SINDHI E-PAPER CRICKET PAKISTAN EXPRESS LIVE CAMPUS GURU EXPRESS ENTERTAINMENT Today's Paper | covid-19 open app KHAIRPUR THARPARKAR Bannu Mansehra Skardu Azad Jammu & Kashmir Mirpur T.EDIT Welcome To Pakistan THE VIDEOSCOPE POETIC LICENSE Newslab OPINION India's toxic obsession with Pakistan TV Mahira Khan promises small screen comeback this year OPINION Will performa-nce contracts improve performance? OPINION Murmurs on the ground Gilgit & Baltistan 'G-B to be made province soon' Minister says PM Imran to make formal announcement soon Shabbir Hussain September 17, 2020 ISLAMABAD: The government has decided to elevate Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B) to the status of a full-fledged province with all constitutional rights, including its representation in the Senate and the National Assembly, Minister Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan Affairs Ali Amin Gandapur said on Wednesday. Gandapur said that Prime Minister Imran Khan would soon visit the region and make the formal announcement in this regard. He added that Gilgit-Baltistan would be given adequate representation on all constitutional bodies, including the National Assembly and the Senate. "After consultation with all stakeholders, the federal government has decided in principle to give constitutional rights to Gilgit-Baltistan," the minister told a delegation of journalists from G-B. "Our government has decided to deliver on the promise it made to the people there." However, Gandapur emphasised that after the grant of constitutional rights, the subsidy and tax exemption on wheat given to the region would not be withdrawn. "Until the people there stand on their feet, they will continue to enjoy this facility," he added. The minister said that deprivation of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan of 73 years would come to an end. Besides the constitutional rights and the provincial setup, the minister added, important steps were also being taken for the development of the region. According to the minister, work on the Moqpondass Special Economic Zone would begin under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), while the government takes steps to improve health, tourism, transport and education facilities. "To provide better healthcare facilities to the people of Gilgit-Baltistan, the government will provide MRI and CT scan machines to all District Headquarters Hospitals, while the basic health units (BHUs) to be provided ultrasound machines," he said. "Furniture will be provided to all schools. Rest houses will be set up at about 70 places to promote tourism. Loans will be provided to the locals to build huts and guesthouses at tourist destinations," he said, adding that an agreement had been reached with the National Bank of Pakistan in this regard. To improve the transport facilities, the minister continued, the government had decided to build a tunnel at the Babusar Top. "This will make the travel to Gilgit-Baltistan via Babusar Top possible throughout the year." He said that medical and engineering colleges would be set up in Gilgit-Baltistan, while a minerals policy would be formulated soon. In order to save forests and wildlife, entire Gilgit-Baltistan would be declared as protected area. Speaking about the upcoming elections in the region, Gandapur said that voting would be held in mid-November. "Elections will be held on time and our preparations are complete," he said, adding that the distribution of party tickets to the candidates would begin soon. Responding to a question, Gandapur said that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) can enter into an electoral alliance with any local party but not with the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP). "There is no question of alliance with these two parties," he added. Facebook Conversations Replying to X Saved ! Your comment will be displayed after the approval. Error! Invalid Email. Comments are moderated and generally will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive. For more information, please see our Comments FAQ Pakistan Army surpasses Israel, Canada to become 10th most powerful in world Hareem Shah slaps Mufti Qavi over 'vulgar' conversation Celebs defend Iqrarul Hassan as Twitterati demand apology for praising India LNG crisis likely to worsen in country Matric, Inter exams to be held on same 'paper pattern' Pakistan can take IT exports to $10b Balakot incident 'dangerous military adventurism to win polls' Public debt jumps Rs3.7tr in a year French ex-PM Balladur on trial over 'Karachi affair' kickbacks WhatsApp leak: Opposition slams Modi for compromising national security This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed or derived from. Unless otherwise stated, all content is copyrighted © 2021 The Express Tribune.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Hope your week is off to a great start! I'm bringing you the next Summer 17 Trends on my list, featuring Bandeau Bikinis and Cape Dresses! I'm seriously wanderlusting lately, wishing I could be on the beach in the mediterranean without a care… and these trends are totally those vibes! The next trend on my list is the Black Bandeau Bikini, although I need more support up top, so I tend to gravitate towards tops that are strapless but come with straps so I can easily convert it to more support if I need it! These two are two of my favorites right now. I love mix and matching solids and prints, and especially love the colors of the bottom. I also love the molded cups, helps keep the top up! The second one is very scrappy, which I love right now too! I have a very similar swim suit right now in my rotation! My next favorite trend right now is the Cape Style Dress. Flowy and comfortable, can be worn dressed up or down. I'm picturing wearing a flowy cape dress over the bandeau bikini, laying on the beach in Greece! Cape dresses can also add an extra layer of warmth as the sun goes down and the night gets cooler! What do you think about these two trends? Would you wear these on vacation or every day? What are some of your favorite trends this summer? Next Post Prime Day – My Amazon Picks! Hello, dear Andrea! I am back to blogging activities and catch up from my time off 🙂 so needed 🙂 for a uni project – I am not saying to many people, because some would think "oh, conceited", but for you yes, because you even have it on your blog's name 🙂 it's a PhD and it consumes so much time, as you know! I loved the trends – my favorite was the floral lace up bikini and I really looove capes, so a cape style dress is really great! I hope all is well and nice to be here again! Wishing you a nice week! Hugs!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
\section{Introduction} \label{sec:introduction} Structure functions in deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) are among the most extensively measured observables. Today the combined data from fixed-target experiments and the HERA collider spans about four orders of magnitude in both Bjorken-$x$ and the scale $Q^2 = -q^2$ given by the momentum $q$ of the exchanged electroweak gauge boson \cite{Yao:2006px}. In this article we focus on the $W\!$-exchange charged-current (CC) case, see Refs.~\cite {Yang:2000ju,Tzanov:2005kr,Onengut:2005kv} and \cite{Adloff:2003uh,Chekanov:2003vw,Aktas:2005ju,Chekanov:2006da} for recent measurements in neutrino DIS and at HERA. With six structure functions, $F_2^{\,W^\pm}\!$, $F_3^{\, W^\pm}$ and $F_L^{\,W^\pm}\!$, this case has a far richer structure than, for example, electromagnetic DIS with only two independent observables, $F_{\:\!2}$ and~$F_L$. More detailed measurements are required to fully exploit the resulting potential, for instance at a future neutrino factory, see Ref.~\cite {Mangano:2001mj}, and the LHeC, the proposed high-luminosity electron-proton collider at the LHC~\cite{Dainton:2006wd}. Already now, however, charged-current DIS provides important information on the parton structure of the proton, e.g., its flavour decomposition and the valence-quark distributions. Moreover, present results are also sensitive to electroweak parameters of the Standard Model such as $\sin^2 \theta_W$, see Ref.~\cite{Zeller:2001hh}, and the space-like $W\!$-boson propagator \cite{Aktas:2005iv}. As discussed, for example, in Refs.~\cite {Davidson:2001ji,McFarland:2003jw,Dobrescu:2003ta,Kretzer:2003wy}, a reliable determination of $\sin^2 \theta_W$ from neutrino DIS requires a detailed understanding of non-perturbative and perturbative QCD effects. The perturbative calculations for the unpolarised structure functions in DIS have almost been completed to the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) of massless QCD. These results include the splitting functions, controlling the scale evolution of the parton distributions, to the third order in the strong coupling constant $\alpha_{\rm s}$~\cite{Moch:2004pa,Vogt:2004mw}, as well as the hard-scattering coefficient functions for $F_1$, $F_{\:\!2}$ and $F_{\:\!3}$ to second order in $\alpha_{\rm s}$~\cite{SanchezGuillen:1991iq,vanNeerven:1991nn,% Zijlstra:1991qc,Zijlstra:1992kj,Moch:1999eb}. For the longitudinal structure function $F_L = F_{\:\!2} - 2x F_1$ the third-order coefficient functions are required at NNLO. So far these quantities have been computed only for electromagnetic (photon-exchange) DIS \cite{Moch:2004xu,Vermaseren:2005qc}. In fact, it appears that even the second-order coefficient functions for the charged-current $F_L$ have not been fully presented in the literature. It is convenient to consider linear combinations of the charged-current structure functions $F_a^{\,W^\pm}$ with simple properties under crossing, such as $F_a^{\,\nu p \pm \bar \nu p}$ ($a = 2,\: 3,\: L$) for neutrino DIS. For all these combinations either the even or odd moments can be calculated in Mellin-$N$ space in the framework of the operator product expansion (OPE), see Ref.~\cite{Buras:1980yt}. The results for the third-order coefficient functions for the even-$N$ combinations $\, F_{2,L}^{\,\nu p + \bar\nu p}$ can be taken over from electromagnetic DIS \cite{Moch:2004xu,Vermaseren:2005qc}. Also the coefficient function for the odd-$N$ based quantity $\, F_3^{\,\nu p +\bar\nu p}$ is completely known at three-loop accuracy, with the results only published via compact parametrizations so far \cite{Vogt:2006bt}. For the remaining combinations $\,F_{2,L}^{\,\nu p - \bar\nu p}$ and $\,F_3^{\,\nu p - \bar\nu p\!}$, on the other hand, only the first five odd and even integer moments of the respective coefficient functions have been calculated to third order in Ref.~\cite{Moch:2007gx} following the approach of Refs.~\cite{Larin:1994vu,Larin:1997wd,Retey:2000nq} based on the {\sc Mincer} program \cite{Gorishnii:1989gt,Larin:1991fz}. The complete results of Refs.~\cite{Moch:2004xu,Vermaseren:2005qc,Vogt:2006bt} fix all even and odd moments $N$. Hence already the present knowledge is sufficient to determine also the lowest five moments of the differences of corresponding even-$N$ and odd-$N$ coefficient functions and to address a theoretical conjecture \cite{Broadhurst:2004jx} for these quantities. Furthermore these moments facilitate $x$-space approximations in the style of, e.g, Ref.~\cite{vanNeerven:2001pe} which are sufficient for most phenomenological purposes, including the determination of the third-order QCD corrections to the Paschos-Wolfenstein relation~\cite{Paschos:1973kj} used for the extraction of $\sin^2 \theta_W$ from neutrino DIS. The outline of this article is as follows. In Section~\ref{sec:2-loop} we briefly specify our notations and write down the complete second-order results $\delta\:\! c_{a}^{(2)}(x)$ for the above coefficient-function differences. We discuss their behaviour at the end points $x = 0$ and $x = 1$, and provide compact but accurate parametrizations for use in numerical applications. We then proceed, in Section~\ref{sec:3-loop}, to our new results for the five lowest odd moments of $\delta\:\! c_{2,L}^{(3)}$ and even moments of $\delta\:\! c_{3}^{(3)}\!$, as a byproduct deriving the third-order coefficient-function correction to the Gottfried sum rule. These three-loop moments are presented in a numerical form and employed to construct $x$-space approximations valid at $x \gsim 10^{-2}$. In Section~\ref{sec:applications} we address the numerical implications of our results. In particular we discuss the higher-order QCD corrections to the Paschos-Wolfenstein relation. Our~findings are finally summarized in Section~\ref{sec:summary}. The lengthy full expressions of the new third-order moments in terms of fractions and the Riemann \mbox{$\zeta$-function} can be found in the Appendix. \setcounter{equation}{0} \section{The complete second-order results} \label{sec:2-loop} We define the even-odd differences of the CC coefficient functions $\,C_a\,$ for $\,a = 2,\: 3,\: L\,$ as \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:cdiff} \delta\, C_{2,L} \; =\; C_{2,L}^{\,\nu p + {\bar \nu} p} - C_{2,L}^{\,\nu p - {\bar \nu} p} \:\: , \qquad \delta\, C_3 \; =\; C_3^{\,\nu p - {\bar \nu} p} - C_3^{\,\nu p + {\bar \nu} p} \:\: . \end{eqnarray} The signs are chosen such that the differences are always `even -- odd' in the moments $\, N$ accessible by the OPE \cite{Buras:1980yt}, and it is understood that the $d^{\:\!abc}d_{abc}$ part of $\,C_3^{\,\nu p + \bar\nu p}$ \cite{Retey:2000nq,Vogt:2006bt} is removed before the difference is formed. The non-singlet quantities (\ref{eq:cdiff}) have an expansion in powers of $\alpha_{\rm s}$, \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:cf-exp} \delta\, C_a \; = \; \sum_{l=2} \: a_{\rm s}^{\, l}\: \delta\:\! c_{a}^{(l)} \end{eqnarray} where, as throughout this and the next section, we are have normalized the expansion parameter as $a_{\rm s} = \alpha_{\rm s} /(4 \pi)$. There are no first-order contributions to these differences, hence the sums start at $l = 2\,$ in Eq.~(\ref{eq:cf-exp}). All known DIS coefficient functions in massless perturbative QCD can be expressed in terms of the harmonic polylogarithms $H_{m_1,...,\,m_w}(x)$ with $m_j = 0,\,\pm 1$. Our notation for these functions follows Ref.~\cite {Remiddi:1999ew} to which the reader is referred for a detailed discussion. For $w \leq 3$ the harmonic polylogarithms can be expressed in terms of standard polylogarithms; a complete list can be found in Appendix A of Ref.~\cite{Moch:1999eb}. A {\sc Fortran} programs for these functions up to weight $w=4$ has been provided in Ref.~\cite{Gehrmann:2001pz}, with an unpublished extension also covering $w=5$. In the remainder of this section we employ the short-hand notation \begin{equation} \label{eq:habbr} H_{{\footnotesize \underbrace{0,\ldots ,0}_{\scriptstyle m} },\, \pm 1,\, {\footnotesize \underbrace{0,\ldots ,0}_{\scriptstyle n} }, \, \pm 1,\, \ldots}(x) \; = \; H_{\pm (m+1),\,\pm (n+1),\, \ldots}(x) \end{equation} and additionally suppress the arguments of the harmonic polylogarithms for brevity. Exact expressions for (moments of) the coefficient functions will be given in terms of the SU($N_c$) colour factors $\,C_A = N_c\,$ and $\,C_F = (N_c^{\,2} -1)/(2N_c)$, while we use the QCD values $C_A = 3$ and $C_F = 4/3$ in numerical results. All our results are presented in the $\overline{\mbox{MS}}$\ scheme for the standard choice $\,\mu_r =\mu_f^{} = Q\,$ of the renormalization and factorization scales. The second-order coefficient functions $\delta\:\! c_2^{(2)}$ and $\,\delta c_L^{(2)}$ for the even-odd differences of $F_{\:\! 2,L\,}$ read \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:dc2qq2} \delta c_{2}^{(2)}(x) &\! =\! & {C^{}_F} \* [{C^{}_F}-{C^{}_A}/2] \* \biggl( - {324 \over 5} + 112 \* (1+x)^{-1} \* \z3 + {16 \over 5} \* x^{-1} + {164 \over 5} \* x + {144 \over 5} \* x^2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} - 40 \* \z3 + 136 \* \z3 \* x + 8 \* \z2 + 56 \* \z2 \* x + 96 \* \z2 \* x^2 - {144 \over 5} \* \z2 \* x^3 - 32 \* \Hh(-2,0) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} + 96 \* \Hh(-2,0) \* (1+x)^{-1} + 128 \* \Hh(-2,0) \* x - 128 \* \H(-1) \* (1+x)^{-1} \* \z2 + 48 \* \H(-1) \* \z2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} - 144 \* \H(-1) \* \z2 \* x + 32 \* \Hhh(-1,-1,0) - 128 \* \Hhh(-1,-1,0) \* (1+x)^{-1} - 224 \* \Hhh(-1,-1,0) \* x \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} + 64 \* \Hh(-1,0) + {16 \over 5} \* \Hh(-1,0) \* x^{-2} + 64 \* \Hh(-1,0) \* x + 96 \* \Hh(-1,0) \* x^2 - {144 \over 5} \* \Hh(-1,0) \* x^3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} - 64 \* \Hhh(-1,0,0) + 160 \* \Hhh(-1,0,0) \* (1+x)^{-1} + 160 \* \Hhh(-1,0,0) \* x + 64 \* \Hh(-1,2) \* (1+x)^{-1} \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} - 32 \* \Hh(-1,2) + 32 \* \Hh(-1,2) \* x + {28 \over 5} \* \H(0) - 32 \* \H(0) \* (1+x)^{-1} - {16 \over 5} \* \H(0) \* x^{-1} - {292 \over 5} \* \H(0) \* x \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} + 32 \* \H(0) \* (1+x)^{-1} \* \z2 + {144 \over 5} \* \H(0) \* x^2 - 16 \* \H(0) \* \z2 + 16 \* \H(0) \* \z2 \* x - 16 \* \Hh(0,0) - 64 \* \Hh(0,0) \* x \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} - 96 \* \Hh(0,0) \* x^2 + {144 \over 5} \* \Hh(0,0) \* x^3 + 24 \* \Hhh(0,0,0) - 48 \* \Hhh(0,0,0) \* (1+x)^{-1} - 24 \* \Hhh(0,0,0) \* x \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} - 32 \* \H(1) + 32 \* \H(1) \* x - 16 \* \H(2) - 16 \* \H(2) \* x + 16 \* \H(3) - 32 \* \H(3) \* (1+x)^{-1} - 16 \* \H(3) \* x \biggr) \:\: , \\ \label{eq:dcLqq2} \delta c_{L}^{(2)}(x) &\! =\! & {C^{}_F} \* [{C^{}_F}-{C^{}_A}/2] \* \biggl( {64 \over 5} \* x^{-1} - {416 \over 5} + {256 \over 5} \* x + {96 \over 5} \* x^2 + 64 \* \z3 \* x + 32 \* \z2 \* x + 64 \* \z2 \* x^2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} - {96 \over 5} \* \z2 \* x^3 + 64 \* \Hh(-2,0) \* x - 64 \* \H(-1) \* \z2 \* x - 128 \* \Hhh(-1,-1,0) \* x + 64 \* \Hh(-1,0) + {64 \over 5} \* \Hh(-1,0) \* x^{-2} \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} - 32 \* \Hh(-1,0) \* x^{-1} + 64 \* \Hh(-1,0) \* x + 64 \* \Hh(-1,0) \* x^2 - {96 \over 5} \* \Hh(-1,0) \* x^3 + 64 \* \Hhh(-1,0,0) \* x + {32 \over 5} \* \H(0) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} - {64 \over 5} \* \H(0) \* x^{-1} - {448 \over 5} \* \H(0) \* x + {96 \over 5} \* \H(0) \* x^2 - 32 \* \Hh(0,0) \* x - 64 \* \Hh(0,0) \* x^2 + {96 \over 5} \* \Hh(0,0) \* x^3 \biggr) \:\: . \quad \end{eqnarray} The corresponding quantity $\delta\:\! c_3^{(2)}$ for the charged-current structure functions $F_{\:\! 3}$ is given by \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:dc3qq2} \delta c_{3}^{(2)}(x) &\! =\! & \delta c_{2}^{(2)}(x) \; - {C^{}_F} \* [{C^{}_F}-{C^{}_A}/2] \* \biggl( - {624\over 5} + {16\over 5} \* x^{-1} + {464\over 5} \* x + {144\over 5} \* x^2 + 32 \* \z3 \nonumber \\ & &\mbox{} + 96 \* \z3 \* x - 16 \* \z2 + 48 \* \z2 \* x + 80 \* \z2 \* x^2 - {144\over 5} \* \z2 \* x^3 + 32 \* \Hh(-2,0) + 96 \* \Hh(-2,0) \* x \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} - 32 \* \H(-1) \* \z2 - 96 \* \H(-1) \* \z2 \* x - 64 \* \Hhh(-1,-1,0) - 192 \* \Hhh(-1,-1,0) \* x + 64 \* \Hh(-1,0) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} + {16\over 5} \* \Hh(-1,0) \* x^{-2} - 16 \* \Hh(-1,0) \* x^{-1} + 64 \* \Hh(-1,0) \* x + 80 \* \Hh(-1,0) \* x^2 - {144\over 5} \* \Hh(-1,0) \* x^3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} + 32 \* \Hh(-1,0,0) + 96 \* \Hh(-1,0,0) \* x - {16\over 5} \* \H(0) \* x^{-1} - {112\over5} \* \H(0) - {592\over 5} \* \H(0) \* x + {144\over 5} \* \H(0) \* x^2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{} + 16 \* \Hh(0,0) - 48 \* \Hh(0,0) \* x - 80 \* \Hh(0,0) \* x^2 + {144\over 5} \* \Hh(0,0) \* x^3 \biggr) \:\: . \end{eqnarray} Expressions equivalent to Eqs.~(\ref{eq:dc2qq2}) and (\ref{eq:dc3qq2}) have first been published in Refs.~\cite{vanNeerven:1991nn} and \cite {Zijlstra:1992kj}, respectively, and were later confirmed in Ref.~\cite {Moch:1999eb}. To the best of our knowledge, on the other hand, the function $\,\delta c_L^{(2)}$ has not been documented in the literature before, see, e.g., Ref.~\cite{Kazakov:1990fu} and references therein. It was however calculated by the authors of Refs.~\cite {vanNeerven:1991nn,Zijlstra:1991qc,Zijlstra:1992kj}, distributed in a {\sc Fortran} package of the two-loop coefficient functions, and employed for the parametrizations of Ref.~\cite{vanNeerven:1999ca}. Our expression (\ref{eq:dcLqq2}) agrees with this unpublished result. It is instructive to briefly consider the end-point limits of the above results. Suppressing the ubiquitous factor $\,C_F C_{FA} \equiv C_F [\,C_F-C_A/2]$, the small-$x$ behaviour of Eqs.~(\ref{eq:dc2qq2}) -- (\ref{eq:dc3qq2}) is \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:c2-smallx} \delta c_{2}^{(2)}(x) &\! \simeq\! & \mbox{} - 4\, \ln^3 x \: - \;\: 8\, \ln^2 x - ( 28 - 16\,\z2 ) \ln x \: - \: 64 \: + \;\: 8\,\z2 + 72\,\z3 \: + \: \ldots \nonumber \\ \delta c_{3}^{(2)}(x) &\! \simeq\! & \mbox{} - 4\, \ln^3 x - 16\, \ln^2 x + ( 12 + 16\,\z2 ) \ln x \: + \: 44 + 24\,\z2 + 40\,\z3 \: + \: \ldots \nonumber \\[1mm] \delta c_{L}^{(2)}(x) &\! \simeq\! & \mbox{} - 32\, \ln x - 48 \: + \: \ldots \:\: . \end{eqnarray} Thus the even-odd differences are not suppressed with respect to the $\,\nu p + \bar\nu p\,$ two-loop non-singlet coefficient functions for $x\rightarrow 0\, $: the same powers of $\,\ln x\,$ enter Eqs.~(\ref{eq:c2-smallx}) and those quantities. At large $x$, on the other hand, all three functions $\delta\:\! c_{a}^{(2)}$ are suppressed by factors $(1-x)^2$ times logarithms, reading \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:c2-largex} \delta c_{2}^{(2)}(x) &\! = \! & - ( 12 - 8\,\z2 )\, [1-x] \: C_F C_{FA} \: + \: O \left( [1-x]^2 \right) \nonumber \\ \delta c_{3}^{(2)}(x) &\! = \! & \phantom- ( 20 - 8\,\z2 )\, [1-x] \: C_F C_{FA} \: + \: O \left( [1-x]^2 \right) \nonumber \\ \delta c_{L}^{(2)}(x) &\! = \! & ( 32 -16\,\z2 )\, [1-x]^2 \: C_F C_{FA} \: + \: O \left( [1-x]^3 \right) \:\: . \end{eqnarray} \vspace{-2mm} The differences $\delta\:\! c_{2}^{(2)}(x)$ and $\delta\:\! c_{L}^{(2)}(x)$ (both multiplied by -1 for display purposes) are compared to the corresponding even-$N$ $\,\nu p +\bar\nu p\,$ coefficient functions in Fig.~\ref{fig:c2diff}. The quantities (\ref{eq:dc2qq2}) and (\ref{eq:dcLqq2}) are negligible at $\,x \gsim 0.1\,$ and at $\,x \gsim 0.3\,$, respectively, but indeed comparable to the even-moment coefficient functions at small $x$. The corresponding results for $F_{\:\!3}$ are qualitative similar to those for $F_{\:\!2}$, but with $\delta\:\! c_{3}^{(2)}(x)$ small down to $\,x \simeq 0.01\,$. \begin{figure}[th] \centerline{\epsfig{file=c2diff.eps,width=15cm,angle=0}} \vspace{-2mm} \caption{The odd$\,-\,$even non-singlet differences $\, -\, \delta\:\! c_{2,L}^{(2)}(x)$ of Eqs.~(\ref{eq:dc2qq2}) and (\ref{eq:dcLqq2}), compared at $x\leq 0.8$ to the corresponding even-$N$ coefficient functions calculated in Refs.~\cite {SanchezGuillen:1991iq,vanNeerven:1991nn,Moch:1999eb}. \label{fig:c2diff} } \vspace*{1mm} \end{figure} For certain numerical applications, for instance for use with complex-$N$ packages like Ref.~\cite{Vogt:2004ns}, it is convenient to have parametrizations of Eqs.~(\ref{eq:dc2qq2}) -- (\ref{eq:dc3qq2}) in terms of elementary functions. With an error of less than 0.1\% these functions can be approximated by \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:dc2qq2p} \delta c_{2}^{(2)}(x) &\! \simeq\! & \{ - 9.1587 - 57.70\, x + 72.29\, x^2 - 5.689\, x^3 - xL_0\, ( \, 68.804 + 24.40\, L_0 \nonumber \\ & & \mbox{} \; + 2.958\, L_0^2 \: ) + 0.249\, L_0 + 8/9\: L_0^2\, (2 + L_0) \, \} \: (1 - x) \:\: , \nonumber \\ \delta c_{3}^{(2)}(x) &\! \simeq\! & \{ - 29.65 + 116.05\, x - 71.74\, x^2 - 16.18\, x^3 + xL_0\, ( \, 14.60 + 69.90\, x \nonumber \\ & & \mbox{} - 0.378\, L_0^2 \: ) - 8.560\, L_0 + 8/9\: L_0^2\, (4 + L_0) \, \} \: (1 - x) \:\: , \nonumber \\ \delta c_{L}^{(2)}(x) &\! \simeq\! & \{ \, 10.663 - 5.248\, x - 7.500\, x^2 + 0.823\, x^3 + xL_0\, ( \, 11.10 + 2.225\, L_0 \nonumber \\ & & \mbox{} \; - 0.128\, L_0^2 \: ) + 64/9\: L_0 \, \} \: (1 - x)^2 \:\: . \end{eqnarray} Here we have employed the short-hand $\, L_0 = \ln x\,$ and inserted the QCD values of $C_F$ and $C_A$. \setcounter{equation}{0} \section{Third-order moments and approximations} \label{sec:3-loop} Recently the first five odd-integer moments have been computed of the third-% order coefficient functions for $\,F_{2,L}^{\,\nu p - \bar\nu p}$ in charged-current DIS, together with the corresponding moments $\,N = 2,\, \ldots ,\, 10\,$ for $\,F_3^{\,\nu p - \bar\nu p\!}$ \cite{Moch:2007gx}. Unlike previous fixed-$N$ calculations, the complete three-loop results for $F_{2,L}^{\,\nu p + \bar \nu p\,}$ \cite{Moch:2004xu,Vermaseren:2005qc}\footnote {$\,$The $\alpha_{\rm s}^3$ coefficient functions for this process are those of photon-exchange DIS, but without the contributions of the $fl_{11}$ flavour classes, see Fig.~1 of Ref.~\cite{Vermaseren:2005qc}, where the two photons couple to different quark loops.} and $F_3^{\nu P + \bar \nu P}$ \cite{Vogt:2006bt} facilitate analytic continuations to these values of $N$. We have performed this continuation using the $x$-space expressions in terms of harmonic polylogarithms \cite {Remiddi:1999ew} and the Mellin transformation package provided with version 3 of {\sc Form}~\cite{Vermaseren:2000nd}. Thus we are in a position to derive the respective lowest five moments of the hitherto unknown third-order contributions to the even-odd differences (\ref{eq:cdiff}). These moments represent the main new results of this article. With one exception (see below) the exact SU($N_c$) expressions are however deferred to the Appendix. Here we present numerical results for QCD, using the conventions introduced at the beginning of Section~\ref{sec:2-loop}, recall especially $\,a_{\rm s}\, \equiv\, \alpha_{\rm s}/(4 \pi)\,$ and the scale choice $\,\mu_r = \mu_f^{} = Q\,$. In addition ${n^{}_{\! f}}$ denotes the number of effectively massless quark flavours, and we use the notation $\delta\, C_{a,\,N}$ for the $N$-th moment of $\delta\, C_{a}(x)$. The results for $F_{\:\!2}$ and $F_L$ read \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:dc2ns} \delta\, C_{2,1} & = & - 4.378539253 \, a_{\rm s}^2 \: + \:a_{\rm s}^3 \, \* ( - 125.2948456 - 0.6502282123 \* \, {n^{}_{\! f}} ) \nonumber \\ \delta\, C_{2,3} & = & - 0.138066958 \, a_{\rm s}^2 \: + \:a_{\rm s}^3 \, \* ( - 5.554493975 + 0.1939792023 \* \, {n^{}_{\! f}} ) \nonumber \\ \delta\, C_{2,5} & = & - 0.032987989 \, a_{\rm s}^2 \: + \:a_{\rm s}^3 \, \* ( - 0.707322026 + 0.0004910378 \* \, {n^{}_{\! f}} ) \nonumber \\ \delta\, C_{2,7} & = & - 0.013235254 \, a_{\rm s}^2 \: + \:a_{\rm s}^3 \, \* ( - 0.008816536 - 0.0201069660 \* \, {n^{}_{\! f}} ) \nonumber \\ \delta\, C_{2,9} & = & - 0.006828983 \, a_{\rm s}^2 \: + \:a_{\rm s}^3 \, \* ( \phantom+ 0.133159220 - 0.0200289710 \* \, {n^{}_{\! f}} ) \end{eqnarray} and \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:dcLns} \delta\, C_{L,1} & = & - 2.138954096 \, a_{\rm s}^2 \: + \:a_{\rm s}^3 \, \* ( - 106.6667685 + 3.294301343 \* \, {n^{}_{\! f}} ) \nonumber \\ \delta\, C_{L,3} & = & - 0.078259985 \, a_{\rm s}^2 \: + \:a_{\rm s}^3 \, \* ( - 9.239637919 + 0.2718024935 \* \, {n^{}_{\! f}} ) \nonumber \\ \delta\, C_{L,5} & = & - 0.016892540 \, a_{\rm s}^2 \: + \:a_{\rm s}^3 \, \* ( - 2.548566852 + 0.0650677125 \* \, {n^{}_{\! f}} ) \nonumber \\ \delta\, C_{L,7} & = & - 0.006263113 \, a_{\rm s}^2 \: + \:a_{\rm s}^3 \, \* ( - 1.075400460 + 0.0251053847 \* \, {n^{}_{\! f}} ) \nonumber \\ \delta\, C_{L,9} & = & - 0.003001231 \, a_{\rm s}^2 \: + \:a_{\rm s}^3 \, \* ( - 0.560603262 + 0.0122952192 \* \, {n^{}_{\! f}} ) \:\: . \end{eqnarray} The lowest even moments for the structure function $F_{\:\! 3}$ are given by \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:dc3ns} \delta\, C_{3,2} & = & - 0.1135841071 \, a_{\rm s}^2 \: + \:a_{\rm s}^3 \, \* ( \phantom+ 8.386266870 + 0.0605431788 \* \, {n^{}_{\! f}} ) \nonumber \\ \delta\, C_{3,4} & = & - 0.0683669250 \, a_{\rm s}^2 \: + \:a_{\rm s}^3 \, \* ( - 1.237248886 + 0.0971522112 \* \, {n^{}_{\! f}} ) \nonumber \\ \delta\, C_{3,6} & = & - 0.0350849853 \, a_{\rm s}^2 \: + \:a_{\rm s}^3 \, \* ( - 1.370404531 + 0.0496762716 \* \, {n^{}_{\! f}} ) \nonumber \\ \delta\, C_{3,8} & = & - 0.0208455457 \, a_{\rm s}^2 \: + \:a_{\rm s}^3 \, \* ( - 1.052847874 + 0.0282541123 \* \, {n^{}_{\! f}} ) \nonumber \\ \delta\, C_{3,10} \!\! & = & - 0.0137316528 \, a_{\rm s}^2 \: + \:a_{\rm s}^3 \, \* ( - 0.798850682 + 0.0177100327 \* \, {n^{}_{\! f}} ) \:\: . \end{eqnarray} The new $\alpha_{\rm s}^3$ contributions are rather large if compared to the leading second-order results also included in Eqs.~(\ref{eq:dc2ns}) -- (\ref{eq:dc3ns}) with, e.g., $\,a_{\rm s} = 1/50\,$ corresponding to $\,\alpha_{\rm s} \simeq 0.25$. Except for the lowest moment for $\,a = 2,L$, on the other hand, the integer-$N$ differences $\delta\, C_{a,N}$ are entirely negligible compared to the $\,\nu p \pm \bar\nu p\,$ moments of Refs.~\cite{Retey:2000nq,Moch:2007gx}. Before we turn to the $x$-space implications of Eqs.~(\ref{eq:dc2ns}) -- (\ref{eq:dc3ns}), let us briefly discuss some interesting structural features of our third-order results. For this purpose we consider the exact SU($N_c$) expression for the lowest moment of $\,\delta\:\! c_2^{(3)}$ given by \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:dc2q1} \delta c_{2,1}^{(3)} & = & {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}^{\,2}} \* \Biggl( {175030 \over 81} - {49216 \over 27} \* \z2 + {404720 \over 81}\*\z3 - {562784 \over 135} \* \zs2 + {33200 \over 9}\* \z2 \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{}\qquad\qquad - {4160 \over 9} \*\z5 - {8992 \over 63} \* \zt2 - {1472 \over 3}\*\zs3 \Biggr) \nonumber\\[0.5mm] & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C_{F}^{\,2}} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( -{ 303377 \over 162} +{ 41350 \over 27} \* \z2 -{ 363896 \over 81} \* \z3 +{ 396824 \over 135} \* \zs2 -{ 26000 \over 9} \* \z2 \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{}\qquad\qquad +{ 25616 \over 9} \* \z5 +{ 1456 \over 3} \* \zs3 -{ 56432 \over 315} \*\ \zt2 \Biggl) \\[0.5mm] & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}} \* {n^{}_{\! f}} \* \Biggl( { 8786 \over 81} - {3056 \over 27} \* \z2 + {39592 \over 81} \* \z3 +{ 1408 \over 9} \* \z2 \* \z3 -{ 30424 \over 135} \* \zs2 -{ 1792 \over 9} \* \z5 \Biggr) \nonumber \:\: .\quad \end{eqnarray} As all other calculated moments of the functions $\delta\:\! c_{a}^{(2)}(x)$, this result contains an overall factor ${C_{FA}}\,=\, C_F - C_A /2\,=\, -1/(2N_c)$. Hence the third-order even-odd differences are suppressed in the large-$N_c$ limit as conjectured, to all orders, in Ref.~\cite{Broadhurst:2004jx} on the basis of two-loop results in particular for $N=1$ Adler and Gottfried sum rules, for a recent discussion see also Ref.~\cite{Kataev:2007jz}. In fact, up to the additional $fl_{11}$ contribution absent in charged-current DIS (recall Footnote 1), \begin{eqnarray} \label{dc2em} \Delta_{\:\rm e.m.}\, c_{2,1}^{(3)} &\!= \! & {{d^{abc}d_{abc}}\over{n_c}} \, \biggl( - 288 + 96\,\z2 + {1472 \over 3}\, \z3 - {256 \over 5}\, \zs2 - {1280 \over 3}\,\z5 \biggr) \nonumber \\[1mm] &\!= \! & - 33.67693293\:{n^{}_{\! f}} \qquad \mbox{in~~QCD} \:\: , \end{eqnarray} Eq.~(\ref{eq:dc2q1}) represents the third-order coefficient-function correction to the Gottfried sum rule (GSR)\footnote {$\,$Note that our overall normalization and expansion parameter differ from those of Ref.~\cite{Broadhurst:2004jx}. Consequently the corresponding GSR coefficients (\ref{eq:dc2ns}), (\ref{eq:dc2q1}) and (\ref{dc2em}) are larger by a factor $4^l/3$ at order $\alpha_{\rm s}^{\: l}$ than in their notation.}$\!\!$, since the Adler sum rule involving the non-singlet coefficient function $C_{2,1}$ of the $\,\nu p - \bar\nu p \,$ combination does not receive any perturbative or non-perturbative corrections, see, e.g., Ref.~\cite {Dokshitzer:1995qm}. Another interesting feature of the functions $\delta\:\! c_{a=2,3}^{(l)}$ in Eq.~(\ref{eq:cf-exp}) is the presence of $\zeta$-functions up to weight $2l\,$ in the integer moments, e.g., terms up to $\zt2$ and $\zs3$ occur in the third-order result (\ref{eq:dc2q1}). This is in contrast to the `natural' (OPE-based) moments of $C_a^{\nu p \pm \bar\nu p}$ which only include contributions up to weight $2l\! -\! 1$, see Refs.