grant_id,project_active_grant,project_approved,project_address,project_title,project_website,project_decription,project_created_at,project_round,project_long_id,project_status,project_last_modify,project_application_round,project_last_update,project_contract_id,project_github_user,project_github,project_twitter,project_funding_source,project_team_size,live_on_other_chains,project_value,project_improvements_to_existing,project_amount_received,project_contributor_count,project_contribution_count 6841,False,False,0xDc4C1D5D42f829dfd4b772d3a678CfB178ee6476,4C Labs,,"Project Core: 4C hopes to become the Bridge of Web3 and Comics. Project Introduction: 4C is a Web3 community that helps creators create comics. In 4C, NFT HOLDER can support comic creators to create deviate and in-depth comics in the form of authorized NFT. Deviate works can be free-minted as NFTs at 4C, and the subsequent transaction proceeds of these deviate NFTs will be shared with authorized NFT holders and creators. In addition, 4C mainly includes two parts: 4C CLUB and 4C DAO. The mission of 4C CLUB is to make every NFT have a good comic story and generate new transactions and value around these comic NFTs. The 4C DAO's mission is much more difficult, to help comic creators create great comic stories. We believe that Web3 will give birth to a new batch of world-class comic creators and comic stories, and Web3 should have a new ""Marvel"". Project Highlights: Adequate amount of derived NFT IP More accessible to creating comics for Web 3 Everlasting work of art NO PUBLICATION FEE FREE MINT $C token rewards ",2022-06-24T03:39:54.292-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6842,True,True,0xCE41b49d28800De3Ba9925f68D82129dFc4b870B,C# library for accessing NFTs on mobile devices,,"This is a lightweight open source C# library that uses the Metamask Mobile app SDK and the OpenSea API to get access to the NFTs stored in the users wallet. The library takes these two things and simplifies access to them. This would make it usedful for NFT gallery apps, games which use NFTs, ethereum apps and many other things. On mobile devices (phones, tablets, etc) it is hard to get access to a users NFTs as dApps usually live in the browser and not as actual apps. It currently has two main purposes. 1 - Get the users Eth address from the Metamask Mobile app. 2 - Get a list of Assets (NFTs) associated with that address. These are proper objects and it can currently tell the difference between picture, audio and video NFTs. Others (BAYC, etc) could be added. As Metamask is a bit unpredictable, I now use their upcoming SDK for allowing my app to talk to their app. This involves refactoring some of their code which I hope to give back to them. Then there is my library which aims to put a simple interface ontoa technical process. Given some funding I would like to maintain this library and expand it as the users need it. ",2022-06-24T07:41:41.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6843,False,False,0x8871b4405018e75f08a0bbc9f1fb0241f8b188ae,VDAO - First VC DAO,,"The project is a fund investing (early stage investments, but also securing networks and provide liquidity) in the ecosystem. We aim to build the first VC DAO of the cryptosphere. ",2022-06-24T09:37:40.087-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6844,False,False,0x4C3477e9756610fcB7Dac007C03aE0D666fFc54E,Unisound: Web3.0 sample pack marketplace for music producers,,"Unisound enables professional, yet undiscovered music producers to gain exposure among a large community while monetizing their samples. ",2022-06-24T11:00:32.560-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6845,False,False,0x9486C5CFE392763A25dC30C9F62f6D21f73d220f, decentralized - marketplace platform,,"Hello Fam we are looking to raise little funds from the community so we can add it to our developing stage and daily upkeep with the finishing phase of the univerz platform, that will benefit the whole community and disrupt all the centralized marketplaces as we know them. Harberger tax will be implemented so the sellers will be decentivized to price gouging and bring it to the fair level. Also he tax will be fairly distributed back to the addresses to incentivize them for future transaction. Univerz is a decentralized database and multi vendor Marketplace platform with cryptocurrency reward. Based on the Ethereum blockchain network, that is supported by the Buyer/Seller community, that builds and interacts with cryptocurrency rewards. Platform will provide all the necessary functionality to buy and to sell NFTs and digital goods. Combines, adapts and improves concepts from already established ecommerce platforms and blockchain P2P communities. Providing immutable and uncorrupt product listing, reviews and price history with witness power to vote over product and store/seller. The main goal is to disrupt existing centralized marketplaces with use of ""Harberger Tax"" that will be distributed to the ecosystem (addresses that have interacted with the smart contracts) Goals: DAO governance Open Source Decentralized Benefits its users Review system In order to ensure platform quality and sellers’ honesty all users will be able to leave a review after the purchase. In order to encourage users to leave reviews, a reward system will be implemented to reward active users. Harberger Tax %2.5 that will be distributed directly to the public in the ecosystem. This consists of features that allow users to earn value and to spend it on products or services that are internal to the inherent ecosystem. They can earn it by doing active work (leaving positive feedback, governance, voting, buying and selling), The creation of such an internal economy is arguably one of the most important outcomes, and one that must be sustained over time. ",2022-06-24T12:33:04.737-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6846,False,False,0x0,Daemons,,"Ever wondered how it feels to be a blockchain power user? Do you have an awesome idea or strategy to combine different Dapps in order to maximize yields or capital efficiency? Introducing Daemons, a platform that allows anyone to become an advanced blockchain user. Daemons can help you create blockchain-related actions tied to certain conditions (called Scripts). You can choose a set of actions, related to everyone’s favorite Dapps, and tie them to a condition. Your request is stored and when the condition is satisfied, the script will be retrieved and executed in an “If this, then that” fashion. All this, in a non-custodial, decentralized manner. Does this look interesting to you? is a community based protocol and needs your help to make it! Why Daemons? Before Daemons, users with no coding experience could not automate custom actions and had to make do with pre-built actions provided by the various platforms they used. This presents a certain amount of friction between non-technical users of DeFi and smart contract functionality. Platforms and contracts are not flexible, like all pieces of sophisticated software. It requires time and know-how, to prepare, debug, audit, and test a variety of smart contracts in order to automate the simplest of actions. As such, Daemons was inspired. To remove the boundaries towards a decentralized and personalized finance management tool. Particularly, Daemons allows you to create personalized scripts to interact with your favorite DeFi platforms, in no time, with no programming knowledge, for free. DeFi should be enjoyed by everyone, not just software developers. Everyone should have the ability to create their own strategies and have them up and running instantly, without hassle or costs. Some basic examples possible: Perform a DCA, buying tokens every week. Take profit/stop loss whenever the price of an asset is greater than X. Exit from a high-risk LP pool, removing 10% of the liquidity every 5 hours. Swap some tokens each time your balance is greater than 0. Daemons gives multiple primitives that can be mixed and matched to create personalized scripts that can fit any need. How does it work? The execution flow always follows these steps: Current State Screenshots Thank you for reading! Feel free to join our community at  For more information, please use the link below: ",2022-06-25T15:14:15.212-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6847,True,True,0x62763A0D45Eb16EFe2B9f2f30743BE0e6ec3A207,zkMachineLearning - an end-to-end platform to bridge Web2 developers into Web3,,"Circom library for Machine Learning: Python-Circom ML Translator: coming soon Prototype Demo dApp: Zero-Knowledge Machine Learning (zkML) will be the bridge between the Web2 (AI/ML) and the Web3 worlds. With existing projects like Circom and Zk Block, and existing programs like 0xPARC and ZK HACK, the space needs an actual usable dApp to tie these all together. zkMachineLearning is the project that will attract experienced developers in Web2 to join Web3. Traditionally, machine learning bounty platforms, such as Kaggle, require developers to submit their full model to the host for performance verification. The evaluation process is often black-box and rankings cannot be verified. With zkML, we can verify private data with public models, or verify private models with public data ( That means we can now host bounties that developers do not need to fully disclose their model, and model architecture and weights are only disclosed when the bounty is paid. The application I am building aims to be an all-in-one end-to-end platform that ML developer can quickly convert their models trained in say Tensorflow or PyTorch into a zk-compatible one. The platform will include a library (circomlib-ml, already published and constantly updated) of Circom circuits that compute common layers in Tensorflow/PyTorch, a Python-Circom translator (in development) that will transcribe ML models in Python into a Circom circuit, and a dApp that will host, verify, payout bounties.",2022-06-25T15:15:31.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6848,True,True,0x96187703867D884230031dB953A475ad234b6c52,NFT Curator --New Web 3.0 Advertising model,,"Winner of ETHGlobal : Best use of Polygon Prize Our aim is to build a decentralized Ad platform, which make people directly get benenifts from ads they receive, instead of traditional ad platforms such as Facebook take all the ad money and users get nothing. NFT Curator is a decentralized Ad platform design for delivering NFT ads based on polygon. Advertisers can upload images fill in target addresses or choose the big whales’ NFT holders group we offered. When a group of tasks, such as following advertisers on twitter, post a twitter that advertisers required and join advertisers' discord, are done by NFT Ads' holders, they can burn ad NFT to gain some bonus(currently the bonus is $Matic token, as we haven't design our tokenomics yet) by our smart contract. We use Chainlink to generate random hash values to make sure these tasks are done without cheating. The conversion rate of the Ads can be based on the reflection of people who chooses to click like button on NFT Market such as OpenSea or burn NFT Ads to gain benefits when they receive NFT Ads' airdrops.",2022-06-25T22:42:05.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6849,True,True,0xC0F0Ce81234776f7bf30e479fB0Ac518034818B6,Dory,,"DORY(Decentralized Storytelling) envisions a blockchain-based interactive network for authors and readers that enables write2earn, read2earn, and secondary-create2earn. DORY aims to bring IP ownership back to storytellers, and maximize their profits through tokenomics and story NFTs.",2022-06-26T09:38:33.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6850,True,True,0x943B714B61ccC05B8e6F21540538C6f4Ec7B8E1c,SnowCone DAO - Full Suite of DAO Tools and Management,,"SnowCone is one of the largest projects on Avalanche Network to date and aims to bring a new layer of efficiency for DAOs by offering consumers a next gen suite to tools. We provide a turn-key frame work for DAO creation, analytics dashboard, funding, and organizational management, it's plug and play. Do you want to build and fund your own DAO with relative ease? Our tools are for you! We plan on taking this cross-chain, and deliver unparalleled interoperability. Further, we will be releasing a Web3 Wallet feature that simplifies log-on, privacy, and security for the entire space. Update- as of late July- we released several features in beta form, free and open sourced. Our Web3 Wallet- SnowConeKit, an open source wallet kit that can make any website #Web3compatible with just one line of code! Our API Wrapper- If you utilize our tools, please send us feedback via Twitter. We’d love to hear from you, and of course funding is always welcome as we strive to improve our range of products.  ",2022-06-26T13:37:35.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6851,False,False,0x9FD49dAf92e29dF8B5132c9a026b99b4281D4f7C,Magpie Protocol,," What is Magpie? Magpie Protocol is a cross-chain liquidity aggregator that enables seamless cross-chain swaps with near-instant finality and cost efficiency on many of the top blockchains, all without the need to bridge any assets, making for an extremely fast, secure, easy, and gas-efficient solution. Magpie Protocol incorporates a unique technical implementation that allows the execution of cross-chain swaps without the need for the user to bridge assets from any of the top bridges. This saves time and cost by reducing the complexity and security risks involved in using any of the bridging solutions to move assets across chains. Compared to other options in DeFi, when a user swaps using Magpie Protocol, they don’t need to go to the corresponding bridge, learn how to use it, spend a bunch of gas on transfers and time waiting, only to then have to go back to the DEX to make a swap. While in some ways similar to 0x, Paraswap, and 1inch, the advantage of Magpie Protocol comes in its user experience, security, ease-of-use, and speed, all while providing users with the best prices on tokens both within-chain and cross-chain. Our Vision: We’re shaping the future of how people interact with financial systems built on decentralized, fair, and universally accessible technology. Our Mission: To empower users of all levels by building a cross-chain infrastructure service that offers a simple, efficient, and secure way to trade, invest, and transact within DeFi. Our Values: Simplicity, Efficiency and Integrity. ",2022-06-27T04:16:32.106-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6852,False,False,0x9A65983F85f63F02aA178742502E00846475d0e8,RacewayX - NFT Driven Strategy based Car Racing Game,,"RacewayX is a multi-chain NFT driven strategy-based NFT racing game with blockchain-powered economy and prize pool redistribution contract where players can earn either by playing the game or owning parts of the game with ownable parts of the game in the form of verifiable NFTs. Core features includes the following: ➕Interactive P2E  ➕Farming and Staking ➕Token Supports In-Game Economy ➕Collectible NFTs with UTILITY RacewayX Token (RWX), is the in-game currency which is to be used for all in-game activities such as upgrading cars, fuel for racing, rewards etc all to build a strong gaming economy.   The gameplay is based on physics and player’s strategy without controls. Winners are determined primarily by the racer's strategy, and secondarily by a weighted random algorithm. Although cars with higher XP and upgrades have an advantage, but players with the best strategies have the ultimate advantage. When entering a race, RacewayX presents the race conditions and players select from their Race Strategy from a list of options. The result is determined in part by how well each player's Race Strategy was executed, and in part by a weighted random algorithm. With its fine in-game flow and prize pool redistribution contracts, RacewayX wants to give players a real-world gaming experience while also offering value to holders and eliminating the constraints that come with blockchain games.",2022-06-27T09:43:52.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6853,True,True,0xdA3ec0B8BDdd2E8BDedEde3333FbaF938fcC18c5,Polyflare,,"Polyflare is a non-custodial wallet for your Polygon accounts. You can manage your account and tokens, check your transactions, and send new transactions. You can also check liquidity pools in different DEX available for the Polygon network and check your investments. Soon you will be able to invest in liquidity pools directly without leaving Polyflare",2022-06-27T17:52:14.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6854,False,False,0xD81c2616110CE724023063fb4C8Ed2b054b3A998,Education,,"In the name Of Allah. the merciful and compassionate. I want to complete my education. I am in financial problem. Please do help me. When I get a job. I do promise I will give donation, 25% of my earning here in gitcoin. ",2022-06-27T22:07:22.133-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6855,False,False,0x0,Benefits of Grant Writing,,"Benefits of Grant Writing Jobs for Students It is good to ask when in school why people would want to do academic writing jobs. Besides, it is also crucial to know that bachelor or masters students must submit excellent reports for any request they make. Asking for a job will enable one to be in a position to manage their education, which will have a positive impact on the career of a graduate. Below, we have more reasons that might force individuals to seek grants from the best sources. Doing so will allow you to have better opportunities in life. Graduate Schools Remain Top Spot in Apply For Help To boost the chances of getting an interview call, some companies offer volunteer work. They will use the application to secure: Qualified writers Impressively written resumes Gauge a level of professionalism A qualified writer will impress the hiring committee by presenting an exceptional report. When you persuade the panel that you are the perfect candidate, you're likely to receive an invitation for an audience meeting. There are several other advantages that applicants get while working for reputable institutions like those mentioned above. The paybacks are immense. One ends up becoming known as an authority in online marketing who claims to help people save time. Longtime customers Many times, fresh graduates fail to apply for a job because of simple things like sending the incorrect information. But now, graduate novices will send Their applications, whether manuscript or software. An expert will craft a winning resume within a short period. It is always a great idea to select an assistant that appreciates that people appreciate his/ her achievements. Cover Actors When seeking a job, a particular company passes on relevant credentials. A cover letter introduces the applicant to the potential employer. Among the important documents that an individual should touch on include: Personal data Educational profile Contact list Employment history As a result, a prospective employee gets an insight into the personality of the writer. Was it that you were looking for a finance professional? The answer is a Yes. The person is in a better position to let anyone knowing him/her behind the scenes look at that document and understand it. Visit the link for your master papers. Particular Projects In numerous colleges, pursuing a science-related course is the only choice. Every student wants to land something related to that field. Science professionals tailor the skills to suit the future needs of the clients. Useful links: Where to Buy Argumentative Essays Online: Tips To Select a Trustworthy Service! Who Can Read My Text? Who Should Write My Term Paper? ",2022-06-28T05:33:27.026-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6856,False,False,0x0,Inubook Development,,"Just give us money we can build anything ",2022-06-28T12:33:02.331-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6857,False,False,0x4e48951b50a821d00764a91ab67a0121b129acb8,Fashion Fair House,,"In 2019, 90 percent of the 200 cities around the globe that were polled were considered to be unaffordable to live in, based on average house price in relation to median income. The impact of COVID-19 has only worsened the housing crisis. Due to this problem, there are millions of people who lack the financial means to attain quality living accommodation there are millions who are homeless or living in poor living conditions. Startup companies like Airbnb provide alternative to the rental market a user of their platform can rent out a room, house, or apartment without going through the long application process however the cost for a single room can cost $1000's or more to rent this is a major problem in today's market. The real estate market has so much red tape that it stops family's from being able to obtain quality living with these same problems in place you have millions of people who exhaust all their resources just to rent an apartment. Our application will not only bring in economic stability and a fair pricing rental system. That will eliminate poverty completely removing the scares of governments and corporations broken system place on people everyday lives. The blockchain technology will simplify this process ",2022-06-28T12:36:19.843-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6859,False,False,0xE19fB143913C66e416C5404352fdeCa46117Ddf0,musk knights club,," ",2022-06-29T11:28:37.629-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6858,False,False,0xE19fB143913C66e416C5404352fdeCa46117Ddf0,musk knights club,," ",2022-06-29T11:28:42.383-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6860,False,False,0x471e23e60a345575440f13050A4581086A3df03a,Banxaas - A senegalese peer-to-peer bitcoin exchange,,"With Banxaas, we are trying to create what will help senegaleses, even broadly west africans, to overcome the current state of hyperinflation, and centralization around our banking system. Firstly, the absolute banking rate of our population is around 20%, while the relative rate, which include the mobile money sector is around 40%. For those who are fortunate enough to be able to save money in a bank, they won’t get more than 3% in annual return, on average. And if they dare to borrow money, they would pay a minimum of 5% of interest rates. When the credit is given by a microfinance structure or through a nanocredit company, the borrower would pay more than 10% of interest. Our local merchants and businesses struggle to pay their suppliers due to the weakness of our currency, and to the high fees requested by local banks for international transfers. The migrants also pay really high fees to remittance companies. Our pilot has the goal to make possible the following : - A local exchange would allow the population to easily possess Bitcoin and be their own bank. They would buy and sell Bitcoin with local payment methods. - Merchants and businesses can use Bitcoin bought on Banxaas to send securely to their suppliers, with fees near zero. - Migrants can send funds to their family via Bitcoin, which they can sell it on Banxaas to receive fiat currency. Fees are also near zero. To achieve this, Banxaas will be a native website, connected to several Bitcoin nodes. The addresses will be generated by some multisig wallets and the accounts will be secured by the state of the art of security and cryptography. ",2022-06-29T14:48:13.364-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6862,False,False,0x0,EDNS,,"Project Name EDNS   Project Link Project Details Project Name EDNS (Domain Platform in Web3.0)   Description EDNS is Web 3.0 Technology in EVM base Blockchain. The Domain ID work on Smart Contract 2.0. EDNS aims to be a pioneer in Web 3.0(domain names.meta), providing one-stop solution for decentralized domain names and hosting, and providing users with digital identity to enter the world of NFTs, Metaverse and Defi.   Advantages 1.200k+ community 2.DomainNames. Meta(The most classic domain name of Web3.0) 3.Web Hosting:Through the domain name of EDNS, you can directly load the web page content stored on the decentralized network 4.Domain to SMS:EDNS users can send or receive the SMS based on Web3.0 technology using the EDNS domain name service. It will provide the ID verification and communication between Reality and Metaverse in future. Goals By connecting Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, and leveraging Multi Chain Technology, EDNS converts cryptocurrency addresses into real-world human language, enabling users to seamlessly experience the browsing space. EDNS aims to be a pioneer in Web 3.0, providing the most disruptive one-stop solution for decentralized domain names and hosting, and providing users with digital identity to enter the endless world of NFTs, Metaverse and Defi. Join us Website Deck Youtube Telegram Twitter Discord ",2022-06-30T02:11:19.051-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6863,False,False,0x64f6383ce013be1f0c768d2cF5B526f363D33850,reflection of the minds of beauty ,,"we would be shared sweet happiness And shining smile for human beings from Southeast Asia. ",2022-06-30T10:02:20.794-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6864,False,False,0xDCB29Cb4b4233716a0834a7957966971131859E8,CryptoTeach,,"CryptoTeach, offers courses and workshops that help people, companies, and society to understand the power of decentralization and the blockchain. We provide a variety of high-quality courses that range from beginner level information to advanced, technical topics. We also offer 1-on-1 training sessions, for individuals and organizations to better understand how this technology will impact their future. We offer live group sessions in the form of webinars, workshops, and hands-on practice, along with offering monthly recurring payments with the option to pay per session for consumers. All of our courses are taught by seasoned experts with years of experience in the specific field they are teaching. Our platform allows participants to learn at their own pace, in any location with an internet connection.  We are developing a decentralized communication platform as part of Web3 Social, where people can learn about DeFi, and communicate with others, while being assured their personal data won't be sold like the current digital giants. Our platform will be interactive, and we'll offer free courses in Web3 to users to help them understand how it works, and how DeFi is the next stage since the current social media infrastructure is centralized. Aside from providing a platform for our users to learn, socialize, and teach others all about Web3, CryptoCurrency, and DeFi, our platform will also enable users to create their own courses to help teach others all about Web3. ",2022-06-30T13:27:33.834-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6865,False,False,0x327C3782f4EFc44c4c437fdEc749A1bE853fc5b6,Zombieverse ,,"Zombieverse enables the world's middle class to invest in fine art and collectables through online platforms giving true ownership to your collectable. Zombieverse aims to play a major role in the lives of artist who are finding economic independence through the increaseing popularity of their beautiful craft ",2022-07-01T11:27:31.026-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6866,True,False,0xe611a21Cdf7dcf84Ef74Fc05AA10274cb28f365d,Building Out Blockchain for the Renewable Energy Environment,,"We are Energy & Node. An open-source project to educate, support, and bridge web3 for the renewable energy environment. Energy & Node is seeking a grant to fund our development of an open-source application for demand-side management, as well as the purchase of mining nodes to support energy and power-focused blockchains. Demand-side management, or demand-side response, is the modification of consumer demand for energy through various methods such as financial innovation incentives and behavioral change through education. Energy & Node will be influencing both. Our application, named Aware, will allow consumers and utility providers to share data in real-time. Allowing utility providers to make better predictions on the demand and supply of energy to the grid, and allow consumers to support the stability of the grid, while sharing and accessing that data with their neighbors. Users will get a simple mobile application, that encrypts their identity and data through decentralized IDs, and provides a modern and easy-to-navigate interface to receive notifications and submit data. You can watch the demo of our app from EthDenver here: Additionally, Energy & Node will run mining nodes to support these blockchains as we seek to integrate as both a dApp and a partner in collaboration towards blockchain to support renewable energy: Energy Web Chain Powerledger Chain Celo Chain Chia Chain Topl Chain Watr Chain Cosmos Chain Algorand Chain GreenTrust Chain We are seeking funding for equipment purchase of machine hardware. Miners will initially be set up at a home office, and as equipment is added, we will migrate to a weather-proof, outdoor center fully powered by renewable energy in the mountains of Colorado. Finally, but not in the scope of this grant, Energy & Node will provide free resources about blockchain in the energy and power environment. We believe every individual (consumers and professionals alike) needs to be powered with the awareness and knowledge of this transformational technology as we move to a net-zero world.",2022-07-01T12:07:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6867,True,True,0x0,Crystl Finance: Innovative Yield Maximization,,"Crystl Finance is a Yield Maximizer & Vaulting Platform on the Cronos, Polygon (Matic), BNB, Moonbeam, and Fantom blockchains. We offer Vaulting as a Service to DeFi and Blockchain projects as well as users in order to help them maximize their liquidity and earnings. Crystl Finance is listed on the DeFi Wallet app and we have partnered with multiple large partners including ApeSwap and Relay Chain to provide Vaults and build liquidity. We have released our own unique Vaulting and Yield Maximizing Strategies through our V3 Vaults and Ultra Farms which have been fully audited (link to audit: With V3, we are able to stack multiple contracts on top of one another allowing for innovative and powerful yield maximization strategies. For example, we can create a strategy where you can stake USDC/USDT LPs and earn ETH/BTC that auto-compounds allowing users to DCA into blue-chip tokens without having to worry about impermanent loss. We are also able to streamline the user experience with our Zap Functionality which allows users to go from a single token to an LP deposited in the Vault in one transaction. We can also “Boost” our Vaults with additional rewards in order to build greater liquidity and attract new users. Our long-term vision of Crystl Cross-chain expansion and development comes in 3 phases (full presentation here Phase 1: Novel Yield Integration This comes in the form of our V3 Vaults and Ultra Farms which support and build DEXes and DeFi projects. Our novel code will give users numerous ways to invest as well as allow for smart contracts to be built on top of one another creating innovative chains for yield maximization and wealth management. Phase 2: Cross-Chain Strategy Crystl will expand to multiple new blockchains with marketing support, protocol introductions, strong grants & incentives, and aligned visions to ensure an effective launch. With our expansion, we incorporate our in-depth website analytics to create agile marketing dashboards to consistently improve and optimize the user journey and experience. Phase 3: Cross-Chain Smart Yield Aggregation Our final phase will introduce revolutionary new ways for users to seamlessly maximize their yields across multiple chains. Simplified User Flow - Users are able to deposit the tokens that they own, choose the earning token that they want, and select their risk tolerance to achieve the ultimate personalized strategy Off-chain Machine Learning and Graph Algorithms - Based on the selected criteria, an off-chain database uses ML and graph database algorithms to route the optimal path of yield aggregation across different chains and earning opportunities. Cross-chain Compatibility - Using the algorithms, users' funds are sent or leveraged across multiple chains without them having to worry about or using new chains.",2022-07-01T14:28:52.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6869,False,False,0xbb3489a0aA5F3C307E2bB3a638DDC2460d35C50B,test,,"test ",2022-07-02T06:28:52.129-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6868,False,False,0xbb3489a0aA5F3C307E2bB3a638DDC2460d35C50B,test,,"test ",2022-07-02T06:28:52.526-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6870,False,False,0x2f2e822D0d47A0dfCF5D39e612fbfF247351F054,Just-Web3,,"We are trying to build a place full of diverse material for anyone to boost their web3 knowledge. Starting from simple guides on understanding blockchain up to launching products onto the network. Ideally, we want it to be a web3 incubator. ",2022-07-02T09:41:24.160-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6871,True,True,0x3e4D0598887818e53bD4ca542A819385d6bf676E,Buckets - save in cryptos with your goals in mind,,"Buckets wants to make saving a fun and customized experience with blockchain-based saving games and goal-focused piggy banks. TLDR Buckets is a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) app that helps you pick crypto investments that fit your goals. It's all about setting goals, creating a plan, and investing accordingly in cryptocurrencies and DeFi. Having received initial funding from Aave (a reference in the space), our four-person team now requires additional financing to keep going. As part of our efforts, we will continue to integrate third-party protocols such as Aave, develop the saving games, and perform a complete security audit of our code base. All of this is thanks to your support. It's up to you what the next few months hold for Buckets! We need your contribution to shape our vision of creating better saving habits for everyone. Even the smallest contribution count thanks to Quadratic Funding! You're awesome! Thank you so much in advance! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mission Buckets makes it easy to invest with personal goals in mind. The mission is to democratize the web3 ecosystem and to promote a sound financial discipline powered by DeFi, in a fun way. There were three main motivations behind the creation of Buckets: 1) Benefiting from smart contracts and the blockchain technology permitting transparent and cheap financial transactions 2) Limiting investment risks, which are too often neglected when dealing with cryptocurrencies 3) Improving the experience for the end-user thanks to on-chain saving games The protocol The app has three modules: 1) Goal: helps you define your savings goals using an excellent framework 2) Investment: invest in the best projects and saving games that are suited to your goals 3) Tracking: a best-in-class portfolio monitoring tools On top of providing decentralization (no custody, protocol integration), Buckets introduces a measure of investment suitability to tackle the lack of risk measures in the cryptocurrency space. You can find more information with the following resources: Webiste: Medium: Twitter: A message from the founder DeFi can unlock limitless opportunities. Thanks to composability, protocols can combine as Legos to create new features. I am convinced that the biggest innovations remain to be seen, but what we're building with Buckets surely takes advantage of such disruptions made possible by blockchain technology. This led me to learn web development from scratch 2 years ago and to dedicate all my free time to this project ever since. As a result, I received funding from the Aave Grants DAO allowing me to finalize an initial version Buckets (Q3 2022). We are now 4 people working on the project and are continuously discussing the future of Buckets with our community on Discord. Further funding is necessary to finally shape our vision of a fun and interactive savings app. When it comes to Buckets, we're aiming for long-term goals, not short-term gains. Creating value for users will always stay on top of our minds! I hope the project and my story will inspire you and convince you to go on this adventure together! cleyfe.eth #SaveWithBuckets",2022-07-03T02:50:19.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6872,False,False,0x2B845ae33b27202F94A28E3d27855f37cC045e59,teddy hawk,,"Search for transaction address ",2022-07-03T08:55:59.867-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6873,False,False,0x2B845ae33b27202F94A28E3d27855f37cC045e59,teddy hawk,,"Search for transaction address ",2022-07-03T08:56:07.626-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6874,True,True,0x440Ce135cCB439EBc2398d91644a94cABd0978D2,Dexode,,"Dexode is an EVM Compatible Blockchain Transaction Decoder. Track, organise, curate, analyse, generate profit, loss, and tax reports easily. Sync archive node coin and token balances and prices. Dexode will be expanding to cover all EVM and non EVM-compatible blockchains over time. Demo A video demonstrating current progress of the web app client for the Dexode SDK can be viewed here. A live version is available here, but there may be bugs and the software should only be used for experimentation and testing purposes; the live version is not necessarily the latest web app version. Core Features Dexode's key features and drivers include: All blockchain related data is obtained from the clients IP and crunched locally, respecting rate limits. The server acts simply to deliver the web app. Your data, like your keys and crypto, is yours and is stored only in your local Dexode app instances memory and on your local hard disk if you decided to export it. Curate your transactions with Dexode and export locally. Keep it safe to avoid resyncing later. Load back in at any time. Connect, sync, and curate. Connects via your web3 wallet to obtain wallet and chain details. Automatically obtain all ""pricestamps"". Automatically download archive node balances. Visualise pricestamps over time. Compute profit and loss, and produce capital gains and income tax reports. Apply demographic tax reporting rules, e.g. ""Bed and Breakfast"" tax rules and so forth. Learn about DeFi and what appears on the blockchain as you curate your transactions. Data analytics, trend analysis. Plan Following completion of Phase 0 development on 24/8/22 (see below for details), Dexode is currently now in Phase 1a development 🥳. The current Dexode SDK v0 is on the GitHub repo, with React web app (featured in the video demo) currently in development. A list of work in progress (🚧), completed (✅) and planned (💡) is summarised below, which reports the open and closed issues on the GitHub repo here. Phase 1a ✅ Create and implement algorithm for FIFO Cost Basis & CG, assuming all credits/debits are swaps. ✅ Adapt algorithm for LIFO, HIFO, LCFO & add to settings page. ✅ Add basic tax report UI. 🚧 Identify (i) transfers, (ii) swaps, (iii) LP staking, (iv) rewards, (v) miscellaneous & update CB, CG & IT. ██░░░░░░░░ 20% 🚧 Test FIFO, LIFO, HCFO, LCFO algorithms against verified data. Phase 1b 💡 Implement ACB, Spec ID, LGUT. 💡 Integrate demographic tax rules, e.g. Same Day, Bed & Breakfast, Section 104 for the UK, etc. 💡 Update to full tax report feature & export. Phase 2 💡 Add notifications to flag potential scam contracts and add to the ban list. 💡 Ensure unknown archive node balances remain undefined when syncing from a none archive node. 💡 Add timer countdown for each synchronisation stage, based on time taken so far and items remaining. 💡 Ensure call rates are respected for all API calls (particularly archive node synchronisation) 💡 Test and debug on other EVM compatible blockchains, and consider non-EVM blockchain integration. Phase 0 Completed 24/8/22 ✅ General review, debug, tidy up & upload latest Dexode SDK to GitHub repo & redirect website root / to node server port 3000. ✅ Add UI checkboxes to quickly select to sync any combination of transactions / pricestamps / archive nodes per sync. ✅ QuickNode Archive Node tested and works very well with their free plan; 25 API req./sec. & 10,000,000 API credits/month; used only 2,000 API credits to sync last few weeks of archive node balances. Viable option. ✅ Tool tips implemented for user ability to learn what the UI elements do & blockchain data delete function implemented. ✅ UI revamp & File System Access API used for import/export of blockchain curation data and blockchain details. ✅ Apache eCharts for pricestamp visualisation integrated. ✅ Archive node exact balance import implemented. ✅ Pricestamp API access and calculation function added to Dexode SDK. ✅ Settings page created, with blockchain sync details and synchronisation options page. ✅ Web3 connectivity and connection with SDK. ✅ React web app created and preliminary UI in place using Material UI Pro version. ✅ Core Dexode SDK created, more functionality is added as and when needed. ",2022-07-03T10:24:11.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6874,True,True,0x440Ce135cCB439EBc2398d91644a94cABd0978D2,Dexode,,"Dexode is an EVM Compatible Blockchain Transaction Decoder. Track, organise, curate, analyse, generate profit, loss, and tax reports easily. Sync archive node coin and token balances and prices. Dexode will be expanding to cover all EVM and non EVM-compatible blockchains over time. Demo A video demonstrating current progress of the web app client for the Dexode SDK can be viewed here. A live version is available here, but there may be bugs and the software should only be used for experimentation and testing purposes; the live version is not necessarily the latest web app version. Core Features Dexode's key features and drivers include: All blockchain related data is obtained from the clients IP and crunched locally, respecting rate limits. The server acts simply to deliver the web app. Your data, like your keys and crypto, is yours and is stored only in your local Dexode app instances memory and on your local hard disk if you decided to export it. Curate your transactions with Dexode and export locally. Keep it safe to avoid resyncing later. Load back in at any time. Connect, sync, and curate. Connects via your web3 wallet to obtain wallet and chain details. Automatically obtain all ""pricestamps"". Automatically download archive node balances. Visualise pricestamps over time. Compute profit and loss, and produce capital gains and income tax reports. Apply demographic tax reporting rules, e.g. ""Bed and Breakfast"" tax rules and so forth. Learn about DeFi and what appears on the blockchain as you curate your transactions. Data analytics, trend analysis. Plan Following completion of Phase 0 development on 24/8/22 (see below for details), Dexode is currently now in Phase 1a development 🥳. The current Dexode SDK v0 is on the GitHub repo, with React web app (featured in the video demo) currently in development. A list of work in progress (🚧), completed (✅) and planned (💡) is summarised below, which reports the open and closed issues on the GitHub repo here. Phase 1a ✅ Create and implement algorithm for FIFO Cost Basis & CG, assuming all credits/debits are swaps. ✅ Adapt algorithm for LIFO, HIFO, LCFO & add to settings page. ✅ Add basic tax report UI. 🚧 Identify (i) transfers, (ii) swaps, (iii) LP staking, (iv) rewards, (v) miscellaneous & update CB, CG & IT. ██░░░░░░░░ 20% 🚧 Test FIFO, LIFO, HCFO, LCFO algorithms against verified data. Phase 1b 💡 Implement ACB, Spec ID, LGUT. 💡 Integrate demographic tax rules, e.g. Same Day, Bed & Breakfast, Section 104 for the UK, etc. 💡 Update to full tax report feature & export. Phase 2 💡 Add notifications to flag potential scam contracts and add to the ban list. 💡 Ensure unknown archive node balances remain undefined when syncing from a none archive node. 💡 Add timer countdown for each synchronisation stage, based on time taken so far and items remaining. 💡 Ensure call rates are respected for all API calls (particularly archive node synchronisation) 💡 Test and debug on other EVM compatible blockchains, and consider non-EVM blockchain integration. Phase 0 Completed 24/8/22 ✅ General review, debug, tidy up & upload latest Dexode SDK to GitHub repo & redirect website root / to node server port 3000. ✅ Add UI checkboxes to quickly select to sync any combination of transactions / pricestamps / archive nodes per sync. ✅ QuickNode Archive Node tested and works very well with their free plan; 25 API req./sec. & 10,000,000 API credits/month; used only 2,000 API credits to sync last few weeks of archive node balances. Viable option. ✅ Tool tips implemented for user ability to learn what the UI elements do & blockchain data delete function implemented. ✅ UI revamp & File System Access API used for import/export of blockchain curation data and blockchain details. ✅ Apache eCharts for pricestamp visualisation integrated. ✅ Archive node exact balance import implemented. ✅ Pricestamp API access and calculation function added to Dexode SDK. ✅ Settings page created, with blockchain sync details and synchronisation options page. ✅ Web3 connectivity and connection with SDK. ✅ React web app created and preliminary UI in place using Material UI Pro version. ✅ Core Dexode SDK created, more functionality is added as and when needed. ",2022-07-03T10:24:11.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6875,True,True,0xa5fCB4d378bBa04d7C368e245552E002c2Bb6846,"""Picto Show Shuffle"", An Internet Radio Show and Workshop",,"""MTV and Music Production Tutorials in the form of an Internet Radio Show"" Picto Show Shuffle  (an Internet Online Show and Workshop) - July 2022 Proposal Background Picto Show Shuffle is the brand new pilot multimedia internet show based in Mexico  produced by Picto Show Records (pictoshowsrecords.near) that seeks to aggregate and grow ecosystem community through music in different formats, from music production tutorials and tips from previous projects (Necropalooza 2020, Necropalooza 2021, Break My Heart Festival, as well as the last RAVE the EARTH fest) to make mixtapes and compilation to adapt more user to around the globe via streaming, as well as to encourage the organization of online events to be part of the stream schedule. Summary This time we brought to you an official Internet Radio Show in order to make a platform to aggregate and rebroadcast artists we’ve been conecting and collaborationg through the agency in the last 2 years to bring more talent to NxM via music this live show + production tutorials as well as onboarding process (wallets, and airdrop) and also Minting music productions, we would like to organize our pilot of this new brand Internet RadioShow. “Picto Show Records” is a label/agency that seeks to give a home and aesthetics to internet core music from Mexico and Latam to the world. It can be anything from a DJ video set, to snippets and upcoming material from artists. Project Planning As we mentioned before, we plan to broadcast +10 hours of music videos +20 hours of just music, and production tutorials, all of these during the first 2 weeks of July, in order to get accurate insights on the performance of this project, in the production team we find a lot of value in engaging a community in terms of learning. It’s planned to be broadcasted on Twitch.  = INTERNET RADIO SHOW (MTV type programs)  = PICTO WORKSHOP program (Music Prodcution Tutorials and Tips programs) We plan to start from July 1st, with a quantity of eight programs, which will be minted in the form of a complete mix of the respective program of the day, and in the case of music production tutorials, the samples used will be minted to provide accessibility. Each show will have an approximate duration of 2 to 3 hours and will be broadcast at 12 PM Pacific Time. How much do we need to fund this? The numbers are around 470 USD . We would be requesting: Music production programs: $50 USD Inernet and Twitch Hosting: $200 USD Blog article for local and national distribution and Advertisement: $100 USD Funds to distribute to the artists broadcasted: $100 USD Concept artists and direction designs: $20 USD Total funding requested: 470 USD Wallet where funds shall be transferred: 0xa5fCB4d378bBa04d7C368e245552E002c2Bb6846 Also, I have recently added more speed to the Internet host so the quality this time is improving for sure. So don’t worry, it will be high quality programs, you don’t need worry for that    . Rationale We’re going through key times for growth and adoption of web3. We think this project will ignite the sharing of knowledge in smaller artist to improve and learn more from Music Production and Web3, where we face something that has never happened before: Latinamericans building digital infrastructure for Latinamericans through the globe. We like to think of this project as some of the beginnings of this format. Conclusion As already mentioned, this pilot is planned to last two weeks, but we hope to make more editions of this style in the following months, mainly because of the culture that exists around this concept. The main vision for the event is to expand our values and initiatives to a virtual scale and to give latin american artist an opportunity to promote themselves in a unique environment. We hope that our proposal is reviewed and accepted and we can make history together. We are positive we can do a whole lot to drive up onboarding for the Near Brand and we look forward to being approved by the NXM family",2022-07-03T21:52:29.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6876,False,False,0xEFF421cC724a1a1d4Ff311EBec9E613aFe7b59c1,What Is the Role of Professional Dissertation Editors?,,"There are times when you’ll get caught up with commitments, and you end up requesting help from external sources. If such a thing becomes a routine, then you must be ready to handle both the big and minor mistakes with ease. Now, what is the role of an editor? To determine that which documents are worthEditing and altering in that specific study? When evaluating candidates, you will strongest indicate references to existing works. Failure to that, the assistant might decide to alter the samples and flow of paper writing help in the paper. We all understand that alterations in the structure and format of academic essays reflect how well the student wants to submit their work. It helps a lot to prove that every other document in our collection has proper formatting guidelines. For instance, someone would edit an essay paper to adhere to the referencing style required by the tutor. Qualities of Professional Professional Digital Dissertations It is crucial to seek Help from experts whenever you see a need to improve performance in your academics. Every individual should be confident with the helper they hire to manage whatever challenges occur. Below, we have some qualities that represent the features of an excellent online dissident editorial writer. When seeking to join an elective college, one has to pay attention to learning objectives. Maybe you want to boost your scores or achieve better grades by presenting world-class report papers to the supervisors. Now, who is a proficient teacher and lecturer? A degree show levels of educational qualifications. Great tutors will always evaluate students’ abilities. Be quick to select an individual whose focus is education and research. In that case, you are straight to the point. Another trait for an editor is the ability to communicate efficiently. Does that enable him to seamlessly navigate the entire paperwork? Can he convey instructions with confidence? If you are from a family, the language barrier will be lessening. As long as you have a good understanding of the locale, you’ll be comfortable working with colleagues from that culture. Every book that I edited in school has to pass strict tests. An editor knows the correct way of translating official materials. Besides, most of these resources have been published. So, it is vital to ensure that you have the knowledge of the recommended source to use. More Info: Do My Term Paper Easy Steps to Write A Quality Book Report Essay help online ",2022-07-04T00:29:27.453-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6877,False,False,0x33d6AB23492e53843707feB77dB734a914cf9913,Worker Decentralize Network,," ",2022-07-04T00:58:13.229-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6878,False,False,0x4a6E970addA89c36CBb4249C4AE678Cf651A72E9,Waffy | NFT-collateralised loans,,"The Waffy Protocol is a decentralized non-custodial NFT lending protocol where users can participate as lenders or bidders. Lenders can lend out their ERC721 NFTs at a fixed interest rate, while bidders can outbid the highest bidders. The protocol is designed to be a low-risk, low-fee, and secured protocol. Anyone can lend out their ERC721 NFTs at a fixed interest rate for a specified time. During the loan period, anyone can bid on the NFTs, and the lender can draw any amount from the highest bid. To outbid the highest bidder, the user must repay the last amount drawn from the bid along with interest to the previous highest bidder. Waffy uses the fast and low-cost network of polygons to connect with its smart contracts to store all the data and data from the lenders' markets in a decentralized manner. Waffy additionally leverages the Covalent APIs to retrieve ERC721 NFTs from users as well as NFT metadata. All smart contracts are analyzed by Solhint which provides linting solutions for detecting code vulnerabilities of the Solidity smart contracts. Features: Lend out ERC721 NFTs NFT Seizing bots NFT repayment by anyone Dashboard for every lender ",2022-07-04T02:28:12.825-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6879,True,True,0x0CA69fFF9cB56958Ac5cC3082Bba506FcE5B70fD,The DAObi Governance Project,,"DAObi is a web3 state with control over its own economy. The token minting rate is set by whoever builds the biggest political faction. Anyone who wants to control the inflation rate must convince - whether by charisma, bribery or intimidation - other DAObi holders to back their bid for power. Whoever builds the biggest faction wins the right to set monetary policy for as long as that support lasts. Originally founded as a real-world experiment in political and economic governance mechanisms, DAObi is now a fully functional system with a verifiable track record. Voting currently takes place on Discord and Airtable, with rate-setting being done manually via the CLI. Newly minted tokens are deposited in a Uniswap liquidity pool for public purchase. The game project and properties are managed by a Wyoming registered DAO, Three Directorates DAO LLC, with all code being open access. We are now raising funds to move the voting on-chain and create a front end to facilitate minting. Discord voting: Airtable Voting Uniswap pool Three Directorates DAO LLC: White paper:",2022-07-04T10:11:46.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6880,False,False,0x0,Grad school personal statement format,,"Graduate school personal statement format One primary reason for having a graduate school Personal Statement is to request guidelines from your tutors on what to include in the application document. It is crucial to present a compelling report to the relevant sources you might want to use. Here, we have tips to guide students on how to handle a graduate school personal statement. Doing so will allow you to come up with a copy that serves the purpose of persuading the readers that you are the best candidate. What to Include When it comes to the structure of the graduated career bit, one should consider the following: A summary of the Graduate School Essay The only way you can manage to write an excellent paper from professional writer services is by providing an overview of the entire piece. As such, it is crucial to provide a vivid description of the essay. One wrong side of the story is that people will always rush to start reading the essay before checking the results. In such situations, most of them end up giving the same information to the dissertation. If you don’t do that, you might even fall behind the schedule and fail to submit a worthy report. An intriguing introduction For anyone to Write an outstanding Grad school personal statement, there needs to be an exciting beginning. Commonly, individuals would begin writing their graduate school documents when they are very desperate. For a successful student, you must hook the audience to your work. With an eye-catching introductory paragraph, the reader will be eager to continue reading the rest of the piece. You also need to Provide Proofreading and Editing services. When drafting the personal statement, one should ensure that: Correct spelling and grammar Also, you’ll check for any typos. Luckily enough, many online tools help students solve these kinds of errors. You will develop a better understanding of the error, which will make it easy for you to correct the mistakes without paying a single coin. Summary of the goals What does the admission committee wants to know from the applicants? Is it a social responsibility or a technical diploma? The application documents are the means for the board to determine if a student is qualified to join the institution. Besides, where the answers are not provided, the college will deem the applicant to be below par. It is vital to give a brief description of the accomplishments to achieve and those challenges faced. Be quick to outline all the achievements, and indicate why ones are the best fits for that particular course. The outcomes will reflect the knowledge that the student has concerning the topic. Useful Resources Order Term Paper Online to Get Time for Other Activities Order Term Paper Online: Steps to Follow Order term paper: Where Should I Get Rid of? ",2022-07-04T11:27:50.315-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6881,False,False,0x0,123,,"123 ",2022-07-05T02:13:43.302-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6882,False,False,0x0,123,,"123 ",2022-07-05T02:13:52.141-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6883,False,False,0x0,Morge -- A batch of solidity contracts deployment tool,,"A batch of solidity contracts deployment tool developed by rust, currently support eth、goerli、kovan、rinkeby、ropsten、polygon、polygon-mumbai、fantom、fantom-testnet、bsc、bsc-testnet、arbitrum、arbitrum-testnet、optimism、optimism-kovan、avalanche、avalanche-fuji chains. ",2022-07-05T05:03:48.902-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6884,False,False,0x0,Morge -- A batch of solidity contracts deployment tool ,,"A batch of solidity contracts deployment tool developed by rust, currently support eth、goerli、kovan、rinkeby、ropsten、polygon、polygon-mumbai、fantom、fantom-testnet、bsc、bsc-testnet、arbitrum、arbitrum-testnet、optimism、optimism-kovan、avalanche、avalanche-fuji chains. ",2022-07-05T05:11:23.354-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6885,True,True,0x3Fb8410a19137715b430d515996F5D902deC7dD7,Expanding TrustSwap's SmartLaunch services to the Fantom Ecosystem,,"TrustSwap is requesting a grant of $50,000 to deploy our SmartLaunch toolkit to the Fantom ecosystem. This will include: Token Locks: Our token lock platform currently has over $6B TVL across several major blockchains. These secure time-locked contracts allow teams to lock up their tokens over a preset period of time in a trustless way. This includes Liquidity Pair (LP) tokens and will soon include NFTs as well. Token Mint: Anyone can easily generate a new token contract that is fully audited and customizable without needing to write any code or hire expensive developers. Mint makes it easy to tokenize any project, business, or community. Vesting: The TrustSwap Vesting portal provides a simple and secure way for projects to distribute their tokens over time to their team and community. The tokens are released in regular increments and users can claim their available tokens whenever they want. By using TrustSwap services, crypto projects can easily create, secure, and launch their new tokens across multiple blockchains currently including Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, and more. We would like to add Fantom to this list and appreciate the support of the Fantom community.",2022-07-05T14:55:11.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6887,False,False,0xE7e8B05d57d2e45ccdbB8DF82436F76f00F69C1a,Badmus ltd,,"We located at Nigeria West Africa country we need helped because 95% of Nigeria are living with porverty. Many people in our team Are unable to start the cryptocurency journey because of lack money to start. ",2022-07-05T23:09:19.693-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6889,False,False,0x493c4afb73b490e988650b9758e7736c72af748f,Creative,,"Case ",2022-07-06T06:46:13.906-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6888,False,False,0x493c4afb73b490e988650b9758e7736c72af748f,Case Study Research Assistance: Achieve Splendid Results Easily!,,"Case Study Research: Improve Your Paper! Useful Recommendations.Facing hard tasks again? Is it the infamous case study this time? As a matter of fact, there is a way to deal with it in practically no time. Let’s see what questions you might have. Case Study Research Definition: Nailing the Concept Essence Down What is a case study? According to the scientists from the site paper helper, case study is a method of research that allows to conduct the analysis of the factors which have a certain impact on the object of the research.You might also wonder: what are correct case study research design and methods. Don’t let the whole thing confuse you – a case study already is a method of research and its specific design. Case Study in Research Methodology: Remember the Crucial Facts! Well, okay then, what are the case study research methods, you will ask. As a matter of fact, there are few things to remember – the whole thing is really simple. What you have to know about case study is…    Case study involves data gathering (67% of the staff participated in the meeting);    Case study requires designing research tools (Fill in the given questionnaire…);    Case study involves offering specific solutions (In the given case, it is reasonable to schedule the work… Now you don’t have to search anymore for the answer to the question “What is case study research?” Case Study Research: a Perfect Example. Tips on Paper Structure. If you want to see a case study live, here’s a perfect opportunity for you. Take a glance at a case study researching the way people cope with the stress of losing their jobs – that’s a hot topic in the light of the recent crisis. The case in point In the AAA Corp, major changes concerning the staff have been implemented. Some of the staff have been fired under the pretext of “not passing the newly approved tests.”    Analyze the further reasonable course of actions taking into account the psychological peculiarities of each employee. The challenges         Assessing the discharges from a legal and social point of view; Evaluating the potential and professionalism of each employee; Creating feasible strategies for each of the people involved. The measures    Designing specific questionnaires; Obtaining the information on the employees from the human resources department; Conducting tests to assess the features of each employee’s temper. The results Calculating the number of the people who managed to find another job; Marking the ways in which the latter managed to succeed; Offering conclusions and comments on the case. Simple and well-organized, this is a striking example of a fruitful case study. Seize the day and get your own case study done! Case Study Research Writing: Warning! Avoiding Misleading Ideas Whenever you deal with a case study, remember that there are a number of pitfalls to avoid! Beware of the following mistakes: Excessive use of fairly restrictive phrases (even though it is a study of a real case, it should sound formal); Lack of statistical data   (give all important data, both in percentages and in numbers); Details abuse   (state only the most significant facts); Inconsistency of methods used (in a case study, theory plays a relatively small part. Develop a specific case study research methodology); Trivial research means   (create as much as you can on your own, from questionnaires to tables. Design your own case study research method!).Now you are ready to start your own research on a case study. Congratulations! Nursing Scholarship Essays: What to Focus on Even if you are good at writing essays, it does not mean you will create the same perfect nursing scholarship essay. However, some skills of yours will definitely play an important role.For instance, your dedication to learning and ability to focus on the most significant things to be included into an essay is one of the keys to writing a strong nursing scholarship essay. To help you narrow down the focus, we have listed things that students are supposed to tell about if they want to get a scholarship: 1.     Past experiences; 2.     Accomplishments; 3.     Future plans and career goals; 4.     Reasons why you deserve this scholarship. This is what makes nursing scholarship essays strong. Besides, you should focus on these particular areas.Keep in mind that a mere retelling of the major events from your life is not a good way to make an impressive nursing scholarship essay. Here are several hints on how to make your essay stand out. Tell about your greatest accomplishments A story about your major achievements is what can make the reader of your nursing scholarship essay think “Wow, this student really deserves this scholarship!” Mind that not all your achievements may seem the same great to the reader. Probably, a story about 100 pancakes that you managed to bake in 2 hours will not fit. Tell about obstacles on your way Your ability to manage problems is another way to impress the reader. Yet, do not create some sort of a sad story for your nursing scholarship essay. Do not just tell how difficult a problem was, but how you overcame it. ",2022-07-06T06:46:28.203-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6891,False,False,0x493c4afb73b490e988650b9758e7736c72af748f,Creative,,"Creative  ",2022-07-06T06:55:55.978-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6890,False,False,0x493c4afb73b490e988650b9758e7736c72af748f,Creative Writing Topics: Incredible Ideas Just around the Corner,,"Creative Writing Topics: Explanations, Examples, Essentials. What is the question you definitely won’t ask when reading another page-turner? Perhaps the “How did the writer get to that coast?” and “How to write stories?” are the least likely. Indeed, a reader has better things to do.However, when assigned with some creative writing topics to deal with, you keep asking yourself that notorious question. Well, here’s your chance to get some answers from leading researchers of the popular site ""write my paper 4 me"". Creative Writing Topics: Encountering the First Complexities. “What is creative writing, after all?” you might be wondering. Apart from being another assignment to deal with, it is: The perfect way to express your ideas and feelings; An enticing trip to take. Let’s start on a journey! With some creative writing topics, ideas will come easily! Creative Writing Topics: Brainstorming for Some Enticing Ideas. Before you start asking yourself “How to write creative writing?,” pick the topic. There are two ways to get it. Advices: Narrow the scope of your paper; Choose what you are most interested in; Use records/any other materials that are available. Understand the essence of the research; List the issues you can touch upon; Introduce coherent, deep and original thoughts. Creative Writing Topics: Top Seven Most Fascinating Suggestions. When you think you know everything about writing, there comes along a difficult topic. Let’s deal with some of the hardest ones.The Topic Tips: You and your world - imagine that you are introducing yourself to another person.Educational issues - offer the experience of your mates and your own, and even of your teachers – use interviews! Health concern - explore the world of science. Has the cure for AIDS been invented, already? Environment - there must be some endangered species in the vicinity. Comment on the way people treat them and offer solutions. Arts and Mass Media - dwell on what post-postmodernism changes. Make future forecasts.English language - explain your attitude towards the English language and the way it changed over a certain historical period. Time - offer the readers a ride on a time machine into your Past, Present and Future!When it comes to creative writing topics, kids and elder students have a lot of room for imagination. Creative Writing Topics: Making Good Use of Writing Activities.However, you can’t simply get all these skills out of nowhere. So look at some of the most efficient creative writing exercises – they’ll definitely be of great help for you! Pick a word and find ten more that relate to the given one. Find antonyms to five words every day. Make seven different rhymes every day. Learn three new words each day. Practice makes perfect – make sure that you have trained with these creative writing activities well enough before you pass to the final stage… Creative Writing Topics: the Most Significant Recommendation.Finally, here it comes – the piece of advice that any successful assignment demands, starting from what people google as “creative writing topics middle school” and up to high school tasks. Listen up!Try to approach the issue from an unusual angle. E.g. What makes writers create their novels? Is it the desire to tell the rest of the humankind something or, rather, the need to ask questions? Now you have everything to start writing on creative topics – so get down to business! You’ll make it perfect, there’s no doubt about that! Management Essays: How to Manage Your Paper We know why you feel a bit confused at the moment. If a teacher just asked you to write papers in Management, it means you should choose from hundreds of topics. Sure, it is not easy to concentrate on something specific.Anyway, we will help you write your Management essay and get a good grade on it. Writing papers on Management: where to start Needless to say, your work on the Management essay should start with narrowing down the focus. At least, you need to decide on a specific branch of Management that you are interested in. So, which branch do you want to investigate while working on your Management paper: risk management, human resource management, or project management? Writing papers on Management: theory and practice No matter what branch you choose to investigate in your Management essay, the paper editing should be started with studying theory. All management-related processes and phenomena that you can observe in real life are based on a certain theoretical concept.Therefore, a part of your Management essay will definitely be devoted to theory, which should be further illustrated by practical examples. Writing papers on Management: where to find good examples Usually, case studies serve as perfect examples to be included into Management essays. However, if you cannot find a relevant case study, do not worry. A lot of ordinary, everyday situations can be good illustrations to theoretical issues you discuss.Say, you are talking about one of the four functions of management – planning, controlling, organizing, or leading. Why not provide real-life examples of how you plan your studies? How do you control your pocket money? How do you organize your working day? ",2022-07-06T06:56:12.648-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6892,True,True,0x8A5Eb02e587326d0B1d5a7701659D093821dB2D0,Anspar - Decentralize By Going Serverless,,"Anspar’s ecosystem of products, tools and services work in concert to enable truly decentralized and serverless nApps (Applications as NFTs). Our products strive to disrupt the status quo in industries and provide users, builders, and projects with tools that will empower them. With principles deeply rooted in the teachings of the early cypherpunks and the experience gained over whirlwind cycles, Anspar bakes this into every aspect within our ecosystem. Why should you deploy serverless or convert your app/dApp to be serverless? Decentralization — Achieve true decentralization by eliminating your single point of failures Security — Keep your data secure and always available Scalability & Cost Effective — No more server/ server hosting costs Portability — Who doesn’t want more of this? Currently working on building out Anspar nApp (Apps as NFTs) developments tools and infrastructure alongside a pay-per-block IPFS Node Manager And dStorage Provider. We envision a future where people have non-guarded access to information and ownership of their on-chain data. Thus, we are building in that direction, join us on this journey. Go Serverless ⚡️",2022-07-06T15:47:24.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6893,False,False,0xaEF0821fE5a03fBBd16c86337381181E3504DB77,"University DAO | End student Debt, Own your University",," UniversityDAO is a decentralized autonomous university where the students themselves own its birth and destiny. Students apply to UDAO, if they’re admitted, they pay their tuition and in exchange they gain; 1. admission to their degree program and 2. their tuitions worth of University coins. When they graduate, if we can create a marketplace for liquidity, centralized or decentralized, students can sell their token on the market and go to school debt free. The goal is to end student debt by essentially making Universities investable assets for the first time ever through tokenomics. 🔗 Important links: Whitepaper: We're looking for grant funding right now in order to acquire legal counsel for incorporation. Upon incorporation, we're aiming to raise $50m in donations. 80% of 50 million would go towards the endowment we establish and be invested while the rest would go to degree program creation. Degree programs take a long time to create, in the beginning, the endowment returns will be the only source of income we have, so we've chosen to start with the UDAO endowment in order to build the University in perpetuity. Any grant funding not used towards legal counsel will go to the UDAO treasury where we will either allocate towards program development or the endowment. If you're deeply interested, read the whitepaper, it has everything from the political context we operate in, to the direct roadmap we have for the university as a whole. WHITEPAPER: ---------------------------Intro, Pre-Face, & Political context-------------------------- Since the late 11th century, Universities have been local, centralized, entities, operating as the arbiters of truth, knowledge, and education. In the traditional University system we have today, Boards, Trustees, Presidents, and Regents among others control most of the governance structures employed within the primary educating systems of our world, ultimately marginalizing the very people the Universities serve in the first place, the Students. Sure, most Universities hold student body senates that influence the governance of universities, but in most cases, student bodies usually lack any form of formal authority to really make a difference on the Universities policies and initiatives. On the other hand, student debt has reached $1.75 trillion in the US alone. The world needs an answer, our nation needs an answer, and our children, the ones who will bear the brunt of our failures, deserve to live in a world where education is accessible to all. Our education system has failed us, Universities and the general public expect the government to subsidize our higher education, yet, the very educational institutions themselves have done little to quell the true reason our debt rate has hiked, that is, that the tuition rates our Universities set for entrance to their institutions have increased over 100% in the past 20 years. No amount of government spending can bandage a hole in the wall that keeps growing. But even then, sympathy must be administered to our failed institutions, for the hard problem they face, is that quality of education is directly proportional to the amount of money an educational system has to teach. In some ways we can’t blame Universities for charging more if it helps them provide a better education in the end. So, as a result of the inherent hard problem of education, the government cannot physically solve the issue of student debt alone. In this frame, it is our belief that Universities themselves not only must do more to bring down the student debt ratio, but the US government must empower universities to solve the student debt issue themselves, through the creation, amendment, and reformation of legislation that is in favor of innovative approaches for educational institutions to do so. Throughout the rest of this paper, we will present a novel approach for a higher educational system that unites the government and its educational institutions, together, with its financial markets, through the creation of UniversityDAO, a tokenized University that aims to end student debt and empower our nation's scholars to truly own their University. With that being said, UniversityDAO is still largely in concept. Much of what is presented in this paper is subject to change and comes with its risks, assumptions, and flat out flaws. We hope that the readers of this document will come together to not only critique and absolutely bash the approach we’ve crafted, but to come together in order to form a more perfect University system that solves the hardest problems of education we face today. ----------------------------Continued in whitepaper--------------------------- ",2022-07-06T18:54:49.409-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6894,False,False,0x1ED3b0ebEd4b5e32E5c0fc47779794eF1eA7A615,PoorNerd,,"open source alternative, use opensea websocket api to retrieve real time trading and listing data, and visualize the data ",2022-07-06T22:35:29.459-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6895,False,False,0x0,DeKnow ID - Web3 Native LinkedIn for Scholars and Science,,"What is DeKnow ID In short term, DeKnow ID = decentralized Google Scholar + DBLP, data fully in user’s control. We will transform any scholar’s academic life as data on chain, secured, privacy protected, under people’s full control. Problems Statement As a student, professor, scholar, scientist… I don’t have a way to show my academic reputation to the academic community and future employers. I don’t have a way to be recommended with great prospective students DeKnow Solution Proposal DeKnow will first create a permissionless, non-custodial web3 identity for scholars and science. With the success of which, we will help community build an collboration web3 ecosystem powered by DAO, connecting scholars, students, enterprise in research activities and day to day life. DeKnow ID We will have two parts to the project: On-Chain Smart Contracts as interface and protocol to hold Scholar and Paper, and webapp to serve as scholar personal portal. Bootstrapping Seeding Profiles and Papers Public records will be retained via Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Graph to construct initial scholar profile and paper citation references. Going forward, users will be incentivized to add more and more accurate references in DeKnow ID platform directly. Collect Real Person Resume Resumes are the most accurate and update to date for academic students and scholars, much more than industrial. The project will focus on having scholar to submit resume to mint scholar profile NFT. A.I. for matching Student - Professor With accurate information, DeKnow ID platform can match and recommend students and professors accurately. On-Chain Smart Contracts Both Scholar and Paper will start as current NFT ERC721. Both are transferable with specific considerations for Papers. Scholar NFT will hold relationships with papers, relationships with other scholars, scholar reputations. Paper NFT will create a new protocol for co-owned NFT, hopefully later contribute back to Ethereum foundation community. With research paper nature, a paper will be co-owned by co-authors, contributions distributed, decisions to be made by having full or partial consensus betwen co-authors. It functions as a “mini-DAO” on the paper level. Off-Chain Webapp as The webapp serve as a personal portal for scholar to show, view, manager owned Scholar NFT and Paper NFT. DeKnow Ecosystem Coming after DeKnow ID is in place Milestone #1: Pilot: DeKnow ID Webapp and NFT Delieverables - Chrome Extension to capture google scholar url - Backend services to parse and capture google scholar information - DeKnow ID webapp on testnet, enabling user to upload CV, mint NFT - DeKnow Scholar NFT and Paper NFT are live on testnet - * TestNet is TBD. DeKnow can be deployed to any EVM compatible main chain. Initial choice is Ethereum Rinkeby and Polygon or Oasis. Acceptance Criteria High Level: NFT, Webapp, Plugins are tested by 20 users, successfully minted scholar and paper NFTs with end-2-end flow. Breakdowns: - User can install the chrome extension by downloading local package - User can use the extension to save their own google scholar url, to create a minting proposal on DeKnow App - User can mint a DeKnow ID by either   - minted by DeKnow ID team as bootstraping courtesy, OR   - minted by uploading a local resume   - minted by uploadind a resume via public access url (google drive, s3, arwearve, etc) - User can login into the DeKnow webapp and see their own identities - User can view other's DeKnow ID profile by having a direct link - Logged In user can edit and upload Bio - DeKnow webapp shall show the following information for the associated DeKnow ID:   - The scholar BIO   - The papers that are co-authored   - The DAOs the user is in on   - The events the users attended, that were recorded in POAP Team: Bo Li: Bio: Dr. Bo Li is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research focuses on machine learning, security, privacy, and game theory. Zhiguang (Stephen) Wang LinkedIn: Dr. Zhiguang Wang is America CTO for Amber Group, a multi-billion unicorn and Web3-pioneered startup that operates globally. He is an expert and leader with a 10+ years proven record in data, engineering, AI, and blockchain.  Haohua (Bury) Huang LinkedIn: 20 years experience in software engineering development Ex-Symantec Product Prototyping ",2022-07-06T23:48:13.562-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6896,False,False,0x62dBEC047D4044dac59F544bC5eD8EC43B72c736,Primis-Web3 Desktop-Apply for Gitcoin Grant,,"Primis redefines the Web3 Desktop world.  In here, a basic Web3 explorer will be provided. Primis integrates all Dapps in the Web3 world and interacts Dapps with blockchains through a simple operation interface. Compared to hosting Dapps on the traditional Web 2.0 cloud server, now Dapps can be directly installed on nodes through a plug-in. Primis provides decentralized network services and multi-chain adaptation. Smart contracts record access point information and offer a self-updating, security, and fast method to upgrade services.  Primis was born with the Web3 wallet, and it created a privacy-encrypted Web3 ‘Discord’ by integrating P2P communication protocols and Zero-Knowledge Proof. Unlike the traditional Web2 chatting method, Primis provides secure privacy interaction, communication, community DAO governance, and voting through multi-channels, blogs, and open forums.  Primis Web3 Desktop is the brand-new concept for Web3, and it will bring great influence to web3 desktop world. ",2022-07-07T03:00:47.562-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6897,False,False,0xC54fF22968d45Df573e89b390A0A744019C351f6,Decentralization of Gig Economy which are in best interests of gitcoin,,"gM contributors, this is piyush and i am officially maintaining the official website Quadraticlands by gitcoin. This grant is being created to maintain and scale decentralize solutions which are in best interest of gitcoin. The grant amount we raise will be used to expand the team in order to facilitate quality/speed and decentralized version of source code for Quadraticlands as well as other opportunity we get to decentralize on behalf of gitcoin. Thank you ",2022-07-07T06:34:20.351-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6898,False,False,0x27B047D0b9a5251CCA067D9f20e7317d60742330,ETH Burn 🔥 Bot (@ethburnbot),,"ETH Burn 🔥 Bot (@ethburnbot) is a public good Twitter bot that tweets ETH burn statistics. Tweets include: - hourly burn report - daily burn report - burn milestones (ETH) - burn milestones (USD) Tweets include text and a generated infographic. @ethburnbot runs on a server which costs money ($$$) to keep up-to-date and online, including dedicated hardware and sufficient bandwidth to run an Ethereum node. @ethburnbot has created nearly 10 million impressions and thousands of engagements. Tweet impressions 2021 - 7.223M 2022 - 2.627M+ By supporting this grant, you are supporting independent creators building open source tools that spread Ethereum knowledge. ",2022-07-07T08:33:42.609-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6899,True,True,0xFd996230B79bf834a040443315a689EAE880DB12,NFT price oracle----Bid to Earn,,"Nawarat is an efficient and accurate NFT price oracle that allows anyone to participate and matches the true valuation of the market. It will provide accurate real-time valuation of NFT to address the liquidity problem as well as empower the NFT ecosystem. Nawarat makes references to the market valuations as the valuation range for forming the implicit Schelling point, then the NFT valuation is further corrected through pricing quotations via group game, normal distribution will be then used to verify the validity of the valuation, making the NFT valuation more precise. On-chain quotation will also make the NFT valuation more reliable.        Nawarat will introduce a list of reference valuations, incorporating more AI models or other valuation references to construct a real-time dynamic valuation range. In the reference valuation, strangers will have a tacit understanding of the model knowledge and historical performance of the valuation model, forming an implicit Schelling point, which is actually also an implicit valuation range. In other words, it is the same as constructing a real-time dynamic evaluation range for each NFT, and users can generate the final effective price through group bidding, forming a highly accurate NFT valuation. Nawarat will give different reference valuations to meet the reference needs of different users, and display them on the valuation decision page in the form of a series of reference prices in the end. The list of reference prices will help us establish a range to find the Schelling point. The reference price deviation curve will help users to formulate a more accurate pricing range and thereby, finding the Schelling point from within. The final valuation of each round is then confirmed through group game based on the more precise pricing range of different users. Tacit understanding between strangers. Referring to the historical“ performance curve, there may be an implicit Schelling Point, supposed 69.49ETH, which is a rough appraisal generated by models. Taking the implicit Schelling point as the reference valuation, a tacit bidding interval [63.20, 72.22] is naturally established, and ultimately the user will generate a more accurate valuation within this interval through group game.  As shown in the demonstration below: Each line with different colors(△P1,△P2……△P8), represent the difference in reference price and each round’s final price under different models, the lines forming the reference price deviation curve, the closer the line is to x-axis then the smaller the gap is between reference price and final price, the closer it is to the final price. For instance, when a user bids on the next round of NFT valuation, △P8,69.49ETH can be confirmed to be the next implicit Schelling point having referenced the below reference price deviation curve, the tacit bidding interval between users is [63.20, 72.22]. The reference price deviation curve can greatly benefit users in finding the Schelling point, and can immensely improve the efficiency and the accuracy of valuation.      The theoretical basis of Schelling point defines the valuation range, and the normal distribution will find the precise valuation amidst the range, confirming the most accurate NFT valuation.  In the valuation of NFT, we can delineate the valuation and reference range of NFT through the theoretical basis of the Schelling point. When a group bids on a NFT with a reference valuation range, and if the resulting valuation data present to be a normal distribution spread, then Nawarat believes that this outcome is an effective valuation with a precise valuation result screened by normal distribution.     Currently, there are various AI valuation models widespread in the market, they are mostly NFT valuations based on various historical prices, which is very general and vague, involving no subjective judgment of NFT users, making the resulting valuation meaningless. Nawarat respects all of the factors, ranging from historical prices to group consensus, finding the ultimate precise valuation through the three-layer screening of AI model, implicit Schelling point and normal distribution.  By introducing a list of reference prices, Nawarat establishes a range for finding Schelling points, helping users to find Schelling points with the help of the constructed valuation deviation curve, which formulates a more precise valuation range for users. The final and precise valuation of each round will be then confirmed through group game, further verified through normal distribution. Meanwhile, decentralization makes the valuation more reliable, resolving the trust issue associated with the AI pricing black box. ",2022-07-07T12:09:54.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6901,False,False,0x319AE05CcC729f518303f6aF4Accb6A92A2F69B9,Undra - A Steampunk MMORPG,,"We're a fairly small international team. Having released our flagship NFT's in September 2021, now approaching our second playable release in August 2022, we have a proven track record of consistent releases and following through on our roadmap milestones We would like to be able to use the grant to allow our current team to begin producing and releasing research that would be beneficial to Web3 as a whole. Specifically pertaining to UX around non-native crypto users, the psychology of how participants vote in governance and player archetypes. Our goals in publishing this research is to benefit other projects in onboarding of new users and start a collaborative, open source research effort around user agency in Web3. ",2022-07-08T10:44:35.298-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6902,False,False,0xb806a9d487f821eab424c61272da4f9732ae9145,Inkfox DAO,,"We are building a treasury management service and tools to better manage DAO treasures. After the fallout of 3Arrows we came to believe that this is direly needed as well as a transparent public facing optionality. ",2022-07-08T23:24:23.602-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6903,False,False,0xe4d08E0AFb494B273282705bCCa2a03dA23D513F,ENS WEBBY,,"This project is focused on building a decentralized application that allows users create custom website designs just like in Web 2.0 but no making it possible on Web 3.0 using ENS domains. ",2022-07-10T00:02:45.307-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6904,False,False,0x0,Rise [Hyper Deflationary],,"Grant is to raise funding for a project involving creation of Hyper deflationary token. A Hyper deflationary token not just burns more then minted, but also involve holders reward and automatic buyback  The token is already launched on binance testnet and will soon be brought up to mainnet. our vision is to make cryptocurrency a reliable asset which don't get hit by inflation and hence we are Hyper Deflationary. Token address: 0x4DaB4a9a2832CbFa13762E10d1e2748a25e70fc9 Token Symbol: RISE Token name: Rise [Hyper Deflationary] Decimals: 9 Total Supply: 1000000000000000 ",2022-07-10T00:12:21.451-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6905,False,False,0xB3684684045F1EF940b0eC67a4F49FC21765518A,Create a more suitable ens domain name trading platform for Chinese,," ",2022-07-10T05:48:32.527-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6906,False,False,0xEEd224bdCb939EfcdC1B49263A44535203b585bE,The CryptoRetrievers NFT Collection,,"I'm a 14yrs old boy from Nigeria seeking for your help in launching my nft collection. I am not rich cause I have no father.The Crypto Retriever Society Club is a A community-driven collection of 10,000 unique Happy Dog NFTs— unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain. To mark the relationship of dogs with humans as pets, guards, companions, friends. Each Dog will enrich your life. ",2022-07-10T15:52:31.527-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6907,True,True,0xf9e7F43ac6C915d89c4BF9664fD048DE31B393D7,Lilith's license to buidl,,"Hey! I'm Lilith, I've been contributing over at General Magic, which is a part of the Giveth Galaxy. This grant will allow me to continue working on cool stuff in the web3 space. Right now I'm helping as a PM for the Token Engineering Academy. In the future, I will help with other DAO tools and projects :)",2022-07-11T03:49:55.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6908,False,False,0x5BCc9a1d87D4F616E05Ef948403C88Cd37754778,Betterverse,,"The World’s First Charitable Metaverse We’re gamifying the act of donating to charity through our play-to-give ecosystem. We’re building a platform where you can donate to any cause you care about with FIAT or Crypto and in return receive a unique 3D NFT that represents and visualises the real world impact of your donation. Through our “play-to-give” metaverse, we’re gamifying the act of donating to charity and therefore incentivising higher donations and allowing charities/ NGOs to tap into new demographics. The Problem In a digital-led world where Gen Z and Millennials expect highly engaging, intuitive and easily digestible experiences, the act of donating to charity has stagnated and tree planting certificates aren’t doing it for users anymore. Our Solution A platform and 3D metaverse that holds the hands of charities into the often overwhelming world of Web 3/ Blockchain, providing a highly engaging experience that tells the story of each users’ donation and provides a way of visualising/ sharing the good people are doing for the planet, its animals and people. Trees are just the beginning We’re starting with trees, but eventually you’ll be able to donate to any cause you care about – whether a long-term charity initiative or rapid disaster relief. By early 2023 you’ll be able to explore a fully immersive and interactive metaverse, full of the good things people are up to. Our Roadmap: Q3: Launch MVP (Donation Platform) First Guest Artist Collab $BTRC Release Staking Access Q4: Further Guest Artists Collabs Corporate Partnerships Launch Events Season Two Cause Q1 2023: Metaverse Launch ",2022-07-11T05:00:02.084-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6909,False,False,0xB11AC034dFaD6359580daAE98f47Bf282b67Ee8f,qwe,,"demo ",2022-07-11T08:05:37.971-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6910,False,False,0x918d0D7219eDcCF0fb57dddEeA84b9e0E4429733,Iris: Decentralized Terrestrial Satellite Oracle Network,,"Iris was conceived as an effort to produce a technological solution at the intersection of blockchain and space technologies. Iris is a Decentralized Terrestrial Satellite Oracle Network (DtsON) - the first of its kind. An oracle network’s function is to guarantee the delivery of honest and up-to-date real-world data from a pool of participating data reporters or nodes. Each node submits what it attests is their honest observation of the data point or state the network is trying to provide. Only through the consensus mechanism and committee mechanics of oracle networks are we able to find accurate values for the prices of cryptocurrencies on decentralized exchanges for example. For Iris however, instead of comparing single valued numerical data, Iris’ nodes will compare satellite imagery and determine the image closest in similarity to the super majority (or 66%) of all the other images. We refer to the image chosen by the committee as the Average Scenario. The Average Scenario represents the most likely state one would find the AoI around the time requested. With this system in place, dApp developers can for the first time trust that the information they eventually find in the image is representative of reality. extract data from the satellite imagery and Once dApp developers understand they can use Iris to extract information, they will have to create their own DONs to extract and verify the information. Doing so would allow dApps to perform permissionless computations that run only upon the behest of the user.  The idea of chaining a base DON with a Data Distilling DON or ddDON and then connecting the ddDON to a dApp executed on an EVM-like chain will allow users and dApp developers to trust the honest and faithful execution of each step in the product stack. The guarantee of honest fulfillment of financial contracts between people has never been greater than with blockchain technology and bringing oracle technology to geospatial data will extend this to new dApps. Aside from reinventing the carbon credit/asset market, Iris can be used to extract information for other kinds of dApps. For example, one could build a natural disaster insurance and/or crop insurance application on top of Iris by extracting information that would change the state of the dApps smart contracts and trigger a pay out. Another way to use satellite imagery is to attach imagery of homes and property to on-chain property claims.  ",2022-07-11T22:44:14.723-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6911,False,False,0x14DE893ACeA7e8929EbfB0Ea55865DEc826903FC,Bech: Platform for startups and investors in developing countries,,"The Bech Blockchain achieved a throughput of 296k tps during testing. Ongoing optimizations will likely push it towards a minimum of 400k - 500k tps with 650k tps being the current target for this testing phase. The platform comes with an inbuilt stock/asset exchange that processes stock trades at a lightening speed and at the same time provides maximum security with its full proof consensus mechanism. This on-chain exchange cuts out market makers who mostly act as middlemen on many CEXs and DEXs. Cutting out the middlemen gives the platform the ability to process trades with absolutely zero transaction fees. Cryptocurrency blockchains have been widely adopted and accepted by a huge number of retail investors and some institutional investors and as a result have seen a surge in its usage and value over the past few years. Meanwhile, there is a large portion of influential institutional investors who still remain skeptic of the value, use and importance of cryptocurrencies to the finance industry and economies as a whole. Despite their popularity, cryptocurrencies and blockchains have failed to fully permeate the finance sector due to a lack of trust in these new technologies. Institutional investors like Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger are the biggest skeptics of cryptocurrencies. They cite the lack of real world value backing of cryptos as their biggest reason for staying away from big cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana etc. These investors are used to investing in assets that have real world backing like stocks, as these are valued by the company’s efficiency in providing their services and many other factors. Meanwhile, the value of cryptocurrencies is simply based on supply and demand which makes it purely speculative and unpredictable. This tends to keep many influential investors and some retail investors away from potentially investing in the cryptocurrency market. Startups and small companies in developing countries and in some cases developed countries in most instances find it difficult to raise funds. A very high percentage of startup funding is totally concentrated in many centralized and bureaucratic institutions making access to these funds hectic and difficult for many of these startups. Some of these startups are located in countries affected by sanctions which makes accessing the more developed world for funds to develop and grow their ideas problematic. Currently, there isn’t many reliable well developed decentralized platform or blockchain to help these small companies raise funds. Bech blockchain’s design specifically tackles these problems. Bech is a platform built specifically for stocks trading in its unit stablecoin Bece. These stocks issued by startup companies are backed by the services and value of these companies. Investors can then buy packs of startups or companies they trust and these startups get to raise money to fund their projects. This will help bring more influential institutional investors into blockchain technology by providing a fast and secure decentralized blockchain platform for investing in startups and companies across the globe. As more of these investors come to trust the Bech blockchain, the adoption of many forms of blockchain technology will increase in the finance industries and all other sectors. ",2022-07-12T04:19:42.230-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6912,False,False,0x4BeE1766B2d2265E31f7786A43d2679Ea6597345,zk legit ,,"Have you ever come across a video in the comment section of a tweet saying $1200 + passive income daily with a crypto bot? Well, there're multi-million businesses out there scamming people and stealing our money. It's time to resist. with the current bear state of the markets, people tend to fall more into these traps. The plan Build a database out of known scammer addresses, scamming videos, and more. Scraping the internet for these scams. Create Twitter bots to comment on these scamming tweets to raise the attention of the people. Report scam videos on YouTube. Give the ability to the community to provide proof of a scammer and add them to the database. The struggle is real this is an address I found in the code of one of these videos: There are $12000 transfers to this address in only one day, and I'm sure this won't be the last one. We could help protect the community, together. ",2022-07-12T06:59:04.071-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6913,True,True,0xC89fF15930EE7bAB47f1C38DCC8b6C90080c171a,Monk Pay,,"Monk enables faster, seamless and more affordable cross border payments across the globe. Problem Lack of adequate platforms that cater for Remittance outflows from Africa to other continents - further reducing capability of Africans to trade conveniently with other continents and losing out on the $480bn remittance flow to other the highly lucrative Asia, MENA (Middle East and North Africa) and LATAM (Latin American) corridors. The problem of Sending and Receiving payments seamlessly and securely. You don’t need to go to any bank to send or receive cross-border payments unlike other services like WorldRemit, Sendwave, Small World, Moneygram. Monk enables 2-way sending and receiving of transfers. You can send and receive money from any continent using any currency. Solution Monk is bringing cost of cross-border payment down to 0.1% (~20X cheaper than the average) saving Africans a combined $11bn in costs of moving funds in and out of the continent in a single year. (On Monk, sending $100 will cost just 10 cents as opposed to the average on other platforms which will cost upwards of $9). Monk has built a solution where Sender or Receiver transacts 100% within the app. No need to physically go to a Bank or financial provider for any part of the transaction. ",2022-07-12T09:04:56.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6914,False,False,0x0,ULAS Network,,"ULAS NETWORK is a multi-chain social protocol built on an open social graph and rating system. The ecosystem application on ULAS will bring data sovereignty, higher financial returns, and better experience to WEB3 citizens. ",2022-07-12T10:41:36.774-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6915,False,False,0x70e126091C4C18e9Fb1be5CA2E5805085Ee9Eaf2,Alpha Drops,,"Alpha Drops is a free database prepared and maintained by Aramz that provides information about crypto projects in the early stages. There are already more than 100 alpha projects listed on the tool. The website is simple and is built using the Notion app. The funds raised on Gitcoin will be used to develop and add more features to the database, for monthly subscriptions (domain, hosting, etc), community growth and future plans.  Early projects Upcoming NFT projects Job vacancies (new) Daily updates on Twitter, Telegram, and Discord News, articles, and tutorials  Giveaways (WL spots, NFTs, Tokens) 🪂 Website: 🐦 Twitter: 📢 TG Channel: 💬 TG Group: ",2022-07-12T12:55:17.398-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6916,False,False,0x5D98594a77d7Fb3ACE3e3428F6B79603Bb27324A,"Deefy - world's first collateral-less payment infrastructure protocol that allows you to rent, loan, and BNPL on NFTs.",,"Create a new economy of NFTs and scale the adoption of your dapp. Deefy makes NFTs more stable, liquid, and affordable for metaverse, Daaps, marketplace, and NFT games through its plug & play APIs & SDKs. Deefy aims to bring the benefits of blockchain technology to the real world. By leveraging a sophisticated collateral-less payment protocol. Problem with NFT in the current market: NFTs don't have the essential framework used by other financial instruments right now. If you own an NFT, the only thing you can do is to sell it, but there's so much more potential. Which arise two major problems i.e, Affordability - As of now, you have to own the full amount + gas fees in your wallet to buy an NFT. But in normal scenarios & assets, you have options like EMIs & pay later. Illiquidity Docs: ",2022-07-12T13:41:49.958-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6917,False,False,0x411c0c4fACC03f59298FccDa811B7588f2d151e7,ETH-NINOS,,"ETH-NINOS ,IS FOR THE KIDS ALL OVER THE WORLD .. TRYING TO HELP A SMALL COMMUNITY IN SOUTH TEXAS .THE BOADER BETWEEN UNITED STATES IN MEXICO HAS SEEN INCRDEASING IN THE AMOUNT OF UNCOMPINED KIDS .IT NOT OKAY ,IM A FATHER 5 BEAUITFUL KIDS AND IT WILL DRIVE ME INSANE KNOWING MY KIDS WERE IN SPOT LIKE THAT.I WANT TO HELP AS MUCH AS I CAN BUT WITH THE HELP OF GITCOIN AND THE COMUNNITY I BELIVE WE CAN MY A BIG IMPACT IN THIER LIFES..ARE BOADER PATROL AGENTS WORK DAY AND NIGHT AND THEY ARE BEEN OUT NUMBERED AND I WILL LIKE TO THANK THEM SERIVES. HELP AND THANK YOUN ADAVANCE...;_ylu=c2VjA2ZwLWF0dHJpYgRzbGsDcnVybA--/RV=2/RE=1657685360/RO=11/ ",2022-07-12T14:21:43.748-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6918,False,False,0xc3f6e380ad8780e88BB8578212d043FAE68496BB,Providing Educational and Entertainment Content Via Audio,,"I create professional quality audio content to support the crypto ecosystem - educational, entertainment, and often both. I share most of it on my youtube page. Examples of content I have created: -Audio Book White Papers of ETH, BTC, etc -meme songs about Wassies, CryptoTwitter -theme song and other stuff for Up Only Podcast -various projects for Synchrony Finance, ChihuahuaCoin, Trollcoin -currently working on audio and music for Wassieverse NFT ",2022-07-12T15:54:48.162-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6919,False,False,0x2166022D7dd92407cFC5EbE18e667e084eB950D3,Trust,,"FThank you very much for your help ",2022-07-12T22:28:21.775-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6921,False,False,0xbFaDbE8e09Ccc89bdC66513135d58eFF35C36406,BITMANIA,,"Internet-based enterprise that sells books, music, movies, housewares, electronics, toys, and many other goods, either directly or as the middleman between other retailers ",2022-07-13T01:21:13.624-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6922,False,False,0x308A829AFd367f80d7E2785f7Fc268E331D78E54,Africa Blockchain Youth Ambassadors,,"ABYA is on a mission to train and equip 1M+ university students on blockchain and cryptocurrency by 2027 across accredited universities in Africa, starting with an MVP in Kenya, then scale to the rest of Africa. This is informed by the underdeveloped infrastructure which has made Africa a perfect vector for blockchain and cryptocurrencies, only requiring a smartphone to access blockchain networks. Africa is the second-most-populous continent in the world, with around 1.3 billion people. Due to historic issues with colonialism, civil wars, and harsh terrains, African countries have suffered from infrastructure problems for a long time. This has made financial services less accessible, leading to around 57% of the population remaining unbanked, meaning that there will be a large portion of the population moving onto the internet. According to CoinMarketCap’s Q1 2020 report on cryptocurrency adoption, Africa had the second-highest adoption of cryptocurrencies worldwide. The continent had a percentage youth growth of 91.47%, owing much to Nigeria’s 210.6% growth in young crypto users. The project begins with a proof of concept in Kenya where the initiative will target membership in 60+ accredited universities. Based on the success of the pilot in Kenya, the template will be replicated to scale up the operations in the rest of the region drawing from lessons learned. ",2022-07-13T01:40:16.297-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6923,False,False,0xe4c81FCb008E04C9bc5AD607f0cb14E4AC07896d,asdf,,"asdf ",2022-07-13T08:45:17.333-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6924,False,False,0x0,Why You Should Hire a College Essay Editor,,"Hiring a college application freepaperwriter essay editor may seem like a costly option. But a good editor will have the experience, writing skills, and relationships with lowest price and admissions officers to provide a high-quality service. If you want to hire an essay editor, read on for some helpful advice. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is including an essay that has been poorly edited. If you want to be accepted to the college of your choice, you need to make sure that the essay you submitted meets all of the requirements. Ideally, your essay will include specific examples about yourself, including a childhood event or experience. Remember to make your statement sincere - the admissions committee has read thousands of essays and can tell when you have copied ideas from the internet. By using specific examples, you'll stand out from the crowd and get accepted. Using a professional editor will also ensure that your essay is well-structured and free of errors. The most common mistakes students make when writing their essays are insufficient explanations of their past lives. A professional college application essay editor will review your essay for spelling and grammar mistakes. They'll also help you create a strong argument and explain why you deserve admission to a specific college. While you may have high grades and SAT scores, your essay is the most important part of your application. You can use a college essay editor to make your essay stand out from the crowd. Just be sure to follow the instructions carefully and don't make any major grammatical mistakes. An essay editor will help you develop an effective opening, develop a body paragraph, and craft a compelling ending. Depending on how much history you want to share, your editor will make two revisions to the essay. You can also have multiple copies made for different applications. They can help you write your essay with a higher level of polish. So, go ahead and hire a college application essay editor and reap the benefits. The benefits are great. An essay editor will review the essay you submitted to graduate school. An essay editor can turn a dull, overly-wordy application into compelling writing. Some sites offer basic editing for free, including Hemingway and Grammarly. Some sites will even let you get a basic edit of the first page or chapter. But most college application essay editing services require a fee. So, if you're looking for a high-quality editor for your college essay, be sure to read the terms and conditions before hiring a service. A professional college application essay editor should strike a balance between providing feedback and asking questions. The best editors can help you avoid writing essays that are uninteresting or boring. They should also not overly influence the tone or voice of the essay. A college application essay editor can also help you restructure your essay so that it fits the requirements. So, how do you choose the best college application essay editor? If you're inexperienced with college admissions, consider hiring a friend or sibling to help you with the process. Useful Resources Myster Book Authors: How You Can Assign Your Lab Report to Such Great Writers College level thesis writing help from oliviasmith's blog Review my essay for Me from oliviasmith's blog ",2022-07-13T13:51:37.661-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6925,False,False,0xf898f8F57980a5aC2c4d111f1e3Da00Fc60aEa32,Help fund Etherzilla NFT project,,"Etherzilla, 5000 hand-drawn NFTs inspired by the King of Monsters himself, Godzilla. Only 5000 Etherzilla will ever be produced. Future NFT projects will generate more than 5000. All hodlers of Etherzilla will be able to receive future NFT projects and the remaining will be up for sale. This grant is to help fund Etherzilla NFT project and all other project(s) related in the future. ",2022-07-13T22:31:03.016-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6926,False,False,0xF8fcc3D64810B454Fb4A385a26Beb4Cf9C3786c4,OXYNETWORK INTERACTIVE 3D NFT,,"Do you like the idea of a NFT, A NFT that can copy by anyone what is the solution ""Interactive 3D NFT"". the idea is to build to interactive 3d nft. Unlike jpg or png based NFT, 3D NFT can't copy from browser and also it's really hard to create a copy of a 3d model because of that interactive 3d NFT is a unique art work ",2022-07-13T23:49:19.157-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6928,False,False,0xE387c48e2aC1AB6820B5D39b6028DE062e35D515,"24/7MODS - Providing Discord servers with TRAINED, TESTED, CERTIFIED, and thoroughly VETTED moderators.",,"24/7MODS Elite Academy is commited to raising the bar of security across Discord servers. Our online educational courses have been developed to ensure moderators are educated and updated on the latest security threats Discord servers face. In addtion to our elite security training, We continuously screen and alert our moderators to the latest security threats and scams through our 24/7 monitoring technology. Here at 24/7MODS, our industry-leading technology rapidly scans for threats and scams. If a scam or threat is present, all of our moderators are simultaneously alerted. The 24/7MODS participating Discord servers are instantly notified by text, email, phone, and channel alerts. Our innovative software technology is CONSTANTLY scanning for fictitious server members, identity threats, BAN list updates, social media, real-time scams, and hacked server alert feed. Join today, to ensure the highest protection of your Discord server members with 24/7MOD's top-of-the-line safety and security. ",2022-07-14T04:56:49.129-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6929,False,False,0x66FC75DaDd994FACe0631E9f51F7c2f102b23F65,Decentralized digital inheritance protocol,,"Carapace is a hard-shell protocol to safeguard digital assets if keys are lost or if something unexpected happens to the owner. The main objective is to prevent the ecosystem’s decay by minimizing the quantity of assets that unfortunately stay locked forever. The protocol builds an abstraction between the user and smart contract programming, allowing the user to shape a specific use case with a combination of rules, which can be applied to a backup wallet, heirs, DAOs or even commercial use and peer-to-peer asset exchange.  Carapace is designed to be self-sufficient and perpetual, it relies on a mechanism of staking and the rewards are shared between the community of users and partners.   Recently we have launched a proof of concept in Goerli Testnet please have a try at   Find everything about the project in our website.   Follow us on twitter. ",2022-07-14T10:04:54.737-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6930,False,False,0x0,milestoneBased,,"If you were going to build your own house, would you give all the money to subcontractors in the first week? Most likely you would pay month by month to see how it goes and decrease your risks. So why is it not the same with VC funding where a startup gets awarded large funding round with a high probability they won’t make it and the investor loses it all? The crypto company investing model is broken- riddled with the process and capital inefficiency and risk. Investor-founder collaboration is not systematic and characterized by inefficient capital and milestone management, and inexperienced founders learning to scale. milestoneBased is the first company to leverage a blockchain DAO and escrow smart contracts in an automated governance and funding collaboration platform. Early-stage investors use our platform for capital efficiency, to eliminate risk, improve transparency, and get more data-driven insights for a faster path to monetization of deployed funds. Startup teams are motivated and synchronized with investor expectations and more focused on the right KPIs for strengthened performance. Started in 2018 by a team of blockchain and startup industry veterans, milestoneBased enables any early-stage startup to list company roadmap milestone goals, and connect and collaborate with crypto VC and Angel investors on the platform to provide funding. Funding decisions and governance are voted on as part of the DAO and funds are securely held in an escrow smart contract till milestones are verified and voted complete. The platform also offers a host of startup education tools and will introduce the tools for AI and performance analysis for investors.   We are developing a full-circle web3 platform where startups can be connected to investors and raise their funding and manage the roadmap efficiently. At the same time, investors can find their perfect portfolio fit, help the project as a value add-investor, and accelerate the path to their desired ROI.  MilestoneBased as a solution is going to impact the whole crypto ecosystem influencing mass adoption by raising a level of trust to motivate teams as well as bring more investment players to the crypto company ecosystem, leaving such concepts as scam projects and fraud in the past.  Our advantages: Pipeline and portfolio management system for investors Deal flow sharing module Startup KYCs and ranking systems in future The Roadmap library and memos feature as a knowledge-sharing hub for the community. We operate on BSC which gives us higher TPS and at the same time our architecture allows us to adopt other chains in the future. We have developed a set of Token utilities that benefit the constant growth of the token. Our product is already working and having its first users on the platform Over time we became a feature-rich platform almost an operating system for crypto VC Enterprise-ready access level management Viral features for self onboarding Additional info: Website: White Paper: One-Pager: Figma with deal sharing feature: Press release: Check here ",2022-07-14T11:02:30.332-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6931,True,True,0xbB7F32d8785A3F3e81c09EcbcE1Ad455A6e8eCa8,ETH-XMR Atomic Swap continued development,,"Atomic swaps are a method for trustlessly exchanging funds across blockchains. An ETH-XMR atomic swap will allow for users to, in a trustless and completely decentralized manner, exchange Ether for Monero. This connects the leading smart contract blockchain (and the home of defi) with the leading privacy-preserving blockchain. Along with the BTC-XMR atomic swaps, this will allow for completely decentralized cross-chain exchanges to be built that allow for XMR swaps. The project currently has a functional prototype that has been deployed onto testnets. This grant is for continued development work, including usability and privacy enhancements. Previous work Previously, I completed an MVP implemenetation of the ETH-XMR atomic swap, deployed it to stagenet on 9 different servers, and extensively tested it. There is now an alpha release of ETH-XMR atomic swaps with the following functionality: - `swapd` program which executes atomic swaps; includes:    - network layer which allows for peers to make offers and discover and take offers    - RPC server which allows users to interact with the daemon (eg. make/take offers, get current swaps, cancel swaps)    - protocol implementation of the atomic swap including all refund paths - `swapcli` program which implements a CLI for users to interact with the daemon and easily make/take offers - `swaprecover` program which allows for funds to be recovered in case of a crash - `ui`: a self-hosted UI for the swap that displays current offers on the network and allows users to take offers using their MetaMask wallet. Proposed work I would like to continue work on the ETH-XMR atomic swap implementation by adding improvements for usability and privacy, as well as general codebase maintainence. This proposal includes the following development work: 1. Relayer support The current implementation of the protocol requires the ETH-recipient to have some ETH in their claiming account to pay for the transaction fees to claim the swap ETH. However, this is bad for UX and privacy, as users cannot withdraw to fresh ETH accounts. To allow for users to claim ETH into a fresh account, integration with a relayer service can be implemented. This will allow users to withdraw to a fresh account by paying a small fee to a relayer to submit the transaction on their behalf. 2. ERC20 support To support swaps for ERC20s without hurting liquidity, the swap contract can be integrated with a DEX such as Uniswap to automatically swap received ETH for the desired ERC20 token. 3. Disk permanence The current implementation of the swap does not store anything to disk apart from information needed for recovery of swap funds in case of failure. However, there are other components that should be stored to disk and restored upon reload, such as current swap offers made, historic swap information, and peer information. This will require a simple key-value database implementation. 4. General maintainence and bugfixes See for open issues on the repo. Issues not covered by the above work are part of this section. This includes RPC calls and documentation, codebase maintainence, testing, and fixes of any bugs found during testing.",2022-07-14T11:50:59.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6932,True,True,0x2178E542B4AD0Ba5Ab9cb804Bd763B58dab4481C,Eclectica,,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""Inspiration ✨""},{""attributes"":{""header"":1},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""\nMaking metaverse accessible to everyone !\n\n""},{""insert"":{""video"":""""}},{""insert"":""\n\nCurrent metaverse platforms have following limitation:\n\nEntry-Barrier:""},{""attributes"":{""header"":3},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""\nEntry cost is prohibitively expensive in current metaverse platforms.Even for hosting events you have to rent or buy land.\n\n\nInvite-Only Events:""},{""attributes"":{""header"":3},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""\nCurrent metaverses do not allow users to host invite-only events as a result use-cases of metaverse drop significantly.\n\nFast On Chain Payment:""},{""attributes"":{""header"":3},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""\nWe used Polygon to accomplish this.\n\n\nUsability ☘️""},{""attributes"":{""header"":1},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""\nFor Mass Adoption we think it's essential to make a product that is truly decentralize as well as cost effecient. We think NFT and Metaverse are a blended product and to utilize there full capacity a efficient yet enjoyable product is needed to achieve this we have build eclectica keeping this things in mind.\n\nDecentralization""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""\nEfficient""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""\nRich User Experience""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""Please check out the attached video and links to try it out yourself\n\n""},{""attributes"":{""link"":""""},""insert"":""""},{""insert"":""\n\nWhat it does 📜""},{""attributes"":{""header"":1},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""\nA chain agnostic platform where user can deploy their metaverse from various pre-built editable templates in single click powered by web3.\n\nFirst token-gated web3 platform where user can deploy there own metaverse.""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""\nFirst template based metaverse platform.""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""\nSupports DEFI+NFT+DAO in a single click with cross-chain payment support.""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""attributes"":{""header"":1},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""Provided Features 💡""},{""attributes"":{""header"":1},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""\nTalk via audio with people""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""Play games together (Many Play to earn games supported)""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""Live Stream your exprience on Screen""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""Buy NFT's""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""AI powered bot with information about blockchain""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""Inbuilt Interactive layer support for game developers. We provide interactive layers to game developer.""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""Play games with your friends and showcase your NFT""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""\n\nOWN YOUR METAVERSE\n\n\n\n""}]} ",2022-07-14T16:46:33.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6933,False,False,0x8b475520947241483F95Fbe5Af973952DCFD9791,Decentralized Volunteering (DeVo) Protocol DAO ,," Decentralized Volunteering (DeVo) Protocol DAO is a goodwill DAO that will redefine volunteerism and philanthropy by introducing: significant rewards for volunteers & users, unprecedented transparency so people can see where their donations are being spent, and trustless & seamless interactions between all stakeholders. We utilize technologies including a DAO, DeFi mechanisms such as rebasing, DIDs, DApp, and NFTs. We have been working on this project for over a year and a half. We have a world-class team, ranging from Adam Manka who ran ZAP and the Blockchain Center, to Jason Peters who is a Prominent Blockchain Philanthropist, founding and facilitating cutting-edge initiatives that satisfy UN SDG and tackling ESG challenges. We are searching for funding in order to both effectively continue DApp development and carry out our pilot program. We are currently in the process of building the first version of our DApp in preparation for our pilot program. 80% of our DApp has been coded. 19,000 volunteers have signed up for DeVo in the span of a week and we have successfully partnered with prominent volunteer organizations such as REFORM Alliance & the Nordic Blockchain Association, in addition to blockchain such as Ethica Exchange & Detrash ",2022-07-14T16:53:38.364-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6934,False,False,0xCa37F65cDb3CC743332CBc671B2025E584213F1C,Web 3 Securely,,"Tools and services to navigate web3 safely, including : Verifying web3 site for malicious transactions; Validating smart contracts for malicious activities; Detecting impersonated/fraudulent accounts; Smart Wallet that alerts the user on any possible malicious transactions. ",2022-07-15T01:53:18.787-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6935,False,False,0x1187E3dB6058365A61E4AAc47bE8Ff7c862254D3,METABUILD,,"The outline of the envisioned requirements is as follows: The platform will provide SANDBOX, DECENTRALAND, CRYPTAL VOXEL and other metaverse landowners to publish construction requirements, and design modelers can freely accept orders in METABUILD after registration. Provide a fixed price charge standard, such as how many ETH or BTC per pixel or how many meters The platform randomly distributes designers to those who need land for construction, as long as the design is started, 30% of the tokens will be paid Each designer has two opportunities to communicate with Party A. The first time the plan is not satisfied, and after the modification, if the second time is still not satisfied, the designer can be replaced. Seek a more fair and reasonable interaction and payment mechanism for owners and designers The platform can link WEB3 wallet, and all interactions are done on the chain ",2022-07-15T03:02:20.712-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6936,False,False,0x7f39ac26Df140bA7B5d4fc04FB2e90341EC0C77B,Amplyfy: The web 3 music watering hole,,"Introducing Amplyfy: the web 3 music watering hole. Amplyfy is a music NFT marketplace and web 3 record label with a mission of allowing music artists to earn some additional revenue from their music career. This platform makes massively easier for early musicians to build a web 3 presence, a fan community, and make some early revenue. We will also provide vital education and links to information that every artist needs to know about the music business. Thus funding Amplyfy means funding dozens (eventually thousands) of artists, pulling them out of poverty, and allowing them make music their primary occupation. Watch Luke sing the 1-minute Amplyfy Theme Song in this music video NFT on Opensea to learn more (! Also head to! ",2022-07-15T06:43:55.166-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6937,False,False,0x8dD0731D4acd9792A5c3638249Ef62c302D460Aa,wrewrwerew,,"erwerwerwerewrrererwe ",2022-07-15T16:43:00.966-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6938,False,False,0x1794cBb6Fdf3d24BD5Be6320e6d86d8B67A1E20F,Poverty Killer Punch,,"From as little as $5 as the minimum donation the world could be a Better Place as You can start For preparation ",2022-07-15T21:01:34.287-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6939,False,False,0x0,Esc_Blo a site by learn about blockchain in Spanish,,"In esc_blo, people can learn about this new technology easily, allowing people who speak Spanish to have greater access to this new technology since from my own experience I can say how difficult it is to obtain quality information on how to program smart contracts and how to interact with them in the Spanish language ",2022-07-16T12:41:32.662-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6940,False,False,0xE26AAd4b20c7aFd313d2BAFE0938d1B4a412baD1,SMOKBIE,," ",2022-07-17T06:33:12.034-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6941,True,True,0x49A1E633a02a02A07028a6adb1AfEAf7eDBc4C63,Update & Upkeep Challenge - Challenge for Solo Stakers,,"The Update & Upkeep Challenge is a competition open for solo stakers and enables ETH staking node operators to compare themselves with their acquaintances around the globe in a shared & fixed timeframe. Furthermore we use the framework of the challenge to collect and share data for the ecosystem & reward supreme network performance with a NFT, hand crafted according to different local artist's interpretation of what the word ""BLOCKCHAIN"" inspires in them. Nobody draws twice! 🏆 COMPETITION PAGE 🏆 For the challenge we developed a simple Discord bot for the validator key registration to the competition as well as a challenge leaderboard chart to compare your own performances with your peers in an anonymous fashion.    THE IDEA   What got the idea behind the Update & Upkeep Challenge going was to design & develop different gamified, non consequential formats to keep the stakers more directly involved in their responsibility & ensure long term engagement of non institution backed individuals. After all, there is no other requirement than to burden the responsibility of running a staking setup to join the challenge.   The NFTs Prices awarded so far can be found here: 🥇 NFT PRICE COLLECTION 🥇   To create the prices we commission young artists to create something inspired by the space & are happy to introduce the concepts of NFTs to people in a traditional art environment. We also featured physical prices based on the NFTs, which we hope to bring back soon!   FUNDING   The past iterations of the challenge came already with extremely positive user feedback. We heard some great tales of node breakdowns and mishaps from the users while distributing the badges and engaging with the community. With the funding we want to address further security concerns, harden cheating prevention, hire more artists and generally level up what one can do with the NFTs! ",2022-07-17T10:38:08.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6942,False,False,0x0,Please give money,,"Give me money for merch and comics ",2022-07-17T17:56:55.466-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6943,False,False,0x0089d53F703f7E0843953D48133f74cE247184c2,How to Handle College Admission Essay,,"Every candidate must present an excellent report to succeed in any application. There are many things that students should do before they indulge in the writing process. With this article, we will guide You! When reading, it will be easy to come across various sections that might be useful in your study or career. Others will lead to mistakes when handling such documents. As a result, it is crucial to understand the proper format for drafting a college admission paper. Failure to that, chances of succeeding in our institutions would be very low. What Is A Credible Academic Program? There are different forms of academic programs in colleges. Such are the courses offered and the majors. It is vital to be keen with the information that you don't know. Commonly, professional schoolsare all set up for success. For instance, a business school has an elective unit that trains aspiring entrepreneurs. Another institution that offers special training for scholars is a medical program. Besides, some companies offer online studies units. Lastly, higher learning establishments like universities have more than 500 learners. Structure of a Business Application Personal Statement It helps a lot to be specific with the info that is necessary to persuade the committee that you are the best applicant. But now, there are other factors that individuals neglect, and the results are even worse. Remember, if you fail to deliver wow, the team won't believe that he is the chief among the applicants. With these tips, it becomes effortless to submit an impressive document to the board. And what are the benefits of doing so? Failing to market yourself Ignorance Competition Little time Many candidates wouldn't bother to ask for help, and maybe the day has passed, and the rejection rate is as bad as gone. Belligerent personalities never allow anyone to embarrass them. That is why it is essential to provide real facts. If possible, one can also read multiple samples and analyze their performances. Doing that will enable the confirmation department to conclude that you are the right student. ",2022-07-17T20:21:00.227-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6944,False,False,0x0089d53F703f7E0843953D48133f74cE247184c2,How to Handle College Admission Essay,,"Every candidate must present an excellent report to succeed in any application. There are many things that students should do before they indulge in the writing process. With this article, we will guide You! When reading, it will be easy to come across various sections that might be useful in your study or career. Others will lead to mistakes when handling such documents. As a result, it is crucial to understand the proper format for drafting a college admission paper. Failure to that, chances of succeeding in our institutions would be very low. What Is A Credible Academic Program? There are different forms of academic programs in colleges. Such are the courses offered and the majors. It is vital to be keen with the information that you don't know. Commonly, professional schoolsare all set up for success. For instance, a business school has an elective unit that trains aspiring entrepreneurs. Another institution that offers special training for scholars is a medical program. Besides, some companies offer online studies units. Lastly, higher learning establishments like universities have more than 500 learners. Structure of a Business Application Personal Statement It helps a lot to be specific with the info that is necessary to persuade the committee that you are the best applicant. But now, there are other factors that individuals neglect, and the results are even worse. Remember, if you fail to deliver wow, the team won't believe that he is the chief among the applicants. With these tips, it becomes effortless to submit an impressive document to the board. And what are the benefits of doing so? Failing to market yourself Ignorance Competition Little time Many candidates wouldn't bother to ask for help, and maybe the day has passed, and the rejection rate is as bad as gone. Belligerent personalities never allow anyone to embarrass them. That is why it is essential to provide real facts. If possible, one can also read multiple samples and analyze their performances. Doing that will enable the confirmation department to conclude that you are the right student. ",2022-07-17T20:21:02.981-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6945,False,False,0x742ea466fC13368C5De7071f0d7c8DD5eB23E10F,We are a DAO-managed decentralized VC Club like no other. Our goal? For all in our network to increase their investment capacity with a spirit of inno,," ",2022-07-18T01:53:42.275-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6946,True,True,0xae2AB9e0374a723d280c3dAaaD6CdE681eC36C9D, metaverse of public knowledge in the future,," is the metaverse of public knowledge in the future, and aims to build the main portal for entering Web 3.0 from Web 2.0, and effectively delivers the desired contents to audiences. Our vision is to infinitely expand interoperability of Socialfi. Focusing on the needs of day to day users for the interoperability of Web3.0 content, we will deeply integrate Mirror and other content creation platform and create the first economy model of Writer to Earn and Share to Earn in practice effectively, where content generators can maximize their influence while content consumers can get reward for their contribution to the spread good thoughts and content. At the same time, in, content can be seamlessly synced to Mirror with a more user friendly create environment for creators. We believe that sharing will truly empower the entire ecosystem rather than simply reward creators. What need /problem does your product meet /fix? Integrating contents on Mirror so users can discover needed information efficiently.  Ranking the qualities of content to bring more recognitions and exposures to good content creators, help them to grow more audiences and influences.  Open content and feeds channel so anyone can share and be collected, achieving the most optimized Feed system. focus on developing sophisticated algorithms and products to bring the most suitable and qualified contents, simplify users content consuming journey and avoid information overflow. Bring NFT to attract and encourage early adopters for write to earn, read to earn and share to earn model and build sustainable ecosystem for content creators and consumers. serves creators and feeds by integrating and better displaying quality content scattering on different platforms to be a solution to information fragmentation. 2022 Product plan: 2022 Q3 Alpha version to go live, realize the integration of the content of Mirror, the function of retrieval and ranking 2022.Q4 Compatible with premium content from other channels, and open to everyone for feeds submission. 2022 Marketing plan: Invite 100 well-known creators to move in and experience. Vampire airdrops to content platforms creators to acquire high-quality initial users;; Grant Usage: - Develop a page accessible to any user (done) - Complete the integration of Mirror content (done) - Integrate other great feeds (1000 USDT) - Build a dedicated page for creators/KOLs/developers (2000 USDT) - Marketing and promotion with KOL partners (3000 USDT) Welcome to follow us: Twitter: Github: ",2022-07-18T05:37:32.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6947,True,True,0x4f50DccD2c27dAA4cF82dA8B2b1A007037389Ed5,MULTIVERSE HEROES,,"""MULTIVERSE HERO'S: THE FIRST MULTICHAIN PLAY 2 EARN GAME THAT'S PART OF THE MULTIVERSE ECOSYSTEM. THERE WILL BE 6160 UNIQUE GENERATIVE NFT HERO'S EACH WITH THEIR OWN UNIQUE TRAITS AND STATS. EVERY HERO WILL HAVE ITS OWN PATH TO TRAVEL AND EARN UNIQUE POWER-UPS WHICH CAN BE ACQUIRED IN THE MULTIVERSE MARKETPLACE THAT WILL GIVE STRENGTH, SPEED, STAMINA, POINTS, UPGRADES AS WELL AS ARMOR COMPONENTS FOR YOUR HERO. EVERY COMPLETED LEVEL WILL BE AWARDED WITH AN AMOUNT OF MULTIVERSE TOKEN ON AND UPON SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF YOUR HERO'S DESIGNATED PATH YOU WILL BE AWARDED MULTIVERSE TOKENS AS WELL AS HAVING THE OPTION TO TAKE YOUR HERO DOWN ANOTHER HERO'S PATH. \n\n\n\n\nPATHS- EACH WEAPON WILL TELEPORT YOUR HERO DOWN A SPECIFIC GAMEPLAY PATH WITH DIFFERENT FEATURES DESIGNED TO INCORPORATE PART OF THE WEAPONS HISTORY I.E REMAINS OF LOCATIONS WERE THE WEAPON WAS FORGED \n\nCHARACTERISTIC CONDITIONS- THERE WILL BE A TOTAL OF 6 UNIQUE TERRAFORMS SUCH AS \nRAINFOREST, TUNDRA, DESERT, INDUSTRIAL, ISLAND, MEDIVAL EACH MULTIVERSE HERO WILL BE BOUND TO A SPECIFIC CLIMATE AT A CERTAIN POINT DURING YOUR GAMEPLAY YOU WILL BE OFFERED \""FOR A NOMINAL FEE\"" THE OPPORTUNITY TO TELEPORT THROUGH THE MULTIVERSE TO A DIFFERENT CLIMATE EACH CLIMATE WILL BE COMPLETELY UNIQUE WITH DIFFERENT STRUCTURES LANDMARKS, LEVELS CREATURES AND CHARACTERS U AS A MULTIVERSE HERO MUST SAVE FROM THE EVENS THAT LIE WITHIN EACH UNIVERSE \n\nLEVELS- THERE WILL BE AN INTIAL 10 LEVELS PER CLIMATE EACH DIFFERENT THAN THE LAST FOR A TOTAL OF 60 LEVELS WITH THE MORE LEVELS TO BE RELEASED AT DIFFERENT INTERVALS AFTER THE GAME HAS LAUNCHED\n\nBOUNSES- WE WILL PERIODICALLY HOLD IN GAME CONTEST AS WELL AS DAILY UNLOCKABLE CHALLENGES THAT WILL EARN A SPECIFIED AMOUNT OF MULTIVERSE-TOKENS OR RANDOM STAT OR HERO UPGRADES\n\nHero's- START WITH BASE HERO AND PAY NOMINAL FEE TO UPGRADE AND COMPLETELY CUSTOMIZE YOUR CHARACTER\n\nCompanions- EACH HERO WILL BE ABLE TO PURCHASE AND UNLOCK A COMPANION ANIMAL FOR THERE HEROES THAT WILL HELP THEM ALONG THERE QUEST THROUGH MULTIVERSE YOU COMPANION WILL BE ABLE TO BRING YOU HEALTH AND ARMOR BOOST FIND AMMO FOR YOUR WEAPONS AND HELP FEND OFF ENEMIES. DEPENDING ON THE COMPANION YOU CHOSE YOU WILL HAVE ADDED ADVANTAGES THROUGHT YOUR JOURNEY WITH SOME EVEN BEING ABLE TO BE RIDIN TO HELP YOU MOVE ACROSS THE CLIMATE QUICKER ",2022-07-18T06:50:28.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6948,True,True,0xC849FA13BC630D93C718a9fDc7439ecA28267C7e,Web 3.0 Social Platform using Tezos,,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""A Web 3.0 forum based on the Tezos blockchain.\n""}]}",2022-07-18T19:22:40.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6949,False,False,0x0bFa2081e23f62DF9c7ed7f592B7CdC613Ba0424,Everything You Should Know About Custom Rigid Boxes,,"Custom rigid boxes are those boxes that are specifically designed to meet the needs of the customer. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as shipping or storing products. Because they are made to order, they can be customized in a number of ways to fit the specific needs of the customer. This makes them a popular choice for businesses that want to ship products that are delicate or need to be stored in a specific way. What Is Rigid Packaging Material? The rigid packaging material is technically known as the rigid paperboard packaging material. This material is made from a combination of various paperboard that is recycled. However, the manufacturer might choose to use virgin fibers to increase the strength of the material. A number of chemicals and other materials might be used in order to make the paperboard more durable.  This material is exceptionally sturdy, making it ideal for storing and shipping a variety of products. It can be used for everything from food packaging to cosmetics packaging. The material is also recyclable, making it a more environmentally friendly option than other types of packaging materials. However, that is not all. One of the best features of rigid paperboard material is its incredibly smooth surface. That allows businesses to print high-quality images and graphics on the material. This is one of the reasons that it has become such a popular choice for packaging. What Are The Benefits Of Using Custom Rigid Boxes? There are a number of benefits to using custom rigid boxes for packaging.  Custom rigid box packaging can be made to fit the specific needs of the product. That includes the size, shape, and even color of the box.  This type of packaging can also be printed with high-quality graphics. That makes it possible to include branding or other marketing information on the box.  Another benefit of using this type of packaging is that it is exceptionally sturdy. That means that the product inside is less likely to be damaged during shipping or storage. Rigid boxes can be easily stacked on top of each other, aiding in storage and transportation.  This type of box is also easy to open and close, which is convenient for the customer.  They are available in various styles. Foldable rigid boxes are one of the most popular styles. These boxes can be shipped flat, which saves on shipping costs.  Custom rigid box packaging is an exceptional way to package products for a variety of reasons. If you are looking for high-quality, durable packaging that can be customized to meet the needs of your product, then rigid boxes are an excellent option. What Are The Different Types Of Rigid Boxes? There are a number of different types of rigid boxes that are available on the market.  Foldable Rigid Boxes The most common type is the folding box. These boxes are shipped flat, which saves on shipping costs. They are easy to assemble and can be customized to meet the needs of the product.  Rigid boxes wholesale manufacturers make these boxes with special creases that make them easy to fold.  Sliding Lid Rigid Boxes Another popular type of rigid box is the sliding lid box. These boxes have a lid that slides open, making it easy to access the product inside.  They are often used for packaging products that need to be accessed frequently, such as food or cosmetics.  Hinged Lid Rigid Boxes Hinged lid boxes are similar to sliding lid boxes, but the lid is attached to the box with hinges. This makes them more durable and less likely to open accidentally.  They are often used for packaging products that are delicate or need to be stored in a specific way. One Piece Rigid Boxes One-piece boxes are made from one piece of paperboard. They are often used for packaging small products, such as jewelry.  Two Piece Rigid Boxes Two-piece boxes are made from two pieces of paperboard that are glued together. They are often used for packaging larger products, such as clothes or electronics.  Magnetic Closure Rigid Boxes Magnetic closure boxes have a lid that is held closed with magnets. They are often used for packaging products that need to be shipped securely, such as food or cosmetics.  What Are The Different Types Of Printing? There are a number of different types of printing that can be used on rigid boxes.  Offset Printing Offset printing is a type of printing that uses plates to transfer the image onto the paperboard. It is a popular choice for packaging because it produces high-quality images.  Digital Printing Digital printing is a type of printing that uses digital technology to print the image directly onto the paperboard. It is a popular choice for packaging because it is less expensive than offset printing.  Custom printed rigid boxes are one of the best ways to package products. They are durable, easy to use, and can be customized to meet the needs of the product.  If you are looking for high-quality, custom packaging, then rigid boxes are an excellent option. Add-Ons And Finishing Coats For Custom Rigid Boxes Rigid boxes can be customized with a variety of add-ons and finishing coats.  Add-Ons Add-Ons are extra features that can be added to the box to make it more durable or convenient.  Foil Stamping Foil stamping is a process that uses heat and pressure to apply foil to the surface of the box. This is a popular choice for packaging because it adds a luxurious look to the box. Embossing And Debossing Embossing and debossing are processes that use heat and pressure to create raised or lowered designs on the surface of the box. This is a popular choice for packaging because it adds texture and dimension to the box. Window Patching Window patching is a process that adds a clear window to the box. This is a popular choice for packaging because it allows the customer to see the product inside.  Finishing Coats Finishing coats are applied to the surface of the box to protect it from damage.  UV Coating UV coating is a clear coating that is applied to the surface of the box. This coating protects the box from UV rays, making it less likely to fade or discolor over time.  Aqueous Coating Aqueous coating is a clear coating that is applied to the surface of the box. This coating protects the box from water, making it less likely to warp or swell over time.  Matte Finishing Coat A matte finishing coat is applied to the box to give it a non-glare finish. This is a popular choice for packaging because it makes the images on the box more visible. Glossy Finishing Coat A glossy finishing coat is applied to the box to give it a shiny finish. This is a popular choice for packaging because it makes the colors on the box more vibrant. Soft Touch Finishing Coat A soft touch finishing coat is applied to the box to give it a velvety finish. This is a popular choice for packaging because it makes the box more luxurious.  Conclusion We can sum up everything we have learned about custom rigid boxes so far by saying that they are made out of strong paperboard, they can have a variety of different closures, and they can be printed using a number of different printing methods. Custom printed rigid boxes can also be customized with a variety of add-ons and finishing coats. If you are looking for high-quality, custom packaging, then rigid boxes are an excellent option. ",2022-07-18T22:55:56.064-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6950,False,False,0x755A8d9920D1ED734ca4b6f015639e966b9d2f0c,Alice & Bob,,"In 2045 a nuclear war brought the world to an end and human race got extinct, except the ghosts of some web3 believers wondering in a virtual world called Alice and Bob where they began their adventures and collected resources like Koten and NFK, with which these ghosts would rebuild their bodies and get back to the real world. However, in the fucked real world, horrible threats just awaited …   Our Vision  Avoid apocalypse with an Alternate Reality that make people cherish more the real world. If the apocalypse is unstoppable, more common people could survive. Our World A highly free metaverse where DAO members’ main goals are survival and civilization renewal.  GameFi Survive to Earn: Explore the wasteland by earning tokens and exchanging NFTs. Earn to Survive:Part of the tokens will be used for building real-world living facilities governed by DAO members.  Gameplay Leisure: 2D STG & Automatic Exploration AR: AR exploration and interaction based on real-world locations and surroundings SocialFi: Soulbound tokens in A&B ",2022-07-19T02:57:25.448-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6951,False,False,0xe7dbabF5A5d113734999046FCD9e9B8A1ab36c8F,Krypectro,,"Web3 is meant to be the technological bottom of the creator economy. In Web3 factors of production will change: the creators are the value-producer , while the tools of production will be developed by us project teams, and the ownership of tools will be transferred to the creators and communities. Blockchain is an equity tool that changes production relations and distribution, and is the core foundation of Web3.  Web3 应该成为创作经济的技术基础。在web3生产要素将发生改变:创作者是价值产生者,而我们项目团队则是生产工具的开发者,工具的所有权将会让渡给创作者和社群。区块链是改变生产关系和分配的权益工具,是Web3.0的核心基础。 The Krypectro加密光谱 is a Web3.0 forum for all kind of creators and DAO communities to post, discuss, share REAL valuable content and make profits by creating and holding content NFTs. Here you could find organizations that resonated with you and talk about interesting things. Finally, we hope you join Krypectro and have fun. Krypectro加密光谱是一个web3.0的论坛,面向所有创作者和DAO社区,用户可以发帖、讨论、分享真正有价值的内容,并且通过创作和持有内容NFT盈利。在这里,人们可以找到和自己有共鸣的组织,一起讨论有意思的话题。最后,希望你可以加入加密光谱并且享受乐趣。 Problems 问题 ⚫Mainstream social applications cannot meet the communication needs of communities in the web3.0, which is mainly focuses on content、issues and events. 主流的社交应用无法满足web3.0时代DAO社区以内容、议题、事件为核心的社交需求。 The daily redundant, fragmented information, and IM Apps that make it difficult to see the highlights of historical messages cannot establish an effective content-oriented community,  cannot adapt to the multi-issue communication and content precipitation of target topics within the DAO community in Web3. 每天冗余、碎片化的信息,或者很难查看历史消息重点的即时通讯应用,无法建立以主题内容为导向的有效社区,无法适应web3时代DAO社区内针对性议题的高效交流和内容沉淀。 ⚫The profit model for creators cannot encourage the of high-quality  content. 创作者的收入模式不能鼓励优质内容 The profit logic is traffic-oriented in Web2, which encourages exaggeration, grandstanding on hot issues and chasing pop culture. It not only makes us miss a lot of content created truly with heart, but also makes many creators give up because there is no reasonable income structure. 以流量为目标的web2的收入逻辑,鼓励的是夸张、蹭热点、追逐流行文化的创作方式。不仅让我们错过了很多潜心创作的内容,也让很多创作者因为没有合理的收入结构而放弃了创作道路。 What Krypectro can supply? 加密光谱可以提供什么? 🔘Group communities by topic, interest or event; 按话题、兴趣或事件划分社区; 🔘One post focuses on one topic for efficient discussion; 一个帖子聚焦一个主题,高效讨论 🔘Avoid the anxiety of constantly refreshing, reading chat history and sifting information. 避免不断刷新、爬墙的焦虑和信息筛选 🔘NFT+预付费模式  Ensure creators' rewards BEFORE creation,  pay for content's value and readers' recognition rather than traffic 在创作前保证了创作者的奖励,以内容价值和读者认可为导向,而非流量导向的付费模式 Creators must and can only level-up by releasing free content, so to encourage the continued free content of quality  作者必须且只能通过发布免费内容来提升创作者等级,鼓励持续产生优质的免费内容 Pre-sale can be released by creators of a certain level(or up), which increases the cost of creators to falsely release or cheat sales with low-quality works. 预付费模式只有达到一定等级的创作者才能开通,提高了虚假发售或者欺骗性低质量作品发售的成本。 🔘Holders and Creators win-win 持有者和创作者共赢 In order to enhance the value of content NFT secondary transactions, holders will spontaneously promote and protect the content from leeking and abusing. 为保证内容NFT在二级市场的价值,持有者会自发推广和保护内容,以防止泄露或滥用。 Features ⛓️IPFS Storage 分布式存储 🌐KNS domain name KNS专属域名 💰Wallet connect 钱包登录 ❤️Like, Dislike, Comments, Favourits 点赞、点踩、评论、收藏 ➕Follow user| community 关注用户|社区版块 🛒Pre-Sale 预付费模式 📈content NFT trade 内容NFT交易 🪙Governane 治理代币 Roadmap Step1.Trailer online 预告页上线 1.1 Launch the trailer page, recruit community members and potiential users. 上线预告页,招募社区成员和潜在用户 1.2 Collect product feedback and suggestions. 收集产品回馈和建议 1.3 Qualify for domain name , and send invitations to high-quality KoL. Step2.Krypectro beta online 加密光谱beta上线 2.1 Co-Building forum sections with all users by voting 通过投票,与所有用户一起建设论坛版块 2.2 Creator release content and earn positive-feedback points 创作者发布内容,获得正反馈积分 2.2 Optimize the user experience and backend system 优化用户体验和后台系统 Step3. Krypectro v1.0 online 加密光谱v1.0上线 3.1 KRT domain name airdrop 空投KRT域名 3.2 Pre-sale function online 上线预付费功能 Step4. KRT token issuing 发行KRT代币 Why a Gitcoin Grants? 🔘 We want to make the forum more accessible without paying any gas, the grant will help us to recharge our users by minting domain name and NFTs.我们希望用户更方便使用并无需支付任何燃料费,赠款将用于铸造域名和内容NFT。 🔘We are looking for more developers to speed up, and QA engineers to make sure our forum doesn't break in the middle.我们在寻找更多的开发者来加速进程,同时也在寻找安全和测试工程师来确保论坛不会崩溃和被破坏。 🔘We are looking for variety creators (novelist, self-media writers, journalist, cartoonist...) to release their new works on our forum.我们在寻找各种创作者(小说作者、自媒体作者、记者、漫画家…)来我们论坛进行新作品的首发 Tech Stack • Vue as a frontend framework • Golang as a Backend framework • Solidity for domain name  • Polygon for on-chain storage • IPFS for file and metadata storage ",2022-07-19T04:08:13.416-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6952,False,False,0x5B23F7B467b1E6331d5E57843781d0Ceb0b4986f,Nalanda : A 2d MMORPG blockchain game . ,,"Nalanda is a 2d MMORPG game, where players have to battle, master and level up the spirits. The project will focus in these game elements : 1 The spirits : The spirit are the line between players and the fictional world. Players will be able to transform into spirits for doing quest or to do battle. Each transformation will utilize mana and will remain activated until full mana is utilized. 2 Growth and progression : As players will use spirits in different quest, it will give spirits new traits . Players will be able to make spirits more powerful by use of items . This growth of spirits with players will form a connection between them. 3 Exploration : The game will provide a vast region to explore, where players can interact with environment and npcs. Different region environment will have different affect on the player and spirits. Use of real life elements like season cycle, weather system and day/night cycle will create a immersive game experience. Mechanics :The battle mechanics will be skill based like in a moba. Missions and levels: Quest system , academic tournaments and houses tournaments. Blockchain elements : 1 Nft marketplace : players can trade in game nft items with other players, when a player buys a item they will be able to a see details of its previous owners and the quest they have completed with it. 2 DAO : the governance of game items/spirits stats whether to nerf or buff them will be governed by players. 3 Virtual land : Virtual land in which academy will be made. Most of these academy will be governed by DAO. ",2022-07-19T04:53:01.734-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6953,False,False,0x4f125e835bbc9bbb77607c66de6d0d32339b936c,New World Order STATE,," Presentation: In short, our mobile application is a platform primarily intended to facilitate political parties as well as educational institutions, NGOs and faith communities globally to be able to enjoy higher levels of effective access in selected demographics and lower costs for marketing campaigns.  By maintaining their messages with video in the app it will lead to less dependence on external publishers and advertisers. Politicoin (PBLC) is an Etherum based cryptocurrency that enables the purchase of video advertising in the app to obtain promotional services on the platform. Users of the app can earn the New World Order (STATE) governance token for the attention they give to campaigns and choose whether they want to exchange their tokens for other currencies or donate some of their earnings back to various organisations. The system is a new way for the principal to ""get something in return for their vote""as the advertising will be across national borders and will counteract misinformation and disinformation before, during and after elections. Only manually approved advertisers will be allowed on the platform and no donations will happen until users and clients go through KYC process. Our aim is to protect people's freedom of expression and counteract the manipulation of international electoral systems while strengthening democracies and individual liberty. ",2022-07-19T05:19:02.713-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6954,False,False,0x0,Crypto Logia - A crypto social blog based in Ukraine,," ",2022-07-19T10:49:33.575-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6955,False,False,0x0,Academic dissertation writing,,"An academic dissertation is a long-form piece of academic writing based on original research conducted by you. It is usually submitted as the final step in order to finish a PhD program. Your dissertation is probably the longest piece of writing you’ve ever completed. It requires solid research, writing, and analysis skills, and it can be intimidating to know where to begin. Your department likely has guidelines related to how your dissertation should be structured. When in doubt, consult with your supervisor. You can also download our full dissertation template in the format on Internet. The template includes a ready-made table of contents with notes on what to include in each chapter, easily adaptable to your department’s requirements. After your written dissertation is approved, your committee will schedule a defense. Similarly to defending your prospectus, dissertation defenses are oral presentations of your work. You’ll present your dissertation, and your committee will ask you questions. Many departments allow family members, friends, and other people who are interested to join as well. After your defense, your committee will meet, and then inform you whether you have passed. Keep in mind that defenses are usually just a formality: most committees will have resolved any serious issues with your work with you far prior to your defense, giving you ample time to fix any problems. ",2022-07-20T00:44:43.915-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6956,False,False,0x4538Bb89FF479Bc692356d811231C922A5F76860,Softpreneur Research and Development,,"Musaj (a Quadratic Freelancer) is an AI Agent that is knowledgeable in a vast array of fields. He is a clear thinker with dogged persistence. You connect with Musaj via an actionable chat interface after connecting your identity wallet to start conversation. Initial Demo can be found on Formula Airbills. Productize Yourself. Lets Build a Public Good to Seed The Network State ",2022-07-20T02:39:39.331-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6957,True,True,0x0,"JR Studio is pioneering the standards that supercharge the evolution of Blockchain gaming, developing new classics that put the ""fun"" back in GameFi.",,"🕹 Jungle Race is an NFT racing game in which the objective is to drive through various racetracks based in a Jungle all centralized in our Game Hub. 🖲 Four games are under development by using standardized systems (security, multi player, SocialFi and Blockchain integration) by Jungle Race. 👨‍💻 Through the development of four games, Jungle Race has discovered, tested and implemented a faster, more effective, and overall superior methodology for building Blockchain games. Therefore, all the technological aspects created by Jungle Race will be standardised and used to incubate new GameFi projects. Jungle Race's solutions will reduce development time by up to 40% resulting in faster time to market and provide all the needed tooling for a secure environment. ⛓ To add even more value to GameFi, Jungle Race will create it's own gasless layer two network optimized for Blockchain Gaming which will give developers all the multi-chain tools they need in one convenient location. JR L2 aims to be the go-to chain for multi-chain Blockchain Gaming. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  📎PITCHDECK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  💥 TEASER VIDEO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  🤝 PARTNERS & BACKERS  Microsoft Microsoft Azure AscendEX Ventures  Gate Ventures Startup with Chainlink  Rainmaker Games  Oasis Protocol Reef Finance Polygon Studios  Polygon   Synapse   Oasys Chain  IOTA   Shimmer   dAppRadar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  🤝 SOCIALS  Website - Medium - Twitter - Telegram Team: Neal Peters (CEO & Co-Founder):  High level of experience in IT management, coordinating developers, and overseeing technical progress. LinkedIn: Marco Colaco (COO & Co-Founder): Three years of experience in management, engineering and planning. Since 2016 in crypto as Marketing Manager and Community Lead. Vast financial knowledge and funding experience. LinkedIn: Aigars Plugis (CCO):  Over 6 years of experience in multiple cryptocurrency projects, including co-founding GGG along with Neal and Marco. Expert in communication. LinkedIn: Aleks Gecevski (Head of Communications and Content): Expertise in PR, copywriting, and interpersonal communications. Long-time crypto enthusiasts. LinkedIn: Stan Van Der Weide (Lead Game Dev): Experienced technical specialist with a tremendous level of understanding of development requirements, proper operation protocols to maintain deadlines, and smoothness of communication. Linkedin: + 5x game developer (near full time), 3x Blockchain developer (part-time), 2x front-end/integration developer (part-time), 2x modeler (part-time) and 1x artist (part-time).",2022-07-20T05:01:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6958,False,False,0x0,Jungle Race - A revolutionary P2E / M2E racing game,,"🕹 Jungle Race is a Move to Earn and Play to Earn NFT racing game in which the objective is to drive through various race tracks based in a Jungle. The players can trade, collect and play with their own driver and vehicle in one of the four games. In addition to fun and competition there is a wide variety of NFTs player can use. Players benefit from the M2E concept by accumulating miles driven and if you reach the podium you benefit from P2E earnings. The game takes place in a 3D multiplayer environment that is easy to play, fun and very addictive. Teaser video: Pitchdeck: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 🏁 NFT: Users can collect rare virtual items like Karts, Planes, Boats, Drivers, Accessories and power ups. An addictive collection with more than 10,000 NFTs: unique, tradeable, and playable. 🏎 GAMING: Jungle Race has more than one game mode and racetracks, increasing the player's fun even more and boosting their earnings, “Earn while having fun”. 💲M2E: Jungle Race has a Digitalized Move to Earn concept where the miles raced will be recorded for the first 5 races of each day. Players will earn $JRG tokens based on the numbers of miles raced. 💲P2E: Jungle Race is a Play to Earn concept. If you reach the podium on a race you will earn $JRG tokens. ⛵️🏃🏎 ✈️ GAME TYPES: Jungle Race - Fly will be available before TGE. After TGE three other game types will be released. Jungle Race - Boats, Fly and Run. 🚘 METAVERSE: AR/VR gaming in which players can have an immersive experience in a realistic landscape. In addition to being able to have interactions with other users in the racetrack hall. 🔥 DEFI: Staking and Farming will help in the growth of liquidity and also serve as an incentive for $JRG holders who believe in the project in the long term. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  🌟 $JRG TOKENOMICS ⚡️ Total Supply: 100M tokens ⚡️ Initial Circ. Supply: 2.08M tokens ⚡️ IMC: $208,000 ⚡️ FDV: $10,000,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  💸 REVENUE  💰 In-Game Purchases: Karts, Planes, Boats, Drivers, Power-ups, Weapons, etc 💰 NFT Sales & Royalties 💰 On-platform Ads 💰 Token appreciation 💰 Platform Transaction Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  🌐 SOCIAL LINKS Website ( ( Twitter ( ( Email ( Telegram ( ( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  📎 DOC Pitchdeck ( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 🤝 PARTNERS & BACKERS  Microsoft ( AscendEX Ventures ( Gate Ventures ( Chainlink Ventures ( Rainmaker Games ( Oasis Protocol ( Reef Finance ( Polygon Studios ( Polygon ( Synapse ( Oasys Chain ( Added two new partnerships: IOTA ( ( ",2022-07-20T05:01:45.317-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6960,False,False,0x0136a409d43b38e5E7Ab8Ad7a6ff71f11A33A2fB,All-in-One Marketplace of Web3 Domains: bitnames,,"bitnames aims to be the all-in-one hub of all Web3 Domains. Users will be able to manage their portfolio, track and analyze their profits and costs, get notified of expiration dates and grace periods, calculating premiums, extend single or multiple domains, create and sell domains & subdomains, create and share lists, explore and mint a domain on all blockchains and many other utilities which will be announced in the following days.",2022-07-20T10:41:25.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6959,False,False,0x0136a409d43b38e5E7Ab8Ad7a6ff71f11A33A2fB,All-in-One Marketplace of Web3 Domains: bitnames,,"bitnames aims to be the all-in-one hub of all Web3 Domains. Users will be able to manage their portfolio, track and analyze their profits and costs, get notified of expiration dates and grace periods, calculating premiums, extend single or multiple domains, create and sell domains & subdomains, create and share lists, explore and mint a domain on all blockchains and many other utilities which will be announced in the following days. ",2022-07-20T10:41:27.858-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6961,False,False,0x71C7656EC7ab88b098defB751B7401B5f6d8976F,Top Paying Online Casinos in New Zealand,,"Since the introduction of real online gambling in New Zealand, the number of players in top paying online casinos has increased dramatically. As more people choose to spend their leisure time at home, real online gambling has become an increasingly popular option. Online casinos offer a fun and relaxing way to win real cash. To learn more about these top online casinos in New Zealand, read on! Listed below are some of the best casinos in New Zealand. MELbet When it comes to casino deposits and withdrawals, the best way to go is using an electronic wallet. This method is the safest because you do not have to go through an intermediary. In addition, you will not have to wait for your transaction to clear. E-wallets include PayPal, Skrill, POLi, and InstaDebit. You should always ensure that you use a legitimate payment method. To get started with Melbet, all you need to do is register on their site, click on the ""join club"" button, and you will start receiving points for every game you play. The bonus points you earn can then be used to play games or cash out. Once you have accumulated enough points, you can also move up the VIP system and receive regular cashback. That way, you'll never run out of money. SkyCity There are a number of advantages to playing at SkyCity One of these benefits is that you will receive a 100% sign-up bonus up to NZ$1,000, as well as 200 free spins. The payout percentage for pokies and blackjack games varies depending on the rules of the game. Generally, the top paying online casinos in New Zealand pay back more than 97 percent of the money that you play. However, there are several ways to increase your chances of winning. First, SkyCity has a massive entertainment complex featuring a casino and restaurants. The casino itself is a renowned New Zealand destination, with dishes prepared by celebrity chef Peter Gordon. It also includes four and five-star hotels. Secondly, players who are new to the online gambling industry can benefit from a generous welcome bonus. The website features a native app-like experience, with great page transitions. MEL If you're looking for the best online casino in New Zealand, MEL is the place for you. The top paying online casinos are those with the highest payout percentages, and you can be sure of receiving a fair share of your bets if you choose them. The percentages listed on the payout page are just an indicator, and a low payout percentage does not necessarily mean a bad casino. The best online casinos in New Zealand offer a variety of payment options and the highest withdrawal limits. These casinos are the best because they are established and have the financial flexibility to process large transactions efficiently. You will not need to have a credit or debit card to play at these casinos, and they also maintain the highest security standards. Aside from high payout rates, MEL has several other advantages, including a great customer support team and a huge range of games. iPoker If you're looking for the best online casino in New Zealand, you have found it. This New Zealand-based online casino offers a full array of games to players of all levels. Players can enjoy a wide range of promotions, and some online casinos offer bonuses to keep them coming back for more. The bonus you receive at the casino will depend on how you choose to pay. Some casinos offer a range of free spins and bonus cash, while others offer bonuses for playing specific types of slots. The popularity of pokies in New Zealand is well documented. They were introduced in 1895 and became iconic over time. Progressive jackpots and free spins are popular features. Microgaming's Mega Moolah is king of the slots, but there are plenty of other games worth checking out in New Zealand. You can play free spins on many slots, and enjoy breathtaking graphics and easy rules. Compared to other casino games, pokies have more impressive rewards. 888 The 888 Casino is one of the leading online casinos in the country, and its popularity is not surprising. This casino is well-known for its high payout rates and impressive craftsmanship. Its software is developed by leading providers in the gaming industry, including IGT, Playtech, and WMS. It offers a wide variety of games for all types of players. Its game selection includes classic casino games, as well as unique titles such as Space XY and Bomb Squad. 888 Casino offers numerous banking methods to make deposits and withdrawals. Players can deposit using a credit or debit card, e-wallet, bank transfer, or even a bank draft. Most popular payment methods such as Neteller, Skrill, and Maestro are accepted by this online casino. Withdrawals must be made through the same account, and the withdrawal time varies according to the method used.",2022-07-20T14:27:02.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6962,True,True,0x0,,,Create your own educational course and earn cryptos from your course. Any student who enrolls and graduate in your course shall receive an NFT certificate.,2022-07-20T20:27:07.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6963,True,True,0xe6165bfF46cff439b67DD7aAC94e74862774DAEe,Impossible Daily Market Update,,"Impossible Finance is a multi-chain incubator, launchpad, and swap platform led by Ex-Binance & DeFi veterans. It offers a robust product-first ecosystem that supports top-tier blockchain projects to targeted user audiences. With extensive support from key leaders in the crypto industry, Impossible Finance simplifies DeFi for users to enjoy fairer investing, cheaper trading and better yields. The Impossible Daily Market Updates is a free resource dedicated to aggregating the daily rumblings of crypto - from DeFi to NFTs, to project updates and educational content. We try to cover the market and compile it in a way where our users can freely access this whenever they want, which is all accessible through our Telegram or Discord channels.  Screenshots: Note: Disclaimer ",2022-07-20T22:27:44.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6964,False,False,0x45ce3ce7b4327EA4597CA6674168455155cEE79E,Flipism Society,,"Double your $TOR with a Click. Flipism Society is a Smart Contract that allows users to play Double or Nothing with their $TOR tokens. Odds are 50/50 with a 5% fee that goes to Quantum Printers NFT holders. Every single transaction through the smart contract is verifiable on-chain. Verifiable Random Function. We use Chainlink VRF that is a provably fair and verifiable random number generator (RNG) that enables smart contracts to access random values without compromising security or usability. Quantum Printers NFTs. Quantum Printers NFTs will be mintable to finance the game. Total supply is limited to 1000 NFTs, 100 of them will be preminted by the Devs and 80 of these will be used for promotional purposes. The remaining 900 will be available for Public Mint at a cost of 100 $TOR each. 80% of the mint cost will be passed on to the game contract and 20% to the Devs. ",2022-07-21T04:51:47.763-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6966,False,False,0x0,Blockchain based Searh Engine,,"I’ll start from why? Well there’s just too much scam around internet. I would like to create an NFT gated portal, for website as well as any blog, channel owners or researchers, people who don’t want scammy ads and appreciate only useful search results. There will be 4 kind of NFT accesses to start, one where people will be able to acquire access to search engine, no ads second for name NFT owners third and fourth with access to both. One of them is not to be sold, is made for you; who is here from start and invested. Firstly the name: Potentially minted to NFT with reflecting username/business/website address, including the public website some tags, included in our DAO, which will have a power of voting to allow people to remove address from the engine to prevent any scam. Secondly the search engine: Build initially searching through the minted NFTs, not marked as spam in the contract, of course with goal to be as intuitive as giants search engines. I would be looking to lunch some scheme for legitimate content, where individuals with truly fantastic impact on society, would be able to claim their name in engine free, proving access to their website/channel. You will ask, what about ads? Well, this depends but one I know, surely not for NFT members, I didn’t plant it in full yet, potentially the non NFT version of engine would contain some ads, which profit from would be used to continue to growth the project, fund necessary infrastructure around it and share part with NFT members who has access to engine? Definitely transparency is what I demand for my community, as much, as for this to be proper 21st dApp, so during the growth, there will be a lot of chances to vote and decide about the project! About me? I’m just a full stack dev with thousands of ideas, for improvements for the of community, for past 12 years freelancing web development, working in IT infrastructure full time, now since web3 is new, the hype, I’ve spent past 6 months of all my free time, on updating myself, studying blockchain development. I look to publish many ideas in the crypto world and see if they will be seen, if others see as me, that we can still focus on building this world better, rather than mars. Hope this project finds you well, I’m thinking of few names for it, so I won’t be disclosing them yet, maybe we will do some voting for initial investors to choose/propose the name? I want community to decide, not some big corpos. Attached link will include startup page as well as project visualisation in the upcoming weeks to prepare for next GIT round. Thanks in advance! ",2022-07-21T13:33:46.497-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6967,True,False,0x679AeE8b2fA079B23934A1afB2d7d48DD7244560,🏛 0xpm ~ registry for smart contract packages,,"In its current form, 0xpm is an on-chain smart contract package registry prototype. Each package consists of a collection of implementation contracts (EIP2535 facets). Users can launch their proxy contract through the app and install, uninstall, and update contract modules through the package library. This concept is currently being extended to support front-end components for each package. Using a micro-front-ends architecture, users will be able to add and remove applications from their diamond-proxy. For more information on EIP2535, start with this introduction article: With the hope of additional funding, 0xpm plans to provide end-users with the ability to construct their own no-code dApp with these front-end smart contract packages. In addition, we hope to incentivize developers with the ability to accept royalties for the usage of the packages they've created and provide a non-opinionated approach to front-end development. We are also exploring ways in which tokenomics can play a role in this inter-collaborative system of developers, organizers, and community members. ",2022-07-21T21:37:56.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6968,False,False,0x8a6babe3d62d201e253e0589bc6cd2c62d949cb4,blockbank Grant Proposal,,"Blockbank is a fintech application that is one place for all things crypto.  We have $100M assets under management, 60,000 downloads, and are growing daily. We are fully licensed and regulated where required, and available on the Google and Apple stores for download now.    Blockbank was founded in March 2021 and has very ambitious plans for expansion in the short to medium term. Brockbank's Headquarters are situated in Lithuania (EU) with offices worldwide including Toronto, Canada & Sydney, Australia.  Our principal investors for Seed Round include AVA Labs (Blizzard Funds) & Gaingels, both based in New York, US.  We are very excited about working with Gitcoin and look forward to discussing the opportunities and synergies that we may have. ",2022-07-22T03:34:58.235-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6969,False,False,0xe5c1A2E0d5d578395BBDaE631cabCcF82EFbbAF6,OZKi,,"OZKi is a MICS Capstone Project focused on users' privacy protection. At the highest view, it aims to help web developers to protect the privacy of web users. The main problem OZKi is trying to mitigate is the ubiquitous PII leak problems. OZKi has two main components: the OZKi Toolkit and OZKi Oracle service, which together provide a secure end-to-end proving system. OZKi is based on the Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP), which is used primarily in the blockchains and Web3 ecosystems. However, OZKi is specifically designed to help Web2 developers to implement privacy-protecting software components with minimal effort and without requiring the need to use a blockchain. In addition to lowering the bar to access the ZKP technologies, the OZKi framework also brings in real-world external data through the oracle, securely protects the input to proving function, and mitigates the proof replay attacks. OZKi toolkit defines the ProofGenerator and the ProofVerifier typescript classes that webapp developers can use to generate a zk-snark proof on the client running in a browser or nodejs, and to verify the proof on the service side. OZKi enables the concept of ID-less server design in which the traditional sign-in process is replaced with proof-based authorization flows such that the server does not use or store any PII on its end. The OZKi BOT demo app shows how one can implement proof-based authorization flows such as Proof-of-Payment with PayPal and Proof-of-Login with Google. With the proof of payment flow, the server can reliably verify if the user is a paid customer without knowing anything about the user. With the proof of login flow, the server can determine if the user's email login matches a particular domain without knowing the email address itself. In both scenarios, the user's PII is never sent to the server and is thus wholly protected. OZKi uses Polygon Iden3's circom language and compiler toolsets for writing the proof functions. ",2022-07-22T15:36:48.758-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6970,False,False,0xFd06184e8d20d45bB3030472E2aeA6F255a2cBC7,Cryptosat Simulator,,"This project aims to develop and extend the Cryptosat Simulator. Cryptosat builds and launches satellites that power crypto and blockchain applications by providing the most secure and tamper-proof root-of-trust in space. The Crytposat Simulator ( is a developer onboarding tool and interactive tutorial which showcases the APIs we aim to provide and enables developers to contribute new ideas for APIs they would like to see implemented by Cryptosat satellites. ",2022-07-22T17:23:05.161-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6971,True,True,0xC9C022FCFebE730710aE93CA9247c5Ec9d9236d0,web3-scaffold: a starter kit for your next web3 project,,"web3-scaffold helps you quickly get up and running on your next web3 project. Much like how ""create-react-app"" includes all the boilerplate and best practices needed for modern frontend development, web3-scaffold does the same but for Ethereum-based web3 projects (NFT websites, marketplaces, exchanges, etc.). The scaffold was born out of common patterns I was seeing and using in my web3 projects. It uses a modern stack: React/Next.js, Foundry/Forge, and Subgraphs. I've personally used some version of this scaffold to build NFT mint sites, a Twitter clone, and a web-based game. Others have used it to build a collaborative drawing tool, a message board, and more. It's flexible and powerful! This grant will help make this project financially sustainable to spend time on and allow me to pay out bounties to contributors.",2022-07-22T23:21:22.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6972,True,True,0x01d79BcEaEaaDfb8fD2F2f53005289CFcF483464,Lenstube,,"Lenstube, an open-source web3 video-sharing social media platform built on top of Lens protocol 🌿 and live on Polygon mainnet. Creators can upload their content to Arweave and the data is permanently stored on Polygon. With low gas fees, user can post their video content and monetize their content. Also, viewers can support users by minting their favorite content, and tips, by joining the channel using membership, and more. The problem Currently, on web2 video platforms, creators have a lot of problems like privacy, censorship, and more. Especially web3 content creators, the channels got banned and de-platformed without warning or any justification. Creators should have a platform where they can own their content and have a direct connection with their subscribers or members. Solution We aimed to develop a decentralized video sharing app, where content creators own their video content. By storing videos permanently in Arweave and the metadata is stored permanently on-chain, no one can restrict users from creating content of their choice. Creators can always monetize their content with various means like nft modules and tips. Features 📺 Create channels. 📀 Publish any video content or NFTs. 🔨 Collect video as NFT. 🪞 Mirror and share video across Lens Dapps. 💰 Set membership fees to your channel. 🔔 Notifications about new members, comments, mirrors, and mints. 💲 Customize who can collect your video and associated fees. ❤️ Support any creator by sending a Tip. 👍 Like and comment on videos. 🎥 Short videos called Bytes 🌿 Watch later and recently watched videos library. 🏷 Video categories and more. Roadmap Phase 1 Release of Lenstube beta to public mainnet with all above features and allow all users to try Lenstube without any gas. Phase 2 By making use of grants as bounties and starting the development of live streaming, and mobile application. Phase 3 Building a recommendation system to curate quality videos for users and the ability to customize the feed themselves, giving users a better social media experience and ownership. Stack NextJs with TailwindCSS for frontend Lens's official Indexers for API Polygon for on-chain metadata storage Bundlr for video and metadata storage in Arweave Livepeer for decentralized video transcoding Links",2022-07-22T23:57:26.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6973,False,False,0xB066AfC1e60a120D4E6d891BfBb58C6D816Eca2B,One Crypto cover,,"A insurance platform to insure your token wealth ",2022-07-23T03:46:42.290-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6974,False,False,0xaFCa06E32d0AC094B4D9e0055D8579a1AE7e2dd9,8BitCatsgem,,"8BitCats Fantom Metaverse. ",2022-07-23T18:29:28.305-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6975,False,False,0x0,CityFlySky,,"About DAO The DAO is an exciting concept whose core is the desire for equal authority, multi-party decision-making, and the elimination of uncontrollable risks arising from authoritarian governance as much as possible. DAO is a new type of management that was born for governance. As the most in line with the spirit of blockchain governance, DAO must have its place in the blockchain ecological map, and is an indispensable and important piece of the puzzle. What is the Cityflysky Cityflysky is a DAO that provides tools for DAO organizations, and its core is to provide rich, easy-to-use DAO tools for creating and using DAO. Cityflysky will provide an easy-to-use DAO creation tool that requires minimal gas and a few minutes to fill in the data to create a DAO. Different DAOs will provide a one-of-a-kind city NFT . Our Vision Voluntary commitment Since the name of DAO is ""Autonomous Decentralization"", there is no specific authority. In the ""company"", the ""CEO"" makes decisions and gives instructions to the ""employees"". In ""DAO"", there is no ""CEO"" in the first place. Of course, there is no concept of ""employee"" either. In DAOs, the pyramid structure is basically negated. The premise of working at DAO is that ""everyone actively demonstrates his/her special abilities and contributes to the project"". You are always a ""proposer"" and a ""contributor"", and the DAO needs your advice and contributions. It can be said that in order to work in DAO, your project and your interests need to have a high degree of fit. Your contribution is maximized when ""what you can/want to do"" and ""what the DAO should do"" overlap. If you work for a DAO, no one will give you directions. If you can contribute a lot, you will be recognized as a ""core contributor"" and will be rewarded and honored. Regardless of age, gender or nationality, pay for performance and participate anonymously In the past, when working at a company, it was necessary to verify the identity of a person, but at DAOs, this common sense is outdated. When you work for the DAO, you are not required to provide more personal information than is necessary. Because DAOs are anonymous, they are also paid per contribution. Regardless of your age, gender or nationality, what matters is your contribution to the DAO. Prehistoric worker spirits, such as ""work earlier than others, show loyalty"" and ""be loyal to your boss"" are completely a thing of the past. Welcome to a flat, pay-for-performance society. CityFlySky CityFlySky ",2022-07-23T19:11:32.569-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6976,False,False,0x0,Mind traper,,"Mind project ",2022-07-24T01:17:45.853-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6977,False,False,0xdb6260d873d2bE407b480F73a58BEBAbC050BC92,How to Create Attractive Custom Cereal Boxes with Your Own Style,,"If you'd like to create custom cereal boxes, you have many options. You can choose to print your company logo or any other information on the box. Or, you can use images from an online store and create a cereal box design around them. The possibilities are endless! Let us explore some options and ways to create a cereal box custom for your business. A few of these options include full color printing and die-cut window boxes. Feature Your Logo and Business Name on Custom Cereal Boxes Custom cereal boxes from are an excellent way to package and promote your products. They make your product look appealing and different from the rest. The boxes are also very sturdy, so they will keep the product safe. Custom Die Cut Cereal Boxes can be made of a variety of materials, including cardboard or Kraft. The boxes can be custom-designed to fit your needs, including the size, shape, and design. The company that creates them will do their best to create a product that meets your specifications. Customized Die-Cut Window Boxes are great for companies that sell breakfast cereals, snack foods, and snacks. These cereal boxes are customizable and can feature your logo or business name in an attractive way. They can also be printed with cartoon characters or favorite movie characters. The options are endless with these boxes, but you must remember to make them appealing to adults as well. A good cereal box should not only appeal to kids, but also to adults. Add Spot UV to Cereal Packaging Boxes for a Better Look and Durability If you need more space, consider designing a windowed box. This type of custom cereal box will keep the product safe from dirt and moisture, and it will also protect the contents inside from damage. Die-cut window boxes are often laminated and can resist external damages. You can also add spot UV to cereal packaging boxes for a better look and durability. These custom boxes will protect your product and ensure that it stays fresh for as long as possible. Cereals are in high demand. In the US alone, every second person consumes cereals for breakfast. With increased competition, more brands have come out with new varieties and share shelf space with each other in retail stores. To stand out from the crowd, brands must come up with innovative strategies to differentiate their products from others. Wholesale cereal boxes are an effective way to do this. Consider Using Glossy Or Foil-Coated Cardboard for Your Cereal Boxes Packaging If you're looking for a custom cereal box, you should consider using glossy or foil-coated cardboard. Adding a glossy coating can make your product stand out on retail shelves, while a doughnut truck-style box makes it easier for regular customers to recognize your products. Spot-UV is an excellent add-on for small cereal boxes that is not only attractive but protects them from wear and tear. The first thing to remember about cereal boxes packaging is that they can represent your product in a sea of similar items. It's important to stand out in a sea of cereals and other similar products to catch the eye of your target audience. This is where cereal box custom printing comes in handy. It's a great way to advertise your brand while avoiding common mistakes that others make with packaging. We'll help you create a unique, eye-catching package that will stand out from the crowd! Printing Should Be Attractive and Satisfying to Your Cereal Box In order to be successful, cereal box custom printing should be both attractive to the eye and satisfying to the touch. By choosing a custom-designed box, you can increase the likelihood of consumers recognizing your brand and deciding to buy your products. Choose designs that make your box stand out and attract a large audience. Whether it's a colorful box, a classic box, or a unique box with different themes and textures, you can increase sales by incorporating custom-designed packaging. You can use full-color digital or offset printing to customize your own cereal box. You can use complex artwork and a high-quality stock to attract your target market. And when it comes to pricing, YBY Boxes is one of the best companies to work with. And the quality of the stock used for cereal box custom doesn't matter - their shipping is always free, whether your order is large or small. Custom Cereal Boxes Are a Great Way to Increase Brand Recognition Custom cereal boxes from are a great way to increase brand recognition and establish a memorable impression. While there are many benefits to getting your logo and name printed on custom boxes, the most important goal is brand recognition. Cereals are one of the most popular breakfast foods, so your cereal must be memorable to stand out in the crowd. There are many options when it comes to choosing a custom cereal box, but there are a few things to consider before you start the process. ",2022-07-24T01:37:21.884-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6978,False,False,0x0,My Crypto Hedge Fund from 0 to 100,,"I will be providing multiple services: Crypto portfolio management Market research Daily news and trading signals Account set up and tax advisory Copy Trading and products such as: Portfolio Template Ready Due Diligences Educational materials ",2022-07-25T06:11:07.404-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6980,False,False,0xe4c81FCb008E04C9bc5AD607f0cb14E4AC07896d,sdfg,,"sdfg ",2022-07-25T08:59:41.092-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6981,False,False,0xEAd45985A92D9e642F9e191b0b4f0685C761f2E6,HatsFinance,,"Hats is a proactive incentive protocol for white hat hackers, where projects, community members, and stakeholders incentivize protocol security and responsible disclosure. One of the interesting differentiators of hats’ approach is the utilization of the Ethereum culture of free & open markets to turn black hat hackers into white hat hackers with a model that creates a scalable feedback loop. Value proposition Hackers — Get recognition and a fungible financial reward, without having to mix funds or worry about MEV, Dark forest issues, or Frontrunning. Token investors / holders — protects their holdings. Projects — Gets an additional security layer for their smart contracts and token value. The Hats project — Become a hub for smart contract auditors and reviewers ",2022-07-25T10:19:19.681-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6982,False,False,0x00000d4B147945f7d05fEc145a8F4774e4b630C0,Vanitygen BIP39,,Generate vanity / gas efficient Ethereum addresses for your hdwallet (bip39 12 or 24 words),2022-07-25T14:33:16.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6983,False,False,0x9c8aea81696D9a1f1CfD68313E9AED34E19d4A8b,The First NFT collection for peace.,,"Unique, 1/1 Generated The Crypto Che collection is very special, our artists have crafted a collection with 7777 unique images, taking care of every detail and accesories. Innovative Utilities Like No Other NFT Collection When you purchase a Crypto Che you'll receive an Airdrop of the token CheCoin, this token will be listed on top CEX and DEX platforms, additionally all Crypto Che holders that owns CheCoins on Staking, will receive a 3X yield booster for every CryptoChe on their wallets. Not Just A Simple NFT Collection But A Noble Cause We will donate 40% of the money raised of the minted Crypto Ches to help the Ukranian people, and the remaining 60% will be used to keep the collection value. We're not just creating value for our investors but relief to the ones in need. ",2022-07-25T16:21:47.364-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6984,False,False,0x880Bc95E4082C6Bc8465A787C0EE7e873C592647,☄️ Watchtower — a reputation protocol for space assets on the decentralised web.,,"🩳 Summary The Watchtower Protocol is a digital public goods project (stack) creating new legos to bring individual verified on-chain reputation of space assets on to web3. The vision is to help manage the crowded orbits & space debris problem and the effect of climate change on it by creating data curation & risk pricing markets of active (and eventually passive) space assets. The project’s aim is to be a bridge to create a space debris market (similar to carbon offsets markets), eventually governed by the WatchtowerDAO. The first product using Watchtower will be insurance - addressing the problem of illiquidity in the in-orbit space insurance market which has seen underwriters leave the sector since 2020. 💡 About Problem At Watchtower we’re aiming to build a regenerative space economic web3 primitive to bring verified reputation for space assets and help manage the problem of human made space debris spanning since the 1950s & crowded orbits for the coming mega-constellations. We’re starting this by building open-source infrastructure to eventually build sustainability focused financial products and enabling the creation of sustainability first space projects. While there are attempts (SDA, Space Sustainability Index, etc.), these aren’t open-source alternatives but rather permissioned. The closest that has come to this, is TinyGS and the Libre Space Foundation with some success with their SatNOGS project. Why Now The rise of space launches by Starlink, Keiper, OneWeb and other mega-constellations lead us to over 100,000 satellites in the next five years if not earlier. This creates crowded orbital corridors where satellites we use everyday (location-based services to studying climate science) are in danger of colliding. This can be equivalent to if not worse than the garbage patch problem in the Pacific Ocean. In addition to this, the rise in CO2 emissions due to climate change, creates conditions for satellites to “skate on ice” (reduced drag). This CO2 can exacerbate the snowballing effect known as Kessler Syndrome. The rise in geopolitical tensions between the United States, Russia and China have made space a warfighting domain again like the 1950s with increased anti-satellite missile tests (ASAT) creating more junk/debris in our orbital corridors. 🏗️ What Is Being Built We’re starting with a globally distributed ground network (DGSN) of tracking nodes on Helium with a proof-of-tracking approach to determining a satellite’s state. This enables us to build Laika, a data aggregator marketplace (NFT marketplace aggregator) at its base. Each tracking node hosts its own NFT marketplace providing access to API-endpoints represented as tracking data NFTs.  Vision Going Forward On top of this, are two layers - a data curation and a risk pricing layer (competitive skin-in-the-game crowdsourcing of data curation and risk pricing). The curation layer solves the underlying problem in space debris - data quality of state estimation - by crowdsourcing data fusion techniques to a global team of data engineers/curators. The risk pricing layer solves the next problem - risk of collision- by crowdsourcing probability of collision calculation techniques to a global team of data scientists. These are currently napkin designs & associated mechanisms. These legos enable us to create reputation profiles for individual space assets that can be used in a myriad of financial applications such as in-orbit insurance as one example. It both enables sustainable products in the present but also enables sustainable ecosystems going forward to the future. The aim is to drive capital to environmentally-positive projects by unlocking space debris as an asset class and building block within web3 ☄️🌱. Watchtower started out as a risk-pricing marketplace to address inaccuracy in pricing risk of collisions but has gone through multiple pivots after stakeholder interviews, to address not only that but the underlying issue of data quality. The Watchtower stack comprises of: Laika: Its purpose is to create a 3-sided data market (consumers, publishers & market makers) to bring efficient pricing via a free markets approach. Tracking nodes publish data to Laika. The curation layer crowd sources data fusion techniques of tracking data. This layer helps ensure data quality of satellite state estimation. Dora: a risk pricing layer with the sole purpose of calculating the probability of collision (Pc) metric for space assets. Dora’s purpose is to crowdsource composable risk models.  Watchtower Libraries: Outputs from Laika and Dora help build sustainability focused reputation profiles for individual space assets. Merging these outputs with the data from the spacecraft registry (the Registration Convention) help us create a complete near real-time profile for individual space assets that can access web3 products. This may include but not limited to: Verifiable location credentials, ensuring quality state estimates. Verifiable mutable and composable (both current & historical data) risk models, so data is user-controlled, cryptographically secure, censorship-resistant. Verifiable reputation registries - smart-contract based registries of space object data which include ownership, Pc, state and more. 🌄Current State At its current state, Watchtower is sourcing advice from ground station & radar technicians to perform a feasibility on cost, sourcing & logistics with the end goal of building a minimal prototype of a tracking node integrated with a NFT marketplace on top of helium. Our EOY goal includes building this prototype. After which a redeemable NFT program will be launched to purchase and its proceeds fund the mining program, for the nodes. More Depth? For more detail on this project please refer to the work-in-progress (WIP) Bluepaper and A/V presentation below: Work-In-Progress (WIP) Bluepaper A/V Presentation 👽 Team Vikram: Architect & Ops  James: Full-Stack Belen: GS Engineer 👉: Contracts Lead (Contracts w/ Frontend familiarity) 👉: TE Contractor or service DAO (progressively full time) ✨ Accomplishments so far Currently have an Observer role on the Sprint Advanced Concepts Training (SACT): The largest space-focused exercise advancing the state-of-the-art in Space Domain Awareness (SDA) Organised by Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and Joint Task Force–Space Defence (JTF-SD) Participants are military, civil, commercial and academic institutions from all over the world. Conducted 3 times a year. SACT enables Watchtower to: Practice SDA against real and simulated events (Back-testing) Experiment with UX/UI - User Testing Operational stuff such as socials, a website and a WIP blue paper. Clayming Space - an audio visual podcast hosted on Audius, Anchor & YouTube with the aim of featuring guests from a diverse diaspora of the space and web3 community that fit within the values associated with the Watchtower project.  🛠️ Usage of Funds Grant contributions will fund: The prototype build. Hiring legal services for forming an entity. Research is a big component currently and is covered entirely via sweat equity. Grants are an ancillary method to pay for more specialised subject matter experts in SDA. Improve the quality of the audio and visual podcast and any other associated aspects of the production process such as production, sourcing guests, researching topics and social media. As a side note, we will start off on GitHub with any code but will eventually move onto a platform like Radicle or an alternative. If you're interested in building the foundation for a united federation please reach out to me via Twitter DMs, we’re looking for the roles displayed above.  Note: If you’ve funded the Clayming Space grant in the past. Know that your contributions have been recorded and your funds from that grant will be brought over to the multisig. Unfortunately, we can only have one grant for one project so we had to shut that down. ",2022-07-25T23:08:13.719-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6985,True,True,0x693F321C9861047505F4a922931569f5Af2cc6f2,Faceless,,"The payment scheme of the existing blockchain networks such as Ethereum is based on blockchain addresses, which are usually random strings that are hard to memorize and manage. Therefore, it might lead to many inconveniences for the users such as funds being transferred to the wrong address. In contrast, traditional payment is usually based on human-readable identifiers (HRI) instead of random strings, and this is for a good reason. For instance, when you pay your debts to your friends, you want the transaction record to be bound to your identity so that it can serve as proof later that your debt has been paid.  The existing HRI solutions such as ENS usually focus on one specific blockchain ecosystem and fails to incorporate many existing Web 2.0 human-readable identifiers that users are more comfortable using in practice, such as their mobile phone numbers, various social media accounts, email addresses (based on which PayPal systems are built), etc. We believe it is far more interesting to build a cross-platform payment scheme based on a generic HRI system that combines the users' existing Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 identifiers. A cross-platform payment scheme based on a generic HRI system will not only serve the purpose of bringing Web 2.0 users into the Web 3.0 world but also taps into this immense market and helps realize the full potential of Web 3.0. Another limit of existing HRI-based payment solutions is the lack of privacy. This is actually closely tied to another interesting application of Faceless protocol, i.e., regulatory-compliant payment. Due to the explosive growth of Web 3.0 payment and its applications such as DeFi, NFT, etc, traditional financial institution is starting to migrate to Web 3.0. However, in order for the Cryptocurrency market to attract institutional money on a large scale, one has to address its regulatory concerns. The privacy issue is likely to play a central part in the regulatory compliance requirements. Faceless will provide a private payment scheme based on HRI and hence resolve the privacy issue.  Our protocol will become a fierce competitor in the sphere of regulatory-compliant payment. In the Web 3.0 world, the HRIs will serve as the basis of regulatory-compliant finance. Faceless satisfies two vital requirements of regulatory compliance: 1. HRI will serve as the basis of regulatory compliance, 2. Our payment solution will be private, which addresses a central issue in any regulatory-compliance requirement. One's HRIs such as mobile numbers or social media accounts can serve as the foundation to implement various regulation-compliant operations such as anti-money laundering. More sophisticated applications such as trusted decentralized finance (DeFi) can also be built on top of our system. For instance, one could build a credit system or lending and borrowing system based on one's HRIs. Our scheme is based on a combination of identity-based encryption (IBE) and zero-knowledge proof. Identity-based encryption scheme will allow the users to encrypt the payment under the receiver’s identity instead of random blockchain addresses, and it will also allow the users to manage their multiple HRIs with one single master key, which is a significant usability advantage. Our architecture will introduce a mechanism, which is based on randomized signature, to verify the authenticity of the user identity while protecting the users’ privacy. The verifiable identity will therefore serve as a foundation of regulatory-compliant payment. On the other hand, we will apply the zero-knowledge proof and IBE scheme to protect the users’ financial privacy. We will provide an open-source library to demonstrate the feasibility of our concrete design.  The final product of Faceless protocol will be a layer-2 protocol, which can be deployed on smart contract platforms such as Ethereum. We will potentially introduce a zk-rollup scheme to further improve the scalability of our payment scheme. Our rollup scheme will mainly focus on resolving the conflict between the scalability issue and regulatory compliance requirements.  This project has been supported by Web 3.0 grant:, and we have already delivered milestone 1: and got accepted by the grant. You can find the open-source milestone 1 code in this repo: You can find the link to our whitepaper here:, and our pitch deck:",2022-07-26T01:13:01.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6986,True,True,0x0,Plantiverse - Building an Interspecies Economy,," Why are we building an Interspecies Economy? Because we need to move away from a human-centric economy where resources are used in favor of humans, to a planetary-centric economy that is regenerative by incorporating all stakeholders, human and non-human. Our project Plantiverse started out with an exploration of rights for plants, by giving them autonomy. Building on the Rights of Nature movement's gains of independent legal standing for forests and species, we wanted to see if we could get operational, financial, and maybe even civil rights for non-human living beings. We gave Herbie (a herb houseplant) a form of their own autonomy, letting them make certain decisions on their own.  Sensors measure Herbie's light, soil moisture, water reservoir, humidity and temperature; which are linked to decisions about mobility; so that Herbie, when in need of water or light, will go to the water source / light source.    As Herbie gained decision making power over mobility, we asked ourselves, can non-human beings have economic power?  What if Herbie could deliver and sell their own herbs and leaves to people?  And if Herbie can sell and “earn” money, could Herbie have a bank account?  Could Herbie own things, vote, or even have planetary citizenship?   But how would that manifest in the real world?  So we went to work with Herbie, in fact we enabled a family of plants, Minty, Ivy, Ginger and other plants, with sensors.  These sensors, in turn, give readings that are then paired with a particular output of an image,  Leave colors, for example, indicate water level, …. The rendering, then, becomes a visualization of physiological status of the plant itself, essentially a digital twin, or avatar, of the plant in real life. These visualizations, then were minted in the carbon neutral Solana chain and sold as NFTs or NFTrees.  The funds raised via the sales will be directed to sustainable causes.   For millennia, humans have dominated the earth, and dominated species, “domesticating” plants and animals, and claimed ownership to nature and its resources.   As the consequences of our human centricity impact the earth, what if it is time for non-humans to gain autonomy, and even rights, on par with humans?  This project is about using metaverse, NFT and digital twins as a mechanism for non-humans to gain equal rights so that we can truly establish a fully integrated and diverse approach to earth stewardship, an interspecies metaverse. We think that this is just the beginning and one of a possible self-governed equitable models for a true equitable ecosystem for our planet that is inclusive.  Digital twins allow for non-human to have a presence, rights and even economic means in the metaverse that is immutable and traceable.   Our unsustainable model of capitalism that is over sourcing our natural resources need to be reinvented.   It is time we rethink capitalism, and one of the ways we can level out the playing field is to give plants and other non-human species the same economic power and decision making capabilities that are to their benefits, not ours. Interspecies economics might be a means to a more equitable planet, by incorporating all aspects of the complexity of planetary accounting into our consumption model in order to understand how to create a regenerative economy. We are currently planning to create the world’s first plant-governed DAO so that plants themselves will have the ability to decide how the funds of these NFTrees should be spent.  If the water level is low, then the funds will then go towards water focused initiatives, for example. After this first iteration of NFTrees, we are now working on the 2nd generation of NFTrees where the trees are now generated in 3D and can be “planted” via geolocation in the place of your choice and can be viewed via our own augmented reality application of SOFT (Store of Future Things) app.   In our future pipeline, we are hoping to extend this project and place sensors in the forest in the same capacity to monitor forestry health and convert those as NFTrees as well.  Other initiatives, such as placing sensors in the ocean to monitor ocean health, can then be turned into NFSeas with visualizations of reefs and corals that people can buy and funds can go towards blue initiatives, NFBees for bee health.   The expansion of the impact NFT could serve as a way to monitor our planetary health via digital twins, and to allow economic autonomy from plants and planetary accounting to be integrated into our economic model. Our project is just in the very beginning stages of setting up the foundation of how this could be implemented. [upload error] ",2022-07-26T05:28:50.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6987,True,True,0x7Fe9b5db1Ee561eC405AEC11d63D75823E54e690,Grant for Research on '' the impact of technology in Library and Information Science '',,"Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am Mahibha from India . I have been doing research in Library and Information Science . My area of research is Comparative analysis of the functioning of Libraries among South Tamil Nadu Libraries .it studies the impact of technology on library and information science among different universities. My University Name is Manonmaniam Sundaranar University ( . I would request your goodselves to support my research through your kind grants . Objectives of the Research : 1.        The Specific objective of the research is to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative dimensions associated with the library services offered by these universities 2.       To assess the actual state of University libraries in southern Tamil Nadu with respect to administrative set up, method of book selection and acquisition, technical process, reference and circulation services, physical facilities and personnel management. 3.       To ascertain the variety of the sources and study material available in libraries to cater the various study requirement. 4.        To assess the quality and services efficiency of the University libraries in southern 5.       Tamil Nadu in context with the availability of electronic resources with the help of Internet. Outcome of my research The research would Suggest a Service Model which would ensure Optimum utilization of Library Services in Universities  The Research would suggest measures to enhance Quality of service in university libraries The Research would suggest Action plans to be followed in University Libraries The Research would put forward a model for a better university library which would cover all the aspects of a Model library which would remain as a bench mark across various universities. What my research benefits the Society ? 1.       Education being the backbone of every family’s development , the usage of library by an individual would help him to acquire knowledge and motivates him to enhance his skills for living . 2.       An educated person remains a blessing for the society and thinks goodness for his society. 3.       An educated person uplifts the community he belongs to 4.       My research may bring a paradigm shift in the library system through which many students would be benefitted.   Hence I request you to kindly support my research with your generous contributions. I would submit more details if required. Your Truly, Mahibha",2022-07-26T11:41:21.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6988,False,True,0x0,ASC Builder: A GUI development & deployment tool for Algorand smart contracts.,,"ASC Builder is a GUI (drag-and-drop) smart contracts development software that enables one to add components and specify smart contracts behavior as well as logic with ease, and in turn aid in producing programmatic schematics which in turn could be transpiled to any smart contract development language such as Solidity, Pyteal etc. ASC Builder's main operation depends solely on DOM element manipulation and attribute & data structure read/write, which encompasses the use of Nodes, methods and many other components that represent several functionality on a typical smart contract. The system consists of Decisions, Subroutines, Conditionals, Arithmetic operations, etc. that the development process of smart contracts is centered upon. Upon completion of the schematic process of the GUI, the JSON attributes of the DOM elements that have been schematized are then parsed and structured into JSON objects which would serve as a middleman/intermediary interface through which the end results of the target smart contract programming languages are syntactically formed (in our case Pyteal). The schema can also be imported to another project when required for continued development. Upon completion, the project can be deployed to MainNet, TestNet or BetaNet and even Sandbox through the use of third-party nodes such as AlgoExplorer, AlgoNode and PureStake. Below is a link to the documentation: We have the solution currently in a private development environment, of which updates will be published frequently as they are made. We have made it possible for developers (the community) to be able to submit templates on GitHub for review by the internal team; as well as internally created templates, which can be readily available on the platform and used by others. The repository can be accessed via We have a sample ASC Builder smart contract project in the image above that could in turn be compiled to the PyTEAL smart contract code result below or deployed to the Blockchain seamlessly: We aim at revolutionizing the way in which smart contracts are being developed to make it easier for both developers and non-developers to create and deploy applications on the Algorand Blockchain, paving a way also for audits via the organization and/or third-party affiliates. A lot of support is required from the ecosystem to make this solution a success and we look forward to hearing from the community and working on updates to provide our users with an easy as possible & intriguing user interface/experience for their work! ",2022-07-26T19:34:41.328-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6989,True,True,0x4a80E4a533d91918c687f04c518316d3Be796210,Nthpower,,"Nthpower, a GameFi community platform which provides one-stop information for players, and an easy way for GameFi teams to connect more players.",2022-07-26T20:53:15.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6990,False,False,0x591a4945e57303e9de2de2200fc8955a8f176316,A Web Component for ETH Donations,,"A simple Web component that allows anyone to accept donations in ETH. It can be included in any part of a webpage (at the end/start of an article, header, footer, etc) so the readers/users are able to donate ETH. ",2022-07-27T02:50:17.038-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6991,False,False,0x7aed3e61e67ee1bd10f441f01bf261f6e1c72355,Grants for Roadmaps,,"Calling all early-stage startups- we have launched a new grant funding program! @milestoneBased is offering a $20K grant for up to 3 of the best blockchain-based startups and roadmaps listed on our platform this quarter. We’ve allocated $250 in total for grants over the next 4 quarters.  It’s easy to enter - list your company and roadmap/milestones, fill out the entry form, and do 2 social posts. Winners this quarter were announced in early October.  Our judges are looking at the quality of your roadmap and idea, your team, and your potential to scale your company.  As well as grant money, the winners will receive complimentary mentorship, discounted services, and important introductions and help in accelerating and funding your company.   milestone Based, the investor-startup collaboration platform powered by a DAO and escrow smart contracts. We are eliminating inefficiencies in traditional early-stage funding by enabling startups to list their roadmaps/milestones on the platform, and connect with a community of investors in a more transparent, streamlined and capital-efficient manner.  Apply now: Learn more about milestoneBased: ",2022-07-27T05:27:14.334-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6992,False,False,0xF36cD7F907F560902dcB037D01B00BE41729787D,McFund,,"The project is for those users who wants to earn yield on their money . Crypto/Dao expert will distribute those asset and according to those risk parameters that user defined . Two major roles are here : McFund Node : Expert of crypto , they will take user fund and distribute according to the risk parameters that user define and user can change can withdraw their position anytime and get their asset back. McFund Seeker: They are the user , who wants to earn money for their crypto instey of Lending they will put their asset in McFund . ",2022-07-27T21:32:16.869-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6993,True,True,0x7BDF68678A76b6cCbcd92A1e9Cb24780cef8c5EE,🐸 Habitat Health,,"In Carl Sagan’s Cosmic Connection, he talks about how a civilization’s ability to solve critical challenges to progress, such as avoiding pandemics and solving aging, is positively correlated to information availability. Unfortunately, today, health data is created, controlled and stored by opaque organizations such as governments and large enterprises. To crack the big challenges in human well-being requires a radically different paradigm of health data infrastructure- one that prioritizes individual data ownership while breaking down silos and enabling open data access and aggregation. Habitat Health is a peer-to-peer data system, that enables an open, composable yet private health data network. With Habitat Health, we believe we can make health data a collaborative, positive-sum system for all participants. Progress: We are currently writing the initial specifications of the Habitat Health Protocol, building on the great work at the Decentralized Identity Foundation on DWNs. In parallel, we are building the initial (open-source) implementation in Dart and testing our protocol. We plan to release the full specification along with the reference implementations in 4 months time. Team: Habitat Health is currently being built with ❤️ by the team at Happily Ever After. Eventually, we expect Habitat Health to have its own ecosystem, branding and open source community! Why Habitat? 1. A habitat is a home, and Habitat Health is a home for your health data that is safe, secure and belongs to you. 2. A habitat is an ecosystem, and Habitat Health hopes to be an ecosystem of collaborative health services and products.",2022-07-28T00:48:13.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6994,False,False,0x7A544Aa8637bC07743e4B7D825d7594EE5262F43,Gwei Club: ENS-based personalised Web3 profiles,,"Gwei Club is a free, open-source platform that allows ENS users to claim and curate their web3 profiles, which display their NFTs, social links, avatar pfp, website, and enables .eth name owners to interact and network with the ENS community. Why we are building it: Ethereum is the largest blockchain network today and it’s playing a fundamental role in shaping Web3. The increasingly popular Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is primarily used to map human-readable names to wallet addresses, but it offers so much more — like serving as your Web3 identity. We find the default profile available on to be fairly basic and a bit underwhelming considering the scope that ENS offers. We at Gwei Club feel that ENS is the de facto standard for web3 usernames on Ethereum, and our goal is to build on top of this expansive protocol and leverage the full potential of its community. With this in mind, we’re building a platform where people with .eth names can curate their eb3 profiles, discover fellow ENSers, and interact and network with a group of people who share their belief in the Ethereum ecosystem. A Gwei Club profile fetches data directly from the chain, which means that users don’t have to create profiles, just claim them. You can do so right now by heading to and entering your .eth name, OR simply search for in your browser. This profile and everything it contains belongs entirely to you. Gwei Club has no control over your data and we don’t ever want to change that. Your Gwei Club profile is decentralized, composable and entirely on-chain. Features: Gwei Club works on both desktop and mobile, and it currently displays an ENS user’s avatar pfp, their NFT collection, social media links and any website linked to their ENS. Verified users will also receive a blue tick badge next to their .eth names. To get verified, a user has to visit their profile and connect the wallet holding their ENS name. We’re working on adding a ton of new features in the coming days and we’re constantly looking for community feedback to make sure we build for the people who are going to use our product. Here are the features currently in development: > Add 'dark mode' functionality > Allow users to share profiles > Give users the option to curate their NFTs in boards according to collections, themes and more categories > Add an NFT as your ENS avatar pfp and edit text records directly from Gwei Club rather than the app > Enable user actions and connections — users can engage with other profiles (liking, commenting) and add them as connections to grow their network. 💡 Check out this Loom video for a walkthrough of our upcoming features. How you can contribute beyond funding: Gwei Club is for the ENS community, and we want you all to be truly involved in the process. If you have any feedback — whether it’s something you like, dislike or features would like to see — or if you want to BUIDL with us, please join our Discord or send us a DM on Twitter. FYI: Gwei Club beta testers and builders are considered to be founding members and will be eligible to mint NFTs from our ‘OG’ collection (dropping soon!)",2022-07-28T07:44:38.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6995,True,True,0x9883A6520c38F8763d3333B579d4fb21FD6Bf252,Powering Crypto Education and Adoption in Africa,,"Our mission at Metaport is to improve African participation in the Crypto and Blockchain space through targeted and fun learning experiences. We are onboarding young Africans to the Web3 space by providing them with a learning platform that delivers a variety of bite-sized and well-structured educational content that is designed to introduce them to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies in a fun and engaging way. Our lessons start from the basics and will then be scaled to more advanced topics and specialties such as blockchain development, governance, public goods, digital collectibles, and web3 marketing, among others. We firmly believe that our learning solution will allow people and businesses to build digital skills, discover new opportunities and create new economies. Help fund our efforts to raise Web3 awareness and adoption in Africa, as we provide young people with relevant skills to participate and contribute to the Web3 space. ",2022-07-28T09:00:57.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6996,True,True,0x72Df7ad959FE73369994A7E25B1860cB735C93bb,The Koint,,"The Koint is a new Web3-focused Instagram media, and it's a bold one. The Koint is not aimed at immediate newsbreak coverage, but represents a source of useful readings with the opportunity to learn much more about the digital world. First, it's beautiful. We excel at a design level among our competitors. Second, our content: analytics, investigation, reviews, infographics, daily news, funny and not so facts, which is divided into useful rubrics. Combining this, we developed a project suitable both for professionals and beginners. We managed to pull off a project for engaging activities and a vibrant community, and to сreate a home for thoughtful and progressive people who want to be on the same wavelength.  We believe that exploring the complexity can be fun. We’ve created an independent digital editorial on Instagram to talk about the crypto industry in a new way with our design code and we are committed to growth and development just as much as our readers. You scroll theKoint feed through like a magazine and it's really hard to tear your eyes away. Our deep expertise and a journalistic approach to the content gives us an emotional engagement of the audience, the tool which makes us the first in the market. We expand the boundaries of the underappreciated Instagram platform as a free niche and fully satisfy customer needs (B2C and B2B).",2022-07-28T09:28:26.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6997,True,True,0xe8e5Edb21352509699284eFA94c8c9D815eCDFca,NFA (Non Fungible Address),,"About NFA:  Non-Fungible Address (NFA) is an experiment that gives identity to your address as an NFT; each NFT resonates with the Ethereum logo, which means it turns your address into an NFT. (It's a generative Art of your eth address, which looks like the ethereum logo.) Each address has numbers & alphabet, i.e. it's alphanumeric. We have mapped alphanumeric on the Ethereum logo in such a way that numbers are aligned horizontally (left to right) & alphabets are mapped vertically (top to bottom) Each address starts from 0x, and lines are mapped on the points starting from 0x. That means each unique address will have a unique NFT. Ultra RARE! Unique address = Unique NFT = Rarest NFT that you can own. Why have we created this? 2021 was a great year for the NFT community and the Web3 ecosystem, NFTs were on the top, and pfp was gaining popularity over the globe and building its value in the market. But it's not something that anyone can relate to it. Some people thought of it as a simple png and jpeg file. So, we came up with an NFA as an identity NFT, which represents your address as an NFT, which also looks like an ethereum logo, and it's generated and stored on-chain completely. It's open source, so anyone can use NFA to build over it. Please follow us on Twitter and check out our Website here!! ",2022-07-29T05:01:22.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6998,True,True,0x1b8556BDc549D20De33eCba674CF3Bbb88CfEd0A,My First NFT,,"MyFirstNFT is a public good and a non-profit instructional project for Web3 newbies. Get a FREE NFT while learning about Web3, underlying values of NFT, and security principles. A quick video intro here: This project is also a very good tool for onboarding friends into Web3: Without MyFirstNFT: spend a lot of time explaining the concepts and knowledge to your friends; you might miss some key points, like security, lack of security knowledge can lead to theft of property; You need to help them install the wallet on their browser, etc. With MyFirstNFT: Send the MyFirstNFT website link( to them, and answer some questions, if any, done. Our goal is to assist more Web3 enthusiasts in easily understanding and learning Web3 concepts and knowledge, allowing them to enter the Web3 world quickly and safely. This project was started by Bruce and built by the LXDAO community for almost two months. We have 17 core contributors and over 30 contributors who brought excellent ideas, feedback, and suggestions. And everyone can discuss the content in our forum ( and contribute to ensuring the content is updated and cover most of the key points. Why did we embark on this project? Because many newcomers to Web3 are confused and helpless, there are too many concepts and knowledge to learn and the risk of theft if not done correctly. There are many tutorials and documents on the market, but they are not very systematic and must be summarised and organized by themselves, and many concepts are difficult to understand, so we thought, why not create a comprehensive tutorial that is simple to understand? In addition to concepts, we have security knowledge, which is very important in the Web3 world, we also provide how to DYOR section, and we also provide a free mint NFT function, so the combination of theory and practice can help newbies enter the Web3 world faster. We would like to apply for grants to continue optimizing and promoting this project, such as adding more languages, improving the interactive experience (especially the mobile version), and optimizing the content to make it more understandable, in the hopes of assisting more people who are interested in Web3. We are also planning to make the second version of this project in the community. The topic is on our community forum In short, will add content for developers to build their first NFT project and improve the UI/UX to make it more structured and easy to track their progress. The grants will be really helpful for LXDAO to keep maintaining this public good!",2022-07-29T05:37:53.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 6999,False,False,0x557551C3b98F4F3AA7E34FFf4A4B0b1748cF794d,Overview DAO (Protocol),,"Overview DAO The goal of our project is to create a multi-chain eg. Solana and Ethereum analytics ecosystem for the Overview DAO community and $OVER holders. Genesis NFT is launching in Magic Eden and It will be listed in Hyperspace Mint Date: August 2nd We are going though a massive branding changes and we will have a clear roadmap delivered to you after we have minted out. There are several steps into our governance system but one thing you should know is that we are going to have a $OVER token pool which other projects can contribute in for access into the platform. Website's completion date is August 2nd. Platform - Holders will decide the launch date. Logo Change in August 5th - 10th. ",2022-07-30T11:03:18.248-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7000,False,False,0xCa0b051804f57412600C2597d62E688d813694Ba,bhndt,,"🔐lebih berusaha semaxsimal mungkin untuk menghadapi kesalahan dan kesalahan yang di sengaja maupun tak di sengaja ",2022-07-30T16:36:31.355-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7001,True,True,0x95a35FA8fa284375C625Fbcb5c424176002921C1,Freshies Farm,,"Freshies Farms is a local farm + market highlighting the area producers & artisans. We love growing quality, nutrient-dense plants & veggies while practicing regenerative agriculture. We enjoy connecting people to their food and building community. Root for each other & we all GROW! Freshies is a 501(c)(3) located near the Black Canyon National Park outside Montrose, CO. Freshies represents a collective of growers, educators, artists, and ranchers made up of Western Heritage Farms, JD Heirloom Seeds, Arizona State University (Blockchain Lab), and Freshies Farms. The collective has come together to develop 511 acres and numerous community education initiatives. Any funds will be put toward empowering the following: Education Initiatives    Farm to School - Manage school gardens with Montrose School District    School Fields Trips    Garden cooking classes @ Montrose Community Center + Library    Canning classes @ Montrose Community Center + Library    Garden prep classes @ Montrose Community Center + Library    Seed saving classes @ Montrose Community Center + Library led by Dodi ( Community Initiatives Growing infrastructure at Haven House - Early Childhood Development Farm to Table Dinners (Events will take place on the ranch throughout the summer of 2022) Growing Infrastructure 4 Hoop Houses Solar Pump Irrigation System Potato Cellar Greenhouses Farm Equipment BCS Walk Behind Tractor Moreni - Power Haro Growing Expenses Organic Fertilizer Trellis Material Soil from Paonia Soil Co. Farm Infrastructure Domestic upgrades to expand housing space for farm contributors + gain ability to host retreats for regenerative education groups + DAOs Would like to install 2 Yurts from Colorado Yurt Company Technology Initiatives Detecting contamination or spoilage in food using a versatile portable hand-held spectromerty technology supported by AI, ML, and a blockchain platform that would store generated data on chain for audit purposes (Blockchain at ASU) Soil testing Biosensor -> Blockchain -> AI Cloud Platform (Process Status Prediction, Action Recommendation, and Real Time Access to Key Parameter Data) Our organization is actively looking to connect with other individuals and regenerative initiatives to expand our operations, reach, impact, and knowledge.",2022-07-30T17:43:27.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7002,False,False,0x6fd334418827d027C59E5f1aB02385C4FA09cb52,Carharwhip Blockchain ,,"24 /7 live chat and crypto trading service ",2022-07-30T20:37:21.842-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7004,False,False,0x84c1Da8905b0956dF0DB2F3547f65A6E200710a1,Construction of a classroom block,,"Nkoowe High School is located along Hoima Main Road about 13km from Kampala in Wakiso District. It is mixed ""O"" and ""A"" level secondary school. Its registered and classified by the ministry of Education and sports Registration number PSS/N159. Our students are from 12-18 years and our support to children is in form of Education,Food,Medicine and accomodation. Nkoowe High School is currently running a project to construct a class room block which will provide enough space for the ever increasing number. ",2022-07-31T03:51:26.531-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7003,False,False,0x84c1Da8905b0956dF0DB2F3547f65A6E200710a1,Construction of a classroom block,,"Nkoowe High School is located along Hoima Main Road about 13km from Kampala in Wakiso District. It is mixed ""O"" and ""A"" level secondary school. Its registered and classified by the ministry of Education and sports Registration number PSS/N159. Our students are from 12-18 years and our support to children is in form of Education,Food,Medicine and accomodation. Nkoowe High School is currently running a project to construct a class room block which will provide enough space for the ever increasing number. ",2022-07-31T03:51:34.395-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7005,False,False,0xe0C99a9023885fe0035412D2D7f664a9B644d2F6,Summer of Wamo | Dali Web3 Fest,,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""In our grant application, we are seeking funding to host a Web3 festival, Summer of WAMO(瓦猫之夏) | Dali Web3 Fest\n\nBackground""},{""attributes"":{""header"":2},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""In early 2021, 706 come to Dali. Intoxicated with its pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, inclusive and open culture, 706 established \""706 Dali\"" community here.\nSince the epidemic, more and more Web3 enthusiasts and digital nomads have come here, our numbers has grown exponentially in Dali. And to some extent, Dali has gradually become the Web3 center of China, especially for DAOs.\nWe want to share this diverse creativity of Dali with all our Web3 friends and invite you all to come here to party, connect and have a good time. In the spirit of WAMO, we will be hosting the Summer of WAMO | Dali Web3 Fest in this August, 19-20th.\n\nSummary""},{""attributes"":{""header"":2},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""With the genesis of 706Dali, Summer of WAMO | Dali Web3 Fest is not only the first Web3 festival in Dali, but also the first massive Web3 event in China that owned, co-created and organized only by its members, without any centralized leadership.\nSummer of WAMO | Dali Web3 Fest will bring together Web3 & DAO communities to hear from the most sought-after thoughts and experience a wide range of discussions, meetings, parties, music performances, dinners, fireside chats and much more. This is the only outdoor festival showcasing and celebrating all sides of the DAO, crypto, NFT, and Web3 ecosystems, we are dedicated to bring DAO, crypto, NFT, and Web3 ecosystems all in one place to learn from each other, to connect & collaborate.\nWe will create spaces for empowerment, openness and collaboration, and bring together top technical talents, entrepreneurs, incubators, project teams, and DAO members, for deep dialogues, connections and co-creation. We hope you can find like-minded people here and be inspired.\nWe hope we can build a place where communities move forward together. Together we create opportunities for onboarding, ideation, debate, positive sum discussion, and spreading web3 & DAO vibes.\n\nSpirit of WAMO""},{""attributes"":{""header"":2},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""We created WAMO, the mascot of our Web3 fest based on a Dali mythical creature — tile cat, a very powerful tutelary deity. It represents the spirit of positive externalities, embodiment of reason, consensus, open source and optimism.\nWe hope the sprite WAMO will help humanity grow by aligning our incentives towards the wellbeing of each other, facilitating co-creation, better coordination, and positive-sum outcomes.\n""}]} ",2022-07-31T08:18:57.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7006,False,False,0x404af5D7fCC29e72b9886301cBCe909716612BC6,Synthesis Bank Network - Defi & Banking ,,"Synthesis Bank unites decentralized protocols into a defi-powered banking platform, integrating digital banking services into the defi ecosystem. We created a global DeFi hub, delivering more products and services than any other platform by simplifying DeFi and Banking on one platform. We connect banks, financial institutions, payment providers, digital asset exchanges and businesses through the Synthesis Network to provide a global web 3.0 hub. Synthesis Bank is a decentralized organization DAO , that enabling to tokens holders to vote and take part in the network governance. ",2022-08-01T03:36:14.599-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7007,True,True,0xb20CCEF161519C84d721b08B48fE42C685cB1559,The Surfer Investor Community project,,"About My project is to build a social goods blog where I would present some outside of the ordinary web3 founders. The goal would be for me to be able to showcase those projects, especially the ones that need them the most without having to charge for them. I find passion in presenting new projects, but not being a web3 builder myself, the best I can do is give exposure to those who shape the future of our industry. I would like to add that I would focus my coverage on the following thematic: >> Founders from web3 projects from Africa >> Individuals regardless of whether tech or not encourage via education the adoption of crypto in Africa >> Founders from public goods projects for ecology (Carbon, Methane, Sustainable production...) >> Founders from public goods projects for inclusion (Education, Gender Equality, Privacy) Introduction: Hello everyone, I am a red-pilled content writer. I wish I would be a skilled developer, but I tried and it's not for me. However, I want to contribute to the worldwide web3 values. From my POV, web3 is the solution to so much misery in the world. web3 brings much-needed transparency that our children and the children of our children will profit from. Some examples: Interview about the Sacred project (Privacy orientated mixer) Article about the best crypto wallets in Kenya Article about the crypto scene in Zambia Interview about the connecting NFT communities >> Do you know some builders who build something cool fitting the criteria above? Please let me know.",2022-08-01T04:49:37.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7008,True,False,0x53771B7b096ED133FBB025cd636F36A06d724202,save kashmir,,"J-&-K to provide humanitarian needs. Our teams in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AKJ) are working on both sides of the Line of Control (LOC). HHRD advocates for safe and secure humanitarian corridors to save the lives of the elderly, children, and the men and women of Kashmir.",2022-08-01T04:58:26.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7009,True,True,0x57645980F725f5Ff13Dc97FEc3aCA327b78b5E1D,w3auth - Integrate w3auth for your identity needs,,"In a secure manner, w3auth handles wallet-based authentication and authorization. W3auth will make sure the token is generated and sent back to the app once the user signs a message on the wallet and is authenticated. Conditions like allowlists, blocklists, NFT gating, and token gating can be set. Features: ⛓️ Support multiple chains 👥 User management 🖼️ NFT Gating 🎟️ Token Gating ✨ Custom JWT Claim 🧩 Custom profile fields 👤 Basic user profile 🔗 Link multiple wallets on the user account 🌐 Country blocklist 🧠 Multiple team members Github: Documentation: Integration Demo:",2022-08-01T22:16:01.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7010,True,True,0xE0De420CcA21B39e7a6fc15836C26800aF3b74C4,NFT Pinas - NFT Marketplace built on Ethereum layer 2 rollup (zkSync),,,2022-08-02T03:43:38.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7011,True,True,0x4A35674727c44cf4375d80C6171281Ba2f764213,Funding Fusion Energy Innovation As A Public Good - FrontierDAO,,"FrontierDAO  'Bringing Fusion Power To The People. ...And The People To Fusion Power.' Are you ready for clean, abundant, cheap energy on Planet Earth? So are we! This is what FrontierDAO is working towards. We believe that fusion energy is the key to clean, abundant, cheap energy for all people on Earth. And we believe that people just like you and me can fund this technology transition to clean energy. Why does clean, abundant, cheap energy matter? Well, look around you. Climate change, with its droughts, floods and fires, is wreaking havoc on human and wildlife populations, not to mention the planet's ecosystem. Imagine a world where even the most remote communities have electricity, heating, sanitation and clean water. This is the promise of nuclear fusion energy (not to be mistaken with nuclear fission). Our DAO so far is bootstrapped. We need people power. And we are committed to grow with integrity. This means paying people a fair and equitable salary for the work they do. This grant will go towards paying the salaries of up to 8 full-time DAO staffers. I am the co-Founder of FrontierDAO. As a female founder, and someone who grew up on a small Pacific Island, I greatly appreciate the need for clean energy and for people - anyone - to be able to participate in creating the kind of world they want to live in. Democratization of energy is our mission. Darsh is a space and science communications expert and graduate of SpaceKind program. He graduated with a Bachelor's in Management Studies in Finance & PGP Software Development (Cybersecurity). He is currently pursuing a Master's in Commerce Advanced Accountancy. He is the Project Manager for FrontierRegistry, the DAO's scientific publishing platform. To see what FrontierRegistry is about, please visit our FAQS & Projects page. *We are included in the #quadraticfrens #DEI grants collection list. Easy One-Click Donate to all of us! $1 makes a big difference with #QuadraticFunding matching grants. What is #DeSci - 5 Minute Audio Please read more below for INFO on fusion energy, funding public goods and why Fusion Energy is Now! Image: Tokamak nuclear fusion reactor. At FrontierDAO our ‘funding the public goods’ sights are set high. We aim for nothing less than the democratization of energy. But not just any energy source. Our goal is to help catalyze the commercialization and deployment of nuclear fusion energy - the most clean, abundant, cheap source of energy potentially available to our planet and its people. \n\n Table of Contents Summary of How Funds Will Be Used What is Fusion Energy? #DeSci? How is it key to unlocking a Clean Energy Future for Planet Earth? FrontierDAO is committed to Democratization of (Clean) Energy Why we believe funding fusion energy innovation is a public good Public Awareness campaigns for Fusion Energy potential, Decentralized Finance, Decentralized Science Presentation Video & Contact, Links Whitepaper on Science and Fusion Energy Research by FrontierDAO At FrontierDAO we catalyze and incubate emerging technology through research, Test & Evaluation and, ultimately, commercialization. Our focus is on the fields of fusion energy, space exploration and science/ technologies that mitigate climate impacts. Funding from this grant will be used towards paying the salaries of at least 8 Full-time core DAO contributors (staff). A minimum salary for these advanced skill sets is $50K each. The foundational skill areas we need are DevOps, Legal, Operations, Comms/Marketing, Biz Dev & Project Management, Systems Architecting & Community, Web3 & DAO building, Events & PR. Additional funding will be used towards Acquiring RegA status to allow for the widest possible membership and benefits (i.e. not just accredited investors) Public Awareness campaigns: (Media, Events, Virtual, In-Person, Educational) For the crypto-Web3 community on What is fusion? And the democratization of energy? For the scientific/engineering/academic/research communities on how blockchain and Web3 tooling can serve them efficiently and beneficially. For a long time fusion energy has gotten a 'bad rap.' It's been described as always being '30 years away.' Huge government funded projects such as in the South of France, which represents a cooperative consortium of 35 nations, are what most are familiar with in terms of fusion energy research. ITER is 35 nations all contributing funding and brain power to realizing the Holy Grail of nuclear fusion energy. Then there is the MIT spin-off, Common Wealth Fusion Systems in Massachusetts that has gotten $2B in funding so far. These examples illustrate why we believe so strongly that #DeSci, decentralized science, is the right approach to have for fusion energy research today. Why? Because by opening up this research to the widest number of collaborators we believe it will catalyze innovation through a competitive, yet collaborative, scientific process. It will also allow for wider sources of funding of this breakthrough technology. If a million (or more!) people were given permission to 'invest' in their clean energy future, would they? We believe they would, if given even half the chance. image courtesy cointelegraph And now, at Lawrence Livermore National Lab's National Ignition Facility (NIF) in California, an extraordinary breakthrough has been achieved in the past year. The breakthrough is known as Lawson's Criterion. LAWSON'S CRITERION & SUSTAINABLE NET FUSION ENERGY Lawson's Criterion is the point at which a fusion reaction becomes self-sustaining. To explain further, the researchers at NIF directed a high-powered laser beam at a capsule of hydrogen and heated it up to 18,000 times the heat of the sun. This hydrogen atom fused and released the equivalent of 10 quadrillion watts of power...or 1.3 megajoules of energy. And the even more extraordinary thing is that the researchers have analyzed the data over the course of nearly a year, now, and concluded that the reaction wasn't temporary, but self-sustaining. This means that when the same conditions are met, the fusion reaction will lead to another and then a next and a next in a self-sustaining, self-perpetuating virtuous circle of clean, abundant, cheap energy. All of a sudden fusion energy is no longer 30 years away. The most informed analysts now predict that we will be seeing the net energy output of fusion energy as soon as 2024. And from there, commercialization and widescale deployment will follow. BIG MONEY ALREADY PILING IN TO FUSION ENERGY STARTUPS In July 2022, Chevron and Google each put $100M into a nuclear fusion energy startup. Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos have both backed British Columbia-based General Fusion. Investments in fusion energy soared by $2.8B in the past 12 months alone (as of July 2022 writing). That represents a total investment in fusion energy R&D of $4.8B, up from a total of just $2B 12 months ago. Of that total, only $117M is public funding. The rest is private funding by the likes of billionaires and billion $$ corporations. (*These calculations exclude Tokamak in Southern France).Congress’s recent Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 spending bill, $370B was included for energy and climate spending. Of that, only about $270M was earmarked for the fusion energy industry, ‘mostly for construction’ according to the Fusion Industry Association. So, can the everyday retail investor gain exposure to this promising technology? No. At the very least you have to be an accredited investor in order to get in on any of these potential funding rounds. There are no RegCF funding rounds for the everyday investor for fusion energy startups. And none planned so far as we know. Brief Explanation of Fusion Energy & How It Works ""Fusion occurs when two light atoms bond together, or fuse, to make a heavier one. As described by Albert Einstein's famous E=mc2 equation: The total mass of the new atom is less than that of the two that formed it; the ""missing"" mass is given off as energy. Image courtesy Renato Perillo The fusion energy industry is projected to be a $40Trillion dollar industry..And some estimates state that it is set to disrupt the $1T per year global energy market; Once breakthrough is achieved at significant levels (referring to when more energy is output than input in a nuclear fusion reactor) this clean, abundant, cheap energy source is set to potentially replace most other sources of energy on the planet. There is little to no radioactive waste produced from nuclear fusion energy, either. :""Nuclear fusion energy is pretty much the opposite of nuclear fission energy."" As an Impact DAO, FrontierDAO is positioning itself so that its members both help catalyze this race to clean, abundant fusion energy deployment and also share in the potential profits that will inevitably come from it. Imagine if Chevron, Exxon, AramCo or BP were DAOs?  Clean, abundant, cheap energy for the planet’s people is already a disruptor in itself. Electricity, hot water, internet, mobile phone rechargers, sanitation, cooking, heating for even the most remote communities on our planet is what this will mean. But it doesn’t stop there - issues like fresh water sourcing are also largely solved when the prohibitive energy costs of water desalination become moot when nuclear fusion energy is used as an energy source for the process.  The closest comparison to a fellow DeSci DAO would be VitaDAO. What Vita is doing for Longevity Research, we aim to do for nuclear fusion energy. We are structuring so that IP that we invest in as a DAO, once commercialized and monetized, will pay back into the DAO Treasury. Our purpose is to: Support nuclear fusion R&D, Test &Evaluation to the point where it’s commercialized and deployed globally. Help provide the planet a clean, abundant, cheap energy source thus rendering the climate change conversation moot going forward. Help grow the personal wealth of our DAO membership (open to all) while increasing the DAO’s treasury.The DAO’s treasury will be used to further support innovative technologies and fusion energy deployment.  FrontierDAO was created in September 2021. As a female co-founder, I helped set up and deploy FrontierDAO on Aragon as a DAO in January 2022. Thus far we are bootstrapped. We are seeking grant funding from Gitcoin for these immediate needs:  Public information education and awareness with an emphasis on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. At FrontierDAO we face two challenges in our communications strategy:  The scientific, engineering and climate change communities who are our natural target communities tend not to be native crypto or Web3 people. So explaining Web3 and onboarding these communities as DAO members is a steep learning curve and/or point of friction that we must work hard to scale.  The Web3 and native crypto communities are fully conversant in DAO-speak and DeFi concepts, but there is generally a misconception about Nuclear Fusion energy, often mistaken for Nuclear Fission energy. This, too, poses a steep messaging hurdle to what is otherwise a natural target community.  Milestone 1 Onboard 1000 members to the DAO who support clean energy and who believe that fusion energy is a potential solution to climate challenges.\Successful onboarding of community will necessitate a full-time core DAO team. We already have necessary DAO tooling in place, or readily deployable, such as Gnosis Safe, Snapshot, and DAO smart contracts enabling governance on our Aragon dashboard, etc. We aim to onboard the first 1000 DAO members in the next 6 months, all committed to supporting fusion energy research and eventual deployment on a global scale. Our vision is to scale this to a million or more members as fusion energy builds traction in the coming years. To achieve this, we will require a fully committed core DAO contributor team with requisite skill sets.\ Milestone 2: Have the budget to pay 8 full-time DAO contributors who have the required skill sets in DevOps, Legal, Comms, Marketing & Community, Engineering, Science, Project Management, Biz Dev. As we bridge into being an Investment DAO (as well as a Research DAO), we need to remain compliant with SEC and U.S./international investment laws. A part of this intended grant is to be used for legal fees and compliance structuring in a way that allows us to onboard the maximum number of members. The structure we seek will allow the DAO Treasury to pay out to the membership, over the coming decade and longer, shares in any and all of the accrued wealth.  Milestone 3: DAO structuring, tokenization and governance that is fully compliant with US regs. In November of 2021, I wrote a paper and published it as a NFT on It is titled, ""Why Science, Why Blockchain, Why A DAO Now?"" This paper was published as a NFT at the very start of the #DeSci trend, but it clearly explains the initial vision for FrontierDAO and how science and innovation can be re-tooled using Web3. We also have our WhitePaper on which dives even more deeply into our purpose and mission.  We aim to democratize clean, abundant, cheap energy. And we want our members to do good for themselves, their loved ones and offspring while doing good for the planet and its future generations. WhitePaper @ 1 Minute Video Presentation Questions? Discord I FrontierDAO ArtemisP#6726 or DarshD ",2022-08-02T06:21:05.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7012,True,True,0x48815f82875752DBFce2C9cBE0D4916d9C79984F,Nifty Sparks | ENS community hub,,"Nifty Sparks offers a collaborative space for the ENS community to explore and enjoy the benefits of Web3 identity. With Nifty Sparks, ENS enthusiasts can schedule IRL & online events, discover the ENS ecosystem, learn, and share their ENS-related content. We believe ENS domains will be the new standard for Web identity, and that ENS will be an important onboarding tool for the Ethereum ecosystem and Web3 in general. Problem: Engagement Silo: Most engagement around ENS is focused on Twitter and Discord.  Communities are scattered Collaboration challenges between content creators Our mission: Become the world's largest community for ENS enthusiasts Identify new audiences and niches from outside Twitter Be a bridge between social media platforms for the ENS community Onboard new communities into ENS Links: Website: Twitter: LinkedIn: ",2022-08-02T09:34:51.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7013,True,True,0xE4aa335c804E4c8D5B09711f23d53519c3c48D01,Newschain,,"Newschain is an experimental web3 portal to democratize news publication and distribution.    Democratization   We envision a platform where anyone can publish an article, and own it as a digital asset. Current newspapers and social media platforms let you publish content as long as they could profit from its digital asset (a web post or a story), by publishing advertising on it, or by gathering your private information.   Newschain aims to create an environment where you can publish your content and actually own its digital asset. Hence, profits and responsibilities derived from it would be entirely yours.   News Distribution   Current newspapers and social media have black box algorithms that select which news are relevant for you. Newspapers rely on this to pursue political or business agendas, while social media aim to maintain engagement and optimize ads revenue. Therefore, a simple question such as “why am I offered these articles?” has no verifiable answer.     In this sense, our goal is to distribute the news that are relevant for most readers. So, instead of getting the latest news from a centralized entity, each reader runs a transparent algorithm that fetches the articles that were recently most read.           Newschain = News in the Blockchain   Both democratization and transparent distribution are challenging goals that we experimentally tried to tackle with blockchain technology. In the remainder of the article we will explain how this technology provides some key features that may help achieving the goals, as well as the brand new questions that are brought to the table.      Publishing an article to the Blockchain   Modern blockchains, such as Ethereum, provide mechanisms that allow uploading content to the chain different from pure transactions such as “Alice transfers Bob two bitcoins” [1]. We have created a protocol that allows anyone to upload an article (namely formatted text, a location and images links) to an Ethereum blockchain.    Newschain as a system can be thought of as a protocol for uploading news + a browser script to find them.  Once an article is published through our protocol, anyone with internet access can find the article in its raw version as a blockchain transaction. For instance, the introduction article is actually published as a blockchain transaction…    Why use the blockchain for sharing news?   Persistence. Blockchain data structures provide guarantees that once a block is added to the chain, it shouldn’t be erased, at least for a reasonable amount of time. In our scenario, this means that once the article is published it cannot be erased from the chain.    Hosting & Reach. Blockchain nodes are distributed around the globe (or should be) and provide reasonable quality of service to our purposes. If you can make or read the transactions to Ethereum, that means you can read and publish newschain articles.       Proof of intellectual property. Articles are published by ethereum accounts that can prove their authorship with cryptographic mechanisms.    Own your article.  You can think of an article publication transaction as a piece of a server host capacity that you buy permanently. Once you get it, we envision features such as renting your article advertising space, receiving donations directly from your readers, or even selling your article in full. Although these are not present in this first version, we would love to hear your thoughts about it!     Benefits of publishing an article to the Newschain   Sharing.  Once an article is published, we immediately assign it an unique identifier that can be used to share the publication using Newschain. Any reader can use it to fetch the contents of the publication in the blockchain and render it locally. A remarkable difference with web2.0 platforms is that ours does not host or hold any information. Newschain can be thought of as a browser that anyone can use to fetch and discover articles.   Discovery.  We also provide a home where articles that are most read, by location, are displayed. The intention is that Newschain home works as a news portal with the articles that are loaded in the blockchain.    How does Newchain work?   Newschain protocol.    The core of the Newschain lives in the blockchain as a solidity smart contract (repo). There are essentially three mechanisms in this alpha version: The publishing, the gas sharing, and the viewing counting. Essentially, the publishing and gas sharing does pretty much it (register an article and share gas for interacting with the platform), while the viewing counting offers a PoW mechanism to estimate viewership. For technical details please refer to the repository documentation, as it may change rapidly.     Newschain browser (GUI).    The browser is in fact just a script, written in React, that looks up the published articles in the Gorli Ethereum testnet. Hence, no content is hosted by any server (other than ethereum nodes).    Why is it experimental?   Being the first web3 platform for open news publication and sharing (to our knowledge). We have several research questions that would like to answer with this first version:   To what extent does a web3 platform such as Newschain (that use Blockchain for hosting information) scale?  What is the performance (render time, load Time, etc) of the platform? How does it fare against a standard web 2.0 platform? In particular, how do different (ethereum) networks fare between each other in terms of performance when rendering Newschain content?   Does the viewership counting mechanism provide benefits in scalability? (one of its goals). How does it fare against traditional viewership mechanisms reported in web 2.0 approaches? How does our upgradeability contract mechanism perform in terms of platform stability, and web3 development in general, as we aim to allow contract upgrades as well as gui upgrades, and backwards compatibility.     What is next?   Identity: provide a mechanism (ideally 3rd party) to register an account identity (for ease of author recognition)    Design article operations protocols (edit, renting advertising, selling, receiving donations)  Anti bot mechanisms: Design mechanisms to certify human reading of news (captcha, random riddles).    Gather feedback (from github, gitcoin, etc) Test IPFS performance for serving Newschain browser script, as well as for content uploading.  Improve the half-baked GUI and ideally open the source code.  Test other gas relaying options (e.g sharing a PoS in polygon)  Explore alternatives to infura gateways (e.g a light geth client)  Show the user stats in the platform participation (votes, reads, publications) Show general stats in platform participation (#publications)  Join us in the road for democratizing news media! [1]:",2022-08-02T10:56:18.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7013,True,True,0xE4aa335c804E4c8D5B09711f23d53519c3c48D01,Newschain,,"Newschain is an experimental web3 portal to democratize news publication and distribution.    Democratization   We envision a platform where anyone can publish an article, and own it as a digital asset. Current newspapers and social media platforms let you publish content as long as they could profit from its digital asset (a web post or a story), by publishing advertising on it, or by gathering your private information.   Newschain aims to create an environment where you can publish your content and actually own its digital asset. Hence, profits and responsibilities derived from it would be entirely yours.   News Distribution   Current newspapers and social media have black box algorithms that select which news are relevant for you. Newspapers rely on this to pursue political or business agendas, while social media aim to maintain engagement and optimize ads revenue. Therefore, a simple question such as “why am I offered these articles?” has no verifiable answer.     In this sense, our goal is to distribute the news that are relevant for most readers. So, instead of getting the latest news from a centralized entity, each reader runs a transparent algorithm that fetches the articles that were recently most read.           Newschain = News in the Blockchain   Both democratization and transparent distribution are challenging goals that we experimentally tried to tackle with blockchain technology. In the remainder of the article we will explain how this technology provides some key features that may help achieving the goals, as well as the brand new questions that are brought to the table.      Publishing an article to the Blockchain   Modern blockchains, such as Ethereum, provide mechanisms that allow uploading content to the chain different from pure transactions such as “Alice transfers Bob two bitcoins” [1]. We have created a protocol that allows anyone to upload an article (namely formatted text, a location and images links) to an Ethereum blockchain.    Newschain as a system can be thought of as a protocol for uploading news + a browser script to find them.  Once an article is published through our protocol, anyone with internet access can find the article in its raw version as a blockchain transaction. For instance, the introduction article is actually published as a blockchain transaction…    Why use the blockchain for sharing news?   Persistence. Blockchain data structures provide guarantees that once a block is added to the chain, it shouldn’t be erased, at least for a reasonable amount of time. In our scenario, this means that once the article is published it cannot be erased from the chain.    Hosting & Reach. Blockchain nodes are distributed around the globe (or should be) and provide reasonable quality of service to our purposes. If you can make or read the transactions to Ethereum, that means you can read and publish newschain articles.       Proof of intellectual property. Articles are published by ethereum accounts that can prove their authorship with cryptographic mechanisms.    Own your article.  You can think of an article publication transaction as a piece of a server host capacity that you buy permanently. Once you get it, we envision features such as renting your article advertising space, receiving donations directly from your readers, or even selling your article in full. Although these are not present in this first version, we would love to hear your thoughts about it!     Benefits of publishing an article to the Newschain   Sharing.  Once an article is published, we immediately assign it an unique identifier that can be used to share the publication using Newschain. Any reader can use it to fetch the contents of the publication in the blockchain and render it locally. A remarkable difference with web2.0 platforms is that ours does not host or hold any information. Newschain can be thought of as a browser that anyone can use to fetch and discover articles.   Discovery.  We also provide a home where articles that are most read, by location, are displayed. The intention is that Newschain home works as a news portal with the articles that are loaded in the blockchain.    How does Newchain work?   Newschain protocol.    The core of the Newschain lives in the blockchain as a solidity smart contract (repo). There are essentially three mechanisms in this alpha version: The publishing, the gas sharing, and the viewing counting. Essentially, the publishing and gas sharing does pretty much it (register an article and share gas for interacting with the platform), while the viewing counting offers a PoW mechanism to estimate viewership. For technical details please refer to the repository documentation, as it may change rapidly.     Newschain browser (GUI).    The browser is in fact just a script, written in React, that looks up the published articles in the Gorli Ethereum testnet. Hence, no content is hosted by any server (other than ethereum nodes).    Why is it experimental?   Being the first web3 platform for open news publication and sharing (to our knowledge). We have several research questions that would like to answer with this first version:   To what extent does a web3 platform such as Newschain (that use Blockchain for hosting information) scale?  What is the performance (render time, load Time, etc) of the platform? How does it fare against a standard web 2.0 platform? In particular, how do different (ethereum) networks fare between each other in terms of performance when rendering Newschain content?   Does the viewership counting mechanism provide benefits in scalability? (one of its goals). How does it fare against traditional viewership mechanisms reported in web 2.0 approaches? How does our upgradeability contract mechanism perform in terms of platform stability, and web3 development in general, as we aim to allow contract upgrades as well as gui upgrades, and backwards compatibility.     What is next?   Identity: provide a mechanism (ideally 3rd party) to register an account identity (for ease of author recognition)    Design article operations protocols (edit, renting advertising, selling, receiving donations)  Anti bot mechanisms: Design mechanisms to certify human reading of news (captcha, random riddles).    Gather feedback (from github, gitcoin, etc) Test IPFS performance for serving Newschain browser script, as well as for content uploading.  Improve the half-baked GUI and ideally open the source code.  Test other gas relaying options (e.g sharing a PoS in polygon)  Explore alternatives to infura gateways (e.g a light geth client)  Show the user stats in the platform participation (votes, reads, publications) Show general stats in platform participation (#publications)  Join us in the road for democratizing news media! [1]:",2022-08-02T10:56:18.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7014,False,False,0x0,Build Decentralised Science Laboratories in the Metaverse,,"Our aim is to create an ecosystem where scientists are incentivized in cryptocurrency to openly share longevity related research and receive credit for their work while allowing anyone to access and contribute to the research easily. Our DeSci ecosystem will include investors seeking for investment opportunities in the longevity field. This will convert research works into real world solutions. By creating a virtual, immersive and persistent scientific environment, we will facilitate meaningful human interactions between scientists and funders while eliminating a centralised control. Funders will have a pool of research work to choose from while scientist will have the right funding to convert ideas to solutions. MERITS OF DECENTRALISED SCIENCE OVER TRADITIONAL SCIENCE: 1) Scientists collaborate with peers from all over the globe in dynamic teams. Unlike traditional scientific research where centralised organisations limit collaborations. 2) Scientists will be able to share virtual laboratory services with anyone in the world. This is unlike traditional science where sharing is limited. 3) Scientists will earn rewards in Transhuman Coin (our native token) for peer-reviewing work. This is not the case with traditional scientific where peer-review works are unpaid. 4) Sharing all of the research procedure, including the data from unsuccessful efforts, by having all steps on-chain. This is different from the traditional publication bias which makes researchers more likely to share experiments that had successful results. We are seeking for funding to commence development of the Transhumanist DeSci project which will bring the longevity field closer to blockchain. ",2022-08-02T13:49:09.936-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7015,True,True,0x0,HistoryDAO- Where the the world records history in Web3.,,"Brief HistoryDAO is where the world records history in Web3. The Web3 community comes together on the HistoryDAO platform to mint historic and current events immutably on the blockchain to be preserved—unchanged and unwavering— as HistoryNFTs. The decentralization and democratization of history with blockchain and NFT technology is governed by you, the DAO, the people. Write, record, analyze, adjudicate, and mint our world as it unfolds across the globe every day with HistoryDAO and HistoryNFTs. About HistoryDAO is a first-of-its-kind platform for minting, trading, and collecting HistoryNFTs. Mint a single moment by uploading headlines, articles, text, and images to forever enshrine major moments in the annals of history.   Issue an Initial NFT Offering (INO) to crowdfund your HistoryNFT Series as you track a series of events, tournaments, competitions, elections, and more with your NFT series.   