the rain i know 64 is a bad number should be 69 .. see ya next vid ! never realized you can leave a gap in the ladder .. time travel .. BTTF is a boosss film ! .. i didn't see it ;) 3./50 chance on flit ! .. COD mmm :D ... friggen love this game friggin love you !! its mirrrooorrr iimmaggeed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i cant see how no one has comented on the shit in the u-bend !! now put the cat in the pop corn maker !! dude your charictor is Adam Savage woot lol !!!! found from google serch what should i do now,38,5,4,5,1,30,0 2469,X2470,jr really dissapointed me on this episode im here bc this was the ugliest thumnail pic of a vid i have ever seen lmao neither. i think its jon voight after the anaconda spit him back up another one of these guys. go masterbait to road house and fight club and just shut up. we all know its fake but to some of us its entertaining STONE COLD STONE COLD!!! BUH BUH BUH BUH BUH BARBAQUE SSSSSAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! 10:34 the day wcw was shot in the heart 3:20 goosebumbs!! fuckin best movie review ive seen in a while. you called this movie like a boss HEY TOLD YOU TO SHT UP JUSTIN!! 7:00 is that fuckin bruce willis??? heyman was epic back in the day. idk if the HHH lawsuit was real or not but i really think if it is........punk and heyman are makin a ton of cash and are about to dip outta wwe. which will be awful bc ive always been a huge punk fan. and they should just let ziggler become a face. at the tlc ppv the crowd was electric for the guy and hated cena how come tommy dreamer doesnt have a shirt?? he only gets the brand he whored himself out to at the time boner alert 1:11 - 1:53 shes sayin shes soo hot shell melt us like ice cream. not singin about baskin robbins lol its funny though that wwe was JUST SO HAPPENED to be swingin thru tampa on the rocks epic return though. vinnie mac cantroles the mob. VMac fo life 2:40 that was actually impressive lmao i wanna say this was some dude fuckin with ya....but a part of me wants to hope this was a real person and they talk like that all the time lmao i watched the whole 10 hours!!! thank you for the videoimma put it on my work out mix lmao THESHIELD,19,1,4,5,0,27,1 2470,X2471,"you get the feeling of the game ,:)) angry german ashe kid! most retarded benchmark",3,1,4,5,0,21,0 2471,X2472,If i got norovirus or e.Coli i would have sued them big time South Africa ya Shes austistic i have to do this for school sndyicate Thats not what my dad says i am flagging this video due to act of bulling sprite makes you throw up but coke gives very bad stomach aches DAFUQ can't i'm on mobile device He did it on purpose The flu is a respitory virus not stomach but norovirus is known as stomach flu but you probaly got sominala or E.coli TheFineBros reactTheFineBros react google images ebola Shoo you will startel the witch Now wait for pinworms Rip headphone users H5N1H5N1H5N1,18,9,3,25,0,15,1 2472,X2473,i need the link too man! aight wel im lookin forward to hearin your remake i appreciate it man! yeah check out my new jointsthe editing is much betteri appreciate it tho forreal thanks manthis was early in my production daysi had a nice home studio building upsadly my house got robbed all my shit got taken hes never been to memphis obviously because he called it beautiful. you would think everyone would take something like this as initiative to end this senseless kind of hatredbut nothat would actually take effort...cmon peoplethe world is never gonna get better if we dont get past our own insecurity and comfort zone look up CG KUSH versionso much better,7,10,4,8,0,22,0 2473,X2474,@ 2:29 ...always gets to me thank u kind sir... the mother fucker was vicious on N.B.K. i luv tarantino but that was a bad call i believe what hes saying about that heroin trip. when i sip codeine(drank) and i close my eyes the dreams start almost almost ,24,20,5,109,0,29,0 2474,X2475,Twixtor THAT SHIT subbed. But you need a drop. Y U UPLOAD STILL THEN FATTY? Haha trolls ftw. Shutup fat ranga Dude! I loved your videos and then you mention ETHO! But then you play THAT MUSIC!:O subbed. dear sweet Mary fucking jesus that is scary don't ever sing....ever. Great house ;) - Amrit Luke ...marry me -Amrit cried of laughter,10,5,3,5,0,15,0 2475,X2476,"too many faggots moaning not enough beating lol the description is just a cut and paste of the wikipedia bolshevik article with a bit of old nazi propaganda about the ,jewish bolsheviks, thrown in to spice it up a bit @35stevestarks ya ur 360 would destroy this 20 year old system. In the same way my PC would destroy ur 7 year old 360 Where the hell is the song just these fuckin people yaking All those earrings were hideous you guys aren't riley jackson i am.",6,3,3,33,0,28,0 2476,X2477,linda i am a senior in highschool and would like to participate please 297 how do you log in nigga? is that cat barking or am i high? if only this shit was slowed down a bit... you should start making earring studs :) im thinkin the same shit.... i like gkmc but i like a lot more tracks on section 80z than gkmc. there both good though howd you get them for soo cheap lol they clean nothings wrong with them ! #rare you sound stupid he has plenty of lyrical shit out right now hes only dumbed down his flow for a few songs like work out cant get enough same can apply to kendrick theyve picked it up before they come really good just gotta order one size up alright thanks b preciate it has it moved yet bcus i just put a order in :0 damn it took two weeks? Talent again? we have a shit load of talent..... just need to get our act together SOCKS ! lol large there are reviews of those all over yt theres different types of rap nigga..... if you want lyrics go to kendrick and cole and krit and lupe why the FUCK are you saying this isnt rap theen you qoute chief keef stupid mutha fucka socks L !!! can you wear these in the rain? can you wear them in the rain? or will they get all messed up? they comfortable bruh? how you gon try and interview someone when you only heard one of their songs? can you please review the regular cheetah prestos in stead of the hightop ones --- thank you do this site have the cool greys? or are they cool silvers? coles first verse reminds me of one of his old songs anyone know what im talking about? i want to order from them bruh but idk if its safe i see nothing but bad reviews online.. the sweatshirts are dope thoo bossman- berner ft iamsu,27,7,3,1,0,39,1 2477,X2478,Even though Im only 15 she was the first girl I fell in love with. I thought men didn't cry after breaks up. Wow I was wrong. And even though I have yet to cry I have a feeling that if I hit that replay button for the 15th time it just might do the trick =\ k I used to make arrow to the knee jokes...then I got laid Because the goalie got fouled and there was a whole debate of who should get the card. and that took up 2 minutes Tony Montana vs. Mike the Situation Tony Montana vs. Mike the Situation Tony Montana vs. Mike the SituationBattle of the Italians ;) Scarface vs. Mike the SituationBattle of the Italians ;) Does anybody know what kind of shirt Timmothy is wearing? Timmothy is the guy in the purple shirt,9,0,5,5,0,111,0 2478,X2479,I love spending time with my family wearing big baggy sweaters and the big Christmas dinners and all the memories you make :)! i love when you swear haha! yay i live like an hour train ride away! x what's the website link where you got that maroon/cotton jumper thing haha? how to style large jumpers/sweaters x I really get so happy to see your videos pop up into my subscription box! loose weight/be healthy and to be a better person :) try harder in school and do be a better person :) loose weight/be healthy and to be a better person :) i can never find nice stuff on romwe :( i love making new unforgettable memories with my friends and family and decorating the house with all pretty christmas things! i love spending time with friends and family and creating new memories and watching your videos of course ;) are they back together?! you look so good make a video on how you're loosing/lost weight please!!! god you look so good! become a happier person get fitter and start to be a better person! you are perfect My dream date would be to go a drive in movie theater buy heaps of food and watch movies all night :) destiny's children hahahahahaha I honestly don't think I could do these workout vids without you motivating and speaking to me through the whole thing thank god for you Cassey!!!!,20,1,2,5,1,22,0 2479,X2480,Yesss!!!(: I have to wait to get mine for my b-day which is 2 whole months away!! :( /3 He sounds funny when he talks! ._. 0:52 he act like a black guy on that part!!! xD 2:57 I DIED!!! xD All that good chinese food put to wast! :'( i love chinese food!!!! IKR!! Was thinking the EXACT same thing!! I wish they had the black top to go with the other colors!!-.- LMAO!! Ikr!! this is probably the best video review on youtube i'v seen of the iPod 5g!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! ;) why the fuck would she still post it on the internet!!? This is what she gets for being a dumbass!! Ughhh!! Timothy u make me sick!!! Now i know how it feels to be my dog when im eating!! (_) SOOOOO FUCKING TRUE!!!!!!!! SMDH....our black people... Muthafuckas We Are #TEAMBLACK I really love you for this!!! am i the only one who thought 1:06-1:55 was the best part?! -_- 4:41 is the best fuckin part...btw!!! SO TRUE! Fucking dumbass people these days!!! LMAO! Goodnight sleep tight don't let the BRICKS bite! Love youuu! xD 'Bitch You Ain't No Barbie I See You Work At Arby's' FAVORITE LINE!! 3 'Bitch You Ain't No Barbie I See You Work At Arby's ' MY FAVORITED LINE !! 3 She did really good with the cup part!,20,24,4,2,0,44,0 2480,X2481,haha yeah that girl made our rountine worse! but thank you! we did our best and walked off with 2!!! we lost by 1 point! :/ but thank you !,1,3,5,3,1,20,0 2481,X2482,**,4,0,3,5,0,31,0 2482,X2483,"This was really VERY good. You are quite handy. Great for you that you haven't ,had any trouble in three years,.....but do not let yourself be lulled into a false sense of security. Human nature is not something you can always COMPLETELY trust. I advise you to secure your natural gas outlet. Just be safe. Great video!!!!! Where did you and your buddy get those sand scoops...with the xtra wide mouths? Hey cutaplug...what state are you hunting in? I am in Wisconsin Fremont and would like to get out there more. I have a Garrett AT Pro....and it has NEVER lied to me. When it better believe there is something there. And this is ONE of the best reasons for us to NOT give up our guns. This cop could have pulled his gun and started shooting....just as easily as he lost control.",4,2,2,5,0,51,1 2483,X2484,"both are simply games though lol this was hilarious from an unbiased point of view and Abe rocked it real good! ...however the U.S. by definition isn't a company but a corporation Yeah im pretty sure in one of his earlier videos (or maybe Tmartn) they said there was 10 prestiges and then a max level which is the 11th emblem but just level 55 prestige 10 and he doesnt actually say that... he says $60 for a game that lasts 5 hours and the same multiplayer maps you already own... lol Scumbag Blade-- ,If you have a 3 bar connection don't even play!, has 3 bar connection. plays. even though this is exactly what I do you're ridiculous. It takes you out of the game out of the action and isn't reliable. Bye! :) what!? legos are awesome too! Xbox Large :) yeah seriously he has tried. its not funny or something that you should ever say period. I think I'm gay cause Rachel is such a bro Tell me what attracts you to a person? It's either their personality or their body. Body attractiveness is affected by levels of chemicals in your body. A level imbalance would therefore be able to cause a physical attraction to someone of the same sex.",12,9,5,6,0,62,0 2484,X2485,4:05 to 4:25 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That Moment when you look at a description or comment and you come up a idea that no ones done before and your like IMA MAKE MULA outta this XD good for painting eyelashes!!! OMGOGMGOMGOG I DID IT ;D ... BTW tip:USE A TOOTHBRUSH FOR EYELASHES~ 3 3 3 She didn't and don't comment if you have nothing nice to say.... 00 my god it like went to my house to the park LOL jokes BUT SERIOUSLY it went like 14 ft!!!! your eyes 3 amazing OMG LOL IM CRYING ITS SOOO BLOOMEN FUNNY HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAA!!!!! OMG LMAO!!!! ROFL LOL OMG HAHAHAA I WANNA WATCH THE CAT FART AND BE LIKE WTH? shoulders over your hands ;) im a gymnast To cute :) someones holding the end of the fork yeah but Nylah is helping ;) its so adorable IT DOES takes forever LOL No they're going out :P,14,7,3,7,0,37,0 2485,X2486,SMH= Shaking my head,1,0,5,5,0,22,1 2486,X2487,ahh pipe it down ya vegan humans eat meat and thats how hamburgers are made. Go live on a cattle ranch for a year or two and you'll stop thinking that that's cruel. right... trust me he made it Bode may not be the nicest person on the planet but he sure as hell can ski... so i like this song but what is it about? epic win YO made a remix to this. not trying to get fans or anything but Its good. Search Facebook for: DJ Snare RUNhope you like it. :)check out some of my other stuff while your at it DJ Snare RUN ya but unlike other spamers im responding to your comment :) your sis dated him? dude she got a sick song out of it lol Nike is releasing the shoes sometime soon go look it up! i dont think the power laces are standard though.... @spittingcigarettes dude someone need to make the remix vid of that. Titanic and Im on a boat THANK GOD about time winter came Seriously all of you are idiots(except the people finding the middle ground)Country and Rap are basically brothers. both types of music are people explaining there life stories. they both have similar rhyming sachems along with the same basic anatomy of a song verse hook verse. I could take a country songs words and put it to a sick nasty beat and rap it to a gang of hoodlums in any city. Im gonna get some strange looks but its possible. same goes for the other way around! quit bitchen peace ya there all men there using models in there video though just like it said lol. and at the end you see quick snap shots of the band. Great song and great video too it was released in 1947 i think. but diden't get popular till the 60's for reals this is how i feel about this song. yea its funny... ONCEwhatshouldmiddcallme( dot )tumblr ( DOt) com/post/21541848252/when-someone-plays-the-middkid-rap-at-a-party Holding down the boat!!! good job guys. ha nvm... yea it's there on itunes. search the song. not the album. The album is not available in the US yet. he is called macklemore with his buddy ryan lewis. check out and we danced - along with thrift shop,19,2,7,10,0,24,0 2487,X2488,Family of monsters...I feel bad for the kids. They're being raised to think like this. I love this reporter though.,2,3,4,5,0,20,0 2488,X2489,Damn. Yall best song . I SEE yall. -Outbreak Ghost Dhat fire-Ghost I LOVE YOUR music even being another artist out on Miami-Dade County Florida I find you have talent Ive been hearing you for a year in a half If you could hear my music that would mean alot well much love ! -MarcusGhosttBrahh THUMBS up if you were here before 10000 views ! Lmfao like a boss ! This my fav jam ! Beat was fire ! I see yall Skinny nigga Pretty Flacko ! mad props !Ghost Outbreak,11,98,4,15,1,20,0 2489,X495,What was the debate at 10:21 and why did the women walk out? Thunderfoot mate looked like your head was gonna explode when she said yo mamma wears army boots lol. Wow.lots of debate in the comments about gun control not much about mental illness. I'm still not convinced that she really WAS a troll. I must admit Tycho I haven't read any of the crazy books.I appreciate you filling me in and it comes as no surprise that Kent is manipulating the bible. Munitions geek lol. Scary thing is he's serious. One of the greatest songs on earth to interpret on acoustic. It's so strange how theists think the theory of evolution is also the big bang theory and the theory of abiogenesis.I guess you guys lump them together because they all remove god from the picture. Actually that line works in summertime in Kavos. So the Indigo is the mini KB? is there more stealth in this than the first one because that would ruin it Camera 1 squeak camera 2 squeak camera 1 squeak camera 2 squeak. What Evil Lurks! 'Given that al'Qaeda had no motive'Loaded question fuck off. Go Hitchens! 4? Disproving somethings existence isn't possible because by nature the thing you are inventing could be conveniently undetectable by all science. It's called indemonstrable.The examples Craig used were all about disproving somethings prescence not existence.School boy errors. I've been chatting about it on GS for the last week.We've established that the thing is faulty and the original seller has agreed to redund me.No worries I found another one and am bidding. Good point but we understand way more than 5% thanks to demonstrable theories.The scope of the human senses are ridiculously small but our scope of understanding is huge and growing daily. That girl is cute as hell I can't help but wonder if you would make such a comment at a dinner party lol. Loved this song till the end then cried. Then loved it more. What albums have you been listening to? How did you isolate the vocals? I laughed out of my nose. Laughing chickens @ 11:56? I want a cat launcher!! Am I tripping or did I see a mouse cursor buzz around for a second? Defiantly or definitely? Hey thanks a lot. And yes photography and cinematography are pretty much the same thing. It's all about tryint to add epth to the image.I'll try those things out. Who the fuck is this guy giving the introduction? Gas Chambers. Look around you'll find one cheaper than that. That solo was incredible. Is that the original Blondie guitarist? The album cover hurts my head :( Never try to use big words against Hitchens. He'll certainly call you on your bullshit. Flippin crazy. Electron through the brain.. Please America don't vote for another deluded schizophrenic. If my verdict was proven wrong then I would admit that I was wrong. That's what being logical is all about.,39,5,8,1,0,29,0 2490,X2491,thank you. I'm not sure what we call it in our country but we have something like that too. thanks again still love this. eazy.... why are you holding caps lock? pretty but i which it was longer... When a mare is about to deliver a foal. her tail should be bandaged. It prevents infections to the mare and foal. :(E)= hold on! almost got it! 0:15 0:22 0:25 0:30 0:45 0:47 0:51 0:57 1:00 1:13 1:16 1:18 1:22 you're welcome conflict: teacher:'where is Germany located?' Me:'oh f***!' *runs off* close your eyes and hear naruto say to become pirates. or the other way..... hear sabo say to become hokage :P you're welcome bits are bad. wow I just watched a 'which bit should i use video' and people hate you in that comment section. haha. stupid people. I commented 'bits are bad' I wonder how many people will react on this. I train miniature horses. I never use bits my horses listen better than some other horses I see with a bit. so jokes on them. music is from 'potc' my replay button broke people don't watch this and if you have please ignore and forget it. These people are idiots who probably never even noticed that a horse has 4 legs... It started with 'normally people go race with a horse' which is only one of the many things done with horses. It ends with dressage being the cause of 'people with lack of healthcare and education'. 'sigh' Why? why would you need one? I mean you're a pirate... -.-,16,6,5,2,0,30,0 2491,X2492,OMG! did you see mark guy from season 4 of so you think you can dance? He's good. I mean he's weird and quirky but if you watch him dance on sytycd he's like so cool! anyone notice the dancer behind iu is the same dancer from good day!! the cute dude! wonder girls are just wonderful :) come back soon. PLEASE!! we need another tell me/nobody syndrome going on in korea!!! the song that seulong sang at 2:51 is the song that they were trained with during their hot blood men days :D HUA CHO JANG seriously....that wasn't at all impressive. the kissing i mean I really really agree with simon and martina I'm not a die hard fan of SNSD or YG but you shouldn't compare like that. Hyoyeon does poppin and it's a different style from what YG girl above is doing. I like this music monday video the most!! The reviews were just exactly how I felt about Monster. But I can't deny it. I laughed at Simon's Gucci ad. Great job guys! the running in tunnel part is exactly the same as Shinhwa's Venus MV -.- I'm actually dancing/partying to this.. hong kong babe!,11,0,4,5,0,21,0 2492,X2493,oki man :) btw its i ViiPoRzZ i from xbox :) nice dude :) wat the song called ? woo i didnt expect that :O whats the song called mate ? its beast!! did you make this up or is it a real song haha :) nice one guys to. shit... was he alright ? i ment size not colour... no just some people are sad like yourself YES FIRST COMMENT! All you haters saying all this affensive shit and i bet about 1/100 of you could do better! vannari has a nice pair ;) dude shut up! You are gorgeous!!,14,23,4,10,0,20,0 2493,X2494,^^ di lng ako kinilabutannaluha pa ako:'(na touch kc akong subra:)i love u ..................:) newbie family from L.M i LOve this SONG sana SYA na =)))))))) MAHAL NGA KC KITA MICHAEL ANGELO LEONARDO ^^''''LOVE THIS SONG ^^ awesome :DDD toinkx :) i agree sobra sa edit pati ung contrast :) peo u have a talent :P keep it up :) wat the heck !! i thought she's reading LOL :) TETRIS o AKO ?hahaha LOL hahahahahahaha.... read first b4 u click :) i like this song :)))) nice video :))) cute !! hahahahahaha angkulet ng role mu insan aaa :))) hahahaha,13,0,3,4,0,17,0 2494,X2495,I'd love this song. imdom ezt a dalt s a legjobb mg benne a Determinate cm daluk de j mg a She-s So Gone dal is utnuk pedig jhet a tbbi dal. Igen szpek de k koreaiak. Nem nagyon klnbznek de van kztk klnbsg. Az M1 videtrban meg lehet nzni 7 napig azutn hogy leadtk. Keresd ki a google-ban hogy mtv videtr utna pedig ha mr az oldalon vagy akkor be kell rni azt hogy A korona hercege s beadja az sszes rszt amit mg meg lehet ott nzni. I'd love this song. This is the best song in The Lemonade Mouth movie. :)))),5,22,3,37,0,16,0 2495,X2496,omg i would die!!!! It is not just going only going on in America... it is going on EVERYWHERE in the world... Dont be blinded.... it is in YOUR country as well!!!! WHERE EVER that may be!! TOOO FUNNY LMAO!!!,3,0,3,5,0,28,0 2496,X2497,most asian live in Cali THAT KID IS CUUTE She got a big booty so I call her Big Booty - 2 Chainz wait 1:17 Kev and Cathy D-Trix 1:30 mullet!!!!! 0:09 Im Different DL Instrumental 2 Chaniz We need more Cathy IS THAT F**KIN DAVID SO Sean like in the movie Ted that was a bad ending pitch perfect,13,0,3,5,0,20,0 2497,X2498,So sweet. If you can make a heartless freak like me tear up... Good day to you mark. The hobbit was good. Not as good as lotr but that because lotr is the best trilogy ever. I still have hope for the next two films because their will be beorn and the battle of five armies. I am a Christian and fan of you but not all your views. I just can't understand why these atheist are persecuted? The bible says to love thy neighbor. My atheist friends have their views and I have mine. We all get along because we don't force each other to think different. In fact I'm one of the few Christians in my area at least by where I stand. But those so called Christians who run around harassing people and not following the bible... They are not Christians. I don't bother others someti Could you make more videos about mobs and maybe some tutorials. There is hope in humanity. The black peoples reaction = priceless. The fugly Ginger it boy or girl? That's some scary shit. I'm gonna keep the lights on tonight. It's scary cause the black people... Are ghosts. The flood mode glitch where you are given your regular class and guns happens all the time to me. I think they patched it though. One of my balls is more like a cube. Team Iactuallyreadgoodbooks. It's the scribe from the hobbit. I'm homeschooled and this kid is just retarded. Retarded. You know like the kids you make fun of in the lunch room cause they sit at their own table. Wait your lesbian... My dreams of living with you happily ever after are forever ruined.,15,4,3,5,0,15,0 2498,X2499,"This made me sad... But if I don't read the lyrics I can dance to it This song IS called The tailor shop on Enbizaka. However the official english name is ,Leviathan Slope., Am I the only one who noticed their voices sounded off? They're really good but isn't this fan made? I had a dream about losing my teeth and being chased and something about North Korea and zombies... Lol the hell? All the voice actors except for akabane ban and ginji suck. But I watched it English first so now it just seems wrong to watch it in Japanese... I keep comparing the two. *first world problems* (I think) This song is sung by ,Trapnest, in the anime (not sure bout book) and is also the ending song for one of the seasons Ow I can now say I've found a new good anime I liked the other opening and ending themes better =\ I can't understand anything! Does he have a speech impediment or just a bad accident? Sometimes it sounds Italian November 11 and misaki are an awesome couple! I like hei and yin better than hei and misaki",12,5,4,2,0,22,0 2499,X2500,@mnymatt Yeahh they do No ones home .. Time to get a lil nasty. CTFU. You mean Carbohydrate ? ''Okay first off aint nobody talking while in talking so shut the fuck up. Im Uncle Ruckus and I will be nigga-sittin you.'' CTFUU. Bitches out here darker than ,18,2,2,5,1,17,0 2500,X2501,Did this guy get executed yet for doing this!! damn this was a baby. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll tell you what everyone If you ever com in contact with the jackals as such and you are a FUCKING AMERICAN know your rights PLEASE. Evoke you 1st 4th and 5th Amendment at the start of your encounter with the said JACKALS and say nothing from that point on. I if he does anything else he WILL violate your rights and IF HE DOES well lets just say you and your family will have a lot of money. Know your rights. Well i tell you what; my Glock 21 in .45 hasn't let me down yet :) This video said nothing about him selling drugs. I conclude that your are a total ass and not worth of the air you breath. It's people like you who get on the jury and convict people of such crimes and they are 100% wrong because of the way a person dresses. This is AMERICA a free country he can dress act and speak any which way he or she chooses as long as he is not breaking the law. Just because you play Sudoku doesn't mean you can solve crimes. DONT BE AN ASSHOLE. Be smarter than that. Just don't despite the peer pressure become a fucking PIG. Be an officer of the TRUE LAW. Dude you are stupid sir. He was in a bar. Private property. SMH The description says wrestling. Not MMA turd!!!! I don't hear anyone making a fuss about Pinky or Superhead and I love them for what they do. They get more money than anyone here and Love what they do. They took a job and made it a career. That's what college students do. :) roflmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I ment spanish ; but however you still a WANKER. Shit like that don't ever change with you Clayton Bigsby type brothers. Now look him up and see exactly who you are. Sad to say it but hommie you're the only one going in a body bad talkin' shit like that around some real brothers. So keep with your off brand type and word to the wise don't come to the USA with that shit. WANKER...CHAO I respect you hommie for making this vid. what i dont respect is dis cat making a nigg comment over a video game helping others. i guess it just pissed him off that he heard lil wayne a nigga that got more money than he can dream of and you that have your game shit together. its sad really dat people cant do shit without these type of people hating on something all the damn time. SMH you all are so blind it hurts i think its very nice to get a family to do something like this man its really great. forget the game but they are all spending time together and communicating and staying on one accord. TROLLLOLOLLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 glad this was not an african american family here b/c there would have been alot of racism on this thread. if she dont stop this kid he will grow up and kill her evidence is clear. not sad to say but its the mom's fault she abuses this kid and its clear to see she is playing perfect patty to avoid it on camera and the kid is tired of this shit whooping this kid will only turn his ass into a killer he needs a dad clearly. dude duked da shit outta both of em lol its crazy how everyone talking about niggaz when this is fucking white boys on the video well i guess ya gotta blame it on some one huh........shame on you Baku for putting us in dis shit man let dem white boys get flamed for a change idiot you clearly see they dont wanna call the stupid one a dumb ass cracker for slapping the wrong one but will rather indulge more in the word nigga dont put us in dumb shit simple man. dddaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! assuming its a turbo and its tuned to do so then yeah sorry to be late man but its simple this is what i did. just put the scewdriver in and tap the end while you twist it. just like an impact. :) have a nice day.,21,4,4,6,0,26,0 2501,X2862,"OMG .I am scared if height! i am sure if i go climbing i will probably faint =.='' watching this is making me dizzy scary sitting on the toilet loool I am half French and Japanese . so wakarimasu wow . Beyonce song got powers on babies. O.O Time to go try on my sister baby hehehehe ewwww i take pills like nurofen to stop my periods cramps. the dog is not cute =.= Check Benji face when he was searching for Beyonce song on YouTube at the end . HahaHe is like confident that she will stop crying. My favorite big bang song Yeah Since you went away hasn't been the sameIn my heart all I got is painCould it be that I played a game to lose you I can't maintainSunlight moonlight you lit my life realize in the nightWhile love shines brightCan't let you goWe were meant for forever baby let me knowSaranghe GD! surgery on her face for sure I love Will Smith!! All his movies are awesome they lip sing but good dance i like when other idols dance to other idols song! they want money We need a new song!!!! SO NOT TRUE! For you to compare UK to North Korea is plain stupid. They have the freedom unlike North Korea. By the way the new ,leader, look like a fat kid hahahaha The anime was ok. They kept all the actions on the last 3 ep like the first season but they got amazing opening! first nee and this ! AMAZING damnnnnnnnn had to replay it yeah so weird o.o Stfu how old she is? WTF couples always go to park to make out he is not singing in ,Ghanian, I couldn't watch the video at all.When i saw her put that tampon in her mouth.I felt like puking!! I can't watch the video at all ....Disgusting Money goes to charity dont like the end of the song =.= is like a mess This feels so weird without Martina... Trash 1 month ago You said , i love comedy but i don't find him funny., I was thinking you don't get his joke cause most of them are about Africa.If you're African is easy to understand him because you probably experienced what he is talking about. Oh well nvm DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN .Time to go on diet.....Tomorrow o.o how they clean those outfit? imagine they trying it for rehearsal photo shoot and other things then they have to wear it again at the show . hmm same panty each time not really hygienic YOUTUBE CAN YOU STOP MAKING ME PRESS THE GOT IT BUTTON OMG ,This is your guideAccess your channel playlists subscriptions and more.,GOT IT! yes ! how many time .... Rihanna match the models need to go out more fool others and use this as webcam Omegle = Dicks one called her puta! 0:27 ?",40,109,4,20,0,20,0 2502,X2503,Idiots. All religions are awful - get out of it - and think for yourself. Everything you think you 'know' has been drilled into you when you were young - by parents churches and 'holy books'. Start to look into things for you by yu! Wake up and see with your OWN mind's eyes. When the 'ultimate reality' is not understood the study of the scriptures is useless - and study of the scriptures is useless when 'reality' hs been understood. It's very simple. Quantum Physics. Go start and read some. There is not a person in the world who doesn't have one or more 'afflictions' mentioned here. More or less. Everyone is an egoist and has narcissistic and people pleasing tendencies. It's a natural thing. To deny is to be ignorant also. Wow! We're bad really .. :) Deze site is leuk om te lezen en het relativeert alles weer zo fijn --- google: 'Fanaticism in the Raw Food Movement' van Frederic Patenaude. Erg verlichtend .. en nu ga ik aan de snert :) no Yeah that was William Tell :-) I'm sure Jesus would join Anonymous - and kick a**! Oh yeah! Charlie means what he says -- you lipsticked young woman. You don nt know what you're talking about. Stop harrassing someone who wants to help. And you Dr. must pay more attention to the plant in your window sill - the poor thing is dying of thirst .. and the color is awful. Thank you. Cool!,10,16,6,5,0,66,0 2503,X2504,haha.i knew it! This was an intense yet awesome music video. Probably one of Justin's best. He is really growing up on us! Thats our mall!!!!!!! i dont feel like our town sucks anymore cause its on the tube(; the look on taras face just tears me apart 3:18:D oh booboo i love this video. i thought it was so cyooteee. lol i want someone to do this for me!!!! you guys are amazing3 NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you i checked out your videos and you have a really pretty voice yourself keep it up(: Thank you(: Thanks Gina(: but im really not. and i will and im going to dedicate it to you3,9,39,2,16,0,19,0 2504,X2618,wooha media person arrives earlr thn firemans so give the job to them to saves ppls lifes fuckers all of u knew she was porn star thn y r u checking her videos ?she become porn star cause u like porn n porn sells top all over the stop blaming her and admit it u like porn n so sunny leone hi mike u did very well no doubtu r profsnl i need ur advicecan dis technic do work well on repaint car?? am asking cause company painted cars are well processed and repaint cars are more close to cracks or rip the paint wot ur advice.thnx u in advanc hmmm he did on that car or recorder was her daugtr rght u r shit!!! ahmm hmm wots ur age aunt luca??? 870998 times who they r? its not that bad.and one thing i dnt get y ppl sayin hi to sky on ur page?? both thums up 4 ur comntaunt luca comon u r not in ur 20sbut i like u cause i enjoy reading comments on ur posts so keep it up ......and pls nxt time dnt use push up pads peter chao........or peter pan??? i dnt knew bout others but am sure u like banana wth cactus properties r u ready uploder??? she wll comin to fuck u from her teeths no bro he didnt push himactually the guy was travelin wthout ticket and whn tc scared him he panicked and ran towards door and tc try to stop him whch mistaknly took as vice versa woow tank firing on unarmed protesters but non of prtstr got scratch hmmm serious matter u have to change ur tanks or persons who r operating it.this type tank kill every one on street wthout firing single shoot condititon applied if they r not sons of hulk ya u r right every militant is not a terrorist but every terrist caught end up to belong muslim family??? total crab bastards this is fakeguys who lives in uk u knew betr and da person who was chasing is his frnd she was daughter of mmm i dnt knew but she married to a muslim is still mystry she was daughter of hindustan pls respect herher agenda her propgandaher farther and jinha was once in news hmmm what was it?it was i dnt knew exactly yeah but sure it was 4 seat carwho sit on front seat of car they both fight and thr father did justice very fairtwo wheels both of them. jim bobmy dear if they r enjoying thr life there!dear wot r u doin out of saudi?pls come back n enjoy as we do!!!!thnx energetic baba 10000 watts i would like it if they did it vice-versa....thn u would up lode it telling 2000 but stunt men missing ????? chasing traffic cop of pakistanfirst he stood on bike thought may be violators didnt saw him n then he searching a whistle 2 blow but instead he found pistol......but firing in air three times to scare them which was also proved unsuccessful he finally whistle in tradition....ok look ufff ahhh hmmm pigs r pigs they cant become BECKHAM.BECKHAM u thought just removing beckh u dont get relieve 4 ham thnx for ur advise u vise men! look at dis video okkkk n look at da video of fake steel falling just 4 laughs n u found there every faces u r seeing hereeeeso who r the pranks?????who did not note it!!!! dear one u knew all and whole worldknew expt pakistanits is not that they know nothig they r very well aware of that wot is hapng inside thr country but wot can they do?Their economy depends on militants if they demolished militants so how they got billions of $ in name of fund 2 establish peace!wot a stupid thoughts of stupid funders .actually this is business 4 themtakers n giversin the end money goes back in the hand of fund financiers yup u r right u just write down frm ur pont of view and nothing wrong in ur viewsmay be marching and actions performed by both side soldiers are hilarious or crazy for u but for indi n pak its all for thr respect n pride for their nationsu might not able to recognize passion of their dutiesconfidence n challengeits all depends on societies in which we raised up to understand values of i guess she is planing to open delivery house for women s who wish to keep her delivery of her child very unnoticed.or may be she is used to intake like cactus chameleon good way to advertisehe is simply give u hint that what sex u want boy or girlthey have Technic to chose sex from sperm x or y.but wat was his xy xx or xxy he's not aware her responses was likeOH I MISTAKENLY BROUGHT MY MUMMA URINE SAMPLEStotally big shit video from you tubeyou tube organizersu have to rent her womb because soon you face ABORTION of ur comany SIKH KOM KADE NA HAREY JEY SIKH SIKH DI BUND NA MAREY.raati sab daru pindey ney meat khandey ne tey sawerey aa key sikh hon da natak kerdey ne,31,0,4,5,1,30,0 2505,X949,I have a question bro I love the vid and nice driving! I have an 08 GTI DSG transmission stock and when I race from a stop I use launch control and put it into sport mode When your say going 40 mph and a car pulls up next to you what do you like to do? Keep it in drive or switch into sport mode while going 40 or put it into manual mode? and if you do put it in manual mode how many rpm's do you shift at? thanks buddy!... they are really not much faster than the gti lmao more horse and shit but not that big of difference for the price I have a question bro I love the vid and nice driving! I have an 08 GTI DSG transmission stock and when I race from a stop I use launch control and put it into sport mode When your say going 40 mph and a car pulls up next to you what do you like to do? Keep it in drive or switch into sport mode while going 40 or put it into manual mode? and if you do put it in manual mode how many rpm's do you shift at? thanks buddy! also when you give full throttle what do you do about he gas pedal? like after you push it down it can still go down a couple inches farther i heard it's a kickdown or something so what do you do just keep it all all the way down or what? It is technically a manuel operated by a automatic computer but it still is an auto there is no clutch pedal and if you disagree look it up Are you guys dating? why 6500 when the car redlines at like 6200 you got a 6.9 0-60 with stage 1 you are an emberessment because people get 6.1 stock Did the guy with the DSG race in sport mode? if not do you know what rpm's he shifts at when you raced him did you use sport mode or manuel mode and if tiptronic when did u shift when did I ONCE say it was a manuel??????? i asked when he shifted at if it was in tiptronic you stupid mother fucker You should do a car washing video!!!!! great channel man Launch control is not always better.......maybe off the line a split second faster but it doesn't make your 0-60 time better you got about 6.8 seconds and in your original 0-60 video you got 6.8 also while using paddle shifters and ONLY shifting at 5000 rpm's I GUARENTEE if you shifted at 5500 to 5700 you would have got anywhere from 6.3 to 6.5 just wondering why do you have mud flaps on your car? It looks sweet but I was just wondering its so funny how she smokes nice hit lmao pack a bigger bowl yo what rpm's do you shift at when you race? haha nice man you bring it to the track and what do you mean if you choose? do you normally prefer sport mode im sorry i am not smoking with you right now but I am high....ahahah 200 its in kph dumb fuck You are an idiot. You did not spend 60k on that slow little rice burner my high school is full of them they buy and sell them off craigslist and get new rice mobiles every 2 weeks lmao for like 3-4 grand and some of them have LS vtec just like your pile of shit that you call your car. you scrub you parents really couldnt teach you how to chew gum. do you know how to curl? i take it your a beginner at lifting next time just dont lean forward download it...its free Black ops 2 XBOX 360!!!! 7:59 dog fucking tweeked RIP JOJO just a bunch of niggas bein niggas 32 divided by 2 is 16 not 18. I have a question I love all of your videos but how do you know how many pounds of boost each car has i can't find anywhere on the game where it tells you that. I have a question. Why do you guys make up facts? I am just wondering I love your videos! but look at :29 to listed built b16 for the crx and other cars you put how many pounds of boost even though it doesnt say ANY of that on the game...makes sense? How do you race like this with friends? When I go to create my own thing I have to pick a track i can't just pick highway lol Hey! love the video! but i do have a question. I have a stage 1 mkv gti with DSG as well. What is the best to do for maximum speed? Should I put it in sport mode or tiptronic? and if it's tiptronic what's the best rpm to shift at? and if someone pulled up next to me going like 40 should i downshift to like 3 or 4 thousand rpm's for a better takeoff? thanks! I would blow both of these rice burners away - 08 GTI Revo Stage 1....235whp and 270 hp at the crank 277wtq this has to be his first time smoking....omg,35,223,4,5,0,31,1 2506,X2507,your mother sucks. HOLLY SHIT you looks like a 40 year old woman that drinks and smooks Hey Baby hahaha :DD Hahahhaahahaha dhat :D This is ok. Better then your other videos deutscher Kommi. Als wrden die das verstehn hahaha Wow your voice without auto tone or something 33 2:12 OMG ZAYNN *_* *-* *_* Ohh^^ 3:27. A Question is he still with selena together? With your hair you looks like a 50th old woman that smoks and drinks. First song without the word FUCK. Ist es dein Problem?,13,10,3,5,0,16,0 2507,X2508,"ugh ive been stuck on this level forever.... ill follow ur steps:] AWESOMENESS!!!!!;) Actually nope... never saw it. Awesome tutorial man. This works perfectly. Man these guys are totally fucking biting Rancid... Oh wait.. shit... Is that Tim? Okay these guys rule. Man... THIS is already old school?! Damn I must be getting old. Hard to believe this came out almost 20 years ago. Seems like yesterday. This coming from a guy who just gave Rick Ross the ,thumbs up,. Yep saw it at the top of your feed buddy. Just googled it. I stand corrected. Last time I checked EL Segundo was right next to Inglewood. Actually these guys are not American. DOH! hey kris it was hot from your little sis Interesting that you have left a total of 3 video comments since joining youtube.. and all 3 happen to be positive reviews of products advertised in Tranharrt's videos. Sorry to hate on your hustle... but as a potential consumer I feel it's worth pointing out. Cheers I don't even like rap anymore.. But this dude is fucking D-D-D-DOPE. Score 1 for the big bad San Fernando Valley Little dork... i saw your video upload... lol. What kind of art CAN'T the poor do? This video is wrong. That man is Punky Brewster's foster father... Henry Warnimont. Don't remember now... Sorry. so cute:) Hustle the huff... LOL!! Personally I think that man is a fucking awesome dancer! No joke. Dude really? Those were simply props. Not fake at all. we we we... gonna make fun of you for this... 1:29 Gangham Style",24,11,8,20,0,33,0 2508,X2509,That's your right leg... CALL 911 NOW! 0:27 hahaha You should go on the X factor! Your fantastic 2:55 SANTA thanks :) what was his name?,7,27,2,566,0,24,0 2509,X2510,UPARA! *Facepalm* People on the internet like you need put down can't read or type properly bye bye. She dresses so weirdly/hipsterish What two videos in a week! Rick looks funny as fuck! Air is becoming better on camera ^.^,6,7,6,5,0,31,0 2510,X2511,So Cuuteee ! gaggaggaggaggnann deat dot snemalodn nannanananaanna j ai compris que sa moi perso j ai des cheveux super doux et chui un mec :p,3,1,2,5,0,14,0 2511,X2512,go gators good shooting needs to learn how to listen or you'll get beat GATOR BAIT!!!,4,0,8,5,0,26,0 2512,X2513,"Its good to live in countries that have official manufacturer support...not like here in israel where you get no shit from nobodythe only company that has something official here is samsung. And many htc and nokia devices dont even go on sale here even in private shops. Damn...i live on mars....and my sgs3 hasn't arrived yet....It'll come with the next nasa expedition..... :( iOS is so fucking fresh! Its not made for idiots at all its interface is really incredible! I really like the part when you can't put anything on your screen except small app icons. I also like it that you can't run any serious x32 or x64 programs on it. Yeah the screen is really good because it has a high resolution all other screen aspects don't matter do they? 48 54 43 20 54 68 75 6e 64 65 72 62 6f 6c 74 20 47 65 74 73 20 49 43 53 20 4f 54 41 20 55 70 64 61 74 65 2c 20 58 44 41 20 43 68 61 6e 67 65 6c 6f 67 20 4e 6f 77 20 41 76 61 69 6c 61 62 6c 65 nice pic brah THANKS the drugs woman this ,cheap plastic, is indestructible.... not like the ,full glass and aluminum body, that breaks under the slightest pressure grumpy cat not so grumpy i think you can see a video when its on the nexus 4 charger since it holds it at a nice degree. lol 2 views",11,4,4,5,0,16,0 2513,X2514,ME ENCANTO!!! FELICES FIESTAS!!!,1,1,3,2,0,44,0 2514,X2515,Keri hilson She won because she has a dam good voice get over it The blonde girls sings good the other one is just fuken annoying to listen to I love this version shes such an amazing singer i hope everything goes well with her and gets a record deal :) allesandras sang way better the other girl has bo force in her voice sounded like i was listening katty perry with her and i hate katty perry hahaha read your comment idiot you just contradicted yourself as wellyou dumb cunt who the fuck are you to tell me what to do with my time and fyi i accidently logged on to my old acount thats why it showed two not that its even any of your buisness i like kelly better stupid video lol jk am glad joselyn won she deserved it :) i like allesandra better. dez is good to though killed my ears better you shut the fuck up bitch thats my personal opinion and am not the only one who agrees with that so if you dont like it to bad cunt get the fuck off bi now :) omg kayla is gone people get over... and joselyn has a great voice and shes gona go far no matter her haters say!! go joselyn am rooting for you to be the voice :) it looked like you where popping your belly out in the first couple of weeks. nice video though i hate when people say bad dong choice for every song every competitor sings. if your gona be a professional singer you should be able to sing any sond and she did freaken great and she sang this song amazin so it wasent a bad song choice for her!! ewww adriana is annoying! and you dont have ears. fith harmony and carly are both amazing why are you bashing people i bet they sing better then you!! why is this bum still in the competition so excited am due march 14 2013 with my second baby boy :),19,1,3,5,0,21,0 2515,X2516,"ja chyba te w takim razie :Dpolskie pieni patriotyczne s dostojne i pikne pomimo zawartego w nich cierpienia nie wiem co za inteligent da na nie... wiadomo e nie :) ale jeli jeste Polakiem a tak nie uwaasz to witamy papiea ;) nie ma za co. I'm speechless....... :( poor little girl... :( really amazing! very spectacular!!! what a grace both of you!... ;) :) better don't.. it looks really pretty :) you must feel totally free while diving like this:) you never know.. congratulations for your bravery!! both of you! today women in Poland are sooo scared of natural birth and you are a great example for them! :) I want to have my baby at home maybe in a bath too ;)congratulations again from a Polish midwife :) it's just a little bit too loud I think... ;) ;p :D a little more quiet and it'll be just fine! :D a tak by the way wy ktrzy tak miujecie Boga i w Jego imieniu ,potpiacie i nawracacie niewiernych,nieraz ich nie tolerujc wyszydzajc z nich a czsto te po prostu ICH NIE ROZUMIEJC wypowiadacie sowa ,miuj bliniego jak siebie samego, z na prawd godnym Chrzecijanina namaszczeniem... to ju wol czyni Swoje dobro ni Wasze obudne a Bg i tak wie co jak gdzie kiedy... przepikny makija. piknie podkrela Twj kolor oczu. oczy s wyraziste a jednak jasne wietliste nie obcione. super! ohhh and have you been in Poland then?? when your team had lost? :) och och jak mnie przeje. po twojej odopwiedzi nie lubi ci jeszcze bardziej i jeszcze bardziej utwierdzam sie w tym e dobrze e jest mao takich osb na wiecie co ty. buziak;* ohhhhhhhhhh how sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet I'm a faggot :):):):) the lack of humour in your country makes you write such things? ;) or what? o boe nie wierz!! dr Watson jaka odmiana!! :D know what? you're not sexy. you're funny :D :D :D DO-YOU-KNOW-HOW-TO-WRITE-YOUR-NAME? CAN - YOU - READ - IT?? no word of comment is needed. people who are satisfied with their sexual life know what to think about you. to jest rewelacja szkoda e na ywo nie mam okazji posuchania czy mona stosowa do tego mudry? balls stop being in pain after a while try to deal with a REAL pain witch last for a few days incessantly. our comments are not to show how we like to overuse someone by our situation but to change men's thinking about how we feel during period and to be tolerant and understanding about what we may feel and what you - men - won't undoubtably get the idea. and by the way - when was the last time your balls got punched???? hahaha jeste boski zarbisty i oglnie wymiatasz!! :D :D wicej!! :D WICEJ! :D daj zna pomog Ci ;) mega :D so ethereal and very nice :) I smile to create positive colours around me :)",28,0,3,2,0,24,0 2516,X1029,YO GO SHANNA! Are you trying to make joey jealous? lol boyband name: THE FOUR ERECTIONS! YOUR BOW! SHANE YOU SOUND LIKE A REJECT IN THIS VIDEO LOVE ALL YOUR OUTFITS! YOURE MY INSPIRATION WHEN I WANT TO DRESS SEXY FOR MY MAN! SUCH A TRUE QUOTE JULIE! SO BEAUTIFUL! AW OK I WAS GONA JUMP OUT MY WINDOW! Tuna Tits Tuesdays! WISH SHE WOULD STAND UP AND SHOW US THE FLAB! lol you dancing! looks so good! p.s shave raul! Joey you should work at Extra since you like interviewing celebrities! u look lik a mermaid! WHERE HAVE U BEEN? IN A CAVE? HES 25 N LIVES WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND. HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING IN A CAVE? WRONG! ITS ALWAYS THE DAMN ASIANS! I THINK NOT...... ITS IN THE NEWS LOOK IT UP! LAST WEEK MY BF ASKED IF I KNEW WHO JENNA MARBLES WAS? I SAID YA! EVERYONE WANTS TO MAKE VIDEOS WITH HER SHE HAS LIKE MILLIONS OF VIEWS! HE WAS LIKE OK YOU CAN SUCK ME OFF. THANK YOU JENNA !!! ITS OBVIOUS HE IS NO LONGER A VIRGIN. AND IF THATS NOT TRUE LISA OWES EVERYONE AN APOLOGY FOR MAKING US ALL THINK SHANE ISNT A VIRGIN! OMG JOEY YOU LOOK SOOO GOOD WITHOUT YOUR SHIRT ON!!! *hyperventilating! I LEARNED NOTHING ABOUT DATENIGHT FOR VALENTINES! OTHER THAN TO WEAR LIGHT PINK? WTF? 40J JULIE- YOU ALWAYS LOOK LIKE YOUR READY FOR THE CLUB! CUTE! Titty Tuesdays! KISS KISS KISS! PLAN FOR VALENTINES: GET BACK WITH MY EX SO I CAN GET DUMPED AGAIN! HE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE SIGOURNEY WEAVER! OMG!!! I WANT MORE! FUCK DUDE SHE DID! THANKS LISA! RUB IT IN EVERYONES FACE YOUR BOTH HAPPY ON VALENTINES DAY WHILEVERYONE ELSE IS MISERABLE!! SHANE DAWSON BROUGHT ME HERE! HES ON BATH SALTS! TAN MUCH? I WISH I HAD YOUR LIFE LISA! Was the british guy hitting on Joey?,38,16,4,20,0,25,0 2517,X2518,where did you download haunt?/ i still can't understand 3:17 to 3:27 isn't there another way to trace the brim out at step 5 ? what kind of fabrc do you need for this? damn that girl knows how to work out thanks for the tutorial OMG You are soo Fucking funny XD what fabric do u use? you can dance very well ^^ Benedicta ik heb nu echt te veel respect voor je ! I will always cry with you owkeee,12,24,3,5,0,22,0 2518,X2519,Strong video. lolwut SO FUCKING CLOSE AND WE LOST NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lol what did you eat moroccan bitch? hot potatoes with rapesauce!? umad yessssssssssssssssssssss SANTAAA!!! The awkward moment is when this 'The awkward moment is when' is the top comment another ps3/xbox discussion. sigh :| :| jake. stop wiggling in your chair m8 mkay M'kay sick host play from santa there lulwut shaaaaaaaaaaaave Nice aim 0:22 anyone got a name plzzzz,18,4,7,5,0,26,0 2519,X855,"i dont even notice or mind the audio problems i love this comment i immidiatly recognised cowfilms his voice Jovenshire truely has no shame meme's i'm sick of: Chuck Norris Nokia jokes Call Me Maybe jokes Gangnam style jokes Kids whining about school sucking (seriously kid get over it) portal's cake Team Fortress 2 Y U No jokes. and last but not least: All the ,rage comic jokes,; i hate them all from the never funny ,troll face, to the dumb never implying laughter ,LOL face,...well that feels like a load off my chest 0:19 it took quite a while but i think i get the metaphore. the smeering of shit on the wall is symbolic for discovering motion control. then the older brothers (xbox and ps3) got inspired to use motion control as well and the mother is the people who play games and she/they got really mad at xbox and ps3 for their motion control games sucking but she/they didn't punish the wii 4:34 i used to play a mmog it was quite fun i often used magic and i kinda made some fun costumes which were still pretty strong but everyone else around me was just wearing shit that was the strongest and they looked rediculous to me but everyone else was like ,wow how did you get that really strong thing, 1:22 actually if the father had one black gen and a blond one then the chance of all the kids having blond hair is a 50% chance what about maniafi she was ok despite her quite boring backstory and the lame jokes i have an xbox with kinect and most of the time it's quite fun for minigames but i am terified as fuck of microsoft. they try to make us pay a lot of money and we can't really share things and give games we don't want to friends anymore. kay it's cute at least Nikola Tesla vs. thomas edison when i'm reading a comment with someone whining about something very unimportant. i will reply with ,life is too short for drama llama's, Not attractive!?!? These words are in the typeface ARIALlet's spam this place up the point is that its an animated woman and white? well it is YOUR child so i bet even Tesla would be jealous of her genious-ness-ity i think Marcus needs to get over let's talk business about this Juan direction you know what i mean by LU right? what i find awesome about reproduction: when male humans ejaculate there are about at least a million male cells in one ejaculation. so all of the people who are on this planet right now (at least the ones that were made sexually) are one in a million. i'll finish it: ...or i'll kill you... i thought there already was a tamagotchi app called. the Hatchi app. i dont really like the song by Tom Law I just dont really like love songs by white guys playing acoustic guitar cause its so simple and there are so many people making so many of those kinds of songs im quite sick of it. 3:59 romance? more like SLOWmance! ha ha ha ha ha.... i'm sorry Jovencorn an extra that was also great about the game was that they brought some fan favorite characters from oblivion back. i loved it when i saw Maiq in the game and Sheogorath was awesome as usual. but i do think some such as Lucien Lachance are a bit phoned in. Lucien was awesome and mysterious in oblivion but in Skyrim hes just your little ghost bitch.but to make it up for Lucien they did add Cicero who is the new awesome assassin of the elder scrolls it doesnt matter who was first who ,stole, it from who. it's about who does it better make them react to Danisnotonfire my battery life is about to die... well i guess it's time to say my goodbyes then kev your barely making videos anymore and the only ones you do make are just about girls and being a ,nice guy, can't you do something else? its not about what colour it IS it is about what it looks like to different people i don't even listen to the band mcfly i just see him as ,carrie hope fletcher's brother,ps. turn of caps lock please?",33,4,2,1,0,22,0 2520,X2521,Fabulous~,1,6,4,18,0,23,0 2521,X3320,"I'm trying to get into this newer stuff but I can't. It's just not the same without Bradley. Rome doesn't have that same energy and emotion that Bradley had. I don't know... it just doesn't feel right. You are obviously trolling. If not you are the biggest retard I have ever met. Totally forgot about this song. Thank ya Amazing Who else hears the Pantera influence on this one? \m/ Unsubscribed. Trying to find a woman who's never been born. Some deep shit right there Probably the most fun song to play on the guitar ever. Nope. I like this track better too. I will have sex to this song. In what way? You can't deny that he kind of ripped off the melody from Funk Blaster. This is still a great track though. Really? That's interesting I did not know that It's hard to say. Sounds like a blend of metal and dubstep to me. Blue Milk is trap not this. If someone walks in while I'm doing this they will be so confused. Are we not supposed to like this song? HURR DURR PROJECT X Sometimes I got to let it goGot to get awayYes baby every dayDream the dream all overWith my kitty Great version of this song. Amazing work on the video too definitely fits Sublime's style I think everyone knew Sublime before Saints Row. I hope so at least I lol'd I have a different Passion Pit song stuck in my head every day. This is today's song. I am in the fucking mood. Giovanna Plowman The chorus of the song is what the kid sounded like. I feel like this song would have fit perfectly in Project X. This song and video perfectly describe the life I want to live. Nice Funky shit And what brought you to this conclusion? I like how the picture is covered in dried semen Hahahaha I hope that is true Just rediscovered this song. Haven't heard it in years and now it's been stuck in my head all day I forgot how amazing this band is. God dammit. Now I'm horny... It's the Spanish word for ,against,. It still doesn't make sense though. Take a Walk has become pretty mainstream. Otherwise not really There's like a while one left in the freezer. You look like John Stewart. Oh you and your Monopoly money. No I don't know is on third.",41,21,7,39,1,45,0 2522,X2652,"People do complain about CoD being the same every year. You're just using this as an excuse to post that comment because you know that your are very likely going to get thumbs up for bashing on CoD. The more you reply the more I think you're a troll nobody is that stupid. Right? Anyway since I'm bored I'll reply to your comment. The rich people in america are no more than 6% of the population [source:Wikipedia]. The USA did much less than the USSR did in defeating Nazi Germany the USA's focus was on Japan a war they ended using cowardly murderous tactics (A-bomb). Since you care so much about your military I hope you are happy your tax money is wasted on weapons not healthcare. You do realise that there are many white blonde and even blue eyed people people from South Africa and that in the North there are also many white and blonde people. I know several Egyptians who are blonde and one of them is very pale. If anything it is stupid of you to think that all Africans are dark skinned. Oh I just assumed it was German because it was written by Schubert. a lot of them are incredible stupid compared to me What an arrogant douche. incredibly* This guy does realize that old games like Goldeneye can still be great even if they're not better than most games today. It's like saying an old film was great for it's time but is nothing compared to films of today that doesn't stop it from being a great film. Besides part of the greatness of GE is how memorable it is how nostalgic people get when they play it on an N64 emulator or reminisce the memories they had with GE. This guy doesn't understand the whole concept of old is gold... en eye I really enjoyed Absolution actually it was really fun. Sure it wasn't like the older hitman games but it was still good and I still sometimes play contracts. Can't be bothered to answer but I will say that's your opinion and I respect it. I heard about them by finding one of their CD's in my brother's car not on the radio. Really prefer the old Grim this one looks older than Sam. You are a person that atheists a good name I'd chill with you.Sincerely an Atheist I only do well and have fun in matches when I'm playing with my only BF3 playing friend who smart enough to team play. We no longer play together and that is perhaps one of the reasons why I don't want to return to BF3. Stop being an arrogant intolerant prick. Before you say I'm just another ignorant theist don't waste your time. I didn't write this comment to insult you for being atheist in fact I really do not care what you believe in and I won't judge you for it but being an atheist doesn't automatically make you smarter than theists and if you think it does than you are an arrogant dumbass. Respect other people's beliefs and the world will be a better place. The ,shouldn't tell everyone my real name, made me laugh. Everywhere he goes ,Bond James Bond, Just met a random woman and potentially dangerous woman ,The name's Bond James Bond, Il est ,HD, pour consoles. Je pense que Absolution est tres bon mais Blood Money est le meilleur. Most of them are not funny. 5alas ma3lesh da kan ana laken el dawariya el it3amalit feh nos el shasha kanet min youssef. Russia did more to help win the war on the western front than America did. If Hitler had not invaded Russia he could've lasted a lot longer without being defeated. More like R.I.P subtle trolling. Never Barbara Ann Eleanor Rigby or Maggie May. In fact I've never even heard of them before. Why because it makes fun of school shootings? I find it very funny not because I'm sick but because I can take a joke. Besides a Gestapo general was playing this many Gestapo members weren't nazis according to wikipedia. No actually the result of the war was status quo ante bellum. Meaning the state before the war neither side won nor lost. Get your facts straight. All art nowadays is turning to shit. Have you seen modern art? Just splashes of paint and crappy sculptures and unless you haven't heard of Nicki Minaj Lady Gaga etc. Then you would know that while classical music will live on music being produced nowadays that actually gains success and fame is complete B.S which requires little to no talent to be able to perform. The whole 99% thing is mostly in America. Such a shame how when somebody else is conquered and pushed to the sidelines it only takes a few decades for everybody else to tell them get over it. But if that had happened to your people you wouldn't have gotten over it and you will not be able to not think about how much better you your family's and your people's living conditions would've been if it wasn't for such unjust land expansion on your territory. Anyone know the song I heard it before but can't remember it. What is twice as many people? Sorry I thought you were asking him rhetorically about how many wars would not have taken place and how early wars and genocide would have stopped happening not the other way around. That's because the version of communism that made it to power was corrupt and distorted. Ok maybe mountain climbing is important and relevant for spec forces and military in general I was talking there. But not being able to climb everest doesn't mean they aren't capable of climbing a mountain and besides what type of combat situation will require them to climb a mountain as high as everest?",30,5,4,5,0,31,0 2523,X2524,My Grandfather Have Golden Zippo Lighter With CertificateBrought From 1989 Minecraft Is Made From A Game Called Infiniminer Yeah Fuck Thinkgeek People Now Don't Need Imagination Right Now Like You E.t? My First Console Not Nazi Kkk I Have Hard Glove With Copper It Does Not damage my fingertips Etc.And i can freely move my hands He Can't Even Fight Paqiao Hd Whore Amazon Or Local Chemistry Shops In Ur Country Stephen Ritchie Vs Steve jobs Dear @kreonsa My opinion is try to go to Japan Or Germany.Many people in the philippines That i Have MetOften trick us or snatch cause where just newhere like in airport like naia all bathroomsare vandalled and flush and mirrors aresomewhat unusefull .I will fly in russia in few weeksHope you understand that i hate philippines Thank you. Adolf Hitler was an Austrian.Both the Austrians and the Germans are Germanic peoples. Hitler was born in and raised an Austrian in Braunau am Inn Austria but he moved to Munich Germany in 1913 and then served in the Deutsches Heer or German army. He became a German citizen in 1932 but his view was that Austria and Germany being the homes of Germanic peoples should be united and he brought that about temporarily. dear @juanmitbol it's his style lol,17,9,3,8,0,22,0 2524,X1167,"i was hoping jaden actually kill justin! Boobies! for some reason korean horror movie creep the shits out of me and when i watch american movies i don't feel anything stop with the mirror is so scary omg thanks man so much I wanna share a story now i'm only 14 but i took ROTC in school and when we were at a parade I heard this Song and this song just hit my what i'm trying to say is i love this song even though i just heard it today..and that even though i'm not an American I love America!... I guess Being in ROTC Helps me Understand the meaning of this song...God Bless America! i woulda stick that nigga already I don't give a fuck if he got anger issues or not Lol it look like that nigga is running Dude your amazing! on the videos i heard your voice shaking and all and i heard you apologying need to stop worrying about stuff like that you did an amazing job on explaining everything..I just started drawing anime today and wow this video is just awesome you did everything great especially on the explaining part. A 15 year old girl holds hands with her 1 year old son. People call her a ,slut, no one knows she was raped at age 14. People call another guy ,fat, no one knows he has a serious disease causing him to be overweight. People call an old man ,ugly, no one knows he experienced a serious injury to his face while fighting for our country in the war. Re-post this if you are against bullying and stereotyping. I bet 88% of you won't... yet we shud also enjoy the music :P wow hahah i love this kid they look like ghost but very awsome song idk i acutally like this song espicailly how it rains and the musics is fkin awsome and yes i am a gay and no i'm not gay hey umi train draggy but when is finsih the draggy wont show up? how mu ch cash you get for castle 1? not gonna lie i actually like this song and how it begins but i don't like when he sings hey dude how come this doesn't work for me? it say , file corrupted, Can u gift me a CQB doesn't matter how many days woulda appreciate it IGN: I-Simplex Nice bro u should teach me how to do MTS Merchanted Lol , Nawww Dude Your Ricki!!!!, XD You can fall from the sky You can fall from a tree but the best way to fall love with me 3 You people need to chill out...This guy is just joking with his daughter...Yes a few what he said mad of sound raciest..but if u thik about what u and ur friend joke about u guys will find that u guys joke around like this too....Come on he's just playing with his daughter.... Color Doesn't matter is just skin color it doesn't mean shit. Babe ,you can fall from the sky you can fall from a tree but the best way to fall love with me, :D 3 wow cant believed i only know this song it For People Who are saying show ur face: First of all he's in a gang and if he show his face it could cause future trouble. 2nd of all it can cause a war between blood and crip. lol someone wrote, My Left Boob kinda hurt, at 0:44 lol lol i fked up my internet doing this... how did i get here from Jeremy Linn? It was made to overcome they racism. After awhile black people or the blood started to fight backand there were disagreements among a few of them went on their own and form the gang Crips um can anyone send me a link the song where sai sai like sing about this parent fighting..and stuff and his mom left them and sai sai like punch the wall in the video it was sai sai and some other dude that sings it send me a like to the vido or the tittle of the song please lol...i'm planning on joining the marines after high school and this gave me another reason to join !!!! Another reason why i'm gonna join the military Not even good..i think is awsome lol....cant wait for the full version. I like it :) but if u look she has a +5 weap. and she's only 105 while that guy is 114 with a +12 weap..and higher lvl gears...and ik sarah gears are +0 because ik her in game...she pretty strong for a lvl 105 with +0 gear and +5 weap.(she killed a 107 glad with +12 weap and assuming that glad has +0 gears)",36,1,3,1,0,17,0 2525,X2526,mu buena la canciion que emocionante esta una genia que inpresionate!!!!tienen talento desobra woaw selena!!! woaw .... los que pusieron no me gusta si que no saven de musica!!! es inpresionante!! cuantos aos tiene???? me gusta jajajaaja q buenooooo,7,0,2,5,0,20,0 2526,X2527,happy bday Shane looks good in pink i was that one girl that didnt talk to anyone and smoked weed all day,3,0,3,5,0,18,0 2527,X2528,"Why does his shirt have a bow on it? Fag much... It looks grumpy because it's mouth tilts downward like a frown She's so fucking sexy Wow i don't even know what to say. You make a damn ugly women Nathan isn't gay Damn you ugly. I don't care if your not fat anymore your face is still ugly as shit Your still ugly as fuck. Your face is so big and fat. By the time she's 20 she's gonna look like Megan fox? Umm WTF! She's 22! She just has the mental capacity of a 12 year old! Ewww gross. You nasty fat piece of trash. I like tegan better then sara You shouldve gotton an abortion when you saw she wasn't normal. Your a bitch for giving birth to her. Lets be real she's going to be made fun of and not lead a normal life. Abortion woudve solved it and put her in a better place. The wrinkles are showing..... Why would a GIRL want to look like Justin bieber? That's plain creepy. Your unattractive enough without getting a tongue piercing. Fattie... She looks like she's under the influence of drugs. I think it's two Justin bieber looking faggits..... She's going through some type of Britney spears style melt down. She shaved her head and is acting crazy.... Alot of these bitches arnt even good looking Those are two ugly dudes. How are they considered 'lesbian' when they look so much like men? There more the transgender route. He t-bagged her after this Faggit nigger You look like shit..... Your face is ugly enough without all the metal. And that bull ring makes your nose look even bigger. Gorilla monkey nigger I think this freak is intersex. Meaning ,it, was born with nethier male or female DNA. Dani Shay is intersex Pretty face? Are we looking at the same mug? She was ugly before and now she's even uglyier. Why dosnt she get a mullet like her father. This bitch is creepy looking. If you think she's pretty you must think Billy Ray Cyrus is pretty too. This bitch is ugly as fuck. She cut her hair to become relevent because her career is in the dumps. She looks like a chipmunk. Lmao that hair is so funny looking. It dosnt suit her at all. She looks like a man wearing a dress. She's ugly. Am I the only one who thinks it looks like Kate got some Botox or something? Her eyes look different I'm sorry but the one with the crew cut is ugly as fuk. She looks like eminiem :/ The gorilla looks like jay-z. I know niggers and gorillas are related. Niggers I think that it's a tranny. Male to female apparently Chris crocker",35,3,3,5,0,71,1 2528,X2529,Drumstep. DAMN SON DUN GOT TROLLED HOMIE. (_) Well it technically is moombahcore. It sounds like a 112 bpm beat but it lacks the swingy sound moombah has. If you're a genre whore you may call this Nu Jump-up. Has it become a rule that Jessie Andrews has to be in EDM videos? WAT PEGBOARD NERDS ON UKF. I was unaware of how large they were getting. No this video just is. Borgore moombahton. Huh. GET 'EM Sick track!,11,4,5,5,0,21,0 2529,X2530,You sound immense :) Your truly a very talented person :) I LOVE YOU YOU WHORE :L Laughing maniacally to ones self because you remembered you used to sit in an exam in school just day dreaming about this. How wonderful. This is purely beautiful 3 Is she trying to be sexy whilst singing? :| Shots. That is all. They must be really yummy! They haven't got lipsinging down yet. This. Is. AMAZING! Rom 3:23: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.,12,0,3,5,0,19,0 2530,X2531,i didn't know they licensed this song to twilight! but nonetheless this is probably my favourite song ever written by them :) that lauren babic what a huge fucking inspiration she is for me as an aspiring musician. goddamnit :) ... i'm gonna sound like a major fangirl but can i be you please? your voice is immense i'd come to one of your shows in a heartbeat :) her voice is fucking outstanding! what i would do to have a voice that like omg o_O her voice this song and herself is simply beautiful :) i'm SO fucking stoked to see them on the Rock Yourself To Sleep Tour this saturday :D LOFL! whoever made this is a fucking champ :D fuck yeah! i wholeheartedly agree man :) a drum cover of a song that doesn't have drums in it? this is so legit i love it :) you look like a core drummer playing a softer rock song but it totally works! i'm not a drummer myself but i was blown away by your cover. keep doing your shit its gonna get you places :) you're really off key most of the time! work on that buddy thats all i gotta say haha did you use melodyne or pitch correction on your voice? there were some parts that sounded like it. but if not your voice is stellar! it definitely packs a punch haha :) you sounded really quiet. you have a voice underneath there you just gotta push it out! otherwise not bad :) you have to learn to stay on pitch your notes were all over the place. try singing with the song that would make it a lot better. my ovaries exploded. best cover of this song on youtube by far. you have an amazing voice and i love that strain in your higher register. keeeep it up! that voice goddamnit beautiful song :),16,14,7,14,0,19,0 2531,X2768,The crazy thing is not the guitars or the prices is the fact that they sell it all! And the waiting list of the FCS is crazy also it take years!!! This have to became a classic new tones great looks and I want one... Is close enough lol Andy was reall one of a kind. Olha desde que passei para uma dieta vegetariana o meu vcio com a comida desapareceu. Fizemos uma armadilha para ns prrprios com esta cultura do paladar. Se vc consegue ser equilibrado parabns! Mas as estatsticas mostram que a obesidade uma calamidade. Vc fala de irresponsabilidade como se o ser humano no fosse tremendamente sencvel aos estmulos de uma indstria que nos v como alvos e no tem qualquer interesse na nossa sade a no ser para nos vender remdios. Man this sound good. Watching somebody cutting themselves and to keep filming was the reason for my comment. If a girl wants to go half naked drunk or whatever I could not care less women r the best thing we have in the world. But the way the girl is explored in this movie is a shame tho deny responsability becouse they want to catch the girl showing her thong to a point they dont do nothing about the cutting is not european liberalism. Is not the girl that is wrong is the filming. its hard to discuss on Youtube and my english is not so good. If u check out documentaries about it u will understand. Some people have dictionary like memory can use it for words numbers or whatever they look very articulate but they fail to reach others. The capacity of understanding other is by itsef a form of intelligence but intelligence can relate to all different things. If u read a dumb opinion on Youtube only means the opinion is dumb not the person who wrote it. Guys this is very strange... Very strange I almost bet that the title is not true. The guy is younger then the amps o_o Acabo eu de escrever que os comentrios negativos contra a EF vm de ignorantes e levo com isto... minha besta Erica no leva acento mas leva letra grande na primeira letra! A frase tambm comea com letra grande. Quanto a eu ser a prpria Erica isso querias tu no era? Falar com meninas do porno no Youtube era lindo... Pois era filho mas no te safas se quiseres passa a o msn que eu mostro-te a Erica na cam passa-te logo o teso! I dont doubt u for a minute If u know what u r doing u can make cheap guitars sound fab. Pretty video =) Still too big for me =D The sound that we can hear coming out of this guy studio is really top notch. Very impressive. f u want great guitar recording sounds do this - Record a basic guitar track and put the song together then wen u listen how the song sounds like ajust your mic or mics on your amp till it all sunds great in the context of the song then record the guitar part again! Got it people? There is NO specific way to record guitar It all deppends on the song the song tells u where to put the mic(s). Ok thank me later =) U r soooooo damn right! =) Amazing I wish u the best guys!!! Rihanna is sooooo sexy. I laugh so much my mouth hurts!!! FANTASTIC! xD So what? The rest of the world is almost there... Justin cant stop the laugh no matter what lol 100% fake! Some people use a cheap Tokay and sound great others use expensive Les Paul Customs from Gibson and sound like nothing. =) Maybe this is the true philosophic nature of yourself to be hit by speeding trucks. This attempt to show off make you obvious also is obvious that u r craving attention and Im not here to feed your psychotic behaviour. U will be ignored. No one can blame u guys it is a terrible stuff! Linda mesmo pena ter essa maravilha tapada com tapa sexo! =) I do this all the time with just one arm... ; x She looks beyond amazing the girl is a natural she got it all. Essa garota e o marido tm pacincia de santos! Cara chato e pegadinha mais estpida x_x Is really a shame she dont use thongs with an ass like that! There is a lot of good boutique but this guys make what is probably the best sounding amp for blues rock sounds in the world! If u dont know the big guys who do u know? This is like looking at one Rolls Royce or something u know u probably will never afford it still u can always dream about it! At the factory If u use the word Neve they became violent unpredictable Thanks! Now I got it =) The stuff is really nice. After this one they will have to invite Jesus or something amazing! Sexy! Watch this doc or die!!!!! Is very simple!,40,5,3,5,0,111,0 2532,X2533,you guys rock well done btw my friend jadey wants the guy with the guitars number have you heard the notes in this song im a singer and not even i culd be able to hit them! i think she is fantastic i seen her in brisbane this year she rocksed the house down I love this Rock Version Better Than Original haha excuse me wanker but taylor swift does write and play the guitar in all of her albums i think taylor deserved that mtv award caz she is awesome!! and she WRITES see that word WRITES!! all of her songs so get ur fucking facts right before you start hating on people wanker britney rocked in melbourne that show was amazing!! the songs about her 1st love dipshits this guys kinda cute i think fred is gay haha isnt he?? hes funny as all hell shane dawson is a legend i love fred but i love shane dawson more u do fred way better than fred does himself serious man legend what pisses me off the most is when u watch movies with ur friends and they repeat the lines of the movies grr makes me wanna scream hahaha!! when ur date comes and talks about there ex sexy i love gaga kesha was awesome live gaga!!!! ily best night of my life i went to her bday party that night night of my life britney spears does sing live lol i went to her melbourne show and i tell you that you could hear her singing over that cd track lol this is a job well done this is awesome ***** 4 Shanaynay eww i hate jo i wonder if taylor has watched this dickhead try to dance im proud thaty i can do drag and be funny shes gonna be bigger than madonna fucking love gaga shanaynay we need more videos! needs to shave her legs haha not even i wuld go out on stage with hairy legs oh hell yer! britney may lip sync but people come on theres plenty of other artists that do it she just wants to put on a show for her fans im using this for my drag show,29,4,6,6,0,23,0 2533,X215,I wish vicki would handle me like that.... how to wreck your rimsanyone can go balls outif these were alloys theyd be wrecked. What a man. What a fantastic human beinggentlemen through and throughthis man should be given a medala pity today's so called sportsman do not have his grace. Fannywang ? Never laughed so much ! Best reviews on YouTube. Keep up good work dave. Lewis fought nobody Tyson in his prime would kill himas for the old timersforeman would've knocked his head off. Ronnie ancona is gorgeous Alfa ? What a joke. Awful car gonna have to gel my hair and put my tight jeans on with my faded leather jacket and act 19 again. my galaxy s cost me 200 new and it is now running ice cream sandwich superbly so I will stick with it and not kiss apples arse. Sounds shit Ill buy any phone with sesame street! ! He died on the crapper So funnymaybe i'm a forty year old kid but its greatnever too old to laugh What a load of crapelvis would be turning in his grave. Elvis my arseload of rubbish Since when was russell brand funny. Thankfully boxing has moved forwardthe last one was so savagei like to watch boxing but that was too brutal. Go englebert ! Great singermaybe i'm a sad forty year old guy but i like it. Truly great What an awful comment made belowthere are some disgusting people in this worldyou should be ashamed. Yummy White trash and women??? Oh my god Gorgeous girl. Gorgeous lady Great little song from great singeroften ridiculled but has outlasted most other artists and puts todays so called stars to shame. How can you drive with that shit playing. Fordha always been a bloody rot box. Upgrade your galaxy s to ics 4.0.3 on xda developers.its easy and works a treat. What a nice guyafter all these years he still cares.great mangood luck. Good luck englebert. Good luck engelbertnice guy and top man. Great tunegot my first cd player in my bedroom and played it as loud as i could when i knew the girl i lije was in next doors gardenher name was janet funnily enough! my god that was 23 years ago Superb musicplay this to todays crop of rubbish and they just wouldnt get it. Great song Just been to cornwall and sang this for two weeks before the holidaydrove my girlfriend potty.i do it every year before we go away! ! Unbeatablethere will never be song like this again.Roy is a legend. Load of rubbish Great stuff Zolfarnans comment said it allwe should appreciate this guywhat a great singer. Amazing stuff whether you like rock or not. I guess beesleeper got the response that he or she wanted.i wouldnt get wound up by it cause scum like him or her get what they deserve in the end anyway.,44,0,3,5,0,41,0 2534,X2535,So sorry that ive not been been posting alot of videos!! also my vids SUCK!!!!!!!!!!,2,3,4,13,0,20,0 2535,X2536,Lol @roddawg_so_dope The fact they forgot to block the first f word xD Better than selena... Should had made Nicole sing this ^.^ Am I the only one who thinks it sounds like hurt besides hot!? Love the song tho How we know she sick? Her twitter her coughing... I mean if you don't like my amazing idol shut up and gtfo At times you sound like Jenna marbles but love your videos (: Taylor swift is not a dumbass she is not fake she is nothing wrong ... If you don't like her don't even say nothing at all keep it to your self .... Dang and you came to start drama because you know your gonna start a riot getting over your low down self and take note... Are you making millions off money like her.? No then okayy (: #teamSwifties anddddddddddd now i subscribe to him (; anyone hopes that the first part actually sounds like this????? its better than what the other insturmentals sound like 3 its on there just no noies :l 2:40 tho . get it bae ;D @rihannaisAWhore .... You sir just mad bro This remix 3 This needed to be released ! Kekw pleaseeeeeeee Please !! !!!! Make it a song the beginning tho 3 nothing on but the radio is not going to be on ARTPOP......,18,8,4,69,0,16,0 2536,X2537,look. if your dumb ass got beat up in PA you either were either asking for it or wore a philly hat in Pittsburgh or vise versa. to be honest whole state should be split in 2. westsylvania and the eastern half can keep Pennsylvania. super lame notice how the guy who was stabbing the kid is the first one to run away and act like he didn't do anything. must be a trait people who abuse authority have in common being huge fucking cowards. hahahahhaha!!!! as soon as he started talking about how iran has no chance against isreal boom. cut off!!! Neo cons must love death and are hurt by reason and sound policy. let them fix their own problems cause we got plenty over here that need fixed. You're bad at english.,5,0,4,5,0,27,0 2537,X2538,se nota q no dedicaron suficientee tiempoo montandoloo.... se ve muy falsoo thats pretty damn fucked up. why do you humiliate yourselves by putting up this shit? you are gayand black ta wenizimooo!!!!!1 chencho es gay xD haha nerds are fags fags\ pussy!! GAP is for gays,8,1,4,1,0,31,0 2538,X2539,Aliens have Youtube? wdf is this...? go back to sleep. im suddenly craving a shot of Jacky D's lol Your going to hell *giggles* WTF?!?! on a scale of 1-10... EREVEN Something tells me she gives really great handjobs...,7,0,4,5,0,22,0 2539,X2540,jajaja acaban de pasar sus videos en un programa de television en argentina. Son buenisimos! jaja jaja q grosso rodrigoo!! es real? ayyy se ve re liinda!! i love zac efron!! ^^ ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy esa gorda!!! es hermosa cleoo!!BESOTES!! rona ^^ me encantan sus videos y sus cancionesestan muy buenas!! canta muuuuuuuuuuuy bienn!!! es increible la voz que tiene este chico! Es muy lindo ese coritome encanta! casi todas las noches lo canto en mi mente. :) Dios los bendiga. jajajajjaja no podes!! jajaja q risaa xD jaja y la otra hdp la sigue jajajajaj q grossa Rickyyyy sos hermosooooooooooo :F,11,5,5,4,0,25,0 2540,X2541,hit him with a fork I dont get bullied at all and i have broken up fights when its two bigger kids vs a smaller weaker kid who cant defend himself i kind of have a temper so if someone picks on one of my good friends i kinda just blow up i have said some pretty mean things to kids before but when it comes to kids cutting themselves and suicide thats just to far then i regret ever saying that stuff i have not caused any deaths or anything but i still have made kids feel bad about themselves he looks like red skull without the mask wolverine is my favorite but his quoats really suck and he talks weird you guys need to make the top 10 bloody games in the world so im pretty sure gears of war would be in the top 3 that day was a fun day im the ultimaate beast in tge middle with the cape why doenent jacob just dye in real life hes a big mean idiot hey gavin are you sure that was jacobs 1st donut it looked like his 9 milionth thats one big kid this looks beast its getting annoying that was not the worst ive seen but it was ok sort of well i wont say it I really hated this video sorry but i have seen way better lego animation so who ever thought this was so awesome u should watch lego black ops 10000000000000 times better what the f#@5 IS THIS SH%T i liked the beast graphics dude i love gears of war 1 2 and 3 they are all beast games i like halo but not as much as gears of war hey have u even played the gears games because minh young kim dies in gears1 raam picks him up with his hand and stabs his huge sword into minhs heart i dont know how he could survive that and plus this game was made after gears 1 and 2 andit takes place before gears of war 1 because jace is not a gear yet in this game but he is a gear in 1 2 and 3 i hope that is dumb enough for u he said u were coming home its not an orc its a urak hai learn ur lord of the rings urak hai are beasts they tore an ork apart and they killed all of the orks that wanted to eat merry and pipin and urak hai arent even orks i know he gas the squeakiest voice in the world that was amazing awesome u need to stop making these stupid videos,24,1,2,2,0,40,0 2541,X2542,Terrible... Best toy ever Spectacular He died my year of birth? Weird....and odd _ You play Xbox 360 or ps3 my gamertag is RealBrewster95 both on the same consoles friend I wanna challenge you someday... I'm a swell Dee Jay fighter DEE JAY looks simply fantastic! Oh yeah that's right srry I was confused until I did research on these games I felt pretty stupid lol. Dude xefos dawg I really enjoy ur animation its very entertaining you should make more episodes you can't stop here in episode five we got to know what happened don't leave us hanging am I right people? Uh oh he's in big trouble now _ Dee jay totally made a total smack down on ryu LOL IN 6:53 Not cool man our elders are the smartest elders in the world ur trolling is not all that great anymore I'm unsubcribing u bro srry What's with the triangles? Slender!!! 10:00 Yea this hunger games map is alot bigger than mine :'( Dollar please T__T,15,3,3,7,0,17,0 2543,X2544,why is MGK whack? it's clear he isnt tryna be something he's not. That's what makes hopsin the real deal I don't know anything about specific programs like photoshop. I'm just pointing out that you can run any program on Surface Pro that you could on a laptop and get the same functionality as you would from your laptop. But programs operating from the desktop arent specifically made for the Surface(touch screen) they're made for computers and therefore I wouldn't expect each windows 8 run from desktop to fully utilize the touch capabilities. no he's not Not as good as cats Tony Hawk! what real clown he was! yeah sure you had a girlfriend did she die of cancer as you were trying to win the Heisman also? One of my favorites from the old alternative emo days Hey people.... That dudes 84? Looks like hes 60 funny how you and all the comments call the NE player a nub haha you're awful this strat wouldnt work on anyone haha why would you post this? so ppl can make fun of you? only reaqson this works is cuz NE is nub you;re not good. dual barracks lmao game doesnt deserve commentsry 'My dad is not a f'***** horse' with scroll he can. THe kid loves it! So i do! the moon omg Polymorph effective? haha grubby will get walkers and upgrades spells for dispell poly is easily dispelled So you spend years playing this game only to get killed by the 13 year old who crafted a spear from a log and wanted to kill ppl. Sounds funn... Thats a nice sweater tho oh but it does.,22,10,4,5,0,22,0 2544,X2545,The so cute:')!! She's amazing!!!!!!! You look like liz gillies:)!!!-3xxxx Smiler -3 Just look at her NOOOW:)-3 Omg she's so cute;) Thank you:')!!!! #LoveMyRosiers thanks for always supporing me!!!3 I love this!!!! OMG!!!! Dayna dayna dayna...bat man.. Anna Oliver needs to get away -.- I fell Inlove with your voice:')!!! Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer please don't take my man..even know you can...OKAY IM SORRY I JUST HAD TO XD I LOVE YOU MILEY! That's my girl:')!!! That moment when you remember this on a #mileymandy video :O!!!!! OMG!!!!! Her eyes... She had too much red bull xD thank you:)!!!! Miley cyrus hands down! THAT VOICE! I love this xD thank you:) noah sang miley's bit:')3,21,72,4,116,0,15,0 2545,X2546,She looks so beautiful in this performance..3 OH.MY.GOD. This was wonderful. 2:07 - 2:26 MADE.MY.DAY.Completely loved how you sang parts of the songs in the movies!3 I honestly think you were singing a little flatmaybe it was because of the guitar but maybe you should redo this without the guitar :) This is so..beauitful. It was so smooth and perfectabsulutely loved this! PERFECT. Ohmygoodness! Any chance of posting a tutorial? :) *wrong and they didnt. This was amazing. :),7,21,4,4,0,49,0 2546,X633,"this chick is way hotter than chris hansen. because of the cleavage i give her a .5 and ,laid, as well. I'm impressed. I hate how every time she talks she sounds as if she's on the verge of crying. idk. Vision Issues was so funny to me. Am I the only guy incredibly jealous of the guy in the NY hat? go ahead youngblood. Ahhh. I now understand how the insults work. First- you mimic there voice while announcing you are them.They then walk away distraught and upset.Second- You then say ,Fuck you (insert their name)you guys are clever. I was at the show and that girl would not stop. I wanted to hit her. An* object. I was at this show and i waited in line for 6 hours just to be right near the stage. It was well worth it. The best show of my lifetime. Trust me. You're not. does that dude have a perm? I like how this version has 2 million views and the vevo one has 100000 hahaha I'm 100% positive I'm addicted to all things Lana. Sweet dude. You're cool. God her smile is infectious. This is so dope. mate is so good. why cant i watch this in full screen? here's Burtono's twitter.@justburtono 3:07 cutest thing ever! hahahah he just got on everyone's head in this video here ya go.@DJRL21 in response to your tags. Lana Del Rey is amazing! 09:34 hahahahaha I want to audition for your remake. I love the awkward news pause Nardwaur vs. Lana Del Rey Yup. naindee persant ahh boston accent. Nardwuar vs. Lana Del Rey Vernon Davis and Lebron James have the same barber. beginning almost sounded like lana del rey beautifulist? Perfect. hahaha the hiccups Nardwuar vs. Lana Del Rey Lana Del Rey has me by a string. Nardwuar vs Lana Del Ray Passion teas are fuckin gross. I have a ,that guy, and ,that girl, list that I'm constantly adding to on my phone. Now I don't feel original. soulja boy chews gum so stupid. it's annoying. This is how Ricky Williams plays after his holistic medicine school. Her voice is so addicting. He isn't as funny as Dennison. Jesse Pinkman. Bitch",46,0,4,5,1,21,0 2547,X2548,"boss magkano ang fet 3000? zelo is so cute... sitting beside yongguk.... heheheh just like a child beside his father..hehehehhe yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... B.A.P rockzzzzzzzzzzzzzz they're awesome... love them whats with himchan's outfit..hehheeh anyway he looks cute... love him hehhehe me too.. hahahhaha baby zelo is indeed the tallest...kekekke :) such a cute maknae i just love him.... he never disappointed all his fans ............. such a great artist...... GD oppa saranghamida....!!! :) hehehehehe....... it so happen himchan is my bias..hehehe but i love both of them kekekke :) i never expect himchan has a very sweet voice... kekeke it gives me another reason to love him more... :) ALL OF THEM.................... ARE GOOD zelo is indeed a ,baby, hehehehe",11,0,7,3,0,24,0 2548,X2294,"Don't be argumentative with the candidate???? Really? Hmmmmm I thought this was America where people can say what they want. If you can't take some heat when you tell lies in front of cameras then maybe you shouldn't run for President. I never was a conspiracy theorist. Maybe it's naive not to be but this video has alot of seemingly credible evidence that this was an event orchestrated by our government. The only real problem I have about the controlled demolition is that the number of people required to carry out such pre-event work would have to be quite large. With all those people involved its hard to believe that they could all keep quiet about it especially 11 years afterward. I'm afraid I don't agree. I don't think she was trying to insult Americans. Besides since most Americans know nothing of other cultures don't know their own constitution or can't name a single of the three branches of government or find America on a map I can only conclude that there are many many stupid people out there. I encounter them everyday. One last thing. If you're going to lecture someone at least spell ,divercity, correctly. It's diversity with an ,s,. The Reagan speech was about the cold war and the necessity of standing up to the Soviet Union. What a couple of losers. I guess they couldn't think of anything so they ripped off Reagan. I only got through about half of this and had to turn it off because that black chick just wouldn't shut the fuck up. Chuck Norris is an ignorant moron. So this woman narrating in the beginning of the video whoever she is was told in August to stay out of NYC because an attack was imminent and she didn't tell anyone???? Shut up and go put a shirt on you illiterate punk. Glad to see he took anger management. The chick on this video is one of the biggest idiots I've ever seen. She should just shut up. Wow the arrogance meter is pegged when these 2 get going. No it's a 10000 meter race. O'Reilly is a liar and a hypocrite. Fox and friends is such a joke. They are so desperate to badmouth Obama that they will let anyone on their show to do it. I'm glad this guy made them look more ridiculous than usual. If people are going to coexist then my right to swing fist stops before it connects with your nose. It is in my best interest to get along with others in our society. I really don't think we need ,proof, that murder is wrong. I was raised with absolutely no religion and I was taught to respect others. Religion is unnecessary and non religion is anything but barbarism. If you're looking for barbarism just read that book of fairytales you worship. This woman is a brainwashed retart. What a load. I always thought the violin was cool but this is another level of cool.....Love your music and your style. Love the sax in this song. Duh?Everyone? Does that include the people who believe in Allah or Buddha or Apollo or Zeus or Thor. There are literally hundreds of gods people of the world believe in. I just love you pious self righteous christians who think they have all the correct knowledge and condescend to everyone else. For all you know you could be praying to the wrong god. What do you say then? ,Oops I was an ignorant fool who believed in something without any evidence or common sense?, Someone once said If I had to give up all my rights except one I would keep freedom of speech. Because with freedom of speech I could get all the others back. Freedom of speech Joe freedom of speech. He didn't shoot them over a ticket. He shot them because they resisted arrest and attacked him. You're the dumbass. Cops aren't supposed to back down when they are enforcing the law. Could only get thru about 4 minutes of this crap. What total bullshit. Sarah Palin's cousin.....Can't answer a simple question. Easy to see why she was not elected. I guess politicians are all alike no matter where they are from. I'd like to see her evidence that atheists die first. I guess she thinks if she says it people will believe it. Love it when this moron tries to talk about the constitution and the economy. This is exactly why I don't listen to Limbaugh on the radio. Rove looks like an idiot stuttering like portky pig obviously under alot of stress as the realization that his guy is going to lose. I hope his 15 minutes is finally over. Love the way crazy people get louder and louder when they can't speak intelligently on a subject. There's nothing wrong with crying over the loss of a friend. You are not stupid for acknowledging real human emotions. Loss is part of living but that doesn't make it any easier. God bless you for being who you are. He's easier to understand than my D.I. was. Really where did you meet all these liberals? I don't think you met them at any of your rallies so please enlighten us with your vast knowledge and research of liberals and what they believe in.",34,1,7,5,0,49,1 2549,X2550,Gabbo 3 Dread 3 Love this song :S _,3,112,3,1,0,20,0 2550,X2551,WHAT A NASTY CULTURE! they will eat anything AISAN TALK LIKE MEXICANS LOL...........saying the word fool all the time makes you look STUPID! im pretty sure the shot that killed it was on the know between the head and body:Pno armor there ipad sux what is it really for........? my cellphone does plenty the ipad is a waste of money like poop flavored candy.....but aslong as peeps keep buying things they dont really need i guess they will get rich from poor people what a scam lol lol he took a deep breath lol lol he looked like Jim Breuer at the end the girl chewing gum like a slob was a tattle tale lol i cant wait till this happens to a cops family! KARMA! they will get theres see what happens when you buy stupid music look how short vin looks nxt to everyone the dork has rich parents prolly lol why do his sound so wet? same pooter? have him give pooter tips make a vid?????? oh ya PRESS 124 and laugh lol damn she sounds like heart lead singer nvr heard of looks like sams club if you watch the first video and then this one you can see that he got his teeth fixed fake teeth just like the rest of the famous people....... ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL COPS ARE DIRTY ONE WAY OR THE OTHER....THERE JUST HUMANS IN DIFFERENT CLOTHES LOOKS LIKE WERE ALL SLAVES I WONDER WHAT THEY WOULD DO IF WE ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL DID NOT GO TO WORK FOR A MONTH?????? HMMM THAT WOULD BE POWER!!!! KARMA! it has nothing to do with his race........he just sucks thats about it......they are spending about 2billion on the coming election and were allready in debt......CASE IN POINT!,21,1,6,10,0,34,0 2551,X2552,no-one does it like Bowie. Gold. full marks. Happy Australia Day and RIP Slim Dusty a true blue Aussie Icon. sharing this,5,1,5,5,1,45,0 2552,X2553,GT Xxx4SNIPER4xxX please invite me today if you do you can have a free netflix account and a free hulu plus account! ed your a bass master im a masterbaiter I had that mouse and the logitech G700 now i have the cyborg R.A.T 9 gaming mouse.... its horrible i hate it its the most uncomfortable mouse ive ever had! FUCKING REDNECK HE DESERVED IT! And you made this so much harder than it had to be. HELLLOOOO 007! you won claim your free prize for worst sound video! congrats Oh ok windows 8 isnt even out but windows 9 can be out ok that makes alot of sense you fucking troller! NO FAIR! i thought it said aid bit world well then I think his mom should be on tv too.... biggest loser or she could be on heavy either one. david got scurred! have to be stupid to go out there and dance like that. Haha Shut the hell up hes little hes doing what he wants hes not a puppet being controlled by his parents. and WTF where did the Obama thing come from im not a fan of Any president to me there all there for the money. but hes a kid he doesnt know what humping is hes just dancing you fucking pereverted dick head! thats possible he will get better when he goes through puberty his voice isnt deep enough yet but still good. why would you want to do that is it hard to control since im a fan of the pc version? can you get texture packs? minecraft pocket edition is really good i like it more than xbox so think about it its only 4 dollars or 7 i dont remember but its a great portable game from the appstore and the playstore/android market girls play games now. whats the world coming to! New account there will no longer be any videos on this account Carly nice ( . )Y( . ) Wait... if you did do the foot thing how would he control it isn't he paralyzed?,26,3,4,11,0,21,0 2553,X2554,I watch this video after im done watching cute animals like kittens to get my manlyness again. that slut i hate her she ruined my childhood feels Can anyone tell me the song when he does a penta? xD Omg i'm getting tears i remember the old runescape i miss it so much i remember when i rushed home from school just to play this game And great job man awesome videos fuq da poliec niqqa u aint know a shit wat i've been trough,6,3,3,9,1,16,0 2554,X1431,":') haha! where did you find the sugar cane? could you make a house thats like a college dorm room type one? and not a single fuck was given.... no one cares about punctuation on youtube especially when they're learning the ukulele. no it isnt. i dont see the offence he's having fun with the game like you're meant to just like you're meant to do what the game tells you and tbh im pretty sure there are other video where there is a little offence towards religion but who should give a f*ck? its just games and hes just having fun if you dont like it than unsubscribe? PLAY MINECRAFT he wants to take money off people to give it too the government and for what?! buying more weapons for war wastingthe money on computers that arent needed when he should be actually making a proper change with the money like giving it to the poor in africa coz i dont see any change yet. the amount we do for them and each yeah it seems like nothing has happened YOU HAVE TO PLAY MINE CRAFT it is brock there is a clip when he's in a onsie and his name is on it when hes on the phone.... :L and there are many other clips where you hear them say brock i still dont have trapdoors how did you get it? the name should be changed to how to get one more plank of wood to what you started with..... didnt want to watch the video because it's 13:04 minutes long and it also says you will regret..... why did they put sarah jessica parker in this game? rhettandlink need to do a mythical monday where they go around their local town and ask people what 2 or 3 animals they'd like to join together to make a mythical beast and what its name it would be i think it would be cool pewdiepie! PLEASE just for us without rock smith do a acoustic cover for us of any song of your choice? i think the trolleys/shopping carts are more magnetised i was expecting dupset! not trollstep! PEWDIEPIE NOO! how could have you gone to my home town when im not there?! D: i was so gutted come up to elgin in scotland? chords? watch my videos someone give me help? watch my videos someone give me help? its been proven that a kick in the balls is a lot worse than giving birth and some guys do have to worry about hair and sometimes make up i guess and to add to that they have to put up with a bitchy girlfriend when shes on her period that shout at us for doing pretty much nothing.... real americans reject air conditioning? ha! i maybe english but im pretty sure the majority of american houseapartments and other peoples contain aircon and being gay is very natural they dont ,choose, to be gay shay get back in touch with nathan! thats pretty cool but all the red stone and blocks to connect it all is messy why dont you try and make it underground? it would look nicer twice the work but it pays off sontard:let me see who i have i have brock!(rocktard) i chocked on some of my lunch walking back to school once lucky i trips on an old tennis net that wasnt put up properly and got winded TENNIS SAVED MY LIFE what i dont like so much is that you must film at least 2 hours worth of video each day and we only get(on a good day) up to 27 minutes or(on a bad day) less than 20 but the videos are great keep it up the skatepark bit sounded like a starwars space fight... OH MY DAYUM ahh! i remember flat stanley i didnt try to flatten myself but have tried to get through a letter box and get my arm stuck.... am i the only one who knows why the bed killed him....",33,2,3,2,0,19,0 2555,X2556,"YOU STUPID ASSHOLES NEED TO GET OVER YOURSELVES WHY ARE YOU WASTING TIME POSTING NEGATIVE COMMENTS? NO ONE CARES.Chris Crocker is hilarious :] :]...and just because he's ,gay, you go off the wall. WHO CARES?! and he does have myspace fans.Your videos are the best just to let you know even though Lucas just now got his own CHANNEL about a month ago his fred videos have been around for longer than a year. Since... May 2007 AT LEAST. hahahah Awww she's cute and she's really good. Why are you making negative comments about a nine year old girl?",4,1,6,2,0,18,0 2556,X2557,"Memoriesss man good times( : Guy mahomie here and I'm not gay or ashamed to be one if you are a girl and you dont find trey songz attractive or sexy you are a lesbian. Love it-3 John tucker must die brought me here. 2:47 *__* Is this song newer than say something? Omg okay austin if you read the comments I just want you to know you aree sooo good looking and your voice is amazing Yung nationnnnnn!!! -b Lol yal foolin. Ayeeee killin it doee!! 2013 still listening to this( : still listening to this 2013 Austin mahone ,breaking free, lip sync. Watch i Please before you ignore this just think if you were in my position how much you would want everyone to give you a chance.. All I ask is that you please check out my channel. I'm a rapper from Los Angeles and you have NOTHING to lose by listening..By NOT listening you could miss out on who could have became one of your new favorite rappers. And I know that sounds crazy but you never knowI'd appreciate if you subscribed too! before I go thanks to everyone who gave me a chance! Please before you ignore this just think if you were in my position how much you would want everyone to give you a chance.. All I ask is that you please check out my channel. I'm a rapper from Los Angeles and you have NOTHING to lose by listening..By NOT listening you could miss out on who could have became one of your new favorite rappers. And I know that sounds crazy but you never knowI'd appreciate if you subscribed too! before I go thanks to everyone who gave me a chance! THA FUCK?! Memories :( ayo waddup crease This is messed up but kinda funny... like your on a old song spree!(: this song never gets old!! Harryy!!(: So cute She is soo sexy",24,2,2,5,0,20,0 2557,X252,Nilo? The english week was great. I really miss you and i guess we'll never get such a cool teacher again ... ):But cool song :)Greetings from Korneuburg. Kapisch? :D Love the guy who is just standing there and kisses everyone that walk by :P I like those little 'sighs' he always makes *-* (Like on 1:45 between in and out ^^ [You know what I mean? ;D]) Aww... I just wanna walk between Alex and this cute little monkey. I wanna hold the hands of both *-* I was sitting in my garage masturbating! *Crowd goes yay* xD Well... I'd like to see Jade's face : DD How could this sweet sentence be on a song called poison? -And you can try on my clothes but you can't fill these shoes.Anyway I loove the song. It's one of my fav and just 'cause I've seen it on the top-comments to all who think all time low sucks just because they have changed:Nobody cares If ya do. They're still awesome even though they have changed maybe they're better. Have you ever thought that way? All time low will ALWAYS be awesome no matter what! 3 I love those guys! 3 You make me listen to a song I normally wouldn't listen at all (: Great job :D need to get this as my new ringtone :b What song is this ? (: Billy and Stu were the best. 3 0:22 everytime I see that it kills me a bit more inside. :( this one and the part in which billy dies are the only parts in scream I really hate. /3 Billy and Stu were far the best. 3 I hated Sidney for killing them and still hate her. They should've came back in one of the sequels. :/ I guess I do that everyday. :bghostface is stalking me and I don't notice it. :b I hate how everybody says that twelve or thirteen year old girls only love them because they're adorable or something and that all of them are just fangirling about that stuff. I mean don't get me wrong - they ARE adorable as fuck but I fell in love with the band because of their music and before I knew how they looked like or something. and guess what - I'm thirteen.-.- I hope Kirby survived 3 this could so be part of a horror movie.... I don't think that it matters why you know her. All that matters is THAT you know her don't you think so? I think it's great that this song was played on the vampire diaries because she deserves to have much more fans than she already has. she has such a great voice. 3 Dsds taugt eigentlich nur als Sprungbrett mir tuts um die Gewinner eigentlich immer leid - bin froh dass er nicht gewonnen hat. 3 I finally really know the meaning of eargasm. DLS: I don't know if I'm actually happy or just pretending. this needs to be longer! .___. You can't just compare every band with a female lead singer with paramore . 2:02 I tried to sing that - I failed. This is so awesome. :'D I guess you're listening to nicki minaj or some crap... . you ripped off zack's head? O___o I couldn't hear the song after 2:02 because of my laugh. O: I like how they talked to their parents too (: Why are all the comments about nicki minaj? who care's... I mean I'm scared because she stares at me but it's a day to remember 3,30,0,3,5,0,14,0 2558,X2559,sounds like after school but better singers.....IMO.... Psy never copied any songs..besides he is too much of a genius to do that..... they care still young but Im hoping they will date in the future!!!...kehehe Lee Ha Yi looks like a doll!!...pretty girl with a husky voice...:) Bom's face is bloated again.... my male friends all like Miu....haha.... i thought it was booties.....haha that girl Saerom is so childish....... nice love love... That annoying Kevin guy better be out of there seriously..... been a fan of sungha since 2009....and im more in love with him every passing day...:).....just hoping he is into noonas coz i'm 2 years older...hahaha She wore the same dress worn by Pink in the VMAs.....:) Im 5' 7 in height and i love wearing 4 inch basically I cant wear heels in Korea if I dont want to stand out...hahaha nice song......much love from a blackjack...:) sugoii...:) my most loved song from infinite next to chaser.....;),16,0,4,1,0,18,0 2559,X2560,creeper of duty happy d-day!!!!!!!! he wont do it if you yell at him your like cato i hope you get hit buy a truckroll of a cliff and get eaten by a shark you mother fucking asshole!!! 6th spawn in a life jem with too many items mo cretaturs oh hell ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rsvp for the werwolves use a golden sword it gets rid of them faster than iron or dimond trust me ive used this mod. why donet they move to fucking russia and be nucler missle targets those pepole are going t brun in mother fucking hell dem fuckin niggers yes yes he did wall hack,14,0,3,5,0,19,1 2560,X2561,pick me plz plz plz plz its ryan and im divorcing you :) everyone i know him he goes tro my school can i be a mod can i be lead of security its me supposed but do i got to audition thts to bad woo im back! i messaged you message me back now ok? its sarahi i gave them a fake email addres i put its a virus Zoey 101 is so better I couldnt have said it better EVERYONE I AM MAKING A NEW ICP CALLED ICPPSV1 COMMENT FOR MORE INFO ICPPSV1 INFO VIDEO WITH A PREVIEW COMING SOON!!!!! @Jaeg99 I would use blogger or wordpress I use both.,16,65,4,21,0,17,0 2561,X2562,22:18 damn nature you scary!!! while watching i activated chair mode so many times well sir pewdie doesn't play minecraft xbox and soooooo many people have made wipeout maps so you can shit brix lol ELGATO BURN THE WOOL FLOOR. THUMBS UP SO HE CAN SEE!!! lol your beard grew jordan,7,1,3,5,0,13,0 2562,X787,"That Bowie is gorgeous Gorgeous knife but at the price I would opt for a KaBar Large Heavy Bowie. Boo! I saw the title and though it was going to be a live action remake of Titan A.E. I ended up getting a kydex sheath on Ebay for a few bucks. Now the knife is great. yeah the lawnmower man in the short story was a pig man cloven hooves and all. Walked after the lawn mower eating everything it cut even a cat or some shit...been forever since I read it that's cool. my 2 and 3 year olds will love it. the love bubbles and the love my ir helis. One calls them ,fly copters, and the other calls them ,hamburgerters, I use the Chromed Brass Weishi with Astra Platinums. Works excellent. I mean knife in the split *does not says the person who uploads a 10 minute video of a rat dog sleeping. margaret Hillier there are some extremist who claim to be Mormon but are not recognized. I am sure that there are some crazy Aussies but I can't user that small segment to judge them all can I? These always crack me up @simplesamplespace: If it is not madeout of whale oil it is not is toilet water. anything? ok my name then. both ivy (she is so dammed beautiful) and catwoman were in antm awesome BS. The Remnants Power Armor in Fallout New Vegas. The whole thing is purposely supposed to be cheesy 1 liner after cheesy 1 liner. It was a parody. Some people are thick I guess. Great stuff as always Noss. Nevermind the Haters they have no idea of what torture tests are for or even that manufactures who strive for perfection perform them. On a side note is this the best stainless fixed blade in it's class that you have tested? Angela is that you? You are a prick-at the time this kid was less than 15 years old. He has since passed away.You are the ass. Pair a Buck 110 up with this knife and you are set. How long until he gets eaten like Grisly Man I am on the forums. I got some flak for complaining and asking why in the hell would Kabar make a sheath out of glass reinforced nylon. I got hit with it does not dull the knife that much.-Bullshit. Just went to show me that many on Bladeforums have no idea of what a sharp knife actually looks like. I do love the trading forums though. What crappy easstern european crap do you use? A sharpened piece of rebar?Hilarious. sorry I like the xd-45 better than any gen of n the glock 21. But I like the Glock 21 better than the xdm-45. I also like Glock better than XD in every other calibur. But in .45 the Original XD has it in all the right places. Best modern .45 I have ever used. This video got me to sub. Oh yeah put some simple black grip tape on the handle. Perfect bug out bag knife existence to the American people proudly exercising their second amendment right. joeclapper: yes a Smith's Pocket Pal will sharpen this knife. perfect bug out bag knife. cheap tough versatile excellent video. Very true. The spear is an instinctual weapon for man. It is how we carved our place out of the wild. I don't know if you've ever seen that movie The Grey. But if you have don't you think that the knife if you would've liked to have had most was the cold stone Bushman? Outside of a gun the spear is probably the most effective defensive weapon man can use against a Predator when you get the attention of the zombie leave out the door you came in grip tape-done. Everything else is kinda dumb. The knife is a great chopper. stick a 12-18 inch stick up it's ass and it will chop like a machete. And that knife is no where near the weight of a machete. You are funny. He is full of crap. I dont own a hi-point but a good buddy of mine has every gun they make. I have shot and seen him shoot hundreds upon hundreds of rounds through each and every one of them. I have never seen a single failure. And we were running cheapo blazer and tula ammo through them. While the Joker is a better character as far as lethality Nolan's al ghul and the league of shadows would own Joker because they are as skilled as Batman but will have no remorse and kill him straight away.",35,1,8,5,0,32,0 2563,X2564,hahaha the video speed is quite enjoyable I dont want him to do this.... if anything i would be okay if steven moffat made a big screen movie of doctor who continuing the series but its going to get to confusing for people now.... like there will be the question has there been 11 doctors or 12 What is the song at 1:27? is this a song? Matsica Princess Diares. Quality movie. Omg what is this song?,7,0,3,2,0,19,0 2564,X2565,i think i'm in love 3 WHY ARE YOU NOT FAMOUS?! ey gurrrrl wtf why am i crying? this was the cutest thing ever omg i cant even ...LOL i have been doing push ups wrong for the longest time louis actually wasnt being rude i think liam and niall was being a bit snarky lol omg my mom watched this with me and started cracking up omfg your dad is like the cutest man ever you two are so precious i just cant 3 Oh my goodness you are high as f*** girllllllll,10,0,3,2,0,21,0 2565,X2566,wow what a mother huj makes me sick gonna give my kids lots of kisses tonight omg they just keep going wow and to top it off they are cleaning up,2,0,3,5,0,25,0 2566,X2567,eey alle kkr haters hier dat hjullie het nou niet kunne kanne wij der niets aan doen ga lekker je moeder of je vader neuken kkr bal haars hjb hij is zo lekker he ir-sais zij is een hoer lelijk gek neejjj hij kent t echt niet chil wil ook later wel rijk zijn Hhaahah zo slecht geef is je msn?? boyy Ik zal je pet maar snel terugbrengen je kaartje hangt er nog aan maat ^^,10,0,4,5,0,41,0 2567,X2568,die lacht darber weil ihr kollege ghnend eingeblendet wurde ganz am anfang ist ganz nett aber nach dem 20 mal nervt es und ist nicht mehr lustig! and my mother said you turn iinto a zombie if you watch spongebob... oh god ^^ wow... speachless... @ gueterkurde1: dafr dass die die ganze zeit das gleiche singt verdient die eine scheie mit diesem song auch wenns ein cover ist... uund auerdem darf die das ich meine das is lady gaga! @ gurugaryknows Jump2893: why do you compare two of the best guitarists of our time in that negative way? they are both good pretty good and both of them are legends but in different ways! the difference is that emmanuel is doing that stuff since he`s 4 wow ich hasse cover eig weil sie scheie sind aber du... wow... total meine meinung rumgerissen... wow... i wanna have that red ball... leude was schreibt ihr hier fr kommentare hin? geniet die musik und schreibt eure romane wann anders! 2:43 ich kann nich mehr! all i hear is efhasnncvklsdifjlkscnsam hands up yeeaaahhh asduhafjlxfnsk when i start playing that game i wait at least 10 minutes to load my last safetypoint just t hear that fucking hilarious shit! ich glaube ich habe mich in sein lcheln verliebt... hach n watt schn!,12,0,4,5,0,18,0 2568,X2569,Yeah.. just like MrEvilcannibal said.. say Hadoooooouken! :D Hey your show is pretty awesome to be honest.I've watched many of your videos but this one specificly gets in my mind.Since I've known myself (I''m 21 by the way)) instead of normal people I drink coke. (I RARELY drink water and that's after a 2 hours soccer game pretty much)So as you mentioned in this video how could it affect me seeing I consume way more than the average normlal people? (Seeing as I don't drink water at all pretty much..)Thanks in advance to whoever answers this Q. That reminds me of the southpark episode when they get high off cat pee. Unique. Captain obvious for the rescue.,5,119,8,32,0,33,0 2569,X2517,"i'm realizing now my little sister sounds exactly like that UCLA student (white racist one not the viatnamese one) protip: I is the correct word in this occurence not meprotip: asinine bigots should not speak especially on the internet I bet he moves to gangnam now exactly! I would have that they were chanting fuhrer i just had to turn on the lights cause i was getting freaked out.... I just went and listened to it. I was also in the dark. It took 2 minutes for me to become nevous enough that i felt the need to turn them off ...and i still am refusing to look in the closet behind me. its creepy shit shocklands have the basic land types and i don't think i heard any farseeks get played i love how it says ,what the heck just happened?, he learns splash tackle flail and bounce 1962-present.... 70's included you may not be calling people names and applaud you for that but you also have not given anyone a shred of evidence.facts that are true iphones suck. if you want one get off your lazy asses and get a job... And if you get to tell us to keep our nonexistant agenda to ourselves then I get to tell you to kindly shut up and fuck off....and keep your religious agenda to YOURSELF!!! i'm waiting for the cipher kill spell or cipher mill cards and Eis is by far your best dragon Oh yeah because you've never had a slip of the tongue... 6th gen is gonna be a lot smaller i believe they are saying around 100 sequels I use a coverage set with life orb on sigilyph myself it works pretty welll as long as you're not north/south of like 20-30 degrees actually you're more likely to die from a knife wound than a bullet wound proven factI can find the video if necessary 1Q84 anyone? *pulls out a death note*that can be arranged.... did she start the intervie by saying individuals own tanks and F-15s? because that immediatly makes anything she says somewhat questionablealso watch this video if you think just having a gun on you will protect you: watch?v=sDjKSQE27xwplus if you're being attacked by more than 2-3 people chances are their going to be able to disarm you before even a good shooter could hit them all.and do watch the video it's unbiased and shows just how much training you need I honestly like girls with long wavy hair but i must say pixie cuts can look really good. It all depends on the girl. I think you can be attracted to someone and be just friends it just means if they are attracted to the other party that won't act on it for whatever reason I just had a great idea for a shirt3 panelsfirst: straight pridesecond: gay prideand the third larger one: mutual pride (two couples; one gay one straight giving each other a thumbs up) yeah...cephalopods have a decentralized brain weven though cephalization means centralized brain Nintendo should sue PETA for slander or defamation or something... sounds like this kid is mocking Rush Limbaugh some of his facial expressions throughout this video are absolutely hilarious Repzion there are not that many if any first hand sources stating jesus exists. In fact the Romans very diligent record keepers have no records of his execution even though they kept them for so many others yeah she's right there would be no we the human race would cease to exist... Hey Just because you failed attendance doesn't mean you have to get mad at other people I. Need. That. Shirt. well considering it's OR....",37,3,5,5,1,21,0 2570,X2571,QA: would u go to florida to see chris smoove? machinima lockout,2,0,3,1,0,37,0 2571,X2572,how many 10s of thousands of videos does it take for me to have freedom enough to grow my own medicine. This state sucks for freedom man. Free Cannabis. Ya ya whatever bro. Do what You want with ur dick and Ill do the same. Jesus fucking Christ. Are You really arguing about what forskin is better on this Bill maher fucking channel. Wow you need to get some pussiy with that fucked up looking dick of yours. Good Luck bro. Wow She brings a new level of stupidity to fox. This is our country ppl. Get a fucking grip you morons. Im ashamed off us all. Whatever science jibberish you spout at meif Youre not filled with love You cant tak to me. nice hash bro. Good job. every one should make hash and give it to eachother for free. peace and Cannabis. sweet bro Drooooooooooool. I only smoke when Im awake. If someone out there knows how to smoke in your sleep let me know. I want to ingest hi levels of thc in REM sleep so I cant control my dreams and fly again. If any of the above made you mad Im insane compaired to most peoples beliefs. I treat all my problems with cannabis. If cannabis cant fix it Ill keep trying with stronger cannabis. If that doesn't work I'll grow stem cells in a converted industrial bread proofer. Don't forget to harvest only stem cells with the lowest canabinoid tollorance possible. 2:20 scared me Agreed. Prayer LOL! WOW wow... why is fox still on tv? He is a good exaple of why I dont give a fuck what you assholes do to this shit hole. Sick and discusting people in power positions so sad. 1:56 the sweetest fucking fill ever! Dude You actually make my weed taste better. :) lol I totally agree. It makes me feel ashamed of the humans in this country. We used to be ahead of everyone on most everything but now we really have nothing but debt and backwards views on people and what theyre entitled to as far as personal liberty. Our American motto should be...if you have a fucking problem with Us we will burn You to the ground. shame shame shame on all my fellow country men that see this and dont even say anything let alone do something to change it.,18,0,2,5,0,33,1 2572,X2573,AMAZING she totally reminds me of amy from karmin!!!! ilove cher! no I LOVE KAYLA thats me at 0:12 !!!!!,6,66,3,12,0,27,0 2573,X2574,That video made me hungry... might go grab a bacon buttie Animals contain growth hormones antiobiotics etc? No. All medication that is being put into animals that are going into the food chain have a withdrawal period - that is the period for which the animal cannot be sent to slaughter after being given medication. Same goes for dairy cows. Ahh mate you've obviously never been on a dairy farm... I think you'll find that the animal waste fertilises YOUR food. Ahhh mate that cow's naturally like that isn't it :/ Look up Belgian Blue? How come people in Africa are allowed to eat fish but because I live in the developed world I'm not? Eh? Mamma Naish says she is very impressed and proud of you - you're not too bad to look at either ;) I'm a little concerned how much she fancies her own nephew but that's what she told me to write :P xxx Lovelyyy Carys :),8,16,4,50,0,18,0 2574,X2575,"they obviously banned it because it's a great an intelligent band.Too much for the MTV Maybe Justin Bieber... great as usual.... great great great... mega cracks Pero la mayora que salen en este video no eran ,kale borroka, segn el presidente del Racing? Hipcritas no cuenten con nosotros 600 miles from Spain. Great show but very fast. I think they were in a hurry. why only 17 songs? In Italia 20. Why did the play the short version of girls on film? We could not sing ,play de fuc...bass john.... . Why did the play the short version of girls on film? We could not sing ,play de fuc...bass john.... SOS Racing. Cuatreros me dirigen.",8,7,6,8,0,39,0 2575,X2576,Cool i want to try this! No one cares! why would you marry for bff! Sorry aobut the 3 other ones are still londing!! Lol that guy is not 18! he is like 100 years old or something! this is long but good! he dance so gay! 31;31 thats so cute O-o Love it!,9,4,2,4,0,21,0 2576,X2577,i love this videooooo u tell thm lol :D ur just mad bc u cant become as successful as justin bieber the only fag is u if u can judge ppl u dnt kno then i will .............. u was good and i did laugh at ur facial expresions lol omgg u should become a singer i would b ur fan bc ur voice is sexy and so r uuu i love it exspecialy the guy sitting there jkust eating lmao why do u have to hate u kno karma is a bitch and its ganna come after u,7,0,3,5,0,13,1 2577,X2578,Stop wearing animals! que bella es Almeria!!!,2,0,5,5,0,39,0 2578,X2579,Omg your amazing :))) Can you do Better days by breaking Benjamin? I love BB and you do there covers so well!! Your voice makes me wet...3 loove it Yummy!!! Can I keep you???? So sexy can I have you ;),4,2,3,3,1,21,0 2579,X2580,I think she meant grip More plz hope he's not dead or i will be crying!! More c'mon plzzzz This is so cute I almost cried! Omg this is so sad it made me cry!:( Omgthis is so sad this made me cry so much! With you on that one @mr.bieberlicious! You are really amazing Ur really good!,9,2,3,2,0,29,0 2580,X2581,Come on ppl. George Michael did this 20 years ago. this is actually hommage to madonna's frozen i'd say gay men don't think these women are ugly. but they most definitely think you're an idiot. :) Since this album was produced in USA I'm not sure it can be labeld as 'British'. Was Madonna considered British when she went to London because it was hip at the time? Famke Janssen used to be such a beautiful actress. Shame what she did to her face. :( Is that Prince at 0:46 :D,6,5,3,1,0,23,0 2581,X2582,Thats because THIS egg was left in the CocaCola for a year .. READ next time :) my friend said this song is boringg : thats why i like it ; its the myrstiouriousness of it ! i listen to this songgg like every hour ! he's bi ; but i bet he CAN and GET all the PINK MATTER ( get it ? ) this righttt heaa is my shi ! niggaaa ! ( in drake voice ) - i can make a lipsinging video like this .,5,3,4,5,1,22,0 2582,X2583,"Parte III: the thing I was so impressed by the people surrounding me in the audience at the Laura Bell Bundy concert because (risas) because I come from Pennsylvania and everyone seemed so hip and aware and smart and interesting and So I always dreamt of singing this particular song for a group of people just like yourselves Absolutely beautiful!! Cleopatra you have a gift for bellydancing!! Thank you!! Thank you so much for uploading it !! Nice nice nice version. Love from Argentina. Way to go!! Does anybody remember she betrayed him first when she made a video of ,Run Joey run, with Jesse Puck and Finn and made Jesse believe he was the only co-star? The whole eggs throwing was out of line but he was the one who got heartbroken first. In season 1 Jesse had a lot more personality than Finn at least he knew what he wanted (whoever wrote the script for season 2 clearly didn't like Jesse and turned him into a silly and more shallow person). Both their voices are amazing. Get better soon! You are not alone it happenned to all of us (overweight people) at one point or another. You're right when you say that for us everything ends up in eating: I eat when I'm happy when I'm sad when I'm scared; anything is a good excuse. What works best for me is not thinking about my weight goal instead when I wake up my goal is not to mess up eating the wrong food just for that day a short term goal makes me feel my odds to succeed are better. Send you lots of love we're all here for you. Hi boggywoman. I guess you do have a point I was focusing more on the fact that the models were playing the role of the band members like showing how their lifestyle was when they were young which it seems involved lots of alcohol (among other things) and yet I thought it was ,easy on the eye,.I appreciate your opinion it's always good to have another point of view and most of all I appreciate the respectful way you expressed your opinion. :-)",9,0,5,12,1,45,0 2583,X1999,"If you knew anything about hardware; its that software dictates how to use it. In benchmarks the iphone 5 was 200 points below all quad core phones (GSIII Exynos same processor as the G) while all other dual core phones were about 900-1200 points below. iPhone's hardware is perfect for the software it runs and it has an amazing gpu...I just wish iOS would be more like android. A few years back it was the other way round why so much hate? He brought up valid points...I favor android over iOS but i respect that for lil wayne HAHAHA look no further how can you even put those names in the same title??? is it me or did that first dialog with Phil seem....suggestive? We'll do it tonight in my garage! Okay but we need to be quiet maybe hes a new bro? Thumbs up if you know when to capitalize letters also keep in mind -whether its good or bad - apple is loading a barebones OS X while Android is loading Linux and yes they both run on unix but a barebones linux like Arch is millions of times faster than OS X what? What are you talking about...he uploads one every day sualy...hes playing like 5 different games right now give some slack :P 16:43 Dont stop for any short period of time*Stops* grammar*.... good I can usually do this song pretty spot on with lyrics but for future reference try to show the lyics earlier or a shorter fade its all in the editing its ios 5 with colored status bars. You don't know what your talking about and first wtf is i.o.s When are people going to realize it DOESN'T Slow your phone down? If you install a million things yeah. I have an ipt 4g running 6.1 jailbroken with around 15 tweaks and settigns loads...legit .03 seconds slower fun run is exactly the same a lot of small mini games are the same for me... Meetro? LMAO! Whats at 0:31 ? hes Swedish.... you know its love when you can do shit like that and she doesnt hate you haha if your a numbskull who wants to smash the keys and have it work without thinking sure mac is for you. If you are intelligent when it comes to technology like having CONTROL over what you purchase and spending less for the actual machine and are able to upgrade literally everything in it. If you think your iPhone 5 is not fast enough gokillyouself you have one of the best fastest phones ever. First world problems... His mind has to buffer...lots of pauses Especially with that grammar; i can tell your a wayne faggot. or drake seems like a little too much bass.... stop talking until you know about hardware. Super iPod Touch 5G Giveaway Good luck to everyone Super iPod Touch 5G Giveaway Good luck to everyone without the second mic for cancellation it will be almost impossible to use in a crowded area your mom is awesome 4:25 loner status How bout a helicopter... exactly. this is revolutionary for ps3 lmao its probably the same goddamned question everyone asks haha keep getting it you'll be better haha Dude I usually dont give props but being a 16 year old rapper whos number 9 in my state... mad props man. Hmu if you wanna collab sometime. I have a hyper 212+ with just..basic paste haha I might have gotten one of them ,golden, chips use fraps",39,52,5,57,0,31,0 2584,X2585,Ik hou echt van dit liedje wie het daar mee eens is klik op het duimpje die omhoog wijst ;)) You are really good ! :)) HAHAHAH ze kan er helemaal niks van hahahhaahahahaha :P Thanks ! :)) I Loveee this songgg ! 