~\cite{Larin:1994vu,Larin:1997wd,Retey:2000nq,Moch:2007gx}. Yet the $x$-space expressions of all these quantities consist of harmonic polylogarithms up to weight $2l\! -\! 1$ corresponding to harmonic sums up to weight $2l$. Note also that, in the approach of Refs.~\cite{vanNeerven:1991nn,% Zijlstra:1991qc,Zijlstra:1992kj}, the absence of weight-$2l\,$ terms in the natural moments appears to require a cancellation between different diagram classes. We now return to the numerical moments (\ref{eq:dc2ns}) -- (\ref{eq:dc3ns}) and investigate their consequences for the $x$-space functions $\delta\:\! c_{a}^{(3)}(x)$. We follow an approach successfully used, for instance, in Ref.~\cite{vanNeerven:2001pe} when only the coefficient-functions moments of Refs.~\cite{Larin:1994vu,Larin:1997wd,Retey:2000nq} were known. Based on the two-loop end-point behaviour in Eqs.~(\ref{eq:c2-smallx}) and (\ref{eq:c2-largex}) we expect small-$x$ terms up to $\ln^5 x$ and $\ln^3 x$ in $\,\delta\:\! c_{2,3}^{(3)}(x)\,$ and $\,\delta\:\! c_{L}^{(3)}(x)$, respectively, and large-$x$ limits including contributions up to $\,(1-x)^{\eta_a} \ln^2 (1-x)\,$ with $\,\eta_{2,3}^{} = 1\,$ and $\,\eta_{L}^{} = 2$. Thus the $x$-space expressions of $\delta\:\! c_{a}^{(3)}$ will be of the form \begin{equation} \delta c_{a}^{(3)}(x) \; = \; (1-x)^{\eta_a}\: \bigg( \sum_{m=1}^2 A_{m}\,\ln^{\,m}(1-x) \, + \, \delta c_{a}^{\:\rm smooth}(x) \, + \, B_1\, \frac{\ln x}{1-x} \bigg) \: + \! \sum_{n=2}^{\;\;7-2\eta_a} B_n\, \ln^{\,n} x \quad \end{equation} where the functions $\delta\:\! c_{a}^{\:\rm smooth}(x)$ are finite for $0 \leq x \leq 1$. For moment-based approximations a simple ansatz is chosen for these functions, and its free parameters are determined from the available moments together with a reasonably balanced subset of the coefficients $A_m$ and $B_n$. This ansatz and the choice of the non-vanishing end-point parameters are then varied in order to estimate the remaining uncertainties of $\delta\:\! c_{a}^{(3)}(x)$. Finally for each value of $a$ two (out of about 50) approximations, denoted below by $A$ and $B$, are selected which indicate the widths of the uncertainty bands. For $F_{\:\! 2}$ and $F_L$ these functions are, with $\, L_0 = \ln x\,$, $x_1 = 1-x$ and $\, L_1 = \ln x_1$, \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:dc2qq3p} \delta c_{2,\,A}^{(3)}(x) &\! =\! & ( 54.478\,L_1^2 + 304.6\,L_1 + 691.68\, x ) \, x_1 + 179.14\,L_0 - 0.1826\,L_0^3 \nonumber \\ & & \mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}}\, \{ ( 20.822\, x^2 - 282.1\, (1 + {\textstyle {x \over 2}}) )\, x_1 - (285.58\, x + 112.3 - 3.587\,L_0^2) \, L_0 \} \:\: , \nonumber \\[0.5mm] \delta c_{2,\,B}^{(3)}(x) &\! =\! & - ( 13.378\,L_1^2 + 97.60\,L_1 + 118.12\, x ) \, x_1 - 91.196\,L_0^2 - 0.4644\,L_0^5 \\ & & \mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}}\, \{ (4.522\,L_1 + 447.88\, (1 + {\textstyle {x \over 2}}) ) \, x_1 + (514.02\, x + 147.05 + 7.386\,L_0)\, L_0 \} \quad \nonumber \end{eqnarray} and \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:dcLqq3p} \delta c_{L,\,A}^{(3)}(x) &\! =\! & - ( 495.49\,x^2 + 906.86 ) \, x_1^{\,2} - 983.23\,x x_1 L_0 + 53.706\,L_0^2 + 5.3059\,L_0^3 \nonumber \\ & & \mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}}\, \{ ( 29.95\, x^3 - 59.087\,x^2 + 379.91 ) \, x_1^{\,2} - 273.042\, xL_0^2 + 71.482\, x_1L_0 \} \:\: , \nonumber \\[0.5mm] \delta c_{L,\,B}^{(3)}(x) &\! =\! & ( 78.306\,L_1 + 6.3838\, x ) \, x_1^{\,2} + 20.809\,x x_1 L_0 - 114.47\,L_0^2 - 22.222\,L_0^3 \\ & & \mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}}\, \{ (12.532\,L_1 + 141.99\,x^2 - 250.62\, x ) \, x_1^{\,2} - ( 153.586\,x - 0.6569 ) \, x_1L_0 \} \:\: . \quad \nonumber \end{eqnarray} The corresponding results for $F_{\:\! 3}$ read \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:dc3qq3p} \delta c_{3,\,A}^{(3)}(x) &\! =\! & ( 3.216\,L_1^2 + 44.50\,L_1 - 34.588 ) \, x_1 + 98.719\,L_0^2 + 2.6208\,L_0^5 \nonumber \\ & & \mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} - {n^{}_{\! f}}\, \{ ( 0.186\, L_1 + 61.102\, (1 + x) ) \, x_1 + 122.51\, xL_0 - 10.914\,L_0^2 - 2.748\,L_0^3 \} \:\: , \nonumber \\[0.5mm] \delta c_{3,\,B}^{(3)}(x) &\! =\! & - ( 46.72\,L_1^2 + 267.26\,L_1 + 719.49\, x ) \, x_1 - 171.98\,L_0 + 9.470\,L_0^3 \\ & & \mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}}\, \{ (0.8489\,L_1 + 67.928\, (1 + {\textstyle {x \over 2}}) ) \, x_1 + 97.922\, xL_0 - 17.070\,L_0^2 - 3.132\,L_0^3 \} \:\: . \quad \nonumber \end{eqnarray} The resulting approximations for the $\,\nu p -\bar\nu p\,$ odd-$N$ coefficient functions $c_{2,L}^{(3)}(x)$ are compared in Fig.~\ref{fig:c3diff} to their exact counterparts \cite{Moch:2004xu,Vermaseren:2005qc} for the even-$N$ non-singlet structure functions. The third-order even-odd differences remain noticeable to larger values of $x$ than at two loops, e.g., up to $x \simeq 0.3$ for $F_{\:\!2}$ and $x \simeq 0.6$ for $F_{\:\! L}$ for the four-flavour case shown in the figure. The moments $N = 1,\:3,\:\ldots,\: 9\,$ constrain $\,\delta\:\! c_{2,L}^{(3)}(x)\,$ very well at $\,x \gsim 0.1$, and approximately down to $\,x \approx 10^{-2}$. \begin{figure}[bh] \vspace{-3mm} \centerline{\epsfig{file=c3diff.eps,width=15cm,angle=0}} \vspace{-2mm} \caption{The exact third-order coefficient functions of the even-$N$ structure functions $\, F_{2,L}^{\,\nu p + \bar\nu p}$ \cite{Moch:2004xu,Vermaseren:2005qc} for four massless flavours, and the corresponding odd-moment quantities obtained from these results and the approximations (\ref{eq:dc2qq3p}) and (\ref{eq:dcLqq3p}) for the even -- odd differences. \label{fig:c3diff}} \vspace*{-4mm} \end{figure} For some applications, such as the Paschos-Wolfenstein relation addressed in the next section, one needs the second moments of the functions $\,\delta\:\! c_{2,L}^{(3)}(x)$. These quantities can now be determined approximately from the above $x$-space results, yielding \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:dc3mom2} \delta c_{2,2}^{(3)} &\! =\! & -20.19 \pm 0.39 \: + \: (0.691\pm 0.040) \,{n^{}_{\! f}} \nonumber \\ \delta c_{L,2}^{(3)} &\! =\! & -24.75 \pm 0.15 \: - \: (0.792\pm 0.014) \,{n^{}_{\! f}} \:\: . \end{eqnarray} Here the central values are given by the respective averages of the approximations $A$ and $B$ in Eqs.~(\ref{eq:dc2qq3p}) and (\ref{eq:dcLqq3p}) which directly provide the upper and lower limits. Returning to $x$-space we recall that uncertainty bands as in Fig.~\ref{fig:c3diff} do not directly indicate the range of applicability of these approximations, since the coefficient functions enter observables only via smoothening Mellin convolutions with non-perturbative initial distributions. In Fig.~\ref{fig:c3dcnv} we therefore present the convolutions of all six third-order CC coefficient functions with a characteristic reference distribution. It turns out that the approximations (\ref{eq:dc2qq3p}) and (\ref{eq:dcLqq3p}) of the previous figure can be sufficient down to values even below $x = 10^{-3}$. The uncertainty of $\,\delta\:\! c_{3}^{(3)}(x)$, on the other hand, becomes relevant already at larger values, $\,x \lsim 10^{-2}$, as the lowest calculated moment of this quantity, $\,N=2$, has far less sensitivity to the behaviour at low $x$. \begin{figure}[th] \centerline{\epsfig{file=c23ldcnv.eps,width=14cm,angle=0}\qquad} \vspace*{-1mm} \caption{Convolution of the six third-order CC coefficient functions for $F_{\:\!2,\,3,\,L}$ in $\,\nu p + \bar\nu p\,$ \cite{Moch:2004xu,Vermaseren:2005qc,Vogt:2006bt} and $\,\nu p - \bar\nu p\,$ [Eqs.~(\ref{eq:dc2qq3p}) -- (\ref{eq:dc3qq3p})] DIS with a schematic but typical non-singlet distribution $\!f$. All results have been normalized to $\!f(x)$, suppressing a large but trivial variation of the absolute convolutions for small and large values of $x$. \label{fig:c3dcnv} } \vspace*{-2mm} \end{figure} The three-loop corrections to the non-singlet structure functions are rather small even well below the $x$-values shown in the figure~~--~~recall our small expansion parameter $a_{\rm s}\,$: the third-order coefficient are smaller by a factor $2.0\cdot 10^{-3}$ if the expansion is written in powers of $\alpha_{\rm s}$. Their sharp rise for $\,x \rightarrow 1\,$ is understood in terms of soft-gluon effects which can be effectively resummed, if required, to next-to-next-to-next-to-% leading logarithmic accuracy \cite{Moch:2005ba}. Our even-odd differences $\,\delta\:\! c_{a}^{(3)}(x)$, on the other hand, are irrelevant at $x > 0.1$ but have a sizeable impact at smaller $x$ in particular on the corrections for $F_{\:\!2}$ and $F_{\:\!L}$. \setcounter{equation}{0} \section{Applications} \label{sec:applications} The approximate results for $\,\delta\:\! c_{a}^{(3)}(x)$ facilitate a first assessment of the perturbative stability of the even-odd differences (\ref{eq:cdiff}). In Fig.~\ref{fig:c2lexp} we illustrate the known two orders for $F_{\:\!2}$ and $F_{\:\!L}$ for \mbox{$\alpha_{\rm s} = 0.25$} and ${n^{}_{\! f}} = 4$ massless quark flavours, employing the same reference quark distribution as in Fig.~\ref{fig:c3dcnv}. Obviously our new $\alpha_{\rm s}^{\,3}$ corrections are important wherever these coefficient-function differences are non-negligible. On the other hand, our results confirm that these quantities are very small, and thus relevant only when a high accuracy is required. Presently this condition is fulfilled only for the determination of the weak mixing angle $\theta_W$ from neutrino DIS to which we therefore turn now. \begin{figure}[hbt] \centerline{\epsfig{file=c2ldexp.eps,width=15.2cm,angle=0}\hspace{3mm}} \vspace{-1mm} \caption{The first two approximations, denoted by LO and NLO, of the differences (\ref{eq:cf-exp}) for $F_{\:\!2}$ and $F_{\:\!L}$ in charged-current DIS. The results are shown for representative values of $\alpha_{\rm s}$ and ${n^{}_{\! f}}$ after convolution with the reference distribution $\! f(x)$ also employed in Fig.~3. The dashed curves correspond to the two approximations in Eqs.~(\ref{eq:dc2qq3p}) and (\ref{eq:dcLqq3p}) for the new $\alpha_{\rm s}^{\,3}$ contributions. \label{fig:c2lexp} } \vspace*{-2mm} \end{figure} For this purpose one considers the so-called Paschos-Wolfenstein relation defined in terms of a ratio of neutral-current and charged-current cross sections for neutrino-nucleon DIS~\cite{Paschos:1973kj}, \begin{equation} \label{eq:rminus} R^{-} \; = \:\: \frac{\sigma(\nu_{\mu\,}N\rightarrow\nu_{\mu\,}X) \: - \: \sigma(\bar \nu_{\mu\,}N\rightarrow\bar \nu_{\mu\,}X)} {\sigma(\nu_{\mu\,}N\rightarrow\mu^-X) \: - \: \sigma(\bar \nu_{\mu\,}N\rightarrow\mu^+X)} \:\: . \end{equation} $R^{-}$ directly measures $\,\sin^2 \theta_W$ if the up and down valence quarks in the target carry equal momenta, and if the strange and heavy-quark sea distributions are charge symmetric. At the lowest order of perturbative QCD one generally finds \begin{equation} \label{eq:rminusLO} R^{-}_{\:\!\rm LO} \:\: = \:\: {1 \over 2} \: - \: \sin^2 \theta_W \:\: . \end{equation} The quantity (\ref{eq:rminus}) has attracted considerable attention in recent years due to a determination of $\sin^2 \theta_W$ by the NuTeV collaboration \cite{Zeller:2001hh}: within the Standard Model their result is at variance with other measurements of this quantity~\cite{Yao:2006px}, see also Refs.~\cite {Davidson:2001ji,McFarland:2003jw,Dobrescu:2003ta} for detailed discussions. Beyond the leading order Eq.~(\ref{eq:rminusLO}) receives perturbative QCD corrections which involve the second moments of coefficient functions for the $\nu N - \bar\nu N$ neutral- and charged-current structure functions.% \footnote{$\,$Specifically the ratio $R^{-}$ includes, besides all $\,\nu N - \bar\nu N$ CC coefficient functions, the neutral-current quantity $C_3^{\:\rm NC}$ which is equal to its charged-current counterpart $C_3^{\,\nu N - \bar\nu N}$ at the perturbative orders considered here.} Armed with the results of Sections \ref{sec:2-loop} and \ref{sec:3-loop} we are now able to finalize the corresponding $\alpha_{\rm s}^{\,2}$ contribution for massless quarks \cite{McFarland:2003jw} and to present an accurate numerical result at order $\alpha_{\rm s}^{\,3}$. We denote by $q^- \equiv q-\bar{q}\,$ the second Mellin moments of the valence distributions of the flavours $q = u,\;d,\;s,\;\ldots\,$, \begin{equation} \label{eq:pdfmom} q^- \; = \; \int_0^1\! dx\; x \left( q(x) - \bar{q}(x) \right)\:\: . \end{equation} The QCD corrections to $R^{-}$ can be expanded in inverse powers of the dominant isoscalar combination $\,u^- + d^-$ of the parton distributions~~--~~% recall that the measurements of this ratio are performed for (almost) isoscalar targets. After inserting the expansion of the $\overline{\mbox{MS}}$\ coefficient functions in powers of $\alpha_{\rm s}\,$, the Paschos--Wolfenstein ratio Eq.~(\ref{eq:rminus}) can be written as \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:rminusNNNLO} R^{-} &\! =& g_L^{\:\!2} - g_R^{\:\!2} \; + \; \frac{u^- - d^- + c^- - s^-}{u^- + d^-} \: \Biggl( 3(g_{Lu}^{\:\!2} - g_{Ru}^{\:\!2}) + (g_{Ld}^{\:\!2} - g_{Rd}^{\:\!2}) \nonumber \\ & & \mbox{} + (g_L^{\:\!2} - g_R^{\:\!2}) \: \Biggl\{ \,\frac{8}{9} \frac{\alpha_{\rm s}}{\pi} \; +\; \frac{\alpha_s^2}{\pi^2} \: \Biggl[ \frac{15127}{1944} - \frac{89}{81}\, \z2 + \frac{61}{27}\, \z3 - \frac{32}{45}\, \zs2 - \frac{83}{162}\, {n^{}_{\! f}} \Biggr] \nonumber\\ & & \mbox{} +\; \frac{\alpha_{\rm s}^3}{\pi^3} \Biggl[ \frac{5175965}{52488} - \frac{356}{729}\, \z2 - \frac{586}{27}\, \z3 - \frac{128}{405}\, \zs2 + \frac{190}{81}\, \z5 - \frac{9062}{729}\, {n^{}_{\! f}} + \frac{2}{3}\, {n^{}_{\! f}} \z3 \nonumber\\ & & \mbox{} + \frac{226}{729}\, {n^{\:\!2}_{\! f}} - \frac{1}{32}\, \delta c_{2,2}^{(3)} + \frac{1}{128}\, \delta c_{L,2}^{(3)} \Biggr] \Biggr\} \Biggr) \; + \; {\cal{O}} \left( (u^- + d^-)^{-2\,} \right) \; + \; {\cal{O}}\bigl(\alpha_s^4\bigr) \:\: . \end{eqnarray} Here the left- and right-handed weak couplings $\,g_{Lu}$, $g_{Ld}$, $g_{Ru\,}$ and $g_{Rd\,}$ are related to the weak mixing angle $\sin^2 \theta_W$ by \begin{equation} \label{eq:gLgRdef} g_L^{\:\!2} \;\equiv\; g_{Lu}^{\:\!2} + g_{Ld}^{\:\!2} \;=\; \frac{1}{2}-\sin^2\theta_W+\frac{5}{9}\sin^4\theta_W \:\: ,\qquad g_R^{\:\!2} \;\equiv\; g_{Ru}^{\:\!2} + g_{Rd}^{\:\!2} \;=\; \frac{5}{9}\sin^4\theta_W \:\: . \end{equation} Beyond the tree level, of course, these relations receive electroweak radiative corrections, see, e.g., Ref.~\cite{Diener:2005me}. Eq.~(\ref{eq:rminusNNNLO}) shows the well-known fact that the relation (\ref{eq:rminusLO}) receives corrections if the parton content of the target includes an isotriplet component, $u^-\not=d^-$, or a quark sea with a $C$-odd component, $s^-\not=0\,$ or $\,c^-\not=0$. Notice also that perturbative QCD only affects these corrections. The exact second-order contribution in Eq.~(\ref{eq:rminusNNNLO}) differs from the result in Ref.~\cite{McFarland:2003jw} where the function $\,\delta\:\! c_{L}^{(2)}(x)$ of Eq.~(\ref{eq:dcLqq2}) was not included. The third-order corrections can now be completed in a numerical form, using our approximations (\ref{eq:dc3mom2}) for the second moments of $\,\delta\:\! c_{2,L}^{(3)}(x)$. For ${n^{}_{\! f}} = 4\,$ flavours (and disregarding electroweak corrections) we obtain \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:rminus-numbers} R^{-} &\! = & \frac{1}{2} - \sin^2\theta_W \:\: + \:\: \frac{u^- - d^- + c^- - s^-}{u^- + d^-} \: \Bigg\{ 1 - \frac{7}{3}\:\sin^2\theta_W \; + \; \left( \frac{1}{2} - \sin^2\theta_W \right) \cdot \nonumber \\ & & \mbox{} \frac{8}{9} \frac{\alpha_s}{\pi} \left[ \, 1 + 1.689\,\alpha_{\rm s} + (3.661 \pm 0.002)\,\alpha_{\rm s}^2 \, \right] \Biggr\} \; + \; {\cal{O}} \left( (u^- + d^-)^{-2\,} \right) \; + \; {\cal{O}}\bigl(\alpha_s^4\bigr) \:\: . \quad \end{eqnarray} The perturbation series in the square brackets appears reasonably well convergent for relevant values of the strong coupling constant, with the known terms reading, e.g., 1 + 0.42 + 0.23 for $\alpha_{\rm s} = 0.25$. Thus the $\alpha_{\rm s}^2$ and $\alpha_{\rm s}^3$ contributions correct the NLO estimate by 65\% in this case. On the other hand, due to the small prefactor of this expansion, the new third-order term increases the complete curved bracket in Eq.~(\ref{eq:gLgRdef}) by only about 1\%, which can therefore by considered as the new uncertainty of this quantity due to the truncation of the perturbative expansion. Consequently previous NLO estimates of the effect of, for instance, the (presumably mainly non-perturbative, see Refs.~\cite{Catani:2004nc,Lai:2007dq,Thorne:2007bt}) charge asymmetry of the strange sea remain practically unaffected by higher-order corrections to the coefficient functions. \setcounter{equation}{0} \section{Summary} \label{sec:summary} In this article we have presented new results for the coefficient functions of inclusive charged-current DIS in the framework of massless perturbative QCD. We have filled a gap in the two-loop literature by writing down the corresponding difference $\,\delta\:\! c^{(2)}_L(x)$ of the $\,\nu p + \bar\nu p\,$ and \mbox{$\,\nu p - \bar\nu p\,$} structure functions $\,F_{L\,}$. Our main results are the lowest five (even- or odd-integer) Mellin moments of the third-order corrections $\,\delta\:\! c^{(3)}_a(x)$ for all three structure functions $F_{a\: =\: 2,\:3,\:L}$ and approximations in Bjorken-$x$ space based on these moments which are applicable down to at least $x \lsim 10^{-2}$. As a byproduct we have calculated the related third-order coefficient-function correction to the Gottfried sum rule in photon-exchange DIS. All our third-order results are proportional to the `non-planar' colour factor $C_A-2\,C_F$, thus confirming a conjecture by Broadhurst, Kataev and Maxwell on the $1/N_c^{\,2}$ suppression of these coefficient-function differences in the limit of a large number of colours $N_c$. Numerically our $\alpha_{\rm s}^3$ corrections prove relevant in particular for $F_{\:\!2}$ and $F_L$ wherever the differences of the $\,\nu p + \bar\nu p\,$ and $\,\nu p - \bar\nu p\,$ coefficient functions are not negligible. We have employed the above results to derive the second- and third-order QCD corrections to the Paschos-Wolfenstein ratio $R^-$ used to determine the weak mixing angle from neutrino deep-inelastic scattering. The uncertainty due to uncalculated higher-order coefficient functions has been reduced to a level amply sufficient for the foreseeable future, i.e., 1\% for the coefficient-function factor multiplying the quark-distribution asymmetries. {\sc Form} files and {\sc Fortran} subroutines with our results can be obtained from the preprint server {\tt http://arXiv.org} by downloading the source of this article. Furthermore they are available from the authors upon request. \subsection*{Note added} While this article was finalized, the 11-th moments of the functions $\,\delta\:\! c^{(3)}_2(x)$ and $\,\delta\:\! c^{(3)}_L(x)$ have been computed~\cite{Rogalprep}. Both results fall into the bands generated by the respective $x$-space approximations in Section~\ref{sec:3-loop}, thus confirming the reliability of these uncertainty estimates. \subsection*{Acknowledgements} We would like to thank S.~Alekhin, D.~Broadhurst and A.~Kataev for stimulating discussions. The work of S.M. and M.R. has been supported by the Helmholtz Gemeinschaft under contract VH-NG-105 and in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in Sonderforschungs\-be\-reich/Transregio~9. During the final stage of this research A.V. enjoyed the hospitality of the Instituut-Lorentz of Leiden University. \section*{Appendix} \renewcommand{\theequation}{A.\arabic{equation}} \setcounter{equation}{0} Here we present the analytic expressions for the Mellin-space coefficient-function differences $\delta c_{a,N}^{(3)}$ which were given numerically in Eqs.~(\ref{eq:dc2ns}) -- (\ref{eq:dc3ns}). We use the notations and conventions as specified at the beginning of Section~\ref{sec:2-loop} and above Eq.~(\ref{eq:dc2qq2} ). The first moment of $\delta c_{2}^{(3)}(x)$ has been written down in Eq.~(\ref {eq:dc2q1}) above. The remaining known moments of this quantity are given by \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:dc2q3} \delta c_{2,3}^{(3)} &\! =\! & {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}^{\,2}} \* \Biggl( {1805677051 \over 466560} - {2648 \over 9} \* \z5 + {10093427 \over 810} \* \z3 - {1472 \over 3} \* \zs3 - {7787113 \over 1944} \* \z2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + {55336 \over 9} \* \z2 \* \z3 - {378838 \over 45} \* \zs2 - {8992 \over 63} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C_{F}^{\,2}} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( - {5165481803 \over 1399680} + {40648 \over 9} \* \z5 - {9321697 \over 810} \* \z3 + {1456 \over 3} \* \zs3 + {8046059 \over 1944} \* \z2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - 4984 \* \z2 \* \z3 + {798328 \over 135} \* \zs2 - {56432 \over 315} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}} \* {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( {20396669 \over 116640} - {1792 \over 9} \* \z5 + {405586 \over 405} \* \z3 - {139573 \over 486} \* \z2 + {1408 \over 9} \* \z2 \* \z3 - {50392 \over 135} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \nonumber\; , \quad \\[2mm] \label{eq:dc2q5} \delta c_{2,5}^{(3)} & = & {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}^{\,2}} \* \Biggl( {18473631996593 \over 3827250000} - {17584 \over 45} \* \z5 + {149815672 \over 7875} \* \z3 - {1472 \over 3} \* \zs3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {291199027 \over 50625} \* \z2 + {330416 \over 45} \* \z2 \* \z3 - {2577928 \over 225} \* \zs2 - {8992 \over 63} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C_{F}^{\,2}} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( - {16016244428419 \over 3827250000} + {47560 \over 9} \* \z5 - {1270840912 \over 70875} \* \z3 + {1456 \over 3} \* \zs3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + {1321405949 \over 202500} \* \z2 - {89128 \over 15} \* \z2 \* \z3 +{26658224 \over 3375} \* \zs2 - {56432 \over 315} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}} \* {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( {181199822513 \over 765450000} - {1792 \over 9} \* \z5 + {6514448 \over 4725} \* \z3 - {1652773 \over 3375} \* \z2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + {1408 \over 9} \* \z2 \* \z3 - {11888 \over 27} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \; , \quad \\[2mm] \label{eq:dc2q7} \delta c_{2,7}^{(3)} & = & {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}^{\,2}} \* \Biggl( {177036089007294328733 \over 32934190464000000} - {27248 \over 63} \* \z5 + {65397081433 \over 2646000} \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {1472 \over 3} \* \zs3 - {340303364748629 \over 46675440000} \* \z2 + {2563996 \over 315} \* \z2 \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {4570738447 \over 330750} \* \zs2 - {8992 \over 63} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C_{F}^{\,2}} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( - {213694072871074531 \over 45177216000000} + {1821772 \over 315} \* \z5 - {438487320707 \over 18522000} \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + {1456 \over 3} \* \zs3 + {418808510000479 \over 46675440000} \* \z2 - {2071492 \over 315} \* \z2 \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + {6241478743 \over 661500} \* \zs2 - {56432 \over 315 } \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}} \* {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( {38079608000704561 \over 117622108800000} - {1792 \over 9} \* \z5 + {22115039 \over 13230} \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {113587875043 \over 166698000} \* \z2 + {1408 \over 9} \* \z2 \* \z3 - {2296328 \over 4725} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \; , \quad \\[2mm] \label{eq:dc2q9} \delta c_{2,9}^{(3)} & = & {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}^{\,2}} \* \Biggl( {5676515460744370321603 \over 1000376035344000000} - {25664 \over 63} \* \z5 + {11165079556403 \over 375070500} \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {1472 \over 3} \* \zs3 - {8178803099431493 \over 945177660000} \* \z2 + {1648352 \over 189} \* \z2 \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {23488033336 \over 1488375} \* \zs2 - {8992 \over 63} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C_{F}^{\,2}} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( - {32102287673972370020989 \over 6002256212064000000} + {1162796 \over 189} \* \z5 - {89153747611 \over 3087000} \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + {1456 \over 3} \* \zs3 + {342078312478997 \over 30005640000} \* \z2 - {1332820 \over 189} \* \z2 \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + {3187232017 \over 297675} \* \zs2 - {56432 \over 315} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}} \* {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( {21832132134852204299 \over 52400649470400000} - {1792 \over 9} \* \z5 + {6271692134 \over 3274425} \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {1931824297943 \over 2250423000} \* \z2 + {1408 \over 9} \* \z2 \* \z3 - {164116 \over 315} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \; . \end{eqnarray} The corresponding lowest five odd-integer moments for the longitudinal structure function read \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:dcLq1} \delta c_{L,1}^{(3)} & = & {C^{}_F} \*{C_{FA}^{\,2}} \* \Biggl( { 21977 \over 9} -{ 608 \over3}\*\z5 -{ 2648 \over9}\*\z3 -{ 3068 \over 9}\*\z2 - 448\*\z2\*\z3 - 336\*\zs2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C_{F}^{\,2}} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( -{ 17819 \over 9} -{ 1568 \over 3}\*\z5 + {5648 \over 9}\*\z3 + {1376 \over 9}\*\z2 + 288\*\z2\*\z3 + {2304 \over 5}\*\zs2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}} \* {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( { 1366 \over 9} -{ 496 \over 9}\*\z3 -{ 328 \over 9}\*\z2 -{ 224 \over 15}\*\zs2 \Biggr) \; , \quad \\[2mm] \label{eq:dcLq3} \delta c_{L,3}^{(3)} & = & {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}^{\,2}} \* \Biggl( - {12350749 \over 19440} + 352 \* \z5 + {52516 \over 45} \* \z3 +{ 47 \over 27} \* \z2 + 96 \* \z2 \* \z3 - {7544 \over 15} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C_{F}^{\,2}} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( {10152961 \over 12960} - 368 \* \z5 - {16412 \over 15} \* \z3 - 242 \* \z2 + 144 \* \z2 \* \z3 +{ 1168 \over 3} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}} \* {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( - {16757 \over 1620} +{ 2936 \over 45} \* \z3 - {16 \over 9} \* \z2 - {368 \over 15} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \; , \quad \\[2mm] \label{eq:dcLq5} \delta c_{L,5}^{(3)} & = & {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}^{\,2}} \* \Biggl( - {735306721 \over 17010000} - {1888 \over 3} \* \z5 + {558244 \over 315} \* \z3 - {442783 \over 675} \* \z2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + 448 \* \z2 \* \z3 - {4160 \over 9} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C_{F}^{\,2}} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( {6741265367 \over 10206000} - {736 \over 3} \* \z5 - {1285168 \over 945} \* \z3 + {51493 \over 405} \* \z2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + 96 \* \z2 \* \z3 + {69608 \over 225} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}} \* {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( - {2107157 \over 255150} + {8816 \over 105} \* \z3 - {11992 \over 405} \* \z2 - {736 \over 45} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \; , \quad \\[2mm] \label{eq:dcLq7} \delta c_{L,7}^{(3)} & = & {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}^{\,2}} \* \Biggl( {354522585410107 \over 666792000000} - 1408 \* \z5 + {47266403 \over 23625} \* \z3 - {1095179473 \over 945000} \* \z2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + 752 \* \z2 \* \z3 - {147056 \over 375} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C_{F}^{\,2}} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( {11388456807174161 \over 28005264000000} - 184 \* \z5 - {176925641 \over 132300} \* \z3 + {4569363329 \over 13230000 }\* \z2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + 72 \* \z2 \* \z3 + {663878 \over 2625} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}} \* {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( {369546282989 \over 50009400000} + {124282 \over 1575} \* \z3 - {220747 \over 5250} \* \z2 - {184 \over 15} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \; , \quad \\[2mm] \label{eq:dcLq9} \delta c_{L,9}^{(3)} & = & {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}^{\,2}} \* \Biggl( {1346454911003496947 \over 1323248724000000} - {10528 \over 5 }\* \z5 + {13247918 \over 6125} \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {325373958827 \over 208372500} \* \z2 + {5184 \over 5} \* \z2 \* \z3 - {296736 \over 875} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C_{F}^{\,2}} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( {17693872049573089 \over 73513818000000} - {736 \over 5} \* \z5 - {125991917 \over 99225} \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + {10496201057 \over 23152500} \* \z2 + {288 \over 5} \* \z2 \* \z3 + {1688888 \over 7875} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}} \* {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( {23852323249607 \over 1444021425000} + {1249264 \over 17325 }\* \z3 - {1542176 \over 33075} \* \z2 - {736 \over 75} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \; . \end{eqnarray} Finally the analytic expressions for the moments $\delta c_{2,N}^{(3)}$ in Eq.~(\ref{eq:dc3ns}) are \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:dc3q2} \delta c_{3,2}^{(3)} & = & {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}^{\,2}} \* \Biggl( -{840949 \over 243} + {9344 \over 9} \* \z5 - {650360 \over 81 }\* \z3 + {1472 \over 3} \* \zs3 + {712328 \over 243} \* \z2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {47920 \over 9} \* \z2 \* \z3 + {30416 \over 5} \* \zs2 + {8992 \over 63} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C_{F}^{\,2}} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( {15979879 \over 4374} - {38416 \over 9 }\* \z5 + {580504 \over 81} \* \z3 - {1456 \over 3} \* \zs3 - {742390 \over 243} \* \z2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + 4368 \* \z2 \* \z3 - {577264 \over 135} \* \zs2 + {56432 \over 315} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}} \* {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( -{119522 \over 729} + {1792 \over 9} \* \z5 - {57128 \over 81} \* \z3 + {46112 \over 243 }\* \z2 - {1408 \over 9 }\* \z2 \* \z3 + {40024 \over 135} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \nonumber\; , \quad \\[2mm] \label{eq:dc3q4} \delta c_{3,4}^{(3)} & = & {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}^{\,2}} \* \Biggl( -{21230721185377 \over 4374000000} + {23704 \over 45} \* \z5 - {292322783 \over 20250} \* \z3 + {1472 \over 3} \* \zs3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + {5644168873 \over 1215000} \* \z2 - {100792 \over 15} \* \z2 \* \z3 + {6477802 \over 675} \* \zs2 + {8992 \over 63} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C_{F}^{\,2}} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( {19991706724601 \over 4374000000} - 5208 \* \z5 + {272933467 \over 20250} \* \z3 - {1456 \over 3} \* \zs3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {6307524619 \over 1215000} \* \z2 + {253064 \over 45} \* \z2 \* \z3 - {2500616 \over 375} \* \zs2 + {56432 \over 315} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}} \* {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( -{15339664501 \over 72900000} + {1792 \over 9} \* \z5 - {755894 \over 675} \* \z3 + {21942049 \over 60750} \* \z2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {1408 \over 9} \* \z2 \* \z3 + {53128 \over 135} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \; , \quad \\[2mm] \label{eq:dc3q6} \delta c_{3,6}^{(3)} & = & {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}^{\,2}} \* \Biggl( -{172761364527374293 \over 32162295375000} + {21200 \over 63} \* \z5 - {3380925064 \over 165375} \* \z3 + {1472 \over 3} \* \zs3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + {147865501939 \over 24310125} \* \z2 - {2395856 \over 315} \* \z2 \* \z3 + {75351016 \over 6125} \* \zs2 + {8992 \over 63} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C_{F}^{\,2}} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( {313157547783370669 \over 64324590750000} - {1810712 \over 315 }\* \z5 + {67828543996 \over 3472875} \* \z3 - {1456 \over 3} \* \zs3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {3604225183081 \over 486202500} \* \z2 + {667864 \over 105} \* \z2 \* \z3 - {1397140016 \over 165375} \* \zs2 + {56432 \over 315} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}} \* {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( -{503591542653161 \over 1837845450000} + {1792 \over 9} \* \z5 - {16004944 \over 11025} \* \z3 + {23420609 \over 42875} \* \z2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {1408 \over 9} \* \z2 \* \z3 + {2135888 \over 4725} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \; , \quad \\[2mm] \label{eq:dc3q8} \delta c_{3,8}^{(3)} & = & {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}^{\,2}} \* \Biggl( -{45882775286477927067311 \over 8003008282752000000} + {22640 \over 63} \* \z5 - {38829577931303 \over 1500282000} \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad +{1472 \over 3} \* \zs3 + {5677110453154657 \over 756142128000} \* \z2 - {7858468 \over 945} \* \z2 \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + {43146817871 \over 2976750} \* \zs2 + {8992 \over 63} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C_{F}^{\,2}} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( {126830527574348410837327 \over 24009024848256000000} - {5795836 \over 945} \* \z5 + {4175977929883 \over 166698000} \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {1456 \over 3} \* \zs3 - {194854342276579 \over 20003760000} \* \z2 + {6509876 \over 945} \* \z2 \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {58805551031 \over 5953500} \* \zs2 + {56432 \over 315} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}} \* {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( -{3380190329263337489 \over 9527390812800000} + {1792 \over 9} \* \z5 - {1026540911 \over 595350} \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + {3263620615369 \over 4500846000} \* \z2 - {1408 \over 9} \* \z2 \* \z3 + {778496 \over 1575} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \; , \quad \\[2mm] \label{eq:dc3q10} \delta c_{3,10}^{(3)} & = & {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}^{\,2}} \* \Biggl( -{2924815993615556996346598663 \over 483334682604559632000000} + {210944 \over 385} \* \z5 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {3080312718428437 \over 99843767100} \* \z3 + {1472 \over 3} \* \zs3 + {13720175530646448109 \over 1537594013340000} \* \z2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad - {8455904 \over 945} \* \z2 \* \z3 + {3568998808 \over 218295} \* \zs2 + {8992 \over 63} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {C_{F}^{\,2}} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( {61916581373996975119251441821 \over 10633363017300311904000000} - {66873844 \over 10395} \* \z5 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + {30055925797598243 \over 998437671000} \* \z3 - {1456 \over 3} \* \zs3 - {3186598606475201011 \over 263587545144000} \* \z2 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + {75900812 \over 10395} \* \z2 \* \z3 - {1995571648453 \over 180093375} \* \zs2 + {56432 \over 315} \* \zt2 \Biggr) \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}} + {n^{}_{\! f}} \* {C^{}_F} \* {C_{FA}} \* \Biggl( -{339629926756418877268603 \over 767197908896126400000} +{1792 \over 9} \* \z5 - {70469642338 \over 36018675} \* \z3 \nonumber\\ & &\mbox{{\hspace{-4.5mm}}}\qquad\qquad + {2677118231310293 \over 2995313013000} \* \z2 - {1408 \over 9} \* \z2 \* \z3 + {1015276 \over 1925} \* \zs2 \Biggr) \; . \end{eqnarray} {\footnotesize