DAO features like weekly and monthly awards via community voting, project governance, and HistoryNFT verifiability will truly democratize and decentralize the recording of history. HistoryDAO Philosophy Human history has always been written by the winners, a rule that’s about to change via blockchain technology. Humanity hungers for the truth, and truth is unrelenting. Those who record and preserve history should be rewarded. Historical events and their development processes have not been tracked chronologically and properly. Features HistoryNFTs Users can mint a single moment in history with HistoryNFTs. Upload headlines, articles, text, images, and more to create a HistoryNFT. HistoryNFT categories. include current events, sports, art, music, literature, politics, technology, finance, crypto, and the like. INO (Initial NFT Offering) / HistoryNFT Series INOs (Initial NFTs Offerings) allow users raise funds from the creation of their HistoryNFT Series. HistoryNFT Series track major events as they unfold, such as political elections, sports seasons, televised talent competitions, eSports tournaments, music festivals, major current events, and more.   Create a HistoryNFT Series collection, open a mint event to the public, auction your mints, and publish your series upon the event’s completion. Marketplace Buy, sell, and trade NFTs on the HistoryDAO marketplace where you’ll find all the data, properties, and details you need. Plus, you’ll enjoy the most information and the lowest fees when compared to the 3rd party NFT marketplaces. DAO DAO features govern the HistoryDAO platform completely. Our mission is to decentralize and democratize the recording of history in Web3. Project Governance: vote on the parameters, governance, and development of the HistoryDAO platform Promote/Curate NFTs: vote on the best HistoryNFTs to promote them in the HistoryDAO ecosystem, such as on the website main page, on project socials, or on official partner platforms Verify NFTs: vote to demote unverifiable and inaccurate HistoryNFTs Issue Commemorative NFTs: issue special commemorative NFTs or NFT Series via partnerships with sports teams, political organizations, museums, record labels, etc. Vault/Treasury: vote to adjust fees, rewards, and uses of the HistoryDAO vault/treasury HAO Token The HAO token will be launched in Q3 of 2022 and will be used to reward HistoryNFT minters who win weekly, monthly, and annual awards selections. The HAO token can be staked to vote on the governance of HistoryDAO, with features such as development, vault rewards/fees, and promoting, verifying, and issuing HistoryNFTs. HAO can also be staked to earn a yield on the platform. Socials Twitter Medium Discord other links ",2022-08-02T18:30:02.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7016,True,True,0xa2dDFc8a6C1F8868B80F2747D04532a6cDE9804d,Add Token To Wallet,,"Simple tool hosted at Adding an erc20 token to the wallet shouldn't be so hard as searching for the token on google, finding a reliable source, copying the token address, figuring out ""decimals"" and ""symbol"" before adding a token. This is a tool where you can search for the token, and in one tap add it to your wallet.",2022-08-03T01:37:37.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7017,True,True,0x0,Urgent Help Needed to Rebuild Storm-Damaged School,,"On March 14, 2022, an intense storm tore the roof off the Spectrum High School building in Kagoma village, part of the Kyangwali Refugee Settlement in Uganda. The teachers inside when the roof came off were able to seek shelter in a nearby church. Fortunately, no students were in the building at the time. The schoolhouse suffered major damage severely compromising its structural integrity. Many other buildings in the village were also destroyed, and this is the only school in the area. The students and teachers have nowhere to hold classes until it is rebuilt. We here at Ensō Education Institute are scrambling to help our partner school get up and running again as soon as possible. They need $9000 to rebuild Spectrum with stronger materials that will withstand the next storm and to replace books, teaching materials, and school supplies destroyed by the rain and wind.   We know that there are many just causes to support these days, so on behalf of the students and teachers of Spectrum High School, we thank you so much for your consideration and ask that you share this campaign with your friends and colleagues. Please know that a donation of any size would be a tremendous help!",2022-08-03T09:17:07.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7018,False,False,0xd6905244335599E19b6e54956076785b1Ae08320,Eon Prime Liquidity Funds,,"This is to raise funds for raising the liquidity of the Eon Prime (EONP). It is a Token on the BEP20(BSC) network. ",2022-08-03T18:58:34.563-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7019,False,False,0xd6905244335599E19b6e54956076785b1Ae08320,The Beyond: a Blockchain 2d MMORPG ,,"The game will feature 3 classes (Shade (atk class), Sage (Def class), and Saint (Research class)) and will revolve around research and exploration in the game for the cryptocurrency Eon Prime which is on the BEP20 (BSC) network. ",2022-08-03T20:23:36.106-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7020,False,False,0x775BbFDeB720bC3eE4314DDc2017F14055cE7F7a,Nodeist,," ",2022-08-04T11:56:28.393-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7021,True,True,0x568f75eFCD7acb2a3CfD19654104077c6eaD9Ea2,SafelySend,,"SafelySend currently enables sending Eth to someone else with a built-in waiting period which lets the other person verify that they can access the funds and that it's the right amount. This waiting period allows the sender to abort the transaction in the event that the address was incorrect, the receiver can't access the wallet any more, or the wrong amount was sent. It could also be a way to validate available funds. I would like some funding to improve the UI/UX, add ERC20 compatibility, and add NFT compatibility (ERC721, ERC1155). Additionally, I would like to add a feature (Escape Hatch) which enables a user to pre-approve transfer of NFTs to another wallet and be able to transfer them with as few button clicks as possible, or at least from one website, if they believe their primary wallet has been compromised. ",2022-08-04T19:19:26.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7022,False,False,0x2b778429a1eD5F2530bab15BE97ba0A4a173486b,KDAPoker,,"Our Mission is to bridge the gap between poker and blockchain, giving players the ability to play using KDA.  ",2022-08-05T06:45:38.853-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7023,False,False,0x0,0xID,,"link personal biometric information to an IPFS storage system that will be validated throughout the blockchain by multiple step verification for each transaction ",2022-08-05T08:18:10.108-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7024,True,True,0x2d10c46DaF174719238c35624bd762074D4ddd48,Provable Democracy,,"Provable Democracy explores technical and social solutions to enable verified human participation in any collective, in web3 and beyond. I thank you for your support as we continue discovering, sharing + building solutions.  tldr: Help fund the publication + distribution of Provable Democracy, a free ebook. We'll also be producing open-source code to make concepts come to life.  Problem: How can we evolve Democracy through Web3? Problem Narrative  When we think of the algorithms running web3, we think of PoW, PoS, DPoS. These are what keeps us in enough agreement over network state that we place trust in our financial transactions. But are these algorithms applicable to a social perspective?  I would say no, not really. And they don’t have to be. Producing blocks that secure a state across a network is different than deciding on legal policy that secures the life, liberty and property of a nation. They show the technology is here + accepted, but who will develop the social systems that will affect our grandkids? What groups will implement them? And what is a social system anyway? The shining social system is Democracy, a concept that has changed with the times from clay pots to representation. We are no longer bound by time in communication, or distance in representation, so it stands to reason that we’re already going through a revolution in democracy, from Gitcoin, to DPoS, to DAOs.  Democracy is often linked to politics and governance, but today, some of the most impactful decisions are our interactions that drive the algorithms that determine what content is shown to hungry minds scrolling their phones. If only we knew how these algorithms made their decisions.  Solution: Define key primitives + functions needed for democratic systems to develop in unique ways. Solution Narrative  Now we have the opportunity to explore systems and ways to solve the same problem: Human Collaboration towards Common Desires. We have the time to step back and look at how we are interacting, and where our information comes from. We have the leeway to re-define what is the bare-minimum level of democracy we accept for each type of system (social media, music playlists, running a country).Theses minimums are, in part, the primitives that must be defined and agreed upon for any fair system to develop.  For just one primitive, personhood, many independent solutions exist, ranging from KYC platforms, to social verification solutions such Proof of Humanity, to biometric options like you use to unlock your phone. But verifying a person is only one aspect of democracy to explore. Supporting this grant means more exploration, and more solutions in-code. How your support drives change.  I love writing about biomimetic tokenomic systems and structuring data primitives, but if no one reads it, what did I write? And if I am making a public good of my own ideology, who does that really serve?  My goal with this project isn’t to preach all my great ideas. it’s to first create the common knowledge that new Web3 democracies exist, and show how to integrate them. To accomplish this mission, we need to share the working democratic ideas that reveal the functional inefficiencies in current power structures, including existing DAO structures. 40% of your ETHergy transfer will be used on branding and downloadable media information (PDFs, short video, etc) to educate, and ensure the code hits. And code is important. The remaining grant will be used to fund writing and curating code. Awesome Repo will swell with DAOs and DHOs and DXOs or whatever is next. The next wave of developers and decision makers on a global scale are granted opportunity to discover and build software that makes society run smoother. (or so we hope) I am grateful for any donation you are able to give, considering all the GR15 ReFi good causes. Previous Open Source code by grant proposer - Effective Collective: - Biomimetic Contracts:  - Tribe (DHO): Previous relevant papers - Web 4 (Source material for Provable Democracy eBook): - Purple Paper:  - Mapps Paper: Here's an example of a proposed structure for a simple biokey generator. In the book, we'll discuss the pros and cons of different types of proof of personhood, including social solutions already live in various projects. We'll publish code and pseudocode like this in respective repos.  Deliverables PDF titled Provable Democracy, as a easily digestible look at what Blockchain can do for Democracy, as well as showcaseing alternative voting methods, including those presented in the Web-4 paper, complete with illustrations, non-technical introductory sections, and code-heavy appendices.  Continued work on putting the concepts into collaborative open code on Github is the direct result of your contribution. Please reach out to contribute code to the Awesome repo, or with suggestions. All code and PDFs open-sourced. In Closing  As the Information Age takes full hold we have seen the huge cloud of distracting and fearful energy that can develop when disinformation and misinformation is used as a weapon. This battle between cold-facts and emotional narrative won’t be solved by a shiny PDF. It will be solved by the systems that develop when we continue to dialogue, develop tools, primitives, and protocols, and publish solutions. Your support enables this work to continue. Thank you for your support. - Douglas Butner ",2022-08-05T17:18:21.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7025,True,True,0xC0ABf77B807a3b06DE6bB9743189deB02AaFd2b8,TheBards Protocol - The Decentralized Content Curation Economy,,"Abstract Digital service providers (DSPs) often act as curators, who grabbed most of the user's interests through channel advantages. In order for everyone to freely choose their role (creator or curator or delegator or developer) and benefit from it in ownership economy, we introduce TheBards, a fully decentralized NFTs curation economy protocol built with public blockchain infrastructure and other decentralized technologies. 1. Mission Promoting the efficient and synchronized circulation of information and value, so as to mint the value of everyone. 2. Motivations 2.1. We are Creatures of Stories Yuval Noah Harari's best-seller book, “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind[1],” claims that gossip, based on judgments, began our rule of the planet. Before we began gossiping with other Homo sapiens, we were merely another mammal in the food chain. Gossiping empowered us to bond with others socially, create friendships and even hierarchies, allowing us to cooperate while gaining an edge on the animal kingdom. Gossip is one of the unheralded foundations of our species and its survival, Harari concludes. “Social cooperation is our key for survival and reproduction,” he writes in the book. “It is not enough for individual men and women to know the whereabouts of lions and bisons. It’s much more important for them to know who in their band hates whom, who is sleeping with whom, who is honest and who is a cheat.” He conjectures that the cognitive demands to socialize in groups drove the growth of the human brain, eventually leading to language and other activities that allowed us to organize more effectively for survival. One of these attributes that emerged from greater socialization and larger brains, was storytelling — the ability to construct imagined realities. Storytelling allowed us to develop beliefs, narratives, and other purely intellectual constructs, such as religions, companies, nations, and liberal humanism, which furthered our social and organizational capabilities. Harari uses the example of a limited liability corporation — a completely imaginary entity that nevertheless organizes the work of many people, carrying out a mission across time and space because so many people accept the corporation to be as real as a tree or stone. Other animals do not have LLCs but instead live in the tangible, physical world. Throughout history, we listen to stories and create our own stories all the time. We organize things and individuals effectively through stories. We create family stories to build blood ties, company stories to capture value, and religious stories to build beliefs.  In general, we are creatures of stories, who reach a consensus through stories, and will continue to tell stories and tell them better. 2.2. The Power of Stories in Decision Making Nassim Taleb suggests the Andrey Nikolayevich Rule[5], which says that in real-world economic life we are faced with a lot of information that is costly to obtain, costly to store, and costly to manipulate and retrieve. As a result, we simplify: we reduce the dimensions of life through the use of stories. According to Taleb, stories help us to make the world “less random than it actually is,” and they can fit in with our incessant drive for sense-making.[7] Chater & Loewenstein similarly posit that our hardwiring for stories is based upon our dislike for entropy or disorder.[7] We try to organize our lives into narratives, to force sense into the randomness around us. So, there is good reason to believe that we use stories in the way we think, and decision making too[5]. Therefore, the ultimate decision to purchase may not be based merely on the specific features of the goods and services, but rather the imagined sequence of events as a whole. In other words, our choices often rely on narratives. This is arguably what GoPro does so well. They don’t sell you the features of their cameras. They sell you the swashbuckling, risk-taking, adventurous lifestyle narrative that accompanies their cameras.  2.3. The Curation is Storytelling Curation is care over objects or, in Merriam-Webster’s case, care over words traditionally. Jacob Horn, the Founder of Zora provided a new definition: curation is the act of creating context[2]. This definition is a bit complicated and not elegant. Curation is essentially storytelling, by which we deliver value and build consensus, just as we humans do all the time. That is, by organizing things in a certain form, trying to convey a certain information or value, so as to form a consensus among the crowd, which is no different from organizing words to tell a story. Amazon curates thousands of products and tells a story about e-commerce; Facebook curates our social relationships and tells the story of social networks; Google curates information and tells the story of search engines. Here are a few examples of big Internet companies. In fact, all companies in the world are trying to tell their stories by curating their products and services. Once our minds accept their stories, we enter into their stories, just like an ignorant moth falling into a spider's web, which cannot be easily eliminated. This may be the deep-seated reason for monopoly. We don't want to fall into the stories weaved by the big internet companies and be sold to ad agencies for profit, they are actually taking advantage of us and yet we get very little or nothing. In web3, data is publicly accessible, decentralized curation is still needed and becomes more important and valuable. We may tell our own stories by curating who we are, what we have, and what we do. 3. Problems We see a lot of special challenges that creators and curators are facing today. ● Digital service providers (DSPs) often act as curators, they decide what users will see, thus selling our attention as a product to advertisers. ● Incomplete rights ownership data often prevents content creators and curators from getting paid; instead, earnings accumulate in digital service providers and rights societies. ● There are layers of middlemen and significant time delay involved in payments to creators and curators. ● Publishing rights are complicated and opaque, with no incentives for the industry to make rights data public and accurate. ● Licensing issues prevent DSPs and content from being accessible worldwide. 4. Solution We believe that curation is trying to tell a story about someone's work, life, entertainment, skills, etc. TheBards is a Creator + Curation + NFT economy system. For simplicity, hereafter collectively referred to as the curation economy. Smart contracts specify the interaction between the four roles (like creator, curator, delegator, developer) and the fair distribution of profits in the system.  It is worth noting that we regard user profiles, feeds and Dapps as curations, so delegator can also stake TBT to the above objects at the same time. 4.1. Curations Curations will be minted into NFTs, which can be collected and pledged by anyone to share benefits. There are the following curatorial types: ● Self curation: Presented as a CV or profile NFT that explains who we are, what we have and what we do. ● Single curation: Expressed as basic posts, such as microblogs, articles, audio, video, etc., used to show the creator's gigs, ideas, work, life, knowledge, tastes, etc., which will be minted as NFTs by default, so they can be collected by fans and used as creator's soulband items. ● Combined curation: Various organic combinations of content are also a way of curation, just like the mutual achievement of video and music in tiktok, which will produce a magical chemical reaction. ● Protfolio curation: Equally and purposefully combine content into a list, such as a jazz playlist. ● Feed curation: Featured or specific types of information streams, such as news, funny videos, audio novels, etc. 4.2. Stakeholders In our curation economy system, including the following stakeholders, our protocols will define the interaction between them and the distribution of benefits. ● Creator: Creators publish microblogs, articles, pictures, audios, videos, Q&A, etc. as NFTs. ● Curator: Curators are also creators. However, They try to combine different elements to tell a story. Like a literati combining words into prose, like a musician combining notes into a symphony. It is worth noting that the main curation method of this article is combined curation, protfdio curation, and feed curation, excludes the other two special curation types. The TheBards rewards Curators that tell a unique and valuable story earn a share of sale fees of NFTs and rewards. ● Delegator: Delegator are critical to the decentralized curation economy. They use their knowledge or intuition to assess and signal on the curations. Delegator are economically incentivized to siganl early. By signalling on a curation, you will earn a share of all the curation share revenue that this curation generates. x% of all curation share revenue goes to the delegators pro-rata to their delegation shares.  ● Developer: Create a feed curation or use existing data or feeds in a dapp. We are familiar with creator and developer. Next, we will focus on delegator and curator. 4.3. Delegator Each curation has a bonding curve[3] on which delegation shares are minted when a user delegate (i.e., ""stake"") TBT to the curve. Each curation’s bonding curve is unique. The bonding curves are architected so that the price to mint a delegation share on a curation increases linearly, over the number of shares minted. In general, a bonding curve is a mathematical curve that defines the relationship between token supply and asset price. In the specific case of content curation, the price of each curation share increases with each token invested and the price of each share decreases with each token sold. Delegator make the curation economy system efficient and end users know that a curation is good to focus on, where TBT is added to a bonding curve for a curation. End users can inherently trust the signal from a delegator because upon signaling, delegators mint a delegation share for the curation, entitling them to a portion of future curation fees that the curation drives. Delegator signal is represented as ERC20 tokens called Curation Delegator Shares (CDS). Delegators that want to earn more delegation fees should signal their TBT to curations that they predict will generate a strong flow of fees to the network. Delegators cannot be slashed for bad behavior, but there is a deposit tax on delegators to disincentivize poor decision-making that could harm the integrity of the network. Delegators also earn fewer delegation fees if they choose to delegate on a low-quality curation since there will be poor content quality, inconsistent content with curated theme, deeply nested curation, etc. 4.4. Curator For curators, we think of shops, galleries, museums, etc., which are paid for providing a channels to display and sell merchandise, paintings, artworks, etc. Curators in our economic system likewise profit by creating meaningful context for commodities (NFTs) to induce purchasing decisions. NFTs issued through our protocol will be customizable with sales splits, ie., curation fee cut, which is the portion of the rewards that the NFT owner will keep for themselves. That means if it is set to 100%, as a curator you will get 0 curation rewards. If you see 80% in the UI, that means as a curator, you will receive 20%. 4.5. A User Case Chloe is a travel blogger living in the UK. She usually travels all over the world, writing, taking pictures, and living the free life that people yearn for.  She regularly uploads her travel articles, videos and photos to StoryLine, a hypothetical social networking application based on the TheBards Protocol. The app will mint her content into NFTs. Her fans collect her content NFTs through purchases. A travel genre curator or feed service provider will organize her content into a collection or index it in a database.  She can skillfully refer to travel-related NFTs in her content with links. She can also get a certain share of the purchases fees triggered by her content, and the corresponding curators who curate her content will also have a corresponding share, all of which are stipulated in the smart contract. Delegators in the tourism field will stake their TBT to the corresponding curations, hoping to have curatorial revenue sharing in the future. 4.6. Static and Dynamic Distribution As shown in the figure below, the system includes two value distribution modes: static and dynamic distribution. Static distribution occurs on a single curation entity, whose distribution is fixed. Whereas dynamic distribution is related to the context of each transaction, i.e. curation. When the curation is different, the benefit distribution will be different. For example, 2-level nested curation and 3-level nested curation allocation scheme will be different. ● Static Distribution: or down distribution[4], stakeholders are fixed, and the distribution ratio is also fixed. ● Dynamic Distribution: or up distribution, stakeholders and allocation ratios depend on the context in which each transaction occurs, i.e. we have to dynamically determine which curators are there and how the value is distributed. 5. Tokenomics The purpose of the TheBards token (TBT) is to coordinate, bootstrap, and incentivize participants to make sure the curation economy is as effective, secure, reliable and useful as possible. In the TheBards protocol, TBT is used to buy NFTs and stake the token to mint the delegation share, the more TBT you stake, the more shares you will get for exchanging income.  When a user purchases NFTs in the context of content or curation, both creator and curator earn a partion of those curation share fees as a reward for contexts created for triggering purchase decisions. 5.1. Rewarding Stakeholders In addition to earning curation share fees, TheBards mints new token over time, much like Bitcoin and Ethereum block rewards, which are split amongst curations in proportion to their total stake relative to others in the system. This has the effect of growing system ownership amongst those who participate and shrinking it amongst those who do not. 5.2. Rounds & Inflation In TheBards, new tokens are minted every so-called round. Rounds are measured in Ethereum blocks, where one round is equal to 5760 Ethereum blocks. In Ethereum, one block is mined on average every 14.89 seconds, which means one TheBards round lasts roughly 23.82 hours. Assuming the curations you're staked to is doing its job, this is how often you can expect to receive reward tokens. The cool thing about TheBards is the inflation rate adjusts automatically depending on how many tokens are staked out of the total circulating supply. TheBards presupposes that a target rate of T% is a healthy trade-off between network security and token liquidity, so in order to hit this target, the protocol incentivizes stakeholders by increasing the inflation rate by a% for every round the participation rate is below T% and decreasing it a% for every round the participation rate is above T%. 6. Futrue Applications ● Decentralized Information Curation Applications. ● Decentralized Audio or video streaming applications. ● Decentralized book or comic applications. ● Decentralized NFT Market Applications. ● Decentralized e-Print archive, like ● ... 7. Roadmap ● White paper version 1.0 release. ● Create a community. ● Official website release. ● Protocols and apis release. ● Commemorating NFTs release. ● Demo product release. 8. Refs [1] Harari Y N. Sapiens: A brief history of humankind[M]. Random House, 2014. [2] The Actual* Web3 Curation Landscape [3] Formulas for Bancor system [4] Open ideas [5] Andrey Nikolayevich Rule [6] The Power of Narratives in Decision Making [7] Chater, N., & Loewenstein, G. (2016). The under-appreciated drive for sense-making. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 126, 137-154.",2022-08-05T19:46:24.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7026,True,True,0x0,Help me write a research paper,,"Help Me Write A Research Paper: Simple Guidelines for Starters Writing a comprehensive scientific report would require intense concentration in yourself. You could manage that if only it came as an experience. Today, individuals get committed to obligations that consume most of their time. As such, it becomes difficult for them to balance schoolwork and social life. Steps in Writing a Scientific Researcher Paper Academic essay writing should be an easy task for any student. But is that the case nowadays? Often, scholars fail to deliver the recommended reports for Their assignments from It is crucial to find an assistant to guide you in managing your papers. Luckily enough, online sources have tools that will allow one to detect a qualified writer to handle tasks for clients. Now, what is the use of nitrite in academic documents? Besides, is there a harm in picking a subject that might impede performance? After evaluating the provided instructions, students who don't know how to craft a reporting process are often afraid of using a particular reference. In schools, we are facing challenges here and There. Every individual must develop a ways of surviving these situations. And why is that so? First, try to understand the prompts in the literature. From there, learn the necessary styles to apply and the structure to include in thereports. Remember, nobody wants to present an inappropriate document that won't earn better scores. If it is for a practical reason, others will also shun away from the same experiment. Also, it is vital to plan well while handling the project. proper planning allows you to have all the materials at hand. For instance, you’ll have a chemistry lab notebook that will be useful when experimenting with various protein compounds. The good thing is that you’ll have theisites needed to tackle the requests. Moreover, some supervisors provide bonuses for professional services. With that, anyone in a position to benefit from assistance from an expert practitioner will outshine even the low-class client in terms of standard times. Let a Professional AssistYou We are always looking for the best helpers to assist us in whatever does our work needs. Now, is that the kind of person you want to hire to come and assist you? Of course not everyone that will qualify to behave like the other team members. Such cases rarely happen if no external source has been notified about a candidate. Useful Resources Write Down An Essay With 24 Hours Do My Thesis Reviews Matter? Let’s Find Out! Dissertations Ideas Explained",2022-08-06T10:54:08.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7027,True,True,0x2Bfe35bba6e8C313D214dD4B034BD1c48c895f4e,PoolAnalyzer - Make sure you choose the best UniswapV3 pool,,"Are you ready to provide your liquidity on Uniswap? Sometimes there is a big difference among pools, as they may be more or less profitable depending on their fee tier (and I'm talking about a double digit difference!). PoolAnalyzer fetches data from Uniswap and is able to calculate the average gains of each pool, so that you can choose the most profitable one. This calculation is based on the volume, the total liquidity provided and the fee tier of the pool. But there's more! You can get this average calculation based on different day ranges (up to 30 days), which allows you to create different strategies. Support this project to continue its development and be able to add new useful features.",2022-08-06T13:50:24.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7028,True,True,0x3460BF837B6741035d20Ea2D894A4423A859af12,The Angry Teenagers - scalable decentralised funding for real world reforestation & environmental projects,," We are angry about climate change. We're also pretty damn scared... the future looks utterly terrifying. Angry Teenagers is a project born out of those feelings. They are also a reaction to the insidious idea that we need to rely on central authorities - governments and big corporations - to fix the climate catastrophe. That individuals can't make a meaningful difference. We can, and we must. Blockchain gives us the tools we need to do that. When you buy an Angry Teenager NFT, your money goes to a specific, unique square of land and the NFT updates with photos as that piece of land comes back to life as a forest. You see your money making a beautiful change in the world.  From degraded scrub land with few trees and little biodiversity, to a forest with trees like this: [photo: Some of the Angry Teenagers team during a site visit to a pristine forest adjacent to the first reforestation project we are undertaking. This is what we will restore the land back to. September 1st 2022] All the funds raised from NFT sales go into a blockchain wallet that is controlled by the vote of the NFT holders. So NFT holders maintain direct control over the work they fund. As the forests grow, they generate carbon credits. Revenue from carbon credit sales is returned to the project wallet, and the NFT holders can then vote to reinvest them in more reforestation. This creates a compounding reinvestment loop that means the impact of our NFTs grow over time. More and more of this denuded, degraded, lifeless land is restored back into magnificently beautiful, diverse ecosystems.  The first project we’re funding is a youth organization in Ghana (SYND Ghana) who are training young people to rebuild an ecosystem on land that has been destroyed by intensive logging. [Photo: the Angry Teenagers and SYND Ghana team talking with the Chief of Nsonyam Ye village about the impact of the reforestation project on his community and their environment, September 1st 2022] The first reforestation project is set up and ready to go - including detailed on the ground work with the local community to ensure maximum alignment and mutual benefit. The funds from this grant will allow us to finalise the tech platform for the sale and the voting structure of the DAO. We also have a pipeline of further projects through which we can scale. We are actively talking with other projects in the ReFi space about leveraging the Angry Teenagers technical and legal structure and brand in order to finance other real world projects. Everything we do is open source and designed to scale the overall impact of the ReFi space. [Photo: Angry Teenagers and SYND Ghana team with the young people of the community who will work on the reforestation project] Angry Teenagers are about not waiting for governments and big corporations to solve the climate catastrophe. They are about being empowered as individuals and as a community. We can be the generation that rises to this challenge, individually and as a global community. Hear more about what we're doing on the ReFi podcast: We are also in the ReFi DAO Real World Assets circle. Everything we are building is open sourced: form smart contracts to the legal contracts. We have pioneered a legal structure that gives the on chain entity control over the funds, while having a real world entity that hold legal accountability. We actively encourage other projects to use this framework to create a funding stream for their real world projects - either as an Angry Teenagers project, or under a different brand, but using the tools we've created. ",2022-08-06T15:31:26.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7030,True,True,0xf60B82309D90c0c90826266aaa22b00322C2f632,The Symmetrical - genZ DAO,,"The Symmetrical is a genZ DAO on the forefront of web3. Our mission is to bring web3 to 1 million genZ. We invest in on-chain assets and host social events and fireside chats. We have 40 members in our DAO and will launch Season 2 on October 3rd. Check out our pitch deck here! ",2022-08-06T22:37:38.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7031,True,True,0x1b0deb86a498df0B8cb2434E7a323C39D3cc4F73,Earnmos All in One Yield Optimizer and Booster,,"we are community driven yield optmizer and booster dedicated to providing a seamless cross chain experience which helps users to earn boosted yield acrross the major blockchains. We can bring liquidity and traffic to our partner projects. we launched our dapp early in May this year. We started offering auto compound and auto stake strategies offering the highest APY available as the first phase of our project. as our project's second phase, we launched the VeToken Model. this strategy allows our users to have a combination of boosted yield rewards at the same time that allows our user to obtain voting power on proposals of the partner project. Our user locks its assets for a period of time gaining the possibility to vote in reward proposals and such. our third phase will be coming up soon when our project will be integrated with IBC and able to offer a much larger set of strategies from projects that have also been integrated with the IBC. this is when the true power of Yield Optimisation will kick in. we are finalizing our tokenomics as we plan to launch our own token in the near future. our project has been audited and no issues were found proving that security is our top priority now and going forward. ",2022-08-07T06:09:28.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7032,True,True,0x0,Coin-ATM Project,,"Coin-ATM is looking revolutionize the Bitcoin ATM industry by tapping into synergies between the reach of NFTs and business operations. This is the core of our business, and will be at the center of our strategy. The holders of these rare Coin-ATM NFTs will be granted an astounding 25% of all net revenue procured by Coin-ATM. Coin-ATM's mission is to take crypto adoption to the next level by making Crypto ATMs more relevant and accessible to all. Our goal is to move this future forward by providing an IRL framework for mass adoption for current crypto enthusiasts and bring the non-crypto population to the fold as well. We plan to do this through building a profitable business powered by a decentralized economy, while raising awareness and providing real-life utility to a space that is in dire need of validation. Our initial goal is to place 200 ATMs across the United States, providing access to millions of users in the crypto space through Coin-ATM, a real business use case that combines the market interest (crypto, investing, & accessibility) and our IRL Coin-ATM framework. The long-term goal is to create the largest crypto ATM business in the United States and eventually the world  ",2022-08-07T09:49:39.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7033,False,False,0x0,bright id,,"idk ",2022-08-08T00:42:22.198-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7034,True,True,0x01Ed400a4f9b025fEdb9D23eCA4c1c048B796e59,Yieldchain - DeFi's 0-Code Yield Composability Layer,,"Yieldchain is a 0-code, universal protocol that enables everyday, non-technical users to achieve fully customizable, social yield optimization on top of any protocol, pool or asset. Learn more & Social links: Medium article (Click here) Website (Click Here) Docs (Click Here) Discord Server (Click Here) Telegram Chat (Click Here) Twitter (Click here) Pitch deck (Click Here) DeFi’s Everyday User Experience Is About To Become 10x times Better DeFi has a modest $100,000,000,000 worth of value locked into it. Nonetheless, relative to its objectives and core functionalities — it is a pain in the a*s to use.  In its attempt to be an easily-accessible alternative to traditional finance, DeFi has created its own bubble of poor, manual & highly fragmented user experience, with a high entry barrier that requires vast time and often specific industry/technical knowledge. DeFi users are left confused, allowing their yields to crumble, and their assets' risks to thrive — but it doesn't have to be that way. Introducing Yieldchain — DeFi’s 0-code Yield Composability Layer Yieldchain is solving DeFi’s impractical & fragmented user experience by allowing everyday, non-technical users to assemble their own, fully customizable 0-code yield strategies, on top of absolutely any protocol, pool, or asset — and deploy it as a fully functional & automatic vault with the click of a button. Yield Strategies — WTF are they? Yield strategies are, simply put, the act of utilizing your yields in a certain way, or order, with the intention of maximizing them, to adjust your risk level. The most simple example of a yield strategy would be yield compounding, the strategy goes as follows: Deposit tokens > Claim Rewards > Deposit Tokens (rewards) By utilizing a yield strategy, you are benefiting from compound interest, which results in increased yields over a period of time. Yield strategies can be as simple or as complex as you'd like - they are catered to your own specific needs, assets/platforms preferences, and risk tolerance. Presently, to benefit from yield strategies (AKA increased yields & mitigated risk), users need to manually execute them - Which means: Going on multiple dApps, signing multiple transactions, moving funds around, etc. With Yieldchain, though, users can effortlessly assemble their strategy's steps ONCE - and with the click of a button, deploy it as an automatic, fully functional vault - on a no-code interface that requires no technical knowledge at all, built with YOUR - The everyday user's needs, in mind. Full composability - Build on top of any pool/protocol. Seriously. Is the protocol/pool you want to utilize within your strategy not yet integrated into Yieldchain? Yieldchain not only enables users to assemble their own no-code yield strategies - it allows them to do so on top of any protocol/pool that exists in DeFi. Instantaneously & seamlessly plug in pools & protocols with the click of a button - Using its website link (URL), within 30 seconds - and immediately assemble your strategy on top of it. Social Finance (SocialFi) - Vaults are public, permissionless - Share strategies with others! Any vault deployed on Yieldchain is immediately accessible for anyone to deposit into. Users can see the vault's details, its strategy, etc - and with the click of a button, deposit their funds into it, beginning to automatically utilize it. Don't want to assemble your own strategy? Simply search for an asset, and deposit into one of the available vaults - You are just one click away from earning maximal yields! Roadmap & accomplishments Below, you will find a general roadmap for the next few months. Done ✅: Product Design✅ Community round ($10k)✅ Founding team assembly✅ partnership (Seamless cross-chain swaps within strategies)✅ Present & Future (Now - September 30th): Core platform MVP development █████▒▒▒▒▒ 50%    - Frontend      - Static main pages✅      - Strategy assembly interface (SASI) - Ongoing    - Backend & Solidity      - No-code staking pools integration (Using CA)✅      - One-click deployment of customizable strategies - Ongoing      - Chainlink keepers integration MVP whitelisted users testing phase (TBA) Afterward (October - December 30th [AKA Q4]) Full core product development - No-code staking pools integration (Using website URL) - Cross-chain swaps & functionality | integration official - UI/UX/Backend fixes/changes based on user feedback Yieldchain Keepers (Core) development - Permissioned for this stage Broad Beta testing phase (Product released to whitelisted signups, Keepers to team/close individuals) A longer-term roadmap To-Be-Released later on, where we will be showcasing our (much) wider plans to build products that further empower everyday individuals & significantly enhances their DeFi usage experience :) What will you be using the funds for? Our grant funds' allocation is pretty simple: $ Initial legal costs to set up the entity (To protect team members & Showcase project legitimacy for further future developments) $ Development costs (Servers/tools/dev salaries) That's it :D How can I contribute? You can contribute funds through the Gitcoin grants page you are currently reading this on :) Other than funding support, we welcome any contributions to the project (Development, design, marketing, strategy, ideas, BD, etc), feel free to join our Discord community HERE to find out more. Thank you for taking the time to read about Yieldchain! And some extra THANK YOU if you contributed (We luv u💚!) Learn more & Social links: Medium article (Click here) Website (Click Here) Docs (Click Here) Discord Server (Click Here) Telegram Chat (Click Here) Twitter (Click here) Pitch deck (Click Here)",2022-08-08T02:01:31.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7035,False,False,0xAd1dC301bAf0A313C7E4fA8cD43E45911181B4e0,Startin'blox - Low-code app builder for interoperable applications,,"Startin’Blox is an open-source, low-code framework for building interoperable applications. With Startin’Blox, developers can easily build & deploy applications by reusing the modules created by the community. Applications powered by Startin’blox are highly modular and let users and DAOs decide where their data is stored and who can access it. ",2022-08-08T03:47:21.277-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7036,True,True,0x4B52A1feB5eF62D61cEa2834f0E98A03bB5d7656,Neutral Protocol - On-chain carbon derivatives,,"""👋 Introduction to Neutral We’re building the derivatives hub for the ReFi ecosystem, allowing users to trade carbon futures and options on Neutral's platform. Our core offerings will be perpetual futures and European carbon options with elective physical settlement. Neutral's platform will allow carbon holders, brokers, and liquidity providers to hedge their holdings; offsetting entities to secure the cost of their sustainability goals / offsetting schedule; and carbon originators to conduct better investment analysis. Providing a derivatives platform for carbon will allow for yield and net-neutral strategies to be built on top, allowing carbon holders to earn passive yield on their holdings and offsetting users to optimize and automate their offsetting goals. Neutral will develop net-neutral strategies and support the development of yield strategies on top of our platform after successful delivery of the base derivative products. 🌲 Why carbon derivatives? Looking at off-chain activity, organizations that have to follow carbon compliance schema use carbon derivatives to manage their costs and hedge their carbon positions. Organizations engaging in voluntary offsetting or have business models / positions with indirect exposure to carbon prices can also use derivatives to mitigate their risks. Off-chain derivatives also provide signals on future carbon prices, allowing carbon originators to conduct better investment analysis, informs organizations on the costs of their sustainability objectives, and provides policy makers with additional information to increase policy effectiveness. As the carbon market moves on-chain, similar on-chain utility needs to be developed. At Neutral we have been working hard to develop on-chain carbon derivatives, another key piece in the ReFi ecosystem, to move us closer towards a mature, thriving on-chain carbon market. ⚙️ Product description Users will be able to trade perpetual futures (perps) and European carbon options with optional physical delivery. We'll first introduce perps as they’re a well-known, easy-to-use, hedging mechanism that doesn’t fragment liquidity. Perp traders will be able to use carbon as collateral, increasing on-chain utility and allowing users to execute a long-short position in a single transaction. As the ecosystem matures and liquidity increases, we'll start delivering more sophisticated derivative products. European carbon options will enable carbon yield vaults and improved net-neutral execution, providing offsetters with price stability and carbon holders with yield opportunities. Providing the core suite of derivative products will allow for composability and construction of complex positions with easy execution, management, and cross-margining.",2022-08-08T04:19:51.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7037,False,False,0x284F3268d61e07337b6bB461E9994F678b543b10,coach1941,,"nice ",2022-08-08T11:12:55.311-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7038,True,True,0x2bFA74Fd69756749d2Cad661F7486DBa3B1Fb124,PLATFORM - A Social Music Library,,"PLATFORM is a web3-based social music ecosystem that enables artists to collaborate with others via the web and monetize not only their songs but their instruments, parameters and sessions as well. All while tracking ownership data and giving fans/listeners a way to directly support their favorite songs and to be rewarded for doing so through distributed ledger use, storage blockchain interoperability and smart contract staking. *UI UPDATES SEPT 24* (PLATFORM - Social music library and community) PLATFORM and its companion tool BUILDER use (NFTs and smart contracts) for account verification and status, submitting and confirming creator info and royalties, enabling access and interaction, capturing and storing user-set parameters and linked files. Key aspects, concepts and functionalities: File referencing, hotlinking, and preview of NFT AUDIO via an adapted network explorer Editable smart contracts (visibility, user access) Song staking (stake tokens with your favorite songs for potential rewards) On-chain file playback and shuffle Capturing parameters as NFT NFT access Storage chain bridging NFT AUDIO library building NON ARTIST FORM TOKEN GENERATION: Rewards in FORM for sharing + playlist popularity ARTIST FORM TOKEN GENERATION: Rewards in FORM for using BUILDER, minting public tracks and remixing (BUILDER - Audio workstation, collaboration tool and submission/distribution tool for minting to PLATFORM) The purpose of this grant is to support the development of PLATFORM, BUILDER and the ecosystems in which they live. All funds raised will be used for hiring, development and marketing. View the Whitepaper at PLATFORMEXPLORER.XYZ to learn more. US Patent Pending ",2022-08-08T15:37:00.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7039,False,False,0x0e6c6653D2178b3DA85d5A4088Adf51bED0EA344,hi,,"hi ",2022-08-08T16:16:39.398-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7040,False,False,0x92d696eF43B3CDA974b0664638f3A942e7F29C1f,ppk2533,,"sheriff pause like true alter total school boil pioneer speak journey left ",2022-08-08T17:39:51.405-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7042,False,False,0xCB0840f361e8F669072720a1eee727045F00c2a2,美女俱乐部,,"美女俱乐部 ",2022-08-08T20:30:07.236-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7041,False,False,0xCB0840f361e8F669072720a1eee727045F00c2a2,美女俱乐部,,"美女俱乐部 ",2022-08-08T20:30:08.150-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7043,False,False,0x0,btcken,,"nice ",2022-08-08T20:39:45.671-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7044,False,False,0x0,EARNING MASTER,,"hello there how are all ",2022-08-09T02:42:26.046-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7045,False,False,0x1d461db34caE317fc6E8454831555d560E1fEaD9,Grant Title,,"Grant Description ",2022-08-09T03:54:13.876-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7046,True,True,0x523d007855B3543797E0d3D462CB44B601274819,Optimism DAppNode Package,,"This package allows home users to run a full Optimism node on their DAppNode. I am raising funds for two reasons: To get a development DAppNode so I can continue supporting and maintaining this package without impact on the one I am currently using (which is currently running production validators) To be able to dedicate more time getting the package ready for the upcoming Optimism Bedrock update A little funding will go a long way with this project.",2022-08-09T09:37:10.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7047,True,True,0xa28Bf3E70879EbE1FE946CFC0Bf4bc9221DEb474,Medic Juana,,Just use it and look at picture. What are you seeing and relax listening my samples. Do you hear it? Do you see it?,2022-08-09T16:56:06.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7048,True,True,0x0,Payment network for copyright licensing.,,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""Vision: Foster respect around copyright.\nWhat is copyright licensing? For example, a business saw your NFT and wanted to feature your art on their advertisement. The business would need to obtain a copyright license from the original creator, which is ""},{""attributes"":{""bold"":true},""insert"":""you""},{""insert"":""! \nThis project will focus on creating a global directory featuring artists and links to their portfolio. Each creator will have their own landing page to redirect businesses to. \nThe platform will auto populate a terms+agreement form and ""},{""attributes"":{""bold"":true},""insert"":""you""},{""insert"":"" get to list your own price!\n\nThe theory behind this project is to make licensing faster and simpler than pirating the content.\n""}]}",2022-08-09T21:18:13.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7049,False,False,0x0639A3601E2984E8164F88eeC3187EF6C26f1f46,kindness,,"I just want to have a transaction in github ",2022-08-09T23:18:37.586-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7050,False,False,0x730B9e0F04bd475950164bc597d069AdA095Ed38,Himanshu ,,"Himanshu ",2022-08-10T00:22:01.998-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7051,False,False,0x0,"Heroes Battle Arena - Multichain Play-to-earn Strategic RPG with zero start investments based on NFTs for army, magic stones, superheroes and guilds ",,"I’m Oleksii Herasymchyk, CBO & Founder in a Ukrainian startup that developing a new type of Play-2-Earn Game ""Heroes Battle Arena"", a Multichain Play-to-earn Strategic RPG with zero start investments based on NFTs for army, magic stones, gods and guilds power. Well known problem of P2E games is the need for significant initial investment. Our game solves this problem with free initial units, low-cost entry payment and a large base of opportunities to increase own income. Our game is based on interaction with in-game and out-game NFTs, allowing us to connect the additional project to our game. There are 3 types of assets in our game: battle units, magic stones and gods. The gameplay of our game is based on two types of battles: standard and premium. In standard battle, users can set the army on the battleground and look at how to work the auto-battle system. In premium type users get full control of each step in each battle. In our game there are few ways for increasing investments: - purchase army - bid to enter in the waiting lobby for the start battle - change username - change the authorization wallet - magic stones - the restoration of MANA - unit extensions (NFTs) - premium subscription - creating and managing a guild Google Drive Link with demo video and PitchDeck ",2022-08-10T02:16:41.995-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7052,True,True,0x1f24F02FcAEFAa34435EF784B7066bD0a9ED895e,GUMMYS WEB3 TV,,"Gummys is a WEB 3.0-powered video and streaming platform with a fully operable product allowing users to generate income by creating, owning and trading tokenised media content as NFT, watching videos and more engaging actions. I believe in decentralization and how communities can work together. Big social media platforms make billions of dollars but they never give anything back to the users. We want to create a place where people can talk freely about crypto, NFT and all building blocks that are part of the next generation of internet. Gummys has several unique features like: wallet connect, watch-engage-to-earn, mint video as NFTs, crypto donations and more. Videos are stored on IPFS via FileCoin and the NFT are minted on Polygon. Test out our beta version.",2022-08-10T04:51:49.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7053,True,True,0x1Df4D4FA3d513De5d6a4E95a5DCcC8CBB02569B3,Human Readable ABIs (hrabi),,We welcome all EVM builders to help build this utility to encourage adoption of Human readable ABIs as far as Solidity goes in areas of adoption.,2022-08-10T05:18:49.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7054,False,False,0x0,Header for english paper format,,"How to create the best overview for your English essay paper When studying at the university or any other learning institution, you are always are required to have an essay paper of some nature. For example, if you are taking a humanity subjects, it is recommended that you have a draft of your introduction. After this, you are encouraged to go through the respective points and then worked on their development. For the last part of it, you try to organize your points for the main idea of your essay paper from custom essay cheap company. The most important thing to remember is that you do not need to use many words on the same subject matter. The most important thing is to ensure that your draft is well and efficiently structured. Despite the fact that you will have a lot of events to attend to in the future, it is also advisable that you organize them into sub-groups for better results in the final study. In another way, you will be able to utilize these groups for the creation of a comprehensive essay paper. The most important point to note is that you do not have to include a lot of static information. All you need to do is put the respective theme in the headings and then you are allowed to visit every one of them. The same applies to the material that you are to use in your article. As we have seen above, the ideal structure of your essay paper relies on several key factors. The primary ones are; Useful Resources ProfessionalEssayWriter Qualities of an Essay Writing Agency Qualities of Best Rated Resume Services ",2022-08-10T05:51:40.747-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7055,False,False,0xF6D02bd57EB64df80Ff55d0fFF739FfaD6cbc05B,WOO3: A revolution in DAO governance,,"Our positioning: WOO3 is a DAO management platform, and we bring a revolutionary way of working to DAOs, with the power of SBT Our vision: To build infrastructure, enabling DAOs worldwide to achieve better governance by leveraging the power of SBT Setup an open data network, WOO3 helps DAO members build up their reputations and showcase their contribution. Our solutions: In response to the current problems of DAO, we rely on the non-transferable, verifiable, growable, and revocable characteristics of SBT to propose a series of solutions: Mission achievement: Based on SBT, the achievements of community contributors are affirmed and recorded, so that the achievements of contributors can be permanently preserved and have the characteristics of growth and cross-community; Identity authentication: Different from the previous verification of holding tokens or nft, SBT will be distributed as a proof of affiliation between the community and members, which cannot be forged, and can carry members’ reputation and contributions Governance: Because SBT can carry contributions and identities, the governance rights of DAO can be better realized by relying on SBT, which can return the governance rights to the real contributors of the community, improve the efficiency of decision-making, and can effectively prevent sybil attack, etc. Incentive system: Due to the above advantages of SBT, community members can be better motivated and distributed, such as airdrop rewards, income distribution, etc. Identity across communities: Based on the characteristics of SBT, we can build an open data network, so that members’ achievements and contributions can be recognized among different DAO, and form a complete personal achievement resume of members. Based on the above vision and plan, we will provide a one-stop DAO management platform and tools, including proposal voting, role identity, organizational structure, etc., and SBT will serve as the carrier of DAO’s internal membership and rights, and drive better governance and operation of whole DAO. Now we are working hard to achieve all the above. Welcome to join us and witness this revolution about SBT and DAO governance with us.",2022-08-10T07:05:25.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7056,False,False,0xF6D02bd57EB64df80Ff55d0fFF739FfaD6cbc05B,WOO3: A revolution in DAO governance,," Our positioning: WOO3 is a DAO management platform, and we bring a revolutionary way of working to DAOs, with the power of SBT Our vision: To build infrastructure, enabling DAOs worldwide to achieve better governance by leveraging the power of SBT Setup an open data network, WOO3 helps DAO members build up their reputations and showcase their contribution. Our solutions: In response to the current problems of DAO, we rely on the non-transferable, verifiable, growable, and revocable characteristics of SBT to propose a series of solutions: Mission achievement: Based on SBT, the achievements of community contributors are affirmed and recorded, so that the achievements of contributors can be permanently preserved and have the characteristics of growth and cross-community; Identity authentication: Different from the previous verification of holding tokens or nft, SBT will be distributed as a proof of affiliation between the community and members, which cannot be forged, and can carry members’ reputation and contributions Governance: Because SBT can carry contributions and identities, the governance rights of DAO can be better realized by relying on SBT, which can return the governance rights to the real contributors of the community, improve the efficiency of decision-making, and can effectively prevent sybil attack, etc. Incentive system: Due to the above advantages of SBT, community members can be better motivated and distributed, such as airdrop rewards, income distribution, etc. Identity across communities: Based on the characteristics of SBT, we can build an open data network, so that members’ achievements and contributions can be recognized among different DAO, and form a complete personal achievement resume of members. Based on the above vision and plan, we will provide a one-stop DAO management platform and tools, including proposal voting, role identity, organizational structure, etc., and SBT will serve as the carrier of DAO’s internal membership and rights, and drive better governance and operation of whole DAO. Now we are working hard to achieve all the above. Welcome to join us and witness this revolution about SBT and DAO governance with us. ",2022-08-10T07:05:35.254-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7057,False,False,0xF6D02bd57EB64df80Ff55d0fFF739FfaD6cbc05B,WOO3: A revolution in DAO governance,," Our positioning: WOO3 is a DAO management platform, and we bring a revolutionary way of working to DAOs, with the power of SBT Our vision: To build infrastructure, enabling DAOs worldwide to achieve better governance by leveraging the power of SBT Setup an open data network, WOO3 helps DAO members build up their reputations and showcase their contribution. Our solutions: In response to the current problems of DAO, we rely on the non-transferable, verifiable, growable, and revocable characteristics of SBT to propose a series of solutions: Mission achievement: Based on SBT, the achievements of community contributors are affirmed and recorded, so that the achievements of contributors can be permanently preserved and have the characteristics of growth and cross-community; Identity authentication: Different from the previous verification of holding tokens or nft, SBT will be distributed as a proof of affiliation between the community and members, which cannot be forged, and can carry members’ reputation and contributions Governance: Because SBT can carry contributions and identities, the governance rights of DAO can be better realized by relying on SBT, which can return the governance rights to the real contributors of the community, improve the efficiency of decision-making, and can effectively prevent sybil attack, etc. Incentive system: Due to the above advantages of SBT, community members can be better motivated and distributed, such as airdrop rewards, income distribution, etc. Identity across communities: Based on the characteristics of SBT, we can build an open data network, so that members’ achievements and contributions can be recognized among different DAO, and form a complete personal achievement resume of members. Based on the above vision and plan, we will provide a one-stop DAO management platform and tools, including proposal voting, role identity, organizational structure, etc., and SBT will serve as the carrier of DAO’s internal membership and rights, and drive better governance and operation of whole DAO. Now we are working hard to achieve all the above. Welcome to join us and witness this revolution about SBT and DAO governance with us. ",2022-08-10T07:05:35.838-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7058,False,False,0xF6D02bd57EB64df80Ff55d0fFF739FfaD6cbc05B,WOO3: A revolution in DAO governance,," Our positioning: WOO3 is a DAO management platform, and we bring a revolutionary way of working to DAOs, with the power of SBT Our vision: To build infrastructure, enabling DAOs worldwide to achieve better governance by leveraging the power of SBT Setup an open data network, WOO3 helps DAO members build up their reputations and showcase their contribution. Our solutions: In response to the current problems of DAO, we rely on the non-transferable, verifiable, growable, and revocable characteristics of SBT to propose a series of solutions: Mission achievement: Based on SBT, the achievements of community contributors are affirmed and recorded, so that the achievements of contributors can be permanently preserved and have the characteristics of growth and cross-community; Identity authentication: Different from the previous verification of holding tokens or nft, SBT will be distributed as a proof of affiliation between the community and members, which cannot be forged, and can carry members’ reputation and contributions Governance: Because SBT can carry contributions and identities, the governance rights of DAO can be better realized by relying on SBT, which can return the governance rights to the real contributors of the community, improve the efficiency of decision-making, and can effectively prevent sybil attack, etc. Incentive system: Due to the above advantages of SBT, community members can be better motivated and distributed, such as airdrop rewards, income distribution, etc. Identity across communities: Based on the characteristics of SBT, we can build an open data network, so that members’ achievements and contributions can be recognized among different DAO, and form a complete personal achievement resume of members. Based on the above vision and plan, we will provide a one-stop DAO management platform and tools, including proposal voting, role identity, organizational structure, etc., and SBT will serve as the carrier of DAO’s internal membership and rights, and drive better governance and operation of whole DAO. Now we are working hard to achieve all the above. Welcome to join us and witness this revolution about SBT and DAO governance with us. ",2022-08-10T07:05:36.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7059,False,False,0x4873178BeA2DCd7022f0eF6c70048b0e05Bf9017,TESTING - IGNORE,,"testing ",2022-08-10T07:09:21.749-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7060,False,False,0x4873178BeA2DCd7022f0eF6c70048b0e05Bf9017,testing,,testing,2022-08-10T07:13:56.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7061,True,True,0xDc0A08e780411e0D3fF9D43b0d8854118b8af18b,Trust Finance,,"Trust Finance is a building a public good Defi tool that aims to onboard the next billion users into crypto by providing simple and real-time payroll payments, benefits, and accounting for DAOs/businesses to compensate, ensure improved operations, and attract top talents. 1 in 3 freelancers and Millenials wants more flexibility and want to earn employee benefits in Crypto and NFT.  Talent needs are changing when it comes to compensation and benefits, you should adapt your business pay and reward them. However, many businesses find dealing with crypto and regulations complex and nerve-racking. Trust Finance has released a set of features to help eliminate the complexities in adopting and paying your employees in crypto. We work with you to help you stay compliant as regulations evolve around crypto payroll.  Real-time batch payroll payments - Get access to simple and batch payroll payments using Stablecoin Expense Management and Budgeting -  Get access to a dashboard that helps you track your expense for better treasury and cash management Milestone-based Invoicing - We have enabled invoicing features to either issue invoices to other providers or accept milestone-based invoices from contributors and talents working with you Customizable Employee benefits - Get access to customizable benefits for your employees such as wage on demand, token vesting and dividend payout  Real-time Reporting - Get access to simple reports and documentation for accounting and tax compliance",2022-08-10T07:30:13.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7062,True,True,0x0,Neuroart.Ainimals,,"AINIMALS is a P2E game in which any participant can use artificial intelligence to generate a unique NFT creature with its own characteristics. AINIMALS is the first game in the Neuroart metaverse, the main mechanics of which is to create a variety of creatures with which players will interact with the world, solve its riddles, extract resources and fight in the Arena in a variety of tournaments.",2022-08-10T07:58:31.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7063,False,False,0xD587404cd28Bf4eE059ac84a6B7C0219d05EA6CF,Nomis,,"Problem  We build Nomis to crush two of the most significant barriers to entry- and adoption- of the whole DeFi lending which are over-collateralization and lack of reputation-based terms. Today mainstream borrowers are either not using DeFi lending due to its unattractiveness comparing to TradFi lending, or taking over-collateralized loans with unfair collateral, APR and liquidation terms.  In other words, today's DeFi loans suck: • >125% collateral scares away mainstream borrowers from DeFi loans; • Collateral liquidation terms are often tricky and make DeFi loans even more unattractive; • There are no personalized terms even if a user has 'good' or 'fair' on-chain reputation.  Banks, in their turn, overcomes this problem by hiring credit scores. Such tool could also be implemented in DeFi making crypto loans more accessible for fair users and underserved populations, cultivating trust and reputation culture. Moreover, credit score negatively impact the number of crypto fraud cases by disincentivizing actors to play dirty.  Solution Nomis is an open-source protocol which helps on-chain developers both to build better DeFi products and use cases, and to balance already existing high-TVL protocols. Every lending/borrowing platform will be able to provide its end-users with extremely customized loan terms for borrowers by using Nomis API.  Nomis is designed to be a multi/cross-chain solution to offer the most robust financial snapshot of a potential borrower by hiring hierarchy analysis as a scoring method. Nomis helps blockchains and/or protocols to grow its TVL, MAU (as a result of acquisition of mainstream borrowers), MAD, # of on-chain use cases (as a result of opportunity provided to develop new DeFi solutions on-top of the Nomis open-source protocol). Differentiation Nomis' competitors are other credit scores such as Chainscore (NEAR), RociFi (Polygon), Spectral Finance (Ethereum), Project Galaxy, Cred Protocol, and TrueFi, etc.  Nomis, in its turn, brings 2 crucial competitive advantages to the table:  1. Nomis is an open-source solution that helps web3 developers leverage credit scores building better on-chain products and communities. 2. Nomis offers the most robust financial snapshot of a potential borrower by hiring multi-chain approach and hierarchy analysis as a scoring method.  What's next for Nomis As mentioned above, our goal is to allow one to borrow capital using one's on-chain reputation as a form of collateral (best case scenario), or at least provide better terms. Although, the long-term vision for Nomis goes far beyond credit scoring for DeFi: other dApps will be able to use existing Nomis Scores as well as building their own custom scores for any need (e.g. wallet qualifier for jobs applications, whitelists, special offerings for products, or just for inviting to a private party, etc.). In other words, our big-picture vision includes building the credential and identity infrastructure layer and empowering developers to build on top of it.  ",2022-08-10T14:08:32.024-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7064,True,True,0xf7c163C94441673FD3B998910FFcc596d8E34DF8,"Decentralized Monitoring, Reporting and Verification- dMeter",,"Decentralized Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (dMRV) of Regenerative Actions (like tree planting) and the Benefits of Them (Like clean air, water) What Is ReFi Our environment provides many benefits to humans (such as clean air, water, and productive soil), these are called Ecosystem Services. The quantity of natural assets which provide these ecosystem services (such as geology, soil, air, water, and biomass) are referred to as Natural Capital. By putting a numeric value on ecosystem services and natural capital, market-based pricing and coordination mechanisms can be used to determine the monetary value of them. Regenerative Finance (ReFi) is the process of using various forms of capital to drive systematic, sustainable, and positive change for all stakeholders. It leverages natural capital currencies and other tokenized assets for the preservation of life and ecological health. Internalizing the externalities and realizing the true value of these assets can allow us to preserve and regenerate the biosphere. Allowing us to escape a system of exploitation leading towards scarcity, and instead creating new systems that function in regeneration leading towards abundance. The most commonly known ReFi token used currently, is carbon credits.  Carbon Credits There are main types of carbon credits: carbon avoidance, emission reduction and carbon dioxide removal. Carbon avoidance is when an organization is paid to not do an action that would produce CO2, such as cutting down a forest. This is the most common carbon credit type. This is often classified under the emission reduction credit. These credits are produced when an entity reduces the emissions they were originally producing. Carbon dioxide removal is the second type of carbon credit. Carbon removal is when an organization is paid to do an action that would remove CO2 from our atmosphere, like planting a forest. Both types of credits must have their actions go through a measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) process by a third party. When purchasing credits entities typically go through a marketplace with intermediaries connecting the producer of credits and buyers. One such intermediary is Verra, which Toucan uses to bridge their credits onto the blockchain. Broadening Scope If carbon credits were used to offset all CO2 impacts without addressing other ecosystem services (such as biodiversity, soil quality) and social rights, we would have failed in building systems that align with the preservation and the regeneration of the biosphere. Properly designing carbon credits and other types of credits can lead to co-benefits of these other ecosystem services. MRV of these ecosystem services and social rights is difficult, as well as properly valuing them. However, organizations are already creating MRV methodologies that can be utilized (such as Regen Network, BasinDAO, and Avano).  MRV Intro MRV consists of three distinct features, all of which are vital to conveying legitimacy of regenerative projects (such as tree planting) to stakeholders. Monitoring is the process of measuring the total ecosystem and social services provided by the project. When measuring data is collected through satellite, IOT, georeferenced imagery from boots on the ground, as well as surveys. Reporting involves describing the methodologies that were used to collect and analyze the data, as well as potential biases and any assumptions that went into the data collection. Verification refers to the review process involving a third party that was utilized to ensure the validity of the uploaded data and methodologies.   Problem There are a few centralized methodologies that exist for creating credits, however few regenerative projects have the financial resources to implement or comply with them. If they do, the third parties that provide these MRV methods utilize them infrequently with little or no personal connection to the area they are monitoring. With the MRV methods currently utilized there are gaps in information, and the data backing these projects can vary significantly in precision, magnitude, and quality. Through centralization, projects are siloed and left to stand on their own. Meanwhile, overly high transaction costs to utilize existing MRV methodologies limits participation from the many decentralized projects doing regenerative action (ie. soil carbon). Without proof that they have been able to complete accreditation through the methodologies, these projects find it difficult for funders to provide them with capital. This especially impacts marginalized communities. Without coordination and cooperation with MRV, it will be difficult for regenerative projects to scale. Solution Decentralized measurement, reporting and verification (dMRV) means that no single entity will own, manage or regulate how MRV is done. Instead a collective of people from many different organizations can build upon and improve this dMRV system. For current accreditation standards a combination of on the ground data collection, satellite sensing and IOT devices are used to back the credits. Utilizing web3 mentality, trust minimized data collection methods can be created. An example of this is to write open codes for actions that used to be performed by humans, like detecting a tree and the species of tree it is. Other data collection technologies can become integrated into this system as they become standard in the future.  Once the data is collected open source reporting and verification methodologies can be utilized to analyze the data. Entities that collect the data and create the analysis methodologies are paid each time data is used and an analysis done. This inspires entrepreneurs to build specialized dMRV services which can benefit further regenerative projects. The entire dMRV allows for standardization, trustlessness, immutability, transparency, and open accessibility. This paves the way for decentralized data backed credits. These credits are tied to a specific regenerative action and entity who carried out the action continuously updated over time as more data is gathered. This data and the methodologies used to analyze it is stored permanently and immutably through technology such as IPFS, Arweave etc. The collectors of this data are the owners of it, allowing for sensitive data to be fully controlled by its owner. The dMRV would assist regenerative projects across blockchains and be interoperable with any new blockchain that came into existence. Every entity that is involved with this dMRV helps to iteratively improve upon it. With this, local communities can become more deeply involved with how the regenerative projects they carry out go through the dMRV process as well as tap into funding that was not previously available to carry out these projects. Along with that the diversity and veracity of Natural Capital assets being valued can exponentially increase.  We are in the beginning of this dMRV process and countless building blocks are still missing. There will be problems and limitations that we encounter, but as these gradually get addressed it will become possible to use this new set of lego building blocks to build things that we can hardly imagine today.  What is Needed Data In this dMRV everything is open to where there is only one final layer of trust- the data itself. Trust minimized data collection can be done through a combination of remote sensing, IoT, and human sensing (such as with smart-phones). The data collected is stored permanently and immutably through current technology such as IPFS and Arweave. By multiple data sources backing up that a regenerative action has occurred, more accurate calculations can be created. When one of those inputs is inaccurate, the other data sources can openly show a dispute. When a dispute arises, the stakeholders of the dMRV system can confirm or deny the accuracy of the data. Scoring this data for quality, resolution, and temporal frequency can enable any entity utilizing the dMRV to compare the data sources they pay for. Allowing them to quickly choose the best dataset for their needs. Through this, data becomes highly available as many organizations strive to provide the best data for people’s needs. This puts publishers on a level playing field and allows the companies with the best data to naturally succeed. Along with that publishers can not only benefit from the dMRV utilizing the data but other organizations that might want their data (such as parametric insurance). When individuals can decide who gets access to their data, they can ensure it is used ethically. They can also willingly give access to their data to those attempting to create good causes. Analysis Reporting and verification utilize algorithms. Algorithms are a set of instructions followed to solve a problem or accomplish a task (types of algorithms include standard, machine learning and AI). They are used to process data or information. For example georeferenced imagery can be analyzed using an algorithm that detects if a tree is present in that imagery. Another example is an algorithm can choose which data sources are the most appropriate for evaluating a regenerative action based upon how these data sources did previously. This is more efficient than a human could do, reducing the dMRV costs.  Previous MRV organizations have developed their own algorithms. Some of these algorithms are open source and will become part of the dMRV system if there is no conflict with the creators in doing so. Oftentimes it is only the MRV organization that developed the algorithm that uses it. Allowing more entities to utilize the MRV algorithm, “algorithms-as-a-service” have arisen as a business model. Aaas allows entities of very small to large financial backing to benefit from them. For example, a small business might not have the resources to hire a data scientist to build and train a machine learning model or maintain the infrastructure needed to store the data that the model would be trained on. However, with AaaS, they can simply subscribe to a service and use the algorithms that have been created by someone else. Now through decentralization, algorithm providers can offer their services in a trust minimized and automated way. Along with that they can help financially support the providers of the data that was used to train that algorithm, which in turn gives data providers an incentive to provide high-quality and unique data that otherwise wouldn’t be available for training. Algorithmic transparency allows regenerative actions to demonstrate the ecosystem services they provide in a trustless, decentralized and immutable manner. Which in turn will attract more ReFi investors to support these actions. The more funding that gets channeled towards regenerative actions, the more the dMRV system is used and with each iteration it improves.  Infrastructure  In order to host the data and distribute money to creators of algorithms, among other components of the dMRV system, decentralized infrastructure needs to be created. To permanently store the data collected, decentralized storage systems need to be utilized. For distributing that data to entities that would like to purchase it, data markets need to adequately display it. A new distributed system needs to be created for analyzing that data and paying for each time an analysis methodology is utilized. Some of these systems exist, however they can be improved upon to further support the dMRV system.  Revenue Sources This dMRV system will be created bottom up from individuals and software, these individuals are who we aim to get rewarded through this software system. The flow of this system is planned to be as follows. An entity pays for collection of data, entities affiliated with this dMRV system collect the data using techniques that are part of this system. The data goes to decentralized storage which is paid for, then the entity that pays for the data is able to access it. The data is interpreted via methodologies either that the entity has proprietary control over or that is open source and part of the dMRV system. If the method is open source, a donation is channeled to the creators of the method for its use. The collected data is also marketed in a data marketplace, when people use the data they pay for the use of it. This payment goes towards both the marketplace and the data creator. Cross Organizational Support Behind all of this are people. These people have formed their own decentralized organizations specializing in different aspects of the dMRV system. There are organizations specializing in data collection, analysis and domain experts. The organizations participating in the dMRV will continue to expand as the system builds continued support.  Map Link Data Collectors  Trust minimized data collection can be done through a combination of remote sensing, IoT, and human sensing (such as with smart-phones). These are the organizations that are currently the most prevalent in the web3 space doing work collecting data in each of these areas. Satellite- Shamba The first company to launch a specialized geospatial oracle on the Chainlink network. They have extensive experience in web2 geospatial and information technology and are continuously innovating and pushing the boundaries of these spaces for web3. They have a focus on creating real world applications for this data.  Drone- VillageGrid Focused on finding web3 solutions for existing rural electrification projects, VillageGrid is using drone produced GeoTIFFs as NFTs to capture before-and-after progress updates of rural solar farms, and then exploring blockchain-based energy metering systems to improve the current billing services for said solar farms. Edge & IOT - Athena Protocol Specializing in the deployment of edge computation networks, uncertainty accounting , and the development implementation of algorithmic fairness frameworks.  On-boarding & human-sensing - Eco Labs / TIA (The Impact App) A collaborative on-boarding ecosystem for regenerative action. Eco Labs is developing TIA, an app that will function as a how-to guide for using dMRV services in ReFi, a human-sensing tool to collect images / video from regenerators to be used in Eco Credit methodologies for Regen Network, issue an ID associated with projects, and facilitate payments via Celo integration. Human Sensing- ORGO  A simplified structure or system for recruiting volunteers, collecting data, managing workflows, and rewarding contributors. Data Analysis Once the data has been collected it needs to be cleaned and further analyzed. These are the organizations creating methodologies for this.  Astral Promoting the evolution of an open, human-centered and composable location-based decentralized web. They have created specialized data storage systems, data registries, and a suite of geometric and topological analysis methodologies in Solidity. Algovera  A cooperative of people working to develop useful AI apps. Currently in the process of building systems for rewarding algorithm creators for each time their algorithm is used.  Infrastructure To properly store, market and maintain the data and algorithms, decentralized infrastructure needs to be created. These are the organizations currently doing work in this field.  Not Yet Participating: dClimate  A transparent, decentralized marketplace that allows participants to buy and share data and contribute to an open ecosystem of data-driven climate resilience applications. Not Yet Participating: Ocean Protocol  A data market app to publish, discover, and consume data in a secure, privacy-preserving fashion. Not Yet Participating: Arweave  A decentralized data storage system for permanently storing data. Has enabled the backbone for profit sharing when algorithms are used. Not Yet Participating: IPFS A decentralized data storage system for permanently storing data. Allowing for upgrading of data without overwriting.  Domain Experts For each regenerative action type there are domain specialists. For example an ocean scientist is unlikely to know how to appropriately value tree planting, vice versa. In order to develop analysis algorithms appropriate to each regenerative action type, this specialized knowledge needs to be brought into the dMRV system.  As these domain experts are the ones likely to start creating tokens from the dMRV system (onboarding non web3 regenerative actions into this space) it is encouraged that a percent of their revenue goes towards supporting the dMRV system and if able provide grants for supporting the initial start of this. These organizations will not have control of the dMRV treasury.  Endangered Tokens Foundation Endangered species are especially fragile and need extreme support as quick as possible in order to maintain and increase their population before they go extinct. This organization is reevaluating the biodiversity that these species represent by creating web3 assets (NFTs, tokens). This organization brings specialized knowledge into this area and is working on the ground to ensure that the endangered species are being protected, along with collecting data about the regenerative actions being done around these species. Kolektivo Curacao has been benefiting from the efforts of this organization for the last couple of years. From this the organization gained substantial expertise in working with local communities and creating local economic systems.  Avano Avano is creating a NFT layer for supporting regenerative actions. Avano has specialized in utilizing the InVEST toolset from the Natural Capital project for analyzing regenerative actions and the monetary value of ecosystem services provided by them. Not Yet Participating: Moonjelly A decentralized ocean conservation organization that has world class scientists and data intelligence personnel, specializing in the ocean, throughout the organization. Linwood Pendleton Ph.d. is an example of such a scientist. Has experts in the field of ocean monitoring and verification. Not Yet Participating: Open Forest Protocol This organization brings specialized knowledge sets for reforestation and afforestation projects throughout the world.  Not Yet Participating: Regen Regen aligns economics with ecology to drive regenerative land management. Regen has a specialization currently in regenerative agricultural techniques. Not Yet Participating: BasinDAO This organization comes in with real property values and the legal implications behind acquiring rights to properties. Currently specializing in the analysis of watershed (or Basin) level regeneration. Other Organizational Commitments! Avano has committed to donating 25% of what it raises from this Gitcoin Grant Round to dMeter Ogalllala Life has committed to donating 25% of what it raises from this Gitcoin Grant Round to dMeter Drips To 5% of what is raised from dMeter from this Gitcoin Grant round will go to MRV 101 through DeWork tasks that create cross organizational benefit.",2022-08-10T19:17:21.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7065,False,False,0x3eB07fddC7D13fe468C65286584Ca001a2b53367,testing,,"this is a test ",2022-08-10T22:10:28.541-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7066,True,True,0x03373a5380dE4cde60e8190ECf5bFe9a8F065f1e,RootMeta--Infrastructure of WEB 3.0 Multichain Social Network,,"As the innovation in cryptoworld booms, Rootmeta has read the call from early explorers, builders and newcomers. The team of Rootmeta ( determined to build a safe and easy trusting social ecosystem, based on the function of communication tools, integrated with decentralised technology and the spirit of Dao. The basis for trust-building in the social network stems from breaking the barriers of information opacity.A TVI (Total Value Island) is designed for the disclosure of personal on-chain assets, which are collected and displayed on each user and communities’ profile through the crypto wallet, become as proof of DID identity.This makes it easier for Individual explorer to Observe if someone is consistent with words and deeds or not and find the most reliable and valuable Influencer and info. User experiences from two perspective show you how to link more credible crypto world in Rootmeta Users and communities are the main roles involved in the experience and communication of the on-chain ecosystem. I will show you how to connect the on-chain communication through Rootmeta and explore the future meta-verse from these two perspectives. As personal unser: obain a free, rich and easy social life at Rootmeta (1) Easily log in the site with any crypto wallet and to creat your own island or land on any other island which attracts you. There is also no need to worry about harassing messages sent from unconsious-click pages. You’ll get a clean and pure social space and can concentrate on your interests or interacting with friends. (2) Freely and smoothly swich to other applications in the crypto world through Rootmeta, while chatting with friends and community. No cumbersome clicking to switch pages. No risk of phishing sites. For community leader: Harnessing the power of community building and sharing If someone who wishes to extend their influence, they need to fully demonstrate the authenticity of their experience, by showing asset lists or other on-chain badges and markers to prove the authenticity of their experience. For the founder and leader of the community, Rootmeta offers a variety of tools in the community management to meet the needs of the communicate and carrying out various group tasks in the virtual space. And also designed leaderboard to help them to attract like-minded follower and builders into community, maximisethe enthusiasm of community- building, increase the influence of the community. And community benefits distributed back to members is also encouraged in the Rootmeta. Rootmeta has set up a NFT as community incentives to encourage the community to create together and improve the TVI ranking. Top 500 of the leaderboard will be rewarded with NFT and other benefits in the future. Conclusion Rootmeta is still a rare and bold attempt in the social market today, which integrates the function of traditional social tools with the features of crypto production, still at the beginning of journey to building. But at least it has already shown a true user-friendly intention and determination to clean up the online-social environment. Such a multi-functional social product needs more and more voices from user to help them optimise from the feedback. The future development of product and team is worth looking forward to. Let’s wait and see what will happen.",2022-08-11T00:51:01.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7067,True,True,0xd3A44Ce3d4eb86c966C972cBBE99473f3Cc73A96,Lendrates IO,,Lendrates IO is a lending protocol aggregator initially for Solana. Users can easily look for the best yields on their token holdings and view historical data. Lendrates is preparing to expand to other chains to be the leading data analysis tool for lending protocols.,2022-08-11T02:09:32.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7068,False,False,0x36d3FD0FCf22a554F94778F5933cE5b5c345E512,111,,"111 ",2022-08-11T02:30:32.890-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7069,False,False,0x0000000000eFFc4317f7aF575fF54cCE3edCd75e,,,"Basket cash is a way to have DAO governance of tokens backed by baskets of various ERC20 tokens, with the backing ratios able to be rebalanced by vote of basket token holders Example use case: stablecoin basket, useful for those who don't know which stablecoins are the most secure to have a decentralized consensus to fall back on. If the stablecoin basket was backed by 25% USDC, and the social consensus shifted towards being wary of USDC because of potential blacklisting, informed token holders could vote to rebalance and have the token be backed by only 10%, or 0% USDC. Because the voting token is the token backed by the assets, holders are incentivized to vote for the best assets, so they don't lose money, and so this becomes a reasonable measure of social consensus of which stablecoins to trust with your money, for people who are less informed. This could also be used for social consensus of staked ETH tokens, or a sort of on-chain ""ETF"" of a bunch of different tokens, or anything you can come up with! It may be possible to have different tokenomics and governance if people really really want it, but this is the basic idea, and this description will likely be improved in the near future. (quadratic voting maybe?) ",2022-08-11T02:46:16.995-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7070,True,True,0xC20A1D8b4d7B37990cd9c925B39a1F81d7e77696,Klein Finance--DEX on KuCoin Community Chain,,"Klein Finance is a decentralized liquidity pool exchange on the Kucoin Community Chain. It is used in high-efficiency, low-risk stablecoin trading, generating extra cash for liquidity providers. Users may trade, offer liquidity, and get incentives in an on-chain environment that is secure and reliable, with little slippage, good depth, and cheap costs. Klein aspires to be the first-tier DEX in the KCC ecosystem and to serve the community indefinitely to achieve shared wealth and growth. Klein Finance, a well-performing DeFi protocol specializing in high-efficiency and low-slippage stablecoin trading, is also an excellent addition to the KCC ecosystem. Klein enables the range of liquidities to be automatically changed, resulting in the optimal route for each trade, making it simple and stable for both newbies to DeFi and professionals to swap and stake for extra profits with cheap transaction costs losses. Advantages of Klein Finance As the premier DEX on the KuCoin Community Chain, Klein provides liquidity pools for liquidity providers to trade and stake their assets with minimal slippage and transaction costs. The AMM mode may automatically alter the liquidity aggregation range depending on the feed price provided by the internal Oracle, lowering the required expenses considerably. ",2022-08-11T05:24:05.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7071,False,False,0x4873178BeA2DCd7022f0eF6c70048b0e05Bf9017,testing - ignore,,testing,2022-08-11T07:51:18.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7072,False,False,0x089300e3Cd93dbC23c93cC9B8C237F829CE51b04,Hedgefox,,"We’re building a cornerstone for decentralized academia by creating a learning app that rewards its participants with tokens and NFT certificates. TL;DR What is Hedgefox? Hedgefox is primarily a web-based, mobile-friendly learning platform and eventual DAO that rewards its learners and teachers for participating in the app through issuing crypto tokens and NFT certificates. We hope to help individuals and institutions rethink what higher education could look like - not as a centralized, expensive, and cumbersome machine, but potentially as an open, interactive, and affordable ecosystem of ideas, communities, and investment. What’s the value proposition? What if we could pay students to learn? Hedgefox started with a very simple question - what if you could pay people to learn? What would that do for the well-being of millions of people across the globe? What if we could provide people with more incentive to better themselves without sacrificing their financial stability? The result would be a positive-sum game wherein students, teachers, employers, institutions, and investors are all able to benefit from a learning ecosystem that is both sustainable and profitable. Thanks to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, we are able to build systems that make this possible. As we have seen in new innovations such as DeFi, gaming, and NFTs, blockchain tech opens up a new paradigm that allows the users to control and benefit from complex systems rather than a select few. In the same way that blockchain has decentralized finance, art, companies, and entertainment, so it can decentralize education without negatively impacting the existing institutions and ecosystem. Project Goals The Hedgefox purpose is to build a sustainable and profitable informal social learning platform that results in both a financially positive-sum game for all stakeholders and competent and compassionate problem solvers. While there are a myriad of goals that could be pursued by the Hedgefox project, there are 4 primary problems we’ve framed as goals that we feel are both attainable and within the scope of blockchain technology. These are: Reduce student debt across a variety of sectors. This includes higher education, professional education, and social education. Enact universal, verifiable credentials that are stored on-chain. These take the form of personalized NFTs that can be used for professional or educational purposes. Reduce knowledge silos. Knowledge is often hidden and contained within select institutions, but open education is helping to change this. Create a framework for creating high-quality, peer-reviewed content. Starting with informal and social learning, Hedgefox hopes to be a hub for institutions, learners, faculty, employers, and investors to create incredible content through community consensus. Background The proliferation of Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, and other short-form content has exacerbated the attention deficit we experience in our lives. As a result, the way we learn as humans is fundamentally changing as well. People find it more difficult to not only find time to learn, but they also demand the flexibility to do it anywhere and at their own pace. Many people unknowingly have created their own personal learning networks (PLNs) through community tools such as Discord, Telegram, Twitter, Reddit, Quora, and niche email newsletters. These micro-learning environments are difficult to quantify and even more difficult to reproduce effectively in traditional education. Taking Cues Hedgefox seeks to take cues from these trends and build a learning platform that hinges on threaded short-form content. Such content should be both easily consumable and incredibly rewarding for the learner. By combining communal, short-form content types, we hope to intentionally create an informal learning platform that is impactful and high-quality - something that is highly elusive within traditional pedagogy. We believe the best learning occurs when learners are self-directed, in community with others, and have the opportunity to engage with high-quality content tailored to their interests. Cool, but what does that look like? If you've ever used Twitter, you know that many people are obsessed with making threads of tweets for people to read. There is even a Twitter thread unroller app that you can use to read threaded tweets more like a book. What we discovered is that there is an immense amount of knowledge buried in short-form content like this on sites like Twitter, Reddit, Quora, and even TikTok. By providing a similar, yet expanded experience to learners, we hope to incentivize learners to create and learn from a community of people while being rewarded to do so. The platform will utilize a hierarchical system comprised of Creds (as opposed to threads 😆), Pages, and Blocks. Each Cred will be centered around a topic or competency for learners to engage with. Within each Cred are various Pages or sub-topics. Within each Page, is a list of content Blocks such as text, links, videos, audio clips, and questions. By structuring content in this way, learners are able to clearly see what they are learning and how the concepts interplay. Additionally, each Page will eventually have a discussion area where users can comment and discuss about the content. Providing a space for interaction allows learners to hear different perspectives and perhaps make lasting professional connections with others. Mobile-First Creating a platform with priorities on mobile responsiveness and accessibility is paramount for Hedgefox. Focusing on developing a mobile-first platform has several important motivators: The majority of the world has a cell phone, but far fewer people have access to internet and a desktop or laptop computer. Being mobile-first allows us to reach those who will value access to education the most. The majority of all social experiences take place on mobile. Hedgefox seeks first to become a social learning platform for adoption purposes so mobile-first makes sense. Mobile learning is increasingly a more common way to consume content and interact with educational content. Learners demand the flexibility and agency that mobile-first platforms offer. The HFOX Token Technicals The native utility, incentivization, and governance token for Hedgefox is HFOX - an ERC20 token on the Ethereum mainnet. While operating smart-contracts on Ethereum mainnet is not ideal in terms of speed or transaction cost, it does provide our users with the best experience for cashing out their earnings and transferring them among wallets and exchanges. It also ensures future interoperability with other blockchains through Ethereum bridges, oracles, and other blockchain solutions. Should the future DAO vote to create a standalone blockchain network, ERC20 standards make this migration much easier. Additionally, building on Ethereum mainnet also ensures compatibility with a variety of industry standard wallets and dApps. With the introduction of the Ethereum Consensus Layer, adoption of Ethereum is likely to become highly mainstream, ensuring a robust ecosystem for HFOX holders to participate in for years to come. Burning and Minting The foundation for Hedgefox's unique tokenomics is a delicate balance of the minting and burning of tokens. This mechanism aims to keep the supply of learners balanced with the token supply, always ensuring the protocol is able to pay its participants without creating rampant inflation or diluting current holders. By burning and minting tokens based on completion rates, it is possible to create a sustainable payout system that leverages supply/demand and user incentive to maintain a balance between token supply, token price, and user supply. The burn rate and mint rate are levers that the protocol and eventual DAO has at its disposal to maintain stability and sustainability. These rates are based on the total reserve amount left so that theoretically, the Reserves are never depleted. Initial Burn Rate per block per Start: %0.00001 of Reserves Initial Reward Rate per block per Completion: **%**0.00001 of Reserves Initial Mint Rate per block per Completion: %0.000025 of Reserves The mint rate will always need to be at least double the burn and reward rates in order to replace tokens that are burned/rewarded, but this can also be decided on by the DAO in the future. The protocol only mints tokens when there are more cred completions than cred starts. User Flow and Process When a user begins a cred on the platform (either learning, teaching, or peer-reviewing), it is marked in their user record that a certain amount of tokens should be burned from the Hedgefox Reserves - the actual burn takes place later. This decreases the remaining supply and slightly increases the value of the remaining tokens. The more people who begin creds, the more tokens will be burned. As the price per token increases so does the incentive to complete the cred, because... Once a user completes a cred, it is marked in their user record that tokens should be minted to the Hedgefox Reserves and the majority of those tokens be rewarded to the user - the actual payout and mint takes place later. As more users complete courses, the supply of the token increases which decreases the price of the remaining tokens (inflation). Thus, if cred completion rates remain high for extended periods of time, HFOX token will become inflationary. If completion remains low, the HFOX token becomes deflationary as people start or abandon creds without completing them. Initial Distribution The initial and maximum supply of the HFOX token is 1.65 billion. And is distributed as follows: Non-Fungible Token Certificates Non-fungible tokens serve as a valuable technology in the Hedgefox ecosystem. When a user completes a credential in any way as a learner, faculty, or peer-reviewer, an NFT is minted on the Hedgefox credential NFT contract and sent to their wallet. The minted NFT contains attributes about the credential, the Hedgefox user who completed it, when it was completed, and other important information. The new NFT serves as an immutable badge that the Hedgefox user can show to potential employers, colleagues, or other learners. Because of blockchain technology, even if the credential NFT is sold, lost, or burned, it will always be able to be verified that the user completed the credential. Moreover, NFTs are easily shareable, easily displayed, and easily verified through platforms such as OpenSea, TofuNFT, Zapper, or other wallets. Users will be able to see and share Hedgefox credentials in the Hedgefox app as well. NFT's also open the door to solving a major issue in academia by providing verifiable, universal credentialing that can be published, transferred, and verified by any institution or organization. This eliminates major complications for several stakeholders: It becomes easier for learners to transfer credits across institutions. It becomes easier for employers to verify an applicants transcripts. It becomes easier for institutions to publish and track learner and faculty achievements. It allows Hedgefox to formally recognize strategic partners and generous donors through limited edition tokens.",2022-08-11T12:24:27.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7073,True,False,0xfAbEef09B6a14c380e7798B434A058Dbb1F215b2,Good Science Project,,"Goal: The goal of the Good Science Project is better science funding in the United States that leads to faster scientific innovation than the status quo.  That is, science funding should:  Be more streamlined with fewer administrative burdens;  Have less focus on incremental advances based on preliminary results, and more willingness to consider high-risk projects, open-ended exploration of basic science, etc.;  Offer more funding for a person/team over longer time frames, rather than narrowly specified projects over short time frames; and,  Be more open to areas outside of the current status quo.  These ideas can be reduced to specific policy proposals depending on what is politically feasible.  Strategy and Activities: Our theory of change is that compelling public communication over the long term can be very influential to steer public discourse and policy conversations. Our communications will take numerous forms – white papers, essays and blog posts, op-eds, social media, and interviews with practicing scientists. As well, we're co-sponsoring a conference this fall with Brookings and the Institute for Progress on a problem that Stuart identified (the NIH hasn't been using an advisory board that Congress mandated as a way to achieve reform). As Jack Clark from Anthropic says, “People wildly underestimate how much influence individuals can have in policy. I've had a decent amount of impact by just turning up and working on the same core issues (measurement and monitoring) for multiple years.” A secondary work product is interaction with policymakers, whether at agencies, Congress, or the White House. Our key advisers include former White House and NSF personnel, and a number of policymakers (from ARPA-H to congressional staff) have asked us for advice and ideas. Personnel: The Good Science Project is led by Stuart Buck. He spent 9 years as the VP of Research at Arnold Ventures, where he led internationally-renowned work on scientific reproducibility, including strategizing the launch of the Center for Open Science, the TOP Guidelines, Vivli, and more. He was an expert adviser to the GAO on its recent report on improving federally-funded research. He has lectured at DARPA and IARPA, and has authored pieces in Science and Nature, on how to improve research. Eric Gilliam is a Fellow of the Good Science Project, and has done extensive work analyzing science policy. In the near future, we hope to hire a Senior Fellow who can focus on improving how clinical trials are funded and operated.  In the longer term, we hope to hire: Two or three people with experience in science policy and communications, and the gravitas to meet with policymakers.  An administrative person who can do everything from editing articles to planning convenings, and A grant manager to make external grants to like-minded academics and organizations.  Board: Members include Daniel Goroff (Sloan Foundation; formerly Harvard, Harvey Mudd, NSF and White House), Brian Nosek (University of Virginia and Center for Open Science), Chonnettia Jones (President of Addgene), and Michael Stebbins (President of Science Advisers, and formerly at the White House).  External advisors include Prachee Avasthi (Dartmouth; Arcadia Science); Phil Bourne (formerly NIH Assistant Director of Data Science; University of Virginia); Dan Correa (President, Federation of American Scientists); Tyler Cowen (George Mason): Maryrose Franko (Health Research Alliance): Kumar Garg (Schmidt Future; former White House OSTP); Joe Ross (Yale); and Heidi Williams (Stanford).  Operations: The Good Science Project will operate virtually for now. Initial funding is from Patrick Collison, ACX, and the Survival and Flourishing Fund. If future funding is secured on a longer-term basis, we may consider opening a physical office. We are fiscally sponsored by the New Venture Fund so as to become operational more quickly and efficiently.",2022-08-12T07:28:11.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7074,False,False,0x19BD5dF2bd715a83661037302426953EDbC11D07,Dragon Era Online,,"Dragon Era Online is an MMORPG available for mobile on Google Play - It has a small community and is loved by many people. Game is made in Unity making it playable on all platforms but the best experience is on mobile. The team decided to start using zk-sync technology for remaking it into a futuristic game where people hold the assets, not the game itself and also provide more content in a more modern way, not the regular ways where people just play for a bit and quit the game. The perfect adaptation into the next generation games lies in the layer 2 technology - fast, no gas and secure. What are the next steps for the team - Port it to a web browser game(mainly the controller and movement) Integrate web3 Create a free NFT collection on layer 2 The goal for this grant is to bring all the web2 people who loved the game and all the new people that want a free Dragon MMORPG to seamlessly come into web3. This is a passion project developed for many years. ",2022-08-12T09:36:35.575-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7075,False,False,0x24f0667590562Aea3C5137e1bf6c6ac0A9bdD2C0,Cryptocurrency and Blockchain legalization advocacy fund,,"Funds will be used bridge the gaps between crypto and fiat system, bring more transparency and accountability to decentralised networks and advocate major central banks and economies for granting total legalized status to cryptocurrency ",2022-08-12T10:10:55.460-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7076,False,False,0x24f0667590562Aea3C5137e1bf6c6ac0A9bdD2C0,Cryptocurrency and Blockchain legalization advocacy fund,,"Funds will be used bridge the gaps between crypto and fiat system, bring more transparency and accountability to decentralised networks and advocate major central banks and economies for granting total legalized status to cryptocurrency ",2022-08-12T10:10:56.832-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7077,True,False,0xAEcaeDc21C3ea0D84C596C126E2FD2e51E54D274,LlamaPay,,"LlamaPay is a free and open source protocol to create and automate payment streams for salaries and vesting LlamaPay is completely free, so this grants helps with funding.",2022-08-12T12:23:12.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7078,False,False,0x145D39071402b4c33049a9935e6b77Aa4F9e0318,Nevatronic,,"Business starter site builder ",2022-08-12T18:49:59.312-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7079,True,False,0xcc90E3ED898a52E658E0653F3731043ddfAB8A43,Dontgetscammed; An Interactive and educational platform that learns you not getting scammed,,"Dontgetscammed is an educational and interactive platform where users learn to interact with the blockchain in an isolated and private Ethereum network. They aim to complete adventures ranging from beginner to expert, where the main goal is not getting scammed. The platform simulates various well-known scams, so people know how to avoid them when entering real-world scenarios. In addition, the platform will have a list of recent ongoing scams and security breaches to inform users of the potential risk of losing their funds. Dontgetscammed aims to be the one-stop shop for safely onboarding users with enough baggage not to get scammed. ",2022-08-13T06:06:39.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7080,False,False,0x14A6481239C338B0c692FA737A4Cf537B71F4AFe,web2-web3 social media implementation,,"web2- web3 social media implementation. This projects welcomes web2 social media handles like twitter,facebook,gmail, to perform transactions on cryptocurrency with their social media account. currently we have made Gmail Oauth2, support TRX Transfer, Support trc 20 transfer, Next support for multiple tokens,Gas fees optimization, making the DAPP multichain with BTTC ",2022-08-13T16:38:14.191-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7081,False,False,0xc644d08B3ca775DD07ce87a588F5CcE6216Dff28,Homeless To Home Provider,,"We are a small community based Family Operation Helping the homeless in getting the Information needed to find there place in the community that needs them ",2022-08-13T16:42:08.643-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7082,True,True,0x6E70CC57d5812DB296b2d8c4B3a4F04a1aD4B11E,Scholar: Crypto-Native Scientific Publishing,,"Scholar is bringing research publication on-chain. We're developing a platform for researchers to publish and fund their research, to democratize access to the powerful crypto and DeSci primitives through great and simple UX. You have probably seen our prototype that Balaji Srinivasan shared on Twitter. We're essentially building out the vision that him and many others have laid out, where: – Anyone can access science – Anyone can independently verify research – Anyone can contribute to the public good of science – Nobody can censor it Problem Like most institutions, our systems for science have become ossified and are no longer aligned on progress. Many have been talking about these problems for years, but to give a quick overview: You've probably experienced opening up a research paper and getting hit with a paywall. That's because a few for-profit companies monopolize publication and prestige, and since prestige is the currency of academia, researchers are stuck in a zero-sum competition to publish or perish. The recent case where 16 years of Alzheimer's research was based on falsified data is largely due to these competitive dynamics. Experiment results are faked, ideas are stolen, and researchers aren't open to discussing results in the open, just because they're fighting to survive within this sclerotic system. Solution There are many working on trying to fix the old system, but rather than reform, we're building anew. Researchers are already decentralizing away from academia into DAOs like VitaDAO and PsyDAO, as well as new institutes like New Science and Arcadia Science. Scholar's goal is to create a publication platform for these researchers. A platform where they can: – Publish on-chain – Have immutable backups of their research – Enable anyone to reproduce their results by linking all research artifacts – Evolve beyond the archaic PDF format Society as a whole would then be able to: – Verify research, rather than just ""trusting science"" – Have open access to the public good of science – Build on top of this open knowledge graph Roadmap We're still in the early stages, but this grant money would go towards building out this vision. Here's the rough idea (this is subject to change): 1. Build out the platform and smart contracts We may use the smart contract infrastructure that DeSci Labs is building out if it suits our needs and is flexible enough. 2. Post notable research papers on-chain into a citation graph To show that we can have composable science, just like composable finance, and to tangibly show researchers the benefits of publishing on Scholar. 3. Build the interface needed for researchers to be able to use crypto-native research tools This includes publishing, but may include funding, ideating, collaborating, etc. as well. 4. Simultaneously backfill historical papers So we can get an open graph of all of humanity's knowledge.",2022-08-13T18:05:41.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7083,True,True,0x09c0377BAdCa7349b20569f45f2D94398179Db0c,Mojo,,"Mojo is an audio/media streaming platform that empowers musicians, artists and content creators through web3 and blockchain technologies using IPFS. The Mojo web3 application allows users to upload their valuable digital assets easily and seamlessly to the IPFS Network via our user interface. Files can never get deleted, hacked, edited, stolen and are never saved to a server making them truly decentralised. IPFS is a wonderful technology as it allows for content ownership, portability, and verifiability. It powers NFT marketplaces, individual websites, file-sharing platforms, and so much more. However, IPFS, the protocol, does not have a responsibility to match the experience of traditional cloud file services. Instead, that responsibility falls onto the shoulders of the IPFS adopters. Mojo helps fill this gap and gives musicians, artists and all content creators an opportunity to broaden their social reach by offering specially crafted audio and media NFTs that allow their followers and subscribers to access special content or unique features they provide. This can include additional videos or written content for example. Creators can Mint NFTs and then add different attributes and values and assign these to the NFT based on the media type. Creators will be able to manage their NFT's metadata using Tableland's relational metadata protocol for EVM chains. This freedom allows creators to update non-essential data, yet keeping the true values of the NFT's in tack and aligned with core NFT standards. Tableland also opens up doors to cross-chain relational data for NFTs and so much more, different content could be linked from the various networks offering users even more value for their hard earned crypto. Music platforms and streaming is not new technology. However, IPFS is still new enough that streaming is not yet native to its content delivery. And that’s exactly why Pinata is releasing streaming video through their Dedicated Gateways. With streaming video in place, those who visit your gateway will no longer have to wait for a video file to download fully before it can be played. Just visit the URL and the video will start streaming, just like you would expect with Netflix or Youtube, just much better. Using this NFT based content, artists can already start offering content to holders using Pinata's Submarine which will be another great feature to integrate. Mojo aims to further it's product by building the following key features in the Mojo web3 application: Artists should be able to upload their content in a secure and friendly manner. Listeners/viewers should be able to view music streams on the platform free of charge The Mojo platform should offer cryptocurrency-based payments to artists and their audiences. Music fans should have full access to their favourite artists with bonus content and features. Upon the purchase of a NFT, smart contracts should automatically process payments of royalty fees to digital artists and content creators. The platform should use blockchain to keep transactions and accounting transparent. The platform should let the artists keep most of the revenue they generate with very small fees to maintain the Mojo geek-o-system. Listeners/viewers shouldn’t have to contend with tacky ads. The platform should consider other monetisation options, For e.g., artists can set up an agreement with their fans to share revenue if fans share music, helping it to reach a wider audience. NFT based content, artist can offer content to holders using the new Pinata Submarine feature. Establish a very high standard of niche advertising to followers A simple user interface (UI) is important. A Defi element should be added to our token contracts to allow staking of NFTs A buidl by Craig Moss ",2022-08-14T01:38:26.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7084,False,False,0x84E9C978Fda6c88345F78B0dC2950F52247434e8,AL PAISA,,"We will upgrade the technology to the next level ",2022-08-14T07:50:03.526-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7085,False,False,0x6f92E64D53Ff25035c5Dd4e450fB5E00fb892778,Polygon,,"Amount ",2022-08-14T09:41:28.467-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7086,False,False,0x6f92E64D53Ff25035c5Dd4e450fB5E00fb892778,Polygon,,"Amount ",2022-08-14T09:41:29.241-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7087,True,True,0xAEcaeDc21C3ea0D84C596C126E2FD2e51E54D274,DefiLlama APIs,,"DefiLlama offers multiple APIs, such as all our data, and some infrastructure APIs that we built internally and we run for the community (all open source) such as our abi decoder and token price API This grant funds that work on infra APIs and signals support for more APIs like that",2022-08-14T10:02:59.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7088,False,False,0xAEcaeDc21C3ea0D84C596C126E2FD2e51E54D274,DefiLlama Yields,,"DefiLlama Yields is a completely open source dashboard that tracks yields across > 100 protocols, and allows any protocol to add themselves by submitting a PR. This grant helps fund that dashboard and signal support for extra work on it. ",2022-08-14T10:08:53.052-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7089,False,False,0xbF882934aDd51D97dAEd9656A207a7c1238017Da, │ No KYC Swap │Low fees │No logs │100% Anonymous ,," With recent catastrophic financial sanctions, there is nowhere for crypto holders to turn for privacy. All major exchanges, including Changelly, have KYC. resolves all these issues. With crypto traders may cross-exchange more than 200 cryptocurrencies in minutes, with no KYC or registration required. Suppose you have BTC and want Solana. Instead of registering to Binance, completing KYC, and waiting for approval, you can simply visit swapp, send BTC, and instantly receive SOL in your wallet. Your keys = Your Crypto. The same is true for over 200 cryptocurrencies, including USDT on various chains. generates revenue of 1.5% each transaction. serves as an exchange, as a bridge, and as a mixer. A native app for iOS and Android is being developed, and a buy/sell with credit card capability is in discussion.  Now why is this an excellent opportunity:  - 1.5% of all transactions' is revenue for the Swapp. An annual transaction volume of $100 million would generate $1.5 million in income.  - The Swapp is not liable for a breach, but rather the entity supplying liquidity to the exchange will be affected. We do not store and supply crypto for the exchange to function because it runs through the API a funded wallet. Incase of a breach, the API is switched to another provider. - Opportunity of a DAO Token for investors to produce passive income for themselves, and to serve as governance over what tokens to add or remove. Passive income. Token shares the same mechanism and fundamentals of a regular stock. 1% of all transaction volume is distributed to Token holders on the first of every month. Team will not hold any prior tokens. Team has the approval to purchase tokens. Team's share is 0.5% of transaction volume, by standard. 65% of funds raised will be used towards liquidity. 35% will be reserved for the team, developers, and marketing. ",2022-08-14T18:55:04.922-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7090,True,True,0x8C7Ed98cC08563f2Bad11E0E1f37f8Ed00143C6B,Clone.Tools - Open Source 3D Tooling for Creators,,"Clone.Tools is a free Blender add-on that allows you to easily assemble, pose, animate, render and export Clone X 3D avatars. Many projects are now providing full sets of 3D files to their NFT holders but the average person doesn't have the skillset necessary to take full advantage of those files. We are closing that gap by creating an open-source add-on for Blender (also free software) that makes it possible for people with zero 3D software experience to go from downloading their 3D files to creating beautiful renders in under 5 minutes. Our Blender add-on contains features such as: 1-click assembly of your Clone X avatar using the downloaded archives of 3D files A Pose library with 100+ poses to apply to your clone with the click of a button Intuitive and cinematic camera controls Dozens of pre-set lighting setups that can be turned on and off, mixed and matched Ability to set custom background colors and background images Simplified rendering controls with the options that really make your renders stand out Support for exporting to FBX, OBJ and GLB formats Support from the Gitcoin Grants program will help us to continue developing additional features on our roadmap: Integration of the entire Mixamo animation library directly within the add-on New pre-set lighting and staging options to enable more diverse creations Easy exporting of Clones in formats supported by the most popular Metaverses Multi-clone support for the creation of more complex scenes ...and more",2022-08-14T23:01:49.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7091,True,True,0xd07E9EC7c5CaCA15AFf02F702c83E622650aE78d,"Test, Document and Audit Smart Contracts",,"Problem Statement Since the evolution of web3, developers face diverse challenges in building and deploying web3 solutions. By 2022, Etherscan has already published over 2 million smart contracts that are powering blockchain solutions all over the globe. With the rapid growth of smart contracts comes the challenge of documenting, testing, and even auditing them. Beima is a solution we are building to solve these challenges, in order to further growth and adoption in the blockchain space. Our product Beima is a smart contract development suite that easily lets you document and test your smart contracts without a single line of code. By just pasting your ABI and smart contract, Beima lets you auto-generate documentation for your smart contracts and test them with the click of a button Beima helps to speed up the smart contract development process by reducing the stress of developer handoff. How it works ",2022-08-15T00:10:51.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7092,False,False,0x0,My,,"Name ßk ",2022-08-15T03:00:40.577-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7093,False,False,0x0bab3ec7bdec75d7f2255a226f38a2f29ac9f196,Broskees Academy,,"Team Broskees aims to work towards making WEB 3 accessible for all through education and skill enablement programs. Or goal is to educate 10,000 individuals on Web 3. One of the biggest problems in the space is the lack of information for beginners. For web 3 to become a common space we need millions of enablers to make it happen. Our goal is to provide skills and resources necessary for people to succeed in the niche. We will be developing an extensive WEB 3.0 resources base which will include digital art development, WEB 3 contract developments, discord management and much more. Through the help of this grant we will make access to gain WEB 3 skills available for everyone. Our modules would ensure basic education for all spheres. Our target audience is individuals from various subclasses such as BIPOC, underprivileged, women, corporate employees and student groups. The training sessions will be online over a span of 6 months with a target to educated and empower 10,000 at a minimal cost of $50 per individual. The goal is to provide them with a “one destination for all” essential WEB 3 Trainings and skill development courses & modules to enhance and expand the web 3 ecosystem and allow underprivileged  and marginalized subclasses to not only learn about the space but to invest, create and grow the verse through inclusivity. Once trained, these people would then be part of our online job portal (like fiver) where individuals who want to hire resources could come and publish jobs and the skilled force could bid to acquire the role creating a win-win for all parties involved. ",2022-08-15T04:45:54.488-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7094,False,False,0x0bab3ec7bdec75d7f2255a226f38a2f29ac9f196,Broskees Academy,,"Team Broskees aims to work towards making WEB 3 accessible for all through education and skill enablement programs. Or goal is to educate 10,000 individuals on Web 3. One of the biggest problems in the space is the lack of information for beginners. For web 3 to become a common space we need millions of enablers to make it happen. Our goal is to provide skills and resources necessary for people to succeed in the niche. We will be developing an extensive WEB 3.0 resources base which will include digital art development, WEB 3 contract developments, discord management and much more. Through the help of this grant we will make access to gain WEB 3 skills available for everyone. Our modules would ensure basic education for all spheres. Our target audience is individuals from various subclasses such as BIPOC, underprivileged, women, corporate employees and student groups. The training sessions will be online over a span of 6 months with a target to educated and empower 10,000 at a minimal cost of $50 per individual. The goal is to provide them with a “one destination for all” essential WEB 3 Trainings and skill development courses & modules to enhance and expand the web 3 ecosystem and allow underprivileged  and marginalized subclasses to not only learn about the space but to invest, create and grow the verse through inclusivity. Once trained, these people would then be part of our online job portal (like fiver) where individuals who want to hire resources could come and publish jobs and the skilled force could bid to acquire the role creating a win-win for all parties involved. ",2022-08-15T04:45:55.273-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7095,True,True,0x662E1664B96C3B9dEbe0798e7E0f8999F39db8D5,Zero-Knowledge University - an Online Course and Informal Study Group.,,"Zero-Knowledge University ( is an Online Course and Informal Study Group, for software developers to learn how to build market-ready products in WEB3 using zero-knowledge proof technology. The goal is to launch a ZK-product on mainnet within a couple of months. This is no doubt challenging; we’re here to help. During the course we cover many aspects of zk Tech and teach students how to use it in their own dapps. The course is also focused on infrastructure building and utilizing zk in that manner. Each cohort of the course lasts about 2 months and consists of 8 assignments and the final project. While learning students can also earn prizes, just for doing the assignments. We already have 52 graduate students after 3 cohorts. Cohort 4 is happening at the moment and ends by the end of August. After graduation students become part of zkDAO, which allows them to work on different projects and attend web3 conferences with other DAO members. Some of the final projects from previous graduates can be found here: Our goal is to educate as many people as possible and help them start their careers in Zero-Knowledge space. Join us and let's learn together!",2022-08-15T09:10:39.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7096,False,False,0x0,Blockchain Digital Identity Management System,,"Ninety-seven percent of all cyber-attacks target Personally Identifiable Digital Identity (PIDI) data. Large databases containing sensitive PIDI data, managed by the public and private sectors, have been breached, resulting in significant identity theft and monetary loss. The problem persists and continues to grow as the world population grows. Distributed Ledger Blockchain (DLB) technology is an immutable peer-to-peer proof-of-transaction database network system that can resist cyber-attacks on PIDI data by 97%. Additional solutions of value include: lower maintenance costs, lower administrative resources, higher sustainability, and a contact-free method for PIDI data transfer. This technology’s unique trait lies in how it decentralizes PIDI data into a distributed network of ledger copies. This product, currently in the prototype phase, is called the Blockchain Digital Identity Management System (BDIMS). In addition, Blockchain adoption research suggests that, if an end user’s personal beliefs about how they believe their PIDI data should be managed aligns with how Blockchain manages it, then the end-user is significantly more likely to adopt the BDIMS (Sindi, 2019). This is the service side of the business where the Blockchain Adoption Research Framework (Sindi, 2019) is utilized to thoroughly measure the adoption of a BDIMS into a particular context. The application of the BDIMS will be to any type of identification verification and validation process, which may include, but not limited to, voting ballot, refugee geolocation, driver’s license, passport, power of attorney, birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, escrow, academic transcripts, social security, and property deed official documentation. The total addressable market is 7.8 billion end-users. ",2022-08-15T10:40:46.639-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7097,False,False,0x6df314637d48d7aa5aad9fa307b1b0b9edd359b0,MyGuruDev,,"Abhishek Parashari ",2022-08-15T11:09:45.179-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7098,True,True,0x5a640aC15E7cA26e6067B2F8dd53a7142016b596,INFINITRI: A new way of forest preservation and regeneration,,"INFINITRI is a web3 organization based in Paramaribo, Suriname, that aims to redefine forest preservation and regeneration through the use of technology, financial tools and real world development. At the center of these developments are the communities that have lived in these forests. Project Patamacca Patamacca is a resort in Suriname located in the District of Marowijne, with a total area of 1,183 km2. The resort of Patamacca has historically been inhabited by maroon tribes. According to the last census held in 2020, the area was inhabited by roughly 470 people. This resort's main economic activity came from its local palm oil industry. This industry was destroyed due to the consequences of the Surinamese civil war in the 1980’s. During the 1960’s there was also an attempt at a large forest plantation by Bruynzeel, but that project was abandoned eventually. Besides a large granite mine operated by Grassalco, there are little to no legal and sustainable developments in that area. The China Zhong Hen Tai Company In an attempt to redevelop the resort of Patamacca and its palm oil industry, the government of Suriname signed a deal with the China Zhong Hen Tai (CZHT) company in 2004. In exchange for the development of a palm oil plantation and community investments for the inhabitants of the resort, CZHT was awarded a 520km2 concession and granted an ICL (incidental cutting license). This license gives the holder the ability to cut down all trees in that area, in this case for the development of the palm oil plantation. As things stand there is no palm oil plantation and no job opportunities for the tribes of Patamacca. There is a growing group that now resorts to illegal logging and gold mining. The current sitting government of Suriname has announced it has started the process of withdrawing the license given to CZHT. Information gathered on the company and past government dealings. Resort Patamacca and the CZHT concession (ICL License 32g). How we intend to solve the problem We are using blockchain technology as a foundation for the products and services we intend to offer. We believe that this technology will assist in bridging the gap between preservation efforts and sustainable economic growth. Farming as a Service We see Farming as a Service as a great opportunity to bring investment opportunities and create jobs for the people of Patamacca. Through land fractionalization on-chain we could offer plots of land on which the various tribes of Patamacca will use for farming. We aim to partner with several local and international farm companies, that will not only assist in the development of this project but also teach the necessary techniques that are required for in-forest farming. With the assistance of these partners, we can work towards farm products that can be exported throughout the region. Through a user-friendly dashboard, royalties earned and other important information about the plot of land will be displayed. Plots of land would be offered as the project and the demand for the product grows. Our goal is to gradually develop between 5 to 10km2 for the usage of the Farming as a Service model. All funds received through GR15 will be allocated towards building our Farming as a Service model and invest in the necessary infrastructure to further help reach our goal. Forests preservation The remaining land will be preserved and only used for development that directly benefits the tribes of Patamacca. If and when this project is eligible for carbon credits, we will use these funds to help further develop the amenities needed for those living  in Patamacca. Meet our team Tim Twitter LinkedIn Sedale Twitter LinkedIn Mitch Twitter LinkedIn Giani LinkedIn Current Status We are engaged in talks with the Surinamese government in order to present INFINITRI and in general ReFi as a credible and earth-loving option for the development of Patamacca. We would love to receive your help and funding in order for us to further develop and reach our goal of creating green opportunities for the tribes of Patamacca. We are thankful for this opportunity and are looking forward to keeping on building. Feel free to reach out to us via our Website or Twitter Lobi, Team INFINITRI ",2022-08-15T16:28:34.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7099,True,True,0xd80Bb063ed2937b7E413CcfcebA7B31A56dcB7B6,Hashicorp for Web3,,"Our mission is to become the leader of blockchain developer tooling in multi-chain environments. Our suite of developer tooling will cover data analytics, alerting, monitoring, CICD, and local development.",2022-08-15T22:02:40.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7100,False,False,0x99D3902df24797b0639280C3FA84188A08811dDf,The World Largest Blockchain Job Freelancing Platform,," Newsmartjob: Every freelancer’s go-to website! We, Divine pandas are a team of the app and web experts whose only goal is to improve client productivity and business strength by providing affordable and effective marketing solutions. Founder Divya Jyoti Sen and co-founder Jade Lai-ting li started a team of 22 web experts with over 12 years of experience that can provide the best website design, development, and marketing services to grow their client’s business online. Recently we have launched a new platform called Newsmartjob to provide opportunities and freelancing gigs to job seekers in the blockchain industry. Ours is the only blockchain smart contract freelance platform to ever exist. Smart contracts are digital contracts that work on certain terms and conditions to make sure whether an agreement is automatically executed or not. Official contracts like these are necessary to satisfy the freelancers and the clients that their payment and task will be completed satisfactorily.As a freelancer, it’s very important to have trust and transparency with your clients. Because that is the foundation of any successful business. There are numerous platforms out there that help freelancers get good gigs and consistent work. But when it comes to payment, their process is either too slow or clients back out at the last moment.Whatever the reason, freelancers have to suffer in the end. They are overworked and denied their reward, whether intentionally or unintentionally. But this doesn’t happen with Newsmartjob because we use smart contracts like MetaMask to avoid any kind of payment delay. Interestingly, we are the only ones to have this system as of now. MetaMask is a kind of smart contract or a cryptocurrency wallet that singlehandedly works on both desktop and mobile devices. It is popular because of its ability to buy, send and receive cryptocurrency from within the wallet. Smart contracts provide this level of security and safety among job seekers to maintain their trust. With the presence of these digital contracts, it becomes easier for freelancers to provide great value to their clients without any second thoughts. Newsmartjob accepts everyone around the globe to be a part of their platform and earn a consistent income through it. With emerging advanced technologies like these, people can trust freelancing as a legit carrier choice. Just like other jobs, freelancing has its pros and cons but one of its biggest drawbacks was denied payment. Nobody likes losing their hard-earned money. Newsmartjobs understands this pain and agony and their smart contracts act as a painkiller for the same. Please contact us for more details. Site : Github : Instagram :, Linkedin : Twitter    : Telegram : Whatsapp : Signup : ",2022-08-16T00:12:34.383-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7101,False,False,0x0,Potencia by NMTCharity labs,,"Potencia is a utility token we are planning to launch on polygon or BNB chain for building a better future for ourselves and coming generation by providing them platform to learn via decentralised web 3 college which will enable them to learn anything (INCLUDING SPORTS THEORY CLASSES) from anywhere. after a course completion proper online exams would be conducted for providing certification which can help them to achieve their dream jobs. The same tokens will be received as fees for courses.(can be burn to reduce the supply as well can be used for scalability of the project and mass adoption) simultaneously we are planning to build a decentralised web 3 based game for passive income would be provided in future for students and kids for their spare time. FLOW CHART FREE PLAY TO EARN GAME ----> TOKEN EARN ----> UTILISE THOSE TOKEN IN OUR EDUCATION PROGRAM(tokens can be sold to earn money as well) ",2022-08-16T08:42:41.385-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7102,True,True,0x453b719D4E8A663C11C21cEe225649527083a758,W3B - Raffle Ticket Open Protocol,,"Web3 Bazaar Raffle Ticket Open Protocol is a fully open-source and no-code tool built on top of a smart contract that enables anyone to create a trustless on-chain Raffle, customise tickets, currencies accepted and prizes. The tool will enable every P2E and DeFi community out there to create transparent, engaging and lucrative giveaways for their community, using their own assets as currencies and prizes. About The Web3 Bazaar: Web3 Bazaar is a peer-to-peer exchange for Web3 assets supported by a non-custodial escrow smart contract that allows for swaps between any ERC-20 or NFT token between counter-parties that have already agreed to terms. The project was born in the previous GR14 round and since then we have been serving as the go-to platform for P2P trades amongst P2E communities. Why an open Raffle Ticket protocol? We created a Raffle Tickets smart smart contract as a tool to engage and collab with P2E projects and promote a giveaway of their assets through the Bazaar. Aavegotchi was the first community siding with us and co-launching a Raffle that is up and running on the 2nd half of August with users purchasing tickets with their native currency ($GHST) for a chance to win rare Aavegotchi NFTs. We soon understood that we built a tool that every gaming and DeFi project out there could use so we are turning it into an open protocol in order to: Create transparent giveaways Eliminate the need to manually manage a giveaway Promote transactions with their project assets Be able to monetize an acquisition campaign What will the W3B Raffle Ticket protocol look like? The protocol architecture contains three blocks: No-code dApp to deploy the Raffle on-chain: The interface will request the necessary data to deploy the contract: - Tickets max supply, tickets price, currencies accepted, ticket images, closing date and prizes awarded) The dApp will trigger the Raffle Factory to deploy a new smart contract with the data submitted Raffle Factory Smart Contract: The Core Smart contract will process data sent by the dApp and issue a new smart contract, owned by the user, and prepared to mint new tickets for the input prize Chain-link VRF on-chain lottery The smart contracts will be linked to a Chainlink VRF oracle, ensuring that the raffle is processed automatically and fully on-chain, based on the ticket purchases and wallet addresses. What will the funds be used for? Audit the Smart contract Factory Build the no-code interface Deploy the Factory on multiple EVM chains Marketing and Partnerships to attract P2E projects to launch a Raffle in our Protocol",2022-08-16T09:02:14.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7103,True,True,0xdcaB3AC98dC87A1Eb85cF9F81cF75C09Ee8e7e5A,Wizard Amigos,,"Programming is the new literacy. Learn it together with transparent, open minded, science loving, diverse and nomadic community of individuals with activist streak. You can do it on your own or at a code camp nearby. We are looking for support from the community to help us organize events, create learning resources and to share the knowledge about the magic literacy of the future. ",2022-08-16T12:25:54.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7104,False,False,0x9FE622878a338e40879032cb268Ab8507c5137a4,CrypTix: NFT Event Ticketing,,"CrypTix is bringing the event ticketing industry into a new era! We are replacing the old methodologies with a fresh new take. CrypTix will be an all-in-one ticketing platform for consumers and event organizers alike. Consumers will be able to buy and sell tickets to their favorite concerts, sporting events, etc. with either cash or their favorite crypto's (currently Eth and ERC-20 tokens). They will receive their tickets in the form of NFT's. Blockchain tech brings with it the piece of mind that the users tickets are valid, legitimate tickets that can be traced from their initial listing on the CrypTix platform by the event organizers themselves. This aspect is not only appealing to consumers, but also to the event organizers themselves. They can see just how their tickets move throughout the platform. This gives them a clearer depiction of primary sales and in turn secondary resales. It allows transparency for all parties involved. The CrypTix ticketing platform will be built on the Ethereum network and governed by the CrypTix smart contract. All transactions on the platform will involve the native CrypTix token. The token will be a deflationary asset with tokenomics. The tokenomics of the CrypTix token are as follows: For market transactions, a 10% fee 4% redistributed to all holders of the CrypTix token proportional to the amount of the token that they hold 2% sent to the burn address 2% sent to the CrypTix token Liquidity Pool 2% sent to the CrypTix research and development wallet For peer-2-peer transactions, a 5% fee 2% redistributed to all holders of the CrypTix token proportional to the amount of the token that they hold 1% sent to the burn address 1% sent to the CrypTix token Liquidity Pool 1% sent to the CrypTix research and development wallet Roadmap of CrypTix Marketing Campaign Token ICO Marketplace Web App Marketplace Mobile App NFT Marketplace NFTs pegged to tickets and transferable across the Ethereum network See an in depth breakdown of the plans and aspirations of CrypTix on our whitepaper shown at ",2022-08-16T12:27:55.397-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7105,True,True,0xcCe0AAc6dBe4971ECf5b3dbd13EF93Cb50b379bf,nfty chat,," is a web3 chat platform built to replace discord. Our main functions include direct messaging, community creation, and community discovery. You can chat with frens directly or make your own private/token gated community. It is completely free to use and requires no username or password. In nfty chat, your wallet is your identity. Connect to chat. Why does nfty chat exist? Folks building on ethereum need a better communication tool that is safe and secure. The most popular tool is discord, a web2 platform, which is rife with fraud and bots. Newcomers to web3 often get tricked by scammers who impersonate legitimate members. No one can impersonate you when you use ENS and Sign In With Ethereum (SIWE). As long as your private keys are secure, so is your identity. On nfty chat, everyone has a unique username that cannot be spoofed. Your private key is your identity. is the web3 community chat platform that is weaning people off discord. It is free to use and open to everyone. Ethereum and ENS are our foundation. Is nfty chat decentralized? Your username on nfty chat is and always will be 100% decentralized. In fact, there is no way to create a username on nfty chat, you have to bring your own through the ethereum name service (ENS). We are progressively open sourcing nfty chat. Our widgets are already open sourced and can be viewed here: ",2022-08-16T13:16:10.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7106,True,True,0xd4924261323DAc5fAAD8524864d35D43d7190F92,D3V Library,,"Application provides rich set with thousands of resources ecosystem agnostic to improve developer experience in web3: Guides and Tutorials for building smart contracts in Defi, DAO, NFT and other areas Definitions and Vocabulary related to blockchain development and web3 Curated list with up-to-date dev Tooling and Utilities Large library of top repositories implemented best practices in given web3 area Free courses covering dapp development from project setup until its deployment",2022-08-16T18:11:44.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7107,True,True,0x389E3d1c46595aF7335F8C6D3e403ce2E8a9cf8A, - Democratizing Blockchain Data,,"Mission is a suite of blockchain data analytics tools created to simplify and democratize access to important blockchain data.  Gone Fishing The initial tool that we have built is free for use by all is a dashboard to track the liquidation health of borrowers on Aave. We are also rapidly expanding our offering of this liquidation health dashboard to other protocols while also expanding our product suite. Protecting Fish from Contagion During the crypto collapse of May 2022, many whales had over-borrowed betting on asset prices and yields that proved to be unsustainable. As liquidators sold massive amounts of collateral on exchanges, collateral prices dropped, which resulted in more liquidations. We created Defishy to democratize liquidation health data of all wallets, such that users are able to manage liquidation risk more effectively. The Future of Defishy (and why we need your support!) Because of the great initial reception for our liquidation health dashboard, we are now developing our product offering to a full DeFi analytics suite. Below are two Figma mockups of what Defishy will look like in the future: As shown in this bottom mockup, we are also currently focusing on sourcing historical data for more historical trend analysis as well as simulation modeling. These will be very powerful additions to our product suite by allowing users to look into the past to better interpret the potential future.  About the Team Defishy was created by a group of four builders from Dartmouth Blockchain, the blockchain research and development collective at Dartmouth College. Defishy is free to use, and we would appreciate any feedback or suggestions, so feel free to send them in our Discord! You can also view our repo on Github. Thank you for your support and happy fishing!",2022-08-16T19:57:22.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7108,True,True,0x4FaF9432F7Dbfe93b67057Bb6aAdDEe6684DEB08,"Scaling Nature Positive Credits through Digital Measurement, Reporting and Verification",,"THE PROBLEM Environmental markets, like carbon, are expensive, complicated and opaque. They don’t serve the needs of credit developers, buyers or end-consumers. There are questions regarding the quality of credits and a lack of understanding of carbon amongst consumers reducing the payback for brands and businesses who are investing in offsets. THE SOLUTION Using on-the-ground and remote sensing technology paired with spatial imaging and AI we are improving the integrity of nature-based environmental projects. Our goal is to help market participants create, trade and retire high-quality, nature-positive credits with confidence and transparency in a single click whilst increasing end-customer engagement. PROGRESS We are currently demonstrating customer market fit with our pilot project and first customers where we are on target to verify and sell our first Nature Positive credits in the next 2 months. We have developed: A V1 methodology that rewards Nature Positive actions A customer dashboard to share company impact with their consumers Our first remote verification protocol We are still developing: An app for project management that helps reforestation organisations coordinate their project with land stewards whilst also acting as a data source for initial verification. Our digital ledger architecture and framework to automate the issuance of credits in a trustless and transparent fashion Our GIS including integrations with the project management app and remote sensing (satellite) technology THE ASK Grant money will go towards further product development and customer acquisition. THE TEAM Mitchell Board, CEO - 15+ years in cleantech / greentech / renewables / commodities / infrastructure Alex Cohen, CTO - 20 years in technology, innovation, remote sensing Christian Pazzaglia, CCO - 20 years entrepreneur, community and event builder",2022-08-16T21:06:38.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7109,False,False,0x0,The Benefits of Choosing Custom Product Boxes,,"Whether your products are small or large, you will need the right boxes that fit them. Custom product boxes help to eliminate unnecessary waste. In addition, the boxes will make your products look more attractive and can save you money in the long run. Yes, there are many benefits you can get from choosing these boxes. Custom Product Boxes Play an Important Role in Increasing Sales When you design your custom product boxes, you can incorporate themes or colors, depending on your needs. You can incorporate seasonal themes, holiday designs, or other motifs to make the packaging more appropriate for the product. Some boxes are specifically designed to commemorate birthdays or special occasions. Custom boxes can also evoke strong emotions and memories in consumers. Moreover, their packaging plays an important role in increasing sales because humans respond to good visuals. In other words, your boxes can be as stylish as your products are. You can design a custom product box by using various tools and services that are available online. You can use their design tool to see how your design will look before it's printed. There are many styles available, including the Straight Tuck End style. You can also use an embossing process to raise images and text. The embossing process makes the images and text on the boxes look raised. The result is a more professional look for your product. Product Boxes Ensure Your Products Arrive Safely To customize product boxes, start by determining the size and shape of your products. There are three different layouts you can choose from: left-side items listing, right-side items listing, and horizontal items listing. Using the proper product box sizes will ensure your products arrive safely and in good condition. Custom product boxes also have the capacity to support a variety of product variations, so you can offer your customers a variety of sizes and types of products. Custom printed boxes can be produced in any quantity, with no minimum order size. Ordering a single sample takes three to five business days. Standard-quantity orders starting at 25 pieces take 15 to 20 days. Depending on the design, custom boxes can be made to fit a variety of retail products. They can be shipped flat and can be assembled easily. They are often designed to store a variety of items and come with various features. Wholesale Product Boxes Provide a Memorable Customer Experience One of the best ways to market a product is through packaging. There are many benefits to using wholesale product boxes. You can save a lot of money when you order them in bulk. In addition, these boxes can be recycled or composted, making them a great way to keep products protected during shipping. You can order these boxes in bulk, starting from a thousand units. However, you should remember that the cost of shipping the boxes might increase next time you need them. One way to provide a memorable customer experience is to customize product boxes wholesale with unique inserts. You can add your company logo or brand name to these boxes to make them even more memorable. These boxes can be useful for attracting new customers and building brand loyalty. They can be customized with inserts, placeholders, or multiple segments. For an even better experience, you can include a surprise inside the box. Your customers will be more likely to buy from your brand if they get these boxes quickly. Custom Printed Product Boxes Help You Build Your Brand Identity If you're selling products, it's important to choose the best packaging for them. This will help you build your brand identity and protect your products from damage. Moreover, custom printed product boxes can be customized with windows or other features, increasing the trust level of customers in your brand and your product. If you're looking for a high-quality custom box, look no further than us. You'll find wholesale prices and fast shipping on the custom boxes you order. When choosing product boxes, keep in mind the dimensions and shape of the items that you plan to package. Product packaging boxes can be made to fit your specific measurements, eliminating excess waste. This can reduce your costs as well. To make sure that your boxes fit your products properly, choose a printing and packaging solution provider. They will provide you with optimal quality boxes. It's worth considering all of your options before choosing a packaging company. The benefits are numerous. Custom Product Boxes Are the Perfect Way to Showcase Your Unique Products Creating custom product boxes with is easy and fun. You can use product images that relate to your products. You can choose to display one image per box or use different images on different boxes. It is easy to change the image so you can easily update the look and feel of your products and make them look better than ever. The boxes will be the perfect way to showcase your unique products. Eventually, you can choose from several colors and themes and customize the boxes to fit your brand's aesthetic.   ",2022-08-17T04:02:00.548-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7110,False,False,0x0,The Benefits of Choosing Custom Product Boxes,,"Whether your products are small or large, you will need the right boxes that fit them. Custom product boxes help to eliminate unnecessary waste. In addition, the boxes will make your products look more attractive and can save you money in the long run. Yes, there are many benefits you can get from choosing these boxes. Custom Product Boxes Play an Important Role in Increasing Sales When you design your custom product boxes, you can incorporate themes or colors, depending on your needs. You can incorporate seasonal themes, holiday designs, or other motifs to make the packaging more appropriate for the product. Some boxes are specifically designed to commemorate birthdays or special occasions. Custom boxes can also evoke strong emotions and memories in consumers. Moreover, their packaging plays an important role in increasing sales because humans respond to good visuals. In other words, your boxes can be as stylish as your products are. You can design a custom product box by using various tools and services that are available online. You can use their design tool to see how your design will look before it's printed. There are many styles available, including the Straight Tuck End style. You can also use an embossing process to raise images and text. The embossing process makes the images and text on the boxes look raised. The result is a more professional look for your product. Product Boxes Ensure Your Products Arrive Safely To customize product boxes, start by determining the size and shape of your products. There are three different layouts you can choose from: left-side items listing, right-side items listing, and horizontal items listing. Using the proper product box sizes will ensure your products arrive safely and in good condition. Custom product boxes also have the capacity to support a variety of product variations, so you can offer your customers a variety of sizes and types of products. Custom printed boxes can be produced in any quantity, with no minimum order size. Ordering a single sample takes three to five business days. Standard-quantity orders starting at 25 pieces take 15 to 20 days. Depending on the design, custom boxes can be made to fit a variety of retail products. They can be shipped flat and can be assembled easily. They are often designed to store a variety of items and come with various features. Wholesale Product Boxes Provide a Memorable Customer Experience One of the best ways to market a product is through packaging. There are many benefits to using wholesale product boxes. You can save a lot of money when you order them in bulk. In addition, these boxes can be recycled or composted, making them a great way to keep products protected during shipping. You can order these boxes in bulk, starting from a thousand units. However, you should remember that the cost of shipping the boxes might increase next time you need them. One way to provide a memorable customer experience is to customize product boxes wholesale with unique inserts. You can add your company logo or brand name to these boxes to make them even more memorable. These boxes can be useful for attracting new customers and building brand loyalty. They can be customized with inserts, placeholders, or multiple segments. For an even better experience, you can include a surprise inside the box. Your customers will be more likely to buy from your brand if they get these boxes quickly. Custom Printed Product Boxes Help You Build Your Brand Identity If you're selling products, it's important to choose the best packaging for them. This will help you build your brand identity and protect your products from damage. Moreover, custom printed product boxes can be customized with windows or other features, increasing the trust level of customers in your brand and your product. If you're looking for a high-quality custom box, look no further than us. You'll find wholesale prices and fast shipping on the custom boxes you order. When choosing product boxes, keep in mind the dimensions and shape of the items that you plan to package. Product packaging boxes can be made to fit your specific measurements, eliminating excess waste. This can reduce your costs as well. To make sure that your boxes fit your products properly, choose a printing and packaging solution provider. They will provide you with optimal quality boxes. It's worth considering all of your options before choosing a packaging company. The benefits are numerous. Custom Product Boxes Are the Perfect Way to Showcase Your Unique Products Creating custom product boxes with is easy and fun. You can use product images that relate to your products. You can choose to display one image per box or use different images on different boxes. It is easy to change the image so you can easily update the look and feel of your products and make them look better than ever. The boxes will be the perfect way to showcase your unique products. Eventually, you can choose from several colors and themes and customize the boxes to fit your brand's aesthetic.   ",2022-08-17T04:02:02.466-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7111,False,False,0x0,The Benefits of Choosing Custom Product Boxes,,"Whether your products are small or large, you will need the right boxes that fit them. Custom product boxes help to eliminate unnecessary waste. In addition, the boxes will make your products look more attractive and can save you money in the long run. Yes, there are many benefits you can get from choosing these boxes. Custom Product Boxes Play an Important Role in Increasing Sales When you design your custom product boxes, you can incorporate themes or colors, depending on your needs. You can incorporate seasonal themes, holiday designs, or other motifs to make the packaging more appropriate for the product. Some boxes are specifically designed to commemorate birthdays or special occasions. Custom boxes can also evoke strong emotions and memories in consumers. Moreover, their packaging plays an important role in increasing sales because humans respond to good visuals. In other words, your boxes can be as stylish as your products are. You can design a custom product box by using various tools and services that are available online. You can use their design tool to see how your design will look before it's printed. There are many styles available, including the Straight Tuck End style. You can also use an embossing process to raise images and text. The embossing process makes the images and text on the boxes look raised. The result is a more professional look for your product. Product Boxes Ensure Your Products Arrive Safely To customize product boxes, start by determining the size and shape of your products. There are three different layouts you can choose from: left-side items listing, right-side items listing, and horizontal items listing. Using the proper product box sizes will ensure your products arrive safely and in good condition. Custom product boxes also have the capacity to support a variety of product variations, so you can offer your customers a variety of sizes and types of products. Custom printed boxes can be produced in any quantity, with no minimum order size. Ordering a single sample takes three to five business days. Standard-quantity orders starting at 25 pieces take 15 to 20 days. Depending on the design, custom boxes can be made to fit a variety of retail products. They can be shipped flat and can be assembled easily. They are often designed to store a variety of items and come with various features. Wholesale Product Boxes Provide a Memorable Customer Experience One of the best ways to market a product is through packaging. There are many benefits to using wholesale product boxes. You can save a lot of money when you order them in bulk. In addition, these boxes can be recycled or composted, making them a great way to keep products protected during shipping. You can order these boxes in bulk, starting from a thousand units. However, you should remember that the cost of shipping the boxes might increase next time you need them. One way to provide a memorable customer experience is to customize product boxes wholesale with unique inserts. You can add your company logo or brand name to these boxes to make them even more memorable. These boxes can be useful for attracting new customers and building brand loyalty. They can be customized with inserts, placeholders, or multiple segments. For an even better experience, you can include a surprise inside the box. Your customers will be more likely to buy from your brand if they get these boxes quickly. Custom Printed Product Boxes Help You Build Your Brand Identity If you're selling products, it's important to choose the best packaging for them. This will help you build your brand identity and protect your products from damage. Moreover, custom printed product boxes can be customized with windows or other features, increasing the trust level of customers in your brand and your product. If you're looking for a high-quality custom box, look no further than us. You'll find wholesale prices and fast shipping on the custom boxes you order. When choosing product boxes, keep in mind the dimensions and shape of the items that you plan to package. Product packaging boxes can be made to fit your specific measurements, eliminating excess waste. This can reduce your costs as well. To make sure that your boxes fit your products properly, choose a printing and packaging solution provider. They will provide you with optimal quality boxes. It's worth considering all of your options before choosing a packaging company. The benefits are numerous. Custom Product Boxes Are the Perfect Way to Showcase Your Unique Products Creating custom product boxes with is easy and fun. You can use product images that relate to your products. You can choose to display one image per box or use different images on different boxes. It is easy to change the image so you can easily update the look and feel of your products and make them look better than ever. The boxes will be the perfect way to showcase your unique products. Eventually, you can choose from several colors and themes and customize the boxes to fit your brand's aesthetic.   ",2022-08-17T04:02:04.843-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7112,True,True,0x8c81325C934da49129c66792fb4338965b86A94E,Sixdegree Lab,,"We are a group of passionate data analysts. Our mission is to provide highly professional and value-creating content to blockchain fans. The area of our interest includes but is not limited to Defi, NFT, DAOs, and L2. At this stage, most of our work is published on Dune in a dashboard format. Some of our works can be found on our Dune Page: Ethereum overview: Ethereum merge Opensea overview Blockchain overview series",2022-08-17T04:43:50.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7113,True,False,0x862D5740ceE0eA75530024b3C11ceAf08756AF12,"Stand up for privacy, free speech and open-source software",,"Last week’s arrest of Amsterdam-based software developer Alex Pertsev threatens to create a dangerous precedent, as developers could now be made responsible if software they created is misused. Open-source software – which was published under free licence and can be used by anyone and for any purpose – has always been a major driver for innovation in the tech sector. Many popular products, such as Linux, Mozilla Firefox and VLC Media Player, were developed as open-source software. Open-source software products have millions of users globally, while thousands of developers use open-source code in their projects. Open-source software is flexible and secure, as it can be audited, fixed and improved by anyone. Now, Alex is being accused of creating open-source code that was used by Tornado Cash, a project under investigation in the US and Europe. But a developer has no control whatsoever over how their open-source code is subsequently used. Therefore, the accusations against Alex threaten to kill the entire open-source software segment. No one will dare to write and publish open-source code, no one will invest in the segment if they could be made responsible for the use of the tool they created by other parties. To stand for developers’ right to create open-source software, you need to act NOW! Help to free innocent person and make your impact in the future of open-source development! If you can, attend a protest rally in Amsterdam on Saturday, August 20, at 16:00 on Dam Square. #OpenSourceNotACrime #PrivacyNotACrime #freepertsev #FreeAlekseyPertsev #FreeAlex More info on the rally: Telegram group:",2022-08-17T05:57:55.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7114,False,False,0x0,A Unique Box Wallet – The Best Box for a Great Gift Idea,,"A box wallet is an ideal way to store your cash and cards. Your compact and stylish wallets are ideal for daily use. Your box need to be incredibly easy to assemble and disassemble. What’s more, your packaging will be an excellent choice for traveling. Most importantly, when you make the box uniquely, it can be the best box for a great gift idea. A Unique Box Wallet Is a Great Way to Present Your Wallets Stylishly A unique wallet gift box is a great way to present your wallets in a stylish manner. They come in various colors and shapes and may have internal features that help arrange the wallets inside. Box wallets are usually made of sturdy, cost-effective materials that contain attractive printed content. Some boxes even come with custom die-cut windows and handles. The box itself can be customized to fit a specific shape or size. These options are ideal for packaging and presentation of wallets and make for a stunning gift. If you're looking for a cheap way to display your wallet products, wallet boxes wholesale are the perfect solution. Customized with your company's logo or text, wholesale wallet boxes are the perfect gift for customers. They're also great for promoting your company's brand. And they're also an excellent way to generate more sales without spending a fortune. Buying wholesale wallet boxes is a great way to start a unique business identity and increase your sales. Wallet Gift Box Can Be Versatile Packaging Solutions Wallet gift box can be versatile packaging solution, and they're ideal for every occasion. Their two-piece design is eye-catching and an excellent way to display even everyday items. You can find custom-printed wholesale wallet boxes in a variety of shapes and sizes, so your customers will never miss out on your gifts. These custom boxes can also be printed with your company's logo or graphics. This gives your packaging a more personalized feel and boosts brand recognition. In addition to the functionality of wholesale wallet boxes, they look great. Box wallets are available in many different shapes and sizes, and they're often made of rigid cardboard for added protection. Some have internal features that make it easier to arrange the wallets. Others feature die-cut handles or windows that make it easier to identify and arrange your wallets. These boxes are easy to create and can be customized to fit your needs. If you're in need of a cheap way to package your wallets, consider a box wallet. They're easy to produce and are a great way to promote your brand and increase sales. Wallet Picture Box Is a Great Way to Showcase Your Brand and Products Wallet picture box is a great way to showcase your brand and products. They are a unique way to present your products and provide a dedicated space for your branding. They are also convenient to store, making them a great choice for retail stores and businesses. As an added bonus, wallet boxes can be easily recognizable and are available in different colors and designs. These boxes are becoming more popular, so you can be sure that your business will be noticed. A box wallet picture is a great way to showcase your pictures. Using a plastic wallet case to present your senior pictures is no longer acceptable. Instead, you can use the Custom Wallet Box to generate buzz and excitement about your product or brand. The boxes can be ordered online and only require one picture. Customers can choose the design of the box that best suits their needs. If you're looking for a wallet picture that will be displayed for generations to come, consider a box with your logo printed on it. Wallet Packaging Is a Great Promotional Tool Wallet packaging is a great promotional tool that can save a company money in advertising and marketing. In addition to giving your brand the exposure it needs, well-designed wallet packaging provides convenience to your customers. Think like a customer and create a product that will appeal to them. This way, you will build loyalty and gain long-term benefits from your business. In addition, wallet packaging can help you lower the cost of the products that you are packaging. A Unique Box Wallet Can Be Easily Customizable A unique box wallet is made of sturdy cardboard and laminated with protective coatings. At, the box can be easily customizable and can be designed in any size or shape. In addition, the box is also attractive and can have special features such as die-cut handles or window cuts. In the end, this type of packaging will make a great gift to give to someone special.  ",2022-08-17T06:05:46.855-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7115,False,False,0x11fEc6735eDc07270d9412cb7708776EB0b847FC,IOUPlay,,"IOUplay aims to increase trust between gamers, guilds, and GameFi NFT investors. Basing on IOUtokens, ""people's money with feedback"" - SBT (soulbounded tokens). It means  tokenized civil debts receipts, promissory notes, or convertible notes, issued by anyone, anytime, anywhere, & backed by goods & services. The community rates & acts as sureties for responsible issuers so they can qualify for financing. The investor who bought game NFTs wants to get revenue from its renting. But they don't know who comes to rent this NFT because they see just a game account. We trying to  solve this  problem. We offer investors a new instrument of gamer's reputation - the IOU token. At this token saved history of rents, wons (and fails) of this gamer. After every renting period, investors can burn one gamer IOU and rate their results. Everybody can see this rating and feedback. While communicating with the players, we found out that the game guilds need “replenishment” in the form of active and trained players, while new players, “newbies,” face complex rules, and it is difficult for them to understand the winning strategies immediately. We used the soul bounded token (IOUtoken) developed by us, with which the student can pay the teacher. Thus, the teacher becomes interested in teaching students. A teacher later receives students' gaming obligations either as the time of their playing or just sell them. Since the Master spends his time fiddling with the beginner, and the beginner saves time on figuring it all out, he pays the master time with his IOUtoken obligation, and the master writes the beginner's “qualification” there as a recommendation. We are creating a school of reputation capital to teach players how to use SB tokens. We are running a peer-to-peer program to train “newcomers” by already experienced players (“masters”) to earn money in new games and increase their attractiveness as players for investors in P2E. Experienced players can earn extra money by teaching beginners. And beginners quickly master the intricacies of the game. For example: 1. The master recommends NFTs that make sense to buy and rent; 2. The master gives a list of winning combinations and strategies in the game; 3. The master explains the basic principles of the game through NFT combinations (or intelligent action algorithms); 4. You can zoom master and novice and share the game screen to make moves with recommendations; 5. A beginner can send logs of his “fights” to the master and receive comments about what was done wrong; 6. Under the guidance of the master, you can set up some automated options (if there are bots in the game, for example, auto-renewal of the lease, search for a profitable lease, etc.); 7. The master can help them understand the interfaces and features. Also, based on the player’s interest, we are making an exchange (a fork of Uniswap) so that these tokens can be staked and investors, seeing the ratings and achievements of the players, can invest in players, as in a “traditional” sport. We are making an Escrow - a smart contract “for learning” - a student and a teacher exchange obligations for learning and paying by moving them to this smart contract. Tokens move irrevocably. After a period agreed by the parties, each participant gets access to the tokens of the other. Also, gamers can transfer their SBT IOUtokens to each other tokens contract  to make mutual surety. Project currently deployed  on  Moonriver, Polygon, Harmony, Aurora,  Celo and several testchains. In close future - on Heco, BNB  and Fantom. ",2022-08-17T08:01:38.417-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7116,False,False,0x0,Buy Instagram Followers UK Can Help You Save a Significant Amount of Money,,"If you want to become famous on Instagram, getting likes on your posts is important. Even the most famous users can buy likes to gain more attention. The like button is a way to see how many people agree with you. You should never underestimate the power of this powerful tool. How can you get liked posts? You might consider purchasing Instagram likes to increase your followers and build a following. Instagram is often used by larger companies as an additional source of traffic. Big brands are more likely to be liked and to gain new followers. If you are new to Instagram, don't rely on passing traffic. You need to make your profile stand out and create more followers. Buy Instagram likes to make yourself a leader and get the recognition you deserve. Why Do You Need Buy Instagram Followers UK Some companies will send likes right away to your profile. Many companies will send likes to your post within an hour. However, if you want to get more than 100 likes, you will need to make your account public. After delivery, you can modify your account status. However, it is best to wait until delivery is complete before doing so. It is best to wait a few days before changing your account status. You can buy Instagram Followers UK at a fraction of the price if you have a tight budget. For as little as $0.47, you can buy up to 50 thousand likes or as few as 100. These services are reliable and fast.  You can reach the Instagram team via messaging or chat to ask any questions. Instagram Likes Are an Excellent Choice for Branded Products An Instagram likes service provider can buy Instagram likes to boost your account. These likes are real, and they will begin to come in as soon as your post is published. A unique tracking link is provided to clients to track how many likes have been received. The quality of the post determines how many likes a user gets. Quality Instagram likes are those that show a commitment to quality. You've found the best place to find a reliable, affordable way to increase your Instagram followers. Follower Packages offers many services. Final Words If you are looking for an Instagram-like package provider, ensure they don't damage your account. A service like GetInstagramFollowers offers some benefits, including the ability to buy likes. You will get more interaction, and your posts will be more visible by purchasing likes from them. This allows you to use the site anonymously. The company's pricing is very competitive with premium services. The cheapest plan allows 300 likes in as little as one to two days for up to two posts. This service costs around $70 on average. The service is free for three days, and customer support is available 24/7 to answer any questions. ",2022-08-17T08:57:14.140-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7117,True,True,0xdE81d67Af572EC0F22841da702C1EdC25608dBBB,Nimi.eth,," Nimi is a decentralised social aggregator that lets anyone create, curate and share their web3 profile page and host it on their ENS domain! All your socials, NFTs, POAPs and more - hosted effortlessly on your ENS domain. Nimi started as a hackathon project at ETH Amsterdam 2022. The basic idea behind Nimi was to make it easier for users to host content on their ENS domain! Currently Nimi could be thought of as a “Linktree for web3”. But that’s just the beginning! We want to act as your web3 connector - aggregating all your favourite parts of web3 and hosting them on your ENS domain! Web2 & Web3 support Share anything from your Twitter profile to your NFTs, your POAP collection and a growing number of 3rd party integrations ENS made easy Hosting content on your ENS domain is hard. We abstract it all into an intuitive, 3-step UI. How it works Nimi combines ENS, IPFS, and Limo to let anyone host a decentralised profile page in just a couple of clicks! #1. Connect your wallet to Nimi. It checks for any ENS domains owned by the address #2. Claim your Nimi profile. Let it auto-populate or add your own description & extra fields #3. Nimi builds your whole site on the backend and uploads it to IPFS, with your ENS content hash pointing to it #4. See your new profile page on [your ENS name].limo in minutes Of all ENS domains that currently have a content hash set, 5% are Nimi pages! We had over 600 new Nimi pages setup just in July of 2022. This resulted in a large spike of total ENS content hashes being set for the month of July: What we will use the funds raised for: We are looking to always add and improve on-top of Nimi, by adding functionality and improving UI / UX for the user. Some current items on the roadmap are on-chain friendship connections between profiles, adding custom links, enabling in-person connections at conferences with Nimi QR codes, aggregating social content - and much more! Our main goal is raise awareness of hosting content on your ENS profile, by getting more users in the ecosystem to host content on their ENS domain. In our latest release (15th of August) we added the following features: Other ways to support us: ⚡️ Setup your Nimi page at ❤️ Follow us on twitter: 😎 Join our discord: Please let us know any feedback you have and thanks for your support :) ",2022-08-17T13:18:29.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7118,True,True,0x755510C0c06F2E3950171d8BF99A8902c0645554,Repro Grants - Fast funding for female reproductive science,,"What causes endometriosis? We don’t know. Why do women go through menopause? We don’t know. Why are women 2x more at risk for Alzheimer’s Disease? We don’t know. What is the long-term impact of hormonal contraceptives? We don’t know. ’We don’t know’ isn’t good enough. What is Repro Grants?  Repro Grants is a “fast grants” program that awards $10K-$100K to ambitious research projects aiming to deepen our understanding of the female reproductive system. We are motivated to learn how our bodies work, so we can develop better diagnostics and interventions to improve women's health outcomes and longevity.  Findings enabled by this program will allow all other researchers and entrepreneurs to build on top of the knowledge and further expedite the overlooked field. To enable open science, we first need science. Hence, unlocking funding for basic research is a crucial first step toward a thriving open science ecosystem that supports women’s reproductive health solutions. All manuscripts reporting work supported by the grant will be uploaded to a preprint server such as bioRxiv or arXiv or even Desci nodes upon submission. We don’t want to delay the impact of the work by long publication cycles! It’s hard to get funding for novel and experimental research. We're making the application and review process efficient (the application form takes ~30 minutes to complete and the applicant will get a decision within 21 days) so scientists can focus on what matters the most –- doing the science. We’re embarrassingly late. Since the Hippocratic oath, the male body has been the “medical norm”. Only in 1993 did the NIH, the primary federal agency for supporting medical science, first mandate that clinical trials should be run on both men and women. Unfortunately, this law only applied to NIH grantees and not the pharma industry which is responsible for more than 90% of trials. This means that modern medicine is based on research almost exclusively done on male bodies, with severe implications on women’s health outcomes:  ⇨ We overmedicate women. Most drugs have a 'one-size-fits-all' dosage despite obvious sex differences e.g. body fat composition. A study found that over 96% of common drugs (like aspirin) are prescribed to women in too high doses leading to excess side effects. ⇨ We misdiagnose women. Across 700 diseases women are on average diagnosed significantly later than men. For example, a woman having a heart attack is 50% more likely to get the wrong diagnosis due to differences in symptoms and sensitivity to commonly used diagnostics. ⇨ We ignore female anatomy. It was only in 1998 that Helen O'Connell discovered that the clitoris is not just a tiny bulb at the top of the vulva but about a 10-cm long internal structure. That’s almost 30 years after humans landed on Mars! Apparently, the vulva is more inaccessible than Mars. Although progress is evident, female-specific conditions remain secondary research subjects. Nowhere is this as clear as in the field of reproductive health. As of 2022, it takes on average 10 years to get diagnosed with endometriosis, an excruciatingly painful condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (endometrium) starts to grow outside of the uterus. The cause and cure for endometriosis remain a mystery to modern medicine.  And if you aren’t convinced yet, in the last two decades we have churned 5.5x more studies about male infertility than female infertility. Not to mention that in 2019 alone, the number of publications on male erectile dysfunction surpassed studies on female fertility by nearly 6-fold. We have centuries worth of research to catch on to properly understand how the bodies of half of the world’s population work. Why do we need Repro Grants?  Relatively small sums of capital are directed towards supporting fundamental research for women’s reproductive health. About 15% of all NIH funding goes to women’s health (2018 data). This capital allocation does not take into consideration or intend to correct the hundreds of years lag in women’s health research.  Beyond the capital dilemma, the mechanisms for accessing funding are too slow. It is estimated that leading researchers spend up to 50% of their time writing grant applications. We want to offer an alternative; a fast and efficient process for getting access to crucial funding, so scientists can focus on what matters the most — doing the science. We are starting with a quick experiment; deploying $1M in Fast Grant Round 1. We will take the learnings and hope to increase the scale and velocity of the funding in future rounds. Who is behind Repro Grants?  Sara Kemppainen: Self-educated sexual and reproductive health nerd. Founder in Residence at Fifty Years, focused on supporting scientists → founders that are solving problems traditionally overlooked by investors. Previously, Head of Program at Slush and founder of Women in Innovation and Leadership professional network. Recurrent EU delegate talking about all things gender equality & entrepreneurship.   Scientific board (non-exhaustive): Yousin Suh. Professor of Reproductive Sciences in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Genetics, and Development at Columbia Unversity.  Jennifer Garrison. Assist. professor at Buck Institute and professor of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology at UCSF.  Lynae Brayboy. Chief Medical Officer at Clue, a specialist in Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility, Obstetrics, and Gynecology. Iain Cheeseman. Herman and Margaret Sokol Professor of Biology at MIT; Core Member at Whitehead Institute Laramie Duncan. Assist. Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University. --- THANK YOU for supporting this chronically underfunded and increasingly politicized field of human biology!",2022-08-17T19:15:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7119,False,False,0x1db615991d0aAEc4E424D997F7B0Bc1f06D1403B,Sciverse,,"What is the idea behind Sciverse? Imagine it is 1952, Rosalind Franklin is generating X-ray crystallographic images in King’s College London. Two researchers at Cambridge, Francis Crick and James Watson, will eventually make use of one of these images (photo 51) to propose the famous double helical structure of DNA. We have built so many tools in genetic engineering that rely on this specific knowledge. What if in 1952, Watson and Crick could sell their [read Rosalind Franklin’s] photo 51 to the science enthusiasts in a public auction? Would you collect it? Now, go back a little further in time to 1866: Gregor Mendel, a monk working in a monastery, published a work using peas to describe how the heredity is transmitted in discrete unit — this unassuming work would eventually form the foundation of genetics as we know it today. What if your great grandfather who was then a farmer with an interest in Mendel’s work with peas bought the picture sold by Mendel in 1866? About 3 generations later you would realise that your great grandfather collected the original copy of one of the finest works of science in history. Any piece of original scientific finding auctioned in such a way at the time of the discovery will of course have a huge collectible value. Moreover, it gives back to science in a small way — for instance, it could have funded Mendel’s next follow up experiments which he probably never got around doing because of lack of funds. Most importantly, this concept contributes to increasing public awareness and engagement in Science at a scale that was not possible before — by encouraging general public to actively participate in the ongoing research and collect the findings while giving back to the scientific community in whatever small way possible. This is now possible to implement easily as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have verifiable ownership and can be easily be stored, displayed, transferred and traded. Another fun part is that unlike a lot of the projects creating artificial use cases for NFTs based on limited supply and artificial rarity in their collection, the Sciverse collection does not need such artificial scarcity or rarity elements associated with it— it naturally evolves over time based on how the underlying scientific works stand the test of time. Your collectible might win a Noble prize but it might also fail the rigour of scientific reproducibility — and only this will determine how sought after your collectible will be in the future. What is the Sciverse collection about? Sciverse selects the best contemporary scientific works and mints its representative art work (microscopic images or videos/ piece of data/ abstract illustration) as a collectible work of sciart. Every artwork represents a published digital object identifier (DOI) or equivalent. This artwork lives forever on a decentralised public blockchain for generations to see. This collection can be viewed here: What is the Sciverse Museum? Using the aforementioned collection, Sciverse organizes thematic (neuroscience to evolution to astronomy) exhibitions in the metaverse. This is organized in the Sciverse Museum, the first contemporary science museum in the metaverse: Currently on display are the genesis pieces in the Genesis Hall which focus on the past. Moving forward, the focus will shift to the present — scientific works of today. With this, we are introducing an exciting new approach to science popularisation! The first two halls to open after the Genesis Hall are the Curie Hall and the Levi-Montalcini Hall which will be focussed on cancer/ cell biology and neuroscience, respectively. Who can contribute to Sciverse? Researchers and artists can pitch any work published in 2021 or after to be part of the Sciverse collection of contemporary science. Researchers are welcome to submit their own works of science with a related image or media that they want us to use to represent the work. Artists are welcome to submit illustrations depicting a particular scientific discovery through an artist’s eye. Here is the form to make a new submission: How do you plan to use the funds raised by selling the pieces? Currently, we do not sell the sciart pieces. Our primary goal is to curate and display the best works of science for generations to see (no profit intended!). However, if and when your submission is sold, you will receive 90% of the primary sale proceeds to your ethereum address provided in the form. You can use this to do more cool science/ sciart works if you like! We think giving funds back to the people who do amazing work is the best way to support innovation. As for the remaining 10% , in the early days we hope that it will help Sciverse to self-sustain (it is currently a fully self-funded project at the time of writing). If and when Sciverse collection is able to move a lot of volume, we might use a part of the Sciverse treasury to fund public good projects related to science. Guess who will decide which project/s to fund? The holders of the Sciverse collectibles, of course! In this way, we hope to become a thriving ecosystem for public engagement in science focussed on both science education and funding through sciart in the interconnected halls of the Sciverse. Sounds interesting? Join us! See you in the Sciverse. ",2022-08-17T19:18:09.060-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7121,True,True,0xA3E108c4825dA083aFAE4704fd7977b37C5dec4a,WalliD wallet,,"WalliD is the self-sovereign aggregator toolkit for all Digital IDs. Users can privately manage all their digital IDs through a single wallet independently of underlying infrastructure or network. Webapps can connect to single SDK to authenticate and verify users’ IDs through their favourite protocols and networks. About WalliD WalliD was founded at the end of 2018 by Filipe Veiga and Vitor Viana with the purpose to build self-sovereign tools for non-financial assets (a.k.a Identities and certificates). Digital IDs are taking over the internet in this decade, pushed by different agents with different goals in mind. Governments are rolling out centralized infrastructures to issue digital certificates for their citizens while the web3 industry is building an alternative reputation system, based on decentralised infrastructures and digital credentials. None of them is going away anytime soon so our mission became to make sure that users would keep the ability to manage all of them in a private and secure way and Webapps would be able to seamlessly choose which protocols and IDs will be used to verify their users’ identities. Where we are now During the last couple of years we have been fully focused on building the underlying infrastructure of our toolkit that today is composed of: 📇  ID protocol SDKs - To connect centralized or decentralized ID protocols with WalliD ecosystem and make they assets accessible by users and WebApps (the government Portuguese ID issuer was the first integrating with the toolkit) ✅ Verifier SDKs - To provide WebApps an easy way to authenticate users and verify identities from any ID protocol or network connected to the ecosystem (DocuSign was the first webapp integrating with WalliD to provide ther users the ability to sign documents with ETH addresses) 👛 WalliD wallet - Self-sovereign Ehereum wallet to authenticate users on web2 or web3 apps , to locally store the keys to access ID assets from multiple protocols and to provide proofs-of-ids based on those assets. Our roadmap of integrations ahead: Lukso Network - We are currently participating in their hackathon to integrate WalliD wallet as the native wallet to and to provide bridge for all their assets and smart contract standards with all other EVM networks. Proof-of-Humanity - In September we’ll be integrating the protocol to enable WalliD users to bring their PoH into the wallet and use it in combination with proofs-of ownership over other IDs. PolygonID - In October we'll be focused on making sure our toolkit is connected to PolygonID, making our wallet compatible with their ZK protocol and making it easier for their users to connect with it without the need of a specific new PolygonID wallet and app EBSI - We’ll submit WalliD wallet for the conformity test, ensuring a certified compatibility with W3C standard for digital credentials and the compliance for legacy and government related use cases. Ceramic Network - Ceramic is one of the most used ID protocol in the web3 and it also relies on W3C standard for their decentralized credentials. After the EBSI conformity we'll connect our wallet to the protocol, ensuring most ID protocols and networks are covered by our toolkit and dApps or Webapps have a single SDK to integrate and customise the ID verification experience for their users. The scope of GR15 - WalliD wallet Even though WalliD is a toolkit with many components we’re submitting our fully open-source wallet for this round. The wallet is the core component of the toolkit and the piece that ensures: a bridge between users, protocols and Webapps.  all these networks to come together under a single address if the user so desires and the  ultimate sovereignty for the users over all their digital IDs. Try out WalliD wallet now and build your ID Portfolio here. What will we be using the funds for? Wallet Audit New wallet features development promotion of the toolkit within the communities of networks identified above push forward the number of integrations with other relevant protocols and networks ",2022-08-18T06:08:27.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7122,True,True,0xa83daAc20eb2FB0a653E7D0FF922568449B6FC11,OTCOnline - Web 3.0 OTC and fully automated guarantor service,,"OTCOnline is the first Web 3.0 OTC and fully automated guarantor service that works on a P2P basis! Our mission is to make web 3.0 deals more secure, so people can buy and sell crypto assets safely and not worry about being scammed! Benefits of the platform: ✅ Low commission! Thanks to our own smart contract, the commission of the platform is only 3%, regardless of the amount of deal! ✅ 24/7 support! In case of any problems, at any time moderator can join the deal at your request, just by pressing a button! ✅ User-friendly interface! Service is implemented in such a way that even the most inexperienced user can place ads and make deals! The deal mechanism is made by the well-known P2P principle. ✅ Safety! The most important thing for us is the safety of our users! That's why we have implemented a mechanism that will ensure the safety of your money and will not let scammers cheat you! Instructions and an example of how to use the platform can be found on our Medium",2022-08-18T08:06:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7123,True,True,0xC213A51Fbb3b0077BfCB08DB558D6477D33357F1,Parrot DAO: Web3 Education & Services,,"Parrot DAO is the group behind Parrot - an open-source, educational platform to teach users how to navigate and transact in web3! Parrot DAO's mission is to onboard people to the Ethereum network and build a deep repository of educational material to help funnel the next wave of Ethereum users to decentralized, secure applications, marketplaces, and additional learning resources.",2022-08-18T09:18:03.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7124,False,False,0x0,Buy term paper online. ,,"After you buy term paper online, some of these companies will offer you a way to when to contacts regarding your task. Do it or not? Read on to know more. Buy Term Paper Online: Who Will Present Exceptional Reports To You? Before anyone can write a compelling research report, they must have prior information about it. Also, one needs to have an outline of what he/ she should include in the final copy. If you do that, there are chances that you might not submit recommended solutions. There are various measures an individual could take before writing any of his papers. With this post, we will learn the basics of presenting top-grade research reports. How to Succeed in Writing a Research Request When someone requests help from external sources, most of them end up delivering irrelevant documents. Some don't even touch a bit on the question, and in return, give unsuspecting clients bogus answers. It helps a lot to be sure of the assistant to pick the right helper. Ensure that you are very careful with the service that hires its writers. You never want to be a victim of scammers. Remember, no one would risk paying for unworthy services. Besides, who wants to lose money to online fraudsters? Every professional writer ought to present a research request as per the client's instructions. The reason for doing so is to test if the expert knows the proper procedure for managing academic and other document challenges. Someone else whose professionalism is compromised will not wish to be in a position to manage a customer inquiry. First, if the company is legit, it has to prove that it is able to deliver the deliveries. Now, where can you find such a team? Look for: Quality of reporting. Original paperwork. Affordable prices. It is crucial to be keen on the type of proposalthat you'll receive. Don't be quick to select a source that values the success of students. Be cautious enough to assess the price of your orders. A great Source will always have the option of offering discount deals. Always look for agencies that have discounts and bonus offers for customers. That will enable you to save that extra dollar spent on the research project. Besides, every student wouldn't like to waste their time working on a particular research assignment. But now, the days have finally come, and you have decided to cash in on the idea. Useful Resources What Is an Essay Outline? Get Quality Ph.D. Thesis Help Online Professional dissertation writing Services: Who Will Help Me? ",2022-08-18T09:43:19.092-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7125,True,True,0xf6E525Bcbdc574B4B275F884B836D18fb1c6DdA3,Ethercast Brasil - The first and only media hub in Latin America dedicated to the Ethereum ecosystem.,,"The first Brazilian media hub dedicated to the Ethereum network. We aim to bring attention and awareness to more people in Brazil about what is going on with this network. We also want to ensure people to understand why decentralization and security are important. Ultimately we want to onboard as many users as possible. With more than 213 million habitants, Brazil is the biggest country in Latin America. We release free episodes (~30-40min long) once a week, on YouTube and on podcast platforms and we release free newsletter once a week. Youtube Twitter Newsletter Team Guelfi Joao Cury Magnata",2022-08-18T11:16:17.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7126,True,True,0x36F72624016C75E96006EC9eD64C575DA538e364,New Atlantis: unlocking ocean biodiversity + blue carbon with DeSci & Web3,," Photo used with permission by Cristina Mittermeier, New Atlantis Advisor “Whether we know it or not, without a living ocean, there simply cannot be any life on Earth.” -Cristina Mittermeier, co-founder of, New Atlantis Founding Advisor, UN SDG14 Ambassador, Instagram  TLDR WHAT: New Atlantis is an ocean regeneration project that provides Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) with a viable business model by making marine biodiversity (and life-driven blue carbon)  an investable asset class.  We achieve this by creating an open marine metagenomics biodiversity analytics platform from which ecosystem health can be evaluated and from which blue carbon and biodiversity credits can be generated and sold by MPAs.   WHY: MPAs are the best way to preserve and protect global marine biodiversity.  Unfortunately, MPAs overwhelmingly lack the resources to adequately protect life in their waters due to reliance on precarious government funding and traditional philanthropy.  To have globally sustainable oceans, the UN estimates we need 30% of the oceans in fully protected MPAs by 2030.  Today, only 2.4% of the oceans are in fully protected MPAs.  Protecting marine biodiversity is critical because biodiverse marine ecosystems  feed nearly 3 billion people,  produce 50% of the world’s oxygen,  are the basis for the global food web provide an estimated US$29.5 trillion/year in marine ecosystem services are critical to the ocean’s ability to sustainably sequester vast amounts of carbon via the marine carbon biological pump HOW: New Atlantis is developing biodiversity metrics to measure + forecast the health of MPAs.   MPAs can use these biodiversity metrics to more effectively manage life in their waters AND  to develop blue carbon and biodiversity credits that MPAs can sell to fund their further operations.  This process creates a sustainable revenue model that scales as MPAs expand their conservation efforts.   SCIENCE + TECH STACK PROGRESS TO DATE: New Atlantis’ science and dev teams have deep experience in computational biology, AI/ML, data science/engineering, genomics, marine ecology, and development of cloud-based NGS bioinformatics pipelines. Our team has deployed the New Atlantis Living Oceans Metagenome Assembly Pipeline beta (LOMAP) which describes the full genome taxonomic profile and relative abundance of the planktonic species detected in DNA from ocean water samples.  This  creates ecological taxonomic “fingerprints” of the planktonic species present and can be used to gain insights into the structure and metabolic health of planktonic food webs.  Plankton make up 90%+ of the biomass in the oceans and form the basis of marine biodiversity & marine food webs.   See below or our GitHub for details or to try out our colab notebooks.  LOMAP beta includes the following: Decentralized Compute on Data architecture for next-gen DeSci workflows using large-scale metagenomics datasets and open AI/HPC scaling tools such as Ray Stable + reproducible cloud deployments and data storage through open protocols for reliable and scalable bioinformatics use Unified data platform for translational analysis and model building that enables an ensemble meta-omics approach to development of biodiversity metrics + analyses Future developments will focus on cutting edge Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) that enables New Atlantis to scale massive full metagenome datasets while benefiting from declining cost curves in sequencing, storage, and cloud compute. Photo used with permission by Paul Nicklen, co-founder of, New Atlantis Founding Advisor, NatGeo Contributor, Instagram  BIODIVERSITY QUANTIFICATION APPROACH: Quantifying marine biodiversity is a complex challenge that will ultimately require an ensemble of various open  “meta-omics” approaches.  Below is a high level summary of our current thinking.  Healthy marine ecosystems are a global public good.  We invite the global ocean community to collaborate with us to improve our methodology and share in the value created.   Metagenomics: together with metabarcoding, metagenomics provides the foundational layer for biodiversity quantification of natural environments. Specifically,  detailed taxonomic description and metabolic/physiological potential of ecosystems can be achieved via metagenomics data analysis. See our beta MTG pipeline to learn more. Biodiversity Metamodel: Based on metagenomic datasets, we will extract a wide array of well established biodiversity indexes/descriptors, which will be used as the starting point for building an open biodiversity metamodel framework. This will consist of an ensemble of different types of marine ecosystem biology models with various capabilities to integrate metagenomics-derived biodiversity indexes/descriptors to compute confidence intervals for outputs associated with ecosystem health, including primary productivity, carbon sequestration efficiency and fish stock productivity. GR15 GRANT GOALS: GR15 grant proceeds will be used to expand development of our metagenome pipeline, develop initial DNA sampling programs in pilot MPAs, expand NGS infrastructure & support, and help develop open working groups for marine biodiversity standards and metamodel.   Please consider making a grant to help support our efforts to provide the oceans with a viable business model by enabling marine biodiversity and blue carbon markets.  We would love to give any of our donors a shoutout.  If you want to come build with us, please check out our GitHub, Twitter,  and Discord Photo used with permission by Cristina Mittermeier, co-founder of, UN SDG14 Ambassador, New Atlantis Founding Advisor, Instagram  ""New Atlantis is compelling because of the mix of scientific rigor, courageous innovation, and paradigm shifting focus on what matters most: life.  Marine life is the unspoken and unsung driver of planetary health, and will be the foundation for planetary regeneration as we evolve our economy from degen to regen."" -Gregory Landua, CEO of Regen Network Want to learn more?  Join our Discord, check out our Github, Follow us on Twitter, and see our Blue Paper (yes, a bad ocean metaphor-pun on whitepaper) below 👇 NEW ATLANTIS BLUE PAPER: 👇👇👇 Photo used with permission by Paul Nicklen, co-founder of, New Atlantis Founding Advisor, NatGeo Contributor, Instagram ABOUT NEW ATLANTIS  New Atlantis is an open ocean regeneration project that seeks to address biodiversity loss in our oceans by providing a viable business model to Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).  We do this by building an open marine biodiversity analytics platform to monitor and forecast the health of Marine Protected Areas and from which marine biocredits and blue carbon credits can be generated.   These credits form the basis of a marine biodiversity market where MPAs can sell credits generated based on the biodiversity, biomass abundance, and life-driven blue carbon in their waters.    This market provides MPAs with sustainable revenue streams that grow as conservation efforts and positive ecological outcomes increase.  By providing MPAs with a viable business model that aligns with their core mission of ocean protection, New Atlantis can help scale marine biodiversity protection efforts worldwide while also enabling massive new markets for ocean ecological assets.   We are using DeSci-driven metagenomics and related ecological modeling techniques combined with leading edge regenerative finance and web3 collaboration tools to build out the foundation of our open marine biodiversity analytics platform.   We know this is an enormous, ambitious undertaking.  We don't think we can do this alone.  So we are developing an open, collaborative platform that rewards meaningful contributions from ocean science, ReFi, DeSci (ReSci!!), conservation, and indigenous communities,  as well as from ocean-concerned citizens.  New Atlantis believes there is an opportunity to harness the collective intelligence of the global ocean community to align profit incentives with the protection + regeneration of the global marine biosphere.   Our goal is to make investing in the protection and expansion of sustainable marine ecosystems an extremely profitable global growth opportunity that can generate financial wealth for humans by improving the ecological health of the oceans.   We invite the global ocean community to come collaborate with us at  #DeSci, #ReFi and #ReSci ftw! Photo used with permission by Cristina Mittermeier, co-founder of, UN SDG14 Ambassador, New Atlantis Founding Advisor, Instagram WHAT ARE WE BUILDING: THE LIVING OCEAN PROTOCOL PRODUCT ROADMAP Please see below for an overview of our product/platform development: The NEW ATLANTIS LIVING OCEAN PROTOCOL will provide an open, globally scalable marine biodiversity analytics and forecasting framework.  New Atlantis will provide the foundational infrastructure and modular design approach that facilitates open source development, incentivizes community contribution to build collective ocean intelligence, and enables integration of related ocean sciences data + models (ie GIS, metabolomics, proteomics, biogeochemistry, etc) Phase one of the Living Ocean Protocol is the New Atlantis Metagenome Pipeline Assembly as a platform for scalable marine ecosystem profiling and related ocean analytics + forecasting tools. Phase 1: METAGENOME ASSEMBLY PIPELINE beta- (completed)  Assess baseline biodiversity of an ecosystem using eDNA (metabarcoding [MTB] and/or metagenomic [MTG] sequencing) data to develop the planktonic taxonomic profile of an ecosystem. This tells us what plankton species are present in what relative abundance.  See the output from the NA MTG Pipeline in Figure 1.  See our GitHub for details and to check out our colab notebooks. Phase 2: EXPANDING DATASETS/TIME SERIES + ADDING SPECIES-LEVEL MODELS: Add datasets and models focused on the functional traits of individual  species within an ecosystem; enable 3rd party dataset + model pipeline additions.  Productionize direct data collection pipelines.  Begin open development of quantifying marine biodiversity and development of baseline metrics.     Phase 3: INTEGRATING MODELS INTO METAGENOME METAMODEL: Build food web models using  taxonomies + functional traits across species and time.  These models will be both used to gauge ecosystem health (ie preventative health screenings for MPAs) and to make projections about the future growth of those ecosystems.  Expand work on biodiversity metrics including open development of a marine biodiversity unit of account.   Phase 4: LIVING OCEANS PROTOCOL MODULAR PLATFORM: enable an open marine data protocol + access to ecological models for broad ocean analytics and/or integration of related modular datasets + models (ie GIS, metabolomics, etc).  Enable cryptoeconomic incentives to encourage 3rd party contribution of datasets and models into New Atlantis Living Oceans Protocol metamodel.  Continuous improvement in biodiversity forecasting + granularity, expanded biodiversity tokenomics.   Phase 5: MARINE BIODIVERSITY MARKETS: launch $BLU marine biodiversity token, enable MPAs to generate revenues/tokens by quantifying- and valuing- the life and blue carbon in their areas.  Enable profitable participation by the global ocean community in biodiversity markets/ tokenomics in exchange for providing relevant datasets, models, capital, and conservation work + outcomes. Figure 1 Output from the New Atlantis Metagenome Pipeline using sample raw sequence public datasets to demonstrate pipeline.  Sunburst plot illustrating the taxonomic composition identified in 10 different MTGs (indicated by color-coded sectors) from the TARA Ocean project. The size of each sub-sector (outer ring) is proportional to the relative abundance quantified for each species in the sample  Photo used with permission by Cristina Mittermeier, co-founder of, UN SDG14 Ambassador, New Atlantis Founding Advisor, Instagram  WHY MARINE PROTECTED AREAS & WHY DO THEY MATTER? Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are the national parks of the ocean.  MPAs have been recognized as the most effective way to regenerate life in our oceans,  life which not only sequesters vast amounts of carbon but also serves as the foundation of our foodweb.  According to the United Nations, we must have 30% of the oceans fully protected in MPAs by 2030 in order to allow for ocean restoration by 2050 and avoid collapse of the food web.  Today, only approximately 8.1% of the oceans are currently protected in MPAs (and of that only 2.4% is in MPAs with the needed  “no take” or “full protection” status).  The vast majority of MPAs lack an adequate funding model to meet their conservation and enforcement goals due to reliance on often precarious government funding and philanthropy.  Under- and unfunded MPAs are “paper parks” - protected in name only - where illegal fishing, coastal erosion, and pollution continue unchallenged.  We need a better way to incent the rapid creation and sustainable expansion of MPAs.   Figure 2: (  To meet the UN Sustainability Goal of 30% with real protection by 2030 in MPAs, we will need to 13x the amount of “fully or highly protected” ocean area in MPAs.  The majority of these MPAs will likely exist in the Global South.  Given deglobalization, energy shortages, expected food shortages, and inflation; it is hard to imagine that MPAs in Global South / Emerging Markets will be able to meet the funding needs to 13x effective coverage area.   photo used with permission by Paul Nicklen, co-founder of, New Atlantis Founding Advisor, NatGeo Contributor, Instagram  “I am completely behind New Atlantis for a simple, timeless reason: We cannot “fix” climate change, we can only create more life. That is what we do.”  -Paul Hawken, environmentalist, author, activist, New Atlantis Founding Advisor  Without MPAs, the ability of global ocean ecosystems to regenerate is severely limited.  MPAs provide a necessary- and economically beneficial- way for nature to provide a sustainable future for both marine life and for humanity.  Protecting and increasing ocean life protects us all.   If we protect MPAs, the economic benefits will vastly outweigh the costs, generating new wealth for humanity, as well as providing food security, avenues for new pharmaceuticals, ecotourism, improved fisheries, and protection for coastal communities.  MARINE BIODIVERSITY, CARBON, & CLIMATE CHANGE: WHY PROTECTING LIFE IN THE OCEANS IS CRITICAL Photo used with permission by Octavio Aburto, PhD, Professor of Biological Oceanography, Scripps, Founding New Atlantis Advisor,  Instagram “Mapping the amount and richness of species and ecosystems, biodiversity, and valuing the services they provide to humanity, including carbon sequestration and storage, must be the base of our new economic systems.”  -Octavio Aburto, PhD, Professor of Biological Oceanography, Scripps, New Atlantis Founding Advisor Our world faces twin challenges from climate change and rapid biodiversity loss.  These are both massive risks to the health and prosperity of our civilization as well as the ecological health of the planet. They are also deeply intertwined issues because loss of biodiversity not only reduces our ability to overcome climate change, it also threatens global life support systems like oxygen production, food production, and general ecological resilience. We are in the midst of a 6th extinction and time is running out.  But if we protect and expand biodiversity (and marine biomass), we can not only save the incredible beauty of our living oceans, we can build a more sustainable and abundant future.   Photo used with permission by Paul Nicklen, co-founder of, New Atlantis Founding Advisor, NatGeo Contributor, Instagram  The total value of biodiversity-driven ocean ecosystem services is valued at USD$ 29.5 trillion per year (Ocean and Climate Platform) So how exactly does marine biodiversity help avoid climate change and provide so much economic benefit?  Beyond the priceless inherent value of the beauty in our living oceans, marine biodiversity serves humanity and the global biosphere in three primary ways: Ecosystem Resilience:  As Emmett Duffy, Director of the  Smithsonian Institution's Tennenbaum Marine Observatories Network and MarineGEO program explains, “The more species—or diversity—you have in a system, the more that diversity buffers you from variation in the environment, just like a diverse stock portfolio buffers you from variance in the economy.”  IOW, biodiversity = resilience and we need that resilience to minimize how an increasingly volatile climate impacts our civilization.  Marine Ecosystem Services: Marine ecosystem services, such as storm or coastal erosion mitigation, viable  fisheries, ecotourism, providing essential food sources for 3 billion people, 50% of global oxygen production, and bioprospecting for new products + medicines are some of the quantifiable benefits healthy marine ecosystems provide and upon which humanity depends.  The ability of ecosystems to function is often directly dependent on the biodiversity of those ecosystems.  Destroy the diversity and the ability to adapt and/or provide those services is also diminished or destroyed.  Ralph Chami, IMF economist and pioneer in the development of nature (biodiversity) markets estimates the value of global ocean biodiversity-driven ecosystem services to be ~$30 Trillion/year.  So, there is a LOT of value at risk if we fail to protect marine biodiversity BUT there is also tremendous wealth to be generated by creating markets that align value creation with marine ecological health. Carbon Storage + Sequestration:  The oceans are estimated to hold 16X as much carbon as ALL terrestrial ecosystems and soil combined in long term storage.  Additional carbon is sequestered in the oceans (aka ""blue carbon"") primarily thru either the ""physical pump"", a geochemical process where C02 dissolves directly in seawater, or the marine ""biological carbon pump"" where carbon is removed from the atmosphere by phytoplankton to photosynthesize. Because dissolving CO2 in seawater increases ocean acidification, the preferred sustainable and scalable way to sequester more carbon in the oceans is via the marine biological carbon pump. As life in the oceans increases, more life is fixed in the living bodies of those marine organisms (life is made of carbon).  Those organisms both poop and eventually die. Their fecal pellets and dead bodies then sink to the bottom as carbon-rich “marine snow”, eventually becoming part of the deep-sea sediment.  In this way, carbon is “pumped” at massive scale to more permanent storage in the deep oceans where it can safely remain for centuries.  Abrupt changes to biodiversity in marine ecosystems can ripple throughout the ocean’s food chain and affect many other species, including humans. By understanding sources and drivers of marine biodiversity, we can better protect our marine ecosystems, the services they provide, and the ocean’s ability to help us deal with climate change.  Nature in the form of marine biodiversity can be humanity’s partner to help us build a better, more healthy world.  Photo used with permission by Octavio Aburto, PhD, Professor of Biological Oceanography, Scripps, Founding New Atlantis Advisor,  Instagram Why Focus on Plankton First? While they may seem inconsequential, plankton comprise 90% of marine biomass, are the main driver of the marine biological carbon pump, produce 50% of global oxygen, and are the foundation of the global food web. They are also incredibly diverse and provide much of the foundation for marine ecosystem resilience.  Understanding healthy planktonic ecosystems is the key to scalable ecological resilience and the creation of marine biodiversity markets which can value life so that it can flourish to the benefit of all. Over time, we will expand to include organisms all the way up to whales in our MTG analyses but we are starting with the prime movers of ocean ecology, the small but mighty plankton Photo used with permission by Octavio Aburto, PhD, Professor of Biological Oceanography, Scripps, Founding New Atlantis Advisor, Instagram “Phytoplankton are the original oxygenators of our planet and are central to sustainment of life in the ocean and on land. The profound loss of oxygen in the oceans is an accelerating condition. It accompanies and is worsened by climate change. New Atlantis vitally centers the oceans - past, present and future - by celebrating the crowning role of our oceans in climate solutions. Through mapping and measuring the interconnected web of our marine life support, we can understand, value and thrive.”  -Dr. Julie Pullen, PhD, Oceanography and Climate Scientist,  TEAM, ADVISORS, BACKGROUND photo used with permission by Paul Nicklen, co-founder of, New Atlantis Founding Advisor, NatGeo Contributor, Instagram  New Atlantis was a member of Seed Club’s 2nd Cohort and has built up the following team and advisors since then with domain expertise in DeSci, computational biology, AI/ML, cloud engineering, biodiversity, oceanography, marine biology, data engineering, venture, DeFi, ReFi, DAOs, tokenomics, branding, NGOs, regenerative finance, ecommerce, and NFTs. REFERENCES AND INSPIRATIONS Photo used with permission by Cristina Mittermeier, co-founder of, UN SDG14 Ambassador, New Atlantis Founding Advisor, Instagram  Regeneration by Paul Hawken Ocean Ecology by Emmett Duffy  Rewilding the Sea by Charles Clover A Climate Risk Index for Marine Life Microbiologists vs. shotgun metagenomes: The surface ocean edition | Nature Portfolio Microbiology Community Marine and coastal ecosystem services by Ocean & Climate Platform Google is partnering with CSIRO to protect our reef, with help from AI Marine Oxygen Levels Are the Next Great Casualty of Climate Change - Scientific American Financing the Earth’s Assets: The Case for Mangroves Recovering Microbial Genomes from TARA Oceans Metagenomes – Meren Lab AI speeds sepsis detection to prevent hundreds of deaths | Hub Market-Making with search and Information Frictions Market Frictions and Consumption Based Asset Pricing Search Frictions, Sorting, and Matching in Two-Sided Markets Marine Microbial Diversity: The Key to Earth's Habitability Scientists’ warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change Harnessing the microbiome to prevent global biodiversity loss Microbes and Climate Change: a Research Prospectus for the Future Plankton networks driving carbon export in the oligotrophic ocean A Holistic Approach to Marine Eco-Systems Biology Thank you for supporting our Gitcoin grant!  Come help us build better future future together: LFG!!!!!!!!! photo used with permission by Paul Nicklen, co-founder of, New Atlantis Founding Advisor, NatGeo Contributor, Instagram  ",2022-08-18T15:43:17.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7127,True,True,0x19aF5e0a45c55c0f2edB5f48Abbed82360De7dD7,Atticc - Decentralised Social Media Connecting the Souls of Web3,,"Atticc is a decentralised social media where decentralised identities meet, build communities, conduct commerce and write their Web3 stories. Built with cutting-edge technologies such as smart contract protocols, soulbound tokens, digital asset marketplace and advanced analytics with machine learning, Atticc creates a uniquely Web3 social experience that returns the ownership of identity, data and monetisation to users themselves. We won some prizes from EthGlobal HackFS 2022 with a simple version built in 2 weeks, check out our submission here With the GitCoin grant, we will build an MVP by end of September 2022 with great UX. Right out of the box it will have easy and free NFT minting, NFT based communities, token gated community space, wallet to wallet chat, P2P trading with any ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155 tokens and tipping directly to any piece of content. Although an MVP, it will be the most powerful Web3 social media in the market, and will be a great place for crypto natives to hang out.",2022-08-18T22:56:08.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7128,True,True,0x585865b1bd74b773B8FeF871289ac895742B22bC,Shorty - traditional features for the next generation.,,"Shorty is plastic surgery for the ugly internet. We all know privacy has been the big issue always and web3 has been looking like the safe-haven for everyone. The only problem is, developers haven't yet really delivered the promise of web3 and blockchain powered solutions.  We have taken upon ourselves to start filling the gaps by developing privacy conscious siblings of the Web2 products. Shorty has a few basic features; 1. URL shortener 2. Self-destructing notes 3. Scheduled private messages 4. Developer API On the above, only number 3 does not sound so obvious, let me explain. Imagine if you could send your future self a note and at the same be 100% sure that only you can open that message. The core of Shorty is a distributed smart contracts engine that uses multi-part computation to reconstruct that message you sent your future self. Let's look at a different use, you want to write your will but do not want other to read it before some given date. The Shorty smart contracts will lock up the message and they will not be able to reconstruct the will until all conditions have been satisfied(the wallet that minted the message can adjust the conditions though). This privacy is enforced through the concept of storing messages in the smart contracts themselves, as opposed to storing them on an external service and then pulling them per need. $SHORTS is a utility token used to pay for actions perfomed on the platform. Creating a short URL will cost $SHORTS, and so will creating self-destructing notes and scheduled messages. In addition, qouta for the developer API will also be given in $SHORTS. It necessarily is the currency of Shorty.  We would want to use funding to secure talent that is more experienced in cryptography and secure multiparty computation that we are. Our team is location in Harare, Zimbabwe.  ## UPDATE - Sept 11, 2022 We are discussing with Sisu Network on how we can leverage their cross-chain functionality to widen the reach of shorty ",2022-08-19T00:09:43.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7130,False,False,0xc84852f566C1b34DA3b3c72cd58796a48B91D38b,Pocket Network - A Public RPC Commons,,"Pocket Network is the TCP/IP of Web3 node infrastructure – a multi-chain relay protocol that incentivizes RPC nodes to provide DApps and their users with unstoppable Web3 access. Currently supporting 34 of the most popular blockchains and new chains being shipped weekly, Pocket is aiming to have that number at 100+ chains by the end of 2022.   Public RPC Commons   Pocket Network's public RPC endpoints are available to all and are a blockchain infrastructure Public Good: a non-rivalrous and non-excludable common resource available to all members of web3 society.   Imagine different blockchain public RPCs as communal pastures or grasslands. In the context of pastures/grasslands, they are susceptible to overgrazing, which can lead to a tragedy of the commons. In the case of pastures, land degradation to the point no herder and their flock can graze. In the context of RPCs, end-users overloading a public RPC service, preventing others from using it too and reducing performance for all parties, pushing them towards private, usually centralized and rent seeking, providers.   Overgrazing without replenishment can lead to excess emissions resulting in sell-pressure, driving down the value of the POKT token and thereby the funds the DAO receives to maintain and improve the protocol - an increasingly problematic ""free-rider"" issue. To avoid a Tragedy of the Commons, the community can augment the public RPC good and produce a Festival of the Commons - creating another source of buy-pressure and strengthening the resiliency of the Pocket Network protocol.   For every 25K USD raised, Pocket Network can subsidize 50M daily relays for the web3 builders that make up their L1 and our communities. Pocket Network Community Pocket Network is an L1-agnostic community comprised of the brightest minds across web3, from your local independent node runner, to the founder of the next game-changing protocol, Pocket is powering the future of web3 with unstoppable, decentralized RPC infrastructure. Pocket Network Inc., Pocket Network Foundation and Pocket Network DAO, along with countless other contributors across the best chains in the business, are working together to ensure you have decentralized options for your entire web3 stack. ",2022-08-19T01:21:18.238-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7131,False,True,0x78C358B63008890CD4B033A2C453B03f55f00a15,Surfnetwork,,"Introduce Surfnetwork is a decentralized social investment platform. Creating teams is easy (you can create a team on Surfnetwork in just a few seconds). Buying NFT is affordable (divide the total price of NFT among team members). It's easy to fund your wallet (use your debit or credit card to fund your digital wallet). Surfnetwork makes it easier and more affordable. Download the app and check it out for yourself. You create a team with Surfnetwork, and you can buy NFT from OpenSea without even having to access OpenSea. Here's how you and your team can purchase NFT from OpenSea through Surfnetwork: Create a team on Surfnetwork in 10 seconds. Get details of the NFT you are interested in purchasing. Recommend that the team purchase NFT. When most team members accept the proposal, each member Will finance the purchase of NFT from OpenSea.",2022-08-19T02:46:52.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7132,True,True,0x2c0A2796039B5270D5aB44D1B86cdFbF722133cF,My Meta Farm,,"About My Meta Farm My Meta Farm is building a Web3 Socializing Platform - a Metaverse world, powered by blockchain technology. In this mirror world, creativity is encouraged via house design, land design, and fashion design. We provide tools for people to design, support users in making digital assets, and provide a marketplace for commercializing these products. Besides, there are various exciting games, events, and exhibitions in this virtual world, which make players stay in Metaverse. My Meta Farm aims to create a playground for both casual players and blockchain enthusiasts. With 6 main features that help users express creativity and enjoy the entertainment space: Metaverse Players can buy and own virtual lands and experience life as a resident of Metaverse City.  3D Avatar  This allows players to create their unique 3D avatar. Creative tools Our Web3 platform provides all the tools users need to create, build, publish, and scale their own world (Design lands, houses, fashion, and everything) Digital fashion Players can freely design digital fashion, not only to beautify their characters but also to exchange and buy on the Marketplace. Minigames  In the world of My Meta Farm- games are indispensable! A series of minigames will appear in our city to help connect everyone, and more specifically, the rewards of minigames are very attractive and fun. Socializing My Meta Farm was created to break down geographical barriers and bring people from all over the world closer together in a place where they can be anyone, go anywhere, and meet anyone. “Through a lively, fun story and beautiful 3D graphics, My Meta Farm aims to create a playground for both casual players and blockchain enthusiasts.” Of course, their creativity is the foundation of everything!",2022-08-19T02:46:53.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7133,True,True,0xA559f6d6B5A5661E46dEc454751683294BB26B9E,ENS + DeFi + NFT - a new SocialFi Profile for Web3,,"We are all living in social networks, and Web3 has become a new decentralized social network where ENS domains can become new people's SocialFi Profiles. To contribute to this big idea and using an ENS as a social profile, we plan to: 👉 Build a real-time on-chain parser to build a database of all current ENS NFTs data (content and text records) 👉 Combine ENS data with the wallet's NFT collections and DeFi portfolio data to build a comprehensive profile of user. 👉 Build a web UI for the Portfolio Page of ENS wallets with social links, text, website, and DeFi/NFT profile 👉 Build dynamic metadata and images for social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and Google Search. For example, it will allow users to share their profiles with a nice preview image, and google bots will be able to index this data for the search engine🔥. 👉 Build a public API service to provide all this data for external developers via API calls. Then, anyone can use it and integrate ENS social profiles into their platforms. Here are a few shots of future products for the ENS ecosystem: Meta Img preview of your ENS profile for all of your social networks. All our work progress you can track on the portfolio webpage and on our Twitter account. Let's make ENS the next SocialFi Profile for the Web3 Nation. I wish you all the best, Ilia 0xPlasma ❤️ Follow us Twitter: Telegram: Discord: ",2022-08-19T03:16:00.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7134,True,True,0x83E3B5EEcb260F8717E0f6Fc1ABe7957889194AF,,,"AfroGlobe is a metaverse built for diversity. We are creating a digital twin of the island of Palau to connect with its blockchain digital residency program. 300,000 people have signed up for the world's first sovereign-backed blockchain-native digital residency platform* in Palau and our metaverse will give digital residents home and community on the island. Find out more at *",2022-08-19T11:01:16.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7135,True,True,0x459EFD5F53b4Bb04b278925754Fd427783831bc5,An ENS & Web3 Project:,,"1. Problem: ENS & Web3 Content ""Findability"" There is a problem with the ""findability"" of ENS & Web3 content. There is not a lot of quality content available for new users entering Web3, or for existing users. This lack of quality content results in a lack of good websites or answers in search engines, like Google or DuckDuckGo. Everyday, new users are entering Web3, and they need to be able to find useful Web3 answers and helpful ENS content. It is critical that new users can find good data and quality content in search engines and via Web3 social media, which connects users and industry commentary, to point all users in the right direction. 2. Solution: The """" Project is a project seeking grants to pay content writers and other human resources to create content and publish information for ""Web3 users, Google SEO, and social media platforms"". The goals of the project are to drive awareness by increasing desired-searchable information, driving needed visibility in Google-SEO for topics related to ""decentralized domains, Web3 domains and identity"", with a particular focus on the ENS Protocol and the ENS DAO, and driving Web3 community discussion via social media platforms. The project plans to simplify the discovery process for users new to the ""Web3, NFT/Crypto, and Web3 Domain"" industries, by publishing timely and quality information across Web2 and Web3 social media platforms. These activities will include social-audio discussions via Twitter spaces and Clubhouse, to help raise awareness for users during their discovery process. 3. Soft launch & Strategic Assets: Success & Strength Note: To date during our soft-launch, the project has connected with scores of independent Web3 content creators, and has published nearly two dozen articles from eight different Web3 writers and reporters. Not only has this provided several important pieces of content for new key subjects, but this has also contributed to eight new builder-creators, working independently in the Web3 and ENS industry. The main domain,, is a strategic asset as it contains the exact match for one of the industry's most important SEO keywords. This will help new users find needed information more easily during their discovery-journey. will serve the ""Web3, NFT/Crypto, & Domain"" industries, with a focus on the intersection between Metaverse and NFTs with Web3 Domains, such as the ENS protocol.  4. Project S.W.O.T.: Advantages & Challenges Competitors for content generation are thin for Web3 domains, specifically, so the primary competitors for the website come from the broader crypto-publications, are other content generating websites, which focus on the crypto industry in general. has a competitive advantage over these websites in several areas. First, has a strong focus on decentralized domains and web3 domains, while its competitors have a broader focus on the crypto industry as a whole. Second, has a team with experience in marketing-technology, giving an edge in content creation and SEO. Third, has premium domain name assets, which will help it to be more visible in search engine results. Finally, has a standing in the Web3 industry, which gives it access to timely and quality information. may face some challenges when entering the marketplace. First, the project is competing against well-established websites with large audiences. Second, the project is focused on a niche market, which may make it difficult to attract a broad audience. Third, the project is new to the industry and may not have the same level of credibility as its competitors. However, the project plans to overcome these challenges by producing high-quality content, using SEO to improve its visibility, and building relationships with key players in the industry. 5. The Project Team: Founding Members The project is led by Gary Palmer Jr. (GaryPalmerJr.eth), CEO, and Adriana Skura-Palmer (AKA: Ada.eth; UnfoldedLife.eth), COO. Gary Palmer Jr. is a serial entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in marketing, sales, and business development, working with startups and enterprise Fortune 1,000 companies, mostly in the technology or the traditional-payments/POS industries. He is the co-founder of two startups, with experience working in the blockchain industry. Adriana Skura-Palmer is a serial entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience in marketing, operations, communications, and business development. She is traditionally trained artist, photographer, photo researcher, and the [female, woman led] co-founder of two startups, with experience working in the blockchain-crypto and Web3-NFT industries.'s management team has a wealth of experience in marketing, sales, business development, and technology. This experience will be instrumental in the's ability to generate awareness.  6. Conclusion & Gratitude: Web3 is strong, together The project will meet the news and content needs of individuals and organizations, interested in decentralized domains, Web3 domains, and Web3 identity. The website will be educational and informative, with a focus on content creation, SEO, social media marketing, and Web3 community building. Please consider donating—Even as little as $1.00 can go a LONG way! We Thank You for reviewing our proposal, and for your consideration <3 ",2022-08-19T12:05:06.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7136,True,True,0xd307438b5e2411cA1a7a429B7B942C8AE6933abD,DAOCrossing,,"DAOCrossing is... A Casual Social Game with On-Chain Data: It foster bonding connections between existing DAO communities through casual gaming as engaging social interactions. A Credibility Platform for Web3 Contributors: It accumulates on-chain data between DAOs and contributors to build up a web3 contribution credibility for individuals and organizations. A Metaverse for DAOs: A shared virtual space for current popular DAO spaces to connect, interact, and play together.",2022-08-19T12:13:11.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7137,True,False,0x102EF2536eF4cb29231fBAdBb89c29f0db936231,WTF is a .eth and WTF can I do with it?,,"I'm not 100% sure but if this is asking ""What are you going to do with the money"" the answer is simple. The more time I am able to spend creating good quality content, educational and interactive content around ENS, the more 'good humans' who want to genuinely learn, we can teach about the different use cases for ENS. That is just one angle. We need education around basic setup.... what website do I go to? whats a dApp? why is ENS different than Unstoppable? what 3rd party tools are at my disposal to make my ENS experience that much more impactful? And the list goes on. Time is money and if I had all the time in the world (which I don't because I have to make money) I would CHOOSE to do this with most of it! ",2022-08-19T13:30:13.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7138,False,False,0xEBFE42DC4B2516781189966ad8e419114baF5BD8,,,"Crowd funding an eco-project needs dollars, but it also needs a village.  Are you ready to collaborate and share your wisdom?   Futurize is a Eco-crowd-funding platform like no other, but it’s also an eco-community platform like no other. We offer a safe space for environmental projects to form, and for a community to build around it, to guide and support the project.  These projects are usually driven by a small group of people who are passionate to make a difference in their own way. They’re like you, only their actions take a different form. And they’re up against it. Getting an eco-project to fly sometimes feels impossible, but they’re doing it anyway!   What is Futurize? It's the bridge between Web3 and environmental project funding. Bringing legacy models and organizations into the future.   Harnessing the power of Web3, Futurize provides   efficiency transparency guarantee that 100% of contributions go to the project Community governance Social identity and social respect through NFTs acceleration of project funding through a Defi integrated funding journey       That’s where you come in.   How you can get involved, and maximise your impact   Your ideas. Each of us has a unique set of perspectives and knowledge. There’s a good chance you might see something that the project team simply misses. By providing your feedback, or expertise to directly support the project.   Your skills. Maybe you are a pro with solar power. Maybe you’re a dab hand at marketing. Perhaps you have engineering expertise to offer, an amazing contact or two, or the ability to lend a hand on the ground. Whatever your skill set, the Futurize Discord community offers you a chance to connect directly with the project team and see how you can help.   Your money. A big part of Futurize is our eco crowdfunding community. We put our money where our mouth is, and we know 100% of it is going to a worthy project. Donate to your favourite projects and see your impact compound in ground breaking ways.    How you can join in the conversation - Discord Each project has a discussion channel in the increasingly popular communication app, Discord.  You’ll find a link to the discussion channel on the individual Project page of the site When you join us on Discord, you’ll first be asked to create a profile if you haven’t already got one From there, you’ll receive a quick rundown on how it all works, and you’ll quickly see how the conversation is taking place within the project channel The project owner kicks off the conversation at the start of the thread, and the conversations happen organically from there",2022-08-19T17:39:31.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7140,True,True,0x9eC285EeC188F0EbFa9f88Da4807bE5b049fc049,EthPay | The First Decentralized Ethereum Payment Gateway and Transaction Validation Protocol,,"What is it? EthPay is the first and only complete anonymous and decentralized ERC-20 payment gateway.   Traditional De-fi payment gateways first collect funds into a centralized De-Fi wallet, and then it is up to them to withdraw the money to your wallet or not. This problem is a giant hole in every De-Fi payment gateway, and We fix this hole by decentralizing every single transaction from sender to receiver.   EthPay facilitates any developer, even without blockchain development knowledge, to implement De-Fi payment methods to their web applications from EthPay API. And the EthPay Link feature makes your payments to make them from a single click. This technology minimizes QR scanning and public key copy and pasting just to click and pay level. Also, this may help avoid mistakes and fraud during transaction procedures. EthPay is the next-level ERC-20 payment option. Only ERC-20? No, EthPay 1 - Beta is the first look of the EthPay technology, and we are on the way to expanding other ERC transactions such as ERC-721 & etc. at EthPay 2. EthPay 3 will cover the entire ecosystem by adding other Ethereum coins.   Decentralized EthPay is not like a traditional payment gateway. It does not use any third-party wallets to collect and withdraw funds. EthPay transfers the transaction directly from the sender wallet to the receiver wallet in real time.   Anonymity The data we store are public keys and other public information such as txHashes and block numbers to process and validate your transactions. We do not collect any personal information except the above, such as your IP addresses, Names, Emails, Passwords & etc., directly. That is our commitment to privacy and anonymity.   The Technology We developed an algorithm to validate ERC-20 EthPay API transactions reliably. In this technology, we used an ABI to store pre-defined 256-bit code at the blockchain along with the transaction as input data. EthPay validation protocol checks this input with our database to verify the transaction. And we give you a secret code to validate transactions in your web application too and the secret code is secured as your wallet’s private key is secure.   So, for what do you grant? We have currently released the first technical preview of EthPay 1. EthPay technology is set to expand through three stages (EthPay 1, EthPay 2 & EthPay 3).   EthPay 3 will be the best available payment solution for the entire Ethereum ecosystem. EthPay expands the Ethereum eco-system to the developers and users who already haven’t been involved with ERC transactions. And the main point is, that ERC is the most sustainable transaction option you can click at the checkout. And you are contributing to making EthPay 3 real! Web: API Guide: About: ",2022-08-19T23:11:11.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7139,False,False,0x9eC285EeC188F0EbFa9f88Da4807bE5b049fc049,~ Cancelled,,"~ Cancelled ",2022-08-19T23:11:12.863-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7141,True,True,0x003726d0fc579b961278dc32718Eb5f8e0df9d46,0 colonyislands metaverse,,"About They ask, what is your purpose? My goal is to provide people with the opportunity to live in a real metaverse with VR/AR/XR environments. I am waiting for your support to bring this excitement, my love for the metaverse to life. Thank you in advance. Decentralized, Colonyislands, on the blockchain chain Initially Turkey and then All Countries of the World are in the form of an island, there are Villa Lands for Sale, Multi-Storey Complexes, Beach Houses and a Giant 300 Floor High Shopping Mall. Shopping Center with 3.000-5.000 Workplaces. Using the Mini-Contests and Games and Play-Win models, players can own virtual workplaces, houses and fields; will be able to design and construct a variety of buildings and structures, and create a wide variety of products to be sold and traded as NFTs in open markets. aims to be the number one, fully immersive, travel, virtual world shopping, virtual world real shopping, dating, gaming experience worldwide, complete with its own collection ecosystem and marketplaces on the Colonyislands blockchain. Metaverse projects allow users to purchase concert tickets, works of art while navigating the virtual universe. It will be used in many different areas, from any in-game accessory he buys for his avatar. Virtual exhibition halls will be opened in each Shopping Center where all artists will be able to sell their real works or virtual works they have designed. AR/VR/XR Tech. You will be able to do dozens of activities such as paragliding, parasealing, bungee jumping, sightseeing boats, jet skiing, underwater diving Events for very small numbers with the coin in your Metamask Wallet. Of course, all with real 360-degree visuals. You will be able to purchase real works or virtual works of artists exhibited in art galleries together with NFT certification. In Version 1 You will be able to rent a workplace at affordable prices annually in the Shopping Center in a single Country Island or in the Shopping Centers in all the Country Islands and sell from your sales site with the real images of your own shop. When you buy a house in Colonyislands, you have the chance to become an Official Landlord in the Real World. Yes, you heard right. You Will Own the Homes You Buy in the Greater Part of Colonyislands in the Real World. In Version 2 You will be able to buy villa land and place the villa you have chosen on it at affordable prices, you can buy flats from estates or buy detached luxury beach houses and paint them as you wish and furnish them with items of your own choice. You will be able to go to parties and concerts by getting together with your friends at the Entertainment Venues of the Island. You will be able to watch the latest movies with your friends in movie theaters. In app from version 2 Playing Games On The Playground In The Mall Gifts can be earned and you can redeem Gifts either in the Real World or for in-app purchases. ",2022-08-20T00:46:41.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7142,True,True,0xB1b3751834646fb999EDd18CA62C69663071cF43,Genesis Scrolls Audiobook,,"A professionally produced and recorded audiobook version of the Genesis Scrolls stories using trained actors. I am one of the writers of the Genesis Scrolls and I have a background in audio drama production. I have the facilities and the contacts to produce a full recording of the Genesis Scrolls book. I have produced the audio drama The Saga of the European King and the flash-fiction podcast 100 Words of Astounding Beauty. The recordings of the stories will be released regularly as a podcast. They will drop once every two weeks, promoting Loot as a shared universe and the Genesis Scrolls project as a collaborative writing exercise. Music from the Minstrels and Bard of the Hyperverse projects will be used for introductions so the podcast will serve as a way to promote and distribute the music of the Lootverse as well as its fiction. An audio book version of the Genesis Scrolls will not only be delightful in itself, but will make the Loot fiction it tells more accessible to a wider audience, including those with sensory loss or dyslexia. We will also be able to tie the audio versions to the stories contained within the Eye (for Adventurers), strengthening the case for on-chain storytelling and paving the way for others to include high quality audio readings of the stories across the Librarium. I have received quotes from voice actors and a recording studio in my area and can break down the total costs as follows: Actors cost £250 for one day of recording, totalling eight hours. There will be ~50 stories in the final Genesis Scrolls books. The actors estimate they could record 4 stories each day, so will need to be hired for 12.5 days. Actor costs = £3150 / $3720 The studio hire costs £20 an hour.Eight hours for those 12.5 days would be 100 hours. Studio costs = £2000 / $2362 Mastering and production is quoted as £30 per track / story Production costs = £1500 / $1772 Hosting will be done on Buzzsprout, for $12 / month for 12 months. Hosting costs = $144 So total costs amount to: £6797 / $8028 If we undershoot the target funding in this round, we will produce as many episodes as the funding will allow. The minimum cost to produce a mini-series would be that of hosting, one day of recording and the production of 4 stories. This would be $674. If we overshoot the target funding we will commission original music for the show, and mint the show as NFTs on a blockchain suitable for audio projects. ",2022-08-20T08:18:56.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7143,True,False,0x54AFFF2a59c43D284f5A64b52BC4413eC81b3EB0,Building a Private Advanced Research Projects Agency,,"Update: Wrote a rough memo about why your contribution is important and how I'm thinking about making sure it doesn't just go into a black box. PARPA (Private ARPA) is a new nonprofit research organization that runs coordinated programs to push forward speculative that are too researchy to be a startup but too broad, systems-focused, or engineering-heaving for a single academic lab.  Our main focus is on new materials and manufacturing paradigms, both because they tend to need the sort of programs we run and also because they underpin so much of human flourishing.  In addition to our object-level output, we hope to create an organization that can create compounding knowledge about how to do powerful systems research and pave the way for other new research organizations to carve out their own niches as well.   To give you as sense of what your money will be used for and the scale that makes a difference, PARPA programs go through three “phases”: 1. An initial ~6-12 month program design phase that takes ~$200k to pay for program manager salary, travel, and discipline-spanning technical workshops 2. A number of parallel 12-18 month proof-of-principle projects that prove out key components of the technology and suggest which of several paths are most promising. In total, these projects require ~$1.5m. 3. The full program, which runs another ~$8m.  We currently have two active programs in the design phase and are looking to start several others. These numbers are obviously much larger than a normal Gitcoin grant, but every bit helps!  Previous Work Research takes a long time and we are new, but to get a sense of our thinking and ability to execute you may want to see our pieces on how DARPA works, how to build a private ARPA, or our Substack where we share learnings from the process of building out the organization.  ",2022-08-20T09:15:28.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7144,False,False,0x4975d0da2b6eCd1f05EeA8b969910688b0cd5869,The Doctors DAO,,"HPEC is a DAO of Physicians (Doctors) that uses decentralized identity to empower the physician community to care for patients free from third party influence or interference. Our DAO is also creating our future decentralized physician healthcare access marketplace driven by direct physician design, input, engagement and service. The US has a $3.9T friction filled healthcare system. We are leveraging the physician community to build our future decentralized healthcare ecosystem. With HPEC patients will have privacy in their healthcare decisions and trust in their physicians again. Patients will receive better care at fairer prices with far less friction, confusion and stress.  Importantly we have a clear path to revenue and it starts with physician identity and credential management  - a $5B industry. We can automate regulatory compliance with our open decentralized identity standards based and interoperable system. Our Deck:",2022-08-20T10:13:44.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7145,False,False,0x72e5b96C64a1c87dBec5D7649c9d17A6b3Fd8118,Herbal Coin - Earn Crypto Growing Plants,,"Help Fund the next generation supply chain of healthier produce and crops. Herbal Coin™ (HCOIN) is an Ethereum 2.0 cryptocurrency that incentivizes users with Herbal Coin Tokens when they contribute and complete tasks at all three levels of the food chain. At the first level we give farmers the ability to sell there crops for Crypto by interfacing with a dApp. At the second level, Distributors can login to the dApp to purchase produce/crops with Herbal Coin Tokens. At the consumer level we provide an indoor garden machine that allows people to earn Herbal Coin Tokens when growing plants. And a readily available social learning community for members to gain access to healthy dieting and nutrition product & resources. Herbal Coin White Paper ",2022-08-20T17:18:34.914-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7146,False,False,0x9b0bA6a852E68dD680e6D884A1AF9620F8e1f90F,PureFi Protocol,,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""PureFi Protocol allows dApps to fully comply with local and global regulations while preserving decentralization and user anonymity.\nDeveloped by AMLBot in partnership with Hacken Foundation to provide a full-cycle solution for crypto asset analytics and AML/KYC procedures for the Web3 infrastructure.\n""}]} ",2022-08-21T08:21:53.871-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7147,True,True,0x97034F37e8F3EC01825317E49E3A66ab7cF0FCBE,Streamio,,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""A media streaming application using the latest Blockchain and NFT technology for GenZ. Easy to use DIY Music and Royalty NFT Minting and Auction tools available for all artists.\n""}]}",2022-08-21T09:21:09.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7148,False,False,0x0,Essay Writing Help for Students,,"An paBook Review Sample Paper As a student, maybe sometimes it is good to just throw in your notebook and start reviewing the books that are in line with yours and understand exactly how the author writes, without missing out on anything essaywriter. But now, like we are talking about a favorite school library, it is hard to get the flow of information. Most libraries close, and if they don’t have attractive articles in their portfolios, then it is not going to be easy for them to read and even translate the written word documents. Writing the PaHow article is not natural, but it is very wrong. This is because a person has to be aware of the type of material that is expected of him/her. The way that this occurs, the more certain are the rules that one has to keep in mind. What’s even great is that when someone is looking for a custom writing service, most of the writers aren’t professionals. In the past, every writer that was famous in the field would have published a few magazines and newspapers in the US as well. Therefore, it is effortless for a individual to decide to buy a customized publication from a online agency. With the advancement in technology, it has become easier for individuals to access such services, and it is essentially free for everyone to own a personalized copy of a specific printed magazine. What makes the authors standouts from the rest? As a client, it is not something that only the clients have. One of the biggest challenges that students face while searching for a legit company is maintaining the highest ratings on search engine optimized websites address. Having a high user rating means that the site has to be rated highly, and to add to that, the customer has to have a lot of money to gain. That is why sites that have a lot of loyal customers are always willing to offer exceptional help to whichever member of our team gets in touch with. Apa book review sample paper The reasons for having a page dedicated to reviews is simple: Useful Resources Write my thesis statement for me How you can make your study project in the best way Why You Need to Have a Thesis Statement in your Research Paper ",2022-08-21T09:33:56.003-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7149,True,True,0xe98134dCe5959Eb8D13b7d6543b8E16a20ed973E,HairDAO Grant,,"HairDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization dedicated to creating better solutions for hair loss. We are an open-source investment and operating company incorporated on the Ethereum blockchain that incentivizes labor and pools capital through the HAIR token. Our community includes a wide-range of researchers, engineers, content creators, and investors - all of whom contribute their own expertise towards helping us solve hair loss.",2022-08-21T11:03:48.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7150,False,False,0x26eEA2cb0281d6361d9aC88226B65f5BBbA4Bfcc,BeerVerse further development,,"BeerVerse (ex CryptoBrewMaster) is a beer brewing web3 game for beer enthusiasts made by industry professionals. In-game players are able to brew beer from different ingredients, trade and upgrade their brewery with collectible NFT cards. Updating the brewery increases chances of brewing better beer, aka resulting in more profit with an internal currency. NFT's are also used to improve the brewing ingredients production buildings. Our aim is to connect real-world breweries and industry supply producers / equipment producers with potential customers all over the world in a gamified way, as well we aim to onboard as many people as possible to the WEB3, NFT and blockchain technology at the same time. We are looking to give our clients the opportunity to improve their brand awareness using WEB3 technologies Education and experience sharing Networking Virtual exhibition attendance  Any kind of online meetups Any kind of marketing activities without any restrictions   Our further roadmap August 2022 Beer Crafting Mechanics relaunch with 3 new NFT’s utilized by the brewery Barrel aging mechanics added September 2022 Main screen update new arts + animation Polishing UI BeerDao + Governance Token launches on Polygon Offline Presentations October 2022 PVP mode start of development Game NFT's availability on the Polygon chain Offline marketing / Beer Companies Negotiations / Beer Exhibitions Q1 2023 PVP mode release Our links — Play — Discord Community — International TG — Newbie Guide ",2022-08-21T14:03:10.027-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7151,True,False,0x7016d4d111fB7629a4A3634C358789BCed0F3cCC,Seed Funding for Foresight DAO,,"Foresight Institute is a non-profit research institute, founded in 1986, with the goal to advance the beneficial uses of technologies of fundamental importance for the long-term future.  We focus on supporting projects in longevity, nanotechnology, brain-computer interfaces, private computing, and space tech that are too ambitious for legacy funders to support. Through 35+ years of prizes, fellowships, accelerators, workshops, and community-building, we have built up a strong community of scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, funders, and advocates cooperating around the shared goal of advancing technologies for ambitious futures.  We would like to empower this community to cooperate more effectively by strengthening its operation through a DAO. Through a Foresight DAO, our community could crowd-fund research proposals via IP NFTs, incentivize project work via bounty boards, democratize decision-making via governance tokens, coordinate on novel projects of shared interest, and onboard additional supporters from the crypto community.  We have reason to believe this project to be successful, including an existing active Discord community with significant interest in the DAO, and existing Web3 expertise with NFTs funding, Gitcoin rounds, and a solid, long-standing community of cryptography experts and funders. But ultimately, we are a small non-profit with limited resources that is science-focused first. Your funding allows us to get the help we need to build the DAO and onboard and expand this community safely, and with that, onboard more scientists into web3.",2022-08-21T14:19:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7152,True,False,0x7016d4d111fB7629a4A3634C358789BCed0F3cCC,Funding Tech Tree Bounties to Advance Ambitious Technologies,,"Foresight Institute is a non-profit research institute, founded in 1986, with the goal to advance the beneficial uses of technologies of fundamental importance for the long-term future. We focus on supporting projects in longevity, nanotechnology, brain-computer interfaces, private computing, and space tech that are too ambitious for legacy funders to support. Many of these areas could benefit from additional support but for funding and talent it can be hard to find out how to help. To onboard new talent and funders into an area, we’re building technology trees to map the domain and opportunities to support. In addition to mapping existing projects that need support, our tech tree architects interview domain experts on open challenges in their field. We place bounties on solving them and open them up to submissions from the Gitcoin community.   We placed 15+ bounties at 0.15 ETH each thus far to make progress on different tech trees.  Here are the tech trees with example bounties Neurotech & BCI Tree Bounty: Translation of neuromarkers from lab to mobile devices Molecular Nanotechnology Tech Tree Bounty: Making non-silicon based nanomaterials to revolutionize the chip industry Cryptocommerce Tech Tree Bounty: Improving private Smart Contracts Space Tech Tree Bounty Get information on composition of asteroids Longevity Tech Tree Bounty: Measuring autophagy in the body Currently, we collected 200+ additional problems that domain experts would like to see solved in their fields.  Help us fund more bounties to crowdsource solutions! Long-term, we would like to decentralize the back-end of the technology trees to live on web3 tooling and allow anyone to fork the trees to build their own, and fund additional bounties on areas they want to see solved. Any potential funding left over from the bounties will go toward this effort.",2022-08-21T14:23:20.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7153,False,False,0xebffF3C6dF58D04fbd15eAF4Eb85187f944e21c9,Vipers Den | Metaverse Experiences ,,"Father and son team that will combine the fathers operational experience with sons talent for building experiences in digital environments ",2022-08-21T17:00:17.721-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7154,True,False,0x6d885B6a3c3119Ee84D5e729128809a604BC2009,DAO Coalition,,"ENS - daocoalition.eth As DAOs receive more widespread public awareness and more focused regulatory attention, leaders in this space need to be well positioned to express the needs of the industry, and address concerns of relevant regulators. In light of this imminent need, leaders from DAOs and other web3-friendly organizations have begun to regularly convene, with the primary intention of establishing a coordinational network to advocate for the DAO ecosystem. Our current phase of development consists of expanding membership and laying the organizational groundwork for future initiatives. These initiatives may be directly political in nature, such as our plan to establish an advocacy group to engage in direct and/or grassroots lobbying; they may be cultural, such as leading public discussion panels about important topics facing DAOs; or they may be industrial, helping coordinate projects between coalition members. Because DAOs span a wide array of sectors and applications, the coalition itself may end up taking an ultimately decentralized organizational structure - perhaps even becoming a DAO itself, or a metaDAO. In this sense, the aforementioned coordinational network may function as a matrix to birth DAO-led initiatives pertaining to a given sector. Hypotheticals aside, any prospects of donation implore the question of what the DAO Coalition will be doing with proceeds. Right now, the first order of expense would be start-up costs associated with establishing a US-based advocacy group.  