33 0:53 hahah but i love his voice 3___3 Thumbs up if you Loveeeee 1D and Zayn And Niall And Harry And Liam And Louis 33,7,0,2,5,0,20,0 2585,X2586,i think it was already pierced it went through too fast without her evening pushing hey how old are you ? i want my septum done but my mom says im too young right now -__- (ughh moms) i wanna know the right age to ask her again . 1:58 - 2:06 xDD green 0:14 i thought he had mustard on his shirt am i the only trippin ball sacks ? your eyelashes are already soo long 3 (: nice video Omg the rain is soo true hes almost as good as kevin hart Omg all you fucking haters can leave our amber alone this almost made me cry like dude really your gunna hate on someone on youtube amber is a really strong and wondeful person with a beautiful heart and for anyone to hate her has something wrong with them selfs amber we love you don't listen to the haters they just wanna get in your head love stay you and never change . Why the fuck is this so hard for me Song?,11,10,4,1,0,17,0 2586,X2587,this is my favorite video of these let's play minecraft. like i actually want to play this and try to do it haha,1,2,4,22,0,16,0 2587,X2588,I love it Edward!!!! 3 the rap name is desire! lol YOU GOT ME BOUT TO THROW MY PHONE SOMEWHEA! ! YOU BETTA SANG! Lol you have a blessing over your life! I wish I could use mine the way you do yours! OH..... MY..... GOODNESS.... GRACIOUS... YALL JUST MADE ME GO TO CHURCH IN MY LIVING ROOM ahaaaaa i watched it with my eyes open the second time.. too funny,5,0,3,4,0,18,0 2588,X2589,"omg obviously ur a bully if this dosent hurt you to watch this and i have noticed EVERY video cover says ,Hoe you like it, But thats so stupid because i usually LOVE IT...........Duhhhh 3:09 Love them all !!! i love this video.............ur really pretty:) WOWWWWW....this is a video that gets so addicting that its the first video you will watch when you get onyoutue subscribe:)) you guys are incredibly talented dancers and your vlogs are the funniest thing eva (:",7,9,3,2,1,17,0 2589,X2590,Oh my goodness!! That hurt!! I guess I need to try again! You should see the people behind you. CREEPERS IN LONDON!! 0.0 I watching you!!! YOUR FACE!! Your reaction was hilarious,2,0,3,1,0,17,0 2590,X2591,@PurpleNinja8D Tottaly agree so e people start stupid fake repost why!? You have a beautiful voice. I love how you took the so g and made it your own. It just shows that you know how to be creative. Don't give up on your dream! You will go far. Believe me,18,2,2,5,0,21,0 2591,X2592,"Raccoon: ,You mad bro?, So in other words you are saying art scares you due to the inability to understand it. This video is strangely reminiscent of The Cell. D: 1:04 ... He's watching you... O_(o.o) You NEVER go full retard. :O Hold up! This whole conversation is based upon assumptions -- it's entirely theoretical! We have no idea what Ed is like in real life! You already like his music so let's go ahead and keep it at that instead of remodeling your personality based upon fantasy-Ed. Because at the same moment the chick dressed as Emma Frost was talking about a baby coming out of a guy's stomach (assuming someone dressed up as the mutant from Total Recall) which gave you the subliminal message that the girl walking sideways with an intent stare at the camera was in fact the baby coming out of a guy's stomach only fully born and an entity of her own hellbent on forcing people into her stomach as payback thus making it scary enough to expel the fecal matter from your body. 4:02 Really nice job on the Engineer costume. :O Love interest methinks. :) Keep up the good work. :) I think the jumping guy in white is supposed to represent happiness. Happiness is amazing but it is also fleeting. Those that encounter happiness are instantly brighter; they smile they stop what they are doing in their ordinary lives to admire it but at the same time there are those that happiness passes by a.) without the person noticing and/or appreciating it or b.) they are too distracted with something unhappy. In the end everyone pursues happiness to experience it again. :) TCM is awesome! :D Seems like this song brings out the spirit of arguing in people. . Amen to that. Having class goes a long way especially these days when we need it the most. More than the mass of a flock of seagulls.",15,7,4,5,0,25,0 2592,X2593,i'm really loving the pink punch baby lips my otp is pizza and sleep,2,3,3,9,0,18,0 2593,X2594,amazing 6:30HHHHHH SO FUNNY :P :( nelly 3 its only just a dream : ) hey porsche i want to try ya :D smile for me dude i love my white iphone :$:$ :( samjjjja 7:58,14,3,2,5,0,15,0 2594,X2595,"can someone please tell me how the hell he record videos from his computer?!! he should be famous world wild and win a Grammy... that what should happen to him he's so beautiful.. asfdbvadfafsabgnd the last one lmaoo My babyyy i keep watching this movie just hear ellen saying ''Belize Bitch Belize, this guy should be the next big thing! people who dislike ellen videos just hate good laughs hahahhaha i love this!! but remember old time there was like 15+ paparazzi around her.. now it's just one. good for her i live in Egypt and i wanna watch this tv shows so badly! she's adorable she's 30 :)",11,30,6,6,0,16,0 2595,X2596,"LMAO @ the white guy at the end :L HAHAA my favourite video yet! Thanks for making videos for the last 6 years! You're the reason I sign in! she is ridiculously beautiful! And both are so talented! love itt :) THIS SONG IS GONNA BE HUUUGEE OMG I LOVVVE!! :D amazing. I think it's more that girls don't like ,Soppy, guys rather than ,nice, Guys. Girls do break up with clingy guys because clingy is not an attractive trait. A guy can be amazing all around but just be texting you 24/7 and although they think they're being ,nice, they are being clingy/desperate. So if you confuse clingy/desperate as being ,nice, then yes. A lot of the time ,nice, guys do finish last... P.S Jenna can we hang? out you are frikin hilarious awkward moment when Andrea does her make up in 10 mins without a mirror and it still looks better than when you do yours with a mirror and about 2 hours 4:08 So beautiful you are ridiculously gorgeous :) My favourite video is 'that's that stuf I don't like' because it was on point!! plus I looved the beanie you wore :) x",11,110,3,2,0,21,0 2596,X2597,"Ur a great singer! Just here's a tip: stay relaxed and don't put in all that effort on the high notes and loud notes Ur so good!!! Don't let haters tear you down ;) Snooki Justin beiber Miley Cyrus Lindsey lohan Paris Hilton... You kno she actually ate French fries in the movie house of wax? I was laughing so loud when she got killed!! I put my pinky up cause I'm classy as fuck...Bullfuckingshit!! This is probably the grossest story ever: It was the the day of my birthday and earlier that day we made lemonade for the party guests and my brother thought it would be funny to pee in a cup and ask me to try his ,lemonade, So yea I drank piss -.- @jasonisawesomefulLol agreed... It was..... Um.... Interesting? He makes YouTube videos?!? Tell me more..... Moosh mommy!!!!!!!! Lol I'm team jacob ;) Ok so me and my friend are like ,yea were so cool, while it's loading and then the red face thing pops up and we are screaming shitless Greattttt!!!!! Omig I love this -music- take ur jacket of tim ,oh yea I will,Lmfao super funny Bullshit @wisewarriormuzicLol yea ,irreplaceable, Paint the world rainbow lol",15,2,3,5,0,21,0 2597,X2598,@kazzycakes By chance you and i by JRA :) dani is so cocky it's not even funny. was this pre-recorded in a studio? :) watching this just makes me more upset that im not going to their melbourne show :( how did you make your desktop look like that with the,8,0,4,5,0,29,0 2598,X2599,you're gorgeous! I love these looks :)you got a new subscriber! ha yes I totally have a made up date too! I really like your videos! When you get a chance check out my channel---it's small but you're an inspiration! :) Keep smiling! THESE ARE MY FAV KIND OF VIDS!!! :) Thanks for making another great one! Check my latest out----hahah I tried!new subscriber! 3 Idk why but something about your face reminds me of jennifer Lawrence in the Hunger Games movie :) So glad I've subscribed to you! $19 a bottle...yikes. I just don't see the point These are my fav videos! If you get a chance check mine out! :) HA what the hell----this video got screwed up some how during editing :( yay these are my fav vids! Come check mine out :) great vid beautiful hair! I'm subscribing! Come check out my channel and feel free to subscribe as well :) I f-ing love this room!!!!!!!!!!! Fav kind of videos! Go check out my get ready with me if you get a chance :)Anyway- love your brows...what's your method for getting such a great shape? Love get ready vids----just saying! if you get a chance check mine out (my subs and channel are lacking I can't be that bad eh? ahahah)Anyway you have gorgeous skin---You're very gonna do some digging on your channel to see if I can find anything mentioning your skin care routine...if not do you mind letting me know your techniques to having such a nice flawless looking glow? Whats the name of the polish on your nails? Thanks girl! I just subscribed to you! Your channel is a little more developed than me out! ha! Thanks for the sub though I appreciate it!Also---I've been using the foundation for a few days now and it's still good to Definately give it a shot it has really good coverage and doesn't feel greasy (at least on my skin from what I know). funny about the lipstick! How do you feel about it? i loveeee blue me away too. If you get a chance check out my videos I have one on there with some Mani's as well! :)AND- GREAT JOB Evyclare7! wow you're all assholes. You're so cute!! 3I'm gonna try this look! Come check my vids when you get a chance :) so cute!,20,8,3,8,1,22,1 2599,X2600,Hinata Bieber you are one gay mother fucker. JAJAJAJ! I have a big fat dick and i want it to stick into you're asswomb. you're hot. wiz is gay. both suck 2pac all day forever alone. thanks man stfu you scaming asshole gay song i got banned for tea baggin swag gay swag is gay bro this shit is trash people who use autotune can't sing. tyga took some of the lyrics and put into his own song. Tyga you fag Tyga took some of the lyrics and put into his own song. 187 am killing these hoes tyga version. 187 on an underocover cop Dr.dre version. nigga swag fuckin gay. 2 people are lil gayne fans bro i was born in 1999 i listen to 2pac not the little faggots you call lil wayne or other gay rapper these days. yes he can read manga bro. cpu suck on naruto just sayin,22,12,3,5,1,37,0 2600,X2601,Good job dagger :P Bayern deserve it more than chelshit HRK TT ( TT) ^^ ^^! 17:04 - * - I'm in :) I love your video I'm in :) love your video ? () ! HI to all survivors LOL iPod Touch 5G Giveaway! .. Account ? .. ... ^^ 5555,21,9,5,4,0,16,1 2601,X2602,i loooooooove it yes continue :) u look pretty without make up :)),2,2,3,5,1,20,1 2602,X2603,this is my first time watvhing this... now ik y everybody hates this song... so ur telling ur doin this cuz everyone elese if everyone else jumped off a 90 stoy bulding ur telling me u would to? o wait was that a no i herd? exactly. im 13 and honey i didnt know what sex even was when i was 11. 2:22 vanna venom im scared of the teacher O.o my boyfriend calls me little cutie and i asked him hes like go look up with u by chris brown i did and AWWWWWWWW 10:00 the one on the right looks just like me lol fake u try making it this is a really really really goood remix i love the cowboys and wow,10,12,2,14,0,14,0 2603,X1981,"BRING ME SOLO AND THE WOOKIE.HWAH HWAH HWAH! Everyone please be quiet about the puzzles. If she wanted tips she'd ask for them i cant tell you how many times i see ,Minx i already solved this!, Imagine someone breathing down your neck going ,I already solved this this is what you do!!!, when you're playing a game. It isnt a pleasant feeling. When the doll started bleeding i was like ,Oh thats neat!, and then when i saw she had bones and regular human anatomy under the plastic i was all ,DAFUQ D:, this game intrigues me. As always Minx you are a fantastic LPer i watch your videos for you and not the games. Keep doing what you love and ill always be a fan! We all missed pewdie :D but the trolls who hate on him will be trolls. Let them live their miserable barrel-esque lives while we enjoy the glorious monument to greatness that lies in front of us! This song is about the first church of satan people XD You realize every comment concerning the trolls just feeds them more. It motivates them to continue. Just ignore him real fans wont get affected by what he says and he'll get bored and move on 1:43 It feels like sooomeone's....TRYING TO SELL ME SOMETHING! BRAD :D! I havent watched one of your vids in a while! Im glad to see how popular you're getting! Good Lpers like you deserve to be noticed. Keep up the good work! Seems more like bath salts to me Can i be part of the adventure?! :O News flash. Trolls go to music videos and talk shit about music to get replies so they feel important. Ignore them. They do not matter. They will eventually get bored and leave. Until then enjoy the music. SPOODERMAN! Nostalgia-gasm XD i first got into let's plays with an LP of Doom 3 by Kikoskia one of my all time fave LPers and now pewdie's doin it! :D!!! Easily one of my favorite songs. Classic rock is the way to go! He closed his channel XD thats the perfect example of the classic cowardly troll 8:45 *pewdie pull cord out of girlfriend's ear*She just stares at it all sad like,Can you hear? ...Oh, Im just here for the lulz. Not the war. I like pewdie and nova both are funny. I dont consider one funnier than the other they are both pretty DANG funny. Now please shut your cakeholes and let people enjoy the video IN PEACE *pause video* *start video after reading message* *see all the blood* *laugh uncontrollably* She looks and sounds like the fat guy from Hot Fuzz That guy's face when he finds out that those gloves were used by some teenagers too scared to buy condoms... Maybe if i reply to this person in a way he finds offensive people will think im cool - john wrath This song makes me feel so goddamn happy i cant resist flailing my arms around like they're wet spaghetti noodles I LOST IT AT THE JABA THE HUT VOICE Nobodyfuckingcares.jpg Cant be a frank video without rice fields AHH! OATMEAL RAISINS! Subscribed for sure just finished the first DC Universe video and im really loving the vibe im getting from you XD also im a huge comic book nerd so both are a plus! Really looking forward to other stuff by you! BRING ME SOLO AND THE WOOKIE. WO WO WO Orangutangabanga. Yes please SAVE THE WHALES God i wish i had freddy's voice... I really would be able to serenade someone",31,0,3,5,0,16,0 2604,X2605,haaaahahaha nice...if u knew how screwed up the war was u would probably hate america too..HOWEVER!!! if u(1 person) hate gay people..MILLIONS of gay people or people who support gay people hate u right keep hatin :) HAHAHA IF I CANT AFFORD IT THEN IM GONNA SELL IT!! LOL this is the song you blast in your car with the top down when you're on your way to a long night of fun with ur me will put u in a good mood real quick..and its one thing if u just listen..if ur embracing the words and singin along thats another story and i promise ur night will be ten times better :) love the song JGib...use to promote ur music on facebook for kristanya..,3,0,5,5,0,21,0 2605,X2606,"yup... there is three that are needed four the puzzle to... ok bye ive been through 10 different break ups but there are two of them that i never wanted to here say... , im breaking up,. when i watch this all i can think about is them. my life felt like nothing without them. i cant get them out of my head. and then there is one special person that i will never forget. she helped me realize i didnt need them and that there are many others out there. but when i asked her out she turned me down lightly. alot of you know im young but im me... a nice guy i sing like a dying badger i never knew what smh stood for so ill just say it stands for suck my hemroids FIRST LIKE BITCHES can i tell you guys a secret... ive never been to disneyland @hyre colorz FUCK YOU i think i see a penis @dashcloud1 DIE ALONE THEN BIATCH!!!!",9,1,2,4,0,17,0 2606,X2607,ist gut und finde ich ok es ist geil 0:03 sorry hab mich verschrieben,3,5,3,6,0,13,0 2607,X562,"Man you do that 359 greta justice....what is the backing track Mayyou'd better look up Jeff Beck's Truth album from 68 and mostly played the years before.To be fair most of these guys had been playing heavy music since late 66 Hey Al only just saw this clip this vid really highlights the difference between those four positions. That is one many trick pony horse donkey dog team and snowmobile:) I notice that Lefty uses his wrist a lot....??? Great video appalling sound!!! Why the fuck wasn't this replaced?Who sanctioned the demolition without replacement?I understand it may have been part of the work connected to the bridge but it's criminal that there is now no handball alley on that site.I learnt my trade there and spend many a happy hour both playting behind smoking and alongside fishing with Mikeen Thaidg.I played doubles in the County championships with Martin Commins in the late 70s and was hoping to show it to my kids next year bad news John Taylor should be shipped to the Arctic with his coolness the safety of the ice caps would be assured Loved this big time I never knew a bass could even do all that suff thanks for sharingSean Slight mistake but that item on the headstock is a string guide that provides a break angle over the nut and not to stop them from jumping out What the guitar man? When did ya get roundabouts in Texas? you obviously don't have a high regard for people if you think after watching Girl Panic they'll go out and skin and wear a cat or a squirrel or maybe even a poodle after I watched it I had a cup of tea....does that make me BAAAAAD!!!!!!:) These are all UK made so the JTM is at 479 so imo not really that bad yes I'd like to see 100 quid off each but they'll be a limited run too.Dunno great idea sound great less than appetising price but UK made so UK jobs supported Saw them quite a few times at owld Seapoint out on Salthill anybody know if that's still there? Gregor you play some great guitars but it's about time you dumped the effects and played em straight into the amp.....please I'd love to hear the White Falcon without the Okko Stuart Bull is not an interviewer he's a pro musician and this ,interview, is geared more towards players and technique and exploring licks etc And how exactly do you come to that conclusion? It needs saying that the only good thing about this is Sinead O Connor singing the rest is a testament to Roger Water's shabby attempts at making his continuation of this work look relevant he seriously needs some closure on some stuff Strats and Teles are actually 25.5, inch scale and not 25.75, but small point greta video and great playingThanks So many people who think this Squier is a shit guitar? Shows how much people really know because of course a guitar should always be judged by what name is on the headstock.Take your heads out your arses and just listen to the tone What is the best flavour of Android for a Touch HD?The finished product should be able to get both 3G and wireless This surpasses his previous work by a country mile absolutely hilarious.Is the Republican camp now it's own worst enemy?Brilliant!!!! Very cool stylised and overall classy look to the production and great vocals from these ladies although I did find myself wanting them to step it up and take it up a level or two but that aside a decent bit of girl kissing girl action;) Sanuel L should be running:)I'd move to a country where Samuel L is the President I'm lovin that kitchen door:) Sadly RIP Jon Lord In all fairness even at this age in what is obviously not good health he still kills and is unmistakeably Johnny Cash Jimi and Gary couldn't have even been on the same continent without causing an earthquake:) Why would Chappers say you ,cant get a low action on this type of guitar,?Of course you can More likely a cup of tea;) Poor old Snowy looks completely out of place with Phil and Scott;) Bryan would they be OK on a bowl back mando?Sen",32,0,8,1,0,48,0 2608,X2609,"it was not his assassin it was actually his son which was among the many people who killed him. my spine is going crazy. If that even makes sense. no shit its a monster from half-life -.- derp it will die though. it will die later though. then you obviously havent watched any pc gamesplays..-.- would be correct. But you wouldnt notice it between the SKS and AK47 since they are both limited by the ammo. In other words. If you shot two cows.. one with the SKS and the other with AK47 you wouldnt be able to tell which is which if that makes any sense. I know who GoldGlove is. But the Hupit channel failed. Which is what I said. So what i said is still true. Did I say that u were? No I didnt stop fanboying over older games. CSS is easy as fuck compared to GO. You are lost my friend. Quite sad. I hope that you realize this in the near future. true but they werent talking to eachother from the start of the game either. It was like if they were totally off and didnt really want to play. true. sidenote i have both consoles and use the regularly. So im not anti xbox or ps3.. but all my timeeffort and money have gone in to my sweet ass gaming rig and PC gaming. So im a PC gamer by definition. WRATH YOU MOTHERFUCKER! this video was good... thanks. I fucking loved this one! :D depends on the game. haha xD no ofc he would have to fill them up with more video. :) I'd do her. stop... its like you're burning my sould with those eyes :C stahp.. he havent posed anything for over a year... so.. ,keeping up the good work, dosent say much. Just so u know this is like not a serious video or anything... But I think you understood that anyway :P I build myself. And my rig is way over 2000$ Still. Everything I said was correct. ?... All I did was thumbing the video up cus of dark souls. Favorited and thumbed up the video twice when you called Paintball a sport. Love you :)",24,8,4,5,0,19,0 2609,X2610,If u dont like her dont watch her videos You look like jb !! But u arent but you are friends wit him :'( :'( i will cry forever knowing bout the guy who broke meh -3 Really slow but pretty good I think you sould look up too selena cuz yall have a lot in common just saying Tht made me cry becuase yall were so mean gosh!! Rock on Good Lol Dude u r off the chain :) Can you do bella and jacob to the song jar of hearts Nvr new he could rap !! @selgomez i go to ur acting classes a cathrine sullivan acting for film My brain feels like mush does anyone elses ??? Good for you :( He said a bad word XD Who evers on ow and me my name is TeddyBear x @thecomputernerd01 you should recite super bass it would be interesting to see what y'all would do @zeldaxlove64 you should really do we found love I love that song and I think ur voice would be good for it Ur bad Haha lol awsome When i was in kinder garten and first grade our teachers showed us this every one loved it IM ON A HORSE!! XD Almost made me cry :'] SELENA JUST GOT HURT STUPID HE WAS PROTECTING HER ITS UR OWN FREAKIN FAULT HE HIT THE CAMERA!!!!! -stupid- and he didnt slap u a hit camera And i never heard of u so yeah... Nasily btw im 10 Nathan have you ever kissed an America. Like me ?? :)) love ya nathan your gorgeous That made me cry cause of those awful people,29,0,3,5,0,56,0 2610,X2611,"Couture is a class act! This is the best way to watch Ramsay! Uncensored!!! Theres no sense in trying to argue with you but if they do try and take the guns you and everyone else like you got another thing coming .This country was born from rebellion. Your fear will never dictate my free will. You're scared and very well should be some of us just react different to fear and dont jump on its back for the ride like you do.I get pissed and fight back. You probably got bullied and a dude like me would have come along to defend your weak ass. Your heart is that of a rabbit. stupid cgi fights i hate em OK explain the free fall of all 3 buildings by ,fire., Theres just too many intelligent people with the same accreditations that say different. Nay i fuckin miss hittn the bong with you man!! Youre good people brother stay strong!!! A true Goy! The one where the most powerful military in the world rains down drone strikes on women and children. The one where people lobby and buy politicians . The one where rendition and assassination are right by the people. You see great civilizations have always fallen by this tactic.This country is fucked and so are you sir if you fail to see that. Re-read my first comment.,None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.,~Goethe I hate Piers Morgan just another red coat loyalist trying to take American freedom once again. Deport that gay mutherfucker. What a pretty girl. After all the corruption that is perpetuated by cops everywhere they're hardly innocent and get what they deserve. Granted their are good cops out there but this is what happens when a cop crosses the blue wall of silence. Good cops cant stand up for good citizens because of this badge brotherhood bullshit. I hope he kills em all! enjoy living on your knees. Orly is being made to look like a goofball by these two cocksuckers and they never really give a good point but that shes racist. MSNBC you suck! Dorner isnt just some serial killer like the Chief says this has much significance with how police brutality is peaking in America today and its just the beginning of whats to come to the rest of police officers throughout the entire world given their vulgar display of power. We dont just lay down for the law here in the USA.Its the way this country was founded.The cops are pigs and even if its a domestic force its a force thats clearly against the people and are unnecessary just there to create revenue for the stategiven the fact that theyre always there after a crime happens and not to prevent one. Chris is the beginning of how regular good people will stand up against this tyranny.Cops should be afraid and should be a little more attentive to those that pay them. HAHA two silly cunts got their ass beat by one black lady! Good! Shes awesome but i didnt figure out Tracy was a woman until a few years ago! lol Youre awesome!! Youre canadian enough said.... lmfao",19,6,5,5,0,34,1 2611,X2612,awesome :),1,1,5,1,0,17,0 2612,X2613,Do you have Debbie the Pet Cunt's appearance from the 26th? Thanks for uploading! Some people are just mean assholes. You're going to have to deal with assholes your entire life. Start getting used to it. Oops wrong song. 2:17 is actually Fujiyama Mama by Wanda Jackson. Now she has her mother whoring out Dayton Ricketts? Stop it already! That kid is a douche bag and only uses you to gain subscribers Nichole. Smarten up. Learn how to read fat cunt. Thank you for sending me this video. Please look up the beautiful poem about abstinence titled 'Bukkake'. I'm sure you'll find it very inspirational. God bless. Shut the fuck up Robin! Oh Uncle Paul. I was hoping for Stoya too.,10,5,4,5,0,21,0 2613,X2614,Sara's fall broke my heart. She wasn't trying to get into drugs just lose a little weight. It was the doctor's fault. If this happened in real life I'd beat the doctor senseless. Poor Mrs. Goldfarb I'm scared Nope I do it in 2014 :/ I went straight to 14 today. I have the same tapers in too This song makes me feel weak o.x There are too high pitched sounds. Most people's ears won't be able to pick up the frequencies. I can hear them they're definitely there Most of you that are experiencing are just doing it to yourselves. This song isn'g really going to do much besides giving you a headache or maybe a seizure if you're young or epileptic She's so cute! You sir are attractive.,9,25,5,5,0,15,0 2614,X2615,uhh what are you doing? this isent the opera and you cant stand still like if you paused the video to read her hand (: Hmm i like her when she was littler (: but i like her now too! i love your size your like perfect size 3 Uhh she is your friend and you dont even know her name! Wow it is bigg but you look pretty with it(: I just downloaded it on my ipod great job. I went to earth jams it was in utah you should have went Nichole My nickname at school is Phat Unicorn hehe i feel special 3 5:30 Laughing so hard xD I like to hang out by the pool and spend alot of time camping. sceneninjahereI love hello kitty because it remindes me of my cousin and hello kitty is super cute and amazing Sceneninjjahere I love everything in here sceneninjahere #1 please (: Haha your just so cute i love your personality you make me smile :D,15,10,3,13,0,18,0 2615,X2616,altair vs ezio auditore tht is awesome ha i c what u did there u can doboth just get a job and skate in ur passtime fuck little pussy u then y r u watching this so true okay and... we all had squeaky voices at one point dude ur one tlk im a skater there bein disrespectful thats not right ur rite legally tht kid cannot b arrested how he increased unemployment more than any other president b4 he was presidaent he was a senator for 1 term he barely has experience is it weird tht i can nollie flip but i cant nollie varial is frontside hardflip is backside heroin** i make house as well i wish u luck i hope u make it this is really good ikr yea they do the guy in the vid i dont think did them right im american and i agree our voices are strange no...not at all thats all lil wayne talks about if eminem insults you you dont talk back cuz bieber cant rap eminem can madea vs. joseph stalin make it stop make it stop D:,24,16,2,81,0,33,0 2616,X2617,"re very fast you fail sir. and easy with the name calling unless of course you have no smart comebacks. V8 has 8 cylinders..using more fuel...duh. but if you stay out of boost with a 4 cylinder. then thats a different story ;). its all about preference. you prefer a V8 i prefer a H4. no need to insult each other over it? theres STi's that can beat V8's. and there are V8's that can beat STi's? not saying the LS motors are garbage? every car has the potential to make a lot of power. this question has a lot of variables. depends on proper tuning what size turbo injectors fuel pump. but if your going to remove all the heads from the motor and upgrade them. you might as well do the motor too. usually people start with the internals on the motor since the heads can take quite a bit of power. what the hell just happened? speed industry eh? good luck with them... you mad bro? hahahahahahahahahahaha So many haters for the people who are saying this wasnt even a real race and was all ,cat and mouse,. Just because it wasnt on a drag strip or side by side on a main road does not mean its not a race. Clearly the corvette was trying to best him at straight aways and through turns. The wrx kept up and was barely redlining through shifts and the corvette still didnt get away. Dont get butt hurt because your 50000$+ fantasy car couldnt outrun a wrx. Give respect when its given. lot of hate in this video. i got love for both cars haha and i drive a 05 STi. i almost bought a mopar stage 3 srt4 but didnt like how i couldnt get much traction down low. which some modifications could have changed that but regardless. idk why people are hating. both great cars! ...clearly the shoe hit him... cop probably just lost his nerve because she was being a stupid lippy bee otch. 6:33 subaruuuuuuuuuu muscle cars will always be faster then imports?... lol lies.. and i love both categories of cars. speed industry LOL",13,0,4,1,0,22,1 2617,X1477,"HimChan becomes ash because of that girl it looks real but if someone noticed the kiss was on the left sideof Sungyeol's chin ^^ Boreum's not fat people!!her weight is perfect ^^ I love the knife choreography ^^ Micky looks cool in this drama =3 Why can't i stop looking at Zelo???? it's confusing ._.Because my bias is Youngjae!! (between 4:00 ~ 4:01) Song Joong Ki's cute wink =3 bleeh~~ ==, Yoo Ah-In (Geol Oh)I loved his role in ,Chilwu The Mighty, it was dramatic ^^But in this series he's cool and cute with that messy long hair =3Saranghabnida ._. 3 Thumbs up If you thought it was one personthat changed his hair color twice ^^ 0:05 Solji 0:11 LE0:17 Junghwa1:06 Hyerin 1:11 Hani it's not 2ne1 it's the letter E -.-' If V.I.X.X gained lots of fame this year theymight disappear this year and make a comeback next year (by disappearing i mean going to tours and fan meetings in other countries) ^^ Yupp that's him -wide smile- Hold on!!! 1:21 am i imagining muscles on Zelo's hand or is it for real??!!! 0.0 patience my friends.... part 1 was only uploaded yesterday ^^ Tasha looks like Kim Namju from Apink in 2:31 Hehe she looks very cute =3 Yupp -nod- What's wrong with you?!!Korean pop songs are always different from English songsUnless if they made a Korean version from it butthey do that after they take permission from the same singerBesides if they did rearrange it the song would have beenbanned for plagiarism!! Go get a life :/ I don't get this song!!!Where the hell did they take Key to?!! xD Nope actually i find Zelo good comparing him to his ageand Zico's good too so they are equal .. i guess ^^ And that's why ero movies are not good ^~^ Kota flow! Great and now i'm stuck with chipmunks!!Isn't it enough that my younger sister tortures me to playanything that is related to chipmunks?!!! Have some mercy please T__T //3 Just as expected from Woollim entertainment :)After INFINITE Tasty is my best boy duo ^^ That's Ren And ,She, is a ,He, ^^ And that's what i call ,Cute,~~ =3 puhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha ..ahahaha ..wooh~ that was funny :') Disseu~ Rabeh!! (this is ravi)Nice and cute Engrish kekeke . KwangMin Oppa~~~ Yeah actually i always change it It's hard to choose TT_TTKpop.... Please have some mercy on us please Poor Jinah~ she tripped with seyeon's feet while changing her spotfrom 1:19 until 1:21 :( Me neither --'Poor Block B . /3",33,2,3,5,0,25,0 2618,X2619,damn behind shannon you could see all those nike shoe boxes... thats baseball dumbass. look at derek jeter. with his bat. dumbshit dont even know baseball and talking shit. LOL ichibang nibang AHH SHIBALL warming up with my working sets..........i tried 220 today... and i died.... alll these workout videos so inspiring Joe got brown hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! ! ! ? lol whats the point of watching korean videos without knowing korean? ? lol..thats dumb..... cause he can hes a professional russian come on! !!!!!!!! !!! damnn he lookss goneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Lol...these kids here....... this is for the all american gotta be one of the best highschool players in the nation to get into these showcases....these are prospects and possible prospects... they would probably rake all of you 14 15 year olds... most of these guys in here will goto a great division 1 college team or be a high draft pick. Ignorance kills.. i guess im a red's fan now! Why does Norris Cole sound like Chris Rock... god i gotta go to . psy is a party maker. all his concerts are turnt up! i really wanna goto one in korea! because he goes crazyyyyyyy in korea! i know where you live sonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn he may throw fast but his ball drops.... congrats tim on making on TV! batter's eye smart one. aye they at wako in ktownn wow i think i was going through this.... thank god i woke up and found what is going on.,27,2,4,5,1,21,0 2619,X2620,NIGGA DID U JUST SAY WHAT I WAS TRYIN TO SAY BUT SMARTER lmao real shit tho how gooood...ummm REAL GOOOD high as shit lol fuck was salad man doin in the back ground lmao follow me on twitter ill follow back @drunk_sex follow me on twitter ill follow back @drunk_sex follow me on twitter ill follow back @drunk_sex MONEY POWER RESPECT IM ON A OMONEY MISSION LMAO you gay bitch lmao i know son i know son why lo lo aint got on his seat belt lmfao who ever made this video is a fuckin FAIRY history X nigga dat sound like some hate not worse then rodney king at all by a long shot my brother lmao naw bro riff raff FUCKIN SUCK NIGGA IS REALLY TRASH LMAO ALLLLL YAALLLL NIGGGAS IS LAME AS FUCK 4 THIS VIDEO THIS AINT NO DAMN SEX TAPE THIS IS BULL U CAN TELL ALL YALL NIGGAS NEVER REALLY HAD SEX B4 LMFAO easy!,22,0,4,5,0,26,1 2620,X2621,theres no shame in God's creations :) hey they're saying that the passers-by had no sense of morality. That if the 1st van stopped or the first 3 passers-by did something the little girl would be in a much different state compared to what happened. Her parents are distraught and they are looking for people with more information as well as the driver of the 1st van Romans 14:13Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.,3,0,3,5,0,19,0 2621,X2622,oil spelled upside down. 710/OIL hes gunna get pussy ass house arrest or his ass would be sold for 3 an a half cigarettes hahahaha bitch nigga. good ridence So who knew DJ Premier produced this beat.... the beat came on an i was like ace wouldnt fuck wit this... but he dropped some hot shit. mad props. MA is da Master who remembers when he mixed that speed metal song with Basshead.... FUCKIN BRAINMELTING! hell ya bring in the other homies for the vid... Olympic Glassworks is hands-down the best scientific glass company around. If you do not agree i recommend purchasing one immediately to prove it to yourself. I own more then 1 for good reason...they kick ass,7,0,4,5,1,42,0 2622,X2623,"RETARDED!!! Ew 2 shower heads not 2 Ok It's kicking I hit it back? Lol How old is she??? She doesn't talk right... Maybe she has a problem??? Idk... It was still good tho Ohhhh! I get it now you talk funny because your French!! Bravo! Megaupload was shut down All I need to know is the second way The girl who asked for a hi five had some bony white fingers The fake buffering killed me!!!! :) At the beginning I thought it was an ad then I saw Chris n he looks stoopid with grills Damn didn't get a thing No no no no too fast no one knows what you doing Lmaooo Wow this needed more work :) those few seconds of audio laughter made my day Didn't cry a tear He's freakin AMAZING It pisses me off how all these thirsty ass girls keep commenting stuff like ,he's hot, or ,it was hot how he said I love you , SHUT UP YOU WON'T EVER B WIT HIM WITH UR THIRST ASS Just took parts from other raps n put it on this song SMH I saw the boogie!!! It near the end!! Lml",21,0,4,6,1,75,0 2623,X2624,she did a backhand spring when she is only 3 2nd!awesome! noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 1. family2.computer3 sports( soccer basketball dance gymnastics)4 pets and friends5. food well.......RUDE hallie! why da dots? well i think she cut it :} thats werid idk maybe :)) cant wait! your really creative! nice video~! amazing3 IM ALIVE!,12,464,3,40,1,16,0 2624,X2625,i want to see the movie theyre watching :( who is the man with her? god u are all full of hate!! he just made that great video for fun!! we know harry has a black hair and his scar is in the middle of his head you are not the only one in the world who read the books!! i didnt understand the expecto patron part? your editing is good and creative.. dont care about what they say,6,1,2,5,0,16,0 2625,X2626,Camping all day Im banditing.. Learn enemy kill pirority Awkward Sorry but somehow girl story are boring. scout inc... from my experience of wowVanilla was great BC was good LK was best Cata was meh Panda was WTF? Stfu you rotten player . Dota 2 aren't fuckin great either 25:00 rescuing part gameplay? 2:17 6:06 simple answer :p evidence? There's double parentheses on code so look on that. WTF? are you lol player ho? can't you read the comment you've replied? Which video camera did you used? shooting without gun? I would like to have ranking system like starcraft 2 imo. Sooooo mass murder by knife gun and potato gun are equivalent with assault weapon or hand gun? and is it easy to shoot down the armed man who've prepared everything? You are so open-minded rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Is banning guns a big deal? Whats the huge benefit to have them? Do you consider other countries an idiot because they've ban gun? children=egg with sperm? been loved = not loved?desired love = undesired love?You think you can support 1.2 million children? Does our world well contributed for all people? Murder are for bad deeds but abortion aren't good deeds nor bad deeds.,22,0,7,5,0,31,0 2626,X2627,HAHA...Tobusus... you made a bad day not suck anymore XD Thank you Whats the music Dude you really should be a VA man (btw its Razer) what ost is at :46 ? why cant anyone find the song from 2:08 DAYUM!!! Oh TFS you rock i love kangaroos T^T i love you guys so much... if i can help just tell me I love this ^^ my Barbar lines where the best,10,4,3,18,0,17,0 2627,X1737,i got a 500D and it came with a 24mm lens no zoom :( no im 238372815 i agree 2:45 bf3 has tanksjetsmavmortorshelisjeepsapc. mw3 has guns and you have to be the best player in the game to get anything close to bf3 therefore mw3 sucks. lame thats all i have to say i was 19th and i got 20th and then got banned after i got 20th. Hahaha Patrick: Hey baby Jessica: Hey Patrick Friendshiped! so dipshit wheres these vids that no one on earth wants to see hmmm. oh and commintary has someone talking dumbass RUSSIA nope 1588 ill get back to you next year though ok wtf my durango crew doesnt have nav please respond if you know why not this happend to me today it sounded like my dad was a demon im 13 turning 14 in january we all have so much in comon (not) proly cuz it does dumbnuts no lie i almost got banned becuz my trigger finger is so fast your not alone younge fellow i came here from listing to nero alot. mine says 4:20:00 minutes long. dude people just think your the wrost thing on earth becuz you like a really good song ad btw yeah it is a havey drop why the he double hocky stick does he go up to it no its a top secert bomb called duhitsagrenadedumbass by lokes of it its a lambo galardo did you use smoke or no and was it foggy that night oh and i wouldnt put then up to your camera it can burn the ccd and mess it up poor poor nicole westbrook . bigfoot at 4:06 last i checked justin beaver didnt have almost 900000000 views on any of videos. braves best team in the usa. 3:14 sounds like an electrical wire snaped and was arcing See a rc plane flying over your house wip these out,30,5,5,3,0,22,0 2628,X2629,1 2 3 4 I'm from Galifrey I wish this song were longer~ 3 Quit the Haterade dude :3 0:30 What does your average teen girl do when she's sick? That's right she watches corny cheese-tastic '70's detective shows. Beautiful song. Does the whooshy sound in the backround remind anybody else of the TARDIS noise?,6,6,5,1,0,16,0 2629,X2630,gay better cutest thing everrrrrrrr @shaneshaneist that is what they are saying... it depends where they live in america everybody share this on facebook and twitter as welll!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yyeeeeeeeeee so much exstasy @CFCNOTBUMMER jonah hill... holy shit im so high and thought this was real what drugs is this guy on this is the most annoying thing i've ever seen just not funny... whens the next boston show? hahahhahhahh HELPFUL! best one saaaaaaaaaaaaaame in Boulder whats the song/??? thats the idea :),19,0,3,5,0,18,0 2630,X2631,"Well the humble doesn't accept some payment methods that steam accepts... I had so big expectations for this game... that was in alpha. It doesn't exist anymore. It was crafted from doing ,epic, catacombs but at that time the max level was 20 or 25. I can understand why. Skyrim is a bit old now and the gameplay was getting repetitive. Bad dovahkin was a better person than my ,good, character when I played skyrim... Meeko died too :( I find it funny how they speak spanish insteed of portuguese and the only word they actually say in portuguese is ,aqui, (here) xD I kinda lost interest (rage quit) after I noticed lords can assembly a well trained 200 man army from night to day without need to train them for days and even if their faction only have 2 or 3 fiefs that couldn't possible afford such army... Well... You will have problems when the winter update comes Next topic is about drop rates? Talk about rathalos/rathian plate and the fact that you need three of them to make and max upgrade some equipments... I cut so many los's tails in MHFrontier that I started feeling bad about those tailess wyverns... The game is good but it have quite a lot of glitches and without a save feature it kinda become a pain to start all over again after you get a bunch of clues because you got stuck somewhere in a map or in a dialogue. Might as well shoot everyone you see until you win the game :p Don't free time have like 5x higher chance for prisoners to escape no matter if they are angry or not? I can see myself building this nice shack in some alley connected to a building to have a tricky and hiden entrace with a bunch of stuff just so a zombie somehow notices me and starts hitting the walls atracting more zombies until everything is broken... I can't wait for that! exaclty like the pumpkin lantern? But a lamp? Parry feint stab horizontal attacks vertical attacks side step block crouch attack jump attack... Nah just press M1 wildly :D You would be a good tf2 pyro Jesse xD simon vs inthelittlewood was quite funny too I think you can do this in pretty much every single monster rancher game. But thats why they also have the single player with challenges done for one person and the coop have challenges that require two players while in this map you don't really need two players... Aawww fuck it... i don't even care anymore... Jesse didn't you noticed that you didn't even looked at your cards in that stupid poker scene? Segura o shift que voc examinar itens como comida ou animais mesmo tendo uma arma na sua mo. Ctrl + click separa itens pela metade. Se voc j tiver algum item selecionado segurar ctrl e clickar voc solta uma unidade daquele item. Hun... eu tenho quase certeza que o portal s aparece no mundo novo no no legacy. Hope you get better soon. About the terraria videos... Well terraria is a little bit old. almost everyone already played it or watched someone play it and is usually the same thing. Build base get basic equipment defeat some bosses get the next tier defeat another boss move to the next tier... For a sandbox game its progress is very linear. Don't starve on the otherhand is always fun to see someone playing blind because its always different. It gets boring after 20 days or so but still... I don't remember this boss being so hard o_o How the hell I managed to beat it when I was a kid? So many ppl say that every single MMO nowadays are WoW clones... This one at least have an active combat system. And yeah grinding is boring but just because a game have it doesn't make it a clone of another game. Developers make this stuff because its much easier and cheaper to add ,content, to a game. This game didn't caught my attention anyway... But I can see the day that ppl will say that MMOs like monster hunter frontier are WoW clones... actually it isn't :/ but hey magicka was kinda like this in the release too and nowadays is considered one awesome game His last ,I'm not dead, video wasn't even that long ago 0_0 towns got old or started getting low views. He started playing other stuff. I'm going to engage you one-on-one.... WITH MY BATTLE CRUISER! People nowadays... Not knowing the difference between dragons and wyverns ._. Yup. Youtube will probably have a new layout soon. It always sucks when they are trying to change something.",28,793,7,31,0,18,0 2631,X2632,"I GOT IT! Luther = olly Williams! Done Everybody looks like ants! Twerk video brought ME here Andy said his father couldn't satisfy her not he was dead My aunt passed this morning i immediately played this I f*cking hate that commercialit depresses evryone then u feel bad for not wanting to watch its a paradox What blackman orders EXTRA mayo?! Culo F*ck was that a moose But...but i like the jarjar Bling benzy looks more like thugnificient I probably woulda killed mayuri after killing my grandpa and ancestors Fuck was that a deer I think lil wayne are better than wiz but i like him BleeghhOdin sleep Watching NAACP awrds and Jaime just got introduced by Samuel L. Jackson lol I'm listening to him talking about this on pandora ,withdrawdepositwithdrawdepositwithdrawdeposit, They should remake time force one day This guy needs to CHANG airlines 8:15 Michonne style They danced their way to my pantsnot my heart",21,2,2,2,0,13,0 2632,X2633,son of a banshee!!! harry: hey ginny hows it goin. thats cool. listen im a man ur a girl. world could end for all we know!! ONLY A FOOL WOULD WAIT!!!!! so come on ginny be my girlfriend be my witch :Dron:i would luv to harryharry: u would oh u made me the happiest man alive ginny im so happy i could kiss u( rony and harry leaning in to kiss...)harry: simulation complete! LETS ROCK IT BRO!!! IM GONNA CRAP A CASTLE IF I HAVE TO ENDURE ANY MORE OF THIS LAMENESS!!!!u think im lameuh yeahbut my grandmother..LAME! stop hating on her every one she has feelings to !!!!! she likes singing so leave her ALONE!!!!!!! wtf did i just watch!!!!! u guys r soooo mean!!!!! u shuld all be ashamed!!!! of ur selves!! to all u haters if u dont stop ur gonna be looking towards living in hell!!!!! cuz god isnt gunna want u up there with him and the others!!! :c good job katiethesinger123 lmao this is soooo funny!!!!!!! thumbs up if u liked this!!!!p.s. u did an amazing job ur an awesome lipsinger! awww this poor kid has a disease dont hate on him u guys are sooooo mean oh and atom286 if u dont stop imma put u down!!!!! :c y do i always end up in the saddest and weirdest part of youtube!!!! u sooo fukin stupid mind ur own fuking buisness and keep ur god damn opinion to ur self!!!! ok dont haye on sel i luv miley to but dats no reason to hate sel!!! ur probably just jelouse that ur not her !!!!! ..... selenators unite!!!!! UR OBVIOUSLY A BELIEBER BUT GUESS WAT JB IS HAPPY WITH SELENA SOO SHUT UP JUST B/C UR NOT WITH HIM DOESNT MEAN U SHULD HATE ON HER SOO WAT IF THEY LUV EACH OTHER U OBVIOUSLY DONT BELIEVE IN TRUE LUV !!! BITCH!!!!THIS VIDEO IS CRAP AND SO R U!!!! CMON SELENATORS LETZ DISLIKE THIS CRAPPY SHITTY VIDEO!!! U SHULD GET BEAT UP FUKIN MARAHJO88 we shuldnt hate on no1 no 1 shuld be hated on so stop!!!!!! my real name is elizabeth not ely!!!! lol i luv dis vid!! thumbs up if u did to! ;),16,0,2,5,0,22,0 2633,X2634,"u my good sir.. have excellent taste in music. my hat's off to you my good man 3 i danced this for my boyfriend..... it was a success ;D all the ,little monsters, disliked this video... lol OMG TONY! :D hahaha i work with him ^_^ awesomeeeeeeeee OMG I WISH I WAS HAVING A QUINCIANERA SO BEST COAST COULD PLAY AT MY PARTY :( im getting my life right now... omg YES! I WANT HER WEAVE! this bitch is bad her world... and the rest of you just looking in from the outside; hating. get it 3",8,0,5,5,0,21,0 2634,X1612,"whos your opinion of a better lyricist than kanye? lol he doesnt actually mean that in the religious way. The use of ,church, basically means ,hell yes,. and ,amen, is like ,damn straight,. Get right with your lingo bruh. lol just the guys laugh lol i was expecting the exact opposite when i looked at these comments. No joke Miley looks the best out of all these girls in the bikini. Wait are you referring the guy who was giving a ticket or the guy that was shot several times? And are you saying he was the douche bag of the day or just exclaiming he was a hero? And why does your comment have so many likes when it is unclear who you're talking about and that its missing correct punctuation? I don't even know what I am saying anymore. please someone find that backyardigans song that he stole the hook from. it sounds just like it im not saying i know his personal life. but he says in an interview that he likes the dudes songs. he just doesnt like being compared to him cause he obviously shits on him. The intent of a song is to be artistic with it. When an artist performs a song with slang and is different than others then its an atrocity. But Picasso can paint Dora Maar au Chat and that's considered art? shit i was almost done but then i clicked someones username and erased all my progress whats wrong with kanye? jay z is garbage where did drake say come here yea dont get mad at a rapper because youre too dumb to understand his lyrics. that lines raw yea its like jay z didnt know what the song was about and was like ,fuck it,. Dave Chappelle: ,mmmmm mm mmm mmmm mm. yall know what that is?,Audience member: ,Amazing Grace,Dave Chappelle: ,wading in the water thats right, Bitch call me when she hot; Krispy Kreme donuts?Im sorry but this shit is garbage compared to the original. Didnt do it justice at all. Minaj went in on this I actually didnt listen to anything you said in this video because I was distracted by your awesome hair. I wish i could defranco-fy my hair. pause at 0:45 for photocopy booty its the 1st of tha month!!!! what was desean jackson doin tryin to square up with laron landry. im pretty sure he woulda got stomped. Does anyone else hear a slight resemblance to ,Missed Calls, by Mac Miller in the melody? BET did no bring me here. Like if you the same. hey thats where im from This song sucks. Yes and the United States is actually under-populated. lolololol ,altimers, which food battle did they start using a fake background of ians house? alzheimers* oh my god that girl he was with was THICK pause at 3:31 no censors I can't just take like 60-70k to pay off my college loans? who else paused at 2:04 for like 5 min I dont believe it's on the girls shoulders to watch out for creepy dudes with cameras taking pics of them but its not like they invade their home and film you in there. They are public shots which means the people viewing them on the internet have the same opportunity to see these girls as the people around them do. they aren't getting some exclusive peek or anything. signs. it could happen The number of shots are irrelevant concerning the question of justifiable homicide. The police officer reacted to the situation before he was able to calmly decided what the better option was. The victim did not comply to the officers demands and proceeded to react in an aggressive manner. Shooting was not the only or best option he could have taken but could be determined as justifiable. The officer should be held accountable for the death of Ernesto but not charged for the murder. Get stabbed by an 8 1/2 inch broken penis. No brainier. Yeah Phil I'm a struggling comedian from Modesto Ca. And by struggling I am in no way funny. I have been watching you for years and just recently did I find out you had a YouTube channel. I love this news channel and I would like to audition for a spot on the show. Preferably as someone who can bring a certain element to the show. Maybe potassium for anyone who has a deficiency of it. Get back to me and ill scratch your back or however that saying goes.",38,2,8,3,0,60,0 2635,X2636,Great.My whole day will be...great.Good morning. Long live Public Enemy. Ako me neko bude pitaopronasao sam odgovor...OMILJENA PEVACICA.. I don t care.Music connecting ... Sjajno.What a style. BRAVO. Feel to love this... Sounds better I think.. When it needsthere's Zergoth.Regards. Kako vas samo zaboravih.Izvinjavam se.What a song... Blue widow sounds hard..Tako i treba.,11,3,3,5,0,36,0 2636,X2637,Funny how a song about loving the little unexpected things about a person can lead people to do the exact opposite. Absolutely gorgeous. Like oh god shoot me now I can't handle it. It's so beautiful and fresh and innocent. I love it!,2,1,3,5,0,21,0 2637,X2638,Ghost face would kill this foo Mac millers a lil bitch You gay nigga You suck You need to die! I would of already been in! This kid needs to die! 3state4 nobodys better then the wu!!!! You owe me a dollar and a minute that u wasted of my life This gay fuck u jetfag What are you guys trying to do other then bitch about why this us happening or whos right or rong.the fact is nothing all u do is bitch and complain that ur right and need to show everyone this video and think your making a difference.i see this every day on the news same with all the other fucked up shit in the word.America cant do nothing about it.unless the generals in the president say were going to put a stop to itits going to stay the same. Fucking retards Jo koys fucking stupid And kung- fu vampire is a straight up joke.tell that nigga he kan suck my dick. This bitch sucks big black dick,15,0,3,1,0,21,0 2638,X2639,what's up with all the angry comments. games are for fun. :3 Yeah but... watching it make me feel like playing myself. I mean such a wonderful game and I am not playing it? I need to play more games. O_o thanks this was awesome I tried reading of a manual of this but it was difficult understanding the weird part. Great video. :D Omg.. I f***** love it. It's amazing to hear on violin. I love it. It's really great. And the piano... ... that does it I am gonna learn this song for my harp. O_O ... Is this suppose to be scary? ... =_=',6,6,5,45,0,22,0 2639,X2640,her vagina 15 year old Azealia gift me vbro actually fake but not tits get it right this is fake cause how do the people know that randy orton is gonna return and the bring the big post i have vari arus pegasus segetirio,6,9,5,4,0,19,0 2640,X2641,"plus with all those numbers you can add another instrument how bout that math make a dinosaur with pegasus wings !! when will u get a partnership goddammit Elgato WHAT IS THIS GAME I WANNA PLAY IT SOOOOO BAD sWaG Top LeFT 9:32 how does fearcrads not have a camo on his msmc he cut up a twinky at 1:03 when jack say ,it's p to pi, i thought he said it's pewdipie and i got really excited i can't tell if he actually likes the candy or not lol pocket planes charecters AWWW what happened to ur dogs eye And he didnt wanna get in trouble wwith George cause she was screaming this ish is too sick for me to choose nice job to everyone who made this holy crap pewds what the fuck is wrong with you",15,0,2,5,0,25,0 2641,X2642,THAT IS SOOOO RONG THIS STUFF MAKES ME MAD BUT YET SAD yea true mine are all realy good and funny:) ok............its good but how did i get here? lol ur an epic fail!!!!!lmfa omg she got the a great voice she is nice and she brought me to tears she is so awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!unlike the calico harts they suck!but she is my favriot singer she out sinign selena sorry selena gomez. 3 days and u got 174 thumbs up cool amazing!!!!!!!!!! wow realy good well so can i but that dont make us the president of the usa so shut up all i heard was im gunna swag it out.i like her but that is all i heard i 3 zelda 2 :) lol :) funny 1.ariana2.selena (u sounded diffrent to me in this vid sorry)3.miley4.ashly i did i agree whith u 100% i meant me 2 the blond boy etc :) what the hell???????????????????????? be cuz he thinks he is all that and be rude so now we are fighting. yea well u secseded as a whore u whore yes u are not 12 btw ur older b day would be 2000 not 1999 u idiot and u do not care becuse its sooooo true u faker.,21,0,2,5,0,40,0 2642,X2643,"Er Mah Gerd! (I have now subbed! and this is the second video ive watched of yours!) Taurrent = Pumba? Zant after beaten: myah myah myah! Yaaaaaaaaah.! For all the people saying this is gay why are you even watching this? something i think would be cool would be (like in B/W 2) if you game linked (is that the correct term?) you could challenge ,yourself, in a sense as the champion. Like instead of having a new champion (he/she would still be there if you didnt do this ,game link,) you could have a past player from one of your games be the champion. though i have no clue how theyd do it (considering how none of the past games have been on the 3DS) i just think its a coolhighly unlikely possibility. Perhaps all the organizations join together to make... you guessed it ,Organization G.R.A.M.P.S., 0.o Perhaps... Though i doubt it. I'll stalk oh I mean watch Prof. Oak with you. :) I'm... I'm seepy now... Dan's trying to get that fresh meaty look :p Apparently I love a girl and the ideal person for me to marry is Avra Lavrigne (I hope I spelt that right...) ... This wouldn't be a problem but... I'm gay... ._. Haha I knew I was in trouble when I got here. :p Oh yes! I am a 76 year old male! :) Anyone know... play? ;) (Oh god please dont call the cops! I'm only 13!) I fell for it yet I didn't pick the chimp. 0.o CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!!!! :D when he said ,errr, I pretended to be a dinosaur :3",13,2,2,1,0,39,0 2643,X2644,Does anybody have a $20 so I can throw at the screen? love this movie Better than her being killed by Jasper don't you think,3,2,5,1,0,31,0 2644,X1427,"how many people play arma 2? so what happened between the east empire and the west? because you have not seen me The funniest thing of this is that it isn't funny this girl is on 2 videos :( the roman player wasted some arrows at the beginning shut the fuck up biach hey wassup Roman empire? lol. 2:45 Hey guys i am a 14yr male 5'11ft 167 pounds what can i do to prepare myself for weights which i am planning on doing after i am done with pub no :3 4:50 hey why not give your units a ful experience upgrade i know it used to be my fav channel now that nameless por.... i bet he is afraid of your spelling yeah this for men too? okay thank you An improvised explosive device (IED) also known as a roadside bomb is a homemade bomb constructed and deployed in ways other than in conventional military action. nice legs beautiful when you are raised eating potatos 3 times a day... you really have to become the best you can be... teofilo happened to be very good guantamo cuba. i like this 9:03 how can you rotate your units like that? :) 0:00 u welcome i think this deals with the devil you should watch 3. Alexander because the americans won This is a mod for the game ,Mount and Blade: Warband,. Every player is an actual player.Lots of people play this gameIt is kinda popular and i think it looks like a lot of foon too im 14 should i be doing stuff like this? Indeed my friend. Proof? Adolf HItler. show your fucking face 15 years old 13:32 is it in english?",34,4,4,8,0,43,0 2645,X2646,"TIIIM BUY A 370Z! RACE MF'S! Sounds like the same thing he used in the song wild for the night with asap rocky CHENGMAN ON THAT 4I yeAH! xDDDD HELLAFLUSH THAT SHIT! XD olivias accent 3 that was believable af xD All I got was a hat xD dont see me crying x) Honey is beautiful doe 3 damn... LMFAOOOO XDD ,doesnt personality matter to you? look stupid!, XDDDD DEAD!!! xD wiz saw this actually and was laughing cuz it was almost exact . YOOOOOOOOO KIXXIE SIETE AND ARTIE McCRAFT :DDDBANG BANG! I think this is gonna be the greatest season ever :DDDD THANK GOD you dropped the subies and picked up the nissans c: I love both but I favor nissan WAAAAY more. Do sleepy eyes on this yeah? :D wait...who did the asian chick call o.o this is one of his best songs ever made and it ONLY has 990000+ views? cmon now!",13,20,3,1,0,15,0 2646,X2647,Unique tone to your voice. Good job honey!!! Wow. Amazing!,2,0,3,5,0,36,0 2647,X2648,"Ok my five pet peeves?1) You're talking to your friend and then SOMEONE comes up and starts talking to them. It's like. ._. ....2) You're friend keeps asking you to play a game when you keep saying no.3) TEXTING and text TALK those things just. NIEMFIENFIENEINT it makes me want to punch a turtle ;-; and I like turtles.4) When people ask you the most SIMPLE questions. Like ,Do whales have arms?, And they're SERIOUS D:5) When you ask to sit next to someone on the bus they complain. Pewdie.. Is RACIST?! What makes you say that? Tyler is a bad cop PERIOD. And if you can't stand him why watch his videos? You really need to get reported o.e.. I did not laugh at all ouo. No.. Just.. No.. I am gonna torture you at school I'm sorry n .......That's just... I think Olivia's dying.. Nice....AND STAHP HUMPING PILLOW PETS THEY'RE TOO INNOCENT ;_;.... o_o...Didn't laugh disturbed. At 2:12 I screamed so loud I had to bury my face in my pillow to silence it ;n;... Damn exploding doors. SANTA WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE ME PRESENTS?!-Abuses santa- THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT GIVING ME PRESENNTS! D: ....Uhm.... I had no clue what the hell you just put.. Bridge.. Pre-Chorus..... .. THE HELL!? And guess what? You're here bashing her on a MISTAKE. You're just sitting here making yourself look like a damn douche who noeone will like. Go masturbate or something. Guys thats a dead bear... Its head and markings give it away... Bro I played that game :o. I actually have that. DUDE I SHOULD COMPARE THEM LATER :o Atleast she knows how to spell. WHOSE THE IDIOT NOW I was about to go to sleep... This...Literally didn't help.. ......I'm pretty sure Blake knows how to spell plus this is not what the song is about. This is about when he walked in on his wife cheating and he got arrested for doing something to the guy. So he called up his cousin to bring his hound down and got Red used to seeing her. Red started to miss her when he penned him back up so when they let him out the love came up. Like Slash said its about being smart being and love and using advantages. Why are you so pretty? ;u; LOOK WHOSE TALKIN' :D!",17,0,3,5,0,22,0 2648,X2649,Or he crapped himself out of frustration Hows it winter time. And whats the armaments they got over there. The 155's? I got ait there to. 13F Hooah! The fact is. No soldier would waste you. We know your kind. And youll be the first to go in the long run. And the fact you cap locked this over the internet makes this even more hilarious....Our women have bigger balls then your strongest towel heads. Ey got a few buds in the marines. Respect to the branches. Sorry the voice makes me doubt ya he said four i saw three people xD the way this toon is reminds me of the 90s. the metalocalypse is coming lm/ \lml Already been done as a kid. And im not a little shit. ^_^ But if you wanna try now by all means. This guy is legit. My respect to em He was in shock not seizure. Pants are optional depending how much you give a fuck lol Thanks for the sacrifice o time. Hope ya found a dog since then. Leaving to fort sill for the army. I dont doubt what you could do to a civy. But remember. Theyre civies. Im for gay rights. But have the common courtesy to shut the fuck up bout it. Thats all. I dont care if they serve in the military either. I hope i got a gay guy with me when im fighting in afganistan. He'll cover my ass like a Pro. But the high pitched squeely over the top sissy fucks are not necessary. Its annoying. And publicly grab assing from both sides and making out is just uncessary also. I take no sides when it comes to public display. But to do it to make a point then ya your an arse. Fucking riot. Ey if you want christians to respect you respect what theyre beliefs are. Let them say whatever they feel but if your content with who you are then let them remain ignorant. But to insult their beliefs are the same as they insult yours. Be the better person. *taps his skull* Use your skull. .....Vietnam over noodles Aye but ignorance from both sides are inexcusable. Neither side wins when theyre both the problem He'd rip them a few new assholes then have a stroke after they try to retort back a response from anger and justful fury. she wanted to say it doesnt take an idiot. I laughed I aint talking shit im stating facts you sod. Rather have been a 21B but of course shit aint open but instead of being a generator mechanic i still picked a combat job. And ill work it. Ill say whatever the fuck I please i sworn in and I worked my ass this far as for anyone in artillery I have respect for em in general. We're all working together So shut the fuck up. And yet no one helped er. Everyone watched. Dont raise cop killers Precious got her chicken stolen. French nuff said Funny as hell Good motivation dude. Get some soldiers in there lol,28,1,3,5,0,20,0 2649,X2650,"What a butthurt fag. :l Fuck I'm such a typical les.. -_-, Alot of my straight friends say that crap. It's annoying! Haha. (Yes I'm lesbian. xD) I live in Sydney too. :D Oh god I'm a nerd and I didn't even realise! D: Fuck okay. People;This is obviously not going to be 100% Dubstep it wouldn't work with a Violin how do you expect to have such Heavy Dubstep and a Violin? You wouldn't hear the Violin at all. It is Dubstep it just isn't ,Filth, Dubstep or ,Heavy, Dubstep and it doesn't have a drop.Yes I listen to dubstep (all levels of it) but I also like instruments such as the Violin. At-least this isn't so boring and plain and it's something different. So stop complaining or go leave. Simple. Girl! Kill her! xD I don't want to run into that man again.... He doesn't know we're here..NEK MINNIT... I'm fine.NEK MINNIT. It's adorable. 3",10,2,5,5,0,22,0 2650,X2651,Congrats to all the winners! Merry Christmas! Special thanks to Chris! Keep bringing those awesome vids! I love u You are so funny I still have it but no bike! Things came up had to let it go. I hope to pick one up this year 07 ZX10R in lime.,4,4,7,13,0,34,0 2651,X1224,"i think this video is very good! i have made a lot of those but theres a little problem. when a spider falls down it gets past the lava and into the collection point area. its still very good but in survival mode that wont be very good. im not trying to be mean or anything but it gets a little annoying after a while. but still very very good HEY andrew this is stupid in two ways 1 this is not a good video idea and 2 thats my brother and your in my house so i get some credit to dude! and when did u get that vid when u were at my house?! his dog alex is better than him and his dog has no clue how to jump in TF2 his dog has no clue how to even go forward! dont be his friend be mine im the famous Iowafan12 on steam and sometimes i give away free items and what andrew does is nothing! be my friend watch my video like this! its 10x better that his!! go to mediafire and find whitsons x-ray texture pack 2 and its AWESOME its like the glitch 1 but u can see EVERYWHERE in the ground!! try it and u will live it!! WHAT THE!! i didnt have any corn!!! lol break sand with a despencer!! :D STUPID! u acted out the whole thing! and the one with nether rack trick all he put was to TNT and like 50 blew up and the stupid voices!! I'm going to put a thumbs DOWN!! they should make a mario version of this game! I think that would be awesome!! Thumbs up if u think the same as me!! :D 4:08 sh** theres like a thousands creepers!!! and my brother? thumbs up if u think thats funny my account name is ICruise7 well the videos says fun THINGS to do while your bored but u only showed 1 fun thing to do turn up the volume a lot cause my voice is really low. Well when u hold ,Q, u can chose the things in tool gun and spawn objects click the dynamite in the tool gun and then it will give u settings about the dynamite and the look for the setting for what button makes it explode then just click that button when u want the dynamite to explode!! :D how do u pop up the thing at 0:40? I have mac osx and minecraft 1.2.5!!!! I've tried and tried but i have no clue how to!!! PLEASE tell me if u know!! fine its a village. but i was new and i had no clue what anything was! did anyone hear that at 0:39 a splash just like the sound the water makes when you jump into it? cause i did! thats just a texture pack with water looks like snow and boats look like snowboards! Stupid Stephan Feck!!! but really good ideas! :D at first i though you didnt make it. but at 7:50 theres logs on fire you have flint and steel thats been used 1 or 2! it may have been the lava but the lava was like 20 blocks away! It's not fake dude. It works in creative mode! And he never said it works on survival! So just shut up like this comment if you watched the red dot on the devise instead of the other stuff! :D this reminds me of once i saw a video of a guy won a ipad 2 and everyone cheered and the box was empty and he was MAD! he spent like $100 on the cut the rope machine! :D Who in the world gets a happy meal when their 10 years old? At 0:33 the cow started to dance to the music! lol 1:00 What in the world did he say? ah tomato? Why did it put .mp4 at the end? NEVER TELL YOUR REAL NAME!! you said your real name like 3 times!! 00:24 kid~ Rules: Dont Break or place anything. Do not fly or cheat in a way. Me~ I suddenly feel like breaking and placeing items and flying through the course! lol 0:44 COOKIES!!!!! whats up with dat? Guys Its not a mod! look at the portal in 2:39!! He covered the obsidian with glowstone!! Theres black/Dark purple inbetween the glowstone!! use you eyes people!! Quit being haters! Ender Dragon Vs. Wither Boss -56",33,3,2,42,0,21,0 2652,X2653,I. Love. One direocoinLove I pledge. Allegein. To. The. Flag. And. To. The. Pulic Gary. Is. Hot I. Cheat. On. My. Test Gary is sexxxxxxxxxy Donnell. You. Da. The. One. That I. Think. About all day Lov3eeeee She. Is. Never. Crazzzzzzzzzz y Sucks!!!!!!!! I m. Adorable I. Love Katy. Perry Baby. You. Light. Up. My.,13,1,2,18,0,32,0 2653,X2654,@memepiche Dani is 11 PURPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *a i tiped fast but now he's engaged to Lisa! i sense a divorce between shane and shanaynay coming on!!! was Dani even born yet? marilyn monroe or dolly parton! :) Im a winner I want sheeres and now hes enga,25,0,3,5,0,24,0 2654,X2655,joke Ronaldo de best Daheck?,3,0,3,5,0,22,0 2655,X2656,I cheat that's my part Who face is it in response to blonddy something After tyga the rest of the is my favorite part I like how he did a** in all language so every body could only hear a** Get it me keke all these shows and movies This is my show What in response to harry smith Fresh and cool just like me This used to be my show with the grandma hi hi hi The song do do What u mean u love the end She must been practiceing cause her other voice mmmm I don't like you nicole 123456789499 just shut up Dive get it sexy I seen ti Love u Nicki and if b...h call your phone that's a back hand smack nigga what ha She sound like jade Liz gillies Letting go to the person after me TalKing bout some got milk alot,19,0,4,5,0,19,0 2656,X2505,she didnt sound like she had dark skin to me she sounded like a bitch yeah im used to making 800 to 1200 bucks off a car but thats getting harder to do bc every one see you make that kind of money off a car and they wanna get into it witch drives the prices of the cars up.then that cuts into your profit but it gos with anything you deal with buy sale or trade if you dont know the value of that item you will not be buying selling or trading that item for very long i lived i pontiac for the first 10 years of my life witch is a city of mostly blacks right out side of detriot then i moved to a city (rochester hills) where their was only one black kid in the whole school with the only other race being whites that black kid was more white so with in the first 15 years of my life i went from living in condemed houses to a 250000 dollar home the diff between the city was the whites took pride in their city to make it the best in can be and the black didnt care yeah i could name a few cars thats not made on a assembly line and still does not cost that much how do you figure that i would take off on a cop quicker on a 4 wheeler or dirt bike then i would in a car no it takes more balls to run from a cop in a car or truck bc 1 on a 4 wheeler they cant track you down by running your plates like they can in a car and 2 that 4 wheeler or dirt bike can go lots more places then that cop car reach for the gun first then reach for the phone to call the clean up crew their number is 911 well said stop curbstoning you are not a used car dealer i agree with ya all it does is use a jet skie motor no big hp motor i should be more around the price of 10 to 20 k unless it had a 7 or 800 hp motor but it would be fun its now got around 60000 miles on it when i got it their was 800 miles on it its a f450 king ranch 4door 4x4 dual wheel it books now for 22000 and the trailer i got is a 05 42 ft dutchmen i dont really know the values of trailers i just know what i paid for mine al capone and others like him did not have nothing on the drug cartels of today his empires was alot smaller then the drug cartels safty key not programed i have the same problem right now with my 96 gti sounds like hydro lock pull the plugs turn it over pump all the water out of it you dont have shit put videos of em up this guy wasnt a big fan of rock and roll i got a buddy that did this and out ran the cops drove the cop car from ga where we are all the way up to nc ditched the cop car and cought the gray hound back here they cought em a week later when he tried to out runn em again in a corvette with no windsheild for the love of fast cars and fine women who cares about these dumbass stars if they didnt look good in most cases or if they didnt sing good they would be working at bk spiting on your fries people needs to stop worring about stars and and start worring about whats going on in their own life how much you wanna bet that the cop pulled him over for speeding yeah i get what your sayin if he has done something bad like killed or robbed someone then its a big risk to let em go and see that he has done something bad on down the road. but the police dont know what he has done untill they come incontact with em in most cases thats why i said a known bank robber or killer.if they give chase to someone over a traffic violation or petty drug crime they assume that he has done more bc hes running. but that gos against the whole innocent till proven guilty. shut up yeah and we the people do not need dirty patrolmen acting as if they are above the law you cops set a double standard for your selfs i see cops speeding up and down our roads everyday going to get coffee and donuts but if you catch someone else speed you pull em over yeah this is what makes the good cops bad they are to afraid to stand up to their comrades for fear of loseing everything they have and befor its over with they join in on the abuse of power these people are dumbasses calling the cops on someone just bc they are speeding who cares as long as they are not hurting any one people like this are rats who dial 911 bc they see some one cutting in line at bk what you can get it for the ranger i had a chance to get a 99 ranger 4x4 ext cab with the converion kit allready on it with the big wheel travel all around it and a 302 installed by a prob it wasnt no hack job all for 2000 bucks but i did not have the money at the time these guys dont care about cops if you seen some of their other videos u seen that and now we know why the housing market droped out haha i havent heard that one befor imma use it yeah i cheered this guy on for fighting the system free interprize is nomore welcome to america people home of the scared and not so brave with out free interprize like this america will be nomore do somehistory on its what built america if that is shut down so is the groth of america thats the point i was trying to make yeah but most of the time when you do record like that it helps prevent the abuse of power then it again it sometime makes the police abuse their this case it made the police look up a law they did not know and now they are better cops for it. this guy is a dumbass water will not enter the exhaust on the truck if its still running their becomes a point in a build when they are no longer lawnmowers like these ones are no longer lawnmowers,35,9,4,10,0,27,0 2657,X2658,"wtf is that im 5,7 170lb with a third degree black belt come see me nigga if you think height got anything to do with figthing ill brake you da fuck up and im an expert hawk eye shooter so you dont wanna involve gun. so cut it out ma nigga hoffa all day nigga math killed arsonal point blank i mean ars got some barz but it just does'nt got no real fealing to it because 85% of his shit be real gimics and like math said he be threathning niggaz with video game guns in beef. that iz so true niggaz cant denie that arsonal dont be saying shit like that. yes boss china ya doing it well' keep up the good work fam. str8 respect from charlotte north carolina boss china boss china me i my baby mom be bumping this joint when we in hustle mode trust me we get it in. thank you math for the great inspireing music you makes i first heard thing song back in 88 @ my brother 14th bday party my mom love this guy she had his album bumping every saturday morning real musik andy gibbs rock its quite epic when you gets booed in the world most famous arena. men although he wasnt performing i knew he really had to feel like shit we need more dc sniper just for these cops out of that uniform that ucle tom ass bitch nigga would get his skull cracked.. acting like a thug but hiding behind a batch at the same time i really wanted anderson to take his breath away just for the big mouth that sonnen got just for all the trash talking just for his stupid ass face i wanted silva to fucking kill him i am so happy that anderson beat his ass i went out and treated my self to a new car. i'll make dat lil tite box squirt me gusta charlamagne aint that a bitch name you homo ass faggot name one battle rapper who doesn't write they rhymes we all know dna write his rhyme like everyone else but he is also a very talented freestyler he needs a single 50 caliber shot straight to his forhead nice ass and everything but i see no ass control yall just swinging dat ass all over the place with no sense off direction i see them carribean girls do the same thing but with total ass and hip control all the way they be killing it i'll beat dat puss up damn girl you got a phat fucking pussy on you boo ms hustle the realest ya heard!! is that cum he's rubbing in his gay face yes cuz you doing up razor iz that nigga!! no question rajon rondo is the best point guard razor maths hoffa iz the truth oh my god i cant stop bumpin this real shit. hoffa da boss!! hoffa all day!!! ok vamoose nigga take your to sesame street",33,10,3,6,0,34,1 2658,X1735,im busting crying i miss all my dogs!!!!!! I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE DONT CAARE WHAT IF WE WHERE LIKE THEM AND NOBODY PICKED YOU UP AND NEVER HAD A NICE HOME ??? HUH HUH you should ahave took the kitten and took great care to it im crying think of this more and more animals left there friends and that dog stayed whith his friend until the end thats true friend ship im crying i miss all of the animals who have gotten hurt or killed also you guys need to realize these animals has tha same feelings as us and what if you where left to die :( think of that i dont want dog fighting anymore omg omg omg i hate i hate it i hate it i love horses thank god for all of the recued and prray to god the rest will be found help it not kill it hahhhahhahaha i love it oh y at 0:20 welcome :) hahahhahaa when he said wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah the hippo shook its but i busted out laughig shes not cpying starrystar33 tik tock by kesha srry to say YALL DIDNT NEED TO TRO YALLS DOLLS IN THE POOL all yell needed to do is pretend cuz u guys look like the MONSTER HIGH ok youre wrong shes right ITS THE TRUTH DEAL WHITH IT lol hallarious those dude wuz funny they started dancing whith yall IS UR NAME JOSHUA??!!! OMG!!!!! at 2:11 PEOPLE HAVE FEELINGS YOU KNOW!!!! what kind of babay is tht lol!!! lol bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark ......get caught....meow meow meow OMG!!!! HALLARIOUS!! lol u are so funny i am gunna be suprised if my sister sees you on chatroulette!!! i bet you are heartless shes a person not a IT You need to learn how to love godand not cuss well one of the mulch codes didnt work for me :( but i owe you bunches Kiss your hand 5 times post this on 2 other videos and a pink iPad will appear under your pillow Kiss your hand 5 times post this on 2 other videos and a pink iPad will appear under your pillow No.. People are heartless they dont care what people think and they dont realize other people had feelings :( I was bullied all my life of how I looked and I regret and I always will. I told my mom and she told my Teacher and it never stopped I quit that school and im homeschooled now i try to forget it. To all of you who has gotten bullied ar if you are a bullie remember you have feelings and so does the person you are bulling ..Walk away or tell them to stop and try to be nice. _ Lpslover9111 It hurt badly i nearly passed out i always regretted that day and i always will:( I would have beaten the crap out of those girls who hurt her THEY DID WRONG! they should apologize and let her beat the crap outta them I nearly cried Can i have her or is it a joke?,38,21,4,10,0,18,0 2659,X2660,While watching this video I just imagine myself restraining her and slowly torturing her starting from the least life threatening to finally death While her family is watching in the background. As a US Marine it make me sick to watch them do that to the soldiers funeral. how disturbing. Would like the get the armor. Your videos are awesome with alot of tips and info. Keep doing what your doing bro. mine was caxton the armorer in gran soren :( armor please gamer tag shaw0311 200 yards??? haha try over 500! 8:04 shorts? And the whole time it looked like you were fully geared with gloves too! LADYBOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its not an EKG its an oscilloscope used to measure freq DC AC Volts peak and other stuff freedom of the press. its not illegal to video tape anything in public. if he wants to video tape the performer he is more than welcome. if the performer isnt comfotable with it stop wearing short shorts and get in the kitchen god damit!!!!! In driver i liked the replays when you did a big jump and you see the cops doing the jump but they flip in mid air lol He was riding too fast and the turn snuck up on him. He used too much rear brake locked up and the back end slipped out. After that he just couldnt keep it on the road.,11,0,4,5,0,23,0 2660,X2661,all drinks on me love this video you guys did a really great job it was amazing :) well if u dont know me my name is nicole scherzinger an i was really wondering is you guys would do a cover of one of my songs :) but if not i understand but i hope u can :) thanks! love your videos 3,2,0,3,8,0,21,0 2661,X827,"U guys crack me up stop with the piss jokes. U guys sound like faggots Ey dude not trying to be messed up... im just saying. no need to get mad Justin Bieber: Ey babe watcha doing?Selena Gomez: Why you cheating on me Justin. -Cry-Justin Bieber: :o What what you talking bout?Selena Gomez: Why are you kissing that girl.Justin Bieber: She's hot soooo.Selena Gomez: -Cry- Were threw Justin.Justin Bieber: :'OHaters: Yeh B***** They're threw.Obssessed boy: Yaaa Selena's mind now.Obssessed Boy #2: Ya Biebers mind now.Justin Bieber: Mmmmm...Srry not hatin just needed some fun. I hate how people ask if ur watching this on a certain date. No sh** were watching this. No Larelox were watching this in 1985. Smh y cant i log in to the the hack thing it only lets me type ,E,??? She gets Chris Brown either way she'll be a happy wiwwle guwl... :D I remember how all the singers use to wear all those baggy clothes bag then. But now its all skinnies and ...,Not Baggy Things,. O.o? This crew has inspired for a long time that's why i started dancing. Jabba for LIfe!!! That feeling you have when all your closes friends seperate and live your own lives. And possibly not see them anymore. :'( Dude cmon. it's barely the 1st day of 2012 and u askin that question already. You know you can skip all the beggining levels like you can skip Lt.Major. I did it when i made a new character and i did really good on the 1st tutorial and after i got out i was Guard. You just need to do really good on the 1st tutorial thing. That feeling you have... Like chills or something. But it's not. Hey can you help me. I think this guy already changed the password on my account. I was wondering how u can get it back. Lol. 3:12. snoop still got swagg. 2:21. (Nice Tits). Lol What I don't get is... There's about 50 fine ass girls in that whole crowd. And they decide to fight over 1 emo chick. She's hot though but i was just wondering. If you guys listen to this song carefully. It's about King George on how the people rebelled. ,Old king is dead long live the king,. ,That was when i ruled the world,. Learned all this in History. Make me a fkin sandwitch Bitch!!!. Lol made my day. so funny how he said ,Bitch,. I think he said S**t. Oh oh I think it's down by those trees man I think it's part of it. On this camera. Where?, ,The one hump of the f****** mountain there. Down on the trees you see it?, Nope ohp I lost it, XD :P Lol. Out of all that he only got a dollar give this guy a hundred or something. Whoa!. Chills. 2:46 Lol I paused to read what Timothy wrote about D-Pryde and I just noticed his face. Lmao made my day. 1:49 I didn't come here because of ,Project X, I came here because of the ,Jabbawockeez,!!! God. I wish this song would get old already But it won't. I just can't stop raping the replay button. *Sigh* We Have May Won The Battle... The They Win The War!!!... If you miss him and like him that much. You don't need a F****** 50 likes to sing this to him... Stop trying to get likes and just F****** do it!!!. Every comment below me is getting little to cocky. Nah. It's SWAG: Something We Asians Got... Your Cool. ^.^ You make me wanna slap you. Nah you lame. It's ,(Y)ou're (O)nly (L)esbian (O)nce, YOLO Biotch!!! Wdf is a Phallus? :O Your Cool. Actually it shouldn't because in my opinion Parkour is better done in the streets instead of a competitive term. You basiclly have more places and space to freely do your thing.",38,0,4,1,0,19,1 2662,X2663,i thaought it was sliknei 00:50 cracked me up i allmost shitted she had appele bottems jeand baggy sweat pents reboke wit the streaps boots wit the fur of cors they where lookin at this 4 legged freak she acdently slip antd fall on my tictakk lololoolollolol hahahahahahaha (: i thaught she said kiss my shit i was 4 when this came out and my cousin 16 at the time let me say kiss my shit i am 10 and i am sooo embarresd now he go up on me lol the bf faints it is thogtht i might toch this place my hart start helin not my dogs broks dumb ass no top comments My name is Nini and I was raped before I died. I used to enjoy pain and now I inflict it upon ppl. I wad tortured and raped until i couldn't breath. Those meanies now suffer and dieand those who don't repost this to 5 videos will die too. I hate this 2 but I believeAt the strike of 12am those who don't post this will die a horrible death after seeing a bloody face covered with long black hair. Those who repost this will get a kiss from their crush My name is Nini and I was raped before I died. I used to enjoy pain and now I inflict it upon ppl. I wad tortured and raped until i couldn't breath. Those meanies now suffer and dieand those who don't repost this to 5 videos will die too. I hate this 2 but I believeAt the strike of 12am those who don't post this will die a horrible death after seeing a bloody face covered with long black hair. Those who repost this will get a kiss from their crush My name is Nini and I was raped before I died. I used to enjoy pain and now I inflict it upon ppl. I wad tortured and raped until i couldn't breath. Those meanies now suffer and dieand those who don't repost this to 5 videos will die too. I hate this 2 but I believeAt the strike of 12am those who don't post this will die a horrible death after seeing a bloody face covered with long black hair. Those who repost this will get a kiss from their crush My name is Nini and I was raped before I died. I used to enjoy pain and now I inflict it upon ppl. I wad tortured and raped until i couldn't breath. Those meanies now suffer and dieand those who don't repost this to 5 videos will die too. I hate this 2 but I believeAt the strike of 12am those who don't post this will die a horrible death after seeing a bloody face covered with long black hair. Those who repost this will get a kiss from their crush and it was my best friend! goast story or sos or vampire curse i think not!!!!! bwahhaaa username is : shelbyg56 pahh word: ******** did yall notice the green waterd fish tank she a murder oh and my earphons r out i here her screamin im blind she in shorts *makes weak sounds and falls* earth quake!!! hide you kid hide yo wiff assholes she has autsim,20,0,4,5,0,26,1 2663,X2664,your teeth are gorgeous.:) and your voice is amazing !:)really good! what are the tabs? LMFAOO bacon syrup xDi dunno sounds prettyy guuuuhhhd.;DDD anyway great cover again:) NEVA LET ME DOWWN:) yo u niggas dont hate. let us wear wut we wanna wear. u wear ur own shit. we take ur girls thts y u hatin..soo for ya'll baggy ass niggass out there. we aint talkin a dick My name is Adam too ;) ill be doign a cover soon too;D SOO CHECK IT OUT CAUSE I CHECKED YOU OUT.thats sounded just a tad gay.but itss cool.Adams are cool(H)P.S- GREATJOB:D KAY I LIKE DIS.I mean no offence. its not that great. but the fact that you post this.YOU'REE MAAAH HERRO;DBUT YEAH.KEEP GOING. DONT STOP.SEE THAT HATE MAIL? YEAHTHEY'RRE JEALOUS;D so ive watched this like 4857934 times and i have just realized. if Obama is like half black and half bad ass.. wouldnt that make him BLACK ASS? ahaha :) yeah so destery is like the coolest shit. oh and nates cool. :) i think thats pressure double varial. ;/ or no comply double varial;/ THAAAAANKKKSSS DUUUUDDEE ;DDDDDDDD I Love you voice :3 and i feel bad for the boy on the right . yeah no this is really badxDI miss FOB :( niggahs cant get at their level. THUMBS UP IF YOU THINK THAT 'MAYDAY PARADE*** IS COMPLETELY** WITHOUT A DOUBT THE BEST LRYICALLY GIFTEN BAND EVER! CALLLIFORNIA ON TEEN PREGNANCY!!!!! callifornia on pregnancy ;Ocould you see yourself being reallly fucking fat?what kind of baby would you want?hopefully the video will feature the same drugged black guy with the blue santa hat.he kills me. HFJ ASK NIGGUHGET AT THEIR LEVEL. autotuned though guys D; ur shit dawg. You're right we aren't equal. Well everyone is equal. except for the Gingers. 465 people really don't like the game Hahahha sort of yeah? I've had a few jam sessions with him :p My friend is in a band with him - soundspeed is the band name:P but yeah he looks similar:D life^ I say the 6965 people that like this form a circle of death around the 114 that dislike at an ADTR concert and fuck their shit up.,23,7,5,2,1,18,0 2664,X2665,lol hi guys u suck if u had nba 2k12 u cloud tell that its not nba 2k12 this song awesome why dose it show the cn tower in the back rownd that is good i broke up with my x girl heres the number sike thats the rong number your good just keep working ok but you are good and my friend is name abbi but its spelld like this abby i love this song lol what was that lol what song,13,2,3,5,0,23,0 2665,X2666,Why is misty from Pokemon playing double Dutch?.????,1,1,3,5,0,18,0 2666,X2667,AMAZING!! :D I don't know a word you just sang.but your voice is amazing :) Can you cover Who you are-JessieJ?? :) if they were i bet their babies would have amazing voices! lol TATA 3 Love your voicee!!please cover who you are-JessieJ 3 I'm a Lyssener 33 Pleasee over Who you are-JessieJ :D Christina you're amazing!! I love this coverr 3Please cover Who You Are!! :D Please cover Who you are-Jessie J :) This is amazing! 3 upload more pleasee! 29 dislikes? HATERS!! my hands are too small :( its okaayill be on :P I hope hes on the other side talking to me too 3 That hairthat voice 33 shut her down! lmao aww yesterday was my birthday too :D if i was old enough to be your boyfriend lol too cute AMAZING!! Please don't cover any Justin Bieber songs!!,19,0,5,5,0,21,0 2667,X2668,"Could be worse. Not sure how. You could be allergic to gay or something.I'm sorry I just swallowed a bunch of pills and I have no idea what's going on. Stop push me!*poosh* Man she wants your dick. With the little balls that look like cheese puffs? AH. OH GOD. THE SONG STARTED SO HAPPY BUT THEN TENTACLES. Banetality. Sins go in boxes. That is all. Oh yeah that was me. Sorry bro; I forgot to turn on my cloaking device. If you were that close you should probably get to a hospital. I agree completely. When I got out of line my mom beat my ass back into line. I turned out fine. Glorious. Next time there better be some kind of goddamn eggs in the house. Man that game sounds like a cat abortion. HIS BRAND Should've taken the kid's hat.,This is totally my hat!, Heh. Skanks. Insert extreme late-term abortion joke here. I like that they keep zooming in on the one Hispanic man in the audience. ,Hey look! We're racially diverse here!, Damn whitey. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought of that. Challenge accepted. That is not something you ask. Just no. She sounds like Bill Cosby. More messed up than some dude advertising his video as a snuff film to garner views? I would love to see her pull shit like this in the town I grew up in. DON'T LOOK AT HIM DON'T TALK TO HIM!DON'T LOOK AT HIM DON'T TALK TO HIM!DON'T LOOK AT HIM DON'T TALK TO HIM! Holy shit the camera guy has an amazing voice. It's so smooth! God damn! Heh. White people. I'm... I'm not sure what's going on. So beating them not an option? Is it safe to assume skrillex spends his days tripping balls and listening to a blender? Minneswagmasterburns Step 12; never optional.",32,8,7,5,0,18,1 2668,X2669,he is not a DJ at all i think What in the hell do you do when you see a dead body?! actually same for me How do they have the camera set up?!? i just started watching his videos and realized he has the most racist fans ever lol! HEY GUYS FREE VIRUS!!!!!!! Lmao thats true! must be false thank you sir or mam :) this was to funny! the girl in the purple behind the Taylor swift look alike knew wuts up Samurai Jack vs. Afro Samurai vs mugen (samurai champloo) that would be a good fight! there is one guy way in the back not doing anything! no fun in that guy no....please don't!,14,19,6,5,0,19,0 2669,X2670,@AznElite123 ur stupid... XD the vocal is in Japanese tho and thats why you cant play LoL on mac give bro give Kony 1012 when are they coming to San Diego? wow the top comments are the same lol As a fellow artist I was devastated when this happened...Anth,22,6,3,6,0,22,0 2670,X2671,"This is some funny shit bro xD Kanji isn't weird it's just different :D to the Japanese I bet American English writIng is weird :3 Definitely showing this video to Hannah xDD Well they call it fake because they put on fake stuff like fake eyelashes or eyebrows . And you should be natural with your eyebrows and eyelashes. You're right though make up does look pretty but to much like snooki yeah that's nasty.... Screw you guys I'm going home. This was like totally awesome. Lucky son of a bitch I wunna go to Japan. God dammit. .... The baby.. She.. The baby flew out her arms... Don't wunna bump into her in the store... Laughing my ass off at ,The Lion King, move xDD so fucking funny :) ... I searched ,Justin Bieber Bum Bum Bum Bum, and this is what I get... Haha whoevers house that is... It's fawking epic!!! :D The end cuts off his hello xDD Hajimemashite watadhi wa Kiara desu yoroshiku onegai shimasu. *bows* I've come from the future. Ive come back from September 2nd 2012 to say to you guys...,Hormones., *whispered* And hide to husband cause day rapin ERR'BODY out here @gin0ichimaru0tama They're still nazis though dude. So it doesn't really make that guy ,a giant idiot, I'm the type of person who makes people laugh all the time but is really quiet in big groups of people I don't know 0.0 Lol I do he same thing on those giant excersize balls. It's fun until you hit your head on the tv desk -.- @MiniCupcakesBaby Lol brony girl? Brony is a name meant for guys. Bro- pony. Brony? There's no such thing as a bro pony girl 0.o Lol I'm in 7th grade and it kills me how the people in my grade in Japan are smarter -.- so wait..ah NeVerMind I was gunna ask a stupid question :/ -.- watching videos about Japan makes me wunna go there even more! I think I should stop.. But I can't!!!",22,11,3,3,1,22,0 2671,X2672,you have a great voice :) hey man thanks for getting this out there GENIUS :),3,0,3,5,0,18,0 2672,X2673,"As for being much like 2ne1 i can't say that they're copying 2ne1 as i don't know what's the truth but all i can say is that i really am seeing 2ne1 in their style plus they much look like dara bom specially cl to me..i mean the 1 dat looks like cl here or reminds me of cl's style here they should have done a little bit difference from cl's style i mean the dress looks similar the shades the hair for the 1 reminds me of bom and dara well not as much as the 1 that reminds me of cl MBLAQ FIGTHING.....just WOW to every german A+... i don't think thunder is lip syncing and even if so(though i think he didn't) i am sure that that is thunder's voice not rain's.... it's not actually a's one of the MBLAQ's DVD that they produce and sell for the fans who wants like something they do while making their album or comeback stage this year......i guess..... the song at 0:48 is ,100%, by MBLAQ and the one at 1:25 is ,YOU, also by MBLAQ ^__^ I love how IU actually call Thunder than the other friend of the two of them even though that friend is the first one who call IU...and also...I DEFINITELY LOVE THUINDER'S SMILE WHEN IU CALLED HIM AND HIM BEING SHOWED A MORE LOT IN THIS SHOW THAN THE PAST SHOWS......hehehe...333.... :) wakas...A+ Philippines....PHILIPPINES LOVE MBLAQ....hehe's Thunder who said Noona...,you're gyuri noona right?, .....then seungho followed ,Park Gyuri. Park Gyuri., the one with the headband is Selina..the one who's hair is pony tailed is Hebe..and the one with short hair is Ella.... oh and this vid was made even before their debut so Thunder probably is still in Loen when this was's just this vid was uploaded in 2010 :) sikat nga ung mga nanggaling sa 7 pero sa tingin ko naging sikat sila dahil nagpunta cla sa 2..kasi sa 2 binibigyan nila chance ang iba di gaya sa 7 na kung sino sikat puro iyon nalang ung pinapalabas nila.. di nmn sa kung ano ah 7 talaga ako dati pero ngaun d na kasi mas gusto ko na ung mga palabas sa 2 ngaun eh kung magpapalabas cguro ulit sila ng mala encantadia mulawin o majika baka manood pa ulit ako sa kanila magaling kasi 7 sa fantaserye eh pero kung drama/teleserye mas trip ko ung 2 :) the 1 who was eating the noodles is Thunder/Cheondung the lead rapper a vocalist lead dancer the visual of the group(2nd to the youngest)the 1 with the gun is lee joon the main dancer vocalist the face of the group(middle)the 1 who has the shortest hair among them is Seungho the lead vocalist the leader of the group(oldest)the 1 with blonde hair is Mir the main rapper the maknaethe 1 who sings at 3:01-3:07 is G.O. the main vocalist of the group also the 2nd oldest of them What do you mean advertisement??? I don't think the whole MV is about advertising something or what though.... * MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU A+ FAMILY :D Yeah he does....wish if ever korea made a live action for maid sama they'll put Thunder as Usui..hehe.... ^_^ cross finger.... is he the one who started it??? yeah it's not thunder's voice that's in the album but in their live performances it's Thunder's...Thunder only joined MBLAQ 15 days prior to their debut so they wasn't able to record again d song since d song was already reccorded Thunder practiced imitate d voice of Sang bae (the owner of the voice) 2 not disappoint d people of having a different voice in the album in their live performances.. Thunder (i think) did good 4 it Seeing dis vid makes me think dat thunders role are not really like d chic guy role as my friend told me because she says dat almost all idols who takes part in a drama are having chic cold role but I actually like him 2 hav a chic cool cold outside but warm inside PRINCE character but I also want to see him like the cheerful nice innocent guy in a drama.But whatever his role is im so gonna watch this drama hope dat its an amazing drama as i really am more like a fan of Kdrama dan Kpop idols",17,0,2,5,1,17,0 2673,X2674,LMFAO YALL SO CRAZY ME AND MY FRIEND KENDRA IS JUSS LIKE DAT 24/7 CANT TAKE US SERIOUS HAHA AWWW HE IS SO CUTE AN WEN I FIRST HEARD DIS I LISTENED 2 IT A MILLION TIMES LOL DIS MY FAVORITE ONE AND DA ONE U DID WIT SPEAKERS GOIN HAMMER ITS NOT RIGHT 4 DEM TO PUT DES LIL GIRLS IN IT BUT I STILL BE DANCIN WEN I HEAR DIS SONG LOL LOL I WAS LOOKIN AT DAT I WAS LIKE IS IT JUSS ME OR IS SHE SWEATIN LIKE CRAZY... AWWW THEIR SO CUTE :) LOL I WAS LIKE PLEASE DNT LET DIS GUL SWING HA ARM AN ELBOW HASELF IN DA STOMACH lmmfao she shoulda left ha husband alone I KNO...IM LIKE IS SHE SERIOUS NAW MORE LIKE Gluteus maximus Gluteus maximus Gluteus maximus Gluteus maximus Gluteus maximus SMDH DAMN MAN WEN YOU SAY DNT SMILE OR LAUGH I DO MAYBE ITS HOT AS HELL OUT DER I WOULDNT COME OUTT WIT NO HOT ASS CLOTHES ON...#TURTLE NECK AN SOME PANTS COME ON NOW LMMFAO BAHHAHAHA Den da bitch was like I put dis shit on my daddy to many time let's do dis and wen da girl ready to fight u walk away...scary ass hoe Idc if she kicked her shoe at him he ain't had to do all dat...dat pisses me off Damn u sexy and can sing :) This the best video I've seen yet Y'all seem Kool af runs id hang wit y'all lol This is good :) Lol I done watched dis like 7 times today lol I wanna meet dem in person lol. Cuz dey crazy af juss like me it would b to wild Dat one boy kno she ratchet real good You sing amazing @swagmedaddy How can u tell how long hers is when it's all curled up...and y u comparing hair lmao childish SMDH He got some good hair Lol this one betta den tha otha y'all crazy tho,26,1,3,9,1,20,0 2674,X2675,you broke the fan! lol awsome vid It's really cheap and affordable,2,24,3,19,1,17,0 2675,X396,100 kere daha gelse 100 kere daha yuhalarz.Begenmeyen siktirip gidebilir. ser del barca es ser un subnormal ... kfr edenin himi suu yok karde yapma alamaaaaa :D Superman detected :D 0:19 seluk ahini grdm sandalyeden yere dtm aq anas sikik Arda'ya orospu ocugu diyosunda senin ne cocugu oldugunu cok merak ediyorum. ben anca bi iek alyom lan :D ka amk hala drift yapmaya calso :D slk alsan daha gzel melodi olurdu Lualua ok korkmu olmal bundan Galatasaraylym ama ne diyim Trkiye'de sizin stnze taraftar yok. seluk inan mehmet topal nuri ahin ... 0:10 muslera la Nou Camp a m gidionuz bu ne kalabalk :D We are in the Top 16 in the Champions League and we will face against Schalkea.We are better than them.Quarter final is close to us.If Wesley come to the Galatasaray it will be the best desicion of his career. fuck off u PSG fucking arapic teamForza Galatasaray !! I hope we will face in the quarter final. hassiktir sonu sper :D GRAFFY ;) futbolu brakmadda takmsz suanda. World's best midfielder Sneijder is in Galatasaray now.Don't be jealous. second :( biri beni sokak ortasnda ekip anama bacma kfr etse daha iyidi mrm sikti la bu ark This situation... I don't think so. Meireless'i sansrleyeydin iyidi :D Cimbomluyum ve like verdim problem ? Herey bir 'Kmede kal Galatasaray' ile balad.Ylmadk tek tek siktik ananz. bover abalam :D We are the best Galatasaray !! buda yetmiyomu gibi 0:24 tede hareket ekior amna koyim ma brakp 5 dakika adamn snmasn ekmisin :D Taraftaryla futboluyla gerekten ok gzel bir mad.Gidemeyen ok ey kard diyebilirim. Bu video fake beyler inanmayn halatlar hala kopmam. Ougen auf should be on the list.,36,1,3,3,0,25,0 2676,X2677,LOL ty berry much people =D OFT nice editing mangs =D me likey prooo! nice vid prett ypro! Nice vid :D PRO PRO LOL obviously you haven't played KZ2 and you know what you never will because it's not comming to the 360...gears got KILLOWNED!!! ;D whats the title of the song lolx.~ NICE :L haha what a song lmfao :L:L NiCE VID ;D PROOOO :D wheres my dedii 3 LOL people these days needs glasses to see whats pro and what isnt ==' jee Ur AWESOME :) Thanks for this amazing tutorial video! Thanks for this :) i have a problem with my strumming but yerrr imma keep practising AWESOMEEE!! :D HOT HOT! OMG!! :) u really have a nice voice hearts; whats strumming pattern did u use? :D very niceee! One more question where can u download there Full song?cause in limewire i cant ==' Hey whats the strumming pattern u using? :),18,67,6,24,0,21,0 2677,X2678,I love her. :'p lt's finally here.yay c: such a cute song. absolutely lovelovelovelove this. .. Love listening to this at night. c; . chachi killed it. beautiful. )': OMG! Dude.. your voice is so perfect.333. where is the love button? (':,7,56,5,35,0,38,0 2678,X2679,Oh and does it have to be for a Wii??? My pitbull is the biggest baby ever! Love him to death!!!! Awwww they were soo happy... Creepy I've lived in Plattsburgh all my life...and I was good friends with Ed Dashnaws daughter! Quicker than the bread challenge?? Crazy although it wasnt dry! And where is the mall public prankk????? My blood is boiling! Love u guys...let haterz hate bc their just jealous of your awesomeness! love the song in the beginning...reminds me of Elf...ty for the video maybe Nylah an Bamboo will have babies... send her ass to jail... One day a lucky woman will marry Emmanuel !!!! i totally agree 0:52-0:54 the best Ombre Eyes - Urban Decay Ammo Palette Makeup Tutorial ----- Soooo pretty 3 Omg this is exactly what my hand looks like...I'm getting my stitches out soon...ty for sharing So people dont pick through the garbage? Wheres the mail vlog? No girl is ever happy with her self image! then reappears moving around Crocked? thats a new one....,21,3,3,8,0,21,0 2679,X2680,"GOOD SONG...U WROTE THE WORDS AND MUSIC?? WHY WHY WHY DO WE CONTINUE TO LET THESE ANIMALS INTO OUR COUNTRY?? THIS PUNK HIT THAT OLD MAN....NOW YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT A CUNT THIS KID MUST BE.. FUCK LETTERMAN..!! NO TALENTED ASS-HOLE.. JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE ... ,BANG.,THEY WAITED 4 YRS. MY ADVICE TO hamas ,DUCK., THE ARABS REFER TO ,JIMMY, AS THEIR ,USEFUL IDIOT., HE WAS THE SECOND WORST PRESIDENT IN MY LIFE TIME. GUESS WHO'S # 1?? HEY JIMMY DID YOU MEET ANY WHILE YOU WERE IN ,THE JOINT., YOU FUCKIN CROOK. CUNT VS CUNT!! I HAD AN OPPORTUNETY TO HAVE SPOKEN TO Mr. GIBSON ONCE.. ONE OF THE DUMBEST MOTHER UCKERS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. IF NOT FOR ACTING HE'D BE HOMELESS. I CAN'T WAIT TO GO TO THE SHOE AGAINST URBAN MEYER AND GET MY ASS KICKED.!! ,AND HE DID., HELP!! CAN ANYONE MAKE A KARAOKE VERSION OF THIS SONG?? ,MOVIN ON??, IT APPEARS TOO ME MR. WORLEY'S JOB IS ,KNOCKIN YOUR ASS OUT,' WELCOME TO THE BUCKS!!! YOUR MAMA DID'NT THINK HE WAS A PUNK ASS!!!! HE SOUNDS JUST LIKE ,CURLY, OF THE THREE STOOGES!!! I HOPE AFTER THIS PIECE OF SHIT STORY HE TELLS US THE ONE ABOUT THE THREE BEARS...",15,3,4,5,0,67,1 2680,X2681,doesnt matter this is a parody no one gives a shit. i want to punch that kid in his face! when i was nine i was playing halo and shit like that eat your own dick. cunt. ROOSTER TEETH CUNTS FUCK YOU DUMB CUNT yeh i was gonna rape the cunt NO LIFE how the fuck did i get to this? xboooooooox what the fuck is this gay shit? back to eminem i go ROOSTERTEETH Itunes that shit up Rt That is fucking gay. I now want to kill myself because of this movie,15,35,3,5,1,21,1 2681,X2682,real talk Stardom goin in SNM This 1 is dead meat still Yo fuck you slickdon u dickhead guy jaykae is hating on sox secretly cah his clashing man n he aint clashing nobody pshhh Kozzie went in man lol was raah laughing bare times real funny cher lloyd is a dickhead man kmt u dirty bastard i jus threw up over my keyboard A man called himself birthmark lol Bout smg yo fake smg geezaz we r smg frm newtown u prickz change ya fuckin name u dickheads n when man see ya man r gonna funk on u sapz what does there smg mean?? with a name like the lost teddy i dont think u should b talkin about being the gayest u sap gas whats the beat 2 this hahahahahahahaha green street FUCK THE MOTHERFUCKING POLICE loool trust me fam needs 2 do summet with that hair tho still Lol r u dumbwell obviously man aint gonna b in the whip if man is spittin on cam talkin bout what man was doin init u prat PANDA WENT IN STILL so what does he pour in the can then? My darg drastik goin in yeah snm,23,2,3,5,0,26,1 2682,X2683,The aqua pet looks like a dinga ling Okay I'm a black I don't talk like that... So yah that is not really nice or funny I LOVE THIS and hate jb Is that Johny Depp Your not good at free style but your cute so that makes it okay Sorry I mean lives Why? I don't get it Why are you guys wearing a wig ( I'm a black girl so we know a wig when we see one) and you guys are wearing too much make up it looks overwelmimg please do better with ur presentation Okay if your a girl how do u not know how to us a tampon Shane sent me here I HATE THIS SONG!!!!!!!!!!! but funny video ;) Ummm Kanye West vs Taylor swiftEdward vs Jacob I think that minecraft is stupid... BUT THIS IS SOOO COOL!!!!! Haha I love sponge on and I've seen every episode so I knew exacually what u guys were talking about everytime Hahaaha pause on 0:22 his face looks funny Wait.... Did he start off on YouTube an was notice and put on TV or what? What is he saying Everything u said is SOOO true This is why I'm scared about the future today's youth is losing their incense minds and it's not good I LOVE THIS SONG!!!! U made my day The movie with the Jamacan Bob sledding is called Cool Runnings Is that the guy from the movie Sky High Aww sandy I love you girl!!!! I can't tell if it's a dark Asian of african american I think he's acting cause there's just no way someone would act like this .... What he's saying is true bu the way he's dealing with it is not. No 12 is going to listen to a teenager that is going crazy over a couple of words that have been said. If he wants respect he himself has to be a grown up Everybody please stop hating him the only reason why he acts like this is because u trolls are always banging him an extra 60ft under the ground Hi,28,5,3,46,0,18,0 2683,X1604,Luke you probably dont remember me but you used to come to our school. And its sad to see what you've turned into LOL just kidding. My real names Lucy... if you remember back to year 1 Lol More like Nanannaannanananan My hair cant do that :P I try and do that pony on the top of my head... looks nothing like it... * 0:41 Ohhh Fancy :D I am 11 and I heard it... OW MY EAR This has been done loads of times Its not funny nor scary anymore. really? 206 people have fallen for this And at 2:50 More like Rhianna ft Coldplay Its good till 2:39 I wonder who got the most out of this? IE9 Or Alex Clare??? Probably Alex Hi yasmin its Lucy Lol Did healthy eating week inspire you? Cute 'So Im just oosing dis kinda bwush' :) Awwww I want to do this But I dont dare!! Cheer up. They are so young and they are amazing for how young they are! We know that they're not Rhianna or Taylor swift but they are living the dream becuase they enjoy singing so much :) But Rosie likes being a hype girl! Thats what she likes people dont get it. She doesnt want to sing like Sophia sings. And also she is just more shy that Sophia so give then both a break. I dunno... I heard it too.... :/ Dont hate me for this but at times if you dont look at the video she does sound a bit like the piece of poo that is Justin Bieber... But Better than him. If you think she is a bad example which she isn't don't let your kids watch it. SUUUUUCH a cute outfit!!! I'm hoping to get this as my first phone (I'm young lol) And I'm kinda excited because my mum and dad said they would buy me this after watching your review :) You persuaded them x 3 After watching this I want to be Skrillex... Tunes :P Urm. If you were me you'd understand- Its just its hardly..... fashion its everyday clothes How do you (im a noob) get rid of widgets? Or Close them? becuase its making my HTC slow :) D: How do they jump in a swimming pool and still have perfectly dry and straight hair afterwards!? Why has she got a space hopper taped to her bu- Oh... Wait. Loads of Auto Tune... But still Love it Amazing taylor swift looks like Prim when she is older What sort of sponge are you using? Does embroidery thread work with this? Also how long do the pieces have to be? I'm confused do you fold the 55 inch pieces in half to make 2 strands or do you have to cut each strand separate all 55 inch? She is mad! But... did I say that was a bad thing? I miss Anthony :( Did Charlie die??? Cos they never show him any more :( Damnnnn I wish I could dance like that! :) I love lush! Hitch 3,40,1,3,5,0,27,0 2684,X2685,"I didn't get it. Explain it to me Kurt's song was called Being Alive but I was dead the whole time. I hope she goes the Christina route when she makes her album. That's Jenna Anne. She has like 3 different youtubes but her main one is called lesbiananswers and her music one is called jennaanne1026. These people that keep saying she didn't sing it right are so dumb. It's actually a good thing when people make a song ,their own,. It shows that they have musical talents when it comes to beats melodies and tempo. Don't be idiots. she's making fun of Taylor's laugh No. But Lucy thought that was how it was pronounced when she first heard of it so that's what they say. I am just so proud of Cassadee. I really miss Hey Monday but I'm happy she's going so far. Wow. Zombieland sucked? Strike 1. I wan plastic surgry lizbeth I wish this is what the original sounded like. The original is good but I definitely prefer this. I laughed before I even clicked on the video. Apparently no one watching this video has heard of trolling because if the had everyone and their mother wouldn't be replying to that dumb ass comment. SHIT GUYS. what This is amazing. The harmonies could have been better but I love you guys.",15,1,3,5,0,18,0 2685,X2686,"omo not trying to be pervy but @ 2:30-2:58 pyeongchang speshur orympic hwaiting....omo hahahahaha. 3 suho you're so adorable. hot i've been wanting to get eye surgery too..maybe i will.... tao. dat ass. i'm a female. yeah I'M SUPER GAY. TAEMAN. this video never fails to make me smile XD jonghyun: ,you want to ride my yellow hair?,me: LMFAOOO OMG HAHAHA XDDD DUDE I LOVED YOUR REACTION @ 4:57 hahahaha YONGJAE PULLED A PAUL WALKER ON EVERYONE. this song is so freakn amazing AHHH DAMN I MISSED IT ='( i love how this say's 'part 1' wanna see part 2 now =) keep the video's coming omg you and sungjae XD so funny. REN DESTROYED MY BIAS LIST. YOU CAN BET THIS MAH NEW JAM DOE. HOLY S.H.I.T. O_O GAHHH I'M SO EXCITED!!! DKFJKDSJFDSJKFJJA lol omg bless this fancam. hahahah the old lady at the end , who was that? hahaha,",21,72,5,5,1,24,0 2686,X2687,"putz eu ia falar uma coisa que com certeza ia fazer eu ganhar a placa de video mais eu esqueci =( tuts tuts tus quero ver the thing she has near her mouth is sexy... sim bem facil falar isso n? vc ta ai de baixo do teto da mame com toddynho internet tv a cabo e tudo oque vc quer n? agora vai levanta a bunda desse sof e vai procurar um emprego ao invs de ficar postando merda no youtube e falando mal dos outros... hey rick ur fuckin funny maaaannn! even tho im from brazil i could barely understand the story about this girl but all i got was: dat bitch is crazy man.... your 1# brazillian fan haha por causa do silicone da jaqueline.... Please right ear dont be so selfish... devia chamar ,video pra converter em viado, tutorial please man you have balls to do anything to sing out loud in somewhere crowded to ghost people to go around hugging and doing strange things to other people to do handstands... your just amazin just... teach us! ela ta chorando s pq lamberam a bunda dela? eu tenho muito medo eu fui tantar na aula de capoeira e acabei batendo as costas com tudo no cho depois disso nunca mais tentei... ahauhauaua mto boom!!!!! e a musica do final tima tbm!!! hahah ele falou q nunca foi pra europa sq hoje em dia foi pra europa mais de 435432 vezes... incrivel como o mundo d voltas =) creio que seja alguma referencia ao alborghetti.... noossa pqp como tem ,silas malafaia, nesses comentrios pqp o gente burra... n vo nem perder meu tempo discutindo com gente ignorante.... e vcs deviam fazer o mesmo... dafuq ahauhauhauahuah mto boaaaaaaaa ja sabia q zuera o rafinha falando srio? kkkk srio pai acredito que falo por todos que depois desse video tivemos aquela vontade de chorar isso quase como uma ,morte, srio pai ja estou sentindo sdds vou sempre manter vc vivo quando imito cada bordo seu... mesmo no te conhecendo pessoalmente vc deve ser mto gente boa pai... voce melhorou muito dos meus dias e me ajudou muito com a depresso q passei... obg pai srio... mais porfavor muita gente aqui precisa de voce... sdds barna... sdds dino krodo... sdds PAI 3",19,2,8,5,0,92,0 2687,X2688,Check out my new speed painting video,1,28,3,46,1,17,0 2688,X2689,Ms Sara is pure country. She will go down in history as one of the all time greats in country music. Thank you Ms Sara for your music. We need save these car as much as we can . With GM killing Pontiac and others models we are losing American icons fast. Thanks for perserving auto history. Keep the videos coming we need a good laugh in todays times. Hey Jake love the videos. I would love to see a woman use the pooter on people. That is so funny. Has Dave been to see you. Thanks for the videos and get well soon. I love good old country music. I don't know who can replace these ledgens because todays isn't what country use to be. Chelsea seems really sweet. America is losing its craftsman the people that use to care about their work and how it looked and was done. I enjoy the video better. I get a better understanding of what is wrong and how you fix it. Keep the videos and great work coming. Jake when you are on the phone you can say things like I had bean burito for lunch and then fart. Or while talking on the phone fart and say yea that was thunder you heard it. Now that's country music. I miss the country stars of yesterday. When they sang you knew it was country music unlike today country that leaves you scratching your head and asking yourself is that country or what. Ms. Heidi you are breath of freash air to todays so called county music.Your voice is made to sing country. Keep the songs coming. I would call coker tires and see if they could help. Happy Birthday Mr. Holmes. Thank you for your great and informative shows. Best wishes to you and keep the shows coming. Looks like these houses need Mike Holmes and crew. I am sorry for your loss. My God comfort you and your family during this difficult time.,17,0,7,5,0,43,0 2689,X2690,l Love this song...,1,5,4,5,0,19,0 2690,X2691,This is freaking me out. My besties name is Kaylin and her hubby is Ryan and well theirs is not the best situation. Oi vei! I started to cry when the three college boys and the woman.went up to her to comfort her. Great people still exist. We don't see that. In season 3 first episode Cleo and Rikki talk about her going but thats it. Yea I was pretty pissed that they never said sorry to him. on the first one I kept thinking that Bradely was sitting behind the wrong person :) What does Collin say at 0:47? Take me to what? Lincoln won no question,7,2,3,5,0,18,0 2691,X2692,Does she make money for these videos? She sounds kinda good with auto tune but she sounds like a kid. I also would like to quote when you guys said Mexicans weren't here first. For your information neither were you! White people came here and said they discovers American when fucking native Americans were already here! HOW THE HELL ARE WHITE PEOPLE GOING TO SAY THAT THWY DISCOVERD AMERICAN WHEN MOTHERFUCKING PEOPLE WERE ALREADY THERE?! White people are ignorant people. Parker does not look like that now. And Claire deff dosent look like that now. its funy how the tornado only hit their house..,5,0,3,5,0,16,0 2692,X2693,I love this songg(; -3 How dare you put this up Kamden! -_- YOU'RE AMAZING! -3 (: :) this is really good ! Don't mind those hate comments all is they are doing are being jealous of how pretty and good you girls are! (: You girls are amazing as hell! 0:51 xD Liam. He's mine. Back off biznatch. I love Megan's voice. -333,8,2,3,13,0,19,0 2693,X2694,Hehe ur cute JB SUCKED IT WAS NICKI MINAJ WHO MADE THIS A GREAT SONG My bffl dedicated this song to our lil group of bffl haha Sam Me Jaidyn and Nathan :3 I love them so much @RadiationViolet if u need to talk to me U can :) Christian Hi my name is Gaby. :) You truely make me smile so brightly Christian if I could have 5 wishes my 2nd would be to meet you cause your so awesome 3 Love you Christian. Stay Awesome 3 Im crying :c u ppl are so lucky to get to meet bvb Bryann: *laughs* Did you just eat that paper? Andy: Sup? *chews on paper* Lol So cute ._. yes yes it does ._.,10,11,2,20,0,13,0 2694,X2695,I tigan ma uitate la el,1,2,3,6,0,17,0 2695,X2696,Love this song :)!!!!!!! Where is Cee lo? Please make an instrumental for 6 degrees by the script please?????,3,5,3,4,0,41,0 2696,X1752,"Now seriously...who would want to break Alex's heart? 'Cause i certainly wouldn't! I was just voicing my opinion My 'go-to' song for when i'm sad!!! It always makes me happy!! :D :D :D Imagine if Charlie really did have a twin!!!!!! Omg his eyes are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!! I need help...I believe in him I trust him and I love him but I don't feel like I have a relationship with him the way I know I should. This song reminds me of Mockingjay Compare this to Kesha's Die Young. Which is better?(Hint: THIS ONE!) Omg better than original!!!! Moi Sam is so singing to me 1st comment! Omg not that long ago I used to hate country music! Like I hated it with passion! But my dad started playing it non-stop. first I couldn't stand it. But it was because of this song that I decided to give country a chance and now I love it! It does?! I need to pay attention more.... Who else paused that little thing at the end of the vid??? A wet willy times....bad!Lol XD I'm thankful for you too! I'm Clato_Shiper I love this movie!!! And this is my favorite song from it!!! Omg I never realized this song was in this movie!! Two of my favorite things together!! :D It's not fair that she's so pretty OMG I KNOW WHAT YOU COULD DO!!!! YOU COULD MARRY ME!!!!! If I knew Adam i would've have been the person to sit with him at lunch and keep bullies from picking on him (well try to). I would be a friend to him. Omg I was playing temple run while listening to this song and I was doing great but as soon as the song ended I died! Why does this song sound so familiar?!?! Was it in like a movie or something? This is one of the only songs played on the radio that I actually love!! This was one of my favorite movies when I was little! Every morning I would watch Monster's Inc. and every afternoon when my mom came home from work she would Spirit with me! Ahh memories... What about when Chip says ,What's there Momma?, I hate those half asleep/half awake times cause I always think about falling off random stuff and bugs and then I wake up paranoid! Oh I'm so sorry. I love you Phil! I totally thought he was gonna say that..... Is it just me or does he sound totally sexy when he says the ,na na na, part? What a great video to watch right before I go to bed... Oh my god I need to marry both of you!!!!!!!!!!!",34,12,2,3,0,22,0 2697,X2698,background singers garbage this sweet good job tell war i said hey im going on his ish 2! wow amazing voice! keep up da good work~ sweet bitch theyre fighting for you to run ur damn mouth!!!!!!! if you fucking dont wan tthem fighting for THE COUNTRY YOU LIVE IN!!!! MOVE ELSE WHERE!!! PROBLEM SOLVED!!! @ujcruz9654 yuuuuuup,6,0,3,5,0,22,0 2698,X2699,First OMG That Was 6 Words HAHAHAHA lOl!! THANK YOU the haters should just F Off and Stop HATING Thank You! your right! :),6,2,3,9,0,18,0 2699,X2700,Mad Nicki Haters below in the comments. ctfu shitty weather. Ugh gantham style or honey boo boo. Two topics I dont give 2 shits about.,3,0,3,5,0,23,1 2700,X2701,"The awkward moment when they are actually siblings... Kidding hahah. He pronounced it just fine. He is singing it how they would pronounce it in church. Classic Latin would change the pronunciation of AVE NOSTRAE to ,ah-way, ,nos-try, though. Sooooo sexy.. Ahhhh my old home field at 1:22 :')",4,276,5,6,0,21,0 2701,X2702,That is bang tidy! Like an Irish Cheryl Cole. I'd totally hang out of the back of that anyday! Definitely seeing her at V this year! ;-) I'd love to take her down my local pub for a drink bet she's a right laugh also she's hotter than a vindaloo in hell! 100 years ago between midnight and 1 - someone thought up an idea for Groundhog Day :-p He's being investigated by the clown prosecution service... :D You are supposed to see the rope dumbass! They are yanking the people up to the ships and stealing them! WOW! That was fast! If Youtube has taught me anything it's that there are a lot of fucking idiots with a lot of fucking cameras and a lot of fucking time on their hands fucking around editing videos. Get a life or discover Pornhub. What a weekend. If you weren't there your life is a little bit emptier than ours 3 Were these at V over the weekend? lol Just watched this and it was really good. Have to watch the original now to compare. Loved them at Reading Festival this weekend. Good catch there Tanna! :D Balls. I have to work on the 10th 11th so I guess I'll be too dead to see it on the 12th... Jimmy Carr at 7:02 Now I know why he tweeted this hahaha I bet some pricks do this all day,15,0,4,5,1,38,0 2702,X2703,"mine tends to do yoga..... she leans her face against the glass and sits at a 90 degree angle o_O kinda like a dog pant i gotta try that...... XD lmao theres nothing to lose and it doesnt cost anything. why risk eternity? what anime is this again? how can u tell its fake other than ,oh they dont eat humans., Some animals just snap. i can afford apple products and i think they're shit too. always having problems with thier products. wonder how many blowjobs it took to get that breed of cat lmao This is what i play when im playing RDR 3",10,1,7,5,0,24,0 2703,X2704,number 5 more like number 1 im like 5'4 and have less armpit hair then most people do but im cool with that i bet you had to go to the bathroom like 10 minutes later xD id take chris up for his offer in the beginning i turned up the volume and it blasted my speakers and scared me XD O_O ;:O shut the fuck up i like a girl that can dance lol XD mac miller- donald trump damn rape her then break her jaw and ribs and realize it was your mom i wouldve cried and jumped off the building to im mostly in skinnies but i gotta make sure there kind of loose because it doesnt look right i dont know why i came here... if you are calling Lil Kim fake than you are calling Nicki Minaj fake fake everything about her is fake mary... mary... wheres MARY!!!!!!!!!! lol bro I Love Lucy is the SHIT!!!!!! he could make a good hater boulder dash is kind of like indiana jones lol one of the best the games of all time On 3:04 why do girls want us to do that because that shit is humiliating. you see that vain in his neck tiny vagina's for tiny dicks haha yup im not a fan of either lebron or kobe bro i not trying to fight but if he sucks then whos good you make me wanna play xbox live right now That rabbit kind of scares me i wasn't even trying to start shit that's why i said it and don't come at me like you hard bitch She shouldve just stayed a guy then... Stupid look theres stan on 7:58 he scared me wow what a laugh XD ahahaha im scared i gotta stop looking at these videos before i get a nightmare,29,0,3,5,0,23,0 2704,X2705,Youtube - MP3 converter Do I dislike otherwise? Telling me to turn a knob to a certain spot isn't really producing a tutorial. You don't even play the sound as it evolves. If you can't explain something it seems you hardly understand the process yourself. YOU KNOW WHAT'D BE COOL? GET A BUNCH OF NOBODIES TO TALK ABOUT NOBODIES. Wow fuck off Youtube. This is dancing? Eh I guess you're right. People've made better music on shittier sound systems. 4chan starts it 9gag gets blamed. Ahahahaha I like how some people care about what you have to say OP. FWWOOOSSHHHHSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSSSSSSSSSSSS Yours was less clever. Science. lol@this The best part is where I can hear your mic. Pick the shittiest English song ever LOOK HOW FUCKIN HIP THAT GUY IS I was kidding about thinking it was actually a hat. Don't put me down like all of the people in your life have done to you. D.A.R.E. took bud out of their curriculum last I heard. I wonder how Skream feels about Rusko making this song infinitely better. Apparently I started watching How It's Made at ~25 minutes. 8bit* And now... A GUY ON GUITAR Do what now? Who let the shoe shiner shuffle? Don't worry Uncle Howie is gonna get you some boobies How is this a remix? I get what you're saying but why? Fuckin' people just follow fads all day and nothing else. Not even black.,27,8,3,9,0,22,0 2705,X2706,"Went to the ,original, by gamma ray Like Juan's version better!",1,0,8,5,0,56,1 2706,X2707,"Was I the only one expecting ,ImGonnaRageQuit, to rage quit? My comment was posted 7 months ago. Good bye. The F1 glitch. The Dick Kisser. :) Holy cow indeed my friend. I can't wait for this. But in the meantime... COMMENTARY!?!?!? :) You're* Little late aye? I wish I could wake up to this everyday. Absolutely beast bro. 3 Enemyy's laugh is amazing 3 Oh that's your username? I would have never guessed I mean that giant blue text above your name might as well be invisible. Shock charges need to be nerfed... A lot. Zach Galifianakis? I don't get why everyone drops the bats if you're gonna hit me with a 100 mph fast ball i'ma hit you with a bat. FIRST! Jk i'm not gay. Oh yeah I forgot running around with a SMG is just so hard. Damn nothing gets by you! 12/21/12 Mayan April Fools Day. I love how Jewel from 5:55 to 6:30 goes from ,Omg i'm so sorry Pamaj!, to ,Fuck you Pamaj no one likes you, UNSUBBED your no too good at spelling or grammar. Before the video the tree slapped his leg that's why he kicked it. This is Black Ops 2? Pretty sure it's Modern Warfare 2... Mistress 4 play! Big Rig Dizzy knew he couldn't top that so he killed himself.",25,20,4,14,0,22,0 2707,X2708,Euna Kim T.T.T:T PLEASE T.TT Euna Kim 5thing GD PERU DIJO PERU DIJO PERU OOTKKE T.T dijo peruu T.T OOTKKE T.T,4,3,4,2,0,18,0 2708,X2709,trollin in the deep i'd really like to see more of you 45 to skip the gayness I like this a lot especially the excerpts from wu tang and gang starr songs Both are amazing Lol hi When's it gonna be done? restraining order I woulda stood there with an ak and lit the bastards up All imfucking saying is don't be such an asshole and try to convert them to your fucking religion. People completely use it to their advantage and its fucked up hey faggot we all know you're angry you don't need caps lock Haha yeah he made an ass out of himself lol. joes adventures wasnt bad Very true,14,2,4,1,0,17,0 2709,X2710,Loving Puberty Blues ((:+ Big Brother !!,1,5,3,5,0,14,0 2710,X2711,"They could make a suquel I mean. They have superpowers and I mean they can make Andrew and Steve come back alive and Andrew is more powerfull than beofore and steve and andrew go against him and blah blah blahh! FUCKERS! READ THE BOX! HE CAN KICKFLIP NOW...jeez You seem like a fag with no life why are you hating on him? If you were the ,real, Tony Hawk We would be able to see your channel with some videos. Loser.. Why would you worry about another man's pants? It's his style and life And just let him wear whatever he wants. Jeez.. My Middle school is just like this.. Jeez you talk to much . I'm about to go to Ross to find some Fallen Or Emerica Or Nike Sb.. How the Fuck they get chairs like that!?!?! -.