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaArXiv" }
<div class="commune_descr limited"> <p> Courgivaux est un village localisé dans le département de Marne en Champagne-Ardenne. On dénombrait 260 habitants en 2008.</p> <p>La ville offre quelques équipements, elle propose entre autres un terrain de sport.</p> <p>Le parc d'habitations, à Courgivaux, était réparti en 2011 en 17 appartements et 143 maisons soit un marché relativement équilibré.</p> <p>Si vous pensez demenager à Courgivaux, vous pourrez aisément trouver une maison à acheter. </p> <p>À coté de Courgivaux sont situées les villes de <a href="{{VLROOT}}/immobilier/reveillon_51459/">Réveillon</a> à 5&nbsp;km, 132 habitants, <a href="{{VLROOT}}/immobilier/bouchy-saint-genest_51071/">Bouchy-Saint-Genest</a> située à 6&nbsp;km, 159 habitants, <a href="{{VLROOT}}/immobilier/saint-martin-du-boschet_77424/">Saint-Martin-du-Boschet</a> localisée à 5&nbsp;km, 262 habitants, <a href="{{VLROOT}}/immobilier/chatillon-sur-morin_51137/">Châtillon-sur-Morin</a> située à 6&nbsp;km, 185 habitants, <a href="{{VLROOT}}/immobilier/esternay_51237/">Esternay</a> à 5&nbsp;km, 1&nbsp;719 habitants, <a href="{{VLROOT}}/immobilier/montceaux-les-provins_77301/">Montceaux-lès-Provins</a> située à 4&nbsp;km, 335 habitants, entre autres. De plus, Courgivaux est située à seulement 27&nbsp;km de <a href="{{VLROOT}}/immobilier/romilly-sur-seine_10323/">Romilly-sur-Seine</a>.</p> </div>
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Begun in 2005, a work of fiction in black and white showing a man sleeping peacefully, his bare chest heaving and falling to the rhythm of his breathing. The video lasts 6 hours. Mounir Fatmi has chosen to represent a contemporary icon, the writer Salman Rushdie. The film borrows its imagery from the film "Sleep", in direct reference to Andy Warhol's minimalist pop experimental film in 1963, it shows 6 hours continuous image of the poet John Giorno sleeping. John Giorno sleeping in front of Warhol's camera, in its literary context and controversy, is necessary and paradoxical. Sleep Al Naim suggests the ambivalence of a physical abandonment, quiet and calm. Considering the threats to his life since the publication of his novel "The Satanic Verses" in 1988, drifting off to sleep is a way for Salman Rushdie to put himself in a vulnerable position. But at the same time, this moment of unconsciousness expresses strength and confidence: the sleep of the just. For the artist, it is the creation of a face, a body, a presence, and certain goodness in the action. Creating from scratch the character of Salman Rushdie and staging the sleeping. Associate the own breathing body of the writer. Mounir Fatmi (MA), born 1970, constructs visual spaces and linguistic games that aim to free the viewer from their preconceptions of politics and religion, and allows them to contemplate these and other subjects in new ways. His videos, installations, drawings, paintings and sculptures bring to light our doubts, fears and desires. They directly address the current events of our world, and serve to both clarify the origins and symptoms of global issues, as well as speak to those whose lives are affected by specific events. Mounir Fatmi's work has been exhibited in the Migros Museum für Gegenwarskunst, Zürich, Switzerland, the Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, Germany, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, and the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo Japan. He also recently participated in the Gwangju Biennial, Korea, and the 2nd Seville Biennial, Spain. In 2006, he was awarded the Grand Prize at the 7th Dakar Biennial and Uriöt prize, Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam. His work was included in the 1st Luanda Triennial in Angola (2007), 8th Biennial of Sharjah and the 52nd biennial of Venice. In 2008, he is part of the program Paradise Now! Essential French Avant-Garde Cinema 1890-2008 at the Tate Modern in London. He participates in the exhibition Flow, at the Studio Museum Harlem, in New York and at the exhibition Traces du Sacré, at the Centre Georges Pompidou, in Paris. In 2009, he is present at the 10th Biennial of Lyon.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Designed to support all riding styles and goals! Ergonomic fit for freedom of movement! Sun City Cabanas: 2019 EXCLUSIVE OFFER - 1 Night MIDWEEK Stay for 2 people + Breakfasts! + add on Golf for only R799pp! Valid until 30 Nov 2019! Mjejane Bush Camp: 1 Night Self-Catering Stay for up to 8 people from only R1 129!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Description: Addictive zombie survival shooter in space setting. Skills, level-ups, different weapons and achievements Plenty of angry zombies to shoot! Kill the brain-eating bastards and survive as long as you can!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Claudine sposata (titolo originale Claudine en ménage), pubblicato a Parigi nel 1902 dall'editore Mercure de France, è il terzo romanzo della fortunata serie scritta da Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette; come i precedenti, venne pubblicato con lo pseudonimo del suo primo marito, Henry Gauthier-Villars detto Willy, il quale si limitò tuttavia a intervenire attivamente sul testo con aggiunte personali. Trama Sei settimane dopo il ritorno dal viaggio di nozze, durato quindici mesi, Claudine riprende a scrivere il suo diario. Ricorda il breve, trepidante fidanzamento con Renaud, durante il quale avrebbe più volte ceduto al futuro marito (che ha il doppio dei suoi anni), il quale tuttavia volle astenersi da rapporti fino al giorno del matrimonio. Ricorda la prima notte di nozze, da lei vissuta senza eccessivi timori e persino con un certo spirito: Al ritorno dalla luna di miele in Europa centrale, Claudine ha convinto il marito a accompagnarla al Montigny, il suo paese natale. Nella scuola dove frequentò le medie incontrano la direttrice signorina Sergent, mentre è assente la sua assistente, la bella Aimée Lanthenay per la quale Claudine aveva preso una cotta. Gli sposi rimangono colpiti dalle ragazze rimaste nella scuola per l'estate, in punizione, e quando è ora di ripartire Claudine bacia sulla bocca della piccola Hélène "il fantasma di Luce", la compagna di scuola che si era invaghita di lei. Un'ombra si stende tuttavia, per sua stessa ammissione, sul rapporto con Renaud. L'uomo ha adesso 45 anni ed è divorato dalla paura di invecchiare; cerca conferme nel piacere delle altre donne, e al loro ritorno a Parigi decide di riprendere a fare salotto il giovedì. Papà Claude non sopporta più Parigi e la mancanza di spazio nell'appartamento di rue Jacob, fa i bagagli e torna a Montigny, portando con sé la gatta Fanchette. In fondo Claudine non ha mai perdonato al marito di averla voluta sposare anziché farne la propria amante, con libertà di movimento e senza i doveri dei salotti borghesi. Il primo giorno di ricevimento ritarda il più possibile la comparsa tra gli invitati; durante la serata tuttavia conosce la bellissima Rézi Lambrook, moglie di un ex ufficiale inglese che si è rovinato in India: Occorrono solo quindici giorni perché le due giovani donne diventino intime; Rézi fa capire a Claudine la passione che prova per lei. Questa amicizia stretta, unita al fatto che la neo-sposa non si concede a flirt con gli uomini che frequentano i salotti, fa nascere in società la diceria che le piacciano le donne. Claudine si sbaglia se teme che suo marito possa dimostrarsi geloso: sembra anzi che, al contrario del marito di Rézi, incoraggi la loro relazione. Le due donne si vedono ogni giorno nel tardo pomeriggio, ma il signor Lambrook è sospettoso e interviene sempre per impedire la loro intimità. Frustrata, Claudine chiede in prestito a Marcel, figlio di Renaud e suo coetaneo, la sua garçonnière; ma è pericoloso per due donne sole recarvisi, il vicinato potrebbe denunciarle, per cui Renaud si offre di accompagnarle ogni volta. Il ménage continua sul filo del rasoio, ma Claudine prova una passione troppo forte per interromperla. Un giorno d'estate però si ammala ed è costretta a letto; improvvisamente sospettosa, esce di casa e si reca nell'appartamento prestato da Marcel, sorprendendovi Rézi e Renaud. Ferita e delusa, abbandona immediatamente la casa del marito e anche Parigi, tornando a Montigny dove la accoglie il padre. Renaud le scrive, affranto, chiedendo perdono. Quattro giorni di passeggiate nei boschi, a contatto con la natura, aiutano Claudine a ritrovare un equilibrio; risponde per lettera al marito dicendogli che non tornerà più a Parigi, ma che se vuole può trasferirsi insieme a lei a Montigny. Personaggi Claudine ha quasi 19 anni, dal momento che è nata nel 1884, come rivela nel primo paragrafo del primo romanzo, Claudine a scuola; Renaud, marito di Claudine, ha superato i 40 anni di età; è già stato sposato con la figlia di Mme Cœur, zia paterna della ragazza, e ha un figlio coetaneo di Claudine; Rézi Lambrook, moglie di un ex ufficiale inglese che ha perso la propria fortuna e figlia di madre viennese, conosce Claudine nel salotto di suo marito Renaud; Marcel, figlio di primo letto di Renaud e nipote della sorella di Claude, il papà di Claudine; Claude, papà di Claudine, appassionato di malacologia. Critica Il terzo romanzo del ciclo di Claudine esce nel 1902, non presso l'editore Ollendorff che aveva messo sul mercato i precedenti ma rifiutato la pubblicazione di questo Claudine en ménage, giudicando troppo scabrosa la scrittura e licenziosi i temi trattati. Il nuovo editore è la casa Mercure de France. La principale pruderie morale dell'editore è l'amore saffico di Claudine, che racconta l'esperienza realmente vissuta dall'autrice con Georgie Raoul-Duval. Secondo la testimonianza di Willy, la storia tra le due donne si interrompe quando Gabrielle Colette scopre che la sua amante intrattiene contemporaneamente una relazione anche con Willy stesso. Tra i primi due romanzi della saga e i successivi, la scrittura di Colette matura e diviene sempre più riconoscibile in due sensi: innanzitutto si notano gli interventi di revisione di Willy, che appaiono estranei, e in secondo luogo la struttura della narrazione diventa meno lineare. Dopo essersi lasciata inguainare, per ragioni di marketing editoriale, nell'identificazione un po' osé con il personaggio da ex scolaretta di Claudine, per timidezza e anche per subordinazione psicologica a un marito di 14 anni più vecchio e già decisamente famoso, Colette trova la forza di ribellarsi. Non solo per l'infedeltà coniugale di Willy, ma anche perché con il procedere della saga si fa strada in lei la consapevolezza di essere diventata finalmente scrittrice. Note Collegamenti esterni Romanzi di autori francesi Romanzi di Colette
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Pilgrims Route Mediterranean Route Via Romea Francigena Baltic Route Visitor number: Spain to Norway (2017) Along The Med (2013) Crossing Europe (2011) Instagram @CyclingEurope Le Tour De Yorkshire Expands! By Andrew on September 21, 2017 • ( Leave a comment ) Fantastic news from Welcome To Yorkshire, organisers of the Tour de Yorkshire: Yorkshire has received a huge boost today with the news that the Tour de Yorkshire will grow from three to four days in 2018. Organisers Welcome to Yorkshire and A.S.O had been seeking to extend the race after its phenomenal success over the last three years, and cycling's world governing body the UCI confirmed the decision on Thursday with the four-day Tour de Yorkshire being included on their 2018 Europe Tour calendar between Thursday 3rd and Sunday 6th May. And if that wasn't enough, the Asda Women's Tour de Yorkshire will also double in size next year, increasing from one to two days on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th May. The news will bring far-reaching benefits to the county and further enhance Yorkshire's reputation as a world-class cycling destination. The Tour de Yorkshire was launched in 2015 following the hugely successful Tour de France Grand Départ 12 months previously, and it has since grown to become one of the sport's best-supported and most exciting races. This year's event was broadcast live in 180 countries and a record 2.2 million fans lined the route. The race also generated £64 million for the Yorkshire economy and the Asda Women's Tour de Yorkshire remains one of the most lucrative events in the sport. Welcome to Yorkshire Chief Executive Sir Gary Verity said: "This is absolutely tremendous news and something we have long been working to achieve. We are grateful to British Cycling for supporting our application, and to the UCI for granting us this extension. "Seeing the Tour de Yorkshire grow into what it is today is one of my team's very proudest achievements and none of this would have been possible if the people of Yorkshire – and Great Britain – hadn't taken the race to their hearts. "This decision will help us attract even bigger names in the future and allow us to design a more varied and spectacular route. "Our race is growing in stature all the time and the next two editions will hold even greater prestige given that Yorkshire is also hosting the UCI Road World Championships in 2019. "Cycling is booming across the county and today marks an exciting new chapter for our race." Tour de France Director Christian Prudhomme said: "The Tour de Yorkshire is a true success story and the way the race has grown over the last four years has been incredible. "The size and passion of the crowds has not just impressed me, but the cyclists too. They are always blown away by the reception they receive and are already looking forward to coming back in 2018. "Extending the race to four days will allow us to visit more parts of the county and put on an even greater show." British Cycling Chief Executive Julie Harrington said: "We welcome the decision by the UCI to endorse the increase in duration of both the men's and women's races at the Tour de Yorkshire as a sign of the fantastic work done by Welcome to Yorkshire in collaboration with British Cycling in building an event which inspires people across Britain to get active by getting on their bikes. "We look forward to working with the Tour de Yorkshire team to finalise arrangements." The decision to grow the Tour de Yorkshire from three to four days means there will be eight start and finish destinations for the 2018 race, and these are set to be announced on Thursday 28 September. The full route will then be unveiled at a high-profile press conference on Tuesday 5 December. Photo credit: SWPix.com Categories: Cycling Tagged as: England, Yorkshire The Cycle Show 2017: Preview The Cycle Show 2017: Bicycle Of The Show
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
'use strict'; var util = require('util'); var DecoderV2 = require('../v2/decoder'); var DecoderV1 = require('../v1/decoder'); function Decoder(buf, classRefs) { DecoderV2.call(this, buf); this.classes = classRefs; // using passed in ref array } util.inherits(Decoder, DecoderV2); var proto = Decoder.prototype; proto.clean = function () { DecoderV1.prototype.clean.call(this); // can not clean `this.classes` this.types = []; return this; }; module.exports = Decoder;
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Dean Lazore, 45, of Highway KK, town of Port Washington died Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at his residence. He was born September 20, 1963 to John L. Lazore, Sr. and Nancy Berandt and raised in Saukville. Over the years he worked for Jadair in Port Washington and Rods and Whalers in Saukville. When help was needed he worked at Saukville Meats. Dean loved Harley Davidson's and riding. He is survived by his brothers John "Buck" (Lisa) Lazore of Fredonia and Wally Lazore of Belgium, sister Joanne Lazore and his mother Nancy Figge, both of Tomahawk, Wisconsin. He is preceded in death by his father. Dean was cremated and the are no services planned.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Home Columns Education Liberian Stephen Kolison, Jr. Appointed Executive VP and Provost at UI Liberian Stephen Kolison, Jr. Appointed Executive VP and Provost at UI Omari Jackson Stephen Kolison will formally assume the duties of executive vice president and provost at the University of Indianapolis on July 1, 2017 A native of Liberia, Stephen Kolison, Jr., Ph.D., a distinguished higher education executive, scholar and researcher, has been appointed Executive Vice President and Provost of the University of Indianapolis. Kolison's appointment follows an extensive national search and comes at a time during a strong trajectory of growth and expansion for the University. Kolison, who since 2008 has served as the associate vice president for Academic Programs, Educational Innovation and Governance of the University of Wisconsin System Administration, will lead more than 550 faculty of the University, which boasts an enrollment of more than 6,500 undergraduate and graduate students and is ranked among the top Midwest Universities by U.S. News and World Report. He brings to the role a strong record of research and success in implementing system-wide policies to increase degree productivity, expand learning opportunities for non-traditional students and foster innovative and effective teaching methods to increase student learning and educational success. He also has a proven record of securing research funding as principal investigator and co-principal investigator, including more than $25 million in grants from various sources while at Tennessee State University and at Tuskegee University. "Dr. Kolison comes to us at the right time in our institutional history," said Jonathan Evans, Ph.D., co-chair of the provost search committee and associate professor of philosophy and religion. "His strong track record in building academic programs and supporting faculty development, coupled with his exemplary collaborative skills and thoughtfulness, will positively influence our campus and strengthen the intellectual life and impact we provide." "I am excited to join the University of Indianapolis family and to not only lead, but also to work closely with faculty and other university constituents as we refine the institution's intellectual life," Kolison said. "I look forward to building upon UIndy's environment of academic excellence and the discovery that will fortify the academic mission, stimulate research and enhance the academic experience of our students. This is a compelling opportunity." University President Rob Manuel added: "I am extremely grateful for the dedication and diligence shown by our provost search committee and the entire campus community, who represented our University well as we sought the right person for this role. We're excited to bring Dr. Kolison in to the Greyhound family." A native of Liberia, Stephen earned a doctor of philosophy in forest economics and master of science in forest economics and marketing from Iowa State University of Science and Technology and a bachelor of science degree in general forestry from the University of Liberia, Monrovia. He holds certificates from Harvard University in negotiations and leadership; crisis leadership in higher education; and educational management. His research has been published extensively in top, peer-reviewed journals. He remains a sought-after keynote speaker on topics such as the growth of online learning, environmental safety and trends in the forest industry. He also is active in the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities. "Dr. Kolison is the ideal candidate to fill this role because of his unique perspective on higher education systems and administrative structures," said Anita Thomas, Ph.D., dean of the College of Applied Behavioral Sciences and co-chair of the provost search committee. "He provides a strong focus on student success, and his leadership style will allow him to successfully connect with the faculty." Kolison began his transition to UIndy on April 1, 2017, and will formally assume the duties of executive vice president and provost on July 1, 2017. David Wantz, Ed .D., will continue to serve as interim executive vice president and provost through June 30, 2018. Stephen Kolison Background During his time at the UW System, Kolison led a group of provosts and faculty representatives in a review of the entire baccalaureate program array offered by the System, with the goal of assessing the viability and productivity of each program and putting in place system-wide policies for addressing degree productivity. In addition, he led a group of faculty and administrators to put in place a framework to establish the UW System e-campus portal to extend opportunities to nontraditional and place-bound students to earn degrees and certificates. He revised and streamlined processes and policies for establishing degree programs in the UW System to increase efficiencies for new degree program approvals. Through his oversight of faculty and instructional development, he has advocated successfully for the continuation and enhancement of programs aimed at fostering effective and innovative teaching for increasing student learning, promoting academic quality, and expanding educational access. Working with American Council on Education, he piloted a customized leadership development program for department chairs from across the UW System. Earlier in his career, Kolison taught for eight years at Tuskegee University, advancing to professor and serving as a faculty senator. He led TU's Forest Resources Program and under his leadership, conferred the institution's first baccalaureate degree in forestry. He served as founding dean for the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Research at Tennessee State University. His accomplishments at TSU included oversight of a comprehensive research program focused on administration/management, program development, the hiring and evaluation of faculty and senior level administrative staff, and the planning of strategic and productive partnerships with the public and private sectors that resulted in extramural support for research and outreach activities. The University of Indianapolis, founded in 1902, is a private, liberal arts university located just a few minutes from downtown Indianapolis. UIndy is ranked among the top Midwest Universities by the U.S. News and World Report, with a diverse enrollment of more than 5,200 undergraduates, 1,300 graduate students and 400 continuing education students. The University offers a wide variety of study areas, including 100 undergraduate degrees, more than 35 master's degree programs and five doctoral programs. More occupational therapists, physical therapists and clinical psychologists graduate from UIndy each year than any other state institution. With strong programs also in engineering, business, and education, UIndy impacts its community by living its motto, "Education for Service." (Source: https://news.uindy.edu) Previous articleWest African Monetary Zone Statutory Conference Begins Thursday Next articleCNFA-Liberia and Partners Support Commercialization of Local Rice Steven E. Keller July 26, 2017 At 2:40 am Hi Mr. Omari Johnson, Thanks for writing such an outstanding story that we can share on this 170th anniversary of our nation. As Liberians in the diaspora, it is gratifying to hear of some great accomplishments of our fellow Liberians and any good thing coming out of Liberia. I PRAY OUR LEADERS TAKE NOTICE. As under stress, depression, and sorrow, Liberians are lifting the flag of our country. What would happen, if we have good governance, great education, and functioning systems? Please grant me the privilege to reshare and reference your content on my Show "Liberia Shall Rise". These are the stories I believe will give our people hope to achieve their best. Eric Blonde on The Violent Attack on the US Capitol by A Riotous Mob Must Be Condemned by All Well-Meaning World Leaders, Including President Weah tonyleewaye2013 on Eugene Fahngon: Right Prediction, But Wrong Prescription—Part One Zokunwon Gbarwee on Will Deputy Speaker Election Be Held Today? Kweme on Liberian Scholar Launches Book on Dual Citizenship VP was married to a corrupt murderer now she talks about corruption on 'These Times Call for A New Caliber of Liberian Patriots' Henry Freeeman on LWSC Restores Water Supply to Monrovia Mae Moore on 'These Times Call for A New Caliber of Liberian Patriots' True Nationalist on Liberian Scholar Launches Book on Dual Citizenship Delano on Musa Bility's Son Sued for "Illegal Possession of Children" Julius Tarnue on 'These Times Call for A New Caliber of Liberian Patriots'
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
This series is truly unique although still based on the Big Three frames. By offsetting one loop and installing a gap between the loops, we have created a more ergonomic scissor with better control and dexterity, while reducing finger fatigue. Excellent with natural materials and can handle most synthetics. Fantastic if you tie with scissors in hand. FYI, your thumb goes in the standard loop.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
NOT THE NEWS Married Mum Suffers Brutal Death After Getting Black Market Butt Injections To Look Like Kim K By Midori Lee Definitely not worth it. It seems like every other day another woman comes out to announce how she's willing to risk her life to get a butt like the walking trashpile Kim Kardashian. Images VIA However, sadly not all of these women can afford top quality cosmetic surgery, which was the case for Latesha Bynum, a mum from New York, who was pumped with toxic material to enlarge her behind. According to police sources, Bynum started to suffer intense chest pain and dizziness 12 days after receiving the black market butt injections in a Manhattan apartment. She called the emergency services at around 11pm on Thursday and was rushed to Mount Sinai St Luke's hospital. She was pronounced brain dead and was later taken off life support. Neighbour Michael Desouza of the complex where the procedure took place said: I know a few people in this building, and I can't think of anyone that would do such a thing. Nice people in here. Police are now investigating the death but have declined to say whether anyone has been arrested. It probably won't be too long until they figure out who was the one running this dodgy operation. I just think it's such a sad state of affairs that women are risking their lives purely to have a bigger butt. Seriously, no aesthetic feature is worth that – and it's even more tragic that she left behind kids. Hopefully this woman who is on the same path reads this story and stops before it's too late. Related Items:black market, butt, Died, injections, kim kardashian, Latesha Bynum Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Are Allegedly Getting A Divorce As She's 'Had Enough' A 'True Blood' Reboot Is In The Works At HBO Max Joe Exotic Has Written A Desperate Letter To Kim Kardashian Asking For Help With A Pardon Greggs Are Officially Opening Drive-Thrus Across The UK Mini-Mayweather To Fight Mini-McGregor In The Biggest Little Fight Of The Year
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Michaels chain is one of the world's largest arts and crafts, now 49 states in the United States and Canada Michaels crafts of more than 1000 chain stores. This product category many craft store.We began the cooperation and Michaels conference in 2013, the United States, buyer to see our products shine at the moment, especially for our color neutral pen, the press of a fluorescent pen, pushing the marker is very interested in, due to a one-on-one meeting time only 20 minutes, buyer still wanting more, product coming to us. After the meeting and contact us very close together, started business cooperation soon.This year adult coloring is very popular, and the development of our new Brush pen, Fine Liner wins the favor of customers, and all orders are in negotiations.Now we have become very trust Michaels.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
SIDOS offers a professional security consultancy on all matters of infrastructure, commercial premises, public sector, private and residential security. The principal team, of two directors and three associate directors, having a pedigree of experience spanning over 100 years providing extensive and comprehensive knowledge in all security matters. Drawing on this expertise enables conveying of a global holistic security regime whenever consulted. Being recognised as respected specialists in Counter Terrorism and Transport Security when involved in a breadth of engagements advancing security environments for a range of clients across all aspects of security. © SIDOS (UK) LTD. .