However, if instead of donating to the DAO Coalition wallet, you wish to split your donation between a number of our constituent DAOs and organizations, here is a collection of grants belonging to members of the DAO Coalition. Lastly, listed alphabetically below are the DAOs and organizations currently represented in this informal assembly: 3OH DAO ATX DAO (Gitcoin grant) Aragon DAO  Bankless DAO (One-Pager) Blockchain Association (Gitcoin grant) CityDAO (One-Pager) COALA Cohere (One-Pager) Data Union DAO (Gitcoin Grant) DAO Research Collective enDAOment  Governor DAO (One-Pager) (Gitcoin grant) JournoDAO (Gitcoin Grant) KALI DAO  Klaytn Krause House kycDAO LegalDAO LexDAO (One-Pager) (Gitcoin grant) Lobby3 (One-Pager) (Gitcoin grant)  Near Nemus (One-Pager) OtoCo DAO (One-Pager) PAC DAO (One-Pager) Polygon DAO  R3WIND DAO Sapien Network (Gitcoin Grant) Sporos DAO (Gitcoin Grant) SSV DAO StandardDAO (One-Pager) ",2022-08-21T18:53:26.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7155,False,True,0x322B151C5ad70916858bAf5548AF9642f4Cf1f48,Openseed Platform,,"Project detail OpenSeed is a completely decentralized NFT one-stop trading platform that enables anyone to freely trade and transfer NFTs. What is Customization? Customization: Customize your own NFT trading market, set your own NFT trading market fees, and create a rich ecosystem of NFT artworks that can be circulated in the market Way to solve Openseed pages can create fully custom made log-in pages, marketplaces, NFTs and ERC1155s. It also provides you with powerful marketplace features that allow you to easily buy and sell your own products,set up re-selling after initial sales to maintain steady income. Features and Functions OpenSeed can create your own NFT creation platform and trading market and support ERC721 and ERC1155.",2022-08-21T19:38:40.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7156,False,False,0x36DcEEE31452d201778cB8fDC48bd432D2F4CfEe,Oppculture: Disruptive Apparel Empire,,"A DISRUPTIVE APPAREL EMPIRE comprised of CULTIST BRAND AUTHORITY and SUPERIOR CRAFTSMANSHIP in its philosophy, economics, practices, materials, and market effect, propelling a NEW ERA OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY, solving massive ERROR in both apparel manufacturing and the retail industry at large. ",2022-08-21T20:55:22.168-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7157,True,True,0xC152e2838c8e84007eD3144bB0cfEcdbcE66900A,Olandbox,,"Inspiration Olandbox's project vision is to be a super aggregator that gathers all scattered information and services through the semantic web, and builds a semantic metaverse in the form of virtual land. Using virtual land nft as a carrier, information and knowledge can be displayed on the land, so as to solve the current shortcomings of artificial intelligence. The development of super aggregators will have several processes. At present, in view of the complexity of social media information, corporate information with the problems of information security, people and even personal information cannot be well displayed on limited social personal pages, as well as information security and other issues, especially for many projects of web3, there is a lot of timely updated information that needs to be updated. Users know, but due to the lack of a good presentation form, for us, olandbox figured out whether we can do a link aggregation, and gradually complete the goal of the super aggregator by implementing one aggregation by one. What it does The name of the information aggragation Blue Soul. Olandbox Blue Soul is a functional development based on the original land mint of olandbox. As a linktree in the web3 world, it currently has the functions of personal information integration and link aggregation, and will open more functional modules in the future. According to the basic division of land, the corresponding areas will be divided into public space, official space, and private space. Currently, Blue Soul will first be deployed in the official space.The main function division of Blue Soul will be divided into official space editing content, links, combined with land use to form a map. Olandbox Blue Soul Link: There are several founctions of Blue Soul: In addition to solving the problem of link aggregation, the function of information aggregation has been added; Support users to add QR codes, personal display pictures, texts, etc., emphasizing user attributes, and meeting various usage scenarios; Use the wallet to log in, which has the function of decentralization and solves the hidden danger of easy leakage of personal information; Blue Soul supports that the domain name customization, personal information sharing page can be connected with olandbox semantic land, which can fully meet the user's usage scenarios; Multi-language settings can meet the needs of friends from all over the world, if a project has official accounts in multiple languages, they just need to use one link of Blue Soul which can add different languages in is enough. 6.For the project sides, they can also get Blue Soul vertification by contacting to olandbox, so their links will have the logo and the domain name of their sharing link will be different. Also, projects who have olandbox Blue Vertification can get the authority of zero-knowledge access, which means that the users can use the 'project name'+'attribute' to search the information of the project. For example, if you want to search for olandbox dc, you just need to type the infor on your chorm: That's the basic founction of Blue Soul now. At the same time, the link will also show the users' semantic land on olandbox. If people click the link, they can firsly check the link, picture and text on their profie, and later they can click the land information to see more about the land owners. And the owners can add the all the content into his private space. Accomplishments that we're proud of We have acomplished two bata test already. And people can mint land now, at the same time, there are over 2000+ senmantic lands minted, which shows the supports and approvel. Also, olandbox has started business on Opensea. Besides, there are over 50 projects and 200 kols in our community. And the projects side are our collabration partners who got Blue Vertification, which also means they are using Blue Soul link to present the information of their projects. What's next for Olandbox Firstly, we will acomplish the functions of Blue Soul. The function of link aggragation, multi-language, supprting the users to add picture and text. We will add the these fouction in the near furure: In the future, the time setting will be supported, so that the project party can clearly mark the event time, and users can also set reminders according to the corresponding reminder time to generate an exclusive calendar; For users, subscription notifications will be added in the future, including project credit changes, content changes, etc., and corresponding time reminders can be added; In the future, support the chain, as a protocol, bind the use of other dapps; Besides, we will also develop a new application into olandbox called Meta ID card, which can be the authentication of individuals on web3. Rationale:  Olandbox is trying to be a super aggregator in web3, which is updated version of wiki. Since inception, it has been widely enjoyed by the community and has seen strong engagement. We believe that Blue Soul and another applications of olandbox will benefit the community at large.   And now, we are trying to create the functions of wallet bounding and zero-knowledge access, which will make a big progress of our community. We also believe it can help to build a better environment in Web3. All about olandbox: Blue Soul Link: Olandbox Website: Olandbox twitter: Olandbox Discord:",2022-08-22T01:55:29.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7158,True,True,0x659264De58A00Ca9304aFCA079D8bEf6132BA16f,EVM from Scratch: A Youtube Tutorial Series,,"I created an EVM implementation from scratch in Python with clear explanations and understandable abstractions that you can find on my Github here ( To reach more current and future developers I want to turn this into an educational YouTube Series. About Me: My name is Sharif. I've been a software engineer for over 8 years now. Started out as a Machine Learning Engineer but since 2019 I've been a full-stack web3 dev. I always think that in order to understand something fully you should be able to create it from scratch. This is why I want to turn my EVM from scratch implementation into a video series, so anyone can learn how the EVM works under the hood.",2022-08-22T01:59:27.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7159,True,True,0xE8efD33Bf739900E99B015461FfeEb26E967247C,TeaParty,,"TeaParty is a Web3 Social growth tool designed to empower the Social-&-Earn (S&E) economy by enabling individuals to amplify their content to outreach to a greater and wider audience. Regenerative CryptoEconomics Social-&-Earn (S&E) is a positive-sum initiative that is categorized under Regenerative CryptoEconomics which creates positive externalities that focus on public goods that deliver coordination on positive social impact, which in turn produce fruitful, meaningful, and rewards to any parties involved. What problems does TeaParty solve? Problem 0 — Coordination failures. TeaParty’s positive externalities are to create a social growth tool with open-accessible to every ethnicity without prejudice with the goal to cultivate an environment that is safe and promotes inclusiveness for everyone. Problem 1 — Degenerative economy. In TeaParty, we advocate for a ""Regenerative Economy"", where users who want to be part of Web3, can feel safe and spend little or no money at all but can start to earn revenue with effort and low risk. Problem 2 — High barrier of entry against huge marketing budgets from corporations. In TeaParty, we elevate and help every starting entrepreneur, content creator, developer, indie game creator, musician, or literally anyone who struggles to get their words out about their awesome creative works. Problem 3 — Fake engagement/impressions. In TeaParty, every business can reach directly to real users that organically interact and share their content, absolutely different from how the old Web2 ""advertising model"" works. Problem 4 — Ineffective and non-transparent marketing results. TeaParty will solve that by providing a transparent and cost-effective environment for spending in making your content discoverable. Pay only if any users like or share/retweet. Else, nothing is paid! Sybil resistance: Proof of Social TeaParty is taking the ""Green Pill"" by Owocki and commit to bring public goods. Combating the Sybil attack issues in Web3 is one of our main initiative. Introducing our initiative: ""Proof of Social"", an approach that is permissionless and trustless in Sybil resistance. This approach will be deployed in the form of a smart contract, making it resilence and tamper-proof against any external attack.  In terms of permissionless and trustless, ""Proof of Social"" data and functions are publicly accessible by any parties on the web to consume and validate themselves. The smart contract is open-sourced to ensure the public could fork it and use it on their own version. Entering the Decentralized Society (DeSoc) Just about few months ago, Glen, Puja, and Vitalik released a Whitepaper regarding “Decentralised Society: Finding Web3's Soul“. It is related with what TeaParty is all about. Indeed, Web3 today centers around expressing transferable, financialized assets, rather than encoding social relationships of trust. What we trying to achieve here is mentioned by @pujaohlhaver, a ""Bottom-up Coordination"" and creating a co-determined sociality, where souls and communities can come together to co-create plural network goods and intelligence. How will the funds use? Development for Proof of Socials in combating Sybil attack Fund the operation cost for TeaParty platform Fund the gas fee of transactions for social activities on our platform Further improvement of the development tools in TeaParty Improve the aesthetic design aspect of the overall site Join us Twitter: Discord:",2022-08-22T06:38:38.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7160,True,True,0x29e4A493dC211be6e8C051dFB8E8B34DAdc84Fd2,Breakthru: Learn-2-Earn for students,,"Breakthru is a Learn-2-Earn platform allowing youth to build wealth while finding opportunities. Students earn Breakthru Dollars in their Digital Wallet when engaging with brands and companies by collecting badges. These companies and brands connect students to jobs, training, courses and financial resources. Download the app now Help us reach more students in need and implement more Web3 use cases. Breakthru will allow for badges to be minted as NFTs, Digital Wallet investment options, opportunity discovery within the Metaverse. DE&I in our DNA Over 70,000 users are on the Breakthru platform with 60% identifying as girls/women and 75% are from historically underrepresented communities. Students Love our App Our app has a 4.9/5 app store rating and over 1,300 reviews Reach Our app is available in the US, for iOS and Android devices. ",2022-08-22T08:56:10.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7161,True,True,0x555401c0EC1Cbe89b46cafA83DA16AD27b34912a,Pink Paper: Decentralized Publishing Platform,,"Pink Paper is a decentralized and permissionless publishing platform for individuals and communities worldwide to express their opinions and share information with the rest of their communities. Users can come and publish blogs and other forms of content on the platform and showcase it to the world. At the same time, one can raise funds for their endeavors on the platform allowing donating to world-changing technologies. Pink Paper will provide a decentralized and censorship-free platform for everyone to use and express their views about different topics. We are providing a censorship-free decentralized publishing platform that supports freedom of speech. Adoption Strategy: Pink Paper will be partnering with DAOs and companies to bring their content system to Pink Paper. It will be used for providing key updates and announcements for their communities. Pink Paper will be launching a creator fund to incentivize writers, which will be distributed according to the engagement brought through their communities. Pink Paper will be Collaborating with renowned authors and novelists, and publish their upcoming novels on the Pink Papers platform, (increasing visibility and engagement of the platform through their communities) Pink Paper will be Collaborating with Researchers and publish their research papers on the platform ( this will give penetration into the community of learned individuals in various academic fields) Pink Paper will be Collaborating with localized news agencies and publishers to have local, national, and international news published on the platform. Key Outcomes: Adoption of the publishing platform by major individual contributors along with companies as it provides a fair and free platform to communicate with their communities. Due to the Global, transparent & decentralized nature of the publishing platform, Pink Paper will be able to better deliver to the different communities and readers around the world. Pink Papers will provide the platform as a center for decentralized information flow. One-stop medium of communication with communities of any type, size, etc.",2022-08-22T10:22:16.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7162,True,True,0x99B75a632567ce5A86eDE922E23D1B052136192d,The Longevity Decentralized Review - TLDR (by VitaDAO),,"The Longevity Decentralized Review (TLDR) is an on-demand peer review service. Website: It addresses critical issues with academic journals: Researchers should be able to obtain peer reviews of their work in a timely and fair fashion. Reviewers should have the option of being compensated for their efforts. The general public shouldn't have to wait for research to be published in a journal to know whether it's credible. Journals should not profit off the free labor of researchers. TLDR will not interfere with the status quo. It is an opt-in mechanism for researchers to get extra eyes on their work. FAQ How does TLDR work? TLDR provides funding for researchers to review each other's work. There is a free and paid tier. Articles from websites known as “Rxiv” (pronounced “archive”) preprint servers, BioRxiv, MedRxiv, and Arxiv are auto-posted daily to the homepage. The incentive for peer reviewing these freely posted manuscripts is to receive a share of the donations given to TLDR. See the Donate page to donate. The paid tier differs in that it allows researchers to post their work directly to have it reviewed. Paying places a ""Paid"" label next to the submission. Researchers pay a subscription (see below for details) to keep their manuscript(s) part of the paid tier. Reviewers have extra incentive to review paid manuscripts because they not only receive a portion of the total donations but also a portion of the total subcriptions. Because VitaDAO is supplementing the reviewers with its $VITA token, the initial focus of both the free and paid tiers are on longevity related research. Where does the research come from posted on the TLDR homepage? The research is posted from the researchers themselves and from the preprint servers, Biorxiv, MedRxiv, and Arxiv. We especially want people to link to their research on the preprint servers. These ""Rxiv"" websites enable anyone to submit their research in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, medicine) disciplines for free. This is helpful because not every can afford to publish in traditional academic journals. Currently, we are focusing on biology-related manuscripts (e.g., Arxiv ""q-bio"" and """") but we potentially will expand. How does peer review work on TLDR and how does it differ from traditional peer review? TLDR reviewing is similar to traditional peer reviewing in terms of its emphasis on rigor and in judging for importance. However, it differs in that it is quantitative. The ranking of each work is based on upvotes by ones peers. It is similar to how it's done at Hacker News. Also, the reviews are ranked by upvotes. Anyone can review a work by clicking ""Write review"" under each manuscript. We believe TLDRs have value when compared to traditional reviews because though they will likely be shorter than traditional peer reviews, they can be faster and the voting can enable a broader consensus. This contrasts with traditional peer review that is performed by a relative small number of people (2-4). All this being said, we are always open to suggestions on how to facilitate a better peer review environment. How does how the reviews get evaluated affect how they get paid? Researchers can evaluate the reviews using upvoting and commenting. This feedback will help reviewers grow their reputation and will determine their payouts. How are donations handled? TLDR gives the donations we receive to the researchers who peer review. A small fraction of the donations go to operating the TLDR organization, as is needed to pay staff salaries and maintain this website. We use Stripe for our credit card processing and Coinbase for our cryptocurrencies. Please donate here. We support the following digital currency donations: Bitcoin (BTC): 36DkutW1QKHSiN9xuGakQaaKThWrhTBBRH Ethereum (ETH): 0x99B75a632567ce5A86eDE922E23D1B052136192d USD Coin (USDC): 0x3344fcA91ecdBDb7c919Ae91C0a9a8F1d63a1Ab3 Can you log in under a pseudonym? Can people see my activity on the site? Yes, you can log in under a pseudonym. There's no restrictions on who can use the site. Your reviews and donations are anonymous. All content is anonymous. We feel this is important to promote free expression. That being said, those who are abusive towards others will have their accounts and comments delisted. Also, if you will make a donation or pay for a review using a credit card, we are required by our payment processor to collect your email. What is the problem that TLDR addresses? Publishing in journals especially in the biomedical sciences has significant issues. Journals historically provided an important function in physically printing research manuscripts. However, now with the internet anyone can make their work accessible by posting it online. Researchers are now doing this at preprint servers as mentioned above. The remaining major distinction between a journal and any website on the internet is that journals have peer review. Peer review is the process of scientists reviewing each other’s work to determine if the work is worthy of publishing. In most cases, scientists recommend other scientists with similar domain expertise to a journal to review their work. Scientists then often spend many hours assessing the quality of results and suggesting changes. Often, there can be several rounds of revision. This is a system that benefits the world that scientists take pride in, with one major issue – The journals do not pay scientists for any of this work. Rather, the journals charge large and growing fees (many $thousands) to scientists for the privilege of publishing in their journals. The journals have little costs because scientists do most of the work for free. This results in journals having massive profit margins. Some estimates have journals outdoing the profit margins even of some of the most successful companies on earth such as Apple. To recap, the common scenario is scientists pay journals from their increasingly inadequate non-profit funding sources to have other scientists do free labor reviewing for for-profit journals. It is widely acknowledged by many that this is an unacceptable exploitative system that needs to change. How does the paid tier subscription pricing work? You can subscribe as a logged in user at Billing. Pricing tiers: One (1) manuscript kept live as a paid submission: $29/month, $249/year Two (2) manuscripts kept live as paid submissions: $49/month, $499/year Five (5) manuscripts kept live as paid submissions: $99/month, $999/year What are tags? Tags are keywords and phrases that you can track in preprints such that you can receive emails when they are found. You can track your tags here. We realize you might not want to check this site regularly, so being emailed of your tags seems a solution to that. How can I stop being notified by email of new reviews on my manuscripts or on manuscripts I've reviewed? If the new review is on your manuscript, please go to your Projects page to manage your email preferences. If the new review is on a manuscript you reviewed, please go to your Reviews page to manage your email preferences. How does one get paid to do peer reviews? You get paid using $VITA tokens. Please include your ERC-20 address on your ""Profile"" when you are logged in. In the future we plan to use log in with a web3 wallet and to do away with the email requirement. Who developed TLDR? And what does TLDR refer to? TLDR was created by Tim R Peterson and colleagues. TLDR is an acronym that stands for The Longevity Decentralized Review. Tim is an Assistant Professor at Washington University School of Medicine. The TLDR is not affiliated with Washington University. What will my Gitcoin donation go towards? Currently, the proof of concept website, is purely Web2 with email log-in, off-chain transactions, and data storage. We will use the Gitcoin funds to implement a wallet log-in, storing of the reviews and their associated manuscripts via IPFS or Arweave, and enable voting on the reviews that will determine how much each reviewer receives to be done on-chain. The latter will allow wallets to grow their reputation. Future plans To help the DeSci movement more broadly, we are also developing Proof Of Peer Review (PoP Review),, to accommodate more general biomedical research. Our intent is to make a Web3 version of the StackExchange network by having several sister sites like TLDR and PoP Review where different types of research is being evaluated. One can image, these sister sites using different tokens besides $VITA from other DAOs. Questions? Please reach out! We'd love to talk with you. ",2022-08-22T11:23:45.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7163,True,True,0x74966dDAAE16B3506bc575276Af7E391e3b4d296,disCarbon - reversing climate change with web3 & open source,,"We drive value to planet-positive projects by creating easy-to-use open source carbon retirement tools available in the public domain. This is our first Gitcoin Grants round. Since starting development in May, we've: Implemented a Flight Emission Offsetting Dapp and benchmarked its results. Implemented an API that provides flight emission estimates. Driven a community proposal to make Devcon VI climate neutral (Devcon is the largest Ethereum developer conference). Implemented the tooling that will allow Devcon VI attendees to contribute to making the event carbon neutral. disCarbon's aims are: To raise awareness about the impact our actions have on our planet. To accelerate the adoption of on-chain carbon credits. To drive the irrevocable retirement of carbon credits. To contribute to other public goods projects. In order to achieve these goals, disCarbon's initial focus is carbon footprint tools that show people how they can reduce their impact on the planet and minimize their contribution to climate change. Our tools allow people to offset the emissions due to their actions using tokenized carbon credits directly on-chain. Our tools demonstrate how easy it is to use and retire on-chain carbon credits in order to drive the adoption of tokenized carbon among crypto-natives and provide a showcase for a legitimate and tangible use case of blockchain for those less familiar with the technology, both within the traditional carbon credit industry, and beyond. Our future plans are: Run a workshop on Event Emission Estimation at the ReFI Community Hub at Devcon VI. To add more features to the Fight Offsetter Dapp such as POAP incentivization and choice of carbon offset project. Develop a tool to easily calculate and offset event emissions. Design tokens that drive the retirement of on-chain carbon credits. disCarbon is @haurog1 & @danceratopz: Physicist & mathematician, Software developers, Both #StakeFromHome Believe web3 & open source is our best shot for coordinating positive action & public goods! We have forked the system & embraced web3 in order to apply our engineering skills and contribute to a community which shares our vision & hope for a better world. We're raising funds in GR15 so we can continue focusing our attention full-time to this project. To date, we have successfully applied for a Developer Grant from Toucan Protocol that has covered 2 months of development. ",2022-08-22T14:50:31.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7164,True,False,0xa18a6AAa73f03F43E8E29Fde02010735b5852b4c,Signal + ENS,,"Signal desktop app supporting ENS lookups and messaging  We love Signal and ENS. Unfortunately, current Signal users have no way to utilize their favorite ENS name within Signal, and are forced to resort to traditional phone numbers. We decided to change that by building a desktop version of Signal that supports ENS name lookups, so you can search and message a user with only their ENS name! Enabling your ENS to be found on Signal + ENS is incredibly easy, and only requires adding your current Signal number as a new text record so other users can lookup and message you knowing just your ENS name.  We understand certain users won’t want to add their current phone number as a new text record with their ENS, which is why our team is actively developing a solution to remove this dependency to be inclusive to everyone! This desktop app is 100% Signal, with the added ability to lookup and message an ENS name, meaning it fully interoperates with all existing Signal contacts. All of our code is fully open sourced and available to view on our Github here: Join the 3NUMDAO Discord to keep up with our latest announcements:",2022-08-22T15:46:00.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7165,False,False,0x0,Biomimetic Tokenomics,," Biomimetic means mimicking nature. Biomimetic tokenomic systems seek to mimic nature on the large scale, including celestial events like high noons and full moons. Just like the Sun gives you light every day, a biomimetic economy gives you daily tokens. We’ve been playing with this concept for years, and are now putting it into smart contracts. We're looking for some help, both in code and financial support, to complete these open-source contracts being built in public. The code is over 70% completed, and you can preview the contract structure later on in this grant proposal.  For now, let’s talk more about the concept.  The idea is to time-limit “Up-inion” with fungible tokens as a basis for an economy. This works best with the daily distribution is linked with a daily utility-case, such as a Top Chart or similar vote-based system. It could even be used to improve Gitcoin’s fairness.  The code is open, so we look forward to all kinds of use-cases. Here’s the one cXc is working on.  🟣Purple is a three-token Biomimetic Economy where participants receive daily SOL to shine their light on content they love with a ""Sol Up"" (costs 1 SOL) that pays the content's creator a BLUX, which can Blu Up (costs 1 BLUX). Whoever gets the most Ups each day earns the real prize, PURPLE. Background After developing the idea, I wrote the web 4 paper to share the underlying concepts. Later, cXc, created the first implementation of a biomimetic economy called PURPLE. Now, these contracts are being developed in public, and seeking support on Gitcoin. We are looking for coders to help take these concepts to solidity + rust, help reviewing out C++ contracts, and to mouths to spread the idea of Biomimetic Economies. Biomimetic Contract Preview Thank you for your support. ",2022-08-22T16:47:03.181-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7166,False,False,0x3D0d564BcCA4A541Ce119766427dAcc93374FE4F,Renewable water and feeding a communities ,,"No water in mpape, Fct. Nigeria, people tend walk miles just to drop from a well. Creating boreholes and channel for water to wet the crops ",2022-08-22T17:27:33.905-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7167,False,True,0x94bE9e31e2237F0C470ae5FC3C8908FA652E9c95,Fibrous: DEX aggregator that offers best swap rates on StarkNet,,"Fibrous finds the most efficient paths for a token swap, also splits your funds between different protocols and aggregates best rates across StarkNet AMMs.  Note: Donations for this grant are for development only. Do not expect anything in return. What makes Fibrous different and why to use it?  Although StarkNet is in the Alpha process, we believe StarkNet has great potential in the future. We anticipate that many AMM protocols will be announced on StarkNet over time, as StarkNet is a validity Rollup that ensures Ethereum security and also allows very cheap transaction fees.  This is great but comes with a few problems. Many AMM protocols have been announced on StarkNet and due to the distribution of liquidity to many AMMs, it is a bad user experience for the end user to find the one that gives the most liquidity and the best ratio among these AMM protocols.  This is where Fibrous comes into play. Instead of navigating the AMM that gives the best rate one by one manually, Fibrous allows users to swap the best rate with one click in the cheapest way without giving any extra effort.  Just swap with best price possible in StarkNet. Fibrous aggregates all AMMs of StarkNet in one place.",2022-08-22T23:39:02.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7168,True,True,0xd5D171a9AA125AF13216C3213B5A9Fc793FcCF2c,,,"## Introduction ENSBook is a lightweight tool used for observing, registering or renewing ENS names. It supports: 1. Enter and view information of multiple ENS names at one time, includes current usage information and some historical information, etc. 2. Faster registration and less GAS consumption can be achieved through custom configuration. 3. You can customize the ethereum addresses to separate the operator and receiver of the ENS name registration to protect the name security. 4. There are two connection modes: Web3 wallet and custom wallet, the default connection mode is Web3 wallet. 5. ENS name automatical registration with one click and continuing registration after interruption. 6. Continue to improve and add other features. ## Usage Mode To use ENSBook, you can use either of the following methods: 1. Open or in your browser. 2. Copy the source code to your computer and run it on your local side. For more information, please visit: ## Next Step Continue as a lightweight ENS tool. For the rest of 2022, ENSBook will: 1. Add the listing information of trading platforms. 2. Improve convenience and user experience. ## Screenshot",2022-08-23T01:40:28.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7169,True,True,0xC99C2204297b15cdDE4B0A08b62bEcF4f10DC6dD,GalaxChat,,"A protocol for creating social tokens based on Ethereum addresses, enabling group chat and anonymous peer-to-peer chat Official website : upcoming Github : it will run on layer2 GalaxChat will be structured to develop into a fully decentralized protocol Introduction :",2022-08-23T01:45:45.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7170,False,False,0x0,The Most Common Exhaust Problems With Your Car (And How to Solve Them),,"In particular, in the case of the exhaust system, it should function correctly to guarantee the proper exhaustion of extra harmful gases so that the engine can carry out the combustion process. Otherwise, the engine might become clogged, which could hinder the combustion process and eventually affect the vehicle's overall performance.   But it's a good idea to be aware of exhaust system flaws. Here is a quick breakdown of exhaust-related issues. A Malfunctioning Oxygen Sensor Fails To Intimate The ECU Properly. The oxygen sensor is used by the exhaust system to collect data about the gases that are supposed to be released into the environment. When the task is finished, the ECU starts the internal combustion process. The ECU, on the other hand, fails to produce the proper air-to-fuel ratio if there is any malfunctioning. As a result, the combustion chamber does not receive the proper fuel, and the process has a good chance of going wrong.  Either mixture could heat up too much or the combustion chamber converts energy inefficiently. It even damages the catalytic converter and causes the engine to misfire on occasion.   A sensor failure is a difficult problem to diagnose, though. Engine misfiring initially appeared to be an issue with the engine.  However, you can speak with a specialist at Service My Car to get the right assessment of the problem and the right fix for the same. Exhaust Smoke Hints At Some Underlying Issue It is normal for combustion to produce smoke. However, it should be colourless, as coloured smoke is a sign of trouble. There could be grey, white, blue, or black smoke. The coloured smoke, however, typically arises from some flaws in the combustion process. The blue smoke is typically created when engine oil burns inside the engine. Because of worn valves, cylinder walls, or a faulty head gasket, engine oil may leak into the combustion chamber.   On the other hand, black smoke results from the engine using more fuel than it should. The main cause of these problems turns out to be a clogged air or fuel filter. However, you can opt for an air filter replacement at a reliable service centre to counter the issue. If the smoke is white or grey in colour, coolant leakage is to blame. Exhaust Leakage May Result From the Presence of Malodorous Inside Cabins There are many chances for leakage into the system manifold or even one of the joints throughout the exhaust system, which extends from the front to the rear and heavily relies on the pipes. However, a leak at the manifold poses a threat because it could let toxic fumes into the cabin while the engine makes loud noises. Since toxic gases in smoke are purified by the catalytic converter but escape due to leakage, the passenger may be in danger of dying as a result of the leak. A Failed Catalytic Converter May Hamper the Engine's Performance However, a failed catalytic converter could cause issues if it becomes clogged or damaged as a result of overheating. The catalytic converter does the trick of converting the dangerous gases into safe steam to release into the environment. Sometimes, the converter is exposed to emissions containing substances that coat the working surfaces, catalyst poisoning happens.   Many times, drivers ignore the warning signs of a failing catalytic converter and believe their car is still in good condition. However, most of the vehicles on the road today use catalytic converters. These devices have almost become a requirement for new cars. But, there is a serious issue with wear and tear on these expensive units, which are frequently unable to prevent damage due to the negative effects of gasoline. A defective catalytic indirectly impacts the engine of a vehicle as it hampers the combustion chamber. There is also some sort of improper fuel efficiency. However, a proactive approach might save you more effort and time in terms of car engine repair. Unnecessary Vibrations Are Not Healthy For A Safe Drive You may be feeling vibrations around your steering wheel as a result of an unhealthy exhaust system. Sometimes the entire vehicle feels these vibrations, which is not a good sign for a safe drive. You don't anticipate seeing a car causing trouble on the road. However, if you choose to seek a professional assessment and do not ignore such problems, there is a lower likelihood that something will go wrong.   Exhaust System Rust and Loose Hangers Rust is a true enemy to the exhaust system as it hampers it slowly until it goes bad and starts to pose an issue. However, this is common in vehicles that do not get enough rides. The water vapours do not get enough time to burn off.   Besides, the exhaust system stays with your car with the help hangers. But a loose or broken hanger is not a good sign for a vehicle's exhaust system. If you need any type of car service & repair, service my car provides you free pickup and delivery at the nearest Mercedes Benz service bolton center.   The exhaust problems may be avoided by taking preventive measures. It requires you to inspect the exhaust system once or twice a year. However, you can ask for a professional's help during the car maintenance to identify the causes and address them properly. Service My Car offers distinctive services and solutions for all of your automotive needs. You can quickly and conveniently order a car service package or ask for a quotation for a car repair on the Service My Car app or website. ",2022-08-23T03:46:03.060-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7171,False,False,0x0,The Most Common Exhaust Problems With Your Car (And How to Solve Them),,"In particular, in the case of the exhaust system, it should function correctly to guarantee the proper exhaustion of extra harmful gases so that the engine can carry out the combustion process. Otherwise, the engine might become clogged, which could hinder the combustion process and eventually affect the vehicle's overall performance.   But it's a good idea to be aware of exhaust system flaws. Here is a quick breakdown of exhaust-related issues. A Malfunctioning Oxygen Sensor Fails To Intimate The ECU Properly. The oxygen sensor is used by the exhaust system to collect data about the gases that are supposed to be released into the environment. When the task is finished, the ECU starts the internal combustion process. The ECU, on the other hand, fails to produce the proper air-to-fuel ratio if there is any malfunctioning. As a result, the combustion chamber does not receive the proper fuel, and the process has a good chance of going wrong.  Either mixture could heat up too much or the combustion chamber converts energy inefficiently. It even damages the catalytic converter and causes the engine to misfire on occasion.   A sensor failure is a difficult problem to diagnose, though. Engine misfiring initially appeared to be an issue with the engine.  However, you can speak with a specialist at Service My Car to get the right assessment of the problem and the right fix for the same. Exhaust Smoke Hints At Some Underlying Issue It is normal for combustion to produce smoke. However, it should be colourless, as coloured smoke is a sign of trouble. There could be grey, white, blue, or black smoke. The coloured smoke, however, typically arises from some flaws in the combustion process. The blue smoke is typically created when engine oil burns inside the engine. Because of worn valves, cylinder walls, or a faulty head gasket, engine oil may leak into the combustion chamber.   On the other hand, black smoke results from the engine using more fuel than it should. The main cause of these problems turns out to be a clogged air or fuel filter. However, you can opt for an air filter replacement at a reliable service centre to counter the issue. If the smoke is white or grey in colour, coolant leakage is to blame. Exhaust Leakage May Result From the Presence of Malodorous Inside Cabins There are many chances for leakage into the system manifold or even one of the joints throughout the exhaust system, which extends from the front to the rear and heavily relies on the pipes. However, a leak at the manifold poses a threat because it could let toxic fumes into the cabin while the engine makes loud noises. Since toxic gases in smoke are purified by the catalytic converter but escape due to leakage, the passenger may be in danger of dying as a result of the leak. A Failed Catalytic Converter May Hamper the Engine's Performance However, a failed catalytic converter could cause issues if it becomes clogged or damaged as a result of overheating. The catalytic converter does the trick of converting the dangerous gases into safe steam to release into the environment. Sometimes, the converter is exposed to emissions containing substances that coat the working surfaces, catalyst poisoning happens.   Many times, drivers ignore the warning signs of a failing catalytic converter and believe their car is still in good condition. However, most of the vehicles on the road today use catalytic converters. These devices have almost become a requirement for new cars. But, there is a serious issue with wear and tear on these expensive units, which are frequently unable to prevent damage due to the negative effects of gasoline. A defective catalytic indirectly impacts the engine of a vehicle as it hampers the combustion chamber. There is also some sort of improper fuel efficiency. However, a proactive approach might save you more effort and time in terms of car engine repair. Unnecessary Vibrations Are Not Healthy For A Safe Drive You may be feeling vibrations around your steering wheel as a result of an unhealthy exhaust system. Sometimes the entire vehicle feels these vibrations, which is not a good sign for a safe drive. You don't anticipate seeing a car causing trouble on the road. However, if you choose to seek a professional assessment and do not ignore such problems, there is a lower likelihood that something will go wrong.   Exhaust System Rust and Loose Hangers Rust is a true enemy to the exhaust system as it hampers it slowly until it goes bad and starts to pose an issue. However, this is common in vehicles that do not get enough rides. The water vapours do not get enough time to burn off.   Besides, the exhaust system stays with your car with the help hangers. But a loose or broken hanger is not a good sign for a vehicle's exhaust system. If you need any type of car service & repair, service my car provides you free pickup and delivery at the nearest Mercedes Benz service bolton center.   The exhaust problems may be avoided by taking preventive measures. It requires you to inspect the exhaust system once or twice a year. However, you can ask for a professional's help during the car maintenance to identify the causes and address them properly. Service My Car offers distinctive services and solutions for all of your automotive needs. You can quickly and conveniently order a car service package or ask for a quotation for a car repair on the Service My Car app or website. ",2022-08-23T03:46:06.603-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7172,False,False,0x0,Zeft,,"- Its an microwork aggregator app [where users can earn money by doing tasks]. Zeft app will be on android, ios,web What is microwork? Microwork is a series of many small tasks which 🖤 together comprise a large unified project, and it is completed by many people over the Internet. Microwork is considered the smallest unit of work done in a virtual assembly line. 🌈 🦭 Types of Tasks. •data categorization •copy editing •proofreading •taking surveys •labelling photos or videos, •describing products •transcribing scanned documents •audio transcription & etc Types of online dat entry works 🚫Problems of current platforms •Payment method – Slow transaction speed & high fees from banks •Bad ui   [poor experience eventually stop users from using the app] – most of the apps don’t have user friendly ui & most of apps are only for desktop users 📥 Solutions by zeft •Human verification- (zfl) Zeft ledger is a digital identity that uses zero knowledge and encrypted identity Ledger •Ui – [zeft will have best user Interface] &  [we will also be mobile friendly] •payment method – zeft will provide payments via cryptocurrencies Will use blockchain technology for efficient transaction ~ Low or no transaction fees & fast frictionless transfers ",2022-08-23T08:48:16.440-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7173,False,False,0x136e583B16f724599Dc898DD8B23099260A4931f,Building the Bridge between Web3 users and Policymakers in DC and beyond: ThreeOh DAO,,"Support the Future of Web3 by Helping ThreeOh DAO Educate and Influence Policy & Lawmakers around the World. For the first time in modern history, there is a real opportunity for communities to organize and influence the regulatory framework of a new financial sector. ThreeOh DAO has seized this moment in history to create the first DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) that is mission driven to shape regulatory policy in the United States and beyond on behalf of grassroots Web3 and DeFi users. ThreeOh DAO is focused on impacting the crypto policy on behalf of users. ThreeOh DAO is the voice of the Web3 Community, providing our community and Web3 the opportunity to impact the framework that will ultimately define the parameters for access and exclusion within the new global financial system. This is an opportunity for investors to be the change they want to see in the world. Company summary: ThreeOh DAO is the first organization designed to actively engage policymakers through lobbying and education on behalf of the Web3 community. Through 501(c)(4) relationships with two lobby and policy teams (Fintech and Strategic Communications), affiliated non-profit 501(c)(3), and a Super PAC, ThreeOh DAO has built the necessary infrastructure tasked with the challenge of regulatory policymaking on behalf of the global Web3 community. As referenced in a recent Politico, 3OH is the only DAO in the United States that has a registered Super PAC. Mission statement: 3OH DAO strives to become the trusted voice of Web3 to government officials in DC and around the globe.Together, we’ll educate policymakers on the transformative benefits of blockchain technology and work to champion policies to advance the Web 3 community. Market: Our target audience is made up of web3 users and supporters that are passionate about the sustainability and long-term success DeFi and Web3, and the development of Web3 friendly regulatory policy that fosters and enables growth and adoption. ThreeOh DAO serves every organization, token, and ecosystem in Web3. Utilizing a successful marketing strategy from a respected voice in Web3 will seize and capitalize on this aspect of ThreeOh DAO. 20% of the grant funding will be dispersed to our 501c3, DeFi Education. This is an IRS approved 501c3 with the mission of educating policymakers, staffers, and regulatory bodies on the benefits of digital assets and blockchain technologies. 30% of the grant funding will be allocated for marketing and strategic exchange partnerships. ThreeOh DAO is resolute in its mission to bring the voice of Web3 users to the regulatory tables that are forming throughout the US. Through the use of this allocation, we believe we will be able to attract new DAO membership and increase our DAO's influence over the regulatory processes taking place in Washington, DC. 30% of the grant funding allocations will be utilized for the formation an International DAO Coalition based in Dubai, UAE, by utilizing Dubai's ""commerce free zone."" These free zones allow for organizations to create international business subsidiaries without the requirement of residency. 20% of the grant funding will be allocated for international marketing and advocacy partnerships. Through our relationship with Runway Strategies, we have access to their international policy/advocacy expert, Joanne Marques. Joanne currently lives abroad and has 20+ years of experience working with international policy and advocacy initiatives. Through the connections Joanne has built, we will be able to connect with governments and DAO organizations alike to create an international advocacy powerhouse with the mission of supporting Web3 expansion across the world. ",2022-08-23T09:37:22.181-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7174,True,True,0x0,,," is a simple decentralized chat dApp that enables wallet-to-wallet(s) encrypted messaging. Problems Today, there is no simple way for us to easily use a Web3 wallet to message another wallet freely (with no cost and no past TX needed!) and secured using wallet address encryption. Another issue is a way for a group of users to use their wallets to message in a group chatroom. Solutions With, users will be able to use their wallet as the only gateway to encrypt and decrypt a message and send it to the recipient (two-ways flow). Not only that, users will be able to chat in a group either a public chat or a private chat. Features - 💬: wallet-to-wallet encrypted messaging - 👥: wallets-to-wallets encrypted group messaging chatrooms (both public and private - 🌿: directly messaging users with a lens handle - 💻: familiar UI with emojis to allow lively message - 😎: iframe integration to allow other dApps to integrate easily How the grant being used The grant received will be used for below: - complete the remaining features (so far completed wallet-to-wallet encrypted messaging) - use to develop mobile app in the future (supports both iOS and Android) - working across with multiple industry dApps to ensure other platforms can seamlessly integrate and functional Tech stack - NuxtJS with Tailwind CSS for styling - integrating Lens Protocol API for Lens Profile supports - Lit Protocol for encrypting and decrypt the messages",2022-08-23T11:12:57.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7175,False,False,0xbdD56A9fd83055F6dE5eF778273a7De1E78775FB,Web3´s first carbon asset index,,"At the core of 6c-Index is a digital asset, the 6c-Index token, where one token represents one metric ton of verified captured carbon that is the total of a combination of fractionalized ownership of varied carbon credits vetted in by our five-star review system and reweighed quarterly to a momentum-based index that allows our investors to mitigate risk. Anyone who owns the 6c-Index token, owns a fractionalized interest in the underlying carbon credit which is held under the custody of 6c-Index. The value of the Index token, therefore, also tracks with the real-time market price of the % of the allocated underlying’s value. Fractionalized ownership of the underlying carbon credits removes the utility that allows for offsetting specific emissions. The assets are transformed into units of drawdown (UOD). They represent actual metric tonnes of carbon removed from the atmosphere and stored indefinitely.     Like any blockchain-based token, 6c-Index is available 24/7 to facilitate settlement against various assets. Unlike traditional carbon, which is only available to settle trades during banking business hours, 6c-Index can move anywhere, anytime.   ",2022-08-23T11:25:23.927-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7176,False,False,0x3D0d564BcCA4A541Ce119766427dAcc93374FE4F,Helping hands ,,"It will create room for more investment. If people see the outreach with value it gives. ",2022-08-23T12:00:27.915-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7177,True,True,0x336Ce087593688F431e3D9D57188Fa8Df10cF49B,ENS Latino Community D&I Initiative,,"Problem/Issue: As active members of the ENS community and having the privilege of being fully bilingual (Spanish and English) we have identified that many times the Latino/Hispanic community had to participate in English-speaking spaces or communities in order to learn and obtain useful information even though they might not understand the language very much Solution: Knowing that ENS had opened the keyboard for the Spanish language we saw an opportunity to create a community that focuses on giving a platform where latinos/hispanics can gather to learn, share information, and make connections in their native language meanwhile also promoting our heritage to other important communities in the ENS, Web3, and Crypto space in general. Mission/Vision: Our vision is to support the ENS DAO directly in all matters regarding the Latin American and Spanish-speaking communities, to ensure that they are on the same playing-field as their English speaking colleagues. To accomplish our vision, we have a set of mandates that we have set out to accomplish: - Establish ENSLatino.eth as a decentralized, yet sovereign ENS DAO Delegate to help guide the ENS Latino community on DAO Governance. - Organize and produce high-quality and broadcast friendly content that can be used across media channels like Youtube, Spotify Podcasts, Twitter Spaces, Tik Tok, etc. etc.   - - Destination for the translation of ENS DAO an other ENS ecosystem documents, blog posts, twitter rants and more!   - - Web2 destination designed to bridge the SEO and visibility gaps by providing content transcription from other ENSLatino.eth sources, such as our Twitter Spaces, shows and relevant media. The page, independently run by community member DominiosWeb3.eth, also highlights active community members to help increase the visibility of their activity within the ENS Ecosystem.   - **El.Buenos☀️Días.eth Show** - Daily morning show. Currently hosted a Twitter Space, it is our vision to evolve into a fully staffed, fully produced, on camera, live-event ready production.                 **En Arroz y Habichuelas** - Youtube channel hosted by @julioEAH, where he educates his viewers on financial literacy with the Latino American context, and contribute to the bridging of Spanish speaking community to the wonderful world of Web3, Blockchain, Crypto, and the emerging Metaverse.       **🆘ocorro.eth** - Mutual Aid dApp concept to be designed and maintained by the ENSLatino community. The dApp will be designed around the core features of modern day crowd-funding with all the benefits of Web3.       **Muchas🙏Gracias.eth** - A community rewards platform specifically designed for the Latino ENS community.       **Aport.ENSLatino.eth** - Landing page for content and community contributions.     ##Founding Team #Johncito.eth - []( John Wayne, Co-Founder of ENS Latino. From collegiate sports, to the extremely vibrant Latin American Urban Music business, Johncito.eth has seen the highs and the lows, and works daily to make sure that he is giving his community the space and time to learn and grow. #JulioEAH.eth - []( Julio Abreu, Co-founder of ENS Latino. Accountant/auditor with 9+ experience @ Fortune 500 companies like PwC, E&Y, American Airlines, and Toyota. Creator, Leader, Hermano! His tireless drive has him constantly engaged to build community and content that empowers and educates.   #0xMagoDe0z.eth - []( Joshua Hernandez, El Mago of ENS Latino. Taking from over 25 years of technology and creative experience, Josh joins the team as its resident technical expert, battle hardened tech entrepreneur, talent developer, build foreman, creative steward, and product powerhouse. Please consider donating to ENS Latino even $1 which is super helpful on the journey to continue to educate and grow the hispanic community within ENS and the overall crypto space in general. ",2022-08-23T14:39:37.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7178,False,False,0xeb6b293E9bB1d71240953c8306aD2c8aC523516a,ENSgrows: An ENS dedicated weekly publication documenting ENS builders.,,"ENSgrows is a weekly publication tracking and promoting 'all things ENS' but with a particular emphasis on ENS related development projects, or 'grows.' We are fully committed to nurturing this growing community, and watching it grow along with the individual projects that are its lifeblood. ENSgrows promotes community education and supports ENS builders by highlighting their projects weekly. We are raising awareness of ENS project builders, content creators and other people/projects improving the ENS ecosystem.  To help facilitate this mission, ENSgrows is requesting a grant to to allow us to focus our time and energy on a more committed basis to growing the publication and the community it serves. Please review the still-new publication to see what we have been building We believe that we have a very devoted team that will utilize the funds wisely and to great effect on a per-gwei basis. Please don't hesitate to reach out with feedback or suggestions! About ENSgrows: The ENSgrows concept and newsletter was conceived by @dr3a - in response to the tremendous energy of the ENS builder community, as exemplified by the ENS Builders Guild discord server. @greyhame joined to help further their mission of growing ENS in general, but also in support of their efforts at Read our Substack weekly newsletter here Follow us on Twitter @ensgrows",2022-08-23T16:42:45.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7179,True,True,0x1c6d4880275Abd31c350eF59bA6FE53Ab72f383d,SamePage Network,,"Bring your own tool. Own your own data. Stay on the SamePage. Everyone has their own tool for note-taking. SamePage brings them together as an intra-TFT network. You use Roam while they use Obsidian, and SamePage syncs changes across your team without needing to leave your custom setup. DeSci is driven on protocols like SamePage. Give your team a way to share knowledge without barriers. At this stage, we have raised $48k from Filecoin Network Goods Dev Grants. We are seeking grant funding to build out the next stage of the SamePage Network. SamePage Stage 1 Milestone 2 Demo - Watch Video As seen above, today we have a functional sync between Roam graphs, Logseq graphs, and Roam-to-Logseq graphs with data stored in IPFS. This gives collaborators a way to work together without needing to leave their environment or give their data to another third party.  David and Joel’s work building the Discourse Graph RoamJS plugin laid the foundation for this project. We believe synthesizing knowledge and collaborating on discourse graphs to be the first major application for research teams to use SamePage. This project goes a step further to accelerate the creation of research public goods, particularly those suited for decentralized collaboration and science.  Project Description Tools for thought (TFTs) are applications that are meant to augment human intelligence by providing quick capture of ideas via notes and free association of these ideas via links and references. The space is currently littered with plenty of different web2 options, from Roam to Obsidian, Notion to Logseq. Each of the companies behind these products believe that their specific data model and bundle of user interfaces will be the solution to solving personal knowledge management, and some believe they could grow into the solution that solves collective knowledge management. However, all users are different and have highly specific needs. This has played out by Notion and Roam starting as the primary two tools of choice, and slowly losing power users to the newer entrants in the space. As users continue to migrate between tools and settle into their preferred UI and servers of choice, collaborating has gotten increasingly difficult. In order for teams of researchers or independent contractors to collaborate, they either need to a) compromise into using one tool, copy/pasting data back and forth from their personal tool or b) import/export data from their personal tool to the personal tools of their colleagues. Because of this, tools for thought on their own will not be a sufficient answer for collaborative thought. What we need instead is a protocol for thought: a set of decentralized computing resources and adapters from each of these tools. A network that allows users to continue sketching ideas in their personal tool for thought and that tool interfacing with the tools of their colleagues directly. An example use case: I want to be able to open a page in Roam and have it connect directly with a page in another user's Obsidian vault. We can write changes to the same document asynchronously and they will be resynchronized once connected to the internet. To achieve this, we plan to develop SamePage, a network composed of a series of stateless lambda functions that will use IPFS as the file storage backend. To help inform the design of the protocol for communicating with this network, we will implement a series of plugins for a set of the previously mentioned tools for thought. In our MVP, we are connecting: Roam Obsidian Logseq In the future, we will extend the network to also connect: Notion Evernote Athens Remnote And more Value  Successfully building out this network would allow teams of people to collaborate with each other without having to all migrate to a single platform. A research lab could have one member in Roam, one in Obsidian, and one in LogSeq, and still be able to share one lab notebook of findings without any of them compromising on their tool of choice. This would provide users of these tools an alternative to the current export=>import=>reformat workflow with the ability to interface with each other directly. Since the proliferation of new tools for thought in 2019, the unserved need to connect work across different software platforms grows.  Through Joel and Brendan's prior research, they've seen this problem repeatedly — it's hard to bring others up to speed, especially when team members use different tools. Even then, when teams don't share the same vocabulary, struggles occur to introduce new team members to a project. David has already made strides to solve this later problem, introducing a multiplayer connection within Roam that allows for different users to share pages — and their surrounding context — to enable teams to collaborate with reduced friction. The primary user groups we are targeting are those collaborating around either a problem or set of tasks. The former often involves research groups with labs composed of members synthesizing their research on their own tools and currently struggling to find a way to combine their findings and build off of each other. The latter involves freelancers and agencies who are looking to reduce friction around onboarding new clients by allowing each party to stay in their company’s tool of choice.  Funding for Upcoming Milestones The funding we're seeking will pay our core contributors and allow us to expand to bring on additional team members - a community leader, content marketer, and engineers. We've outlined our goals at each milestone along with projected resources. Stage 1: Initial MVP - completed in November 2022 Have a prototype that syncs changes between a Roam graph, a logseq graph, and an Obsidian vault Looking for four months of development to sprint towards this MVP David + Brendan will work on this alone Funding secured: $6K * 4 months * 2 people = $48K Stage 2: Launching teams Source and launch research teams and freelancing agencies onto the TFT Net Will need to do large scale marketing before hand to see interested parties Create a Slack for managing the community. Continually gather feedback from teams and implement 20 teams? Possibly create a channel per team  Would like to add a Marketer and a Community Manager to the team Funding Requested: ($8K * 4 months * 4 people) + $12k for infrastructure budget = $140K Stage 3: Implementing business model Discover the ""limited resources"" areas of the protocol and begin to build a pay-per-use business model around them Reach out to possible universities, companies, and TFTs themselves for partnership deals Build out integrations with Stripe (web2) and Wallets (web3) giving users flexibility to how to sustain the protocol We can’t assume a web3-only audience - we are bridging onto existing TFT apps Would like to add a Designer (for conversion flows) and second engineer (for maintaining existing product) Funding Requested: ($8K * 4 months * 6 people) + $18k for infrastructure budget = $210K Stage 4: Growth Pedal to the metal Incorporate work as a DAO Would like to add someone to just be in charge of documentation. Might need to add someone for legal/flex spot. Would also like a budget for bounty work for non core contributors. Flex spot could be someone in charge of bounties from non core contributors. Funding Requested: ($8k * 4 months * 8 people) + $30k Infrastructure budget + $64k bounty budget (64 bounties at $1k) = $350K Team Members + Relevant Experience David Vargas leads all engineering work on SamePage. David is the founder and maintainer of RoamJS - Roam's largest library of open source extensions. He has connections with team members at most of the tools for thought companies, and has built familiarity with the web3 space through work with Creator Cabins and Fission. He maintains constant contact with the team at Roam and has been influential in the design of their public APIs. He has been working as an independent open source software engineer for nearly two years now, after leaving a startup he worked at as an engineer the previous two years before that. Brendan Langen leads product and operations-related work on SamePage. Brendan has more than a decade of experience leading new product development and Product Design & Development teams at startups and established, growing companies. He's worked on popular educational games, business simulations, and award-winning authoring tools. Recently, Brendan worked with Robert Haisfield and Joel Chan to publish their research on scaling knowledge synthesis. This work dove deep into tools for thought and decentralized software, as funding came from Edge & Node. Through this, deep contacts have been established in the academic research and tools for thought communities that this tool is being built for. Joel Chan is an advisor to the SamePage project. Joel is an Assistant Professor in the University of Maryland’s College of Information Studies (iSchool) and Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL). Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Project Scientist in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) at Carnegie Mellon University, and received his PhD in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh. His research investigates systems that support creative knowledge work, such as scientific discovery and innovative design.  His long-term goal is to help create a future where innovation systems are characterized by openness and sustainability. His research has received funding from the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, the Institute for Museum and Library Sciences, Adobe Research, and Protocol Labs, and received Best Paper awards from the ASME Conference for Design Theory and Methodology, the Journal of Design Studies, and the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD). His most relevant recent and ongoing experience is the development and study of the Discourse Graph RoamJS extension, and supporting porting of these ideas to other tools like Logseq and Obsidian. Outreach!  We see the SamePage Network as a gateway to enable the wider DeSci community. As a protocol layer, we want to give everyone the chance to use their own tools, so no silos exist in sharing knowledge. We're friendly folks who always want to discuss the future of technology, so reach out if you want to make this a reality! Cheers, Brendan + David",2022-08-23T18:39:26.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7180,True,True,0x8012B593917f74dD8C5233FD509B9a02d1bC7079,Metopia,,"Introduction: Metopia is a Web 3 tooling infrastructure that creates data-based user reputation system for governance, reward, and launchpad applications As emerging data indexing protocols enable Web 3 data to be accessed. These data include: On-chain history of asset trading & NFT collection ownership; Off-chain venue data from Twitter, Discord, & Gitcoin; DAO governance history; Credentials & identity instruments such as POAP, SBT, OAT, etc. However, there are several issues facing the utilization of Web 3 user data for business and community settings: Lack of user-end data aggregation; Lack of bridging of user data into community settings. Metopia serves as the infrastructure that creates a user-end reputation system and the use case provider that enables governance & credential use cases based on user reputation. Reputation system: a user profile that automatically aggregates Web 3 data from data protocols (RSS3, Ceramic, Moralis, The Graph, etc.); Governance: a governance platform that allows for customized DAO governance strategies based on user contributions & credentials; Reward: a credentialing platform where communities can reward members for contributions with POAP, SBT, etc. Key Features: - Create a DAO: - Set DAO Profile: - Set Voting Strategy: - User Profile: More Details:",2022-08-24T02:04:36.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7181,False,False,0x0,Port3 Grant,,"Introduction of Port3 Port3 is the fastest growing Web3 gateway to Social Insights. Currently, it leverages a base of over 3.3 million users across Telegram, Twitter, and Discord with an average DAU of 11k. We are seeking to unlock the full potential of social data in the Web3 era. There are three pillars to building the Port3 universe: • Social data aggregation channel: DAO tools that aggregate social data across Web2 & Web3 platforms, capture community sentiment & enable user acquisition & engagement; • analysis platform: Visualized dashboard of key metrics, input/output extrapolation for community profiling, and increased transparency of each user/follower; • Port3 Data Layer: Open and collaborative on-chain data infrastructure for Web2 & Web3 platforms to integrate for utilization of fully customized social data We are the first project to propose the Social Data Oracle, we aggregate social data from Web2 communities & social media and On-chain, analyze with a standard algorithm or nonstandard machine learning, then output to the dashboard for visualize read & API, SDK for APPs & DAPPs Various use-cases: smart airdrops, soulbound NFTs mint, IDO whitelisting, DAO contribution verifications, etc. To achieve automation and transparency, we cover both Web2 & Web3 integrations, the accomplishment of the tasks, to finally output a standardized list. We have the answer to the final form of Web3 social data oracle and we will be the first to achieve it (accomplishment approx. 67%, deliver in early Q4 2022) What problem are we trying to solve? We are trying to solve a contradiction that plagues the Web3 sector - data aggregation. More social data is needed to support smart airdrop, SoulBound, and other scenarios with the development of Web3. However there is no such data in Web3 and lots of social actions still happen in Web2, so we need to integrate the on-chain and off-chain data to meet the demand. What we are offering and how you are solving this problem? Port3 Network shares data by Social Data Oracle to meet the needs of the above scenarios. Specifically, we collect data from sorts of channels, and then clean, count, and analyze to get a result dataset, such as activeness index, campaign member lists, or community member lists. Finally, those data will be echoed to the Oracle Contract for the third-party DApps to read. And we have designed the architecture so that decentralized data aggregation and reading can be achieved, which can solve the problem of trustworthiness and availability of data. Port3 competitive advantage Our DAO Tool Bots have covered over 4,000 communities and owned more than 3.8 million users from crypto areas. These users are constantly generating data and can be converted into SoQuest participants. But our competitors may need to get into these communities in various ways and then accumulate users from scratch. In addition, we have rich experience in wallet development and on-chain data analysis, which can all guarantee that we are full of capacity to obtain comprehensive and sufficient data resources. We expect to: 1. Get Gitcoin Grants and support 2. Gain exposure to projects and potential investment opportunities 3. Get feedback and suggestions from Gitcoin ",2022-08-24T03:57:08.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7182,True,True,0x281B349687B44172A02EEB50C6Db4869A03185E9,Tanukixyz - Blockchain analytic platform,,"Tanuki is a platform that aggregates useful data on blockchains and decentralized finance applications (Defi) that run on blockchains. There are thousands of Blockchains and Defi project was launched daily, Tanuki was built to collect useful data about them, and answer the question ""What's happening on-chain?"". Our aim is to provide access to reliable, standardized, and on-chain metrics that enable our users to easily quantify and compare the performance of blockchains and Defi projects.",2022-08-24T06:31:20.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7183,True,True,0xEB0AD24F4Ad1D2cea8B2fc813F2fCabe887FB3D0,zkLands - Maths behind ZKPs,,"A free platform to learn more about zero knowledge proofs and the maths behind them, including topics of Abstract Algebra and Number Theory. Depending on the funding, future updates might include: in-depth cover of other zk proof systems; better UX for the website; ZK video course, explaining the best libraries to build zero-knowledge based applications;",2022-08-24T06:42:58.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7184,True,True,0x9039109cCeC1F8649B7f2aB235eCD67E53AC0e2D,GoFanz app - First move-to-earn game for fans,,"GoFanz app - First move-to-earn game for fans. A game based on blockchain, which connects healthy lifestyle, game and crypto. It turns users’ steps into gaming rewards. It was established by a team of sports enthusiasts and professional gamers who have been looking for the best solution so that one can be physically active without turning exercise into fanatic passion.  Eventually, GoFanz helps to make being healthy part of one’s overall lifestyle naturally, as part of the game, and earn crypto currency. The platform combines 3 most popular models on the crypto market:  - Move-to-Earn; - Play-to-Earn; - Metaverse. How it Works: Everyday activity recorded by a mobile or wearable device is converted into the game currency. 1000 steps = 1 GOZZ. GoFanz algorithms analyse steps recorded directly by your device and check them against other data points (GPS location, speed, and consistency of movement). It should be noted that the platform features a special anti-cheating system that prevents users from earning GOZZ in unfair ways. Users can utilize their Avatars (Favarz) in daily battles to receive rewards of governance tokens, which later can be converted into fiat on crypto exchanges. Each Favarz is therefore unique and is essentially an NFT asset. A Favarz can be improved by 2 methods: 1) Fans can receive daily rewards (GOZZ) for walking or jogging – the token can be spent to improve some characteristics of Avatar (Speed, Strength And Stamina). 2) Fans can buy digital attributes in the form of NFT, which also boost the characteristics of Avatars. Upgrading Speed, Strength and Stamina boosts chances to win in Battles and get rewarded with GoFanz Tokens (GFZ). GFZ serves to: - Level up Favarz to keep upgrading; - Buy & sell items on marketplace; - Withdraw funds. GFZ is a fungible governance staking token is used to diversify users’ experience in the GoFanz ecosystem and can be used in dApps, outside the GoFanz infrastructure. Taking all the above into account, GoFanz is set to be a potential game-changer among NFT-games and Metaverse development, impacting real lives and encouraging people to move more in a fun way. They are creating a unique model of a bridge between metaverse and the sports industry, allowing fans and athletes to communicate in the digital space. ",2022-08-24T07:06:29.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7185,True,True,0x474716e617FEa8898D4fa9D891AA67B5BEDd6C4b,Artists for Climate - using art to solve the Climate Emergency,,"WHAT IS ""ARTISTS FOR CLIMATE""? Artists For Climate is a collective of humans who use art as a tool to generate an emotional impact on citizens and motivate them to take action in solving the climate emergency we have created. We work together and share knowledge, resources, techniques, inspiration, and much more. The group is managed and coordinated by artists and for artists.     HOW IT ALL STARTED Artists For Climate was created at the beginning of 2022 as one of the working groups of All for Climate DAO (i.e.: Social media, Writers for Climate, Solarpunk, Finance and more) to foster contribution toward the DAO's mission, which is to connect everyone willing to contribute to a regenerative future, and to support them emotionally, financially and logistically.     WHY DID WE CREATE A GITCOIN GRANT? With the help of generous people that believe in the power of art, we would like to grow our project to achieve the following objectives:   Spread the word Create exhibitions during conferences and events focusing on regenerative cultures Continue to showcase the work of Artists for Climate through Twitter Spaces and other social media campaigns     Collaborate for a greater good Host workshops to co-create new narratives   Connect Represent the collective in various events related to regenerative cultures, the climate crisis, and environmental activism     Finance Acquire materials and tools for Artists for Climate so they can continue/improve their work Cover travel expenses for Artists for Climate to participate in relevant events Cover the costs for ads and social media campaigns to increase awareness of the work of Artists for Climate   Learn Create a library of Artists For Climate where people can find information about all our members     WHO ARE THE ARTISTS FOR CLIMATE? Antonis, Future Diaries Adriana Bear Marco, Climate Change Countdown Popeline and Ikonoklast, Holovie Lab Daytripper, Solarpunk Generation",2022-08-24T09:31:26.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7186,False,False,0xc842F99F27c7fb601492FFee3A6e7E99C267a7B2,Test Grant,,"{""ops"":[{""attributes"":{""background"":""transparent"",""color"":""#000000"",""bold"":true},""insert"":""Passport Issues""},{""insert"":""\n\n""},{""attributes"":{""background"":""transparent""},""insert"":""Trust bonus score not updating ""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""attributes"":{""background"":""transparent""},""insert"":""ENS not configured correctly (setting ENS reverse records)""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""attributes"":{""background"":""transparent""},""insert"":""Ceramic network issues""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""attributes"":{""background"":""transparent""},""insert"":""BrightID not connecting (old BrightID still connected)""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""\n""}]} XOXO ",2022-08-24T14:49:22.616-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7187,True,True,0xD3A72417EF749B9D8882D0CF5209AFd63c745dC0,Sisu Network,,"Description Built by a distributed team, Sisu Network is an ambitious blockchain project in decentralized infrastructure to solve universal private transaction. Team members Most of the members of Sisu want to remain anonymous with an exception of one founder who stay public for team verification. Billy Pham, Founder of Sisu Network : Billy has experienced engineers with a wealth of knowledge in the Bay Area. Billy has 10+ years of experience and has worked for Google and several startups An early engineer who was with Axie from the beginning. Cryptography researcher : He is experienced blockchain developer at Incognito, AstraProtocol. Thanh Nguyen is specialized in Confidential Transactions, Zero-Knowledge Proof. Privacy advisor: A Phd holder & post docs on blockchain privacy, including Zero-Knowledge Proof and Zk-snark. MBA, Founder of Token Play: he is the Former Business Manager at OpenSea, and founder of Token Play. He now works as head of community building at Sisu. They are both knowledgeable about blockchain consensus mechanisms and have contributed to various open source projects. Manifesto/Vision Our Vision is to help promote the widespread adoption of privacy through cross-chain interoperability. As survey, private transaction from both cross and in-chain, Tornado cash ($3B LVT), ZCash ($2B Cap) are privacy on a single chain. Sisu is one of the first solutions that enables universal private transaction . We believe that by enabling users to transfer assets across different blockchains, we can help increase liquidity and value for users . Also, we vision that our proposal will help reduce congestion and costs associated with traditional methods of cross-chain interaction. Problem Private transaction is very hard to use and mostly used by criminals, as survey of Tornado Cash 2022. As we know, privacy adoption is very much like Bitcoin adoption in early days and it would be hard to use: users often have to use external chains like Zcash, Monero. Especially, during these transaction, no privacy is ensured, including token swaps. Solution Sisu would like to make it simple by creating universal private transactions . It helps users easy to use by geting private transactions without leaving their chain. Once deposited, withdraw secretly anywhere and it could work on multiple chains. Also, by Threshold Signature Scheme and Zero Knowledge Proof , transactions could be secured while keeping the tx fee cheap and while deleting all the trace of transaction source. Goals If the project succeeds, it will achieve its mission of making the cross-chain interaction easier and simplify building cross-chain applications. It will also bring users and liquidity from other chains to your ecosystem. Metrics to Goal Measurement Metrics: Number of users to use Sisu to swap token from any chain to Gitcoin Transaction volume cross chain Volume of private transaction on Gitcoin using Sisu Success will look like: Bring 10,000 users to Gitcoin from all other blockchains Total transaction volumes cross $25M Total private transaction volume cross $5M Progress We have completed the Testnet Phase 1 with tokens swap on 5 different chains with test tokens. Next, we will launch Sisu on 10-15 chains with limited real token swaps. And, we will add private transaction for Sisu. Differentiation Competitors of Sisu are Thor Chain and ZCash: Thor Chain: With estimated $1-3B market cap, Thor Chain only works on multiple chains only. ZCash: With estimated $1-3B market cap, ZCash only supports privacy. However, with the target $3-5B in 3 years , Sisu Network is the only project that offers a secure multiple-chain transaction with threshold signature and universal private transaction (including NEAR, BTC, Cardano, etc). This makes it stand out from the competition as it offers more security and privacy . Grant Request $ Preseed: $35K-$50K each stage Looking to raise $600K for 3% max token supply in the Seed What the Funds Are For The project will be maintained through the efforts of the development team hired with the grant funds. The team will continue to work on the project after completion of the grant to ensure that it remains operational and useful. ",2022-08-24T15:30:00.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7188,True,False,0xf6420F34F17aCA711e66b6D3ae54a45DcC517540,Ontologic: A Research Exchange Platform,,"Overview We are on a mission to revolutionize collaboration in science. The life sciences are existentially necessary and rapidly growing, but many labs struggle to build on existing work due to the incompatibility of their computational tooling. Ontologic is building a platform for researchers to easily share code and data, making their research output reusable, not just available. The problem: a crisis in data and code management in science Over half of high-impact cancer lab studies cannot be replicated, and less than a quarter of published work is reproducible by drug companies. These issues arise in part from the challenges of collaborating while using incompatible analysis tools and data structures. Platform development infrastructure is usually unrelated to the core of a research lab's business, so life science companies that build software in-house often end up with code that is hard to reuse and data that is hard to replicate. This lack of usability is not only costly to the company, but is also harmful to the transparency and rigor of the research itself. Our solution: modern tooling for modern science Ontologic's platform helps code writers and data collectors collaborate seamlessly on the cloud or compute cluster. It automates the process of packaging code into easily reusable analysis modules. The outputs are linked to machine-readable metadata structures, ready to share between users or publish on repositories. Using Ontologic's platform, users can compose analysis modules into custom pipelines and track the provenance of their inputs and outputs in a standard system. By abstracting away the particulars of data formats and programming languages, researchers can focus on the science, not the setup, of their data analysis. Team and Progress Our founding team consists of 3 MIT-trained PhDs with expertise in molecular, systems, and computational neuroscience and an ex-Google software engineer with expertise in distributed computing. We are serving graduate students as pilot users with a prototype product. Three lab leaders at MIT and other institutions have signed letters of intent to engage with us on a per-seat subscription model in 2023. We plan to build our platform in the highly interdisciplinary field of neuroscience and anticipate that our solution will provide value to clinical researchers, biotech, and pharmaceutical companies, our planned follow-on markets.",2022-08-24T15:48:58.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7189,True,False,0x2Ed502A704f3590b9EAA59Ca1E88a6B457dD577c,ENS Friday Night Happy Hour,,"I would love for the ENS Friday Night Happy Hour to be considered for the grant. I have consistently hosted the space for 10 weeks. The space initially started as a popup space for fun, but the community demanded I continue to host every friday. Therefore, I broken down to the demand and commitment myself to provide the community what they asked for.  The community was young at this time, only attracting about 15 people. Currently, the ENS FNHH now boasts attendance between 100-200 on average. Some may ask, “What does the space solve for?”. I answer that with, “It is a place where likeminded individual come together to reward themselves for the hard work put in each day to drive growth in the ENS community.”  This space has brought people together from all over the world, where boundaries are nonexistent. We work so hard teaching, educating, and onboarding people everyday of the week. The ENS FNHH is where people can be themselves, kickback and relax. Everyone brings a drink of their choice and we escape to ENS Island where only good vibes exist around our Virtual Bar.  If you are in spaces as much as I am, you will understand the true need to mentally unwind. So many look forward to these two hours every friday when they don’t have to be so smart 😂.  I truly with the proper support, I can really enhance the community’s virtual experience by doing giveaways. We have incorporated a Free giveaway for all new people who join the happy hour. Each person receives a Lifetime ENS HAPPY HOUR TICKET NFT. This provides everyone access to any future irl and virtual events held by the ENS FRIDAY NIGHT HAPPY HOUR. I really hope that you can see the commitment and dedication we have to growing the ENS community, not with just education, but fun too.",2022-08-24T16:25:02.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7190,True,True,0xa8F96f0fdC54301c55D8dF00fCD5139B29Bf3458,"sci2sci - ""GitHub for scientists"" - AI-friendly research data management and publishing platform",,"At sci2sci, we are building an electronic lab notebook and a publishing platform in one interface. This will allow to store all experimental data and metadata in one place, and quickly release it in public access with one click.  In a nutshell, we offer full stack data publishing - from the experiment planning through raw data acquisition and analysis to the final research report - all in a single platform, with a number of benefits that cannot be offered by a current journal pdf manuscript: PDF journal publication: sci2sci publishing: Data is not standardized, so it’s hard to Standardization and interoperability of the analyze, reproduce and compare data due to pre-made experimental templates Text and images are not AI-native: parsing ML-ready design of research papers and knowledge extraction are difficult Static figures and graphs Dynamic and interactive tools for data visualization No chance of statistical reanalysis Possibility for reanalysis as the “source code” of the experiments is always available Pre-publication peer review takes 90 days Open source-like collaboration flow on average; Only 2-3 experts participate in review; Updates to the study after publishing are almost impossible Contribution tracking is as obscure as this Digital CVs for researchers showcasing their description of it expertise It takes days to prepare and publish data One-click data sharing Data reuse is not possible Data reuse is encouraged We aim at creating software that will make principles of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data a default in scientists’ daily routine. Our mission is to make research data openly available for reuse and collaboration by academic researchers, the industry and the public. Our recent pitch video can be found here. Our recent pitch deck can be found here. Our larger vision and inspiration is described in this article. Core team: Angelina Lesnikova, PhD in Neuroscience; Valery Kremnev, Engineering manager. All funds we’re currently raising will be used for the sci2sci platform development. ",2022-08-24T18:03:38.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7191,True,True,0x097b3Dca5a9CaFDcE84f64e3a596Aeb74CD889A8,Pythagoras Ecology Works,,"Goal of this project is to 1. House Individuals who need it the most and   2. Build a diverse and intergenerational community that increases, education, workforce development,  tree canopy, and community gardens... through technology sector certificate-based curriculum,  ecology education, and science work projects. Each activity is directly tied to carbon sequestration, improved education, health, and community resources.",2022-08-24T20:27:34.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7192,True,True,0x1FB8BcFB78435d661e0db46a67FEA87A854c4039,IMCODING-Offer interactive blockchain programming courses.,," *Interactive programming page style, for reference only IMcoding is a platform for interactive programming education that blends programming language learning systematisation with the X To Earn mode. To add value to the learning process and improve skill in a relaxed setting. The objective of IMcoding is to encourage more individuals to participate in the creation of the metaverse, with everyone being a creator of the metaverse and exploring Web3. Immersive learning: Use interactive learning to immerse learners and allow them to enjoy programming. Value acquisition: By offering learning incentives, IMcoding motivates people to learn. IMcoding Trouble Shooting 1.Some metaverse users lack more scientific and convenient methods for analysis and on-chain operation Understanding the code can lead to a better understanding of the project, familiarity with the various mechanisms, and the ability to avoid falling into ""traps"" in the code-first metaverse. IMcoding provides an innovative solution for this pain, in an interactive way of metaverse related programming content output, provides practical cases to tamp personal programming foundation, gradually letting a programming rookie become blockchain engineer, to complete personal programming needs. 2.Improve your skills to advance your career At the moment, the Web2 employment situation is bleak, and some people are finding it difficult to break out of a career rut. Going from Web2 to Web3 is a great way to advance your career. Specifically, the latest public chain Aptos will be released after the news, brings attraction to whether Web2 or Web3 engineers, the most classic rumour is Move language developers hourly wage of $1200 /h. IMcoding not only provides Move language teaching content, but also a variety of blockchain-related programming language content (such as Solidity, Python, Golang, and so on) to meet the needs of improving personal abilities. 3.When the market is bad, you must learn and prepare When the market is bad, the chain's activity suffers. People in the metaverse have more time to learn, and IMcoding has a unique incentive mechanism to encourage learners to continue learning, when the next ""bull market"" comes, people will find that personal value and ability will be greatly improved. —— We have a gadget for the emerging programming language MOVE.Developers can use it to build their own Move Playground. Welcome to follow us! Website: Twiiter: Discord: ",2022-08-24T21:12:28.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7193,False,True,0x2C599f64dC62Ef182A21fa925773846AFAcCC5EC,PampasCat,,"Description PampasCat specilizes in treasury management service for DAOs.For large-scale DAOs, treasuary management can be a tricky and tedious problem that consumes manager's too much time with unsatisfying outcome in return. PampasCat aims to meet the challenge and provide treasury management service for DAOs in need. Four primary areas Spending: Reward core contributors, attract the right set of new contributors, and allocate budget among working groups. Asset allocation: Ensure that the treasury can continue to fund critical development irrespective of the market environment (treasuries are mostly composed of a protocol’s native token and, therefore, they are not very well diversified). Borrowing: Set up a borrowing strategy (fixed rate secured loans, bond issuance, protocol-to-protocol lines of credit, etc.) in order to ​​fund development and operations, fund protocol acquisitions, or fund yield farming with debt rather than tokens. Reporting: Produce financial statements & disclosures (income statement, balance sheet, key revenue drivers, operating expenses, and salaries). If users need to spend several hours digging through Etherscan, Discourse forums, and voting tools to get a summary of the treasury’s activities, there isn’t full transparency. Conclusion In order to thrive in the crypto world, DAOs are adapting themselves to the dynanmic circumstances in every aspect. Treasury management has been a weak point for most large DAOs and PampasCat aims to provide them a better solution that helps manage their treasuries effectively.",2022-08-25T00:27:34.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7194,False,False,0x0,The future of the stablecoins ecosystem,,"For now , we needs to expose our project for more people use and more TVl to incress the future and again the bugs . ",2022-08-25T02:05:33.065-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7195,True,True,0x3994df9F08C9C5C3fAF8386A6Dbe0dfCA04D110B,Solarpunk your street: fund the development of a Citizen Garden kit to reclaim the public space,,"TLDR Help us fund the development of an open source version of the Citizen Garden (featured in The Guardian) to reclaim the public space and create new commons in every street. Why does it matter? In the face of the climate emergency, community is immunity. We urgently need to reconnect with nature and with one another, in every street. Regens, unite. A Citizen Garden is an invitation to take care of nature together and create new relationships in your street. It’s about bringing the solarpunk future closer to the present.  The Story It all started in February 2020, 2 weeks before the first lockdown. We moved to a place in Brussels that has a garage, but we don’t have a car. Since nobody could park in front of it, we decided to turn this dead space into a community garden. We picked up some planks at the hardware store, put in some soil, and invited neighbors to plant what they wanted. While the city turned to a standstill with the COVID, it was beautiful to see nature continue to grow. Kids of the streets came to water it and take care of it. It started new conversations, new connections. Sadly, the city didn’t like it as much. They sent the police to ask us to remove it but we refused. On June 17th, we woke up and the garden was gone. We put posters in the neighborhood: nature missing.  We finally found it back: it was the city that took it away and put it in the waste disposal facility among broken washing machines. A few days later, dozens of neighbors came to support the garden. They brought new plants and flowers. A new Citizen Garden re-emerged On July 8th, a team of super trained and courageous neighbors came to free the Citizen Garden in a special operation. The Citizen Garden is still standing strong in front of our house and has been recently featured in The Guardian along with many other similar initiatives in the UK (showing the potential for turning this into an international movement, rooted locally but globally connected) The plan We want to create open source blueprints that anyone can copy, adapt and improve upon to create different citizen gardens. To improve on the first design, we will add a place for a tool library and book library, to facilitate sharing in the street. We will also include a communication board to share announcements (things we learned building the Citizen Bike Garden). We will build one to replace the existing Citizen Garden and organize workshops to invite citizens to build others. We will also make videos to walk people through the steps. Links Website with pressbook and photos Twitter account: @citizen_garden Citizen Bike Garden More flowers, fewer cars: the rewilders turning parking spaces into parks, The Guardian, 22/06/2022 Street garden back, despite Schaerbeek’s best efforts to get rid of it, The Bulletin, 9/07/2020",2022-08-25T03:45:36.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7196,False,True,0x7676B7fC2d1507BF9abFfC4C1CFEc9176e885e89,Collateralizer,,"Overview Collateralizer DAO is a non-custodial platform that empowers anyone to effortlessly grow their crypto assets. It is built on top of decentralized blockchain protocols, offering a seamless way for people to grow, track and control assets right from their wallet. We, as a project, aim to allow anyone with any level of crypto knowledge to have easy access to the market’s most competitive products and strategies. How does Collateralizer DAO work ? Collateralizer DAO integrates the top strategies, staking protocols and more into one intuitive dashboard, providing users with an easy way to earn more out of their assets. Every strategy has a carefully weighted risk score, allowing everyone to participate on their terms and risk appetites. From strategies based on stablecoins to Bitcoin and a comprehensive range of ERC-20 tokens, our platform has everything users need to secure higher returns on their crypto. With this in mind, we have made Collateralizer DAO as intuitive and easy to use as possible. To start earning, a user only needs to select a strategy and deposit the corresponding token. All of our products are built first and foremost to benefit our community, which is why all of Collateralizer DAO’s strategies earn rewards not only for end-users but for anyone that contributes to our platform. To implement this, Collateralizers DAO requires a 15% performance fee on every strategy. The remaining 85% is distributed to the users, compounding automatically in their chosen strategy’s underlying asset. As an additional revenue stream for our community, Collateralizer DAO administers a 0.5% withdrawal fee when users remove their assets from a given strategy and distributes all proceeds back to veCDT holders. There are much more details about our project. Due to the limited space, please refer to our website( to find out more information. Picture",2022-08-25T03:47:46.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7197,True,True,0x4C379512D61CD7F297aA35d00Aa8a79aC06E13D5,Privacy-centric defi asset allocation and multichain yield optimizer,,"Fluidgains Finance is a privacy-centric defi asset allocation and multichain yield optimizer protocol enabling you to boost defi yields based on your risk & return profile and Sharpe ratios chosen by yourself. Fluidgains is immune to MEV mining bots attempting to steal money by frontrunning and backrunning transactions. Key features of Fluidgains are as follows: 1. Universal Crypto Derivatives Aggregator, 2. Guaranteed Best APYs and Preferred Sharpe Ratios Matchmaking, 3. Automated Yield Discovery based on your Risk-Return profile and  4. Censorship-resistant Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Crypto Derivatives Trading and Settlement",2022-08-25T03:53:05.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7198,True,True,0xcE64bA0c1A72Eb7734A03AE006Fb82f06DcFdddE,The Loot Tapestry: The Eye,,"The Eye is open! I will create a psychedelic tapestry with neon and bright wool to celebrate this powerful artefact entering the Lootverse! My proposal is to hand-embroider a colourful, psychedelic tapestry, inspired by the recent announcement of The Eye – a magical artefact containing Loot stories, lore and legends. This second panel of The Loot tapestry will be a shamanic vision scene, inspired by the recent announcement of The Eye – a magical artefact containing Loot stories, lore and legends. I intend to embroider a mysterious, dream-like sequence depicting visions and legends being visualised through The Eye by a shaman, using neon and brite shades of wool and drawing inspiration from the brilliant Loot stories of the OpenQuill project! Introduction: I am a textile and fibre artist who is currently creating stories for the OpenQuill Project, and hand-sewing The Loot tapestry. I specialise in historical recreations and restorations of Aztec artworks and codexes, in particular the Codex Borgia and the Codex Laud.  About: Not familiar with the Lootverse? The Lootverse is an ecosystem of interconnected sci-fantasy stories, games, art & multimedia. Learn more here! The Proposal: My proposal is to create a second embroidered panel for The Loot Tapestry. This sequence would depict The Eye being used by a shaman to visualise scenes from Loot lore and legend, as outlined in stories from the Openquill programme. For this dream-like, psychedelic vision sequence I intend to use black calico, and brightly coloured and neon-tone wools outside of the standard “Codex Borgia” colour palette. For this piece if enough funding is received I will source my wool ethically from organically kept British sheep, and will pay a craftswoman to traditionally hand-dye the wool for me according to my needs and colour specifications. Interest and publicity for Loot will be generated through regular work in progress posts on social media. The final physical piece could be sold or auctioned, with the majority of profits going back into the Loot DAO to help fund future artistic works and projects. One of the principle inspirations for this project is the Bayeux tapestry, an 11th century embroidered tapestry that tells the sequential story of the Norman conquest of England. The art style is strongly inspired by the Aztec Codex Borgia, and in particular I will be relying on hallucinogenic vision sequences from the codexes to guide my artwork style. Some examples of my Codex restoration artworks using neon and bright colours are below: Pricing: $300 (minimum required): A small (approx. 20x20cm) embroidery of The Eye (1 month completion time) $500+: A medium (approx. 30x30cm) bordered embroidery of The Eye (1.5 month completion time) $1500+: A medium (approx. 30x30cm) bordered embroidery of a shamanic vision sequence (3 months completion time) $3500+: A large (approx. 50x50cm) bordered embroidery of a shamanic vision sequence, using hand-dyed ethically sourced wool (5 month completion time) $5500+: A large (approx 100x50cm) bordered embroidery of a shamanic vision sequence, using hand-dyed ethically sourced wool (8 month completion time) $8000 ( Maximum amount required): A larger and more complex bordered scene depicting a shamanic vision sequence, using hand-dyed ethically sourced wool and depicting a number of characters and visions (10 month completion time). Approx size 150x100cm   If this bid is successful then future tapestry panels could be created and commissioned in future grant funding rounds.",2022-08-25T06:51:35.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7199,False,False,0x950dd4dE12BeeAd3Ad4eAD964a97f653ff7C646e,EasyCarbon,,"What is EasyCarbon? ✳️ EasyCarbon is carbon negative assets marketplace. We help offset your off-chain footprint simply, by allowing you to fund net negative projects throughout the globe. EasyCarbon Demo But What Does EasyCarbon Do Exactly? We focus mainly on reforestation & sustainable agriculture projects in Turkey. Using drones & satellite imagery, we ensure the high-quality of projects that we source carbon credits from. We apply on behalf of the providers, and acquire carbon credits from reputable registries (eg. Verra). We then tokenize the carbon credits from each project separately into project tokens. Main project token that contains the carbon retirement ID gets separated into fractionalized NFTs (that also contain the image of a piece of the plot of the project). Finally we will build a marketplace that sells fractionalized NFTs backed by carbon reduction projects, that can then be bought, resold, staked or retired (carbon is offset). We are building a two-sided marketplace for selling & buying carbon credits. Our providers will mainly be on reforestation & sustainable agriculture projects in Turkey. Using drones & satellite imagery, we ensure the high-quality of projects that we source carbon credits from. We apply on behalf of the providers, and acquire carbon credits from reputable registries (eg. Verra, Gold Standard). We then tokenize the carbon credits from each project separately into project tokens. Main project token that contains the carbon retirement ID gets separated into fractionalized NFTs (that also contain the image of a piece of the plot of the project). Finally we will build a marketplace that sells fractionalized NFTs backed by carbon reduction projects, that can then be bought, resold, staked or retired (carbon is offset). How far along are we? We are currently building an MVP version of our main product: EasyCarbon Marketplace. We have partnered up with a local carbon footprint consultancy firm for using their carbon footprint calculator, which will also allow us access to their clients. We also have an agreement with one provider in Gokceada (biggest island of Turkey). We will do our PoC in Gokceada, by creating the application documents & acquiring carbon credits through Verra. We will use a drone to capture images for both submitting to Verra & using for the project NFTs. This proof-of-concept will be completed in time with our main product completion in Q4 2022. Benefits of EasyCarbon: Roadmap: EasyCarbon UI: ",2022-08-25T07:00:33.739-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7200,True,True,0x04Abef6e886B09931dF90143bee8A25704e594c2,Bagheads DAO,,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""Welcome to Bagheads\n""},{""insert"":{""image"":""""}},{""insert"":""\n\n""}]} ",2022-08-25T09:52:08.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7201,False,False,0x04Abef6e886B09931dF90143bee8A25704e594c2,Rat's Nest DAO,,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""Welcome to Rat's Nest 🐀🪹, The first decentralised, community driven, open source development hub for games. Where community built games, carefully crafted in-game items and in-game assets find their origin/creators. A soon-to-be decentralised autonomous organisation with a foot in the door in the mainstream gaming industry. Rat’s Nest aims to become the first crowdsourcing game development DAO, where all rats get a chance to earn a fair piece of the pie. We will lay down the foundation that is needed for extreme collaboration. A modern day gaming development company but with a web3 soul that lives on the blockchain. It is our goal to supply our rats with all the tools they need in order to participate in building these complex systems. Whether you are a player, creator, brand, copywriter or a game development studio, Rat’s Nest is there when you are looking to contribute to building the future metaverses. ",2022-08-25T09:52:12.830-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7202,True,False,0xF3F36509C4b509e603C365fb5ebF8D0172D68976,🔥ENS UPDATES🔥,,"Public Goods Activities Organizing and hosting ENS Updates on Twitter Spaces The host of ENS Updates, the co-hosts, and regular speakers are passionate about ENS, and focused on supporting, building and growing the ENS community. In addition to organizing and hosting ENS Updates M-F, 5159.eth invites and highlights special guests which include Stewards of ENS DAO, and developers building on ENS. Growing & building the ENS community 5159.eth and ENS Updates often provides direct support and onboarding for new ENS users, and deepens the existing relationships between the ENS community. ENS Updates gives a platform to other ENS Twitter Spaces hosts to cross-promote their own ENS Twitter Spaces. Education ENS Updates provides ongoing education from the ENS community for the ENS community emphasizing the importance of .eth domains to the future of web3. ENS Updates provides the opportunity for new/potential ENS users to speak with the ENS community and ask questions that can be answered in real-time. Marketing, communications, and promotion of ENS ENS Updates will continue to engage in marketing and promotional activities in order to 1) increase ENS brand awareness; 2) increase the number of ENS builders; 3) increase the number of ENS registrations. Where 🔥ENS Updates🔥 Has Been… To date 5159.eth has: Organized ENS Updates in April 2022, and developed it into a daily (M-F) Twitter Spaces & Public Good for the ENS community On-boarded ENS community members as regular co-hosts to the ENS UpdatesTwitter Spaces On-boarded ENS community members regular speaks, some speakers have their own education segments like Flossin.eth’s “Weather Report” Provided a place where new/potential users can ask questions directly to the ENS community, have questions answered in real-time directly by the community, and share links to official ENS/ENS DAO documentation and websites On-boarded new users live during Twitter Spaces, including giving away FREE ENS name to listeners, for example ENSpunks.eth, a regular speaker, registered DJSeip.eth and on-board musician @djseip live during ENS Updates, @DJSeip has a “Blue Checkmark”, ~25K Twitter followers and now rocks DJSeip.eth on his Twitter profile Invited and hosted special guests, such as ENS DAO Stewards, and connected them with the community for education and Q/A sessions Invited and hosted special guests, such as projects developing on ENS, examples include PCC.eth & TweakLabs.eth that currently offer ENS subdomains as part of their projects Secured a community sponsorship of 10,000 ❤ and ETH for gas from the LikeButton.eth project to distribute to contributors from the ENS community Where 🔥ENS Updates🔥 Is Going… Moving forward 5159.eth will: Develop and grow the ENS Updates Twitter Spaces Build the ENS community On-board new ENS users Strengthen the relationships between the existing community of ENS users Provide education through interactive questions and “pin” links in the Twitter Spaces to official ENS/ENS DAO documentation and websites Integrate with & help build ENSspaces.eth for the benefit of the greater Twitter Spaces hosts and ENS community Cross-promote and market other Twitter Spaces Hosts from the ENS community Do giveaways as budget permits Invite special guests which include people from the ENS DAO to connect with the community directly and developers building projects on ENS And more to come! ",2022-08-25T11:26:32.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7203,True,True,0x8EFEF51d19EF3844C00076ab9d02847B9C70f94A, : An open-source knowledge framework for Web3 organisations and DAOs,,"web3 onboarding is overwhelming. new entrants have to avoid malicious actors while seeking education and tooling. pentacle started out as a single d3.js graph in April 2021 and has grown into a collection of over 1,000 pertinent web3 projects, resources and articles, with more added and categorised daily. We recently rebuilt the entire site with a content-managed backend, paving the way for people to to contribute more easily and for us to begin further work on web3 integrations. From that work, we built an early release of, an open-source knowledge framework. Web3 orgs and DAOs can self-host a single site where they can onboard, collaborate and share knowledge with partners and contributors. is an open-source public good which will be purely funded through grants and donations. Written in nextjs, postgresql with a strapi cms, you can self-host your org's information without being tied to web2 SaaS platforms. 🤍 your projects and sites all accessible from a single page 🤍 easily onboard, collaborate and share knowledge with contributors 🤍 your event info and planning in one place 🤍 no more hunting through various platforms to find your news and articles 🤍 all of this in a self-hosted environment where you own your data",2022-08-25T12:13:28.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7204,True,True,0x7e54c31020Fd3399E649e6497e47B99e0CBA1925,RightfulShare An Income Movement,,"RightfulShare is a social movement piloting a crypto UBI (Universal Basic Income) in a small rural town in South Africa. Do you want to use your crypto to support a dream? To help an entrepreneur build and expand their business? A Crypto UBI to support Delano for one month in diversifying his agricultural business will cost $80. To help Sheila upgrade and expand her Tuck-Shop for one year, $960. To help kickstart and grow ten businesses for 12 months,  $9 600. Be part of their journey and follow the stories of African entrepreneurs using a crypto basic income to pursue their dreams, grow their businesses and improve their lives.  All funds raised through Gitcoin, big or small, will go directly to participants!  Building an accessible, efficient and transparent financial system starts with challenging some popular beliefs. These include poverty being a personal choice, people not being able to manage their finances, and a job being a sure way out of poverty. By deploying a free-to-use digital currency, GoodDollar,  in a small town, we want to show that this is not true.  There are so many creative, talented and skilled individuals in rural towns across South Africa. They make a living and run businesses with little support from authorities and the formal financial sector. These individuals are true entrepreneurs in every sense of the word but are hampered by limited access to resources and insufficient funds. As a result, multimillion-rand industries and opportunities go unrecognised.  RightfulShare wants to show that a basic income can stimulate entrepreneurship and innovation. Doing so digitally is more effective and opens up more learning and business opportunities.  RoadMap Pilot 1: 1.Discovery and Design - In progress 2022 2.Launch - January 2023 3.Distribution of Crypto UBI (GoodDollar) to the value of $80 pm per person - February 2023 - February 2024 4.Completion of Analysis - March 2024 5.Release of Documentary - May 2024 Key Objectives: 1.Grassroots Organisation: Organise basic income supporters to lead the movement at a local, provincial and national level grounding the work in the local experiences of micro-entrepreneurs and creators. 2.Thought Leadership: Practically illustrate how to onboard previously disadvantaged groups into Web3 at scale and educate South Africans on basic income using stories and evidence generated by the pilot.  3.Political Impact: Advocate for legislative change to facilitate crypto adoption and direct cash transfers to non-disabled working-age adults. Comprehensive Budget overview Pilot 1 Direct cash transfers (aligned to the Upper-Bound Poverty Line in SA) to 100 beneficiaries in GoodDollars - $96k Operations, marketing and filming of documentary - $83k Total $179k - ",2022-08-25T12:49:52.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7205,True,True,0x9cA9437180247161af8010F92a18C03641F74Fa2,Crystalize,,"Crystalize is a team of developers, mentors, and blockchain advocates that are dedicated to onboarding the best talent as the next wave of developers to contribute to our shared network. The team offers a 12-week, an intensive boot camp that up-skills, and prepares qualified web2 developers to place them in the web3 job market. We offer a complete curriculum that ends with job placement through close mentorship from renowned builders along with a refined syllabus that integrates the building of real web3 projects and dapps. Our program ensures that developers will have a stacked GitHub with all the relevant experience they need to enter the workforce with the right mentality, skills, and confidence.  Our vision is to make opportunities as equally distributed as talent is in the world. I.e., as the world becomes more global and boundaryless, we want to help expand opportunities by enabling worldwide access to high-quality education and work opportunities. Our mission is to onboard the next wave of the best talent to the web 3 job market by enabling all qualified talent to be mentored and trained no matter their geological location or financial situation. We do this by offering the option of no upfront cost of tuition by offering ISAs, and by hosting our training program 100% online. Your donations will go towards scaling our initiative and therefore the number of devs we can equip into the web3 space, as well as funding rockstar devs through scholarships who may otherwise not have the financial capability of participating in our program. Be sure to follow us on Twitter for the latest updates and developments!",2022-08-25T13:15:32.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7206,True,True,0x97B882530830a10f07A9f9A733cB7d0491F808Dc,Minority Programmers Educational Cohort,," Minority Programmers Association is an international network of developers unifying together to build socially impactful software solutions and spread STEM + Web3 education to marginalized communities.      Start Of the Program We originally started this cohort over 1.5 years ago as a way to help anybody looking to get experience in the software industry. It has been absolutely amazing to see everyone go through an unfunded program. Now we’ve hit a tipping point where we need funding to scale our program by hiring additional mentors, more instructors, and to begin providing stipends for students.   The Minority Programmers cohort program is a 3-month intensive program that occurs year-round, and recruits on a rolling basis, Students across the world are given hands-on experience working with corporate teams (15-20 hours weekly). Implementing Agile SCRUM methodologies, students use the leading project management tool ClickUp, have tri-weekly daily standups, bi-monthly sprint review, retrospective, and backlog grooming sessions with 24/7 support from mentors and other developers.    Piloted in February 2021, over 100 bright students have successfully graduated from the program with a plethora of relevant deliverables under their resumes. The cohort is highly competitive, implementing a skills test during the admissions process, equivalent to a final project in industry.  At the beginning of the onboarding process, students are taught agile scrum methodologies, get acquainted with the latest technologies like Github, Figma, VsCode, ClickUp, Discord, Signal, ReactJS, Solidity, custom MPA email, etc. students are assigned to complete a 3-month roadmap and SMART goal for the program after which the hiring team evaluates (with consideration to the behavioral interview and where the student wants to be in their long term career) to best place the student in teams and project tasks that give the most exposure to what that student wants to learn. Throughout the program, every student meets with Shot, the President of MPA, to check in on their well-being and to steer the direction of their studies for the next scrum based on what they want to learn. As part of the Sprint Reviews students are expected to present their work for the past sprint in a professional manner, but also to produce video deliverables for those working asynchronously.  As part of the graduation process students are given a custom certificate (to be minted as NFT), a program outcomes review by their supervisor, complete an in-depth exit survey and a reflection worksheet that allows them to easily translate their experience at MPA into resume items. At the end of the program, every student will have successfully worked on large projects (mostly software) with an international team communicating & collaborating when necessary with a handful of deliverables that they can showcase to employers. Shot the President of MPA, a JMU CS/CIS Alumni has even said, “If I were in college doing my program, I would not be able to perform on the level my students do today”. He has said that “Our students not only get tasks done in a timely fashion, but even self organize and share ideas that improve the culture of the entire organization.” MPA is not just a cohort but an opportunity to build a lifelong professional network; they can continue to be involved in whatever capacity with the focus of giving minorities the opportunity to become leaders in the STEM industry.”. A CS graduate, Shot has designed this program to give all positions (even non-stem ones) exposure to the STEM field, with relevant tech stacks that are used in modern industries.   Tracks The following is a list of tracks as part of Minority Programmers Association Cohort Program   Software Engineer - ReactJs Software Engineer - MERN Front End Developer UI/UX Designer Graphic Designer Web Developer Software QA Engineer Project Manager Blockchain Engineer Cryptocurrency/Blockchain R&D Data Science Investment Analyst Grant Researcher Human Resources Business Development Digital Marketing Testimonials MPA Background Minority Programmers Association provides all stages of development from idea to MVP, to actively providing development support. Minority Programmers Association specializes in the development of reliable and scalable software solutions that perfectly suit client needs.   For our full set of services and active links of what we are doing on the internets go here  ",2022-08-25T14:02:12.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7207,True,True,0x95a807bcAb5a16901628acF90FC3057061a3fce9,Cashmere Labs,,"Cashmere is an omnichain-based project that adds layers to these technologies and optimizes capital efficiency in addition to decreasing associated risks by letting users be able to swap any single-sided assets between any chain without bridging. While maintaining omnichain swap, which allows for asset exchanges between 7 different chains due to interoperability cross-chain messaging protocol. Cashmere is a unique application that has both a stableswap and an asset aggregator in one application at the same time. Stableswap uses Cashmere's own liquidity directly and becomes a Layer2 solution. On the other hand, the aggregator uses all liquidity pools in any network and offers the lowest slippage to the user. How is that possible? Well, in Cashmere, assets to be traded on the source chain use the aggregator to find the best offer on the source chain, asset swaps to stablecoin, and stablecoin is locked on the source chain by Cashmere. With its own liquidity pools and interoperability messaging protocol, Cashmere allows users in the target chain to withdraw equal stablecoin from pools. The user performs the swap and gets its presence on the target chain. This way makes the swapped asset MEV Resistant because it is performed using only cross-chain messaging without sending a cross-chain swap transaction.",2022-08-25T16:37:30.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7208,True,False,0x4cd29CAe5305FD386C004fA0c41801356eA09e26,Ecare: Ethereum Combinatorial Auction Rate Exchange,,"Artists & storytellers have been living in economic hardship for thousands of years. Before my journey into cryptocurrency, I was running a visual storytelling company for over 6 years (paying the artists/storytellers out of my own life savings). This method was unsustainable for both the company and the artists, thus I was introduced to crypto in 2017 with a spark to solve this financial problem. Ecare was thus born out of the ashes of a cryptocurrency ecosystem in 2019 created to lift artists & storytellers out of poverty; Novestic. Though Novestic gained 600+ users pre-product release, it needed a specific infrastructure in order for it to maintain a successful ecosystem that did not yet exist; Ecare. Ecare is the infrastructure created to house an ecosystem to lift artists & storytellers out of poverty.  ECARE, is an Ethereum Combinatorial Auction Rate Exchange meant to facilitate an ecosystem immune to bear-market volatility. Bear markets are insufficient for token ecosystems operating under Ethereum since ERC-20 tokens in their current forms are mostly used as investment contracts needing consistent investment to maintain their values. Token balances rise and maintain value based on exchange rates agreed upon further calcifying a self-sustaining token ecosystem absent of consistent investment. Roadmap: Ongoing  - Research & Development [Ongoing] Jun 2022  - Official website for updates/blog-posts/etc [Completed & Launched] Jun 2022 - Jul 2022  - Prototype Front-End [Completed & Launched]  - Prototype Back-End [Completed & Launched]  - Prototype Guide [Completed & Launched]  - Roadmap [Completed & Launched] Aug 2022 - Jan 2023:  - Base AMM-dApp (Automated Market Maker decentralized App) [In Development] Feb 2023 - Jul 2023:  - Internalized Market API [announced] Aug 2023 - Aug 2025:  - Full AMM-dApp (Automated Market Maker decentralized App) [announced] Links: - Main: - GitHub: __________________________________ Team: Jeremy Akatsa (Ecare Founder/Developer) Relevant Credentials: - Core Developer Apprentice at Ethereum Foundation [1 yr | Sep 2021 – Present]     Handled Research & Development spec work for 4 projects including Smart Contracts in Java for Ethereum, a New-ERC Token for the Ethereum 2 Consensus layer, as well as an Altair - Minimal Light Client Prototype for the Consensys Teku Client protocol. - Web Developer [2+ Yrs | Jun 2019 – Sep 2021]    Built 5 projects that encompassed an open-source Cryptocurrency Idea-Generator, a Bitcoin Donation-Aggregator, a Product Landing page, a JavaScript Documentation page, and a Tribute page. - Founder at Novestic [10 Mnths | Sep 2018 - Jun 2019]     Created a Cryptocurrency Startup that accumulated over 600 users pre-product release. Aimed to lift storytellers out of poverty (Accepted into Draper University Start-up Accelerator Program 2019). - Founder at Novelistic [7+ Yrs | Jan 2011 - Sep 2018]     Won a Golden Remi Award for Best Live Action Short Film in 2013 (an Award also granted to directors like Steven Spielberg & George Lucas). Produced, wrote and directed 4 visual short stories. - LinkedIn: - GitHub: - Portfolio: Other Credentials: - Warehouse Coordinator at Stanford Healthcare [2+ Yrs | Apr 2020 - Present] - Audio Visual Technician at Rentex [1+ Yr | Feb 2019 - Apr 2020] - Shop Technician at SpaceManager [3 Yrs | Jan 2016 - Dec 2018] - Photo Technician at Walgreens [5+ Yrs | Jan 2011 - Jan 2016] Education: - University of Houston (2009) [Entrepreneurship] - Wharton County Junior College (2006 - 2009) [Art/General-Studies] ",2022-08-25T16:51:14.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7209,False,False,0x4cd29CAe5305FD386C004fA0c41801356eA09e26,Ecare: Ethereum Combinatorial Auction Rate Exchange,,"Ecare was born out of the ashes of a cryptocurrency ecosystem in 2019 created to lift artists & storytellers out of poverty; Novestic. Though Novestic gained 600+ users pre-product release, it needed a specific infrastructure in order for it to maintain a successful ecosystem that did not yet exist. Thus after years of research and development, Ecare was born. ECARE, is an Ethereum Combinatorial Auction Rate Exchange meant to facilitate an ecosystem immune to bear-market volatility. Bear markets are insufficient for token ecosystems operating under Ethereum since ERC-20 tokens in their current forms are mostly used as investment contracts needing consistent investment to maintain their values. Token balances rise and maintain value based on exchange rates agreed upon further calcifying a self-sustaining token ecosystem absent of consistent investment. Roadmap: Ongoing  - Research & Development [Ongoing] Jun 2022  - Official website for updates/blog-posts/etc [Completed & Launched] Jun 2022 - Jul 2022  - Prototype Front-End [Completed & Launched]  - Prototype Back-End [Completed & Launched]  - Prototype Guide [Completed & Launched]  - Roadmap [Completed & Launched] Aug 2022 - Jan 2023:  - Base AMM-dApp (Automated Market Maker decentralized App) [In Development] Feb 2023 - Jul 2023:  - Internalized Market API [announced] Aug 2023 - Aug 2025:  - Full AMM-dApp (Automated Market Maker decentralized App) [announced] Links: - Main: - GitHub: _________________________________________________________ Team Credentials: Jeremy Akatsa (Ecare Founder/Developer) - Core Developer Apprentice at Ethereum Foundation [1 yr | Sep 2021 – Present]     Handled Research & Development spec work for 4 projects including Smart Contracts in Java for Ethereum, a New-ERC Token for the Ethereum 2 Consensus layer, as well as an Altair - Minimal Light Client Prototype for the Consensys Teku Client protocol. - Web Developer [2+ Yrs | Jun 2019 – Sep 2021]    Built 5 projects that encompassed an open-source Cryptocurrency Idea-Generator, a Bitcoin Donation-Aggregator, a Product Landing page, a JavaScript Documentation page, and a Tribute page. - Founder at Novestic [10 Mnths | Sep 2018 - Jun 2019]     Created a Cryptocurrency Startup that accumulated over 600 users pre-product release. Aimed to lift storytellers out of poverty (Accepted into Draper University Start-up Accelerator Program 2019). - Founder at Novelistic [7+ Yrs | Jan 2011 - Sep 2018]     Won a Golden Remi Award for Best Live Action Short Film in 2013 (an Award also granted to directors like Steven Spielberg & George Lucas). Produced, wrote and directed 4 visual short stories. - GitHub: - Portfolio: - LinkedIn: ",2022-08-25T17:00:30.195-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7210,True,True,0x6353bCf2c57FAa124ba278f71F9621C3246d60E5,Evolving Space - Bringing Technical Web3 Education to Latin-America,,"Evolving Space is a non-profit organization based in Puerto Rico with the mission of accelerating the mass adoption of Web3 technologies in all Latin America by organizing Web3 events (Hackathons, networking events, etc.) and by providing seminars, courses, boot camps and grants to Latin American (Spanish speakers) Web3 developers. We hosted our first hackathon event, the Web3 Hackathon Puerto Rico, from August 25 to 28, it was a huge success and everyone is already eager to participate in our next hackathon in December. You can see more info about the Hackathon in its Devpost. ",2022-08-25T17:09:22.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7211,True,True,0x94E14eeFc7C038F5Abb3F1ded895a312633eA5cC,BlockGurus REALTOR & MLS integration,,"BlockGurus aims to address a disconnect between the potential utility of smart contract blockchains to real estate, and the actual lack of market penetration of such technology. Real Estate is a perfect business vertical to embrace web3 and blockchain technology, especially smart contract technology. Yet after a decade of hearing how this would happen, the inroads are still quite unimpressive. This is because the target audience has not, until now, had a practical way to get familiar with the possibilities. Real Estate is a fractured marketplace, with unnecessary hurdles to normalized data and a genuine consumer centric experience. We believe that this means that the 'killer app' that onboards this vertical needs to be something that is at once: simple familiar affordable actionable unobtrusive We believe, based on practical experience, that ENS is that onramp. Real estate was a singularly large consumer of web2 domains/hosting - it is a marketing technique that agents are quite familiar with. They already like to brand themselves and their brokerage with names - ENS is a natural transition. It is simple, familiar, affordable, actionable and benign to existing models. In turn, on the other side of the real estate experience, consumers lack access to a reliable, transparent source of information. Realtors for their part have no decentralized, viable resource to express their genuine, verifiable value proposition. BlockGurus efforts attempt to resolve this inefficiency by pioneering an industry specific Ethereum Identity Space, for real estate. We hope to provide REALTOR® associations with a free public good in the form of the web3 infrastructure to: Teach them to claim a web3 identity in the form of their 8 digit License ID (this may prove harder than we anticipated given the popularity of digits!) Provide them with 'tokens of their trade' essentially - in the form of POAP tokens BlockGurus acts as plumbing, providing a translation layer for the 1100 local REALTOR® Associations in the US to Oracle their data into web3. We provide Association staff the data/utility to tokenize the following: ENS name registration ENS subdomain management Licensed REALTOR® status Certifications & Designations Annual Election ‘I Voted’ Committee & Board Service Annual Charitable Contributions Since we aim to provide this utility as a free public good we are looking to identify grant funding. As referenced, we are nearing an MVP, and have a tentative MOU for Business Development Operations with the 4,000 member Contra Costa Association of REALTORS®, and are in discussions with the Northern San Diego Association as well. On the technology side, we have worked closely with several key staff at POAP, and await the subcontract update from ENS. For more nuance and texture on what we are trying to do, we strongly encourage you to listen to some of our onboarding podcasts. An example of one of our first POAP CCAR's incoming Board President xyz profile A glimpse at our portal staged in development With the benefit of the updated subwrapper contract options, our ultimate goal is to tokenize real property parcels as well as instances of MLS properties/listings using ENS and subdomains, such that every property, and every listing of that property, is wrapped as an ENS asset. At this point, attribution for these assets accrue to the agents involved, and become their 'proof of work' if you will, where their ENS name is the key reference. We engineered a web analog of this in a sense, with a few members of our team way back in 2008 on a service called streeturls - where we subdomain every property and present it as a single property webpage - sorry for the very dated appearance, we haven't updated it since 2010... but you can see: a community index here: a single property an agents sales history buy/sell side The idea here is obviously to do something conceptually similar to this with ENS. The resulting identity space would have many potential efficiencies over existing models, as well as the clear basis to create many more. We believe our application, at this time at least, is best categorized as addressing these two of the presented goal set: Usability - improving the user experience Community - growing the ecosystem We are happy to provide additional information as needed, and appreciate your consideration. ",2022-08-25T18:04:04.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7212,True,True,0x3196AA0F31dFc8CaD40Dc92C418b8Af5e7ccAD65,ERC-Cool - The new standard in climate action,,"The 'ERC-Cool' is an improved implementation on the Ethereum standard smart contract ERC721A, that uniquely weaves real world perpetual carbon capture to any NFT use case that adopts it. It is an open source - planet cooling - super sustainable - delight. A digital public good intended to be adopted and sprinkled to every corner of the internet. While the impact happens out there, the carbon that is removed stacks up inside the NFT, to create an additional layer of value that grows with each and every trade, to for the first time create climate action for the ownership era. This is impact that, once started, cannot be stopped. Immutable and perpetual. These are NFT's embedded with carbon removal to create a scalable, collective, powerful tool to combat climate change. Programmed to cool. Inspired by the likes of the Curious Addys, MetaAngels and the Azuki Community with their ERC721A innovation, we wanted to push the space further and improve on the standard iteration - to not only allow the crypto community to solve pain points but also solve the greatest challenge of our time and collectively fight climate change with each and every NFT. The ERC-Cool smart contract features functions that purchase carbon removals at the prevailing market rate, then add that carbon back to the NFT. The result is, NFTs laced with real world carbon removal and an additional layer of value. Giving carbon removal a bold assist. The Earth’s biosphere, unaided, cannot fix the climate problem. In other words, nature was never designed to cope with a 170-year all-you-can-eat oil & gas buffet. Focussing on reducing emissions is no longer enough, we must simultaneously work to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere - and do so as permanently as possible. This is no longer a last resort, it's an urgent necessity. If humanity is to survive the climate emergency we have to scale the carbon removal from todays tons, to gigaton scale within the next decade. Scientists estimate we need to permanently remove as much as 6 gigatons of CO2 per year by 2030, and 10 gigatons per year by 2050... yet in 2021, we removed just 10,000 tons. Carbon removal requires a bold assist. We need to scale radical tech innovation - beyond reducing carbon emissions, beyond the solutions we already have in our toolkit to increase the likelihood the world has the portfolio of solutions it needs to tackle the task at hand. TL;DR We have to figure out how to hit Ctrl+Z on decades worth of carbon pollution - ASAP. Now for some good news. Much of the technologies we need to tackle this has already begun to be developed. They're just early, more expensive and therefore underfunded and underutilized. Unless we step in, these solutions will be left on the shelf. instead of playing a critical part of the solution. The ERC-Cool will direct funds to accelerate carbon removal in order to cool the planet now and into the future. How we're getting it done: STEP ONE - The ERC-Cool contains withdraw and royalties functions, that auto-trigger the purchase of high quality Carbon Removal credits upon minting or transaction. In partnership with Patch it will direct critical funds to removals technologies in order to create demand and grow future supply, and provide the world a better chance having the portfolio of solutions we require. STEP TWO - The Carbon Removal credits are then bridged on chain and locked into our carbon pool. This is a one-way bridge: carbon credits can be brought on-chain but can't go the other way. The reason for that is simple: to prevent double-counting and lock them away for permanent impact. STEP THREE - We then tokenize and fractionalize the carbon removal credits via our $CXXL token. A carbon reference token backed by real world carbon removal, where 1 $CXXL = 1 KG of carbon removed. STEP FOUR - Finally we embed the amount of $CXXL generated back into the initiating NFT via dynamic metadata. The more ERC-Cool NFTs are sold and traded - the more carbon removed. With each transaction increasing the fundamental value of the NFT itself. Cooling the planet isn't a spectator sport. To tackle climate change, we need mass coordination and action at scale. We need everyone to take every opportunity possible to make an impact. We are the ones we've been waiting for. With the innovations in Web3 that radically reducing barriers to coordination between individuals and groups, decentralizing influence, authority and productivity in unprecedented ways, we can finally take action into our own hands. The ERC-Cool is a tool for collective action, able to scale to something bigger than any individual action. If adopted as the new standard, the ERC-Cool will unlock a scale of action never seen before, out-funding the carbon removal efforts of the likes Stripe, Shopify, Alphabet, Meta, McKinsey and Elon (X-Prize) - put together. This is action for the people, by the people. So let's cool this mighty fine planet together. All roads lead to cool. The ERC-Cool is currently in the R&D phase of development. We anticipate being able to release the standard in October with The world's first 'mint of intent'. Like a letter of intent in web2, but cooler. This is a free mint, a collective proof of concept and social signal of intent to do web3 differently. Then to see the year out and with money in the company slush fund from the fine folk at the Solana Foundation, we will move to cool those on the Sol train and onboard web2 in partnership with Shopify. And that's just for starters. Proudly developed by Why Gitcoin GR15? The main aim is to delight you and make you aware of the open source coolness we're cooking up over convincing you to open your wallet. But in GR15 your wallet goes a long way too. If you generously support, your funding will assist in: 🆒 ERC-Cool Completion 🆒 Drop the Mint of Intent (like a web2 letter of intent but... you get the idea) 🆒 Marketing and building awareness Stay cool ✌️ More info Get in touch Want to collab or adopt the contract? Contact us: ",2022-08-25T21:08:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7213,True,True,0x9D100F017095e53b24d81296BcA1D26742f1800F,StarkDeFi - Your Access Portal To Starknet,,"StarkDeFi is a hub for DeFi solutions on StarkNet, looking to improve the adoption of blockchain technology. We aim to facilitate and simplify the onboarding process for the ""Next Generation User"" in the blockchain space with a hub that accommodates a variety of DeFi solutions. Our Products Synergy Pool (Variable Rewards Mechanism) AMM Farm Liq Locker Launchpad Mint (NFT/Token) Staking Pool StarkDefi distinguishes itself by providing a variety of solutions to leverage StarkNet's scalability and Security. Roadmap Q3 Q4 UI Design At StarkDefi, we are focused on creating a solution that is user centred. As such, we ensure that our community is involved in the design process. Take a sneak peek into our DeFi hub. Come and join our growing community here on Discord",2022-08-25T21:42:49.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7214,True,False,0x9F4BC8b266ec6832D1339B62a6f04F35fCdDd846,Project LION,,"Project LION is a joint DAO effort from talentDAO and LabDAO to build natural language processing systems for analyzing and maintaining community health.   By leveraging transformers – the same neural network architecture used to train OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 & GPT-3 – LION will build on classical approaches to language and communication analysis through the lens of a single, open source system.   What is LION? L.I.O.N is an acronym for linguistic informatics for organizational networks.   The LION project intends to develop an open source bridge for communication data processing [starting with Discord] and a pipeline for model training and deployment.   Contributor activity will be analyzed ethically and privacy-preserving. Aggregate analytics will be measured against established metrics of well-being, such as likert-scale questionnaires. The core objective of LION is the hosting of a production-ready service developed with privacy-preserving best practices and ultimately, the publishing of a research article about findings.   It is built on the concepts of Organizational Network Analysis [ONA] and Natural Language Processing [NLP] as approaches to modeling organizational communication networks. Like social network analysis, ONA produces a graph that visualizes and measures the strength of relationships between nodes. It has been used to model the interactions between an organization’s members and predict burnout from measures like collaborative overload. Together with NLP tools like spaCy and empath, they have uncovered psychometrics like engagement, turnover intent, and cultural fit.   We expect LION will improve our understanding of communication and coordination within digitally native organizations.   Grant funds will be used to cover stipends for open-source contributors to the project.     Project team Stanley Bishop - AI architect, LabDAO Kenneth Francis - Psychometrics & Data Science Lead, talentDAO + support from the LabDAO Data Science Lab ",2022-08-25T21:44:31.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7215,False,False,0x46b6F87DeBD8f7607d00Df47C31D2dC6D9999999,Godel A Progressive UGC Metaverse,," ",2022-08-25T22:46:42.778-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7216,True,False,0x228458226d1F04a01720022Cc04BA207C1AE8f25,Subnet,,"Subnet is a decentralized social media platform. It is designed to give users a choice to pay in cryptocurrency for network services instead of paying with their attention. Subnet enables multiple service providers to work together on offering network services to users and users using more than one service providers can communicate between them. Subnet is a very opinionated project with strong and clear values. To learn more about Subnet head over to Subnet intro deck, demo videos, and in-depth decks are available here:",2022-08-25T22:51:34.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7217,True,True,0x50B98CC54608e4B5CC06b5fb42b6e17f0066ffbc,Open Pretty Good Crypto: enterprise-level private email for everyone,,"Pretty Good Crypto provides enterprise-level e-mail encryption and anti-phishing protection through crypto technology to every user. Privacy is normal and everywhere in 2022. Signal, FaceTime and iMessage are end-to-end encrypted, https encrypts website traffic, and Zcash encrypts crypto transactions. However, E-mail is still sent unencrypted. It is stored unencrypted on your device and mail servers. There are existing solutions like PGP, but they are hard to use. Even the PGP inventor himself doesn’t use it anymore. That’s why we created OpenPGC: Open Pretty Good Crypto. OpenPGC is a new blockchain-agnostic standard that uses existing crypto keys to encrypt and sign e-mail. The signing and encrypting happens off-chain, so there are no gas fees for sending OpenPCG-encrypted e-mail. The user is in control. OpenPGC is non-custodial and uses existing self-sovereign identity protocols to link keys with identities. For example, you can send e-mails to ENS domains: Openness is OpenPGC’s strength. This not only enables the users to choose the blockchain(s) or identity protocol(s) they prefer, it also allows OpenPGC to continuously improve as blockchains and identity protocols evolve. This process is nearly impossible with fixed siloed standards such as PGP. Stop phishing attacks A major result of using OpenPGC would be a great reduction in phishing attacks. If all e-mails were signed with our Ethereum keys, phishing would be a lot harder. Demo available We have created a technical demo called Moonfish that demonstrates how unobtrusive a crypto-based privacy solution can be. Users can continue to use their existing e-mail addresses, existing e-mail servers and existing e-mail client. It's so easy, it's hard to believe it's crypto. Contact us for a TestFlight invite (macOS-only for now). What's next? The current OpenPGC implementation intentionally follows existing standards as closely as possible, such as RFC-4880 (openPGP), EIP-1024 (Cross-client Encrypt/Decrypt) and EIP 712 (Typed structured data hashing and signing). However, the current standardizations efforts are falling short and are unable to support where the ecosystem is moving. Therefore, OpenPGC is leading an effort to standardize safer and more versatile encryption and signing of messages and files. This grant enables us to improve OpenPGC and work together with cryptographers and wallet developers to create an important blockchain-agnostic privacy standard. Deliverables With this grant, we aim to create the following deliverables: A space to discuss how to improve and secure the old EIP proposals and how to make the new standard blockchain agnostic. A new specs document An open source JS implementation of OpenPGC, possibly a browser extension. Aimed to be as easy to integrate in existing wallets as possible ",2022-08-25T23:19:11.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7218,False,True,0x8E00B20DC306ef7a596BB14Ac010ed5f3a681398,NebullaX,,"Description NebullaX is dedicated to building the infrastructure to empower a fully transparent and collaborative credential data network, in a bid to help Web3 developers better their products and communities. In return, data creators who contribute to our credential data network will have earns once the data are utilized. Credentials are important due to the high use case they provide. Applications can use your credentials to calculate credit scores, find target audiences, reward community contributors, etc. With the advance of Web3 and DAOs, there will be an explosion of behavioral data generated by the waves of new users. Hence, there will be a great demand for infrastructure to help these new users build digital credentials that will be of vital importance. At present days, credential data are divided by closed databases that are owned and permitted by applications, government departments and financial/credit institutions, etc. These result in a fractured landscape that separates the owners of data from being the users of the data. NebullaX aim to solve this problem by creating an open and collaborative credential data network, which ultimately will motivate more users to build better products and/or user communities. NebullaX aims to build an open, secure and collaborative credential data network that is accessible to all end-users/developers in Web3. With providing the infrastructure for community members to curate and contribute digital credentials to our data network, we support curating credentials through multiple data sources.. For on-chain credentials, curators can contribute with subgraph queries or static snapshots. For off-chain credentials, we have integrated with data sources such as Twitter, and Github. By contributing to NebullaX’s Credential Data Network, curators are rewarded when credentials are used in NebullaX’s Application Modules, Credential Oracle Engine, and Credential API. As users are willing to pay to use data in our system, incentives will be accumulated to reward curators.",2022-08-25T23:53:45.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7219,False,False,0x10E87b05fe0EDE0BbB0a52aFa96c08618A3E02F0,"zkPass, a decentralized KYC solution based on ZKP & MPC",,"Hi zkFrens, We’re thrilled to join the GR15 and bring zkPass to you! Please read our Technical Whitepaper or the References to know more about us. Some brief content will be shown here, TL;DR.   What is zkPass zkPass is a decentralized KYC solution based on MPC (Multi-Party Computation) and ZKP (Zero-Knowledge Proof), which aims to overcome the various flaws in the current KYC system, eliminate the pain points related to identity authentication, and protect user privacy while expanding KYC capabilities.   Key Features Generality: Individual users can generate and reuse their identity multiple times, and their information will not be leaked to any third party throughout the multi-party interaction. Customization: Enterprise users can select and configure KYC templates on demand to meet KYC needs in different dimensions, while the verifying party knows nothing about the data. Privacy-preserving: Strong data privacy-preserving is achieved through MPC (interaction session) and ZKP (proof session), while the parties to the agreement have no knowledge of the data. Compatibility: zkPass protocol is backward compatible and widely adapted to the current data source protocol, while the data source has no knowledge of the data destination. Decentralization: The zkPass protocol is completely decentralized as there is no centralized service to store sensitive user data.   zkPass’ Solutions zkPass Protocol: A decentralized open source protocol consisting of Transport Layer Security, Multi-Party Computation, Zero Knowledge Proof and other technologies. It is run by zkPass Node to build a decentralized Verifier that participates in the three-party TLS protocol. zkPass Kit: Build a Prover for the three-party TLS protocol on top of the TCP layer alongside the Https layer, in the form of a plugin/SDK. Business users select or customize a suitable KYC template according to their needs, configure the template into zkPass Kit in the form of parameters, and initiate KYC requests to the smart contract on blockchain. Smart Contract: 1)Template: Store templates and related parameters to prevent Verifier from cheating.2)Task: Assign tasks to specify MPC participants to prevent Verifier from conspiring.3)ZK Verification: verify ZKP to prevent user privacy leakage.   zkPass Protocol Technical One-Page Related Technologies TLS: Transport Layer Security, which is a protocol used to provide confidentiality and data integrity between two communicating applications. TLS is the cornerstone of communication in the web world. MPC: Multi-Party Computation, which allows multiple participants to jointly participate in the computation without revealing their privacies. It mainly uses Garbled Circuits and Oblivious Transfer algorithms. ZKP: Zero Knowledge Proof, which refers to the ability of a prover to convince a verifier that an assertion is correct without providing any useful information to the verifier. Its specific implementation will be based on the PLONK algorithm.   Three Stages Three-party Handshake Data Query Zero-knowledge Proof The overall system architecture of zkPass is shown in the following figure. The overall system includes the following components: zkPass Kit TheGraph zkPass Backend Smart Contract Node Cluster Web2 Issuers",2022-08-26T00:32:55.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7220,True,False,0xC9683E50D2edC15c72b7a7bB8666f7c5C466fE19,Fund climate artists to spread awareness about the Climate Emergency,,"Climate Change Countdown Inspired by Beeple Everydays and the Climate Clock and using the potentialities of Web3 and blockchains, the project aims to make a difference raising awareness on the Climate Emergency.  The Next 10 years will be crucial to drive down Climate Change emissions and contain the world average temperature increase to 1.5 C. In order to successfully address this challenge, there is an urgent need to raise awareness about it.      What we want to do  From 01/19/2022 and for 10 years, the project creates and posts a digital artwork about Climate Change everyday, exploring a variety of forms of visual and non visual art. The artworks are published daily on the artists social media channels. The core of the project are periodic expeditions on the field to document causes and effects of Climate Change and positive examples of sustainability and activism.      Goals -find new artists available to produce and publish a Climate Change art everyday -build an open source web3 library of the daily climate art pieces to be freely used by Climate Collectives and media -create a treasury for basic expenses of the artists (software, materials, tools subscriptions) -create a treasury for traveling expenses of the artists (only by sustainable transport, only for reporting on the field of Climate Change and for participating to events/exhibitions) -organize online and IRL exhibitions of the daily artworks of our artists     What has been done so far -219th daily climate arts published (Twitter + Instagram) -joined as a collective to All For Climate Fiscal Host -published by RainForest Alliance social media, NewYork Observer -documented Climate Change in: Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Czech Republic -organized the first online Climate Change Countdown exhibition     Founder Marco (bear) is a photographer and digital artist who, in the past 5 years, traveled extensively in Europe and Asia. He founded in 2020 the Earth Based Network to share awareness on environmental issues. The Network is made of 7 Instagram pages, publish daily and it has reached 5 millions views in 2021. The artist regularly travels in Europe with 3 long geographic expeditions already conducted in 2020 and 2021 to document causes, effects and solutions to Climate Change.  ",2022-08-26T03:07:21.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7221,False,False,0x4Be88f63f919324210ea3A2cCAD4ff0734425F91,TESTING,,"TESTING ",2022-08-26T03:19:05.382-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7222,True,True,0xDC03bBa99220CB8caBDA3Eb15D57bdd585b530f8,Madaland,,"Home Madaland is an operating system for crypto native organizations or DAOs. It provides everything an organization needs to operate on-chain: Payments, Teams, Authority, Governance, Fundraising, Revenue sharing, Arbitration, and the ability to interact with any other smart contract on Ethereum. When creating a DAO, you’ll need to manage many operational aspects. Users can either find a tool to handle each different aspect ( one tool to track contributions, one tool to manage compensation,etc.) or use an all-in-one solution like Madaland. Anyone who wants to set up a DAO can use the primitives that are pre-built within Madaland: Define structure: Domains divide your Madaland into teams, units, circles, projects, or any configuration that makes sense for your organization. Distribute authority: Permissions give individuals, groups, or even apps custom decision authority in each Domain. Allocate budgets: Domains can directly manage the funds allocated to them, balancing autonomy with oversight. Coordinate work: Define, incentivize, and coordinate delivery of the product or process that provides your organization’s value. Streamline payments: Madaland simplifies compensation complexity whether your organization compensates contributors via tips, salaries, or revenue-sharing.‍ Quantify performance: Earn Reputation for contributions. There are so many tools out there that exist to make DAO creation & management smooth and efficient that it can be overwhelming. Instead of combining dozens of individual tools, which also makes the onboarding of new contributors more complex. Madaland empowers users with one end-to-end solution.",2022-08-26T03:26:28.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7223,True,False,0x9c0C3B989cFdc4bF3a8D70Af412032c973cd5097,zkForms: Proof of Humanity,,"zkForms is a web3-focused form builder to construct online forms and surveys with multiple question formats, restrictions, and better analysis that can be accessed from any device, anytime, anywhere. It is a platform to easily create and share online forms in a censorship-resistant decentralized environment. zkForms enables the user to prove that this wallet has a proof-of-humanity registration without revealing which registered human you use, ZK Snarks and Circom. Types of token-gated forms offered: Token: Create Token-gated forms NFT: Create NFT-gated forms Wallet addresses: You can restrict up to 20 users from filling the forms You can also generate the proof of humanity locally using the zkForms CLI tool: Frequently asked questions: 1. Can you compromise the protocol and fill out the restricted surveys? No, zkForms is a decentralized protocol based on zero-knowledge proofs. Its smart contracts are immutable, have no admins, and the proofs are based on strong cryptography. Only the user possessing the allowed address can fill out the form. 2. Do you collect data? The zkForms does not collect any user data. The UI is hosted decentralized on IPFS and can be accessed using the following link Users can also run it locally. 3. Is the code open-source?",2022-08-26T05:10:50.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7224,True,True,0x80B815c829150D5535e8DD97339a98e650030EbE,Climate Guardians Game,,"Harness the power of crypto & save the planet:  The climate crisis is the biggest emergency facing our generation - but you can do something about it. Climate Guardians is the first strategy game allowing players to offset thousands of tons of real CO2 emissions. We’re pioneering the gaming for good movement - and we need you! How does Climate Guardians work? Climate Guardians allows casual gamers a way to learn more about the climate emergency. With the Amazon on the brink of collapse, players rise up to become a Guardian and win back the Rainforest. They build their own eco-friendly village and build, research and unlock buildings whilst training troops and gathering resources. They can team up with other players and form their own tribe and work together to launch attacks to take the rainforest back from the dark forces of evil and corruption.  WE ARE BUILDERS See here our first prototype: How is Climate Guardians sustainable? We’re radically overhauling the crypto gaming market. Climate Guardians presents an opportunity to offset 19 million tonnes of real world CO2 emissions - we aren’t messing around when it comes to our sustainability credentials. By leveraging Toucan’s Nature Carbon Tonne pool, gameplay is totally carbon negative, allowing players to actively reduce their carbon footprint through gaming. Even better, players can donate in-game to real life projects fighting deforestation. We’re making gaming for good a reality and flipping what you know about crypto games on its head. Here’s what we’ve got so far: • Delivered an exciting, playable MVP ready for a game test to our community of climate conscious gamers. • Created partnerships with huge players in the industry such as Polygon and Celo ecosystems.  • Gained places two accelerator programs and even received the Impact Game award by Celo ecosystem. • Starting user testing of our new build this month.   Climate Guardians is more than just a game… It’s a celebration of what crypto technologies can do to change the world. Join us today, and help us get an Alpha release out to users in Q4 2022. Be part of our gaming for good community.  ",2022-08-26T05:10:55.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7225,True,True,0xd704C5F9826191F3Bd06caE867d0f20CAfA8AeBA,Commons Credit Working Group organized by ReCommon,," ""The story of land is older than the story of man. Land came first; no man created it. Every society, large or small, must devise ways in which its members will share this gift."" - Robert Swann, Schumacher Center for New Economics   The commodification and privatization of land support debt cycles that promote extractive and unsustainable practices. At ReCommon Foundation, we facilitate the reclamation and stewardship of common land by supporting resilient place-based economies and regenerative cultures. A new credit methodology for the commons We propose to use grant funds to create an interdisciplinary working group to research and develop a methodology for a “Commons Credit,” a new credit class within the larger stack of ReFi credit classes. This working group will be organized and sponsored by ReCommon Foundation (previously Regenerative Community Land Trust) with input from partner organizations such as Basin DAO and Center for CLT Innovation.  Once developed and launched, this Commons Credit will quantify and allow for the sale of the certified impact created by the de-privatization of land - i.e. the purchasing of a piece of property or Real World Asset (RWA), removing it from the speculative market, and bringing it into the commons for perpetual ownership and stewardship by the community. The working group’s research would explore what would qualify as a “commons,” what the economic, environmental, and social impacts of bringing land into the commons are, and what is the best methodology for quantifying and valuing the sum of these impacts in a way that empowers local land stewards and also creates trust and transparency for impact investors.  Methodology research and development This research would have three phases:  The first phase would be an evaluation of the relevant literature and work that has been done in quantifying the impact of bringing lands into the commons and commons management. This phase would look at the environmental, social, and economic impacts of removing land from private ownership models and returning them into the commons, and the various ownership structures that could qualify as “commons.”  The second phase of research would be the development of a proposed methodology of what would qualify a land-based project for a commons credit, with specific exploration of how Elinor Ostram’s 8 principles for managing a commons can be deployed for the ensuring success of the Commons Credit system. It would look at real-world examples of “commons creation” and examine the challenges and successes of these examples to inform the methodology. The third phase of research would be the publication of a report and a proposed methodology for the Commons Credit system. We would put this report out to the larger ReFi community, environmental stewardship and conservation groups around the globe and ask for feedback based on their experience. This feedback process would allow a “ground truthing” to occur- ensuring that the proposed methodology is grounded in the real-world context and challenges that community-stewarded land projects face.  Building a community around commons preservation Throughout our research process, we will hold weekly Twitter spaces to allow the greater ReFi communities to benefit from our learnings. This type of learning in public also allows for questions and insights to be gathered from the larger ReFi ecosystem, and creates a dialectic relationship between community-wide learning and knowledge production. This would benefit both the larger ReFi community and the quality of the final report and proposed methodology. On these Twitter spaces, we may host certain influential thinkers/academics whom we are learning from in that phase of our research.  This working group will include the following researchers: -Charlie Fisher: Center for Community Land Trust Innovation and PhD student at the Oxford Brookes Program studying the intersection of the commons and web 3.  -Anna-Marie Swan: Team member at Regens Unite and Nestr, and ReCommon DAO contributor who brings expertise in collaborative governance structures and the commons.  -Thomas Morgan (TMO) will be acting as a strategic advisor to the working group. BasinDAO founder, working on RWA founders circle and RWA Report for Climate Collective, as well as the BasinDAO eco-credit methodology. -Sebastian Rodriguez-Larrain: Impact-Driven Photographer, Celo Foundation Ambassador, and President of Regenera Peru. -Colleen Cummings: PhD at University of Denver student studying transformative and regenerative practices, community organizing, and collective action. -Charlie Dubbe: Executive director of ReCommon, 10 years of experience in regenerative agriculture. Studied the impact of the commons and patterns of privatization at UC Berkeley School of Geography.  -Alex Corren: Co-founder and Board President of ReCommon. His background is in environmental science, focusing on water resources and regenerative systems design. -Chris Giersch: Chief of Operations at ReCommon. Chris has a background in coding and development and is the organizational backbone of the foundation.  -Matthew Lawley: Director of Marketing and Communications at ReCommon. Outside of his work with ReCommon, Matt is a skilled permaculture designer and farmer. Accelerating climate impact from the ground up The creation of a Commons Credit methodology has the potential for significant impact in accelerating climate action. This Commons Credit will act as an economic engine for on-the-ground communities that are engaging in regenerative land stewardship practices on communally owned lands. One can trace the roots of much of the land degradation and extraction of natural resources that are fueling climate change back to land privatization and speculation. To hold land as a commons in a perpetual stewardship entity such as a Regenerative Community Land Trust ensures that the land will be preserved and stewarded regeneratively for generations to come.  The Commons Credit will grow to be a key layer in the ReFi economic engine that pays communities for their regenerative stewardship practices, activating the grass-roots, community-led fight against climate change. Over 80% of the world's biodiversity is held within lands stewarded by indigenous groups and organizations, with most of them practicing some sort of communal land ownership. That means that the majority of the world's biodiversity - including genetic diversity, plant, animal, fungal diversity, etc. - relies on the success of the commons and its regenerative management. Developing a Commons Credit protocol to financially empower the stewards of communally held lands can play a critical role in the preservation and protection of this biodiversity. Future assurance for the carbon and eco-credits The Commons Credit acts as an ‘assurance layer’ to projects that are producing carbon credits, eco-credits, and other impact certificates. The ‘assurance’ is that the projects receiving climate impact funding cannot simply be abandoned and sold for private gain after a few years, because they take place on community-owned lands, held in trust. In turn, this strengthens the claim of any climate project that the impact they are making is, indeed, long-term and for the benefit of the community.  The Commons Credit has the unique function of an impact assurance layer, ensuring that land-based impact funded by carbon credits (and other eco-credits) is preserved in perpetuity. ""The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all - our most pleasing responsibility."" -Wendell Berry -- About ReCommon Foundation At ReCommon, we see that our current civilization and paradigm are on the way out. We view resilient, place-based communities as the life rafts that will shuttle humankind from this civilization, through the turbulent waters of climate change, to the next civilization. A new civilization that is deeply regenerative, in balance with nature, and socially just. At ReCommon, we view ourselves as the tool makers for these life rafts. We build appropriate technologies, innovative legal frameworks, and economic engines that support bioregional communities so that they can focus on their work of regenerative stewardship.  🌎  Visit the Website 📖  Read the Whitepaper V1   Our Focus Agrarian land projects that combine the community land trust model of land tenure with regenerative agriculture, permaculture, natural building, rural development, good urbanism, web3 technology and governance systems.   Our Vision (maybe yours too!) A global network of regenerative, sovereign bioregional economies and place-based communities built on ecological design principles and resilient systems to support humanity as we transition into a new civilizational paradigm.   Legal Status:  We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and we support each bioregional node in forming its own non-profit entity to hold lands in.   Where the Money from GitCoin Will Go: -The majority of the funds will go towards a Commons Credit Working Group to research and develop a proposed methodology for a Commons Credit class. -A small portion of funds will go towards the development of a website that meets the functionality we need to support our member portal and initiative process -All funds raised will be spent transparently and managed through ReCommon DAO.    🐦  Connect on Twitter 🤝  Become a Member 🎁  Donate Cash or Land 👾 Join the Discord   Thank you for your support, Regenerates! 💚 ",2022-08-26T09:29:23.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7226,False,False,0x0e467c9fdA7ccaB60E8c0A99F0d14CC67E0020E4,Design Regeneration Agency,,"We aim to co-design bio-regional regenerative systems at scale by facilitating mutually beneficial relationships between: 🖥 ReFI protocols / DAOs 👨🏾‍🌾 on the ground regenerators 💰 traditional climate investors 🏡 grassroots communities We do this in a variety of ways: 1.Ecosystem Research and Strategy Weaving Through informational interviews, online research, and on-the-ground experience with all of stakeholders mentioned above, we're gaining a holistic perspective on the paths to implement web3 technology and regenerative first principles to empower grassroots communities, giving them ownership, structures for compensation, and a lead in the design process. Examples: A map and knowledge graph of main information sources, value flows, social dynamics, and opportunities for collaboration, created in a Weave with Common Action, Symbiotic Culture Lab, and the larger ecosystem. **Twitter-Based brainstorms** - The first example is a brainstorm around the question: How might we bridge web3 with regenerative wisdom and practitioners on the ground to implement systemic regeneration? An emerging partnership between DRA team member Adam French and symbiotic culture expert Richard Flyer to create a local food action network in Salt Lake City Community Workshops we aim to co-design and facilitate participatory workshops that are open to the community and channel collective energy into creating a shared vision, goals, and initiatives between organizations that wish to implement regeneration. P.S. If you want a DRA community workshop to happen at Solarpunk summit, nominate us here We continue to synthesize learnings from these experiences and co-create + share them with the community to expand our collective perspective on regenerative action. Any ideas for questions you want to see discussions or topics for workshops? Send them to Custom Services for Regenerative and Aspiring Orgs + Communities We help organizations and communities that wish to embed regenerative principles into their governance systems, built environment, financial systems, and culture. We guide them through an inclusive design process for discovering their unique regenerative strategy - then connecting them with the services, people, and organizations to assist them in executing that strategy. We pulling upon a dynamic and growing talent pool with skills in governance design, law, business model design, human centered experience design, tokenomics, and branding. We’ve currently done a strategic discovery and are collaborating with Neptune Chain, SilviDAO, and dMeter. Async Education Experiences Starting with the Omni-Win Governance Design Process (coming soon), we'll release fun-to-use educational experiences around designing an organization that grows the capacity of the people and nature it interacts with. Roadmap Fall 2022: Incorporate as a non-profit, conduct 33 interviews Spring 2023: Release v1 of Omni Win Governance Design process Partner with at least 10 organizations to design with regenerative principles Run at least 10 public workshops and research experiments EOY 2023: Create and launch an incubator ",2022-08-26T10:49:35.238-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7227,True,True,0x50d7Fe5c1a10531bF3072328c9cAB3530cf8926a,build pr3tti; Onboard Women to Web3,,"TL:DR build pr3tti is an educational ecosystem for women to learn and build together in web3. Your donation will provide treasury funding to onboard women to web3 for free through: open-source course development, experience programming (virtual and IRL), learning series, women-centered hiring, and more. To date, we've programmed a two-week solidity cohort for women and created an audio series of women-led web3 discussions. If you would like to help secure a nurturing space for women in web3, we invite your contribution to our mission - male allies included. What is build pr3tti? build pr3tti is a community for women to learn, connect and build together in web3. From beginner to job-ready, we aim to create a nurturing educational ecosystem that onboards women engineers, designers, community managers, and marketers to web3. What is our Gitcoin grant? Our grant will provide treasury funding for open-source course development, experience programming (virtual and IRL), learning series, women-centered hiring, and more. We will continue to onboard women to web3 for free and would appreciate your support towards our mission. A highlight of the work we’ve done so far: SOLIDITY COHORT Programming a two-week Solidity Cohort for women, we onboarded 400+ participants to the Ethereum blockchain! Through project-based learning, participants wrote and deployed smart contracts, built interactive dApps (decentralized applications), generated NFT collections, and worked with off-chain storage providers. We supported them every step of the way with 7 project-centered workshops, coworking sessions with TAs (technical assistants), a resource hub, and a career-centered weekend event. To wrap up the Solidity Cohort, participants showcased their shipped projects at our graduation party. The top project received 1 ETH and our cohort partners gifted graduates NFTs and merch. DESIGN WORKSHOP with FORMFUNCTION’S KAT PROJECT SHOWCASE SOLIDITY COHORT: WINNING PROJECT THE LEMONADE STAND  The Lemonade Stand is an audio series of women-led web3 discussions. From breaking into web3 to launching successful NFT projects, some of our previous guests include @edatweets_ of Helium Foundation, @AliciaLycan of Solana Mobile, Angel Alliance, and Cosmic Cowgirls. build pr3tti roadmap We want to bring invaluable education to the women of our community for free. Our roadmap expands on our grant goals of open-source course development, experience programming (virtual and IRL), learning series, women-centered hiring, and more. If you would like to help secure a nurturing space for women in web3, we invite your contribution to our mission - male allies included. ",2022-08-26T13:30:37.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7228,True,True,0x757802FBDD0EA9d92B7e9568aAc111c35303b417,Grassland: Free Robotic Intelligence and Analytics for the Physical World,,"We're building a decentralised, global AI that transforms the world into a giant blockchain. It lets any developer give any internet connected machine complete awareness of real life environments regardless of economic, geographic or political barriers. It democratizes surveillance and artificial intelligence by putting it back into the hands of everyday people. An API for Apps & Smart Contracts The P2P network's censorship-resistant and permissionless API lets 3rd-party applications and smart contracts query, locate, and respond immediately to physical changes in any tangible asset around the world. The entire blockchain is free for anyone to access. Decentralised Autonomous Intelligence Each computer vision software client forms part of a decentralised autonomous intelligence that incentivizes its expansion across the globe by paying miners to reveal all the ""dark"" areas on its map of the world. No one owns or controls the network and anyone can take part. Scientific Data of the Physical World Grassland's blockchain is a live, digital twin of the real world that anyone can access. In addition to regular wallet address, its blockchain has binary coordinate addresses that are long enough to encode every object-event within 7.5 billion KM* over the next 400 years. It's computer vision can process video streams from optical or thermal cameras, whether they're terrestrial or satellite cams. Which means that researchers can get analytical data about both the past and present states of the physical world and human interactions, including the spread of diseases, as well as real-time information on even the tiniest environmental changes taking place anywhere this decentralized AI's awareness has expanded to. A New Geospatial Blockchain: Creating a Tamper-Resistant History of the Physical World - The AI regulates and bankrolls its own expansion to produce a tamper-resistant history of the physical world that anyone can freely access   - Its binary addresses are long enough to encode every object-event within 7.5 billion KM* over its 400 year block reward schedule   - Captures basic 3D features to prioritize real-time intelligence over photorealism (compression ratio of >2000:1 over the original video)   - Clients are ""localized""; computation and compression always scales with the network's size   - Teaches itself the correct relationships between object-events regardless of human intervention Trustless Intelligence Gathering It'll always work the way it's supposed to whether or not the participants (individuals, companies, governments, etc.) trust or even know each other. Like the internet, no one owns or controls it. Anyone can participate. Block Reward The AI compensates miners for their computer vision. There's no token (or NFT). It's the Grassland blockchain's native coin. It has to be because computer vision requires computation, hence you can't get away from PoW. And Grassland's PoW is specifically designed for AI's. This PoW is also eco-friendly since it doesn't need arbitrary hashing. It lets the network thwart spam and DDoS attacks so it can provide valid, life saving intelligence. The block reward itself is split up among all the miners. They each get a piece of the ""pie"". And only 21 million coins will ever be mined. Upcoming Feature Region Bounties is a native smart contract that will make it easy for everyone to get real-time digital twins of the parts of the world that they want. * 7.5 billion KM is the range of the Kuiper asteroid belt at the edge of the solar system ",2022-08-26T14:26:21.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7229,True,False,0x3Cc9F396430bC766AC8aa57fc28aeBc5919A5d81,Coffee Carbon Collective: regenerative financing for coffee farmers,,"We are participating in the Consensus Hackathon - web3athon - and will have our first prototype released on 20th September 2022. We will accumulate the learnings in a GitBook and share them with the grant supporters. Stay tuned! About: Coffee Carbon Collective (CCC) is a project born in May 2022 during ReFi DAO hackathon. CCC creates a solution to provide pre-financing to coffee farmers and transition to generative agriculture. Problem: Rising temperatures are going to reduce the area suitable for growing coffee by up to 50% by 2050. Coffee farmers suffer from climate change affecting their farmers and recognize the urge to transition to agroforestry to protect their farms and future. You can read more about agroforestry here. During the last months, we spoke to more than 50 farmers in Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Brazil. We also did 25 face-to-face interviews at World of Coffee (the largest coffee industry event, June 2022) and talked to 20 coffee, regenerative agriculture, and carbon project development professionals: 100% of coffee farmers suffer from climate change already now (drought, shifting seasons, pests & diseases). 93% of interviewed coffee farmers recognize the need to transition to regenerative agriculture and consider agroforestry the only viable solutions Transition to agroforestry takes 4-5 years and requires financial and human resources. Crop volume drops short-term, and farmers need to have the security of revenues. Right now smallholder farmers (3-5 ha) are not able to get certified to sell carbon credits (certification cost 50k and is financially feasible for 1000ha farms). Smallholders are ready to act, but the absence of pre-financing tools and safety nets stops them from switching to regenerative agriculture and sequestering carbon at their farms already now! Solution: CCC provides a web3 AI-enabled ecosystem to support coffee farmers in transitioning to agroforestry by providing tools for pre-financing and tools for direct trade with climate-conscious coffee buyers. Farmer enrolls into agroforestry transition program with CCC, CCC quantifies future carbon savings and mints a geo-spatial NFT that keeps the track of regeneration of the farm. Farmer requests pre-financing of transition by issuing carbon credit tokens that are connected to geospatial NFTs using CCC infrastructure and fundraising directly from the climate-conscious buyers. CCC guides the farmer through transition and keeps the track of activities, verifies practices and results through dMRV. CCC provides another set of contracts for the direct coffee trade to open market access for ""regenerated coffee"". We believe that there is a great opportunity to build a solution for insetting, not offsetting. There is a strong commitment of traders and roasters to reducing the carbon footprint of coffee production and a strong will to support the farmers they work with. However, like any carbon credit buyer, they need transparency and accountability. We are developing our solution on Celo and Filecoin, using a dMRV infrastructure like dMeter or MRV Collective. Impact: There are 10.2 million ha of coffee land worldwide, 84% of coffee is grown under sun in mono-crop farms and only 16% on average - shade or agroforestry grown. You can read about the impact of agroforestry systems here. Carbon sequestration potential (carbon stock) for agroforestry-grown coffee is 6.5 tons/ha in comparison to 2.6 tons/ha with conventional production. Check out more here. At the moment coffee producing areas sequester 32,508,898.50 tons of carbon, but switching to agroforestry has the potential to sequester 34,204,306.50 tons more! Check out calculations here. Besides, switching to agroforestry will mean: Improves farmers’ livelihood: it allows farmers to produce food, fodder, fuel, and timber from farmland - up to 20% more revenue Reduce amounts of fertilizers: tree-rich farming systems reduce the application of nitrogen fertilizer - lower costs of production Increase biodiversity by growing various species at the coffee farms Improve productivity: Trees in the croplands improve productivity and create carbon sinks - growing coffee and carbon revenues Prevent deforestation: Tropical deforestation is responsible for 25% of the net annual CO2 emissions worldwide Improve farmers’ resilience to extreme weather, especially drought and frost Roadmap: Stage 1: Prototype & Methodology (September - December 2022) - GR15 funding Prototype of the carbon sequestration methodology - data collection from farmers and analysis, modeling resources necessary for farm transition, incl. financial, labor, and the time required for transition, calculator of pre-financing needed based on farmer’s data Prototype onboarding UI for farmers - No-code UI for data collection, farm state visualization, carbon sequestration calculation for farmers, and NFT minting Implement NFTs and carbon tokens - Farm-specific geospatial non-sellable NFTs with information like location, carbon info, ERC20 tokens for pre-financing of regeneration, NFTs for seasonal coffee purchasing as in the form of an agreement We are participating in the Consensus Hackathon - web3athon - and will have our first prototype released on 20th September 2022. We will accumulate the learnings in a GitBook and share them with the grant supporters. Stay tuned! Stage 2: Build a community & Develop dMRV (January - June 2023) Improve our carbon sequestration prediction methodology and model various scenarios of farm regeneration based on the initial state and most optimal path to traditional polyculture Onboard farmers in Colombia and Brazil, build an in-field support operation through existing cooperatives and freelance agronomists, and prototype and test farmer support programs and agroforestry guides. Onboard roasters and coffee carbon investors on the platform test their demand and wishes Develop fully-functional dMRV solution for agroforestry in cooperation with the research institutions, agroforestry practitioners, and existing digital MRV solutions (eg. dMeter, MRV Collective) Stage 3: Launch operations & Form a DAO (July - December 2023) Launch full-scale operations in Colombia and Brazil Form a DAO for farmers and funders We are committed to building a solution that benefits coffee farmers and funders, as well as the entire ReFi community. The methodology we develop will be made open source and accessible to anyone who needs it. We will make our learnings from the field projects and working with funders public and accessible for other regenerators. Team: We are a team of coffee & tech people with various backgrounds and experiences: entrepreneurs, coffee traders and roasters, UX / UI designers, climate scientists, blockchain developers, and product managers. Partners & Collaborators: - AI-enabled green coffee quality control solution The Chain Collaborative - sustainability coffee consulting Digital Coffee Future - consulting and educational programs Caventura - carbon-neutral coffee roastery in Berlin, Germany MRV 101 - work and research group about MRV for small-scale projects Agroforestry DAO - community united around agroforestry dMeter - decentralized MRV MRV Collective - decentralized MRV We are participating in the Consensus Hackathon - web3athon - and will have our first prototype released on 20th September 2022. We will accumulate the learnings in a GitBook and share them with the grant supporters. Stay tuned! ",2022-08-26T15:12:33.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7230,False,False,0x3Cc9F396430bC766AC8aa57fc28aeBc5919A5d81,Coffee Carbon Collective - Pre-financing of transition to regenerative agriculture for coffee farmers,,"Rising temperatures will reduce the area suitable for growing coffee by up to 50% by 2050. Coffee farmers suffer from climate change already (drought, shifting rain seasons, pests & diseases), and recognize the urge to transition to agroforestry asap. Transitioning takes 4-5 years, requires financial and human resources, and can't be financed through carbon credits (certification cost 50k and is financially feasible for 1000ha farms - impossible for smallholders). Absence of pre-financing stops farmers from transitioning, de-risking their future, and sequestering more carbon at their farms. Coffee-producing areas sequester 32,508,898 tons of carbon, but switching to agroforestry has the potential to sequester 34,204,306 tons more! Coffee Carbon Collective (CCC) provides a web3 AI-enabled ecosystem to support coffee farmers in transitioning to agroforestry by providing tools for pre-financing and tools for direct trade with climate-conscious coffee buyers. Farmer enrolls into agroforestry transition program with CCC, CCC quantifies future carbon savings. Farmer issues carbon credit tokens that are attached to geospatial NFTs using CCC infrastructure and fundraise directly from the climate-conscious buyers. CCC guides the farmer through transition and keeps the track of activities, verifies practices and results through dMRV. CCC provides another set of contracts for the direct coffee trade to open market access for ""regenerated coffee"". Blockchain is necessary to solve this problem: direct pre-financing from buyers without intermediaries payments to unbanked farmers transparency and accountability through registering events on the blockchain and decentralized MRV direct trade tools and negotiation power through Coffee Carbon Collective DAO ",2022-08-26T15:12:34.015-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7231,True,True,0x2c3b2B2325610a6814f2f822D0bF4DAB8CF16e16,Decentralized Library,,"There is no substitute for knowledge. Decentralized library is a no-censorship, LEARN and EARN library that curates books in ebook and video formats. Users who access the library read books or watch video-books and take a short quiz from the book. They earn NFTs when they prove that knowledge is impacted by passing the quiz. The Library will house books and videos in every discipline and make knowledge available for everyone including our children unborn because books are stored permanently on the decentralized web. This project brings the traditional library to web3. The following benefit awaits users of this project   1. Lots of Academic E-Books especially in Web3:   2. Lots of Video-Books:   3. No Political Censorship:   4. Learn and Earn: The very First decentralized Library where you LEARN and EARN.   5. Live Class Streaming:   6. No Loss of Books: Prevent the accidental or intentional loss of information from human consciousness. Books are stored permanently for humanity.",2022-08-26T16:42:31.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7232,True,True,0xCD9165FF26Ac50ec9bc3207B9d53Bc70998C6b64,Orgassign,,"Overview Orgassign is a contribution platform and all-in-one workspace that makes it easy for remote teams to work together, taking some of the best parts of Discord, Github and Notion while ironing out many of the major pain points. Most DAO contributors today have to keep up with Discord + Notion + Google Docs + Github in order to figure out what they should be working on. Orgassign designed an all-in-one tool that fixed these pain points. It doesn’t bombard you with notifications like Discord, its token-gated permissions are simpler than both Notion and Google Docs, and unlike Github, it’s also designed for non-technical contributors. ‍ Orgassign helps contributors increase their efficiency by tracking tasks and goals while also providing a lasting, single point-of-reference so everyone knows what’s being worked on(and why). It manages to do all this with a tidy,intuitive interface. Orgassign is a shared contribution space with different sections: Roadmap - with goals, projects and tasks showing how everything fits together. Contributors are able to see a clear line between the organization’s overall goal, their team’s efforts, and their individual assignments. Wiki - is where important information that has more permanence lives. Notes can be added to the wiki using hashtags as you are working on projects, so knowledge management is not a separate task but part of the workflow. Groups and roles - manages what individuals can see and contribute to, which can be done through token-gating. conclusion Ultimately, Orgassign is designed to help you work in quite a specific way, making sure plans and tasks add up into an overarching vision(OKR style), and integrating documentation with task management. This is well-suited for DAOs because it retains historical knowledge that would otherwise be lost if individual contributors moved on, a common occurrence in the space. UI 1.Introduce 2.What problem does it solve ? 3.Future updates",2022-08-26T21:16:16.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7234,False,True,0xE79Adc70d5f48f04aAc49Eef531c771B6a7c652C,Cryptopas,,"Introduce Cryptopas is a decentralized anonymous identity verification network that aims to create a fair digital world cornorstone for all netizens. Users can prove their identity to all kinds of applications via Cryptopas with no need for approval from any ID collection agency or any centralized organizations, which protects all users' privacy. Cryptopas is a Web3 identity system in which anyone can be a member. All they need to do is fill up their personal information such as name, selfie, contact info, home address. All identity information can be obtained from the registered Ethereum address through smart contracts. Functions The functions below are selected for reference. You will find more in the full document. 1.Identity registration. Anyone can register as a member. Fill up their own identity info such as selfie, contact details, home address. You can bind your identity and address together.Only holding the private key can change user's information, which is more secure. Any website that cooperates with Cryptopas do not need to fill up detailed information again. 2.Web3 login. Use the private key to log in without re-registering on other dAPPs if you have a Cryptopas account. Private key is more secure than any traditional account login. You can use Fox wallet or a hardware wallet to manage the key, or you can write down the private key on paper and lock it in a safe. 3.Generate your own NFT and own the copyright. You can issue your own NFT and sell it in Cryptopas. Any NFT issued by Cryptopas can be traced in terms of the owner, manufacturer etc to avoid online piracy. The NFT format supports images, documents, files, as well as physical objects. In the future, Cryptopas will establish NFTs physical objects storage outlets around the world where you can collaterize your physical goods such as gold, jewelry to Cryptopas in order to generate NFTs and sell them online. End Cryptopas envisions a crypto world with a more secure and convenient identity verification system. The wide range of applications paves a way for all interested users, including large companies and institutions. How to simplify and secure the use of decentralized identity verification has never been so in demand as major sectors of the crypto industry bloom nowadays.",2022-08-27T03:12:09.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7235,False,False,0xdcc4c0ee05751c0e2ff8e6da9f80df864809c42c,GR15 Twitter Spaces - GitCoin x ENS Ecosystem GR15 Grants,," For GR15 I will host spaces every Tuesday & Thursday 12:00PM - 1:00PM (PST), through September 22. Each of these Twitter Spaces will feature a special guest with a GR15 grant to provide a platform for them to connect with the community & educate the community about their respective grants. As one of the ENS Queens, I will also make an effort to encourage ENS Queens & other women from the ENS ecosystem to submit grants & give a platform to grants with female team members, leads, and/or with an emphasis on onboarding more women into ENS. GOALS Connect the community with resources from the ENS DAO Forum; Help raise awareness for GitCoin/GR15 generally; Increase the number of ENS builder and content creators that submit GitCoin grants; and Help raise funding from the community for the individual GR15 grants through increased donations. ",2022-08-27T08:32:58.247-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7236,True,True,0xAdFB64b185D25859BeE3360690c9FECD3341E2B8,,,"IMPORTANT NOTE: Please try using our product first before donating, link: is a modular web3 community contribution infrastructure that integrates users' social media, on-chain, and in-community activities to form individual contribution data layers. In-DAO Contribution SBTs Contri enables community builders to create a community contribution platform by providing a modular contribution-incenting tool and In-DAO contribution NFTs.  This is an NFT within ContriDAO. users will be able to claim an NFT when they go through the bootstrap conversion page. After each contribution, this member NFT will automatically update the points and medal data to IPFS. The updated data is verified on the ipfs with zero-knowledge proof technology and is traceable. Community members will be better motivated to complete tasks and community builders will build better products and communities with the help of In-DAO NFTs and Contri user data layer. Our Vision Contri mainly serves the projects of web3 ecology.  We solve the previous problems of difficult communication and low automation between project parties and users.  DAO can enjoy complete member contribution incentives and records through Contri's modular, customizable and automated incentive tools.  This is also more conducive to focusing and directing user traffic, leading to a more efficient and complete DAO operating system.",2022-08-27T10:16:09.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7237,True,True,0x75cC37322D9eE1cE441a4e486217Dcc71A086Aa1,"Kula: Connecting Globally, Acting Locally",,"kula | कुल A Sanskrit word, Kula, translates to “community.” For us, Kula is this, and much more. It embodies the concept of deep belonging in the world and emphasizes our relationships, not just with one another, but with all aspects of the environment (everyone and everything). Kula is about creating this sense of belonging by connecting globally across various sectors of work and engaging locally to actively reshape our future. Being part of Kula, thus, enables us as individuals to synergize and converge holistically on regenerative solutions for localized problems. Connecting Globally, and Acting Locally You might have noticed our honeycomb-themed branding. The honeycombs represent our communities, our Kula. Just as bees work collectively, yet individually to create honey, we, as individuals, aim to work separately, but with collective consciousness, to create holistic solutions for our Kula’s localized problems. But before we can begin to act locally, we must create a sense of deep belonging among individuals in our Kula. To do this, we will use art. Art transcends all, brings people together, and allows powerful stories to be told and heard. It also allows for the free flow of information and ideas that will help empower our civic space to continuously reimagine our future and then regeneratively recreate it. As a lateral organization, Kula will rely on art and storytelling to first, mobilize, engage, and then finally empower our community to connect globally and act locally. Phases of Work Phase 1: Building Our Kula Establish and build out our global community in real life and online (the place where Kula will live) Refine our theory of change emphasizing “connecting globally, acting locally” Create a framework for sustainable global connection, collaboration and learning Incorporate the usage of art as a driver for creating a civic space for social impact through an NFT drop with global artists connected to grassroots-level causes (this will be our first internal project) Phase 2: Launching Publicly Launch our first internal project which will help to kick off our slow-growth campaign of onboarding more local organizations and actors Phase 3: Scaling Laterally Allow for more internal projects to emerge through continued global and local conversations, as we scale laterally Begin to help facilitate individuals to engage at the local level through our partnerships including initiatives, projects, and NGOs across the world Equip the new generation of development practitioners with the skills they need to tackle grassroots-level challenges through events, workshops and learning sessions What will funds be used for? Paying our contributors! The work Kula aims to do is ambitious, but necessary for reshaping our future. Supporting the livelihood of local actors that wish to engage with our partner grassroots organizations. A lot of times, essential non-profit work goes unpaid, and individuals are unable to meet their personal needs. We want to empower these people to contribute as much as they would like without any personal sacrifice. Funding projects put forth by our partner organizations. Seeding internal and external, experimental, and applied research projects that aim to put into practice what Kula stands for.",2022-08-27T14:35:04.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7238,False,False,0x0,YurokaDAO,,"A project about community-owned solar in Australia. We think community participation is fundamental to truly achieving sustainable development. We believe coordination tools on the blockchain technology are a real social game-changer. We want to enact real world change and create impact for a more sustainable future.\ Why in Australia? A positive outlook for adoption and the implementation of regulatory framework: after almost 10 years of inaction, in Australia a new government may be bringing a welcomed change in renewable energy policies. Also, Australia is a sunny country, with very high yearly averages for the number of sunny days and hours of sunshine. A token for financing, a DAO for the management At the end of the building phase, and after expenses, grants will be used to compensate -with Coordinape- the builders of their work and time spent on the project. Once the DAO is established and the token created, all funds will be managed by YurokaDao with the aim to create a climate positive revenue income though production and sale of renewable energy. ",2022-08-27T20:02:47.684-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7239,True,True,0xC3d7F926e57Ff06e465823b100b95408e805DfA2,LXDAO,,"LXDAO is an R&D-focused DAO in Web3. LX = 良心 = Conscience, which represents our Core Values: Buidl valuable things. Our missing is to bring together buidlers to buidl and maintain valuable Web3 projects in a sustainable manner. How does LXDAO work? First, LX Buidlers post an idea in the community, and buidlers have discussions regarding it. It's like a brainstorming phase. After the idea matures, the LX buidler who is good at product management will start product design, and the project manager will start making a proposal (including dev resources, budgets, etc.) for it. Then the community will vote for it. Once approved, the project manager will start assembling a team from the community with the proper set of skills. During development, the community will check the progress, and the project manager needs to write weekly for it. We care about sustainability and effectiveness. Even for non-profit and public goods, LXDAO will apply for grants for the project team. And we are good at development, and our community and project management skills will ensure the project will be landed soon with high quality compared with the project made by individuals. Our output or projects are not limited to a specific range, we buidl non-profit and profit projects (for DAO sustainability), and most of our projects are open-sourced. Here is our DAO GitHub More projects will be open-sourced soon. We also make contributions to the whole Web3 industry. For example, our editing experience proposal just got approved (Proposal: ), we have addressed it is related to a Markdown Open Source project, and we have found one buidler working on it, make PR for this open source. We will use grants to keep improving LXDAO infra and smart contracts. And onboarding more and more LX Buidlers to work on projects together and push Web3 forward. Our latest update is open-sourced our SBT-based membership system code:, more coming. More links: LXDAO: GitHub: Twitter: Forum: Discord: Telegram: Thanks.",2022-08-27T21:20:09.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7240,True,True,0xBF51802dB173061762cF93E39218F526980cd718,ENS onboarding education and awareness.,,"Our spread awareness and onboard new people and businesses into web3 and the benefits of ENS domain name identity. Encourage and work with local community members and government in my local area to bridge web2 to web3. ",2022-08-28T02:02:35.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7241,True,True,0x7a7721d9f0431c5197e9A2287544536b3A0374B7,DeSci Collective - Helping brains and builders go from 'idea to market',,"DeSci Collective seeks to become a gathering point to bring together enthusiasts and leaders from across the global Decentralized Science movement. We bring utility to our members and engage the global crypto community to grow collaboration and support for the Brains & Builders innovating in DeSci. We are active on Twitter and in our Discord. We run bi-weekly Twitter Spaces and are deploying those into a Podcast, which can be found here. We have run 5 episodes to-date over the past two months. Project updates will be posted to our blog. Our Purpose The DeSci Collective sits at the cross-section of the DeSci movement and capital innovation. Traditional science funding models are too slow, too centralized, and typically influenced by a small group of people who have the same views. Traditional science publishing models are closed systems, too siloed, not inclusive, and reward centralized institutions at the expense of the contributors. DeSci will change this.  Idea to Market The DeSci movement is a long-term vision to achieve the dream of open science using Web3 mechanisms and the expected exponential growth of the Web3 ecosystem. The DeSci Collective seeks to contribute to this movement in an action-oriented way as follows: Collective members will collaborate across DeSci and within the DeSci Collective to identify action oriented steps and projects that can be successfully achieved today that move us toward the long term vision for each of the Key DeSci Innovation Categories identified below. The DeSci Collective will be a launchpad for DeSci builders, helping them go from Idea to Market. We will do this through (a) regular Twitter Spaces & Podcasts featuring hot topics and new projects & builders in DeSci, (b) an active community helping connect builders to talent and community members for their projects, and (c) helping to attract funding to the most promising new builders and projects, including potentially early launch grants from the DeSci Collective itself. The DeSci Collective will be active in DeSci community building events and opportunities, including live DeSci conferences and meetups, and helping to support grant opportunities going forward, such as GitCoin DeSci grants. Key DeSci Innovation Categories: Democratizing scientific publishing, rewarding contributors, and incentivizing reproducibility of research results, Funding science - for profit impact investments & research grant models, Tokenizing Intellectual Property (e.g. IP-NFTs), Web3 Approach for Tech Transfer, Research data marketplaces (Data DAOs) - including negative research, Laboratories as a Service, and Future spaces identified by our community and innovators. Our Guiding Principles Transparent. We publish reports on progress and initiatives at least bi-weekly. Twitter and Discord are our primary workspaces. Inclusive. We will make 10% of our DeSci Collective Membership Passes in each cohort freely available to students and other Brains & Builders who seek membership and demonstrate need. We also proactively seek to recruit from underrepresented communities in science. Open. We are not beholden to any single DeSci project or umbrella. We welcome everyone and support all positive developments in the space.  Innovative. We seek to help support Brains & Builders to launch new projects and innovations. Support can come financially, with advisory services, promotion, or otherwise. No strings attached. We aim to be the launchpad for promising projects in DeSci.  Professional with a Crypto Edge: Our voice will be professional, credible, and constructive. However, we will also seek to include the fun and edge that has defined the broader crypto community, without diminishing credibility. We seek to do serious things while enjoying our time doing so.  New initiatives need a strong voice at the core early-on to make decisions, operate efficiently, inspire a mission, and attract followers. We will gradually decentralize the DeSci Collective, but want to get it off to a great start with specific initiatives that will be developed by our team at Cherubim Labs with strong input from the DeSci Collective community.  Together we'll lead the way to disrupt and decentralize science and accelerate scientific achievements globally. That’s it! We welcome you to this community. We seek to delight and surprise you and are eager for your engagement.",2022-08-28T05:25:30.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7242,True,True,0x4C3364502a54c3227f45a14AD6f72bf5877625D1,SpaceFi: A cross-chain web3 platform on Evmos and L2 zkSync,,"SpaceFi is a cross-chain web3 platform on Evmos and zkSync, with DEX+NFT+Starter+Spacebase as initial product. Its ultimate vision is to connect Cosmos and Ethereum Layer2 ecosystem, exploring cross-chain and interoperability solutions. Inspiration With the development of multi-chain ecosystem, cross-chain has become an extremely important proposition. From asset cross-chain, message cross-chain to interoperability, with the help of proven cross-chain technology, the modular concept will help blockchain achieve a qualitative breakthrough in performance and versatility, which in turn will drive web3 applications towards popularity. We were very excited when Evmos was launched. Cosmos is one of the largest cross-chain solution and ecosystem, Ethereum/EVM is the largest blockchain application ecosystem. As the EVM hub on Cosmos, Evmos will connect these two ecosystems. Layer2 is the foundation for Ethereum scaling and modular development. zkSync is one of the recognized representatives of zk-rollup and is compatible with EVM. We believe that Cosmos and Ethereum will be combined in terms of cross-chain and modularity. Therefore, we want to explore cross-chain and interoperability solutions based on Cosmos and Ethereum by deploying applications on Evmos and zkSync. Because both Evmos and zkSync are new public chains, the ecosystem is in early stages. We want to build a cross-chain web3 platform that integrates DEX+NFT+Starter+Spacebase to explore our vision and incubate more applications, becoming the engine of ecosystem. We believe that human exploration into blockchain and exploration into space originate from the same spirit, so we took space as the theme of our product. In this way, SpaceFi was born. What it does SpaceFi is a cross-chain web3 platform on Evmos and zkSync, with DEX+NFT+Starter+Spacebase as initial product. Its ultimate vision is to connect Cosmos and Ethereum Layer2 ecosystem, exploring assets cross-chain and interoperability solutions. SpaceFi is building a fully integrated system, creating sustainable chemistry between modules. You can trade in swap, earn in farm, mint or stake or sell planet NFTs, create or join a spacebase, and invest in new projects. All of this is connected by SpaceFi tokenomics that combines DEFI and NFT. DEX: You can swap, add / remove liquidity. Also, trading mining is in the plan. 1/3 trading fee will be used to buyback STAR token. FARM: In single pool, you can stake STAR or Evmos to earn $STAR. In LP pool, you can stake different liquidity to earn $STAR. In NFT poo, you can stake planet NFT to earn $STAR. NFT: You can use STAR to mint Common Planet NFTs, 90% STAR burning and 10% STAR allocating to NFT bonus and DAO treasury. Further, you can use different Common Planet NFTs to mint Unique Planet NFTs and use different Unique Planet NFTs to mint Exclusive Star Sign NFTs. Each time you mint, equity assets will randomly increase by a certain multiple. Staking planet NFTs, there’ll be more rewards than staking STAR token. Also, planet NFTs holders can get bonus from platform fee. In marketplace, you can sell or buy planet NFTs. 5% of the sales will be used as platfrom fee, 70% of which will be used as bonus for NFT holders and 30% will go into DAO treasury. STARTER: You can participate IDO of new promising projects in public and private pool. Starter will be an important incubator in ecosystem. SPACEBASE: Spacebase is on-chain community of spacers. You can use STAR to creat a spacebase, 90% of STAR burned and 10% of STAR allocated to NFT bonus and DAO treasury. Both creators and members can get more rewards when they‘re earning in farm. How we built it The idea for SpaceFi came from a brainstorming session where we discussed how blockchain would evolve and become popular in the future. We initially focused on celo's financial inclusion and real-world application scenarios in the third world, and conceived the original SpaceFi product based on celo's ""defi for the people"" philosophy. Later, when we came across Evmos and learned about its vision, we realized that the foundation of cross-chain, interoperability, and scalability was needed to popularize the application and improve UE. Therefore, we adjusted our strategy and decided to prioritize building from Evmos. We followed up Evmos testing, and deeply studied Cosmos ecology and Ethereum Layer2 ecology. In mid-March 2022, we deployed SpaceFi on Evmos testnet, and over 10,000 active users participated. In early May 2022, we deployed the Space Swap module on Evmos mainnet with initial mobility. In June 2022, we built validator on Evmos and guide community to actively participate in Evmos governance, currently ranked 31. In early July 2022, we released partnership with zkSync and launched the testnet, generating 1M transactions in just two weeks and becoming one of the most active projects on the zkSync testnet. Challenges we ran into It'll be a challenge to continue the developing on Evmos and zkSync, especially the cross-chain and interoperability attempts. Tokenomics and the operational data of mainnet. It'll be a challenge to optimize tokenomics to make SpaceFi grow sustainably. After mainnet we will gradually launch community governance. How to balance efficiency, creativity and community incentives will be a challenge. Accomplishments that we're proud of SpaceFi is one of the most active projects on Evmos and zkSync testnet. Many users approved our product and tokenomics and suggested many optimizations. SpaceFi is becoming a community-driven project, with an community of close to 60,000 members. It's an open, creative and mutual web3 community. What we learned We learned a lot. However, three points impressed us: We have gained a lot from our research on Cosmos and Ethereum ecosystem, and have become clearer about SpaceFi's vision of building on Evmos and Layer2. We need top-down leading and more bottom-up innovation. Governance is especially important, as evidenced in Cosmos ecosystem. Although governance has many drawbacks, such as efficiency and fraud, it can activate community creativity and bring great value. Think more, dare to think, and be active in trying and practicing. Hesitation, sometimes lost opportunities, can also weaken creativity. What's next for SpaceFi Planet NFT Mint and STAR token IDO, initial liquidity. Evmos mainnet launch and achieve continuous growth of user data and TVL. Incubate the first web3 project in community. Deploy a bridge tool in Evmos and zkSync testnet to transfer STAR assets zkSync mainnet launch Connect Evmos and zkSync on mainnet More new attempts SpaceFi Links Website: Twitter: Discord: Medium:",2022-08-28T08:04:02.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7243,False,True,0xc323b7F24C2fD032780fC285917a24Ca9e70E366,Pyme,,"Pyme is a web3 marketing platform allowing users to earn tokens, NFTs, and other on-chain and off-chain rewards by completing quests. With Pyme, we aim to onboard and empower the next billion users to web3 by providing everyone with opportunities. ""Big Statement,"" and rightfully so! Pyme, as you see it today, is just one step in our massive pursuit and ambitions of personal data ownership, data monetization opportunities, web3 accessibility, and a composable, chain-agnostic, decentralized social identity.  Since our launch, we have offered over 70,000+ verified users the opportunity to use their data to earn over 220,000+ rewards through quests on Pyme alone. Am I late? No, you're early! There are new incredible quests on Pyme from the coolest companies and projects. Complete these quests and claim these rewards for yourself. And companies, you're not late either! Pyme is your opportunity to run campaigns with accurate predictive results. Run campaigns based on on-chain and off-chain verified actions. Reward your users directly for their data and participation. What are our plans? As we continue to grow, these are the milestones that we're working on at Pyme.  Going Multi-Chain We believe the future of the web3 space is multi-chain. Therefore, Pyme is integrating new blockchains such as AURORA to expand our support to many more projects and companies alongside accessibility for users from the newer blockchains. Singular Web3 Identity Connecting your wallet to every platform is already a challenge. But, then, add in the extra effort of sharing data across projects. That's exhausting. That's why we are working on a single, multi-chain web3 identity. With granular control of your data points, you can conveniently add, remove, control, and share your data. Leveraging the power of protocols such as Unlock, provide timed, restricted access to your data to selected users or even to other projects and companies. Here’s an example: Own an ENS Domain? Connect your ENS domain to your data points to get access to quests which require the user to have a configured ENS domain. Projects can utilize our SDK to request permissions from the user and get access. Projects no longer need to create extensive systems to collect, store or integrate data points. The SDK will allow on-demand access based on the permissions set by the user. Verification and Membership Tiers Web3 Projects have a botting problem. Just like any other platform, we've had to face the same. Currently, Pyme combats botting with the help of basic non-intrusive methods to verify the humanity of its users. Yet, we realize that this is not enough. Therefore, we are building out different verification tiers for users on Pyme.  Verification levels will allow users to earn better rewards and access better quests on Pyme based on their verification levels. Tying in with the singular web3 identity, you can prove your humanity and trust with your verification tier that you can choose to share with other projects and dapps in the space. Our Stats We're a global community of over 70K+ verified users with over 220K+ completed quests to date.",2022-08-28T08:55:20.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7244,True,True,0x360A0AE3c83f0BcCd211A1FAb99C69d9dD9853ba,Faces of Web3 — Impact-led ecosystem for underrepresented creators,,"Faces of Web3 — Impact-led ecosystem for underrepresented creators About:  Build your future as a Web3 creator. Unleash your creativity and connect with like-minded people. Faces of Web3 helps creators take control of their Web3 careers by organizing all their assets in one place and giving them all the tools they need to succeed. It's the best way for creators to maximise their knowledge, revenue, and exposure.  What is Faces of Web3? Faces of Web3 (FoW3) is a creator-focused platform that helps underrepresented creators build wealth by finding innovative channels to expand their reach.  Our solutions: We are building a new culture at the intersection of education, community, NFTs and Web3. Our intention is to give Africans and underrepresented creators the right push into regenerative wealth.  In order for African and underrepresented creators to take up space in Web3, we must work to establish strong systems in which they can thrive. We have several initiatives powered by the Faces of Web3 ecosystem. 1. Fow3 News 2. Fow3 Job posts 3. Fow3 Interviews (spotlighting creators in the space) 4. Fow3 DAOs (onboarding workshops to introduce new creators to DAOs) 5. Fow3 DeFi 6. Fow3 NFTs What's next? We have three components of the ecosystem we are building. 1. Faces Social platform 2. Faces Community and education 3. Faces Creator retreats Resources Blog: Github: Twitter: Instagram: Email: , LinkedIn:",2022-08-28T09:33:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7245,True,True,0x60087f17b9dAF691DEd6c40Cb1fA6CE4407fa58C,XCHG - dApps Transport Tools,,"Direct communication between peers is often a tricky thing. XCHG is a lightweight tool to establish communication between peers using private or public xchg-routers. It might be called PrP (Peer-Router-Peer) - communication between peers through a layer of routers. Our goal is to make a convenient tool for creating decentralized applications and expanding the public network of routers. Although the project is at an early stage, a lot is already working and is in the active testing phase. Features Peer-to-Peer encryption (AES-256/RSA-2048) Public Network of routers Authentication(P2P) is built into the protocol Ability to create your own network of routers for your services SDK for multiple programming languages Open Source (MIT license) State of the project Router - implemented and tested. Pre-Release state. SDK/GoLang - implemented and tested. Pre-Release state. SDK/Dart-Flutter - alpha-version is implemented. Demo project: xc-share-file - implemented and tested. Pre-Release state. Current sprint 0x05 (2022-08-24 / 2022-09-07) Router - prepare Release SDK/GoLang - prepare Release Demo project: xc-share-file - prepare Release Demo project: xc-remote-control - implement alpha-version SDK/Dart-Flutter - prepare beta-version.",2022-08-28T09:42:29.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7246,True,True,0x6E73f3166B2F737E967592F3d9D5a0BdeBcA0ed8,"Equitable, Green and Beautiful -- Making Web3.0 work in BIPOC Communities",,"Let's make Web 3.0 work for everyone! A study by Ariel Investments found that, on average, Black Americans own significantly cryptocurrency than their white counterparts. About one quarter (25%) of Black Americans own crypto, and when examining investors under the age of 40, that number jumps to 38%. According to the data, 15% of white investors own crypto, and 29% are under 40. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, Black investors were more than twice as likely (11%) to name crypto as their first investment compared to white investors (4%). This means that on average when Bitcoin dropped, yet again this group was on the frontlines of a catastrophe. In my own research (yo soy @Monica_DRRProf) I have found that despite the fact that Black and Latino communities are overexposed to climate and socio-economic degeneration, they are underexposed to the potential benefits of ReFi and DeFi. The Undivide Project wants to host a three-part workshop resulting in training and a clear set of policy recommendations for making DEIA a core part of new Web 3.0 and related crypto regulations. Here are the details: Part 1) Blockchain and Web 3.0 primer, Part 2) Crypto scams versus Crypto opportunities, and Part 3) ReFi and Defi for community upliftment. Each workshop will have a feedback loop about the experiences of the participants in the space. We will take that feedback and make \""DEIA for Web 3.0\"" and ReFi policy recommendations based on the best kind of science, and people's lived experiences. I as the founder of the organization and a former Hill staffer will take personal responsibility for seeing these recommendations through. \n\nBecause of the particular overexposure of the Black community to bad crypto deals and lack of access to information about ReFi, DeFi, and the positive aspects of Web 3.0, we will focus on that group immediately but will offer open access to our workshops and depending on funding, offer Spanish language translations. To accomplish our goals, we need to raise $10K. That funding will be used to: pay a fellow to run the social campaign, stipends for the community (we try to hire from communities) coordinators and researchers, speaker fees for disinformation, ReFi and DeFI experts and the costs of workshop venues -- including childcare for parents to be able to afford to attend. Below: Our founder at work on tech, resilience and voluntarism in Baltimore.",2022-08-28T12:48:35.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7247,False,False,0x7A03de44B02E993F711C52E077A6bd403fAD2bc6,4T2 to Enhance DeFi on Cosmos,,"Have you ever tried to generate yield across DEXs on Cosmos? It is f'ing difficult. 4T2 is believes in the future of Cosmos and the IBC. But, the DeFi landscape is still underdeveloped. This where 4T2 comes in. We allow users to generate the best risk-weighted yields - with one click. We use 2 primary products: Yield aggregation - for one click deposits of tokens or LP tokens veToken aggregation (for more advanced users) - for locking away of DEX governance tokens. Cosmos users will never need to interact with any other protocol to generate yields. 4T2 is the answer. The team consists of 4 UC Berkeley alumni / students and the ex-head of marketing at Parallel Finance. The team has worked at Binance Labs and includes a co-founder of Yeti Finance (DeFi Protocol). ",2022-08-28T12:55:02.202-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7248,True,True,0xA2abF6F00566271eBc3b888ea0c821FAA45D6126,High-tech Quantum Biology: tweaking endogenous quantum degrees of freedom in biology towards theranostics,,"Imagine driving cell activities to treat injuries and disease simply by using tailored magnetic fields (MFs). Many disease markers, such as: the production of reactive oxygen species during adult stem cell-mediated regeneration; epigenetic changes to induce pluripotency; cell fate decisions in embryonic stem cells; and cell differentiation of adult stem cells were demonstrated to be controlled by weak MFs (with a strength on the order of that produced by your cell phone), very likely via the electron quantum property of ""spin"". Although exciting, these data are correlative, and the functional relevance of such quantum effects in biology remains unclear. Research has not been able to track spin states to manipulate physiological outcomes in vivo and in real time, without which the potential game-changing clinical benefits of ""quantum signaling"" cannot be realized in the long-term. The goal of this proposal is to, within an accelerated timeline, design and build novel instrumentation to directly measure and control both spin states and their biological consequences at the same time, leveraging our expertise in quantum instrumentation building. Spin is an intrinsic quantum property of electrons and some atomic nuclei; it describes how quantum particles interact with magnetic fields. Since such spins make organisms behave, for a short time, as ""living quantum sensors"", we employ established quantum techniques borrowed from the field of technological quantum sensing. The unusual crossover between experimental quantum sensing, developmental biology, and theoretical spin physics is the fundamental strength of our proposal. Combining quantum-inspired instrumentation, theory predictions, and cell bioengineering, we will systematize knowledge on how organisms use endogenous quantum degrees of freedom to function, in an effort to exert control over such phenomena towards a desired physiological outcome. In the long run, the fine-tuning of endogenous ""quantum knobs"" existing in nature will enable the development of drugs and therapeutic devices that could heal the human body via the interaction with weak magnetic fields. A long-term goal is thus to harness spin quantum degrees of freedom to commandeer and drive physiology. Instrumentation we will develop include: 1) Microscopes coupled to coils and radio-frequency microchips, where specimens (from proteins to both invertebrate and vertebrate cells) will be systematically perturbed by weak magnetic fields. Mid-XX century scientists harnessed the signal provided by biological spins in magnetic resonance imaging – a technology that, to this day, is used for diagnostics. Here, we will go further and influence spins through magnetic resonance to effect treatment. In contrast to magnetic resonance imaging, our technology relies upon very weak fields (the underlying physical mechanism being different). Our technology will lead to remotely actuated, personalized medicine devices that can predictably alter disease progression using weak magnetic fields. 2) An electrophysiology setup coupled to coils and radio-frequency microchips where the following hypothesis can be tested. We hypothesize that spin-dependent chemical reactions happening within the cellular membrane might influence the functioning of ion channels; and that, conversely, transient ion fluxes inside the cell might produce weak magnetic fields to tweak widespread spin-dependent chemical reactions. Optogenetics relies on laser excitation to control the opening and closing of ion channels in genetically modified cells. Here, with tailored, weak magnetic field excitation and no genetic modification, we posit it might be possible to deterministically affect ion channel functioning – with myriad applications for neurological control. 3) A scanning tunneling microscope coupled to coils and radio-frequency microchips will help decipher why, at room temperature, charge transport through chiral biomolecules favors one spin (""chiral-induced spin selectivity"", observed first in DNA and α-helices and presently harnessed in spintronics). Recently, electron transport through a live bacterium nanowire was demonstrated to have such a spin preference, suggesting there is a possibility that other electron transport processes in biology – most importantly, cellular respiration – might also exhibit such a spin preference. From a physics point of view, this is highly unusual – for ex., a quantum computer needs to spend precious resources to prepare electrons that favor one spin. Knowing how transport of electronic ""quantum information"" happens inside chiral biomolecules such as DNA enables the toolkit of quantum physics to be explored towards the control of such quantum information. In practice, this means that quantum methods that control spins via engineered magnetic fields could be applied to tweak physiological processes dependent on electron transport. To sum up, the work will bridge the outstanding gap between the theoretical mechanisms of quantum spin effects in biology and the phenomenological evidence of MF effects on cellular behavior, through novel quantum-inspired instrumentation. We will establish unambiguous links between spin-dependent chemical pathways and in vivo metabolism, signaling and cellular physiology. Pushing the frontiers of Quantum Biology, our project will systematically study spins within cells across multiple scales (quantum, molecular, cellular and physiological), visualizing the manipulation of, for ex., regeneration by weak MFs in both vertebrates and invertebrates. We will, for the first time, both measure and control spins within living organisms to influence the regenerative process – with nanoscale resolution and without the need to manipulate genes. A physicist could describe our approach as the ""coherent control of light-matter interactions, where matter is biomatter"". Having nanoscale electromagnetic handles onto cellular processes will enable the monitoring and selective stimulation or suppression of cellular functions that are electromagnetic in nature. For ex., MFs could be applied in situ in order to reduce uncontrolled reactive oxygen species proliferation; and electron signaling and transport through proteins could be made pathologically weak or strong. A long-term goal is thus to master organismic behavior and metabolic function via the control of native electromagnetic-responsive pathways, using tailored, weak magnetic field excitation. Can quantum spin physics be established – or refuted! – to account for physiologically relevant biological phenomena, and be manipulated to technological and therapeutic advantage? This is the broad, exciting question addressed by this proposal. Justification for need of #DeSci external support The current bottleneck in spin-mediated quantum biology is the lack of high-tech instrumentation that can directly prepare, control and measure endogenous quantum degrees of freedom in biology as if they were bona fide quantum objects (because they are!). Our proposal addresses this bottleneck in that: 1) it is grounded on instrumentation that applies ‘quantum coherent control’ (i.e., engineered MFs) onto biomatter; and 2) predictions and quantum simulations drive the hybrid quantum biological experiments (in contrast to biophysics studies in which phenomena are modeled after observation). This frontier field is not yet recognized by governmental funding agencies, and not yet relevant to disease foundations. Even with paradigm-altering potential benefits, attempts to fund similar cutting edge projects have been consistently labelled too ‘biological’ for engineering mechanisms, too ‘engineering’ for biological ones, and completely out of interest scope by NIH. Moreover, costs and timelines are aligned with those of quantum physics experimental setup development (namely, ∼ $1–1.5mi per setup, over a build time of 2–3 years) and as such deemed ‘too steep/too slow’ by usual biophysics standards. With medium-term sustained support (5–7 years) of our deeply interwoven physics/biology/theory operation, we expect not only to realize and share with the quantum biology community enabling instrumentation, but also to showcase initial results that can catapult spin-based quantum biology into a mainstream-fundable area. Present technology in wearables and miniaturization will already suffice to produce tailored, weak MFs that actuate personalized ‘quantum therapeutics’ in the future. In turn, knowledge generated by experiments to deterministically map ‘quantum causes’ to ‘physiological outcomes’ (such as those we will perform) will realistically require at least 1–2 decades of maturation until therapeutic deployment. However, without such a sustained support, efforts to develop the required quantum biological technology and incentives for young talent to join the field will both remain distressingly nonexistent.",2022-08-28T16:35:21.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7249,True,True,0x041F724f67b9ab2341b41667c8b7965D85601E25,Metagen DAO,,"THE METAGEN DAO The Metagen DAO is the community behind The Metagen Coin. It embodies inclusion, unity, transformation, and the perpetual evolution of mankind. It is one of the first DAOs legally registered in Wyoming, USA in 2021. We are a social-good, community-driven organization focused on making 4th Transformational Technologies practical, easy-to-use, and cheap. We believe that advancements in technologies will enable mankind to heal and protect the planet for future generations to come.  Our mission is to bring a global collective consciousness and teach the next generations about 4th Transformational Technologies and sustainability. We aim to establish an ecosystem focused on building a sustainable future with the aid of AI, IoT, the Metaverse, and Web 3.0/DLT. We will do this by spreading knowledge through a free and egalitarian immersive learning platform -- The Metaversity. We want to bind ourselves to rise and take action to negate the trend of radical climate change and global warming, which will surely lead to the ultimate destruction and extinction of mankind if we don’t do something about it today.   METAGEN COIN: The Metagen Coin aims to be the most eco-friendly multichain cryptocurrency. Its mission is to empower the Meta Generation (The Metagens) to save the planet using 4th Transformational Technologies (i.e., AI, IoT, Blockchain/DLT, and the Metaverse). Our utility token ($AIOTM) or the Metagen Coin is a multichain ERC 20 (Ethereum), ERC 20 (Polygon), and a Solana SPL token. It can be mined with the power of the Sun (using our solar-powered sensor/miner) or by contributing to the Metagen ecosystem. One can earn Metagen Coins ($AIOTM token) by: Sharing temperature and humidity data from the Metagen Solar Sensor (coming soon).  Datasets shared by our community will feed the Global Warming Watch AI platform. Planting trees using the MetaForest DCAR (Decentralized Crowd Afforestation & Reforestation) protocol. Contributing to the Metaversity as a proctor or as a student. Contributing to the Metagen DAO ecosystem.  For every Metagen DAO Membership NFT, we will plant a tree on behalf of the our community members (verifiable with GPS coordinates in the MetaForests at Loxahatchee Groves in Florida, and in Atlanta, Georgia, USA). For every free course we provide @Metaversity, our students/scholars are required to plant one tree. We incentivize them with 300 $AIOTM for doing so, or they can opt to receive a MetaNFTree that can be traded in our voluntary carbon exchange NFT platform (the MetaForest's Metagen DEX).  The MetaForest's Metagen DEX is a decentralized voluntary carbon-credit exchange pegged on MetaNFTtree (ERC 1155) -- a smart carbon credit contract deed of title. MetaNFTrees are automatically burned when sold, thus eliminating double-spending.  We are also building a digital-to-physical Metaverse trading platform bridge called The EcoNFTGallery MetaMall where one can buy items as NFT in a token-gated VR mall and physical items will be delivered in your doorstep. At Eco NFT Gallery / MetaMall, we only support carbon-friendly NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and decarbonizing NFAs (non-fungible assets).   Let's bind and rise up to save Mother Earth! ",2022-08-28T18:43:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7250,True,True,0xF02F908958943932178b4714d92759321C1F2f8E,Denver Tool Library,,Denver Tool Library has been enabling communal sharing of tools in Denver area since 2015. We have empowered our members to complete countless projects and prevented thousands of new tools from being purchased only to fall into disuse and be discarded. The biggest bottleneck for expending our services to greater number of people is funding. Most popular tools are the most expensive ones and stocking the library with them while keeping membership fees affordable is challenging. Tool libraries in the US are struggling to secure grants with more traditional organizations because the libraries do not fit into the more traditional categories for a non-profit. You can read more about the challenges that tool libraries face in this interview with our co-founder Garrett Carr. Money from this grant will go directly to buying the most popular tools.,2022-08-28T21:13:15.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7251,True,True,0xb55D7219ceA2ae54d115F378088A5D4eF1fdAcc0,Veve Intel - Building into the future Veve-Verse,,"A community hub built and designed for Veve users. Expert analytics and social platform for gamification. Gamification token for community members. A home for over 1M active users in the project to gain insight, research , marketplace for physical and digital collectibles, leaderboards, and a interactive ""Veve LIve"" section to serve as the hub for all content creators in the space.",2022-08-28T22:22:43.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7252,False,True,0x2EF0608A184af534b5b4Cb36708f003c3DF24f53,Societify is a guild management platform for sharing player accounts and assets across the Web3 gaming ecosystem.,,"Introduce Societify is a guild management platform for sharing player accounts and assets across the Web3 gaming ecosystem. Societify enables players to share access to fellow guild members about their on-chain features, which leverages NFTs,gamefi and soulbound tokens. Societify can be used to Support newbies and the guild community Help a friend to maintain his gaming profile while he is on a break Share skills between groups of friends to help everyone focus on their strengths Societify is an on-chain EVM compatible protocol that utilizes NFTs, soul bound tokens, smart contract systems and multi-sig wallets to ensure safety and user trust. User accounts are Gnosis-safes, and we use wallet-connect and the Gnosis safe mobile app to log into any on-chain game safely and efficiently. Each Gnosis safe holds all in-game assets, and ensures role based access while protecting core control of all assets. The smart contracts on Societify are wrapped in a clean and usable frontend interface to ensure equal and easy access to Societify. The Ethereum Name System is used to give names to guilds and access human-readable player information throughout the Guild System. IPFS is used to both host the web application using Fleek, and also any media assets such as guild images or profile photos. Societify is deployed on several blockchains such as Polygon, Optimism, and Gnosis Chain to ensure broad access to the Web3 gaming ecosystem.",2022-08-29T00:29:09.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7253,False,False,0xb794f5ea0ba39494ce839613fffba74279579268,How to Define Your Personal Writing Style,,"You've heard of repetition, but what does it mean? Repetition is a tricky subject, and it's hard to define. But it is important for networking purposes. Here are a few tips to help you figure out whether you're using repetition properly. First, embrace your changes. The process of defining your voice and style is like defining your values, beliefs, and priorities. It takes practice and dedication. Repetition is a controversial topic In your writing style, you may find repetition to be useful or detrimental. In some instances, repetition serves a purpose, such as reinforcing key ideas or conveying rhythm. However, repetition should never be used solely to pad the word count. If used properly, repetition can make your writing sparkle. While repeated words and phrases may not be a part of your writing style, they can help make a text more memorable and meaningful. In paper writing help online, repetition can be used in many forms, from a single word or line to a whole sentence. It can help emphasize important ideas, convey a sense of rhythm, and enhance your audience's reading experience. It's hard to define There's no right or wrong way to write, and your style will reflect your personality and your writing abilities. But the best way to define your writing style is to let it develop naturally out of your personality. For example, don't try to write like Hemingway or Tom Wolfe. Their style is interesting for its parody, but it sounds forced. Instead, write in a way that reflects your natural style and expresses your individuality. It's difficult to improve Improving your writing style is not easy, but there are a few things you can do to help yourself improve your style. The first step is to read and study your favorite writers' work. It will help you see how they use various techniques to make their writing interesting and engaging. The second step is to practice writing more, and you will eventually discover your style and voice. It's important for networking If you want to create a strong following, you need to interact on social media. This means responding to tweets and posts, challenging opinions, and listening to others. You should also offer your expertise and give people your time. This will help them form an opinion of you and help them to decide whether to follow you or not. It's important for marketing Whether you're writing for yourself or as part of a marketing campaign, your writing style can make or break your marketing efforts. It should be well-organized, concise, and contain a solid sense of substance. Writing should also be relevant and substantive, and be written with your target audience in mind. Many elements contribute to your writing style, including the words you use, the formality of your writing, and your vocabulary choice. Style is an important part of communicating with your target audience, and it should be consistent across your communications. Depending on your audience, you may need to use different styles, including a formal tone, a more informal voice, and visual representation. ",2022-08-29T01:05:10.448-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7254,True,True,0x589a0D87d600a6C6fAa34c491C9e779f434bC51d,staker-notifier,,"A decentralized and private way for Ethereum stakers to receive SMS notification whenever their validator(s) is unhealthy. Any staker will be able to run the application locally or in a cloud; Application will send SMS whenever balance on one or more validator is dropping; For SMS application uses Twillio and some more integrations will be added in future; Additionally application will be able to send a heart bit or notification about low disk space.",2022-08-29T03:06:59.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7255,True,False,0xD73EbFad38707CB2AB4D127A43A193Bc526F5151,Eigen Network,,"We use zk-zkRollup to achieve a low gas cost and programmable private transaction layer for any EVM-compatible ecosystem. For each transaction, we use The Twisted ElGamal scheme/Vector Commitment to encrypt the amount or input data for ERC20/ERC721 and use mixed proof system to generate the TX validity proof (signature, range proof, balance audibility, etc.). the sequencer will run a chain-BFT to reach the consensus of the next batch of transactions and submit the Merkle root of the transaction batch to Rollup Contract. Once the provers watched a new transaction Merkle root, it fetches the transaction from the node and generates the block validity proof on the Account Merkle Tree. Once the proof is generated, it submits to the Rollup Contract, and the Rollup Contract will verify the proof with the new Account Merkle Tree root and its TX tree root as the public input. If it's a valid proof, Rollup Contract will return the deposit and another reward to the prover. Our demo : We provide EIP-level compatibility, which means we provide privacy-preserving ERC20, ERC7and 21, Swap interfaces. The accountability is naturally supported in our scheme with a range limit of amount for every single transaction. Our mixed ZKP system is being built on FRI and KZG arguments, to achieve no trusted setup on the user-end, and constant proof size with low gas cost on L1 verifier contracts. We had built the prototype on our eigen-zkit. We first implemented the Javascript/NodeJS bellman prover, and use this prover to generate proof for encrypted TX and rollup block. In the near future, we will replace our TX'es proof system with FRI, and generates the final block validity proof by Plonk. ",2022-08-29T03:48:14.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7256,False,True,0x361bCB727543511a09dfd2970beD163874b7F0BC,"CrypColosseum is a platform where DAO members can submit, support or challenge proposals.",,"Overview CrypColosseum is a platform where DAO members can submit, support or challenge proposals.DAO members must sign a Community Covenant that states the rules, mission and vision of the DAO. Signing it indicates that a member agrees with the values of the DAO and unlocks access to the governance features. CrypColosseum uses ‘Conviction Voting’, a novel governance method that is based on the length of time that voters indicate their preference for a particular action, rather than requiring a yes/no vote. Proposals can be challenged and escalated to a dispute management system called ‘Celeste’, made up of a decentralized, randomly selected group of independent arbiters.DAO governance tokens can be generated using CrypColosseum or imported. The mechanism that powers Celeste is that Keepers, the independent arbiters of proposal disputes, make money when their decision is the same as the majority of other Keepers but lose money when their decision is different. Each Keeper is anonymous and is unaware of other Keepers’ decisions. In theory, this should lead to them reaching a verdict they believe to be in agreement with the established values and norms outlined in the Community Covenant. Some UIs",2022-08-29T03:56:34.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7257,True,True,0xc89A154b68A0BBC69e30daddF69B083ffd13350E,CreaderDAO,,"The introduction of Bitcoin in 2008 ignited the first blockchain fire. In that document, Satoshi Nakamoto presented a solution to the existing banking problem, which was the beginning of the blockchain. Nonetheless, throughout the previous two years of decentralised finance and NFT mania, we appear to have forgotten why blockchain was created. The author intends to utilise blockchain technology to address a pressing issue. Copyright has always been an important issue for creators and all individuals. Every year, we see a large number of intellectual property infractions and infringement instances. However, with traditional protection process, we could not protect the copyright effectivly. Or gather the proof within short time. This project will utilise blockchain technology to create a copyright registration system. Through this framework, creators may more easily demonstrate their ownership. Use of Non-Fungible Token (NFT) in intellectual property and copyright law and its impact on determining ownership is also recommended. ",2022-08-29T04:17:27.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7258,True,False,0xd6b97e042d03EdBDc100Eb55fbE43Eb75f2e3036,Solarpunk Pfps,,"Solarpunk future is inevitable and it appears as though this realization is becoming more apparent with every day passing. The solarpunk movement is at its nascent stage and it is imperative now more than ever that we are able to connect solarpunks across space in their quest to make this vision a reality. To make this happen we are looking to create a custom pfp collection of solarpunks, by solarpunks, for solarpunks. This pfp collection will be designed with the aim of - Identifying solarpunks across the metaverse. Creating a community where these solarpunks can gather to brainstorm Signal their support for the movement Creating a solarpunk metaverse with these characters Bring the solarpunk paradigm to life Grant money will be used for - Identifying solarpunk artists Commissioning digital artwork Create content to raise awareness about the collection Proceeds from NFT sale - 90% Climate Solutions 10% Artist Artworks from - Jody A. Lee",2022-08-29T06:38:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7259,True,True,0x4A62ec005ad047FfE3Ab7828f050aD531DC86891,The Community Health project,,"TLDR Both DAOs and Web3 projects depend on the health of their community and vibez—yet understanding and measuring Community Health is challenging because it relies on the quality and depth of relationship between community members. Without good community indicators, we're often shooting in the dark and less humane metrics get the bulk of the attention, resulting in a more transactional and less community-driven Web3 ecosystem. This is an ongoing project to research Community Health metrics and practices, and develop a data collection tool to enable web3 communities to benchmark, track progress, take action effectively, and thrive. The Problem Today, DAOs and Web3 projects are left to rely on the limited reporting provided by Discord or Discourse and a patchwork of ""homemade"" surveys to fill in the gaps. These solutions are limited, time-consuming for community managers and contributors to use, and the results, hampered by poor indicators and/or poor sampling, are unreliable. Perhaps even direr, the lack of real-time analytics leaves community leaders without established baselines to measure against to understand the impact of community-focused initiatives, monitor shocks to the system, or rapidly gauge the effects of system-wide changes. As a result, many projects measure growth in numbers but not belonging, engagement, trust, and reciprocity. We're at risk of losing the heart and soul of our communities in favour of mechanistic growth. To champion real community at the heart of Web3, we've started the Community Health project. The Solution The project has three parts: Ongoing research to conceptualise and identify reliable, scientifically-valid, practical and regeneration-inspired community metrics (tight coupling of the Community Health Framework and its associated metrics, and updating the Framework when necessary). Identify practices that advance Community Health (including facilitating regular workshops with community leaders and sharing findings) so that problems encountered can be addressed effectively. Development of an open-source data collection tool that allows operationalising the Community Health Framework by gathering data on community platforms (discord, Twitter, telegram, etc.), processing the data, and providing insights and benchmarking. Let's make Web3 community-driven, resilient and humane. Support our project! For more info, see the research we have already completed here: Research paper on Community Health. For updates, you can also join our telegram group. Note: this project is being organised within RnDAO - a research and innovation DAO with a mission to empower humane collaboration.",2022-08-29T06:48:13.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7260,True,True,0x5C93029FFcB89D0E4291044DA6f292DbBd3FFCD8,The RealmsFolk of the Lootverse,,"TL:DR A hand-made Loot PFP collection. Bind the Lootverse together with 500 unique inhabitants of the Realms drawn by veteran artists. Summary: The Lootverse has seen its Realms filled with Heroes and Adventurers but what about the commonfolk? The farmers, bakers, hunters, furriers, fishers, merchants, exotics, and everyday residents. The Loot ecosystem is already brimming with creative energy and talent. We will launch a project that will harness and reward that creativity. With this grant, we will commission artists to populate the Lootverse with Realmsfolk. Each Folk will hail from a specific Realm, feature a unique face, and have a style of dress relative to their life and/or occupation. Artists and contributors are invited to “Lootify” themselves and transpose their likeness into the Realms. We will create a style guide and fee structure so that we can pay artists to draw each and every inhabitant of the Realms. The style guide will give the collection a unified look and feel; any artist who contributes a character will be paid for their work and materials. The size of the collection will be proportional to the grant funding, with a minimum of 500 RealmsFolk and a maximum of 8000 - one for every Realm! The goal is to begin occupying the homes and hovels apart from the adventures. With 500 unique figures, we will be making a small dent in filling the Realms with inhabitants.  There is a chance to release a large-scale collection where features are mixed and matched from the original collection.  Allocation of Funds: Once the style guide is established (developed by TicklishArt and Thomas Radio), artists will be invited to contribute their Realmsfolk to the collection. We will pay an $18 flat rate for each contribution that fits the style and format requirements. 500 commissions x $18 = $9000 Each contributing artist will also receive a share of the royalties from the sale of the NFT collection. Each Realms inhabitant they contribute will earn them a greater share. What artists do with their funding is up to them, whether it is to buy supplies or hire models as character studies.  There are 500 potential pieces to be made and the goal of open submissions for anyone who would like to get involved. A portion of the Grant will be reserved for launching the smart contract. Artists will appreciate a royalty split equal to their contribution to the collection. Estimated at 1.5k USD Goal: 9,000 USD Stretch Goal:  18,000 USD (just 2 dollars per Realm!) If the funding for this round (GR15) falls short, the project will remain in development (artists are still gonna art) until fully funded.",2022-08-29T06:48:39.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7261,True,True,0x9046e392d4F12ec5950F058960aF48B3929eCad6,Perpetuator,,"Does everyone have the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint? Want to help us give that to everyone? Please join us in building a freedom of speech platform that allows messages to be encoded on-chain, and then aggregated and decoded into a feed. ",2022-08-29T09:18:54.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7262,False,False,0x9046e392d4F12ec5950F058960aF48B3929eCad6,Perpetuator,,"My project is an freedom of speech platform that allows messages to be encoded directly to the service or via any on-chain transaction and the site will aggregate those message in a feed. ",2022-08-29T09:19:09.909-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7263,False,True,0xFff208c3B48545f52F0937fbfEB5d11728baAD6e,Moonjelly Impact NFTs - High Quality Data to Save Whales,,"MOONJELLY INTRODUCTION Moonjelly is a global community empowering local heroes and scaling ocean impact world-wide. Our mission is to accelerate science, reward impact, and rewild the ocean. Moonjelly is a proactive public goods funding protocol and thus our prototype below to demonstrate proof of concept will reflect this. In order to proceed, we will prototype, test, and test again to launch a new style of Ocean Impact NFTs with real value and utility. Our first Impact NFT project is on whales.  PILOT PROTOTYPE - USING DATA TO PROTECT WHALES AND FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE Why whales? Whales are a public good. By choosing whales, we line up with a clear narrative that we’re here to build a protocol that promotes the funding and expansion of strong public goods projects. Whales play a key role in sustaining healthy ocean ecosystems and are a vital part in helping to combat climate change naturally in the ocean. Every other breath we take comes from the ocean thanks to phytoplankton, tiny organisms that generate half the photosynthesis on the planet. They capture 40% of all man-made CO2 produced which is the same amount of carbon capture as 1.70 trillion trees. Phytoplankton is key.  Along with many other ecosystem services, whales may help maintain phytoplankton biomass. They have a multiplier effect on phytoplankton and fisheries as whale poop is loaded with iron and nitrogen which feeds and grows phytoplankton as whales cross the oceans, fertilising along the way and in the process creating “The Whale Conveyor Belt.” More whales = more poop = more phytoplankton = more natural carbon sequestration and stronger fisheries - at minimal cost. All we really need to do is leave them alone and allow them to do their job. With a 60-year life span for humpbacks and up to 200 years for right and bowhead whales, protecting and valuing whales for their incredible ecosystem services could be one of the smartest, most affordable, and most impactful actions toward fighting climate change and rebuilding ocean ecosystems.  PHASE 1 - ORIGINAL IMPACT In PHASE 1 (Q3/2022), we work with “Original Impact” which is part of our “Original Collectables - Science that Changed/Kick-started Ocean Conservation"" series of NFTs. There always has to be a first - and Original NFTs will honor and reward those achievements. We curate drops in this series with rich storytelling from the impact origin story, driving home why this science and research is important to the world. Science that was not only transformational for conservation but also sparked more research and careers for other scientists in the field. For the buyer, these impact collectibles have the potential to generate exponential value, similar to American rookie baseball cards, as natural capital becomes verifiable, tradable assets in the future.  PHASE 2 - FUTURE IMPACT   Can funding data collection from satellite tags for migrating whales add to data sets that would help protect whales in certain high risk areas from ship strikes? If we could protect X percentage of the whales off the west coast of South America as they migrate back and forth each year between Antarctica and Columbia, we could reduce ship collisions by Y whales per year. In PHASE 2 (Q4/2022), through our first in a series of FUTURE IMPACT NFT drops, we will be selling Impact NFTs to fund the collection and sharing of high quality data from 50 satellite tags that will show science, shipping companies and policymakers the most important humpback whale areas and highways, from Antarctica to Columbia. In the absence of data, we don’t want to manage the whole ocean. Conservation data needs to be specific for policymakers. Humpback whales only need 4-6 weeks of extra protection during the most crucial times when they migrate through high traffic port zones, but more high quality, accessible data is needed to prove when and where specifically. Moonjelly Impact NFTs will help create this open source data that currently does not exist.   MEET ARI FRIEDLAENDER Ari is a renowned whale specialist, National Geographic Explorer, and tenured professor at UC Santa Cruz. Ari has long-term ecological research projects ongoing in Alaska, California, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Antarctica (with over 40 trips to Antarctica). He has helped in the development of tag technology and visualisation tools to better understand the underwater movements and behaviors of marine mammals. Moonjelly has partnered with Ari to sell his first ever Original Impact NFTs and Future Impact NFTs. The first four Original Impact NFTs will wrap the data collected with the impact created and be sold as: 1. First ever underwater behavior tag deployed on a whale in Antarctica 2. First ever video tag deployed on a whale in Antarctica 3. First ever long term satellite tracking tag deployed on a whale in Antarctica 4. First ever acoustic receiver deployed underwater in Antarctica HOW THIS GR15 GRANT WILL BE USED In order to save more humpback whales as they migrate up and down the coast of South America every year, we need more high quality, open sourced data (for policymakers and shipping companies). In order to collect and share more data, we need more satellite tags deployed on whales in both Antarctica and Columbia to track the whales as they migrate. In order to fund these satellite tags, Moonjelly will be selling Original and Future Impact NFTs specific to this mission.   This grant will be used to help us build and test our first Impact NFTs for this project, and specifically to test design and functionality for: A. The parameters for impact wrapping, and metadata definitions, done in close collaboration with our internal advisors and Moonjelly Academy’s Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC). The SAC is working to build open source frameworks for measuring and valuing impact created in the ocean and co-designing social and ethical guidelines for anti-colonial practices in ocean science;  B. The onboarding process, data sharing, and NFT collaboration for a field scientist, here represented by Ari;  C. Art curation and selection principles, artist onboarding, collaboration and artwork production with chosen artist (TBD) We will work with Moonjelly Academy to explore the ramifications of using art with impact NFTs and guidelines for best practices;  D. Successfully getting an impact wrapped iNFT on chain, and running the transactions for two participant profiles; scientist and iNFT buyer. We will make a minimal functional marketplace capable of minting an iNFT and geared specifically towards ocean impact projects;  E. Finally, we will use this proof of concept to produce and test clear communications of the impacts and benefits this project achieves for the ocean; to explain how our platform works through video prototypes and explainers; to share widely on our social media platforms; to create targeted community campaigns and materials for ocean scientists as well as ocean cultures.  DeCon (DECENTRALIZED CONSERVATION) One of Moonjelly's core missions is to decolonize science and empower people locally everywhere. In PHASE 2, we are collaborating with a Columbian Fulbright scholar (and her team) to do the humpback whale tagging work in Columbia. Ari and his team should not be flying in 2-3 times a year, for short time periods, to Columbia in order to deploy and collect the needed tagging data. Instead, we need local, capable heroes on the ground in these developing nations who are funded (not currently) and doing the needed work full time while also partnering with Ari’s lab on the work. We will have specific Impact NFTs in this collection to fund the Columbian whale tagging team to do this work. OCEAN OF OPPORTUNITY Once we prove our concept with the whale project, we have many other powerful ocean projects to follow in our pipeline - such as: monitoring ocean noise to reduce impacts on wildlife, using sound for developing coral reef early warning systems, mapping seafloor biodiversity to avoid impacts associated with offshore development, mapping coastal ecosystems to inform local management decisions, and much more. To learn more, or read our investor litepaper, please reach out to",2022-08-29T09:22:01.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7264,True,True,0x516434517D15876eD6C12fEBB092Cf939Fb57b2F,Agartha -- A DAO to create Solarpunk Regenerative Lifestyles,,"Agartha’s mission is to build a future of solarpunk regenerative culture with practical solutions, our projects vary from a solarpunk solution 'Regenerative Living Library', a regenerative eco village building video game, and build or partner with physical villages and irl DAOs. Our Mission Statement can be found here: What we've achieved so far with close-to-zero funding: A digital archive of Regenerative Living examples & solutions -- An article about Eco village Living philosophies: A community of vision-aligned people jamming on eco lifestyles:",2022-08-29T09:36:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7265,True,True,0x8F489287142E91bc6D1a7D44bF8A29cdC3825797,SimpUnion is a fixed rate lending platform with flexible terms on Ethereum.,,"Overview SimpUnion is a fixed rate lending platform with flexible terms on Ethereum that enables users to lend or borrow crypto assets at a fixed interest rate at any time. Unlike those protocols that only offer lenders at fixed rates, SimpUnion serves both sides of the borrowing and lending market by providing fixed rates. In reality, SimpUnion introduces a concept of unified token called sCash to make all fixed-rate trades possible. sCash allows SimpUnion to tokenize payments in different currencies like ETH or USDC at specific points in the future. sCash is what SimpUnion uses to keep track of lenders, borrowers, debt details, lock-up period/maturities, maturity dates and so on. SimpUnion has two primary features as below: 1.Longer-dated maturities. On SimpUnion, of course users can choose to borrow or lend in a short term, at a fixed rate. At the same time, there are a lot of people who seek for a long term borrowing/lending need. The market is huge and SimpUnion fulfills those who need this. Users will be able to fix their interest rates for up to one year initially. And after that, users are allowed to expand maturity with fixed interest rates for up to two years, five years or even ten years. 2.Flexible dates. SimpUnion allows users to lend or borrow to dates that don’t match the maturity of an active liquidity pool. SimpUnion’s innovative collateralization system ensures that users can have more choice regarding the maturity date of their loans without fracturing liquidity across a large number of liquidity pools. SimpUnion is a sophisticated system, but it delivers a very simple message : SimpUnion empowers anyone in the world to access the secure and efficient fixed-rate loans by removing traditional financial intermediaries within the Ethereum ecosystem. Pictures 1-Home 2-Liquidity pools 3-Liquidation",2022-08-29T09:39:33.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7266,True,True,0x715aCC4a912f979279b9B3d3a46A3cF1e006C033,Contracts bots gang,,"Contracts bots gang: A collection of Forta detection bots to automatically analyze, inspect, and detect bugs on newly deployed contracts. The entire design is meant to be in three layers: Deconstruct bots: Bots that scan newly deployed contracts, run inspections on the bytecode and spit out organized info to be processed later (function signatures, events, etc..). The bot uses database as a lookup table. Detector bots: Bots that use deconstructor bots (above) result to run automatic detection of the type of contract, interfaces supported or patterns used. Hunter bots: Bots that will be using output from detectors and deconstructors (the two above) to run simulations in a mainnet fork of potential attacks and vulnerabilities exploit. If positive results are obtained, alerts will be raised.",2022-08-29T10:16:15.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7267,True,True,0x4Dd7f73d8B8BFD8A69655A9a4cf1Eef30E0ACd50,join3 - Collaboration and Social,,"Overview 人人都在讲Community非常重要。什么是好的社区? “协作” “社交” 人们将在DAO里认识彼此、建立更自由的协作关系。 join3正是聚焦于此。 If we talk about Web3, we could not avoid the topic of community. What is a good community and what people do within? Join3 has its answer, that is, a good community is capable of helping contributors collaborate and socialize. Join3, an open source Web3 product, is focused on building closer community and helping more organizations transform into DAOs. If you are still waiting, We are sending an invitation letter and giving a hand to you. About join3 Invitation to web3 The era of working behind closed doors is gone, and the importance of division of work has been aware of centuries ago. In this decentralized world, collaboration is the foundation that makes it work. How to use Web3 technology to record individual contributions and team collaboration, and how to build people's on-chain reputation and social relationships, are topics that cannot be ignored. Join3 is building a collaboration-centered system that records the contributions and achievements of members who have reached consensus within the community, and draws a visual map of relationships linked by multiple nodes. In this way, DAO comes into being. Is it really that hard to join Web3? We believe that any Web2 or even Web0 organization or member is welcome to become a member of DeSoc. In the name of Join3, we are sending an invitation to you! Collaboration Records Based on four different types of SBTs, Join3 is able to help organizations record members’ collaborative experiences, identity, achievements and other activities within the community. PROJECTs: Proof of Collaboration ROLEs: Proof of Role SKILLs: Proof of Skill EVENTs: Proof of Participation Collaboration and Social Web3 is a revolution of Relations of Production, and the core of which is decentralized collaboration. We believe that social relation in Web3 is more about decentralized collaboration and value creation, instead of just for entertainment. Join3 has been dedicating to exploring the possibility of collaboration in social interaction, linking the connections among people, organizations, and projects, and eventually forming a collaborative network. In this circumstances, socialization is not a recommendation letter from supervisor or bragging from peers. Combining with a decentralized contribution evaluation tool, Join3 could present genuine recognition among collaborators. Though cooperation, people can make friends, build trust, inspire one other and finally find the ideal collaborators. People are the sum total of social relations. Your soul in DeSoc is breathed into by Collaboration. Roadmap Join3 MVP has completed all product design, currently in the development stage. It is expected to be available for use by 2022 Q4 in a few communities which the team members are in. —We are a group of DAO enthusiasts. We will also finish the design of collaborator social module based on Web3 social protocol in Q4, scheduled to launch in 2023 Q1. In 2023 Q2, A Web3 Collaborator Square will be initiated to help more DAOs and collaborators to build connections.",2022-08-29T11:13:38.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7268,True,True,0xC0f060632E0BfbE52E48b63dAC225de9b0f856F1,inTheory Research Markets by Impact Finance,,"***UPDATED WITH NEW TEAM BIOS. Come meet us!