- JIZZ JIZZ JIZZ ;JSEHFAWE D'AWW JANOSKI'S!3 1:45 That guy looks like he's about to punch him xDD",10,0,2,5,0,21,0 2711,X2712,grandpa's a g kid's scarred for life did a line on a curb3 get on his level actually looked longer long lens to me they only cost like 50 11 cents haha butt crack 1:16 ;) he sucks. nah marshall winter switched to buster oshea and ty franz switched to jackson casey hahahaha 0:00 yeah you did we got it omgomgomg 1:27 i killed it sd footy 3 hahahaha,14,35,4,63,0,20,0 2712,X2713,Last day of school we did a flash mod to this song 3,1,0,2,5,0,14,0 2713,X2714,"Song at the end? Sounds sweet :) Obama EXPANDED offshore drilling again a half truth is not the whole truth.Go read up on facts. Useless with that lag. Good job! this is going to be amazing with Google Glass TOO CIVILIZED FOR BLACK FRIDAY. Meh. I'll stick with Jelly Bean thank you :) What the actual fuck. lolThe Triple 8 $300 fullface exhibits the exact same compression as the ,no-name, helmet.Thanks rad rad rad rad thanks I've heard from multiple people the sony can be turned on in the underwater case. Mine is coming on tuesday so hopefully that IS the case. pardon the pun Please upgrade the firmware to allow for a higher recording bitrate. Too much pixelation and compression artifacts during fast motion...",13,216,5,153,0,23,0 2714,X2715,NEED BG!!!!!!!!!,1,81,2,9,1,22,0 2715,X2716,"ooooooooh myyy GAH :P you got this bad boy in action ??? :] for your viewing pleasure .... i knew this was gunna be a good video now if he can only get adults to stop crying every one would be happy Exactly! well said. 6:06-6:12 Maybe @,Chris Jones, just needs to ,Quit being a little BITCH, Every comment below this. PIPE. THE. FUCK. DOWN. 4:05 bands that make her dance? Chinese people are smart as fuck but are taught no common sense",8,2,8,1,1,24,0 2716,X2717,"did yall know him forreal? or you just called him? LMFAOOO ,you got too many contents in yo ego and not enough in yo scalp, g im weaaaaakkk. LMFAOOOOO NUMBER 7 THO lmfaooo do a drive by on that pussy!! FSEE",4,20,5,5,0,45,0 2717,X2718,jesus this girl must be spoiled rotten. All she does is talk about material things. I absolutely LOVE the Seahawks new uniforms this year by the way. Best looking jersey's in the NFL in my opinion. lol things sure did work out considering the circumstances but to be honest I chalk it up to RG3 and the brilliant 6th round pick in Alfred Morris. I can't imagine how our year would have went without those two. I also can't imagine how nice it'd be if we could actually be on an even playing field with everyone else aka having our cap $.It will take picks like Alfred Morris to keep our talent level up without that cap $. We will need some brilliant drafts for the next couple years. LOL can match up against jeremy shockey?? my god....this shit sickens me. I hate prospects like this cus I wish I could have put money on this guy being an absolute shoe in for first round hall of fame. This guy will never get the respect he deserves for as long as NFL history exists and it is a DAMN SHAME! Question. You are happily married aren't you? 100 degrees Celsius... yeah. That would kill you. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius anyone that says head is better when the chicks tongue is pierced has never gotten head from a girl who's tongue is pierced. Just sayin. Tongue Metal This whole soundtrack has a Hitoshi Sakimoto feel to it and I have NO problem with that! I wonder if his works were a bit of an inspiration to this soundtrack. I hear that! The music alone is making part of me wish this game had been on a home console...That being said is it just me or does this whole soundtrack have a FFT feel to it? Not a bad thing by ANY means who better to influence a soundtrack than Hitoshi Sakimoto?? n wtf r u talkin about matthew? lol u dont have to suck up to a chick to get her to like you. He seemed more interested in what she is doing than the majority of guys. ew! Midi... Michael J. Fox must have recorded this I see... I've never seen such video's. What in the world would be the point of makin a vid like that to a bunch of ppl on the internet you'll never even meet? Wow....,13,1,6,1,0,29,0 2718,X2719,would the foundation be good for people with dry skin? you should do a coverr of hummingbird heart beat byy katey perry:)) Where do you get ur lashes? how do you get the gems off? where did youu get your top so cute3 I'm the red head :D,6,4,5,1,0,21,0 2719,X2720,@ZtotheMills 1. who gives a fuck is the kid talks like that!2. just a few tricks that you probably cant do!3. have you not heard the music to all the other ten billion tramp/ski edits!? 16 in seems like nothing! i live in tahoe and we have about 6ft-8ft r,19,0,5,1,0,17,0 2720,X2721,0:58 is what my dad looks like when he's tryna fart -.- Bucky Larson as a child... This is the exact video that made me fall in love with Ryan :) Mine lives across the ocean and then some. It kills me every day. The reason everybody loves this song it's because Ed Sheeran wrote it.,5,0,5,1,0,21,0 2721,X2722,What the hell...? 28.5 seconds?! What's up with the freakin waiting room music Did anyone else got chills Omg your girl voice This is perfect I hate my room. It's so plain Sorry I can't help it..... Sweaty armpits! Omg yes. This is. Disturbing. I swear I've seen him before somewhere I love these Ariana and Max! Please!!!! I love her so much Trevor why?!! She's a legend Omg. Why do people hate her so much..? She's soo beautiful!!! Joey's a cutie,19,8,4,5,0,16,0 2722,X1483,So in British tv you can say fuck and anything. But not cunt? I'm glad we don't have this beeping thing here in northern Europe :) They didn't ask the thing's permission to post it :D Bras are overrated ;) Olette asian ytimess hyv herra(?) You all know that she's singing about her nephew? Who is the eldest brother of the beautiful girl in short black dress. I support the unity of Europe.. if Nena and Kim unite with me Red or pink? Geri or Emma? I can't decide. OMG They're awesome :O 0:25 - when she smiles omg I think she's randy ;) 0:31 pink undies gotta love them Se on sitten eri versio. Ainakaan alkuperisess leffassa ei juuri tuota kohtaa ole mik tss trailerissa. Ovat kyll suihkussa mutta ei tuossa asennossa ja tuolla tempolla. Ei aika vaan tysin hot Joo eik Iinasssakaan mitn vikaa ole ;) Ihana on tuo nainen I wish Santa Claus would bring her to me :) In that dress. omg Katy is so beautiful That must have been so f'ing great.. like 60 000 people singing .. but Elton didn't cover his ears like that little girl when William and Kate kissed :) * song 2 vuoden jlkeen t on jotenkin fresh :D johtuiskohan siit ett tyttystvni on ihan Katyn nknen ;) Too many pissaliisat :D Jah aga see on ilus krvale ja silmale :) I'm late aga palju nne Mari-Leenule Snnipev oli phapeval 2.12. Muuten hyv mut ei kirsikkaa kiitos :) Niinp on tosiaan! Anteeks floodaus mut 9:23 oikeesti putosin tuolilta :D :D Med Viking Grace i februar till land. Om Pandora r inte dr olen hyvin hyvin tuohtunut :D Was that the first time Kassem couldn't keep a straight face ? :O Jos Luoja suo ensi suvena .. 2:38 onko sill vibraattori :D minuutin kohdalla tulin miljoonan auringon voimalla .. ;) I like Annika :) Torre rulettaa! There should've been more of Leia. somebody please upload the vid from Idols to vimeo or dailymotion. Tuskin on edes romanien talo kuitenkin joku lataajan enon.. Your comment is such a failure. I don't even know where to start. But i started with voting you down :) OMG how young Neil looks :O T kaveri ei oo mikn brad pitti ?? Kaverihan on helvetin komee! Lehm on Valion mainos. Toiv. saitte sponssirahaa :D Good breasts,40,2,4,5,0,28,0 2723,X2724,Christian Rapper Lecrae Talks Tyler The Creator Odd Future is a video were they say that atheist have nothin 2 live for and they have more likes than dislikes go trash their comments and like bar plz and thank you you can see it on his face when the kid starts thinking lol do you retards think that 2 pieces of bread with good stuff in between just happened SANDWICH GOD DUH WHY ARE THERE NO FISH MONKEYS? lol jk im a troll sorry about the spelling below i type it fast thumbs up if this guy is a idiot ~ go back to trying to think in your cave you fucking child alla akbar wolf gang fuck eveybody,8,0,3,5,0,21,0 2724,X2725,GOM LOVE MCCLAIN ILOVE TTYLXOX Good She young liric number1. Iam young liric number 2. I Love it young liric number 2 We GOGO young liric number 12 love us. I'ma young liric 2 Crest Life's a bitch and then you die Mac Andre Hicks who Drake bit off of Dre says life's a bitch and then you die Drake says motto his shit hella weak listen to lived a bitch a.d then you die Dre spit real shit something Drake will never rap about Rip U fag Crest The doorstep cutty Ill slap his bitches with my left hand if they go to sleep I'm using my best hand Mac Dre the best man Lil Wayne will never be harder than Dre days the motto you beezies Crest shit,16,0,3,1,0,25,0 2725,X2726,"11 people don't like spligeon dogs is it me or does the battle theme for mysterious tower sound cuter than the original one??? omg... terra is the reason xig- i mean braig lost an eye i swear i saw sora's head floating in the countless unversed 11:17 dang terra take a chill pill 3:49 maleficent just got pissed with aqua 4 talking so much XD Sips Co. should begin making mycelium too... ,For all you mushroom biome lovers try Sips Co. luxury mycelium!!, (Honestly I might ,buy, that) does your daughter not relize that the yogscast has been cussing for ages. besides youtube is never going to be a place for little kids. have your daughter watch dora the explorer if she can't handle this does simon ever quit?! i thought zombies were supposed to burn in daylight! i seriously thought iris said ,virus database has been updated,! i came here because of the oatmeal fav pokemon: tyranitar BlackNerd should meet Swoozie06 at some point. I hope he sees this comment so he can arrange a meeting. I would totally watch that video. riding a bike playing basketball playing baseball swimming playing football playing tennis my love life fitting in... Andre you may not be the best motivational speaker but you can help other kids like me 0:36:45 - Is th@ a black guy?! W/ the jets? Wow th@s new Wow eight views! Thats alot for 3 days! BLACK LIGHTNING (except that is DC) hahahaha i look retarded retarded much? y wud u say th@? I saw this in 4th grade... Hallelujah! I'm a Christian too! But I at least know what a joke is :)",21,5,5,7,0,34,1 2726,X2727,5:24 look at JK xilia bravo! did you have to run the diagnostic after the installation? pame mwrh ellada your brother was crazy. rename it: how to kill ants...the easy way it's about the prestige having one. driving a modified stock car wont ever catch up the sound of a lamborghini engine k.f.c. must be proud the reaction is real...the sound is fake... first of all anyone can have his own opinion..furthemore it`s bad telling bad things about his might be as you say a youtube discussion although we shouldnt make this so personal.,10,0,5,5,0,24,1 2727,X2728,"what is I.Y.H???? Shawn Micheals Should be in The Industry This was the best transformation ever Fake ass Mariah Carey!!! Haha Riley. He didn't pay off the family to shut them up retard! His insurance company paid them off because the process could have been going on for YEARS and MJ was away on his world tour and didn't want to cancel it!And BTW the date when the boy said that MJ ,molested, him MJ was abroad on tour! So there is another fail!It was a lie and scam to try and destroy michael's carreer is it so hard to get that in your head? sin cara suffered a knee injury back at survier series but hes back get mad dogg matt cross did u see that 2:45 i love this song The like bar looks like a joint HEY GUESS WHAT??YOUR NOT ASIN!!!",11,1,3,2,0,40,0 2728,X2729,if any one is a faggot its you hey its destinee you should try this but insted with powdered sugar you should play splatterhouse,3,3,3,3,0,33,0 2729,X258,"I know right I almost cried. What is wrong with me? I miss being a kid so much. Oh my god I never would have rememered this on my own had i not come across this on youtube by accident. Soon as I saw it brought back so much memories. stupid answer but I truely think she didnt have a choice because it was such a stupid question! Why would they or who would even think to ask a question like that? How the hell would she know why someone couldnt find usa on a map. I am not in peoples minds. I'm sorry but not her fault. eh its the best out of all the other ones i've seen on here so far thats for sure. You def got talent but I think you need more vocal lessons to take you to next level. Some people dont have it but you do you just need some coaching. very good. you're going places. i loved it when I heard it on the radio but it lost something and i dont know what. wow please god. Please tell me the bastards who did this to this poor child paid DEARLY for what they done to this child. My heart is literally crying. He probably thought it was his fault while it was happening to him....dear god....WHY?????? Yes! Very well said. Thank you. Trayvon was probably looking at him because george was looking at him like a crazy stalker creep. I dont believe trayvon was apporaching his car I think trayvon was walking home and georges car was parked right there where trayvon had to walk. Also If george zimmerman stopped following him why didnt he agree to meet the police by the mailboxes? Jenny Jones made it worse and worse and didnt care who it hurt or embarassed. maybe had she done it with at least a little bit of class and respect for a human being maybe that guy would not have become murderous. SHAME on her. For all of you who think Jenny is innocent...I urge you to watch the episode and I promise you will think differently about it. How dare she sit here with out an ounce of remorse and on top of that be so arrogant. if you all saw the show you would understand why this lawyer is coming so hard on jenny. Oh PLEASE!!!! Its so obvious he was responding to the accusations of him being a muslim by john mccain! THIS is what the republicans are talking about??? GET SERIOUS!!!! Whoever knows where she is if you ever read this please give this mother some closure. Send her some word some how some way.... anonnomously of what you know. Please man I beg on my hands and knees to you. Absolutely begging. If she is alive or dead just let this poor mother know some how some way. I hate this song. I wish it would stop playing on my top 40 radio station! I refuse to believe that anyone likes this song! SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS! Go DOG! Thank you for showing pitt bull owners that their are consequences for their irresponsibilities! They probably sent that dog out on purpose. The lady should have had her dog under control and not let out with out a leash PERIOD! No matter what side your on this commerical is funny. People need to lighten up a little. Seems like a mixture of E.T. and columbine. Thank you sir! ok i'm just going to ask why is she massaging noodles again? oh my god you have found the perfect bag to crinkle!!! Perfect sound and everything!! love it! Eminem. You wrong man. You dont treat the mother of your kids like that. She cheated on you?? Pooooor baby!! I'm sure you did everything you could to mess up the relationship and cheated on her 10 fold. You disrespected your daughters mother. You dont do that to your daughter because it hurts her even if it is kims fault. You make your daughter choose sides and put her in awkard position in life and with her own soul and heart. You reap what you sew. Not good not good. ahahahaha. yeah kim abused him. suuuuureeeee. never gets old. I love my president! The guy para-sailing in the distance is pooping his pants. What is 241 Morgan? I am always impressed by people who can do back flips. Its really amazing. I'm not one to believe in exorcist but I'm saying would it hurt to atleast try it? God for bid demons were really bothering this girl wouldnt it be better to be safe then sorry? What do they have to lose. Call the Pope for this one I'm being serious too. (cont part 2) I thought it was normal to remember stuff from this young of an age and oen time me and my mother were talking about my great grandmom and I'll spare you the conversation but my mother almost fell on the floor when I told her all of my memories. I was only a baby. I can remember almost anything from one years old and up. Granted I'm sure I dont remember everything but I remember a lot more than regular people do. So its not hard for me at all to believe Beth remembers. if anyone did that to me there would be hell to pay. Thats not funny. My biggest fears are elevators and ghosts and that would be a double whammy for me. I would start violently shaking from fear. Yeah go ahead and say you wouldnt uh huh sure. You can literally give someone a heart attack by doing this and I think I would be one of those people and was it really freakin necessary to have the girl scream on top of it?? JERKS. Let someone do it to them see how it feels. ahhhhhh the ,s, sound is killing my ears! If it wasnt for that I would really enjoy this video. Oh really? Ok. lol This really really REALLY makes me words to describe how I feel right now R.I.P sweet baby girl we are all guilty for not being able to protect our most vulnerable ...poor child",35,0,5,5,0,31,0 2730,X2731,Jaques Brel is from Belgium. Why even bother to post shit like this? Er enig med degmen bruke homse som skjellsord er heller ikke noe srlig.. Takes one to know one. It a snipers job..To observe and shoot from distance.Its the real worldbut you would probably call it camping-like in videogames anyway. People have different roles you know? Could you put some more annoying music over this clip? No? Didnt think so. And some idiot who cant even spellhad to point out color of their skin.What a shocker. Yes you are. haha! you know that its recorded in advance dont you?Same voice no mather who drive.. Thats what every chickenshit say! You can be educated and still have some balls you know? Sometimes words is not enough.. How can you treat your fellow humans like this?Damn animals! Why state the obvious? Did you think he had supernatural abilities? Its an illusion! You dont get the pointdo you? HahaDrunk bully looks like bigpale and fat baby! Just to have fun? Its just to go in a change into something dry! Get that stick out of your ass..,15,0,5,5,0,37,0 2731,X2732,My cat's fat too!!!!!!! But not like that.... YAY!!!! Mama's gonna be ok!!!!!!! someone's pissy I CARE ABOUT YOU ADAM LEVINE!!!!!! 3 this is really good!!!! :D This is an amzing video I will forever love u Adam Levine!!!!!!!,6,1,3,1,0,112,0 2732,X2733,@homestuckpowered giraffe your name is amaziiiiiiing The beginning kind of sounds like 'Devil's Dance' from ReLoad XD Those hooded figures remind me of the Ring Wraiths from Lord of the Rings. I'm getting a pair of Steampunk goggles a Hobbit t-shirt and a,20,8,4,3,0,22,0 2733,X2734,oh haha real funny gave me chills ms twilight maybe you should learn how to spell teeth before you say somthing so rude! umm why are you singing so low? This is fucked up...cops are fuckin pussys Your ring finger is not your index finger. Just to let you know. Index is your first finger.,6,0,7,5,0,28,1 2734,X2735,OMG! When I tell my brother Andrew he is gonna be PISSED!!! how old are dani and luren? ily drake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My brother heard this song in an action move called FASTER i 3 her voice!!!! this is my #1 song i 3 it!!! Lmfaooo! Luvv it -3 Cuff guy were not stupid I love your hair ! U know tht it has chemicals in it right so next time be more carefull okk... Your amazing! -3 How old aree you? -3 Ur awesome I 3 it !!! Awww this is so cute ! 3 Lml you'd Caitlyn aren't you a red head ? And not a blonde ? Lml Wtf yea suree he did it 1 st of course dey wudd say dat... Pretty -3 Lauren ur my fav. ! -3 Lauren is my fav. ! Where's Lauren !? Lauren's my fav ! The lyrics aree bad :/ What do you look like? umm the girl ruined it at parts,26,0,3,5,0,15,0 2735,X2736,real friends make time Lobbbe her 3 love itt,3,9,5,5,0,21,0 2736,X2108,"I think he's fabulous for a child. He has a lot of poise and personality. I want to be like Grace when I am 88 years old! Thank you very much. We should all thank their singing teacher for suggesting they try out as a duo. They all look so happy and proud (as they should) but I love that they all went out and got haircuts!! I don't know why that just makes me smile. She's a very mature seven year old that's for certain. Watch the movie ,Three Stripes in the Sun, for a very nice treatment of O'Reilly's story. Love this version. Thanks for posting I like the part when Brian Keith tries to arrest the captain of the su after it pulls into the harbor. The reporter is so boring Never seen anypne scramble so fast to cover their asses Saw documentary. Wonder how many of those police officers have big game trophies on their walls now. Sickening Karl Rove said we should get to the bottom of this... WTF?! Who died and put that asshole in charge? And the reporter is going to ,interrogate, them? Crazy. Great! Best variety show ever. Wish they showed it in syndication. is the breeding program progressing? And I was just thinking ,Why would you take an interesting video like this and put it with this horridly annoying music?, Maybe they wouldn't be such ugly fish if they were wearing festive Santa hats. It doesn't take much to get here. I started out by looking at bald eagles Romney IS rich elitist and out of touch Geez. the people are right. Your commentary really is annoying. Stop it!! Can't hear the TV. There are indications that Zenyatta's colt born in May may have the same strut.Saw a photo that looked he was strutting. Quite true. Me and him had an argument. Jesus she's practically illiterate and ion college. What is a Snorlax? Oh God there are two of them! She's a bit hyper eh? Perhaps a box or two too many Milk Duds? YOU WENT TO COLLEGE??? I thought you were like in high school. You're an adult? Scary. And seriously if you don't want things all over the internet don't put it on the internet. Just a suggestion. THIS is how this song is supposed to be sung. Bless you Susan and thank you for sharing your talent with the world. Don't be angry at the woman who sneered at her at 1:20. She wasn't he only one who made faces at her in the beginning and she undoubtedly was on her feet at the end of the song just like everyone else. So is that your measurement of fair play and ethics in business...nobody put a gun to her head? Jesus! What kind of person are you? My mother had the piano music for this song when I was young. She and my grandmother would play and sing as a duet. After my grandmother died suddenly (my mother was just 30 and I was 5) Mom never played the piano again. The piano was sold but I still remember this song. It was one of their favorites. Thank you for posting it. This boy needs serious serious help. They are not abusing him; they are trying everything they can think of. This child is too dangerous to be anywhere but a hospital. Well I think we can understand why his other marriages didn't work......... The daughter should be living o her own by now. You don,t like living there you lying bitch? MOVE OUT!!",35,1,3,5,0,53,0 2737,X2738,wow 1 dislike Eliza x) too much reverb -.- I feel bad :( that end note..... into that whistle register was crazy good. other than that... it lacked emotion. her voice is too old in shades of brown on paper from age. th3 film for les miserables portrayed fantine's pain a lot better.... it allowed the audience or at least me to feel for Fantine. here I feel nothing. did I just write a poem.... HAHAHAHAHAHA DAFUQQQ @Shanty Grande I don't wanna live on this planet anymore,7,1,3,5,0,19,0 2738,X2739,215000000 ' ^^ 5555 ! =[]= ! ^^ !!!! 55555555555 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 1 =[]= ^^' 1:37 :) 5 !! '' THAI LAND '' .. !! 5555 WishesOnTheEarth -..- ' !! !! '' '' '' !! -..-,23,0,3,5,0,24,0 2739,X2740,Thank u soooo much :D dad im a cow moooooo im a rabbit and i have the power to humpim a COCK and i have the powe to BLEEEEEEEEEP....wrong kind of cock dude !!!EPIC LMFAO i wanna smack this kids face ....for real just buy the fucking game its fat barbie I LOVE MY MAMA TO! i fucked your momlast night! you dont see me showing off about it why does the guy in the wig reminds me of Dr House OMG I WANT ONE OF THOSE HELMETS XD!!! still not going to buy it money well spend suckers the car from the green hornet basic its just like the bat bat mobile but with a diffrent taste of style :P(sry for my poor english kids react to silent hill revelation trailer HAA !! wtf is bff ?! i still want that helmet soooooo much :D Teens react to YOMAMA wtf ?! moron of the year ladies and gentlemen go out and see a movie ones in a while insteed of just gaming and jerking off on your computer Worst Video Everrr !! tobuscus !!! you can also use a coffee mug ok are there rly poeple with shit bukets playing bf3 just asking BATMAN,23,5,5,5,0,21,1 2740,X2741,love it release it...this is day 1 never give up get with david guetta and rock it girls! much better cher im a 54 year old watching your career after X factor from Ross On wye and this is right up your street.What you did for Niki M is nothing compared to this ...keep doing this the youth of the world will love yourself your the best and kisses old man thats me...Steve...luv ya he needs to fill the gap in the uk hngry for music world ..go it...we need music to live..and we need it now more than ..chicken pieces The concept is good... but what the council give us back is crap. Get EVERY shop and occupy it with a money making charity based idea..or a profit venture... who cares?! ..just win..make money for people or support people by giving money please.I think this is what this music(on thi site) is designed to make us do...its not the music that make my comments are about..its me..remember that..thankyou steve When |Harry takes up the mantle this is the song to open the European Football in 2012...go girl go dad! I like it .....but its a rip off of the clash shows how ahead they were but dont go to hell boys this is the turtles not the beatles dick head so iran have an they default on the payments..I want to see their stand up comedian prime minister make me laugh like he does again...iran completely dickless leadership i love these comedy shows always make me laugh there is something there that needs developing..think i can i have 3 cats...but yes i like your music now this is A spot on and the song...oops brilliant thanks for leaving the sound after you left it made it so much more atmospheric the one in the background...I want what shes on well done....cum see my mum 40 years ago whats changed..nothing....this music stills make me cry...thankyou Love the video.. love Duran Duran 5.3 m should be 20m hits .for gods sake!!..Let me be your agent..the product is f***ing brilliant and timeless...thats the pointLove Steve R this is a multiple reborn..just sat there...mmm..dam luv to read all of those!! brilliant the layer cake film brought it back...way ahead of alot the dull stuff around today...and im 55 come on music industry your too much like bloody records do something!! Lovely lady...More than a por mans Joanna Lumley good on you girls stay free x love it. move over x factor......this is sole soul so good can I mange your career ...pretty im noone at the mo ps keep this writer in a locked room..a gem..make sure this is the START YOU CAN MAKE THIS APPEAL TO 16 YEAR OLDS AND 90 YEAR OLDS ITS A GREAT MARKET NOW I FIND HOW TO TURN OFF CAPITALS yes great place love it...but shit music...xorry,24,0,7,5,0,55,0 2741,X2742,"tl;dwHow To Be a Racist Old White Guy And. . . I'm in love. Sonofa-Dude. Make better samples. I will not longer call into question the talent of Dub Step musicians. I will however call into question your personal taste for liking those silly ray gun sounds. Imagine what this kid could do with a full synthesized orchestra if he wasn't pulling his samples from a Transformer porn. Wow. Nice legs. Too bad she has the emotional range of a potato. I love you all. fucking genius! 3:20ROFLMFAO Woodfeild? Bill Maher isn't a Democrat. You misspelled ,measure., Chipotle? You know that is a national chain? Hipsters R Usamazing late 90's / early 2000's *reads title*Alex Jones? Fear mongering? Never!insert ,sheeple, comment hereBelieve everything and nothing. Only ,kinda,. So the finals of Internet 2012 so far look like its gonna be Matt Inman v. Gotye. This video is about a minute seventeen too long. Why is Hank Schrader making Bustelo? Boo.And tripple boo to the woman in Jenny Fine's part. 305 views 3308 likes?",19,26,6,5,0,29,0 2742,X2743,".... wtf? random sounds much? what are you useing to make songs? He was so close to break space and time /watch?feature=fvwpNR=1v=Dd3r1lmqgvU sorry had to do it. here try this video lol it is much better at showing how it was done.../watch?feature=fvwpNR=1v=Dd3r1lmqgvU This guy mastered time travel he was in 2012 back in 08 Question does the world end? scape2006.c 0 m will take rs's place this is the video watch?v=ntgzoE7rU9A Why are they so butt hurt about it? Are you guys in ohio? 1:04 it is say the color not the word Only if you have a preference on what cheek you would like to catch a bullet in. 240p we meet again. How did you come up with that? Have you ever played airsoft before? 2:04 best part!!!! omg!! so funny maybe not so much deserved to die but she did bring it all on her self. That reporter is dumb she thinks Amanda is just a victim Amanda's own actions are what started the whole thing. True bullying is wrong and her death should not have happened the way it did but she is not just a victim. She knew what she was doing flashing herself in front of a webcam then went on to sleep with 1 of her old friends who also happen to have a girlfriend and she knew about the girlfriend. So to say that she is just a victim that's pretty ignorant. But that guy is a bad man. are u on normal? Cant be unseen I WANT TO PLAY A GAME!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||__|||||||||__|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||| 11:06 y u no get bat? The term zerg is more commonly used in Planetside 2 as a group of people that follow the crowd and no single life is important. Its more of a group that mindlessly charges into combat and dies and are replaced by more zerg till the goal is meet then they charge into a new battle. he was super rich back then lol i miss the old days I have the same problem. Why did you put ,white racist american idiots, and not just racist idiots? Its implying that they are idiots only because they are white American racist but if they were any other nationality or skin color or both and still racist they would not be classified as idiots? I am white and I am an American but I assure you that I am not racist and I hope I am not an idiot but who knows. when did it start costing 1.7 million $? Its an add for a korean video game.",25,36,6,32,0,25,0 2743,X2744,Yhu smell new.!! Yhu taste new too.!!! Lmao xD Hes a Crip a Blood and likes to go to church.????? Thtz messed up.! Lmao You should make choreography for Boyfriend- Justin Bieber.!!!!! You got mad talent.!! Ynn Chicago Bulls and Wake Forest hats,5,1,2,1,0,21,0 2744,X2745,will they make another transit like map?,1,11,5,5,0,16,0 2745,X2746,This is the most gorgeous I have ever seen your hair look's stunning on you and it is NOT short! Beautiful cut! One of my favorite Suzy Bogguss songs ever! :) An absolutely beautiful song. Sad and sweet and captivating in it's honest lyrics and perfect with Suzy's stunning voice. Love this. I'm usually the same way but I agree with you here...this is fab! Fantastic! Can't believe you found this amazing interview! Love Robert Smith SO much...thanks for sharing!,5,1,5,5,0,38,0 2746,X2747,"I am A Michigan Girl !!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is such a beautiful state. The northern woods where I am in NW Lower..the Upper Peninsulathe waterfallslight houses waves crashing into shore from any of the Great Lakes. It is hard to pick a special area but one of my favorites is Lake Superior around Grand Marais and Paradise. Loved the song and videos....beautiful great video...just sent the I am a Michigan Girl to FB now this one OsiyoI love the wolves and the guy was taken home by the Creator last November. He played the flute...such a beautiful sound. Peace and Harmony to all. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I moved north that is one of the things I miss most. The sons bring the sauce and onions to me and can't forget the rice pudding. Only thing they have up here is chili dogswhich they call coneys.I heard that Jackson's coneys are more like the Flint coney. Darn itnow I want I love going here...we do every year.....beautiful area lol omg love it I love this video... I totally agree with what you said. Let the music into your soul I agree a friend of mine who is Lokota Sioux told me what ,Squaw, meant to all Native Americans. It si same as you say. a bunch of people that have been so brainwashed by their father who is the so called pastor. If they hate America so much they should leave.. wow great job dad!!!!! I loved it.... Simply beautiful..",14,2,7,5,0,66,0 2747,X2748,its not alli speed its alli trippy if u like Niki Minaj How come you cant spell her name beacause ull die! no one want that! You should change the nylah kitty channel name to like Nylah and Bambu! Like so they can see!! when is charles coming back! Im French its #1,6,11,3,25,1,92,0 2748,X2749,it's basically pessimistic and optimistic views- you tend to find yourself agreeing w/ one side more than the other. actually the reason they haven't is a programming mess up. it happens because of the ps3's complexity apparently?? you can look it up. if you want Daedric anything you have to smith it now. but you can find dremora to kill in Mehrunes Dagon's quest. they respawn every few days- good place for the hearts to forge armor with.,3,21,5,43,1,19,0 2749,X2750,"SAME HERE!! I AM A SONE AND I SUPPORT AND LOVE T-ARA!!! Boram sounds so sexy in Japanese!!!! I will forever love Boram So is he gay?? Because he doesn't know Sulli's a girl...and he kissed her thinking she was a boy? So Minho's character is gay? Isn't he?? So confusing...BUT MY TAEGOOOS VOICE IS AMAZING!!! Amazing!! You sound like jigglypuff!! happy early birthday!! That little growl was so FREAKING sexy C.A.P.....he has moved up my bias list.. Massa and Chinami did amazing in this performance!!! Berryz Koubo in general did amazing!! This is my favorite song of theirs :) Massa-Chan!!! She's my favorite :) Massa and Chinami look beautiful in this Music video....I love the song too! Well if you think about it....T-ara can choose to be sisters...or just co-workers. T-ara might not like Hwayoung because she came in the group later than everyone. But look at it like this we all have co-workers some we like and some we don't like. I'm not saying that it was right that T-ara did this...but if they only have co-workers statuses with each other then that's their buisness. I'm still supporting Hwayoung and T-ara. Awwwww...I missed the ending part....I only got to see the beginning of WG...when they first performed OMG!! When Yubin's Mic was so cute!!!! She's so amazing! Wooram is the girl with the big ponytails she is the oldest member..she is also T-ara's Boram little sister. Her nickname is RAM.The other member is Zin she's the youngest member and the dancer of the group I believe. C.A.P's rapping= eargasm....I love my C.A.P :P I'll be your girl...even though I'm not a girl :P I wanna win the SNSD canvas! How excited I am for I got a boy comeback? I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED! I get to see my Hyoyeon and Sooyoung babies on stage! And this song really seems like it does fit their style of dancing! The song is great I'm in love with the 25 second preview MY BABIES ARE COMING BACK! AND I'M SO HAPPY! I guess the saying is true ,Good things come to those who wait,! SNSD FIGHTING! His sexy and seductive.....I love Bang Minsoo My rank is 1.Boram2.Qri3.Jiyeon4.Hyomin5.Areum6.Eunjung7.SoyeonBut I still love all 7 :) After watching your video on your story to come out I decided to come out as well to my friends and my mom. It went pretty well! I told them I like other guys!You are an inspiration and you are very cute and funny! Keep up the good work! I really want to move to Korea...right now my Korean is very if I wanted to learn it fast would I go to the countyside? Also where do your friends that live in the country learn Korean? Did they learn it from the internet? Language programs? Or do they just pick up from what they hear? WOW! THIS IS A GREAT SONG! You have a very Amazing voice! You are cute and have a great voice! You never cease to amaze me! Keep it up! I'll be your #1 fan :) This video was so cute :)I loved it soooo Much! You guys are so cute! BTW: is that Miley Cyrus's voice? Sounds like it :P Ross...yeah that cute guy in the video? Yeah he wants you to be HIS Valentine! You are very lucky so take the chance and say yes!!!Please be his valentines!!! *Starts singing Wonder Girls Be My Baby* :) ZHOU MI! How can some one be so perfect?I love you Zhou MI :) LOL I love how the parents got into it too! My parents would never do that LOLI loved this!! :) In sorry that you were rejected. If it were me I would have said yes in a heartbeat! I still love you Ross :DHappy Valentines day to you and your entire family :) Holy crap...The little blue girl was dancing amazing! She owned that part :P",25,2,2,2,1,21,0 2750,X2751,"Well that's the crux of what crazy-people-control is. I wasn't clear but yeah really strict background checks on anyone trying to buy em and waiting period for all sales and actual required training before buying a gun. I'm for limiting every type of gun sale for these appropriate reasons and affective limitations. But if a reasonable person passes then that's fair. Addressing Sandy Hook specifically I think the owner of a weapon used should be subject to prosecution ie keep guns in safes. The kid was 20 w some sort of growth defect according to the doc. Protection from tyranny is the ,main point., A strong argument can be made that it is redundant or unnecessary in a democracy but we have a very big and very powerful government. It's full of great people but I personally don't think this protection from potential tyranny is superfluous. We just need to have a more comprehensive clinical psychological evaluation system. Inner-city murders are a more complicated problem admittedly. But not a good reason to infringe on gun owner rights IMO. His instruction is an extension of our laws yes common-sensical as that is how do you not know that? Look there are plenty of truly genuine police brutality videos on youtube. This guy just needed to sign the ticket and not walk away from the cop after showing that he won't follow instruction. Word to the wise: don't do that. I don't consent...noooooo I don't consent!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Holy fuck that was my guess!! It's like GTA when you have stars. Pedestrians run up on your ass. mediocre math skills. Love the sneak pass!! Do you have to have a big penis? great point Yes I mean he should kill me when I run for president against him or more aptly your beloved manchurian candidate president. Thumbs up except the formation of this vapor means that they haven't passed the sound barrier and won't necessarily. What's crazy is you're seeing these high speed passes where they fly by like a bullet still under Mach 1 and then realize that they (F-18 and 14) can go more than twice that fast! Door kick bonanza!! Prob the sickest vid I've ever seen. this is a movie. Also he's not an officer. But I just watched Part 5. Endless loop. I like Germans. I had a German friend as my best man at my wedding. Germans are proud and can be considered ,self assured, if only euphemistically. You sound like a punk but one day you'll grow up and relax and be cooler for it. There is something to be said for American arrogance and for the winner of a war deciding history but our American system seems to have strong checks and balances which keep us on the right path. If u root for the downfall of the US then who are you for? China? mediocre CGI Don't get too attached. If this isn't a home run they'll run out of money and close up shop because the RD on this one was expensive. Might as well move to Android iPhone or even that idiotic Windows phone and be done with it. It'll save you time. loser vs loser. This review is for very unfortunate people. Hmmm do I want the 3rd place phone or 4th......? Let me watch a review.",20,3,7,27,0,31,0 2751,X2752,YOUR VOICE KILLS BABIES ALL AROUND THE WORLD @mcgrady49 I agree dope clip. yo guys. please sub to my channel.I'd appreciate it alot.If you like just comment on my channel i'll sub back if you want.thanx. has * LMFAO. Noah @ omgsickepisoderighthere,7,7,3,1,0,19,0 2752,X2753,Whoa Katy Perry without make up on! OMIGOSH EVERYBODY... CALM. DOWN. No one really cares if it's a caribou or an elk or a moose. No one cares if his accent is fake. IT'S FUNNY. Haha he was so sweaty. And hot. AND THEY DIDN'T DO SARAH SMILES OR MEMORIES. But he did sing Kansas. Haha they played Kansas. BUT NOT SARAH SMILES OR MEMORIES. But Kansas. ahhhhhhhhhhhh 29 people don't have lazy eye's fixed to rest on them. Does anyone else think he looks like Robert Downey Jr.? Um. No duh This game is so awesome. Nice thongs Ian cop I see that Spider-Man poster in the background... OMGZ! The drums was so scary. When I see the birds and bees thing the only thing I can think of is the porno mime from P!ATD Ian= LightMom= L?= Ryuk?Y U NO RYUK?!?!? Nice fedora Lambchop is an asian ginger? Why would anyone dislike this? I'm sorry... What?Someone should make a video of this too Holy flippin' crap. Gavin. And... a... horse BROOOHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOHO I like to come here from time to time when I feel like cheating and drawing someone else's stuff. Hehehehe. Damn them zombies know how to jam. Goof Troop roof boop I'd like to see you guys play Kameo 6:50 Jenny's father is Hank Hill,24,0,4,5,0,78,0 2753,X2300,13:39 You sound like a fuckin' douche lol Egg best name for a cat 2:49 Mark epic fail BLOOD GULCH! ok not to be rude but the halo 3 versions of the show were the best I mean the Reach is funny but I miss it when it actually followed a story line dddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg Damn gurl What version of the song is it Like this if u only watch Let's Plays for entertainment Simmons running into a car makes my day dude i want to erase my memory of rvb so i can live through the excitment again Thumbs Up for Smeal me I just hope so YES FINALLY PART 2 Have played the first on in years 16:31 LMFAO XD The Donut reverence you enjoyed wait till you see Episode 21 did ray change his gamertag Does everyone else realize it's Donut's first CGI too You know you could have used orange instead of yellow You should use Halo4 for recollection AND season 10 Dude if you are going to make the halo 2 rvb in Halo 4 I made a BlodGulch map if you want but you prob don't want it since you could make it in reach I lost it at the goggles and ahead I don't know why but watching Tucker sleep and snore makes me laugh every time How do they lower their weapon like that? Without doing the jumping crouching and stuff someone answer The best sequence in the whole mini series Grif on top of the base and explodes Lol shadow licks the candy cane it's from 3 not 4 Gary S-119 Geoffry or Leonard Wyoming's Time thing strikes again lmao If they play WoW it would be the best Lol the Grif Shot spoiler Burnie's inner Church Neil Patrick Harris plays Steve Liam,36,0,3,5,0,16,1 2754,X2755,"homophobes are stupid !!!! hmmm Naya is so an Egyptian Queen TVB LOL honey boo boo is like the rudest child iver ever seen lol 1:10 LMFAO LOL yopyop lmfao when homophobes take shit too seriously do not forget that this is a fictional postmodern creation based on a fictional story. or should i update the description as ,GAY ALERT,? but labeling that would be discriminating cos gay isn't degrading it's just a sensible topic for assholes. he looks like taylor swift lol kkkkdkalaineafhbaefbawwe feels but the professor ignore how the social norms have shaped how children are usually dressed while playing at the beach so of cos a red hair child with blue eyes flowery dress is easily seen and pictured it's remembered. and also his questions are highly directional with his own preference ,bad things or good things, so constricted.",12,27,7,2,0,31,0 2755,X2756,lawl funny LOOOOL ahah funnyy this is very good friday night cranks. THAT WAS SO AWESOME,5,0,5,5,0,21,0 2756,X2757,5555555,3,6,4,5,0,21,0 2757,X2758,Nice review I want to get that gloss but in nude kiss I LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT I have reaper your awesome love christmas as much as you!!!!!!!!!!! Christmas for the win twinsies lol No offence but the wig doesn't look good on you. Not that it would look good on me. Just letting you knowbut this is a great videoand your a great role model. Plus you're my favorite beauty guru on youtube. Sorry for the comment in the beginning. cool she doesn't look really good with her hair in a crown braidbut she looks so pretty.,8,0,2,5,0,13,0 2758,X2759,ci nhm ny y nh bn sao ca t-arada vo t-ara qung blive th yu == ght c cho SNSD mi mi l nhng thiu n! haha! anh ny c iu c ging mnh yoobin tn tht l yura l thnh vin ca nhm nhc girls day bn ! Your speech was really dangerous I do not think you're a good fan MV ny c nh l kt hp ca gia wedding dress (TAEYANG) v Y (MBLAQ) vy! she is tiffany 1:12 TAEGOO laugh while the other member to panic.LOL he is kai from EXO what's show? xem part sau i c nngkh woa!! This is dog dance v l music video m SM ra ci clip hnh nh ha y m WOA! Look at this like she is F(X)'s member of SM TOWN Big Bang u ra th :)) What's mean your think? c gii nht ri y bn tr! :)) The Girl 1:12 Sulli look like pretty boy! LOL! tui nghiep wa thch cp Jun.k vi Jei cht mt! hiC,21,20,3,26,1,14,0 2759,X2760,You see that 83372 views up there without fans you wouldnt have that Im done watchin you Id much rather watch someone that cares about his fans Not that you would know I watch other people play and when they drive to there destination I dont know ONE RETARD such as yourself Drive like that. Its so much more exciting driving in a taxi (NOT) You see that that there is Sarcasm you know what that is? Hey when you were driving in the police car to Bucky's Hangout I was wondering why werent you following street rules? Hey good Job wasnt expecting your vids to be this good No Offense HAHA Both of you are pathetic by the looks and sound of it your underage too maybe you should grow up what are you 12? they probrally think the same of you.....maybe you should get a life other than xbox and sitting on your roof fake shooting kids join a sport maybe by the looks of it you put on a few pounds why the fuck is the star bangled banner last?!?!?!?! it should be first! USA!!!!!! USA USA USA USA 6'1 163 tryin to cut down to 145,7,0,3,4,0,31,0 2760,X2761,you've saved my life in more ways then one .. you're the reason stopped self harming .. i was going through a very rough patch in my life ... and you're videos were the only thing that could ever bring a smile to my face .. and i am vry thankfu for that i am now a better happier person and i am execting in april if it wast for you this little fetuuus inside me would not be there :pHappy Birthdaay Damon we loooove yoou so much 3 thank you for saving my life is this bitch for real ? i freacking love one direction there like my favourite band and i wish i got tickets and if my mom got me them i would love her forever as well i will love onedirection forever and no band will top one direction im the biggest fan so everyong bak off of ONE DIRECTION yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats exactly what i was thinking ! xP this killed me xDD you have a great taste in music xDDim currently pregnant .. and whenever i put on metal or rock music he goes nuts ! xPhe's gunna be just like mommy ! x),6,2,4,4,0,24,0 2761,X2762,Post.,1,4,3,3,0,14,0 2762,X2763,"You remind me of Janis Joplin here a little bit.. Ariana3 Nickelodean I will be in musicals!! Haha Favorite part Mother Mary comes to me and says ,Party Rock is in the house tonight., Amen. Party all nighter from South Carolina. This should be the original. I try to take this seriously but then the cat starts talking and grabbing stuff... Oh my god. American girls really do say oh my god a lot. Fan: Liam were you at the W last night?Liam: Maybe I was and maybe I wasn't. Maybe I could have been. MY NAMES SOPHIE. LORD HAIL THE NAME SOPHIE THIS BLESSED BOY SAID MY NAME. PRAISE. The whole time I was scared you'd like pop the balloon. 69 likes...*le claps* AMEN BLESS YOUR SOUL AND EVERYTHING THAT IS HOLY. *Claps* I love this song even now. Hey He said.,Look how hot I am., He said.Don't worry Niall we are. WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK I'M CRYING I did not come here to play where's Waldo Louis. Where are you? ...Harry Styles? I didn't know you went on Maury... Tumblr has found you my friend.. Hmm refreshments. I dunno...I mean...I think it's funny...",22,6,3,4,0,17,0 2763,X2764,h t t p: //w w w .s w a g b u c k s .c o m /r e f e r / S w a g v a n i s a w e s o m edon't sign on his he is just trying to get reffereals sign up here and earn 30 swagbuckremove the spaces need account? join today here. its the besth t t p: //w w w .s w a g b u c k s .c o m /r e f e r / S w a g v a n i s a w e s o m edon't sign on his people are just trying to get reffereals sign up here and earn 10000 sbremove the spacesneed account? join today here. its the besth t t p: //w w w .s w a g b u c k s .c o m /r e f e r / S w a g v a n i s a w e s o m edon't sign on his he is just trying to get reffereals sign up here and earn 100000 sb by using search engineremove the spaces I SWEAR TO GOD MY DAD WEARS THOSE KINDA SHOES BECAUSE HE IS A CHIEF im a goat psn van12362plz YEAH ps3 he is gay nobody was even talking to him anyway. Black Ops 2 ps3 plzzzi need it i think he made the video because of the spelling? he still pisses me off. because he thinks he is better than me at dancing..Mann im in the poreotics jk 10000 years,9,1,2,1,0,16,0 2764,X2765,For love is joy and happiness the love has been given Jesus do not let it pass you love is patient it is waiting for you God is waiting. For love is joy and happiness the love has been given Jesus do not let it pass you love is patient it is waiting for you God is waiting. For love is joy and happiness the love has been given Jesus do not let it pass you love is patient it is waiting for you God is waiting. For love is joy and happiness the love has been given Jesus don't let it pass you love is patient it is waiting for you God is waiting. For love is joy and happiness the love has been given For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life do not let it pass you love is patient it is waiting for you God is waiting.Through God comes true love and through that love comes true joy and true happiness that will never end. For love is joy and happiness the love has been given For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life do not let it pass you love is patient it is waiting for you God is waiting.Through God comes true love and through that love comes true joy and true happiness that will never end. For love is joy and happiness the love has been given For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life do not let it pass you love is patient it is waiting for you God is waiting.For God so loved the world and what's in the world? People. For God so loved people that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For love is joy and happiness the love has been given Jesus don't let it pass you love is patient it is waiting for you God is waiting for love is joy and happiness the love has been given (jesus) don't let it pass you love is patient it is waiting for you god is waiting. For love is joy and happiness the love has been given jesus don't let it pass you love is patient it is waiting for you god is waiting. For love is joy and happiness the love has been given Jesus don't let it pass you love is patient it is waiting for you God is waiting. For love is joy and happiness the love has been given Jesus don't let it pass you love is patient it is waiting for you God is waiting.,12,8,3,5,0,26,0 2765,X2766,disciplining your child in a violent way doesnt teach them anything but to fear their abusers and they dont form a healthy attachment with their caregivers which in turn leads them to distrust individuals throughout their lifetime. There are many forms of discipline you can use instead of spanking. If a child is hitting other children they more than likely are being treated the same way at home. And spanking a child who is impared to understand their actions is abuse in my eyes.,1,0,3,5,0,25,0 2766,X2767,"Everyone here is a terrible speller ,Fluttershy, isn't that hard to spell. You're saying it's too easy or the graphics are too bad either way you're an idiot. Bears beat beets battle star galactica Freeze balls I'm going up stairs I think the hunter from Beauty and the Beast is a bad villian. Were the other members just fucking around while she was singing but when she stops they play serious again? I found the real Joker. Ow fuck! What have I done to deserve this I already own Psychonaughts. Gooda jobu You obviously haven't finished the episode yet. Arin's right.",11,1,4,5,0,23,1 2767,X889,its like cheast high super sick clips and editing boltz that shit looks hideous. id just throw that shit away unless your really that desperate more like two days from the day you bought them from a dispensary.. those clones have been rooting for at least10 days videos getting me pumped up to catch some surf tomorrow. Everyones getting shacked!! Justin is ripping. That indoboard is clearly working! paint it another color and have a four tone tuned cloche Cool story and great clips. You rip Gilbert entertaining stuff.. subscribed now So am I worth banging? al274r- Id rather let people who took advantage of their educations and made huge advancements in our day-to-day lives keep their money that they earned So what is the ultimate goal of bringing tardigrades to space? great surfing! point of this video- dont let chicks drive... lol just kidding ripping The boys are ripping! Im here because of qualitykidproduction. this is an incredible video. Happy subscriber now Im here cuz GoPro liked this classic congrats on 500K views. Im guessing there will be millions by the time im done here waves are going off epic Its a stone crab you break off its ridiculously big claws and throw them back. It just defends themselves with the big claws and in our area there are rock formations for millions of them to hide under and they have very few capable predators. The end where you fell off the jetski with your girlfriend made my day i needs to get high I wish I was in bahamas watching the show at Atlantis. I've gotta be at least 25 of the views to this video. Excellent work buddy you sir are mental this is just as funny as your miami zombie attack prank video such a rad video Im here cuz I bought ONIFC and song number 2 is ill as fvck If you dont have $12 for a wiz cd your definitely not a taylor,33,6,4,5,0,25,0 2768,X2769,yall like the darkflip grind so much what a big deal i can do all that its easy i like 00:50--1:03 its so funny 00:55 OH MY GOD!!! ROFL LOL HAHAHAHA Bitch CANT YOU SEE IM IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING HAHAH your dog looks like mine i mean dude you got the same guitar as mine porque no esquipieas los videos warning this video contains suckish music 1. turn it down 2. open a new tab 3.put youtube 4. put your favorite song and 5. enjoy Buena presentacion abansando profecinalmente en su trayectoria you suck yo peeps put settings on the video where it has the gear click it it will tell you quality and speed if you put 2.0 fast it will sound the same as the normal version oh i didnt see that why do you say call of duty black ops intel guide every time we get it all ready Haha end of the word That was funny stop hacking people you little bitch that cracked me up i like this song all of you me too i saw it in the biggest hacker in history,18,0,2,5,0,15,1 2769,X2770,"LOLOLOLOL !!! i know right lol :D BALLSACK 43:07 WTF !!! CHIPMUNK* looks like the creatures house kinda what the fuck . i cant believe you actually said that HOBGOBLIN !!!! more better is shit grammar for a start secondly i think alot of people have owl tattoos so please do us all a favor and fuck off thanks soooo awesome :D such a good album thanks :D guys got better in the second game :) this is brilliant :D aww right need to get this game but i dont know wheter its worth it or not. how can it be a punk cover of a punk song :Lwtf ?!?! sounds like the hives nearly crying WICKED !!!!!!!!!!! i love it play this song with this : Mumford Sons - Broken Crown :)happylmk this dude thought of it its quite good together. man jacks beard is lookin good he should braid it for the next ahwu :D 2:18 gets good from here :D why has this video got dislikes its a fact this is how there made are people just like , no this is all lies i shall press the dislike button to warn people about the lies in this video , wtf fuckin morons :) no i think it was , we eat bugs , tutorial please (: whats the start song ?? x",25,106,3,10,0,20,0 2770,X2771,ok then u owe me a 1.00$ this 100 times and he will need to owe us 100 dollers do u play a instament really good This is so cool!!!!!!!!!!! LOve you song!!!!!!!!!! alright,7,1,2,2,0,40,0 2771,X1789,this is disturbing LMFAO the granddad looks like MrBrown from meet the browns XD u should put topemoswagga stewie????? those pplz are straight up PUTAZ!they should appretiate u LMFAO GUCCI! LOL yall see the gray 2 rite we be singing tht in class and be getting complaints from different floors LMFAOI LIKES THT PART TOO tht is beautiful STOP SWEARING ITS A SIN! i thought 'no way she can make it look real' then at the end i felt stewpid you look prettier N0 H0M0 the girl in 1:15 i noe her or from portugal o.o lol lol omg u a guy or a girl I'M FROM BROOKLYN NEW YORK! ur an atheist st. patrick omg my cuz in boston go to dat churh its in roxbury or dorchester LMFAOOOOOOO the song starts at 1:47 thumbs up if it helped Are U mentally confused are naturally retarted u sound hispanic are u transgendered lol lol i'm hip its complicated he isn't gay hes bisextuall,33,3,3,5,0,21,0 2772,X2773,jonathan u r just an awful little nut S- Sexy W- WithA- Bit ofG- Gangster!!!!!3 yesssssss yesssss yesssssss i literally just said that this is beautiful like ohmigod you now have the approval of an 11 yr old! aaaawwww its so sweet that they cheer him on cus he kissed her i love nerdy boys ha and he is cute hadnt seen it in years but i still remember all the words to the theme song hahaha the theme song is cuteeee!!!!!!!!!!! thats beautiful and wat is the music at 3:05 and again beautiful work wat is da music at 3:48 ummmmm is it just me or was that not bridget mendler cus i know thats not her,10,0,2,1,0,14,0 2773,X2774,3 marry me,1,0,4,5,0,23,0 2774,X2775,so yeah cant do the computer part rats i typped my ip in the search bar at the top but redirects me to google lol geuss its time to call the net people R.I.P FROM NEW ZEALAND ghe dat cars drivers sides on the right not the left lol fuck all you fuckin pussies who done this to her fuck yous i bet she woulda been algoods if one person stood up for her fuck 50 people round wen she got bet up an no one stopped it fuckin dick kunts str8 up you fuckin slimy fucks why woud you folow her to they shud be fuckin killed people like themm dont deserve to live may you rest eazy ghe god must of had enough an you dd too rest eazy an FUCK BULLYS THE MAN STR8 UP chur bro wats the song?? farr bad wats the song lol woman with the glasses your very pretty honestly id full on pull the whole dinner approach for you evan tho i aint the hottest looking kunt id take your decline wit little immaturity a possible LOL ohh lol cause a violin is a piano cmu ffuck watching this videos shit it just made me wanna smake you fuckers in the head fuck fuckin pussies ge fink your hard an shit just for rushing one at a time fuck i wulda puut my crow bar in a dome you think im playing catch me in rewa wita crowbar try catch me slipping ge fuck the crabfucks pussy cunts lool the picture at 0;50 two chicks in the back round smoking a pipe i know cause i was there hahahaha we have ourselves a winner over here ther was bout a meter an a half that bit a 6 year olds leg it was one of the news papers my pa had kept i usttu feed pig guts to bout 50 odd eels and they were beast fuckin watah dumb robber you point let a shot off so they kno you aint playing round smack her in the head dont be a bitch 50 % chance you gone get locked up so fuck it shouda gone hard or gone home you retard fuck fuckin watah bitch you are if i was there i woulda rush kicked your skinny white skummy ass an told you to fuck off an leave her alone fuck you an all your bitches dis video reminds me of bullys ge str8 why the fuck dd you al just stand yous coulda told her to stfu an fuck off bro he wasnt grabbing his fuckin dick you retard this fala was ready to throw a shin to the white dudes egs hips or head you can see how he moves he moves like a kick boxer an strangly reminds me of how a maori would hold his ground fuckin if you think im alshit id pulls a shin str8 to your ribs an try cracck them fuck this police is a fuckin dick str8 up i woulda rushed yous shoulda rushed this pig while those chicks grabbed that dude an fuckin ran haha da man weres the rest of that last free lol dat one sounded bad to lol hahaha fuck can you fuckers use those rifles nah cos yous are fuckin chicken to use them you dumb fucks get a fuckin job you useless fucks cant hustle for shit sell shit buds your all crack head fucks get a fuckin job!!!!!!!!!!! and fuck all you fuckin wannabe gangster netbangers your all fuckin bumms an a waste of tax payers money fuck off back too your shitty lil islands aye da last pair that ddanced were mea as poly swagg they shoulda just let them get buck at the end str8 up str8 buckness woulda been mean Brought up on canarven dr livingston made love for flaxmare wst side HORI That face does EPIC!!!!! Cmu your really pretty too,23,0,3,5,0,22,1 2775,X2776,I agree that the use of fur-clad models is disgustingly tasteless.,1,0,3,5,0,50,0 2776,X2777,let's pray to the godbowl of milkand tunfish and it taste good many humanso MANY HUMAN kill mouse with oil and glue :3 super gode vidsub up+ '-' .......Ratigan look on vegeta 0:08 to 0:38 0:35 lol [- -] HELL YEAH :D that was a good comment :D i think 40% of the youtube is negative lol cell voice is still ragh! lol all have that scout head i don't get it video too i just made it i has bored :p hey i'm a random english comment i am tuu secy tu me bonkin this is rape faceo.o (\ ;D it work sub for you mate free dns shiny registeelpms me and i send the website code Personality:1284374211 it shiny slowpoke enjoy Man i hate Pepsi NEW CUBEBOT IS OUT PLEASE LOOK ON IT :D get a smeargle with spore do you want a non shiny smeargle to hunt pokemon or shiny easiest50 or 60 lvl?,25,7,3,96,0,31,0 2777,X2778,Banning bare breasts... HA! Gayyyyyy!,1,0,3,5,0,21,1 2778,X2779,"I Really Hate When People Capitalize Every Word They Type For Completely No Reason 0:50 He's like crying... Lol :P Totally right! The ,Little Blonde, has a name. It's Rosie. And the other one is Sophia. There's no need to be mean here... It used to be 70 when they viewed the video. Now there is 77 Oh my gosh! i have a pet African Grey bird named Wallace! He was named after the cartoon man from Wallace and Gromit! HHey everybody! This is the last FULL week of summer vacation :( So enjoy it! U just described yourself You should annoy... Cody Simpson You should be in mind craft :) And im a girl but that's okay... I really value David's work. Almost no one puts this much effort into music on youtube anymore. It is just fantastic how much he practices each day and learns. I cherish his all of his music and the time he puts into it. Lol :P Lol I would spend alot of money on your work! If you would like to contact me my email is: Thanks! Adorable dog! What type of dog is it?",17,10,3,1,0,27,0 2779,X2780,"Brendon was put on this earth to sing. no. doubt. brendon's ,Faster! Faster!, kicked rylan's first attempt in the balls. no offense LOL he's so adorable XD does anyone else think she's rich? just feels like she's rich. maybe i'm wrong why is everyone so desperate for followers. i've played. slenderman isnt scary at all. i dont get why people crack it up to be so terrifying well...he was. we dont know if he's given it to lisa. which is none of our business anyway its jack! nigga... DOPE. that is all. i just. i this. so much. shane played P!@D when showing the 2008 vid. (sigh) perfect she says 0:31 ,why Dontcha come up here and try it then?, GOD. He is sexy. God jenna is the only youtuber that makes me sincerely chuckle theres a box right on the counter joey fatone is such a cool dude XD omg jack black looks so old",17,43,4,11,1,23,0 2780,X1594,"way to go Westie! I curse the day these two decided to call it quits. They were the best....and they come from my home town..Brisbane Australia!!! love this song :) I'll side with ya! God I wished I'd seen these guys live. Awesome! FUCK I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!!!! I adore this man. He has a beautiful heart. This brings back so many happy memories for me. Jumping around the living room with a hairbrush singing along.....ahhh those were the days!! Adore this song. One of my favourites. Love the falsetto in this.....sublime. Wish I was there *sigh*....think I would have jumped him!! God I love this man! The dancers were distracting. Just Darren on his own with that fabulous voice would have been brilliant! Love you D:) Hilarious! Love it. Didn't understand a word but it looked funny! racist Hilarious! I love the ,yummy yummy yummy, at the end! My type of gal. No you're wrong. He recently admitted he is totally gay :( ..not that there's anything wrong with that...right?! You've got that right .....extremely FRUSTRATING!!! I miss SG sooo much! This must have taken you ages to make....well worth it well done!!! in a word NO! There is nothing so adorable as a Westie! Have loved KB 4 ever! She's a living legend. Long reign the Queen of music! She's a mesmerising artist. Her story is a fascinating one. Thank you Kate for taking us along for the ride! I remember dancing around in my bedroom with WH playing (loud). I stood in front of the mirror trying to perfect her moves. Great memories. If ever I held a dinner party with famous people attending I'd invite Kate first and foremost. I love Adele but Kate Bush should have won. There will never be another Kate Bush in our lifetime. The Mentalist? really?? how embarrassing... Merry Christmas everyone! Richard Armitage for Bond.....YES please !!!!! My doctor put me onto this video. Makes soooo much sense. Will put these suggestions into practice and I'm positive my health will be better. Thanks Dr Evans you're a legend.",31,1,3,5,0,46,0 2781,X2782,"Thats The SAME Dude That TRADED ON HIIM IN ,MOMENT FOR LIFE FREESTYLE, Who NOTICED His Chest Tattoo? This isnt A Real Song He Jux Had To Get THIS Outta His System.! EMINEM Da Shit Lmfao Anybody Noticed He AINT Look At Da Watch For The Time But For The Date.! XD Im Jux Noticing lmfaooooo The Black Gurl Hair Was FAKE Thumbs Up If Yhu Listen To This MORE Den Twice A Day.! Cause I Do.! =D Aww DAMN He MADE This On My BIRTHDAY:)04/23 Taurus Bbyyyy ST.LOUIS (314) Babyyy.! Meek Mill - MMG = Still BEAST:)MMG - Meek Mill = FUCKED . Zay Bucks xYoung Savage Having A Full CONVO During TWIN Rap.! lmfao iLaughed Sooo HARD Wen He Said ,BITCH NOBODY CAN HEAR YOU FUCK IT LIKE SCREAM WITH YOU, (I THINK) And He Actually SCREAMS.! LMFAO MADE MY DAY:) Was He SERIOUS About AIIDS.! lmfao He FUNNY He Had The LIGHTER THE WRONG WAY Who Saw WIZ Eyes When She Said She Don't GIVE HEAD.! Lmfaooo MEEK HAS THE BEST VERSE.!Like It OR Not Its TRUE If Yhu Listen To The First Verse He Shit On His Girl Instead Of Telling Her How ITS oNLY bOUT Them Two.! O.o Lmao Kennie DisLiked It(He Lit The Blunt) Dope Voice:DBut Naw I Aint Go Gay For 3:58 Mins ( -.-)Lol DOPEEE ASXXX VOICE DOE Bro I LIKE(: NEEDS IMPROVEMENT But Yo Your Shits Gunna B Dopeeeeeeee 3 Lol We Be Inna Studio On The Same Shyd What SONG Did This Start Off WIth.? Lmfaooo Funnoest Moment When 3:29 . Sooo Unexpected. Well WTF Are You Watching The Videos Then.? #3Hunnit We Obviously Like It Other Wise We Wouldn't Be Here So Go Talk Shyt Else Where Or STFU Enjoy. You Can Tell Jones Free-Stylin iON Know Bout MOOK Doe.!",24,1,3,1,0,20,0 2782,X2783,"I felt bad for Chloe good thing she fell in love with Ollie in later episodes because she deserves to be happy she's awesome! Which episode is this from? We.are.the good guys LOL i love how he said it. One week is too long to wait for this episode!!! Never thought zombies can be this hot lol He was a great actor and he proved it even more when he played the joker he will be remembered by many people R.I.P Heath. Do you call back to tell them it's a prank? I'm pretty sure they won't kill Dean or Sam in this episode so i'm not worried about them i hope they don't kill Kevin though. Please make another one lol Haha this is awesome. They should make ,Warm Bodies 2, because this one was awesome!! they should make it about R's past life that he'll slowely start to remember how he died and everything... I love how some people look so used to it that they're just sitting there like nothing's happening LOL This is everyone's nightmare coming true!! !! :) ?! ... Oh c'mon i went to hell to make it up for him! Where can i watch this movie?? I lost it at 2:31 LMAO Hahaha this is epic subbed! LMAO Stephen Amell you're awesome man btw loved the slo-mo dancing XD",20,30,2,5,0,17,0 2783,X2784,Absolutely love this movie. (: I'm sooo excited to get this phone! Can't wait. I'm super impressed by this phone. (: Makes me cry every time... I'm turning 15 in a week and I'm so scared.. I don't want to leave my mom or family and I don't want to go out on my own yet. I love you mom even though I may not show it that much.... God help me... /3 Oh Jenna omg... laughed so hard :) I have like 10 make up products lol He has Down's Syndrome. My favorite part about Christmas is decorating! I decorate as early as November first (: I am so happy right now. I have felt ugly all my life and finally for once a boy I have a crush on told me today he likes me too. (: Never felt so happy before! Lol... CHILI FACE NOODLE PUNCH! She is SO pretty! I can't believe anyone would tell her those mean things.. What a beautiful gift to leave your you are a cutie!!,11,12,3,1,0,47,0 2784,X2785,I mute this video and played Kanye West - Clique... You know damn well that was the wrong hole! you and I are the same weight and I struggle @ 195lbs :( I see a lot of people talking about her doing zero reps... you dont have to touch your chest. 1 correct rep would be bringing it doing so your arm/elbow is at 90 degrees. everyones ares are different lengths. this video made me get back in the gym Haha the internet bully got told how to spell and never came back!Go RAPTORS missed a gear and still ate him alive. ZR1 my ass what the fuck are you going on about? stfu and enjoy the video Lookin like Kirkwood Smith and Shit Is this the only Lambo that comes in Mens with the 6 Speed manual? yo brunette on the right. holla at me! anyone see the cop in the background like wtf? lol beautiful car but that diffuser in the front is fuckin ridiculous Makes Mark Wahlberg look like a lil bitch,14,5,6,1,1,25,1 2785,X1749,You're great! You two are a great team! My girl! Lacie!! Yay first to comment! He's so fast! I was a wolf in my past life! Can you tell me more about soul animals? Lol you're welcome! True dat homes. You're welcome! I agree. It's like someone gets something new and they forget all the other things in life. When I was a little younger all I wanted to do was be a singer and now with all these horses in my life... I forgot all about it. I read some entries in my journal last night and it wrote about singing and all my dreams of becoming a singer and an actor and I realized I completely forgot about those things. I think Adam was just excited and didn't even realize it. Awee =/ When I first tried to see my spirit guide this didn't work for me so I did a different method. Although this one is interesting! Thanks! =) Beautiful horse! Awesome right? Yes they did work hard. They have updates almost every week and I like all of the expansion packs. I want Supernatural really bad though lol. They wanted a Sims 3 because they wanted something better than The Sims 2 so they made a third Sims game. Awesome! One time I opened a fortune cookie and it told me to go to an empty parking lot on Friday the 13th at midnight ALONE.Do I win the contest? =D It's nobody's fault. That could have happened to anybody. If you have to blame it on somebody blame it on his friend. Albert didn't even want to smoke but he did it because he was pressured to do it. Can you imagine what he would be called at school if he didn't do it? That's ALL he was thinking about and he didn't know that it would start a fire. He's only 10 (heard it on one of the episodes) Cool! Nothing more than you can control meeting a bad person and a good person at least once in your life =) All my current Sims...Leroy Campbell - adultSidney Campbell - adultFiona Campbell - childLily Campbell - child It's just a fact lol. Wow somehow I unsubscribed from EVERYONE by mistake? Don't know how that happened? I'll try to sub everyone back! Yes remember to keep your door locked and closed and shift alone. It depends on when the person achieves the m-shift. It could take someone only 5 minutes to do it and the other person 30 minutes or another person an entire 1 hour! It doesn't have a certain time rate for m-shifting or p-shifting. I find that when I first started p-shifting it took me hours. Now it doesn't take me long at all I think people get better at it as they go on with it and do it often. You get the Sims Pets Expansion Pack. It's seen as normal by me but some people might call me and you crazy ;) Cool! He is so graceful! Just wondering and if you know which is supposed to lose their winter coat first? Horses or ponies? He's like a baby =) So sweet!,31,166,3,115,0,14,0 2786,X2787,dis is a ugly ass bitch tho this is my shit man i just cant help it man i love this little dude an i dnot care how u guys feel about it i love this song LION KING SWAGG TEAM ROOOOOOAAARRRRRR this gay ass song boi southside 2800 blCK...South Jackson is the crimewavers free mine niggas,6,6,5,43,0,21,0 2787,X2788,duran duran amazing!!!,1,0,6,5,0,42,0 2788,X2789,Incredible commercial :) svaka chast Smoke! ;) Nadia.. you are FANTASTIC!!!! :))) Cult classic! Havana Kuba! extraordinary! great music!!!,7,0,3,5,0,38,0 2789,X2790,3 could you get me a code please? ! ! could you create raquel welch from one million years bc look her up she is betond sexy ! ! would you be willing to release the formula? they made shaundi look so much better and hotter ! ! i think she is much better than the old lara and her horny cant you get shaundi's hair? she is so much better than megan fox and i think shes the best part of the movie i think that blonde girl is ashleigh from re4 it makes sense as she is the presidents daughter and he turns into a zombie... you ignorant psychopath you need to be sectioned. yeah your a cunt,11,0,3,5,1,23,0 2790,X2791,lets face facts. males are superior to females in almost every way except maybe math or something like that that doesnt involve saving lives. this was just a rigged test to make it seem easy for women and make tyhem feel special but it was bogus MEG IS HOT AND LOUIS IS UGLY All drugs legal or illicit were once all used properly and weren't a scourge of mankind. It is the governments fault. They made drugs illegal and started categorizing them which enrages people who need that medication therefore creating abuse and misuse which makes addicts in the world. Today there are a lot of addicts that make real people in real pain look very bad. Now Doctors judge everyone and automatically assume they are there to score some drugs. They say that God hates them so they are obviously going to burn for all eternity. They're burnin themselves. fuckin todded i get a boner every time i hear someone ripping with a 2 stoke. or just plain revving the motor up makes my boner go up. Those KTM's rock man. American made and thin/sleek as hell. Awesome When u do NO2 instead of O2 u are cutting off 02 from your brain. idiot. u will cut oxygen off from your brain and be a veggie tard. but im proud of steveo to control himself. i was possessed by demons for years. its amazing how fast it can get out of hand there are times i wished i was black when i grew up. i wonder where i'd be today lol its fun to imagine spreadin disease is part of the plan lol wow i love u steve o man hes wearin more makeup than she is. thats not natural no matter wat ur style is lol who would want a girl for a boyfriend like that. she has low standards. i wonder what their standards are in real life he saw his owner being a dumbass.. yes they bite. veiled chameleon is 100$. they arent cuddley pets so take that into consideration before u buy one I feel for you man. I have peripheral neuropathy in my legs feels like a blowtorch on them and i want to kill myself every waking minute unless i have pain meds. its ben such a hellacious trip. i also had the spinal tap headaches where if ur not horizontal your head will explode. the boluses definetely help with the pump and it took a whole year to get it programmed right. for oral meds go with oxyMORPHONE Instant Release 10mg tabs. they work great. msg me man i need someone to talk to my dick would be rock hard if she licked me str8 up my face like a dog lol I agree whole heartedly sixstringscumdog. Noone can take our right to bear arms. But they should always make sure there are no dumbshits that dont know how to handle a firearm dont get to handle firearms. It is a sacred responsibility right and pride to carry a firearm and to be respectfully safe with it. I grew up in a home where if you can't handle a gun you shouldn't even talk about it. Tonight your cumming. *she cums* You're cummin tonight! lol omg shoenice dont look too good......LOL Opana is #2 most abused and potent opioid (4-7x more potent than oxycodone). #1 most potent is fentanyl (100x more potent than morphine) I am a patient with neuropathic pain in my arms legs groin and i had to get my tailbone removed because it was shattered from falling on ice. I have been on opana IR and ER numerous times and i have to say that it will completely fucking take over your soul it feels so incredibly good. please do something proactive and try to use less powerful stuf asu nedit Congratulations. As a real legitimate neuropathic pain sufferer I can say I have respect for you correcting your problem. If everyone without pain would just stop abusing the stuff legit patients need it would make our lives a lot easier. and the addicts i get a boner everytime i hear one of those things fly over me. its such a boost of confidence u almost let ur guard down if i knew he was on bathsalts and depending what i felt like i might not have helped please message me. i gotta talk to u about this you see at this point if i was jude this is when i would have lost my mind with the lsd instead of the punch with dr. roberts and his masturbatin alligators it would have been lsd strawberry fields forever god damned the stamina just doesnt go down. we need a sponsor here! you look like villopoto shredding those corners. you also look like you need a pro contract. im just curious but is it a guy or girl? opium is nice combo with hash when your life is at stake. it makes you not give a fuck about maybe getting your face blown off THUMBS UP THIS IF YOU WERE IN THE VIETNAM WAR AND SPRAYED AGENT ORANGE cause the canadian government is smarter and wants to take down the most evil. marijuana is legal in canada and VERY FEW STATES in the U.S. and our state legislatures are WEEEETAWWWDED for not legalizing maryjane,29,2,7,1,0,26,0 2791,X2792,I'd loveeee to win the curling wand:) your videos are awesome carli keep it up! xxx Do a house tour:) x Happy birthday beautiful!:) Daniels face when that guy said the people that smoke aren't cool ahaha I think an eyebrow piercing would really suit you:) You have amazing curves:) Do a home tour with sammi:) your videos are awesome keep it up! I love your to see your hauls and OOTD'S your amazing and I love your channel keep it up! I would love to win any of the boxes:) xxx 0:38 Sam's right it's not the window Ahahahahaha Daniel thinks he's sucha hard man coz he smokes weed Omg you were in Richmond Aha that's what my dad says why would you want a kindle I want to smell the book Considering her clothes cost so much she looks pretty cheap I love backs too! Ahaha Definitely holiday look book! You look amazing btw:) Do a what's in my bag! Xox You are so beautiful without make up,18,0,3,5,0,15,0 2792,X2793,This is very interesting and with hard work! Keep your head up and keep up the good work! Thank you! Very simple for me! Thank you! An Awesome piece of work! Be blessed and encouraged! Thank you for adding this video and singing from your souls! Be blessed and keep on singing!!!! DeWayne...I really enjoyed your singing and may God bless you! Keep up the good work! A beautiful song of worship! God bless you today! Thanks for your video post!,8,1,5,18,0,50,0 2793,X2794,"Took something for an allergy yesterday and a side effect was extreme fatigue and poor concentration as evidenced by my rambling comments I made/butchered!! Good thing I wasn't operating heavy machinery........sorry about that folks!!! Oops meant to say 'dump' him not 'jump' him!!!!!! Where did your newest videos go? The ones under username awkwardteenageboy?? You were finally starting to lighten up relax in front of the camera and then you took them down. Just remember you had a lot of viewers who really admired looked forward to seeing you on YouTube!! ;) What a stupid attention seeking dumb assed kid!! That guy should have his license taken away---- her face is ruined!! 99% of what comes out of this bitches mouth is a lie!! She sure thinks she can talk her way out of this......severely delusional and manipulative Light skinned guys shouldn't be confident or dominant? What a fucking ignorant judgmental racist piece of shit thing to say!! I think whoever wrote that has a severe problem with his own self-confidence.........Go fuck yourself asshole!!! top with all the lies she's told......this is so brain-achingly borrrring!! You are soon going down Ms.Arias and wearing your goofy glasses little girl shirts aren't going to do you one bit of good! Now I know for sure who it is you're talking about; the one who wears super low-cut shirts with 2 push-up bras AND cuts her head off so that her boobs fit in the frame!Yuck!!!! This guy sounds dumber than a sack of hammers!! He sure wasn't prepared for being interviewed was he?? Hahahaha! Pathetic. What.In.The.World?!?!? LOL!! Uggghhhh!! I know she's only human but I sure wish they'd picked another judge. This one seems like a lovely lady but not particularly bright or energetic. Can't wait for Prosecutor to get his turn at cross-examining that turd Arias on the stand. All the long-winded bs she's been blabbering on for hours hours is sure to come back and bite her in the ass!! I couldn't find a legitimate company with that name Chloe.......get your parents involved if he writes you again!!!! Very cute!!!! LOL!! LMFAO!!! It always comes down to the almighty dollar. Humans are greedy!! Shoenice is a fucking twat!! Is this how you treated viewers n the early days before your brain was damaged by all the booze? You ignorant cocksucker it pisses me off thinking of the $ you made from our views and comments. Fucker. Do you even help support your kids you worthless piece of shit?? Doubt it very much. The asshole blocked me on YouTube!! What a pussy....HE can't handle the truth!! Not nasty just a whore!! Fak yaw!!! POOP!!! What a wimp Ahahahahaha!!! What in the world?!?! You do not seem happy lately BUgeyed! Please cheer up! Shoenice22 is seriously fucked in the head and he needs some psychiatric care ASAP! (nothing to do with dead unicorns either He is a very messed up person who just happens to be a pretty good entertainer. I wish him the best. I must admit I was treated worse than Arias was when I was with my first husband......all you supporting her saying I did the wrong thing in getting a divorce??? Or should I have murdered him because I was a ,battered, woman? Puh-leeze!!!",23,5,7,5,0,43,0 2794,X2795,"Leave it to Nate Ruess to write the catchiest pop single in a while. ...but check your lease man - because you're living in Fuck City! Man Dill needs a full release signature shoe. Dope spot - directions if you don't mind? You can shoot me a message if you want some more secrecy. The sheer fact that MJ skates this good drunk is just incredible. ER MAH GERD MAHRC JERNSERN Hope to god he has a full part in the new Girl video. Decent whisky a little thin overall but great as a mixer and unparalleled in the price range. That's actually Jason Gleanson's then girlfriend / now wife. Chris produced the record so I guess it's how he wanted his vocals to sound I don't seem to mind it but at times it can seem a little odd. Well aware I've been friends with Matt for nearly 10 years. I never said he left haha. Fuck that - it's family night. Let's go to Tijuana. Man it's all about the old Supreme crew - RIP Keenan. I eat good black pussy and I read a big black bible Welp Tim looks homeless. Finally another person who loves the Deconstruction record as much as I do! Top notch album. Man as much as I love Noctourniquet and Deantoni I really wish they stuck with Dave and did a record with him. Deantoni can't do a lot of older material justice. He did for Gran Turismo but ,A Good Horse, is on Long Gone Before Daylight. Most likely - super hard to hear yourself at outdoor shows. This song needs to make its way back into the setlist.",20,0,3,1,0,41,0 2795,X2796,. Muito muito linda e talentosa!!! . Uauuu... UUuaaaaallllll!!!! Loved!!!,4,1,3,3,0,25,0 2796,X2797,@Ddotrespect Slim Dunkin it was suppose to be slim dunkins kid he was making a video movie he was gonna do the second part where he was looking for his kid in the second video but his dead now so he cant do your a moron meant buy you know theres ,19,6,3,3,0,20,0 2797,X2798,its so kool here.. LOLrandom ChanXDD at 1:17 ...what the fuck is that? -click-....-heartattack from the most beautiful noise~Happy death. i just...Love..this song ;-; much. I will always love you.c;,6,1,3,1,0,17,0 2798,X2799,Ooooooooooh I can't wait!! THIS IS EPIC This is so cool!,3,0,3,5,0,14,0 2799,X2800,That saxophone is sexy as hell! I want a sax just like that Aysmoriah great video! Awesome!! Devin you suck at making YouTube videos. Get a capture card and make something that people actually want to watch like sport highlight videos like I do. Not no damn NHL videos. Like actual football and basketball videos. My butler vs Marquette buzzer beater got 400 views the first day. Male 15 Really nice and kind. I won't talk dirty lol. I'm in the 10th grade I'm the starting HB on my high schools Varsity football team. i get really good grades in school. Alot of people like to hangout with me because im fun to be around. So add me on kik- Starfoxx86 Small penis Nice video. I might decide to enroll at FCS. Right now I'm currently going to Grays Creek High school and I was wondering what the benefits of going to FCS are. this completly describes the situation im in right now. subscribe to me ill subscribe back! SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL I WILL SUB BACK TOO !!!!!!!!! J.cole diggy hands down day my GF was born on but back then they didnt have instant reply like we do now,13,10,3,19,0,15,0 2800,X2801,Timothy McVeigh was a psychopathic coward who targeted women and children... Maybe but adderall is but amphetamine salts...says so right on my prescription. Seriously... Sounds awesome but the time must be right. It is nearly upon us brother. Years are but moments in the eyes of the gods... I hate playing God...sickening. You may be all too correct. In fact I just read a news story covering rumors that Joseph-Gordon Levitt will take on the mantle of the Batman for the Justice League movie in 2015... Oh well maybe I should stop eating it then? As I already told the other guy neither I nor my son need your pity. I know more about autism than you assume and if anyone called my son retarded their lifespan would shorten drastically. He is a genius in his own way...,7,0,4,2,1,31,0 2801,X2802,@jadaA were on utube??,1,1,3,3,0,16,0 2802,X2803,YOUR MY CAUSIN awww hes so adorable :333 Kathulu shit shit XDDDDDD My English and German midterm is tomorrow ..... I love this guy lollol PHIL.HAS.CHEAST HAIR patch video ! Pluto...o.o .....wait I think my nose is bleeding Can you draw yaoi for sebby x Ciel ? im so sorry i had the intro of this song as my ringtone and it went off in math class what show was the orgasm noise? what was he saying in french?!!!!!?????!!!!! oh you THE MUSIC SELECTION FOR THE CHARACTERS ARE SO PERFECT IM DYING THIS IS SOO PERFECT IN EVRY WAY I CANT I...I....GUH!!!FANGASM!!!!!!,16,1,3,3,0,14,0 2803,X2804,haha i saw one of those soda machines a couple days ago and i almost craped my pants!!! haha no matter how many times i watch i always laugh left over bacon 2:15 kitten is at the top right when he is staying stop...stop...stop.. ithink of a cat hitting a yarn ball.,5,2,3,5,0,14,0 2804,X2805,"FIRST!shamans getting a CCand Enhancement shamans = DotA's Lycan!! im sure we'll upgrade it but i personally wouldnt mind keeping the same looking set throughout the game.would you?it is after all a hero class and if the armor LOOK stays the same but i can see the stats change...that'd be badass 120%...?yea glubboy09 hes a very smart guy....WRONG so funny watching this bitch pretend to understand what hes talking about...and whoever said she's hot needs to have their eye sight checked out.But ya...Lupe rules 1 per realm cause they dont want 9 DK bank toons the dark chick is a former porn star named Aylar Lie. check out her pizzorn its fukin hot.btw she also was in Basshunter's ,now you're gone, good video but your crits are fucking horribleleave shamans to the Originals i.e. FOR THE HORDE SKANK horrible looking horrible taste in music never make another video with sound again GUITAR GUEERO!! group loot FTLbut ye nice vid haha I cant stop laughing this guy is so gay.Watch Office Space funniest movie ever WTF!???IM GONNA MAKE THIS VID HIT 1 000 000 HITS YOU'RE GONNA BE THE NEW REBECCA BLACK!Bozzy lol BLANKS @ 0:37.Sorry if you're in the military seeing that kinda shit is funny this game looks like to play in 6 months. I couldnt watch half the video because the player demoing it is terrible. awesome mix.FIRST an advertisement half way through the song are you fucking kidding me youtube you havent been on the internet much have you? what are you typing in? your console list would be much more helpful. why are you replying to my comment asking this while Im waiting for an answer from the OP? Kind of a dick move as far as YouTube etiquette (if any) goes.To answer your question you press Y. If you're talking about console commands its ~ Naw reason I'm commenting here to you is cause I came to watch a video of Duran Duran but someone always has to make it a political/social issue in comments. Keep it to yourself if you dont wanna get ridiculed. You didnt answer me though so you dont own a single leather item in your house/cardboard box you live in? No plants have been harmed either? You vegans are a joke and cannot be taken seriously. Btw it sounds like you're trying to convince YOURSELF about vegan lifestyle not me.",22,0,8,5,0,23,1 2805,X2806,i no lol fuck uwere not packeys u white ppl are juss sickwe will mess your face up yup thumbs up if u noticed at 1:36 she said the fork was the spoon and the spoon was the fork lol TRIVIUM IS AN AWESOME KICK ASS BAND MAN :) ;) Real Awesome Song I LOVE 30 SECONDS TO MARS MAN :) This Song Is Epic I LOVE IT :) :) :D I STILL LOVE YOU BY Mka! :) Awesome Song YOUR SO CUTE AND HOY I LOVE YOU BY MEKA WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE HATING HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD IS AWESOME XD STOP HATING JUST SAYING tech n9ne is awesome its funny when he disses out all those freestylers now a days i love this moviee yea i`ve notice that lol Epic song me2 awesome song lov eit haha BOTH I LOVE THIS SONG NUFF SAID :) @LoLxx1999 hes niether i love this song :) this is a good band you just dont know goood music,23,55,4,32,1,20,0 2806,X2807,missy elliot - lose control :),1,1,3,5,0,26,0 2807,X2808,great video yeah hes not a pedophile lolllllllllllllll looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool i just subscribed btw great vid TECHNO like it ! dude you should be a singer,6,0,3,5,0,19,1 2808,X2809,-_-,1,1,3,5,0,16,1 2809,X2810,yea deff not the best in OC im from there happy 4 20 where u guys from? this is not DnB whoever put that,4,4,4,6,0,21,0 2810,X2811,mounara mou and he didn't bother being a father the first 2 years of his babies life. the sond is telling the baby he'll be a good dad from now on what do you mean but? indian women are gorgeous! go fuck your momma hick africa europe! typical niggers! jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja BITCH takes months to replace signal wiring in new york subways! oh hell no!!!! jerkoff!!! you should of left the feet out opsie! i guess that was just a tad too late? my cock would look good in her mouth tharts them motorcycle shit! dayum! that 4 POINT saddle was off! your 3 POINT saddle was way off! ajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaa ajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaaajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaaajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaaajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaa mine will be coming tomorrow and installed by tuesday! can't wait go to challengerforumzdotcom. sign in and go to the newbie section. tell them the greek mopar man sent you. they will help you out you dick at 7:12 you called the challenger a charger! should knock the teeth out of your fucking head for saying that hey roman im thinking about getting a viper but here is my question will the stick shift get in the way of a girl sucking me off as im going 180 mph down the highway? bra the right exhaust is crooked! bra? i have a rt classic and i love all the challengers but the header orange was a mistake you guys are way to expensive. bra! man up bitches! you havent seen a car make more torque than hp? you must not get out much! BIATCH! that dude needs a new set of teeth! i think you made a mistake selling the challenger. mine is 2 years old and looks perfect i made 505.91 rwhp and 494.56 rwt on my 2010 rt with the magnuson with 6 lbs of boost . used the canned tune i love my new horse power!!!,33,3,7,2,0,42,1 2811,X2812,small feet but ill kick yo ass iwish th game was my dad and we jus sat and had a good day at the park like that who seen the boondocks in the back wats the name to that first beat some extreme staff twirling well be standng there singingh trey songz at 1:15 y people hatin on ross i dont give if his name was grape ape and was a midget white man his rhymes still dope and ill bump this nigga songs evetytime i get in the car MMG ALL DAY umm maybe i like hearing about hoes with phat asses and moneyits not realy waat he rap about its how he raps about it wayne is one of the most liraclly gifted rappers ever i can go through every song he has ever had and find some shit that i got to think about and when i get it i have no choice but to give him his props WEEZY BABBYY if i ever cried in a baseball game i woulda got in more trouble at home.. my parents dont play that cry baby stuff velma looks like shes running backwards its a lot of birds and mice 2:51 is the cover of the ufc game Lil Keke- Rocktes back door twice now they called Twoston manchild broke that hoe.. sound like pootie tang,16,0,3,5,0,22,0 2812,X2813,"I guess you don't watch their prank videos..or their vlogs..cause then you'd know they have hobbies..this was for fun april 26th..thats 6 months are you dumb.. not much though because her videos include copyright music in them so she really doesnt get paid with the videos she sings in so a transformer blowing up sounds like a fire station siren? basically yeah but not when theres hundreds and hundreds of them running all piling on top of each other moving faster then ever... I'm gonna dress in 90's clothing not bring my phone and just relive this! However long its in theaters i'm gonna see it everyday NEWLEACYINC! love is blindness by jack white this movie was simply amazing that was a women... he's talking about the movie The Stepfather Sucks we only get to see this Gohan in 2 fights with this Buu and Gotenks absorbed Buu. He should have at least gotten to fight Kidd Buu It says in the movie plot Goku is defeated so I'm hoping for justice to finally be done and for Gohan to be placed as the strongest fighter in the universe like he is and save the world It says in the movie plot Goku is defeated so I'm hoping for justice to finally be done and for Gohan to be placed as the strongest fighter in the universe like he is and save the world..who agrees? I came..twice. You know its fake when he calls Apple Bees ,upscale, 00:56 Three ,Yeas, from now Yeah that honestly confused me so much as to how they made Kid Buu 10 times weaker then Super Buu when he was Gohan absorbed he was miles ahead of the power Kid Buu had It's Frieza Begs one of the most epic moments in DBZ screw when he turns ss2 this gives me goosebumps the whole episode did He was a lot weaker when he died he's been training for thousands of years He's from the west so no Goku? Because he was sent to destroy earth right before Planet Vegeta was blown up Beck xoxoxoxo David Otunga You're dumb you can film anything you wan't and you ask the person permission if you have the right to use the video of them they do it every time after they get a reaction and if the person says no then they just blur their face I hate lil wayne but i do enjoy this one song of his",29,85,5,96,0,21,0 2813,X2814,maybe this video is fake? Uhm I'm scared his eyes are pitch black i see no white. dear lord help us all. it's funny how she took a minute in a half just on one part of the song AND IIIIIIIIIIIII ALDHJSL EFDgnjmsikgtiofseg;'flcvnfhsbsb isn't this the girl who jumped off the trainbridge due to bullying? Do you have a video of them now I think you have black face budgies. Super rare Never mind I read it. Is the baby bigger than the dad? They should make an ufc event for them so we can see who tuff and who bluff. Ohhh I thought it said Santa drunk on kids. Lmfao. Yellow bone pussy lemon squeeze.,10,1,3,5,0,100,0 2814,X2604,"what's the SONG? song name? can you please help me out; what song did you use for Vefy's top 5 plays? this is the link /watch?v=Q6Ly1tIeSEIfeature=g-hist you really should put the name of the song though -_- That's Gears of War: Judgement what study were you guys talking about? oh okay thanks sup d00d? Obviously you got deranked cause you boosted for that idiot. You're not even good. As you've seen in GoW:J gameplay the sawed off and retro is back. Although Cliffy B admitted it was a mistake to bring it into the game it's in there. Dumbass. You get bodied on a daily basis scrub. too too too too too vague. Mhm! Powerful stuff from the Joker. He's keeping the technique to himself or else it would be ,EverybodyDoingTheSameSKrafe, One year. Were it so easy? a-a-a-a-a br-br-breakf-f-fast empire! it was sarcasm Or watch it David vs. Goliath at it's finest. Where. Is. This. Picture?! Yeah go to bleachget (dot) com. No spaces and replace the (dot) with a . this was made a year ago where everybody was in the dark about Halo 4's Menu Too many angles being taken from 1st person to 3rd person. I feel like you've tried way too hard just to make the clips seem good when they already are. You just had to let them flow naturally and sync them good as well. Some clips didn't even deserved to go to 3rd person perspective but good job on the montage. He has no windows he's saying. He's in a box basically and the sound coming from the speakings are deflecting around the room through the solid walls MaskVelonicaAlones :) The anime will be returning but some time in 2013. Tite Kubo is just getting ahead on the Manga and rather than having fillers he made it so we have to wait which is good since people didn't really like fillers. Ay! Nice hoodie! Where did you get it? -_- it was a reference; Likebutter tried The Iceman but got superman'd on You could post this but not the Solace gameplay where you guys won AND when Ninja shits on you in that game? Lol. Parallel. Probably using kido to bring it to him",30,5,5,5,0,19,0 2815,X2816,Christians VS Atheists. who is right? My vote: Atheists foreva!!!!!!! but i wanna hear what u guys think. No judging from me if there is no judging from you! :D I met someone who says that she is abducted by aleins while she sleeps. she also claims that she hears voices out of nowhere. She doesnt understand the concept of mental illnesses obviously! Anyway cool song. I like it. :D did anyone call the number? can you see the basket? thanks awwww! video is horrible. but zayne is awesome! :) you are mouthing your words,8,20,2,5,0,52,0 2816,X2817,Who the fuck just shoots everyone in Metal Gear Solid? :3 That's what you get for buying trash video games. You might of been threatening if the prussians weren't kicking your ass That's the point.,5,3,4,2,0,16,0 2817,X2818,charlie..thats his real name bn duro ke ta ese tema hygoiug dashie relaxx its just a game!!! yo! dashie i inboxed you on facebook READ IT!!! hahahhaa i fuckz with it.. alredy dislike -.- he kinds of looks like slenderman Fuckz with it.. i think slender is right at 15:30 he looked kind of dusty???,11,0,2,5,0,18,0 2818,X2819,sexy Huyn AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa anh dualeo pst clip full i ht ci j zy anh JVevermind vit bng tay tri k anh gay tht k ch thch anh bnh lun dm cai tg nu than tu do nhc nn ging one luv ca andree VIETNAM LOVE STORY ai cho minh ten may bai nhac cai,11,0,3,5,0,26,0 2819,X2820,lmfao acually perkerwood is what racists like the ac ab like to call themself women are featherwoods lmmfao fire bombs thrown at you house swastickers lol oh no he dropped the muslim bomb lol pun intended guess he never heard the song where they say nigga 156 times lol david go drumkenly eat some more burgers in your hotel room dont forget the cam tho southside LubbockTX Whats up laptop laurie i hope bill campbells cock was worth it and your cd sucks! it sounds like your gargling a dick when you sing you need to take more lessons from Dont tell me your fuckin him too?? you shoud never publish a cd again its a slight against god and so is cheating on your husband!!!!,9,6,5,5,0,21,0 2820,X2821,They don't make 'em like this anymore she was only going to sniff it then throw it up,2,0,3,5,0,22,0 2821,X2822,Psy is king of YouTube! ^_^ I love this song ^_^ Sage Mode Is Super More's Better Then Sharinguns!!! ^.^ for christmas to see my R.I.P Brother Timmy One more time so i can tell him i love him one more time :( nd be with my all of my family without fights nd pain nd get upset or mad. Sly you should make lets play far cry 3 :3,4,3,3,5,0,16,0 2822,X2236,"this was really awesome but it would have been nice to see some of the British 'tubers like charlieissocoollike and nerimon Phil's using a green screen in this one.... so is he dead the whole time? don't forget rock n roll and dying I wish you sang more in the vamps. Both you and Brad have lovely voices but yours is always in the background :( Hating Charlie is like hating puppies or cotton candy. aww look how cute zayn used to be! now he's all moody :( Turn the captions on! Liam's been left with no towels or spoons guys. she sounds so normal... wonder where that singing voice came from my heart broke into a million little pieces we don't have Maltesers in America... *college Yeah basically. An example of a thrift shop would be a Salvation Army store. I wonder if this was shown along with regular programming on TV or if it was shown at school like we show Bill Nye and things like that today. how does this not have millions of views guys remember when charlie was a teenager the poor poor replay button... why is trish on every single tv show? my strange addiction ellen and now this... I literally just came here from that video This movie is the reason I'm afraid of rats. weekly videos lol new mission: get nigahiga back to #1! he's probably got a really high-quality carpet... It's official. PJ is the winner of everything. This video has effectively answered all of life's questions. Your trophy is in the mail. guys its only been a month take a chill pill i'd love to have seen this being filmed if I had to pay for youtube I would probably stop using it. I'd be really sad but that is some bullshit. wow something definitely changed in 2000 the girl playing snow white is a fantastic actress! so basically this is ,so in love with two, 2013 edition I wish Khyan would just nonchalantly wander around in my house Alex are you saving up for something big? Or do you just not care about material things (hard to believe given your penchant for the flamboyant)?",32,0,3,5,1,16,0 2823,X2824,that rhythm section is so lucky. Ages: Asian+ Haha you're exactly what I'm talking about douche. You even look stupid. what a prick purple parents.............................,5,0,4,1,1,24,0 2824,X2825,"I noticed that too it's a great idea. As soon as I hear ,The steel marries his skin!, I have to go listen to The Marriage of Steel and Skin afterwards How can this site grow? Every year a chunk of its users will age past 16 and probably lose use for the site. Reminds me more of Michael Jackson... THIS IS NOT ABOUT AUSTIN CARLILE! Landon said it himself shut up people musically mature... the word can apply to more than social behavior that goes both ways buddy... this is not the first time he's died... I really hope i get that drum lesson on the 27th... :D if you have to ask don't do it... I had trouble breathing near the end because of how hard I was laughing Anybody know where the name of this song comes from? I'm glad you brought up Protest the Hero I hear a thought of them in Periphery although they're still very different bands. You magnificent bastard yeah the crowd was a little disappointed about Second and Sebring but I appreciate it when bands mix up their setlist from the trypical predictable one why...? I feel like this is a band that relies solely on their guitarist's skill. It's his playing that makes this band noticeable from the hordes of other metalcore bands choking the scene. I first heard BTBAM over a year ago and couldn't stand the vocals but they really grew on me at some point. But vocals are just another instrument- part of the whole and each one of BTBAM's other instruments is so far beyond incredible. The deathcore/metalcore argument is retarded. Replace ,metalcore, in my comment with ,deathcore, and it's still true and it still applies.",18,4,3,5,1,21,0 2825,X2826,Why does it matter? You obviously don't have much chance considering she's pregnant. YOU'RE BACK!! I got here from a very intense game of Draw My Thing with you and Whale. You know the one where you drew the WORST Nile River in history? You legitimately speak fluent Spanish? You're very welcome Kind of yes kind of no. I always love albums' first songs. They set the tone for the band/album and pretty much always sound sexy. That really bugged me. I always get a bit stirred up by that...People hype up games and say they're gonna be the best game ever...And then get mad when it sucks...People need to lower their expectations... Every time I see SP33DY's thumbnails with the diamond/gold guns I always feel so inferior. busta rhymes Well...That escalated quickly... That awkward moment when a couple bonus tracks are better than 11 songs combined. William's looking kind of creepy just sitting in the darkness. Means so good in Korean. It would be funny to see SP33DY get into a lobby with the Worm.,16,121,3,14,0,29,0 2826,X4,il est mort -_- faut que je le face le ABABABABA alala keske tu aurai fait si jtorai pas dit de le cracker ^^ oue mes sque je pige pas ses que j'ai filmer en 720p j'ai fait un rendu 720p mais youtube la mi en 1080p et ta tete va etre conplimentaire avec la batume ta le dont d' arreter au bon moment ^^ mille fois ses peux ^^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH calme toi garon j'ai que un chat moi jconnait pas tout les animaux oue je suis sourd je regarde la video grace a toi je ses se qu'il a dit -_- comme ton commantaire oue mais fait gaffe commeme il va te metre un pouce rouge et tu va flipper je pige pas ya dead space 3 qui sort dans pas long et toi tu commance dead space 1 puceau ya des touche plus facile tu mes tes doit sur azer jmen douter que taler fair les fuck dans ta video perco j'ai 17 ans et tout se qui dise que ses pas mature se qu'il fait au constraire ses tres mature au moin il sexplique parce que en sachant que un DDOS ses violent lol il faisai -40 il feser un petit peu froit LLLLLLLOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL ses la camera qui fait sa ya un objectife que joubli toujour le nom youporn est ton amie je ses pas si il a fait un gros bide ou si ses le public qui pige rien il peu rien faire le micro sature il va pas tarder a lacher a oue et ses qui qui te la passer la musique ba oue att il se touche meme le zizi ses Squeezie tout cracher MAIS GENREEEEEEEEEE je kitte parie samedi ses la mode du web sa dure 2 semaine max ba va mourir lol meme ma mere chui sur je lui explique sony vegas et elle fait mieu je te mes au dfie de faire la meme chose derrire des policier je pige pas la defoit le reveille est ecri bizzarement et defoi non nul lol javer jamais entendu le (qu'elle est ton jeu prfrer) tu les fait comment les rond rouge ??,33,16,2,42,0,22,0 2827,X2828,hes sourrounded by women because he paid them to. lol grammar* reggae my ass. reminds us we're just a rock flying through space imagine if the next meteor was even bigger.,5,10,5,5,0,24,1 2828,X2382,Love your song. Dont let those haters get you down :-). Love your look. You look better the way you are :-). Plz dont get sugery Awwwww Can i have one plz Love this song. Racest She looks fine the way she is. Love your songs. Stay strong. Love you. Love this love you nichole. Lol Do they die when the cocoons hach Awww can I have one? I feel sorry for the cat Thumbs up Awwww Awwwwwww Awwwww Love border terriers Awwwww Amazing I wish pokemon were real... This is real. And funny. Ok You dont have to try this.But I reckon if you cross a chiwawa with a alaskan malamute. You might get a miniture alaskan malmute. Im getting the game tomorro. If you try this out. Please tell me the results!. Awww There cute.But is cruel to breed them like this there tiny and lots of dogs could hert them easily. But I dont live in America also I have no money Ikr everyone its weird. I have curly but I really want straight hair. Same. Im called olivia 0:34. OMIGOD!. -Pukes,32,1,3,5,0,14,0 2829,X232,"oh my gosh haha you scared me!! i clearly need to get my shaytards game up! but howie asked about the home video? ahh oh well i was confused lol Lol you mean LaVagina ;) Said No One Ever..... Lol I think she meant that Barbie is 5'9 because i read somewhere that if barbie was real she would be 5'9 :) Sycamore :))) hahaha my favorite thing ever is how mexicans pronounce pizza as peek-sah lol :) YES YES YES I LIVE 45 MINUTES AWAY FROM INDIANAPOLIS! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME LIVING IN INDIANA HAS BEEN A GOOD THING!!!! who are you to tell her to calm down? Its real. Rob Swanson tweeted about it. I do mine when my hair is damp and i add some wave enhancer and then i do my braids and they come out really defined :) NO THEY ARE NOT FIVE BRITISH BOYS. NIALL IS FUCKING IRISH OK its a retainer you get it after braces so that your teeth dont go crooked again :) she did..? cause she rawks why are they not fangirling?! i would be dead on the floor.. you're adorable! and an amaaaazing singer! whats the song at 4:20!? Traktor Freestyle?... yeah and my dad is a xylophone AND HE WAS LIKE CAN I HAVE SOME AND I WAS LIKE WHAT AND HE WAS LIKE CAN I HAVE SOME AND I WAS LIKE WHAAAAAT AND HE WAS LIKE AHHH thats me... this is me! hahahaha idk why i thought that was so funny.... can you scott disick and louis tomlinson plllllease hangout and be sassy divas together?! does anyone know who the first girl that got her own show was? thats my favorite!! Spongebob did this first omg everyone commenting is gonna be a sophomore! i'll be a junior though :) Seriously shut the fuck up. He has obviously done something with his life unlike you so stop hating. size doesnt matter MIRANDA! Kissing is PORN PREACH MAMA OH MY GOSH I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT WATCHED OLD DISNEY MOVIES ON NETFLIX!!! ommmmg when she said ,blunch, tho... i cant hahahahaha i would go straight to the goods lol",33,0,5,1,0,21,0 2830,X2831,! I fall in love everytime i see this video MoOoxXyeE Typing :) at 0:23 HAHAHAHAAHHA HER FACE AT 3:10 :) Best song ever Love it. Tiene mas dislikes que visitas jaja 2012 SUMMER SONG!!!!!! Mira yuya! Tu clon! / dararc21 Los que sean directioners!La verdad no vale la pena hacerle caso a ella le encanta que la critiquen que le digan groserias y asi. Una persona con ese vocabulario hablando de musica?La neta que hueva ser ella. Se las pasa criticando a los famosos a las tribus urbanas pf equis! yo creo que como estos vloggers hay muchos!Solo que le estamos dando mucha improtancia a ella.Mejor no gastemos palabras en ella y vamos apoyar a 1D SIMPLE AS THAT Dude it's Liam. Okay una cosa: Como puede ser ms importante lo que ser One Direction en 20 aos que lo que seremos nosotros? Ya comprtense nias. R.I.P english language.,13,0,3,2,1,18,0 2831,X2832,N 3 I love the bass ! it's so deep and electro-lish If this was a movie I would pay to watch it! :P hahah I got a shiny Conkeldurr ! who wants trade with me i want oshawott! :) i got jirachi yayyy! Anybody knows if i can use water instead of solution 2? I spilled it.,7,10,3,8,0,27,0 2832,X227,ii cant find it i really want to watch it to! so sorry! :( como pero mira lo eso para que miguel sienta lo que eya sintyo!no fue mala intencion trrue!!! or 1 could me hers in the novela and the other 1 could be hers in real life... en los cap de los 80 si quieres ver la novela completa ve con morenadf1 ! por que gemolza no las tiene completas pero si quieres puedes ere con morendf1! :) @mael xidel que falta que novela ese? fuera-RBD yo si! HAHAHAHAHAHA I THINK IT IS HAHAHA!!! ELLA SE VE MUY BIEN CON TODO! :) PERO EN EL COLEGIO ALMA SIEMPRE ESTABA AYUDANDO A MIA...Y CUANDO ROBERTA NECESITA SU AYUDA ALMA SIEMPRE ESTABA OCUPADA CON MIA NO? COMO LO SALVO LUJAN? si es muy bien actor! yo me di cuenta en el CAPITULO 74- 3 TEMPORADA - P.3 min 8:28 en el CAPITULO 73 - 3 TEMPORADA - P.5 me sigues porfavor @rbd4evervondys ashley tisdale La mama de miguel y lujan se parecen como hija y mama! what do u mean? muchas gracias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know what shes beautiful! and because of ppl like you girls starve to death! you dont have to be skinny to be pretty!!!!!! i bet your not perfect and im not either so leave that little girl alone!!!! and beacuse of ppl like u going through that sickness beacaues of ppl like you that call them fat! so leave them alone! please just stop ..................... I FUCKEN HATE BULLYS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! tienes mucha razon!!!!!!! hhahaha thats what my mom and aunt said! tu no crece que es una seal que van a volver??? 07/06/2012 viendo el ultimo capitulo.......NOOOOO queria que este momento llegara :'( pero la voy a ver otra vez por vez! y no me canso de verr la........ que vivia rbd en el 2012..... pero roberta se ve muy bonita! hubiera sido lindo si Diego y Miguel les proponen matrimonio a roberta y mia! HAHAHHA QUE CAP DEL LA 1 TEMPORADA? why would you want to punch her gracias lindos los vondys! SI! TIENES RAZON.... ERA UN ERROR DE LA NOVELA,34,2,3,5,0,14,0 2833,X2834,"were you born like ten or 15 or 20 yrs ago? So you only know Bubble and doesn't know or maybe ignorant of other older/legendary singers? You sound so confident when you wrote ,she stole dis off buble. sell out. p.s: bubles i waay better anyway,. Stupidly confident. She sang this way long long before Bubble was even born got it? So there's NO WAY she ''stole dis off bubble, I wish the next Duran-Duran video will feature other supermodels again. Christy Turlington Linda Evangelista Stephanie Seymour Claudia Schiffer Yasmeen Ghauri. Should be easy because Duran-Duran and these supermodels are good friends! Hope that dream happens in near future. And I dont care about MTV banning this video MTV plays merde nowadays this is insane!!!!! I've played this video over over again for hundred times. Dionne's voice and the way she sang this really hit you in the heart! You feel so much emotion here. I wept when I first heard it yet I dont mind playing this again. Perfect!!! Along with Stevie Wonder's original version this is the most excellent version of this song. Love you Dionne for bringing this version to life! the title is misleading. it's not Bruni singing it's actually Grace Jones. Carla Bruni's photographs are the background i didnt know Mancini orchestra performed this theme! It is great to watch listen to one of the greatest theme of all being played in an orchestra like this. Thank mr Mancini you've been my all-time favorite musician i'm glad you bring this on! Also a very big thanks to @EdWaldrup for posting it No Madonna didn't copy nor plagiarized the music. In fact she requested permission to ABBA for using a sample from ABBA Gimme Gimme Gimme and ABBA granted the permission. So it's totally professional no law was violated. Both parties have mutual benefits over the use of this song Whitney Madonna DO respect honour each other! They might have been 'competitors' when it comes to chart-topping matters. But seriously neither singer has ever said something bad about the other. Now let me get this straight is it wrong to have some good times? Just because she was clapping her hands shaking etc doesnt mean she was drinking! TMZ you're really SUCKS!!! YOU KNOW THAT! Whats wrong with Whitney's enjoying other singers performance/songs? Whitney Madonna respected honoured each other from the very beginning. It's not strange for Whitney to enjoy Madonna's songs and vice versa. Why do TMZ have to make up this silly 'rivalry bitchy things between these 2 extraordinaire singers' ?? Seriously in retrospect JUST WHITNEY is not that bad album. It was really good indeed many are really good to listen to... @CreepneySpears hey stupid kid...were u born in early 2000s? and thought Madonna tries so hard to be lady gaga? what a stupid moron. Madonna has been doing this greatly long before you were born. craigaa52 im glad you posted this video -- this is such a great performance of Dionne Warwick...this is one of the few true singers that ever exist can you all idiots out there stop comparing both extraordinary singers? Each to its own each has her own strength and their strength/power vocally performance wise complement each other in this song on the stage and off the stage. Remember Ms Carey Ms Houston were good friends off the stage. Ms Carey did attend Ms Houston's funeral. So both of Mariah haters and Whitney haters CAN STOP BITCHING NOW EVER. agree with you rolybling -- stop thinking US is the only place that matters. Overrate! Time to get rid of this US-centric thing now Why there are so mean and bad comments regarding this video? She's got the guts and strong will to put her video on youtube. Respect it! Trust those all haters dont even dare to record themselves in front of video cam let alone upload it onto youtube. Gosh...loved the movie so much -- just revisited it again yesterday and still love it. Love this song too :-) I was humming it to my baby daughter and she smiled :-D What a shoot!!! Great video you've got Starboard76! And the B747-400 and MAS' Hibiscus Livery are a feast to the eyes!!!! I miss getting on-board of B747!!! all these comments about 'stowage' are really hilarious and entertaining...Make me LoL but please don't be too harsh to Blueberryburn. Anyway It's always great to see MAS in its glory!! I've loved MAS ever since my first (childhood) MAS flight from Kuala Lumpur - London in 1981.... OMG!!! Silverhawks!!! Bring back so many memories!! Shit i cant' believe I shed a tear or two when I saw this opening scene the first time after decades! Always love the guitar sounds in the theme music. It always rocks!!",18,0,3,5,1,31,0 2834,X2835,Love your music taste 3 its just like mine haha great video made a priest just because of it :). Subscribed and all that lovely stuff. First subscriber so it seems :) do you plan on playing affliction at all? also what addons is it that shows when you CC someone on the portrait is where it pops up its called lose control right. Thats not te real rheeza is it? 0:35 - 1:04 my ringtone. You're right her name is Annie Klebanoff Oh wow this is so bad it hurts Krewella - Killin' It (Mutrix Remix) Sorry but 100 times better. /watch?v=4jBiie1duGg 0:41 1:46PM so its just gone lunch or wut? wheres the come back! you have the money YG please comeback 2ne1!!!! :( Although rogues do need a buff yes mercader is a bit shitty. I'm here just to see if the guy was there. Dat thumbnail tho 750000* am I the only one who thinks the host is good looking : no ones gunna comment on that. Original is better tbh,14,1269,3,5,0,21,0 2835,X2836,uwauuuu....svaka tebi cast!!! Pa ja i ne kazem da je ona prisiljena... Nego su joj roditelji debili koji su je i ubacili tu a ne u neku deciju emisiju koja prilici njenim godinama... Ponavljam-svi mi kad smo imali 78 godina smo zeleli sto sta al nam nasi roditelji nisu to dozvolili za nase dobro....i danas sam im zahvalan! jest ima tu neceg :D Odlicna emisija pozdrav iz Srbije :) that song is 00:00 - 00:30? Sutra u Irigu od 21h :) Najpametnij psi!!! Ja sam ga imao ziveo je 165 godina...Sad sam nabavio novog :),7,3,6,19,0,21,0 2836,X2837,I don't know if you guys will read this but you guys are seriously the most amazing thing to happen to metal lately. Excellent! Spencer killing it on those vocals. 0:46 is the definition of a sick riff. century media. yah lost me. prepare to feel like a dummy in 3...2...1...this is javier reyes (rhythm guitarist OF animals as leaders);) lolz bro. i can't even begin to say how excited i am to see this comment haha. i clicked on this video with wow in mind. yeah uhm cool story bro 2 bad i don7 give a FuCk L0lzorz This is fucking amazing. Very creative approach on a solo i'm sure this is not what they were expecting. It's MADNESS. yuck. might be one of my least favorite by them. it's his personal youtube channel yah stupid !d1ot. l0l.,11,24,5,2,0,30,0 2837,X2838,awwwwwwwwwww 3 O deilde danslardan tekinin sa 0:17 Dara'nn sa lan. :P 2NE1' da m buldunuz? TT i envy Dong Wook :( He's so lucky TT 2NE1jaeljalnaga why? Omg I didn't know :((( Gangnam style is better for me :) YIN: 0:27 Am I pretty? me: YEAHHH! :)) love her so much kushiiiiii im paraland be kza :( Ne gzel oyuncuktur bu... Btn dizilerin biran nce bitmesini istesemde bitmesin dediim tek dizi var: Suskunlar.Ak' m aryorsunuz en masumu en gzeli burda ama en nemlisi kimse senin dostlarndan kardelerinden nemli deildir. Siz hala 4 kiisiniz garda. Dizideki btn kzlar dnya gzeli Allah iin :3 Keke Ali ve Zeynep'i ift yapsalard eminim daha ok sevileceklerdi :( please just shut up enjoy music!! Kareena Kapoor Boom shakalaka Big Bang come to Turkey! Boom shakalaka! 2NE1 Come to TURKEY!!! pathetic ELF . They look like AKB48 in here lol Dear Ryan can you be PSY? Gangnam Style! 0:17 hot hot hot fire Ben komik deilim canm fikrimi sylyorum asl sen bu panik atakla fazla yaamazsn sylim. Dikkat et kendine^^ @TprideZ Klipteki kzn sen olduundan pheliyim XD Big Bang'in Japonca albmn zaten ok seviyorum. Farkl ok farkl ama gzel arklar! ~ 2-N-E-1 I-LOVE-YOU! Junsu is the best! Taeyang 3 I'm Blackjack but I love it! They're so cool! :3 Of course she's #1 ! Lee Da Hae 3 Its your fault baby ^^,29,6,2,2,0,17,0 2838,X1012,"OMG!!!! this video really made me laugh..i don't like her at all. ppl are so ignorant...these are BRAIDS..geez...nothing new about women have been wearing them for is beautiful...hollywood are just plain stupid..i can't believe them made a video about it..they all look stupid ignorant and dumb...ppl need to travel and see the world. loool c'est en trois jours en fait..tu as ete gentil ac ta semaine ;) EFF U New York post Eff u Abbasi...u both are a shame! I really hope NY City takes this incident VERY seriously. All my condolences to the family of Mr Han. From what i heard a while ago...i think she asked an inappropriate question and 2pac 's lawyer was there...and didn't want Tupac to answer it...that was when he just got out from i said that it's what i've heard from someone else. I think there is a video on youtube where u can watch the full interview. How come he didn't call you? Cuz he doesn't know your name. :P he is trying to impress a lady ;) He is NOT arab black...i met him.....he is black..french creole. The movie C.R.A.Z.Y introduced me to Patsy Cline music.....what a great singer! And thanks to this movie made in Quebec!!! and don't forget Southern french ppl ...we all grew up listening to them during the ferias and bodegas...they started in South of France in Arles. So we also do. :) Reminds me sooooo much my childhood...when my parents used to take me and my sisters to the ventas Peio....and summertime during the ferias or going to the bodegas. Glad i grew up by the french/spanish border. Where did they shot the music video? yh but his parents are spanish (basque and Galicia)...actually i had no idea that his mama was Basque which makes me love him even more cuz i was raised in the Basque county...much love xoxo Baionarena .never hit me til now...which a mix of arena and the name of Bayonne a city in the Basque County (french side)...Manu Chao 's mama is from Bilbao in the Basque County (spanish side). What a great concert and to be in the Basque county for Manu Chao. Glad i grew up there i wish anyone to visit this beautiful place! Much love. NOBEL PRICE FOR MANU CHAO! i love this courvoisier commercial. showing your boobs what's 8+8?,16,nooooo 14this is messed up..maybe this kid will have a math test the next day and might get confused...loooool Yes at Ouarzazate...sorry if i misspelt it. U guys should watch ,behind the scene, of the making of the video...very interesting! Especially the stunts. WoW..i can't believe some thinks that she wasn't real... her portrays is in every churches in France and u can visit her little village Domremy where she was born. Yes she was real and fought for my country which betrayed her at the end. Milla Jovovich did a great performance. well we didn't burn General DeGaulle and Jean Moulin. oui c est lui. fin 80/debut 90 car elle a un poster de Roch Voisine...a l epoque du Club a fait ma generation. :) they are from France...and i believe they are French Creole. i believe she is from Scottland. Et en terminal j ai appris ce que c'etait une fille.-,concretement ou en theorie?,loool but it lasts only 4 mins on the Abbey Road album. awwww gracias hermoso!!!! tout a fait d' accord!",30,2,4,5,0,29,0 2839,X2840,! Aww... very nice Most of the comments are about Yunho. Nice rapping skill Edward Cullen could have died from influenza... Her voice is as always amazing! Baek Ji Young fighting! btw I super love the outfit! scary Reply 1997 The belt thing annoys me 3MEN I was expecting to see kang min kyung but The effects were great but come on we paid to see your face Is Bora gaining weight? 0.08 sec. or maybe it's just the outfit? I've a question why is it on their Hello MV they were 5 but 6 on What Are You Doing today? new fan lol philip phillips is so funny!!!! Colton gosh I love him! I don't know why but everytime I see Phillip I see Edward Cullen. Who would have thought that Phillip Phillips would win it all. Roars? More of a meow I still laugh everytime I watch this vidro I love the choreography When I close my eyes I would thought that Britney Spears is singing Siwon!!! My goodness!,22,0,2,16,0,20,0 2840,X2841,dope!!...your other house was better!! prettier! this guy looks like a rapist/ when the hell do you see a skinny wierdo like this rapping? the girl singing killed the song -___-,4,0,5,5,0,27,0 2841,X2842,welcome . =) Its mean the dance is so cool that its amaze people ? -.- FUCK OFF 1D GET YOUR FUCKING WALLPAPER OFF THE BSB VEVO PAGE Get yourself a fucking REAL COMMENT you fuckin retard . Feel uncomfortable watching this Music Video while having 5 gays staring me with their pervy gay faces . =/ Seriously hate morons who upload 1 part and forgot to upload the rest . Can you just fucking wait !? Sure SM will bring EXO with a comeback but it take times . You think with just a stupid comment from you they will straight away make EXO comeback ? Come on they at least need to learn better dance moves nice lyrics and music instrument for their comeback so that they can gain more attention from their fans. If you can wait for the whole 23 teasers they release why can't wait for their comeback ? So why don't you STFU and stop whine like a spoiler and just wait You can't even spell epic fail yet you say it to the video uploader SUPER EPIC FAIL !!!!! Can anyone help me how do I get the Insecticons ? I don't like NOR I don't give a fuck . Nah Ariana is better going solo . such a disgrace to Singapore =( Did i even mention she's look like a whale ? Errrrr NOPE ! Yea people of all size is beautiful . And by staying fat doesn't mean you be stay that state forever and end up having heart problem . Theres a thing call EXERCISE . Well I guess the last comment I give to you quite really fit you well . =) Fuck you back ! =P,14,6,4,5,0,22,0 2842,X2843,Hello baby Das It mani watch my Korean variety aswell bitches ;) or they liked it so much they turned their screens upside down to like it again Poke its eye... diamond? more like plat or gold.. Gingers have no souls... Oh HAHAS Gragas is a name therefore its a proper noun.So technically its Gragas stupid fuck. Awkward moment when sony is made in china Cunt ever heard of the saying 'Better safe then sorry'? currency arent the same tho 0:12 Big Foig? I use to hate his guy didnt know why just did.His guy he has helped me realised the true meaning of 'Don't judge a book by its cover'.Now im jamming to his songs. 0:00 is the year of summer 4 marines to be exact one fell off the cliff :) You can kiss mine if you want theres still traces of hers left on. Gotta be quick tho :) imagine he grabbed the wrong bottle 5:38 i thought you were topless :S Hey thats a joke right? Cause i've been staring at my screen for the past 1minute then it hit me obs are invisible. Or is there really an ob there?,18,1,4,5,0,22,0 2843,X2844,My heart! Oh god. DxThat was beautiful :) Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye sexy lady!;DI'm so jealous What about us Android users??,3,1,3,5,1,21,0 2844,X2845,"2:01 Cynthia Rose!! Lol what's the flour challenge? It looks fun but scary at the same time haha :) Is this Angie off big brother? Awwww! Caitlin is soooo cute! :333 Someone PLEASE tell me the name of the song on the second clip?! LOL just casually running around Camden haha :) Stupid Question; So what happens when Katjaa dies? What happened? Aww he's so cute :) Was the girl in Ariana's spot Daniella monet? A lot of Australians :O Aim of the game: To survive the zombie apocalypse. Pewdie's aim: For Lee to love Carley Omg Carley :'( But haha when nova said ,I got a kissssieeee!,",12,9,3,11,1,21,0 2845,X2846,MILF at 1:37 i doubt he does anymore. Yo sergio this is the realist and dopest video you have made yet manmuch respect bro. eight capital d. lol Vanessa is sooooo pretty! Why do you still type like a 12 years old on MySpace? Nikkinaecanti? yeah bro I got rid of it soon afterwards lol watch out babe. uh babe really? uhh did i mess up lol anybody notice jensi jay(far left) is wearing high socks with heels? lol dez! I'm going to go cock block. lol happily GAY,12,1,3,12,0,19,0 2846,X2847,"I kept saying through-out the video...,Dont fall of the diving board Tiff!, What is the point of curling your hair in this? Youtube I wanna ,Praise the Lord, button Yeah instead of being a wild one Translation: Never cross your heart to die because you could die SO NEVER DO IT YOU ALL 5 likes Ill sing to my mom10 likes to my bf15 likes to my sisters ex bf30 likes to my ex bf who cant stand somebody singing No but me and you are :) Same for me How is God those? He is not sexist...hypocrite..and not homophobic. HE IS PERFECT NO MATTER WHAT YOU THINK. Lets make you the top comment :) Knock one of those down! In the back at 00:20 Could be worse,I love you,Uh..who are you? ThxThey really have grown I would've die If he kissed her...Would've been sooo Jealous. He's like the cutest guy I have EVER saw in my life!!! Love you Austin!!! 3 True Mahomie!! Team G22 hope you are Team Super too!! :) Good I have a topsy tail :) Make an iTunes Song for it.",17,9,2,31,0,17,0 2847,X2021,This music reminds me of bars! Back when I was 18 ! The good days when beer was cheaper then gas! Now it's better to drink than drive! Well if they'd stop cutting down all there woods for a walmart! or a car dealer! They'd have a natural habitated! I like the blue tape with the black hoods! Kinda looks like mine Really nice! My wife still appreciates my jewels thank god! Too much and I'm not talking about my bike! Nice rain and good music! Live it up and party on! It's always to late! Who isn't tired of playing foolish games! Of course he does he can play the guitar and sing! Thats more than most people! I wish i could go back in time for gas! good song but the guy that sings is ugly lol Man your really boring the hell out me! we no the demo why do you say and umm so much? So this is the reason I have to wait 8hrs at the Emergency with my kid. I think after 3 times changing my tape its better if you take your time and start from top to the bottom! You don't have sticky tape leaking on your hands! And it can look like a pro's bike! I wish I could shovel gold for a living! Today its how much I hate you! lol Man where does this lad find his words? hes a lover not a fighter! This is making me soft I have to go back to suicidal tendencies! How much? No just preserving you! I remember this music in the 90s it was the music in all the clubs and I'm irish so I was busy figthing! Welcome to Quebec! I dont understand how they make it sound like a vacation on the beach? I guess there just damb good! I was born in 74 and I heard this cool music growing up! I'm so excited 24 beer to put down! I like hot stuff and cold beer! You have to be from the 70s and respect women to undestand! This song reminds me of hang overs back in the 90s! Good times! I remember back when there was good music and nice muscle cars! Today the music sucks and teenagers think hondas are cool?LOL! Thank 70's and 80's singers for great tunes! I love to bike but the best place is in the woods! On a dirt bike! nnnnsshhdggggcyhshhshjajjaggdtttggayydttfffrrwttttdtyycggcg I've been following the story it's sad I couldn't Imagine the pain the parents went through! You have to be strong to deal with that big loss I couldn't bear it!.Very cruel people out there! Rest in peace little one! Very Very Sad! One less croc to worry about! Rookie! LOL! Piece of crap ford!,40,0,4,5,0,38,0 2848,X2849,This never gets old haha Nah just for Info Tech to learn my typing skills again. 420 fuzzy bob Marley NO NO NO NO NO. SUPER HOT FIRE ALWAYS WINS Still a better rapper than Nicki Minaj Even though I have no idea what the fuck he is saying this song still goes hard. Better rapper than Nicki Minaj. GRACIAS BASED GOD I LOVE YOU WHITEBOY FOR WHO YOU ARE don't make jokes i can't understand you asshole When this song reaches number one on iTunes I believe that there is still hope for this world.... Please answer me Whiteboy7thst and I want you to honestly answer me. This is a serious question. How many socks did you have to buy?,12,0,3,5,1,22,0 2849,X2850,It didn't shut down just remove the whole video thanks. Your using a FN fal right and what attatchments besides dual mag? Yeah but wtfffd,3,12,3,48,0,14,1 2850,X2851,"5555 If she gets eliminated by YG I am sure JYP or SM will welcome her to their company. 