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
NOTE: The Wright/Pegg commentary is on all releases. The three cast and police commentaries are on the HD-DVD release. All five commentaries are on the 3-Disc Collector's Edition DVD as well as the Blu-ray release. I can't compare to any of the other commentaries or extras (in terms of replication of information) but this is an excellent track with great humour that covers a wide range of topics from influences (Wright name checks over thirty films!) to cameos (never realised Peter Jackson was the Santa) to cliches to Robert Rodriguez's contrubution to the score to the many stylistics choices employed to retain that Tony Scott/John Woo kinda feel to the whole thing. Wright and Pegg share an engaging back and forth geek-out which never falls into the obvious cliches that many other commentators face and Wright even admits at one point that he has just bored himself talking about using a zoom lens. They talk about what they would call the sequel: Fuzz Harder, Fuzz With A Vengeance or Fuzz Hotter. The two titans talk about their masterpiece for two hours. You'll laugh, probably won't cry, and definitely laugh some more. They focus on the movie for the most part, and you are guaranteed to catch on to more references and little extra bits that will make you appreciate the movie even more. Another very good commentary from my new favorite film making team around today. That makes me biased, but if you are a fan of Pegg/Frost, this is a must listen. Admittedly, Pegg repeats himself a bit from the Wright/Pegg track, however this one is still great in its own right. This one is pretty cool because none of the actors seem to have done a commentary before. In the first half, Edward Woodward says hes getting "too caught up in the movie to talk" but thankfully all turns out well and the bunch gets to telling stories about their own previous films from the good old times. good fun! A great track from fimmaker Edgar Wright (you figure he'd be tired after doing so many commentaries after only two films, but I guess the guy just loves to ramble) and sit-in guest Quentin Tarantino (who needs to do commentaries more often). While they rarely ever discuss the actual film at hand--and when they do, its mostly Wright repeating information we learn from the other tracks--this is still most definitely worth a listen to anyone who imagines themselves a cinephile or even general film fans, as the two name-drop dozens of flicks which helped "inspire" Wright to make Fuzz, with the excitement and giddyness of two teenage girls gossiping about what boys they have crushes on. The information comes fast and it's often easy to get lost in all the references and in-jokes, but the two have a certain charm and work well enough off each other (you can tell they're very good friends) that you just get worked into the rhythm after a while, and can't help but have fun. This is a great, energetic, humorous and never-the-less highly informative track--the best kind. Simply put, the best commentary track of them all. Get the 3 Disc edition, its worth the price tag simply for this track alone. Why do mediocre film's have some of the best commentary track's? Simply one of the best track's you'll ever listen to, especially if you're into English exploitation film's by Michael Winner. Absolutely nothing to do with the film itself, but who's complaining? Great commentary track! I listened to this on my mp 3 player without watching the film and my working day went by real fast.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Different results with hasMany relation in Grails I have two classes namely UserSurvey and SurveyResponseSet. UserSurvey has many SurveyResponseSet. class UserSurvey { Survey survey List responses = [] String surveyCompleted = '' . . . static hasMany = [ responses: SurveyResponseSet ] static mapping = { responses cascade: 'delete' } } class SurveyResponseSet { UserSurvey userSurvey Integer sumWeight = 0 . . . static constraints = { sumWeight nullable:true, default: 0 } } To get the list of SurveyResponseSet I was doing before UserSurveyObject.responses and it was working fine until now. Today it started throwing error while iterating over the list. I am using Grails 2.4.0. I tried clean, CleanAll but it didn't resolved. I looked further and found that UserSurveyObject.responses was giving some extra results in list that were null. Here is the result of the console : UserSurvey uSurvey = UserSurvey.get(1437); List<SurveyResponseSet> listFromSurvey = uSurvey.responses; List<SurveyResponseSet> listUsingSurvey = SurveyResponseSet.findAllByUserSurvey(uSurvey); println listFromSurvey; println listUsingSurvey; [null, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9788, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9789, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9793, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9794, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9795, null, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9874, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9875, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9879, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9880, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9881, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9882, null, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9884, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9885] [nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9795, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9794, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9793, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9789, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9788, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9885, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9884, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9882, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9881, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9880, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9879, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9875, nexant.SurveyResponseSet : 9874] I don't understand from where it has been fetching three extra objects that are null. A: In regards to the null you could try : class SurveyResponseSet { UserSurvey userSurvey Integer sumWeight = 0 . . . static mapping = { userSurvey ignoreNotFound : true } static constraints = { sumWeight nullable:true, default: 0 } } See if that removes the null elements from the list
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Meet the Local Governing Body Please find below a profile for our current Local Governing Body: Dianne Foreman I have lived in Cliffe Woods since 1980 with my husband and three children who attended both Cliffe Woods and Hundred of Hoo schools before going to University. I became a Parent Governor in September 1990 in both schools but left HOH in 2002 when my youngest child finished school as I found that I much preferred my role in primary education. I try to attend all relevant training and committee meetings but am actually on the Resources committee. In 2014 following the retirement of the previous Chair, I became Chair of Governors and now Chair of the Local Governing Body, a role that I dedicate a lot of time too and has been both challenging and rewarding. I am particularly proud of our 'Outstanding' Ofsted, achieved in 2015 and subsequently confirmed in 2016. Julia Hurren I have enjoyed been a governor since June 2017, when, having two daughters at the school, I became a parent governor. I am now Vice Chair of the Local Governing Body, chair the Curriculum and Standards Committee, and sit on the Resources Committee. I work in education, currently as a SENCo in a local school, with have subject specialisms that include English, Drama, and Art. I bring my knowledge of these areas to my link subject areas: Inclusion, English, and Art; meeting with staff to review policy, planning, and observing practice. I have also been involved as a governor with the school's development of its wellbeing focus. I am regularly at the school as a mum on school runs and at assemblies and performances, as a PTA member supporting events, and as a governor doing targeted visits. I enjoy being part of the school community and working with the excellent leadership team and staff to continue to develop how the school provide engaging educational and enrichment opportunities to enable pupils to develop their creativity and tenacity. Emma Colmer I started working at the school as a TA in 2012 and became a non-teaching Staff Governor in March 2016. All three of my children attended Cliffe Woods Primary School, from 2004 through to the youngest one leaving in July 2017. I sit on both Finance & Buildings and Curriculum committees as they are the ones I have a keen interest and more knowledge in. I started a new role in September 2017 as Home School Support Worker which I am absolutely loving. It is proving to be an extremely varied role and one which is enabling me to get to know the families and children much more than before, building the relationships between home and school in a positive way. I am very proud to represent the staff as Governor as part of our Outstanding school and to assist in any way I can to keep it that way. Fuad Aninbaba I have just joined the Local Governing Body in spring 2019 as a Co-opted Governor. I have three children who currently attend the school in years 5, 3 and 1 respectively and are enjoying everything about the school. I believe a sound education is the best legacy a child could have and with the rights support, nothing is impossible. Before moving to Medway, I was a key member of the Parents Forum at my children's previous school in London, where our aim was to improve on and maintain a high standard of 'All Round Education' received by the children and supporting the teachers in any way necessary. As a member of the Curriculum and Standards committee, I would be bringing a bit of knowledge from my experience as a Trainer in the Rail industry to ensure that the school maintains it's high standards and quality of education the children receive via the school curriculum. Also with background in the sciences, I will be responsible for Science. I look forward to working with the Board of Governors to support the school by all means necessary for the benefit of the children and the school as a whole. Tim Muggridge I initially joined the school in 2000, as a Newly Qualified Teacher, before moving on to another local school as Deputy Headteacher and then Headteacher in 2010. I was overjoyed to re-join the amazing team here in April 2016 as Headteacher. I have always been proud of the achievements of our school and strive to continue and enhance these further. One of the things that I believe we have, that shines through all that we do is our amazing knowledge of our children - we really know them! Since my return, there have been many exciting changes including: converting to a Multi Academy Trust and developing the physical structure of the school, particularly the Year R provision. I started teaching at the school in 2013 after previously teaching at primary schools in Gravesend. During my time at Cliffe Woods, I've taught across the whole of KS2 (Yr3- Yr6) and am also the schools PE Coordinator. I sit on the curriculum committee as this is an area that I have a good knowledge and understanding of; being in the school on a day-to-day basis. Cliffe Woods truly is a fantastic school to both work at and attend as the staff continually go out of their way to make it a better place for the children. I'm thrilled to be the teacher governor as I want to continue to help the school to evolve and remain one-step ahead through fresh ideas and not being afraid to try new things. I joined the governing body in Spring 2019 as a parent governor and am relishing learning more about the school and the role. I sit on the Resources Committee. I am a proud father of three children, two of which are at the school in years R and two and one at the pre-school. I am a Chartered Building Surveyor by trade and work for a large construction consultancy. Over the years I have worked with a number of local authorities and MATs, both in maintaining existing schools and also building new ones. I hope to share some of these skills and experiences to help ensure the school's built environment encourages learning. From first visiting the school three years ago to now, I have been regularly impressed by the school's culture and desire to connect with the parents and the local community. I'm also a firm believer in continuous improvement and enjoy the regular Governing Body meetings and everyone's desire to keep getting better. Tracy Down I joined the Local Governing Board in 2018, as a co-opted Governor. I have since become Vice-Chair of the resources committee, and attend the curriculum committee, LGB meetings and as many training sessions as possible. My two children have attended Cliffe Woods primary for all of their primary education, and I wanted to join the governing board to see how I could help to ensure that all children receive the same excellent standard of education that my own children have benefited from. I have been nominated as the Governor with special responsibility for Sports and Computing / I.T. subjects. I hope to help the school continue to provide outstanding educational opportunities in these areas. Governors can be contacted in complete confidentiality through the school office.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Thomas Lockard was born and raised in Medina, Ohio, and soon after graduation moved to Boston to pursue a career in aviation. He moved back to Ohio two years later and joined the United States Air Force, which brought him to Nellis Air Force Base where he served as a crew chief for the F-16 fighter aircraft. Tom entered the apprenticeship at Carpenters Union Local 1977, an opportunity he found through Helmets to Hardhats, a nonprofit organization that works to help veterans find civilian careers once they've transitioned out of the military. A certified crane rigger and signal man, Tom has worked with some of the heaviest concrete panel lifts in Nevada. To date, Tom has worked on notable Las Vegas projects such as T-Mobile Arena, Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Downtown Grand, the Caesars Palace Tower remodel, Resorts World Las Vegas and the home of the Las Vegas Raiders. Tom is married with three children who love to see the projects their dad has helped build.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The City of Portland has made the decision to ban plastic straws from the Clock Tower Cafe, located within City Hall, and is urging other businesses to follow suit. City Manager Jon Jennings made the decision at the July 18 Sustainability & Transportation Committee meeting following a presentation on single-use plastics from Phoebe MacDonald, a third-grader at Ocean Avenue Elementary School, who encouraged the Council Committee to ban plastic straws or adopt alternatives. Ms. MacDonald passed out aluminum straws to the Councilors and audience members following a question and answer session with the Committee. Councilors Thibodeau, Batson and Ray then further discussed the idea of banning plastic straws outright in the city of Portland. The Committee decided it wants City staff to poll business owners ahead of holding a public hearing and discussing the issue further at its September meeting.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Rarely you come across some books that help in the overall betterment of one's self. rare are those book which answers your queries and help you in knowing the conditions which prevail in today's organisations. this book is a collection of 50 success stories [ arranged in 13 sections, 4 lessons for every month of the year and 2 all time best lessons ] which actually revolve around the organisational structure and the working of the same. according to the author change and success is not a one time story, it takes a lot of time . so this book provides an insight into what really works in the professional world and raises provoking questions. what i really liked about this book is that the author has taken lessons from very basic things and has tried to give an authentic touch to what he wants to express. The author beautifully illustrates his views, correlating them with real life examples like Steve Jobs, angry birds and so on. He not only talks of getting success in one's everyday life but also implicates the message of working on till your goals are not met. He says that many a often we don't get credit for what we do but we shall keep following our dreams and should never give it half way and one day we shall achieve what you strive for. overall this book is a perfect combination of short success stories and you can slowly read it and imbibe each lesson on one's self to understand this book with a deeper understanding. You need to edit this post and begin the initial sentences in CAPITALS. Being a review it is much needed.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
On an average, customers spend more often on brands they like. In the U.S., 40% of online shopping revenue comes from repeat customers. When a customer has a positive experience or derives value from your products or services, he is likely to return to your business. That is where customer loyalty programs can help you. A customer loyalty program offers special privileges by the way of discounts to customers who make frequent purchases. The main objective of this program is to build and nurture a loyal customer base. Rewards form an important part of any loyalty program, here's a quick take on the best performing loyalty reward systems. There are several types of reward systems that are being successfully used by businesses. You should spend some time learning about these systems before selecting one that meets your specific business requirements. This conventional form of customer loyalty program is still popular among many restaurant owners. Customers earn points for every purchase or visit. These points translate into different kinds of reward such as discounts, coupons, freebies or other special offers. Customers can check in with a card or mobile app at your restaurant to earn points. Restaurant owners can choose the nature of rewards, which they offer through this program. The system provides you with access to customer contact information, purchase history, and other relevant data. A third-party loyalty company usually manages these programs, which may or may not be integrated with your POS system. In this system, customers must achieve a milestone or attain a level to proceed to the next level. They receive rewards commensurate with their level. You would need to think of innovative ideas to attract and encourage customers to move up the rewards ladder. The latest trend in loyalty programs is to offer customers rewards in exchange for promoting your brand on social media channels. This could include liking/following your restaurant on social media channels, writing reviews, posting photos, or referring friends. This is a good way to build a loyal customer base while spreading the word about your restaurants. Another concept that is gaining popularity, among restaurant owners and customers, is the process of including games in loyalty programs. Many restaurants are successfully building a game around their theme to engage and to motivate their customers. The customer is rewarded for points or levels attained in the game. Offer customized rewards based on customer preferences. For instance, there is no point in offering a free chicken entrée to a vegan customer. You could create rewards that promote your business interest. For instance, offering additional points o purchases made during slow hours. Combine several kinds of rewards, such as points for each of the purchases or special offers and discounts, to see what works best for your particular business needs. You may consider aligning your brand with causes that your customers support to encourage them to join your loyalty program. This can be anything from serving locally sourced ingredients to taking a stand on a social issue. You can think of themed rewards such as t-shirts or bags to advertise your brand. You could offer exclusive perks in place of monetary rewards to encourage loyalty. These can include guaranteed reservations for exclusive events or special dinners.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Ochsner Health Pediatric Epileptologist Ochsner Health in New Orleans is actively recruiting a BC/BE PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGIST, FELLOWSHIP TRAINED IN EPILEPSY to join our expanding practice. Recent graduates and experienced physicians are welcomed to apply. Salary offered will be competitive and commensurate with experience and training. Our neurology team includes neurologists with subspecialty expertise in stroke, neurointensive care, movement disorders, epilepsy, pain management, neuroimmunology, neuromuscular disorders, and neuroimaging. About Ochsner Hospital for Children Ranked #1 Children's Hospital in Louisiana for the second year in a row by U.S. News & World Report in 2022-23. Ochsner Hospital for Children was also recognized as a national leader in the new rankings in three specialties: Pediatric Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Surgery, Pediatric Cardiology and Heart Surgery, and Pediatric Orthopedics. Ochsner Hospital for Children continues to be a top destination for pediatric care in the region through an unwavering commitment to always putting patients first. Ochsner Hospital for Children is a rapidly expanding 125-bed children's hospital offering a full range of pediatric care from primary to quaternary care, with services offered in all subspecialties, including advanced gastroenterology/hepatology, orthopedic surgery, oncology and heart, liver, and bone marrow transplant. Ochsner also maintains 12 rotating satellite pediatric subspecialty clinics (eight in Louisiana, four in Mississippi); three permanent pediatric subspecialty clinics; and the Boh Center for Child Development, a dedicated multidisciplinary development pediatrics center. Ochsner performed the first pediatric heart/kidney transplant in the region and is the top congenital heart program in the state (both in volume and outcomes). About Ochsner Health Ochsner Health is a not-for-profit, physician-led organization that delivers health to the people of Louisiana, Mississippi, and the Gulf South with a mission to Serve, Heal, Lead, Educate and Innovate. Ochsner Health is focused on the professional well-being of our team of more than 35,000 employees and 4,500 providers. Ochsner offers real work-life balance along with opportunities for teamwork and career advancement in a large group setting. To learn more about Ochsner Health, please visit www.ochsner.org. To explore Ochsner Health physician opportunities, please visit https://www.ochsner.org/careers/career-paths/physicians. Interested physicians should apply to: https://ochsner.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/OchsnerPhysician/job/New-Orleans---New-Orleans-Region---Louisiana/Peds-Epileptologist---New-Orleans--LA_REQ_00153751 Ochsner is an equal opportunity employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Contact Info: For more information about this exciting opportunity, please contact our Physician Recruiter, Courtney Lawhun. Please reach out to her via email (courtney.lawhun@ochsner.org) to set up a phone call. Epilepsy Section Head Epilepsy Physician
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
and I apparently have a very similar problem. – The display is in perfect conditions: I've been very cautious in cutting the adhesive strip. – I discharged static electricity following the iFixit guide and I used antistatic gloves to protect the board. – I accidentally pulled, or stretched, the flex data cable. The connector on the logic board is ok, but the cable could be damaged. When I move a window I can see something in the black stripe, and the screenshots are OK. and every external screen or Cintiq tablet works perfectly. So, I'd like to replace the cable with a new one, but I can't find it, I always find only the flex cable for A1311, but I don't think that it's the right one. Somebody knows where to find the right cable, or if the A1311's one could be OK? Alternatively, is it possible to repair the flex cable, maybe soldering again the contacts?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Setting Bigger Spreads for Migrating Geese By Just Hunt Club Cody runs through some tips on how we set our spread when birds start to migrate! We're just wrapping up a pretty successful goose hunt in upstate New York. I want to talk to you guys a little bit about our decoy spread. During these early seasons of time geese, when you're hunting local you wouldn't run as big of a spread as we're doing today. We run probably three or four dozen full bodies, or we'll run six or seven dozen or so. But today we had a lot of migrators push in, had a strong north wind. We've been seeing a constant flow of birds all day. So we're running a lot bigger spread. Typically, those early-season locals don't really want to come into a decoy spread. They want to land just outside the decoys. They will run that spread pretty tight to us. If we're shooting across one, we'll put it heavily on one side versus the other but with these migraineurs, you get geese that actually want to work. We'll run a long tail like we have just a normal J hook here. We run a long tail that way and a mass on the upwind side, and we're trying to draw in front of the blinds as much as we can. We're shooting across wind today and with these fires over the geese, you can actually work them in a spread. Every flock we had today did it perfectly in front of the blind, which you can see. We have the blind over here and then the string of decoys into this mass, and we left it open in the middle and those geese were kind of coming down, following that line of decoys and coming right to the mass and landing just outside it, which is directly in front of the blinds, making a perfect kill. Not all September, we'll run a spread this big, but because we're seeing more and more geese show up and we're getting flocks really high, we want to look big. We want to draw as much attention as possible, draw those really high migratory flocks of geese. And it worked like a charm today. Just Hunt Club Just Hunt Club is a team of highly motivated Northeastern hunters that chase game and fish in a diverse and often overlooked region of the country. They have learned to adapt and be successful on mostly public access lands in extremely challenging circumstances. Whether chasing ducks, bucks, turkeys, or fish, these outdoorsmen demonstrate how to use extremely effective tactics to be successful while also showing the rich outdoor tradition and culture of the North-Eastern states. The Waterfowl Collective | End of Early Season SMASH The boys are heading out to hunt a feed of geese they've had their eyes on for the past week. With... Limits of Small Water Puddle Ducks | The Waterfowl Collective – Ep. 11 After a successful hunt on the small water the other week, the crew heads back out 940's in hand.... The Whitetail Collective | Gun Season Opener in New York It's opening weekend in New York and the boys are able to get a few friends and family together for...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Aero Kids Early Learning is now proudly owned and managed by Story House Early Learning. At Aero Kids, we believe in allowing children to walk along their own unique journey, with our skilled educators as the facilitators of their learning and play. At Story House centres, each child's story matters to us. We believe that learning is a lifelong journey and that early childhood education and care provides the foundation for learning for life. Aero Kids is located close to the airport and public transport with dynamic play environments for children and a supportive network for families and carers. To see detailed information on our centre, please click here Aero Kids Early Learning.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Variable cognition in the evolution of Homo: biology and behaviour in the African Middle Stone Age Accepted version (PDF, 1Mb) Mirazon Lahr, Mirazon Lahr Foley, Robert Landscapes of Human Evolution Contributions in honour of John Gowlett Archaeopress Mirazon Lahr, M. L., & Foley, R. (2020). Variable cognition in the evolution of Homo: biology and behaviour in the African Middle Stone Age. Archaeopress, Landscapes of Human Evolution Contributions in honour of John Gowlett. [Book chapter]. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvx5w983.12 The emergence of the human mind is a core problem in human evolutionary studies, and many attempts have been made to describe the pattern of emergence, to characterise how it is distinctive from other forms of cognition, and to determine how and why it evolved. It is now evident that the African Middle Stone Age (MSA) is the context in which many key elements developed or came together, for this is the period in which both anatomical and behavioural modernity can first be identified. And yet, there are many unsolved problems. While the MSA is the setting for the first modern human behaviours, many of those behaviours are shared with Eurasian and African archaic hominins, suggesting either convergence or a deep shared ancestry. The MSA is also a period of at least 300 Ky, with both long periods of continuity and the recurrent appearance of novel traits, and the pattern does not match particularly closely with the evidence for the origin of anatomical modernity. In this paper we review the evidence for cognitive and behavioural evolution in the context of the African MSA, and draw the conclusion that a more sophisticated way of measuring human cognition across this period is required. We introduce the variable cognitive state model as a means of achieving this, and consider how it might be applied to the archaeological evidence. European Research Council (295907) External DOI: https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvx5w983.12 http://www.rioxx.net/licenses/all-rights-reserved
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LEAP Sports > News > Year of Young People 2018: Sirri Topping Year of Young People 2018: Sirri Topping We celebrate the achievements and stories of young change-makers from within the LGBTI community. Sirri Topping is LEAP Sports very own Project Officer (Communities & Events). She became an Inclusion & Diversity Youth Ambassador of Change at the Scottish Football Association following her post-graduate studies at the University of Glasgow focusing on gender and queer equality in sport. This interest stems from many years of participation in sport, particularly football and rugby. Sirri's interest in sport comes from her cousin and Dad who are both sport fanatics, football in particular. My Dad used to play for the local team, and when it was his turn to do laundry I would try on all the shirts to see what number suited me best. By the time I was old enough to play in primary school, my cousin had me well drilled and ready to nutmeg anyone who stood in my way. Sirri recalls bringing home a note for all 'boys' interested in joining the after-school football club. After an angry phone call from her Mum, who pointed out this typo, Sirri was allowed the 'opportunity' to plead her case to the principle. Sirri believes that although it was her cousin and Dad who lit the fire, her Mum was the one who kept it well stoked. Sirri is conscious that she participates in sport from the perspective of a cis-woman, she thinks she's always been relatively well off when it comes to challenges in sport. The football and rugby teams she has been a part of have been completely accepting of lesbian and bisexual women, she states that this is one of the many great things about women's sport. When I was first coming to terms with my sexuality, I felt the need to 'come out' to my teammates and I was worried that by living up to the 'lesbian' stereotype of women footballers, I'd be somehow letting them down. This was something I unnecessarily built up, for this reason, the biggest challenge I've faced in sport were the demons in my own head. Sirri believes she is beginning to see a shift towards women of all orientations just 'being' without the need to explicitly come out. Alongside this, however, she thinks visible role models are extremely important so to an extent it's about creating environments where people can be open about their sexuality without feeling the pressure of 'announcing' it. The barriers she faced accessing football built the foundations for her desire for diversity and inclusion within sport. Through her teens, she felt a growing frustration that a masculine culture persisted to make certain sports unwelcoming for anyone who wasn't a cis, white, heterosexual man. During her student days, she really began to fall in love with team sports whilst realising that she was actually one of the lucky ones, given that her cis identity allowed her to play without having to prove she belonged. This combination of factors guided me to focus my postgraduate studies on gender and sexuality in sport, become a Scottish FA Youth Ambassador for Diversity & Inclusion and volunteer with LEAP Sports Scotland. Two years on from my introduction to LEAP, I consider myself extremely fortunate to be working full time for an organisation which works tirelessly towards LGBTI equality in sport. Sirri works full time for LEAP, where she takes care of events and community work as well as leading on Football V Homophobia Scotland. Sirri has always aspired to have a meaningful job. It's her core belief that everyone should have an equal opportunity to participate in sport, largely because she has gained so much from it herself. Her job at LEAP allows her to achieve this goal and to help benefit the LGBTI community. Written on 5th February 2018. Football vs Homophobia Scotland LEAP news Pride House Sport Changes Lives Sports Clubs and Competitions Youth and Schools
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Strong Majority of Americans Want a Plan to Preserve Grid Reliability In the wake of headline-grabbing blackouts in California and Texas and all-too-regular electricity conservation warnings in states across the country, seventy-two percent of Americans are now concerned that the speed of the transition to variable sources of power is coming at the cost of grid reliability, according to new polling from Morning Consult. These concerns are well founded. Grid operators, utilities and even regulators have warned that the challenges of integrating variable renewable power while managing more extreme weather are already stressing the grid. In a recent report, the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC) found that, in 2020, utility load shedding spiked, the beginning of a trend headed firmly in the wrong direction following the catastrophic blackouts that gripped Texas in February and the rolling blackouts that hit parts of the West this summer. In report after report, NERC has steadily warned of ever-growing reliability challenges. In a reliability assessment that was released this spring, NERC went so far as to correctly warn that capacity shortfalls this summer were "almost inevitable." Speaking to that assessment and the challenges now facing grid operators and utilities, NERC CEO Jim Robb observed, "The events of this past year and the outlook for summer is a stark reminder that in our hurry to develop a cleaner resource base, reliability and energy adequacy has to be taken into consideration." He continued, "I know that operators and planners are working very, very hard to preserve reliability, but they're continually asked to do so and manage your grid under more and more challenging conditions." Along with NERC, grid operators are also deeply concerned with maintaining reliability as more and more wind and solar power is pushed onto the bulk power system while fuel-secure resources that underpin grid resilience are being forced into early retirement. For example, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), which runs the grid across much of the Midwest and parts of Canada, testified before Congress that "maintaining reliability at the 40% renewable level becomes significantly more complex." Adding, "today, we face more frequent and less-predictable occurrences of tight operating conditions on the electric grid compared to just a few years ago, and the challenges continue to grow." MISO's concerns have been echoed by ISO-New England, the grid operator for the Northeast. In a report on fuel security, examining whether wholesale electricity markets provide adequate financial incentives to maintain both fuel security and reliability, the central conclusion was that, "in many situations, the answer is 'no'." Maintain Fuel-Secure Power as a Reliability Insurance Policy Americans don't have to read regulator and grid operator reports to recognize that the speed in which some are proposing the energy transition happen poses immense challenges to the reliable delivery of power. In fact, Americans aren't just worried about reliability, they want action to ensure reliability isn't sacrificed in the transition ahead. The same Morning Consult poll that showed soaring concern over reliability, also found that 63 percent of Americans believe that policymakers should proceed with caution and maintain traditional sources of power as a grid reliability insurance policy. When considering the threat of cyberattacks, 60 percent of Americans support policymakers providing a fuel security incentive to power plants that keep weeks or even months of fuel on site. Reacting to the clear signals from the poll, Rich Nolan, president and CEO of the National Mining Association, said, "If the United States wants to chart a replicable path forward for the energy transition, it can't mean jeopardizing grid reliability." He continued, "rather than establishing aspirational timelines for a transition, policymakers should proceed with caution, providing incentives to maintain dispatchable, fuel-secure sources of power, such as coal and nuclear power plants, that can serve as a reliability insurance policy while the infrastructure and energy technologies of tomorrow are brought to scale. The security and reliability offered by a diverse mix of fuels can't be taken for granted." Concern over grid reliability will only grow. Sales of backup generators continue to climb. New cars are even being marketed as generators for a future when the power won't stay on. If policymakers do take reliability for granted, and the security provided by the fuel-secure generation that has for so long underpinned it, voters will be sure to let them know. Tags: California, cyber security, grid reliability, ISO New England, Jim Robb, Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), Morning Consult, National Mining Association (NMA), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), polling, Rich Nolan, Texas Sailing into the Dark Doldrums The Grid Reliability Crisis Keeps Getting Worse With Natural Gas Prices Soaring, Fuel Diversity Matters More than Ever Americans Concerned About Grid Reliability, Urge Caution in the Transition
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