*** inTheory provides a welcome entry point for non-scientist users to speculate on and support scientific research projects through the trading of various types of tokenized research assets. These assets include generative artworks, datasets, patents, algorithms, methodologies, and more. inTheory also allows users to cast their vote for which research gets funded and earn rewards when funded projects get commercialized or licensed. This supports a more connected research ecosystem. With the support of this grant, the team at Impact Finance plans to make significant progress towards the development and launch of our MVP platform. The platform will be released open-source. We've prepared an explainer video to help summarize the platform and its benefits: Features Explore & Track Scientific Research 🧬 Browse through proposed and in-progress research campaigns, learn about their potential impacts, and cast your vote to decide what research gets funded. Buy & Sell Scientific Digital Assets 💸 Collect and trade tokenized research assets including patents, datasets, algorithms, and science-inspired NFT artworks. Collect Learn-to-Earn Rewards 🤑 Earn tokenized rewards for building a deeper understanding of the topics underlying on-platform research campaigns. Purchase or License Research IP 📑 Identify entrepreneurial opportunities and build a commercial portfolio of research IP driven by community interest. Fund Your Own Research Campaigns 💰 Leverage the power of community to fund your own research projects and build your on-chain reputation as a contributor to open-access science. Manage Your DeSci Portfolio 📈 Leverage the power of community to fund your own research projects and build your on-chain reputation as a contributor to open-access science. Benefits Encourages and incentivizes the sharing of research data to break down data silos 😀 Engages and informs the non-scientist community, creating a more transparent research ecosystem 😍 Streamlines the funding and commercialization of research by creating liquid markets for research assets 😊 Creates an incentive-aligned system that fairly rewards all participants 🥳 The result is a more efficient system for funding and commercializing research: High-level process flow for research funding through the inTheory platform What Problems does inTheory Address? The current process for funding, sharing, and commercializing scientific research is flawed and inefficient. Poor incentive structures make it difficult for researchers to secure funding and do not reward the open-access publishing of work, leading to the creation of rigid data silos and an opaque research ecosystem. Taxpayers are a primary funding source for science in today's system, but then have no involvement in the selection of what research gets funded and have limited transparency into progress and results. Each year, trillions of dollars are invested in scientific research projects around the world. There exists an opportunity to expand community involvement and redesign incentives so that a wider pool of owners, investors, and benefactors are activated. By addressing these problems, we can accelerate the pace of human discovery and restore public trust in the scientific process. Goals for GR15 -Connect back-end and smart contract logic to the current UI on EVM-compatible testnet (Mumbai and/or Alfajores) -Perform proof-of-concept and feasibility testing of transfer of ownership workflows -Complete demo research project flow with dummy project -Finalize parameters in tokenomics model using and/or tokenSPICE Team Brett Cornick: LinkedIn | Twitter Brett has 7 years of first-hand experience funding, conducting, and commercializing scientific research. He has spent time in leadership roles at early-stage tech start-ups, and as a research contributor at universities and national laboratories. Brett holds a MS in Computational Materials Science from UCLA and a BS in Chemical Engineering from USC. Cameron Nili: LinkedIn | Twitter Cameron brings 7 years of experience designing and implementing AI- and blockchain-based systems for Fortune 500 companies. He consults TradFi institutions on adopting DeFi products by creating new operating models that capture new market value, transform operations, and manage risk. Cam holds a BS in Business Administration from USC. Michael Djurdjevic: LinkedIn | Twitter Michael has 7 years of experience working in the fintech industry developing and architecting financial service platforms. As a full-stack programmer, he helped build mobile and web applications for some of the most prominent financial service providers in the world, before going on to serve as the lead technical architect for a billion-dollar wealth management product company. He holds a B.A. in Rhetoric from SUNY Binghamton. Stephanie DeSantis: LinkedIn Stephanie has 7 years of public accounting experience for public, private and pre-IPO entertainment and technology clients. She also has in-house experience as a corporate controller of a global entertainment agency, responsible for the oversight of financial statements of subsidiaries, investments, and transactions. She holds a BS in Accounting from USC and has an active CPA license. Additional Resources Website Medium publication Litepaper Thank you for your support!! -The IF Team ***A VERY BIG THANK YOU TO EVERYONE THAT HAS CONTRIBUTED SO FAR! Since this project is still fully bootstrapped, every contribution makes a huge difference!*** ",2022-08-29T12:58:24.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7269,True,True,0x65eD9a7CD4890E23Ac5bc8D51498ae955aF00724,CyberBox ReFi NFT Marketplace,,"CyberBox is a ReFi NFT Marketplace on the Celo Blockchain that helps anyone become carbon neutral by offsetting carbon (CO2) through NFTs. You can contribute to offset by trading any NFT in our site, since we utilize part of the trading fees to purchase tokenized carbon credits.   We created a #ReFiCalendar NFT collection that provides a ~1 ton of tokenized CO2 offset for each mint. You can also invite your friends or ReFi communities to be part of this ReFi experience through our Referral module. You can follow your contributions in our marketplace with the Carbon Tracker on site.   Traction Through the actions of our users we already have offseted more than 350 tCO2 in CyberBox. We have been N°1 on Celo and Top 10 through all marketplaces on DappRadar We partnered with leader of ReFi - Toucan Protocol and automatically offset its $NCT carbon token on our marketplace Got investment from Flori, BigBrains Fund, Allegory Fund and Marek Olszewski   Grant funds will be used to: Creation and development of a I2E (Impact-to-Earn) / R2E (Regenerative-to-Earn) block into the marketplace  Development and launch of Offset Boxes (like Mistery Boxes). It's a no-code solution for creating NFT Collections and offset carbon on Celo       Partners/Investors   ",2022-08-29T14:17:59.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7270,False,False,0xf91aAB6F4D844Ce8CaD6620c474508f89E556aC0,dDAO community - small sociological experiment,,"Overview dDAO is a community focused on exploring progressive decentralized governance. We attempt to progressively build a decentralized organization from an initial 100% centralized status, using consensus-based decision-making methods. We use Aragon to issue non-transferable reputation points for governance purposes. Starting with the initiator holding the majority of reputation points, dDAO slowly distributes points to other members as the DAO grows and records the degree of decentralization. In our future explorations, we will document and open source the progress of our experiments, research and practical outcomes, in the form of articles, DAO tools and iteration logs. dDAO experimental progress The early members of dDAO spent a week designing the most basic governance rules for the community, using non-transferable points as proof of community governance rights. Within 6 weeks, we successfully reduced the concentration of community governance rights from 100% to 80.2% by incentivizing community members to participate and awarding governance points weekly. In the experiment, we explored the distribution of collaborative task contributions. Inspired by the gift economy, we use the model of ""distribution by recognition"" to distribute the points. A discord bot has been developed by community contributors as a prototype. We are also exploring more automated decentralized governance. We want to create a complete journey for the proposal, community collaboration, contribution allocation, mutual evaluation of collaborative outputs, and automatic awarding of governance points. The community will explore solutions for each of these modules, e.g. trialling various DAO tools, developing tools, etc. We already have a product in internal testing progress. Besides the governance experiments, dDAO also fostered the community vibe by encouraging members to initiate 'friends’ projects’ and research. One of these projects, dToys, has applied for the Seed Club accelerator 05. Most importantly, the projects that grow from the dDAO only belong to their contributors, not dDAO. dDAO wants to focus on experimentation and provide a community for projects to emerge like sparks. Current state We have produced tools and product frameworks for contribution recording and community governance scenarios in the following three directions. Community work consensus pricing. We used dework and documents to initially establish a framework for how to rate the size of different work contributions to the community. Identifying the proportion of contributions from collaborators: Poppy dDAO members are developing a tool called Poppy for the mutual evaluation of contributors to create a better collaborative relationship. Quality evaluation of the output and automatic execution: Govzero dDAO members have developed a proposal voting tool to enable more smooth community decision-making, the function of this tool includes contract control for proposals, voting, non-transferable token issuance, and contractual control of the vault. Govzero has now completed the first round of prototype testing. We will also migrate the reputation points to Govzero in September. Future of dDAO dDAO hopes to continue exploring decentralized governance with experiments in the future and to continue documenting and collating the open-source experimental process. We plan to build a chain-wide decentralized governance process. We will bring the community closer together by strengthening consensus methods to keep the community active. The dDAO vault is used to incentivize community members to export experiment reports in different vectors such as articles and videos, and to support necessary expenses such as experiment facilities and community operations including the DAO Tool. ",2022-08-29T16:58:38.645-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7271,False,False,0xed33b767cba328e056b6d1a140b7730cd44d7cba,Safe space to engage and hear about crypto projects,,"I don't expect anything at all. Rather want to give people a chance to become aware there is a youtube channel offering honesty and not ""to the moon"" talk. It offers live chat where they can engage about topics. ",2022-08-29T17:17:43.337-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7272,True,True,0xf91aAB6F4D844Ce8CaD6620c474508f89E556aC0,dDAO Community - 探索去中心治理的小型社会学实验,,"Overview 探索去中心治理的小型社会学实验。 通过去中心化实践,产出实验报告、治理经验、DAO tools工具等。 Updates: dDAO于本周开始一款基于社区的web3原生产品MVP测试。 这款“协同写作”产品想要: 1.鼓励更多成员参与社区协作,让社区更紧密。加入讨论即协作。 2.鼓励成员开始写作,用社区协作方式降低写作难度,人人可以开始写作。 3.重点激励关于去中心探索的文章,和社区目标一致。 这款产品未来有可能成为一款独立的DApp。 dDAO is a community focused on exploring progressive decentralized governance. We attempt to progressively build a decentralized organization from an initial 100% centralized status, using consensus-based decision-making methods. We use Aragon to issue non-transferable reputation points for governance purposes. Starting with the initiator holding the majority of reputation points, dDAO slowly distributes points to other members as the DAO grows and records the degree of decentralization. In our future explorations, we will document and open source the progress of our experiments, research and practical outcomes, in the form of articles, DAO tools and iteration logs. dDAO experimental progress The early members of dDAO spent a week designing the most basic governance rules for the community, using non-transferable points as proof of community governance rights. Within 6 weeks, we successfully reduced the concentration of community governance rights from 100% to 80.2% by incentivizing community members to participate and awarding governance points weekly. In the experiment, we explored the distribution of collaborative task contributions. Inspired by the gift economy, we use the model of ""distribution by recognition"" to distribute the points. A discord bot has been developed by community contributors as a prototype. We are also exploring more automated decentralized governance. We want to create a complete journey for the proposal, community collaboration, contribution allocation, mutual evaluation of collaborative outputs, and automatic awarding of governance points. The community will explore solutions for each of these modules, e.g. trialling various DAO tools, developing tools, etc. We already have a product in internal testing progress. Besides the governance experiments, dDAO also fostered the community vibe by encouraging members to initiate 'friends’ projects’ and research. One of these projects, dToys, has applied for the Seed Club accelerator 05. Most importantly, the projects that grow from the dDAO only belong to their contributors, not dDAO. dDAO wants to focus on experimentation and provide a community for projects to emerge like sparks. Current state We have produced tools and product frameworks for contribution recording and community governance scenarios in the following three directions. Community work consensus pricing. We used dework and documents to initially establish a framework for how to rate the size of different work contributions to the community. Identifying the proportion of contributions from collaborators: Poppy dDAO members are developing a tool called Poppy for the mutual evaluation of contributors to create a better collaborative relationship. Quality evaluation of the output and automatic execution: Govzero dDAO members have developed a proposal voting tool to enable more smooth community decision-making, the function of this tool includes contract control for proposals, voting, non-transferable token issuance, and contractual control of the vault. Govzero has now completed the first round of prototype testing. We will also migrate the reputation points to Govzero in September. Future of dDAO dDAO hopes to continue exploring decentralized governance with experiments in the future and to continue documenting and collating the open-source experimental process. We plan to build a chain-wide decentralized governance process. We will bring the community closer together by strengthening consensus methods to keep the community active. The dDAO vault is used to incentivize community members to export experiment reports in different vectors such as articles and videos, and to support necessary expenses such as experiment facilities and community operations including the DAO Tool. ",2022-08-29T17:29:08.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7273,False,False,0xB538526731b3AAe9a90199837E778995Ef05916B,"CryptoLumenati ~ Projection Art, Music & Regen IRL ~ Crypto Advocacy and Education",,"CryptoLumenati ~ nobilis regum et reginarum lumen legio We are a culture of people who are passionate about creating art with light. We want to be together, and we love to display enormous, generous, artistic and poignant images in outdoor spaces to delight, inform and inspire the public. Activist messaging at the New York Federal Reserve Bank Our public good mandates are displaying public art, community building, networking, blockchain education, and adoption for artists and musicians, crypto advocacy and web3 exposure. We create visibility for fine artists, digital artists, and musicians at IRL events, and teach artists to use blockchain dapps, and contracts so they can go directly to their community for digital asset transactions. A rooftop IRL event in Manhattan ~ @kellymooreart We create digital art and learn projection mechanics as career skills, educate the public about the collective, public, or social benefit of the web3 revolution, and advise our partners about DAO philosophy, tooling and governance. CryptoLumenati will organize first, in a transparent and democratic way, and then implement full governance tooling, and become a DAO. We carry out weekly outdoor projection actions, featuring live music, fine artist and digital artist projections, and crypto positive messaging, often with a pop up, permission-less, ‘crypto corner' living room, complete with carpet and furniture, and an LED wall for a backdrop. We create this public forum to chill out the public, answer questions, set up wallets, talk crypto, connect with one another, and have a ton of fun in the process. Crypto Corner education event, Pearl Street Mall, Boulder, Colorado We will soon produce a bi-weekly podcast, featuring local thinkers and builders in the Web3 space, from the Crypto Corner in Boulder, Colorado. By donating to this grant you are benefiting our equipment fund, you are building visibility for artists and musicians, and fostering crypto community at fun IRL events. You are supporting crypto adoption, and public education around the Web3 evolution. We pledge these funds will be split for production equipment purchases, and bounties for IRL projectionists and educators. If you go big, we go BIG. Thank you, we appreciate your support! ",2022-08-29T18:07:25.359-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7274,True,True,0x4D754910d570B30F9a0150EEb7281cB3ce0cF42f,Decentralized Science to fund Reproductive Health,,"AthenaDAO is a collective focused on funding women’s reproductive health research & drug discovery. The Problem Gender-biased research and investment have hindered innovation around women's health and created untapped markets.  Women’s reproductive health research is currently facing three main problems: The Solution A decentralized community to fund, govern, and support translational research on women's reproductive health. Leveraging Web3 (DeSci and DeFi) to create communities - patients, researchers, clinicians, VCs - to fund, incubate and commercialize breakthrough research and startups. The Team Funding Public Goods  DeSci (Decentralized Science) has the potential to be the best use case of web3 as a public good by creating an impact for everyday people.  Our grant request is to fund our first initiative to produce a Reproductive Health Report as a Public Good. The aim is to highlight the most promising areas of research and translate the science's potential to the public. The funding will provide:  Free access to all Writers & Editors  Public speaker series to engage scientists and researchers with the community Devs + engineers to create an interactive version of the report Media and online initiatives to announce the report  Learn more about our mission: Website Say 👋  Discord  Twitter",2022-08-29T20:18:40.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7276,False,False,0x0201DfB2a6a23e9808b6419dea30EedE0C1b4AA8,CredMix measures and rewards value creation and contribution within DAOs.,,"Home Problem & Solution Work CredMix measures and rewards value creation and contribution within DAOs, which makes the individual contribution more visible as they work together in a project or community. It uses both objective and subjective measures to accurately capture and update an individual contributor’s impact on a project. CredMix maps all participants and contributions in a graph, illustrating how contributions and participants in a project are connected to each other. Each contribution a participant makes is represented as a separate “node” in this graph. This data is used to create a Cred Score for each node using a modified PageRank algorithm. The DAO decides which contributions will ""mint"" Cred, making them a source of new Cred. Participants earn Cred by contributing to a project. A participant's Cred score reflects how valuable their contributions were. As an example, consider a Discourse forum post. The post is itself a contribution, and it generates Cred for its author, but it also generates Cred for any post to which it replies and/or for any posts or users that it references. ",2022-08-29T21:30:24.372-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7277,True,False,0xA0f92821C3AC20FA71A701EfC5Ca5d3C82e29FeE,4EVERLAND: A Cloud Computing Platform of WEB 3.0,,"4EVERLAND is a Web 3.0 cloud computing platform that integrates storage, computing, and network core capabilities. It aims to help the user to make a smooth leap from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 and become the infrastructure for millions of Web 3.0 developers and applications. Mission: To help users make a smooth leap from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. Vision: To be the infrastructure for millions of Web 3.0 developers and applications. Positioning: A blockchain technology-powered, cloud computing platform for Web 3.0. Overall technical design of 4EVERLAND Try to use us now 1.Hosting Service: Hosting Dwebs or Dapps on IPFS, ICP, and Arweave Users can quickly deploy websites to IPFS through a Github authorization or a Cli local build via 4EVERLAND Hosting service. ENS & SNS & IPNS We integrate ENS, SNS, IPNS, etc. to power the DWeb more censorship resistant and provide one-stop DWeb services for users. Frameworks Compatibility Our service works for Vue, Next.js, Gatsby, Nuxt.js, etc. almost all sites & popular frameworks.   High Performance at Access All DWebs built through 4EVERLAND will enjoy the global acceleration and a variety of services from the 4EVERLAND gateway. 4EVERLAND Hosting is just like a decentralised Vercel, offering a convenient front-end hosting service. Web2 has independently demonstrated this in the market, and Vercel is today valued at more than $2.5 billion. Decentralized front-end hosting is currently the last stage towards the complete decentralization of applications for all Dapps and Web3, where there is a much greater immediate need for it. The community and users are becoming more and more in agreement with front-end decentralization, and in the future, this is sure to become a norm for Dapps as well as smart contracts, especially in light of all the recent episodes of frontend hi-jacking and centralized intervention. Getting started: 2.Bucket Service: Store file on IPFS or Arweave BUCKET enables users to upload, store, and fetch files from the IPFS and Arweave in a secure, convenient, and efficient manner. BUCKET is also compatible with AWS S3 application programming interface, CLI, and other upload methods, making it easier for users to use our product. IPFS & Arweave & More 4EVERLAND is the first storage aggregator to integrate both IPFS and Arweave to provide users with multiple decentralized storage protocols. More storage protocols will be gradually supported in the future. Global Acceleration   All files stored in IPFS or Arweave via Bucket will enjoy the global acceleration service provided by 4EVERLAND, which guarantees the transfer, access and read speed of files. S3 Compatible Bucket is fully compatible with AWS S3, which will allow Bucket users to use S3's API or SDK to seamlessly and easily switch the Dapps storage layer to IPFS or Arweave. 4EVERLAND Bucket, as a decentralised AWS S3, covers a wider storage market. Growth in various areas, such as NFT, Metaverse, Gamefi, etc., will create greater demand for storage. Ardrive is a component of the AR segment in addition to Pinata in the IPFS sector. All of the large valuation investment for Filswan and Lighthouse, which offer Filecoin higher layer apps, has been accomplished. This demonstrates the market's strong bullishness regarding the development of storage applications. In comparison to these development tools, 4EVERLAND Bucket provides a more web2-compatible, low-threshold approach to development as well as a more complete storage solution. Getting started: 3.4EVERLAND Gateway Service& Gateway Explorer 4EVERLAND Gateway is dedicated to making various Web3 protocols and blockchain networks compatible with Web2, as well as delivering high-performance and high-availability network service capabilities. Global Acceleration   4EVERLAND's gateway offers higher performance and globally accelerated network services through over 200 gateway nodes around the world.     Custom Domain   4EVERLAND allows you to add a custom domain to the dedicated gateway with a simple configuration.     SSL Certificate   4EVERLAND offers a free automated certificate service for all users who bind a custom domain, thus ensuring that all communication between the browser and the website being browsed is encrypted.     We have upgraded the public gateway service into IPFS explorer service form to provide convenience to a wide range of users in IPFS search. Getting started: Possibilities 4EVERLAND can help everyone rebuild the Web's foundation layer and transition to a new and unbiased Web3.0. DApps can be created without centralized components 4EVERLAND uses a decentralized network system that integrates core services such as storage, computing, and networking, enabling data storage and business logic to run on a decentralized network instead of centralized services like AWS or Google Cloud. Provide multiple ecological resources 4EVERLAND integrates the underlying public chains of Ethereum, BSC, Solana, Polygon, Filecoin, etc., and supports various forms of inter-blockchain information exchange, so that developers can quickly implement multi-chain deployment and multi-chain communication to enjoy the various ecological resources. Compatible with the traditional development environment 4EVERLAND provides a series of development and deployment tools, compatible with EVM, WASM, etc., Easily coupled and integrated, so that Web 2.0 developers can quickly complete the development and deployment of DApp without any additional learning costs. Write once, Run any blockchain 4EVERLAND helps developers to initiate write once, run any blockchain' programming paradigm by integrating various public chains and solving the differences between public chain protocols. In addition, it enables developers of each public chain to deploy contracts and front ends once and achieve a fully decentralized technical architecture. Partners 4EVERLAND use the way of integration to integrate core capabilities such as storage, network, and computing in the Web3.0 field. At the same time, we are also integrating resources from various ecosystems to empower all developers. At present, we have made cooperative relations with many protocols and public chains to jointly contribute to the construction of Web3.0 For example: IPFS,Arweave, Filecoin, Polygon, zkSync, ENS, Bonfida, Harmony, METIS, NEAR, OKC, HECO and so on. Resource Website:  Twitter:  Telegram:  Discord:  Reddit:  Medium:  Email: ",2022-08-29T21:31:01.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7278,True,False,0xF427EbbEb0AeE1b06C99333001009188B5086934,ReFi DAO Water Circle Water Credit Methodology Development,,"Water is earths most abundant resource, and yet collectively, we somehow struggle to provide clean water for billions of people on a regular basis. Of course, this is because only 1% of the earths water is available to us as fresh water. So how can we solve this? Innovation happens at a rapid rate when there is an economic incentive to innovate. The ReFi DAO Water Circle aims to create that incentive through creating a desalination credit that individuals and corporations can use to offset their water usage. Desalination is currently costly, energy intensive, and leaves a leftover brine concentrate. We can create a tiered credit system that will force technologies to innovate in order to produce a more premium credit. The ReFi DAO has begun community circles where founders can focus on specific areas they are passionate about in the space. Our group is knows as the Water Circle where we explore ways in which we can bring about positive change in water treatment and availability around the world. We believe that we have found a path where we can have a significant impact through the creation of a standardized water credit. The goal is to create a standardized water credit that a whole water credit ecosystem can be built off of. This may sound ambitious, but isn't that what we do in the blockchain world? We want to carry out this project because we believe that we can create that first step by creating a desalination credit. Carbon credits came to acceptance in the traditional space, we want ReFi to lead the charge on water credits. Why do we need grant funding? In order to drive this forward we need one of two things, either a lot of research help from the community to help us get this going (which many amazing people in the space have been willing to already contribute), or we need some grant funding so that we can hire a some research help and in a best case scenario enough to run our own pilot project. How will you know how the funds are being managed? We will be posting constant updates inside the ReFi DAO Water Circle tab. The goal is to be as transparent as possible with exactly how funds are being used and progress being made. You can also DM James the Water Circle lead and ecoToken founder anytime on Discord to ask questions about the progress What actually needs to be done? We want to follow the process of creating credits on the Regen Network. To do this we first have to finish developing our credit class and submit the official concept note. ",2022-08-29T22:13:01.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7279,True,True,0x0Ed366EF14c57bE98a69bd2745094C67A3E49362,Sigmate- User based NFT information platform,,"##Introduction   The importance of NFT(Non-Fungible Tokens) is growing rapidly not only in blockchain ecosystem but also in real-life industry. Their traits such as rarity, uniqueness, validity are used in field such as gaming, entertainment, sports, etc. However, the swiftly growing industry has some barriers to newcomers. First, the information is scattered all around the internet that it’s hard to keep track of them. Second, it’s hard to find reliable information because of the broad amount of information in the market. Lastly, evaluation of NFTs is difficult due to lack of quantified metrics in the field.   ##Problem   Currently, NFT investors rely on individual subjective data created by ""influencers"" who independently provide information in messenger-based communities such as Discord, Blog, Twitter, and Telegram. In this situation, investors use various media to obtain information about NFT, and investors’ anxiety about the market is prevalent as they rely on unclear messenger-based media for specific information or un evaluation of NFT. In addition, there are cases in which investors are deceived by the information providers because there is no verification process. For example, many report cases of failure after investing in projects that are falsely promising, which are promoted and advertised by the influencers.\n\nAs the NFT market is a new market, fraud using information asymmetry is actively taking place. For example, copying fraud, in which existing intellectual property rights (IPs) that are not registered as NFTs are newly registered as a NFT by a third party, or when content that is already registered as NFT is copied and published, is creating confusion and damage for novice investors. Furthermore, there are frequent cases of deceiving investors, such as stealing and exploiting card and blockchain wallet information by impersonating NFT exchanges or employees, and rugs that disappear after receiving investment for NFT projects. For investors, to avoid being subjected to impersonation fraud and rugpool, a system must be established to carefully examine and verify the history of the project group. However, it is difficult for retail investors to obtain fraud-related information, and many NFT investors are exposed to this risk due to the problems of the messenger-based community as mentioned above. This has led to greater distrust of the NFT market and acts as a hindrance to the growth of the NFT market. These problems can all be solved in Sigmate. The revolution of NFT ecosystem aggregates the data to maximize your experience. The following are our current and future services: Scattered information is gathered and written in Wiki format. Know everything about NFT: such as past rug-pulls, wallet address of current owner, floor price, mint price, etc. Keep project announcements updated without using Discord and Twitter. Ensure reliability through cross-validation between users and Sigmate. Keep notified with upcoming NFTs projects with your own calendar. Write your own wiki page and earn token using write-2-earn system. Talk about your NFTs and share your opinions that are sorted by different categories. Evaluate your NFTs with our index and metrics. Win NFTs and whitelists with our Draw.   ##Solution   NFT has a number of collections that produce a variety of series on one subject. Traditional Wikipedia takes the form of a simple introduction to the NFT exchange rather than an introduction to these collections. We are planning to provide detailed and detailed information on all NFTs in the collection as individual pages. In addition, we will increase user convenience by providing UI/UX specialized in providing NFT information.Users can create and edit wiki in Sigmate platform. Editing articles will reward users based on the word count and the effort. Once users are given the credibility with reliable edits, higher rewards will be compensated. After TGE, Sigma Tokens will be distributed according to the contributions of users.     ##Features To help NFT investors make properinvestment decisions, Sigmate provides features that protect users from the risk of copying fraud. By linking APIs provided by Etherscan to provide real-time tracking of whose wallet a specific NFT is on the blockchain, users can check whether NFT is true or not easily. This solves the problems that first-time NFT investors face in the process of collecting distributed information and ensuring trust for users, as well as barriers to entry, which can increase new NFT investors and help the NFT market to grow.   The Community Become the part your NFT community in Sigmate. Lack of space to freely share your opinion of projects hinder the growth of NFT community. Share your thoughts more freely and less formally in Sigmate. We plan to update announcements in various project communities in real time to collect distributed information and provide convenient functions so that information about projects can be easily checked without accessing each community one by one. NFT project provides their community with whitelists and OGs before the mint. Investors must go through certain tasks that the NFT projects require through Discord Channels. For investors without much experience and knowledge in NFTs, it is difficult to get a whitelist position. To help and shorten investors’ time and effort, we will collect and provide projects’ how-to-whitelist guides in Sigmate.  Stats The valuation of NFTs has always been a question of investors. Due to lack of liquidity, speculation, and diversity, the evaluation has been hindered. It’s important to know the correct value of your data in Web 3.0. Sigmate’s algorithm allows you to compare you NFTs with our indices. Correlation between them can help you to evaluation your NFTs. NFT Calendar Manage and keep yourself updated with the watchless upcoming NFT projects along with your personal calendar Maximize your NFT experience with Sigmate! You can find out more on our channels below: Website| Twitter | Discord | Telegram | Medium",2022-08-29T23:13:00.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7280,False,False,0x46101fCb41AB3E63fF9532CCD7e991eB43093994,TheWeb3DAO: Everyone Can Work for Your Ideas,,"TheWeb3DAO is a community of all developers and members, where everyone can contribute ideas to the development of Web3.0.TheWeb3DAO welcomes anyone with ideas for building a better Web3, not just developers. Brainstorm, if you have any good ideas, please join us and we will help you make it happen. How we works For the whole community, there are three types of people, they are the managers, the developers and the community members. We have created a sub-section of the community to share your Web3 ideas and anyone can post your comments on it. Ultimately the community will vote to chose a project that the community agrees to develop. For developers without a good idea, TheWeb3DAO is a great place to find innovative ideas. For brainstormers without development skills, TheWeb3DAO is the place to find partners and, of course, technically gifted developers. The first landing platform developed by the community, TheWeb3Portal, is now live. TheWeb3Portal is a Web3 navigation site for all users and Web2 web developers. TheWeb3DAO members will help the front-end deployment of traditional Web2 websites on IPFS to achieve decentralization and integrate the deployed websites into TheWeb3Portal website for users to search and access. The future we expect What we look forward to in the future is an increasing number of members joining our community, including developers of all kinds. Everyone will be able to freely discuss development projects in their own subsections. TheWeb3DAO will set up a special fund to help incubate good projects. Resource TheWeb3Portal Website: Twitter: TheWeb3DAO Twitter: Discord: ",2022-08-30T01:09:36.571-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7283,False,False,0x46101fCb41AB3E63fF9532CCD7e991eB43093994,TheWeb3DAO: Everyone Can Work for Your Ideas,,"TheWeb3DAO is a community of all developers and members, where everyone can contribute ideas to the development of Web3.0.TheWeb3DAO welcomes anyone with ideas for building a better Web3, not just developers. Brainstorm, if you have any good ideas, please join us and we will help you make it happen. How we works For the whole community, there are three types of people, they are the managers, the developers and the community members. We have created a sub-section of the community to share your Web3 ideas and anyone can post your comments on it. Ultimately the community will vote to chose a project that the community agrees to develop. For developers without a good idea, TheWeb3DAO is a great place to find innovative ideas. For brainstormers without development skills, TheWeb3DAO is the place to find partners and, of course, technically gifted developers. The first landing platform developed by the community, TheWeb3Portal, is now live. TheWeb3Portal is a Web3 navigation site for all users and Web2 web developers. TheWeb3DAO members will help the front-end deployment of traditional Web2 websites on IPFS to achieve decentralization and integrate the deployed websites into TheWeb3Portal website for users to search and access. The future we expect What we look forward to in the future is an increasing number of members joining our community, including developers of all kinds. Everyone will be able to freely discuss development projects in their own subsections. TheWeb3DAO will set up a special fund to help incubate good projects. Resource TheWeb3Portal Website: Twitter: TheWeb3DAO Twitter: Discord: ",2022-08-30T01:09:40.337-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7281,False,False,0x46101fCb41AB3E63fF9532CCD7e991eB43093994,TheWeb3DAO: Everyone Can Work for Your Ideas,,"TheWeb3DAO is a community of all developers and members, where everyone can contribute ideas to the development of Web3.0.TheWeb3DAO welcomes anyone with ideas for building a better Web3, not just developers. Brainstorm, if you have any good ideas, please join us and we will help you make it happen. How we works For the whole community, there are three types of people, they are the managers, the developers and the community members. We have created a sub-section of the community to share your Web3 ideas and anyone can post your comments on it. Ultimately the community will vote to chose a project that the community agrees to develop. For developers without a good idea, TheWeb3DAO is a great place to find innovative ideas. For brainstormers without development skills, TheWeb3DAO is the place to find partners and, of course, technically gifted developers. The first landing platform developed by the community, TheWeb3Portal, is now live. TheWeb3Portal is a Web3 navigation site for all users and Web2 web developers. TheWeb3DAO members will help the front-end deployment of traditional Web2 websites on IPFS to achieve decentralization and integrate the deployed websites into TheWeb3Portal website for users to search and access. The future we expect What we look forward to in the future is an increasing number of members joining our community, including developers of all kinds. Everyone will be able to freely discuss development projects in their own subsections. TheWeb3DAO will set up a special fund to help incubate good projects. Resource TheWeb3Portal Website: Twitter: TheWeb3DAO Twitter: Discord: ",2022-08-30T01:09:46.433-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7282,False,False,0x46101fCb41AB3E63fF9532CCD7e991eB43093994,TheWeb3DAO: Everyone Can Work for Your Ideas,,"TheWeb3DAO is a community of all developers and members, where everyone can contribute ideas to the development of Web3.0.TheWeb3DAO welcomes anyone with ideas for building a better Web3, not just developers. Brainstorm, if you have any good ideas, please join us and we will help you make it happen. How we works For the whole community, there are three types of people, they are the managers, the developers and the community members. We have created a sub-section of the community to share your Web3 ideas and anyone can post your comments on it. Ultimately the community will vote to chose a project that the community agrees to develop. For developers without a good idea, TheWeb3DAO is a great place to find innovative ideas. For brainstormers without development skills, TheWeb3DAO is the place to find partners and, of course, technically gifted developers. The first landing platform developed by the community, TheWeb3Portal, is now live. TheWeb3Portal is a Web3 navigation site for all users and Web2 web developers. TheWeb3DAO members will help the front-end deployment of traditional Web2 websites on IPFS to achieve decentralization and integrate the deployed websites into TheWeb3Portal website for users to search and access. The future we expect What we look forward to in the future is an increasing number of members joining our community, including developers of all kinds. Everyone will be able to freely discuss development projects in their own subsections. TheWeb3DAO will set up a special fund to help incubate good projects. Resource TheWeb3Portal Website: Twitter: TheWeb3DAO Twitter: Discord: ",2022-08-30T01:09:47.768-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7284,True,True,0x0,Heroic Age,,"About Heroic Age: Ragnarok is an interactive web3.0 GameFi app where you can own, trade and play with your cards and earn huge rewards. Ragnarok runs on the Blockchain network and all of the gaming activities and rewards distributions are transacted transparently on the blockchain without any intermediaries.\\\\nThe game offers various modes of gameplay with varying rewards, in the future we will be launching even more exciting game updates such as quests, events, campaigns and PvP competition etc. World View: Ragnarok looms over Elrod. The dark force is awakened from the abyss with the power to destroy and a battle between demons and gods ensued. The gods gradually fell, and humans have no option but to rely on themselves, unite as one and fight against these demons in what is to be the beginning of a terrible endless night. The heroes of the five tribes of mankind gather here to fight the devil together. Their totems are: Blood Wolf, Sun, Flame, Eagle, Claw. As the bravest warrior in the Elrod realm, choose the tribal hero you want to be knighted under, wear it’s proud totem mark, and fight for your own kind Heroic Age Advantages: Original legendary and magical medieval game plot. First MMORPG game built on BSC In partnership with Chainlink,to create a fair gaming experience Excellent professional game team from all over the world. Roadmap: 2022 Q3 Team building and game design launch Ragnarok Project Approval Ragnarok development complete Ragnarok Internal Beta/External Small Scale Public Beta Ragnarok V1 Released Ragnarok NFT Market Opens Ragnarok Boss System Open 2022 Q4 New DLC: Soul Hunter go live New hero NFT and new BOSS expansion pack go live Addition of new story mode New achievement system, weapon system, equipment system launch More organized community events 2023 Q1 New DLC: Wrath of the Gods go live New hero NFT and new BOSS expansion packs go live Addition of new story mode New pet system Soul system open",2022-08-30T01:11:10.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7285,True,True,0xd6354d9ad4b1c6f119df32e580ED0E720781CD82,Eden Protocol,,"TLDR; 85% of people are emotionally disengaged at work. That’s a clear sign that work needs an upgrade. We at Eden Protocol set out to build that upgrade in the form of a decentralised, community driven solution that helps people find the right project to contribute to - and vice versa, starting in DAOs - eventually spread across web3. We are working with enthusiastic devs from DeveloperDAO, crypto natives from BanklessDAO. We are fully community driven, which is why we’re here, talking to you, hoping to rely on the crypto community via donations and grants to help us in our journey to unlock the passion economy for everyone in the world.  About: Eden will be the world's opportunity protocol, providing a place where everyone can find work they love and grow, thanks to our two-way person-project matching system. This system is Eden's core, built from an ML-driven assistant, a platform-like interface, and some epic mechanics.  Communities can integrate Eden into Discord, Slack, Telegram, or wherever they are. Think of it like an assistant that always learns and works as an automated, personal project scout; it flags the most relevant individuals for projects and vice versa. With this, Eden will open opportunities on all ends of the web3 ecosystem by streamlining overwhelming discord servers, convoluted onboarding processes and outdated notion tables. The result is brilliant talent coordination & resource allocation, minus the headache. Check out our alpha demo here:  Mission Statement Our purpose is to make work, work for all. Our vision is to build an opportunity protocol built on the principles of purpose & community. Our mission is to unlock community powered economic opportunities. Our values:  Growth: No-one is born with all their skills, thoughts, connections, ideas,... fully developed. Growth is the ultimate super power that we aim to foster in everyone & in ourselves.   Community: Everything starts with people coming together. We play longterm games with longterm people. There is no stronger foundation than strong, caring & genuine connections.    Purpose: There is nothing more powerful than the human soul on fire. If community brings people together, purpose gives them direction. We are & foster cathedral-builders.  Opportunity: Luck is an attitude. By creating the right environments you can make luck a lot more likely. We create environments where better opportunities can happen at higher frequency.   Foresight: The best way to predict the future is to create it. We actively think from first principles to find better ways. We are foresight pioneers.   Impact: We care about what you can do more than what you did. We hack value, before we hack growth. We’re intentional about the change we intend to make.  Key principles Imagine purpose & community being the key reasons people come together to learn, earn, connect & collaborate. What would an opportunity protocol that enables such a purpose & community-driven economy, look like? A simple idea with massive potential impact.  Purpose-led work-agency Community-powered = community owned   Play together Take the robot out of the human Unlimited potential From hindsight-dwellers to foresight-pioneers For more info, please check out our manifesto here. Technical specs Few bullet points on the tech stack Hardhat  Solidity Create-web3-js openzeppelin  Nextjs tailwindcss react redux redux Roadmap:     Stage 0 April 2022  Initial set of ideas at ETH Amsterdam May 2022   First POC demoed in multiple DAOs June 2022  Anchored in D_D July 2022   Built a team of 25 contributors to take lessons learned from POC to MVP in 4 user-stories Held weekly town hall meetings in D_D to discuss vision, concerns, problems, and successes     Stage 1 August 2022 [from alpha to beta]  Deploy MVP in stages in D_D Smart Bot for p2p matching Onboarding flows  Launching a project on Eden Interface for p2p matching V1 of Endorsements Conduct extensive user testing with the goal to iterate until D_D absolutely loves the product test parts of the MVP Continue weekly town hall meeting in D_D Raise grants to  Provide a minimum of 4 months of compensation for a steady core team, to dedicate more time as we integrate feedback  Pay (early) contributors, who have been with us from the start, to compound on their involvement, knowledge accumulation & drive for the project September 2022 [from alpha to beta] Continue user testing with D_D Integrate all testing feedback Continue web3 grant raising efforts  Selectively approach other DAOs to participate in private beta of Eden Protocol     Stage 2 October 2022 - December 2022 [build, measure, learn] Selectively approach other DAOs to participate in private beta of Eden Protocol Iterate MVP until multiple DAOs are raving about our private beta [hack value, then hack growth] Integrate feedback with core team + contributors Kick raising efforts into high gear, preferably web3 grants - to prepare for the post MVP phase.     Stage 3 January 2023 [secure raise for the/our future of work]  Demonstrably have value markers  Close a 2 year runway for a core team, preferably through a community raise Go out of private beta  February-March 2023 [grow grow grow]  Start dev & integration of post MVP features: Social & Intellectual Capital Gating & Staking, Tokenomics  Pedal to the metal on go-to-market  April 2023 [start building protocol features]  Continue dev & integration of post MVP features:Social & Intellectual Capital Gating & Staking, Tokenomics   Pedal to the metal on go-to-market  Evolve into a full blown opportunity protocol  Main Contributors: Miltos | BluePanda#5982 - Tech Lead Miltos is a PhD-ML-Dropout with previous experience as a senior ML Engineer at multinationals & CTO of multiple startups. His combination of experiences with full-stack, ML, social graphs & solidity as well as exceptional leadership & managerial skills make him the perfect tech lead to realize our vision of the world’s opportunity protocol.  Tom | impactbilli#8647 - Product Lead Tom dropped out of his masters in Computer Science to build a 10-person digital innovation consultancy, which he sold. Among his clients were the 3 EU-institutions & various multinationals. His experience building & scaling a business in combination with innovative & strategic thinking with emerging technologies for large scale organizations make him the perfect product lead to realize our vision of the world’s opportunity protocol. Milo#7738 | UI | Community | Research | Fundraising busayo#4524 | Research & Collaboration wiseTy#8689 | Backend | Product exwhyzee.eth#1234 | UX/UI sbelka.eth#3367 | Frontend developer  Moiz#7516 | Solidity Developer Aayush Gupta#7870 | Blockchain Developer  Miral#6517 | Frontend Developer  jengajojo.eth#5896 Research & Outreach Tricelex#0703 | Blockchain Dev Alex1237#2487 |  Bot Wizard  waxy#0208 |  Blockchain Dev eloigil#4894 |  Full Stack Developer Jonas 🇧🇪#9678 |UX/UI Faina_Ivanovna#5781 | Grant Strategy | Wordcrafter geniusyinka#0001 | Frontend dev Liquid#6452 | Product xpriment626#2365 | Outreach zorooroo#8490 | Frontend DKH#3576 | Frontend Sam Hawkz#6048 | Frontend",2022-08-30T01:33:15.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7286,True,True,0x6b78d3deea258914C2f4e44054d22094107407e5,py-is_ipfs,,"py-is_ipfs is a Python library to identify valid IPFS resources. IPFS/IPNS can be referenced in many ways (URL, Paths, Native URLs, CIDv0, CIDv1,...) and the identifier can be encoded in many different formats. As a developer you can use py-is_ipfs to pass the string and validate it, without having to worry about all these details. The library does the heavy lifting you. It's as simple as Validator(""k2jmtxw8rjh1z69c6not3wtdxb0u3urbzhyll1t9jg6ox26dhi5sfi1m"").is_ipfs()",2022-08-30T01:52:53.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7287,False,False,0xaaE1A89e827Ac63d92f3633Be2e0dDd6edafd34a,Xocolatl MXN Stablecoin,,"Que es Xocolatl ? $XOC Xocolatl es un protocolo decentralizado, en fase prototipo, para acuñar tokens ERC20 con paridad 1:1 al peso mexicano (MXN) y puedan ser utilizados en la economía Web3. Xocolatl ha surgido para ayudar a los mexicanos a transicionar a la web3. Los contribuidores de Xocolatl queremos crear la moneda que de entrada a México para integrarse a la economía decentralizada popularmente conocida como ""DeFi"". México y DeFi A pesar de que las monedas estables como DAI, USDC y USDT han empoderado las finanzas decentralizadas (DeFi) desde el 2017, México y el peso Mexicano en específico no han dado un paso adelante. XOC es el primer cimiento en el ecosistema del país que permitirá al mexicano/a accesar a nuevas herramientas financieras que estan revolucionando la economia global. Uno de los muchos motivos por los que creemos que XOC es un moneda necesaria, es para facilitar el flujo de capital sin restricciones entre México y los Estados Unidos. La PípilaDAO Las Organizaciones Autonomas Decentralizadas (DAO en inglés) son cooperativas digitales que permiten a un conjunto de personas coolaborar en un proyecto sin importar quienes sean, de donde vienen, en que creen, o en donde residen. En este caso, PipilaDAO es creada para ser la organizacion encargada para el desarrollo y control de la moneda decentralizada XOC. Todos son bienvenidos a contribuir y se utiliza Coordinape para que por medio de un sistema de evaluacion social, la contribución de cada integrante en PípilaDAO sea de manera abierta, facil y transparente. PipilaDAO.Lens ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is Xocolatl ? $XOC Xocolatl is a decentralized protocol, in prototype phase, to mint ERC20 tokens with 1:1 parity to the Mexican peso (MXN) and can be used in the Web3 economy. Xocolatl has emerged to help Mexicans transition to web3. The contributors of Xocolatl want to create the currency that will allow Mexico to join the decentralized economy popularly known as ""DeFi"". Mexico and DeFi Although stable currencies such as DAI, USDC and USDT have empowered decentralized finance (DeFi) since 2017, Mexico and the Mexican peso in specific have not stepped up. XOC is the first foundation in the country's ecosystem that will allow Mexicans to access new financial tools that are revolutionizing the global economy. One of the many reasons we believe XOC is a necessary currency is to facilitate the unrestricted flow of capital between Mexico and the United States. The PipilaDAO Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO) are digital cooperatives that allow a set of people to collaborate on a project regardless of who they are, where they come from, what they believe in, or where they reside. In this case, PipilaDAO is created to be the organization in charge of the development and control of the decentralized currency XOC. Everyone is welcome to contribute and we use Coordinape, DAOHaus and other tools so that through a social evaluation system, the contribution of each member in PipilaDAO is open, easy and transparent. Radicle Repository Link PipilaDAO.Lens ",2022-08-30T01:54:28.817-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7288,False,True,0x3E19b88E18F8ea86B7A3b321992c92bE3c9901a0,Leevtis is a platform that enables users to mint their Web3 achievements as Soulbound NFTs.,,"Introduce Leevtis is a platform that enables users to mint their Web3 achievements as Soulbound NFTs and where communities can contextualize on-chain actions. Leevtis’s mission is to build a protocol that allows anyone to program arbitrary rules into a badge that can be claimed. Making these badges more accessible to other users, decentralized applications and protocols will help drive interesting behaviors and endless use-cases. Web3 empowers anyone from the world, for the first time in history, to interact with any decentralized application on a “shared state device”--where all records of these interactions are immutably stored on a public database. At Leevtis, we believe that both understanding these on-chain interactions and digital footprints and making them useful through badges will be one of the most important primitives upon which the Web3 stack is built over the next decade. Through Leevtis, users are able to discover on-chain achievements curated by the community and mint them as non-transferable NFTs called ‘Badges’. It is implemented as a set of smart contracts and a validating oracle to provide composable badges and built-in on-chain data validation. Publisher of a badge can deploy specific badge standards—which includes detailed metadata of the on-chain achievement and eligibility criteria—to the blockchain. When a user attempts to claim a badge, Leevtis’s validating oracle—which fetches and synchronizes Ethereum blockchain data—provides proof for the Leevtis Protocol by analyzing the user’s historic transaction data and validating whether or not the user is eligible. Leevtis aims to contribute to build up a more collaborative and meritocratic network where one’s contribution, participation and reputation is valued. Therefore, the Leevtis is, by design and implementation, a complete system that could shape the fabric of how Web3 users interact and how applications and protocols are built to understand them",2022-08-30T03:24:14.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7289,True,True,0x4A9a27d614a74Ee5524909cA27bdBcBB7eD3b315,DAOhaus,,"DAOhaus is a platform for launching and coordinating purpose driven communities. Our “no-code” front end enables communities to create a Moloch DAO in under 10 minutes at no cost aside from gas on a number of EVM compatible blockchains. We create open source tools and libraries that enables the DAOhaus framework to be used as a public good, in line with our mission to foster a diverse, open economy of transparent cooperation. DAOhaus’ Social Impact DAOhaus is committed to a community first culture that furthers the development of the web3 DAO ecosystem. Our culture has attracted thousands of DAOs to launch on our platform like: MetaCartel Ventures: An investment DAO with over $6.6M TVL Moloch Rises: A grants giving DAO with over $2.5M TVL Game Mine Alliance: A P2E game community with over $2M TVL DiamondBank: A data science DAO with $370K TVL RaidGuild: A service DAO with over $200K TVL We have built a considerable following (15.7k followers on Twitter and 6,300 members in Discord) that allows us to act as stewards for the community by advocating, discussing, and sharing knowledge that improves the DAO ecosystem. One of our programs, HausParty is a weekly tradition that started in our server and recently grew to Twitter Spaces. Our lively discussions tackle issues we face in our communities and provide a space for people to openly talk about them. Some of our shows include: HausParty Live featuring Raid Guild Season 1 Cohort HausParty Live featuring Pet3rPan HausParty Live featuring the DAOhaus community Our community members also publish content relevant to the community on Mirror and Substack. Their articles have covered the basics of Moloch DAOs, DAO governance patterns, and more. Our platform has over 3,000 DAOs summoned, almost 45,000 proposals created, and approximately $100,000,000 in funds passed through treasuries. (source: DAOhaus has also been featured in noteable publications like Decrypt, Forbes, and HackerNoon. DAO Experimentation Experimentation is built into the core of DAOhaus. We believe the only way to push the ecosystem forward is by trying new and innovative approaches. We launched DAOgroni to experiment with a new “fair launch” NFT project that combines the power of an ERC721 token and a Moloch DAO. DAOgroni allows anyone to mint an NFT that may be burned for shares in the DAO with the mint proceeds going directly to the DAO treasury. We also developed Yeet, a web3 crowdfunding tool with built in DAO governance. When a person contributes to Yeet, they gain shares in the initiative that protects their interest via the “ragequit” mechanism. During the recent market downturn, we experimented with a new form of governance. DAOhaus transitioned from a retroactive compensation model to a RFP system to extend runway and focus contributors on specific objectives for the DAO. What Grant Funds Will Be Used For We are on the verge of deploying DAOhaus v3 which introduces a new, composable platform that unlocks the next level of coordination for DAOs. The grant funding will be used to support our team of contributors including the development team that is working on delivering DAOhaus v3. This also includes covering security audits. Security is a top priority for DAOhaus v3 smart contracts and frontend. As an open-source product built as a public good, we are committed to taking the appropriate steps to properly audit our contracts. This will ensure our contracts are battle tested and ready to be unleashed into the wild. ",2022-08-30T03:43:48.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7290,False,False,0x0,Mahvet,,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""Mahvet offers a new method for creators, brands and influencers to exchange messages, tokens and NFTS through a decentralized chat application.\n""}]} ",2022-08-30T04:23:48.046-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7291,False,False,0x0,Mahvetmin,,"Mahvetmin is a new way for a creators, brands and influencers to exchange messages, token and NFTS anywhere across the globe, decentralized chat application, it's is the place where the new creative community meet. ",2022-08-30T05:03:46.273-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7292,False,True,0x334EF963B3f4AB3c9E4f2580e734025FAc830fFB,Scopefy Protocol,,"Overview The Scopefy Protocol is a Web3 social graph that aims to empower creators to own the links between themselves and their community, forming a fully composable and decentralized social graph. This is achieved by allowing users to create profiles and interact with each other via these profiles. “Profile” (as used here) refers specifically to Scopefy profiles; “user” refers to standard crypto wallets. The Protocol is currently overseen by a multisig, which will be expanded to a broader DAO that can develop and vote on new modules and expanded functionality. Let's first dig into profile creation and publishing. Users must create a profile on the hub, for which they will receive a sequentially ID'd profile NFT. This NFT controls the profile, and thus, its owner becomes the de facto controller of the given profile. Profile owners can: 1.Publish to the profile. Publication types are: Post: A standard piece of content. Comment: A standard piece of content with a pointer to another publication. Since comments include a pointer, this executes the pointed publication's ""reference module"" logic, if any. Mirror: The equivalent of a ""share"" in a traditional sense, having no content but a pointer to another publication. Since mirrors only include a pointer, this executes the pointed publication's ""reference module"" logic, if any. 2.Set the profile's ""follow module"": This whitelisted logic contract determines the logic that must be executed when a wallet attempts to follow the given profile; for example, some followers may incur a fee to the profile owner via the fee follow module contract. 3.Set the profile's image URI 4.Set the profile's ""dispatcher"": This is an address that can act on behalf of a profile's owner; it can publish to the given profile and set the given profile's URI. In summary, the Scopefy Protocol is a composable social graph protocol built to be community-owned and ever-evolving. It empowers its users by allowing them to decide how they want their social graph to be built and how they want it to be monetized, if at all. Images",2022-08-30T07:01:03.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7293,False,False,0x9b042Da846F371D79Cf6f1165bc0fBCBCEA9FeA4,ParaDAO,,"ParaDAO is a decentralized storage investment and finance data analysis platform based on DAO. ParaFamily is an organization for DAO Memebers, who are the initiators, contributors and governors of ParaDAO. ParaFamily carries out data collection and perfection, and is responsible for the operation and BD of ParaDAO. ParaPedia is a big data center of web3.0 venture capital core, providing rich resources to project parties and investment institutions, and forming web3.0 Wikipedia by means of DAO management and AI technology. ParaProtocol includes decentralized investment management wallet protocols, decentralized IDO tools, pledge management tools, and other Defi tools. ParaHunter is an ecological data relationship mapping tool for Web 3.0 DAO based on the ParaPedia database. Inspiration ParaDAO will be a pain point for primary and secondary investors whether in pre- or post-investment, as there is no aggregated database in the market yet. A platform is needed to seamlessly connect the project side and institutional side. Based on the founder's own institution building experience. What it does ParaDAO is a Web3.0 VC Big data Platform with DAO as its core. Through DAO organization and technology scanning to collect and output massive data related to WEB3.0 venture capital closely around WEB3.0, under the epoch-making background of WEB3.0, it allows WEB3.0 projects to accelerate the rapid development with the help of centralized capital. What is our mission 1. Gather partners from all over the world to form a DAO Family and create a groundbreaking DAO organization to help the development of WEB3.0. 2. Partner with global WEB3.0 investment institutions/projects/communities 3. Make the world no more difficult to raise funds for valuable project parties 4. Establish the world's most comprehensive WEB3.0 VC data platform What is our value 1. DAO is a builder and a contributor 2. DAO is a centralized place of information and a source of information 3. DAO members are the core value of DAO ",2022-08-30T07:04:36.776-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7294,True,True,0x9b042Da846F371D79Cf6f1165bc0fBCBCEA9FeA4,ParaDAO,,"ParaDAO is a decentralized storage investment and finance big data analysis platform based on DAO.   Above all, we have established several segments to build up our Dao: 00001. ParaFamily is an organization for DAO Memebers, who are the initiators, contributors and governors of ParaDAO. ParaFamily carries out data collection and perfection, and is responsible for the operation and BD of ParaDAO. 00002.  ParaPedia is a big data center of web3.0 venture capital core, providing rich resources to project parties and investment institutions, and forming web3.0 Wikipedia by means of DAO management and AI technology. 00003.  ParaProtocol includes decentralized investment management wallet protocols, decentralized IDO tools, pledge management tools, and other Defi tools. 00004.  ParaHunter is an ecological data relationship mapping tool for Web 3.0 DAO based on the ParaPedia database.   Inspiration ParaDAO will be a pain point for primary and secondary investors whether in pre- or post-investment, as there is no aggregated database in the market yet. A platform is needed to seamlessly connect the project side and institutional side. Based on the founder's own institution building experience.   What we do ParaDAO is a Web3.0 VC Big data Platform with DAO as its core. Through DAO organization and technology scanning to collect and output massive data related to WEB3.0 venture capital closely around WEB3.0, under the epoch-making background of WEB3.0, it allows WEB3.0 projects to accelerate the rapid development with the help of centralized capital.   What is our mission 1. Gather partners from all over the world to form a DAO Family and create a groundbreaking DAO organization to help the development of WEB3.0. 2. Partner with global WEB3.0 investment institutions/projects/communities 3. Make the world no more difficult to raise funds for valuable project parties 4. Establish the world's most comprehensive WEB3.0 VC data platform   What is our value 1. DAO is a builder and a contributor 2. DAO is a centralized place of information and a source of information 3. DAO members are the core value of DAO   What is DAO member DAO members are the core of ParaDAO, the initiators, contributors and governors of the whole ecosystem. DAO members need to continuously complete tasks of ecological construction to obtain beans and thus get upgrades. Each upgrade will realize new rewards and rights, and the more DAO members contribute to ParaDAO, the more benefits they will get.   What we learned a/ Web3's user habits are very different from Web2; b/ DAO is more suitable for the Web3 world because it is born with such a gene c/ Web3 investment research is a cyclical and long-term basic work, everyone needs to be equipped with.     ",2022-08-30T07:04:37.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7295,False,False,0x0,Weemit player,,"It's a about ENT, music, and lyrics ",2022-08-30T07:05:57.824-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7296,True,True,0x3dAcb2B1dd4E62E2A12A024B385889Dc45D12F79,"GSU | Protocol – Bringing next gen, blockchain-native stablecoin to the EVM ecosystem.",,"GSU Protocol is the CDP blockchain system - minting ¤GSU Coin - referring to the GSU rate, which is documented to be the World’s Most Stable Unit.  Components of the .dapp 1. Dashboard 1.0 2. Borrow module (most prominent crypto assets & qualified stablecoins) a. Collateral module b. Liquidation module c. Oracle module d. Security module e. Governance module 3. Deposit module (vaults with proven advanced DeFi strategies) a. Exploring: 1inch, Aave, Lido, Curve, Yearn, Arrakis 4. Multiply module (gas efficient module for adjusting the exposure to volatile assets) Borrow on GSU | Protocol (prototype) and more to feel excited about as we move forward… Join us in bringing independent stability at scale to the Ethereum ecosystem. We are putting our efforts into providing users with assurance of system security, through accepting censorship resistant collateral only, integrating with reliable partners and coordinating in a progressively more decentralized way.  We are looking closely into a fee module where the system collects stabilizing and beneficent fees embedded at the protocol level. The value accumulated from fees will be distributed to support the development and robustness of the protocol and incentivize participants of the governance, LPs and system security providers.  We do not take the topic of underfunded open-source software lightly, and therefore we aim to pledge a % of fees accumulated towards public goods funding. Differentiation 1. First crypto to beat any existing fiat currency (or fiat pegged stablecoin) in price-stability. 2. No equivalent stability present in the existing monetary market, thus becoming the first crypto-native solution to out-perform traditional monetary solutions. 3. Offering price-stability, different from $USD-pegged coins, that currently create 99.97% of all stablecoin volume locked on the chain. 4. Built on resilient, battle tested and open-source protocol following in the footsteps of giants, paving the way for the next generation DeFi. Why? We believe that protection of purchasing power, sovereignty and equity of users will lead to more open and prosperous future for us all. We can alleviate the burden of today’s monetary currencies by shifting away from a single point of value determination (e.g. $USD) to diversify the risk of dependency and to ensure crypto market integrity. What? The protocol (fork of Maker) acts as overcollateralised debt position, enabling users to mint ¤GSUc - the first GSU soft-pegged stablecoin that optimally reduces volatility and the risk of disorderly exchange-rate movement through a proven price stability system. How? Minting ¤GSUc will be made available to users by interacting with underlying vaults, where the provisions will be possible in ETH, wBTC, $DAI and other prominent, qualified crypto assets that have to pass through risk assessment, have their collateral ratios adjusted and approved.  Read GSU | Protocol White Paper here. Read more about how ¤GSU rate works here. Find exchange rates ¤GSU to crypto here. Find exchange rates ¤GSU to fiat here. What chains will GSU | Protocol support? Initially deployed on Ethereum, while keeping an open eye on EVM scaling solutions and security of the bridging mechanisms used to connect the networks.  What are the next steps? Our GitHub repository is growing and we are continuing the developments. We are in our production phase, expecting to deploy on Test Network (November 2022). We will invite people to interact with the dapp, set up a feedback loop and help us better understand the needs of the users pre-mainnet. What are some of the inspiring things we explore? We are researching topics like L2 Rollups, modes of Token Vesting, Real-Time Finance, Token Streams to Compound Staking, Fair Token Distribution, Self-Repaying Loans, MEV protection / MEV utilization & Zero Knowledge Proofs.  If you are working on an exciting application, reach out! We would love to hear about it. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and let us know what you think! Any feedback is appreciated and we are looking forward to seeing you on-chain soon! Next stop: Goerli Test Network! Until then lets git-start the regeneration of finance. (⚖️,🌍) ",2022-08-30T09:05:06.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7297,True,False,0x9C0ac414a8B85321fE88ae5c43399960C5F56Bee,Dolven Labs - DAO Based Ecosystem Catalyst for Starknet,," 1] What is Dolven Labs and How does it work? Dolven Labs is a DAO Based Ecosystem Catalyst for projects built on the StarkNet Network it is an initiative to empower, accelerate and support innovative projects in the StarkNet ecosystem by providing them with early-stage investment. We aim to be the future of investment, deal flow, and value creation in the StarkNet ecosystem. About how it works is very simple: We provide early-stage investment to projects built on the StarkNet Network. This process of investment needs to be fair and effective at the same time. Therefore we have Dolven Labs DAO, the projects that apply for investment are forwarded to DAO for voting, and if they receive a majority, they will receive an investment from the Dolven Labs Mutual Fund. 2] What is Dolven Labs DAO and How to become a part of it? Dolven Labs DAO is what holds the decision-making power in Dolven Labs, like to decide which of the applicant projects will receive an early-stage investment, voting is held and our DAO members cast their votes. The project which receives most votes is then handed out an early stage investment. The members of our DAO are called Delegates. We use staking to incentivize and reward users for holding $DLV and include them directly in the StarkNet ecosystem. When you stake $DLV token on Dolven's staking platform, you have an option to become a Delegator. 3] How does Dolven Labs plan to be Sustainable? Dolven Labs is an initiative to empower, accelerate and support innovative projects in the StarkNet ecosystem, enabling them to push their boundaries and achieve their goals. To enable this, we need to implement an investment strategy that can withstand all types of markets. It is important to us that we continue our support for projects in the Starknet Ecosystem not only in a rising market but also in a declining market.  To ensure the Dolven Mutual Fund continues to invest in projects built on Starknet, we are building tools that hit two birds with one stone. The first bird is Dolven Labs mutual fund, with the continued investment we run into the risk of depleting our investment fund, therefore, we need to add funds to it which brings us to our second bird which is accelerating building in Starknet.  Building on Starknet can be hard, even with an experienced team the learning curve can pose challenges that can offset your target Roadmap with unforeseen complications. To counter this we are introducing to you our sustainability tools which are designed to accelerate your Starknet experience. 4] Dolven Labs Vision and Roadmap.  We aim for Dolven Labs to be a go-to platform for new projects in the StarkNet ecosystem for early-stage investment. The strength of Dolven Labs is being transparent and fair to its community with more users joining in, Dolven Labs would effectively become a major player in the StarkNet ecosystem and become a true game-changer.  Our primary goal will always be to add value to Starknet and facilitate its healthy growth.  As per the roadmap, we have launched our Testnet eligibility program on August 17th, 2022 and the response has been overwhelmingly positive, we will be releasing our Testnet in parts, the first part being available by end of September 2022, and the others will follow soon.  For more details about Dolven Labs visit: 👉🏻 Docs: 👉🏻 Website: 👉🏻 Linktree: ",2022-08-30T09:18:20.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7298,True,True,0xf62D09bA0C02dD7d3E6fa8dF03f89DF50DC13440,PsyDAO - Democratizing & Decentralizing Psychedelic Research,," What is PsyDAO? TLDR;   PsyDAO aims to fund and democratize early-stage psychedelic research and IP through the use of tokenized ownership, community governance and an emphasis on open source. We are in the midst of a psychedelic renaissance. Psilocybin, LSD, MDMA and ketamine – compounds once regarded as recreational drugs – are being re-examined as legitimate medicines to treat mental health conditions. The rush of companies entering the psychedelic industry has led to an influx of patent applications, marking the beginning of the journey to commercialization.  At PsyDAO we believe that these life-changing compounds should be developed and commercialized in a way that is values-aligned with the patients, users, researchers, investors and communities that come together to develop them. This is why we are forming a decentralized, autonomous, member-owned organization (DAO) dedicated to the sustainable and ethical advancement of psychedelic medicines. PsyDAO intends to be a hivemind — a literal collective consciousness for the ethical development of psychedelics PsyDAO aims to fund and democratize early-stage psychedelic research and IP through tokenized ownership, community governance and open source technology. Where applicable, PsyDAO will hold IP rights in underlying research projects that it supports, which will be attached to ‘IP NFTs’. For compounds where IP claims are possible, PsyDAO will develop a portfolio that is actively managed by the community in an aligned way to democratize development and access. For naturally-occurring compounds such as psilocybin, PsyDAO aims to create powerful, open-source data repositories that will be governed by the community. The IP tokenization system is a mixture of meme magic and mathemagic. Built with our friends at Molecule and VitaDAO, it enables PsyDAO to create open research and participation markets for known psychedelics, selectively distributing rights and benefits to partners and contributors.  Current status of PsyDAO: We are in the early stages of building a DAO. We have assembled an amazing group of core contributors and stewards, identified several exciting psychedelic research projects and cultivated a community of supporters over 1000 strong.  Research Projects we are supporting: Part of PsyDAO’s mission is to support open source projects that advance Psychedelic medicine and Science. Two projects we are currently supporting are: The Open Ketamine Project, in collaboration with Crowd Funded Cures - working to make an off-patent version of Ketamine available to patients at lower cost than patented versions The Entheogen Genome Project, in collaboration with The Entheome Foundation - working to sequence all known psychedelic fungi and plants, and to provide the data freely to all Over the next quarter we plan to:  + Create a contributor model to enable community members to create, contribute and have a voice in DAO governance  + Further build out the team to include industry, ethical and scientific advisors + Solidify our business model and tokenomics model + Establish operations and governance guardrails for the DAO + Source cutting edge, original research projects that will advance the psychedelic space How will these funds be used: Funding raised in the GR15 round will be used to pay for ongoing operating expenses and to  pay key contributors to build out the infrastructure described above.  Thanks for your support! ",2022-08-30T10:01:50.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7299,False,True,0xBBAaE55697DD45683BE4027F71d6C54243C98219,"(3,3)DAO - A Web3 project research and education DAO",,"Web3 World's premier research and education DAO, bilingual in Mandarin and English,friendly to crypto rookies, but veteran researchers, data scientists, and contract engineers can also find the right material.  It will collect the latest funding news and also export content to the public. It has numerous research and education directions, based on infrastructure building (Public Chain ,Layer2,......) Application-based (DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, GameFi,......) , development-based (data analytics, front-end, smart contracts,......). The core contributors come from China, USA, Australia and other countries and are experts (with more than 10 years of experience) in the fields of finance, computer and web technologies. more than 60% of the members are masters and PhDs, and an average of 6 years of experience in the blockchain field is also a must for our team. The entire team has extensive expertise in what and how Web3 projects operate. Also, many members are KOLs in the Chinese space and can have a huge impact on their followers. (The number of Weibo followers per capita is over 18K, with a maximum of 100K). The goal of this grant is to gather enough resources to motivate different contributors to create the parts they are good at, such as creating official websites and producing articles for research and courses for education.",2022-08-30T11:51:34.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7299,False,True,0xBBAaE55697DD45683BE4027F71d6C54243C98219,"(3,3)DAO - A Web3 project research and education DAO",,"Web3 World's premier research and education DAO, bilingual in Mandarin and English,friendly to crypto rookies, but veteran researchers, data scientists, and contract engineers can also find the right material.  It will collect the latest funding news and also export content to the public. It has numerous research and education directions, based on infrastructure building (Public Chain ,Layer2,......) Application-based (DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, GameFi,......) , development-based (data analytics, front-end, smart contracts,......). The core contributors come from China, USA, Australia and other countries and are experts (with more than 10 years of experience) in the fields of finance, computer and web technologies. more than 60% of the members are masters and PhDs, and an average of 6 years of experience in the blockchain field is also a must for our team. The entire team has extensive expertise in what and how Web3 projects operate. Also, many members are KOLs in the Chinese space and can have a huge impact on their followers. (The number of Weibo followers per capita is over 18K, with a maximum of 100K). The goal of this grant is to gather enough resources to motivate different contributors to create the parts they are good at, such as creating official websites and producing articles for research and courses for education.",2022-08-30T11:51:34.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7300,True,True,0x7fc1a3D5264a2B2563162EbAF17180ED2e5804BC,MRV 101,,"TL;DR Here is a detailed twitter thread by @darinmandarin. and here is a tweet from @Gitcoin MRV 1O1 is a project that spun out of a founder’s circle in the ReFi DAO. When it comes to safeguarding our food supply from effects of climate change, effective measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of soil regeneration, Crops’ health improvement and biodiversity enhancement is critical to help small scale farmers and growers navigate tough challenges of climate change. To help small scale projects get full benefits of carbon, ecocredits and other incentives for ecosystem services, MRV Research Group is working to publish MRV1O1, a guide to quickly understand and implement relevant MRV best practices. The Problem Traditional MRV approaches are prohibitively expensive, often constituting 30-40% of the costs for large projects over 1200 hectares. What’s worse, these expenses are always upfront before generating revenue from the project. Additionally, the MRV methodologies are difficult to understand and often do not include regenerative practices valued by local communities. Data gathered during traditional MRV practices is usually kept in silos and has no useful application or benefits for smaller farmers. Small farmers produce most of the world’s food supply and they don’t have any solutions to turn to Regenerative Practices. This scenario offers us a significant opportunity for regenerative impact. Additionally, Small farmers need support in switching to regenerative practices to protect their farms and livelihood from the effects of climate change. Our Solution To publish a guide with the tools needed for small projects to conduct MRV and reap the rewards. In the guide’s first edition, we are starting with agriculture, agroforestry, and small-scale farming examples. We plan to cover other types of projects in future versions. Deliverables (Each Phase lasting ~ 4-6 months) Phase 1: Understanding traditional MRV approaches, with in-depth Research. Phase 2: Filtering out relevant MRV practices for Small Scale Projects. Phase 3: Combining Our learnings with on-ground best practices and publish the guide. Phase 4: Automation of data collection, reporting and verification for development of dMRV. Phase 5: TBD by the working group participants. What the Funds Will Be Used For Research existing MRV practices such as Verra, Gold Standard, Regen Network and Climate Action Reserve to learn from and adapt existing methodologies to be viable at smaller scale. Select relevant additional MRV areas from Bloom Network’s regenerative actions list, in order to include on-the-ground and community-led perspectives on what are valuable impact/results. Conduct interviews to understand what questions a project developer needs answered. Interview existing sensor tech projects and other results monitoring platforms, to identify which methods are feasible for small-scale projects to implement. Publish the MRV 101 guide for small-scale projects. It will help project leaders identify which MRV methodologies make sense for their project, and get up and running with measurement and ReFi protocols as quickly as possible. Begin pilot projects with Ogallala Life and Shamba projects. Iterate with more impact areas and community feedback Through the process we are building collaboration and interoperability across ReFi projects supporting this scale. Partner Projects Members of this research group, contributing research and experience. Please also add their Gitcoin grants to your cart, as it increases our capacity to deliver the MRV 101 roadmap. Shamba, Bloom Network, Ogallala Life, AgroforestDAO, dmeter, kokodao, CarbonCaptors, Silvi, Cosmos for Humanity, Earthist, Coffee Carbon Collective, Kokonut Network Links Twitter Discord Notion Website Impacts Incentivise smallholder farmers for doing regenerative practices and MRV documentation. Improve the scope of VCM to include Biodiversity and other forms of credits. Increase citizen participatory methods in VCM, ReFi and climate action. Build collaboration with the DeSci community. Bring existing MRV tools for the application in small scale projects. Develop new tools where gaps are identified. ",2022-08-30T12:49:19.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7301,False,False,0x7b736FE138775D1fCD2CFE4E1D6158BfF3a2F28e,ENS Spoofing Bot: Detect a Scam Name That Looks Like Yours,,"The purpose of ENS Spoofing Bot is to notify users that their name may have been spoofed and publish it to Forta Explorer, which allows new types of scam attacks to be detected and the damage from them minimized. The problem Names in the Ethereum Name Service are unique, but there are no restrictions on registering look-alike names that are visually very difficult to distinguish from genuine ones. For example, having a name vitalik.eth, an attacker can register a similar name by replacing the symbol lowercase L with uppercase i: vitaIik.eth. The name is visually similar, but it is treated by the protocol as a completely different name, with its own hash, as well as an address bound to it.  This type of attack is called a homograph attack. Regarding the ENS protocol, it can be performed in the following ways: Substitution of character pairs i/I, i/j, O/0, w/vv, m/rn, which depending on the typeface, may be difficult or impossible to distinguish; Replacing ascii characters with visually similar ones from Unicode; for example, “faсebooсk.eth” uses the letters o and с from Cyrillic; Use of invisible Unicode characters;  Spoofing using uppercase letters; for example, bitcoin.eth may be spoofed as Bitcoin.eth.  ENS fights this attack pretty hard by normalizing names before they are registered, as well as warning against using non-ascii characters on its site. However, to save gas, such checks have been implemented off-chain, on the frontend side. Any user can register a name bypassing the official site by calling the protocol contract directly. The Proposal It is proposed to develop a Forta bot that monitors on-chain contract events responsible for registering "".eth"" names. As soon as the bot detects a new registered name, it tries to normalize it and checks if a similar name has already been registered. If so, the bot fires an alert specifying the registered name, the existing normalized name, and the addresses of the accounts to which these names are bound. Forta Protocol allows each user to subscribe to alerts involving their addresses, so if their name is spoofed, they will immediately receive a notification in one of the convenient ways: Email, Telegram, Discord, Slack or Webhook. In addition, when combined with bots that detect subsequent stages of suspicious activity, we will have enough evidence to claim a scam attack. For example, the next follow-up checks could be obtaining tokens, selling them, and laundering funds through services like Tornado Cash.  As a result, the Forta ENS Spoofing Bot will play an important role in detecting scam attacks, maximizing the chances of their detection. About the Author I'm a Ukrainian developer, who has been developing bots for Forta Protocol since the beginning of the project. You may have seen me as a frequent contest winner as well as an active member of the community. At the moment I developed 16 bots, some of them are in the Forta Threat Detection Kit.",2022-08-30T13:25:39.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7302,True,True,0xCbbd18d3aC27ab0FFfD04BCCd091B2802c92e0ca,TaterDAO brings accurate real estate data on-chain,,"TaterDAO is developing the legal and technical primitives to bring real estate on-chain. This is an important problem to solve because the foundation of all sustainable efforts to reward and shape climate solutions are grounded in real estate. Offices, factories, solar farms, homes, farms, and every other real world asset touches real property (i.e. real estate). Low hanging fruit climate solutions involve LED lighting, solar power, biomass, soil capture, upgrading of HVAC systems, wind energy, etc. All of those efforts happen in or on a building, home, farm or other form of real estate. In order to identify, create and develop climate solutions, we need to accurately identify and classify land and bring that land on-chain. All other real estate Web3 startups need what we're building to: Accurately identify and classify real property Create NFTs accurately representing real world property assets Nesting an LLC within an NFT, to transfer ownership to property without having to change title LLCs can own the title Accurate ownership representation on NFTs allow regenerative finance operations to borrow and lend capital involving real world assets Metadata is geared specifically for real property, with location, deeds and/or title External oracles will be used to monitor and manage real property climate solutions in real time. Our composable smart contracts and NFT standards enable ReFi, DeFi and climate solutions to tap into $1T worth of liquidity and unlock new business models. Land classification data is a public good necessary for the success of all climate solutions projects. Learn more on our Github at:  Why is the TaterDAO a useful and necessary solution and an integral piece of infrastructure that Climate and Refi projects can build on?   The reason that it is important for projects is that it would enable verifiable and on-chain ownership and management of real properties via DAOs.  So, an example would be that a DAO would be able to legally own a real property and then coordinate around concrete and on-chain benchmarks that are verifiable. The metadata would allow someone to scale a climate/refi project and provide due diligence materials to donees and/or investors, and the external links would/could point to external sources and perhaps oracles. An example, might be to point directly to a soil, temperature, or water sensor that would allow the NFT to serve as a Treasury asset of a DAO, and also users, donors and other parties to wayfind the property location, deed, property boundaries, review important documentation and even review the data feed from the sensor.   Then with real property ownership it is trivial to have a legally wrapped DAO using the NFT as the node to enter into legal agreements, which no project is immune from.  So, with a TATR NFT a climate project could coordinate to manage DAO owned property, issue subrights, for example solar leases, or place the property into a trust that is governed by a DAO.   Projects with climate related missions that would be natural fits to build on top of TaterDAO NFT’s infrastructure are in no particular order. BasinDAO Regen Registry (issue TATR NFTs that reference the Regen Registry) and have coordinated regenerative process in a DAO ownership Charged Particles Ecology Guild - TATRs will also be capable of being charged with donations, or other ecosystem reward tokens. Carbon projects.  This creates a snapshot, and ownership, and ability to monitor progress and milestones. As an example to connect the dots we have this example of a Regen project on the TaterDAO arbitrum chain.  Metadata allows: Easy access to relevant metadata fields for real estate/refi specific fields Land classification (what is the project) Location Legal Ownership (deed, title) Tax Parcel information (verify ownership and taxes) Ownership Names KML - Easily Use Google Earth or other viewer to fly to location and review the snapshot of the property What we commit to build with the grant: more specific documentation on how refi projects can use Tater DAO to own NFTs and manage property.   As an example, look at this open source research.",2022-08-30T13:44:12.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7303,True,True,0xFBE7a5a6B823B514aE952D51820940D286EB3Ef1,Greatness: A Loot Podcast Series,,"A four-part podcast series about the Lootverse from a professional journalist. I am excited and enthralled by the potential of the Lootverse and think it would make a fantastic documentary-style podcast series that has the capacity to reach a global audience. Through my experience as a professional journalist and podcast producer I have started two podcasting companies: Volume and Alibi Investigations. I have won 16 awards, covered all manner of subjects and worked for a large number of high-profile companies. However, the Lootverse presents something very special. There is potential to tell a compelling audio story (over multiple episodes) about the creation of the project and the builders. We could dig into the history of Loot, the exciting projects that continue to proliferate, like The Eye (for Adventurers) and The Loot MMO, its capacity to expand and the future for the community going forward. Production of the podcast would be rewarding for all involved. We would interview, write, record, edit and produce each episode of the podcast to the highest standard. Interviewing: $900 Editing: $600 Production: $300 Voice over: $600 Studio time: $500 Mixing and Mastering: $400 Composing original music: $200 Each episode would cost $3,500 to produce. This would include the cost of employing a documentary-style editor, composing original music and mixing and mastering each episode to a professional standard. 4 documentary-style podcasting episodes would cost $14,000. I will reach out to key figures in the Loot community in order to interview them about their knowledge and experience. ",2022-08-30T15:14:21.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7304,False,False,0x0,Weemit playground,,"Weemit playground offers a world of music in your pocket help you reading news about your favorite Artist,also notify you when new jams are release - listen anytime, anywhere! Weemit playground With 90 million songs, playlists and downloading personalized recommendations just for you, weemit playground is your music companion. Listen to the songs you love and discover your new favorites with the music player. Your life deserves its own soundtrack. ",2022-08-30T17:13:49.449-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7305,False,False,0xCA7632327567796e51920F6b16373e92c7823854,Dread Gang,,"Dread Gang is a crypto evangelism movement, our mission is to incentivize collective action and coordination by rewarding community members for participation, activity, and cooperation. Our vision is to establish a pluralistic creator economy that provides predictable and sustainable UBI mechanisms for all members of its community. The DreadGang NFT is a collection of 10,000 unique ERC721 NFTs with the ability to level up. ",2022-08-30T17:56:18.976-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7306,False,False,0xc372958093939625d7d97e3319089CEC308d36E1,DeSciU (Decentralized Science University),,"The DeSci movement will revolutionize the way research is funded, conducted, reviewed, disseminated to the public, and integrated into industry. Many passionate people and organizations are already designing and building tools and systems to improve each of these research processes. We want to help create a structure that can integrate these movements into a cohesive system. The best way we see to accomplish this mission is by establishing new education systems. In our first step towards this goal, we are hosting ""research sessions"" viewed by a ""collective intelligence"". In the research session, a researcher records their laptop/room/conversation (depending on the type of research), much like Steven Wolfram does: Steven Wolfram Live Streams. The sessions are viewed by a ""collective intelligence"": anyone in the world who is excited about learning and advancing science, essentially the ""students"". It is unique because they converse online, answer each other's questions, and only once a week communicate their unanswered questions to the researcher. Primary advantages of our proposed approach are: Free education that is accessible to anyone in the world. Higher quality research, accomplished through peer review happening during ""research sessions"". Reducing teaching time: professors who don't want to be teaching do not need to be thanks to our system that relies on the professor communicating with the student's ""collective intelligence"". Integrating research into the real world by incentivizing a decentralized team to execute on required tasks. Training of the next generation of researchers with hands on experience from world class experts. Our primary objectives right now are onboard 3 researchers in the fields of human computer interaction, psychology and mathematics. We think these fields fit our model well and will be valuable learning experiences for this to scale. If you are a DAO, we are also excited about working with you! Instead of a researcher, the “session leader” would be a leader from your DAO, and your audience would be people who want to get onboarded into your community. Giving your potentially new community members access to the brightest minds in your org, without distracting your bright minds from building. We are excited about this model because ANYONE IN THE WORLD will have access to what world class experts on any given topic are CURRENTLY working on. Right now, only the researchers collaborators have access to this information. The public has to wait years until the research is published. Moreover, the researcher needs to exert the same amount of energy as they would with ONE graduate student, in order to get the collective intelligence of potentially thousands of individuals (Steven Wolfram has 1k-2.5k viewers for each of his live streams). The money from this grant will allow us to pay contributors, purchase required tooling, and Find more info here. ",2022-08-30T18:23:16.880-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7307,True,True,0x0,Fantom House - Decentralized Crypto Gaming House where ANYONE Can be the House,,"Fanton House is.. 1. A truly fair & transparent gaming platform powered by Chainlink VRF 2. A decentralized gaming platform where ANY player can be ""The House"" 3. A utility provider for ANY projects that utilizes ERC-20 tokens. Fantom House is a truly fair, decentralized, and anonymous, crypto gaming platform on EVM where everyone can enjoy fair play and an innovative experience. Have you ever heard the phrase, “The house always wins?” It’s mostly true, and there could be many reasons why… 1. A ‘rigged’ house system, programmed to eventually bankrupt the player 2. A ‘House Edge’ – small or large – that benefits the House, not the player 3. And many more… who knows? They never share the source code with you. Many online crypto gaming websites claim to be 'decentralized', while the only decentralized aspect of their platform is the currency (crypto) used for betting. Fantom House has brought true decentralization. At Fantom House, ANYONE can be The House. The House edge is on your side now! However, that does not mean Fantom House only cares about depositors. We do not use the common random function model called ‘provably fair’, which claims to be fair by using a server hash, user hash, etc. But as previously mentioned, who knows what is going on behindthe-scenes, in their well-hidden source code? We use Chainlink’s VRF system, which does not rely on ANY party for randomness. It’s a fully decentralized way of creating randomness. With all these amazing features, Fantom House allows users to play with VARIOUS currencies from many projects, with a higher PayOut and the lowest House Edge possible! Our current payout schedule is 1.95-1.96x / 50% chance, which is highest standard in the crypto gaming industry! Being truly decentralized means, ANYONE can be ANYTHING, under FAIR & TRANSPARENT probabilities. At Fantom House, you can play TRULY FAIR games, or you can become THE HOUSE",2022-08-30T18:28:35.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7308,False,False,0xb2232aAB9726bb83Ec0cD8f5aa8688d001738c5D,Web3: Let us teach you why it's digital arts' best friend,,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""g3 connects' vision is to educate, promote and elevate artists in the digital space. Money granted to g3 connects will go toward education/advancement of the arts in the Web3 space through social media platforms such as twitter/twitter spaces, instagram, tik tok, as well as (and with a focus on) hosting events in the metaverse. Part of promoting and elevating artists is making Web3 accessible to new users. This includes education on how to set up different wallets and ledgers; how to fins and shop across multiple NFT platforms; and what tools can be used to promote creation with open source shared across and through community engagement. g3 connects, founded by Amanda Broderick (@msgekko) and Jennifer Wolfberg (@grebflow) has been relationship building for more than 18 months recognizes the importance of community engagement. We strive to be trailblazers in the space as the world finally readies for the digital art renaissance. \n""}]} ",2022-08-30T19:44:40.274-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7309,True,True,0x1350eC874Bf8c91cbf6260D1841677C050e4Df12,,," is a public good that enhances best practices in traditional technologies that every project is using, like email, dns, certificates, by providing a scoring about the configuration in those domains and a general score. With this information retail investors are empowered and are able to know how good a project is in technology and if they project cares about the security basics. It is also a good tool for projects to show people that they care about the basics and for the safety of users funds.",2022-08-30T20:15:25.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7310,False,False,0x0,CYBACHAIN CRYPTO,," cybachain crptocurency offers you a short and secure way of earning money every day at the comfort of your home, cybachain crptocurency help stop some public issues in a sense that you got to work at your home, Cybachain crptocurency can also help our community today and solve Economics problem and financial issues in our different countries ,you can also exchange Bitcoin, tokens or even swap. Cybachain crptocurency is making sure that all your Bitcoin wallet are safe and will also help you to buy Bitcoin, Dogecoin or Ethereum – whatever you do, Cybachain gives you full control. Store, swap, spend and buy cryptocurrency. Choose from a wide range of popular crypto coins to diversify your portfolio. ",2022-08-30T20:33:08.923-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7311,True,True,0xC19A8A7bcfF4bfaC344d95EF7146Db8fa7169370,Nextme,,"Vision Mission: Create Next Generation #Web3 DID Social Gateway and On-Chain Portrait Infrastructure. Nextme DIDs + Personalized social home page template, connect your Web2+3 social media, works, assets, contracts, etc. About Us:Next Labs The core members of the team are all from the world's top Internet companies Miner/developer/photographer/crypto artist background, currently a total of 13 full-time and part-time consultants+ Decentralized offices around the world, mainly in Tokyo, Singapore, Cameroon, China Taiwan, etc. Everyone has 5-10 years of experience in production and research, growth, and blockchain Cumulatively designed and developed 100+ web2+3 products In the past two years, he has also participated in the production and incubation of multiple NFT brands from 0 to 1, and the investment in DeFi projects At the same time, the founding members of the team are also well-known creators, developers/fans of 1 million+ in the community There are 20+ community KOL/creators/developers and other user resources 500 million+ fans in the web2+3 community The annual reading volume of works is 10 billion+ Product Value: We mainly help web2+3 digital citizens to open up on-chain and off-chain identities under many application systems, and apply these data in a decentralized way to create, aggregate, and share your personalized social portals and decentralized identities system. The upper layer (to c scene) is based on a set of Nextme DIDs Network to connect users' web2+3 Links, works, assets, contracts, etc. select templates, and quickly generate personalized social media business cards for creators, project parties, organizations and communities, nft mint/badge claim pages, etc. save an average of 3-5 manpower/tens of thousands of dollars in design front-end and back-end contracts; The bottom layer (to b scenario) Nextme DIDs Data pool will precipitate and analyze the on-chain and off-chain data on the homepage of all producers' social portals, perform tagging, portrait processing, grouping and other behaviors, and commercialize the portrait protocol on the chain. The desensitization output is sent to developers and organizations for on-chain user portrait analysis, precise delivery, advertising services, social graphs and other scenarios. Homepage Screenshot: You can visit our official website for the latest version of the schematic diagram, welcome to experience 👏🏻",2022-08-30T21:08:23.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7312,False,False,0xEf00Da5023681Fb0757EB677b721Da27207816DA,KingDAOs is a DAO creation platform that allows anyone to create a simple DAO.,,"Overview KingDAOs is a platform that allows anyone to create a simple DAO. KingDAOs act as an extremely versatile commitment to facilitate the decentralization of networks to a worldwide community. Through the flexible and collaborative governance, KingDAOs are empowering like-minded individuals to come together and take action in a truly collective way. There are still common problems during DAOs development: 1.Scalability. At present, many DAO tooling products generally have the common issues such as low scalability, limited interation and upgrade, which directly impacts the development of DAOs. 2.Compatibility. Compatibility is another great challenge for DAOs. There is no unified API or development documents that are effectively compatible and worsely most DAOs can not implement the function of collaborative governance. 3.Diversity. Like any product,diversity and demand are interrelated. Most products can only meet some needs for general functions, but cannot satify the diverse and different needs of the DAOs. The KingDAOs protocol is a set of open protocols that can interact with internal modules and external protocols. Its vision is to create a module on its platform that enables anyone to set up a DAO based on their needs. ",2022-08-30T21:41:34.181-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7313,True,True,0x72039D2008537aD0449a7d1aB015065B902dc533,Universal registration form on websites for researchers and scientists,,"- Summary - United opensource/blockchain registration system and authorization for scientific websites and non-commercial organizations, academically blogs, forums, and educational institutions - - - - - Form and view: opensource API. Multipurpose user-friendly form of registration for all scientific initiatives (websites, community, forums, NGO's, University and start-ups who have internet-platform)   It's large and user-friendly database and registration system for:  - independent scientists  - researchers  - journalists  - civil activists  - volunteers & members from NGO’s  - teams & experts from profit & non-profit organisations   Global Science ID using the blockchain - access from one account to thousand scientific & activists communities and to global support system for citizen and professional science TRL Alliance /Science (DeSci: Decentralized Science)   Websites receive public API and user-friendly opensource system of registration as in framework of support to science TRL Global Foundation spreads license to accommodate International Researcher Certificate as a registration form/to sign in absolutely free (even for organizations with paid membership). Respectively all members, registering in thousands of small scientific projects will be added to the database TRL Alliance/Science and have access to websites integrating API TRL Alliance/Science certificate Global ID   What is the difference from general-purpose input like Facebook or Google? This registration system and login, developed specifically for scientific community (including Citizen Science)   Basic user certificate not only for signing in to websites that have integrating our API, but researcher doesn't have to introduce themselves, because certificate already shows scientific areas of interest or areas in which user works. By looking at the profile in you will see all three certificates (and all areas) of the user, as well as learn his/her ORCID or Researcher ID and if needed go to biography and works of a specific researcher.   Working solution now: SCOPUS. But we can interact with this system. This is not direct competition, it's a mutual reinforcement.   + Financing is required for specific areas TRL Alliance/Science certificate & Global ID: 1) Development of two-way API-system of registration and automatization with preparation for integration Web 3 2) Development and integration of inalienable NFT. It allows the project to receive audience without any loss. Afterwards it will allow to launch a model UGBI being the direct target of TRL Global Foundation, so it means a constant use.  3) Implementation of AML/KYC into the project (will be complemented by third party funding)   + Web3 and Global Science ID. The next stage of development includes creation and implementation into to system Web 3: •            Appropriation of NFT to every certificate; •            Integration to each profile of inalienable NFT •            Creating blockchain-tool for mutual data exchange with ORCID for all members TRL Alliance/Science •            Automation of welcome accrual of digital currency CSDG to wallets of registered researchers   Task of TRL Alliance/Science: use data confirmed by research, implementing these results more quickly and applying them to practical areas. The first phase has a special emphasis on the area of solving social problems and the crisis of democratic institutions. All this became possible due to the fact that the system of licences deigned for TRL Alliance / Science promotes, amongst other things, citizen science and funding of citizen advocacy right across the spectrum.   Our users can get connected with a pool of scientists (both local and international) to work on a single topic/project, the duration of which can last for ten or more years and which will also be supported by the TRL Global Foundation by including it in the inflation mechanism algorithm, etc. You can find like-minded researchers in specific areas ex.: ; ex.: etc. [Test mode. Sometimes not all certificates are displayed]   This is an open source project and does not involve any paid membership. We are also prioritising the creation of a “type: team_HEI” certificate for members of educational institutions. Find the certificate for 100+ organisation here: or If our members are/becomes a member or a volunteer of a Non-governmental organisation for which a TRL certificate has already been released, they can activate “member/volunteer certificate” with this organisation   TRL Alliance/Science is an organisation with the goal of creating and financing the global network of independent scientists and civil activists. These lines of work are only parts of the overall multidisciplinary project TRL Global Foundation. The main goal of the Foundation is creation of self-regulating social mechanism in the area of rights and freedoms of persons, as well as environment, by using economic tools and algorithms specific to the economy 4.0.   At the moment, the project is built exclusively on the work of volunteers. All registrations are free; no commercial profit for four years.   Available to every Gitcoin member. You can activate your certificate in the global support system for citizen & professional science TRL Alliance here:   This will help us even more than donations : )   //// We follow the principle of maximum openness. That is why you can find instructions for each of our directions in the public domain.   And here is our first participation in the GC programme: Creation and integration of opensource web3 in the registration system | Grants | Gitcoin   IMPORTANT: The organizers of the TRL Global Foundation are distributing digital assets with the aim of increasing the popularity of blockchain technologies (for many our volunteers & researchers the Launch_TRL blockchain transaction the first one they have encountered in their lives)   (!!!) It is a digital token without a denomination or value. The fundamental aim of these digital assets is for new groups of people to be introduced to and familiarize themselves with blockchain technologies (for example, installing web3 wallets, understanding the publicity of the blockchain (on the example of transactions in polygonscan), etc.) And, of course, it is much safer to learn something new without worrying about losing something valuable. Our task is to provide with the opportunity to do this.    About the TRL Global Foundation in three minutes PDF About the TRL Alliance/Science PDF (all links in the document are working)",2022-08-31T00:34:30.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7314,False,True,0xc101A23373218dD78AD14149CE59F1701B2CD67F,Ultrapods is a toolkit for decentralized identity.,,"Introduce Ultrapods is a toolkit for decentralized identity. Here we will focus largely on DIDKit, due to the complexity of its problem space and its applicability to a wide variety of use cases. Ultrapods aims to make a useful, open, and versatile toolkit, which drives our design of each component to be modular and just complex enough to do the heavy lifting for a wide range of use cases. DIDKit provides Verifiable Credential and Decentralized Identifier functionality across different platforms. DIDKit's core libraries are written in Rust due to Rust's expressive type system, memory safety, simple dependency web, and suitability across different platforms including embedded systems, but the comprehensive DIDKit SDK includes many libraries and interfaces for using it almost everywhere. As more and more real-world value gets digitized over the decades, ""identity data"" has become a chokepoint for virtually all other digital value systems. Furthermore, every central repository of personal information has become a target of opportunistic business models, many of them illegal and based on exfiltration and interception of personal data. The legal spheres of so-called ""ad-tech"" and data brokerages and the illegal spheres of espionage, identity theft, and industrialized computer fraud share many characteristics. Ultrapods is an open-source, decentralized identity platform that works openly to advance these technologies in a sustainable, standards-driven way. We share the values of the community that has been driving this technology for a decade, and we want to see it succeed in the most organic and decentralized way possible. That means high standards for future-proof engineering, and an open-source strategy that keeps infrastructure and standards governance in the hands of a democratic commons.",2022-08-31T02:04:36.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7315,True,True,0x34aea1c8D01c603f32E2a41580713e945C15eea3,DAOLink,,"DAOLink - DAO Together With Fun & Love TL;DR - DAOLink escalates the DAO building experience to a different level by providing a visualized game-like environment to the DAOs. - Not having a good onboarding experience is a major issue that many DAOs are facing. DAOLink is designed to solve this problem through 1) its game-like environment, 2) its gamification mechanics. - There is no doubt that DAOs will be on the very first train driving into the true metaverse when the time comes. By doing what we are doing now, DAOLink will hold the entrance and DAOLink will have the opportunity to become the Web3 Facebook. 省流助手 DAOLink旨在帮助DAO解决当前onboarding信息杂乱低效的问题,我们通过将Discord的组织结构导入DAOLink的方式,让您的DAO一键生成游戏化地图,从而可以以更丰富的表现来实施onboarding,让新人在第一时间就感受DAO的Vibe,提升新人留存的动力。 DAO无疑将是第一批进入元宇宙的用户,我们DAOLink通过提供类元宇宙的服务聚合DAO在我们的平台,通过公区沉淀出社交关系,让我们成为有真正使用场景的元宇宙社交平台。 Main features of DAOLink Immersive Onboarding Experience - Customizable various onboarding procedures - Each DAO can define whatever ways of onboarding procedures that fit the DAO the best, from form filling to token gating. The newcomers can get a better understanding of the DAO by learning how the procedure and the DAO space have been organized, which definitely will help with retention rate. - Gamification mechanics - Each DAO can also set up goals and rewards to help the newcomers to get an extra motivation of onboarding. 中国地区用户可访问: One-Click Map Creation Through Discord DAOLink Bot - Most of the DAOs are currently running their DAOs on Discord. With our bot, DAO owners can set up their DAOLink space by just one click. With so little extra effort bringing a much better retention rate, isn't that exciting? 中国地区用户可访问: DAO Social - The ultimate goal of DAOLink is to be the entrance of the metaverse. Nowadays, most of the so-called 'metaverse' service providers are just creating metaverse for online events. This is not a true metaverse. A true metaverse needs to have more solid user scenarios. It ought to give people reasons to come into the metaverse everyday. DAOs are definitely on the cutting edge of the metaverse. By gathering all DAOs together in DAOLink, we will be the first team to find out the real use cases of metaverse. That's why we think we have the potential to become the Web3 Facebook. 中国地区用户可访问: Team We are a team of web3 entrepreneurs with a deep passion for DAO. Our passion for DAO is the biggest and the best reason why we gather together to build this product. DAOs deserve a much better tool to build community together than they currently use. Our expertise lies in games development, social innovation, enterprise cooperation tools, etc. Our Core members have years of quality experience in Web2 products including made products with millions of dollars per month as revenue and 10+ million DAU products. We believe our overall skills will help your DAO long-term prosper. Roadmap Dec 2022 Close Beta Test Mar 2023 Beta Test Jun 2023 V1.0 DAO Private Space Dec 2023 V2.0 DAO Social Current Stage We have just won the C-Combinator of SeeDAO. Please check the link below. We won the Best App award and we were the only project which got the extra bonus. 注:以上是我们参加SeeDAO孵化器大赛并获得优胜的官方新闻介绍。 SeeDAO, HyDAO, AMDAO have already built their maps in our demo product. We are in process of getting more DAOs coming in. With these great DAOs gradually onboard, we can keep sharpening our product to adapt to each and every DAO's true requirement. ",2022-08-31T02:12:22.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7316,True,True,0xb7fB178871ddCEBC8D5082dCc7dE06329172C3a4,Rings Network,,"Rings Network is a peer-to-peer private communication network, enabling users to interact among Web3 and Web2 applications. Rings Network is based on distributed storage and aims to establish the basic ad-hoc & end-to-end network infrastructure for the next generation of Internet and Blockchain. We want to reduce the cost of Internet communication, enhance the privacy of human connection, provide an excellent environment for the development of personality, pave the way for the transmission of knowledge, return to the origin of the Internet spirit, to deliver freedom, equality, and love.",2022-08-31T03:20:01.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7317,True,True,0x5bA53319462d919e71b3F853fB295F581fa072bA,Haon Earth - It pays to be sustainable.,,"Haon's mission is to be the platform to incentivise change, and to form sustainable consumer and lifestyle habits. We want to onboard users into carbon management tech whilst rewarding them, financially, for making more planet friendly choices. Too often, more carbon intensive options win in every day decision making processes. That sustainable T-Shirt is twice as expensive as a fast fashion alternative. It is cold, so it is easier to drive to work as opposed to cycling or walking. With our incentive mechanism, we want to be the platform to nudge users towards making more sustainable choices, rewarding users for sustainable transport choices and deploying a cash back functionality to reward and encourage the purchase of sustainable product choices. As businesses, in the wake of COP26, invest heavily into reducing their Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, we celebrate this and look towards the next battle. Reducing one's residual carbon footprint and the only way to tackle one's residual carbon footprint is by altering behaviours. Furthermore, through Social-Fi mechanics, such as sustainable leaderboards between friends and the entire platform community, we can create sustainable competition between friends and fellow users, with exciting rewards through our sustainable partners. Haon Earth. It pays to be sustainable.",2022-08-31T03:33:48.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7318,False,False,0x027FB871101a865E0e3440a78aA073BE85763C5B,Help more newcomers to have their first ENS name without hassle,,"ENS is now widely recognized as having won the race for being the Web3 identity standard. However, compared with unstoppable domain, ENS still have much less registration numbers (Till Aug 2022, unstoppable domain has more than 2.5 million names registered while ENS total registration number is still less than 2 million.)  We think the key reason behind this situation is that it is actually more difficult for new users to have one ENS name since most of them will encounter difficulties in acquiring Ethereum, paying gas fees and even having a wallet, which are all essentially needed in registering an ENS name. is a website to help more new users to register their first ENS name without concerning about the trouble to get ETH and the lengthy time to understand the complex ENS registration process. Our mission is to help more newcomers to join the ENS community with extreme convenience and best ENS registration experience, thus helping to grow the ENS ecosystem. Our service helps the users to buy their ENS domains in 24 hours at a fixed price in USD. Once customers try our service, we will help register their chosen ENS names instead and transfer to their wallet in 24 hours. Thus, people will no longer have to worry about the gas fees nor having ETH. What all users have to do is to choose the ENS name they want to register, provide necessary information to us, check out through their own credit card and wait for our confirmation email that we’ve actually sent your name on your wallet within 24 hours. By using our service, customers can actually purchase their desired .eth names without the hassle of having their own ETH plus other fees. Even people who lack understanding and knowledge about the requirements of purchasing their own ENS name can actually have their own .eth names by using our site. We really hope our service can provide newcomers with best ENS user experience and meanwhile let more people to discover the charm of ENS and to register one for themselves. In the end, we hope we can jointly help grow the ENS community. Community  Follow us on twitter @enspriceless, @enstoday and @ensbuy for more perks and product updates. About Me: I am an ENS enthusiast who got into ENS after the airdrop and liked its utility and investment potential. I started by buying ENS names and blogging about good names to buy at My ENS investments are self funding the current efforts on clubs and other analytic tools for ENS. I can be contacted at ",2022-08-31T03:35:58.427-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7319,False,False,0x99D3902df24797b0639280C3FA84188A08811dDf,The World Largest Blockchain Job Freelancing Platform,," Newsmartjob: Every freelancer’s go-to website! We, Divine pandas are a team of the app and web experts whose only goal is to improve client productivity and business strength by providing affordable and effective marketing solutions. Founder Divya Jyoti Sen and co-founder Jade Lai-ting li started a team of 22 web experts with over 12 years of experience that can provide the best website design, development, and marketing services to grow their client’s business online. Recently we have launched a new platform called Newsmartjob to provide opportunities and freelancing gigs to job seekers in the blockchain industry. Ours is the only blockchain smart contract freelance platform to ever exist. Smart contracts are digital contracts that work on certain terms and conditions to make sure whether an agreement is automatically executed or not. Official contracts like these are necessary to satisfy the freelancers and the clients that their payment and task will be completed satisfactorily.As a freelancer, it’s very important to have trust and transparency with your clients. Because that is the foundation of any successful business. There are numerous platforms out there that help freelancers get good gigs and consistent work. But when it comes to payment, their process is either too slow or clients back out at the last moment.Whatever the reason, freelancers have to suffer in the end. They are overworked and denied their reward, whether intentionally or unintentionally. But this doesn’t happen with Newsmartjob because we use smart contracts like MetaMask to avoid any kind of payment delay. Interestingly, we are the only ones to have this system as of now. MetaMask is a kind of smart contract or a cryptocurrency wallet that singlehandedly works on both desktop and mobile devices. It is popular because of its ability to buy, send and receive cryptocurrency from within the wallet. Smart contracts provide this level of security and safety among job seekers to maintain their trust. With the presence of these digital contracts, it becomes easier for freelancers to provide great value to their clients without any second thoughts. Newsmartjob accepts everyone around the globe to be a part of their platform and earn a consistent income through it. With emerging advanced technologies like these, people can trust freelancing as a legit carrier choice. Just like other jobs, freelancing has its pros and cons but one of its biggest drawbacks was denied payment. Nobody likes losing their hard-earned money. Newsmartjobs understands this pain and agony and their smart contracts act as a painkiller for the same. Please contact us for more details. Site : Instagram :, Linkedin : Twitter    : Telegram : Whatsapp : Signup : ",2022-08-31T03:38:36.785-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7320,True,True,0xecA510E9304139De92EDCb64315ee9bd5074d67c,PHS DAO: Decentralized Public Health Initiatives,,"Abbreviations: PHS - Public Health Sciences, PH - Public Health, WHO - World Health Organization, HIV - human immunodeficiency virus, DAO - decentralized autonomous organization, MSM - men who have sex with men, DCs - decentralized blockchain-based ad hoc medical councils. #harm reduction programs - different programs, restraining the HIV transmission from risk groups to general population. Include distribution of free sterile syringes, condoms, etc. Who am I? MD, spec in infectious diseases, a researcher in Public Health, charity initiatives creator, science-inspirator (myriad of ideas ;). 7-yrs experience in complex cases curation, including HIV, viral hepatitis, and COVID-19. I was one of the first specialists to describe and publish a study of prolonged (318-days) COVID-19 in a B-cell lymphoma patient ( For the past six months, I have been involved in the UK-based Bionabu charity initiative dedicated to telemedicine consulting Ukrainian residents and refugees with infections. Having a Master's degree in Public Health Sciences, I became the author & co-author of several research papers in recognized scientific journals such as BMC Infectious diseases, Frontiers in Medicine, Health Information Science and Systems ( Reasoning Usually, Public Health (PH) is considered a well-established area. However, its policies have low effectiveness despite all the efforts of official international healthcare regulators & a large number of non-profit services. In addition, the lack of widespread tradition of assessing and dynamic re-evaluation of results robs the Healthcare authorities & humanity of completed discoveries and policies. To these accidents we can attribute the famous “hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19” case (the drug is not useful and quite harmful), or “anti-arrhythmic meds always save lives in infarct patients with extrasystoles” (can save from acute deterioration, but increase overall mortality in this population). Talking about researching & reporting flank, we can see a scandalous inability to formulate necessary research questions in big PH-study designs and ridiculous systematic errors in collecting population-level data that negate further study results. The ongoing competition between scientific groups for resources & journal places that are mainly allocated for the most “positive” findings, combined with research centers' willingness not to lose their reputation, diminishes the capacity of PH Sciences. Hence, independent Public Health initiatives are conducted in a ""detective"" manner if we mean quality evaluations. It is unwelcome for understandable reasons. That’s why we are here - to create the first independent web3 social ecosystem for Public Health research proposals posting, evaluation and further transparent reporting of findings and well-annotated data (FAIR-data). It will provide an opportunity to conduct collegial motivated study designs reviewing and transparent findings-reporting with rewards for participants via specific smart-contract algorithms. The main purposes of PH are more than the prevention of diseases and arrangement of medical help on the social scale, it is also in discovering effective mechanisms for communication and experience exchange between professionals. Modern communication technologies as well as significant demand for high-quality medical help give opportunities for decentralized blockchain-based ad hoc medical councils (DCs) and health-technology assessment (HTA). This makes it crucial to attract the attention of public health authorities to the problem of doing such key discussions faster and with more independence & incentive to participants. PHS DAO' prototype We propose a DAO with web3 social features for public health specialists, DCs & HTA groups and groups of Social Media & Government relation groups. The community’s repositories will be for different public health issues & corresponding initiatives. All of them will repeat the core repository's structure, consisting of specialists from different sub-fields of Public Health Sciences. The opportunity to ""fork"" the structure of the main repository will determine specialists' easy ""transfer"" between the main and issues-related repositories.    Main actions in such repositories: conducting a study designs evaluation via smart-contract-based voting & rewarding of participants; fundraising campaign in cryptocurrency via DeFi principles; assessment and reevaluation of the conducting studies; creating the non-removable reporting-record. in other words, fast and transparent report of the findings, even if they are misleading - it is important for storage of discoveries with intermediate meaning and negative ones - for further fixing of population's peculiarities, biases revealing, adjusted policies creation. It is very important for thorough meta-analysis and filtering of unsuccessful hypotheses or the circumstances for their realization. The PH measures suffer from the undesirable meeting of research intentions and redundant centralization. In it Public Health with Charity initiatives are similar. “PHS DAO: Decentralized Public Health Initiatives” give a birth to censor-detached and not mainstream projects but for most vulnerable populations, whose problems are too unpopular to be funded. PHS DAO' first proposed initiatives   There are two first proposed initiatives ready to be reviewed and conducted:   1) seamless distribution of antiretroviral therapy in HIV+ refugees population (without any ID documents) with further evaluation of HIV-circulation in it and it's impact for resistant HIV transmission and AIDS epidemics progression.   2) decentralized ad hoc medical council for ethics problems in everyday medical practice - target population is medical specialists that work in circumstances of undivided responsibility ( Both of them, if will be realized, give not only policies for the target populations (HIV+ refugees and medical doctors), but also a meta-level estimation of HIV transmission, as well as prevalence of ethical issues in different societies. ",2022-08-31T03:40:57.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7321,True,True,0x7b736FE138775D1fCD2CFE4E1D6158BfF3a2F28e,ENS Spoofing Bot: Detect a Scam Name That Looks Like Yours,,"ENS Spoofing Bot detects attacks in which someone registers a name visually similar to an existing one.  Forta Protocol, which monitors blockchain events in real-time, together with this bot allows attacks to be detected before they happen or to minimize the damage from them. What's more, every ENS user will be able to receive an alert if it happened to their name. The problem Names in the Ethereum Name Service are unique, but there are no restrictions on registering look-alike names that are visually very difficult to distinguish from genuine ones. For example, having a name vitalik.eth, an attacker can register a similar name by replacing the symbol lowercase L with uppercase i: vitaIik.eth. The name is visually similar, but it is treated by the protocol as a completely different name, with its own hash, as well as an address bound to it.  This type of attack is called a homograph attack. Regarding the ENS protocol, it can be performed in the following ways: Substitution of character pairs i/I, i/j, O/0, w/vv, m/rn, which depending on the typeface, may be difficult or impossible to distinguish; Replacing ascii characters with visually similar ones from Unicode; for example, “faсebooсk.eth” uses the letters o and с from Cyrillic; Use of invisible Unicode characters;  Spoofing using uppercase letters; for example, bitcoin.eth may be spoofed as Bitcoin.eth.  ENS fights this attack pretty hard by normalizing names before they are registered, as well as warning against using non-ascii characters on its site. However, to save gas, such checks have been implemented off-chain, on the frontend side. Any user can register a name bypassing the official site by calling the protocol contract directly. The Proposal It is proposed to develop a Forta bot that monitors on-chain contract events responsible for registering "".eth"" names. As soon as the bot detects a new registered name, it tries to normalize it and checks if a similar name has already been registered. If so, the bot fires an alert specifying the registered name, the existing normalized name, and the addresses of the accounts to which these names are bound. Forta Protocol allows each user to subscribe to alerts involving their addresses, so if their name is spoofed, they will immediately receive a notification in one of the convenient ways: Email, Telegram, Discord, Slack or Webhook. In addition, when combined with bots that detect subsequent stages of suspicious activity, we will have enough evidence to claim a scam attack. For example, the next follow-up checks could be obtaining tokens, selling them, and laundering funds through services like Tornado Cash.  As a result, the Forta ENS Spoofing Bot will play an important role in detecting scam attacks, maximizing the chances of their detection. About the Author I'm a Ukrainian developer, who has been developing bots for Forta Protocol since the beginning of the project. You may have seen me as a frequent contest winner as well as an active member of the community. At the moment I developed 16 bots, some of them are in the Forta Threat Detection Kit. ",2022-08-31T03:43:24.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7322,True,True,0x7b736FE138775D1fCD2CFE4E1D6158BfF3a2F28e,Forta Bots: Funding & Money Laundering Through Aztec Protocol,,"Most attacks begin and end with the use of private services that allow funding or withdrawals without revealing the sender and recipient.  The most popular service among attackers of DeFi projects was the Tornado Cash mixer. However, after it was blocked by The US Department of Treasury, other projects will likely take over this niche. Aztec Protocol, which is a privacy-first zk-rollup on Ethereum, could be a potential such project.  The Proposal To improve attack detection in the Forta Protocol ecosystem, it is proposed to develop two separate bots covering both the account funding stage before an attack and the money laundering stage that occurs after the attack is performed. Funded Account Interaction Bot This bot detects when an account that was funded by Aztec Connect interacts with a contract. The severity of these findings is low, as they do not indicate malicious activity. However, in the presence of other suspicious activity, they greatly increase the accuracy of attack detection. Money Laundering Bot This bot detects when numerous large transfers are made to Aztec Connect, potentially indicating post-hacking money laundering activity. All user transfers are summed up within a specified time and checked for exceeding the threshold. The severity of such findings is high. These bots will work similarly to existing bots for Tornado Cash, and I'm sure they will be able to increase the accuracy as well as the number of detected attacks.  About the Author I'm a Ukrainian developer, who has been developing bots for Forta Protocol since the beginning of the project. You may have seen me as a frequent contest winner as well as an active member of the community. At the moment I developed 16 bots, some of them are in the Forta Threat Detection Kit.",2022-08-31T04:04:59.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7323,True,True,0xc4A877840a7cCAD2E6763f9b1722a415134f2b22,Socious - decentralized gig marketplace connecting Climate Tech companies with purpose-driven professionals,,"Socious is a gig marketplace connecting ClimateTech companies with purpose-driven professionals. Socious aligns socially-conscious millennials’ career goals with their aspirations to contribute to climate solutions. What we've achieved so far: 📱 Launched the Socious app on App Store and Google Play Store 👩‍💻 1.8k+ purpose-driven professionals joined Socious 🏢 15k+ impact jobs listed on Socious 🤝 21 successfully hired for impact projects Context:   The great resignation is happening now. During the pandemic, tens of millions of people left their corporate jobs searching for more meaningful work. For our generation, we work not only to pay the bills but also to make a positive impact in the world. Solution:   Socious is providing a new path for these purpose-driven professionals so that they don’t need to choose between their career and their desire to contribute to climate solutions and social impact, because they can achieve both on Socious. More than 1.8k purpose-driven professionals have joined Socious because we solve their pain points in three ways:    🤝We use Machine Learning to match purpose-driven professionals with Climate Tech companies where they can grow and achieve their career goals. 🎉We make their impact and the organization’s impact (e.g. carbon offsets) transparent and traceable using blockchain technology. 💰 We reward contributors with high environmental and social impact with crypto tokens in addition to a fair salary they receive from Climate Tech companies, thereby encouraging climate contributions. Future plans and use of funds We’re now laser-focused on the gig marketplace to bring purpose-driven designers and climate tech companies together and provide even more value to those who have joined our movement. In the future, we want to provide more value to other impact companies working on different social issues such as poverty, education, health, etc.   We will also leverage our impact score system to provide other services such as a donation platform, an ethical product marketplace, an impact lending platform for the unbanked, and an impact investment platform.    We know that these are ambitious goals, but it has been amazing to see a community of like-minded people formed to make a difference in the world. We believe that the right talent and resources will allow us to accelerate environmental and social impact.    Please support Socious and help purpose-driven professionals contribute to climate solutions. Your donations will be used to pay our contributors, build partnerships, and fund our community initiatives. Project Details: Pitch Deck Whitepaper ",2022-08-31T05:04:27.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7324,True,True,0x5c72B09D6c3494273166Cc90f27481128121d174,"Clearing alien vegetation in Knysna, South Africa",,"Knysna’s indigenous forest and fynbos fragile ecosystems are being lost to aggressively spreading invasive alien plant species that outcompete indigenous plants, destroy the habitat of endemic creatures and substantially increase the risk of fire.",2022-08-31T06:08:45.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7325,True,True,0xAda02482517b71210FF58Dd9dC20E938C87C1524,DeSci Hack Global,,"DeSci Hack Global is an online, global hackathon event taking place this November. Our mission is to enhance participation in decentralised science (DeSci) to help drive innovation. The event will have two tracks – code and no-code – to enhance diverse participation and solutions. All submissions will be open source. Participants will be encouraged to form teams with people who have a range of skill sets. From those with traditional science backgrounds to those with web3 backgrounds and knowledge. This will also help participants to expand and diversify their current networks. Teams will be encouraged and supported to experiment with web3 tools (e.g. SNARKs, knowledge graphs, NFTs) to solve specific problems in modern science. Teams will also be encouraged to think through risks and follow the values of Science as a public good, Putting science first, and Improving the quality of science (learn more from the team’s DeSci.Berlin talk). Previously, the team have helped catalyse the DeSci movement through education, articles, creating the DeSci Guild within KERNEL, hackathons (code submission) and ideathons (no code submission). They are keen to now push DeSci innovation through this dedicated global initiative. Grant funding will be used for: event prizes, developing educational materials to support participation and experimentation, event design and organisation. Made with DALL-E – ""group of scientists around a computer, pixelated art""",2022-08-31T07:16:20.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7326,True,True,0x7AF28d13387ed464a3E0eF3B55437D741fCC9b11,People's Land Bank service DAO,,"People’s Land Bank (PLB) consists of a group of passionate volunteers, and now we are looking to hire a community manager and work with experienced advisors! PLB is a UK-based meeting place, bringing together people and organisations in regenerative practice to create the right conditions for systemic change. Land is the basic platform for life; we improve access to land for regular communities. PLB’S PURPOSE AND VISION PLB is a Community Interest Company that facilitates equitable, regenerative places and ways of living for the people of the UK. Land sits at the core of many social, ecological and economic issues. Effective stewardship of land will be central to sustaining biodiversity, sequestering carbon, and maintaining general environmental health. Local access to land will be central to food system literacy, and localised food supply chains – not to mention mental and physical health. Rising land prices are driving housing affordability crises in many places, which amplify existing inequalities, whether racial, gendered or class-based. This is a snapshot of the context we are working in: The UK is home to a wealth of community-led housing projects – but often groups feel like they are navigating uncharted waters. Knowledge, resource and tool sharing could and should be streamlined. Many people want to develop sustainable, affordable ways of living – but struggle to find like-minded people with which to form settlements, co-operatives or community land trusts. Community-led housing groups, small businesses, among others, often cite access to land as a key barrier. The price of land in the UK has skyrocketed, growing by almost 600% since the mid-90s. Those who successfully find land, they find themselves struggling with volunteer burnout due to lack of compensation for labour, or the weight of administrative and governance responsibilities. Land is more and more inaccessible, which is a huge issue as we face housing, biodiversity, and climate crises. PLB addresses this first through creating robust networks through which to learn, collaborate, and build. Our long term vision is to help realise a diverse network of decentralised regenerative settlements, with providing for their basic needs through land-based practices. Connecting communities affected by lack of access to land, and building coalitions among those who have shared values and goals, will be key in pursuing these diverse neighbourhoods. This way, we can share diverse skills, experiences, resources and privileges, in order to learn and build together. When more alliances are formed, we hope to develop easily replicable models for acquiring and stewarding land, with a view to developing regenerative, equitable settlements. We could connect those who want to live low-impact with landowners seeking to use their land in civically-minded ways, for instance. We want to share knowledge so that more people can learn how to navigate the opaque and daunting planning system, develop replicable pathways to acquiring and stewarding land, or experiment in democratic methods of neighbourhood governance (often known for its administrative bloat and bureaucratic burdens, thus essentially limiting participation to those who are time-wealthy). GRANT Our next step in this journey is to hire a dedicated community manager. Our online community already consists of people from all over the UK. To nourish a robust, resilient community and make the most of our networks requires more time and energy than we volunteers currently have capacity for; to be sustainable, such labour must be fairly compensated. \\n\\nAs we navigate the uncharted waters between land reform, regenerative placemaking and web3 in the UK, we will need the help of various advisors who are more experienced and knowledgeable in web3 than we are. Most of our volunteers come from the built environment and community-led housing spaces, and we will need technical and strategic support from people familiar with the UK context and the broader web3 landscape.",2022-08-31T07:34:50.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7327,True,True,0x6B5918D8EF9094679F4b4e1Bf397a66eA411B118,ColtonArt - Regen Art & Fundraising,,"100% of my art sales fund social causes. $154,389 have gone directly to support the Gitcoin Matching Pool by selling over 200 individual artworks over the past year. I created this grant to cover my living expenses and, with your support, I will continue creating solarpunk art that funds our shared needs and hopefully inspires more artists to join the regen movement ☀️🌴 Solarpunk Art: It’s easy to be hopeless given the existential risk of climate change. Fortunately, many solutions and sustainable systems already exist and what we must do now is coordinate around a shared vision. Solarpunk art gives viewers a glimpse of the thriving world we can create. Earlier this year, I curated the ETHDenver solarpunk art gallery that brought together 36 optimistic artists to share their visions of a bright future. Today, my art weaves together solarpunk themes and specific web3 organizations that are having real-world impacts such as @all4climatedao @RegenFdn @Earthbasedsoul @ToucanProtocol @KlimaDAO @spark_eco @nori and others. My target audience is individuals who are passionate about building a better future and curious about how Web3 can play a part. The call to action is to (1) turn the viewer’s curiosity into further research and (2) direct viewers to NFT auctions (e.g. where 100% of funds go directly to public goods. The first step to building a better future is imagining it. Solarpunk art gives us a peek into those futures by depicting thriving worlds that are post-scarcity and sustainable. My work focuses on mythologizing web3 stories by creating accessible and engaging experiences for viewers. I made my big break working with Kevin Owocki on the Greatest LARP Gitcoin Fundraiser during which I made dozens of 3D models, and together we raised $500k that went to the Gitcoin Matching Pool. Greatest LARP “Final Boss” - Gitcoin Fundraiser on PartyBid Greatest LARP 3D art - Gitcoin Fundraiser Since then I’ve worked on many other Gitcoin and PG projects including: CURRENT PROJECT: ""RegenBots"" drops a new NFT every day during GR15. Each bot highlights other Gitcoin grantees or an important project in the ecosystem that I believe deserves our attention. Links will be dropped each day on my Twitter: A week-long public goods funding project that was featured on DoinGud: Moonshot Bot #204 3D Print to incentives the next MSB mint: ETHDenver Solarpunk Gallery (I helped coordinate, curate, and create art) Assortment of other Public Goods inspired work: “Infinite Garden” “Fractal Sovereignty” “ETH City” “Solarpunk Sahara” ""Inanna III” “Bankless Bot” “Cheerbot” 3D Print dev work ""I am not my Metamask wallet balance” “Meeting the dragon in the cave of my mind” My Spider-Man work can be seen here: You can read my recent “100 Project” pledge in the Twitter Announcement here: My new work is CC0 and I provide many of the 3D files for anyone to use. About me: I began my career as a 3D character artist on the Spider-Man video games (Sony). In search of more impactful creative opportunities, I became a freelance artist and joined GitcoinDAO as an artist and creative director. I worked with Kevin Owocki (Gitcoin co-founder) on the Greatest LARP Gitcoin Fundraiser during which I made dozens of 3D models, and together we raised $500k that went to the Gitcoin Matching Pool. For the first time, I was making meaningful art that directly raised funds for important social causes. Since then, I’ve worked closely with the DAO to proliferate regen vibes across web3 while helping communities build and fund their shared needs. It’s been a wonderful adventure surrounded by kind, talented, and optimistic people that inspire me every day. My most recent adventure started by making a pledge to give 100% of my art sales to social causes. I hope to define a “Degen to Regen” path for more artists to join the movement and channel our collective resources into building a brighter future!",2022-08-31T08:04:33.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7328,True,True,0x0,A Decentralized Food System,,"Raiz is creating a distributed network of vertical farms. We aim to empower communities to bring back ownership of what they grow and consume.  Raiz is raizing funds to develop a web3 protocol for expanding its impact and reach. By tokenizing urban farms & fresh greens to merge the physical and digital worlds, we make launching a new vertical farm less expensive and more scalable. Fractionalized ownership of new farms will become a reality, allowing people worldwide to finance the deployment of farms in places that need it the most. Why Vertical Farming? By using hydroponics and smart local farming equipment & software, we are able to reduce consumption of resources in contrast to traditional agriculture. We effectively save over 90% of water, can grow 12x of what is grown in the fields, and avoid emissions from transport & plastics throughout the supply chain. With supply chain disruption and extreme weather events in the rise, this way of growing food will make our system more resilient. Social Impact Food is life. Part of our food grown is going to the Salvation Army and people in need. We are feeding people locally grown crops with high nutritional value. Raiz is taking the crypto experience to the real world: educating conscious plant buyers & growers about the power of decentralization and increasing the offer of sustainable investments in the Ecosystem. We are live! Let’s make a wider impact together. The growing Raiz team will be forever grateful for your support!  ",2022-08-31T08:18:10.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7329,True,True,0x6279e0BDdC76B8aDCa38585fEE25d763DA058b03,A Decentralized Science Framework by CrunchDAO,,"Click here for the video presentation! CrunchDAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization of scientists making use of collective intelligence to solve complex problems, powered by a solid tokeconomics. We are here proposing a Decentralized Science Framework, making use of git and IPFS, that enables every group of scientists to collaborate on a single Unit of Knowledge, avoiding the so-called tragedy of anticommons, using the principles of continuous integration/continuous delivery, in a way that also tackles the reproducibility crisis in science. The use of IPFS enables the integration and recognition of micropublications and the setup of a retroactive funding framework. Moreover, it makes it possible to build around the concept of machine readability, and self describing metadata, as the technology has the capacity to make digital goods immutable, transparent, externally provable, decentralized, and distributed. Removing the need to write papers using PDFs, it is possible to integrate multimedia contents, fostering outreach and education. The latest version of our DeSci paper, whose history is tracked on IPFS, can be read at, and the associated repository is This grant will enable us to keep developing this framework and to actively use it both inside the DAO and with our research group, working on Dynamical Systems Theory, Machine Learning, Quantitative Finance, Orbital Mechanics.",2022-08-31T09:43:57.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7330,False,False,0xdBD42b56581C76B5F2dFb59B8EF0681a7927ba01,Gappro is a decentralized VC aiming to launch and incubate new crypto projects. ,,"Detail Gappro is a decentralized VC platform that aims to launch and incubate new crypto projects. It provides more channels for innovative and start-up companies to obtain funds and reduces the obstacles for token holders to obtain capital investment opportunities. As a truly decentralized project, DAO members and stakeholders can use snapshot chain voting to vote on the key aspects of each project. This ensures a transparent and progressive decision-making system. Gappro uses its funds to invest in projects with long-term potential. This includes early seed investment and liquid token investment. Our structure allows the success of these investments to benefit the entire community. Rewards go to the whole community rather than a select few. ",2022-08-31T09:54:12.427-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7331,True,False,0x93E7540f511378e590e1E1eD2B658911A74F088A,CTN- Crypto Tech Night: Blockchain Developer & Enthusiast Community,,"Crypto Tech Night is a blockchain tech-focused meetup and developers community in China, bringing top crypto developers and key opinion leaders together helping more developers to jump into the Web3 world. CTN activities are carried out once a month in Shanghai and online. Previous topics include zero-knowledge proofs, cross-chain technology, smart contract development, NFTs, DeFi, Layer 2, and etc. The purpose of this grant is to hold more online and offline tech meetups, create CTN website, reward speakers and contributors, and etc. Help support this initiative and donate to the Crypto Tech Night!",2022-08-31T09:54:15.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7332,True,True,0x9755398088d002A232f3C5954a8E1FFDF7B12dBA,AxonDAO,,"AxonDAO is an investment DAO in Neuroscience, DeSci, MedTech, Therapeutics and Web3 projects. At full operations, AxonDAO will be a diversified fund by investing in small research projects including IP NFTs, to startups, private equity, stock indexes, crypto, other DAOs and more. In addition to developing in-house DeSci initiatives and protocols which span the globe. AxonDAO’s small team has formed a group of expert advisors over the past 18 months. Also, AxonDAO’s team has laid out a plan to launch under all US Securities laws and into the international markets, in full compliance of all laws. Recently, AxonDAO successfully launched its first charity NFT. 33% of all money raised goes to an Austin, TX nonprofit that gives grants to people who can't afford psychedelic treatment. This is what AxonDAO’s team is able to do with little to no funding, “we can't wait to see what's possible when we have more support!” Click here for more details on our Charity NFT! --> What we are seeking: A Smart Contract developer Someone who can engage with the AxonDAO community Someone who can vet projects, people, startups, and research in the neuroscience space Close team members/advisors: Chris Crecelius// Managing Partner Brenna Damatta// Managing Partner Tharusha Jayasena// Neuroscientist & Research Writer Chris Byrnes// Patent Lawyer As a way to reward our early contributors and advisors, we are handing out promissory $AXONDAO tokens. Funds raised: Initial funds raised will go towards finishing the AxondAO Wyoming incorporation and token setup. Additional funds will go towards hiring a team Furthermore, we will begin to invest in smaller projects and research Potential Investment RoadMap... Tharusha, Chris, and others have considered working on a decentralized research trial around a particular study Tharusha is interested in conducting. We'd like to work with Chris on the legalities around how we can create a truly decentralized research trial. The University of Austin Texas recently opened up a psychedelic research center and they have many new studies in the pipeline (5). We are actively in conversation with them and they are open to receiving funding from AxonDAO There are many other projects out there, we want to make sure that we can appropriately vet each one. As we grow we will likely have a team that is well suited to vet projects. ",2022-08-31T11:39:15.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7332,True,True,0x9755398088d002A232f3C5954a8E1FFDF7B12dBA,AxonDAO,,"AxonDAO is an investment DAO in Neuroscience, DeSci, MedTech, Therapeutics and Web3 projects. At full operations, AxonDAO will be a diversified fund by investing in small research projects including IP NFTs, to startups, private equity, stock indexes, crypto, other DAOs and more. In addition to developing in-house DeSci initiatives and protocols which span the globe. AxonDAO’s small team has formed a group of expert advisors over the past 18 months. Also, AxonDAO’s team has laid out a plan to launch under all US Securities laws and into the international markets, in full compliance of all laws. Recently, AxonDAO successfully launched its first charity NFT. 33% of all money raised goes to an Austin, TX nonprofit that gives grants to people who can't afford psychedelic treatment. This is what AxonDAO’s team is able to do with little to no funding, “we can't wait to see what's possible when we have more support!” Click here for more details on our Charity NFT! --> What we are seeking: A Smart Contract developer Someone who can engage with the AxonDAO community Someone who can vet projects, people, startups, and research in the neuroscience space Close team members/advisors: Chris Crecelius// Managing Partner Brenna Damatta// Managing Partner Tharusha Jayasena// Neuroscientist & Research Writer Chris Byrnes// Patent Lawyer As a way to reward our early contributors and advisors, we are handing out promissory $AXONDAO tokens. Funds raised: Initial funds raised will go towards finishing the AxondAO Wyoming incorporation and token setup. Additional funds will go towards hiring a team Furthermore, we will begin to invest in smaller projects and research Potential Investment RoadMap... Tharusha, Chris, and others have considered working on a decentralized research trial around a particular study Tharusha is interested in conducting. We'd like to work with Chris on the legalities around how we can create a truly decentralized research trial. The University of Austin Texas recently opened up a psychedelic research center and they have many new studies in the pipeline (5). We are actively in conversation with them and they are open to receiving funding from AxonDAO There are many other projects out there, we want to make sure that we can appropriately vet each one. As we grow we will likely have a team that is well suited to vet projects. ",2022-08-31T11:39:15.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7333,True,True,0xa430a62C1c0d469f9Dc6E6944C1cFD9456021e42,Active Blockference: an Open Source Package for Cognitive Modeling in Web3,,"Overview Active Blockference is an open source package that is implementing Active Inference simulations in cadCAD, with a focus on blockchain and Decentralized Science (DeSci) ecosystems. We are working to develop Active Blockference into a modern framework for cognitive systems engineering in blockchain & cyberphysical ecosystems. The Active Inference Institute (AII) is a non-profit open-science institute curating and developing applications related to the Active Inference framework. The goal of AII is to produce cutting-edge education and research to enable real-world applications of Active Inference. AII also seeks to scaffold the Active Inference community: increasing the competency of participants & raising broader awareness of these topics. As the DeSci ecosystem rapidly expands, it will become increasingly important have historical, real-time, and anticipatory awareness for researchers and organizations. This kind of situational awareness will be vital for maintaining public goods such as Science, Education, and social Communities. In this grant we are aiming to operationalize our Active Entity Ontology for Science (AEOS), through the use of the Active Blockference open source package, to enable this kind of modeling. Active Inference is an approach to modeling cognitive entities which is being applied to many fields ranging from artificial intelligence to communication, trust, and collective intelligence, and regenerative finance. We are building Active Blockference to be a simulation and design package that uses cadCAD to implement Active Inference (ActInf). Briefly summarizing, ActInf agents act to minimize their uncertainty about the world though sensemaking and action, reducing the divergence between their predictions and observations. Resources to learn more: 200+ Livestreams covering many Active Inference papers and topics Active Blockference presenting on the cadCAD community call from August 3, 2022 Active Blockference presenting on the SCRF community call from August 25, 2022 Where is the project and team currently at? Currently, several working Active Blockference simulation notebooks are available, and our all-volunteer project team meets twice weekly. We have been in development on this project specifically for around 1 year, and the Institute has been in operation since the beginning of 2021. We are seeking resources to increase the pace of development, scaffold partnerships, and acquire computational resources. This project is scaffolded and stewarded by the Active Inference Institute ( We are an international team of distributed researchers (currently active contributors to the project include: Jakub, Bleu, Janna, Daniel, Brock, Sidcode, Amit, Shady, Peter, and more. We are working closely with the cadCAD development team, and using their platform BlockScienceLabs. Additionally we are connected/collaborating with several relevant groups in Web3 (such as Kernel Community), the DeSci space such as OpSci (via project participants Jakub and Shady). We have been interested to apply Active Inference to the setting of Web3, DeFi, and Decentralized Science (DeSci) for some time now, resulting in our paper from March 2022: “An Active Inference Ontology for Decentralized Science: from Situated Sensemaking to the Epistemic Commons“. In this paper we provided an overview and contextualization of Decentralized Science, and introduced the AEOS framework which this grant will develop upon. Currently, Active Blockference simulates the cognitive processes and goal-directed behavior of a single-agent. Our goal is to expand this simulation into a multi-agent model, in order to explore the cognition and behavior that drive successful DeSci and DeFi projects. As a multi-agent simulation, Active Blockference would facilitate the rigorous analysis of consensus protocols and Web3 communities prior to deployment. It can serve as a sandbox where we explore the cognitive, micro-economic, behavioral, and decision-making processes of DeFi. Hence, we aim to develop the tooling, use cases (case studies), and educational resources that enable a cognitive audit of DeFi protocols in Web3. The addition of this cognitive layer into the DeFi development stack will facilitate trust in DeFi protocols within the Ethereum community, thus maximizing the value of these projects. What are the next steps for Active Blockference? Specify the entity types that are involved in DeSci using AEOS Create Active Blockference entity models in cadCAD Compose simulation environments based upon specific use cases Do parameter sweeps in cadCAD across system and cognitive parameters ??????????????????????????? Have an epistemic commons that works for everybody This grant we will have 3 main aims and areas of output. Develop the Active Blockference package to address the blockchain setting with a focus on the social and technical aspects of DeSci ecosystems. Use Active Blockference to understand behavior within ETH/Web3 ecosystems, including DeSci and DeFi. Here we will complement existing cadCAD simulations and case studies Improve educational materials, documentation, and public communications (e.g. blog posts) to onboard new people to the Active Blockference community. This will included Low/No Code application running Active Blockference What would success look like for Active Blockference? Providing a library/package anyone can build on top of with software affordances (like Git), to enable cognitive modeling & cognitive auditing of epistemic ecosystems in DeSci and beyond. How does this project benefit the greater Ethereum ecosystem? The ETH ecosystem is challenged by projects that fail to realize their expectations, due to insufficient consideration of the cognition & behavior of people using them. This can look like the failure of communities/protocols to persist for various reasons, here we are most interested in the behavioral aspects of these phenomena. The Active Blockference package and framework will facilitate rigorous cognitive audits of Economic protocols, epistemic ecosystems (as in DeSci), as well as Web3 communities, during design time and run-time (realtime tools for adaptive organizations). Implementing Active Blockference within the ETH ecosystem will add value, and scaffold community cohesion in several ways: We have advanced structural and macroeconomic models for Ethereum in cadCAD. However, there are no entity models for ETH, limiting the usage of behavioral and microeconomic models. These types of entity models could complement structural models, for example by enabling better understanding of the behavioral aspects of cryptoeconomic systems, fostering healthy interactions, planning with foresight, and applying of corrective interventions While ETH mainnet transactions are transparent for all, explainability is not. Active Blockference will contribute towards explainability via interpretable visualizations, natural language descriptions, and useful simulations. ETH elaborations: ETH infrastructure is undergoing rapid development and deployment, Layer 2’s, ZK rollups, and other innovations position the ecosystem in a constant state of change that can benefit from the ActInf approaches inherent principles and sensitivities working with cognitive agents acting under uncertainty. Cognitive Security in ETH: Cognitive auditing — Beyond today’s smart contract auditing (inferring situated, motivated outcomes). The implementation of an Active Entity Ontology in cadCAD will provide the ETH community with a working model of active and informational agents as well as their affordances (e.g. a smart contract is an informational agent with predefined affordances). The accessibility of on- and off-chain systems will be facilitated via open source Active Blockference models of cognitive-behavioral systems, permitting validation of ETH protocols using no/low-code simulations. An open source software package that connects ETH on- and off-chain activity and packages already in use (such as cadCAD) to broader currents related to Cognitive Science. This connection could enable algorithmic project “cognitive audits” to maximize the value of projects deployed on Ethereum. For example currently, smart contracts are statically audited for security (e.g. unintended interactions within/among contracts). With Active Blockference it would be possible simulate a testnet blockchain environment, where smart contracts usage is evaluated as interacting with dynamic cognitive agents. This could result in fewer projects that are viable from a “smart contract security” perspective but unviable from a behavioral perspective. What is new in your approach and why do you think it will be successful? We are un-boxing DeSci collaborations through ontology-driven applications of cognitive science and organizational design. Researchers would know what ropes to climb, in order to contribute and succeed in terms of implicit goals. Active Inference centers the role of intrinsic motivation (motivators such as curiosity and learning, as opposed to extrinisic motivators such as tokens), a crucial factor for DeSci. Our work will be a solution which can templatized and inherited upon to adapt to different team settings. We are building tools for many kinds of organizations in the ETH ecosystem, not only scaffolding our own work. Using Active Blockference, we are developing a new open source approach for modeling, evaluating, and designing DeFi / DeSci / Web3 community protocols. The framework of Active Inference will facilitate the cognitive modeling of Web3 system dynamics (individual and collective behavior, funding, treasuries, protocols, etc.) as well as the general Ethereum consensus mechanism. More details will be added to this grant in the days to come! Thank you for the consideration & support.",2022-08-31T12:36:39.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7334,True,True,0xC3B288170D923094f36120C9Ede5a4f141f308ba,🧠 NeuraDAO: The Future of Neuroscience Research,,"It took Einstein 14 years to develop the General Theory of Relativity. If he was born in the 21st century, there's doubt such a theory would've been created. Here's why: Government grants --the main way that research is funded-- suck at funding and realizing neurotech research into products. The current process to get grants is slow, bureaucratic, fragmented and can take up to 50% of a professor’s time. As a result, neurotech lags behind typical innovation and commercialization in biotech. Additionally, you must repeatedly apply for grants every 2-5 years leading to short-sighted research. Less than 10% of data collected by publicly funded research in the US is published alongside their papers. An average of 70% of researchers have failed to replicate their colleagues’ work across disciplines. - OpSci This issue drastically affects the neurotech space as there is a scarcity of high-quality data for research. In addition, the current structures in academia deters researchers from sharing their data due to a lack of incentives or security. Even when data is shared, it is not guaranteed to be useful. Putting these two issues together, it’s difficult for any revolutionary scientific progress to be achieved in this academic ecosystem. There isn’t a question of how many Einsteins there are in the world. The question is How many Einsteins are lost in the current world of academia At NeuraDAO, we want to support talented researchers who are doing work in neurotech that will change the world. We do this by creating incentives to create and share high-quality data (via the NeuraDAO data marketplace), as well as creating more sustainable funding models for researchers. We hope our support will go towards creating long-term research and much-needed tooling, as well as bringing more accessibility and interoperability to neurotech data. We also plan to support the DeSci ecosystem by funding conferences, and “hacker houses” such as the potential NeuraHouse in ETHLisbon 2022. The NeuraCore & Our Progress Who we are, alphabetically: Ahnaaf Khan: Amy Nick: Anush Mutyala: Christian Graves Inês Pereira: Nicolas Singh: Where we stand and where we want to go ✅ Done: - Mission defined - Core team assembled - Onboard on 30+ Neurotech researchers - Community building - Deployed marketplace on Rinkeby ▶️ Next milestones: - Launch our marketplace on mainnet - Legal Instantiation - Team growth (working groups) How we will use the funds: - Support the creation of the NeuraDAO marketplace. - Support the operations for NeuraHouse",2022-08-31T13:00:32.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7335,True,True,0x01D8AEff110a65DA4052f140C19af10374E44525,The Science Commons Initiative,,"Returning Science to the Public   The Science Commons Initiative is a non-profit collaboration aimed at increasing the public's access to and participation in the scientific process. We find, spotlight, and fund technological and other strategic infrastructure to help scientists and researchers solve some of the world's most pressing problems, with an emphasis on engaging the public. We seek to make long-lasting changes to the way science is produced and communicated so that it is more open, more democratic, and more optimized to benefit the public.  Current Actions, Supported Projects, and Expected Use of Donations   The SCI currently supports development behind two user-complete projects and their communities while also supporting the advancement of the DeSci ecosystem at large.    DeSci Ecosystem The DeSci movement is using novel technology to build tools for the scientific system. These tools will remove inefficiencies, redefine incentives, and reimagine what access means. Beyond all that, The SCI believes that the DeSci movement and the tools it is building are critical for rebuilding the bridge of trust between science and the public.   We believe strongly that a connected DeSci is a stronger DeSci. We hope to continue building a project-agnostic, permissionless, and free infrastructure on which the DeSci ecosystem can rely for support. In addition to our currently supported DeSci initiatives, with your help we hope to grow to support events and freelance development in the DeSci space while developing avenues of outreach and education for people new to web3, DeSci, and who want to use DeSci to get involved with the scientific system.   DeSci Weekly Roundups Our Weekly DeSci Roundups connect DeSci projects and their communities to one another.    DeSci Community Resources Repo We have launched and continue to develop a project-agnostic GitHub repo of DeSci resources. Projects, publications, and other resources can be added through issues, pull requests, or discussions on our Discord server. Conversations on potential additions or edits take place in public on the repo. We hope to build out repo maintenance infrastructure to include people not associated with The SCI.   Discord Notification Aggregation and Curation Service Our Discord server offers a curated announcements channel. We join all the DeSci Discord servers we find, create a listening channel for their announcements, and curate high priority, critical announcements into our announcements channel. The DeSci community is welcome to leave notifications for that channel on and be confident that they will not have their wedding interrupted for an announcement about a community call. This way the community can stay up to date on the general development of the entire DeSci ecosystem without having to be involved or socially invested in every project.   Bounty Board We intend to incorporate DeSci bounties on our bounty board.   We look forward to supporting DeSci initiatives such as conferences and funding rounds as we further establish ourselves as a viable non-profit in the DeSci ecosystem.   DeSci Weekly Roundups DeSci Community Resources Discord Notification Aggregation and Curation Service    The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Networked Computing (BOINC) BOINC is the first highly successful permissionless distributed computing platform. It was developed out of SETI@Home in 1999. In many ways, it is the embodiment of DeSci.   To date, BOINC has been the driving force behind numerous computationally intensive research programs; There have been over 400 scientific papers published using results from BOINC projects. Some notable achievements include producing an accurate 3D model of SARS-CoV-2 before crystallization-based models (Rosetta@home), developing a manufactured and distributed COVID-19 vaccine (Rosetta@home), finding new subatomic particles (LHC@Home), identifying pulsars (Einstein@Home), advancements in cancer marker and treatment research (World Community Grid), simulation of candidate molecules for next-generation solar panels (World Community Grid), advancements in climate research (ClimatePrediction.Net), along with many, many others.   BOINC ties the public to science, in part, by enabling any individual to create a distributed computing project for the cost of a server, which can be as simple as a personal laptop running in their garage. The public chooses to engage with the project, learn about the science, and participate. While BOINC is used by countless science enthusiasts, many of the large projects are supported by institutions such as universities from around the world, CERN, Krembil Research Institute, and the Max Planck Institute.   BOINC Radio Podcast The BOINC Radio has been hosting a BOINC oriented podcast for over two years! The discussions range from the greater implications of distributed computing, to BOINC specific architecture, to development hopes and dreams, to informal chats about various beverages. A weekly beacon for the community, the BOINC radio gives anyone who wants a place to share their BOINC story, and there doesn’t seem to be any end in sight.   The Project briefs The Project briefs are a spinoff from the BOINC Radio Podcast. They are detailed, yet palatable, explanations of BOINC projects, their science, and how to contribute. With over two dozen episodes recorded so far, the Project briefs will undoubtedly need new projects to spin up to keep going! Or maybe they can dig into the hundreds of projects from BOINC’s past…   Bounty Board The SCI currently hosts bounties for the BOINC community and development team.   The SCI hopes to further accelerate BOINC development and adoption by funding bounties, helping new distributed computing projects spin up their servers and connect their applications, and spreading education on the platform to institutions and enthusiasts far and wide.   BOINC Radio Podcast and The Project briefs - Or wherever you get your podcasts Bounty Board   Learn More About BOINC BOINC GitHub   Gridcoin Developed during the second altcoin explosion as the first PoW bootstrapped coin to transition to PoS (2013) and the first entirely science-based blockchain and Open Economic Network, Gridcoin is an open-source multi-incentive permissionless blockchain that mints and distributes cryptocurrency to various contribution-based and point-accruing systems. It currently distributes currency according to the relative processing power a network participant directs toward data-driven analysis and scientific discovery across BOINC.   The SCI hopes to support the Gridcoin community in its quest to use distributed ledger technology and economics to bring science to everyone, and everyone to science. Its main incentive structure encourages researchers to educate the public as to the value and methods of their research while encouraging the public to seek out information on the research itself.   The SCI believes that expanding and supporting the blockchain and economic protocol behind Gridcoin will serve to establish a resilient and persistent connection between science and the public.   Bounty Board The SCI currently hosts bounties for the Gridcoin community and development team.   The SCI hopes to further accelerate Gridcoin development and adoption by funding bounties, helping Gridcoin incorporate new point-accruing systems into its incentive layer, and, among other things, by providing a vehicle for formal representation throughout the DLT industry.    Bounty Board   Some stats: 3,400 unique staking nodes (2019) 7th of all blockchain projects as of Feb 2021 16,000 active contributors to distributed computing projects 18 incentivized BOINC projects Manual Reward Claims (MRC) (Aug 2022), which is a form of delegated staking by request, makes Gridcoin the first effectively no-cost entry PoS blockchain. presentation Learn More About Gridcoin More Gridcoin Resources Gridcoin GitHub   Expected Use of Donations The SCI has established a bounty board and intends to use a portion of the donations from GR15 to develop it to include bounties for all currently supported projects. Donations will also be directed toward community growth initiatives for all currently supported projects. Additionally and if possible, donations will be used to increase the number of projects The SCI supports. There are already a few projects we have our eyes on and we would love to develop the infrastructure to support them through bounties and community initiatives. Finally, donations will be used to cover general expenses incurred by operating a 501c3, such as web hosting, legal fees, accounting, etc. No board members or officers in The SCI receive pay for their work.     The SCI Board Members   James Owens -  Marcus Belcastro -  Levi Rybalov - Vitalii Koshura -    Warren Lucas -  Paul W. Jensen Alexander Bryan Jonathan Starr    Resources   Website:  GitHub:  Twitter:  Discord: Bounty-board: TheSCInitiative - Bountysource ",2022-08-31T13:08:40.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7336,True,True,0xc8a9966f315Da59D02295e3753124Aac76d8c004,Decentralized student team for iGEM competition,,"Help support a decentralized team of talented under-resourced student scientists competing at the 2023 iGEM International Jamboree! iGEM is an annual international competition that sees student teams designing, building, and testing cutting-edge synthetic biology applications. Lack of global opportunities Historically, iGEM teams have been affiliated with universities capable of providing mentorship and summer lab access. Not all universities have the resources to support these teams, which unfortunately leaves many students without access to the competition. Opening access LabDAO aims to launch a decentralized iGEM team to allow students from anywhere in the world to come together online and compete, regardless of their geographic or economic circumstances. Talented students will be invited to join this global team, where they will have access to experienced mentors and resources needed to invent new synthetic biology applications. How will funds be used? Funds raised by this Gitcoin grant will cover registration costs, laboratory expenses, and will help send team members to the 2023 iGEM International Jamboree to present their work in person. This unique experience will give the scholars a chance to develop a professional network in their field, practice their science communication skills, and celebrate their achievements. With any additional funding LabDAO hopes to support students who could not otherwise commit to the project full-time during the summer for financial reasons. True decentralization means creating opportunities for everyone. ",2022-08-31T14:51:32.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7337,False,True,0xF448CaaA867FEECf2156FFc08162A596513B6753,$0 COST TO PLAYERS!!! P2E GAMING EQUAL OPPORTUNITY NFT LENDING DAO & ALL IN ONE NFT LENDING/MARKETPLACE DAPP,," Digital Land Acquisition DAO (DLA DAO) is Scorching a path the Forefront of the IBC Decentralized Blockchain Play 2 Earn (P2E) Gaming Sector with our $0 Cost to PLAYER FIRST FOCUSED NFT Scholarship & Lending Programs (SLPs)! Through DLA DAO SLPs, all Gamers competitive to causal to compete & EARN by “borrowing” DLA DAO NFTs at $0 cost with our competitive, percentage based lending splits. Example: Player X Borrows EV.IO character skin NFT starting with the lending split at 60% of In-game rewards earned during the use of the DLA DAO NFT while the other 40% goes to acquiring more NFTs to provide availability of supply for the HIGH DEMAND we are currently seeing from our First SLPs test with EV.IO. which we continue to expect as we Expand into other play2earn games. On top of the rewards earned in game, We offer DLA Token Rewards Programs (private token currently) promoting healthy competition within our Community and give players the ability to become Staking Members of DLA DAO; giving them Governance Rights to create and vote on proposals helping shape the future of DLA DAO! The Ultimate Mission: Develop the first IBC enabled (cross chain) Scholarship Platform where other DAO’S and individual Lenders can follow the path paved by DLA DAO with Players first focus. The dApp will also feature a Marketplace for all Play2earn NFTs across all chains possible. The DAPP/PLATFORM will be an all in one stop for Play2earn Gamers to get the best deals, most competitive lending rates, trade NFT’S cross chains and earn other DLA Reward benefits. Funding will go to the following: Promotion to spread Web 3.0 P2E Opportunity Awareness -Expansion of current EV.IO SLP -Expansion into other Target P2E Games -Expansion of DLA DAO Community and Staking Members to further decentralize DAO Governance -Development of ALL in One Cross Chain NFT SLPs Marketplace Funds Received will be allocated by DLA DAO MEMBER VOTE Asset Management Team FIRST Monthly Audit 08-06-22 Through 09-06-22 TOTAL DAO ASSETS ESTIMATE $4798 FIRST MONTH GAIN OF 31.02 09-06-22 Third week in a row DLA DAO EV.IO CLAN is in the TOP 10 - This week we are starting off hot in 6 not far behind the top 3! Our clan success is driving more demand for clan member request, and this is also Pushing Demand for our Programs even higher! (09-06-22) Our Scholarship Program for Thunder Lands (MATIC NETWORK) is now LIVE We already have 15 applications for New Scholars in less than 12 hours. ",2022-08-31T15:23:37.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7338,True,True,0x34B9bc5132319B38Cd0E6Bc812ad6a40bA7AaDB2,Impacta Finance: Scaling Web3 Impact Initiatives,,"Impacta Finance was created to scale web3 impact organizations through an index to evaluate and monetize digital assets that have a significant positive impact on people, communities, and the environment.   We are building tools to boost liquidity, coordination, and confidence in the Regenerative Finance market, with a focus on tokens designed to back real natural assets and projects that promote positive solutions using web3 tools.      Problems 🚩 Despite the growing interest in metaverses, NFTs, and fungible assets, as well as impact solutions that are becoming increasingly successful, it remains extremely frustrating to browse, purchase and undertake the intersection between web3 and the ESG sectors.   The biggest problems are mainly related to:   The difficulty of interacting with decentralized finance solutions.  Missing and overloaded information and the inability to find assets, stocks, and relevant content on web3 and ESG. Lack of interest and liquidity from the crypto crowd for impact tokens and web3 solutions.   It is time-consuming, frustrating, and incomprehensible for those who are not living in both sectors.     Solutions 💡 Impacta was designed to scale both web3 and ESG sectors, reducing entry barriers for investors and entrepreneurs interested in innovative decentralized impact solutions.   We want to tackle these problems by providing an impactful web3 knowledge and entertainment hub and an instrument for direct exposure to the sector.    The index was created to scale investment opportunities and the liquidity of projects that have the potential to transform the world for the better.     The 3 goals ♻️   Accelerate impact: accelerate projects promoting a positive impact on the web3, providing networking, solutions, and access to human and capital. Increase Adoption: expand the exposure and liquidity of impact initiatives, increasing adoption of this asset class to transform them into a top leader class.  Make impact hype: through communities, memes, colors, and entertainment, we want to make impact fun again.     What are we doing? 🌎 Impacta is focused on 4 action fronts to scale web3 impact initiatives:   1. Mapping: Through the Impact & Web3 Database, built collaboratively with other DAOs, we map in a continuous, structured, and unified way, the existing bases on impact and web3 with a unitary taxonomy. 2. Scoring & Tracking: Development of a methodology, created for both users with no prior knowledge and crypto natives, so that they can learn in real-time about the most promising initiatives in the sector, through a scoring that takes into account numerous variables, such as security, innovation, liquidity, impact, and financial return. 3. Exposure & aggregate tools: We focus on assets that hold real value such as Carbon, Water, Renewable Energy, and Recycling Certificates, among other nature-backed digital assets and tokens with real impact use cases. We want to create the ground for additional DeFi instruments for impact tokens such as ETFs, futures, and other derivatives, in order to scale their impact, capitalization, and adoption. 4. Web3 transition: Drive the digital transition and scale operational and early-stage organizations that are already solving real-world problems, with a strong focus on real assets, such as forests, water, food, electronic waste, and solutions for global problems, such as erosion of sociability, financial segregation, and obesity.   What we have been working on 🏗 1. Mapping Collaborative database to map web3 projects, currencies, and initiatives with positive impact. The Impact & Web3 Directory is built collaboratively and has a detailed, and structured taxonomy.   Impact & Web3 Directory: We have joined forces with ReFi DAO to curate an open database of web3 projects that exist to create an impact on people and the planet. We have combined datasets across different organizations involved to create a unified database that will act as a public good for the space. We currently have over 400 unique projects in this database. Building with ReFi DAO, @aleborda, @climateXcrypto, @cyrusofeden, @merlinwizz   2- Scoring & Tracking Development of a methodology, created for both users with no prior knowledge and crypto natives, so that they can learn in real-time about the most promising initiatives in the sector, through a scoring that takes into account numerous variables, such as security, innovation, liquidity, impact certificates, and performance.   ReFi Rate-Athon: A rating event in partnership with Prime DAO, and ReFi DAO to help build trust in the ReFi space and encourage capital to flow to high-integrity projects. By creating an open framework for evaluation and rewarding researchers for their analysis—we built an MVP of a curated list of verified ReFi projects so that founders, talent, and investors can make sense of where to invest their time, energy, and capital. Building with Prime Ratings, PrimeDAO, ReFi DAO   3- Exposure & aggregate tools Allow access and exposition to the already curated base and tokens that live on different blockchains, in a simple, fun, and memetic way.   Positive Index: The Positive Index is an Open Source index that measures the positive impact of crypto assets and their performance to increase the exposure of an index that will rank companies in terms of their initiatives related to the environment, and governance (ESG), based on specific impact parameters. Building with 2TM, Mercado Bitcoin, Nossa Terra Firme, Idesam   4- Web3 transition Drive the web3 transition to achieve scalability of operational and early-stage organizations that are already solving real-world problems, with a strong focus on real assets, such as forests, water, food, and electronic waste, and global problems, such as erosion of sociability, financial inclusion, and obesity.   Impacta Podcast: Impacta Podcast is focused on exploring real impact use cases that are scaling through web3 tooling and technologies. We publish content especially in Portuguese, as we feel the gap between the Brazilian audience in the ReFi and positive impact spaces inside crypto. One of our main goals with the content we produce is to engage, increase participation, and invite the Latin American crowd to the impact revolution. Building with Gaia Greentech, Barterchain, Celo Foundation     We believe that ROI and positive impact can be in symbiosis and that nothing will be more valuable than the assets that allow a good existence on earth.   Help us to keep making impact hype. Planet and people, WAGMI! 🌱🚀",2022-08-31T16:52:00.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7340,True,True,0x946B242EeAb3f2557d77aD10D5279a21789C97bd,ENSgrows: a weekly publication dedicated to documenting ENS builders.,," ENSgrows is a weekly publication tracking and promoting ‘all things ENS’, with a particular emphasis on ENS related development projects, or ‘grows’. ENSgrows promotes community education and supports ENS builders by highlighting their projects weekly. We are raising awareness of ENS project builders, content creators and other people/projects improving the ENS ecosystem. Newsletter and Twitter ENSGrows has published 7 issues of the ENSGrows newsletter, and intend to continue publishing 3 - 4 issues a month. 👉 Signup for our Substack weekly newsletter at and read through our previous issues: 19 August // 12 August //5 August // 29 July // 22 July // 15 July // 8 July. ENSGrows has grown a Twitter account with over 700 followers over the past 2 months, posting educational ENS content. 👉 Follow us on Twitter @ensgrows Team 💃🏽 @dr3a concieved the ENSgrows concept and newsletter after spending time in the ENS Builders Guild Discord server. Dr3a is also supports the Latino ENS community and is a member of the @ENSQueens. 👨‍💻 @greyhame joined to help further the mission of growing ENS. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with feedback or suggestions! We appreciate your support! ",2022-08-31T16:57:53.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7341,False,True,0xa93CFDdB2D48Df5e7492a82ecc57a554d17F0c0C,Wiscle DEI-First Collaboration Network,,"Wiscle’s DEI mission is to give marginalized groups equal access to wealth and opportunity by owning the systems that people use to collaborate in teams with their digital assets. We blend the best of web2 and web3 to create amazing experiences and to maximize our ability to help the 98% excluded by one approach or the other.  Your grant contribution allows us to compensate members who build our platform, to help our community grow and to invest in mission-aligned initiatives. Our building approach puts the needs of individuals first and enables peers and businesses to access members as talent and for commerce through Wiscle’s Marketplace. As the platform and marketplace owner, our community makes the rules and receives transaction fees which capitalizes our mission.  With scale, our better user-controlled data, ML-enhanced collaborative experiences and lower marketplace fees attract businesses and partnerships. To create the right opportunities for traditionally overlooked groups, we’re recruiting our leadership and seeking foundational owner-members willing to help us thrive from women, LGBTQ+ and BIPOC groups.  Product Wiscle is built for a work-from-anywhere future providing rich data, file and NFT collaboration tools so each of us can team-up with members of our trust circles to advance work and life projects together. By removing data and collaboration gatekeepers, we unlock a better quality-of-life through ownership and data-fueled experiences. And, we benefit from better experiences free of ads and the algorithmic noise designed to make us spend more money and drive us crazy.  Wiscle Collaboration Network - Collaborate with Teams that Matter to You A free public good that lets members communicate and collaborate with their trust circles using their data, files and NFTs.  Contacts: The people with whom you team-up from your personal and work lives. When connected, you see their latest contact information instead of the bits and pieces of data you have for them.  Topics: Collaboration Spaces. Each Topic has a Data View, File View, NFT View, Chat and Drop-in Audio. Invite Contacts to create multiplayer Topics. NFT View: A view for organizing and curating NFTs into galleries across your web3 accounts and the ones you follow. Curate your NFTs into Visible, Staging, Archived and SPAM. Easily share links to curated galleries on your Socials to expand the web3 vibe! File View: A space for organizing and managing your files. All files have a corresponding PDF to make it easy to view, use and share. Turn files into NFTs with a Wiscle Workflow. Data View: A space for shareable data related to your Topic. Chat: All Contacts and Topics include a corresponding chat channel to communicate with your teams. Manage all your conversations and notifications in one place. Drop-In Audio: Escalate a chat into a real-time audio conversation when needed.  Wiscle Workflows: Automate tasks and put your data, files and NFTs to work using asynchronous workflows. Easily built to support infinite use cases. Add new workflows by visiting Wiscle Marketplace. Included Wiscle Workflows: Send anyone a secure PDF link by email Send anyone a secure PDF link by SMS Send a topic team invitation Deploy a safe, standards-based smart contract Mint an NFT to your smart contract. Turn your art, photography, music, videos, documents and archives into NFTs Use Twitter NFT Fun to tweet NFTs and curated galleries, change your PFP and feature NFTs on your profile banner Web3 Stuff: Initially, we’re supporting Ethereum and 0xPolygon blockchains. Others will follow based on community feedback. Use your non-custodial web3 account or Wiscle Plus custodial account to deploy and mint. Custodial accounts, standard smart contracts and subsidized transactions on 0xPolygon make our experiences safe and frictionless for web3 newbies. Custodial accounts can be converted to non-custodial if members wish and when they are comfortable with the risk. @WiscleFungies - Mint and Gift NFTs with a Tweet Lets newbies experience the joys of NFT ownership without the cost, risk and learning curve that often scares away non-technical users. Standard NFT Fungies help Wiscle and web3 grow by giving people a safe, fun, casual and most importantly, successful ownership experience. @WiscleFungies supports both template-based NFTs that inspire, excite and entertain as well as custom art so people will want to collect, own and share them. @WiscleGallery - Curate, Share and Discover NFTs in Twitter A Twitter channel for artists, curators and fans to gain exposure for their curated galleries. Automated posts create a regular stream of new galleries to keep the attention economy happy. Network effects help us build awareness and grow. Wiscle Marketplace - Consumer-to-Business Marketplace  Where members go to be matched with data-fueled apps and workflows that expand the capabilities of Wiscle and to discover new opportunities. Enforces individual and community rules.   FAQ What’s the background behind the Wiscle (pronounced Whistle) name? Web Identity and Social Collaboration Layer   Are you shipping? We’re in controlled release seeking feedback for our web (big screen) client. We're looking for NFT enthusiasts from the groups mentioned above who are comfortable working with pre-release software and willing to give us feedback. Your invaluable feedback lets our community build the best and safest collaborative data, file and NFT tools on the planet! DEI advocates and influencers move to the top of the list!   Where’s your mobile app? 40% done or so. We need help to finish it. This grant will help. React Native based.    Will you be raising institutional capital? No! Misaligned capital.   Will there be a Wiscle token? Maybe. With scale, we hope to see a WCL token become a powerful financial instrument that subsidizes our services and funds our mission.   How can I help Wiscle thrive? Amplify – help us get the word out on Twitter and Discord Connect – introduce us to people who share our mission and want to help Feedback – use the product and provide feedback so we can make the absolute best collaborative tools on the planet Build – we need engineering, design and social media talent ",2022-08-31T17:22:56.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7342,True,True,0x1C95930Dfc1139381265ce45B5f480F1EFae09A1,The DeFi Education Fund is working to make the world safe for DeFi,,"The U.S. Treasury's designation of Tornado Cash smart contracts, the first time software has been sanctioned, has viscerally demonstrated the impact that nation-states will have on the future of DeFi development and use. DeFi has immense potential to promote human flourishing, but that potential can only be fully realized with buy in from governments. We're working to make that happen.   The DeFi Education Fund is a nonpartisan education and advocacy group working to explain the benefits of DeFi, achieve regulatory clarity for its developers and users, and help realize the transformative potential of DeFi for everyone. Learn more about our work on our website, twitter, and substack.   Tornado Cash Smart Contracts Sanctioning Efforts   Treasury's sanctioning of  smart contracts—software programs—is the most significant policy action in crypto's history. While sanctions are intended to incentivize change in non-US persons' behavior, immutable smart contracts cannot be altered. Thus, the practical effect of the designations was to prohibit U.S. persons from using TC smart contracts. But, as we've all learned over the last few weeks, the downstream consequences already have grown significantly beyond that and may yet continue to.   What we've done so far: The day after the designations, we submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the US Treasury to help shed light on the sanctions action. Since the arrest of TC developer Alexey Pertsev in the Netherlands, we've been trying to found out whether it's related to the sanctions designation and gotten some very troubling new information and responses from the Dutch government in response (charges and relation to sanctions still unknown).  Worked to keep the community updated with what we know. Shared our perspective with Congressional offices on the situation and the inappropriateness of using sanctions authorities to ban US citizens from engaging in certain activities. Made the case in traditional media outlets, including the WSJ, NYT, Time, Cybersecurity DIVE, Decrypt 1, Decrypt 2, Coindesk, and The Information.    Our plan going forward:   Mitigate: We’re petitioning Treasury to issue “general licenses” that would allow US persons to engage in activities otherwise prohibited by the designation of the Tornado Cash smart contracts. Often when Treasury designates an entity, it’ll concurrently issue a “general license” to allow for US persons to “wind down” their activities and relationships with newly designated persons, entities, and (in this instance) so-called entities. For example, when Treasury designates a foreign financial institution, it can issue a general license for US persons to withdraw their assets and cease interacting with that financial institution for a period of time. A general license in this case could allow lawful US persons to, among other activities, withdraw their assets from TC smart contracts without breaching sanctions obligations. We (and many others) are also urging Treasury to issue guidance and FAQs with respect to the many outstanding and critical questions that are previewed above.   Advocate: We need to convince Treasury (and other governments) that sanctioning, restricting, or targeting the use of open-source software (and potentially those who write and publish open-source software) isn’t the best way to accomplish their policy objectives and isn’t in the US national interest on net. While the legal basis of the sanctions in this instance relies on considering non-persons/non-entities (software programs) as persons/entities, the government has a vast array of related and unrelated authorities that it could tap to effectuate a substantively similar outcome. The only thing certain is that we don't want to find out. The damage already caused by this situation has been consequential, and it’s not in anyone’s interest for something akin to this action to happen again.   Litigate?: Our friends at Coin Center have laid out why they believe the designation of a non-person/non-entity may be beyond the authority OFAC based its action on and may be unconstitutional.    More information and FAQs here on the Tornado Cash sanctions.   If you have questions about the TC designations, our work, DeFi policy developments, etc., please reach out. Dm us on twitter @fund_defi or email us at",2022-08-31T19:08:17.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7343,False,False,0x6a08ed0C51A3114D6a5347f1D0D33b1932dC93A7,ENS Arabic Twitter Sales Bot,,"What we are doing We created a Twitter Sales Bot that only tweets about the sales that have Arabic Unicode characters (Letters and Digits). This Twitter account has already attracted over 1100 followers since we launched it in June 2022 (2 months ago). It is currently monitoring Arabic ENS sales that are happening on 3 marketplaces: OpenSea LooksRare ENSVision Why create Arabic Sales Bot? There are over 400 million Arabic speakers in 13 different countries around the world. I believe this Sales Bot will play an important role in drawing attention to the ENS project from the Middle East and Arabs in general around the world. This will eventually help the adoption and onboard new contributors to the ecosystem. How this funding Helps We will keep on updating this bot whenever any of these marketplaces change their smart contracts, and we're also planning to add more marketplaces to it. This funding will help compensate us for our time we put in creating, editing and monitoring this Sales Bot and the Twitter account as well. My ENS Contributions Arabic YouTube Educational Channel Arabic ENS Sales Bot to help with ENS onboarding Ask me anything Please reach out to me if you have any questions! My DMs are open on Twitter, I appreciate your support!",2022-08-31T19:21:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7344,True,True,0x1C3fb05D835d83f0777159dB36e38f74E2b27dcE,L3GENDARY DAO,,"L3GENDARY is a LGBTQIA+ focused collective of Web3 professionals from a variety of working backgrounds; united by the goal of creating next generation digital infrastructure for social benefit. We onboard our community through online and real-life events, providing a welcoming networking environment to people that often feel lost in the blockchain space. By granting professional opportunities to the LGBTQIA+ community and effectively kickstarting careers, we are tapping into its largely unexplored, creative potential. We believe diversification of culture is essential to the future of crypto because, by the nature of decentralisation, blockchain is meant to be all-inclusive. So far, we’ve connected with some of the most iconic queer artists through our parties at ETH Amsterdam & NFTNYC, with future events planned. Membership to L3GENDARY DAO is free & open to all. In our community authority is not for sale, instead we award active participants with the power to govern. On top of community outreach our other mission is to release products as a DAO; starting with, a decentralised fundraising platform for social causes that rewards financial contributors with impact certificates. Right now, is in its infancy and we are in search of funding to expand our team and sustain development. When you contribute liquidity to this organisation, you are granting the necessary runway for L3GENDARY to fund a network of internal, splinter DAOs that act as independent & agile teams. These DAOs as well as their budgets, are proposed, voted on, and operated by our trusted community leaders. We are painting a vibrant future for Web3, laying the infrastructure of tomorrow, & being the agents of change we wish to see. Above all, we are bringing blockchain to real life. Care to join us?",2022-08-31T20:31:04.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7345,False,True,0xBA2178f85b5FF9Fe535e2Da1162ec28ADf798501,BasicTier Platform,,"Overview BasicTier is a platform where anyone can discover Web3 from anywhere at any time.Web3 ecosystem and communities implement tasks in the form of Bounties, Contests and Projects on our platform, while users explore communities and complete tasks to be rewarded in crypto or XP. Our mission is to bring a future of community that enables any user to discover the magic of Web3 and become a contributor. We aim to introduce and embrace Web3 by providing everyone with simple and intuitive tools to discover new worlds. As a community partner, your team's wallet address will be allowed listed so that you can post tasks for contributors on our platform. You'll undergo a one-on-one onboard call with a BasicTier Core Team member who will guide you through the task creation process, in addition to being matched with a BT community manager who will propose and recommend new tasks as necessary. All community partners have the option to add their chosen token to the platform in order to pay contributors. Tasks are the main ways to earn and reward contributors on BasicTier platform. There are three different task types: 1.Bounties: Instantly earn crypto and XP by using web2 platforms and web3 protocols. 2.Contests: Compete with fellow contributors to earn XP and governance tokens. 3.Projects: Apply to long-term, high-impact ways to contribute to web3 communities. Images 1-Goal 2-Offer",2022-08-31T21:11:12.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7346,True,True,0xdA1d0C7f174effBA98Ea1E31424418DC9aeaEa22,Mest - Make your on-chain story,,"For Gitcoiners, by Gitcoiners. What is Mest? Mest is an on-chain data analytics product. We plan to build widgets for the Gitcoin community so the community could get a comprehensive view of how Gitcoin and its grants are working.  i.e. When trying to understand Gitcoin, you can drag and drop different widgets like Grant, Token, DAO etc. to assemble a Gitcoin Story and write down your own insights. All the work above could be done within Mest, rather than copy and paste from different places. More importantly, Mest is trying to build the connections between content creators and their subscribers, so subscribers obtain content they truly need and the creators behind get paid in return. [Gitcoin Story Demo] Why a Gitcoin Grant? We are a new start-up with limited capital and workforce. After going through Owocki’s insights, we are truly fascinated by the concept of “Public Goods”. We believe it’s especially critical to have more people understand Gitcoin's performance if Gitcoin DAO aims to be more coordinated (from culture and capital perspectives). Use of funds: 1 - Labor & machine costs on “Gitcoin Story” development. 2 - Donation to Primitive Lane (Non-profit research institute) if any funds are left to support their research on public goods and the Gitcoin ecosystem. If you like our ideas, every DAI matters. Stay in touch 1 - Mest website: 2 - Chat with us in discord: 3 - Read more about why we built Mest?",2022-08-31T22:01:50.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7347,True,True,0xa644E5831a7Bef338839C31523F7fe66fdC4F5ed,Hypatia Galaxy : Chinese Female Support DAO 华人女性互助社区,,"Hi there,We are Hypatia Galaxy. Hypatia Galaxy是一个聚合帮助华人女性项目的Web3公益DAO。 我们希望在HG社区,更多华人女性能在Hypatia发起项目,和参与帮助女性项目。 能否建立凝聚女生力量的社区,让她长期走下去,Hypatia Galaxy正在实践~ What is Hypatia Galaxy Hypatia Galaxy is a Web3 charity DAO that gathers projects aimed at assisting Chinese women. We hope that more Chinese women in the HG(Hypatia Galaxy) community will start projects and participate in projects that help women.Hypatia Galaxy is working hard to create a community that will unite the power of women and keep her going for a long time. Who Are We ? Hyptatia Galaxy's members are all female who have never met , and we are spread across China and the world.We are united by a desire to assist women and to create a humane DAO with a female perspective.We actively contribute, seek common ground, and genuinely assist one another. Our Vision We hope,Hypatia Galaxy is a female-led, growing community that embraces the power of female support and is welcoming, inclusive, supportive, secure, and comfortable. A place where every independent and diverse individual can meet like-minded female partners and discover the best way to participate in the creation. where with a close female perspective, anyone can gain knowledge, initiate projects, and gain growth, kindness, and warmth. We hope, Hypatia Galaxy, to investigate democracy from a female perspective and to achieve progressive decentralized governance in web3. For a long time, pass on the warmth and goodwill of helping women. The most rewarding thing for us would be if Hypatia Galaxy could grow and run on its own in the future without the participation of the initial core contributors. Our Mission Our mission is to be an inclusive, DAO that connects more women with projects. We assist project initiators in finding contributors and share our experience running communities and projects, so that more people with ideas can easily and smoothly initiate and organize projects. We assist women in finding projects that reflect their values. In addition, we set up various interest groups so that more women can play in Hypatia Galaxy, a corner full of security, and also slow down to be encouraged and warmed. Why it matters ? Chinese women in general face a difficult situation, However, now more and more Chinese girls are forming their own groups to help more women. In reality, we find that many groups tdon't work outdue to a lack of experience in running the programs,which is a pity.And various projects are like isolate islands, and girls willing to contribute cannot find the right projects and partners. Therefore, an inclusive platform that connects people with projects is extremely valuable. And Web3 is a great opportunity. If there is a decentralized community that gathers projects that help women, and people who interested in this ,and the community shares the experience of the projects that have sunk in, and runs the community infrastructure so that people are not distracted by running a community, so that they can devote themselves to the projects they love. We firmly believe that when girls band together, not only do the people being helped change and benefit, but both contributors and participants gain significant power. What we’ve done so far: We only started in July, and although we are small in number, we have already started to do what we can to prepare and build up the community to help Channels for Women Weekly-Presentation Project Women's Book Club Feminist Podcast Topics Discord bot development Community Events Mindful Gym Groups of Interest Stargazer Women's Workplace Support: support Cloud Movie Event More programs and interest groups are waiting to be unlocked. The future of Hypatia Galaxy As a public service DAO,We hope that Hypatia Galaxy will run for a long time, regardless of who leads it, and that we can be proud of that. Where we are headed next Expand social media operations to increase public exposure and attract more contributors. Proactively reach out to platforms with projects. Enhance public community programs such as podcasts, libraries and book clubs, spiritual fitness gyms. Gain practical experience in project and community governance. Hypatia Grant Operating costs: future costs for basic operations such as official website servers, volunteer compensation, and so on. If sufficient funds are available, we may be able to qualify potential community projects. This is Hypatia's first official appearance in public. We hope you enjoy and support us! How to get involved Our Website : (中文) Dive into our Discord: Follow our journey on Twitter: (@Hypatia_Galaxy) Our Email :",2022-09-01T00:31:21.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7348,False,False,0x0,emre ya,,"nabe rkajakma ",2022-09-01T02:34:09.158-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7349,False,False,0x0,emre ya,,"nabe rkajakma ",2022-09-01T02:34:11.705-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7350,False,False,0x0,Emre Algım baba,,"mrthaba arkadaslar nasılsınız bilmiyorum ",2022-09-01T02:50:28.641-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7351,False,False,0x0,Emre Algım baba,,"mrthaba arkadaslar nasılsınız bilmiyorum ",2022-09-01T02:50:30.585-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7352,True,True,0x932a54b9e916aB39c974743f2065cB4384f2fDEA,HYDAO: Build a decentralized Pirate Radio with DAO,,"Pirate Radio uses a DAO to build an independent, unbiased, and objective public media. A decentralized society needs decentralized media, and the Web3 world needs such media: services for the public good with sufficient positive externalities, transparent operation, independent views, and respect for diversity. Using a DAO to build media has many benefits: decentralization ensures its neutrality and open source spirit, and deeper interactivity ensures its credibility and pluralistic values: everyone can join the governance, initiate the selection, and participate in the production of content. Pirate Radio will build a series of podcasts to achieve a complete sense of decentralized media to talk about Web3 in a Web3 way. Pirate Radio has attracted media professionals from frontline radio and podcasts, DAO researchers, and Web3 developers. The sailors aboard Pirate Radio will once again set sail on an epic voyage, like their radio predecessors, who sailed the high seas of England in the 1960s playing rock and roll. Like the pirates who searched for the promised land and treasure during the 16th-century geographic discoveries, riding the waves and sailing the crypto seas through the paradigm shift! Listen to our podcast via: RSS: Anchor: Spotify:",2022-09-01T02:52:19.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7354,False,True,0x03B5867bA7B619d619ec1292d13015CAB5B79d31,Arronia,,"Overview Arronia is an extensible and modular DAO implementation built around small working groups called pods. It enables DAOs to implement pods. Pods offer users a clean and easy-to-use UI to create and approve proposals within a small working group and allow DAOs to create organizational structure. From users’ perspective, Pod is a clean an easy-to-use interface for multi-sigs. Under the hood, a Pod is a Gnosis Safe with a light governance wrapper. Arronia’s Pods help solve the issues of DAOs being either decentralized or organized, but not both at once. Pods/working groups help organize otherwise sprawling DAOs, enabling them to maximize member contributions and leverage member expertise. Arronia enables DAOs to create small working groups based on expertise. Pod membership is represented with ERC-1155 tokens. Therefore, membership is non-fungible and can be made non-transferable ( to unqualified addresses). Pods can set custom rules to determine membership. They can be gated through hand-selecting trustworthy community members, various token staking requirements, or other methods and metrics. Pods are modular, so they can be created to fit the specific needs of each unique DAO. They can also interoperate or work independently, and attach or detach from each other in a lego-like build. Links 1.Website: 2.Twitter: 3.Github:",2022-09-01T03:21:04.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7355,True,True,0x1cd755e080db616726E47426fF2F6a69A66CE71e,Adicia-Metaverse,,"ADICIA Metaverse The Adicia team is building a Voxel based unique virtual world where players can play, own, and monetize content and gaming experiences. A Play To Earn (P2E) game similar to Minecraft or Sandbox but with an in-build Game Maker which will allow the Player to make complex games (puzzle and other genres) without any technical knowledge. User Generated Game Design and Monetization is main focus of the this platform. Players are incentivized to not only Play-To-Earn (P2E), but also to build Games and Monetize them. We will have A Metaverse game, A Game Maker and NFT Game Marketplace inside this Platform. Gamers are our main audience who will earn NFT by playing it, but also creators who will build complex NFT games with templates, scripts and Visual Editors Description of Level:- This is a Voxel-based puzzle game. The First Puzzle is based on optical Illusion similar to monument valley where Players can manipulate impossible architecture and Second Puzzle is based on Physics (looking around, turning keys, and activating switches). This involves the exploration of fantastic architecture and impossible geometry. Monument/Architecture Design Inspired by minimalist 3D design, optical illusions, and palaces and temples from around the world, every monument is a unique, hand-crafted world to explore. Users can create NFTs using voxel-based Monuments/Architecture. Twist and drag to reshape the world and help the user to explore. Designed to be easy for everyone to pick up, enjoy, and complete. Mystery Physics Puzzle It also has physics-based puzzles similar to Room where the player with a series of strange puzzle boxes that feature several physical mechanisms. The player is challenged to figure out how to open each one – typically by undoing a series of locks – to access another puzzle box within it. The game uses a variety of motions enabled by mobile device touchscreens to simulate actions in real life, such as looking around the device, turning keys, and activating switches. Future RoadMap Adding More Levels:-  There are only two levels of Gameplay available to Play. We need at least 20-25 levels of Gameplay to make it engaging for players to play. We also need soundtracks to be included in the Game. The following genre of Games are needed to be included in the Game:- Optical Illusion Physics-Based Puzzle (Finding Clue, sliding Puzzle, Combination Puzzle, Match3, jigsaw Board game (Hitman Go) Shooting game Fighter game\n-Action game NFT Card battle game City Builder (construct building, gather resources defense kingdom) Tower defense Turn-Based game RPG adventure and many more genres of Games. Building Better Open World:-This game needs a bigger Open world that can be explored during Gameplay. Interactive elements can be placed inside the Open world which makes them more immersive.  Better Integration of NFT:- Players have an Open World that they can explore. Puzzles are placed inside the Open-World which when solved, move Players to the next level of Metaverse(New World to explore). When players Solved the Puzzle, they mint an NFT with HitPoints, AttackDamage, and ShieldPoints. These NFTs can be Upgraded, bred, and battle with each other inside the Game. Players can also purchase Virtual land and in-game Assets as NFTs and Use them as assets to build any genre of Game. Real-Time Card Battle System:- Inside the Game NFTs can be minted, upgraded, and bred. Players can play the Card battle with each other. The winner can earn NFTs and Points, which can be used to upgrade or bred(Combining two NFTs to mint a new Powerful NFT). NFT and NFT Game MarketPlace:-NFT and NFT Game Marketplace:- We need a Marketplace where Creators can buy, sell and trade NFTs, NFTs Games, Virtual Land, Open-world, and in-game Assets. Users can rate and review the NFTs, which will improve purchasing decision process and Sales. Build Voxel Game Maker This is the most difficult part of this Game Platform. Creators can use Assets and available scripts to build the Game. It will need 1.5-2 months to finish the Game-Maker.. Templates of Open World and Puzzles will be available to customize according to the Player's needs. They can also import Voxel Assets from any voxel editor or the web and then use them to make the Open World of their Choice. They can sell them as NFT on Marketplace and monetize them. To build different types of Games, Scripts will be needed. For Players with no technical knowledge, there will be several Templates of different genres of Games with scripts, that will be available for modification and combination. With these templates available inside the Game Maker, Players can Change the variable parameters of the script or Add multiple instances of the same template/script to make complex Games. Users can combine different Templates/scripts to make Innovative Games inside the Metaverse and monetize them in the Marketplace. Visual Editor (similar to Unity Bolt) for a game where the User uses visual scripting like Powerful flow control graphs (similar to Unreal Blueprints) for low-level logic and complex tasks. Elegant finite state machines (FSM) for high-level logic and easy state management. Create and modify entire graphs while in Play mode. The Game-Maker will be a downloadable native application (Mac, Windows, Linux). A web application can be created for building Mini Games but to make Big Game Native application needs to be downloaded. So we will have a Web version of Game Maker for Mini Game and a Desktop Application for Big Game. Players can Rate and Review these Games according to their Liking. NFT GAME Marketplace The Rating and Review system needs to be added. It will take 10-15 days to finish it 1- The NFT Game Marketplace is an NFT marketplace where you can search and buy creator's ASSETS with Token to incorporate them into your Game. 2- The creator can build games with different assets and templates and monetize them by listing them in the Marketplace. 3- The creator can list both the Assets and Games in the NFT Marketplace and Monetize them according to their Ratings. 4- The Game in the NFT Marketplace can be organized according to their Ratings and Reviews.",2022-09-01T06:33:38.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7356,True,True,0x6a08ed0C51A3114D6a5347f1D0D33b1932dC93A7,ENS Onboarding Services at,,"What we are doing We launched recently to help with onboarding individuals and businesses into the ENS project and remove the barriers of entry for the newcomers. We offer three different services, to help in different onboarding stages: ENS Domain Registration Turnkey solution ENS Buyer's Brokerage Service ENS Consultation Session Why these services? I've been hanging around with the ENS community for almost 2 years now and I noticed that newcomers to this space are faced with multiple barriers or friction points so I decided to offer 3 different services to ease the onboarding process for them. Our Services: ENS Registration I've seen many individuals and businesses that don't have the knowledge, scared to do it themselves or simply don't want to deal with the blockchain, that's where this turnkey service comes in. We give them 1 full hour of educational session about ENS basics and how to handle and maintain the domain, then we register their desired domain for them, fill out the records and deliver it safely to their wallet with zero hassle from their side. ENS Buyer's Brokerage With the exponential growth of ENS adoption, especially in the past 12 months, many individuals and businesses cannot find their desired domains as they're already taken. With this Brokerage Service we help them by reaching out to the current owner of the domain in various ways, see if they're willing to sell it, we handle all the negotiations and only when we get to an agreement we take a small commission of the final sale. Then we fill out the records and deliver the domain safely to their wallet with zero hassle from their side. With this service, we also give them 1 full hour of educational session about ENS basics and how to handle and maintain their domain. ENS Hourly Consultation Sessions Many people want to learn more about ENS project and technicalities behind it, so we offer hourly consultation sessions about the following topics: Introduction to ENS Technicalities of ENS ENS use cases for their business My ENS Contributions Arabic YouTube Educational Channel Arabic ENS Sales Bot to help with ENS onboarding Ask me anything Please reach out to us if you have any questions! Our DMs are open on Twitter. We appreciate your support!",2022-09-01T07:07:27.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7357,True,True,0x0Ef213b76d5030883391BE408cB6F241F6A7266A,Deplastifying the Planet with Web3,,"The Blue Heart Economy  Building the next phase of the Circular Economy with Web3.  Circular Economy >> Blue Circular Economy >> Blue Heart Economy The Blue Heart Economy is the evolution of the Circular Economy when applied to the regeneration of the ocean through Web3. The ocean is the soul of humanity: it is mysterious, unknown, vast, beautiful, pure, and so many shades of blue. It is also fragile and like so many ecosystems, suffering and on the verge of collapse. For far too long, we have treated the ocean as humanity's dumping ground, out of sight and out of mind. We will soon have more plastic than fish in the ocean, plastic is everywhere and seeping into our water, food, and air. It is critical that we act and innovate to stop this senseless tragedy. We can use web3 to incentivize the behaviors we want to see. Web3 allows us to express and share our passions. We are artists, creators, entrepreneurs. We come from the divine We create from divine inspiration Entrepreneurship is a creation process, it is the ability to see new worlds and create them.  Web3 empowers creators.   And enables social impact entrepreneurs to fully express what's in our hearts, and build the world we want to see. The Art (our creative expression) is at the Heart of Web3 Connection to Soul and Heart Tulum is a magnetic and beautiful destination, it has been a place of immense sacred importance for the Mayan culture for thousands of years, it is a place of flow and pull, where the world’s largest underground system of freshwater rivers flow.  Created out of the great meteor that hit the earth and wiped out the dinosaurs, abundant waters now flow throughout Quintana Roo and its more than 6,000 cenotes that were formed from the impact millions of years ago. Each cenote is a powerful energic source, some with rock formations hundreds of thousands of years in the making, underground jewel boxes, big open lagoons, and many more diverse bodies of water that have magical healing and cleansing powers. Also Tulum How can we clean Tulum and be an inspiration to the world? Creation of a new circular economy, the Blue Heart Economy enabled by web3 with a mission to de-plastify the planet through the merging of digital and IRL worlds and incentivizing new behaviors. IRL Plastic animal collectors, such as Pinky the Cat (pictured above) eat plastic and transform it into clean energy through the technological innovation of a company that transforms plastic into clean combustibles through non-catalytic pyrolysis. The NFT boutique is our point of entry NFTs are gateway to crypto and decentralization IRL location for community gatherings and art launches IRL Plastic Collectors NFTS with planet positive utilities MWIC meetups  More women in crypto Community onboarding (education about NFTs, BTM (bitcoin atm, free BTC ) Fun family-friendly community hub Tourist and Influencer Instaspot Media hub for all things web3 in Tulum Web3 agency HQ Metaverse entrypoint Funding will go to Operational and administrative costs to build team. MRV operations to quantify plastic collected, weighed and separated More Animal Plastic Collectors for Tulum Set up of reverse supply chain to collect plastic NFT Collection marketing and community growth ",2022-09-01T07:50:04.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7358,True,True,0x0,impactMarket - Human Empowerment Protocol,,"impactMarket provides accessible financial solutions to empower underprivileged people all over the World, unlocking opportunities and human potential. impactMarket is designed to fight extreme poverty quickly and effectively, by merging the principles of unconditional basic income with blockchain technology to enable any community to have access to a basic income through its own UBI smart contract with specific parameters based on their reality. Beneficiaries added to those contracts can claim cUSD regularly and use it for whatever they want or need. On top, impactMarket is now increasing the number of services it provides to vulnerable communities by launching; Learn&Earn to educate the unserved populations on DeFi and financial habits, Micro-Credit and Micro-work. impactMarket aims to become a leader in financial inclusion among vulnerable populations, one of the major limiting factor to human potential.",2022-09-01T08:31:08.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7359,False,False,0x0,Kiting43Zolam,,"have fun ",2022-09-01T08:47:30.794-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7361,True,True,0x96C40f954e8Fbdbc369Dc79A0883Ba816b103179,REGEN LEAGUE: PAPARIKO - RESTORATION OF DEGRADED MANGROVE AREAS IN KENYA,,"This grant is part of the EDEN DAO experiment to use quadratic funding to fund planetary regeneration. Learn more about this radically open experiment here. This project is being developed and championed by Vlinder Climate @vlinderclimate because of their exemplary impact. How does it work? “Papariko” project is restoring degraded mangroves sites in Kwale, Kilifi, and Tana River counties, in Kenya. Vlinder is working closely with a local partner company, UMITA limited, and the Kenya Forest Service to create a healthy mangrove ecosystem in degraded areas, starting with planting in 2022. In addition to carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change, the project also addresses environmental issues such as reducing the risk of natural disasters, promoting biodiversity, and linking forest fragments. An expected number of 1500 ha degraded mangrove areas on the Kenyan coast are restored and replanted. In the first project activity up to 138.000 mangroves will be planted in an area of 50 hectares in the Shirazi-Funzi complex in Kwale County in 2022. In the following three years, the project will expand to Kilifi and Tana River County. The species selected for this reforestation project are indigenous and local, namely Rhizophora mucronata, Ceriops tagal and Avicennia marina. The project will sequester an estimated 760,105 tCO2 over a period of 20 years. Project page on Verra:  Project page on Vlinder:  Why did we choose this project? During the last 60 years, the forest cover in Kenya has dropped by 40%, losing about 12,000 hectares annually. Poverty is the main driver for deforestation, as people have to rely on charcoal for cooking and have to clear forests for agriculture. Mangrove ecosystem is an outstanding choice for restoration: storing 5x more carbon than terrestrial forest and up to 40x times faster sink, protecting the shore, and serving as a food reservoir for local communities. The project is designed in a way that 50% of the carbon benefits will be shared to local stakeholders and communities, contributing to alleviation of poverty and long term ecosystem stewardship. What is the impact of additional funding? Mangrove restoration will increase soil carbon content and soil nutrient levels, improve water quality, increase fish populations, improve biodiversity, and provide other important ecosystem services.  Grant funding will contribute to:  purchase of the planting bags (1’000’000 are needed to establish a nursery for 2023 planting; each costs 1 KES, $0.00833); establishing a baseline for biodiversity measurement (20 monitoring sites, 15 permanent sites + 5 control sites; 50 enviroDNA kits are needed, $150 for each kit, including delivery and lab analysis). How do we verify the impact? This project is independently verified according to the CCB and SD VISta standards (Verra). The Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) standard identifies projects that simultaneously combat climate change, support local communities and conserve biodiversity. The Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta) is the leading standard for certifying the real benefits of social and environmental projects. In addition to standard Verra certification, Vlinder implements full project area drone monitoring, measuring of the SDGs, conducting annual biomonitoring using eDNA of the water samples, focusing on changes in biodiversity overall and additionally on species classified as endangered on the IUCN Red List.",2022-09-01T09:23:38.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7362,True,True,0x64BC15E0A5A12dDbe321EEDD832d057775D11F56,Rainforest Monitoring Lab by GainForest & LabDAO: Radical transparency for nature-based solutions with DeSci & Web3,,"The rainforest monitoring lab is bringing together young engineers, students and scientist to contribute to an open and reproducible machine learning repository for rainforest monitoring. The models will then be used to transparently analyse carbon offset projects around the world and assess nature’s contribution for ReFi. 🌱 Decentralised Science (DeSci) for Nature “We can’t value what we can’t measure. And we are failing to capture nature’s contributions.” Monitoring the natural world is critical to enable local communities to access climate finance. Unfortunately, current machine learning models are closed-source, proprietary and developed without the involvement of local communities. LabDAO and GainForest are working together to mentor and support contributors to the repository from everywhere in the world. Our previous research brought together cover satellite, drone, mobile phone image analytics, and DNA sequencing. 🎓 Stipends, Publications and Impact Certificates The funding from this gitcoin round will be used for contributor stipends of about 1-3k USD. Applications for the lab will be reviewed by community members within LabDAO and GainForest. We will encourage applicants from traditionally underrepresented communities to apply. LabDAO and GainForest team members will guide all stipend recipients during their research journey. Recipients will receive impact certificates as POAP. Additionally, developed machine learning models have a chance to contribute to GainForest’s $10M XPRIZE Rainforest participation. Applications for contributors joining the lab will be simple, open and inclusive. (1) a short call and (2) a link to some previous work is all we require. We believe everyone can become a scientist. 🌴 Real-world Projects, Real-world Impact We are collecting large-scale data from nature conservation and reforestation partners around the world to create the world's most transparent projects, datasets, models and science. Recipients have the chance to work closely with many of these projects, join data collection efforts (if feasible) and learn from local communities. 🛰️ Why Regenerative Finance (ReFi) is DeSci’s New Frontier Half of the world’s corporations have committed to net zero by 2050 and they all of them will require carbon offsets to achieve their goals. Unfortunately the market for nature-based offsets is a wild west where we lack transparency, integrity and community support. Our mission is to fight greenwashing, disrupt the market with open data, models and science to provide accountability and empower high-quality carbon and biodiversity projects. All research contributions will be hosted on GainForest’s open transparency dashboard and is accessible for everyone within and outside of the ReFi movement: Join the #rainforest-monitoring discord channel at LabDAO and the GainForest discord to get involved! ",2022-09-01T09:31:55.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7363,True,True,0xf20CC58fF9fE122Fb57Bc56CFbF94D2b9334c68c,Willer. Delayed token recovery tool.,,"The idea was to prevent tokens of being stuck due to the lost access to ethereum address private key.  Willer is used as a testamentary notary: entrust your ERC20, NFT or ERC1155 tokens to Willer smart contract, make the will setting up beneficiaries’ addresses, shares and release time, then try not to lose your private key=) The testator must extend release time to prove his access to private key. When the release time is expired, beneficiaries will be able to activate release function to perform the bequest of the tokens. Sounds pretty simple, right? Always to have plan B. But I see long way to robust and well tested tool. I want this project to be my entry point to open source web3 space, so I'm currently looking for enthusiasts of front-end development, smart contract security mentor and for people with bright ideas and justified criticism. Welcome to contribute on Github and join Discord.",2022-09-01T09:33:10.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7364,True,True,0x19303b943BD0F2FeF779D5C2ddc8923c793f7677,Shardable Scientific N-Dimensional Arrays on Web3,,"Our proposal aims to bridge the scientific computing community with Web3 through improved sharding and bridges with open standard, chunked, compressed, scientific N-dimensional (ND) arrays on Web3. Specifically, we focus on storage improvements to the popular hierarchical ND array with metadata format for the web, Zarr, to make bridges with the Interplanetary Filesystem (IPFS) and Interplanetary Linked Data (IPLD). These improvements will be tested on large-scale neuroscience microscopy volumes and geospatial climate change images. These terabyte-scale datasets would benefit from sharding, in IPLD Content Addressable aRchive (CAR) files for example, to overcome limitations related to inodes and 32 GB file size caps in IPFS/FileCoin infrastructure. Our goal is to also share applications of the open source code to improve awareness. Awareness in the scientific computing community of how Web3 improves verifiability, scalability, and sustainability of scientific datasets. And awareness the Web3 community to understand how to provide usable, impactful tools for decentralized science (DeSci).",2022-09-01T10:40:51.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7365,True,True,0xc8a9966f315Da59D02295e3753124Aac76d8c004,Open access longevity knowledge graph project,,"Help us create a decentralized analytical grade knowledge graph open to the commons, where contributors to the graph are rewarded when the graph generates value for patients (e.g. IP generation) The issue with private knowledge graphs Mining knowledge graphs using computation (e.g. querying, causal reasoning, machine learning) is gaining value in the development of therapeutics. Because of this value, high-quality knowledge graphs are often kept private. Siloed knowledge graphs prevent individuals and organizations (e.g. academia) from developing insights that could lead to life-saving therapeutics. It also creates inefficiency in industry as work is duplicated and insights are not shared. A graph open to the commons This project will create a decentralized analytical grade knowledge graph open to the commons, where contributors to the graph are rewarded when the graph generates value for patients (e.g. IP generation) Core activity and use of Grant Create an analytical grade longevity knowledge graph with Discourse Graphs as edges detailing the relationship between the nodes. The grant will be used to fund researchers analyzing the scientific literature with a small percentage going to administrative costs to cover things such as computation. Example Nodes Biological features, e.g. protein names Therapeutic interventions, e.g. rapamycin Phenotypes, e.g. >110% life expectancy increase in WT drosophile melanogaster Why Discourse Graphs? Turns scientific information into knowledge claims (as opposed to concepts) and provides evidence and context that supports/opposes that claim. Discourse graphs promote more efficient use and comprehension of data for both humans and computers. Discourse Graph Data schema (Claims/Questions/Evidence/etc.) will enable interoperability and allow researchers to use different tooling from our workflow if desired. The discourse graph data schema was developed by Joel Chan with support from Protocol Labs to augment and accelerate individual and collective synthesis. Tooling Graph notebooks: tool for collaboration on scientific research compatible with discourse graphs and a new format for publishing (ex: Roam Research, Logseq, DECK) Lateral App: tool for literature scan, review, analysis, and synthesis into a Discourse Graph. Early access web3 native collaborative interface for navigating, coordinating and contributing to decentralized discourse graphs. Crossr: knowledge graph ingestion, visualization, analysis, and recommender system build at 10x the speed and no code LabDAO: open marketplace that connects providers and consumers of wet and dry lab tools where experiments can be run and output integrated into the biomedical knowledge graph About us We are a collection of mission-aligned teams and individuals working to improve the tooling and process for how scientific research is synthesized and openly available for researchers.",2022-09-01T10:42:07.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7366,True,True,0xe7358d1805f27BAe1031c37d54e29888c7C87622,Rewards and Compensation - A guidebook for web3 native organisations,,"The great resignation helped DAOs have substantial adoption, hopeful that DAOs create a new way to exist and work. However, DAOs are, in their emergence, still not the soft landing for tired hearts and minds.   Things were easier when we had more straightforward definitions of an organization and a few ways to relate too: employer and employed, LP and partner, organization and associates. When one thinks very limitedly, the solution space is easy. When DAOs came in, we said that we are all and more. You are a contributor, a member, a mercenary, a worker, a researcher, vibes officer, a client, a shareholder, a steward, a supporter and an enthusiast. We aspired to value everything. All the streams of value creation that were dismissed were niche and uncounted. Healthy to go beyond to forge new ways, yet we confuse ourselves by not having a language or map. And a reward that is expected and not met is a punishment.   As an ecosystem, we do not yet provide a clear and sure way to communicate and set expectations on what individuals might take back when they create value. The risk is that if we do not correct the course on DAO compensation and rewards practices, we will end up with “the great disappointment” - A more disruptive event.\\n\\nWe are set to undertake a research project and provide the ecosystem with a deeper understanding of the topic, a shared language mapping the territory, a clear framing of the existing challenges for contributors and DAO leaders alike, and a mental model to define compensation and reward mechanisms.   We aim to deliver this research as a public good on composable “compensation and rewards” primitives, taking a holistic approach that includes practices across ancient, traditional and Web3.   The deliverable   The insights from our research will be delivered as a guidebook, which will help DAO people and web3 organisations to; Aid their thinking and decision-making in selecting rewards and compensation mechanisms for their DAO. Communicate and set expectations on rewards and compensation with DAO members Move the needle by inspiring new building blocks, tools, and articles building on this public good research.   The guidebook will consist of three parts.   PART 1: A map of primitives classified mainly on Value Creation Accounting (measuring the value of contributions) and Rewards and Compensation (distributing or attributing said value) PART 2: Considerations when choosing the primitive(s) to use PART 3: Case studies from the ecosystem (including learnings from using different systems).   To help visualise, the primitives can be bounties, salaries, access to services, and reputation, whereas considerations can be viability for the DAO, sustainability, safety of the individual and aspiring to build a particular culture. As the research advances, we're expecting a growing list of primitives and consideration angles, and it will be our work to disentangle all the options and requirements into a usable, clear framework.   To gather the primitives, we will look at diverse organisations, geographies, cultures, and eras to compile the composable list.   How /Execution   We have a core team and contributors to carry out: Desk research on human needs and motivational factors. Compensation and reward practices across history and in Web3. Conceptual developments in academia for compensation and rewards systems, frameworks, and language. Research interviews with DAO leaders and contributors. A research survey to quantify findings. Mapping and categorising of primitives and key considerations. Distilling the above into a practical framework. Illustration and formatting of the deliverable   We are looking forward to advancing iteratively and sharing the public good guidebook with a wide ecosystem.",2022-09-01T10:49:51.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7367,True,True,0x91eccEbcbEEdbE3FAeE1Bc340a79f734D8f51Fe1,ClubS - SocialFi 2.0,,"ClubS is a combination of 3 multibillion industries: SocialFi, Creators and IPs.  The team is building a social utility protocol to protect creative IPs which has an existing fanbase.  Using the concept of NFT and a social app, it helps IP owners to earn together with the community and unlocking limitless possibilities to connect to reality. ClubS has published their app on app store. With it, you can now: Register by Web2 IDs or Metamask smoothly Create an NFT-gated club for your friends Create any normal clubs for your friends. Create unlimited votes to get your community to make decisions. Talk to our unique in-house NiceMan:) (Dinner on us if you find him) Download here: Grant Usage: Improve the design and user experience (6000USD) Test and deploy on Polygon (4000USD) Develop the personal profile page with NFT avatar (4000USD) Create a campaign with some movie stars to join ClubS (3000USD)",2022-09-01T10:55:06.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7368,True,True,0xcC847f25746Aee67bA796E26D108AF44D0DA4173,beoble - Pluggable Modular Web3 Social Layer,,"beoble is a social module with API and SDK for Web 3.0.  It is an on-chain based communication window and a user-owned Web 3.0 product. With beoble, Web 3.0 services can easily integrate social functionalities of social profile, messaging, and posting & feeds into their services in 5 minutes.  With DeFi summer in 2020 and NFT boom in 2021, Web 3.0 has begun to gain huge attention and users, yet there is not much place for users to communicate using on-chain data on Web 3.0. Many Web 3.0 services including DEX, P2E games and NFT projects are looking into adding social features, but it is costly to build and not compatible with other services. Meanwhile, existing Web 2.0 social services lack support for blockchain and Web 3.0. beoble aims to address those problems by providing social modules. beoble’s core features include  1) modularized social profile,  2) modularized wallet-to-wallet messaging, and  3) modularized posting & feeds (Can think of improved Bitmex trollbox for native Dapps) We offer seamless integration with any native dapps with our API/SDK modules with the following benefits - effortless UI integration with our API/SDK modules with native social features and improved user experience - adds in-app organic engagement to native dapps which improves user retention As per our development status, we're done with native client and is finalizing the API/SDKs as we plan to launch on June with few native Dapps already lined up as launch partners for integration. Founders: Sungmin - CEO of the company, backend & blockchain developer Jungwoo - Co-Founder of the company, frontend & web3 developer Chanhyeok - Co-Founder of the company, fullstack developer",2022-09-01T11:10:55.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7369,True,True,0xC3E5ae984FC22DCD6716ce88DeA2934C14e22Ffc,,,"We are making a guide to the pluriverse! It is an interface between fanciful and purposeful labors. It keeps two worlds in balance: the integral vision of regenerative cryptoeconomics espoused by Gitcoin and the integral lore visualized by a whole community of sci-fi-fantasy-MMORPG-crypto-governerds. Our work is inspired by the Cellarius Universe Guide commissioned by ConsenSys. We interpret this project as an invitation: to dream wildly together, to meld the dystopian vision with our utopian ambitions, to meld the hopeful with the realistic, and take accountability for how our current focus on automated money might secure an intentional and optimistic future. Although Cellarius has fallen to the wayside, we wish to elaborate a fresh solarpunk vision with enough fidelity to allow a new audience of regen creatives to actualize these principles through their contributions. The key to our pluriverse is to render the imagery at a sufficient resolution to make it feel immersive and purposeful, yet alien enough to avoid perpetuating our rivalrous desires. We’re not talking about virtual cubicles or augmented meeting spaces, but a repository of that will probe the peripheries of the imagination. We are also just as interested in investigating how our virtual, augmented, and LARPing fantasies manifest in our meatspace habits and behaviors. The pluriverse is the UI between these experiential dimensions, and the Pluriverse Guide, DAO, and community are the incubators for our experiments. This is an excellent opportunity for the Ethereum community to elaborate on how our blockchain technologies can support fledging and speculative community development. We are dedicated to asking difficult social problems, meditating upon the tragedy of the commons, and securing support for public goods. We need to support each other to collectively peer beyond the apocalyptic veil, cross the threshold, and leverage our cryptoeconomic theories to manifest positive change in the world. We might take this opportunity to resist profiting off of our shared resources, to restrain ourselves from racing to the bottom, to rethink our motivations to preserve our abundance. Creatives have been used and abused so much that it has become a tragic-comic archetype, a living cliche of the disadvantaged visionary, the artist starving for cultural approval as well as a stable living wage. We need artists to continue asking the difficult questions, to crack us out of our collective neurotic, paranoiac, schizo-capitalist delusions, and dedicate themselves to imagining ways of moving beyond pure economic incentivization. We need artists to diminish the civilization’s obsession with heroic identities and illustrate a clear (and realistic) tomorrow without enslaving humans to the protocols of distribution in the process. This is a sincere call to very deliberately and intentionally meme ourselves differently to each other. What is our lore?  Storytelling is the technology of imagination. The stories that we tell ourselves create the constraints of our worldview and our ability to actively world new worlds. If we are constantly reinforcing an imagination architecture that presents us as subordinate or enslaved to powers beyond our control, then abracadabra! So it shall be! That is the reality that we will occupy. We must learn to manifest differently, and so we must learn to articulate differently, and so we must support each other to imagine differently. Who is the storyteller? What community do they represent? How is that community illustrated to itself and to others? How does the community orient itself to divergent perspectives? Our fantasies, myths, and markets suffer from scarcity. They provoke us to grind, to hoard, to incessantly level up. They are competitive and rivalrous, privileging customizability over standards that allow us to align and collaborate more effectively. How might we learn to change the canonical lore of our own imagination, to shift the narrative of the stories that we tell ourselves? We hope the Pluriverse Guide and the Gitcoin Comic series might support optimizing for human values, not perpetuating paperclip machines all the way down. We hope to play our part in this ontological game by strategizing to wield our memes with tact, subtlety, and profound nuance, to break the illusion of phantasmagoric shadow play that Moloch - which is to say - has cast upon our speculative future for far too long. We hope to nurture this community’s propensity to imagine differently and confront the Moloch meme inside all of us. We must not sacrifice our future potential to the memetic chimera! Cheers to a bright future! To a solarpunk future! ",2022-09-01T13:15:01.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7370,True,True,0x6679F8B83F8354b930f2486958bcB0FB9aDd547B,The Explorer's Tribune,,"A monthly periodical from the world of Loot Explorers that commissions and publishes quality fiction for an in-universe newspaper.   Overview We are the Shapers' Society, a group of writers working as Loot Explorer characters within the Lootverse. We want to follow the example of The Genesis Scrolls and publish great lore for the Explorers era of Loot.   The Explorer’s Tribune already exists as a short newsletter that is sent out to holders of Loot Explorers. We want to redevelop and expand the Tribune in time for the launch of the Hideouts expansion for Loot: Explorers. The new Tribune will accept stories written by characters in-universe that could be (in-universe) fact or fiction. This would function as a way to keep collectors up-to-date with world events and updates, become an engine for driving Explorers lore, and encourage others to develop narratives within this ecosystem.   We propose to accomplish this by putting out a call for writers to contribute stories to the Tribune. Each month, our editors will select three stories to be published in the next edition. To facilitate the professional and creative development of our submitters, our editors will provide written feedback to the top 8 submissions.   With the grant we will be able to hire these editors to read and revise submissions from authors. There need only be two editors for each issue, and they can rotate their duties. Authors will be paid a flat fee for stories that are published.   The aim of the Shapers Society is to bring more attention, respectability and imagination to the Lootverse. We also want to grasp the golden opportunities arising with the dawn of Web3 publishing. The Eye for Adventurers and the Librarium are pioneering that model, and we believe that the Explorers world provides an ideal playground for brilliant minds.     The Explorer's Tribune We believe that now is perfect time to restart The Explorer's Tribune because The Loot Explorers team would like to feature editions of Tribune within their new Hideouts, as well as on their website. The Tribune will give added value to holders of Loot Explorers through exciting new fiction, it will reward creative people who are already enthusiastic about the world of Loot and will onboard new people, enriching the ecosystem with their ideas and experiences.   We will endeavour to make sure that, after publication, the stories featured in the Explorer's Tribune are shared with other relevant projects within the Lootverse, such as by contributing them to The Eye for Adventurers (as a society, we hold The Genesis Eye already).     The Budget A projected pipeline for each issue, with associated costs.   Editorial: The editors will read all entries and select suitable ones. The selected entries will undergo some rounds of copyedits, redrafts and tightening between the editors and the author. Rejected entries will be given meaningful feedback.   Each issue will have two editors and they will receive $150 each.   Editors for the first three issues (the scope of this grant) will be members of The Shapers' Society.   Writers: Successful submissions will earn their writer $200. We will include three stories per issue, so that amounts to $600.   Writers will be solicited from all corners of the Lootverse and beyond. Style guides and canon advice will be given by The Shapers' Society.   Social Media Baron: Each issue will be publicised through official channels. We will release a truncated version of the tribune for social media in addition to the full version to holders. Furthermore, the selected entries will be pushed to other relevant projects within the Lootverse. All of these small tasks are apart from the standard editorial, so a separate role is required.   The social media baron for each issue will be paid $50.   Redesign: We would like an artist to redesign the Explorer's Tribune, building on the original template, so it aligns well with the tone of The Shapers' Society. They will need to create designs for the truncated and full versions of the tribune, as well as for the style guide. For this work, we will allocate $200.   This gives us an operating budget of $950 an issue, with a one-off starting fee of $200. Our proposal here is to raise enough for three issues of the new Explorer’s Tribune as a pilot scheme. The total we need for all three issues is $3050.   The Shapers' Society As mentioned earlier in this application, The Shapers' Society consists of a group of writers working as Loot Explorer characters. In other words, all of our work will be completed in character; this would include all editing and feedbacking of article submissions, as well as running of social media channels. By embodying the ""Lore not Floor"" ethos in this manner, the Shaper's Society will contribute characterisations to both Loot Explorers and the wider Lootverse. Our society is open for people to join and is hosted as a guild in the Loot Explorer's Discord server. To give a flavour of our ethos, here is the Shapers' pledge:   As members of The Shapers' Society, we burden a great responsibility. We map the past by developing the stories and legends we judge to be valuable and, by doing so, we erase the rest of history. It is our work that will be remembered; our work provides a shared culture for future explorers to build and expound upon. Hence, it is vital that we all take the following pledge:   + As a shaper, I will collaborate, rather than compete, with my fellows.   + As a shaper, I welcome criticism and when delivering my own criticism, I will ensure that it is constructive and actionable.   + As a shaper, I understand that CC0 applies to work shared within this society, meaning that shared work is available for anyone to adapt or use as they like.     Many thanks for your time reading this proposal. Regardless of the success of this grant, we hope the Lootverse keeps flourishing.   Signed, The Shapers' Society   - Elroph - Ticklish - Mesmer - Psikos - Rymus",2022-09-01T13:15:15.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7372,True,True,0x5794e3BA7391b2b9806B738b20c3F2099e16Dd5d,ENS University,,"ENS University will help share knowledge about ENS and ENS DAO in the form of guides and courses. ENS is one of the core projects of Ethereum. There are a lot of things to learn from/about ENS and ENS DAO both 1) How ENS works and use cases 2) How to guides(set text record, set avatar etc) 3) ENS Ecosystem 4) How ENS DAO functions 5) Public good funding provided by ENS DAO The funds that we get will be used for creating content. If we get enough support, we will do study groups as well. Each penny counts. So, please support us. Thanks for checking this page ",2022-09-01T13:27:46.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7373,True,False,0x6D2565A9C15986e8f0F1b26D15C0e8D16FbBf627,Spot wallet,,"Spot is a multi-chain mobile wallet whose mission is to be the easiest & safest entry point for the next billion users into web3. Spot is available on iOS and Android and makes self-custody a breeze with ultra safe wallet generation and advanced recovery systems What is Spot - An amazing user interface - Multichain wallet: Ethereum, Polygon (very soon), Bitcoin, Tezos, Solana - Connect to any dApp using WalletConnect 2.0 - An innovative Chrome extension for a safe desktop experience on Ethereum and Solana dApps. More chains to be added soon! - Buy & sell crypto via credit card, bank account... - Cross-chain crypto to crypto swaps - Built-in staking for Tezos and Solana - Native NFTs access with price / ROI - Price alerts on crypto What we are working on - Polygon support and L2 on-ramping - Social profiles powered by decentralized identities - Decentralized proofs of ownership - Messaging & payment features - ETH 2 staking - Price alerts for NFTs Download Spot on iOS Download Spot on Android",2022-09-01T13:44:18.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7374,True,True,0xCe36c657d5237A2a5bf2E7D8DE88f4C3734D181e,Run Haus: A Community Committed to Peak Personal and Planetary Performance,,"Run Haus is a community committed to personal and planetary health for all life on earth. Run Haus' digital community and IRL real estate infrastructure is organized to support outdoor running as a vehicle for a global revolution in personal and global consciousness, health, and sustainability. We know that a thriving world and happy societies are on the other side of a good run. Our public good mandates are providing group runs, events, community spaces, and housing that make it simple for members to get running daily in order to realize their fullest physical potential while connecting with a likeminded community and the planet. A coworking space for people who’d rather not be working Remote work is redefining the modern meaning of success. Free from the stresses and time burden of office life, remote work is affording many professionals the space to recreate and build their lives around interests besides their professions. A recent 4,000 person study found 28.76% of current runners started running during the pandemic, and for many, running has become an indispensable part of their lives, providing daily access to health, nature, and in-person community in an era when many are going the opposite direction. Run Haus' multipurpose community hubs are designed around the special needs and habits of this recreated, remote-worker-runner-human. Run Haus provides a centralized community, work, and cultural space to meet for a run, catch up on work, recover, socialize, share talents, eat, drink, laugh, and build a healthy, well-run world together. A home for people who people who are outside most of the time Run Haus is also building a distributed housing network designed around the needs of high performance humans and the tribal, interdependent ways human naturally organize their lives--doing this within America's problematic housing regulation and economics. Run Haus homes most closely resembles ""co-housing,"" which usually involves a shared single-family home or combination of homes that share resources, time, and each other's company. Run Haus homes puts people with shared values, habits, and lifestyles in one location, presenting myriad psychological, logistic, and economic benefits. Those shared values center on ""peak personal and planetary health,"" an ambition to make oneself, one's community, and the world as good as it can be, not merely as good as a broken status quo permits. More specifically, the Run Haus community is bound by commitments to: Carrying one's own weight, literally and figuratively. Continual improvement of one's body and mind through daily, strenuous physical activity, with a deep focus on running, specifically. Direct, in-person communication and interpersonal interaction. A deep respect and reverence for the natural world expressed in frequently connecting and spending time in nature away from modern stressors like social media, work, traffic, etc. Protecting the environment and live materially minimalist lifestyle. Continual intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth. Promoting economic, cultural, and generational diversity, equity, and interaction. Creative, not conventional, living. ""That's not normal"" is not a meaningful criticism for one's behavior, and should be considered a compliment. The Run Haus DAO The Run Haus coin is the community’s primary currency and is earned through demonstrated value to the community; i.e. adding demonstrable services, goods, and efforts to the network and community and its related projects, external community services, etc. A sample use case for a coin exchange might involve a capital rich/time scarce member trading coins with another member with more time than money, e.g. a semi-elite racer without a sponsorship. Membership privileges: Access to like-minded, health and sustainability oriented community Access to spaces and events Access to in-network membership services and products: Coaching Physio and fitness classes/instruction Professional services (writing, photography, video, accounting, etc.) Food and beverages Internal product marketplace Run Haus will organize first, in a transparent and democratic way, and then implement full governance tooling, and become a DAO. By donating to this grant you are supporting logistic support for Run Haus events, space rental, and staffing in Boulder, Colorado. Thanks for your support!",2022-09-01T14:19:01.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7375,True,True,0x9F67E932b35658657A81C1511a0f5221Ae59098f,ImpactNFTs : an on-chain resource for validating Impact.,,"Who We Are Athena Protocol is building #IOT and edge oracle solutions for responsible ecological and social governance. We are a women & LGBTQ led organization with an international team committed to #Diversity&Inclusion in #ClimateSolutions which are equitable , ethical , and accessible to individuals and communities. Our Impact #NFTs bring flexible utility and #USABILITY to public ledgers by providing the mechanism to hold big polluters and greenwashing corporate entities accountable. Alongside our development of mechanism, we also work to support #CryptoAdvocacy and develop policies which adopt and integrate decentralized ledgers and token systems into natural resource management. We bring transparency and auditability to #defi financial services like sustainably linked bonds and carbon credits, or the natural capital assets #celo and others need to back their stable assets. The open source hardware and software solutions that we develop are meant to empower independent researchers , teams of scientists, analysts, lab technicians to license and sub-license their IP without the need for centralized intermediaries, supporting the growth of #desci and decentralized journalism. Our commitment to balance between decentralization , and individual sovereignty is reflected in our development with both #dStorage solutions like IPFS and Arweave, as well as with user first architectures powered by Dat:// We are bridging the gap between the real world and the blockchain. We work to bring transparency, accountability and accessibility to environmental and social governance and opening the flood gates on data silos in environmental and social governance while creating accessible, repeatable, and equitable solutions for verifying real world observations that prove sustainable and regenerative action. Who We Serve The best way to illustrate how our work creates value for the entire Web3 and Refi Ecosystem in a diverse number of ways is to talk about our partnerships. We partner with Impact NFTs, game developers, certified offset marketplaces, NGOs, activists and land stewards to facilitate the secure, equitable and verifiable flows of data from the real world to decentralized ledgers. We have a major role to play with growing number of projects and organizations of which the following are just a few examples. Celo : Developing Solutions for the verification of natural capital and ecosystem services. dMeter : Infrastructure Working Group Lead driving collaboration, interoperability, and decentralization in environmental monitoring reporting and verification. OPADES: Deploy IOT mesh network and edge computation deployment for early wildfire detection, parametric insurance, and ReFi MRV. Ogallala Life, BasinDao, etc: Deploy IOT mesh network and edge computation deployment for water quality and aquifer recharge, biodiversity, and wetland habitat extension. Open Forest Protocol: Develop tools, models, and smart contracts to facilitate consensus driven validation of OFP assets. Pozzle Planet: Design, develop and implement positive sustainable action validation protocols. Ocean Protocol: Develop tools for verifiable claims / credentials and algorithmic consensus contracts. Increase accountability and transparency in web3 data markets. FOAM: Develop solutions for IOT interaction with EVM compatible smart contracts. Field test proof of location zones with Lora. Helios: Bringing increased credibility to reporting in solar infrastructure. We Need Funding For Developing & Implementing v1 ImpactNFTs, a verifiable on-chain resource for validating Impact. Our verifiable data sources will be minted into IP preserving smart contract using ocean protocol. DataToken are then used to facilitate access to the underlying data and generate revenue for the data providers, curators, and validators. These DataToken also facilitate the governance over the process and procedures that keep the data credible. Our Impact Certificates are tied directly to the data required sign verifiable claims about real world observations relating to the projects and initiatives they are intended to support. This mechanism will both facilitate small projects and even individuals to verify claims relating to impact while removing the excuse of proprietary data that big polluters use to hide from transparency. Use Of Proceeds: Community Compensation Smart Contract Development Community Management Data Bounties Governance Infrastructure Hardware Installation / Integration with pilots Maintenance & Operation Deploying Contracts Residual Funds will be used to fund initial contracts. Additional Information Core Team Product Manager : Amit Kumar Project Manager : Timothy Carter Lead Developer : Umesh Tripathi Business Development : Kimberly Morrow Pilots Ybycui, Paraguay Amarillo, Texas Rocky Mountains, Colorado We use and support the development of open standards in data and sustainability. We are a multi-chain protocol to facilitate interoperability impact related projects.",2022-09-01T14:46:38.