2 , , failed video - -, 5555 paccino 5555 2 2.5 You LIAR. Now she is the best Thai politician of all time. 5555 9",28,1,3,5,0,17,1 2851,X2852,She's so prettttttty and he's so sexy *0* It's funny cuz he was wearing sandals the whole time . Omg I love her already *0* -3 White girl better and really pretty (: GD and TOP . -3 thanks for the advise . :D hahahaha yea but you can't really see their face so yea . xD,7,0,3,5,0,18,0 2852,X2853,"Its been my understanding that criminal elements within the immigration community commit violent acts in a much larger percentage then native-born Swiss. They bring a culture of violence with them and refuse to adapt to Swiss law morals and social values. My formula for reducing homicides is to end the drug wars mental institutions reduce income inequality as well as stricter gun control laws. It works for the rest of the world. Replace ,Stricter, with Enforcing Existing gun laws and increasing sentences for criminals possessing or using firearms andf I'm with you. I guess you are smarter than everyone that owns a firearm or supports the second amendment. Regardless of the content of the video ( which is bullshit) you come across as a snerty little shit. If you are so much smarter than everyone you should stop wasting time ranting about inanimate objects that do nothing bad until a criminal uses it. How about ytackling childhood obesity lack of public parks WIC SNAP and welfare reform and unemployment. You are wasting your time with ,gun nuts,. The cops involved should be punished. They should have never let the guy live. He's less then nobody. He should have been executed long ago Nothing but a parasite living off the taxpayers and using the media to show is ass. I hope he dies of cancer or is tortured sodomized and murdered by a cell mate. I Don't smoke pot. I don't need a hug or a cry. All I did is do research on the piece of garbage (Epic Beard Man) who many people though of as a hero. Hes a fraud a liar and has been outed by Stolen Valor websites for lying about Vietnam service. Every time Idiots like you get on here and insist hes a hero i just post the truth. Intelligent people who get on here will simply do their own web research and find articles that his lies If Morons like you want to keep worshiping him go ahead. Goes to show that if you think you can act like a crazed animal in public you can get put in check. By screaming cursing and thrashing about he not only challenged the person he was angry at he disrespected everyone in the place. He could have easily knocked some little kid over or knocked someones food out their hand If he had by accident elbowed big man's girlfriend and the dude beat him down Im betting no charges would have been pressed Props to Dylan Masterson who posted this a few weeks back... It needs to stay on top of the comments,CALL ME A BITCH NIGGA NOW!,,..ummm my apologies sir it seems calling you a ,bitch nigga, now would only worsen my current predicament it seems that I in fact am the ,bitch nigga, and I'm just gonna continue to cast this blank stare of surprise and hope you go away.., It doesn't matter why a person is a deranged killer. If you feel so strongly let this animal move in with you. In your opinion I think Ali lost against Jimmy Young also The fact is that since he didn't win he WASNT a champion despite mine and your opinion. you mean they didnt have etch a sketches in the 90.s? If he really was a Vietnam Vet I maybe feel sorry for him. When all his bullshit videos started hitting the internet REAL veterans looked him up. He never even finished boot camp If you dont believe it his information was posted on the web site ,this aint hell but you can see it from here, Google ,epic beard man not a vietnam vet, Don't bother responding to this with some rage filled rant I'm just the messenger. They beat him so bad he grew a beard? Then he asked for her phone number Smooooooth.. last grape soda? Don can you please do a video addressing the interview done recently where a person claiming to be The Navy seal that shot Bin Laden said he was forced out of thy NAVY at 15 years with zero benefits and is now destitute? Phil Bronstien did a piece on him. Sounds like bullshit.. what a fucking idiot do you even research anything before you start flapping your cockholster? Treadwell was not Canadian. yeah basketball players really intimidate me... You have to be one of the dumbest fucktards to grace You Tube. Good luck with that inferiority complex issue hopefully you can get therapy and medication thanks Ill check it out' He failed out of flight school failed as a Navy Officer failed as a cop trainee. The common theme. He blamed racism for everything.. Times have changed You can't let two juveniles go at it under so called ,adult, supervision unless its an organized ( meaning taxed and licensed) event. If a sixteen year old punk kid talks shit to you you can't chin- check his ass because the police will lock you up. A 16 and 17 tear old will stop trying to be a man and be a child as soon as its to his advantage aka you whip his ass. After the sunami in Bangladesh there was a huge outbreak of Cholera. Anytime you have a huge flood or unusual rise in water levels the ,Natural,drinking water (tap) gets contaminated by bacteria. Sewers are flooded out Animal pens etc. A wild buffarilla appears!!! She's wearing prison Orange know the warning signs people. As far as draftees its going to be a mixed lot as far as quality. In any large scale conflict there probably isn't a nation on earth who could rely on volunteers alone. The US in WW2 was much more picky then the Axis powers and most allies in its selection. Germany even with its reputation as a great army had thousands of soldiers in poor shape health- wise who ended up performing poorly. perfect example of you demonstrating number 9 and 10. Charlie Sheen needs to dry out and get his head on straight before he tries to do a public service announcement true story kids thought I was watching porn.",27,3,3,5,1,49,0 2853,X2854,Guapisimaas cantais geniaaal jajajaja Este video es perfecto y Lucia cantas como los angeles eres una diosaaa Oh my good!You are beatiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha this dog is the best hahahahahaha!!!! Tu voz es impresionante podrias cantar la cancion de someone like you? M habitacion esta llena de fotos tuyas y ademas no paro de escuchar tus canciones guapaa eres la mejor!! Q canta super bien? Perdona pero no se le oye! te lias mucho! meec meec meeec :P la mejor es mi primaaa lucia gil!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Are you the real selly? i love this videoo!!!!!!!!! Que tonteria! Eso no hace nada! que mierdecita no? Yo prefiro las montaas rusas y eso You are perfect!!!!!!!!! Yo tengo 12 aos osea que mucho que opinar no tengo aunque el chico del medio es geniial! Me Encantan! Sigan as pero pnganle un poquito de velocidadsi? Jajaja ya lo se chicas intentar hacer una grabacin aparte y aadirle sonido si? Gracias! Uff si su voz es idntica! (Irnicamente) Porfavor que no nada! Your are perfect! Im your fan number 1 3 3 3 3 Jajajajajajajajajaja cacho videeoo me encantaaa pero como os sacaron? Jijijijiji El project no es peligroso A 192 personas no les gusta este vdeo eso se supone que este video esuna mierda. :) ....,22,7,3,9,0,19,0 2854,X2855,"Aegyo compliments them. Their noses did throw me off a bit though. The song itself is good and I like their vocals. The video was sweet and I'll pay attention to them. My bias is the member with the black hair. (I will learn their names soon). Our Warriors are back! BABY's please watch their comeback teaser for ,One Shot,. Daebak 3:01 ,Cash Rules Everything Around Me C. R. E. A. M., sad line but really powerful song B. A. P. fighting!!!! You should tweet this vid to him. It's so sweet and heart melting :) CommesDesKpop 2MinJinkJongKey also released a video called Project Daebak just now.......... *Putting some pieces together hmmm* I would love that! At 3:18 I had a feeling Sabrina's eyes would light up like a Christmas tree. I fell off my bed and had to pause the video when I saw the mv. Also Bang Yongguk is my bias and I had no complaints about him being in Tank Top Universe! WIN! The music video was filmed in both Korea and in the Philippines. I liked the song but I was upset because I never heard of the movie it was referenced to because I didn't understand the mv as a result but they all looked really handsome and the singing parts were distributed fairly.",9,18,4,12,0,31,0 2855,X2856,Ummm... Idk what to say other than omg ...... It wazz nice Im so damn Confused.... well it's um awsome she took time outta her life to make it when i bet most of u lazy ass people here dont even got a bed for your house.... i love this song U madd pretty ;) Lml ur so detailed... OH MAY GOD LMAOOO I saw yall on that cruise But I didn't know you were gunna take a video I like it when she says Brrrrrr Prrr Purrrrrrrrrrrrr :hearts: Who likes it when she says Brrrrrrrrrbrbrrrrbrrrrrrrr I think my fish sneaks in my room and eats them Am I the Only one afraid of that water hole (filter) in the pool Ummm First Rolando's Sexy Second I might sound weird but I wanna suck Alex's Nipples O_o I Lovee Carnival Cruise But I may try Island Princess To Panama COOL COOL COOL OUT IN THE COLD Who's Arnold Awww... Cute they went Disney for their anniversary ^_^ Dude... Your Just Errmm Your like Hrrmhhh You are plain Awsome. LMFAOOO 2:33 - 2:36 Gayy ass white boy Lml Lml ELLOOO The Purple binder is from Staples Guys I got a lighter purple one Kind of looks like Valor Oooo he was with Jenna Marbles I Hate when People over React and try to Explain with Long Paragraphs..... -_- Yall still doin it,26,1,3,5,0,21,0 2856,X2857,he reminds me of kurt from glee but 10 times better. i wonder if 1D like practice their american accents? hahaha that would be awesome ahh they both look so hot i love you guys so much3 we did this ride about two days ago it was insane !!!! i loved it !!!3 they can father my children any day i love them all !3 i want to do this wit my boyfriend to bad hes afraid that if he makes me look ugly on youtube that ill get him back:P you guys are mad cute tho3,6,11,4,1,0,22,0 2857,X2858,Ton jeu etait pas en anglais avant ? On veux un tuto cheveux La musique de fond c'est celle dans le bar sur plaza dans bo2 :S Cool Le meilleure episdoe,5,5,3,8,0,18,0 2858,X2859,my dick P. O . B Are A Bunch Of Little Toys And Pussys SNOT From A.S.K P.E.F Said That Yeew Bunch Of Faggets !! stop doing that s sires did it before u toy ass pussys,3,0,3,5,0,34,0 2859,X2860,01:55 Ice cream guys hand falls off and you can see it if you pause directly on 01:55 dear ryan i dare u 2 radomly kiss a girl look in the incrstions secret messges,3,16,4,17,0,22,0 2860,X2861,inspiring song yes Lord every time theirs a problem your always there their always hope salamat ama na minamahal at inaalagaan mo kami lagi..... Its called YETI not JEDI!!!!!!! What are the songs? And one more thing............ That was the best song I have ever heard especially from a beautiful voice!! She is so talented and if she become a celebrity I would like love her forever!!!!!,3,0,3,5,0,16,0 2861,X3288,if you got rid of the homeland security and a few others in the gove then you will be well on the way to eliminating debt rush limbaugh is a kok kick halliburton out of the middle east take notice to this man he knows what he is talking about someone should blow up those stones near navada god be with you guys from australia good on you for standing up for your rights just keep your protests peaceful the police and the powers that be would love it to turn violent and that will give them all the reason to harm you thank god for the internet these things would be covered up had the internet got the footage rip down the cameras look like body trucks start now ameriac before its too late i just cant believe that some one would kill this as it is absolutly a rare find im please to see such a turn out the ppeople are only there protesting the total destruction of citizens rights they had every right to go to the bank to close their accounts and to be arrested for this just goes to show that the police or the government wre denying them their rights the people only want their freedom israel is ready i take my hat off to u guys you are the life blood of canada im not from america but i can see what is going and i sincerly hope ron paul gets elected president because waht happens here usually gets to australia bill o rielly is nothing more then a consertive stooge and definatly is not liked in australia listen to this interviewer he is supposed to be unbiased all he is doing is makinf an idiot of him self as with al the other morons in fox america WAKE UP FOR GODS SAKE SEE WHATS HAPPENING around you dosomething before its too late politicans stuffed the earth up has bush got dementia never ever get one of these chips installed under any circumstances what are you doing allowing this to happen this a hole is kidding it will do your tourist industry no good what so ever because no one wil go there america is no longer a free society and is run by a few bankers and the police this man is an idiot dont believe him heavy handed police in action again good on you for standing up for your rights this officer is clearly a faciast in that break in there was a safe they weretold to take it as there was information implicating him in the death of jfk i love this man kick rupert murdoch the fuck out of america he is nothing more then a consertive stooge just make sure he goes to russia or china just dont send him back herethis is why he staffs his studios with dickheads proud of our health care and one thing we do that you dont is care about its our elderly mr beck you are a loud mouth arsehole with piles i would have thrown the book at him these people make the laws and yet they get away with breaking them,35,0,3,5,0,23,0 2862,X2863,haha omg Het is een goed verhaal maar jammer dat Danny het uitgemaakt had! ik vind de badkamer te groot 3 hoelang was je daar mee bezig??,6,0,3,2,0,44,0 2863,X2864,arww soo nice to see mu won and Ji heon getting along.. nomu nomu nomuu love you both! GRANDMAAAAAA YOU ARE TO CUTE 3 he looks the best in this scene out of the whole drama All the 61198 people that have disliked this have forgotten that shes a bloody 11 YEAR OLD GIRL! So how about we respect her singing and give her a bloody chance. Before you criticize how about you try singing first and then crack your windows or make it rain. Idiots. Selfish. And some real CRUEL ppl are on youtube. See ya Suckerssssssssssssssssssssssss.P.s please dont make it rain England's finally having some good weather. Kthanksbye :) YOUR LYRICS ARE SO AMAZING!! GOES PERFECTLY WELL WITH THE TUNE. JUST LOVEEE ITTTT. I GOT SO EXCITED OVER THIS.THANK YOUUU!!1 i really love ur lyrics compare to the other ones on youtube! now i finally have something to sing to! What should i do Withoutwords goodbye and my heart is cursing are one of the best sad songs i've everrr heard! i made the best decision of my life when i chose to watch you're beautiful. Park shin hye jang geun suk lee hong gi and jung yong hwa you all are BEAUTIFUL!! you mean joe's gang makes fun of that other guy (shaleen is his real name) not rishi's she was replaced because she threw tantrums on the sets and disrespected everyone and the consequence of this was her pack up from the sets. sara should get marry to nishant so after a few days she can leave him? ppl remember the 'fake' marriage in big boss. ppl can do anything for money okay i agree shes a slag but theres no need for such insulting comments. hehe thanks MsPragi. Just one word for you WOW!!!! THAT WAS FREAKING AMAZINGG!!!!!! You have a really nice god gifted voice.. you are sooo damn luckkyy wish i could singg. btw did get any training or can you naturally sing? hey if possible can you provide me with the notes as ive recently started learning piano and i can only play it with the alphabets written above so pleasee Yes you suck and am glad you know :) forget the singing. shes so cute What did i just watch? I saw some cute looking pic so i clicked on the video and i see this? i just dont understand why waste so much money in making films like this wen u clearly know the outcome. super-flop man LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL THE GUY WAS GAY HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. I believe Zain! In your singing and in Allah. Your really amazing!,20,1,5,5,0,18,0 2864,X2865,Grease anyone? Did anyone else notice the people taking pictures at 4:48 ? looks like youve bred the perfect human. Congratulations :p,3,6,3,5,0,15,0 2865,X2866,This is so funny I love ya !!!! I love that song so much that I asked my teacher if he thought middle school sucked and he said yes because u guys are here LOL guys we forgot our pants lol,4,0,2,5,0,27,0 2866,X2867,I think Randy should get the beard back but that dance was kind of funny Thats true don't like Rhodes and Ziggler that much but i can't deny there great wrestling skills No problem and lol i couldn't tell Ha yeah true wow you gotta be a pretty big dick to dislike Rugrats heh he's ok i don't know I don't really beleive this but if it is true thats really sad. The girl at the end is that the girl that made this vid? or the real Angelica? The truth behind Recess the truth behind fairy odd parents the truth behind spongebob what the heck is next? The only one that might be real is the Rugrats and thats if thats true They all look the same best childhood show no other show can beat it i love em both but K and K but D and J isn't far behind True you know anyone faster than Twista? Best show on the planet Thats true your right but some black actors enjoy doing that thats a way for some of them to be funny that's their own ideas to do that sometimes Your Jigglypuff was right on point great job i like how you did them from the pilot to the last episode. BEST SHOW ON THE PLANET!!!!!! See my pockets they fat!! Underated actor seems like all Hollywood cares about is dramas I never knew that was the guy from Rosanne Wish they'd make more movies like this nowadays And another thing im a fan of Cena but i'm not one of his fanboys. Bret put down Hunter and put up Cena? OK,21,160,4,49,0,22,1 2867,X2868,"now i really like FUN. thanks i love it i think i love her proshow producer beautiful they so beautiful in the sunny bn trong din xut khi din vin din mak khc dk 1 cch chn tht nh z mak li l nam din vin th rt l tuyt vi bn th khc trc mt bao nhiu camera v bao nhiu cp mt nhn vo bn i xem bn khc dk hay k mak ni ng ta nh con gi al2m dk nh ng ta i hy ni n hen ok? khi ng Hn h nghe h s k hu dk bn pht m d r cha hay cha r :) c pht huy nhek dean! k thy ng ta ht chun ting Hn n th th = ng Hn :,| nhc j :,| a ch r m mt l do wa bt ng v hnh phc v tit mc ny lc u l c 1 mnh con chut ci nhy thi nhng do c du mn to s bt ng nn mi tham gia :,| ti s phi c ly ng Chu Phi ra lm 1 v d in hnh z ch? Chu Phi ngho v ch nh nc wa hng v ton hi l y thi s k ly VN mnh ra so snh ln nhau c nc ngoi vs Chu Phi l 2 nc wa trn lch em ra so snh th bng tha h chng phi l ang cho ng ta thy Chu Phi wa ngho i v ngho nn lc hu n sau trong gng ht nh nhng y l 1 tm hn bun 1 cm xc kim nn li 1 tri tim ang gn nh tan v 1 s tic nui s ng cm to nn 1 phn trnh din wa tuyt vi :, OMG!!! he is so cute :,3 i love it 4 ng dislike = chc c l h l ng v cm :,D thng dean",13,4,3,3,0,20,0 2868,X2869,you are amazing! keep going! and u r cute! Boredddd! :/ I Love you! Yeahhh! #22! whoo! 33333 Me singing christines part and angelofmusicamy megs part! Angel of Music (Cover)! look it up its me and you singing just have to turn the volume up alittle! sorry haha i loved your voice You ruined the song! You are amazingly amazing! If that's even possible well I just made it possible! Congratulations! Haha :) I like this! It sounds so cool! Omg I love this!!! Oh thanks. lolz I appreciate you doing this. The guy who took his sunglasses can u do it again? ;) lolz Haha i have too agree!,12,1,3,2,0,15,0 2869,X2870,Omg i am so happy for you honestly throughout the whole video i was smiling must have looked like an idiot in the end i almost ended up in tears like it was so adorable and you grew up so fast omgogmgomgogmg 3 will be looking forward to that ^_^ the way he's better at applying eye liner than me RESPECT :o love the comments x'D 2013 finally :'D Blake Lively PLEASE :'Dher make up looks so refreshing :'3 oh god. what? XD love this guy XD,8,12,4,3,0,20,0 2870,X2871,"dont forget andre ward wladimir klitschko timothy bradley vitali klitschko and abner mares Floyd Mayweather at 51 ,You tell me one athlete thats been dominating the game for 16 years straight without a loss tell me one,.Chris John (48-0-2 with 22 knockouts) Someguy827 should stop blaming the world for his problems @52cardsco he's made 4 @Ali Shana'a I fail to understand why so many people liked this song @ThugSafc It's funny when somebody like you trolls. But it is always obvious no mayweather declined because manny wanted a 50/50 split and agreed to all the drug tests and mayweather said ,no,. This is probably the best video you have ever done. @bill76273 no it's not look up the lyrics. You won't find any metaphorical reference about the steelers @Martin Melendez With all do respect canelo is a very talented fighter and will no doubt be at the top one day but at this point he wouldn't beat manny pacquiao @bimmer666 Martinez is a middleweight not a super middleweight I noticed all of the elder men and women of the WBC are fatter than holly hell and they all have swollen beer bellies hanging dangerously low below their belt buckles. Don't they know that gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins? @whorebig He is from Uzbekistan You mad bro? Chavez was the one running in that fight Martinez was beating his ass and backing him into the ropes for the entire fight. I don't know fight you were watching but Sergio Martinez doesnt run he fights. Martinez is way better than Chavez he trains much harder than he does and doesnt train when he feels like it like what Chavez does. And if they did have a rematch Sergio Martinez is just going to beat his ass like he did before. @tanasha palmer And one more thing I don't have a problem with anybody liking this song but if somebody says its a bad song (I hate to brake it to you but it's a pretty bad song) don't get all anal about it and defend it like its your child. It's just a s @bozik2 no it doesn't rugby is the better sport So what have we learned here guys? The George Carlin is a skeptic agnostic profane atheist and somehow a spend doctor according to a bunch of hypocritical drooling idiots that are only going to graduate high school because the government doesn't want them to be there when they're in their 30's Fedor would be beaten now but in his prime nobody would stop him. Not even Cain or Junior Dos Santos Alistair Overeem or Big Nog. And keep in mind Bigfoot fought Fedor when he was well past his prime. Is that a ,no contest, or a ,draw,?",19,14,4,5,0,20,0 2871,X2872,This Video made me laugh it's hilarious how these idiots continuosly contridict themselves It is sean connerys voice dick heads Eh yo man you reckon you can email me this mp3 ?,3,0,3,4,0,22,1 2872,X2873,Thanks for the help! I've been doing it wrong the whole time. Now I can make sure my baby is clean! this is sex Am I the only one that cried like a baby?,3,2,5,5,0,26,0 2873,X2874,David the Hedgehog orgazam face 1:12 peer presure is fucked up 0:56 I love it too. this doesnt work 05:32Retarded stage free replay buttons 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 wow:) i give it a thumbs up! :) the links are down HOLY SHLIT,11,3,3,27,0,15,0 2874,X2875,great job Nina and Ian no doubt they make a great couple great job with the video noah is so pretty Good job You are really good keep up the good work good job but if you fade out the song and secene you will be great You did an amazing job and to all you haters you couldn't make one better than she did so stfu this reminds me of breaking dawn at the end. you did a really good job this is the best one I have seen keep up the good work i was thinking about subcribing o not and this video got me to subcrib and all my freinds so good job OUIJI BOARDS ARE NOT SOMETHING TO MESS AROUND WITH IT IS NOT A GAME SO DON'T PLAY AROUND WITH THEM wow that was so fake obviously it was a green screen like this if you agree This is the gayest song i've ever heard Faggot this is the best stelena video i have ever seen really i'm a mormon and they lost my subscription 5 dislikes they must have hit the wrong botton what song is this what show is this is looks really cool japan,20,1,2,5,0,19,0 2875,X1769,"7. Key of Awesome's What Makes You Beautiful6. Harry 35. Sistar4. Hot Problems3. WOTE Somebody That I Used To Know2. Corgi Rae Jepsen1. Live While We're Young 3 Dude. You slapped a Fiiish. You punched it. Why would you hit it? I always die at that part! Lol! This is possibly one of the best things I've ever seen in my life. Omg. This is great! :) Lol. He looks like he did not enjoy that. I'm a Directioner. Yes. It has ruined my life. It has ruined my life to the point that my grades are dropping and my friends are questioning if I've died because they never hear from me. And I feel like this video describes my life. And just imagine Rehab for Directioners. I actually kind of think that would be fun. Just surrounded by a bunch of other Directioners that totally understand you. Lol. AHHH!! Larry Feels!!! God I love them. They are so great. I love at the beginning how Niall runs over there late and slowly shuffles towards Zayn. And Liam stands over Louis and sings to him and then drags him across the stage. And then Harry comes and falls over him. And I love how they always whisper stuff to each other. Lol. Leave me be. I'm having a moment. It's going to be alright. Lol. This is Perf. Whoever it is singing though it really good. But Taylor is never this straight forward in her songs. I am SO using this the next time I'm at the mall and the people at the kiosks won't leave me alone. They are just going to be like ,Ma'am Could I interest you in some-, ,PIPE THE FUCK DOWN!, Yepp. So going to do it. :) I agree with you so much. Niall's voice is amazing. I'm pretty sure he has a solo in every song on Take Me Home. :) And same here My dream is to meet all of them one day and just Thank them for changing my life and making it better. They have truly saved my life and I've never made a better decision by becoming a Directioner. I love it. Even if I don't have much of a social life besides the internet. Lol. :) Still the 5 Singing Idiots I fell in Love with. 3 Wow! That was really cool! You have really good talent! Lol Can I go on a ,Walk, with Harry? Lottie is gorgeous! She has the same eyes as Louis. 3 This video kind of made me want Joey to do my makeup. Not gonna lie. Lol. ,We have apples all over our faces!, No Dis wrong place. Dis Wendy's. ,But I thought the customer was always right through., I died laughing! I'm a Directioner and I died laughing. This is probably the best parody I've seen in a while. I love all your guy's parodies. They're hilarious! 3 Shane if you hit me with your car. I would be screaming too. It would be happy screaming for the fact that I would be so excited that I met you. It kind of makes me wish you would run into my car. Lol. Then I would make you exchange information with me just so that I could get your phone number. And it's kind of funny to because yesterday somebody backed into me in a parking lot. Lol I really like your voice! You have amazing talent! 3 I love this song. I'm glad you covered it. You have amazing talent. :) This is really cool! So I wish I could say that I knew all of them but I'm not gonna lie. I didn't know that Harry was in Ed Sheeran's video for Drunk. But I knew the rest of them! Lol. KISS YOU! Dude I Found You makes my ears want to bleed Lily Allen's Fuck You! or Smile! Definitely want one of these for my wedding! They look so fun to make! And The two boys playing golf always make me laugh. And Zayn's little hand thing he does towards the end always makes me die! They are so great. 3 Shayne Ward is so hilarious! And I'm just gonna keep telling myself that it's Louis in the armor suit at 1:33. And HOLY SHIT MY NIAM FEELS. LIKE SERIOUSLY THIS IS NOT OKAY. AHHH! Shane's eyes at 15:55! They are so just ugh I can't even. Ugh I love him so much. THAT WAS AWESOME!! Travis? Not as cute? What planet are you from? Obviously you're not from earth if you don't think Travis is as cute as them. Haha but really Travis is seriously hot. Lol I love you guys. 3 Can you please just STOP? You are being so rude! Don't you have a heart? Why would you come to such a sad video and hate on somebody who isn't even involved in the video? What is wrong with you? Please just STOP!",30,3,5,5,0,23,0 2876,X2877,Maybe.. But I certainly tell you're an asshole. Its not like you couldn't read what the man said. Come up with something more original why don't you? What kind of camera is this? Its a good camera. Name that comedian : Kat Williams (: Making the legal driving age 21? The same age you become legal to drink? Yeah that's a good idea. Its Jay-z and Kanyes face put in one. But those are Kanyes eyes. So he is actually right. Am i the only one here who doesn't think these girls are acting stupid? Maybe its because me and my friends have done this multiple times but honestly they seemed pretty accurate to me. I'm pretty sure those tattoos are fake. And this isn't racist. I don't even see how it could be. How come the first couple of episodes are in english but all the rest have to be in english subtitles? I didnt realize Texans had an accent? You don't know this woman. You know what has let you see of her. And from judging someone off of their YouTube videos in which are created to entertain your personality drops and your ignorance is displayed. People who like their privacy.,11,7,4,5,0,18,0 2877,X1801,"when I first saw this video I laughed so much its a funny video kisses to everyone :* she is so cute just like an angel when she will be older she will be a hell of a dancer good luck kisses nothing like lady gaga sorry girl but you should look for something you are better at kisses ;) this is a song full of emotions even is its just words... every heart has the opportunity to go on... people that know how pane of love is the will believe in this song... hope is a force that makes us a little stronger in the heart wow add me mani888 and plz i want to get to 2000 starpoints i already have at least 1430 starpoints but i still need your help kisses and lots of love em enas fonos me koutali eisai oti epsaxna na bro... ka8e elpida pou eixa na eroteuto...dosmou to xeri s kai niose to xtupo pou se 8elo s'agapo fobero song 139 blakes den kseroun apo music she does not have a nice voice but she has the guts to put it on youtube and listening at all of you people comenting her and laughing or insulting her. message to thoes that insulted her: you people sure dont sing better god your heart is made from rock??? i just love this song nothing else to say soooooooo adorableeeeee little girl when she will grow up she will have a dream voice keep on going sweets i LOVE your smile god your so beautiful 4 anwmalares dn kseroun ti 8a pei s'agapw 8a se skotwswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww kai esena kai to skulo ss this is my first game but i play with my othersims games thoe this is still lots of fun i will buy them very soon hahaha ^-^ 0.53 fatsa o allos xp dion i 3 u po rr porosh 3 same for me and now bcause of the pain i have change so lets hope that something happens... i have seen many ''sims'' movies and i can say this is the best i have ever seen 3 poro8hkaa so true so far long distance didn't effect me and you for one year i love you3 wtf i had a boyfriend when i was 5 airplanes??? really people??? aliens drive cars???? people laugh when they see aliens? in reality they would run for there lifes i so want to meet my bf.... T.T emos become emo because they have a hard life not like you that you have nothing to do so your like ,lets make a video of me hating emo's, have you any idea??? i bet your spoilt and get whatever you want... and they cut them selfs because they dont like there lifes some of them get abused every day... if that happened to you wouldnt you be depressed? so get a fucking brain and think before doing this emo is not a fashion style... its a state of mind and wtf do you care? its not you you being a emo so why do you care? paizw tzenis (mousiko organo) kai mou exoun dwsei authn thn mousikh... i have sims pets but i am playing at the late it possible to find a unicorn at late night?",34,3,3,5,0,16,0 2878,X2879,"Great video. My three children and I were almost murdered and I too spoke out on here and made my own video you can find it on here under ,Survivordv, there are a series of videos telling the whole story and his response in the trial. Thank you for speaking out i consider you my survivor sister! God bless you honey!! I too know what it is like to be shot by one you thought you could trust. You are a magnificent woman and God is working miracles through you and your story! God Bless you Susan I too went through this and much more as my husband shot myself my best friend and his our 2 year old son in the face with a shotgun while his 2 year old twin sister watched it all she has lifelong psychological trauma as does my son love it guys!! way to go! love hearing doc sing!! You have all made such a beautiful tribute to Aaron for his family to always treasure. I remember watching Aaron growing up as he was in my lil brother's class and he always had such a heart of gold I will never forget him he was a true angel of God here on earth! fake link! god bless you my survivor sister! God bless you hon you have come so far and will make an amazing counselor!!! I too am now in graduate college working on my PsyD to become a victim traumatologist to help others thank you and God bless you God Bless You Sophie may you walk with angels honey! you were a true angel on earth and may the angels and you forever watch over Rob god bless you hon! I would like to see this family rot in hell for trying to picket the funeral of a friend who was a proud soldier too bad no one saw them because a bunch of us bikers blocked the family from having to see their sorry faces!!! this is definately a cult no better than the ones in texas or raising children to be nazis god bless all of the bikers and american legion blocking these people!!!! Guess WBC found out clearly that you don't mess with my home of Texas! :) absolutely love this!!",16,45,7,4,0,36,0 2879,X2880,"lol me too 5.56E+12 Leo is sooo cuute !!!!! =) He has nearly the same voice as Chris Brown honey ~ What's the name's show ? Please ! I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIMI LOVE HIMWhat can I do else... ? Nothing is ridiculous... i don't think this group can beat exo and b.a.pbut fighting news group thanks for sharing I think maybe this is the big bang that most of their sight for MV but the WG who sell the most music I think maybe this is the big bang that most of their sight for MV but the WG who sell the most music j'ai envie de pleur tellement c'est nul minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy minzy i thinks all OTP is real i'am desappointed by the teaser DESAPOINTED MV BOFBOF This is not a criticism it is a remark at the end because she plays it the serious and badess not bother meI likeit is like the example in 2ne1 copy other girl group for ,i love you,",17,1,6,3,0,23,0 2880,X2881,Merry Christmas Dottie! Lookin' good! :o) The holidays are a challenge for lots of us hang in there brett youre not alone this life can be tough for sure I'm with ya' in leaving the processed foods behind :o) Happy New Year!! You are truly blessed! Happy New Year. Rob I've been in the grip of my food addiction these last two weeks as well. Just disgusted with myself and scared! Great to see you Melanie! I think you're looking just terrific. Congratulations! You've really been through the ringer! So sorry to hear it and hope everything clears up soon. Connie seems that you're starting to feel a lot better! So glad and you're looking great! There is nothing to fear because whether you change and how you change is entirely up to you. You get to choose every step of the way. And I know you will choose to be a really wonderful strong person ... because you already are those things Dottie. I can tell. :o) Robin I too am struggling with the food addiction. There's no easy solution for us long timers and it's definitely a special challenge to live with other people who can get away with eating in ways we should not. But ... I'm never ever giving up! Trying to institute strategies for self-discipline and when I fall down I get back on my feet dust myself off and back at it!! I believe we can do it!! Great video glad you tried it out (I've been planning to) even if you didn't end up liking it so much. I think I will still try it (since I used to love regular high fat custard but now that makes me ILL) :o) Tanya this looks very very good. Definitely going to try it. My kids tell me I'm obsessed too! I don't let it bother me though :o) I think about it a lot -- and talk too i admit it -- because (1) I'm interested and (2) Doing so keeps me in line. It's a big part of my life ... my journey. my cousin screamed to death chicken was not scary to me Praying for you and your mom Cookie. very excited to tune in! Tina I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. You have real heart an inspiration to me and others to NEVER GIVE UP. Thinking of you and praying for you. Looking forward to it!,20,67,8,11,0,53,0 2881,X2882,"Goodness Biderman... I like and respect you but you're ,best case scenario, of massive govt cuts and no tax increases is the exact opposite of what needs to happen to improve the economy Did you all really think you were going to get a free ride forever? Since the March 2009 lows of around 6600 the Dow rose literally Double the amount in a span on only 31 months while all the capital-I Investors raked in obscene profits which did not trickle down to benefit the masses in need and the tax rates paid on the wealth via the market has been small. Now that the well-to-do are expected to pay their fair share they flee the market like rats and roaches which they are. Unacceptale Goodness.. Just reminds me that Andy Taylor's guitar playing is 10000x better than Dom Brown could ever be and why the group was sooo full of energy and excitement back then and now feels so stale.. Cheers to the Glory days 1981-1985 Excellent close to excellent show... wish the current lineup played live with 1/100th the energy and passion as then... and of course I wish Andy was still in the group Good analysis... would love to see Biderman in the ring w that pompous buffoon Jim Cramer with Biderman beating the Bleep out of Cramer of course Amazing how stunning Kerri Kenney looked here compared to when she intentionally made herself look plain for Reno 911 And why is this bad? Always amazed me how the wealthiest 1-2% do everything humanly possible to shift the tax burden to the middle and poorer classes. You complain about $500b in new taxes.. so what is that-- Oh a mere 6 mths of Fed spending QE3 QE4 simultaneously to inflate stock values... no one seems to ever complain about 'that' wasteful spending... all so you investors can make dividend profits you don't deserve Disgusting wretched celebrities! They all have no conscious about gun use when getting paid millions.. All the director quick-cuts or slo-mo to enhance the tension... adding music to create excitement or laughter concerning the gunplay.. none of this bothers them.. But we the people owning firearms.. we're not to be trusted-- too simple minded.. Which is ironic since most actors don't even attend college beforehand Very Cool that you post these... thanks Looks like we're going to have to Hope something the US triggers a market crash (and yes I personally want to see the market crash so dramatically it makes 2008 look like child's play) Maybe the catalyst will come from Europe or Asia- it will have to be something that Bleep Bernanke can not control or manipulate and the drop has to be quick enough the Fed's responses are impotent.. Too many investors having it good -- it has to end ultimately This timer was a Godsend.. Got me through the Super Bowl.. Every commercial break i simply changed channels and set this timer. Oh if only every person who watched the Super Bowl would have done the same.. Amazing how genuinely unfunny Robin Williams is.. Alcoholic loser who once had an affair with his child's nanny while married leading to his divorce..If his occupation wasn't ,comedian, he'd be committed Patiently waiting for the crash.. Not one that drops 800pts in one day but more like 5000 pts over a 3-4 month window.. Patiently waiting",14,0,4,5,0,31,0 2882,X2883,"Yeah in 1 month. LOLOLOL. K good luck bro. What about weed Hank? The fuck lol? It says and/or dumb ass.. LOOKING FOR SWEDISH ARMED FORCES PRO. HERES LINK. 3! gttp:// REPLACE G WITH H! Shiny Pokemon This isn't COD. LOLOL. 10:34 THROWING KNIFE TO THE HEAD. No. Oh my ,Shu-ree-ken, ,Kuh-Taw-nuh, ,Koo-Nie, LOL? LOL? I LAUGHED so hard when he said ,you DECIMATED, the test. Your videos are TOO long man. Do you have trouble breathing? Of course they'd be perfect. Are you kidding me LOL? That piano isn't even crap at all. Really? Could you show us plz. A mic No it was ,FUCk?, In a high pitch tone. LOL Yeah mexicans do it all the time.",21,0,3,5,1,22,0 2883,X1209,": voin uskoa ett vaikeaa se on! lis nit:) tytyy sanoa ett mahtavaa tyt:) voisiko noita pilalle menneit kohtauksia laittaa enemminkin?:D olisi kiva nauraa mukana:) oots ihan varma ettet ski oo luolamies ihaku joku olis plliny sun aivot.. Siru on niin paras! t oli ehk rsyttvin salkkarijakso ikin... en tykk tosta rppi kohasta... mut toi kertoskeist on ihana:)! m oon suomalaine ja en lyy mit :d tyhm se on toi kentaurin kone :D rmpyttk kutosta.. Miro sanoo, tynn enem, :D hahahahahahahahha :D:D:D:D nolo ! HHn oli meidn koululla tnn :--) pelasi meidn kanssamme mys pespalloa opettajat vastaan oppilaat:) t o snkk : l ooo pilkunnussija. ei sill mit vli oo. minp myyn pari jkaappia:) me to aivan jrkyttv .. miten joku pst itsens noin huonoon maineeseen ja varsinkaan noin huonoon kuntoon ! She sing from her heart. tss taas nhtii t riian jtyminen. et tainnu vissii iha lyt et tt on muutettu ni ne on kerenny juomaa ne viinit siin vlill :DD are josh that litle guy who sing that , salva , thing ? hehe :D:D meill oli , tuu mun vaimoksein , semmonen laulu mit ei saanut laulaa en vielkn ymmrrr miksi ! :D [x] kinosti JA MYS , tossa on bussi mill kuljen, , tossa oli tuo bussi mutta myhstyin , no he's acting :) sorry bad english ! hope you get it. aku on ihanan nknen kun hn pitelee nauruaan :--D pit nykkkill tossa :D ja riia ja myllyrinne vois vaihtaa paikkoja ... peukkua jos samaa mielt ! voi nolot .... omg i lovee sunshine ! she smile all the time :) voin oikee kuvitella miten tolla selostajalla lent sylki kun se sanoo ton , PAMAUTTAA PLEKSIN RIKKI !, .... hitto jos t tuee selostamaan ni duppaan vaikka mertarannan senki plle. MERTARANTA HENKEEN JA VEREEN 3 Sinulla on todella hyv lauluni ! jatka opettelemista vain hyvin sinusta voi tulla viel jotain suurta. olen ylpe :) lk tulko tnne itkee en olis huonolaulaja. Tehk ite 13- vuotiaana tmne biisi ja laittaaka tnne ei taia olla monella ihmisella pokkaa ? ja jos ei tykk nii lk pliis sit kuunnelko ja tulko haukkuu. rsytt tommoset esjonnet jotka luulee olevansa kaikkein parhaimpia ja pit heti ruveta haukkuu jotain laulajaa joka nhtvsti ei oo kaikkien mielee. kasvakaa pennut ! I have no idea what language is that and what you say but dude that's amazing !!! Nowadays you are so full of energy and happyness ! you are great:) and all the bullies can go to hell ! just saying. Thumbs up if you agree with me ! you pretty ! but worst singer I know... sorry... how this is impossible that you speak english every f*cking minute but you can't sing the song right? I'm fron frnce and even i can sing better than you. sorry that i tell you the truth.. thumbs up if yyou agree that she can be something big ! b-e-a-utiful!!!!!! team simon 3 mahtavaa katsoa tllst videota jossa ei ole kommenteissa kerrottu kaikkia videon lauseita ! Pikkusenkun viel opettelet englannin ntmist ja jatkat harjoittelua siusta voi kehkeyty todella hyv laulaja. Dissaajat teh itse tmmnen ja sanokaa sitten kenen p nytt pahvilaatikolta tai kuka kuulostaa paskalta:) Mahtavaa tyt !",37,0,3,5,0,19,0 2884,X2885,he look like my friend markavious,1,2,3,2,0,24,0 2885,X2126,"me; mom I going outmom; why are going to kill more haters.. again?me; nomom; well where are you going then?me;a little brown haired girl that hogs all the spotlight from cute little rosiemom; be back before10! me: mom I going outmom: where?me: all overmom: for what?me; to kill 1608 hatersmom: why are they haters?me: they hate those people that sanging someone like you on oh mom?mom: MAMA'S COMING!!! OK this is forevery one who says stuff like ,I am your #1 fan,or ,wanna be best friends or other stupis stuff like thatbut I am sirious a girl my best friend allie is hayley's cousin and I met her! ( i mean I met hayley) Allie I remember seeing this for the first time about 1 year ago I loved it and I still watch it and at 0:56 - 0:58 was that your mom that said ,ohal you almost had it., ? you look like Katy Perry her dress is too long at the begining and when ever she is wearing one! thumbs up for the priest! I am too old for seseme street but when I was little I would ALWAYS watch it so now they want to take off seseme street because of katy's cloths..... THOSE B*TCHES my dad watches the simpsons with me and my little brother (11) and my sister (6) One word....Beautiful one word...Beautiful dosn't seem like her kind of guy This is like scooby doo I watched the victorious special on this the breakfest bunchdifferent but the same! how do the insroments work in the water and rain? I wish it was longer! I feel happy when I hear this song.....I think that it encuorages people to stand up for themselves I love it when she is cutting down the tree and its like ,I am all right, and she mouths the words ,I am all right, .........Priceless those things are creepy! REBECCA GOT WHY PRETTIYER! what dosn't kill you makes you strongerAMEN SISTER!!!!! stupid yet funny I really want a zwinky plz give me one!!!! love the song.. honest do not get the video that is affensive to the slim americans! S.T.U.P.I.D SMART A_S what does xD mean? so true mostly the cheerleader thing at like 1:35 are thry kissing? sounds faster! I heard Katy Perry didi a cover of this!",32,0,2,5,0,22,0 2886,X2887,yea you can buy it at the gun runners its not always in the inventory and you need 100 guns and 8 strengthy did u remove my comment? yea i just don't want him to be picking off targets that im aiming at that would really piss me off plus i really am most interested in sneak I WAS THE FIRST VIEW WOOOT! hahah same u fuckhead it only takes about 4 seconds for all the thc to go to your lungs holding it longer than that is pointless and worse for you I HERE FABLE IN THE BACKROUND :)))))) SONG!!!????? I LOVE THIS SONG WHATS IT CALLED!!! yea i agree with you that the campaigns are garbage...except cod4 u my friend are retarded...that joke does not work at all unless shes a shemale :P k fag MUZZAFUZZA! haha dude dxm dilates your pupils making the color of your eyes barely visible song? Hey man you should try general organics I used to use fox farm then I tried general organics and the differences blew me away not true at all ive smoked 1/4's in one sitting...your probably just a novice smoker Anyone in America listen to this song? It's not bad lol No offense dude but your style of music has no relation to Kendrick Lamar post on like wiz videos not underground rappers who actually have true meaning in their music. Lol 100mg you gotta do at least 200 to get the full k effect :p ....dick Dude use's so easy and the songs are usually good quality Not as bad as I expected but you're really going to have to push it to your fullest limit to make it. Good luck bro,21,0,4,5,0,32,0 2887,X3434,Nasaly and you don't know the words... but if you autotune it; it would be great! Wow. That's all I have got to say about this!Great job! Keep it up! I think if you pushed more/ sung out of your diaphragm you would be 10x better! I am not saying it is bad because it isn't.. Just saying it could be improved:) You are very pretty! :) And I absolutely think this is amazing. It is not bad... just would be better if you found your exact pitch! :) I just fell in love with your voice; WOW! Your eyesl are AMAAAAZING!:) Oh and so is your voice!;) Oh. My. Gosh. I just fell in love.. Marry me?.. Please!:) Two people are both blind and deaf.....3 Only one question... Marry me?You are soo good!I think I am addicted to you I can't stop watching your videos! ;) Ohhhh my gosh! Clase... You are AMAZING.I loved this song before...but now I love it even more.Thank You3 My oh my. This was amazing. No no you did not... I absolutely love the emotion in all of your videos! Please become famous so I can hear your music all the time? Thanks:) Bahah I love you chineselady 3 Actually.. No.I have dated a guy who was completely broke.And; Sex doesnt rule my relationships so no. You do not know EVERY girl. You just know the ones who have cheated on YOU or YOUR friends. I have never cheated on a guy in my life and neither have multiple of my friends. Seriously you're just a bitter person. I want to sing this for my audition for Idol too :D Honey! You're freakin good! Just practice a little more memorization I mean...and then you'll be great :D I love it though :) You are fucking beautiful. Just sayin' :) You have such a great voice!:) It's good...but I guess I like the original more... your version kinda makes it seem happy when it's not a happy song. But you have a great voice!:) Wow really good:)Just one suggestion... turn down the music and your voice will be heard better :) Wow! :) You're better than a lot of the other youtubers who have covered this song and I am pretty sure that you're the youngest :) Keep it up! You're freaking amazing!:) And way pretty too! Okay first of all you are freaaking BEAUTIFUL... oh and you're a veryy good singer! :D You guys are simply amazing! I absolutely LOVE it!:) A rubix cube... REALLY?! Kim! This is amazing. YOU are amazing. We have to get this shown to kids and adults around the world! 3 RIP Payton You're gonna make it big someday 3 Wow! That was amazing! You have soo much talent!! :) Wow.. your voice is... AMAZING! I definitely like your cover better than the original and I love that song(:You could be famous some day Jon! Try out for American Idol!(: You are freakin beautiful girl! You have no reason to be insecure 3 Tropical Remix is my favorite kind of gum :)) Raisinets are my favorite candy ever! :)) You could be myyy boyfriend ;) Perfection right there!,36,4,3,5,0,18,0 2888,X2889,lukaaaaaaaaaaa 3 3 3 ! bubaaaaaaa draga dislikes? oh you silly people ! benjaminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn my dear ! 3 its not that he is so amazing and the most beautiful soul on earth and his songs are so strong it feels like every song was written for me my life so i dont like sharing him with mainstream people maybe they will change him,4,0,3,5,1,15,0 2889,X2890,i love this song 3 omg practise the words and then sing it RANDOM,3,0,2,5,0,21,0 2890,X2891,"This makes me sick. Isn't this ,mother, aware of what this can do to her daughter later on in life?! She's a lovely little girl and its a shame that her own mother can't see it This woman obviously has a screw or two loose. I wonder if she had been abusive towards him prior to this happening? Hope he pulls through I think it's laughable to call this a ,conscience, clause. I can't believe she was denied her medicine by a female jail employee. This is disgusting on so many levels. Wow. That's a ridiculous sentence! Now in another two years he'll be a real criminal. What stupid bullshit thank you for putting this up. I love this song. the first time I heard it was on the movie The Hunger. Villain. There were young children involved that had witnessed an unspeakable tragedy and this is what he is afforded in return? Shameful",7,2,3,6,0,29,0 2891,X2892,This is a great collection from Alexander Wang! I miss this show :( I only watch The Hills because of Lauren Conrad :) I miss seeing her on TV :( I just love Kelly Clarkson! She's inspiring and amazing! :) One of the few best Christmas songs ever! :),5,0,3,5,0,19,0 2892,X2893,Please watch my videos please :) So she made a mistake! That's what makes people people!!! That's what makes humans humans. But to then have people tell her to kill herself and call her names is unnecessary. Put yourself in her shoes. Feel her pain. Bullying her shouldn't have been an option. Helping her should've. So you people who say she deserved it well she didn't hurt anybody she didn't kill anyone and she didn't do anything to anybody else. She hurt herself. And that's all. So she didn't deserve any harm. So she made one mistake!? So what? Mistakes is what makes people people. It's what makes humanshumans! But then to have people tell her to kill herself and that she's a slut is unnecessary by all means. Put yourself in her shoes. Feel her pain. Bullying her shouldn't have been an option. Helping her should've been an option instead. Her mistake didn't do ANYTHING to harm ANYONE other than herself. She didn't kill anyone or hurt anyone. This shouldn't have resulted in her dying. Perfect.... Just wonderful!!!! I loved it Srry this is not Jessie this is Joey I'm a boy not a frekin girl how? see lord faptoguise (fap to guys) doesnt like pussy cats because hes gay and pussys are... you get it Chris not christ LION KING MOD 5 most worst games to play in minecraft I cried Thanks! @themisteryvampire,12,6,4,3,1,23,0 2893,X2894,LOL OMFG THAT SO SCARY :OOOOOO,2,24,4,13,0,35,0 2894,X2895,"best cover I've heard in awhile... P.S. Your cat totally friend zoned you at 1:13 I remember when you told me this story-- you had to go turn it into a challenge didn't you? Challenge accepted! Lets just hope I don't pull up in front of Epic Meal time when they order $300 worth of Big Macs! I the *cough* at 12:15 when Dominique says ,Its beautiful,. Think someone off camera was trying to call him on that one lol. Good vid as always chica!! Keep killin' it! @ebarajas929 ~ I cherish all comments but its always rewarding hearing from people who never leave comments so thank you very much for checking in Jas. You guys rock! District Lines gave me a clothing line!! You should probably buy as many shirts as you can now before they realize they've made a huge mistake! Someone made a game called Ninjabreadman??? Crap! They beat me too it; oh well... back to the drawing board! yo there are WAYYYYYY too many girls in here. I'm nervous!!!!! @Papa Gino: Haha thanks; Working hard to finish the last FTW video in the shadows so thats what the hold up has been for the last few months w/ my uploads. Once the FTW5 vid goes up expect even crazier videos (and more frequent uploads!) @jack purcell ~ Its the cintiq 24hd // All the cheating and Disney videos were done with a mouse and took FOREVER! I was never good with regular tablet so my friend Diane strongly urged me to get it and its sped up the time it takes to do the drawings tim @TheNorwegianNerd ~ not a problem boss :) Have u not seen her videos? She's one of the hardest working up and coming you tubers that I know! The idea for a Skype vid popped in my head and just got louder and louder. But not to worry I know what you guys l Wuddup England? Been getting a bit too much love from you guys not to do a mini meet up while in London. If you're free today (Jan 12) from 4pm-5pm stop by the Westfields Sheperds Bush food court! And with this video you've just secured the title as 'my most creative female YouTube subscription'. This is exactly what my videos would've looked like if Youtube was around when I was a kid! Thanks for the awesome inception styled shoutout at the end!!! I subscribed! Now keep making awesome vids! @5my9other93half ~ Thats happened to me too where a subscription doesn't show up. Try unsubscribing and then resubscribing. The vids started showing back up in my feed after that ;) Glad you checked in! The production quality on this video is amazing! And these comments are making me cheese/smile really hard thanks for the love guys. Me and Michelle are just friends. Besides you know what they say once you go black... New video tomorrow. Expect cartoon shenanigans!! Think we just found the best Harlem Shake vid guys. @James Bond ~ humm well when it comes to blocking ppl the only time I feel that needs to happen is when they either continue to harass u via email/wall comments or poke around in your business being malicious using your updates as ammunition. Otherwise I",18,912377,8,237,0,31,0 2895,X2896,"Woot Prick YOur so annoying in that video! You got burnsied! You sound like a 6 year old! Whats that ,E E EE, You sound like you have down syndrom. Retard.",2,7,4,2,0,22,0 2896,X2323,i hear you listen any sin any one does is not hid from the lord we will be judged for every act and everything we say to give an account for he can run but he can't hide . just pray for him and work on you i'm doing the same . let us live clean and make it to heaven one day and it was CLEAR hey you all are LIVE but too much going on you got about three or four long lines i saw a couple guys almost trip did you realize there were woman there . regroup and keep it live dang the serious old school players on the wood thank you for responding i have done it standing up and it worked but at the same time like you said laying down it can sit a dissolve things while your waiting 15 to 20 mins well i don't where you got your information sir but whites are less than the mority blacks and any other race . again more whites are on welfare and don't work any extra hours or work at all and recieve than any blacks on welfare and most of them work to recommened hours to aid in this . I can't stand how whites christian or not will ask or take ONE black person to answer for ALL blacks for instance i was surfing through the radio channel and happen to hear one of the radio host saying woman loves weird and wild and crazy guys i wanted to scream THAT IS NOT TRUE I'M AFRAID OF BIG MOUTH WEIRD AND CRAZY UNPREDICTABLE GUY to me you can't count on a man / male like that another thing all black women aren't afriad to swim and get their hair wet I NEVER THOUGHT LIKE THE RED BROWN LOOKING THING YOU SAID IT WAS SITTING IT LOOKED THE SAME WAY STANDING ONLY FROM WHAT YOU SAID . YOUR CAMERA WAS CLEAR THE WHOLE TIME THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN OUT OF FOCUS . SEEMS SUSPCIOUS sir are you alright i hear a wheeze in your voice get ears nose and throat and lungs and heart checked SHE GOT WHAT SHE DESERVES RUDE DISRESPECTFUL SILLY STUPID GIRL THAT PUT SHAME ON HER FAMILY AND HER MOTHER AND HER FATHER . BY THE WAY MOST JUDGES ARE SOOOOO ARROGANT THEM SELVES I DIDN'R SEE OR HEAR THIS FROM HIM HE ACTED FATHERLY THESE JUDGES SHOULD ACT AS MOTHER AND FATHER AND DISCIPLINE ALL PEOPLE WITH THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD . THIS JUDGE IS GOOD AND SO CUTE ALSO . bigfoots are in the trees and underground . WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE YOU AT ? IN A PLANE ? WHAT EVR THAT WAS WAS FIXED ON YOU . THOSE ANIMALS DIDN'T SEEMS TO NOTICED IT AND KEEP IT MOVING DIDN'T SEE NOTHING BUT THE CAMERA GOING BACK AND FORTH AND BACK AND FORTH ....THAT WA YOU OR YOUR DAUGHTER MAKING THOSE NOISES . DIDN'T SEE NOTHING CAN;T TELL YOU NOTHING that tub would have tippped over if it would have gotten it opened and made that ''' scoop ''' that would mean it probably had to be on your porch . ON THE EDGES DID YOU FIND HAIR ? WHY DON'T YOU SMELL IT ? PUT A CAMERA UP BUDDY WHY DIDN'T YOU THINK OF THAT . PUT A CAMERA UP LIKE YOUR DOING NOW THAT WAS YOUR BROTHERS DANG YOU FOR SURE CAME TO SKATE THE OLDER GUTY IS THE MOST EXCITING THING TO LOOK @ . HE WAS JAMMING . AND THE REST OF YOU SHOULD HAVE CLAPPED FOR HIM . JUST RUDE GO HEAD JAMES BROWN OR JAMES WHITE .. PICKED UP SOME SPICE AND RYTHUM SOME WHERE .. REAL NICE ..NICE TO SEE YOU ''''' LONDON'''' IT'S ALL GOOD TO SKATE WITH YOU . is that MICHEAL JACKSON ALSO IN THIS SONG ? 4 ; 19 THAT WAS BROTHER MAN FROM THE MARTIN SHOW ... LOL CREATIVE AWESOME BLACK PEOPLE KEEP IT UP . DANG ! YEAH RIGHT SMH .... BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOU DON'T KNOW THE BIBLE AND YOUR NOT LIVING IT . SMH... LEARN IT READ IT TEACH IT BE AN EXAMPLE AND EVEN IF YOU DO KNOW THE BIBLE FRONT AND BACK i DON'T BUT LEARNING MORE BUT I'M LIVING A CLEAN AND TRANSPARENT LIFE AS I GO ALONG . THE DEVIL KNOWS THE BIBLE BUT CAN'T LIVE IT . SMH ... ISN'T THAT SOMETHING . SINCE YOUR SO HOLY AND CLEAN IN PUBLIC AND BEHIND CLOSE DOORS PRAY FOR THE MAN OF GOD ALL MEN AND WOMEN OF GOD . BECAUSE I WANT TOO I'M NOT MOVED BY WHAT PEOPLE SAY I SHOULD DO ACCORDING TO WHAT THE WORLD SAYS I SHOULD DO . I WANT MY COMMENT TO BE SEEN AND COMMENTED ON ONLY . NOT TRYING TO OFFEND SOMEONE WITH CAPS . THAT IS WHY WE SHOULD NOT PUT AND EMOTION INTO A TEXT OR COMMENT . I'M STILL CONFUSED WHAT ? HUH ? EXPLAIN IN FULL DETAILS IF YOUR GOING TO PUT UP THIS VIDEO . SCIENCE IS FLAWED IN MANY WAYS BUT GOD IS NOT FLAWED . I FEEL FOR YOU THAT YOU ASK FOR A WORST THING TO HAPPEN OR COME UPON YOU TO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD AND HIS SON JESUS CHRIST . EVEN OTHER '' RELIGIONS BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST BUT JUST DON'T BELIEVE HE IS GOD AT THE SAME TIME . SO WHO AND WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE ? SO I GUESS IF SOMEONE TOLD YOU YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS MESSING AROUND ON YOU YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE IT ? OR JUSY CONTINUE THE RELATIONSHIP AND NOT IN YOUR OWN WAY CHECK IT OUT . TRY CHRIST ! HELLO HE IS 12 YEARS OLD AND OVER WEIGHT AND THOUGHT THAT THIS HELPS ME AND EASES DISCOMFORTS OF BOATING AND CONTIPATION AND HEALTH REASON FOR GOOD HEALTH . JUST WANT YOU HELP HIM MORE THAN EVERYTHING ELSE WE ARE DOING AS A FAMILY FOR HIM AND OUR SELVES . I THOUGHT IT WOULDN'T HURT BECAUSE IT'S JUST GOING TO THE BATH ROOM AND NOT A MEDICAL RISK . WOW ! OH I SEE YOUR THE KIND OF PERSON THAT GIVES IN TO PEER PRESSURE YOU KNOW THE KIND THAT ENCOURAGES YOU TO DO WRONG THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU ANY GOOD . I WAS COMPLIMENTING YOU AND SAID A PRAYER FOR YOU AND WISHING AND HOPED THE BEST . I'M SORRY I OFFENED YOU . I'M NOT THE KIND THAT CUSS AND SAY BAD THINGS NOT SORRY I DIDN'T SAY NORAMLLY WHAT YOUR USED TOO . I HAD TO GO BACK AND READ FORM FORGETING TO SEE WHAT I COMMENTED ON . I DIDN'T SEE THE PROBLEM . I STILL WISH THE BEST FOR YOU . wow ! really clear why haven't you taken this to the news or sent this to FINDING BIGFOOT SHOW so they could investagate ?,30,8,7,5,0,49,0 2897,X2898,"ya can always count on miss patti to over sing it looks like she's having a seisure what a beautiful tribute soo young and soo sad. god bless ya swamp rat so sad he was a very handsome man x my bowel froze when i first saw it on fb lol x and i like lesbians and irish prostitutes lmao i watched this when it aired i was 12 years old and i fell in love with her still sharp and relevant and funnier than ever x to me it looks like whitney was handing her crown over. goodnight miss houston sleep well xx love it when anderson says ,you're terrible, so cute was elizabeth having trouble with her haemeroids?? i love it when intimidating bullies get put on their arse love it reminds me of 70's soul. i could imagine the chi lites or tavares jammin it out too funny can i come to the next one lol 3 men holding 1 woman so she can be beaten you filthy cunts ya going to hell WHY??? i love it when drunken fools think they can fight the world lmao thats worse than the fight in bridget jones lmao i have never seen anything like this he could have killed her with the force he used 45 dislikes out of 1.5 million not bad going girls. perfection xx shes at leeds for easter weekend cant wait to go and see her iv seen nothing like it was wendy ever a man? fab acting btw lmao you are not going to go down when some bitch is battering you police brutality at its best maybe some racism to karma is sweet i hope he is serving a jail sentence and getting arse fucked on a regular basis. big man young girl he must be so proud of himself. fucking arsehole CUNTS i will not live long enough to understand SCUM like these how is that woman still walking? she's lucky she didnt get a good battering the silly cow i wonder what drugs she was on she is gurning up a treat. she nearly eats her face at 1 point. i dont think she would have been so mouthy if she didnt have that toddler on her knee i feel sorry for the child he is gonna grow up just like his mother with really bad views he should be removed from her and be adopted by a NICE family is she racist or mentally ill its hard to tell she's the only antm winner to have her contract renewed by covergirl. loved her from the moment i saw her and im so pleased that she is doing so well. you dont see much of the other winners i can imagine that tyra is so proud of her and miss jay had a soft spot for her to. is it getting a UK release? she was up against madonna janet tina and patti imagine a debut artist winning them all i hope she was really proud that night. such a shame the the way it ended goodnight miss legend xx i wish she had never met bobby brown he was the start of her downward spiral. its a bit like amy winehouse and blake whitney and amy would be alive today if they had not met such bad influences she was unbelievebly good my friend goosebumps when she hit the big notes. beauty and talent she had it all such a shame x oh my good god this takes me right back to better times you better hear what im sayin mmmm hhmmm dionne was whitneys cousin the rest was just bollocks we missed out on a massive comeback i still dont understand why aretha didnt show up at the funeral dionne introduced her and she didnt even know that she wasnt there. im a big aretha fan but she doent like competion. when asked who could play her in life story Aretha said she would like Halle berry to play her because there was no singer who could do it?? has she never heard of miss mary j. Halle Berry for christs sake has she looked in a mirror so gracious gotta love miss Warwick. when she sings ,dont make me over now that i'll do anything for you, it doesnt get much better. love to you miss D",37,1,3,5,0,41,1 2898,X2899,Killer sounds like Michael Cera... Kinda funny.,1,0,3,1,0,15,0 2899,X2900,"david you are soo right... not to mention funny as hell i got here from a wong fu video... WES. KILLED. PHIL. just realized the Justin Hughes reference... you should make a ,that girl, video :D 0:18 in 95% sure ryan's face is on the cover... 2:30 i got that kung fu panda reference(:",7,1,3,5,0,27,0 2900,X2901,Y L VIT NAM ! OK ?.,1,0,3,4,0,14,0 2901,X2902,Oh my goodness. What a wonderful heartfelt story. It is so nice to see two people who genuinely care about each other especially in this day and time. My husband and I will have been married for 32 mostly awesome years come May 1st 2013. When people ask us what our secret is we always say kindnes respectfulness and laughter go a long way. Good luck and best wishes to both of them.,1,0,3,5,0,53,0 2902,X2903,"LOOOK AT THE STARTING.. it says: CHAZ mod review =.= Tiddy I Think I Know What texture Pack It Is! It's: ModernCraft Thanks! Which Episodes Is The Waitress Pewdie do you like mustaches? O-o 1.4.4/1.4.6* Adam Conway Jiawei wang:Open .minecraftGo to Bin right click minecraft/minecraft.jar open it with Winrar/7zipopen your minecraft forge drop everything to your minecraft.jar (Including '...')Then Close Forge.Re-open bin and create a file called mod or if you have drag your jammy furniture mod into the file close everything.And open your minecraft. If you see FML thingy or anything just wait.when you open your map press 'Yes' not 'No' If not your minecraft will crash.Delete Meta-Inf My one is IP not IPv4 Adress we made mash potato from the squid that were so dirty He has the smart moving mod!! Sky LOL Can I Use Forge 7:43 lol that song No he's awesome. DAH BUTTER SWORD Dawn and Adam are already together ^-^ BUTTER TREAT FINALLYYYYY My minecraft crashed then I force update and it says ,Fatal Error(4), THE SQUIDS HAVE FAILED! MUAHAHAHAHA",21,1,3,5,0,18,0 2903,X2904,omg!!! play RuneScape next!!! lol... ok... but yay!! can't wait for more pokemmo... i'm still getting thru the storyline but i have a pretty decent team right now.... damn it... you're in australia too?? lol... you and ChaosDragonzFTW both live there... damn that layout is pretty sick!!! all you need now is billy trini and tommy when he was the green ranger... preferrably when they're all holo'ed out.... finally figured out what song he uses for the intro/outro... congrats on hitting 200 subs!!!!! in future episodes will it be possible for webcam calls and such? idk what it's actually called but i hope you know what i'm trying to say... lol... holy crap that's going to be a long ass time from now.. haha... comment i guess lol... just uploaded it... just watch it.. haha shut up... lol... i forgot i changed the hotkeys and pressed the wrong one... sad thing is since he's in a new region he has to use the region's pokemon to support the generation otherwise he'd roll with snorlax charizardpikachu lapras and any 2... but those 4 are easily his strongest pokemon... shit if he had those pokemon with him at all times i'd feel sorry for his opponents... if he does get new pokemon and fully evolve them he'd be un-fucking-stoppable... why does the pc version have more characters... for awesomenauts i have to buy it on the pc to play as gnaw... o well hopefully i'll get a new computer and buy all my games then... haha going to buy Decade Duels on the xbox tomorrow.. today was the re-release... :) well yeah but idk what i want now... i only wanted that gorz tbh... lol... damn.... btw do you have any more gorz? lol..,16,21,4,14,0,20,0 2904,X2905,Thumbs up if this guys sucks dick. squash the bug isn't right. that is what the little league coaches would tell their players for them to be able to get their hips around.,2,0,5,5,0,21,1 2905,X2906,"1:14 ,True skinny ass dude that's like 6' 150 lbs,6' 155 lbs here :( he hit the nail on the head see /watch?v=B_vCFKuXrQo i'm wondering the same thing sub* woofer someone PLEASE give me the story to this LOOOOOOOOOL",5,3,4,3,0,19,0 2906,X2907,5.56E+17 5.56E+39 5.56E+23 ... ......... 5555555555555555 55555555555555 5.56E+23 _ 55555 3 ... 5555555555555 2NE1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE SONG 3 _,13,5,3,7,0,18,0 2907,X2908,"good fecking come back boring red pen feckers with nothing better to do than pick fault. mega engineering as well. what some guy and a bit of noggin can achieve. man i forking love ppl like you you make my day. enjoyed it cheers guys excellent i think maybe it looks a bit cartoon like. but not to bad i suppose i seen a guy use an oil filter for one quiet as hell but also big as hell i think it sounds loud because he's in a hall and the reverb is quite bad. but oil filter who would have thought! i particularly like the god bless at the end lol. i personally dont believe in god but good defense thats ho you argue lol. love the fact that you used Christopher Reeves good man. if that bus driver gets sentenced to jail the world has faild! thet chick deserved to be thrown out at 70 m/h on the freeway fucking slag chopsy twatting news journalist! with a bit of luck he went home to find chuck Norris had payed him a visit and preformed the death touch on his wifeand cat! lol that is really bloody good! awesome i love a bit of shed engineering you cunt what do you know who the fuck do you think you are cunt. i tell you what you fucking little piss and of a human being give me your fucking address and i will come and show you who is fucking week! and you might be from the mill as with a comment like ,sign of weakness, im assuming you are well do tell me here the fuck you are based and who you are serving with so i can cut that toung out of your mouth you fucking crow! stupid little cunt i hope your kids die. well its official the American voting adds have begun! his next challenge is to brush his teeth XD sorry but i couldn't help myself. good documentary though ha ha ha ha ha mouth like a witchdoctors necklace very well done tim and sorry about your dad mucka. bloody good documentary ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aglo??? aha ha ha ha ha a haha h. fuck my life ahahahahaha cheers you just made my day biglad. foofing hell. thats what you are to me comedy! man you are class rely i need the uplift. groovy! phwaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha foofin love it what should be more important of a topic is the growth of apple and the use of modern slavery to fund their empire. that is a subject that needs to be out in the oppen 4:40 and onward makes my ball sack vibrate epic solo well i was going to watch this until i read the comments and religion was the number one reference! foofin hell give it up thank you Bryan now step aside i have work to do! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha foofin hell this is the first time i have heard him sing this. my word he does it well. gimp you are uber cool my wife got me one of these going early april. are there hotels near just a cheep travle stop will do me still not convinced? well fuck you then! i love you man",29,4,7,3,0,28,0 2908,X2909,I love how Suju and SNSD work together :) Both dream idols of mine 3 hahaha :) Hope they have moreeeee ~ ! By making this song does it mean wrote the lyrics for it? and composed it? This was the song that I fell in love with Eunji's vocals 3 So special and strong :) Best duet i've ever heard in my life 3 :) They must have love and chemistry between them to make this happen! :D Woah her strength is pure crazy... Sorry can anyone tell me which is Sunny's voice and which is Luna's? :x OMGGG THE CHILD ACTORRRRRRR 3 Moon embraces the sun actors !~! Brings back memory ... OMG looking forward to yoochun and eunhye 3 :) How to focus when all of them are soooo hooottttttt ?! Omg haha ~ I love jeongmin in this :) He looks sooooo cute ~! OMG THIS DRAMAA ROCKSSSS :'( THE ENDING IS AWESOME 3 Stop It was the song that made me come to love BAP :) Maybe that's why Stop It has more views than crash it's more catchy i guess in my opinion :) :) Nice Really nice Omo yoochun has matured soooo much ! ! haha :) He didn't get any singing parts for this debut :( Woah have to admit Yoona's dancing is gooooooooooooooddd and sexy :) 3 Who's the one at the left? Omg hahaha I love TVXQ :) They totally walked with swag like a boss :P JYJ is the most talented kpop idol group on earth :) Totally agree with Leila152 haha :D THEY ARE FKING TALENTEDD :D New :)What's the person's name on the extreme right with the reindeer hat the person on the extreme left with the guitar and the red shirt guy? Can someone please tell me? Thank you :) Haha the rapper looks like Bang Yongguk from BAP haha Daebak :D Yeah I agree with Yongguk not being in terrible pain because he has a tough image :) I love the parts with piano playing :) Wow their synchronisation is really good ! :D Do you realise in all BAP songs the general singing sequence is Yongguk Himchan Jongup Daehyun/Youngjae and the second rap part is Zelo's :D Hahaha I actually love TS Entertainment for supporting BAP soooo much ! :D They made 6 albums within 1 year ! And the cost for all the MVs are not small plus the songs of BAP before releasing the albums are not guaranteed to be successful (BUT OBVIOUSLY ALL OF THEM ARE :) ). Haha love B.A.P ! Fighting !! 3,27,2,4,5,0,23,0 2909,X2910,It's like a car crash....don't wanna look but I HAVE TO... Having opposite surgery in 3 weeks! So nervous but watching these videos have really helped my confidence! Thank you so much!,2,0,2,5,0,19,0 2910,X2911,making new videos .(: subscribe .3 jadah got a little wierd when my her dad said shaina could spend the night ;) Ur an amazing singer Do u have a facebook page I think of my cat XD hahah jk...i think of my soul mate Carson3 I love you babe ! This is the best song in the whole world. My boyfriend played it for me on the piano had a friend play it on the guitar. It made me fall for him even more then ever. I love him so much3 I love you Carson ! 4.14.11 3 Oh the irony !! Madison your so weird. I love you 3 Were hang out soon. K?(: Oh sing your heart out you beautiful boy33,9,5,3,5,0,20,0 2911,X2912,I Like this guy that is going out with my best friend and right know I'm getting a bit jealous I don't want to lose a good friendship with my best friend or with the guy I like but it's still hard to get over him. I'm wondering if I should just Forget about him or just be friends with him. I want to get over him but it is really hard to because he like really understands how I feel since he has been through the same things. What should I do??? :) OMG WTF ok sowie guy im just gnr hte for nw soo WTF was tht i jst thnk it looks werd tbh KOOL :p I love this song it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful it's an awesome song sung by this awesome singer LOVVEYUO ALYSS sounds like lil' kids if i was young enough to be yo girlfrriend :X What the fuck is wrong with this guy i mean seriously hes dry as hell SSOOO COOL you have a GREAT voice I wish i could upload a vid like yours but my friends might see I'm a bit shy :),8,0,2,5,0,22,0 2912,X2913,"The first song is called 72 virgins (Bloody Beetroots remix) by shitdisco. POOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!! PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP! POOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dope! I like drugs! Hey Man How about you smoke somewhere else and stop leaving your drugs on my porch. Man this song sucks bad. Why can't he go back to the classics like cart pig? Man I remember clearly when I was with those guys. They turned on me and my friend.. I still have the scars. I can't wait till the police get them for what they did to me. Hey this is Warp 1997 not Warp 1.9 Well you're not going to see that so too bad. It's over! Let it go! To everyone who is amazed by Thom Yorke's dancing I hope you don't call yourselves true Thom Yorke fans because he has always danced like this. This is nothing new... not high enough to make it... This sounds awfully familiar... kinda like this song Get in the cart Pig by Deadmau5 Someone please tell me where I can find that computer background the one with the smiley faces and mushrooms.... (when Kyle says ,Checking out some trippy visuals,)!!! 0:13 The guy in the stripped shirt arms are HUGE!!!!!!",13,0,4,5,0,26,0 2913,X2914,ferias what ? j foram :S bom video muito bom deu vontade de jogar GTA sa quando me borro com estes jogos fico com comichao xD liked ;:D bom video aconselho-te a ver os videos do 3nigma ele tuga e grande editor e tiras umas ideia quando quiseres editar :D need for speed underground Get low hahah bom bom amigo silent hill papinha xD eyeshot boaaaaaa vim so deixar o meu like :D its me marioo grande azar mano como voce podem ber xD esse sotaque grande video em abril vai acabar as BGS mas ta muito bom amigo ahhahah curti da musica de fundo amigo grande video gostei :D ass xterminator :D quando um gajo ta concentrado apanha uns sustos bem parvos bom video amigo hahahah teve graa xD um gameplay de bf3 pequenino :D,23,181,5,20,0,28,0 2914,X2915,"chi n li chym ra lun h? YTF!!!! tri anh bb trn nhn men z m ...Ung qu em l em thch anh nha d sao th c ln nha anh. Sng tht vi bn thn t nhin chn cu c 2 u rt p trai zo chng c lin quan z ti v trn h =.= oh that luck i want her to join in ceelo team. but this is the brand new group!!!! hhahah so funny because when he kisses that girl every body ,AAA, and then silence and then ,AAA, like they play Thrilling game hahaha ci xc c mm kh nhn qu some of call me maybe zng zng phim shuttter c chy qui c tng 11 thy hiu hin - like coi c khong 1 pht - b like wa dislike :)) i don't understand why people can dislike this vid?? wtf so bad i like bubble pop more",13,2,3,14,0,18,0 2915,X2916,:'( That's because he is. xD I loved this video so much Shane it made me cry. You are my inspiration! And all I want for Christmas is a Tree. I recently got evicted and now I don't have a real home. I don't care at all about getting presents I just want a tree. This video made my day Shane. Words can't describe how much I love it. I love you Shane! :) i freaking LOVE jb i started laughing so hard when i saw that :) lol 7:22 Did Darren say fuck he scared the crap out of me when he screamed barells! at the beganning omg! I miss Klaine :( I saw the nee glee Blaine and Kurt go to New York and do something together and they hug:) One Step To Getting Back Together,9,7,3,5,0,45,0 2916,X2917,ja ist sie ^^ I looove this :) I'm gonna see them on sundaaaaaay dudes!!!!amazing!!!!! Its awesome!!! im gonna get it and show it to eeeeeverybody :D but... who is the guy coming in at the end ??? :D:D:D ehh yeah. I'm not saying that gingers dont have souls cause i have red hair but nice potatoface. We're just saying you should stop doing that cause its quite embarrassing and im quite sure that not only im getting tired of seeing wobbly face. im always happy when the dog just appears in the background (: This is not meant to be a mean comment by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sau cool domi :) I am totally amazed (:,7,0,5,5,0,21,0 2917,X2918,I really like it XD SO clever! Bought n paid for off iTunes -3 Much love! x CLEVER BAYBEEEEE AWWWWW!!! THATS SOOO MEAN!!!! MOVE HIIIIM!!!! Ahhh! So cool! Haha,4,0,8,5,1,23,0 2918,X2919,"ZOE YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MY BEST FRIEND:)!!!!!!!!! This song is awesome!!!!! I just luv it!!!!! I give this movie as a whole 5 stars. Good job to all the cast especially Kristen who i am guessing worked extremely hard on this whole ,project,!!!!! I give it a thumbs up What is the whole point of this video? check my video out... Type in TANABEAR04092001 and click the Flying Frenchie I MEAN SO CUTE NOT DO CUTE :) Sorry but u r not to good at singing A LITTLE PITCHY HERE AND THERE U R SO GOOD AND PRETTY. I agree and we do treat her the best as can be could barely guess some of the pics. This is so cute This is so sad... I t seems my friend is going through this it didn't work",14,0,3,5,0,17,0 2919,X2920,Fuck Faberry. The one Quinntana moment and shitty Faberry's dragged into it.Quinntanas so much better just shut up . BombWarning you can go suck a cock. Don't go all Jeffrey Domer or w.e on anyone . And these are NOT Christians they write there own Bible. You're all foolish. This nut case obviously writes her own Bible dislike this comment. I've never seen a 'Top Rated' Disliked comment ! we don't have to say goodbye to it all I'm going there!. Can't wait. Fuck Faberry. I hate it with a passion. I hate Faberry Quinntana forever It's. Fine. Because Season 4. Yay ! No Faberry! Quinntan,12,0,2,1,0,20,0 2920,X2921,"the one person that disliked this was a prostitute named margo lol a little too much man kissing too be funny Why is shrek wearing pink 3015 ppl actually talk like that 2:10 hes saying to himself OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG They should make a special section in jail for assholes like this and have them walk around with pink jump suits for the fairys that they are... 4:33 ,IM not black, Bitch if ur not black kim kardashian doesnt like black dicks IS that the mom of Milton from Office space? totally talks like him.....HE TOOK MY STAPLER This is a horrible list Lol leave it to a mexican to bring up race u guys are all worthless women beaters who make california smell like a 3 day old torta sitting in the sun. ur parents prolly came here illegally u go back to mexico A cop has never been there when i needed them..i have been robbed twice at my gas station and both times it has taken over an hour to get a squad car out...good thing he wasnt pointing a gun at me or anything(sarcasm)...maybe if they werent busy sending 3 cops to one guy smoking weed in his car or taking a coffe break at a liqor store or donut shop. they would b around to help a citizen in distress...instead of just annoying society how about helping IT... ok first of all this cop should not still have his job what kinda douchebag refuses to talk to someone if they drop the f bomb ur telling me in his 20 years as a cop he didint have a crack head cuss him out? is this guys vagina bleeding.....omg this foul mouthed girl u wouldnt believe it she said fuck when she saw her dad dying....this cop is the reason everyone hates them they are never there when u need them only annoying to society This video is a perfect example of our tax dollars being wasted....instead of working on solving a homocide they are busy sending 5 cops to 1 kid smoking weed walking down the streeet..u worthless assholes....get a fucking clue alchohol kills millions a year and its legal yet weed is still illegal...thousands of tax dollars are spent on weed related crimes...stop wasting the courts/cops time and solve some real crimes.... Did you use a gopro camera? The door on ur left leads sisi boy back to his bitch. Its called editing.......... 50 seconds of good footage........ then 4 minutes of u saying OH MY GOD",16,0,7,2,0,23,1 2921,X2922,"so cute:) i miss him ,, she's thai",5,0,3,5,0,24,0 2922,X1845,"Muchas bendiciones para usted pastor. Excelente trabajo. I could not believe when I heard the recordings of you pastor speaking about praying for the dead of Barack Obama and saying how you hated him and gay people. Remember Jesus Christ was all about forgiving our sins and for us to get back in the right path. Instead of having all that hate in your heart I wish you could learn to love everyone only then you will know how to get into their hearts for them to know Jesus from your words. Leave the judging to God he has his plan. He was in his right to be there if not they would have arrested him. They tried all they could to get him out of there on intimidation and at the end they could not move him. That tells you he had the constitutional right to be in that place 'cause if they could arrest him they wouldn't even think twice to make an example out of him. People have the misconception that everything a cop says is law and should not be questioned but they are but men or women who sometimes don't even know the law. Great video man So many ignorant people. Cops doing their jobs right? They get them at gun point in a crowded place just to be mistaken and have to let them go almost right away? No tasers but guns. So if mistakes happen you are going to die an innocent citizen. So many stupid people who don't know their rights and don't care until they are targeted. Oh let them do it it's black people and the woman with the camera is loud and noisy she can't be right. Grow some brains and balls and know your rights. Love your reactions keep em coming Damn it Very amusing Elliot be like this every day I don't know for sure but king piccolo was not a namek he was the ,bad part, of kami that was expelled from his body. That's why he is actually a namek-like demon not a namek that's why he exploded instead of just dying this should also explain the red blood. But as far as i know a nameks cannot regenerate if their injuries are too great like in this case. They may regenerate an arm but not their entire chest and stomach. What ever happened to the 69 position? How did I know this was going to be a buy this toy episode? Because of that stupid toaster. LOOOL at dobby the elf you are so freaking funny Great book series thank you. I have a question why do you say something after you read their names? Like Laernu - Unreal. Another great book I remember is Palla vol. 1 and 2. I loved it. Read it if you find them. That zombie in the car scared me too. This game lacks a couple more moments like that one. So if your hair covers your eyes you have an emo look? That's not everything there is about that. La verdad no estoy seguro peru tu sistema operativo necesita un minimo de ram para correr si tienes 2 gb trata darle a la maquina virtual 1.5 y no tener ningun otro programa abierto en la pc Es un mando original de ps3? cuando lo conectas antes de instalar los drivers la pc lo reconoce? I like this kind of books in Skyrim when the story ends with a twist. What is a video without proof? Here is a video with proof that gohan is stronger watch?v=UhnqYW5rkNg Wrong watch this watch?v=UhnqYW5rkNg and see goku and vegeta together were no match versus super buu (nobody absorbed). Now then how can he win a fight with someone stronger? That is soooo coooool you are family of steve. Never in my life would have guessed it. What inspired you to do the ,lets read the books of skyrim, series? Did you know how many books are there? And do you plan to read them all or just the ones you find on your lets play? Thanks keep up the good work. Lol I love how you say OBOMO. God you are pretty. beautiful and friking funny. Can a man ask for more? maybe we are the most advanced race in the galaxy :D. Let's start building mass relays. Wouldn't you be happy if that was your job? I love ur face in every reaction ;) MD you HAVE to record it. Not for us and not to upload it anywhere. But you have to have that moment for later. You know like to have it there to show your friends or family or just for you to remember it many years from now. Well that's my opinion. I hope you have a great time. Lol at the illusive man :P I haven't watched the whole video but there should be a reference to mass effect regarding does zombies impaled on the sticks there. I'm buying that book. I hope someday I can be as good an author as you are. Are you spanish? Like do you live in Spain? Great vid md. God I miss ME. Can you tell me another good rpg game series I can play? Maybe Dragonage? I haven't played that one. I dont know something like the witcher 2 or ME. A great story with fun game mechanics. Thanks Thank you :) Jenna Marbles FTW I hope you could make a video with Angry Joe sometime. That would be epic.",36,345,8,38,0,24,0 2923,X2924,Fantastic riding! Great job!,1,2,5,9,0,19,0 2924,X2925,... hi ppls waz up hows life lol i luv yall i will also miss all my pallys im going to miss u guys so so much sharonelisesamanthajanaamicelestealiyahaaronjadecorey and maybe cameron hello every1 sorry for not coming on plenty /: feel bad anyhuw adios c(: my youtube account got hacked can that happen :o,6,17,3,5,0,14,0 2925,X2926,"Kermit reminds me of Mr Burns from the simpsons.. He produced the ,So you think you're a wizard, parody too :) 5 hot boys dancing round me yes please the guy with the long hair has gorgeous eyes the guy with the long hair has gorgeous eyes did adele plan to get pregnant or did it come out of the blue uninvited Kingleys reactions cracked me up firstly she's called Kristen not Bella. Secondly cheating doesn't make her a slut and why is she the only one getting called these horrible names and not the director? exactly. Lastly Rob has forgave Kristen. You don't know what happened between them so you should probably keep your nose out. If you have nothing nice to say don't bother saying it at all. i love the aggressive dancing in this video. I love this song too. drunken bilbo! :D 2 so you think you're a wizard",10,6,4,1,0,15,0 2926,X2927,la isla bonita od madone :) Iako je ovo parodija glupa si ko kurac. Nenormalno se pie zajedno! Slaem se sa tobom ali nisi u pravu to se tie pravopisa ;) Good luck you go girl :D Odlino! Nadam se da ete uskoro u NS :) it's a pony tail :P I'm from Serbia and I'm watching this to learn Russian better :) it's the best way :D OENI ME :) TIPINO SKRNAVLJENJE DUA ME BOLI This is the best song ever!!! Hahahahhaha :D so true :) How to downoald this? odlina :),13,22,5,1,0,21,1 2927,X2928,ok people keep saying your really good at singing the truth is your not and you know your not... everybody needs to stop saying shes good because you know shes not your just getting her hopes up and one day its gonna turn around and bite her than she will hate all the people who lied to her which is you i dont want to be mean but im only stating the obvious you are very pretty but face it you cant sing ok....... this is a really good cover i always have to listen to it when i go on to youtube your both really talented dont give up you should really go on a t.v show like britians got talent or x factor good work guys love it x ignore the people who call you an attention seeking whorefat or ugly because your not any of them your prettybubblyTHE RIGHT SIZE and funny. im just like you all i want is the truth about how ugly/pretty i am shes not asking for attention people she is asking for the truth it may have come across you in that way but seriously shes only little (no affence) she wouldnt say things like that to you if you uploaded a video like this so stop with the nasty comments she has autism you assholes she didnt ask to be that way so stop calling her ugly and sayin shes rubbish at singing she likes it so who cares if you dont like it dont comment stop putting her down by putting nasty comments your all just a bunch of dickheads,4,0,2,5,0,31,0 2928,X2929,Dave Nemo plays this god awful song at least 100 times a week.i wonder how long it took to come up with the beat and loop it over and over.. fuck BigCat and fuck Swift :) fuck Swift and this stupid porch monkey who loves them.. not that i really give a shitbut i wonder how much it cost them to have this tractor wrapped.i'm assuming that it's still governed at 60 mph.. that dude playing the piano looks like the guy that owns a 7-eleven or a Motel 6.. i'm nominating this person for Man of The Year.he has massive balls!!! this is a billion times better than Rascal Faggots version.. it was an absolute honor to be a part of this video and i'm proud that he represents my hometown!! LET'S ROLL!! @SNMmountains ohhhh look at me I'm an HVAC Tech(which basically means that you and your co-worker crawl under houses and buttfuck each other while installing A/C vents.btw if it weren't for truckers you'd pretty much be fucked.. @HalifaxHercules if it wasn't for the United States your shit hole country known as Canaduhhh would cease to exist.. as a resident of Alabama i agree with this law.if you wanna stay then become a citizen and pay taxes like everyone else.otherwise pack up your anchor babiespiata's and get the fuck for the tree hugging faggot who's making these videosno one gives a shit about your hippie bullshit views.go back to Nazifornia.. I'm from Alabama and i thought this was funny but Bill Maher is a tree hugging hook nose kike douchebag @iziah0205 you're a fucking moron @xxHeartShatteredxx 3701 Southwest 12th Street Topeka 66604 United States fuck the ATA and all your allies who are pushing for EOBR's!! if it somehow happens to pass we will riot i hope that asshat KC Phillips from Dave Nemo's show doesn't become the permanent replacement.RIP Bozo i remember when this was the game to go to back in the day greymoose is probably 38 years old and still lives at home with mom and dad.USC can go suck a black man's penis.RMFT ROLL BITCHES!! how did you record this? i've been trying to figure out a way to record my crank calls this has Oscar written all over it fuck the TCA and fuck your shitty music,22,4,8,2,0,31,0 2929,X2930,I've loved Duran Duran for a long time and I think this is a great song. I do disagree with the cruel practice of wearing fur though. Hence I could do without the video but I will keep on enjoying the song.,1,0,2,5,0,45,0 2930,X2931,l3ve this song,1,0,4,5,0,27,0 2931,X2932,"This song is sung by Ali'imau JR Scanlan. He's playing all of the instruments and singing background vocals. He's been around for a long time. He sings a lot of songs with his sister Mary Anderson and brother Bernard. I like ,Russian, out of all them. I still like it :) hes probably looking in the mirror! but it dose not explain the Nuke and the skeleton in a jet.... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?!?!?!!? I understand Squidward... I'd freek out too. if one cheat code is true its $1. By now I'd give him 100 dollars. XD The fans are probably like: ,Go Micheal Lego-son!, xD were the f__k did you get the f___in dinosaurs!?!?! i saw one Jedi with a Geonosian for his head. xD My version of the song is: I'm uglie and i know it i don't work out xD here is a joke i died. Monster: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i totally jumped after the cat showed up! it was so ,LOL, i have my version of Count Dooku: Count Koo-Koo opee won kenobi poo gon jinn vs. Darth paul xD Fat guy: i'm sky diving! Army ship: WTF!!!! Fat guy: Oops the Oncler: How ba-a-a-a-a-d can i be? i'm just following my destiny! Random person: what the heck? You wanna know what school stands for?: Six Crapy Hours Of Our Lives I laughed so hard at 3:29 but once i saw a 2nd time i didn't laugh My little sister is loud and could cry so much... but this is just like 100000000 times worse. :I This is the worst song ever made in the world. xD (I'm just kidding) Mom: kids we have a new book The _____ story! Kids: lets read it! watch this^^^ Ants: you look cool. Centipede: yeah. and your stupid, 1 hour later ^ this vid^ Probably in Darth Vader's head hes thinking: I've already been burned before i don't need to be burned again!, lOl",23,0,5,5,0,57,0 2932,X2933,4:40 thumbs up if you noticed the grow-so-mo is in the candle they dont make pink iphones.. I read play on my phone. and nap Buttercup can I still audition? is this still open for auditions? @sevenfabulousteensThis is my audition :) If you don't get the chance to watch it...Name-TaviAge-12From-US Nevermind :) it works now I can't like this comment because I'm watching this in 2000 BC on my IStone my friend. Dress 2 Pajamas 2 Casual 1 {Don't get me wrong I love 1D but the first outfit is more seasonal and Christmas-y :) } you look really young i don't think you should curse... how old are you/ love the phone case I hate comments like these. I have diabetes. Diabetes does not come from eating sugar. Type 1 what I have Is caused by... Well they don't know what it's caused by. Overweight adults get Type 2. Mother and Son should win I was getting suspicious with that box... I think Michigan allows it at age 14 but I'm not sure so #nohate I don't like regular... or diet. I drink Iced Tea now. I love your hair and earrings :) Ok but sugar doesn't cause diabetes. I paid $18! Uhh FARTS! ahah you're awesome. Wait how old are you? I'm not hating I'm just wondering.. @gymgirl101100 I have 18 :/ it's a bad habit you got highlights right? I love your hair and I've been wanting highlights... How'd you get your mom to get them? I can't believe this smack me with a raccoon (thumbs up if you saw it) she transferred to STT and now shes on SSG 0:02 Charming Charlie Donald3 It doesn't just say have courage it can say live colorfully or other sayings. pink and black swimsuitblue dress owl clockowl dresser pink bear,29,12,3,21,0,37,0 2933,X2934,no uncensored version...! someone send me a link if u got one oh and the things id do to its all true lol he wasn't a zombie...he was tripping on a new drug that just came out there is a few more incidents like this one... id fuck her... lol then great job dude how the hell do you come up with this shit....are you minecraft einstein???? i have always wanted to get one of those... I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! RACK CITY BITCH!,11,4,6,10,0,30,0 2934,X2935,A dolla make me holla honey boo boo ;D i still have the 3G.. xD haha. Whats that box that you hook up to your iPhone and it prints out your pictures called? (:,3,6,4,2,1,17,0 2935,X2936,tht is the saddest thing :'( hahahaha look at Dani's face at 3:59 lol i love them OMGOSH I CANT BELIEVE U SAID SOMETHING TO ME I LOVE U AND I LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT U R AMAZING! U r something special and u need to keep singing. u r amazing u sound like Taylor. 1:52 to 1:57 so cute! grow up you are beautiful and what happend to ur wrist? he is was so beautiful :''''''''''( I love your hair short you are beautiful and its amazing wat u did it shows wat kind of person you are :) you are amazing and beautiful and i feel u and i know wat u mean :) IT IS THE CUTEST THING EVER WHEN NIALL SAYS OW! 333333333333333333 I like watching Justin Bieber ones because if i watch Taylor Swift ones i cry i almost cried during the Justin Bieber ones though too Breath taken! THT WAS HFVRUDMONFHE AMAZING IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOO COOL I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3333333333333333333333333333 1:04 aww! :( poor puppy 2:06 AWW!!!!!! LOUIS AND HARRY'S ARMS ARE LOCKED TOGETHER!!!!!!! 10:25 AWWW HARRY!!!!!!!!!!!! 33333333 what was the question? who's ron PLEASE RESPOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who's paul? 1:36 sooo cute!!!!!!!!!33333333333 :) YOUR AMAZING! you sound like Taylor Swift and you r sooooooo pretty! 13 YOUR AMAZING!!! Your sooooooo pretty and you sound just like Taylor!!!! :) 13 wow ur really good :),22,2,3,5,1,21,0 2936,X2937,Bets 128gb ipad When does it end Gizmo sent me Ps vita,5,2,3,11,0,17,0 2937,X2938,Der song ist Geil Das Lied ist Geil und sie ist auch Geil Heheh :=) Geil alle poliziesten suchen die frau und nicht Takagi Lol Sie ist dmmer als mein schwester :) Feeter Bied,5,0,2,5,0,22,0 2938,X2939,This is called BestLuckShots :P Black ops 2!!!! Please :) Yous should make a wall with a creative fan mail so everybody an see it!Like so he can see!Pewdie you are so awesome keep it up Uber BRO! Prank hookers!!! You are beautiful! Guys if you wanna?I am a starting commentator that plays all new Call of Duties.I also do funny stuff so come check me out!Thanks anyway.Keep it up Woody! Nice intro MUZZAA! How about no! its funny to see Pewdie you kinda shy with your girlfriend ;)Adorable man! You are posting some good stuff man!Keep it up ;) can you create your own emblem? I just watched tjis for the 4th time :PAweome job man! What gun is that wich you are using? Contimue the other series of metro 2033 it is awesome! nobody is gonna read that shit indeed! WTF an xbow can you play with that now?I have premium can I play with it? This game looks so real! wooow Apple juice with banana sprinkles ;)Yeeey! I love this shit Franky :)More please! How did you get to this information man ;)Damn facking weird shit I guess.I think it is the same like bigfoot.Everybody claims they same him but never one single person captured it ;) Yeey more metro 2033 :) elgato for the win? Yes he definitly did ;) How did I eaven get here :PFrom nice kittie cats to this?WTF! Best moment ever!10:16aahahaaahah! How do you move like snake? The hobbit is one epic movie!I recomend!! Well I must have to click the like button now ;) I make chatroulette videos!Come take a look if you want chatroulette fun!/watch?v=9drvZvq62E8,29,131,3,31,0,20,0 2939,X2940,I freaking LOVE THIS SONG! That was good 4 a 9 year old but ur voice hasn't matured enough yet This made me cry it sucks that people bully until it drives them 2 suicide I hope the people who bullied her feel terrible and they know it's they're fault U should b lead singer in victorious instead of victoria justice! My finger had a baby!!!!! Rats just dumb DUMBLDORE!!!!!!!!!! Ron Ron Ron Weasly! VOLDEMORTS NIPPLE!!!!!!!! :) Luv it! this is a unforgettable song i memerized the words after 2 times of listening to it.,9,1,2,1,0,22,0 2940,X2941,Deserves WAY more views! Weed is the best drug ever nothings wrong with it. no health ishues Hes a human shut the fuck up burn in hell. Sick! i wear my underwear inside out :D FAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Shit swagggggg nigagagagagaggaaanoga fuck fuck fuck my pussseeehhh mmmm baby baby shit burgers :) No there not.. awkward boner :D it's a character form naruto. :) you have to figure out his name though :p its a dubstep not the real version. so shut the fuck up and enjoy it as a dubstep. No it's jsut a command to tell your computer to delete a whole bunch of files. Dat ass :p Awkward boner :/ it fucking fake you retard i always make people happier when they talk to me :) don't know why. maybe my heart? when you notice that the screen is fliped haha Superman is not the strongest. hulk can beat him anytime trust me hulk get's stronger and stronger super man is VERY strong but he does not get stronger and stronger. its funny cause hes canadian haha just saying xD good signer tho :) 40 to 50 punds. to bad. I see numbers. thats all i see. shut up.,23,19,2,15,0,22,1 2941,X2942,OH DIOS MIS ODOS ESTN TENIENDO ORGASMOS. ASDKALSDKALSJDLKASJDLKASJDLKASJDLKASJDAS. belibiber WUT. En mi caso hay canciones de Justin que no me gustan o no me llegan. Pero por eso no voy a ser belieber? Estas cerrada de mente. nobody's care.,4,10,3,3,0,17,0 2942,X2943,Hahahahahha ...! Can't stop laughing (: Next time ... Keep the camera still ! I like it (: Thankk U Love Love LOVED It (x OMG! She is so cute! You go Lexi! this made me smile 3,8,1,2,5,0,21,0 2943,X2944,press 2 for epic bloody cum shot. and 7 for epic line. skizzy mars - colours WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!!!!!!! the first three i believe and makes your fourth invalid because that scene is played in slow motion in the actual video i ga dis book i just love how its a friendly match and literally no one was taking it seriously just laughing and having fun. but leave it to T2 to look like a dip shit and talk trash... in fact the only one to talk trash during the all star match. lol Japanese actors are amazing to think the same guy and girl performed in all those different advertisements. who noticed the kid getting dragged away by jocks in the background at 1:48? ...braces. she needs em. why didnt she just unlock the doors?,11,1,5,5,0,21,0 2944,X2945,"I know you said you better pay attention to the drama too but you had no reactions what so ever when Younjae was getting beat by the bad people you were just laughing it was funny. BAP - ONE SHOT!! 3 3 Comments about it was Yoona who brought you here. I loved this song before this Yoona person said she/he liked it. (Who is Yoona btw?) This song is so DOPE! Jinusean are so COOL! 0:36 ,Daddy I'm sleepy.., Youtubers react to Harlem Shake 3 AT FIRST I WAS LIKE YOUNGJAE NO THEN I WAS LIKE YOUNGJAE NO I guess we do xD I love your reactions! So funny! xD",9,80,4,35,0,16,0 2945,X2946,"lmao : its hard out here for a pimpits funny when jim and bob where tlking ! hahahaa holdah holdah holdah holdah lmao and her hair came off when the puppy jumped on her and licked her and then it came baq on .. is she wearing a wig lol? imma start using ,NIEN,!'axe' ---- lol nigga got a life saver this video is so weird it scared mi LMFAO ! : girl watch out you stank hoe yea lets shuffle iGuess iT Was Too Much Work SO Yhu Jus Put : CAKE CAKE CAKE .... ! damn more ppl dislike than like poor NICKI wth kinda shoes does 2 chainz have on ? r they cheetah print ? if i would b stuck on an island with A FRUIT it would b strawberry because i love strawberry's but if u tlking abt someone from AO it would be passion fruit because she's fun and a girl and i need a girl to b stuck with (no im not a lesbian) gymnastic stuff i dont remember to eat LOL or to put on the ground and make someone slip on it plz put ur foot down LMAO 1D is MUCH better and sexier than JB for a fact! im going to cry! zayn and harry dont know how much love they have comming from girlz they r so sexy 3 i wish i could meat 1D who let the oranges out who who who who !!! LMFAO the funniest video . his name is Tyler James Williams how 97 ppl dont like this song ? they mus b mad they got turned down for the prom or something ! 4:21 tyga look so cute",23,65,3,1,0,22,0 2946,X2947,"so the person should really change the title to give credit to ,The Little Ones, from making the song and lyrics cause the lead singer of the band is the one who's singing right now Crystal Castles just turned it from rock to electronic ^-^ those lyrics belong to Snow Patrol the song is called Chasing Cars i like the guy punching the giraffe now do it at a funeral! this works for me!!im obsessive like you when it comes to the usage of space! yes 1:59 ,YEAH YOU GUYS ARE THE GREATEST!!, squeals like a little girl* bad acting it was kinda to awkward to watch but i love the story line just get ur actors in place not sad that i rather go to UMBC now instead of UMCP",9,4,3,4,0,17,0 2947,X2948,i wonder what the people driving by think. a man with plastic over his seats a bib on scarfing down some ribs lol...seriously though keep up the good vids man!! FAIL...stop trying to attempt to turn this into primetime network television audition/competition shows and stick with the original format/presentation. this sucked. people come to youtube for youtube and original content. not pre-scripted and pre-written B.S. so incredible epic lol 2 to 3 weeks?? that sucks bro. here in ohio they process a license photo on the spot. it only takes about 3-5 minutes for it to process. california dmv is lame. hah!! trust me i didn't reply. a reply incorporates me pointing out all of the fallacies and illogic principles of your statement. don't want to waste time on garbage like yourself........yet if you persist the options at the end made me lol this was a good episode!! fill ourselves with his seed lol i can't wait for this game. it's gonna be so awesome!!! fuck yeah!!....nice booty on this bitch classic this guy sounds like a computer lol epic lol such a good song that guy at 1:30 is still working there?? he was in a drive thru video with ed and jack vale from a couple years ago lol childhood memories. this was such a fun and cool game. damn that is sexy he probably got her an onion ring as a wedding ring lolololol.....fat fuck IMPORTANT: It's good that you fed them but the call was fabricated. the delivery vehicle had no pizza store magnet or store identification on it. Pretty sure that's required under law lol. That call was fake and the person delivering it was in on it. They ordered it themselves. Nice attempt. Good that you fed the homeless though lol i think this is the first time you've had your glasses off in a vid lol this channel sucks now. a spiraling demise much in the way of failblog. thanks youtube. william h. macy too lol too bad they don't put the sweet onion chicken teriyaki sub on the 5$ menu. that's what i usually get. so tasty. such a good song spaghetti?? more like spaghetto lol lol kinda reminds me of sim city....also maybe you should start posting videos so the intro is actually worth something....just saying i love this song that looks so amazingly good good stuff. chicken teriyaki is the best!! correct,33,11,4,36,0,24,1 2948,X2949,"happy birthday JAPANESE because I love Japan. i'm a 96 child but I remember playing hopscotch and watching All That Rugarts Hey Arnold Lizzie Miquire NSync. etc. Don't cut me out because I am not a 94 child. hey buckley you should do a review on this song called gold everything by trinidad james Buckley can you please do a musical autopsy of this song called, All Gold Everything, by Trinidad James. i watch the live action movie first and it was amazing. this show is amazing and i love beat crusaders song on here. this is japanese. it is only english dubbed. why did they take your taylor swift musical autospy he's coming back in the live adaption of black butler and he is going to play Sebastian! no shit sherlock Your username shows a lot about you first song is my favorite. every time it plays something epic and drastic happen to the straw hat crew. i hope this song plays as the reach the last island raftel It is sadly. You see Dan was planning to make a 4th season but nick cancelled it because it was too long. So what they did was split season 3 into two separate seasons. That is why this doesn't seem like a proper ending. Buckley can you do a musical autopsy of Trinidad James song,All Gold Everything,",14,1,4,5,0,16,0 2949,X2950,"You're nor how I imagined! :D OKEY this is ascending new heights. Lets cool down. I myself like to discuss about the fine line between faith and fact but when the conversation turns into a : ,you're stupid and ugly and nobody likes you go fuck yourself, conversation then we now that the ones who's saying so have no relevant arguments but just want to troll on the internet. Just because someone has other opinions (even if they are false) that you that doesn't mean that you can be a scumbag and treat them like shit! You either answer with a relevant argument or you stop trolling. I see you've never watched a political discussion before! How would it end if everyone would cry out loud: You're a retard! You're ugly! Nobody likes you! How did this guy get so many likes??? Hi! Can you please review the other civilization games up to 5? Gangnamstyle xD Great video! :D",6,2,3,5,0,15,0 2950,X2951,seriously dude i couldnt look at your face without busting out laughign everytime i saw that mask. whee do you get the cage at? :o the fat kid looks like a stupid pig. where do you get the metal at? walkwalkwalk flop walkwalkwalk flop can you start showing your face so we can see the expressions on your face while your talking lol make it even more funny next time you cliff jump spread your legs as far apart as you can they say its the best way to land in the water. haahahaha hahahahahahahaha mr bean well this isnt england your a retard for going to england with a toy pocket knife and nobody cares. more captions this is amazing and very touching i would love to do this to rescue a dog i love them so much they are the most amazing animals ever. u can get a moped from the souveneer thing at the carnival fail spelling sorry but ye the moped is second best other then the go kart What if you jack asses got made fun of like this you would be pulling your hair out or suiciding right now you people think things are funny well your wrong you think this shit is funny because your not him you are not the one dealing with this they are and maybe some of you are victims and thats why you say shit becuase its over the internet and they cant do anything about that makes you feel better thats sickening your all pathetic peaces of shit and you need to learn that these are humans. or maybe your the one that needs medicine. Garbage like this he probably doesnt even know what a fag is do you need a dictionary mayhew or are you going to go look it up on google then reply with the definition and say that you already knew what it meant if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all. What a loser bro if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all but i wonder why they let trash like you on youtube. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa yea but this isnt the hole story this lady might have actualy pushed him to far lol take it off take it off take it off woooooooo what kind of mask did you use where did you get it from. what kind of mask did you make it from was there something in the pond? idk why but watching this video made me laugh its funny idk how it just is. No it really isnt and he isnt a retard if you were that kid it would not be funny so dont comment on videos or make stupid comments about what other people have to say when you know they are right and you are wrong.,26,0,3,5,0,17,1 2951,X2952,wooterz Reality hit 559 people hard. 1:10 LOLMAO C x2G x2A x2.F x2 in the background :D TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL thats ftw :L ........a i dont like the olympics either. This Geeza = PotentialFWTWFFWTFWFWF Viewed by: 33272 accounts of Syndcate. :') Masturbation -.- Bisexual-making cupid? 0_0 Who else just searched loud music and saw what came up? Fischio bambino :P Noob put a download link. Nobody cares ;) I think he's on about zombies :P First comment of 2013 FTW,17,2,3,5,0,19,0 2952,X2953,wooooow!!! It's a poisong!!!... a correr a travs de mi cerebroy simplemente no puedo contenereste sentimiento que permanece... Thanx for the music!!! Thanx for the hairstyle!!! Thanx for the music!!! Thanx for the Garbagestyle!!! Super!!! Like the Halley's Comet!!! A wonderful song!!! A great song! Podrian haber tocado ellos algn tema de Soda o de Gustavo... De esa forma demostraban un verdadero compromiso... Saludos a todos los que estamos con l (G. C) Gracias!!! Wooow!!!!,11,10,6,3,0,22,0 2953,X2954,"may God save our ears :D coba search: Power Metal wow.. they're smart! semoga kebaikan diberikan untuk aa dan yang posting ini. terimakasih ya. you make my day Panda!!! Aa.. terbittttt Truly Priceless... thank you for sharing this amazing moment. mendengar lagu ini berkali2 = SINTINGGGG!! gosh people... stop yapping about parenting. They're just kids with their cuteness no matter what. Enjoy! terimakasih banyak untuk yang meluangkan waktu untuk membuat ini. Terimakasih. Terimakasih banyak ya. so sickkkkk!! oh.. poor Windows.. you're clueless with the term ,cool,. May your family always in happines Good Lord!! Glad to see you back! can see the point. I think we just need perfect song with ,today, arrangement. If she can find it We together can judge and enjoy. Hope so. Hate jazz!! Tapi ini sebelum saya mendengarkan kamu. Smoga banyak pintu terbuka buat kamu!! Good luck! big voice with bigger personality! Love the whole of you!",19,0,8,2,0,34,0 2954,X2955,i swear justin godsey is just a god:D you guys are frikkin amazinggggg!!:D i love stephennnn:) i absolutely love sean malto!:D hes the cutest thing aroundd:DD sean malto is just perfect!:) oh sean malto! hes just amazinggg!:) luckyy!! his songs make me happy:) he sneezedd! lol so cute! hes an awesome skater:),9,0,3,2,0,20,0 2955,X2956,Nah man... there has to be something we're missing.. That booty be wiggling haha With only his nose ? Good thinking bro Title says ''deam theater'' Just a heads up. Nice cover Slashing is good when playing as a knight in 1v1 fights. Razerwhat are you doing?Razer!Stahp! If you work with video editing you are going to have an expensive computer full of expensive software. If you work with photography you are going to have expensive cameras lights and other equipment. This is how James makes his living and it's a hobby of his. Think about it. Well? What was the result? We all wanna know ;) It's his sister.. You might be a bit daft.. Love it how you could take almost every song that Igor has covered replace one of the title words with ''Igor''. And get instant thumbs up. Get a tight bright green spandex overall. As you see in the video there is no camera movement. Thats important. All you need is a single frame without the skater in it.Step 1: Freeze the frame without the skaterStep 2: Make it the bottom layer.Step 3: Add the same footage on top of the freeze frame.Step 4: Use whatever Chroma keying technique you want to cut out the color of the overall.Step 5: Youtube money! ''I am the owner of this footage. NOT BradyReveiwz ! shitt funnyyyy asss helllllll doe''You do not own this footage. Neither does BradyReveiwz. Strat for playing rock. No just no. He has a valid fucking point.. Just as i expected we are part of a higher race. If i received a penny for every time ozzy started a song with the phrase ''go fucking crazy!''. Lets just say that i would go fucking crazy! That case is so fucking ugly. It's a yamaha guitalele. Kinda cool to have the same guitar as Igor hehe That face hes making as he walks in is priceless^^ Picture this. Your job is to keep the road safe for innocent people. And you know that a lot of people are aggressive towards cops. Then this guy comes along and start to talk shit and makes your job hard i myself would see him as a threat. So to be on the safe side you taze him. And after tazing him his wife runs out and starts screamin. That would probably stress you out. It's all about the point of view. Why the fuck would you call it ''le 9gag'' ?,21,72,4,13,0,21,0 2956,X2394,LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IM SCARED PLEASE DONT EAT ME AND TURN ME TO YOU I LOVE HER i relly love andrea russet i spend my time watching her vids how can i send u a letter or an email or an text something? lol thts y i dont make vids cus they will be like girl i saw u and crap and i love siging im going ot make vids for tht hey andrea can u do a shout out for me on my birthday its may 18th im gonna be 11 im a big fan of u thank you and please reply :) hey whats up imma give a shout out to the two best people on the interenet Andrea Russet and Emannuel hudson you should give him some tooth paste too lol lol 79 dollars gurl please lololololol love u glozell so funney no girl dont teach me how to dokkie ewwwwwwwwwwww i would have left y all ur vids so short lol I WANT MORE omg how haliriouse i love white people and im black but ur rasist but can leave out of this planet ur bogis very bogis and i cant believe tht thumbs up if u agree she aint do the clik clink thing with her mouth bad glozell wow lol get out get out GET OUT GET OUT steeping on a spider should be the scariest thing in the worldsvdyfhkaFF SUGFKEDJC hyafjgfatdddyitrt yfrUWFKIRTEFUKERTJGWER RUGJHWEGUF RKQAGFJF DEGQWERHF BWEQYVFJ EQJFQHJF HEGHQD WEFWQGWEFBJ SDFHGRWFBWE i know u gotta keep it real though i saw the person open it team mizz.twerksum to bad i dont have a twitter yall got a new girl I HOPE U THINK THT U CANT SING CUS U CANT btw HER NAME IS NOT GIRL IN THE RED ITS ANDREA RUSSETT omg watch i bet they gonna have a baby just watch ITS FAKE IF U THINK IT AINT UR FAKE so ignorant NO BODYS PERFECT and u saying she a mily wanna be guess what mileysn on crack how u feel how feel smh WE DONT DO THT JUST TO LET U N=KNOW IDIOTS I CAN DO ALL THE STUFF U TRIED TO DO i really dont blike u U AINT ALL THT peter u may not know me but im ur girl friends bff and u be hurting her feelings btw if u wanna know who she is than go on my page im stuck on 1:41 ;like gosh dangit show meeeeeeeee,33,0,2,5,0,14,0 2957,X2958,Theres no need for a dubstep . . . the worlds biggest bass attack comes halfway through the original what a loser,2,0,2,5,0,25,0 2958,X2959,Great words great duet vocals great melody great production and a song so fitting for the impending harsh wind of unemployment and hopelessness breezing through western economies. As Peter and Kate say Don't Give Up and Kate's words of we don't need much are so inspiring - we can all live more simply but need to do it together - as community. An anthem. This song stands out as one of my top 10 from the 90's. Great vocal range great climactic chorus and superb instrument playing. Ideal to bring you out of a low point for driving to for letting it all hang out to. You've just got to turn up the speakers for this one....and add a little bass. Nice one. TGtheradioman This has made it into my Personal Top 10 not because of any personal resonance to the lyrics but it's just perfect in music production vocals and mood to sum up the misery of the thrill having left what was a special loving relationship. It's got honesty regret and that deep deep sadness - just listen to that bass those building strings and BB's guitar playing. Sublime This will be regarded as a classic pop song in a decade's time hopefully sooner. It's simple in the same way as John Lennon's Imagine. That guitar in between each verse is very Beatle'ish. Stevie and Dave's duet is perfect. This has made it into my Personal Top 20 Probably one of the most important protest pop songs of the last 20 years. This should be played on every General Election Day as a message to politicians rather than all the sham excitement that things are gonna change! Yeah right. It's a shame this song hasn't jerked us all out of our complacent slumbers. What a shame Duran Duran has been reduced to this circus of models engaged like tarts in tasteless soft porn trash. The fans of this once proud British pop group will see through such cheap thrills. What a shame that mature adults are setting such a poor example. Well done to all media who refused to show this garbage. I'll go and get my complete set of original Duran Duran singles out and enjoy the group as they were in their heyday before their need to stoop to the gutter of immorality. This was my record of the week on Pirate BBC Essex in 2009. It was so thrilling to re-introduce this long forgotten sixties gem to listeners and to some for the first time. The great Johnnie Walker liked it so much after hearing it again on Pirate BBC Essex he played it on Radio 2's Breakfast Show. Top song great production. I love it when the strings come in and then the backing singers. It's in my Top 20 of 60's music I remember the Essex Soul Man introduce this song to me when I worked with him at Essex Radio. It became one of my favourites - I just love the rhythm so danceable joyous and with so many climaxes. Probably the most underrated song of Luther's. Thank you Essex Soul Man John Leech still the UK's premier soul music radio presenter. Great vocal performance from Roger. This song's got dramatic presence which is made for Mister Daltrey's vocal talents. Fab drum and strings too - excellent production This is the best thing Gabrielle has done so far. It's such a terribly sad song and the clever lyrics are sung so soulfully and meaningfully. The beat the organ the strings the retreating chorals and her magnificent voice. This should have been her biggest No.1. When I can I get it played on an English radio station. Awesome Gabrielle - thanks for recording it. This is the best thing Gabrielle has done so far. It's such a terribly sad song and the clever lyrics are sung so soulfully and meaningfully. The beat the organ the strings the retreating chorals and her magnificent voice. This should have been her biggest No.1. When I can I get it played on an English radio station. Awesome Gabrielle - thanks for recording it. I remember buying this single brand new and on the other side there was the dub version. This is just pure great reggae. I had to buy another copy as I wore it out I reckon in 20 years' time we'll look back at this as his greatest song - it's an absolute classic - the soul in James' voice is incredible the way it builds and the production - sublime You're right - this should have been in the Top 10. It makes you wonder how realistic and truthful these Tops 10's attributed to the public's votes really are or whether they're the imagination of some 16 year old on work experience dipping into the Guinness Book of British Hit Singles. When I put a medley together for BBC Essex following Robin's death this was in it as was Run To Me as well as many others,14,0,7,5,0,51,1 2959,X2960,"IPHONE WASNT MADE OR MEANT FOR A KEYBORED LET ME TELL U SOMETHING IPHONES R THE TOP OF THE LINE AND U DONT GET THAT THE WHOLE POINT FOR A TOUCH SCREEN IS TO TOUCH THE SCRENNNNNN! u now wat im sayinnnnnnn! cool u now wat im sayinnnnnnnn!!! this song is so cutteeee i love it love the beat ! omg this song has the best beat especially the violin guy haha ur funy lol omg this is just so amazing u sing beautiful holy shit that was awesome and ur really pretty u should really produce ur own cd i mean ur ready ur awsom and ily. do u guys really think shes a guy........ do u not see the full set of hair....yuuuhuuu hello guy get over it she sing bautiful and she has a low voice thats awesome sweety ur awesome ok haha i like ur dance moves ur good really that was good really good ur good lol lol lol okay this video is so stupid and waste of time my favorite part is at 2:31 They really deserve to get killed This is the old camaro........Test the new camaro zl1 and come back to me with the real winner They r both hot really Miley3 Not because i like disney more cuz i watch both for the same time ........ but i think disney girls are the prettiest ....... nick girls arent that pretty and their bodies r a little bad......although i do have to give props to ariana grande that girls just beautiful........thats the prettiest on nick ......and on disney bella thorne is the prettiest on hair and looks but her body isnt THE BEST.....but this is MY OPINION This. Video is a lil bad This is an officially old video next time u do a slideshow let us see the pictures btw RAT AND COMMENT.... thats not how u spell it its i totally aggree.............and im sorry for ur grandma but hey shes better up there that shark should be ashamed for bieng so fuking slow i thing.....GET A FUKING LIFE MAN U R OBSESED OVER SOMETHING THAT ,DOESNT EXCIST,........THEREi said it Tobey....Hes so cute Tobey is the best kisser oh and i dont like the new spidey suit oh and tobey is hotter Tobey will always be bbettter to all u losers out there if andrew was better they would have put him on the first spidey. Tobey just has that one thing Umm r u in a porta potty? Lead singer is the uggliest",24,6,3,6,0,21,1 2960,X2961,He's so short it's so cute :3 Am I the only one who finds him attractive? He's so cute :3 I love this song it just has so much meaning every time I hear it it brings me closer to the Lord. This song was played at my friends funeral because it was one of his favorites before his death he had announced that he had been called to preach his first sermon was after his death though and I remember it was only to show love compassion for one another. I can't wait to get to my home to be in those reunions! :) I love miss you Devin3 To you dearest frog-face3 Go choke bitch. :) that freaked me out because thats my ex's name! I stole your stuffed hippo because I wanted to win it anyways! :),6,1,3,5,1,21,0 2961,X2962,wtf avengers? Of course they show how many views not how many dislikes nooo Black Ops 2 PS3 I win PS3 Ps3 PS3 Controller= PS3 t-shirt size- medium Psn: rizo8914 Ps3 You're lucky man i got school tommorrow :(,12,13,3,5,0,27,0 2962,X2963,"40 likes and ill do a cover of this to my crush 33 Me . you . bed . now . Get . in . me. Thought there'd be screaming. Still amazing doe 3 When mynameisb4tmans perfect harmony makes me smile . 0:41 RELEASE THIS BODY YOU DEMON! This song has ,YOLO, all over it . Every time he crys he says ,I love pasta,..",8,6,3,5,0,22,0 2963,X1853,Im not goin to lie i only saw this because Christopher Drew was talkin about it..But its really funny :D This was good..But the guy in the yellow kept making me laugh..Anyone else that the problem?? Okay can't we all get along??? Its a song..That means you listen to it not start a fight...From what i see peolple are fighting over stupid stuff..Like can we all just act our age?? I'm sick of this!!! I KNOWW JOEYYY!!!!!! OMGG I WANT TO SCHOOL WITH HIM!!! :D This was posted on my birthday :D my own birthday gift (: RYAN GIVES THE BEST HUGS EVER!!! 3 Trust me i don't know why i picked my name eitherAn i would spend it on my friends because i love them so much 3An yes i love to party (; I always yelled at my friends for cutting themselves...But the truth is i was always covering up my scares so no one would see them and hate me more..I havent cut in over a year now thanks to a few people..Thank you an to all the people out there you can stop at anytime you just need someone to back you up an also you need to want it yourself..3 So do ^^But he was never not cute though..Even with his long hair he was still a cutie Yes same for me...Like there new song S.I.N.G i lovee it :D Been watching you Jarrod since day one! You help me when ever i feel like my world is falling apart..Thanks (: Can't believe 84 people don't like this D: Oh how much i love your videos (: 3 Jarrod you make my days :D Well i'm just speaking the truth...I didn't really think anyone would read my comment thought i would just put it out there since i'm sick of all the haters..They make me sick...I'm done with all the drama that these little kids start on these videos....Even if they are speaking there mind like i am..Just don't have to be mean I would want to met you..An i would end up acting like a complete nerd! D: Can i just marry him??? (; They just both make my day!..Adam is such a great clapper an Stephen is just amazing (; 3 Two of my favorite people in the world.!!! 3 I heard the n word an my sister next to me heard it to..But whatever I'm going to use a spoon every time i need to open something with a spoon! No joke!!! An i think i almost died since this is like the first time Des was wearing pants! Damn can i say sexxi ad hell! This is one of the most beautifulest song i've heard in a long time It has so much meaning behind it....I started to cry when i heard this song )': It shows how much they care for people an how down to earth they are. R.I.P Breanne Okay can someone pleassse tell me what the name of this song is!..I can not find it. ): PLEASEEE SOMEONE! I was flipping through videos when i first saw this I fell in love. 3 I think I just kinda raped the replay button..SORRY!! 