10,000 years ago Ancestors of Native Americans In Mexico,en route from Asia Genetic and environmental evidence indicates that after the ancestors of Native Americans left Asia, they spent 10,000 years on a land bridge that once linked Siberia and Alaska. Archaeological evidence is lacking because it drowned when sea levels rose. University of Utah anthropologist Dennis O'Rourke and two colleagues make that argument in the Friday, Feb. 28, issue of the journal Science. They seek to reconcile existing genetic and paleoenvironmental evidence for human habitation on the Bering land bridge -- also called Beringia -- with an absence of archaeological evidence. O'Rourke says cumulative evidence indicates the ancestors of Native Americans lived on the Bering land bridge "in the neighborhood of 10,000 years," from roughly 25,000 years ago until they began moving into the Americas about 15,000 years ago once glacial ice sheets melted and opened migration routes. O'Rourke co-authored the Science Perspective column -- titled "Out of Beringia?" -- with archaeologist John Hoffecker of the University of Colorado at Boulder, and Scott Elias, a paleoecologist at the University of London. Perspective columns in Science don't feature research by the authors, but instead are meant to highlight and provide context for exciting new research in a field or across fields. "Nobody disputes that the ancestors of Native American peoples came from Asia over the coast and interior of the land bridge" during an ice age called the "last glacial maximum," which lasted from 28,000 to at least 18,000 years ago, O'Rourke says, The ice sheets extended south into the Pacific Northwest, Wyoming, Wisconsin and Ohio. Large expanses of Siberia and Beringia were cold but lacked glaciers. The absence of archaeological sites and the inhospitable nature of open, treeless landscape known as tundra steppe mean that "archaeologists have not given much credence to the idea there was a population that lived on the Bering land bridge for thousands of years," he adds. O'Rourke and colleagues say that in recent years, paleoecologists -- scientists who study ancient environments -- drilled sediment cores from the Bering Sea and Alaskan bogs. Those sediments contain pollen, plant and insect fossils, suggesting the Bering land bridge wasn't just barren, grassy tundra steppe but was dotted by "refugia" or refuges where there were brushy shrubs and even trees such as spruce, birch, willow and alder. "We're putting it together with the archaeology and genetics that speak to American origins and saying, look, there was an environment with trees and shrubs that was very different than the open, grassy steppe. It was an area where people could have had resources, lived and persisted through the last glacial maximum in Beringia," O'Rourke says. "That may have been critical for the people to subsist because they would have had wood for construction and for fires. Otherwise, they would have had to use bone, which is difficult to burn." A Frozen, Isolated Dawn for the Earliest Americans During the last glacial maximum, thick glacial ice sheets extended south into what now is the northern United States, sea levels dropped some 400 feet, O'Rourke says. As the glaciers melted, sea levels began to rise, reaching current levels 6,000 years ago. During the long glacial period, Siberia and Alaska were linked by the Bering land bridge, which contrary to the name's implication, really was a huge swath of land north, between and south of Siberia and Alaska, at the present sites of the Chukchi Sea, the Bering Strait and the Bering Sea, respectively. At its largest extent, Beringia measured as much as 1,000 miles from north to south and as much as 3,000 miles from Siberia's Verkoyansk Range east to the Mackenzie River in in Canada. The theory that humans inhabited the Bering land bridge for some 10,000 years "helps explain how a Native American genome (genetic blueprint) became separate from its Asian ancestor," O'Rourke says. "At some point, the genetic blueprint that defines Native American populations had to become distinct from that Asian ancestry," he explains. "The only way to do that was for the population to be isolated. Most of us don't believe that isolation took place in Siberia because we don't see a place where a population could be sufficiently isolated. It would always have been in contact with other Asian groups on its periphery." "But if there were these shrub-tundra refugia in central Beringia, that provided a place where isolation could occur" due to distance from Siberia, O'Rourke says. Genetic and Paleoenvironmental Evidence O'Rourke and colleagues point to a study of mitochondrial DNA -- genetic information passed by mothers -- sampled from Native Americans throughout the Americas. The study found that the unique genome or genetic blueprint of Native Americans arose sometime before 25,000 years ago but didn't spread through the Americas until about 15,000 years ago. "This result indicated that a substantial population existed somewhere, in isolation from the rest of Asia, while its genome differentiated from the parental Asian genome," O'Rourke says. "The researchers suggested Beringia as the location for this isolated population, and suggested it existed there for several thousand years before members of the population migrated southward into the rest of North and, ultimately, South America as retreating glaciers provided routes for southern migration." "Several other genetic-genomic analyses of Native American populations have resulted in similar conclusions," he adds. "For a long time, many of us thought the land bridge was a uniform tundra-steppe environment" -- a broad windswept grassland devoid of shrubs and trees, O'Rourke says. But in recent years, sediment cores drilled in the Bering Sea and along the Alaskan coast -- the now-submerged lowlands of Beringia -- found pollens of trees and shrubs. That "suggests Beringia was not a uniform tundra-steppe environment, but a patchwork of environments, including substantial areas of lowland shrub tundra," O'Rourke says. "These shrub-tundra areas were likely refugia for a population that would be invisible archaeologically, since the former Beringian lowlands are now submerged." "Large herd animals like bison or mammoths likely lived on the highland steppe tundra because they graze. Many smaller animals, birds, elk and moose (which browse shrubs instead of grazing on grass) would have been in the shrub tundra," he adds. Other research indicates "that much of Beringia -- particularly the lowlands -- appears to have had average summer temperatures nearly identical (or only slightly cooler in some regions) to those in the region today," O'Rourke says. "The local environments likely were not as daunting as many have assumed for years. They probably hunkered down pretty good in the winter though. It would have been cold." The idea that rising sea levels covered evidence of human migration to the Americas has long been cited by researchers studying how early Native Americans moved south along the Pacific coast as the glaciers receded and sea levels rose. O'Rourke says the idea hasn't been used before to explain the scarcity of archaeological sites in Alaska and Siberia, which were highlands when the land bridge was exposed. But O'Rourke and his colleagues say archaeological sites must be found in Beringia if the long human layover there is to be confirmed. Although most such sites are underwater, some evidence of human habitation in shrub tundra might remain above sea level in low-lying portions of Alaska and eastern Chukotka (in Russia)." Story Source: The above story is based on materials provided by University of Utah. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. J. F. Hoffecker, S. A. Elias, D. H. O'Rourke. Out of Beringia? Science, 2014; 343 (6174): 979 DOI: 10.1126/science.1250768 Cite This Page: University of Utah. "10,000 years on the Bering Land Bridge: Ancestors of Native Americans paused en route from Asia." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 27 February 2014. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/02/140227141854.htm>. Labels: NATIVE AMERICAN MIGRATION FROM ASIA इस्लामी जेहाद -मंदिर और गुरुद्वारा तोड़ मस्जिद क्य... Battle of Imphal's 70th anniversary-Forgotten hero... Fake Sai Baba- A Meat eating Muslim and Stupid Hin... NGO'S run by Catholics in UPA ,Soniya Gandhi's Gov... INDIA MARCHING TOWARDS A GREAT POWER OF PEACE COU... ISLAMIC JIHAD A Legacy of Forced Conversion, ... Solar Roadways-USA AGAIN PROVING INNOVATION LAND Centre plans to turn eastern states into organic f... WHY DONATION FROM MASJID IS NOT TREATED AS DONATIO... Iraq crisis: ISIS militants tell families to hand ... 25 days of MODISARKAR-Railway fare hiked 14% to sa... अमेरिकी संसद में गूंजा गायत्री मंत्र BIG BANG THEORY IS WRONG.NEVER HAPENNED. UNDEVELOPED MIND OF DEVELOPED NATION The Brutal Truth About Islam -Robert Spencer The United States, India and Pakistan: To the Brin... PLIGHT OF HINDUS IN PAKISTAN HINDU ANCESTRY OF KASHMIR AND PAKISTAN AS EXPOSED ... हिंदुस्थानमें धर्म-परिवर्तनका इतिहास FACTS ABOUT HUNGER AND POVERTY. Dr. Oz , A SCAMMER GRILLED BY SENATORS PROMOTING B... 7 Incredible Things that You'll Never Believe Real... 5 Mind Blowing Underwater Cities GOD RAMA IN HOLLAND AND GOD GANESH IN INDONESIAN ... महाभारत युद्ध में अपने ही पुत्र के हाथों मारे गए अ... बुंदेल केसरी महाराजा छत्रसाल औरंगजेबको कडा प्रतिकार करनेवाले पराक्रमी छत्रपति र... महाराजा भोज - एक विश्ववंदनीय शासक एवं माँ सरस्वती ... अफ्रीका में मिला ६००० साल पुराना शिवलिंग कांग्रेस सरकार और गाँधी परिवार पाकिस्तान से इतना ड... MODERN WEAPONS OF USA,RUSSIA,CHINA,INDIA Campa Cola Compund - OF ISLAMIST YUSUF PATEL, DARI... 10,000 years ago Ancestors of Native Americans In... GENETIC HISTORY OF PEOPLE IN INDIA/BHARAT SHAMEFULL RASHTRAPITA "GANDHI" HIDDEN HISTORY OF INDIA AKBAR- A BARBARIC ISLAMIST NOT A GREAT AT ALL. GOD'S TERRORIST- AN ISLAMIC WAHABI,SAUDI ARABIC TE... Raja Hem Chandra Vikramaditya -NAPOLEON OF MEDIEVA... SIT ON BLACK MONEY ,"FINANCIAL TERRORISM"-WILL WI... NGO AGENDA TO STALL DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA-MUST STOP... वीर शिवाजी जी मुस्लिम नीति एवं औरंगज़ेब की धर्मान्ध... Krishna and Christ A BIG DISASTER FOR HUMANITY IS ABOUT TO COME?Mass ... NASA's Orion Spacecraft is getting ready to launch... NASA Beams 'Hello, World!' HD Video From Space Sta... Girls Sold As Sex Slaves To Aged, Wealthy Arabs- A... ?The Innocent Prophet ,decoding islam भारत माता की जय I IS USA , A REASON OF MANY WARS AFTER WW2? SAUDI IS...
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Here's the first part of mech building series which looks at building the piece. The next part will cover painting. This is a ray gun that I made out of some cast resin pieces. It was one of those occasions where a few bits and pieces made for different projects just happen to fit together perfectly and just beg to be made into something. I've built up abit of a library of cast bits and pieces now so I'm increasingly finding myself using them to build projects. I recently attended Steampunks in Space, an event held in the National Space Center in Leicester. I've attended several times previously, but it's always really nice to be able exhibit my models, sculptures, costumes pieces and props. Here's a video and some pics. Here's a video looking at a steampunk bracer that I made a while back. Here are some videos covering vacuum degassing silicone and pressure casting resin. I've shown the process in various of my videos previously but I thought it might be useful to have some videos specifically about it for reference. These videos were made at the same time so they're designed to go hand in hand. I think there's often some confusion as to when you would vacuum degas something and when you would pressure cast something, certainly when I first came to start doing this I was a little bit confused as to when you would use both processes. Generally speaking you vacuum degas silicon when you're making a mould. Pressure casting is used when you are pouring resin into a mould to create a cast and the idea is that you put the mould and casting material within it under pressure. What that does is to cause any bubbles that get trapped in your mould to be crushed down to tiny points, thus eliminating any air bubbles in your cast. Bioshock inspired mask is finally finished. So I've finally finished my mask (more or less!). I struggled a little with the direction of this one, as while I had the form down, I wasn't sure on the paint scheme. My previous mask had a very clear direction which I lacked a little for this one. Once I settled on making something that could fit into the bioshock games however, things came together quite nicely. Here's a quick vid of the costume. And here's part 3 of my build series. Posted in Steam/Dieselpunk maskTagged Steampunk, VideoLeave a Comment on Bioshock inspired mask is finally finished.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Over|State is the first photographic work from the young Greek photographer who presents a series which strangely and almost immediately mesmerizes you. The dark shots where white slams violently into deep black put ghostly characters on scene. At the very heart of the photographs, these anonymous silhouettes float in a disturbing world with fuzzy outlines, as if they came from abstract reality. A strange impression of solitude emerges. Is this solitude the labyrinth of a mundane life in which everyone wanders? For Ilias Georgiadis uses photography to reach the depths of the human being where the obscure desires arise and overcome the trials of addiction and aloneness.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
"When people challenge her [Kamala Harris'] blackness, I always say, 'If she went to Howard [University], it means she's one of us,' " says Howard grad and Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Jenice Armstrong. "She comes from there. No one should challenge her blackness." Robin Givhan, "Kamala Harris grew up in a mostly white world. Then she went to a black university in a black city." The Washington Post, September 16, 2019. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/09/16/kamala-harris-grew-up-mostly-white-world-then-she-went-black-university-black-city/. "You're Neither One Thing (N)or The Other": Nella Larsen, Philip Roth, and The Passing Trope Posted in Articles, Literary/Artistic Criticism, Media Archive, Passing, United States on 2019-05-22 17:53Z by Steven Philip Roth Studies Volume 8, Number 1, Spring 2012 Donavan L. Ramon, Assistant Professor of Liberal Studies Kentucky State University Philip Roth has historically been situated in a male literary tradition, with critics assessing him alongside Saul Bellow, Bernard Malamud, and more recently, Charles Chesnutt and Ralph Ellison. Because of his problematic portrayals of women characters, Roth is not often discussed alongside women writers. My paper goes beyond this by situating Roth alongside a black woman writer, Nella Larsen. In fact, Larsen's Passing (1929) and Roth's The Human Stain (2000) share several thematic and structural similarities, such as the tropes of belated race learning, double consciousness, anonymous letter writing, taboo sexualities, and ambiguous deaths. My essay argues that these tropes underlie passing narratives and reveal the development of twentieth century passing texts. Tags: Donavan L. Ramon, Donavan Ramon, Nella Larsen, Philip Roth, Philip Roth Studies Comments Off on "You're Neither One Thing (N)or The Other": Nella Larsen, Philip Roth, and The Passing Trope "These narratives of racial passing have risen from the dead" Posted in Dissertations, Literary/Artistic Criticism, Media Archive, Passing, United States on 2015-08-29 01:46Z by Steven DOI: 10.7282/T38G8NJG Donavan L. Ramon Ph.D. Dissertation Instead of concurring with most critics that racial passing literature reached its apex during the Harlem Renaissance, this project highlights its persistence, as evidenced in the texts examined from 1900 to 2014. Using psychoanalysis, this dissertation recovers non-canonical and white-authored narratives that critics overlook, thus reconceptualizing the genre of passing literature to forge a new genealogy for this tradition. This new genealogy includes novels, life writings, and short stories. In arguing for the genre's continued relevance and production, this project offers a rejoinder to critics who contend that racial passing literature is obsolete. Part one of this dissertation complicates the notion that characters pass only in response to witnessing a lynching or to improve their socioeconomic status, by asserting that racial passing begins in the classroom for male characters and at home for their female counterparts. It thus precedes the threat of violence or middle class aspirations. Whereas the first half of this project is preoccupied with the gendered beginnings of racial passing, the second half examines its effects, on both writing and death. This project explores racial passing in Charles Chesnutt's The House Behind the Cedars (1900), James Weldon Johnson's The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man (1912), Jessie Fauset's Plum Bun (1929), Vera Caspary's The White Girl (1929), Alice Dunbar-Nelson's The Stones of the Village (1988), Danzy Senna's Caucasia (1999), Philip Roth's The Human Stain (2000), Bliss Broyard's One Drop (2003) and Anita Reynolds' American Cocktail (2014). Tags: Alice Dunbar-Nelson, Anita Reynolds, Bliss Broyard, Charles Chesnutt, Charles W. Chesnutt, Charles Waddell Chesnutt, Danzy Senna, Donavan L. Ramon, Donavan Ramon, James Weldon Johnson, Jessie Fauset, Jessie Redmon Fauset, Philip Roth, Rutgers University, Vera Caspary Comments Off on "These narratives of racial passing have risen from the dead" Clearly Invisible Racial Passing and the Color of Cultural Identity by Marcia Alesan Dawkins, and: The Souls of Mixed Folk: Race, Politics and Aesthetics in the New Millennium by Michele Elam (review) Posted in Articles, Book/Video Reviews, Media Archive, Passing, United States on 2013-10-08 21:15Z by Steven Volume 9, Number 2, Fall 2013 pages 99-103 DOI: 10.1353/prs.2013.0024 Marcia Alesan Dawkins, Clearly Invisible: Racial Passing and the Color of Cultural Identity, Waco: Baylor University Press, 2012, vxi + 229 pp. Michele Elam, The Souls of Mixed Folk: Race, Politics, and Aesthetics in the New Millennium, Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2011, xxiii + 277 pp. According to W.E.B. DuBois's prophetic theory articulated in The Souls of Black Folk (1903), "the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line" (221). Myriad critical and popular pieces over the past several years suggest that this theory has run its course: the celebration of mixed race people putatively implies the "end" of race. Certainly the election of the first biracial president has been touted as the epitome of post-race life in America. Yet as recent critical interventions by Michele Elam and Marcia Alesan Dawkins remind us, race remains prevalent because of biracial people, not in spite of it. The continuities between DuBois's theory and Elam's are underscored by the title of the latter's monograph. In The Souls of Mixed Folk, the Stanford University English Professor asserts that the notion of post-Black art being apolitical is a complete fiction, much like the idea that post-Civil Rights politics are in decline. By examining the images of mixed race subjects in a wide range of artistic forms, Elam argues that these venues are the newer locations that "engage issues of civil rights and social change" (16). To accept this belief, she begins her book by convincing readers that the increased interest in mixed race deludes many people into believing that race no longer exists. If this is truly the case, then why do fictional representations of biracial people continue to represent anxiety across a multitude of genres? More specifically, why has the last several years seen a resurgence in narratives of racial passing—such as Philip Roth's The Human Stain? Elam explores these questions across five thoroughly researched and well-written chapters. The first traces the history of mixed race studies in curricula across the nation while raising related yet ignored issues. For instance she problematizes the focus of heteronormative depictions of mixed race families at the expense of homosexual ones, while also reminding us that mixed Americans have historically been the result of sexual violation. She believes we must be mindful of considering the product of these unions as representatives of racial progress without understanding the nuances of slavery and violence inflicted on black bodies by whites. Chapter two changes the focus from history to contemporary comic strips by Aaron McGruder and Nate Creekmore. In their works, Elam rightly sees racial identity as "a matter of public negotiation, social location, cultural affirmation, political commitment, and historical homage" (58). In chapter four, Elam situates the traditional European bildungsroman against the "mixed race bildungsroman". The former focuses on the "social incorporation of the individual" (125) whereas protagonists in the latter are not "incorporated into the society or the social progress that they are supposed to represent . . . [and they] challenge the popular image of the 'modern minority'" (126). She applies her theory of the "mixed race bildungsroman" to Emily Raboteau's The Professor's Daughter (1997) and Danzy Senna's Symptomatic (2004). Elam's last chapter examines performances of mixed race in Carl Hancock Rux's play Talk and "The Racial Draft" skit from Dave Chappelle's defunct late-night comedy show. Her argument here is that in both performances, there is a "re-visioning and a re-membering of the national order" (161). The middle chapter is the one that is most germane to this journal, as it examines racial passing in Danzy Senna's Causcasia (1999), Philip Roth's The Human Stain (2000), and Colson Whitehead's The Intuitionist (2000). Despite research to the contrary, Elam begins this chapter by arguing that racial passing literature is far from being an obsolete genre, as these novels attest. Despite living in a post-race era, these narratives collectively argue for the rebirth of racial passing as a "social inquiry" (98). Explaining further, the novels addressed here force readers to reconsider "the performative, iterative nature of racial identity as a rich social heuristic" (98). This is nowhere more evident than in The Human Stain , where racial passing acts as a "reactionary vehicle to critique political correctness"—particularly because it is set during President Clinton's sex scandal (98). In this regard, "performance," can have multiple meanings in the novel: one referring… Tags: Aaron McGruder, Carl Hancock Rux, Colson Whitehead, Danzy Senna, Dave Chappelle, Donavan L. Ramon, Donavan Ramon, Emily Raboteau, Marcia A. Dawkins, Marcia Alesan Dawkins, Marcia Dawkins, Michele Elam, Nate Creekmore, Philip Roth, Philip Roth Studies Comments Off on Clearly Invisible Racial Passing and the Color of Cultural Identity by Marcia Alesan Dawkins, and: The Souls of Mixed Folk: Race, Politics and Aesthetics in the New Millennium by Michele Elam (review)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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Keeping the Customer Satisfied Judith A. Stock Increasingly, hotels and resorts are discovering that going green not only improves the bottom line but that it also attracts more guests WHEN ACTOR Alicia Silverstone traveled to San Francisco not long ago, she asked her friend Woody Harrelson to recommend a hotel. He suggested the Hotel Triton, located just steps away from the grand arches of Chinatown and a block off Union Square. Harrelson didn't base his recommendation simply on location, however. He also was impressed by the conservation program the staff implemented to reduce the facility's environmental impact. Silverstone concurred. "I thought it was important to stay at a 'green' hotel to help protect the environment and be part of the solution, not part of the problem," she says. "I loved the information the hotel provided about how much water and energy they save. Recycling, using solar panels—it's all important." The Triton is among the many hotels, resorts and inns across the country where management is discovering the real benefits of reducing solid waste and energy and water consumption. "It's all about lowering operating costs and improving the bottom line, and still satisfying customers," says Patricia Griffin, president of the "Green" Hotels Association, a Houston-based trade group that promotes environmental lodging. In some facilities, she notes, as many as 90 percent of the guests are now participating in eco-friendly programs, such as not having their sheets and towels changed daily. "Clearly, these programs can boost business," she adds. A case in point is Habitat Suites in Austin, Texas, where earlier this year the owners installed 108 solar panels on six roof surfaces. The $130,000 installation cost the hotel only $50,000 because city-sponsored subsidies covered the balance. Now, the panels supply 20 percent of the property's electricity needs, reducing annual energy expenditures by about $5,000. But that's just part of the story. "The hotel received so much positive publicity after it installed solar equipment that its revenues are up $110,000 from the previous year," says Griffin. The Triton is experiencing similar success. Earlier this year, the facility, which is part of the Kimpton Hotel chain, was honored as the model hotel for the State of California's new green hotels program, which encourages people to stay at lodgings that save water and other resources and divert waste from landfills. "The Triton's program is nonintrusive and as a guest, you wouldn't see signs of us being eco-friendly," says Michael Pace, director of operations for Kimpton. Among other things, through increased recycling efforts, the Triton staff has reduced garbage-collection expenditures in the past decade from $2,200 a month to $600. "We use organic products whenever possible and we clean rooms without chemicals, and that sends a powerful message to consumers," says Pace, who is expanding the program to all Kimpton properties. Fairmont Hotels and Resorts is another chain that is seeing the benefits of going green. At the Fairmont Royal York, a 1,400-room hotel in Toronto, the company recently replaced thousands of incandescent bulbs with fluorescents and completed a heating and air conditioning retrofit that will result in considerable savings in operating costs. Michelle White, Fairmont's manager of environmental affairs, says the chain's eco-program includes involvement with communities. "Each of our properties is paired with a local shelter," she says. Used linens and furniture are donated, minimizing items sent to landfills. Each property also has a signature project that relates to a local issue. At the Fairmont Orchid on the Big Island of Hawaii, for instance, the hotel staff is working with scientists from the University of Hawaii at Hilo to monitor the health of the reef a few steps away from the property. To help protect that reef, the hotel's landscape manager has eliminated use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Instead, he relies on organic methods and replacing high-maintenance exotic plants with native varieties. "I think the trend right now among larger hotels is to incorporate educational value into programs to give guests information they can take home," says White. Incorporating education makes sense, adds Griffin, because "most people go to a particular hotel because of its location, and a lot of hoteliers only have to look out their windows to see the natural beauty that they're responsible for protecting." That certainly is the case for the Grand Teton Lodge Company, which operates guest facilities in Wyoming's Grand Teton National Park. "We look at everything we do to reduce our impact in the park," says the company's environmental health and safety manager, Julie Klein. "Up to 4 percent of our power is wind generated, and between 2002 and 2003, we saved 14 percent in energy bills." The company maintains a daily, in-room recycling program. Each room also features energy-efficient light bulbs, low-flow showerheads, faucet aerators and signs suggesting reusing towels. "Hotels deserve credit when they're implementing good conservation practices," says Griffin. "I always suggest writing a note to general managers, letting them know how pleased you are. I also suggest letting them know that you're disappointed when they're not operating an eco-friendly facility. After all, they're in the hospitality business, and what you say can have an impact on how a hotel conducts business." California writer Judith A. Stock prefers to stay only at green hotels. For more tips, see www.greenhotels.com. The High Cost of Clean Towels While it's a small sacrifice on your part, there are big benefits to reusing towels and bed linens for two or three days during a hotel stay. Based on a survey by the National Association of Institutional Linen Management, the "Green" Hotels Association estimates that hotels can save more than $6.50 a day per occupied room by such voluntary actions by guests. That includes savings not only in labor time, but also in water, energy and use of detergents that may be detrimental to the environment. Green Travel Begins at Home Whether or not your vacation includes a stay at a "green" hotel, there are steps you can take to keep your house safe and environmentally sound while you're away. Here are some tips from the "Green" Hotels Association on vacation-proofing your house: Turn your water heater to its lowest setting. Turn off your air-conditioner or heater or adjust the thermostat to protect plants and pets. Unplug household appliances such as TVs and cable converter boxes. Even when turned off they use as much as 40 watts per hour. Lower the temperature of waterbed heaters by at least ten degrees. Turn your house's water off at an outside connection—this will prevent flooding if a pipe breaks while you're gone. When you return, turn on the water slowly and check for problems. Stop newspaper delivery—a pile of unread newspapers is both a waste of paper and a sure sign that nobody's home
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
UK households grow more pessimistic on long-term Brexit impact 22 November 2016 Chris Williamson British households have become significantly more pessimistic about how the country's long-term economic prospects have changed as a result of the June vote to leave the EU, but some have become less downbeat about the shorter-term impact. The findings are based on a representative cross-section of the British population that participate in the regular monthly Markit Household Finance Index" (HFI"), which is compiled by Markit using data collected by Ipsos MORI. The proportion of people expected the economy to fare better over the next six months as a result of the referendum result has edged higher from 11.8% in August to 12.4% in November, while the proportion seeing economic prospects to have worsened has dipped from 54.4% to 53.1%. The difference, a net balance of -40.7%, is slightly improved on the negative net balances seen back in both the July and August surveys, though the number of pessimists clearly still outnumber optimists to a significant extent. Pessimism has meanwhile intensified when people are asked to consider the longer-term outlook. While 31.0% of survey respondents saw the Brexit vote to have led to an improvement in the UK's economic prospects over the next 10 years, some 49.3% considered the outlook over the next decade to have worsened due to the vote. At -18.4%, the overall degree of long-term pessimism signalled by the survey is up considerably from -11.1% in August and just -3.5% in July. Views on how the UK's economic prospects have changed due to the EU referendum Source: IHS Markit 'HFI Survey'. Scotland shows greatest pessimism By region, the greatest pessimism regarding the longer-term impact of Brexit was seen in Scotland, followed by the South East and then London. Only the East of England saw the number of optimists outnumber pessimists to any material extent. All 11 regions saw people pessimistic on balance about the short-term (six-month) impact. Scotland saw the greatest pessimism followed by London, while the East Midlands and East of England were the least negative. Results by region Source: IHS Markit Youngest most worried The youngest remained the most negative about the economic impact of Brexit, both in the long- and short-terms. However, even the older generation has become markedly less positive about the longer-run impact since July. Results by age Only manufacturing has seen optimism improve By sector, only those working in manufacturing, construction and utilities are positive on balance about the long-term impact of Brexit, and even in these industries the number of optimisms only narrowly exceeded pessimists. Results by sector The greatest degree of pessimism was seen in media, culture and entertainment, followed by IT & Telecoms and education, health & social services. Compared to July, every sector except manufacturing has grown more downbeat about the long-run prospects of the economy resulting from the EU referendum. Pessimism grows among all income groups Every income group has also become more pessimistic about the long-run Brexit impact, with the wealthiest the most downbeat. The lowest income group (those earning less than "15,000 per annum) has also now become pessimistic on average about the long-term Brexit impact, having been the only income group that was positive on average back in July. Results by income Chris Williamson, chief business economist at IHS Markit, which compiles the survey, said: "To many voters, the EU referendum was about other issues than the economy, but the latest survey highlights how Brexit is expected to carry a higher than previously-thought cost in economic terms. "On average, people have become considerably more pessimistic about the impact of the decision to leave the EU on the economy over the next decade. "Only those working in manufacturing have become more upbeat about the economy's prospects, presumably seeing some benefit of the weaker pound in relation to boosting export performance. However, even here the number of people seeing Brexit to have boosted the economy's prospects over the next ten years only narrowly exceeds those expecting to see a negative impact. "Views on the economy's post-Brexit prospects are directly correlated with age, though only the over-55's see Brexit as having a net positive effect, and even these older survey respondents have become noticeably less positive than back in July. "Similarly, back in July, the only income bracket to perceive Brexit as having a positive effect on the economy's long-term prospects was the lowest earners (under "15,000 per annum). However, by November the positive mood had turned sour for even this segment of the population." Chris Williamson | Chief Business Economist, IHS Markit chris.williamson@ihsmarkit.com Previous PMI Post All PMI Next PMI Post Week Ahead Economic Preview: Week of 20 January 2020 IHS Markit European GDP Nowcasts: Eurozone growth to hit cyclical low in Q4 despite better-than-expected November data PMI rounds off dismal year for South African economy UK malaise extends into November as GDP falls, but PMI hints at coming upturn UK Jobs survey sees mild recovery in hiring activity during December Global economy ends 2019 on brighter note as PMI hits eight-month high Global manufacturers tread water at end of 2019, ending worst year since 2012 Purchasing Managers' Index® (PMI®) IHSMarkitPMI@IHSMarkitPMI Read our latest Week Ahead Economic Preview for Jan 20th, which sees Flash PMIs released next Friday including UK F… https://t.co/qvX0rMK1Of 🇬🇧 Latest ONS data showed a 0.3% fall in GDP in November, weaker than expectations but broadly in line with PMI sur… https://t.co/2bTQTfHV3j Our latest Week Ahead Economic Preview sees a wealth of key official data releases, including UK Nov GDP, China Q4… https://t.co/bJFWvStfTa
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Zero-In Recap: Blockchain and FinTech Are Turning Heads in the Dutch Capital Reading Time: 5 minutes by Liam J Kelly on April 21, 2018 Blockchain, Commentary, News After BTCManager attended the one-day Zero-In conference in the Netherlands on April 19, 2018, it became clear that Amsterdam is working hard to attract the finest fintech minds to the city. After a series of panels ranging from commentary on the GDPR regulation set to pass in May 2018 to the monetization of users' content, the event captured the commercial sentiments urging the blockchain's technical capacities forward. It also turns out women hate being a part of "Women in Blockchain" panels and that's actually a very good thing. First-Time Conference: Paul O' Connell Takes on Fintech In the way of conferences, Zero-In was intimate and highly-focused. Folks could meander around the alternative warehouse-style venue past a large exhibition area before being invited to either the marketing stage on one end or the fintech stage on the other. A number of individuals walked with the precision of a clear objective in mind. Others mingled, chatted and hoped to quantify their knowledge on buzzwords like "cryptocurrencies," "content monetization," and, of course, "blockchain." BTCManager spoke with marketing strategists João Gomes from Happyfact and Ricardo Correia of NQ Digital Agency both of whom were in attendance all the way from Portugal to figure out new solutions to nascent problems. "I don't see blockchain as a problem," Gomes reported, "But it will mean many companies need to change their approach to data collection." One immediate solution, which the founder of the conference Paul O' Connell hoped to make a theme of, is personalization. Instead of setting alight the massive cogs of the aggregation machines, both Gomes and Correia think that personalizing an experience is the only way forward when marketing in a decentralized world. Not only that but as a consumer, "It's much better," admits Gomes. If you're still not convinced that the user is indeed the product at places like Facebook or Google, the panelists of "Which Step is a Step Too Far? GDPR and Data-driven Marketing" provided an enlightening reality of which we should've already been aware. Alexander Handcock of Selligent reduced the Cambridge Analytica debacle as a "PR disaster," and in 2018, 12 years after The Zucc took the world by storm, Handcock is probably right. The CA scandal was simply the most public version of what happens just about every day at Facebook. Google too, for that matter, and it's interesting that we see fewer hashtags to leave the search site. In any case, we now have the European solution, the GDPR. But even while phrases like "the right to be forgotten" spell doom for an immutable technology such as blockchain, Kim Leonard Smouter-Umans of ESOMAR, a data research community, explained that "there is still a lot that you can do within the regulation." Smouter-Umans explained that first, yes, collectors of data must require permission before sharing data with any other third or fourth, or even fifth interested party, but the ways in which this permission is made clear can be done creatively: "Firms can use videos, make songs, whatever. It just needs to be clear what they are up to when it comes to consumer data." These details are also interesting in regards to the public and private blockchain debate. The former seems much less feasible, from a legal perspective than everything the latter can offer. But is a permissioned-blockchain still a blockchain? Such existential questions dotted the playing field the entire day. Get Out Your Meter Sticks: Crypto Valuation, Use Cases, and Why Americans Are Dumb Abacus Solutions presented an afternoon workshop on "Macro Trends In Cryptomarkets." The session boiled down to a brief overview of blockchain technology (Bitcoin and Ethereum; Private versus Public ledgers), the outstanding political qualities that cryptocurrencies portend (i.e., what exactly are borders in a decentralized economy?), and the exciting (yes, exciting) possibility of Security Token Offerings (STOs) headed our way in the next "six to 12 months" according to the analysis firm. More specifically and according to the Brooklyn-based fintech group, the United States only has one thing going for it in the race to sensibly regulate this emerging market; municipal bonds. In this, the speakers were referring to the ICO under construction by the city of Berkeley, California. Ironically, this move is merely a response from a city under attack by federal funding cuts. Clearly, we're only beginning to understand the potential of a crypto fundraising model. Of course, subversion of this order pales in comparison to the exchange haven being set up in Malta, France's ICO-friendly regulations, and Japan's lightweight, yet proactive, attempts to legislate the novel asset class. The US on the other hand constantly "seems to be slower than everyone else in the world when it comes to ground-breaking technology," sighs CSO Jason Struhl. "We just can't seem to wrap our heads around this stuff." The latter end of the presentation revolved around the imminent arrival of a wave of STOs in lieu of the legislatively cumbersome ICO. Things like asset-backed tokens, "stocks and equities 2.0," and real estate all look like relevant crypto use-cases. But, as Abacus explained, this isn't necessarily a new trend; since 2016, already $9 billion had been claimed from this exact token model. The scheme is indeed dwarfed by the headline-claiming sums of the ICO, but it poses fewer regulatory hurdles and may even add a level of maturity to a market that desperately needs it. Stop Saying "Women in Blockchain" Following the summary of market trends, a round table later in the afternoon discussed another hip market trend; Women in Blockchain. Every week seems to reveal yet another article, another panel, or another pair of Barbie font bitcoin sweaters all of which claim to show how the decentralized movement will be a genderless one. Of course, this is a hyper-important subject, especially in the wake of the Bitcoin Miami after-party debacle and the "Brotopia" of Silicon Valley startup culture a recent memory. At a certain point, however, meritocracy speaks for itself and as Morgan Pierce and Jilian Godsil ("The Crypto Divas") explained, women want to get away from the whole glass ceiling metaphor. Godsil told BTCManager that: "There's only a glass ceiling if you believe there's one. And I just don't feel that this is the case in the blockchain space." These same sentiments were echoed by Rianne Van Der Heijden of cloudscanner and Barbara Lampl of Empathic Business, both of whom are also turning their attention on the blockchain ecosystem. "If I'm good enough, then I'm good enough," said Lampl, "I don't need a women's panel. Let me speak with everyone else." UTrust Had Another Surprise Up their Sleeve One of the more highly-anticipated events of the afternoon was CIO Filipe Castro's unveiling of Utrust's MVP. The product, according to Castro, will look to upend the retail payment sector and compete with companies like BitPay to make crypto-to-fiat purchases even simpler. The software indeed also seems relatively easy from a merchant's perspective. In the case of a needed refund or simply responding quickly to open tickets, all of it does looks much more convenient than the BitPay offering. Plus, Utrust accepts a number of different currencies. Folks who were interested in learning more were then invited to the UTrust booth to test out the product in real-time. "We had a whitepaper and an idea," Castro told BTCManager, "And now we have a product that does exactly what we said it would do. It's very exciting." FinTech Recap At the conclusion of the conference, the founder Paul O' Connell, also known for the Uprise Festival, indicated his content with the release of the Amsterdam event. "We were able to get people together to talk about personalization and to start thinking of the user a bit differently. I'm happy with the launch," O'Connell told BTCManager, "Hopefully it keeps growing more in the coming years and we can inspire more projects from the fintech community to join in." With so many great minds getting behind blockchain tech, it's clearly early days in grasping it's potential. Naturally, the coming together of curious entrepreneurs in one space has always been the best incubator for future innovation. Next year will undoubtedly reveal more than its fair share of developments in the space. bitcoin blockchain business commentary cryptocurrency Ethereum events fintech regulation startups technology Zero-In