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7376,True,True,0xFf988eC224d4D4D2F1b1153962D423DE766DB499,Telos Scouts,,"Help us bring blockchain knowledge to the masses, with the Telos Scouts! Telos Scouts Trailer: What are the Telos Scouts? The Telos Scouts are a hybrid of Soulbound NFTs, blockchain education, and good ol’ fashioned community building. We aim to reward your blockchain knowledge and ecosystem engagement with collectible NFT badges! Our collection of NFTs and knowledge they represent pay homage to the stitched badges that adorn scout sashes around the world. The Telos Scouts is an interactive NFT adventure presented by your friends at Telos Culture. As a block producer candidate on the Telos blockchain, we know the benefits to collaboration across blockchains and want to encourage more people to learn about this growing industry. Telos Scouts makes it fun to learn about the blockchain! The Telos Scouts will reward you for completing small tasks that lead up to blockchain mastery. You’ll be able to join us on special episodes of Telos Culture’s livestreams to receive your task and spend time with other Scouters. Come join in on a real Web3 jamboree! We also know that Telos' strength, along with other Web3 ecosystems comes from a thriving community. So prepare to delve deep into different parts of our ecosystem’s forests and engage with dApps to complete your Telos Scout sash! Telos Scouts will appeal to blockchain beginners and power users alike. We know that a lot of work is needed to introduce the masses to blockchain technology. So what better way to do it than with a s’more in your hand, a warm campfire, and scouting friends? As the Web 3.0 industry evolves, many protocols have begun experiments in decentralized ID, social credibility and soulbound tokens. While the Telos Scouts' primary focus is to educate and build community, we also believe that the potential to incorporate soulbound tokens is quite exciting. This would allow Telos Scouts to evolve into a protocol that can be leveraged as a tool for social credibility, aiding in sybil resistance for the many governance aspects that make up the Telos and Antelope ecosystem. We will open-source this development so that other projects can make use of this certification and identification system. Want to learn more about Soulbound Tokens, decentralized society and social credibility? Check out some of the following resources to learn more: Soulbound Gitcoin Passport POAP Decentralized Society: Finding Web3's Soul Your donation helps us build out our scouting syllabus. The Telos Scouts need to build a beginner-friendly curriculum that will take anyone from zero blockchain knowledge to a blockchain power-user. By contributing, you will help fund this curriculum development, as well as outreach to projects within the Telos communities. We’ve completed the NFT art and have established our scout channels - your support will help us take the next step in bringing Telos and other blockchain tech to the masses! Listen to the vision for the Telos Scouts:",2022-09-01T14:48:25.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7377,True,True,0x0F7272F8873B68b2a2F52685311822D831afC8b4,BETTER,,"TL;DR: BETTER is building a web3 movement for planet positive impact 👋 🌎 Because Earth is non-fungible. So let’s not burn it.   Web3 is great. Now let’s try and make it to web4. Climate change is the single greatest challenge of our time, yet the narrative that surrounds it has caused many people to tune out and feel powerless that they can truly make a difference.  Introducing BETTER .  Launched by a team of creatives whose track record includes working with the likes of Nike, Google, Facebook, The North Face, and more, BETTER aims to turn that upside down.  Climate Impact BETTER gives its community members a tangible mechanism for creating planet positive impact IRL through the BETTER CLIMATE FUND, which is controlled by the community through a DAO.  Our growing list of Climate Advisors helping to steward the best possible use cases for the Fund include policy and strategists from Climeworks, Climate Resolve, and Toucan. 🤝  As the first use case, BETTER has partnered with Toucan Protocol to purchase and retire carbon credits. NCT tokens will be purchased, redeemed, and retired in a single transaction to realize offsetting on behalf of the Fund and DAO. 🌎 The future of the BETTER CLIMATE FUND is in the hands of the community, meaning it could expand into any number of different areas including conservation, new forms of tokenized climate impact credits, individual donations to compelling causes, and more. 🌿 For more info on how the BETTER DAO powers the BETTER CLIMATE FUND, please visit our gitbook.  For more info on our team and advisors, please visit our website. Q3-Q4 2022 🌿 BETTER BUDDIES, our first collection of planet-positive NFTs, will launch post-merge on the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum allows us to reach the largest audience in our mission to drive climate impact via web3, and the merge to PoS will reduce Ethereum’s energy usage by over 99%.  🌎 BETTER merch collab is in progress with Everybody.World. The fully sustainable upcycled clothing line was launched by the former head designers of American Apparel. 10% of sales will be returned to the BETTER CLIMATE FUND.  🎬 BETTER DAO PSA: Members of the DAO from the entertainment industry proposed creating a public service announcement (PSA) to raise awareness about the urgency of climate change with the call to join the BETTER DAO to take action. Supported by director Daniel Stessen (Dream Corp LLC on Adult Swim and in development at Bento Box Ent. with John Krasinski and The Office co-creator, Stephen Merchant) production from Miniac (clients include Adidas, Lululemon, Mirror and more), and editorial/VFX executed by Revel.  Why Gitcoin Grants? Grant funding will assist in Development, Business, and Marketing.  Current funding needs include: ✅ Film Production costs for BETTER DAO PSA ✅ BETTER BUDDIES NFT smart contract development, backend support, deployment fees ✅ Audit of existing smart contracts ✅ Web development including enhancements to BETTER’s off-chain mini game Climate Chaos! The Game ✅ Fixed business costs Thank You ✌️ For more info on BETTER please visit:",2022-09-01T15:37:28.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7378,True,True,0x4Be54A389eE81800775492C6519Cc3343D1AB7cF,LoFiRe - Local-First Repositories for Collaborative Decentralized Applications,,"LoFiRe is a decentralized, collaborative data repository with authentication, access control, and change validation. It is built on local-first data storage, synchronization, and change notification protocols that aim to protect privacy by minimizing metadata exposed to intermediaries. It enables local-first, asynchronous collaboration and data storage within communities while respecting privacy and maintaining data ownership, and provides foundations for developing local-first collaborative decentralized applications and community overlay protocols. LoFiRe can be used by decentralized applications that use Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) as their data model. It is designed to support collaboration and knowledge sharing within communities and organizations. It does not depend on any specific blockchain, does not have a token, and it can synchronize its membership from external sources. Communities and organizations (including Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, DAOs) can use it to support secure and authenticated interaction of their members through wikis, knowledge bases, structured discussions and decision making tools. It supports Open Knowledge and Decentralized Science (DeSci) by providing infrastructure for collaboration around decentralized data repositories and knowledge bases that can be used to collaborate on research projects, as well as to share and publish research results and artifacts. Here’s a selection of applications LoFiRe can be used for that we intend to develop once we are ready with the underlying infrastructure: Decentralized wikis & knowledge bases with semantic graph data models Project collaboration and publishing tools Structured discussion and decision making tools Personal information management tools Local-first search & discovery of relevant information and repositories ",2022-09-01T15:42:50.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7379,True,True,0xFc27B375fAf1FBd3F3462044Cf810082F042a45B,Cambiatus: New organizations for the planet regeneration,,"🌱 Cambiatus is an open source platform to empower the creation of new organizations through social currencies on blockchain.     We are live since 2019, and currently have 7 partner communities in Brazil, Costa Rica and Ethiopia, with a total of around 8,500 members using Cambiatus today. We allow community members to exchange goods and services in our shop, using their social currency to connect members skills and profiles with each other while saving their fiat currency for other interactions. This way the community gains collective strength to face the challenges presented to us all in the present day.    Cambiatus has been open source since day 1, and we believe our communities contribute a lot to the Regenerative Finance movement that is happening in web3. We were awarded the Shapers Awards in 2021 Blockchain 4 Humanity Prize and were also finalists at the Top Tier Impact Awards in 2021. We are collaborating with the ReFi Spring movement and always looking for ways to collaborate with planetary regeneration efforts.    Our partner communities became more financially resilient and less dependent on fiat money because they are using their own social currencies. They can reward members for actions that are related to their collective objectives and create an internal economic cycle.Those actions promote the community objectives, acting as an engaging tool that fosters the collaboration of people from different perspectives and experiences.   Examples of those actions are: participating on beach cleanups, as a volunteer in an agroforestry task force, contributing to a given forest conservation area, and many others, that depend on the community context and objectives. We would like to use this grant to keep onboarding new partner communities, develop more educational resources, and keep building new tools to our platform. One of our priorities will be creating content about web3, ReFi and social currencies in Portuguese and Spanish, to enable more people from Latin America to join our movement.   We would like to show real life examples of how we can use web3 tools to empower communities and enable a transition to a low carbon economy, focused on financial resilience, connection with nature, wellbeing and the pura vida spirit!   Cambiatus has an open source business model, and works on a voluntary contribution basis from a variety of cultures and backgrounds, as you can see in our plans. We also have ample experience doing deliveries, being a group of practical and hands on attitude.    We work with decentralized technologies combined with centralized ones, making one effective transition tool that has its head aiming for the future, but with our feet on the ground, using the best tools for the challenges that may arise.    Our goal is to raise USD 50,000 and maintain our team for 4 months.   ✅ Some deliverables we would like to achieve: Create content in Portuguese and Spanish about the importance of web3 and social currencies in the current economic context. Showcase real life examples from Cambiatus partner communities in a way to incentivize other community leaders to take action and start their own social currency. Launch Impact NFTs with all our partner communities. Review Cambiatus tokenomics looking for a resilient model.   📍 Our Tech roadmap: Create governance tools that allow an Exit to Community process. Evolve the current marketplace to enable hybrid payments (FIAT + social currencies). Develop the Roles and Permissions feature, to prevent fake accounts and other issues. ",2022-09-01T15:46:10.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7380,True,True,0x63f27869BE875b7FaDde6Bc3e836F8f7ba1AcE32,Sapien Network dApp | sapien.eth,,"Hello dear patron 👋 WE are the Sapien Nation, a Network State that functions as a Republic of DAOs and is focused on collective action driven by the next generation of leaders, sense makers, builders, and creators. You may know myself and my co-founder, Rob (left) as the team behind Harambe on Wall Street. But what you may not know, anon, is that we’re developing the Sapien Network dApp, an open-source, social network of DAOs.  Through our decentralized app (dApp) called the Sapien Network, the Sapien Nation is building the infraculture to unite and empower DAOs. Within the dApp, the Sapien Nation is cultivating a digital Parliament where DAOs will have the opportunity to participate in committees, write proposals, invest in important projects, and have their voices heard. Private Beta:  Any potential funding from the Gitcoin matching round will be used for continued product development and transitioning to a fully open-source social network. Contributors will also be given early access as private beta testers. Thank you for your support!",2022-09-01T16:04:05.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7381,True,True,0x0,"Wisdom, Inspiration, and Observations by Enoch Marcus",,"A 101 completely on-chain NFT collectibles collection on the Algorand blockchain, with various unique quotes developed by Enoch Marcus on his journey, so far, through life. This NFT collection will have it's own custom zero-fee marketplace, with a special usecase of unlocking a mini-essay expanding on the quotes only viewable to holders of the respective NFT.",2022-09-01T17:17:18.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7382,False,False,0x801A6F404F4765B89C944009E2368a62E273a271,LifeDeFied - The Future of DeFi,,"LifeDeFied is an all-in-one non-custodial tokenization platform and bridge that connects all three sectors of the financial market (TradFi, CeFi, and DeFi). We aim to provide individual consumers, businesses, or governments with their own personal blockchain networks attached to their own web3 wallet identities to make use of DeFi banking services, cold storage solutions, and integrations on the public marketplace. These personal blockchains can interoperate both on a private and public layer (permission to permissionless) allowing everyone on a global scale to have self-custody over their information or what they classify to be an asset (physical or digital) Through the public layer of the platform, we're able to provide a simple to use, all-in-one DeFi experience through the innovative decentralized applications (Branch Apps) that are connected to the public layer of the marketplace (Branch Market) and monetized back to the public as LifeDeFied Web3 Services (LD3S) These all-in-one services can include but are not limited to - Cold Storage Services + Eco-Friendly Validation and Delegation - Personal Private Blockchains + Nested Blockchain Virtualization - Cross-Chain DeFi Marketplace + LifeDeFied Web3 Utility Services - Tokenization of Assets & Info (Physical, Digital, and Documentation) - Decentralized Bank Digital Currency (DBDC) + dNFTs and Stable NFTs - Self Custody Utility Wallet and Identity + DeFi Bank Account Management - Lending, Borrowing, Insurance Protection, Yield Farming, Staking (etc) Due to the unique design and use case of the blockchain networks, we're able to have these LifeDeFied Web3 services be used on an individual or consortium level. Ranging from but not limited to - Family Networks - Local Businesses - Niche Communities - Enterprise Businesses - Religious Communities - Public or Private Schools - Credit Unions or Local Banks - Government Service Providers - Non or For-Profit Organizations...etc Together we can DeFi a new future",2022-09-01T18:52:16.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7383,True,True,0xf25451b08672B876faFFe1a5ffeF19870BD2340D,MetaTicket.eth,,"Fans are frustrated with the ticket buying process. There are hidden fees, tickets that sell out to bots in seconds, and ticket fraud everywhere. Blockchain technology and ENS is here to take the stress out of buying and selling tickets, and MetaTicket.eth is the answer. MetaTicket.eth is an exciting company dedicated to bringing the ticket buying experience back into the hands of genuine fans by creating a fair and transparent ticket buying, selling, and renting platform using ENS and blockchain technology. MetaTicket.eth will provide an entire marketplace for event tickets where users can buy, sell, trade, and rent their tickets all in one secure place. Each ticket sold will use ENS subdomains to create an NFT, meaning your ticket automatically becomes a collectible that can grow in value and eventually be sold or held. And because it's secured on the blockchain, you will know you are holding a real ticket that will get you into the event. With this decentralized platform, fans will control how they buy and sell tickets to their favorite events. MetaTicket.eth will start focusing on Metaverse events once the ENS Name Wrapper is released. Gradually, as the team grows, we will expand to other online and in-person events. MetaTickets can be utilized for conferences, sporting events, music events, and more. View the prototype and roadmap at Thank you for your support! ",2022-09-01T19:09:02.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7384,True,True,0x4f2bc5641C2e7EAeA0eD19824fc0D4479817432D,Ourlog: Multiplayer Thinking for Working Groups,,"Overview Ourlog is a decentralized communication tool for communities to log their research, thinking, and insights in a collective environment for the purposes of publishing. From scientific research, to government, to social groups, to web3 builders, Ourlog is a public, networked goods tool for any team to cohere and publish its collective intelligence. It’s like Discord plus Wordpress for web3. As a comms tool, Ourlog: facilitates deep qualitative exploration of personal and collective information supports distributed groups in finding coherence across complex topics pipelines content from a private group environment to publish to the broader public Built in the Ethereum ecosystem, Ourlog is based on blocks as a primitive media component. Block content affords the ability to easily respond to, extend, challenge, curate, and develop your personal and collective thinking over time. Relationships between blocks are defined through a simple protocol, providing queryable context for your group’s thinking. We are committed to developing Ethereum’s communications infrastructure, as we believe this to be a fundamental aspect of Ethereum’s continued growth as a healthy, democratic system. Our focus is the development of public, networked communications goods. The Need for Ourlog After building several projects in the Ethereum ecosystem, our team found it difficult to sustain ongoing efforts across multiple projects (see details below: Relational Projects). We worked best when we were together, physically, and wanted to bring the high quality in-person experience to our distributed team. Building on a shared practice of journaling in the mornings, we began an experiment using Discord as an Ourlog prototype. In a Discord server, each member has a channel to use as their personal research log and everyone on the team is welcome to read and tag messages to send them to a shared stream. From the shared stream, we bubble up highlights to publish as a way to capture our thinking at a point in time. In this way, Ourlog serves as a method to support self-organized group journalism. Currently, we’re going for minimal editing, sharing our thinking in more-or-less the same form as it was posted to Discord. We publish our thinking based on Ourlog entries on Mirror: Current Build Status While enacting a prototype of Ourlog in Discord and publishing our thinking on Mirror, we’re also building an iOS dapp on the Polygon network and are working towards a full web dapp. We’re in the early stages of the build—everything we’re sharing here is prototype and articulates our directional thinking for the tool. Currently, the vision is for an iOS/MacOS app with the following features: a simple capture utility to provide a focused place to write, think, create, explore ideas seamless web3 experience on native applications simple responding to other’s posts tagging capability for posts composable query system for personalized viewports iOS and MacOS dapp prototypes - capture surface; web dapp prototype - shared team stream Some of the high-level technical achievements to-date include: deployed a number of Polygon smart contracts for basic Ourlog functionality: logging, commenting, tagging (these are the basis for the rlog protocol) indexed and built an arbitrary relationship system using TheGraph built a novel implementation of smart contract wallets to enable seamless user experience iOS rlog smart contract wallet flow Ourlog aims for a simple, out-of-the-box experience for technical and non-technical people alike. Ourlog’s codebase is open source, so others can fork and customize it to fit their team’s needs. In creating Ourlog, we’re emerging a protocol for developers to build their own logging dapps. This emerging protocol (which we call research log, or rlog) is open source and in active development: Funding Gitcoin funds will be used to continue building the Ourlog dapps as well as the rlog protocol specification. Specifically, money will flow to: Our team in compensation for time spent on design and development contributions Creating and launching a bounty program to expand and fund additional contributors on Ourlog Collaboration tooling and infrastructure costs (Zoom, Notion, Infura, Vercel, Figma) Polygon contract deployment and meta-transaction fees Who is building Ourlog? Ourlog is a Relational project. Relational is an open media and communications collective, currently comprised of six founding members: Kristen Pavle, Dave Gorum, CJ Pais, Jon Borichevskiy, Tony Llongueras, and Jordan McCommons. We’ve been building in the web3 space for almost 2 years; you can learn more about us, and what we’ve been up to, including past decentralized publishing experiments, here: Relational’s vision is a decentralized human communication layer built in the Ethereum ecosystem. We take advantage of EVMs natively networked, naturally interconnected data environment to allow for communication to flow democratically. Whether you’re communicating through words, pixel art, or game experience points, Relational is interested in supporting your work. One of Relational’s core values is “Community is a Verb”—we’re organized around shared practices and routines. Ourlog is one of the core tools we’re building to underpin our work as a community of practice. Relational Projects Exquisite Land - an open-source, on-chain collaborative pixel drawing game built on Polygon:, Exquisite Graphics - an open-source, on-chain pixel art graphics renderer: HyperXP/The Rift - a protocol that enables web3 project developers to easily implement an on-chain, trustless, decentralized XP system to recognize and reward user activity and engagement - from gameplay to active governance to community participation:",2022-09-01T19:11:43.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7385,False,True,0x562c5dfbFb4D58aD90f59dD47797E055ccbDD8f8,FacHub Platform,,"Introduce FacHub is a platform that enables users to create new NFTs that can include non-lockable content or generate gated links for token holders.Non-lockable content is media that requires proven ownership of an NFT or social token in order to gain access. The platform also allows users to sell and buy NFTs using ETH. Creators are always seeking ways to give their fans more value and differentiate their work from their competition. FabHub empowers creators to secure their content so that it’s only accessible to holders of certain NFTs or tokens. Usually, creating tokens that allow access to gated content requires technical knowledge. FacHub allows non-technical users to do so. Their white labeled NFT product means that anyone can create an NFT store, regardless of their technical expertise. This approach allows users to avoid fees from platforms like OpenSea, giving more flexibility around user experience and more control over their brand. FacHub’s white label NFT storefront product can be used by non-technical people, broadening the potential userbase of web3 technology. ‘Lazy minting’ means zero gas fees for creating NFTs, which is a welcome relief in today’s high gas environment. Home Important Problem",2022-09-01T19:50:43.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7386,True,True,0xbD9b22F97A54A87f1fE640E0442ed93c50D716Ef,DeFi Greeks SDK,,"Following Uniswap V3s launch of concentrated liquidity, multiple people, teams, and projects began to understand and frame them in the context of options payoffs. As an LP depending on how you set your ranges alters the payoff/strike(s) that you have and the fees generated represent the premiums earned. There are many detailed resources on that here Opyn's release of their ETH^2 power perpetual (known as squeeth) and since subsequent launches of power perpetual assets have started to add another dimension to providing liquidity to an AMM. Power perpetuals can be constructed to be a near perfect hedge for impermanent loss incurred. Power perpetuals allow you to trade various convexities similar to options but in a perpetual way similar to perpetual futures.You can read more about power perpetuals and squeeth here Concentrated liquidity, power perpetuals, and normal options or expiring futures _all_ have very similar properties in their premiums and payoffs, it is simply a matter of understanding their relationships. The DeFi Greeks SDK lets you break down these types of assets into common greek forms to understand easier and be able to trade",2022-09-01T19:51:07.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7387,True,False,0x95F1Fd0aEb5C131750162495E8AFe79F1d7Ca199,The Crypto Freedom Lab,,"Crypto Law Professor and former SEC Advisor launches the Crypto Freedom Lab, a 501(c)(3) to defend the economic freedoms of crypto users and developers and defend against regulations that threaten the right to privacy. The Crypto Freedom Lab will work to advance the Crypto Bill of Rights that our founder co-authored with Ryan Selkis through policy engagement with government regulators. Founder J.W. Verret has recently confronted SEC Chairman Gensler over his abuse of cryptocurrency developers and users in a viral video. The Crypto Freedom Lab file comment letters with regulatory agencies, engage with members of Congress and give grants to support scholars across the fields of computer science, law and economics to join the fight. And it will produce a series of social media videos in native languages to teach immigrants how to use crypto to send money home more efficiently and cheaply.",2022-09-01T20:48:15.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7389,True,True,0xc360c72b24e97Bc5f65745CD8430B34FfFe174f1,LanguageDAO: Lowering Language Barriers in Web3,,"The goal of LanguageDAO is to lower language barriers in web3 through a combination of translation and interpreter services and mission-driven activities. The services include interpreting conference calls like DAO Twitter Spaces and translating crypto white papers, which often feature evolving technical jargon and regional slang that defy automated translation solutions. Revenue generated from these types of services fund mission-driven activities consisting of outreach into the marginalised countries, free education, and advocating for web3 organisations to increase language accessibility. Historically, English has been the ubiquitous language of web3 (Bell, 2018), although that fact is changing. Although English-speaking countries make up the majority of job locations on the (Web3 Career, 2022) website, just over half of the top 50 countries are non-English speaking. This is one indication the web3 industry is flourishing across the world. Subsequently, web3 teams will increasingly need to communicate with other teams who speak a different language. Similarly, crypto markets are booming throughout the global landscape, hungry for products and services. Nigeria, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Turkey rank the highest in terms of crypto adoption rates (Buchholz, 2021). Additionally, 60% of consumers say they will not buy a product (CSA Research, 2020) if they cannot read the marketing language. The market in China for Bitcoin rapidly expanded once Satoshi’s whitepaper was translated into Chinese (Bell, 2018). Understanding a crypto market, and the underlying technology, is fundamental to participating in that market. Web3 presents an opportunity, allowing unbanked individuals living in countries with limited banking systems access to financial services. Additionally, web3 can enable entrepreneurs to sell goods abroad, when these individuals would otherwise struggle to connect with international payment systems (Scott, 2016). Yet, persisting language barriers threaten to cut off marginalised countries from the opportunity of web3 (Bell, 2018). To further complicate the problem, terms for blockchain infrastructure, DAO governance, etc, can specialise within different geographical and cultural silos. Eventually the industry may settle on open standards, but in the meantime lingual and cultural translation has the potential to play key roles in facilitating both commerce and coordination (INATBA, 2020). Our past and present partners include PeopleDAO, PizzaDAO, PandaDAO, CultDAO, and Gitcoin (Greenpilled).",2022-09-01T22:15:03.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7390,True,True,0x16e3cd34D685E9af1a76eccc3FcB5951233379F2,Knowan - decentralized data for better sexual & reproductive health outcomes,,"At Knowan, we are leveraging web3 to equalize access to data - building a platform that enables the sharing of data or data services in the context of the numerous and varied challenges faced within the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) space around the world. Specifically, we are focused on how data and data services can support High Impact Practices (HIPs) – a set of evidence-based family planning practices vetted by global experts against specific criteria and documented in an easy-to-use format ( In fact, data is one of the 5 key focus areas of FP2030.  (see our Lite Paper with more information here: We aim to maximize the potential of data by building an ecosystem that consists of two main components: (1)  A trusted, decentralized data-sharing platform, powered by an existing open-source data exchange protocol (Ocean Protocol), that enables the sharing of data and data-based services with a focus on the sexual and reproductive health sector.  For sensitive data, data providers would have the option to specify what part of the data sets others can access and which not. And, it would allow researchers to run AI algorithms on a data set without ever obtaining direct access to the data. This protects the privacy of all the individuals contributing to the data set while at the same time giving valuable insights that might lead to the creation of many improvements - including better AI-powered services or improved treatments for women't health challenges or diseases/STIs; and (2)   Because the data and the platform itself will not ‘lift people out of poverty’ – Knowan must focus on the users of the data to generate insights that can turn into action to improve data outcomes. We would do this through a DAO structure - with governance, treasury, strategy, voting, and growth led by the community. Through this organization, we can leverage the global community of SRH experts, technologists, data scientists, community workers, advocacy organizations, health providers, donors, AI experts, and individuals - really anyone in the ecosystem – to organically learn, earn, and innovate together to work towards solving this challenge. Knowan seeks to lay the infrastructure and frameworks for more effective and coordinated disseminating, exchanging, and sharing data by governments, international organizations, donors/foundations, civil society, research entities, the private sector, and individuals. By doing this, Knowan seeks to enhance accountability, improve policy making and service delivery, and increase business opportunities. We will enhance accountability by enabling the use of data to improve policies with data-driven decision making and more effectively advocate for increased funding with supportive evidence. We will improve policy and service delivery for women and girls by enabling the leveraging of data to ensure more transparency, supply chain improvements, quality use of social media for education, enhanced research capabilities and sharing, and improved cost savings through efficiencies. And, we will increase business and economic opportunities – enabling more data for fem-tech startups, improving products, ensuring cost savings, and increasing the production process. And we will rely on our growing community to create and champion those additional solutions and protections that only those with lived experiences and a unique understanding of the issues can champion. Finally, by creating a space in web3 and data science that is focused on solving issues affecting women and girls, and emphasizing participation by those with lived experience in solving the issues, we will support them in their journeys in the web3 and/or data science. This will provide the additional benefit of educating and encouraging more participation by women and girls in web3 and data science. As a social enterprise, the funds will be used to support building the ecosystem - with a specific focus on building the platform and completing an upcoming pilot in Uganda. We envision a world where sexual and reproductive health inequalities are a thing of the past! We would be honored to receive any support in our efforts!",2022-09-01T22:32:24.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7391,True,True,0xd68e5b216FC2AF2854152EAC501F9E00807d8C1d,ReFi for Community Prosperity in East Africa & Asia,,"Regen Foundation works to empower communities and co-create global systems to achieve and reward ecological regeneration. As the nonprofit arm of Regen Network, we are committed to a diverse community of stakeholders to build the tools of regeneration using the following 3 pillars - Scientific Research and Enquiry - Education and Capacity Building - Network governance and community participation Regen Foundation is currently running the enDAOment program with 7 candidates across 4 countries. Keeping with the ethos of building from the ground up using multiple approaches; Regen Foundation is developing ReFi projects for Community Prosperity in East Africa. Tl.dr Chama : Kenyan women self help and self governance informal groups This project aims to develop pilots to onboard Chama to Web3 to enable them to  - Scale using digital technology - Develop additional revenue streams including ecosystem credit generation and sales Potential Pilots: Mangrove Reforestation/EcoCredits Women’s ReFi savings group - Women from farming communities ———————- Details Grant Total being raised: USD 50000  Purpose: To support ReFi initiatives amongst women and indigenous communities in East Africa in partnership with Regen Network.  Cultural Context: Community Savings Groups Chamas or VSLAs began to spring up in the late 1980s as a response to a lack of affordable and accessible credit. These self governing groups have evolved to include various loaning mechanisms and staking and rewards systems. It is estimated that over 300,000 registered chamas exist today in Kenya, with members collaborating in more than one1 chama in their lifetime.  Although there is a push towards digital options for bookkeeping that increase transparency and improve governance such as Aturi and Ecobba, many of these groups remain informal, relying solely on the bridge of trust that brought them together in the first place. This informal sector worth over $4bn in Kenya has increased grassroots development and involvement. Communities take charge of their own investments and tailor their financial system to fit their culture i.e. the funeral fund, which is traditionally how Kenyans fundraise for funerals.  This project aims to develop pilots to onboard Chamas to Web3 to enable them to  - Scale using digital technology - Develop additional revenue streams including ecosystem credit generation and sales Potential Pilots: Mangrove Reforestation/EcoCredits Women’s ReFi savings group - Women from farming communities The project is being developed with a one -year timeline with the below requirements Staff: - Developers - Implementation, Training & Support: Period of time for implementation & results: 1 Year. Milestones: - Setting up the DAOs (2 Daos, one in Kenya and potentially one in India, Indonesia or Myanmar) We’re creating a DAO incubator, including tech tools, community support, feasibility studies. - Feasibility report for other regions - Prototype of a community staking pool for impact investment KPIs: --People reached  - Impact on community, documented through multimedia/human interest stories - Outreach and discovery - DAO Design Toolkit Socioeconomic Benefits of Success The foundation creates a case study for the global financial sector - proving DeFi can be used for impact investment products in emerging markets.  The potential market size of East Africa alone is massive with 11 million community owned savings groups already in existence.  Contact details : ",2022-09-02T00:01:04.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7392,True,True,0xdFe5dcC946aCD395935c28e0e00122cbFA8eBea6,Hepta Protocol: Support donation and incentivize learning,,"Hepta Education makes web3 donation easy, interactive, and rewarding. Hepta Education aims to build a sustainable learning environment for underprivileged kids. We believe that in order to thrive, the kids need to have three things to start with: an identity, a wallet, and a mind prepared to learn. We designed a whole mechanism around this mission and aim to make it scaleable with the proven business model. Problem: The entire donation ecosystem is outdated and doesn’t work. Funds donated through foundations are neither traceable nor outcome-attributable, causing children to lose support. Solution: A protocol that helps people donate interactively and strengthen the positive cycle. The three main features include: Enhance transparency and traceability with blockchain technology. Empower individuals to possess identity and accumulate assets. Build a donate-to-earn and learn-to-earn mechanism. Tech Design: How Hepta Protocol works Depending on the identity, every player has different rights and responsibilities as well as ways of interacting with one another. Progress: Founded in August 2022, we aim to validate all of our hypotheses in Season one (August 2022 - December 2022) and develop a more friendly interface and environment in Season two (January 2023 - April 2023). A season is a defined period of time with a clear goal and theme. In Season one, we test out our hypotheses with three validation projects, each with its own goals and metrics. We partner with shelters, foundations, and other web3 tech providers to make sure we “measure” (validation) before actually spending tons and tons of resources of “cut” (building product). Our goals for Season 1 are to: Sufficiently test out the hypotheses by running the mechanism without protocol. Get real feedback from real users with our minimum, minimum viable product. Build a community committed to the long-term success of the project. The three validation projects include: India Banjara Community Donation Project Kaohsiung Teenage Mom Education Project The EDGE Learn-to-Earn Bootcamp (click in and see more detail about the project!) ",2022-09-02T00:14:27.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7393,True,True,0xf26d1Bb347a59F6C283C53156519cC1B1ABacA51,BanklessDAO Projects,,"BanklessDAO Gitcoin Grant Proposal THE BANKLESSDAO MISSION... BanklessDAO is a decentralised community coordinating and propagating bankless media, culture, and education. BanklessDAO launched on May 4, 2021, and its goal is to drive adoption and awareness of truly bankless money systems like Ethereum, DeFi, and Bitcoin. Together, the BanklessDAO community collaborates to create user-friendly onramps for people to discover decentralised financial technologies through education, media and culture. The BanklessDAO community runs a variety of projects; for the scope of this grant we are focusing on the ones which truly provide goods and services for the entire world such as BANKLESS ACADEMY, BANKLESS AFRICA, BANKLESS RESEARCH and INTERNATIONAL MEDIA NODES.  The projects listed below have had contributors working on them for many months and although some of the project contributors earn governance tokens, the work being done far outstrips the existing remuneration. Second, and perhaps more important, is that all these projects aim to help the wider crypto ecosystem and not just the Bankless community — and hence are public goods. BANKLESS ACADEMY 🚀 Brief Bankless Academy is a leading web3 ""knowledge on-ramp"" - a practical & engaging education experience with infrastructure preparing to be scaled across the blockchain multiverse. We're helping the world adopt the permissionless tools they need to go Bankless. 🔥 Vision We are building a web3 world where: 📚 Information is frictionless and free. 👊 Communities are high impact creators. 🌐 Education is permissionless (no central body dictates what you can/can't see). 🗺️ Trajectory Current focuses: Establish a Bankless-native syllabus/user journey to move users from Centralised Exchanges to Ethereum Layer2 self-custody. Pursue collaboration with popular dApps to educate users on trusted tools available to them. Build theory lessons with expert guests from the Bankless 'Hall of Fame'. Form frontier partnerships so that the Academy dApp continues to support interoperability and cutting-edge use cases. Continue research, development, and onboarding for our whitelabel platform to scale our efforts into other web3 ecosystems. Build a framework for contributor content creation to empower talented community educators. 📀 Try the dApp: Multiple wallets supported Mobile friendly No download 🌏 Let's scale permissionless education together! BANKLESS AFRICA Our community is focused on promoting the bDAO mission. We leverage crypto-based creations like Bitcoin, Defi, NFTs etc. to tackle problems faced by Africans. Achievement/Growth: *Our podcast highlights projects and people making impact in the African crypto/Web3 ecosystem. *Our Newsletter provides well curated information on Bitcoin, DeFi, crypto regulations, projects and Web3 funding in the crypto/Web3 space in Africa. *Our website helps Africans access educational courses. It includes a link to Bankless Academy where lots of Web3 courses are available. Eventually this website will become a native-educational platform for Africans. Website v1 here: *We onboard and train contributors with various Web3 ethos, teaching them how to contribute in various DAOs and potentially bootstrap project ideas they have. Some links to get into our community: BANKLESS RESEARCH Bankless Research provides in-depth, rigorous and investigative insights into web3 topics across the board, thereby being able to draw on a wide web of contacts within the space. While our special focus lies on DeFi and governance issues, we are happy to also cover any other topic of interest to our clients. Due to our experience we have been able to develop successful formats to address the most sought after requests, thereby retaining the flexibility to tend to specialists’ requests, requirements and ancillary services individually. Notable achievements: In cooperation with the BC Grants Team, we managed to secure a grant from TribeDAO to develop a research report for them. The result was a 45-page long breakdown of the TribeDAO ecosystem. Saddle Finance was the second Web3 project for whom Bankless Research has conducted research for. We have also started reaching out to potential partners, who are aligned with BanklessDAO mission, and with whom we will form strategic partnerships based on our objectives. Current situation in the market: Web2 companies currently profit twofold: by charging readers a monthly/yearly subscription granting access to research reports which these companies receive grants for to write. Problem is this research often barely scratches the surface of the projects, contains outdated information and is published before showing the content to the client.    Our solution: Bankless Research aims to solve these problems by:  ✔️ Forming a team of subject matter experts with experience in web3.  ✔️ Utilizing the procured team of experts to conduct professional research.  ✔️ Collecting trusted resources for analytics data.  ✔️Applying qualitative and quantitative analysis to deepen the understanding of a project.  ✔️ Establishing and maintaining a deep connection with the client/grant donor, enabling the facilitation and collection of feedback after the final report is ready to be published.  Use of funds: Funds received in GR15 will directly support operations within Bankless Research, including bounties for research work. We are planning to build a website to help us onboard clients and researchers as well as facilitating the exchange between all parties and providing access to educational material. Further the continuous expansion of our tooling repertoire will be supported. Finally we will explore and use different channels to help market our services and products to a wider audience to achieve a healthy, long term growth trajectory. 🌏 INTERNATIONAL MEDIA NODES (IMN) Only 5% of the world’s population are native English speakers and roughly 15% speak English on some level. The initial goal of the IMN project is to reach the remaining 80% by translating and distributing content about blockchain technology, DeFi, the Metaverse and Web3. All links: The International Media Nodes project believes in the liberating effect of going Bankless and what it can do for improving financial wellbeing and stability throughout the world. Creating and maintaining communities of people who do not speak English and educating them/opening the door for them to onboard to Web3 is one of the most crucial pieces of infrastructure if we want Web3 to be any different from Web2. The story so far… In Q1 2022, the total audience grew by 52% as compared to the previous quarter and our total reach is over 40,000 audience members in over 20 languages. We have more than 100 active contributors speaking 20 different languages from all parts of the world. We have worked with prominent DAOs in Web3 such as Polygon, Tribe and Yearn. Over the next months and years, as we continue to produce content we will also start developing local language communities which will develop Web3 talent in local languages as well as organising events in different geographical locations to onboard more people. Our Ask to the Crypto Community ... At the highest level, the Web3 education provided by BanklessDAO stands to empower humanity with the informed decision-making required in our digital future. We firmly believe that we align with the vision of the Gitcoin Community, and that together we can work to slay Moloch. We seriously can’t wait to show you what we have to offer this space. Let’s Impact Together! BanklessDAO believes in the liberating effects of going Bankless and the impact our ideal can have on improving the financial stability and wellbeing of our world, both in learning and translation. With the help of the Gitcoin Community, we will accelerate the spread of an ungated Web3 education for everyone. Let’s help the world go Bankless!",2022-09-02T00:27:53.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7394,False,True,0x97Ad915D7230dd5630F1FbB814Ab6Ba810225789,GloriView is an NFT creation platform accessible to everyone.,,"Overview GloriView is an NFT creation platform accessible to everyone. It enables anyone to create NFTs and save them in the IPFS decentralized stroage. There are three types of NFTs avaiable now that can meet users needs. As an all-in-one NFT creation platform, GloriView is open and accessible to everyone. The NFTs created on GloriView are unique with some features to provide a better user experience. The features incldue but not limited to these as below: 1.Three types of NFTS: ERC721, ERC1155 and ERC721R. 2.Support various NFT forms such as images, videos, audios and 3D models. 3.Provide decentralize stroage. 4.Able to configure unified rarity parameters. 5.Able to confirgure personal rarity parameters. GloriView embodies a combination of NFT creation hub and decentralized storage system. It aims to be one of the most innovative NFT platforms that deliver better products and user experiences. GloriView is playing its role vigorously. URLs you may need: 1.Website: 2.Gtihub: 3.Twitter: Creat NFT 1.Connect Wallet: 2.Choose your Wallet: 3.Your Wallet address: 4.Creat NFT:",2022-09-02T00:45:17.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7395,True,True,0x0000000001F3723e32D4822353C5b13Df4F8f555,bfrenz - Your crypto social media,,"bfrenz dedicates to become the best crypto-native social media. bnews is our first product providing personalized crypto newsfeed based on your wallet and social behaviors. Below list our unique features so far NFT Holder Tracker Tracking the NFT transactions from holders who are similar to you. Comparing to whale tracker, this is a better reference to find out the next hot projects. Crypto Tracker Keep you updated on the crypto currency market on a daily basis. Personalized Crypto News Aggregator Bnews collects news from comprehensive data sources but everyone will has his unique newsfeed finally. You won’t miss anything interesting, while not spending too much time looking up from various news products. Social features You can create a unique profile choosing your ENS address and NFT as your name and profile picture for yourself on bnews. Everyone can give like, comment, forward and reactions on newsfeed. Roadmap 2022 Q2 - done An engine about crypto content verificaiton. 2022 Q3 - doing Personalized crypto news base on RaaS & recommendation engine. Matching users based on their crypto profile and social behaviors. PGC: invite projects to run their own channels. UGC: every user can post his own contents to the newsfeed. 2022 Q4 Decentralized, crypto native chat/social features on all platform. 2023 Q1 C2C trade matching. Social credit graph. bfrenz official website, Twitter, Discord bnews iOS App bnews Web App",2022-09-02T01:25:59.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7396,True,True,0xEeAd3e69E962079F72d9acd41666583Dc6b8561b,Robot Rally,,"Robot Rally is a web3xr (web3 + webxr) social game which you can play with your friends. Get a VR/XR headset and pop into a virtual world and meet friends and strangers and play games with one another. We seek to create more serendipitous encounters on the web and connect people using a web stack. Funding of the project will help: Advance Web3XR tooling Provide the team with funds to defray cloud hosting costs and development costs Improve the game assets available Gameplay Videos",2022-09-02T03:55:41.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7397,True,True,0x18C35943cC5CF265e44d7d66e4Ff7683eb8716A5,CNS: Community Name Service,,"CNS is the policy-based ENS subdomain issuance infrastructure, where ENS holder can conditionally allow their ENS subdomain to be registered for their community. Our product will serve as the extension for the ENS holders, where they will be able to assign CNS policy on who will be eligible to mint the subdomains. CNS policies consist of Token-Gated and Allowlist address: Token-Gated: The ENS owners can create a policy which requires the party that owns a certain ERC-721 token to be eligible for minting. Allowlist Address: The ENS owner can directly assigns the Ethereum address that will be eligible to mint the subdomain. The subdomain that is minted from our website will be in the form of ERC 721 soul-bound token, where each minter can have access to the subdomains in terms of utility while representing their community through subdomains. Our aim is for the community from each respective community to adopt our products, starting from NFT projects to DAO communities. As one of key success factors toward Web 3.0 Projects is the empowerment of the community. In correspond, CNS allows the user to map their Ethereum address to the subdomains they prefer while represents their community simultaneously Our Progress: Our product has launched on Rinkeby Testnet, with over 1200+ communities created on our platform. This grant will be used to develop product toward Ethereum Mainnet Launch. Our Core Value: To provide greater NFT/DAO community experience and create private community which is built on top of ENS ecosystem. Our Vision: To onboard over 30,000+ individuals and 300+communities to use our infrastructure and be the leading infrastructure to unite and promote the collective entity of the Web 3.0 community. Next Step: Our team would be working toward building integration with the upcoming ENS Name Wrapper, where our platform will serve as the policy-based infrastructure which ease the process of registeration as well as providing feature to onboard NFT and DAO projects toward the usage of ENS Subdomains. ",2022-09-02T03:55:44.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7398,False,True,0xfB97305E70FD9FC7C866cAd439CF15b231EDce62,Commubase,,"Overview Commubase is an open platform where users can launch a social token and build a token-driven community. It is a great tool for users who aim to to build and maintain DAO community engagement through concrete incentives. Our tools can also be used to airdrop tokens, design lockups & create quests. Creators who want to build a community and maintain engagement need tools that make it simple to launch a token or NFT incentive plan. Commubase provides the simple tools for users, even for users with no code knowledge, to create, distribute and manage a personal or community/social token or NFT. Commubase makes it easy for creators to accomplish the following tasks (with some of best tutorials in the web3 space): 1.How to mint a Personal/Community Token. 2.How to create a Token Reward / Bounty. 3.How to Airdrop tokens to Reward & Pay Contributors. After you connect your wallet, simply click on the task that you want to complete and Commubase walks you through everything you need to do. The user experience inside Commubase is second-to-none, and there are no coding skills required to complete the main tasks. Images 1-Website 2-Function 3-Competitive",2022-09-02T03:57:12.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7399,True,True,0xcac59EF73BCe0659afA9d104129716fFB66E01FF,Metaverse Builders DAO,,"The Metaverse Builders DAO is a service DAO that seeks to accelerate the development of experiences in the Metaverse. The DAO builds out experiences and provides information on how builds are done and achieved. Use of funds: Creation of CC0 3D assets for use in Metaverse Experience, right now good CC0 3D assets for game are hard to come by and the DAO hopes to help with that Open sourcing of builds and creation of tutorials on how builds can be achieved Helping to accelerate the development of Metaverse tooling made by the DAO",2022-09-02T04:07:40.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7400,True,True,0xc92314a5f62FA54b272612804C9Ac70AC139F7B0,PunStar,,"About Project Name PunStar  Register to and start your fun journey. Check the Front UI Tutorial if you are new to Flow. More details are in our Pitch Deck Description Problem statement We are exploring a decentralized digital social network. By building a next-generation NFT architecture based on resource-oriented chains to express various social relationships and interactions in the Web3 world, and asset all this, so that the value of social capabilities of every participant could be confirmed and clarified. PunStar is an initial form of this social network. Firstly, we will build this platform on Flow due to its unique resource-oriented features and next this will be extended to more resource-oriented chains like Aptos and Sui. Besides static content features and combinability of normal NFT, we take advantage of resource mechanisms to coalesce some innovative properties into NFT and asset them. The innovative properties include dynamical social relationships between participants established by resource interactions, executable abilities based on methods bound to resources (some of which have realistic meanings, e.g. advertising), and upgradeable features like Funny index which may actually increase NFT's value. In this stage, PunStar chooses Funny things as the entry point of the social network, which could be easily extended in the future. The participants of PunStar are called ""Punsters"" (an NFT) and they can share their funny things in the form of ""Duanji"" (an NFT). Each person can express their preference for a ""Duanji"", which can stimulate the construction of social relationships between participants and let it possible to estimate the ""funny index"" of each ""Punster"". The ""Punsters"" can make content promotions(e.g. publish ads) based on their relationship constructed in PunStar, which needs to satisfy some restrictions based on the ""funny index"" first. We use resource mechanisms to coalesce social relationships, content promotion, and some other practical abilities into NFT, which is a great enhancement to the existing NFT, allowing NFT to be more realistic and of greater practical value. Highlights Brings associativity abilities to NFT with related assetization As we know, on resource-oriented chains things can be bound to each resource, so resources can actually have their own abilities, such as social relationships based on the following mechanism. This is very different from the smart-contract-based chains where everything is published on smart contracts. Resources can be exchanged, so the bound abilities such as relationships can be exchanged too. This improves the potential value of the Punster NFT, as relationships can be combined with the advertising ability for instance. Punsters with more followers might be more valuable. Brings execution abilities to NFT: Such as advertisement mechanism Punsters can push advertisements to their followers with limitations of some conditions based on the funny index mechanism. This is a demonstration of a specific feature of resource-oriented NFT, which is the implementation of executable abilities bound to NFTs. Brings dynamical growth abilities for NFT Some dynamic abilities of Punsters could grow as they make contributions. For example, the funny index will increase if someone's Duanji is commended by others. And the funny index will influence the cooling time of Punster's advertising ability. Assetization of all the social capabilities in PunStar Assets in PunStar can be accessed Omnichain Interesting things should be shared with others. Users can enjoy some special abilities of PunStar deployed on resource-oriented chains from other chains without losing the specific features of resources. Background Target audience: Everyone can share funny things with each other, and enjoy funny stories from other punsters. So this is a product for every socialized humanity. Evidence for the need: We can find some similar successful products in the Web2 world, such as Facebook, Twitter, WeChat Friend Circle, etc. But there're some uncomfortable things in the Web2 world that the ownership, control, and disposal of assets do not belong to individuals. PunStar starts building its social platforms with funny topics, at the same time, social relations and advertising mechanisms were created based on the full use of resource features. Proposed solution Product People publish Duanji to share funny things. If one person thinks some other punsters are interesting, he can follow them to get the newest information as soon as the following punsters publish any updates. If one person likes a Duanji, he can commend it, so that, the ""Funny Index"" of the Duanji will be increased, and the related punster who published the Duanji. Punsters can push advertisements to their followers based on the funny index. Both Duanji and Punster are NFTs that can be exchanged between different participants. Besides resource-oriented chains like Flow, Aptos, and Sui, we are trying to provide advertising access interfaces to other chains, without losing the unique resource features. Technology Architecture  The key points of the technology are as follows: Duanji is our new architecture NFT compatible with ERC series standard. Besides static content properties, Duanji has its dynamic feature funny index. Punster is our new architecture NFT compatible with ERC series standard, and it is also an NFT container. A Punster NFT can contain lots of Duanji NFTs. The dynamic properties of Punster include Following mechanism can be implemented easily based on resource interactions. Funny index evaluation algorithm in the Commend mechanism can make out an estimation of how funny a Duanji or a Punster is, which depends on both commending counts and time passed. Advertisement mechanism based on funny index of Punsters. StarRealm and Cross-Chain Locker provide a Star Port for NFTs to travel to other chains. Marketing The funny Duanji is used as the initial entry point for the topic to start the market. Give NFT more dynamic and practical value based on resource-oriented mechanisms to attract more users to create to build their social relationships. Assetization the practical value of both Duanji and Punster NFTs, and make everything tradable, so that to improve the activity of PunStar platform. Bring in more dynamical and practical abilities to Punster and Duanji NFT, such as E-commerce. Besides funny things, bring in more topics like dating to inspire users to enhance their social relationships. Prototypes Demo Video Website",2022-09-02T04:13:13.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7401,True,True,0xD1E01D5A8483e1a7e4A2AF1F5F6B66B1FC6D8507,FNS - Filecoin Name Service,,"FNS is a domain name system based on FVM on the Filecoin network.It is an important part of the Filecoin ecosystem. It can not only make the filecoin system more readable and user-friendly, but also become an important infrastructure for web3.   What can FNS do?   - FNS provides a secure and decentralized way to resolve on-chain and off-chain address resources on the Filecoin network into simple human-readable domain names.   - Users can use FNS as an identity to access the web3 world, and only need to integrate the DNS domain name into FNS, and their domain name can be used as a wallet, Web3 username and a decentralized website.   - For payment, users can use FNS to transfer native FIL assets. By simply connecting FNS to DNS, transactions can be sent to specific websites for payment without going through a payment middleman.   - Decentralized network, FNS addresses can be used with IPFS/Filecoin. For example, websites can be stored on IPFS/Filecoin by connecting FNS or integrating into DNS to IPFS/Filecoin. FNS provides decentralized domain name services, while IPFS/Filecoin is a decentralized file storage system, which together constitute a decentralized network.   - Text record feature enables FNS users to add various information to FNS records. For example: email address, url, avatar, description, notifications, keywords, Github username, etc.   some new ideas - FNS can be bound with the file CID, and the file search process can be optimized to optimize the user search experience.   - Use FNS to create bookmark bar, favorite system, and optimize the file management mode in Filecoin storage system.   - Use FNS to build a Web3 personal resume system.   At the same time, FNS also joined the early builder program of FVM Foundry officially launched by Filecoin. ",2022-09-02T04:21:56.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7403,False,False,0x0,PunStar,,"Project Name PunStar  Register to and start your fun journey. Check the Front UI Tutorial if you are new to Flow. More details are in our Pitch Deck Description Problem statement We are exploring a decentralized digital social network. By building a next-generation NFT architecture based on resource-oriented chains to express various social relationships and interactions in the Web3 world, and asset all this, so that the value of social capabilities of every participant could be confirmed and clarified. PunStar is an initial form of this social network. Firstly, we will build this platform on Flow due to its unique resource-oriented features and next this will be extended to more resource-oriented chains like Aptos and Sui. Besides static content features and combinability of normal NFT, we take advantage of resource mechanisms to coalesce some innovative properties into NFT and asset them. The innovative properties include dynamical social relationships between participants established by resource interactions, executable abilities based on methods bound to resources (some of which have realistic meanings, e.g. advertising), and upgradeable features like Funny index which may actually increase NFT's value. In this stage, PunStar chooses Funny things as the entry point of the social network, which could be easily extended in the future. The participants of PunStar are called ""Punsters"" (an NFT) and they can share their funny things in the form of ""Duanji"" (an NFT). Each person can express their preference for a ""Duanji"", which can stimulate the construction of social relationships between participants and let it possible to estimate the ""funny index"" of each ""Punster"". The ""Punsters"" can make content promotions(e.g. publish ads) based on their relationship constructed in PunStar, which needs to satisfy some restrictions based on the ""funny index"" first. We use resource mechanisms to coalesce social relationships, content promotion, and some other practical abilities into NFT, which is a great enhancement to the existing NFT, allowing NFT to be more realistic and of greater practical value. Highlights Brings associativity abilities to NFT with related assetization As we know, on resource-oriented chains things can be bound to each resource, so resources can actually have their own abilities, such as social relationships based on the following mechanism. This is very different from the smart-contract-based chains where everything is published on smart contracts. Resources can be exchanged, so the bound abilities such as relationships can be exchanged too. This improves the potential value of the Punster NFT, as relationships can be combined with the advertising ability for instance. Punsters with more followers might be more valuable. Brings execution abilities to NFT: Such as advertisement mechanism Punsters can push advertisements to their followers with limitations of some conditions based on the funny index mechanism. This is a demonstration of a specific feature of resource-oriented NFT, which is the implementation of executable abilities bound to NFTs. Brings dynamical growth abilities for NFT Some dynamic abilities of Punsters could grow as they make contributions. For example, the funny index will increase if someone's Duanji is commended by others. And the funny index will influence the cooling time of Punster's advertising ability. Assetization of all the social capabilities in PunStar Assets in PunStar can be accessed Omnichain Interesting things should be shared with others. Users can enjoy some special abilities of PunStar deployed on resource-oriented chains from other chains without losing the specific features of resources. Background Target audience: Everyone can share funny things with each other, and enjoy funny stories from other punsters. So this is a product for every socialized humanity. Evidence for the need: We can find some similar successful products in the Web2 world, such as Facebook, Twitter, WeChat Friend Circle, etc. But there're some uncomfortable things in the Web2 world that the ownership, control, and disposal of assets do not belong to individuals. PunStar starts building its social platforms with funny topics, at the same time, social relations and advertising mechanisms were created based on the full use of resource features. Proposed solution Product People publish Duanji to share funny things. If one person thinks some other punsters are interesting, he can follow them to get the newest information as soon as the following punsters publish any updates. If one person likes a Duanji, he can commend it, so that, the ""Funny Index"" of the Duanji will be increased, and the related punster who published the Duanji. Punsters can push advertisements to their followers based on the funny index. Both Duanji and Punster are NFTs that can be exchanged between different participants. Besides resource-oriented chains like Flow, Aptos, and Sui, we are trying to provide advertising access interfaces to other chains, without losing the unique resource features. Technology Architecture  The key points of the technology are as follows: Duanji is our new architecture NFT compatible with ERC series standard. Besides static content properties, Duanji has its dynamic feature funny index. Punster is our new architecture NFT compatible with ERC series standard, and it is also an NFT container. A Punster NFT can contain lots of Duanji NFTs. The dynamic properties of Punster include Following mechanism can be implemented easily based on resource interactions. Funny index evaluation algorithm in the Commend mechanism can make out an estimation of how funny a Duanji or a Punster is, which depends on both commending counts and time passed. Advertisement mechanism based on funny index of Punsters. StarRealm and Cross-Chain Locker provide a Star Port for NFTs to travel to other chains. Marketing The funny Duanji is used as the initial entry point for the topic to start the market. Give NFT more dynamic and practical value based on resource-oriented mechanisms to attract more users to create to build their social relationships. Assetization the practical value of both Duanji and Punster NFTs, and make everything tradable, so that to improve the activity of PunStar platform. Bring in more dynamical and practical abilities to Punster and Duanji NFT, such as E-commerce. Besides funny things, bring in more topics like dating to inspire users to enhance their social relationships. Prototypes Demo Video Website",2022-09-02T04:35:43.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7404,True,True,0x35936b4A3C4fb6fFa4F638f19f66105Af8EBfB60,Proxify DAO - Gitcoin Funding Proposal,,"About Proxify DAO   Origin Story: The world’s unemployment rate has continued to surge (especially in Africa). It has seen a dramatic increase from 5.4% in 2020 to up to 33.51% in 2022. We underwent surveys and found out that this high unemployment rate was not so much a result of unemployability (in the form of poor education or illiteracy in tech) but mostly due to the unavailability of native job offerings. This prompted us to create a DAO whose major goal is eradicating unemployment in Africa and the world by teaching, connecting, and providing job opportunities by annexing the decentralised digital market.  ProXify DAO aims to do this by educating and onboarding contributors majorly from Africa and then the rest of the world to maximise, improve, upscale and apply their skills in Web3.   What is ProXify DAO?  ProXify DAO is a service DAO that educates, trains and mentors contributors to become skilled Web3 technical service providers; and ultimately connects them to clients (organizations, other DAOs, etc.) that require their services. We believe that the future of work is decentralised; and by utilising the DAO model, we assemble and train a community of the best service providers (ranging from writers, designers, developers, researchers, product testers, to marketers, etc.). By collaboratively sharing workspaces, resources, knowledge, and training contributors willing to upskill, we contribute to the future of Web3.   Problem Statement  The unemployment rate has been a major concern in the world (Africa especially) Monopolised Web2 companies require unreasonable certified qualifications compared to the pay. Organizations also find it difficult to access quality services that they require, having to go through strenuous recruitment/application processes to get the job done right. We, therefore, noticed the gap between these organizations and creative/technical services.   Solution   ProXify DAO bridges this gap by: training and educating unskilled contributors trying to upskill; reaching out to and onboarding skilled service providers previously oblivious about the concept of decentralization and DAOs; onboarding skilled Web3 contributors;  sourcing for organizations that need specific jobs done; applying for these jobs as a service DAO; employing the respective skilled contributors to carry out the job within the agreed timeframe; getting the job done!   Notable Accomplishments:  ProXify DAO has accomplished these within a month of its launch: onboarded over 100 skilled contributors and according to our survey, 23 were entirely new to the concept of Web3; we have bountied and paid out tasks to engage our community; we formed a partnership with Domain DAO, handling their digital marketing (within this period, they generated over 400 $ETH in Juicebox contributions; even amidst a bear market!).   Funding Breakdown:  Funds received in the GR15 will be used directly to support operations within the ProXify DAO. This will include; Creation of an official ProXify DAO website;  Onboarding check  To help the grow the ProXify Community by providing funds for bounties to keep the community motivated. To help create an extensive web3 course and Educational App.   Proxify DAO will like to thank the proxify community for their support and hopes you will join the proxify mission.",2022-09-02T04:43:31.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7405,True,True,0x3e6c23CdAa52B1B6621dBb30c367d16ace21F760,Web3 Talks: Stories & Tips from the Builders,,"Web3 Talks is a place where web3 founders from projects such as Zapper, Tally & HopProtocol share stories behind their projects and lessons they learned along the way. Why have I started this project last year? Well… Web3 has rewritten many rules about building products, acquiring users & collaboration. Composability, open data, airdrops, tokens, DAOs – all these things can be confusing even for web3 native people, let alone builders who are just entering the space. That's why almost a year ago, I started Web3 Talks, a podcast where web3 builders share their experiences to inspire the next generation of founders. Seb Audet, Co-Founder @ Zapper explaining how they choose which features to include in v2: As we're focused on builders, we don't talk high-level VC stuff like ""What is Metaverse?"" or trading-oriented things such as ""Which coin should you invest in 2022?"". Instead, we focus on questions such as ""How have you acquired your first users?"", ""How do you take care of your community?"" or ""What were the biggest technical challenges you've faced so far? Chris Whinfrey, Founder @ Hop Protocol explaining how they protected their airdrop from Sybil attackers: I have already recorded 27 episodes. I spoke with founders of smaller projects and with well-known founders such as Seb Audet (, Dennison Bertram (, Chris Whinfrey (Hop Protocol), Auston Bunsen (QuickNode) & Austin Griffith (Scaffold.ETH). The podcast has 1,2k subscribers across the 3 biggest podcasting platforms (Spotify, Apple, Google) and has been well-received by the builder's community. Madhavan Malolan, Founder @ Questbook explaining what helped them to build a 15,000 developers community in 2,5 months: Since the start of last year, I have treated this podcast as a side project I financed from my pocket. But this model has its limits. So if I received a grant, I could dedicate more time to record more episodes, organize all the lessons shared by the builders so far, and promote the podcast around builder's communities. ",2022-09-02T05:17:34.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7406,True,True,0x415784D7d8593959F37D883715eC3e9012eAFAa7,A Giant Lab for better solutions against antibiotic resistance,,"Antibiotic resistance kills more people a year than HIV/AIDs or malaria, especially in low and middle income countries. This grant will be used to extend the reach of our existing decentralized innovation program and support even more open science projects in Africa.  Objectives of the Giant Lab: Fight antimicrobial resistance in low and middle income countries (starting with Africa)  For this we are: Nurturing a network of scientists, engineers and NGOs who collaborate  Developing Open source solutions (for prevention, diagnostic and treatment) Providing a MOOCs to improve understanding in antibiotic resistance  So far:  In the first wave of our “Africa against antibiotic resistance” program, with just 5000 euros, we mobilized more than 200 scientists from Sub-Saharan Africa (mostly Nigeria, Tanzania, Ghana and Uganda),  We supported the creation of 9 projects and created an educational MOOC facilitating the training of 89 participants whom have gone on to further success professionally, with some participants now part of government-funded PhD programmes, becoming advocates of open science and antibiotic resistance .  With this grant:  We seek to expand the network to 500 members We will support at least 10 open science projects using our microgrant approach We will enrich the existing MOOC even more to provide educational and data resources for underfunded and undertrained professionals online Budget We have two initial goals for this grant: 10000 dollars and 30000 dollars. If we get more, the extra funding will go in priority to supporting even more projects.  Microgrants [50%] Incentivizing the project holders using microgrants (up to 2000 dollars) for validated projects - this goes a long way in the global south. Organization of two rounds (one every 3 months) JOGL Operations and Infrastructure [50%] Community mobilization and animation  Creation of the program flow for applicants Mobilization campaign (graphics and social media) Support to the community (community events) Digital Infrastructure Development  Support of the continuous improvement of the JOGL open source infrastructure Maintenance of the platform Fellowship and Leadership of programme  Evaluation of the community program  Sharing of the observation as a public report after 1 year of activity Creation of the program flow for applicants Analysis and sharing of peer-review results  Background Over the past decade, Antibiotic resistance has become a major global development issue, threatening environmental, veterinary, and human health. Antibiotics are potent tools against bacterial infections, however microorganisms previously known to be sensitive to some antimicrobial agents are developing partial to complete resistance against them. This can be combated using traditional academic techniques and is already being researched by many labs across the world, however global health and research capacity is not uniform. Development of systems, more open to medical labs and community labs, where universities are less concentrated is essential. This capacity can be granted through proper application of open science, and connection of these communities online, such as that of our project. We aim to develop open and taught materials and a database for tracking of antibiotic resistance  by the international community sustainably. Then use this model to scale up community lab capacity and independence. We have created a method of “Community Review” whereby applicants have say in grant outcomes, and a decentralized community is formed. Open science is a global movement that aims to make scientific research and its findings accessible to the general public. Its collaborative and participatory ethos presents an opportunity for a bottom-up approach to research and development that is beneficial to the public. It embraces digital technologies to build communities, work processes, and tools, while embracing frugal innovation achieving significant results with minimal resources. We have already achieved this, through a global program to great effect with minimal funding during the COVID19 pandemic with OpenCOVID19, we can repeat this on antibiotic resistance  to create a grass roots antibiotic resistance  surveillance community. Specific Aims Improve our society’s resiliency to biothreats by increasing our antibiotic research capacity, especially against local resistance which can become a global problem. This is through empowerment of local peoples to do their own research - through a “community review” grant allocation. Track new emergence of antibiotic resistance through community science and continue the creation of an emerging antibiotic resistance database  The model in this proposal, whereby enthusiastic individuals are trained and selectively given funds to improve the world and community aims to build a more just and sustainable world, by doing more with less, for enthusiastic and under represented people. ",2022-09-02T05:53:34.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7407,True,True,0xCb0d167f2C6BDd1ad9BE46260e72759c48554d29,DeSci.Global - Organizing/sponsoring global DeSci meetups,,"Raising sponsorships for many global desci meetups, to enable the ecosystem to grow and flourish. We've helped sponsor many DeSci event and meetups via VitaDAO and Molecule, recently DeSci Berlin and supporting the upcoming DeSci Berlin, Boston, Bogota meetups. We'll continue to put tens of thousands of our own money at sponsoring those and help fundraise donations, but also want to make it easy for people to support those meetups broadly. The goal with this grant is to raise donations to also sponsor and support smaller global meetups, which we'll all list at (fully open source here: We'll invite other key people in our ecosystem to help select sponsorships for global DeSci events. \\n\\n\""}]}\n""}]}",2022-09-02T06:43:53.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7408,False,True,0xC1E50fD8724FFC25C6C0548629Bce5f2B02998D4,"NFTrack is a marketplace where users can mint, trade and list NFTs with core features.",,"Introduce NFTrack is a marketplace where users can mint, trade and list NFTs with core features.The NFTrack marketplace will launch an NFT launchpad that is capable of minting collections in a range of styles from Dutch auctions to Flat mints. 1.Mint Launchpad will support the most common minting method, ‘Flat Mints’. Collections will go on sale at a fixed price and continue until all NFTs are sold out. 2.White list Launched collections will have the option of whitelisting the wallet addresses of valued community members for exclusive launch perks e.g. price discounts. 3.Batch Reveal NFT projects are allowed to delay collection reveals until some certain date. This feature will support price floors in the short term and contribute to a great launch-day atmosphere. 4.Collection Tiers NFTrack will reserve a section of the marketplace for ‘verified’ collections, with visible collection pages. This will highlight premium collections in the Avalanche ecosystem, promoting excellence and stimulating friendly competition. There will be three basic tiers: Unverified, Verified and Gold. 1.Unverified (No Badge) : until verified, indexed collections will be search-only. 2.Verified: projects are authenticated as the original collection. Baseline metrics required. 3.Gold Tier: certified projects who exceed the standard performance variables. 5.Roadmap Shortly after the launch of the NFTrack marketplace, a range of additional features will be implemented. These planned features will follow in the coming weeks following the ‘beta launch’ of the Marketplace.",2022-09-02T07:37:02.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7409,True,True,0x68C85B3eA70C7cAa14Ad0fc52d3A7d03a63Ef64D,tProof,,"Generate legal evidence that a file exists at a given date, with NFTs as proofs (decentralized proof of timestamp).  Legal evidence that a document exists at a given date is important in different areas, like: Courts and lawsuits: if challenged to prove a certification was made before a certain date, you can either rely on central entities, or on a decentralized solution like tProof IP Protection: while filing a patent, or to record that a document was owned by you, you can generate a tProof and store it with you dApp UI deployments: every time a new dApp UI build is completed, a tProof of the build files can be made. If a DNS hijacking happens, with a simple browser plugin we could perform a check and avoid users being scammed other areas where a certification is required Certification is obtained by publishing the hash of a given file on chain. When the block containing the hash is minted, the timestamp of the block identifies the date at which the certification has been approved. For what concern the hash, we have adopted the standard SHA-256 hash, so that the risk of collision is negligible. To simplify the management of generated proofs, each one is treated as a standard ERC-721 token (NFT). In this way the proof is tradable, movable and easily viewable.  Finally, while the file can be stored privately, it can also be made public (on a permaweb, currently supported Arweave). In this way the public URL of the file is included into the NFT proof metadata. Due to the decentralized approach, to make sure the file at given URL matches the hash, a Chainlink Oracle is used. Main advantages of our solution can be sum up in 4 points: Decentralized: anyone can interact with our smart contract to generate a tProof NFT based: this makes the management of proofs easier and more practical, while integrating in multiple existing tools Multi-chain: the protocol is studied to support multiple chain, while keeping unique IDs among the different chains. Initially Ethereum and Polygon will be supported File management: files can be kept private or public, based on the needs We are planning to launch our tool on both Ethereum mainnet and Polygon, but other chains will follow. You can already try it for free on Goerli Testnet. Simply go to Project links Twitter Website dApp Medium Docs",2022-09-02T07:47:32.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7410,True,True,0x598027C3dC18E6E0576139e2c345eC3BfcFd8E5E,The Solar Connection : A solarpunk traveling documentary.,,"This documentary aims to bring to a broader audience the possibilities of a new future based on sustainability and technology.   An open-source collection of documentaries and guides about people who want to shift to off-the-grid living   Our objective is to raise awareness about the non-speculative uses of new technologies, one of those begin blockchain and its whole ecosystem. Tear down the idea.   The movie will be divided into episodes, in which we will go to interview and film all those realities where people live off the grid in an eco-sustainable way aiming at energy self-sufficiency, food self-sufficiency, permaculture, from recycling and reuse to self-production of necessities products.    We will also address the issue of the use of web marketing for a product or workshop, which in many of these realities is the basis for having anyway a form of livelihood for the community.   Working in close contact with the main association which in Italy unites all ecovillages forming an association of 30+ realities in continuous expansion. we have participated in several events from this very association where we had more inputs to define and shape our project.     For the greater (public) good(s).   During the trip, we want to write various guides, along with the video documentary, for people and other communities on their path to shift to sustainable off-the-grid life. The biggest achievement for us would be to bring even more people to a sustainable way of life in realities that are already there.   We want to give an open-source collection of documentaries and guides about people who want to shift to off-the-grid living, without leaving behind the comfort of modern life.     Target audience.     The target audience for our project is quite broad and includes both ordinary people interested in seeing how to live off the grid while keeping the comfort of an ordinary life, people, interested in the use of technology in a solar punk future ideology   But not only ordinary people or just curious about alternative lifestyles, in fact, our project also targets big green energy investors and all those big movements on climate change who wants to know and discover the products off the grid people needs and use the most. Community.   Begin the project still at its pilot stage we are starting the community from scratch, friendly roaming around discord servers and Twitter, searching for citizens of the internet who are on the same vision of a sustainable future lived in deep respect of mother Nature. About us.   We are S.(Writer) and G.(Videomaker)  since we met our path has been nothing but a search for what made us happy, and what the idea of well-being was for us.   The rat race was never fun for us, we tried to escape the machine, and now we feel the time is right for a change in history. The solarpunk movement is initiating a change we have been waiting a long time for! We are convinced that living off the grid is the solution to climate change, capitalism, and you name it!    On our blog page, you can find a detailed background for each one of us!   In the past, we lived several years in these off-the-grid realities in Italy. Our dream would be to be able to sustain ourselves for one year documenting those realities and then scale this project starting in Italy and reaching the whole world.   Funding Objectives.     -Camper Van   Funding would help us and will go towards the purchase of a camper van, finding a sponsor for the camper van would cut our expenses by over 60%   -One year of financial freedom.   30%   - Various Equipment   10% would cover the tools we need for video making, writing guides, and editing the documentary.",2022-09-02T08:01:33.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7411,True,True,0x17e4285BeE986aE686504131D3D5ABE0009f297A,The DeSci Academy - Accelerating scientific discovery,,"TL;DR We find and train passionate, driven and curious individuals who want to contribute to science but lack the credentials. We are NOT an educational content platform, rather we are an open source protocol that utilises peer-to-peer, self organised learning that is facilitated by verified knowledge experts. This will be key infrastructure to support the growth of Decentralised Science, Impact DAOs and Regenerative Finance Through decentralised credentials - VCs (Verifiable credentials),  DIDs (Decentralised identifiers) and SBTs (Soul Bound Tokens),  students can build a proof of their learning, thus legitimising their knowledge and building an on-chain, composable  reputation/knowledge score. We are currently in talks with a number of different DeSci projects to collaboratively develop modules; students would eventually filter into these DAOs and contribute in a technical role. What is our vision? Our vision is educating non-technical users to create the next generation of scientists to accelerate scientific discovery. We believe that education should be free, permissionless and structured in a way that the student has involvement in shaping their own academic journey. What problem are we trying to solve? With the rise of Decentralised Science, Impact DAOs and Regenerative Finance, mechanisms allowing effective coordination and incentivisation have emerged allowing for the possibility to collectively solve humanity's biggest problems. This leads to an issue: There are many people who want to help solve some of the world's biggest problems but lack the technical skills, the knowledge and most importantly the legitimacy (i.e credentials) to do so. Examples of these groups of people range from those who want to help fight climate change, biohacker communities, patients suffering diseases which have no cure or passionate hobbyists who have a particular interest (eg psychedelics). Our aim is equipping passionate, driven and curious individuals with the necessary tools and credentials so they can accelerate scientific discovery. 93% of the population do not have a college degree, meaning there is ample room for ancillary and alternative paths.  MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses such as Khan Academy) are a step in the right direction but are a centralised, passive form of learning where proof of learning is difficult to verify. How does our platform solve this problem? Web3 and decentralisation can unlock new models of education; our product is an open source protocol where students can self-organise their learning from a variety of sources that they choose (i.e. anything from a physical textbook, online resources, podcasts, etc.) and validate that knowledge via peers in a setting facilitated by a “mentor” who has some traditional form of legitimacy.  In essence, this is a P2P based digital apprenticeship model of learning. The core of this will be decentralised credentials utilising VCs (Verifiable credentials),  DIDs (Decentralised identifiers) and SBTs (Soul Bound Tokens). Several key steps are needed to build this infrastructure, including onramps where mentors can put their degree on chain, reputation systems, P2P attestation systems and future scope for novel funding mechanisms (e.g. uncollateralized loans/grants based on a student’s progress or decentralised reputation). What would the grant go towards: Our first aim is to develop a Minimum Viable Product: Architecture: For the reputation-based scoring system, we would use the Ceramic Networks IDX and 3ID Keychain to power Cross-chain identity & reputation. In order to avoid the issues associated with reputation systems (e.g. sybil resistance, reputation calculation, sovereign-identities etc) experimentation and testing will be required until the final architecture is settled. Pilot Cohort and First Module: The initial module would focus on “Decentralised Science”. It would equip students with in-depth knowledge on crypto primitives such as the blockchain, decentralisation and DAOs as well as a deep dive into the scientific method, data analysis and interpretation and appraising scientific publications. Through this we experiment and fine tune the P2P based self organised form of learning.  To find out more, read our LitePaper.",2022-09-02T08:21:22.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7412,True,True,0xE9e4E4E3fCE78E25b9729D9289D92813695C184E,JustShills - The Ethical Way!,,"JustShills was created for individuals, businesses, start-ups, web3, and communities-to market freely. We Manage Twitter, Discord Server and potentially bring awareness on other social media platforms. Major Accomplishments & Highlights: JustShills Selected Partner with You can go to - click on Partners, and preview JustShills Logo. JustShills Hosts Daily Twitter Space, Monday through Thursday 9PM and Fridays at 8PM EST. Our podcast is called “Just Chill with JustShills & Have A Great Time”, Averaging 50 plus daily members tuning in.   JustShills specializes in following: Broadcast Daily Updates On-board Members Create a Positive Winning Environment for ENS Community  Create opportunities for others by Maximizing Exposure for The Community Highlight Celebrating Moments Community Success Stories for Selling Domains: TheIncredibleHulk.eth JZZ.eth WZD.eth  Highlights on Successful Marketing Campaign: Created Marketing Content & Campaign for 5159.ETH Created Marketing Content & Campaign for GitCoin & ENS DAO Created Marketing Content & Campaign for ENS UPDATES Created Marketing Content & Campaign for ENS FRIDAY NIGHT HAPPY HOUR – Future Growth Interested in infrastructure  Building tools for community that solves a problem or improves human interaction Payments & Social Media",2022-09-02T08:41:47.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7413,True,True,0x6940ef3341Ce1c796B598A26346e3693FF9951C1,Anti-Rug Gaming Launchpad By DDD,,DeDogma offers a guarantee launchpad that minimizes risks of users for minting the gaming projects and the projects that need time between the minting date and the promised product through a unique hybrid judgment protocol (onchain and offchain) and maximise the trust between product team and its community,2022-09-02T08:46:33.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7414,True,True,0x7bAA381bE7a257e34f197df30dA038567B706D14,HERITage Non-Fungible Economy,,"We are HERITAGE. Creating an income stream for indigenous people’s by giving access to the new web3 economy. Perpetuating live cultures in the blockchain, while reshaping local economies in a healthy and non-invasive way. Pitchdeck: Visit our MVP Demo: Visit our Demo Video:",2022-09-02T09:54:09.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7415,False,False,0x7eb56E42ACF91967Fe40fC4A91380e7d94ABFA47,,,"We aim to be the frontend portal of Web 3.0 content. Our platform will offer tools to content creators that allow them to create enriched and customized permanent content and then store those on blockchain permanently. This content is then analyzed, valued and delivered to users through a front-page feed based on their interests. Users can follow topics, tags, and creators they choose and their movements and engagements on this content is tracked. Their personal browser history, bookmarks, preferences, and profiles are encrypted and then masked when they interact with the platform.  We implement a share to earn mechanism to help content creators spread their ideas and enhance their influence, while users share favorite articles through their web2 social media and get reward from their behaviors. Valuable ideas will be outstanding through the incentive mechanism and excellent influencers will build their own creator and social network with most dedicated followers. We are an ambitious team that sees the current time we live in as one of the most important in human history. It is full of problems that dramatically impact the way we live and even the very survival of the human race. Yet, as rife as our generation is with issues, we believe that we are blessed to have technologies available to meet these problem head on, to overcome them, and to come out better off on the other side. Here is the key benefit of our platform: 1. User Privacy We are giving the power over your data back to you. Your profile is yours and you control how you use it. - Encrypted user history - Content matrix focused algorithms - User preferences panel - Advertisement control 2. Decentralizing the Internet Blockchain makes the internet a shared resource rather than a monopolized commodity. Content creators should actually own their content. - Enriched Web 3.0 content creation and display - Management of profiles and code on our servers - Drag-and-drop content/site creation 3.Rewarding Content Distribution Advertisers and platforms do not make topics trend or go viral, users do. They should be rewarded for helping content spread as well. - Incentivized Share-to-Earn reward system - Capital injection from Advertisers - Two token system - Off-platform integration What unique value does your product features bring in? Reorganize the chaotic contents on Mirror and assist users finding valuable contents  Introduce users Read to Earn&Share to Earn and create new ways of reading and consuming contents through incentivized mechanisms. Chaotic and noisy information leads to misinformation. By developing Data and content mining algorithms, Portal will be able to bring more targeted and customized content to users.  Allow users to push feeds and share feed source to earn and build network effect. Good sources will be subscribed and good users will be followed.  Help creators to aggregate the information scattered on various platforms and to build personal influence by creator information holographic in the Web3 era.",2022-09-02T10:00:54.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7416,False,False,0x7eb56E42ACF91967Fe40fC4A91380e7d94ABFA47,,,"We aim to be the frontend portal of Web 3.0 content. Our platform will offer tools to content creators that allow them to create enriched and customized permanent content and then store those on blockchain permanently. This content is then analyzed, valued and delivered to users through a front-page feed based on their interests. Users can follow topics, tags, and creators they choose and their movements and engagements on this content is tracked. Their personal browser history, bookmarks, preferences, and profiles are encrypted and then masked when they interact with the platform.  We implement a share to earn mechanism to help content creators spread their ideas and enhance their influence, while users share favorite articles through their web2 social media and get reward from their behaviors. Valuable ideas will be outstanding through the incentive mechanism and excellent influencers will build their own creator and social network with most dedicated followers. We are an ambitious team that sees the current time we live in as one of the most important in human history. It is full of problems that dramatically impact the way we live and even the very survival of the human race. Yet, as rife as our generation is with issues, we believe that we are blessed to have technologies available to meet these problem head on, to overcome them, and to come out better off on the other side. Here is the key benefit of our platform: 1. User Privacy We are giving the power over your data back to you. Your profile is yours and you control how you use it. - Encrypted user history - Content matrix focused algorithms - User preferences panel - Advertisement control 2. Decentralizing the Internet Blockchain makes the internet a shared resource rather than a monopolized commodity. Content creators should actually own their content. - Enriched Web 3.0 content creation and display - Management of profiles and code on our servers - Drag-and-drop content/site creation 3.Rewarding Content Distribution Advertisers and platforms do not make topics trend or go viral, users do. They should be rewarded for helping content spread as well. - Incentivized Share-to-Earn reward system - Capital injection from Advertisers - Two token system - Off-platform integration What unique value does your product features bring in? Reorganize the chaotic contents on Mirror and assist users finding valuable contents  Introduce users Read to Earn&Share to Earn and create new ways of reading and consuming contents through incentivized mechanisms. Chaotic and noisy information leads to misinformation. By developing Data and content mining algorithms, Portal will be able to bring more targeted and customized content to users.  Allow users to push feeds and share feed source to earn and build network effect. Good sources will be subscribed and good users will be followed.  Help creators to aggregate the information scattered on various platforms and to build personal influence by creator information holographic in the Web3 era. ",2022-09-02T10:01:01.331-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7417,False,False,0x7eb56E42ACF91967Fe40fC4A91380e7d94ABFA47,,,"We aim to be the frontend portal of Web 3.0 content. Our platform will offer tools to content creators that allow them to create enriched and customized permanent content and then store those on blockchain permanently. This content is then analyzed, valued and delivered to users through a front-page feed based on their interests. Users can follow topics, tags, and creators they choose and their movements and engagements on this content is tracked. Their personal browser history, bookmarks, preferences, and profiles are encrypted and then masked when they interact with the platform.  We implement a share to earn mechanism to help content creators spread their ideas and enhance their influence, while users share favorite articles through their web2 social media and get reward from their behaviors. Valuable ideas will be outstanding through the incentive mechanism and excellent influencers will build their own creator and social network with most dedicated followers. We are an ambitious team that sees the current time we live in as one of the most important in human history. It is full of problems that dramatically impact the way we live and even the very survival of the human race. Yet, as rife as our generation is with issues, we believe that we are blessed to have technologies available to meet these problem head on, to overcome them, and to come out better off on the other side. Here is the key benefit of our platform: 1. User Privacy We are giving the power over your data back to you. Your profile is yours and you control how you use it. - Encrypted user history - Content matrix focused algorithms - User preferences panel - Advertisement control 2. Decentralizing the Internet Blockchain makes the internet a shared resource rather than a monopolized commodity. Content creators should actually own their content. - Enriched Web 3.0 content creation and display - Management of profiles and code on our servers - Drag-and-drop content/site creation 3.Rewarding Content Distribution Advertisers and platforms do not make topics trend or go viral, users do. They should be rewarded for helping content spread as well. - Incentivized Share-to-Earn reward system - Capital injection from Advertisers - Two token system - Off-platform integration What unique value does your product features bring in? Reorganize the chaotic contents on Mirror and assist users finding valuable contents  Introduce users Read to Earn&Share to Earn and create new ways of reading and consuming contents through incentivized mechanisms. Chaotic and noisy information leads to misinformation. By developing Data and content mining algorithms, Portal will be able to bring more targeted and customized content to users.  Allow users to push feeds and share feed source to earn and build network effect. Good sources will be subscribed and good users will be followed.  Help creators to aggregate the information scattered on various platforms and to build personal influence by creator information holographic in the Web3 era. ",2022-09-02T10:01:01.596-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7418,True,True,0x70B20209c83ec8D01e3c7F2ec77BDe7c40cDF2F6,【 Metaverse】Connect & Collab in Web3,," - Events and Collabs in Metaverse  【RESHAPING THE SOCIAL EXPERIENCES IN WEB3】         WHAT IS W3.WORK? is a fully decentralized social Metaverse built on decentralized social protocols for Web3.0 professionals, which significantly improves the efficiency of social events, business networking, and remote working for Web3.0 teams.   Problems Lack of IRL connections, especially when online events are becoming more common during the post-pandemic era. Lack of security and privacy, Web3 professionals are stuck with Web2 tools and social media. Lack of credibility and trust, especially regarding business networking and collaboration. Provides:   A Gamified Metaverse for events and social networking - connecting Web3.0 organizations, teams, VCs, and creators A trustful collaboration tool of Web3 - empowering innovation and creativity   PRODUCT is a business social Metaverse. is a business ecosystem. is your Web3 network. Not just online meetings...     Start a W3.Events anywhere, anytime. W3.Events ensure the quality of online events, while also promising the best and the most immersive experience for both event organizers and attendees.   A typical event day at consists of much more than yawning in countless Zoom meetings and twitter spaces in front of your laptop.   Wandering through the Metaverse, greeting your friends with GM to begin a lovely day. With conferences, business development, remote collaboration, parties, and other engaging Web3 activities, one day at couldn't get any more fun and productive.  is looking for massive adoption in the near future, with the hope of bringing Metaverse and social styles together for people to connect and collaborate in the Web3.0 economy.   Consider a small donation to help us keep building this beautiful Metaverse! All early funders will be Whitelisted to the latest features and be granted Early Supporter SBT(SoulBound Token)!   Alpha Version Our alpha version is out! Welcome to try it out today at: ",2022-09-02T10:06:33.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7419,True,False,0xFd9F8A0f4bdEaC72F08AF1c708023cC31dD2E3BE,Barichara Regeneration Fund – Prototyping a Bioregional Regenerative Economy,,"About The Barichara Regeneration Fund (BRF) supports the wholesale restoration of a 500,000-hectare territory in the Northern Andes of Colombia by developing and weaving together a network of individuals and organizations pursuing regenerative work on the individual, social, and ecological scale. Money received will be utilized to continue the ongoing work of the BRF to catalyze on-the-ground regenerative work in Barichara in service to the creation of a prototype of a bioregional regenerative economy that can be utilized worldwide.   Introduction The town of Barichara, Colombia is uniquely positioned to cultivate large-scale regenerative work. Situated on a plateau, Barichara is at the center of a 500,000-hectare territory defined by its own regional climate system. The region possesses an incredibly unique ecosystem, the High-Andes tropical dry forest, that exists nowhere else on Earth with eighty percent of the species here being endemic, only existing in this territory. Unfortunately, the region has also seen intense monocrop agriculture, leaving only ten percent of the native forests intact. This, in turn, has led to soil degradation and erosion, the drying up of rivers, and the loss of the unique biodiversity of the territory.   What Has Been Accomplished  Land and the Ecoversity The BRF works to restore ecological health through a multifaceted strategy of weaving together current regenerative projects in Barichara, purchasing land for regenerative work, and creating groups and organizations to facilitate this work. Already, the BRF has raised $50,000 to purchase a heavily degraded plot of land, Origen del Agua, and has begun regenerative work on it. Recently, the BRF has secured a second piece of land, Las Albercas, that will be the future home of the central campus of the Barichara Ecoversity. Here an off-grid campus will be created to provide on-the-ground training in various regenerative techniques such as permaculture, rainwater harvesting, renewable energy solutions, and syntropic agroforestry. The Barichara Ecoversity will serve as an integrating hub for both research and education in the territory with the Las Albercas campus serving as a place for experts and students to gather to teach and learn the skills needed for restoring planetary health, all while cultivating a deep connection to the land.   Syntropic Agroforestry One of the central projects of the BRF has been spreading syntropic agroforestry throughout the territory. Syntropic agroforestry aims to foster climax ecosystems independent from outside inputs with an emphasis on plants geared towards maintaining food for human consumption. This works through the planting of food crops next to support species that aid with water retention, the fixing of nitrogen in the soils, the creation of shade, and the production of biomass to continually provide organic matter to cover the soil and enrich it over time. These methods encourage a process of ecological succession to occur as would happen in a natural process of forest expansion, just much faster and focused on supporting edible species. The process is one of syntropy with increased growth, diversity, density, and complexity throughout the entire system compared to conventional or organic agriculture. The BRF has supported the creation of syntropic agroforestry projects throughout the territory. A syntropic agroforestry expert was brought to Barichara and has been teaching local farmers within the region. Specifically, two three-day design classes on syntropic agroforestry have been offered, giving participants a technical explanation of the principles of the technique and then hands-on instruction through the creation of two field sites. The demand for syntropic agroforestry has been great in the territory, and our aim is to continue supporting those wanting to learn on their journey towards transitioning to regenerative food production. Other Work The work of the BRF is constantly evolving in relation to what is emerging on the ground in Barichara. A community council was set up to coordinate regenerative action in the territory with funds from the BRF being used to support fifteen local projects in the community, greatly facilitating the development of relationships among these projects in the territory. As its successor, we are in the process of creating a Territorial Foundation to formally facilitate the reception of funds and mediate their use in a process ensuring consent and support from the local community. All these efforts combine to form a cohesive and self-reinforcing Bioregional Investment Platform where the individuals and organizations dedicated to regeneration cyclically flow value amongst each other, creating a consistent spinning out of social and ecological value for the entire territory. With your help, the BRF aims to support this ever-evolving process of territorial regeneration.   Next steps for the BRF The work of the BRF has been ongoing for nearly three years, and much has been accomplished in that time. The relationships developed through this work and the land that has been acquired has given the BRF the foundation on which to pivot to long-term strategic planning to ensure the holistic restoration of the entire territory. One of our partners and collaborators, Commonland Foundation, has created a landscape investment framework currently utilized by fifteen territories around the world. Their model is a five-step, twenty-year process to produce a self-sustaining regenerative economy, geared towards social and ecological improvement. Key to the success of this model is the formation of a core team with enough funds to dedicate themselves completely to this work all throughout the twenty-year period. This initial investment in a core team provides the supports necessary to ensure that the work reaches maturity, and a regenerative economy can form and begin to sustain the entire territory. This core team is currently in development and will continue the work of the ongoing regenerative projects in the area. The development and funding of this core team forms one of three major funding efforts for the BRF. The second is the funding and construction of the Ecoversity, described above, and the third, the support of the current regenerative projects in the area. These three overarching projects will allow us to move towards holistic landscape regeneration at a bioregional scale. In total, this amounts to raising $500,000 in the next year to accelerate this work. The funds gathered through the Gitcoin grant round will be directed towards this purpose.   ReFi Barichara   We will also be holding an event, ReFi Barichara, from October 3 to 7, taking place between Cosmoverse in Medellín and DevCon Bogotá. ReFi Barichara aims to be an entirely different kind of Web3 conference. During the event, participants will be able to directly engage with the ongoing flows of an active regenerative economy with field site visits to the various regenerative projects in the area allowing attendees to get their hands directly involved with regenerative work. We will also be holding design workshops centered around applying ReFi tools to the local context as participants connect to these on-the-ground projects. All of this will be held through an emergent process of facilitation as the learning that occurs during the event shapes the development of the event itself. We want to create an opportunity for the participants to learn from a living laboratory of regenerative finance and see how ReFi tools can be utilized in a real community and landscape. In the run up to the event, we have already begun to collaborate with various ReFi groups and organizations like RegenNetwork, ReFi Spring, RegenFoundation, and Celo Foundation as well as starting a learning journey to prepare people from the on-the-ground regeneration space for taking advantage of blockchain technology. For more information visit:   Vision All the activities of the BRF are in service to the creation of a real-world prototype of a regenerative bioregional economy. By weaving those that are on the ground, purchasing strategic pieces of land, integrating Web3 tools to monitor change in ecological health, and being continually open to new collaborative relationships as they arrive, the BRF intends to lay the groundwork for others to follow in their own territories. We hope that with the success of this model in Barichara, it can be used as a prototype worldwide and help regenerate the planet through regenerating local communities. Learn More BRF community council member Joe Brewer has made the effort to document its progress to English speaking audiences. He has formulated his thoughts on the process in his book, The Design Pathway for Regenerating Earth, and founded the Earth Regenerators network, a diverse platform with over 4,000 participants dedicated to restoring planetary health, to spread the model developed here, while learning from others’ experiences. He and others from Barichara regularly provide updates on their progress in videos and articles on the network. To learn more about regenerative work in Barichara visit: To learn more about Earth Regenerators visit:",2022-09-02T10:20:43.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7420,True,True,0x9b525172dE3787E80e0b939a6E332643B88d2958,Banking on Nature,," This grant is part of a Warrior Love Productions initiative to use funding to capture and amplify stories of regeneration, as well as a grassroots movement known as ReFI—Regenerative Finance—being led by technologists to direct blockchain innovation toward environmental justice and social good. The grant funds will go toward the production of “Banking on Nature,” a documentary series and educational curriculum spotlighting Regeneration leaders and ReFi innovators working collectively to heal and enrich the Earth.   Summary:  This eight-episode docuseries takes an investigative and entertaining approach to exploring different parts of the world where blockchain technology is being harnessed to support climate action. The show will spotlight climate innovators and activists rethinking how society creates and allocates value and how those models intersect with ReFi. We will explore carbon markets from the Congo Basin to the Amazon rainforest, and peer into the lives of farmers across the Midwest and the Great Green Wall of Africa. Each episode will feature leaders of the natural world and communities building new economies to address one of the biggest threats modern humans have ever faced—and how together we can be the solution.  Complementing the docuseries will be educational curriculum, masterclasses and workshops facilitated using the Web3 streaming and distribution platform Episode themes will include:  - The Psychology of Money and who’s Leading the Charge in Creating Value for the Earth  - The Rise of Generation R: The Re-Generation Fighting for J.E.D.I [Justice, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion] - From High Tech, to Low Tech to No Tech: Regenerating Local Economies - Learning from Lo-TEK: Local Traditional Ecological Knowledge - Stabilizing Our Climate & Restoring Our Ecosystems - Diving Into Our Oceans: Our Greatest Carbon Sinks - Space & Earth: Learning from the Overview Effect  Notable leaders and organizations to be featured: Carol Sanford - Founder, Regenerative Business Development Community  Queen Diambi of the Congo Julia Watson - author or Lo-TEK Rebecca, founder of Fibershed  White Buffalo Land Trust Zero Food Print Nemonte Nenquimo — Indigenous leader of Waorani Nation Tshering Tobgay—former Prime Minister of Bhutan  Riane Eisler—creator of Parterism & Social Wealth Index  Eliza Reid -- First Lady of Iceland ReFi entrepreneurs: Jimi Cohen - ForTrees Pedro Marques - RMTerra  Regen Network Toucan Protocol Climate Collective  ReFi DAO Menthol Protocol  Hedera - HBAR Foundation  Gainforest Open Earth  Open Forest Protocol Filecoin Foundation/Filecoin Green  In total, we’re aiming to raise $2.5 million for production, post production, marketing, and distribution. We’re working with one of the top two talent agencies in the world to secure a distribution deal with a leading streamer, such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Discovery+.  Production Timeline:  Filming Dates  November 6, 2022 - United Nations Climate Change Conference - COP27 December, 2022 - one on one interviews with ReFi entrepreneurs  January 2023 -  Exploring the Congo Basin with Queen Diambo of the Congo  January 2023 -  Tanzania regeneration  January 2023 - Brazilian Rainforest  February 2023 - one one one interviews with regeneration experts  February 2023 - regeneration and ReFi efforts in Portugal  March 2023 - Regenerative Agriculture shoots across America - White Buffalo Land Trust March 2023 - ReFi initiatives in Tulum, Mexico  April 2023 - Iceland, almost 100% powered by renewables  April 2023 - Bhutan - visiting leaders in the first and only carbon negative country in the world  May 2023 - international ReFi Spring events - gatherings of emerging ReFi communities developing solutions. (These may take place at a different time.) June 2023 - Reshoots July/August 2023 - Reshoots & post-production - editing  September 2023 - final post-production  How will this support climate action?  We're addressing the disconnect between human stories and the ReFi movement to Green Pill the world. Amidst all the talk about getting carbon credits to the communities most at risk, there’s a significant gap in the storytelling about these communities who are an unequivocally integral part of the stakeholder solution. We'll make sure their stories are told. Our plan is to make ReFi compelling and relatable to investors, Web3 creators outside of the ReFi ecosystem, and consumers who are ready for a climate narrative that promotes hope and positivity instead of crisis.  Credits and Perks for Funders  All participating funders will get credit as supporters of the docuseries. Anyone who contributes more than 100 dai will get producing credits and the opportunity to visit filming locations, as well as a chance to get one-on-one training from regeneration experts featured in the series.  TEAM Bios Melissa Jun Rowley  Melissa Jun Rowley is the founder and CEO of Warrior Love Productions, a Web3 studio and production company creating projects and protocols supporting social impact and climate positivity. As a former network level television producer and seasoned journalist, she’s produced broadcast and written content featuring political leaders, entertainment icons, and tech innovators for nearly two decades. In partnership with, Melissa is currently spearheading HerVoice, a global web3 philanthropy and education initiative for women and girls. She's also cofounder of the Mintworthy Film Project, a Film3 incubator powered by NEAR Protocol that's providing grants and Web3 education for indie filmmakers reimagining the future.  Prior to founding Warrior Love, she cofounded the humanitarian tech platform, The Toolbox, with legendary musician and activist, Peter Gabriel. During that time, she traveled to 65+ countries, working with entrepreneurs to implement social impact and sustainability into their operations and offerings. An advocate for space education, Melissa flew in zero gravity at NASA, documenting the journey of aerospace engineering students testing their nano satellite technologies. In another life, she covered award shows and movie premieres for CNN, E! Entertainment, and Associated Press Television News. Her written work has appeared on BBC News, Forbes, TechCrunch, Mic, MTV, NBC News, CBS News, Rolling Stone, Fast Company, and The Guardian.  Mariángel Gonzales Rodríguez Mariángel Gonzales Rodríguez was born and raised in Santurce, Puerto Rico and ""re-born and raised"" in Brooklyn, New York. She studied Communications at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and currently works as Producer for series, mini-series, documentaries, podcasts and digital content for advertising. She worked many years for HBO and MTV Networks; and has freelanced with Vice, The New York Times, AJ+, The Wall Street Journal, Left/Right TV, Fresh Produce Media and La Coctelera Music among others. She's also Editor-in-Chief and photographer for LOCAL, a printed guide to move around the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico as a local.  Aside from her passion towards production, she is a self-taught photographer who focuses her images in the game of  “observing the observation of her observation” implementing surrealism and humor as themes. Her pieces highlight the use of lots of color and distortion.   Her photographic work has been shown in various group shows in Hartford, Connecticut, New York City and San Juan, Puerto Rico. In October 2020 she had her first solo show titled “Pívot” at the Galería de Arte de la Universidad de Sagrado Corazón in San Juan, PR.    Shelby Bennett Shelby Bennett is a digital media specialist and seasoned videographer, photographer, and editor with production/post-production credits spanning global marketing/entertainment brands in a variety of genres and content mediums, including virtual reality. A hybrid mix of left and right-brained, she's a creative ""Jane of All Trades"" with passions for people, art, technology, nature, philosophy, and most of all, storytelling. Notable credits include scripted content for Disney, The CW, Carnival Cruise Line, and Universal Pictures Brasil, as well as unscripted content for Burton Snowboards, TomorrowWorld, and iHeartMedia. From the conception of an idea to the last percentage of encoding, Shelby has a deep respect for the art and process of storytelling. From the start, Shelby's time spent working in production quickly solidified her belief that it's imperative for filmmaking to be much more inclusive and diverse. In order for more people to share thought-provoking stories that create a better future, more doors need to be opened in entertainment. Shelby believes Web3 is one of those doors and she's thrilled to be a part of the positive push it brings. For the last year, she has dedicated her storytelling and producing talents to supporting the growth of communities within the space. Advising Producer: Sarah Baxendell, Regen Network  Sarah Baxendell is a member of the international community addressing imminent climate challenges through place, product, and program design. She has most recently spearheaded financial management, business development, and product management for the Regen Registry, an innovative digital carbon credits platform. She’s also the cofounder, designer, and founding executive director of Hilltop Urban Farm, an urban learning laboratory, the largest urban farm and first adult urban farm incubator in the USA, and the largest urban orchard and youth farm in Pittsburgh. As director of Green Space Projects, Baxendell spearheaded the public master plan redesign of 500+ acres of urban parks and 125+ acres of vacant land within the City of Pittsburgh. Other positions she has held include Board of Directors of Allegheny Goatscape, cofounder of the Food Working Group at Indiana University Bloomington,  cofounder and volunteer manager for the North American Permaculture Convergence, cofounder of the Occupy Wall Street Sustainability Working Group, senior program director at Seedball the Coastline, and senior sustainable development director at Citizens Relief NYC. Sarah has raised $35M+ in grant funding since 2013. She is a former banking assistant of the JPMorganChase Private Bank, where she managed private equity and hedge funds. She lectures and speaks publicly on topics such as regenerative design, systems design, ecological design, and the intersection of planetary ecology, and climate change. She received her Permaculture Design Certification from the BioRegional Center for Permaculture Living, Sustainable Design Certification from the Fashion Institute of Technology, and undergraduate degrees in Finance and Business Administration from the University of Delaware. Sarah is a diploma candidate of the Permaculture Institute of North American (PINA) for Permaculture Site Design and Community Organizing & Development.     ",2022-09-02T10:23:09.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7421,False,True,0xfa8cC0F13B933A86C541002D00648B30AF9A8201,Education's Digital Renaissance - Calibir,,"Teach, learn, and hire with a sense of collaboration.    These facets of our society are interconnected, but today’s credential landscape has turned it into a parasitic relationship. There is a better way. Incentives can be aligned.   Use of Funding:   Given the nature of GitCoin Grants, we understand the principle of a public good. Therefore all funding earned will be directly invested back into the community building Calibir and its ecosystem.   Calibir plans to use all donated funding towards paying our current core developers as well as expanding our team’s cognitive diversity. Any excess funds left at network launch will be allocated to the liquidity pool for future token holders.   Different Experiences, Different Skills, Same Vision:   A human capital ecosystem that is not limited to the traditional model of schooling followed by work that has led to the disconnect we see today. Where knowledge can be organized, developed, and supported on an even playing field regardless of socio-economic background.   Built around the ability to interact with the vast amounts of knowledge at our fingertips. Accessed for the advancement and democratization of human development and industry.   The solution is not adding to how the education system has operated for over a century. It is building anew, requiring a shift in form, function, and purpose. All three must shift and inform one another simultaneously.   We believe:   Educational costs shouldn't be a major bottleneck for making life decisions. Learning is your gift, use it. Work is a natural extension of learning. Although education may end, learning never stops. Organizations should see the value in human capital development. Collective knowledge-sharing can be more efficient and effective than siloed course structures. Allowing for multiple paths to competency and learner autonomy is key. Web3 technology along with the current state of higher education are making alternative human capital development systems feasible. Right now, the stakes couldn’t be higher to provide future generations with a platform fit for learning in the digital information age. Open-source community involvement is critical to any public good projects. Embracing the ideology of “ubuntu”.     What’s The Problem Here:   With more and more students obtaining credentials instead of capabilities, employers are being forced to spend increasing amounts of money on their selection & hiring process. Having caught on to the credential inflation taking place, hiring managers are piling on job requirements in an attempt to differentiate candidate’s qualifications.    Although this large-scale problem stems from universities’ incentives to enroll and graduate ever-increasing amounts of students, it is amplified by recruiting vendors building tools based in this systemic credentialing problem.   The opportunity is for individuals to develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to thrive in the 21st century while providing employers a viable solution to address the growing skills gap and compounding need for up-skilling the workforce. Project Roadmap:   Idea Inception (Spring 2019) Web2 Business Plan Bootstrap Investment (Winter 2020) Technical Documentation (COVID 2020) Original Website Web3 Pivot Business Plan (Spring 2021) Whitepaper 0.0.1 Smart Contract Design (Today) Updated Website Smart Contract Test/Audit (Winter 2022) Token & Protocol Launch (Projected Spring 2023) Platform Launch (Projected Spring 2023)   Community Involvement:   Thank you to all who have participated in GitCoin’s Grant Rounds. Public goods stand to benefit all; that’s why we’re here, that’s why you’re here, and that’s why traditional incumbents don’t stand a chance.    Join Calibir in cultivating Education’s Digital Renaissance! ",2022-09-02T10:35:09.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7422,False,False,0xfa8cC0F13B933A86C541002D00648B30AF9A8201,Education's Digital Renaissance - Calibir,,"Teach, learn, and hire with a sense of collaboration.  These facets of our society are interconnected, but today’s credential landscape has turned it into a parasitic relationship driven by profit. There is a better way. Incentives can be aligned. Use of Funding: Given the nature of GitCoin Grants, we understand the principle of a public good. Therefore all funding earned will be directly invested back into the community building Calibir and its ecosystem. Calibir plans to use all donated funding towards paying our current core developers as well as expanding our team’s cognitive diversity. Any excess funds left at network launch will be allocated to the liquidity pool for future token holders. Different Experiences, Different Skills, Same Vision: A human capital ecosystem that is not limited to the traditional model of schooling followed by work that has led to the disconnect we see today. Where knowledge can be organized, developed, and supported on an even playing field regardless of socio-economic background. Built around the ability to interact with the vast amounts of knowledge at our fingertips. Accessed for the advancement and democratization of human development and industry. The solution is not adding to how the education system has operated for over a century. It is building anew, requiring a shift in form, function, and purpose. All three must shift and inform one another simultaneously.   We believe: Educational costs shouldn't be a major bottleneck for making life decisions. Learning is your gift, use it. Work is a natural extension of learning. Although education may end, learning never stops. Organizations should see the value in human capital development. Collective knowledge-sharing can be more efficient and effective than siloed course structures. Allowing for multiple paths to competency and learner autonomy is key. Web3 technology along with the current state of higher education are making alternative human capital development systems feasible. Right now, the stakes couldn’t be higher to provide future generations with a platform fit for learning in the digital information age. Open-source community involvement is critical to any public good projects. Embracing the ideology of “ubuntu”. What’s The Problem Here: With more and more students obtaining credentials instead of capabilities, employers are being forced to spend increasing amounts of money on their selection & hiring process. Having caught on to the credential inflation taking place, hiring managers are piling on job requirements in an attempt to differentiate candidate’s qualifications.  Although this large-scale problem stems from universities’ incentives to enroll and graduate ever-increasing amounts of students, it is amplified by recruiting vendors building tools based in this systemic credentialing problem. The opportunity is for individuals to develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to thrive in the 21st century while providing employers a viable solution to address the growing skills gap and compounding need for upskilling the workforce. Creating the Base-Layer Infrastructure upon which a few affordances are built in: Composability of artifacts that are added to the network, embracing open innovation and adaptation. Taking a building-blocks approach to ecosystem development. Those who share-knowledge retain ownership of their content, being rewarded over time according to its learning impact. Teachers should get paid based on their impact on human capital development. Learning actions & outcomes are recorded on-chain, creating a network of learning paths. Allowing for individual exploration to be accounted for. Employers/DAOs are able to support human capital development. Through backing those who share-knowledge and/or providing opportunities for learners to apply their knowledge. Project Roadmap: Idea Inception (Spring 2019) Web2 Business Plan Bootstrap Investment (Winter 2020) Technical Documentation (COVID 2020) Original Website Web3 Pivot Business Plan (Spring 2021) Whitepaper 0.0.1 Smart Contract Design (Today) Updated Website Smart Contract Test/Audit (Winter 2022) Token & Protocol Launch (Projected Spring 2023) Platform Launch (Projected Spring 2023) Community Involvement: Thank you to all who have participated in GitCoin’s Grant Rounds. Public goods stand to benefit all; that’s why we’re here, that’s why you’re here, and that’s why traditional incumbents don’t stand a chance.  Join Calibir in cultivating Education’s Digital Renaissance! ",2022-09-02T10:49:26.519-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7423,True,True,0xef22454779df275E59fE42d5A4b49b43f19778C8,Future Folklore,,"Future Folklore is building a funding platform for materials science and technology efforts surrounding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). With growing interest from the United States Congress, NASA, key researchers at Stanford and Harvard, and others, there is a tremendous opportunity to work on one of the great mysteries of our time. This is where the DeSci movement is crucial: the UAP subject is of global importance, calling for open and broad-based collaboration and ownership in the research. Future Folklore has three broad focus areas: Materials science: Funding labs to conduct analysis on recovered UAP materials. Engineering & inventing: Funding technology innovations to better conduct UAP materials science, and novel technology which integrates insights from materials science. Ecosystem development: Developing this nascent ecosystem through networking and incentivizing new and existing contributors, such as academic metallurgy labs. Future Folklore will use this grant money to support DAO structuring, and set-up, operating, and other related expenses. FF is looking to grow its team and form working groups, covering task areas like sourcing and distributing materials for study, or networking metallurgy labs. If you’re interested in web3 and the UAP subject, please reach out! Background: UAP, materials, and science Are UFOs real? Source: Instituto Geográfico Nacional de Costa Rica Branches and high-ranking members of the US Government have repeatedly and recently said UFOs are real and are to be taken seriously. Their preferred term is unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), now expanded even further to “unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena.”  Source: Department of Defense via AP This new name, though cumbersome, is a nod to the ""transmedium"" performance characteristics of some of these anomalous vehicles. In other words, some seem able to pass through space, air, and water domains. In one well-known case, Navy operators report tracking “objects [that] appeared suddenly at 80,000 feet, and then hurtled toward the sea, eventually stopping at 20,00 feet and hovering. Then they either dropped out of radar range or shot straight back up.” Eventually some pilots were told to rendezvous with an object, which they discovered was hovering above the water, “around 40 feet long and oval in shape” and moving erratically. After engaging with the object, which responded by moving up, “It accelerated like nothing I’ve ever seen,” one pilot said. Within a minute it was mysteriously tracked at their next rendezvous point 60 miles away, but was gone when the pilots arrived. Congressional hearings on UAP this summer, the first in over 50 years, confirmed that this case is still unresolved. In June 2021, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence published a report on UAP, saying some UAP “appear to demonstrate advanced technology,” and that “Some UAP appear to remain stationary in winds aloft, move against the wind, maneuver abruptly, or move at considerable speed, without discernable means of propulsion.”  Congress has mandated their new UFO office, now named the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), to study the technology and intentions of UFOs. They have also requested that the new office not study objects deemed man-made. New legislation already in effect also requires of the new office ""the testing of materials ... to better understand and explain unidentified aerial phenomena."" Are there such materials? In private hands yes, some, and of these, some with solid and independent witness testimonies and chains of custody for the materials. Source: ""Improved instrumental techniques"" Dr. Garry Nolan, professor at Stanford, inventor, entrepreneur and holder of 40 US patents, has been studying recovered UAP materials. As lead author, he recently published this peer-reviewed methods paper with a case study: ""Improved instrumental techniques, including isotopic analysis, applicable to the characterization of unusual materials with potential relevance to aerospace forensics"" in the journal Progress in Aerospace Sciences. Speaking with VICE, he has also said some material in his custody have unusual isotopic ratios: ""...if you find a metal where the isotope ratios are changed far beyond what is normally found in nature, then that material has likely been engineered—the material is downstream of a process that caused them to be altered. Someone did it. The questions are who… and why?"" Another recent study with a lingering ""why"" was published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, analyzing the 1957 Brazilian Ubatuba UAP fragment. They found ""One definite strangeness"" with the sample—a strontium impurity. ""The strontium impurity is not a normal by-product in the manufacture of magnesium and would have been intentionally added."" Here's a brief video surveying the study of UAP materials. Many wonder if the US Government has more material, and more that’s intact and operational—even entire craft. It’s difficult to determine. The New York Times has reported that classified briefings have been given to Congress concerning “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.” NASA recently began engaging in formal UAP research, saying they're taking it very seriously: “We're going full force … This is really important to us, and we're placing a high priority on it."" Dr. Avi Loeb is a professor Harvard and was the university's longest serving chair of the Astronomy Department. He recently founded The Galileo Project, whose mission is the systematic, scientific search for evidence of extraterrestrial technological artifacts. This notably includes attempts to capture images of UAP. They'e installing ground-based telescopes for this, including on the roof of the Harvard College Observatory. The Galileo Project already has post-doctoral fellowships. Future Folklore's conviction Much more could be said, and more studies and contributors mentioned. Future Folklore stands on the conviction that if there's the slightest chance materials associated with UAP have an exotic origin, then funding and analysis is paramount. It may not surprise readers that funding channels are thin or nonexistent. The philosophical and technological possibilities, though possibly slim, are too great to ignore. Future Folklore also stands on the conviction that organizational models enabled with web3 technology are appropriate for the study of UAP, which requires an all-hands approach. We need broad-based collaboration and ownership models. For those new to decentralized science models, here is a recent profile published in Nature Biotechnology covering some leading DAOs. ",2022-09-02T11:09:25.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7424,True,True,0x97Fb4845bf7bD7156B30ef09AE94419956FE3A90,Ecologyhub Ebre,,"Ecologyhub is a scalable Solarpunk accelerator program backed by Pandorahub with the support of local and regional governments and NGO's. The aim is to re-purpose depopulated and industrially degraded rural regions, starting with the beta-region of Terres de l'Ebre near Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain), by activating ClimateTech and GreenTech entrepreneurial ecosystems with the aim of bringing a 'Solarpunk' future one step closer. VIEW MORE DETAILS ABOUT THE PROGRAM AND CONTENT OUTLINE To do so, we have scouted 20 gLocal GreenTech organizations and 40+ local and newcomer regenerative entrepreneurs building nature-based climate solutions based on clean & circular technologies (hardware and/or software) regenerating or harnessing natural resources that are scaling their impact thanks to: Energy-efficient Blockchains & DLTs, Web3 ReFi frameworks, Token Economics, NFTs and/or the Metaverse Biotech, biomimicry and/or biodegradable materials Upcycling, recycling and/or downcycling systems AI, Machine Learning, IoT, DiY Here some of the organizations that will be accelerated this year: WHO IS BEHIND We are a Spanish NGO 7+ years reactivating rural areas by impact-driven entrepreneurship programs and rural coliving residencies for remote workers. Key figures: ➜ A gLocal network of 3,000+ people involved ➜ 1,200+ gLocal startup members & professionals as program participants ➜ 40% local/rural & 60% global/urban as program participants of 30+ nationalities ➜ 70+ startups, companies, NGOs and government parties as program participants ➜ 100+ partner Rural Shakers (rural coworking & coliving spaces, rural incubators...) in Catalonia, Spain, UK, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Bali and the world. ➜ 15,000km+ of rural coliving safaris & 300+ rural coliving days in 30 rural villages in Catalonia, Spain and other countries (EU & worldwide) ➜ 20+ companies incorporated, 15+ jobs opps created 10+ people move rural villages by the direct action of our programs or activities ➜ 80+ worldwide top-level facilitators & experts at the service of the rural reactivation ➜ 20+ activities such as startup accelerations, team retreats, hackathons, rural coliving experiencies, residencies & safaris, workshops and professional/startup trainings WE HAVE DONE IT BEFORE X-Cultural Acceleration Bali Civichub Garrotxa Civic Innovation & Decentralized Governance Accelerator FUDNING: Ecologyhub Ebre 2022 is co-funded by Pandorahub, the EU, the Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya) and the local municipality Governments of the rural micro-villages where the program will take place (Prat de Comte & Tivissa) Funding received so far: 67.500€ Funding needed: We need 50.000€ more for covering the following costs that we have still not managed to cover. Turning the final climate solutions fair in the last Weekend Sprint of the program (Dec 7-11) into a large event involving more technology partners within the Web3 and ReFi communities, turning the closure of the program into an international bridge between local/regional analogue business models and the global ReFi/Web3 community Nurturing the program with more especialized trainers and the 5 Weekend sprints with more facilitators and trainers VIEW MORE DETAILS ABOUT THE PROGRAM AND CONTENT OUTLINE Covering facilitators' and staff per diems and transportation costs (not covered by the pub Covering the costs of streaming all the contents professionally and enlarging the participation of the program to people and organizations all around the globe joining remotely Hiring a communications team that cab cover all weekend sprints, shooting and editing professional video, interviewing participants, local stakeholders and decision-makers, reporting and sharing everything that will happen during the program, CO-CREATED BY:",2022-09-02T11:14:30.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7425,True,False,0x1EAD544B6dC8aaB994f4f637220c8A6233a3dfab,Aspecta Identity,,"Aspecta’s pioneering AI solution creates a new digital identity: Aspecta Identity, with web and on-chain data insights. Our mission is to establish the cross web2 and web3 identity ecosystem, starting from professional scenarios and going beyond. Aspecta is curated by serial entrepreneurs from Yale, UC Berkeley, and Tsinghua with the leadership of former Chief Scientist at Tinder, Dr. Steve Liu.",2022-09-02T11:15:31.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7426,False,False,0x0,"Dish, bish! — Enjoy quickly dishing on what resonates with you today with no regard for your reputation or safety",,"Enjoy quickly dishing on what resonates with you today with no regard for your reputation or safety. **Needs** Safety [work in progress] Freedom of speech [work in progress] Impartial platform [work in progress] **How it works** General mechanic The feed is custom for you. Each post is a question, an opinion, or a poll. You can open a post and read what others say anonymously and, if you wish, reply anonymously. You can make custom compilations using tags to see what people say on certain topics and in certain locations. A post can only contain text so that no one could track you. We don’t gather location data to guarantee anonymity. Our profile pics are avatars. When you post, you can choose your avatar’s emotion. We’re for the real freedom of speech. This means that the feed may contain posts that you may not like. We’ll mark such content for you. It’s on you if you want to read that or not. If you see content like this and it’s unmarked, let us know and we’ll reward you and take measures immediately. Resonance is our internal currency. You can spend that to customize your avatar. You can’t buy it, but you can earn it by reacting to posts, creating ones, and leaving comments.  Avatars Every user has an avatar instead of their real identity. At first it’s the anonymous pigeon in a hood. You can get your avatar in exchange for your resonance. It’s random, but you can always change certain attributes in exchange for your resonance. They are also randomly generated and are of different quality: basic, rare, legendary. Legendary attributes turn your avatar into an animated sticker, and you can use it to react to posts. The sticker stays in your collection for good. You can change your avatar’s emotion to one that reflects your current mood and pick an emotion for a post.  To get access to an avatar and to earn resonance, you need to create an account. We don’t gather any personal data. Your nickname is randomly generated. Your password is a seed phrase. Store it in a safe place, best of all – in your mind. It’s the only thing associating you with the platform. **How we guarantee safety** [work in progress] ",2022-09-02T11:25:07.206-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7427,True,True,0xF026Fa6504a05a8ebB8E984Ee01abb0a093E3463,On-Chain Commercial Licensing for NFTs,,"On-chain commercial licensing scheme for NFTs starting with Meebits 🖼️🔏⛓️   MeebitsDAO is partnering with FluidNFT Labs to build on-chain commercial licensing for NFTs and the required royalty payments infrastructure to ensure the visibility and verifiability of commercial licensing within the NFT ecosystem.   Problem:   Executing commercial licensing agreements off-chain risks potential buyers unknowingly purchasing NFTs with existing licenses that may affect its value and restrict their buyer’s rights. Without automatic terminations, NFT purchasers may also miss out on potential revenue streams and/or lay claim to them which is a legal risk to both the seller and counterparty.   Solution:   FluidNFT enables NFTs to hold their own assets and liabilities. Building on top of FluidNFT makes it possible for holders to grant perpetual licenses and sub-licenses, and to sell these licensed NFTs together with their revenue streams. Our core deliverables are: 📄 Commercial licensing legal templates Legal templates to be made available for Meebits Owners looking to license their Meebits for select known use cases. Templates to be compatible with OpenLaw for writing to the blockchain. 🖼️ MeebitDAO Commercial licensing NFTs Commercial Licensing NFTs to be minted with each agreement. With the OpenLaw legal contract to be embedded in the NFT´s data.  🌊 On-chain Royalty Revenue Streams A royalty revenue distribution protocol and Javascript SDK to fairly and continuously distribute royalties to licensed Meebit holders utilizing Superfluid or Sablier’s implementation of EIP777 for continuous streams. To enable counterparties to pay via fiat on-ramp.  👾 On-chain commercial licensing SDK JavaScript SDK to enable OpenLaw contract, commercial license NFT and online payment and/or revenue stream creation.  🌐 On-chain commercial licensing UI Frontend integration to enable OpenLaw contract, commercial license NFT and online payment and/or revenue stream creation.",2022-09-02T13:12:31.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7428,True,True,0x3BF8Df724A745f210A32F693BFCC50dc2c76D405,Blue Morpha: climate tech + ocean tech + decentralized infrastructure,,"Blue Morpha is building ocean-infrastructure to capture and sequester carbon, produce renewable energy, and develop climate resiliency for developing countries. We believe Web3 can jump start profitability to build the required infrastructure today for tomorrow’s carbon-dioxide removal systems. We believe proof-of-stake blockchain technology will empower scalability through trustless cooperative governance. Our primary mission is capturing and sequestering carbon. We are building the infrastructure needed to do that on a large scale. THANK YOU FOR LOOKING! We are trying to build something to change the world for the better, and we sincerely appreciate anything you can offer to help us on that journey. We are open to ALL questions/concerns/comments, and encourage them. We'll try to answer as much as we can. FAIR WINDS AND FOLLOWING SEAS CYRPTONAUTS! Note: ‘-naut’ is the suffix from Ancient Greek ναύτης (naútēs, “sailor”), i.e. astronaut is a space-sailor.",2022-09-02T13:23:41.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7429,True,True,0xA126F99e0DEFc3bFa963064314c4b1D54c872DCc,Web3MQ - Web3 Messaging Protocol,,"About Web3MQ is a Web3 native messaging protocol and communications network. At Web3MQ, we believe that social communications should be a public good. The ability to send messages between, users, addresses, and machines, is so fundamental and important that it should (and in the long run needs to) be driven and owned collectively by developers and users (all mankind). This is why we've built Web3MQ so that anyone can participate by hosting nodes and growing the Web3MQ network just like Ethereum. Features & Use Cases DMs: Let users and users connect Notifications & Web3 mail: Allow projects to notify and send asynchronous messages to users/wallets. Chat & Community: Build community amongst your users. Web3MQ is one of a handful of Web3 messaging protocols that natively support group chat from day one. Characteristics Interoperable: We reconnect isolated social platforms with a unified inbox, enabling information to be freely generated, flowed and communicated across terminals. All you need is the other person's address or compatible DID. Scalable Fast (we're serious): Web3MQ is not a toy network with a Web3 concept. We're seriously designing this to serve the next billion users in Web3. We're already faster and more scalable than any other Web3 messaging network and are approaching Web2 performance. Composable: Web3MQ is built to be maximally composable. We focus on building the best messaging network. Storage, encryption, and public chain compatibility are designed from day one to be maximally composable. Developers can achieve higher levels of privacy protection and satisfy other personalized features/needs through highly customizable configurations. Natively Multi-Chain: Web3MQ is a middleware infrastructure network, our design is fundamentally compatible with any chain, and with minimal extensions, can send messages between addresses between any two chains. Ownership: No singular party can tamper with your messages or dictate the way you build on Web3MQ, it's a collective network of nodes. Web3MQ will ultimately be driven, refined and updated by the community, Alpha I Web3MQ is currently in our Stage One Alpha. We're open to applications from projects and developers to partner with us and try out the Web3MQ network! Form link: (To guarantee performance, early Alpha stages require a developer key to connect, the eventual mainnet is committed to being permissionless.)",2022-09-02T13:33:12.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7430,True,True,0x763debb2dDFe4655fdA0871Aae8FDFb386C36b23,SproutUp: Turn Good Deeds into NFT Impact Certificates,,"About SproutUp is the web3 charity startup platform. SproutUp let’s anyone turn good deed videos into NFT impact certificates and earn crypto donations.  Why There are two key bottlenecks to solving climate and social issues: Entrepreneurship Accountability Nonprofit laws create red tape, fees, and financial incentives for founders. And traditional donations do not hold organizations accountable for impact. Donors have little idea how their money is used. As a result, our nonprofit sector is captured by decades old, legacy organizations that don’t innovate. These nonprofits have been failing to solve climate change and other issues for the past 50 years. We need to empower the next generation web3 organizations. How SproutUp solves these issues with impact certificates. SproutUp users turn their project outcomes into NFT impact certificates. For example, a tree planter can turn videos of their planting projects into impact certificates. Each donor gets one unique tree impact certificate for their donation. Donors know exactly where their money goes and get to own proof of their unique tree project forever.  Impact certificates align incentives for more impact. Currently, most nonprofits use the same fundraising business models regardless of their work. SproutUp will create many different types of impact certificates, enabling web3 charities to tailor their business models to their work. This lets web3 charities align their own needs with those they serve, their donors, and broader society. A win-win-win-win.  Impact certificates promote entrepreneurship. A key barrier for nonprofit startups is trust. Donors prefer large brand-name organizations when making donations, as nonprofits offer little transparency. Impact certificates give donors perfect transparency, enabling founders to more easily fundraise. The sub-saharan tree planter can now out compete the global NGO.  The transparency of impact certificates also makes nonprofit status irrelevant. Founders can start a SproutUp web3 charity and create impact certificates in minutes without any nonprofit fees or red tape. Our goal is to support climate social impact founders. Our impact certificates live on the carbon-negative Polygon blockchain and use IPFS for decentralized metadata storage. Gas fees are less than a penny, eliminating any financial burden for founders and donors. Funding This is a one-person bootstrapped team! Your funding supports my continued work on SproutUp. Every little bit helps. Without funding, I may soon have to put SproutUp on hold. Team I’m Nate, the founder, developer, and sole team member at SproutUp. I’ve been working in sustainability and the social sector since my first environmental nonprofit internship 10 years ago. I previously built a “common app for nonprofit grants”.  My twitter: Project status We are currently onboarding Alpha users! One of our first potential users is a fellow Gitcoin applicant planting trees in Kenya. Bonus Check out my own trash cleanup impact certificates: A few product screenshots: Create multiple projects with unique impact certificates for each: Minting NFT impact certificates: Donations pages:",2022-09-02T13:43:20.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7431,True,True,0x0c0144081D76b9B896D9ECe90239f90d8CFDBE78,Publish Science | SciDAO,,"To impel scientific publishing, inspiring scientists to collaborate and share gains, maintain IP, faster peer-review process, distributing financial value throughout the editorial and publication work chain for Authors, Editors and Reviewers. Publication of science can be disrupted by decentralization and the use of blockchain technologies. The decentralized science or DeSci movement shifts attention towards the power of the scientific community, shedding light to legacy processes and institutions which are neither acting affirmatively for the life of scientists nor helping the progress of science. SciDAO aims to be a community formed by highly qualified talents to collaborate on peer-reviewing and publishing scientific papers sharing financial gains while maintaining intellectual property ownership. Upon peer-reviewing, accepted manuscripts can be minted and made into NFTs for being sold or auctioned. Telegram test group Tests We are currently deploying contracts at mumbai testnet (latest erc1155 version at Minted NFTs at Allocation of funds in this GR15 round Funds will be used for development, landing page, more testing, awareness and community engagement. ** Will start moving funds to polygon; Will create a gnosis safe and put members as owners and send funds there; A designer has been added to the team - micaeldsgn.eth; The latest version of the dapp (mumbai) is at; Will start doing tests with Orbis SDK ( to allow users have a profile, follow, use groups;  A scidao group will be done at orbis so we can keep discussions; Code will be uploaded to github, will be used to keep versions in ipfs but keeping the same url ",2022-09-02T14:20:43.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7432,True,True,0xF14F66748fF5d530C0235BF8aD017F9Ae79A6B6a,ENS Fairy,,"ENS Fairy is the easiest way to gift .eth names. Overview: Before ENS Fairy, registering and gifting an ENS name took 5 transactions. This was quite expensive and took longer than necessary. Now the same goal is accomplished in just 2 transactions, saving money and time. In addition to .eth registrations, there is also the ENS Fairy Vault. This is a multi-sig meant to secure names for individuals or brands until they are ready to receive it, ensuring more people have a smooth onboarding process to ENS and web3. Since its launch in July 2022, hundreds of names have been registered using, and 450+ have been deposited to the vault. What's Next: I'm currently working on a few things for ENS Fairy including tools that make it even easier to register .eth names and an interactive onboarding experience. You can follow along with these updates on GitHub and Twitter.",2022-09-02T15:19:28.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7433,True,True,0x3F34181A59C7EbD971aa629A5E05109486242375,Hazel - Gamifying Carbon Removal For Consumers Using Web3 Technology,,"Project Status: 9/23 Update: Signups for our beta release are now open! Get to the top of the list, try out & provide feedback on Hazel, earn a unique in-game NFT AND help us have an impact on climate change! Join the fun here 9/20 Update: The Hazel team is presenting at Techcrunch Disrupt in San Francisco next month! A showcase of the hottest, most innovative startups today, TCD selected Hazel as one of the early stage companies to showcase this year! We're incredibly excited about this opportunity. If you're going to join the conference, come say hi! 9/15 Update: The greenlist to get our beta app is open! Support our project on Gitcoin, then be one of the first to try the new web3 Hazel update by signing up today. Details on how you can get access to the list are here.   9/9 Update: We just posted new concept art to our Twitter feed. Take a look and let our team know what you think! We're quickly approaching our fall private beta launch of our app+mobile game! We can't wait to share what we're building with you. If you're looking for a way to impact the climate + a fun, casual collection-based mobile game, Hazel is it! Current scope of the private beta is: 🌱 Initial Hazelverse gameplay & mobile game experience. Core collection + casual tapper game experience. 🌱 Ability to fund carbon removal directly through the app. Support climate imapct directly! 🌱 Ability to unlock & reserve an NFT island through gameplay. Your NFT island will be yours to nurture & protect in the game. 🌱 Ability to research carbon removal projects included in current Hazel portfolio. See dozens of ways you can directly help! We're incredibly excited to launch this major update to our platform into beta in a few weeks!  To get access, please follow us on Twitter (@hazelclimateapp). We'll be releasing details on how to sign up for a test slot the first week of September.  The initial beta will be available to an extremely limited number of users, so follow us to learn how to claim your space! What's Next / Roadmap: Reversing climate change isn't easy. Here's what the rest of 2022 holds for us: Late Sept/Early Oct: Private Beta launch of Hazel v.2.0 October: Initial release & mint of Hazel Critters Nov/Dec: Public beta phase Q1 2023 is our public launch of Hazel 2.0! With your help, we'll be able to bring millions of users world-wide into the climate change fight! All the while, we are continuously funding carbon removal efforts. Every little bit counts! Why This Project Is Critical For Web3, ETH2.0 & ReFi: There are a lot of amazing climate projects in GR15 -- we're excited to be one of them! We deserve your support for multiple reasons: ✅ As an early post-Merge ETH project, our success will be proof that the ETH community's commitment to sustainability is real & not just lip service. We're helping directly change the narrative about how crypto impacts our climate. ✅ Hazel is bringing in a new wave of crypto enthusiasts via a fun, lighthearted game experience. New members is good for all projects & the community. ✅ By incorporating a free to play model, we're demonstrating how to build a successful experience that doesn't involve any degree of Ponzi-nomics ✅ Our game play mechanics via play & own is pushing the bounds of what's currently done on web3 Get Involved -- Why We Need You: It takes a community to solve a problem of any size -- and climate change is as big as problems get! We need your support in three ways: A. Join as an early user We’re opening a private beta in late September – and we need you as an early user! In addition to first access to Hazel, private beta users will have the chance to earn exclusive 1:1 NFTs that will be usable in Hazel. We also need your feedback on gameplay and creating an experience that keeps you & future users coming back to maximize climate impact! B: Contribute Grant contributions will fund the development team building out this experience. Help us unlock the future of carbon removal funding! Funds specifically go to paying the developers, artists and team members currently working on the project, as well as funding future hires that can help us build even better even faster.  Climate change is a race -- with your help, we can have an impact before it's too late.  C: Join Our Community Twitter: @hazelclimateapp Linktree: Background: Problem Decarbonizing the economy is critical, but if we’re going to avoid the worst effects of climate change we need to start removing 10 gigatonnes of carbon annually from the atmosphere.  Last year was a record year–but we only removed about 2% of that goal. And almost 100% of that amount came from businesses & corporations.  If we’re going to remove atmospheric carbon at the scale we need to impact climate change, we need to mobilize consumer funding.  But how? Historically, consumers won’t pay to fund carbon removal.   Our Solution Hazel, our web3 platform, empowers consumers to take direct steps to remove carbon and fight climate change. By rewarding consumers with fun, valuable NFT rewards that they can use in Hazel, we’re making it fun to help reverse climate change.   With Hazel, users will be able to: 🌱 Fund carbon removal & unlock rewards that enhance their Hazel experience 🌱 See & learn about the projects they’re funding and visualize their positive climate impact  🌱 Earn NFT rewards for using Hazel, which automatically generate carbon-removal funding when sold 🌱 Have fun while making an impact on the planet! A fun & empowering gaming experience There is a lot of climate doom out there right now. We need hope & empowerment. We know people do what they think is fun--and we need fun when considering a global problem such as climate change. Team Ed Thomas, CEO & Founder - Serial entrepreneur who loves building things  - Duke / Stanford MBA Andrew Han, Tech Lead - Rhythm game enthusiast, creator, programmer - Georgia Tech Alumni Liz Soos, Community Development - 1st generation Latinx excited about people & technology - Georgia Tech Alumni x2 Bret Rachlin, Consumer Outreach / Marketing Advisor - Focused on creating content strategies that resonate with target buyers to generate revenue Albert Feng (@azfnft), web3 Strategy - NFT Degen / Product person who enjoys experimenting with new technologies - Stanford CS grad Max Lewing, Lead 3D Artist / Generalist - Animation & Visual FX graduate - Moviegoer & Video game enthusiast Chandler Smith, 3D artist / generalist - Computer graphics graduate - Inspired by animation & other visual arts Meet the full team (bios + LI links) here ",2022-09-02T15:53:02.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7434,True,True,0x0,Cocktails and Caguamas Movie Night Learning Parade,,"Espacio de Encuentro Intercultural, transversal y móvil para el acceso y desarrollo de tecnologías de código abierto.📝 Alianza para la proyección [1][2][3] image",2022-09-02T16:21:33.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7435,False,False,0xdcC4c0eE05751c0E2fF8e6DA9f80df864809C42c,Human fund,,"   ",2022-09-02T19:28:28.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7436,True,True,0xaB6bb3C90c6CF3aE936C175FE2C86951f19C801F,Beyond Decentralized,,"Decentralized relational platform, makes cooperative dApps easy. If you are interested, please read the technology overview. You can find the source at: If you want to join the project, please contact me: ",2022-09-02T19:39:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7437,True,True,0x75cC37322D9eE1cE441a4e486217Dcc71A086Aa1,Kangra Gardens: Journey Through Life,,"Kangra Gardens Kangra Gardens are a place for us to express our gratitude. We are grateful to our family for always having our back, to our friends for always keeping us happy, and to the Earth for all it gives us to sustain life. To enter the gardens is to acknowledge and give attention to these reciprocal relationships with everyone and everything. Because, for us to be who we are today, it wouldn’t be possible without them. Our lives are all so interconnected and dependent on each other. Gratitude, though, is not enough. Kangra Gardens is also a place to give back to the Earth for all it does to take care of us. To do this, we give back by respecting, listening, and learning. Our life on Earth is a gift itself, but so is being able to be present in the gardens. Kangra Botanical Garden will be visited and enjoyed by thousands of visitors per year, representing a tremendous opportunity for making the connection between the public and sustainable and regenerative agriculture. Kangra Gardens promotes native biodiversity and regenerative agriculture through its focus on its Regenerative, Ecological and Syntropic Farming area. It has five critical practices for implementing biodiversity conservation that could be adopted by people in their agricultural and animal farms, and which fit with the regenerative farming philosophy. While creating practices to creating and sustaining open-source documentation. We are further providing a system for the local and international community to engage equitably. We are giving the opportunity for local populations to contribute any good case practices for biodiversity conservation through regenerative and ecological agriculture in your area. Contribute with names of new botanical plants that we may not have in the garden. Travelers visiting and connecting with the cause of Regenerative, Ecological and Syntropic Farming areas. Learn something new about Regenerative, Ecological and Syntropic Farming. Followed by contributing your ideas and take home some ideas. All in all, this is part of a bigger initiative with Kula about establishing a deep sense of belonging in the global community to connect globally and act locally through the funding as well as supporting public goods! This grant stretches across multiple ecosystems because regenerative work is not only technical and scientific, but also spiritual and cultural. Map of Garden ""Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us."" -Robin Wall Kimmerer Contribute The Kangra Botanical Garden is the central project of Kangra Gardens, designed to support and embody everything the company stands for. It is home to various EduCARE India projects and integrated with them in order to achieve goals such as community health, food security and nutrition, and engagement with visitors. The various purposes of the botanical garden are to regenerate the ecosystem and promote the conservation of biodiversity, to support community health, to build towards food security and nutrition, and to engage people in connecting better with the environment. For community health, the garden grows herbs for Ayurvedic medicine production. In order to build toward food security and nutrition, another section of the garden uses syntropic farming to grow food and regenerate the ecosystem. The community garden and 'Regen Learning Center' aim to provide visitors with a sense of belonging in the environment through experiential learning. With this grant we aim to be able to fund new contributors and their development of open source documentation to share with the larger regen global community.",2022-09-02T19:51:27.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7438,True,True,0xbFCd7f8cC80aBFC5e254456F9fcD57E07A0489e6,Mangrove: The operating system for carbon removal,,"Mangrove lets carbon removal companies manage their inventory using a distributed ledger, and easily push inventory to Web3 for builders to create with. With our platform these companies eliminate the risk of double selling supply, improve their sales processes, easily scale multiple channels and ensure compliance with governments plus registries.  Carbon removal companies have historically lacked tooling to help the industry scale; many organizations use nothing more than excel spreadsheets to track their operations. Our startup is building tools for these companies to better manage their operations, and making it seamless for them to keep track of their inventory using distributed ledgers or push that inventory to the growing demand channels in the ReFi space. Our goal is for every carbon removal company to reach scale faster through our platform.  About Mangrove Started by two former founders in the climate-tech space, Mangrove is creating the operating system for carbon removal companies.  Inventory Management Right now most organizations removing carbon are keeping track of what they can sell using spreadsheets; this creates the opportunity to mix sales up and potentially double-sell inventory.  With Mangrove these companies can manage their inventory in one place, place holds on tons of carbon that are proposed to buyers, and automate the issuance of inventory.  We’re actively developing the ability for our customers to keep track of their inventory using distributed ledgers and to bridge inventory onto the growing platforms that enable sales.",2022-09-02T20:35:41.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7439,False,True,0x2Dd14fe9dFb715Fa086d294eB23fE3A0d576A2f1,BitRavener Cryptocurrency Reward Platform,,"Introduce BitRavener is a cryptocurrency reward platform based on using new decentralized dApps and protocols. On one hand, BitRavener makes it possible for users to earn cryptocurrency rewards by discovering and using new decentralized apps and protocols.On the other hand,partners can use BitRavener to distribute tokens to users through proof-of-use and acquire knowledgeable and engaged new users. It also offers crypto tutorials in topics like NFTs and DeFi with Proof Of Attendance Protocol (POAP) so users can demonstrate their knowledge of specific topics. Cryptocurrency rewards are a common way to inspire users and build fanbases.BitRavener has seized every opportunity to enlarge new users and benefit relative dapps and protocols, which enormously attracts more people to enter into Web3 more easily. As time goes by, BitRavener will definitely bring the connection between project owners and new users to the next level.",2022-09-02T21:17:38.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7440,False,False,0x0,Rights-45,,"To be deleted ",2022-09-02T21:20:24.063-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7441,False,False,0x71bD9Cb21a453698fb5a1329b82D56e2bf8E127f,stories_of_ai is driving DEI engagement for their DAO framework for decentralized AI teams and their communities,,"Alexa doesn’t understand my voice. Many other women face the same bias in current AI models ranging from failed facial recognition to loan applications. Why are AI models struggling in recognizing gender, people of color and other communities?  The majority of Web2 AI development is currently developed by a homogenous group of people and either controlled by large tech companies or Western Ivy league universities. With a lack of diversity comes a lack of empathy and imagination for the needs of society at large. AI companies heavily overrely on datasets of data-rich countries and this skewed data training has led to the discrimination for the rest of world. stories_of_ai is applying for funding to drive DEI engagement for their DAO framework for decentralized AI teams and their communities. Proposal stories_of_ai’s research highlights that there is surprising a lack of DEI collaboration in AI and Web3, the majority of Algovera’s squads are white, male and/or from data-rich countries. We would like to change this. We like to build bridges so that AI teams can easily form interdisciplinary teams and connect with communities and data. We envision the co-development of AI models and that communities will receive returns for their data. Communities need the ability to co-design, get transparency, contribute data, retrain AI models, and get remunerated. stories_of_ai is a squad in the Algovera ecosystem. Algovera is a community of independent AI teams developing user-centric Web3 AI applications. Deliverables  Grant funding will accelerate research and co-design on the 2nd pillar of our Decentralized AI DAO framework called “Community Value Generators: How to achieve sustainable DEI, environmental and commercial value creation.” Our deliverables are: “Creating bridges”.  Active outreach and open call for DEI communities. List of technical/non-technical/data-poor/intergenerational community leads for DAID workshops.  “Stories of people”  Content creation and qualitative interviews for podcast/youtube videos.  Research and co-design session: Topics such as DEI code of ethics in web3/decentralized AI/ How can communities complement data to reduce bias in algorithms and get remunerated through marketplaces? How can algorithms be regularly retrained? Bounties for DEI consultants to join in workshops. Working group and codesigned code of ethics for development of decentralized AI DAO. About stories_of_ai stories_of_ai, a squad of Algovera, has developed a human-centered decentralized AI framework (DAID). The DAID framework enables how AI teams and their community can keep ownership of, and monetize their AI model creations. DAID also provides tools and strategies in how to build a decentralized AI DAO that is based on a vision of human cooperation, augmentation, sustainability and DEI. About Algovera Algovera is a community of independent AI teams developing user-centric Web3 AI applications. stories_of_ai has received one Algovera grant to date for work developing a Decentralized AI DAO framework (DAID). Algovera Grants has funded 28 independent AI teams (called Squads) to date. Algovera also trains squads to use decentralized AI infrastructure, which consists of decentralized storage, compute and marketplace. Motivation Centralized AI systems do not actively consider community ownership or how to integrate gender, racial or sustainability factors in developing AI models. Researchers have highlighted the harm of AI models that are benchmarked in human-competition, autonomy and centralization [How AI Fails Us: Divya Siddarth, Glen Weyl et al. 2021]. They propose a human-centered vision of developing AI models that complement, cooperate and support society rather than compete with humans.  We like to propose pluralistic strategies of how to develop decentralized AI organizations. We believe that bringing together diverse communities within web3 and squads would be mutually beneficial to the community. This is why stories_of_ai has developed a Decentralized AI DAO framework (DAID) which accelerates AI teams with technical tools and strategies that are rooted in interdisciplinary team work, human-centered design, ethics, sustainability and community commercial models. DAID consists of 4 key areas:     1    Primary - Design Thinking: who is the user and who is impacted by my AI model?

     2    Community Value Generators: How to achieve sustainable DEI, environmental and commercial value creation.

     3    Decentralized AI activities: from data sourcing, storage, training, deploy to publishing AI models to market places.

     4    DAO activities: covers how to set up a DAO, governance, proposals, treasury management and member protection and monetization of data sets and AI models

 Work Package 1 Our aim is accelerating interdisciplinary teams to push towards the development of AI Web3 projects and DAOs. Our goal is to bring together communities such as everyday people and Black in AI, women in web3/AI, LGBTQIA+ with GnosisDAO, Data Science for All, Ocean Protocol, IPFS and Algovera. Grant funding will provide research and co-design on the 2nd pillar of our DAI framework “Community Value Generators: How to achieve sustainable DEI, environmental and commercial value creation.” Our deliverables are: “Creating bridges”.  Active outreach and open call for DEI communities. List of technical/non-technical/data-poor/intergenerational community leads for DAID workshops.  “Stories of people”  Content creation and qualitative interviews for podcast/youtube videos.  Research and co-design session: Topics such as DEI code of ethics in web3/decentralized AI/ How can communities complement data to reduce bias in algorithms and get remunerated through marketplaces? How can algorithms be regularly retrained? Bounties for DEI consultants to join in workshops. Working group and codesigned code of ethics for development of decentralized AI DAO. ",2022-09-02T21:23:01.254-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7442,True,True,0x75D058b3bC06361996748C28520aeD579dBA3C4b,RightsDao,,"RightsDao is a decentralized application platform built on the Internet Computer (IC), based on the IC network, with knowledge as the core, and through a social approach. Users interact on RightsDao without any threshold, including but not limited to spreading knowledge, asking questions, solving others' problems, etc. Because of the special nature of IC, users do not need to pay any fees. If needed, professional assistance and financial support can be obtained from the platform through the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) proposal. All contributions made by users in RightsDao will accumulate and gain a reputation value exclusively for themselves, and a journey of growth for each individual. As all participants continue to grow, RightsDao will also grow from everyone's contributions, and eventually feed everyone, help everyone, and achieve mutual success. Right To Earn Rightsdao's goal is to enable active users who help others to obtain tokens by doing good such as solving other people's problems, so as to achieve the goal of obtaining tokens by doing good.",2022-09-02T21:27:30.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7443,True,True,0xbe7A9D0ee2F1c7F6e44Ea922e52603e921566778,"I Am The Master of My Own Domain & I Carry My Magic With Me - Self-Sovereignty, Self-Determination, & Self-Efficacy to Overcome Domestic Violence",,"Our mission is to create a powerful healing modality for domestic violence victims using art to process trauma, practice self-sovereignty, and self-determination, and increase their sense of self-efficacy. Participants will work through a series of abstract expressionist art exercises focused on increasing their sense of unique and individual identity, boundaries, and self-esteem. Readings or discussions paired with the exercises and either in-person or online support, will give participants opportunities to practice and gain a deeper understanding of the rights they have as a person to make their own decisions, to try new things, to trust their voice, to increase the confidence they have in themselves, to process trauma, to heal, and to bring beauty into the world. Our intention is to create an open-sourced web3 platform (dApp) to enable these workshop leaders and participants to create NFT representations of their physical art and to introduce the participants to the world of web3 in general. From de-fi to privacy protection, web3 is where workshop participants can find the tools they need to further practice self-sovereignty, self-determination, and self-efficacy. As an example of a session, we will explore past (and recently recurring) trauma, putting it on canvas through color, energetic mark-making, drawing, and then overwrite those using artistic expressions that bring the creator peace or catharsis.  Self-expression and expelling traumatic events via physical manifestation are dynamic tools in building an individual's sense of control, identity, inclusion, and visibility.  Each person will paint, draw, scrape, scratch and  get the traumatic event on the canvas one way or another, and then layer over it or incorporate it into the final piece, much like we must incorporate grief into our psyche in order to keep living healthily after a loss.    It sounds intense as it’s written here, and parts of it may be, but we will teach real skills and techniques in a way that is playful, fun, exploratory, easily accessible to people with no previous arts experience, and completely non-judgemental.  Our hope is that through numerous interactions over the course of a year, people will feel empowered and understood in new and important ways.   The United States is the most dangerous country in the world for women, in 2022, according to world population review.   Intimate partner violence (IPV) results in 1300 deaths and over 2 million injuries in the US, ANNUALLY.  75% of those deaths occur when a woman attempts to or has left.   1 in 3 women worldwide has been forced into sex, beaten, or otherwise abused by their partner.  Domestic violence affects women of color disproportionately, especially severe physical violence.  Black women are the most likely to be beaten severely and to die from domestic violence in the US.   Women between the ages of 18-24 are the most likely to experience domestic violence, followed by teens between the ages of 11-17. This is when you look at the statistics of what is REPORTED. “Getting away is a mother fucker. It is dangerous. It is TERRIFYING. I know because I've done it.   My ex-husband tried to kill me by pushing me down a flight of stairs to a concrete floor in view of our 4-year-old son. My daughter's father, a different man, dragged me out of bed by my hair, broke my finger, choked me, and squeezed my jaw so hard that I could barely open my mouth for 4 days. While I was pregnant. When I finally got him out of my house and had a restraining order, I woke up to him standing over me as I slept after breaking into my home. He was not arrested, despite the restraining order. Therapeutic art has been one of the most powerful tools in our recovery.” - Maaike Programs exist but aren't sufficient. There are domestic violence resources to leave. There are escape plans.  There are advocates who will guide you through the court process.  These resources are stretched thin as paper and require call after call to access them.  You know who can’t make call after call and get return calls?  Women who are living under the thumb of a domestic terrorist.  There are countless recovery programs for abusers that are paid for by the government and, usually, court-mandated. In addition, there are endless free (and paid) recovery/rehab programs for addiction to alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, and eating disorders, including many 12-step meetings across the US daily for these issues.     For people who have experienced abuse, recovery programs are few, not well structured, and underfunded. As a result, you often find people with good intentions running a circle of stories centered around the abuser (codependent behavior) that often turns into the suffering Olympics rather than focusing on the woman, her progress, and her well-being.   Getting and staying in an abusive relationship results from not having a clear sense of self and firm boundaries. The red flags that typically occur long before abuse escalates to becoming physical would end the relationship for people with healthy boundaries. The problem with never having had any agency over yourself is that you don't understand that LEAVING is the correct response to abusive behavior or that you even have that as an option. While ending the relationship and respecting yourself is the right answer, no person alive can do those things if they don't know deep down that they CAN and have an intrinsic power over their own life. People who are raised with a lack of autonomy simply have no idea about personal boundaries, let alone how to apply them. Sometimes they don't even understand that a person who is hurting won't just decide to stop.  To be clear - abusers are 100% responsible for the abuse they dole out. There is no BLAME for the person who is abused.   People need to be taught how to move forward, and there is a glaring lack of help. To work their way up to leaving an abusive situation or to rebuild themselves after they have left, they need to discover their identity away and apart from the negative patterns of abuse, likely all they have ever known. This is the space we aim to fill. In the curriculum we are outlining, the most important thing is developing a sense of self and the absolute value of each individual's perspective, expression, taste, and message, all of which happens in the inner world. Neil Gaiman said, ""The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision.""  In my opinion, sparking the imagination of the inner world of an individual and repeatedly affirming the value of their voice is one of the most revolutionary things you can do, especially for someone who is being or has been oppressed. What happens inside of us belongs only to us.  Funding will go toward: Curriculum development Space and material costs for in-person workshops for women and children Filming demos and video editing for online use Creating a web3 platform whose functionality will include  Managing the workshops Onboarding participants to web3 by helping them understand web3 better and get a digital wallet if they don't have one. Creating NFT collections (using Unlock Protocol on Polygon) representing progress throughout the workshop. They will ultimately end up with a history of their process from start to finish, a story of their healing. Future Goals: Additional curriculum material from a diverse group of artists - ongoing Gain widespread adoption of the curriculum for use by domestic violence services and individuals nationwide Create a variation of the curriculum to be used with kids as a DETERRENT to domestic violence Broaden the potential benefit to people who speak a wide range of languages beyond English Additional goals will be added as they become clearer Maaike Fettah, Founder Personal History & Experience  I have been painting since 1995. I am a self-taught artist, gathering information and skills from a few college classes, a handful of online courses, YouTube tutorials, extensive reading, and art evaluation, and just DOING it.  Painting has been many things to me, but it has been most relevant to therapy and life. I believe that art in all its forms is one of the most powerful means of personal transformation and restoration. While my current art practice is primarily about bringing beauty and joy into a world that can be very harsh, I have used art to process grief, build my sense of self, and exorcise traumatic events and their memories. I started in oils and worked sporadically in that, aerosol,  and other mediums as a means of self- expression until 2010.  At that time, I began to use art to process trauma, specifically domestic violence and rape.  The art therapy techniques my son was taught  after witnessing his father try to kill me, were essential to his recovery, and led me down this path.  I began working in acrylics/mixed media and found a magic I had previously only known through making music.  I have also worked in watercolors, primarily in 2011 and again in 2019, when we were in Morocco, during which time I created an entire body of work - 30+ pieces - over a 5 month period, and solidified my desire to move toward being a full-time artist. In my opinion, abstract and emotional expressionist art is a profoundly impactful form of visual communication that allows both the creator and viewer to be moved in profound ways. My current work explores vibrant color, texture, shape, movement, and storytelling by imbuing the canvas with energy and emotion.  The most significant history of my past and current work can be viewed on my Facebook page I have a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism with a minor in Psychology which informs my understanding of visual communication. In addition, I have studied brain and behavior correlation and taken a deep dive into PTSD, trauma, and recovery from it.  I have taken several courses in Group Therapy and believe what I learned about group dynamics will be an asset. My track record connecting seemingly divergent groups of people through art and music spans nearly 3 decades. My career as a financial planner speaks to my ability to communicate complex ideas in an easily understandable way, manage numerous relationships simultaneously, network broadly, and steward resources responsibly. I am accustomed to floating between groups of vastly different socio-economic and cultural situations with consideration for all and an eye to my own internalized biases.  Currently I am the Chief Alchemist and Art Director of Sunshine Alchemists & Soap Co and Night Sun Candle Company, businesses I have founded over the past 7 years, as well as an artist. We employ women coming out of domestic violence and give them flexibility and support to maintain financial solvency while remaining available to their children. Receiving funding for this project will enable me to shift further into community healing and art and free up finances to create additional employment opportunities there.    I have lived a great deal of life, which has given me a tremendous amount of compassion.  My parents were Christian fundamentalist pastors with a church and school in Montana. Our family lived in the abandoned forest service building that also housed the church and school.  We showered at the Y across the street.  There was no real kitchen.  Our power was turned off regularly.  I know what it is to live out of a gym bag and rely on the kindness of others for food. I had my first job at 12, out of necessity, touching up frames in a factory. Thankfully, my path also led me to live in the Bay area, New York, here in New Mexico, and to spend time in New Orleans and Miami, with people from all over the world.   I have learned that how I was raised and what I thought was normal was far from it and that unlearning is an intentional process which is ongoing.  I have lived through… way too many violent incidents of varying natures, and as Lin-Manuel Miranda says, “Wrote my way out.”  Angela Steffens, aka wonderwomancode Co-founder Personal History As a woman who has had a long career in tech, I'm excited to be involved with a project that I feel will significantly impact bringing more DEI to the space. But, more importantly, I am confident it will reduce the suffering caused by domestic violence and hopefully it will reduce the numbers by ending what can sometimes be generational patterns. I started my career more than 20 years ago when I graduated with a degree in computer science. Since then, I have worked as a full-stack developer, architect, consultant, engineering lead, and founder. As a result, I have the skills necessary to help bring organization and coordination to this project to ensure the funding received is used as efficiently as possible and to guide development on the web3 platform in a way that will see actual results. I've been involved in the web3 space since 2018; currently, I work for a web3 protocol, belong to many DAOs, including several others with a focus on DEI, and serve on the board of advisors for several other web3 companies.",2022-09-02T22:07:04.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7444,False,False,0x0,Oroboros (First stones Development on IRL Camps),,"To integrate crucial perspectives in the funding process. We are asking for incentives to ground this development in 4 Camps With the Keystones of this dev Camps focus on Camp 1 Plur Vision (integration with new partners) Camp 2 Aesthetic co-landing Camp 3 Technical Integrations Camp 4 Continuous development ",2022-09-02T22:24:42.616-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7445,True,True,0xbcd496ead2415bD438269aE0c4f50cE20242a29A,"pRoots: empower people to store, share, annotate and learn genomic data in DeSci ecosystem",,"pRoots is a tool we build with web3 technology for people to store, share and learn genomic information and grow into a sharable genomic knowledge network. And we will aggregate the knowledge from the growing biocommunity and openbio projects, which DNA information as the cornerstone. Scientists, non-traditional bioresearchers, and citizen bio explorers can be connected together through the genomic information they both focus on and annotated with. Empower people to share synthetic biology-related genomic information with ownership and the possibility of community building through the common interest. The cost of sequencing, synthesis, and editing DNA dropping rapidly and the new bioecolonomy is rising People now can be much easier to get into biotechnology development due to the lower cost of DNA sequencing, important bio patents expired, open-hardware movement, 3D printer technology, and wetware distribution (freegene project, iGEM, addgene....). The growing biocommunity expanded globally and there are almost a hundred of DIYbio labs. People are willing to share synthetic biology knowledge. Most of that information is related to genomic information and annotation. And there are lacking good ways to empower people to share and keep the ownership of this precious knowledge, such as a certain modification of the promoter region with A-> T can improve enzyme production to another level. This pain point is what pRoots designed to solve and bring web3 technology to accelerate the people to sharing certain genomic knowledge related to synthetic biology and be connected together due to the census interesting in certain regions of DNA sequencing (beer brewers exchange certain yeast genomic information through annotation in a similar region and be connected together). Biolog is coded and programmed in DNA. Biology is software encoded in DNA. And most of the information is not easy to store, share, and annotated in a more open manner. Most of the genomic information is stored by the governments and traditional academics (such as NCBI and Ensembl) In another way, as more and more DAOs raise funds for bioscience development and decentralized science, there will be also the necessity to build the infrastructure to deal with the related genomic data. pRoots will let biolabs, DAOs, and amateur bioscientists easily allocate the web3 resource as the functionality to deal with their sharable knowledge of genomic information. Basic usage of pRoots can do to build a community around genomic data sharing DeSci DAOs can use pRoots to construct their funded research group to share their genomic data Curated and bridge the open science into sharable knowledge and people can annotate and interacte with it Phase 1 people will use pRoots to store DNA data (fasta, fastq, bam) as easily as possible in a decentralized storage system. enable DAOs and scientists who received crypto funds can use our tools to store, share and annotate their genomic data in a web3 manner people can view their DNA data such as plasmids from a browser with a useful viewer and store the metadata in a decentralized way Phase 2 provide an interactive way to let the genomic metadata connected and sharable, and aggregate the current important synthetic biology open plasmid data to bridge the web3 and current biocommunity. bridging the current open bio community such as global biocommunity, freegan, iGEM to provide they to use this tool to store, share, and annotate in pRoots Phase 3 provide API to let DAOs, other web3 service to create smart contract with genomic data request UpDate: 20220917 thank you for the support we received from the crpyto community, and we will begin to give back to the community and bring more open science people to know the gitcoin platform and how they can use this platform to do public good, the first step is bringing out the plan to support the iGEM team in our local region and we hope in the near future we can reach out to more iGEM teams in another region. Begin with small step!! Besides, we reach out to some open bio project to do the connection actively. 20220919 we connected to the largest web3 community in Taiwan, called Demi-Human, in order to bridge the people into the DeSci world, will try to have the stage in Demi-Human discord to talk about DeSci and gitcoin! 20220920 participate PlackerDAO twitter space to discuss our project 中文版介紹 pRoots是為了賦予人們能方便儲存、分享、註釋和學習基因資料並建立信譽的去中心化工具,最終目標是希望建立以基因資訊為媒介的合成生物學開源合作網絡。 近五年以來,基因科技的進步,除了讓基因定序、合成和修改基因的成本大幅下降,加速了使用生物技術來解決農業、食物、能源、醫療、材料的機會,除此之外,自造者運動、便宜的3D列印風氣,帶起草根生技創業的趨勢。其中一個會遇到的問題是,許多重要的基因資料,沒有一個好的方式能分享基因資料和註解。許多生物開源實驗室願意分享,但在跨國經費和資料分享上,相對困難,而如今區塊鏈技術建立起了網路原生金融體系,和去中心化的儲存設施剛好可以打破這障礙。 另外,今年開始許多專注在生醫領域之去中心化的自治組織(DAOs)開始出現,像是MoleculeDAO、LabDAO、BioDAO 、VitaDAO、ValleyDAO等等,主要以使用加密貨幣進行生醫研究贊助,目前處理細節的工具尚無出現,而 pRoots 便能用來提供DAO在贊助研究後,讓研究產出的基因資訊,能使用貢獻到開源的知識基因網絡上。同時,贊助的數位貨幣也能很原生地提供給相對應的研究團隊或個人。 社區營造 會使用瀏覽器為主的元宇宙房間Portal,來定期舉辦跟合成生物學、基因體學和生物資訊內容的分享,和特定基因資訊之策展。 邀請@chosbeagle來幫忙連結台灣的iGEM團隊,且規劃是否未來有機會能提供一筆永續資金來幫助台灣iGEM團隊,作為回饋,讓他們使用pRoots來分享儲存基因資訊,下一步則希望可以幫助國際iGEM團隊,且促使他們將相關基因資訊以去中心化分享。 藉由這次機會,希望能從Contributors中找到對於此項目方向和主題有興趣的夥伴,看是否能做一些基於基因生技、合成生物學主題的分享和定期輸出。 階段一 能讓科學家、開源實驗室或是公民科學家使用pRoots儲存、分享並且註釋基因資訊。 介面提供簡易的基因資料視覺化和編輯工具。 能讓DAOs使用pRoots提供資助對象相關基因資料的基本設施功能,如儲存、分享和註釋。 階段二 提供一個基因資料分享網絡,讓人跟人可以藉由註釋或是分享類似基因資訊而形成關係,建立於基因共享興趣的合作網路(研究啤酒酵母基因的人們可以因此發現彼此)。 建立一個連結開源生物領域工具和資料網站的資料結構,並且建立類似基因策展的基因,能將一些很棒的開源基因資料,從web2橋接到web3的世界,並且人們可以在這些知識上面形成社交網絡和註釋。 階段三 將pRoots的API設計完成,讓DAOs可以使用pRoots的API來進行資料合約,比如將贊助的加密貨幣,一部分已儲存空間的方式給予贊助對象,但合約條件為對象必須將相關基因資料產出分享到pRoots搭建的知識網絡。 個人也可以藉由pRoots的API進行資料合約,比如位在歐洲的啤酒酵母業餘科學家,想要委託墨西哥社區實驗室的科學家定序當地酵母菌基因,便能藉由pRoots API進行鍊上資料合約。 P.S: 團隊認為去中心化科學是亞洲區域蠻好的機會,一方面,科學是一個相對超越國家文化的語言,只要能打造和提供一個解決目前科學民主化或是開放的障礙,那麼市場接受度應該是可以期待的,基因科技是這時代生技核心,所以解決基因科技開放化的問題,將會促進科學交流,以及生技開發的速度。 2022.09.15 很感謝許多亞洲在鏈圈的朋友贊助,這主題關於生物資訊和基因應該對大部分的鏈圈朋友不熟悉,還能獲得支持,讓人對以太坊生態係很敬佩,也會努力帶進來一些不一樣的東西。 2022.09.17 團隊的@chaosbeagle 開始跟成大和陽明的iGEM團隊接洽,看是否能幫助他們明年的比賽,同時,我們也跟@shasta_bio看能否幫助他的開放生物獎金,他希望獎助做全世界最大細胞(藻類)的研究,然後讓參與者使用pRoots來分享儲存基因相關資料。目標是將原本不熟悉區塊鏈社群的開源生物科學社群帶入! 2022.09.18 連繫到中正iGEM團隊老師,有興趣了解pRoots能怎麼幫助他們學生團隊,會安排視訊會議。 2022.09.19 進一步接洽中山醫、陽明醫的iGEM團隊。 2022.09.20 跟中正iGEM團隊開會,同時,參加plackerDAO twitter space分享項目 2022.09.21 參加陽明iGEM說明會,跟帶隊老師說明和分享pRoots 2022.9.22 中正iGEM願意接受pRoots協助,分享至少讓18位同學學習到區塊鏈、gitcoin和如何使用這工具來幫助他們日後的科學活動,在規劃輔助他們參加下一屆gitcoin的募資 ",2022-09-03T01:13:14.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7446,True,True,0x171DA557cfe7eAb89aE42b282Bae8E21EA02b0ca,Reunited DAO - Alliviate Pain Worldwide,,"Have you ever lost a loved one? If you have, it was probably one of the biggest pains in your life. But imagine not knowing what happened, imagine that loved one left home one day and never came back... worldwide this is a reality for millions worldwide. Missing people shatters lives, families and communities. Reunited is an awarded project at ETH Mexico developed as a decentralized (peer-to-peer) easy-to-use solution to help people find their missing loved ones. After ETH Mexico we have decided to bring this project to life as a DAO and partner with stakeholders in the space to help people everywhere in the world find missing people. But we can't do it without donors to help cover the costs of infrastructure and support those working to help find missing people. The problem. Missing people is the result of wars, conflicts, human rights abuses, natural/human-made disasters, organized crime, trafficking, drug violence, migration, among other factors. The International Commission of Missing People acknowledges the huge challenge that represents having reliable databases; information is scattered, unreliable, outdated and in many cases even censured. When a person goes missing there is a huge psychological, physical and economic damage for all parties involved; the missing, the families and the communities. This is a matter of peace, truth, justice, reparations, mental health, security, economy, migration, equality and other topics. It can be also viewed from a discriminatory perspective on gender, origins, race, sexual preference and social class. Thousands of people go missing every day. It's not overstated that missing people shatter lives, families and communities. The solution. We have developed a functioning prototype platform that allows people to report missing people in a simple way. Information is stored on the blockchain making it transparent, uncensorable and easily accessible. Yet information will be encrypted to avoid bad actors. Finally, we have a system that allows those who might have found a missing person to frame them with a camera device to compare it with the database using an Artificial Intelligence system to try to find a match. Key Benefits: + Inclusive. Available worldwide and easy to use (you only need an email, password, data and photo of the missing person. + Decentralized. A P2P database to help scale efforts to match unidentified people with missing people. Furthermore, making it permissionless may help this grow more than any current system. + Immutable. This database can be tempered by any government or third party. Use cases. + Vulnerable communities: Help kids, migrants, disabled, victims of traffic and other vulnerable people get back home and reunited with their loved ones. + Unidentified diseased. Help families get certainty closure and reunite with the remaining of their loved ones. + Missing pets. Potentially we could customize the software to help find other species, like cats & dogs. Use of funds. 250 USD monthly to cover costs of infrastructure (servers, software, etc) 7500 USD to bring this prototype into a fully functional system that may provide this service to thousands. Additional resources will be used to create a treasury and compensate contributors of the DAO.",2022-09-03T01:53:24.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7447,True,True,0x7daC184683067Cf2e9eb4fAf913a639ba0dDC7cd,Brand3DAO,,Brand3DAO is looking to build one-of-a-kind web3 dapp and offer services to help better connect web3 IP holders and brick-n-mortar or other web3 projects who need IP licensing. We aim to build Brand3DAO NFT ecosystem to help NFT holders and businesses make more money through our platform. Why not get your fav NFT a wider audience base instead of sitting still in your wallet for nothing?,2022-09-03T01:58:57.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7449,True,False,0xaa116167FCBaeF693AD975E14dabae3c6cF6ccC8,"POCA, Proof of climate/community action",," ",2022-09-03T02:05:17.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7448,True,True,0xaa116167FCBaeF693AD975E14dabae3c6cF6ccC8,"POCA, Proof of climate/community action",,"About POCA Proof of climate and community action A POCA is like a POAP but for climate and community action. It is a reward badge to add to a collection of actions you participated in, whether it is building a community or taking part in a climate action. It activates and rewards people who are taking action in the current social justice and climate crises, whether it is building, creating, protesting or participating in citizen initiatives. The current economic system rewards those who are destroying the planet. Can we activate more people to take action in the current climate and social justice crisis? And can we create a mini reward system to thank and incentivize people for doing so? How can we build community among Climate activists, artists, entrepreneurs, public benefit companies, in short, to paraphrase Kevin Owocki in Green Pill podcast #21 on Impact Certificates:  “How can we create a world in which everyone is creating a positive impact [in our case, Climate Impact] and getting rewarded for doing it?” Following the example of the POAP, and experiencing the eagerness and motivation it brings to do more work and attend more meetings, we came up with the idea of a POCA … a proof of climate action.  We can only dream of a network of coffeeshops, local grocery shops, hostels, co-working spaces to start offering discounts to active citizens showing their collection of POCAs, growing the community support by rewarding action. “People build their collection of POCA’s, as a proof of participation in climate and community action, as part of a global community.” What will this look like? Like POAPs, the organiser of an action or initiative creates the POCA, that participants can claim and add to their collection. Registrations would be decentralised, but with a quality check from a rotating team. We can create a peer-to-peer approval of the project registering. A map or website would show all the different initiatives, all over the world, visualizing the climate and social justice movement, making it possible for people to join existing initiatives and be inspired. How it is starting For the GR15 All for Climate issues a POCA with a unique design. All Climate-tagged projects can claim an All For Climate GR15 POCA. This Proof of Climate/Community Action can be combined with other POCAs to show that you’ve created a positive climate impact in the world through various actions. We want to build from this idea to create reward system that is not only used in web3, but can create a community amongst all people taking action. Examples Fridays for Future organises an action, all activists that feel like claiming a POCA can do this.  Gitcoin Grants: GR15 issues a POCA with unique design for this round, all tagged participants in projects can claim a POCA Companies: A company organises a fun event for the climate (e.g. a crowdfunding event for climate, an action to raise awareness, a course, a … Citizens: local collective of neighbours starts a community garden and creates a POCA  Ayowecca Uganda organising a weekly tree planting, helpers can claim their POCA’s Challenges Can we build this in a way that it is also possible to store POCA’s not using blockchain? Can we guarantee privacy if needed and wanted (e.g. for rebels getting arrested and wanting to keep their name out of the picture) ",2022-09-03T02:05:19.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7450,True,True,0x9eC285EeC188F0EbFa9f88Da4807bE5b049fc049,eth-auth | Ethereum user authentication tokens for dApps,,"Overview eth-auth is a secure npm library for password-less user authentication on node.js dApps by signing an outwardly unpredictable dynamic JWT token with the user's Ethereum private key. Architecture Highlights Decentralised (Web3) Anonymous - User identity covered to dApp governors and the rest of the world. Password-less - Your Ethereum private key is your password, and it won't reveal to anyone. Breach-less - According to the eth-auth authentication architecture, no need to store meaningful user data in a database. Installation Add eth-auth as a dependency to your project. npm install ethauth-server yarn add ethauth-server Setup Function const ethAuth = require('ethauth-server'); let key = ethAuth.generate(""ETHEREUM_ADDRESS"", ""ETH_AUTH_SECRET""); Code sample const express = require('express') const app = express() const ethAuth = require('ethauth-server'); app.get('/get/:address', (req, res) => { let address = req.params.address; let key = ethAuth.generate(address, ""ETH_AUTH_SECRET""); res.status(200).json(key: key); }) Sample output { ""key"": ""eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoiZXRoLWF1dGggdG9rZW4iLCJhZGRyZXNzIjoiMHg5ZUMyODVFZUMxODhGMEViRmE5Zjg4RGE0ODA3YkU1YjA0OWZjMDQ5IiwicmFuZG9tVG9rZW4iOiJaTFRuMk1URkJnWndCNWJGQ3l3MnZMWHdPTFFIejBCQiIsImlhdCI6MTY2MjE3OTkwOH0.uQIG0MnYdJ2jcXQQdxtBy78DtjBZSArqFfsZ3uP6H4Ijson"" } use ether.js library to sign the fetched signing key in your front end. Validate Ethereum Signature As the second step, We have to verify the Ethrerum signature from the backend. Function const ethAuth = require('ethauth-server'); ethAuth.validate(key, signature, ""ETH_AUTH_SECRET"") Code sample (Express.js) const express = require('express') const app = express() const ethAuth = require('ethauth-server');'/send', (req, res, next) => { let key = req.body.key; let signature = req.body.signature; ethAuth.validate(key, signature, ""ETHER_AUTH_SECRET"").then((validation) => { res.status(200).json(validation); // true }).catch((err) => { res.status(401).send('Unauthorized: Invalid signature'); }); }) Authorized response { true } Unauthorized response Unauthorized: Invalid signature Links Web: Documentation: GitHub: npm: Credits Initial developer: Nilvin Sathnindu Kottage ( Email: Twitter: @sathnindu GitHub: @sathninduk License MIT You are granting for, To build and maintain the eth-auth community for better dApp security.",2022-09-03T02:09:04.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7451,False,True,0xdA2B253AeFd1AAC4C6A93c30212950A1635aC5c6,CrypMetis DAPP,,"Overview CrypMetis is a dApp for managing payment requests,payroll and reporting for DAOs. CrypMetis is an additional APP to Gnosis Safe and allows DAO managers to set recurring payments (e.g. salaries), receive payment/refund requests from members, and create an annotated transaction history for approved and/or rejected payments. DAOs don’t have a reliable process to refund members for out-of-pocket expenses. Blockchain data don’t include metadata and make payment requisitions complicated. Memorizing and executing salary transactions for staff are becoming unmanageable in large scale for DAOs. CrypMetis has its own flaws but overall, it is a useful bookkeeping software based on Gnosis Safe. Its features that can help DAOs manage their accounting and financial needs are perfecting the financial tooling section. As it matures, CrypMetis and Apps alike, will truly make all payments/transactions in the crypto world more efficient, secure and transparent. UIs 1.Home 2.Characteristics-Payment Requests 3.Characteristics-Recurring Payments 4.Characteristics-Transaction History",2022-09-03T02:22:44.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7452,True,True,0xB04821C9E7e6A2Bd65C6339C8c20eB1438b5c23B,Dottyland Impact Self - Individual on/off-chain impact as on-chain reputation and identity,,"Dottyland is building a community of on-chain Impact Selves with the goal of empowering 7.7bln consumers to help halt the climate crisis. The community will reward its members for off- and on-chain climate-positive actions and turn these into functional and serviceable identities across web3 applications. 🌿 What does this mean? Think of it this way - each action that an individual takes to either refrain from harming the planet or to improve regeneration has value. Today, however, we are not able to transparently record that value nor its creator and therefore the given value holds low significance in our consumer economies since we cannot utilise it as an asset. In order for this model to be reversed, our individual impact must become part of our on-chain dynamic and user-controlled identities, aka our Impact Selves. The Impact Self is built on a unique formula deduced impact score. We hold the hypothesis that the better your impact score, the better your credit behaviour. A parallel for this is a modern version of your credit score (but owned and controlled by you) that will enable further use cases which set individual climate-positive impact as the quantifier for access, better terms/conditions, higher yield. 🌿🌿 The ultimate success of the Impact Self will be measured in the improvement of the impact score. I.e. individual reduced negative impact and increased positive impact that is incentivised by ever-increasing use cases 🌿🌿 🌿 Where we are today: Sept 2022 - we are building a social signalling solution that also serves as user-controlled reputation assessment model as an MVP use-case and expanding the core contributing community during EthOnline for proof of concept. This paves our way towards gathering data for proving the correlation between impact score and credit behaviour. For the purpose of this proof of concept, we are starting with tracking on-chain carbon token retirement but will be expanding this shortly after to include off-chain consumer dollars to carbon as step 2. 🌿 Funding from the grants round will allow us to: -Expand the field of off- and on-chain behavioural impact data input sources/integrations -Build out the on-chain Impact Self further from the MVP so as to enable more functionality, ecosystem integrations and encourage external use cases (incl. incentivisation models). 🌿 By early 2023 we will: -Have launched the public minting of Impact Self identity -Launched public beta of Impact Self social signalling use case serving as user-controlled reputation assessment model -Built a core contributor community (and associated incentive mechanism) building in the open -Be in a position to connect the Impact Selves into a self-generating tokenized network 🌿 Lastly, you might ask who the hell do we think we are to be addressing something this insane? Dottyland co-founders, Ketly and Kärri met working at a consumer fintech in Tallinn (look it up, it’s the fintech hotspot of the world 😉). Having spent their careers literally incentivising people to buy more, it hit them that they could be using their knowledge for the opposite - to truly incentivise individual climate-positive actions (including buying less) on mass scale. The team has since grown and includes contributors from across web3 and web2 backgrounds (incl token design and modelling, SaaS growth, fintech engineering, dApps, CEX engineering, environmental data analytics and more). Please do reach out if you have any questions or ideas about what we’re doing or, even better, feel like joining us! Thank you for reading and supporting us! Kärri, Dottyland co-founder // Karri#7506",2022-09-03T04:22:44.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7453,True,True,0xDB6724C1899a35E0836F26CC64EA2977C762a128,"ByBarter Decentralized, Non-custodial P2P Service Platform for world's unbanked and underbanked to access crypto",,"ByBarter's decentralized, non-custodial platform is the key that makes Decentralized exchanges truly independent. With our platform, subscribers to Decentralized Exchanges and Decentralized Finance can now buy crypto directly from their Metamask/Trust wallet and any other self-custodial wallets, and also convert crypto to fiat currency directly from their self-custodial wallets via P2P transactions directly from their wallets without using centralized exchanges. This is how Satoshi Nakamoto intended crypto to be traded!! The ByBarter ecosystem also includes a MarketVerse that allows crypto enthusiasts pay for goods, skills or services on our e-commerce platform with the crypto of their choice saving them the hassle of converting crypto to fiat before they can access value. Members of our community become serial entrepreneurs on our Launchpad ByBarter as they crowd fund vetted crypto projects and access those projects from the onset, thereby securing major profits. We are also building a multi-chain decentralized exchange!\nMembers of the ByBarter community holding the BYB token share 50% of profits generated by our ecosystem.",2022-09-03T06:19:07.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7454,True,True,0x7f722b8b013Ac7Bd654B3B102Acc7573A32DB9bc,Saving forests in Colombia with KOKO DAO,," Mission KOKO DAO is on a mission to reduce deforestation in Colombia 🇨🇴. ReFi How? KOKO DAO works closely with the local communities to create viable economic models as an alternative to deforestation. Why? 500 hectares of forests are deforested every single day in Colombia. Increasing deforestation in protected areas like national parks. Small-scale deforestation is causing ecosystem fragmentation. Solutions to forest preservation like carbon credits are not a sustainable economic model for small-scale forests. In KOKO DAO, we believe that the hardship and resilience of rural communities can be transformed to heal nature as long as we provide them education, stability and women leadership. Pilot project We will test KOKO DAO's model on 37 acres of endangered forest in Huila, Colombia. Why GitCoin Grants? Carbon credits are not economically sustainable for small scale forests, they require forests of at least 400 ha. GitCoin Grants gives us this fantastic opportunity to raise funds and build a community, to keep developing and testing our solutions where preserving nature is our top priority. What the funds will be used for:  Recruiting team for product development, marketing and social media management. Education and work on the ground with local communities and environmental leaders of the region. dMRV technology implementation in our pilot project: 15 hectares of native forest in Huila, Colombia. Biodiversity inventory, research and endemic plant nursery. Learn how you can also be part of the solution: Join KOKO DAO’s forest! ",2022-09-03T06:54:04.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7455,True,True,0x88Ffb774b8583c1C9A2b71b7391861c0Be253993, : Identity and naming service on Starknet,," aims to be the naming service of starknet, but more than that we aim to be an all in one identity service. The problems Digital identity: At the moment, there are no protocol that provides a real digital identity, what we mainly see is domain name and subdomain. What if we go further ? Airdrop hunters and bots are now everywhere and it becomes more and more difficult to make the difference between engaged users and well coded bots. This example shows that Web3 protocols and Dapps need a decentralized identity tool to identify and reward their real users. solutions Digital Identity vision : aims to be the naming service of starknet, but it’s not only that.  The grand vision behind is that someday, in a society where web3 has permeated the mainstream, a person’s can provide a reliable and comprehensive “digital identity”, in contrast to the unreliable self-issued credentials that we decorate our LinkedIn pages and job resumes with. Currently we want to focus on the starknet ecosystem, our goal is to build a decentralized identity service that can be used by all the starknet protocols to identify and reward their real users. To be eligible for rewards users only need to mint their free that can be linked with all the off-chain services that are generally used in the crypto ecosystem (discord, twitter and github). Let’s take a use case example :  The developer bobby.stark contributes to the starknet ecosystem by writing some useful code.  To reward him the foundation can give him money, but can also give him a SBT (non transferrable NFT) that proves that his work was a success. This SBT could then act as reference on his digital resume. It works with dev contributions but possibilities are endless : Education: Those who cannot afford an expensive university degree can prove their educational credentials through SBTs displayed on their and obtained from avenues of informal learning  Banking: Loan applicants can prove their trustworthiness through the absence of bad credit history, or by showcasing their good reputation through an SBT collection, removing the need for capital-inefficient overcollaterization models commonly used in DeFi (Upon repayment of the loan, another SBT could be issued as proof of repayment) Governance: DAOs can improve their collective decision-making systems by safeguarding against whales (you can’t buy a SBT). DAOs can also avert a tyranny of the majority consensus through a more inclusive voting system design by issuing SBTs to trusted outsiders. (these examples comes from bankless) ENS improvements: To prevent homograph attacks (that are possible on ENS), the team created our own encoding that permits to be cheaper and to whitelist a certain number of characters. We also think that UX/UI have to be drastically improved.  We will use account abstraction features permitted by starknet that will allow crypto mobile friendly experience. 2021 adoption was massively driven by collectibles NFTs. We were inspired by their work and we made a cool style where each identity has a unique avatar (easy to share on social media and very visual). ",2022-09-03T07:34:04.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7456,False,False,0xAA0ded62E992F8FE5Dd184fCa9B468C6060f9683,MicroGrants for Crypto Entrepreneurs,,"Do you want to use crypto to support an entrepreneur in building their business? Probably somewhere in Africa or a developing country? We are creating a new program leveraging the existing GoodDollar ecosystem, allowing existing receivers of UBI to donate their funds towards entrepreneurs who create businesses who accept GoodDollars as payment.  Be part of their journey and follow the stories of crypto entrepreneurs growing their businesses, creating utility for crypto payments, and educating their communities about crypto as part of the process. All raised funds on GitCoin will go directly to entrepreneurs! (Our team memers will build the required functionality in their free time, or as part of other paid gigs.) Building an accessible, efficient and transparent financial system starts with challenging some popular beliefs. These include poverty being a personal choice, people not being able to manage their finances, and a job being a sure way out of poverty. GoodDollar has already deployed a free-to-use digital currency (UBI) and we are now encouraging and creating new opportunities to either donate it to entrepreneurs, or support them directly by buying their goods and services. There are so many creative, talented and skilled individuals in developing countries. People who make a living and run businesses with very little support from authorities and the formal financial sector. From backroom rentals to hair salons and catering, to selling doughnuts or airtime, these are individuals who are true entrepreneurs in every sense of the word. We want to show that crypto can be a way out of poverty and financial repression. By offering a grant available to all entrepreneurs we hope to open up the floodgates to creativity and entrepreneurship, creating even more opportunities for learning and business.  RoadMap: 1. Discovery and Design - In progress. 2. Entrepreneurs “batch 1” sign up - September 3. Quadratic funding smart contract designed - October 4. Audit complete, Mainnet launch - November 5. Entrepreneurs “batch 1” rewarded - November 6. Monthly cadence of evaluation and quadratic rewards - December Key Objectives: 1. Grassroots Organization: Organize ambassadors and entrepreneurs themselves to lead the movement at a local level, grounding the work in the local experiences of micro-entrepreneurs and creators. 2. Thought Leadership: Practically illustrate how to create crypto utility on a massive scale through local businesses, onboarding previously disadvantaged groups into Web3 at scale and educate local communities on basic income using stories and evidence generated by the pilot. 3. Charitable giving: Providing a real opportunity to donate to local entrepreneurs in a simple, effective and trustless manner. No need to choose who to give to, as the quadratic formula will take care of that and funds will only go to real businesses providing real utility. Three user types / Nine use cases:  a) Entrepreneurs: 1. Sign up to be a part of the program through a typeform. Provide business name, wallet address and basic info. Choose if you want to be public on our website, and if so then also provide some more details like a logotype. 2. Sell goods and services, receive funds into your wallet for a month. 3. The following month you’ll see quadratically matched donations coming into your wallet, no other admin required. b) Donors: 4. Donate through GitCoin or 5. Transfer funds directly to our payment-splitter smart contract. c) DAO: 6. At the end of the month evaluate all participating wallets based on how many unique payors and how much value received, then determine quadratic matching percentages. 7. Move funds from GitCoin to the payment-splitter. 8. Adjust the payment-splitter settings for according to the new percentages as determined by quadratic matching formula. Budget: Direct cash transfers to entrepreneurs: 100.00% of grants Design, develop & test, operations, marketing, etc: 0.00% of grants ",2022-09-03T07:52:16.462-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7457,False,False,0xAA0ded62E992F8FE5Dd184fCa9B468C6060f9683,Crypto 4 Her,,"What is the Crypto4Her Giveback? It's an initiative to get more women involved in the digital economy, by advocating for the GoodDollar social impact protocol or onboarding good causes around the world that directly benefit women and girls, or both! Back by popular demand from 2021. In the current 2022 campaign we have 9 female-founded and female-led charitable causes to choose from. Sign up for a GoodDollar wallet! How do I participate? Simply pick a good cause from the list here: Send any amount of G$ coins from your wallet to theirs. Share this with your community to raise more funds and awareness! 🚨 The campaign launched in July 2022 and be ongoing so that new causes can join whenever they are ready and the global community can promote them 💙 Sharing is caring, share the page 👉 ",2022-09-03T08:09:21.238-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7458,True,True,0xe38533e11B680eAf4C9519Ea99B633BD3ef5c2F8,Vega Entertainment:A World all entertainments with Real Values,,"Mission:To Accelerate Entertainment Business Transit From Web2 To Web3 Product Matrix: Vega Community & Leaderboard Stage I -Community as bridge to link & migrate web2 fans to web3 context Vega Talent Show 3.0: A Gamified Artists Discover Protocol Stage II – Talent Show 3.0 enable fans as stakeholders to their beloved artists Vega DTC Marketplace Stage III – Monetize your talents, creativity or reputation Our Teams Product Design & Deployment:We’re native DouYin & TikTok music product design team with crypto insight and web3 understandings. Strategic Partnership:We have over 10 years of professional industry experience and used to provide service to more than 1 million indie musicians worldwide approved by global top producers. Marketing & Campaign Operation:We have holistic campaign and event execution experience  Entrepreneurship & Innovation Capability:We have achieved great success in music related apps as start-up and loved by Gen-Z aged between 16-23 in talent show production while in iQiYi.",2022-09-03T08:16:03.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7459,True,True,0x6f70d7dE57675e029706c992C880141B51Ef72dB,Soshow-Come to Soshow and get the first NFT asset in your life.,,"Soshow, the entrance of Web3. Everyone can easily use Soshow.Register your encrypted wallet, then follow the information of Web3 through Twitter Space, and get your first NFT asset in your life. Soshow is building a social media marketing platform with Twitter Space as the entry point.It will help the Web3 project to easily link over 100 million Web2.5 traffic.",2022-09-03T08:50:00.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7460,True,True,0xe49024d6De5715bad12A4916B1f8bDEA481CBc34,Monsters of Realms,,"Background We are proposing to build an expansion module named “Monsters” on Lootverse and Realms Eternum. The funds raised will be solely used for the development of this module.     Phase 1 Gameplay and Features Monsters and creatures lurk across the Realms Eternum, in search of fresh human blood to feast on and eventually the Lich King will dominate mankind.     Monsters randomly spawn across the 8,000 Realms They feast on Troops & Adventurers to grow in strength and power Valuable Resources are plundered when Monsters win the battle against Troops & Adventurers Troops & Adventurers gain Morale and Resources when they successfully slay Monsters Time decay for Monsters during days of inactivity     Phase 2 Gameplay and Features   The battlefield was a scene of utter carnage. Adventurers and troops perished as Monsters pillage their homes and destroy their fortresses.     Troops & Adventurers can assemble party attacks on Monsters Monsters group together to raid on Troops & Adventurers Monsters concoct new Resources to create new dens, hideouts, weaponries and armouries     Phase 3 Gameplay and Features   Lich King is resurrected from the depths of Hell and unleashed its fury on the entire Realmsverse. Will Mankind survive this ordeal to emerge stronger or is this the end of the World?     Quarterly event where World Boss such as a Lich King is resurrected from the depths of Hell. Troops and Adventurers band together regardless of which Order they belong to. Slayer of the World Boss will be bestowed an Ancient Relic. Additional Information   Monsters are player-controlled, this greatly expands the user base and gives rise to a whole new dimension of gameplay with countless variables. They are minted directly on StarkNet to allow real-time and on-chain gameplay.     Types of Monsters       FAQ   1. When will Monsters launch?   The gameplay mechanics are not set in stone and we are in constant discussion with BibliothecaDAO. Game balancing is the key to success and we are targeting to roll out Phase 1 beta version by Q4 2022.     2. What is the total supply of Monsters?   This is to be determined together with BibliothecaDAO as this is a key aspect of the game balancing.     3. Why are you building on Realms Eternum?   We have benefitted greatly from the Lootverse and Realms Eternum ecosystem. We believe creating more utilities for this ecosystem is the best way of giving back to this community.     4. What is the technology used to build Monsters?   The smart contracts will be built using Cairo and will be deployed directly on StarkNet.     5. I love this idea! How can I help?   Feel free to get into the Realms discord and get in touch with Aralekor#0010 or velarXneo#8711 Progress and Schedule 15-Sep-2022: We are continuously going through the repo of Realms to understand the architecture. While waiting for @loaf to merge their latest changes for a working v1, we have managed to get some moving parts up and running. See below screen. We are in constant discussions with BibliothecaDAO to draft out the final module requirements. ",2022-09-03T09:01:23.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7461,True,True,0x82E02C0cC278fb1E9aB3aF4b9A343d3A6a70918D,Vitae3,,"Vitae3 is a universal on-chain profile, using non-transferable NFT to record personal identity and experience, to help org to better manage their structure.",2022-09-03T09:25:15.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7462,False,False,0x82E02C0cC278fb1E9aB3aF4b9A343d3A6a70918D,Vitae3,,"Vitae3 is a universal on-chain profile, using non-transferable NFT to record personal identity and experience, to help org to better manage their structure. ",2022-09-03T09:25:18.188-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7463,True,True,0xcbA4D9c10D1D3929925cC8e253b181Eaf4bAe6e4,A Web3 Approach to Repetition Learning - Introducing the Astronaut Candidate (ASCAN) Training.,,"Our space has reached an interesting point. The content is there, yet everyday people still have to endure a lot of friction to get involved in crypto and web3. We believe the secret to onboarding doesn't lie solely in better UX, but better pathways to contribution. That's why we set out to build the simplest possible introduction to crypto. Leaving most of the techy mumbo-jumbo aside and focusing exclusively on the stuff you need to learn to get started. By encouraging curiosity and giving you the tools to start exploring, we believe our approach can get your uncle/aunt, cousin or sibling signing transactions and minting NFTs in the span of a dinner table conversation. ___ What is Repetition Learning? What do Duolingo, Brilliant, Codecademy, and hundreds of other learning apps all have in common? They make learning fun and habitual by harnessing repetition learning. This learning technique seeks to strengthen memory retention by encouraging the learner to re-visit and re-learn the core contents of any lesson. This has been proven to enable lightning fast mastery of any given topic, given the experience is fun enough for the user to keep on coming. We believe we've cracked the code in that aspect. As we said in our opening line, the content is there. But how often do you come back to a 3-page instructional guide? Repetition learning seeks to break complex topics into bite-sized chunks that can be revisited over and over as needed, allowing for a deeper and more engaged understanding of the lessons. On top of that, we also took a particular approach to further learning paths for our Candidates. We offer them the very basics they need to know, but also make sure to point them in the right direction with curated sources if they wish to go down their rabbit hole of choice.  This easy onboarding mechanic aims to nurture the mindset of curiosity that will end up making all of the difference in the long run. By making the initial experience less stressful and more of a leisurely learning path, we can ensure our participants will gain confidence and explore deeper down the web3 ecosystem at their own pace. ___ So, let's get to the good stuff. Allow us to introduce you to the Astronaut Candidate (ASCAN) training, a highly curated and hand crafted onboarding experience that trims the crypto-knowledge fat as much as possible. Average users don't need to know how a platform works at the protocol level, they just need a wallet and some ETH to start participating in our ecosystem. What's more, we offer them a specific mission to work towards from the get-go, in the shape of their first free NFT, which they'll just need to complete a few lessons to get. By driving their intention and rewarding their curiosity, we'll make sure they know everything they (truly) need to become active participants in web3. These NFTs will have no monetary value, and will be soul-bound to the candidates’ wallet. We’re not about giving people another reason to speculate, quite the contrary. These tokens will serve the key purpose of data points from which our more ambitious endeavors will spring . As a way of linking up a full entryway into our space, after launch, we’ll be focusing significant efforts on finding and consolidating key partnerships with other beginner-oriented projects. This may involve special access, ELI5 events with key players in the DeFi, L2, and DAO space; as well as some potential future experiments aimed at demonstrating how web3 is good for much, much more than just the speculatory and financial. Beyond that, the NFT makes for a beautiful memory of the user's first foray into web3. More than anything we aim to make the entry barrier for web3 as low as possible and make it an enjoyable and positive experience for the user - and also making sure they are safe on their way once they start to venture off into their own communities and projects. Why go for a Grant? We’ve been building this course out of sheer passion for the past few months, paying for development out of pocket, and spending long nights tweaking the core experience to offer a truly approachable gateway into crypto. The time has come to scale our idea into what it can truly become, and we would love your support in expanding and realizing this vision to its full potential. If you’re not in a position to offer your financial support through this grant, we absolutely understand, but there are plenty of ways to help out! We'd be happy to talk about any potential partnerships, and even just a nice DM can help us a lot! 🙂  We’re looking to grow and develop in the following areas specifically: Porting the course to a mobile app Designing our future courses (protocol and platform partnerships) Community building for web3 newcomers Social media (looking at you, chief meme officers) Sybil resistance against course completion by “airdrop farmers” The core lessons of our project are only the tip of the iceberg, the MVP. We want to eventually extend our infrastructure of easy-to-start “course-lets” (if that’s even a word) to anyone looking to share a complex message in an easy to digest manner. So much of web3 passes unnoticed nowadays just for the lack of a clear way to communicate its value, we can help with that. Join us in our dream of making web3 accessible to everyone, not through quantity but quality. Even if we end up just helping a single person dive into our space, we'll feel like our mission was successful. We're simple like that: one step at a time. Ready for Lift-off. We have already completed all of our lessons and are working on launching the experience for the masses, free of charge, as soon as possible. Just a few nuts and bolts to tighten before the first iteration of ASCAN goes live.  The core product is already here, we will be launching it soon no matter what. Still, there's still so much to cover for the knowledge resource we plan on eventually becoming, that's where you fit in. We're looking to expand our curriculum, and include laser-focused pathways into web3, no matter your level of tech literacy. Besides that, we also dream of one day porting our web experience into its own mobile app, to meet our people where they stand. For now, we're working on two big undertakings in the medium term: Launching the Course App: ASCAN can only really achieve its full potential if the experience can be felt in a mobile-native way. Our end goal is to build an app that can be accessed from every mobile device in the world, even without an internet connection. This also involves growing our curriculum to include lessons beyond the essentials. Covering topics from decentralized social to L2s. Creating a Course Builder: As part of that end goal, we also plan to open up access to our platform for interesting projects and protocols in the space. Allowing them to craft their own easy to grasp mini-courses to help us make web3 learning less of a challenge for newcomers. Down the line, the course builder will allow you to explain your complex DeFi protocol or ecosystem in just a few slides, as easily as you'd make a Canva presentation. The sky's the limit from there. We don't currently plan on launching a token (besides the free NFTs) or establishing any type of DAO structure, we'll let the needs of the project dictate how we scale. For now, we're more than happy to share the news, and full access to the course soon enough, with you. If this project resonates with you and you know someone who'd appreciate an easy introduction to web3, you'd be doing us an amazing favor by sharing this referral link. We promise to take good care of them. You can try out the experience in this Figma link",2022-09-03T09:41:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7464,True,True,0x6a55eB9b0eD52EfDdE184033F315269b09d4F0e2,0xDeadList,,"We just won Polygon Buidlit Hackathon Public Good Track Prize! Inspiration When we say that an Ethereum account has been lost, it refers to two cases: The owner forgets the private key, which means the assets are permanently lost. The owner leaks the private key, which means anyone with the private key can act the same as the original account owner. Our project aims to protect account owners of the latter case, which is very dangerous: the account owner loses the exclusive right to use the account, which indicates the account is not secure anymore. For leaked accounts, DApps should be aware of them on time to protect the original owners of these accounts. For example, when one reports that her account is leaked: Multi-signature wallets (e.g., Gnosis Safe) should ban this account. Web3 email providers (e.g., MetaMail) in which users log in with signatures should suspend everybody's access to emails of this account to protect the privacy of the original owner. Electronic agreements based on ETH accounts (e.g., ETHSign) should disqualify this account from signing new agreements. Because the new agreements signed may not be authorized by the original owner. To solve the above problems, we propose the project to maintain a list of addresses whose private keys have been leaked. By rewarding the burier NFT (Non-fungible token), 0xDeadList encourages users and hackers to report accounts with leaked private keys, and stores the information of these leaked accounts on the chain to facilitate DApps project parties to query these insecure accounts. What it does 0xDeadList is a public good that encourages users to collect and report addresses whose private keys are leaked. Users can directly log in to to report the leaked address. The main contract of 0xDeadList provides two steps (lock address and bury address) to report leaked addresses under the following considerations: Preventing the reporter's NFT reward from being stolen by front-running attacks. Ensuring the reporter has enough time before the private key of the leaked address is fully disclosed. In step 1, the reporter locks the address to be buried, and the contract records the address of the reporter. At this time, the private key of the locked address will not be disclosed. In step 2, the user uploads the private key of the locked address in step 1, and the reporter address recorded in the contract will receive an NFT reward, indicating that the address is buried, and the buried (or say, leaked) address will receive a tombstone SBT (Soul Bound Token), which is not transferable. In step 2, the private key of the buried address will be made public (recorded on-chain), ensuring the leaked address is indeed leaked. The 0xDeadList project is fully open-sourced, and here are some resources: Website: GitHub: Contracts: 0x59451a98d772f2a53ca2241a884b1703f8c55218 ",2022-09-03T09:46:43.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7465,True,True,0x89C4efDCeA57e9a74e94CC15890e9193D8c7A0BB,BlockModel - Tokenomics Made Easy,,"BlockModel is a Research&Development infrastructure for Web3, focusing on Tokenomics design and analysis. We propose a standard for Tokenomics design, including Tokenomics Modeling Language (TML) and a development framework. TML is a Domain-Specific-Language, with declarative specification and formal verification. On top of that, the development framework is graphical, which can also be compatible with existing platforms, eg. Remix, Hardhat. What's more, BlockModel has a built-in property-driven automatic economy analysis tool. The tool is easy to use and precise. With the help of this tool, a Web3 team could make accountable decisions while managing their project. Last but not least, we believe our Tokenomics-Insight-as-NFT mechanism will be good for empowering Web3 collaborative R&D ecosystem, improving the sustainability of Web3 ecosystem. Creators of valuable tokenomics insights could be rewarded well, which stimulates more insights. Our Video:",2022-09-03T10:17:03.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7466,True,True,0x35C0961C3C019AD6da909349eAb4f039Ee181052,PATICA – the people accelerator,,"Patica is the people accelerator that helps individuals, teams and organizations to develop skills and grow into new roles: “Team Patica gives you the keys of a car, shows you how to drive and helps you navigate"".   The problem The true potential of the knowledge economy remains still untapped. But web3 will unlock this. Content is abundant and growing fast. Think about resources like YouTube, course platforms like Udemy and Coursera and internal solutions like Notion. The current online knowledge and learning programs, however, are created as standalone resources in proprietary platforms and are not designed to be shared, nor for other humans to be available to provide guidance in an efficient and rewarding way. And they are definitely not designed to be upgradable by a larger audience (Wikipedia style). Community managers have difficulties creating content and guidance for new roles and keeping up to date with changes in their fields. A learner can’t customize to their current needs the learning content provided, let alone practice the skills and learn from their mistakes. Experts and creators are not rewarded correctly, whether the reward is recognition or money.    The solution Patica is a digital learning platform based on a knowledge graph and focused on personal learning and human guidance, to adapt online education to web3 challenges and today’s needs: Personal learning is the type of learning where the learner takes responsibility & ownership, creates and curates the learning journey, and defines the definition of success.  Human guidance is where a human with domain knowledge helps the learning: coach, advisor, assessor, etc. Help with the curation of the learning journey or the assessment of the success of learning.   The users Our target users are not only purpose organizations & their stakeholders (contributors and/or beneficiaries), but also everyone who is willing to learn new skills to reach their own objectives.  Imagine Juan. He wants to turn his organization into a DAO, but he has no idea how to do. Thanks to Patica, Juan created his own tailored learning program, from DAO fundamentals to governance and treasury. He talked to experts on the way and got feedback on his plans to successfully launch the DAO. He also contributed to enrich and update the knowledge graph, extended his network and connected with other supporting communities. Imagine Lisa. She would like to monetize her long experience in DAOs and tokenomics. With Patica, she forked an existing program, enriched the knowledge graph with new material and embedded it in her website. A learner, Juan, contacted her with a clear objective. She advised him on best material and shared her experience for a successful DAO. She had a real impact and got rewarded for her expertise. And Juan and her may want to partner up to work on a new project.   Some functionalities  Content will be presented through a knowledge graph where content will be linked to each other though metadata, most likely relying on OriginTrail Decentralised Knowledge Graph architecture. On their dashboard, users will have the possibility to create learning paths by linking actions (curated content) and decision boxes (choices to make to progress). The user-facing part of Patica will eventually have many form factors:  Web application Web embedding code Browser extension Chat bot > Slack / Discord Mobile application   Go to market strategy 1.     At first, Patica will co-create the initial learning programs with starter communities. These programs will include general and community/expert specific content.  2.     In parallel, Patica will design and build the stack: front-end and back-end of the first dApp. This will allow users and communities to share, search and fork learning programs from other users and communities. It will also allow them to reach and interact with experts willing to guide learners on these programs. These experts can come from within their community, be invited to participate from outside, or come from other communities. 3.     This is the part that talks to the knowledge graph and handles the transactions, to pay other infrastructure in the network and/or the creators of programs and experts.    Market Potential & roadmap The global e-learning market was worth USD 215 billion in 2021. It is estimated to reach an expected value of USD 645 billion by 2030 at a CAGR of 13% during the forecast period (2022–2030)   Our roadmap is as follows: Phase 0: White paper and MVP Phase 1: New & Existing DAOs and communities that see the value of guiding members to learn new skills (onboarding > active DAO members > specific roles (design/develop), such as: Polkadot EcosystemEco-system Subcommunities: Parity / Relayers / Edgeware / Kabocha / OriginTrail Trusted Seed > Common Stack UX Design Community with focus/interest in developing a Web3 program Developer Community with focus/interest in growing Web3 developers. Impact DAOs Phase 2: Other (web2) Communities: UX Designers, Developer Communities Phase 3: Any other organization (startups, corporations, non-profits etc.)   We are looking for grants to build our MVP (combination of Web2 (learning programs) & Web3 (knowledge graph)).   Team (> to build MVP) Niels van der Linden: Community & Product Lead William Mejia: Design Lead to be extended with Web3 Tech Lead, Partner Team and developers (> a (Polkadot) Community to incubate in: Parity / Edgeware / Kabocha / Pinknode / OriginTrail)   Vision Read about our vision on    Join the project on discord",2022-09-03T10:51:46.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7467,True,True,0xFaF6A887f60b9290df99EE58a3A2F59932b2BB6A,Rebooting Science with Just One Giant Lab (JOGL),,"JOGL is a non-profit, open source, digital and social infrastructure to liberate and decentralize science and innovation by helping communities to thrive. We’ve been a leader in DeSci since 2019, with more than 8000 members, 450 open science projects and 20 communities and 3 major programs (COVID, Cancer and Vaccination) on our platform so far.  JOGL currently has two main missions: (1) provide a free digital platform for people to connect and collaborate on open science projects and (2) create giant community-driven laboratories that are dedicated to building open source solutions for critical problems (e.g. antimicrobial resistance or plastic waste). 👉 Objectives of this grant: JOGL has been a web2-based platform since its launch in 2019 and the purpose of this grant is to support the web3fication of the JOGL platform. Our goal is to offer one of the best hubs for DeSci, bridging web2 and web3 Open Science communities. As we are starting this new journey into web3, we need support from the web3 and DeSci communities. We are initially seeking 10000-30000 dollars to help us create the right dynamic around the project. Ultimately, we estimate that at least 300000 dollars will be needed to transform JOGL into a web3 DeSci machine and even more to achieve our vision of a planet-sized laboratory.  We also have two other Gitcoin grants running under the DeSci banner: A Giant Lab for better diagnostic solutions for neglected diseases A Giant Lab for better solutions for antibiotic resistance ✨ The vision so far: Why there is value in bringing JOGL on web3: Opening the web3 DeSci door to many new people. JOGL will make it easy for its current community (8000+ users + Institutional partners) to create and associate a wallet to their account.  Making JOGL compatible with the many exciting web3 DeSci tools being built.  Providing tools to more efficiently capture the value created a given community (DAO model) 🔬 Budget:  With this grant, we will be able to: Study how to best bridge web2 and web3 for our users and partners. We will share publicly all our reflexion and conclusions in order to inspire other founders Fund a team of UX designers and web3 developers that will create the blueprint of JOGL on web3 and implement it Establish key partnerships with web3 and DeSci actors to build a strong future for JOGL More details:  We are building the smartest community on earth and giving it the right resources to develop solutions dedicated to the improvement of our world's well-being.  JOGL’s modus operandi relies on five essential pillars:  A scalable digital open source platform capable of connecting very large numbers of stakeholders and fostering collaboration,  An open and continuous community-based evaluation framework that offers due-diligence services to all initiatives proposed by the community,  An agile funding model providing fast and additive microfunding (<$10k per microgrant) to initiatives positively evaluated by the community, where applicants are also reviewers,  The creation of scientific and technological commons to facilitate egoless collaboration and faster information propagation, and A community animation dynamic that is efficient at fostering collaborations and support among all members of the community. The JOGL platform is fully open source and free for individuals to use. With 8000+ members from 100+ countries and 450+ projects, it is already one of the most prominent spaces for community-driven science and innovation. After 3 years of development, the beta version currently enables:  People and organisations to establish a public profile in the space of community science and innovation People to connect through their common interests, skills, needs and projects.  Communities to be mobilised around a given problem to solve collectively The creation and management of communities around a given theme or organisation’s mission.  The due-diligence of proposals using the collective intelligence of the community We are currently implementing the following functions:  Geo-mapping. It will enable the visualization of the physical distribution and location of a given set of objects (members of a community, organisations, laboratories…) Protocols. Projects will be able to better documentate their work and share their protocols with the rest of the community much more easily.  Resources. Any organisations or people will be able to declare what resources they currently possess and the ones they could share with a given community or project.  🌍 Giant Labs: Giant Labs are the embodiment of the JOGL approach on a specific thematic or problem. They are egoless spaces made to facilitate collaboration between stakeholders and motivated contributors, where resources and funding can be pooled and redistributed asymmetrically as additive microgrants to initiatives positively evaluated by the collective intelligence of its community. Giant Labs have several advantages compared to traditional academic labs or R&D companies. They reduce the cost of prototyping ideas by 10, they produce open knowledge and open source solutions, they are capable of supporting more risky ideas and non-traditional profiles (independants, makers, students…) and they even enable the merging of similar initiatives. It’s not about who comes first but how we go far together. During our OpenCOVID19 initiative, we funded 36 projects out of 150 proposals using the community review and microgrant approach (120k euros available). 22 functional solutions (diagnostic tests, medical devices, lab hardware, education programs, social science studies…), and 12 scientific papers were produced which makes the JOGL model 10 times more efficient than the traditional academic and R&D models. ",2022-09-03T11:28:43.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7468,True,True,0xFaF6A887f60b9290df99EE58a3A2F59932b2BB6A,A Giant Lab for Better Diagnostic Solutions for Neglected Diseases,,"The main goal of this initiative is to accelerate and facilitate the development of diagnostic solutions adapted to the constraints of low and middle income countries (logistic, cost, disease landscape...) The “Giant Lab for Better Diagnostic for Neglected Diseases” is a new program by Just One Giant Lab. This grant will help us set up the foundations for the creation of this community-driven decentralised laboratory.    Objectives of the Giant Lab: The objective is to  Decrease the impact of neglected infectious diseases in low and middle income countries Develop and provide low-cost, rapid and easy to use point-of-care diagnostic tests for human and animal neglected tropical diseases, especially the ones strongly connected to the environment.  Additional key features of the tests to be developed are optimal stability/storage (with no cold chain needed), local manufacturing and regulatory process.  All the designs will be shared using open source licences. We will mobilise the community around three major tracks:  Iterative improvement of the diagnostic technology taking local constraints into account and adaptation to target diseases Clinical validation of the tests Local manufacturing and empowerment of local actors So far: We have brought together a consortium of partners (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, FIND, GOSH, AfricaOSH…) and are seeking our first source of funding. Ultimately, we aim at a 500k dollars annual budget over 4 years.  With this grant: We have two initial goals for this grant: 10000 dollars and 30000 dollars. With that, we will: Mobilise 200+ contributors (scientists, engineers, designers, NGOs…)  Fund a few local proof of concept Establish a network of local actors capable of local manufacturing of these tests.  Budget: Microgrants [50%] Incentivizing the project holders using microgrants (up to 2000 dollars) for validated projects - this goes a long way in the global south. Organization of two rounds (one every 3 months) JOGL Operations and Infrastructure [50%] Community mobilization and animation  Creation of the program flow for applicants Mobilization campaign (graphics and social media) Support to the community (community events) Digital Infrastructure Development  Support of the continuous improvement of the JOGL open source infrastructure Maintenance of the platform Fellowship and Leadership of programme  Evaluation of the community program  Sharing of the observation as a public report after 1 year of activity Creation of the program flow for applicants Analysis and sharing of peer-review results  More details: There is a broad interest for the development of such tests in order to increase accessibility of diagnostics, especially in rural / remote areas. Ultimately, this will help improve data on disease prevalence on a larger scale (including secluded areas), and in the long term could lead to implementing a sustainable surveillance system. We will do that through the creation of a decentralised research network of actors (Researchers, entrepreneurs, makers, local practitioners) capable of fast and agile collaboration for the development of low-cost and open source molecular diagnostic solutions optimised for neglected diseases in low and middle income countries (LMIC) in a One-Health context. Here are the constraints that we will be taking into account for the design of solutions: Non-invasive (saliva, urine, microvolume blood sample), adapted to the pathogen and the host Low-cost (affordable for local public health infrastructure) Open licences for easy design sharing and cost control. Easily manufacturable locally to limit logistical cost Regulatory approval (alternative to FDA and CE) Adapted to use by non-technicians No need for heavy equipment Room-temperature stability for use and storage We will use the LAMP (Loop-mediated isothermal amplification) technology as a foundational tech because: “LAMP techniques, sometimes promoted as “field methods,” are also very promising [144]; however, they remain in the hands of those laboratories that implemented their initial development and have never reached the stage of practical and widespread use, so they have never been really validated”. Easy to prototype Some patents are expired No need for heavy equipments Low-cost We will use the JOGL approach to structure, engage and animate the community. It relies on five pillars: A scalable digital open source platform capable of connecting very large numbers of stakeholders and fostering collaboration, currently with 8000 members from 100+ countries. An open and continuous community-based evaluation framework that offers due-diligence services to all initiatives proposed by the community, An agile funding model providing fast and additive microfunding (2-20k per microgrant) to initiatives positively evaluated by the community, where applicants are also reviewers, The creation of scientific and technological commons to facilitate egoless collaboration and faster information propagation, and A community animation dynamic that is efficient at fostering collaborations and support among all members of the community. We are aiming at making a proof of work using a simple agenda of 6 months of preparation and 1 year of facilitation with the objective of developing the first iterations of tests for a couple of diseases. If successful, the program will be strengthened and scaled to even more partners and diseases. We will use the two following neglected diseases as targets for our proof of concept . Leptospirosis There is currently no rapid diagnostic tests available in LMIC used as a routine test (too expensive) The most used test is a serological one and requires heavy equipment and a lab environment with trained technicians to run it. It is a disease that concerns as much humans as animals. Environmental contamination is often the driving factor and so must be more thoroughly studied We need to do more surveillance in order for local governments to design better public health policies and to enable faster reaction to potential pandemic threat LAMP-based tests have been developed by labs but remain research-use only Trypanosomiasis LAMP has been tried but unsuccessful so far. There is an opportunity to prove that the community open approach can help Currently requires two successive tests (serological and parasitological) There are only two manufacturers of rapid tests for THA and TAA and they are occidental companies using a subvention-based model. This makes them vulnerable to any decrease in subvention and could stop production any time. Local manufacturing is a critical factor if we want sustainable local surveillance capacities. There are several species of trypanosoma and there are no universal tests. Animals are pathogen reservoirs There are asymptomatic carriers (for both animal and human), we need more systematic testing There are entire regions where we have no data and could be key reservoirs to be monitored Giant Labs are the embodiment of the JOGL approach on a specific thematic or problem. They are egoless spaces made to facilitate collaboration between stakeholders and motivated contributors, where resources and funding can be pooled and redistributed asymmetrically as additive microgrants to initiatives positively evaluated by the collective intelligence of its community. Giant Labs have several advantages compared to traditional academic labs or R&D companies. They reduce the cost of prototyping ideas by 10, they produce open knowledge and open source solutions, they are capable of supporting more risky ideas and non-traditional profiles (independants, makers, students…) and they even enable the merging of similar initiatives. It’s not about who comes first but how we go far together. The Just One Giant Lab platform has hosted the creation of hundreds of open source projects, and chief among these projects are our collection and consortium of RT-LAMP tests, able to detect specific DNA fragments using custom primers, and allow for these to be visualised in an easy 20 minute time frame. What's more, we have funded the creation of genomic labs in the Philippines and started antiviral projects such as symptom related AI that scrolls through twitter, quarantine enabling apps, as well as self diagnostic apps and a web service for tracking and identifying AMR based in Africa. We have recently in the OpenCOVID19 programme : connected thousands of volunteers, and funded the best talent in an extremely efficient funding process known as microgrants to create hundreds of projects to tackle the current pandemic, many of which are based on diagnostics, but also many of which are hindered by lack of funds to take their project further in many cases.",2022-09-03T11:38:58.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7469,False,False,0xB538526731b3AAe9a90199837E778995Ef05916B,CryptoLumenati ~ Polygon Activation,,"We are a culture of people who are passionate about creating art with light.  We want to be together, and we love to display enormous, generous, artistic and poignant images in outdoor spaces to delight, inform and inspire the public. At the CryptoLumenati, we use Source4 Theater spotlights to beam messages HUGE on buildings. Bat signal style.  This is an activation for the Polygon Ecosystem.  Polygon believes in Web3 for all. Polygon is a decentralised Ethereum scaling platform that enables developers to build scalable user-friendly dApps with low transaction fees without ever sacrificing on security. So let’s light it up!! -- Denver’s premier white wall, the 18 story Rogers Building. This is a mockup. Our outdoor projection actions are known to touch those present in a meaningful and memorable way. We carry out monthly actions, in Denver, Colorado, presently, and worldwide eventually. We project, digital artworks, crypto messaging, and activation partner brands. We produce a pop up, permission-less living-room, to conduct interviews, and talk to the public. We create this IRL community gathering, to be with one another, so we can coordinate, so we can build in the bear market, talk about crypto, set up wallets, and have a ton of fun in the process. New construction parking structure, Brighton Blvd, Denver. This is a mockup. -- We want to add Polygon to our monthly projection repertoire. Costs: Three “B” size glass gobos, one color $600 Bounties for projectionists $1800 Total for the Polygon Bat Signal $2400. Any additional donations will go to our equipment fund. Deliverables: 3 Gobos - Purchase Polygon branded glass stencils for use with a Source4 spotlight. 12 Projections - Beam the Polygon logo and artwork on buildings, every month for a year. 12 media releases - Produce photography and social media. 12 discussions - Talk Polygon at our monthly IRL, projection art, community events. Let’s foster crypto community, at fun IRL events. You are supporting crypto adoption, and public education around the Web3 evolution. -- If you go big, we go BIG. Thank you, we appreciate your support! ",2022-09-03T11:52:28.560-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7470,False,False,0xb7D6937F3aa9E09817C045b7d5b5Fb5064370671,"Infinity Wallet - The first desktop all-in-one wallet platform providing sublime accessibility to DeFi, and browser-less access to the world of Web3!",,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""Infinity Wallet is the first non-browser-extension, multi-chain all-in-one non-custodial wallet ecosystem of its kind on desktop, supporting over 170,000+ users within August. Providing a one-stop solution for seamless usability of DeFi and NFTs, and a gateway to the world of DApps directly within the wallet’s Web3 browser, fulfilling all a user's needs!\n\nFrom day one, we have focused on enhancing and providing the best possible user experience and lowering the barrier to entry, to allow for streamlined and secure adoption of DeFi and Web3. Providing a world-class user experience with a seamless user interface, fulfilling all a user’s needs in a one-stop hub with a full spectrum of constantly growing features and services, delivering a more curated experience. Making Infinity Wallet the complete solution for all crypto users’ needs, while making adoption and usage of DeFi and Web3 easier than ever before.\n\nInfinity Wallet is the first desktop platform to provide users with access to the entire Web3 and DApp space without needing to leave their wallet, with the first Web3 browser and DApp store directly within the platform ( Finally removing the need to ever use unintuitive browser extension wallets again! Providing a far superior, safer and more natural user experience, with a range of unique advantages/benefits for users, DApps and chains alike, while enabling easier adoption.\n\n""},{""attributes"":{""underline"":true,""bold"":true},""insert"":""Some of the Infinity Wallets many features include:""},{""insert"":""\n\n""},{""attributes"":{""bold"":true},""insert"":""PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT""},{""insert"":"" ""},{""attributes"":{""color"":""#ff761c"",""link"":""""},""insert"":""Example""},{""insert"":"" -\nEasily manage your entire portfolio at a glance; view asset allocations, earnings, historical charts, price data and much more in real-time.\n\n""},{""attributes"":{""bold"":true},""insert"":""BROWSER-LESS DAPPS""},{""insert"":"" ""},{""attributes"":{""color"":""#ff761c"",""link"":""""},""insert"":""Example""},{""insert"":"" -\nInstantly find and connect to any DApp without the need to use a browser or change chain using our browser-less feature the first ever on Desktop!\n\n""},{""attributes"":{""bold"":true},""insert"":""SWAP AGGREGATOR & CROSS-CHAIN BRIDGE""},{""insert"":"" ""},{""attributes"":{""color"":""#ff761c"",""link"":""""},""insert"":""Example""},{""insert"":"" -\nExchange in minutes at the best rate between hundreds of tokens & dozens of chains allowing for the best user experience and easy onboarding.\n\n""},{""attributes"":{""bold"":true},""insert"":""MANAGE & TRADE NFTS""},{""insert"":"" ""},{""attributes"":{""color"":""#ff761c"",""link"":""""},""insert"":""Example""},{""insert"":"" -\nView, manage and trade all your NFTs across multiple chains within a single platform at a click of a button.\n\n""},{""attributes"":{""bold"":true},""insert"":""MANAGE ALL YOUR ASSETS""},{""insert"":"" ""},{""attributes"":{""color"":""#ff761c"",""link"":""""},""insert"":""Example""},{""insert"":"" -\nAccess each individual asset with historical balances, transaction history, graphs and other unique information.\n\n""},{""attributes"":{""bold"":true},""insert"":""MARKET STATS""},{""insert"":"" ""},{""attributes"":{""color"":""#ff761c"",""link"":""""},""insert"":""Example""},{""insert"":"" -\nMonitor the entire crypto market (coins/exchanges) at your fingertips with in-depth stats, graphs and alerts.\n\n""},{""attributes"":{""bold"":true},""insert"":""NEWS""},{""insert"":"" ""},{""attributes"":{""color"":""#ff761c"",""link"":""""},""insert"":""Example""},{""insert"":"" -\nAlways stay up to date with the latest news & announcements from multiple sources.\n\n""},{""attributes"":{""bold"":true},""insert"":""IMPORT ANY TOKEN""},{""insert"":"" ""},{""attributes"":{""color"":""#ff761c"",""link"":""""},""insert"":""Example""},{""insert"":"" -\nAdd any token on supported chains to your portfolio, for sending/receiving & interacting with DApps.\n\n""},{""attributes"":{""underline"":true,""bold"":true},""insert"":""DEVELOPMENTS:""},{""insert"":""\nContinue to support more DApps & chains;""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""Release of Mobile wallet for Android and iOS - ""},{""attributes"":{""link"":""""},""insert"":""SNEAK PEAK""},{""insert"":"";""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""Cross-chain Dex Aggregation;""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""Fiat to/from Crypto;""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""Staking support for chains and tokens;""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""DeFi lending and borrowing;""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""DeFi Indexes (Crypto Bags);""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""Infinity Crypto Card;""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""Advanced multi-exchange (DEX & CEX) all-in-one trading interface;""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""Much more to be revealed...""},{""attributes"":{""list"":""bullet""},""insert"":""\n""},{""insert"":""\n\n\n\n""}]}",2022-09-03T12:33:25.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7471,False,False,0xcB0b20A55e188eD52F1af694e2a3bCb9e81e3911,ss,,"ss ",2022-09-03T12:39:00.822-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7472,False,False,0x487707AeDAfE5Da0A4CF8151aB77ed114fa0104E,test,,"test ",2022-09-03T12:41:48.259-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7473,True,False,0xc4008D79969697CBe75FB0E0bbfeE43847216822,Portland Regenerative Technology Commons,,"PDX Regenerative Tech Commons is building a local coalition of makers to scale bioregion-appropriate technologies for a safe & sane future. As the regenerative design movement expands, with iterations in community finance, blockchain, agriculture, and material & organizational design, practical local implementation is the logical next step. But the task of scaling these technologies to the level of viable local infrastructure faces major logistical and cultural barriers. Extractive financial mechanisms and institutions that serve their interests still carry mainstream narrative power, holding the mantle of realism and utility with perverse ideologies that are, at their core, irreal and anti-life. We can only respond with reality: as the wealth chase is pushed aside, it's the urgent mandate of an escalating climate crisis that will make resilient and autonomous regional infrastructure a matter of life and death. (It already has.) Portland Regenerative Technology Commons is doubling down on realism, strategically reframing the language around technology to embrace, as it always should have, the wide range of innovations and strategies that apply systems thinking and emergent properties to the mutual benefit of living systems. For us, any technology that implements these principles is avant garde, whether hi or lo, soil or silicon. Similarly, no matter how apparently sophisticated, we see that the technologies of extraction, surveillance and capture are lo-tech, obsolete, and irreal in their goals. When we demystify internet and distributed ledger technology, or currency and governance models, as design systems that succeed or fail in integrating harmoniously with a variety of life systems, we place them on a flat plane with technologies of soil management and food production. Those that have already made this conceptual move have found rich resonance across design systems, sparking a small renaissance of open source, decentralized and regenerative innovations.    