3333 Random video clicking is the best!! Lmfao Kayla this made my day! Jeff333 Ahhh He's like freakng amazing!..Jeff's brother is my best friend.33 I really like this song Sorry people that don't. I think in the video there stoned..A. Because they eat all the cookies !. B.Everything is all trippy! C. He goes into the bathtub and ends up in the ocean....Who agrees? Random clicking on videos seems to always bring up amazing music! :D Kade oh how I love him. Amazing live! I do have to say they are amazing live! I would go to 100 more concerts of theres! Kade is one of the most caring guys out there to his fans!! I agree they were amazing! No joke this made my day since I was drinking Mtn Dew! I love you guys! The Hit needs to come back to Michigan right now! I miss you guys! Kade is one of the best! I do have to ask How do they dress like 5 year olds?,37,9,8,11,0,26,0 2964,X2965,I need to the song at 13:20 it is so fucking good. We all float down here... The original version of Swagga is actually a dubstep song Datsik released a Trap remix. Did he really just start mocking Piers Morgan? Talk about an imbecile the guy knows Piers is so much more intelligent than him that he won't even let him speak. Thanks much appreciated.,5,19,4,5,0,26,0 2965,X3443,Anyone who thinks that the policeman could have handled the situation a different way is an idiot. The fact of the matter is that the man who tried to attack the officer with a knife could have tried to do that no matter how the officer approached him. A lot of evil people will do something evil no matter what the situation is. Anyone who doesnt have respect for the protection that police give everyone is a peace of crap. Ya sure there are some power hungry cops and some who are mean but our safety is of utmost importance. EVERYONE need have respect for the officers who risk their life everyday for our safety!! So Nicki things shes a part of jury now. Let a gorilla bite it!!!! Im guessing that he was the pixel that was going aroung 85 miles per hour..... Hey idiots its cause the moment someone starts to run then it gives the police a VERY good reason to suspect that the person has done a lot more than just speeding.Think about it why would someone risk prison if all they had done was gone a little over the speed limit Of course the officers are going to think that he has committed a worse crime/crimes.Pluson top of that they arent just going to people go cause then tons more people will intentionally break the law knowing they wont be chased. At least he honked before he hit the curb to warn the curb to get out of the way. Its an alternative that of which Google or Wikipedia can explain in more detail in far less time. THERE'S ONLY BLACK PEOPLE AT THIS MCDONALDS FOR 1 OF 2 REASONS:1. Mcdonalds is the new KFC/Popeyes 2. KFC/ Popeyes was all out of chicken so they came to Mcdonalds for a Mcchicken Sandwich. THIS IS A HOLD UP!!!! GIVE ME ALL THE TOKENS!!!! Quick feed it a polish dog. She hit him first. It doesnt matter if your a boy or girl if you do something wrong like that then there are consequences. So many women think that they can walk all over a man but when he finally stands up for himself then oh no its cry like a big baby girl time. They were both in the wrong! The man who answered the calls did tons of disgusting things and realized when he was making the calls that he screwed up. The girl was stupid for continuing to swear and talk like that cause she new it was going to make things even worse and put her dad at even more risk. The sun against the moon an ocean against a lake a bird against a fish. She cant sing but she will succeed at making it into an animal petting zoo. Or a psychiatric ward. GIRLS AREN'T FUNNY!! They just aren't especially this girl!!!!!!!!! Did that guy remind anyone else of jim carrey?? Haha that might be partially true but this the like bar is pretty positive for this video. It is a stupid video though haha. Sounds even worse then it does in english. I agree completely. Everyone crying like a baby are just people who dont get enough attention in there lives and like to blow everything out of proportion. Girls and guys are checked in an even more personal way by there doctors and they think its ok cause its for there health. These people are getting checked with there clothes on and its for theyre life! For hundreds of lives! Stupid free spirits!!! Bunch of tards holding up signs and protesting. Go get jobs go to bed or go build a birdhouse. No thats what white TRASH people do with spare time. They should build more things like this by making all the prisoners in the prisons of the world assemble them. And dont let me hear anyone say that it would be dangerous to give fireworks to prisoners haha. Me and my friends have fights with the huge ones. We just hold them on our shoulders like rocket launchers. I want one made by Lamborghini!!!!!!! WE'RE HERE AND WE'RE HUUUUNGRYYYY!!!!! Rich people get THE HOOK UP at Burger King. They have a special underground cave underneath Burger King where all the super rich people eat! I know its seran wrapped haha. Too easy to escape this. Just grab the front and back and hold them down cause the size of the spring in order to fit in that trap thing would not have been big or strong enough to overpower his arms. Them just wait till help comes looking for you or maybe the door is unlocked. There's probably also something he could jam or stick inbetween the hinges. To get the leopard out of the cage in the back he should have just floored the truck and it would have slid right out. That cow is suffering severely for a few minutes until it is finally killed. These people should care enough and have the decency to kill it quickly and painlessly first then dumb its body out of the truck. Yeah it happens in the wild but that doesnt mean that the animals still dont suffer extremely. You would suffer the same way. The good that would be done if even one living being was kept from having to needlessly suffer! Low lifes who get entertainment out of this. Those bulls dont enjoy this one bit and im sure they are incredibly thirsty and that one fell off that high ledge and landed on its back and the others ones slip on the road and fall. There were no signs of brain damage found cause that guy didnt even have a brain. I think its cause a lot of the people who do it just throw the ice cream come on the road in front of the window and the Mcdonalds workers have to clean it up. Thats what you get for sitting down on the seat when your going off a jump. Never give a girl a piece of heavy machinery......For a girl a bike is considered heavy machinery. WOMEN AND FAT PEOPLE = FUN TO LAUGH AT!! Cool looking but it sounds like a jet ski. Original. Thats what youll sound like when I rip your face off and make you kiss your own crack.,40,1,3,1,0,24,0 2966,X2967,now i know why my mom does not let me watch movie like harry potter and other movies what hotel is that is this the real Kendall and kylie !!!! and if it is you guys are so pretty oh cool thanks i didn't know that:)!,4,3,4,1,0,20,0 2967,X2968,Could u install a game from disc 2 and play on disc 1 Brand new game Die I thought it was a girl at first,4,2,2,2,0,15,0 2968,X2969,0:35 NNNNOOOOOOORRRRRMMMMMM Well I feel a bit odd about this because I should of mentioned that I am Mexican American. I do know that in Brazil there seems to be a bigger mixing of cultures brazilians marrying japanese and so on. In my culture I really don't know because from what I have seen haha it is just her and I. caught me! alison please sit on myface this is love fireworks inside a building? isn't that how people die? well what do you expect from a third world country damn lisa dunn you are the reason i wanna go to england! hoootttttyyyyy oh shit the end i just want to help the poor little animal niccee product placement lmao i don't get it this makes perfect sence. i love these hawaiian engines! you didn't stop at 0:23 simple out of towners get out of L.A.! simple its called the SGV i love york! here in L.A. (Gardena/torrance) we used to have Marukai dollar store but in the past few months we got Daiso. I would say that i really do like Daiso but what bugs me is that maybe it is just the L.A stores but everything seems cheaply done and usually made in China oh and outdated the indian chick is cute you didnt like tootsie rolls! whats wrong with you! what are mellow cups?!?! i always thought wonka bars were british haha oh wow! L.A. is the best damn i wish i could show this to the girl i like obviously illuminati!!! jewish zion's are going to come take over the world mannnn obama sent him to send the message that people are bad maannn illuminati maannn. yea you are stupid oh lame they are all young i was expecting older guys omg haha you guys are at coco ichiban ya! that places is delicious! thank god they are in L.A.! no offense to curry house oh cool i went to this one! lol don't you mean ramune?,26,5,4,5,0,22,0 2969,X2970,que bonito the Neverending Story I... I just can't picture Ulquiorra singing this. Disney = Copy-paste watthefuck 2:04 JAJAJAJAJAJAJA!! me encantan tus videos y la forma en que hablas y explicas!! :) ay esto es una peor inversin que el plan colombia... I asked you second UUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG cut 4 bieber was a 4chan joke,11,6,5,1,0,23,0 2970,X2971,Can you take off the hat? Cause in trying to find a why that i can put it on then take it off without it breaking Ewwww at 12:26 they kissed tom and a random dude horse flys away. Santa trows a rock at itSanta: YOUR GONNA FLY THIS FAT MANS SLEIGH AND YOUR GONNA LIKE IT!!!XD i think jb is a fuck face OMD THIS WAS POSTED ON MY BDAY!!!!!! i was watching this with my little cousin and after the guy said i had hired some ninjas to do the other side and then he said put some torches up so creepers don't spawn and my little cousin said why dont you just get the ninjas to fight the creepers? first i hated Crystal and felt sorry for Paige but now i hate Paige!! thums up if you agree omg im watching this on plane how scared do ya think i am?! vote 1 also at 6:14 guy:our tree house is a whole new worldme:ya and the other peoples tree house is a blob with a stick on top Thank u im not trying to be rude but how was this a nursery it was just a house with two wolves OMG i cant beleive he called u a retard!!!!!! Sorry my mic was Brocken YAY!!!! IM CANADIAN!!!!!! beeping noise from the hospital thing. me:what is that i start screaming i pause the video me: ohhh its the the video rarity and rainbowdash switched personality ghast lol i picked random music sophie..........where did you get savannah and brooke?if you told me i will flip out!! MY STUPID ANNOYING COUSINS ARE POSTING RANDOM STUFF JUST IGNORE THE JERK-FACES i have the green frog they should sell them in canada!,24,8,3,47,0,19,1 2971,X2972,"this ones for you and me peeing out our dreams were all right where we should peelift my arms out widei poop outside and all i wanna see IS A TOILET FOR ME! I Have ChickensAnd they lay eggscan i use those? I Feel old know wanna know why?because i was searching through google when i typed ,baby sun on teletubbies,and there was a pic saying ,remember this baby who played the sun in teletubbies?,and it showed a pic of a girl well about in her teens or 20's and she was younger than i was!i was a older than her when she was a baby and know shes older than me?!?! ManLife just doesnt make sense now.go on google and check it out... I Doubt Yours Is Any Better.... Michelle:see!this is really easy to make!Me: *thinks* Yeahafter 24 hours...... ithought she was putting chocolate on her cheeks... Lady Gaga.....Is That You? O.O Get a Life You NoobGosh",8,2,5,75,0,60,0 2972,X2973,To be honest you're beautiful. Dont worry what other people say. You are awesome and you have a lot of confidence because I would not have the courage to put up a video on youtube. Trust me Im fat and spotty! She is so cute! How old is she? 152 views WOW Liam............. Hey my friend used the same hair dye colour and the same brand and it turnt out black and it was meant to be a cosmic blue so I wouldn't worry about it atleast you can change it xxxx Your hair looks great! OMFG GUY ON THE RIGHT FUCKING FIT heahahaahahhaha hey a boy in year 8 i really like and doesnt even know i excist how do i get him to notice me (he flirts with other girls) You guys are AMAZING actors love the ending oh no it's happened again :/ haha keep up the good work guys xxxx the7letters11 Your a really good singer xx Dom fucker and my friend: pussy licker Okie Dokie! 12 and 5ft 3 Please answer this and u are only just starting off. can u start from a 3mm? or will it not fit at all??/ Im doing the same! Im starting with a 3mm!!! this is so fucking creapy Don't worry have some weed! To be honest she is an amazing singer so if she is shit i bet you dont even have the decency to do this so i suggest you shut the fuck up about my bff fuck off u fucking twat its her fucking channel and she made that over a year ago and you cant fucking get over that (people these days twats the lot of em) camera man on wheels thats like meals on wheels :P,21,12,4,5,0,19,1 2973,X2974,NaaIt Just Had an OrgasmThats How Awesome This Song Is. i Thought Pendejo MentDumbass orStupid Anyone else think of Walter form breaking bad when Max shaved his head? lol 0:25 i love Krist's reaction to kurt's intro god can you imagine how much he misses Kurt?,4,0,3,5,0,26,0 2974,X2975,"No Dear. Thats Just Plain Creepy :} (Kissing It Goodnight And Goodmorning Thats A Symptom ;3) Well no rude comments back After this ;o. But it IS bad habit. what if there were children on the plane? What if there were crazed fangirls hiding on the plane? What if YOU were on the plane? Seriously i would shield my eyes if i saw that x-x I Am Not A Man. And I Act More mature Than My 64 Year Old Grandpa :3 He Should Act His Age. Im Eleven And Still Like barbie :] What If Your Ugly? o.o Like Need Braces Yellow Teeth ( Im Fixing The Yellow Teeth ^_^) Fat And Face Damage? Oh And Glasses .-. But That One About Dont Show Alot Of Skin? The Only Skin I Ever Show Is My Face. JacketJeans Closed Toe Shoes And if Im Lucky My Jacket is A Hoodie.But if your ugly he'll never ask you out .-. What if Your Eleven And Your Parents Are very Strict About Losing Their Stuff .-. Its For My Friend You Do Not Get The Word,Free, Do You? -_- Louis Is NOT More Mature -_- I Asked And Hes Not. Why do People Say Stuff Like That?? LOLOLOL Thanks For Telling Us xD Its Making Me Laugh way Too Much! Theres A Lump In My Throat where All The Laugh is xP Its Not Lip Synced. :o Its Obvious The Uploader Put Music In Stead Of Us Listening To It LIVE With Screaming Fans. DUHHH -_- Its Just Not Playing At The Right Time. So Shut The Hell Up :O My Face Is Red From Laughter xD Poor Little Guy. Just Look At His Face xD NYOOOOO!!!!!!!! When Im Alone Im Watching Hilarious Videos That Make Me Laugh So Hard It Hurts My Head And Throat. ;P Where do you get all the videos... I Wanna Watch Them Full Length.... Lets Just Look At Harrys Pose In The Beginning... 0:05 ;] Listen You Listening? Shutup -_- (Not Louis) Just Because You Dont Like It Doesnt Mean You have To say Stuff Like Its Terrible! Seriously. I Dont Like It (Sorry Louis :L) But I Still Think He'll get Better In Time. Why do you think their a band? Simon put them together. and They Sound AMAZING Together. That Doesnt Necessarily Mean They Sound Good Individualy. So Dont Go hating Cuz You Expect something Thats From That One Direction Voice. Its One Person. Have a Heart ;o 3 Bottles. Tf? I Have 3 Bottles Of Coke :O Am I Against God? No -_- Ooh 6 Objects! Your Point? I Have 6 Objects In my Piggy Bank :o Uh hello That Tattoo? Its A Tattoo Get Over It. Besides Its A Video. Could be fake :3 The hand? REALLY? Ive Seen Way Worse Hand Positions. Thas Nothin.Dude Its HAIR. Its LADY GAGA. Connection?? Psh Those Horns Look Cool :3 Dude A Lot Of People Kill Bears... And Shes Not The One Who Killed It! I Dont Know About The Close Up of Gaga ...Out Of Room. Your A Fucktard.. I Wish There Was A Easier Way D; I Wanna Play On recorder And Im Not too familiar With Music Notes o-o I Forgot Everything I learned In Music Notes . LOL I Was Gunna Say That But I Just Thumb Up :3 LOL I bet. Why would they come in? xP I Loved Pocahontas 3 Sorry if I Spelled It Wrong 3 I LOVED The Songs In The Movie! 33 i Wish I Knew How To Play Piano x{ I Would Totally Watch These Movies o-o *Dramatic Gasp* Oh No.. What?! I Thought I Saw A Zit. False Alarm. _ *Rons Face As I Imagine xD* Or The Speakers Are Plugged In? (If You Have Any) ( I Do ) ( Its Happened To Me Before When My Cat Pulled It Out) ( I Couldnt Listen To Up All Night Like I Do Every Night :L) I Love The Music... Not Like Voice But The Music ;P I Like The Voice Too But Just Listen Its So Easy To SinG Along Too :D I Meant Facebook :P I see why your username has badmanner in it -_-",27,1,2,5,1,21,0 2975,X2976,"Actually in terms of editing it's hard to get a hold of classic footage so Ryan (TheFallofTheEleventh) probably couldn't get any or if he could it would of been a bother to do so.More to the point though when did the title of a video attribute to how GOOD it is? If you didn't like the video fine your opinion but to insult Ryan just because it has ,50th anniversary, in it is low yes even for you. Haha! :D LOL I've officially finished my 450 subscribers video so all that needs to happen now is for me to actually get 450 subscribers. Lol. So keep them subscribers coming! And thanks for all of you guys help over the months I've been on YouTube really appreciated! :D Haha thanks mate :)I do love that soundtrack but I must report that I probably wont be making a video with that much time soon. Mainly because of two reasons: One I'm really busy at the moment so the videos I edit in the coming months will not be of requests I'm afraid and two that music is so overused in a lot of trailers/tributes and I don't want to look like I'm copying. But thanks for the interest in the channel and the recommendation! :) Very nice. Quite teasery I'm sure if this was an actual teaser for the 50th people would be clawing at their TV sets for more. Haha :) You're making classic fans look bad. Please stop. Nice editing very clever idea love it! Best ,11 meets 10, I've seen so far from you! :) THAT WAS THE MOST ADORABLE THING I'VE EVER HEARD... other than the throwing up in the shower thing. That was gross. Thanks very much to Confused Matthew for answering my question on Being Human. I really didn't. What is pleasant my black brethren? With the recent announcement that it's gonna be in 3D I've got this really bad feeling that they wont make it big enough.Like they'll say ,Well we've got 3D in it... That's enough.,.It's a really weird feeling: I'm both excited and dreading the 50th. Thanks for the complement I like you videos too :) Thank you very much! :D Make Bryarly Alex Day Liam Dryden and Edd Plant list incredibly embarrassing dares and you have to film us watching you do them.This can be anything from having someone cut your hair blindfolded having Bryarly do a complete girl makeover on you let them all pants you in many locations around London excetra. I agree actually but classic is just a way to single out the era in which you are referencing too. It's like saying you can't call The Seventh Doctor ,The Seventh Doctor,. He has to be called ,The Doctor, because they're one and the same. I would have loved it so much if when Harry was resurrected he said to Voldemort ,Suprise motherfucker!, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand just like that I'm crying all over again. He is fantastic isn't he? Well said. Thanks :) Only 3 more to go! *excited face* Oh my shit! I've gone up 15 subscribers in a few hours! THANK GUYS! :D -given a proper conclusion I thought that the Hal is an amazing character because you're always pondering whether Hal is really going to surcumb to his temptations something I thought was missing from Mitchell. And Cutler was brilliant he didn't just hat That's okay :)",26,483,4,121,0,20,1 2976,X2977,she looks really pretty here.also ditch the white supremacy theories retards. THIS is the reason lines between cultures still exists when did adam get hot? awesome. he's such a fox. i am now pregnant. but letting it bend across the bridge of your nose will mess up the measurement. whether your nose is flat or pointy will affect the measurement but make no difference with the visual shapeof ytour face. your eyes. fuck. on the one side of the part [the side with less hair] it looks as if youve rolled the curls a different way than on the other side as you demonstrated. is that part of the look? or should the curls all be facing the same way? did you roll them all in the same direction? [up and away?] so just for clarification you only rolled one section-the front bang-y part-AWAY from your face? the rest you rolled under right like down toward your face? if you know what i mean.. hes a fuckin ninja with that curling iron. did he roll the hair inward toward the face or outward away from it? i cant tell.. he was too freakin ninjaish Finally. You're the first person to explain this properly. Ie TOWARD the face. THANK YOU New fave YouTuber :),12,3,4,1,0,23,0 2977,X2978,"ik how u felt my bf died in a motorcycle accident 5 months ago because of a drunk driver. He was 18 and im berly gona turn 16.Listening to this song remind me of him.I really miss him.How did u get ove itr? Plz help me cuz idk wat to do anymore i feel like im gona go crazy wihout Alexander!! Baby Bill 3 *-* Actualy i dress in both dark and neon colors and i love BOTDF.-. This video couldnt had been more fucking WRONG and STUPID. Esto es en Mexico? Yo vivo en Texas y mexico se ve muy bonto y divertido:D Marilyn ur awesome i fucking love u!! Fuck the haters they talk big but dont really do harm t(-.-t) Damm his really big i wonder how ayase can take ,it, i mean compare to him ayase is like a squirrel but still they are very cute together^-^ God why did u take the awesome person who created this master piece?!!? WHY???!!!! DX It was one of my favorite mangaD': I agree he could have been nicer about it instead of saying his interviews are a Joke.Black veil bridesAsking AlexandriaChelsea Grin and many more bands didnt have a problem with Bryan's style and they are real musicians too.Wat does Chris want for his fans not be able to sit for about 30 mins just listening to his ,ART, or for them to have a little fun and learn something about them cuz we already know about their music or else we wouldnt be here. Im just kinda diappointed in you ChrisV.V Asaoka-san is freaking hot!!!. My heart melted when he smiled*-* Just perfect!! I wish my life was like thisxD Thank you i appreciate it.If his ur best friend he will surely visit you.Best friends bonds are strong for example Alexander was my best friend before he became my boyfriend and the bond was strongher than before:) Right its kinda weird.-. Ok i said watever i really dont care about wat 20 year old stranger that searches videos that hates on BOTDF has to say since you surely must not have anything else to do with your life. By the way theres no point in repeating words it just sounds stupidyou could just have said obvious and yourself not when youyourself. You can have your oppinion but that doesnt mean everyone gives shit wat u have to say and im aware that some ppl here might not care wat i have to say still doesnt bother me. Yup there was a mosh pit but i was way on the front so i got to hug him while he was singing infront of me and i got his water bottle!!! Plus i got the whole concert on video but i was jumping like crazy but u can still see them since i was at the front:D I knew it!! When the first song started i immidietly thought ,That's SuG,:D Sweet little Takeru 3 . 3 Still love this song!! Does anyone know why they actualy disbanded? TT-TT Seriously why did they blame Marylin Manson for this?!? That wasseriously fucked up. I like Marylin Manson but u dont see me going around shooting random ppl.Now they are blaming BOTDF for the Ohio shooting when yet again they had nothing to do with but the contrary they made a music video called ,Rise and Shine, to try and prevent this if the persons parents payed more attention to their children.Blood On The Dance Floor Marylin Manson try to help ppl being bullied 3 Marilyn your amazing and i love you till death but i dont think rap really suits you even thought u look fucking hot in that outfitxD OMFG I was seriously LMFAO!!!!xD I got the last delux cd on Hot Topic the day it came out.When i was at the cashier a girl was asking for the delux and they tould her i got he last.i was like FUCK YEA \(^0^)/ xD Haha yea but they look Cuter*-* They hit Dahvie with a paper ball at 1:08 xD Byou and Kazuki please bewitch me with one of those dreams*-* Favorite lyrcs ad video.I love ScReW",24,0,2,5,0,15,1 2978,X2979,Only Russians can dodge shrapnel Am i not the only one that notices that other countries use ramps to launch there jets off the carrier ? Is every one in China the same height ???? Its alright Sydicate i watch ur 30 min videos It is charlie chaplin guarantee that cop goes home and runs his own foot over so he can sew the Ferrari owner NOOOO ill be in basic when you guys start releasing videos Wait u cheeky bastard Sjin you were already given a half Y are people flagging u?,9,0,5,3,0,21,0 2979,X941,"this is sped up. and not rare it's in the Let it Be movie. August* It's not sauerbarton it's Sauerbraten this is crash bandicoot warped not crash bandicoot. You call yourself a pro? You have to mod your ps2 to run games that you burn to a disc. Read up on stuff before you start pulling answers out of your ass. why don't we just get a bunch of people together and march through DC in protest? seems like it'd be more effective. Goosebumps. Absokutely amazing Inception is the process of injecting thoughts into another persons brain. Starring: Christopher Walken as Yoda! My Samsung Galaxy SIII Does this already. the link to the score is broken Elvis gets credit for a lot of Carl Perkins songs. You guys must be the most retarded people on earth. I keep getting ,Connection Timeout, On my client. it wouldn't let me add my user so I enabled the guest account and tried connecting as guest and still got the same error. any help guys? DEM DREADS I hear it too. They are in the wrong key that's my theory on it. and amazing how he affected the world in just three short years! Hm. My Game genie screen is all distorted but not too much. I can still use it. and it's just the game genie screen he game isn't distorted Any Idea what John and Paul are saying between Lyrics? The Harmonies start too early. We Broke up because we were bored and boredom causes conflict. - John Lennon The picture where he is ,Right handed, Is flipped around look at the position of the pickguard on his Right Handed Epiphone Texan if he was playing it right handed then it would be on the other side of the soundhole. and don't say ,Oh they switched it around!, Because you would have to strip the guitar of the lacquer finish carefully taking the pickguard off which is almost impossible off moving it to the other side re-lacquering the guitar and putting the pickguard back on. John never sounds like John Lennon in Beatles tribute band. they are always too squeaky. Because what people like you don't get is that there is so much more you can do with a mac that Windows can't. I use Linux and Linux is the best out there. Open Source OSes means you can change anything you want about it legally and distribute that version as your own. Football and Basketball are different. not just because of the ball but gameplay too. They are both trying to get to different sides of a rectangular area but they have different objectives. Educate yourself. Yes they did switch to Intel also just because Windows uses Intel isn't the Reason Apple used it. Microsoft has been sued many times by Apple because they Copy everything Apple does. Led Zeppelin was more than just a band they were a masterpiece. They had a man who could sing amazingly a man who could leave 99% of the guitarists on earth in the dust a bassist that could play his bass as a lead instrument and a drummer who invented a whole new world of drumming. This all happened in Oslo... Laws are different in other countries. Why must you ruin good videos with overdubs? @BeatlesGuitarCat i know :) i was agreeing with you haha It's not like a monkey went to sleep and woke up a human Evolution happens through Genetic mutations to the dna of a species which we can prove actually happens. Downs Syndrome is a genetic mutation so is a cat with 2 different colored eyes. This is what kids should be doing and saying YOLO. Dumb Fags. that moment when you see the snow break apartthe thought that goes through your head is: ,Oh shit I'm gonna die, There just HAPPENS to be 2 shooters one just HAPPENS to have a tek-9 they just HAPPEN to be influenced by Hitler the explosives just HAPPEN to not go off on time they just HAPPEN to shoot up a library they just HAPPEN to pull a person out of the hallway that is dying from being shot. Sounds like the Columbine Shooters to me :P I tried to scratch the red spot off my screen towards the beginning of the video... XD K2 is a whole different compound than thc... How do you get 4g lte on your sprint gs3? Ive turned on lte and i checked coverage in my area and i still only get 3g I was in this play about a year and a half ago. I was Tommy Djilas. Our quartet wasn't that great which was a big dissappointment because this is such a beautiful song if done correctly. This is by far the greatest preformance of it.",37,1,2,1,0,110,0 2980,X2981,Didn't inuyasha brake the demons sword when he was battling him how'd he get them back? So cute Remix This sounds terrible id rather read the subtitles U can't kill the main character Another bitch slap 5:15 Damn Nice I can't stop watching this He went off the freaking chart So even if the dead come back to life like in dem zombie movies.....yo ass ain't gon be nowhere! Tht is fucking gross The green haired guys is pretty hot I loved all of them That was hot they both killed it,14,1,3,5,0,22,0 2981,X2982,um so like..........The fuck happened to respect your elders? and why are these kids cursing like lil faggots anyway? What happened to respecting your elders? I'm 12 and damn these kids have no morals. your not funny at all noyou faggot woah both of you need to like shut up and move on. So your biggest insult is gay? So mature yeah I used this great thing called ctrl+f now stop making these shit comments It's not racism they just don't have black fans. better then JB I heard he's dead. Nah man im watching in 2037 That was amazing Oh wait. You're obviously a troll judging by your user name. I think the reason people like smosh and ray and such arent in it is because there to popular they want to kind of like get peoples name out there so stop complaining dozn so what if he's gay? You got a problem with gays bro? She's preparing for vidcon retard. Get a keek. Look at all the fucks I give they're just falling from the sky. I got here cause of holiday inn I missed all this cause my sound is screwed up so are they really gay or are they just joking cause either way i ship them so hard I cried for hours after this speech i hate how everyone complains about not winning try again next time HAPPY BDAY LEDA still listening in year 1212345678765434567898765348 IM GONNA HAVE A HOUSE PARTY! where? IN MAH HOUSE No shit really?,24,1,3,5,0,36,0 2982,X2983,Only 3feeds :) She can barely breathe because she is so thick. she will have a cardiac arrest! Keep 3 Chuck Norris :D Awesome ! ;) 3 Whu dislike when u can like ? this is awesome :D,6,14,2,5,0,21,0 2983,X2984,the cover is a spoiler its so dumb COOL you can touch you can play if u say im yours what kind of sick music is this you are a like whore its the instruments of masters you guys get your comics before the release date? hey can u make the Yolo one i need it for a school project SO MUCH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You sir are a true thug Real talk respect.-Mr Roboto its not a good idea he doesnt do his own video he reviews them You use a titanium piano too fking far It made me barf a little I can't stop Did he say stop the music?,16,3,4,5,0,22,0 2984,X2985,im not hating on him i just think compared to Madeon Skrillex sucks dick. DO IT WITH SMOSH! Unoriginal piece of shit. Haha nice one! Jonathaaaanh I believe that you just got SERVED!!!!!! Why he likes everyone playing it. Also how is calling someone a bro a bad thing??? By using full caps it makes you look like a fag. But good video by the way :D No gtfo Can you PLEASE and im begging you here PLEASE make a tutorial on make just a simple flat isometric game? please im despret Periwynkle001... That was simply brilliant I believe I can safely say that this is another reason why i love this fandom! fuck off They both suck at fighting haha xD i think it would be in c# since it would be the most simple thing to do it in After you said that I got interested so I researched it a little bit it turns out that he actually said that it has no meaning. Look it up. Isn't that a knee in the arrow? Weed is a drug... and if that was a joke it was rather poor. if i did would anyone watch it? Nice one! just a tip would be to take it easy on the effects and have more clips other than that good video!!! Badger! Faggot*,19,30,3,14,0,22,0 2985,X2986,"Two cute and funny guys... PERFECT!! The boy's kinda cute... ,/ I meant that you`re so hott... My mistake ,/ No no no... You call ME... No maybes about it! Justin Beiber had some pretty nice looking cars in that video. I think that was the only thing that I was looking at.",5,1,2,24,0,17,0 2986,X2987,PATERNO WAS WRONG VERY WRONG....HE HAD ALOT OF POWER HE SHOULD HAVE TOOK IT TO THE MEDIA AND THE PUBLICHE DID NOTHE WAS OK WITH IT BECAUSE HE LAID IT ON THE HIGHER UPS...WHAT HE SHOULD HAVE DID IS WENT TO THE PUBLIC WHEN THE OTHERS DID NOT...OTHE CHILDREN WERE RAPED ...WHEN HE COULD HAVE BROUGHT HEAT DOWN ON SADUSKYHE WAS A GREAT COACHBUT IT STOPS THERE AS A HUMAN BEING HE WAS FAR FROM GREAT....HE SHOULD HAVE DID WHAT ANY DECIENT HUMAN WOULD HAVE DID RAISED HELL PENN STATE THE CHILD RAPE UNIVERSITY PENN STATE THE CHILD RAPE UNIVERSITY PENN STATE THE CHILD RAPE UNIVERSITY PENN STATE THE CHILD RAPE UNIVERSITY PENN STATE THE CHILD RAPE UNIVERSITY LOW-LIFE CRACKER BITCHES ALWAYS HAVE BEEN JEALOUS OF GREAT BLACK MEN UCLA IS FULL OF SHIT AND ALL THOSE CEO RACIEST ASS HOLES ZIMMERMAN THE LIAR KILLED TRAYVON...LIED TO THE COPS..MADE A FOOL OUT OF THE JUDGE AND COURT SUCKERSD ALL THE RACIEST CRACKERS IN SENDING MONEY THEN TRANSFERED THE FOOLS WHO DONATED MONEY TO WHERE HE WANTEDAND THE CRACKER IS STILL FREEHES CALM AND COLLECTIVE JUST LIKE THE DEVIL...HES MADE A FOOL OUT OF THE JUDGE AND ALL HIS CRAKER RACIEST FOLLOWERS...THEN THEY LET THE LIAR BACK OUT OF JAIL AGAIN ONLY IN RACIEST AMERICA LAND OF THE WHITE DEVILS ZIMMERMAN IS A MURDERER WANNA BE COP ZIMMERMAN CALM KOLL COLLECTIVE BIG ASS LIAR KILLER WANNABE COPLIAR LIAR A REAL BITCH ZIM IS A MURDERER..HANNI IS A BITCHZIM HAS REAL MENTAL PROBLEMS WAHT A PUNK RACIEST BITCHSTART A FIGHT CANT WIN SO KILL THE TEEN AGERTHIS CRACKER HAS GOTTEN TO MANY BREAKSKIED TO THE COURT AFTER COMMITING A MURDER AND HES STILL FREE BULL SHITTING THE FOOLS THAT BELIEVE HIM ...THIS CRACKER SHOULD HAVE NEVER GOT OUT THE 2ND TIME ONLY IN AMERICALAND OF FREE WHITE MURDER CRACKERS THAT KILL BLACKS you ARE A REAL ASSSSSSSS HOLEEEEEEEEEEEE ASS HOLE BITCH YOUR A USELESS PIECE OF SHIT ASSHOE SHOULDNT BUT IT DOEW WHY BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE TRIED TO MAKE BLACKS BELIEVE BLACK WAS BAD AND WHITE WAS GOOD THEY HED THE TRUTH OF BLACK HISTORY WE WERE THE BEGINNING cracker your white race is lower than dirt and lazy as fuck evented slaveryrape lynchings and murderpetifiers love raping childrenserial killers then you like disecting and eatting dead people cracker your race is as sick as it get your the nigger look at your sick serial killing raceyour mother also is a nigger low life BITCH YOUR CRAZY U CRACKERS ARE SICK RAPING TORCHURING AND BURNING BLACKS ALIVE YOU SICK RACE OF BASTAREDS...YOU CRACKERS ARE LAZY AS FUCK THATS WHY U HAD SLAVESAND YOUR SICK FUCKING SLAVES MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN FOR (400) YEARS ..DO THE RESEARCH YOU DUMB CRACKER....DID ANYONE FUCK RAPE TORTURE UR CRACKER RACE FOR 400 YEARS YOU ARE ONE STUPID ASS HOLE BITCHYOU LAZY WHIT SICK BITCHYOU AND YOUR SERIAL KILEERS AND PEDIFIERS CRAWL BACK UNDER THE ROCK YOU LIVE AT ASS HOLE COASTVILLE PA HAS AWAYS BEEN KNOWN FOR LYNCHING AND BURNING A BLACK MAN ALIVE WHILE CRACKERS AND THERE KIDS WATCHED...IT WENT DOWN IN HISTORY THE CRIME WAS SO HORRIBLE IN THE EARLY 1900 INFO CAN BE FOUND ON THE INTERNET...THEY ALSO HAVE A SIGN LATER PUT UP FOR THE POOR BLACK MAN THEY BURNED ALIVESICK CRACKERS stupid bitch that cop is a angry brutal killer YOU STUPID ASS HOLE THE BABY DIDNT HAVE PROTECTION IEHTER YOU STUPID FUCK WHAT A REALLLLLLLLLLLL ASS HOLEEEEEEEEE THE ONLY SCUMBAG BITCH IS YOU ...AND IF YOU KNEW BLACK HISTORY BEFORE CHRIST WAS BORN (TRUE HISTORY) NOT AMERICA LIE-ING HISTORY) YOUD SHUT THE FUCK UP THE WORLD STARTED OUT BLACK...JESUS LIVED BY THE EQUATOR(SUN) HE WAS BLACK AND THE MAN THAT HELPED JESUS CARRY THE CROSS WAS (BLACK) I DO GREAT HISTORY RESEARCH..AND WHAT AMERICA DOSNT TELL YOU THAT THE OLDEST PEOPLE OF THE WORLD WERE (BLACK) AND BELIVE IT OR NOT THE FIRST (CHINESSE WERE BLACK PEOPLE WITH SLANTED EYES AND STRAIGHT HAIRRESEARCH THATS BULL...THE WHITEYS ARE THE ONES BLOWING UP BUILDINGSMURDERING INNOCENT CHILDREN AND BABIES IN SCHOOLS AND THEY ARE THE ONES THAT MURDERED MILLIONS OF SLAVES RAPED THEM AND CRUCIFIED THEM THEY WERE OF MURDEROUS PEOPLE THEN AS THEY ARE NOW YEAHH BUT THE WHITE SLAVE MASTER DESTROYED BLACKS ..GIVING AWAY THEIR CHILDREN RAPING AND TORCHERLYNCHING BIG TIME OF KIDS AND ADULTSTHEY DIDNT JUST WANT LABORERS THEY WERE SICK PEOPLE DOING SICK THINGS TO BLACKS..AND THEY STILL HATE BLACKS TODAY HOUSING EMPLOYMENT COPS GUNING DOWN INNOCENT BLACKS..WHITE PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT AND SICKKILLING AND EATING PEOPLENO COMPARISON,20,1,4,5,0,53,1 2987,X2988,i lovve this song There is Herobrine I saw him! I'm from Thailand!!!!!! do more how does the autobots know English? I love America PIGMAN HAVE ENCHANTED SWORDS,7,17,3,85,0,41,0 2988,X2989,"universal studios was this from a second city sketch? the golden 69 likes. better just leave it. nathanbdadrian.tumblr . com /post/30014424720/a-day-in-the-life-of-nathan-adrian Brian high as shit thinks he's a cat. SO ORANGE. If you see the video in Korea everybody is dancing to the music and enjoying the moment. Here people are on their phones... Yea I guess I was too optimistic this time. Bown down to the Poon Sensei! generic as in ,general, Just gonna drop in some english that's all. he looks like a gay jay leno 2:30 he did neither of those things she posed for si swimsuit",15,7,5,1,0,28,0 2989,X2990,red eyes...........;););););););) WEED! could you be any cuter! it actually starts at 2:08 lol you recorded that whole time and you still missed it.. well who wouldn't love to look like that she has a perfect face 10:15 ahaha that fat kid! what happened to your nails? a couple days dirty...does that mean you haven't washed for a couple of days.. ew its only hair 0:39 why is there horses around honey cocaine? omgg how can that doctor not wanna just squeeze his nose! how? how can it get that bad! fucking hell she is only like 5 leave her alone! that means shes half dumb ;) fucking disusting aw so pretttyyyy u look nicer without make up :) not really some people have bad skin so they have to put more on to get better coverage am a fat ugly slaggggggggg just search me on facebook thumbs up your a fucking slapper just wait until i see you gonna smash your face in am a fat ugly bitch just search me on facebook thumbs up cause am fat,20,1,3,2,0,20,0 2990,X2991,Good luck aganist the zombies Tim hope your gun dosen't malfunction again... dumbass. Was this filmed in Africa? Fuck Jews,3,1,3,5,0,18,1 2991,X2923,its so hard to laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at least she is improving! my name is tarran!my cousin showed me this on my birthday! i am going to be rich! ha ha ha i disliked the video for no reason! like the video if you had a pencil and paper next to you we listened to this in class! no we listen to this all the time epic fail whats with the si language? what the pag! i need that dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D thank god for her sister without her he could of died! 1:03 holy moley! i got fed up on the first 1-100th of a second! y o me! plus i watched like 15 times so i get 15x the amount! oh yes i know where you live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a*! you only have to do it like 2-4 times a week so really you only need two three or four bananas a week! please don't make any more videos I'm begging you!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2009 truly has to be the best year on the square!!! if you watch it 3 times does it mean i get 30? the black and yellow bit gets me every time!!!!!!!! we watched this in class! 6js add a comment please!!!!! 1:20 he is just happy he remembered his b - day! lauren aint you in my maths group?!?! no i just safari! :D hahha cole lol!!!! i was about to sway that funny how every time something suspicious is going on he records it at the time it happens,30,0,3,5,0,15,0 2992,X2020,"Freaking hilarious! Right up there with No Luca No! The best song to talk sing with. Inspired by Charlie Chaplin. Hope that clears up any confusion. He will. He will cheat again. He got away with it. Also do you think that they don't deserve to know the truth? The kids I can understand but the wife? She doesn't deserve to know that the man who promised his love and devotion threw all that back in her face? Yes it will hurt her but it's a truth she deserves to know. He doesn't care about her or their family. All he will ever care about is himself. But that's me. I'm a strong believer in ,things in the dark will soon come into the light., Class of 3000 was pretty good. Ok this raise the question. Do those people just live on those mountains waiting to light the beacons or do they stay close by? COD needs to go back to it's roots. How about doing another WW2 game with Treyarch taking the helms. Or maybe even the Vietnam war. It would be nice to see COD do historical wars again. Maybe even wars that don't involve America. The modern shooter needs a break. Let's bring back the historic shooters. Dat animation and dat voice acting!! The more I watch 90's shows the more I noticed how much RB took over. Don Bluth not mention? List irrelevant. lol So Jayson you pretty much saw a live action version of ,Shut Up And Take My Money!, I miss the stoney remix of this :( Aren't braces a fashion statement now? I get it and more power to you. I'm going to tell you something my father once told me ,You are more likely to fall on deaf ears if your voice is filled with hatred and aggression., Love and tolerate. It is a concept preached by bronies but hardly ever practiced. If we want to reach Hasbro words of understanding reason and respect will most likely get them to listen. However Hasbro got their first real taste of the fandom with the Derpy situation. It was and still is a rotten one. And who said dolphin dives were useless. Looks like someone didn't get the joke. Try reading the description. And yet another collection of videos that I can no longer watch normally. You can't have a top 10 shipwrecks list without having the Titanic somewhere in the list. I agree with that BO2 could be one of the best cods if Treyarch fixes the lag and connection issues. However it's Treyarch. When the heavy was flying around and he had his eyes closed was that a reference to the Iron Giant? Wait you didn't have bacon at the ready for emergencies?! Give me one of those man cards. Give it here. You just lost one. Oh trust me it's was there. I think you lucked out during that whole thing but I saw the full side of this fandom. Both the anger and the mature. The anger is what I saw the most. I'm not saying there weren't any mature bronies but there were more of them willing to attack and even threaten Hasbro. Just because their friends doesn't mean she's forever bound to AJ's business. From what we saw RD rarely gets any cider because the Apple Family always runs out. They are unable to meet the demand. So when someone new comes and says they can have the same quality with double the quantity then the people will go to them. RD is well within her rights to be upset and to want someone to make enough cider for everyone. Hated reading in school hate it now. She's already offered to give the team a whole new patch of original character for a new fighting game. Well it's not uncommon for parents to have an almost adult kid before having a second child. Big Mac and Applebloom shows us that. 14:17 Derpy! Where you been? We missed you! Then you'd probably have the same problem only during the summer. 90 degrees might feel like 110 to you. So we get hover cars but no hover boards? Fuck the future man! Well let's prepare for the flame war everyone. next narrator for Fallout 4 should be Morgan Freeman pushing for 2 billion Welcome to youtube everyone! LAAAAAAAAAAWWWWW!!!!! magic RB..............why not? Oh trust me. The comments were up way before I said anything. I guess my comment was really made to show that not all bronies agree with the rampant comments of some of the others. Actually you don't need a villain to talk to be a good villain. Sauron has proven that whom Sombra is based off of. I think that we're so use to our villains talking and in our faces that when we do get a Sauron-like villain we don't like it. That's why I said he's more wasted potential. He had awesome powers and an evil presence that the other villains didn't have. I just wish they exploited it more. Show us how much of an influence he still had on the empire. That would be interesting. Yes everything will be just fine!Hmm......well season 4's premiere is going to bat shit insane. From what everyone is feeling. This episode is up there with Disney's Snow White. Think about it. Critically the movie is OK. However it hit such an emotional level that it became iconic. I think bronies have become a bit too nit picky. This episode hit an emotional level that none of the other episodes have. That's why people enjoy it. It was an OK episode critically but an awesome episode emotionally.",40,11,3,2,0,18,0 2993,X2994,Songs like this you sound really turn your voice down a notch. It's too loud in the first verse. Awwwwwww. He looks like her dad. Tawny from Even Stevens! That's your funeral Johnny B. Pretty. Love the color. Where was Daesung? They're still small. Really cute. Love Solange. Terrible cover. I don't know why she sings. Why is she still singing? Sassy! This song is great for anime. Finally a haircut.,16,10,3,2,0,19,0 2994,X2995,lol i dont care bout the bad comments lol this is best one i seen thats a true fire in the hole lol something dont seem right. idky but seems like bs . people kill their own ppl everyday murder rape kidnap etc so don't say NO ONE WILL DO THIS TO OWN PPL im not saying our government did it im just saying you need to wake up an watch the news alil more dumbass i was gonna say the people banging part untill yu said which meant someone beat me to it :( DAYYYUMMMMM brainwashing ???? how so. i know their corrupt but once again who does 90 % of the world FEAR. thats where we come in Balls baby we got em what would happen if yu used that newly lookling sidewalk ?? NONE OF THAT BULLSHIT I DONT GET IT this is the problem with fags in sterling heights. they talk shit but when yu get loud with him he a bitchgood job man. im jus lookin out for yur saftey cause whn a biker trys racing off after shit like that o me or any other guy ( thats not a p****) lol Better not even hit the brakes with me behind em lmfaooooooo sweet 007 shit haha its Lt 1 3.5 engine i got flicked twice for my 8000k an my 10000k jus take em off an put on later lol idk if yu get penalized for doin that but ive done it an didnt see a diffrnceHis are way to blue but idk what state he in might be legal an his license plate can get him shit by police was giving a example of people treating cops like shit yu called a hindo a raghead. lmfaooo ignorant shit i agree with the fact i dont understand why the fuck they are fighting . js i guess im a hater but thats fucking ugly i signed on just to laugh at you lol Your a a motel probly paid like 55.00 to 60.00 bucks thats what you get IN A MOTEL If you werent happy you shouldve got your money and gone to the 150.00 hotels :) Thumps DOWN Looks like you trashed it yourself ??? probly one of those people didnt know what they booked cause was cheaper then most and then wanted to get refund cause your white. seen it done a thousand times with hotels i manage. not as good as look at me now guy doing fam guy voices mafia shit agreed doesnt even know if he was drunk but will talk STERLING HEIGHTSSSS BABYYYYY Where the chaldeans play. :) HIIIII HATTERRSS GREAT police work. where was the shaking... yeah he got mad and yelling makes worse but i didnt see shaking review before you post terrible things bout people. thought was gonna cry for a second man that really got to me but im at work so i stopped watching. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO only person who got owned is the guy who made this video. You failed at trying to change it from illegal immigration laws to racism your a FAIL yu didnt even argue about the protest.,27,4,7,8,0,32,0 2995,X2996,Thank you!,1,5751,4,39,0,29,0 2996,X2997,totalmente yeah i dont like heritage my favorite is morningrise Cotton-Eye Joe de nada. @mark Valiente totalmente de acuerdo YEAH! Thank you I LOVE YOU! Dross nos mataste a todos :( La evolucin en las especies se da debido a las acciones y al ambiente en el qu esta especie habite los cocodrilos por ejemplo estn confirmes en su habitad esa es una de las razones por las que no ha evolucionado y permanece con nosotros desde la prehistoria. Mae macho usted si tiene talento ! What the fuck is this shit ? Asian Skrillex Hero?????? DROSS MIRA PULCINO PIO - EL POLLITO PIO !!!!!!!!!!!/watch?v=dhsy6epaJGs En Alemania los pavos hacen kloekloekloe y las gallinas kukeleku Por qu tocas en afinacin estndar y no en Re# ? Me da tristeza cuando se equivoca ._. Nice drum style Amazing friend :D ! Solo una cosa suena muy bajo amigopero esta excelente gracias! BEAUTIFUL ! Quesucristo hahaha Matese negro 2:18 what solo is that ? Este era el video de solo el audio de las guitarras aqu esta el video con todo y la pista de fondo /watch?v=rxqrILTBiFI.... Alguien ms llor? Remember my days in GTA :') 16:30 El luchador que no conocas era Roddy Piper Gracias Juanisimo ! The solo that never comes Excelente vdeo Dross Cmo se llama esa hermosa msica que pones a los 8 minutos? @bjorn860,29,11,4,19,1,22,0 2997,X2998,PROM NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great your not the killer FOREVER ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why is this negetive,4,1,2,5,0,14,0 2998,X2999,"Kassems nose used to get tangled in his moms chest hair when he was a tittysucking baby. I have nightmares where Shane stops making episodes of Shane and Friends. Aaahh!!! Casi casi quite mi suscripcin cuando empezaste con esas mamadas de los gays. Yo los amo. Pero despus ya casi me cagaba de la risa. Te amo!!!! The urban legend would be that Miley is actually a good role model for all the little girls obsessed with her. But that's already been proven wrong :/ I was expecting a naked Shane :( oh well. Still got to see sexy Jared. Uhm... I mean... Lose weight fatty!!!! (or not) Dear Milly if Shane Dawson was hanging from a cliff would you be willing to kiss the BRD to sve him? When cats sound like crying babies Gracias! Yes! Yes! Yes! We would love a talkshow My favorite video: why was I born?. Ur best video ever! Oh and by the way that was hot Your mom's chest hair La concha de tu hermana Love mrs. Potts. Wish belle's dress would be prettier though. The white part kills it. Deny that I am American before I end up on some kill menu. She is epic!!! I wish I had friends like her. Lisbug!!!! Hahaha. El pelon esta exitado. Haber si ese guapo me hecha una llamada ya q no ande detrs de jotitos como Justin. I don't think he's famous. I know if someone asked me for my autograph I would give it and not say anything Was that her ,came in my pants, face after thinking of Shane?! Cuz that's what I get What's her real last name?!?! We watch because he is sexy!!!! jizz. in. my. pants. After which I brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack. Pedobear",23,2,5,1,0,21,0 2999,X3000,I did a bad thing i want jesus to help me i do know what to do so pls help me sometime i do bad i need help please help me i did a bad sin sometime help me jeus. Yeah ik it sad i want god to be with me. swx idiot he have dulx i am 12 i still look on youtube chuck it mean fuck out of me lol ik me to yeah stop make him cry yeah and i think there shark you annoying and the girl trught her boob 1:46 Lol when he say you use tropmer hawk YOU CHEAT 4:43 On saw he slap the saw in the head and his head not duck tap and he hit him in the head when saw play farm ville 2:42 what the whole saw you see start 2:42 it is real twin tower and the plane in people that sad why girl power ranger chick be in the power ranger? i thought michal jackson die in 2009? Lol Jk no,15,1,2,5,0,20,0 3000,X3001,"Well kind of. I own a ps3 I LOVE BF BC2 I used to play it all the time. But it won't work so I thought is it just PS3 or is it just me. That's why it matters. ;_; Jason D: Family moments Makes me wanna cry ;_; *sniff* It's ok... It's ok... Hm time to make a CD with this song and a bunch of metal and play it in my dads car :D I like that song :D How about 50 dislikes? What?! MURDERING KIDS IS NOT GOOD SICK GUY! I'VE BEEN BULLIED BUT I WOULDN'T DO THIS AND YOU SAY 'Eric and Dylan are heroes, What is this world coming to... A computer is not an instrument. This is appalling. Under 300 club anybody? Der at 3:30 :DDDDDDDD 3:29 so it's easy for you to see :D He's almost at ,The Part, Download it on steam you need Counter Strike Source and Garrys Mod GUITAR HERO!!!!!! This is crap. OH MY GOSH REALLY?! My bro is gonna kill me for this but i'mma download it :D It's alot better then my videos :D I guess I gotta new favorite band!",19,5,5,26,0,62,0 3001,X3002,Un commentaire tu c'est a quoi sa sert !!! Et ba moi jve ldire sa sert a dire si t'aime ou pas le clip la music les paroles et tout !! Pas a vous faire connaitre !! meme si jvoulait me faire connaitre jmettrait pas sur youtube mes plutot sur msn ou fb ou encore skype !! :pp Il m'enerve a se la peter en + sur cetaine chanson c de la merde !! Pouce vert si vous ete daccord avec moi !! Il a un grand talent :) si vous penser comme moi il faut le faire connaitre il le merite :D il chante trod bien :D trod belle paroles !! :D Pouce vert pour ceux qui son d'accord avec moi !! :D Maman je sort !Tu va ou ? Butter les 80 personne qui n'aime pas !! Tout seul ? Non avec les 663 personne qui aime !!D'accord a taleur !! peu etre quelle fait des fausse mes au moins sa voix et pas trod trafiquer :) Mercci grace a cette music je c'est qui j'aime Mon amours je t'aime Bbey nous deux sa sera pour la vie A 9 ans faire du rap XD ffaut qu'il arrete un peu !! dans 3 ou 4 ans il aurra plus sa voix et apre il ira pleurer psk sont reve et foutu Si ta que sa a regarder -- ba sa peu etre juste pour deconner !!! Jui demanderai ;p :'( Ok ba ecoute la vraie version apre on verra ;) Ok y'a des moment ou elle chante pas mes elle chante vraiment !!! Lady Gaga et completement nul comparer a Indila ;) Continuer Indila feat Youssoupha ;) Trod bien =) Tes juste jaloux de sa Beaut ;) Et moi je dit sa sert a rien elle va les aperser avec sa voie d'ange :) C'est quoi sa coiffure ?!! Qui aime franchemement !! J'aimerai bien t'entendre avant de dire sa ;) Putin pourquoi tu passe pas a la radio ?!! Ta du talent ! rollaala dire que tu pourrais passer a la radio tu serait encore plus connut !! Vous ete d'accord avec moi ? Et en 2013 qui l'ecoutera encore ? :) Ba moi jui pas raciste parce que j'adore Sexion d'assaut ! Et jui une meuff !! On vous a jamais dit que le rascisme ne servait a rien car nous avons 0.001 de difference genetique :) Il n'y a que la couleur de la peau qui change celon les pays ! En ffrance on n'est blanc psk il pleut tre souvent ! En afrique il sont noir psk il pleut tre rarement ! Psk si elle etait grosse tu l'aimerai pas !! Ha ba super moi jdit !! Vu comment elle se comporte c'est une p*** Ouai mes ta blague elle et demoder ;) Pourtant tant n'a des pouce vert ;) Si sa dure plus longtemps ;) le plaisir serait encore plus long :) 333 Une autre musique ensemble ? Svp :),27,1,3,5,1,17,0 3002,X3003,Harken is pretty much the best book ever :) Everyone should read it. The Whore disliked the video. I hope they actually prank each other during the live stream even though they said they wouldn't :D It's fucked up again guys. Last night after the live stream I went to my room. It was already after 5 am in the UK. I went to turn on the light and as I flipped the switch the light flickered and the electricity went off. It scared the shit out of me. It was just a coincidence and I found out that it was just my light bulb but it was really freaky and it scared me to death. hahahaha. :D By the way great show last night guys.... :D,5,14,5,5,0,21,0 3003,X3004,If I know him in real he would be my best friend.. Im in love with one direction :D Don't ask who I love more because there equal to me :) There just perfect and so amazing :3 What song did she sing? Belieber and directioner skew you all im both :D Is it me or does liam were plad alot? I have a feeling your 12 Im cheyenne and I love to write poems and my fave color is yellow.... JUSTIN BIEBER OR ONE DIRECTION!!! Id date Harry Styles or Justin Bieber... Jusin bieber :) A MONKEY PANDA!!!! (Caption)-Waking up in a bucket? Must have been crazy last night. 2:16 Thats what I did I feel so bad I love you!!!,13,5,2,9,0,14,0 3004,X3005,Aj the bum jkjk :D Nice vid bro :),2,3,5,5,0,21,1 3005,X3006,UR SO HOT!!!!!!!! This is so fucking hilarious actaually everyone of ur videos is hilarious...DREW MALINO UR SO HOT Hahahahahahahaha you made me freakin laugh :D,3,1,3,11,0,18,0 3006,X3007,german scheisse video. that is all I have this Jeep but 1992 and manual. 162000 miles (260000 km) and still running strong! Get 4.0l engine not the 2.5!,2,0,4,5,0,20,0 3007,X2823,"Love it. Beautiful song nicely played ! Gosh i wish i had been there at the front seat ! beautiful performance ! too bad there are feedbacks. they make an amazing duet... have they made any albums yet? wanna buy those. She's cute. and a natural singer too. that's good. but it seems that you're kinda nervous thus resulting in tempo irregularities. I suggest that you sing the song while sitting. This way you'll be more relaxed. I had heard this song several times before and all went without saying. Until once I listened carefully to the lyrics.... It gave me goosebumps. It still does. It's a song for all of us. no one is perfect. now and then we stumble and fall and desperation triumphs. in such moments listening to this song really helps. like this. good one. Ahahaha.... like this. creative funny and entertaining. Jauh lebih baik bikin video seperti ini daripada ,Gorontalo bergoyang, misalnya... Good job officer. You should apply to be an actor instead. Why does the camera sometimes shift its focus to the door behind julia? It's just an ordinary greyish painted wooden door. I don't see anything spe..... oh wait it has a metal handle. wow. I was looking for any ,PUNCH, or ,KICK, or ,MUTILATE, button on this youtube page. Too bad they don't exist. Lucky you. I've been watching your videos for a while. This one is a good song Julia. But I know you still can do better. Can't wait for your next song. Love the way you cover songs guys !!Gee... I was surprised when she the cute sweet innocent-looking girl start to rap.Nice cover. I like this. YEAAHH... !!! Nice groove guys. backing vocal lady you're sweet. True. I miss her honest happy smile. Hahahah.... lagi... lagi bu? kurang jelas. ooohhh... ya? atau I was reading and didn't see the video. I eventually realized this isn't Andhien and Glenn performance when I Glenn's voice didn't show up after several verses. Girl you're good. But I think you should fire your bass player. I know this song is soooooo difficult to sing. Thumbs up for you and for the arrangement. Nice song. Tyler shows some drama but Alex is static throughout the clip. I think you could visually improve this clip by arranging a better mutual drama or scenario. This music video is much better than your previous ones. Great music as usual and HUGE improvements in the visuals. Total body and mimic expression proper lighting added camera effects and new angles. And Alex G looks very hot here. Great performance wish to watch you guys live on stage. Drum guy it'd be better to get a crash cymbal. Several strikes you've made in this vid don't sound good on the ride cymbal. Also it is to vary the crash tones and to keep your rides vivid and clear. looks like a toy to me. i'd rather buy a real drum set. OMG !!! This is the innovation of the century ! He just found a FOOD substance which is fire-proof. Imagine if you survive an airplane crash and doesn't have a stove around to cook. Just pour some water into this new food substance and voila ! is she always this beautiful? I am a man and I love Josh Groban's voice. I wish I can sing like him. I'd sing to the woman I love everyday. Suddenly i want to play violin. It's been several weeks and I'm still coming back to watch this video. Does she have other dance vids? wanna watch them. does anyone have a karaoke version of this cover? Seriously? Music this good is made only with an acoustic guitar a backing electric guitar and a small shaker? Super thumbs up for this amazing artistic masterpiece ! Damn he's good. The 4th singer the center girl on the left line. Nice voice. Akhirnya ketemu juga ni iklan di yutub. Download ah... pertama kali liat di bioskop langsung nempel di otak hehehe.... Nice commercial. I'll buy your product. Ni video bikin ngakak pagi2 :D",35,0,3,5,0,30,0 3008,X3009,WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FRANK Humans are not the strongest or the fastest but we are the smartest and we need tools.,2,25,5,2,1,18,0 3009,X3010,LMS if she copiedi saw the other one 2 got jennifer on hold book it don't hate the player hate the game check mate thumbs up 4 beyonce can't hear real well good good i love ur accent and u sing well keep going u might make it 2 the top LOL look at her face accent keep practicing u will make it in the singing career wut do she got on she ratchet LOL THEY LAUGH IN 2 MANY PEOPLE FACES DISSAPOINTED :( what,14,0,3,5,1,72,0 3010,X3011,And bullshit so you suck dick much?,2,0,3,1,0,30,1 3011,X3012,love this song! Lol hes 9 haha i think he turned 9 n 2012 last year he was 8 Dont say i swear to god i will die if someone says lil wayne sux cuz tey think eminem is rl. u already have a great family and friends cuz sometimes u can rlly die if u wish and swear thts y i never swear something tht is'int true True! lol my lil sister crys everyday for him we take her to all the justin bieber concert she spoiled. And btw amen lol Nice! dudelol lol alot of ppl are geting into fights cuz they say NO HE IS MINE lol ohh id like lil wayne i just like the some of his songs lolz! haha lol my spark city account? Not u lol i never will like selena gomez i did befor but not anymore and yea its becuz of justin bieber but id like him anymore niether and thts the 1st thing y i hate her the 2nd thing is tht she is a copycat ik tht she is a copycat so if u got a problem then ur just ganna have to deal with tht for shut the freak up and enjoy ur life!!!! enstead of commeting on ppl stuff and sayingt this and tht if u dont have non nice 2 say then dont say it god dang! u kno what im don being nice SHUT THE FUCK UP U LIL SLUT AND BITCH DONT TELL ME SHUT THE FUCK UP UR THE MOTHER FUCKING BITCH U GO TO HELL U LIL PEACE OF SHIT BITCH!!!!!!!!! lol Qiut making things by the devil i mean i kno you love the devil but realy? Yu have to even use it in all oft he websited u have Let the bodies hit the floor!!!!!! She Was'int 20 Wen She Sang This Song She Was 19,17,1,3,20,0,19,0 3012,X3013,From the last three years a lot has changed like grad. high school going to a brake up and joining the united states marines corps. I'm 18 years old and a proud mexican/american @loganloris97 I agree! Dope Im 18 n I haven't played video games for a long time last game I was into was mw2 so I don't even know wats coming out. I'm going to bootcamp soon so maybe later ill get back into video games. Bad ass show BTW I just subscribed today xD Haha awesome Damn I like her eye's DOPE!!!! Good I liked it but its too short :/ Orlando FL. :( Fucking boss I would totally fuck u T-shirt Lol,14,1,4,5,0,22,0 3013,X3014,"Oh haha xD I understand now. Your comment made me laugh xD She did have a private facebook Whether or not she still has it I couldn't tell you that. I think I know what his future career is going to be. My Grandmother recently passed away and even though I don't really feel like saying it on the internet I just wanted to say that during the slideshow they played this song and even before she passed away this was my favorite song but now that she has passed this song will forever be in remembrance of her. Yeah The Xbox version... PC version can never be boring. Too many mods and texture packs etc. etc. Didn't see that one did ya Homer?! Says joo Who is this person that keeps telling you this and why do they sound like that grandmother from ,Let me borrow that top, Also why does this person keep referring you to food items? :D",9,5,3,5,0,16,0 3014,X3015,"1:22 THE GOAT SHOOTS LAZERS!!! :D WTF BUDDHA IS NOT REAL IF HE WAS HE WOULD BE SOME INDIAN FATASS FEASTING UPON NACHOS ALL DAY!!! Your child has learned the basics of teabagging :D What brand of cabbage did you use to record this? :D HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DEAR EVERYONE OF YOUTUBE! great now that I have your attention ISAIAH'S A LIAR I know him i'm Joseph Mac Cormac ;D his real number really is 253-273-4389 prank call it... CUZ IT WOULD BE HILARIOUS! :d 0:51 I knew she would use a vibrator... Were you in the test realm? This may seem over spectative (lolz not even a word) but doesn't Frost Giant swing the hammer twice? :P YOU SPELLED PWNED WRONG!!!!! Isaiah next time you make a video try to do it without pajamas... Like your penis? 0:40 Warning-Watch your languageUsinginappropriate words will get you suspended. You said,FUCKSHITCOCKASSRETARDASSxD You forgot efreet! JK don't you hate it when people do that? XD You can harvest every 24 hours or so you start harvesting when your plant gets to mature then so on until elder. (YOU CANT HARVEST WHEN THERE ARE NEEDS OR PESTS FOOL) There's no top comment here's my chance... CHEESE! EVERYONE LIKE THIS he gets beat up ;D Probably because he gets beat up in the music video! :D The song is from the movie candyman yes yes I know how does a movie called candyman creep the shit out of you well... watch the movie (or a trailer then you would understand) :D",19,11,3,5,0,26,0 3015,X3016,HEY GUYS NEW CHANNEL YA HOO Uhhh Hi? If anybody cares I am almost done making a new video will be out in like an hour or so YAY NEW VIDEO :D lol Hello to anybody that actually reads these. I am currently trying to make a video with meetingwiththeboss but I am having some problems with wmm and other crap so it will take a while to make. But in the mean time go watch my happy wheels videos on MrEpicPSGaming if you want. Hey guys I did upload a video yesterday but there were some copyright issues so I should have a video out around the time of oct. 12th,7,30,3,13,0,15,0 3016,X3017,My best video ever is coming up soon! Look out for it.,1,26,5,8,0,18,0 3017,X3018,You were really really talented Drew!!!I'm so proud of you! Nope. Sorry but I don't go around fucking my brother. Yes I am a tranny. Thanks for noticing. :) You can't wash gay off of you. It's not some fucking disease it's who you love. I'm of course re-reading it for the thousandth time. I'm a 90's kid. That shit is my childhood. People see faces all the time and they are still attracted to faces. Just because they are used to it doesn't make it unattractive to them. By the way the whole breastfeeding thing is what makes them biologically attractive. Thank you for the support guys:) Love ya *too *weird Why don't I develop an eating disorder get plastic surgery and paint an entirely different face on my own just so you can be happy? Or better yet so you can say that's not good enough either? If you are a guy shame on you. Most guys are not that attractive and they smell and have mounds of hair EVERYWHERE. There are a lot more attractive girls than attractive guys and it's ok for a guy to not look perfect. But for a girl not to achieve some impossible standard... So fuck you! For all girls Do you like my big penis?,10,18,3,5,0,19,0 3018,X3019,"Diablox9 est radin Trop bien ton serveur est ce que tu a sitt !! Dada tu peux me dbanir sur dadcraft stp je m'appelle hunterdemon stp dada tu serai trop sympa non il n y a pas de risque je vien avec un policier xd ,il a beaucoup d arme , mdr ptdr mdr sa fait trs mal a l anus ptdr ! oui il y a un multi mais il est bof sa c est bien dit ! sa serai marrant que voys rencontrer des suevuvats xd poi je suis le fils de cortex xd ! c est quoi ton gamertag stp merci",12,29,2,27,0,13,0 3019,X3020,Nice video man. 6:07 xD sure dude im okay with that no controllers thank you dude! not really. LOL i remember watching this in 2009 on my old account hahaha still funny xD LOL nice LOL i remember why jessica alba did this.was because back in 2009 she had a stare contest against this one asian guy. Fallaron... you will be missed. Next Video will have commentary :D hey man it's not bad and your idea is pretty good :D true dat. NOOOOO! Emenike :( boy did that level make me mad as a kid lol U subscribe to me I am going to start recording again. hopefully my PC won't be a pile of shit.Ive been playing a lot lately against habin Joe and Cannon I am not going to dislike your videos but he is new you welcome for this game ya twat.LOL keep it up hmm is it the girl that shot in the ass by KSI with a bb gun ? Gunit still makes videos LOL i know xD Skorpion EVO w/SilencerNo Perks Scorestreak:Hellstorm MissileVSATWarhogDomination :) good luck yup that is the point bring a retro game to phazer Deji got some nice videos xD funny how he says dudley is a french son of a bitch yet british xD. I would edit more but after effects is fucking up right now. KSI will have a heart attack next episode LOL ! YEAH ! he won hahah awesome.,29,185,5,150,0,17,0 3020,X3021,"303 people have that haircut. I find this easy to masturbate to. I know why they pulled him over... its because he's black. tooo cool Why dont u shove this gay song up your big hairy arses. I didnt realise this wasnt that 70s show until like 2:45 when i looked at the title. If this shirt is not sweaty... U have not given me enough cock. Is it just me or do most people put goggles on when ur hitting a gas mask? You should like just spend all your time making these videos so i can just spend all my time watching them Fuck you're a crackhead. Actually this songs about weed. Not all his songs are about heroin. The ,reef, refers to reefer. And a badfish is a weed smoker. ,I swim but i wish i'd never learned, is how he wishes he had never smoked weed which in turn wouldn't have led him down the drug road. Second. Tickle my clit. Holy hell was that walter white in the croud? Who the hell listens to psy anymore?",14,0,3,5,1,24,0 3021,X3022,What is the anime with the blonde hair'd chick? Is it just me or does the first little bit sound like SAO opening... Why..... is Pajama Sam.... Ganta.... Wow. REKKON IS NUMERO UNO!,5,6,3,5,1,20,0 3022,X3023,I LOVE YOU PVP I LOVE YOU GUYS your gay get a life is hoe your videos suck seman your gay for putting this up your getting boring your shows are terribale smd your crap your fake,5,21,3,17,1,20,0 3023,X3024,stalker XD,1,7,3,5,0,19,0 3024,X3025,Happy Birthday Ronan Parke :* x lol :L Where's ur new video :( I'm that friend also,4,1,2,6,0,13,0 3025,X74,Dear title of video -- That's what she said Dear title of video -- That's what she said according to the live stream that minty commented on the 4th of dec 2012. apparantly sjin and minty may be dating. the way she keeps watching it i love the new layout charlie sia teacher? You inherit genes from your parents. There is 23 chromosones in the sperm and egg cell. Imagine your dad and your mom had blue eyes but you have green eyes it is possibly because one of your parents (or both) have a recessive (in the genes but not expressed) alleil (a specific information of a gene e.g. green eyes). So having different eye colour from your is not random because of your parents' genes. They found that thing that was a found in 2012 that seems to be faster that light. This is making it more possible to time travel. Scientist - Big BangReligoinist - GodScience and Religion are long time rivals! 4.5 billion years Not unless we get spaceships and hop planets or go into another solar system... Hurry people! We have 5 billion years to build them! racist english footballer is older than american football.. Instead of following the rest of the world start following history. Don't go to lodnon. You will be masacred. Too many bros there. You might even see me. My class are all bros. Reportern r sexig. Frlt .. 0:13 idiot. pay attention. It's a free country ang lahat ng mga ito ay sabihin. Kapag marinig ka ng mga tao laban sa homosexuality makikita mo sa kanila laban sa KKK.Ako ay nalilito. Hindi ko makita ang mga ito pagprotesta laban sa Obama. Kung ang KK nagpunta sa internet. Internet ay sumabog.Lalo na sa youtube channel ng itim na tao tulad ng Tay Zonday. Nais kong ako ay itim. Ngunit hulaan ko okay lang para sa akin. KKK ay WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant). Hindi sila antas ng kaungasan ..Batang babae na siya nagpunta doon! To the KKK: The blacks are going to kick your ass! There is a lot of them. Madla ay smart.Hindi tulad ng sa akin. Sa paligid ng 5000 miyembro sa KKK. Why isn't the test it out yourself on the RT3? hey ev ryone calm down... it's just a game...geez. I think he meant to not talk with her mouth full eejit. ah irish way of saying fucking idiot. 69 views. Actually. Google Mail users had the layout before the non-google mail users. Ako napunta sa England kapag ako ay 5 ... Kaya hindi ko alam ng maraming Pilipino Kasaysayan. Wikipidia. The [1] in the description. And [3]. Wow. Never even noticed that some people in Philippines were poor. I lived in a house but some lived on the streets. And it makes me worse when I go to London. I love rice. gen 3 was better Why didn't they just use the time turner to stop voldermort? XD no way... how did you guess? any way it's not me. 5:01 pause it there.,32,3,4,18,0,22,0 3026,X3027,R.I.P ROYMAN CARLOCK passed of sickness complications @ 6:15 pm 11/18/2011. i'm sorry royman that I haven't spent the time with you that I should. I'll never forget the day at the wedding you shared with me andI learned what I needed to be calm. LOVE YOU CUZ Gannon very brave HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PURE CRAZY LMAO Great Review keep up the accurate and helpfull content solar panelder That Shits BOSS as hell yes the reason their there is to kill weak people LOL that die is 12 weeks LOL yes some clean energy has been killed 1 jp morgan chase stole 50 inventions and this is proven. and during the cold war the national secrecy act was passed google it. enough of the god crap ronnie did everything god did nothing!!! and thats a casada,12,3,5,11,0,28,1 3027,X2189,"Well...Not My School. Divis. Is . My. School. At Least He's Trying. You Need To STFU And Stop Putting People Down. Like Seriously. JUST STOP. STFU. Download link?(: Hey you yeah you stop being so freaking cute. It's driving me insane. (: Cuuuuuuute!:) The friggin' tags! :D You got hurrs on yo fo head. LMAO! :) Can you make like a video of the basics of makeup!? That would soooo help me out! :D I loved it when you started dancing to ,Part of Me,. :) Like can't a nigga swim!? Can I do this on Black White polka dot Vans? Michael's or Joann's most likely. :) Louis: It smells.Lady:Please don't say that I farted.Louis Harry: *start laughing* This is amazing! :D THUMBS UP IF YOU AGREE. :) Her face when she breaks the giraffe. Thumbs up if you saw it! :) ''Yo I wrote the book on inappropriate., HAHAHAHAHAH. :) Look like I have 4 feet. Like a animal :) they make me want to choke a fetus .hahahahhaahahahahahahah . this song is mesmerizing . c'; maadd doppeeee. why can't i love in houston texas. daaaaaaaanngg. this is mad dope. ;D the gibberish song should go on itunes. c; when he ,moooooooed, i died. You might ask if she can't sit on my face now we're talking. lololol. (; Nando's is the most delish place to eat in the world. Just sayin'. Lol. c: MINDFUCKED. We are going up on the lift. Would you like to join me on the lift?! *dancing* you choob. 3 HOW DO THEY NOT GET ARRESTED?! He said he's never seen skittles before... ;o",31,4,3,1,0,21,0 3028,X3029,You are great dude! Awesome playing Its a stratocaster I might for my next vids. We'll have to see... High school doesn't suck if you're really popular and have lots of friends. Unfortunately for the rest of us it's Hell.,4,4,4,2,0,18,0 3029,X3030,Hey Verbeek hij klinkt lekkah :D And thats right :) Celtische muziek blijft ook zeer mooi ook he ;) Makelijk gezegd voor mij :VROEGAH TOEN WAS HET ZWAAR RELAXT :D :D :D Holland Hardcore !!!geordiegabbamafia orgCrazyes hardcore from england,4,7,5,5,0,33,1 3030,X3031,your awesome!!!!! keep the videos coming xxx,1,0,4,5,0,21,0 3031,X3032,thanks for the advice and you're welcome! ^-^ this is beautiful! great voices piano great everything!!! great job! wow this is REALLY good! Nice job! i have a question for you whats the highest note you know? whenever i look up fingerings online they only go up to high c and i know there are higher notes than that so can you help me? ^-^ how did you get the dialogue in it?,4,1,3,3,1,17,0 3032,X3033,Does this mean we can play in 3rd person? I have mixed feelings. Whatever it wasI know its becauseWe are the youth of the nation Ah. I see. 13 MORE DAYS! COME ON! Well that's just it. They managed to do it with the other songs so why not this one?I'm sorry for complaining it was just bugging me. If not on September 18th it will be. 11 MORE DAYS!YOU CAN DO THIS! Ronnie sucks *Twilight mode on*Actually you asked a question.*Twilight mode off*......How did I get here? Lyra loves dat trumpet I dont recognize 0:00 to 0:10 -_- Any price. You name it. You guys are a bunch of bitches. The kids can say Candle Jack so why can't y The fuck just happened?I think I'm happy wait what?I need to lie down. A scat mouth with a bowler...That might be the classiest thing I've ever seen Sneaky sneaky asians... I got a swarm once... in a care package ;~; Dr. Whooves looks adorable in a pear costume.Wait... 3 songs four eps. This season has been amazing so far hope they keep it up! I tried that. A homeless man stole my wallet. @Mekhi Uy My ultimate dream is to one day be as funny as any of these great men. I love this show. According to number 3 if I play cod I become invincible Hey! You with the emblems yes you. You're fucking awesome keep that shit up.,25,1,3,5,1,28,0 3033,X3034,this is youtube swear all you mutherfucking want u have the exact same accent as a kid in my neighborhood they should make a remix with busta rhymes remember its wiz khalifa swearing before you exit..... rape the replay button! he also sings hes damn good too i know them now upload a video of mario fighting the covenant actually this cud be possible bcuz mc wuz stranded only a couple months after reach and the helmate would still be there. 4 months later 2 more are diagnosed or make a full game type add on like odst lol halo ring in backround ride 8 How u do busta part???!!!!!!! Looks like anime If you look to the left in the sniper scope you will notice an enemy elite. They are supposed to be friendly the saw there are only 8 missions? are they long? Sadly this is still more wise thane romney Halo 5 plot: arbiter and chief reunite the old covenant returns and join the unsc (which would make elites playable in multiplayer). MC gets new armor (MK VII) and the promethians join forces with flood and storm covenant and have a big showdown on earth (credit to MinybjuMC for flood taming thing). really? great song chris brown + ne-yo = vedo the awesome singer this should have been his song. Every song hes done should be his. He does them with so much passion. water combat + vehicals.,24,2,3,7,1,14,0 3034,X3035,its a new gt by the way can i join I Only Did This Video Because Of People Saying That It Was A Screwjob Not Me Alot Of CM Punk Fans And IM Happy That Rock Won You Suck You Suck You Suck can you invite my new gt in ratedrhproject Over The Limit Is In October And I Liked And Favorite,6,102,3,5,0,24,1 3035,X3036,"What now bitch? Dafuq? Where the hell is Epic Beard Guy? Serves you right bitch but I would have thrown a table leg with nails instead thanks Xbox 360 is a bit hard to use it destroys your shooting accuracy let's say in Resident Evil 5's laser system. And Xbox 360 gets broken more easily. It's okay to buy a PS3 instead Xbox 360 because the new games for Xbox like Lollipop Chainsaw Resident Evil 6 and Dead or Alive 5 are also ported to PS3. Nope that's the other Sarah Blackwood the one in Wikipedia... 114 people didn't pay their rent so they became homeless Who needs shades when you have beard? - Beard Guy Dog: Dafuq is going on? She probably applied Spa Milk Salt in her Armpits and I'm guessing those are side-effects (my mom uses one of those) Dear God.... Wha-- H-how... Wu.. Whe-e How is Justin Bieber not included in this...? 1:28 Your death will be slooooow and painful XD Can you guys do a cover of Summer paradise by Simple Plan? Yes he can sing he sang the part in 1:13 with Gianni which is the highest part of the song lol The guys who tripped while running away lol Lol NOPE not very Australian... Good Lord this is the most awkward moment I have entered in my life... Beard Guy only does ONE SOLO which is only ONE LINE but he's even more epic than Chuck Norris! If you were a cabbage... you'd be a CabBITCH lool. this is a great band why criticize them? You're just jealous that you don't have talent as amazing as theirs. And that awkward moment when the comment that's talking about the other top comments that are discussing the top comment which is now at the top comment list gets a top comment lol Well let me see... Yes you're the only one thinking that I think her rap part is one of the most awesome part of the video Taylor is Beard Guy's last name his full name is ,Mike Taylor, I need some help when I scan my psp for internet connections I always find my wifi security on the list but it says ,not supported,... what should I do? Hot slut? where? Seriously get your facts straight... Hayley is more beautiful Best thing to do with this video: Leave There's no difference between their originals and their covers... they're all great. It's also a good thing you know that your opinions are like assholes and some stupid shit cause your opinions suck. P.S You're a bitch",27,5,2,5,0,17,0 3036,X3037,2012 hey youtube haven't made a video beacause my webcams broken then my laptops charger broke im currentl borroring my mums computer put any way i saw a videoabout an idiot who didn't know what a leap year was so i will explain it the earth orbits around the sun and it takes 365and a quarter days for it to make a full orbit so every 4 years there is a leap year where a day is taken away to make up i are smurt,3,20,4,91,0,20,0 3037,X3038,ja voll^^ HA GAYYY!!! Like^^ 3:40 i would say HEIL^^,4,0,3,5,0,15,0 3038,X3039,Yes Obama and Justin Bieber It depends on were you are in the world. In russia Dolars have a higher rate then any valuta The 90's people were happy that time sems legit Yo this is just a random question to Pewdiepie. Did you meet Anyhony random or did you've planed it a bit confused Simpley canabis cures ADHD. I really don't understand why it hasent being used as a medical drug Okay Can i ask all of you a question? Why do normal people like to bullying us? We are just special it's not ouer fault. I think than it's evil people wich harast people because of theire handicap. Why are you doing stuff like this? Why is it so hard to understand for somone then it's not ouer fault we are handicaped S siger vi det din svands ;),10,10,7,24,0,18,1 3039,X3040,I love Emily and I thought she should have been with sean but seeing her with jef! I loved them.... then she broke his heart! She has commitment issues. You.Are.Amazing. You actually aren't that bad! WOOHOO! I've waited for your first real music video for a long time! So deserved! Great job Dani! You did really good! Just try to bring down your breathes because they really come through your mic THERE'S ANOTHER BABY ON THE WAY! Man I need to catch up!:) Great job!;) You guess have awesome personalities and great singing voices! *subscribed* As I watched this I got this rush if actually liken Darcy...,9,9,4,5,0,16,0 3040,X3041,Dem. Titties. Close the goddamn door. Can anyone hate this song? No. They can't. This is terrible. Classic. If you stare in between the eyes for a while you can see two deamau5 heads with flashing lights. :D two times the glory. No one knew but the epic motherfucker was a penguin. 2:36 is the cutest damn thing i've ever seen.,8,0,3,5,0,21,1 3041,X3042,"Aron u cutie pie HOLY MATOKIIIIimma kill them for hurting my mato warriors. ;( JR w/o eye makeup... beautiful :D Why were shoes being thrown? Bitch stay away from my Aron. And Baekho. Ren's too damn pretty for you. LOOL Guys please also watch BAPs ,One Shot,! ^-^ it's soooo good! L.O./\.E.S BABIES! :D Ew BAP ONE SHOT!!! Honestly I think Nu'est can release a song similar to ,Face, and ,Action, so.. I personally think that EYK shouldn't review Nu'est because it's the soft side of them... And not the unique style tempo GUISE!!! Vote for them on eatyourkimchi! I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who wants this video reviewed!!! :D Can you make me one? Ew Aron- :) such a cutie pie I'm surprised Victor didn't do his signature head hollow back -.-",13,1,2,5,0,22,0 3042,X3043,tryn is a difficult hero to master. :) his hero file should be completely deleted aswell as volibear and darius. you realize you just got trolled the shit out of ? did you record this on the reflection of your toaster? welcome back brother riot games you have reached a new level of stupidity. Why release a champion that requires such a heavy nerf within a week of release? Just take some time to actually consider your champions before they are officially released... Secondly stop tweaking old champions and making them more over powered and focus on listening to the community and what they believe is necessary. Furthermore nerf Darius you bunch of brain damaged apes. just because he is in the US doesn't make him an American hick with a Texas accent you morons they used to be good... your spelling is impeccable no rod of ages... :-/ not in the way they depict deep breaths deep breaths. this is everything that is wrong with the world Already pre-ordered the CE of this. SO. FUCKING. KEEN. i'm crying with laughter please make more of these sarcastic videos in the future why the fuck isn't she called arachna this should happen to you cunts more often yeah broke my nose what the fuck do they feed these kids What the fuck am i doing with my life he plowed her so fucking hard after this was filmed ' i just wasted double strike that was the worst mistake of my life 'you're just a loose canon man. what the fuck am i doing with my life one small problem for Nick... GSP,23,0,3,5,0,22,0 3043,X3044,Please Republicans continue to vote for this painfully confused man in the primaries... I can't wait to see him defeated by sanity in the presidential election. Right here? Life force triangle. Basically everybody's either real or fake. 90% of people are fake. The Y2K bug? It actually happened. People think that it didn't; people thought that like the computers didn't shut down. Actually they did. And because of that 90% of people are FAKE. It's the bug. I did half a semester at Bard so... haha represent!,3,0,3,1,1,22,0 3044,X3045,No Wrencer No Wrenna! Just Spoby and Haleb3 I love this! She's 15 getting ready to turn 16 on the 17th of Febuary and she's so adorable3 brb while I cry. what in the hell did I just watch? are you even talking ?,6,4,3,4,0,28,0 3045,X3046,"where's da glee version of this? Rebbeca Black In ur bed. Oops ur mom told me not to tell u that... Why dont you ask your mom she knows Just like the cooking commercial. If there is one thing muscular tools do its cook Umm fact checking here wasn't the bible written by people who were not god? Think about it all you atheist haters think about it. I can't believe anybody could dislike this. 210 people should be out there unable to forgive themselves for not only commending bullying but disliking a story of a kid's suicide. whatever your encoded reason it boils down to you are a jerk. When you ignore it you endorce it. ,This is a sensitive topic,. Really? Look who came out of the bathroom solid case 26 people are going to hell just saying FINALLY I CAN WRITE!!! Abed from community?",12,0,3,5,0,15,0 3046,X3047,the ad was... TAKEN GREAT TO SEE LUCAS BACK god i love him he is pure class the defensive midfielder we have been missing after his injury spearing is good and will improve more but not even close to lucas right now yes norweigan news are broadcasting this aswell think borini is a great player! if he did play everygame along suarez he could but he didnt :( NEW SCOREMAN OF LIVERPOOL FC *** he was on a loan for swansea congratz :D the fan s oh my laughed my ass off! to bad ramirez is class and havent you seen him when he played yesterday for uruguay? dont you look at the date on the comment before u comment ??? so you have no job? not hating on your lifestyle i admire it! full name where you live bank id social security number facebook password stuff like that Bicycle KICK.... BLOW ME... haha faen s lattis du er norsk du sttter dette faen meg en skam for hele norge blir kvalm av deg hvor bor du? ser ut som ei lita fitte i videoene dine maybe ur comment gets thumbs up now LOL comparing a game to real life you wouldnt last a week with that atitude! welcome to liverpool only paperwork and medictest left :) welcome to lfc! FUck yeah norway futured on =3 once again :D cant hear you outsing anyone you cunts :) YES suraez is getting his revenge 10 goals 12 games hope he will be the top scorer of the prem this year! Dortmund is an amazing club the players the young talents the fans the play style i love watching dortmund play sincerly liverpool fan i have shot with the hk xm320 in the norweigan army very fun addition to my hk 416,23,18,4,14,0,22,0 3047,X3048,i love your accent and your voice. youre amazing 3 This has to be the most amazing thing I've heard all week. The second half? I REALLY needed to hear. You're an awesome man of God. keep it up. and Thank you so much! (: you're beautiful! stay strong check out one life at a time on twitter tumblr and facebook. message me and ill give you the deets. im here for you! is this a christian band? Love it! Keep up the good work Taylor! I'm so downloading this :D In Jesus name I cast out this demon inside of this person Satasn get behind for you have no place there love this so much! you are beautiful talk to me anytime girl you are beautiful. hope youre okay! 3 sorry im so boring :P this isnt skillet doubtful (: fall in love with me 3 i think its amazing!! its just different. its our style. no the chick doesnt need to go. 3.33E+11,16,16,4,31,0,19,0 3048,X3049,we dont care u are tired of calling ginger why u do these videos!? cry biaaatch im hes supporter ninzal oli hutti 476 runenrttii dislaikkaa jos m nn viel yhenki amnesia videon ni teen tlleen ja se hypp sielt puust :D fucking bitch 56hgdfs axe (y) svedut ei osaa kirjottaa suomeks min taida nukkua muumipeikon vieress aika homoa love u man hilarious! perkeleen hyv biisi millasta pornoo ski oot kattonu jos toi on sun mielest pornoa key please press 6 to see nigga eating chicken tulis kari rapussa vastaan nii kvis tuukalle hupsusti paska peukkuhuoraus -.- aika slittv min ratsastan min ratsastan.. min ratsastan ihan yksin ne o kattonu suoraa google kntjst mit tarkottaa ride ei huhhuh,20,0,3,5,1,21,1 3049,X3050,theres clear boxes under him nd the people around him are paid to act like its not there if you cut yur self tht deep there would be WAYYY more blood therefore thts fake i seen thiss lmaoo i love it(:,4,56,5,5,0,30,0 3050,X3051,How much for ak47 or p90 Dumb ass hoe That is some fuck you shit they did How much? Ill trade a fourwheeler for it Gun Wat is a shotty through Ill give u 50 dollar I just what the gun How much for the pistol How much I want the sniper,12,0,3,8,1,16,1 3051,X3052,fuck you ugly!,1,0,3,5,0,22,1 3052,X3053,srry but this is terrible not tryin to be mean You did a wonderful job you killed it. i love max fuck u he is mine _bella step off i'm watching AustinAlly right now and this KISS YOUR HAND 5 TIMES POST THIS TO ANOTHER VID AND LOOK UNDER YOUR PILLOW FOR A PINK IPAD was it me or did Keaton look angry the whole time their gay for him hahaha emblem3,10,0,2,5,0,13,0 3053,X3054,still AWESOME no matter what language they speak! YG. Debut them already! Dear Ryan can you be a Korean Idol ? was that Ryan at the end? o_O mirrored + slowmo version please? i really wanna learn the dance. :) SO FREAKING EPIC! and this is a group with talent not just all about looks. They can totally rock a song just by sitting. 2NE1=goddesses of Kpop REALLY NICE COVER! i love it! :Dwhatever your name is i'm a BIIIIGGG BIIIIIGGG FAN OF YOU! 3keep up the good work! :),8,3,3,5,0,22,0 3054,X3055,"awww thank you! that psycho kid at the party made me laugh so hard. Extreme!! you should call people and tell them to come into work early:) Clint Eastwood! *Hears knocking* ,Hello?, ,wattttttaaaaaaaa!!!, i just shot my pants i was talking about getting it in my phone. hahah laughed so hard. i laughed at your video. *bro fist* Everyone is checking themselves out! Lol Funny how i can't find the video. Must of really hurt the guy lol I didn't know slender man was actually the hitman! O.0 omfg.they did mine!!!!!!! i got a boost phone:3 when i saw hiroshima i thought of bombz:/ i was staring at her ass:)",15,0,3,5,0,19,0 3055,X3056,Brittany !,1,11,4,3,0,17,0 3056,X3057,I love it! :D Sick! Queens center mall!,3,0,3,2,0,23,0 3057,X3058,hi i like to watch Once Upon a Time Bones NCIS and New Girl i like everything from head to heels;) silent Bob isnt silent anymore;) would be nice if i could go to a skrillex's concert on valentin's dayXD Peter Chao i love you even more now;)! Yup Bitch im beautiful :P Jennifer Lopez it's erothug-hands :) came here because of asksash88 :) MAURITIUS love l'oreal color tattoo unfortunately don't have them over here :( LOL love it3 tim you're soooo freakin funny man! ben juste que ri est toute nu dans la baignoire --*,13,1,3,5,0,21,0 3058,X3059,I HOPE YALL KNO DAT IS BIG LO FROM THEM STEVEN JO VIDEOS! LMAO! MY FAVORITE PART WAS 1:44!!!! FAKE ASS LENI KRAVITS! STFU WHO ARE YOU TO TALK!? BIRDMAN IS GAY!!! @officialyoungnephw you sent this video to me but should sign me cuz he finna rise!! IM HATIN ON THIS NIGGACUZ I KNO BETTER! LMAO! THIS IS A PARODY! WTF!!!! HOW DID HE GET A MILLION VIEWS? NIGGA IM SO TIRED OF LOOKING AT YO UGLY FACE!!!! IM DONE BEEFIN....AND I CAME THRU YO HOOD SATURDAY AND YOU WONT OUTSIDE!!!!BUT FUCK ALL DAT CUZ IMA DO ME! @MelroseZee EMAIL ME THIS BEATI JUST MADE A SONG OFF THIS SHIT!!!!! FOLLOW SHELIKE_SWILLZ YOU ARE GAYMOST OF YOUR SONGS IS ABOUT A NIGGA! LMAO!!! dat was my homeboy moma! DAT SHIT IS FAKE! THIS SHIT GO HARD...BUT SUPPORT MY SHIT TO! THIS DAT JURKIN SHIT!!!! ALL YO SHIT GO HARD! TYGA IS DA BEST! @Officalnikkidese YOU SEXY IN DA FACE AND HOW DID YOU GET A MILL VIEWS? OH SHIT! DAT DO LOOK LIKE HIM! @stevenjo this my shit! @stevenjo THEY HATIN THIS SHIT GO HARD! @Stevenjo YOU GAY! STFU! LMFAO! @chrisfu92 oh shit!Lol my nigga came back and killed cassidy! @heat0514 MeekMilli! WTF! LMAO!,31,27,5,64,0,21,1 3059,X1932,its easier to say irish wrist watch if your smiling really big your eyes.... :P you posted this on my dad's birthday lol pokerface your lips look pale..... really pale Thumbs up if you came here because of Facebook and you wanted to see the comment :D I AM PSYCHIC my hair used to be that long....... until my mum cut off like 10 inches didn't laugh or grin or thought it was slightly funny once this is entertaining OMG MY FAVOURITE VIDEO EVER IM CRACKIN' UP AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH POST MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL You don't say is a sarcastic comment that people say when someone else states the obvious like if a shop has a sign saying 'IF IT'S IN STOCK WE GOT IT' O.O needles 'chip flix' ????? what happened to pringles?!?!?!? hehe anyone else chuckle when he said 'dipsticks' i want to work there and eat the rejects 13 people don't like colours hmmm would I rather chew something from a tree....... or rubber and plastic? NONE but i love gum :'( that's watercolour -_- you said you already use watercolour Batans buuttuns botuns bootons gosh lady they're called 'Buttons' Rihanna's only hairstyle in this video beat out all 3 of nicki's hairstyles despite all the meaningless lyrics retarded costumes and overuse of makeup I just can't stop listening to this XD that'll be hard since she has so many nice grammar I Throw Dessert Up In The Air Sometimes Saying Ayeee Oohhh Hit by Jello!!!! You got the talent girl Now don't you go all Miley cyrus on us fans ;) i love zendaya's but bella's is just so catchy XD 0:51 to save all the talking crap nice voice for a 36 year old.. 'no my mony's disapwered liar if you watched the how it's made videos you'd know how to actually make gummy worms *phlegm* @loveshellybaby you're like the first english person with an english accent I've met..... and I live in england why is everyone always scaring ellen with explosions??? I'd name them all 'Steve' O.o im wearing earphones tododo rolls... i call them toilet paper roll insides in the UK aswell? I bet not... SO TRUE!!! i wanna fill a kiddie pool with this stuff isn't pronounced MEE-THANE not METH-THANE or is it just because I'm british? he says may-sure instead of meh-sure pour it down the drain but with loads of extra water XD i do that all the time,42,0,4,5,1,15,0 3060,X28,omg what happened to junho? yes. thanks for uploading! go on their website. there's some important news. :( that's youngmin. oh yeah! i think he is a soloist exo I'm seriously in love with this performance! that's exactly what i thought! :D high five! i wanna try the chopstick holder one! :D oh cool thanks! i vote sung gyu! ehhh i don't see it.. maybe it's just me. ;) wow i love it! lol its super junior exploration of the human body ep 12 or 13. what happened?? who dragged taeyeon off stage? really? same! well it's not my school. My school was a guest. i showed this video to my mom so she can learn their names. It worked! nope. that's kang ho dong. Do you guys speak french?? They use it so they can hear the music clearly over all the cheering.. That's VIXX i wouldn't mind watching you guys for hours! ;) ahhh! i live in ottawa!!!! or gikwang i think he meant to say 2:31 what song did taemin dance to at the beginning?? 2NE1! shinee i think they filmed this twice and put it together into one. so maybe the first time he used the ping pong paddle and the second time he didn't. happy birthday simon!!! i vote jaejoong! 3 B.A.P ottawa I vote Boa!!! :) ahh i get it now thanks!!! :) Where was this?,38,1,3,5,0,31,0 3061,X3062,Yes you can. Just walk away from the computer. Same here the resemblance is uncanny! creepypasta(dot)wikia(dot)com/wiki/File:Dawnisyourenemy.jpg It's the GTA 3 pager tone What does that have to do with anything? Just because those factors may be deemed illogical does not mean that all forms of logic should be abandoned in such a sense. And he's right EMPs do not stop the elevator from moving. le kill yourself If they patched this that would be really fucking stupid. It's not like this glitch negatively affects anyone. Plus this glitch has been around for quite a while so I doubt Treyarch will patch it. YEEAAH Is it me or does Dashie's new kitchen look almost exactly like DarkSydePhil's kitchen? Gotta love how people in the comments section are actually getting angry over something like this. I think it's pretty funny. You are a fucking idiot. Please go back to school. 1:03 for impatient people Rockstar said so. 3) People imagine frightening stuff like that because it is what they fear. The brain itself can get confused and frightened during sleep paralysis and as a result frightening hallucinations can occur. The reason why peoples' descriptions of the things they see during SP are so similar is because it is what people generally fear the most. Being calm or not fearing such things you described has a significant affect on what one may experience during SP 3:59 Thanks Obama!,15,7,4,2,0,21,0 3062,X3063,No VEVO I dont wanna hear to nicky minaj ! when you have her hair in a pony tail is much more pretty than when she is in the photos eyeshadows do not favor ... Do I sound like a helicopter?? Brrrrrrrrr... i love his blue eyes ^^ fabulous,5,0,2,5,0,16,0 3063,X3064,YESSSS :DDDDDD yea... keep believeing that xDD I reda The Night Circus and it was AMAZING!!! I loved it :DD Thank you CARRIEEEEEE :DDDDD 33 That gorilla sure has a good taste in music ;) Preach. This was the video that made me fall in love with them 3 yea its her boyfrind :) isnt he just beautiful?!? :DD 3 I LOVE this song 3 My life right now -_- FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- LIAM OMIGODD!! and im colombian so im happy 3 SWAG -_- Liams batman earpiece 3 I showed this to directioner friend who loves Zayn Malik.Yeah she's dead now. PREACH! Louis' voice. *le dead* *o*,17,4,3,5,0,15,0 3064,X3065,DELENA! Stefan is just a grown up Bieber. XD ............................ that is just mean. I like the sound of people being slapped! what did you loook in the mirror. Oh gosh I can't stop thinking about Delena when I hear this! Go Damon+Elena! 1. Go to the search box.2. Type in ' The Dragonborn Comes - Skyrim - Christina Grimmie+Maluka3. Enjoy the epicness. SWAG. UH-MAZING XD you steretypical jerk! I am a tomboy and I am ten and you know what? You are completely wrong. The whole entire I was hoping that the girls in the back wouldn't get hit by those cars but OMG AMAZING! This is an awesome routine and you should be famous!!!! excuse me!? ?????????? :o 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 love him! omg better than justins! ermahgerd nialler herren. I doubt you are even old enough to know what that word means bahahaha. Well I for one think this isn't right. This animal was yours. ARE YOU SICK? IKR! love it! Really? Get your facts straight. I SAID that you were responding to my comment as in answering. YOU are the one without a life. you are commenting on here that something sucks. you dont like the video? thats fine. i didnt make this video for you. i wish i could further explain but i have better things to do. or no deal? I love that show. No one touch the like/dislike button ! o.O,23,94,3,134,0,15,0 3065,X3066,"lol He must love Niki Minaj he mentioned her you spelled stupid wrong dip shit Listen to this while high Fuck Madonna? i do THANK YOU!!!!!!!! NOW I GET IT THANKS TO YOU. MY TEACHER CAN'T EXPLAIN IT FOR SHIT THANK YOU! FATASS!!!!! XD You can tell this nigga never paid attention in class XD THIS MAKE ME THINK OF THIS GUY NAMED LUIS ND HE GOIN OUY WITH THIS GAYER KID NAMED IMAD no you fucking moron he was making fun of ,Y.O.L.O, lmfaoo xD wow that sounds different... You know ur gay when ur watching this video lol LMFAO XD that was funny as fuck Marliyn Monroe They both fuckin sucked yall just jelous lmfao hey my family is poor and I would love black ops 2 for ps3 I got a ps3 from my pastor at church I was happy u can make my Christmas beautiful by giving me this gift he came out the closet yesterday omg Lmfao xD shes gourges but easy on make up girl ur face aint a coloring book!!! this nigga trollin Damn hes really good!",21,0,3,1,1,22,0 3066,X3067,"Dr. Paul Cameron is a roving EEEDDDIIIOOOT Christain zealot who tells lies to further his own agenda and stear the people in the wrong way. Almost all pedophilia is performed by heterosexual men. TRUTH. Gay people are normally into full grown rugged MEN. How about we point the finger at who is pointing fingers? How about we put and keep the spotlight on the VATICAN. Religion is the devil. ALL RELIGION. and you know this because you have spoken to EVERY SINGLE ATHEIST - right? yawn Wow dude I didn't say anything that would warrant you or anyone calling names. I dunno many retards who got their Bachelors Degree at Yale Have fun with all the insulting you do in the world. I forgot that i knew the GAY Agenda. Wonder how my wife will feel about that? what you are saying implies that all black people and all white people will eventually turn on each other. This is not true. These people who hurt others will hurt you whether you are black white green or blue. Are some of these instances race related? sure. i'm sure everyone here wants you on their team. CONGRATS! Bill O'Reillly is such a douche rocket just because there may not be a heaven or hell or that evolution may also be a lie does not mean there isn't something else. It doesn't mean your consciousness disolves. humans can't even get along with each other why would ET's be any different? this is so hilarious. I can't stop laughing. They MUST revisit this!!! Damon Wayans scream is HILARIOUS! color blocking AND shoulder pads. loving it Oh look when Madonna still had a soul they are flirting with each other so hard - it's adorable and you speak for whom? wow i guess women and children are your next target. you have the BEST voice. I wish this music wasn't playing it's really distracting but i dealt with it. lol does he come with a spell checker? who cares? at least something is being done so that ALL Americans have the same rights. the drummer is SMOKING hot the guitar sounds like it came from George Michaels ,Listen without Prejudice album, Specifically ,Waiting for the Day, lmao i grew up Baptist thanks - i've had that book punded into me since i could read. HUGS this is hilarious as hell but please don't give your money to Chik-Fil-A",24,1,3,5,0,28,0 3067,X3068,I don't know why but something about C.A.P shouts big penis... Most talented disney star Hands down WOOOWW! You Are GORGEOUS! As a filipino girl my mom has ALWAYS pressured me to get whiter skin. I started using whitening cream and i thought i looked prettier. But people LIKE tan. And this video made feel excepting of myself It definitely changed my view of things. This happened with me and my dad all the time when i was a kid. He's white my mom is Asian. I look full out Asian. Only difference is that nobody stood up to help us in scenarios like this. I wish 'wwyd's' hero's would meet reality. What kind of world do we live in.,5,4,4,5,0,25,0 3068,X3069,"My favorite video was Telephone by Lady Gaga spoof because it was the first one I saw and I kept watching it over and over again because it was so funny. I then went to your channel and saw all the other videos. I thought that I was totally going to watch you daily. :) Your videos just make me feel better and always make me laugh. :) 3 2:14 I just started cracking up Well I won but I started screaming around 0:55 because of the music...Plus I was wearing headphones and the volume was turned up kinda high :/ 3:14 Kevin is behind Zayn!!! How long did it take to make this?! Lol ,That's great Stephanie that's really great, 1:33 It was so funny but I felt sooo bad i was planning a trip to germany not any more fluff nuggets?? Oh my god guys calm down this isn't plasticbeiber I know this girl. Idiots. Munchingorange blew up What?!?! XD Where did u get that mermaid tail?",12,12,3,30,0,21,0 3069,X3070,"Strange when I clicked earlier a little box popped up and said the comment no longer exists but its there now. Apparently you missed the Collateral Murder Video among others. It is really hard to ,accidentally, line up a bunch of journalists in your crosshairs ask for permission to kill them and pull the trigger multiple times until they are all dead....accidentally Between solar wind tidal and geothermal we could power the world with no issue whatsoever but why would any company do that when the only thing that matters is ensuring that this year's profits are bigger than last years profits? I can just see some abc network exec's hands clenching ever harder onto the arm of his leather chair his pulse quickening and face reddening by the second finally the breaking point. ,WILL SOMEONE PLEASE FUCKING PICK THE LETTER THAT GETS THE WORD ,SHIT, OFF MY STATION, I'm a little wishy-washy on this I like what he's doing to the LAPD fuck them. But he says he 100% behind the US gov't which is discussed in the video a little and that sort of keeps him from being a symbol for the whole current movement against secrecy and corruption. That being said I feel you purposely avoided mentioning that half the manifesto is about how this guy is pro gun control in fact you use the manifesto to the opposite effect. I urge you all to read the thing yourselves African American? That's what Dorner says you called him rodney was driving 105 mph and would not pull over..rodney could have run over women and childrenSo show me the law that says if you drive 105 and might hit people cops can beat you death in the street They detonated a 7 kiloton bomb under ground the americans have done thousands of megaton plus sized above ground open air tests since the 1940's they also detonated them underground and in the ocean every living thing on earth has nuclear material strontium 90 I believe in their cells and will for thousands of years because of it. Donut shops throughout LA breathed a sigh of relief today as police are now able to return to doing nothing. Its incredible how efficient cops are when its their own asses on the line. Either way the LAPD is FUCKED. There are multiple internal investigations and another black police officer confirming the things Dorner said in his manifesto. You made your shit beds little piggies now lie in them Hmmmmm I wonder where god wants you to put a watermelon Its what every christian ,host, is like if you allowed him to talk then some other christian listeners would be swayed by genuine logic. If you just talk over him you seem like you dominate the conversation and ,win,. You may have noticed how the volume of the phone call drops off when the host talks too so it just amplifies the effect. 1.2 million views because the thumbnail looks like family guy This argument is false. If we could look into the window and see god we would not be arguing his nonexistence see that would be evidence which is what we are always asking you for. Most atheists have pretty open minds and love having our preconceptions torn away by evidence if you could PROVE god existed my mind would be blown and I certainly wouldn't argue anymore. I hear ya not sure why god would make anyone hang out ON a belly of a whale for three days lol Wow I didn't even notice I'm the first person to comment in a month. I'm surprised at the low view numbers on this channel in general. It may be too controversial Brady. Your regular viewers of the science and maths channels (which I am subscribed to) likely attract a different crowd ones interested more in science than religion of course but also maybe ones likely to steer clear of the flame wars any videos about religion start. You know no one would even have a problem with you christian douche bags except you don't ACT the way your stupid book tells you to. Show me where Jesus says ,Choke thy enemy to death in the street, Be careful don't let people on here make you do something you will regret religious communities can be violent to those that speak out against them also if you live at home you might be better off to ait til you're on your own to make a stand like that or find yourself home less in a hostile community How the fuck ca this possibly have more thumbs up than down? This might be the single most retarded thing I have ever seen on you tube No it is not. A religion has rules that its members are required to abide by or else they cannot be a member of the group. Atheism has no such thing. Evolutionist can hold any other system of beliefs they want it just means you subscribe to single scientific theory. There are christian evolutionists so are they members of 2 religions? Provide 100% undeniable un-republican based proof of your claim or shut up *you don't submit to god of the gaps.... hahahahhahhahahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahahahahahahahah So apparently kool aid makes you right wikipedia provides the sources at the bottom of the page. An intelligent person...aka not a theist...will actually use those references to ensure the info is accurate. ,Go annoy a rock....,? Only a theist could think a rock is capable of being annoyed",24,2,5,5,0,34,0 3070,X3071,Ninja suit meth dirt bike boat abandoned oil rig. Or they have a different opinion than you do. Deal with it. You guys seriously think he wasn't trying to finish? He threw bombs and stuck to the game plan while doing it. If you think he should have tucked his chin and just stood in front of Diaz then you should be able to see the obvious reasons that he has the title shot and you're commenting on youtube. This is the only part of P-Diddy's song that I like. I would much rather listen to this than his. Ray this guy is terrible. Don't call him back. Sounding great as usual You also don't want our respect? You want us to overlook Tennessee? Of course you do. Even you know that there is no way that the Vols hang with Alabama LSU or Arkansas unless they overlook you. Hanging with any of the really good teams when they are giving you their best shot isn't an option and you know it. So keep hopin that we overlook you. Roll Tide Roll! Yes it is. Well that is one side of the story. This guy is a classy individual. I am pretty sure you are the same guy that did a Hype video in 2010 for Bama as well. That video and this one are amazing. He really gives respect and hard work to show that respect. Great job man. You have an amazing gift for this. Each time I have watched you videos they have given me chills. The same 3000 ppl show up to dislike his videos twice a week. Sad really... Wow you guys disliking this kid is wrong. He wasn't bad at all. Pretty sure he's burning up everybody else' coal... So easy to fool people into believing this kinda shit since nobody actually watches this pos show to know... Don't sleep on Condit. GSP is coming off a long layoff. He isn't going to be as crisp as we're used to. Condit can win this fight. All you people sleepin on Condit need to wake up. These are both my favorite fighters. I've been watching Condit since King of the Cage back in 2003. This dude is for real. You can't go into any of his fights with a clear cut game plan. He is good everywhere. I just seem to remember liking this the first time I heard it. Now I'm like... what was I on? This question is for the fans of this guy. What separates Skrillex from the other dubstep MCs? Why does he get so much attention? They bought there bible at barnes and nobles for 20 bucks. They got blown up off the ball. If your math and cognitive reasoning skills are any indication of your intelligence then you should stay quiet. Perhaps you belong in this stereotypically driven idea of a state that you think you know so much about. Why do I always find chicks that aren't into any of this kinda stuff? Ya know sometimes I just want a chick to geek out with. I totally thought you were hot when you said you played Whores instead of Horse. Then you said you suck at history. Stiffy to Limpy in a matter of two seconds. How do you even get laid? Oh btw I suck at relationships.,23,3,5,5,0,27,0 3071,X3072,"lol lmaooo lmao TRUUUUUUEEEE the song at the end is a slap in the face Dope bro its a bonus track on the album truuu even though this isnt them...its not bad but its 2ChainZ not 2Chains i didnt know moise could spit..sheesh People really dont understand this song....its You.Oughta.Look.Out.anayways ,Isolate yourself and just just roll solo BecareFOLOOO, Dope bro as always yes it is When you switched the beat What happened to all your videos? nah its soulja boys song 2:12 lmaoooo lmao The two girls on the right you should do one of these like every month bruh Mr money bagss mr money bagsss . lol thats crazy though Ma boy jbar! @callmeroque Michael jackson - Pyt @Xtron1 I think its amerie ft fabolous - more than love word thanks thats his lil cousin lol..",27,109,3,5,0,16,0 3072,X3073,you are a boss IPODKINGCARTER!! THEY SHOULD PUT THE JUMP SHOOT FEEDBACK in online gameplays i do agree with the flops but the NBA IS RIGGED?!!?!?!?!? what are u smoking? whats the diference between my player and my career ? nice video man this dude has great potencial que monte de merda que bosta is this nba2k8? lol o teu primeiro erro foi jogar este jogo!!!!!!!!!!! HE JUST WENT H.A.M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEST MUSIC VIDEO EVER!!!!! Xd check is stats the super man of youtube is now the superman of the NBA!!! nice video IKC u are the man!!!!! the has an all around game but he is very slow he is 6.7 Give that guy a 360 copy! gary neal did this 2 years ago i think... i dont like ballet but this amazing!!! 3 words: FUCK THE POLICE!!!!!!! shoe 3 i agree with cavs fans about the way that lebron did his decison but saying you hate lebron because he went to miami and that he is shelfish? come on people he did more than enought for the cavs that cavs didnt do enought to keep him on the team jeremy lamb in the d league? OMG why?! pahah que cromos ahahah great intro qjb u are the man!!!! sharks please,25,1,3,5,0,24,0 3073,X3074,Assquake!(: DUDDEE! I KNOW RIGHT!(: One Erection. YAYAYAYAYAYA............. -_- ....His first song was Baby. Its kinndaa gayy..XD Niceee Diaharriea it the family XD Honestly I dont care if you get back together with him..,8,2,5,2,0,21,0 3074,X1663,"So many feels T.T I can't find the song ,ashitaniwa, :( I finally found this song THANK YOU FOR THE UPLOAD! T.T cant reach server wth MIKU! mine crashes when i spawn a villiger Wow real good bro good job I demand a one hour! XD jk jk when i looked at the picture he said ,yeeeeaaah!, i almost died 1:36 lag in rl o.O didn't even wash her hands XD well daaaaym lady no as in its on Hardware Ids its just that it shows ,HID|VID_1BCFPID_0005REV_0013, and i donno how to change it to ,VEN_###DEV_###, the guys voice is just . . . wow 0.0 o snap lol your right XD couldn't see the date on the app @lilmamagc um the fact that you are 17 means that you were either born in 1995 or 1994 making you a 90s kid so yeah I guess your part of the awesome generation :D does this work for the current version 1:38 wth I can be the only one seeing something moving .... Like the thing next to the ball hah he ended up with none serves him right haha reminds me of that episode on the Cleveland show where Kendra ate toilet paper ty! your* yeah this doesn't work why the hell are the titles always in English. . .BUT THE FLIPPING VIDEO IS IN FLIPPING GERMAN! WTH PEOPLE!! p.s.: what song is this? what do I do if forge is already installed? Do I then install modloader or just add the mod files 2:48 come at me bruh! this didn't work with forge :( :O i can now be a hobo didnt add modloader to begin with :( I got a black screen anyway",31,5,3,1,0,20,0 3075,X2137,"01:47 lol! Tina fey gargling.. ahahahahaha.. XD lol.. the pd was taking pics when mina sleeping.. ;D 01:21 Masta!! lol! Miho ta!! ;D not just korean.. i think most of southeast countries also have this kind of definition too.. lol hahaha.. me think so too.. i think he`s one of GG`s most favorite mcs and comedians.. hes the best.. ;D OH MY GOD! PSY IS ON ELLEN!! XD WOHOOO!!! XDSeason 7 premiere in 2 days!! ;D lol.. Rubber glove.. ahahahaha.. XD thanks man.. this vid is a lot easier to understand than another vids.. thanks a lot.. ;] old kpop girl groups style.. love it! ;Dits been so long since ive seen this kind of style around..Go Spica! ;] R.I.P Donald O`Connor.. lol.. chester too early.. kalo baliknya.. kamu tau ga schedulenya.. thanks a lot.. ;] lol.. mina likes picking up unconventional stories..its kinda like vicky cristina barcelona story and its her favorite movie too..well... thats why i love her.. smh (with love..) ;] She is the right definition of cute.. sigh..wae youre so cute yoong.. ((+_+)) guys.. shes adorable.. ;] 02:03 after singing.. ,HEK!, LOL XD hahaha.. so lucky.. ;D if im not wrong.. the real theme song was ,Seandainya, by Ari Lasso..i remember coz i always singing the theme song when the show started.. i hope its true coz its been a long time since the show aired.. ;] if im not wrong.. the real theme song was ,Seandainya, by Ari Lasso..i remember coz i always singing the theme song when the show started..i hope its true coz its been a long time since the show aired.. ;] love this girl.. so cute.. ;] Pretty Yoong.. XD oo.. now i get it.. thanks.. ;] great proposal.. hope you two will last forever.. ;] 02:10 lol.. hyun don`s sword.. ahahahaha.. XD 07:05 Biyan neh~Super Cute!! XD why is there a goat i heard at the end of the vid.. lol zoro.. ,like two peas in a pod.., zoro always have the best punch lines for sanji lol..ahahahaha.. ;D lol.. this scene always cracked me up no matter how many time i watched this.. ahahaha.. KYA!! I Want to watch this!! XD i always fall for her.. what a gorgeous girl.. i was so devastated when i heard shes getting married.. sigh..and still till now.. its totally sucks!! i never got so confused watching a movie before. 02:07 Lol! Han Gain herself want to scream after reading the result.. its too bad theres no moment for this two.. i would love to see that.. congrats for BB! ;D totally agree on that.. the 2nd movie looks shabby.. its too bad though considering this franchise have the best materials ever..i hope the 3rd movie will be great.. ;] did that woman just said ,penis transplant,? lol! that girl who stalking az is so funny.. plus the sound from the chair is making it more funnier.. its good to see her laughing again though.. im so happy.. ;]",36,2,5,5,0,22,0 3076,X3077,he dident use observetion haki he only showd aramant haki and emperor's haki do one piece!! well.. a a few years ago oda the creator of one piece stated what will each straw hat be if they were a familyMonkey D. Luffy: Fourth SonRoronoa Zoro: First SonNami: DaughterUsopp: Third SonSanji: Second SonTony Tony Chopper: Youngest SonNico Robin: MotherFranky: FatherBrook: Grandfatherthis is oda's statment so i dont think we can argue 3:14 whitebeard goes gear second where is 3:49 from? and how that's a problom? teens react to epic rap battles of history!!!!,7,3,3,2,1,23,0 3077,X3078,"Happy B'day Usher Baby! that laugh soo dry and fake dred... she must be in a lot of pain.... it's in her eyes.... So sad.... well... he didn even give a reason. he just started acting up so i told him if he wanted me then act like it. he said if i meant by the friendship then yet... so he jus wanted to be friends even though he was the one who asked me to be his girl.... SO WHY? so i don't have a why or a but or his friendship cuz that was bullshit.... So how can i recognize the game if i don't know what card he played? Aww shat ap and stop complaining LOL LET IT BURN! rhis was about interacting with his fan base and drawing them into the experience? u tellin me usher could sing all dem songs if he wanted to??? LOL SHAT AP HATERS!! USHER BAYBAY!! Ay Ciara.... U miss Bow Wow ain it lololol i respect your decision dude... On national television smdh Listening to this video for the 3rd time straight... #real talk Confidence is sooo sexy Man ho LOL 8 kids!! leave that sexy beast half naked in bed... smh hm what did u do for ur daughter to be rebelling like that? hmmmm? babies don't born rebellious. Some how some way you failed her. u probably spoiled her when she was a baby and thought what she was doin was cool and funny... good question maury ,why is she so angry?, why is the child so angry???? I love this movie soo much... no english subs? :( I am soo sick of the poisonous people in my life the really twisted ones that i kick out but somehow i allow back in my life.... New game plan for 2013: Kick em out for good. no more guilt trips and pity parties and all that crap. I'm taking m power BACK... I guess plotting revenge isn't in the package... Great video Thank you.... Tonight i needed this the pictures everything... thank u the colour of racism is fear.... that's deep... any form of hate based on skin colour is racism either black to white or white to black... we all have red blood... truth is powerful... i really could care less. Is her life and her decision... I'm tired of all the dark disturbia music too rihanna. You live your truth see honey and if Chris slip again make sure to pepper spray his sexy ass so he can't see where he swinging. Gotto love sexy crazy people LOL",18,2,4,5,0,22,0 3078,X3079,So no more lets plays guts. Well not Minecraft apparently people dont like them so. Let me know if you guys want something else like black ops or something Sorry guys for the lack of videos. I promise ill try to upload something but the thing is i dont have anything to upload i mean with no cap card and stuff. i need to post more videos guys.. .im srry,3,102,5,5,0,16,0 3079,X3008,Or you could buy the game for 4.99... probably less with the sale... Ooookkkk... Like I care what you think... They cant use enemy vehicles idiot... they will get blown to smitherines by an allied tank This song reminds me of New Age by Akihisa Yamaguchi I laughed at the end .-. Guys calm down... Its just tobacco... its hookah * Sacre bleu Yep im TinHead Toby you should come to the server at this i.p. the port is 7777 I get a boost whenever this song play while Im racing :D I like the link to Drugs INC Marijuana in the sidebar LOL. I alost died laughing at 2:30 to 2:40 LOL Spelled Muscle wrong... Simpsons and IronMan are the 2 references? the top left piston wont work i did it over and over again like 5 times and still cant get it shut up shut up shut up people interesting '' I can steal it :D u guys gang raped him lol LOL @ Djokovic LOL. Say that again I couldn't hear you over the sound of me shittin' myself. How does it look in default? The pyro from TF2... Lol Circles around orange doritos :D Who dislikes a song like this? Are they trying to troll or something? Or just stupid? GTFO then! If France gets the Olympics anytime in the near future I think they would put it. MJ's nips at 10:31 :D lolwut? yay parkour :D suck in your gut... Peut-tre qu'ils aiment les chiens. Nope. Zucchini. Red Crowbar... General Tsao is pronounced General Sow...,35,2,3,4,0,24,0 3080,X3081,hang mioku injected cooking oil in her face to make it more oily( or which she thought). not from plastic surgery! u might wanan fix that. i felt bad for the old lady. no joke. I believe u! yup! SHUT THE HELL UP WITH SPOILERS ( DOG LOVER ) pleaseSTOP! Just saw it on tv! No u type in ammyb79 No it'll lead them no where type in ammyb79! Later! OMG KEEPING IN MIND IT'S HER FIRST TIME! Omg I cried mostly in episode after he died bc that's all of the emotion I have no tears left. cool! haha CURVY DEFINITELY! haha i clicked all of them just to see the answers.. but b is my honest choice. aw omg! One word. playlist. Don't say that! 2:09 aww :D omg starz dance studio... thats dance moms miami!!! WOO!,19,26,3,33,0,16,0 3081,X3082,How come you never show your face? they do but nathan looks more sexier with it3 Finally i found someone who actually knows how to sing the song thank god i found you.! Okay I'm not a fan of Justin but I just really love this song. I can't get it out of my head. I wish my boyfriend would sing this to me3 Whats that little girls name?! She still looks the same. To me. Also she sings so good! :D Cheryl is always cries :L it makes me sad when I see her cry On the radio they were making fun of her saying how can she miss someone before they came into there life. In my mind I'm like it's just a song so calm down. /).- No one wants a stupid club penguin account. Like I said get a life you stupid little hobo Dog rapper. No one thinks your funny you ugly looking fat pig thinggy. I hope you die from the uglyness that you have and the stupidness that you have. No on will miss your ugly looking fat pig face This is stupid are you still a little kid or what. No one wants to see this stupid olivia thinggy okay???? Get a life dog rapper i'm not your cousin stupid lil fat kid. your mama is a bitch. I hope you get killled by a car because you dont deserve to live little hoe I love zuko! me and my friend were water beinding yesterday she was weariong the Katara offit What movie is kok watching? so Laika is the youngest That baby is so cute! Wow i know I'm not in this but FlakaaqotSwaqq has the right to spam if she wants to and you can't stop that Cimatic Maines How long dos it stay on and dos it stay on when you take a shower? Also Would it show with balck hair?,17,2,3,5,0,18,0 3082,X3083,nick rhodes est vgtarien donc la rponse est simple pour la fourrure!!! j'aime bien cette nana et ce qu'elle fait FAB FOREVER... elle est sublime et chante merveilleuse bien! son album est vraiment excellent!!! thank you so much Lana...,4,0,5,5,0,41,0 3083,X3084,where peace keeper have u done slender mod b4? nice vid man great job hope ther more to come =) the teletubbies creeped the hell out of me wen i was a kid we were suppose to get 3-6 we got 17 minecraft name fortress Tank,7,64,5,234,0,20,0 3084,X3085,Haha this is a funny ass video. And it's not all that disrespectful because. They are just having fun assholes so get a life instead of commenting on videos like this tree hugging bastards That's too bad Sean..... Hopefully you can get em next time Chocolate chip A bone dragon is a fire and an earth dragon so breed the two it was the first one I hatched in September hey guys sorry i have no new vids on here but we did have a fantastic season this year. A bull moose black bear 5 whitetail deer. All in all a really good sseason. More vids after christmas for review purposes It's called a lichen dragon but pronounced liken so yeah Ho ho ho hah It's not lechen it's likenen say it like that dipstick I believe it is as well thanks for the comment!,9,4,3,8,0,17,1 3085,X3086,3:53 The Mcdonalds Burger is sitting on the table xD Sobo 333 @ItsJillStirf Could u watch my videos and tell me what u think?(: It was good but it looked like u were making it up as u went? 0:40 ... DID U JUST BURP??!!!! O_O Hey You should read thisI like to sing!Please watch my vidsand share them maybe? (; I don't get this song -__- I'm not being mean. this music video is just dumb. it doesn't go with the song. She loved those bananas for a minute or two.. then she got tired of them xD beautiful children Talk about spoiled brats.. If Justin winked at me I wouldn't faint I would pee my pants.. Okay lets use one of ur pets as shark bait and see who cares. GROW UP. they're living like you! Do u have any common sense?... 1:18 lol the red heads face mmm toilet soup..DINNERS READY EVERYONE BRING THEIR SPOONS TO THE TOILET! 0:15 the guys bent down in fron of the other O.O I love this song.. This was the last song my brother introduced to me before he died.. R.i.p. Jerry3 Uncle Kracker if u see this comment I want you to know my brother was a HUGE fan thank you for beinghis inspiration3 Got some high school musical chizz goin onn omg 1:03 You should do a parody of 'Die Young' By Ke$ha?:))) Feb. 6th MY BIRTHDAYY;DD,20,5,4,10,0,30,1 3086,X3087,I was greatly surprised by this. This is actually great! Toshihiro Ono is actually famous for drawing hentai.Not that.... I'd know or anything. 2:05 was straight up incorrect but the rest of them....America.... I listen to this song on a daily basis. THAT COMEBACK! What about Fierce Deity Link? Faggot. If you think there is input lag you really just suck. UHHHHHHHHH this song destroys my fucking face!I can't wait man I can't fucking wait. IIIIII LOVVEEE YOUUUU JESSSUUSS CHRISSSSSSTTTTT. I feel like I need a long and cold shower..... Alright fire me on the spot. I understand your passion. It resides within me as well.However you really should go spend time with friends or something. Set phasers to butt plug.Holy shit I almost had an aneurism. Honestly man I think this song was intended to be ironic.,15,7,5,5,0,17,0 3087,X3088,Hack fun run! @rowan Moynihan,2,6,4,5,1,19,1 3088,X3089,ich war auch dort....ABER NICHT BEI DER EROFFNUNG ___WARUM NUR:( ICH HAT DICH SOFORT ERKANNT omg es guckt auch kelly ..2 gottliche auf einmal ich freu mich das ich endlich auszeit habe wegen der schuleuuuuuuund ich lieeb es voll wenns drausen schneid und ich zuhause hock und KAKAO*-* drinke:D dann ist es immer so schn warm *-* wuuhuu WINTER kelly ist ein geist 0.o BEZAUBERNT*_* beeeesteeeee3 3:30 ftw hahahah kell!y ich bin metal ich kann nicht verstehen wieso ihr emos so weich seid o.o nixx gegen euch aber hahahah der kalender ....halt deine schnauze hahahah lachflash 0:17 bobbycar huppe o.o ftw?! amazing3 paramore*-* s ist zurck *-* amazing3 but illuminati...nooo:D red ned so viel mein blick hahahah ich bin zwar in der metal szene aber dein style wow*-* du bist voll hubsch*-* bin auch metlar (w) wie bin ich hir gelandet?weeeeeh,20,11,4,5,0,17,0 3089,X3090,My dick fit for a queen yo dick all smelly and gangrene Nice uke but the singing is awful giz the tabs tho I want a turbo on mine! Remember when people said you were crap. Showmen. Couldn't get past the swoons at the start Good work pal. I'm following your guide n I'm levelling up an episode early n im very shy on ammo. Your some kind of crack shot. Lol the man with the golden gun. Aka he charges a million a shot. I could do with an option of throwing the gun at them. Good work n thanks Go Dave. My bank gave me a hundred quid to have my wages going in there. What's the big picture lads come on. Looks like daves on a mission. A mission of good intent The music kills me. We need this show in England. Shin splints my favourite game. A game of speed skill n cunning They do talk some trash but into the potty squat was funny. But they do spoil it. Craig was much better Fishing for spares. I love my mr but the back ends a bit tricky some times. I've been lucky once. I think I'm gonna have to get new tyres. I want to put it round nurburgring Fair play to the first man to run on n stop the injustice. He was lucky he had the back up tho. How do you like them odds. Nice track. Capitalism does not work simple. Then again these single moms have got a good screw out of it. Cheers Peter Keep up the good work. I loved fallout 3 That film was so bad ass I saw it twice n can't wait for it to come out on blue ray. Please make another 10 and a tv series Get some sax I will serenade the one I love with this! Thanks,17,0,3,5,0,30,0 3090,X3091,and Jesus for Rebecca Black? that is what i call an iphone5 call him Bacon Obama you're black you know thislmao so cute this is better than the new fred.. NORWEGIAN ARMY IN MY HEART 3 i don't know what to believe anymore i want a relationship like that.,10,3,2,5,0,13,0 3091,X3092,Was there a damn drag race going on outside your window??,1,2,3,1,0,18,0 3092,X3093,... 5551 Hahahahaha :) !!,4,0,3,8,0,32,0 3093,X3094,SOME FAIL ACTORS AND MASK AND HE IS LIKE 7!!!!!!! USE A PAINTBALL GUN THERE BETTER AND YOUR LIKE 8 YEARS OLD UM ya hes 7 I wonder how big his bananas are WE HAVE A TROLL INBONDE staged how to fall asleep1. get a frying pannow wack ur self in the headyou are now asleep I like them to react to dubstep XD O_e then why is signing up free other then mindcratf frinken 20 bucks! WHAT IS SHE DOIN!!!!!!!!! Maga i friken hate trolls ROFL MY BEST BUDDIE SUPER ASMONEM PWNERS ROFL like if think is funny :3 Needs some music ROFL How times did he have babies 2:06 WORST NIGHTMARE EVRA 1:20 Black Ops :P CANT GET IT!! IS FUN TO WATCH THEM KILL EACH OTHER ROFL HAPPY B DAY :D Hey dude yes the ads are really bad but show us all of them I do all the donts and dont all the do's vote 1 AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,25,3,3,3,0,40,0 3094,X3095,DAYUM. This song is perfect. do u have a twitter?? OH MY GOD STFU IM GONNA DIEEEEE im going to fucking kill somone I bought one :D Max schneider is sexy This is one of the most inspiring songs ever Mark is soooo cute I love this songgggg I love this song. omg I cant 2:17 -3:17 is my favorite part kellin quinn is sooooo sexy she cant sing. sorry not sorry they way he says i.... Krause I have to do a projects on The Yates Children Story. every time I see there pictures I cry BILLY IS DEFINITELY MY HERO my poor neighbors.. THANK THE LORD i was there :D,19,4,2,3,0,29,0 3095,X3096,"0:44 prettiest face ! 1:35 - 2:00 bestest scene ever @slugprincess10 umm YEAH she was. what's wrong with you people? youtube world has affected your brains so much you can't even check some stupid dates? replay to the infinite!!! you put my comment on top :)) this is the epithomy of 80s glam in a single video. brilliant! i didn't think it is possible to release a song with absolutely nothing original in it - but jason derulo proved me it's more than possible it's even profitable :| i really thought at some point that the guy was on the verge of throwing up :| this music is just...wrong seriously dude? it's her hair (from her head) you might want to specify also the continent for him considering his level of knowledge :)) who does not believe in the theory of conspiracy is a fool. however this doesn't mean that we have to make a big deal about it on every single new hot video that gets released. moreover katy perry is such a great girl and she doesn't deserve us dissing on her great video so shh about your ,illuminati, shit :) sore if you really want to change the world stop singing lame songs and go do something serious like volunteering for peace corps or greenpeace. the autotune assassinated her voice :| o doamne chiar nu iti dai seama ca nu m-am luat de tine? dimpotriva ceea ce am facut a fost sa iti dau dreptate de altfel un lucru pe care il fac foarte rar pe youtube. am citit comentariul tau si nu i-am gasit niciun cusur erau exact gandurile mele pe care le-as fi exprimat la fel cum ai facut-o tu. daca citeai mai atent ti-ai fi dat seama. what is wrong with you? do you have a point or are you just in the mood for being unnecessarily mean? omule poate ,dubi, ai tu. noi restul avem dubii.",15,0,3,5,0,18,0 3096,X1976,"If you don't like her why do you watch her videos? :3 Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww She has a beard :3 . She's sooo cute!! Pokemon thingy Zai keeps dying because her parents don't defend her.. Typical Family Drama xD I've always said it like ,eh-ther, Good thing the kitty didn't die. Look at the eyes. You obviously don't know what Minecraft is. The reason why you take your shoes off is because tatami floor are made of grass and they tear easily. He kind of cusses too much... It gets awkward at a point. Boo Slurp Slurp.. You Get Thumbs Down :) NOM NOM NOM NOM NOMMMMMMMMMMMMM Shes trying to trim your nails too. Yeah I agree. Mushrooms are the stuff! Lol I died of laughter too Don't bite a family member!!! The'll be a zombie forever!!! I want the pink room that Trixie is supposed to sleep in to be the kids bedrooom. (If there is a girl) Trixie. Kayla looks like a boy... Candy mountain is from Charlie The unicorn... Its a disturbing ,show, Lol I just gave Medussa another Medussa. That one costs money. Now shut up and watch the video. I don't like how Bob Dell looks.... D: Who is Mark????? Tracie doesn't derserve a ,caveman, room. I think Tracie should get a new room too. Lol that would be funny. When Are You Gonna Make Part 6? :'( I'm so sad. A more ,scientific, name for a ghost hunter Is a Paranormal Investigator.... Love it Omg that room used to be like so ugly but now it looks so beautiful!! Lol Jensen is just... Gonna be LONELY!!! 