--- task_categories: - translation - text-generation language: - bm - fr size_categories: - 10K (sh/shy) sound: Symbol left in the dataset, although not a part of bambara orthography nor French orthography. ## License - `CC-BY-SA-4.0` ## Version - `1.0.1` ## Citation ``` @misc{bayelemabagamldataset2022 title={Machine Learning Dataset Development for Manding Languages}, author={ Valentin Vydrin and Jean-Jacques Meric and Kirill Maslinsky and Andrij Rovenchak and Allahsera Auguste Tapo and Sebastien Diarra and Christopher Homan and Marco Zampieri and Michael Leventhal }, howpublished = {url{https://github.com/robotsmali-ai/datasets}}, year={2022} } ``` ## Contacts - `sdiarra robotsmali org` - `aat3261 rit edu`