Kailash Ecovillage in Southeast Portland Portland in particular stands out as a hub for this renaissance - for decades we’ve been a stronghold for experiments in open source, adequate technology, mutual aid, alternative food security and permaculture (backyard chicken coops have reached the level of cliche in this town). We’ve been home to visionaries of decentralization and regenerative thinking like Paul Stamets, Viviane Barnett, Linus Torvalds, Ursula Le Guin and Toby Hemenway, and community projects like Kailash Ecovillage (above) and Intersection Repair. Our initial members have connections with local organizations including Depave, Oregon Just Transition Alliance, City Repair, and Friends of Trees, alongside some of the broader existing permaculture, community organizing, and mutual aid communities around the city. As a city, we have the space, resources, and established community organizations to do tech-enhanced bioregionalism the right way. At Portland Regenerative Technology Commons, we intend to be a community space, work area and event venue for all of these energies, with an emphasis on regenerative and community-oriented finance (including #ReFi, LETS, cooperative and mutual credit models), open design/open hardware, distributed ledger and DAO tech, Ostromian commons management, alternative food supply and urban permaculture. We see these as the core technologies that will be needed to build a decentralized, regenerative bioregional infrastructure that can ensure our community’s safety in the face of crisis and breakdown, while providing another strategic example in localism for the global experiment in degrowth and regeneration. We have been inspired to this task by the global Regen web3 movement - the Crypto Commons Hub and Regens Unite stand out as examples for some of the first experiments in IRL localized movement building in the space. We also draw guidance of vision from the local multi-racial coalitions of environmental justice like Oregon Just Transition Alliance and Coalition of Communities of Color. We hope to build a community that can maintain and empower regenerative solutions and projects in Cascadia, including those that have been fighting for decentralization and autonomy decades before the inception of blockchain technology. Our grant will benefit the entire web3 Public Goods ecosystem by continuing the process of localizing this movement, bridging the local-global gap between crypto regens and the many communities fighting for justice and systems resilience, and creating a space where can develop strategies, share knowledge and experiment with adequate community coordination for the 21st century. Our Specific Near Term Goals: Establish the Portland Regenerative Technology Cooperative to provide services for reliable income flow and stage floating meetings as an organizational wing of the commons. Lease a brick and mortar space on Portland’s Eastside. Our current intention is to sign a year lease with this 1,079 foot flex space in the Mississippi neighborhood of North Portland. The space is open air with a loft and kitchenette, making it perfect for small community gatherings, events and talks while being capable of hosting one or two travelers at a time for lodging. Nearby green space is available in the neighborhood. Build relationships with and offer our space to a diverse range of community members and builders, including those in broader Cascadia who may want a home base in the city, to share work, discuss strategies, and collaborate.  The space. ",2022-09-03T12:42:06.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7474,True,True,0xD920E60b798A2F5a8332799d8a23075c9E77d5F8,ValleyDAO - Democratizing Climate Synthetic Biology,,"ValleyDAO is an open community collectively financing and enabling fair access to synthetic biology (SynBio) technologies to protect the future of our planet. We’re utilizing a novel intellectual property (IP) framework called an IP-NFT, which enables funding, owning and transacting IP in an open and distributed market while preserving privacy and protection. In simple terms, it allows a decentralized entity like a DAO to own, curate and distribute IP. The IP-NFT framework has been validated by VitaDAO, which funds longevity and therapeutics research.  “SynBio is a toolbox that enables scientists to engineer the DNA of microorganisms to sustainably produce - among other things - cultured meats and textiles, and capture carbon directly from the air and convert it into value-added products such as food-proteins and biofuels.” At ValleyDAO, we are a group of academics, entrepreneurs, IP experts, business developers and solarpunks who believe in the power of SynBio technologies as a promising solution to combat climate change. Why ValleyDAO? The degree to which the SynBio technologies and know-how can be accessed could soon determine the fate of economies. The pharmaceutical industry, for example, outrageously prices therapeutics and treatments while leaving no room for competition, thanks to their rampant abuse of the traditional patenting system. We need a better system to make sure our medicines, the very food we eat, and access to energy and materials, among other things, do not fall victim to hyper-corporatization in the future. To truly unleash the power of SynBio, we’ll need an innovation ecosystem that fosters collaboration over competition and democratized access over centralized control of IP. Our goal is to create this ecosystem through ValleyDAO. The ValleyDAO Ecosystem To create a self-sustaining ecosystem, we’ll need a mechanism for value creation followed by value capture. Our ecosystem accomplishes just that using a three-part system shown below. 1. The researchers submit their project ideas to ValleyDAO and have them funded if they pass the due-diligence process and a community vote.  2. The IP generated from successful projects is either licensed to the industry or spun out into a startup with the help of ValleyDAO business development team. If appropriate, the IP is also licensed using a pay-what-you-can model for fair and open-source access. 3. Finally, the proceeds, as royalty payments or startup equity, go back into the treasury which enables ValleyDAO to fund new research projects. It is imperative to mention that ValleyDAO’s assets - IP, equity, licensing revenues, etc. - are ultimately managed by a community of token-holders. This ensures that the decisions involving funding and IP licensing are as democratized as possible. In other words, ValleyDAO acts as a startup creation studio and as a democratized IP generating engine with a fair pricing model built into it. This ensures that the researchers are rewarded for their efforts and vital SynBio technologies are not gatekept, but are made available to the industry, entrepreneurs, and other researchers who might want to integrate them into their work. An open ecosystem ultimately drives faster adoption and innovation. The open source software industry is a case in point. Accomplishments and Roadmap    Use of Funds   All proceeds from the Gitcoin grant will go towards funding the first IP-NFT/research project, which is led by Dr Rodrigo Ledesma-Amaro at Imperial College London. His research group will use the funds to develop an improved platform technology for the sustainable production of fats and oils using microorganisms. The use cases for these products are endless, ranging from palm oil to biofuels. Thank you very much for your support!   Core Team   Hamza Qureshi: Former founder in the clean energy space. Ops at VitaDAO   Albert Anis: Former founder of a biotech venture creation studio, Nordic BioVentures   Daniel Hussey: Associate Director of Licensing at The University of Texas, Austin   Vainqueur Niyotwagira: Bioprocessing Specialist at Pall Corporation   Alec Brewer: Founder of a climate synthetic biology startup, OuroBio Advisory Board Rebecca Vaught: Multidisciplinary scientist, inventor, advisor, and web3 enthusiast with 10+ years of research and industry experience John Cumbers: Founder of SynBioBeta, a leading community using synthetic biology to build a better and more sustainable world. Senior contributor at Brian Sefton: Experienced serial founder with leadership expertise in business and scientific domains. Long track record of IP creation, transfer, and licensing Darren Nesbeth: Prof. at UCL Biochemical Engineering Department. CSO at a cultivated seafood company, Caviar Biotec. Alternative Protein lead at Clean Food Group ",2022-09-03T12:49:22.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7475,True,True,0x8F347581DF09aF22e462DEb4DEdb0aA51F532931,Committable: A Decentralized Open-Source Protocol For Web3,,"Committable is an open-source protocol on Ethereum for doing better open-source projects. Committable aims to create a community where 1) the contributions of developers are acknowledged ""by algorithms"" 2) incentives are distributed to developers based on their contributions in a transparent style. 3) open-source project donators know where their donations are going and the outcomes from their contributions. Committable aims to expand the developer community with transparency and make open-source projects, whether large or small, sustainable. Besides those mentioned above, we also think Committable is a good platform for - attracting new donators who want to contribute to the Ethereum community and open-source projects. - encouraging new developers to the web3 world to have some feedback to acknowledge their contributions, whether large or small. - connecting donators and developers in the web3 world and on open-source projects. Better web3 buidl experience - supporters exchange their goodwill into a prosperous web3 world - developers can continuously contribute to the web3 world, with acknowledgement and honour.  What technologies are behind Committable? Program Analysis The code that our developers write is text with syntax and semantics. With the help of the technique called ""program analysis"", we can peek into how a piece of code works and how much effort and contribution it contains in a further step. Trusted Computing With the help of trusted computing technologies, the program analysis algorithm can run in an unbiased environment which means anyone can repeat an analysis process and get the same result. Decentralisation Committable is born on Ethereum. Like other dApps, Committable's data are generated and kept on Ethereum. Committable benefits from the composability of the Ethereum ecosystem. As a part of this system, Committable also can be composed of other protocols. Read more about our work. ",2022-09-03T12:59:29.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7476,False,False,0x4427f9e8b5958e46af96124afb2a00dbda7ee3bd,Mrlottery,,"It is a PlayToEarn game site that is based on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain, which will pay special attention to the rights of its users and players in a new way and with its own standard. Our goal is to put game codes on GitHub and develop them by developers, as well as add new games to this site. The initial version of the game (beta) starts with a new type of Jackpot, in which the amount of game tokens or USDT in each hand of the game is drawn among users, and every 30 seconds we will have a winner from among the users… ",2022-09-03T13:19:26.573-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7477,True,True,0xdE6843c5cdE24472dA420c70E074C890d17B4E28,"OpenCampus, Evolving into a DAO Based ReFi and DeSci Space",,"OpenCampus provides the essential resources and motivation for scientific research and studies and allows interdisciplinary collaborations with its inspiring environment. It is a co-living and co-working space for scientists, Web3.0 communities, designers, and digital nomads. OpenCampus is now evolving into a DAO-based Re-Fi and De-Sci project.  HOW IT WAS STARTED A group of willing people related to science, technology and design from all over the world, we have been together to share our knowledge and experiences with new generations and beginners, and we have organized a 9-day camp called HacknBreak since 2016. In curation, we were inspired entirely from open source, free software, open science and open innovation cultures, and communities. These events were also an environment where the blockchain communities in Turkey came together for the first time. HacknBreak was creating a free learning environment in peace where curious people learn from each other. We held these activities on the land we rented in Urla, İzmir. Every year we restore it with a small budget for HacknBreak while preserving its nature and biodiversity. We called this area OpenCampus.  We did it together. We can do it again. In the past 6 years, more than 700 scientists, academics, and professionals from all over the world have volunteered in our projects and activities. In this period, we have built a community with our 15.000 event participants who came together, met, became friends, and formed various partnerships in OpenCampus. We believe it is now time to bring this network to a next level. -> OpenCampus Presentation BEST PLACE FOR THE LOCKDOWN TOO  We decided to cooperate to keep OpenCampus alive, and found a cooperative called ScienceCoop. Right after founding the coop, the pandemic started. During pandemic closures, we organized dozens of free online events and bootcamps for developers, scientists and designers. ( We came together with small groups physically in isolated OpenCampus land, lived together, and tried sustainable agricultural activities. During the pandemic, together with our cooperative partners and a few community members, we started to think and work on some projects to make the world more resilient to climate change. Some of those; * R&D and P&D activities related to sustainable building materials resistant to earthquake and climate crises using hemp and artichoke agricultural wastes, * New planting and irrigation techniques that will reduce water and chemical fertilizer consumption against the risk of global drought. * Designing and developing a prototype of Smart Mobile Home based on BioComposite materials to minimize embodied carbon into building infrastructure. * DAO and blockchain-based industrial plantation platform w/Chromia (C4EST - THE FIRE! On July 17, our OpenCampus where we carry out group work on projects, come and live together and organize camps and events, was completely burned, along with the trees, materials and equipment inside, as a result of the fire that broke out in the neighboring lands. WHAT WE WILL DO We want to rebuild OpenCampus, the place where we will realize our projects that we have been working on for a long time. This seems like a complex problem, but we believe that it will be solved if it is rethought and redesigned with the collective mind of the community. OpenCampus in the existing land will be a pilot model for co-living and co-working places in nature where Web3.0 communities, scientists, designers and digital nomads live, use and produce. Together with the C4EST platform, we aim to spread the OpenCampus model to the other cities under the pressure of climate change in order to create large green corridors between the cities and the rural areas. We believe that we can achieve this by creating a model based on open source and community support that can be applied in other cities with our expanding community with existing and newly added members. Can you imagine a place where like-minded people, solarpunks, geeks, ecologists, scientists etc come together in a place close to the city but green, built without using any cement, plastic-free, generating its own energy, recycling its waste? Yes, we can imagine, and we called it OpenCampus.     OpenCampus is now evolving into a DAO-based Re-Fi and De-Sci project. Be a part of our community!   ROADMAP  In the Short Term: * Call to OpencampusDAO community. (September-October 2022) * Planting 1000 trees to replace our burned trees in OpenCampus ( November 2022) * Redesign of OpenCampus with community (October-December 2022) * Feasibility, planning and model generation for OpenCampus (January - February 2023)  We need financial support for these steps. Grant will be used to carry out these activities. Concept by Dmitry Anpilogov Medium Term: * Construction of Accommodation Units (moduler, sustainable) with crowd support (200 person capacity - February- June 2023) * Disclosure of Tokenomics, WhitePaper, Code of Conducts and DAO participation conditions (May -December 2023) * Feasibility, planning and implementation of OpenCampus and C4EST projects in target destinations such as OpenCampus Spain, OpenCampus USA etc. (2024) * The world's first and largest global cooperative. (2024) Concept by Damijan Koprivc In the Long Term * Over 100 million tree assets in minimum 20 plantation destinations. (As of 2030) * Minimum 20 OpenCampus and C4EST in 20 countries & cities * Over 10,000,000 community & DAO members * More than 50,000 worker partners Concept by Damijan Koprivc WHAT YOU CAN DO?  * You can join us to make the world a better place. * You can mention us to your friends who are interested in the topics we are working on. * If you are a Digital Nomad, you can add OpenCampus to your future destinations.  * You can participate in events hosted on OpenCampus Let's do it together! WHY WE APPLY? * Strengthening our community. * Globalizing our community. * Disseminating a production and sharing environment that we have tested and loved too much to more people around the world. OUR PRINCIPLES * Maintain scientific and critical thinking * Protect and enhance nature and biodiversity * Gender equality and gender justice * Production, reuse, recycle, derivation and upcycle * Open communication & freedom to speech * Always free software and open source * Financial and operational transparency * Inclusivity and openness * Equal distance to religions and ideologies that do not harm society * Priority for cooperatives, communities, and DAOs. * Bonum commune communitatis!",2022-09-03T14:33:45.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7478,True,True,0x54e0cD76449570BE004A8C1Ad7ab0AB2bb8982c3,Save Pakistan -- The biggest climate crisis 33M+ displaced,," On-Going floods in Pakistan are the Most Destructive Climate Events of 2022 Pakistan is a Victim of Climate Change!! Thank you for checking out Save Pakistan.Crypto’s #GR15 Climate Solutions campaign!   Pakistan, a victim of a climatic disaster, is fighting for its survival. Pakistan contributes less than 1% to global carbon emissions, yet faces the most devastation.    Currently, 1/3rd of the country is underwater due to monsoon rains that started in June 2022. 🔥 Summary to understand the Climate Emergency in Pakistan ~Pakistan has become the prime victim of climate-induced humanitarian crisis i.e., monsoon flooding, despite contributing to <1% of the world's share of carbon emissions.    ~Over 33M people have been displaced, with more than 1.6M houses destroyed.    ~73% of the total flood affectees have inadequate access to basic necessities like food, clean water, shelter, and medical aid.    ~65% of Pakistan's food basket has been lost, with over 3M acres of crops destroyed.    ~The estimated economic loss is at least $10 billion due to weeks of torrential rains and floods.   ~Floods have affected Women and Children disproportionately.    ~This Fundraising campaign, led by Tayaba Organization and Unchain Fund, will provide relief goods like ration bags, tents, medical aid, food, clean water, etc. to the flood affectees.  🌏  We are Facing a Climate Emergency of Extreme Proportions   These floods have killed about 1200 people, including more than 300 children, since June 2022.   Economic losses are estimated to be more than $30bn, 50 million people have been internally displaced, and there is the threat of a malaria epidemic as floodwater lies stagnant.   UN secretary general, Antonio Guterres, has lamented that the world is “sleepwalking” through Pakistan’s devastating super-flood.    ""$880m was raised in a day and a half after the cathedral of Notre Dame suffered a fire in 2021 but an entire country of drowning poor must beg for climate aid and assistance""  🌱  Savepakistan.crypto’s Fund Raising Call   In times of humanitarian crisis, the global crypto community has always stepped forward to coordinate giant fundraising initiatives and help the community in every possible way.    We are expanding the fundraising avenues for the victims of horrific floods in Pakistan by tapping the crypto communities.’s crypto-specific flood relief campaign is time critical; every passing day risks hundreds of more lives, and thus we need to start now and grow strong!    Donate to savepakistan.crypto to save Pakistan from this climatic catastrophe. Your funds will be used to help provide food, shelter, and water.  ✨ How Will the Funds be Used?   Our Gitcoin #GR15 campaign under Climate Solutions will help us reach the following target.    5000 Ration Bags 5000 Relief Tents  5000 Hygiene Kits  50,000 Cooked Meals  5000 Help-2-Others (H2O) Wheels   200 Water Trucks for 5000 Families Daily  No. of Households/Families Targeted: 20,000   No. of People Targeted: 140,000 people  About the Team Our founding partner, is the first Pakistani NGO, and one of the first globally, to implement blockchain-based NFT technology for fundraising purposes.   Here is a list of Founders and Creators in the Web3 space who are associated with our cause;    Bilal Bin Saqib: Founder, Tayaba Organization Kraznik: Developer, DoinGud  Manuel: Founder, DoinGud  CJ Hetherington: Co-founder Atlantis World, Unchain Core Azeem Khan: Gitcoin Partnerships Lead  Binji: OP Labs  Umar Khan: Gitcoin, SCRF Rev Miller: Unchained, Atlantis Following are our Social Media handles: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: https:// ",2022-09-03T14:38:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7479,True,True,0xF12726096a2B571d0B14CA7E48EAB773dbD440b7,Web3 Hatchery,,"What is Web3 Hatchery? We want to see web3 become increasingly diverse, inclusive, and equitable. Our mission is to find and equip web3 builders of tomorrow from currently underrepresented groups.    First, we will form partnerships with other organizations that are targeting specific underrepresented communities (whether focused regionally, by language, by race or culture, by gender identity, etc). Our goal will be to provide support through tools, guidance, and resources, eventually building up a playbook that any similar community can use to equip and onboard a new group of people to web3. We plan to focus our initial support particularly in the area of web3 identity and credentials: helping participants build up a record of time and experience in the space.    In the future we also hope to offer different sorts of “experiential learning” opportunities for these communities, like apprenticeships or residencies, where they could receive an income while learning and working.     The ultimate phase of the project will move towards incubating new web3 projects coming from these communities: projects not necessarily focused on DEI themselves, but founded by a team from these diverse communities.   We want to see many of the barriers-to-entry in web3 eroded. Our hope is that many of the underrepresented and under-capitalized groups gain the reputation to have access to 1) contributing to web3 projects, and then 2) gather teams to start web3 projects of their own.  Our hope is that some of the least represented communities today can give birth to some of the most prominent and successful web3 founders of tomorrow.  Why us? The three of us met through the Hult Prize in the summer of 2021. We have experience working in nonprofits, web3, and startups. With expertise in operations, people management, and entrepreneurship. Viktor worked in the past as Ecosystem Lead at StakerDAO and Educator at Braintrust through a grant and was recently accepted into Kernel as part of KB7 and CreatorDAO as part of the first cohort for the Creator Launchpad. Before entering Web3, he was the Event Lead for the Global Accelerator at Hult Prize and involved for 6 years.  Linda started her journey with social entrepreneurship by co-founding a startup back in 2017 that won best social impact award in the international competition INJAZ. Later she joined the Hult Prize Foundation as a volunteer in her university, becoming later an intern, a regional associate, a community builder and then a regional manager. As a regional manager she managed and supervised 600+ university programs within the Europe and MENA region. She successfully led the efforts to expand the program to underrepresented regions and previous war zones such as Syria and Libya through closely working with United Nations agencies in the Middle East.  Nate first met Linda and Viktor when his team Zeolife (focusing on helping smallholder farmers in Colombia), won the regional Hult Prize finals in Vienna, qualifying them for the global accelerator program. He then reconnected with Viktor while leading the “Web3 and Social Impact” elective with CCS (Crypto, Culture, and Society). Nate has also been contributing to Forefront DAO since February, where he helped set up the Season 2 onboarding process, and most recently helped organize and promote their Web3 Creator Residency. ",2022-09-03T14:42:53.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7480,True,True,0x48a0F98A7b4d6823D7eCdAC87cCE8672130FEf17,Book Swap,,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""Book Swap is an innovative digital platform that allows you to trade in your books, notes, labs, and more via the largest online decentralized book swapping community in the world.\nList your books, contact buyers/sellers, mail your books to someone who wants them for points and then use your points to buy books from other users. Participating in a book exchange also saves on ink and leaves a smaller environmental footprint than printing a book.\nYou know that for a book swap to work you need books and a group of book-loving folks who don't mind expanding their literary horizons. The idea is pretty simple: Guests bring books to share, and the accumulated books are then redistributed to new owners. If you are a book owner you can list your book, provide review references, and more.\n""}]}",2022-09-03T14:46:01.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7481,True,True,0xCa63608615DE005339652C0ECA93C5836eB0C2BD,"Wise Crowds, Liberating Structures",,"Goals:  help 10 billion people learn to play better games through LS enable their practice by offering drop in sessions every day support users to enter the meta game that is the design space Why? Human culture is broken. The games we play are no fun. We are learning far too slow. You can feel it in every meeting, every day, that crushes the soul and bores you to death. We need better games.  How? LS are a small enough toolkit to learn and yet large enough to be useful. Learning to play and design these games opens up the entirety of design space that contains an infinity of possible forms. With enough people exploring this infinity we empower the possibility of a Cambrian explosion of games. With luck, we may survive long enough to invent/discover which games help us survive and regenerate the Earth. What? This grant will allow us to continue: offering free drop in practice sessions  recordings here creating learning artifacts developing/integrating a web3 distributed “certification” or proof of learning ",2022-09-03T14:49:08.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7482,True,True,0xAbb9aC1F97FB9b40a538B41f7F5e3681d4495bE5,Building a Landscape of Voting Contracts,,"We propose a framework for on-chain voting that can be grown by a community into a vast landscape of voting contracts. This would be beneficial to the Ethereum ecosystem as a whole. If there was a system of voting contracts covering a wide range of possible voting types from token-weighted voting via quadratic voting to delegation, then DAOs could simply plug in rather than hard-coding yet another, say, token-weighted voting into their contracts. Plugging in would be as simple as pointing to a deployed voting contract. One can also plug out or exchange the reference from one voting contract to another. In order for this to be possible we first put forth a voting standard as an EIP. Subsequently we deploy a couple of core voting contracts as a starting point. We are in contact with two DAOs who are interested in using the framework and helping us build the system. **Update** (8th of September): I have opened a topic on the Ethereum magicians forum to discuss the EIP draft: **Update** (12th of September): Your contribution will cover the deployment costs for a first batch of contracts on ethereum mainnet and polygon. We will also deploy a voting playground dapp on Polygon on the 20th of September. Anyone who interacts with the playground will have an EarlyTester NFT minted to them. Watch this space! **Update** (13th of September): Working together with the web3 developer DAO dOrg: **Update** (20th of September) We have deployed our first contract to Polygon. It is a voting contract registry: Thanks to everyone who contributed. In the coming days we will also deploy: a participation NFT (that can be used also for testing) a registrar for the voting contract registry a resolver for the voting contract registry two or more simple voting contracts a playground voting contract a badge (NFT) to interact with the voting app If those things are going well, we will also deploy some contracts to mainnet. **Update** (21st of September) We have also deployed the voting registry on mainnet: It is a central piece of the architecture, so we are happy to have deployed it to the ethereum mainnet. **Update** (25th of September) We have deployed the following contracts on Polygon: a registrar for the voting contract registry ( a resolver for the voting contract registry ( The first voting contract (Majority vote with ERC721-token weight and quroum) ( The second voting contract (Another Majority vote without token weight but with quorum) ( These contracts have all been veryfied on polygonscan. Anyone can deploy registrars or resolvers as they wish. The same holds obviously for the voting contracts. There will be more documentation on how to do this soon. ( ",2022-09-03T15:46:20.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7483,True,True,0xf163d5c49E99EF90a0133054a537Bd301acB5e34,Baddies in Tech DAO: Championing Inclusion for WOC in Tech,,"Baddies in Tech is an organization on a mission to help women of color break into and belong in technology. Founded in 2019 by a Baddie who lacked a sense of belonging at her tech workplace, Baddies in Tech has since grown an organic community of 50K+ WOC supporting one another through our tech career journeys. Core Thesis (Mission and Vision) Throughout our three year community-building journey, we’ve had the privilege to explore first-hand 3 key problems that fuel the lack of diversity and inclusion for women of color in tech. Problem #1 Women of color make up just 4-5% of people in computing roles. Our communities have been systemically denied access to tech education and work opportunities, and are currently playing catchup to onboard into Web2. Problem #2 Only 8% of women of color say it is “easy” to thrive in the tech industry. We faced with un-inclusive and inequitable workplaces where we are often the only WOC on our teams, and bro-culture is the norm. As a result of this, almost 50% of female technologists leave the industry before the age of 30, further fueling the representation problem. Problem #3 Sharing an unspoken mission, efforts by women of color technologists (and allies) to increase representation in tech spaces are often fragmented and siloed. By working individually, we move the needle instead of moving mountains. We recognize the above as key barriers to women of color breaking into and growing careers in Web2 and Web3. We believe we can change this narrative, and our futures, by building BiTDAO - a decentralized collective of change-makers championing representation and inclusion for women of color in tech. By bringing together our ideas, networks, and resources under a DAO, we aim to increase the representation of women of color in computing roles to 10% by 2030. Mission: To help women of color break into and belong in technology Vision: To increase the representation of women of color in computing roles to 10% by 2030 What progress have we made? A Trusted Brand Baddies in Tech has built a well-known brand in the DEI in tech space with our fierce focus on amplifying the experiences and voices of women of color technologists. As a grassroots movement with culture and representation at its heart, we are trusted name amongst current and aspiring tech professionals and are well positioned to encourage mass adoption of Web3 technologies by women of color. An Inclusive Discord community We’ve built a safe space in Discord for 1.5k+ Baddies to connect and uplift one another through our tech career journeys. Built to be a welcoming and inclusive environment, our Discord server is a digital home for the Baddies in Tech community to share experiences, advice, resources and mentorship. A Mentorship Program Our mentorship program has connected a cohort of aspiring tech baddies to mentors who can help them break into tech. We’ve seen amazing engagement from the mentors and mentees, and are working to expand the program to curate mentorship matches for as many community members as possible! Online + IRL Events Baddies in Tech has curated numerous online educational, recruiting and networking events for the community over the pandemic years. Recently we held our first IRL event in Atlanta, GA at the Render ATL conference. Baddie Tea Party was a blast and we are excited to create city chapters for BiTDAO members to continue to connect IRL! Tech Educational Scholarships We’re proud to have awarded over $35k in educational scholarships to aspiring tech baddies over the years. We plan to allocate a portion of our community treasury to continue to award micro-educational grants and scholarships for women of color to gain in-demand tech skills. What’s Next? We have established a strong core team and have begun making governance decisions to lay the groundwork for our DAO membership offering. Because we are onboarding a Web2 native community into Web3, we are being intentional with keeping the “why” of BiTDAO first and foremost. We plan on launching the DAO membership to the Baddies in Tech community in January 2023 with amazing membership perks such as an open source resource database and job board, online and IRL events, curated mentorship matching, and opportunities to contribute to earn social capital in the DAO. We are still at the beginning stages of BiTDAO and would love your support during the GR15 round to raise funds to pay our core team, set up our DAO tooling/infrastructure, and create a treasury which will fund tech educational grants for women of color and other community initiatives. Your support for our mission and vision means the world to us!",2022-09-03T15:53:45.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7484,True,True,0xC876bEC4e02EACc92df0F7b6EEee90c2aD794E50,Friend’s of Pooly - DeFi Defenders,,"Friends of Pooly is on a mission to defend decentralized finance; and to secure an Open Web3 through the power of Community. The PoolyNFT campaign, launched by the PoolTogether Inc team, was a month-long initiative to raise funds for a public good; defending decentralized finance. Today, Friends of Pooly is continuing that objective with a Community powered fellowship. Together we are securing an Open Web3. Our Worldview Problem: ⚔️ Cryptocurrency, blockchain and Web3 technologies are under attack. Solution: 🛡️ Grassroots movements are emergent, antifragile and decentralized. A perfect defense in a digital world, plus an opportunity to advocate, educate and create fellowship. The answer, as always, is a coalition of people, organizations and institutions who understand the importance of protecting at all costs freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Stemming from these core values is accessibility, security, digital ownership and privacy. All of which are required to empower and equip People in a new digital world - equipping every Persons with the tools and knowledge required to find sovereignty in a new Era of Network States. We can scale global coordination with a new Internet. An Open Web3. How Friends of Pooly, stewarded by PoolTogether DAO contributors, is a project focused on advocacy, fellowship and education. Advocacy: Support for blockchain/cryptocurrency policies and laws.  Fellowship: Organizing resources and enabling Community led initiatives.   Education: Help everyone start using Cryptocurrency and Web3 technologies Stemming from the need to protect against an incoming onslaught of frivolous lawsuits, Friends of Pooly wants to proactively build a network of forward looking People, Organizations and Companies to defend against the *scum* that decides to come crawling out of the pond. PoolTogether Inc, a well-known target, is just one of many companies being attacked right now. This trend will only continue. Now is the time to prepare: organizing networks and share resources. Funds raised from the Gitcoin Grant will go towards Community Initiatives: Open Web3 Constitution Pooly Pals Adventures Cryptocurrency Policy + Causes Newsletter Coalition Building (Members,  Lawyers, Politicians, etc…) Ethereum Network State Citizenship (Verifiable Credentials) Initiatives are focused on vision alignment, building lore, adding immediate value to the conversation, growing a strong base of supporters and planting the seeds for continued growth and coordination. As we continue to strengthen our core, we expect the Pooly Community to lead more initiatives, and more funds to become available for active contributors. The Friends of Pooly Stewards are committed to creating space for others to take charge and become active leaders and do-ers in the mission to secure an Open Web3. Web3 is a do-acracy. And Pooly is the (r)evolution. Why Friends of Pooly Friends of Pooly is a small piece to a big puzzle. We want to defend DeFi and secure an Open Web3 through: Art & Culture Education & Outreach  Technology & Systems Design We believe Pooly is an embodiment of community and inclusivity. A symbol that represents both, securing an Open Web3 and a coalition of People who embody the best values of an emerging Ethereum Network State. Together we can bring to life a future worth fighting for. Our strengths will be using art and culture to power education and outreach efforts. Additionally as we begin to scale up Friends of Pooly we want to democratize access to powerful Web3 technologies i.e make crowdsourcing public goods accessible to everyone. Our Ask from the Ethereum Community We want You to join the mission to secure an Open Web3. “If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.” Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies have entered the mainstream zeitgeist. With an intense focus from People, Organizations and Governments all over the world, it’s becoming more and more obvious *things* are happening. What exactly? We don’t know. That story is unfolding as we speak. But together we can front-run and out-smart the attack. Join us and become a #DeFiDefender. ",2022-09-03T16:04:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7485,True,False,0xa590Ec5D98877B5E8eb423055EEa476b6F9ceF15,Launch MECX DAO: Empowering Marginalized Creatives,,"THE PROBLEM: Along with the financial hurdles of not having enough disposable income or the understanding of how to generate it, marginalized communities suffer from a lack of technical competency, mostly due to an inability to bridge the information gap, and social hurdles such as not being in, having access to or knowing how to infiltrate the ""right"" networks. These limiting factors contribute to the continued marginalization of 100s of millions of people worldwide. THE SOLUTION: To tackle these problems head-on we're aiming to partner with leading research groups in the Web3 space ie. Messari, Dune Analytics, Anchain Ai, Pulsr Ai, Talent DAO and Web3 Women in Science to name a few, in order to conduct analysis of demographic, crypto earnings, reputation and referral data, within our community and the larger Web3 eco-system to: Validate the need to further onboard marginalized communities, hence, diversifying Web3. Justify all future requests for funding related to the production and dissemination of educational content and tangible resources/means of support to marginalized talent in the Web3 space. Measure the efficacy and success of our educational initiatives to ensure they are replicable. THE CURRICULUM: We've developed a comprehensive Web3 curriculum to help onboard and upskill those who might otherwise be left behind. With modules like ""the importance of the smart contract"" and ""how-to to fund your web3 project"", our video masterclass will lay out the fundamental understandings necessary to successfully operate in Web3. Beyond the video course work, through s system of bounties, we will employ the savviest Web3 educators in the space, to provide live help, in our proprietary learning platform as well. THE FOUNDER: My name is Mec Zilla and I’m a Multi-Disciplinary Artist, Design Director & Strategist who has designed and developed campaigns for brands such as Disney, Marvel, UMG, Verizon, Coca-Cola, Heineken, Vice Media, Afro-Punk, and the like, for over 20 years.  WEB3 ROLES: Web3 Consultant - Converse / Jordan / Nike Innovation Consultant - @Deadfellaz Consultant/Former Head of Community - @A0K1VERSE Education/ DE&I Consultant - @SuperchiefNFT Multi-Sig Signer - @ExpansionPunks NFT Strategy Consultant - @Explorest Graduated Fellow - @FWBtweets THE REPUTATION: Since discovering ""crypto art"" in a clubhouse room in December of 2020, I became known for my penchant for hosting the longest Web3-centric AMA rooms. Additionally, I've come to be known as ""the woman who explained NFTS to Gary Vee"" and almost 1 year later ""the marathon host"" after single-handedly running an 18hr Twitter space titled ""The Death of Opensea"" where over 30,000 users discussed building a decentralized and community-owned marketplace. BECOMING AN EDUCATOR: It was that experience that solidified my ability to help others understand the space. However, the more I learned about the space the more disheartened I became by the layers of friction I was faced with and my sheer inability to effectively connect with the community that was forming around me. After a 4 month break from all social media, I returned with a fresh perspective and focus on doing what I could to make the space as fair and equitable as possible. BECOMING AN ADVOCATE: While navigating the Web3 space as an educator and impact worker I've been invited to converse with various data science organizations including @anchain_ai, @pulsr_ai, and @TalentDAO as well as politicians such as @AndrewYang, @AarikaRhodes, @GregTanaka, @ShannonBrayNC and @DanWhitCongress. And it's thanks to these conversations that I've been able to lend my voice in support of the research that validates my efforts to diversify Web3 as well as to advocate against public policy issues like impending cryptocurrency regulations and the destruction of reproductive rights in much larger public forums. THE MISSION: After a solid year of developing curriculum and building community, it's time to start onboarding the next 10,000 non ""white guys"" to enter the Web3 space and providing the tangible support needed to upskill, place, and accelerate our community members. It is through this work that we can effectively establish ourselves as the #1 resource for diverse talent in the Web3 space and foster a more fair and equitable future. Funds received from this grant will help up with our top 5 priorities at the moment: Establishing and Incorporating the DAO and sorting tax and trademark logistics Create a census as part of our Web3 onboarding and conduct user research with our aforementioned partners Continued public speaking on education, DE&I and public policy advocacy. Producing a high-quality video series of our comprehensive Web3 curriculum * Funding bounties that our community educators can claim to host live spaces in support of our video curriculum So please make your donation today and help up build something epic! -- mec. *video sample courtesy of crwnmag ",2022-09-03T17:00:02.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7488,True,True,0x21F9F77f867E321Df0747ad62e96602Bd603E734,The ReGen Games! Like the Olympics for Regeneration,,"The Olympic Games, Medieval Games, Dog & Horse races, etc... were originally designed around training those societies to prepare against their most pressing existential threats. Physical combat and direct warfare. Jousting, sword fighting, running, spear throwing, pole vaulting (e.g. spear troops jumping over short walls), rowing, war horses/dogs, etc all designed around feats of combat.   Today, our society's, indeed humanity's, existential threat is no longer just physical combat. Our threat is a global civilization (supply chains, economic systems, etc) in crises on its way towards collapse. A crises in: meaning and purpose relationship and love regeneration and thrivability etc We need to train for this transition, honing the skills that will help us succeed in co-creating a diversity of Regenerative Civilizations and Societies and demonstrating skills in unique feats of physical strength won't do it. So, what is the equivalent to today's sports-based Olympics for Regenerative Civilizations? Well, for starters these Games are 'infinite games' governed by the people who participate in them. So, the answer to the question of ""how do the Games look"" will constantly evolve and change. However, there are some principles the Games will follow: The ReGen Games exists to help us joyfully train for transition into a diversity of land-based regenerative economic systems. Learning the skills: Permaculture Natural building Wild harvesting etc Gaining the tools: Onboarding into Web3 DAOs ReFi, REcon, ReGov, New finacial and economic systems to coordinate within and design place-based economies and providing the spaces from which to co-create our new Regenerative Civilizations from. Which we do in partnership with the ""ReGen Civics Alliance"" which is a growing alliance of land-based regenerative economies. We're mixing the best parts of: Summer Camp with  Dungeons and Dragons (or The Amazing Race, whatever is most familiar) with IRL ""We-opoly”(Cooperative Monopoly) with  The ReGenerative Renaissance to co-create...    Epic multi-day Games (like the Olympics) to have a ton of fun co-learning about:   ReFi  DAOs  Permaculture, syntropic agroforestry, gardening  Conflict Evolution  Earthship Building   Wild Harvesting and Mushroom Cultivation   Cooking with wild food  Adventure skills Camping, fire starting, survival skills  Small team time-constrained coordination  Deep dialogue (with the land and each other)   and so much more! The games take place at the ReGen & ReFi DAO Campus in North Carolina: 200 acres including a lake and several ponds and you feel like you're in the center of a summer camp while being Abundance of fresh water year round Healthy and nourished soil, being a Permaculture garden (with syntropic food forests going up each spring)  Lake for daily kayaking, sailing, etc 20 minutes to the AVL (Asheville NC) airport 5 minutes to town (co-op for organic food and grocery stores, gas, etc of ""Flat Rock"" NC) We started our search in the Appalachians as this is an incredible Bioregion Avoiding many of the climate catastrophes expected (if we don't reverse course fast enough) in the US 3 seasons and food security (the land already has Gardens and space to easy scale up to meet the food needs of the Campus & Games) A center of biodiversity (most biodiverse in the US) and beauty and a potential to heal from (e.g. we can start at the source of our water to make our lake drinkable) Neighbors a *massive* city park and golf course (green surroundings) Existing infrastructure to host events, games, etc for 1000+ people (more if we expand our infrastructure) stages kitchens cafe's 10 cabins (20 with renovations) dorms camping areas amphitheater boat house etc View of approximately 1/3 of the lake at the center of the ""~200-350 acre Game Board""  Some of the many Cabins and buildings that are part of the ReGen Village Campus Grant milestones and funds use If we reach $50,000 in donations then Grant participants will be first to be notified when ticket sales go live by a full 48 hours before other channels are used. Team Tickets = those who want to be part of a 3-7 person team to run through the ""In Real Life Game Board"" earning ""Coins"" and other prizes for completing quests and overall rank. Active Crowd Tickets = those who want to participate in and watch the games from the sidelines.   All funds raised with this grant will go towards ""The ReGen Games"": regenerating and making more fertile and abundant the land as a vital diverse ecosystem. Adding more tools and resources for teams who are participating in the games (camping equipment, boats, tools, etc) - similar to the Hunger Games where participants were airdropped equipment. Donations help teams have tools to become more regenerative! and, reducing the ticket price (as the Games are not for profit) the more funds we raise the cheaper we can make the tickets for teams and attendees (With the goal of making the Games free with a merit/lottery style selection process to select teams). If this grant raises enough to make the games free and we give 48 advanced notice to Gitcoin Grant participants when Game tickets go live; it may turn out that the Games are mostly the Gitcoin community! Furthest Stretch goal: Once we've raised a total of $10M we'll buy the resort that is next to the Game Board extending out our lodging capacities and using the revenue from the resort to fund the Games; if this is still a wise move come that time. The resort would be transferred to a Trust governed by a DAO (watch the episodes on Legal for more details here) of all those who've participated in making The ReGen Games a reality. ### Our tags:  #OpenGaming We started with the idea ""how can we make co-creating IRL regenerative villages into an epic multiplayer game, so that this transition can be as fun, engaging, and purposeful as possible? We're open-sourcing the whole “ReGen Games” model so that other ReGen Villages may make Games themselves, as we have an epic time co-creating Solarpunk civilizations, ReGen Villages and more!   #DeSci We're transforming this old summer camp neighborhood into a ""ReGen Campus"" and Incubator for startup cities/towns using DAOs to co-create and experiment with regenerative economic systems. We're co-creating a learning campus and permanent ""Game Board"" (consisting of both digital tools (e.g. teaching DAOs and DHOs) and IRL “Summercamp-esque campus” - see pictures below) for experimenting with designing alternative civilizations, ReGen Economies, Startup Cities, Networked States, and more all built on top of Web3 and our decentralized global database to coordinate a global Renaissance to ReGenerate Earth.   We're open sourcing all our technology (wallets, templates, DAO builders, village templates, coordination hacks, and more) to accelerate the transition to Regenerative Cultures.   #Web3Social This is all to build the IRL campuses and villages where we can bring our web3 friendships into the real world and move out of our Discord/Zoom meetings and into the community food forests, berry patches, and natural swimming pools. #ClimateSolutions We're doing all of this to (as effectively as possible) build the foundations we need to coordinate a global ""ReGenerative Renaissance”, that's about coordinating the transition to regenerative cultures. Which we believe is mandatory to address our climate crises. ### Who we are: The ReGen Games is a part of the ReGen Civics Alliance. We're a global IRL community starting with 13+1 different ReGen projects each season 2 examples: click here to explore the others! The 10,000 ft idea is for our tribes we've been building Web3 to move to physical pieces of land together to regenerate and prototype a diversity of startup regenerative civilizations. To help us in our transition The ReGen Games acts as an incubator for ReGen Villages.   For example 1 of the 13 projects from Season 1 of ReGen Civics, after they've completed their   ""Crowdpooling"" event, where up to 144 people who have been selected to be part of their ""Minimum Viable Regenerative Economy"" will attend a 3 month ReGen Village incubator to facilitate the 144 people through a process of them co-creating the foundations for their startup society. For example helping projects create their:   economic systems  governance systems  conflict evolution protocols   teaching skills in permaculture, natural building, etc  etc    The 3 month incubator ends in the participants demonstrating their skills by putting on a   ""ReGen Games” where they take teams of 3-7 players through their “Squares” where they each put on a unique experience, quest, challenge, learning journey, for teams who play the game over a 2-3 day weekend event. Those who are part of the ReGen Village incubator run The ReGen Games for anyone to participate as a team or attend and spectate/participate in the audience (they’ll be multiple ways the audience interacts with teams).   ### Game board elements include:  The first Regen Games will be held across a ~350 acre site. Including:  a large kitchen/cafe a Community/Market Garden an Earthship home construction site  a machine/woodshop  A natural swimming pool construction site turned wrestling pit An archery and ropes course  Lake, ponds and beaver dams  Forests, food-forests, gardens, and meadows New syntropic agroforestry gardens   and many more elements      The first version of the ""ReGen Games Guide” will be released and open-sourced after the Alpha test of the game in October 2022. To give a taste of what teams might expect from the Games as they earn coins and race against the clock/other teams to: 1. 'Companion plant' some plants in the food forest (earning various amounts of coins depending on what and how plants were planted, etc)   2. Deep dialogue to address and evolve through an emotional community tension scenario (Square Master gives coins based on the teams solution, etc)   3. Send any amount of tokens to ReGen Civics DAO (Celo, Eth, SEEDS, etc) and participate in the Games governance DAO/DHO demonstrating knowledge of various economic tools.   4. DAO/Community governance scenario helping weave 2  ""competing"" ideas into a 3rd unifying idea (Square Master gives coins based on the teams solution, etc)   5. Sing a song on the spot. Be given a tune and a theme and come up with a song (scored by points for how well the song pleased the square masters' listening organs).   6. Pound N tires at the EarthShip house building site, or create N bricks for an earthen oven, etc the more your team can create in 15 min the more Coins you earn!    7. Transport you and your team to the island in the middle of the lake where you have to solve riddles to find a clue that guides you to your next square on the other side of the lake.   8. Identity and harvest 10 different wild/edible plants/fungi (coins based on the rarity (such as special edible mushrooms), diversity, and quantity of the harvest)   9. Dance!   10. Inoculate some logs with mushrooms that become part of the wild Harvest square of future Games11. And a vast universe of possibilities as Square Masters along and in co-creation with the land their square represents, design a unique experience for teams as we co-create a joyful and exciting globally ReGenerative Renaissance.    An alpha version of the games is set for the first weekend of October with the first Official ReGen Games going live summer/fall 2023! More pictures from around the Campus Leaving you with some glimpses of how AI thinks we'll be spending our time :) ",2022-09-03T17:44:23.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7489,True,True,0x9E33078f3398be71da0E0fba182Af22eEA0EbB12,The Floo Network,,"Crypto, A history The most successful products built in crypto today focus on finance and trade. However, in the early days of bitcoin and ethereum, many people dreamed of building user centric decentralized platform for things like uber, facebook, airbnb etc. The overarching purpose was to increase human flourishing and rek the rent seekers. These projects all failed. Honestly we didn’t understand enough about the new paradigm of crypto. We built a yellow-paper on the internet. But now we know so much more. Defi, NFT’s and DAO’s have taught us about how to build in this new paradigm by creating a series of composable building blocks. Permissionless composition one layer on top of another vs walled gardens one silo after the next. We now have the opportunity to go back to the beginning. Introducing The Floo Network The Floo Network is a building block for the future of composable work. The simple technicals: It’s an ERC721. It has infinite supply. It has a metadata standard. It is zero cost. It has 3 economic incentives ( aka bounties ). It has an allowlist, and a disallow list. That’s it. ( on purpose ) Each NFT represents a unit of work. Every stakeholder has a built in business model. It makes it easy for all people and systems to work together. How we see the future of Floo The Floo Network Roadmap Deploy v0 to low cost chains and testnets See current contract progress on github. Deploy v0 subgraphs. Improve composability of the 3 core incentives. Allow people to create things like reverse dutch auctions to incentivize expedient work. Allow for privacy in a public space via Lit Protocol.Much work is not and should not be public. Connecting access control & encryption allows more types of work to be supported. Zero Knowledge Permissions Allowlist and Disallow-list are implemented via merkle root in v0. This is inflexible. Leverage ZK tech to allow improved and more expressive permissions system that follows new standards coming out of Decentralized ID & Decentralized Reputation spaces. Improve arbitrary ERC20 Support Allow for rewards in single or multiple tokens. SDK, React-Hooks, Improve Subgraphs Build tools that make it easy for application developers to interact with the protocol on the frontend. On Not Making Money The protocol will always be free. We are big fans of the hyper-structures thesis. On Making Money The people involved in the ecosystem, and the project itself deeply believe humans making money is a good thing. We will build the companies on top of the protocol that are rewarded primarily via the 3 main incentive models of The Floo Network. Technical Architecture In More Depth We believe that Kleros ( decentralized court ) is an excellent example of the beginning of what we call “Human in the loop crypto systems” We believe that essentially all higher orders systems can be composed using a combination of the 4 core interfaces of The Floo Network smart contract: Permissions Bounty For Apps who Integrate Bounty for Completion of Work Bounty for Recruitment Important note: Unlike other NFT’s you have seen. Each NFT has its own permissions and bounties. These are not global to the contract as a normal allowlist would be. Also these NFT’s are not tradable like traditional NFT. They fall somewhere between normal and soulbound with transfer and ownership related to current state of work completion. Permissions Allow-lists and Disallow-lists Choosing who can do work, who can see work, who can’t do work, and who cant see work, is fundamental to orchestration. Example Scenario: User takes quiz on to prove they are fluent in Spanish and English. They are awarded an NFT. User joins DAO DAO creates work order for documentation translation and limits it to only those who hold DAO tokens and Proof of Translation Skill. Bounty for Apps who Integrate Each NFT on The Floo Network is created by a user facing application. Each app needs a business model. The app can charge a small fee per NFT created on behalf of the user. Example Scenario Company creates project management tool for DAO’s. They Charge either a flat fee in fiat ( monthly enterprise model ) or a few cents per NFT generated. ( approaches normal SaaS revenue with 1k tasks / month ) Bounty for Completion of Work Each NFT can includ a bounty for work to be done. This bounty must be deposited at time of NFT creation acting as escrow. This is a way to pay internal contribution directly, or let the open market fulfill your wishes. Example Scenario 1: You allowlist members of your company to be the only ones allowed to do and see work for your organization. You provide zero bounty on the NFT because everyone is paid salary. You leverage The Floo Network because it allows all your employees to use whatever tools they prefer because all work is now portable and interoperable. Example Scenario 2: You are an organization specializing in accounting but you like to deliver your work with slide decks going over the macro details. All of your employee’s are busy accountants so you contract a small number of people you have built a relationship with to make decks for you. You provide a bounty and an allowlist for these people to complete the work as you need it. You have a general agreement on prices before hand which is how you price you're bounties. Bounty for Recruitment Lots of modern work is facilitated through platforms. It’s how your food is delivered. It’s how we get from place to place. The recruiter bounty is a way to add an economic incentive for someone to find the person to do the work if you don’t know who it should be in advance. This creates an incentive and business model for people to build service DAO’s, labor marketplaces, and platforms on top of The Floo Network. Example Scenario: You want to throw a big party so you use an app that specializes in party planning. The app knows how to find the cake, hire a decorator, and take care of everything. Under the hood, little to your knowledge, a company that has built a platform for cake makers, makes its money by connecting that app to just the right cake maker for you by acting as the recruiter for this special skill. Cake makers are happy because they don’t need to sign up for every new platform that comes into existence. Hooks and Interfaces The main for interfaces will be constructed with lifecycle hooks that can be subscribed too before and after for side effects inspired by OpenZeppelin hooks & Lens Protocol Modules. Related Reading And Inspiration The Day in the Life of a Crypto-Fueled Future - Greg Isenberg Positive Sum Worlds - OtherInter A New Genre of Work - Station Network The Internet of Jobs is Here - Owocki The TalentDAO Manifesto Hyperstructures - jacob.eth ( ZORA founder ) The Future of Work in web3 - Layer3 Unbundling Venture Capital via DAO's - pet3rpan ( MetaCartel ) A Novel Framework for Reputation-Based Systems - a16z Want to get involved? Reach out →",2022-09-03T17:45:09.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7490,False,True,0xfBb7fD977322A8026DD881e028D40337Cc113DcC,Underground DAO: Alternative approaches to advancing the science of underground systems,,"Underground DAO Sometimes called the ‘wood-wide web’, fungal networks connect above ground and below ground life, trees to one another, and break down rocks to extract minerals. We are only beginning to understand how these complex, decentralized networks coordinate collective action—but we do know that they have a profound implications for the climate, enabling 5 billions tons of CO2 to flow from plants to the underground every year. By partnering with SPUN: Society for the Protection of Underground Networks, Underground DAO will collaborate with the world’s leading experts on mycorrhizal fungi pioneer alternative approaches to advancing the science of underground systems. We need to act now Three-quarters of terrestrial carbon is not stored in trees and plants, but rather underground in soil systems structured by mycorrhizal fungi. These overlooked keystone organisms have been a global blind spot in conservation and climate agendas. Understanding how these networks function—individually and collectively—and the urgent task of linking those functions to larger models of the global climate system so we can take action requires trans-disciplinary teams working in close collaboration. Empowering citizen scientists While the climate crisis is global, the science to address it requires activation at a hyperlocal level. Underground DAO will nurture and connect communities of local researchers and citizen scientists at a global scale, building on existing decentralized research programs. SPUN is already collaborating with remote sensing scientists with the common goal of mapping the global biodiversity of mycorrhizal networks. New models for collaboration In addition to scaling best practices, Underground DAO will create the conditions for emergence by enabling new peer-to-peer models for scientific collaboration. In this way, we can cultivate system-level discoveries that emerge only when research specializations interact in service of a broader mission. DAO functions Create synergies between diverse research specializations to accelerate scientific discovery Engage geographically and culturally diverse scientific communities Support independent research collaborations beyond institutional boundaries Experiment with alternative incentives for engaging researchers from under-supported regions Ensure that research gets credited appropriately Enable talent and capital sourcing Decrease the time it takes for new datasets to be made available Share responsibility and ownership of decision-making Empower local communities of citizen scientists to contribute to research Starting with the science SPUN is led by renowned evolutionary biologist Dr. Toby Kiers, and includes amongst its board members and advisors leading voices in climate action. We will work with SPUN to define Community Missions that seed self-organizing communities for maximum impact. The result of these collaborations will be made available as digital public goods. Potential focus areas for Community Missions Adaptation: How can we apply protocols and methodologies from diverse disciplines to the science of underground systems? Aggregation: How can we develop common methodologies that ensure data and insights from adjacent disciplines are compatible and can be cross-referenced? Innovation: What are the missing resources and tools that would accelerate underground science? Modeling scientific collaboration to support the mission of mitigating climate change Our funding model The funds will be divided between platform development and incentivization Introduce the SPUN community to the value of decentralized organizational structures and begin the onboarding process Build the initial platform infrastructure with a unified interface and user experience that removes much of the friction of web3 onboarding and operations; specifically, integrate DAO tooling such as identity, forum, voting, reputation, contribution, and payment into a workflow. Design and implement a coordination protocol based on co-created governance rules and voting procedures to enable scientific communities to self-organize around a scientific roadmap—as a first step to decentralization and automation. Establish guidelines and design features for research collaboration, talent sourcing, and network support. Rethinking DeSci incentive structures DeSci incentives are often in conflict with existing means of conferring legitimacy within the scientific community. For example, academic scientists may be deeply suspicious of offers of individual incentives, because the introduction of the profit motive may be perceived as compromising their commitment to advancing science for science’s sake. Such incompatible incentive structures create a vicious cycle for DeSci initiates trying to establish legitimacy because they alienate established scientists. The climate crisis provides a rare opportunity to realign priorities by adding environmental impact to the list of values the scientific community holds in common. In this way, academic science is not diminished or precluded, but alternative approaches that emphasize application and synthesis can be introduced alongside existing values. By taking a “both-and” approach to incentivizing scientific research inside and outside the boundaries of the academic science community, Underground DAO is in a unique position to explore alternative funding and coordination models. These lessons can be abstracted and applied to other academic areas seeking to decentralize in service to a common cause. The team b-theory is a climate-focused venture studio that accelerates the impact of scientific discovery. We have been working closely with SPUN since its proposal stage to advance its mission of mapping and protecting the underground networks that enable life on earth.",2022-09-03T17:56:51.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7491,True,True,0xF2f1F58E6940531fFd4e42e3778E624306c30e95,Circonomy,,"What are we building? Circonomy is a DAO platform specializing in creating & accelerating circular economic projects.  It includes a DApp — which enables circular economic projects to function and persist. The DApp includes; On-chain registration,  Quadratic/crowdfunding,  Recycle-to-earn model, Peer-2-peer marketplace ReFi activities — such as staking, liquidity provisions, and swapping. What we'll do with the funds? Launch our MVP Get our first customers/users Receive Funding Purchase Precious Plastic machinery Purchase software services to build out our MVP — the DApp Pay incorporation costs Compensate our core contributors Purchase any/all materials to help with our mission of putting the circular economy on-chain — such as IoT sensors to be attached to the Precious Plastic machinery Problem Statement What is the #1 problem facing humanity right now?  Climate change affects all life on earth - not only human beings but flora and fauna alike. What is one of the #1 contributors to climate change?  Human production/consumption of physical goods significantly contributes to climate change. Specifically, plastics, because they’re so ubiquitous but also because they’re a by-product of one of the most significant negative contributors — fossil fuels. What is the #1 problem with the status quo in light of this reality? Plastic recycling is broken. 100% of plastic is not recycled; lots of it either gets incinerated, shipped to the Global South, or thrown into landfills. Why should we address this problem?  While the everyday consumer might say — ""it’s not my problem; it’s up to the recycling industry to change"" — we believe shifting blame to others isn’t helpful.   Plastics are everywhere. Plastic waste affects all human beings regardless of socioeconomic status, demographic differences, and geopolitical allegiances. How would we address this problem?  Given the status quo, we need to: Find a more effective way to repurpose plastics because they will continue to be produced due to their entrenched nature in human society. Find a more efficient way to distribute this solution to as many people as possible. Find a more enticing way to attract more and more people to said solution and enable said solution to be as global as possible. What could we do to address this problem?  We have a more effective way to reproduce plastics — it’s called Precious Plastics. The problem is that we don’t have a very efficient and enticing way to distribute plastic pellets and attract more people to them. Precious Plastics has a community, a nonprofit umbrella organization behind it, and it is global already; however, it’s not as ubiquitous as the plastic it’s trying to recycle.  We want to build upon the great work of Precious Plastic by turning plastic into a public good so we can close the loop on the production and consumption of plastics. It’s not going to be easy, it’s a lofty goal, but we can start by bringing the Precious Plastic onto the Web3.0 train because it will help them better scale, sustain, and systematize their operations. What is Circular Economics? We are using up Earth’s finite pool of resources at an unsustainable rate, leading to climate change. Circular Economics (CE) is a new domain in economics which aims to solve this problem with sustainability at its core. Circonomy is our attempt to bring CE into the real world and leverage Web3 to bring about scalable, sustainable, and systemic change. Circular economics is an economic model in which the flow of resources in an economy is circular. In this case, plastics should be reused/recycled/upcycled until there is no more possible use case left for them. Reusing, recycling, and upcycling plastic will reduce the level of extraction and dumping of Earth's resources — giving our planet enough time to replenish its pool of resources. Hence, it is a more sustainable approach. Our Solution We’ll begin by tackling the plastic waste problem because most plastics aren’t 100% recycled, and we’ll partner with Precious Plastics. Precious Plastic is a combination of people, machines, platforms, and knowledge to create an alternative global recycling system. It’s open-source machinery that people can own and recycle their plastic into pellets. Our solution will involve setting up small communities called ‘Circles’ — (sub-DAOs). These “Circles” will raise funds to invest in the Precious Plastic machinery, thereby gaining common ownership of said machinery. The machinery will then be registered as a node of our decentralized network, similar to Helium's ( behaviour. We (Circonomy) as the DAO forming the umbrella for all these “Circles” will create systems in the form of governance, group communication, and most important of all, a DApp to incentivize better the use of the Precious Plastic machinery within each “Circle”. The DApp will also facilitate a recycle-to-earn program for the individual and collective benefit. Here’s a video summarizing what Circonomy is trying to accomplish: Circonomy will issue and distribute its token: $CRCL, and will facilitate the transactions in the ecosystem. Circonomy will act as a medium to incentivize 'good recycling behaviour' for its members. Circonomy Structure SuperDAO = Circonomy DAOs = Materials, i.e. Plastic DAO for which Precious Plastic will be the primary use-case here SubDAOs = Circles AKA communities/neighbourhoods. Ideally, the Circles should be municipalities, but starting out, they’ll be neighbourhoods. Note: Token = $CRCL Terminology “Circles” = neighbourhood/community “Rounds” = crowdfunding campaigns within Circles “Ringleader” = leaders of a Circle (someone in charge of activating the Circle, someone in charge of managing/maintaining the workspaces/machinery, and maybe even a storage ringleader) thus forming the… “Circle Roundtable” = the leadership committee per Circle “Knights of the Roundtable” = the core contributors of Circonomy at-large MVP features: Circles will include: Crowdfunding for setting up Precious Plastic operations Recycle-to-Earn cryptoeconomic model — they’re recycling to earn the $CRCL token; the amount earned will depend on the following factors: Weight of Plastics Sorted vs. Unsorted Plastics and their respective categories The number of devices/machines as there will be a compounding factor Price of plastic in the traditional financial markets Where the plastic came from, however harder to track, of course, which means this won’t be a part of the MVP Note: This will be a bell-curve; however, to prevent gamification On-Chain Track & Trace of the recycling activity, thus leading to a decentralized circular economy where every Circle acts as a node. The above MVP flow shows the overall design at a glance. Still, another crucial part of the flow is the “Circle Activation,” one whereby the critical thing here to note is how we envision a future where Circles are populated with more than simply Precious Plastic per sub-DAO. To elaborate a bit further on what we mean, please see the “Register Device” step (the second one), which is about registering one or more machines/devices that enable circular economics. MVP + features: 3 primary functions of the Circonomy Dapp; Recycle-to-Earn cryptoeconomic model - they’re recycling to earn the $CRCL token. Win-Win for the individual (Circle Member) and the collective (Circle): Individuals of a circle will earn X amount of $CRCL per recycling activity, but the Circle will earn X amount of $CRCL per sale of the plastic pellets. Individuals earn $CRCL from the Circle itself because the pellets become collectively owned after they’re generated. Members may donate to/support the Circle Ringleaders may create “Missions” - a recycling challenge, i.e. “recycle X amount of Y before the end of the month” On-Chain Track & Trace of the recycling activity AKA this will be a decentralized recycling network where every Circle acts as a node Circommerce = P2P marketplace “Engage Circonomy” = DeFi component - staking, LPing, etc. User Journey User arrives at the DApp User can select a DAO to participate in - “Plastics DAO” User is then required to either activate (not create/start/setup) a SubDAO/Circle or join a Circle If the User “activates” a Circle, then there is no active plastic recycling operation happening at that local level — AKA, no existing PP operation happening there.  Therefore, we’ll allow the user to crowdfund for the Precious Plastic machinery to be set up in that Circle.  It could cost about $4-to-5,000 USD to purchase the machinery parts, but there are costs for other things like electricity, storage, legal fees (perhaps), etc., for which these are most likely recurring fees. If the User “joins” a Circle, then there’s already an active PP operation, which means the User can participate in the Recycle-to-Earn program there. Once plastics are recycled in these Circles, activity will be tracked on-chain to ensure provenance and transparent accounting for such activity Plastic Pellets can be sold to other individuals who may have an Etsy/Shopify/Amazon store within the Circle or outside of it. Or, these pellets may be sold to corporations involved in producing toys, furniture, packaging, home appliances, beauty, etc. Circle Members can also participate in DeFi activities with $CRCL  Outside of this, they can participate in our governance. Ideally - we’d like for them to be able to vote on and discuss issues like how to grow the Circle into the whole city eventually. The cryptoeconomics will also include the sale of 'Plastic Credits' — a plastic offsetting aspect for the Plastic DAO.  Eventually, there will be other DAOs for materials such as Metals, Clothing/Textiles, Food, etc. In summary, Circonomy will be undertaking the following activities: Sales of Plastic Credits Precious Plastic machinery will be registered as nodes of our network Since the recycled plastic will be recorded on-chain, which is an immutable record, it can be sold to corporations as plastic credits — used as a method of offsetting carbon emissions Distribute the gains to Circles in the form of tokens via our recycle-to-earn model Marketplace for recycled goods & services Circle members can sell their goods/services on the marketplace to make financial gains from their sales Potential buyers at the marketplace can be: 3D printing companies, furniture companies, members from other Circles, etc These goods/services must be made from or created using the recycled plastics each Circle generates. An example of a service could be someone selling homemade cooking wherein the cutlery/containers etc, can be made from recycled plastic pellets in the Circle. DeFi Activities Buying/Selling Swapping Staking + Staking Pools Liquidity Provision (not MVP) Farming (not MVP) In the future, we will expand our operations to other resources like food, clothing, metals, etc. Market Strategy Three possible routes can either occur in series or in-parallel, or a mix of the two: The first route would be to partner with / acquire Precious Plastic or “One Army Earth” as our first customer, given that they’re also trying to build a DAO for themselves and pilot with existing users and have them be our initial users. The second would be to dogfood this by purchasing the Precious Plastic machinery and registering that as our first node of the Circonomy DAO The third route would be to pivot our MVP to something that can be all-inclusive for the entire Celo ecosystem - a mix of Sapien.Network + for Celo. Project Stage and Current Traction Early-stage bootstrapping right now. We started in the KERNEL Fellowship and graduated from them We got invited to attend EthBarcelona We got accepted into Sapien Network - We are hoping for CeloCamp to help us go from 0 to 1 Finally How will this directly contribute to greenhouse gas reductions or facilitate climate solutions? We aim to increase the amount of circular economic projects worldwide — starting with Precious Plastic. We want to move the needle from the 8% recycled plastics to a much higher number. A higher level of recycling is achievable by enabling, empowering, and encouraging more neighbourhoods to set up Precious Plastic Operations with our Recycle-2-Earn Cryptoeconomic Model. Lastly, we aim to expand to recycling other waste materials such as Textiles + Food + Electronics and partnering with companies such as Pela Earth + Volterra. This will allow us to get closer to our goal of reducing greenhouse gasses insofar as ensuring that circular economics is enshrined in our society. ",2022-09-03T18:53:18.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7492,True,True,0x6d29938f4b99B9e5c6591797D2Bbc2eedf66d618, - Building Meaningful Interaction in Web3,," is building meaningful interaction in Web3 by creating an Web3-native no-code page builder for all entities in Web3, collectors, collections, DAOs and dApps to interact, socialize and transact! Our Backers We are proud to be backed by the best in Web3! @opensea, @xiaohongshu, @foliusventures, @realMaskNetwork, @zeePrimecap, @bigbrainvc, @tokenBayCapital, @vibe_cap, @formlesscapital, @dweb3capital What we offer Best User Experience in Web3 We build the best user experience so interacting with your assets is a joy, not a hassle. Multi-chain Support Add Ethereum, Polygon, Solana NFTs in the same room with no overhead. Lightweight Link-in-bio Share your entire Web3 identity in a single link - just like that. Follows & Reacts Interact with other users in the space like never before - follow and like your way to new friends in Web3. On-chain Notifications Keep up to date with any changes in the rooms you're following - mints, transfers, all the good stuff. Full Customizability Change the background of your room, add new frames to your items - customize your identity to perfection. Our Roadmap Our current roadmap revolves around perfecting our experience for single users and collectors. To this end we've identified three user behaviours which we are building around: customizable display, Web3-native socialization and on-platform transactions! In the next couple of months we will release: An Explore feature which allows you to search for on-chain activity Who has a BAYC? Who's holding over 200 ETH? We will make it incredibly simple to find and connect with new people in Web3 in ways that were not possible before. A Curation function which allows you to curate other users' rooms and get rewards when they claim them Curating your own wallet is fun, but what if you could curate any big whale's wallet that you wanted, send it to them over Twitter, and get rewards when they claim it! Achievements We want to reward our active users by giving them on-chain badges for their activity and involvement. An evolving NFT collection We love NFTs, so we want to come up with a collection which evolves as you get more achievements on the platform, with badges and stickers. ",2022-09-03T19:02:18.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7493,True,True,0x407Cf0e5Dd3C2c4bCE5a32B92109c2c6f7f1ce23,ATX DAO: Developing grassroots DAO legislation,,"ATX DAO is a grassroots community of Web3 professionals working with the Texas government to draft DAO LLC legislation. Our work ensures such legislation solves real problems without restricting privacy, practicality, or decentralization. Funds raised will directly benefit these efforts by incentivizing wider participation and supporting community education and advocacy, allowing us to more effectively crowdsource our policy recommendations. Watch this 90-second video to learn more about us. Background For several months, our volunteers have been working with the state’s Work Group on Blockchain Matters to inform on DAO legal frameworks and how they might be improved. On August 19th, we were formally invited to testify at the Capitol about this issue (twitter summary, full video, full written testimony). We have since been asked to provide more comprehensive recommendations and to participate in the drafting of legislation, which requires substantial research, strategy, coordination, and time.  As an impact DAO, our primary goal is not monetization, but contribution to public goods. As such, community involvement and creative funding mechanisms are critical for us to operate effectively. Funds raised by this grant will go towards sponsoring these efforts and creating paid opportunities for a more representative group of Austin’s Web3 community to contribute, allowing us to maintain a higher level of engagement and expertise. This will also include education and grass roots advocacy, which will support and inform our work with state government. It is critical that Web3 native DAO contributors with on-the-ground experience participate in this legislative process, and our ability to make this happen represents an incredible opportunity. ATX DAO’s continued work in this important area ensures that any legislation passed in Texas will solve real problems for DAOs while protecting decentralization, privacy, practicality, and the autonomy of members. About Us ATX DAO is an impact DAO working to unite Austin's crypto communities, enable artists and local businesses to participate in the crypto ecosystem, and educate the government about the benefits of Web3. As a democratic network of developers, artists, and crypto professionals, the DAO provides expertise to local and state government, organizes social events to onboard new web3 users, and helps the best minds in blockchain connect, coordinate, and collaborate in service of public goods. Since the beginning of the year, ATX DAO volunteers have been extremely active in local politics. In January, we hosted a networking event for our members and local legislators to encourage dialogue and build connections between Austin’s Web3 and political communities. In March, multiple members worked together to deliver oral and written testimony to Austin’s city council, providing crucial advice on whether to adopt a “city coin”, similar to Miami. This 17-page fact finding study demonstrated our ability to distill complicated information such as tokenomics, smart contract scripting languages, and token utility in clear language that was accessible to policy makers and government officials. Through this testimony, we received interest from policy makers to continue and expand the dialogue around web3 policy.  Following successful development of DAO legal frameworks in Texas, we will continue on to other key issues such as stablecoin regulation, data privacy, and matters of securitization, based on input from the community and policy makers. Thank you for taking the time to support our grant and learn about our mission.",2022-09-03T19:23:29.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7494,True,True,0x9Fcc55e782c2E43DFADCC428C4F2f8f32E095782,Internet of Animals: An Open-Source Tracking Community,,"The Wildlife Movement Institute Mission Our mission is to create a community of scientists that promotes the designing, development, implementation, and improvement of accessibility to software, hardware, and knowledge resources related to wildlife movement ecology. To realize that vision, we formed The Wildlife Movement Institute, a nonprofit organization to be a hub for this community for local, regional, and international collaborations – whether you are an expert or someone passionate about wildlife and technology. Problems Addressed and Why This Matters The overarching theme of this community is a synthesis of movement ecology and tracking technology. As movement is essential for everything an animal does in its lifetime, understanding animal movement helps us understand how individuals select habitats, life history traits, and residence patterns. This information can provide information necessary to improve species protection under anthropogenic threats, from climate change to human encroachment. Climate change is more pressing now than ever. Understanding how native and non-native wildlife respond to climate change is critical to their management and conservation. Status Quo and How We Plan to Change That Although radio telemetry has been used to monitor animal movements since the mid-1960s, it was not until the invention of GPS loggers that truly detailed observations of individual movements became possible. However, commercial, proprietary animal tracking systems are expensive and often out of reach for researchers. The number of trackers that can be purchased is too low to gain robust information, thus stifling innovation and vital information to inform species management. The growing trend of using microcontrollers to design tracking units is undoubtedly a revolutionary movement in wildlife movement ecology. Technology does not care what animal it tracks, so long as it does not impede mobility when attached. Despite the growing community of tracking biologists creating a higher demand for movement data, there is not a community dedicated to supporting the development of accurate, affordable, open-source trackers and related software and methods. We plan to decentralize the development and manufacturing of animal tracking devices which are integral to the success of our community, leveraging DeSci and other Web 3.0 tools. These tools will support developing a well-governed, decentralized community and document published workflows to replicate and easily build upon prior work. Ned is a DeSci Labs beta tester for DeSci Nodes and is actively engaging with a number of DeSci projects to learn how best to apply and participate in the development of those tools to realize our vision. What we want to accomplish Our primary goal is to build a community to support the open-source development and application of animal tracking software, hardware, and methods to economically and ethically track animal movements. Some initial ideas toward reaching that goal include: Leveraging tools being developed as part of the decentralized science (DeSci) movement to fund, publish, organize, and equitably acknowledge and reward the work and accomplishments of individuals to learn from prior successes and failures more efficiently and effectively, Implementing existing hardware to the extent practical and designing new hardware when sensible for reliable trackers suitable for a broad range of taxa, Developing software to facilitate customizing movement recording protocols and real-time tracking, Generating and distributing funding to support work done by community members, and Promoting scientific literacy with the public through the community as an outreach platform through visualization of animal movement data and open-source content for biologging development. Why we need help Although The Wildlife Movement Institute was created over a year ago, the progress toward creating a community has been slow. Funds raised through this grant round will be used to finalize the legal requirements required to gain 501c3 status and accomplish a number of tasks largely by offering bounties. Some tasks and anticipated near-term budget expenditures include: Upgrading our web platform to organize and sustain a community Migrating and managing the existing GitHub site to a Wildlife Movement Institute GitHub site Covering costs for the development and production of a new board for tracking small to medium-sized animals Providing funding for bounties to support website development and create documentation related to building, programming, and deploying animal trackers An Unexpected Journey: How We Got Here The journey leading up to this grant proposal started in 2019 when Lam Ngo, a student at Sewanee The University of the South, contacted Ned Horning about different options for tracking Diamondback Terrapins, a mostly aquatic turtle living along coastal areas. Based on Ned’s background with GPS and GNSS technology, and after some tinkering, a small DIY proof of concept tracker that provided tracking information in real-time was created, costing less than a fraction of a proprietary tracker using cutting-edge Long-Range (LoRa) technology and Long-Range Wireless Access Network (LoRaWAN) protocol in tandem with The Internet of Things (IoT). In 2020 Ned created the Terrapin Tracker project, which was a finalist for the Con X Tech Prize managed by Conservation X Labs, and he was able to form a small team to refine the trackers and related software. Linked by a common study organism, the diamondback terrapin, Jason Alstad reached out and suggested the creation of an organization to support open-source support for animal tracking. In the spring and summer of 2021, the first prototype trackers were tested in the field in South Carolina and Georgia. Unfortunately, the trackers did not perform as well as expected due to the animal’s behavior, and the process of learning from our mistakes began. In the Spring of 2022, we implemented the next generation of trackers on Blandings Turtles, a semi-aquatic turtle in the Hudson Valley of New York. Through this collaborative work with The Wetland Trust, we met Adam Parlin, a post-doc at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Adam had previously worked with tracking technology on turtles, from electrocardiogram and GPS in free-living individuals. He has been working on applying those techniques to studying squirrel movements based on some of his tracker designs this fall. ",2022-09-03T19:34:11.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7495,True,True,0x9D120Bee68ed792884D340f911D8434306b28605,ReSci Network: Scientific Collaboration for Ecosystem Regeneration,,"What? ReSci Network is a catalyst for community in decentralized science for ecosystem regeneration.  We’re a community hub for applied research and a playground for the creation of next-generation collaborative tooling and research funding channels. Problem Statements 1. Lack of dedicated community center for regenerative decentralized science 2. Lack of funding from ReFi for regenerative scientific activity  3. Need for onboarding support for scientists into web3 There is a need to bring regenerative scientists to the web3 space. Historically, the DeSci community has centered around biomedical sciences. We’re addressing a need for a community hub dedicated to the collaboration of decentralized ecosystem regeneration and providing the support for onboarding scientists into web3. We create channels for funding and attract scientists to share a wide variety of expertise. How? Use an existing community organizing tool (Discord) to build out specific working group centers. We support methodology development in collaboration with existing efforts and channel external funds from the ReFi ecosystem into legitimate research projects. The working groups we will focus on to start include: 1. Marine Ecosystems 2. Terrestrial Ecosystems 3. Regenerative Agriculture Systems When? (Roadmap) 3 month - Robust discord server with 100+ active scientists. Dedicated onboarding support for environmental scientists new to web3 which will include a video series, chat support, and regular community calls. 6 month - 200+ active scientists and active collaborations with tooling builders to work towards a collaboration platform that provides better support than Discord. 9 month- Collaborate with ReFi protocols to begin to test funding mechanisms for regenerative science.   12 month - 300+ scientists active on the ReSci Network platform with at least one research project (MVP) receiving funding for their research through ReSci.  Who? (The Team) Sage  - Web3 Community Organizer with product management experience with a background in environmental microbiology, over 1.5 years experience working in web3. Ned - Expertise in spatial data science, active in the DeSci community, over a year of full time work experience in the ReFi web3 space.",2022-09-03T20:01:23.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7496,True,True,0x4f8c531df3d97c6Cd437aC8DfE756975445D1161,Option: Governance for Profitable Good(s),,"👋 Read the Github version instead, Gitcoin's format is hard on the eyes. Alternatively, I'll read it to you, with commentary: Option is the fruit of seven years of work to design an economic system that can price externalities. Funding from this grant will be used to employ a research lab in characterizing the behavior of Option via direct proof and simulation. In particular, the research lab will focus on the subproblem of judicial selection. If you’re interested in this project, you might also like to support Digital Gaia’s Grant (disclaimer, Connor is a team member there, too). Digital Gaia is also working on a credible way to price externalities, starting with climate externalities. We need as many people working on this problem as possible. What's Option? Option is a prediction market for governance. Communities that use Option enjoy an environment where it’s profitable for companies to do what’s considered good by the community. Why use Option? For consumers: It's easy to choose products that are aligned with personal values and beliefs It's easy to express personal values in a way that will change companies' behavior For companies and entrepreneurs: It's easy to identify which socially responsible action would be beneficial to take It's easy to earn revenue for social goods that would otherwise require grants to support For journalists and researchers: It's easy to be a high integrity researcher or journalist It's easy to find funding for exploring the most important open questions For citizens: It's easy to influence policy in an area of interest It's easy to ignore politics without bad things happening For communities: It's easy to find and form communities of shared values It's easy to make collective choices How does Option work? Prediction Markets for Policy Setting Option is a prediction market for governance. Prediction markets have long been considered an effective way for groups to make more accurate collective inferences. The basic way a traditional prediction market works is simple: Anyone can create a market. Like, “It will rain on Thursday.” Then other people can bet on the outcome. If the market maker says it rained then the people that bet YES get paid, otherwise the people that bet NO get paid. Due to the value of accurate predictions, many prediction market platforms have sprung up such as Augur, Metaculus, Manifold Markets, among many others. Each of these platforms are excellent at aggregating information and incenting accurate predictions, however, they cannot be used for governance. This is because traditional prediction markets suffer from three shortcomings that prevent their usage as governance tools: Moral Hazard — The ability to bet on a particular outcome can create bad incentives. For example, In 2021 a man bet $50,000 that there would be a streaker at the Super Bowl, then he put on a leotard and became that streaker. Hidden Information — Since earning money is dependent on having special knowledge, betting markets incent proprietary information and insider trading Policy Impotence — Even if a market offers a very accurate prediction, there’s nothing to ensure policymakers will listen to it or interpret it correctly. Option circumvents these shortcomings by taking away the opportunity for upside from an accurate trade. In Option, it’s free to be right and expensive to be wrong. This counterintuitive choice allows Option to redress the shortcomings of prediction markets for use in governance. For example, this design choice solves certain kinds of Moral Hazard: if the man in the leotard had known the best that could happen is he wouldn’t lose $50,000 he never would have put on the leotard in the first place. Option automatically sets its policies based on the predictions of the market. So, when a player bets they don’t expect to be paid for accurate bets, instead, Option players make bets in exchange for shifting the market prediction, and therefore shifting policy. This solves Policy Impotence: predictions in the market directly set policy. Since Option doesn’t have to pay out for accurate bets, it can instead use that money to pay for information that lead to resolution of the prediction. Standing “resolution bounties” indicate the most high value places where a player can provide information. This solves Hidden Information: players are paid for information. The details of the mechanisms that power Option are beyond the scope of this grant (if you’re interested you’ll find links at the end). However, it’s worth being familiar with the two general mechanism sets Option uses: the Claim Market the Semantic Market The Claim Market’s job is to encode beliefs as currency. It gives us: Sincere signaling of belief and values Bribe resistant currency Targeted funding for research and journalism Negative money that’s not debt The Semantic Market’s job is to instantiate the game for collective inference and policy setting. It relies heavily on the guarantees of the Claim Market. It gives us: A surface to interlock claims (enabling conditional predictions) Increased influence on more testable predictions A way to select unbiased judges for each prediction Game theoretic policy setting Setting Policy Let’s look at a specific example of where regulation was used to try to solve a problem, and how it would have looked different had Option been used. Note that this doesn’t try to tell you why this happens, just describes the behavior. In 2013 New York City proposed a ban on sugary drinks larger than 16 fluid ounces. The argument by the Board of Health was that the limit would improve public health and make it easier for people to reduce their caloric intake. The argument against this ban was that it would be legal overreach, and it violated the personal autonomy of consumers. Had New York City citizens been able to use Option, those who wanted to avoid unhealthy drinks would have experienced an increased price for the drinks (akin to a tax) dissuading them from purchasing. In exchange for this tax, Option's prediction that avoiding sugary drinks improves health outcomes would lower the effective healthcare costs of those that opted in to the tax. As a second order effect of this system, soft drink providers like PepsiCo or CocaCola would find aggregate demand drop for the goods predicted to be unhealthy, incenting them to reduce the health implications of their products. In this way, Option maintains individual autonomy while localizing individual responsibility; using markets and preferences instead of legislative bodies. Externalities But, what about situations where members of a community are harmed by the actions of a company that they don't buy from? For example, what if a mining operation leaches toxins into a nearby river, which harms a biodiverse ecosystem and degrades the health of locals? If those locals don't purchase products made from the mined minerals they cannot exert influence by boycotting the goods, so it would seem they don’t have market-based ability to minimize the pollution. Those familiar with economics will recognize that this is a classic example of a negative externality, a “bad” thing that doesn't have a cost associated with it. In this case, the locals and the ecosystem are harmed but the mining operation doesn't pay for that, so they enjoy artificially high profits. The mining company has socialized costs while privatizing gains. The Shortcomings of Regulation One option to solve this problem is regulation. For example, the local government could say, ""No more than 0.010 parts per million of arsenic in the water, otherwise we'll fine you 1 million dollars."" However, regulation has some well known problems: Regulation is often slow to respond — markets outpace and outmaneuver the regulators Regulation is often imprecise — it over or under regulates, stifling innovation or permitting great harm Regulation is often non-dynamic — it doesn't update with new knowledge Regulators can become ""captured"" — the entities they should regulate find ways to influence the decision in their favor Coasian Bargaining Economic theory offers a clever alternative to regulation called, ""Coasian Bargaining"". The idea is named after Ronald Coase who won the Nobel Prize in Economics for this and related ideas. What would Coase recommend to these people whose river is being polluted? Unfortunately, his recommendation is very unpalatable to most people. He would tell them to pay the mining operation to pollute less. The mining operation could agree to implement policies to reduce their pollution in exchange for the community paying them to offset the costs of implementing the policies. However, Coasian Bargaining has proven rarely useful in practice. Even apart from the fact that it feels bad to pay people who pollute, and that it could create a net incentive to pollute more so as to be paid to do less of it, there are more fundamental issues: How can the community know how much it actually costs to reduce pollution? How will the community verify that the company is implementing the policies effectively? How do future generations pay for the benefit of a healthy ecosystem and community? For example, what if the community is willing to pay 2 million dollars to reduce pollution by 50%, but: The mining company says, ""It costs us 5 million dollars to reduce pollution by 50%"" when it really only costs them $2 million. It costs 2 million dollars a year to run the water quality tests which confirm the company is complying. Future generations, when asked, say that looking back they would have been willing to pay $50 million for a healthy community and ecosystem, not just $2 million. Now you can see why Coasian Bargaining is of limited application, it only works where: There's no hidden information about costs. It's easy and cheap to validate performance. The people who are affected are able to pay. Option's Coasian Bargaining How does Option get around this? Option still uses a form of Coasian Bargaining, but rather than pay the mining company to pollute less, Option allows the local community to put negative valued money into the mining operation’s digital wallet. This forces the mining company to negotiate with the community. In exchange for this ability, the local community makes predictions (which they stake) that the mining operation can dispute. For example, they might say: “It only costs 1 million dollars to reduce pollution by 50%” “Every year, the mining company leaches 500,000 liters of pollution into the river” “Future generations, when asked, will be willing to pay $100 million for the healthier community and ecosystem they enjoy thanks to the reduction in pollution” Based on the expected future cost predicted by the local community, Option places a certain amount of negative money into the account of the mining operation. But what happens if the local community overestimated the size of the future cost? In that case, the mining company can respond with their own predictions, making lower predictions (which they also stake) about the costs of their behavior. For example: “It costs us 3 million dollars to reduce pollution by 50%” “Every year, we only leach 100,000 liters of pollution into the river” “Future generations, when asked, will be willing to pay $10 million for the healthier community and ecosystem they enjoy thanks to the reduction in pollution” By taking this action, the mining company reduces the amount of negative money Option places in their account. However, this isn't the end of the story. Now all the money that was bet by the mining company and the local community come into play. That money becomes a bounty which can be paid to researchers and journalists for helping to refine the accuracy of the predictions. Disverifier Selection How do these journalists and researchers get selected and paid? That's one question this grant will fund. The funds earned from this grant will go toward exploring the exact mechanism for how to select informed, unbiased, and sincere researchers and journalists (or ""disverifiers"" in Option's parlance). There are three reasons to think this is a tractable problem: Option offers a natural way to identify bias — a measure of ideological “distance”. Sincerity and accuracy can be well incented by staking mechanisms. Iterative deepening of predictions is a mechanism for incenting precise and resolvable predictions. Furthermore, this work is worth funding even if optimal disverifier selection proves impossible. It may be possible that the worst case performance of Option is still marginally better than some existing governance process. For example, we might imagine that Option fails to live up to the standards of the real-world legal system, but offers efficiencies for use in: Governance of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations Open science modeling, e.g. in regenerative agriculture Governance of content moderation on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter or their web3 alternatives Replacing bespoke web3 incentive models with API calls to Option, e.g. Sybil resistance for Gitcoin, or decentralized Yelp where each reviewer makes the claim, ""This review was left by a real customer who was not paid."" DAO certification and open source software funding via predictions like, “This project has no vulnerabilities.” Which simultaneously offers information about the confidence of the developers, while providing bounties for red teaming. Use of Funds This grant will fund three primary activities performed by the Decision Science and Control (DeSCon) lab of Dr. Philip Brown (or his students, depending on the complexity of universities ∪ crypto ): Prove game theoretic properties about the model (or simplified versions) Implement the model in-silico and characterize its behaviors (Stretch Goal) Implement Option as an interactive game Questions worth exploring: What's the Byzantine Fault Tolerance of the inference model? Can we characterize capacity for information aggregation? How do wealth effects (e.g. high income inequality) affect system behavior? How quickly can a poorly funded accurate predictor overcome a well funded inaccurate incumbent? Can Option be framed as a version of a known game for easier analysis, e.g. Beauty Contests? What happens if we allow pricing of positive externalities? Does that introduce risks of collusion? Is Option capture-proof? How well does Option handle the more general problem of Moral Hazard: companies paying to retain policies that are profitable. In what ways might this be exploited to leak private information (e.g. private values and beliefs or transaction history)? Can modifications avoid that? Can cognitive biases distort the game theoretic prediction, e.g. paying someone in a dubious claim induces sunk cost bias and doubling down. What are the expected psychosocial externalities of using Option? Cf. Twitter and Facebook’s tendency to incite outrage. Look at personas like: intrustors, citizens, disverifiers, Given that Option creates funding as a function of disagreement, does this create a meta incentive for disverifiers to stoke disagreement? How does the magnitude of this incentive compare with the existing disagreement incentive of an elected government? This is an incredibly high level overview of Option and its purpose. If you would like to learn more about the details of the mechanisms that underpin Option, here are some good places to start: Claim Market Prototype (link) This is a toy implementation of the Claim Market, the token layer of Option. Semantic Market Deck (link) This deck overviews the mechanisms of the Semantic Market, the inference layer of Option. Adoption Plausibility Finally, it's worth addressing the most common objection to Option: if Option makes it more expensive to purchase goods and less profitable to sell goods, and it opens companies up to an additional form of liability, how will it ever get adopted? For companies, Option fills the same niche as LEED certifications, Better Business Bureau grades, Corporate Social Responsibility teams, and Fair Trade and Organic product labels. For companies that are sincere in their claims, Option creates a measurable surface upon which to demonstrate that sincerity. A company that practices ethical manufacturing will accept Option's currency and stake predictions on Option in order to differentiate themselves from competitors that only purport to practice ethical manufacturing. Some consumers will reject transacting in non-Option currencies just as some people today refuse to purchase non-Fair Trade goods. Other consumers will transact in Option simply because it can save them money on certain products, e.g. the health insurance savings thanks to the voluntary tax on soda. Finally, for regulators and lawmakers Option provides new mechanics for making regulations that are responsive to the research community. In the long run, communities, nations, and planets with better foresight and a better ability to avoid negative externalities will outlast those that don't.",2022-09-03T20:18:11.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7497,True,True,0x632Fd6D5E53A8661e751a964c9d7c9aa63Ecaa5A,Defi Biolabs is engineering cyanobacteria to produce scalable feed supplement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in cattle.,,"Defi Biolabs is engineering cyanobacteria to produce a cheap, scalable feed supplement to reduce  greenhouse gas emissions  in the dairy and beef industry. The Problem  The planet is warming up and human agriculture is playing a large part in carbon dioxide  and methane emissions. Production of beef and dairy products play a large part in greenhouse gas emissions with one cow being able to produce 100 kilograms of methane per year.  Livestock are responsible for ~14% of global greenhouse gas emissions per year.  Current technologies are unable to meet demand Asparagopsis taxiformis, a type of edible red seaweed, has been shown to reduce the methane emissions 85% under real farm conditions  in cattle when included at  0.3% of the animals’ dry matter intake (Roque 2021). Multiple companies are building farms to grow this red seaweed as a food additive and digestive aid in order to reduce the methane emissions in cattle. The facilities needed to grow  red seaweed require thousands of acres of ocean front land to produce the final product at a cost of ~$10.0 USD per kg.  The current bottleneck is being able to grow enough of this seaweed to use as a food additive for the cattle.  Our Solution  Our goal is to drastically reduce the cost and land resources necessary  to produce a food additive that can reduce methane emissions in cattle.  Recent advances in aquaculture  have made it economically feasible and sustainable, allowing for a dollar cost average of $0.80 per Kg algae produced. Combining recent advancements in aquaculture  with  modern synthetic biology platforms, we look to circumvent the land and resources essential to farming red seaweed by engineering edible cyanobacteria that produce the secondary metabolites known to inhibit methane production in cattle rumen.    Companies such as Lumen Bioscience are using  engineered spirulina to produce a dried biomass which can  deliver therapeutic payloads to treat bacterial infections. Our goal is to deliver an edible biomass containing methanogenic inhibitors to the rumen of cattle in order to reduce methane emissions.    Who we are:   Defi Biolabs is an LLC in the state of Wisconsin  composed of  a group of recent PhD graduates from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. We are looking to develop carbon removal  technology using cyanobacteria. Defi Biolabs is a registered team competing in the X-prize for carbon removal looking to meet the goal of removing  1000 tonnes of CO2 per year.    Where we are now   We recently finished building our lab and have assembled our first genome as a candidate for bioengineering.    Our next goal is to begin cloning biosynthetic gene clusters from the red seaweed into our cyanobacteria and look for expression of those proteins and secondary metabolites.  From there we will look to optimize growth conditions and maximize the production of the secondary metabolites of interest.      What will the money we raise go towards?     $0-2000 Will pay for 1-2 months of reagents, chemicals and media  necessary to perform molecular and microbiology experiments.   $2,000-10,000 Will allow for us to buy the remaining equipment we need to finish the essential equipment for our lab including purchasing an ultra low temp freezer,  nanopore sequencer for long read genome sequencing and a spectrophotometer.   $10,000-50,000 This will provide us with a 6 month-1 year  runway to perform experiments  and cover the cost of reagents.    $50,000-$100,000 This will provide a runway for a year to perform all experiments necessary and provide an opportunity for defi biolabs to engineer our strains.     $100,000+  Means I can quit my day job and work on this project full time. This will grant us an opportunity to establish our product and look to receive seed funding  and work together with the ginkgo bioworks synthetic biology platform to bioengineer cyanobacteria to meet our needs.        About the founders:    I completed a PhD in genetics in 2021 from the University of Wisconsin Madison and have over 10 years of experience working with bacteria. I have an  extensive background  in molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry and microbiology.  My thesis work  focused on bacterial physiology and how bacteria adapt to changes in nutrient availability and I am always excited to talk about biotechnology and microbiology.  I am currently working together with my partner who is an experienced bioinformatician and microbial ecologist.   Together we are looking to bring our skills as an experienced  microbiology and bioinformatics expert to the forefront of synthetic biology and algae culture.   Feel free to reach out to us on twitter or our website.    References:   Smith PM, Bustamante H, Ahammad H, Clark H, Dong EA, Elsiddig H, Haberl R, Harper J, House M, Jafari O, Masera C, Mbow NH, Ravindranath CW, Rice C, Robledo Abad A, Romanovskaya F, Sperling F, Tubiello F. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) 2013. In: Climate Change: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge, and New York: Cambridge University Press; 2013.    Machado L, Magnusson M, Paul NA, Kinley R, de Nys R, Tomkins N. Identification of bioactives from the red seaweed Asparagopsis taxiformis that promote antimethanogenic activity in-vitro. J Appl Phycol. 2016;28:3117–26.   Röhr, M. E., Holmer, M., Baum, J. K., Björk, M., Boyer, K., Chin, D., et al. (2018). Blue carbon storage capacity of temperate eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 32, 1457– 1475.   . Kinley, R. D., Tan, S., Turnbull, J., Askew, S., Roque, B. M. (2021a). Changing the Proportions of Grass and Grain in Feed Substrate Impacts the Efficacy of Asparagopsis taxiformis to Inhibit Methane Production in Vitro. American Journal of Plant Sciences 12(12), 1835–1858.    Chen, Y., Xu, C., 2020. Exploring new blue carbon plants for sustainable ecosystems. Trends Plant Sci. 25 (11), 1067–1070.   Olejarz, J., Iwasa, Y., Knoll, A.H. et al. The Great Oxygenation Event as a consequence of ecological dynamics modulated by planetary change. Nat Commun 12, 3985 (2021). ",2022-09-03T20:20:09.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7498,True,True,0x39D453d4B86c6D97f6D420cB2F0dab957dec0279,watercycle,,"Watercycle is developing an open-source, low-cost water structuring device to improve crop yields and accelerate natural carbon sequestration. tl;dr Developing an open-source, low-cost water structuring device. Conducting decentralized science experiments to measure the water structuring device’s efficacy in improving crop yields, reducing water usage and accelerating natural carbon sequestration. What is water structuring? Water structuring is a term to describe the process of organizing water molecules into a more coherent state. Water from a stream or spring becomes structured as it spirals along its natural path. We all know the difference between drinking vibrantly alive water compared to water that has been sitting in a pipe and plants know the difference too. A finely tuned water structuring device emulates the natural flow of water to optimize its life giving effect on humans and plants alike. The Problem  Several water structuring devices are currently available and have demonstrated promising results in agriculture, but the technology hasn’t crossed over yet as a major regenerative agriculture solution. Available water structuring devices used in agriculture today are closed source, relatively expensive, not well known, not well distributed and do not have high legitimacy. (Vitalik outlines legitimacy well here: The Solution We intend to design an effective, low-cost and open-source water structuring device and create legitimacy for that device through thoughtfully conducted decentralized science experiments. We hope to collaborate with ImpactDAOs and MRV (Measurement, Reporting and Verification) efforts to offer regenerative farmers a low-risk, low-maintenance and potentially high reward solution to their farms. We believe water structuring is a key agricultural solution with the potential to significantly accelerate natural carbon sequestration while reducing water requirements and significantly bolstering yields for regenerative farmers. We believe that through building open-source tools and collaborating with ImpactDAOs we can positively impact farms of all sizes around the globe. Deliverables Phase 1) Prototype an open-source, low-cost water structuring device Phase 2) Design a decentralized scientific study in collaboration with with ImpactDAOs, MRV initiatives and regenerative farmers. Phase 3) Conduct the study. Measure key changes to crop and soil health with water structuring device. Phase 4) Collect, analyze the data — publish our study and water structuring device design. Phase 5) Iterate with feedback and results from initial study What the funds will be used for Research existing water structuring devices Design low-cost prototype water structuring device 3D print prototype and run preliminary experiments 3D print and ship water structuring devices to participating farms for larger decentralized study Team Daniel Friedman, Lena Cole Collaborators True North ( We invite you as our funders to become our collaborators! Thank you for reading :) ",2022-09-03T21:10:17.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7499,True,True,0xC6C42C389B2AD90f0180664849Fbe10bf175633c,🧬 DeSciLATAM,,"Our mission is to bring the scientific community of LATAM closer to new tools and forms of financing for their research, through DeSci. One block at a time. 🗓 With the funds from this round, we are going to carry out the first DeSci IRL event in Argentina. We are going to carry it out in Rosario, which is the province where the most important scientific hub in the region is located. Then organize events both in City of Buenos Aires and in Córdoba. 💬 On the other hand, online, we are going to create activities with DeSci referents and invite key people from the scientific ecosystem and web3 to join, so that there begins to be cross-pollination between both worlds. Starting with a twitter space to which we are going to invite LATAM projects that participated in this Gitcoin round. 🎯 We are also going to reach scientists from Argentina to find an impact-driven projects in need of funding and give them visualization and means to reach their goal. 🌐 And on social media we will be sharing sharing valuable content about Decentralized Science: the most relevant news about the ecosystem, reflections, job searches, grants, curated articles, etc. As well as recurring spaces to level knowledge, opportunities and co-create the future of the DeSci movement in community. 🦋 Twitter: 🦋 Discord: 🦋 Telegram: -------------------------------------------------- Nuestra misión es acercar a la comunidad científica de LATAM nuevas herramientas y formas de financiamiento para sus investigaciones, a través de DeSci. Un bloque a la vez. 🗓 Con los fondos de esta ronda vamos a realizar el primer evento DeSci IRL en Argentina. Lo vamos a realizar en Rosario, que es la provincia donde se encuentra el polo científico más importante de la región. Luego vamos a organizar otros eventos tanto en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires como en Córdoba. 💬 Por otro lado, en línea, vamos a crear actividades con referentes DeSci e invitar a personas clave del ecosistema científico y web3 a unirse, para que comience a haber una polinización cruzada entre ambos mundos. Comenzando con un espacio de twitter al que vamos a invitar a los proyectos de LATAM que participaron en esta ronda de Gitcoin. 🎯 También vamos a llegar a científicos de Argentina para encontrar proyectos impulsados ​​por el impacto que necesiten financiación y darles visualización y medios para alcanzar su objetivo. 🌐 Y en las redes sociales vamos a compartir contenido de valor sobre Ciencia Descentralizada: las noticias más relevantes sobre el ecosistema, reflexiones, búsquedas de empleo, becas, artículos curados, etc. Además de espacios recurrentes para nivelar conocimientos, oportunidades y co-crear el futuro del movimiento DeSci en comunidad. 🦋 Twitter: 🦋 Discord: 🦋 Telegram: ",2022-09-03T21:21:04.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7500,True,True,0x3041D94f612A84cc82c136c3ebcA5417b185b2e3,"Support MoveDAO, the best way for ordinary people to participate in the Move ecosystem",," MoveDAO is committed to building the largest community in the Move language ecosystem. Let ordinary people have more opportunities to participate in Move's blockchain ecosystem. At present, the new blockchains of Move language represented by Aptos and Sui are developing rapidly, and the financing amount has reached a new high under the overall market downturn, and the consensus that the new blockchains based on Move language will become the next bull market leader is getting stronger and stronger. The new blockchain represented by Aptos also opens a new model of capital public chain, and the opportunity for ordinary people to participate is getting less and less.. MoveDAO provides a new model of participation in the Move ecosystem, and through the power of the community, MoveDAO will provide continuous support to the Move ecosystem through education, talent training, project promotion and project incubation, and gain knowledge, opportunities and economic returns from them, most of which will be distributed to the members of the DAOs. Currently, MoveDAOs community has more than 120 members, including senior developers from Amazon, Ali, Tencent and other major companies, as well as resident representatives of capitalists. The project currently has an education group, an ecosystem research tracking group, and a promotion group operating independently. A lot of document translation work has been done, while more high-quality projects are on the way to launch. Fundraising plan: If the total amount of funds raised, 1~100,000U will be raised for the promotion and growth of the organization, mainly for community promotion activities and the output of Move education courses. The community is currently in a better upswing, and with the funding boost, we will be able to hold more quality Space events and rapidly expand the community's influence. In addition to educational and research expenses for the promotion and Move language, the rest of the funds will be used to reward outstanding proposals and to make early investments in Move eco-projects. The proceeds from the investment will be returned to the community and investors. If the total amount of funds raised, 100,000~1,000,000U In addition to the necessary team expenses, the funds will be mainly used for Move language ecosystem, professional talent training output, and providing ecosystem support services, cultivating 1~5 direct ecosystem projects, and establishing sufficient ecosystem influence. If the total amount of fundraising is higher than 1 million U We will set up an incubation fund jointly with project parties and capitalists, rely on MoveDAO's resource advantage in Move ecosystem and information advantage, and invest in excellent projects in Move ecosystem. At the same time, we will develop professional services such as technical services and talent training, and obtain returns from these aspects. We promise that the use of all donated funds will be regularly publicized and supervised by donors. ",2022-09-03T21:33:49.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7501,False,False,0xB6719cCB6C3bf13696c3C78666C355966Cf36192,Hacker House,,"Hacker House aims to spread Hacker culture and promote global Hacker collaboration. Hacker House is composed of a group of organizations and individuals who practice hacker culture. Hacker House hopes to attract hackers with ideas to join, live together, communicate together, build together, and team for hackathons together. Introduction: Events:",2022-09-03T21:35:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7502,True,True,0x330BdaF3fC683c74526AcaFCF71FC06cCc15f798,Minidomn is a launchpad for Web3-native investing DAOs.,,"Overview Minidomn is a launchpad for Web3-native investing DAOs. It is a decentralized platform and network that enables investors and communities to create Web3-native investing DAOs. It also provides infrastructure and tools for investing DAOs to socially network, invest in real world and maintain compliance. It is a great way for friends or funds to form investing DAOs to invest in crypto startups, NFTs, DeFi and other crypto-native assets. However, the complexity of launching and running an investing DAO, particularly compliantly, can be overwhelming even to experienced crypto users. Minidomn makes it easy to channel money into a multi-sig and invest with your network. Since everything is on-chain, distributions happen automatically via smart contracts. Meanwhile, Minidomn also limits the personal liability of investment DAO members by giving DAOs the option to compliantly connect to LLCs and other real physical capabilities. It’s still early and very few people have access to the product. The product is still in private alpha but the team is busy building smart contracts to experiment and automate much of the user experience.",2022-09-03T21:36:35.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7503,True,True,0x383F84bDA7c56bb47686B84056D97481838E73E0,Social Layer,,"About Social Layer is a subjective, relational and programmable Soulbound NFT-based social network. It allows individuals and organization to send badges to each other, generating a new kind of social graph based on badges instead of ""follow"" relations. The new badge-based social network lays the foundation for unleashing the potential of social capital. Also, it creates a visualizing tool for understanding how decentralized societies are structured and then allows anyone to quickly establish a community using programmable badge systems designed by other successful communities. Past and Next For the past half year, a team of 7 part-time contributors developed a demo app and showcase it for the first time during the biggest Web3 conference in Dali, China this August. The dApp now has the basic features of sending, receiving and displaying the badges. Next, we are plan to share with a much greater community at Devcon about how Social Layer can help create unique and memorable person-2-person connections using SBT, apart from everyone receiving the exact same POAP. For next year, one of our two priorities is to display the unique social graph for everyone. Based on the issuance and reception of badges, users can see straightaway how he is connected by badges with people at two or more degrees of separation, that is, how anyone in a big conference like Devcon is related to him. The other priority is to diversify badge modules so as to allow users to combine the suitable ones to meet their needs to record different types of information, such as witness, roles, skills, achievements and tickets, to fit various contexts like DAO, creator platforms and philanthropic sector. Why do we need help? We want to be able to financially support 2-3 engineers so that the product can be delivered in a steady pace.",2022-09-03T21:40:49.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7504,True,True,0xD5d38d8835f33388Ff67a0E40989aCdaeBe71C43,Web3 FundME,,"Are you looking to fund an idea or concept? Launch a project? Or just want to give something back and support others in the community?  Crowdfunding can be a rewarding experience, but it is a time-consuming, manual process.   Our mission is to create an easy-to-use, real-world-case, decentralized crowdfunding platform that empowers users. For everyday fundraisers, individuals, charities, and startups.   Web3 FundMe is offering our latest fundraising concept as part of our grant application and we need your help!   Blockchain technology, real estate, business launchpads, and investments are common themes on popular decentralized crowdfunding sites.   As these platforms are filling a gap within the web3 space, they are not focused on everyday fundraisers.   ENS is one of the most powerful namespaces we have at our disposal, and we've already established an organization building a censorship-resistant immutable decentralized crowdfunding platform with low fees (plus transaction expenses) and on-demand withdrawals. Users will be able to donate using subdomains of the main ENS domain, web3fundme.eth, while accepting a variety of cryptocurrencies.   Fundraisers will have the option to reward their contributors with NFTs in exchange for their donations.   ENS can be complicated to set up and not every user will understand how to work with it. We plan to utilize the platform to simplify crowdfunds for new users to the blockchain and help them get started by opening and connecting a wallet and depositing funds directly while utilizing ENS and its subdomains.   Importantly, the Web3 FundMe platform will provide opportunities to market ENS as a whole and to future fundraisers and contributors from all over the world. A strong emphasis will be placed on crowdsourcing to onboard both Solidity and Full-Stack developers, digital artists, and social media content creators. Both the Founder and I love what we do and we are very excited to have you read our submission. FOUNDER workfromhome.eth Following 10 years of service in the Military, I spent my time as a Ground Station Engineer assisting Initial Orbit Acquisition on new Satellites. I am a passionate engineer with a diverse and deep technical background in blockchain, software, computers, electronics engineering, and communications, proudly working with SSC, SpaceX, JAXA, ESA, and NASA. I have been following Blockchain and Web3 technologies closely since 2016, absorbing and experiencing a lot over these years. I also enjoy giving back to the community.  CEO ensvixen.eth After extensive travel and the study of Neuro-physiological Development in China, I spent the following 15 years turning over multiple self-established brick-and-mortar businesses. I have since joined the Web3 space in 2017 and bring my extensive experience in business development and operations to the industry. I look forward to bringing many of my ideas to fruition and bridging web2 to web3.",2022-09-03T21:50:12.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7505,True,True,0x02aCb57384d82c6F0875030032b3f248EB46b327,Otomee: The Metaverse Hub,,"A censorship-resistant Hub for The Metaverse, a place communities can call home. Create and exchange value with 0% fees. Otomee is an open, peer-to-peer, decentralized and censorship-resistant Hub where communities can create highly customizable experiences for their members, generating utility and a greater sense of belonging. Otomee also features a built-in marketplace where communities decide the rules, with fees as low as 0%. Why is your contribution important? In recent months, the web3 ecosystem has suffered from censorship attacks against communities and individuals, delisting their assets from the leading platforms in the industry. It is ironic that a movement such as web3 whose ethos is openness, transparency and decentralization, doesn't have truly permissionless tools. We are here to give power back to individuals. Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The ones who see things differently... How will your contribution help us? Otomee is a public infrastructure for the web3 ecosystem, and we need your help bootstrap the platform. Your contributions will be used to pay for audits, deploy smart contracts to the mainnet, ensure the platform can pay for querying from The Graph, and allow us to keep developing until Otomee becomes self-sustainable. A built-in, open marketplace. Otomee aims to be the place where communities can have all they need to thrive. With a built-in, open marketplace, your community can exchange NFTs and decide whether they want to pay royalties or transact completely free. Otomee introduces a new user-centric model where individuals will be able to curate NFT listings from different communities and present them on their themed profile page, under the Curation tab. All sales made through the user’s Curation page will give him a % of the sale defined by him, creating new markets and opportunities for individuals to leverage the metaverse economy. A Highly customizable Presentation card: Otomee will give communities and individuals the tools they need to express themselves through their collections, offering artists, communities and collectors full control over the look and feel of their profiles and pages so they can be used as the ultimate way of representing their whole identity in one place. These features will remain decentralized and on-chain in the form of NFTs with gas efficiency and flexibility as top priorities. Creators will also be able to share their custom themes with the world. It will be up to them to decide how they will be distributed: be it in the form of an airdrop to their communities, a free mint or if they want to charge for them. This opens a completely new sea of possibilities for communities and creators to connect. Onboarding brands and communities to the Metaverse: It is important to create easy ways for traditional brands and communities to dip their toes into the metaverse. Otomee helps them with one-click SC deployments from a preset of the most popular NFT standards and drop strategies, with automatic integration to the Otomee ecosystem. ENS at its core. Otomee implements Sign In with Ethereum and ENS as its authentication system, implementing resolution for ENS names and avatars, but more importantly, giving communities a subdomain of Otomee.eth for their community page, helping them avoid phishing scams. Any modifications in example.otomee.eth is much easier to spot than otomee.eth/0xabcd…. Besides, settings like community themes and royalty settings (If set) will be saved in text records of the community’s subdomain. Otomee uses ENS to power the platform and you can use Otomee to power your ENS experience. ENS users will have an intuitive interface to easily customize their ENS text records and set their NFTs as ENS avatars with one click, or using non-NFT images dragging and dropping to upload them directly to IPFS. If set, these text records like description, location and social media handles will be displayed in their Otomee profile. To leverage Otomee’s built-in, censorship-resistant marketplace, the ENS community will be able to buy and sell ENS names with ENS-specific filters and 0% fees. The architecture: 🤓 Otomee has been designed with decentralization as a top priority. It features a serverless architecture using technologies like the EVM, IPFS to store the Web App itself, orders, setting and themes; Orbitdb to manage the data, The Graph to index blockchain information of NFTs and SCs, and ENS to logically structure the platform. None of these services has a single point of failure and every line of code of the platform is open source, thus creating a self-sustainable marketplace that everyone can use, no one can control, anyone can verify and no one can stop. The Roadmap: Marketplace Smart contracts Built-in marketplace Default Community page and User profiles ENS regular and reverse lookups integration Core subgraphs MVP (Compile source code and run on the Rinkeby Network) Template engine integration (Themes) ENS subdomain system ENS profile editing page One-click SC compiler and deployer How you can help: If you believe Otomee can add value to you or your community and would like to support the project, here are two ways you can do it: The code is open source and PRs are welcome! If you want to contribute through the Grant round, even a $1 contribution will help us massively pay for SC deployments in mainnet and subgraph queries and auditing! Made with ❤ for the world.",2022-09-03T21:53:13.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7506,True,True,0x16d46098e455A04Cf7F3e43c3b2706614fDbEC85,Regen Knowledge Graph,,"Help us cultivate a Mycelium Knowledge Network for Self Organizing Collective Action.   Regeneration is an emerging paradigm in web3, motivated by the existential risks of our degenerative economic systems based on extraction, exploitation, and pollution. Global warming, biodiversity loss, and poverty are examples of issues that ReFi and Impact DAOs are addressing. A global movement is rising for the use of web3 for good, but the nascency and decentralized nature of the space prevents innovators from easily knowing and navigating the ecosystem. To cause our individual actions to aggregate to planetary scale regeneration requires intelligent coordination as a network within and across distributed organizations (DAOs). To coordinate at a global level, we need a decentralized knowledge network which can enable us to  Map the ecosystem Who and what exists? How are they related?  People, groups, media, standards, science, events, jobs, etc. Spread knowledge Search and recommendation to provide access to relevant information Build relationships Between people, groups, and other resources   We’re doing these things already—in discord, telegram, and a growing group of web3 specific organization tools—but lack a holistic map and compass to help us comprehend and navigate the ecosystem we are co-creating.     People may want to learn how to contribute to system change but don't know how. Investors have committed trillions to climate finance but don't see how to distribute it.  By mapping the ecosystem, we create paths for progress.  By allowing for discourse to be embedded in the map, we can build roadmaps for DeSci, investment, engineering, and overarching stories that underlie regenerative cultures. Shared stories can catalyze a critical mass of people, and mobilize the funds, legitimacy, and other resources necessary to make the systems-level changes we so urgently need.   So, what are we doing? We are solving an important piece of the coordination stack. We are building a semantic social network- a platform that is designed for you to tell your story and share what people, projects, and other resources you’re connected with. These local perspectives can be linked together to show a big picture view: who and what is in the ecosystem of #ReFi and how is it all connected together? What are people working on?  What is needed? What is being offered? This content can also be used specifically for investors, to provide a clear picture of the value proposition of projects in the space.    The backbone of this platform is a database of knowledge integrated into a graph structure. Knowledge graphs put data in context via linking resources to each other and to semantic metadata to provide a framework for data integration, unification, analytics and sharing. They are already used by the big social networks, search engines, personal AI assistants, markets, and other siloed enterprises that deal with networks.  By integrating data into information, information into knowledge, and knowledge into wisdom, we can create an open knowledge graph for the global network of regerates.     Knowledge graphs are easy to conceptualize, they are made by connecting nodes representing things (objects, events, ideas, people, projects, etc) with directed edges representing relationships.  This symbolic structure allows for the meaning of the data to be both machine and human readable. The data can be browsed visually like a map or with a search engine like Google. Knowledge graphs can be combined with machine learning to improve AI, creating the possibility for humans and machines to work together to cultivate and apply intelligence for regeneration.   Here is a visualization of a knowledge graph to give you a better idea:     A secret sauce to Knowledge Graphs is ontology, the design of schemas for the types of resources and relationships in a domain.  This provides a standard structure for data to be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable (FAIR). We hope to work with stakeholders across the ecosystem to steward ontologies for various sub-domains, such as DAOs, jobs, and MRV.   We’re building this open source. We'll leverage a current prototype that we’ve built for a team at NASA. We’ll build an app with screens for DAOs, founders, job seekers, investors, storytellers, to share and publish information. We'll collaborate with other groups like ReFiDAO on projects such as self sovereign profiles and an impact explorer. We’ll build community on Twitter to promote this platform with the many voices of #ReFi as the world’s innovation force for the future. We know that trees can exchange resources through underground fungal networks in a “wood wide web”. Blockchain networks can be seen to allow for value to be exchanged in a similar way for humans.  However, trees also need to communicate through these networks to know how to share resources and coordinate to avoid disasters and flourish as an ecosystem.  We are building a similar intelligence system to complement blockchains. In short, we are building a self organizing collective intelligence platform for planetary scale regeneration.      What have we done so far? We have gathered core contributors including Ellie Young Jenn Baez Darren Zal Katerina Carbonell We have been conducting interviews with ReFi projects to inform our first ontology.  If you want to participate in this process, please sign up for an interview or fill out our survey here.   How will we use funds from this grant? We will design and build the knowledge graph as a commons, making it as free, open, and decentralized as possible. We are also building a public website for interacting with the graph. Here is a simply mockup of how it could look:   Thank you for your support and please reach out if you want to chat! ",2022-09-03T22:07:02.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7508,False,False,0xBF99D143497cC438fF348083b2980A95CA3818D8,FaithRestored ,,"description in progress ",2022-09-03T22:35:43.535-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7509,True,True,0x0B2843E0fd0Cd38AB867D5328A5878909D701835,Crypto Zone or Country by Self-determination of Peoples by Paraguana DAO Independence Workstream,,"Imagine a decentralized society having crypto and web3 policy supporting freedom and innovation, and arranging a DeFi beach and other crypto venues. This can be achieved by the process of independence with local self-determination (recognized by the regime of Venezuela), which could then provide for the world an example of a societal transition to crypto and its benefits. Existing sandboxes, economic zones or the like are much subject to legacy rules or the whims of future political leaders (see, e.g., the recent Honduras zone revocation, the Nevada State Legislature’s unwillingness to provide the regulatory framework requested by Blockchains LLC). Ethereum innovators care about maintaining significant rights (free trade, self-custody, renounceable contracts, censorship resistance, anonymity by entities and of beneficial owners, not sanctioning or blocking innocent groups such as Venezuelans or Iranians, etc.), which most Venezuelans already agree with or would recognize in their public policy. But despite all the ""crypto revolution"" hype, Venezuelans remain bound to a regime that imposes oppression within deteriorated infrastructure. Since 2019, a Law of the Integral System of Cryptoassets heavily restricts operations with crypto, requiring registration with or permission from a Superintendency. Since 2022, transactions that are not in an official currency, including cryptocurrencies other than the Petro, are further taxable. In July 2022, special economic zones were created, but are likewise centrally planned and do not provide confidence of legal security. The Independence Workstream of Paraguana DAO, thanks to a handful of local activists in the Peninsula of Paraguana in Venezuela (one of the economic zones), has started to collect signatures to declare the Peninsula as an independent crypto zone or country, initially governed by direct democracy of one vote per citizen with decentralized governance tech. With this grant, the Workstream seeks to conduct crypto advocacy and advance ""good crypto policy and defense of the open web"" in the following manners: 1.Conducting advocacy, awareness, and consultations for this cause at Devcon Bogota (because international support is important). We have proposed to Devcon a community hub for “Decentralized Societies, Network States or Crypto Jurisdictions” in which an activity could be “international assistance sessions” but it was not accepted; with Gitcoin funding, we could do this individually, for Venezuela. We could also outline how the crypto community would see a crypto jurisdiction with good policy out of an independence, fork, or negotiation for sovereignty from an existing state. No expenses would be made for travel or accommodations. 2.Producing a report of efforts undertaken and learnings to date, including interviews with activists and an approximation of community reactions, for the benefit of other activists or supporters who might want to advance similar efforts. 3.Printing propaganda in Spanish on why good crypto policy and defense of the open web is necessary and should be achieved by way of the referendum (see this folder of materials), tracking each material’s impact in terms of signatures obtained. This does not include production or distribution work, which is better to be funded or volunteered locally. 4.Experimenting with paid ads in local outlets (that are not owned by sanctioned persons), with up to 5% of the grant funding, tracking each campaign’s impact in terms of signatures obtained. The distribution of funds and impact will be tracked as it is deemed viable, considering security and privacy for funds used in Venezuela, and will be reported within three months.",2022-09-03T22:54:30.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7510,False,False,0x624c49E49A3a35aF88065CF14D6AafBe32370FDf,0xDocs - Decentralized live editing and documentation registry,,"This is a description to be updated ",2022-09-03T22:59:33.369-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7511,False,False,0x624c49E49A3a35aF88065CF14D6AafBe32370FDf,0xDocs - Decentralized live editing and documentation registry,,"This is a description to be updated ",2022-09-03T22:59:33.699-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7512,True,True,0x63c67e568e66BE5301caC79Df85E026b89bDCeCf,3 Seeds / 3 Semillas Collective,,"We are building a knowledge and resource sharing network to support (and learn from) those who are building non-extractive models of community through recovering the teachings of our lands, ancestors, and cultures. So far in our work outside of the blockchain space, we’ve helped thousands of people get started with their first homes, retain access to their homes and/or lands, and have built several circles through ceremony, creative, healing residencies, and a tiny home community. We are now coming together to work across generations and geographies to create a collective resource network – 3Seeds DAO - based on the experiences of diverse community builders, so that anyone can envision their own path to home and community, connect with others, and eventually build themselves with support from the DAO. With this funding we will be able to advance our two current core initiatives by launching the online community space and starting a pilot project on the first physical community site called Tierrita Grande in South Texas. Our Current Core Initiatives: An online community space. We are creating an open-source virtual space for learning and connection. We will first start by hosting a monthly speaker series and continue building out open-source educational modules from our past build experiences, from our current build experience with Tierrita Grande, and from others in our network who are building. Research, Development & Documentation of low-cost, simple models for systems using Tierrita Grande (or other DAO partners) to test and implement. This will all feed into our open-source knowledge sharing platform we are building (see long-term plans below). We are currently testing systems for water and options for low-cost small dwellings. We have relationships with researchers and alternative builders to start these research pilots and documentation. Within five years we hope to: Have a comprehensive, holistic community development ecosystem on-chain to support those who are building models of community in right relationship with the land and her original stewards. This resource network will include human resources (builders, technicians, educators, healers, artists), educational resources, physical resources (products, materials), legal resources, and financial resources (shared purchasing models, sponsorships, and funding pools). We are excited to work within the blockchain space not just to create the resource network, but also to be able to leverage other models being created within the space. We are especially interested in partnering with those who are creating tokenomics models for land stewardship and with game designers to be able to co-create designs in the metaverse to implement on the physical earth. Why this model: Land, home and community are increasingly out of reach for many people. Unfortunately there are very few resources and little funding for those wanting to build outside of the current model that treats land as a commodity and expects a high financial return on investment from development.  Many people saw the benefit of community during the pandemic, whether that was sharing with neighbors or physically building a community. As community builders ourselves, we had people reach out to us asking for advice on how to create communities on their lands. Rather than a top-down model, we saw the need for an open, knowledge-sharing network where all of us could learn from one another, create educational resources from our unique experiences, leverage our collective power for joint purchasing, and share sponsorships and funding streams. How our model differs from existing ones in Web3: We investigated other community and land development models within the blockchain space to see if we might put our network under an existing initiative already well established; however, ours differed significantly from what we saw. Two DAOs we researched and participated in calls with were Cohere and CityDAO. While we are intrigued by CityDAO’s novel approach to buying land on-chain together and governing the land within their DAO, our communities are not looking to put their lands into the hands of strangers, especially a group where we don’t see many people who look like us. We will, however, continue to follow their progress and learn from their model for co-ownership of land on-chain for our future community projects.   Another DAO – Cohere - is building communities and seemed like it could be similar work to ours, yet we found some substantial differences. Cohere designed a community development model first (geared towards one demographic – remote workers/digital nomads), got traditional Wall Street investors on board, and are now looking for lands on which to implement their model. We, on the other hand, have a network of people with lands who are interested in listening to the land first and designing flexible models that work with what the land needs and creating accessible spaces for all ages and all types of contributors (not just those who can work remotely).  Let's Build Together! The pandemic led many people to want to create new models for home and community, yet they may lack the resources and/or knowledge to do so. 3Seeds DAO will create an equitable knowledge and resource sharing network network based on the experiences of diverse communities, so that anyone can envision their own path to home and community, connect with others, and eventually build or join others in building. Team and Contributors: Core Team:  Anel Flores - Entrepreneur, Realtor, Artist, Author & Healer Anel I. Flores work combines, oscillates between, and blurs disciplines in an ultimate goal to provide ancestral healing, present day joy, and a re-centering of Womyn of Color, Latina/e/x, BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ Womyn, Femmes and Gender Non-Binary folx. She is founder and director of La Otra Taller Nepantla Residency, Queer Voices, Tierrita Grande, and earned an MFA in Creative Writing. Her awards include Catalyst for Change, Women’s Advocate of the Year, the Nebrija Creadores Award, Best Of SA Author, Chingona in Literature Award, Ancinas Award at Squaw Valley, NALAC Fund for the Arts, Accion Women Inspiring Women & others. She is author of forthcoming book, Cortinas de Lluvia, co-editor of the Jota Anthology and author of Lambda award nominated book Empanada: A Lesbiana Story en Probaditas.  Erika A. Casasola - Curandera, Artist and Manager Erika Casasola is an advocate for Immigrant Rights, the environment, traditional healing and the LGBTQIA+ community. She is Co-founder of LezRideSA, a non-profit geared towards providing resources to  promote health and wellness to the LBGTQIA+ community and Tierrita Grande, a spiritual and natural healing retreat space, and an active member of the Sanarte Healing Community of San Antonio. Lee Pera - Geographer and Tiny Home Community Builder Lee’s work spans home and belonging, responsible land and community development, and technology for social impact. Over the years she’s built geographic information systems to support land sovereignty and environmental protection, worked with Indigenous communities on mapping strategies to protect their communally-held lands, and built the country’s first tiny home on wheels community.  She’s a passionate educator, having taught at two colleges and designed courses on topics ranging from alternative housing strategies to story mapping to responsible tourism development. Contributors & Advisors: Ari Theresa, Land Use Consultant and Civil Rights Attorney Aristotle ""Ari"" Theresa is a Civil Rights attorney focusing on Zoning and Administrative Law. He is principal of ""Stoop Law"" which is located in the Anacostia neighborhood of Southeast Washington DC. His firm Stoop Law has pioneered gentrification law, leading to the adjustment of best practices for the DC Office of Planning and for developers. In addition to his urban development and planning law practice, Ari is an Adjunct Professor, having taught classes in Land Use and Urban Planning and Critical Race Theory. Ari is a 4th generation DC resident and double HBCU graduate (Howard University School of Law and Clark-Atlanta University). Deatria Cameron, Community Ceremonial Artist Deatria Cameron is a talismanic artist and ceremonialist with DNA lineages from the four directions, and a passion for building communities that integrate ancient wisdom paths, soul wellness practices, and Earth resonance. Elena Carrasco, Software Engineer Elena Carrasco has been working with blockchain technology since 2015 and is the founder of Satoshi Succulents NFT Collection - “Building an intersectional Web3” George Siosi Samuels - Blockchain Community Specialist George is an entrepreneur, speaker and writer who has worked with high-growth startups all the way up to billion-dollar corporations; managed multiple communities across co-working, fintech, and blockchain; and is known for facilitating the first deal resulting in the Government of Tuvalu exploring the world's first national digital ledger and infrastructure project using a Proof-of-Work blockchain. He works to preserve intangible cultural heritage in a way that is empowering for both current and future generations and goes by “the Digital Wayfinder,” melding his Polynesian roots and teachings from his ancestors with his work in blockchain technology.",2022-09-03T23:01:11.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7512,True,True,0x63c67e568e66BE5301caC79Df85E026b89bDCeCf,3 Seeds / 3 Semillas Collective,,"We are building a knowledge and resource sharing network to support (and learn from) those who are building non-extractive models of community through recovering the teachings of our lands, ancestors, and cultures. So far in our work outside of the blockchain space, we’ve helped thousands of people get started with their first homes, retain access to their homes and/or lands, and have built several circles through ceremony, creative, healing residencies, and a tiny home community. We are now coming together to work across generations and geographies to create a collective resource network – 3Seeds DAO - based on the experiences of diverse community builders, so that anyone can envision their own path to home and community, connect with others, and eventually build themselves with support from the DAO. With this funding we will be able to advance our two current core initiatives by launching the online community space and starting a pilot project on the first physical community site called Tierrita Grande in South Texas. Our Current Core Initiatives: An online community space. We are creating an open-source virtual space for learning and connection. We will first start by hosting a monthly speaker series and continue building out open-source educational modules from our past build experiences, from our current build experience with Tierrita Grande, and from others in our network who are building. Research, Development & Documentation of low-cost, simple models for systems using Tierrita Grande (or other DAO partners) to test and implement. This will all feed into our open-source knowledge sharing platform we are building (see long-term plans below). We are currently testing systems for water and options for low-cost small dwellings. We have relationships with researchers and alternative builders to start these research pilots and documentation. Within five years we hope to: Have a comprehensive, holistic community development ecosystem on-chain to support those who are building models of community in right relationship with the land and her original stewards. This resource network will include human resources (builders, technicians, educators, healers, artists), educational resources, physical resources (products, materials), legal resources, and financial resources (shared purchasing models, sponsorships, and funding pools). We are excited to work within the blockchain space not just to create the resource network, but also to be able to leverage other models being created within the space. We are especially interested in partnering with those who are creating tokenomics models for land stewardship and with game designers to be able to co-create designs in the metaverse to implement on the physical earth. Why this model: Land, home and community are increasingly out of reach for many people. Unfortunately there are very few resources and little funding for those wanting to build outside of the current model that treats land as a commodity and expects a high financial return on investment from development.  Many people saw the benefit of community during the pandemic, whether that was sharing with neighbors or physically building a community. As community builders ourselves, we had people reach out to us asking for advice on how to create communities on their lands. Rather than a top-down model, we saw the need for an open, knowledge-sharing network where all of us could learn from one another, create educational resources from our unique experiences, leverage our collective power for joint purchasing, and share sponsorships and funding streams. How our model differs from existing ones in Web3: We investigated other community and land development models within the blockchain space to see if we might put our network under an existing initiative already well established; however, ours differed significantly from what we saw. Two DAOs we researched and participated in calls with were Cohere and CityDAO. While we are intrigued by CityDAO’s novel approach to buying land on-chain together and governing the land within their DAO, our communities are not looking to put their lands into the hands of strangers, especially a group where we don’t see many people who look like us. We will, however, continue to follow their progress and learn from their model for co-ownership of land on-chain for our future community projects.   Another DAO – Cohere - is building communities and seemed like it could be similar work to ours, yet we found some substantial differences. Cohere designed a community development model first (geared towards one demographic – remote workers/digital nomads), got traditional Wall Street investors on board, and are now looking for lands on which to implement their model. We, on the other hand, have a network of people with lands who are interested in listening to the land first and designing flexible models that work with what the land needs and creating accessible spaces for all ages and all types of contributors (not just those who can work remotely).  Let's Build Together! The pandemic led many people to want to create new models for home and community, yet they may lack the resources and/or knowledge to do so. 3Seeds DAO will create an equitable knowledge and resource sharing network network based on the experiences of diverse communities, so that anyone can envision their own path to home and community, connect with others, and eventually build or join others in building. Team and Contributors: Core Team:  Anel Flores - Entrepreneur, Realtor, Artist, Author & Healer Anel I. Flores work combines, oscillates between, and blurs disciplines in an ultimate goal to provide ancestral healing, present day joy, and a re-centering of Womyn of Color, Latina/e/x, BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ Womyn, Femmes and Gender Non-Binary folx. She is founder and director of La Otra Taller Nepantla Residency, Queer Voices, Tierrita Grande, and earned an MFA in Creative Writing. Her awards include Catalyst for Change, Women’s Advocate of the Year, the Nebrija Creadores Award, Best Of SA Author, Chingona in Literature Award, Ancinas Award at Squaw Valley, NALAC Fund for the Arts, Accion Women Inspiring Women & others. She is author of forthcoming book, Cortinas de Lluvia, co-editor of the Jota Anthology and author of Lambda award nominated book Empanada: A Lesbiana Story en Probaditas.  Erika A. Casasola - Curandera, Artist and Manager Erika Casasola is an advocate for Immigrant Rights, the environment, traditional healing and the LGBTQIA+ community. She is Co-founder of LezRideSA, a non-profit geared towards providing resources to  promote health and wellness to the LBGTQIA+ community and Tierrita Grande, a spiritual and natural healing retreat space, and an active member of the Sanarte Healing Community of San Antonio. Lee Pera - Geographer and Tiny Home Community Builder Lee’s work spans home and belonging, responsible land and community development, and technology for social impact. Over the years she’s built geographic information systems to support land sovereignty and environmental protection, worked with Indigenous communities on mapping strategies to protect their communally-held lands, and built the country’s first tiny home on wheels community.  She’s a passionate educator, having taught at two colleges and designed courses on topics ranging from alternative housing strategies to story mapping to responsible tourism development. Contributors & Advisors: Ari Theresa, Land Use Consultant and Civil Rights Attorney Aristotle ""Ari"" Theresa is a Civil Rights attorney focusing on Zoning and Administrative Law. He is principal of ""Stoop Law"" which is located in the Anacostia neighborhood of Southeast Washington DC. His firm Stoop Law has pioneered gentrification law, leading to the adjustment of best practices for the DC Office of Planning and for developers. In addition to his urban development and planning law practice, Ari is an Adjunct Professor, having taught classes in Land Use and Urban Planning and Critical Race Theory. Ari is a 4th generation DC resident and double HBCU graduate (Howard University School of Law and Clark-Atlanta University). Deatria Cameron, Community Ceremonial Artist Deatria Cameron is a talismanic artist and ceremonialist with DNA lineages from the four directions, and a passion for building communities that integrate ancient wisdom paths, soul wellness practices, and Earth resonance. Elena Carrasco, Software Engineer Elena Carrasco has been working with blockchain technology since 2015 and is the founder of Satoshi Succulents NFT Collection - “Building an intersectional Web3” George Siosi Samuels - Blockchain Community Specialist George is an entrepreneur, speaker and writer who has worked with high-growth startups all the way up to billion-dollar corporations; managed multiple communities across co-working, fintech, and blockchain; and is known for facilitating the first deal resulting in the Government of Tuvalu exploring the world's first national digital ledger and infrastructure project using a Proof-of-Work blockchain. He works to preserve intangible cultural heritage in a way that is empowering for both current and future generations and goes by “the Digital Wayfinder,” melding his Polynesian roots and teachings from his ancestors with his work in blockchain technology.",2022-09-03T23:01:11.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7513,True,True,0x77a78FE8C1a045a3DD148931D7FC40410302e32c,THE CASE FOR SUBSTANTIVE FUTURES: ON-CHAIN SMART CERTIFICATIONS FOR ZERO WASTE TECHNOLOGY,,"DECODE, a Zero Waste Fashion Technology company is fighting greenwashing and setting an unprecedented standard in transparent manufacturing, through on-chain smart certifications and automatic metadata capture, all while removing waste from the equation. DECODE Zero Waste Technology for apparel removes all waste from manufacturing, eliminating the fashion industry's average of 20% waste- which amounts to 60 billion meters of wasted fabric every year.  While Zero Waste Manufacturing is a very scalable process, it requires exact methods to produce correctly. This is very similar in concept to Champagne vs. Prosecco, or Gucci vs. knockoff. In our proposal, we will address how smart certifications on blockchain will help us scale responsibly through our Zero Waste Certification while fighting greenwashing efforts in the physical world (greenwashing: corporate attempts to capitalize on the demand for 'sustainable' products, while contributing a bare minimum and conflating numbers). In short, we will do so by auto-capturing physical manufacturing data to establish provenance, leveraging available blockchain protocols & ongoing partnerships with key web3 companies and CNC (computer controlled) machine tech developers. We will accomplish this using:  Zero Waste Technology x Certification x Manufacturing metadata x Blockchain protocols  To: Develop and implement an open-source smart certification process for physically manufactured goods on-chain. Throughout this presentation, the following statements will be proven “true.”  Zero Waste = the future of design Scaling Zero Waste = removing waste Automatic metadata capture = verifiable provenance The Zero Waste process needs protection through certification Certifications, manufacturing metadata, and blockchain are perfect use cases for each other Automatic manufacturing metadata is the missing link for end-to-end smart certifications All of the above are scalable across all industries, not just fashion. Outline: 1) DECODE Zero Waste Technology 2) Zero Waste Smart Certification 3) Manufacturing metadata collection 4) Blockchain integration 5) Partners/team 6) Conclusion 1.) DECODE Zero Waste Technology:  DECODE can be defined as a designer-owned Zero Waste Design & Manufacturing innovation hub based in Brooklyn, NY. Using the tools we have developed for more than a decade, we are set to prove that Zero Waste Design & Manufacturing is a scalable system. To put it in context, the fashion industry is the second most wasteful worldwide, wasting an average of 20% of fabric that is never used in a garment. Our Zero Waste Technology uses highly complex pattern engineering to accomplish 100% pattern efficiency. This leaves no waste in production; we call this True Zero Waste since we eliminate waste before it even happens.  Below we will demonstrate how:  Removing waste while reducing material needed = saving businesses money and saving the planet valuable resources. For our example, we will use a Zero Waste pattern we developed in collaboration with varsity jacket brand, Settlemiers. This resulted in a cutting-edge limited edition jacket in collaboration with web3 brand Metafactory, using Kong’s innovative v1 halo chips. (p.9-10 in linked document) Settlemier’s original pattern wastes 24% of fabric. Using our Zero Waste Technology, we successfully removed waste with a pattern suited to using 100% of fabric.  The best part? On top of removing all waste from this pattern, we were able to manufacture an additional 10 jackets from the same amount of fabric. This incredible efficiency, if we apply this to all garments made worldwide, will have an astoundingly positive impact on the climate, with the added benefit of saving businesses money. In short, Zero Waste Technology = the future of design Scaling Zero Waste = removing waste  2.) Zero Waste Certification:  Where the Zero Waste process needs the most safeguarding is at the intersection of design & manufacturing. Design is only a proof of concept if not implemented- and if implemented incorrectly, the process itself is diluted. In the case of Zero Waste, if a Zero Waste Pattern is adjusted or implemented incorrectly, it should not be called Zero Waste. Because of the implied guarantee in the name, we need an open certification process. Here (p. 12 in our document) is a perfect case of a pattern used incorrectly. Just one part of how it can be used incorrectly, nesting software has not yet been developed to handle truly Zero Waste patterns. Using CLO3D (industry standard for 3D apparel), we find that their nesting software comically misinterprets our already perfectly nested Zero Waste Pattern. Given that nesting software is universally used in computerized manufacturing, without first knowing that our patterns are already perfectly nested, it’s more than possible that a facility can cut an entire batch of clothing the wrong way.  Luckily, there’s a clear path forward. Including members of ZWDC [Zero WAste Design Collective], of which Danielle is a founding member, we have a foundation already in place for an international certification for all Zero Waste Apparel applications. In being a separate entity from DECODE, this certification will independently employ experts worldwide while connecting designers and manufacturers with those seeking to participate, while certifying & auditing patterns and products as Zero Waste. In order for this certification to be as user-friendly as possible, and without requiring persistent oversight, automatic smart certifications will need to be employed through smart contracts and blockchain protocols. Luckily, the answer to both comes down to computerized manufacturing equipment.  Not only does using a CNC machine make it nearly impossible to improperly cut a Zero Waste pattern, but it also provides metadata that, when combined in real-time with blockchain, allows for immediately verified certification signatures. 3.) Smart certifications through manufacturing metadata: Alright, on to the meat of the subject: automatic manufacturing metadata capture. The best analogy to use here is the digital camera.  When a photo is taken, a snapshot of all pertinent information is automatically captured. Location, time, and pertinent data are all stored with the image.   Simply put, we need this process for manufacturing. The problem with greenwashing: claims are hard to verify and often conflated The problem with blockchain metadata: a lot of current metadata is human volunteered, leaving room for misrepresented/incomplete data (greenwashing) What a smart certification needs:  1) pertinent metadata is automatically captured & publicly made available on-chain 2) this metadata proves “who, what, when, where” and is directly linked to a specific product. In more specific terms, for a certification to be automatically granted, we need to prove that “this certified operator is cutting this certified pattern on certified equipment, at this location/date/time.” if all marks are met, a certification is issued via blockchain signature, through a dedicated eth address. Luckily, with CNC-operated machinery, metadata is constantly being generated- it only needs a method of translation.  Combining open-source firmware software such as g-code, and developing a system that outputs readable metadata for blockchain, this project lays the groundwork for all possible CNC-operated applications. We have paired with Simon Johnson and Shruti Grover from Pattern Project UK, who have built their own CNC fabric cutting table and have developed their own software from scratch for their micro-factory in London, UK. As partners in the development of Zero Waste cutting applications, we will be developing this machine for this intended use, opening the door for unprecedented transparent manufacturing standards. 4.) Blockchain protocols/process: Other than simply verifying this metadata, how this metadata is stored and linked to any final product is crucial to maintaining integrity. We plan to do so through currently available protocols/software: FOAM- a tamper-proof location verification protocol ARWEAVE- decentralized storage (DSN) for permanent, sustainable data storage IPFS- interplanetary file system for file sharing Self-sovereign halo KONG chips- physical NFT NFC chips for permanently linking metadata to physical product ERS- Ethereum reality service: an on-chain visual launcher for use with kong’s NFC chips MFO-  Metafactory’s operating system, combining ARWEAVE and IPFS on-chain Robox NFC chip scanning: transferring ARWEAVE/IPFS data onto physical NFC chips In a simple visualization, this is what we will be achieving: Pattern → CNC machine → Automatic product metadata → Blockchain smart certification In a more detailed overview, it will look like this: Zero Waste Certified Pattern –[zero knowledge smart contract]→ Zero Waste Certified Manufacturer → Manufacturing metadata captured [FOAM, ARWEAVE, IPFS]→ Smart Certification issued → scanned onto halo chip [MFOS, ROBOX, KONG] → Customer scans chip on phone [ERS] 5.) Team/partners: ZWDC: Danielle, Cass, Mylène, Holly- certification acting body Pattern Project UK: Simon and Shruti- CNC metadata developers KONG: Self-sovereign NFT chip manufacturer IYK: Visual software designers for visual interaction through ERS Metafactory: MFOS and Robox- metadata storage, product linking & Kong chip scanning 6. Conclusion: In conclusion, the case for on-chain smart certifications and automatic metadata capture is our best tool in fighting greenwashing and making the greatest impact on our climate. Join us in building a substantive future. ",2022-09-03T23:21:04.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7514,True,True,0xc4450c8d1009160883e44f24d66d92436ae4B4C5,Neuroscience of Ethereum: Decentralized Science for a Human Node Network,,"UPDATE - Donations are welcome, but the current matching round has ended. If you would like your donation to have the maximum impact, please postpone the donation until the next Gitcoin Grants matching round begins. Thank you! “Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes.” -C.G. Jung Letters, Vol. 1: 1906-1950 The Neuroscience of Ethereum is a framework based on First Principles, and it can be applied to advance our understanding of Ethereum. It can also be applied to understand how Neuromodulation is the ""bicycle for the brain"" - stay tuned for the next round.   In web3 and Ethereum, we are endowed with Freedom of Transaction: This unlocks coordination possibilities that are, in many ways, beyond the scope of imagination. E.g., we can build a society in which health insurance companies are no longer the gate-keepers of TMS prior authorizations. Our patients no longer have to jump through hoops and holes in order to receive this life-transforming intervention.   On Ethereum, we can leverage smart contracts and Elastic Finance (more below) to stream Neuro-Cognitive Liquidity into the Nervous System with Neuromodulation, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, and other forms of Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous updates: Because Ethereum is a Model of the World, we will consequently glean many insights about our Universe (and Metaverse). Crucially, in-sights about the Nervous System map on to the Ethereum Network with uncanny and striking resemblances.  One of the most important insights is Elasticity.  Much like ETH exhibits properties of Moneyness... ...Neurotransmitters, too, function like Money. However, adjustments to market demand are made by modulating the Supply of Neurotransmitters (Store of Value; left), and not their “Price” – the degree of change induced in the resting membrane potential of the neuron (Unit of Account; right) by excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs) or inhibitory post-synaptic potentials (IPSPs). Hence, the Nervous System appears to be organized under an Elastic Finance System. It is imperative we apply these insights towards Elastic Finance. September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Earlier this year, several people died by suicide following the LUNA debacle. Many others lost their life savings. The implosion rippled far throughout the ecosystem and spared no one, as the market witnessed cascading liquidations sending the price of ETH all the way down to $888. The greed of the few induced the misfortune of many. Without any tools to monitor the cognitive taxes from financial insecurity constraints levied on everyone, we can only guess the degree of aggregate loss to society. We must do better. Decentralized Finance has transformed many lives, but it is far from perfect. If we are going to successfully build a better world with web3 technology, then we will require a more stable financial system. Thankfully, there are solutions. Zero Liquidation Loans in Elastic Finance: By adhering to the Scientific Process, we source Truth from the World. The Ethereum Network and the Nervous System are both Truth sourcing entities. Examined through the lens of Active Inference in Systems Neuroscience, the Ethereum Network and our Neuronal Networks appear to be causally modeling each other:   This unfolds as the Nervous System sources Truth from the world continuously in real time, by converting disorder into order; information entropy into certainty. Thus, we can model Ethereum after the Nervous System in this way in order to source Truth from the world, and securely add it to our shared public good – the distributed ledger. Now that Ethereum has scaled with its own Layer 2 solutions, this security can empower us to confidently source Truths and Decentralize Science. Through consensus at unprecedented scale on Ethereum, we can plausibly attempt GameFi solutions: e.g., Sleep 2 Earn to reverse the Sleep Epidemic, or Heal 2 Earn to gamify healthy living, or optimizing cognition with Neuromodulation, or some combination/evolution thereof. All catalyzed by data collection from individuals around the world, and the resultant data token tsunami of liquidity finding its way to Ethereum DeFi. That is one pathway to bootstrapping a human node network. Below follows a very broad overview of this framework: ",2022-09-03T23:48:01.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7516,True,True,0x1Ab75FEA1f27A6dfAfF81b0371AB6d57E112906B,Open Source Medical Prize Fund for Retroactive Funding of Public Good Medicines,,"Imagine if we can treat depression with an off-patent psychedelic-assisted therapy or cancer with a ketogenic diet?  Crowd Funded Cures is an Open Source Medical Impact DAO (partnered with VitaDAO, Molecule, PsyDAO, & LabDAO and receiving advisory support from Protocol Labs and the Health Impact Fund), whose mission is to create a financially innovative Impact Market to re-align private incentives in the medical industry away from monopoly-priced patented medicines and towards low-cost, open-source therapies that can treat and potentially cure millions of patients and improve global health and well-being.  Please note that we have two grants. The one you are reading is our grant application for the Open Source Medical Prize Fund of the Medical Impact DAO, Crowd Funded Cures. We have a separate grant application for our Medical Impact DAO, which you can find here: Currently, 1000s of otherwise viable unmonopolizable therapies are ignored by the pharmaceutical industry because a monopoly price cannot be enforced. We call them public good medicines because once the treatment protocol is published, it is not possible to stop people accessing the therapy from multiple sources (non-excludable) and use of the treatment protocol does not prevent others from using it (non-rivalrous). Unfortunately, this causes a tragedy of the commons which means that pharma companies will not fund the large clinical trials needed for them to be reimbursed by health insurers or obtain regulatory approval. Governments and health insurers also do not want to take on the political risk of paying for large clinical trials in case they fail, which means these treatments will typically not be accepted by the mainstream medical establishment. They include repurposed off-patent generic drugs, supplements, plant medicines, psychedelics, diets, and non-pharmaceutical / lifestyle interventions. We can solve this tragedy of the commons and provide a high impact use case for society that unlocks billions of dollars in social value for relatively low cost by establishing an Impact Market that incentivises impact investors to fund IP-NFTs representing public good medicines. Successful clinical trial data that validates the safety and efficacy of such public good medicines converts the IP-NFTs into Hypercerts eligible to receive outcome payments from a crowdfunded Open Source Medical Prize Fund proportional to improved patient outcomes validated in clinical trials (see Medical Prize fund figure below). The Impact Market also de-risks the funding of clinical trials for donors / public. The result would be that investors fund new public good medicines that are off-patent, unmonopolizable, and available to the entire global community at low cost, while obtaining a standard return on investment. However, in order to bring this open source business model to pharma, we need to crowdfund a source of retroactive (and quadratic) funding of the Impact Market through our Medical Prize Fund. Together, by supporting an Open Source Medical Prize Fund, the community can usher in a new era of medicine which does not ignore otherwise viable therapies because they are not profitable under the traditional patent system. Unlike donations to traditional charities (which often receive the majority of their funding from big pharma), through this novel “pay-for-success” mechanism, you can also be sure that your donations will only fund successful clinical trials. The following presentation by founder Savva Kerdemelidis at DeSci Berlin hosted by Molecule on 24 May 2022 explains the problem of this tragedy of the commons and how to solve it using ""prize-like"" Pay-For-Success contracts x IP-NFTs to create an impact market for open source medicine: Medical Prize Fund Key Takeaways Where's my donation going? Your donations will go towards an Open Source Medical Prize Fund. This general fund will provide a source of retroactive (and quadratic) funding of specific Open Source Medical Prizes in specific therapeutic classes e.g. Open Longevity Prize Fund, Open Psychedelic Depression Prize Fund, Open Glioblastoma Prize Fund and others. Specific pilot Open Medical Prize Fund categories we are supporting: Open Longevity Prize Fund: Together with VitaDAO and, we are supporting the idea of an Open Longevity Prize Fund to incentivise repurposing of generic drug and and other unmonopolizable therapies to improve healthy longevity using a standard functional strength biomarker such as the 30-second chair stand test, which is correlated with healthy longevity. For example, Dr. Stanfield’s Phase 2a proof-of-concept designed to assess the safety, tolerability, feasibility, and trial design of weekly rapamycin (generic drug) + exercise vs. placebo. Our fundraising goal is $10m.  Open Psychedelic Depression Prize Fund: Together with PsyDAO and The Ketamine Task Force, we are helping raise funding for a clinical trial that will assess the superior efficacy and safety of racemic generic ""Open Ketamine"" for treatment-resistant depression, which costs less than $10 a course vs. esketamine which that is the left-handed molecule of racemic ketamine, and costs approximately $12,000 dollars because it is patented. Ultimately we want to ensure that patients can access safe and affordable generic ketamine treatments by providing an impact market to incentivise successful clinical trials. Our fundraising goal is $10m.  Open Glioblastoma Prize Fund: Glioblastoma (otherwise known as a brain tumour) is one of the deadliest cancers, with less than 10% chance of survival over 5 years from diagnosis. However, there are many public good therapies that may be more effective than other patented medicines. Crowd Funded Cures want to establish an Open Glioblastoma Prize Fund to support the fundraising efforts of non-profit organisations such as Gillies McIndoe Research Institute which has been very supportive of our mission and is fundraising for a Phase 2 randomised controlled trial to use generic drugs (e.g. ACE inhibitors) to treat glioblastoma. It is also possible that a ketogenic diet may help treat or even cure cancers such as glioblastoma, due to cancer cells requiring 10x more glucose than other cells, and so are starved by a ketogenic diet. Our fundraising goal is $10m.  Open COVID Prize Fund: The Covid pandemic has killed millions of people and caused trillions of dollars in economic damage. Early in the pandemic, off-patent drugs such as HCQ and ivermectin were promoted as potential treatments and cures, with billions of dollars in public funding spent, but scientists still arguing over efficacy, mainly over political rather than scientific lines. Meanwhile, there are various low cost off-patent treatments like dexamethasone, which have received less attention, but could be effective treatments for Covid and other respiratory illnesses, e.g. fluvoxamine, budesonide, BCG vaccine, L-arginine, and others. Future clinical projects in our pipeline: We actively engage with our DAO, community and external partners to understand where the biggest impact is with public good medicines (e.g. high cost indications such as treating end-stage kidney disease and Crohn’s disease with diet).  Problem: A Lack of Incentives for the Clinical Development of Public Good Medicines The pharmaceutical industry’s reliance on patents have led to a massive market failure: affordable and potentially life saving therapies are missing the incentives for robust clinical evaluation and development, ultimately keeping potential cures out of the hands of patients.  An estimated 7500 generic drugs and 50,000+ nutraceuticals, plant medicines, diets and lifestyle interventions could be studied to treat and potentially cure diseases for 1/100th of the cost and up to 10x faster than patented drugs as their safety profile and often mechanism of actions are known from use over many years.  However, without monopolistic pricing and/or royalties secured by patent protection, investors are unable to get a return on their investment for the large Phase 2 and Phase 3 clinical trials that identify new therapeutic uses for these treatments, so these treatments have almost zero chance of getting the funding needed to gain regulatory approval and be prescribed by physicians.  We therefore need new ways to fund these Phase 2 and Phase 3 trials to get these therapeutics to patients. Solution: Our Medical Prize Fund Incentivizes Phase 2 Randomized Controlled Trials of Public Good Medicines Gitcoin Grants supports the development of open-source tools by providing direct crowdfunding or “push” incentives. Impact Markets transfer the risk of funding clinical trials to impact investors, by crowdfunding a Medical Prize Fund that acts as a retroactive (and quadratic) funding “pull” incentive to optimize treatment protocols in Phase 2 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) for patients that are off-patent, unmonopolizable, and potentially curative, but ignored by the pharmaceutical industry. RCTs are used to compare the treatment to a placebo or standard of care to determine if the treatment is effective.  Phase 1 RCTs are to determine safety, and typically not required for public good medicines such as generic drugs, nutraceuticals, plant medicines or diets which have already passed Phase 1 or are generally recognised as safe (GRAS) compounds. Phase 2 RCTs are typically more than 100 patients and used to establish efficacy - these are also typically at the highest risk of failure (e.g. 50%). Phase 3 clinical trials assess the safety and efficacy of a therapeutic regimen and are required to get regulatory approval and market access of those therapies, so physicians can prescribe them to patients. These typically comprise more than 1000 patients. RCTs must be conducted by independent Contract Research Organizations (CROs) to ensure high quality and exclude manipulation. Regarding costs, a good rule of thumb is around $10k per patient, but can vary by indication (e.g. cancer RCTs might cost $50k or more per patient, due to the requirement of ongoing tests and monitoring). RCT treatment protocols must also be pre-approved by the Medical Impact DAO to ensure ethics approval. Go-to-Market Stage 1: Medical Impact DAO crowdfunds Medical “De-Risking” Prize Fund for Retrospective Funding of Phase 2 RCTs (see Figure 1 below) Step 1. The Medical Prize Fund will be supported by crowdfunding and sales of Medical Impact NFTs. Step 2. IP-NFTs are then minted to secure funding from impact investors for Phase 2 RCTs that generate treatment protocols with the most impact, as measured by % improved clinical outcomes vs. standard of care, which will be allocated impact points that determine the right to receive outcome payments from the Medical Impact Fund, through a flexible prize mechanism (e.g. 50% improvement in clinical outcomes vs usual care provides 50 impact points).  The higher the impact, the more impact points and more proportion of the annual 20% outcome payment received. This incentivizes incremental improvements and medical breakthroughs and “de-risks” Phase 2 RCTs. It also means that the Medical Prize Fund is scalable - the larger it is the more RCTs are registered before “market equilibium” is reached. This also ensures the efficient pricing and delivery of impact by the markets. Treatment protocols that are less efficacious/safe than standard of care will not be rewarded. Step 3. Successful clinical trial data validating safety and efficacy of a certain treatment protocol converts IP-NFTs to Hypercerts which has the right to register to the fund and receive outcome payments for a period of time (e.g 5 years), proportional to Impact Points generated, as validated by an independent contract research organization and multisig oracle. IP-NFTs owners receive exclusivity over their treatment protocol, as long as they are actively conducting the RCT. Figure 1. We transfer the risk of funding clinical trials to impact investors, by crowdfunding a Medical Prize Fund that acts as a retroactive (and quadratic) funding “pull” incentive to optimize treatment protocols in Phase 2 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) for patients that are off-patent, unmonopolizable, and potentially curative. Stage 2: Medical Impact DAO establishes Public Good Pharma Ltd to negotiate Advance Market Commitments (AMCs) for funding Phase 3 RCTs needed for Regulatory Approval of Public Good Medicines (see Figure 2 below) Once the optimal treatment protocol for Phase 2 RCTs is obtained by the Medical Impact DAO (see Stage 1 above), a Public Good Pharma company owned by the Medical Impact DAO will negotiate Advanced Market Commitments from Payers, e.g., healthcare payers - private and public - government, etc. ensure that funding the Phase 3 RCTs are rewarded with an exclusive commitment to purchase a “branded” therapy, e.g., $100m for Open Ketamine for treatment-resistant depression. The Public Good Pharma company can also leverage method of use / dosing regime patents and reformulations to strengthen its IP position although these would primarily be enforceable against payers but not against doctors and patients (hence the tragedy of the commons) - so open source is ""baked-into"" the model. AMCs provide financial incentives for Impact Investors to back a Phase 3 RCT which costs around $50m, and also conduct post marketing surveillance to check the therapy’s performance in real life scenarios, to study the long-term risks and benefits of using the therapy and to discover any rare side effects. The amount of the AMC will be less than the cost savings for Payers that successful treatment protocols derived from these clinical trials provide, which allows the business model to scale.  As part of the Advanced Market Commitment, Phase 3 RCTs that fail to show efficacy/safety vs. standard of care will not receive a payout from the AMC. Figure 2. Our Medical Impact DAO will establish a Public Good Pharma Ltd to negotiate Advance Market Commitments for the funding of Phase 3 RCTs required for regulatory approval of public good medicines. Explainer Video by Life Noggin showing for Advance Market Commitments or ""Pay-For-Success"" contracts work to incentivise generic drug repurposing Our Core Team (A-Z, currently volunteers) Amir Amraie is a registered UK Pharmacist. He graduated from University College London (UCL) and has experience stemming across hospital, general practice (GP) and community. He also has experience operating a health-tech conference and working with various tech companies. Andrew Horton, an IT security professional with 10+ years experience providing ethical hacking services to various clients and open-source software contributions to the security community, included within Kali Linux. He has advised public companies and blockchain projects. Ariella Coler-Reilly, an MD Ph.D. candidate at Washington University in St. Louis and an experienced science writer and illustrator. She studied Molecular Cell Biology and Japanese at UC Berkeley. As a managing editor at VitaDAO, she strives to promote health literacy, decentralized science, and diversity in STEM. Brahma P. Sen, Veteran health IT professional advising and implementing blockchain, cloud, machine learning, data and system architecture services to US federal government and private industries. Graduated from New Jersey Institute of Technology and IT consultant for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Nicholas C. Fiorenza, a published molecular biologist with 6+ years of life science startup industry experience. He is passionate about merging healthcare with the nascent web3 ecosystem. His MSc Molecular Medicine research focused on repurposing off-patent anti-psychotic drugs for anti-cancer therapy. Savva Kerdemelidis, Commercial/IP Consultant Legal Counsel and a NZ and Australian Patent and Trade Mark Attorney with 18+ years experience advising in relation to IP, commercial law and crypto. He conducted his LLM thesis on alternatives to the patent system for developing medicines. Zack West, a marketing professional with 10+ years of experience in design, website development, and digital marketing. He holds a BSc in Graphic Communications from North Carolina State University and is currently a BSc Computer Science candidate at Western Carolina University. Zan Lowe-Skilern, a business development professional with experience in VC investment sourcing, strategic partnerships, and B2B sales. Experienced with international market entry and navigating the Silicon Valley tech ecosystem. Advisors (A-Z, currently volunteers) Cyrus of Eden, a multidisciplinary founder, systems designer, and software engineer. The multichain guy at Velodrome Finance and the co-architect of Syndicate Protocol V2, he has been researching and hustling in public goods and regenerative finance since 2021. Daniel Dohne, who since 2017 has been involved in investing, building and growing businesses in the crypto space and accumulating know-how in the cryptocurrency industry. He is proficient in Agile Methodologies, JS, Java, C#, .NET, SQL and has spent years developing Tax Reporting software with first-hand experience in IT, Fintech, RegTech, Financial Markets and Banking. Dominic Nutt, a communications specialist interested in funding and accelerating clinical trials. He worked with Maurice Saatchi to deliver a UK Act of Parliament speeding up medical innovation within the NHS and has written peer-reviewed papers for the BMJ on new ways of funding clinical trials. Edward Kahn, who founded EKMS, Inc. in 1986 and is pioneering systems and novel approaches to IP portfolio policing and mining. He has over 20 years experience with generic drug repurposing at Cures within Reach and Rediscovery Life Sciences. He has spoken and written extensively on licensing and IP strategy. Stephen Bigelsen, MD is an allergist-immunologist in New Jersey with 34 years of experience in the medical field. In July 2016 at the age of 55, he was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and began treatment with chemotherapy, and adjunct IV Paricalcitol (an analog of Vitamin D) and realized a complete response. ",2022-09-04T01:36:19.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7515,False,False,0x1Ab75FEA1f27A6dfAfF81b0371AB6d57E112906B,Open Source Medical Prize Fund for Retroactive Funding of Public Good Medicines,,Incorrect link - see,2022-09-04T01:36:20.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7517,True,True,0xc6A45eD4dF709B640248ce1B05201BC8974235c0,To Fund Chikenopolis with Os asistance,,"We are in the process of learning in community (as the chickens) and developing tools to create communitarian and auto-sustainable productive models. For long-term scenarios, replicas & rhizomes Working with winged animals best practices and shared systems to keep putting the information really near with the local folks Working with automatization tools for the trustless transparency tools working with public XLS to share the earns with more confidence between the collaborators. keeping a quality track, now with a blog to start channeling our info with a Spanish and other local Languages (Tzotzil & Tzeltal) Some chicken beds. chicken stories, real renewable energies (we touch a river), and some biofertilizers on the way for better veggies in the common garden. Supported by some movie nights to share better tools in the meantime and the best chicken lovers in the area Problem: Life standards are low.human slavery and animal exploitation Space: Hojaraska Backyard Web3 Public Space: Chikenopolis blog Sistematization of Task and productivity: XLS Requiring: 8730 USD´s Best practices Chicken advisors: Bixhana Production: Eggs. Feathers, Soil, Methane, Biofertilizer, Gitcoin and Celos mining How: Building an autosustainable confy barn and yard for 70 chikens Who: Neighbors and friends Earns: All shared between the worked hours Next stage: Another barn in the next community with the earns of this model ",2022-09-04T01:54:06.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7518,True,True,0x1Ab75FEA1f27A6dfAfF81b0371AB6d57E112906B,Medical Impact DAO to Govern Retroactive Funding of Public Good Medicines,,"Imagine if we can treat depression with an off-patent psychedelic-assisted therapy or cancer with a ketogenic diet?  Crowd Funded Cures is an Open Source Medical Impact DAO (partnered with VitaDAO, Molecule, PsyDAO, & LabDAO and receiving advisory support from Protocol Labs and the Health Impact Fund) whose mission is to create a financially innovative Impact Market to re-align private incentives in the medical industry away from monopoly-priced patented medicines and towards low-cost, open-source therapies that can treat and potentially cure millions of patients and improve global health and well-being.  Please note that we have two grants. The one you are reading is our grant application for the Open Source Medical Impact DAO, Crowd Funded Cures. We have a separate grant application for our Medical Prize Fund, which you can find here: Currently, 1000s of otherwise viable unmonopolizable therapies are ignored by the pharmaceutical industry because a monopoly price cannot be enforced. We call them public good medicines because once the treatment protocol is published, it is not possible to stop people accessing the therapy from multiple sources (non-excludable) and use of the treatment protocol does not prevent others from using it (non-rivalrous). Unfortunately, this causes a tragedy of the commons which means that pharma companies will not fund the large clinical trials needed for them to be reimbursed by health insurers or obtain regulatory approval. Governments and health insurers also do not want to take on the political risk of paying for large clinical trials in case they fail, which means these treatments will typically not be accepted by the mainstream medical establishment. They include repurposed off-patent generic drugs, supplements, plant medicines, psychedelics, diets, and non-pharmaceutical / lifestyle interventions. We can solve this tragedy of the commons and provide a high impact use case for web3 that unlocks billions of dollars in social value for relatively low cost by establishing an Impact Market that incentivises impact investors to fund IP-NFTs representing public good medicines. Successful clinical trial data that validates the safety and efficacy of such public good medicines converts the IP-NFTs into Hypercerts eligible to receive outcome payments from a crowdfunded Open Source Medical Prize Fund proportional to improved patient outcomes validated in clinical trials (see Medical Prize fund figure below). The Impact Market also de-risks the funding of clinical trials for donors / public. The result would be that investors fund new public good medicines that are off-patent, unmonopolizable, and available to the entire global community at low cost, while obtaining a standard return on investment. However, in order to bring this open source business model to pharma, we need to crowdfund a source of retroactive (and quadratic) funding of the Impact Market through our Medical Prize Fund, which is governed by our Medical Impact DAO. Together, by supporting our Medical Impact DAO, the community can usher in a new era of medicine which does not ignore otherwise viable therapies because they are not profitable under the traditional patent system. Unlike donations to traditional charities (which often receive the majority of their funding from big pharma), through this novel “pay-for-success” mechanism, you can also be sure that your donations will only fund successful clinical trials. The following presentation by founder Savva Kerdemelidis at DeSci Berlin hosted by Molecule on 24 May 2022 explains the problem of this tragedy of the commons and how to solve it using ""prize-like"" Pay-For-Success contracts x IP-NFTs to create an impact market for open source medicine: Your GR15 donations will be used to: 1. Build out the core infrastructure for our Medical Impact DAO, which will govern our Medical Prize Fund, a source of retroactive funding for Phase 2 clinical trials of public good medicines. 2. Support our operating expenses and key contributors to build out the DAO infrastructure and achieve milestones, as described below. Problem: A Lack of Incentives for the Clinical Development of Public Good Medicines The pharmaceutical industry’s reliance on patents have led to a massive market failure: affordable and potentially life saving therapies are missing the incentives for robust clinical evaluation and development, ultimately keeping potential cures out of the hands of patients.  An estimated 7500 generic drugs and 50,000+ nutraceuticals, plant medicines, diets and lifestyle interventions could be studied to treat and potentially cure diseases for 1/100th of the cost and up to 10x faster than patented drugs as their safety profile and often mechanism of actions are known from use over many years.  However, without monopolistic pricing and/or royalties secured by patent protection, investors are unable to get a return on their investment for the large Phase 2 and Phase 3 clinical trials that identify new therapeutic uses for these treatments, so these treatments have almost zero chance of getting the funding needed to gain regulatory approval and be prescribed by physicians.  We therefore need new ways to fund these Phase 2 and Phase 3 trials to get these therapeutics to patients. Solution: Our Medical Prize Fund Incentivizes Phase 2 Randomized Controlled Trials of Public Good Medicines Gitcoin Grants supports the development of open-source tools by providing direct crowdfunding or “push” incentives. Impact Markets transfer the risk of funding clinical trials to impact investors, by crowdfunding a Medical Prize Fund that acts as a retroactive (and quadratic) funding “pull” incentive to optimize treatment protocols in Phase 2 randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) for patients that are off-patent, unmonopolizable, and potentially curative, but ignored by the pharmaceutical industry. RCTs are used to compare the treatment to a placebo or standard of care to determine if the treatment is effective.  Phase 1 RCTs are to determine safety, and typically not required for public good medicines such as generic drugs, nutraceuticals, plant medicines or diets which have already passed Phase 1 or are generally recognised as safe (GRAS) compounds. Phase 2 RCTs are typically more than 100 patients and used to establish efficacy - these are also typically at the highest risk of failure (e.g. 50%). Phase 3 RCTs assess the safety and efficacy of a therapeutic regimen and are required to get regulatory approval and market access of those therapies, so physicians can prescribe them to patients. These typically comprise more than 1000 patients. RCTs must be conducted by independent Contract Research Organisations (CROs) to ensure high quality and exclude manipulation. Regarding costs, a good rule of thumb is around $10k per patient, but can vary by indication (e.g. cancer RCTs might cost $50k or more per patient, due to the requirement of ongoing tests and monitoring). RCT treatment protocols must also be pre-approved by the Medical Impact DAO to ensure ethics approval. Go-To-Market Stage 1: Medical Impact DAO crowdfunds Medical “De-Risking” Prize Fund for Retrospective Funding of Phase 2 RCTs (see Figure 1 below) Step 1. The Medical Prize Fund will be supported by crowdfunding and sales of Medical Impact NFTs. Step 2. IP-NFTs are then minted to secure funding from impact investors for Phase 2 RCTs that generate treatment protocols with the most impact, as measured by % improved clinical outcomes vs. standard of care, which will be allocated impact points that determine the right to receive outcome payments from the Medical Impact Fund, through a flexible prize mechanism (e.g. 50% improvement in clinical outcomes vs usual care provides 50 impact points).  The higher the impact, the more impact points and more proportion of the annual 20% outcome payment received. This incentivizes incremental improvements and medical breakthroughs and “de-risks” Phase 2 RCTs and to determine the optimal treatment protocol for a public good medicine. It also means that the Medical Prize Fund is scalable - the larger it is the more RCTs are registered before “market equilibium” is reached. This also ensures the efficient pricing and delivery of impact by the markets. Treatment protocols that are less efficacious/safe than standard of care will not be rewarded. Step 3. Successful clinical trial data validating safety and efficacy of a certain treatment protocol converts IP-NFTs to Hypercerts which has the rights to register to the fund and receive outcome payments for a period of time (e.g 5 years), proportional to Impact Points generated, as validated by an independent contract research organization and multisig oracle. IP-NFTs owners receive exclusivity over their treatment protocol, as long as they are actively conducting the RCT. Figure 1. Our Medical Prize Fund acts as a retroactive (and quadratic) funding “pull” incentive to optimize treatment protocols in Phase 2 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) for public good medicines that are off-patent, unmonopolizable, and potentially curative. Stage 2: Medical Impact DAO establishes Public Good Pharma Ltd to negotiate Advance Market Commitments (AMCs) for funding Phase 3 RCTs needed for Regulatory Approval of Public Good Medicines (see Figure 2 below) Once the optimal treatment protocol for Phase 2 RCTs is obtained by the Medical Impact DAO (see Stage 1 above), a Public Good Pharma company owned by the Medical Impact DAO will negotiate Advanced Market Commitments from Payers, e.g., healthcare payers - private and public - government, etc. ensure that funding the Phase 3 RCTs are rewarded with an exclusive commitment to purchase a “branded” therapy, e.g., $100m for Open Ketamine for treatment-resistant depression. The Public Good Pharma company can also leverage method of use / dosing regime patents and reformulations to strengthen its IP position although these would primarily be enforceable against payers but not against doctors and patients (hence the tragedy of the commons) - so open source is ""baked-into"" the model. AMCs provide financial incentives for Impact Investors to back a Phase 3 RCT which costs around $50m, and also conduct post marketing surveillance to check the therapy’s performance in real life scenarios, to study the long-term risks and benefits of using the therapy and to discover any rare side effects. The amount of the AMC will be less than the cost savings for Payers that successful treatment protocols derived from these clinical trials provide, which allows the business model to scale.  As part of the Advanced Market Commitment, Phase 3 RCTs that fail to show efficacy/safety vs. standard of care will not receive a payout from the AMC. Figure 2. Our Medical Impact DAO will establish a Public Good Pharma Ltd to negotiate Advance Market Commitments for the funding of Phase 3 RCTs required for regulatory approval (e.g., FDA, EMA) of public good medicines. Explainer Video by Life Noggin showing for Advance Market Commitments or ""Pay-For-Success"" contracts work to incentivise generic drug repurposing Roadmap & Milestones Step 1. (completed) Our blockchain developer, Brahma P Sen, has developed an initial smart contract for issue of Medical Impact NFTs: Step 2. (completed) Our front end developer, Zack West is building the site to crowdfund our general Medical Prize Fund as well as landing pages for disease specific funds such as our Open Source Longevity Prize Fund, which is live on our website (ongoing maintenance and optimisation of website). Your donations will also support: Step 3. MVP for Hypercert / IPFS integration with Protocol Labs’ Hypercert project team (2-3 months).  Step 4. Development of UX/UI and user journey for crowdfunding landing page to issue Medical Impact NFTs as Advance Market Commitments for unmonopolizable therapies in specific disease classes (2-4 weeks).  Step 5. Build of an API that allows issuance of IP-NFTs to impact investors via platform, crowdfunding of Medical Impact NFT fund via held in Gnosis multisig within 3 weeks’ time, by our back end / blockchain developers, Brahma P Sen, Daniel Dohne, and Cyrus of Eden. (2-4 weeks).  Step 6. Launch of our live minimal-viable-product (MVP) on,, Gitcoin and Giveth to crowdfund Medical Impact NFT fund in specific disease class, e.g. Open Psychedelic NFT for treatment-resistant depression partnered with PsyDAO (2-4 weeks). DAO Roadmap & Milestones Over the next two quarters, our DAO building efforts will focus on the following: Building community and forming Working Groups Community & Partnerships DAO Governance (Discourse / Snapshot) Ethics  Executive Team / Operations Legal & Policy Public Good Medicine Dealflow Payer & Donor Engagement Technology / Tokenomics OKR development DAO & Fund Weekly town hall To enable community members to create and contribute to proposals and have a voice in DAO governance. Onboarding a Core Partner Network Including payers, contract research organizations and other service providers, researchers, patient groups, policy makers, health care systems, generics manufacturers, healthcare practitioners, regulators, academia and non-profit, funders, health technology assessment organizations (e.g. ICER). Establishing Medical Prize Criteria Committee  Ethics Advisory Board Writing White Paper Sourcing Promising research projects (e.g. generic drug and nutraceutical repurposing use cases) that will advance public good medicine development Clinical Trial “Deal Flow” (on-going, includes Open Ketamine). Preparing Token Launch (Q4 2022 / Q1 2023) Our Core Team (A-Z, currently volunteers) Amir Amraie is a registered UK Pharmacist. He graduated from University College London (UCL) and has experience stemming across hospital, general practice (GP) and community. He also has experience operating a health-tech conference and working with various tech companies. Andrew Horton, an IT security professional with 10+ years experience providing ethical hacking services to various clients and open-source software contributions to the security community, included within Kali Linux. He has advised public companies and blockchain projects. Ariella Coler-Reilly, an MD Ph.D. candidate at Washington University in St. Louis and an experienced science writer and illustrator. She studied Molecular Cell Biology and Japanese at UC Berkeley. As a managing editor at VitaDAO, she strives to promote health literacy, decentralized science, and diversity in STEM. Brahma P. Sen, Veteran health IT professional advising and implementing blockchain, cloud, machine learning, data and system architecture services to US federal government and private industries. Graduated from New Jersey Institute of Technology and IT consultant for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Nicholas C. Fiorenza, a published molecular biologist with 6+ years of life science startup industry experience. He is passionate about merging healthcare with the nascent web3 ecosystem. His MSc Molecular Medicine research focused on repurposing off-patent anti-psychotic drugs for anti-cancer therapy. Savva Kerdemelidis, Commercial/IP Consultant Legal Counsel and a NZ and Australian Patent and Trade Mark Attorney with 18+ years experience advising in relation to IP, commercial law and crypto. He conducted his LLM thesis on alternatives to the patent system for developing medicines. Zack West, a marketing professional with 10+ years of experience in design, website development, and digital marketing. He holds a BSc in Graphic Communications from North Carolina State University and is currently a BSc Computer Science candidate at Western Carolina University. Zan Lowe-Skilern, a business development professional with experience in VC investment sourcing, strategic partnerships, and B2B sales. Experienced with international market entry and navigating the Silicon Valley tech ecosystem. Advisors (A-Z, currently volunteers) Cyrus of Eden, a multidisciplinary founder, systems designer, and software engineer. The multichain guy at Velodrome Finance and the co-architect of Syndicate Protocol V2, he has been researching and hustling in public goods and regenerative finance since 2021. Daniel Dohne, who since 2017 has been involved in investing, building and growing businesses in the crypto space and accumulating know-how in the cryptocurrency industry. He is proficient in Agile Methodologies, JS, Java, C#, .NET, SQL and has spent years developing Tax Reporting software with first-hand experience in IT, Fintech, RegTech, Financial Markets and Banking. Dominic Nutt, a communications specialist interested in funding and accelerating clinical trials. He worked with Maurice Saatchi to deliver a UK Act of Parliament speeding up medical innovation within the NHS and has written peer-reviewed papers for the BMJ on new ways of funding clinical trials. Edward Kahn, who founded EKMS, Inc. in 1986 and is pioneering systems and novel approaches to IP portfolio policing and mining. He has over 20 years experience with generic drug repurposing at Cures within Reach and Rediscovery Life Sciences. He has spoken and written extensively on licensing and IP strategy. Stephen Bigelsen, MD is an allergist-immunologist in New Jersey with 34 years of experience in the medical field. In July 2016 at the age of 55, he was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and began treatment with chemotherapy, and adjunct IV Paricalcitol (an analog of Vitamin D) and realized a complete response. ",2022-09-04T02:41:38.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7519,True,True,0xEb439EED5642641968f9D8b52F2788e0F19B443B,Rouge Ticket on Arbitrum Nova - Web3 app to create events & sell NFT tickets,," Rouge Ticket makes it easy to create and manage events with Web3. You can distribute or sell in crypto, NFT tickets for your any kind of events and if you need check-in your attendees with secure QR codes. Rouge Ticket is now live on the L2 chain Arbitrum Nova since the 31th August 2022! Since the app is already functional and live, the best way to understand Rouge Ticket is really to try it! Launch Rouge Ticket App Don't be shy and come join us on Discord if you need help, directions, support or even new features. Rouge is a very open community that value collaboration and feedback. Only one week after our launch, 8638 draft events had been created, 3358 events had been deployed on the Nova chain and 7634 tickets sold or distributed. The application is at the 3rd place of the most used on Arbitrum Nova (source Orbiter L2 data) : Update on the 21 September, 7700 events have been created on Arbitrum Nova and Rouge is the first protocol on the chain per 24 hour metrics. The application is fully decentralized: it only uses IPFS and your local device to store data. Rouge ticket is build on top of the Rouge Protocol V2, a blockchain protocol — free and ready to use — to solve the problem of securely transferring social and business credentials. You can also check our tutorial which illustrated the full front-end workflow to create an event. The Rouge protocol is a suite of Ethereum smart contracts to manage the distribution, acquisition & redemption of social and business credentials. Each credential takes the form of an NFTs that fully respecting the ERC721 specification. Typical potential use cases of the protocol are ticketing, coupons, vouchers but the protocol is flexible enough to be used with many other types of similar problems. The protocol is compatible with all EVM blockchains, L1, L2 or sidechains. You can check the current supported networks. As a developer you can interact directly with the smart contracts but most users would prefer using web3 applications. Check also our documentation website, to get more information as user of the Rouge ticket app or as developer. Last, yes you can experiment with the app and the protocol, since we support several testnets: Ethereum Görli Arbitrum Görli Metis Stardust ",2022-09-04T04:19:23.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7521,True,True,0x528a48326062002ad2f62F0c740BCcc733b77207,Web3 For All,,"Web3 For All is an African non-profit organization, working to create more awareness for people in Africa on what web3 is about and how it is the future of the web. This we are doing by localizing web3 education for Africans through seminars, conferences and terrestrial media. We aim to onboard to web3 people in Africa who do not have access to internet or information.",2022-09-04T06:14:25.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7522,True,True,0x458ccb954e1451C2aD5464A857B52B2DDeD993FF,0x07,,"I make videos on my Youtube Channel about Ethereum, Layer-2, crypto, DeFi, DAO and NFT for Turkish crypto community. There are a lot of English content on Youtube, but there are not enough sources in Turkish. I am gonna make more videos for Turkish community and that’s I create this grant.  DEFI/L2 and multi-chain Tutorials: MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL Twitter: @0xKaptan Thanks for your support... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Youtube kanalımda, Türk kripto ekosistemine katkı sağlamak ve ekosistemi bilgilendirmek amacıyla Ethereum, Layer-2 çözümler, kripto, DeFi, DAO ve NFT'lerle ilgili videolar çekiyorum. Youtube'da İngilizce çok fazla kaynak bulunmasına karşın Türkçe kaynak yetersiz. Ekosisteme katkı sağlamak ve daha fazla video çekerek Türk komünitesini bilgilendirmek için içerik üretmeye devam edeceğim.  DEFI/L2 ve multi-chain Rehberi: MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL Twitter: @0xKaptan Katkılarınız için teşekkür ederim... Gitcoin nedir, nasıl bağış yapılır? Aztec Protocol Kullanım Rehberi! ZK Money nedir, nasıl kullanılır? Gnosis Safe Kullanım Rehberi! Multisig cüzdan nasıl oluşturulur? Volt Protocol Kullanım Rehberi! Olası airdrop için neler yapılmalı? StarkNet'e Giriş: Argent X Wallet Kurulumu ve StarkGate Köprüsü... Arbitrum Odyssey Bridge Week!  Opyn Kullanım Rehberi! Opyn nedir, olası airdrop için neler yapılmalı? Evmos Name Service'ten nasıl domain alınır? Airdrop açıklandı... Nomad Bridge Kullanımı ve Evmos Stake Rehberi! Yüksek airdrop ihtimali... Airdrop İhtimalli Köprü: Orbiter Finance! Connext ve Hop'un ardından Orbiter... Airdrop ihtimalli Dapp: Defi Saver nasıl kullanılır? UMEE Ödüllü Testnete Katılım Rehberi Randverse Network Ödüllü Testnet Kullanım Rehberi",2022-09-04T06:49:13.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7523,False,False,0x26A998272ef5Eb97553ab673416C9Edf39c7dc88,Initial Game Offering Pad - IGOPAD,,"Initial Game Offering Pad IGOPAD is a Launchpad that is not only a sales platform, but also advises game companies in various areas and integrates them into the AURORA ecosystem. Launchpad Token: IGOP  Project Token: PT (projects that listed/will be listed on launchpad)  Native Token: AURORA (blockchain’s native token)  Project Details: In this project, users have to stake IGOP to have a tier. There are 4 tiers and an user must have a tier if they want to buy tokens from our launchpad.Users have to submit their KYC and verify their wallets before staking. Users will be able to view all project details and claim their tokens. For every buy operation, user’s claim rights will be re-calculated and stored in the blockchain. Every project will have a: Token price in AURORA or IGOP Total sale value in AURORA Allocations for tiers Sale start time Sale end time Vesting percentages and dates Tiers will be determined in the stake contract. This stake contract uses a function named getTier(address owner) and returns an uint variable. Tier calculation:  Tier 1: 10k IGOP Tier 2: 25k IGOP Tier 3: 75k IGOP Tier 4: 150k IGOP Milestones: Milestone 1 - Contract Development & testing Launchpad contract development almost done. Contract Testing still continue. Milestone 2 - Back-end Development Projects’ information should be stored in a database for better ux.  Sale start-end date Project’s details, links etc. Logo and media Vesting times Total sale and percentages Project’s status Milestone 3 - Front-end Development UI for the data in the database. Wallet connect Metamask Stake dashboard Admin Panel for adding and managing projects. Project Cards - for showing the information and buy/claim operations ",2022-09-04T06:54:09.383-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7524,False,False,0x9A1cA9F181f580C2463Ade82658759E22c5618F6,kripto para fırsatları by nafidurmus,,"Merhabalar ben nafi. Blok zincir teknoloji ile ilgiliyim. Yeni çıkan protokollerin testnetlerine katılarak projelere destek olmaya çalışıyorum. Bu testnetlere nasıl katılındığını, yeni çıkan projelerin nasıl kullanıldığına dair hazırladığım videoları youtube kanalımda anlaşılır bir dil ile anlatmaya çalışıyorum. \n\n youtube kanalıma buradan göz atabilirsiniz. Şimdiye kadar projelerin testnetlerine katılarak ve projeleri erken aşamada kullanarak güzel airdroplar kazandık. Videosunu hazırlayıp airdrop kazandığımız bazı projeler; dexalot emdx mintswap juno name service (howl) pera finance milkyswap degis etc.. Linkler; twitter :\ youtube :\ telegram : github :\ Grantlarda bana destek olabilirsiniz. -------- I have a channel where I share opportunities about cryptocurrencies. In this channel, I am talking about campaigns organized by exchanges and decentralized finance. In addition, there is a lot of content that I have prepared about testnets. ",2022-09-04T07:30:30.205-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7525,True,True,0xFc7c18A7F0d53A924D6aF07814c47eEf0Fb4F7d7,Starksheet: the web3 spreadsheet,,"Own your business intelligence, and get the full value out of it! While spreadsheet is the usual goto tool for creating (simple to complex) models (we love spreadsheets), they're like your fav. web2 social network: you eventually don't own the logic you're creating. Indeed, the complex intrication of data, functions and calls in between cells stays stuck in the proprietary software you're using (Google sheet or Microsoft Excel most probably). Not only is the data stuck, but your capacity to use data or functions from the outer world is dramatically constrained. At the end of the day, you cannot control the intelligent software you created, you cannot easily migrate it, nor analyze it, etc. It's like if a dev couldn't keep a copy of their code out of the text editor they used to write it, nor could they deploy their program whenever and wherever they wanted! Starksheet solves this by relying only on on-chain data and functions: everything that the user generates is stored as NFT owned by the user every function ever deployed to the blockchain can be used in a cell no forced migration no software's built-in features constraint: built-in features are everything available on-chain, with constantly new features added as the ecosystem evolves Consequently, the model (the knowledge graph) underlying your work in the spreadsheet stays yours, simply yours. This graph can be used anywhere else, simultaneously by several dApps (like in a company, everyone could work on their fav. front end while indeed using and editing the same data). This graph can also be easily analyzed in real-time by some machine learning algorithms that could: estimate (human) error impact on each cell (each node) to help you prune useless task and put the effort where it matters compute sensibility of a given output to corresponding inputs compare to other graphs (other companies' intelligence) to detect oddities Quality comes with responsibility At Starksheet we believe that tools don't replace best practices. In other words you can do a good work with a bad tool and good practices but you cannot expect anything good from an awesome tool with bad practices. We then think that the best way to achieve data consistency at scale for a company is to make anyone responsible for their (small) chunk of data. Using NFT ownership as a marker of responsibility for this single piece of data/compute lets anyone raise their bar and the quality of the company data lake on the whole. Because everything is linked. The right interface to democratize blockchain tools Though the blockchain is a huge shared stated, the end regular-non-geek user of any dApp hasn't realized yet that dApps are just a front-end built by the same team that did the smart contract. In other word, they can interact with the underlying application without using the site, because it's here, on-chain, and so can be used directly. We actually saw people pledging for a ""etherscan"" skill, meaning they are confident heading to the read/write contract tabs and click in some buttons without (too much) fear. This is bad and not what we consider a democratized tool. In this spirit, starksheet can also be seen as a 360° revamp of the contract tabs of a block explorer: a familiar interface to use and create data just type in the contract name and benefit from a usual auto complete of the available functions use the output of one call into another one (like A1=token.ownerOf(1), B1=otherToken.balanceOf(A1)) bookmark these calls in a neat dashboard All together, starksheet aims at being a true general purpose workplace for the common user, not interested especially in web3 but whose adoption is driven by a gain in productivity and privacy. The Team Starksheet is actually not only an idea but is live on Starknet mainnet already. The genesis of the idea goes back to mid-may 2022 and we spent 2 months implementing it. Before this project, we already worked as a team in an on-chain NFT project called The Chain Dreamers ( We actually all met in a web agency based in Paris (FR) where: Clément worked as a Machine Learning Engineer Georges worked as a Full Stack dev Jason worked as a Agile Coach/Product manager and later developed the no-code business unit Roadmap We successfully launched our PoC on Starknet mainnet in mid-august. You can read here about its usage. The roadmap now splits into three categories, see also our notion board: No-code tool: improving the UX of the app Infra use L3 scaling use account abstraction solve slow RPC providers issue Generalization port starksheet to other L2s like Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon port starksheet to all EVM compatible blockchain port starksheet to other ecosystem (NEAR, Solana) The prioritization in between these three categories will be discussed with our community, please feel free to reach out to us to say ""hi"", give your thoughts or contribute to some of the developments!",2022-09-04T07:41:39.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7526,False,False,0x322b3E0e43ddC5c94b0DDCE9Ee3D7dc3C888e05c,FORTA NETWORK,," ",2022-09-04T07:56:20.897-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7527,True,True,0xB41F23ba8b912e203aA2FE9de4F831E66E542E0D,"Barterchain - bridging the oldest form of trade, into the newest.",,"Barterchain is a peer to peer barter platform where members can trade their talents, swap their skills and earn rewards. We’re moving completely away from Fiat - and connecting human gifts with human needs, so that we may all live in greater abundance. This platform is providing the infrastructure for communities and ecosystems to exchange value - in a transparent, secure, reliable way. It facilitates both inter and intra community bartering - meaning ecosystem members can barter amongst themselves, OR with members of other projects and protocols.   The fundamental problem we’re addressing is that so many people in 2022 find themselves cash-poor. They may be time-rich or skill-rich, but being cash-poor means there are so many things they can’t afford. Barter however allows members to outsource tasks, learn new skills, and connect with others authentically, all while saving money. So the benefits range from financial to social, for an individual, household, business or community.   Using blockchain technology, tokenization, matchmaking algorithms and machine learning - we’re also enabling users to go beyond the restrictions of traditional barter. We’re solving the age-old problems associated with barter trade, as well as personal problems for our users. Because we truly believe that NOW is the time to bridge the oldest form of trade, into the newest.   Throughout history barter has always increased “during times of economic recession and inflation” (Cambridge Press, 1986) and given the current economic climate, we believe global barter is needed more than ever. We’re using blockchain for social and public good, giving members egalitarian access to the services they need, regardless of the economic climate, or their personal financial situation.   To fuel this great barter comeback and scale this platform for mass adoption, we’ll need funding - and we want you to be a part of this! Let’s challenge the status quo and bring back barter together - bridging the oldest form of trade into the newest - barter 3.0.",2022-09-04T08:11:34.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7528,True,True,0x9A1cA9F181f580C2463Ade82658759E22c5618F6,Nafi Durmus,,"My YouTube channel is a free source of non-speculative and qualified information about testnet, crypto, how to use, using new project Turkish crypto community. You can browse the content I shared in Turkish on my youtube channel. I try to share 3-5 content a week. I think the videos I share are very useful for many people. I continue to produce content in the bear market. Links; twitter : youtube : telegram : github : Support local content creator like me to contribute adaptation in global scale! Thanks for your support! Youtube kanalımda testnet, nasıl kullanılır, defi, kripto ve yeni çıkan projeler hakkında videolar hazırlıyorum. Türkçe olarak paylaştığım içerikleri youtube kanalımda göz atabilirsiniz. Haftada 3-5 içerik paylaşmaya çalışıyorum. Paylaştığım videolar çok kişinin yararına dokunduğunu düşünüyorum. Ayı piyasasında da içerik üretmeye devam ediyorum. Linkler; twitter : youtube : telegram : github : Benim gibi local içerik oluşturucularına destek olabilirsiniz. Desteğiniz için teşekkürler. ",2022-09-04T08:42:06.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7529,True,True,0xc78a035493E09de944E70995800D502FF6428223,Learned worth wallet,,Wallet build for the Learned worth consult sustainability data initiative.,2022-09-04T08:43:01.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7530,False,False,0x106b6AAB6D0247ca96607A4C9e540087a88F0330,"WEB3 online service ""Deal Guarantee""",," This project is designed to solve a problem where guarantees in the form of a signature in a contract or just a ""handshake"" don't work. A place where everyone will feel financially secure, both performer and customer. Users will have confidence in the performance of the arrangement. You are renting an apartment and need to pay a security deposit, which you are promised back when you move out ? With this project you can be sure of their return. Have you had your home renovated and are worried that it will be of poor quality? This service will solve that problem too. You can't find someone who will take your pets to the vet clinic and bring them back safe and sound? This service will solve that problem. Are you away on vacation and don't know who will take care of the cat or flowers in your home? This service will solve that dilemma. The variety of deals is limited only by the client's imagination and the current legislation of the country where this service will be provided. The mechanism of action of the project. All users of the service are assigned a financial and social rating (depending on the term of the account, blocked funds in the service and evaluations of other users). The financial rating is formed on the basis of blocked funds in the service as a guarantee of interest in long-term cooperation and fulfillment of undertaken obligations. There are several types of blocked funds: 1. The service temporarily withholds money to increase the financial rating of both performers and customers. 2. Service keeps money as a guarantor of obligations fulfillment by both sides of the deal (for a contractor as a guarantor of payment, and for a customer as a guarantor of honest and quality deal execution). Withdrawal of the blocking is performed in cases and on conditions signed by both parties. Feedback system Reviews can be left for both the performer and the customer, with attached photos and video files, GPS-location. Payment for transactions and guarantee amounts is possible in any of the cryptocurrencies. ",2022-09-04T09:04:50.417-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7531,True,True,0x70CfF065cD35AF7ff34A14Fcdc88fE37598D6144,Zoo Coin,," ",2022-09-04T09:37:09.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7532,False,False,0xE393135f8458511FDCf61e3B8785520a11887e8d,WeSpeak,,"The purpose of my organisation WeSpeak is to get more girls onboarded into tech and Web3, we match girls still in education or just starting their careers to women in the tech space that are already working.  Furthermore, we offer internships and opportunities for girls to get hands-on experience in the field, our aim is to get rid of any barriers girls might face as well as providing equal opportunities for all.  ",2022-09-04T10:04:43.324-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7533,False,False,0x23cC719C16e47c6f5c9F47a68BB47A72fD351d26,Normies DAO Ecosystem ,,"In practical terms, this is an onboarding and local ecosystems growth DAO. 🌱  We aim to create a community formed by web3 newbies, local folk, policymakers, web3 sherpas, and advocates. Normies aims to bridge between the real world and real decision-making folk and web3 advocates ideating web3 applications into real life that might not have the necessary connections to scale their projects into applicable public policies or products. Normies is also a bridge to enhance educational materials, get consensus on lingo translation into different languages and promote buddies and nofud programs regarding web3 events hosted in various countries in Latin America.  We are currently working on a collaborative wiki to clear any FUD for those coming for the first time to Latin America for DEVCON Week hosted in Colombia in October. We also expect to be creating educational content to share on social media. ",2022-09-04T10:21:39.368-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7534,True,True,0x827004D559D523912b75dbD4f817000435d81097,Rektify AI | Champions of Web3 Security,,"Bio Rektify AI is an AI-powered Web3 security & risk analytics platform offering attack literacy, vulnerability detection & intrusion prevention for crypto projects & users. Hacks, scams, and exploits are not nascent to the blockchain space; attacks cause projects and users billions of dollars each year creating opportunities for more ameliorate security solutions.  Just in the past 2 years, we've lost more than $16 billion in attacks in the blockchain industry, which is projected to double by the year 2026. Both projects and end-users want to protect themselves so we offer suites for both customers. The data portals are intended to be used by end-users to connect their wallets and receive access to risk dashboards. For projects, we offer affordable smart contract auditing and access to our API that stores historical time-series data and on-chain activity pertaining to Web3 attacks. Recently, we just received more validation from the blockchain industry by winning TRON Grand Hackathon. This global hackathon was comprised of over 2000 teams/devs competing all over the world. We tied in 3rd place for the DeFi category with SlowMist, a blockchain security company that started back in 2018.  What are we building? We’re an analytics tool for crypto end-users and an affordable smart contract auditing service for crypto projects. The goal of the data portal (analytics tool) is the track risk metrics associated with certain projects, i.e., doxxed project founders, # of audits, quality of documentation, existence period, chain, roadmap, etc. The data portal shows displays risk metrics that users would have garnered by doing “DYOR”. But the challenge is, that newcomers and even people who have participated in crypto for a while don't know what they don't know, and more importantly, don't know what specifics to research when discerning project risk. We took an academic and data analytic approach to this issue. We’ve democratized DYOR with a hint of analytics, de-risking users’ investment strategies. Why will we win? We’re an analytics platform for crypto end-users and projects; we’re a team of data scientists, DeFi analysts, developers, and cybersecurity specialists that have been in the blockchain industry for over 6 years. Our founder is a data scientist and machine learning engineer who has worked at NASA Goddard, Glenn Research Center, Langley Research Center, and Jet Propulsion Lab throughout college. Post-college, 2021, she worked at Maxar Technologies analyzing adversarial attacks deployed on NLP machine learning models and she worked in DeFi insurance. The ethos for why she began Rektify AI, was to attack the real issue in crypto, which is sifting out bugs in code for project development teams and bringing security tooling and education to end-users, rather than charging crypto users harsh premiums to be insured. Unfortunately, crypto has experienced a plethora of insanity by institutions/protocols orchestrating the same malpractices in traditional finance over and over again, and expecting a different result. This abuse and malpractice is not a secret to subsections of the blockchain industry and legitimate project development teams and their users need protection. One of our data-driven projects, REAL API, is the largest API of hacks, scams, and exploits in crypto powered by NLP. We showcased it briefly in our TRON Grand Hackathon proposal. Please check it out and like the DevPost link! What have we figured out so far? We’ve found product market fit on a small scale with 50+ independent crypto users (NFT collectors, DeFi investors, etc.) waitlisted for our user data portal and global project development teams outsourcing our smart contract auditing service. Goals The Gitcoin Grant will help support our development team. We are allocating 20% of the funds for decentralized storage credits, GPU credits, and data analytics subscriptions (Tableau, Rill Data). With the Gitcoin Grant, we will be able to hit our milestones faster so that our project roadmap is on-time. Lastly, this support will go to the development of our MVP showcased above. Our next goal is to garner 10,000 users on the waitlist and have 5-10% become beta testers. ",2022-09-04T11:47:22.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7535,True,True,0x0,webmural,," inspires and educates thru emotional impact and inclusive ethos. A webmural is like a street mural made for the sustainable web from HTML and CSS openly growing with love like a coral reef without borders. ",2022-09-04T12:18:18.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7536,True,True,0x5cc1096143944a4AF961f70a9e1b89f509a3d236,Truust: A proposed new computational model as an approach to hyper-computing,,"TL;DR What is this project? How the brain is able to achieve hyper-computation, whereas traditional Turing machine based computers can not, is of critical importance to all of humanity and more specifically to all of science & engineering. This project's aim is to test the existence of a physical phenomena hypothesized to form the basis for hyper-computation in the brain. This physical phenomena is only possible if a universe exists testable by a proposed computing device whose model is beyond the Turing based paradigm. The proposed architecture is informed in part by prior work which found evidence from novel neuro-imaging techniques that led to a brief research period at CERN. What will the funding for this project provide? The funding for this project will provide for labor & materials to test a so far unexplored interpretation of reality, which if successful will enable efforts to develop a new computational model beyond Turing machine based architecture to scale. The labor component will comprise 6 fte optical scientists & algorithms engineers to work together for a period of 2-3 years developing a prototype computing device using the materials. The materials component will comprise optical & electronic equipment. The experimental validation will be to test whether or not the computing device can mine a block of bitcoin faster than otherwise possible.  Why is this project the right thing to focus on? This is the right thing to focus on because as Adam Becker highlights in his book 'What is Real?' a foundational question key to progress in Physics has been overlooked. All of humanity's conflict is attributed to how best to source, process and distribute resources. We don't believe such conflict is solve-able via organizational behavior. Only a breakthrough in devising a computational model beyond Turing which can elicit subsequent technological progress such that a paretotopian goal aligned outcome is possible can stave off likely catastrophe to come from resource conflicts on Earth. The proposed project to develop & test a proposed computational model beyond Turing is directly related to the foundational question Becker refers to. If successful, the experimental validation will provide for an indisputable marker that the device has reached supremacy and that the universe works in a retrocausal manner. If unsuccessful, the experimental result will provide for scientific knowledge that this path is not the way forward. If this project is successful, Cui bono? There is a large and growing library of algorithms for applications of breakthrough innovation like self-driving cars, AGI, CAD that exist but which cannot run because hardware capable of running them does not exist. The data volume and complexity of these workloads is beyond what is possible to today's GPU's and all forms of advanced Turing based compute. What is needed is a new computational model. If this project is successful, scientists and engineers who have developed such algorithms, and users of their resultant applications, would benefit. As well, scientific researchers working downstream from fundamental Physics would benefit, as if this model of computation works, it would say something specific about the foundational question in Physics referenced in Becker's book. How does this project fit with DeSci? This project fits within DeSci as all progress in science & engineering depends on a breakthrough at this level, without which desired applications elsewhere will not be possible as today's Turing machine based computers can't process information fast enough to deliver the desired applications. Further this project is unlikely to be funded elsewhere given systemic issues with how capital is allocated in scientific research. As well, all known other research efforts in this domain are failing.   MOTIVATION It's a little known reality that current forms of computing are limited in terms of ability to compute fast enough to solve problem types critical for continued technological progress. This issue is beyond what most people think of in respect to so-called Moore's Law. This issue is referred to technically as the Turing barrier and attempts to develop new computational models to move beyond Turing is a research domain technically known as hyper-computing.   IMPACT This area of research has high impact because all technological progress depends on a breakthrough in this research domain. Without which, all of science & engineering, not to mention the global economy, will be limited in terms of the types of applications which can be brought to bear. Thus the outcome trajectory of delivering such a breakthrough is either leveling up our species' place on the Kardashev scale or being faced with a evolutionary dark age with corresponding catastrophe to accompany such an outcome. When you evaluate where capital flows in this research domain, controlled for the theoretical perspective of the physics that needs to hold for these systems to work, you become alarmed to find that all capital is only going towards two of the potentially three ways to construct these systems.   GOAL Our proposal is based on an original discovery regarding how the brain achieves hyper-computation. This discovery led to a brief research period at CERN and we subscribe that the only way the observed phenomenon could be real is if a specific so far unexplored interpretation of physics is the way forward. We propose developing a new computing device whose successful computation would only be possible if this were true. The technical term for what we propose is known as counterfactual hyper-computing.   HISTORY & OTHER DETAILS Reaching the Turing barrier means no more technological progress, no matter the computational power available, which has known adverse outcomes in terms of economy and society, the effort to develop a new computational model beyond Turing is known as hyper-computing. These are classes of problems where even a universe sized computer, one composed of all the matter in the universe, that ran for the length of the universe, wouldn't compute fast enough (i.e. self-driving cars, AGI, classic traveling salesman problem, designing systems for more efficient space travel/energy/medical applications, etc.). In an effort to uncover inspiration for a new computational model, the PI developed software (30s video: which reconstructs a previously unseen pathway in neural communication validated by a reputable neural lab ( Using the software the PI was able to demonstrate that the electromagnetic field in neural tissue accesses quantum effects to perform hypercomputation (via analysis of recordings of resected rat cortical neuron slices under a pharmacologically induced sleep / wake model > synaptic pruning during slow wave sleep is known to be beyond what Turing computers can achieve). This work led to a brief time at CERN, given from the known critiques against quantum effects persisting in the brain (e.g. Tegmark re temperature & time), with an aim towards reviewing what interpretation would need to hold, for the prior observations to be real. Within hyper-computing efforts, when you evaluate where capital is allocated, controlled for the physics that needs to hold for those systems to work, you become alarmed that all the capital is only going to two of the three potential interpretations, which are proving to be difficult to scale ( The PI proposes developing a counterfactual hyper-computer, whose computation would only work in a universe where the third so-far unexplored interpretation would be real, namely paradox-free retrocausality. The experimental test proposed is to see if computational supremacy can be demonstrated via bitcoin mining, given within computational complexity it's known the type of computer proposed would have unrivaled speedup. If this device becomes real the larger opportunity is to help broad applications in scientific engineering by enabling systems of linear equations at a level of complexity & data scale beyond what is possible with today's GPU's to be solve-able. The proposal involves a 2-3 year research project with 6 fte including the PI and includes a forecasted budget requirement of $5mm in US fiat. The implication, if this project is successful, would mean that quantum mechanics would be an emergent property of space-time, not unlike how it's been shown recently that electromagnetism is (, which itself suggests that what the PI proposes is physically possible and achievable to engineer at a human scale (and within reason to suspect that the electromagnetic field in brains manipulate space-time), where otherwise it was thought that large masses would be needed to effect gravity at a level required in order to manipulate space-time. Recently Sir Roger Penrose has been public regarding his view that retroactivity is what imbues the brain with its computational abilities (40:59 to 55:05: which is consistent with the suggestion that the electromagnetic field in brain's manipulate space-time. Sir Roger Penrose has been public that whatever the secret to brain function is likely to be found in the ephaptic connections (3:43:48 to 3:48:00: which the referenced software reconstructed and was the source for the PI finding evidence for quantum effects persisting in the brain (suggesting the physical phenomenon sought in this experiment is the key to how brain's achieve hypercomputation). The proposed physical phenomena was first predicted by Gödel in some of his solutions to Einstein's equations, which has been discarded by the science community, although it is found in Penrose's Conformal Cyclic Cosmology. The proposed device would incorporate two parts that together would combine to elicit counterfactual computation: optical loop ring resonator using lasers & mirrors to elicit falaco soliton across time (2:05 to 2:10 in this video: recursive brute force algorithm (8min video: Here is a presentation for the proposed project (with corresponding additional links): Here is a 60 min talk the PI gave in 2019 reviewing his research path to arrive at the proposal: It must be noted that the general science community is likely to find this proposal laughable, however to our mind we argue that it is not absurd to investigate an equally absurd possibility (in regards to the foundational implications of a working hyper-computer). The gitcoin opportunity has potential for high impact given it's unlikely for this project to receive funding otherwise given systemic issues with how capital is allocated in scientific research On the scale of humanity, one would assume given the importance of moving beyond Turing, that we would leave no stone unturned. A commercial white paper can be found here: A scientific white paper can be found here:",2022-09-04T13:11:24.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7537,False,False,0xdd11F9c4F40B1453cC1676d69887838879d24937,Test Grant Application,,":atom: :goberserk: ",2022-09-04T13:28:57.229-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7538,True,True,0x679FBE0Ec605c5106cfBF7057c5eB076158D8f91,AllScan - blockchain explorer bot,,"AllScan is a telegram bot for analyzing crypto transactions and wallets in 11 blockchains at once You no longer need to go beyond the telegram to find out if the crypt has reached the recipient Send transaction hash or wallet address and bot will show you transaction status or wallet balance You will not need explorers separately for each blockchain, because 11 popular blockchains are available in AllScan at once, and dozens more blockchains will be added in the next updates Now the service shows only the most necessary information. And also gives a link to the explorer, where you can see the details of the transaction or address. But in the near future, the bot will receive new features that give you the full details of any transaction right in the dialogue. With it, you will significantly reduce the time for checking received or sent crypto ",2022-09-04T14:53:30.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7539,True,True,0x57260a45C6c2564a27215f2b0a8319E112770791,Nuveve,,Search for legitimate web3 projects with confidence. Avoid scams and clones.,2022-09-04T15:25:07.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7540,False,False,0xa9999D2e93E788968E39440138481EC8C46C2CD7,Payable after 2 months ,," ",2022-09-04T15:43:35.553-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7541,True,True,0x1d2d08551144C5a7714563c2c500666996F30B30,"BlockVersity, A DAO and NFT marketplace for online courses of all categories",,"Our mission is to help course creators harness the economic benefits of WEB3. We bring hundreds of thousands of Web2 course creators, or normies, to web3 by providing them the opportunity to sell their courses using NFTs. Our marketplace will offer a broad range of courses, not just web3 education. BlockVersity also provides a much fairer compensation to course creators by giving them back ownership of their content and monetization terms. We could summarize BlockVersity as being Udemy meets Shopify and OpenSea. To students, we offer verifiable non-transferable Proof of Skills Our team seeks a grant to conduct further user research and to continue building our open-source MVP.  Why is now a good time?  E-learning had overtaken traditional learning, even before Covid, which accelerated the movement, and every year millions of people buy online courses. NFTs are becoming mainstream users can even connect their wallets to Instagram and Facebook to post NFTs. Many course creators are on Instagram and will soon get very excited about having their own NFTs to sell their courses; BlockVersity will give them this opportunity. Initially, we will focus on on-demand online courses; however, BlockVersity sees a future where education ownership will gradually shift away from centralized institutions, allowing teachers and instructors to profit directly from their teaching. After all, IP is owned by teachers and instructors, not institutions. As a DAO, BlockVersity plans to launch its own token for our community members to get a share of the marketplace and have a voice in its governance, another motivation for course creators to join BlockVersity. BlockVersity is founded and led by women. We are a globally diverse team with members from across the USA, India, Nigeria, Australia, and New Zealand. Why would web2 online course creators and their students move to web3? The problem for Course Creators. On average, course creators selling online courses on Web2 marketplaces receive only 30%-35% of their sales; they don’t control the price and can’t connect with their students other than through the marketplace. Moreover, these marketplaces offer real community where creators can connect, share, and even co-create courses, at best, they offer forums. Problem for Students The web2 version of online education has been helpful for personal upskilling, but these skills are not seen as valuable to the employment marketplace. This is due to course certificates, when available, being non-verifiable and only recognizing course completion rather than proof of skills. Solution/Product for Course Creators BlockVersity is a DAO community that supports an NFT marketplace.  BlockVersity aims to empower thousands of global Course Creators by giving them to keep the lion’s share of their sales and by providing a platform where they can build a strong community with other instructors and students. Solution/Product for Students The missing element from current online learning has been a lack of credible certification. When available, it is non-verifiable and recognizes course completion rather than proof of skills. Our platform will allow course creators to deliver Proof of Skills NFTs to solve this problem for all students. ",2022-09-04T16:04:03.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7542,False,False,0x73f8BcB45DBBEDda208ddE0FcEc28aB5d0f4D725,"Rentoken : rental infrastructure startup for NFT rental, subscriptions and ticketing.",,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""Rentoken is building the infrastructure to help projects with NFT rental, subscriptions and ticketing. Our mission is to lower the barriers to entry in web3 and bring the sharing economy into the NFT ecosystem.\n""}]} We believe the future of NFTs is about utility, the use cases are continually being explored daily and the NFT space is growing at rapid speed. The problem is that NFT holders are illiquid and they don't always make use of the NFTs they own. Projects with true utility, are struggling to stand out from the crowd among projects with no utility and are more geared towards being an investment. They are looking for more community members to be involved. Non NFT holders feel left out as they can't afford to buy the NFTs or they lack the understanding to invest a lot of capital. We are building a solution to solve all 3 problems via rental. NFT rental allows holders to earn rental income, non holders to ' try before they buy ' and projects to have more exposure and community engagement. We are bootstrapping and at the MVP stage working with a few projects. With the grant, we will use it to sustain the founders living costs until we reach a stage to raise from VCs.",2022-09-04T17:56:57.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7543,True,False,0x340eBfDBcfb5c27cA0510F6834484761a7e7f830,GREED - The unique open-world P2E game coming to Solana,,"Greed is an open-world P2E game on Solana. It is based in a large, free roam city map, with graphics similar to GTA. Greed's central P2E mechanics evolve around a player-edged casino, backed with a PVP risk-to-earn environment. Greed's first mint, the apartments, consists of 3333 ownable apartments scattered throughout the map. Within the apartments, players get access to a player-edged casino where they have the edge against the house in the long run. But, in order to deposit their earnings they must leave their apartment & travel to the bank located in the center of the city. Players who do not own an Apartment now have the ability to rob them on the streets, taking a portion of their earnings. Essentially, when a player is killed, a percentage goes to the robber and a percentage goes back into the ecosystem. Using a proper map layout, player proportions, & percentages we aim to create the first-ever sustainable player-edged casino & a closed P2E ecosystem on the blockchain, all while creating a game of AAA quality. With this grant, Greed will begin funding game development & marketing pre-mint. We will use these funds to put together a solid team that will pave the path for our success!",2022-09-04T18:17:45.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7544,True,True,0x86E35e46459aa6CAA97193A2E9a929E9fAC0cbe4,WeSeed,," Updated 9/14 Here's the Twitter thread about the history surrounding WeSeed. ----- WeSeed is a blockchain-based project working to build a tokenized co-op to give people living in food apartheids in Raleigh, North Carolina consistent access to nutritious foods. Phase I of WeSeed is a citizen social science project that will be carried out in Raleigh, North Carolina. As a citizen social science project, the study portion of tokenization formation will be led by a social scientist and a research team that will systematically study how community members view their own food needs and resources.  The research team will tap community knowledge to apply community-informed food solutions. WeSeed will partner with organizations already doing work on the ground, who have wisdom about the community. These partnerships will be key to the WeSeed research team's relationships with the community. The partnerships will be key to the WeSeed team's capacity to collect data that reflect the community's stared needs. These meaningful data will help build a robust, tokenized system around seed banking, gardening and community asset mapping. These assets include the  food itself,  critical relationships that give people access to food,  critical infrastructure that give people access to food and  rights to decide their own access to food. This project addresses two major concerns driving regenerative finance projects: biodiversity (in locally grown fruits and vegetables) and social justice (in community-driven solutions for food sovereignty). By Phase III, WeSeed will have built a tokenized co-op to give people living in food apartheids in Raleigh consistent access to the nutritious foods they want. .  _____ Phase I of WeSeed lays the foundation for a system of growing, harvesting and purchasing locally grown foods for current and future generations.   It is important to understand how local families and communities in Raleigh, North Carolina see their relationships to the supply of and demand for food.  Local organizations, already doing food sovereignty work in the community will put WeSeed in touch with 5 families/meal groups for fact-finding sessions to discover the facts of each family's access to healthy food. These fact-finding meetings will be actual meals with people who live with food Insecurity.  WeSeed will record these fact-finding sessions, transcribe the recordings and analyze the transcripts for themes about what people believe they need to meet their nutrition needs and what solutions people want for themselves.   The findings from this phase will support the success of Phases II (strategically developed seed library of Indigenous fruits and vegetables). Phase III (strategically planted gardens, a co-op for harvested produce and a tokenized community asset map of these gardens).  The community asset map will be a technology application that hosts a layered Geographical Information Systems (GIS) map. Layers will show:  Food needs (food and logistics) identified by families Food solutions (food and logistics) identified by families  Harvest timelines of existing crops (community has access to) and crops planted through this program Harvest-to-market transportation  Grocers and other food vendors  Schools (science classes) - Data will be made available for science projects Participating places of worship  Participating colleges and universities  Agricultural extensions  ",2022-09-04T18:29:47.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7545,False,False,0xe295b7DebcdCA58B2690Eb447855a5EaEF8191E9,"SmoothDiscovery ,a platform for discovering fair,transparent and decentralized token price.",,"Introduce SmoothDiscovery is a platform for discovering fair,transparent and decentralized token price. It enables everyone to find reasonable token prices and start Batch Auctions to sell ECR-20 tokens effectively and efficiently on Ethereum. Batch auctions are a fair pricing method that has been battle tested in traditional finance. Some of its uses include everyday Open auction in the NYSE, Direct listings, as well as in IPOs. How Batch Auctions Work: 1.In batch auctions, the participants are one auctioneer and multiple bidders. 2.The auctioneer determines the auction's sell price and limit price. The sell price is the amount of tokens the auctioneer would like to sell and the limit price is the minimum price they are willing to receive for the asset. 3.Once the auction starts, bidders can participate by placing their bids through limit orders, specifying an amount and a limit price. 4.The auction runs until a certain date.The auction ends after the closing date. No more bids can be placed afterwards. 5.At the auction clearing, the auction settles the final clearing price which is the price where the supply line and demand curve intersect. 6.The clearing-price will be the final clearing price for all participants. 7.The auctioned tokens will be sold at the clearing price to bidders who specified a maximum price in their limit order which is greater than the final clearing price. 8.Bidders who specified a maximum price in their limit order that is less than the final clearing price do not receive the auctioned tokens. But for sure, they can still withdraw their bidding tokens from the auction. Anyone can utilizee SmoothDiscovery to conduct a token auction subject. SmoothDiscovery or any affiliated entity has no involvement with the auctioneer(s) or the auctions, which are independently organized by the auctioneer(s). SmoothDiscovery is only involved in developing the smart contracts that make the dapp run.",2022-09-04T21:05:23.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7546,False,False,0x71bD9Cb21a453698fb5a1329b82D56e2bf8E127f,Increasing DEI collaboration in developing decentralized AI by stories_of_ai,,"Proposal Centralized AI systems do not actively consider community ownership or how to integrate gender, racial or sustainability factors in developing AI models. Researchers have highlighted the harm of AI models that are benchmarked in human-competition, autonomy and centralization [How AI Fails Us: Divya Siddarth, Glen Weyl et al. 2021]. They propose a human-centered vision of developing AI models that complement, cooperate and support society rather than compete with humans.  We like to propose pluralistic strategies of how to develop decentralized AI organizations. We believe that bringing together diverse communities within web3 and squads would be mutually beneficial to the community. stories_of_ai’s research highlights that there is surprising a lack of DEI collaboration in AI and Web3 development, the majority of Algovera’s squads are white, male and/or from data-rich countries. We would like to change this. We like to build bridges so that AI teams can easily form interdisciplinary teams and connect with communities. We envision the co-development of AI models and so that communities will receive returns for their data. Communities need the ability to co-design, get transparency, contribute data, retrain AI models, and get remunerated. stories_of_ai is a squad in the Algovera ecosystem. Algovera is a community of independent AI teams developing user-centric Web3 AI applications. Deliverables  Grant funding will accelerate research and co-design on the 2nd pillar of our Decentralized AI DAO framework called “Community Value Generators: How to achieve sustainable DEI, environmental and commercial value creation.” Our deliverables are: “Creating bridges”.  Active outreach and open call for DEI communities. List of technical/non-technical/data-poor/intergenerational community leads for DAID workshops.  “Stories of people”  Content creation and qualitative interviews for podcast/youtube videos.  Research and co-design session: Topics such as DEI code of ethics in web3/decentralized AI/ How can communities complement data to reduce bias in algorithms and get remunerated through marketplaces? How can algorithms be regularly retrained? Bounties for DEI consultants to join in workshops. Working group and codesigned code of ethics for development of decentralized AI DAO. About stories_of_ai stories_of_ai, a squad of Algovera, has developed a human-centered decentralized AI framework (DAID). The DAID framework enables how AI teams and their community can keep ownership of, and monetize their AI model creations. DAID also provides tools and strategies in how to build a decentralized AI DAO that is based on a vision of human cooperation, augmentation, sustainability and DEI. About Algovera Algovera is a community of independent AI teams developing user-centric Web3 AI applications. stories_of_ai squad has received one Algovera grant to date for work developing a Decentralized AI DAO framework (DAID). Motivation Centralized AI systems do not actively consider community ownership or how to integrate gender, racial or sustainability factors in developing AI models. Researchers have highlighted the harm of AI models that are benchmarked in human-competition, autonomy and centralization [How AI Fails Us: Divya Siddarth, Glen Weyl et al. 2021]. They propose a human-centered vision of developing AI models that complement, cooperate and support society rather than compete with humans.  We like to propose pluralistic strategies of how to develop decentralized AI organizations. We believe that bringing together diverse communities within web3 and squads would be mutually beneficial to the community. This is why stories_of_ai has developed a Decentralized AI DAO framework (DAID) which accelerates AI teams with technical tools and strategies that are rooted in interdisciplinary team work, human-centered design, ethics, sustainability and community commercial models. DAID consists of 4 key areas:     1    Primary - Design Thinking: who is the user and who is impacted by my AI model?

     2    Community Value Generators: How to achieve sustainable DEI, environmental and commercial value creation.

     3    Decentralized AI activities: from data sourcing, storage, training, deploy to publishing AI models to market places.