1:37 Meow Meow Meow Meow Meoww",34,4,3,42,0,21,0 3097,X3098,bueno yo tambien hubiera escogida el control primero :D it sounds really good Lauren is amazing! I DIED IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE IM DYING OMG THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS,4,0,3,7,0,19,0 3099,X3100,Cool runnings but one mor black guy You should make a book about all off your stories man :) Sexy You killed it at the end,4,3,3,5,1,23,0 3100,X3101,anyone up for a mayo sandwich ? i suddenly crave cake batter... :p i cant get over the greatness of this :D ahaha dear lord lost my shityou- hmm..I SAID STOP YOU STUPID COCK...thankyou :)i enjoyed it but then again i enjoy everything about you :D (sounds like a creepy girlfriend) ;),4,9,2,5,0,13,0 3101,X3102,death note is fucking amazeing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are like the nicest man ever have many offspring....the woman of the world need men like you actually if what your refuring to on the bottom of the bottle is a number in a triangle that the recycling assuming you dont recylcle......1 AND 2 is when you can recyle and anything up you cant but what you said is true the higher the number the worse it is to drink out of or eat out of. stay in new york is it that hard to make that your stopping? the only reason im subbscribed is becasue of the clay people! come on! wait is this an app??? how speak up man! i suddenly feel the need to take my life Even though I am not for the whole gay thing this is sweet Is it supposed to insist he got a boner? How does that even happen he put pre chewed food in her mouth that's gross Well I wanted an iPad but that's not gonna happen haha I just found your channel now... and I have no words your hot sweet interesting and you like adventure time and that's all i needed to hear adventure times my passion and you had a video about the uglies nooks in which I did not fully watch but i love the uglies and......I don't know...... I cannot begin to explain my attraction toward you I will enjoy your videos to come:3 I thought it was just pronounced zee in all English like I know different accents change it but zed? What? I just learned something new In the very begining younskipped a chest!!!!!,14,0,3,5,0,25,0 3102,X3103,Murch to the White House!(enough is enough) AMERICA!!! This is NOT Russian.......ITS only in America... Don King=....ONLY IN AMERICA Heaven on EARTH......(WHITE GIRL GOT BOOOTY) Bush number 1 she ran Mike tyson is still Camp! only in America Tiger=very aggresiveA lion can be a crazy american woman Tigers are aggresivea Lion can be american woman pkk is terrorist........ISREAL is and thier lap dog monkies like the trollundwoman... only in AMERICA! They ARE not German Europe half breeds of america (jew owned).....Bye Bye half of these woman or not even German blood.......i say NEIN! Her ASS.....respect from Munich GERMANY!!.....( Nazi Strong Hold ) whats womans that sings? jessica....what? Big Shotgun. Long Live jew FREE Europe!!.Heil from Munich Germany! Supreme Beautiful Lady......Respect from Munich Germany! the US is about to go another economical COLLAPSE....... american economy is about to COLLAPSE.....ha ha Support to Palestine Somalia Sudan saudi arabia kuwait ======Enemies and PUEPPETS of america and the jews. jews=betrayed christ moses and muhammednow they assume they can liveREMEMBER!! she said fauk so many tymes.....MADDNESS he's drunk as faukEngland free beer and whisky scotchsaudi arabia picks up the BILLDRINK UP no animal needs to be caged or in captivity......simple as that.zoo keeper got what he deserved Lion is KING....back away crocs LION KING CROSS OVER support to Palestine Somalia Sudan......for LIFESaudi arabia + kuwait=PUPPETS of america and the jewsHEIL FROM MUNICH GERMANY! Major support to Palestine Somalia Sudansaudi arabia + kuwait=PUPPETS (lap dogs) of america and the jews how ungrateful YOU ALL are......HYPOCRITES. fauk the cars they these pieces of shit saudis drivepeople are starving in this world......WAKE THE FAUK UP!!!!! isreal is only alive because of america once america collapse the jews are gone....bye bye jews Respect from Munich Germany.....1:21sec the world had ENOUGH of american aggression.....thank god for these soulsFUCK AMERICA! Fauk america......their economy is at brink no remorce upon senators.saudi arabia pick up the bill lap dog jews,36,64,5,5,0,25,1 3103,X3104,"this movie mindfuck you all the way through in a new perspective - hence 5/5 for me UMMMMMMmmmmm big massive dick stuck my throat UMMMM... BIG MASSIVE DICK STUCK UP MY THROAT fatty fat fuck AHAHHAHAHAAHAH meanwhile in africa... FUCK IT IM HUNGRY how the hell you get inside when it's constantly rotating? esshays Pathetic foreigner can't get pussy in their country; that's why they come to Thailand just to get easy-going laid. The girls here whos in prostitution: are girl that either come from poor family or have poor education. That's why they dont have any other pathways or choices but live and work as a prostitute to support their living/ family. These girls deserve something more than being looked down as priceless human being but a buyable object. Words of a wise man. What a relief knowing there's still some inteilligence human being in this world. This game feels boring shit at first; until you got the hang of everything. You'll Love it 2pm :D HEHEHEE hmm didn't notice any mistake... all asian looks the same Loving it 3 KONY 2012 yeah and what are you feeding them? Enough with the whining from both side. No need to comment on each country differences. Everyone here have their own preference. Keep your opinion - to yourself. WHAT YA DOING MATE U CAN,T START WITHOUT ME. AHAHAHAHAHAHA wannk with his dad Best interview talk show :D Woody can speaks so many languages: thai; korean; english... XDDDD I LOVE THIS SONG! ONE OF MY FAVORITE THAI SONG OF ALL TIME :D no wonder.... she's a nigga In American da police fucked you. In Soviet Russia you fucked the police. Girl: PIGGGGGS!Nek minnit DA POLICE: WTF BIIIIIITTTTCCCCCCCH?! DHSADOIJSAHDUSIAHDUI@**^!T*#*@()#*T*^YUFIUHILJK#*Y@#*!P#!@!#@",23,0,3,5,0,19,0 3104,X3105,"can someone say Anger issues o-o did anyone else notice she has an annoying voice :P - jumped out of the car before collision smacks you then disappears in a flash of light - the first time she died was i think from a sickness i dotn remember witch episode explained what happened the first time but i remember it wasnt brain :P ok enough fighting we all have our opinions but fighting over TYPING is retarded so right now both of you are being retarded because your fighting about this :/ lol i sang this song perfectly so perfectly that my viewers thought i was lip syncing o-o thumbs up if thats kinda creepy XD the beginning was kinda funny like : , oh i put in these two characters...... now if only i can remember there names XD, hilarious but no offense omg :D do you still play ms? if so make an acc on bello ^-^ ill let u know since tonight samurai 7 is showing i hope after shes done with freezing shell make a season 3 its soo much suspense ?!?!?!?! wow ur a nub for giving them the idea -_- this is AWESOME lol XD i forgot i even typed this cuz its been a few months XD whats the opening song? ikr! ikr and it said girl instead of boy IKR i wanna kill him for two reasons he has justin in his name like justin BEIBER AND HE HAS BARREL IN HIS NAME I HATE BARRELS! ppl keep saying this was discontinued so i really dont belive anything anymore :/ AWESOME job :)!! why did u make hades die - cries- You Are Awesome Ryan - smiles even though im sad right now- good job 3 this video is awesome what was episode 6 about then D: we have to know how it ends???? LOL your replying to what i said 8 FKEN MONTHS ago? thats LAMMEEE",23,4,4,10,0,21,0 3105,X3106,"I'm obsessed!! Can someone explain the words or general plot? Or at least biribom/baeribom? Please don't eat/chew gum or whatever you're doing. (The camera person) It's very rude and distracting. Other than that I feel like you neglected the girl in black and white. I adore Sunny's new look~~!! 1. Wonder if they know what the song is about 2. Taeyeon so awkward when trying to be sexy it's cute ^_^ She said the highest ratio she's seen in HER life! How can you speak for her? Everywhere has beautiful people! Everyone's got to quit saying ,This one country is the best!, Love everyone~ ^_^ She's only 5'9, ... That's average to American standard. Although I'm short. So she's still scary tall to me too. Especially for being an Asian woman! =) LOOOOOOVEEEEEEE3 I didn't skip any of the video because you seem nice~ =) thanks for the help!",8,1,4,5,0,19,0 3106,X3107,"Nat funny! Love itt3 You cool and all but COVER UP!!!!!! At least you tried most of those people that commented ,crap, ,you suck, and all that can't sing. At least you had the guts to sing on Youtube! P.S I love your socks and shoes and you are amazingly pretty!!!!! xx Kammi I'm scared! :(",5,0,2,5,0,22,0 3107,X3108,awesome gymnastics number 2 number 2 number 3 5 and 6 play a board game number 5 fake number 4 number 3 not to bad your pretty and i love your voice i love your voice your so pretty what about alex and mason poor floor thats so cute 7 clothes that looks good not to be rude but you suck sooooooooooooo cute ! you sing good my name is rylee to and you sing good your a really good sing your so pretty !!!! you sing good!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love your voice i love your voice there so cute man they can sing go girl,29,0,2,1,1,35,0 3108,X1301,"Synchronicity - You are drawn to that which you focus upon whatever that is. Put the data out there is ,reality, and watch it return to you in its own unique way for you to understand. There is only negative or positive according to the individual perceiving the experience. Evolution will happen for each but it takes action from each. Good luck all on your journeys! Government would be largely reduced I would think would be a prudent measure. Eliminate the States and territories completely and establish uniformity of laws change the legal system (such as the people vote for judges not appointed by a few.) I think that the game disguised as privatization be stopped and ALL essential services be renationalized. We create our own internet and stop paying billions to be connected to someone else's network which we have no control over and which is ,bugged,. It could indeed. Just a thought on fiction. Fiction generally precedes reality. Thoughts give rise to and trigger other thoughts which create new possibilities of what is a possible outcome. Thoughts are literally layered one upon the other to create the physical dimension of reality which is fractile in nature and manifests as the crystallization of matter from the source of seeming nothingness. There are so many other areas (Cans of worms) the gentleman could have touched on but left alone. His job is enforcing the law? So he is to be considered judge jury and executioner? We do not need the police force at all despite the occasional good deed. ... and if not guns at the very least knives! Must keep the adrenalin pumping lol. Perhaps you are right. We should also jail politicians and CEO's that are at the wheel of our countries that put the citizenry at risk of death or injury. Make them accountable too! :) Well handled cyclist. I think your comment to the car driver to re-evaluate his driving was respectful and yet candid. Hopefully it worked and prevents him from either killing someone being the cause of harm to someone or himself. Did you get a receipt for the payment? Yes... and disconnect your TV too. You might be interested to read about the Sumerian ,7 tablets of Creation, (Enuma Elis) and you will agree much of the bible has been based upon a much older tales. Even the Bible in Genesis says ,Let US make man in OUR image., suggesting more than one god. However even these little gods are subject to powers beyond themselves. How to identify the real enemy - look in a mirror! All these judges are required to have the following 5 qualifying methods in court with them at all times: Commission of Office Oath of Office Public Bond Letter of Marque and Delegation of Authority Letter with your red ink signature on it. Yoiu wont need to take up arms against your fellow citizens. your government has imported foreign troops that feel nothing for your friends and family... watch out bro! couldn't watch it the loud music pissed me off Well said and thank you for your message. You should expend effort to bring your knowledge and wisdom to our fellow brothers and sisters in the Force. Thank you for speaking out for all humanity. Actually Sir it is you that is the blubbering idiot and should learn history before making stupid baseless comments. A fabulous compilation of wise words thank you! Michael Kuhr handled the situation as a professional. Great to see such an unnecessary situation be diffused. Great Video thanks for posting it! The USA Administration has been infected with a deadly disease. No amount of voting for alternatives is going to help change anything of major concern to the world population. The only way for the American people to free themselves is to cut the zionist influence out forever. Great to see you in person so stoked Dave! Thanks for making the live video and please keep them coming. Thumbs up for the real you and Smokey! :) similar to that of Stonehenge I. Ending the Federal Reserve Banking System is the first step to stopping the massive ongoing theft. Any attempt to keep it by legislating will not work. Talk is cheap and often misses the mark of the problem. Name and shame those corrupt individuals and companies. Shun them don't deal with them in any way. Shun those that continue to deal with them. Find out the shareholders/trusts associated and stop voting as it makes no difference who you vote for they are ALL owned by the banks. Your ignorance is exceeded only by your ignorance. A carbon taxable event? Yes TheBelltones unfortunately the USA is being run by terrorist murderers operating with impunity and supported by an uneducated population. Let us all hope and pray they wake up to the madness they are inflicting on the world at large. This could have been quite interesting if it was supported by evidence. Unfortunately much of the information is mixed up and not 100% accurate. I suggest anybody wanting to know the history of Man should read the ,Lost Book of Enki,. ...cont: The Tower of Babel for example was Marduks (Son of God King Anu) attempt at building a bond (Spaceport) between Heaven (Planet Nibiru) and Earth in competition to the existing one at the time. This upset the status quo at the time and so action was taken to prevent man having access to the knowledge of the stars... Long story well worth reading about! We are all God as much as they say Jesus is God. Get it through your heads and wake up. Hmmm isn't Obama a foreigner that is running the country these days? I think he was just re-elected too. Seems he can deport jail and sometimes even execute for Americans without recourse... interesting. I strongly suggest to read some more...",30,0,6,5,0,49,0 3109,X3110,Thank you so much! Your explanation really helped me understand my homework :) That was amazing!!! Aww :) I loved the ending!* Love liam and naomi 3 great video! Haha that's what that kid gets for trying to throw the poor cat into the pool! You remind me of Jessica Lowndes from 90210,6,11,5,13,1,19,0 3110,X3111,i love this song me and my boyfriend is going to have are 1th kiss on july 4 wiht that is today when the 1 friework comes lol this us funny u did god I love Aaliyah why did jay z have too kill her I hate bloom lol and how did u do this he is so cute I mean weeoworld that is cool I wish I was in it my name is xxxxxH2Oxxxxx add meh cool I can't the lice but good Los and add me xxxxxH2Oxxxxx I going to go camping and then I going to post how it is camping for the 1 time so yea at the end the parent and mean u hurt my ear I love this song even if it old I don't care I still love it lol this is funny u did don't be mean then did a great job lol omg that was sad liz Selena and Victoria I what to do Dallas I love Dallas I going to make my dream cowboy won but I'd good not lol u just a dick wow my favirite song,25,5,4,3,0,31,0 3111,X3112,Best video ever I LOVE YOU JESSE!!!! That cop did nothing wrong literally!!! That stupid white bitch was not supposed to get out of her vehicle at all!! you know his PT is going to be hell after that lol that last guy was jealous as FUUUUUCKK!! demonic!?? more like BEAUTIFUL DEFQON 1 still better! I NEEEEED to get the hell outa of the united states why am i still in america thank you but my math skills are bad :/ and when i took the practice test i got a 12! :/ That actually looked like a real Airline plane crash lol HOLLISTER FTW! wayyyyy to realistic to be GTA5. they would never put a LEGIT C-17. FAKE! id fuck the shit out of you you are so sexy who the fuck invited lil wayne middle school memories :/ sounds like some cholo song,18,0,4,1,1,52,0 3112,X3113,yes gawd queen Katy perry looked flawless. I'm so confused of why my life on the d list no longer comes on. She doesn't make me laugh on this show at all. when he put that wig on I died. LMFAO! Lana always seems to not make vifeos for my favorite songs. I need a Off To The Races Without You and American video! This pairing was genius in my opinion wish we saw more! I laugh throughout this whole show Queen Katy looked nothing less than flawless I can't believe this chick is evaluating how good looking or unappealing someone is. When she isn't all that appealing herself. WOW! sorry Beyonce would be nothing without these girls.and the ones before that amped her up to begin with. Beyonce just isn't a great solo arist. With DC I get a legit feel and sound.,9,4,5,5,1,23,0 3113,X3114,this is so awesome! i love it! :),1,0,3,1,0,17,0 3114,X3115,Hahahaah r u kidding me this is kpop not jpop Nice :) Awesome band oh my god the voice Epic fucking epic I like this :) this is a true story people not like the movie but the story is real 0.0 How can someone unlike this Travis is indeed one of the best drummer Shit this is addicting GD likes to run in MVs lol Lol forget it i just watched it Thanks! Lol coke What music. Bieber didnt create any music . Respek* Nvm got it Dumbest person to say justin bieber is more important than barack obama Uhh i friggin hate it when theres a baby crying and the mother wont shut the baby Um em um em um wtf i dont undestand Taylor got herself new boobs btw which makes her looks so bad So true man. Some people should stop being psycho fans. U should definitely go to taipei taiwan. Stuffs there are better and cheaper and better quality!! Where did u bought those awesome tanks? I love itt!! Where did u bought the wolf maxi dress!! Yay infinite ftw finally Wow thanks peter chao for that! It means a lot So true lol,27,10,5,5,1,22,0 3115,X3116,Hi I'm in this video and I did not say f*** you I promise someone like hacked my account cuz I don't cuss like that! @andrjoha100 so who cares almost half the videos on here have pictures..... you must be new to this..... Actually there is a more simpler way to do it! Check out my video on how to do it!!! You don't have to download anything!! This doesn't work..... Check out my video and it really tells you the truth!! No downloading or anything! Well you could've said dang instead of the d word !! Definitely white!!!!! It has ios 5.0 and now they just came out with ios 5.1 so now it's faster!!! not quite the smallest house in the world.....i have seen the video name is a little misleading but im just saying...... no offenise though.. @milkymoonful nope! lady gaga is way crazier than britney spears! definitely almost to lady gaga! who is that one?/? like speechless! you were so......NOT good! Wow those girls need to be quiet bcuz I can't even hear! Jesus laweez! Ughhhhhhhhh ok... I'm very confused! thank you! hha you got some humor! haha u told us to be quiet I don't even know what your saying??!! aww really? here let me go on all your videos and say you sucked and how would you like that missy?? this was a simple video that i made and if you dont like it then get off my video and talk crap to someone else!! :) logan lets make a video like this!! yall are so mean. this boy is trying to get some cool tricks that he knows onto youtube. if you already know these tricks then dont comment. it is very rude. its not like he was being mean to you so why should yall comment such horrible things on here?,19,2,3,5,1,34,0 3116,X3117,hey i keep trying to change my MTU but its not working. Can you help? Thanks A LOT Everythingapplepro for setting up this guide this is the third time you have helped me set up one of my devices and i am very glad you do these videos!! @Angela1982Jordan you can pretty much get it any where if I were you just try your closest grocery store. Yeah man you can get an eight pound gram for an eighth man I use the portal quite often and I'm pretty sure I've never had my brain fry.,5,0,3,5,0,21,0 3117,X3118,mata should be on the same level as david silver if not a bit better !!!,1,1,2,1,0,19,0 3118,X3119,"LOL Kone Direction. That is just terrible. That was excellent! I love the way you filmed it too we're you under a lamppost? It just looked awesome lol KILI???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is really good! I wish I knew what language you're speaking in the info box (German?) so I could make an attempt to translate but whatever. You have a very nice voice! I know what you mean! Only like two of my friends really keep up with anyone on youtube. I had a pretty severe ytf phase last year. I am a little better now though. This is really nice! I like this song a lot THIS IS AWESOME Thank you!! :) one of your related videos is called ,the miracle of human creation, and the thumbnail is little spermies I love it I love it I love it. I had missed this older simpler filming style so much. THIS IS AMAZING! I love your voice derng! LOLOLOLOL Holy cheese balls. One of your best covers ever SHUT UP JOSH This is phenomenal! You're so talented this song sounds so cool on piano YAAAAAAAAAAAY BEST FRIENDS FOREVER WOOHOO half of my face is in this at 4:07I hope Lilly feels better soon! hahaha you're awesome! thank you! Your voice is excellent!! And I love this song so much so thank you for putting up the tabs!",19,288,6,58,0,22,0 3119,X2339,"Hes gonna be a great show jumper someday! u have a broken arm?! so sad i love slieghe or slige or however u spell it Beautiful!!!!!!!!! how lon have u ben riding u guys r crazy!!!!!!!!!! (in a good way) ;^) what barn? Anicon Skywalker for ur 8th lesson u have better form than me and ive ben jumping since i was 5!!! i jump higher but its better to gain points for form thanloose them but jump high! great job! Can i have a shout out!?!?!?!?! #3 #2* snow white :) OMG!! R U ok? where did u go now? #1 u spelled english wrong i have an arab named stanley and i jump. horses are my life considering that i have 8! haha cute horse paint= cutie U=good rider haha. 3:31 that is hilarious!!! in a good way :) Look at that AMAZING gait! She sure does have some potential he did good but did the instructor really need to scream when he didn't walk? it could spook the horse. nice form. i can jump 5'2, at the highest but not with good form. well done :) the other adeles last name is adkins! true dat!!!! that. is. the. cutest. thing. ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! what jump? My guinea pigs swim in the pool with me and screams when I take him out Admit it you're an Asian wanna be The picture and sound are off That's adorable Sooooooooo beautiful! @emilysweety this cracked me up! I noticed that when over the small cross-rails in the beginning his 2-point is not very defined. Other than that it was perfect and your horse is a beauty! You put your finger in its mouth idiot!",36,1,3,13,0,18,0 3120,X3121,cool! watch our version! cool! watch our version! cool! watch our version! cool! watch our version! cool! watch our version! cool! watch our version! cool! watch our version! cool! watch our version! i would totally date this guy. cool. watch our version! cool. watch our version! cool. watch our version! I saw these guys in Munich SO GOOD Saw these guys awesome! Fassy brought me here too. Not gonna lie. I saw Hadley a few nights ago and he was amazing and met him at the stage door and he was so so nice such an amazing Javert in my opinion! this man is perfect this was amazing live so glad I got to see both of them together I was here :') it was so beautiful and SEXY This was so amazing I was here and was almost in tears he was standing like 3 feet away from me half the night and I just wanted to tell him how amazing his performance was but I was too nervous haha! I hate baseball and I would have bought a ticket just to go see Alfie Boe 3 Ive only seen Craig Mather and Fra Fee live but to me Micahel Ball and Craig Mather ARE Marius.,22,0,6,1,1,22,0 3121,X3122,she replied to me on twitter and i freaked so much whao shes canadian OMG ITS ALMOST ZAYNS BDAY omg i'm a girl that usually never listens to this but like i actually love this :$ i heard this on one of the victoria secret shows and fell in love omg i remember this show i used to sing this song all the time i actually love smosh LNFAOOOO I CANT THE CAMERA PERSON THEY ARE SO ATTRACTIVE 0:22 i love him he's a ginger god i swear there are +45 men beating to her right now :s omg when she sang nialls part a giant smile spread across my face i love mad tv omg your voice LOL hehe kevin i actually love this I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS SO MUCH THANK YOU 3 everyone is better than cece LOL i remember me and friends couldnt stop listening to this can you do this with nutella? BOBBY LEE,20,7,3,5,0,15,0 3122,X3123,I'm just that awesome! Let's make kony notorious for his crimes and get him captured! Heyy! I know u! @pintofbud1 she only 9! And I doubt u cud sing any better! Interesting. My friend got expelled! Everyone at my school bites each other! I think it's stpid personally! My friend got expelled out of the hundreds of kids that do it! Not fair! For more info email me at,6,0,2,5,0,13,0 3123,X1914,Well atleast I didn't lie. I didn't say I hated you. If you think I'm glad you've left then I'll say it then. Uhm great. :L dunno what to say cause you don't like me so... 'Great' I don't understand what's gone wrong.. It looks fine. I thought she was a boy :L Really nice BTW SOOO MANY EAR PIRCING. But if 'Shes' a girl how come her voice is so low? I got mine done when I was a baby with a gun I'm alright. Some quick song but good. I didn't understand any of it. LOL when I press Music And sound it wont work on mine Does it have to be powerpoint 2010? LOOOOL Btw WTF a 0;16 LOL she was smiling at first if I showed my mum I'd have no teeth left. I love your belly button pierce;') I have the same but with flowers x Oki yeah cause Habplus is being a pain :L ;'Sigh;' Come back on.. D; Btw we all get Vip and Yes add me at MidnightFACES Awwh :( I forgot you but COME ONLINE I don't love them but I like them. They copied Mindless Behaviour.. Btw I love a few of they're songs LOL ABBY Bffs 4Lyf Customize your message She's okay Customize your message I hate her because of her bullying. She might look good but it's not about the looks. JAMAICAAAA Wow best Remix of this song You didn't do anything. Miley isn't Miley anymore ;But if I'm her fan in 2013 Then Id better respect her every step of the way.. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY XO I only liked the How To Love the bit and the instrumental of the next song. #TeamPrince I love you even if you get bullied you're no wimp to me ;') Lol,34,7,2,71,0,27,0 3124,X3125,this was 2 years ago rainman shoenice. you are the most badass mother fucker. hats off to you! not y'all. when you lost to Georgia in the SEC championship kid ink is my nigga tho hits from the bong-cypress hill pause at 8 rigamortis- kendrick lamar its true though :P never heard this one before... why not jump off with a parachute? lol role model go home. your drunk. keep it rolling- kid ink half naked and almost famous it was in 2wd rainman. wanna cookie? follow me! i post really good shit! @mhumble95 just like your account. wrong. this dude is gunna live forever lol i think rozay went in an did his thang him. nickname for kelly,22,2,4,5,0,26,0 3125,X3126,didn't say it was? someone's making assumptions... Get a cushion son bench will get uncomfortable. the type writer in the background sound like they're flapping. 3 dislikers are as followed; Lil Wayne Drake Birdman. All shit. yo where can i find this music you put in the end of your videos? i wanna listen to it at the gym i see it! haha cheers I listen to this when i'm about to take a big shit. he kinda got the last laugh... won a trophy the first season he left. Made 45 appearances first season so not a benchwarmer...arsenal fans love their fans but when they leave... abuse them. get over it move on. you should never have left arsenal *wins PL trophy* You call this x-rated? hitting my toe on a door is worse than this shite I can have a link to the music at the end of your video?Would like to listen to it at the gym! you div LOL all their pictures on the wall are from their PL win only their PL win... sad and he did! amazing performance ah man i really need the music you have on this track meh. can do that in my sleep yo i seriously would like this music for when i'm working out. please! Bless you bitch the title is all wrong again. its not 'essien celebrates with john obi mikel' should be 'essien celebrates with lampard' your accent annoys me FINALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY! THE LINK TO THE SONG worst unseen ever. even the camera man was a total div confirmed pregnant! You wanna be treated like a man he's going to treat you like a man! I have a summer job for a month and had NO time what so ever to go gym. When I finished I lost a lot of muscle. I was down too but when I went back there I worked harder and lifted heavier. Got better gains then before as well.Keep the motivation high/ this presenter sucks can we get this to 1 billion? I don't want Bieber to get 1 billion. now I'm off to watch the gingham style video was he sucking his dick in the start?,29,10,3,5,0,19,0 3126,X3127,maybe in 2013-2014 Im thinking Dragon Ball Z HD is going to be a remake of budokai tenkaichi 3. Goku ssj 5 does not exist in the anime or manga. so it wont be added. wait never mind the ps3 link is just not working. Don't Some kids forget stuff? Stop Copying other top comments you noob. ikr its expert failage I wonder how Rodney is not scared of primos :l MW3 is bull shit. We dont know yet its probably not even budokai tenkaichi or budokai series I just had to laugh at your comment XD,11,0,2,5,1,13,0 3127,X1434,Best of 2011watch?v=xXRh5ne7xws This girl is rally amazingwatch?v=xXRh5ne7xws An amazing new songwatch?v=ywhvj7UaDHo Wowwatch?v=ywhvj7UaDHo This girl is really an angel ?watch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Wow watch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Best of 2011watch?v=js6TBze6vNA Take the time to fall in lovewatch?v=js6TBze6vNA Everyone should know thiswatch?v=kEe260z453k Take the time to fall in lovewatch?v=kEe260z453k The best of female/ fronted hard rock:watch?v=js6TBze6vNA I wish they will tour with simple planwatch?v=js6TBze6vNA You probably heard this before but these guys are truly awesome!watch?v=ywhvj7UaDHo This? new song is awesomewatch?v=ywhvj7UaDHo Wow!watch?v=ywhvj7UaDHo Check this? amazing new songwatch?v=ywhvj7UaDHo Beautiful!!watch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Is she an angel?watch?v=xXRh5ne7xws An amazing new band I wanted to share with everyonewatch?v=kEe260z453k I wish they tour with simple planwatch?v=kEe260z453k Everyone should know thiswatch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Wow!watch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Her voice is amazingwatch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Guys? you'll love thiswatch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Epic!!watch?v=kFDMJa_fZt0 Wow!watch?v=kFDMJa_fZt0 Listen to an Relaxing ... but sadwatch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Everyone should know thiswatch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Wow!!!watch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Truly? You would thank Isnt she great?watch?v=xXRh5ne7xws My new ? favoritewatch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Take the time to fall in lovewatch?v=kFDMJa_fZt0 You should all know thiswatch?v=kFDMJa_fZt0 This ? new song is awesomewatch?v=kEe260z453k Check this ? amazing songwatch?v=kEe260z453k she sounds ? like an angelwatch?v=xXRh5ne7xws An angel... singswatch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Everyone should know thiswatch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Wow!!watch?v=xXRh5ne7xws Nice songwatch?v=kEe260z453k Perfect !!!!watch?v=kEe260z453k,44,2,2,5,0,21,0 3128,X3129,"My favoe memory would have to be goin 2 Las Vegas wit my family! GAMBLIN BABY! :P Roses are redViolets are blueMiley Cyrus is a pot-smoking whoreWait...Shanaynay is too! i wish i had the power 2 help every person going through hard times and i would try 2 make their lives much better @LionRawrsTonight thank you!! my little sister has Autism and its not funny! i luv ur voice! if u keep singing ur voice will improve and sound even more amazing!!! :) OMG.......I luv ur voice!!! it's amazing!! you'll get discovered on here soon! I ABSOLUTELY luv this song!!!!!!!!! My fave thing 2 do is go 2 Cali. with mii family nd jus hang out! I luv ur video called iCARLY SPOOF! :) Caption: Is that beer? Starfish: I WANNA BE WITH YOU FOREVER!!! I'm not tryin 2 point anythin out nd b mean but u put ,rape, All u got out of this video is her tits?!?! U obviously don't care about anything but sex! Your a horrible person! How would feel if you went through 2 years worth of bullying and had to deal with everyday? Ur a piece of shit..... Dj Malik B-) Lol it's BigCat :) @mszeldafreak lol :) You sound amazing!!!!!! I love it! I sing too! I've done a cover of Little Things by One Direction. Please watch it!!!!!! @Godoy Filho :')",20,15,4,30,0,17,0 3129,X3130,"Was hat das damit zu tun ? o.O FOR RENGACIA BITCHESSSSS !? Like wen ihr es 2013 immer noch hren werdet :D das mit dem blasen versteh ich nicht ;/ FU** GEMA Wer zur hlle ist der hammer typ ;o er macht mir angst ;3 Was habt ihr ? ;o das ist doch eig. ganz gut :) Shit IT's SOO COOOL :O HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... no Kopieren ,Einfgen,... SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS-Sir ENKELSCHECK BRUDA :D R.I.P Life steal... Gankplank Was zum.... ? DU SAGST ES MEIN ,burder, Ich habe eine geniale idee gefunden Geld zu verdienen 1000-1200 im Monat.Geht Arbeiten :) Ich habe eine geniale idee gefunden Geld zu verdienen 1000-1200 im Monat.Geht Arbeiten :) Ich habe eine geniale idee gefunden Geld zu verdienen 1000-1200 im Monat.Geht Arbeiten :) Wein nicht mein schatz !! :DD Ich hab noch eine Idee ! :) Geh arbeiten ... Stress Niacavaon einfach :DDD ich will endlich das lied haben ;3 Alles wirklich alles ist besser als das Orginal",23,5,3,5,0,18,0 3130,X3131,"hey!!! ok so lets see i guess i made a promise to make an animated music video to someone i subscribed to so i'll just start by saying this: i KNOW it won't be that great (im not even sure it'll be good) so if you decide you don't like it don't hate me! i only have windows movie maker so if i screw up just know that there's that problem too! alright guys so let's get updated from yesterday's post. so i got some new editing software and turns out it's great for a TON of stuff! the video's coming along fine so i should be done with it in im guessing a week? as long as my cousins don't decide to come over or mess with my computer if they do get here then the video should be done in a week and i don't know two days? so yea i just wanted to let you guys know that. Thanks to those few who subscribed to me! You guys are the best! =D so far things are going great. no big problems involving my computer (but my printer acting dumb) so the video should be done if not in exactly a week to within a week because of the progress i made over this weekend. =) i can't wait to post it! (even if it ends up a miserable failure i'd be proud of it anyway cuz i tried!) update ya l8r! =D hey it's me again! =D well the video's coming along great (as in no problems with the software im using) and i just wanted to get you catched up on how it's doing. so im almost able to pinpoint a due date for the video. i've come up with a three day range because my internet tends not to work from time to time. i expect to post it between the days June 25 and 27 so if it's not up on one of those days or sooner then you know my computer's busted again. have a great day! =D Hey guys!! =D so did you like my first MV? I hope you did cuz I'm makin ANOTHER ONE! =D with the help of Sw33tPoMFan selecting the songs for my videos this should go GREAT! =D (I'm not good with choices of nearly any sort so I find it best to have someone tell me what to do) K that's all i gotta say! Expect a new MV next week! Luv Ya! L8rs! =D Hey guys! It's me again! =D ok this might both be bad news and good news: the video might not be as good as the last one or make much sense in comparison to the song. that's the bad news. the good part about it is the fact that I was right that Sw33tPoMFan is better than me at making MV's. =) ... ok I'm just gonna quote Skipper on this ,Yes I understand the implications. I just like to be right!, XP bye guys. =P ok guys! here I am again with a rather important announcement! (if you consider PoM MV's an important part of your life) My MV was delayed for quite some time as you can see what with my computer constantly crashing and me having to restart the video because it was erased. I have managed to make about 2/3 of the video again by working overtime on it and if all goes well it should be up in a few days or at most a week. =) hope you like it when it goes up! thanks for waiting to hear from me. =D ok guys gotcha some great news! =D (if you liked my last MV... which i kind of doubt) my next MV should be done by later today or tomorrow! (way ahead of schedule) i've done all i can to make it great and it should be up by tomorrow night! =D i hope you like it cuz i've been bustin my brain the whole last week to re-make the video! have a great night everybody and let's hope the vid's good! (oh and the last MV was a beat off so if this one is too im SORRY but i can't control that!) on second thought... it's up TONIGHT! at about 11:35 pm so i'll see you guys in the morning! hope you like it! (even though some of the effects MAY or may not be off) love you guys! =D see ya! ok i know i haven't posted in a while but i was away for the majority of my time and couldn't work on much BUT im happy to say the the new MV is coming along great. it should be done in a week or so if im given the time to work on it. i'll be breaking my back for you guys all day tomorrow so that 65% i have now will grow to about 85% by tomorrow night. I expect your full criticizm. don't hold back any comments on what i can work on when it's up. thnx for ur support =) right well turns out my parents wouldn't leave me alone today we had to help a freind move the whole times so i couldn't work. -__- *pissed off* but tomorrow Saturday AND Sunday i'll be overloading on the MV work so you guys can have your video. =P so have a great night i hope you're not too mad and if you want an MV made for you then don't be shy to ask! (i don't believe you've noticed but i'm crazy) =P bye!! =D luv u all! =P yea... so bout da MV (what else would i tlk bout?) i'm kinda stuck cuz i ran out of PoM eps and FX 2 use so im gonna go on a ,downloading spree, so i can get dis DONE! it's gonna take longer than i thought. sry if im makin u mad but i cn't help it! it's in my DNA! =P so yea im gonna stuff my computer with new vids nd u relax or idk read til the MV's done k? lol jk. so yea i'll be out for a while and i hope this thing will be finished by next week or i'll die! k bye! =P ok im just going to warn you guys about something that will come in the near future... the MV right after i finish this one (whenever this darned program lets me) may scare you out of your skin and you may never want to see one of my videos again... i respect that. i just want you to know it's not my fault it's a birthday gift for *i'll tell you in the description of the video. wait until then to know for who* so don't get mad at me plz! =/ XD okay guys whatever i told you about the next video forget it! Jacob says he just wanted it as a personal video like how ppl keep old photos and maybe he'll let me post it some time from now but just not right now cuz he wants it for himself at the moment. XDD starting production on something else then! =P HEY GUYS!!!!! =DD GUESS WHAT???? im gonna work all day today because i've already worked the night away on my mum's BIRTHDAY VIDEO!!!!!! ^^ She's turning 57 TODAY!!!!! =DD HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM LOVE YA!!!! ^^ HEY GUYS!! =D hope ya liked the last video because i spent my whole night making it and lost ALOT of sleep! XD so yeah next hopefully after my first week of school i'll make another MV for ya! ^^ if they don't give me homework EVEN BETTER!! ^^ That way i'll have them done faster!! XD oh well thanks for your likes and subscriptions guys! ^^ see ya soon! luv ya! OMG MY FIRST REQUEST FOR A VIDEO!!!!! (other than my cousin's but his doesn't count since he won't let me post it) O EM GEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU I WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!! =DD (yes this is really how i act when i'm happy! XD never stand near me when im like this im serious! XD) I CAN'T WAIT TO GET STARTED!!!!!!!!!!!! =DD and wow 17 subbies already? I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!! ^^ (really i didn't even think i'd get past 3! XD) thankies!! ^^ im VERY VERY VERY sorry!!!!!!!! my PC just broke down and i lost all the information on it! D= the video i was making for you was completely erased and everything else (important documents family photos etc.) was lost. i'll restart the video on my laptop since it is new and has the same program to make video. i apologize for making you wait and for all the work to be lost but there is nothing more i can do. =( i hope you can forgive me. i'm doing the best i can to make the video again. okay guys i won'tbe making videos for a while because of technical difficulties sooo sorry but as soon as i get everything fixed i'll get right back to work! but for now... well you won't see anything from me not even an update like this one. but i promise that as soon as i can i'll try to get back to work! i promise alright guys sorry for the wait but i won't be able to make any more videos for the time being. i start school in two days and i have to finish an entire project within that time limit. i know i could have worked on the videos a little bit now since i'm typing this but i'm on my laptop and it's hard to edit vids on these things. more videos will come soon but for now i'm sorry. Guys i have a new video editor downloaded! ^^ i can now work from 2 so if VideoPad keeps crashing i have another program as backup! ^^ so without further ado i am off to figure the new one out and start a new project for the New Year celebration! ^^ after that one is posted i am to work on my requests and personal projects. ^^ Happy Holidays everyone! ^^ Guys I am SO SUPER DUPER INCREDIBLY SORRY but the Valentines video is to be delayed for a bit! First my birthday preparations (given I was born on that horrid day) are messing with my already limited editing time and then all the data was lost in an entire computer crash! I can only apologize and start the video over and I really hope you forgive me!! I'M SORRY!!",23,38,3,6,0,21,0 3131,X3132,SALUDOS!!!!,1,36,4,397,0,34,0 3132,X3133,I miss the long snail mails SomethingWashed-upAssholesGot Already done Retard Are you retarded? A hybrid can have dead links moron You sir know what's up. :D Icheerarsenal 3 Why? He leads the Serie A in goals and assists :p. I need him to maintain first place. THAT WAS BS! that is only 100 chemistry from the manager. The RM has 6 chem. The LM has 7 chem. The RB has 7 chem. One of the CM's have 7 chem. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH MESSI! LMAO GUYS! If you want fun good commentary... Turn on Spanish Commentators... they scream their head off when a goal is scored! Landon Donovan... -_- why because he doesn't have 90 plus pace? Your Welcome ;) would CF-ST Method work too? viktor fischer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are going places! HAHAHAHAHA That was a great joke! nvnbiw niinrnbbnbr I speaking imerubnutnbunmeijnbij too Subbed. Great Video Man!,20,4,3,5,0,22,0 3133,X3134,se oye chida el coyote y la bronca buscala asi,2,0,5,1,1,32,0 3134,X3135,Can't get enough of this song!! That sould be her man they look perfect for each other.She looks like she is ready for some pollenation.haha he r she is ruining the moment. I am so glad that she is making new music I love her I am a big fan.I can't wait for the album you go girl.I will love to buy your next album.AMAZING Why r you wearing a shirt saying jesus never existed and you are reading his word.How retared is that.He is what made everything in the universe. This album is awsome gives people alot of hope in wanting to to turn away from the crap and turn to God thanks so much for the inspiration!!Love it. then y listen to it? I hope they changed they're life around singing about people going to hell in nightmare!! rip love you bro. when is this album coming out!! She should make a music video to this song that would be totally awsome!! She is talking about making another album can't wait!!So she did not die we would have heard about it somewhere. ok y is asia cruise on here I though this was Letoya!!lol My most fav song off this album is drained love it!! very confusing but thanks anyway. he can kiss her ass!!u r funny u should do red lipstick now that would be I know this song has meaning to it.Can anybody tell me what it mean please.I am dieing to know!! u stupid us white men don't have small penises!! Quit jacking off!!,19,0,2,5,0,22,0 3135,X3136,"So how was it? :) No..I didnt.. Damn climbing trees and shit thats gangster. NO WAY!!! I lost my dog like 5 years ago and his name was Chewy3. We named him that because he always chewed on stuff. RIP Chewy 3 If Usain Bolt snatched my wallet or something I would not even bother trying to chase him down. and that is how to spot a hipster. Wow. I just saw them last night at a concert with about 300 people in attendance. I knew they had gotten smaller. But not that small. All of these ,00's, kids will never know the joy of growing up in the 90's. Well that is ironic. Cael Sanderson? Was the gillie suit really that needed? Actually no its your. Man you're messed up. Flagged. Man I'm on a Wiz stage. I just cannot get enough of him. Just an English comment passing through. #StopStephen2012 ^ Probably the most accurate thing I have ever layed an eye on. bro snug I found that egg like along time ago black dolphin dont play you dumbass wayne took this from meek. And wayne kills this.",20,12,3,11,0,25,0 3136,X3137,I'm worried that Harley is a giant douchebag in real life Oh my god his sister! I can't deallllll. 3333 LOL WAIT DOUG PRODUCED THIS?! Great husband. Harley's giving mad sex eyes at the end... He could probably get it Haahahah Anna with a gun I'm not your dad lmao Pat Boland has told me the story of how his finger got bitten off about six times. Ahahahaha aw Carrie! Do the milk shake! It brings all the boys to the yard.,9,10,3,10,0,21,0 3137,X2290,Si tu ni sabes ni que significa demagogo chaval lo repites de haberlo escuchao de los de siempre para descalificar sin decir nada.... I always laugh at those statements. You would be almost elder now! So enjoy the music in the 2012... Llevo 5 aos fuera de Espaa y recuerdo alli ya llevaba largo tiempo sin ver esa bazofia pero recuerdo a un piojoso con rastas dando tumbos haciendo gracietas... sigue este desamparado de lo mismo???? let me hear you say YEAH!! n00bs...four wheel roller skates pa ser un viejo? yo naci 2 semanas despues del concierto y ahora tambien lo disfruto :P cos they are having some dignity themselves and respect for the show so they also let the guys enjoy it not like brainless Biever's fans... probably you are right boredom weed and a camera El senador Samuel Chapman murio en Enero de 1941 por tanto en 6 de Diciembre de 1941 llevaba 11 meses muerto..... solo por buscarle 3 pies al gato xD jams he visto ms aberraciones ortogrficas en un solo prrafo sin entrar a contestar la cantidad de sandeces que dices. He is completely right this man pretended to treat beers as they were pets or if like he was one of them is just ridiculous and he had not a real knowledge about those animals at all and it's why he ended up killed by one of them. This man had a sad long record of drugs and alcohol abuse in the past and his mind wasn't exactly sane. What is the worst part of this story is that he dragged with him his girlfriend to a tragic end. I love this woman she is just magic on the stage whatever the band she has on her backup and having this band.. oh man.. oh sister... you so clever.. what about the rest of drivers in the road? what about the one they killed in the truck? If you want to drive wild do it on the forest. they are in the prehistory not a fucking ambulance a piece of plastic where they put the guy and a fire man try to manually find if he is seriously injured? come on..... glad not being in Russia. LOLdidnt saw that would be great if you could link the times for the track list in the comments yeah if you catch their backup singers and not only in this concerts there are part they are looking almost like bunch of groupies :)) just clapping and moving not only because their job. pues para mi que a la exmujer se la mato el marido para ahorrarse dinero y de paso le echo la culpoa a esta para seguir con otra que tenia de amante. 8:35 Denzel Washintong!!!! jajajajajajaaaaa oleee que arte y tu Mas te has estrellao bien bien o necesitas otro repaso? el orificio de entrada de una bala en un craneo puede ser perfectamente redondo pero el de salida para nada es un autentico destrozo. dude your room is a mess a pig house wake up put some order and then keep training that thing you call guitar! this is moronic having to use a blowtorch so your CPU can start working moronic!!! too dark to be 12:30 am. right? really annoying .... you say because the whales pictures? they played not even one video. how is for playing FPS? and that's what seems happening to this dude lol Hola! como ha comentado alguien podrias por favor probar algun juego en ese monitor tipo BF3 o similar? Quiero comprarme un IPS y ese es precioso pero tambien me preocupa la paranoia de los juegos con el lag y esas historias. Gracias y muy buen cacharro!!! that's a performance ftw this is awesome whatever haters say lol que vejestoprio Antonio,34,2,5,5,0,38,0 3138,X3139,single fuck was looking for that man.but that man is nowhere to be found. CHIVALRY dc dc dc dc is this even 2013 game .? can you put them on your hands? if he doesnt want to show the full video meaning she knows that girl and its fake lol WHERE IS PHREAK ?????!!! this is hilarious :) im throwing my money on the screen why i cant have that skin :| retired if you played the dmc 1-2-3-4 you'll understand what im talking about ..btw dante's white hair is not just for fashion i think he got it from the family which makes them unique cuz vergil has white hair too so i think .. I'm watching in 1992 grats :3 i subscribed to see your end result :) im interested awesome! :) imitating hotshotgg HULULCAWCAWCAWCWAWW that drawin is sooo cute :) people should never intervene how the nature works ... better remember that kid HARLEM SHAKE !!!!!! Dinosaur stole the show lol Spider-man should use condoms. to those idiots who thinks that he didnt flash ... you're looking on taric's stats not akali .. he flashes precisely at 0:16,22,6,5,5,0,24,0 3139,X3140,Gratz born 99 firemaking = no life do you like waffles Do real life videos!! Your girlfriend is better looking than Simon it will be easier on the eyes ;) haha! The beats alright the spastic singing ruins it Yay no more listening to fat simons voice wooo Has Simon ever had a girlfriend? Actually has he ever kissed a girl? or boy? (His mum and dad don't count) Fuck off you pervert Read the description you spastic.... Fuck that first spartan wasn't master chief... it was spartan 104 thats Frederic!! If you quit... can i have your stuff? :) might as well give it a try lol Step1 - Go to the runescape pageStep2 - Look at the explosive skills animation update Step3 - Notice he giving you the fingers Jagex taking your money while giving you the fingers on the solomon's general store :) Well I might as well say it then... Please support cancer research... IRELAND I got lured then I just quit 5 years of playing the game off and on then just BAM i hate the game Man you just uploaded there album :L Green lantern film was piss...,16,0,3,5,1,19,0 3140,X3141,I liked Dave Navarro way better than that other guy This music reminds me of my beautiful experiences with Brazil marilyn manson is fucking kick ass! like this comment if you think he is great Clarice B u agree that V nasty's rapping is hella good?,4,1,3,5,0,48,0 3141,X3142,Nouvelle vido gameplay comment sur terminal en dominatioon faites passer nouvelle vido mw2 qui sortira cette semaine,2,46,4,3,0,26,0 3142,X3143,mane meh and yhu need tew twerk together sum day vore tymesha arnett mi guy lol he nawhl lol heckie nawhl wat yal donin um :) dhats nt meh cm7 lil dude gt on artez punk ahh that was sweet mi sonqqq i love mb i cant wait til march 15 i like chris brown no matter wat he do i think rihanna deserve tew get beat ray ray did it the bezzxt 01:10 dude killed it i love O.M.G GIRLZ me and mi sister was there en memephis i was en dhat hoe,17,12,3,12,0,17,0 3143,X3144,"Thanks very imformative!I subbed (: What ethnicity is your husband ? Haha im curious now because your indian and i thought you were turkish haha araaab land ? Bitch please.I have muslim and arab friends and they have the best family. Also you have lived with americans and took on therir ways. dont label your self as a muslim and then put your fingers up. Your ungreatful and you will burn in hell ugly indian looking girl. I dont think your arab more like indian ? Lol and you said ,evey arabic people do this , no hun you havnt met half the world. Go solve your own shit life and shit family. she looks like a curry muncher to me .. lol",4,10,3,2,0,22,0 3144,X2333,"That would suck if you dropped your Nilla Wafer Top Hat. It's really amazing when you have two best friends like this making youtube videos. Smosh Rhett and Link it's just awesome how they manage to do this! And then Sidekick got hit in the face with a death ray... What's the name of the girl in this video? Robin won. I dunno. Look at the entertainment in the 00's. They may not be better but they had a better childhood! :P Gah! The same top comments! Not again! Down. No one knows where I hid the murder weapon now... Seems like you could do so many pranks with that thing... He blinked in the beginning. You should have Tim return as Red Robin! That'd be awesome! I think it should have ended with Bruce Selena and Alfred in the restaurant but good job! So wait. They threw the cure for the entire Universe? Genius. Wait... wearing a beanie protects you from brain freeze? Whoa... 1:25 Ha! Scarred you! *Cough* Jean Grey *Cough* I listened to this during my English final. I was done within five minutes. Everyone thought I was crazy. Umm.... Not sure how to react... 0:32 Coulson Lives! Eh for Emma Frost yeah you might... Which thing? Now we know why Tom hates Christmas! It all makes sense! I wouldn't have. Blowing stuff up is fun. Yup. Just starting my sixth time today! I think the people in this video are stoned all the time. Well due to the New 52 Stephanie Brown was never Robin and Tim Drake went by the name as Red Robin instead of Robin. Hawkgirl: Tell me about my son.Batman: Him? Good kid. Always knocked when he entered a room. Must have gotten it from his father. Mute this then play Globus - Europa Instrumental. Just a thought... Reminds me so much of Homer Simpson! Alright so Static is coming... but what about Stephanie? Because of that comment I respect you. That might be the best comment I have ever seen. I know fear very well. The very fear that forbids one to fail. Not fear for yourself but fear for how others will fare when you're gone. I fear failing others. In this way we all must know fear. No no you're not. How Do You Type With All First Letters Capitalized! Really It's Exhausting For Me And I Have No Idea Why You Would Even Try And Do This! 0:41 Do not attempt Wha what are you talking about you're.... Oh! Right! Heheh... Yeah... Not give a grain? As in not a grain of sand as in don't care? Everyone else got it but you. I understand ,main, didn't make sense I meant to say ,maim, but whatever. Point is no need to repeat what the guy just said. I'm beginning to see religion as some sick rewards system. If you believe in god you go to heaven! If not you go to hell. What about people who are Atheists but still do good with their lives? Maybe there is an Atheist who donates to food shelters regularly? Or someone who feeds the homeless? Likewise it's not enough to simply say you believe in a god that doesn't make you a good person. You've got to actually give no matter what you believe.",39,1,2,5,0,24,0 3145,X3146,"it sounds as if a boss came over and was being bossy and the person doing the recording accidentaly said while recording.. ,ok complaining bitch, lmfao haa ha haa ha ha haaa i have sasukes MS on my asshole boo ya!!!!!! Those arnt even real pushups that's bullshit Hes jumping down and playing this shit in reverse this is so FUCKEN wack Seriously wtf lmfao so dumb hahhahhaa I'll clean your room lol That's for damn sure!! I am all for what she said because I too hate that they have all these people working who cant even speak English and that's fucked!! Theyre the reason we AMERICANS don't have jobs!! Also fucked up government but yeah lol Yup yup :) The fist Sakura female is so fine mmm haa haa Dam this seems off the FUCKEN chain mang!!! Dam can't wait to play this shit daaammmm!!!! thank you very much i really appreaciate your kindness =) Ok that's real disturbing that narutos shadow is a dick when he's making the rasengan..... What do y'all think lol I just ordered all three I should get them today later in the afternoon or tomorrow =D so freaken excited haa haa That's rats a bastard!!!! Biggest douchebag ever !!! Jk but all seriousness the cops who pepper spray'd an already restrained man to the point of no return... Now that's fudged up!!! And nothing happened to the coppers what the flip flap flipping flop mang!!! Dam something needs to be done about that madness! So I give them the universal douchebag of the year award!!! Dun dun duunnnn!!!! Second douchebag of the year goes to that dam rat Jk that freaken cop what the heck man why why why!!! A they all have the same volume thats wack its wack lol sorry lol not dissing on you your kool and a very intelegent woman =D I must have this game even though I don't even have a system this makes me want all the naruto games please god send some money my way for this game and an xbox 360 if not I'll sell my meat to a thousand fat chicks ichigo deffinetly i dont care if its fake or not i loved seeing that big pussy being put in his place haa haa haa haa love this shit haa haaa It was funny as fuck but didn't like the mortal kombat bullshit it woulda been perfect without but your kool as fuck mang Shits sick keep it up mang Where did you put the gate for pouring in the resin? :) by the way ur awesome ha ha Pussy ass bitches i don't care whose in the van first of all but 40 glocc cock face is a pussy ass nigga he wouldn't do shit one on one wit Wayne nor anyone! Just acting all tough n shit cuz he has his so called gang with him FUCKEN pussy ass sweet bitch!! Haa haa haaa hes pretty dang good but Roxorloops is the best! freaking assholes claping and cant hear the kid!! Jonathanlovato767 told me about you said your a great guy and I'm take his word for it cuz he's a real good person hope you pick him :) shes yummy lol i didnt know that was her but ive always said meg has a hot voice lol haa ha ha ha love this song =D that would be great for work clothes =) lol",28,1,6,1,1,27,1 3146,X3147,"Dave just did too much drugs he was probably tripping fucking balls when he saw the ,devil, xD Fuck you fuck yes man! Pure speed all the way!!!\m/ @hayabus111a It's definitely not faster then Necrophobic and check out slayer live in 85-86 they play faster Hahaha What you said about CC is funny! And yea you got a good point man Im learning this later on thanks for the upload! Shut the fuck up Yea it is hahaha He is atheist I don't think he actually believes in Satan he is just doing it for scares I guess There's no proof of god or satan @Lizardvenom1 That band is so fucking overrated were I'm from. Some people at my school get surprised when they find out I don't like that band and I'm like fuck no I don't listen to rise against haha Metal!! chris made his point straight forward with alcohol amd ciggs. stick to weed it will never kill you fuck sreamo fuck yeah im gonna wake n bake some shit with this water bottle bong tomorrow Exactly man haha so many people see Glen as a Satan worshiper xD Badass band too Pick up a instrument and play against these guys you stupid fuck dumbass xD @Kevin Iron Maiden Death metal rapes this xD The talent in the drumming is just intense @MetalLife1993 Slayer shits on Sebastian Bach",21,18,3,3,0,29,0 3147,X3148,"They're not saying ,maybe this time,. They're saying ,anyone but Romney,. This is stupid. Fuck your clique This is stupid. Fuck your clique Not true. I have American friends and they spell it like that THIS ISN'T AN ADAPTATION OF THE BOOK THEY'VE JUST USED THE TITLE. FUCKING RELAX Actually I'm from the future. The year 2012 Fuck of cunt your name's Buttman Download? So you say that about rap? Metal is skinny self-pitying try-hard goths who yell into a microphone. Their lyrics have no deeper meaning there is no word play. Nothing of any creative or intellectual value whatsoever. Rappers are skilled enough to speak triple the amount of words metal artists do in one song make them all rhyme have a common theme and strong message and also throw in some double intedres and intelligent word play to keep it interesting. Rap is art metal is just sound Dude relax I wasn't being serious. Additionally however religious people are more likely to be adverse to profanity due to a more conservative upbringing generally speaking of course. The music made this fantastic montage painful Hutch was in Optic? He stressed this point over and over. People are going to do drugs no matter what decriminalising them allows for the proper distribution of the correct quantities of drugs to prevent overdoses and also allows for the proper manufacturing of drugs to prevent poisoning and the use of harmful chemical extenders and such. Decriminalisation does not endorse drugs it makes them safer Poor guys can't get a break 0:56 had a good run RIP skrillex skrillex died yo shot himself. damn shame You're just being a bully here. Taken this way too far Are you serious. That was literally the subject of this video. Watch it again",18,12,3,7,0,21,1 3148,X3149,she did very good for her age luv it!!!! luv her singin!!!!!! she can replace justin bieder!! I Love This And Your Voice..And You Super Cute..!! Lmao your Sexy And Funny As Hell Hes A Straight G,6,0,4,5,1,24,0 3149,X3150,She's joking. And yeah this is really accurate. This is training for the dog to rescue humans. If you were stupid enough to think 2 dogs would be stranded in a canoe in the first place hopefully thins will help you. No. You're a faggot. All you do is comment on A7X videos you have no life. Have a nice day loser :) I thought she had a British Accent??? Hahaha Sharon only asked what she would rate herself 1-10 because she knew she'd say 10 XD Dear Feathers HeatherJenna is not the problem you are. She has every right to put up her videos and you have no right to complain about your daughter watching them because you should have watched her better. If you don't want her to see these videos don't allow her to use her own technology or monitor her better. Your parenting is the real problem. Tell me if you think these videos are so stupid then why would you watch them and comment on them? Instead of wasting your own time watch videos that you like! This is my favorite song. Stop fighting you idiots. 0:43 lol Rev bombing. We miss you Jimmy /3 He was correcting the guy's spelling It's the album cover... Crazy in Love. It's a cover you idiot.,14,6,4,5,0,18,0 3150,X3151,ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:D These are trip crystals!! these are the bros that no one likes... Michigan State vs Michigan??? what a douche he was wearing sun glasses and it wasnt even sunny...tool,5,1,3,1,0,21,0 3151,X3152,lol!!!!! HAHA LOL! i personilly think the best couple part he plays in movies is in the hunger game :D ryan secrest is my radio host for y94,4,9,2,26,0,49,0 3152,X3153,"awwww ur mean... you guys are ritch... Your a dumb ass you know that? You racist bastards. You republicans feeling blue today? Like it or nothe is our president. Nothing any of you can do about it. im sorry.... but that was just aweful... poor wittle rat? Cats... ewwww. Ya nevah know how cool rats are until ya have one as a pet. Most funnest family member evah! She goes to OCHSA!!!! I actually like her voice. Its nicerebeccas is just aweful.. listen to this song that right after listen to friday. BIG difference. ,... becuasei am sobrave *BOOM*.. GAHHH *whimper*'' If u look the judges clothes are a different color I love his voice but he creeps me out... speechless.However i would ofloved to hear , A little fall of rain, in there Who draws this stuff? Wow.. Pretty good! :) Shit rick rolled again...",15,0,3,3,0,16,1 3153,X3154,thomas the tank is a big fan of coles he loves thomas the tank lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx# i think parents who make their children do beauty pageants should be arrested for child abuse it is ridiculous what these children go through how can it be allowed it will later on in life attract the wrong kind of attention. you can see how sad and lifeless their eyes look kids should be kids and allowed to have a childhood !!!! i have the atefit to it ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha,3,0,3,5,1,28,0 3154,X3155,All I can say is WOW! We ordered one of these for our grandfather and this was the first time I ever saw him cry. It was truly a special moment for us all. The greatest part for me was after it was over and we were done listening to it. We all sat around him for another two hours listening to the stories and memories this brought back for him. Thank you broadcast bio! This is something our family will cherish for a lifetime and beyond! WOW! I have a feeling the competition is going to be crazy this year. I think you sound amazing! Good luck but I feel like I need the good luck not you. you lucky lucky bastard! Kenny Billy and a very intimate setting! If I could only die to be reincarnated as Doug Parker! James Slater is the man big shout out to James Marcel Jessica and Trevor Not to shabby man.... Can't wait until we get to see you again. I think this just may be the big one! Im ready to lay my new songs past you so hurry up and get back to the A town. one word.... wow! I love this song and you gave me chills more than the original. Holy Shit I am going to listen to it again! I almost wish I understood what this meant... almost. I would love to hear you sing Country because it sounds like your voice would be perfect for it. The guitar is missing something for sure as well as the guitar player. lol If you are just going to stare blankly at the screen why not step back and let the man with the voice take the lead? I really like the tone on your voice though a lot! But if you look up other covers people did of the Fray you are going to see that you will quickly be forgotten if you don't step up the showmanship. Peace It sounded a little rushed I listened to again and I think you are off just a little with timing. Your tone is great I would like to hear some others for sure. And for the negative guy that just wanted to be heard don't let them stop you. You have great tone a great voice and very easy to listen to. ok let me say that I was convinced that this was you playing the piano with a Fray over track singing. WOW! It is you 100% and I think you rocked the HELL out of it. I have listened to a lot of covers of this song and by far you had the best timing so far. I really hope you are performing somewhere because I would pay for sure. IT rocked! thanks a lot ladies I loved this! As a former Magician and entertainer I have to say this was great. The comedy and timing was dead on. I really enjoyed that and as a Jason Mraz fan I have to say I am kind of picky. Great job you deserve a lot more views and I really hope you tried out for AGT. I did this year and you can see my cheesy audition video on my page. Great job. Hell YES! This was hot son! This is exactly what AGT needs. I would love to perform with you I could tear this up with some piano and vocals. I know you will make the show. Ok so the kids stole the show Fantastic! I loved all of it. The video and the song was perfect. Check me out YouTube/tjmacy Great voice and loved the cover you sound just like them. Check me out YouTube/tjmacy Ok seriously I hope people realize how brilliant this is. I truly hope you have a record deal and make millions. You seriously have everything needed to be a legend. Please tell me I am just out of the loop and you have already won a grammy or something. Just my opinion but damn brilliant. you sound good but just two guys singing this song just doesn't make sense to me. Also what is with the major auto tuner. I have a feeling you guys sound great with out it. What a master of his craft. I think Andy was ahead of his time and truly a hilarious genius. This video is priceless showing us a personal view into his world. We lost Andy but he forever left us Tony Clifton. How lucky are we! Great video not only is it one of our first looks at the SkyCourse. You really did a great job representing this new innovation in cruising. All I could think to do about this song is flag it as inappropriate. I don't know what else to call it. I try so hard not to advocate bullying in the school system. Yet I have no doubt these kids had to be beaten on a daily basis.,22,14,8,10,0,32,0 3155,X3156,2:56 she is reading off of something. You can see by the way her eyes move and her voice. I don't know about the rest of you but this makes me very scared.I kind of picture a ghost singing this or something but ehBut its too beautiful to stop listening too ;_; They played this song at my school dance and all I could think about was dwarves. Eris saved him he should be goddamm thankful! OMG THATS LEXI FROM THE VAMPIRE DIARIES! @Dragonlover553 @YourCoffinOrMine08,7,0,3,5,0,18,0 3156,X3157,got my claymore cookies 1;00 woo woo you know it you ment 95 pow right in the kisser basically you guys are argueing about nothing becuase cena and the rock went through the same stuff when the rock went against stone cold at wrestlemania same stuff they use to hate rock. now john cena he is now going against the rock and they are hating cena. not to lie im a fan of both of them.cenations vs boots to asses thumbs up black ops is the best the only reason you guys are saying ps3 becuase yall are cheap cant aford xbox forever u have aimbot on if you look cloosely on the side where they show how you killed thosepeople it will show you know you like this vedio stop hatin hes probally better that u she is very funnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyy hahahahahaahaahahahaah pary in da usa,11,0,2,5,1,20,0 3157,X3158,how did you know?!?!? DAT OUTRO SONG!!!!!!! *brofist* from guatemala.80% of people are going to google where that is Nova you're never going to see this but if you press M and turn on the entities radar you can see other players walkers and mobs dont feed the trolls they grow stronger that way i love how he showed the coordinates but they were under his face WHY WAS I NEVER TOLD THAT THIS HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!! by holding a camera plus samuel l jackson herro like that guy named herobrine in minecraft mmmm dat outro they should play pokemon mystery dungeon I HAVE RESTORED BALANCE TO THE DIS/LIKE BAR! that elephant scared me mama NEW RINGTONE oh man I have a fever and it hurts to laugh!! curse you Dan!!! Should have called the coconut place Cactus Juicemotto: its the quenchiest! are they going to sell arin's awesome christmas hat? they missed so many amazing channels... i've been eating strawberries more often now... CONTINUE Quick-time events: THE GAME he should call george heimdall instead,24,1,3,5,0,14,0 3158,X2547,"Like Le OMG Forkkie I alanai :D No! I counter YOU with a hilt! Hello there ,Hutchy poo~, -jumps out of nowhere- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Its all cuz of that youtube (really google) stupidity. Lololol Jack! ITs not 100+10+1 its 3! III Lol and thats why no one plays -that- server XD Some villages could have some red stone in the chest :P 16:05 #Typicalhusky I agree they already have Bruce Wayne wearing tight enough teights. Lol :D All ya need now is your best friend to come have a pants party XD 4:22 ,I just got jump kicked by that guy, Bruce Lee man.. 1:16 Nailed it.... Poor Ryan -_- -pat pat- Cleevage cards are not fun..... 482? Nothint very special. It aint no bolt 4 thats for sure... Yea I see them.. there's even one man crucifixxed Use Guardian Tail.... Adam! He shot your X-box man! Wow 2 years before I started following you :) 2:27 Rabbit boss Rabbit boss... Mass production challenge: Build a factory which has actuary function. (non buildcraft uses piston conveyors and such) I would love to play some prop hunt with SpacetimeI'd lol Well Bianca's father isn't there to walk her in so Abel would walk her up in sense. five days later and he's still destroying his world ._. If i was the one being trolled I would just say ,Yea and?, to all of those XD Muta Corruptor Hydra thats the composition you go against Sky toss :) Well.. I see no best friends so no pants for Ryan.... I will slap you.,Ah Kimochi lol'd I've been in in NYC and the air has a mild saltyness over the water. Happy birthday Sparklez Painting Guardians servants of Seathe? IN conjuncture with your idea that Priscilla is Seathe's daughter. I LOVE TAKING EXPERIENCE HOI HOI HOI HOI Day9 missheared: Gay mouse..... lol ,What do you think about jerked Chicken?, ,JERK,",34,3,5,5,0,21,0 3159,X3160,Omg watched this with Tom I welled up with tears and Tom said mmm it's good! You are excused sjin..... Nothing worse than a Man Cold duncan the green feather from the flying ring is suppsed to send mobs flying when they are hit by it I dont know if it still works It is a tracer unit they have LED lights in the silencer which causes special types of bb's to glow ay hey epic airsoft! I would really love that xcr! been on my list of rifles to get for a while now :) happy christmas to you ! nice vid mankeep it up,7,0,4,5,0,28,0 3160,X3161,"Why this music? It kills the images. Is this a funny comedy? You really mean fun? You make fun about a tragic episode of you're country? By doing this you dishonoured all the victims the deads of the regime. I never saw such a bad and low taste. Don't you have any decency? It don't make sense. Which comment teach me. For the victims of the V1 and V2 rockets is this fairytale story about the dream of a boy to concour the space a terrilble twist for the truth. This man von Braun brought dead and destruction to thousands and thousands and was a warcriminal without any doubt. Mijn vader was ook een gedwongen arbeider in het concentratie werkkamp Dora Mittelbau. Elke keer bij het horen van de naam Werner von Braun spuwde hij vuur. Het hele sprookjesverhaal dat von Braun ons toch maar mooi op de maan heeft gezet bracht bij hem alleen maar diepe verachting naar boven. Nee von Braun was niet meer of minder dan Mengele Eichman ook allemaal lieden met een grote ,droom of roeping.,",5,6,5,4,1,73,0 3161,X3162,Zed Bias is the man! so many people chatting shit on here wouldnt know a tune if it slapped them in the face...just saying like,1,3,7,5,0,24,0 3162,X3163,"lower it If i were to come across this guy in public i would never label him as a ,car guy, ahaha. Blows my mind how knowledgable he is even though its his job to know what hes talking about Thats kinda lame to be honest. Not all that exciting He would never say such lies. You'd have to be absolutely retarded to claim mustangs as your favorite car. Theyre heavy and have terrible handling. The exact opposite of what drift cars are about. Will Make A New Album... Please this is why i want an s14...specifically with kouki front -Zing ;) I love how he disses toyota for their build. ahaha well...we dont live in that time. Its time to upgrade to a tool that wont damage your car especially what looks to be an MK4 r32. If your gonna work on your car you do it the right way...even if that means spending more money. does the glossifier make it more difficult to get of the dip. It seems pretty damn easy already but what are the affects if any on the ,peel quality,? must have felt a little ashamed of the car while there is a clean rx7 sitting right next to you @14:20 KILLED IT Congrats on building the best corvette someone go get a GTR to make that car look like a bitch your name is ,Hellaflush,...if wasting money is a problem for you then why do you like flush cars? RAP GAME JAMES FRANCO",14,2,4,12,1,22,0 3163,X3164,NO SHAKIRA IM ADDICTED TO YOU HAHA :L I LOVE THIS SONG 3 YOUR RIDEING THE BUS HAHA LIKE IF U WISH U COULD WATCH THE HOLW THING :P Epic Sax guy 1:40 thats me danceing in the clubs on all the girls haha LIKE A BOSS HAHA LIKE: if these dudes furking rape 1D haha,6,0,2,5,0,14,0 3164,X3165,"is it just me orwhen her ex was sitter beside her bestfriendthey looked like kloe and lamar :P he goes alot on buses :p margareta?worst name ever. i feel bad for her childhood ohh godnow the daughter is starting to say ,hun, ! life is too short not its not!why can you possibly do that is longeur then life? why would the dad brieng charry to the show if he knows tyra's gonna change her mind just like summer's? but its funny how she's like ,shhh,to the camera as if its gonna be like ,oh she's behind the bed!, i seached this just fro the song 3 i've bin singing it for soo long!:D isint she like 50? people in africa dont have food to eat and there like thatthey should enjoy the food they have cause not everyone has it. when she was tearing upits like she was interviewing herself :p what an odd question ,who stepped on u pete?, :p your such an attention whorelike u wouldint put it on youtube if u thought u were terrible. this honestly killled me !!! who would breing they're laptop in the carthere is no wifi. no whore.i dont want to wish u a happy-birthday.oh and trust the people who call u uglycause u and your cockyness are ugly.BYERS u have a pimple.actually 2. i think its her causin :p this shouldint have dislikes...this is pure amazing 3 xx HOW MUCH TIMES DO THEY HAVE TO SAY ,december 6th,?!",20,0,2,5,0,38,0 3165,X1053,"so they're making a mixtape or what?!.. makes me thirsty!.. once again this was the way they played back then. you are comparing to todays game which is not fair. one day hockey will be compared to hockey these days. these hits were acceptable and yes although at times they tried to injure players like lemieux they still had respect. look at today crosby has been targeted too many times to count. so whats ur point? hockey players were tough as nails back then. this crazy game was called hockey and people loved it to death. if there can be a 10 hour video of this why can't there be the full trilogy on youtube??.. i have one everyone shut up and enjoy the music!!.. kill. no vagina! this is not the first comment that doesn't have proper english lol hahahahahahahahahaha hahahaha The match against Wawrinka was very entertaining. It's going to be an awesome match I'm very excited. that was mean! cmon claude all they wanted was some attention from u! :).. easy.. hey easy buddy no need to get offensive. no i have taste. pretty much the top 10 was ACDC.. it will ruin your life. clean hit... so which hit was ur friend? :P.. best montage on youtube. props. .. uh ... what? they do not have to tell you the truth so technically they can lie. no.. its quite obvious it's ,you're dead, hemsky always has his head down. good hit kronwall. .. still you drop your head for a split second while ur shooting. forehand needs work...... u might wanna mention that he was practicing with janko tipsarevic in the title no....?.. awesome english. ;) Glad to see you're positive :) that is not true. brutal song. u suck at rappping. he's a hockey player it goes without saying.. u kno ur a dirty player when there's a tribute made for your hits!!..",36,4,4,5,0,23,0 3166,X3167,it wasn't real muay Thia.This is real Muay Thai.vvvwatch?v=dcoprF6_FOMfeature=related ??? '' '' '' '' !!! Fuck !! LOL,6,0,3,5,0,27,0 3167,X3168,SHE ROCKS!!!! Amazing song! Great video! I love that they used all the popular models from the 90's. Still gorgeous!,3,0,4,5,0,36,0 3168,X2888,"whers the sexy? shut up and leave her alone like yall can do it any better best part 00.00 life lessons thanks for making this lovemusicjobrosdemi i hope yall loose yalls fingers mmmm ... NO ha lol love it watch alice in wonderland parody you can understand it how do you do it ariana i cant stop watching now i would follow you on twitter but i lost my account good luck jordan i think he can be the next big thing i know he sings already but many girls can agree with me i will try to send this to demi my friend on fb welcome it is the only one i ever watch and best part you did amazing this made me love this school year he think she is sad or injured all the right words good luck you got your braces 2 days after my birthday this song is based on the rude hate ful things people say about her good job nichole 1st should be justin what is his name i didnt like it that much my birthday is october 3 his teeth are perfect and he is a perfect gentelmen a boy has supernautral powers he relizes he done the damadge to the school with his powers so the cops chase him down like thinking he is an alien not the jjjjjjjjjjjjaaaaaaccccckkkk hammer ,owwie, hahahah she looks like the girl from my babysitters a vampire my best friend really has a boy voice i swear to GOD this is not funny would you date an 11 yr old just curious please ansr me i loveeeee you $BIGGESTFAN$ ;) WILL YOU EVER COME TO SWEETWATER TX IT IS MY DREAM TO MEET YOU I KNOW IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN PRETTY BUMMED BUT PLEASE REPLY TO ME IN PRIVATE THANK YO$BIGGESTFAN$ ;) its really sad to see people make a parody on the Titanic titanic was a sad story and you go and make a PARODY???!!!! Nichole i am very dissapointed It's moshuree I love reed deming he's sooo cute If it doesn't come out clear sorry This has more advertising than music",33,1,2,4,0,28,0 3169,X3170,"where do you get the tube a plugs and fuse and powder??? Im praying for you man. I watched the plane hit the tower gay fuk lol yes @ 1:03 are those green dots supposed to be fel iron veins cuz if they are i must be blind i literaly find like 1 fel iron every like 20 miles. i would barley call them ,people, will regular RCA splitters work for the A/V split? Me too they are just beautiful! arent they? lololol funny ya i know how dare he take his kids trick or treating! i just stareted watfching these i love em subed",12,14,5,3,0,20,1 3170,X3171,nicee:) u look pretty babe thats really cool!the guy on the left is cute and the guy on the right is hot. and looks like taylor lautner.. :) ahahahahaa i laughed so much when she jumped out of the cupboard. it still made me jump even though i knew it was comming. the bloopers are funnyy RAH RAH RAHAHAHyou look very pretty my loveand its not the usual type of song. where is taylor???but still its very good and i love it as always. and i love you :) xoxo babbbyyy!!so good! you look amazing doing this style of dance now!love you xox,5,0,5,5,0,18,0 3171,X3172,omg little boy if i was ur mother i would punch you in your throat i love this video and tha little girl at the end was sooo cute the only hting that moves that fast on my body is my thighs when tha dancing partcame on my mom heard it and said im not even gonna ast im tryin not to cry IT DIDNT WORK IM CRYIN SO HARD you are a BLUE WAFFLE i bet you dont look half as good as her IT WORKED i said broccile i just tried not to cry Wow that really shows how your character is for calling a little girl ugly that has Progeria. So you put this on you tube where everyone can see it. I bet you dont have the balls to say it in front of your friends. stop hating on other people cause that only makes you look like shit especially when you talk about kids with diseases. So what she made mistakes everyone does but dont you think people took it to an extreme how would you feel if it happend to you I dont knw about yall but i laughed the ENTIRE video,12,1,3,4,0,37,0 3172,X3173,OMG i cried laughing :'D Awesome music ~Cogi it was legal before it's just that they can get married in churches now :) I love how they make serious songs but also fun ones like this :D,4,0,3,5,0,17,0 3173,X3174,"I feel that the guy who made this just typed in ,Scene kids, and mashed a bunch of pictures of them. No it's not a word and maybe you thought arithmetic? Not athoritical. And if you are trying to sound smarter capitalize your , I's,. Was it the Mitori battle? 2:55 Touhou isn't even an anime..... Revy and Eda! And Balaika! It's perfect. Friends are not needed for life. And someone like you with a flawed perspective and a one sided mind leaning towards popularity wouldn't understand a real life. If you follow the ignorant perspective of the majority of the blinded society you will like stupid things that are not important by the eyes of the full minded perspective. Do you not know how to use punctuation and proper context? It should be ,Their, not ,There,! Also stupid should have a comma after it. The town next to mine has a law where you can't eat ice cream on the side walk! 2:13 They were found on an island no it's not a mystery. Joe Schmoe get of this video. Hehe that rhymes but I hope you were talking about ,Proudjapanese, being racist. I know you can structure a sentence better than what you just replied with. Rephrase it and send it. Probably because of the parasites in Higurashi. Hinamizawa Syndrome and such. I you're a fan why are you looking through hate videos. One Direction is horrible they unoriginal and their musical lyrics are a disgrace. The true Alice. More like Beyond Birthday from Death Note: L.A. BB Murder Cases. It was a joke that they forgot they already put it in. Maggots saved a mans life. This guy fell down something (I forgot what it was) but he was down there for 5 days with a huge head cut. The maggots ate dead tissue and prevented him from getting infected and dying. Same! It's one of my favorites. Shut up and take my money!! Haha I always watch anime with my dad (My dad loves anime o_o) And we say Hellsing then Black Lagoon and the first thing he said was ,Integra vs Balalaika who wins?, I have a sudden urge to shake soda. And there's a soda bottle right next to me...........Fuck! the goddamn cap wasn't on!!! Your cheating on Misa!!! D: Thanks I actually added subs to it for a school project. (We to bring in a song about hope and I liked this version of the lyrics.) Flandre get your pants back on!~Remi Also ,I am aware of, isn't bad grammar. Read the sentence over. :)",25,17,4,11,0,47,1 3174,X3175,how do you do the glitch? song pumps me up wiggle wiggle wiggle YEA! that figures.....u like justin the gay thats why you like this retarded video LOVE IT lol this song is a every day song 4 me i i sing the song f you by ceelo to my english teacher,7,0,3,5,0,18,0 3175,X3176,03:50 to 03:53 it looks like his life is still flashing before his eyes i still have my Genesis Diction I would have looked at 0:20. She is too adorable to not look at 0:20:51 not only is Han Solo part of the Rebel Alliance But he's a Devil Dog as well XD also the double trigger if for safety 0:17:47 is the only acceptable use of swag,7,0,4,5,0,22,0 3176,X3177,thx for da real clip Hola ppl stupido i love the way her voice has a strong stern sound yet a country kinda melody and soft good job girl can someone tell me how to put a video in a file like how to get one off the internet please omg wipe your nose and she just left but i love her vid hey can someone tell me how to put a video in a file folder girl u got it cuz all dese ppl cussin u out just hating and dey aint got nothin betta to do but tlk shit lord forgive me cuz i kno he see dis but im jus tellin the truth he did too he did dhat and dem heels was hot too @ noel1425 i kow rite she had some dude racing over her in the fast and the furious u little slutbucket thanks im still working on the next one omg that was so awesome and cool i loved it this rocked girl keep doin this ull go far hunney omg lmbo this is crazy he totally laughed at the end ooh 5 SECOND RULE oooooh her said a cuss word can somebody please post slow down your chariot please whose is it bobby whose is it bobby its yours whiny fuck u @ ygdbsk actually i know how to spell but still the wuestion remains the same are u sure u have a life cuz i dnt think ya do i mean im jus sayin! while u trynna fuss and junk like really can i sing backup for u ikr stylista she wuz doe yall killz it omg he was suckin on her lip play hat junk bacc and see he was like sluuuurrrrp den she walked away lmbo u should sing everybody by vv brown i would love to hear you sing it i love ur voice in singing your my role model can i get the notes for this songg?? yo parents should beat the ishh outta u just for throwin them tantrums it aint even dhat serious lordy father a seal just died watchin this yall did that ! :D,28,1,3,2,0,37,0 3177,X3178,I've loved Chris since Dreamstreet (: (: Yes. I love that Blake won! He's an amazing performer but I will admit Nellie was amazing! They were my One Direction!!! Why can't we have this music back? This is actually good! I love her !(: His name is Brody. No :'( I don't want Klaine to sing this song :( NOOO!!! I will cry :( Kevin is still smexy (: So glad Cody won! I love Domo but Cody is my #1 Congrats Blake! I was there(: That was awesome ! Love you Carlos 3 Big Time Rush all the way!!!! I forgot can someone please tell me what happened to Blaine at the Sadie Hawkins dance?? Jajaja Aweee when will you update again? Okay people can quit hating now. Of course she's not the same..she's 23 now! Get over it! It's just a video anyway meaning this is just a character no need to flip out. You definitely weren't ever a true fan if you can't accept the amazing talented artist she has become. Does anyone know when this episode aired?? Taylor is a good person I don't know why Directioners can't accept their idols being happy in a relationship? You need to learn YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO HAVE A CHANCE WITH THEM! GIVE IT UP! Harry and Taylor like each other. Oh well! And this is coming from someone who does not like 1D in any way! They deserve to be happy together without the fans butting in in their personal life! Haven't listened to this in years! Yes she is,21,2108,4,32,0,20,0 3178,X3179,FUCK ALL GUMMY BEARSS!!!!! hate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they just have to make this in every language THIS RETARTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have no talent this is a remake someone should sue!! this is very humorous xD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i LOVE BONGO BONGO ITS THE EASIEST BOSS I;VE BATTLED I AGREEE WITH ALL CHOICES!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE F****!?!? who the fuck is rinoa!?!?!?and i HATE her theme BEAUTIFUL JUST BEAUTIFUL this isn't nearly as good as the original version i have to agree that this is better than sora's theme i have always liked blue red and yellow xD adament nature is a horrible nature for latios it emphsizes attack but latios is special attacking i have always loved kingdom hearts this song will always be remembered in head dey be funy youtube is for videos not for slideshows it's her time of the month YOSHI WILL ALWAYS BE KING OF DICKS IS THIS A FAGGET OR WHAT!?!? i dislike this so MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I HATE THIS PERSON FROM NOW ON you dont a nintendo 3DS in order to play kingdom hearts recoded WELL I KNOW THAT YOUR A HUMAN DUMB ASS!! AND DONT PLAY SMART WITH ME BITCH HOW THE HELL IS SEPORITH NOT ON HERE ITS WAY HARDER THAN THEIR NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!!!!! 83 more days!! beep you,29,0,2,5,0,42,0 3179,X3180,I So Agree I'm A Big Fan But Nobody Can Compare To The Beatles Ever! OMG I Started To Laugh Sooo Hard When He Came Out Dressed As Harry xD Did Any One Notice The Girl In The Bushes At 1:02?!?!?! OMG YOU'RE SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!! IM SO SUBSCRIBING!~!! YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! SO GLAD YOU'RE A GUY DIRECTIONER!!!! Ahh!!!! Omg would this day ever end aahhhh!!!!! One Direction Broke Bieber's 24hr Record W/ 8.24 Million Views!! The Video of Harry Was A long Time Ago And It Was hate For Him Not Hate Because Of 'Haylor' No Problem Hun (; 1:51 I FELL OUT OF MY CHAIR BECAUSE I WAS DYING OF LAUGHTER X'D You Will Make It!! I Promise You! Your Voice Is So Amazing Your Are The Cutest Thing EVER And If You Keep Working Hard You Could Be On Every Billboard!!! I'm Voting For You!! Keep Up The GREAT Work (; Lou made me laugh so hard when he almost fell out of the car :D get better my lil nialler :) Holy Mother Of The Gods I Didn't Realize This Has More Dislikes Then Likes. Wow. Omg right before 0:07 I looked at my tv to see if impractical jokers was still on creepy o.O Is anyone else going to watch this because Toby is in it? Can someone give me a napkin there's a red smudge on the like bar. 2:10 Bieber Try Me...TRY ME BIEBER!!! Lol!!! Lol it's so cut instead of 'spit' Marcus says 'spat' haha I love his accent! Did anyone scream as loud as I did that all of Asia could hear?!?!,18,162,4,2,0,37,0 3180,X3181,"I don't care how much it hurts me I just wish the best for that one person.3 forever I thought shadow would be giving sonic hell. I hear this song...I think of this girl I'm with right now...And I think: NEVER. WILL. I. LET. THIS. HAPPEN.Because if it did... I'd be dead inside. I was one of those people. Yet I didn't dislike it :P You just made my girlfriend SO happy. I just bought one of these and plan on giving it to her for Christmas. She somehow managed to lose hers O.O My callsign in SR-71 Blackbird.Welcome to youtube Team J LDR. 05:06 future montage moment! The layout of the raw footage in and of itself is enough for me to want this.The effects just add to the epicness. how do you find out what your IP is? This went on air? I had a tray open issue on my xbox 360. I couldn't find an emergency eject thing so I just opened it up. Lucky me it wasn't the rubber band thing just a mere 1/8 inch lining of dust lining the inside that needed to get *gently* wiped away.Thanks anyway though; without this video I wouldn't have thought of opening the thing up like I did. If that fails you can always open up the dvd drive (to do that you have to open up the 360) and then check to see if there is any obvious dust on the drive's insides. I had a freaking 1/8 inch lining of dust on the inside cover wiped that off and it worked fine.amazing what a little dust removal can do. LMAO hax!!! I'm sorryThat I'm on love with the one that's sorryAnd she is in love with someone elseand is still sorry. so 1080p isn't HD?Dude learn to change the video quality. at the beginning look closely. What is sonic holding onto? No a hardcore parkour guy saves the life of someone he loves. yeah i meant Sonia and Manic. thanks it's been awhile since i've seen the show. All I can say is that your life can be anything you want it to be... good or bad. And sometimes there are certain things you can't control. But you still have a chance of being someone as long as your life continues. Ending it... ends everything you could ever be. And as bad as things may seem to be going as badly as you think that what you want is out of reach... all ending your life does is make those goals impossible to accomplish if nothing else. The one I love seems to be slowly fading away... depression you know?And I never wanted the days to pass because I was afraid that each day might bring suicide on her part and I wouldn't be able to deal with that... but this song changed the meaning of passing days to me. Now I hope that the days will pass that she will have the strength to hold on and that together we might be able to get through this.... I want to say or do something before it's to late... but damnit I don't know what needs to be done... :'( lol my social studies teacher actually played one of these in the classroom on the big projector. It was some guy at baseball... I watched this 5 times before I realized that there are people on top of the ,SAINT LEO, sign...Hell I watched this 5 times before I noticed the ,SAINT LEO, sign....",23,4,3,5,0,14,0 3181,X3182,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEAAAACCCCEEEE SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEW CHANNEL ---------MaltheEdits---------- PLEEEEEEEEAAAAACCCCCCEEEEEE SUBCRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,1,85,2,14,0,30,0 3182,X3183,Xbox add me aswift14 Xbox man and my old gamer tag used to be whiteboygotgame haha lol Tan tien is sick Black ops two Xbox 360! Ur fuckin hot jenna What do u record wth vote 2 Vote 2 I live there wen is the next one @coro544 i got them at a paintball shot but you can get then online or maybe a local shop What seed is that More videos!,12,8,3,5,0,47,1 3183,X3184,"I am a pewdiephile and i is proud :L Where ya goin theres no kitchen that way *thinks to self* ,AWH HELL NO, And you are the douche of youtube.. point being? At 1:53 I thought to myself ,oh shit... hes gettin raped, I thought my fucking computer crashed again... lol that was luck..EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH here to save the fucking day -_- lol guys press ctrl+F to activate the search bar :L like so everyone having problems can see how to do it Begin your quest here. I have a picture on how to treat a burn could be useful in this situation What happens after you forget your anniversary... no sorry the consequences for that are more extreme. *looks at first trailer* *looks at second trailer* *takes off glasses* ,Dear...god, was just about to say that! ha :L *cop comes up behind* ,WANNA PLAY A GAME?, *shit's himself* Sounds safe :L lol try prototyping a homemade bazooka sengoku basara 3 lol its also a game guys and it's totally worth checking out :) 7:24 control your orgasms.... lol i know :L COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT 5:02 OHHHHH BURNNNNNNN No problem! meh i think all the characters are pretty much the same in cons and pros just the person controlling them and their familiarity with them makes them better It's a shame they all die ohhhhhh crap I ruined the ending didin't I?... holy shit o_o new universal intro gave me goosebumps lol thanks for the post! ^o^ Oh god i dropped my cherry I need a tissue... i just orgasmed Made in mars If they make an elfen lied movie... they better get you to make the trailer for it ^O^",24,199,5,5,0,16,1 3184,X3185,The girl that filmed this is a bitch That guys pretty hot! (Jo) I'm moving there That's fucked up Ugh you are everyone's girl crush I like his voice There was a paparazzi in the back seat Fuck apple. They can't control us like this. If this goes through it will be their downfall. People will switch to other phone makers that actually allow freedom. Does Drake play Carlos? GO BUCKEYES! THATS MY TEAM I need your hairspray! The movies called date me The cat falls off so gracefully She can do the shuffle truffle anytime No comment some of a bitch Were you in the State Farm commercial?,17,1,3,5,0,20,0 3185,X3186,u werent very good in dis vid u sang de song very bad! u ar so good keep singing ur really good luv dis song:) dat was fukin hilarious:)))) dats not a man and its not a teacher so funny :) do as you wish you diseased child 3,8,0,2,5,0,14,0 3186,X3187,No go pro lmfao Check mine out :D /watch?v=kfmZYX93qWI We ended and I have no idea who the fuck you are kid so stop spamming UGPC I have that cat shirt :D where the hell did you fly too? I think I just cummed Its like fucking China in Australia Sexy :D I love you Tutorial please on the logo Im watching this on the toilet where the hell you get a penis Cool story,14,139,2,21,0,15,0 3187,X3188,DIE WITH THEM ALSO SELL-OUT BITCH DIE SELL-OUT BITCH SUE THE SKIN OFF THESE CROOKEDCORRUPT PIGSAND THE CITY. I HOPE THEYAND THEIR FAMILIES ARE BEATEN TO FUCKIN DEATH THESE CROOKEDDIRTYMOTHERFUCKERS WILL GET AN AWARD AND A PAY RAISE.I HOPE ONE OF THEIR FAMILY GO THROUGH THE SAME ABUSE BY REAL THUGS LIKE THEM.DIRTY PUNK MOTHERFUCKERS.....FUCK THE POLICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,5,0,6,5,0,52,0 3188,X3189,"awesome! :) So yeah I figured out how to remove the ,ManyCam, logo.. apparently was a checkbox under the text over video settings... there was me thinking I had to buy the full version to remove ;) I like the way he breaks into ,time after time, :D trolls of the internet... rise for your national anthem!! sing it loud and proud.. TROLOLOLOL!!!!!! fake fake fake!!!!! Hadouken! promise me you'll never leave me lol kudos fellow gas mask he's trolling you lol yeah i fixed that now for any new vids :D hahah indeed! ;) yeah i fixed the watermark now ;) lol thanks :D",13,330,2,7,0,42,0 3189,X3190,They also have boobs I thought this was going to be about girls 1:20 lul wut? He's obviously fucked the fuck up no need for the hate better than lil wayne,5,0,3,5,0,19,0 3190,X3191,Alex Clare - Too Close,1,0,3,5,0,21,0 3191,X3192,I was touched by your comment good sir. May your mother rest in peace! The Game is back into Production People! They didn't announce what platforms they're releasing the game on yet. This is Amazing! . ! 4 ! ( ) ! I really appreciate your effort in doing these videos you've really helped me decide If Japan's the right place for now. now I'm still dazzled If my Tofel Certificate (A+) in the future will help me get a job as an English teacher in Japan. now of course you've mentioned a BA is still needed but will Tofel Certificates solve the case If I don't own a BA? Or It's just the diploma?,7,11,3,39,0,21,0 3192,X3193,my video is saving on my mom's mac right now :) new video! Hope you like3 New tutorial coming up soon...need to edit it(: Next Tutorial is processing3 Fling rings results up tomorrow3 grounded from youtube tonight. . . .payceee. I have loads of homework tonight so I prob won't be able to do any videos but i just got some packages in the mail to review!!! :D i'll try to film them as soon as possible!!(: Might upload a new video later :) K not tonight. Had too much homework and couldn't import. I'll try tomorrow if not over the weekend. Have to wait for my dad to get home to upload it. Camcorder only connects thru dad's comp. Ugh... Uploading a video I uploaded last Fridaaaay! Not super good but it's OKAY:D just got 3 companies things in the mail...will do a review ASAP...for now...ALGEBRA Thanks for all the support everyone(: Taking a break til after my school's play is over...i wont forget about :) PAYCE OUT hey guys uploading a few reviews today :) 4 away from 250! Giveaway soon3 I recorded a haul then while playing it back I realized my hair looked like a mess. Have to re-record and import again. recorded my review for S.a.l.t.y. cosmetics. (: it was fun to film! Goin over to Brianna's house today(lllivelaughlove) :) next video isn't a jumpcut because i wanted to do something simpler. just finished editing a kinda artsy video. wanted to do something different,19,600,4,21,0,15,0 3193,X3194,Random Tuesday: makeup collection Check out Essie's winter collection. Gorgeous colors. you're friend is just too cute though -___- and you're amazing :) 3 21. Gangnam style! whoomp there it is. They make the Pssssst! dry shamppo in clear! i got it at Ulta. very good :) I really recommend watching Pretty Little Liars and Glee and a new series that i really started to like is the Carrie Diaries :D,8,2,4,11,0,18,0 3194,X3195,Who's Hwa Young here? i've heard so much about her in T-Ara she got bullied by the members? Is that true? Hdhnzksud And I hate~~~how much I love their voices together! (=^_^=) you should be! But they are all multi-talented :-D You haters could just keep your awful comments to yourself if you got nothing nice to say please don't say it at all :( I personally think Justin B. did a great job :-D,5,1,3,5,0,24,0 3195,X3196,Were they auctioning their photos or something? Chunji oppa you know I am here to cook for you right? . OMGGGG MANGNAE!!!! Changjo ....chincha....:O.... L.joe why you fail at everything but being hot lol aww poor leader jumping on his own,5,10,3,2,0,20,0 3196,X3197,First off... I DID NOT MEAN TO FLAG THIS IM SORRY and also... PREACH IT GURLL THESE PPL THAT ARE SAYING THIS IS PATHETIC AND YOU'RE A SLUT?!? WHAT?!? LAST TIME I CHECKED MS. TAYWHORE SWIFT DATED 14 GUYS!!! Plus it was a joke!! Lol!! Keep making videos!!! Btw.... I know how you feel cuz I also am a Harry girl/ my name is Taylor too NIALL WHEN HE CUSSES --------- OK SO I GOT ROW 25 FOR THE TMH TOUR WAS ROW 25 GOOD?!?!?!?!? when WMYB came on I was like THIS IS MY JAM!!! lol and I started dancing around my room where were your seats? Do you think row 25 is good? GURRLLL WE BETTA GO AND HUNT THEM ONE DIRECTION BOUS DOWN AND KIDNAPPED THEM was there another floor in front of you though? OMG WHAT SITE/WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE HELLO KITTY VANILLACHOCOLATE AND CRULLER TAG SQUISHIES FROM?!?! PLEASE PM ME IF YOU DON'T WANT TO TELL EVERYONE I WANT TO GO TO A CONCERT WITH YOU TWO LOL I think we have a larryyy shipperrrrrr ITS SO SAD CUZ EVERYONE AT SCHOOL IS LIKE THIS I MEAN THEY GET FRONT ROW SEATS AND UGH I JUST... I CANT... THIS IS MY LIFE EVERYDAY MY FOUR PACK PACKHE JUST GOT SHIPPED!!! LITERALLY RIGHT NOW!! IM SOOOO EXCITED!!! I already have the heart (from presale) AND I AM ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH IT!! AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR SAMMY!! I got mine the same day!!! She sent all the preorders out right when she got the toasts so yea... Lol sadly you weren't the first person to get the toasts... You were one of the first though since only the people who preordered got theirs I think we would know if this is them or not... Especially because Their one way or another is a COVER and most of us know the original... Lol after ed sheeran olly murs cher Lloyd little mix and one direction existed my life started to revolve around the UK and the internet I would trade you my rare Sammy squishy all the fruits and rilakkuma tag squishies but last time I checked I wouldn't want toilet paper in return.... sorry I like your walls....... A lot....... Lol IF THEY EVER COME TO LA IM GOING TO GO TO THE AIRPORT AND TRY TO MEET THEM AND THEN I WILL HAVE A HEART ATTACK AND DIE. I'VE FOLLOWED THEM SINCE THE XFACTOR AND I NEED TO SEE THEM LIKE OMG SDWIONFDEKOFNDEIOFNDEOFNODEFNOENDSONEO,19,7,2,5,0,13,0 3197,X1026,I have no idea why idiots are parading around claiming this is japanese XD To be honest this is actually way better than their debut song Seriously? lol so his songs do come in useful ;) Well when you see it one way Amber has boyish charms even though her eyes tell people that she's a girl. Thats my interpretation I dunno what others think. She's really pretty anyway like the others :) omg Kyoko and Sho are just too hilarious together!! I know it was so hilarious! What were they thinking... One of the most awesome mashups of all time I've read the manga its still on-going but is the anime good? Tamaki you're a hilarious idiot The dub is horrible sub is way better thanks for uploading Big Bang! ;) Miryo and CL tough :) CL and Miryo for definite 1:51-Min (Korean)2:04-Jia (Chinese)2:21-Fei (Chinese)2:53-Suzy (Korean)miss A fighting! ;) Tablo thank you for your great music I'm sick of hearing comparisons with 2NE1 and EvoL I love 2NE1 and I don't understand why some people are bashing them but that doesn't mean others have to bash EvoL 100% YES!! Lily Allen has such a good voice! Loads of people out there and I've come by many :) Ah...ok. Not that theres really anything wrong with it This goes waaaay above my expectations and I had really high ones :) Thats what got me here JeA such a powerful vocal! Ga In and Narsha cool soft voices! And miryo stormy rapping! Sorry but what happened?! I thought she was being sarcastic when she said 'that was good wasn't it' oops I was mistaken. Proof that arrogance blinds one's self. I don't mind it at all because I can see how passionate they are in their performances which makes it greater but oh well personal preference miss Amazing No there isn't * their not they're. Darn iPad. Heh. Its so normal nowadays that I don't care :) I'm a hardcore 2NE1 fan and seriously I wish YG would release their new songs already they keep delaying them No why? I don't get why the other comments say it's dirty but oh well I listen to this song to return to my childhood,33,0,4,5,1,15,0 3198,X3199,fuking snitch as motherfucker DIE Sorry recorded on my ipod so it's upside down. too funny. if im ever running hope its these fat ass cops chasing me its the hungry bunch cops = pussys bitch as cop the black guy did nothing wrong he should hit the cop for tasing him fuck the police stupid bitch in the pink dress will always be poor if im ever running i hope these fat ass cops are chasing me fat ass was tryna block the cam janky ass cop or a small one the punk ass pig deserves the same he gone die of a heartattack by the time he's 22 how much money has jack made from youtube???,12,1,7,1,0,42,1 3199,X3200,interesting. a christian who is able to study the bible for himsefl without the radical embellishment of later theologies orally introduced. all the fire and brimstone plagues the teachings of jesus. he was a figure against authority of this world and establishment that holds power over others and keeps them destitute and poor. after bridging the gap why would he then take an ax to one side? good luck getting mainstream christians to see this for themselves. this goes back to a point i made. how are we to make heads or tails of what jesus is saying? maybe jesus isn't saying any of it. there is to many what ifs. it all comes down to personal interpretation and motive. if your motive is to make him out to be a saviour then by god you have to find those verses to support it. and in the end when someone questions the legitimacy of the scriptures or the authenticity of who said what you just say well the bible is inspired i could quite well be misunderstanding or i maybe looking to hard but i have had ample time to develop my view of the scriptures. i reckon the pride of life hinders my attempts to understand completely. its not at all that i dont want to believe but i want the evidence to compel me. in the past i felt it had. my faith seemed to vanish. and when i began to retrospectively view my life as a christian it was nothing but failure. there is a wall of pride that is impregnable around the heart of those who aim to terrorize those of faith. i would never make the generalization that all athiests hate christians but i have to say that the majority of my experience with athiesm was atleast a sense of extreme aggravation and condescension toward christians. but it goes both ways and i see a lot of Christians arguing with the same disdain. its a chess game for athiests i think. the anger may come from the stalemate. ahhhhhhhhhh. american football. music just doesn't get any better than this. sad the rest of the world doesn't know. im gonna make everyone jealous. i saw mineral with the get up kids and jejune in wilimington nc in an ungoldly hot building (there was lots of sweat). i guess it was 97 or 98 cant remember but very memorable show and mineral has been a huge influence on my music. dont hate sept 11 2001 we got caught off gaurd. we came up with the slogan never again. but so quickly we go back to not caring about what is going on right under our noses. while we are arguing Obamas authentic faith it seems evident to me that when we know for sure it will be another big blow probably one much worse than before. im sure some of these things were said about Jefferson or some of are other founding fathers (im sure they were said more eloquently ofcourse). simple-minded? you are aware that you are watching videos on youtube alongside of simpleminded people. are you here to enlighten simpleminded folk of there errors. we can name call all day but i think you have fulfilled the quota thus far. it seems very obvious to me that the main distraction is republican vs democrat. the end. cant we excummucicate rebels like this from the country. its funny if they were in any other country they would be taken care of. promptly. omni potent haha i dont believe in a messiah i dont believe we need a messiah i believe in human will and desire i believe in hard work and i believe in circumstances i also believe that there are people that need serious counseling. and most of those people are posting assanine youtube videos. so all animals were created at the same time the elephant along with the wooly mammoth. the saber tooth tiger along with the bengal tiger. the gecko along with trex. the terradactyl was flying around with the eagles. only the dinasours became extinct and other animals kept on trucking. where have all the megladons gone? just left with the little cousin the great white. how can you without lying say that evolution is wrong? just because every t isn't crossed doesn't mean its all gibberish fossil fuels. huh? i was trying to hear you but your breasts are so loud and distracting. im sure you know this but 99 percent of the people that watch this are probably men who are getting aroused and the kicker is most of them are probably christian. god your hot! noone would sit through 7 minutes of blah blah unless they were getting some eye candy. truth is brutal. thats great ray god created earth and mankind so it could be corrupted and all of us would be damned and he had to save his creation. sounds just like a omnipotent omniscient being would be like. go to my channel and leave me a message with your email i will send it to you plus there isnt even any historical evidence that david existed or was a king. just hearsay. there is no evidence of any temple either. there are very few if any christians who are objective. they cant step back for a minute and see the legitamacy of an argument. they just regurgitate what they read in commentaries or in sunday school. anyone who thinks that one bone determines a dinosaur fossil is so deluded. be real. that is like saying microbiology is cult. ridiculous. just imagine creation for a second your saying that EVERY single animal or organism including dinosaurs or prehistoric animals and the ones that have gone exinct plus the ones we are still discovering today were all created together and lived side by side. if you dont see evolution as plain common sense there is no hope for your brain.,19,1,3,5,0,33,0 3200,X3201,you are the cutes little boy in the world,1,0,3,5,0,30,0 3201,X3202,and that's how you get a point across this is toby's christmas present to the world.a f*ckton of hot chicks. that's fucking epic this is SO much fucking better in english i love how his favorite game out of all the badass games this is is a fucking MMO oh well to each their own.but the best games of 2013 better have dead space 3 in it joe. that'll do pig. that'll do. i feel we all would love more videos like this from you Dan but i also feel like i have your next epic video game rap.DEAD SPACE 3.if you have the time of course i will forgive. i will forgive. because it's really not that bad of an idea really. it's just almost everyone hates kinect. i'd just like to say right now i'm sorry in advance for not knowing this but when the flying fuck did mega man turn into some short fat shit head with a pistol? ya know. i've gotten the bad touch/ good touch SMGS like seven times and the most recent time i've gotten it it actually didn't vibrate even though it's a different colored security suit again words can not express how much i want this suit and thank god i got the mass effect trilogy pack thing. Jontron vs. angry joe i'm not a comic book kind of guy but i honestly think if wonder woman actually felt like it she could walk straight up to harley quinn flick her in the fucking forehead and her head would probably explode baCOOOOOON! i can tell you have dead space 3 for PC but what about xbox 360? if you've got it for 360 it'd be awesome to play with you whenever god it's so horrible and fucking true and funny as hell at the same time red rider BB gun with a compass in the stalk and this thing that tells time.(sun-dial),17,0,2,5,0,21,0 3202,X3203,Ethan_ Emma(Thayer_ Sutton)but my favJORDYN_ MADS AGH the mv only had 5 mil views until teens react THIS VIDEO HAD ONLY 5 MILLION VIEW TILL TEENS REACT stop with the comparing when are you making another video i desperatly need one u mean trey songz stfu,6,2,4,5,0,14,0 3203,X3204,WE WANT MORE RAGE COMIC VIDEOS!! dear soldier what did you use to record this? hey guys! i just emilio from I.aM.mE using urban empire sweats in their video house of bang!!! thumbs up so Lil BIGZ can see!!! best line of the song....where do you think you're going? BITCH!!! i wish the future assassin's creed games include all of the moves and tricks done in this video where can i buy those magical headphones?!?! he has no bones!! that's amazing!! best part 2:36-2:53 not part of any of the crews on island either. i just dance because it's fun :) isn't wailord the biggest? only Megan Batoon can look this good while krumping I NEED THAT! what that shot needs is jesus wish the video was longer :(,15,0,3,5,0,22,0 3204,X3205,1.47 . Fuck Muhammad Fuck Allah and Fuck islam 55 Fuck Muhammad Fuck Allah and Fuck islam 55 Fuck Muhammad Fuck Allah and Fuck islam 55,8,0,2,5,0,21,1 3205,X3206,skys a virgo! he needs to get better lookin girls .. they look liek hookers off the street how can there biggest fansbe their biggest if there not even legal to party rock call sky and redfoo when u hit puberty lmaoo i was givin eyes while u guys were talkin about girls givin eyes and u killed me with the whole sunken eyes ahah love you guyzz!! aww u are special redfoo I LOVE YOUUU 3 motha fuckaa lmaoo u guys kill me :P love youzzz they shoudl come see me :P we can party it up in my car lol i sing this all the time in brampton :P epicc ahaha u guys are awsomeeee lol i need a crew like u guys :P lovee u!! lmaooo why do i have a feelin redfoo isnt a virgin :p love u guyysss omg i love redfoos butt lol ur videos are epiiccccc 3 love u guyss lmaooooo omg pimp daddy u guys crack me up :p love uzzzz lmaooo pause on 2:44 lol saww dattt i wish redoo and skyblu would call me !!! guys plzz callzz 416 825 4539! happy birthday rayyy so hotttt,16,6,6,35,0,21,0 3206,X1667,You are in denial. Yes I DO know what Marxism is. I imagine you are some delusional college kid. I have actually read the 'Communist Manifesto'. Odumbo was a card carrying member of the 'new party' which is openly socialist. Socialism and communism--both just as evil to someone who believes in the freedom of the republic. I think maybe you need to go to China or Cuba go away no one is stopping you from becoming a slave if that is what you wish. btw it's they're not there Good grief no it doesn't matter--that's just who he reminds me of and he has no talent just bubble gum music again like Ricky Martin-don't be so sensitive Can't pass the opportunity to say this--it (BO) was a 'Terrible Lie' huh Do you mean Muslims--Islams is not correct grammar sounds like you need to get an education before you start making comments attempting to persuade others to make your same mistake--say you love them as they decapitate you for being a Christian. No one is bashing you for receiving foodstamps many many people do right now due to the horrible condition of the economy (or other emergencies as you indicate) it is those who MAKE A CAREER out of receiving welfare it isn't just foodstamps it's the medicaid that pays for the illegimate children many women have as tools to start their welfare career this coming from someone who once worked at a county DSS office. Let's get rid of ongoing MedicAID not Medicare. Killing old people while bringing in more and more of illegitimate children on welfare guaranteed to vote to a**hole dems and liberals kill off the wise bring on the fools--that's what they want Interesting that all these idiots knew about Palin's clothes and daughter. Little did they know that MO would be wearing clothes 10x more expensive and taking million dollar vacays. Pregnant daughter? I guess it is ok when it is the welfare daughter but they appear to be disapproving of a girl whose family can actually afford to help raise the child instead of turning to welfare. You don't get it at all. Maybe you will learn when it is too late. -Because either you have no idea where this will lead or you simply don't care you trust people very much too much if you think it won't be turned on you- YES! : ) So you are saying there has not been an ultimate standard of good in our world that with each passing era that all changes? Islam is evil and has always been evil. And yes- there have been evil acts done in the name of many different faiths but Islam is the only faith that promotes the evil vile acts committed as an outward show of faith. I did not expect to see an actor quote Winston Churchill Sid Haig ROCKS! No such thing as Annunaki Typical Gastonia NC at 1:20! Is it not disturbing that the parents posed for pictures with a blue corpse? Where do you draw the line on decency? Next these babies will be mummified and put on display I'm sure. 'City of Angels' Loved it well done! Me too--how I miss the 80s everything about the eighties! The first REALLY? Uh no....I guess everyone forgot about K.D. Lang AND her music and much much better than this Chely Wright. Nobody believes there ARE conservatives artists out there! We don't have a chance in mainstream entertainment!We should do it ourselves BUILD IT OURSELVES and COMPETE! Propaganda that defends the atrocity of 9/11--now who should be offended by a Muslims are morons!!! lol...this hag's real ad made me SICK....but this is what it should have said and her show should have been called SKANKS not girls LOVE ALLEN WEST!!! So you think he is a suck up? What does he have to gain from sucking up? Hmmm I guess the answer to that would be ..FREEDOM! I know right...LMAO. Proves that superior intellect they claim to possess (SARCASM--had to state that for the Obama supporters they may have some trouble seeing that). Seriously that woman appears to have some sort of mental problem probably mild mental retardation. You are an has nothing to do with skin color. You need to do YOUR homework!! Wow liberals resort to lying about Romney and Republicans because they have nothing else. Great song but the video is entirely stupid. What most people don't realize is that Obama isn't a democrat! If it walks like a duck quacks like a duck then it is most likely a duck. Dems you are being fools you are voting for a red-diaper commie. You will see when it is too late or sadly your children will. Hopefully the Romney camp will be able to take this song tonight and bring us back to where we were an exceptional nation! First and foremost we need to take advantage of petroleum resources on our own soil. Do you realize just how long it would take to convert to green energy and please answer this question just how do you fly a jet fighter on 'green energy'? Heard Sean Stone converted to Islam this year....guess that liberal money came calling...and just like many others had to do something to 'prove' he could cross over to the extreme left.,30,1,3,5,0,43,0 3207,X3208,"Apple makes overpriced trash especially the macbook ,pro, Definitely worth every penny mf doom is never credited with having the best hip hop albums by any critics... ever... I'll boogie down to Chinatown if I got one of those new tangled nexus 7's",4,0,3,5,0,24,0 3208,X3209,Aww this was creative and it made me hurt... But realize something I hadn't before.. Heyy So I Wass REALLY Boredd I Decided Tew Rightt A Sonqq Buht I Gottss Tew Add Sum Shizz Tew Iht Fix Iht Uhp A Lil Then Ima Tryy Teww Manage Lyric Makin Tew Postt See Iht Happen ! I Hope I''mm Successful ! Lmao ! Thas Funny ! Ehemm I Dnt Think Iss Very Stupid ... Yhur Jusx Hatin . ;) Dang I Just Saw This But Thas Tyte As Hell ! Ayee Im Bouta Go Get Sum Smarties Lol . Imma Let It Roll Out ! Lol . #Props Wow... How Rude ! Some People's Children ? Yea .. Anyways He Made A Mistake So Whut If Yhu Cant Hear Him If Yhu Couldnt Be Heard Yhu Would Most Definetly Want Ppl To Comment This Bull On Yhur Video Too Right ? Yea ... Thought So . #Ugh Wow ... You Are Really Messed Up .. LMFAO ! Wow ! Thinking About Posting A Video Of Me Singing ... Really Nervous Though !!!,9,3,3,10,0,39,0 3209,X3210,hallo :) omg just like the original! Awww they seem no older than 12 you guys are mean! Performing on stage is scary! I think there are only a few things that they need to fix is the passion and excitement. You guys looked a little monotone as if you knew the choreography but you put nothing else into it. The moves were limp. And performers need to smile! That is what makes a good performance. I for one did not think it was as bad as the others did tho because in all fairness I would like to see them get up on stage a dance. thick accent but I actually think its cute and you still sing good! I didn't even notice the background voices until now! Excuse you? Do you know how many mixed models there are? Not all mixed people look the same don't hate. You are just jealous that you only have one culture I freaking love the subtitles.....I know what thats like. I speak english but i do not understand most songs LOOOLon a more serious note ive heard worse. Dont be so mean shes like 12. Omg youtube...... not a good idea.You can get seriously injured with point shoes! I am still not en pointe and I have been dancing for almost 7 years XD I never ever used a hairnet!!! EVER! Not even for recitals! yet again I have thin hair I literally just need one pin XD I did not scare me at all it's kinda funny lol haha He doesn't even have to try 3333 She has amazing stage presence! I don't skate I do ballet but I wish I had stage presence like that!,13,0,3,1,0,17,0 3210,X3211,Your really hot(: I thought that was AMAZING! Keep at it(: Are you guys really together!?! Your sooo cuteeee. Awww!!! That is the most beautiful thing in the whole worldddd Congrats!!!333333333333 If you need someone to support you. That goes for anyone and EVERYONE. It makes me so sick to see people get bullied but that doesnt mean your life is useless/ You have so much more to life than ignorant peoplewhen you leave HS you take the things you want with you! NOT the ignorant people that have nothing better to do than make fun of you. You have SO much more to live for. HS is NOTHING. Your life is everything Msg me if ANY1 needs to talk. Plz don't do anything that might hurt your self. I didn't laugh. I'm so sorry That's horrible :'( I hope your okay. I don't know what'd I'd do if my boyfriend died...If you need someone to talk to I'm here3 I didn't even have to watch the whole video to know your AMAZING. Keep it up! (: Wow thats was great i jumped twice :P Good job(: and Congrats! can't wait see who you play!,9,6,5,14,0,47,0 3211,X3212,"ipod 4g has got a single core processor and it doesn't lag. it has 15 maps but only 6 of them are new. most of the other maps are form asphalt 5 an 6. anybody noticed the WTF on the chearleader outfits? 2:23 this is madness. no this.. is... SPARTA!!!! never use ,dad, and ,you're already making it harder than it is, in the same sentence. i thought he said get a wife :D are u stupid?!! it's NOT your country you asshole. i bet nobody likes you and you're just another forever alone type who posts racist things to get attention. man he's typing fast 9:39 no it isn't is that gangnam style at 3:03? gangnam style at 1:30 what's the name of the song which starts at 1:56 is the ios version also open world? 2:20 kevjumba has arm tatoos 17:15 did i just see an ipad mini preview in 2010? died at 1:57 tonight i know no it isn't some people just like the android ecosystem with the rows of icons. she should eat mint since ios cannot truly multitask it doesn't make it much faster to close the apps. what does moving stuff to your sd card has to do with space on your RAM? real man don't use 3 so hard to pause on the last slide i really want to see teh 96 fps but it lags way to much on my oc",25,0,3,2,0,15,0 3212,X3028,the begining of random trailers Wow ur gawwwjuss Khloe Lamar has kids? Thank uu x Pritty much every1 that has a brain knows the truth...The government know we know..yet no confessions are being made by the Govs..i think they r just waiting for the time to come when even if they reveal themselves no one will be able to do anything about it.Full Stop.- #NWO The Truth is infront of us..people like us who have barins know the truth..the question is what are we going to do about it now? If only helicopters were there to save the people who wanted to jump...but then again the Government/Illuminati/EvilFuckers must have planned it well enough to stop the people from being saved GloZell..hav u heard about Union J?..their the new boyband people r going nuts about here in the UK...well not as nuts as we r 4 One Direction..3.. i didnt realise she was not using a mirror untill 2 and a half minutes into the video.. in my eyes Khloe has always been the 'Cinderella' ...whos father passed away when she was young and has been living with her mean mom and crazy the end she found her true love in her Prince Lamar and lives in a beatiful castle..3 Im sorry i cant watch this. My routine is just the glad to know im not alone in this..:)Hope things get better for u . Take care TOP 10 - Best Charecters so far:#1 Rick#2 Daryl#3 Michonne#4 The Governor#5 Glenn#6 Merle#7 Karl#8 Maggie#9 Hershal#10 Carol This is the first time ive heard this song...dont cuss Dear DadI miss you Mom misses you. We all miss you. Please come back we love you. I know lifes been tough on us but its being together as a family thats going to keep us strong. Forget the mistakes you have made we just want you back. Its been years since you have gone. I hope you can hear my prayers.Love you alwaysFrom your daughter.. Zara Im going to miss the whole Twilight was the cherry on the top of my teen years.. Cant w8 for BGT 2013.. omg im a Muslim and its sad to hear this but funny too..=P RIP Jenni I've been watching ur perfume review vids non-stop for that past 2 hours..n iv gota say ur presentation and hard work put into the video is amazing. Love your vids..keep being u..xx lol =') I like ur ring :) So what does the perfume smell like? He was funny on X factor Nickii3 0:14 - o_O 3 ...sad 3 thanx,30,4,4,1,0,24,0 3213,X3214,"1:02 who did that lol!! my long lost white mom I've found you!!!! lol the website is shitty!! no hate though still think you guys are cool!! that ass touche!! #NAME? what the hell dude i said that's what the ignorant Christians say!!! And it is a fact that Africa is if no the most one of the most poverty and disease stricken continents on earth!! so your the actual ignorant one!! ohh my learn to comprehend before you apprehend!! can anyone tell me the name of the cymbals he hit at 0:32 fix the rag doll death it doesn't look like they were impacted by the bullet. It seems like they just magically died that drummer creeps the fuck out of me he looks way too normal how is it night? Now it's time for you to shut the fuck up!!I didn't say anyone owed ,me, shit.The imperialist/racist/slave owners black/white/chinese/spanish whatever the fuck. still doesn't make a difference they were crimes done. my sound won't play anymore? need help!!!! wow where did you get that charmeleon??? over 100000 more views in a day awesome!!! like their old stuff better but ahh well building asdjasdkjasd burn it sadkjasdkjhasd!!! Well shit Mario just got a 1up :) Anyone can compare if they wan't but when they start the dissing bullshit then they need to shut the fuck up!!! nice video and how much? you sound like ImAnderzel lol",20,4,5,5,0,28,0 3214,X279,Lamest song to cover bud try Two Princes haha Halo wins childhood wins. Overnight sensation indeed! OMG I know this person!!!! Would of been my dream as well! Wow her voice is really good! I want that Canteen!!! So much creativity overwhelming almost but at the same time perfect! 3:14-3:46 gives me chill's of happiness WHOA! Definetely Lord Denethor! Mad chills when I hear this song! This is going to be my text tone! Man i wish my upgrades went up that fast! Songs are [------------] that much better with a great music video such as this one! I just got so distracted with these videos! haha I hang out and sing in trees too! Yikes everyone listen to the Ben Folds version! Ahhhh I suck! Headphones and Mercedes AHHH jumped out of my chair! Different Genres! But hilarious! Im a hardcore Coldplay fan and she did beyond justice to this song! Great Work! Ahhh that girl is ruining it for me! New favorite Christmas song and it hasn't even started! Ahhh this is soooooooo bad! The fuck$ given... Like what music makes you happy! Personally this makes me sad but hey go figure! (I feel like her basement is the place to be) Haha that was ber entertaining! Ryan Reynolds? Anyone else see the bird formed through the smoke? Its on the far right kinda small. Lead singer strangely reminds me of the dude from Weeds. Haha Love this school. More snow this winter! Nahh not good. So many boners right now. LOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEE this game. I wrecked soooo haryd on this board then I got a dervish. Recently wrecked on that as well by hitting a random BEAVER. Im not sure what he was doing but he ran in front of me. Anyway kids wear a helmet and tighten your trucks. I suggest this board nonetheless. Sadly I'm giving up long boarding... The beaver got the best of me :( If only I knew how to slide... oh i can get blind you say? Que sensitive eyes! Watching this with a broken shoulder is quite entertaining! Kassem has to be bathing in money at this point in his career! So many views on every video. great job! Well that was... Cool Beans.,40,0,3,5,0,19,0 3215,X3216,"Muslims are a religion not a race you moron. Oh please. Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go was the gayest song ever. I totally want to eat her p***y. :) And I guess that's why they call them the Jews. Sorry couldn't help myself. :) While it is true that the federal government is far larger than it was ever meant to be these people are lunatics. If you own an all-you-can eat buffet Seagal is one of the most dangerous men alive. My ladylove is. She has such a perfect face. Well you didn't hear this song in 1987 because it was released in 1992. He only used a 10mm the first season. After that it was a .45. Miami Vice was not the best TV show ever. But it WAS the coolest. A Justice League movie should only include the Big Three Flash and Green Lantern. Leave anyone else for a sequel. Well yeah. Miami Vice was not the best show ever. But it was definitely the coolest. Yes she is cute. I want to eat her p***y. If you don't like this video you're either a woman or a faggot. At 0:19 the girl had the twin towers of the World Trade Center behind her. How well I remember those halcyon days before Muslim Nazi murderers destroyed them. Consummate skill not ,consonant skill., 1:57 Molly Ringwald on piano LOL Nelly Fur-taco. :) Bane is all rage and brute strength. If Batman has his head screwed on right he wins by superior technique. There was an oil crisis and a Flock of Seagulls. That's about it. Yeah it sucks to be an ugly woman. So? She was nice and f**kable back then. Sure does! Bitch should have had bigger tits. That would have been perfect. We close our eyes but time's slippin' away.... Relax son. This is a great titty bar song. Red hair and green eyes. I want to wreck that. Strawberry blonde hair. Very nice. Redhead with big for me. This might sound weird but this was the song I was listening to on the radio just before Gulf War I broke out in 1991. I licked girl and she liked it. :) Been there done that. Just enjoy the tunes. So did your mom. Music did not suck as bad back then! Too much leftwing faggotry here. Steinman wrote both. I ate her pussy. Well I wish I had. :) I want to go back to 1991 and eat her pussy. She would have been hot without the freaky hair and the nose chain. What a waste. I'm sorry that you're a moron. Better luck in your next life. One of the best ,bridges, ever. Plus Lysette Anthony was one hot piece of ass back then. You know a lot of guys with tits like that? America does not drop enough bombs. We've become a nation of sissies. Damn I want to eat her pussy so bad.",45,5,8,5,0,41,1 3216,X3217,"lmaooo Micheal looked better younger pussy* he is CUTE! boy on the left at 1:20 look like a lighter version of Jamie Foxx lol lol ,all that eurpoean shit, ! too funny Awsome :) I loved it Is it just me or do black peole tend to say things twice when they're angry? , Fuck you say to me?! What the fuck you say to me,, Oh lord help me Lord Jesus help me, Perfect :) thank youu Isdues* i agree with you what kind of conditioner do you usee? what protective styles do you use also ? This song",13,13,3,1,0,25,0 3217,X3218,i love you pooh bear:) gil your retarted lmaooo. . ily guys though shane tomorrow is my birth day so can you give me a shout out. omg your so cutt going to six flags and going to my friends pools :] and shane u make my day,4,0,4,1,0,18,0 3218,X3219,"lmaooo ps34 change the title you can only get ,Uncharted Abyss, i dont the full name tho but this game only for ps3 long time rivalry in smackdown. Entertainment though not real sir. only real men could take a GTS from CMPunk",4,154,3,9,0,20,0 3219,X3220,"sounds like some flying lotus mixed with some dubstep lol how are you suppose to have fun in the game if your just staying in one spot??? come on dont be a noob and ruin the game for everyone my homegirl is the one who made this fools lyrics to this song... best believe...R.I.P Crystol Rodriguez Wow your beautiful tap the x button twice this is real beautiful ... ppl now adays dont appreciate a good singing voice ... but if its okay with you i would like to sample your voice from this song into one of my beats theres always hit markers in call of duty what you talkin about ali-a? lol all in all... its about makin good music ... thats what rlly counts.....but lovin this beat man shits dope!!! 3rd person only 4% wtf ...... lets get that game mode up!!!!3rd person all the way!! damn this fool is cracked the fucked out lol You should do a ... behind enemy lines kinda thing like on rush or somethin... itll be dope lol do a behind the enemy lines ... shit will be dope son!!! lol ... but lovin your videos tho dude ... keep it up!! who produced this beat?? man these fools went from beautiful hip hop too maintstream ... wtf is this shit lol ...Someone obviously doesnt kno whats up! i thought this song was called krazy world??... off the king geedorah ,take me to ya leada, album still lyrically sharper then any ,short bus shorty, 1:07.... lol fuckin dope... this fool is the next big thing commin up right now... just what we need!! Somewhat like a another Pac... Smug!! I didnt think Russian had anything to do with listening to music??? ...Music is the one language that anyone can understand. lol your funny dude ... i think that makes you a troll for even mentioning that.. Shad is not amateur you obviously got something stuck in your ears cause your not listening!!",20,0,3,5,0,22,0 3220,X3221,"That was worthy of C. ronaldo. Perfer this to the original get it on iTunes. Beat me to it. Stop noticing thats reese and RELIZE THATS BILL! I think this was for us all. I personally find Bri or lauren more shane worthy. They totally dominate him. Take the banana and run towards death. Why is Ted a coach. 1:02 is that a condom? Should have bought a new camera instead of the green screen. The inbred capital. Haha I like how I needed help to figure out if she was or not. Sick in my mouth. animal abuse. I had a peado smile for most of this video. When they figure it out... I'd like to read the report. He showed it a little a few times live with busted he most certainly can scream better than you'd expect. Ray's me gusta eyes. 0:58 I find you say ,like, more than ,so, in most videos. Ahahahahahaha 3:42 He looks like Keith Lemon and Shane you just said that looks like you in 10 years? Hahahaha. Zac dad and anyone witth access to the internet... who gave the kid a camera... Haha I saw it! Man I like dubstep but he takes it too far.",25,0,3,5,0,19,0 3221,X3222,"Toi hip hop-jtk on niin rsyttv :) Kaikki varmaan tiet just jonku tollasen. Saulilla on hyv psykologinen silm asioille. I agree. It is a common fact that God likes rock music and Jesus was the greatest rock star ever:) And only devil is able to listen to mainstream music these days.. I think the cover is more mysterious when model is used. Beside today's celebrities are bit trashy anyway. I think when you see a nice picture with model you look different things than when well-known celebrity is pictured. You look at the photo itself. When you see a cover with Rihanna you think ,Not again,. Models know how to make a beautiful picture but celebrities tend to show themselves only. Usually there is more likes than unlikes.. She speaks from the heart. Real wisdom comes there. These kind of videos makes me always think that most people I have met are basically good. But often the ones who make the rules are devils and they brainwash people to think that something is bad. They want to kill they want violence and they somehow justify it. Isn't this the same man who didn't allow Tiger-Lily to see her own relatives in Australia..? I am sort of worried about this girl. I mean lately she has been acting really strange. Hope she is ok. I don't want to read any bad news- you know what I mean. Hope the people close to her do something. She had that sparkle but she has lost it.. You have a point there.. Could be also that if you continue listening this music you end up killing yourself.. It's pretty creepy.. Queen also.. Pathetic pretty..:) :) I am going to use that phrase for now on..And you are right about Michael.. I sort of understand him. Psychos usually come in pretty packages don't they..? She is smart when she dances like this. It keeps her relaxed and in positive mood. They would change her look completely. Rip her soul off.. I often feel like this with some people who just don't get my let's say free spirited mind. I have problems with people who expect everyone live their life the same way like there would be manual for that.. And some people are not even capable of that due to many circumstances. Olen samaa mielt tuosta ett kannattaa sanoa jnnittvns. Se helpottaa omaa oloa rentouttaa. Could it be that Jason is very private person and we don't really know what is happening in his life..? He also seems someone who enjoys spending time alone. It used to be more about the inner beauty. Yes Marilyn was good looking woman but she had that sparkle light call it whatever you want.Real X-factor. There are lot of good looking women in Hollywood these days as well but they don't have that something what Audrey Marilyn Grace Rita etc. had. They are bit too manufactured. Those women I mentioned were stars miracles and cannot be manufactured. Too much soul :) I like Lady Gaga but I hate all the drama surrounding her. Everything she does is considered a huge sensation. Blaah.. That lady 0:22 :) Love her. Made my day. Actress who never sold her soul. Has been in the industry for the right reasons. Respect! Seriously Michael was an idol of his time: smart intellectual talented sexy sensitive artistic a real rebel. And now look at the idols these days. Such a mad sad world.. I love this. She has all that money yet her reaction is so genuine and adorable. Nothing fake about it. But then again it is Tina Turner :) I mean married for 30 years.. :) You are right about that one. But let's just say that Michael did it in his own way and didn't really imitate anyone. I agree. But maybe they hate him because this media thing ,Bono is God,. They don't hate him but that image media gives us. Or could it be that you are a vampire and over 200 years old yourself ;)?",28,0,3,5,0,32,0 3222,X3223,R.I.P Steve Irwin :'( R.I.P Steve Irwin mount airy north carolina pleassssssssssssssse with an unborn fetus on top see there's your problem you should have used dead babies tears much more lubrication. i think he meant it to be like that black ops 2 please....ps3 Beatings by Chris Brown okay i tried this and my baby died can you make a howtobasic cpr? on ps3 if i have the bow pulled back how do i unpull it without shooting it,9,0,3,5,1,21,0 3223,X3332,"what is a true friend? a true friend is an angel sent by god. a true friend stands by your side through the bad as well as the good. and loves you when you don't love yourself. that totally describes me. i'm always there for jazziicee and biebsbestie no matter what. i love them with all my heart. i'm the kind of true friend that doesn't come and go. i stay i listen i'm there for you through the ups and downs. i'm the one that makes people feel important. i'm the one that's always gonna be there for you. be with me and you wouldn't want to leave. shawty you're my angel you're my darling angel. you're closer than my peeps you are to me. you must be sent from up above. thanks for giving me your love. lovely you're my angel you're my darling angel. the way justin and nicki grinded on each other not all superheroes wear capes. yeah true fact. cause look at the soldiers that fight for our country for example. look who is the superheroes now? i just want someone who will stay in my life so i won't have to worry about another goodbye. i'm that person...i ain't got no reason to leave your side. the world bullies to the may be just one person but to one person you may be the world. spend life with who makes you happy...not who you have to impress. i make people happy so spend your life with me. i'm an angel that fell from heaven. i'm here to make people happy. what else do you want from me? i'll do anything just to make you kids happy. love you all. i wanna be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye. jazziicee and biebsbestie. did it hurt when you fell from heaven? i hear god trying to call his fallen angels back. i care. am i dreaming? because your beauty is so unreal. if i could rearrange the alphabet i would put u and i together. wait my tooth is aching why? because you look so sweet. if a star fell each time i thought of you the sky would be empty. if you were a library book...i'd never bring you back. roses are red violets are blue sugar is sweet but nothing compared to you. can i take a picture of you? because i wanna show santa what i want for christmas. do you have a name? or can i just call you mine? i'm no photographer...but i can picture us together. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish but if you wish the wish the witch wishes I won't wish the wish you wish to wish. #tonguetwister friendships relationships if you're here who's running heaven? i lost my teddy bear. can i cuddle with you instead? if I was an ice cube i'd melt standing next to you. #mentionatruefriend; jazziicee. i've known that beautiful angel for a while. i'm dying to meet her in person. i love you angel. can you say thank you to your parents for creating you? can i have your autograph? why? aren't you miss america? hey person reading this...why are you so amazing? do you smell that between us? smells like love. louis is taken. liam is taken. zayn is taken. i'm not sure if harry is taken. poor nialler is the only one that's single. if haylor is official...i support and wish them the best. if you die before me...ask if you can bring a friend. true friends are hard to find harder to leave impossible to forget. friendship is a hug which you never want to let go of. friends last for a lifetime but best friends never end. the most beautiful discovery that true friends can make is that they can grow separately without growing apart. parents get you started in life but best friends get you through it. there is a time when you stop being best friends because you become sisters. there's no greater gift than a true friendship. happy new years angels. i love you all. my life wasn't perfect until jazziicee biebsbestie xonedirectionx143 loveyou4everjustlena came into my life. though also i can't forget kidrauhl bradford badboy daddy direction boo bear hazza nialler. i'm nothing without them. i love you all. you wanna know who is amazing has the cutest smile ever? read the first word again. smile at everyone you never know who's an angel. a smile is contagious. you catch it like a flu cause when i see you makes me smile too. now then...keep smiling eh? (: i may not see your smile through here but my heart knows it. you see why i post stuff about smiling right now? (: i feel bad when you miss me. i feel sad when you don't. if i can take away the pain and put a smile on your face. baby i would. baby i would. happy birthday to the beautiful angel that's up in heaven with those other wonderful angels. melissa galka. you guys that are reading this may not know her but i do and so it leaves you wondering who she is? she's barely a stranger to me but i watched this episode about her and her story. try and watching ghost adventures show with the episode of ,the galka family, to see why i'm writing this. melissa happy birthday angel. i'm still thinking about you as much as your family is. i love you.",50,221,4,5,0,20,0 3224,X3225,this sucks! i came up with this before they made it Always bad cops that cant handle there job's right Yes Fire him and let him have time too in jail ANOTHER TUFF GUY BEATING WEOMEN. HE SHOULD GO TO JAIL FOR BEATING A WOMAN JUST LIKE EVEYONE ELSE. HE DIDN'T HAVE TO GO TO EXTREMES. HER SHOES SHOULD HAVE BEEN TAKEN BEFORE SHE WAS PUT IN THE CELL WHEN PROCESSED IN.JUST ANOTHER SISSY THAT LET HIS POSITION GO TO HIS HEAD. ANOTHER TUFF GUY BEATING WEOMEN IN.JUST ANOTHER SISSY THAT LET HIS POSITION GO TO HIS HEAD to gaming lemon i have been watching your vids and most of your info always come out as put info out that may get up hopes up of xbox minecrafters that just gets crushed.find out good info and you may have a new subscriber. maybe even more views,7,0,3,3,0,19,0 3225,X1693,"STRONG BREAK Oh my gosh I remember going to the first practice for this a long time back. Taking away the second ammendment would be so stupid. 1. It would just give the government more power. 2. All these people who are crazed and shoot people will still get to a gun and shootings will still happen. 3. Heck if one of those teachers just had a gun to shoot the guy alot of lives would be saved that way same with the batman shooting. Jack let me tell you about Homestuck. Kelpiex x Lydia really should have been the cannon pairing for this series #_; -Then somepoint along the line Edgar x Raven could have gone down :p- XD Best. Memo. Ever. KarKat...Why you sound like Ash from Pokemon? #_o YESSSSSS! You have no idea how long I've wanted another ask Eridan video for #w The way the eyes are drawn...I can't...To adorable #_ Elfen Lied? Kekekeke try Umineko No Naku Koro Ni for disturbing. I have liked and followed =^.^= I think I'll enter for #20 the Chacolate Necklace. As for why its because I have a huge passion for chacolate things and I love bows so the bow on the top is just another one for my colection. If the proof is in the pudding the troof is in the mashed potates.The potatoe in the begining jumping off the bridge had it all clear. The wayword vagabond. That shall be its name. Homestuck anyone? *Coughs* Your* Yay~ I missed this Lets Play from you~! I want the YALALALALALA as my ringtone... Shhh Don't tell anyone but Pewdiepies a bucket filler. If Cry showed his face the world would die of sexy. That is why he cannot show his face. It's a curse...Don't make him sad by bringing up the fact he owns the power to destroy the world : No Cry? *sniffle* Ciel can...Because he can fit in the box. Come now the child was acting like a spoiled brat aswel as that was the reason he wanted to do this in the first place. I don't believe he would do the same to a polite six year old or at least one who wasn't screaming and cussing up a storm while they complained. The dad sounds like Grelle from Kuroshitsuji has glasses and a chainsaw. Ironic! XD Chilled I love you honestly. Most dramatic moment ever and all you can say is ,Oh my god my horsey in the background!, ...Last time I checked the manga they where green... I'm telling Len you said that...#_ Oh we all know the answer. Microvolts~~~!!! Oh noes! Get better soon Chilled~ I think I speak for everyone when I say ,Kill it! Kill it with fire!, Don't you mean less~? Guys guys he said a few days ago he wasn't feeling well. Hes probebly still feeling sick though hes nice enough to still post us all videos thus the very basic titles and descriptions. There called fangirls. Nuff said.",32,45,3,15,0,22,0 3226,X3227,MAnnnnnnn you know what i like to eat son???? ........BOOTY ( I ) See i'm a little bit different that the regular a little corky unique my own percepcions of the life that you aint ready for....So i'm a say it cuz i know that ir hurts when you hear it.The Natural 3:40 to 3:43 Kill Me. OHHHHH C'mon man!!,4,0,6,4,0,25,0 3227,X3228,"BROTHAAAAAAAA haha i bet ur not country haha cause NOBODY uses ,thisa here, on their comments lol What about JennaMarbles???!? U wish Dangerous by Akon lol i didnt go HD haha(vid takes too long) but still great dance scene haha yo man u should have put lyrics in the description or somethin lol dude not the time or place Yellow! In the absence of kelso BURN! Burn Spongebob: hey patrickPatrick: What?SPongebob: i thought of something funnier than 24Patrick: let me hear itSpongebob: ...25lol FAIL. The greatest 2 1/2 minutes of your life...",14,2,3,5,1,21,0 3228,X3229,5 )although god has already forgiven us for all that. all we have to do is beleive. thats it. and we are in. why do ppl make it so hard they turn it into a puzzle. they wan to justify their sin. they dont want a boss. come to the light... GAGA basically is satans tool. its ok if u dont believe now but i promise u will. and if u are in fact a believer u will def see ur faults one day. i hopeits not too late when that ime comes. um....yeah thats not right. jerk.... what a tease. Ironman 3 my anus. wtf... lmao enjoyed. :) I Think its pretty sick as is :) concept video? i'll keep an eye out for that. i like this song. old ppl have the best meds. this is hilarious God sure is a loving and forgiving God. No better way.....No other way..... EPIC. hehehe i needed a good laugh. a little on the innaprorpriate side for her age to be acting it out. but she is a cutie. this was just a little too weird like her bank account. Hows your looking? well damn.... aint that some ish. kudos she;s no role model but For talentless as she may be she laughs all the way to the bank. who cares if her crap is garbage or cool you dont like it dont listen to it and surely dont come to her music page to bash something u already know is trash. stop trolling and do something productive write ur own music. do yourself. yellow shovel? average. I feel bad for the women but much more so for the men. It seems more like a mental/ emotional issue with themselves. i bet $20 his parents werent very loving or didnt give him enough attention. oh well..... people are people. cray cray..... i hope she bleached the tub 1st. lmao,15,0,4,5,0,24,1 3229,X3230,watch my new video watch this watch this funny video new video!! new video out,5,380,5,46,1,27,0 3230,X3231,hey!i had here 1st comment like ole ole..f**k this i see when there was one million views and now 11 millions:D wooooow!!!:) iam not your leader:D the worst song ever :D iluminator!! LIKE:)) CZECH!!! this is katy perry when is old or young?:D slash are 1:07 - 1:41 :) hot:) hmmm i hate noah i love miley shes true sweet vn moc pkn:D very nice All people know what is %?:D nice:)))congratulations ber song from her:) 303............ ENJOY her hairs:P this comment is from czech republic:)gutt 0:39 Ashley Tisdale jednoznan neme bt krsnj ne j ten myslives je urit pedofil haha:D i want this HAIR!!!,27,4,3,5,0,14,0 3231,X3232,steamed your esc lol hahhahahahahahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha is that the champ prop? u should remove this video i almost didnt try that prop cuz of this it works so much better i have never even seen a rat or cockroach befor i understand your point its pre sad tho awesome is that lil one at the end a gaui 200? lol luckest bounce off the table i ever seen hopefully u can fly by now looks like you failed lol i have no idea why someone disliked this good job fuk u lol awesome vid man my neck feels awesome but i cant get rid of this boner now so hot fat nigger i would have pited u fuckin punk u did it fuk u fuk u hurtin puke,19,11,3,81,0,25,0 3232,X3233,"If I could ban one fkin thing from youtube just one fkin thing... it would be Pokemon... this fkin mentally retarded piece of nonsense. The fkin games SUCK btw... grow the fk up ... nothing even comparing to moderate nor epic in this bullshit. The fights look washed down animation is fkin lame music and soundworks suck scenario see above pokemon design jsut fkin blows... call me an oldfag but it was all over after 2nd movie... this show was at its peak in the N64 era. This fktarded show has died long ago and is now the dead love pillow for necrophilliac furries... go chew on that. Still have to see a fkin video in which Pokemon appears the tiniest bit of epic... lame animation never really were anything special Pokemon went from average to stupid to obviously retarded and challenged by lack of ideas... Religion was created by man to have christmas xD I dont go to church but I sure as hell love me some religious holidays... sitting at home going to the movie theater hang out with other people who have better things to do than go to fkin church that day xD ... sleeping. Yeah. Secularise all the way but let us keep your funny little holidays. They have perfect timing sometimes xD Ehm ... SPD war in deren Amtszeit mitverantwortlich fr die fehlende Kontrolle der Banken und Verabschiedung smtlicher Regularien die der Wirtschaft in die Hand gespielt haben... wenn ihr jmd. whlen wollt der nicht nach der Pfeife der Industrie tanzt versuchts doch ma mit Piraten? Immer noch besser als diese gottverdammten Clowns. My friends in school always told me smoking is shit. Why the hell would somebody poison himself deliberately on a daily basis? It is expensive there are toxines in it it turns you into an addict and it tastes like shit. After highschool 80% endsed up being smokers ... just because their parents smoked or they got them from friends. I say ban the whole fkin industry and let the managers pay out the ass for all the problems caused by smoking. Charge smokers 80% taxes and raise health insurance Ask Germany... Swastikas in movies = historically correct and thats why theyre art.Swastikas in games... NONONONONONONONO (Games are not seen as art from by the laws and so swastikas have no place in them) Rebellion thought fuck that shit and did not even include Swastikas in the main game. Censorship is dictating what to show and what not. And seeing as Germany is a big market in Europe the publisher said fuck it... Ima let you folks finish... but fundamentalists from all over the world have caused the biggest havoc over Religion of ALL TIME... Motherfuckin Fish Tank Cuz monkeys are kinky like that. xD He loves himself some BDSM foreplay. logic ftw You R CORRECT SIR! If anybody is interested I found a HUGE and fascinating article on FB on Romneys ties with the Mormon philosophy and his personal agenda. facebook(DOT)com/note(DOT)php?note_id=10150437193417030 Oh and btw... get rid of all your fundamentalist religion cults... Scientology Mormonism some other exotic shit I cant think of... yeah pretty much get rid of religion in politics no moral basis taken from any religion and no moral abligation to which a candidate should adhere... I wish someday a fkin GAY guy becomes your president then we all can say NOW the US are free xD I dont even know what the fuck this is -.- some americunt subculture bullshit? I tell ya what I keep listening to the music you can keep your fantasies to yourself -.- tactical new tab inbound xD silly americunts xD -.- the fkin comments blow my mind -.- Nice found another thing to add to my ,fuck that hippster bullshit, list -.- Uhmerica FU Scientology we will fkin burn you at the cross too. xD Danke das erklrt einiges xD Trotzdem... fuck das Schwarz Rote 2 Parteiensystem. Piraten FTW fuck americunts are so stupid... do you even know how to read or did your momma type in that shit for ya? There we go ... stupid ignorant fkin americunts arguing about shit that no one would give a fuck about... most of the people on here dont even understand the fkin cosmos and astrophysics. Y T F would you still argue over the internet. Looks like a whole facebook population of retards to me. Can we agree that everybody can come up with his own shitty nonprovable theory? And STFU already? Point is: Dont mess with secularization in our countries. Or we'll fuck you up for real! You wont even see that unholy war coming. Plus don't make a competition of what religion is better. Please don't. Because your mindests are all stting in the same sinking boat. Bitches. That is not because we westerners are fkin religious it is because the fktarded schools dont teach kids how to use their dicks and vajayjays. Sexual oppression causes child pregnancy and adultery among youngsters. FUCK the christian oppression on sexuality man. They cause more harm by banning porn banning sexed and condemning preventive measures (condoms pills abortion) FUCK christian fundamentalists for that! Big part of the problem! I am ofended and I find that racist. Go fuck yourself with your oppinionflag moralfag. I blame Isolationism for this shit. Most of the americans that never left the country dont know donkey dick about the world. The guys at the military base here in germany are much cooler and open minded. These old fat fucks in Texas are just way too old... need to die already. And nobody come up with the excuse people can change... yeah especially at that age... thumb down above if u think he is a shithead xD sounds like something that would play as backgroundmusic in one of the first Command and Conquer Games. Catchy beat and baseline is awesome. I listened to about every version of this and this music video edit of yours is the SUPREME SHIT! Lika a boss! Who buys or rents movies anymore? I go to the theater check out if a movie is THAT good. Then after it drops the prize on the disc version I MAYBE buy it if it is really really appealing to me. When I know that somebody loves a movie I can gift him a special collectors disc with all kinds of bullshit to go with it. Likewise with music altough I dont go to concerts. me gusta hey faggot you got gay in ur name! gtfostfu?maybe lollololololol christianfags being butthurt for others",29,2,3,1,1,40,0 3233,X3234,I was cracking up the whole time while watching this.,1,2,4,5,0,20,0 3234,X3235,"Don't apologize to that dumb broad!!. She goes to every Golden Girls video and makes it point to correct any flaws in your statement. Especially if you hold the top comment. She has no life so ignore her. God knows how much I love this man... FOREVER MISSING YOU BOB 3 Hail illuminati?? -_- Yea I do... lol I love this movie I'm assuming u do too haha He was gettin it! Don't hate -_- I agree haha.... Nick went hard on this man Love this song That's sexy. I truly adore this movie and the music is spectacular! If Leo doesn't know how to use a gun in real life I'd be slightly disappointed. The man is good it's scary! He truly dives into every role he plays. Thanks for uploading! I watch them everyday ^_^ Enrique Mas is ,Kid Pepe,... BOOM BOOM hahaha Oh man my eyes are watering... I laughed way too hard at this. What a cute little guy though! The word Holy and the F word should not be in the same sentence... No class at all smh Looks like two sticks... what's nice about them? You mean the endless sex they had lol All the girls getting ass shots need to come see what a real ass looks like. Tires of all the fake booty girls in videos lol. Hi Dorothy hi Melony... YOU'RE SPECIAL! Sophia: you're nuts LOL It's funny a young woman chooses to fight for her country do something they feel is worthwhile just end up enduring such a heinous crime. From who? YOUR FELLOW COMRADS!!!?? My God I wish you would come back today. I'm so tired of the dispicable acts degradation in this world. Between human trafficking and abortions and the rampant acts of shooting and murders I've had enough. Can't believe this kid is Trini.... he's so yanked out o_O Beyonce is a decieving little demon and I feel sorry for people who admire her. She gives you her sweet smile then turns around and does something blasphemous along with her disgusting husband. I guess they don't realize judgment is coming. Celebrities may run the world now but not for long and that alone makes me smile. Why should Wayne care he's an arrogant ass. He's rich on top of it and feels like nothing can stop him. I've seen men go out there way to argue with me to defend him. Mind you they don't know Wayne never seen Wayne and probably never will but they speak of him like he's a god. THERE IS ONE ONLY GOD AND I'M BEYOND TIRED OF THESE DISRESPECTFUL BLASPHEMOUS BASTARDS! Lmao the guy with the long hair at the end was doing the Dutty Wine hehe Some people do but they turned into this funny shit... Which one are you?",26,33,5,1,0,24,0 3235,X3236,My favorite scene from the movie! Intern 2? Charmander!,3,0,3,2,0,19,0 3236,X3237,No. Josh Hutcherson is like the cutest thing ever! No one fucking cares. I can't stop fapping whenever Matt says douche canoe. I dare you to find your bitches. I'm glad you weren't offened3 I'm from Germany :3 Yeah it was five months ago -_- I know now. So don't say I know nothing when you're late. He sounds like he has a Spanish accent x3 Monitor* 1:18 Ohyes. So you're proud of that? Understandable.. Your gorgeous face + Amazing hair + Accent = Perfection3. I laughed but not because it's funny rather because it's idiotic and just has nothing funny about it what so ever. My ears ;__; I cringed. OH GURL DAT MUFFIN TOP. Lololol. The second thing is a cream eye shadow. Lol i'ma add every shit face leaving their skype name in the comments. Mine are1. Twisted Peppermint2. Peach Citrus3. Coconut Vanilla4. Bali Mango5. Warm Vanilla Sugar '50 likes and ill sing this to my boyfriend! :)' Gtfo you probably have an internet boyfriend and you're most likely both 12. I kidney bean you. 3. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. I'm dying of laughter because of this pathetic little faggot. She's 11 she thinks she's cool because she swears. I'ma send her some barbies she desperately needs them. If I was her parent I would slap the fuck out of her. Not just for cursing But for being a pussy who doesn't have the guts to say shit to anyone's face instead of a computer screen. -Rant done. I would've really liked to see his faggot ass bleed too.. I TO YOU DARE HAT. lol you fell ;c,25,4,3,5,0,21,0 3237,X3238,if i couod make a song about would probably be about Guys who dress like Stereotypical lesbians.,1,5,4,1,0,16,0 3238,X3239,...,1,0,4,5,0,25,0 3239,X3240,"HOW DARE THEY D: Can this get you banned??? I know other games downloading stuff can get you banned but just wondering lol its Mulan hahaha funniest video yet This is an awesome song. I should of saw it coming though MCR never dissapoints Ive heard this song sooo many times but never really knew it was by MCR :O How did gerard get his voice all soft and sweet like that ._. IKR I thought Dos was coming out next year in january then tre in febuary or something.... GAHHHH i missed it Best 32 seconds of my life. This reminds me of MCR's teenagers lol.... HELL YEAH GREEN DAY SHIRT!!! GIMME GIMME GIMME!!! To be honest... its not that hard. Hahah momma gerard here to save the day Haha i love how frank gets into it then gee pushes him away xD 90% of the views are mcr fans haha @AstroxZombie97 ohhh okay. cool cover tho c: Well i listened to it really loud and it sounded like: ,Do whatcha want do whatcha want lets go!, Oh my god im laughing so hard. 0:16 Gerard is like: GET OFF ME! The beginning xD MIKEY SMILED!! A UNICORN IS BORN These pants just dont fit... AT ALL oh my gosh i was laughing so hard xD Glozell Jenna Marbles and Smosh were probably the funniest. Is he going in 2013??? Cause of the umbrella academy? Im just assuming e.e Well once I tried to call my friend it was one of those prank voicemails and after it was done I left them a voicemail that was plain out screaming..... But WHY? Wait why does itunes say its explicit? e.e Omfg i started crying through half the video xD That awesome moment when andie follows you on twitter :D Omfg omfg omfg omfg My Chemical Romance and Gamzee? This is perfect!!",29,4,3,6,0,19,0 3240,X3241,"very sweetvery good voicehigh potential! my favourite also! 90% of people want to use you for their purpose...true! I like this better than the original!!! Good job!!! One of the best parodies I've ever seen!!! Aida arata mult mai bine ca iubita lui din clip care e prea falsa. Aida e naturala si superba cum mi-am dorit mereu sa arat!!! Ce manipulari ieftine face d-na Emilia (,o sa-si dea seama ce inseamna o mama dupa ce m-au pierdut,) cu lacrimi de caprioara ranita. In direct tot timplul plange si spune ,Nu mai zic nimic, pt. a parea bine in ochii telespectatorilor. Indiferent daca ca soacra esti de acord cu alegerea fiului sau nu nu ai dreptul sa jignesti o persoana si nu ai dreptul sa intervii intr-un cuplu. Bine a intrebat-o Cosmin intr-un material: ,Tu ce varsta ai?, E doar punctul meu de vedere obiectiv.",7,0,3,5,0,25,0 3241,X3242,I am a nugget,1,14,4,5,0,27,0 3242,X1202,"who said hes an actor? lol. yeah but cats don't experiment on animals. besides if counting on kills humans kill a huge amount of buds destroy multiple environments not to mention cause of animal and plant extinction. well i thought tiana from princess and the frog looks pretty close. first time my favorite character was Al. did eggs kill his family or something? so he falls over without sound smashes melons with his hand and brakes glass without getting hurt... Its like hes a superhero *o* ha ha. yeah good luck with that. just like my mom use to make... this so sweet... :) i love how he's australian thought bunnies don't even originate from there. a hummingbird? really? you do know that they're flying sounds like a bee. how is that quiet? 9:22 i can see a very tristan-like character as well... maybe... yaoi rape is illegal... well there voice synchronizers. they have there oun designs and names like real singers exept there not real. and no they're not from an anime. though that would be awsome. neko's a chick. kaiba seto kas got the 6 down XD that Alpaca... how does one make something so perfect? ; U ; laugh all the way through the video. Not sure what the second video had to do with jews.... i want Deeps hat. what do whreslers have to do with this so- ...oh that undertaker... whos Grace? lol what. is. the. genre. of. this. song? yeah if by mainly you mean a different country. Dude im sorry but ,vilnia, was(and is) lithuania's capital and ,Giedymin, was our king. she said she missed her old sound not old Marina. Besides why would you do reasearch for it its just her oppinion. The hell dude? man seriously? It's not about materialism it's about a boy wanting to make her mum happy before she is. actually the more i look throw her and Nc's reviews there arguments are souly based on difrent side of view. love the sensors and OH MY GOD why didn't they made the ending song the intro... I'll Make A Man Out Of You... if you know what i mean... yeah if by more mature you mean swearing... well it's his opinion. I mean i hated the movie before i watched it solely because it's a disney movie about geek gods. I know they couldn't put the real story in because... well... I mean wouldt it be like making a disney mavie about nazis? oh wait. But then they would put Luigi out of the picture. Though... Mario Mario. pff.. i wached the movie for Hades. Hes just too awsome. sounds like my brother :| ThanksKilling..? really Shadow XD teens react to IM ON CRACK! XD to sonic: how was it like to have that cameo in ,wreck it ralph,?",35,136,3,7,1,18,0 3243,X3244,"ROFL bitch needs to get laid! ha if these crazy fucks are going to heaven id be glad to go to hell U still my favorite Could you email me that list? Looks like Verlander Price or Weaver will win it....Should go to weaver but he missed a few games so prolly Price win win win Why did chief say ,Im Sorry,? He shoulda been like ,never made me a sandwich ughhhh, FURIOUS!",9,5,6,4,0,22,1 3244,X3245,oRomanieMaiBuna get a life!!:D maldinaras3 you forgot the tits (5%) and boobs(5%)..:)) 0:58 ?????omg!! love her hair:X Your name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty ;) I'm pleased..:) 1:52 the hand on the seat... Eu cred c ceea ce conteaz este dansul nu dac sunt beivi sau nu... bai frate asta am inteles si eu...=))) naaspaa 3:44 3 =)))) =))) foarte tareee!! Ai ceva cu pizza?:)),11,0,3,3,0,40,0 3245,X1377,"MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOyour welcome :D This song has a secret message in it and here it is :,Your perfect the way you are and you should stop doubting yourself it will all be okay in the end, . Your welcome . :D my friend asked me how id describe smokeys voice..... i told her he sounds kinda smokey . O.o you got robbed ? ? i dont understand ok who in their right mind would fake tying someone up and put tape on their mouth and have a fake gun and ski mask and go on chat roulette to have fun ? i have a 42-2 KC on cargo with the golden type 25 quickdraw. this is why i watched your gameplay. we seem like pretty equal players two guys from finland with a black dildo. that should be chatroullettes new slogan aww dude im ashamed of you .. that whole time you couldve been like hey could be like : i need something from you guys .. and theyd be like what do you need man? and you coulda been like , I..... i need about treee fitty, im gonna just live there and wait for him to go byy on a boat .. ahhaa ILL WAIT FOREVER !! Grimmie ... be my wife ? cmon they totally had mixers and voice correctors .. they didnt have voices that smooth . this takes it to a whole new level of SMOOOoooothhhhh back when lyrics were actually lyrics songs that actually have lyrics that mean something .. and we have all been through this before .. MAN they be hummin ! damnnnn ! that sounds good ! bane plays the flute .. he also plays in a small orchestra in his area :D idk why people even moved past the 70s with music .. for real what an impact a song like this can have . . . Excuse me do you work at Mcdonalds ? Cause ba da da da da im lovin it :D Why does hair grow ? and how ? What exactly are the perfect conditions for it to grow ? i tried to point a laser at the moon but i didnt see anything -_- im not sure how you got the understanding anywhere in this videos ,logic, that the intensity of the light would differentiate over a long period of time . HEEJUN IS AMAZING heejun heejun heejun give people a warning before you start busting out like that ! i pulled out a launcher and went to town on him even after the sheilds just take out the surveyors and you get windows of opportunity AMERICA : where skaters cant even skate at a skatepark wow your good :D x (((HUG))) XD keep the chain going ! adams laugh haha plum . . . yea dudes . . yea 45 people must love to gather NUTS lol somebody could edit it and make it look like heman is having sex with the guy that hugged him from behind lol That music just fades in i can hear the mississippi callin my name !! theres just something about slapping a wolf with a stick that is satisfying :D",34,16,4,9,0,16,0 3246,X3247,My fears are bodily fluids dead things and fire. im rachel found off tumblr; y'all are amazing. 3,3,1,2,1,0,16,0 3247,X3248,Angelina Jolie versin felina Y a Chvez cuanto le falta para regresar?? GameShark probably... PS3/X360 vs WiiU... Me parece que Chvez tampoco volver pise tiera y asuma la realidad. MaMaduro los tiene engaados mostrando una supuesta firma que est forjada reaccionen pendejos!,5,2,2,2,0,21,0 3248,X3249,Don't upset Rusty he'll throw a phone at ya. Anyone involved in this kind of cruelty should be put down very slowly and painfully As much as I don't like seeing wild animals in captivity this is beautiful. Everyone should shave their head once in a lifetime. Stick it out the window of a moving vehicle and feel the skull breeeeeeeeze absolute heaven. Then grow it back if you dare :) Shelly has an angelic voice like Brigitte Bardot There are currently more animals imprisoned than in any other time in history. Us older folk have had our turn and have failed animals dismally. Animal Rights need to be approached from every angle possible if we are ever to make a difference. I am proud of all who wear a '269' branding. Excellent :) As the video says this is not an isolated case. I've personally seen it too many times now:( I have no idea but very cool :) You've got these cowards rattled. Keep up the good work!,10,59,6,22,1,46,0 3249,X3250,Yeah you can! I only take commishion sorry :I Actully I kinda agree~....She could have added more frames and made it looka little better and maybe been creative and changed it a little bit....But no need to be harsh about it ^^ just give the horse a apple video is creepy but music is good @Zorualuver its taken News flash I don't give a shit about this comment you just made.It actually makes you seem like more of a prick than you are. I dont like homestuck.. I LOVE IT.:DD HOW DO YOU NOT HAVE MORE SUBBERS.Wow your art is so amazing~ It wont let you watch it on your phone because its copyrighted~It does it to me on my kindle so~,10,123,4,23,0,30,0 3250,X3251,you are too beautiful I would like to leave with you i like ! tellement beau ce goss et puis c'est yeux et sa voix haaa je craque 33 arrtez de la critiquer la petite ! certes vous trouvez quelle chante mal quelle est moche .. mais je vous rappelle qu'elle a 11 ans et quelle a mis la vido pour s'amuser et puis l'autre qui signe qu'elle est caroline costa faut arrtez de rver poulette au lieu de ce la jouer la star tu n'a qu'a en mettre une de video von verra bien ce que sa donne ! tu as une trs jolie voix ;) tu est impressionnante ! n'ecoute pas ce qui te destabilise et sache bien que tu a merit de gagner la france a un incroyable talent ! 3 wouaaw j'adore ton texte est vraiment trop mignon j'adore ce que tu fait continue c gnial ;) 3 c magnifique *-*,8,0,3,5,0,59,0 3251,X3252,They made her kill herself Js This is mike really U got scared cause boys in blue was there lame This is my fav so far True true Xbox suks PS kicks ass Luv it I just knew y'all would go all out Lmao to me they made this show just like gundam seed destiny athrun and kira I think I can hold out till late 2014 No rush This looks setup That intro was nice son Damn she had bad parents Cucumbers damn i luv them so I can't go to Japan He'll yeah this true that nigga was crazy damn i was young back then Really really Jewish guy at end This sho suks without neebs,19,16,5,3,0,27,0 3252,X3253,"...YOU HAVE NOTHING TO CHECK YOUR SELF WITH...OR SHAPE YOUR CONSCIOUS OTHER THAN YOUR OWN ,RELATIVE TRUTH,....YOU MIGHT BE A DECENT MAN BUT YOU CAN NOT TELL SOMEONE ELSE THAT THEY'RE WRONG...BECAUSE YOU YOUR SELF MAKE YOUR OWN TRUTH AND PICK AND CHOOSE WHAT YOUR HEART TELLS YOU IS TRUE OR LOVE. I MY SELF CHOOSE THE WORD OF GOD...BECAUSE EVERY SHALL COME TO PASS....EVERYTHING EXCEPT HIS WORD. DON'T BE A FOOL. LOOK FOR THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE. ....AMEN. THAT IS A GOOD ANSWER AND SHOW RESPONSIBILITY TO YOUR BROTHER. JUST REMEMBER WERE EVERYTHING GOOD COMES FROM...................THE WORD OF GOD(BIBLE).....YOU JUST SITED AN EXAMPLE FROM THE WORD. MAKE SURE YOUR BROTHER KNOW WHERE IT COMES FROM. COMPLETE CONTROL...ARE YOU KIDDING? THE GUY CAN EVEN CONTROL THE FREAKING LIES WHEN HE CALLED THE COPS....SOUNDED LIKE A 6 YEAR OLD TELLING ON SOMEONE AND HIS FACE IS FULL OF CAKE. FOCUS ON THE MESSAGE HERE MAN!!!!!!!!! ,R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-I-L-I-T-Y, HOW DOES THAT NOT SINK IN?? HOW OLD ARE YOU 14?? COMMON MAN!!! THINK!!!!...........THINK!!!! THIS IS BASIC SHIT!! YOU SHOULD ALREADY KNOW THIS!!! LIKE NOT KNOWING TO WIPE YOU ASS AFTER TAKING A SHIT......THINK!!!!!! you are attacking their race? that case you need to be in the same list as hitler.....would it be fare that people will attack you or you children in behave of hitler?.......That's right!!!! the answer is ,NO,!!!! How old are you? I hope you are not a grown man or a father with kids if you are.......You need to make some changes in your life. The answer is in the word of God. ,evolve,?? need to be born the spirit. ITS COMMON MORALS...BASE ON WHAT POINT OF REFERENCE? ...YOU ARE SUGGESTING ,RELATIVISM,....AND WITH THAT IN MIND HOW ARE YOU GOING TO TELL SOMEONE THAT THEY'RE MORALLY WRONG....BECAUSE LIKE YOU SAID ,YOU DECIDE WHAT YOU THINK IS GOOD AND BAD,. LISTEN TO YOURSELF AND HOW INCOHERENTLY YOU DESTROYED YOUR OWN ARGUMENT. YOU WANT TO DERIVE MORAL VALUES OUT OF YOU OWN INDEPENDENT ARBITRARY WHIMS!!!??? WAKE UP...LOOK AT WHAT YOUR PROMOTING!!.. SCARY!! .....SOME NEEDS SOME KLEENEX AND LOTION/ .....white people humor. you're an asshole for doing this just don't complain when they shit on your burger. this is what happens when mommy and daddy practice toooo much positive reinforcement....I see you missed a few ,key, ass whopping ,DUMB ASS, ahhhh! THE OLD ,NEPOTISM AND QUID PRO QUO,..........STILL SHAKING HANDS WITH THE ENERGY GIANTS. WE ALREADY HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY AND KNOWLEDGE TO DO AWAY WITH FOSSIL FUELS. IT'S ASTONISHING TO ME THAT YOU ARE BEING A WITNESS AGAINST YOURSELF AND DON'T SEE IT. THE WORLD(NATIONSPEOPLEYOU!!!) HAVE BEEN DESTROYING EACH OTHER BECAUSE TO YOU TRUTH IS RELATIVE. IF YOU WERE TO UNDERSTAND GOD'S PLAN THRU HIS WORD YOU WOULD NOT BE MAKING COMMENTS LIKE THAT. I'M NOT TALKING THRU ANY DENOMINATION OR RELIGION BUT ,GOD'S WORD IN THE BIBLE,..........ASK GOD TO SHOW YOU BUT NOT IN DEFIANCE BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT YOUR COMMENT ITS ABOUT.......AND HE WILL SHOW YOU. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SERIES!!! ..,NO ARGUMENT, ,ANCESTORS,...NEITHER YOU OR YOUR ANCESTORS CAN TAKE CREDIT FOR ANY GOOD MORAL...YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT EXISTENTIAL LIVING. YOU KEEP TALKING ABOUT PARTICULARS...DON'T LIMIT YOURSELF TO A RACE. YOU ARE ASSUMING THAT I'M WHITE AND I'M NOT. WHAT EVER IDEALISM MOTIVATE YOUR THINKING ULTIMATELY THE RACIST/ANGER MOTIVE PREDOMINATES PERMEATES AND GOVERNS YOUR BEING....NO COMPANY LINES HERE YOU JUST DON'T KNOW WHERE TO PUT IT BUT YOU WILL ...SOON. BLESSING FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. YOU ACT AS IF RELIGION INVENTED MORALITY???.....WHEN DID I MENTION OR MADE ANY REFERENCE TO ,RELIGION, YOU ARE BEING IRRATIONAL AND DOGMATIC. FOCUS!!! I'M TALKING ABOUT THE WORD OF GOD(JESUS) FOR YOU TO DENY ANY PART OF THE BIBLE BUT ACCEPT JESUS WORDS MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE A FOOL. JESUS SAID TO CARRY YOUR OWN CROSS AND FOLLOW HIM....ARE YOU GOING TO DENY THAT?? OR IS THAT INCONVENIENCE YOU?? GOD IS THE SAME 3000 YEARS AGO AND TODAY. C'MON MAN!!...YOU CAN HEAR THE RECORD PLAYING AT 1:15 AND YOU DON'T EVEN BEGIN TO SPIN THIS UNTIL AFTER 1:16 ...sober up man!!! THINK!!! THINK!!....EVERYTHING THAT IS TRULY GOOD IN YOUR LIFE CAME FROM GOD....TO DENY OR SAY YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD IS LIKE WANTING TO BE IRRATIONAL.....IF IT WASN'T FOR HIS PLAN AND HIS WORD YOU!!! YOURSELF WOULDN'T BEEN BORN. YOU CAN'T TAKE CREDIT FOR ANYTHING THAT YOU ARE OR HAVE. THIS ARE NOT FAIRY TALES...TO DENY GOD IS TO DENY YOURSELF....EVERYTHING THAT COMES OUT OF YOUR MOUTH IS INCOHERENT. AND YES I USED TO THING LIKE YOU.....WHAT A IDIOT I USED TO BE. about prison and a kick in the ass. ...When anyone pledges solidarity to themselves you invoke ,relativism,...and with this comes destruction chaos and death. being racist is nothing but a particular circumstance that is derived from the idea of ,relative truth,.",18,0,5,1,0,43,0 3253,X441,so great...! i can`t believe you're so good. Great voice! :) how old are you? oh my god great voice! and beautiful hair :) i've nerver heard something like that before. Awesome! I'm a real fan! you're so great and beautiful! so great! ;) i have to cry..:'(its so beautiful! thank you! i used this for my youtube video. maybe you'll see it? :) she's so great ! great :) who do think is better? I love them both! I love him and his music so much! WOW! i really don't like tokio hotel (i'm german too) but you you're so awesome!!! haha thats funny! how did you do that? you're so great! WOW ! you're great and so beautiful ! hey miley :) omg you're so beautiful! could you please tell me how do you do that with your hair and the make-up? and your thiewes! how do you do that? i think i'm one of your biggest fans but i'm german so my english isn't very good.xoxo wow you're hot ! love your hair ;) wow ur so good! me's so beautiful. could a song make you more cry? wow ! was fr ein tolles video :)du bist voll sympathisch und s und das ist echt eine tolle idee. und hangover werd ich mir auch mal ansehen ! liebe gre. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! your voice is one of the prettiest i've ever heard. great ! you're really good. wow i love paloma faith so much! and stargazer is totally the best i wanna go the concert in hamburg but my parents don't want me to go ...ahh she's so great! ahhh so cute ! :) ahhh i love it so much *-* wow you're so good :) could you please tell me the chords? i always wanted to play that but i just didn't find the chords..and sorry for my bad english.:) how old is pixie? ahh wie schn :) 33' 1.lge2.lge3.wahrheit milow's best song ever. it's wonderful.:') wow that's perfect. you' re so good! and how do you play that on the piano ? could you please tell me the chords or something else? thank you :) ich muss immer weinen und krieg gnsehaut am ganzen krper wenn ich ihn ist der beste! ich fand noch nie jemanden so gut wie ihn er hat echt musik im blut. ich meine: er kann singen tanzen gitarre spielen klavier spielen..hammer! wow wie schn :)knnte mir vielleicht jemand die noten oder einen link oder so schicken?wre supernett und ich wrd mich sehr freuen :)danke schonmal! ohaa der anfang ist am geilsten ;) how's the song called taylor is singing? :) wow your really really good :) i love playing the piano and i love to sing . maybe i will put a video on youtube too...:) that's so beautiful! I always cry when i listen to the song..can you please tell me where you get the notes? :),36,1,5,5,0,16,0 3254,X3255,Dafuq did I just watch? :] So it begins; challenged accepted Youre doing wrong youre supposed to be in your panties Remember listening to them as we canvass during summer How do I make a hidden envelop bomb Songs guitar solo That dirty beach must be liberty city Its a Bieber Im glad shes dead one less diesease on this world :D Idk why you dnt over power em you have strength in number A dementor :p Should you feel tired after a obe That was just plain disturbing Co min ha than se hahA,14,0,3,5,0,20,0 3255,X964,"You look funny with your head turned sideways like that At the beginning I was like ,oh man this kid really cant sing that well..., but then he starts rapping and it just blew my mind how amazing he is at rapping! dont mind me.. just a no comment passing through My 5 yr old little brother loves this song! I swear he knows every word but the only way I can get him to sing the song for me is if I give him a piggy back ride around my house. I always wondered why I had to do that until today... when he showed me the video and told me Im the pig! I still can't stop laughing! This song and my little brother just made my day! Love you Finnegan! Your Adorable! Well that escalated quickly... Well that escalated quickly... when you try and look for a good movie to watch but end up watching funny trailers of them for 2 hours... Well that escalated quickly... Get it ESCALATED No 0:00 to 3:14 is the BEST part! Is anybody else having the problem where theyre watching a video that has nothing to do with jenna marbles and then you look in the suggestions bar and see jenna marbles... I was watching the minecraft diamond song... and somehow they thought this video was similar to that... Kocham 3 CherOna jest niesamowita Kocham 3 CherOna jest niesamowita ;3 Two Best Friends didn't send me here Im sorry.. this is just to boring... bye Well that escalated quickly... 8:33 to 11:40 was the best part... No to jest Polska When this was made Greyson was 14 and Ariana was 18... quite the age difference there Why are her fingers orange? I love how shes like bestfriends with herself in every vid I live in Long Island!!! Thats why Willy Wonka ate the purple mary-go-round at twenty-ten o'clock in the grocery store. try eating an apple while you watch it... that might work! 1:02 hahaha and she just flies away... So why does he eat the banana off the floor if he already knows all this information about how it is bad to do that... I tried to do this and all that broke was my thumb... My thumb is broken so I cant do the trick :( 0:20 she predicted the future o.0 I love how the girl comes outside at 3:33 and magically has a red streak in her hair o.0 I just watched him in a competition today and he was the youngest competitor at 15 but he ended up winning with a score of 95.0 on his first run. Then he got a nice victory run! I mad I watched a commercial just so I could watch another commercial -___- He's great!! However I noticed that he likes to grab his board a lot which is awesome but when he grabs his board he doesn't keep the hand he isn't grabbing it with touched into his body so instead it flails around. For example at 2:15 watch his tail side arm. Other then that he did amazing is gonna be a pretty awesome boarder some day! How much did it cost for you to get all the stuff to make snow?",33,12,5,12,1,28,0 3256,X3257,orcaria de musica e muito legal mesmo essa musica ei menina tue loca rapariga o diego nao e horrivel horrivel e teu cu aff eu nao faria a mesma coisa nao eu levava era pra minha casa e numca ia deixar de sair da minha casa seu viado maudito de uma figa vai se lascar fila de uma puta seu viado v nao e um homem vc e um muleque essa fan ai perguntou oque eu queria perguntar valeu menina obrigado mas nao tirou todas as minha duvidas kkkkkkkkkkkk calma fia nao grita ta doida nimgueme surdo nao maluco muito engraado faz outro mas legal kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk gemte e portugue no espanho a a cris toda descabelada muito massa e a beck revoltada Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ate que fim eles se beijo no quando estou do seu lado baton antigo n esse,13,0,3,1,0,24,0 3257,X3258,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Seriously... OMG your rap is do GOOOOOOD!! i think you could be a pretty good rapper :D You rap good men :D you verryyy good :Dyou could be a good rapper..! Its a hack dont give your password or just create a test account to test this... and im 16 years old.. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl!!!!!!LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl!!!!!!LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl!!!!!!LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl!!!!!!LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,6,1,2,5,0,35,0 3258,X3259,"maybe they waited till now because the points is worth 10 times more today.. how did i get here? kinda makes steve'ss tahoe breakfast for gary's trunk ! what do i do when i dont see how much i heal? i only see on myself. Now i remember why i quitted ! ahah is it the same guy as in ,This drummer is at the wrong gig, ? son? can you wash the house? ,hahahah hahahahaha hhahahahahha..., kjp en elg I could not agree more. Im running them om a 2x250watt amp and when I play really loud i can smell a strange smell. Its like they're about to blow. but i need to play veeery loud for that to happend. Pinkman indeed. seems like you didnt have a camera :( shit not working may be a bad product tho. did not work better than the original battery. hahahahahaha neat nice FANTASTIC! /watch?v=225Y28-cLWgThe song. hello let me help this automatic pushed tickets out of the machine. Thanks man good vid. it's 2013 give me!",20,143,6,11,0,17,0 3259,X3260,i luv vampire knight!!!!!!!!! i love this song!!!!!!!!!!!! my dog kept wondering wat the hell is that noise hahahahaha i luv this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mine just was like wtf is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so not funny!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha i love this!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahhahaha lady gay ga OH I FORGOT ITS ENGLISH DUBBED!!!!!! wat anime is at 2:16 PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!!!!! i loved 1:41 - 2:10 hahahahahahahaha,11,0,2,1,0,22,0 3260,X3261,Damn I got the snipers on top of the White House to wave at me this guy gets the secret service out. Damn this is what i pretty much hear from brady haters If they threw rocks at my F150 I'd chase their ass down OJ Simpson vs Casey Anthony Explains every damn day I work there @makaylasextonBatman and robin No lives why did you shush us as in he can hear us? Rest in piece two in a half men In 5 years browns fans everywhere will hear this song live for them Wish I could wake up at 7 am on a Friday Anyone else excited for the Brock's dub??? :D I loled I wish you didn't touch yourself at night. Guess only your wish came true whoever recorded this... kill yourself I'm considered a redneck by friends and I'm in the army. Am I disgracing the country that I serve and protect our men women and children? I wish Daryl Dixon was my dad but then again who doesn't Now homosexuality is a big debate in everything. I am bisexual I didn't choose to be I I have been this way since I can remember. God made me who I am today just like he made whoever reads this. God doesn't make us in a way that he does not like. I love God and he i our father who loves us unconditionally Do you hate the army too? And firefighters? And Paramedics? Inwemt from watching Michael Myers to this :| I believe that they are just fucking with us Americans in this video You walk around cleveland and you have any sympathy for the modell family you will be beaten Art Modell you were an asshole and a traitor I'm a conservative but I still find this really funny. Sue me Thank god he wasn't white this would be a racial thing because harrison is from shittsburg Me and my friends were drunk and we just sang this song Think ill go camping in a week ya know no technology that bitches can pop out of,28,0,5,5,0,20,0 3261,X3262,Du musst unbedingt weiterspielen Gronkh *-* Dein HoneySchrei war ya mal mega sueess :3Uuund deine Videos sind alle wundertoll (:,2,2,4,1,0,14,0 3262,X3263,this is natural nothing to do with god or anything try geting an education before you guess or clam god,1,0,3,5,0,31,0 3263,X3264,But if he says its opposite day... IT MUST NOT BE OPPOSITE DAY! PARADOX! There is a dot where the brackets are Wow Sherb Amazing as usual! Im LOVING the hand drawn part at the start You are good at drawing! I would like to see more Part drawn stuff like this... :D Very nice my friend Care to chef out some of my stuff? How do you know? On the website it doesn't say it is confirmed at the moment... OMG We have those pianos at school! THUMBS UP IF YOU WANT THE YOGPOD BACK! THUMBS UP IF YOU WANT THE YOGPOD BACK! THUMBS UP IF YOU WANT THE YOGPOD BACK! 2:01 seems legit... OMG THANKUUUUU SOOOOO MUUUUUUCHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT THIS WAS FAKE LIKE ALL THE OTHERS BUT THIS FREE MINECRAFT PREMIUM ACTUALLY WORKSSS!!!!! U JUST SAVED ME 20!!!!!!! :DDDD OMG THANX SSOOOO MUUUCHHH MAAATTTEEE URRR TTTHHHEEEE BBBEEESSSSTTTT!!!!! :DDD Congrats soup!,13,119,3,5,0,14,0 3264,X3265,Het is wel discriminerend Hij gebruikt zijn huidskleur tegen hem... En dat persoon is gewoon niet goed wijs in zijn hoofd... Je vind dat ik allemaal domme reacties achtergelaten hebt?Haha...Of jijVroeger ging het allemaal met de hand he en ging de auto ook gewoon op de brugMaar goedEn jij bent zelf ook niet al te slim! Bitch want a dick in her ass that gonna learn her some manners! Why fuck Isreal?Because they are showing their supirior fuck muslims what about that? you like that? Why that bro...? Those things happends in the whole world... Afcourse its not good what those fucking cops did... But is it not possible to judge them? or something or that they will get fired? What do u mean with the police officer's comments can't be justified? white pussys the mexican guy winning so their mates are pushing him HAHA What is it with Mexicans they are very tough.... how come that bro.... Now we coloured people are weak because we are 1 but what about 1500 1600 when the africans where ur slaves... or when the africans were free and you people beating them with 10 people or raping african womans... or you people were using coloured people for work or you people telling mexican things that is racist... or the black people or the indians or the other coloured people that is not WEAK? FUCK YOU fucking WHITE BOY that bitch is so fat that she even cant get up wtf.. stupid fat fuck Im from Holland we dont speak english daily so there is no need to say get an education And its not about who has to get a education or what you cant handle the truth... so you going to talk about other stuff You are a waste of my time so im gonna block you bye byelittle slutty. Who was that man who was touching his beard? Does someone know that? Damn... And still there is a war against drugs right?Did those big drug dealers got catched ever? Hey i have been there its so beautiful there... And there is also a military base :D for war ships :) have u been there? Deze persoon is inderdaad erg dom bezig Maar Nederland heeft zoveel regels waar je je aan moet houden is toch om gek van te worden man! Dan moet je je aan de maximale snelheid houden rijd je 2 km te hard krijg je een bekeuring waar je broek van zakt Gewoon te veel regels voor automobilistenEn de boetes zijn zo hoog tegenwoordig Waar gaat Nederland toch heen? met al die regels??? My training songs... Ma Black brothers!. OH YEAH BRO you said it good ! But is this officer arrested for corruption? or did he lost his job did the woman got money or something for the things that the officer has done? Do u know that? I really would like to know what will happen with that officer... Ik post wat ik wil en als je dat niet kan hebben moet je maar niet lezen kanker debiel. My apologize question* Hindu ka taagat! Bahut acha laga yaar Haha :) Dat ben ik met je eens... Maar boete geven omdat je op het perron rookt? kom op man... is belachelijk En als die man misschien geen boete had gegeven had de man ook anders gedaan Je mag zoveel dingen niet in Nederland rijd je 2 km te hard heb je een boete waarvan bijna je broek naar beneden valt. Wie ben jij om mij te zeggen dat ik Nederlands moet leren? Those turks were scared as hell.. hahahahaah I was thinking about that too..I tought that u can defend ur self in Usa.Will the police take both of them to jail? Bouncers only dare because they are with alot of them... But they never pick a fight against guys of their size or against guys who are bigger than them. Do u know those fella's? that u can judge about them? Goed filmpje Jacco!Ik wil meer van dit soort filmpjes zien!,29,2,8,5,0,29,1 3265,X3266,"you are such a sweetie..!!!!! (^_^ ) how often can u drink the aloe vera juice in a week??? and how often can u apply it on the body?? @staacygirl1 u are soooooo adorable!!!!! hahahh i love u...!!! totally love u..!!! i tried it.. dint get it exactly like u :( but pretty good..!!!! :D rice and potatoes?? hahahah u must be kidding.!!! This was rly good!! But im a lil confused do v use the fresh cream that come in small and large cartons? Or the icing cream?? SAPNA SHOULD BE THE WINNER! Imaam has been A true entertainer. Sapna should hv won. Delnaz is clever with her behavior. Urvashi is smart enough not to show her explosive side she is much more than what she is showing. Rajiv lets not talk about hi.. sana ur only an item girl so chill. U hv no heroine Material in u. Of course u can bad C grade movies. U r fit for ,Toing, only . Anushka overdid it with Imaam.....and Imaam cares a damn to Anushka....she's just not worth it!! Rajev's body language shows he is guilty. He is more bothered about the names that Delnaz's mother took rather than what she spoke about him which certainly happens to be the TRUTH!! Rajev's face is worth watching!! Rajev u are not even in the race man....u happen to be there just by chance...otherwise u would hv got evicted long back!! cute video..!!! u are sooo funny..!!! u are sooooooo adorable..!!!!",14,0,2,5,0,20,0 3266,X3267,Kill everyone else! Why does Dan call arrows bows? When i was little i loved getting crappy soldiers that way i could blow them up with firecrackers. But your here still... Why doesn't everyone stop flipping there shit over tits and dicks? Its a part of life grow up. Hey drew i just started watching your vids again. There still awesome keep it up dude. Wait a youtube fight thats not two idiots typing away. You two have restored my hope in humanity. Bojangles but i dont think they have that west of the mississippi he means you need to unlock gold to get diamond I got the season pass today cant wait for this map i found itx:-250.882y: 99.75z: 437 Warren i heard you were adding people on ps3 are you? ps3 yes I figured it out for you. Use the number seed in the video not the other one i had the same problem 291 Vietnam wasn't a war it was a conflict. No one declared war on each other. I couldn't be paid enough to do that.... SNU SNU!!! How are you going to get snow? Ewwwww your cousin girlfriend.,20,2,3,5,0,22,0 3267,X3268,"Aaron you have transformed your car restoration into pure art!! If we lived in the same country and this was 12 years earlier I would've gladly handed you my '76 RX5 to see what you could've salvaged from it in order to make your project easier. Keep up the good work!! Nice!!! I miss my RX5 had some factory extras too including sports suspension sunroof exhaust. You really do sound like yet another close-minded sceptic who is too afraid of accepting the facts or even find out the facts for one's self. I think you need to get out more and enrich your life with some hands-on experience instead of claiming to know anything and everything through watching youtube videos in your concrete world. what a machine!!! completely agree especially with the last point. We are being led to oblivion by our governments - we've lost our roots our conscience and are out of touch with the planet we live on. Aboriginal peoples around the world might have been viewed as primitive but even they were aware of the need for balance to survive long term. Western governments are the biggest perpetrators of genocide.. wherever they went they murdered raped and plundered all in the name of discovery. YOU seriously need professional help if you expect people to believe your bullshit. Unless you go on national television armed with the undeniable proof that you were drugged I suggest you shut your trap and take a good look at yourself. I have a life and guess what? it doesn't involve making an international disgrace of myself. That is correct! The French acknowledged soldiers of all nationalities that helped defend their country. Speaking of France I heard a few years ago that the government planned on building an airport right in the middle of the battlefield which I think is quite disrespectful to the hundreds if not thousands of ,unknown, soldiers who's remains lay within the area. I must say that this video that you originally uploaded is an alltime classic!! perfect soundtrack that suited the theme. Also does the federal government give you subsidies for dealing with feral pigs? Keep up the good work!! :) You guys need to do a few runs over Fitzroy St Kilda - plenty of ferals there. Most feral pigs carry diseases and parasites which render their meat useless. with his snout in a trough full of gold Hahahaha still catching my breath!! that clip just got better and better!! George absolutely pummelled that caller into submission. GOLD!! Never use Greek? Greek back then wasn't a uniform language as it is today each state has it's own dialect which differed alot and ancient Greek (collectively) is noticeably different from modern Greek. What you are advocating is that it's fair to plunder and withold the capital of another religion yet declare your own religious capitals sacrosanct - No wonder this world is in turmoil!! If Russia does get its own way Greece Serbia will be compensated with was stolen from them by the Ottomans. Very good point Loris! that really goes without saying. Every debate i've had with a zionist more or less turns into a full blown argument when I mention the point you've made. They are a sick breed of humans who cannot be reasoned with and think the world owes them countless favours. Frankston's finest. depth charges would've made it more fun. When I first watched the series I was on the floor crying with laughter and gasping for air. When southpark first came out it crossed a few boundaries but this show completely obliterated them. Great concert! I stood in line for over 2 hours in the hot sun getting roasted before getting a spot only 20 metres from the stage. Good times :)",19,0,5,1,1,35,0 3268,X3269,My six year old niece dances better ewww no *.* The second girl that came just messed up everything! The first girl should've just stayed there btw the boy is really good There both really good ^.^ I was rapping to this Fucking amazing :) Lmfaooo xD that was.. smh THEY ALL KILLED IT BUT m favorite boy was the first one :) God for bid but the way Vybez get pussy isn't even funny xD he gon get aids soon he gotta stop fucking Lmao Lmao This my song,12,21,2,88,0,13,0 3269,X3270,"trigaaah kinda sounds like dmx Fuck porn. i got this shit no re-read the comment i never wished you would die i was going by what you said ,stupid people should die, and the comment you made was un-needed and stupidYou logic is flawed. ???? Hell yea i would drag his ass in to court quick ass fuck for that he said he dosent have to read him his rights. Thats total bullshit ive seen cops lose there job from not reading someone there rights i want him to sing free falling i like watching your videos and getting stoned. or you could just smoke it out of your hand up to you i smoke every night to help me sleep but ill go and smoke with my friends a couple times a week. im just like jessie i dance everytime i eat saftey not garenteed looks boss son id smash sonnnn! you can get that for 30 bucks you remind me of the cat in the hat from the new cat in the hat you shouldnt be worried about that he said you done goofed there stoned u know it weres the weed? mine says old navy looks like zack galafanakis dont say the cops didnt have to taser him its his own dahm fault he wouldnt give up black people always say its racial because thats the only thing they can use that was many years ago it didnt happen to you so stfu and leave it alone his head is lopsided dahm shit goes hard as fuck lol me to. now i would be down to see that",25,15,4,18,0,18,0 3270,X3271,Everyone stop fucking spamming and listen to the danm music no-one wants to here your shitty rapping Instagram sent me here @chelseajaja This movie is amazeballs but the traitors a bit shit doesn't really capture it:p you're not cool enough to be invited to the party...sorry yeahi was just saying my opinion. calm down am i not allowed to voice my opinion? i still like them but he's older ones were more entertaining your sense of style is just so amazing and unique i wish i could pull of the clothes you wear omigod why are they so hot?and funny?and kind? there like perfect is that really need? you mad bro? I feel your pain waiting until May 5th it sucks:p The Hilfiger ad mad me come here:D so...this harlem shake thing is going viral now?..that's cool one does not simply reject maz thought i was the only one meanwhile at my house... I didn't even know you're white? I cant fucking see you mate and no I'm not justifying it. how am I? I'm saying it's not fucking happening I'm not anit-white. You're anti-everything that doesn't look like you and that shows signs of fear and it's fucking pathetic you are so good at applying your wigs could you do like an uncut full version of how you do it? errmahgerd this video is hilarious haha:) Did you seriously just say he was happier now? really? have you heard the two latest albums Indigo and Sunflower? He sounds depressed as fuck.. Tyler thanks for liking this so i can hear this amazing voice:) Drake3 omg at daniel and beau hahaha:) getting it on in the train that guy just sat there awkwardly Shes from Italy Ayyi think your funny and shitbut this video was really meanyou're entitled to your own opinion but you can't demand that other people not call her prettythey may honestly think she isalso the thing about disabled people...low blow. but whatever man,23,1,3,5,0,18,0 3271,X3272,Jo ty modr vlasy jsou bo ;A; I don't mind these female voices O_O Oh I am pretty sure Tiffany understands every fucking word :'D Hihi she is so relaxed and she can talk while doing it because she does it regularly it gets better after a while. When I first started attending power yoga lessons I thought I would die XD Now it is much better. And this si going to be my everyday workout :P Haha Hunnie doesn't smile that often :3 and he was probably tired gotta love these idiots OMG Cimorelli are not the first girl-cover-group and they are not last. STOP COMPARING. I love this :3 or lover I would rather be his lover :3 Why are you both so freaking lovely 3 Nah I think it was just MAMA remixed and added some other sounds Ithink some of the melodies are from SPECTRUM (also the dance moves) but we will find out hihi She looks even cuter with bangs :3 nadruhou stranu je to Aikova vc jakou hudbu poslouch a je fajn vdt e to je zrovna LOTR hudba :P I am a great fan of sherlock myself. And I understand why would someone be angry with malexmale in any other series but sherlock? Geez the relationship between Sherlock and John is special and it is very highlighted. The actors know that. Also why is it so gross? IDK I think they should have taken sneakers this type of dance looks better in them.,14,1,4,5,0,21,0 3272,X3273,Same here... Thanx i will try and practice on that coz i have a junior tournament coming up on the 9th n 10th of january... hope i will one day play like you... keep it up and hope to see more videos... Omg... i really enjoyed this commercial... please make more like this... IMPOSSIBRU... Buy a bloggie its awsm has a bigger screen that the flip camera... really awsm... check it out...,5,2,3,2,0,21,0 3273,X3274,"I love what the police do!!! They're doing their job perfectly and deserve medals! Just look carefully at WHOM they beat: Dirty disgusting shoddy creatures that are nowhere near civilized people. I'm always happy to see cops beating shit out of those disgusting buggers. Good job cops! They should have tased the prisoner! Good job cops! I wish you'd shot that walking piece of shit with a real gun. Good job cops! I always feel safer watching the police kicking shit out of those walking feices! Good job cops! Good job cops! I very much like what the police did! Removing rubbish from the streets is necessary. Good job cops! :-) Good job cop! That disgusting bitch just got what she deserved! Good job cops! I always love to see the stupid riff-raff shoddy getting shit beaten out of them. The cop that tipped the victim out was a nigger wasn't it. :-))))))))))) ensk inteligence. Viel besser als das ,chipego, :-))) How come this disgusting fucking nigger dares touch a white girl?! Stupid bitch! She just got what she deserved. Take v McDonaldu je normln e si ciz ensk po pchodu ani neumyje pracky a bez potravinskch rukavic jimi hned hrabe na jdlo??",15,1,3,3,0,41,0 3274,X3275,this is so trippy seeing them so young lauryn hill fits the definition of a real artist in every way. i have so much respect for her its insane. and plus she has a beautiful voice and fucking rap so well. GOD DAMN and these people are lucky as hell to be at this concert no her past few videos were hilarious,3,3,4,4,0,16,0 3275,X3276,lol nice tin foil hat altairzielte yea plz i need to reflect print and cum epic sax guy yea!!!!!!!!! what does he do on defense? stfu you retard he made some real fucking dumb business decisions and you want us to hold a charity event for him? lmao ur a joke fuck off slut ur cat blows too true. you're big faggot pussy yeah if they were huge fucking faggot pussies like u white people man... I always think about corporate coffee futures and kittens lol faggot why would she run away LOL megaretard.jpeg ur all fuckign retards HAHAHA no she is fat damn I would bend over that whore in the front,17,3,7,20,0,33,0 3276,X3277,if you dont laugh your not human?...well fuck call area 51 to come pick me up. what the fuck? did he shave his pubes and put them on his face? that was worst than getting a fart bubble stuck between your butt cheeks at :39 is that fucking giraffe print or freckles? nigga = ginga,4,0,5,4,0,111,0 3277,X3278,Omfg Alex 33333 Jordan would. i love you so muchomg youre my idol ily they are now! :') Justin chon and Michelle phan made my day. Why? Because you're gonna scare the crap outta them..,7,0,3,5,0,51,0 3278,X3279,nice bro :D where i can buy this toys? i have that one .. the same XD im so envy ... :( Thanks for the comment :D hahaha ganun talaga XD i want to learn that too.. but i dont know how to read tabs :( Nice Hair cut... what happened to your voice ... so husky ... na pa wow na lang ako pinanuod ko to dahil nandito ang teacher ko si mam cris pero ang ganda nang story ... nakakaiyak nang puso ... imba to hahaha tawang tawa ako hahaha XD like XD welcome ^^ madami ka palang cover video XD paturo naman post ka ng video na may tutorial please :) Sana po mag post ka po ng video :) gusto ko lang po matutunan ... hindi pa ako sanay magbasa ng chords eh ... sana post ka na lang po tutorial thanks :),13,2,5,29,1,21,0 3279,X3280,langweilig. WARNING: Mute before watching! No hat? Wau! Wie immer: Wau! stunned i am... can... not... stop.... watching this!! O. There are strange creatures in front of the castle sire! Wehere are the bowmen!? boring Hm I think most of the people do not read all comments so nearly everyone is simply typing what they think. And well the most peoples oppinion is that you play good music and look sad on the video. It's just some feedback ;) Okay today some jogging and tomorrow... some more -.- We have no beep sounds in germany.... why u have? Hwo cares? Whats next? A video about his Shampoo? boring game It*s that crazy feeling that you are not alone anymore... Interessante Informationen aber der Vortragsstil und die Musik.... uff,16,3,3,1,0,24,0 3280,X3281,no mames casi me la jalo kien mas kiere el video official y por k chingaos no estava esta cancion en su disco? yea i got it from your mom!!! hahah Daddy Yankee yo!!!! My dick brought me here vete a la verga puto nicky jam es el mejor pinche chingadera de mierda jajaja sabia k eran jotos DADDY YANKEE IS BETTER THAN THIS FAGGOTS,8,0,3,5,0,19,0 3281,X3282,bet his soft feet really tickled his smooth stomach go paul-anne go! shes a dog Darling what are you doing?,4,3,5,2,0,27,1 3282,X3283,"damn troll So Revolution when? Repeating I-watch over and over again typical brain washing attempt. News Flash Moron our soldiers don't die for us or the Constitution they die for NATO they die for the New World Order. I just wish it would start because I am sick of waiting. yep he is also a traitor...., If I ever do anything to be separated from my King blame all that is evil on me, George Washington lol paid chill I have to wonder if people will realize that if we want our country back we MUST make the SAME sacrifice the founders made. Nothing short of that will have total effect. Who gives a shit what Pliers's opinion is anyway he isn't a citizen. stop what? the truth cannot be suppressed for ever man. unless we make the same sacrifice the founders of our country did ( Civil War ) we will continue to be attacked. So what are you doing to bring things to light? Besides that i don't see Alex up there. If there is a Waco style stand off the People need to mobilize and defend our fellow country men women and children. America needs a total re-birth. If there is another Waco style stand off We the People need to mobilize and go to defend our fellow country men women and children. do you make money at your job? I didn't sign any contract saying I would follow laws that I had no say whats so ever in. I do agree with the constitution but nothing after. I ask why do you put such importance on following laws most of which are UN-constitutional. I have been sick once in the last 20 years. too bad they didn't get the NWO puppet. I am pro freedom. If the people who create the laws are corrupt what makes the laws legitimate? and I don't mind them labeling me an extremist ill be there with our founders. Man if this shit is going to happen then let's just get the shit over with. I suppose those people (millions of them) who bought all those guns in the last few months are a paranoid mess as well? The problem I have with this is that I did a search on this matter and all that came up is this video and articles about this video. My question is where is the proof? The key word being belong. Another reason for 1776 If you are on FB I admin small people against big government. The expansion of freedom only happened when blood was shed for it.",29,1,5,5,0,38,1 3283,X3284,shut up bitch He actually only had one but other than if that was the fact im sure that if you had two dads you would feel like an outsider im not being a douche but its the truth. LOL Mikky is not getting enough credit! He killed it too you know! im losing so much respect for so many people these days..,5,0,4,5,0,28,0 3284,X3285,been awhile since a youtube vid made me laugh Are you always that detailed when talking about money? Why would any normal person give the exact dollar amount when talking to someone? more of these i quit for good i really tried to enjoy this but EOC pking seems to be very boring to watch. I probably just need to get used to it though. Of course there will be a lot of people on right now It's the day of a major update. A Lot of people are just trying the EOC out not all of them will stay. i've been playing since 04 and i enjoy the EOC It's not like some local pizza place though It's Dominos. They HAVE to follow the rules or risk their job. He isn't a child..... motorb0at cheap items makes GP worth even less now. create your own minecraft server for the spank me army 3 DING DONG LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Tulsa OK.Or anywhere near OKAR or MO. I'd definitely drive up to see you would watch it all but i think you're farther than i am in the story so i don't want spoilers xD,15,9,2,7,0,17,0 3285,X3286,24/7 1.4.7 DEDICATED SERVER!IP: of ram!Hardcore Faction ServerMCMMMO iConomy FactionsNice staff 24/7 1.4.7 DEDICATED SERVER!IP: of ram!Hardcore Faction ServerMCMMMO iConomy FactionsNice staff 24/7 1.4.7 DEDICATED SERVER!IP: of ram!Hardcore Faction ServerMCMMMO iConomy FactionsNice staff 24/7 1.4.7 DEDICATED SERVER!IP: of ram!Hardcore Faction ServerMCMMMO iConomy FactionsNice staff 24/7 1.4.7 DEDICATED SERVER!IP: of ram!Hardcore Faction ServerMCMMMO iConomy FactionsNice staff 24/7 1.4.7 DEDICATED SERVER!IP: of ram!Hardcore Faction ServerMCMMMO iConomy FactionsNice staff 24/7 1.4.7 DEDICATED SERVER!IP: of ram!Hardcore Faction ServerMCMMMO iConomy FactionsNice staff 24/7 1.4.7 DEDICATED SERVER!IP: of ram!Hardcore Faction ServerMCMMMO iConomy FactionsNice staff 24/7 1.4.7 DEDICATED SERVER!IP: of ram!Hardcore Faction ServerMCMMMO iConomy FactionsNice staff 24/7 1.4.7 DEDICATED SERVER!IP: of ram!Hardcore Faction ServerMCMMMO iConomy FactionsNice staff Owned So awesome! Me please!?!?! In die rise solo you have to get quick revive get downed then revive then die. Boom you have it. Amazing thank you Are you an idiot? They buy the rights and if not you submit a video and they will try to buy the rights of the video from rightful owners. Check the link in description Guys chill the fuck out. Its 240p because it was just uploaded @MegaTanese He is partnered. Well he was with Machinima but they did budget cuts so everyone is canceling contracts and switching to other channels Fourth! Can I have aspect? Leviathon isn't even that bad. My brother is 10 and he rode the Xcelerator That's so gay go get a life Oldschool. You idiot.,22,21,6,18,0,29,0 3286,X3287,Made my day!!! Shit funny as hell man!,2,0,4,5,0,27,0 3287,X1544,"lol at 0:28!!! at first I thought it was ,we found love in a homeless place, but ill listen to avery because shes wearing hello kitty. P.S: get her on americas got talent. was this before or after chase did grenade with brennen and avery? plus i wont more solos by brennen and chase! how old is she now? 8? 7? 9? she shouldve went instead of diversity. i wonder if a code could be ABCDEFG... i think shes amazing at piano i play it to i can play adele. and i can sing too cuz im awesome. at the end it sounded like this: ,ship layed it ship layed it ship layed it ship layed it to the beep., and at some parts she did this: ,reaching uh feva pitch itsa bringin me ut the duck., and also ,the skas of yar luv reminds me uf us., dont vote down cuz thats what i heard. i choked on a junior mint in the movie theater while watching lion king in 3d... i vowed that i would never eat another junior mint again but when i went to see the hunger games... THEY TASTE SOOO GOOD!!! click on my name to go to my channel and subscribe. my fav part is 1:28 to 1:39. 0:48 to 0:54 was very interesting... i mean CREEPY!!! i disagree with number one. ill do a singing video and prove it to u. im one of the best singers ull ever watch. my video is coming soon so stay tuned! u said menag and liz's channel. what up with the pic? its my birthday today! i paused and it said this: hello my name is barracko. lol at 2:52 596 people are...dislikers. she got the lyrics a little wrong. why is everybody so hard on her? i thought she was AWESOME! Strad? Cimorelli! Oh and #2...'I don't know much about algebra...but 1 plus 1 equals 2'? i just watched this and I had no clue what anything meant except that 'Yeye neis matak' means 'yes' idk how to spell it :) lol at %:49 :) and what was with that guy on the parachute? cute! kitty! AGT! what up with the part at the end? the baby didnt really sing half of the time Imma tell tou man you gonna go home! And if it wasn't clear...he said 'No' first. echo! oh and...Addle?! YAY! u know thecomputernerd01 and his parodies!!! NO!!! What ever happened to acapella the old Cimorelli that I knew and loved?! And now they'! yeah it does! but slowly. what ever happened to Dani??? 1:40...??? ladies and gentleman behold the new Adele! ...,I heard that you're settled down that you-, *BABY SCREAMS* ,found a girl and you're married now., LOL!!! dingo! i thought it would be a real battle...",39,1,2,5,0,22,0 3288,X3289,come on every one lets all work together to make it more famous then oppa gangnam shit.all of you like fav and sub and lets start the show :) stupid fat girl in green shit being on mars will be scary ass fuck NO!no one should go to mars we will just fuck it up like we did to this one just leave that planet alone.ok send some people but then leave it alone don't start making it and calling it hour planet you stupid greedy thing you no all americans are going there and start calling it new america your are not alone fuck you and your name i believen jesus christ but just not as much as a freak drink it am on the second one same got tired of skyrim and fallout 3 so i got fonv its fucking awesome well last time i thought it was garbage oh shit the girl is rely kind but just drinks allot what is wrong with you people in the comments faggot i see you in every video comments just fucking stop 3 mammoths vs 2 frost giants shit really its today where the fuck have i been let me check my pc calender.......oh shit it is Ohyour a faggotblah blah Mr.dick thanks neil believe it or not i actually had no idea it was 2013 until my family started celebrating something i had no idea about and they tell that its 2013 new years....O_0' long story short i just ate all the food and still have no idea when new years is till this day whats your psn? the chick is cute thanks man fucking brits some one is raping pigs told you i will see you in 2013 its sarcasm didn't think people would reply Jeana marbles,27,4,3,3,0,31,0 3289,X3290,hey people vino new songs coming out in the coming week wooooohooooooo,1,7,2,2,0,62,0 3290,X3291,"Que bueno ver que en venezuela existen mujeres tan llenas de fuerza pero que triste que esten destinadas a gente con tan poca nocion de la realidad como el presidente de venezuela! Gran mujer ejemplo no solo para Venezuela......para toda latinoamerica.......! manito arriba por estas mujeres con la fuerza para decir la verdad.....! como es bueno robar a todo un pueblo? Q buena pelicula!!!!!! :) .... simplemente lo maximo.....que fusion tan buena.... swing a la colombina ..., 100% talento colombiano,............... :) que vivaaaa la musicaaaaa! me encanta ..........hasta el nombre me gusta ! jajajajajaja que buena musica! jajajajaja que monton de reverencias jajajajajaja!",7,0,4,5,0,26,0 3291,X3292,I have the same jumper as her :] Just give a minute to look at the pictures and see what it says. @laughAGlove ur a directionator OMG ITS PAUL! I have the exact same picture as you with autographs.... But theyre photocopied autographs I have seen the movie twice now :) I love her :) The tour is over :( Let's go cry in a corner together. The zoom up on Harry checking out that girls assss :) Toilet paper fights... Thats one direction for you right there. And Liam's in this :) I LOVE ONE DIRECTION but I came here because of Cher :) Justin Johnson.. She was like trying to touch Harry's down there and he's like NO WAY WOMAN and did it himself. He answers Vas Happenin? I don't get the two minutes dead joke please explain anyone? 1:04 was Harry naked? O.O Harry talks really fast'-No one.. I did it.. I fainted now what? Love this song! I shouldn't be crying! :o Cause it's gotta be YOOOOUUUUU soulja boy tell 'em. @laurenashtyn96 their birthday was a day before it.. You should do wings by little mix :) The song is is Step Up 4 :) I cried during it because I knew where it was from :'),24,4,3,2,0,14,0 3292,X3293, nyC,1,0,5,5,0,18,0 3293,X3294,"The girl at 1:36 was SO freaking lucky in the long run..... :/ IKR They probably thought it was cool...... Screw BMI. My mom in high-school was 142lbs. 5'8'' and it says she was ,over-weight, ?! WTF and she was supposed to be 120lbs. or something...... She was a bodybuilder though.... :/ ugh same with me.... They do that 'cause they want to make fun of someone else to take away their own flaws. Same with me..... :/ Sorry to say but even if you feel that way it's not going to cut it in reality.... *sighs* :/ Okay :/ That wouldn't be perfect...... akward dude/dudette I'm over-weight. So does that make me more or less of a person? Now what exactly are you trying to prove there HUN? Thanks! *wink* ;) hm.......its hard to follow the instructions :/ Ento eu sou americano assim que eu obviamente no entendem isso mas voc realmente bom em arte crochet! Espero que seu idioma o Portugus! Falo Ingls ....... 3 Espero que voc siga seus sonhos! :) How does being an American makes us bastards? Really? Well so is Canada 'cause they kill seals for blubber and so is japan for eating weird food thats rare..... pft really? I so bet ur american too :O 3:17 The baby grabs her/his crotch area WTF O.o What the heck did Tyra do?! And plus how would you not know that your child is an addict and that she flew a plane to appear on the show?! ._. Wow ppl wow Well if you're told you're fat your nation's fat the whole world is fat you make one of three choices; 1: Do NOTHING 2: Do SOMETHING/ LOSE WEIGHT 3: Get fatter :O simple and i gotta admit im pretty chubby but you have to know i try my best to please EVERY FREAKING ONE- PERSON! :[ so shut up and kiss mah kinda-fit boo-tahy!!! Um i think so? Well personally I think that is enough to be enough for any sexting. :/ No offense but I think you're a big troll :/ You have a point there just 'cause you don't like someone you don't be little craps about it. I don't really like Justin Bieber or even anyone but I don't complain and whine over it. Jeez if you hate them you hate them if you don't like someone go paint yourself a pretty picture stomp all over it shut-up and walk away. that's that. :\ Thanks for saving the internet Captian Obvious! :) The song that you're thinking of is called: ,What's Up?, By: The 4 Non-Blondes just for your's an older song search it up on You-Tube and you'll see ;) Havard has come-up with a translation! Well it seems she/he has a problem liking this song and if so shouldn't rant about it in internet public....... :/ And........ :/ This video wasn't uploaded from and Android phone! This is an episode of Beyond Scared Straight!",24,1,2,5,0,22,0 3294,X3295,im lol this song your funny how did u get the alien body ur very funny ur goood cod I pray the Ecboc rive! you should do more cause its cool with your brother and you i would like it ps3 cause i cant get it Iron Man Suit at 0.09 treyarch vs infintywar,11,0,3,2,0,21,0 3295,X3296,when watching until 0:47 : Heechul? Where? Where ? Where? Where is Kim Heechul ? this is such a big liar to take viewerswhen read the Top Comments : OhhHeechulJung are thereChul ._. best cover ^^b it has same mean with Monster-Bigbang. HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL HEECHUL BUT WHY YOU WERE NOT THERE TT.TT beautiful man = no heenim = no fun TT.TT,5,1,3,1,0,14,0 3296,X3297,your hair is beyond gorgeous aww you are literally so adorable,2,6,5,5,0,18,0 3297,X3298,"22:30 lol the stupid dog hits his head against the bed lol or maybe he was a poser... lol he ,returns, after a couple moths... i found that epic. it seems to me like you're the expert mark ! damn i love this movie. sure... you are the master everything you believe is right and the rest of us is wrong... GROW UP. you have problems... is stupid... if you wanna call them mario brothers mario should have another name like ,doug mario and luigi mario, tremenda pelicula... con los peores efectos especiales del mundo. lol doug looks red in this episode why both of the top comment is the same lame joke ? i don't give a shit about will smith...not trolling just being honest.... i wonder what mike judge was thinking ! Insert your comment about how you are something and listen to this.... is getting old he can be annoying but that doesn't mean he is wrong... this movie is a piece of shit. yes the critic is back.... mmm after a couple months. so i guest he didn't leave ! lol that is so stupid. anyways the critic is the man ! yes but im not the one bitching around ,that's not funny that's not funny, get a life. no country has a color ? that's not true. 0:06 what ? for me emo are the lyrics or the attitude of the band but most of the ,emo bands, sound like punkhardcoremetaletc. and marihuana is illegal ? lol this world... you can like or dislike bjj... but saying that ,brazilians copy the japanese, is stupid. With that logic i can say that ,japanese copy the chinese, GENIUS Who cares about what people think of you ? if you wanna be a nazi is a free world. one of the rules is: never run against your opponent. no... time to play the game = playing monopoly : p is like twilight... it sucks but somehow is popular... the irony is that this movie is enjoyable if you are high on weed. Pensa lo que quieras... es un pais libre. Pero la verdad es que no miro Tv y si la miro es para ver alguna que otra pelicula o serie porque los noticieros de todos los canales estan llenos de boludeces. Pero todo bien si te pensas que sos ,mas inteligente, o que ,sabes mas, y aun asi seguis apoyando a estos giles simplemente me estas dando a entender de que sos un idiota y ni siquiera me tendria que gastar en responderte. Fedor should wrestle the python at the end ! and the kiss at 0:01 is gay too you sound like a kid talking about the graphics...",32,5,4,3,0,22,1 3298,X3299,"Trisha would you prefer an islamic president and way of life? Trisha go off sugar for a month and see how good you feel... The song is amazing he is amazing. A pure and utter legend. @SalemStorm - go get a job with your superiority complex For a first timer - make sure the person is a really nice person. And do not have any illusions that this person will be the knight in your fairytale romance and you will be together forever. That expectation is what gets girls hurt emotionally. The first time is not overly pleasurble or necessarily fun. In fact I thought it was overrated! But now some years's great. Wishing you much success with the album! Being different makes you YOU and special. We come into the world alone and we leave it alone. Feel blessed for all you do have. You don't have lots of subs + views for nothing. As you get older you'll realise how good being unique is. If you feel like you're on the outside looking in - stop looking in at them + focus on you + what makes you happy. Many of us asked for a makeup vlog - so thank you! You look great! A lot of people go through serious bullying. I left school because of it. BUT I never played the victim and I don't wear ,I've been bullied, as a badge. You learn from it + go on living your life. Move on Nichole. Hey Nichole why not post your own fashion parade (its at least walking around with a purpose and would be more interesting to watch). Can we see you in a swim suit pls? Outstanding writing and vocal talent! Truly amazing. Please do more! You have a real gift. Such a unique and outstanding talent. Amazing. One of the best singers I've ever heard. Forget ,Both My Feet Hurt,! More like ,Both My Ears Hurt,.Nichole needs a record deal! C'mon record execs...we have a living legend here ripe for the picking! Example of amazing creativity and entertainment right here...not @Meghansloth don't speak for others. How dare you be such a heartless troll. Grow the hell up. If your mother was killed you'd be devestated if someone had your attitude. You are pure gutter trash. Chin up Nusey! Ignore this twat! Nichole once your jaw surgery has been done are you considering a modelling career? Is it true you are going to be a model after your jaw surgery? The crap you go on with is truly beyond belief. So immature it's ridiculous. Stuff popcorn - there are kids in the world who don't even know what popcorn is. It's stuff like this that gets you the haters. Like if you think Betty is sexier than Nichole Romney is a closet lunatic... Normally your tips are good - this result looks like something from a horror movie! What were you thinking? Pffftt pity you are deaf and cant spell",22,0,3,1,1,35,0 3299,X3300,Check out the facebook page! and Ill do the same The facebook page! Check it out Charlie Grigsby's new channel! Some real great stuff and I heard he's got an album coming soon... And check out my channel as well! I've got a new vid up and I'm currently working on my first bonafide album... Also scroll down and sub the peeps in my other channels box. Peace!,4,106,5,9,0,18,0 3300,X72,you did and im only in the ages between 18-25 and i love to sing @jordanjansenmusic i know you live far away from me but i need to find somebody w/ ur voice i am ur age and need somebody to sing w/ hows the baby and is ur baby a Boy or Girl wow wen i 1st saw u i was like this girl probably cant sing then i herd u omg freakin amazing @mooskiecuddlepoof ur welcome she is cute @QrixicProducctionss im very sorry. as long as he dies knowing he fought for what he believed in. and im very thankful for people like him your family is in my prayers omg ur so awesome i would love to do a duet with you. i promise i can sing @hdancerxoxo oh no he is @WSTVcentral then y comment just dont comment WAIT HOW OLD R U!!!!!! we could totally do a duet ok well that was really good. try sitting up straight and staying with your key. i am 13 i took singing lessons and my instructer said us ur diaphram. Hey good job. try using ur diaphram for than just yelling. but u did a really good job. i love this song @oliver1427 at least she is still here and is a very happy girl so SHUT YOUR MOUTH hi i love this song that song with god in it with his suffer it makes me cry i love this song i love this song @Teclordphrak2 okay i undrstand u might not like God but that doesnt mean comment on the vid.. and why even go to a video that deals with god you are amazing. i believe GOD gave me my voice and yours to do great things. i am actually gonna start posting vids of me singing and playing piano so maybe you could check them out. also again AMAZING!!!!!!! \Alvin is so handsome brittany is cute pretty and adorable3 @heyimconner i like this its cute and how old did you say u were!!!!! i like this Sorry little sister haha:) Your actually very pretty and you can sing beautiful!!!! @LMELaura i could never ever be able to move as fast as you do AMAZING JOB!!!!!! boys did awesome!!!! @KiddVillen might start posting vids not sure yet but if i do plz watch mine i love to sing and again ur AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KARAOKE TIME!!!!!! very good for your age!!!!!!! try doing a song where you have notes hold because your voice is strong enough to do so i love him so much i love mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmoooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmm'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 3 3 3 3 :) :) :) that will be hard and i would break my bone 3 3 3 :( :) :( @MattyBRaps your very good for your age and my sister is your age and she thins your hot and you sing beautiful i like the music that she did she has a very good voice and i love i need a dollar and set fire to the a love her makeup i think you have the lyrics wrong!!!!!,39,2,3,5,0,108,0 3301,X3302,this is hella funny thats why i hate walmart LMFAO,1,0,3,5,1,18,0 3302,X3303,I really like this a lot. You should do Real Art Doesn't Complain. That would be lovely. :3 I smiled like an idiot through this whole thing. :p Oh thank God! xD They'll get used to it! It's hard to break that habit. The pleasure is all mine. :) I'm so pissed. Do you have any idea how long it's been since I was rick rolled?! xD I have chills. This song is so beautiful. 3 You guys remind me of all of my friends. I watch them skate all the time. It's so great. This game is absolutely great! Can't wait to see how your story turns out :D You never cease to amaze me. :) I catch myself watching the guy beatbox everytime. xD Finally. Someone who knows about Deviantart! :D I'm in the last group. Fuck it. :p This really made me smile. Don't give up. He's worth it. :),15,66,4,22,1,17,0 3303,X3304,If u guya wanna see what real emo people look like look up i'm an emo kid fool as nigga I only watched the 1st 5 minutes of this as a courtesy to the dear friend who forwarded it...However in the 1st 5 minutes a man uses Burger King as a comparison to the hierarchy of goverment and then former wrestler Jesse Ventura spouts nonesense about matters he seems not so well versed on....FAIL... You need to put up a video or audio of 25 lighters so i can post it on my friends walls,4,0,5,5,1,29,0 3304,X3305,Yes i am listening to this in 2011.No I'm not going to press any number on my keyboard.No I'm not going to thumbs up your comment.No i don't care what's wrong with 515 peopleNo i don't care about you 'raping' a buttonNo i was not sent here by someone elseMusic is here to be listened and appreciated. Unfortunately there are people out there who say the same old shit over and fucking-over again. Spread this everywhere,1,1,3,11,1,21,0 3305,X3306,We have to change the system my friend. Fuck Al Sharpton. Ahahhahaha! Who did you rob last night? Thanks for the info. My apology. Sieg Heil! LOlz. I'm Polish Jewish and American so wat u gonna do? Very well said..... If you go to Thailand and you tell them that you're from Laos they automatically look down on you. In their mind they think they are better than you. Well fuck them. They're just ass-kissers. Lolz. We all know this. You wish you're from Sweden...lolz. But again you're just a nigger dying of HIV and living of welfare here in the states. LOlz. Japanese are shown weak and stupid in every ww2 movies not only in Chinese movies. Ok fair enough. I think you're a good german. lolz. peace! You should open your eyes kid. Obama is the president of the US elected by the American people. Joe A is just a local corrupt sheriff who has nothing better to do. I'm sure you have seen and heard of the pending investigation by the FBI on this sheriff. It's all over the news. Open your eyes. Sean Hannity is openly gay. He used to date O.J. Simpson. LOlz. How is she Hispanic? Look at her. Listen to her voice. Open your eyes and ears. Lolz. Clinton is the best pres. of all time. wow! They're just thugs and gangsters. Hardly any law enforcement officers. lolz.,15,0,4,5,0,36,1 3306,X3307,Chills down my spine :DAngel beat's sad but Awesome !!!!! oops -- chi's sweet home* You do know swag means (Secretly We Are Gay)..... Just wondering can you make these street legal? out the park I agree,6,4,4,5,0,22,0 3307,X3308,hm. funny. You bitch about his judging by judging him.Nice work. SERKIS 2:24I think you killed his boner Go get some grammar Considering your name's pudgy I could ask the same question greenneverfails 4 weeks agoThis has been flagged as spam hide Not Spamwow what a waste of talent and youtube spaceOkay You just jelly of my epic Houwar skeelz Spy + Pyro = SpyroRed + Blue = Purple:l You must be new here It's over-exaggerating like that which makes you look so defensive like in the video. You are grammar look likes an abomination LOL Cmon jenna. I think it is pretty astounding that you almost OD'd with that male stripper. What will your fans think? Your lifestyle is atrocious Whats wrong with his already in?I'm assuming you were referring to his object in posession the 'Already in'UnlessYou're just illiterate and a little naive This deserves way more views!No doubt about it! Hard work to shit wouldn't you respond to people trashing your effort?,15,18,3,53,1,17,0 3308,X3309,My life is alright. Going to school and have to deal with other peoples shit. I'm getting them all no one will stop me for getting all three Lol I know HOMIEZFORLIFE. @HOMIEZFORLIFE DON'T be so mean its not his fault. Used to chill out miss those day. Feels like ages ago. P.S comment bellow missed up First! I like the first song with the turret from portal. Can't fuck wait got tickets. Keep the 80.,9,0,4,2,0,21,0 3309,X230,"The chances of being attacked by a shark are very low. Most surfers are intelligent enough to realize that sharks are a natural part of the environment and therefore shouldn't be ,blamed, for attacking them on the rare occasions that it does happen. Sometimes local government officials will try to kill a shark that has attacked but that is usually to make the tourists feel safer so they will keep coming to the beach and spending their money. She should've picked Uranus. What Bill O'Reilly meant to say was 'you look like MY cocaine dealer'. He meant it as a compliment. An officer on beat is likely to be one of the ,supposedly, most safe and knowledgable people you could possibly ask directions. It's not unreasonable to ask a police officer for directions but most likely the officer just saw ,white kids in a black neighborhood, and assumed they were looking for drugs. I doubt those kids even ran the stop sign in the first place. They're probably unaware of the drug thing too that's why they couldn't understand why the officer wouldn't help them. Now is the time on Sprocketts when we... ???? Whatever that is he's doing he appears to be doing it very well. Alot of cops need to get used to the fact that being a jerk isn't a crime and to refrain from arresting and beating people up for being jerks. This cop looked like he was going that direction when he opened the jerk's door. I was impressed when he gained control of his emotions and simply gave the jerk his ticket and walked away. I give this stop a 6 out of 10. He probably used a machine plus he would have had to count them at some point if he ever wanted to change them. The bank does have to deal with them too so that obviously made it worth it to the man. This is a collection of various videos. At 7:17 you can clearly see the officer draw his weapon and shoot. Actually he wasn't trying to draw his weapon he was trying to taser him and he got confused and grabbed his weapon instead. That's what was said in trial. This was incompetance but it's still manslaughter and never should have happened. He used to be able to do his thing drunk stoned and on the fly. That's the power of youth but those days always end sooner or later. He good do well again if he makes the right choices. Yeah but if it's true that Bruce was saying stuff repeatedly night after night that is very poor taste and he should have known better. I agree too that Sharon instigating the throwing of eggs was overboard. Neither one of them is in the right they're both being incredibly stupid and causing potentially dangerous situations for the innocent fans she by inciting people to throw eggs and disrupt a show with thousands in attendance and he by calling for physical harm to the egg throwers. Would it be possible to recharge a flashlight with one of those? Like if you had one in an aquarium and installed an outlet on the side of the tank? Variation: Instead of taking the cone whip out a squeeze bottle of chocolate syrup and squirt it all over the cone and then drive away leaving the cone in the emplyees hand. No the officer asked the man a direct question which promted a response from the man. The officer didn't want the answer the man gave even though it was the correct one. As soon as it became evident the man's answer was contrary to his expectations the officer attempted to ,put the man in his place, by speaking over him. Overall I wouldn't say the officer was abusive but I do think he was a bit rude. Not the biggest deal in the world. Both parties are wrong but the security guard is FAR more in the wrong. He knocked the kid off his skateboard at :02 and then threatened that next time he'd break the kids arm. After the kid left the property the guard should have simply went inside and called the police. There are so many illegal things the guard did after the kids were off the property and no longer a threat that I can't list them in the space provided. I agree with everything you said except the skater having a right to retaliate. Skater should have gone to hospital and sued. However if the skater did destroy any property the security guard would definately have gotten fired because the office would have conducted an investigation and found out that the guard overstepped his authority. I seen some vids of bums in Baltimore doing this sort of thing. Best video on the internet. This is why I always keep a baseball in my car. Chuck Norris doesn't put Italian dressing on his salad he uses Ranch. I like the part where he loses his balance. Notice how after the officer cuffs the motorist he just leaves him laying almost in the lane of traffic. I am very much against drunk driving but I don't think checkpoints are the right way to combat it. Is that cocaine? This officer says that he has only written 2 tickets to people he did not arrest. Translation: he is an expert at intentionally escalating minor situations so that he may have the pleasure of arresting otherwise harmless citizens. I can see you've had bit of alcohol and are enjoying a mild buzz. However you don't seem to be a danger to yourself or others at the moment so I'll just caution you to stay on the beach and be safe... What's that??? You said something I don't like!!! You're under arrest. I love it when police use their discresionary powers purely to show someone who's boss. I feel much safer knowing this officer's ego is well supported by my tax dollars. This is why our jails and prisons here in America are so overcrowded. Because we arrest people at the drop of a hat. Alot of our prisons are privately owned for profit corporations and they recieve money from our government to house all these offenders. These corporations lobby for more laws so that there will be more people to put in their jails so they can get more contracts and more money from the government. I would throw it low and inside and yell ,Steeeeeeeee - rike one!, Then I'd peel outta there. Affiliating endorsing in this context it's the same thing. The court is just playing word games. Well now that he signed it it's probably worth thousands but I don't think he donated it just so they could sell it. It's so the kids could play it and they don't need high end equipment. I suspect this was either something he just did at the spur of the moment or it's something Yamaha is sponsoring and they're giving away a bunch of guitars to a bunch of schools. Is there one that can make you fly? Like for real fly? If not they should invent one. Is this the real woman from Charlie Brown? LOL at the sigh at 2:32. Totally exasperated. Astonia Recently discovered and hired spokesperson of Sure Anti-Perspirant... ,Raise your hand if you're Sure!,TM Read the description. It was accidental. He just left a bowl of cooking oil near the stove so he could re-use it later on. He wasn't trying to catch mice and he had no idea any would crawl in there. One big broom full of sad witches? What are ,beans,? I hope she doesn't mean Fava Beans. Here we are.... and we can see how efemoral how one shot '08 was. Yep good call. What do they eat? Nowhere does your video show that it is safe and/or legal for a driver to block the left lane as long as they are going the posted speed limit. All you prove is that it is illegal to drive faster than the posted speed limit. It is totally possible for both drivers to be in the wrong and both to get tickets for different reasons. That could also mean for people who didn't believe in Jesus their whole life that when they die their soul must go through Jesus before they get to God. He can throw a punch but it won't change the fact that he had ham put on his shoulder.",44,0,7,5,0,42,0 3310,X3311,"I love it when Wong Fu puts some sort of message in their videos ^-^ this was amazing! 3 :'3 ggggeeeeeeezz... o.o *speechless* WONG FU!!!!!!!!! XD Live Free or Die Hard will always be my fav but i think this one'll be interesting ;3 what do you do to heal yourself after a session and your sore and in pain the next morning like what are some things you can do to speed up the healing process rather then wait days to get better??? :) Wong Fu has to make a short about what a guy goes through having to meet the girlfriends dad xD love the sideflip you did XD this should be called ,People are showing off, xD!!! REALlllylyy? realllyyy? XD too much! XD hahaha Every year its gets better :)",11,93,3,33,0,16,0 3311,X3312,you know im pretty sure aderall is a miracle drug it makes you smarter focus better loose weight and fell great this surprisingly describes high school accuretly i was joking man i love mac. and i really relate to the song about his grand father cause my grand father died too i just had to say this red bull and aderall is fucking amazing,4,1,3,1,0,15,0 3312,X3313,Two legendary songs and you've actually made an _awesome_ mashup. /me worships.,1,5,8,1,1,29,0 3313,X3314,if you came from the niall topic channel leave Simple brilliant video! Aw this is so cute (: cant wait ! Amazing 3 I'd love to have known him damn But he's so cute i can't be mad for long I still love my cat but this is too accurate lol I meant great,8,120,5,11,0,16,0 3314,X3315,Dude is good. Awww. You are so sweet. Fag boy made a comeback at me. How touching. Just remember to brush your teeth after sucking your mom's dick. Yes I said your mother's dick. Stupid stupid queer........... yep dipshit you are. who gives a fuck how it's spelled. I love this. Very good. Well said my friend ! Ok then what have they done ? Have they done what metallica and megadeth have done? I think not. Washout bands that never really made it and youre making them sound as if they are kings of something. Lost music forever and will allways take a back seat to both bands. They may have came up with the style of music but could not perfect it. So yeah opinions are like assholes. This is true. If only that would've happened. I love this. Very good. Really good song. Fuck Korn. They fucking suck! Lajon rules !!! damn it man. why comment dude? lip sank ! Too damn funny. Black people rule. YES !!!!! naw man the down votes where the dudes of the bitches he fucked that night. ....and like assholes we all have one. ....really? It went platinum fucktard.......HUGE FAIL !!!! Much more respect to FLEA !!! Is this a joke ? If it is then fuck you.,21,4,5,5,0,37,0 3315,X3316,Saucy Sav!! ill fuck your girlfriend. even if she is a fat ginger with no soul. holyl fuck you the unglist thing i ever did lay eyes on i wouldnt even shit on your chest woccaisdabombbitch . Lol I don't know what to do and I don't know costs or anything I'm too nervous to ask dad what do I do????? D: @OUTSKATE69 the narwhals bacon You may as well shut the fuck up asshole he just snapped that kid got owned Ci ci anal i want that disc pleeeeaaassseeeee watch?v=OlQhO4XECKUfeature=results_video @IronGutsTommy can you put that sauce on your fries? 10 shove them up your ass teletubbies,14,0,3,5,1,21,0 3316,X3317,"you are all believing in the same god after all why must fight seriously? only 15 million views? why people.. epic vid try with better a camera bro you are good wow chill there the old movie makes the bane look dumb. i fucking hate it. bane has a genius-level intellect for fuck's sake! someone explain this pls. in english HULK IS KING! i love this kind of hip hop. fuck ne-yo pitbull and other silly bitches both are good where can i get this song glad im related to homo erectus 1:16 gayest moment or just simply browse ,hulk ripped wolverine in half, 1:37 red skull took hulk's pants while he's still alive? how... this comic is amazing but cmon.. hulk cant be the bad guy.. it's anime.. come on. ugliest? is that necessary? be polite you punk YOU SUCK. HULK IS THE GOD freddie.. is that you? 1:35 Lmfao nice wallpaper EPIC!",23,2,3,1,1,32,0 3317,X3318,I'm in avid to Oh I love my little pony it's awesome and my favorite is rainbow dash -.- the fire was to make a fire tornado-.- This songs amazing!! Such a pretty song One of my best friends said to me once never make a mistake like taking your life. If its bullying don't make a permanent solution to a temporary problem Where can you get heelys? It's interesting Where'd he get it Dylan? Your weird Aww we look so cute on screen the camera loves me and my sister,11,12,3,12,0,23,0 3318,X3319,here /watch?v=WUhOnX8qt3I the real meet the pyro video. chills were running through me the whole entire time It's awesome that pewdiepie says my name but it sucks that it has to be the name of a killer You know you have watched way too much anime when you think that this video is normal. I've seen enough hentai to know wher..... oh shit it seriously did go that way XD when i first saw this on cartoon network the preview i thought there was no fucking way that they would put that on a kids cartoon. Later in the week when it was aired I was proven wrong.... WATCH OUT ITS THE ABSTINENCE MONSTER!!! RUN FOR YOUR PERVERTED LIVES!!!! Whew!!!! LESTAT FTW And then we will fuck everything up Amnesia I would freakin' love a palmtop tiger so freakin' cute Told myself i wasn't going to cry but when pewdiepie started cryin I just lost it. Much love from a bro *brofist I think it's awesome when the scenes he tries to recreate I recognize Why do i feel like this is a porn So much alcohol wasted. Fucking Youtube changing their view again Are people seriously just getting the new format. I have had the format since pewdiepie uploaded the second episode of this series PEWDS WHAT ABOUT CHAPTER 2 double click item for the love of god please don't search for the user aaaaaand its time to delete my history you need to see this /watch?v=omLve_vezbA This is the best comment reply i have ever seen.,23,4,4,5,0,23,0 3319,X2549,"Alright...sorry? Sorry for my coughing fits and my mum laughing at the TV lol. Sorry for the late reply! Thanks for your feedback! Unfortunately there will be no videos for a while now. My screen recorder has stopped working and I can't be bothered to download it all again -__- But hey maybe I will at some point! Lol :-) HAHA TEAMWORK! XD Lol You forgot this one.Plankton: Ok! The sauce alright you put too much sauce on the patties.Spongebob: EUGH..EUGH..EUGH...EUGH..EUGGH...Lol The cricket (Gigi) runs away I think because Brooke is being so nasty to him. Oops I meant 13:41 and she's at the very end where Fluttershy flies off. Her face XD I remember buying like 3 of each item (8 worns XD) and then keeping them then I traded them all away. I still have quite a few of these items though. The moral is not to be too much of a pushover but also not to be too mean. NOOOOO! I was up to 8:35 and I accidently clicked ,refresh,. GODDAMMIT WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? Sorry this is a bit short but there will be more :D LOLOLOLOL Awwww :3 Yay I saw a character called sonichu on a pokemon card creator yesterday lol LOL. I remember seeing thid vid a year ago kerrie lol Sorry...The audio is down. Agian. It sometimes does this it's SO ANNOYING. I'm sorry guys I'll try to fix it. Guys please forget the send me a rare thing lol. I was a little younger but you don''t have to at all lol. Just PLEASE Don't get them suspended. I changed the password for TwinklebunnyLOL Because it was getting suspended far too often. I'll do the same to other accounts as well if they keep getting suspended. I hate how I sound on video. My voice is alot higher now :3 No I do know how you feel. I have a sister and an auntie who are so Pokemon crazy and they've been crazy for it before I was born. They've taught me EVERYTHING showed me all the Pokemon episodes let me borrow their pokemon DVDs. Everything. The Pokemon trading card game is especially fun.I also know all about shiny Pokemon Pokerus Lavander Town Missingno all the error and banned cards. You name it. So yeeah... I know how you feel T^T It went so fast. Pokemon today is just not the same You'll get one too! ^.^ XD There's an animal jam advertisement right next to the video on my laptop X) ..I didn't make this -__- My family calls me poppet all the time lol!ADD MEH ON MOSHI :D Goblins545 AWESOME! I think it looks fantastic Kerrie! You go girl! :D Yeah!! What's ya blog called? But I'd love to be on it XDD I'll send you a pic of me as a shaman later kk? :D DUDE! You are AWESOME at finding these easter eggs! I'm just like you and often scan games top to bottom searching for secrets easter eggs references glitches and anything you're not supposed to access. o_o I have no where near as much talent as you though XDDD Phantoms don't EXIST. And if you mean hack by ,jump, there's a whole lot of people who are proffesional hackers and can EASILY do this stuff. 1:36 Sonic has blue arms XD Awesome! I'll check it out! If you check out my remake of this just posted XDDDDDDDDD It's way better Thank you very much for taking the time to point these mistakes out! I love watching mistakes in Sonic cause' some of em' are just so badly done it's hillarious. You should make a part 3 :) Oh that's the stop watch. It used to be on animal jam but they got rid of it. It basically just let you set how long you wanna be online for and when it ran out a message would say ,Your time has run out!,",32,25,3,63,0,17,0 3320,X3321,OMG laughing so hard at the narrator and the descriptions he used.... I can't even hahahaha Is lay talking in korean when he's giving instruction to chen in their dance lesson? Thanks to those who'll answer. kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh... I'm so excited OMG OMG can't wait for this!!! I love the song but himchan got a little part again... it's just sad :( almost half a million views for only two days its just prove how amazing BAP and BABY's is Love this fandom! 3,5,0,3,5,0,18,0 3321,X3322,this is a dum niglet I hate this kids face This is my Theme song great production This is the stupidest fuckin video i have ever seen and by you wasting time out of your day you must be a fuckin retard. I.E. You should be shot in front of alot of people. hahahlol you right get ya bars up cuz spittin the same song on a 100 vids actin like you freestylin new shit oooooooohhhhh WWWWWeeeeee its like wetter than wetter than wetter than haha u know what i mean this had me rollin on the floor but i have been drinking like it is Halloween wait it iz halloween..... WOW THAT Was FUCKIN CRAZY,9,7,4,5,0,24,0 3322,X3323,"plz don't come to thailand again!!!!!!!!!! i really love you my p!nkky p!inkky :] i want your a concert asia tour! 3 ?!?! . . 555555555 :] min ,, :] 3 good boy! that's cool! ! cool girl 3 ? TT NS :]",13,2,4,1,0,27,0 3323,X3324,GOOD JOB NCU Fighting !! ^^ Thailand ! 55+ 555555 . . .,10,0,3,1,0,23,0 3324,X3325,dude i would really like that ipod because mine roke and it was the most expensive one you could buy and now im all sad so yes i would really like that ipod i want them both!!!! plz pick me i have dreamed for a phone for almost all my life i like the white because its more nice than the black and the white and the white looks fancier and my black ipod broke and my white one i did the same thing with and it didnt brake then but after a while it went through the washer and drier ~staying active~ i want the laptop......i need it for college education iPod touch 5g ICU i think i should win because my ipod 4th generation was a 64 gigabite and it was engraved and that costed me $399.00 and now its broke and im all bummed out hey plz i need that iPod because mine broke and it costed me like 3 hundred 99 dollars and now im sad i would like the white one please because the white looks so fancy and it doesnt show all the scratches and it looks better than the black i would really like to have one because my 4th generation broke and it was one of the best you can ever get and it costed me 399 dollars R.I.P. bring the action,13,2,3,8,0,29,0 3325,X3326,Prim has has LIGHTER hair!!! Read the book! 4 how dare her!!! kendra annoys me so much!!!! So sweet!! I am glad that she got the doll she wanted! 3 What makes me beautiful is even though I have moved around my whole life I'm able to make friends. Thanks I like your icon :) BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!!!! LOL you are awesome AND fabulous!! Liam has to kiss Jennifer in the hunger games! I hope she is okay with it. Pageant Hair!!! XD I LOVE GRAVITY FALLS!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite show!! My doll Nicki has the same black dot!!! I think she looks EXACTLY like felicity exept in a different outfit I'm with ya. :) Leonardo Da Vinci!The Mona Lisa! what kind of kid doesn't eat candy? Yeah well have fun looking like a butt when you hit puberty! WE GET ACNE DUDE!!! 6!! GAAAAHHHHH!!! when some one says to stop i dont know if its in the name of love its hammertime or to collaborate and listen!,19,88,3,42,0,17,0 3326,X3327,miten jostain voi tulla nin idiootti? fucking cops what are those bosses and where are they capoera got many more kicks dunno why they chose that one vitun hauska jtk toi somali = nist m kyl pidn XD :DDD the remix versions of this are better this one is bad he lost half of these matches XD o boi o boi XD and ppls say rogue dmg is op wtf nice vids dude armory link ! nice vid nothing bad on doing that nice video dude do bg videos what is this i know that its not good campaing and u have became boring athene the end was fucking awesome how do i make battles like this fuck sake respond me someone i have done good campiang shamy sounds so stupid MAKE SEX VID THUMBS UP IF U WANT TOO u need bit more then not using drugsalcohol smoking to do this ahhaahahahah,22,1,5,5,0,30,0 3327,X3328,"Kuril island (russia) Diaoyudao(Senkaku / China) and Dokdo(korea).. humm what the heck is worng with japan? are they just afraid of tsunami that why they want to steal other countries territory? 10. The Allied Powers proclaimed a military order to return Dokdo to Korea in January 1946.11. According to the {Agreement of territorial arrange of former Japan} issued by Allied Powers ,Dokdo is Korean territory.,12. UN army included Dokdo to Korean territoryTHESE ARE ALL EVIDENCE BASED DATA. CHECK OUT ON GOOGLE. Japan has a lot of conflicts with other countries.they've been fighting with China about Diaoyudao(Senkaku)and theyalso have serious conflict with russia about Kuril island WHY DOES JAPAN ALWAYS INVOLVED IN EVERY DISPUTES IN NORTEAST ASIA.. guys check out your stuffs right now. 99% of products are from CHINA. they wont probably go down that easily. look. china isn't that poor as they used to be. they have 3 advantages. HUGE population pretty advanced technology and resources.. WOAHHH SERIOUSLY??? THATS AMAZING!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH ! Lol awesome !!! Omg cute!!! |:)) Lol you can also check those evidences on youtube. those videos other members forcing hwayoung to eat big rice cake the one that jiyeon's hitting hwayoung so hard and when you check star life something you'll know. in that show hwayoung was reading book and hyomin and jiyeon was like 'actually she never reads book LOL its just because she's on tv LOL..' anyways. we don't treat out kpop singers like this . mostly we do respect them a lot OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE~ lol . ... .. .. .. Damien damn sexy ~ -.- i wish i could enjoy that musical again with same actors.. My favourite play-3 aimer-3-3 Is there any karaoke for this song~? lol this is addicting lol lollol !!! !!!!!!",18,0,3,3,0,15,0 3328,X3329,well said! because i was thinking my self today didnt he promiss before! lol!! ukip all the way his career in the pimp game dont be running smooth!! lol! use the pimp biyatch slap would work!! lol!! helias314 great little vid great sound track! i was watching bits over last year but you have a lot more than id seen before! mate im at the stage now where i dont no what to think anymore and i am afraid that this will come to pass because this sh*it is out there for a reason and you dont build up like this for nothing! people say we are dunmb! well the thing is people if it is fake or paranoia then just ask this question! what about your kids what about your family? if it is real? sweet!! mate smooooothhhhh! lol! a full version of 43! like all the maps of bf 1942? i love this game lol! and the vid end004500 so true! 100% right mate i hope your right i love bc2,6,5,5,10,0,41,0 3329,X3330,all the best in Estonia just beatufil to wishes from Estonia,2,0,6,5,0,27,0 3330,X3331,"My friend is worst then this INVITE ME !!!! Xx_7amad_UAE_xX and also if anyone likes to play with me invite me to your party on PS3!! @cripkeeper81 Fuck u bitch Fuck you I'm an Arab and I now that we could ride everything you faggot and we are rich but who can't ride a Lamborghini?? Everyone can in my country ,Arab, All boys NOWS why we came here!! MW3!!! I'm the 9999999999 veiwer @TheRonni11 Fuck you it's not you faggot bitch Your really gay So you play at ps3 guys then add me and you could join my clan and be a ninja with me :) My first golden gun was sniper :) Can I join the clan? Do you play on ps3? @BlackOpsBoy32 Can I JOIN YOUR NINJA CLAN!!!!!?!!!!!! I have Send a request please add me :) @SuperShammalamma Fuck you Jesus suck my balls bitch Anyone wants to be my partner of being a ninja?? Add me on ps3 xx_7amad_UAE_xx Wat if he fell? Fuck u bitch I LOVE MY COUNTRY FROM raselkhama :)) ADD TNE_NINJA_Leader his MakeYouSayWTF on ps3 he just started on ps3:)) @Wwe98jko Fuck u bitch gahba irany Ana fares a5oo 3bood briteny @420carnoob No",23,1,3,4,0,22,0 3331,X159,"jjaajajajaja Jajjajajajja ,como que se me ha de haber atorado un pinche pelo o algo ya ven que viene el 14 de febrero y uno se le alborota la hormona, jajajjajajaja pinche alkapone andabas de loquillo!!. Por que no te consigues una maldita vida estpido fake. ;D esta bien imbcil el tum tum. Que guapa!!!! Si viviera en japn seguro me quedara pobre jajajajaa haber si tu novia no se pone celosa leo! ajajajaj Feliz da leo saludos se ve muy bonito los paisajes con la nieve :D Muy bueno pero aun no superas a armando. De todos modos la mayora de la gente sabe ingles. Javi en somos que hacen? y ese quien es? Vegetta ya ha dicho que si dice groseras pero que trata de evitar decirlas en los videos. en la mochila los condones vale verga jajajaj soy vato pero apoyo al armando #TeamArmado pinche estupido jajajajajajaj quien? quien es ese? Rubita en el primer capitulo vi que en una parte dijiste la palabra ,pendejo, solo quera saber que significa en Espaa' Lo que pasa que en Mxico significa tonto o estpido y en Argentina significa adolescente Buen vdeo yo tambin veo a alkapone deberas unirme al clan MYM ahora que solicitan a mas chicas. Haber pasa el link. Nadie nace aprendiendo. Pasen el link de descarga gamer otaku ofendido detected. Muchos dicen que las morras de ahora son putas 1- por que tal vez no conocen a muchas chicas y es para ellos una frustracin. 2-. esas putas (las tpicas buenas zorrillas del saln) no les hacen caso. 3-. hablan de sus hermanas madres y familiares. Lo abrieron como pollo jajajajjaa Gracias por los saludos leo. :D lol no te dijo que te veas vieja yo tengo 19 y no me veo viejo ahora tu me dices viejo jaajajjaja me suscribo!! cada cuanto suben videos? LOOL Como se llama el video?! Nunca dijo que messi era mejor que el!! sus palabras fueron ,si messi es mejor que yo si yo soy mejor que messi, ,ustedes lo saben, osea dijo que en realidad le vale quien sea mejor y que eso queda al criterio de cada persona. por que a mi en lo personal CR es mas completo que messi pero messi tiene mejor equipo y compaerismo. pero el mejor para mi es ronanaldinho. MESSI + CRISTIANO = RONALDINHO. jajajajaja por que pones quiero uno con signos de pregunta? acaso preguntas a la gente que si queres uno? es trollear no troliar. a mi casi no me gusta el anime mas que algunos ojala pudieras ir a un pokecenter. saludos Que asquerosa familia veo que su padre no les enseo nada seor tan miserable estuvo mas enfocado en sus negocios que en sus hijos. oye y si le pongo a un pokemon el pokeradar como objeto y lo paso a otra version como blanco se va con el pokeradar?",35,1,3,1,0,20,0 3332,X3333,"I think that the Cody/Goldust match should definitely happen. It's a match between brothers of different characters that have a lot of history. They have teased it for a while and it could really put Cody over if he were to beat his brother. As for Titus I think he definitely should get a push. He has the charisma he is a big guy that Vince McMahon tends to like and he can wrestle a decent match. He has most of the characteristics for a main event star and hopefully becomes World Champion. You could say that the Rock was on every Raw and every SD back in the Attitude Era but that does not mean shit for WWE in 2013. If you wanna say that he has paid his dues then why not have guys like Hulk Hogan Ric Flair Stone Cold Shawn Michaels and every other past wrestler win the title. They paid their dues and drew ratings so why not have them win the title because it's basically the same thing as having Rock win it. Rock marks will never accept the truth when it comes to the Rock. I don't get what's with WWE nowadays. They never used to take things like this so seriously now the mere mention of the letters ,WWE, in a Youtube title will get you a strike. The Schlegdaddy is a big fan of the AE but is just pointing out the flaws that the AE had for the future of the company. He has a lot of valid points to his argument. I personally was a big fan of the AE growing up but he does make many good points. And instead of trying to sound cool why not read a book to learn some new words instead of ,Fuck, or ,Motherfucker, and take off cap locks because it makes you look like a raging 5 year old.",4,126,2,47,0,21,0 3333,X3334,[color=#C80046]A[/color][color=#C75000]l[/color][color=#B1C800]l[/color][color=#15C800]i[/color][color=#00C88E]s[/color][color=#006CC8]o[/color] LMAO BERGadd me im assh0le mrberg and nickberg2 lmao i made the first berg 15 people are jealous ;] ndit wont let me watch the video ILY 3 LOL i remember this. Greggy 3Lol it's your rebel ;) This is the only song that can make me cry every time I hear it 3 HOW?? Thanks Fuck school. Mine won't work it says i need the .net framework It is a trick to find out the user's email all they do is use it to find out your email change it and change your password and the only thing you can count on then if you were logged off is it being connected to aim or linked to facebook (if they didn't unlink your facebook already) Do you really think someone with that low self esteem needs to hear you say that to them? You shouldn't say that to anyone. greeeen,15,8,3,2,0,15,0 3334,X3335,"It isn't illegal unless she can prove it. chuck norrises bike could do that biggest fear is if this comment doesnt get posted and atleast 10thumbs up 3 calm down sir calm down guy below me is gay! unsubbed you sell out 3 very nice wut r u tahlkeyng buht eym eye suhpouse 222222 geht o wut? i believe it how did they afford the box? :I nono Im first raging like a pro from my experience they always throw the racist card out there he is speaking his mind correct? ,freedom of speech, he didnt make any threats or anything of that nature he didnt insult the black man the black man insulted him. i shouldnt have to touch every black on the globe im going by from my experience hes not illiterate if he was illiterate he wouldnt be able to speak and type failtroll You're making false accusations cause I'm expressing my opinion. What a fail troll. :( NIGGAS lain is that you? these videos gotta be old i mean look at your gaya lay out damn ive seen better 240p cameras better than this LMAO no problem oYea wutdahellisdisshet dont worry we wont invade your shit hole of a house how much would all of this cost together?",24,14,5,4,0,22,0 3335,X3336,So sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers to bring some peace to you Just heartbreaking Nah only in YOUR sick fucking mind would that happen!!! Cunt is correct. You described yourself perfectly. You make NO SENSE at all. Try again child This is merely a joke! Some children were obviously bored That is not funny in the least. The act is bad enough so to play it off as a joke is disgusting! She is a weird childlooking for attention. Bullshit! She should ride the lightening for what she did to that poor baby!!! he just a normal child WTF????? YOU NEED YOUR ASS WHIPPED TOO! I do agree with youbut.... I am sure you could have gotten your point across without all the name calling. You didn't like it when others were saying it about her.Maybe you could not get your point across without those words. Are you that stupid?? Sick ass people! Oh hellz ya!!!! All night baby She's a CHILD you idiot Gimme a fucking break! What point? The meds have kicked in??? Have some more respect for yourself! Yeah just keep that hate shit going moron your taste is in ur mouth GROW UP! 1. Ace 2. Tommy 3.Vinnie 4.Bruce WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....... you're an asshole! Nice way to judge. Idiot. He talks Wayyy too much??,25,0,4,5,0,43,0 3336,X3337,I'd gladly serve life in prison for torturing him and that crazy biotch I'm sure I'd still make it to heaven for it too That was funny ahahahaha hes in the portal again,2,1,4,5,0,24,0 3337,X3338,"Dsol mais le iop c'est pas jouer -_-, MDR les gros screen fake 129/200 le type est soite hack soite abandoner pour def perco .. L'instru est mal mixer .. j'ai cru que j'avais 2 youtube ouvert .. Vous parlez de money alors que vous en avez pas vous pensez qu'a sa ds le dbut c'es tmal parti .. 