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Home Tags New Zealand Inbound Tag: New Zealand Inbound Trans-Tasman travel bubble triggers bookings surge In a sign of pent-up demand for travel, holiday bookings for travel between Australia and New Zealand have spiked since the announcement of the... New Zealand pauses travel bubble with Western Australia New Zealand has temporarily suspended arrivals from Western Australia due to a Covid-19 outbreak, days after a quarantine-free travel bubble opened between the two... First trans-Tasman bubble flight takes off New Zealand welcomed back its first international visitors from Australia with a 250m by 12m "Welcome Whānau" (family) banner spread out on a grass... Holiday searches surge in wake of trans-Tasman travel bubble The announcement of the trans-Tasman travel bubble earlier this month has triggered a massive spike in travel searches between Australia and New Zealand for... Trans-Tasman travel bubble to start on April 19 Quarantine-free travel between Australia and New Zealand is set to begin on April 19, revealed New Zealand's prime minister Jacinda Ardern during a news... Tasman travel bubble suspended Australia has suspended quarantine-free travel with neighbouring New Zealand after three new community cases of Covid-19 were detected in Auckland over the weekend. The travel... Princess Cruises to deploy five ships on Australia, NZ sailings Princess Cruises has unveiled itineraries for its upcoming Australia and New Zealand 2021-2022 season, which includes sailings to the South Pacific destinations of Fiji,... Singapore partially eases travel restrictions for general travel General travel, including leisure, to New Zealand and Brunei, will soon be allowed for Singaporeans, as the city-state's multi-ministerial Covid-19 task force relaxes border... New York City and Auckland inks tourism partnership NYC & Company, New York City's official destination marketing organisation, and Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development (ATEED) have signed a city-to-city tourism agreement,... Auckland pioneers local advocacy destination guide on WeChat Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) and WeChat have launched the Auckland WeChat Mini Program in Guangzhou, China, to provide a way for...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Tag: Channel 4 Black Mirror Season 4 – A Unified Theory Black Mirror arguably has found its place as The Twilight Zone of its generation, and the fourth season only serves to remind you of its allegorical power. There's a strong argument that the third season, which aired last year, cemented its position in that regard. That was the point Netflix pulled off one of its biggest coups – stealing Charlie Brooker's anthology series from British terrestrial Channel 4 after two successful three-part series which brought together some of the strongest up and coming British actors to tell twisted tales regarding the ominous infiltration and immersion of technology in our lives. Almost always set in a future ever so slightly ahead of our own, never too far to be alienating or unrecognisable, Brooker's stories tapped into those primal existential fears we all feel – that maybe, just maybe, all these black screens, social media platforms, VR gaming innovations and so on, are destroying our culture and society rather than enriching or evolving it. Black Mirror posits a world filled with people unable truly to utilise this advanced, game changing technology often in a positive way, and frequently the majority of episodes end up being cautionary tales of some sort.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
After a couple of inconsistent months, the Columbus Blue Jackets are finding their stride at the perfect time. It doesn't matter what they are doing on the ice; it is just working. Despite a couple of goals against, the Blue Jackets dominated thoroughly making this game against the Nashville Predators all the more surprising. The Blue Jackets have not been in possession of many players like Artemi Panarin. They had Rick Nash and then a gap in between. Panarin is otherworldly, and it looks like he is peaking at the right time. ​Tonight against the Predators, Panarin put up four assists, and every single one was stunning. He put the puck in places almost no other player could. He not only changes the game, but he also stops the game in its tracks. You have to game plan, and when the puck is on his stick, everyone is watching. A dozen players in the entire league are like him. It just shows how lucky everyone is to get to see him play in Central Ohio. No matter how this year ends, we'll always have the Panarin years, and we are all the better for it. No one has benefitted more from Panarin's play than Atkinson. This isn't to say that the Russian has been the primary cause for Atkinson's play, but he would not be playing on this same level. Atkinson is getting time and space, because of it, he is able to pick spots he normally doesn't see. ​Atkinson is with the Blue Jackets for a while, and the more he puts the puck in the back of the net, the more he cements his legacy. He is about to pass Rick Nash for the single-season goal scoring record with one more goal. Even just tying the record as he has is a mammoth accomplishment. The Boston College product is playing out of his mind. It is great to see him blossom into this dominating presence. Is this the lineup the Columbus Blue Jackets are going to use the rest of the year? It feels like the team finally found a combination that works. If they can continue to grow from here, it makes for a team with four lines that can play against anyone. Having Nick Foligno on your fourth line is absolutely a luxury. Pierre-Luc Dubois on the second line is lethal. A third line that includes Oliver Bjorkstrand will win you games. Head coach John Tortorella may continue to tinker, but this is the lineup offensively that will get you wins. It doesn't even look like they've hit their peak.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
<div class="col-sm-2 sidebar left-side-bar"> @if (count($tasks) > 0) @foreach ($tasks as $task) @if($task->has_propic == 1) <div class="row propic"> <img src="/uploads/{{ \Auth::user()->id }}/propic.jpg" style="width: 170px;"/> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" id="upload-propic">Upload New</button> </div> @else <div class="row propic blank-propic"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" id="upload-propic">Upload New</button> </div> @endif @endforeach @endif <div class="row availability" @if($task->user_id == \Auth::user()->id) id="logged-in" @endif > <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading" title="Click to change"> Availability @if (count($tasks) > 0) @foreach ($tasks as $task) <span class="availability-dot color-{{ $task->availability }}" title="Click to change"></span> <span class="loader" style="display: none;top: 2px;left: 49px;"></span> @endforeach @endif <input type="hidden" value="" id="availability" name="availability"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <button type="button" class="btn btn- panel-heading" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#title" style="width:100%">Job Titles</button> <div class="panel-body"> <ul class="list-group" id="title"> @if (count($tasks) > 0) @if(count($job_title) > 0) @foreach($job_title as $title) <li class="list-group-item">{{ $title }}</li> @endforeach @else <li class="list-group-item">No Job Title selected</li> @endif @endif </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <button type="button" class="btn btn- panel-heading" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#skills" style="width:100%">Work Skills</button> <div class="panel-body collapse" id="skills"> <ul class="list-group"> @if (count($tasks) > 0) @if(count($workskills) > 0) @foreach($workskills as $skill) <li class="list-group-item">{{ $skill }}</li> @endforeach @else <li class="list-group-item">No Skills selected</li> @endif @endif </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <button type="button" class="btn btn- panel-heading" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#dive" style="width:100%">Dive Type Experience</button> <div class="panel-body collapse" id="dive"> <ul class="list-group"> @if (count($tasks) > 0) @if(count($dive_type_experience) > 0) @foreach($dive_type_experience as $skill) <li class="list-group-item">{{ $skill }}</li> @endforeach @else <li class="list-group-item">No Items selected</li> @endif @endif </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <button type="button" class="btn btn- panel-heading" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#certs" style="width:100%">Certificates</button> <div class="panel-body collapse" id="certs"> <ul class="list-group"> @if (count($tasks) > 0) @if(count($certificates) > 0) @foreach($certificates as $skill) <li class="list-group-item">{{ $skill }}</li> @endforeach @else <li class="list-group-item">No Items selected</li> @endif @endif </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row" id="propic-popup" title="Upload Profile Picture" style="display: none;"> <div class="panel-body"> <form action="{{ url('/propicupload')}}" method="POST" class="dropzone" id="file-dropzone" enctype="multipart/form-data"> {{ csrf_field() }} <div class="fallback"> <input name="file" type="file" style="width: 100%;" /> </div> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Upload" id="upload"/> </form> </div> </div> </div>
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
KUBO Coding+ allows students to become more confident programmers using functions, subroutines and loops for endless possibilities. This set takes students from basic to advanced programming skills and, combined with the original KUBO Coding Pack, provides a full K-5 solution. The KUBO Coding+ single set bundle provides a total of 82 TagTIles® to use with your KUBO robot and activity maps. The tiles, which snap together like the pieces of a puzzle, allow control of basic movements, time, speed, distance and direction. Students have endless possibilities to develop increasingly complex programmes using basic movements, functions, subroutines and loops.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Paul Raiman Artist Biography: What do surgery and photography have in common? A lot it turns out. Both require outstanding technical skills, as well as the creativity to address problems and opportunities as they immediately arise. These skills, coupled with a love of nature, underscore Paul's photography portfolio. A native of Grand Rapids, Michigan, Paul took advantage of surrounding forests, lakes, and rivers, and in grade school developed an interest in black and white photography. This included film development and printing in his father's basement darkroom. Following his graduation from Kalamazoo college, Wayne State University's School of Medicine, and his fellowship training at the Ferguson Clinic, Paul joined a surgical practice in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he resides today. In his spare time, he continued to explore the changing world of photography, particularly digital imaging. In 2012, dealing with a very difficult, life-changing neurological condition, Paul retired and renewed his study and practice of photography. This interest went "viral" in the transition from the art of surgery to the art of photography with a renewed focus on animal, floral, and macro applications. Also, in his studio work, he has been inspired by the unique lighting techniques implemented by Helmut Newton. In addition to his private commissions, Paul has a blossoming interest in gallery exhibitions. Paul has exhibited his work at Artlink in Fort Wayne, the Honeywell Center in Wabash, LaFontaine Arts Council of Huntington, the Millrace Photography Contest and Exhibition in Goshen and at New Haven Parks and Recreation. In these competitions, his work has received a number of top awards. One of Paul's photos was used as the cover of the Spring 2017 issue of Land Conservancy Magazine and his career transition, "A Shift in Focus," was the topic of a feature story in the Feb. 2016 issue of Fort Wayne Living. Artist Statement: Capturing the very special elements and energies of a certain scene, aspect of nature, or individual – reflected in its beauty, power and composition- is my passion in photography. Communicating that passion,that energy, to the viewer is my challenge ,a challenge I truly enjoy in nature photography due to the dynamics of its predictable unpredictability. http://perephotography.com
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: Grab automatically content from a website to my Google sheet I want to to grab automatically content from a website to my google sheet. I am having the following problem. What is wrong in my formlua? A: the correct syntax is: =IMPORTHTML("url"; "table"; 1) A: You must ommit the S from table. It is table not tables. https://youtube.com/video/d3YptmCbM9Q/edit
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
View print copy Twentieth century impressions of British Malaya: its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources Page 85 London, Durban, Colombo, Perth (W. A.), Singapore, Hongkong, and Shanghai: Lloyd's Greater Britain Publishing Company, limited, 1908, pg 85 Text on page 85 57 TWENTIETH CENTURY IM PRESSIONS OF BRITISH MALAY A Hindu title), and secondly as Raja Bsar Muda, son of Iskandar Shah. He is also confused with Muhammad Shah, whose place he ought to be given in the pedigree. It is therefore difficult to say whether he or the first King of Malacca ought to be credited with the numerous rules and regulations drawn up for the guidance of Malay courtiers, and given at great length in the " Malay Annals " as the work of " Muhammad Shah." In any case, from this time forward the use of yellow was confined to men of royal birth, the most rigid etiquette was enforced at all court ceremonies, the relative precedence of officers was fixed, and other rules were made regarding the proper attire and privileges of courtiers. The author of the " Malay Annals " discusses all these points at great length, but European students are not likely to take much interest in them. Happy is the country that has no more serious troubles than disputes about etiquette ! The first three Sultans of Malacca must have governed well to bring about such a result as this. Sultan Ahmad Shah (Paduka Sri Maharaja) died about the year 1444. His death was followed by a sort of interregnum, during which the reins of power were nominally held by his son, Raja Ibrahim, or Raja Itam, afterwards known as Abu Shahid, because of his unhappy death. This interregnum ended in a sudden revolution, in which Raja Ibrahim lost his life, and Raja Kasim, his brother, came to the throne under the name of Sultan Mudzafar Shah, the Modafaixa of the Portuguese and the Sultan Wu-ta-funa-sha of Chinese records. The new ruler began his reign in the usual manner by sending envoys to China, but he did not go himself to pay his respects to the Emperor. He had to wage war against the Siamese, who seem at last to have made some sort of effort to enforce their claim to suzerainty over the south of the peninsula. Malay records are not very trustworthy, and we need not believe all that they tell us about victories over the Siamese ; but we can see from the change in the policy of the State of Malacca that it must have been successful in its campaigns against its northern foe, since the Malays, suddenly becoming aggressive, carried the war into the enemy's country. FYom this time onwards the town of Malacca becomes a capital instead of an entire State. Mudzafar Shah died about the year 1459 a.d. According to Portuguese authorities he conquered Pahang, Kampar, and Indragiri ; but, if the u Malay Annals " are to be believed, the honour of these conquests rests with his son and successor, Mansur Shah. Sultan Mansur Shah, we are told, began his reign by sending an expedition to attack Pahang. After giving a good descriptive account of this country, with its broad and shallow river, its splendid sandy beaches, its alluvial gold workings, and its huge wild cattle, the u Malay Annals " go on to say that the ruler of Pahang was a certain Maharaja Dewa Sura, a relative of the King of Siam. Chinese records also say that the country was ruled by princes who bore Sanskrit titles, and who must have been either Buddhist or Hindu by religion ; but they add that the people were in the habitaotherwise unknown in Malayaa of offering up human sacrifices to their idols of fragrant wood. Their language also does not seem to have been Malayan. Pahang was conquered after very little resistance, and its prince, Maharaja Dewa Sura, was brought captive to Malacca. Of the expeditions against Kampar and Indragiri we know nothing except that they were successful. Sultan Mansur Shah married five wives. By a daughter of the conquered Maharaja Dewa Sura he had two sons, one of whom he designated as heir to the throne ; but a murder committed by the prince in a moment of passion led to his being banished from the court, and to his being sent to rule over Pahang alone, under the title of Sultan Muhammad Shah. By a Javanese wife the Sultan had one son, Radin Geglang, who succeeded his stepbrother as heir to the throne, and was afterwards killed while trying to stop a man who ran amuck. By a daughter of his chief minister, the Bendahara, the Sultan left a son, Raja Husain, who ultimately succeeded him. By a Chinese wife the Sultan left descendants who established themselves as independent princes at Jeram, in Selangor. By his fifth wife, the daughter of a chief (Sri Nara Diraja), MALAY MATTING.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The next clinical meeting and our final one for 2015 is on 'goal-directed fluid therapy'. A recent article in A&IC has shone light on the topic again. However, not all studies on GDFT have shown improved survival figures. Nathan Hand from Edwards will be profiling one of the latest non-invasive devices and sponsoring the meeting. I have asked Adrian Skidmore and Hugh Stephens to give short presentations on where they think GDFT fits into our current clinical management. (they just happened to be in the hospital at the time!) Please come along and join the discussion. We have missed our "What I have learnt in 2016" this year which was a combination of conference reports and journal club. Please let me know if you did find it useful in past years? Any suggestions for next year? Do we need a massive blood transfusion workshop? Anaphylaxis? ACLS? CO-CO? Both Pindara and Allamanda are getting a little jittery on compliance matters and may be pressing for more meetings directed at clinical indicators and M&M. They are even talking of tying accreditation to attendance at these meetings! Our independent safety committee, chaired by Nick Crimmins probably needs to occur more than once per year as well. All the best for the festive season and 2017. This is an issue that we have to deal with every day, and have frequently raised with local hospitals. To add to the confusion suppliers, and hence presentations, are often changed without notification. I recently found this trio huddled together in the drug trolley. The manufacturers can't even agree on the spelling! EZDrugID is a global campaign to improve the safety of medication packaging initiated by a multi-professional group of healthcare workers. Petitions to the relevant regulatory bodies to implement changes to drug packaging have been established in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States & South Africa. MDA national are sending up a speaker (medical) for next Friday's meeting on medico-legal aspects of the Internet and electronic communications. They are catering for 12 attendees. Please try to get along to make their effort worthwhile.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
With interior space of 500m2 size and with a summer terrace of 1500 m2 size, Hemingway can host a large number of guests and there so is attractable for organizing different events for large groups of people. Interior and exterior are decorated by the eye of virtuoso designer Martin Pohla. Special attention is dedicated to our staff apropos to their quality when communicating with guests. It's hard to mention a famous name that hasn't performed in Hemingway Split, but if one didn't, he/she or they surely will.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
GPS Roofing has been striving to provide exceptional craftsmanship for roof replacement and siding replacement in Sterling, VA since long. We are glad to receive positive feedback from our clients. Knowledgeable technicians, remarkable client services and honesty are our hallmarks. Our experts use latest techniques and tools to meet the requirements of clients comprehensively. Nothing is too big or too small for them. They make complex process of the replacement of roof extremely simple with their skills and knowledge. They resolve all kinds of issues in the first attempt. The best part of our services is that we offer economical prices so that everyone can go for our services easily. We are fully bonded, licensed and insured. Moreover, we offer free of cost estimates to all interested customers. Entire team is committed to establish everlasting relations with our customers. We offer wide range of residential and commercial services that include but not limited to roofs, sidings, windows and more. We always recommend availing the services of expert contractor to get your job done efficiently and effectively. Our technicians treat every customer as a part their family.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Matthew Shifman & Bob Ehalt from the NY Hot List provide their daily picks for New York, Keeneland, Oaklawn and other well-known tracks throughout the U.S., FREE of charge to our Winners customers. You can always find our daily picks in venue, or by viewing them below. Click any date below to view the picks for that day.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Eduard August von Regel (ur. 13 sierpnia 1815, Gotha, zm. 27 kwietnia 1892, Petersburg) – ogrodnik i botanik niemiecki, działający w Rosji. Jeden z twórców rosyjskiej pomologii. W 1863 założył na własny koszt ogród pomologiczny i szkółki w Petersburgu. Dyrektor ogrodu botanicznego w Petersburgu. Badacz flory Syberii, Dalekiego Wschodu i Azji Środkowej. Założył w 1843 czasopismo "Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Land- und Gartenbau", w 1846 "Zeitschrift für Landwirtschaft", w 1852 "Gartenflora", którą redagował do 1884. Współautor 2-tomowego wydawnictwa Allgemeiner Gartenbuch (1855-1868). Z zakresu systematyki i florystyki opublikował: Monographia Betulacearum (Petersburg 1861), Tentamen Florae Ussuriensis (Petersburg 1861), Alliorum Monographia (Petersburg 1875), Flora Turcestanica (Petersburg 1876). Niemieccy botanicy Urodzeni w 1815 Zmarli w 1892
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
As the leader of the band, there isn't a harder working, more versatile member than vocalist, Vito Alvaro. He is known as the face of the band, largely due to his on stage presence and charisma – not to mention top notch vocals, excellent guitar chops, great harp playing and the show stopper of his arsenal, smooth sax playing. The amazing thing is that Vito actually started out as a drummer. He brings a world of experience to the stage night in and out, giving it his all. Every band has a leader but Table's leader is one you won't soon forget. Every band has that one ingredient that you need to make everything just work perfectly. For Table 69, that's none other than Mars. He brings a level of precision to the band that just "fills the cracks" perfectly. He is a strong rhythm player, his lead playing is unique and melodic and his vocals are some of the best around. Coupled with the vocals of Vito Alvaro, the two voices mesh brilliantly. Mars does it all for the band, and does it well. Growing up in a very musical home has contributed to his interest in all aspects of music and has tuned Mars' ear. The rhythmic backbone of the band is Lui Della Mea. He's been holding it down for Table since their very first practice. Lui, a graduate of Humber's world renowned music program, brings a versatile style to Table 69 that allows them to add hit after hit to their songlist – regardless of the style. He's been with the band all over Ontario, playing at a very high level. With that experience and passion, you can blame Lui if you find it hard to stay in your seat. He won't mind. Albert and guitar have been synonymous since he picked it up when he was 14. It isn't the speed, it isn't the accuracy of some of the greats he admires – it's the ability to convey how he feels through it. The passion, the excitement and belief in what a guitar can do is what he brings to Table 69. His path towards this realization began on a band trip while watching a couple of people playing guitar around a campfire and falling in love with how the music made him feel. And this exact feeling is the one he tries to deliver to anyone who is around to hear. The pulse of the band belongs to none other than Paul Cafarelli. Bass playing to Paul is like breathing; and if you asked him, probably just as important. There is a lot of confidence in Paul's playing. His bass rumbles along, holding the groove of every song together as it pounds in your chest. Together with longtime bandmate drummer Lui Della Mea, the two form a very experienced and exciting rhythm section – and easily puts Table among the best bands in the city.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Colombo, February 12: Of late, there is some realization in India that it is time New Delhi dropped its reservations about engaging the radical Islamist Taliban in Afghanistan and participated in the on-going peace process in that country. Involved in the peace process are the Taliban, US, Russia, Iran and Pakistan. The process has the support of Beijing, which is keen that the Taliban is brought into the national and international mainstream so that it is tamed and China's burgeoning investments in neighboring Pakistan are safe. Each participating country has its own reasons to be in the peace process. The Taliban would like to capitalize on its ground level military superiority to negotiate a deal with the US which will put it in power in Kabul without further bloodshed. The US, tired of spending US$ 45 billion a year on the Afghan war, wants to withdraw with guarantees of non-aggression. Russia is interested in filling the vacuum created by US withdrawal, and reviving its historical role in Afghanistan. Iran and Pakistan need peace in the neighborhood for the sake of economic development. All of them have shed their past reservations and have set aside historical memories for the sake of peace now. The US is ready to forget and forgive the Taliban, if only it would assure that Afghan soil will not be used to stage terror strikes. Strongly critical of Pakistan on the terrorism issue till recently, the US suddenly suspended criticism and sought Pakistan's help to open up to the Taliban. The Russians forgot that they were ousted from Afghanistan not so long ago by the Mujahideen, who included the founders of Taliban. Given the emerging scenario, it is argued that India too should forget the bitter past, in which the Taliban had attacked Indian establishments and abducted or killed Indian expatriates. The Taliban targeted India because India has been supporting the US-backed Kabul regime and had once heavily funded the Northern Alliance when the latter was fighting the Taliban in a brutal civil war. Strategists argue that India needs to be in Afghanistan to block Pakistan from using the Taliban to oust India altogether from Afghanistan. But others point out that India's economic stakes in that country are too high for India to be inactive. India is building the Zaranj-Delaram highway. It is constructing the Pul-e-Khumri transmission line and the Salma dam. It is restoring the telecommunication infrastructure in 11 provinces. About 116 small community development projects are being executed in the fields of agriculture, education, rural development, health, vocational training, and solar energy. Efforts in the education and capacity development domain include the Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health; reconstruction of the Habibia School; provision of 500 annual scholarships; provision of 500 training scholarships to Afghan public servants; vocational support to Afghan women and youth; and capacity building in media and information, civil aviation, agricultural research and education, health care and medicinal science, tourism, education, standardization, rural development, public administration, electoral management and administration, and local governance. In September 2016, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced an additional US$ 1 billion to boost small development projects to be executed by local communities. It is widely recognized in Afghanistan that Indian development aid has benefitted ordinary Afghans. Bilateral trade is more or less balanced and is expected to touch US$ 2 billion by 2020. The Taliban is poised to take over the country after the American military withdrawal which is expected to take place before the US Presidential election in November 2020. Therefore, it is time India recognized and negotiated with the Taliban to protect its huge investments; maintain its strategic presence in the region; and checkmate troublesome Pakistan which already has good relations with the Taliban. At the moment, India is out of the peace process. This is because New Delhi is identified too closely with the Afghan government led by President Ashraf Ghani, which the Taliban considers "illegitimate" and a "puppet" of the US. With the Taliban refusing to talk to the Ghani regime, the latter is not part of the on-going talks. Since the Ghani government is not there, India too is out. India insists that the legitimate, elected government of Afghanistan must be part of any peace process or settlement. Apologists of the Taliban maintain that the prospects for peace are bright going by the results of the February 5-6 conference in Moscow. Firstly, the meeting arranged by Russia, attracted participants from all major Afghan groups barring the government. Secondly, the Joint Statement issued at the end of the meet, had nine points which could be a sound basis for domestic peace and orderly international relations. A Taliban-led Afghanistan would, of course, be Islamic, but the polity would be inclusive. Any government formed after the exit of US forces and the Ashraf Ghani regime will be broad-based with representation for all ethnic groups. The new government will assert Afghanistan's national sovereignty and scrupulously remain neutral vis-a-vis regional and international conflicts. The conference pledged to protect the rights of all Afghans including women, and to open the doors to foreign assistance and investment. Recent research has established that the Taliban is keen on running a government well. It is running the administration in areas under its control in a systematic and responsible way. It is not a rabble. However, the road to peace may not be smooth given the opposition President Donald Trump faces from American hardliners and the US military-industrial complex which want the war to continue. Jim Mattis quit as Defense Secretary partly because he was against withdrawal from Afghanistan. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has backers in the US Establishment. But regardless of the opposition, Trump is set to make a deal with the Taliban. This is because the Taliban has assured the US that Afghan soil will not be used for staging terror attacks against the US. American desperation to withdraw is seen in the absence of any will to make the Taliban agree to a six months ceasefire. All that the US has been wanting is an agreement from Taliban to talk to the Afghan government and coopt it in any future political set up. But if the Taliban guarantees US security, Washington may drop Kabul like a hot potato. The US shed its reservations about Russia and Pakistan and has allowed their participation. Desperate to withdraw and go into a shell, the US may not come to India's aid if the latter comes under attack from the Taliban. With no military presence in Afghanistan, and given the inability of the government forces to match Taliban's guerillas, India has been completely dependent on the US military presence. In this context, US withdrawal would be the last thing India would want. However, New Delhi has been seeking an "Afghan-led, Afghan-owned and Afghan-controlled" peace process and settlement. But what emerges finally may not answer to New Delhi's description of an ideal Afghan settlement. It will reflect the ground realities. The ground realities can at least be partly shaped by India if it actively participates in the peace process.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
About us Solutions News Team Contact us Remote healthcare Simulation medical center CCM Vietnam Telemedical call center Thuesday, 13 December 2018 The training center of the National Council for Resuscitation and Arctic Medical Training will conduct a series of courses for employees of the Higher School of Economics On the 7th of December, in Moscow, on the basis of the Training Center of the National Council for Resuscitation (NCR) and the company Arctic Medical Training (AMT), which is part of the group of companies Center of Corporate Medicine (ССМ), the first of three trainings on first aid (EFR_BLS) for employees of the Language and Brain Center of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (HSE) have passed. "We managed to win a tender for a cycle of courses, in total, we will train 23 employees," said Margarita Maiste, manager of the Training Center. Emergency First Response ( EFR) first aid course is based on provisions of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). This is a committee that develops medical standards and represents the largest resuscitation organizations in the world. "This course involves familiarization with most of the conditions that require first aid, the practical development of skills to assist, and also help children and babies. Following the results of training, an international official numbered certificate of EFR and ERC is issued at the same time, "said Margarita Maiste . Recall, the training center of the NCR and "AMT" was opened in Moscow in 2017. The Russian National Resuscitation Council was established in 2004 to unite the scientific and practical potential of the Russian regions in the field of resuscitation, to analyze accumulated experience, to create unified training programs for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, standardized methods that meet international requirements. Arctic Medical Training was established in 2015 by the Center of Corporate Medicine group of companies and the Siberian State Medical University. It was the first in Russia to begin training medical professionals with internationally certified certificates for work in the Arctic and offshore fields. At present, AMT instructors conduct courses BLS (basic reanimation), ALS (extended life support courses), ITLS ( prehospital trauma care), ACLS (extended cardiac maintenance protocol), REM (courses for work on oil facilities, sea vessels and others outside the territorial boundaries of the Russian Federation), as well as first aid courses and courses for trainers of simulation centers. News and events of CCM Opening CCM Vietnam Office in Hanoi - Great Prospects for New Joint Projects CCM Group representatives participated in the business mission of Russian companies in Malaysia CCM Group successfully organized the MCI program mass drill in Vietnam © 2020 CCM ccm@globalccm.com
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: Starting Doc/View application hidden Using Visual studio 2010 and MFC Doc/View Applications I want my SDI application to start up completely hidden, and after sometime or with receiving some message from tray icon it shows the mainframe, view and so on. I change the line m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(SW_NORMAL); to m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); in BOOL CMyApp::InitInstance() but the main frame just flickers after executing the application and then goes hiiden what should I do inorder to avoid this problem and keep the showing capability of main frame when ever I want. A: Here is the solution for SDI/MDI app: The new MFC (with VC2010) overrides the m_nCmdShow value with a setting stored in the system registry. To change this behaviour, simply override the LoadWindowPlacement virtual function in the application class. BOOL CAdVisuoApp::LoadWindowPlacement(CRect& rectNormalPosition, int& nFflags, int& nShowCmd) { BOOL b = CWinAppEx::LoadWindowPlacement(rectNormalPosition, nFflags, nShowCmd); nShowCmd = SW_HIDE; return b; } A: Normally if you have VC2005 or earlier the following will do: // Parse command line for standard shell commands, DDE, file open CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo; ParseCommandLine(cmdInfo); m_nCmdShow = SW_HIDE; // Dispatch commands specified on the command line. Will return FALSE if // app was launched with /RegServer, /Register, /Unregserver or /Unregister. if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo)) return FALSE; // The one and only window has been initialized, so show and update it m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow( m_nCmdShow); m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow(); Note that m_nCmdShow should be set to SW_HIDE before ProcessShallCommand for the flicker not to occur. It looks like there might be a bug in VC2010 though. Since I have done this before it intrigued me and tried a fresh VC2010 project but it was not working. I noticed the problem was deep in the following MFC function. BOOL CFrameWnd::LoadFrame(UINT nIDResource, DWORD dwDefaultStyle, CWnd* pParentWnd, CCreateContext* pContext) { // only do this once ASSERT_VALID_IDR(nIDResource); ASSERT(m_nIDHelp == 0 || m_nIDHelp == nIDResource); m_nIDHelp = nIDResource; // ID for help context (+HID_BASE_RESOURCE) CString strFullString; if (strFullString.LoadString(nIDResource)) AfxExtractSubString(m_strTitle, strFullString, 0); // first sub-string VERIFY(AfxDeferRegisterClass(AFX_WNDFRAMEORVIEW_REG)); // attempt to create the window LPCTSTR lpszClass = GetIconWndClass(dwDefaultStyle, nIDResource); CString strTitle = m_strTitle; if (!Create(lpszClass, strTitle, dwDefaultStyle, rectDefault, pParentWnd, ATL_MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIDResource), 0L, pContext)) { return FALSE; // will self destruct on failure normally } // save the default menu handle ASSERT(m_hWnd != NULL); m_hMenuDefault = m_dwMenuBarState == AFX_MBS_VISIBLE ? ::GetMenu(m_hWnd) : m_hMenu; // load accelerator resource LoadAccelTable(ATL_MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIDResource)); if (pContext == NULL) // send initial update SendMessageToDescendants(WM_INITIALUPDATE, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE); return TRUE; } m_nCmdShow is still SW_HIDE when this function executes but it changes to SW_SHOWNORMAL when if (!Create(lpszClass... line executes. I don't know why this happens in VC2010 project only, sounds like a bug to me. My sample project was SDI. A: This comes from a dialog based application but you should be able to convert it to a Doc/View app as well. You need to handle the OnWindowPosChanging event. The key line is the the one inside the if statement. This allows my application to start completely hidden from view. void CIPViewerDlg::OnWindowPosChanging( WINDOWPOS FAR* lpWindowPosition ) { if( !m_bVisible ) { lpWindowPosition->flags &= ~SWP_SHOWWINDOW; } CDialog::OnWindowPosChanging( lpWindowPosition ); } A: Make sure that you are correctly turning off the WS_VISIBLE bit in CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs). Something like this should worK: cs.style &= ~WS_VISIBLE; We had simply been negating the bit instead of turning it off, and we got away with it in VS 6.0 because this function was called only once. It is called twice in newer versions of Visual Studio, so in the second call we were flipping it right back on again. :-O A: I tried all for Visual Studio 2010 and finished up with: class CMainFrame : public CFrameWndEx { // ... // Attributes public: BOOL m_bForceHidden; // ... // Overrides public: virtual void ActivateFrame(int nCmdShow = -1); //... }; CMainFrame::CMainFrame() : m_bForceHidden(TRUE) { // ... } void CMainFrame::ActivateFrame(int nCmdShow) { if(m_bForceHidden) { nCmdShow = SW_HIDE; m_bForceHidden = FALSE; } CFrameWndEx::ActivateFrame(nCmdShow); } Other tricks did not work for me. Found solution at: http://forums.codeguru.com/showthread.php?478882-RESOLVED-Can-a-Doc-view-be-hidden-at-startup A: I found in VS2017 (using BCGControlBar Pro which is what MFC Feature Pack was based on) that you have to handle things in two places: BOOL CMainFrame::LoadFrame(UINT nIDResource, DWORD dwDefaultStyle, CWnd* pParentWnd, CCreateContext* pContext) { if (!__super::LoadFrame(nIDResource, dwDefaultStyle, pParentWnd, pContext)) { return FALSE; } // undo what __super::LoadFrame() does where it will set it to SW_NORMAL if not SW_MAXIMIZED AfxGetApp()->m_nCmdShow = SW_HIDE; } BOOL CTheApp::LoadWindowPlacement(CRect& rectNormalPosition, int& nFflags, int& nShowCmd) { BOOL b = __super::LoadWindowPlacement(rectNormalPosition, nFflags, nShowCmd); nShowCmd = SW_HIDE; return b; }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Палаццо Ведекинд () — дворец на римской площади Колонны, расположенный следом за церковью Санта-Мария-делла-Пьета. В Античности на этом месте располагался храм Марка Аврелия. Средневековые постройки были снесены в середине XVII века с тем, чтобы родственное папе Григорию XV семейство Людовизи могло построить на этом месте свою резиденцию. Строительные работы были завершены в 1659 году. С 1814 году в здании находилась резиденция директора почтовой службы Папской области. В 1838 году дворец Людовизи был полностью перестроен папой Григорием XVI по проекту Джузеппе Валадье, осуществлённому Пьетро Кампорезе Младшим. Согласно плану Валадье, Кампорезе добавил ко дворцу портик с 12 изящными античными колоннами, происходящими из руин города Вейи. Пара колонн, обрамляющая главный вход, — более позднего происхождения, из сгоревшей в 1823 году церкви Сан-Паоло-фуори-ле-Мура. В 1852 году палаццо был куплен немецким банкиром Карлом Ведекиндом и получил его имя. Существующие интерьеры созданы под руководством Дж. Б. Джовенале (1849-1934). С 1871 года в здании размещалось Министерство образования королевства Италии. В короткий период в сентябре 1943 года до освобождения Рима дворец служил штаб-квартирой фашистской партии. С 1918 по 1922 годы здание занимала редакция газеты Il Tempo, которая после своего возрождения в 1945 году вернулась в палаццо Ведекинд. Примечания Ведекинд Здания и коллекции рода Людовизи Здания и сооружения площади Колонны
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Kerstin Lillemor Ekman, née Hjorth, (born 27 August 1933 in Risinge, Finspång, Östergötland County) is a Swedish novelist. Kerstin Ekman wrote a string of successful detective novels (among others De tre små mästarna and Dödsklockan) but later went on to psychological and social themes. Among her later works is Mörker och blåbärsris (1972) (set in northern Sweden) and Händelser vid vatten (1993), in which she returned to the form of the detective novel. Ekman was elected member of the Swedish Academy in 1978, but left the Academy in 1989, together with Lars Gyllensten and Werner Aspenström, due to the debate following death threats posed to Salman Rushdie. In 2018, the Academy granted her resignation, the rules of membership having changed to allow members to resign. In 1998 she was awarded the Litteris et Artibus medal. See the article on Swedish Wikipedia for a complete bibliography. ^ Andersson, Elisabet. "Fyra personer får lämna Akademien" [Four persons have been granted permission to leave the Academy]. Svenska Dagbladet. Svenska Dagbladet. Retrieved 7 May 2018. Kerstin Ekman: Be careful of writers. Interview with Kerstin Ekman recorded during the Louisiana Literature festival, 2012. Video by Louisiana Channel. "[T]o work for the 'purity, vigour and majesty' of the Swedish language" This page was last edited on 10 February 2019, at 09:39 (UTC).