     4    DAO activities: covers how to set up a DAO, governance, proposals, treasury management and member protection and monetization of data sets and AI models

 Goals Our aim is accelerating interdisciplinary teams to push towards the development of AI Web3 projects and DAOs. Our goal is to bring together communities such as everyday people and Black in AI, women in web3/AI, LGBTQIA+ with GnosisDAO, Data Science for All, Ocean Protocol, IPFS and Algovera. Grant funding will provide research and co-design on the 2nd pillar of our DAI framework “Community Value Generators: How to achieve sustainable DEI, environmental and commercial value creation.” Our deliverables are: “Creating bridges”.  Active outreach and open call for DEI communities. List of technical/non-technical/data-poor/intergenerational community leads for DAID workshops.  “Stories of people”  Content creation and qualitative interviews for podcast/youtube videos.  Research and co-design session: Topics such as DEI code of ethics in web3/decentralized AI/ How can communities complement data to reduce bias in algorithms and get remunerated through marketplaces? How can algorithms be regularly retrained? Bounties for DEI consultants to join in workshops. Working group and codesigned code of ethics for development of decentralized AI DAO. ",2022-09-04T21:29:23.393-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7547,False,True,0x89ca6Ff50A47D3DC8F6E96f45548df244C629299,Fluidspeed Programmable And Streaming Payments Tool,,"Overview Fluidspeed is a real-time programmable and streaming payments tool which provides developers and end-users with the ability to pay and be paid in a more convenient and seamless manner than conventional banking. While Fluidspeed can meet a variety of programmable on-chain payment requirements, it is better known for enabling streaming gasless payments. Core features of the platform include: Gasless transfers: once you open the payment streams, value is transferred every second without the need to make additional transactions. No capital lockups: users only need to add capital to their balance in a just-in-time fashion; essentially the smart contract payment will stream until the balance runs out of funds; in order to keep the stream open, you only need to add funds before the balance runs out. On the Ethereum mainchain: powers full composability for development applications and removes obstacles when withdrawing paid funds like those faced in using Layer 2 scaling solutions or non-Ethereum cryptocurrencies. As crypto technology advances, payments with cryptocurrency are becoming a competitive advantage when it comes to super convenience and flexibility.Fluidspeed is chartering the water of streaming payments in a variety of use cases.As it develops, we are delighted to see more applications in use in the crypto space. Pictures",2022-09-04T21:54:25.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7548,False,False,0x588e145c7436aD15d76424Cda7C523dE0bCefE08,MistTrack Crypto AML Investigation,,"For example: Ronin Bridge Exploiter Analysis: 1, 2 Harmony & FEGToken Hacker Analysis: 1 ",2022-09-04T22:08:48.338-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7549,False,False,0x8923Ce971E285CaA5788fb973c3eEde9989EFA60,Adot: Your One-Stop Web3 Search Engine,,"Adot is your one-stop Web3 search engine.  ● Are you a Web3 newbie and scared of the messy Web3-related data?  ● Are you a Web3 player but suffering from the FOMO mood with no idea how to escape?  ● Are you a buidler who have spent months doing market research but still feel lost in the messy, inconsistent, and trustworthy data? The condition has to be changed. You can consider Adot as a ""Google"" in terms of Web3. With Adot, you will be able to receive sorted and aggregated Web3 data from both on-chain and off-chain sources. Adot will be permissionless and composable eventually, which means users are allowed to lego their own search engine and add data sources. Certainly, users' contributions, no matter they search, create or add data on Adot, will be rewarded fairly.",2022-09-04T22:30:47.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7550,False,False,0xCf3020FA42a6e20113E0c43ed7aA331bb06eBd6d,ACTs,,"ACTS(All Chain Transfer System) allows all chain to transfer between different chain. We are still in development. Once we got support from everyone will make it soon. ",2022-09-04T23:29:39.743-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7551,True,True,0x9DBf9061A45A9212617d3ACDD56EF5214579e369,ViewsDAO,,"ViewsDAO is a content sharing and service tool platform incubated by HappyBlock. At present, it is mainly divided into two core functions: Views and Service. The ""Views"" section is mainly used to get information and share different types of content, users can directly post content on Views and interact with other users. Currently, the Views section is divided into 9 sections, namely Creator, NFT, Hiring, Meme, etc. We hope that each user can discover quality content in different types of content sections and pitch to target people. Later, we will put online the user points function in the Views section and add the incentive system so that users can Share-To-Earn. The ""Service"" section mainly provides various services and tools for projects, organizations and DAOs, etc. The product function currently online is the AMA section. ViewsDAO provides AMA-related functions and tools, including project introduction interface, AMA interface (for moderators and guests only), discussion interface for user discussions, and Question List interface for AMA questions. At present, the AMA function is not yet open. After the product is gradually improved, it will be opened to the public to decide the holding of AMA and the organizer through the form of governance voting. Detail: Official website: Twitter:",2022-09-05T00:58:15.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7552,True,True,0x1C4a70EaDeCc48e436Efd0E997445D71DF57a4ED,Plants And Pillars,,"• Plants and Pillars is a decentralized organization that aims to encourage people to plant more trees and make Earth a better place to live in. • We aim to build a community of enthusiasts who'll help us achieve our goal of solving some environmental problems by incentivizing them and gamify their contributions to the environment. Core Objectives and Future Plans - 🔗Connecting: Our aim is to connect and make people aware of the importance of trees to human mankind. 💵Award: We'll randomly award our supporters to add a P2E environment to this projection in order to keep the people engaged in this project which will eventually help mother Nature. 🔔Update: With the help of EPNS help, users are notified whenever they get anything credited/ debited. 📈Streaming Money: Send money over time with the integration with Superfluid. 📚Education: Our Organization will also make people aware of the current situation on Earth and educate them regarding the global issues of SAVE SOIL, GLOBAL WARMING, etc. 🌍Plants and Pillars DAO: This will help our community take all the essential decisions and help in the smooth functioning of the project. 🎯GOAL: Our Ultimate Goal is to reduce and neutralize carbon emissions by planting more and more trees and educating people about our current environmental issues. Roadmap Current MVP • Plants and Pillars Web App where people can participate in a lottery game by minting the photo of the plant they planted as an NFT. • Web App contains the PlantsPedia section where people can publish blogs regarding current environmental issues and can spread awareness among people. 2022 Q4 • Plants And Pillars Web App will have the support of Lens Protocol( users can have their on-chain profile) • Superfluid( for streaming money ), EPNS( to send notifications to users ), and other such features in the public beta version. • We’ll start building the Plants And Pillars Mobile App for both iOS and Android. 2023 Q1 • General availability of Plants And Pillars Web App and we'll be using these Gitcoin grants to incentivize the devs for their contributions to improve this open source project. • General availability of Plants And Pillars Mobile App for both iOS and Android. 2023 Q2 • Launch the Plants And Pillars DAO which will give equal rights to all the users to take decisions about the future plans of the project. Some Screenshots of the current Web App Landing Page Lottery Game Reward Center PlantsPedia Why a Gitcoin Grants? • We want to make the web app more accessible so that people can get a better way to contribute to the environment by getting incentivized. • We are looking for blockchain developers to develop the Web App. • We will be looking for mobile app developers to develop and ship Plants And Pillars iOS and Android apps. Tech Stack For Now • Next.js as a frontend framework • TailwindCSS for design • Lens Protocol for user profiles • Polygon for on-chain storage • IPFS for file and metadata storage • Chainlink for the Lottery Game Web App - Twitter -",2022-09-05T01:16:01.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7553,True,True,0x38AD566D88B764621E4FF8d305D19048903bA990,Neighborhood Market: A place to buy and sell your Web3 Membership Pass.,," ",2022-09-05T01:19:50.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7554,True,True,0xe87A5B03Eaf8723E2498Ea07F2Fa2E5dF8C4eeee,ECHO - decentralized comment widget based on Arweave,,"ECHO is a widget-based product based on Arweave to help collecting comments, likes, dislikes and receiving tips. ECHO can be embedded into any websites supporting iframe including Mirror. ECHO in Mirror screenshot: Mirror entry url: Our Vision ECHO kicks off in this spring. The initial idea is to build a more reliable comment widget with Arweave, which helps us to make data reliable, decentralized, persistent and censorship-resistant. During this year, we witness the rapid growing of Arweave. Arweave’s vision is to store documents and applications permanently, and ECHO is here to preserve our opinion on anything in the world. About “ECHO” When we comment on a thing, we call it an echo; when someone make a response to the comment, maybe a thumb-up, it is also an echo. In Shell and PHP, echo is also used as a command to output the strings that are passed to it as arguments. The word “echo” presents voice, and also response. We want ECHO to record them all. Our Slogan Individual’s views are ignored in recorded history. However, History should not be just about the thing but also the thought. Our opinion is a part of things. Saving our views, emotions, likes and dislikes permanently equals capturing the moment forever. With internet and blockchain, it is possible for experience and thoughts of our current era to reach far into future. That is, time fades, but views live on. That’s why our slogan is Long live our opinion. We Need Better Tooling The following comment widgets are popular. Disqus (Github discussion) twikoo.js (Self hosted) (GitHub issue) (GitHub issue) There are some obvious problems with these tools. The data does not belong to the person who made the comment or obtained it. Accounts in centralized services, like GitHub, may be banned due to geopolitics. Self-hosting on a server has cost and technology barriers. ECHO is designed to solve these issues. Each comment will be uploaded with signature of user. Wallet and data can’t be deleted or modified. It is an out-of-the-box solution. Key Features Decentralization Decentralization consists of three aspects: decentralized authorization, decentralized data and decentralized front-ends. Users sign into ECHO with a decentralized wallet. It means you can sign and upload data to Arweave with and without using a front-end page. The related SDK will be released as open source later. Arweave is a decentralized solution for archiving data. We will provide multiple official gateways and open source our codebase. We also encourage the community to set up your own gateways. Any gateway will synchronize valid data uploaded by other gateways. Our front-end code has been deployed to ipfs. You can use any ipns gateway to visit our widget. Besides web3 products, we encourage non-web3 or non-dweb products to use our widget. Opinion Aggregation ECHO uses target_uri to identify the comment target. We have designed a set of url schema to identify different objects. Users may comment on the same object, such as a NFT, on different websites and apps, but as long as the target_uri is the same, the corresponding comments will all be displayed. The followings are some examples of schema. dweb/ipfs/{cid} // ipfs page dweb/ipns/{path} // ipns page database/imdb/{imdb} // movie database/isbn/{isbn} // book https://{path} // http url Multi-chain Login and Tip ECHO supports MetaMask (EVM chains) and Phantom (Solana). If you log in with MetaMask, we will retrieve and display reverse record and avatar of your ens or .bit. The comment target of the following widget is Fee The price to store data on Arweave is less than $2.5/1G at this point (2022-09-01), which is cheaper compared to annual fee of Amazon S3 in the long run. The data in ECHO is lightweight text-based. We use Arseeding to upload data to Arweave regularly. Each user gets 200 uploads per day for free. If there are changes we will inform you. These free uploads are able to cover most people’s daily use. You will feel at ease just like using Web2 apps, when you make comments or thumb-ups via ECHO. Also, to avoid abuse, a wallet with non-zero balance is required. Out-of-the-box Solution The iframe embed widget is easy and hassle-free to get in our website. Modules are configurable. Theme color is configurable. DID to receive donations is configurable. (.bit and ens are supported) ",2022-09-05T02:44:02.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7555,True,False,0x027FB871101a865E0e3440a78aA073BE85763C5B,Allow next 10 million ENS users on-ramp with fiat purchase,,"【Problems we target】 ENS is now widely recognized as having won the race for being the Web3 identity standard. However, compared with some other Web3 IDs, ENS might still be too difficult for most users who are just starting to understand blockchain and Ethereum transactions. These users are interested in having their ENS name but it will be the first time they actually make a transaction on Ethereum chain. It is likely that their prior exposure to Ethereum is limited “investing” in ETH via a Centralised Exchange.  The current ENS registration system has some prerequisite that some users will find difficult. They are (1) Difficulties in acquiring an Ethereum:  Under certain circumstances there are no ways to get Ether easily. For example in some countries, ETH is hard to purchase with fiat. Some centralised exchanges also take some time to send out ETH to new wallet address as part of a security limitation. Therefore, some users don't even have the ether token required to register an ENS name. (2) Difficulties in having a wallet: For a lot of new comers, they even haven’t had their wallet yet, which is a must to hold their ENS names. Also they are not familiar with the usage of the wallet as well as the process of having a wallet. Therefore, this situation becomes a huge entry barrier for users to register an ENS name. There is also a large learning curve to keep your wallet secure.  (3) Difficulties in understanding the registration process: Current ENS registration process is not familiar to users who are used to most online apps. Most users are more familiar with a Godaddy or shopping cart process for web2 domains and do not understand why there is a two step process or gas fees or wallets involved. For these users, gas fees are also perplexing as they do not understand why the cost can be different each time. (4) Difficulties in finding the desired available names:  Current registration platform only supports users to search names one by one. Also a lot of names are already registered now by squatters. Therefore it is very inconvenient and time consuming for new users to find an available name that fits their demand.  【Our solution】 We want to solve the above pain points and help more users to have their desired ENS names without hassle. Our service helps users to buy their ENS domains in 24 hours at a fixed price in USD. We assume the users are familiar with domain or online purchases but this is their first blockchain purchase. allows customers to use a familiar process to find, choose and register their chosen ENS names.  Through our website, users can choose the ENS name they want to register, check out through their own credit card/PayPal and wait for our confirmation email after we’ve actually sent your name on your wallet or in our custody wallet.  We hope that this will onboard more users into exploring more with Ethereum chain and other dApps. 【Our value for ENS Ecosystem】 We focus on accomplishing the followings for ENS : (1) Usability - improving the user experience Our website comes in very handy for the users because they can purchase their desired .eth names without having to worry about the gas fees nor having a wallet. There is nothing more convenient than actually buying your .eth name in just a few taps using only your credit card. Even people who lack understanding and knowledge about the requirements of purchasing their own ENS name can easily have their own .eth names by using our site.  (2)Community - growing the ecosystem By lowering the threshold of users’ having their ENS name, we can let more newcomers join the ENS community, thus growing the whole ecosystem and boosting the community and interest in ENS. It is likely ENS will be their first experience with the blockchain and we hope to welcome them via an easy to understand process. 【Future Development Plan】 With the grant, we can build a better website with a powerful search function to help users find and register available names more easily.  Our ideal plan is that after users enter and search the name they are interested in, we will provide them with a list of names that looks similar to their searched item and meanwhile show their availability status. After the search, users can directly click into the available name and register the name immediately through our service.  Thus, people will neither have to worry about having ETH nor the troublesome ENS registration process and bulk research.",2022-09-05T03:19:59.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7556,True,True,0xC80438fc7B0332a13507E9B72Cf65c3fB1c27849,"the THING , a Web3 DApp for Democracy",,"THING is a DApp for running and scaling democratic operations of groups. By providing tools to organise and hold transparent, fair and legitimate votes, THING seeks to expand, reinforce and protect democratic organisations and civil society on the planet. Users can create organizations in a web app and other users can register for these organizations. Members of organizations can create or participate in internal voting. They can create profiles, connect, form groups or write posts. This privacy focused, easy to use app is made for non-technical users. All members have the same access to its functions and elections are auditable. Lightpaper (PDF)   The Problem Traditional NGOs, clubs, local initiatives, political parties and other democratic organisations, suffer from slow scaling, asymmetric information distribution and manipulable voting. These challenges put at risk their functioning, the participation of their members and their impacts.   1.     Slow scaling: it takes an immense amount of resources and time to scale from a new political group into an influential political party (or any other organisation). 2.     Asymmetric information distribution: very often, organisations still run themselves like 100 years ago with mandatory on site events and voting. Pyramid-like structures emerge, with local groups moving up through delegates in higher groups to a few decision-makers at the top. Information (e.g. majority opinions, discussions) remains in the groups and is not distributed equally throughout the organization. Organization-wide consensus initiated from the bottom up may be difficult or impossible to achieve. 3.     Manipulable voting: the higher someone is in the structure, the easier it is for that person to control the pivotal players below them by using her / his power and resources. People in power can also control rules and format for communication and voting (e.g. how, when and where voting or an event takes place). Thereby they can influence election results or conversations in their favour.   The solution THING addresses these issues by providing the following features: §  Fast, simple & privacy focused authentication and decentralised ID (to address problem 1) §  User friendliness and simple pre-set voting options (blockchain tech hidden) equally accessible to all members (to address problem 1) §  Profiles, posts, comments, groups (to address problems 1 and 2) §  Standardised, anonymous & auditable voting (to address problems 2 and 3)   More specifically, this React web app with blockchain backend will offer: §  Authentication functions e.g. with tel. no. (possible technology: DID w/ KILT / Litentry) §  Social media functions (possible technology: subsocial / DSNP) §  Voting functions (possible technology: data on IPFS / arweave & contracts on Phala / Astar / Moonbeam)   The innovation Our research shows that no similar solution is currently available on the market. While different features are available separately, no solution provides them all together.   The market THING is being developed for groups such as new and existing political movements, political campaigns (e.g. running for a seat in congress) and civil society organisations of all sizes. We estimate that in geographical Europe only, there are 7.5 M potential political activists / organisers starting a group. We estimate that 750 K existing groups (clubs, associations, …) could use THING. We assume these groups to have roughly 75 M members in total. We need to validate these estimates through a detailed market analysis.   The roadmap The concept is now finalised. We are working on a light paper and user research to deliver a prototype by the end of November. THING will then be fine tuned for different types of organisations in the EU and outside. Once up and running, THING will be managed by an independent foundation running as a DAO.   Who we are We are a bunch of web3 enthusiasts from different backgrounds with a genuine interest to support civil society and democratic processes. We are now in the incubation program “Polkadot Relayers 2022” and we are seeking support and funds to build a prototype. The grant will help us continue our work and hire technical experts and developers. Daniel Rodríguez Thomas Magerl William Mejia Andréa Vistoli   Why Thing Things were governing assemblies in early northern Europe. Read more on Wikipedia.     ",2022-09-05T03:30:48.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7557,True,True,0x33005c3b9F61154f9F587741f2e0cd5dFA9a182c,Help A Child Get Back to School,,"Contributing this cause will help the underprivileged children have access to free education. As children are still longer out of school, we are witnessing a greater risk that the poorest among them have never returned to school. It has come with intended consequences as so many children are still at home roaming the streets even after school re-opening. We are experiencing increased cases of violence, child labour, child marriage, and mental well-being. Funding for this project will also help us to build classroom and sanitary facilities in various rural communities in Enugu State who have dilapidated classroom blocks. This project will be implemented in partnership with our local nonprofit organizations working in children's education. Challenge: Most of the women and young girls living in Enugu State lack basic skills and education for income generation. Their dependency on handouts from men through transactional sex makes them vulnerable to social abuse, sexual exploitation, unwanted pregnancies, HIV/AIDS infection and domestic violence as they attempt to get their basic needs. This makes their children vulnerable. Solution: When the school closed in March 2022 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we expected that every child will return back to school but it never happened. 18.5 million, 10.5 million are girls in Nigeria who never returned to school. We need them back to school to learn with others. There are increased cases of violence and child labour as they continue to roam the streets. Together, let us vulnerable children get back their happy lives by helping them access education as well as reduce child violence and labour.\nSelf-sustained children will be an asset to their families and the community. Children being back to school will enhance their career dreams and propel them to take up community and national leadership roles as others. What we have achieved as an organization: Since its inception in 2016, Helpers Social Development Foundation has been working to implement problems that may prevent children from gaining access to education. We have impacted over 3700 lives through the support of our donors and volunteers. We have built sanitary facilities and distributed free school supplies in public schools to ensure underprivileged children stay in school. October 20221, we established a nursery and primary school in Oji-River due to the growing number of out-of-school children in Nigeria. Our school Helpers Foundation nursery and primary school Oji-river offer 100% free education to out-of-school children. \n\nSupporting our mission will help us to build classroom blocks and distribute free school supplies in public schools to ensure underprivileged children stay in school. 100% of your donations to our organization go to charity. Why You should support us? Thank you for your contribution to our vision for a better society. The implementation of this project will start on 15th October 2022. Follow our Twitter handle: Twitter to see what we achieved with your support. Help us to write inspiring stories on how crypto web3 can alleviate poverty in Africa. Use our organization as a case study on how we established a free school for underprivileged children through crypto donations. Continues supporting our organization's mission will help us to reach more children who do not have hope to survive. Funding this project underprivileged in Enugu State has access to education. Helpers Social Development Foundation is one of the leading nonprofit organization's in Africa impacting lives through cryptocurrency donations. Consider donating crypto to us to alleviate poverty in our community. Help to fund Helpers Foundation project programs ",2022-09-05T03:57:26.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7562,False,False,0x776b3b6238CB38b55c7492824318ADAFA1e6fa45,AbjaDAO | Translating Blockchain to Arabic,,"AbjaDAO | The DAO Translating Blockchain to Arabic How to translate the word ‘Blockchain’ to Arabic? 13 years after Bitcoin was launched, somehow this question remains unanswered. Some translators choose to Arabize the term, or type it with Arabic alphabets, so it sounds the same and maintains its global familiarity. But due to Arabic’s phonetic complexity, the word Blockchain can be spelled in either one of eight different ways: (بلوكتشين، بلوكشين، بلوكتشاين، بلوكشاين، بلوك شين، بلوك تشين، بلوك شاين، بلوك تشاين). Other translators tried to translate the word by searching for an Arabic equivalent. The most common translation today is (سلسلة الكتل), which translates back to English as ‘A Chain of Blocks’, more of an explanation than a translation. But why is translating to Arabic this tricky? One way to approach this question is by comparing Arabic to Latin. At its peak, Latin was spoken to one extent or another across all of Europe, and the different European peoples started producing their local iterations from Latin, which developed with time to constitute new branched languages. While Arabic went through a similar phase of popularity, political and cultural reasons dictated that Arabic shall remain one language with multiple dialects, and that these dialects shall not grow into new different languages. Today, one can argue that Moroccan Arabic and Saudi Arabic for instance are less intelligible than Italian and Spanish, however Moroccan and Saudi Arabic are treated as two dialects of the same language, while Italian and Spanish are considered to be two languages. This is one major source of headache when it comes to translating to Arabic. We need to find a translation that works with people of different linguistic practices, a task that feels like coming up with a ‘European’ translation of the word Blockchain, one that works across the whole of Europe. The lack of a unified reference for translating blockchain to Arabic has been causing a myriad of issues. On one hand, it created a linguistic bottleneck, keeping most of quality blockchain content away from mono-lingual Arabs. On the other hand, without a standardized way to spell or translate essential keywords, SEO efforts targeting Arab readers will be significantly compromised. The cost of translating blockchain content to Arabic remains high, as businesses end up developing their own glossaries throughout the translation process, which was the case with both the Ethereum Foundation and Binance. These de facto glossaries, while filling a gap, can in fact, and unintentionally, amplify the problem by introducing translation dispersion, where one term has two translations in two different glossaries, and translation biases, such as regional bias, where a translation is better understood in one part of the Arab region over the rest. Translation difficulties tend to lead to deeper issues, such as lack of proper blockchain literacy, both on technical and general levels, which allows for more misinformation and stigma around the technology and its uses. That’s why it’s no wonder that MENA (Middle East & North Africa), a region that houses over 570M residents, remains one of the slowest regions in terms of blockchain and crypto currencies adoption in the world. In a nutshell, this is why AbjaDAO exists! AbjaDAO is a guild-type special purpose DAO, it’s named after the Arabic alphabet, which is usually abbreviated as ABJAD (similar to ABC). AbjaDAO brings together four MENA-based blockchain-focused initiatives, around a plan to develop a decentralized and unified Arabic blockchain glossary. Our DAO includes representatives from ZeFi, a 40-people strong research and media project specialized in Arabic blockchain content. ZeFi were working on their own expansive dictionary when AbjaDAO came together, and they shared with us hundreds of translated and explained terms to use as a cornerstone. The DAO also includes Arabs in Blockchain initiative, founded by Eman Herawy, an Ethereum fellow who played a leading role in translating Ethereum to Arabic. Tafkir, a research and public goods center that conceived AbjaDAO, bringing to the table experienced academic and literary translators. And DocStream, a collective of editorial and translation service providers that serve the British Council amongst other clients. Together, and joined by individual experts and consultants, we conceived a plan to develop a unifying glossary for Arabic blockchain terminology. We began by surveying a large body of blockchain literature to extract a list of nearly 1,400 terms, words and abbreviations. We are currently working on sorting these terms by frequency of use, and grouping them into thematic patches. In parallel, we are conducting a series of workshops to settle on translation philosophy and approaches. If you are an Arabic reader, you can track our progress on both tracks here (Listing and Patching Table, Translation Philosophy). In the next phase of the project, we will conduct 4-hour workshops bringing together 7 translation experts from within and outside the DAO. Those translators will tackle a thematic patch of terms in every workshop, submit their different translations, and settle on the best translation through discussion or voting. But translation is only half the answer. The other half would be propagation. For our translations to get picked up and start replacing former dispersed translations, we plan to follow the release of the glossary with a propagation campaign, aiming at having the glossary adopted by: 5 Arab colleges, 2 mainstream and 10 alternative pan-Arab media outlets, 25 blockchain-focused social media pages and influencers and 5 Arabic UI / UX websites or apps. We also plan to set up a Wikipedia grant, motivating translators to bring 20 essential blockchain pages to Arabic, using our glossary through translation. The glossary will be a public good, and accessible to all for free. We hope to publish the first version of the glossary with 600-1000 terms translated, sometime before the end of the year (for a more detailed timeline, check our presentation!). After the initial release, we plan to update the glossary on 6-9 months intervals. So far, we have received funding from the Solana Foundation through Tafkir, we also received logistical support from the Ethereum Foundation, who are sharing with us their own glossary to use as a point of reference. But we need further funding to see this project through. To support our DAO or learn more on our progress, you can download this presentation. ",2022-09-05T04:40:34.477-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7560,False,False,0x776b3b6238CB38b55c7492824318ADAFA1e6fa45,AbjaDAO | Translating Blockchain to Arabic,,"AbjaDAO | The DAO Translating Blockchain to Arabic How to translate the word ‘Blockchain’ to Arabic? 13 years after Bitcoin was launched, somehow this question remains unanswered. Some translators choose to Arabize the term, or type it with Arabic alphabets, so it sounds the same and maintains its global familiarity. But due to Arabic’s phonetic complexity, the word Blockchain can be spelled in either one of eight different ways: (بلوكتشين، بلوكشين، بلوكتشاين، بلوكشاين، بلوك شين، بلوك تشين، بلوك شاين، بلوك تشاين). Other translators tried to translate the word by searching for an Arabic equivalent. The most common translation today is (سلسلة الكتل), which translates back to English as ‘A Chain of Blocks’, more of an explanation than a translation. But why is translating to Arabic this tricky? One way to approach this question is by comparing Arabic to Latin. At its peak, Latin was spoken to one extent or another across all of Europe, and the different European peoples started producing their local iterations from Latin, which developed with time to constitute new branched languages. While Arabic went through a similar phase of popularity, political and cultural reasons dictated that Arabic shall remain one language with multiple dialects, and that these dialects shall not grow into new different languages. Today, one can argue that Moroccan Arabic and Saudi Arabic for instance are less intelligible than Italian and Spanish, however Moroccan and Saudi Arabic are treated as two dialects of the same language, while Italian and Spanish are considered to be two languages. This is one major source of headache when it comes to translating to Arabic. We need to find a translation that works with people of different linguistic practices, a task that feels like coming up with a ‘European’ translation of the word Blockchain, one that works across the whole of Europe. The lack of a unified reference for translating blockchain to Arabic has been causing a myriad of issues. On one hand, it created a linguistic bottleneck, keeping most of quality blockchain content away from mono-lingual Arabs. On the other hand, without a standardized way to spell or translate essential keywords, SEO efforts targeting Arab readers will be significantly compromised. The cost of translating blockchain content to Arabic remains high, as businesses end up developing their own glossaries throughout the translation process, which was the case with both the Ethereum Foundation and Binance. These de facto glossaries, while filling a gap, can in fact, and unintentionally, amplify the problem by introducing translation dispersion, where one term has two translations in two different glossaries, and translation biases, such as regional bias, where a translation is better understood in one part of the Arab region over the rest. Translation difficulties tend to lead to deeper issues, such as lack of proper blockchain literacy, both on technical and general levels, which allows for more misinformation and stigma around the technology and its uses. That’s why it’s no wonder that MENA (Middle East & North Africa), a region that houses over 570M residents, remains one of the slowest regions in terms of blockchain and crypto currencies adoption in the world. In a nutshell, this is why AbjaDAO exists! AbjaDAO is a guild-type special purpose DAO, it’s named after the Arabic alphabet, which is usually abbreviated as ABJAD (similar to ABC). AbjaDAO brings together four MENA-based blockchain-focused initiatives, around a plan to develop a decentralized and unified Arabic blockchain glossary. Our DAO includes representatives from ZeFi, a 40-people strong research and media project specialized in Arabic blockchain content. ZeFi were working on their own expansive dictionary when AbjaDAO came together, and they shared with us hundreds of translated and explained terms to use as a cornerstone. The DAO also includes Arabs in Blockchain initiative, founded by Eman Herawy, an Ethereum fellow who played a leading role in translating Ethereum to Arabic. Tafkir, a research and public goods center that conceived AbjaDAO, bringing to the table experienced academic and literary translators. And DocStream, a collective of editorial and translation service providers that serve the British Council amongst other clients. Together, and joined by individual experts and consultants, we conceived a plan to develop a unifying glossary for Arabic blockchain terminology. We began by surveying a large body of blockchain literature to extract a list of nearly 1,400 terms, words and abbreviations. We are currently working on sorting these terms by frequency of use, and grouping them into thematic patches. In parallel, we are conducting a series of workshops to settle on translation philosophy and approaches. If you are an Arabic reader, you can track our progress on both tracks here (Listing and Patching Table, Translation Philosophy). In the next phase of the project, we will conduct 4-hour workshops bringing together 7 translation experts from within and outside the DAO. Those translators will tackle a thematic patch of terms in every workshop, submit their different translations, and settle on the best translation through discussion or voting. But translation is only half the answer. The other half would be propagation. For our translations to get picked up and start replacing former dispersed translations, we plan to follow the release of the glossary with a propagation campaign, aiming at having the glossary adopted by: 5 Arab colleges, 2 mainstream and 10 alternative pan-Arab media outlets, 25 blockchain-focused social media pages and influencers and 5 Arabic UI / UX websites or apps. We also plan to set up a Wikipedia grant, motivating translators to bring 20 essential blockchain pages to Arabic, using our glossary through translation. The glossary will be a public good, and accessible to all for free. We hope to publish the first version of the glossary with 600-1000 terms translated, sometime before the end of the year (for a more detailed timeline, check our presentation!). After the initial release, we plan to update the glossary on 6-9 months intervals. So far, we have received funding from the Solana Foundation through Tafkir, we also received logistical support from the Ethereum Foundation, who are sharing with us their own glossary to use as a point of reference. But we need further funding to see this project through. To support our DAO or learn more on our progress, you can download this presentation. ",2022-09-05T04:40:38.199-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7563,True,False,0x776b3b6238CB38b55c7492824318ADAFA1e6fa45,AbjaDAO | Translating Blockchain to Arabic,,"How do we translate ‘Blockchain’ to Arabic? Thirteen years after Bitcoin was launched, somehow this question remains unanswered. Some translators choose to transliterate the term, using Arabic script while preserving the sound and maintaining its global familiarity. Given the lack of uniform phonetic alphabet, however, the Arabized word can be spelled in either one of eight different ways: بلوكتشين، بلوكشين، بلوكتشاين، بلوكشاين، بلوك شين، بلوك تشين، بلوك شاين، بلوك تشاين. Other translators opt for an Arabic equivalent through literal translation. The most common translation today is سلسلة الكتل, which translates back to ‘The Chain of Blocks’, more of an explanation than a translation. But why is translating to Arabic so tricky? Compare it with Latin. At its peak, Latin was spoken more or less across most of southern Europe, with the different Latin-speaking nations developing their own Latin vernaculars, which later evolved into brand new languages. While Arabic went through a similar phase of popularity, a combination of cultural and geopolitical factors made Arabic one language with multiple dialects unable to grow into new distinct languages. One could argue that Moroccan Arabic and Saudi Arabic for instance are less mutually intelligible than Italian and Spanish, yet Moroccan and Saudi Arabic are treated as two dialects, especially given the shared literary space, while Italian and Spanish are two separate national languages. This is one source of the headache felt by Arabic technology translators. They have to navigate different linguistic practices to arrive at terms working for all. This feels like coming up with a ‘European’ translation of the word Blockchain that works across the whole of Europe. The lack of a unified reference for translating blockchain to Arabic has caused innumerable issues. On one hand, it created a linguistic bottleneck, keeping most of quality blockchain content away from mono-lingual Arabs. On the other, without a standardized spelling or translation of essential keywords, SEO efforts targeting Arab readers are significantly compromised. The cost of translating blockchain content to Arabic remains high, as businesses end up developing their own glossaries throughout the translation process. This has been the case with both the Ethereum Foundation and Binance. These de facto glossaries, while filling a gap, can in fact unintentionally amplify the problem by introducing more dispersion, where one term has two translations in two different glossaries, and where uneven localizations, e.g. regional biases, mean that some translations are better understood in one part of the Arab region but not the others. Translation difficulties tend to lead to deeper issues, including lack of blockchain literacy, both on technical and general levels, allowing for more misinformation and stigma around the technology and its uses. That’s why it’s no wonder that MENA (Middle East & North Africa), a region that houses over 570M residents, remains one of the slowest regions to adopt blockchain and crypto currencies in the world. In a nutshell, this is why AbjaDAO exists! AbjaDAO is a guild-type special purpose DAO named after the original order of the semitic alphabet - ABJAD is one way of saying ‘A-B-C-D-E’ in Arabic. AbjaDAO brings together four MENA-based blockchain-focused initiatives, with a view to developing a decentralized and unified Arabic blockchain glossary. Our DAO includes representatives from ZeFi, a 40-people strong research and media project specialized in Arabic blockchain content. ZeFi were working on their own expansive dictionary when AbjaDAO came together, with their hundreds of translated and explained terms becoming AbjaDAO’s cornerstone. The DAO also includes Arabs in Blockchain initiative, founded by Eman Herawy, an Ethereum fellow who played a leading role in translating Ethereum to Arabic. Tafkir, a research and public goods center that conceived AbjaDAO, brings to the table experienced academic and literary translators, along with DocStream, a collective of linguists specialized in the social sciences and the humanities. Together, and joined by individual experts and consultants, we put together a plan to develop a unified glossary for Arabic blockchain terminology. We began by surveying a large body of blockchain literature to extract a list of nearly 1,400 terms, phrases and abbreviations. We are currently working on sorting these terms by frequency of use, and grouping them into thematic patches. In parallel, we are conducting a series of workshops to settle on translation philosophy and approaches. In the next phase of the project, we will conduct 4-hour workshops bringing together 7 translation experts from within and outside the DAO. Those translators will tackle a thematic patch of terms in every workshop, submit their different translations, and settle on the best terminological choices through discussion or voting. Translation, however, is only half the answer. The other would be propagation. For our translations to get picked up and start replacing former scattered terms, we plan to follow the release of the glossary with a propagation campaign, aiming at having the glossary adopted by: 5 Arab colleges, 2 mainstream and 10 alternative pan-Arab media outlets, 25 blockchain-focused social media pages and influencers and 5 Arabic UI / UX websites or apps. We also plan to set up a Wikipedia grant, motivating translators to bring 20 essential blockchain pages to Arabic, using our glossary through translation. The glossary will be a public good, and accessible to all for free. We hope to publish the first version of the glossary with 600-1000 terms translated, sometime before the end of the year (for a more detailed timeline, check our presentation!). After the initial release, we plan to update the glossary over 6-9 months intervals. So far, we have received funding from the Solana Foundation through Tafkir. We also received logistical support from the Ethereum Foundation, who shared with us their own glossary to use as a point of reference. But we need further funding to see this project through. ",2022-09-05T04:40:41.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7559,False,False,0x776b3b6238CB38b55c7492824318ADAFA1e6fa45,AbjaDAO | Translating Blockchain to Arabic,,"AbjaDAO | The DAO Translating Blockchain to Arabic How to translate the word ‘Blockchain’ to Arabic? 13 years after Bitcoin was launched, somehow this question remains unanswered. Some translators choose to Arabize the term, or type it with Arabic alphabets, so it sounds the same and maintains its global familiarity. But due to Arabic’s phonetic complexity, the word Blockchain can be spelled in either one of eight different ways: (بلوكتشين، بلوكشين، بلوكتشاين، بلوكشاين، بلوك شين، بلوك تشين، بلوك شاين، بلوك تشاين). Other translators tried to translate the word by searching for an Arabic equivalent. The most common translation today is (سلسلة الكتل), which translates back to English as ‘A Chain of Blocks’, more of an explanation than a translation. But why is translating to Arabic this tricky? One way to approach this question is by comparing Arabic to Latin. At its peak, Latin was spoken to one extent or another across all of Europe, and the different European peoples started producing their local iterations from Latin, which developed with time to constitute new branched languages. While Arabic went through a similar phase of popularity, political and cultural reasons dictated that Arabic shall remain one language with multiple dialects, and that these dialects shall not grow into new different languages. Today, one can argue that Moroccan Arabic and Saudi Arabic for instance are less intelligible than Italian and Spanish, however Moroccan and Saudi Arabic are treated as two dialects of the same language, while Italian and Spanish are considered to be two languages. This is one major source of headache when it comes to translating to Arabic. We need to find a translation that works with people of different linguistic practices, a task that feels like coming up with a ‘European’ translation of the word Blockchain, one that works across the whole of Europe. The lack of a unified reference for translating blockchain to Arabic has been causing a myriad of issues. On one hand, it created a linguistic bottleneck, keeping most of quality blockchain content away from mono-lingual Arabs. On the other hand, without a standardized way to spell or translate essential keywords, SEO efforts targeting Arab readers will be significantly compromised. The cost of translating blockchain content to Arabic remains high, as businesses end up developing their own glossaries throughout the translation process, which was the case with both the Ethereum Foundation and Binance. These de facto glossaries, while filling a gap, can in fact, and unintentionally, amplify the problem by introducing translation dispersion, where one term has two translations in two different glossaries, and translation biases, such as regional bias, where a translation is better understood in one part of the Arab region over the rest. Translation difficulties tend to lead to deeper issues, such as lack of proper blockchain literacy, both on technical and general levels, which allows for more misinformation and stigma around the technology and its uses. That’s why it’s no wonder that MENA (Middle East & North Africa), a region that houses over 570M residents, remains one of the slowest regions in terms of blockchain and crypto currencies adoption in the world. In a nutshell, this is why AbjaDAO exists! AbjaDAO is a guild-type special purpose DAO, it’s named after the Arabic alphabet, which is usually abbreviated as ABJAD (similar to ABC). AbjaDAO brings together four MENA-based blockchain-focused initiatives, around a plan to develop a decentralized and unified Arabic blockchain glossary. Our DAO includes representatives from ZeFi, a 40-people strong research and media project specialized in Arabic blockchain content. ZeFi were working on their own expansive dictionary when AbjaDAO came together, and they shared with us hundreds of translated and explained terms to use as a cornerstone. The DAO also includes Arabs in Blockchain initiative, founded by Eman Herawy, an Ethereum fellow who played a leading role in translating Ethereum to Arabic. Tafkir, a research and public goods center that conceived AbjaDAO, bringing to the table experienced academic and literary translators. And DocStream, a collective of editorial and translation service providers that serve the British Council amongst other clients. Together, and joined by individual experts and consultants, we conceived a plan to develop a unifying glossary for Arabic blockchain terminology. We began by surveying a large body of blockchain literature to extract a list of nearly 1,400 terms, words and abbreviations. We are currently working on sorting these terms by frequency of use, and grouping them into thematic patches. In parallel, we are conducting a series of workshops to settle on translation philosophy and approaches. If you are an Arabic reader, you can track our progress on both tracks here (Listing and Patching Table, Translation Philosophy). In the next phase of the project, we will conduct 4-hour workshops bringing together 7 translation experts from within and outside the DAO. Those translators will tackle a thematic patch of terms in every workshop, submit their different translations, and settle on the best translation through discussion or voting. But translation is only half the answer. The other half would be propagation. For our translations to get picked up and start replacing former dispersed translations, we plan to follow the release of the glossary with a propagation campaign, aiming at having the glossary adopted by: 5 Arab colleges, 2 mainstream and 10 alternative pan-Arab media outlets, 25 blockchain-focused social media pages and influencers and 5 Arabic UI / UX websites or apps. We also plan to set up a Wikipedia grant, motivating translators to bring 20 essential blockchain pages to Arabic, using our glossary through translation. The glossary will be a public good, and accessible to all for free. We hope to publish the first version of the glossary with 600-1000 terms translated, sometime before the end of the year (for a more detailed timeline, check our presentation!). After the initial release, we plan to update the glossary on 6-9 months intervals. So far, we have received funding from the Solana Foundation through Tafkir, we also received logistical support from the Ethereum Foundation, who are sharing with us their own glossary to use as a point of reference. But we need further funding to see this project through. To support our DAO or learn more on our progress, you can download this presentation. ",2022-09-05T04:40:41.356-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7566,False,False,0x776b3b6238CB38b55c7492824318ADAFA1e6fa45,AbjaDAO | Translating Blockchain to Arabic,,"AbjaDAO | The DAO Translating Blockchain to Arabic How to translate the word ‘Blockchain’ to Arabic? 13 years after Bitcoin was launched, somehow this question remains unanswered. Some translators choose to Arabize the term, or type it with Arabic alphabets, so it sounds the same and maintains its global familiarity. But due to Arabic’s phonetic complexity, the word Blockchain can be spelled in either one of eight different ways: (بلوكتشين، بلوكشين، بلوكتشاين، بلوكشاين، بلوك شين، بلوك تشين، بلوك شاين، بلوك تشاين). Other translators tried to translate the word by searching for an Arabic equivalent. The most common translation today is (سلسلة الكتل), which translates back to English as ‘A Chain of Blocks’, more of an explanation than a translation. But why is translating to Arabic this tricky? One way to approach this question is by comparing Arabic to Latin. At its peak, Latin was spoken to one extent or another across all of Europe, and the different European peoples started producing their local iterations from Latin, which developed with time to constitute new branched languages. While Arabic went through a similar phase of popularity, political and cultural reasons dictated that Arabic shall remain one language with multiple dialects, and that these dialects shall not grow into new different languages. Today, one can argue that Moroccan Arabic and Saudi Arabic for instance are less intelligible than Italian and Spanish, however Moroccan and Saudi Arabic are treated as two dialects of the same language, while Italian and Spanish are considered to be two languages. This is one major source of headache when it comes to translating to Arabic. We need to find a translation that works with people of different linguistic practices, a task that feels like coming up with a ‘European’ translation of the word Blockchain, one that works across the whole of Europe. The lack of a unified reference for translating blockchain to Arabic has been causing a myriad of issues. On one hand, it created a linguistic bottleneck, keeping most of quality blockchain content away from mono-lingual Arabs. On the other hand, without a standardized way to spell or translate essential keywords, SEO efforts targeting Arab readers will be significantly compromised. The cost of translating blockchain content to Arabic remains high, as businesses end up developing their own glossaries throughout the translation process, which was the case with both the Ethereum Foundation and Binance. These de facto glossaries, while filling a gap, can in fact, and unintentionally, amplify the problem by introducing translation dispersion, where one term has two translations in two different glossaries, and translation biases, such as regional bias, where a translation is better understood in one part of the Arab region over the rest. Translation difficulties tend to lead to deeper issues, such as lack of proper blockchain literacy, both on technical and general levels, which allows for more misinformation and stigma around the technology and its uses. That’s why it’s no wonder that MENA (Middle East & North Africa), a region that houses over 570M residents, remains one of the slowest regions in terms of blockchain and crypto currencies adoption in the world. In a nutshell, this is why AbjaDAO exists! AbjaDAO is a guild-type special purpose DAO, it’s named after the Arabic alphabet, which is usually abbreviated as ABJAD (similar to ABC). AbjaDAO brings together four MENA-based blockchain-focused initiatives, around a plan to develop a decentralized and unified Arabic blockchain glossary. Our DAO includes representatives from ZeFi, a 40-people strong research and media project specialized in Arabic blockchain content. ZeFi were working on their own expansive dictionary when AbjaDAO came together, and they shared with us hundreds of translated and explained terms to use as a cornerstone. The DAO also includes Arabs in Blockchain initiative, founded by Eman Herawy, an Ethereum fellow who played a leading role in translating Ethereum to Arabic. Tafkir, a research and public goods center that conceived AbjaDAO, bringing to the table experienced academic and literary translators. And DocStream, a collective of editorial and translation service providers that serve the British Council amongst other clients. Together, and joined by individual experts and consultants, we conceived a plan to develop a unifying glossary for Arabic blockchain terminology. We began by surveying a large body of blockchain literature to extract a list of nearly 1,400 terms, words and abbreviations. We are currently working on sorting these terms by frequency of use, and grouping them into thematic patches. In parallel, we are conducting a series of workshops to settle on translation philosophy and approaches. If you are an Arabic reader, you can track our progress on both tracks here (Listing and Patching Table, Translation Philosophy). In the next phase of the project, we will conduct 4-hour workshops bringing together 7 translation experts from within and outside the DAO. Those translators will tackle a thematic patch of terms in every workshop, submit their different translations, and settle on the best translation through discussion or voting. But translation is only half the answer. The other half would be propagation. For our translations to get picked up and start replacing former dispersed translations, we plan to follow the release of the glossary with a propagation campaign, aiming at having the glossary adopted by: 5 Arab colleges, 2 mainstream and 10 alternative pan-Arab media outlets, 25 blockchain-focused social media pages and influencers and 5 Arabic UI / UX websites or apps. We also plan to set up a Wikipedia grant, motivating translators to bring 20 essential blockchain pages to Arabic, using our glossary through translation. The glossary will be a public good, and accessible to all for free. We hope to publish the first version of the glossary with 600-1000 terms translated, sometime before the end of the year (for a more detailed timeline, check our presentation!). After the initial release, we plan to update the glossary on 6-9 months intervals. So far, we have received funding from the Solana Foundation through Tafkir, we also received logistical support from the Ethereum Foundation, who are sharing with us their own glossary to use as a point of reference. But we need further funding to see this project through. To support our DAO or learn more on our progress, you can download this presentation. ",2022-09-05T04:40:41.905-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7558,False,False,0x776b3b6238CB38b55c7492824318ADAFA1e6fa45,AbjaDAO | Translating Blockchain to Arabic,,"AbjaDAO | The DAO Translating Blockchain to Arabic How to translate the word ‘Blockchain’ to Arabic? 13 years after Bitcoin was launched, somehow this question remains unanswered. Some translators choose to Arabize the term, or type it with Arabic alphabets, so it sounds the same and maintains its global familiarity. But due to Arabic’s phonetic complexity, the word Blockchain can be spelled in either one of eight different ways: (بلوكتشين، بلوكشين، بلوكتشاين، بلوكشاين، بلوك شين، بلوك تشين، بلوك شاين، بلوك تشاين). Other translators tried to translate the word by searching for an Arabic equivalent. The most common translation today is (سلسلة الكتل), which translates back to English as ‘A Chain of Blocks’, more of an explanation than a translation. But why is translating to Arabic this tricky? One way to approach this question is by comparing Arabic to Latin. At its peak, Latin was spoken to one extent or another across all of Europe, and the different European peoples started producing their local iterations from Latin, which developed with time to constitute new branched languages. While Arabic went through a similar phase of popularity, political and cultural reasons dictated that Arabic shall remain one language with multiple dialects, and that these dialects shall not grow into new different languages. Today, one can argue that Moroccan Arabic and Saudi Arabic for instance are less intelligible than Italian and Spanish, however Moroccan and Saudi Arabic are treated as two dialects of the same language, while Italian and Spanish are considered to be two languages. This is one major source of headache when it comes to translating to Arabic. We need to find a translation that works with people of different linguistic practices, a task that feels like coming up with a ‘European’ translation of the word Blockchain, one that works across the whole of Europe. The lack of a unified reference for translating blockchain to Arabic has been causing a myriad of issues. On one hand, it created a linguistic bottleneck, keeping most of quality blockchain content away from mono-lingual Arabs. On the other hand, without a standardized way to spell or translate essential keywords, SEO efforts targeting Arab readers will be significantly compromised. The cost of translating blockchain content to Arabic remains high, as businesses end up developing their own glossaries throughout the translation process, which was the case with both the Ethereum Foundation and Binance. These de facto glossaries, while filling a gap, can in fact, and unintentionally, amplify the problem by introducing translation dispersion, where one term has two translations in two different glossaries, and translation biases, such as regional bias, where a translation is better understood in one part of the Arab region over the rest. Translation difficulties tend to lead to deeper issues, such as lack of proper blockchain literacy, both on technical and general levels, which allows for more misinformation and stigma around the technology and its uses. That’s why it’s no wonder that MENA (Middle East & North Africa), a region that houses over 570M residents, remains one of the slowest regions in terms of blockchain and crypto currencies adoption in the world. In a nutshell, this is why AbjaDAO exists! AbjaDAO is a guild-type special purpose DAO, it’s named after the Arabic alphabet, which is usually abbreviated as ABJAD (similar to ABC). AbjaDAO brings together four MENA-based blockchain-focused initiatives, around a plan to develop a decentralized and unified Arabic blockchain glossary. Our DAO includes representatives from ZeFi, a 40-people strong research and media project specialized in Arabic blockchain content. ZeFi were working on their own expansive dictionary when AbjaDAO came together, and they shared with us hundreds of translated and explained terms to use as a cornerstone. The DAO also includes Arabs in Blockchain initiative, founded by Eman Herawy, an Ethereum fellow who played a leading role in translating Ethereum to Arabic. Tafkir, a research and public goods center that conceived AbjaDAO, bringing to the table experienced academic and literary translators. And DocStream, a collective of editorial and translation service providers that serve the British Council amongst other clients. Together, and joined by individual experts and consultants, we conceived a plan to develop a unifying glossary for Arabic blockchain terminology. We began by surveying a large body of blockchain literature to extract a list of nearly 1,400 terms, words and abbreviations. We are currently working on sorting these terms by frequency of use, and grouping them into thematic patches. In parallel, we are conducting a series of workshops to settle on translation philosophy and approaches. If you are an Arabic reader, you can track our progress on both tracks here (Listing and Patching Table, Translation Philosophy). In the next phase of the project, we will conduct 4-hour workshops bringing together 7 translation experts from within and outside the DAO. Those translators will tackle a thematic patch of terms in every workshop, submit their different translations, and settle on the best translation through discussion or voting. But translation is only half the answer. The other half would be propagation. For our translations to get picked up and start replacing former dispersed translations, we plan to follow the release of the glossary with a propagation campaign, aiming at having the glossary adopted by: 5 Arab colleges, 2 mainstream and 10 alternative pan-Arab media outlets, 25 blockchain-focused social media pages and influencers and 5 Arabic UI / UX websites or apps. We also plan to set up a Wikipedia grant, motivating translators to bring 20 essential blockchain pages to Arabic, using our glossary through translation. The glossary will be a public good, and accessible to all for free. We hope to publish the first version of the glossary with 600-1000 terms translated, sometime before the end of the year (for a more detailed timeline, check our presentation!). After the initial release, we plan to update the glossary on 6-9 months intervals. So far, we have received funding from the Solana Foundation through Tafkir, we also received logistical support from the Ethereum Foundation, who are sharing with us their own glossary to use as a point of reference. But we need further funding to see this project through. To support our DAO or learn more on our progress, you can download this presentation. ",2022-09-05T04:40:46.260-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7565,False,False,0x776b3b6238CB38b55c7492824318ADAFA1e6fa45,AbjaDAO | Translating Blockchain to Arabic,,"AbjaDAO | The DAO Translating Blockchain to Arabic How to translate the word ‘Blockchain’ to Arabic? 13 years after Bitcoin was launched, somehow this question remains unanswered. Some translators choose to Arabize the term, or type it with Arabic alphabets, so it sounds the same and maintains its global familiarity. But due to Arabic’s phonetic complexity, the word Blockchain can be spelled in either one of eight different ways: (بلوكتشين، بلوكشين، بلوكتشاين، بلوكشاين، بلوك شين، بلوك تشين، بلوك شاين، بلوك تشاين). Other translators tried to translate the word by searching for an Arabic equivalent. The most common translation today is (سلسلة الكتل), which translates back to English as ‘A Chain of Blocks’, more of an explanation than a translation. But why is translating to Arabic this tricky? One way to approach this question is by comparing Arabic to Latin. At its peak, Latin was spoken to one extent or another across all of Europe, and the different European peoples started producing their local iterations from Latin, which developed with time to constitute new branched languages. While Arabic went through a similar phase of popularity, political and cultural reasons dictated that Arabic shall remain one language with multiple dialects, and that these dialects shall not grow into new different languages. Today, one can argue that Moroccan Arabic and Saudi Arabic for instance are less intelligible than Italian and Spanish, however Moroccan and Saudi Arabic are treated as two dialects of the same language, while Italian and Spanish are considered to be two languages. This is one major source of headache when it comes to translating to Arabic. We need to find a translation that works with people of different linguistic practices, a task that feels like coming up with a ‘European’ translation of the word Blockchain, one that works across the whole of Europe. The lack of a unified reference for translating blockchain to Arabic has been causing a myriad of issues. On one hand, it created a linguistic bottleneck, keeping most of quality blockchain content away from mono-lingual Arabs. On the other hand, without a standardized way to spell or translate essential keywords, SEO efforts targeting Arab readers will be significantly compromised. The cost of translating blockchain content to Arabic remains high, as businesses end up developing their own glossaries throughout the translation process, which was the case with both the Ethereum Foundation and Binance. These de facto glossaries, while filling a gap, can in fact, and unintentionally, amplify the problem by introducing translation dispersion, where one term has two translations in two different glossaries, and translation biases, such as regional bias, where a translation is better understood in one part of the Arab region over the rest. Translation difficulties tend to lead to deeper issues, such as lack of proper blockchain literacy, both on technical and general levels, which allows for more misinformation and stigma around the technology and its uses. That’s why it’s no wonder that MENA (Middle East & North Africa), a region that houses over 570M residents, remains one of the slowest regions in terms of blockchain and crypto currencies adoption in the world. In a nutshell, this is why AbjaDAO exists! AbjaDAO is a guild-type special purpose DAO, it’s named after the Arabic alphabet, which is usually abbreviated as ABJAD (similar to ABC). AbjaDAO brings together four MENA-based blockchain-focused initiatives, around a plan to develop a decentralized and unified Arabic blockchain glossary. Our DAO includes representatives from ZeFi, a 40-people strong research and media project specialized in Arabic blockchain content. ZeFi were working on their own expansive dictionary when AbjaDAO came together, and they shared with us hundreds of translated and explained terms to use as a cornerstone. The DAO also includes Arabs in Blockchain initiative, founded by Eman Herawy, an Ethereum fellow who played a leading role in translating Ethereum to Arabic. Tafkir, a research and public goods center that conceived AbjaDAO, bringing to the table experienced academic and literary translators. And DocStream, a collective of editorial and translation service providers that serve the British Council amongst other clients. Together, and joined by individual experts and consultants, we conceived a plan to develop a unifying glossary for Arabic blockchain terminology. We began by surveying a large body of blockchain literature to extract a list of nearly 1,400 terms, words and abbreviations. We are currently working on sorting these terms by frequency of use, and grouping them into thematic patches. In parallel, we are conducting a series of workshops to settle on translation philosophy and approaches. If you are an Arabic reader, you can track our progress on both tracks here (Listing and Patching Table, Translation Philosophy). In the next phase of the project, we will conduct 4-hour workshops bringing together 7 translation experts from within and outside the DAO. Those translators will tackle a thematic patch of terms in every workshop, submit their different translations, and settle on the best translation through discussion or voting. But translation is only half the answer. The other half would be propagation. For our translations to get picked up and start replacing former dispersed translations, we plan to follow the release of the glossary with a propagation campaign, aiming at having the glossary adopted by: 5 Arab colleges, 2 mainstream and 10 alternative pan-Arab media outlets, 25 blockchain-focused social media pages and influencers and 5 Arabic UI / UX websites or apps. We also plan to set up a Wikipedia grant, motivating translators to bring 20 essential blockchain pages to Arabic, using our glossary through translation. The glossary will be a public good, and accessible to all for free. We hope to publish the first version of the glossary with 600-1000 terms translated, sometime before the end of the year (for a more detailed timeline, check our presentation!). After the initial release, we plan to update the glossary on 6-9 months intervals. So far, we have received funding from the Solana Foundation through Tafkir, we also received logistical support from the Ethereum Foundation, who are sharing with us their own glossary to use as a point of reference. But we need further funding to see this project through. To support our DAO or learn more on our progress, you can download this presentation. ",2022-09-05T04:40:49.637-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7564,False,False,0x776b3b6238CB38b55c7492824318ADAFA1e6fa45,AbjaDAO | Translating Blockchain to Arabic,,"AbjaDAO | The DAO Translating Blockchain to Arabic How to translate the word ‘Blockchain’ to Arabic? 13 years after Bitcoin was launched, somehow this question remains unanswered. Some translators choose to Arabize the term, or type it with Arabic alphabets, so it sounds the same and maintains its global familiarity. But due to Arabic’s phonetic complexity, the word Blockchain can be spelled in either one of eight different ways: (بلوكتشين، بلوكشين، بلوكتشاين، بلوكشاين، بلوك شين، بلوك تشين، بلوك شاين، بلوك تشاين). Other translators tried to translate the word by searching for an Arabic equivalent. The most common translation today is (سلسلة الكتل), which translates back to English as ‘A Chain of Blocks’, more of an explanation than a translation. But why is translating to Arabic this tricky? One way to approach this question is by comparing Arabic to Latin. At its peak, Latin was spoken to one extent or another across all of Europe, and the different European peoples started producing their local iterations from Latin, which developed with time to constitute new branched languages. While Arabic went through a similar phase of popularity, political and cultural reasons dictated that Arabic shall remain one language with multiple dialects, and that these dialects shall not grow into new different languages. Today, one can argue that Moroccan Arabic and Saudi Arabic for instance are less intelligible than Italian and Spanish, however Moroccan and Saudi Arabic are treated as two dialects of the same language, while Italian and Spanish are considered to be two languages. This is one major source of headache when it comes to translating to Arabic. We need to find a translation that works with people of different linguistic practices, a task that feels like coming up with a ‘European’ translation of the word Blockchain, one that works across the whole of Europe. The lack of a unified reference for translating blockchain to Arabic has been causing a myriad of issues. On one hand, it created a linguistic bottleneck, keeping most of quality blockchain content away from mono-lingual Arabs. On the other hand, without a standardized way to spell or translate essential keywords, SEO efforts targeting Arab readers will be significantly compromised. The cost of translating blockchain content to Arabic remains high, as businesses end up developing their own glossaries throughout the translation process, which was the case with both the Ethereum Foundation and Binance. These de facto glossaries, while filling a gap, can in fact, and unintentionally, amplify the problem by introducing translation dispersion, where one term has two translations in two different glossaries, and translation biases, such as regional bias, where a translation is better understood in one part of the Arab region over the rest. Translation difficulties tend to lead to deeper issues, such as lack of proper blockchain literacy, both on technical and general levels, which allows for more misinformation and stigma around the technology and its uses. That’s why it’s no wonder that MENA (Middle East & North Africa), a region that houses over 570M residents, remains one of the slowest regions in terms of blockchain and crypto currencies adoption in the world. In a nutshell, this is why AbjaDAO exists! AbjaDAO is a guild-type special purpose DAO, it’s named after the Arabic alphabet, which is usually abbreviated as ABJAD (similar to ABC). AbjaDAO brings together four MENA-based blockchain-focused initiatives, around a plan to develop a decentralized and unified Arabic blockchain glossary. Our DAO includes representatives from ZeFi, a 40-people strong research and media project specialized in Arabic blockchain content. ZeFi were working on their own expansive dictionary when AbjaDAO came together, and they shared with us hundreds of translated and explained terms to use as a cornerstone. The DAO also includes Arabs in Blockchain initiative, founded by Eman Herawy, an Ethereum fellow who played a leading role in translating Ethereum to Arabic. Tafkir, a research and public goods center that conceived AbjaDAO, bringing to the table experienced academic and literary translators. And DocStream, a collective of editorial and translation service providers that serve the British Council amongst other clients. Together, and joined by individual experts and consultants, we conceived a plan to develop a unifying glossary for Arabic blockchain terminology. We began by surveying a large body of blockchain literature to extract a list of nearly 1,400 terms, words and abbreviations. We are currently working on sorting these terms by frequency of use, and grouping them into thematic patches. In parallel, we are conducting a series of workshops to settle on translation philosophy and approaches. If you are an Arabic reader, you can track our progress on both tracks here (Listing and Patching Table, Translation Philosophy). In the next phase of the project, we will conduct 4-hour workshops bringing together 7 translation experts from within and outside the DAO. Those translators will tackle a thematic patch of terms in every workshop, submit their different translations, and settle on the best translation through discussion or voting. But translation is only half the answer. The other half would be propagation. For our translations to get picked up and start replacing former dispersed translations, we plan to follow the release of the glossary with a propagation campaign, aiming at having the glossary adopted by: 5 Arab colleges, 2 mainstream and 10 alternative pan-Arab media outlets, 25 blockchain-focused social media pages and influencers and 5 Arabic UI / UX websites or apps. We also plan to set up a Wikipedia grant, motivating translators to bring 20 essential blockchain pages to Arabic, using our glossary through translation. The glossary will be a public good, and accessible to all for free. We hope to publish the first version of the glossary with 600-1000 terms translated, sometime before the end of the year (for a more detailed timeline, check our presentation!). After the initial release, we plan to update the glossary on 6-9 months intervals. So far, we have received funding from the Solana Foundation through Tafkir, we also received logistical support from the Ethereum Foundation, who are sharing with us their own glossary to use as a point of reference. But we need further funding to see this project through. To support our DAO or learn more on our progress, you can download this presentation. ",2022-09-05T04:40:50.037-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7561,False,False,0x776b3b6238CB38b55c7492824318ADAFA1e6fa45,AbjaDAO | Translating Blockchain to Arabic,,"AbjaDAO | The DAO Translating Blockchain to Arabic How to translate the word ‘Blockchain’ to Arabic? 13 years after Bitcoin was launched, somehow this question remains unanswered. Some translators choose to Arabize the term, or type it with Arabic alphabets, so it sounds the same and maintains its global familiarity. But due to Arabic’s phonetic complexity, the word Blockchain can be spelled in either one of eight different ways: (بلوكتشين، بلوكشين، بلوكتشاين، بلوكشاين، بلوك شين، بلوك تشين، بلوك شاين، بلوك تشاين). Other translators tried to translate the word by searching for an Arabic equivalent. The most common translation today is (سلسلة الكتل), which translates back to English as ‘A Chain of Blocks’, more of an explanation than a translation. But why is translating to Arabic this tricky? One way to approach this question is by comparing Arabic to Latin. At its peak, Latin was spoken to one extent or another across all of Europe, and the different European peoples started producing their local iterations from Latin, which developed with time to constitute new branched languages. While Arabic went through a similar phase of popularity, political and cultural reasons dictated that Arabic shall remain one language with multiple dialects, and that these dialects shall not grow into new different languages. Today, one can argue that Moroccan Arabic and Saudi Arabic for instance are less intelligible than Italian and Spanish, however Moroccan and Saudi Arabic are treated as two dialects of the same language, while Italian and Spanish are considered to be two languages. This is one major source of headache when it comes to translating to Arabic. We need to find a translation that works with people of different linguistic practices, a task that feels like coming up with a ‘European’ translation of the word Blockchain, one that works across the whole of Europe. The lack of a unified reference for translating blockchain to Arabic has been causing a myriad of issues. On one hand, it created a linguistic bottleneck, keeping most of quality blockchain content away from mono-lingual Arabs. On the other hand, without a standardized way to spell or translate essential keywords, SEO efforts targeting Arab readers will be significantly compromised. The cost of translating blockchain content to Arabic remains high, as businesses end up developing their own glossaries throughout the translation process, which was the case with both the Ethereum Foundation and Binance. These de facto glossaries, while filling a gap, can in fact, and unintentionally, amplify the problem by introducing translation dispersion, where one term has two translations in two different glossaries, and translation biases, such as regional bias, where a translation is better understood in one part of the Arab region over the rest. Translation difficulties tend to lead to deeper issues, such as lack of proper blockchain literacy, both on technical and general levels, which allows for more misinformation and stigma around the technology and its uses. That’s why it’s no wonder that MENA (Middle East & North Africa), a region that houses over 570M residents, remains one of the slowest regions in terms of blockchain and crypto currencies adoption in the world. In a nutshell, this is why AbjaDAO exists! AbjaDAO is a guild-type special purpose DAO, it’s named after the Arabic alphabet, which is usually abbreviated as ABJAD (similar to ABC). AbjaDAO brings together four MENA-based blockchain-focused initiatives, around a plan to develop a decentralized and unified Arabic blockchain glossary. Our DAO includes representatives from ZeFi, a 40-people strong research and media project specialized in Arabic blockchain content. ZeFi were working on their own expansive dictionary when AbjaDAO came together, and they shared with us hundreds of translated and explained terms to use as a cornerstone. The DAO also includes Arabs in Blockchain initiative, founded by Eman Herawy, an Ethereum fellow who played a leading role in translating Ethereum to Arabic. Tafkir, a research and public goods center that conceived AbjaDAO, bringing to the table experienced academic and literary translators. And DocStream, a collective of editorial and translation service providers that serve the British Council amongst other clients. Together, and joined by individual experts and consultants, we conceived a plan to develop a unifying glossary for Arabic blockchain terminology. We began by surveying a large body of blockchain literature to extract a list of nearly 1,400 terms, words and abbreviations. We are currently working on sorting these terms by frequency of use, and grouping them into thematic patches. In parallel, we are conducting a series of workshops to settle on translation philosophy and approaches. If you are an Arabic reader, you can track our progress on both tracks here (Listing and Patching Table, Translation Philosophy). In the next phase of the project, we will conduct 4-hour workshops bringing together 7 translation experts from within and outside the DAO. Those translators will tackle a thematic patch of terms in every workshop, submit their different translations, and settle on the best translation through discussion or voting. But translation is only half the answer. The other half would be propagation. For our translations to get picked up and start replacing former dispersed translations, we plan to follow the release of the glossary with a propagation campaign, aiming at having the glossary adopted by: 5 Arab colleges, 2 mainstream and 10 alternative pan-Arab media outlets, 25 blockchain-focused social media pages and influencers and 5 Arabic UI / UX websites or apps. We also plan to set up a Wikipedia grant, motivating translators to bring 20 essential blockchain pages to Arabic, using our glossary through translation. The glossary will be a public good, and accessible to all for free. We hope to publish the first version of the glossary with 600-1000 terms translated, sometime before the end of the year (for a more detailed timeline, check our presentation!). After the initial release, we plan to update the glossary on 6-9 months intervals. So far, we have received funding from the Solana Foundation through Tafkir, we also received logistical support from the Ethereum Foundation, who are sharing with us their own glossary to use as a point of reference. But we need further funding to see this project through. To support our DAO or learn more on our progress, you can download this presentation. ",2022-09-05T04:40:50.502-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7567,False,False,0x96F73529b6De9aa23e1300CBcfD8b0e7Ad5A8082,Gaia Governor (Everthing about governance),,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""Track,monitor, analyze on every space from different chain in determine each proposal fairness and perfomance. Gaia analyze more than 20+ chain on 100+ space and provide you the latest scoop in governance\n ""}]} ",2022-09-05T05:09:11.387-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7568,True,False,0x5EeA6BF30C8b15C6C77E57f8fB82a12BbF40A50C,ORBIT DeFi,,"Orbit is a necessary layer to scale LPing, facilitating execution and automation of strategies for liquidity providers and aiming to make DeFi simpler and widely available to anybody. Too many Uniswap V3 Liquidity Providers lose money. Approximately 40-45 percent of the positions are out of range, resulting in no fee generation. Moreover, Uniswap still lacks the capabilities necessary to rebalance or restructure positions for many possible usages. These are critical factors to consider, but LPs frequently forget about them, incurring in more risks. We feel that the ecosystem lacks the tools necessary to properly analyze and address these challenges, making concentrated liquidity a complex activity that does not fully realize and express its potential. Orbit enables to quickly deploy, automate, combine and monitor structured strategies with total flexibility, abstracting away any operational complexity for any token pair and ranges. It is an automation layer that allows users to easily define and execute liquidity operations across several protocols. Our mission is to become the go-to platform for concentrated liquidity, giving users the possibility to deploy and automate complex strategies for managing liquidity, both in and out of range, with the aim of solving all the aforementioned problems. Orbit works with a Smart Vault model: users own a smart contract that is used as an account to handle tokens, that can then be connected to other protocols to allow for automatic allocations. It is centered around three main features: Autocompound: this feature allows the user to automatically swap and reinvest fees sitting idle in the Uni v3 position, maximizing the APY on the idle fraction of the different users’ positions; Autorebalance: this feature allows the user to put an out-of-range position back into the range so that it is possible to never stop earning fees; Idle Liquidity: this feature allows users to boost yields by exploiting idle liquidity in other protocols (such as Aave). These first features can be used on an unlimited number of positions and token pairs at once. With this Grant we will accelerate development and integration with more and more protocols, in order to give further flexibility to users and enable them to create delta-neutral strategies and hedge against Impermanent Loss. Please note that this project, initially named “UniStrategy"", has been Finalist at ETHGlobal UniCode 2021.",2022-09-05T05:09:39.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7569,True,True,0xC77b7A5618Dc03BB89b837F2C016aa6deccE86F9,GiroGiro AI,,"QUICK UPDATE: We are currently incubated by Binance Labs and BNB Chain in its ""Most Valuable Builder"" program, where we have been actively refining our AI models and collaborating with like-minded and AI-related projects. (DMs are always open on Twitter) Source: VISION: GiroGiroAI strives to build an AI protocol layer that will empower dApps (GameFi/SocialFi/Metaverse) with interactive AI bots to enrich user experiences and help dApps unleash more value with AI. We will also launch a dApp that will help transform NFTs from PFPs into on-chain AI artists, capable of creating generative artworks with the granted AIGC abilities, opening up the imagination of NFT 2.0.   DESCRIPTION: TO CUSTOMER PLATFORM   We have three platforms currently in our pipeline of development. The AI interactive platform (shown below) is our first platform which functions as a demo and trial for holders to interact with their NFTs after being granted the AI models. Our later platforms will enable holders to train and upgrade the intelligence of their NFTs through a gamified experience, increasing its NFTs' AI capability and commercial value.   DESCRIPTION: TO DAPP AI SOLUTION   We've established numerous official collaborations with metaverse projects in which we help to transform NPCs into conversational AI NPCs, helping to infuse more interactive scenarios to increase interactions between NPCs and players and boost in-game playability. By granting the NPCs the capability to remember chat logs and generate conversations with a pre-set personality and background setting, the NPCs can autonomously initiate logical dialogues to help guide newbies, direct players toward in-game purchases, develop potential bonding, etc. NPCs will no longer be monotonous robots. For more details please visit our litepaper:",2022-09-05T05:13:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7570,False,False,0x18756936F6c50Af8c5E3489E89c6De9048aa265d,NFT Trading Platform,,"{""ops"":[{""attributes"":{""color"":""#757087""},""insert"":""A decentralized NFT trading platform that supports social sharing(share to earn) and leverage.""},{""insert"":""\n""}]} ",2022-09-05T06:00:13.205-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7571,True,True,0x07e0Cb436908F0Ef0164aC0d3624f7cA677592E6,Recap of the Previous Day on StarkNet,,"The ""Recap of the Previous Day on StarkNet"" is a daily Twitter thread and Newsletter, where StarkNet lover Nurstar writes about the latest happening on StarkNet. With this grant, Nurstar would improve the daily format and create engaging educational contents around StarkNet and StarkEx through his Twitter Profile and his parallel media project StarkGalaxy.",2022-09-05T06:48:17.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7572,False,False,0xeaA5b5C9AFE7719E1C7DEfBf1eE818eb5dEbF1BC,NFT Freemint Check,," We plan to create a New ecosystem for Tracking Free NFT mints. In order to cull all cheaters and display only projects that are really worthy of attention, our system will check the entire contract, Twitter, Site and IPFS duplicates. ",2022-09-05T07:14:53.471-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7573,True,True,0x527aE11F526485eAA734B31804da81B38fEe545f,Replabs: Multi-dimensional reputation systems.,,"Replabs is building multi-dimensional reputation systems for DAOs using language models. This system can be forked by any DAO and used in their discord to help determine who is reputable in what area within it. Why? How are actions legitimized? This question lies at the core of governance. Within the DAO space, and in democracies at large, this question is usually addressed with voting – quadratically weighted or not. However, in our extremely technical world, our ability to exercise good judgment about a specific topic vastly differs between us. Reputation can be thought of as the collective judgment about a certain person or organization’s ability or trustworthiness on a certain topic within a certain context. Thus, reputation systems could aid legitimation processes by offering a supplement to voting-based mechanisms. Indeed, the legitimation process underpinning peer-review is to a large extent reputation-based. Papers with lots of citations become reputable, and that paper’s successive citings are thus granted further legitimacy. One could imagine what the world of science would look like if the legitimacy of papers was entirely the subject of a permissionless vote. However, the current paradigm of online reputation systems are almost exclusively built on scalars. This is problematic, as much is lost when our multifaceted skills, abilities and relationships are collapsed into uni-dimensional social credit scores. Multi-dimensional reputation systems offer an alternative. With language models, we have the ability to create such systems from textual interactions that capture the nuance list in scalars, and thus help us determine trustworthiness and legitimacy contextually within a social group. How?   Replabs is building tools for DAOs and communities on Twitter that can be used to determine contextual reputation.   Replabs is also doing qualitative research on how well these tools and algorithms match the subjective experiences of the participants within the communities. These qualitative findings will be summarized in a technical paper.   What?   More information about how the grant money will be used can be found here. ",2022-09-05T09:09:57.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7574,True,True,0xf27AC88ac7e80487f21e5c2C847290b2AE5d7B8e,PAC DAO: On Chain Activism,,"Cryptocurrency is under attack. Sanctioning use of open source protocols and detaining devs without charges offends all free people. It's a direct attack on free speech and privacy. PAC DAO, a Web3 public goods org, is joining the fight.",2022-09-05T09:40:06.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7575,False,True,0x0B1BB4F4836B69dD94a9c42Af9048991cCA229C0,Non-Fungible Castle – NFC 2022,,"We believe that preserving culture is vital to humanity. Non-Fungible Castle (NFC) 2021 was a community building event hosted at the Lobkowicz Palace in Prague Castle that bridged the traditional art world with the Web3 community to see how they can enhance, engage, and challenge one another. The event included an international conference exploring how blockchain technology can be incorporated into cultural heritage practices and a free temporary NFT exhibition hosted in one of the most visited cultural landmarks in the Czech Republic featuring original NFTs created by House of Lobkowicz as well as by contemporary artists. The exhibition demonstrated how technology can be used not only to enhance the viewer’s experience with art, but also to see elements that are not visible in the real world.  The success of NFC, which was also featured on the Unchained Podcast, demonstrates a use case for cultural institutions to increase accessibility, deepen relationships with a broader community of patrons and creators, and establish a creative platform to raise restoration funds. The exhibition received hundreds of visitors daily and the event welcomed over 200 attendees from all over the world. To that end, NFC returns for its second edition.  Non-Fungible Castle (NFC) 2022  This year’s event explores how blockchain technology can be used to rediscover, share, and preserve cultural identity. Along with the NFT exhibition and international conference, a large component of this year's NFC will include an interactive cultural program inviting participants to immerse themselves in culture and history while exploring new applications of blockchain technology in the real world. We wish to enrich this experience with additional funding that will allow us to apply different tools that increase accessibility of NFTs and Web3 (for example creating wallets for event attendees), while continuing to pioneer, demonstrate, and educate audiences about the many use cases of blockchain technology.  Conference The conference will offer a dynamic forum convening thought leaders and tastemakers to discuss how the art and crypto worlds can engage with one another to shape the future of blockchain technology and cultural preservation. Leading experts in Web3 and the art world will explore a variety of topics and questions, including investing and building in the Web3 space, curation and sales in the Metaverse, and legal and regulatory implications. Our goal is to facilitate a broader conversation around blockchain technology and its applications in the art and philanthropic worlds. Exhibition The exhibition is inspired by the remarkable story of world-renowned Czech composer, Antonín Dvořák, who demonstrated an exceptional ability to distill the identity of a culture to a singular work of art. Using Dvořák as a guiding force to create, international artists are invited to meditate on their personal cultural identities through different forms of artistic expression. The aim is not only to educate audiences about the significance of Dvořák, but also celebrate the cultural stories that define who we are and connect us to one another. The exhibition will also display original NFTs created by House of Lobkowicz.  Interactive Cultural Experience The interactive cultural experience will offer a dynamic program inviting visitors back in time to Nelahozeves, the birthplace of Antonín Dvořák. There, they will be immersed in Czech traditions, engage with the sights and sounds that inspired Dvořák’s influential body of work, and reconnect to their cultural roots—all through real world experiences enhanced by blockchain technology.  Our goal is to facilitate a broader conversation around blockchain technology and its applications in the art and philanthropic worlds. By bringing together experts and visionaries from all sectors, we aim to build a growing community of people who value cultural preservation and the innovative possibilities of blockchain technology to make a positive impact in the world. We hope our efforts will help people see the value of blockchain technology beyond JPEGs, asset ownership, or serving as a basis for speculation. The team behind Non-Fungible Castle is House of Lobkowicz, a cultural organization that manages events, heritage sites, and the Lobkowicz Collections—one of Europe’s oldest and finest private collections, comprised of items dating back over 2,000 years.",2022-09-05T09:50:32.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7576,False,False,0x1aC6a323322F3Dad7B7E286d57b6a654cb2a46d1,Project Toninas: Lahille's bottlenose dolphin as a coastal sentinel,,"Yaqu Pacha Uruguay is a civil non-profit organization dedicated to implement and promote projects for the protection, conservation and study of aquatic mammals in Uruguay and South Western Atlantic ocean.  One of the main projects is the Toninas Project) carried out since 2002, regarding the research and conservation of the recently recognized subspecies Lahille’s bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus gephyreus (known as “Tonina” in Uruguay),  along the Uruguayan oceanic coast, an endangered species of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. This project addresses population ecology, social and acoustic behavior, habitat use and movements of Lahille’s bottlenose dolphins along Uruguayan oceanic coast.  Since 2018, Yaqu Pacha Uruguay has collaborated with Brazilian researchers in the Gephyreus Project. The goal of this project is estimating the total abundance of Lahille's bottlenose dolphin in southern Brazil and Uruguay and assessing its risk of extinction (founded by Yaqu Pacha Alemania, total granted 2021 for Uruguayan counterpart $5000). Our last project (2021-2022), funded by Eccosur (, grant received: $10.000 USD) was “Lahille's bottlenose dolphin the coastal sentinel: tourism, environmental education and integrated management”. This project involved a vulnerability analysis of climate change effects on Lahille’s bottlenose dolphin, as well as a promotion of the species as a sentinel and flag species of the Uruguayan oceanic coast. We engaged educators and schoolchildren in various areas of the country, mainly on the coast, tourist operators and other local actors in environmental education activities to increase their awareness of the problems faced by the coastal system due to the effects of climate change and in particular, to see their effects on the Lahille’s bottlenose dolphin.  In Uruguay, the Lahille’s bottlenose dolphin population is small (approximately 70 individuals), has a restricted distribution and is extremely coastal. It also has a high residence of photo-identified individuals, and high mobility tiwaters of the Río de la Plata estuary and southern Brazilian waters, where there is a high mortality in artisanal fishing nets. In addition, this population belongs to the same management unit and evolutionary unit with the dolphins from southern Brazil, showing low genetic diversity. Due to all of the above, the dolphin was included in the list of priority species for the conservation of the National System of Protected Areas of Uruguay. The results of the investigations also contributed to the recognition of this dolphin as a subspecies and for its evaluation by the IUCN in the Vulnerable category. Although very little information exists on possible direct and indirect threats to the subspecies in Uruguayan waters, contamination from agricultural effluents could be a source of concern due to the pollutant load detected in other marine organisms in areas of high occurrence of Lahille’s Bottlenose Dolphins. Reduced prey availability caused by overfishing and destruction of benthic ecosystems due to fisheries are other possible threats for the subspecies in Uruguay. Incidental capture of Lahille’s Bottlenose Dolphins in fishing gear in Uruguay is rare. However, in the last 2 years at least five animals were recorded  stranded, two of them with bycatch signs from fishing nets located 300m from the coast (“subsistence fishery”). Our main priorities are: To resume systematic boat surveys between La Paloma and Punta del Diablo (principally Esmeralda-south to Cabo Polonio) for photo-id and acoustic records. Catalogue update. Population monitoring To make a new abundance estimate on the Uruguayan coast as well as other population parameters (survival, births interval, movement patterns, residency).  To get in depth about effects of Climate Change in dolphin’s occurrence and distribution.   To test hypotheses regarding occurrence of dolphins and coastal upwellings. To continue coordinated efforts with Brazil, focusing into whistle analysis, specially of signature whistles and catalog construction, social structure analysis and individual movement analyses. To start studies regarding contaminants levels in tissues of dolphins. To biopsy samples for genetic, social structure and forging ecology studies. To include anthropological perspective for historical data of occurrence of Lahille’s bottlenose dolphin in Rio de la Plata Estuary. To monitor mortality (Stranding network) To promote citizen science: records of dolphins by citizens  all along the Uruguayan coast ( To keep visiting local schools in order to engage schoolchildren in environmental education activities. To keep raising awareness of the effects of climate change on the Lahille’s bottlenose dolphin population and the importance of conservation of the coastal marine ecosystem. Benefits to the DeSci community 1. As one of the first Latin American projects in DeSci, we will contribute to enhancing awareness of the DeSci movement across these latitudes, which will promote its expansion and increase its diversity. 2. We will also contribute to opening DeSci to other different disciplines rather than biotech/biopharma.  Opening DeSci to conservation biology projects will also promote DeSci diversity and the inclusion of more descientists and different perspectives. 3. We will demonstrate the efficiency of quadratic funding as an alternative way of funding often underfunded projects such as those of non-profit, independent, research groups working on conservation biology and focusing on climate change effects on biodiversity. 4. We will explore blockchain technology to build up shared databases of photo-id and whistles catalogs between other research groups working on cetacean populations.",2022-09-05T10:24:40.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7577,True,True,0x85cdC5B7365698bb1be73a5533A0502c3b009f82, - NFT village simulator,," is an alpha version of the web3-game village simulator using Layer 2 of the NervosNetwork blockchain. Our main goal is to popularize web3 games where you can own their favorite playable heroes. With an alpha version of the game already published and playable, give these features: Role play game Working Web.3 functional Buildings Quests NFT Characters  NFT Flags Items for characters  Maps $NLT In Game Tokens We want to create a great game for gamers, not just P2E, so we aim for good in-game history, great narrative design, and an amazing story that you can pass before playing with others! We want to thank our amazing Nervos community to give us an opportunity to build our game forward by winning in great hackathons: This was amazing and we are continuing to build! Next, our goal is to create online opportunities in our game, imagine players can join each other and play in our game together, build together or kill together ;) And of course, we want to start to create a great story for our NFT characters! So for what exactly do we need a grant? Create narrative design Develop an online version Create amazing 3D models of our game Create Land system Launch NFT collection Create a web hub for our gamers Amazing game design All our contributors who donate will be added to the Early Supporter discord group on our channel and receive access to a closed channel with an opportunity to be the first testers of our online alfa version. About team: We're a small team with many years of different experience in IT. Our passion is new unknown horizons to obtain new Lands. ",2022-09-05T10:33:58.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7578,True,True,0x1208a26FAa0F4AC65B42098419EB4dAA5e580AC6,OptiNames | ENS on Optimism,,"Register a free ENS Subdomain on Optimism L2 and use it everywhere including L1 Ethereum. Optinames are tradable and transferrable sub-domains wrapped as ERC721s & fully integrated with the Ethereum Name Service (ENS). They can be resolved on L1 Ethereum by utilizing an offchain resolver. Important Links: Offchain Resolver on L1 - Subdomain NFTs on Optimism - Subdomain Example on ENS App - Subdomain Example on Etherscan - ENS: Our project is leading the charge in making it easier & cheaper to acquire and utilize ens domains. We are implementing the latest technologies released by the ENS team (CCIP Read & offchain resolution) to make it possible for users to register subdomains on Optimism while making them available & resolvable on L1 Ethereum. Open Gaming: In addition to providing free ens subdomain on Optimism under (ecc.eth & opti.eth), we are partnering with gaming communities building their games on Layer 2. Gaming communities will be utilizing our tech and smart contracts to provide free usernames & gamertags that double up as ens subdomains. To ensure gas free registrations, we are using our newly released ENS offchain resolver & gateway.",2022-09-05T10:44:17.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7579,False,True,0xB3A6232c28bB935547164dB742A60Ab1448bf61B,Women in Web3 Venture Builder,,"Take your idea from seed to bloom Women in Web3 is a vetted community and three-tiered DAO for women entrepreneurs who want to learn, prototype, and venture together through facilitated rabbit hole experiences. Members receive a Proof-of-Work NTT for each completed level: 🌱 Level 1: Proof of Knowledge 🌿 Level 2: Proof of Concept 🌻 Level 3: Proof of Venture We're raising funds to build and bring facilitated rabbit hole experiences to women entrepreneurs so that they can gain the knowledge, experience, validation, network, and actionable next steps to venture in web3. WiW3 🐰🕳: Then Ever since Women in Web3 was established (March, 2021), the community has launched five facilitated rabbit hole experiences:   🐰🕳 100 Days of Solidity by Eva 🐰🕳 100 Days of JavaScript by Naiyoma 🐰🕳 8 Weeks of DeFi by Tina 🐰🕳 8 Weeks of DAO by Maricris 🐰🕳 7 Days of Lens Protocol by Maricris We have now evolved from learning about web3 to bringing more women entrepreneurs to build and venture in web3 through renovated rabbit hole experiences, as described in an example below.¹ WiW3 🐰🕳: Now 🌱 Level 1: Proof of Knowledge After learning the basics of NFTs, because I'm ready to build an idea related to Music NFTs, I join the WiW3 🐰🕳 called #7DaysOfMusicNFTs. Here, I dive into the Music NFT landscape, tech and culture with other women who share the same passion as I do. I graduate with a Proof of Knowledge NTT. 🌿 Level 2: Proof of Concept Next, I join the WiW3 🐰🕳 called #7DaysOfMusicNFTSeeds. Here, I connect with the Music NFT community to identify gaps in the market, brainstorm on a solution, and create a proof of concept. I graduate with a Proof of Concept NTT. 🌻 Level 3: Proof of Venture Finally, I join the WiW3 🐰🕳 called #3WksOfMusicNFTVentureBUIDLing. Here, I learn how to build a venture, a community, and a pitch that’s impossible to say no to. I graduate with a Proof of Venture NTT recognized by investors and the rest of the web3 ecosystem. ¹ Note: Rabbit hole experiences can cover a variety of web3 topics such as DeSoc, Music NFTs, Social DAOs, etc. WiW3 GRANT Donations will be used to pay for the founding team and advisors working to launch the pilot rabbit holes and bring the Women in Web3 DAO to life. ",2022-09-05T10:48:02.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7580,True,True,0x65d06d3C7Aae913bDAF2475fa8cA5593D4e599CD,CryptoDo - Multichain constructor of smart contracts,,"CryptoDo is a service for creating decentralized applications in the format of a visual designer. With the help of CryptoDo, anyone can launch their smart contract on several blockchains in 5 minutes, without programming skills. The project is designed to develop web3 infrastructure on Poligon, BSC, Ethereum and others blockchains. As part of this grant, we want to implement our functionality for the AURORA network\n\nOur goal is to create a tool that will make the development of web3 applications as simple a process as creating a simple web2 site on a designer from ready-made blocks. We believe that this solution will help to accelerate the emergence and development of the decentralized Internet of the future, because people will have a simple “entry point” to web3 and access to tools from the web3 world that were previously available only to large companies or advanced developers. In the CryptoDo interface, the user enters the public data of his future contract, selects the functions that he wants to implement in his smart contract and the blockchain in which he wants to deploy the created dapp. Next, our algorithms analyze the user's request, generate the desired smart contract and perform its deployment and verification on the selected network. ",2022-09-05T10:51:14.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7581,False,True,0x23C29cF17b49Caa8a7e68DbEc15501280c6cC8D4,WBW3 - Next 6 months,,"Since the last Gitcoin round, Women Build Web3 has published Building Fullstack Dapps, a free, online, async course. This course was released in Spanish and English, with over 10K lines of curriculum and live workshop sessions from the top developers in web3. A team of fifteen people worked over 4 months to make this course a reality. Over 2000 developers have registered to take the course, and over 1500 are in our Launchpad discord, a server where our team answers questions in real time and supports students as they go through the community. You can check out the course here. You can view the live workshops that came from the course here. Next, we're launching our BUIDL Accelerator. WBW3 is deploying $130K of no strings attached grants to teams working on cool ideas where the engineering team is at least 50% women/nb. This is a core part of our mission of supporting fantastic engineering talent in tangible ways: connecting them to our network, and giving direct funding. WBW3 has paid out over $40K to contributors who worked to make this happen, and we will maintain the course to ensure it stays up-to-date as an available resource to the community. Over the next six months, WBW3 will focus on sharpening our skills, developing public goods to be open-sourced to support the infrastructure of communities, and supporting projects that come out of our BUIDL Accelerator. This grant will support the following: Paying contributors to maintain and monitor the course contents of Building Fullstack Dapps to ensure it stays up to date, monitoring the launchpad server where students gather Paying the core team of WBW3 to create new initiatives like hackathon scholarships, IRL events, and more Paying contributors in working groups to support them in shipping open source software Paying for resources and tooling needed to support the growing community Please consider contributing, thank you!!",2022-09-05T10:53:33.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7582,True,True,0x7EE7992b671270319773e09062db3Fb0CcFEcA6D,Web3 Sanctuary: Learn Solidity & Web3 development the easy way,,"Web3 Sanctuary is a self-paced EdTech platform created to train the next generation of Solidity developers and Web3 builders. We all know that finding experienced Solidity developers is difficult. Skilled talent is scarce & expensive.  We’ve spent the past few months creating a highly curated, comprehensive blockchain Solidity training academy program with online access to lectures, courses, and a community - to share our experience with the Web3 world, based on our previous 4 years of experience successfully training up our own in-house Solidity developers. Our first 2 courses that will be available at launch are Blockchain 101 and a Solidity developer course. For future courses, we’re working on Advanced Solidity Development, Upgradable Contracts and Proxies, Gas Optimization & Assembly 101, Zero Knowledge Cryptography, Tokenomics 1 & 2, and Blockchain Security & Tooling. So far we’ve filmed & created our first 2 courses and are busy in the process of creating the MVP of our platform and gathering alpha & beta users to help us test our content. We’ve also recently kicked off our social media pages and opened our Discord which you can join here if you’d like to chat with our team:  Web3Sanctuary is proudly brought to you by a team of experienced blockchain entrepreneurs and developers passionate about growing the Web3 ecosystem through education and providing access to resources. ",2022-09-05T11:11:28.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7583,False,False,0x4ED5ee681748F12e3007418BAe70c60A7fE50bCa,White protocol - transfer crypto cheaper,,"This project is aimed at reducing losses when transferring or exchanging small amounts of cryptocurrencies from one network to another. This protocol will allow users to transfer or exchange assets cheaper via DEX like cbridge, 1inch, uniswap, via protocol. The main idea of this project is to unite users with small funds and transfer the entire amount at once using a smart contract, thereby reducing transaction costs and losses. For example, you want to swap 0.1 ETH from Optimism network to Ethereum. On this transfer you will lose almost 2% of your funds. That's where White protocol comes in! Users are united through a smart contract and then an exchange and refund is made with less loss. ",2022-09-05T12:13:03.465-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7584,True,True,0xeBf5E8bD8ab301b90355d421282B4ad89DB32651,MyLuksoWallet,,"MyLuksoWallet is an all-in-one vault and token management system built on the Lukso Network. Lukso is a next generation EVM blockchain built around Universal Profiles, which are smart-contract based accounts built around soft digital identity. Our mission at MyLuksoWallet is to raise awareness about Lukso and to be one main platform web3 newcomers use when interacting with a Universal Profile. The funding will go toward building additional smart contract management services that further the cause of digital identity.",2022-09-05T12:34:15.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7585,True,True,0x1aC6a323322F3Dad7B7E286d57b6a654cb2a46d1,Project Toninas: Lahille's bottlenose dolphin as a coastal sentinel,,"Project Toninas: Lahille's bottlenose dolphin as a coastal sentinel Yaqu Pacha Uruguay is a civil non-profit organization dedicated to implementing and promoting projects for the protection, conservation, and study of aquatic mammals in Uruguay and the South Western Atlantic ocean.  One of the main projects is the Toninas Project) carried out since 2002, regarding the research and conservation of the recently recognized subspecies Lahille’s bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus gephyreus (known as “Tonina” in Uruguay), along the Uruguayan oceanic coast, an endangered species of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. This project addresses population ecology, social and acoustic behavior, habitat use, and movements of Lahille’s bottlenose dolphins along the Uruguayan oceanic coast.  Since 2018, Yaqu Pacha Uruguay has collaborated with Brazilian researchers in the Gephyreus Project. The goal of this project is to estimate the total abundance of Lahille's bottlenose dolphin in southern Brazil and Uruguay and to assess its risk of extinction (founded by Yaqu Pacha Germany, totally granted 2021 for Uruguayan counterpart $5000). Our last project (2021-2022), funded by ECCOSUR (grant received: USD 10.000) was “Lahille's bottlenose dolphin the coastal sentinel: tourism, environmental education, and integrated management”. This project involved a vulnerability analysis of climate change effects on Lahille’s bottlenose dolphin, as well as a promotion of the species as a sentinel and flag species of the Uruguayan oceanic coast. We engaged educators and schoolchildren in various areas of the country, mainly on the coast, tourist operators, and other local actors in environmental education activities to increase their awareness of the problems faced by the coastal system due to the effects of climate change and in particular, to see their effects on the Lahille’s bottlenose dolphin.  In Uruguay, the Lahille’s bottlenose dolphin population is small (approximately 70 individuals), has a restricted distribution, and is extremely coastal. It also has a high residence of photo-identified individuals, and high mobility waters of the Río de la Plata estuary and southern Brazilian waters, where there is high mortality in artisanal fishing nets. In addition, this population belongs to the same management unit and evolutionary unit as the dolphins from southern Brazil, showing low genetic diversity. Due to all of the above, the dolphin was included in the list of priority species for the conservation of the National System of Protected Areas of Uruguay. The results of the investigations also contributed to the recognition of this dolphin as a subspecies and for its evaluation by the IUCN in the Vulnerable category. Although very little information exists on possible direct and indirect threats to the subspecies in Uruguayan waters, contamination from agricultural effluents could be a source of concern due to the pollutant load detected in other marine organisms in areas of the high occurrence of Lahille’s Bottlenose Dolphins. Reduced prey availability caused by overfishing and destruction of benthic ecosystems due to fisheries is other possible threats for the subspecies in Uruguay. Incidental capture of Lahille’s Bottlenose Dolphins in fishing gear in Uruguay is rare. However, in the last 2 years, at least five animals were recorded stranded, two of them with bycatch signs from fishing nets located 300m from the coast (“subsistence fishery”). Our main priorities are: -To resume systematic boat surveys between La Paloma and Punta del Diablo (principally Esmeralda-south to Cabo Polonio) for photo-id and acoustic records. Catalog update. Population monitoring -To make a new abundance estimate on the Uruguayan coast as well as other population parameters (survival, birth interval, movement patterns, residency).  -To get in-depth about the effects of Climate Change on dolphin occurrence and distribution.    -To test hypotheses regarding the occurrence of dolphins and coastal upwellings. -To continue coordinated efforts with Brazil, focusing on whistle analysis, especially of signature whistles and catalog construction, social structure analysis, and individual movement analyses. -To start studies regarding contaminant levels in the tissues of dolphins. -To biopsy samples for genetic, social structure, and forging ecology studies. -To include an anthropological perspective for historical data on the occurrence of Lahille’s bottlenose dolphin in Rio de la Plata Estuary. -To monitor mortality (Stranding network). -To promote citizen science: records of dolphins by citizens all along the Uruguayan coast -To keep visiting local schools to engage schoolchildren in environmental education activities. -To keep raising awareness of the effects of climate change on Lahille’s bottlenose dolphin population and the importance of conservation of the coastal marine ecosystem. -To explore blockchain technology's potential to build up shared databases of photo-id and whistles catalogs between other research groups working on dolphin population ons. Impacts on the DeSci community   1. As one of the first Latin American projects in DeSci, we will contribute to enhancing awareness of the DeSci movement across these latitudes, which will promote its expansion and increase its diversity.   2. We will also contribute to opening DeSci to other different disciplines. Opening DeSci to conservation biology projects will also promote DeSci diversity and the inclusion of more descientists and different perspectives.   3. We will demonstrate the efficiency of quadratic funding as an alternative way of funding often underfunded projects such as those of non-profit, independent, research groups working on conservation biology and focusing on climate change effects on biodiversity. If we take care of the dolphins🐬, we take care of the coast 🏖️ If we take care of the coast 🏖️, we take care of the dolphins🐬",2022-09-05T12:47:30.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7586,False,False,0x0,Need your donations for my education and produce higher quality content.,,"Hello everyone! My name is Emir and i am 19 years old. I am translator, Community manager and Community Lead. I'm student and community lead of 4 projects. I need funding for my education and for life continuity and motivation. Thats why i wanted some help for my motivation and education. I am ambassador at Qoda Finance, Translator at Obscuro, Moderator at Shardeum Turkish Telegram Channel, Moderator and Community Lead at Ruesandora Community. ",2022-09-05T13:17:33.154-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7587,True,True,0x2AD50d709C2FCdDd44534Ebe18495bDd6133c131,Litter Token DAO,,"Litter Token pays people to do pick up litter & do things that are good for the planet. This grant would go towards paying people to pick up litter, general DAO management expenses, and helping us monetize climate-positive activities like starting a community farm, building earthships, etc.",2022-09-05T14:17:40.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7588,True,True,0xbbD107D7717F9D8556aa0abd444Bc8AE6e288956,Open Source Attention,,"TL;DR: open sourcing our attention data for healthier information eco-systems. Our collective sensemaking and epistemic commons are broken to such an extent the ability of our societies to coordinate in the face of existential crises is severely impaired. For more details, see our paper and video here. One key cause is that the mechanisms for collective signalling (likes, comments, hashtags, and other forms of social annotation), and the algorithms that drive our collective behavior therefrom, are siloed away by centralized platforms whose primary incentives of corporate profit are misaligned with broader societal good. These signals are a form of stigmergy, a foundational coordination mechanism in which individual signalling (such as pheromone trails in ants) drives emergent collective intelligent behavior. The vital importance of stigmergic signals (or markers) to the health of our information ecosystems raises the question: what if not just our content, but our attention signals (aka stigmergic markers ) could be published in a decentralized form on a scale that would make interesting emergent innovation possible? Algorithmically-aided collective behavior (e.g., sensemaking and collective intelligence applications) would then be available to anyone for experimentation, opening the door to impactful applications, as well as better scientific and ethical oversight over collective behavior. Herein we propose to: Create a schema/protocol for publishing such signals and providing open, decentralized and platform-agnostic access to them. Bootstrap a large decentralized near-real-time corpus of annotation signals from existing social behavior, initially via Twitter’s API. Create reference implementations of the kinds of open source attention applications made possible, e.g. aggregation of annotations to specific URLs, quality / reliability indicators for web content. ",2022-09-05T14:58:37.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7589,False,True,0x07f63784261e4Eb7484447497f33682d4e25902A,SENSE MUSIC RELEASE CLUB,,"SENSE is a music release club, an international network which provides support for independent artists, labels and music initiatives. SENSE is a profitable structure willing to do real fundamental work. We could stand as a true use case of people working together as a group, as DAO. Since January 1st we have presented about 30 music releases and we are welcoming new creators and initiating new partnerships regularly. Our artists have featured in the NY Times, Pitchfork, Bandcamp.... SENSE's internal tools can scale and provide services to many more creators. We have currently 4000+ songs under management and we are active in Europe, in the US and in Japan. Beyond presenting original music to the world and advising artists on various subjects (including Web3), we are now developing a range of tools to facilitate the work and development of independent artists and labels.",2022-09-05T15:58:30.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7590,False,False,0x0,Atmos Protocol Grant Request,,"Lead-in Atmos is an entirely decentralized, open-source, permissionless protocol that operates on the Aurora chain. The protocol aims to provide an automated stablecoin mechanism, with minimization of control and human influence, which brings decentralized and algorithmic money to the entire space of the blockchain. Atmos includes 2 tokens in the protocol ecosystem: Atmos token ""ATM"" and Atmos stablecoin ""aUSD"". The protocol design distinguishes the following features: Fractional-Algorithmic Model aUSD - an automated, fractional-algorithmic token with a floating/unbacked supply, meaning that the part of the supply is backed by the collateral and a part stays algorithmic. Atmos Protocol issues aUSD, which attempts to target a particular price index ($1 value), using a targeting mechanism. If aUSD is trading at above $1, the protocol decreases the collateral ratio. If aUSD is trading at under $1, the protocol increases the collateral ratio. More references: On-chain Oracles Atmos uses dynamic TWAP (time-weighted average prices) and on-chain oracles. Dual Tokenomics aUSD is partially backed by the ATM - a share token of the Atmos protocol, which endows holders with the following utilities: governance, revenue sharing, fee accumulation, and yielding rewards. Minimized Governance As long as aUSD offers a highly autonomous, algorithmic approach with no active management, having bugs or governance vulnerabilities. Atmos Protocol’s Autonomous Workflow: Roadmap (till 2022) Place in the Aurora ecosystem The key strategic partnerships are: Flux Protocol - a cross-chain oracle providing smart contracts with economically secure data. Since Atmos is an autonomous protocol that delivers stablecoin with the fractional-algorithmic model as a product, we need to get the reliable and correct price data feed. Router Protocol - an infrastructure for cross-chain communication. Atmos Protocol will integrate Router's Widget to give our users an option to perform cross-chain transactions directly from Atmos dApp’s UI. Aurigami - a decentralized, non-custodial lending protocol. Atmos AMO — Automated Market Operation will automatically deposit up to 85% of idle USDC collateral into Aurigami's USDC lending pool. Trisolaris - № 1 DEX on the NEAR's Aurora EVM. Atmos Protocol will deploy main liquidity pairs on the Trisolaris DEX at the launch. The liquidity mining event will be available via Trisolaris pools from day 1! Those strategic cooperations will confidently lead Atmos Protocol to the MVP release with the all-needed functionality and recognition among other protocols in the entire Aurora blockchain space. $ATM Token Economy All the utility in the Atmos Protocol is concentrated in Atmos (ATM) token. ATM - is the governance token in the Atmos ecosystem which plays a significant role in the protocol autonomous operation: The supply of ATM is originally fixed at 100 million tokens at genesis, however, the number in circulation is anticipated to be deflationary as aUSD is minted at increasing algorithmic ratios. The protocol is designed in such a way that ATM supply would be primarily deflationary as long as aUSD demand will grow. ATM Distribution The greater amount of tokens will be distributed into the market through the liquidity mining program and will reward liquidity providers for their contribution. The total ATM supply - 100,000,000 units. Community (75%) 75,000,000 ATM will be distributed among various liquidity mining programs / farming / staking. The ATM emission is not set at a fixed rate for the whole distribution period and it can be changed by adjusting new rates through the governance proposals. Public Offering (10%)* 10,000,000 ATM are reserved for the public sale event which will be held before the protocol launch. Distribution has a design of linear vesting terms. Treasury (15%) 15,000,000 ATM are reserved for the Treasury. Distribution has a design of linear vesting terms. The aim of this allocation lies in the following needs: Security Bug Bounties Partnerships Marketing Community Grants We are in touch with NearStarter and NearPad concerning the $ATM token launch. Grant Request The requested amount: $30,000 The purposes of the grant: Marketing strategies and further community building-up at least 1 audit report from the leading blockchain security firm wages payments Thank you for your time, waiting for you on the protocol launch! ",2022-09-05T16:27:20.012-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7591,False,False,0xd337A20E18B1E7FffB333AfE28a3F1D2AE64FA3B,Ancient Mushrooms NFT,,"Who colonized land first: plants or fungi? It was mushrooms that were the first to set foot on the inhabited land. Mushrooms have been the foundation of the foundations for more than one billion years. Become a part of this ancient life. Ancient mushrooms house - your way to the elite club of those who know that everything around us was created by mushrooms                      ",2022-09-05T16:40:18.341-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7592,False,False,0xb794f5ea0ba39494ce839613fffba74279579268,test,,"asdf ",2022-09-05T16:56:46.100-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7593,False,False,0xb794f5ea0ba39494ce839613fffba74279579268,asdf,,"asdf ",2022-09-05T16:58:27.830-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7594,True,True,0x6664cd832FF58FcD23441cFba0E27E409A1A7DAA,ENS Explained,,"A documentation website with all the ins and outs on how and why to use ENS domains. Starting out with short and simple blogpost, expanding to video's and even attending a seminar in The Netherlands to onboard new companies. Website URL is currently being ported to but that takes another day. Youtube: ▶️ ",2022-09-05T17:13:05.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7595,False,False,0x09DfafC2548b701Fc03047A4D11445BeFc719E43,"Devium: Dream it, Code it, Own it, Monetize it!",,"Open source libraries turn into revenue-generating marketplace! We Are #DEVILOPERS Devium is a complete software development platform built for the next generation of Web3 decentralized applications giving developers ownership and monetization of their code. It solves many issues of today’s centralized platforms including privacy, security, censorship, and availability. The platform provides developers with the familiar structures of existing Web2 development environments, with an easy migration path to Web3 DevOps. It features an end-to-end environment for code development, storage, project management, testing and licensing. Developers will be able to monetize their source code via NFTs sold on a marketplace right on the platform. The Devium team are experienced software development and blockchain professionals passionate about giving developers the best tools for freedom, independence and wealth. Audiences & Benefits & Differences For software developers and organizations concerned with the problems comes from centralized environments, Devium gives them Web3 based environment where they can develop their projects with full control and ownership. Unlike mainstream development platforms like Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket which provides developers easy to use, scalable and sustainable development environment, Devium provides developers with all this a decentralized environment, and an easy migration path from existing centralized development structures. ",2022-09-05T18:15:31.868-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7596,True,True,0x33484678A59581100d6266d04910a7472eEF55B5,Web3 Documentary About Nigerian Human Trafficking,,"TL;DR: Human trafficking is a problem in Nigeria. We asked traditional organizations for help but they declined. Web3 is making this documentary possible, which has become a part of the story itself. Our documentary educates communities about predatory practices used by traffickers and lays a blueprint for Nigerians to collaborate with Web3 to address local issues.  The Problem: A Human Trafficking Crisis in Nigeria Human trafficking is defined as the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain, constituting modern-day slavery. As of 2014 human trafficking represented a $150 billion global industry. Two-thirds of this figure ($99 billion) was generated from commercial sexual exploitation. Nigeria remains an origin point, throughway, and destination country for human trafficking. Recent estimates suggest victims number over 1,386,000, ranking Nigeria in the 81st percentile compared to other countries. A 2003 report stated trafficking was so enmeshed in Benin City, Nigeria that most families had at least one member involved in trafficking as either a victim or trafficker.  The long history of trafficking associated with this area in Nigeria persists to recent years. In 2017 over 75% of women migrants arriving in Italy were both victims of sexual exploitation and hailed from Edo State, which contains Benin City. Victims of human trafficking experience horrific violence and hardship both on their journey to their destination country, and also when they arrive. Advocacy group Pathfinders reports individuals are abused physically, gang-raped, and infected with various sexually transmitted diseases.  The U.S. State Department categorizes the Nigerian government as attempting but ultimately failing to comply with accepted standards for eliminating human trafficking. Rejected By Trad Organizations, Embraced by Web3  A group of Nigerian journalists led by Existential Zoomer set out to investigate human trafficking, highlight methods for prevention, and suggest how social programs can help survivors heal.  When we reached out to traditional organizations in Nigeria to solicit funding for a documentary they declined, saying human trafficking is a “heavy topic.” Additionally, acknowledging human trafficking can be seen as indirectly critiquing the government and therefore carries political risk.  Thus we turned to Web3 and found financial and technical support in PeopleDAO. Seed funding of $7.7k allowed us to travel to Benin City in early June and produce an initial report capturing the stories of survivors and analyzing the factors contributing to human trafficking.   Crowdfunding a Documentary Building on the momentum, we aim to produce a feature-length documentary, The Lost Children of Benin City, bringing attention to the social problem of women and children being trafficked in and out of Nigeria. We have partnered with a production company, Singularity Media, which has experience placing content on major streaming platforms.  Web3 itself has become part of the story, because it provided us the support when traditional organizations would not. Nigerian art-makers cite a lack of interest and patronage from international players. Our documentary will expand the imagination of global audiences, providing the blueprint for more international collaboration to produce content about Web3’s relationship with Africa.  Additionally, we will use the documentary to “sensitive” Nigerian communities, both urban and rural, teaching them about how to avoid tactics employed by human traffickers. In showing them the documentary we simultaneously affirm to Nigerian communities that Web3 holds value beyond being a medium for financial capital, but can also act as a vehicle for garnering support and creating social impact.  We hope you will consider funding this effort.",2022-09-05T18:35:59.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7597,True,True,0x1953fCeF1369df610B2407dBe5a4190535284D47,"Scriptus, a marketplace for research as collectible art",,"What is Scriptus? Scriptus is a marketplace for research as collectible art. From the researchers' perspective, Scriptus offers a drop-in replacement of traditional pre-print hosting platforms (e.g., that also enables researchers to receive additional research funding with zero overhead (i.e. no gofundme page or additional grant proposals needed).  For supporters of science, Scriptus offers a direct channel for them to support the research that they care about. Unlike donating to traditional non-profit scientific organizations, where only a fraction of the dollar donated goes towards researchers (the rest goes towards running the non-profit), when people support researchers on Scriptus, 100% of their money goes directly into the researcher's wallet. No more haircuts from intermediary institutions.  Additionally, Scriptus provides a marketplace for people to trade their donations. This market mechanism enables two important functions. First, it injects long-term liquidity into the science funding infrastructure. Put simply, Scriptus makes it possible for future donors to support today’s scientific research. Secondly, it offers price discovery for research impact: higher impact research will receive more interest from supporters of science, and the market mechanism will drive the price higher. This price will in turn allow researchers to uncover higher impact papers more easily.  How does Scriptus work?  Researchers upload papers to Scriptus the same way as they do on traditional platforms, and Scriptus will in turn mint N-shares of fractional NFTs that represent that research project. Once the paper is uploaded, the content of the research is free for everyone, regardless of who owns the NFTs that represent the paper. Then, the researcher can list the NFTs for sale on the Scriptus marketplace, where supporters of science can discover and support the research project by purchasing the research NFT. Owners of existing research NFTs can also resell it anytime, effectively providing liquidity to science funding during the period of their ownership. Why is Scriptus potentially impactful?  We are excited about Scriptus because we think it can solve/improve the three causes of the stagnation we see in science today: long-term liquidity issue in science funding, misallocation of research funding and effort, and increased science friction. We had already briefly discussed how Scriptus enables long-term liquidity provision of research, and reduces science friction by making high impact research more visible. Scriptus additionally will help incentivize meaningful and important research by aligning the interests between researchers and the public. Traditional science funding sources are either highly influenced by special interests (i.e. industry funding typically focuses on narrow areas pertinent to the company’ product), or plagued by a very noisy and inefficient selection process. As a result, high impact projects are not being funded, and the selection process for grants and publications are weakly correlated with quality. By providing a direct channel between the public and the researchers, Scriptus allows the public to loudly voice their opinion on the most urgent research that needs to be funded first.  For a more complete discussion of how Scriptus will accelerate the science progress, see for our whitepaper. Who are we? The founder of Scriptus is Steven, who has recently completed his PhD in Operations Research at Columbia University, where he focused on various online learning and mechanism design problems. We also have the support of many professors and PhD students from various institutions including Columbia, Princeton, Stanford, and Harvard. ",2022-09-05T20:23:15.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7598,True,True,0x52087dF39A2fd5b36DbCF2D5d6D96409737B83Ce,TEMPLE OF THE FOX,," Proposal:   Architecture and 3D assets for the Lootverse, incorporating Realms (for Adventurers) and Crypts and Caverns.     Idea:   To start and finish a small-scale architectural project: Temple of the Fox (Crypt #4343), designing and developing it into an epic and unique 3D experience. Once done, tackle more such projects.         Grant goals:   1) Develop and detail this model   2) Integrate style and materials with that of  Realms (for Adventurers)   3) Integrate the terrain of the Realms Atlas   4) Explore VR and game-space possibilities    5) Collaborate with others in the community & work on more 3D assets          About Marcel:   Artist from Cape Town, currently living in Argentina. He has a big love for architecture and sculpture and has worked in these fields since 2016. He is the current 3D artist for Helms Project ( & has recently been provoked to explore exciting architectural projects for the Lootverse! ",2022-09-05T20:38:10.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7599,True,True,0x252c333A433c83CeAC5e005936CF60cFB4AB2981,Learnify,,"An education platform allowing projects to outsource and incentives for the creation of high-quality learning materials. Learnify aims to change the way we collate and share information by contributing to or maintaining courses. A platform for educators to make money fulfilling bounties. A place to learn and earn governance rights in the process. Applying the principles of open-source software development to education. Create courses and incentivise the creation of high-quality learning materials for these courses. Contributors may fulfil bounties for course creators - maintainers of the courses approve these requests, improving the overall quality of each course with time. Students of these courses receive a high-quality course from many points of view and areas of expertise. Learnify uses the same philosophy as Github, but we provide courses instead of repositories. Makers can make quests to raise funds for creating courses. Also, Users can update their profile data by Ceramic 3ID connect. This project uses, ✨ Next.js to design the frontend ✨ Ether.js for smart contract integration ✨ IPFS for storing courses metadata through IPFS-HTTP-Client ✨ Storing user profiles using Ceramic Network 3ID Connect ✨ Polygon Network for smart contract deployment",2022-09-05T22:44:56.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7600,True,True,0xe2e43e624090912f1d5284f5F6329D2f2474C8aF,ClimateCandy,,"We will use the grants to create an onchain leaderboard for the game and to connect this leaderboard with the toucan carboncredit retirement system. The users playing ClimateCandy will not know about blockchain. The blockchain will be used to ensure no double counting of the carboncredits retired is happening.",2022-09-06T00:03:44.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7601,True,True,0xf3F527B70aF6012F328D3edE7fCd3F5F3Ca6CBA2,Soul Wallet,,"*Our website hasn't been launched yet. Please check our Twitter for the latest news* Overview We’re the first few wallet implementations of ERC 4337: account abstraction without Ethereum protocol changes. We’re building a plugin wallet that will enable users to: Create the wallet without writing down the recovery phrase Keep the wallet by changing the signing keys; 30% gas fee reduction via signature aggregation; Pay the transaction with USDC; Gasless transactions sponsored by third parties;  Bundle multip transactions into one. Team member Our team comprises seven highly dedicated core developers with extensive industry experience, both from Web2 experience at TikTok, Google, WeChat, and Huawei, and an average of 3 years of Web3 project development experience.  Development Stage We started developing this project in early July. We aim to launch the POC during Devcon in mid-October. Our wallet will be able to use on all EVM-equivalent chains like Optimism, Arbitrum, Scroll, Polygon Hermez, etc. Figma draft Contract wallet design Social recovery design GitHub: Technical Design",2022-09-06T01:10:43.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7602,True,False,0x6B40e6f019E7e5F2E2cfbeDb7bd648cb0CF51FAE,Price of forgery measurement campaign,,"Price of forgery measurement campaign This grant is aimed at quality control of human verification methods that are used in Gitcoin passport. The goal is to measure how much it would cost to forge each of those methods. The measurement will be done through Upala’s price of forgery protocol. See Benefits of Price of Forgery for Gitcoin. Money from this grant will be used exclusively to fill the pools. In short we gonna use this money to bribe bots away from Gitcoin and see which human verification methods are “cheaper”. Check out the video to learn more - how Price of forgery works. And my dearest humans and bots please consider donating Upala itself as well. Gitcoin and Upala integration In short Upala and Gitcoin integration looks as follows. Upala grabs users from GC passport, outputs liquidated bots and evaluates human verification methods. Gitcoin sends funds to it (like a service fee), tries to attract as many bots as possible and uses collected data to tweak trust bonus and sanction malicious actors. Inputs: Users. Users are fed from Gitcoin Passport. Upala learns which addresses have which verification methods passed. $$. Budget is allocated in pools in order for the protocol to work. Outputs: Bots. The list of liquidated bots. Sanctions to be applied to these users (should be restricted or deleted from Gitcoin). HV PoFs. Price of Forgery for every human verification method. It makes sense to tie trust bonus to this data. Or use it for KPIs (🐚A follow up for the Green pilled episode with Upala) Cheques. Liquidation cheques are used by bots to liquidate. Should be published somewhere public and promoted. Measuring the PoFs is the first step There’s definitely a lot of potential here for automation. We could automate trust bonus adjustments depending on PoF for example and do other cool stuff (see benefits). But it is not necessary to integrate full scale. As a first step we can measure PoFs, get new insights (with the help of FDD team data) and decide on the next steps. We can do trust bonus setup and sanctioning in manual mode for now. Details Budgeting. Pools must be filled with real money. The way those funds are going to be spent are described here - 🧿Gentle PoF discovery methodology and budget. Promotion. Bots need to know the rules of the game. And they need to be attracted. Promotion campaign is described here -💈Signalling bots (working document) Technical details. Integration points data and money flows 💠Technical details (working document) ",2022-09-06T01:36:22.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7603,True,False,0x6Dbd02e2CD85A443318ebEd00aeeDB0fd09ee86e,Pode Crer: Tech education for marginalized youth,,"This grant will fund scholarships of $45/mo (200 brazilian reais per month) to support 200 Brazilian youth from marginalized communities studying in the Pode Crer project of technology education. Pode Crer is already running until December 2022. Pode Crer is free, but many of the students come from very poor families and face a dilemma between studying and working to help their families - $45 is extremely impactful and helps keep students in the program until completion.  What is the Pode Crer program? Pode Crer (name after a portuguese expression that literally translates to ""one can believe"" but on daily use means something like ""right on!"") is a new technology and leadership education program tailored to bring youth from Brazilian marginalized communities into the knowledge economy. It is conceived and executed by the Vilson Groh Institute, an organization with a 40-year history of grassroots work focused in education, creating opportunity, promoting inclusion in the challenging social context of Brazilian marginalized communities. Today the Vilson Groh Institute supports a network of 8 educational and social organizations that reaches 6000 students and supports 20000 people. Pode Crer is the synthesis of these 40 years of experience into a scalable educational methodology. Pode Crer has an innovative integrative educational approach that blends technology, citizenship, communication and leadership skills.  In 2021 the program ran with 320 participants, and in 2022 with 300 participants across three educational tracks for ages 11-14, 14-18 and 18+. Over the next years the Vilson Groh Institute envisions building five Social Innovation Centers across marginalized communities in the greater Florianópolis region. These will serve as hubs for consolidation and expansion of the Pode Crer program, and as laboratories for incubation of social projects and experimentation. Pode Crer 2021 Impact  320 students participated in the 2021 iteration of Pode Crer. Of 200 students aged 14+, over 66 got job opportunities, 37 of them in technology, and 7 students were admitted to public universities. In marginalized communities this kind of impact is life changing - many participants never used a computer before. These are youth whose default career path would be to join drug trafficking, or at best low paying unskilled jobs. We are in talks with a Brazilian researcher from J-PAL (Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab) interested in doing rigorous impact evaluation and writing an academic study that will inform public policy in Brazil and the world.  If excess funds are raised, they will be directed for the 2023 implementation of Pode Crer, which is budgeted  at USD 250k (BRL 1.2M) but currently faces funding uncertainty due to the elections in Brazil. If more than USD 250k are raised, the excess funds will be directed towards the construction of the first social innovation center, which is budgeted at USD 1.2M (BRL 6M). If even more is raised, we will continue building social innovation centers, we already have the location for the first 5 selected. Other ways to support You can learn more in English about the Vilson Groh Institute and Pode Crer at  and in Portuguese at To make a tax deductible donation in USD with a credit card, you can use the designated fund we created together with the BrazilFoundation, an American 501(c)3 To make a donation in Brazilian reais you can use the Portuguese website donation page: If you make a donation, please email Eduardo at or tweet @podecrerproject This GitCoin grant is managed by Eduardo da Veiga Beltrame ( on behalf of the Vilson Groh Institute ( Below, photos of the 2021 and 2022 iterations of the Pode Crer project together with student testimonials and additional information on the Vilson Groh Institute’s history and vision. ----------------------------------------- Track 1, ages 11-4 ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Tracks 2 and 3, ages 14+ --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Student stories from the 2021 Pode Crer pilot iteration ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Appendix Vision, history and leadership --------------------------------------------- The Pode Crer Vision  We want to break the cycle of urban misery, violence and deliberate exclusion in Brazil through Pode Crer, an innovative complementary education targeting vulnerable youth, and to provide an example that can be replicated across the country and other developing nations. Pode Crer is conceived and executed by the Vilson Groh Institute, a Brazilian nonprofit with a 40-year history that coordinates and supports a network of eight schools, educational centers and social organizations in the Greater Florianópolis region that reaches 6000 students and impacts over 20000 people. The institute’s focus is on social justice and uplifting marginalized communities in Brazil through education. Pode Crer is a new complementary education program and methodology created to shape the future of Brazilian education and society. It aims to prepare students to be engaged leaders in society and active participants in the knowledge economy. Pode Crer implements a new educational approach and curriculum that blends technology, citizenship and communication. It is underpinned by the development of leadership skills in students, tested in the challenging social context of Brazilian marginalized communities, where the program is implemented.  Pode Crer currently takes place in the city of Florianópolis, in the south of Brazil. Is divided into three educational tracks for ages 11-13, 14-17 and 18-24. The pilot program took place in 2021 with 320 young people in a hybrid format. In May 2022, its second iteration began, in a fully face-to-face format, with 300 young people, some of whom participated in 2021. Pode Crer is free and open for all. The long-term vision of Pode Crer is to provide complementary education from birth to university age. To enable this vision and to serve as hubs for the implementation and growth of Pode Crer, five Social Innovation Centers will be created across the greater Florianópolis region in locations close to partner organizations. These centers will have state-of-the-art infrastructure to offer all the educational tracks of Pode Crer continuously. The first center is planned to open by 2023 in the community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis, where Vilson Groh lives, and to completely reinvent the community's image. It will feature a maker space, computer labs, classrooms and workshops, auditorium, library, co-working spaces and social spaces. About the Vilson Groh Institute Pode Crer is conceived and executed by the Vilson Groh Institute,  a Brazilian nonprofit that  coordinates and supports a network of eight schools, educational centers and social organizations in the Greater Florianópolis region. The institute’s focus is on social justice and uplifting marginalized communities in Brazil through education. The Institute and its partner organizations have a long history of success creating new educational programs serving marginalized communities and vulnerable populations in the most challenging situations in Brazil, in the midst of urban misery and violence. Because of this long experience and its institutional management capacity, the Vilson Groh Institute and its partner organizations are in a unique position to create, operationalize, and refine bold new educational initiatives for Brazil.  This network of organizations was built over 40 years of work by Vilson Groh and many other engaged individuals in marginalized and impoverished communities. At the age of 22 Vilson moved to the community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis and never left. Now 68 years old and going strong, Vilson Groh’s vision and passion have blossomed into a network coordinating about 400 volunteers from all social classes. Their primary focus is on education and creating opportunities for young people in vulnerable situations.  I Summary of impact the past 10 years In addition to Pode Crer, the Vilson Groh Institute operates several other social programs that are primarily focused on youth, education, culture, community support, and family support. They reach deep into very violent communities and over years have radically changed and improved the lives of many people heavily involved with drug trafficking, violence, dysfunctional families, and lack of social and economic opportunities == An average of 4800 people took part in the institute’s programs each year == Over 7M meals offered == About $110 mean monthly investment per children in school programs == 1500 children current enrolled in full time education across partner organizations == 1000 children currently enrolled in part time education across partner organizations == 2200 families supported per year == An average of 300 volunteers each year == 225 university scholarships were provided == 450 people admitted to university after preparation courses == 2100 youth got their first job after training Social impact reports (in Portuguese) with detailed numbers between 2013 to 2021 are available at The big picture problem We want to break the cycle of urban misery, violence and deliberate exclusion in Brazil through an innovative complementary education targeting vulnerable youth, and to provide an example that can be replicated across the country and serve as an example for other nations.  Global urban misery, violence, subhuman living conditions and extreme inequality was caused by growing population coupled with fast and disorganized urbanization in the developing world over the past 100 years: The fraction of global urban population went from 15% to 60%, and global population went from 1.9B to 7.8B people.  Brazil is one of the most unequal countries in the world, and one of the most extreme cases of rapid and completely disorganized urbanization: total population went from 30M to 212M, and urban population from 15% to 85%, with 40 times more people living in cities today than 100 years ago.  The thorny problem of urban misery interwoven with violence and extreme inequality is most emblematically represented by the images of the favelas of Rio de Janeiro amid the backdrop of luxury condos, but the dynamic is consistently repeated across every major city in Brazil. We have a scalable program,Pode Crer, now in its second pilot year, that achieves this by equipping youth with technical and socio-emotional skills to participate in the knowledge economy, and we have the capacity to scale it: across 8 organizations in our network we have over 40 years of experience and dozens of educational programs that reach over 6000 students and impact 20,000 people in communities across the greater Florianópolis region in Brazil.  Creating an inclusive knowledge economy and a society of leaders The Pode Crer program and methodology aims at nothing less than reinventing basic education in Brazil, and consequently the future of the country's human development. The strategy is to begin this transformation through complementary education, where it is possible to innovate, iterate and be bold. Pode Crer operates in the opposite period to the public school system (in Brazil classes happen in mornings or afternoons only) and is therefore free from many of the shackles of the education system. Pode Crer develops fundamental elements that are absent in the public education system and aims to become such a shining example of success that other educational organizations will copy it, and eventually shape the public education system itself.  While Pode Crer is currently implemented in three educational tracks for students aged 11 to 24 years old, the long term vision is to continuously guide students from one track to another, and to be expanded to offer complementary training from kindergarten to university.  The curriculum has three foundations: technology, citizenship, and communication. They were designed to prepare the student to actively participate in the knowledge economy, which demands skills that are not part of the Brazilian education system.  Beyond just technical skills, the fundamental element important is the ability to work well with people. Developing autonomy, communication and teamwork for working in a creative and dynamic environment demands emotional intelligence, awareness and self-confidence. These are elements that form the foundation of leadership, explicitly developed and improved by CEOs and executives, but typically ignored in other contexts. Creating an inclusive knowledge economy that is not insular and elitist requires developing these elements in all individuals as part of the educational system. This means creating a society of leaders. The full development of a knowledge economy also requires a society with functioning institutions and high levels of interpersonal trust. In Brazil these elements are still fraught and often absent. The country has institutions that are an important foundation but are still young and fragile. It is necessary to change Brazil's pervasive culture of corruption. This culture manifests itself through a generalized mindset of trying to get ahead of others, usually by skirting the rules or disregarding what is public and common. It is necessary to inculcate civic mindedness into every Brazilian, and a genuine regard for everything that is common, shared and public.  When implemented on a national scale, Pode Crer will be paving the way in Brazil for the creation of a society of leaders with an inclusive knowledge economy - something that still does not truly exist anywhere in the world. The creation of an inclusive knowledge economy is the only sustainable way of closing the great social gaps in Brazil. In an economy where everyone actually participates, it is not necessary to permanently resort to assistance programs or income redistribution.  Current plans: Creating 5 Social Innovation Centers The plan for the growth of Pode Crer in the near future is the creation of multiple Social Innovation Centers throughout the greater Florianópolis region, in communities where the Vilson Groh Institute operates. These centers will be structures built close to partner educational organizations that have already implemented or will implement Pode Crer educational tracks.    The first center will be built in the community of Monte Serrat.. It will be built on land given over for 30 years, alongside a partner school. It will have an amphitheater for events, an interactive library, a coworking space, a music studio, a maker space, classrooms and computer labs. Its construction is budgeted at 6 million reais (1.2M USD). About 20% of the resources for its construction are already secured.  After Monte Serrat neighborhood the next two centers will be built in the Monte Cristo neighborhood in Florianópolis and at Ponte do Imaruim in Palhoça. The first is home to CEDEP (, a popular and experimental education center that has 30 years of experience with complementary education. CEDEP carries out innovative educational experiments with vulnerable youth based on the philosophy of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire. The second location is home to the AJPII elementary school (, where the Pode Crer track 1 pilot takes place (11 -13 years).  Location and proposed design of the first social innovation center in the community of Monte Serrtat in Florianópolis, Brazil.  If you were given $500M what would you do?  With $500M we would have a 25x more ambitious 10-year plan: Instead of 5, we would create 125 social innovation centers in marginalized communities (favelas) across Brazil. These centers will be hubs for Pode Crer, our new complementary education program created to prepare vulnerable and marginalized youth for the knowledge economy. Pode Crer launched in 2021 and currently serves 300 students across two communities aged 11-24, being free and open to all.  Pode Crer is a new educational approach tailored to Brazilian reality that blends civics, technology and leadership, equipping youth with technical and socio-emotional skills to participate in the knowledge economy. It is based on over 40 years of experience working with marginalized communities across 8 educational organizations reaching 6000 students.  Because Pode Crer is a complementary education program (running in the opposite shift to schools) it is free of constraints of the Brazilian school system. We can innovate and iterate rapidly.  The first center will open in 2023. Each center costs $1M to build and $500k per year to operate in full. A center can serve 600 Pode Crer students and reaches about 5000 community members. Each center is planned to be staffed by 12 educators and 8 support staff.  We have the institutional capacity to operate and grow Pode Crer. We are bottlenecked by fundraising. We are confident that if we have the money we can train and grow our team of educators by 50% each year. With $5M we could have these 5 centers built and operational by 2027. With $500M we would aim to create and operate 125 centers across Brazil by 2033. Instead of just the ​​Florianópolis region, we would like to influence educational policy and reshape education in Brazil.  We are talking with the Stanford University “Lemann Center for Educational Entrepreneurship Innovation in Brazil” to create studies about Pode Crer. Our goal is to put out rigorous studies to guide policy and pave the way to grow across Brazil.  The city of Medellin in Colombia has a successful “smart city” experience that informs our vision. Since the 1990s over different governments they were able to drastically reduce violence and improve life quality by re-urbanization and creating community centers in strategic locations. There are two main differences: First, our approach starts from a focus on lifelong education, while in Medellin it started from a re-urbanization plan. Second: In Medellin action started from the city government and engaged civil society, while we are starting from civil society and engaging multiple city governments.  Crucial partners we need to engage are local governments. We have deep ties with civil society in the Florianópolis region, and we work with 3 other different city governments. We believe that cities across Brazil will be receptive to our experience. Investment in our programs can be done in tranches. If we receive $5M today in a few years we will have multiple centers operating and conclusive results to support further investment in 3-4 years.  If Pode Crer was ultimately successful and fully implemented, how would the world be different?  If we truly succeed, then every one of the 50 million youth in Brazil aged 18 and under will have access to lifelong complementary education shaped after the Pode Crer approach. That means education tailored to their local realities, that teaches a civic mindset, and to equip them with the technical and socio-emotional skills needed to thrive in the knowledge economy.  We have a long term vision of lifelong education, and want to support people from birth to adult age. We are looking beyond the 10 year plan outlined for the $500M, which would reach  an estimated 75k Pode Crer students and 625k people across the 125 social innovation centers. A 25 year horizon would be more coherent with the scale of our vision. To have such a broad impact we need to influence education policy at the city, state and national level in Brazil. We believe we can do that in two ways. First by publishing rigorous academic studies that show to policy makers the efficacy of our educational approach and enabling evidence-based policy making - we are already talking with the Lemann Center at Stanford to create such rigorous studies.  Second, by having each social innovation center serve as a reference for how to implement the program and adapt it to a new community, and as a hub for training educators and program managers. We believe that as soon as the first center is completed in 2023 this will happen, and we will be ready to assist organizations outside our network on how to implement our approach.  If we truly achieve our vision, then we will have an integrated society, city center and urban periphery will not be segregated and stigmatized. We will have broken with the vicious cycle of obscene urban exclusion that occurs in Brazil. We will have achieved this by creating an inclusive knowledge economy in Brazil. That is to say, a society in which every individual in working age is able to participate in the knowledge economy. Currently this doesn’t exist in any country yet, because participation in the knowledge economy requires significant training that only relatively few elite workers have, making their labor extremely valuable. This inequality in training leads to significant social and economic inequality, as is becoming more evident every day across the US and in particular in Silicon Valley, where technology workers command salaries far higher than any other industry.  In his book “​​The Knowledge Economy”, Harvard Brazilian scholar Roberto Mangabeira Unger describes the knowledge economy as insular and exclusive, and he advocates for a new kind of educational system in Brazil geared towards enfranchising people to participate in it. We believe Pode Crer is exactly that, and we are working every day to consolidate and grow the program.  If we succeed then rather than be marginalized, every community in Brazil will be empowered  to solve their own problems, and be able to leverage modern technology. Instead of squandering youth to drug trafficking and violence with no human development, we will create a society of leaders with a civic mindset and an understanding of the powerful technologies they have at their disposal to improve the world. This will start with local communities, but it will grow: these empowered leaders will become more and more active participants in society, from companies to civic organizations to local, state and national governments. That kind of civic engagement is what Brazil needs and what we wish to foster through lifelong education with a long term vision.  We expect that our experience will serve as a template for other countries. The world would be different because through education and opportunity, underprivileged communities would be the protagonist of their rise from misery and poverty. Not big companies, not governments, but individuals themselves will have the sense of agency, the confidence, and the skills to do so.  What bottlenecks is keeping us from quickly scaling Pode Crer? Immediate funding needs: USD 250k to guarantee operations for 2023 Because of the election year, there is very high uncertainty that we will be able to secure funds from CAIXA, the federal bank that funded Pode Crer in 2021 and 2022 with 1M BRL ($200k). Going beyond the minimum: scalable growth with social innovation centers Pode Crer was designed for scalable growth, with plans to create 5 social innovation centers to serve as hubs of the program in communities where the Vilson Groh Institute already operates. Each center is designed to serve up to 1000 Pode Crer students and reach 20.000 people. A center costs $1.2M to build and $300k/year to operate in full with 12 staff, and features a maker space, computer labs, classrooms and workshops, auditorium, library, co-working spaces and social spaces.  To make things happen faster, the strategy is to raise private money to build the first centers quickly while securing government support for ongoing operational costs. If money is secured the first center can be made operational in 2023. Operating Budget - currently $250k/year for 300 youth The 2022 implementation is supported by a team of 21 people, including educators, social workers, pedagogues and administrators. The budget for 2022 is R$1.2M (250k USD). Today Pode Crer is implemented as two weekly meetings in the morning or in the afternoon, in classes of up to 25 students who have classes and workshops on two topics a day.  The primary bottleneck for immediately scaling Pode Crer is money, the 2022 budget is $250k and the program runs two days a week with 300 students total. Because we are only able to hire the educators as part-time staff, we could readily double the capacity of the program if we had twice the money ($500k) and reach 600 students total. In the current two-day-a-week format, a team of 4 educators working full-time could serve 400 students on each educational track. To offer the program 5 days a week to 400 students, a team of 8 educators would be required. Currently, the two biggest limitations for the Program are financial resources to hire the entire team as full-time staff (many can only be paid part time), and physical space for the program's activities. It is possible to double the reach of the program with the current team and twice the financial resources, with an yearly operating budget of R$2.4M (about 500k USD). Student support scholarships ($40/mo) Another challenge that we face is keeping students in class and getting some families to not pressure students to leave class to seek work, which is common with the vulnerable students from marginalized communities. Students on tracks 2 and 3 receive an allowance of R$200 (USD 40) per month during the program. This allowance is fundamental to incentivize them and their families to focus on studies rather than procuring work to supplement family income.  Physical space and locations The secondary bottleneck is location and physical space, getting to the classroom is challenging for many students, even with financial support for transport that we offer. Currently, Pode Crer is implemented in two locations due to the availability of spaces in two partner organizations and 3 educational tracks for ages 11-13 (track 1), 14-17 (track 2) and 18-24 (track 3). Tracks 2 and 3 are implemented in the city of Florianópolis and track 1 in the city of Palhoça. They serve very different communities and audiences, with different cultures. This creates a challenge for the consolidation of Pode Crer, as it is necessary to ensure coherence in the implementation of the program at each pole. But it also creates a huge opportunity for the developed methodology to be extremely robust. If all trails can be successfully implemented in two locations with distinct communities and cultures, this suggests that the implementation will be robust in new locations and cultures.  To address the space and transport issues we want to build the first social innovation center in the heart of the community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis where we have worked for many decades. It will provide high quality teaching spaces, technology labs, a library, makerspace, co-working space and socialization areas. As we expand the program we want to learn from this center to improve the design and implementation of the next ones. With more space and resources it will be possible to offer optional activities on the other 3 days of the week. Immediate possibilities that we would like to implement are focused workshops on technology, sports, culture, and to develop communication and leadership skills in smaller groups.  Team growth Finally, in order to truly scale, we will face the challenge of training and developing our team of educators. Currently we have hundreds of educators and staff in the organizations, and the 2022 implementation of Pode Crer supported by a team of 21 people, educators, social workers, pedagogues and administrators. We are very confident that we have the capacity to grow the team of educators by 50% each year, which would be sufficient to realize the vision of 125 centers with 12 educators and 8 support staff in each by 2033. We have the capacity to select good people, and train them in our educational approach, and to make them effective educators in the challenging contexts of Brazilian marginalized communities. What we need are a modicum of resources to make this vision happen even faster. If we receive $5M today in a few years we will have multiple centers operating and conclusive results to support further investment in 3-4 years.  --------------------------------------------- The story of Vilson Groh --------------------------------------------- Vilson Groh is a Catholic priest who in 1979 moved to the marginalized community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis and devoted his life to enfranchising marginalized communities, using lifelong education and advocacy to bridge pervasive urban exclusion. This work continues today: now 68, living in the same place in Monte Serrat and still going strong, Vilson continues to use the respect, goodwill and convening power he earned over a lifetime of work dedicated to others to advance social justice through education and community. Vilson was born and raised in Brusque, a city founded by German immigrants in 1860 in the state of Santa Catarina. He came to Florianópolis in 1978 to pursue graduate studies at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Soon after Vilson moved to the marginalized community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis, which back then had no running water, sewage, paved roads, electricity or any kind of service. It was the quintessential favela, a Brazilian shantytown growing uphill without any kind of government oversight or regard, with rampant crime, violence and drug trafficking  Vilson devoted his life to enfranchising marginalized communities, using lifelong education and advocacy to bridge pervasive urban exclusion, and this work continues today. For decades Vilson lived like the poorest, in a wooden hut, like most people around him. For that to change it took his mother demanding that he live with a modicum of dignity when many around him had brick and mortar houses, she refused to visit him for a year. He finally upscaled into a humble two bedroom brick and mortar house built by the community in that spot, where Vilson continues to live today.  Every day Vilson uses the respect, goodwill and convening power he earned over a lifetime of work dedicated to others to advance social justice through education, community and helping literally everyone in need. --------------------------------------------- The Vilson Groh Network --------------------------------------------- Through Vilson Groh’s leadership and that of many others, small projects have flourished and became reference organizations in communities. As time went on other organizations joined the movement, and the Vilson Groh Institute was founded in 2011, to strengthen the actions of these organizations already under the leadership of Vilson Groh. It should be highlighted that all of this work is performed in violent and marginalized communities in an extremely challenging educational context: students are initially violent, aloof, brute, emotionally undeveloped, and often going hungry. This network approach only works because every educator, volunteer and supporter is sensible and deeply aware of the realities in each community, and the Institute is extremely good at training educators. The network works through a holistic approach and engage with everyone involved: students, parents, families and the community, meeting social reality, constantly reassessing it and adjusting our approach. Today the organizations that compose the Vilson Groh Network are: == CEDEP (Center for Popular Education) - an experimental community educational organization created from scratch based on Paulo Freire’s philosophy complementary education for 600 youth and continuing education for adults == AJPII (John Paul II association) - a school for children an and adolescent education where track 1 of Pode Crer is executed == MESLM (Marist School Lucia Mayvorne) - free full time education for about 500 children and adolescents == MESSJ (Marist School São José) - free full time education for about 1000 children and adolescents == CCEA (Slave Anastácia Cultural Center) - cultural activities, support for children and youth, and tracks 2 and 3 of the Pode Crer program == ACAM (Mocotó Hill Children Friends Association) - youth education and shelter for children and adolescents in vulnerable families == AGB (Friends of Guinea-Bissau) - runs bilateral education programs for elementary and high school, as well as teacher trainings in Guinea-Bissau == IVG (The Vilson Groh Institute itself) - runs university preparation program, the Pode Crer program, multiple family and community support programs   Further detailed information about the impact of each of these organizations, check the Institute 2021 social impact report and reports from other years in the institute’s social reports page --------------------------------------------- Personal statement --------------------------------------------- Personal Statement from Eduardo da Veiga Beltrame - - I have been a very strong supporter of Pode Crer from the start, being in close contact with the Vilson Groh Institute leadership, and with over $120k donations of my own money (most of my wealth). I donated most of my would-be salary, money from a house sale in Brazil, and gave them computers, equipment, 3D printers and robotics kits. In 2022 I did a 5 week deep dive across all organizations of the Vilson Groh Institute, I talked to all the teachers, students, staff, community members, and spent a lot of time with the leaders of each organization. I also gave several 3D printing workshops to teachers and students, to make sure I understood day to day reality.  I believe Pode Crer offers a template for the future of education in Brazil and Latin America. I am extremely confident in their exceptional institutional management and in their ability to operationalize programs and train and grow teams of educators. The Vilson Groh Institute is the right institution to spearhead this change, to iterate and refine such an ambitious program, and to work with cities and governments to implement what works as public policy.",2022-09-06T01:50:17.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7603,True,False,0x6Dbd02e2CD85A443318ebEd00aeeDB0fd09ee86e,Pode Crer: Tech education for marginalized youth,,"This grant will fund scholarships of $45/mo (200 brazilian reais per month) to support 200 Brazilian youth from marginalized communities studying in the Pode Crer project of technology education. Pode Crer is already running until December 2022. Pode Crer is free, but many of the students come from very poor families and face a dilemma between studying and working to help their families - $45 is extremely impactful and helps keep students in the program until completion.  What is the Pode Crer program? Pode Crer (name after a portuguese expression that literally translates to ""one can believe"" but on daily use means something like ""right on!"") is a new technology and leadership education program tailored to bring youth from Brazilian marginalized communities into the knowledge economy. It is conceived and executed by the Vilson Groh Institute, an organization with a 40-year history of grassroots work focused in education, creating opportunity, promoting inclusion in the challenging social context of Brazilian marginalized communities. Today the Vilson Groh Institute supports a network of 8 educational and social organizations that reaches 6000 students and supports 20000 people. Pode Crer is the synthesis of these 40 years of experience into a scalable educational methodology. Pode Crer has an innovative integrative educational approach that blends technology, citizenship, communication and leadership skills.  In 2021 the program ran with 320 participants, and in 2022 with 300 participants across three educational tracks for ages 11-14, 14-18 and 18+. Over the next years the Vilson Groh Institute envisions building five Social Innovation Centers across marginalized communities in the greater Florianópolis region. These will serve as hubs for consolidation and expansion of the Pode Crer program, and as laboratories for incubation of social projects and experimentation. Pode Crer 2021 Impact  320 students participated in the 2021 iteration of Pode Crer. Of 200 students aged 14+, over 66 got job opportunities, 37 of them in technology, and 7 students were admitted to public universities. In marginalized communities this kind of impact is life changing - many participants never used a computer before. These are youth whose default career path would be to join drug trafficking, or at best low paying unskilled jobs. We are in talks with a Brazilian researcher from J-PAL (Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab) interested in doing rigorous impact evaluation and writing an academic study that will inform public policy in Brazil and the world.  If excess funds are raised, they will be directed for the 2023 implementation of Pode Crer, which is budgeted  at USD 250k (BRL 1.2M) but currently faces funding uncertainty due to the elections in Brazil. If more than USD 250k are raised, the excess funds will be directed towards the construction of the first social innovation center, which is budgeted at USD 1.2M (BRL 6M). If even more is raised, we will continue building social innovation centers, we already have the location for the first 5 selected. Other ways to support You can learn more in English about the Vilson Groh Institute and Pode Crer at  and in Portuguese at To make a tax deductible donation in USD with a credit card, you can use the designated fund we created together with the BrazilFoundation, an American 501(c)3 To make a donation in Brazilian reais you can use the Portuguese website donation page: If you make a donation, please email Eduardo at or tweet @podecrerproject This GitCoin grant is managed by Eduardo da Veiga Beltrame ( on behalf of the Vilson Groh Institute ( Below, photos of the 2021 and 2022 iterations of the Pode Crer project together with student testimonials and additional information on the Vilson Groh Institute’s history and vision. ----------------------------------------- Track 1, ages 11-4 ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Tracks 2 and 3, ages 14+ --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Student stories from the 2021 Pode Crer pilot iteration ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Appendix Vision, history and leadership --------------------------------------------- The Pode Crer Vision  We want to break the cycle of urban misery, violence and deliberate exclusion in Brazil through Pode Crer, an innovative complementary education targeting vulnerable youth, and to provide an example that can be replicated across the country and other developing nations. Pode Crer is conceived and executed by the Vilson Groh Institute, a Brazilian nonprofit with a 40-year history that coordinates and supports a network of eight schools, educational centers and social organizations in the Greater Florianópolis region that reaches 6000 students and impacts over 20000 people. The institute’s focus is on social justice and uplifting marginalized communities in Brazil through education. Pode Crer is a new complementary education program and methodology created to shape the future of Brazilian education and society. It aims to prepare students to be engaged leaders in society and active participants in the knowledge economy. Pode Crer implements a new educational approach and curriculum that blends technology, citizenship and communication. It is underpinned by the development of leadership skills in students, tested in the challenging social context of Brazilian marginalized communities, where the program is implemented.  Pode Crer currently takes place in the city of Florianópolis, in the south of Brazil. Is divided into three educational tracks for ages 11-13, 14-17 and 18-24. The pilot program took place in 2021 with 320 young people in a hybrid format. In May 2022, its second iteration began, in a fully face-to-face format, with 300 young people, some of whom participated in 2021. Pode Crer is free and open for all. The long-term vision of Pode Crer is to provide complementary education from birth to university age. To enable this vision and to serve as hubs for the implementation and growth of Pode Crer, five Social Innovation Centers will be created across the greater Florianópolis region in locations close to partner organizations. These centers will have state-of-the-art infrastructure to offer all the educational tracks of Pode Crer continuously. The first center is planned to open by 2023 in the community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis, where Vilson Groh lives, and to completely reinvent the community's image. It will feature a maker space, computer labs, classrooms and workshops, auditorium, library, co-working spaces and social spaces. About the Vilson Groh Institute Pode Crer is conceived and executed by the Vilson Groh Institute,  a Brazilian nonprofit that  coordinates and supports a network of eight schools, educational centers and social organizations in the Greater Florianópolis region. The institute’s focus is on social justice and uplifting marginalized communities in Brazil through education. The Institute and its partner organizations have a long history of success creating new educational programs serving marginalized communities and vulnerable populations in the most challenging situations in Brazil, in the midst of urban misery and violence. Because of this long experience and its institutional management capacity, the Vilson Groh Institute and its partner organizations are in a unique position to create, operationalize, and refine bold new educational initiatives for Brazil.  This network of organizations was built over 40 years of work by Vilson Groh and many other engaged individuals in marginalized and impoverished communities. At the age of 22 Vilson moved to the community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis and never left. Now 68 years old and going strong, Vilson Groh’s vision and passion have blossomed into a network coordinating about 400 volunteers from all social classes. Their primary focus is on education and creating opportunities for young people in vulnerable situations.  I Summary of impact the past 10 years In addition to Pode Crer, the Vilson Groh Institute operates several other social programs that are primarily focused on youth, education, culture, community support, and family support. They reach deep into very violent communities and over years have radically changed and improved the lives of many people heavily involved with drug trafficking, violence, dysfunctional families, and lack of social and economic opportunities == An average of 4800 people took part in the institute’s programs each year == Over 7M meals offered == About $110 mean monthly investment per children in school programs == 1500 children current enrolled in full time education across partner organizations == 1000 children currently enrolled in part time education across partner organizations == 2200 families supported per year == An average of 300 volunteers each year == 225 university scholarships were provided == 450 people admitted to university after preparation courses == 2100 youth got their first job after training Social impact reports (in Portuguese) with detailed numbers between 2013 to 2021 are available at The big picture problem We want to break the cycle of urban misery, violence and deliberate exclusion in Brazil through an innovative complementary education targeting vulnerable youth, and to provide an example that can be replicated across the country and serve as an example for other nations.  Global urban misery, violence, subhuman living conditions and extreme inequality was caused by growing population coupled with fast and disorganized urbanization in the developing world over the past 100 years: The fraction of global urban population went from 15% to 60%, and global population went from 1.9B to 7.8B people.  Brazil is one of the most unequal countries in the world, and one of the most extreme cases of rapid and completely disorganized urbanization: total population went from 30M to 212M, and urban population from 15% to 85%, with 40 times more people living in cities today than 100 years ago.  The thorny problem of urban misery interwoven with violence and extreme inequality is most emblematically represented by the images of the favelas of Rio de Janeiro amid the backdrop of luxury condos, but the dynamic is consistently repeated across every major city in Brazil. We have a scalable program,Pode Crer, now in its second pilot year, that achieves this by equipping youth with technical and socio-emotional skills to participate in the knowledge economy, and we have the capacity to scale it: across 8 organizations in our network we have over 40 years of experience and dozens of educational programs that reach over 6000 students and impact 20,000 people in communities across the greater Florianópolis region in Brazil.  Creating an inclusive knowledge economy and a society of leaders The Pode Crer program and methodology aims at nothing less than reinventing basic education in Brazil, and consequently the future of the country's human development. The strategy is to begin this transformation through complementary education, where it is possible to innovate, iterate and be bold. Pode Crer operates in the opposite period to the public school system (in Brazil classes happen in mornings or afternoons only) and is therefore free from many of the shackles of the education system. Pode Crer develops fundamental elements that are absent in the public education system and aims to become such a shining example of success that other educational organizations will copy it, and eventually shape the public education system itself.  While Pode Crer is currently implemented in three educational tracks for students aged 11 to 24 years old, the long term vision is to continuously guide students from one track to another, and to be expanded to offer complementary training from kindergarten to university.  The curriculum has three foundations: technology, citizenship, and communication. They were designed to prepare the student to actively participate in the knowledge economy, which demands skills that are not part of the Brazilian education system.  Beyond just technical skills, the fundamental element important is the ability to work well with people. Developing autonomy, communication and teamwork for working in a creative and dynamic environment demands emotional intelligence, awareness and self-confidence. These are elements that form the foundation of leadership, explicitly developed and improved by CEOs and executives, but typically ignored in other contexts. Creating an inclusive knowledge economy that is not insular and elitist requires developing these elements in all individuals as part of the educational system. This means creating a society of leaders. The full development of a knowledge economy also requires a society with functioning institutions and high levels of interpersonal trust. In Brazil these elements are still fraught and often absent. The country has institutions that are an important foundation but are still young and fragile. It is necessary to change Brazil's pervasive culture of corruption. This culture manifests itself through a generalized mindset of trying to get ahead of others, usually by skirting the rules or disregarding what is public and common. It is necessary to inculcate civic mindedness into every Brazilian, and a genuine regard for everything that is common, shared and public.  When implemented on a national scale, Pode Crer will be paving the way in Brazil for the creation of a society of leaders with an inclusive knowledge economy - something that still does not truly exist anywhere in the world. The creation of an inclusive knowledge economy is the only sustainable way of closing the great social gaps in Brazil. In an economy where everyone actually participates, it is not necessary to permanently resort to assistance programs or income redistribution.  Current plans: Creating 5 Social Innovation Centers The plan for the growth of Pode Crer in the near future is the creation of multiple Social Innovation Centers throughout the greater Florianópolis region, in communities where the Vilson Groh Institute operates. These centers will be structures built close to partner educational organizations that have already implemented or will implement Pode Crer educational tracks.    The first center will be built in the community of Monte Serrat.. It will be built on land given over for 30 years, alongside a partner school. It will have an amphitheater for events, an interactive library, a coworking space, a music studio, a maker space, classrooms and computer labs. Its construction is budgeted at 6 million reais (1.2M USD). About 20% of the resources for its construction are already secured.  After Monte Serrat neighborhood the next two centers will be built in the Monte Cristo neighborhood in Florianópolis and at Ponte do Imaruim in Palhoça. The first is home to CEDEP (, a popular and experimental education center that has 30 years of experience with complementary education. CEDEP carries out innovative educational experiments with vulnerable youth based on the philosophy of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire. The second location is home to the AJPII elementary school (, where the Pode Crer track 1 pilot takes place (11 -13 years).  Location and proposed design of the first social innovation center in the community of Monte Serrtat in Florianópolis, Brazil.  If you were given $500M what would you do?  With $500M we would have a 25x more ambitious 10-year plan: Instead of 5, we would create 125 social innovation centers in marginalized communities (favelas) across Brazil. These centers will be hubs for Pode Crer, our new complementary education program created to prepare vulnerable and marginalized youth for the knowledge economy. Pode Crer launched in 2021 and currently serves 300 students across two communities aged 11-24, being free and open to all.  Pode Crer is a new educational approach tailored to Brazilian reality that blends civics, technology and leadership, equipping youth with technical and socio-emotional skills to participate in the knowledge economy. It is based on over 40 years of experience working with marginalized communities across 8 educational organizations reaching 6000 students.  Because Pode Crer is a complementary education program (running in the opposite shift to schools) it is free of constraints of the Brazilian school system. We can innovate and iterate rapidly.  The first center will open in 2023. Each center costs $1M to build and $500k per year to operate in full. A center can serve 600 Pode Crer students and reaches about 5000 community members. Each center is planned to be staffed by 12 educators and 8 support staff.  We have the institutional capacity to operate and grow Pode Crer. We are bottlenecked by fundraising. We are confident that if we have the money we can train and grow our team of educators by 50% each year. With $5M we could have these 5 centers built and operational by 2027. With $500M we would aim to create and operate 125 centers across Brazil by 2033. Instead of just the ​​Florianópolis region, we would like to influence educational policy and reshape education in Brazil.  We are talking with the Stanford University “Lemann Center for Educational Entrepreneurship Innovation in Brazil” to create studies about Pode Crer. Our goal is to put out rigorous studies to guide policy and pave the way to grow across Brazil.  The city of Medellin in Colombia has a successful “smart city” experience that informs our vision. Since the 1990s over different governments they were able to drastically reduce violence and improve life quality by re-urbanization and creating community centers in strategic locations. There are two main differences: First, our approach starts from a focus on lifelong education, while in Medellin it started from a re-urbanization plan. Second: In Medellin action started from the city government and engaged civil society, while we are starting from civil society and engaging multiple city governments.  Crucial partners we need to engage are local governments. We have deep ties with civil society in the Florianópolis region, and we work with 3 other different city governments. We believe that cities across Brazil will be receptive to our experience. Investment in our programs can be done in tranches. If we receive $5M today in a few years we will have multiple centers operating and conclusive results to support further investment in 3-4 years.  If Pode Crer was ultimately successful and fully implemented, how would the world be different?  If we truly succeed, then every one of the 50 million youth in Brazil aged 18 and under will have access to lifelong complementary education shaped after the Pode Crer approach. That means education tailored to their local realities, that teaches a civic mindset, and to equip them with the technical and socio-emotional skills needed to thrive in the knowledge economy.  We have a long term vision of lifelong education, and want to support people from birth to adult age. We are looking beyond the 10 year plan outlined for the $500M, which would reach  an estimated 75k Pode Crer students and 625k people across the 125 social innovation centers. A 25 year horizon would be more coherent with the scale of our vision. To have such a broad impact we need to influence education policy at the city, state and national level in Brazil. We believe we can do that in two ways. First by publishing rigorous academic studies that show to policy makers the efficacy of our educational approach and enabling evidence-based policy making - we are already talking with the Lemann Center at Stanford to create such rigorous studies.  Second, by having each social innovation center serve as a reference for how to implement the program and adapt it to a new community, and as a hub for training educators and program managers. We believe that as soon as the first center is completed in 2023 this will happen, and we will be ready to assist organizations outside our network on how to implement our approach.  If we truly achieve our vision, then we will have an integrated society, city center and urban periphery will not be segregated and stigmatized. We will have broken with the vicious cycle of obscene urban exclusion that occurs in Brazil. We will have achieved this by creating an inclusive knowledge economy in Brazil. That is to say, a society in which every individual in working age is able to participate in the knowledge economy. Currently this doesn’t exist in any country yet, because participation in the knowledge economy requires significant training that only relatively few elite workers have, making their labor extremely valuable. This inequality in training leads to significant social and economic inequality, as is becoming more evident every day across the US and in particular in Silicon Valley, where technology workers command salaries far higher than any other industry.  In his book “​​The Knowledge Economy”, Harvard Brazilian scholar Roberto Mangabeira Unger describes the knowledge economy as insular and exclusive, and he advocates for a new kind of educational system in Brazil geared towards enfranchising people to participate in it. We believe Pode Crer is exactly that, and we are working every day to consolidate and grow the program.  If we succeed then rather than be marginalized, every community in Brazil will be empowered  to solve their own problems, and be able to leverage modern technology. Instead of squandering youth to drug trafficking and violence with no human development, we will create a society of leaders with a civic mindset and an understanding of the powerful technologies they have at their disposal to improve the world. This will start with local communities, but it will grow: these empowered leaders will become more and more active participants in society, from companies to civic organizations to local, state and national governments. That kind of civic engagement is what Brazil needs and what we wish to foster through lifelong education with a long term vision.  We expect that our experience will serve as a template for other countries. The world would be different because through education and opportunity, underprivileged communities would be the protagonist of their rise from misery and poverty. Not big companies, not governments, but individuals themselves will have the sense of agency, the confidence, and the skills to do so.  What bottlenecks is keeping us from quickly scaling Pode Crer? Immediate funding needs: USD 250k to guarantee operations for 2023 Because of the election year, there is very high uncertainty that we will be able to secure funds from CAIXA, the federal bank that funded Pode Crer in 2021 and 2022 with 1M BRL ($200k). Going beyond the minimum: scalable growth with social innovation centers Pode Crer was designed for scalable growth, with plans to create 5 social innovation centers to serve as hubs of the program in communities where the Vilson Groh Institute already operates. Each center is designed to serve up to 1000 Pode Crer students and reach 20.000 people. A center costs $1.2M to build and $300k/year to operate in full with 12 staff, and features a maker space, computer labs, classrooms and workshops, auditorium, library, co-working spaces and social spaces.  To make things happen faster, the strategy is to raise private money to build the first centers quickly while securing government support for ongoing operational costs. If money is secured the first center can be made operational in 2023. Operating Budget - currently $250k/year for 300 youth The 2022 implementation is supported by a team of 21 people, including educators, social workers, pedagogues and administrators. The budget for 2022 is R$1.2M (250k USD). Today Pode Crer is implemented as two weekly meetings in the morning or in the afternoon, in classes of up to 25 students who have classes and workshops on two topics a day.  The primary bottleneck for immediately scaling Pode Crer is money, the 2022 budget is $250k and the program runs two days a week with 300 students total. Because we are only able to hire the educators as part-time staff, we could readily double the capacity of the program if we had twice the money ($500k) and reach 600 students total. In the current two-day-a-week format, a team of 4 educators working full-time could serve 400 students on each educational track. To offer the program 5 days a week to 400 students, a team of 8 educators would be required. Currently, the two biggest limitations for the Program are financial resources to hire the entire team as full-time staff (many can only be paid part time), and physical space for the program's activities. It is possible to double the reach of the program with the current team and twice the financial resources, with an yearly operating budget of R$2.4M (about 500k USD). Student support scholarships ($40/mo) Another challenge that we face is keeping students in class and getting some families to not pressure students to leave class to seek work, which is common with the vulnerable students from marginalized communities. Students on tracks 2 and 3 receive an allowance of R$200 (USD 40) per month during the program. This allowance is fundamental to incentivize them and their families to focus on studies rather than procuring work to supplement family income.  Physical space and locations The secondary bottleneck is location and physical space, getting to the classroom is challenging for many students, even with financial support for transport that we offer. Currently, Pode Crer is implemented in two locations due to the availability of spaces in two partner organizations and 3 educational tracks for ages 11-13 (track 1), 14-17 (track 2) and 18-24 (track 3). Tracks 2 and 3 are implemented in the city of Florianópolis and track 1 in the city of Palhoça. They serve very different communities and audiences, with different cultures. This creates a challenge for the consolidation of Pode Crer, as it is necessary to ensure coherence in the implementation of the program at each pole. But it also creates a huge opportunity for the developed methodology to be extremely robust. If all trails can be successfully implemented in two locations with distinct communities and cultures, this suggests that the implementation will be robust in new locations and cultures.  To address the space and transport issues we want to build the first social innovation center in the heart of the community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis where we have worked for many decades. It will provide high quality teaching spaces, technology labs, a library, makerspace, co-working space and socialization areas. As we expand the program we want to learn from this center to improve the design and implementation of the next ones. With more space and resources it will be possible to offer optional activities on the other 3 days of the week. Immediate possibilities that we would like to implement are focused workshops on technology, sports, culture, and to develop communication and leadership skills in smaller groups.  Team growth Finally, in order to truly scale, we will face the challenge of training and developing our team of educators. Currently we have hundreds of educators and staff in the organizations, and the 2022 implementation of Pode Crer supported by a team of 21 people, educators, social workers, pedagogues and administrators. We are very confident that we have the capacity to grow the team of educators by 50% each year, which would be sufficient to realize the vision of 125 centers with 12 educators and 8 support staff in each by 2033. We have the capacity to select good people, and train them in our educational approach, and to make them effective educators in the challenging contexts of Brazilian marginalized communities. What we need are a modicum of resources to make this vision happen even faster. If we receive $5M today in a few years we will have multiple centers operating and conclusive results to support further investment in 3-4 years.  --------------------------------------------- The story of Vilson Groh --------------------------------------------- Vilson Groh is a Catholic priest who in 1979 moved to the marginalized community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis and devoted his life to enfranchising marginalized communities, using lifelong education and advocacy to bridge pervasive urban exclusion. This work continues today: now 68, living in the same place in Monte Serrat and still going strong, Vilson continues to use the respect, goodwill and convening power he earned over a lifetime of work dedicated to others to advance social justice through education and community. Vilson was born and raised in Brusque, a city founded by German immigrants in 1860 in the state of Santa Catarina. He came to Florianópolis in 1978 to pursue graduate studies at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Soon after Vilson moved to the marginalized community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis, which back then had no running water, sewage, paved roads, electricity or any kind of service. It was the quintessential favela, a Brazilian shantytown growing uphill without any kind of government oversight or regard, with rampant crime, violence and drug trafficking  Vilson devoted his life to enfranchising marginalized communities, using lifelong education and advocacy to bridge pervasive urban exclusion, and this work continues today. For decades Vilson lived like the poorest, in a wooden hut, like most people around him. For that to change it took his mother demanding that he live with a modicum of dignity when many around him had brick and mortar houses, she refused to visit him for a year. He finally upscaled into a humble two bedroom brick and mortar house built by the community in that spot, where Vilson continues to live today.  Every day Vilson uses the respect, goodwill and convening power he earned over a lifetime of work dedicated to others to advance social justice through education, community and helping literally everyone in need. --------------------------------------------- The Vilson Groh Network --------------------------------------------- Through Vilson Groh’s leadership and that of many others, small projects have flourished and became reference organizations in communities. As time went on other organizations joined the movement, and the Vilson Groh Institute was founded in 2011, to strengthen the actions of these organizations already under the leadership of Vilson Groh. It should be highlighted that all of this work is performed in violent and marginalized communities in an extremely challenging educational context: students are initially violent, aloof, brute, emotionally undeveloped, and often going hungry. This network approach only works because every educator, volunteer and supporter is sensible and deeply aware of the realities in each community, and the Institute is extremely good at training educators. The network works through a holistic approach and engage with everyone involved: students, parents, families and the community, meeting social reality, constantly reassessing it and adjusting our approach. Today the organizations that compose the Vilson Groh Network are: == CEDEP (Center for Popular Education) - an experimental community educational organization created from scratch based on Paulo Freire’s philosophy complementary education for 600 youth and continuing education for adults == AJPII (John Paul II association) - a school for children an and adolescent education where track 1 of Pode Crer is executed == MESLM (Marist School Lucia Mayvorne) - free full time education for about 500 children and adolescents == MESSJ (Marist School São José) - free full time education for about 1000 children and adolescents == CCEA (Slave Anastácia Cultural Center) - cultural activities, support for children and youth, and tracks 2 and 3 of the Pode Crer program == ACAM (Mocotó Hill Children Friends Association) - youth education and shelter for children and adolescents in vulnerable families == AGB (Friends of Guinea-Bissau) - runs bilateral education programs for elementary and high school, as well as teacher trainings in Guinea-Bissau == IVG (The Vilson Groh Institute itself) - runs university preparation program, the Pode Crer program, multiple family and community support programs   Further detailed information about the impact of each of these organizations, check the Institute 2021 social impact report and reports from other years in the institute’s social reports page --------------------------------------------- Personal statement --------------------------------------------- Personal Statement from Eduardo da Veiga Beltrame - - I have been a very strong supporter of Pode Crer from the start, being in close contact with the Vilson Groh Institute leadership, and with over $120k donations of my own money (most of my wealth). I donated most of my would-be salary, money from a house sale in Brazil, and gave them computers, equipment, 3D printers and robotics kits. In 2022 I did a 5 week deep dive across all organizations of the Vilson Groh Institute, I talked to all the teachers, students, staff, community members, and spent a lot of time with the leaders of each organization. I also gave several 3D printing workshops to teachers and students, to make sure I understood day to day reality.  I believe Pode Crer offers a template for the future of education in Brazil and Latin America. I am extremely confident in their exceptional institutional management and in their ability to operationalize programs and train and grow teams of educators. The Vilson Groh Institute is the right institution to spearhead this change, to iterate and refine such an ambitious program, and to work with cities and governments to implement what works as public policy.",2022-09-06T01:50:17.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7603,True,False,0x6Dbd02e2CD85A443318ebEd00aeeDB0fd09ee86e,Pode Crer: Tech education for marginalized youth,,"This grant will fund scholarships of $45/mo (200 brazilian reais per month) to support 200 Brazilian youth from marginalized communities studying in the Pode Crer project of technology education. Pode Crer is already running until December 2022. Pode Crer is free, but many of the students come from very poor families and face a dilemma between studying and working to help their families - $45 is extremely impactful and helps keep students in the program until completion.  What is the Pode Crer program? Pode Crer (name after a portuguese expression that literally translates to ""one can believe"" but on daily use means something like ""right on!"") is a new technology and leadership education program tailored to bring youth from Brazilian marginalized communities into the knowledge economy. It is conceived and executed by the Vilson Groh Institute, an organization with a 40-year history of grassroots work focused in education, creating opportunity, promoting inclusion in the challenging social context of Brazilian marginalized communities. Today the Vilson Groh Institute supports a network of 8 educational and social organizations that reaches 6000 students and supports 20000 people. Pode Crer is the synthesis of these 40 years of experience into a scalable educational methodology. Pode Crer has an innovative integrative educational approach that blends technology, citizenship, communication and leadership skills.  In 2021 the program ran with 320 participants, and in 2022 with 300 participants across three educational tracks for ages 11-14, 14-18 and 18+. Over the next years the Vilson Groh Institute envisions building five Social Innovation Centers across marginalized communities in the greater Florianópolis region. These will serve as hubs for consolidation and expansion of the Pode Crer program, and as laboratories for incubation of social projects and experimentation. Pode Crer 2021 Impact  320 students participated in the 2021 iteration of Pode Crer. Of 200 students aged 14+, over 66 got job opportunities, 37 of them in technology, and 7 students were admitted to public universities. In marginalized communities this kind of impact is life changing - many participants never used a computer before. These are youth whose default career path would be to join drug trafficking, or at best low paying unskilled jobs. We are in talks with a Brazilian researcher from J-PAL (Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab) interested in doing rigorous impact evaluation and writing an academic study that will inform public policy in Brazil and the world.  If excess funds are raised, they will be directed for the 2023 implementation of Pode Crer, which is budgeted  at USD 250k (BRL 1.2M) but currently faces funding uncertainty due to the elections in Brazil. If more than USD 250k are raised, the excess funds will be directed towards the construction of the first social innovation center, which is budgeted at USD 1.2M (BRL 6M). If even more is raised, we will continue building social innovation centers, we already have the location for the first 5 selected. Other ways to support You can learn more in English about the Vilson Groh Institute and Pode Crer at  and in Portuguese at To make a tax deductible donation in USD with a credit card, you can use the designated fund we created together with the BrazilFoundation, an American 501(c)3 To make a donation in Brazilian reais you can use the Portuguese website donation page: If you make a donation, please email Eduardo at or tweet @podecrerproject This GitCoin grant is managed by Eduardo da Veiga Beltrame ( on behalf of the Vilson Groh Institute ( Below, photos of the 2021 and 2022 iterations of the Pode Crer project together with student testimonials and additional information on the Vilson Groh Institute’s history and vision. ----------------------------------------- Track 1, ages 11-4 ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Tracks 2 and 3, ages 14+ --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Student stories from the 2021 Pode Crer pilot iteration ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Appendix Vision, history and leadership --------------------------------------------- The Pode Crer Vision  We want to break the cycle of urban misery, violence and deliberate exclusion in Brazil through Pode Crer, an innovative complementary education targeting vulnerable youth, and to provide an example that can be replicated across the country and other developing nations. Pode Crer is conceived and executed by the Vilson Groh Institute, a Brazilian nonprofit with a 40-year history that coordinates and supports a network of eight schools, educational centers and social organizations in the Greater Florianópolis region that reaches 6000 students and impacts over 20000 people. The institute’s focus is on social justice and uplifting marginalized communities in Brazil through education. Pode Crer is a new complementary education program and methodology created to shape the future of Brazilian education and society. It aims to prepare students to be engaged leaders in society and active participants in the knowledge economy. Pode Crer implements a new educational approach and curriculum that blends technology, citizenship and communication. It is underpinned by the development of leadership skills in students, tested in the challenging social context of Brazilian marginalized communities, where the program is implemented.  Pode Crer currently takes place in the city of Florianópolis, in the south of Brazil. Is divided into three educational tracks for ages 11-13, 14-17 and 18-24. The pilot program took place in 2021 with 320 young people in a hybrid format. In May 2022, its second iteration began, in a fully face-to-face format, with 300 young people, some of whom participated in 2021. Pode Crer is free and open for all. The long-term vision of Pode Crer is to provide complementary education from birth to university age. To enable this vision and to serve as hubs for the implementation and growth of Pode Crer, five Social Innovation Centers will be created across the greater Florianópolis region in locations close to partner organizations. These centers will have state-of-the-art infrastructure to offer all the educational tracks of Pode Crer continuously. The first center is planned to open by 2023 in the community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis, where Vilson Groh lives, and to completely reinvent the community's image. It will feature a maker space, computer labs, classrooms and workshops, auditorium, library, co-working spaces and social spaces. About the Vilson Groh Institute Pode Crer is conceived and executed by the Vilson Groh Institute,  a Brazilian nonprofit that  coordinates and supports a network of eight schools, educational centers and social organizations in the Greater Florianópolis region. The institute’s focus is on social justice and uplifting marginalized communities in Brazil through education. The Institute and its partner organizations have a long history of success creating new educational programs serving marginalized communities and vulnerable populations in the most challenging situations in Brazil, in the midst of urban misery and violence. Because of this long experience and its institutional management capacity, the Vilson Groh Institute and its partner organizations are in a unique position to create, operationalize, and refine bold new educational initiatives for Brazil.  This network of organizations was built over 40 years of work by Vilson Groh and many other engaged individuals in marginalized and impoverished communities. At the age of 22 Vilson moved to the community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis and never left. Now 68 years old and going strong, Vilson Groh’s vision and passion have blossomed into a network coordinating about 400 volunteers from all social classes. Their primary focus is on education and creating opportunities for young people in vulnerable situations.  I Summary of impact the past 10 years In addition to Pode Crer, the Vilson Groh Institute operates several other social programs that are primarily focused on youth, education, culture, community support, and family support. They reach deep into very violent communities and over years have radically changed and improved the lives of many people heavily involved with drug trafficking, violence, dysfunctional families, and lack of social and economic opportunities == An average of 4800 people took part in the institute’s programs each year == Over 7M meals offered == About $110 mean monthly investment per children in school programs == 1500 children current enrolled in full time education across partner organizations == 1000 children currently enrolled in part time education across partner organizations == 2200 families supported per year == An average of 300 volunteers each year == 225 university scholarships were provided == 450 people admitted to university after preparation courses == 2100 youth got their first job after training Social impact reports (in Portuguese) with detailed numbers between 2013 to 2021 are available at The big picture problem We want to break the cycle of urban misery, violence and deliberate exclusion in Brazil through an innovative complementary education targeting vulnerable youth, and to provide an example that can be replicated across the country and serve as an example for other nations.  Global urban misery, violence, subhuman living conditions and extreme inequality was caused by growing population coupled with fast and disorganized urbanization in the developing world over the past 100 years: The fraction of global urban population went from 15% to 60%, and global population went from 1.9B to 7.8B people.  Brazil is one of the most unequal countries in the world, and one of the most extreme cases of rapid and completely disorganized urbanization: total population went from 30M to 212M, and urban population from 15% to 85%, with 40 times more people living in cities today than 100 years ago.  The thorny problem of urban misery interwoven with violence and extreme inequality is most emblematically represented by the images of the favelas of Rio de Janeiro amid the backdrop of luxury condos, but the dynamic is consistently repeated across every major city in Brazil. We have a scalable program,Pode Crer, now in its second pilot year, that achieves this by equipping youth with technical and socio-emotional skills to participate in the knowledge economy, and we have the capacity to scale it: across 8 organizations in our network we have over 40 years of experience and dozens of educational programs that reach over 6000 students and impact 20,000 people in communities across the greater Florianópolis region in Brazil.  Creating an inclusive knowledge economy and a society of leaders The Pode Crer program and methodology aims at nothing less than reinventing basic education in Brazil, and consequently the future of the country's human development. The strategy is to begin this transformation through complementary education, where it is possible to innovate, iterate and be bold. Pode Crer operates in the opposite period to the public school system (in Brazil classes happen in mornings or afternoons only) and is therefore free from many of the shackles of the education system. Pode Crer develops fundamental elements that are absent in the public education system and aims to become such a shining example of success that other educational organizations will copy it, and eventually shape the public education system itself.  While Pode Crer is currently implemented in three educational tracks for students aged 11 to 24 years old, the long term vision is to continuously guide students from one track to another, and to be expanded to offer complementary training from kindergarten to university.  The curriculum has three foundations: technology, citizenship, and communication. They were designed to prepare the student to actively participate in the knowledge economy, which demands skills that are not part of the Brazilian education system.  Beyond just technical skills, the fundamental element important is the ability to work well with people. Developing autonomy, communication and teamwork for working in a creative and dynamic environment demands emotional intelligence, awareness and self-confidence. These are elements that form the foundation of leadership, explicitly developed and improved by CEOs and executives, but typically ignored in other contexts. Creating an inclusive knowledge economy that is not insular and elitist requires developing these elements in all individuals as part of the educational system. This means creating a society of leaders. The full development of a knowledge economy also requires a society with functioning institutions and high levels of interpersonal trust. In Brazil these elements are still fraught and often absent. The country has institutions that are an important foundation but are still young and fragile. It is necessary to change Brazil's pervasive culture of corruption. This culture manifests itself through a generalized mindset of trying to get ahead of others, usually by skirting the rules or disregarding what is public and common. It is necessary to inculcate civic mindedness into every Brazilian, and a genuine regard for everything that is common, shared and public.  When implemented on a national scale, Pode Crer will be paving the way in Brazil for the creation of a society of leaders with an inclusive knowledge economy - something that still does not truly exist anywhere in the world. The creation of an inclusive knowledge economy is the only sustainable way of closing the great social gaps in Brazil. In an economy where everyone actually participates, it is not necessary to permanently resort to assistance programs or income redistribution.  Current plans: Creating 5 Social Innovation Centers The plan for the growth of Pode Crer in the near future is the creation of multiple Social Innovation Centers throughout the greater Florianópolis region, in communities where the Vilson Groh Institute operates. These centers will be structures built close to partner educational organizations that have already implemented or will implement Pode Crer educational tracks.    The first center will be built in the community of Monte Serrat.. It will be built on land given over for 30 years, alongside a partner school. It will have an amphitheater for events, an interactive library, a coworking space, a music studio, a maker space, classrooms and computer labs. Its construction is budgeted at 6 million reais (1.2M USD). About 20% of the resources for its construction are already secured.  After Monte Serrat neighborhood the next two centers will be built in the Monte Cristo neighborhood in Florianópolis and at Ponte do Imaruim in Palhoça. The first is home to CEDEP (, a popular and experimental education center that has 30 years of experience with complementary education. CEDEP carries out innovative educational experiments with vulnerable youth based on the philosophy of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire. The second location is home to the AJPII elementary school (, where the Pode Crer track 1 pilot takes place (11 -13 years).  Location and proposed design of the first social innovation center in the community of Monte Serrtat in Florianópolis, Brazil.  If you were given $500M what would you do?  With $500M we would have a 25x more ambitious 10-year plan: Instead of 5, we would create 125 social innovation centers in marginalized communities (favelas) across Brazil. These centers will be hubs for Pode Crer, our new complementary education program created to prepare vulnerable and marginalized youth for the knowledge economy. Pode Crer launched in 2021 and currently serves 300 students across two communities aged 11-24, being free and open to all.  Pode Crer is a new educational approach tailored to Brazilian reality that blends civics, technology and leadership, equipping youth with technical and socio-emotional skills to participate in the knowledge economy. It is based on over 40 years of experience working with marginalized communities across 8 educational organizations reaching 6000 students.  Because Pode Crer is a complementary education program (running in the opposite shift to schools) it is free of constraints of the Brazilian school system. We can innovate and iterate rapidly.  The first center will open in 2023. Each center costs $1M to build and $500k per year to operate in full. A center can serve 600 Pode Crer students and reaches about 5000 community members. Each center is planned to be staffed by 12 educators and 8 support staff.  We have the institutional capacity to operate and grow Pode Crer. We are bottlenecked by fundraising. We are confident that if we have the money we can train and grow our team of educators by 50% each year. With $5M we could have these 5 centers built and operational by 2027. With $500M we would aim to create and operate 125 centers across Brazil by 2033. Instead of just the ​​Florianópolis region, we would like to influence educational policy and reshape education in Brazil.  We are talking with the Stanford University “Lemann Center for Educational Entrepreneurship Innovation in Brazil” to create studies about Pode Crer. Our goal is to put out rigorous studies to guide policy and pave the way to grow across Brazil.  The city of Medellin in Colombia has a successful “smart city” experience that informs our vision. Since the 1990s over different governments they were able to drastically reduce violence and improve life quality by re-urbanization and creating community centers in strategic locations. There are two main differences: First, our approach starts from a focus on lifelong education, while in Medellin it started from a re-urbanization plan. Second: In Medellin action started from the city government and engaged civil society, while we are starting from civil society and engaging multiple city governments.  Crucial partners we need to engage are local governments. We have deep ties with civil society in the Florianópolis region, and we work with 3 other different city governments. We believe that cities across Brazil will be receptive to our experience. Investment in our programs can be done in tranches. If we receive $5M today in a few years we will have multiple centers operating and conclusive results to support further investment in 3-4 years.  If Pode Crer was ultimately successful and fully implemented, how would the world be different?  If we truly succeed, then every one of the 50 million youth in Brazil aged 18 and under will have access to lifelong complementary education shaped after the Pode Crer approach. That means education tailored to their local realities, that teaches a civic mindset, and to equip them with the technical and socio-emotional skills needed to thrive in the knowledge economy.  We have a long term vision of lifelong education, and want to support people from birth to adult age. We are looking beyond the 10 year plan outlined for the $500M, which would reach  an estimated 75k Pode Crer students and 625k people across the 125 social innovation centers. A 25 year horizon would be more coherent with the scale of our vision. To have such a broad impact we need to influence education policy at the city, state and national level in Brazil. We believe we can do that in two ways. First by publishing rigorous academic studies that show to policy makers the efficacy of our educational approach and enabling evidence-based policy making - we are already talking with the Lemann Center at Stanford to create such rigorous studies.  Second, by having each social innovation center serve as a reference for how to implement the program and adapt it to a new community, and as a hub for training educators and program managers. We believe that as soon as the first center is completed in 2023 this will happen, and we will be ready to assist organizations outside our network on how to implement our approach.  If we truly achieve our vision, then we will have an integrated society, city center and urban periphery will not be segregated and stigmatized. We will have broken with the vicious cycle of obscene urban exclusion that occurs in Brazil. We will have achieved this by creating an inclusive knowledge economy in Brazil. That is to say, a society in which every individual in working age is able to participate in the knowledge economy. Currently this doesn’t exist in any country yet, because participation in the knowledge economy requires significant training that only relatively few elite workers have, making their labor extremely valuable. This inequality in training leads to significant social and economic inequality, as is becoming more evident every day across the US and in particular in Silicon Valley, where technology workers command salaries far higher than any other industry.  In his book “​​The Knowledge Economy”, Harvard Brazilian scholar Roberto Mangabeira Unger describes the knowledge economy as insular and exclusive, and he advocates for a new kind of educational system in Brazil geared towards enfranchising people to participate in it. We believe Pode Crer is exactly that, and we are working every day to consolidate and grow the program.  If we succeed then rather than be marginalized, every community in Brazil will be empowered  to solve their own problems, and be able to leverage modern technology. Instead of squandering youth to drug trafficking and violence with no human development, we will create a society of leaders with a civic mindset and an understanding of the powerful technologies they have at their disposal to improve the world. This will start with local communities, but it will grow: these empowered leaders will become more and more active participants in society, from companies to civic organizations to local, state and national governments. That kind of civic engagement is what Brazil needs and what we wish to foster through lifelong education with a long term vision.  We expect that our experience will serve as a template for other countries. The world would be different because through education and opportunity, underprivileged communities would be the protagonist of their rise from misery and poverty. Not big companies, not governments, but individuals themselves will have the sense of agency, the confidence, and the skills to do so.  What bottlenecks is keeping us from quickly scaling Pode Crer? Immediate funding needs: USD 250k to guarantee operations for 2023 Because of the election year, there is very high uncertainty that we will be able to secure funds from CAIXA, the federal bank that funded Pode Crer in 2021 and 2022 with 1M BRL ($200k). Going beyond the minimum: scalable growth with social innovation centers Pode Crer was designed for scalable growth, with plans to create 5 social innovation centers to serve as hubs of the program in communities where the Vilson Groh Institute already operates. Each center is designed to serve up to 1000 Pode Crer students and reach 20.000 people. A center costs $1.2M to build and $300k/year to operate in full with 12 staff, and features a maker space, computer labs, classrooms and workshops, auditorium, library, co-working spaces and social spaces.  To make things happen faster, the strategy is to raise private money to build the first centers quickly while securing government support for ongoing operational costs. If money is secured the first center can be made operational in 2023. Operating Budget - currently $250k/year for 300 youth The 2022 implementation is supported by a team of 21 people, including educators, social workers, pedagogues and administrators. The budget for 2022 is R$1.2M (250k USD). Today Pode Crer is implemented as two weekly meetings in the morning or in the afternoon, in classes of up to 25 students who have classes and workshops on two topics a day.  The primary bottleneck for immediately scaling Pode Crer is money, the 2022 budget is $250k and the program runs two days a week with 300 students total. Because we are only able to hire the educators as part-time staff, we could readily double the capacity of the program if we had twice the money ($500k) and reach 600 students total. In the current two-day-a-week format, a team of 4 educators working full-time could serve 400 students on each educational track. To offer the program 5 days a week to 400 students, a team of 8 educators would be required. Currently, the two biggest limitations for the Program are financial resources to hire the entire team as full-time staff (many can only be paid part time), and physical space for the program's activities. It is possible to double the reach of the program with the current team and twice the financial resources, with an yearly operating budget of R$2.4M (about 500k USD). Student support scholarships ($40/mo) Another challenge that we face is keeping students in class and getting some families to not pressure students to leave class to seek work, which is common with the vulnerable students from marginalized communities. Students on tracks 2 and 3 receive an allowance of R$200 (USD 40) per month during the program. This allowance is fundamental to incentivize them and their families to focus on studies rather than procuring work to supplement family income.  Physical space and locations The secondary bottleneck is location and physical space, getting to the classroom is challenging for many students, even with financial support for transport that we offer. Currently, Pode Crer is implemented in two locations due to the availability of spaces in two partner organizations and 3 educational tracks for ages 11-13 (track 1), 14-17 (track 2) and 18-24 (track 3). Tracks 2 and 3 are implemented in the city of Florianópolis and track 1 in the city of Palhoça. They serve very different communities and audiences, with different cultures. This creates a challenge for the consolidation of Pode Crer, as it is necessary to ensure coherence in the implementation of the program at each pole. But it also creates a huge opportunity for the developed methodology to be extremely robust. If all trails can be successfully implemented in two locations with distinct communities and cultures, this suggests that the implementation will be robust in new locations and cultures.  To address the space and transport issues we want to build the first social innovation center in the heart of the community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis where we have worked for many decades. It will provide high quality teaching spaces, technology labs, a library, makerspace, co-working space and socialization areas. As we expand the program we want to learn from this center to improve the design and implementation of the next ones. With more space and resources it will be possible to offer optional activities on the other 3 days of the week. Immediate possibilities that we would like to implement are focused workshops on technology, sports, culture, and to develop communication and leadership skills in smaller groups.  Team growth Finally, in order to truly scale, we will face the challenge of training and developing our team of educators. Currently we have hundreds of educators and staff in the organizations, and the 2022 implementation of Pode Crer supported by a team of 21 people, educators, social workers, pedagogues and administrators. We are very confident that we have the capacity to grow the team of educators by 50% each year, which would be sufficient to realize the vision of 125 centers with 12 educators and 8 support staff in each by 2033. We have the capacity to select good people, and train them in our educational approach, and to make them effective educators in the challenging contexts of Brazilian marginalized communities. What we need are a modicum of resources to make this vision happen even faster. If we receive $5M today in a few years we will have multiple centers operating and conclusive results to support further investment in 3-4 years.  --------------------------------------------- The story of Vilson Groh --------------------------------------------- Vilson Groh is a Catholic priest who in 1979 moved to the marginalized community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis and devoted his life to enfranchising marginalized communities, using lifelong education and advocacy to bridge pervasive urban exclusion. This work continues today: now 68, living in the same place in Monte Serrat and still going strong, Vilson continues to use the respect, goodwill and convening power he earned over a lifetime of work dedicated to others to advance social justice through education and community. Vilson was born and raised in Brusque, a city founded by German immigrants in 1860 in the state of Santa Catarina. He came to Florianópolis in 1978 to pursue graduate studies at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Soon after Vilson moved to the marginalized community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis, which back then had no running water, sewage, paved roads, electricity or any kind of service. It was the quintessential favela, a Brazilian shantytown growing uphill without any kind of government oversight or regard, with rampant crime, violence and drug trafficking  Vilson devoted his life to enfranchising marginalized communities, using lifelong education and advocacy to bridge pervasive urban exclusion, and this work continues today. For decades Vilson lived like the poorest, in a wooden hut, like most people around him. For that to change it took his mother demanding that he live with a modicum of dignity when many around him had brick and mortar houses, she refused to visit him for a year. He finally upscaled into a humble two bedroom brick and mortar house built by the community in that spot, where Vilson continues to live today.  Every day Vilson uses the respect, goodwill and convening power he earned over a lifetime of work dedicated to others to advance social justice through education, community and helping literally everyone in need. --------------------------------------------- The Vilson Groh Network --------------------------------------------- Through Vilson Groh’s leadership and that of many others, small projects have flourished and became reference organizations in communities. As time went on other organizations joined the movement, and the Vilson Groh Institute was founded in 2011, to strengthen the actions of these organizations already under the leadership of Vilson Groh. It should be highlighted that all of this work is performed in violent and marginalized communities in an extremely challenging educational context: students are initially violent, aloof, brute, emotionally undeveloped, and often going hungry. This network approach only works because every educator, volunteer and supporter is sensible and deeply aware of the realities in each community, and the Institute is extremely good at training educators. The network works through a holistic approach and engage with everyone involved: students, parents, families and the community, meeting social reality, constantly reassessing it and adjusting our approach. Today the organizations that compose the Vilson Groh Network are: == CEDEP (Center for Popular Education) - an experimental community educational organization created from scratch based on Paulo Freire’s philosophy complementary education for 600 youth and continuing education for adults == AJPII (John Paul II association) - a school for children an and adolescent education where track 1 of Pode Crer is executed == MESLM (Marist School Lucia Mayvorne) - free full time education for about 500 children and adolescents == MESSJ (Marist School São José) - free full time education for about 1000 children and adolescents == CCEA (Slave Anastácia Cultural Center) - cultural activities, support for children and youth, and tracks 2 and 3 of the Pode Crer program == ACAM (Mocotó Hill Children Friends Association) - youth education and shelter for children and adolescents in vulnerable families == AGB (Friends of Guinea-Bissau) - runs bilateral education programs for elementary and high school, as well as teacher trainings in Guinea-Bissau == IVG (The Vilson Groh Institute itself) - runs university preparation program, the Pode Crer program, multiple family and community support programs   Further detailed information about the impact of each of these organizations, check the Institute 2021 social impact report and reports from other years in the institute’s social reports page --------------------------------------------- Personal statement --------------------------------------------- Personal Statement from Eduardo da Veiga Beltrame - - I have been a very strong supporter of Pode Crer from the start, being in close contact with the Vilson Groh Institute leadership, and with over $120k donations of my own money (most of my wealth). I donated most of my would-be salary, money from a house sale in Brazil, and gave them computers, equipment, 3D printers and robotics kits. In 2022 I did a 5 week deep dive across all organizations of the Vilson Groh Institute, I talked to all the teachers, students, staff, community members, and spent a lot of time with the leaders of each organization. I also gave several 3D printing workshops to teachers and students, to make sure I understood day to day reality.  I believe Pode Crer offers a template for the future of education in Brazil and Latin America. I am extremely confident in their exceptional institutional management and in their ability to operationalize programs and train and grow teams of educators. The Vilson Groh Institute is the right institution to spearhead this change, to iterate and refine such an ambitious program, and to work with cities and governments to implement what works as public policy.",2022-09-06T01:50:17.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7603,True,True,0x6Dbd02e2CD85A443318ebEd00aeeDB0fd09ee86e,Pode Crer: Tech education for marginalized youth,,"This grant will fund scholarships of $45/mo (200 brazilian reais per month) to support 200 Brazilian youth from marginalized communities studying in the Pode Crer project of technology education. Pode Crer is already running until December 2022. Pode Crer is free, but many of the students come from very poor families and face a dilemma between studying and working to help their families - $45 is extremely impactful and helps keep students in the program until completion.  What is the Pode Crer program? Pode Crer (name after a portuguese expression that literally translates to ""one can believe"" but on daily use means something like ""right on!"") is a new technology and leadership education program tailored to bring youth from Brazilian marginalized communities into the knowledge economy. It is conceived and executed by the Vilson Groh Institute, an organization with a 40-year history of grassroots work focused in education, creating opportunity, promoting inclusion in the challenging social context of Brazilian marginalized communities. Today the Vilson Groh Institute supports a network of 8 educational and social organizations that reaches 6000 students and supports 20000 people. Pode Crer is the synthesis of these 40 years of experience into a scalable educational methodology. Pode Crer has an innovative integrative educational approach that blends technology, citizenship, communication and leadership skills.  In 2021 the program ran with 320 participants, and in 2022 with 300 participants across three educational tracks for ages 11-14, 14-18 and 18+. Over the next years the Vilson Groh Institute envisions building five Social Innovation Centers across marginalized communities in the greater Florianópolis region. These will serve as hubs for consolidation and expansion of the Pode Crer program, and as laboratories for incubation of social projects and experimentation. Pode Crer 2021 Impact  320 students participated in the 2021 iteration of Pode Crer. Of 200 students aged 14+, over 66 got job opportunities, 37 of them in technology, and 7 students were admitted to public universities. In marginalized communities this kind of impact is life changing - many participants never used a computer before. These are youth whose default career path would be to join drug trafficking, or at best low paying unskilled jobs. We are in talks with a Brazilian researcher from J-PAL (Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab) interested in doing rigorous impact evaluation and writing an academic study that will inform public policy in Brazil and the world.  If excess funds are raised, they will be directed for the 2023 implementation of Pode Crer, which is budgeted  at USD 250k (BRL 1.2M) but currently faces funding uncertainty due to the elections in Brazil. If more than USD 250k are raised, the excess funds will be directed towards the construction of the first social innovation center, which is budgeted at USD 1.2M (BRL 6M). If even more is raised, we will continue building social innovation centers, we already have the location for the first 5 selected. Other ways to support You can learn more in English about the Vilson Groh Institute and Pode Crer at  and in Portuguese at To make a tax deductible donation in USD with a credit card, you can use the designated fund we created together with the BrazilFoundation, an American 501(c)3 To make a donation in Brazilian reais you can use the Portuguese website donation page: If you make a donation, please email Eduardo at or tweet @podecrerproject This GitCoin grant is managed by Eduardo da Veiga Beltrame ( on behalf of the Vilson Groh Institute ( Below, photos of the 2021 and 2022 iterations of the Pode Crer project together with student testimonials and additional information on the Vilson Groh Institute’s history and vision. ----------------------------------------- Track 1, ages 11-4 ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Tracks 2 and 3, ages 14+ --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Student stories from the 2021 Pode Crer pilot iteration ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Appendix Vision, history and leadership --------------------------------------------- The Pode Crer Vision  We want to break the cycle of urban misery, violence and deliberate exclusion in Brazil through Pode Crer, an innovative complementary education targeting vulnerable youth, and to provide an example that can be replicated across the country and other developing nations. Pode Crer is conceived and executed by the Vilson Groh Institute, a Brazilian nonprofit with a 40-year history that coordinates and supports a network of eight schools, educational centers and social organizations in the Greater Florianópolis region that reaches 6000 students and impacts over 20000 people. The institute’s focus is on social justice and uplifting marginalized communities in Brazil through education. Pode Crer is a new complementary education program and methodology created to shape the future of Brazilian education and society. It aims to prepare students to be engaged leaders in society and active participants in the knowledge economy. Pode Crer implements a new educational approach and curriculum that blends technology, citizenship and communication. It is underpinned by the development of leadership skills in students, tested in the challenging social context of Brazilian marginalized communities, where the program is implemented.  Pode Crer currently takes place in the city of Florianópolis, in the south of Brazil. Is divided into three educational tracks for ages 11-13, 14-17 and 18-24. The pilot program took place in 2021 with 320 young people in a hybrid format. In May 2022, its second iteration began, in a fully face-to-face format, with 300 young people, some of whom participated in 2021. Pode Crer is free and open for all. The long-term vision of Pode Crer is to provide complementary education from birth to university age. To enable this vision and to serve as hubs for the implementation and growth of Pode Crer, five Social Innovation Centers will be created across the greater Florianópolis region in locations close to partner organizations. These centers will have state-of-the-art infrastructure to offer all the educational tracks of Pode Crer continuously. The first center is planned to open by 2023 in the community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis, where Vilson Groh lives, and to completely reinvent the community's image. It will feature a maker space, computer labs, classrooms and workshops, auditorium, library, co-working spaces and social spaces. About the Vilson Groh Institute Pode Crer is conceived and executed by the Vilson Groh Institute,  a Brazilian nonprofit that  coordinates and supports a network of eight schools, educational centers and social organizations in the Greater Florianópolis region. The institute’s focus is on social justice and uplifting marginalized communities in Brazil through education. The Institute and its partner organizations have a long history of success creating new educational programs serving marginalized communities and vulnerable populations in the most challenging situations in Brazil, in the midst of urban misery and violence. Because of this long experience and its institutional management capacity, the Vilson Groh Institute and its partner organizations are in a unique position to create, operationalize, and refine bold new educational initiatives for Brazil.  This network of organizations was built over 40 years of work by Vilson Groh and many other engaged individuals in marginalized and impoverished communities. At the age of 22 Vilson moved to the community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis and never left. Now 68 years old and going strong, Vilson Groh’s vision and passion have blossomed into a network coordinating about 400 volunteers from all social classes. Their primary focus is on education and creating opportunities for young people in vulnerable situations.  I Summary of impact the past 10 years In addition to Pode Crer, the Vilson Groh Institute operates several other social programs that are primarily focused on youth, education, culture, community support, and family support. They reach deep into very violent communities and over years have radically changed and improved the lives of many people heavily involved with drug trafficking, violence, dysfunctional families, and lack of social and economic opportunities == An average of 4800 people took part in the institute’s programs each year == Over 7M meals offered == About $110 mean monthly investment per children in school programs == 1500 children current enrolled in full time education across partner organizations == 1000 children currently enrolled in part time education across partner organizations == 2200 families supported per year == An average of 300 volunteers each year == 225 university scholarships were provided == 450 people admitted to university after preparation courses == 2100 youth got their first job after training Social impact reports (in Portuguese) with detailed numbers between 2013 to 2021 are available at The big picture problem We want to break the cycle of urban misery, violence and deliberate exclusion in Brazil through an innovative complementary education targeting vulnerable youth, and to provide an example that can be replicated across the country and serve as an example for other nations.  Global urban misery, violence, subhuman living conditions and extreme inequality was caused by growing population coupled with fast and disorganized urbanization in the developing world over the past 100 years: The fraction of global urban population went from 15% to 60%, and global population went from 1.9B to 7.8B people.  Brazil is one of the most unequal countries in the world, and one of the most extreme cases of rapid and completely disorganized urbanization: total population went from 30M to 212M, and urban population from 15% to 85%, with 40 times more people living in cities today than 100 years ago.  The thorny problem of urban misery interwoven with violence and extreme inequality is most emblematically represented by the images of the favelas of Rio de Janeiro amid the backdrop of luxury condos, but the dynamic is consistently repeated across every major city in Brazil. We have a scalable program,Pode Crer, now in its second pilot year, that achieves this by equipping youth with technical and socio-emotional skills to participate in the knowledge economy, and we have the capacity to scale it: across 8 organizations in our network we have over 40 years of experience and dozens of educational programs that reach over 6000 students and impact 20,000 people in communities across the greater Florianópolis region in Brazil.  Creating an inclusive knowledge economy and a society of leaders The Pode Crer program and methodology aims at nothing less than reinventing basic education in Brazil, and consequently the future of the country's human development. The strategy is to begin this transformation through complementary education, where it is possible to innovate, iterate and be bold. Pode Crer operates in the opposite period to the public school system (in Brazil classes happen in mornings or afternoons only) and is therefore free from many of the shackles of the education system. Pode Crer develops fundamental elements that are absent in the public education system and aims to become such a shining example of success that other educational organizations will copy it, and eventually shape the public education system itself.  While Pode Crer is currently implemented in three educational tracks for students aged 11 to 24 years old, the long term vision is to continuously guide students from one track to another, and to be expanded to offer complementary training from kindergarten to university.  The curriculum has three foundations: technology, citizenship, and communication. They were designed to prepare the student to actively participate in the knowledge economy, which demands skills that are not part of the Brazilian education system.  Beyond just technical skills, the fundamental element important is the ability to work well with people. Developing autonomy, communication and teamwork for working in a creative and dynamic environment demands emotional intelligence, awareness and self-confidence. These are elements that form the foundation of leadership, explicitly developed and improved by CEOs and executives, but typically ignored in other contexts. Creating an inclusive knowledge economy that is not insular and elitist requires developing these elements in all individuals as part of the educational system. This means creating a society of leaders. The full development of a knowledge economy also requires a society with functioning institutions and high levels of interpersonal trust. In Brazil these elements are still fraught and often absent. The country has institutions that are an important foundation but are still young and fragile. It is necessary to change Brazil's pervasive culture of corruption. This culture manifests itself through a generalized mindset of trying to get ahead of others, usually by skirting the rules or disregarding what is public and common. It is necessary to inculcate civic mindedness into every Brazilian, and a genuine regard for everything that is common, shared and public.  When implemented on a national scale, Pode Crer will be paving the way in Brazil for the creation of a society of leaders with an inclusive knowledge economy - something that still does not truly exist anywhere in the world. The creation of an inclusive knowledge economy is the only sustainable way of closing the great social gaps in Brazil. In an economy where everyone actually participates, it is not necessary to permanently resort to assistance programs or income redistribution.  Current plans: Creating 5 Social Innovation Centers The plan for the growth of Pode Crer in the near future is the creation of multiple Social Innovation Centers throughout the greater Florianópolis region, in communities where the Vilson Groh Institute operates. These centers will be structures built close to partner educational organizations that have already implemented or will implement Pode Crer educational tracks.    The first center will be built in the community of Monte Serrat.. It will be built on land given over for 30 years, alongside a partner school. It will have an amphitheater for events, an interactive library, a coworking space, a music studio, a maker space, classrooms and computer labs. Its construction is budgeted at 6 million reais (1.2M USD). About 20% of the resources for its construction are already secured.  After Monte Serrat neighborhood the next two centers will be built in the Monte Cristo neighborhood in Florianópolis and at Ponte do Imaruim in Palhoça. The first is home to CEDEP (, a popular and experimental education center that has 30 years of experience with complementary education. CEDEP carries out innovative educational experiments with vulnerable youth based on the philosophy of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire. The second location is home to the AJPII elementary school (, where the Pode Crer track 1 pilot takes place (11 -13 years).  Location and proposed design of the first social innovation center in the community of Monte Serrtat in Florianópolis, Brazil.  If you were given $500M what would you do?  With $500M we would have a 25x more ambitious 10-year plan: Instead of 5, we would create 125 social innovation centers in marginalized communities (favelas) across Brazil. These centers will be hubs for Pode Crer, our new complementary education program created to prepare vulnerable and marginalized youth for the knowledge economy. Pode Crer launched in 2021 and currently serves 300 students across two communities aged 11-24, being free and open to all.  Pode Crer is a new educational approach tailored to Brazilian reality that blends civics, technology and leadership, equipping youth with technical and socio-emotional skills to participate in the knowledge economy. It is based on over 40 years of experience working with marginalized communities across 8 educational organizations reaching 6000 students.  Because Pode Crer is a complementary education program (running in the opposite shift to schools) it is free of constraints of the Brazilian school system. We can innovate and iterate rapidly.  The first center will open in 2023. Each center costs $1M to build and $500k per year to operate in full. A center can serve 600 Pode Crer students and reaches about 5000 community members. Each center is planned to be staffed by 12 educators and 8 support staff.  We have the institutional capacity to operate and grow Pode Crer. We are bottlenecked by fundraising. We are confident that if we have the money we can train and grow our team of educators by 50% each year. With $5M we could have these 5 centers built and operational by 2027. With $500M we would aim to create and operate 125 centers across Brazil by 2033. Instead of just the ​​Florianópolis region, we would like to influence educational policy and reshape education in Brazil.  We are talking with the Stanford University “Lemann Center for Educational Entrepreneurship Innovation in Brazil” to create studies about Pode Crer. Our goal is to put out rigorous studies to guide policy and pave the way to grow across Brazil.  The city of Medellin in Colombia has a successful “smart city” experience that informs our vision. Since the 1990s over different governments they were able to drastically reduce violence and improve life quality by re-urbanization and creating community centers in strategic locations. There are two main differences: First, our approach starts from a focus on lifelong education, while in Medellin it started from a re-urbanization plan. Second: In Medellin action started from the city government and engaged civil society, while we are starting from civil society and engaging multiple city governments.  Crucial partners we need to engage are local governments. We have deep ties with civil society in the Florianópolis region, and we work with 3 other different city governments. We believe that cities across Brazil will be receptive to our experience. Investment in our programs can be done in tranches. If we receive $5M today in a few years we will have multiple centers operating and conclusive results to support further investment in 3-4 years.  If Pode Crer was ultimately successful and fully implemented, how would the world be different?  If we truly succeed, then every one of the 50 million youth in Brazil aged 18 and under will have access to lifelong complementary education shaped after the Pode Crer approach. That means education tailored to their local realities, that teaches a civic mindset, and to equip them with the technical and socio-emotional skills needed to thrive in the knowledge economy.  We have a long term vision of lifelong education, and want to support people from birth to adult age. We are looking beyond the 10 year plan outlined for the $500M, which would reach  an estimated 75k Pode Crer students and 625k people across the 125 social innovation centers. A 25 year horizon would be more coherent with the scale of our vision. To have such a broad impact we need to influence education policy at the city, state and national level in Brazil. We believe we can do that in two ways. First by publishing rigorous academic studies that show to policy makers the efficacy of our educational approach and enabling evidence-based policy making - we are already talking with the Lemann Center at Stanford to create such rigorous studies.  Second, by having each social innovation center serve as a reference for how to implement the program and adapt it to a new community, and as a hub for training educators and program managers. We believe that as soon as the first center is completed in 2023 this will happen, and we will be ready to assist organizations outside our network on how to implement our approach.  If we truly achieve our vision, then we will have an integrated society, city center and urban periphery will not be segregated and stigmatized. We will have broken with the vicious cycle of obscene urban exclusion that occurs in Brazil. We will have achieved this by creating an inclusive knowledge economy in Brazil. That is to say, a society in which every individual in working age is able to participate in the knowledge economy. Currently this doesn’t exist in any country yet, because participation in the knowledge economy requires significant training that only relatively few elite workers have, making their labor extremely valuable. This inequality in training leads to significant social and economic inequality, as is becoming more evident every day across the US and in particular in Silicon Valley, where technology workers command salaries far higher than any other industry.  In his book “​​The Knowledge Economy”, Harvard Brazilian scholar Roberto Mangabeira Unger describes the knowledge economy as insular and exclusive, and he advocates for a new kind of educational system in Brazil geared towards enfranchising people to participate in it. We believe Pode Crer is exactly that, and we are working every day to consolidate and grow the program.  If we succeed then rather than be marginalized, every community in Brazil will be empowered  to solve their own problems, and be able to leverage modern technology. Instead of squandering youth to drug trafficking and violence with no human development, we will create a society of leaders with a civic mindset and an understanding of the powerful technologies they have at their disposal to improve the world. This will start with local communities, but it will grow: these empowered leaders will become more and more active participants in society, from companies to civic organizations to local, state and national governments. That kind of civic engagement is what Brazil needs and what we wish to foster through lifelong education with a long term vision.  We expect that our experience will serve as a template for other countries. The world would be different because through education and opportunity, underprivileged communities would be the protagonist of their rise from misery and poverty. Not big companies, not governments, but individuals themselves will have the sense of agency, the confidence, and the skills to do so.  What bottlenecks is keeping us from quickly scaling Pode Crer? Immediate funding needs: USD 250k to guarantee operations for 2023 Because of the election year, there is very high uncertainty that we will be able to secure funds from CAIXA, the federal bank that funded Pode Crer in 2021 and 2022 with 1M BRL ($200k). Going beyond the minimum: scalable growth with social innovation centers Pode Crer was designed for scalable growth, with plans to create 5 social innovation centers to serve as hubs of the program in communities where the Vilson Groh Institute already operates. Each center is designed to serve up to 1000 Pode Crer students and reach 20.000 people. A center costs $1.2M to build and $300k/year to operate in full with 12 staff, and features a maker space, computer labs, classrooms and workshops, auditorium, library, co-working spaces and social spaces.  To make things happen faster, the strategy is to raise private money to build the first centers quickly while securing government support for ongoing operational costs. If money is secured the first center can be made operational in 2023. Operating Budget - currently $250k/year for 300 youth The 2022 implementation is supported by a team of 21 people, including educators, social workers, pedagogues and administrators. The budget for 2022 is R$1.2M (250k USD). Today Pode Crer is implemented as two weekly meetings in the morning or in the afternoon, in classes of up to 25 students who have classes and workshops on two topics a day.  The primary bottleneck for immediately scaling Pode Crer is money, the 2022 budget is $250k and the program runs two days a week with 300 students total. Because we are only able to hire the educators as part-time staff, we could readily double the capacity of the program if we had twice the money ($500k) and reach 600 students total. In the current two-day-a-week format, a team of 4 educators working full-time could serve 400 students on each educational track. To offer the program 5 days a week to 400 students, a team of 8 educators would be required. Currently, the two biggest limitations for the Program are financial resources to hire the entire team as full-time staff (many can only be paid part time), and physical space for the program's activities. It is possible to double the reach of the program with the current team and twice the financial resources, with an yearly operating budget of R$2.4M (about 500k USD). Student support scholarships ($40/mo) Another challenge that we face is keeping students in class and getting some families to not pressure students to leave class to seek work, which is common with the vulnerable students from marginalized communities. Students on tracks 2 and 3 receive an allowance of R$200 (USD 40) per month during the program. This allowance is fundamental to incentivize them and their families to focus on studies rather than procuring work to supplement family income.  Physical space and locations The secondary bottleneck is location and physical space, getting to the classroom is challenging for many students, even with financial support for transport that we offer. Currently, Pode Crer is implemented in two locations due to the availability of spaces in two partner organizations and 3 educational tracks for ages 11-13 (track 1), 14-17 (track 2) and 18-24 (track 3). Tracks 2 and 3 are implemented in the city of Florianópolis and track 1 in the city of Palhoça. They serve very different communities and audiences, with different cultures. This creates a challenge for the consolidation of Pode Crer, as it is necessary to ensure coherence in the implementation of the program at each pole. But it also creates a huge opportunity for the developed methodology to be extremely robust. If all trails can be successfully implemented in two locations with distinct communities and cultures, this suggests that the implementation will be robust in new locations and cultures.  To address the space and transport issues we want to build the first social innovation center in the heart of the community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis where we have worked for many decades. It will provide high quality teaching spaces, technology labs, a library, makerspace, co-working space and socialization areas. As we expand the program we want to learn from this center to improve the design and implementation of the next ones. With more space and resources it will be possible to offer optional activities on the other 3 days of the week. Immediate possibilities that we would like to implement are focused workshops on technology, sports, culture, and to develop communication and leadership skills in smaller groups.  Team growth Finally, in order to truly scale, we will face the challenge of training and developing our team of educators. Currently we have hundreds of educators and staff in the organizations, and the 2022 implementation of Pode Crer supported by a team of 21 people, educators, social workers, pedagogues and administrators. We are very confident that we have the capacity to grow the team of educators by 50% each year, which would be sufficient to realize the vision of 125 centers with 12 educators and 8 support staff in each by 2033. We have the capacity to select good people, and train them in our educational approach, and to make them effective educators in the challenging contexts of Brazilian marginalized communities. What we need are a modicum of resources to make this vision happen even faster. If we receive $5M today in a few years we will have multiple centers operating and conclusive results to support further investment in 3-4 years.  --------------------------------------------- The story of Vilson Groh --------------------------------------------- Vilson Groh is a Catholic priest who in 1979 moved to the marginalized community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis and devoted his life to enfranchising marginalized communities, using lifelong education and advocacy to bridge pervasive urban exclusion. This work continues today: now 68, living in the same place in Monte Serrat and still going strong, Vilson continues to use the respect, goodwill and convening power he earned over a lifetime of work dedicated to others to advance social justice through education and community. Vilson was born and raised in Brusque, a city founded by German immigrants in 1860 in the state of Santa Catarina. He came to Florianópolis in 1978 to pursue graduate studies at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Soon after Vilson moved to the marginalized community of Monte Serrat in Florianópolis, which back then had no running water, sewage, paved roads, electricity or any kind of service. It was the quintessential favela, a Brazilian shantytown growing uphill without any kind of government oversight or regard, with rampant crime, violence and drug trafficking  Vilson devoted his life to enfranchising marginalized communities, using lifelong education and advocacy to bridge pervasive urban exclusion, and this work continues today. For decades Vilson lived like the poorest, in a wooden hut, like most people around him. For that to change it took his mother demanding that he live with a modicum of dignity when many around him had brick and mortar houses, she refused to visit him for a year. He finally upscaled into a humble two bedroom brick and mortar house built by the community in that spot, where Vilson continues to live today.  Every day Vilson uses the respect, goodwill and convening power he earned over a lifetime of work dedicated to others to advance social justice through education, community and helping literally everyone in need. --------------------------------------------- The Vilson Groh Network --------------------------------------------- Through Vilson Groh’s leadership and that of many others, small projects have flourished and became reference organizations in communities. As time went on other organizations joined the movement, and the Vilson Groh Institute was founded in 2011, to strengthen the actions of these organizations already under the leadership of Vilson Groh. It should be highlighted that all of this work is performed in violent and marginalized communities in an extremely challenging educational context: students are initially violent, aloof, brute, emotionally undeveloped, and often going hungry. This network approach only works because every educator, volunteer and supporter is sensible and deeply aware of the realities in each community, and the Institute is extremely good at training educators. The network works through a holistic approach and engage with everyone involved: students, parents, families and the community, meeting social reality, constantly reassessing it and adjusting our approach. Today the organizations that compose the Vilson Groh Network are: == CEDEP (Center for Popular Education) - an experimental community educational organization created from scratch based on Paulo Freire’s philosophy complementary education for 600 youth and continuing education for adults == AJPII (John Paul II association) - a school for children an and adolescent education where track 1 of Pode Crer is executed == MESLM (Marist School Lucia Mayvorne) - free full time education for about 500 children and adolescents == MESSJ (Marist School São José) - free full time education for about 1000 children and adolescents == CCEA (Slave Anastácia Cultural Center) - cultural activities, support for children and youth, and tracks 2 and 3 of the Pode Crer program == ACAM (Mocotó Hill Children Friends Association) - youth education and shelter for children and adolescents in vulnerable families == AGB (Friends of Guinea-Bissau) - runs bilateral education programs for elementary and high school, as well as teacher trainings in Guinea-Bissau == IVG (The Vilson Groh Institute itself) - runs university preparation program, the Pode Crer program, multiple family and community support programs   Further detailed information about the impact of each of these organizations, check the Institute 2021 social impact report and reports from other years in the institute’s social reports page --------------------------------------------- Personal statement --------------------------------------------- Personal Statement from Eduardo da Veiga Beltrame - - I have been a very strong supporter of Pode Crer from the start, being in close contact with the Vilson Groh Institute leadership, and with over $120k donations of my own money (most of my wealth). I donated most of my would-be salary, money from a house sale in Brazil, and gave them computers, equipment, 3D printers and robotics kits. In 2022 I did a 5 week deep dive across all organizations of the Vilson Groh Institute, I talked to all the teachers, students, staff, community members, and spent a lot of time with the leaders of each organization. I also gave several 3D printing workshops to teachers and students, to make sure I understood day to day reality.  I believe Pode Crer offers a template for the future of education in Brazil and Latin America. I am extremely confident in their exceptional institutional management and in their ability to operationalize programs and train and grow teams of educators. The Vilson Groh Institute is the right institution to spearhead this change, to iterate and refine such an ambitious program, and to work with cities and governments to implement what works as public policy.",2022-09-06T01:50:17.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7604,True,True,0x0a1A7829C8300739A125cF41eE39255d1806663D,"Ceres-We already have 250,000 address data",,"Background Ceres, the infrastructure of the Decentralized Credit System (DCS). The goal of Ceres is to construct the cornerstone of the future Web3 DeSoc (Decentralized Society), through a more comprehensive and fully open-source DCS. Ceres now has 250,000 users already, since we launched Oracle Protocol V1 in April 2022. And we plan to reach 2,000,000 till Q2 2023. We will lanch credit model then. It would be the first trusted decentralized credit system, which not only valuate and estimate from on-chain address historial data, but also count on address-network data. Ceres Solves 1#Ceres Oracle Protocol Ceres scores credit through its open-source Oracle Protocol, from which users’ discounted cash flow (DCF) - a crucial part of one's DCS, can be efficiently and accurately analyzed and estimated. DID System: Enrich the on-chain accounts’ status, and generate a virtuous circle with Ceres Oracle Protocol. 2#On-chain social graph quality and influence index Ceres believes one‘s on-chain social graph quality and influence index are also key aspects evaluated in future Web3 DCS, therefore we enable a series of open-sourced smart contracts for users/ DApps/ DAOs to customize, and easily unlock one’s greater influence We don't collect any sensitive information and it's difficult to store those in smart contracts Ceres and Ceres' team doesn't have access to moderate your credit scoring, everything in your on-chain credit scoring is public and you are responsible for it Tech Stack 1#Oracle Logic diagram 2#Decentralized Credit System Highlights Openness Open-source nature DApps/developers are able to collect and extract a substantially broad and deep dataset from Ceres Oracle. High-decoupling Ceres Oracle is designed high-decoupling with other smart contracts: they could develop/ upgrade independently, and meanwhile still have the composability. Distributed Credit Risk Modeling With our transparent and decentralized approach to credit risk modeling, credit scores can be democratized in many ways Native censorship resistance.   Highly Programmable Ceres Oracle Protocol with a decentralized credit system is compatible and usable in Web3 multi-chain credit scoring scenarios. Features For Users/ KOLS Earn extra income from interacting and inviting others, build their monetized social graph accordingly Manage fans, customized entry thresholds with Ceres smart contract, and easily set sharing commission For DApps/ DAOs Find a suitable and valid dataset through Ceres Oracle to run airdrops and incentives, so as to improve efficiency and reduce marketing costs, especially in their cold-start phase Managing users/ communities and their on-chain social graph through tools provided in Ceres Oracle Protocol DApps/ DAOs (and members of them) could establish a more comprehensive on-chain financial identity through Ceres For Developers Develop on-chain identity DApps, e.g. encrypted social DApp with Ceres Oracle Protocol, easily obtain, query, and index on-chain (address-based network) data Build the risk management mechanism with Ceres Oracle Protocol Roadmap 2022 Q3: We will be hiring some devs to improve the open-source Oracle Protocol and make use of the Gitcoin funds as bounties to the devs. And we will kickstart the development of the modeling of Ceres’ decentralized Credit System. 2023 Q4: Launch the Ceres DAO and use Ceres DID as governance tokens that can be used to manage our DAO with many groups and subgroups built-in like Ecosystem, Public Goods, Meta governance, etc.  Website: Twitter: ",2022-09-06T03:35:14.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7605,False,False,0xc0f316e58dbb0a203b5b5808adc51a8d39abcda0,InterchainDAO | EVM-based Toolings <> Cosmos SDK + IBC Assets Interoperability,,"Solidity devs, meet the fast growing ecosystem of Cosmos! Governance community culture and participation, frameworks, infrastructure, and the toolings for community governance on Cosmos-based chains are severely lacking. In fact, they are almost non-existent, because of Tendermint's different DPoS consensus mechanism. The standard set of governance tools needed to securely run a chain are already built into Cosmos SDK Understandably there was much more focus on the much-needed delegation and staking tools that are now the hallmark of the growing number of IBC chains. With Evmos (Ethermint roots) mainnet launched on Cosmos, the doors of EVM and Cosmos interoperability has been swung wide open. This project is currently being refactored, but was demonstrated at ETH Seoul 2022 and was a runner-up in the IPFS track. Video demonstration ETH Seoul 2022: Re-opened the repo for now but don't expect it to deploy just yet, stay tuned as I refactor some deps! ",2022-09-06T04:14:31.382-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7606,False,False,0xc992885d22d4e6cDa9CE83a8A52e30247c859dC8,b62 - Turkish blog about #ZeroKnowledge,," is the world’s lightest blog! (The b62’s name comes from the first 3 digits of all Mina wallet addresses.) We create content to help the community, share articles on topics that the community is interested in, provide Turkish translations of news from Mina’s ecosystem, as well as helpful infographics. We are working to create a resource where the Mina Turkey community will find answers to their questions and where they can be informed of developments related to the Mina ecosystem. In addition, the Mina Whale Alert Twitter & Telegram bot which reports large Mina transactions and Mina Turkish trade chat are members of the b62 family. And we are working on introducing other new tools and content to the community on the site soon. WHAT’S NEXT We are working on a ZK Turkish glossary. We are creating some infographic templates for Mina ecosystem projects. We will create some new social media channels for b62. We will start publishing a b62 newsletter soon. 1-) 2-) 3-) 4-) 5-) 6-)",2022-09-06T04:18:19.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7607,True,True,0xe5b06bfd663C94005B8b159Cd320Fd7976549f9b,Team meeting schedule for Web3,,"Do you spend a lot of time scheduling group meetings? Time is our most precious resource, yet the tools to manage it are still frustratingly ill-suited. The likes of Lettucemeet and Doodle require inputting options, sharing manually, chasing people, then finally scheduling reminders and agreeing on a channel. On the other hand, tools like Google Calendar or Calendly were designed for scheduling groups within the same company, groups that share the same email domain and don’t mind making their calendar visible to one another. These Web2 tools might work when you’re a corporate employee but are of little use when half your team is anons or some of you work across multiple DAOs. That’s why we’ve been building a scheduling tool that’s open-source and DAO-contributor-centric. In the first iteration, we create a Calendly-like functionality with privacy protection: no need to give anyone your email, just share your wallet and the tool will create a calendar invite for each of you, with no need to exchange personal data. Recently, we integrated with ENS domains and Lens protocol to make scheduling even easier. And now, we’re seeking to take scheduling to the next level by enabling the group to find the next available slot, in as few clicks as possible. Please support our project to save us all time, and enable smoother coordination in Web3. Life’s too precious to waste it. This project is also part of RnDAO initiatives to improve human coordination in web3. ",2022-09-06T05:02:56.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7608,True,False,0x13a9AacdD7989DdAA56f9a9E40FD686f02675d00,Deep Work DAO Incubator,,"Strategic team alignment for decentralized organizations This grant proposal outlines a process created by Deep Work to align a team of independent members of an organization on business strategy, goals and individual responsibilities. With the design process outlined below, Deep Work’s experts will facilitate a series of workshops at the end of which a team will receive a toolkit for soft-governance and recommendations for further development of their organization. The amount of teams we will be able to incubate is relative to the funding gathered through this grant. Purpose, Vision, Mission In this workshop we define the foundation and values of the DAO. It consists of a series of exercises to align the team and provide clarity over common intentions. The first workshop will take two hours and consist of the following exercises. You can expand the sections for more details. 20 year road map Rough outline of future development to get a basic overview. What? How? Why? Simple exercise popularised by Simon Sinek to categorise and understand the core values/why's. Top 3 Values Based on the previous work, this will be the first step towards finding the right language for the values, that will later contribute to external communication. Mission Statement Articulate your mission based on the content from the previous sections. Case study with the Ethereum Foundation → Principles of User Research Interviewing real users provides clear next steps to improve the organizational design. A tangible exercise facilitated by a user research expert will provide you with a framework to continuously gather insights as the organization develops. Value Proposition Design A short session on defining a potential business model and identifying key properties of the organization. DAO and Project Conception With the results of the previous exercises, this project conception workshop guides the team to collaboratively ideate tasks for the initial DAO work. The workshop ends with a clear scope of work for the following week and self-assignment of tasks. After a week, the team regroups for a retrospective and final presentation of results. Our experts will provide clear recommendations for tooling and coordination. Explore or use our exercise template →",2022-09-06T05:19:46.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7609,True,True,0xbC0a4e1DD42827bE59B487869b2541b49C1816A1,Stabfi - All your crypto project's finances are in one place,,"Many useful services for securely managing your crypto startup finances are in open-source project Stabfi — completely free. Our mission: To make the DeFi sector safer and clearer for end users while providing a convenient tool for transparent financial management for project founders. Origin of name: The name ""Stabfi"" comes from the confluence of the words ""stable"" and ""finance"". Stable + Finances = StabFi We are creating a multifunctional service. Here are some of its features: Minting tokens. In a few simple steps, you can create your own ERC20 token for the project (it is possible to add Minting / Burning capabilities to the counter) from a completely secure OpenZeppelin smart contract. Locking tokens. Freeze any tokens (ERC20) for a certain period with the possibility of extending the blocking. (Use case: For example, locking liquidity tokens for projects after launch). Blocking is done on your own smart contract, open source without proxy. Airdrop of tokens. Send any of your ERC20 tokens to multiple recipients at once. Completely secure solutions are used in different networks. Vesting of tokens. Create vesting schedules in a convenient constructor with any number of rounds and unlock conditions of any complexity. Generate CSV files to pay out tokens to all recipients in one transaction quickly. Claimy app. Turn your vesting into a participant's office, design it in the style of your project and forget about payments to participants in the vesting. Now they will be able to monitor their own vesting schedule and withdraw available funds through Claimy! Funds are locked in your own Claimy smart contract, open source, and without proxy. Our principles: 1. Safety Simple and clear smart contracts without external calls Fully open source smart contracts No proxies in smart contracts No control from Stabfi You always deploy your own contract (it's a little more expensive but much more secure) 2. Simplicity A completely free product for the community. Open source product. No complicated actions or incomprehensible conditions. 3. Convenience Beautiful and clear application interface Ability to request the necessary functionality Telegram chat with developers We make a product for people. With love for the community. Just because we can ❤️",2022-09-06T05:28:15.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7610,True,True,0x2Edaa86197A839792a9Befd71DafB328422be84E,Regenerative Science Methodology Facilitation,,"What? 🌱 LunkLabs helps regenerative stewards and practicioners access legitimate certification tailored to their unique regenerative praxis, by codifying their practices into eco-credits/credit classes and documenting them on-chain 🌻.`#NotAVentureStudio` How? 🍄 We convene and facilitate collaboration between scientific experts and regenerative projects and practitioners 🌕. Use Case: Imagine a coffee grower in Mexico who practices agroforestry to grow their crops (because it's a pragmatic and generative way for them to work). In order to make ends meet they band together with other farmers and pool their resources as part of a cooperative. Even though the co-op gives them a degree of scale to leverage, the affordance of certifications like ""organic"" are too expensive or cumbersome to administrate (because of the plurality of practitioners and plots that would each need to get certified). They are barred at the institutional gates. However these days we can do better! Enter LunarPunk_Labs as digital intermediary. We work with smallholders and their representatives to enable them to reach their highest common potential in aggregate. In this case we're talking about agroforestry; so we facilitate workshops to learn about and determine the regenerative functions of their ecosystem (e.g. metrics such as tree diversity on-farm, nearby forest density etc.). We then construct concept notes with the functional requirements for translating their practice-based methodology into credits, credit classes and 'ecological state protocols'. Our assumptions are then checked with our expert advisors and consultants to avoid unintended consequences. Once credits are issued and the protocol goes to market, the co-ops and their members have a new form of revenue. More specifically: The wider field of action at play here is the reconciliation of active inference with distributed monitoring, verification and reporting. These instruments are used to convert bottom up practice-based methodologies into hardened concept notes and functional requirements for specifying open-source ecological state protocols. These concept notes are licenced under creative commons, and the protocols will then be deployed on open-source networks (e.g. Regen Registry, Celo, etc.). The significance of this undertaking means that in order to be viable, vital and evolutionary, we'll need to operationalise across several domains of activity at once. Consequently we see our use of funds needing to be distributed across the following organisational ecology: Use of funds: - Research - Design - Development - Marketing - Education Why? 🔒 Bypassing gatekeepers to generate equity 🔑 Gatekeepers are frustrating because they hold back scientific progress and legitimate regenerative practices with their myopic demands for legibility. We want to help the long tail bypass them in order to onboard a cosmos of eco-credits and other forms of indescribable value that will increase the well-being of life on earth. > We are facilitating the development of ecological state protocols that serve people and planet by harnessing markets, science and technology. For whom? 🧞‍♂️ The long tail of small-hold farmers; our key metric is a gini coefficient 🧞‍♀️ Regenerative transformation will be driven by the long tail; not the instutitions of academia, government nor big industry. Our energy is best spent there. We serve enviromental stewards and the regenerative technology community at large. Beyond this we are aware that disruptive technology brings unintended consequences. JEDIs represent justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in their process design (). Consequentially we act as a digital intermediary that helps level the playing field for local earth stewards and their representatives who wish to interact with a rising tide of 'network states' and 'digital republics' (ideally the latter). We do this by facilitating semantic workshops with a transparent (and thus debatable) epistemology. Team: Josh Fairhead Self-certified nut job with a long history in web3 and crypto economic networks. Most recent outpost: Regen Ledger Governance Coordinator. Prior paths: Liminal Village, Commons Stack, Giveth and Pillar Project. Semantic facilitation, ontological design, methodology development. Maija Grudule Transdisciplinary weaver. Combining a background in software development, design, strategic marketing, and facilitation for the development of equitable solutions. Interested in liberating structures, generative interfaces and permaculture.  Rishikes Siva TrAnSvEsTiNg HyPerStiTiOnS for Regenerative Finance. Communicating symbols, integrating intuition, facilitating ontologies, mapping and acting in mythic time Researching magic for charging seeds of capital with meaning, direction and intention Bryan Curtin Background in Renewable Energy Engineering/Policy & Liberal Studies, Manufacturing and Research Developing projects for expanding human agency - self-planning housing, therapeutic economic protocol, low-input peri-urban farming Interactive storytelling using game engines Interested in beauty and the humane over technology for its own sake The guild as a whole has been playing with each other for several years, winning global hackathons and convening large intersectional gatherings every equinox. We are diverse but we share a co-created culture. In the eventuality that our guild fails to raise enough funding, we hope that this explicit articulation will help guide the thinking of others. Ad astra and onwards to the cosmos! ✨",2022-09-06T05:39:24.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7611,True,False,0x027550Cc40E6F5dca3F74D7A4E277B31bD31Ed2a,MarsBase - The first DeFi OTC Desk,,"Marsbase is the first decentralized secondary market, a DeFi OTC desk. We’ve created a new alternative source of liquidity by concentrating liquidity of large orders in one place and becoming the platform for OTC in crypto. Mission: We envision MarsBase as a perfect solution for organizing and forming the secondary OTC market for retail that allows both whales and relates to co-exist and concentrate the liquidity in one place. Our primary goal is the creation of a marketplace with coins of medium and low capitalization. The number of available assets will exceed 1000 different blockchain tokens. We estimate that all transactions greater than $50k which are not suitable for large OTC desks will be traded on MarsBase. This way, in 3 years, we are going to take 10% of the trading volume with transactions of up to $50k and a potential income of $1.6 billion. This will allow MarsBase to become the largest decentralized OTC cross-chain ecosystem in DeFi and stabilize the market, making it less risky and more profitable. The MarsBase platform consists of several modules with unique features. The Problems MarsBase solves: Due to the fragmentation of the existing DeFi market and the absence of the infrastructure which can gather the liquidity for high-volume deals of retail investors altogether, the following problems are arising: -Large market caps don’t mean deep order books, the OTC market exists for top 10 cryptos and is gated-access. -For many tokens with large market caps there is no liquidity and no repo possibilities for large buyers/sellers. -Niche of unvested tokens and equity remains untapped. -No one place aggregates OTC trading. -There are high entry barriers to OTC for retail investors.",2022-09-06T05:42:23.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7612,True,True,0x144369f0b12A3f296f2Ea0D4694287781B92Fa90,Community Boosters Team,,"Our aim is to grow our team with the grant to be received. It will also be used to purchase various materials for the team. It will be used in the development of our website. In this way, we want to manage both global projects and we want to bring crypto money investors together with correct and reliable projects. Communityboostersteam is a team of professionals with years of practical experience in cryptocurrency. Increase your brand awareness and engage with your community. Communityboostersteam helps with Twitter accounts, Telegram groups, Discord Channels, Medium articles, and more.\n\nWe understand – managing a community can be difficult. That is why Communityboostersteam your crypto community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while handling issues effectively, efficiently, and constructively. Our agents strive to enhance your brand and engage your community to enable you to take the next step in your business. And that is, after all, what is it all about. But that isn’t all. Our team of bilingual specialists works around the clock on your terms.",2022-09-06T07:20:16.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7613,True,False,0x0e17979Ee4003047Ca605Bc346C6825cCB856516,Besteam,,"Besteam Game s.r.l. is an innovative startup that aims to create a football metaverse and a ""Free-to-play"" and ""Play-to-Earn"" football simulation game, built on Polygon blockchain, with its own token (BTEM) and based on NFT. Each individual user is a virtual footballer with a customizable avatar and has the ability to create a team or join a club already founded to compete in the main mode: ""Football"" in which to challenge other 11 players. Blockchain and NFT technology is fundamental for the entire project because there is no one in the main competitors in the sector. In addition to governing the internal decentralized microtransactions system, it is useful in recognizing and enhancing virtual teams and users as well as validating new forms of collaboration or sponsorship with possible brands and partners. For users there are goals to be achieved and special rewards in addition to the possibility of DAO in which holders with high percentage of BTEM will be able to help us in the choices on the development of the game. The complexity in the development is mitigated by a long-term road map that one step by step promotes the project and helps in distributing the processes and the respective costs. In the face of high development costs, the expected revenues are very high imagining a virtual football parallel to the real one, it is easy to grasp the infinite possibilities of networking, co-branding, fanbase, esports, tournaments and online and lan events. ",2022-09-06T07:29:46.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7615,True,True,0xd29933cBCBa41c213Fd6b9Ce8ea55B784999CC6d,Ethereum Uncensored,,"The possibility of a blockchain suffering an attack is a latent risk. Ethereum Uncensored is a tool that highlights potentially intentional reorgs (blockchain re-organizations), informing the community about the correlation between the generated orphan blocks (blocks that were accidentally or intentionally left out of the chain) and their transactions to find if there could be a malicious actor behind the re-org. This will allow the community to decide on taking action and possibly recover from the attack. We are in the process of designing a technology that determines: When the attack is happening. Who is performing the attack (validator) Which transactions are being censored (either protocols or addresses) Technology used: This project consists of a full node on Beacon Chain that keeps track of every reorg and its data. Everytime a reorg happens, the generated orphan block (and its transactions) will be saved on a database that will be accessible through a REST API. The web-app calls the API and shows the orphan blocks’ analytics and their validators information. The web-app was built using Next.js and React.",2022-09-06T08:17:53.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7616,True,True,0x0,Kamea MVP,,"Kamea Labs is building infrastructure on the DotSama and Ethereum ecosystems to allow compliant, non-custodial proxy wallet management for retail individuals. We would like to democratise Web3 and DeFi adoption and fuel decentralisation of funding from the earliest stages. We believe in the values of Web3 and would like to help people access DeFi and early stage crypto funding. This is why we are building on top of our tech an educative investment platform answering to regulators, investors and builders. Users will be able to create an account with KYC/AML/KYT procedures in under 5 minutes and open a wallet for which they will keep custody of the private key. By choosing a strategy on our platform (DeFi or early stage), users’ wallets are fed instructions for on-chain transactions, which will be signed by our back-end’s proxy engine. Our unique technical-legal framework allows us to always comply with regulators while ensuring higher level of security for users (we do not pool funds, no intermediary in the financial flux, no smart contract attack surface…). Our long-term vision is to offer a new, more transparent, secure and virtuous framework for asset management in general, by capitalising on the technical and legal opportunities offered by blockchain, while educating investors about Web3 and breaking its barriers (knowledge, technical, legal, risk management, project analysis…). Kamea Labs was created in April 2022 and bootstrapped with 34 clients to date by offering manually managed Alpha versions of its product and services: manually managed portfolios of early-stage listed assets and private token sales for ambitious projects: - Our Alpha strategy is in closed beta.   - Our Savings strategy is in closed alpha.   - Our Private sale strategy is in public beta. This allowed us to validate our value proposition and market appetite for it, technical-legal framework and iterate on our strategies and product. We are now ready to go through phase 2 of the project, consisting of: - Developing our platform MVP with sign-in, KYC/AML/KYT and commit to a strategy features (developer and product designer joining in September 2022). - Developing our tech: decentralised proxy engine (Substrate pallets) (undergoing with the help of the Polkadot Relayers acceleration program 2022). Our pallets will be deployed on-chain and will be composable.  - Launching community bootstrapping and migrating to our own platform (our services are managed today from our discord server: and landing page:   - Filing for DASP agreement in France. To this end, Kamea Labs would like to apply to this grant, which will be allocated in the following way:   - Platform MVP development: €9 k (full stack developer).   - Tech MVP development: €30 k (substrate developer).   - Community bootstrapping: €6 k (podcasts, ecosystem mappings, waitlist bootstrapping).   - DASP filing: €20 k (lawyers and admin charges). The total budget for the asked grant is €65 k with €39 k allocated for tech expenses and €26k allocated for the legal and marketing expenses that are necessary at the same time to launch our MVP.",2022-09-06T08:44:18.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7617,True,True,0xBAC78374F87D02d3b0d6FAf82d8794201D40b35B,DeSciWorld - P2P Research Funding; Collectivised Grant,,"The received grants are designated to fund one or more research proposals hosted through the DeSciWorld Peer-to-Peer Research Funding platform. The funds raised will be earmarked solely for funding a research proposal(s) submitted to the DeSciWorld P2P Research Funding platform, the decision of which will be deferred to the DeSciWorld DAO. What we hope to achieve With DeSci exploding in popularity, tech and usecases, we expect the desire for individuals to receive direct funding for their research objectives to grow exponentially. DeSciWorld is dedicated to providing an infrastructure to support this growth in citizen science, independent from traditional institutional funding requirements. Reduction or removal of the gatekeeping present throughout research and academia is our goal; DeSciWorld is making it clear: science is a public good. About the P2P Research Funding Platform Winner of the first place prize at ETHSeoul for the Filecoin/IPFS tract, the P2P Research Funding platform is a simple yet effective piece of blockchain infrastructure that connects researchers and funders in a permissionless and peer-to-peer manner. Researchers looking for funding can create a proposal describe their research goals and funding requirements and vye for the attention of benevolent funders. Likewise, funders with a desire to commission a research goal can place a bounty on a subject and accept bids from researchers anywhere in the world to carry out their request. Building this platform on the blockchain allows decentralised and trustless handling of funds and data. Featuring: a smart contract Escrow system that unlocks funding at predefined milestones; decentralised ID (DID) with various tiers of anonymity to accommodate any preference; automated commits of data submissions to IPFS and an independent Review Committee, the P2P Research Funding platform is designed to facilitate a renaissance of citizen science. About DeSciWorld DeSciWorld is a community-driven initiative aiming to facilitate the on-boarding of people into the decentralized science (DeSci) space. By providing a suite of products and services that engage and empower would be DeScientists, we will support a second renaissance of science that is inclusive to all, including those peoples and ideas previously left “on the outside” due to economic, social or cultural barriers within academia. Links 🌐 Website 📖 Whitepaper 💬 Discord 🐦 Twitter Note: This fund will be subject to the rigorous governance system that all proposals passing through the DeSciWorld DAO must abide by. DeSciWorld DAO will act as a Peer, just like any other user of the platform, and provide funding for a DAO-selected research goal posted by another user. The platform MVP is live right now with full functionality under construction; expected release December 2022. ",2022-09-06T09:23:52.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7618,False,True,0x51dCfc9E04859A0B7647608fbd9Ab34fC8553189,Avault,,"Avault is a one-stop asset management platform that aims to lower the threshold for Web 2.0 users to use Web 3.0 DeFi Dapps. Users who hold one asset on one chain will be able to interact with DeFi applications on other chains in one click to complete cross-chain compounding, staking, lending, and public sale. Avault hopes to become the unified front end of boutique Dapps, building an aggregation layer between users and Dapps, and becoming the cornerstone of Defi. ",2022-09-06T10:42:11.889-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7619,True,False,0xDade0abC5CaeeA7B7BC077c4916ecdbFb0F95BCE,,,"What is ? exist since 2014 and delivers to 40.000 to 100.000 monthly users across the world in more than 20 languages! 🌍 The platform based on ""Wiki"" template is the first step for newcomers to learn about Web3. 📚 has more than 7000 pages of content coming from many different contributors and as much moderation as to be done.  Since 3 years the project had no resources to improve the platform and a fresh new team is embracing the mission of offering free educational content and translated ones (Like this french quiz) with the hope to drive it until it's 100% community-driven by a DAO. Why do we apply for Gitcoin grant ? ⚙️Renovate the infrastructure of (MediaWiki 1.27 to 1.39 LTS --> Nov2022 ) ✍️Curating information in a way that is valuable to knowledge-seekers 💬Indexing user-asked questions with wikis and curated information so finding the answer to a question is quick and easy 🎖️A symbolic incentive system for contributors, translators wikis with valuable information 👪Implement a DAO to let the community drive the platform; policies, topics, budgets  BitcoinWiki is already highly consulted as an educational platform, we need you to keep up with the Wiki ideology, it's nothing more than a gateway for newcomers to the Web3. Feel free to register on the platform and put your stone on the building 👨🏻‍🎨👩🏻‍🎨 📣We're currently facing an issue to retrieve the Social Media Channels accounts, contact us here 📣:",2022-09-06T10:55:51.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7620,True,True,0x2a84EeE5eCa5c5DD031E53bE179E429f49E87d39,Devcon Bogota Design Community Hub,,"As a collaborative effort of various designers in our community, the Design Community Hub is meant to serve as a schelling point for all things design at Devcon Bogota!    The Design Community Hub would be the space where:   Designers can hang out and meet each other Hosts design orientated interactive activities, experiences and intimate breakouts like Onboarding, Sourcing Design Talent, and User Research Programming Becomes the meeting point for developers and founders to engage with designers or see various design processes showcased through activities Provides a break from “conference” chatter and transforms into a cool makerspace (making music, screenprints, etc) for the curious to play   Learn more about our programming in our Design Community Hub Proposal   While the Devcon organizers provide foundational production equipment (couches, tables, etc), there is no sponsorship allowed and the hub is run entirely on volunteers. The grant would help fund materials for the space:   Makerspace Corner: An area with materials (like raspberry pis, paper, VR Tilt Brush, etc) dedicated to creative exploration and making. Data Strings Research Survey Wall: An easy, visual activity where people passing by the hub can contribute to research. Interactive Games: Sit down for a few moments to learn lockpicking, play chess, backgammon, solve rubrik’s cubes, and more. Chocolate Tasting: Learn all about the wonderful Colombian chocolate and its farmers   The Design Community Hub is an initiative supported by Web3 Creatives Foundation. Web3 Creatives Foundation is a non-profit that connects and enables creatives in Web3. Other initiatives include Offscript and Web3UX panel. Funds donated to the Design Community Hub are managed by the Foundation, and earmarked for use by, and at discretion of, organizers of the Design Community Hub. Any remaining funds no longer needed for the Design Community Hub at Devcon 2022, will be controlled and reallocated by the Foundation. ",2022-09-06T11:16:06.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7621,True,True,0xdcF4396511d02805D74D09F2cdd7de8C75b4df1D,Saplings NFT,,"TL;DR Saplings is a charity NFT project aiming to heal humanity by spreading awareness and educating people on climate change. We've developed a lot of innovations into this space and created a tamagotchi/animal crossing universe right into NFTs. 💚🌍 Want to know more about our Universe? 🌿 We tell you everything on our website, immersive yourself inside the Saplings' Universe, discover our innovations and long term benefits directly on our website 🙌 At Saplings, we’re building resilience and hope one tree at a time. 🌳 We’re living through change so profound. As the earth heats up, we can’t just stand by and watch — the time to act is now. We won't be able to stop climate change alone, but we can at least try to cool down the planet by getting the word out and teaching people how they can help. Creating a radical safe and inclusive space for driving change and history. We see this as the start of a global movement that will unite people from all corners of the globe in a common cause: to make everyone think, reflect and act for the good of our beloved Earth. When harnessed right, NFTs offer a unique opportunity to promote social good for the planet while having fun. If you care about Earth, people and justice — or if you just want to own some of the coolest & cutest NFTs — then here's your chance. Get involved, enter Saplings' universe: We can make a change — together. 💚 Our mission? 💚 We are here to leverage the web3 community and the NFTs space to spread awareness and educate people on the climate crisis. At Saplings, we deeply think that each individual is not educated enough on this global problem running for years. By bringing innovations and charity aspect to NFTs, we are here for the long term. ♻️ 50% of all sales will be donated to top recognized NGOs fighting global warming. ♻️ Any Partners? 💜 We are partnering with the Amazon Conservation, Trees for the Futures and Health in Harmony for a better and healthier Planet 💚 Join us 🌱 Twitter: Discord: Whitepaper: ",2022-09-06T11:43:37.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7622,True,False,0x3290BB2dba0a4DEa2c4723014c902a17B2bCa1aC,"Genki, a web 3.0 marketing influence network for projects and ambitious individuals",,"Why we are searching for this grant? We hope to attract more global community to discover the value of trust and define a new social relationship together. It will be fun to join this brand new experiment journey. Genki's Intro Genki aims to build a web 3.0 marketing influence network. It is developed by entrepreneurs who were Ex-Binance and Microsoft. Combining verifiable capability and a delegatable framework, Genki empowers network participants to coordinate and collaborate based on verifiable trust. The main idea behind Genki is to make the marketing easier and more effective. Our mission is: Let your influence speak. Influence scores as a verifiable trust can assist us with our daily day-to-day activities and generate new business opportunities. We provide a solution with 3 main products: 1. Genki Campaign Engine (GenkiBox) 2. Referral/ Delegable Framework; 3. Matching System; GenkiBox, the first product, has 50+ clients including paid ones. 100k addresses have completed quests on GenkiBox among 100+ campaigns. Genki's Roadmap 2022 Q3 Client > 80 GenkiBox Self-service platform release GenkiBox New Features Verification API release Support more types of verification (Event) Combine multiple wallets under one account Bot filter Gamification template 2022 Q4 Client > 250 GenkiBox New Features Discord and Telegram Bot Support Push notification subscription Advanced Bot filter Multi-chain support Genki Influence Network Phase I Rated individual scores addresses > 50k Rated influence scores addresses > 1k Delegation and reward sharing module Governance module 2023 Q1 Client > 500 GenkiBox New Features Multi-chain support (More non-evm chains) Advanced Gamefi template Synergies with Web 2.0 products Genki Influence Network Phase II Rated individual scores addresses > 200k Rated influence scores addresses > 4k Successful matched cases > 1k Explore the market of non-crypto industry  Genki Contact Twitter: Email: TG: jeff_taiwan",2022-09-06T11:47:15.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7623,True,True,0xd9F9B437f1AcD902F0373459af3fd76db5d07d29,REGEN LEAGUE: Protecting the Amazon Rainforest,,"This grant is part of the EDEN DAO experiment to use quadratic funding to fund planetary regeneration. Learn more about this radically open experiment here. This project is being championed by Carbonbase because of their exemplary impact. How does it work? In the Brazilian Amazon, forest land that is not used for ""productive activities"" can be claimed by the government then turned into cattle ranches or exploited by illegal loggers. Revenue from this offset project helps local villagers to acquire legal land ownership rights of their ancestral home and protect it from being taken over by the cattle and logging industry. It will also pay for agroforestry training workshops so that the locals can improve their livelihoods (i.e. by planting sustainable cacao trees) while protecting the rainforest. The covered area protects over 400 families from being displaced and empowers them to protect the forests. Why did we choose this project? The Amazon Rainforest is one of the most precious and diverse natural resources on the planet, but also one of the most vulnerable to disappear for commercial purposes. The location of the project makes it an ideal area to be protected, standing at the edge of the deforestation frontier: about 95 percent of all deforestation occurs within 50 kilometers of highways or roads. The government plans a highway to go through the project area - this project is the last defense to prevent destruction. The project builds up the local community's capacity to monitor and evacuate loggers. The project is part of the award-winning sustainability programs of Allcot, with more than 10 years of experience in forestry project management and training that help deliver sustainable development to the local communities served. What is the impact of additional funding? Funding prevents 3,000 hectares from being deforested annually. For every hectare of land (the size of a rugby field) not cut down or used for cattle pasture, there are 500 tons of CO2 stored in trees (above and below ground). This project supports the local population: over 400 families will no longer fear being displaced. By contributing to the project, you empower the local people to protect the forest. The amount of reduction in emissions through avoidance for the entire project is 553,273 tons of CO2 per year. Prevention of net emissions over the project lifetime of 40 years is more than 20 million tons of CO2. How do we verify the impact? This project has been independently verified in accordance with the Verified Carbon Standard. You can view at anytime the public project page and offset credit retirement history below. Verra was founded in 2005 by environmental and business leaders who saw the need for greater quality assurance in voluntary carbon markets. Verra serves now as a secretariat for the various standards it develops and programs it manages, as well as having an incubator for new ideas that can generate meaningful environmental and social value at scale.",2022-09-06T12:41:23.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7624,False,False,0xf9d71b5fB8345F2508C1302a74d4362DEAb7D104,Projection Proliferation of Web3,,"Proposal Overview We at LightItUpDAO intend to become one of the first blockchain enabled production companies. We are building a community for people who are passionate about creating art with light. We want to be together, and we love to display enormous, generous images in outdoor spaces to delight, inform and inspire the public. In part, our purpose is to raise awareness around causes and groups that need visibility, and we want to partner with organizations to educate the public about the collective, public, or social benefit of the organization. We also want to support digital artists by putting their indoor digital art outside on buildings. We want to educate artists about DAOs and Crypto advocacy. We desire to teach what we have learned to the members of our DAO and other interested parties. We will educate organizations about the DAO and Crypto space and the workings of the ETH network. We will educate our partners and the public about DAO formation and the benefits of DAO governance, and onboard them to Web3. We are people who want to spend all of our time in Web3. We are passionate about changing the world through this technology, and we can’t help but talk about it all the time. Mandates Awareness - build visibility for causes, partner with orgs and artists that want visibility Onboarding - DAO Community building, Crypto education Empowerment - learn and teach mechanics of projection art, carry out light actions Proof of Concept During multiple conferences such as ETHDenver 2022, NFT NYC 2022, FutureShape360 2022, and Crypto Connect Expo 2022, we demonstrated the power of outdoor projection art, and showed proof of concept in these ways: Projection art will delight and inspire the public. We projected five times during the conference, creating a buzz, and received loads of positive feedback, ‘that’s so cool,’ ‘beautiful and powerful’ and ‘can you do that for our organization.’ People on the street really resonated with the messages projected. They were stopping to take pictures and post to social media, calling friends to look, and were happy to scan our QR code to learn more! ",2022-09-06T13:36:49.130-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7625,False,True,0x98030c2E2cF7abC8291E4F3ddedd96856A74EDB1,"Yeet: A community of practice for founders, funders, and builders of agentic technologies",,"Privacy is a public good. Surveillance capitalism results from coordination failures to protect it. The recent AFAC ruling that outlawed financial privacy in crypto proves this point: we need better coordination mechanisms to protect the technological commons — in our product design, in regulatory policy, and in the public consciousness. Yeet is on a trifold mission to address this collective action problem by: Guiding the web3 dialogue toward a consensus around commonly accepted ethical standards and practices for privacy, dignity, and consent in emerging tech Reduce the coordination costs among founders, investors, and operators who share these goals Secure an agentic, anti-authoritarian, self-sovereign technological future Why It is helpful to think of privacy, consent, and human dignity as a commons — one that needs protection through the collective action of decentralized but highly-coordinated individuals committed to building agentic, ethical technologies. We must collectively exit the game theoretic race to build, ship, and break things faster than the other guy — all the while concentrating the benefits and socializing the costs to secondary users and across generations. Yeet exists exactly for this reason: to lower the coordination costs among a decentralized network of founders, funders, and operators who all share similar, prosocial technological goals. How At Yeet, we interrogate key concepts, organize fireside chats hosted by internal and external thought leaders, encourage the emergence of ethical design consensus, and produce content that distills the insights from our shared learnings for the broader public. Yeeters are founders, operators, and investors that represent organizations such as Aspen Institute, Aztec, Bluesky, Centre, Disco, Espresso Systems, Ethereum Foundation, Filecoin, Fission, Flashbots, Polygon, iden3, KYCDAO, Nucleo, Privy, Protocol Labs, Soulbound Labs, and many more projects at the frontier of crypto privacy, identity, and sovereignty. Prior and upcoming firesides have included: Self-sovereign data rails with Bluesky Privacy as a commons with Privy UX design discussion: identity, reputation, and community Encoding prosocial values in game design with KERNEL Privacy policy in a post-Tornado Cash world with Electronic Frontier Foundation MEV and privacy with Flashbots and RookFi Our key differentiator is our vetted, high-trust, members-only environment, as well as community enforcement of good-faith communication principles. These conditions are necessary to inspire honest dialogue, fervent but respectful disagreement, strong rapport, and reliable coordination among a decentralized network of builders and investors. In turn, these qualities seed the emergence of consensus about baseline standards for agentic technologies that advance rather than deplete human dignity. What's Next? What started from a simple Telegram group grew into a high-trust, high-signal discourse club for builders and investors. We convene on Slack, Notion, and Zoom to engage in open dialogue, pressure-test new ideas, develop frameworks of thought, and cultivate consensus around acceptable tech standards, design choices, and social externalities. Over the past three months since our founding, we identified opportunities to further our mission: 1. Agentic Future Summit No amount of remote firesides, no matter how engaging the speaker or thrilling the subject matter, can ever replicate the effervescence of in-person interaction. The success of our mission depends on trust, which is built on strong rapport. We plan to organize the Agentic Future Summit, a side event at SXSW 2023 to gather the best thinkers and builders committed to securing a dignified human future with technology, including a series of workshops, focused talks, and intimate networking opportunities. This grant will go towards space rental, catering, marketing, equipment, and people’s time to organize and run it. Delivery Date: March 10-19 2023 (SXSW 2023) 2. Privacy & Identity Landscape Map Founders of privacy-preserving protocols and projects that leverage decentralized identity are left on their own to navigate the labyrinthine ecosystem of infrastructure, data rails, DID specifications, encryption methods, and applications on their journey to define a critical path to product market fit. And new ones are emerge almost weekly. This chaotic, creative, and hopeful space would benefit from an interactive, searchable, and dynamically updated map of the privacy and identity landscape to encourage greater awareness, coordination, collaboration among builders and funders. We plan to: Build a public website providing a taxonomy of projects allowing for hierarchical and categorical filtering and searching, including: Identification: What the project is Use cases: What (end-user) problems this project helps solve Differentiation: How this project differs from others Technical analysis: Answer questions such as “what user data stays private?” and “what does the user have consent over?” Provide an interactive graphical representation of the landscape. Periodically publish Gartner-style updates similar to the Thoughtworks Technology Radar. Delivery Date: Ongoing 3. Content & Miscellaneous Almost all of our discourse intentionally remains private, members-only content. This is by design. After all, discretion is what makes Yeet a unique, safe, and honest place to debate, debrief, and disagree. But once half-formed ideas turn into inspired action, our shareable learnings should see the light of day! We want to allocate funding toward the production of a public podcast as well as articles and social media content. In addition to developing Yeet’s external voice and presence, grant funding would help offsets costs associated with async collaboration software, web development and hosting, and other internet services. Team There are 60 members in the discourse club, which is run by a small, agile team of core contributors who volunteer their time: Anastasia Uglova (Mirror | LinkedIn | Twitter) Howard Tam (LinkedIn | Twitter) Chad Fowler (LinkedIn | Twitter) Grant funding will empower us to expand and accelerate capacity by compensating members for writing and delivering content, planning in-person events, handling outreach, programming, and scheduling for firesides, maintaining teams bios, contacts, and administrative work, and growing our membership. Links Yeet 1-Pager Thread: Privacy as a public good Thread: Privacy and identity landscape EthCC x BlueYard Capital talk: The ethical obligations of tech founders and funders",2022-09-06T13:52:35.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7626,False,False,0x1D346c4F0732674a1fc69b4bAFBa854F53353C35,[Duplicated][Canceled]AdMeta,,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""{\""ops\"":[{\""insert\"":\""{\\\""ops\\\"":[{\\\""insert\\\"":\\\""Online advertising is in greater demand than ever before. However, due to the current situation of the advertising duopoly (Google Ads and Facebook Ads), the challenge of user privacy is gradually emerging. \\\\n\\\\nPrivacy laws are being tightened globally, but Google and Facebook are still in violation of GDPR. Users are forced to watch endless ads, risking privacy breaches, yet advertising fees are earned by the advertising platforms.\\\\n\\\\nAdMeta solves this problem by giving the ownership of user privacy back to the users.\\\\n\\\\nWith zero-knowledge proof, users are able to control and use their private data for advertising matchings, without exposing the data itself. By doing this, users are directly rewarded by advertisers. \\\\n\\\\nWe also introduce DID (decentralized identity) and SBT(soulbound token) in our platform, to enrich users' data for the best advertising services. Also, our audience segmentation is tailored for Web3.\\\\n\\\\nWe start this project on September 2021, and now we've already built an MVP including WebApp and our Blockchain Testnet. We are currently building our extension and SDK, to allow advertisers and users to access our network easily.\\\\n\\\\nWinning this grant definitely means a lot to us and we hope to be able to build our product with peace of mind, especially in this bear market environment. Thank you for your support!\\\\n\\\""}]}\\n\""}]}\n""}]} ",2022-09-06T13:53:14.815-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7627,False,False,0x0,"BURAK YETER X SPACE $100,000 isn't much to go to space",," The concept of Space is called One Day in Space, it's about Burak Yeter Space's live concert from 55,000ft. and a day in Space. Our goal is to play our music live for 2 hours from there. The launch will start from Barcelona, ​​Spain. It will take 2 hours to arrive at the destination by balloons. After crossing the stratosphere, the capsule will remain stationary for performance at 55,000 ft for 2 hours. After the performance, the capsule will return to its launch starting point in Barcelona, ​​Spain. In order to spread this project all over the world, we want to follow a big promotional campaign in the world markets in the press, TV and radio and social media. Digital platforms where the live set can be watched live ;  Clubbing TV, We Rave You, DJ Mag, Billboard, 1001 Tracklist, T-Mobile, Disney Plus or/and Netflix, Youtube TV, NPR Music, Power TV, Last FM. It will be the first ever live music broadcast from outside the world. There will be 360-degree cameras all over the capsule, and people will have 360-degree viewing options for the show. The launch is planned within 6 months and it will be the first live music event from the Space. This special event will be able to act as a metaverse and an nft collection can be made, and the whole world will recognize our community with a music feast, and this will be our call from earth to space. We’re looking forward to the partnership on a long term with . On other hand, We will connect with our marketing team. Once we have completed the deal, we would be happy to keep a long term partnership with brand. The deal won’t be based on Space project, it also means the partnership agreement for all our future projects. LIVE VIRTUAL EVENTS Burak Yeter @ IGA Istanbul Airport Live Set Burak Yeter @ Termessos SunExpress Live Set Burak Yeter @ FIVE Palm Jumeriah Live Set Burak Yeter @ Kozara National Park Bosnia & Herzegovina Live Set Burak Yeter @ Antalya Airport Live Set Burak Yeter @ Tahtali Mountain Live Set Burak Yeter @ Tunektepe Live Set BURAK YETER SOCIAL MEDIAS ",2022-09-06T14:17:19.319-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7628,True,True,0xd0d0c983DDD2fC008BDfD9a88e99D067d671a3E6,Crypto Decrypted,,"Decrypting crypto using stories with relatable analogies. Issue #1 - What makes crypto products special? This issue uses The Deathly Hallows from Harry Potter to explain the importance of ownership, inclusion and interoperability in crypto. Issue #2 - Getting your passport to the cryptoverse This issue is a starter's guide to exploring wallets as passports to claim a digital identity, own crypto and use them. Issue #3 - Cryptography and the changing world order This issue expands upon Ray Dalio's The Changing World Order to explain how crypto fits in with the rise and fall of money in human civilizations. Issue #4 - Buying land on the moon This issue explores NFT creation using Bueno and its potential uses for Mr. Chandran, the main character in the story who owns a store on the moon. Issue #5 - Game of coins This issue explores the Cypherpunk culture and the cryptocurrency subcultures using the history and lore in Game of Thrones.",2022-09-06T14:39:41.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7630,True,True,0xc301C38133B16590Cee4fBe66AaaCDD3B1f3BB29,Cryo DAO - Funding translational cryonics research,,"Forming a DAO with the goal of funding cryonics research. We are exploring both basic and translational research projects to fund. Our model is similar to VitaDAO, we plan to use all funds to fund research, and focus on advancing the projects we fund. Both Emil and Kai have experience in the cryonics research area and Vincent brings experience from VitaDAO. The goal is to create a schelling point for people excited in crypto that want to learn more about and fund cryonics research. We plan to team up with VitaDAO where it makes sense to fund research together if the community is interested. Supporters Emil Kendziorra (Tomorrow Biostasis) Kai Micah Mills (CryoPets) Vincent Weisser (VitaDAO) and many more coming soon Great read: ""Why Cryonics Makes Sense"" by Tim Urban More about cryonics research Human cryonics matters because it has the potential to allow people to be preserved at the cellular level and revived in the future. This could potentially allow humans to be resurrected after death. There are many research breakthroughs that still need to be made. Cryopreservation, or the process of freezing cells, has been used for years by medical laboratories to preserve animal cells, human embryos, and even some organized tissues. However, it is not currently possible to revive large animals or organs from a frozen state. Large vitrified organs tend to develop fractures during cooling, and without cryoprotectants, cell shrinkage and high salt concentrations during freezing usually prevent frozen cells from functioning again after thawing. Ice crystals can also disrupt connections between cells that are necessary for organs to function. Cryonicists argue that, as long as brain structure remains intact, it is possible to recover its information content. Cryonics proponents go further than the mainstream consensus in saying that the brain does not have to be continuously active to survive or retain memory. Cryonics controversially states that a human survives even within an inactive brain that has been badly damaged, provided that original encoding of memory and personality can, in theory, be adequately inferred and reconstituted from what structure remains. Cryonics uses temperatures below −130 °C, called cryopreservation, in an attempt to preserve enough brain information to permit the future revival of the cryopreserved person. Cryopreservation may be accomplished by freezing, freezing with cryoprotectant to reduce ice damage, or by vitrification to avoid ice damage. Even using the best methods, cryopreservation of whole bodies or brains is very damaging and irreversible with current technology. Cryonics advocates hold that in the future the use of some kind of presently-nonexistent nanotechnology may be able to help bring the dead back to life and treat the diseases which killed them. Mind uploading has also been proposed. ",2022-09-06T15:36:14.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7632,True,True,0x1C99f04AC435f37d86D7D7C0B93b5c3e966B8770,"A place to host regenerative courses, classes and retreats for DAO's.",,"La Matrice Multiversity campus  We are here to play a new future, in a space designed for deep transformations, a catalyst for hopeful potentialities. La Matrice is a European hotspot of education and transmission which targets regenerations. We host  conferences, masterclasses, team buildings, classes, retreats, stays and experiences around the big questions of our century. La Matrice multiversity campus, a physical space which invites all DAO’s that stimulate transitions, reflections, and actions to gather. We are creating a place for courses, masterclasses, workshops, conferences, experiences, the form may vary inside this Edu Hub. We also believe in synchronising minds, hearts and bodies, combining intellectual, poetic and artistic knowledge in symphony with farming, to root the seeds of the learnings.  La Matrice Multiversity Campus is curating courses and gatherings with a family of organisations. Meet and mingle with experts, innovators and empiricists from different traditions, they are generalists and specialists, bioengineers and alchemists. ROADMAP Upcoming gatherings for regenerative purposes during Autumn / Winter 2022  The shift project : Post carbon economy retreat  RegensUnite : A gathering for everyone who is working on regenerative solutions for themselves, our communities, and our planet - from a wide range of sectors, backgrounds, and experiences (such as web3, climate movements, NGOs, and citizen initiatives) - to unite and learn together.     Trois-Tiers in combination with Re:build Trois-Tiers facilitates the creation of new eco-village places to emerge. Re:Build - ‘Join a global community of people and organisations building regenerative villages.’ GOAL Collecting - $5000  to fund two gatherings for year 2023 which would host organisations workings on topics as :  #1 Develop a political strategy at european level by gathering web3 actors   #2 Territorial resilience against rebound effect within ecosystems  SPACE Links  La Matrice Website Facebook  Twitter  Instagram",2022-09-06T16:18:32.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7633,True,True,0x366f4f8D514Cd1090AD24f34396801e4732cA2bd,Web3Go,,"Web3Go is an all-in-one web3.0 multi-chain data platform, providing rich web3 data analytics and services to users, developers, and project owners.   With Web3Go, users could use the dashboards to have both an overview and detailed information what is happening on a specific chain (e.g., trading volume, trends, etc.) as well as with a specific category of products (e.g., Defib, GameFi, NFT, etc.). Moreover, they could create their own dashboards and share with the community using the data interfaces provided by Web3Go. The Push service enables users to be notified by on-chain activities, that they subscribed, immediately after these are triggered. A built-in community is offered for users to view, share and communicate.   Every can play with Data!",2022-09-06T16:24:25.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7634,True,True,0x20c7F2a24f33cF4F02D2D185e49aC7B1C975d37f,Awake - On-chain shareholder credentials,,"Awake is a platform for activism. We envision a world in which the wisdom of the crowds is used for social good, a world in which companies are held accountable for their actions. As a community, we will leverage our collective capital and expertise, and we will move mountains. Awake makes it easy for investors to have their voices heard at the companies they own. Whether you own stock through a brokerage, a pension or a 401k, you should have a say. We act as the missing link between shareholders who care about complex issues and the fund managers voting on their behalf.  A long-form version of our origin story can be found here; otherwise, here is a summary of what’s happened and what’s next. What’s happened We set out to build a decentralized activist hedge fund to fight climate change. After lots of research, we found the current regulatory environment lacks sufficient guidance and would leave us on uncertain legal footing. To be inclusive of all investors, our model no longer requires a pure DAO structure We rebranded from ClimateDAO to “Awake” to reflect a conscious investment approach. We launched the private alpha version of the platform. What’s next In the next two months, we plan to onboard our first 10,000 users to our public beta. We’ll engage our community to help determine our first campaign Form partnerships with players in the ReFi Ecosystem where objectives align Refine our web application (click it) How we will use Gitcoin funding  Onboarding the first 10,000 users for climate action - 40% Focus our first campaign on climate positive action Research and develop a campaign that provides the greatest impact Pay for marketing our campaign to reach the widest possible audience Approach the targeted company about making changes with the data we gather from the campaign Pay for server and API calls associated with running the campaign on our web app Plaid integration to verify share ownership Database fees Hosting fees Storage fees Other Infrastructure as a Service tools Open source research on the viability of on-chain shareholding credentials - 60% Pay research contributors to conduct a literature review of existing research Gap analysis - identify opportunities based on what needs exist and what products are currently available Include section on the legal ramifications of on-chain shareholder voting credentials Investigate the role that zk technology could play in shareholder privacy Why are we building this? Shareholder voting is an underutilized form of corporate governance Most retail investors don’t vote their shares Final Thoughts We’re actively looking to collaborate with people who are aligned with our mission. If you or someone you know is interested in partnering with us, reach out to @waxmanelliot on twitter. Notes on Round Eligibility Climate: Now that we've built V1 of the platform, we're gearing up for our first campaign.The first campaign (and most others) will be advocating for a public company to address its climate record. For this campaign to have legs, we need to reach thousands of shareholders.To do that, we are launching a marketing campaign (which requires advertising dollars). Aligned with our mission of tackling climate change through increased retail shareholder engagement, we're hoping to do a research sprint on on-chain credentials for shareholder voting rights. Shareholder activism can play an important role in addressing the climate crisis. Public companies are responsible for a majority of global GHG emissions and are governed by their shareholders. We are building the rails for shareholders to exercise their power at the companies in their portfolio and advocate for the climate.To learn more about the role that shareholder proposals can have in tackling climate change, see here, here, and here.",2022-09-06T16:35:06.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7635,True,True,0x1D346c4F0732674a1fc69b4bAFBa854F53353C35,AdMeta - A Privacy-preserving Advertising Platform tailored for Web3 and Metaverse,,"Online advertising is in greater demand than ever before. However, due to the current situation of the advertising duopoly (Google Ads and Facebook Ads), the challenge of user privacy is gradually emerging. Privacy laws are being tightened globally, but Google and Facebook are still in violation of GDPR. Users are forced to watch endless ads, risking privacy breaches, yet advertising fees are earned by the advertising platforms. AdMeta solves this problem by giving the ownership of user privacy back to the users. With zero-knowledge proof, users are able to control and use their private data for advertising matchings, without exposing the data itself. By doing this, users are directly rewarded by advertisers. We also introduce DID (decentralized identity) and SBT(Soulbound Token) to our platform, to enrich users' data for the best advertising services. Also, our audience segmentation is tailored for Web3. We start this project on September 2021, and now we've already built an MVP including WebApp and our Blockchain Testnet. We are currently building our extension and SDK, to allow advertisers and users to access our network easily. Winning this grant definitely means a lot to us and we hope to be able to build our product with peace of mind, especially in this bear market environment. Thank you for your support!",2022-09-06T16:51:50.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7636,True,True,0x6a5341e3Afd085912b8038504EBa5d96e52b513e,Psychology Research & App,,"About Gravity DAO is a conflict management commons that is emerging from the cultural build of the Token Engineering Commons, to offer Alternative Dispute Resolution services to web3 communities. We are part of GravityDAO - together with my colleague we are building an Observational Psychological Research. We have a weekly meeting on TEC discord server in the Gravity voice channel every Monday at 11am EST. Observational research consists of systematic observation. “Systematic” involves a rational and reproducible procedure for collecting data. Data can be collected using a video recording device or a questionnaire. When the study is ready and the research is done, it will be published on an academic platform and Gravity Medium. Surveys are one of the most popular ways to find out what people think and one of the most common research methods in psychology. To build our research we needed to focus on specialized articles (from specialized literature). The main intention was to search for articles that talk about mental health in:  work-family balance, remote work, sleep deprivation,boundaries, routine, shared identity, sadness, stress  in personal life and DAOs.  What do the articles say? In the It’s a New Era for Mental Health at Work, digital article, by Kelly Greenwood & Julia Anas (2021) we see that 68% of Millennials and 81% of Generation Z  left their jobs for mental health reasons. When compared to the data collected from 2019, 50% of respondents in general left their roles both voluntarily and involuntarily (34% in 2019 ). “Ninety- one percent of respondents believed that a company’s culture should support mental health, up from 86% in 2019.” (Greenwood & Anas, 2021). Expectations of the study:  -informative and applicable for Web3 space  -the research and our studies will be helpful for many DAO contributors  -we measure progression over time  -it's replicable  -striving to implement psychology in DAOs  -raise awareness and bring psychologists to the space  -harmful mental health factors that are work relatable   -isolate good practices for web3 and beyond  -gather preliminary research data that will be used for further developments The Solution  We see psychological tools being used in different areas, especially around Token Engineering Commons (TEC). But our goal is to have this field where we pay more attention to our surroundings either online or in real life and especially to ourselves. Our idea is to bring tools and resources that people will be able to get help from and feel safe if they need to talk to someone.  After collecting the results from the survey, the next step is to analyze it and create a free application where: psychological help is offered, guidance to a specialist psychologist, techniques and practical methods in different areas. We consider it ideal to offer our services to other DAOs. Also we want part of the application to have a social function -Where people can talk about how they feel. Only together we can build! The link to the survey- Our team  We are two women with a background in psychology leading this initiative, involved in the DAO space for 1.5 years. We are enthusiastic about promoting mental health in the DAOs space. Since December/2021 we have been working on the creation of this research: showing our idea of the implementation of psychology in web3, gathering data and articles from different platforms, integrating with the community and finding that our research and desire to provide psychology to the DAO space was needed. Together we collected more than 25 references and we got a collaboration with Universidade de Brasília- Brazil (University of Brasilia) to develop the survey and publish the research in an academic way.  We can't wait to take on new challenges and come up with useful solutions for the entire Web3 community.  Our journey in Web3 has begun! We need funding for the development of the application and for new future research directions related to psychology and Web3.  P.S- Our website is in the finishing stage, it will be ready soon.",2022-09-06T17:01:39.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7637,True,True,0x1848cF2BBBC49E9e9DB226b0d341eAAB6eDCfB79,ENS Turkish Community,,"TurkishENS: It aims only for Turkish information about ENS (Ethereum Name Service) Domain/Domain Name and its usage. All articles on this blog can be used by everyone; no reference is required. What is written here does not bind a person/institution in any way. This blog will always be ad-free.",2022-09-06T17:11:26.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7638,True,True,0x23aDa6E6A9E9D4EcDDd185e3ec353163BCeeBF2a,zk nullifiers: New Cryptography for Sybil-Resistant Anonymity,,"zk nullifiers make it possible to have a unique, anonymous identity. Developing this cryptographic primitive into wallets will unlock sybil-resistant anonymous apps like zero knowledge airdrops, anonymous decentralized voting which only allows one vote per account, and message boards with a consistent identity. We think that fully executing this work will create a whole new class of dapps and web3 social apps with pseudonymity. This grant will go to helping to integrate a new, non-interactive zk nullifier into wallets such as Metamask. Note that this scheme offers an improvement to semaphore or tornado cash nullifiers, because the first few people who sign up will not have small anonymity sets. The grant will also help to publish the paper that proves the security of the scheme via a DDH-VRF argument, and pay for conference expenses so it can be presented more widely. It will be split amongst Kobi, Aayush, Veronica, Lakshman, Wei Jie, and anyone else who would like to help productionize this work! If you'd like to read the paper, it can be found at The slides to fully explain the new scheme are found here, and the code is here: The academic paper is here. A blog post will be public soon -- if you'd like to read a draft, dm @yush_g on Twitter! Initial research was funded by a $4k grant from 0xPARC and done as part of an MIT masters thesis. ",2022-09-06T17:24:03.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7639,False,True,0x0,AURORA Developers Education - HISPANO (ADEH),,"Our mission is to create an educational space to generate training programs on AURORA technology that allows training Spanish-speaking people, so we can eliminate language barriers and support the construction of documentation in Spanish for entrepreneurs and developers. ",2022-09-06T18:13:21.319-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7640,True,True,0xA7C6a8782632733d48246bF516475341Dac6d65B,"ForkinWisdom - sharing knowledge (CC0 : public domain) to expand our minds, provoke dialogue and inspire people to take positive action",,"ForkinWisdom: a portal for sharing knowledge (CC0 : public domain) to expand our minds, provoke dialogue and inspire people to take positive action. With your funds we will create many more of our ""Infographic Educational Videos"" (see our alpha Coda site). We are requesting to join the Climate Solutions Round so 100% of the funds received thru this Grant will be allocated towards creating videos promoting projects from the Gitcoin Climate Solutions Round (for example we are already creating one about HeliosDAO). You can see our first content here: Our goal is to help humanity share open knowledge, inspire a positive collective mindset, and provoke massive social action: Every content that we produce will be created with a CC0 (public domain) licence so that everyone can benefit from it without any restrictions. The portal will be a hub to provoke conversations and expand knowledge. We will design different feedback mechanisms to ensure that this knowledge quest is lead by the entire community. Every piece content will aim to inspire people towards action, and will also have a link to invite them to support a Gitcoin Grant related to that topic. This project is in a very early stage, so we really need your support to make this dream come true... The more funds we get, the more videos we will launch to the PUBLIC DOMAIN! ForkinWisdom will always be a Social Impact Project, and 100% of the funds will be used to generate PUBLIC GOODS.  ",2022-09-06T18:16:28.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7641,True,True,0x622B253fddF6d8D4E0c145d7598d8c00Fc7E710c,Bu Zhi DAO - Taiwan Web3 Education,,"Bu Zhi DAO is a non-profit, apolitical, mission-driven DAO that aims to bring together builders and resources to help advance Taiwan's web3 ecosystem. We focus on connecting people, bridging Taiwan with the world, and creating educational content such as workshops, podcasts, and articles. We are currently focused on hosting the first web3 native conference in Taiwan, Taipei Blockchain Week with our DAO members in December from around the world. It will be a 3-day conference + 3-day developer boot camp along with side events to really bring out the best in the web3 community in Taiwan and connect it with the world. Planning a conference takes a village of volunteers so any help and support to our mission are appreciated!",2022-09-06T18:51:16.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7642,True,True,0x73d9393E253540EB537EFE871F1Dc2c6C630105a,REX,,"IDEA No-code game build based on open source games merged with web3 functionality Open-source platform Choose a game. Add NFTs. Mint a game. ANYONE can do it. EVERYONE is game creator.  CURRENT STAGE Current REX Functionality:  1) Migrate open source games to web3 infrastructure. (Already migrated open source pacman and space invaders)  2) Enable creators to build and publish a game with unique NFTs added via injection  3) Make games available to share and play for players Current Web3 Infrastructure:  Supported Networks: Solana Supported Platforms: Web Available Games: Space Invaders, Pacman NEXT STAGE Supported Networks: Solana, Ethereum, Polygon Supported Platforms: Web, Unity, Mobile Available Games: Space Invaders, Pacman, and at least 1 more General Web3 Infrastructure - UX Improvement: Vastly improve user experience through low to no-code NFT injections into games - Trait Translation: Test game asset trait translation tool to persist asset functionality between games, ecosystems, and chains - Security Enhancement: Add wallet integration for secure game and asset customization - Tool Improvement: Enhance injection tool and asset usability with xNFTs on mobile - Education: Conduct education sessions and create educational content for developers who are looking to migrate from web2 to web3 - Increase Platform Interoperability: Expand tool support into Unity ecosystem Polygon Specific  - Expand injection tool network support to include all Polygon NFTs and at least one Polygon-based game - Improve interoperable game asset functionality and injection, particularly for cross-chain and non-web3 native assets, for the Gameswift platform.",2022-09-06T19:04:49.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7643,False,False,0x5Dc75d3D75bf10cec6C6633d18803d1C7205f31B,New Grant,,"{""ops"":[{""insert"":""Grant\n""},{""attributes"":{""bold"":true},""insert"":""Bold Grant""},{""insert"":""\n""},{""attributes"":{""italic"":true,""bold"":true},""insert"":""Italic Grant""},{""insert"":""\n""},{""attributes"":{""underline"":true,""italic"":true},""insert"":""Underline""},{""insert"":""\n""}]} ",2022-09-06T19:39:13.519-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7644,False,False,0x027FB871101a865E0e3440a78aA073BE85763C5B,Let more users easily catch up with the rapidly changing ENS market!,,"Problems we want to solve With the continuous growth of ENS, we have witnessed the ENS secondary market grow and change rapidly. More and more clubs have been created and the sales performance of each club has been constantly changing. Also, the floor and sold price are under wide fluctuation.  In order to constantly catch up with the market and better make their own ENS transaction decisions, name holders have growing demand to have a clear idea of the changeable ENS market sales performance.  However, since it is still a new market, the sales information is still scattered around all kinds of platforms including social media like Twitter and marketplace like the Opensea.  Therefore, in order to have a clear idea of the market performance,  users have to spend a lot of effort and time to go through different information channels to gather the scattered sales information, which is indeed hard and very inconvenient for them What we do Our website is a platform showing aggregated and in-depth sales information of ENS domains by extracting all the sales records from Opensea, Looksrare and other ENS marketplaces.  It shows the overall sales data including sales volume, sales ranking, average sold price, floor & highest price of different clubs (e.g. 999 club, 3letters club) within different periods of time. What’s more, we provide a convenient filter function for users to easily find the exact sales information they want. Here, users can filter sales information by different time period, different clubs, different name categories(e.g. Repeat 2, descend 3) .  Moreover, we visualized the sales volume and sales price into a dynamic chart. Users can easily find  the price change and volume change by day of the specific types of names they select (e.g. Repeat 2 for 999 club in last 30d).  By using this functions, users can easily follow up on the ENS market trend. Besides that, we also provide all detailed records of each ENS name’s sales.  Users can also rank the sales records by date/ sold price/first digit. Our value for ENS We focus on accomplishing the following for ENS: Usability - improving the user experience Instead of spending a lot of effort to go through different platforms to gather the scattered sales information, users can conveniently have a comprehensive view of the ENS transaction market by using our website. Also they can easily find the exact information they want using our filter function.  Community - growing the ecosystem We see that the market is rapidly growing and it is really hard for every active user in the community to constantly catch up with the market. WIth that idea, we want to be their support. By tracking all the transaction data in the ENS market and providing up-to-date insights, we hope we can let more community members easily understand the changeable market and let other newcomers see how promising the market is. Moreover, we believe our data can be a kind of tool for a lot of other brilliant community members to use to build up other powerful things. In the end, we can together help grow the ecosystem. Education - Generating & Promoting content and educational resources about ENS  Although more and more people are joining the ENS market, most of them still don’t have a thorough idea about the ENS market insights. Our website wants to educate users to become more expert in the market. Here, they can learn how to better use the data to discover insights of the market. For example, from the price chartthey can see when the price goes up and down and know when the market is prosperous and when to buy/sell their own name property. Future Development Plan With the grant, we want to develop our website into a more powerful market analysis platform. Two more functions are under development: (1) More visualization: Apart from the price chart, we are also considering to develop more visualization tools including sales volume chart, floor price chart and etc. We believe with more powerful visualization functions, users will find it more convenient to cultivate insights of the market. (2) Intelligent future forecast: Besides past sales data analysis, we also want to include future forecast function into our website. By analysing the past data, we can forecast future average sold price and volume of the ENS market. We believe this function will help more users master the ENS market. ",2022-09-06T19:44:49.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7646,True,True,0xDEdbc83667A22f95a56398956285b823DCE0b126,Sugoi Protocol: Web3’s first Green Savings Protocol,,"Hii Gitcoiners! We are Sugoi protocol 🌱 Who? Sugoi is web3’s first green savings protocol where users can deposit their stablecoins, earn interest, and be able to redirect a percentage of that interest towards environmental NGOs. Users are incentivized by social impact, tax deductions and special rewards like NFTs. What? We call Sugoi a green savings protocol because as you earn yield on your savings you also create impact for environmental causes hence our motto “park2impact”. How? Sugoi is a fully decentralized protocol that generates yield on users' deposits by depositing into decentralized lending protocols i.e. Aave and then automatically donating the yield while giving users access to their deposit with earned yield anytime. We also plant a tree for every time user makes a deposit to Sugoi ☘️. In future, Sugoi will have an SDK to enable other web3 protocols to add green savings feature to their product. Why? Today, there are a lot of stable coins in digital wallets today doing nothing. When we deposit money in a traditional bank that money is put to use by lending it out and earning yield for the bank. Sugoi was born while brainstorming how we can in fact — “park2impact” putting your stable coins to use. Our core thesis is that there is a wide market of individuals who own stable coins but don’t know how to put them to use. Sugoi gives users the ability to both earn yield and create impact in a way no other crypto native solution has attempted. After doing some research we found most individuals who own crypto have yet to use Decentralized Finance in any way, shape or form. We believe a few factors contributing to this would be the learning curve and onboarding hurdles. At Sugoi we are building an intuitive protocol with easy-to-use UI and docs that will enable smooth onboarding process to DeFi for the average native and non-native crypto user. Team? We are a team of three reimagining web3 for social impact with Shraddha leading, Mateo building, and Luciano expanding the Sugoi protocol. We’d be so grateful for your support in GR15 as we build web3 first must-have green savings protocol. Thank you! With love, Sugoi Team",2022-09-06T20:03:23.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7647,True,True,0x06278201278C831bEd4E3d38907d6352AbdA9750,Web3 Women in Science,,"The mission of Web3 Women in Science (W3WS) is to address the critical underrepresentation of women and nonbinary individuals at the intersection of science and web3, sometimes referred to as “DeSci” for Decentralized Science. To our knowledge, W3WS is the only existing advocacy group specifically devoted to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the DeSci space. TLDR: Web3 Women in Science aims to onboard and support women in science as they navigate web3. Since January 2022, we have developed communication and networking hubs and facilitated numerous speaking opportunities without funding. We now seek funding to launch a compensated contributor program and evolve into an incorporated non-profit.  In January 2022, W3WS initially began as a series of Twitter Spaces devoted to amplifying the voices of women in DeSci. Inspired by this movement, a Telegram group was soon created to facilitate networking, and today this group has 161 members. As the needs of the community became more complex, plans for a full-fledged organization with branches for recruiting and onboarding, training and advising, and support and advocacy began to emerge. In June, a Discord server was launched with a structure in place to facilitate introductions and networking, aggregate DeSci community events, and provide access to liaisons from partner DeSci organizations to help newer contributors find their best fit in the DeSci ecosystem.  We currently have 97 verified Discord members (75 female, 20 male, 2 nonbinary), 49% of whom have completed onboarding by posting responses to our self-introduction questionnaire. Our server hosts liaisons from five partner DeSci organizations and counting: DeSci World, Vibe Bio, NeuraDAO, talentDAO, and AthenaDAO. We are also partnering with the women-led professional growth community xCollective to gather and analyze web3 compensation data in order to promote salary transparency and aid contributors with negotiations. Finally, in addition to our own Twitter Spaces, we have been called upon to organize panels at virtual conferences, including ResearchHub’s SciCon 2022 and the upcoming Academic Web3 Conference, significantly expanding the limited opportunities for women in DeSci to access high-profile speaker slots. W3WS is now ready for its next evolution. To date, all initiatives have been 100% powered by a small team of volunteers, and unavoidable expenses (e.g. web hosting) have been covered by the founders. As we scale up and take on more numerous and ambitious projects, a different organizational structure is required. We are here requesting funds to: (1) launch a compensated contributor program and (2) to cover the consulting costs and fees required to formalize our organization as a legally recognized non-profit. The groundwork has already been laid for immediately actionable applications of the contributor program in content creation and research. Several writers, editors, and illustrators in the community have self-assembled with the skills and passion to produce a blog highlighting women’s journeys in DeSci. Our researchers are also poised to gather elusive data on the demographics of the DeSci landscape and develop data-driven plans to improve diversity. By recruiting, onboarding, and supporting women, we shift DeSci demographics towards a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive future, which is also bound to be a more sustainable and successful future. Thank you, W3WS Team Ariella Coler-Reilly, MD PhD Candidate Jocelynn Pearl, PhD Sarah Hamburg, PhD Dani, MS Zack West, BSc Inês Santos Silva Jessica / TattooQueen, PhD Ramona Kyabaggu, PhD Candidate, MSc, BHSc, CHIM Website Twitter Telegram Discord",2022-09-06T21:25:42.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7648,False,False,0x61Ab2BdEfeE3950b4370C4240F6882adADb1d83F,oscillo | Always better than DEX,,"What is oscillo oscillo is a P2P Matchmaking Protocol that puts price over everything. We aim to create a profitable trading environment that is friendly to crypto traders all around the world. In such a rapid and ever changing market, we want to become a place where all crypto traders can feel a sense of guarantee and safety. Now oscillo prioritizes value over time. We believe that it is important to put users’ funds before the time it takes to complete an order. Our matchmaking system highlights this belief. We also believe that eventually, the two aspects will balance out, because as more users are drawn in because of the value of our transactions, they will begin to take less time. What makes oscillo unique Index Price: Off-chain pricing system that uses the average price of various trusted markets. Index-Limit Order: Only executed at index price when the index price satisfies or is more profitable than the trigger conditions. Hybrid On/Off chain: Off-chain pricing for slippage or MEV protection and on-chain settlement for reliable transaction. Trading Widget: oscillo’s trading widget can support P2E games’ in game auctions. The projects can charge a trading fee if they wish to do so. This means that projects can concentrate solely on game development instead. What’s the oscillo’s benefit for traders Guaranteed Price: Trade any volume of tokens without losing money on price impact, slippage or MEV attacks. Free Trading: oscillo currently offers a zero trading fee promotion for all trading pairs to celebrate our launch. Gasless(meta): The only thing you need to start trading is a gasless signature. Growth Market: Market friendly to new tokens with liquidity providing issues. More profitable trades for users trading these tokens as there is significantly less slippage. Roadmap We think these items are needed to trade reasonably in Defi. We will choose the top priority according to the traders’ voices. Derivatives Multichain support Batch trade for stablecoins NFT trade Accounts for enterprises Combination trade ",2022-09-07T00:46:14.050-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7649,False,False,0x0,OTCOnline - Web 3.0 OTC and fully automated guarantor service,,"OTCOnline is the first Web 3.0 OTC and fully automated guarantor service that works on a P2P basis! Our mission is to make web 3.0 deals more secure, so people can buy and sell crypto assets safely and not worry about being scammed! Benefits of the platform: ✅ Low commission! Thanks to our own smart contract, the commission of the platform is only 3%, regardless of the amount of deal! ✅ 24/7 support! In case of any problems, at any time moderator can join the deal at your request, just by pressing a button! ✅ User-friendly interface! Service is implemented in such a way that even the most inexperienced user can place ads and make deals! The deal mechanism is made by the well-known P2P principle. ✅ Safety! The most important thing for us is the safety of our users! That's why we have implemented a mechanism that will ensure the safety of your money and will not let scammers cheat you! Instructions and an example of how to use the platform can be found on our Medium ",2022-09-07T01:00:23.994-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7650,False,False,0x32384214e0747847B5A544eF1269791DFA97a325,Trees,,"Financial provision of NFT using Web3 technologies. Build Lukso blockchain (#LYXe). staking NFT. #BLOCKCHAIN ",2022-09-07T01:12:14.144-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7651,True,True,0x9319b2526969D4170D3F3E2e22EA350f91D56ED1, - Patreon for Web3,,"Resources - Content, Grants, Guides, Templates, etc. The Bonsai Template - Notion Documentation (This file is the index, or the Bible for all things that are in production.) Bonsai is Patreon for Web3– a walled garden for your community to access exclusive content, perks, and events. Bonsai is web2/web3 hybrid. Beginners can use Stripe, and pros can use Unlock Protocol (NFT utilities with their cryptocurrency of choice), to purchase their memberships. Category: Web3, Community, Continuing Education, Developer Tools, K-12, Entertainment, and Media. The Problem: Centralized Closed Platforms Whether it’s Patreon, OnlyFans, Teachable, Shopify, etc– they own your content, your audience, your business, and so they basically own you. The Solution: Decentralized Open Source Platforms In the future, you will have a convenient open-source option. You will have the option of owning the software that you and your community use. You will own all of the rights to make the decision whether you want to run it on your own server, or pay somebody else to manage it for you. Either way, you own the full code repository and the database. You will own your business, and community– or it will be community owned. Funding: Funding will be used to get to Beta version, as well as fund Bonsai's grant program which will develop features such Masterclass (LMS), Shopify (e-commerce), Substack, and a metaverse university for web3. I will keep my focus on the core of the product (Patreon) until eligible grantees apply. Roadmap: Bonsai is currently in pre-beta. Here are some things we'd like to accomplish before beta: Revenue splitting (gated access and streaming payments already accomplished with Unlock Protocol and Stripe) Launch starter plan for $50/m Update Bonsai courses (involves shooting and editing updated tutorials) Front-end Editing and Customizing (using ACF) Events (as a custom post type) Launch Bonsai Grants (Shopify, Masterclass, Substack, and metaverse university for web3) After Beta: iOS app (shared content using WP-API) Widgets for daily check-ins from community (similar to BeReal or Insight Timer) Team (Board Members of DAO): Chris Do Julien Genestoux Currently inviting: Tim Ferriss and Jonathan Courtney Competition and Key Differentiators: Unlike Patreon, Bonsai is Open Source and web3 ready out of the box. Unlike Creaton, Bonsai is web2/web3 hybrid. It gives you the option to pay in cash or other trades of value. The type of content and perks you can offer is more flexible, including selling physical products. Also, Creaton isn't very active on Github, despite taking at $1.1M in funding.",2022-09-07T01:55:21.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7652,False,False,0x48b799AC8F5b71024Fb26D59E8CBE68CDc734721,Portals & Passages: magical gates as 'web3 hyperlinks' between on-chain worlds (like Realms and Crypts & Caverns) to enable meta quests and games,,"Portals & Passages is a CC0, fully on-chain NFT collection of 1000 magical gates, called 'Portals'. Backstory: Genesis Era: The Ancient Schools of Enchantment competed to build magical Portals & Passages scattered across the Lootverse, and powered by rare Enchantment Gems; Age of Exploration: Adventurers traveled the world from Realm to Realm, to Dungeons, to Wonders, through Enchanted Portals & Passages managed by the Guild of Navigators. The Mist: Portals were abandoned, their locations forgotten. But fragments about their existence survived in tales of the past. Age of Adventure: The Council of the 16 Orders and the Guild of Navigators tasked scholars from all Orders to locate and revive the Enchanted Portals & Passages. One by one Portals are being unearthed. Soon, Adventurers will voyage through, reaching faraway Dungeons, entering foreign Order lands, bowing down before Wonders, going back in Time… It draws from deep loot lore: Portals & Passages is built with a CC0, composability, building block mindset, and aim to offer new possibilities for builders and writers to include movement of Characters across Places and Eras in their projects. The Portals mapping (e.g. each Portal's location) will be generated by users, during the portals rediscovery (e.g. mint). Compatible ecosystems where users can define a location for their portals will be Realms and Crypts & Caverns to start with, and the contract will make it possible to add other ones over time. It will be possible for a given Portal to have a location in each compatible ecosystem, in the sense that a Portal magically coexists in different worlds, thus connecting them together. Portals could be seen as 'web3 hyperlinks'. Indeed they create connections both: between places in different on-chain worlds, through the coexistence of a given portal in different worlds; between places in a given on-chain ecosystem like Crypts & Caverns dungeons, by enabling all kind of builders creativity ideas on how to link 2 portals located in 2 different dungeons together. Portals come with on-chain SVG visual. We introduce an innovation on that front, by enabling multiple different SVG renderers, that users can choose from for their own Portals. We'll start with 2 original renderers (e.g. 'Loot OG' and 'Portals OG atmosphere') and it will be possible to add more over time (incl. renderers submitted by 3rd parties, like partner projects). Users can pass a byte array of customisation params that renderers can interpret (for example for letting users customise the background color). So for example referenced ecosystems where users can locate their Portals projects could also optionally develop and submit a Portals SVG renderer in cohesion with the atmosphere of their project (added to the list holders can choose from).",2022-09-07T02:43:52.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7653,True,True,0x320ec92821Aa0ce1523CEd0B0a2054A0a981Ac58,UNDR1ROOF WEB3 FOR THE HOMELESS,,"LAST YEAR WE HOUSED 5 PEOPLE USING OUR PROOF OF CONCEPT. WE ARE AN ALTERNATIVE CROWDFUNDING SPACE THAT DESIRES TO FUNDRAISE USING WEB 3. OUR GENESIS DROP FEATURED ARTISTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD FOR OUR PROOF OF CONCEPT - WE STARTED CREATING NFTs AS A WAY TO CREATE AND MANIFEST CHANGE. WE ALSO HAVE A TOKEN CALLED $ROOF & WE ARE BUILDING A WEB APP THAT CAN BE USED BY HOMELESS PEOPLE TO FIND RESOURCES. WE NEED THE MONEY FROM THIS GRANT TO FUND THE APP AND NEW WEBSITE FOR FUTURE ENDEAVORS. WE WANT TO RAISE 1.2 MILLION DOLLARS BY 2023.",2022-09-07T02:57:20.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7654,False,False,0x3e331a358421Ebe3Dc2fEf05449Ec89667E430B9,VestLab,," is an analytics service that collects information about tokenomics, metrics, exact dates and times of upcoming events about the listing and vesting of crypto tokens. Our site is already quite popular, with several thousand users visiting daily. The project was created with full enthusiasm. We want our site to benefit the crypto community. We need your support to further develop and improve the service, Thank you! ",2022-09-07T03:48:15.346-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7655,False,True,0xd5bDc028aaEAb8D8fa1C5Bb577b6C4C3402559F6,Project: Themistoklis,,"Description: Right now most automatic drones with AI that are bound to them or to a server, which handles directly the input and creates the output, which can be sometimes slow and have issues and are target specific (only same drone etc).  AIs can work as actual drivers, they will be connecting through easy API connections with drones (e.x dji controller api), will collect input data from it and will generate the output remotely, this way they can coordinate multiple drones, at once, while the drones themselves will be “mindless”. This architecture would make drone swarms act better together. What is more, the project can be used to Map the world around drones in a synced 3D world between all users. What is more, we are going to share all the Models generated by the drones or the ones we create for the project. Finally, the drones will be able to detect objects, like trees, corps, which will help the growth of the environment, while they will be able to detect fires.",2022-09-07T04:21:54.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7656,True,True,0xf905c05a274b4775432b43D1b651e26039ec6354,🌳🏠DAO - Solarpunk & Regen Village builders Book.,,"TL:DR Your contributions will go towards finishing an incredible 200+ page illustrated book for building regenerative villages made by 22 people in just 10 days of hard core work!  As well as helping support the infrastructure needed to set up the TreeHouseDAO and reward contributors so that our published works can remain free and open source. The next book we’ll make will be “Welcome to ReFi” in partnership with ReFi DAO to help people navigate and join the ReFi movement. Thank you for your support - you rock! And we love you!  TreeHouseDAO is a brand new web3 co-creative publishing house for public goods information that serves people and planet.  Our first project has been co-creating an open-source handbook for aspiring regenerative village builders. This handbook is already becoming an actionable blueprint which enables, guides and assists aspiring builders to start, design, govern and incorporate their own regenerative villages. This is based on feedback from the re:build community (an organisation supporting localised events for village builders) stating a strong communal need for support. Why do we need Tree House DAO? There is no other web3 publishing organisation that focuses on regenerating the planet. Why do we need a regenerative village builders handbook? Especially since lockdown, many people have realised there might be a better alternative to being packed in concrete boxes, stacked on top of each other in increasingly hot cities that rely on fragile supply chains. Those of us looking for other ways of being want to live in regenerative villages that gives us a sense of true belonging, a connection to nature, to each other, and a sense of personal and collective purpose. But the process can seem daunting and complex, this means that many people get stuck in analysis paralysis and struggle to progress; therefore there is a need for a simple guide created by those who have already walked the path of regenerative living. It is a complex, fast paced, ever changing landscape as more and more alternative ways of living and being are being experimented on. This means that a lot of progress and experience is happening constantly. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, there is a need for alignment of patterns, processes, successes and failures. With more and more fully functioning prototype villages, this means that there is plenty of real world experience to draw from.   How is the book writing being kicked-off? Hosted as part of the re:build events series, and during a two week long Village Builders' Mastermind workshop at the Traditional Dream Factory (TDF) - a prototype village of Oasa Network - a group of 22 established regenerative village builders from around the world has convened to share knowledge & experience in order to co-create the open source Regenerative Village Builders' Handbook for aspiring regenerative village builders. What does TreeHouseDAO do to make a book? Assisted by the in-house TreeHouseDAO team of designers, writers, creatives who distil and visualise knowledge and the vast amounts of information generated we have a first draft of the book, the mastermind takes the participants on a fun, engaging journey of content creation to bring the book to life. Using a unique TreeHouseDAO created methodology we are able to co-create an entire book of 200 pages in just 10 days. Culminating in an open day where 15 more people from our extended community can come and critique the book and help finesse its content. We intend on repeating this process for all other organisations who wish to publish an open source book on any topic that helps regenerate the planet and its people. Chapters: Prologue - examples of villages 1. Personal Regeneration 2. Governance and Legal 3. Resources and Capital 4. Infrastructure 5. Building Capacity for Regeneration 6. Beyond your Village [an example of a chapter structure page before it is beautified by our designers] How is the TreeHouseDAO community coordinating?  Co-reflect and clarify patterns and processes - what does it take to build a regenerative village? Share knowledge and harness inter-village synergies. Condense and simplify a difficult and daunting process to encourage others to take action and transition towards a regenerative way of living. Social Token and Governance through gardens.1Hive Rewards and praise distribution through Coordinape. [graphic from a page about regenerative villages] What will the money we raise be used for? Printing physical copies of the book Setting up the digital infrastructure to make the book open source so global contributors can keep adding to the book to provide greater depth Paying our contributors for their time Paying the accommodation and food to TDF for hosting us Setting up our DAO infrastructure for the TreeHouse Creating liquidity for our IDO tokens to pay contributors Process of Book Creation Projects involved in co-creating the book: Traditional Dream Factory - first prototype within OASA network on a mission to acquire 100k hectares of land spread between twelve regenerative villages. TDF is a physical regenerative co-living space in Abela, Portugal which has been developing for 2 Years with 50+ members, a year round physical presence on the land, regenerating 5 ha of land. Liminal Village - a commons transition research centre and part of a bioregional socioeconomic network,  focusing on regenerative practices on a personal, local and global level, hosting temporary global communities and connecting local permanent communities. Agartha - Our Mission is to Bring the Culture of Diversity and Innovation to the World of Regenerative Eco Villages. Re:Source co-creates regenerative and resilient living spaces. We envision abundant and resilient living spaces enabled by ancient wisdom and best in class technology for all humans and nature to thrive. Our mission is to design an open source adaptive and iterative blueprint with the interventions and resources needed to build regenerative living spaces. Our purpose is to integrate social, ecological, and economic resources in a synergistic way to make regenerative projects feasible, scalable and resilient. Local Host - a global scene working on collective projects that aim to engage and inspire to participate while impacting species-level challenges. Azores Regenerative Network - an emergent microsolidarity network of regenerative projects and communities in the Azores Archipelago (autonomous region of Portugal),. Unity Co-living, Costa Rica - an intentional co-living space for personal development, cultural experimentation and the advancement of new positive social imaginaries. Piratas do Amor - Building a radical learning space aboard a large sailing ship to practice a culture based on love and connect regenerative communities across the seven seas. ",2022-09-07T04:27:40.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7657,True,True,0xF2c49d392789Cb0f5e24e2874713c7478ed998f2,Trooper - Connecting gaming to the real world economy.,,"Trooper is the first purpose-built platform conceived to fill the needs of Play-To-Earn gamers. Transforming hobbies into revenue streams, Hobbynomics - Gaming as a generator of wealth. Trooper aims to become the first cost free gaming marketplace where gamers, sponsors and games meet to enjoy the best of play to earn opportunities growing in the web3 ecosystem. Trooper v1 is a Job market platform for the Metaverse. Get in touch in Telegram: ",2022-09-07T04:56:01.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7658,True,True,0x7F2436d628137A1a4f07631b1E09e37455f4aDAe,Forta Agent: Money Laundering Detector for Umbra Protocol.,,"## What is Forta Forta is a decentralized monitoring network to detect threats and anomalies on DeFi, NFT, governance, bridges and other Web3 systems in real-time. Underlying Forta is a decentralized network of independent node operators that scan all transactions and block-by-block state changes for outlier transactions and threats. When an issue is detected, node operators send alerts to subscribers of potential risks, which enables them to take action. ## What is this agent After the sanction of Tornado Cash, many attackers move to other services to launder their money. Umbra Protocol is a stealth address protocol for Ethereum, meaning it allows a payer to send funds to a fresh address, which is controlled by the intended receiver, but only the payer and the receiver know that. Although technically speaking Umbra Protocol is not a mixer, its privacy protection feature makes it seem to be an alternative to Tornado Cash. Consequently, this agent will be built to monitor transfers related to Umbra Protocol, and hopefully, we can link the sender and receiver accurately based on its working principle.",2022-09-07T05:18:50.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7659,True,True,0x1d1A113C517DA481dFb106292a8c134c2DcB7517,Web3 Profile for Raycast,,"A Raycast Extension that makes it possible for users to search ENS names and view a ""web3 profile"". A ""web3 profile"" is created by fetching ENS data, such as Registrant, Text Records and Other Addresses. The idea of interoperable Web3 Profiles is exciting, and ENS makes it possible by allowing users to update their data on-chain. Watch a demo here: --- Who am I? My name is Pedro Duarte (@peduarte), and I'm a UI developer based in Barcelona. I'm interested in design systems, web3, user/dev experience and under engineering. Notable work: - Radix: Unstyled, accessible components for building high‑quality design systems and web apps in React (5M downloads p/m) - Stitches: CSS-in-JS with near-zero runtime, SSR, multi-variant support, and a best-in-class developer experience (430k downloads p/m) - RainbowKit]: RainbowKit is a [React]( library that makes it easy to add wallet connection to your dapp. It's intuitive, responsive and customizable (86k downloads p/m) - Other past clients: Facebook, Google, Nike, The Times & The Sunday Times, Heineken, Commerzbank. You can learn more about me and my work on --- Current Progress So far Web3 Profile can – Search for ENS name – Display ENS Information, such as Registrant, Text Records and Other Addresses – Allow users to copy address to clipboard – Allow users to open profile on Rainbow and Etherscan Potential Features – Resolve Lens Handle to ENS – Allow searching via address – Allow people view domain expiration date – Allow people to update records directly in Raycast! (may be tricky!) – and much much more! Long Term: I've bought the domain so there's a possibility this could scale up and be available online too. --- Response The response on Twitter has been great so far!",2022-09-07T05:40:43.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7660,False,False,0x4066255cd05e75f597A4C244DDcE18880a600ef2,Plastic Labs - Toward a Hyperstructure for Learning,,"Innovation in the way we learn is long overdue. Classrooms, grading systems, and similar structures were designed for the height of educational centralization and are heavily outdated. Blockchains are paving the way for decentralized peer-to-peer networks with programmable incentive mechanisms to emerge and create self-sustaining economic subsystems. Thus, it should be possible for us to experiment with cutting-edge learning techniques, incentives, and designs. Yet hardly any tooling is available to support that kind of experimentation.  We’re here to change that. Educational tooling needs a structure of structures — a hyperstructure — crypto protocols that can run for free and forever, without maintenance, interruption or intermediaries. Good education evolves, good minds evolve, tools improve, so the tenets of hyperstructure enable an open protocol where a massive diversity of approaches can exist on a unified data layer and hopefully birth an explosion in interoperable learning innovation, the community-driven creation of universal education, the meta public good. To simultaneously meet the ever-growing need for education in the web3 community and beyond and to iterate on learning experiences in a manner that will allow the right primitives for hyperstructure to emerge, our inaugural experiment will leverage community expertise and pedagogical knowhow to rapidly create robust learning experiences on important emerging topics. These learning experiences will be offered to the community for open-source consumption, but if learners prefer a peer-to-peer learning experience, we will also offer cohort-based courses as rapidly as the content is curated. These guerilla style CBCs will surface the primitives that should be incorporated into a hyperstructure, scaled, and ultimately computed over and optimized. In this mission, a Gitcoin grant serves two purposes: 1. To fund the contributors who are developing curricula for the CBCs 2. To fund developers working on the emergent primitive infrastructure we derive as a result of our learnings from the CBCs Whether your lens falls on the developing metacrisis and humanity's clear failure to coordinate at the scale necessary to secure a longterm safe future, the rising costs and sinking outcomes of traditional education, the political divisions that cause and are caused by that failure in the status quo, the growth of misinformation and censorship targeting those least likely to survive them, the current erosion of professional opportunity for our most talented educators, or all of the above—the need for change, for conscious optimism, and for tinkering in our educational systems could not be more clear, or more urgent. ",2022-09-07T06:02:28.022-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7661,True,True,0x0,Munkai: A Read to Earn Platform,,"Munkai is a Read to Earn platform on the blockchain for comic fans, crypto enthusiasts, digital content creators, writers, and NFT artists. Munkai app allows its users to discover, collect, read, and sell various forms of literature within the Blockchain. The main objective of this project is to use blockchain technology to merge the collectability of digital content with crypto. Why Use Munkai Munkai is a project that brings blockchain technology to merge the collectability of digital content with crypto. This means that Munkai is creating an environment that draws like-minded individuals together such as crypto enthusiasts, writers, comic fans, NFT artists and digital content creators while also offering an opportunity for both consumers and creators to earn on the same platform. Learn more... Digital content creators, Artists and Writers sometimes struggle with third party interference due to the centralized nature of available platforms and Munkai is eliminating this problem by creating a secured decentralized platform built on the blockchain technology. We believe in the need to continuously build mental capacity and to create a world of endless learning. Therefore, with diverse literary work, our readers are able to appreciate words and their power thereby, enabling them travel to other realms through what they see and read. All of the chapters available on the WebApp are comic stories. We are currently expanding to include other forms of literature like books, poems, articles, etc. Dive in and explore Munkai, and feel free to reach out to me on Twitter with feedback or feature requests! ",2022-09-07T06:45:46.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7662,True,True,0xf68a6177640cfE166d26e5c369CFfA8aBCcAa944,"Autonomous Web3 Carbon Offsetting, Menthol Protocol",," Menthol Protocol strives to make regeneration more accessible, affordable and integrated seamlessly into our everyday actions. The goal is to empower climate leaders and decentralized communities to drive the transformation towards regenerative growth with our PERMISSIONLESS climate-action tool. Menthol Protocol is a web3 protocol with a foundation in place paving the way for our Menthol DAO which offers climate-positivity-as-a-service, including the entire end-to-end-process of calculating non-avoidable emissions, curating high-impact tokens, and purchasing these respectively in real-time. Tokenizers of environmental impact tokens love working with us, as we create a continuous business model between them and their customers. The first set of environmental impact tokens are CO2e and renewable energy credits. Our mission is to live decentralization, but with regeneration first. Hereby, our first aim is nothing less than to turn the entire web3 space climate-positive, across all L1, L2s, dApps, communities, and individual wallet users. Forever. With just a few clicks. No-code integration allows for high interoperability across chains.    After fine-tuning this solution to decarbonizing web3, we want to offer the same service to any individual, community, or organization in the non-web3 world (web2). The first step towards climate change is reducing the individual carbon footprint through changes in behavior, new processes, and innovation. The second very important step to combat climate crises is calculating your non-avoidable emissions and over-compensating for them through for instance the mechanisms of the carbon offsetting market. Menthol Protocol automates this second step and brings climate positivity to anyone unleashing all ReFi projects. There is no excuse for turning climate positive, never has it been easier.  We strongly believe that we can build a leading climate-tech DAO amplifying existing ReFi ecosystems and building jointly towards a regenerative tomorrow with a self-motivating community capable of cooling the world with our tech. We are 100% directing the requested funds from this grant to the offsetting efforts of web3, starting with projects mainly on Ethereum and Polygon. It will be used to develop incentives and awareness programs for projects and individuals to understand what CO2e impacts are and how to offset their carbon footprint in the web3 world. Menthol Protocol is building a public good to allow eventually any individual, organization, and community on planet Earth to offset their respective carbon footprint in a transparent, automated, secure, and verifiably impactful manner. Menthol Protocol is also then expanding into other impact tokens (starting with environmental). We will be working on developing unique carbon footprint calculation metrics and methodologies for blockchain networks (web3) and the energy sector (web2). Our carbon footprint calculator will be open source and will be improved parallel to the scientific-based research, also published. There are many scientific metrics and methodologies for off-chain carbon footprint calculation, especially in the aviation, chemicals, and oil & gas industries. However, the web3 and non-web3 ecosystem is developing every other day as well as the methodologies to calculate non-avoidable emissions.  We are a 20-person strong team, and growing, from all over the world covering every continent, and are ready to turn climate crises into climate action, serving, in particular, the ReFi web3 actors as an intelligent middleware. We have specialists on board and will further produce sound scientific literature and analysis not only on the calculation side but even more importantly on the supply side of high-quality impact tokens, starting with CO2e credits and renewable energy tokens.  See Our Cool Team Here: We’d be so grateful for your support in GR15!   Thank you!   Follow us on Twitter to Stay Cool! @MentholProtocol Menthol Protocol Team ",2022-09-07T07:11:36.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7663,True,True,0xe4458d575e5D6867e6A9e52dED44cef8c0F888F8,Cryptomurals - Street art as public good,,"Cryptomurals is a blockchain-based platform focused on promoting and preserving the best street art worldwide, making it accessible as a public good. Our mission is to preserve the cultural heritage with interactive web3 dApps and bring artists and active citizens together to build inclusive environments in public spaces. The project was an EthGlobal finalist at the Web3Jam Hackathon in November 2021.  1. Cryptomurals Cryptomurals aims to be a living archive in the Ethereum blockchain that allows navigating the history of all the layers of murals painted over the years on the same wall - we call it ""The Wallchain"".  Cryptomurals public gallery will be the digital home to curated geolocated murals, with a dynamic map that allows exploring cities in gamified street-art huntings.  2. Collaborative experiences We believe that art is for everyone. Cryptomurals run local initiatives to support artists to create murals and tokenize their artworks in cities around ETH community events.  A geolocation-based scan system will allow participants to claim new murals and unlock exclusive content such as animations, AR experiences, or NFTs.    3. Street-art hunters community Our platform will allow a collaborative process where individuals provide insights on the state of the artworks by city, securing the preservation of the heritage and keeping the archives updated.  The community will collaborate asynchronously in challenges around inclusion, culture promotion, and web3 adoption initiatives to fund street art as a public good while playing around. It's a tool that can be used by anyone who wants to make their city a more beautiful place.  4. The future of Cryptomurals Cities and art festivals can integrate Cryptomurals as the leading platform to archive the cultural heritage of the murals in their location. We want to make it easy for anyone to use web3 tools to share their local murals with others worldwide.  Insights in the Cryptomurals platform will nurture the community's collective intelligence and the decision-making around local-run initiatives. Opportunities can include quadratic voting to promote new murals geolocations or support the renovation of existing spots. We are a group of street artists and tech enthusiasts from Latin America who believe in inclusion thanks to art workshops and renovation of public spaces such as basketball yards, Sk8 parks, etc.  We believe in street art as a public good.  5. Contributions We're thrilled to share that we're making progress with our mission.  Along with the ETH Colombia community, we are building Cryptomurals graffiti tours to propose a street art hunting experience for Devcon6 visitors. Participants will discover Bogotá and unlock exclusive content in our genesis. The experience will be organized by Cryptomurals and developed by Doingud.  We're excited to continue on this journey with the progressive support of our community, and we hope you will join us in our quest to extend the values of decentralization to fund public goods. Please contact us and jump into our Twitter and Instagram @cryptomurals to see the murals we started geolocating in Bogotá for DEVCON 6!",2022-09-07T07:34:54.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7664,True,True,0xdb2558f98DC751D1BE3B596E54D57F98724ED76B,Desci China,,"Desci promotion research organization in China. 我们致力于Desci在中国的发展,帮助更多科学家了解和加入Desci的研究。 Helping scientists find funding. 帮助科学家找到资金。 Collaboration with academic and publishing institutions. 与学术和出版机构合作。 Funding decisions are online and transparent, with a new fundraising mechanism. 筹资决策是在线和透明的,有新的筹资机制 Using web3 tech to share lab resources. 使用web3技术共享实验室资源。 Development of new release models. 开发新的发布模型。 Peer reviewers will receive tokens and reputation. 同行评论员将获得代币和声誉。 Own the generated intellectual property and distribute it under transparent terms. 拥有所产生的知识产权,并以透明条款进行分配。 Put the research process onchain, make papers easy to save and share. 将研究过程链接起来,使论文易于保存和共享。 Assistance and incubation for DeSci projects. 协助和孵化DeSci项目。",2022-09-07T08:37:50.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7665,False,True,0xE0De420CcA21B39e7a6fc15836C26800aF3b74C4,NFT Pinas - NFT Marketplace built on Ethereum layer 2 rollup (zkSync),,,2022-09-07T08:55:50.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 7666,True,True,0xc4F82274a6EA9d5296C2eB119e5cec14026301C5,Planet.Health: exploratory incubator for web3 and planetary health,,"We're a cross-disciplinary group bringing together two relatively siloed fields - blockchain and planetary health - to facilitate cross-pollination and collaboration for the betterment of people and planet.   Planetary health is an interdisciplinary field, recognising human health as interconnected and interdependent with ecology and the climate - it’s a field that bridges from the micro to the systemic, and is rapidly overtaking global health as the way we think about human health, wellbeing and flourishing, especially in the context of climate change.   As you know, blockchain can offer tools that support managing complexity and the challenges within planetary health - yet - it's still not been mobilised to its full potential.   We're putting on: *A virtual learning journey in September and October 2022 with 'experts-in-conversation' bridging planetary health and Web3, across 5 sessions, including governance, community and translocalism, and financing *A 3-day in person event at the Château du Feÿ in France, for experts from across the worlds of global health, climate, governance, technology, philanthropy, ReFi, DeSci, decentralisation, law, art, ecology, academia, and communities on the frontlines, interested in how blockchain technology can be used to improve planetary health and begin to cross-pollinate. *A lasting community for the betterment of people and planet! As organisers from across both Planetary Health (doctors, academics, UN bods) and web3 (DAOs, blockchain governance, builders), we know that innovation happens when two siloed worlds collide. This work is urgent and necessary in light of the planetary crises we're facing. Your support will help us onboard more of the Planetary Health community to web3, create lasting resources and tools, begin building our DAO, and sponsor people from marginalised communities and those impacted by climate change to attend the in-person event.",2022-09-07T08:59:48.000-06:00,GR15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 0x06e848f768e6e972fdc073e58678bf371083fd9ea45fcebd4d4925102513f297-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xd42d631ae4c242db45671cf7cbfa2289d8db56fe,InterSwap,,"InterSwap is the first fully composable native asset cross-chain AMM with unified liquidity built on top of the LayerZero network. InterSwap offers the smoothest user experience for cross-chain swaps - seamless native swaps across chains within 3 clicks, 2 minutes and 1 transaction in the trustless way. Additional use case: a non-custodial automated cross-chain portfolio manager. ",2022-11-22 12:59:29,FANTOM,0x06e848f768e6e972fdc073e58678bf371083fd9ea45fcebd4d4925102513f297,PENDING,2022-11-22 12:59:29,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,62,,,@InterSwap_io,"We received a grant from Polygon, Moonbeam. Some seed round funding from VCs and angels.",10,"Currently we are deployed on testnets of 8 networks: Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimism, Fantom, Moonbeam, Arbitrum). We have a plans to deploy on several more chains in near future.","We are addressing liquidity fragmentation, insecure bridging solutions and exposure to CEXes during cross-chain transaction. After Ethereum birth we’ve witnessed the rise of many L1s and L2s, most of them aiming to resolve scalability issues and provide enhanced smart contracts capabilities. Consequences of increasing the number of networks led the whole blockchain industry to liquidity fragmentation across different networks. According to the latest report, 69% of all crypto theft taken place in 2022 came from cross-chain bridge hacks. The report from Chainalysis, the firm that deals with blockchain analytics stated that 14 token bridge hacks have occurred in 2022 so far and that led to theft of $2bil+.We are building most capital efficient cross-chain AMM with unified liquidity; and non custodial automated cross-chain portfolio manager built on top of LayerZero network. Seamless onboarding of users from all supported chains for Moonbeam chain, protocols and dApps built on it. InterSwap has capabilities to connect several chains through single liquidity pool, making protocol most capital efficient solution on the market. Here is detailed proposition and description of solution.",,0.0,0.0,0.0 0x089e0079dacd3c682f9e9a9ee90b7354cf706c0c1f737afbc8f389e166c5f06a-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xbcedb3e27f2650f4698e1cc6a02bbd2cef123b4b, - Web3 Social Usernames,,"We (Punk Domains) are building a unique way for the Fantom community to interact with each other on the upcoming Web3 Social. We are launching a Web3 Social username service called where anybody could mint their very own web3 domain username with a .fantom extension. The .fantom extension represents the Fantom community. Once the username is minted it belongs to the user forever (no renewables). ### Strengthening bonds within the Fantom community Many people are already using .eth names as usernames on Twitter and other social media. Imagine the same happening for the Fantom community. Having your own domain extension is good for spreading awareness and it also strengthens bonds between members of the community. ### More than just a domain Web3 names are a digital identity. Fantom members can use domains as usernames when they log into web3 apps. They can also attach additional data to a domain, like a website URL, or a Twitter handle, or email address. Or they can use domains to easily send tokens and NFTs to each other. The Fantom Names service is built on top of the Punk Domains protocol that is the go-to protocol for many big projects like KlimaDAO, Smol Brains, Layer2DAO and more. ### Many possible integrations Any dApp or web3 frontend can easily integrate with .fantom domain extensions. The protocol is completely permissionless and the code is open-sourced on our Github: ### Minting fees => Public Goods We are firm believers in public goods funding. That is why 50% of the domain minting proceeds will go into funding public goods projects on Fantom. ### The future & conclusion Web3 Social is arriving in a big way. There are many projects building different parts (lego blocks) of the upcoming Web3 Social. Usernames (aka “domains”) are one of these building blocks. The whole idea is based on the fact that every user owns their online identity and the content they produce (posts, comments, images, etc.) Web3 names are the integral part of Web3 Social. They mainly serve as usernames, but can also hold additional (optional) data such as homepage URL, image data, email address, etc. Let’s bring the Fantom community into the Web3 Social space together! - Website: - Twitter: - GitHub:",2022-11-27 14:40:37,FANTOM,0x089e0079dacd3c682f9e9a9ee90b7354cf706c0c1f737afbc8f389e166c5f06a,PENDING,2022-11-27 14:40:37,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,80,tempe-techie,punk-domains,PunkDomains,Gitcoin,2,Yes,"It's a web3 domain protocol that can issue multiple domain extensions. Each project on Fantom can have their own domain extension through our protocol. This helps with marketing efforts (spreading awareness about the project) and also brings revenue to the project treasury. There are many DAOs already using our protocol, such as KlimaDAO, Smol Brains, L2DAO, etc.","No, we have our own unique codebase.",5484.0398522806345,6690.0,7048.0 0x09019d0ef8ae691debea7dc4d96f0f76edb2b97107a148e841c151a9966fbed5-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xc2e704499e5607be3a6364f96129636b96f5ec48,Just Brew It DAO,https://JustBrewIt.DAO,"A DAO where the NFT holders decide on the creation of a brewery from where it will be built, to the types of beers to brew, to the labels for the bottles. NFT holders will receive benefits ranging from discounts, swag, receiving free beer quarterly, all the way up to revenue sharing. ",2022-12-02 18:49:32,FANTOM,0x09019d0ef8ae691debea7dc4d96f0f76edb2b97107a148e841c151a9966fbed5,PENDING,2022-12-02 18:49:32,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:122,,JustBrewItDAO,JustBrewItDAO,No,1,No,Allowing the entire globe to decide on all of the details of creating a brewery from the ground up. ,No,955.8361205030196,2041.0,2170.0 0x0bc6b0feab6bb662019b824fc223d5cfe217bbe1605295fc022be2e58360683c-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x4e260bb2b25ec6f3a59b478fcde5ed5b8d783b02,Web3 Payments for Fantom - DePay,,"DePay pioneers Web3 Payments with the power of DeFi. It allows to accept any token with on-the-fly conversion (through decentralized exchanges). DePay provides a full-stack infrastructure for Web3 Payments consisting of the payment protocol, payment router smart contracts, open source libraries, apis, and payment gateways. DePay is currently the only P2P payment app on Shopify ( and a WooCommerce payment partner ( This grant is to support adding Fantom to DePay, ultimately allowing anyone to receive payments directly into their wallets, settled on the Fantom network.",2022-11-28 09:19:19,FANTOM,0x0bc6b0feab6bb662019b824fc223d5cfe217bbe1605295fc022be2e58360683c,PENDING,2022-11-28 09:19:19,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,83,10xsebastian,depayfi,depay,Founder funded.,5,Yes,Web3 Payments. On-the-fly payment conversion through DeFi. P2P payment gateways for E-Commerce (Shopify + WooCommerce). Open-Source libraries.,,2863.5838595109776,4679.0,4903.0 0x0c7fc7c4591c4bb4fc181a7369309a47bd9f9d66f4215005b2fa1e9dd34949ba-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xc1501c73cf23067e2a16faceb5be4796cd8f2111,DOG's Forensics as a Service (Faas),,"Dog, Fantom's most persistent annoyances, is willing to continue investigating disingenuous and criminal activity on the fantom network; in accordance with The fantom foundation's Gitcoin program.",2022-11-21 20:01:45,FANTOM,0x0c7fc7c4591c4bb4fc181a7369309a47bd9f9d66f4215005b2fa1e9dd34949ba,PENDING,2022-11-21 20:01:45,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,59,,,,no,1,no,"Investigation and forensics, much needed due to the heavy deception on fantom.",No.,2568.1229699923742,1871.0,1944.0 0x1207e7650bc9cd89d2ae967b0b63f591162bbe5fc2f64dea3a749dfda5b67449-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x48294a067d1bc5a58bcbab4b3be329d078d9e1af,Pin Save: decentralized Pinterest,,"Pin Save is a decentralized image sharing and content aggregation platform where users can not only control the content, but also the platform itself. The combination of decentralized storage, smart contracts and creator ownership of intellectual property creates new dynamics between content creators and forms new more meaningful communities. Pin Save 4 key features: The decentralized Feed to reinforce discovery of content and feedback. Decentralized Identity (ERC-725) to provide anonymity and data protection. Upgradeable, resilient, and more open decentralized storage. Smart Contracts to securely serve web experiences directly to users. Pin Save assists in lowering the threshold for users to enter the web3 space, provides incentives to share content and effectively improves the adoption of the decentralized technology.",2022-11-16 17:01:53,FANTOM,0x1207e7650bc9cd89d2ae967b0b63f591162bbe5fc2f64dea3a749dfda5b67449,PENDING,2022-11-16 17:01:53,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,45,pfed-prog,dspytdao,PinSav3,Filecoin Grant and Hackathons,3,yes on testnet,"One of our developers has completed developers program with SkyNet decentralized storage provider. Currently we are in the grant process with Filecoin. As a result, we believe we possess a competitive advantage in providing our user the best tailored decentralized storage experience. The combination of decentralized storage, smart contracts and creator ownership of intellectual property creates new dynamics between content creators and forms new more meaningful communities. Pin Save assists in lowering the threshold for users to enter the web3 space, provides incentives to share content and effectively improves the adoption of the decentralized technology.",,1000.0795821780908,1636.0,1706.0 0x1d02cf91e0538941b643db2b34a1b9e72fbf129a021ecc0f569980b1a6f45bc3-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x4d9339dd97db55e3b9bcbe65de39ff9c04d1c2cd,Giveth,,"Giveth is using blockchain to reward and empower those who give to projects, to society, and to the world! Our community is focused on Building the Future of Giving using blockchain technology. Our intention is to support and reward the funding of public goods by creating open, transparent and free access to the revolutionary funding opportunities available within the Ethereum ecosystem.",2022-11-17 15:46:22,FANTOM,0x1d02cf91e0538941b643db2b34a1b9e72fbf129a021ecc0f569980b1a6f45bc3,PENDING,2022-11-17 15:46:22,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,49,,,@Givethio,NO,54,"yes, Ethereum and Gnosis",We are thrilled to partner up with Fantom to offer the 1st donation platform in the ecosystem by adding it to our chain!,,3189.623039235353,2261.0,2415.0 0x1e9e8d47b2f14f961f5b27b76a06753d987cc36ea0e85405bace67aa4fa3f89d-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xb614b1464c561eb2fd0d7d3475feb52b5a34dec0,Pepemon: Degen Battleground,,"Pepemon it's a DAO owned by the players building open gaming goods in web3. Degen Battleground is the first Pepemon game. A play and earn trading card game, it's powered by DeFi, using NFTs as in-game assets, and governed decentralized by the players. An easy to learn, difficult to master Trading Card Game where users will duel each other on blockchain in their journey to become the very best. Pepemon started in 2020 as one of the new decentralized economies with a 99.86% airdrop of the tokens to the community members that helped spreading the word on our mission: build a blockchain game that it's owned by the players. Since inception we launched different dapps in our economy including: - Our staking platform with ~80% of PPBLZ token in staking or ~$3mil TVL. - A NFT Store that sold more than $1mil of digital cards. - A way for Pepetrainers to stake and evolve their existing NFTs in NFT Staking Events. - A Unity game app pending launching on Android, iOS and web.",2022-11-22 19:34:49,FANTOM,0x1e9e8d47b2f14f961f5b27b76a06753d987cc36ea0e85405bace67aa4fa3f89d,PENDING,2022-11-22 19:34:49,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,16,,,pepemonfinance,Gitcoin grants,7,Yes,A trading card game on chain utilizing a DeFi economy to pay players with NFT cards,"Everything is developed from scratch, open source with other open gaming goods.",1032.1246644413782,1785.0,1881.0 0x268db24b83a82d31b0856f31c87f9c9b6248ed4ea313ca97281efb8797de0e39-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xd05aa43ea6bed1d138111fe58802fe88dee93bc6,Eyepto,,"What if all crypto transactions could be done with QR codes only? What if you don't need to be using a DApp to use crypto? What if you could turn any Instagram, TikTok.. content into an NFT? What if you could trade your crypto assets on your favorite messaging apps with real people you know? What if physical stores could reward their users with NFTs and other crypto assets by simply having the Eyepto mobile app? This is what Eyepto is, and many more things are possible. Eyepto is meant to unleash the power of crypto outside of DApps and bring it into the hands of everyone.",2022-11-30 11:37:55,FANTOM,0x268db24b83a82d31b0856f31c87f9c9b6248ed4ea313ca97281efb8797de0e39,PENDING,2022-11-30 11:37:55,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:93,,,0xeyepto,No,2,Yes,Create an easy to access way to crypto and allow more innovation about what can be in the Fantom ecosystem.,,982.0028810641796,1497.0,1558.0 0x26c147b6e04f82c9cf7e451517fc56a42e15f0a65c21074223b5b1e8c44fa11b-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x080749e06a9fee7af0e9c922bd6901f9edf86033,The Sterling project,,"Im building stuff, I think. Im crowdsourcing what im gonna build.2",2022-11-14 19:38:56,FANTOM,0x26c147b6e04f82c9cf7e451517fc56a42e15f0a65c21074223b5b1e8c44fa11b,PENDING,2022-11-14 19:38:56,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,13,,,@not__sterling,No,250,No,A little bit if everything. Your imagination is the limit. ,,0.0,0.0,0.0 0x2fffdbabe689b782496d15ee8c7c0310329ed63519041c70a8039fce74cd932b-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x677d6ec74fa352d4ef9b1886f6155384acd70d90,Atlantica Market,,"Atlantica is designed for everyone, from all networks and will offer a wide range of NFTs including but not limited to artworks, videos and music. We’re striving to offer the best utility available and have designed our platform as an interactive, user-friendly space that inspires creativity and community engagement. Our beta will launch as a leading NFT marketplace on the Fantom Network, but the future of Atlantica lies in a multichain platform that can integrate crosschain transactions. Hector Network is committed to pioneering the future in both the Defi and NFT arena.",2022-12-01 22:56:09,FANTOM,0x2fffdbabe689b782496d15ee8c7c0310329ed63519041c70a8039fce74cd932b,PENDING,2022-12-01 22:56:09,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:108,,,,"Yes, we received also the last Fantom Incentive Program for a few weeks.",Hector Network overall around 45,No,"As an innovative and user-friendly NFT marketplace, Atlantica brings many advantages. The NFT sector will continue to grow alongside art, as the possibilities for NFTs and their utilities are limitless. Atlantica, with its secure environment, will support the Fantom Network as such and bring many users onto the chain. Our partnership with Borussia Dortmund and the associated planned marketing measures for Atlantica will support this.",,1167.7075763738146,2102.0,2187.0 0x30b826002362b50fbcc7ee9ccd0515e4ab91c14141d3c037df69398c04a026ed-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x08a3c2a819e3de7aca384c798269b3ce1cd0e437,DefiLlama,,Open and transparent DeFi TVL and analytics. Fully Open Source.,2022-11-18 19:46:02,FANTOM,0x30b826002362b50fbcc7ee9ccd0515e4ab91c14141d3c037df69398c04a026ed,PENDING,2022-11-18 19:46:02,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,54,0xngmi,DefiLlama,DefiLlama,"Previously received funding from Gitcoin Grants, direct donations and self-funding. No investment received.",13,"Yes, DefiLlama tracks almost all chains and LlamaPay is live on most EVM chains.","We track DeFi metrics for fantom projects, such as TVL, Volume, Fees/Revenue and APYs of pools, improving discover-ability for projects on fantom. LlamaPay is also live on fantom and it's used by multiple native fantom teams such as SpookySwap to distribute salaries to their team members.",,15454.296578986858,10064.0,11904.0 0x3431b7e39ae4004e7bd741879b334984e869ca6ada7954845efb74c16f543e43-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x568aacee8c87f4c38d35431b12b0beab965ffb48,StableBattle,,"StableBattle is a medieval real-time mass PvP tournament game based on S2P&E model. S2P&E offers in-game rewards that are significant and sustainable as they come from DeFi yields resulting in players can't lose their initial funds. S2P&E can be implemented as a separate mechanics to existing games and NFT projects in addition to their own reward system. Think about it as multi chain DeFi protocol + tools/services for developers.",2022-11-29 10:30:51,FANTOM,0x3431b7e39ae4004e7bd741879b334984e869ca6ada7954845efb74c16f543e43,PENDING,2022-11-29 10:30:51,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:87,,,," It's already backed by highly experienced crypto stakeholders from,, and angels from,,,",17,Goerli Testnet,"New GameFi model + GameFi infrastructure for GameDevs, NFT collections, projects.",,0.0,0.0,0.0 0x37ad3db0b0bc56cea1909e6a6f21fd35453ef27f1d9a91e9edde75de10cc9cf8-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xe126b3e5d052f1f575828f61feba4f4f2603652a, - Helping you stay safe in web3,,"Hey all, we're building free and open source tools to help you stay safe in web3! 👋 To use tokens in decentralised applications such as Uniswap you have to grant the application permission to spend tokens on your behalf - known as an allowance. Allowances are an important part of using these apps, but can be dangerous if left unchecked. Bugs can exists and exploits can happen even in established projects, and by approving token allowances you are potentially exposing your wallet to these exploits. To keep yourself safe from allowance exploits it is a good practice to regularly inspect and revoke your allowances. comes in as a preventative tool to manage your token allowances and practice proper wallet hygiene. By regularly revoking active allowances you reduce the chances of becoming the victim of allowance exploits. In many cases, phishing websites try to make you sign an allowance while they pretend to be an NFT mint or other legitimate use cases. When these phishing scams happen, it is recommended to use to mitigate the damage, but it is even better to prevent the scam in the first place. This is where the Browser Extension comes in. The extension pops up whenever you are about to sign an allowance and will inform you of the allowance details. This can help you prevent signing malicious allowances.",2022-12-01 22:26:19,FANTOM,0x37ad3db0b0bc56cea1909e6a6f21fd35453ef27f1d9a91e9edde75de10cc9cf8,PENDING,2022-12-01 22:26:19,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:107,rkalis,RevokeCash,RevokeCash,Gitcoin Grants,1,"Yes, supports 30+ chains, and the browser extension supports every EVM chain","As a DeFi ecosystem grows more funds will be at risk due to forgotten allowances, and more bad actors will be attracted to the ecosystem trying to scam newer users. can help mitigate these issues.",,7404.270070156829,7842.0,8636.0 0x388fc68326283b17673aa3cf1286d2cd631083357680dce1badb2111a0380cb6-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xf00fa744e27a6af21850d17c8bfb138bb55f337a,World of Magik,,"Magik is a community led blockchain gaming protocol on the Fantom network. In the 10 months since its founding by UK-based brothers Jimmy and Avery, a group of about a dozen game, smart contract and business developers have come together to build a better model for on-chain gaming. Our goal is to build an inclusive decentralized gaming “world” where user participation drives the direction of development and culture. We’re using Fantom rails to facilitate near-instant in-game transaction settlement for arena matches, self-custodied user inventories and “faction” armories. We’re designing a new v2 tokenomic model and smart contract system - replacing token inflation with platform fees as the driver of in-game incentives’ and healthy ecosystem participation. We’re focused on providing the maximum value to users, and building the most kickass gaming community on the blockchain - or anywhere else. We had a pretty unusual route to “finding ourselves” as a protocol. Last March, we launched a yield optimizer platform called Magik.Farm, intent on generating fees to keep the lights on while the market tanked. Our lead game developer Kyle started off as a community member. So did our operations manager Brett. In fact, every member of the Magik team has come from its community (myself included). We’ve spent close to $0 on marketing or advertising. We’ve never raised funds/vc or dumped tokens for project runway. We’ve been a net accumulator of MAGIK. We’re proud of what we’ve done together over the past 10 months - building a team of deep conviction from 0. We humbly ask for your support in helping us take it to the next level. Magik Owen ",2022-12-04 18:12:27,FANTOM,0x388fc68326283b17673aa3cf1286d2cd631083357680dce1badb2111a0380cb6,PENDING,2022-12-04 18:12:27,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:142,Magikfinance,,magikthedog,No,8,No,"We’ve structured an early go-to market approach with Magik Arena (beta) that’s focused on on-boarding users from BSC and AVAX via “Faction” NFT mints. Our role at Magik.Farm as a service provider allowed us to build deep relationships with numerous protocols on other chains. They’re pitching in to promote and facilitate an in-game starter pack that will get its users a bit of MAGIK and FTM gas. We want to make it easy for anyone to jump in and play. We’re looking to build multi-layered and meaningful in-game economies within a UX that just works. We want users to ultimately drive and be the beneficiaries of those economies. Our focus is primarily on game development, but long term we see potential for Magik World as a space for social hangouts, subscription based communities and 3rd party vendor storefronts for in-game and out of game assets. There’s a vast world waiting to be built. We’re making it easy to become a homesteader and cultivate the land.",,794.8058083520217,1343.0,1400.0 0x3c99bc98e0c72d11db724e69a878b4b64c42bf7de26da11ca11e3df3a909b443-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x9a8568782896c4d4153b8b4d7e440e84e2c2cfbb,Debets Protocol,,A fully Decentralized & Permissionless Web3 iGaming Platform.,2022-12-03 15:11:37,FANTOM,0x3c99bc98e0c72d11db724e69a878b4b64c42bf7de26da11ca11e3df3a909b443,PENDING,2022-12-03 15:11:37,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:128,,,,No,4 members,"yes, polygon",Debets can provide a decentralized gambling platform for all tokens in FTM network. It will be an innovative use case for token holders.,,733.4938520400614,1544.0,1612.0 0x40723e51c0cf0db8154fb4657199e1dc05728e70f91697dfbb0510dff1543dac-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xd41dfd22e5d1f1a223df011ac3200585e5958148,Metaland,,"MetaLand is an RPG based on the D20 gaming rules and blockchain, which currently runs on Fantom network. It is inspired by Andre Cronje's Rarity contract components, and it aims to create a game meta-universe ecosystem. Players can mint NFT, forge and upgrade gear, join battle to win gaming resources, which includes MonsterNFT, Copper, Gear, etc (All could be randomly obtained from the protocols by users who participated in the game). All income from the project is held in the DAO vault, which is jointly managed by the vedcMST holders. Future investment targets of the vault, distribution of income, etc. are decided by the community. Current token holders: 6,178 addresses. We have more than 3,000 seed users in the community, and 10 core devs. We will deliver different components system in future, like: Weapon, Material, Guild, Land, etc, which devs from the 3rd party could leverage to produce all kinds of dungeons. Core gaming usage privilege would be accessible to dungeon devs via voting of ve model. Players could earn rewards by joining dungeons. With more dungeons comes more pleasant gaming experience, which would certainly draw more attention from different communities.",2022-11-15 07:23:50,FANTOM,0x40723e51c0cf0db8154fb4657199e1dc05728e70f91697dfbb0510dff1543dac,PENDING,2022-11-15 07:23:50,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,24,crypto-shuraba,crypto-contracts,Crypto_Shuraba,no,10,no,"Just like the development of natural ecology needs diversity of species, the ecological development of public blockchain also needs to have more types of builders and creators. We designed the ve voting model, DAO vault and component system to try to realize this. 1. ve voting model is the resource allocation mechanism of the project, the more tokens you lock and the longer they get locked, the more voting rights you will have. ve voting decides whether or not the core assets of game should be granted to those dungeons 3rd party devs built. 2. the DAO vault will be used to invest in other DeFi protocols, and then the profit obtained will be used to reward top players, increase token liquidity, destroy invalid tokens, etc. 3. component system is the base protocol for 3rd party developers who can try to create more new dungeons, which will bring more game scenarios. Good dungeons would get more ve votes to get access to more core assets. Then dungeon creator and his users would get more incentives for building up a healthy ecosystem. Our current grant application will be used to expand the capital of the DAO vault.",,1150.8228172542479,1908.0,1991.0 0x424bb8d0ab2fe7832d1d8bd95d2b2395ca3af0092783504e4cd6c2687f1f3fc0-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xf3e78d0c16d148574440d13a76255af0ec20d3b9,Zombiverse,,"Dividend yielding NFTs that distribute studio revenue to NFT holders. No more play to earn. Just earn! Our unique advertising strategy will see ads in games transformed from disruptive click bait to seamless relationships between gamers and advertisers. No more pop up ads. No more poor quality ads. A new mutually beneficial symbiosis between gamers and businesses. The best part is that revenue from all our games are distributed to NFT holders which will bring real utility to NFT owners. Gamers can trade their NFTs as with all other gaming projects however Five Two Eight Games plans on creating a whole new sector where Gamers, Indie developers and investors own a share of the studio projects through our NFT staking contracts. Staking contracts are setup to distribute multiple tokens which enables us to partner with other studios and indie developers to promote their games. Own The Game. The zombiverse is one of our current projects however we are also working on Food Fighter NFT and Hubris Solaris. All these games are playable right now on IOS and android and available on the Google and Apple app stores. Check out our first NFT project : Food Fighters which is already playable on google play and apple app stores: We are fully compliant with all app store rules and terms of service. Our real time cloud layer bridges the gap between web 2.0 and web 3.0.",2022-12-04 00:41:04,FANTOM,0x424bb8d0ab2fe7832d1d8bd95d2b2395ca3af0092783504e4cd6c2687f1f3fc0,PENDING,2022-12-04 00:41:04,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:137,528games,,games528,No,4,Yes,"The funding will be used entirely to stake Fantom on chain. The revenue from rewards will be used to fund the marketing for our effort. This will create a sustainable feedback loop. The more revenue we generate, the more we will stake to validate the Fantom network which in turn boosts our marketing budget.",Our staking contract is completely proprietary.,1005.9479561359607,1343.0,1407.0 0x44004a63bd3824f3fad649689bfd5ace7c124bdf49a1dd028e87d42876b72cec-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x71ac06f78e2724ecd504cdf2b521ed0091498676,Assetux,,"№1 Fiat to DeFi exchange built on interoperable DeFi ❤️ Community can buy Tokens directly on selected chain, and even the one listed only the DEXes with Visa/MC/МИР 🚀 Assetux uses on-chain DEX liquidity pools for fiat -> crypto deals, thus all the volume reflected on-chain.",2022-11-30 20:16:18,FANTOM,0x44004a63bd3824f3fad649689bfd5ace7c124bdf49a1dd028e87d42876b72cec,PENDING,2022-11-30 20:16:18,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:96,bogdyak,assetux,assetux,Personal funds,12,"Yes, BSC. Planning on Polygon",Any token traded on fantom dexes can be purchased with credit & debit card. Assetux opens traffic of fiat community by providing simple solution to make a first step to join Fantom ecosystem - Buy token of Dapp. ,,684.039982128697,1464.0,1521.0 0x44267b35a8efb7381ac628470c69ea711b64d2b29bd62602e88a2a3202eede2f-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x112e372bb5ec17c1ea6b1d679ea72afbd2a94404,Chaineye - Fantom Round,,"ChainEye aims to build the world leading free and open source omnichain analytical tools for retail investors. Launched in the Q4 2021, Chaineye has a total of over 100k user visits( as per our backend data, we have helped over 5K+ users to transfer asset from other chains to fantom). Currently, it has the following five functions: BridgeEye - a multi-chain bridge comparison tool. Users can use this tool to find the optimal bridge option given the source chain, destination chain and the amount of asset. Supported Chains include ethereum, polygon, avalanche, bnb chain, aurora, fantom etc. CEX transfer fee - Uses can check all the CEXs deposit and withdrawal status without logging into CEX. Users can find the cheapest route between CEX & On-chain transfer by sorting out the withdrawal fee. The data is updated every 10 minutes. Multichain Gas - Users can check the gas history and hour distribution for various chains in one page. ETH Staking - Users can find eth staking metrics such as 7 Days apy, effective apy, TVL, stakers, liquidity, volume, rewards cycles etc. for different staking protocols. RPC List - Users can find the best public rpc in terms of height, latency , 24 hour status, provider information etc. We provide the most complete rpc public nodes in the market for the following chains: Etherum, BNB, Polygon,aurora, fantom etc. ",2022-12-04 01:39:01,FANTOM,0x44267b35a8efb7381ac628470c69ea711b64d2b29bd62602e88a2a3202eede2f,PENDING,2022-12-04 01:39:01,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:138,DeFiTeddy,DeFiEye,biteyecn,"Yes, from gitcoin round 13,14 and 15",6,"yes, it is a cross chain project so it is live on etherum , polygon etc. ","ChainEye aims to build the world leading free and open source omnichain analytical tools for retail investors. Launched in the Q4 2021, Chaineye has a total of over 100k user visits. As per our backend data, we have helped over 5K+ users to transfer asset from other chains to fantom.",,1115.3231142585732,1402.0,1472.0 0x4615142ec30450ca0c1acb5166923ba517ef5bb9d6bfffdfe914033535deb31a-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x06917efce692cad37a77a50b9beef6f4cdd36422,LiquidDriver,,"Liquid Driver is a Liquidity-as-a-Service and Yield Optimizer protocol. Through its wide range of products (Farms, Shadow Farms, Liquid Wrappers and Upcoming MarketPlace for incentives) Liquid Driver can drive a deep and sticky liquidity to its partners, while providing optimized yield for its users. ",2022-12-04 21:17:18,FANTOM,0x4615142ec30450ca0c1acb5166923ba517ef5bb9d6bfffdfe914033535deb31a,PENDING,2022-12-04 21:17:18,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:61,,/LiquidDriver-finance,LiquidDriver,Yes. We have received some funding from the first Fantom Developer Grant Program that ended in April 2022.,8,"Not yet, but we aim to deploy LiquidDriver in the coming weeks on BNB chain, Optimism and Arbitrum.","LiquidDriver is a Liquidity-as-a-Service and Yield Optimizer protocol. Through its wide range of products (Farms, Shadow Farms, Liquid Wrappers and Upcoming Marketplace for incentives) LiquidDriver can drive a deep and sticky liquidity to its partners, while providing optimized yield for its users. LiquidDriver firepower relies on $LQDR emissions combined with adapted tokenomics that incentivize the long term interests alignment of all its stakeholders. The protocol has been designed to acquire substantial governance power over the emissions of strategic protocols, on any EVM compatible chain. The long term objective of LiquidDriver is to reduce $LQDR inflation to [10%-15%] annually. In order to achieve that goal, LiquidDriver focuses its effort in the acquisition of governance tokens that will back $LQDR value. Therefore, It is in the interest of LiquidDriver to incentivize a deep liquidity in those protocols, as well as providing products that allow users to extract optimized yield out of those protocols. As of today, LiquidDriver’s governance power is as follows: - 36% of SpiritSwap governance power (Solidly-like DEX - Fantom) - 31% of Hundred Finance governance power (Cross-chain Lending Platform) - 1.2% of THENA’s governance power (Velodrome-like DEX - BNB Chain) - Upcoming investment already voted [1%-1.5%] of Velodrome governance power (DEX - Optimism)","As deployed initially in June 2021, LiquidDriver was a fork of Sushiswap Since then, LiquidDriver carried out the following improvements: Implementation of the “revenue sharing vault” to which xLQDR holders can access. xLQDR is the locked version of $LQDR based on the veCRV contract from Curve Finance. Implementation of liquid wrappers to accumulate governance power over protocols on Fantom. “linSpirit” liquid wrapper to lock inSpirit from SpiritSwap on the back-end. “liHND” liquid wrapper to lock veHND from Hundred Finance on the back-end. Those contracts are based on the cvxCRV contract from Convex Finance. Implementation of the “Shadow Farms”. Shadow Farms are a cutting-edge type of farm that take an LP token as an input, stake & farm the governance token on the issuing protocol, swap the governance token for its interest-bearing version, stake the interest bearing version and auto-compound the rewards into more interest-bearing version. Unlike a classic auto-compounder, users of Shadow Farms get on average higher rewards and are taking a long position on the interest-bearing version of the token, as opposed to the LP token being autocompounded. (More details in this article : The code base has been audited by Certik and is currently kept under a bug bounty program (Upcoming) Implementation of the Master Gauges. “Master Gauges” is a product that allows $LQDR emissions to be decentralized and allocated on a bi-weekly basis by xLQDR holders and partners protocols on a specific Marketplace. (More details in this article: The code base has been reviewed by the Fantom Foundation ",2124.0188336756623,2932.0,3022.0 0x47e6a82b023f957e3972d88bec0f7d318d9bca3a6ec1a36187374b698a8e7e01-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x34f93b12ca2e13c6e64f45cfa36eabadd0ba30fc,Balance Capital,,The Balance Ecosystem encompasses a wide range of innovative products and developments in various DeFi and Web3 technology areas.,2022-12-04 19:08:32,FANTOM,0x47e6a82b023f957e3972d88bec0f7d318d9bca3a6ec1a36187374b698a8e7e01,PENDING,2022-12-04 19:08:32,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:140,,FantOHM-DAO,Balance_Capital,treasury,41,"Ethereum, Moonriver","Initially, Fantohm brought many new users to FTM chain and greatly contributed to TVL. Our unique stablecoin, USDB, allowed us to offer great returns on stablecoin staking and support new and upcoming projects like Takepile. As of the first quarter of 2022, Balance will be releasing a range of products that will continue to provide value to the FTM chain. These products ranging from online shopping to NFTs. In addition to development contributions, we take pride in the educational content we publish on almost a daily basis. Balance aims to provide value in everything we do, whether deploying new smart contracts or publishing educational content, and look forward to continue building on the FTM chain.",USDB and its proof of burn minting mechanism was a new innovation USDB Single sided staking and Tradfi Bonds were totally unique contracts. USDB investment vaults and the fNFTs are also completely written from scratch Liqd NFT lending/rental platform was also developed internally.,1489.644095289568,2722.0,2800.0 0x483c4ac8df7aa4641dc82c152d336d01da15fc6c11678e887ff2a5e1d78fe8e3-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x982610927237991e9b319a4c578d89b7823a3a9a,Evelyn,,"Evelyn is a Decentralized Perpetual Exchange, offering more security and control to users compared to traditional centralized intermediaries.",2022-11-16 07:43:36,FANTOM,0x483c4ac8df7aa4641dc82c152d336d01da15fc6c11678e887ff2a5e1d78fe8e3,PENDING,2022-11-16 07:43:36,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,39,,,EvelynExchange,No,6,No,"We want to contribute an optimized and seamless perpetual trading experience to Fantom users, offering them better security and control of their assets compared to the traditional centralized exchanges.. ",,902.0868816226947,1664.0,1740.0 0x4f0dd5349140e29186ceb3aca32550523d1f42c42537955e1141c835ff30792d-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x009d32fcf085c8d993c96d011724d4df82267014,Validator Node Encouragement Fund,,"To encourage new validators on Fantom by giving 1000 FTM welcome token of appreciation when ever new node starts, everything will be transparent with dedicated wallet for this purpose and incentive will be transferred to new validator node wallet directly. Small effort to increase decentralization on Fantom network.",2022-11-22 19:28:14,FANTOM,0x4f0dd5349140e29186ceb3aca32550523d1f42c42537955e1141c835ff30792d,PENDING,2022-11-22 19:28:14,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,63,,,Fantom_India,No,1,No,Decentralization to Fantom,,0.0,0.0,0.0 0x514640576f0ea056dce7d9dd49c1b676b8fb697097fea7e3253b1b73aed52f0c-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xa1e849b1d6c2fd31c63eef7822e9e0632411ada7,Beethoven X,,"Beethoven X is a next generation decentralized investment platform built for the future of finance. Leveraging the most advanced technology in the industry, we provide innovative, capital-efficient, and sustainable solutions for all DeFi users. Built around the core concept of programmable liquidity, Beethoven X is more than just a Decentralized Exchange. Versatile and adaptable, our product is future oriented and primed to meet the needs of an evolving industry. Our core infrastructure is designed intelligently and provides a foundation that is not only flexible but extremely efficient. From Weighted and Boosted Pools to LBPs, Beethoven X offers a suite of unique financial primitives that unlock the full potential of Decentralized Finance. ",2022-12-02 05:00:13,FANTOM,0x514640576f0ea056dce7d9dd49c1b676b8fb697097fea7e3253b1b73aed52f0c,PENDING,2022-12-02 05:00:13,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:94,,,@beethoven_x,Fantom Foundation - Developer Grant,10,Yes. Optimism,"Leveraging the most advanced technology in the industry, we provide innovative, capital-efficient, and sustainable solutions for all DeFi users. Built around the core concept of programmable liquidity, Beethoven X is more than just a Decentralized Exchange. Versatile and adaptable, our product is future oriented and primed to meet the needs of an evolving industry. ",,1283.791599250465,2202.0,2280.0 0x52991bd49f2414b37c48a3b56ab602316cbece3c7e8f848c8071421734d0423d-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x00000087c4cebffb95746d1935de7fbcab092f40,2omb Finance,,2omb is a yield farming algorithmic stablecoin protocol native to Fantom blockchain that is pegged to the price of 1 FTM through seigniorage and bonding mechanics. ,2022-11-14 22:09:54,FANTOM,0x52991bd49f2414b37c48a3b56ab602316cbece3c7e8f848c8071421734d0423d,PENDING,2022-11-14 22:09:54,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,17,,,_2omb,Quantum Fintech,8,No,Provide yield farming alternative solutions while increasing liquidity for FTM onchain.,Implementation of bonding liquidity tokens to grow protocol-owned liquidity within the modified seigniorage algorithm.,0.0,0.0,0.0 0x537bd7429752fe13a963c2b279657974bc6ca399826230880a5f12a3b2203516-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x4b4781df451642f490de17b0f58354e426f63223,Libertas Finance,,"Accelerated by Oasis protocol and Metamind Labs, Libertas Finance is the first fully doxxed, treasury-backed investment protocol operating as a VC fund, investing in early-stage web3 projects. Our CEO Abdullah has over 20 years as a serial entrepreneur building several successful businesses and I, Vinod Vijay have experience of nearly 8 years, leading projects in fortune 500 companies (Saint-Gobain, Caterpillar, Adesa, Moore Global, Johnson & Johnson to name a few) Our tech team comes with a combined experience of over 10 years in the blockchain space. Our goal is to democratize the venture capital markets and remove the barriers of entry for retail investors. We strongly believe that the next big crypto narrative is ""Real yield"" which is why we have decided to incorporate that narrative on top of our VC DAO model, the first to do so. To further expand our team and to have a successful launch on Fantom, we are looking for a strategic partnership through the Fantom Alpha round on Gitcoin.",2022-11-29 14:29:40,FANTOM,0x537bd7429752fe13a963c2b279657974bc6ca399826230880a5f12a3b2203516,PENDING,2022-11-29 14:29:40,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:89,LibertasDAO,LibertasFinance,,"Yes, from Metamind labs Accelerator program. We received in total $ 13K USD. That was used purely to build out the MVP. ",6,Oasis Emerald testnet,"Its the first of its kind, a profit-sharing VC DAO. ",,0.0,0.0,0.0 0x5410db55712705912168d2c5eb684eb71dd6c65862541628c50b5520af4bfda6-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x7ea6b8906a0b33cbdb9582d31364f522395eb0ea,Real Token,,"About: Tokenization of Non-Performing Loans Impact: Make NPLs accessible to smaller investors via tokens 100% regulated CASP requirements under MiCA. Market size: European Non-Performing Loans were reported this year at €950 billion The What: There are many types of NPLs. We work closely with European banks that exit an NPL for a discount of up to 20%. If we detect an opportunity we buy it and work on executing the project so that we recover the ROI at which that loan was granted → the extra 20%. The How: Instead of providing us with liquidity or big investors, tokenization allows us to have smaller retail investors that can gain high returns on tokens with a real tangible subjacent. This is something only a few have access, we want to democratize this under a regulated framework. The Who: We are a venture builder with more than 10 years of experience building apps for more than 82M users. We have partnered with a fund manager specialized in buying and NPLs for 30 years. ",2022-11-24 13:08:32,FANTOM,0x5410db55712705912168d2c5eb684eb71dd6c65862541628c50b5520af4bfda6,PENDING,2022-11-24 13:08:32,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,72,,,,No,6,No,Democratize access to NPLs on the Fantom chain and also attract big banking institutions that want to sell their NPLs to a broader audience fast and easy.,,899.2204922311948,1095.0,1140.0 0x57f7fdee4ff367f34a19db0ccf1424037cbb8d3aa6b16d245b599717b9dc1982-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xe7048ab8dfa7f7a80d79fd6c5acf8b0c1d174fdf,Alphabetting,,Alphabetting Hedge Fund is a hedge fund that will occupy a still vacant space for a sector that is not suffering from crisis and that is not correlated with any other. The returns are not correlated to the performance of traditional investment products.,2022-11-24 01:37:48,FANTOM,0x57f7fdee4ff367f34a19db0ccf1424037cbb8d3aa6b16d245b599717b9dc1982,PENDING,2022-11-24 01:37:48,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,70,,,,none,2,not for while,We can improve the ecosystem bring the sports like bridge to make wealth,not,656.9466777561754,1106.0,1155.0 0x5ca973edcfe43946fc06d1198db4e7d07430935f84ff6b0c7823e9202da340d1-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x89a4c9494d022178b783b81d2221657f1d49b375,Mowse,,"Mowse aims to be a cute and fun hub for anyone to experience and participate in the growing web3 future. It encapsulates Mowse-related interactables into one site: MowseGame (gaming hub to earn MowseGold tokens), SMOLxSWOL Mowse (interactive NFT showcasing power of Fantom technology), MowsePack (customizable, on-chain assets), and more. The goal of Mowse is to be the leader in innovative NFT utility while being a fun place to learn new technologies.",2022-11-30 03:01:41,FANTOM,0x5ca973edcfe43946fc06d1198db4e7d07430935f84ff6b0c7823e9202da340d1,PENDING,2022-11-30 03:01:41,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:92,Rhyngoh,,MowsePack,No,2,No,Brings new utility and ideas to the space. Showcases the power and speed of Fantom consensus. Closely integrated in Fantom culture and helps shape the community,,433.51949048369414,1052.0,1095.0 0x5d057f76f46205139279ed6fe3249e30d4549245d33df9c3ae94b30313efcc33-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xd156382c8b7cf309865c7acac5caea323f8c30a4,Crypto Policy DAO,https://CryptoPolicy.DAO,Our mission is to be a platform for policymakers and blockchain builders to collaborate on the technical and regulatory research of blockchain technologies that promote a web3-friendly regulatory environment. The speed of blockchain innovation is outpacing the regulatory environment and leaving legislators behind in understanding and creating web3-friendly regulation. ,2022-12-02 19:03:42,FANTOM,0x5d057f76f46205139279ed6fe3249e30d4549245d33df9c3ae94b30313efcc33,PENDING,2022-12-02 19:03:42,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:123,,CryptoPolicyDAO,CryptoPolicyDAO,No,1,No,Brings together the blockchain builders and policy makers to collaborate on technology and regulation that promotes a web3 friendly regulatory environment.,No,522.1726311034004,929.0,995.0 0x5e06805a8fe15972014a87821e16a032628d882ad3f8245fbdbe804fa8fb227a-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x0a46a8cc7f3b478595d8098a2ab3047e21bfe47e,Racing Snails,,"It all started when a family of Snails longed for more out of life. Setting off one rainy day, Ara, Lira, Cara, and Ero Cascara were determined to find something more than the paced and measured life of an average snail. The Cascaras were just one family, with a dream to one day take on the racecourse. After countless days of Adventure and Racing, the Cascaras have found their home on the blockchain - the fastest blockchain (FTM). Hundreds joined the movement, each having fun and teaching the others a valuable lesson. Be your best snail. Race to Win! 🏁 🐌",2022-11-15 01:31:08,FANTOM,0x5e06805a8fe15972014a87821e16a032628d882ad3f8245fbdbe804fa8fb227a,PENDING,2022-11-15 01:31:08,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,20,DarkWolf47,,ShellsSquad,No,4,No,"We are aiming to bring some unique GameFi to Fantom, the Racing Snails are the first of their kind. Our main goal is to bring communities together for some fun Snail Racing as well as encourage newcomers to the Fantom Ecosystem. The Racing Snails game is a P2E & PVP game, users will be able to bid in PvP to earn FTM. We want to expand on that, we want to reward users with NFT rewards/upgrades, trophies & prize pools & the potential to pet their snail as part of unique companion experience. As it stands, we are building to game to achieve all the above but being able to receive funding would help us immensely as we are a small team, but we have a big vision for our project/game. ","No, this is completely original and unique!",674.1180598941521,951.0,985.0 0x5f1844a2ca2da7e9cb28fcd6e164d0d74f0dc3a982e74acfb74a51e487bb7ec0-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x007db5de853d723a96e0e28cce72cca897b00ecf,Encounter by Station Zero X,,"Project Description: Encounter STRATEGY BOARD GAME A free-to-play space-themed PvP board strategy game similar to chess that runs in your browser. Crush your enemies to earn Ores. Combine different ores to manufacture your own spaceships. It launched in late 2021 and attracted more than 2,500 players in its closed beta launch. Grant Details: Encounter is a project that not only attracted 2500 players so far, it also focuses on fun first. It is highly strategic and competitive, and it isn't a ""gimmicks-based"" way to earn tokens like most other blockchain games. It is going to be open source to benefit Fantom, Gaming, NFT, and the dApps ecosystem and it is already proven to work as our 2500+ players can attest. This grant will be used to finish the product and successfully launch it so many more can enjoy it. ",2022-12-03 21:34:04,FANTOM,0x5f1844a2ca2da7e9cb28fcd6e164d0d74f0dc3a982e74acfb74a51e487bb7ec0,PENDING,2022-12-03 21:34:04,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:117,,station0x,station0x,"Yes, NFT sale on fantom ",4,No,"Fun first, Sustainable economy, Pure meritocracy, Accessibility, Scalable architecture, Play to earn",,361.4785985826783,993.0,1031.0 0x663ad57808ea3805aac9c2772381a6103abd16e2b2d0a7a385e1158613c3a0b8-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xbcbe0c2f3ab715340decf7b444577935599b0f8f,Fibbo,,"Fibbo is an ever expanding artistic community, thanks to the tools and initative that we provide in order to expand talent so that it can have a positive impact on the world. The art of expressing your art is the highest premise that defines our vision. At Fibbo, we want to be a decentralized platform where people can be inspired to do their best every day. Our mission is to introduce artists tho the new possibilities that arise from the combination of art and technology thanks to the tools that we put at their disposal.",2022-11-30 18:10:51,FANTOM,0x663ad57808ea3805aac9c2772381a6103abd16e2b2d0a7a385e1158613c3a0b8,PENDING,2022-11-30 18:10:51,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:73,antonicarol,Fibbo-Creative,FibboC,No,4,No,We offer artists and creators a marketplace in a safe and reliable environment combining technology for a more inmersive and safe experience.,,530.1637906119349,994.0,1036.0 0x66dd9c7abe119d2b305ddb2be3824842c3debfda8c986295f444cc56ab6bd133-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xc424c343554afd6cd270887d4232765850f5e93f,Equalizer Exchange,,"We are an exchange based on the original solidly economic modelling. We have completely adjusted our fees, tokenomics and mechanisms to compete in the more traditional DEX volume space. Our aim is to be a liquidity hub for Fantom bringing increased decentralization and real yield to the Governance holders. Our goal is to give efficient trading opportunities to people across the Fantom network whilst rewarding the people who provide this liquidity and govern the protocol.",2022-12-01 22:04:33,FANTOM,0x66dd9c7abe119d2b305ddb2be3824842c3debfda8c986295f444cc56ab6bd133,PENDING,2022-12-01 22:04:33,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:26,Hoops,Equalizer-Exchange,@Equalizer0x,No,4,No,We are looking to bring liquidity from other chains. the goal is to create a system that gives people the best place to swap and park liquidity. Our efficient system with inbuilt token utility allows us to draw large amounts of liquidity,"We are a fork of velodrome but have completely reworked the minter, tokenomics, distribution method and fee structure. We are continuing to build extra layers on top.",680.6009578034065,1381.0,1445.0 0x6a27265c6c47ae397e80b037af4fb408ad2d26dc22cefb231bbc555e8570897b-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x52d039d25f0a2f4e5fa8e7ca7f7d8a4891115bbb,Takepile Protocol,,"Takepile is a decentralized perpetual exchange homegrown on Fantom, offering real yield staking opportunities and guaranteed position solvency through its novel “pile” liquidity system and bespoke, in-house-built tech. This allows Takepile to bring several other innovations to the perpetual DEX table, including no funding rates, no false liquidations, infinite market offerings and a robust RnD roadmap that includes custom-built crypto price indices (along the lines of the S&P500, but for crypto). We have a team of operators who are well versed in building and running projects in DeFi who fully bootstrapped Takepile to the point it is at now, where scale is the priority.",2022-11-23 21:06:17,FANTOM,0x6a27265c6c47ae397e80b037af4fb408ad2d26dc22cefb231bbc555e8570897b,PENDING,2022-11-23 21:06:17,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,68,,,,Private individuals,10,No,"As perpetual DEXs are becoming a larger piece of the narrative after the fall of FTX, traders are searching for opportunities to trade with leverage while maintaining custody of their assets, Takepile is in a unique position to offer traders a way to speculate on assets and passively earn real yield natively on the Fantom ecosystem.",Takepile is not a fork.,501.89586398165744,1148.0,1191.0 0x6c92818348ed005c07a1b04bd08736312f4f293483887bdbb4285051b09182f1-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xc4137ee33e81b181fb0a6511835ecef6a6740d97,Trusta,,"1. What Trusta provides in-depth insight, analysis and evaluation of Web3 users. Our product scans transactions and addresses in major blockchains, supports the projects in ecosystems with analysis of sybil attack risk, fraud risk and identity value of their users. Trusta aims to bring more transparency to Web3 data, enabling the ecosystem to allocate on-chain assets with the right users, other than sybils or bots. Trusta just won the first place in Gitcoin Open Data Science Hackathon for Sybil Slayer, our report per below: 2. Why On-chain data is fully open, but also unstructured and explosive, entrepreneurs and teams are badly in need of insights into overall characteristics of their users. Especially many of them attract users using giveaways, airdrops and etc, informed decision could reduce sybils/bots, and increase quality of their communities. 3. How Trusta incorporates various modern AI & Graph Mining algorithms and data-driven technologies to bring verifiable on-chain identity. 4. Who Trusta team is top-tier in the AI and security area. Founders are ex-leaders of Ant Financial (the biggest Fintech company in the world with over 1 billion users)AI and Security Labs and are very experienced with ID verification and fraud prevention with proven records in Ant Financial.",2022-12-04 15:37:14,FANTOM,0x6c92818348ed005c07a1b04bd08736312f4f293483887bdbb4285051b09182f1,PENDING,2022-12-04 15:37:14,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:131,,,@TrustaLabs,"Yes, angel investors",10 people,Yes,"1. No ready-to-use solution for anti-fraud and sybil prevention in Fantom ecosystem. There are already hundreds of DApps running on Fantom, most of them will need to airdrop their core users. There are Oracles and general data services such as the Graph, Chainlink and etc., but no team covers anti-fraud and sybil prevention sector. Sybils gain tokens with systematic methodologies, they harvest a large number and dump tokens very quickly, causing negative price volatility and taking a toll on the community. When Fantom community projects are about to airdrop, giveaway or do other promotions, they will need to battle sybils and bots on themselves, and only to find themselves hands tight: few of them would maintain a team of specialized data scientists or developers. Therefore, Optimism and Gnosis Safe have turned to the community's help for sybil detection, which works to certain extent but was really not efficient. 2. Trusta will serve the unserved and provide unique data services for Fantom Ecosystem. Trusta founders are top-tier experts in the AI and security area in Web2. Each of them has 10-20 years experience in anti-fraud AI modeling and product development. The team delivers fast and with high quality in web3 as well. We started Trusta in Octorber 2022, won the First Place of Gitcoin Opendata Hackathon for sybil slay in Novernmber and will publish a ready-to-use product in December. Trusta's first product (TrustScan) will give sybil risk score and in-depth explanation of every address query, and will also visualize suspicious on-chain transactions. 3. Trusta works in multi chains, and would also bring insights regarding users' behavior in other chains and cross Fantom Web3 users are multi-chain users, sybils work across chains as well. Trusta detects and evaluates users' cross chain behaviors, which will give Fantom community(especially Fantom native Dapps) more insights about users' behavior and will signal sybil/bot addresses for Fantom based on multi-chain data sources.",,0.0,0.0,0.0 0x6ef0feca9d1c1e292265aad6b648452b17500e5f720cf8b2ceeef12944a21fd6-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xf0a793024ac47e421eb8c4673212dfcce42f4a97,VOID,,"NEXT GENERATION HYBRID AUTO-REWARDING PROTOCOL Void the next revolution of DeFi. With the hybrid system of VOID we combine the best parts of REFLECTION, NFTs and OHM models into one unique project never seen before. Void rewards holders with automatic $DAI Reflection from our Treasury and every transaction made with $VOID, increasing their $DAI holdings over time.",2022-11-23 17:08:39,FANTOM,0x6ef0feca9d1c1e292265aad6b648452b17500e5f720cf8b2ceeef12944a21fd6,PENDING,2022-11-23 17:08:39,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,64,,,@VoidToken_fi,no however we raised during bearmarket around 230k,2,No,We will be the only project that pay stable rewards over time without an inflationary token. We make sure that our investors profit from the whole project. We dont print money out of thin air like many others.,We are not forked code base is unque like the project. We only got inspired by other projects ,0.0,0.0,0.0 0x7060a24dd7142097543661e602c778ba8430f4185fb966916bbd78f786439124-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xd91bb1474fbba9069fe72beec398e8689a51de28,hype Squad,,"We are building the first polish DAO community around blockchain and Web3 technology on various social media channels - Twitch, Discord, Twitter, etc. The main idea is to bring blockchain closer to the people, and at the beginning, members will not know that they are using blockchain to form, vote, and decide about the community's future. So the first part is to make the community use blockchain technology without knowing it's some new technology. ",2022-11-19 16:15:14,FANTOM,0x7060a24dd7142097543661e602c778ba8430f4185fb966916bbd78f786439124,PENDING,2022-11-19 16:15:14,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,57,,,@HypeSquadDAO,Private person - $5k,7,not but will be cross-chain in the future,"In Poland, there are a lot of people who want to enter the web3 world but the knowledge is really hard to find and we need more educational materials right now. The main goal is education around: knowledge, career, business development, and investment. The project is set up for the long term, and we are presenting a plan for first 12 months. Benefits: - educated people ready to start work in web3 (developers, business managers, marketing, HR, PR, UX/UI etc.) - Businessmen will have interesting opportunities and enter their existing business from web2 to web3 - New projects and initiatives in web3 because people will understand the idea and possibilities - People start investing in web3 startups, tokens, NFT, Gamefi, DeFi, metaverse, new technology",,525.8919428576019,913.0,952.0 0x71894888319cdc3a6663265054591155e2f3b1aff9182d46cece22d04a572ed5-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x2443871804c69ad7f5fac76c766225ec6f4e541f,CoinBrain,,"CoinBrain is a popular AMM/DEX analytics platform on the BNB Chain used by 30 000+ monthly users. CoinBrain is automatically monitoring all transactions on the blockchain and indexing all existing tokens just seconds after their deployment. It enables us to perform precise and nearly real-time analytics of everything that’s going on in the blockchain. Our platform also offers a wide range of free developer tools such as APIs, embed widgets or chatbots. More at Currently, we're seeking development support to expand our services also to other popular blockchains.",2022-12-02 12:23:26,FANTOM,0x71894888319cdc3a6663265054591155e2f3b1aff9182d46cece22d04a572ed5,PENDING,2022-12-02 12:23:26,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:101,,,coinbraincom,No previous funding,4,Live on Ethereum and BNB Chain,"We're expecting a positive impact on 2 different levels: 1) Users will gain an unprecedented level of insight into all coins on the Fantom blockchain. We will help them understand the size and traction of all projects. 2) Fantom developers will get an extremely easy way how to access market data through our Free APIs, Widgets or chatbots. It will help them save time and simplify development in this area.",,483.36481891808955,1080.0,1131.0 0x7216347b07c5a0a4d1cf8a85a490e47d03a67a17da1ad8cc112b2f069c1f7126-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x5a0705d77de4b6d1a100e8df2a2b98b002eb25f2,Tutipila,,"Tutipila ($Pila) is the first Brazilian project running on the Fantom Opera network. $Pila aims to connect petshops, veterinary clinics, sanctuarys, NGOs, pet tutors, and all people from the animal cause in general into a collaborative economy community, using $Pila as a currency.",2022-11-15 02:00:47,FANTOM,0x7216347b07c5a0a4d1cf8a85a490e47d03a67a17da1ad8cc112b2f069c1f7126,PENDING,2022-11-15 02:00:47,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,22,tutipila,,tutipila,No,1,No,"Tutipila brings the brazilian market to Fantom, and brings real usecase for NFTs to help the animal cause.",,416.5270762601414,845.0,882.0 0x732271077ee8a431766b3ed69336a02d3d40b764ef660cf2190ac563bb188aa6-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x87f385d152944689f92ed523e9e5e9bd58ea62ef,Rave Names,,"Rave Names is the first web3 username system on Fantom. We are re-imagining the future of web3 domains. Currently, we provide .ftm names for 5 FTM, though we plan on expanding. The funding from this grant will be used to improve our current services, and advertising. All the funding will be kept in a multisig.",2022-11-16 10:10:58,FANTOM,0x732271077ee8a431766b3ed69336a02d3d40b764ef660cf2190ac563bb188aa6,PENDING,2022-11-16 10:10:58,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,38,Pokesi,rave-names,rave_names ,No,2,No,Cheap and community-driven decentralised digital identity on Fantom,,721.9797984832826,1151.0,1199.0 0x73f350827bf3ebcf57d19343def8ad67e9c316671882999166e553b9f5b3c9c4-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x7b6ea87a072be9b11ce975bd6416dbb1727eb0cd,milestoneBased,,"MilestoneBased as a solution is going to impact the Fantom ecosystem influencing mass adoption by raising a level of trust to motivate teams as well as bring more investment players to the Fantom ecosystem, leaving such concepts as scam projects and fraud left in the past.",2022-12-01 11:28:35,FANTOM,0x73f350827bf3ebcf57d19343def8ad67e9c316671882999166e553b9f5b3c9c4,PENDING,2022-12-01 11:28:35,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:100,milestoneBasedGrant,,@MilestoneBased,"Power Launch, IDO",11,BSC,"We are developing a full-circle EVM/Web3 platform where startups can be connected to investors and raise their funding and manage the roadmap efficiently. At the same time, investors can find their perfect portfolio fit, help the project as a value add-investor, and accelerate the path to their desired ROI",,0.0,0.0,0.0 0x7794dc4b921e8094c36fc36d7fe05d4c72c035051b68310cb643693da312ce1a-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xe40ba4067770390de26e112bbc30d40fe6cacce4,Fractal Studios,,"Fractal Studios is a cutting edge research and development firm committed to changing the world one crypto project at a time. Our ecosystem of dapps and games is supported by our lightweight liquidity-mining token, Random (RNDM). Available on Fantom Opera, Polygon, and Avalanche, RNDM aims to dominate the market with low-gas transactions and feature-rich codebase, all while rewarding its holders with no-lock staking at a minimum of 12% annual apr. As Fractal Studios grows, there will continue to be new use cases developed, and given its cross-chain capabilities, it is an ideal candidate to expand to supporting other projects’ ecosystems. We have released a number of products over the course of the past year, including: TheGenerative.Network which provides permanent, passive income immutably via smart contract. Users purchase generators with the token of their choice (currently DAI, FTM, FUSD, USDC or SPIRIT) which, utilizing an auto-balancing function, will continuously provide the owner daily returns in the token used to make the purchase. LetsConquer.Earth is a yield earning strategy game based on global domination. With influences from classic board games such as Risk & Settlers of Catan, this game provides users the opportunity to have some fun while earning crypto. Conquer countries, spread your message, create allies, and collect all dropped items to become Grand Champion, granting you a percentage of the rewards pool for as long as you remain the reigning champ. SAGA, or Stable Aggregation Asset, is a permissionless stable asset vault that allows users to wrap their stablecoin into a new one. This allows users to safely store their assets while also offering a zero cost, no fee way to arbitrage stable assets. This product is provided as a service for everyone and, as such, is free to use and has no hidden fees. Our flagship digital trading card game, Lexicon: The Chaos of Cantor, is currently in development. Taking inspiration from classic trading card games such as Pokemon & Magic: The Gathering, Lexicon will transport players back to yesteryear and recreate the feelings of anticipation and excitement surrounding traditional trading card games. Whether it’s buying packs, trading cards with friends, building a killer deck, or the gameplay itself, this promises to scratch that childhood itch. The cards feature art from multiple talented artists, including some of the biggest names in Fantom NFTs, and the lore is second to none. Of course, there is a lot more to a card game than the story and art, and you can rest assured that we are making absolutely certain that gameplay is properly balanced. And with multiple rarities and classes, gameplay will be constantly evolving as players create new tactics and strategies. As you can see, we have been busy, but we still have so many more plans. Help us make those ideas come to fruition sooner by supporting us in our journey to make crypto fun and accessible to all. All of us at Fractal Studios thank you for your consideration. ",2022-12-02 12:57:46,FANTOM,0x7794dc4b921e8094c36fc36d7fe05d4c72c035051b68310cb643693da312ce1a,PENDING,2022-12-02 12:57:46,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:115,,,fractalsfun,No,6,Polygon & Avalanche,Fractal Studios is committed to developing high quality products and innovative web3 solutions for members of the Fantom community and beyond. Many of our products are free of charge as a service to the community and an effort to increase accessibility of crypto for all.,,434.53060582292386,959.0,1004.0 0x7eabdcd9c0b212922aa01c835e98fce37a688868141d27b54e638fce7c459e9a-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xbb2ca652fefc9b65111fecbf65b3bc7016720aa8,Plena Finance ,,"A Revolutionary Crypto Wallet made for DeFi, NFT, Metaverse & Web3. - Easy Swaps - No Blockchain Native Token Needed -Single Tap Solutions We provide our users with a cool non-custodial crypto wallet where they can buy crypto from any token they hold on any blockchain without swapping or holding blockchain’s native token. We are on a mission to drastically improve the crypto user experience and we’re proud to say that Plena will stand at the heart of this new wave. Perform swapping, lending, staking in liquidity pools, bridge assets at ease or buy & sell NFTs with just a tap on the Plena Finance app. ",2022-11-14 20:46:26,FANTOM,0x7eabdcd9c0b212922aa01c835e98fce37a688868141d27b54e638fce7c459e9a,PENDING,2022-11-14 20:46:26,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,15,Plenafinance,,PlenaFinance,"Yes some of our investors are: Big Brain Holdings, ARK 36, OXO Capital, DEC Ventures, Poolz ventures",16 ,Yes ,"Plena brings Fantom ecosystem users with a seamless user experience when interacting with any web3 applications. Currently the only people who use blockchain applications are techies, and the reason is that users have to learn how the blockchain works to use any blockchain application. Even tasks like providing liquidity to a pool on a Dex take 7-8 transactions which are too complex and time-consuming for an average user. Plena Finance solves this problem by providing its users with a centralized application like one-tap user experience where they don’t need to learn how a blockchain works before using any blockchain application. We can also incentivize our 40,000+ users to move their funds from different blockchains to Fantom, bringing more users and liquidity to the Fantom blockchain.",,0.0,0.0,0.0 0x7ec42b28f5f3ad01a3c354461c0a124f1072c83db3b0645a94b6815a73fe892e-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xf28ef4580f514eca5c1b75d0db9b0cb6d62d83ef,Oswap,,"A Decentralized Single-Currency-LP NFT AMM Protocol. 1. One Collection, One Curve. 2. Support two trading methods, instant trading & pending order trading. 3. Single-Currency-LP, build a solid NFTFi foundation with innovative ways to add liquidity. 4. Multi-role contributors to expand the boundaries of community numbers.",2022-12-02 10:52:04,FANTOM,0x7ec42b28f5f3ad01a3c354461c0a124f1072c83db3b0645a94b6815a73fe892e,PENDING,2022-12-02 10:52:04,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:110,The-dLab,,OmnichainSwap,NO.,6,NO.,"The ability to bring a very large number of NFT trading users to the Fantom ecosystem. For project owners: Project parties need an NFT trading platform that can solveing liquidity. Project parties need more people to participate than just the whales. For users: Users need to be able to buy and sell quickly to complete transactions on a platform that is not in the traditional order book format. Users need to be able to participate in the sale and purchase of blue-chip NFT, as a NFT is very expensive, ordinary users simply can not afford to buy, but through Oswap-AMM, users can participate in the sale and purchase of blue-chip NFT and participate as an LP and provide liquidity. For other users, such as holders, market makers, etc., they all can participate in the process and get revenue.",,2272.4632396976267,3084.0,3184.0 0x7f71b6b644ab43049ea3d8d8ed454bff72b60e280a9c6e314e701a58150ed62a-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x0d7c34fe3e08bfd7d0fc2d8f4d83e3493a8d6269,NinjaYielder,,"Profit takiing vault strategies. Our Profit Taking Vault Strategies work similarly to an auto-compounder where we harvest the farm rewards and efficiently sell them to a chosen Profit Token. You can Take Profits at any time without affecting your position, providing tax-efficient farming with better downside protection than auto-compounding. Current Profit Tkens are USDC, USDT, WFTM but we are considering external protocol tokens such as OATH, BOO, LQDR, DEUS etc This is a brand new project, written from scratch and we started building in public on September 19th 2022. We have a public alpha and are creating a small but awesome community on our discord. We are open to suggestions and have already delivered three suggested features from community members, come and get involved and help dictate the future direction of NinjaYielder! ",2022-11-19 11:38:46,FANTOM,0x7f71b6b644ab43049ea3d8d8ed454bff72b60e280a9c6e314e701a58150ed62a,PENDING,2022-11-19 11:38:46,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,56,,,NinjaYielder,No,1,No,First Profit Taking Vaults on chain,The Vaults are a combination of MasterChef and Reaper farm 1.4 vault.,382.9454112724159,844.0,876.0 0x80ce1332dac2fd7b408ea6df4798e0b99fd973d05168d917126af0dcf4f99bc3-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x7d658841f8ba93299970f6e765c2ce205f1e70dd,Loanshark,,"Loanshark is a borrowing aggregator that enables automated borrowing position management. ",2022-12-02 08:36:15,FANTOM,0x80ce1332dac2fd7b408ea6df4798e0b99fd973d05168d917126af0dcf4f99bc3,PENDING,2022-12-02 08:36:15,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:29,loansharktech,loansharktech,loansharktech,No,5,Yes (Testnet),"We will reduce the interest fees paid by borrowers by aggregating different lending platforms on Fantom and increase their usage by offering automated borrowing position management. Instead of being a competitor to existing platforms, we complement these platforms by offering additional functionalities on top of them. We have already launched our closed beta and will be launching our public testnet on Fantom.",,5008.878431107396,5589.0,6059.0 0x83d76b0b83a06307811eefa0d1191107706d6738dddd1f865875c44f12c86994-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xf7c4f2b89e47a63b9089622a91295b49e950637e,A Fantoman & Fantomonstre,,"Mission: To have a new (unmanipulated and very low-risk)self-sustained way for Fantom users to earn extra income via a relaxing strategy game with creatures on the chain. That will keep Fantom's ecosystem users engaged and educated especially in the BEAR Market. The grant is mainly used for 3rd party auditioning, building the community, and the development and operation costs before we can be self-sustained. The project is to create living creatures that are fully built on the chain for relaxing gaming and much more. Fantoman (trainer) & Fantomonstre (creature) token complies with ERC721 standard and 'LifeCycle' (LNFT). It means they have their unique 'Life Cycle' in the contract (the law of life is immutable). The Fantomonstre started with an egg, grew, and evolve based on the training and food given with the transactions from time to time. It will die and resume back to an egg if not taken care of (you can also delegate/loan to another wallet) or get too old. It is a brand new concept that has 'living creatures' in the blockchain. FTM has the speed and very low fee to make this fully on-chain. Spent some time with your Fantomonstre and they will help you to earn $FTM via tournaments and leagues. These will help Fantom Opera to maintain user engagement through the bear market (It is like working at 'McDonald'). Since it is fully written in FTM contracts and stays in the blockchain forever, any project team could cross-collaborate with this project. E.g. Paintswap, 8BIT, etc. The project is aimed at self-sustaining. The treasury will receive $FTM from the advertisement, social spending in the game, and tickets for events and tournaments and 100% of it will fund the reward for the Fantoman that raises their Fantomonstre and compete or work for the Fantom World (operate like decentralized Google, Facebook/Meta model). The project can be bootstrapped by any sponsors sending funds to the project treasury for the reward. Besides, the game will include an interesting, growing story based on the historical events that happened in Fantom, attracting, guiding, and educating new users about DeFi, risk, safety measures, etc. I plan to have a fair launch minting and target the 'long tail' of Fantom users (small wallets, or new small investors who hold $FTM in their bags). No ERC20 token has been planned because it is easily been manipulated and is against my target audience. Only $FTM serves as the currency. In other words, it adds utility to $FTM too.",2022-12-02 10:43:16,FANTOM,0x83d76b0b83a06307811eefa0d1191107706d6738dddd1f865875c44f12c86994,PENDING,2022-12-02 10:43:16,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:114,onthewaytofantom,,@0xOtw,no,3,no,To cover the 'long tail' Fantom's users (with small wallet) engaged especially during BEAR market and have a new way of earning income.,,338.3735850942885,885.0,920.0 0x859f136b28ad4ec0352c8453c4f47e2a92ddcba1aa7bcde69e85577d1c6b335e-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xd2c6f90133dfb6dc74ea788044a748563b5f6d11,Grey Market,,"The Grey Market is a digital content wholesaler that makes it possible for anyone to own and operate their own webstore selling crowdsourced digital items, represented as ERC1155 NFTs. Our Factory makes it easy for anyone to store encrypted files on the Interplanetary File System, and generate a contract for minting NFTs that contain the necessary keys for unlocking those files using our standalone Web3 enabled e-reader and media player.",2022-11-29 20:05:35,FANTOM,0x859f136b28ad4ec0352c8453c4f47e2a92ddcba1aa7bcde69e85577d1c6b335e,PENDING,2022-11-29 20:05:35,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:90,,,,No,4,No,"The Grey Market is a proof-of-concept marketplace designed around a new NFT standard being developed by members of the team. This new standard aims to build on concepts introduced in ERC1155, in order to make it possible to store encrypted files on the Interplanetary File Sytem, and then mint NFTs that have the keys for unlocking those files embedded in their metadata. This opens up an entirely new market for NFTs, since this standard makes it possible to store any type of file on IPFS, including e-books, movies, music, and more, which can then be marketed and sold as NFTs. Since the files are stored under encryption, it’s not possible for anyone to get unauthorized access to the underlying IP.",,843.820894400587,967.0,1017.0 0x8bbbc891b96e11a578be3e6d6cc94d6a63730bf3d7d236e1db482d2339f42a75-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xeeec0e4927704ab3bbe5df7f4effa818b43665a3,Degen Dwarfs,,"The Degen Dwarfs project is centered around DeFi education. Our NFTs contain refrences to DeFi rugs, and our mission is to educate the public to end rugs. We host and iron out education sessions within our community and deliver these sessions to other communities who we collaborate with. Some of our previous education sessions include: - Etherscan 101 - Etherscan 210 - Liquidity 101 - Wallets 101 - Arbitrum Odyssey Community Walkthrough We seek a grant to expand our education sessions into the Fantom Ecosystem. Our existing education sessions like Etherscan 101, have previously included examples from FantomScan. Fantom is an ideal network to educate with hands on examples due to the low gas fees and vibrant DeFi and NFT ecosystems. Our discord is open to the public and we always ask for community feedback on topics for future sessions. With this grant we could further our educational reach and produce more education sessions, which would continue to be free for anyone interested. Here is a link to some of the past education sessions that were recorded: ",2022-12-02 06:35:48,FANTOM,0x8bbbc891b96e11a578be3e6d6cc94d6a63730bf3d7d236e1db482d2339f42a75,PENDING,2022-12-02 06:35:48,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:111,,,,no,8,yes - ethereum,education on using crypto and defi,,604.9265896636064,1009.0,1056.0 0x8c06c0944bcfa4670e96c5985451f4e80db9be9cfc19d6c922daa3fd40ede78f-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x1dda018bc491b02794497cc1df3d73c8d474ae6f,TenEggsDAO,,"TenEggsDAO - Never put all your $NEGGS in one basket. We aim to hold a reserve of assets diversified into 10 different NEGGS ""nests"" across various crypto ecosystems and platforms. We will utilize Safe multisignature vaults for control and transparency. Through our group think tank and DAO voting we will align our values and strategies for maximum group benefit.",2022-11-28 08:22:15,FANTOM,0x8c06c0944bcfa4670e96c5985451f4e80db9be9cfc19d6c922daa3fd40ede78f,PENDING,2022-11-28 08:22:15,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,82,Hotsauceislethal,Ten-eggs-dao,@teneggsdao,No,2,No,"Growing total value locked, bringing new traders and investors to the ecosystem, diversifying across a broad range of assets, onboarding and retaining new DeFi users. Our goal is to teach people how to safely use DeFi and create new novel use cases for NFTs.",We intend to use the ICEBRK ( reflection token contract for our governance token and a standard ERC1155 contract for our NeggsFTs. The improvements to be made will include lower max total supply and minor bug improvements for gas optimization. ,366.4700202963789,874.0,921.0 0x8c191a7c5d4b7d10cc8d5fee240a84e67f071122e7e5e19aacf3ccd9c149e674-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x6b75c89ceb22002f713a7d94b678f761352ef46e,Entangle Protocol,,"Entangle Protocol consists of 2 dApps and an infrastructure layer composed of an oracle system (Entangled Distributed Oracle Solution) and an oracle-specific blockchain. Infrastructure Layer Entangle Oracle Blockchain is an EVM Blockchain specialized for storing, distributing, verifying and validating information created with the Cosmos SDK based upon Ethermint with an addition of EVM Module. Entangle Oracle Blockchain facilitates Entangled Distributed Oracle Solution to facilitate transactions for all the Entangle applications and developers needing an efficient, secure and cost-effective Oracle Solution. Entangled Distributed Oracle Solution can help any dApp on any blockchain for the collection, storage, verification and validation of data in order to replicate states cross-chain and automate their smart contracts given their respective event-triggers, giving benefits such as: Oracle-Specific Blockchain (Not burdened with other transactions) Cheap Gas and Customizable Parameters (Partners can define their own logic and expenses) User-Friendly for Developers (Write contracts in Solidity) Developers can launch self-defined Spotter Smart Contracts inside Entangle Blockchain and hire keepers with their custom Oracle Backend Off-Chain Scripts to collect information to be verified, processed and redirected towards their aggregator smart contract connected to their dApp for event triggers and data-upkeep. Developers can hire as many or few keepers as they need depending on the sensitivity of the data and set their own consensus parameters within the spotter smart contracts. By virtue of its infrastructure, Entangle is able to simplify access and aggregation of liquidity across different blockchains and to provide secure opportunities for protocols to scale their liquidity cross-chain. Along with routing liquidity cross-chain to protocols, Entangle has built mechanisms which maximize liquidity retention and capital efficiency to incentivize sticky and loyal liquidity in the DeFi Space. Entangle dApp 1) Cross-Chain Liquidity Aggregation through Synthetic Vaults One example of Synthetic Vaults are Synthetic LPs mirroring the state of the base LP asset on a different chain. Synthetic LPs are minted 1:1 to Physical-LPs and are based on an initial pre-liquidity given by liquidity providers, to be scaled given demand by intricate rebalancing mechanisms whilst avoiding the usage of 3rd party physical bridges. Users can be exposed to yield cross-chain without ever having to leave their “home” chain through Entangle's Internal Limit Order Book DEXs, by exchanging Synthetic LPs on any chain representing LP positions on any other chain. Entangle dApp 2) EnUSD - Fully Collateralized Cross-Chain Stablecoin Users can borrow EnUSD against their Synthetic LP tokens as collateral ensuring both capital efficiency for the users, and sticky liquidity for the protocols which host the underlying physical LP of the Synthetic LP token. Entangle hosts Liquidation Engines for EnUSD natively on each chain with dynamic LTV parameters, minimizing impacts of black swan events by optimizing liquidation rates real-time based on volatility and underlying asset health. Entangle is actively partnering with perps and other derivative protocols to bring further utility to Synthetic LPs. Users can provide Synthetic LPs to perps protocols to achieve an APY% return, whilst protocols can use cross-chain liquidity as a base achieving a higher possibility of scalability. Entangle aims to act as a universal liquidity layer empowering a truly omnichain future with stronger and more fluid connections between blockchains, allowing more opportunities for users, protocols and chains to emerge. Impact of Entangle Any protocol on any chain can further scale by attracting omni-chain liquidity from users it didn’t have access to before - most importantly they can attract efficient and sticky liquidity from any chain as users can borrow EnUSD with yield-bearing assets (Synthetic LPs) as collateral and Synthetic LPs can be recycled into derivative protocols. Through Synthetic Vaults users are able to provide liquidity from any chain to for example FTM in one-click without having to bridge assets, administering multiple wallets and going through multiple steps and transactions, helping FTM to attract liquidity from chains it previously could not and ultimately a larger user base in an easy and intuitive way for the end-user. Given demand, Entangle can scale the initial liquidity deposited on FTM without relying on 3rd party external bridges in most circumstances through its “Soft Rebalancing” mechanism, achieving seamless accessibility for any user on any chain within the Entangle Framework. Furthermore, Entangle users can provide their Synthetic LPs (based on underlying liquidity provided to FTM) to derivative protocols such as Rage Trade to be used as base liquidity for their perps strategies. This enables users to earn additional revenue on top of being exposed to yield by providing liquidity to FTM, indirectly incentivizing them to stay invested, achieving sticky and loyal liquidity for FTM. A real applicable process example: (2 types of Entangle users; Liquidity Providers and Normal Users) → example with Spookyswap on FTM Liquidity Providers lock their USDC within Entangle for 3, 6 or 12 Months, by choosing either a Stable Vault or a Mixed Vault On the basis of USDC locked and which type of Vault, Entangle will get LP Tokens on Spookyswap by providing Liquidity, and accordingly mint Synthetic LPs on each chain's Internal DEXes, divided equally within the Entangle Framework Entangle autocompounds the LP tokens, and as these rise in amount and price, Entangle's Oracles relay this information to other chains Internal DEXs for users to realize the yield on their Synthetic LP Tokens Normal Users have USDC in a wallet on any network of choice within the Entangle Framework Users select a pool (Synth-Vault) they would like to be exposed to (e.g.FTM/USDC), by depositing USDC in exchange for Synthetic LPs Given enough demand and an overflow of USDC in that Internal DEX, a rebalancing event is triggered for scaling purposes, where there is more USDC deposited into the underlying LP on Spookyswap, and more Synthetic LPs minted on other chains. Users have now a yield-bearing Synthetic LP, which can be used for: 4a) Depositing the Synthetic LP as collateral to Borrow EnUSD, capped at a certain LTV decided by Entangle's Volatility Indicator, the users can use it on any chain within the Entangle Framework for many utilities, like utilizing the accrued governance powers by holding EnUSD in the Entangle DAO. As a plus, borrowing EnUSD through Synthetic LPs means that FTM can full-fledged act as a backing for EnUSD, therefore FTM would get more utility through Entangle. 4b) Earning more yield by recycling this liquidity into derivatives protocols ",2022-12-02 13:50:47,FANTOM,0x8c191a7c5d4b7d10cc8d5fee240a84e67f071122e7e5e19aacf3ccd9c149e674,PENDING,2022-12-02 13:50:47,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:88,,,Entanglefi,"VCs and local family funds, self funded initially. Recently we have received a small grant from Aave. We are happy to share list of investors on round 2 Grant talks.",20,"Yes as its an omni-layer protocol connecting FTM,AVAX,ETH,BSC,EGLD,OP,AETH and later SOL and other chains","FTM dApps can Increase TVL by obtaining omni-chain Liquidity through Synthetic Vaults powered by our innovative rebalancing algorithms, avoiding the reliance on 3rd party bridges. Liquidity obtained is incentivized to be loyal & sticky through EnUSD and the possibility to recycle Synthetic Vaults for deriviative perp protocols, allowing the FTM community to enjoy a greater DeFi experience thanks to Entangle. Fantom Developers can use Entangled Distributed Oracle Solution to get secure & cheap data from off and on-chain sources, being able to parameterize amount of keepers needed and indirectly costs given data-sensitivity.","For our Blockchain we forked Ethermint, and added innovations such as limiting the depletion of contracts with an added AUTH Module, to reduce the load of the blockchain. The blockchain is specific only to Oracle Services. The rest of our codebase is unique to ourselves, as none else have thus far made an Oracle system the way we intend to, neither have anyone done any rebalancing before, which is our core IP.",0.0,0.0,0.0 0x8dfb0f6cfc7cb8e8a2f9035c00bee303f8580131f907e2a3fb10e05e88bb1e28-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x76c354c136fa7518f87d92e3d8fae40c0261ec19,Thinkin,,"Thinkin, Web3 platform to grow your community organically Engage with our community to receive tangible rewards - access to unique opportunities on our launchpad! Increase your reputation and work directly with projects! Collect bounties, airdrops or complete quests and reap the full benefits of the web3 revolution! ",2022-11-24 17:23:15,FANTOM,0x8dfb0f6cfc7cb8e8a2f9035c00bee303f8580131f907e2a3fb10e05e88bb1e28,PENDING,2022-11-24 17:23:15,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,74,,,Thinkin_xyz,None,10,Algorand,"In the current landscape of social media and investing communities online there is a disparity of information between influencers and retail investors following them. Incentives are misaligned and roles are clearly defined. Web3 infrastructure provides an opportunity to bridge this gap, create a homogenous community with aligned incentives where everyone has equal right to participation in early stage opportunities. And we could help to expand Fantom's ecosystem as a social-fi platform to help to create organic community!",,669.6403460267571,1455.0,1504.0 0x93422b92584ae55fe88d9b02627c62f7e52d3b10ac4bbd0174d61ec88424248a-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xda0d1b7995e652288ac13540915b899a51d2be50,FTMSwap,,"Our Media: is an innovative application that lets the community access data of any #Fantom native tokens in the blink of an eye ... This is an example of getting the price of a token: "" 🥇 SpookyToken ( #BOO ) 💰 BOO per USD: $1.10 🔆 BOO per FTM: 6.06 $FTM 💹 24H Price change : -6.24% 💱Daily Volume : $205,237.95 $USD 1,096,630.18 $FTM 177,896.23 $BOO 💹 Volume 24H change: -4.99% 💸 Liquidity : $2,749,199.12 $USD 2,502,633.87 $BOO 📊 24H Liquidity change : -6.11% 🎉 Total transactions: 9407097 TX "" From the start of FTMSwapBot Services, our family increased into 7 groups + 8000 users + 17000 tokens. This growth is only made by our lovely community which supported us during the bear market by inviting their friends to use our bot and other services. We want to improve our structure by adding stream price tracking, a custom data API, and a better GUI for the FTMSwap web application. That feature requires more funds than our price tracking at this time, so we will be grateful for your support and help during this grant. you are welcome to test any time and anywhere across the telegram.",2022-11-16 20:25:21,FANTOM,0x93422b92584ae55fe88d9b02627c62f7e52d3b10ac4bbd0174d61ec88424248a,PENDING,2022-11-16 20:25:21,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,46,,,,No,3,No,"It's an innovative way for interacting with the fantom network and accessing token data such as price, volume, liquidity, and transactions. We are trying to improve FTMSwap into the best version of itself because our community deserved the best.","No, 100% of the project coded by our team.",866.1678364713887,1589.0,1664.0 0x947d531aff27c0d6fca6060676066c20375ad957a521d014b48f21c79c7471cf-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x678ab5f14b978916267b4c9e1f546600e55904e3,SpiritSwap,,"SpiritSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Fantom Opera Chain. SpiritSwap's design was originally based on the Uniswap constant-product automated market maker (AMM). With the launch of our V2 model, we have stepped away from the original Uniswap ""look and feel"" and redesigned the entire code base from scratch, a unique experience we decided to deliver to the Fantom community. In the near future our V2 AMM will expand and cover 4 AMM subtypes, with the intention to offer support for : 1. Weighted pools using weighted math and allowing support for liquidity bundles 2. Linear stable pools, enabling further capital efficiency of stable pairs. By combining core defi solutions such as Yield Farming, Liquidity provision, Lending and Borrowing, Stable Swaps, Cross chain bridging, veTokenomics, Protocol rewards, Leverage Trading, Limit orders and combining them into one mega hub is what makes our community believe that SpiritSwap is a one stop shop for all things DeFi 2.0.",2022-11-26 10:50:47,FANTOM,0x947d531aff27c0d6fca6060676066c20375ad957a521d014b48f21c79c7471cf,PENDING,2022-11-26 10:50:47,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,78,,,Spirit_Swap,Fantom Foundation Grant,15,No (but recently a proposal has passed to deploy the SpiritSwap v2 infrastructure on Kanto chain with the help of another team called ),"Initially SpiritSwap launched as a fork of UniV2 as a quick solution for liquidity provision was required to truly fuel growth on Fantom. This was not our initial intention as we aim to build unique and original products however our thought process was to build an easy foundation to begin with and then add layers of value on top of it, once we had time to solidify our position in the ecosystem. After a year of the successful upkeep and maintenance of SpiritSwap, the team embarked on development of our V2 product, curating the best of DeFi including products, functionality, and improved tokenomics to take our product to the next level, allowing us to spread our wings as developers and fix some of the broken components of DeFi that we felt needed solutions offered. ",SpiritSwap launched as a fork of UniV2 but SpiritSwap v2 has been re-coded from scratch by our devs with some Solidly inspired mechanics in mind.,1901.2052508491126,3068.0,3166.0 0x96d7e23cc97793fc512a13666858ac1b25113dcb8073759634621112e9feb9c1-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x63c00c9dd3eff442a6a4e341abaf309f00247e6e,Bitgem Labs,,"Bitgem Labs is an ecosystem of NFT games and collectible projects. As a company we aim to bring a variety of interesting and unique experiences to our users, starting with Bitgem OG, which was one of the first projects on Fantom [launched April, 2021]. Bringing with it a reimaging of the minting process, Bitgem will be relaunched with new functionality and exciting features soon. This launch is going to be followed by the arrival of the Avatars breeding game and Cities collectibles. ",2022-12-02 21:49:23,FANTOM,0x96d7e23cc97793fc512a13666858ac1b25113dcb8073759634621112e9feb9c1,PENDING,2022-12-02 21:49:23,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:126,,,bitgem_co,No,6,No,"We bring a new ecosystem of NFT interactive experiences to attract a large community of users both familiar with and not yet familiar with FTM, to boost the engagement and usage of the Fantom blockchain.",,408.6206488460473,911.0,947.0 0x985a5bfe55844bc6b9ad46ee5d28d3cc40fdfc0796b17ed674853949d12ca778-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xc3cdf939f27b7aacd20b61fec4928c8cddab8a13,ALL IN FINANCE,,"ALL-IN Finance strives to become the one stop shop or all-in one DeFi investing ecosystem, and then expand this offering to more traditional retail investors. This is the beauty of the ALL ecosystem, an arbitrage-driven volatility engine that will constantly fuel new opportunities. The projects intent is to create an ecosystem that produces sustainable yield and a store of value in the deflationary ALL token that will be backed by an increasing floor price as revenue for the project is generated through volume and additional investment options tied within the ecosystem. Link provided to our whitepaper on Gitbook which also links to our discord server where everyone is welcome to join our community and discuss the project. We're still building the website under our reserved domain.",2022-12-02 00:33:05,FANTOM,0x985a5bfe55844bc6b9ad46ee5d28d3cc40fdfc0796b17ed674853949d12ca778,PENDING,2022-12-02 00:33:05,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:109,,ALL_IN_FINANCE_V1,@all_in_finance,"No, but we are still planning a private presale round",5 Team Members,No,"We're creating unique tokens designed to catch volatility in the crypto market to lock inside the tokens TVL in a passive matter, and further down the road we're planning to design larger index funds or ""ETF"" style tokens with a user dashboard dapp to approach more traditional retail investors.",,397.6785593681762,949.0,994.0 0x9ce772c5cf62e965a6ff9936518d847181c74d5d245eb47daef9ab141cce43d2-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xd061204b73274f09f341cb22d4c87e9cde69e4b4,Planet Keeper,https://PlanetKeeper.NFT,"NFT's created to fund the research, education, and preservation of our bees. ",2022-12-02 19:25:09,FANTOM,0x9ce772c5cf62e965a6ff9936518d847181c74d5d245eb47daef9ab141cce43d2,PENDING,2022-12-02 19:25:09,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:124,,,PlanetKeeperNFT,No,1,No,"Utilizes the power of NFT's to fund the research, education, and preservation of our bees around the world. Uses location specific information to provide grants to locals at the grassroots that provides specific impact for their local pollinators.",,498.1718197098618,827.0,886.0 0x9dee7322cb4f34082bed220f9126a4cb0757cde68ce83c0be4acecacf4aec1b6-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x4b564515ee500c313b648937d2751f61f5762e98,JEFE TOKEN,,"JEFE TOKEN is endeavoring to be a top-notch gaming platform where we help heroes in uniform and general users to bring mass adoption of cryptocurrency already contributed to hospitals (heroes fighting covid19) in Africa & Venezuela and with future plans to do another in Mexico . JEFE TOKEN NFT Collection offers unique skins, wearables, avatars, land, accessories and more . Each NFT will be assign to different missions and challenges inside $JEFE ecosystem of games it is also your representation in the Metaverse/gaming-blockchain NFT Games. While making art in the blockchain, we created the JEFE NFT's as tokens to be used in the games , where you can earn rewards and vote . All JEFE TOKEN holders are elegible for their unique FREE NFT Mint of their unique AVATAR. $JEFE TOKEN builds mobile & Virtual reality games where you can earn rewards over web3, connect as well with people all over the world. The artwork has been done by many artist from the community and holders, those NFT's represents us in a virtual world the one we are crafting day by day so we can bring the metaverse into reality We love Sunday Special, because there is always Airdrop of tokens and Nfts to players, updates and a lot more for the community. While we maintain respect between players we like to be competitive we love to integrate with other communities and support the blockchain in any possible way.",2022-11-14 22:14:59,FANTOM,0x9dee7322cb4f34082bed220f9126a4cb0757cde68ce83c0be4acecacf4aec1b6,PENDING,2022-11-14 22:14:59,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,18,jefetoken,,jefetoken,No.,8,No,"First latinamerican project helping heroes with cryptocurrency games, staking and a token.","Our token source code is forked from safemoon, we change variables and function to have a dynamic tax , to change the vault address for our proceeds and the rest is unique, all development of games are unique same as the nft art.",353.68899040330314,851.0,887.0 0x9e5ecbacbc82641af38f91d4fc40c97089b10acbf4794ca5d08f9f7dc814f558-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xd9db270c1b5e3bd161e8c8503c55ceabee709552,GuildQB,,"Create an interconnected ecosystem of games, NFTs, and communities to maximize player benefit and enable interoperability across the GameFi ecosystem. Research high-level games, award scholarships from the Guild, and expand the gaming audience. Guild users can also earn additional incentives by building gaming tools and connecting with the entire GameFI/BCG industry. GuildQB launched in February 2022 and has already grown to become one of the largest GameFi-specific gaming guilds in Japan, with a total of over 50,000 social networking followers and community members.",2022-12-02 09:00:18,FANTOM,0x9e5ecbacbc82641af38f91d4fc40c97089b10acbf4794ca5d08f9f7dc814f558,PENDING,2022-12-02 09:00:18,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:112,GuildQB,GuildQB,@GuildQB,Not yet,20,Not Live,"Create an interconnected ecosystem of games, NFTs, and communities to maximize player benefit and enable interoperability across the GameFi ecosystem. Research high-level games, award scholarships from the Guild, and expand the gaming audience. Guild users can also earn additional incentives by building gaming tools and connecting with the entire GameFI/BCG industry.",Not Fork,419.4510745724455,799.0,836.0 0xa2991a2ef61365a00ce6d29ac3ca57bc11a6efbfe7accbaa03e5bd03ccd7b75e-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x166f501ac2791024492f2a5e18848fb022cf0b9c,Stumble upon Rumble,,Stumble upon Rumble is an arcade fighting game. With our fair gameplay and social setting we're aiming to be the go-to gathering spot for gamers and crypto gamers alike. ,2022-11-30 23:02:47,FANTOM,0xa2991a2ef61365a00ce6d29ac3ca57bc11a6efbfe7accbaa03e5bd03ccd7b75e,PENDING,2022-11-30 23:02:47,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:97,,,StumbleURumble,"Yes, private funding.",6 core team members and 4 long-term freelancers,Yes,"We are integrating many of the top Fantom projects as playable characters in our game, available exclusively to the community members of those projects! This gives community members a more tangible connection to the projects and a great place to meet each other.",,0.0,0.0,0.0 0xa36afda774b6901135986236f1bae8887de901e62766874140bc59c9e8c1417f-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x5c25f3e763d567e7cbd791141f645d86dd11c437,Slothtopia,,We are a social simulation video game. Create a social network with other players and NPCs while enjoying endless mini-games and tasks,2022-11-14 23:00:25,FANTOM,0xa36afda774b6901135986236f1bae8887de901e62766874140bc59c9e8c1417f,PENDING,2022-11-14 23:00:25,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,19,,,SlothtopiaGame,"Yes, mints",Seven,"Yes, Avalanche","Innovation is focused mostly on the evolution of NFTs. Enabling them to be interoperable (and not just for arbitrage marketplace opportunities). We are also building the game for Steam, Epic Games, and Google Play and allowing fiat onboarding into blockchain. We also have implemented seamless cross-chain integration into the game where we can pull in any owned assets by a wallet address regardless of the chain it is on. Basically trying to take the hot dumpster fire which is the current NFT market and giving it a real world use case while building the tech to onboard the tens of millions of gamers who see the NFT space as I just described it",ABSOLUTELY NOT,421.119603209554,814.0,847.0 0xa674be11f6aaae24cef90bf314f614ffe1031a7e56e8e7e30fefed8d3a4ceaff-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x8f50ff3d8aa061a0b4bf9131aa0bb9d6a8df91bb,SUPACharge,,"SUPACharge is the first Web3 native cross-platform application that will allow seamless auto-onboarding of users & Project Creators into created channels, ease of NFT and Token transactions and communication under a single platform using a novel approach. We expect our app to be a fully functioning SocialFi App for the community to be safe from scammers as well as fast onboarding into the right channels.",2022-12-01 08:04:49,FANTOM,0xa674be11f6aaae24cef90bf314f614ffe1031a7e56e8e7e30fefed8d3a4ceaff,PENDING,2022-12-01 08:04:49,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:99,,,supachargeio,No,5,No,Cross-platform application including mobile with automatic channel creation and onboarding for Fungible token and NFT projects with moderation tools. Users are automatically assigned private channels to connect with other holders and project creators. This thereby eliminates the need of third party tools and thereby minimizes risk of fraudulent activity. The application also allows the onboarding of new users/non-holders onto public channels.,,386.91608123086746,895.0,926.0 0xa72836cd5d8bafa3d32b83d5f49117eab078189bba1ad88f8308f56b4874fb26-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x8230d08fd17cab204f91a549b03c94f401549418,Depeg Finance,,"Depeg Finance is a product that offers options markets on pegged derivatives assets allowing market participants to robustly hedge and speculate on peg deviations of exotic pegged assets.",2022-11-29 16:07:40,FANTOM,0xa72836cd5d8bafa3d32b83d5f49117eab078189bba1ad88f8308f56b4874fb26,PENDING,2022-11-29 16:07:40,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:31,,,,No,4 members,No,Allows users to hedge and speculate on pegged assets.,It is a fork of y2k finance which we intend to develop on and add more features( like per example calls/puts in forex pairs).,576.4629498536865,1168.0,1218.0 0xa8ccc7762c74f0ae7e38d9e89b476b9e22836e0b5a80d75e51259214945b6d84-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xb459ff004beaef08f449470660bd9bb431eff09b,Nether.Fi,https://Nether.Fi,Decentralized Perpetuals and Spot Exchange,2022-12-02 18:22:33,FANTOM,0xa8ccc7762c74f0ae7e38d9e89b476b9e22836e0b5a80d75e51259214945b6d84,PENDING,2022-12-02 18:22:33,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:121,,,Nether_fi,No.,5 members.,No. Fantom mainnet is where we will deploy.,"Quality decentralizezd perptuals (GMX fork). We also want to focus on midcap tokens that don't have _any_ decentralized perptuals. Along with that, perptual aggregation is an innovative feature we seek to offer.","Yes, GMX codebase. MVP is being built as we speak. The intial fork will be a 1:1 with our branding and what not. After we receive some funding, we will add other token pools for other Fantom based projects.",765.2284544735121,1081.0,1132.0 0xabbc55be6a354835a50a1dbcf158a29faa124da2cca1d161571944de15135a49-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x2755213c8435f15d9929101357686a9c1bec280a,Web3Box,,"Web3Box is committed to creating a Web3 UGA (User-Generated Asset) platform with a secure environment worldwide. Web3Box Key Modules (1) Privacy-safe sandbox Fantom Eco Assets Management Fantom Eco Assets Portfolio (2) Risk assessment Fantom Eco Projects Scoring Fantom Eco Projects Risk Report Fantom Eco Projects Abnormal warning (3) Web3 Tool/Feed aggregator Fantom Eco tool navigation Fantom Eco content aggregator Fantom Eco information source customization",2022-12-01 07:44:31,FANTOM,0xabbc55be6a354835a50a1dbcf158a29faa124da2cca1d161571944de15135a49,PENDING,2022-12-01 07:44:31,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:98,,,@w3b_official,nope,5,nope,"1. Web3Box allows Fantom ecosystem users to access Fantom eco wallet, Defi, Swap, and browse Web3 websites in the privacy-safe sandbox. The data generated in transactions and browsing is securely stored on the Fantom ecosystem users’ personal computers, which could effectively isolate hackers & viruses and avoid system horse calls & program supervision. 2. Web3Box provides Fantom users with risk assessment of Fantom eco projects so that Fantom users can timely and accurately understand the risks of Fantom eco projects, and then select the Fantom eco projects with low risks for users to avoid those with high risks when making investment decisions. 3. ​​Web3Box presents the visual Web3 news for Fantom users, including value-added content services and interactive narrative subjects, bringing better reading experience and more accurate content timeliness. Meanwhile, the unique aggregation function of Web3Box will be improved by Fantom users in a decentralized manner, including Web3 industry sites, resources, and tools. Finally, it will let Fantom users liberate the conventional webpage favorites in Web2, achieving one-stop access to all Web3 applications.",,590.6216379529609,1500.0,1545.0 0xb0121e33bfc61c86c8b57924d64b198017212f46b468f8f39fb771db4104cada-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x1375847014ba64517210cbfe185808232cf45d4a,GravityDAO,,"Gravity DAO is a trust creation, Web 3 well-being, and conflict management commons. If you would like to learn more about nonviolent communication, a transformational approach to conflicts, promote well-being and facilitate human coordination, this is your place! We have created a framework for communities, especially DAOs, to process conflict effectively, compassionately, non-rivalrous way. Our goal is to foster nonviolent communication, empathy, and understanding of conflicts in decentralized communities, facilitate human coordination, and build a culture of trust between peers. We care about individual well-being by promoting safe spaces and supporting mental health awareness in the DAO space. With GravityDAO you achieve: - trust creation - conflict resolution - provide tools for conflict - management - Active Gravitons (support for your community) - community building - creation of frameworks for DAOs - education & training - researches - psychological support - safe spaces ",2022-12-02 15:42:43,FANTOM,0xb0121e33bfc61c86c8b57924d64b198017212f46b468f8f39fb771db4104cada,PENDING,2022-12-02 15:42:43,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:120,,,,"Yes, from the TEC and Gitcoin",5 people,yes,"Gravity becoming a self-sustainable service DAO, benefits the web3 and Fantom community by supporting coordination within the social layer of tokenized projects. Giving them access to tools we create, information coming from research activities, conflict management courses, and other types of education and support for individual and collective wellbeing.",,515.7286273729728,1106.0,1159.0 0xb38f2bd125fa2b6bc62fec89955d412290c30e4ed38db92541bc220aad5f9202-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x596be05a5688f38acb00231ec16b2589cbd29dda,Pluto Pawn,,"Project name: Pluto Pawn Author: Stinky Twitter: @Nomamesgwei Email: (KYC information available upon request) Recipient address: 0x… Grant category: DeFi, NFT, Fantom Project description: Rather than build something that only benefits our holders and ecosystem. Pluto Pawn was created to bring utility to all NFT’s and Tokens. Fantom NFT collectors will be able to get loans in their favorite tokens, backed by a single or multiple NFTs. Holders of Umans, Magicats, or Cyber Nekos will be able to get loans in $TOMB, $BOO, $BRUSH and more. Our bundle module let’s non-blue chip NFTs in on the fun as well, bundle multiples to get a single loan. Our Peer-to-Peer Marketplace allows users to be borrowers or lenders. Lenders receive a Pawn Ticket NFT, similar to an LP token, making their loans tradable on secondary markets. Project links: Website: Twitter: Discord: Github: (Will be open-sourced when protocol launches. Repository invitations sent upon request) Additional team member: Zero (Art & Design) Atarev (Audio & IT) Ov3rKoalafied (Product Manager) aDegenerateIncome (QA Intern) DreadPirate DB (Developer) Justin Honey (Developer) Please link to any previous projects the team has meaningfully contributed to: Nightmare On Fantom St. (Fantom): Bubonic Bastards (Fantom): Degen Dwarfs: Alchemix: Competitors, peers, or similar projects: There are none on the Fantom Network to our knowledge. Similar projects exist on other chains like BendDao which only supports blue-chip NFTs via a pool. NFTfi, only supports $WETH and $DAI tokens on mainnet. JPEG’d only provides loans in their native $pUSD token. Is/will this project be open sourced? Yes, once deployed. We can grant judges access to private repositories to confirm. Date of deployment: The smart contracts are ready now, and have passed internal testing and audits. In order to ensure the community that our contracts are safe to interact with, we seek to raise funds to pay for a 3rd party audit through Sherlock or Code4Arena. During this stage we can also show progress made on the front-end design, and will be projected to start on the front-end following their completion. Preview our last test on Goerli testnet: Has your project previously applied for a grant? No, this is our first time applying for any grant. Proof of Progress: We deployed a test loan on Goerli, that can be seen here: We are also sharing some of our progress on the dApp design, this is still a work and progress and the final product could be different.",2022-11-14 19:54:25,FANTOM,0xb38f2bd125fa2b6bc62fec89955d412290c30e4ed38db92541bc220aad5f9202,PENDING,2022-11-14 19:54:25,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,14,stinkyfi,DegenDwarfs,plutopawn_io,no,7,No,"Utility to existing NFTs and Tokens, a new DeFi lending protocol that we don't think exist on Fantom currently. We bridge all communities, and not just add utility to our tokens.","The project was inspired but not forked. I personally developed the entire project, created test, and deployment scripts. You can review the Goerli test to confirm but, similar functionality exist on other chains",308.4482562399877,767.0,799.0 0xb6fe0596d332baa04cd63793a970431fa8e1e7a8bd86a9018f8f3524ff0b7cb6-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x064af3bfe01c3a8057fc6faf7bf45985ec707743,Fantom Nobles,,"Fantom Nobles is building a protocol to align game studios, the community, and the investors with a self-sustaining web3 tournament prize protocol. The key concepts are - provide a stage at which games can present themselves to a greater audience. - produce a steady flow of prize money and support the games’ native tokens - Gamified voting system, and hosted tournaments with coverage. Nobles governance token is be backed by web3 games' native tokens and can only be obtained by completing cross-chain tasks, a novel approach. All this on the Fantom Blockchain. ",2022-11-18 20:41:13,FANTOM,0xb6fe0596d332baa04cd63793a970431fa8e1e7a8bd86a9018f8f3524ff0b7cb6,PENDING,2022-11-18 20:41:13,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,55,bravenoob21,,FantomNobles,none,1,no,"web3 game tournaments, support native chain games. ",new code / idea / project.,345.8315747247053,903.0,945.0 0xb8a9a3aa69689c9cf3d88f8960c1ff09eefcd31e997ff854a355d71d893709dc-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x767b4838b22116e7b05d9de1168a39d7494337c3,Fantom Gallery,,A virtual gallery providing a new way to discover digital art while on boarding artists and collectors.,2022-11-15 03:45:58,FANTOM,0xb8a9a3aa69689c9cf3d88f8960c1ff09eefcd31e997ff854a355d71d893709dc,PENDING,2022-11-15 03:45:58,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,23,,,fantomgallery,No,1-5,No,"On boarding for artists and collectors, promoting artists through virtual galleries and pop up events, additional volume through art sales",Not a fork.,376.5278916149907,914.0,955.0 0xb97986af933b8599aec372059a1819dfb84dedca08021640d10124a40649079f-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x2bda0f075ef125d8aa232df763559c9749cc218c,Incognito ,,"Incognito is a global community of privacy-minded builders seeking to protect the world from surveillance and control. They build privacy-protecting, blockchain-based financial products for the future of money. The Incognito team aims to bring the highest level of privacy to the blockchain ecosystem as a whole. Users can take any action with their favorite assets and dApps from all blockchains while their privacy is well preserved.Incognito is a layer-1 blockchain that aims to bring privacy to both crypto assets and decentralized applications. Incognito supports multi-chain integration via the bridges built to 13 major blockchains on the market: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon, Fantom, NEAR, Aurora, Avalanche, BNB Smart Chain, Monero, Dash, Zilliqa, Zcash, Litecoin. Since the main net launch in 2019, Incognito’s privacy network has been adopted with +200 crypto assets shielded to the Incognito chain, +400M shielding volume, +500M trading volume, and ~5M privacy transactions validated. Incognito has its native token - Privacy (PRV) allows users to trade and swap in the chain. ",2022-11-21 09:39:11,FANTOM,0xb97986af933b8599aec372059a1819dfb84dedca08021640d10124a40649079f,PENDING,2022-11-21 09:39:11,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,51,,,,Cypherpunk Guild - Build Bridge to NEAR,"More than 25 engineers, cryptographers and others","Incognito is a privacy blockchain with the goal is to bring privacy to cryptoassets and dApps on other blockchain. Currently, Incognito has integrated with 16 blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon, NEAR, Aurora, Avalanche, BNB Smart Chain, Monero, Dash, Zilliqa, Zcash, Litecoin,... Incognito is building a privacy layer for Fantom network via a bridge.","Incognito brings privacy to cryptoassets and dApps on Fantom blockchain. For example, Fantom users can send, receive and swap FTM without exposing your addresses, token type and amount, moreover, dApp users such as SpookySwap can enjoy the anonymity while using Incognito.",,519.1072620368848,954.0,992.0 0xb9f2f91b4aca509286c7acc9a1b0a394ef53df2e6d77c1f9f6b0aa5bb39bbfd6-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x30037b47df4c139e00708e1e4fec9205acd9cb25,PaintSwap,,PaintSwap is a decentralised open NFT marketplace on the Fantom Opera network. Thriving towards been the most technologically advanced NFT marketplace in existence on any network.,2022-11-25 15:17:52,FANTOM,0xb9f2f91b4aca509286c7acc9a1b0a394ef53df2e6d77c1f9f6b0aa5bb39bbfd6,PENDING,2022-11-25 15:17:52,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,60,,,paint_swap,No,8,No,"PaintSwap – NFT Marketplace Cutting Edge Development for the Decentralized World Establishing a platform on Fantom in the Spring of 2021, the original five founders of PaintSwap shared a vision of bringing decentralized performance and technology to the forefront of the dApp market through superior solidity and high UX standards. In the year and a half plus of its existence, PaintSwap has risen to become the leading NFT marketplace on Fantom Opera and is now ready to expand, creating a fully realized project on that same ecosystem. This proposal will detail some of the unique features that PaintSwap is ready to bring to the already vibrant community of Fantom Opera. Everything that will follow has been done without any outside financial support. Imagine what we could do with funding. Continued Pioneering through Constant Commitment The focus of dApps residing on Fantom Opera at this time should be the attraction and retention of outside, unaccounted-for capital. To this end, PaintSwap released an ambitious road map highlighting the features that we will implement to attract new users into our ecosystem while serving and maintaining users already present. A few of these upcoming features will be listed and expanded upon below. fNFT Marketplace The next wave of technology in our sector could well involve financial NFTs and the security offered by them. PaintSwap is determined to make Fantom Opera a cornerstone of this major opportunity. We are already well on the way to making a secondary platform tied to the main PaintSwap marketplace that is dedicated to trades, sales, and interactions with fNFTs. Cross-chain Marketplace and Contract Factory Our success in attracting and supporting over 1300 NFT collections on Fantom Opera demonstrates that there is a hunger for reliable, decentralized support of NFT collections throughout the crypto community. This hunger, however, has recently been impacted by an imbalance of creation versus liquidity in various ecosystems. PaintSwap intends to return vitality to the Fantom NFT community by introducing the many incredible creators and builders on our marketplace to other chains. This will result in the cross-pollination of liquidity pools, introducing new users to all chains and projects involved. Global NFT Tracking with Option to Hide Rather than leaping into the implementation of our Track-All subgraph, PaintSwap has chosen to take a more measured approach to increase user control and decrease the potential for malevolence. We will implement an advanced, customizable interface to hide content from contracts on a user-level basis, along with certain larger-scale controls to allow the concealment of known malicious contracts. Building Creative Solutions PaintSwap’s NFT marketplace is a built-from-scratch solution based on the needs that were present in the Fantom community at the time of conception. Since that time, the team has continued to expand upon the foundation of proactive measures addressing the opportunities of the future. In fact, several of the implementations that have been introduced are uniquely available on PaintSwap, even when considering readily available markets on other chains. Bulk Actions PaintSwap brought brand new technology to the Fantom Opera scene with the implementation of our various Bulk Actions. Simplifying processes for Buyers, Sellers, and Project Managers using revolutionary, gas-conscious construction that makes the site and its Solidity scalable to support massive volume. Bulk Listing, Transferring, Offering, Burning, and more are all available as single transaction events on the PaintSwap platform, saving time and money for all involved. Customizable Statistics With the release of v3 of the marketplace came our advanced statistics interface, which allows the user to customise displayed metrics and time frames on a global or collection level. This provides invaluable buying insight for all purchasers, regardless of what metrics they observe when doing their own research on projects. This, in conjunction with our BubbleMaps partnership, creates a level playing field of unfiltered information on which all users of the platform can engage responsibly with new and existing products. On top of that, Project Managers (or even active community members) can both generate a social media-ready postcard of collection statistics and embed a live iFrame of collection stats on websites. These features are publicly visible and available to all, maintaining our standard of easily accessible, decentralised information. ERC 2981 (Native Royalty) Support PaintSwap has always enforced creator-designated royalties on sales. Our stance on this matter is very clear. We do this both through our UI (for collections without the native contract standard) and through enforcement of the ERC 2981 Solidity standard. In order to assuage any concerns about malevolent collections imposing outrageous royalty percentages to discourage selling or profiteer from user ignorance, PaintSwap caps royalties at 7.5%. This, along with our marketplace sale fee of 2.5% make the maximum liability for a seller 10%. This is nothing new. PaintSwap has maintained these standards long before it entered the zeitgeist; in fact, this has been our policy since the inception of the marketplace. Maintaining Expected Standards Rather than spending any more valuable time digging into the minutia of certain items, the following will be a list of the many standards upheld by PaintSwap. Many of these are found nowhere else on Fantom Opera, and some are rarely found on any chain. Floor Sweep Collection Offers Filtered Collection Offers Offers on both Listed and Unlisted assets Checkout Bulk Actions NFT Burning Non-Custodial Offers Auctions (with Flash option) Custodial Vaults Contract Deployer Minting UI iNFT & fNFT P2P Swapping ERC 721, 721Enum Support ERC 1155 Support ERC 2981 Royalty Support Global and User level Activity Pages Download Holders Automated Rarity Calculation Trait Filtering Community Contract Any support this fund receives will go towards the continued development of the PaintSwap platform, including but not limited to server costs, ongoing subscriptions & services etc.",No,965.1808910129819,1217.0,1275.0 0xbac74bc82a9a43e893765b49c5a0d12702b6108ef671410f9645fcf7c38d8dfb-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x0413e238c56005ac17f60e4ebdbfc45fe6fdb0f0,8BIT Metaverse,,"Inspired by the look of the games from the 90s, 8BIT Metaverse brings a combination of a free-to-play nostalgia-inducing open world metaverse combined with the benefits and opportunities of Decentralized Finance (DeFi). 8BIT Metaverse’s vision is to create a fun and engaging interoperable metaverse that can perform multiple DeFi transactions including a multiple P2E gaming system while giving users a platform where they can integrate or build communities. What have we built so far? Since our launch in November 2021, we have built the largest pixel metaverse on blockchain complete with unique environment and character designs. We have also built an inventory system that allows a user to trade NFT wearables and use them on the blockchain. Lastly, we have integrated multiple Dapps in the $FTM ecosystem and other networks that are fully interoperable within the 8BIT Metaverse. This year alone, we have partnered with more than 40+ NFT and DeFi projects including Dapp Radar and Clover wallet. Where would we use the grant? Although we are confident that we are able to produce the whole P2E game and provide additional functionalities within the metaverse with the funds that we have raised from our Netizen sales last year, any additional funding will help us achieve our main goal - which is to attract more players and communities The grant will be used to: 1. Fund research on 8BIT Acedemy (8BIT learn) a pixel game that will help educate users on GameFi, token farming, DeFi, and most importantly blockchain security! Think of it as a gamified education system. 2. Form an aggressive WEB3 marketing and partnership team that will stay up-to-date with the current NFT trends and maintain good relationships with other NFT communities cross chain. 3. Hire senior game developers who can work on additional P2E games. 4. Marketing fund for twitch and NFT gaming influencers. Your vote, big or small, is important to us. We are grateful for your support. ",2022-12-03 11:55:15,FANTOM,0xbac74bc82a9a43e893765b49c5a0d12702b6108ef671410f9645fcf7c38d8dfb,PENDING,2022-12-03 11:55:15,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:129,,,,Yes - NFT Sales,15 at the moment - 52 during peak. ,No,GameFi & Metaverse,,608.5016280359881,890.0,929.0 0xbb29accc8a58c02d4f731512e8e9849d176decb0eacd26fbd1e666127a8a6019-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x48fb8b4bab194b74cb8af3f97f2df059e534bfdb,Fantom Italia,,"Italian fantom community, to communicate and engage italian degen about Fantom technology and utility. - Twitter profile - Posts about most famous protocols in Italian + explanation on how it works - Online community gatherings - Medium articles in italan",2022-12-01 14:45:30,FANTOM,0xbb29accc8a58c02d4f731512e8e9849d176decb0eacd26fbd1e666127a8a6019,PENDING,2022-12-01 14:45:30,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:102,,,,no,1,no,More adoption for the italian community,no,364.47176859806785,767.0,806.0 0xbc6f2fd4e9e6ff4974fd0e0536cc21bf677e69ab41338c15aaf5310b4c444b22-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xead9f532c72cf35dab18a42223ee7a1b19bc5abf,Matrix Farm,,"Matrix Farms is an autocompound protocol on Fantom Opera. It provides excellent analytic tools, while giving everyone access to the wonders of autocompounding without having to do it manually.",2022-11-23 21:02:01,FANTOM,0xbc6f2fd4e9e6ff4974fd0e0536cc21bf677e69ab41338c15aaf5310b4c444b22,PENDING,2022-11-23 21:02:01,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,65,Armax,,farm_matrix,No,6,"Yes, Arbitrum, Dogechain and Optimism","It provides a service to Fantom users, specifically new users who prefer the simplicity of our protocol to doing it on their own.",,308.8424731180736,883.0,920.0 0xbda9df0953fde020023cfffd5828f992ea6c14bf2bb4731fec2c5ccadc7c59c7-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xe269d07ace139330f0832456ac641f2062aa19b5,,,Tracking and charting tools for your favorite DEX in real time.,2022-12-03 18:41:08,FANTOM,0xbda9df0953fde020023cfffd5828f992ea6c14bf2bb4731fec2c5ccadc7c59c7,PENDING,2022-12-03 18:41:08,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:134,,,kektoken,"Yes, 2 years ago 5K from the Fantom Grant",5,"Token is on Fantom, the Dapp is a multichain chart tool. ","Community Chart tools, Project Spotlights, Insights in Trending and most viewed projects",,521.4311383878633,943.0,984.0 0xbdbd45ddaf019ea218e12cd10b1a5d7605b995b1f2822f4802699657a1f0fd28-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xefedaf9c07e6eb56bb8f82f30018e4461b1c5f4c,web3beach,,"Accelerating web3 education and adoption through social and environmental impact. Based in Honduras. Proof of Impact Community members who work on our programs earn more than income for participating in our environmental events, and they also accumulate tokens to represent their Proof of Impact. Members will use these tokens to govern our programs, future projects, and expansion and access other perks through 3rd parties, such as discounts on products and services. Services already being offered to our community Mental Health services Offering therapy for Honduran buidlers having difficulties during these market conditions Kids web3 education: Weekly reading nights with families Environmental Impact: Weekly beach clean ups Social Impact: Training local teachers in Emergency First Response because we don't have hospitals or ambulances on our island: The first web3 community center and cowork: Must have a participation NFT from environmental impact events or pay in crypto: Proof Of Knowledge We will educate our community about the importance of our work in cleanup, conservation, and regeneration of our local ocean ecosystem. We will also provide web3 learning opportunities to our community. We've partnered with and Cryptoversidad to provide educational web3 courses that range from essential onboarding, like wallet creation, to advanced web3 business development and solidity. We hope this will create a pay-it-forward mindset that will encourage more Hondurans to buidl public goods projects using web3. Our community will also be able to earn tokens from the knowledge they gain through education. They will also use these tokens to govern our programs, future projects, and expansion and access other perks through 3rd parties, such as discounts on products and services. Program Expansions We have plans to expand our programs to neighboring islands and mainland Honduras. We're confident this project can help protect the environment while improving the quality of life for many. Ultimately we'd like to create a model anyone can copy and paste anywhere in the world to benefit their local environment, economy, and the lives of their community.",2022-12-01 18:50:38,FANTOM,0xbdbd45ddaf019ea218e12cd10b1a5d7605b995b1f2822f4802699657a1f0fd28,PENDING,2022-12-01 18:50:38,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:105,carlosjmelgar,,web3beach,gitcoin gr15,"1 person leading, a few advisors and lots of community volunteers",we've issued participation NFTs on other chains but not buidling any tech,We would like to use Fantom to our blooming crypto economy on the island and start using it to deploy impact certificate NFTs ,no,779.0208004736774,965.0,1017.0 0xbdc41078fedd3e48a9723fe7eeee27fe125973bb5481ede12647abf9512247cf-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xc0abaaa88038ba8c0fbdb502cab1e4b32915128e,Todai World,,"Todai World is aiming to be an entertaining social NFT platform that rewards the community for their participation, with unique features, like chest rewards, leveling, comments section, free metaverse gallery and more to come... We also aim to be the first ""anime/comics"" themed marketplace.",2022-11-25 00:19:50,FANTOM,0xbdc41078fedd3e48a9723fe7eeee27fe125973bb5481ede12647abf9512247cf,PENDING,2022-11-25 00:19:50,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,75,tori-flower,,todaiworld,No previous funding,4,No,A brand new approach for an NFT platform and marketplace.,,305.98026564820117,800.0,833.0 0xc1a283ad05b7821dd703f3533006cfe9b9f9d8fcba09205d37d385d2b7bf16fe-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x8052e4fae49f243297b8617023ed609236faa328,Defi Crypto Vaults,,"Defi Crypto Vaults is an educational platform covering Defi and blockchain news on Fantom, Polygon, and Solana. I plan to build a hub for Defi knowledge — including blockchain tech, Defi protocols, and Defi strategies. Through my educational platform, I produce: - Deep Dives — Write-ups educating users about Blockchain tech and new protocols - Yield Farming Guides (Newsletter)— Yield strategies to exemplify potential investments and promote the use of Defi protocols - Web3 On-boarding Deep-Dives — Write-ups to expand Web3 on-boarding documentation Each of the communities I cover is unique, but Fantom specifically has a lot to offer to Defi. Fantom tech has been a favorite of mine and has been the topic of many of my newsletters and deep dives in the past. Furthermore, with grant funds, I plan to start an NFT project on Fantom. This project would grant holders utility in the form of revenue share! With grant funds, I would launch an investment fund tied directly to the NFT. I plan to deploy the investment fund to multiple Fantom protocols to earn yield —mainly stablecoin vaults— and airdrop 50% of the accrued interest per month to NFT holders— Similar to a Dividend Stock. I plan to use the remaining 50% to re-invest in the investment fund for compound interest. I also plan to create a token-gated website where NFT holders can access a dashboard with a Fantom news aggregator, the latest Fantom Defi vaults, and more! I intend to continue writing about Fantom tech and Why It’s a top blockchain solution, but with my NFT project, I plan to go a step further and onboard users to Fantom to take part in a project that rewards users through the use of Fantom Defi.",2022-11-29 03:38:54,FANTOM,0xc1a283ad05b7821dd703f3533006cfe9b9f9d8fcba09205d37d385d2b7bf16fe,PENDING,2022-11-29 03:38:54,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:86,,,Defivaults,No,1,"Yes. In addition to Fantom, I cover Solana, and Polygon Defi tech. ","With grant funds, I plan to start an NFT project on Fantom and grant holder's utility in the form of revenue share! With grant funds, I would launch an investment fund tied directly to the NFT. I plan to deploy the investment fund to multiple Fantom protocols to earn yield —mainly stablecoin vaults— and airdrop 50% of the accrued interest per month to NFT holders— Similar to a Dividend Stock. Overall, I want to onboard users to Fantom to take part in a project that generates rewards through the use of Fantom Defi.",,365.5366327805431,881.0,918.0 0xc79392f3e1ae87439935cd8fb96f7820756bc2cc5735e4e3e33ab19cca172d46-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xd340967b0e4649dd08675e21129220b71579c36f,Bulletproof Productions,,"What is Bulletproof Productions? We are an innovative Web3 solutions company passionate about decentralization and making a level playing ground for every participant in crypto by creating unbiased systems that distribute wealth in a fair system. What is Bulletproof Productions mission? Bulletproof Productions mission statement is simple “Turning cents into Dollars 💰’ for Artists with Killer Beats.”. We give the power back in the hands of the artist and the fans so they both benefit from creating and enjoying the music they love. How does Bulletproof Productions achieve its mission? Bulletproof Productions is built for artists and fans first. Unlike the current content distribution systems, Intellectual Property management systems and royalty payment systems, where all capture value from the Artists creation and fail to pass it back to the original creator. Let's break it down! The current Content Distribution system is flawed in many ways, but one of the most important failures that directly impacts the artist is: it favors content distributors over talented content creators. The distributors of content end up getting most of the returns generated by the artist's content. Bulletproof Productions utilizing blockchain technology with Audio NFTs running on our specially designed Decentralized Content Distribution System allows artists to publish and share directly with their fans, who pay cryptocurrencies to support the artist and enjoy their creations. The artist gets the funds directly from the fans and the fans directly support the artist. This is where Bulletproof Productions puts the artist and fans in direct contact to create this mutually beneficial relationship. In the future, content consumers (fans) won’t be paying a subscription fee to platforms and will directly give to content creators (Artists) they love & support. Bulletproof Productions brings the future to now with its current Decentralized Content Distribution System. Current Intellectual Property management systems and copyright law protects the artists / creators work, although they need a definitive registration system to prove ownership. With current distribution systems and the amount of data on the internet anyone can download and use your creation and it will be nearly impossible to track down every use. Even if you do find every individual use, you then need to pay legal fees for every copyright breach, which will most probably outweigh any financial gain. Enter Bulletproof Productions Audio NFTs with a blockchain transaction and timestamp, usage tracking, digital audio watermark copyright protection all living on a distributed ledger that guards your Intellectual Property by making each piece of content uniquely addressable. The above ways in which Bulletproof Productions solves the current Content Distribution and Intellectual Property problems allows the Artist / Creator to gain max benefits from Royalties. The Artist doesn’t need a middleman or to wait for their royalties to be calculated, skimmed, deducted before they get their cut. The Artist can view, verify and claim their royalties in real time, instantly! But what about the fans … Fans also suffer paying for content they don’t even listen to or enjoy. Furthermore, they don’t get to contribute directly to the success of their favorite artist or be a part of their upcoming. They have no way of proving they were there from the beginning before the Artist became a multi-platinum record selling star. There is no direct relationship between the Artist and the diehard fans. Hold on… now there is! With Bulletproof Productions a fan can personalize a track by recording onto an existing track from the artist and own that unique copy, at the same time the artist receives Royalties because the fan used the artist’s track. Now the fan can also get royalties if anyone uses the fan’s unique copy! Raise funds on Bulletproof Productions Anyone can use the Bulletproof Productions’ website to raise funds just by recording or uploading any audio content they create. For example, you would like to raise funds for the local sports club you are a member of, a school, a hospital, a friend in need, a project or anything that you think deserves financial assistance. You record or upload onsite an audio message from yourself, your local sports clubs theme song, a poem, details about a project or anything you deem relevant to the cause. In return you get a playable link to share your newly created Audio NFT on any platform for others to donate their support by minting a unique copy of your Audio NFT. To check how much money you have raised go to the Royalties page to see how much you have raised so far. ",2022-11-25 04:05:02,FANTOM,0xc79392f3e1ae87439935cd8fb96f7820756bc2cc5735e4e3e33ab19cca172d46,PENDING,2022-11-25 04:05:02,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,76,BulletproofProductions,,BulletProds,No,2,No,"The protocol solves the problems of the current music/audio content distribution, intellectual property and royalty payments trilemma. This first of its kind implementation of anyone being able to upload their audio creations and earn instantly from them with copyright protection, distribution channels and transparent royalty management. will bring new artists / creators and their fan base to Fantom. The social sharing of the created audio NFT from within the platform allows fundraising for communities and artists which will also utilize the Fantom ecosystem and bring their communities onto Fantom.",,354.9424283042574,764.0,795.0 0xca235e25976e8d9271ceee5eaaa1093648d26600d5d6ffb7ede59bf4764e3e4f-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x3f6c3d4a072c85aab239aef0b411cd89672f7213,BabyChimpGang,,"BCG started as a collection of 1111 Non-Fungible-Tokens which contained 1111 unique, hand-drawn pictures of baby chimpanzees. Given the success of the first collection and the positive feedback from the Fantom community, we were highly motivated to continue improving the project by creating new collections as well as providing utility features to our holders. Today, approximately 1 year after the project started and more than 5000 NFTs minted, BCG represents a collective of NFT holders. The main aim of BCG is to form a community within the Fantom ecosystem by ensuring high-class artwork and providing utility through DApps. Our current focus lies on developing a round-based player versus player game for our NFT holders.",2022-12-03 13:10:28,FANTOM,0xca235e25976e8d9271ceee5eaaa1093648d26600d5d6ffb7ede59bf4764e3e4f,PENDING,2022-12-03 13:10:28,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:30,BabyChimpGangDev,,BabyChimpGang,No,5,No,The main aim of BCG is to form a community within the Fantom ecosystem by ensuring high-class artwork and providing utility through DApps. Our current focus lies on developing a round-based player versus player game for our NFT holders.,,438.81900819881207,856.0,890.0 0xcdba95bcb41cc5c3870f0c0264abb168388a9020a5af0f4df4bc279b072042cd-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xb7d6937f3aa9e09817c045b7d5b5fb5064370671,Infinity Wallet,,"Infinity Wallet is the first non-browser-extension, all-in-one non-custodial wallet ecosystem of its kind on desktop, supporting hundreds of thousands of users. Providing a one-stop solution for seamless usability of DeFi, NFTs and easy cross-border payments, with a gateway to the world of Web3/DApps directly within the wallet’s Web3 browser (first ever on desktop). Fulfilling all a user's needs, while removing the complexities of decentralized finance and enabling economic freedom for everyone globally! From day one, we have focused on enhancing and providing the best possible user experience and lowering the barrier to entry, to allow for streamlined and secure adoption of DeFi and Web3. Providing a world-class user experience with a seamless user interface, and a full spectrum of constantly growing features and services as a one-stop hub, delivering a more curated in-wallet experience. Making Infinity Wallet the complete solution for all crypto users’ needs, while making adoption and usage of cross-border payments, DeFi, NFTs and Web3 easier than ever before. Infinity Wallet is also the first desktop platform to provide users with access to the entire Web3 and DApp space without needing to leave their wallet, with the first Web3 browser and Web3/DApp store directly within the platform ( Finally removing the need to ever use unintuitive browser extension wallets again! Providing a far superior, safer and more natural user experience, with a range of unique advantages/benefits for users, DApps and chains alike, while enabling easier use and adoption. The problem today is that while wallets are the most fundamental component required for usage and adoption of DeFi, Web3, crypto payments, a chain and its ecosystem, they are one of the least well developed applications in the crypto ecosystem. Wallets currently act mainly as an interface, serving primarily as a transaction signing layer, with very limited functionality or direct features/services/protocols (users generally have to search, find, learn and interact with many different applications and services), and are generally lacking in basic UX, while providing very unprofessional, hard to use and aesthetically poor user interfaces. This has been sufficient for the early adopters in crypto, however, for the next billion users to onboard to DeFi and Web3, a more curated and high quality user experience is required. Infinity Wallet steps in to fill this need, as a one-stop hub for all payment, DeFi, NFT and Web3 activity. Providing a unique all-in-one wallet solution with a full spectrum of services, features and protocols in a premium platform, with a focus on delivering a seamless decentralized user experience and a user centric interface. Streamlining accessibility and lowering the barrier to entry, to allow for true adoption of DeFi, crypto payments & Web 3.0 globally. Infinity Wallet will benefit the Fantom ecosystem and holders by providing a unique all-in-one wallet & ecosystem solution on desktop (with mobile to come in the future), with a focus on premium quality. Delivering a seamless user experience and a user-centric interface, along with access to current and a wide range of constantly growing features/services. Providing Fantom access to the many advancements we have, bringing much needed value (infrastructure, features/services and a premium quality platform) to Fantom . Infinity Wallet will allow Fantom ecosystem to be more easily adopted and used by the general public, in a unique crypto wallet, payment solution and Web3/DApp browser built for the masses, and used already by hundreds of thousands of users worldwide for easy cross-border payments, access to DeFi, NFTs and interacting with Web3/DApps directly within their wallet. As a one-stop platform for all users to directly access all their DeFi, Web3 and crypto needs, making adoption of the Fantom and its ecosystem as easy and intuitive as possible and boosting awareness, usage and utility. Below are some of the key features and services bringing value to the FANTOM ecosystem: - User focused DeFi Wallet Solution; - Portfolio and Analytics Monitoring/Dashboard; - Instant decentralized cross-border payments; - First ever desktop Web3 Browser (One-click connect to DApps, with utmost discoverability and use of a chains’ ecosystem, removing the need for Browser extensions); - Web3 DApps Store (Driving ecosystem discoverability and adoption); - Cross-chain swap (Swap/Bridge between multiple supported chains); - DEX Aggregator; - Fiat on/off ramp; - NFTs and Gallery to manage (view, send and receive) and easily trade NFTs; - Advanced Transaction History and balance/value charts; - Custom Token Importing (Allowing any token to be imported, even if not default supported); - Live user and chain support, with a high focus on delivering the best possible user experience to make onboarding for users as easy and seamless as possible; A further introduction can also be found in our docs at",2022-11-15 15:37:22,FANTOM,0xcdba95bcb41cc5c3870f0c0264abb168388a9020a5af0f4df4bc279b072042cd,PENDING,2022-11-15 15:37:22,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,32,InfinityWallet,,InfinityWallet,"No, 100% self funded",7,Yes,"Currently FANTOM greatly lacks a premium quality platform of our kind built for mass adoption, delivering an all-in-one ecosystem that provides multiple unique services/protocols/features, along with a premium user interface and high end user experience for ease of use by all users. Infinity Wallet not only delivers a one-stop solution, but as the first ever desktop Web3 browser, we bring a unique more natural user experience and value to any chain integrated when accessing DApps and Web3 (removing the user experience barrier of needing to use unintuitive and feature-lacking browser extension wallets), along with all our other unique features and services, hundreds of thousands of users and constantly growing user base.",,782.9767502524026,1445.0,1514.0 0xcfce3061874a1a201ddbb0a75eda86c52543c7d64f09c9650b4b12cbc6462da2-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xa02ece161c196ce699ca873ef69e644f7eeae6fc,Fantomon,,"Fantomon is a Play-to-Earn Trading Card Game that merges a retro game style with DeFi and a Play-to-Earn model. The entire game is built on-chain on the Fantom Opera network. All cards, items and resources are tokens on Fantom! Fantomons are bizarre creatures from another realm that have started appearing in our universe through some form of ""gateway""! We don't know how or why they are here, nor do we understand where they came from. Trainers collect and study Fantomons to improve our understanding of them, maintain the delicate balance and prevent catastrophe. More links: Docs: Contract code: Contracts addresses: Lore:",2022-11-15 16:45:37,FANTOM,0xcfce3061874a1a201ddbb0a75eda86c52543c7d64f09c9650b4b12cbc6462da2,PENDING,2022-11-15 16:45:37,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,33,CodeLarkin,,fantomonftm,"Yes, but only from previous NFT mints and some initial funds from MCLB to get us started in 2021.",2,"No, but we plan to go partially cross-chain in the future.","Interactive fully on-chain dynamic trading cards that fuse handmade art with onchain stats. The game includes yield farming, non-custodial nft staking, highly interactive NFT cards, gamified liquidity-providing, token mixing, NFT feeding, community-made journeys, fun music and retro art. Card battles are expected near the end of 2022, with faction wars and more to come!",,831.5996378506034,940.0,978.0 0xd027dc7485cccdc0057f4582f74e0c50cfd5b3df567327932e5c6d52af57d9a2-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x6eb18f06dff6759e2c66d29550397f624f36829f,FTM.Guru,,"A service provider to individuals, teams & general public. Products range from niche data analytics to customized blockchain tools, security reviews to security solutions, public-use defi apps to custom contract tailoring, and (too) much more. Previously regarded as a Multi-faceted growth hacker for indie projects of fantom, the FTM.Guru has grown to provide services to small and big entities alike. It has matured quite a lot over the last 21 months of its service on Fantom and wholeheartedly continues to follow its 3-word manifesto of ""Help. De-Centralize. Grow.""",2022-12-03 14:38:45,FANTOM,0xd027dc7485cccdc0057f4582f74e0c50cfd5b3df567327932e5c6d52af57d9a2,PENDING,2022-12-03 14:38:45,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:133,ftm1337,,ftm1337,"Yes, from a DAO in 2021, denominated in FTM, currently held & worth $1800.",1-5,Yes,"Bespoke customization of novel & useful Blockchain Tools, Services & Decentralized Applications for indiviuals, teams, DAOs & general public.",Original idea.,458.9508912008345,880.0,925.0 0xd098401d03640232eb0487db403d5d9241f5127da12ad70da1306e24f0c8e310-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x3ef1b0db4d10d2e3ce06699c0bd4ef0aaf897614,Praise,,"Recognize and reward community contributions, foster a culture of giving and gratitude. As decentralized organizations grow in size, it becomes difficult to involve the community in determining what contributions to value. Praise encourages communities to cultivate a culture of giving and gratitude by recognizing and rewarding contributions. By listening to what the community values and involving members every step of the way, praise allows bottom-up value systems to emerge. This bottom-up approach to value creation is essential for ensuring that the community remains invested and engaged. Praise is used to recognize the full range of value created, from minor to major contributions. Contributions made outside of any platform can also be recognized. This promotes a more positive and productive community as a whole.",2022-12-02 13:00:52,FANTOM,0xd098401d03640232eb0487db403d5d9241f5127da12ad70da1306e24f0c8e310,PENDING,2022-12-02 13:00:52,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:116,,,,Gitcoin and General Magic,7,"Praise is about projects installing it, it can be deploy on any chain","Any DAO can use the Praise tool, which is open source to make a reputation system inside the DAO and give governance not only to stakeholders but also to builders",,418.87554366722884,834.0,869.0 0xd0a1c7dfa6c2ec0cfe2a7605d1cc0bb37919ed791b4ec58ec4334422a451e7b7-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xf62fafc9b31b016484dcb779d8c3a0b26e9815a6,Tarot,,Tarot is a decentralized lending protocol on the Fantom network.,2022-12-03 20:13:30,FANTOM,0xd0a1c7dfa6c2ec0cfe2a7605d1cc0bb37919ed791b4ec58ec4334422a451e7b7,PENDING,2022-12-03 20:13:30,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:135,,,@TarotFinance,No,1,Yes,"Tarot was the first native lending protocol to launch on Fantom. For over a year, Tarot has pushed the bounds of decentralized finance, becoming a hub for liquidity provision and a trusted partner of many leading protocols.",,627.2797011994975,1174.0,1218.0 0xd3dbb56ea46c578ff71c9ff1a7745669ca598b98cbbc5b0303bee3c92879627f-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x879e5ea3f8b0d5e368a59f79ad8969025953b1f1,Symphony Finance,,"Symphony DEX is a novel yield-generating Decentralized exchange. It helps traders maximize profits and yield at the same time, hence improving capital efficiency as compared to the existing DEXes. - Symphony DEX optimizes yield on trades by integrating with protocols like Aave, Compound, Yearn, etc. - Apart from yield generation, Symphony DEX has other great features like “Liquidity Aggregation”, which benefits the users by executing their trades at the best price. - The Stop-loss order type is also supported by Symphony DEX. It is another useful feature that helps with hedging, buying dip, DCAing, etc. - Anyone can run an executor service & host UI to execute trades. The executor will be incentivized to host their own UI too, which makes Symphony DEX UI decentralized. This would ultimately help eliminate UI downtime.",2022-11-16 08:32:40,FANTOM,0xd3dbb56ea46c578ff71c9ff1a7745669ca598b98cbbc5b0303bee3c92879627f,PENDING,2022-11-16 08:32:40,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,41,symphonyfi,symphony-finance,SymphonyFinance,No,6,Yes,"At Symphony, we understand that when you’re riding the volatility, your trades need to execute quickly. This is why we’ve built our DEX as the composability layer that aggregates liquidity across the network, giving the user quick trade execution. Symphony acts as a Meta DEX aggregator, giving the user the best price across all decentralized exchanges and aggregators. A small price change can make a big difference, especially as trading is a matter of fine margins. We’ve automated yield generation so users can focus on trading. The trades keep earning yield on safe protocols until the time they execute. All one needs to do is create an order, and the yield comes automatically. Symphony also provides depeg protection by providing a stop-loss order feature. If a token depegs, your stop loss will hit, and you will get out in time with no yield wasted. This will safeguard users from situations like the UST catastrophe. All in all, Symphony DEX provides a win-win situation for its users, while they maintain self-custody of their assets on Fantom.",,3201.315427519687,4991.0,5140.0 0xd457cbfb0f561315a7bba363028bcdddab520763412e12d38cd097db2af7b332-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x111a5a1fac7cb02f9fb367f8f75912deaaf18c9a,Pink Paper,,"Pink Paper is a decentralized and permissionless publishing platform for individuals and communities worldwide to express their opinions and share information with the rest of their communities. Users can come and publish blogs and other forms of content on the platform and showcase it to the world. At the same time, one can raise funds for their endeavors on the platform allowing donating to world-changing technologies. Pink Paper will provide a decentralized and censorship-free platform for everyone to use and express their views about different topics. We are providing a censorship-free decentralized publishing platform that supports freedom of speech. ",2022-11-16 07:14:30,FANTOM,0xd457cbfb0f561315a7bba363028bcdddab520763412e12d38cd097db2af7b332,PENDING,2022-11-16 07:14:30,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,40,,,,We have received grant from Filecoin.,8,Yes,"There are increased attacks from big tech worldwide on free speech. Big Tech platforms are increasingly banning specific individuals and communities from their platforms. In these testing times for free speech, Pink Paper aspires to protect the ethos of free speech and freedom for communities who want to raise their voice. Even Stani, founder of Aave was recently banned from Twitter for posting a joke which highlights the need for a decentralized platform. We will provide a free platform which will be available with zero censorship and there’s increasing need for such a platform where users data is being used to profit billions and at the same time deplatform them anytime the big tech wants. With increased censorship by big tech decentralized, censorship free platforms will be in high demand. We want to cater to this growing demand and it will directly push the growth for Fantom ecosystem.",No,618.0209058719372,844.0,876.0 0xd8a96761504718f19835b1a67bd0a0c432b1ef002e435d6e8168d744db0c725f-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x17d0f39f93acc2762bfe013c1b3fab0ccb56e335,WigoSwap,,"WigoSwap is an all-in-one suite where you can enjoy the benefits of DeFi in an accessible and usable way while having fun and earning by participating in games and contests. The more you engage with WigoSwap, the more you contribute to the scalability and stability of the protocol. WigoSwap’s comprehensive Web3 platform provides DeFi services including DEX, Yield Farming, and Staking, with the lowest transaction fees in the Fantom ecosystem (only 0.19%). A clean and responsive user interface means that DeFi Degens and crypto newbies can quickly familiarize themselves with the WigoSwap protocol and feel completely at home. Alongside WigoSwap’s standard DeFi offerings, exclusive products like WigoGalaxy and PREDICT inject fun and bring even more earnings opportunities to the seamless Web3 experience we provide. One of WigoSwap’s many advantages is that as engagement and numbers of users increase, the unique Gamified Burning Mechanism or GBM removes tokens from the circulating supply to extend the emissions distribution period without exceeding the 2B token hard cap. We try to do things differently on WigoSwap, and we sum up the protocol with this one sentence: WigoSwap enables you to trade your tokens efficiently, earn passive income, and have fun in DeFi. The WigoSwap team includes experts and enthusiasts who have been believers in Fantom for years. We know that for a network to succeed, it needs to attract users via innovative, scalable technology and practical applications that showcase the network’s capabilities. Powerful and groundbreaking DeFi protocols have been developed on Fantom, but due to a lack of attention to user experience and usability, these complex platforms have been unable to attract inexperienced users. WigoSwap fills this gap with a DeFi platform combining sophisticated tools and a carefully designed, pleasing visual interface. From the outset, our aim has been to build an easy- and enjoyable-to-use DeFi protocol that leverages the capabilities of the Fantom network and lowers the barriers to entry that limit new users. Several key factors sustain our competitive advantage: - Simplicity and comprehensibility: We think user-centric, create simple solutions for real problems, and avoid complicated terms and over-specialized solutions. DeFi should be the answer to users’ problems and not the cause of more problems. Belief in effective simplicity guides our products, the user interface, and the documentation we produce. - DeFi with GameFi: We inject an element of fun into DeFi through WigoGalaxy rich user profiles and mini-games. WigoGalaxy opens a new world of gamification in DeFi. - Sustainability and scalability: WigoSwap’s tokenomics and deflationary mechanisms are designed around sustainability. A hard cap of 2B limits the total circulating supply. Through the Gameified Burning Mechanism, a significant portion of the WIGO is removed from circulation and reallocated to emissions rewards. Long-term, with sufficient user engagement, it’s possible that WIGO will be deflationary! - The lowest possible transaction fees: Transaction fees on WigoSwap are only 0.19%! - Art and NFT: The WigoSwap team is connected to a network of artists with whom we are collaborating to build an NFT marketplace (WigoMarket) focused on high-quality collections. Users on the platform can already mint a unique and exclusive NFT Wiggy character usable as a PFP. More Wiggy-themed collections are on the way as we lead up to the launch of our marketplace! As a new project born in the bear market, we spend our resources optimally on things that can have more impact and bring more users to WigoSwap: 1- We plan to focus increasingly on GameFi. Our recent investment in the excellent game RedWest marks a vital step in this direction. We believe that GameFi can play a critical role in growing DeFi services. 2- Another key component in our GameFi strategy is WigoGalaxy, an area of WigoSwap where we will continue to develop and offer fun and profitable mini-games that will serve as a portal for users to experience gamified-DeFi. 3- We will grow the Fantom NFT ecosystem with Wiggy NFTs, the NFT Marketplace, and collaborations with reputable artists. 4- In addition to the above, we will soon release the WigoSwap Launchpad and WigoRun, through which blockchain startups can access accelerator and fundraising programs and resources to support their expansion on the Fantom network. 5- WigoSwap's $FTM Liquid Staking will come in Q1 2023! A great option for $FTM stakers who are looking for another avenue to put the value of their stake to work. $wiFTM maximizes your rewards, frees up the value of your staked $FTM & increases security of the Fantom network. We hope to get funds from our community and the Fantom Foundation to have various bug bounties and additional security audits.",2022-11-16 12:12:20,FANTOM,0xd8a96761504718f19835b1a67bd0a0c432b1ef002e435d6e8168d744db0c725f,PENDING,2022-11-16 12:12:20,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,43,wigoswap,wigoswap,wigoswap,-,9,No,"We're developing a great new option for FTM stakers who are looking for another avenue to put the value of their stake to work. Our liquid staking solution, wiFTM, maximizes user rewards, frees up the value of user staked FTM & increases security of the Fantom network. Hope to get funds from our community and the $FTM foundation to have various bug bounties and additional security audits.",,1341.0680606208698,2333.0,2428.0 0xda2686113cbc5670c9e5c532b4373bb04cbd0abf4cd0188ef20c2e70ef33ca1c-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xb11eacc17bd735854d9d89bee9efe1d6b7e0b9bf,Spiritopoly,,"Spiritopoly is a Fantom-themed board game based upon the beloved classic ""Monopoly."" The game board pays homage to the FTM community because all properties and game pieces are protocols and NFT projects from the chain's most recognizable builders. Many consider GameFi to be the hook that will onboard millions to web3 and blockchain entertainment. This is a very likely outcome; however, many games worth playing have a considerable learning curve and the time investment needed to acquire an edge can be exhausting. Being mindful of that, I hope to create a game that requires no such experience -- because the chances are high that any given person already knows how to play ""Monopoly."" In this way, it aims to be a gentle way to lure newcomers to Fantom by giving them a game they already understand. Spiritopoly also serves to educate those players about our ""spooky"" ecosystem, because the properties and game pieces should encourage them to want to know more about their origins. Thus, it'll be a symbol of the tight-knit creative family that has been forged over the last year. The game is being built with Unreal Engine 5, and as such, the graphics are being designed with the highest quality in mind. An initial NFT mint was launched with the goal of raising funds to subsidize the cost of game development. Much of the art has been completed because of that, but now additional funds are needed to hire an experienced Unreal developer, who will help bring the functionality of the game to life. With support from Fantom x Gitcoin, I hope to complete a visually-stunning game that will spark some nostalgia ... and surely lead to some heated arguments!",2022-11-15 05:17:26,FANTOM,0xda2686113cbc5670c9e5c532b4373bb04cbd0abf4cd0188ef20c2e70ef33ca1c,PENDING,2022-11-15 05:17:26,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,25,,,0x_aspenth,Yes - NFT mint helped incentivize the creation of game art assets,2,No,"Easy to learn game helps introduce newcomers to the Fantom ecosystem by showing them which protocols and projects are most valuable and respected. It accomplishes this by highlighting the ""must know"" apps/artists and recognizing them with a game piece and/or board property",,343.6547933078294,828.0,863.0 0xe6d483352728f2fc84682d387fb469134b6816ea7ef55f2c0c55f635560ee334-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x065f2bac8db8358c8b72118700a8266c0c5588be,,," is a portal for fun multiplayer blockchain games guided by the gameplay principle of ""quick to learn"", ""difficult to master"". Games are to be secure and fair player-vs-player games implemented using commit-reveal technology. Encounters with other players can be bet on to increase excitement. A small portion of the winnings of each game that is bet on will be placed in a pool that can be accessed by game tokens granted each time a player play a game. The end result will be a sustainable ecosystem that can support both skilled and unskilled play-to-earn players via the betting system's profits.",2022-12-04 14:23:35,FANTOM,0xe6d483352728f2fc84682d387fb469134b6816ea7ef55f2c0c55f635560ee334,PENDING,2022-12-04 14:23:35,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:139,,,,No,1,No,Secure commit-reveal style player-vs-player games.,No,309.5383870023896,798.0,828.0 0xeac488df15c026582a77d3345acb7b69eb4b945cd1c3b244c48d84b755ed9d23-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x6faad3c23ba7f04db0b54b87c185ce4fb2676b60,CryptoStats,,"One neutral source of truth for crypto metrics. Used by everyone, and managed by the community. ",2022-12-01 18:12:22,FANTOM,0xeac488df15c026582a77d3345acb7b69eb4b945cd1c3b244c48d84b755ed9d23,PENDING,2022-12-01 18:12:22,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:104,,,,"Yes, small grants including EF and Uniswap",4,"Yes, we provide metrics for many different networks.","Many users of Fantom are also users of our sites. You can see the network mentioned on sites like CryptoFees or our newest site CryptoFlows. Our sites are already up and operational and have been used by many for some time. Therefore, we are asking for this funding to help us operate and sustain our sites over time.",,409.02794675465617,830.0,867.0 0xeb6e68977cbd975239f19766340f754780769a14ffcc1a4da6643d2af0190043-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x90208beb4755ee4c6f2821ec205cb0c1b9db9daf,GhostSwap,,"Ghost Swap, a CLMM DEX on the Fantom chain that brings a unique twist to Fantom DeFi space. Ghost Swap, terrifyingly fast, and frighteningly efficient caters to all the market participants.",2022-12-03 14:07:36,FANTOM,0xeb6e68977cbd975239f19766340f754780769a14ffcc1a4da6643d2af0190043,PENDING,2022-12-03 14:07:36,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:132,Ghost-Swap,,ghostswap_fi,No,6,No," Ghost Swap, a CLMM DEX on the Fantom chain that brings a unique twist to Fantom DeFi space. Ghost Swap, terrifyingly fast, and frighteningly efficient caters to all the market participants.",,817.913181575221,1732.0,1799.0 0xec9dfb75878279272f6f354f7710464466748df96bd22d79a7583d971b824070-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x703b6946b9ddaafb1e5c7d845e68960ea06c277b,Tenzing,,"Anchain.AI is a solutions provider for web3-based anti-money laundering, risk management, smart contract services, and NFT toolings. In the last 3 months, some of the biggest enterprises in the world have explored how Web3 can accelerate their business. Reddit, Starbucks, Meta and many more have launched web3 projects. Here at Anchain.AI we are developing a tool for enterprises called Tenzing. The Tenzing Web3 Admin console is the world’s first all-in-one web3 admin console designed to help enterprises bring web3 vision to life -- in a fraction of the time, all without writing a single line of code. Built by leading experts in web3 cybersecurity and smart contract researchers, Tenzing enables enterprises to tap into the power of web3 quickly, securely, and at scale. With Tenzing enterprises will gain access to the largest smart contract catalog in the industry, containing a range of audited smart contracts across all major blockchains – Fantom, Ethereum, Flow, Solana, and more. Tenzing can reduce entry barriers and onboard your audience seamlessly by leveraging our strategic partnership with leading blockchains and payment providers Enterprises using Tenzing can secure your platform with built-in AI-powered smart contract intelligence and risk management tech that are trusted by world's leading regulators and enterprises. (where our AML solutions secure the NFT project) Tenzing makes it easier for big brands to enter into the Fantom ecosystem easier and safer without having to hire web3 developers & a compliance/regulation team to start their NFT initiatives. Project Name* Tenzing Project Description* Our NFT Solutions: Tenzing Tenzing is an end-to-end technical NFT product suite for brands and their customers for entering into web3, below is what the solution covers for the brand/client. Web3 admin console: design a smart contract, deploy it to the blockchain, and interact with it. Execute transactions like minting, batch airdropping, listing for sale, and burning without writing a single line of code. Access the largest audited smart contract catalog in the industry, containing a wide range of audited smart contracts across all major blockchains, like Fantom, Flow, Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, Klaytn, Algorand, and more. Deploy any of them in under 1 minute! Secure your application using our AI-based risk engine to identify and prevent bad actors from interacting with your web3 application and conduct periodic health checks Project Category* Web3 Admin Console Team size* 40-50 Country of Residence [Core Team Members]* United States Team Composition Breakdown dedicated to Fantom* 2 back-end engineers 1 cloud engineer 1 front-end UI developer 1 UX/UI designer 1 product manager 1 integration specialist 1 marketing manager 1 business development lead 1 developer advocate Project Website* Project Twitter URL* Project Github URL* Project's 1 Year Roadmap on Fantom* Month 1: Develop a smart contract catalog for Fantom blockchain Add a list of applicable smart contracts under the catalog Month 2: Create a smart contract builder for customizable smart contracts Connect smart contract catalog to Tenzing smart contract deployer Month 3: Set up event listener system for Fantom blockchain Integrate Fantom blockchain into Tenzing smart contract manager Month 4: Set up private keys management and access control systems Month 5: Connect Anchain Oracle for AML checks to Tenzing for Fantom blockchain Month 6: Release Tenzing for Fantom ecosystem Month 7-9: Integrate new Token standards Month 10-12: Allow existing Fantom projects to connect to Tenzing Related links to past/current projects built * Website, Github, linkedin, twitter, discord URLs* Anchain.AI Intro AML products CISO BEI SCREEN NFT projects Tenzing Dooverse Metta Panda Club Heartism Asoba Detailed usage of Grant * Requesting $100k for development and onboarding Fantom into Tenzing. Q1 - $30k Develop a smart contract catalog for Fantom blockchain Add a list of applicable smart contracts under the catalog Create a smart contract builder for customizable smart contracts Timeline of 3 months Result: Builders on Fantom blockchain will have access to a pre-audited smart contract catalog Q2 - $30k Connect smart contract catalog to Tenzing smart contract deployer Set up event listener system for Fantom blockchain Integrate Fantom blockchain into Tenzing smart contract manager Timeline of 3 months Result: Provide connectivity to deployer & smart contract manager integrated Q3 - $20k Set up private keys management and access control systems Connect Anchain Oracle for AML checks to Tenzing for Fantom blockchain Release Tenzing for Fantom ecosystem Timeline of 3 months Result: The product support is enabled and ready to be released to Fantom blockchain Q4 - $20k Integrate new Token standards Allow existing Fantom projects to connect to Tenzing Timeline of 3 months Result: Community-based tooling is enabled to make it easier for users to launch projects on Fantom blockchain Milestones * Our 1st milestone is to develop a smart contract catalog for the Fantom blockchain. With our expertise in developing and deploying smart contracts across different blockchains, we can customize the catalog to Fantom’s standards and allow the users to freely pick and choose from Our 2nd milestone is to create a smart contract builder to let users customize their smart contracts (in both a no-code and code-friendly fashion) and connect the catalog to Tenzing smart contract deployer with bank-grade security measures in place Our 3rd milestone is to integrate the smart contract templates supported in the catalog into Tenzing smart contract manager to enable users to perform transactions like minting, transferring, and burning NFTs without writing a single line of code. In addition, we will set up an event listener system for the Fantom blockchain to collect events from the chain and store them in our database The 4th milestone consists of setting up private key management and access control systems compatible with the Fantom network The 5th milestone consists of connecting Anchain’s Oracle ( for AML (anti-money laundering) checks to Tenzing so we can provide on-chain AML support via smart-contract connectivity on the Fantom blockchain The 6th milestone is to release Tenzing to the Fantom ecosystem The 7th milestone is to Integrate new Token standards & allow existing Fantom projects to connect to Tenzing",2022-11-18 03:53:17,FANTOM,0xec9dfb75878279272f6f354f7710464466748df96bd22d79a7583d971b824070,PENDING,2022-11-18 03:53:17,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,50,,,@AnChainAI,We have not received funding before for Tenzing,40-50,Projected is live on Flow,"The Tenzing Web3 Admin console is the world’s first all-in-one web3 admin console designed to help enterprises bring web3 vision to life -- in a fraction of the time, all without writing a single line of code. Built by leading experts in web3 cybersecurity and smart contract researchers, Tenzing enables enterprises to tap into the power of web3 quickly, securely, and at scale. With Tenzing enterprises will gain access to the largest smart contract catalog in the industry, containing a range of audited smart contracts across all major blockchains – Fantom, Ethereum, Flow, Solana, and more. Tenzing can reduce entry barriers and onboard your audience seamlessly by leveraging our strategic partnership with leading blockchains and payment providers Enterprises using Tenzing can secure your platform with built-in AI-powered smart contract intelligence and risk management tech that are trusted by world's leading regulators and enterprises. (where our AML solutions secure the NFT project) Tenzing makes it easier for big brands to enter into the Fantom ecosystem easier and safer without having to hire web3 developers & a compliance/regulation team to start their NFT initiatives.",,0.0,0.0,0.0 0xece32957d795c4d13085bc78313442e96ebcff8b1e55e01b5b9d90ad45306660-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x01e439813d54e3e0268593a18c4bdbedb11bffc5,UCPI,,"UCPI is a UX focussed infra solution for web3 onboarding, identity, Auth and payments. We help onboard folks on Web3 with our simple UX. ",2022-12-04 16:53:10,FANTOM,0xece32957d795c4d13085bc78313442e96ebcff8b1e55e01b5b9d90ad45306660,PENDING,2022-12-04 16:53:10,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:141,,,,No,6,No,We have built an infra layer that will help Fantom ecosystem Dapps to onboard more users with frictionless UX. Eventually helping in mass adoption and better user- journey benefitting Web2 and Web3 community.,,381.3146506155836,946.0,985.0 0xede0cd8cb5f3b3b1c8028528c6577b95dd79df5e151eb169fcba340e49864f55-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x9ecaa163695cac650ad84a3a8ab3001f12d947e1,Modefi,,"Modefi is a decentralized Oracle suite made to offer customizable aggregation and on-demand oracle solutions to DeFi ecosystems. Modefi has been created from scratch to give developers multiple options to integrate the ecosystem into their application to support their business model. Data requests can be configured and requested directly from application smart contracts, or they can utilize the smart configuration wizard to request data from off-chain. In either case, the validator network will produce a value verified via the consensus mechanism, and the application contracts need only read it when ready. Modefi specializes in user-made data requests that do not require the use of an API or specific data formatting. All data requests are human-verified via a consensus mechanism that is customizable based on the level of security the creator deems necessary. Users can request any type of data, including strings and numeric types such as integers, decimals, and fractions. A dataset can also be either a single value or list for greatly-improved flexibility, opening up options that do not currently exist in the market, while keeping the process code-free and executed in under 5 minutes. Currently, the Oracle ecosystems across crypto are either a price feed or a Yes-or-No system. Modefi will change this to allow any and all information to enter the DeFi space and open up an entirely different world of DeFi data access. Supporting prediction markets, real estate, gambling, tournaments, insurance and more, the possibilities for use of the Modefi Oracle system are virtually endless.",2022-11-29 21:01:43,FANTOM,0xede0cd8cb5f3b3b1c8028528c6577b95dd79df5e151eb169fcba340e49864f55,PENDING,2022-11-29 21:01:43,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:91,,Modefi,Modefi_Official,Trustswap,16,Fantom Testnet (Product beta) / Ethereum (Main token),Modefi is a decentralized Oracle suite made to offer customizable aggregation and on-demand oracle solutions to DeFi ecosystems.,,0.0,0.0,0.0 0xf485b2815e6e74f157dc4f61bc79739e6b53ba54d05b8e8c70e5cb7423567244-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xc7816ab57762479dcf33185bad7a1cfcb68a7997,Comunion,,"The next generation all-in-one decentralized BUIDLing and Launch Network that aims to connect buidlers, ideas, and funding to build their Web3 project with zero costs, non-barriers and non-code, that generates a new relation of production based on blockchain technology, dedicated to establishing a new decentralized economy paradigm across the world with prosperity and equality.",2022-11-25 13:27:16,FANTOM,0xf485b2815e6e74f157dc4f61bc79739e6b53ba54d05b8e8c70e5cb7423567244,PENDING,2022-11-25 13:27:16,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,77,,,Comunion01,No,21,Yes,"Comunion is an all-in-one DAO and Web3 projects buidling and launch network to help buidlers and developers to create, build and manage their DAOs or Web3 projects with zero costs, non-barriers and non-code, so it's easy to bring huge amounts of developers, buidlers, DAOs and Web3 projects to build on Fantom to thrive Fantom ecosystem ",,389.1467021859054,856.0,892.0 0xf54c66eab5ab9baeed5c9578c8b37cd25cbd5b280d1ea28f90c1c43e4e911f3d-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xd278d5a0a5c05f50b4f4fe422806a62de9a1f78f,Prestare Finance,,"Prestare Finance is a lending protocol that offers a lower collateral ratio and can even support under-collateralized loans with almost any assets, without using off-chain information. Compared with other lending protocols, we bring greater capital efficiency to catalyse DeFi growth and adoption. Under-collateralized borrowing is achieved by allowing the borrower to use a portion of the previously accumulated interests as collateral to borrow more funds next time. SoulBound Token containing credit scores for all users needs to be minted if users want to borrow on Prestare. Users with higher credit scores can have a loan with a lower collateral ratio. Unpermissioned listing is introduced to Prestare by adopting isolated asset tiers. Prestare allows its users to determine which assets are listed. Assets on Prestare are divided into different tiers according to their risk. Users putting certain tier assets as collateral can only borrow the money from the corresponding tier pool out. If prices of low-tier assets are manipulated, only deposits in the particular tier will be affected. Risks are minimized.",2022-11-17 03:10:12,FANTOM,0xf54c66eab5ab9baeed5c9578c8b37cd25cbd5b280d1ea28f90c1c43e4e911f3d,PENDING,2022-11-17 03:10:12,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,48,,,PrestareFinance,Angel round investment from VC and prize from Dorahacks,8,No,"Most of the lending protocols on Fantom are forked from AAVE or Compound without significant innovation. Prestare is the first under-collateralized borrowing protocol with almost any assets on Fantom, which can empower the Fantom Ecosystem. ",,0.0,0.0,0.0 0xf66c54ebbc810a32a61b6113093f83ba7a266425b3fbd766a00853c3ebe01c30-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xe5ea9543819eef75994e50bafb6375b9011e50fc,Red West,,"Red West is a strategic game based on blockchain with a Wild West theme based on Fantom that will change the meaning of GameFi in which you should battle and survive as a western hero. It has breathtaking battles with a unique heroes design and high accuracy on in-game mechanics, allowing players to enjoy the game. Red West has identified the blue ocean on Fantom ecosystem, with a huge opportunity to grow. We will add a real application to Fantom ecosystem and finally bring more profit for Red West & Fantom communities. Play Red West with the right strategy and win the rewards.",2022-12-04 20:48:56,FANTOM,0xf66c54ebbc810a32a61b6113093f83ba7a266425b3fbd766a00853c3ebe01c30,PENDING,2022-12-04 20:48:56,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:143,,,,We have not received any funding from any investment so far.,5,No,"The Red West team will try to help the Fantom ecosystem growth by making applications for Liquid Staking tokens on Fantom Network. Red West has identified the blue ocean on Fantom ecosystem, with a huge opportunity to grow for Red West and Fantom communities. Our team has +5 years of video games production and we actually can use this fund for project progress in development and marketing.",,526.4756982298941,895.0,930.0 0xf7230eaccb0cef613dd2c24dfef846d5124dca7df29a1e5cea92518788f44fdc-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x828c08f55cba3d6245d8c050d2875b9f136cb93f,inDemniFi,https://inDemniFi.Crypto,DeFining Crypto Risk with Actuarial Practices,2022-12-02 19:51:24,FANTOM,0xf7230eaccb0cef613dd2c24dfef846d5124dca7df29a1e5cea92518788f44fdc,PENDING,2022-12-02 19:51:24,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:125,,inDemniFi,indemnifi,No,3,No,"Brings risk intelligence and actuarial practices to cryptocurrency so consumers, protocols, and institutions can make risk-based decisions when entering the crypto space.",,0.0,0.0,0.0 0xf8dc85dbb6e56f3b611cce2d848e5d913e118cbe7a99ac4dc9f35122d3ceb8ac-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x47e0826764a98b545487e9c546f73fb01cc8775d,JPGs Against Humanity,,"""JPGs Against Humanity"" (JPGAH) is an episodic documentary film series sharing parallels to the popular Netflix show ""Chef's Table"". This series will specifically target an audience who have little knowledge of web3/NFTs/crypto but who have a love of art/travel/history. The series will dive deep into the emotional stories of NFT artists around the world (largely on Fantom) who have found something of value in the web3 community, all while fighting against powerful status-quo enemies standing in the way of global adoption. Those ""foes"" may include financial struggles, mental health issues, and socialization difficulties.",2022-11-27 18:23:01,FANTOM,0xf8dc85dbb6e56f3b611cce2d848e5d913e118cbe7a99ac4dc9f35122d3ceb8ac,PENDING,2022-11-27 18:23:01,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,81,,,0x_aspenth,Partial contributions from other Fantom protocols + self-funding,6,No,"This film series is intended to onboard a generation of artists and art collectors who are completely unfamiliar with blockchain technology. It will shine a light on issues that privileged nations are oblivious to, such as how much of the world lives in extreme poverty and are unbanked -- people for whom the ability to sell a single NFT for $10 and receive funds in a MetaMask wallet can be life-changing. We will focus primarily on artists with origin stories outside of those ""first-world"" countries so that rich cultural traditions can be preserved on camera and we can show how those have influenced our most cherished NFT pieces. Many of the storylines for this series will focus on NFT artists who began their web3 journey on Fantom and who tirelessly work to make Fantom the ideal ""retail chain"" for other artists around the world.",,565.1169564931595,822.0,854.0 0xfabce267ccb311de8e7bbf300b64daf994f2d6f20e90fd4b915c95be012921ed-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x007db5de853d723a96e0e28cce72cca897b00ecf,Soul Thread by Station Zero X,,"What is Soul Thread? A Discord NFT Gatekeeping, Role Managing and Community Management Helper for Fantom What is the product? Soul Thread is a bot that connects to wallets in order to manage Discord Users according to their ownership of tokens or NFTs. What is its magic? Gatekeep roles, channels and prove NFT ownership on Discord with minimal effort! Soul Thread also provides an open and non-opinionated set of APIs to integrate the gatekeeping functionality to any existing bot with ease. This enhance flexibility and security for Soul Thread users. Soul Thread is Fantom Exclusive! What problem does this product fix? Soul Thread can help you grow your community by implementing AUTOMATIC Proof-of-Ownership mechanics. Not only does it solve these problems, but it saves you time and money as well! ",2022-12-02 15:28:09,FANTOM,0xfabce267ccb311de8e7bbf300b64daf994f2d6f20e90fd4b915c95be012921ed,PENDING,2022-12-02 15:28:09,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:119,,,station0x,No,4,No,"Soul Thread is an open source, non-opinionated and free gatekeeping API/Discord bot that empowers Fantom builders to manage their tokenized communities for the first time on Fantom. Unlike collab-land (which doesn't currently support Fantom chain) Soul Thread APIs are easily integrable with any discord bot and allow communities to integrate gatekeeping/on-chain assets verification to their existing bots rapidly and with ease.",,361.4785985826783,993.0,1031.0 0xfcfef96cc7d54b40cba96d00a933a320019787f0daa383a7f7852733ee7d3e12-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x4649af6cdcb70890861e55fae4ddc1bea8ded047,Open Games Builders,,"The first Multiverse connected to Real Assets, Gaming, Education, Metaverses, NFT Marketplace.",2022-11-15 16:19:33,FANTOM,0xfcfef96cc7d54b40cba96d00a933a320019787f0daa383a7f7852733ee7d3e12,PENDING,2022-11-15 16:19:33,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,34,,,OGamesBuilders,"We raise 55.000 For friends, family.",8,No.,"We brind e-sports, and alot of universities that already have contracts signs with our company to build his projects and use our platform to play, and teach.",,360.24145623095706,868.0,903.0 0xfd75beeee13246246b4d66cead451390cbaccf478f707acb8962fbfa948a04a0-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xcd1e8b4e3908f28217115acce1486b097b0cbe73,Knights & Peasants,,"Knights & Peasants is a play-and-earn simulation game live on the Polygon and Harmony blockchain. You can farm, quest, craft items and build your very own Kingdom. We are looking to migrate our Harmony branche to Fantom in the wake of the Harmony Bridge hack.",2022-11-16 21:09:33,FANTOM,0xfd75beeee13246246b4d66cead451390cbaccf478f707acb8962fbfa948a04a0,PENDING,2022-11-16 21:09:33,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,47,,,KnightsPeasants,No,4,Polygon and Harmony,"We have a passionate community and active playerbase of around 200 people playing daily. Our Harmony part is dying off since the bridge hack and we want to introduce our game to a new chain, where people can enjoy it.",,674.1572295213597,852.0,886.0 0xfe1c2855b37847467931eeeb8df7c7a946da9bfcd52444d9f7a142c81802a5ea-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0xc558d0888e9b76692896a33b0644d7100d3ee875,TGR.Finance,,"The project in the short term is focused on building our agency dapp. It is a decentralized freelance marketplace where we will post jobs and jobs which benefit the Dao earn our governance token. Our governance token is unique and more decentralized/deflationary than any token created and it has no way for anyone to get it other than by doing jobs for the Dao. No other tokens except those minted for job completions will exist and constant deflation will allow for new entrants. This will make control of our Dao actually decentralized instead of with other protocols where a whale or two will farm up all the governance in the beginning and control the Dao forever. The long term vision of the Dao (which aligns with our goals to decentralize everything) is to build a cryptocurrency which will be distributed evenly to everyone at inception instead of mined. This crypto also uses a new algorithm we call V which takes elements from pre-btc cryptocurrencies and mixes it with ideas from Solana and Avalanche to make a network that can scale to a much larger number of nodes(est. 10k+) than bitcoin style blockchains(every other crypto today). Currently we have finished programming the unique governance token functions, and are testing the backend code for the agency. We will then finish designing and building the frontend and connect all the pieces together. Receiving this grant would allow the three of us to work full time on the project as right now we are split between this and other jobs.",2022-11-29 01:20:03,FANTOM,0xfe1c2855b37847467931eeeb8df7c7a946da9bfcd52444d9f7a142c81802a5ea,PENDING,2022-11-29 01:20:03,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:85,,X0-Foundation,@tgrfinance,No,3,"Yes, but if we receive the grant we will launch the Agency on Fantom first.","A16Z defines web3 as ""returning power to the users and builders"" no other protocol has managed to do this yet. Even Vitalik is aware of the problem and wrote in his blog how DAO's should use reputation tokens like what we are building. Please read his post on decentralized governance and consider if you want the next big thing in Defi to happen on your chain first.",N/A the agency is all our own code.,0.0,0.0,0.0 0xffe8590db9a50c132dcdb4d9bfebafb559da66890d998663208267aa8b538c17-0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,,,0x007db5de853d723a96e0e28cce72cca897b00ecf,FinalCypher,,"Final Cypher is a strategic, 5v5, FPS game set in a retro-futuristic world, built using Unreal Engine 5. Each character has a unique set of abilities that cater to different types of players. Our flagship game and herald of Competitive E-Sports on Fantom.",2022-12-02 14:38:05,FANTOM,0xffe8590db9a50c132dcdb4d9bfebafb559da66890d998663208267aa8b538c17,PENDING,2022-12-02 14:38:05,0xebdb4156203c8b35b7a7c6f320786b98e5ac67c3,0.0,250:0x8e1bD5Da87C14dd8e08F7ecc2aBf9D1d558ea174:118,,,station0x,No,4,No,"Fun first, Sustainable economy, Pure meritocracy, Accessibility, Scalable architecture, Play to earn",,361.4785985826783,993.0,1031.0 0x0718e3d08633de4d7d2a6cf71e13f79507ba19f4389552fec4314e7ad5a13fc9-0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,,,0x06fd1a0356a1e58852721331a3aed1b7ebe214ed,StaTwig Supply Chain Visibility for Life Saving Vaccines and Food,,"StaTwig, a blockchain powered Supply Chain Visibility start-up, has been invited by UNICEF for a pilot quadratic funding round with GitCoin. This selection is based on our past innovations such as VaccineLedger that have been reviewed by UNICEF. The VaccineLedger is a decentralized supply chain management platform for tracing vaccines from manufacture to last mile beneficiary. VaccineLedger continues to play a crucial role in COVID-19 and other vaccine deliveries worldwide and was recognized by the United Nations as a Digital Public Good (DPG) in Aug 2022. StaTwig has also gained support from various governments and leading organizations such as World Economic Forum, Gavi, The Trinity Challenge, Techstars, Polygon and Protocol Labs. If you’ve been looking for a way to make a positive impact with the resources at your disposal, this is it. Join Unicef and Gitcoin and help us bring better vaccines to the masses. The unborn generations of tomorrow are counting on it. StaTwig in the news:",2022-12-07 17:50:11,UNICEF,0x0718e3d08633de4d7d2a6cf71e13f79507ba19f4389552fec4314e7ad5a13fc9,PENDING,2022-12-07 17:50:11,0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,0.0,1:0x03506eD3f57892C85DB20C36846e9c808aFe9ef4:6,,,StaTwig,,,,,,6395.219629928631,8562.0,8880.0 0x19ace9f9a5f68b506c591e15a02206227c90c030e8b78fd2ff09e9cf81ff7224-0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,,,0x6078c8eeb7ed8916a8f1e85dc8f6e780c09a89ff,Somleng - A full-stack cloud communications platform,,"The goal of Somleng is to break down the economic and accessibility barriers to communications. Our vision is a world where communications is accessible to everyone.",2022-12-06 05:07:47,UNICEF,0x19ace9f9a5f68b506c591e15a02206227c90c030e8b78fd2ff09e9cf81ff7224,PENDING,2022-12-06 05:07:47,0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,0.0,1:0x03506eD3f57892C85DB20C36846e9c808aFe9ef4:9,,somleng,SomlengProject,,,,,,4398.409624010215,6301.0,6523.0 0x2d1ba754e52abbe2e9f5789890b325ef32eddcf9e2c536db33823f25f0ea8a6e-0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,,,0x39d77e51c485f1ff65b1b3b42e9f67cda221f597,Xcapit,,"Emerging markets have many things in common. Lots of people are excluded from education, markets and the system at all. The serendipity of the governments make the conditions, at least, unpredictable so as to think even at a short term. On the other hand, people have smartphones and the will to evolve. We took both facts and developed an opportunity to bring access leveraged on Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies. We built a secure and reliable wallet to encourage saving and investing. We built it open source to be absolutely transparent and traceable. We envision complete access to DeFi and Web3, as we may find a new path to create a lasting social and economic impact within Latam and the rest of the world. It’s not only about what we envision, but it’s about what we have done already. First of all we have gathered a +35 passionate team about changing Latam’s reality in terms of access. Afterwards, we were able to create from scratch a self-custodial, multichain, open-source, mobile wallet that was recognized as a Digital Public Good. ++Link to Open Source Documentation: ++Repository: (GNU Affero General Public License version 3) ++Link to DPG: We received the support and investment of Unicef Venture Fund, and with their support, we were able to be recognized by the DPG Alliance, being relevant to the UN sustainable development goals: **SDG 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere, **SDG2: Zero hunger, **SDG4: Quality education, **SDG5: Gender equality, **SDG10: Reduce inequalities We care deeply about security, so we accomplished to certify ISO 27.001 ++Link to ISO 27.001 documentation: In that wallet, we included an end to end solution that let people go from FIAT to the Metaverse and back, all at once. Started by moving the boundaries of education, by including gamified education in the wallet journey, also bringing people together and onboard. We impacted more than 200,000 people within more than 80 countries all over the world. We were born multi-chain (Ethereum, Polygon, BNB chain, RSK and Solana) as we want to take advantage of the different benefits of each network, and make them accessible for every human being. Also made DeFi investment products available, so as to give options to the lack of chances to safeguard capital in the middle of unstable countries and economies. All of that, a click away. Added to the gamified financial education module, a financial planner and a donation module to take full control of personal finances, and develop that way, a true culture of savings and wealth planning. We are running the present grant to make come true the massive crypto adoption withing Latam. After listening to Vitalik's ""Ideas for things worth building"" in the EthMexico talk, we started working on Account Abstraction to simplify the wallet experience. Some time later we were invited by Unicef to participate in EthBogota and Devcon, where we worked together with the Ethereum Foundation Next Billion team on our proposal to achieve a smart wallet that abstracts accounts, social recovery, processes multiple transactions without gas costs. We pursue to unlock the impact of Web3 on real problems that people come through on a daily basis. Hope to count with you to make this come true, at once, for real people to fulfill their personal dreams. Discord: Telegram:",2022-12-09 02:47:35,UNICEF,0x2d1ba754e52abbe2e9f5789890b325ef32eddcf9e2c536db33823f25f0ea8a6e,PENDING,2022-12-09 02:47:35,0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,0.0,1:0x03506eD3f57892C85DB20C36846e9c808aFe9ef4:18,,,xcapit_app,,,,,,4363.475346404418,6429.0,6620.0 0x306a97b03597e1777d23a53aa4d3a46c1cd2c06a18c03927df739fadf56e3848-0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,,,0xd27e1a1a60ebc1b70f4cae5265092c0f6edc7f9d,Kotani Pay,,"Kotani Pay is a technology stack that enables blockchain protocols, dapps, and blockchain fintech companies to integrate seamlessly to local payment channels providing them with a reliable on ramp and off ramp service to reach a wider customer base in Africa. Kotani Pay provides full crypto wallet functionality on interfaces familiar to the African audience, and can be used on both feature phones and smartphones. We are currently serving and offering financial inclusion to various populations including refugees, gig workers, local businesses, and farmers. We have enabled refugees in Daadab and Kakuma UNHCR camps to receive an unconditional basic income from crypto philanthropists and non-governmental organizations, allowing many beneficiary families to meet their daily basic needs. Many unemployed youth are unable to access work on international platforms due to the difficulty of cashing out their earnings as a majority of them do not have bank accounts or access to Paypal wallets. These youth can now work on microtask platforms and earn digital assets and utilize Kotani Pay to earn their dues directly to their mobile money wallets. We are also running a De-Fi program to enable farmers and landowners to access low-interest loans and perform transparent and real-time transactions, with a very easy repayment schedule and process. This ensures that these farmers can access inputs and multiply their output and earnings, drastically improving livelihood and financial stability ",2022-12-07 10:32:11,UNICEF,0x306a97b03597e1777d23a53aa4d3a46c1cd2c06a18c03927df739fadf56e3848,PENDING,2022-12-07 10:32:11,0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,0.0,1:0x03506eD3f57892C85DB20C36846e9c808aFe9ef4:12,,,@kotanipay,,,,,,5723.487762251851,6576.0,6780.0 0x30be8ac1c84158cbc78c55bbffda007a3d3ea4cd2b10afd154279da82ee35b4f-0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,,,0x0e5c6c79f44a19d98dd58d4c22d3a2fbd555eebe,Pixframe Studios - Transforming Education,,"Pixframe Studios are located in Mexico, creating a game-based learning platform to assess and develop children's cognitive skills, including attention, memory, planning and organization, audiovisual perception, inhibition, and flexibility. They've developed a cognitive assessment program through a series of mini-training games powered by an AI algorithm that helps predict children's learning issues. Pixframe is a certified DPG and is currently part of the Learning Innovation Portfolio as they scale up a game-based math-learning app with UNICEF Mexico. Towi focuses on ages 4-12, and Matematia on ages 12-18. As of 2021, they have more than 100,000 active users on the platform, where children are using Towi to assess and develop their cognitive skills. 50,000 users in Mexico have used Matematia with the help of the minister of education.",2022-12-09 03:53:23,UNICEF,0x30be8ac1c84158cbc78c55bbffda007a3d3ea4cd2b10afd154279da82ee35b4f,PENDING,2022-12-09 03:53:23,0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,0.0,1:0x03506eD3f57892C85DB20C36846e9c808aFe9ef4:20,,,pixframestudios,,,,,,3982.6952764976313,6024.0,6203.0 0x41b838dc0a624db0eb8a096d90ade9f01a8598117f8d94d419f0496af1d04dbd-0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,,,0x95d34596db5a2f65f2a92b97955bf7920fd1c9e3,Simple Map,,We are an open-source geographical asset management platform for photovoltaic plants and agricultural crops. Our solution allow companies and early stage entrepreneurs to have a really functional mapping platform to host their services. ,2022-12-08 17:04:59,UNICEF,0x41b838dc0a624db0eb8a096d90ade9f01a8598117f8d94d419f0496af1d04dbd,PENDING,2022-12-08 17:04:59,0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,0.0,1:0x03506eD3f57892C85DB20C36846e9c808aFe9ef4:13,,,,,,,,,3661.2032304355266,5445.0,5604.0 0xa8570318dc5eb4618cb030b0f06ea912302efedecf23d819710ae76ff9f238ad-0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,,,0x81c776d0d7f7d9d3699851993ecaa88a46187f11,Treejer Protocol,,"Treejer is an open protocol connecting donors to rural planters worldwide. The project leverages cutting-edge concepts such as decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and smart contracts to unlock new opportunities in financing forest conservation and rural development. Treejer acts as a seamless, transparent bridge empowering local communities through crypto donations even in unbanked and remote areas. Treejer's approach incentivizes not only forest plantation but also conservation by locking up the funds in a smart contract and releasing it over time as planters and other data providers continue providing updates from forest status. The protocol also provides proof-of-impact to donors in the form of dynamic tree NFTs that have real-world attributes. These NFTs are linked to each tree and are minted on Polygon network. Treejer protocol has several smart contracts and two main interfaces: a payment and forest tracking interface offered to donors on """" and a dedicated mobile app for tree planters and rural ambassadors. They use it to submit new trees, provide updates and unlock conservation rewards. Besides using official interfaces, builders can integrate the tree planting plugin with their existing products. 🌳 Product demo (v1): ---=== The impact of QF donations ===--- This quadratic round will help us build the next iteration of Treejer protocol (v2.0) and expand the adoption of our current products. Please find an overview of the works we've done after each QF round on Gitcoin so far: 🌳 cGrant profile: ---=== Learn more about Treejer ===--- 🌳 Documentation: 🌳 Discord: 🌳 Twitter:",2022-12-08 03:38:11,UNICEF,0xa8570318dc5eb4618cb030b0f06ea912302efedecf23d819710ae76ff9f238ad,PENDING,2022-12-08 03:38:11,0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,0.0,1:0x03506eD3f57892C85DB20C36846e9c808aFe9ef4:8,ermio,treejer,TreejerTalks,,,,,,5947.324997040133,6341.0,6587.0 0xace36448a1522912bfc22a90686ac7f0f699b662e8201d51afaff636c13cfc47-0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,,,0x523d007855b3543797e0d3d462cb44b601274819,Daniele's Test Project,,This is a test,2022-12-06 04:55:59,UNICEF,0xace36448a1522912bfc22a90686ac7f0f699b662e8201d51afaff636c13cfc47,PENDING,2022-12-06 04:55:59,0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,0.0,1:0x03506eD3f57892C85DB20C36846e9c808aFe9ef4:11,DanieleSalatti,DanieleSalatti,DanieleSalatti,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 0xc03062b43ed99ac4e560c62adf52960a21df6f09b80b82841f35ba0cd7f6cc27-0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,,,0x7a2b50ff3ad40e335a94a6858ab727fdbbc0a9ba,Bioverse Labs - data to enhance local communities' agricultural and energy practices,,"Brazil's Bioverse Labs uses satellite & drone imagery paired with machine learning to access data that enhance local communities' agricultural and energy practices. In the Trombetas River basin, in the Para State of Northern Brazil, multispectral drone imagery and machine learning are utilized in tandem to track economically viable, non-timber species of trees (e.g., chestnut, copaiba, and Brazil nuts). In doing so, they seek to empower indigenous communities in the sustainable management, harvesting, and preservation of their natural resources while supplementing traditional modes of income generation in this region and cultivating local prosperity. First, Bioverse captured multispectral, high-resolution satellite imagery for a detailed picture of the forest canopy, and then they took high-resolution canopy images with drones. Lastly, they built a mobile application that provides in-hand Forest Abundance Maps to local communities using the data collected. Throughout this process, they've identified over 19,240 trees and completed machine learning training for brazil nuts and palm trees, with a 97% accuracy on ML models for the detection of Brazil Nut Trees. They work with locals to create an accompanying sustainable agro-forestry management plan and make their technology open source to maximize its potential reach and impact. The project was originally formed in 2017 during a Google- and NASA-sponsored Global Solutions Program at Singularity University. In the coming years, they intend to expand the application of their solutions to sustainable agriculture, invasive species detection and monitoring the environmental health of urban areas.",2022-12-09 04:34:47,UNICEF,0xc03062b43ed99ac4e560c62adf52960a21df6f09b80b82841f35ba0cd7f6cc27,PENDING,2022-12-09 04:34:47,0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,0.0,1:0x03506eD3f57892C85DB20C36846e9c808aFe9ef4:21,,Bioverse-Labs,BioverseLabs,,,,,,4363.189992631825,5708.0,5870.0 0xc8fca067d1ecb57b625e640263d153190fe1258c34e8a4ae85396fe502fd6164-0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,,,0x8ddfa84bbf59c0e6dbd05a56e9b9931b64255f08,,,,2022-12-09 01:18:23,UNICEF,0xc8fca067d1ecb57b625e640263d153190fe1258c34e8a4ae85396fe502fd6164,PENDING,2022-12-09 01:18:23,,,,,,,,,,,,3452.604276739305,5359.0,5526.0 0xca6bd6932cecf62469be39a7fe98248b16df5f15c0ae9fd8d38743a5354a97be-0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,,,0x2df9a188fbe231b0dc36d14aceb65defbb049479,Test,,test test,2022-12-09 00:19:11,UNICEF,0xca6bd6932cecf62469be39a7fe98248b16df5f15c0ae9fd8d38743a5354a97be,PENDING,2022-12-09 00:19:11,0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,0.0,1:0x03506eD3f57892C85DB20C36846e9c808aFe9ef4:17,jleger,gitcoin,jleger,,,,,,0.0,0.0,0.0 0xef1b47da2b06d4bc21ed82ebc207e710635a9c881f83a64843fe7f972adbdb0f-0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,,,0x2906e0181f371b7a4c4bffe13e31b2a917b368e8,AEDES - CirroLytix fighting dengue through big data,,"AEDES aims to improve public health response against dengue by predicting dengue cases from climate and digital data and pinpointing possible hotspots from satellite data. We propose an automated information portal that correlates dengue cases and deaths with real-time data from climate, google searches, and satellite maps, giving an advance indicator of when dengue will emerge and potential dengue hotspot locations. This portal is targeted towards public health and local government agencies to give them advanced notice of dengue outbreaks and help prioritize resources. ",2022-12-08 15:46:35,UNICEF,0xef1b47da2b06d4bc21ed82ebc207e710635a9c881f83a64843fe7f972adbdb0f,PENDING,2022-12-08 15:46:35,0xdf75054cd67217aee44b4f9e4ebc651c00330938,0.0,1:0x03506eD3f57892C85DB20C36846e9c808aFe9ef4:14,Cirrolytix/aedes_dpg,Cirrolytix,cirrolytix,,,,,,3664.079113149116,5503.0,5681.0