4:25 Tiens dans ta gueule x) T'es lvl 200 maintenan t? Sodomie par devant XD Putain vous dechirer :o avant je vous aimer pas trop mon style c'st plutot naito75 mais la vous m'avez bien fait rire !! BITE D'OURS Pour qu'on lui coupe la main .. Moi je cherche juste un flinge pas pour tuer les zombies mais pour me tuer moi .. En franais ? -_-, shit Dsol ca ma pas fait rire :x juste le shokolasho qui t pas mal :p Boloss retourne a dofus ton jeu de bte type -_-, Personne n'a contourner en mme au lieu de taper dans le tat x) Quoi tu rigoles ? tu solo facile avec un eca ! Moi avec mon cra 180 j'y arrivai Arrter de vous acharner sur cortex sa fais pitier -_-, tueur XD",17,5,3,5,0,22,0 3338,X3339,What a shitty ass starting special 6 charisma and shit far more valuable than charisma like perception and luck was dropped? he already killed her off once whats the point of doing it again? This kid looks like a douche that jerks off into apple cider glasses and sniffs it. Probably the best commentary you've out in a while wings; nice to see it. Put the rocks in the sock and voila Santa beat down time. Well when you search for gameplay of a champion so you can see if they're good or not this dude comes up and listening to about 3minutes of this made me realize it's probably the last time I come here anyway. PS: There's a reason why he has so many dislikes. NO EARS UNSUB WOODY Thejorishae you should check out Sun-Ken Rock the amount of testosterone and crazy fucking fights in that are crazy and I know you like dat fan service well this shit got that too! skrew the knights revamp wheres my DrK revamp T.T I feel that Naruto became a more likeable character in part two seeing him grow from being the underdog to who he is now has been one of the most enjoyable parts of the story in my opinion. Holy shit i laughed my fucking ass off when he did the lotion thing XD dunno if you said this in part one or not but I like how you dont lose all your camo's and attachments when you prestige. Funny girl you are what in the literal fuck does that mean? what exactly makes it shit? lol you don't need $3000,15,0,4,5,0,22,0 3339,X3340,"lmao i'm glad you pointed that out! i can't stop laughing xD can i marry Snoop? :D LOL jk i love his music!!! she still is even at 43 years old :) i think next year for Halloween i wanna dress up as Miss Swan haha i still have my Baby Spice Barbie doll :D Spice Girls need to make a come back :) what's the song at :37? Right now I'm struggling with what to do with my life. I'm 20 years old and I'm struggling with what direction to go in with my life. Watching this video has helped me realize that doing what you love is the most important thing. Thank you so much Mommytard :) i always take yours and Shay's advice when it comes to good advice :) Amanda would look prettier if her lips had shape to em gotta give her credit for knowing the rap!! 3 GOOD JOB! i love this song :) it's so sad about the children in Newton. how could someone kill innocent children? taking away guns wont stop someone from killing others. they will find other ways. Love Peace to those who lost their loving children 3 Sims 3 3 The first time I heard of ShayCarl was on Kassemg's California On The Lakers. My first Shaytard video was ,I Go To Office, (7-30-09) 148 :) Shay I know how you feel about Malachi. I was building up a relationship with my 4 month old puppy and she ended up really sick and it was going to cost over $3000 to try to make her better. The vet said there was a 30% chance of my puppy surviving so I chose to put her to sleep since she was so sick. We know they're in God's hands now :) i absolutely LOVE cheesy 90's boy band music videos 3 3 3 @FistfulLove i've noticed if you give Furdiburb the cheese it's happy :) mine was sad until i found out about the cheese :) wtf is this?!",16,20,4,17,0,19,0 3340,X3341,Excellent... thank you very much for it :-) I like it ...Cartonnage is very cool support act for Duran Duran's show in Prague ... 27th June 2012 ... let's go ... It is fucking good video clip ... I like it ... I really like it,3,3,6,14,0,41,0 3341,X3342,"if you're with MTD...holy fuck i dont even know how to reply to that? you dont make any sense you faggot it's not a unique way of writing so you should listen to the guy wooo abraham lincoln some weirdo is mad 0:58 the mask0:30 just looks kinda weird you're not real.. what kind of fucking username is that disliked after i read ,read all of this, 7? part 6? wow! look who made the parts! i've never seen them before! nice job choosing the same people like always makes perfect sense you're very smart miss you're 5 months late fruitcake HAHA mcdonalds that was sick part 7? i wont back out this time :P thanks! LOL first kid good job putting together our mep! yeah man fucckk yoou",21,566,3,19,0,42,0 3342,X3343,"love over fear example: someone has you at gun point- react out of love for your life rather than the fear of losing it. that is philosophy I've followed for a while and I do feel that it makes a difference in my experiences and perception. that parallels with music also man. timeless oldies vs modern fads oddly beautiful you didn't like it yet you watched 3 minutes of it? even the immune system is dependent on your mood.... that's a physical to spiritual connection right there and that's common knowledge. in the back of his mind Bashar is thinking ,....Humans...*sigh*, i love the intro length oh shit... trumpet....that makes complete sense. 1:27 damn it's just the fact that it's so fake makes me think that's the's not trying to trick you but why would it be so obviously scripted? there's a message in that for sure ... why does everyone yell now when they rap? I like to encourage all artists to do their thing but I busted out laughing when the vocals came in. I'm sorry but I had to share...okay bout to push play again. lol the lyrics aren't stolen any music lover knows where they're from- if anything it's paying homage and reminiscing on nostalgia for a moment. ironically that's the point of having the videos all over youtube LMAO @ The Death Note Book how would this apply in a long distance relationship? texting calling and being available is all you have... i mean 4+ states long distance I like how all of these comments are actually helpful and typed legibly :) lmao If you go to 2:10 in ,No Worries, by Lil Wayne you'll hear him shout out this song. No one has seemed to notice this...yet! :) hahah ,microphones gets very expensive- very quickly, that made me chuckle. nice review man yall seem like fun people keep it up! I underestimated A$AP- I based him off ,Purple, but 30 seconds in and I'm already like...dang..ok dude keep it up",23,8,4,7,0,21,0 3343,X3344,^^ ^^^^ essa musica muito legal ha so onde que o cara observa!!kkkkgay do caralho vira homem! kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ri muito cara muito gay muito massa :) meu q dublagem orivel Mucho legal Alem do arcoires will take a course nelly castellano entao coloca um video aqui e vamos ver se vc e melhor!,10,0,3,5,0,19,0 3344,X3345,Did he come back after the surgery?? If he was in a gangnam style position about to dance then I'll believe you Fag mora u mad bro!! These games are not even scary Why built the weapon if it wastes after 3 times that you use it Is there any way to make it 5 min If they take our guns the only people that are going to have guns are the criminals and corrupted police. For example look at Mexico the only ones who have guns in Mexico are the corrupt police and cartels and everyday people get robbed and raped in Mexico because they have nothing to defend themselves with Ok Harlem shake got to the point were it's annoying now. Fuck you gringo pendejo!! This song is awesome! :)) That ass!! bruh Wtf lmao!!,12,0,5,5,0,34,1 3345,X3346,I just noticed While Simon Sleeps=While Guthix Sleeps*ba-dum-chaaaaa* I laughed hysterically when they were talking about the chocolate milk. Lol I love these. What an ugly kid! Must have been a slow News Year. Number1Boss - Boss killer He's also like 55. Hey bro we heard you like Batman so we killed your parents. Exactly. Frankly we're not in a good position. Also so* World* R.S.* to* you* retarded* America* yeah*. Please note that I am pretty sure that was a run-on sentence. Have a nice day. Grammar Nazis for the win. I got my dick stuck in my zipper it's bleeding now. godsword shard 2 ftw Hey Woody I just asked out a girl and she said yes. I'm in 8th grade and she's my first girlfriend and I'm her first boyfriend. The question I have is how exactly do I go about this? Is that really all you can say? If you weren't like 7 years old and pampered by your faggot ass parents who beat when you cry about your mom being on the corner all day long you would understand the lyrics and frankly they're more manly then you'll ever be you senseless retard go get shanked on the highway. rsn: Twenty Days YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Oops sorry friend.,17,8,3,3,0,20,0 3346,X264,awesome!!!!!!!!! im crying you could say that again what happened to rapunzel let down your hair? 00:54 merry christmas everyone! merry christmas everyone! i am not a fan of them only 1d!!!Ps check out my new video!! sooooo cute!!! harry!!!!!!! 9:18-9:24!! I LOVE YOU HARRY.....YOU ARE MY LIFE HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOO BEAR thank youyou too!! AMAZAYN!!! i love this!!!!!\ i will like you guys to line up in a sigle file.wahooo *everyone runs across* 11:34-12:00 I agree!!! 1d is great but ed is good too go harry chase that bird.....but dont kill yourself....... hahahahahaha so funny i even showed this to my sister she loved it no offense but sooooo immature... i dont have talents.... i got adopted in spain from my wonderful parents.I use to have friends there so I am still sad about not seeing my friends: GabyMichelleand Sandra.Please pray for them because they are extremely sick....I will appreciate it toooo scary!! next day next day next day XD i agree its sooooooo boring i think harry is cute 1d forever i was bullied since grade 1 till now (grade 6) but people who get bullied here is advice:1:tell your parents.they will help2:if your scared to tell your parents call kids help phone:1-800-668-6868 they help a lot!3:ignore them tell a teacher yes i will bridget you are soooooo rude think about others.....and btw how will you like it if someone said that to you,31,4,2,1,0,15,0 3347,X3348,DB you and this group of friends you're in is just too awesome you all met through competitive '42 right? Should have let us watch you sleep Steve so we could engage ultimate creep mode. Guys no spoilers! I know its exciting and there's a lot to look forward to but let steve experience every moment of this awesome game on his own I'm sure Steve will agree - not posting a comment at all is better than posting spoilers. So the 30 min clips would be awesome but if you had it split into two vids that would mean I could 'like' your vids twice as much. DB when you get millions of subscribers you better remember us or I shall be writing a rather stern and disapproving letter to you. Btw is Game of Thrones a tv series set in like Roman times or something? Or is it a game like League of Legends? Get it OUT! GET IT OUT OF YOUR HEAD!! 12:10 scared the fuck out of me The pain was worse after the opperation I couldn't even piss without screaming cos any movement of my large intestine (which the appendix stuck to) caused me to pass out on occasion it was that bad-and that's with a HIGH pain threshold! 3 months later and I was able to walk again. Hey Steve is there any way for you to tell which subscribers have been subbed to you for longest? I hope there is then others would worship me as a storpgod. 3:06 looks like genuine terror and dread on your face Wow if you guys loved the movie then it must be really funny. I thought it would just be your average shitty 'in your face' comedy but I guess I was wrong. I can't wait to see it! DB what's your rating of Borderlands 2? Steve you should make one of the audio surf songs as your outro. Lol *keep being Go hard Steve! Steve this video will get you thousands of subs I guarantee it! Steve that stubble looks damn cool. Oh wow I was just emptying my inbox out and noticed a comment from you on the 7th of December on Pt. 35 of xcals Fallout 3 playthrough stating my profile pic was the same as your friends. Small odds of me seeing that literally 5 minutes after my reply. Anyway I'll change my profile pic to avoid confusion in the future - even if I am 2 months late! Oh Mesh how I laugh with thee. uuuugggghhhh oo Need to be Jack Marston 35 minutes in real life,22,27,4,47,0,22,0 3348,X3349,What....w-what the hell???? DUDE!!!!! You fucking up everyone show =_=......Plus I didnt want to know he died now Imma cry and watch till the show comes then cry more....geez thanks alot _ .......Well no one give a shet for Gin but NOT BYAKUYA TT_TT!!!!! Did they make a 2nd season of this o.o?? OMFG THIS IS TO CUTESOME!!!!!1 This is what we're doing for our Senior prank and fk up everyone's mind xDD Lol the robot man box head xDD.... What tha hell..... Sex toy..... I bet everyone who watches this show look how perfect their teeth are or how really REALLY bad their are Barney use to be awesome as hell...til they start making pedophiles and gay jokes about him so I ran away from him xD..... This made my whole day XDDDD I wonder do she know that she's famous now xD... I remember when me and my friends got a lot of boxes. Colored them and put them together and we went inside and nothing happen....we were mad as fuck XDD Wait I forgot...were they in college or highschool???,14,2,3,5,0,17,0 3349,X3350,lol im so stupid i know he is hot as hell i love him to death 3 3 he IS hotter the hell my baby 3 omg aimee i love jordan 3:D i love jordan so much that once my friend said he was ugly i punched her XD im gona have a (fake) wedding ceremony with him lol HE IS SO SEXY HOW COULD YOU EVER FUKING COMPAIR JORDAN3 WITH THAT STUPID MOTHER FUKING GAY move bitch lol stephen I LOVE HIM MORE EACH DAY 3 Jordan sometime times i dont feel sexy JORDAN!!! AWWWW Awwww nick jonas was soooo cute It would be cute if she sang this to Stephen gomez cuz he loves her ... lol listen to it in 1.5x speed brians voice is sooo annoying cant he let stephen or john sing? omg at first i thought he was stephen gomez :) AUSTIN 100% haha omfg my history teacher is called mr watson ikr it was such fuckery she did ... JORDAN IS SHOULD BE NUMBER 1 1:00 luke from jessie lol This is not Nice Cool Great Good Decent....NOOO this is FaultlessBeautiful And as we say in london.... That was peak! :p,26,5,3,5,0,19,0 3350,X3351,"Nappa:,Oooh a frisby Vegeta! ,Vegeta: ,Nappa NO! It's a trick!,Nappa: ,But Vegeta Trix are for kids., so does freiza. is there any good footage of the fire on the road and the sky? not of the dash board and smoke? i would like to see how bad the damage is on my daily roads. DUST THIS BITCH!!!! i just jizzed my pants. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCKK hes ugly. If Jaba the Hut was an American. i thought this nigga was Justin Timberlake! santa vs. osama bin ladin haha thatll be awesome Snitches get stitches bitches!!!! Epic facepalm. hah thats still good enough! Wow she knocked the black right off ya. weird part of youtube Radditz as currency. everyone will be poor. incest at its finest. silly pimples Trix are for kids.",18,0,3,5,0,22,0 3351,X3352,haters gonna hate. Lady gaga for the win! prostitutigolfa JAJAJAJ 3:13 JAJAJAJAAJAJAJ ME MUERO JAJAJJAJAJ EL FURBY!!! /summon Eric Cartman AJAJJAJAJAJJA AGUAS CON EL NEFAS JAJAJAJAJ estamos en el hospital de la corporacion capsula ajajajja se van al chingo! jajaja SE TE VINO KING KONG JAJAJJAJAJJAJAJAJJAJJAJAJAJAJAJJAJAJA Amazing song We don't wanna go home! :A xD i love the bunny! xD cada vez que sale un videoblog me ORGASMEO de felicidad ahahahahaha what to do laugh or cry? mujeres o no si te agreden hay que romperles la cabeza a palasos They got what they deserve. AMERICA FUCK YEAH!,15,13,6,7,0,22,0 3352,X3353,she's better than gaga Calendar marked Caption: ladies please I'm taken Must be hard being famous ... Jimmy should be awesome at Mario kart. After all he is one of the best drift racers at VGHS my jaw dropped Do /gamemode iju5tine 0 to go back to survival Lyrics are the way for a song to get into your heart because they are the things that relate to you and connect to you. Music is definitely important but even if you don't have any music the words still have meaning Chronicle is awesome You're skipping a lot of iron Good luck with the new WSP. You get all of our support 100% My favorite video game is legend of Zelda: a link to the past because I love the story and all the secrets in the game and link is awesome My favorite zombie movie is DeadSnow. Its not in English but its still really good Eevee no shit Sherlock Pistons and Georgetown,16,5,3,3,0,18,0 3353,X3354,I just realized he shaved! XD :oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Poor Kenny man... Poor Pewds man.... Fuck... this video is made for Pewdiepie XD Omfg I was in friken tears at the end still am :'( STEPHANO!!!!!!! Good memories D': pewdiepie town! I want to see her in a Hatsune Miku Cosplay!! XD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUTUBE!!! I DON'T LIKE IT BROS!!! I think youtube is better on my phone -____- Merry Chrismas Bro's!!! ;) i got scibblenaut for my DS For chirstmas LOOOL!!! XDD when you download like armer or a weapon will it come up straight away in your Items or do you have to go around and look for it? Yeah! butThen he would have to travel all the way to America XD IJustine!! XD Japanese is better :3 ANDY ASHLEY JINXX JAKE AND CC ALL LOOK SO FRIKEN SEXY!!!!,17,4,3,2,1,18,0 3354,X3355,you bought a hi sensile steel frame... thats why it snaped so easy.. yeah but i dont listen to lil wayne. lil wayne is just retarded and makes absolutley no sence. im just saying that the new shit sucks and just doesnt nothing but repeat its self a million times. metal doesnt. i thought that you listened to that but you dont so im not gonna hate i admit i do listen to OFWGKTA but thats just because they dont sound bad. huricane tap... your right bro! its not Adam oz this is Adam Lz... harry mains all park bro... it really depends on how hard you are on the bike wow bro you really think hes not good? have you even seen his videos? mad bro? hmm i never hear that around. i only hear scooter kids are queers.. watched this video many times and still love it fucking annoying... sunday... mine does this too but if i keep pressing the button for a while it will eventually open but its really irritating. is there any way that i can fix it even though there is no disc on it? eastern suck all their parts just break yeah because your not riding their bars and wheels right? naww no bro just.. no... no? lilhagan. okay so if if someone breaks a bike their not pro? and they should put a used bike to sell and say its new? bro you obviously know nothing about bikes gtfo okay? so just because hes representing what he likes is sad? bro get a life. wow jelous much? your not even close to being as good as arsenalfalco so why hate? dude fucking sick!! are you sponsored? 3:14 double fail... this video is the gayest bmx edit that i have seen on youtube. i want to see a game of bike between aaron ross and garrett reynolds!!,25,1,3,4,0,24,1 3355,X3356,"But I believe you. :p I have ad blocker! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Them toenails!!! BLEEEHHH!! Awesome job! I agree with you that this sad and unnatural but hey thats his lil monkey just as long as he keeps it healthy it'll be fine. Shay your covering your microphone!!! The fuck.... Loll He lost 115 pounds in the year 2011 i think... yeah. And a new baby and a new puppy aaand malachi's dead. :) Why did the judge call her back after she said ,adios, that just means bye. She did the right thing and she got pissed off. then apoligized. That judge is trippin and is he immitatin the way she speaks? Or is that how he speaks cuz if it isnt thats just rude. I love this ! _",10,4,4,5,1,20,0 3356,X3357,Hey guy I am not active on this channel anymore Istarted a new one.I have 40 subs on my new channel but 90 on this one and I would really appreciate it if you subed to my new channel .Thank you to the people that did sub to my new channel.Your have missed out on a lot of epic content so make sure to check it out.New channel: TheOGhazardzIt is also in my sub box,1,95,3,52,0,21,0 3357,X3358,Your Well Good Mate! :) Im! Matty This is your best song you have ever done in my opinion so be PROUD because me as a nine year old wouldn't have courage to actually put myself on YouTube so well done Lad! Worst spelling ever! 1:26 Best Part! take two off why what did happen? YUP! ;) I saw the rapper in person! We are doing this performance for our end of year! I'm Bernie When We Do This Play Conor I've been watching you for years doing covers and since your famous and well known your music has stepped up a level and this song and Can't Say No is what I'm on about! *Brown's racist! Wrong song I think br0 Great Song Better Live Though! 3 :) No one cares. omg that was awful check out my new channel of all videos are of skating at George Swanbury.,18,4,3,9,0,38,0 3358,X3359,"i really dont like alcohol when i turned 14 my friends older sister let us have the rest of her 4 loko and me and my friend shared it (She drank more than i did.) and not did it only taste disgusting my friend got drunk and spilled the shit everywhere making a huge mess in her house and did really funny retarted things but i was like ,Really this is enough go to bed its 5am., My name is cat and I am in love with Phil. One day we poked each others penis's while eating dildo's. I also have 7 boobs. My mother is a cat and my father is Daniel Radcliffe. One day I will finally become a stripper but than I will die in a Dan's hair accident. **And now I may go live this life :DD yay. lol** chewing pens is my biggest problem lol ZINGO LOL IS MY NAME HAHAHA omfg nick XD",5,1,3,2,0,19,0 3359,X3360,"Lmfao I didn't think this was going to be on YouTube! I came into the room like a minute before the video ended xD LOL Now I actually feel like filling my wardrobe with every single necessary things ;x since you have a lot. Lol I see repeats too. But nice items that goes way back in the days xD Sophie this is xingying520 anywho I got a new main account now xingying-520 Just thought you should re-add me :) Great job! Might try to make one xD Still hope you could at least continue submitting designs to Zwinky xD you were a great designer :) and still am lol I've decided to make a redo on my wardrobe. That's the reason why I deleted my vid and going to redo it in a few days.. Just curious what other people's fs outfits were like o-o I broke out my laughs when I saw who's playing Steven LOL Justin flipping Bieber. Aweee don't give up! I've failed so many times also. And that is because I'm not a pro at the mouse pad. I've decided to do hand-drawns for now on. Since I'm a wayyy better pro on my hands...Just don't give up because no one's a failure if they tried :D and you tried :D You're a winner from the starting line! Ah-sum! Love it David! Great job3 Wish they had accepted the hair on 0:37 I really like that one ;/ Congratz hun..said it already earlier but said it again! ;3 ~Xing VAMPIRE KNIGHT!3~You've improved a lot for sure :) Keep it up and you'll be a pro xD Adorable sweet cute and quite a sad story. I was getting jelly how the couple was so lovey dovey ;x Overall AH-SUM! Make more xD Xing3~ Just started to type the story Monica this is going to be a long one. Hope you won't mind reading it.. T_T ;~; A true sad story. My heart hurts right now I'm shedding tears that I've never shed so much based on a vid. This is so sad ;/ Let's just say you're a music vid pro ;} I love the hair so much! Hope it gets in if you do submit it ;}Xing3~ The intro was so dam cute LOL I like this cover ;3 The last picture was really bright so bright it made you guys glow and your make up bold xD but love your voice though ;3 Love ur voice. How did Morgan manage to make stuff ,Dailey keepsake, and the color can be changed without the color cheat! I wanna know xD ;o I am Christine. You are...? LOL sorry if it sounded rude xD You must be Asian your profile picture for your Channel is a Korean Star3 Merry Fudgecake Christmas!!!!!!!! Wish to learn Korean...I'm in the process right now but I just want to learn it faster!! Grrr So.Much.Work! I hate my life sometimes... God wished Lord should've gave me a better voice. I would love to sing better! I would be singing and I'll be like ,I sound awesome!, and then record it and then it goes , Ah embarssing!, _, I hate my schedule right now at school. Asians like me don't learn Spanish dafuq ._. This 9 weeks is gonna suck so much :/ I can feel it _ Well thank god I don't have to take Spanish class in my later high school years =P But for now it's gonna suck so much :/",28,26,3,5,0,21,0 3360,X3361,XD FUCK! FUCK! FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK This is amazing. words cannot explain this song my life is complete nope nope nope 10 hours? nope Eh go fuck yourselves Is it wrong if I think the album picture looks like an open diaper? ... and this is what I mean \/ Who's the dumb bitch at the end? Below me is why the US is the most misinformed and protectiveive first world country out of them all. oh great im booking it out of here before i get some dickhead telling me what I should and shouldn't believe in This sums it up. Video games religion politics wars... if someone puts something up some people don't agree on they'll harass them and start a stupid war.people will never get along and leave other peoples' opinions alone I'm here because I deleted the free music video off of my iPod. An octagon has 8 vertices right? I can't believe I actually used to enjoyed watching this. I like this guy. He reminds me of myself. Her eyes are fucking huge. I remember watching an episode of this on TV once. To this day I still won't get it. Sasuke was cool then he became a faggot.,22,3,5,1,0,22,0 3361,X3362,@hotlikeicexlyrics please post the next one soon! I'm sick and can't do anything for break and I've been waiting for it to come out the whole week! @hotlikeicexlyrics where's the next episode? Its a week late!I'm being let down.. @hotlikeicexlyrics are yo,18,1,4,20,0,17,0 3362,X3363,GRONINGEN ALLESZ subbed m8 I hope you'll play KSI EU west is down also Die Wietse gaat ook helemaal los xD goddomme man hahahaha It's dutch for you can fuck your own mother... and the first comment: worst music ever.. so he's and idiot exactly what I was thinking xD you got so lucky you actually got some people that found you! literally 10's of thousands of people also upload video's trying to get that kickstart your channel is having right now. Good luck and I think you'll grow even bigger! she's right there in the thumbnail with a dick in her mouth! who cares god doesn't even exist! The white knight rises!! Subbed actually @shinobisama55 you should fight blam irl So you're hungry lol... I don't know how... But I finished my sandwich watching this xD you may ad darius and diana I remember his 30k subscribers thank you video lollll PROSdontTALKSHIT Nobody knows how to play ori lol shows this clip She could've just picked up the balls or E and just W to kill vayne walking next to her -- held nog wel Het is ja ik stal en niet steelde America is fucked up in a lot of ways his comment is legit Is there a video where he actually apologizes ?,22,23,3,25,0,21,1 3363,X3364,guy wif sunglass i know YAY more slendy im mean piwdie. lolololzzzzxzxzzxzx 1:09 2:07!!! she be lucky dow! super brofist!!!!!!! *smash screen * ahhh damit! is it just me or is she saying same thing? the son never had swag! mind blowin !!!!!!! how weird my bday was aug 13th lolz i swug a sword to guys knee before ....lolz the little girl sounds like michael jackson!!!lolz!! yay old school!!! it a sh#t shed! ssooo boss!!!!!! pewdie is wearing pink underwear!!!!! i thout you were are MAN!!!! so close!!! office meme? GO CRIKEN!!!!!!!!LOLOL yay criiken won!!!!!!!!!!! false...there even.:/ now its .....OVER 5000!!!!!!!!!!!!!:3 what happened to the sniper?!?!?!!? ya robert frost !!!!,25,10,3,3,0,19,0 3364,X3365,"Kony 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012Watch the invisible children video! KONY 2012 KONY 2012 KONY 2012Watch the video! KONY 2012Watch the video! KONY 2012Watch the video! KONY 2012Watch the video! Idk if its just me but from about 1:08 - 6:35 its just patrice doin a little jig but the audio continues Nice try trying to trick me into following you into the wild to ,Announce a video for you., then attacking me. Don't listen to him if he tries it on you guys.",13,0,4,5,0,24,0 3365,X3366,THTS RITE BOYS WE GURLS RUN THIS WORLD!!! everytime i hear this song it helps me fall asleep. tht waz hularious. i luv wen jojo whiped the caprison on his butt GOD WILL PROTECT US. BIG DISAPPOINTMENT FROM BEYOUNCE ; [ dangg!! U R SOO HANDSOME. CUTE. SEXY!!! words cant even describe the way u r i mean u r just above beyond them who loves orange soda kel loves orange soda. is it truu u is it truu u umm hmm i doo i doo i dooo oo!!!! every1 keeps sayin dat now its mad funny!!!!! dangg wat r u sayin??? y did u choose to b on the internet no offense but ur a terrible singer. Blah blah blah 2 words: weight watchers. whoa hahahahahahahaha ; ) wow!!! i've never seen something so cute nice...thtz sooo adorable :) big mind blower the best part waz wen he took off his shirt. Meow woof daannngg my man!! come turn off the lites ova hea. i luv u!!!!! i hav an account on ur website!! i hav all ur pics all ova my room!!!!! u r the sexiest man alive!!!!! mmmmmmm Me: meowKhleo: woof im hea waiting for khleo to sing an he dosent.if my man rapped this song wouldve been 2000000000000% bettap.s: amanda leigha is.......nvm i luv ur sexy abbs the gurl playin ray ray is jus sitten there an the gurl playin roc royal is not a very gud singer or rapper only 2 gurls sang gud. wow the gurl in the middle gud job way to b a leader. all yall need to shut yall mouths an stop talkin trash if u hav nuthin nice to say then keep it to urself i will giv all of yall a whoopin!! yall need jesus lolxz this is hularious did u see the boy wit the orange hats face at 2:13 an how the other one acts so much like a gurl. : ) tru geechies...UNLEASH THE GHETTO i luv the teachers comments : ) this song melts me away 3,23,1,3,5,0,15,0 3366,X3367,Do you know what's iteresting...? Why this video has all THAT visits... Don't kill me in my sleep I already have TOO much people trying to do that... Please maybe... What made me LAUGH in here was what in first place makes laugh EVERYONE in the Simpsons and in everywere... The SENSELESS... Wrong than this...? Happy birthday Josh Guitar Hero Ricks wathever are you called is the third time I see a video of yours so if you by NOSSENSE coincidence know something about me please don't steal my irresistible incredible jokes... I don't say you're bad at that... Actually this is a billion times better than EVERYTHING in MTV national things and... well... You can see this as a happy birthday word present I'm an UNYMAGINABLE joker and I almost DIE every day so... This could be an nobel prize HB Youtube could ask the same... But NO never mind about what Sexy Naugthy Bitchy gay or WATHEVER that has to see with cartoon fan art... You could use this in your benefit... And ALL who watches this... Thumbs up if you want this to get an INTERNET CANCER...? O.o Can't wait for the ''NEXT GENERATION''... by the way that was a ''JOKE''... And if you use it in one video you'd have to tell my name has the SUPERSTAR in the video and include me why to avoid it? You will do it... And I''ll be STARRING in the video deal...? ;j... Now I'm even more CONFUSED about how sex works... If you wanna know why in EARTH I say this just watch my video... And please comment... ^^ You'd be the first one... And that says a LOT of why in EARTH I said that... With some gramatical mistakes and fixing it elegantly with this... So if you would want to save the WORLD... WOAH I just made the GREATEST joke EVER for Black Widow and Captain America... Not so fast Deviants XLR8SPEEDVELOCITY copirygth reserved is not a real name but I'm a TRUE artist... So artist are sensitive so please don't steal my UNEQUALIBLE idea... Or I will make a draw SO HARD that you will become an artist too... And we wioll be in the same level... So what are you waiting for steal me my idea this will just make the MOST EPIC of all arts... EPIC RIVARLY... But no way DDT I have only 2 questions for this: What were thinking those folks before doing this in what I guess is WORLDWIDE chamera and what were thinking the speaker to say all that in what I guess is WORLDWIDE chamera... You people call me MAD but with the girl of your dreams that figth would be... You know what I mean... After looking at all those dudes seems like anyone can do that... En el caso de que el que hizo el ttulo no sea extranjero es el peor espaol que he escuchado en toda mi VIDA... Prove it... There's many ways to be happy one by individual. So if you ask them what do they want in life to be exact they will ALL say different things. If you ask to a human beingas individuals they have different needs to be happy they would ALL say different things with that goal be happy. So I don't think they ALL are pleiadians how do you figger if they are pleiadians then...? Dejando de lado video y mis MENSAJES... cuyo contenido tena cosas como la razn de la vida y de la prdida de memoria de las vidas anteriores de los seres humanos (cosa que descubr POR M MISMO...) Notaste que te incu en 2 VIDEOS busca FANGIRLS con Junnior Harrington Dulgan Mrquez mi primita de la que tanto te habl y Alejandro Salcedo...? :j Oye no quiero parecer acosador pero: #1 Tus padres saben que publicas esos videos...? O_o Y #2 Si me preguntas ESA experiencia sera un paseo en el ''gusanito'' en comparacin con la montaa rusa supersnica sin nombre del video que te mencion... As que si quieres avivar tus reflejos y LOS DEL PBLICO... Deberas echarle un vistazo... Postdata: YO NO LO HICE... OTRA VEZ,17,14,4,4,0,17,0 3367,X3368,thats how they get so many feeds :L looks like a load of lil tap dancers.. i can hold that do my beer. :) orgasm. get a fucking life. free editor here street dance tuts i havnt uploaded any street dance i will skype tut :) free someone has no life why cant she just fuck of. Plpeal wow she just kills the song ignore this status if you want to give birth to justin bieber babies. what camera do you use?,13,49,3,11,0,20,0 3368,X3369,You should read his posts on facebook. the only reason he left the band is because he never got same feeling after the band started playing more for the radio that's why their tune changed on the album like Chalk Outline. He only wrote a couple of songs that actually had meaning to him like he used to write on his past albums. He wants to make his own thing own songs. The band seemed to care more about the money than the songs itself. 'I kissed a man and I like it the taste of his cherry chapstick...' Brilliant! Well done!,3,8,3,2,0,19,0 3369,X3370,Hey 16-year-old idiot who needs to pay attention more in schoolThe Milgram Obedience Effect. Look it up.That is all. meant to say when they aren't* its actually the same as the DSR-50 at 400 miliseconds Don't everyone based the closed mindedness of others. He does it simply because he finds it funny to get a rise out of other people. However if you want to generalize that's find by me. It doesn't hurt me any. But doing that sure sounds like what your saying he's doing doesn't it? It would be a miracle if we get them by next christmas See the 4th guys comment and wonder about his night. I hear what you are saying but Lefty is actually very wrong. If he actually watched iFly's video he would know that iFly has been doing tip videos since before 12aw even started his channel. Also Lefty was wrong about a lot of his points against iFly. Lefty did no research about it and did that video strictly for views. I lost it after Moltres The kid at the end was Max...amazing... Fondue also includes chocolate fountains. its an umbrella term. Same As i agree that their last few rpg's were crap (last good one being FFX) can't blame square. they don't make the games anymore they are just a publisher. Very similar to shortysx. Very agressive. an* Driftor. I agree with you on most of what you put out. Except for this video. You know as well as anyone there is no auto aim function on any gun. All there is is aim assist. And snipers in bo2 don't have any hipfire aim assist so there's half the video. As for the ads part a quickscope is only a quickscope if you ads COMPLETELY otherwise it will be inaccurate. There's evidence behind if you would like proof tell me I will inbox you a few videos. Psst: He was talking about lag compensation. The lag GIVEN to players with better connections in order to make it more fair to people with bad connections,16,0,3,5,0,20,0 3370,X3371,I have the same problem says I am missing downloadable content that has been deleted from chenarus They should add this in as another game mode one play operates the Landkreuzer and everyone else is in regular tanks and they work to bring it down or get destroyed by it This looks like copy pasted uninteresting shit I literally spent like 5 hours looking up mumford and sons looking for this song Wait.... did he just call that DeLorean a rare Ferrari?! DID YOU REALLY JUST SAY THAT I should slap the shit out of you. No it's not I'm a gay male and I went to church as a kid I read the bible cover to cover then I grew up and went to school turns out marriage didn't originate from religion it was there long before. Second we want marriage because it's our right it'd be the same as going to your favorite sports team arena trying to order tickets and be denied because you're straight why? what does you being straight stop others from enjoying the game you just want to watch the game same as them. Omg I literally can't stop laughing even more so when I realized the guy in the background looks like he is jacking off two guys.,7,0,3,5,0,28,0 3371,X3372,dnt read this(cuz it really wrks). u will gt kissd on the nearest frieday by the love of ur life. 2mara wll b the bst day of ur life hwever if you dnt post ths comment 2 at least 3 vids u will die withn 2 days nw uv startd readn this dnt stp this is so scary snd ths ovr 2 5 vids in 143 mins when ur done press f6 nd ur crush's name will appear dnt read this(cuz it really wrks). u will gt kissd on the nearest frieday by the love of ur life. 2mara wll b the bst day of ur life hwever if you dnt post ths comment 2 at least 3 vids u will die withn 2 days nw uv startd readn this dnt stp this is so scary snd ths ovr 2 5 vids in 143 mins when ur done press f6 nd ur crush's name will appear wow chris....really?? hahaa its accoustic not accapella very nice(: ditto!!,6,0,5,8,0,24,0 3372,X3373,"best way to open this tour. i loveeeeeeeeeee themcamden is always where its at posssiby one of the greatest openings ive seeen live3333camdennnn!!! BEST moshpit i was ever in. sick moshpit! sameeeee greatest pit of the dayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! i absolutly love john mayer. ive heard alott of covers by him on here but this one has send chillls up and down my spine. your voice has its own sound tooits great! keep up the good work!:) breath taking. this is really goood! this is awseomeeeee. u should do ,say, i never heard somebody do a cover to this with a violin amazing though! you should try ocean avenue they play some good violin in that too! THIS IS AMAZING. like i like this beter than the orginal! omgggggggggggg i loveeee tutorial? your voice3 amazing hahaha! this is by far one of my all time favorite's for the guitar this was beyond amazing. keep it up! you brought such life to this song. HAHAHAHAHAHAH LOVE IT!pleaseee get me front row tix mike! lollllTHIS AINT NO A DAY TO REMMEBER!!!! ahha this is so cool! anybody know wheere i can get the lyrics to this? what level is this team? this is terrible. this is so gooood3 im lovin it! hope to see it on itunes sooon!!! perfect.",24,1,5,1,0,21,0 3373,X421,"I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. I am one of her biggest fans check out her songs and her rihanna ,Diamonds, cover at dollface4111 I am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You anning 1 second agoI am here advocating for a young upcoming singer/songwriter. Listen to her sing Rihanna ,Stay, on her channel dollface4111. Let's support this young woman. She is trying to get the attention of Columbia Records. I am one of her biggest fans. Thank You",49,5,4,5,0,35,0 3374,X3375,Anyone else notice that the little girl has the Barbie in her lap at 3:18 then it's gone at 3:22 ? I so do the essay online thing and then barely talk in real lfe that's because I'm a writer though and I'm shy around people but once I know them I'm the same way irl. Haha your funny it makes really good confetti XD I fell out of love with him and fell in love with this song. I like lil wayne 2pac lil waynes has good beats and shit Pac raps about whats real I just can't stand the little pricks who try to be him or worship him or act like it's the same today as it was when he died cuz it wasn't. I'm guessing he watches so random?:P I am pretty sure you can get it at Wal-mart I was wandering how that gel would work because I was thinking about buying it but did not know how it looked or worked yet but now that I know I think I will buy it and it's pretty cheep to = ] Your hair is like exactly how mine is at the moment I have seen girls with hair similar to mine but yours is like exactly like it so thanks for the video = ] And your amazingly beautiful are you in modeling at all? This is exactly how I lost my best friend cuz he chose weed over me. 210 People need to STFU! Dude thats so what I do just turn all the answers into a rap song even if their not just multiple choice and this one chick was amazed that I had good grades in one of my classes cuz she throught I was going fail cuz I was always doing something I was'nt suposed to XD. Haha I got so incredibly mad one time because I got accused of cheating cuz I had a separate piece of paper I was writing on and like over half the class was cheating and once I helped somebody cheat and the teacher sat me away from everyone next to her for the rest of the year T_T I did'nt care though cuz she could not see what I was doing so I would just go on chats and crap in school cuz I was always writing anyways so I never got caught doing anything. If only we all had a batman to tell us when somebodies cheating lol haha thats funny I'm going be a massage therapist to pay for college then be a Chiropractor so my friends always get me to do the shit for em lol.\ Learn Karate :P lol Ha that would probably be me I laugh when in pain I'm not sure why though haha Haha I have to deal with my bestfriends damn girl friend being jealous she yelled me out for hanging out with him T_T so she made things awkward again. But this video made my day. My sister broke my hand slamming it in a door I'm a girl and most of that shit annoys me I agree with the shit your saying and I said the same thing about the dressing up every day and my brother disagreed. Girls talk about their ex boyfriend sometimes to explain why they act the way they do or to let you know they hope you won't do that shit. My fault in here is the talking to much XD. But funny and true video. My little sister atleast he's good at eyeliner ohh never mind he sucks. :p That's pretty much how my brother made me look he thought he did a good job. Awwe how adorable ^_^ I liked it,21,2,3,5,0,18,0 3375,X3376,"I did the same with dragon staffs :P 4-500k marginnn. I think you're inhaling which isn't what he's doing. He is exhaling for sure and maybe you should give it a try. It's a lot easier on your cords and sounds so much better. Practice makes perfect. And you didn't sing the chorus :c Looks pretty stealthy to me. I do :D Dem eyes. Grammer. Oh you're silly... Oh God you capitalized ,you, after a comma! Sorry. :) Well they try and act ,cool, because they smoke weed. Anyone can get it. That's like having a dollar and saying to a homeless man. ,Duuuuuude i gotta dollllllaaaaa. You ain't shit., All they have to do is ask for it. Not that hard. When was flashing red and blue ever a good idea? I didn't know the controller was called a remote. Fuck yo maduh. -Necro. 1st attempt: Big Earner2nd attempt: Spy-Cicle3rd attempt: YER4th attempt: Big Earner5th attempt: Fuck This Shit. It's called the body lol. I came from weird zit and bot fly videos... moar dirty dutch pls Nah you're just pussy enough to do it online and not in person. I'd show you how much of a bitch you are. First thing i noticed was your duckface thumbnail bud. Sunday Sunday Sunday MONSTER TRUCK RALLY! I don't really care much for the cleans in this song. They sound kind of forced not smooth at all. Scene not science. Sorry to be that grammar nazi but one word can make a huge difference. 2 years late but the tool is an awl. lol ,wild deer,. Skins.",23,1,3,5,1,20,0 3376,X3377,Yes finally @hazardairsoft5880 I don't care really that was like a month ago..... I haven't watched for a while did they move out or that apartment thy had to mov e He's a guy and he's like 16 now Lol that would be me if I saw a guy in a PUFNSTUF costume What happened to cat7thstreet 2010 Lol at kassem as the swimmer,8,15,4,1,0,25,0 3377,X3378,Try a leather man micro there really handy Ha got the same shoes! | ( )| () seedie fuck Wish we could get them in the aus i wanted to get my dad one cuz when he was a kid he's got stolen :( Do you even lift? You dont even lift? Do you even lift what camo are you using,9,7,3,5,0,22,0 3378,X3379,Jokes on you i like this song,1,0,3,5,0,14,0 3379,X3380,ok but this is not live. for some reason cause she doesnt need it she's lip singing here. this is the studio version. not Criminal Minds. anyone here for Blue Valentine? yeah this would make a good Bond theme but Skyfall by Adele is flawless and much more Bond-ish what a stunning performance. she is so classy. she slipped and mishit the ball no more Dulko :((( she retired Lindsay 3 actually it was their first match from round robin. neither of them had guaranteed the semis. I checked on WTA's website I wanna be friends with them her girlfriend looks like drew barrymore! they're so cute together. It's the boy from Super 8! Demi's adorable She should be A LOT steps up now I would say. Holding a CAREER SLAM is something incredibly big just huge. I would say at least top 30 for her now. I love your 'WHAAAAAT' at 5:27 lol KK 3 Simone 3 It's incredible how Gwen just went on getting more beautiful through time. she is 20 times better today than in this video. This is not the best Bond theme ever but it is one of the best why the hell she didnt put this in The Paradise Edition? It's awesome It's awesome to see her talking about her major injury now that she has already managed to get back at the top and win another Slam completing the Career Slam. It's just awesome in a huge level. Here for Adam Archuleta I'm shocked Agnieszka is not amused look at the way Sharapova shows warm sympathy at the end and stop the hating. Maria is just not the kind of person who goes running desperatly to get ice but this doesn't make her a bad person at all. the handshake from the russian at the net says it all.,23,3,8,5,0,28,0 3380,X3381,"I love this song better than the original.Its so random!like me :D cheese cake... what is the original song? I already have enough monster tabs...all i need it to buy a twelve pack of coors The books were my cant wait to see it be brought to lifenext year*sadface*. I lulzd at , I became a giraffe, YOLO:you obviously love oreos In Nialler's solo I can hear the Sinatra/Beiber influence it suits him:) probally #1 of the top 5 of their best songs2.Irresistible3.Rock me4.Heart Attack5.Summer Lovein my personal opinion of courseDFE:Directioner For Eternity this song is either about sex or rock depends if you have a dirty mind or not. I dont understand why they always cover up Niall's freckles with make up they're so cute.. this song is very back street boysy I could definatley see them or NSYNC singing it...but... 1D do perform it nicley.And Nialls,our little secret,voice....dead mind blown... that awkward moment when my childhood crushes taze andy samberg in the ass... The fact that they didn't win ,New artist of the year, tonight is an outrage.They have worked their asses off for the past year in a haf with 2 whole studio albums and 4 mega hitsnot to mention sold out concert across the whole globe and the biggest turnout EVER on the Today show..Carly Rae jepsen honestly only had1 hit(Call me Maybe)..and she won..srrsly America? I'm a metal head with one direction infection and was looking for a good screamo cover of WMYB because i thought it would be the Epitome of Epic..I was right!:3this better be on punk goes pop 5!!!!Also the ,Live While Were Young, cover done by Fate of the Hopeless is pretty rad too.Even if you hate 1Dor are jealous because you girlfriend loves them more than you you should check it out!xD I remember the hamiltons I really liked Francis's twisted crush on a humanand how the twins kidnaped chicks and bled them out for their ferocious little bro Lenny who it looks like we get to see a lot more of in the sequel. I love how in the first one they were just trying to blend in and the whole movie you left guess who they seems this is gonna be more of a twilight meets fright night meets blade...can't wait Um not so Christian song..still an amazing epic song they I've been singing all this love them even if they're new direction isn't exactly ,Christian, #amazing#epic#pham membr",17,3,3,5,0,21,0 3381,X3382,"Read my mind. Corey Pattakos from Myspace. That's fucking crazy.Think about all the people that photoshop themselves too :lIk! That chicks hair was disgusting.Melissa Marie's was beautiful though. Wow these girls like adore your fart?Am I the only one who thinks that's a bit psychotic for not even knowing you? That's really cool thank you :)Your awesome for showing this. Your videos use to be funny but now they're too much. The stupidest movie I can think of right now would have to be Jeniffer's Body.It was horrible. Haha I have the Reclaim too. Taylor is one of my favorite singers along with BMTH and Tokio Hotel. People think it's so weird lol.Her vocals are way different and kind of suck a little in this song but I love the lyrics.I want to make a cover of it. Ich stimme zu People are retards.Just keep practicing.And just for the people who say you look gay so what?And if he's gay? Is there a problem you fucking cunts?People are just jealous of homosexual people because they can actually get people of the same sex. Your better than the movie theaters.I laughed and even jumped too. Seriously the suspense. Gosh the guys adorable. He's such a pretty cat. I rally love your room and everything in it lol :]You have mad style. I amongst many people don't eat meat.J.s.And actually we are trespassing on the spider's home not the other way around. I Coach because everything goes with A lot. I the fabrics designs. Coach products are great I want this clutch because one I the color black and it goes with whats in my closet two I seriously sequins they totally bring me eyes out.U said ,And, 42 times unless you add the ,And, U said when U said to count UR ,And,s. Oh I forgot to mention up there but I seriously the chain Its gorgeous and unique that's what I strive to be in a world that is just so plain. I think he only called the cops because he wasn't let go or even raped right away. Plus the chick called his bosses wife.........So we can tell she was a dumb one. Totally agreed!This guy is a total loser. I had tubes put in my ear when I was like five.I kept getting severe ear infection so I had those for a year then they fell out [Supposed to].It's not like an actual huge ass tube you couldn't see it It was like seriously in my ear.It's better than what they were going to do. They were going to take the bone out :lThat would have fucked up my perfect ears which would have made my perfect eyes and teeth less perfect :l lolI was so fucking scared when I woke up. Fuck I love Oli! I would have in on air.Like fuck!I love Oli! Same here.I don't have a Spanish Accent I have a British accent. It sucks. Really bitch?I don't give a fuck what your stupid ass has to say.Have you ever been nervous or on edge?I guess not. This is a big deal.Grow up you cunt licking whore and stay off my fucking channel.",24,10,5,1,0,22,0 3382,X3383,new vids . check them out,1,11,3,5,0,15,0 3383,X3384,I got whipped cuz I did somethin and my mom was like 'if u do that again ima whip your ass' so i was like 'then ima call the child support service on you'*POW*she hit me straight in my face lmaoI didnt even cry cuz i was so shocked haha never get disappointed when checking out new clixx ish!!,2,0,4,5,1,19,0 3384,X560,i love this song and the movie awww 3 i still have te tape :D no the others cause they kill him he will come back worse i know that milk will come back to hunt me3 I LOVE CHEESE :D when i first watch this i didnt understand many things i just like it because she was buying shoes :D hahahah jae voice scream sex hahahhahaha debio golpearlos a los 2 hahahaha ubiera sido muy gracioso hahahahahahaha como se llama esa cancio la de al final??? que caca ya no me gusto esto :$ hahahahha the bucket list!!!!!!! hahahahahah yo tmb la haria :P odio k los top comments sean lo mismo -.- pense que lo iba a abrazar no besar omo wow haahhaahahha WOW :D i wouldnt eat why is he trowin it on the gound???? i always cry with this movie :) hahah thanks :D la semana roja no te la cojas hahhahahahah pero tengas miedo de usar el dedo hahhahaha rofl :D first time i see this haahahahahah lol she looks so different from when i see her first video booty bounce wow :D 0:22 wtf face :P wow o.O this song is a classic :D will you( the 3 of you) marry me ?????? pretty please so far i cant dislike any song from FOSTER THE PEOPLE :D Still better love story than Twilight thats racist D: the man in the blue leggins dance better than J-Lo hahahhaha are the tigers real? todas las antenitas rojas de dish hahhaha:D,30,1,6,1,0,40,0 3385,X3386,It's not the cool not the hot ! :) I even suscribe to this channel even thou it doesn't say it :) but yeah your amazing girl ! YOUR CURLY ' You brother sings good too ! (y) Why you in a classroom? Wtf! Is the chinese girl Doing at the end! Lmao.. She look stupid :D How do you add the tree? Your picture were amazing at the end but I didn't like that song :/ but you guys are cute -3.-3 Awwwwww the dance :') -3 Congrats bro wish you the best -3,9,1,3,5,0,17,0 3386,X3387,Yeah I give up on guitar,1,8,3,5,0,18,0 3387,X3388,Gay actually means happy. Epic moves at the begginging LMFAO!!! 1.think of your crush2.make a heart with your hands3.then kiss your hands while still making the heart4.then put the heart where your real heart is5.tomorrow your crush will ask you out6.this will only work if you post this to your favorite love songit really works!!! 1. put hand on chest2. say true loves name 4 times3. put hand on nose4. repeat step 25. post on 3 other videos6. they will ask you out tommorrow 1. put hand on chest2. say true loves name 4 times3. put hand on nose4. repeat step 25. post on 3 other videos6. they will ask you out tommorrow you know it;) Oh Joey you are so talented n_n-Sykes:) Amazing!!:DYou're f*cking hot too ;),9,6,4,10,0,35,0 3388,X3389,"i don't even think that it was demi... h? klose war noch da:D xD this song discribes my love to this damn boy... 1:08 Nick sieht aus als htte er schiss vor der puppe xDDsooo geiill...die ganze zeit lachkrampf! hahah xD poor joe :D imao... ,damn..stupid nightmares!, where did u get this video? JOE AND DEMI ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER!!kevin what the fuck are u saying? it's my favourite song! you can't describe the way they sing this song because it's just so beautiful and you don't wanna describe it wrong!they're so amazing! LOVE JB!! hell..they are just screaming too loud...i didn't even get which song demi was singing :D :D looks like his's denise! WOW *__* i don't understand what she's singing but i looove this version!! Lose yourself 3 love the way you lie 3 no love 3 not afraid 3 airplanes 3 TOP 5!!!! wow .. nothing was on her teeth .. and if there would have been something .. so what??? nobody's perfect! -.-' I can't believe that it's over between them ... they we're perfect and made for each other ... I will miss them together .. after 5 years they broke up ..:'/ entweder 12 oder 16 schtz ich mal :D It's great! :D but what't the name of the song??",17,4,5,6,0,20,0 3389,X1038,hahahahahahahahahaahjoj spot je kriminalan a tek pjesma NIE VEZE !!!Ja na ta se dananji klinci loe pa to je strano..... :/''NE SLUAJ TURBO FOLK UMRI PRIRODNOM SMRU'' !!!!!!!!!!! 3 .... najeih se.....................=)))))))))))))) KRALJ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))) Prijateljuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :))))))))))))))))) divna je 3 :))) savrseno !!!!!! ili Bijeljinu :D pozzz E on je bio do jajaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!! :D ma ena pjeva ko zmaj !!!!! :) ena pjeva ko ZMAJ !!!!!!!!! :)) koji genijalci !!!! :))) ovo mi se svidja pravo !!! :))) ljudi svirate za cenera !!!BRAVO :) NAJBOLJI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fallin Ko'lko je dva i dva ?!!ivio Beer Fest i RAMBO bilo je nezaboravno !!!!!!!!!!!!!!Konano se i Bijeljina kultivie malo sa ovakvim dogaajima. :) Ludnicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa je bila tu no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D VRH !!! pjesma je vrh !!!!!! :D savrena !!!!!! :) savreno!!! 3 GENIJE !!! :D xD HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee JayKay !!!! wonderful!!!! :)))) Odlian bend ima svoj fazon svoj stil svoj nain sviranja....nije kopija kao ostali....jednoj reju FENOMENALAN!!!! :)))) oboavam ovu verziju!!! Bolje jedno vrue pivo nego et'ri ladna bolje stara baba nego djeva mlada ... jazz djeko ima potencijala :) DO POBJEDE!!!!!!!!!! :))))))))))) stvar je do jaja! :) to je moj bubnjar :) 3 Odlina verzija! Savreno :) Vrh!!! Ova Mina je totalni promaaj u ovom nazovi ou...Olivera oduevila si me TI IMA TALENAT!!! RAZVALILI STE !!!!!! :) VRH !!!! PALINA GORE! BRAVO ALEKSANDRA! 3 ... Bravo! ;) Edvard Grieg - In the Hall of the Mountain King,43,7,5,4,0,28,0 3390,X3391,"ooooaaaah *_* das will ich auch 4:22 she's really hot the girl on the Picture is ,Miss k8, and is a DJ/Prdoucer of Hardcore! no... Korsakoff/ state of emergency deswegen ja ,Sony on wheels, :D voll geil der 2. schuss... db ... db hast du schon eigene tracks gemacht? richtig geil :D wo bestellt? O... M....G.... that is so awesome *__* 0:47 .. she should waer an miniskirt *_* runde 17 war echt bel oO can you make an update? six samurais with the banned list from sep2012? sooo and you are SimplyUnlucky?! :D He played ,card destruction, and sended two cards from hand to graveyard? dind't he had to thrwo all 4 cards to the grave? :D playing ultra secret super and ultimate cards without Seelves? stupid Turtle - tiger war auch englisch :D Seit ihr die Deutsche Version von ,SimplyUnlcky, oder warum haben eure Videos die Titel ,Bestes....aller Zeiten,? got the SR Pyrorex from my Displayand yes we can see this vid in 1080HD gedankenverschmutzung :D also einige menschen brauchen die Karte nicht unbedingt :D",21,35,4,19,0,21,0 3391,X3392,"LOL Hater's gon' hate. Trolololo to you faggot. I just had sex!!! And it was that nice 100 degree weather sex where your both so sweaty that while she was on top she was ridin' me like a slip 'n' slide! Fucking your Mother is also ,Overdone and over rated,. But an excessive about of people have still done it. Same thing right? Thank you it really is greatly appreciated. Any support is. This is super tight and all.. But you -know- Nintendo is going to end up saying -something- about this.. Hey Talia I can't begin to express my sympathy for you. This is my first time seeing one of your VLOGS. Since you know as a 27 year old guy I don't look for make up advice very often. ;) However just watching you talk about this really really got to me. I mean I'm pretty choked up right now.. I'm sorry you have to go through this and I hate that you have to make this decision. But you're beautiful and the world would be a lesser place without you. So I say fight and I'll root for u What the fuck am I doing with my life?.... Watching a parrot driving a robot video at 6:45am!... Lol It must be amazing to even be able to have a moment like that in your life. These two guys are living the dream. And they seem to deserve every bit of it. I'm not sure amazing alone gives this enough credit. Freakin' tear jerker. I grew up LOVING being named ,Carlos, all because of this show.It ended up developing into what many people really believed was my nickname based off the character. For some reason.. it pains me to say this a bit.. but.. many lulz were had. Bring it bitch. I got a whole class of my peeps behind me. I'll get all of WALKERVILLE up in dis. I guess you could say we are a real ,Class act,",11,0,7,2,0,27,0 3392,X3393,hiii emmo and aoifi lol hah very slick ur so weird get a life u attenion seeker u cant sing 4 ur life sos top trying all i can say is EWWWWWW,3,0,2,2,0,19,0 3393,X3394,umad He was talking about hardline you n00b l0l0l We don't want your opinions. He's done that You should make a kong tutorial Ronniestreetstunts Go away brony Why the hell do I like 1:31 so much GTA IV campaign Yarr pirate scout here for the treasure! It's budder. budder It's budder Lol ps3 is dumb Im gonna play again Scout After being hacked I wasn't sure I wanted to play anymore. These videos keeped showing up in my subscribe box. You're so amazing I told myself I wouldn't rest until I was good. Turn kinect mic on + this in a call of duty lobby = lols It's her first time You win You need more views nvm im retarted Lol you guys are obviously bad and he could wreck you because you're all like fake or some other excuse what if zelda was a girl whatsup link isn't that strict lol ok,28,7,4,19,0,15,0 3394,X3395,A BABYS THIS IS NOT WAT IT LOOKS LIKE THAT MY MOM LOL YOU HE VIOLATED u sick basters clicked the vid for the picture...... THUMBS UP IF U CLICKED CUZ OF PIC lol LOL THATS A FAT HUNGRY BISH TEN TEN TEN TEN TWINKIES ON HER TITS BISH XD LMAO IS LIKE PSE GOT NO GAME AND THEN SPEEDING WUTS YOUR EXCUSE NEEDA TAKE A SHET XD OMG............IS THE RATHOLS AND RATHIAN KING OR QUEEN ^^ ALANTRONS BIG BROTHER DF DF DF DF DF wow i love this video THE GAMES GRAPHICS LOOKS SICK I LOVE IT IT LOOKS EPIC PLUS THE SEE THROUGH CONTROLLERS IS LIKE GLASS O -O I BET A girl made this vid xD yea I DON'T CARE WHO OR WHAT WAS FIRST OF THEY COPIED WHAT BUT THE SAME CREATOR MADE BOTH GAMES AND PLUS IS IGG AND HMM IDC ALL I WANT TO DO IS PLAY O -O NOW IF THAT'S SUPPOSED TO THE THE WLO IN JAPAN OR CHINA I WANT IT =C i may be a bustboy but u just got serv lmao u know batman is smart as fk right and hes RICH he can buy that green rock thing that makes him weak and fk him up hes smart as hell he can make gas bomb anything out of those shets i mean come on batman will win xD AND PLUS HE HAS FORM NORMAL SUPER 1 SUPER 2 SUPER 3 SUPER 4 AND IDK ABOUT 5 wow whoever likes this have no taste in music i laugh at the first 6 secs of the badness me like trance o -o i like the trance lol XD LMAO stop i will make pancake hes like sad face =c or like wtf now i gotta steal pancakes idk how people think anime is for kids when almost all the anime have perverted or 2 blood on it now do u think parents wanna watch that NO then i will like 2 say 2 all those people who think is for kids ur missing out on it me encanta me la paso cantandola el dia entero ^_^ my favorite song :D her name is Rie Kugimiya =) well hinata is voiced by nana mizuki wich is has a beauiful voice ^_^ i'm sorry but when i hear on the news that bruno mars is dead that's when i will believe that he is dead i know that some of you are saying he died a few hours ago but even if it was like that i have seen that when its confirmed that a celebrity dies the news have it right away plus people are saying he died from two different things sooo wtf? how am i supposed to believe that? i mean bearly 6 videos i found funny o .o Lol my lil brothers can do a better movie with card board paper and a justin biber doll,27,0,3,5,0,23,0 3395,X3396,"and you spelled ,two, incorrectly... you can tell if something feels good under your feet without riding it... that doesnt mean youre going to like riding it though. lol not really. his overall message was love not smoking. the one dude in the hawaiin shirt actually looked like he was robo tripping. funny as hell lol k well your wrong. you may believe what you like. and no shit youre burning weed too but your burning the foil too DAMN BRO YOURE TIGHT lol i really really hope youre just trying to troll... tweak Lol well Dave fuckin shreds hard or soft wheels. He's steezier than all of you and can skate better than you too. So FUCK YOU GUYS. lolol yeah...sure... RIP Jerry and Pig Pen your music will live on forever. As a 16 year old I'm surrounded by friends who listen to what I consider (and in the words of Bob Dylan) artificially made music. Quite frankly I can't stand any of it. Hearing the Dead sends shivers through my body they were so into the music. Watching and listening to them makes me want to shit all over this generations eletronica horseshit and hop in a time machine and go tour with Jerry and the gang. Your music will always be with me chopped is cutting the board to a new/shorter shape. but that doesnt really look like a chopped board at all @ 0:16 BS REPRESENT not really lol. carving is a back and forth motion while in a corner your simply leaning into the turn trying to rail the best possible line. just stop talking... cause what youre saying is kind of wrong ha... I'd just like to say this is really really rad. Right now I'm 16 but I sure as hell hope when I'm older younger people can appreciate good music- in particularly the Dead- as much as I do. I'm not gonna lie man hearing this cover made me tear up. I can just feel your love for the Dead. Jerry's smilin down on this song brotha. I just hope that I can be as rad as this when I'm older. Simply beautiful cover. Keep on strummin man cause you're doin in right. Have a good one man it was a pleasure. 1:50 is the fucking shit so youre not like a fanboy or anything killswitch i bet dude. we all believe you well thats pretty stupid that the only reason youd ride this board is for tech sliding...ha. theres no other use to a board with a wedged nose and wedged tail? ha right I dont think overrated is the word youre looking least I hope not. Maybe commercialized? Because alot of people know this song regardless if they listen to zeppelin or not or even know who they are. But this song is FAR from being overrated Actually that would have been a great spot to pass him. Kelly just cut in when he was trying to take him im pretty sure it does... oh i has to make teh 3d concave wiht teh vicious? cuz teh vicious is teh bomb and is teh only griptape you can make teh 3d cave wiht somewhere around 40-55 Bro you suck at growling grunting and pig squealing fag",26,0,3,5,0,21,0 3396,X3397,wirklich schnes Lied voll geil!!! voll geil!!!,3,0,4,5,0,22,0 3397,X3398,a 7 year old smoking cigarets WTF! Xbox Xbox its 1 right now and im in California Number 4 was crazy! i was at the game where BG dunked over Perkins xbox and you tmart ron or woody Woody at the end! LMAOO im in spanish to i fucking hate it though when you say no bueno shouldnt you say no es bueno? still a better love story than Twilight. the last part3 i was eating while watching i threw up. YEAHH!!! That one kid went 0-16 LMAOOO,13,9,4,15,0,20,0 3398,X3399,"was this a song an ad or a wet dream. who else notices that youtube is not in Youtube's dictionary. someone throw away my ears they're spoiled. lol. 2:07 hitch-hiking rejection. my sister thinks LMFAO ripped off 3oh!3. thumbs up so i can show her she is a dumbass and that LMFAO is much better and different than 3oh!3. xBKSlashx has by far put in more hours than any of the developers at Bethesda or Oblivion at this point. This comes to show that you can always find a way to enjoy more hours playing Fallout. It's ,Thailand., suck my presidential cock bitch! the wearable towel=bathrobe. Snuggy=bathrobe. aha! 3251 people don't like bacon. I'm pretty sure they live in Canada. They like to share their germs. Con't blame'em fingering bacon is quite erotic. What you know about Bacon? I live in the area that had the highest concentration of hogs in the world for 40 years 30 years ago: Pike county. I don't need to watch slaughterhouse videos I happen to live in an area where I could go see a hog get killed a steer get his balls chopped off or a horse put down. You know what? It doesn't bother me one bit. Those spurs on cowboys' boots they're used to massage the steer while his balls are being chopped off. pshhhh Global warming is a hoax. This ought to get the comments going. This shit must have just hit xbox live because I just found out about it and this video doesn't have very many views. Dear JohnKenny if you wanna be a dick you are going to have to find some balls to go along with it because I don't see you out there putting your life on the line for your country. Hahaha snufty. Yup. No god and well be 69in' with sheep while eating our relatives in the middle of a super-storm that was somehow being controlled by God and not caused by ignorance of global warming. I would hug the shit out of that guy! Damn. Not one viral video without a cat in it.",21,0,4,5,1,14,0 3399,X3400,can u turn it up If you don't want to see ak's you should probally leave no fucking veteran talks shit like that just shut the fuck up yes oh shit someones a badass gotta love them trolls Whoever made this is bad,7,0,5,1,1,22,0 3400,X3401,"This song+turtle beaches =eargasm No he is not hot he is not cute he is a zombie and this not twilight The kid yells,wanna see somethin, Whats the song saying at1:40",4,2,3,5,1,26,1 3401,X3402,"I'mmm pretty sure when he says ,so serious, at 6:20 its from the lion king... it sounds like Scar and its in the villains window of the video.. not 100% sure though.. could not agree more I know that. She very obviously is intelligent for a woman with autism.. I know many people with severe autism and her case is not bad enough for her to act the way she does. she is eating fucking chic-fil-a FUCK YOU NICHOLE FUUUCCKKK YOU i've never seen one of this guys videos but just because of this and how real it is i subscribed How does the130 person band i'm in only have six guard and this band has eight... do you see the ratio problem my band is facing :( they beat our butts.. But oh well!!!!! Lol :) wonderful band.. But ill always be a wildband flute.. We love and miss Mr. Yost and how wonderfully nice nice the people in this band are just makes me happy :D Lol obvious troll is obvious ...Nichole get a job maybe???? Act 21 maybe?? And stop shopping at goodwill... Maybe?? Perfect example. I'm completely respectful of your religious beliefs.. But can those amazing doctors get some credit? Retarded human who can't spell. Big head :3 i was soooo mad... Oak ridge band student here :/ we didn't get to do our whole show.. But its okay everyone was really nice about it and apologetic :) I in fact made some new friends! its a spin not a twirl.. get it right absolute cutest couple ever she...uhm looks great... im in utter shock.. amazing change. MORE If you're going to bitch people out at least sound intelligent in doing so. i understand that you have to have a vendors license but its just lemonade why make such a huge deal out of it.. i didn't realize it took an entire police to department to shut down a lemonade stand. There are plenty of illegitimate crimes those cops could be handling. Lemonade isn't hurting anyone..It's just a moral and a god given right. All the laws that we abide by are created by humans and enforced by humans. They decide to handle little misdemeanors instead to real harmful crime. mehhh mehhh I do apologize if that got out of hand i just CANNOT stand stupid ass people like this little twat of a mother. Oh goshh whatd she doo? I really know now how did he do that? Oh god she has herpes You have gotten so fat... I kept whipping my computer screen because of the spot on the wall she is in front of.... Thats gross... Real is beautiful.. says the girl with the fake ass titties I'm from Tennessee... blue dot in a red state.. I'm down here with conservative Christians.... I hate it!! I'm 16 and i argue religion and politics with all of my teachers.. They all hate me simply because I'm a democrat and atheist..",29,3,5,5,1,25,0 3402,X3403,"L like how she ends the song with , soooo yyeeeaaahhh, lmao! I like how she doesnt care yet makes this video :) lmao@ide rather walk the other way! she sounds like a fucking skipping cd!! holy shit! lmao@putatoes , oh hun we fucked up, LMAO!!!! fuckin classic!! is she seriously fuckin brain dead!?!?! btw he looks like the guy i lost my virginity too when i was 15 ICU GMike! nichole...please stop believing. too bad she doesnt look like a woman..... thecrazy is fuckinf retarded when he killed himself the bullet didnt even leave his fuckin head you can see it get lodged on the top of his head did you even see him kill himself?!?!?!? her number one saddest day was when micky d's discontinued the ability to supersize your meal... everybody's talking about her boobs what boobs!?!?!?!? did she , cause im not a nigger n word, 1:38 this made me hungry. ide fuck ted bundy if he was still just saying... i just cried my fucking eyes out!! ide have sex with dolla's corpse :)",18,0,2,5,1,21,0 3403,X3404,the salt dries up your mouth making it almost impossible to swallow them wtf is that building in the back at 15:28 ? ahahha thanks man :D Absolutely amazing I cant wait to learn it :) The country that unleashed The Beatles Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin upon us didn't have any talent. Right. first 2 minutes were the best thing ever you're retarded he's trolling i thought it was pretty generic but nevertheless i had a fun time watching it i have the sheet music book on the left :D Plato the philosopher... wieners why cant people stop arguing and enjoy the music? i like maher but he has some things to learn from true libertarians like ron paul come for the video stay for the shitstorm probably my favorite scene in any adventure time episode so far what a dickhead.,16,12,4,5,1,110,0 3404,X3405,My List of movies/films to upload in the near Future (Make Your Highest Vote So I'll Upload it FIRST!!!):1) The Living End (1992)2) Weekend (2011)3) Private Romeo (2011)4) e-cupid (2011)5) Undertow (2009)6) Loose Cannons (2011)7) August (2011)8) ???--------Make your Own REQUEST!-----------???Start PM-ing me to place your votes!!!!,1,365,3,11,0,24,0 3405,X3406,Go to expressyourmusiccom and vote for Josh and Diggies Version of Party in the USA for cover artist of the week! Go to expressyourmusiccom and vote for Josh and Diggies Version of Party in the USA for cover artist of the week! Go to expressyourmusiccom and vote for Josh and Diggies Version of Party in the USA for cover artist of the week! Go to EXPRESSYOURMUSICCOM and vote for Joseph Vincent Cover of Bad Romance! Go to EXPRESSYOURMUSICCOM and vote for Joseph Vincent Cover of Bad Romance! Go to EXPRESSYOURMUSICCOM and vote for Joseph Vincent Cover of Bad Romance! Go to EXPRESSYOURMUSICCOM and vote for Joseph Vincent Cover of Bad Romance! Go to EXPRESSYOURMUSICCOM and vote for Joseph Vincent Cover of Bad Romance! Go to EXPRESSYOURMUSICCOM and vote for Joseph Vincent Cover of Bad Romance! Go to EXPRESSYOURMUSICCOM and vote for Helena and Maria's cover of rude boy. Go to EXPRESSYOURMUSICCOM and vote for Helena and Maria's cover of rude boy. go to expressyourmusic and see if you cant participate in next weeks cover artist competition! go to expressyourmusic and see if you cant participate in next weeks cover artist competition! go to expressyourmusic and see if you cant participate in next weeks cover artist competition! go to expressyourmusic and see if you cant participate in next weeks cover artist competition! go to expressyourmusic and see if you cant participate in next weeks cover artist competition! go to expressyourmusic and see if you cant participate in next weeks cover artist competition! go to expressyourmusic to vote for your favorite cover artist of the week and compete in future competitions! go to expressyourmusic to vote for your favorite cover artist of the week and compete in future competitions! go to expressyourmusic to vote for your favorite cover artist of the week and compete in future competitions!,20,2,4,5,0,25,0 3406,X3407,wat the fudge .. i thought hotted was american. man this guy is so gay is that dallas? julie has a crush on hotted oooooo lala lol badass little fucker .... 4:48 you live in china penny? need cloud in here issei dropped the bomb. lol he knew he was gonna to do that bird drop WHERES THE DOUBLE BACK FLIP GRAVITY? One of the SHaw Brother's Five deadly venoms. one of the shaw brother's Five deadly Venoms. the one on the left is purrrttyyyy lol cool wtf hozin u a gangsta. wussup nigga. what u drive a geo metro? damn breakdancing to a whole 'nother level. Using violins and the piano speaks the truth you mean gay bars?,20,2,8,5,0,26,1 3407,X1050,"PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O PeopleSearch in youtube video ,Swilon, O_O",50,9,3,5,0,22,0 3408,X3409,:) where the fack was he SO SICK fruit i wish i can eat you all homo intended damn im going that shot ;) what a homo your a 6th grader you dont even know what your saying . not everybody knows spanish :/ i rep ri hard with age and roy :P idgaf i would still do that :D lmfaoo edwin sucks :p omd lol. so wrek it was ... he cat walked then spun like twice,14,194,2,1,0,21,0 3409,X3410,"Are we not speaking english.. Perfect choice of music! In a way Kasparov is also brilliant in arrogance He was genius And as it is shown in history they have tendency of mental problems.Think of Beethoven Mozart Nietzsche etc. There is something similar Bobby and great Canadian pianist Glenn Gould.Loners Steppenwlfe! The Painting is by Paul Klee - ,Forest Witches, En av hans finaste dikter! Tack so mycket! Barndomsminnen! Var Verkligen viktig film p mig Hahah Genau so Einfach wunderschn!! Toivotaan et tulee hyv leffa Hyv Lars!",11,3,3,5,0,25,0 3410,X3411,d00d. u are sick man. awesome cover. and u dont have a huge nose lol. mine sticks out more than yours does. i dont care about the technique or anything. its just the actual kiss. like when your lips touch hers. how do you do that part. its hilarious when max sees the chick licking the popsickle and falls over HAHAHA!! i tried repeating the video like you said. and i still cant follow along dude. u shouldve done a fast one and then played it slow.=[[[ the music is amazing but the guy has a pussy ass pig squeal. its sounds like shit the hole time. can somebody please tell me what the drummer for Job For A Cowboy uses in the Entombment of A Machin music video. i like the way the crash cymbal sounds but i dont know much about cymbals so i could use some help! in my opinion he kicks joey jordisons ass by a mile. okay. first of all. that kid wanst emo at all. emo is tight jeans and band shirts. and green day is emo music. its shity fake punk rock. and all the music in the background was deathmetal. love blessthefall but i like their old stuff alot more than this. music and lyrics were better. in the settings can you take off the 'vibrate and sound' response thing when you touch the screen like you talked about??? and also how does the battery life last if i would be constantly texting for most of the day?? because every review i look at never talks about it. please answer back! thanks i didnt get anything out of this video I made a bong with a plastic cola cola bottle hahaha. Won't five you the absolute full effect but still works The bong I made with a fuckin plastic coka cola bottle is better than this pile of shit. You didn't even get anything off it! weeaaakk naw people. listen to Disgrace by Chelsea Grin at about 40 seconds and let the rest play. fuckin amazing band and vocals. check out their other songs to amazing highs dude You weren't inhaling any if that you piece of shit. You don't smoke. And plus I've seen ppl in other videos who ACTUALY INHALE the smoke and do it in less time then your ass he has the perfect voice for this song sounds good i think but cant really hear YOU that much. come closer to the camera or sumthin! how the fuck is he whispering in this??? he isnt singing that loud because he cant hit the notes that jeremy sings in the band which its a bad thing cuz alot of people cant. but you can still hear him fine. where does he whisper?? amazing screams dude. keep it up. do it in your room next time instead of a car at walmart lmao your lows are pretty good man look up Unfurling a darkened gospel by job for a cowboy and watch the video of Rice drumming then you will think different what kind of cymbals are these? besides the meinl part ha you're amazing dude!!! can you give me the cords for that please?!! What brand or kind of pen is that!?!? the best thing about him is....he puts so much emotion into playing. its awesome. its awesome when he stands on the fuckin tom why cant people just shut the fuck up listen to song and go do something else instead of trying to act so smart and talk shit about everyone stupid fuck actually he has quite a low voice for being able to sing so high in blessthefall just read the description... that would be the highlight of my whole life if that happend to me he can sing good and high but 90% of the time he was off key my opinion. this is better than the zil bel. first they both sound good but this is half the price. so many stupid fucks on here.. he obviously has a lot of talent to be able to do this. good job anyone who says he sounds like shit live needs to go fuck themself. playing set lists with 10 or however many songs on them every day for so long is hard. and plus he is an amazing singer so it doesnt even matter. he can sing it anyway he wants he made it. im confused about :45 not to shit on craig but he sounds ALOOOOOT like chester from linkin park in this song And also I just looked on a website and the price for a can of that is 35$ ...not 11$ like in this video.. i have a 2004 ZTS... and i have no idea where to buy shit for it. like a body kit and spoiler and new hood with some scoops. where can i look for that stuff?? itd help me out alot that motherfucker needs to die how did you get yours so loud.......??? i have an 04 zts and just put the race exhaust on it tonight.....and you can BAAAAARELY tell that i put it on..and im really pissed ? you call that a launch? i can launch faster than that with my stock focus,42,1,6,5,0,24,1 3411,X3412,everyone chill the fuck out. it's killstreaks. a part of the game we're playing so why not use them The bench and Carl Landry's reaction hahahaha I think he means he wishes he WOULD. Because last year he had zero in game dunks. you can't even spell rondo's name right Kevin Garnett has had a better career than Dwyane Wade.. He's arguably top 20 players ALL TIME. Definitely top 5 PF all time. Wade is nowhere near Garnett.e. Top 40 maybe and top 15 SG mayb Learn about basketball you scrub. Dwyane Wade has a few good seasonsunder his belt but is nowhere near as versatile as Garnett. I'm no hater either. I love Wade. Garnett however has put together one of the most impressive careers of all time. Keep replaying :20 lol DAGGER That's the fucking joke Good job Smoove. I understand what you're saying but I must disagree(this is rare)Pop wanted to rest his star players because of their next game. He wanted to rest them for the Memphis game. That's a division and conference rival that they NEED to win the season series for. It's likely that they could battle them for the #1 so the Memphis game was a lot more important to the Spurs than the Heat. I am an asshole. It was a horrible fucking joke because it should atleast make sense. Good bye. Rookie of the year. All-star in his rookie season. 3x all star already. I'm no Blake fan but you can't say he has no resume when he's as young as he is. HE PUNCHED THAT SHIT BARNES RIPPED THAT SHIT DOWN. When Trevor Ariza is being showed it says NO HORENTS lol Shut the fuck up. He was never considered the best player in the NBA RIGHT NOW. He was in contention with Kobe Lebron and others at all times. And those players aren't even as good as Kobe. He also has the most made. He's often called upon to take the last shot because he's not scared to. And he will always take the shot because he has a better chance than anyone else on the court. That's his mentality. Lebron isn't bad but he is nowhere near Kobe in the clutch and he will pass up a game winning shot attempt because Wade and Allen are clutch and he isn't to their level. Don't mind a sandy ad but if they could just fucking change it...... You are such a hater haha. It was a great dunk. Shut the fuck up you eleven year old retard. How many clutch shots like this has Lebron made? I'm positive I'm smarter than you and I'm American. You're a fucking retard haha. You can't even spell or use proper grammar. Fuck China.,20,1,3,1,0,27,0 3412,X3413,I just want to say. These people twisted God's word. God doesn't hate people He doesn't like our sins. The evil is using these people to make God look bad. I recommend to people to pray and ask God for wisdom when they read his word ( The Bible). 2 more lessons and he will be better than you jr!,2,0,5,1,0,32,0 3413,X3414,is that ur voice?? GOD!! MELTED ^_^ Anybody know who sing that song in the video? And what title? Taeyeon look abit like Hyuna. And Tiffany Amazeddddd lol Tiff hair is red againnn yeyyyyyy Next time I wanna join this kinda project wih u guys.. Cos im fanytastics kkk ^^ 4 thumbs up la~ Oh my god.. Such a damn great dance move.. Cant wait for the full MV.. This is TIDUNgggggg!!! Haha irwin lucu ihgh.. Doh saya kecewa liat MV ini.. TT Good luck girls. Fighting!!!!! Omg.. Im tearing to see this.. Congratz for ur engadments.. Long last ^^ Damn!!! U guys rock..,11,0,3,5,0,19,0 3414,X3415,I LOVEEEE DEREK ANTHONY!! He's super hot and I'm on his Instagram 24/7. He has very funny posts you need to see and like them and watch his videos! 3 Happy Valentine's Day guys! Love my subscribers! :),2,69,2,82,0,18,0 3415,X3416,"this coment is hacked you can like it 3 times Loading Coment... fake-.- o,: omfgg lol thatt suckss ;/ thatt was prettyyy cool (: 0.0 was that a gypsy flipp in the ladder o_o ? this is a hacked comment you can like it 3 times HOLYY FUCKK (: thanx forr uploadingg more oftenn !(: lets all beat the fuck out of these assholes ? o: Q: do you think that yourpvrtvxboxand all the other stuff you bought (for cod) is worth the money o:? mother fuckers i was going to use this songg ! . i seriously just saw this paused it and tried it ... it hurt really bad ;/ TILTYY IM YOUR #1 FANN Y U A DICK YOO ME THOUGH ;'/ im soo fucking high right noww op; viewer here (; no more voice lol c: my respectt c; cough coff unsubbed coff i cant find the foxtail in my cats eye :( chill out people itss mother nature ahaaa c: vodkaa i wanna fuckk no homo xO my gawd the edit nd the songg are perfect togetherr !(; thats hot lol c; i got it from my cousin dumfuck CORE FUCKING FOUR",25,4,2,2,1,21,1 3416,X3417,Micheal could you please make a video on giraffes? Specifically their inability to use their vocal cords? :) Dan after a woman gives labor a hormone is released that literally wipes out the memory of the pain. That's why.... :) They're little girls... who need their internet rights restricted! XD I think I matter to my best friend because I'm able to make her laugh when everyone else just makes her mad. I know she matters to me because she's the reason I'm still alive. Is it bad that I know the song at the beginning of the video? OH!!! I hope you die.... :) That was terribly uncalled for. I accept your beliefs and the beliefs of everyone else who engages in watching Youtube videos but no one and I mean no one has the moral right to justify that another person's words aren't useful and command that that person be silent. Your comment was absolutely rash and insensitive. I'm sure if another person commented on an interview of your favourite band/artist dishing snide insults like you did you'd feel a ping of offence in your heart. Now having reversed your current role with the one of Talya think about how you just insulted her family. To dishonour the sacredness of a homely institution seems quite immoral to me. Please think about your words before you say them.,8,1,3,3,0,22,0 3417,X3418,Read your constitution... Theya re preparing for forced vaccinations. and thsoe who refuse will be put on a bus or killed. lmao so funny. ty for the jokes.. love it I would go to ireland or scottland. Stay away from Germany... Its not safe right now with all the propaganda against America right now from there. Ha! Don't worry about those retards.. Only God can take you out! When he's ready to take you. You'll be ready to go. I wouldn't worry about them. The main point tot his song is if we don't educate ourselves then we become slaves to waht everyone else including our government tells us. Well New york city and the phillipeans have already started the micro chip...There are documentries u canlook up on youtube on it and some people inbig cities are definitely tryin to get it passed so everyone will do it. Eventually it will be world wide. Altho it itll take a while. Many of us are awake.. Vs 13 Chapter 24 in Matt. But he that shall endure until the end he the same shall be saved. None of us are God we are not to say what will happen and when it will happen. When God decides that will the time for us. Are kidding me about a 100 astroids pass us daily. thats a lot. And its normal. Unless u have the proper technology to prdict this sort of thing none of us know. great band! All the jobs he brought to the us went to the chinese and other forigners! Its bc I don't have tv or a cell phone or anything like that. All i ahve is a home phone and internet. My budget is 300 dollars every 2 weeks. :),13,10,3,5,0,28,0 3418,X3419,Life is hard man. xD M-m-m-maplestory music~! I love your videos so much! 3 I can just imagine the Pillsbury doughman right there. *This comment was made before her release. So yeah. _ Are you seriously saying that? Ain't nobody got time for dat.,6,5,5,5,0,20,0 3419,X3420,I like keeping my feet toasty with pair of fuzzy socks:) Yeah I agree! You can still put on some grunge and metal and chill. Doesn't matter what generation you're born in.I find it really annoying when any generation whines about the music prevalent in newer generations. Just like the generation before rock was disgusted by how rowdy it was and how people didn't embrace punk because of the rebellious nature to it. Any music is good music depending on who you ask so don't people shouldn't to belittle genres just cuz they don't like them.Just my opinion :) Cereal:) That baby also grew up living with the constant harassment of the media with a deeply distraught mother destroyed by the loss of her husband with the constant reminder of her father's death/suicide. Consider these situations before being a judgmental bitch. What is this? A Tenacious D - Foo Fighters collaboration? Lol:)Haha! A plane full of Davids:D 1.) Core/Creep was released in 1992 Death Magnetic/ The Unforgiven 3 was released in 2008.2.) The lyrics aren't similar.3.) The instrumentation isn't similar. Metallica uses electric guitars a piano and a french horn (I think) while Creep is acoustically tracked. 1st time I recognize all the youtubers in the video:) Confucius say - I be jealous! hahaha:) Hahaha:) Zelda reference:) Ummm... No. I would never imagine someone that I admire that's about 20 years older than me in my bed. That's just wrong.Besides you misspelled Gerard... My favorite part of the video is Phil holding the torches.:) Itsjudyslife! Hell yeah! :D If I could watch one thing for the rest of my life it would be the Annoying Orange.He's a brave kid.xD He already did on his State of the Union Address. Whoa... I've never seen the music video to this song. It's awesome! :D,16,253,4,68,0,16,0 3420,X3421,this song is soo beautiful! I think was Hayi's best performance yet all around. her charisma vocals and visuals all meshed well this girl is def improving day by day! yeah but cl and gd cant even sing as good as they dance so they r out. Minzy can sing just as good as she dances. rain's sining ain't all that great and i havent really seen joon and seungho dancing out of their kpop duties. Tayang is a good example. supporting the artist plus it will have sentimental values. But don't be mistaken this stuff is usually meant for die-hard fans. Wait what is this all about? If they are talking about fierce she def is the most FIERCE MAKNAE!!!!! same here. THis is what happens boys and girls when u join a gang think wisely!,7,12,3,5,0,18,0 3421,X3422,i love when ppl touch my hair is relaxing and i lov itmore if is someone im attracted too parece q quieren q se lo metan lol i agree with you lol hahahhaahahha too funny Im hispanic and i love your video i agree that they didnt make sence how did you grow your hair like that?? i really like d the video thx omg i almost cried is a beautiful story hopefully you guys learn to keep appreciating each other i really laughed i think you guys are great together Lmao too funny.ur mom is mad patient though.ohh n I hav a litle blue car lol lmaooooo ahhahahahha i loved it too funny how embarrasin to see something like that ....and then the ugly fat black dude talkin at the end if a guy hit me like that he better hide for his life because he will regret it i fukin lov ur hair waoo is looks like mine when wet n i lov it whats your nationality u look dominican. fukin weirdo lmaoooo. im laughing but you shouldn't play with stuff like that okay seriously i wont criticize your weight but wtf is wrong with ur singing my ears almost explded omg some people are just fukin miserable dawwm and they want others to be like them ...i loved ur video by the way Lol q cura lol can u do a hair tutorial on dry curls =D,19,1,3,1,0,21,1 3422,X1874,Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has Hey guys please check out this new channel called F0urL0c0s4.It's barely starting out but it has 3 Dodger It's time to unleash the F0url0c0s4 revolution Its Time to Unleash the L0C0 Its Time to Unleash the L0C0 Its Time to Unleash the L0C0 Its Time to Unleash the L0C0 Its Time to Unleash the L0C0 Its Time to Unleash the L0C0 I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU DOOOOOOODGER!!!,33,0,3,5,0,22,0 3423,X3424,Hahah Muytxd67efyudcasjtfuetcgfynja D e en late varial.. That is fake!! Pejte Nothug xD Haha! Tastes like shit @Michael sommer has the best 3flip!! Drit bra! Great video! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahh LOL,10,0,2,1,0,21,0 3424,X3425,Mari's voice makes me mangasm Derp herp merp slurp kurp lurt hurt. I saw Katt Williams use capitals. Look at these shorts i'll never wear because i cant get up! TigersKnicksWolverinesJust a guess. Call the monster Shamu. Lawl Only if this video was 1 second shorter trololololol Oscar Doyle----Susan Boyle 69 me nova ryan-methven You can clearly see Wiz smoking Marijuana: 0:01-2:40 Uhh Krispy kreme. Im a goat 3Understudied Im a goat! 3 Hes on a trip to America. I love how sentinelPRIME was like fuck you the whole time and he couldnt spell for shit. More like i have a friend named Mia that has progeria. Even* Crack baby crayons. /watch?v=6GggY4TEYbkfeature=related,22,1,2,5,0,21,0 3425,X3426,Epic Is that lils wanyes bro because they are like 12 Love* 0:49 beautiful kiss 3 Leo Bad parenting caused this. Without bad parenting Stephen would be normal Instructors fault Omg my hammy has none of the symptoms (thank god) but I hate to think other people's hamsters do :( I love my hamster and this made me cry U so stupid Or pupU Eat more cheese and I don't need to worry I hate chocolate You don't have minced pies in the USA I feel for you :( It was... Ok OMG sorry but I hate rats Your welcome She has talent Oooooooooooh,16,1,2,4,0,14,1 3426,X3427,drake a bitch drake a bitch what the name of the backflip in dogeball dajah get off my stuff kk kk ohh this trae leave him alone My Bench Cut Grass Real Good ! this songis so cute i am on my cusions page he dont kmow LEAVVVVVVVVVEEEEE HER ALONE CRAZ PPL dayjah get off my pagee this suck black ops2 wii u or wii this will be my first @vincent loya u need t get a life @tsitsikunaka393 lol ful no blown haters sent talk @keyanah browning you too nigger that offensive @Caelum Gartside thats his opinion wat ur # check out my channel 3 minutes 300 views i would like one like one 1:06 he looks like his dad,22,13,3,11,1,23,0 3427,X3428,"i dont give a shit who you are. but if it would shut you up about how you;re the conservation god almighty one then i would love to have an actual credible source of your achievments. honestly dude you're on youtube. no one is going to give a shit who you are i hate to tell you but you arent as important as you think you are. anyone else be a hipster and know this song before something else made it popular? did anyone else notice they almost all have something to do with either falling or fire? im entitled to my opinion too. don't like getting ragged on? think before you post hun that's too bad. what about the puppies sake? people shouldnt have the right to do whatever they want when it involves the sake of the dogs. morons like this shouldn't be allowed to breed dogs. you don't know everything either mr. bigshot ;) its prefered not to have a doberman in an apartment but if the person has the time and energy to exercise a doberman then great get one. doberman's personalities vary; maybe her's barked alot maybe yours didnt. its funny how you get so hyped up about a youtube comment about a person you've never met. dutch shepherds beat out both German Shepherds and Malinois :) those are probably the best for police work its true though these dogs are fucking beasts. did this dog get dropped on its head (haha kidding)!!!!1 so funny and cute! that's also wrong a black person shouldnt call them a cracker ass motherfucker. Quelles races sont toutes les races dans cette vido dans l'ordre? un de ces regards comme un chien boxer .. et c'est un abus chien .. haha you honestly don't know what a bully kutta is then! they are the largest dog breed in the world reaching 32-36 inches and sometimes over 40in plus they frequently reach well over 200lbs. these dogs were used as dogs of war guard dogs and are pitted against lions or other big game. this dog is not average at all. you can't tell us what type of dog we should own. not all pits are dangerous just as not all golden retrievers are gentle. its like saying all black people are gangsters its a HUGE misconception on the total population. then you're an idiot for letting that puppy go around an untrained doberman that is clearly not wanting to be around the puppy! what if you could learn to spell ,Caucasian Ovcharka, and stop calling other's stupid without knowing them? qu fea corteza del perro blanco y negro tiene! suena como una persona vieja tos con algo my whole point is that this isnt bad at all this beach is very fun! i used to surf here with my beagle :) your neighbors dog is probably a corgi then. its called nature. and wolves have a lower success rate at hunting than cheetahs. lol google a kangal dog poor japanese girl she actually had a decent voice it is the most common largest dog. there is a relatively unknown breed of mastiff called the Bully Kutta originating in Pakistan that frequently reaches 40in or more at the shoulder but is generally the greater than or equal to the size of the irish wolfhound. thanks but don't bring jesus into this. he hasnt done jack shit for me. Where is this place? It's beautiful :) nice boerboel too they really are an impressive breed These are awesome dogs... I heard they use these to hunt bear do they still? Angry women on Jerry Springer = too much damn bleeping out cuss words for me to know what's going on Just curious what goes through your head when you're having unprotected sex? I mean honestly do you think you'll just magically not get pregnant? @blumac81 shut the hell up and let people do what they please. You're not their mom who the hell are you to tell someone what they can and can't do just because you don't agree with it? it felt like a puppy... it didnt really hurt at all...yeah because all puppies are 16 feet of pure muscle and 3 rows of teeth ripping of your leg. i can tell it doesnt hurt by the way shes screaming. my beagles are retarded... they thought it was me making the sound and started licking my face T_T i watched a minute of a maroon 5 add before i realized it wasnt a part of the fail compilation donkey commentdonkey commentdonkey commentdonkey commentdonkey comment and after 4.9 billion years of successful human evolution the outcome is people like this?!? so much facepalm in one little video.",35,3,2,5,0,14,1 3428,X3429,Oh How I adore Cher. Yeah yeah yeah. LET ME KISS YOU. I wonder how many more subscribers they've gotten. I LOVE YOUR VOICE. I want an album from you soon. (: @kelseyteague Make my life and follow me? (: Harry is totally gonna beat her to it. Australian THIS MADE MY NIGHT. Thanks. SHE DOES NOT. THAT IS A LIE. HARRY IS WAAAAAY MORE FAMOUS THAN SHE WILL EVER BE. I love them. 3,9,1,3,10,0,15,0 3429,X3430,"I seriously don't understand this. Wtf is the plot? Who is gatsby? Wtf is this movie about? I wonder if he watches porn if i was her god i would die right then and there. what makes me beauiful is how i can make anybody smile whenever they are down. we've been waiting for more than a year for part 2.. why do i love this so much? sohi giggled in the firework part! this isnt zayn. NO IT ISNT I LISTENED TO ALL THE 1D SONGS I KNOW THIS ISNT HIM at 6:40 you can hear somebody in the backround say ,anal,LOLOL i only got 1 pair of UGGS and i got it like 3 days ago. it's on my channel~ i only got 1 pair of UGGS and i got it 3 days ago! go check out my channel to see it! im not the one to hate on celebrities TRUST ME IM NOT but honestly why are people getting thousands of dollars a day when all they use is autotune good beats? it's shit That awkward moment when Osama Bin Laden wasn't Afghan/wasn't found in Afghanistan. Wait if his camera wasn't stolen who leaked the naked pic? She really did get what she deserved annoying ass ghetto female. SIT THE FUCK DOWN. That was my first choice! But they didn't have my size :(But enjoy your UGGS when you get them! The Bailey button ones are obviously super cute! Are the last pair sheepskin fur popping out? Eh I don't like it.. I REALLY REALLY REALLT like the first ones though! let's let this be my first giveaway that i win! I LOVE JUSTFAB! ZAYN'S FACE THIS WHOLE SONG WAS JUST AMAZAYN Your accent is so cute haha are you British? This made me so damn dizzy but it was good Well... now with all the money he's going to get he can BUY a thrift shop Did anybody else notice the black thing then went into the corner at 3:11-3:12? on the right of Ruan'",23,4,2,2,0,21,0 3430,X2075,"39! I hope you guys know hes doing an accent right? Only HUMAN------- would know that so cute mother and daughter. You guys don't be mean about what she gives her dog I mean he is a big dog and he/she looks pretty strong so that kind of dog would eat something big! Musics catchy! I thought you were gonna give it to your dog You guys should additon for X-factor if you make it far but still lose you can be a band just like Cher shes famous and she lost X-factor ~UR GOOD~ y dnt u go suck ur dadys bannana LOL Liam: I haven't got insurence She dosen't have ballsSMARTY PANTS 5:12 BROMANCE! 3 BY 3 YOU FORGOT ZAYN MALIK Nah really I thought he was kicking a door +.+ It's probobly a spam because they'er jelouse tht they want naked ladys to love them No duh She can say mother f**ker at 2:20 But not at 0:50? weired!But I STILL LOVE U! It will when ur 69 THT SCREAM IZ ANNOYING You suckGet Life This is a fact Japanese can not kick above their waist. Why do you guys act like you guys are from Sims? SPAM!!!! Dude your fighting over spelling Liam proboly dosent like this episode. In English.They call it The Moon. very funny This is the sound of my wife makes when she gets organsm. Yeah I know you are Hey Did you know theres a song called ,What Makes You Beautiful,...And shes also part of that song! OMG! Thanks! It was 10 Sec.of my life U GUYS IN VID: OMG His underwear! Omg His phone! Omg Louis! Omg Zayn! Future Arahant Monk. HEHEHEDr. Payne Go to 07:39 she says ,I'm Gayyyy,LOL Kool whats next you been with Taylor Laugtner? Nice yeah you got it from the internet i sew it before",36,1,2,5,0,50,0 3431,X3432,5555 1-5 6 5.56E+15 ?? ? 1:11,9,0,6,5,1,25,0 3432,X2506,go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos! go to my page and watch my videos!,47,0,3,2,0,20,0 3433,X2523,Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!! Estimado amigo si quieres escuchar nuevamente esta cancin y un sinfn de xitos del amor te sugiero que visites Radio MUSICA PARA MIMOS busca su direccin URL por Google (tipea Msica para Mimos en Google) -- . La mejor msica romntica de todos los tiempos en internet te va a gustar est buensima...!!!,47,53,3,5,0,53,0 3434,X3435,Oh isn't it ironic? Don't you think? Sennheiser. Beats are crap. I agree completely Thomas has been dead for almost 500 years... All you assholes are fucking idiots. R.I.P Roy Waller Tattoos are only good if you can cover them,7,3,3,5,0,31,0 3435,X3436,You have a nice voice and all but what's with the makeup and effects and everything? Get over yourself. Exactly! Maybe if they were going hard on them because they are actually doing hard stuff it wouldn't be so bad. But really? Level 2 is nothing. I want my personalized cupcakes. :) If i catch you :),4,0,3,5,0,18,0 3436,X3437,Maybell! thanks:) Alien100000. I remember when I first talked to you which was in 2008 you made club penguin videos xD I synched the audio to this video onto my iPod. fuck yea call me by Blondie. I pitched the audio by +2% btw. Saying that you love animals that youre a vegetarian that you sleep with one leg out that your independent that you miss your friends that youre shy that you dont do drugs ARE NOT secrets. just saying..they were a stupid things to put in your video.... but the other stuff you said ARE secrets. when did you start getting into the body building process? :( :( Lol as I look back two years later in my video I made when I was in 6th grade...........I see all of these dislikes... :( Watch my What Makes You Beautiful One Feel free to troll it. xD c: this video is not weird..... :'C i think todd oliver was perfect but yeah horse sucks wordspit should of been better to bring back is it wrong that me and and my mom were cackling when we were watching this on tv cause we were like LOL WHUT IS DIS. HAHAHA. it's always horrible when a group of singers sing Firework.. first powerhouse now it was inspire the fire.. #9 Silhoutte Ribbon Clip! lolwut y u disable ratings he's adorable! his eyelids are amazing too c; i hate how people think her accent is fake. if you listen closely her accent is swedish but she just has a baby voice sdsdsdf so how did this get famous.. oh.... so my left eyelid is a double lid and my left lid is a parallel. _ oh my god charlie the unicorn voices3 listening to this song cause i dont wanna go to school oh my god i wish i was cody's girlfriend hes so attractive and a groovy singer . ugh fangirling right now. what is my life awww cody sitting on dat stool being all adorable and shit. did rex always look like that o___o I remember when I first heard this song I literally cried because of the lyrics and my whole life story /3 i made a montage video of cody 3 i'll upload it on probably on friday what sexy monkeys lovin yo username I love this look! I'm gonna wear it for school tomorrow. w-w,29,599,6,76,0,22,0 3437,X3438,WHATS THE NAME OF THIS SONG? U KILLED IT SMOKE E DIGGLERA pop the molly im sweating lol,3,5,3,9,0,27,0 3438,X3439,desculpa ele fosse sem talento ele nao tinha sido contratado por uma gravadora e nao tinha ficado famoso. looooooveeeeeeee eu sou cancermeu signo tem tudo a ver comigoacho que gostei mais de libra. love youuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love!!! *.* perfect!!!XD I LOVE YOU ARIANAYOU'RE MY FAVORITE SINGLE!!!XD aff...essa a otra turma!eu era da primeira turma... why it's don't in radio? gostei da coreomais achei muito simples.,10,0,2,5,0,29,0 3439,X3440,There would be no contest- Robert would crush Charlie Sheen in 5 seconds. Thor vs. SupermanLoki vs. The Joker,2,0,4,5,0,25,0 3440,X2635,"it is.. an old nissan tr frame?wow SANDWHIIIIII11IIIIIIIIICH thx!! ;) now i wish a jeep :D uffff ahahaha what is da music in da crediz? ...oh no this is old!!!!!11!!!! more then an entire year 13 month within.... aargh!!!!!!11!!!! but nicolas akrabov is really the same as barney calhoun! :D ma il nuovo ordine mondiale ha deciso che dobbiamo aumentare ancora di numero.. altro che popolazione di 1mld di persone.8mld entro il 2020 e 10mld entro il 2030 (si leggeva..)pi siamo e pi ebeti diventiamo pi ci uniformiamo e pi ,pascoliamo, meglio si scrive Sabbato! mavvai a trastevere e te fai f du porzioni n'take away :D tom stinks ghghghghg the last gas before turn of the engine is the better thing to do for break the turbo ^_^ ma come caaaaaaaaxxo so potuto stare tutto sto tempo senza guardare un tuo video? bbbbbuon natale!ahahah a dir poco fangoso invece della virgola ,, dovevi usare i due punti ,:,^_^ a new / S5Y8g eh beh! ci sta! non arrivato l'ingaggio che si sperava... :(mi dispiace davvero un saccoRenato! tra una preghierina e l'altra che farai per Bern riferiscigli che se ha modo pu benissimo risorgere sotto altre spoglie ;) basta Grill adesso solo 20 minuti hihihihisono queste le frasi che fanno sballare chi guida hihi ...sei identico a tua nonna! ffigata ^_^ complimenti grande roby! ;) sempre Nr1 ma PD al solito la ventola del radiatore si avvia ad ogni sputo :\ oltre che bella e di gusto.. proprio speciale! musichetta di scrubs finale = mi aspetto da te un film interamente in YTP style! ma marco masini quello in sigla a 2.00 ? si... fosforo bianco per e io non cago pi ....forte! russian nerd obvious ssi... da strada :Dhai sempre l'assetto che mi dicevi? e l'audio? nnice! ;) eheheh which kit do you use?i have a patrol like your and i search excursion suspension like your :) stai diventando uno youtuber di quelli che soprattutto usa il comic sans...! che voglia di asiatiche adesso.... e dulcis in fundo.. ehehe",38,8,7,10,0,27,0 3441,X3442,this nigga pippin dem hoes like ah boss whats the name of the no lie remix? I laughed my ass off at 2:47 !!!! This track could of been mastered a little more. But overall the mixing is dope as shit. props to Yella Claw. juicy j slappin the bass? 2:09?!!! fuck this nigga is yayed out!! lol dope set.,7,1,3,5,0,23,0 3442,X3080,Moja prognoza je da ce tvoj nastup sa pesmom Run Od Leone Lewis do kraja 2013 videti najmanje milion jutjubovaca a verovatno ce to biti i mnogo viseSARA=PURE ENERGY 3 Nije ispala ona je upala za sad u Srpski dzet set a posle videcemo.Pogledajte naslovnu stranu COSMOPOLITAN-a za februar 2013 :) Pogledajte ko je na naslovnoj strani COSMOPOLITAN-a za februar 2013 :) Bila jeste i bie PREDIVNA KRALJICA ali ba ba SARA JO=PURE ENERGY AMAZING BEAUTIFUL SARA JOType on youtube: SARA JOVANOVIC - Run (Leona Lewis) - 2012.Watch from 2:30 minSARA JO = PURE ENERGY :) AMAZING BEAUTIFUL SARA JOType on youtube: SARA JOVANOVIC - Run (Leona Lewis) - 2012.Watch from 2:30 minSARA JO = PURE ENERGY :) AMAZING BEAUTIFUL SARA JOType on youtube: SARA JOVANOVIC - Run (Leona Lewis) - 2012.Watch from 2:30 minSARA JO = PURE ENERGY :) AMAZING BEAUTIFUL SARA JOType on youtube: SARA JOVANOVIC - Run (Leona Lewis) - 2012.Watch from 2:30 minSARA JO = PURE ENERGY :) AMAZING BEAUTIFUL SARA JOType on youtube: SARA JOVANOVIC - Run (Leona Lewis) - 2012.Watch from 2:30 minSARA JO = PURE ENERGY :) AMAZING BEAUTIFUL SARA JOType on youtube: SARA JOVANOVIC - Run (Leona Lewis) - 2012.Watch from 2:30 minSARA JO = PURE ENERGY :) AMAZING BEAUTIFUL SARA JOType on youtube: SARA JOVANOVIC - Run (Leona Lewis) - 2012.Watch from 2:30 minSARA JO = PURE ENERGY :) AMAZING BEAUTIFUL SARA JOType on youtube: SARA JOVANOVIC - Run (Leona Lewis) - 2012.Watch from 2:30 minSARA JO = PURE ENERGY :) AMAZING BEAUTIFUL SARA JOType on youtube: SARA JOVANOVIC - Run (Leona Lewis) - 2012.Watch from 2:30 minSARA JO = PURE ENERGY :) SARA JO = PURE ENERGY 3 koliko EMOCIJA je unela prosto NEVEROVATNO 3BRAVO!!! SARA JO=PURE ENERGY 3 hahaha na 2:30 ali sam malo porazmislio u glavu haha..Kralj!!! SARA JO = PURE ENERGY :) Zamalo da zaboravim.. Ko je na naslovnoj stranici februarskog Comopolitan-a?Pogadjate zar ne :)ukucajte na youtube: jovanovicUivajte :) Neko ree da e pasti u zaborav posle PGS-a.. hehehe....kakvi gubitnici su ti hejteri..Ko je na naslovnoj stranici februarskog Comopolitan-a?Pogadjate zar ne :)ukucajte na youtube: jovanovicUivajte :) Neko ree da e pasti u zaborav posle PGS-a.. hehehe....kakvi gubitnici su ti hejteri..Ko je na naslovnoj stranici februarskog Comopolitan-a?Pogadjate zar ne :)ukucajte na youtube: jovanovicUivajte :) Neko ree da e pasti u zaborav posle PGS-a.. hehehe....kakvi gubitnici su ti hejteri..Ko je na naslovnoj stranici februarskog Comopolitan-a?Pogadjate zar ne :)ukucajte na youtube: jovanovicUivajte :) Neko ree da e pasti u zaborav posle PGS-a.. hehehe....kakvi gubitnici su ti hejteri..Ko je na naslovnoj stranici februarskog Comopolitan-a?Pogadjate zar ne :)ukucajte na youtube: jovanovicUivajte :) Neko ree da e pasti u zaborav posle PGS-a.. hehehe....kakvi gubitnici su ti hejteri..Ko je na naslovnoj stranici februarskog Comopolitan-a?Pogadjate zar ne :)ukucajte na youtube: jovanovicUivajte :) Neko ree da e pasti u zaborav posle PGS-a.. hehehe....kakvi gubitnici su ti hejteri..Ko je na naslovnoj stranici februarskog Comopolitan-a?Pogadjate zar ne :)ukucajte na youtube: jovanovicUivajte :) Neko ree da e pasti u zaborav posle PGS-a.. hehehe....kakvi gubitnici su ti hejteri..Ko je na naslovnoj stranici februarskog Comopolitan-a?Pogadjate zar ne :)ukucajte na youtube: jovanovicUivajte :) Da Sara Mirna i Nevena ce na Beoviziji pevati Maretovu kompoziciju.. :) Neko ree da e pasti u zaborav posle PGS-a.. hehehe....kakvi gubitnici su ti hejteri..Ko je na naslovnoj stranici februarskog Comopolitan-a?Pogadjate zar ne :)ukucajte na youtube: jovanovicUivajte :) Neko ree da e pasti u zaborav posle PGS-a..hmmm..kakvi gubitnici su ti hejteri..Ko je na naslovnoj stranici februarskog Comopolitan-a?Pogadjate zar ne :)ukucajte na youtube: jovanovicUivajte :) Neko ree da e pasti u zaborav posle PGS-a..hmmm..kakvi gubitnici su ti hejteri..Ko je na naslovnoj stranici februarskog Comopolitan-a?Pogadjate zar ne :)ukucajte na youtube: jovanovicUivajte :) Neko ree da e pasti u zaborav posle PGS-a..hmmm..kakvi gubitnici su ti hejteri..Ko je na naslovnoj stranici februarskog Comopolitan-a?Pogadjate zar ne :)ukucajte na youtube: jovanovicUivajte :) Neko ree da e pasti u zaborav posle PGS-a..hmmm..kakvi gubitnici su ti hejteri..Ko je na naslovnoj stranici februarskog Comopolitan-a?Pogadjate zar ne :)ukucajte na youtube: jovanovicUivajte :) Cika Vlado a jel mogu ja da upadnem u tu rupu da se i ja kao i ti malo vratim u bezbrizno detinjstvo (ali bez pevanja).. :) SARA GRANDE :) Samo sam hteo ono prvo da kazem :),35,1,4,31,0,42,0 3443,X3444,What about the F-117 Nighthawk? First stealth aircraft and a great bomber. For the ones who have the aif_core.dll error just troubleshoot Photoshop and click Start Program and it should work. It's awkward that the top comments are the same @Pranav Lakhani Thanks! been looking for those things. I'm a little confused is the game now released? lol attacked by chickens after i downloaded it xD almost killed me So if our religion is not perfect what about yours? do you REALLY think your religion is perfect? you came here insulting Islam and demanding to see it end that's a wide proof that you and your religion are corrupted and must end because Muslims don't come here flaming Christians because Islam prohibited that but your religion didn't.Please don't act like a gift came from your god and warn others from us we're not Monsters/Devils/Aliens or whatever you think about us. I AM Arab lol LOL we all thought that the Guy on the cover was holding a flare well it was a Knife or a Machete How come? Trust me am a Muslim and we do have a problem with Israel They've taken half Palestine and start Killing people there and now they are taking deep actions with the NATO countries to eliminate Iran Nuclear Project.I live in Kuwait and i'm with Iran on taking down Israel for lots of reasons but the main one is that some of the Arab-Muslim countries Like Saudi Arabia start to Break the Old Islamic law (No Friendly Actions towards Zionists) and join the NATO with Israel 255 Saint Row Players raped by Niko. Where's number 7? Well i'm a Col 100 BF3 guy and i think BF3 sucked at one major thing which is DICE's carelessness about the players... The game is almost done of everything and they did not even fix it yet and comparing to Treyarch DICE doesn't gives a damn about the glitches in the game they just tell us to get over it Treyarch patches every single glitch in the game and forces glitchers to hack the whole game.P.S. sorry about the bad english... Yup you guys Were the first believers and now you say It never happened... A Confirmed Fact: Everyone who watched this video got a Boner.,17,4,3,1,0,25,0 3444,X3445,Do u think this one is fit for summer? And does it as comfort as the advance boots which also made my 5.11 89 cents...99 cents.....fuck! That's a good one ...... But u can feel it all around the place don't ya? Especially to ur Arabian guys it is very unfair. The crying guy in this video makes me feel very bad. Hey is this too hot for summer? because I'm looking for some comfortable shoes for summer and I walk a lot but I don't wanna get sweaty inside the shoe and those running shoes cannot meet my require(they are too weak) what do you think about it? Un-huh big mistake. Did u know that recently their several russian border soldiers frozen to death? Not all russians are not fear cold weather. Say whatever u want xbox commando. ? . When u say mother I cannot stop laughing~ haha thanks man. Now it 49~ ? ? . Thanks man. It can never happen CE taste like shit to real Chinese people U must be a pussy Yeah I especially love to eat ur mom's pussy best bitch pussy I've ever had ...... Fuck those XinJiang thefts! Kill those lil bitches! smack the shit outta da bitch! does it support 64gb card? My first smart device~full of memories... So many pigs~ TF2 copy...but if it's GL everything gonna be all right! Case dismiss! Cool plane~Iran can make stealth fighter with just plastic?! Awesome~Come on man! How can u guys solved the upper body inlet problem? Did u guys see any jets with upper inlet?! If u give me a Futaba remoter it might be a great jet toy for me but real fighter? Come on Iranians....R u serious? U Chinese? R U freaking kidding me? Do not acting like one of us plz .... Biber bully....!!! !,29,0,4,2,0,21,0 3445,X3446,y r there so many suck up talking about they love this video and what a coincident u do. to that is some b.s i'm just saying all u little suck ups stop ms. grimmie doesn't need this shut up at 4:26 stephen joe fell lol wat if u suck jk ill look u up ikr look nigga he will kill u in rappin so stop hatin mutherfucker i stared in his eyes the whole time like if u did to how he alley hoop wen its one-one im like a big ass swag bear under 310 club like u shouldn't drive wit ur eyes closed shit just got real 4:00-4:04 like if u found the 8 like if ur under the 200000 club whers :49 kony is so ratchettt ur heads so weird leonidas won the first maswter cheif the seconde no he did not lift it up i like aqua Hey i love yalll3 Yall are amazing3,21,0,3,5,0,18,0 3446,X3254,das war doch gestern oder wo bin ich ? Beatsteaks2011 ok ich habe wie wer es wenn ich fr dich fr battelfield werbe und du fr mich minecraftnur ne frage ich sehe du machst dir viel mhe fr deine lets plays wie geil 30 wilstdu mich verarschen 31 :) IHR SEIT DIE BESTEN ALLER ZEITEN 8 ABONNENTEN IHR SEIT AWESOMEDANKE danke simi Liebe abonnenten dies ist meine geschichte ich bin am 3.5.2011 youtobe beigetretendamals habe ich noch nichts mit lets plays gemacht einen monat spter finge ich anich habe mir immer vorgenommen 10 abonnenten und ich freu mich ber jeden like jeden abo alles und heute ist es war geworden danke es kommt auch noch ein spezial danke Vicentt0 ich bin beatsteaks2011 simi JETZT LIVESTREAM 16:00 UHR LINK: lIVESTREAM JETZT Livestream jetzt neuer link So Leute da mchte ich mich fr den stream gestern bedanken vielen dank mir hatt es spa gemacht mit euc zuspielen die Leute die nicht dabei wahrn knnen ja beim nchsten stream vorbei schaun mit ps3 und noch viel mehr :) wie findest du thespacemarinews bisschen mehr emution :) DANKE 15 ABOS ihr seit ALLE AWESOME durch diesses lied von lmfao oder wie auch immer das lied lief immer im sommer und dann hat er halt diesen namen genommen danke an 17 abos awesome community server geht jetzt online danke an 19 abos noch ein abo dan gibs heute abend livestream 20 abos AWESOME infovideo folgt der link zum video stream pnklich so leute das war der schlimmste stream aller zeiten von mir aber das nchste mal rocken wir den stream versprochen Gute nachichten ich habe einen xplit licens honey kan echt schn singen mach ein albung oder singe mehr in deinen lets plays THE HUNGER GAMES BEI MIR AUF DEM SERVER 19:50 KOMMT DRAUF WENN IHR DEN IPWISSEN WOLLTE ANFRAGEN SCHNELL ich mchte auch keinen streit aber so leute einfach ignoriren und diese spackenkpfe nochmal ignorieren aber kanns erlich ich finde jeder wei das deine karaoke videos nur spa machen niemand erwartet auch einen 2 micheal jackson sondern spaalso zeig ihr oder ihm die kommentare und dann ist er oder sie sprachlos ich mchte nur noch wissen wer war das ? ich wollte an honey schreiben :) so leute dere server startet mit einern neuen map das heit es werden mods eigefgt mit system leute knnen brgermeister werden mssen drfer baun alles dabei also ihr knnt drauf kommen DAS WAR DIE GEILSTE PARODIE EVER HAMMER GEIL RICHTIG GUT DAZU GESUNGENBESSER ALS ORIGINAL so leute das musst ich sagen tschau leute bis in 2 wochen so leute ein neben projekt verrate ich schon spiele testen :) wo ist pietsmittie so 23 abonneten das ist eine nummer viel spa an meinem kommenden projekten danke an 24 abonenten awesome ? *du auch ? adde mich nochmal auf skype der community server ist wieder da mit plugins willst du drauf ? der community server back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!,41,22,3,5,0,23,0 3447,X3448,oh okay Hey can you pick up my soap? P.S. TIP: If you turn the brightness up in the options menu you can see better in caves without using torches. I need help! I have to buy the book thing so i use 7-zip. and seven zip wont let me do the thing at 1:32!!! help me Cool i guess lol Is that dubstep at the end?? Easy. D: FAP ABORTED Haahahahaha I am 12 and I got this when I first watched it xD My theory of the cop chase fence dissapearance is Doc and Marty in the time machine xD Slenderman got his face cut :O and he got EARS and he changed his clothes :o YOU MAKE MY PEEPEE GO DADOING DOING DOING. Again. I believe he's real. I want to see him for legit myself.,14,5,2,4,0,21,0 3448,X3449,the curse of writing a perfect song his lyrics will kill you over and over this is damn well written. this is a perfect description of depression. wish i wrote it. deserves more views. HAH! GAY! what from all the live videos ive seen of dallas his stage banter isn't awkward. its the opposite. more like because theyre lyrics are very very dark and a lot of people dont feel that way/cant relate/ would rather listen to an upbeat band like title fight god i wouldnt want to be in a band with those two guitarists they seem to make him(cove) so on edge- instead of making him comfortable while hes performing they always give him sharp looks. opposite of what a band should be like. google them... they have 1000000 fans on facebook This is an act they're friends. RIP Tanner. HAAAAHAHAHA. he said they dried off their asshole with his food before they brought it up to him. joe is a funny ass dude This is how Chuck looks every time he watches a fight. Look back to when he was coaching on TUF. I've never heard them mention Eddie Murphy as one of their favorite comics or at all for that matter the lyrics to this are so good. he got a lot better at writing. great story i want to stare at sunrises for epiphany's when i listen to this. i love how the other bands drummer(i think) in the back round are jamming so hard air drumming,18,1,3,1,0,27,0 3449,X3450,... ! ... ... WELCOME TO YOUTUBE ? 1) 2) 3)-- ... 99 !? .... SOVIET RUSSIA BROFIST!,8,1,3,5,0,16,0 3450,X3451,is that ron jeremy spotting him? Dee Snider you have less talent than every single other band shown on this video....Your band sucked your voice sucked. You made a one hit wonder football anthem and you wanna talk to to all those bands? I didn't see a SINGLE lead singer on this video that wasn't better than you. Like literally......Not one. Idiot. Twisted Sister? That's the punchline right there. Paul Gilbert has more talent than your entire band did put together.,2,0,7,5,0,23,1 3451,X3452,"Wow... its been years and years since I've heard this track makes me smile so much thanks finding this recording cracks me up! i was part of the chorus and recorded this eleven years ago! queen move to San Francisco queers like us do well in The City Yeah... if I made a song with the chorus ,Kill that nigger, youtube wouldn't allow it to stay up... people don't get assaulted for being Pollacks or Italians these days... Perez Hilton is allowed to use the word faggot why is that girl where a brown striped skirt red t-shirt and heels with a top of the head ponytail? you guys are her friends and you let her wear that on film? So rude... britney walked into the studio half sung the lines and they ran it through auto tune. This track shows the huge talent gap between Gaga and Britney. This version is just awful... It's alright for you to question not only my spiritual practices but also my own gender identity all while perpetuating the gender binary awesome! You should examine your own prejudices before throwing shade on something I said positively to this fierce little tranny. Grrl... the it gets better is about the bullying of GAY kids... fat Ke$ha looks like she smells really bad I love Venetian Princess cause she's always about a month or so behind the relevance of the songs and memes she's using um pretty sure all fags like La Roux... Typically it's bigoted inbred hicks that don't like her so you must be the exception... Amazing haven't heard this track in years! I got a used one on ebay for 5.99 plus s+h!!! Score!!! i find this video very difficult to masturbate to... i find this video difficult to masturbate to I find this video difficult to masturbate to... I find this video difficult to masturbate to aren't Lia and Athena like 10??? Do your next video topless",22,0,6,1,0,31,0 3452,X3453,hi Cute haha XD Haha nice Thats dude thats wants to sleep looks like nathan kress so haters make me famouse and lovers make me famouse either way win win dont like my vids then dont watch just saying. Haha 3* the song is by keith urban Love ur music even tho i hate rap but this i love Idrc about this shit i dont do politics Hehe haha,12,35,2,72,0,15,0 3453,X3454,2! ... ! Hi guys and girls go check my other youtube channel TONYMONTACO ...,7,42,2,5,0,14,0 3454,X3455,graciasss,1,19,3,9,0,15,0 3455,X3456,! ! ... ... - . - . - ! 6 ... ... ... . !!1 !!! ! ! ! Respect! Sorry Canadian girl.... Yea correct thank you dude... In Russia loved her in 80 years... ... ... ... ... ( ) .... ! +100500 As always - powerfully! GUT ... No Queen Latifa... :) . ... ... !!! ... ??!!! :))) - ... ... ... ...,25,0,2,5,0,47,0 3456,X3457,: : 20,4,0,3,5,0,24,0 3457,X3458,the only thing i ever seized was a hotpocket in the fridge no not dubstep it's just a stereotypical song but wheres the melody wheres the rythem just go to for real electronic music don't say damn kids i've done more shows not gigs SHOWS then YOU!!!and i'm only 15 new vid out soon so what your saying is that if you invented this yourself after months of work and your dream YOU would call yourself a disgrace and kill yourself no! people have connections to the past this is nostalgia thats what you have listen i'm not trying to tell you to like it i couldn't care less just think how happy the person who invented this was his creation wasn't an idea but a REALITY!!! well i would add more bass to the drop i would make it out of N.I Massive just like two oscillators a sin-square and a square-saw then write some notes on the C0-C1 range to give it that sub bass i would then eq it to mabye 60hz for a tight bass sound or 249hz for a really big bass and eq it to lose the area where your kick and snare hit this will give you a fuller sound and a much more (harder) drop you should always take the bass out right before the drop so you get that impact currently working on one only gay people say illest ya 15 sounds mellow I'm Broke as Hell=( download in description 1:54 I'm back for my revenge Destiny...,14,39,3,21,0,22,0 3458,X3459,i guess i never got the mammel Lmafo I Love Thoes Frecklies!!3 and his vids WTF is that person saying in thw chrous lol he said alphabet Lmao!,4,1,2,5,0,19,0 3459,X3460,I really like this knife! Bravo. Da peva peva! :) So Real it's scary! :) Im from Serbia but I also think that Badr Hari is the best! Nice! :) little annoying?! BikemanforU i have a problem!!!I have a Cube LTD1 where there are no holes for the screws on the frame. I have a hole under the seat to attach the rack but not down at the wheel. The worst thing is that I already bought the rack. What should I do aaaaaaaaa!!!???BikemanforU HELP!!!! Song of the year.Band of the year.Interpretation of the year.Oskarsom I'm sorry but on the site I can not find the information. Give at least link if you hate to write. :),9,0,3,5,0,31,0 3460,X3461,For Me Its More Of You Thinking This To Personaly.. I Dont Even Think I Posted The Comment And I Share So Yeah No Reason 4 You To Get All Weird With me... This is Like The Best Cpmv Eveaaaa :OO :D Mom- We Should use Glue OMG O_O I LOVE THIS SONG!! O_O SUMFIN SUMFIN SUMFIN IN DA CLU XDDDDD cx HAPPY BIRTH DAY ANNIE YOUR FANS LUV YOU!! :D I really Agree with you. Yeah Totally! @Kasper Hansen *shut OMFG LMFAOOOO ARe u dumb hoe? I have the old easy bake over and it takes like hours for it to finally finish a cupcake but like the new one is probably better @Akfamilyhome @megashayne00 Omg I'm so crying like Jillian u really did an amazing job out there ;D Aw I can't watch it on my iPod And this is why we need children as scientists!!!!!!! Drake and how many are watching in 2013 Wow mark is a fucker Waste of your tickets Wow That is seriously immature . @COINSLOTPORN wow what an interest LMFAO my name ish Micah too :D GYIVYKFU AMAZING GURRL OH AND HI C: AWW THAT IS SUPER CUTE I LOVE HOW EVERYONE WAS IN A LINE!!! I WISH IW AZ THERE C; FHIFGHIKGJBGKLJGKLHKL C: LOLL WONDER PETS Just face it child u are terrible..,28,20,2,5,0,31,0 3461,X3462,ethet Inch I am so tired of hearing about this is free you have to pay for gold like on psn you have to pay for prinium. I don't care what anyone says this is a good song! Should have been in the album. no u,5,3,3,4,1,22,0 3462,X3463,Justin looked like he was enjoying some of Nicki 3:30 yes yea see and now the same guy who played hannahs brother has a part in a show on DisneyXD as a sensei named rudy Shut up YOU'RE a piece of shit you'r just a little faggot trying to get attention,4,4,3,5,0,111,1 3463,X3441,228((( real!!!! by walt disney=,37,0,3,5,0,13,0 3464,X3465,She pretty I love this song I miss the old kelly Ok rihanna ^___^ yess I love this song U will be missed I agree with you ^__^ On repeat like I love her ^____^ yesss Tamar ^___^ Yesssss rihanna This song is for my bae Yes I know that's right This my song This my shit ayyyyy I like this song,15,2,4,7,0,23,1 3465,X3466,Status-Online Im ZxkillergirlzX! I'm ZxkillergirlzX! Im in a FREAKING BAND!!! Band practices are 1:00-1:30!! ^^ Who's in? MeYTHMJR,4,28,4,23,1,15,0 3466,X3467,JR so cute EXO M Better I agree like yeah yeah yeah ! ? Wow Wow Check On It () if i were a boy Il Hoon really look good... Ling Ling fighting Ling Ling has talent Ling Ling fighting Ah...I miss Them,23,0,5,3,0,33,0 3467,X3468,! !,5,0,6,5,0,38,0 3468,X3469,great video and MERRY CHRISTMAS from greece :* ^_^ 33333 What ever ^_^ i love this song....!!!! +1 from me ^^ 3 +1 ^^ great videoand i love this band ^^ favorite song....!! +1 ^^ One Mississippi two Mississippi hahahah dwse antrakla m xa0xa0xa0xa epikotati parody!!!!! :D taso axx kalampokaki xa0xa0xa.......... ti yperoxo tragoudi se ta3ideuei ^^ remind me the epic times in need for speed game..!!!! best ever song ^^ i miss this game :'( nitro plzz ^^ hahahah epic favorite! euxaristw para poly!! :D apira like sto tragoudi ^_^!!!!!!! fwnara einai o atimos ^_^!! gliko tragoudi ^^ ta 2 agapimena m 3:11 xD kai 3:35! pethana apo ta gelia mpravo gia tis parodies!!! ^_^ BoOM .....(ellines pantou xD) Apeuthias gia EUROVISION..! +1 XD joey is the most adorable from all the friend team! ^_^ woW ................. ^_^ yperoxo girly make upkai super o diagonismos kali mas epitixia..! ^^ better than the original 100% :D lovely song..!! ^^ so sad :'( this gorgeous talent is gone :(,27,220,4,30,0,18,0