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Red Bull Radio's Peak Time is your daily guide to modern music, with breaking news, in-depth artist interviews, cultural commentary, the best new tracks, and much more. Each weekday, music journalist and DJ Vivian Host leads listeners through two hours of contemporary music. With a critic's penetrating insight and a fan's unbridled enthusiasm, she investigates and examines the stories shaping the mainstream and underground alike. Usually broadcast from Red Bull Radio's New York studios, this special edition of Peak Time will take place live in Chicago. Vivian Host will explore the personal and musical histories of three guests who are shaping the city's dynamic culinary scene: Diana Dávila, chef-owner of Mi Tocaya Antojería, the acclaimed Mexican restaurant in Logan's Square; Won Kin, the man behind the celebrated Korean-Polish fusion at Kimski; and Brian Case, the guitarist-singer for rock band Disappears who also works as the lead bartender at Marisol, the eatery and bar at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Tanglewood Linde Center for Music and Learning Courtesy Robert Benson Sited on a ridge overlooking Ozawa Hall, this sequence of pavilions and halls by William Rawn is the new home for year-round education and events at Tanglewood. A cultural and musical respite from city life, Tanglewood Music Center has hosted notable musicians and established a tradition of educating young musicians. The new Tanglewood Learning Institute will expand and strengthen that mission through year-round events and education opportunities, based at the the Linde Center. A multi-use, multi-season four-building complex, the Linde Center provides state-of-the-art rehearsal and concert spaces, as well as a home for multimedia education and lecture programs. It will also make the seasonal campus a year-round facility. Reed Hilderbrand is charged with the integration of these new facilities into the life of the Tanglewood campus and with creating a new, optimized campus entryway from Hawthorne Road. Renovations to nearby Ozawa Gate, too, will open views of the campus from the outside, inviting visitors to step through and meander through winding trails. What was envisioned as a single, 40,000 square foot facility is now a micro-campus of its own, nestling into Tanglewood's tree-dotted grounds. Doug Reed Adrian Nial Geoff Fritz Jackson Plumlee William Rawn Associates "Linde Center for Music and Learning by William Rawn Associates" by Beth Broome, Architectural Record , August 2019 Share Twitter Email Clark Art Institute Crystal Bridges MacDowell Colony Savidge Library MIT North Court and Main Street Reed Hilderbrand Explores Brackenridge Park
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Congratulations to Edwin Chan (6B) receiving the Highly Commended Award at The Hong Kong Young Writers Awards 2017 today (22 march). Edwin entered the Fiction Group 2 of the competition with his story "The New Tale Of The Old City Of Shanghai", which fits the theme of the competition this year "New Tales of Old Shanghai". The Hong Kong Young Writers Awards attracts a thousand quality competitors yearly from different schools across Hong Kong, Mainland China, and Macau, including reputable international schools. The competition is always very keen and that is why every award in this contest is highly regarded. And it is particularly interesting to know that Edwin is the only male awardee in his category this year! Who says that English is a girl subject? Boys are disadvantaged in learning English? Well, it doesn't happen in YWPS! Edwin's awarded story is now published in the anthology of The Hong Kong Young Writers Awards 2017 and it will be available online soon. Once again, congratulations to Edwin and I hope our boys will continue to write beautiful English stories because it is a beautiful language for everyone in the world to learn and appreciate. I want to thank Dr. Lee the most. It was him who made this possible for me, and he inspired me to write this piece of writing. I hope that boys in Ying Wa can continue to write good English stories because, as Dr. Lee says, it is a beautiful art for us to appreciate. Thanks for your kind words Edwin. I did very little. It was you who made this possible. Your reading habit is exemplary. You really deserve this honour. Keep this up!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Green Gamification Scores Points Badge image via Shutterstock. This article is part of a series of excerpts from the fifth annual State of Green Business Report, looking at trends in corporate sustainability. Download the free report from GreenBiz.com, and see all of our trends here. Also, be sure to register for a free webcast taking place on Tuesday, February 7: The State of Green Busines 2012 - The Good News and Bad is hosted by Joel Makower and dives in to all the findings of the report. Click here to register. Making sustainability fun and accessible to the masses has long been a challenge for companies, government agencies, activist groups, and others. While the über-notion of "saving the planet" may be compelling, many of its constituent activities are easier said than done: reusing and recycling, turning off lights, buying greener products, driving less, and the like. That may partly explain why so many of us -- both at home and in business -- don't engage in greener behaviors, even when we know exactly what to do. That could change, thanks to gamification, an admittedly kludgy word that describes using something called "game mechanics" -- points, badges, leaderboards, and other schemes -- to make ordinary activities fun and rewarding. Games have long been a business tool for effecting behavior change -- witness the decades-long success of frequent-flyer and other loyalty programs that reward customers for repeat business. In the past year or so, everyone from Samsung and Salesforce to Nike and the NHL have harnessed the power of games to incentivize and reward customers and employees. Increasingly, games are part of companies' sustainability toolkits, providing rewards for making good, green choices. Consider the Nissan Leaf, one of the first mass-produced electric vehicles. Drivers using the car's "eco mode" software keep track of such variables as speed and power usage, receiving constant feedback from a display behind the steering wheel so they can improve upon efficiency. Their achievements are seen as on-screen trees. An online portal connected to the car's dashboard lets drivers know how well they are conserving energy, compared with other nearby drivers. The most efficient drivers receive virtual bronze, silver, gold, and platinum "medals." What had been solely a matter of personal virtue -- driving more efficiently -- has become a community activity. Similarly, the Ford Fusion Hybrid uses a Tamogochi-style game, in which a small dashboard plant grows and shrinks based on green driving practices. SAP, the German software giant, has harnessed games as a key part of its employee-engagement program. "I haven't seen a single sustainability application that didn't use game mechanics," Mario Herger, SAP Labs senior innovation strategist, told GreenBiz last year. In Germany, for example, SAP employees earn points through a carpooling game called TwoGo, aimed at making carpooling easy and socially cool. Employees win points by entering information about themselves; the game matches them with drivers going where and when they need to get to work. Riders also earn points by such things as answering questions about their fellow riders. The game has been credited with taking thousands of cars off the road while helping build social ties among employees. Since many of these vehicles are company cars, there are direct cost savings to SAP. Such technologies represent the next big leap in fomenting behavior change around sustainability. As consumer product companies jump on the gamification bandwagon, some are likely to use it to promote green behaviors -- and sell green products. The only question is one of market saturation: How many ways individuals will be willing to engage with companies and causes through their mobile phones and devices? If companies aren't able to keep such "games for good" fresh and exciting, continually upping the ante when it comes to rewards and incentives, it will be a short-lived phenomenon. By the end of the year, we'll know whether it will be "Game On" -- or "Game Over." State of Green Business 2012 @makower IF11: Gamification a Natural Fit for Innovation and Sustainability ByDerek Top The Not-At-All-Distant Future of Green Gamification ByAshok Kamal What sustainability efforts could learn from Angry Birds ByVreni Hommes IF11 Preview: SAP's Mario Herger on Gamification's Green Promise ByMatthew Wheeland Gamification: What's your next move to engage employees? ByHeather Clancy Building Information Modeling and Intelligent Green Buildings
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: ".path()" doesn't work when building geo uri for Intent I got a problem about the map intent, I found that the .path() doesn't work when building the geo uri, it just opens the google map and does nothing. See the code below: public void onClickOpenAddressButton(View v) { String address = "200 w 40th st, new york, ny 10018"; Uri.Builder uriBuilder = new Uri.Builder(); uriBuilder.scheme("geo"); uriBuilder.path("440.749841, -73.986675"); //uriBuilder.appendQueryParameter("q", address); showMap(uriBuilder.build()); } private void showMap(Uri uri) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setData(uri); if (intent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) { startActivity(intent); } else { Toast.makeText(this, "Can't find any Application to handle this Intent", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } But if I use String concatenation with Uri.parse() method it works: intent.setData(Uri.parse("geo:" + geoLocation)); So, if I use the uri builder method and I also have the exact address, do I still need the .path() to build a valid geo uri? If so, what is the purpose of .path()? Thank you for the help. A: do I still need the ".path()" to build a valid geo uri? No. If so, what is the purpose of ".path()"? There are other types of Uri schemes. For example, https is a Uri scheme, and this is a Uri using that scheme: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57331195/path-doesnt-work-when-building-geo-uri-for-intent The path() of this Uri is /questions/57331195/path-doesnt-work-when-building-geo-uri-for-intent. Not all Uri values use all possible features of a Uri, and so a Uri that you build via Uri.Builder will not use all possible Builder methods.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
The Yuandun (�Shield�) Division is a special task force of the Imperial Service created for contact operations and the suppression of high-risk threats.... sional force, from top to bottom, throughout the war. With the right leadership, it could �blitz� with the With the right leadership, it could �blitz� with the best of the German panzer divisions, as U.S. 3 rd Army demonstrated in France. This publication applies to the Air Force Reserve Command and to Air National Guard and their units. Refer recommended changes and questions about this publication to the Office of Primary Responsibility using the AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route AF Form 847 from the field through the appropriate chain of command. Submit requests for waivers through the chain of... Readbag users suggest that cnicp_a266148.pdf is worth reading. The file contains 36 page(s) and is free to view, download or print. The file contains 36 page(s) and is free to view, download or print. ORRIIGGIINNAALL 08-05-00 Special Board Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 18 The idea of this retreat was brought forth by the Board to figure out where we are going; it is a coming together in order to focus. strategy game programming with directx 9.0 pdf What specifically was your guidance in terms of support to the filmmaking endeavor that you received from your chain of command and the White House? Following the operation that killed Osama bin Laden, multiple senior U.S. government officials expressed the importance of keeping information secret. This Chain of Command campaign shall focus ). "Recently, the blog reports about two chaps in New South Wales playing through a 1945 �Road to Bremen� campaign I wrote for Chain of Command have had me on the edge of my seat - to the extent that when I wake up in the morning I find myself checking to see if the next instalment has been played." Games are typically 2-player although there is a free pdf called �Big Chain of Command� if you wish to play with multiple players per side. Another great thing about Chain of Command is that the rules are supported by a large number of campaigns.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Mother tongue to 130 million Japanese, this is a language like no other. A language of beauty and complexity, a language that reflects the unique culture it expresses. Whether you are looking for an intensive two-week Japanese course or a year of linguistic and cultural immersion, we offer a Japanese programme that is perfect for you. All courses are run in partnership with leading Japanese language schools so, whatever your level, whatever you goals, needs and priorities, you will learn Japanese in the environment that is right for you.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Why MySQL InnoDB log files creates such big HDD load? I have dedicated to MySQL InnoDB log files (ib_logfile0, ib_logfile0) HDD - sda. And atopsar shows big load to this HDD atopsar -d 60: 13:02:10 disk busy read/s KB/read writ/s KB/writ avque avserv _dsk 13:03:10 sda 59% 4.4 4.0 45.3 6.2 1.0 11.88 ms 13:04:10 sda 60% 4.5 4.0 45.6 6.1 1.0 11.98 ms 13:05:10 sda 58% 4.2 4.0 44.7 6.0 1.0 11.94 ms dstat -tdD total,sda 60: ----system---- -dsk/total----dsk/sda-- time | read writ: read writ 24-09 13:11:24| 23k 912k:9689B 391k 24-09 13:12:24| 33k 971k: 16k 270k 24-09 13:13:24| 16k 893k: 14k 235k 24-09 13:14:24| 18k 963k: 16k 254k pt-ioprofile -cell sizes: total pread read pwrite write fsync open close lseek fcntl filename 905728 0 0 905728 0 0 0 0 0 0 /var/mysqllog/mysql/ib_logfile0 200-400Kb per second does not seems to be much. Specially considering that the only files on HDD are MySQL InnoDB log files and (from the InnoDB blog).: The redo log files are used in a circular fashion. This means that the redo logs are written from the beginning to end of first redo log file, then it is continued to be written into the next log file, and so on till it reaches the last redo log file. Once the last redo log file has been written, then redo logs are again written from the first redo log file. The question is why MySQL InnoDB log files creates such big HDD load? Fragmentation: filefrag /var/mysqllog/mysql/ib_logfile0 /var/mysqllog/mysql/ib_logfile0: 14 extents found, perfection would be -1 extent filefrag /var/mysqllog/mysql/ib_logfile1 /var/mysqllog/mysql/ib_logfile1: 17 extents found, perfection would be -1 extent Does not seems to be much fragmentation for files 1Gb, so it should be almost sequential writes. I tried to use other HDD (different maker, different size) and situation with load is same. So the reason should not be in the HDD. Is there a chance to tune mysql to heighten performance? Could it be that mysql writes to InnoDB logs in several threads and therefore HDD's head have to change position each time? If yes is it possible to force mysqld to write to InnoDB log files in 1 thread or at least not simultaneous? sudo /etc/init.d/mysql status Threads: 23 Questions: 11860661 Slow queries: 1 Opens: 2426 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 835 Queries per second avg: 74.015 InnoDB variables: +---------------------------------+------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------------------------+------------------------+ | innodb_adaptive_flushing | ON | | innodb_adaptive_hash_index | ON | | innodb_additional_mem_pool_size | 8388608 | | innodb_autoextend_increment | 8 | | innodb_autoinc_lock_mode | 1 | | innodb_buffer_pool_instances | 1 | | innodb_buffer_pool_size | 3221225472 | | innodb_change_buffering | all | | innodb_checksums | ON | | innodb_commit_concurrency | 0 | | innodb_concurrency_tickets | 500 | | innodb_data_file_path | ibdata1:10M:autoextend | | innodb_data_home_dir | | | innodb_doublewrite | ON | | innodb_fast_shutdown | 1 | | innodb_file_format | Antelope | | innodb_file_format_check | ON | | innodb_file_format_max | Antelope | | innodb_file_per_table | ON | | innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit | 1 | | innodb_flush_method | | | innodb_force_load_corrupted | OFF | | innodb_force_recovery | 0 | | innodb_io_capacity | 200 | | innodb_large_prefix | OFF | | innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 50 | | innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog | OFF | | innodb_log_buffer_size | 33554432 | | innodb_log_file_size | 1073741824 | | innodb_log_files_in_group | 2 | | innodb_log_group_home_dir | /var/mysqllog/mysql | | innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct | 75 | | innodb_max_purge_lag | 0 | | innodb_mirrored_log_groups | 1 | | innodb_old_blocks_pct | 37 | | innodb_old_blocks_time | 0 | | innodb_open_files | 300 | | innodb_print_all_deadlocks | OFF | | innodb_purge_batch_size | 20 | | innodb_purge_threads | 1 | | innodb_random_read_ahead | OFF | | innodb_read_ahead_threshold | 56 | | innodb_read_io_threads | 16 | | innodb_replication_delay | 0 | | innodb_rollback_on_timeout | OFF | | innodb_rollback_segments | 128 | | innodb_spin_wait_delay | 6 | | innodb_stats_method | nulls_equal | | innodb_stats_on_metadata | ON | | innodb_stats_sample_pages | 8 | | innodb_strict_mode | OFF | | innodb_support_xa | ON | | innodb_sync_spin_loops | 30 | | innodb_table_locks | ON | | innodb_thread_concurrency | 0 | | innodb_thread_sleep_delay | 10000 | | innodb_use_native_aio | ON | | innodb_use_sys_malloc | ON | | innodb_version | 5.5.38 | | innodb_write_io_threads | 16 | +---------------------------------+------------------------+ InnoDB status: +---------------------------------------+--------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------------------------------+--------------+ | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data | 189538 | | Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data | 3105390592 | | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty | 0 | | Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dirty | 0 | | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed | 15444830 | | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free | 3 | | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc | 7066 | | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total | 196607 | | Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd | 0 | | Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead | 44261 | | Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted | 2063 | | Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests | 7430686238 | | Innodb_buffer_pool_reads | 144665 | | Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free | 0 | | Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests | 276646158 | | Innodb_data_fsyncs | 9659307 | | Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs | 0 | | Innodb_data_pending_reads | 0 | | Innodb_data_pending_writes | 0 | | Innodb_data_read | 3131691008 | | Innodb_data_reads | 191406 | | Innodb_data_writes | 23908920 | | Innodb_data_written | 523765341184 | | Innodb_dblwr_pages_written | 15444830 | | Innodb_dblwr_writes | 209711 | | Innodb_have_atomic_builtins | ON | | Innodb_log_waits | 0 | | Innodb_log_write_requests | 29583143 | | Innodb_log_writes | 8042225 | | Innodb_os_log_fsyncs | 8136493 | | Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs | 0 | | Innodb_os_log_pending_writes | 0 | | Innodb_os_log_written | 17633602560 | | Innodb_page_size | 16384 | | Innodb_pages_created | 144810 | | Innodb_pages_read | 191009 | | Innodb_pages_written | 15444830 | | Innodb_row_lock_current_waits | 0 | | Innodb_row_lock_time | 3857 | | Innodb_row_lock_time_avg | 0 | | Innodb_row_lock_time_max | 218 | | Innodb_row_lock_waits | 8922 | | Innodb_rows_deleted | 1964207 | | Innodb_rows_inserted | 7013442 | | Innodb_rows_read | 16861336570 | | Innodb_rows_updated | 17193829 | | Innodb_truncated_status_writes | 0 | +---------------------------------------+--------------+ A: You're using innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1 which means every transaction is written to the disk. In that case every commit will result in a fsync which (unless you have battery backed raid controller) goes to the disk no matter what. It is specifically there to prevent data loss in case of a system failure (HDD cache is volatile to power loss). You didn't mention disk setup or filesystem. A single spinning disk cannot do more than 150-200 IOPS (high end server disks) while a normal user grade HDD is around 60-80 IOPS. So 45 is not totally off. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOPS#Examples You can try different things. a) Setup a raid which will multiply you're IOPS capacity. Striping type RAID setups help the most. b) If you can live with possibly loosing a seconds of data then you can change innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit to 2 which will only flush to disks once every second. Significant write performance improvement. c) If you can group writes in your application to a single transaction that will result in less fsync / second. d) You can also upgrade your setup by getting SSD or some battery backed up cache raid card. But both of them are quite expensive solution. A: innodb_log_buffer_size would play a role here as well. A large log buffer allows large transactions to run without a need to write the log to disk before the transactions commit. However the current value of the buffer seems to be fine. But, you can play with it and see.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
The end of the world is upon us. People cower in their homes, holding their loved ones close as the bombs begin to fall, dreading the inevitable, fearing their death. But there are a few who know how to find escape from this total annihilation, perhaps for a whole lifetime. Years ago VirTim, Virtual Time, was banned. It was a means that could extend a single living second into weeks, months, even years in game depending on how crowded the server was. Those who knew where the few remaining games still hosting this could be found, logged in, and chose how they wanted to spend their end of days. Ryan is one such man, but with busy servers he is forced to choose his low level mage, knowing that a single death will kick him from the system, and he may never get back in. But the game world is not the same place as he left it. It seems the rules have changed. The New Party is the first instalment in Ryan's adventure, following his journey as he reacquaints himself with his old character, and seeks to find a means to survive, build a community, and live out his remaining days. It was a fun read, and for a short story I started to get a real feel for the characters and their motivations. Book two is certainly something I will be picking up. These bite sized books make for a perfect bedtime read, and give the promise of a fascinating adventure.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Slaves BC – Lo and I am Burning (2018) Slaves BC – Lo and I am Burning (The Fear and the Void Recordings, 16 March 2018) The new record from Pittsburgh's blackened hardcore doom juggernaut Slaves BC officially hit the streets about a week and a half ago. Considering this writer's lengthy history of covering the band, it's pretty shameful that I haven't gotten around to writing about this one much sooner. Especially in light of their last album All is Dust and I am Nothing landing so high on my list of 2016's top releases. And yet, "The world is an ugly, ugly place. Virtually everything and everyone in it is awful." I used that line in a different review just a few days ago, but that axiom is a terrific way to succinctly summarize why I haven't managed to write more often over the past few months. Coincidentally, it also describes Lo and I am Burning to a "T" (as well as the general underlying themes upon which the album is based). Two quick spoilers: first, Lo marks a huge step forward for a band that has essentially dropped all the other descriptors that used to follow "blackened"; and also, this is going to be a strong contender once again when year-end rolls around. Here, we'll take a look at the album in slightly more detail, and that'll be followed by the info about the band's record release show — which will be coming up in just a couple weeks here in Pittsburgh, featuring Vile Creature (whom we've also discussed quite recently) and Imperial Triumphant (who you can expect to hear much more about on this site in the near future)! This album captures a band that has experienced a few line-up changes over the past couple of years. As always the core remains singer/drummer/principal songwriter and lyricist Josh Thieler, along with guitarist/backing vocalist Sean Singer. But the bass position has undergone a replacement (which you normally wouldn't expect to have any impact on a band's sound within this genre, but more on that later). Also, their live show has seen its personnel modified as well (which can be experienced at the release show in April): a new second guitarist, as well as some helping hands on drums — freeing Mr. Thieler to perform his lyrics as nature intended (a 180° flip from how things had been handled over the past several years, with the bandleader stuck behind a kit while handing off vocal duties to a guest performer). As the first official release with this current arrangement in place, some shift in overall sound would be expected. But the group has been on a collision course with extreme blackness for quite a while, increasing in complexity and putridity with each newly-written song. (It's worth noting that the 2016 full-length was partly re-recorded older songs and partly newer material, while this album was entirely written and recorded in the modern era of the band.) One of the few remnants of sludginess or doominess is when opening track "Lo" starts off a bit slowly and purposefully. But almost immediately, the black metal guitars are off to the races, the intricate drum patterns kick in, along with the harsh and acidic-to-the-point-of-vomitousness vocals, and it hardly feels like the listeners are allowed a single second to catch their breath for the remainder of the record. These nine tracks — mostly between three to five minutes, with one shorter exception ("Glory") that gets chewed up and spit out in just under a minute, and one longer (the aptly-titled closer "Unclean") at about seven and a half, with huge amounts of feedback and distortion dominating the last few minutes and turning the whole thing into an almost-inorganic wasteland — are filled with wave after wave of blackish guitars, complex drum/cymbal interplay, and surprisingly prominent bass counterpoint parts; for the most part segueing straight through. One main way to characterize this music would be DENSE. There are so many layers to unpack here, it's unquestionably the type of album that takes at least three or four listens to really "get" it all. That's not to say the casual or first-time listener won't also be rewarded — the venomous energy and overall tone of animosity allow for a great aural experience. But once you really start to dig in, the subtle details really start to shine: like the patterns of cymbal crashes, those basslines, the blend of various vicious guitar tones, and layer upon layer of some of the ugliest vocals ever pressed to vinyl. You can grab Lo and I am Burning digitally right here. It's also available on a really cool clear LP with black plus a blue/green splatter (if it hasn't sold out yet!), or you can also choose the brown or black versions. http://www.facebook.com/SlavesBC http://twitter.com/slaves_BC http://www.instagram.com/slavesbc http://slavesbc.bandcamp.com http://www.youtube.com/user/slavesbc http://www.fearandthevoid.com http://www.facebook.com/TheFearAndTheVoid http://twitter.com/FearAndVoid http://thefearandthevoidrecordings.bandcamp.com http://www.fearandthevoid.com/shop Winterforge Promotions Presents: Slaves BC Album Release Party with special guests Imperial Triumphant, Vile Creature, Tartarus at Howlers, 4509 Liberty Ave Pittsburgh (Bloomfield) full details here: http://www.facebook.com/events/249399645602985/ This entry was posted in New Releases, Pittsburgh, Reviews and tagged Imperial Triumphant, Josh Thieler, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Sean Singer, Slaves BC, Tartarus, The Fear and the Void Recordings, USA, Vile Creature, Winterforge Promotions. Bookmark the permalink. Vile Creature – Cast of Static and Smoke (2018) Video News: Argus, Dying Fetus, Graveyard 2 responses to "Slaves BC – Lo and I am Burning (2018)" Pingback: Imperial Triumphant – Part I (2012-2014) | Valley of Steel Pingback: Sub Alpine Metal Fest – Turtle Creek (Pittsburgh) PA, November 2018 | Valley of Steel
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Accidentally upgraded to iOS 10.2? Looking for way to Downgrade iOS 10.2 to 9.3.3 / 10.1.1 for jailbreak purpose? Here's everything you need. Everything you need to know about downgrading iOS 10.2 to iOS 10.1.1 or iOS 9.3.3 for jailbreak. iOS 10.2 is by far the biggest update since iOS 10 with many improvements and new features. However, there is still no news regarding any iOS 10 jailbreak. The closest rumor we have heard so far is that iOS 10.1.1 exploit was released and a public jailbreak for iOS 10.1.1 is on its way soon. Til then, iOS 9.3.3 is the latest available jailbreak (by pangu) and it's already been around for more than 2 months. If you have accidentally updated to iOS 10.2 and is looking to downgrade iOS 10.2 to iOS 9.3.3 for jailbreak purpose, sadly, it isn't possible anymore. It's crucial for you to know that Apple enforces a signing window for all iOS installations from all its customers. The only way to downgrade to an older iOS version is by restoring using iTunes. When you restore an iOS version via iTunes, it will connect to the Apple server and ask for permission (that's why an internet connection is always needed when you use iTunes). If Apple is still signing for that particular iOS version, you will be able to install it, otherwise, it will return an error (error 3194, 100, 1671, 53, 1, 7) during the process and there isn't any way to go around it. Apple usually signs only the latest iOS version and the version before it. For example, now that iOS 10.2 is the latest iOS version available, you will be able to restore to iOS 10.2 any time as long as it's still the latest version. You can also downgrade / restore to iOS 10.1.1 given if Apple still signing it. Apple usually stops signing for an iOS version 2 weeks after the newer version is released. So, since Apple has stopped signing for iOS 9.3.3 a long time ago, you can't downgrade to it anymore. We're sorry but you should definitely stop wasting your time trying to find a method that never exist. It's simply impossible to downgrade iOS 10.2 to 9.3.3 now. If you need a jailbreak very badly, instead of staying with iOS 10.2, you should now downgrade iOS 10.2 to iOS 10.1.1 when Apple is still signing for it. Update: It seems that it is no longer a rumor anymore. It's proven that iOS 10.1.1 has an exploit and was already released by a jailbreaker team. We'll now just have to wait for someone to pack all this up and release it as a user-friendly jailbreak tool to jailbreak iOS 10.1.1. Stay tuned, we'll let you know as soon as it's released. There are tons of rumors about iOS 10.1.1 being jailbroken already with a found exploit. Some have even showed how it was done on YouTube videos. It certainly worth to stay with iOS 10.1.1 if you value a jailbreak and looking forward to jailbreak your device as soon as you can. If you're now with iOS 10.1.1, it's highly recommended that you stick with it and stay away from iOS 10.2 update. If you have already updated to iOS 10.2 and want to downgrade to iOS 10.1.1, here's how. Update: Apple has officially stopped signing for iOS 10.1.1, killing all kinds of downgrade and restore to iOS 10.1.1. I'm sorry but the following guide will not work anymore. Get the latest version of iTunes. It's important that you have the latest version. Download iOS 10.1.1 IPSW file. Make sure to select only the ipsw file that matches your device model exactly. Go to Settings > iCloud > Find My iPhone and turn it off. Important step as it would return error when you attempt to restore your device with Find My iPhone remains on. Connect your device to your computer running Windows 10 / 8 / 7 or Mac. Put your device into DFU mode. A mode that allows iTunes firmware installation without loading the OS. For non iPhone 7 users, hold down Power and Home buttons for 10 seconds. Then release the Power button but keep holding Home button until the screen goes black which indicates that it has entered DFU mode. iTunes will alert you when it's successfully entered DFU mode. For iPhone 7, turn off your iPhone. Press and hold On/Off button for 3 seconds. Press and hold volume down button while still holding the On/Off button. Keep holding both buttons for 10 seconds. Let go of On/Off button but keep holding volume down button for around 5 more seconds. If the screen stays black, it means you've successfully entered DFU mode. On your PC, open iTunes. Click on your device, hold shift + left click (or Alt + click for Mac) on the Restore button. Browse and select the iOS 10.1.1 IPSW file you have downloaded earlier. The restoration will begin as soon as you select the ipsw file. Your device will restart multiple times on its own. You should see a welcome screen when the restore is completed. It's important that you check if Apple is still signing for iOS 10.1.1 before you begin restoring. Apple is still signing for iOS 10.1.1 at the date this post was written. We will let you know as soon as Apple stops signing for it. For now, downgrade iOS 10.2 to 10.1.1 before it's too late.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The terms custodial parent and non-custodial parent are used in instances where two parents of a child have broken up and are no longer living together. Under a custody arrangement, one parent may receive custody of the child; the child lives with that parent. That parent is the custodial parent. The other parent, who may have visitation rights... 22/09/2018 · This is a budget for a Non custodial parent that I did, very depressing to say the least. Unemployment is very difficult for both custodial and non-custodial parents to handle. However, the need to support a child does not terminate when a parent is unemployed. If the non-custodial parent falls on truly difficult financial times the court should be made aware. A child support order will only be altered if a parent how to join airforce after bds 24/02/2018 · Have the non-custodial parent served with the petition. Just as with the adoption paperwork, you must have a sheriff's deputy or private process server deliver the petition. A summons will accompany the petition, demanding the non-custodial parent answer the petition. Present proof that the non-custodial parent failed to support the child. Present evidence that the custodial parent attempted to collect child support payments from the non-custodial parent. If the non-custodial parent is the father, present proof that the father was aware of his probable paternity. how to find acceleration with velocity and time For the purpose of collecting child support, the custodial parent can have the non-custodial parent served at work or at home. If you are unable to locate the non-custodial parent to collect support, you must contact Georgia Department of Human Resources, Division of Child Support Services (DCSS). 30/11/2011 · How do I find out if my daughters father is working? 24/02/2018 · Have the non-custodial parent served with the petition. Just as with the adoption paperwork, you must have a sheriff's deputy or private process server deliver the petition. A summons will accompany the petition, demanding the non-custodial parent answer the petition. Non-custodial Parent: Employed The payment of support is not directly from one parent to another. There is an agency that receives the support payment, makes a record of the amount, and then issues a check to the custodial parent. Additionally, if the custodial parent experiences financial difficulties, the non-custodial parent might see a temporary increase in child support payments. Even if both parents agree on changes to child support payments, both parents have to go to court in order to have the amount legally changed.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
What are the 3 key skills / attributes to do your role? Product knowledge, communication and product enthusiasm. Can you tell us about your background / education? I studied a BSc in Computer Science and Microelectronics. Product sales and technical knowledge of the drives and motion products for the Southwest. The range and capacity of the products we work with. What tips or advice do you for future Routeco candidates? Don't over think it, just do it. The array of technical training.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Hanaukyo Maid Tai Episode 1 released! New project! In conjunction with KiteSeekers, we are announcing a new project, Hanaukyo Maid Tai, with raws based on the BDs that were released this year. In this episode, Hanaukyo Taro arrives at his grandfather's supposed home. Little does he know that the home is a "mansion", and it has been left to Taro, along with all the maids that work there. Brought to you by ourselves and our good friends at KiteSeekers. Maybe xvids..we'll see… btw please welcome efaa. He's our newest Distro provider. He has a bot named XDCC|efaa that has the same releases that wasu|kite has. Please use and enjoy and thank him. Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 01 BD out!! So far, only this version. I think the other version already got BDs releases. The alternative version "La Verite" is licenced in the USA, while this, the first one, isn't.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Leela – The Final Chapter July 10, 2010 · by Portraits of M.E. · in Fiction, Leela, My Writings. · At saying this he let go of her hand and looked down. Leela could tell that Taylor was embarrassed at having to admit to her that he was lost. She almost felt sorry for him. She would rather leave him here than show him the way to town but she knew it would be wrong so she let out a sigh, whispered a quick prayer and said, "Very well, you may walk with me back to town." Taylor gave her a smile and said he was much obliged. The walk home helped Leela relax. Who could be tense with such pleasant surroundings? She looked around her as if she had never traveled these roads before. Everything seemed knew. She looked at the green grass sway in the wind. She listened to the birds singing as they went about their busy day. The sun warmed her tear stained face. All these things brought a smile to her face. No one would have guessed that this carefree smiling face was burdened by the upcoming marriage. Leela herself wouldn't have believed it if Taylor wasn't walking beside her. Then Leela did something that surprised even her. She began to talk to Taylor. It must have been the air and the exercise of walking that made her feel like talking. Taylor was even surprised when he heard Leela's voice break the silence. "You know when I was a little girl I use to dream of my future. My mother always said I was different than the other girls. When I asked her why she would say with a twinkle in her eyes, "You want a future. And you can have one too. Just keep dreaming Leela." I always wondered what she meant. Surely other girls wanted a future too but now I understand. I want a life of my own; I want to go against the flow of today and go to school and learn a profession…now I only have dreams." Taylor looked at Leela with wonder. He looked at her and realized that he was going to close all those doors she had opened in her dreams. He was slamming them shut. The journey home ended shortly after Leela shared her feelings with Taylor. He thanked her and left her at her home. Then he walked to the hotel where he was staying. All the way there he thought about the things Leela had said. Every word haunting him. Again he thought of leaving and setting Leela free from him and their planned marriage but he knew he couldn't. The face of her father told him that if it wasn't he who married Leela, it would be another. ….page 8 of my transcript is missing and I don't remember what was written. Continued below is page 9 … She walked with her mother to the breakfast room where they would have their tea. Leela helped her mother prepare the tea. She tried not to think of anything but helping her mother set the table. Her father entered the room shortly after her and her mother had everything ready. He greeted them both with a stiff smile. "Now doesn't this table look lovely. Let's all sit and have some tea." Leela's father then seated himself at the table. Leela and her mother followed his example and sat down also. Leela's mother served the tea. It was almost time for the wedding. Everybody was preparing for the big event. Leela was with her mother who was having a tough time getting Leela dressed. Everything she did seemed to be done slowly as if she was trying to put off the wedding; even if it would be delayed only a few minutes. Her mother tried to encourage her to go faster but it didn't make a difference. Leela wasn't into getting married and she was going to let her mother know it 'til the end. Leela and her mother weren't the only ones who were having problems. Down the street in the only hotel in town there was another person who was having as much difficulty as Leela – and that was Taylor. His stomach felt like a whole cage of butterflies were trying to break loose. He wondered again if he should just leave and wash his hands of the whole situation. But he always answered himself by either shaving or putting on his bow tie. Walter rushed down the empty street. His face was flushed and his forehead was beginning to shine with perspiration. He couldn't believe the time. It was 12:30pm already and of yet he hadn't received a reply from the minister. He wished he hadn't waited so long for the messenger to return. He should of went to the minister's earlier but he hadn't and now he was paying for it. It seemed like an eternity before he reached his destination. He climbed up the steps that led to the front door. At the top he stopped to lean on one of the wooden beams that helped support the porch's roof. His breath was coming fast and he closed his eyes. He exhaled and inhaled slowly. It only took a little while for him to catch his breath then he was at the door making his presence known with a firm loud knock on the door. The door was quickly opened by Mrs. Keen, the minister's wife. Her lovely blue eyes gleamed with pleasure as she welcomed Walter into the house. Leela's father wasted no time with Mrs. Keen. As soon as he was inside the house he told the kindly old lady he came to see the minister. Mrs. Keen, who was one who loved to entertain guests, asked Mr. McMooley to sit. She then asked him if he would like some tea or coffee. Feeling agitated, Mr. McMooley made it quite clear that he needed to speak to the minister right away and that it was very important. Mrs. Keen upon hearing the agitation in her guest's voice thought it wise to get the minister without further ado. When the minister appeared Walter quickly stood from where he was siting and made his request known. The minister motioned for Walter to be seated, which he did. Once the minister saw that Walter was seated, he too took a seat. He then explained to his guest that he could not perform the wedding. When Walter asked why, the minister answered by saying, "Before I do any wedding, I like to talk to the couple. Especially when they are young, like Leela. I want to know if they're taking marriage seriously…" Before the minister could finish Walter cut in by saying, "But the wedding is less than 15 minutes away. I've talked with Leela and she knows what is expected of her. Please, I need you to perform this ceremony." Minister Keen was moved by the sincerity of Mr. McMooley's voice. He sat there for awhile contemplating if he should make an exception. When he finally spoke it was to say he would oversee the wedding nuptials. Mr. McMooley's face beamed with pleasure. He left the house overjoyed! At last all that he planned was coming true. It was taking work but it was happening. As Mr. McMooley walked home to tell his family the good news, he couldn't help but whistle a happy tune. At home Leela was almost ready for the wedding. Her mother was just starting to do Leela's hair. She gently brushed her daughter's hair until it shined. When she was done styling Leela's hair into a becoming French twist, she carefully placed the beautiful white veil made of lace on her head. Leela looked in at herself in the mirror; shocked at what she saw. Could that really be her? Was the facing looking at her really her own? Leela could not believe how different she looked. She felt as if she was a princess and for a moment she was almost happy, but the feeling soon faded as her mother told her it was time for the wedding to start. Tags: Leela ← Leela – Continued, Part 4 Review: The Holy Thief →
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Mladá Boleslav, 30 January 2019 – ŠKODA offers a first glimpse of the new ŠKODA KAMIQ with two exclusive design sketches. With its powerful, rugged looks, the city SUV continues the Czech carmaker's successful SUV design language and adds some new highlights, including split headlight with daytime running lights above – a first for ŠKODA. Read also the interview with ŠKODA designer Antti Mikael Savio the author of the sketches on ŠKODA Storyboard.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Click here to order the June 2015 issue in which this article appeared. Reprints available for a limited time. Mary Kay Ash believed that when you think big, you achieve big things. No doubt she would have beamed with pride that the company she founded in 1963 won this year's Bravo Growth Award, recognition that it had the highest dollar growth in 2014 of any company in direct selling. After a string of record-breaking years, Mary Kay Inc. earned $4 billion in 2014—a cool $400 million more than in 2013. It now has some 3.5 million independent beauty consultants, offers more than 200 award-winning skincare, color cosmetics and fragrance products, and does business in more than 35 countries. Euromonitor International placed it in the top 10 best-selling skincare brands and the top 15 color makeup brands globally. Mary Kay's approach to growth is to provide all the elements that beauty consultants need as they organically grow their business. Consultants represent a cross section of ages, ethnicities, and locations around the world, and every one of them can take advantage of a growing foundation of products, ways to connect, and marketing strategies to introduce clients to the cosmetics and the business opportunity. Marie Swisher, Vice President of Global Brand Development at Mary Kay, accepts the Bravo Growth Award on the company's behalf during the DSN Global 100 Celebration in April. DSN Publisher Lauren Lawley Head and Ambassador John Fleming presented the award. While the company has a tradition of consistent growth, the momentum of its 50th anniversary celebration in 2013 has kept consultants motivated. Executives used the anniversary not only to celebrate the company's past and heritage, but also to position Mary Kay for the next 50 years. For example, it introduced several new product lines targeted to specific demographics, including Mary Kay At Play™ for millennials; a fragrance initiative focused on Latin America; and state-of-the-art skincare for mature skin with TimeWise Repair®. International growth and expansion have become a larger and larger part of Mary Kay's revenue and were a big part of its growth in 2014. Its business outside the United States has exceeded the U.S. business, reaching some 75 percent of total revenue. Its largest markets now include Brazil, China, Mexico, Russia and the United States. Its business outside the United States has exceeded the U.S. business, reaching some 75 percent of total revenue. Mary Kay's most recent market entry was Colombia, which it opened in March. The company made an initial investment of $8 million to start its operations in Colombia. Mary Kay executives from the U.S., Mexico, Brazil and Argentina worked in partnership with Mary Kay Colombia executives in all aspects of the expansion, from market research to tailoring the Mary Kay opportunity to the Colombian market. Mary Kay entered the market with 150 select beauty products in the color cosmetics, skincare, fragrance and body care categories. In choosing an international market, Mary Kay looks for markets where the opportunity will resonate. It's especially attractive in some markets outside the U.S. where women don't have as much opportunity as they do in the United States. Then the company carefully curates the best products to help make its opportunity successful for those who start a Mary Kay business. It helps support the culture and brand through the social media platform that consultants in each country prefer. While Facebook and Twitter are popular in the United States, for example, different platforms are preferred in other countries. Mary Kay headquarters in Addison, Texas. They have found that activities in one market may find their way to a different one. For example, when Mary Kay was the beauty sponsor for Russia's Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, other markets were following the excitement, too. Consultants in Brazil and Australia reposted and shared content from Russian social media. Adkins-Green believes that one of the great strengths of having a global beauty brand is the leverage that can be attained in markets throughout the world. She notes that since beauty and fashion go hand in hand, Mary Kay has found opportunities to build awareness and new markets through televised programs and events. Two high-profile, perfect-fit, but very different opportunities have yielded great results. Executives used Mary Kay's 50th anniversary in 2013 not only to celebrate the company's past and heritage, but also to position Mary Kay for the next 50 years. Mary Kay was the Official Beauty Sponsor for Season 13 of Lifetime's Emmy®-nominated Project Runway™ and its sibling Project Runway All Stars Seasons 3 and 4. Mary Kay plans to continue its sponsorship during this year's season of Project Runway. In the shows, celebrity makeup artists exclusively use Mary Kay products on models, working with the contestant-designers to coordinate makeup looks to their styles that appear on the runway. Mary Kay's global makeup artist Luis Casco appears in vignettes to encourage Mary Kay brand lovers to use runway trends in their own way. The prize package for the winning designer includes Mary Kay products and the services of a professional makeup artist. The show's heavy use of social media, multiple platforms and interaction with fans is a good match for Mary Kay's digital presence. Adkins-Green notes that visitors to Mary Kay's website—more than half of them from mobile devices—and use of its consultant locator spike during episodes. The company also partnered with the 2015 Academy of Country Music (ACM) Awards as its Official Beauty Sponsor. The three-day event was held in Arlington, Texas, just a few miles from Mary Kay's headquarters in Addison. The 50th Anniversary celebration in April included the third annual ACM Party for a Cause® festival, which featured multiple stages for live country music performances and a Mary Kay booth where fans received product samples and learned more about how to connect with an independent beauty consultant. To support the web traffic from both shows, as well as day-to-day consultant business activity, Mary Kay invests continuously in technology. But no matter how streamlined the checkout process, Mary Kay has a formula that allows a beauty consultant to get sales credit online. After the initial sale or when the customer wants to connect with a beauty consultant, they can do a ZIP code search and find consultants in their area. Mary Kay has long had a commitment to top-notch digital tools that engage customers and create experiences that keep them coming back. Their interactive e-catalog, which has generated over 23 million visits globally as of a few months ago, has users spending an average of five minutes browsing, and viewing on average 34 pages per session. The digital marketing team's creation and promotion of product trend updates, fashion news, and how-to tips across multiple social media channels has increased Mary Kay's fan base. Industry expert L2, a subscription-based business intelligence service that benchmarks the digital competence of brands, reports that Mary Kay has one of the highest social media engagement ratings in the beauty industry. As tech-savvy as Mary Kay is, the purpose behind the digital dazzle is the same one the company has always had: connections with people. Whether the connections are made at a skincare party or on Facebook, they support the company's relationships with consultants and customers and the values that have always made the company, well, Mary Kay. Mary Kay partnered with the 2015 Academy of Country Music (ACM) Awards as its Official Beauty Sponsor in April when the event was held in Mary Kay's hometown area of Dallas. Even Mary Kay's philanthropic programs subtly support consultants by supporting the culture they treasure. Adkins-Green notes that giving back is a key component of Mary Kay's DNA, and it's one of the things the independent salesforce loves about Mary Kay. In addition, customers have said that they feel it is important to buy from a company that is dedicated to enriching women's lives and helping women in their local communities. Philanthropy has been more than talk ever since Mary Kay Ash started the company. Just since 1996, The Mary Kay FoundationSM has awarded $37 million to shelters and domestic violence prevention programs in all 50 states and $22 million to cancer research and related causes throughout the U.S. In Canada, The Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation also addresses domestic violence and cancers affecting women. More than $300,000 has been awarded to women's shelters and community outreach programs across Canada, while more than 100,000 women fighting cancer have benefited from the Foundation's work with Look Good Feel Better®. In Asia-Pacific, Europe and Latin America the company has supported programs that protect and enrich the lives of women and children, including education, computer literacy and efforts to end domestic violence, as well as healing initiatives that target breast cancer awareness and childhood surgeries. Mary Kay's relevance as a beauty brand is universal, as shown here during the company's sponorship of Russia's Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. Even as an industry icon committed to existing customers, Mary Kay looks to the future with an eye toward a younger market. Its consultant profile already reflects a younger demographic—essential to any direct seller's longevity—thanks to Mary Kay's strong digital media presence, its sponsorships and its presence on college campuses with its Beauty 101 College Tours and through its sponsorship of the American Advertising Federation Case Competition. The project was a win-win for students and the company. Marketing and advertising students got familiar with Mary Kay as they developed marketing plans for the company during the competition. Adkins-Green says many of them were surprised at how global the company was and at how they changed lives not only through Mary Kay's business opportunity, but also through philanthropy and through the company's sustainability program, Pink Doing Green. In return, the company saw students hold skincare parties, sometimes sign up to be beauty consultants, and offer the company some unique business ideas. Such experiences make Adkins-Green optimistic about Mary Kay's future.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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Game 2 of the Bethel College Tournament saw the Panthers battle back and forth with Brandywine, eventually falling 15-13. Tommy Swanson, Evan Hutchins, Dylan Tucker and Cole Pline combined on the mound for the Panthers. Hitters for the Panthers were Garrett Matthews (Double), and a single each from Swanson, Nick Polaskey, Eric Kehrer, Jordyn Angelo and Pline. The losses put the Panthers at 3-2-1 on the young season (2-0 SAC Lakeshore).
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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site: fantasynews | arena: nfl | pageType: stories | section: | slug: fantasy-football-today-buy-low-sell-high-targets-plus-week-12-position-previews | sport: football | route: article_single_fantasy | 6-keys: media/fantasynews/nfl/reg/free/stories Roster Trends Fantasy Hub Two-Start Pitchers Men's Brackets Women's Brackets Fantasy Football Today: Buy-low & sell-high targets plus Week 12 position previews Trade advice and position by position breakdowns for Week 12 By Chris Towers Nov 23, 2022 at 11:20 am ET • 12 min read I love Thanksgiving week for Fantasy Football, but I have to admit, three games on a Thursday presents some pretty obvious complications for us. The biggest is that we have to make lineup decisions for the Bills, Lions, Giants, Cowboys, Patriots, and Vikings before the rest of the teams have even had a second day of practice. How often do we have mini-panic sessions about big-name players sitting out Wednesday's practice only to see them fully cleared by Friday? Or, conversely, how often do we see injuries on Wednesday that we think are relatively minor only to have star players head into Sunday with legitimate question marks about their status? We're going to be making lineup decisions with incomplete information this week, so the best advice I can offer is, when in doubt, err on the side of caution, be even more aggressive than usual with your late-week alternatives, and try to avoid using your flex spots for Thursday players. Having that added bit of flexibility is hugely important. Tomorrow, I'll have a roundup of all the injury news you need to know about from the first batch of practices for most of the teams, plus we'll have Start/Sit calls from Jamey Eisenberg and Dave Richard both tonight and tomorrow morning in the FFT newsletter, so keep an eye out for that. Today, we have Heath Cummings' Week 12 previews to get you started, plus some buy-low and sell-high candidates to consider as you look to bolster your lineup for a playoff run: 🔍Week 12 Position Previews Every Tuesday, Heath Cummings previews each position, providing injury insights, key stats to know, the best waiver-wire adds, DFS targets, and more for quarterback, running back, wide receiver, and tight end. Here's a brief rundown of each position, along with some key details you need to know before you go read Heath's full breakdowns: QB Preview "Week 12 is a breath of fresh air to Fantasy Football managers with zero teams on a bye. That means we no longer have to pretend like Russell Wilson is a top-12 QB. We can avoid terrible matchups for mediocre Fantasy quarterbacks like Aaron Rodgers and Kirk Cousins. We probably don't even need the streamer section this week. Well, assuming you don't have Kyler Murray and Justin Fields as your starter. "Early in the week we don't have a great indication of the Week 12 status for either Murray or Fields and that is a slightly bigger problem than normal, because of the three games on Thursday." On a bye: None Injuries: Josh Allen (elbow), Justin Fields (shoulder), Kyler Murray (hamstring), Matthew Stafford (concussion), Carson Wentz (finger), P.J. Walker (ankle) and John Wolford (neck). Number to know: 218 -- In his last four games, Josh Allen has eclipsed 218 passing yards just once and has thrown four touchdown passes and six interceptions. Matchup that matters: Kirk Cousins vs. NE (10th vs. QB) Waiver add/streamer: "Kenny Pickett. As I said at the top, with no teams on a bye you hopefully don't need a streamer. But if you're looking for a Justin Fields replacement, Pickett is my favorite option. I would expect the Steelers to have more success through the air against the Colts and Pickett would be coming off a monster game if George Pickens hadn't dropped a walk-in touchdown last week." Stash: "Kenny Pickett. Even if you don't like Pickett this week, he's at Atlanta next week. In a dome against that defense may make him a borderline top-12 option." *My QB Rankings Fantasy Football Today Newsletter Know What Your Friends Don't Get tips, advice and news to win your league - all from the FFT podcast team. I agree to receive the "Fantasy Football Today Newsletter" and marketing communications, updates, special offers (including partner offers), and other information from CBS Sports and the Paramount family of companies. RB Preview "The trend in the NFL over the past 10 years has definitely been moving towards fewer workhorse backs. That's been a major headache for Fantasy managers, but for the past couple of weeks at least, that trend appears to be reversing itself. "An injury to Khalil Herbert looks to have David Montgomery lined up for 20 touches per game once again. The Cardinals surprisingly cut Eno Benjamin, putting James Conner in a similar situation. And Jaylen Warren's hamstring injury has the potential to do the same thing for Najee Harris. But the one workhorse back no one anticipated was Latavius Murray." Injuries: Leonard Fournette (hip), Joe Mixon (concussion), Clyde Edwards-Helaire (ankle), Gus Edwards (hamstring), Jaylen Warren (hamstring), Khalil Herbert (hip), J.K. Dobbins (knee), Chase Edmonds (ankle), Mark Ingram (knee), J.D. McKissic (neck), Darrel Williams (hip) and Damien Williams (ribs). Number to know: 84.1% -- Route involvement rate for Najee Harris. The 37 routes in Week 11 were the most by far Harris has run this season and it showed up in his Fantasy output. Matchup that matters: Cordarrelle Patterson @WAS (7th vs. RB) Waiver add: "Latavius Murray. We would rather start Samaje Perine than Latavius Murray this week, but only if Joe Mixon is ruled out and we won't likely know that before waivers run. Murray has more staying power than Perine; he could be an RB2 rest of season." Stash: "James Cook. Cook has performed like a startable flex lately, but you probably don't need to start him this week since there aren't any byes. Still, he's one injury away from league-winning upside. Cook has shown big-play ability in a limited role and could have a Tony Pollardesque breakout if he gets the opportunity." *My RB Rankings WR Preview "Every summer we go to great lengths to emphasize that rookie receivers can take a while to hit. We preach patience, both on draft day and throughout the season. And I think most people get it, but with all the injuries we've seen this season, with all the bye weeks, it's really tough to hold on to guys who aren't showing any life at all. But the door is opening up wide for the 2022 class to make a furious finish to the season. "Garrett Wilson may be getting a quarterback upgrade if the Jets choose to bench Zach Wilson. We don't know who they'd start for sure, but we do know Wilson has been the worst quarterback the Jets have started the past two years. Both George Pickens and Treylon Burks appear to have emerged as the true No. 1 wide receivers for their teams. Skyy Moore and Drake London could be in for a big target boost because of injuries. And Jameson Williams just returned to practice." Injuries: Ja'Marr Chase (hip), Mike Williams (ankle), JuJu Smith-Schuster (concussion), Kadarius Toney (hamstring), Cooper Kupp (ankle), Mecole Hardman (abdomen), Jerry Jeudy (ankle), Rondale Moore (groin), Wan'Dale Robinson (knee), Romeo Doubs (ankle), Marquise Brown (foot), Hunter Renfrow (oblique), DeVante Parker (knee), Josh Reynolds (back), Corey Davis (knee), Russell Gage (hamstring) and D.J. Chark (ankle). Number to know: 4 -- Brandin Cooks hasn't caught more than four passes in a game since Week 4. Matchup that matters: Darius Slayton @DAL (11th vs. WR) Waiver add: "Donovan Peoples-Jones. Peoples-Jones has proven to be a good No. 3 wide receiver with Jacoby Brissett, and he hasn't even needed touchdowns to do it. Starting next week he'll have Deshaun Watson, who is an enormous upgrade if he's the guy he was two years ago. Peoples-Jones has top-20 upside in the Fantasy playoffs." Stash: Odell Beckham Jr. Beckham is expected to select his team by the end of this month, which means he could be ramped up just in time for the start of the Fantasy Football playoffs. Now is the time to stash him if you've locked up a playoff spot." *My WR Rankings TE Preview "Week 12 is supposed to be one of the best weeks of Fantasy Football. We get three games on Thursday and no one is on a bye. There are 18 QBs I'd feel OK starting this week. There are wide receivers I kind of like who didn't even crack my top 48. I like six tight ends. Five of them I expected to rank this high on a weekly basis, and Pat Freiermuth has earned it even if his Fantasy points don't make him look like a difference maker. "The Steelers' second-year tight end has seen 19 targets in two games since his bye and has made a huge leap in terms of yards per target, yards per catch, and yards per game on the season. In nine games he has 12 fewer targets than he saw in 16 games last year. He should be in the argument for TE3 overall. Instead, he sits at TE7 on the season because he's scored just one touchdown." Injuries: Kyle Pitts (knee), Dallas Goedert (shoulder), Gerald Everett (groin), Darren Waller (hamstring), Irv Smith (ankle) and Daniel Bellinger (eye). Number to know: 5 -- Five touchdowns in five games for Juwan Johnson. Typically those come by chance, but Johnson's knack for the end zone has him as a viable starting tight end. Matchup that matters: Foster Moreau @SEA (31st vs. TE) *My TE Rankings Week 12 Trade Talk Looking to make a trade ahead of the stretch run? Make sure you check out Dave Richard's Trade Values Chart so you know how to make the right offers. Three to buy-low Aaron Jones -- I had a friend ask me this week if he should trade Kenneth Walker for Aaron Jones and Latavius Murray, and he was pretty surprised when I said yes, which suggests to me there's some skewed perception around Jones right now. Jones' most recent game wasn't great, but he still managed 14 PPR points, and he's averaging 18.5 per game over his past five -- not far from Walker's 20.2 over his five games as a starter. None of this is to disparage Walker, who is a tremendous talent and a top-12 RB the rest of the way, but Jones simply has more ways to produce value thanks to his pass-catching. Take advantage of the perception that he's struggling. D.J. Moore -- As I've said a few times already this season, I'm done saying, "Things can't get worse for D.J. Moore." They can, and often do, it seems. But, while I'm not necessarily excited about the prospect of Sam Darnold taking over as the Panthers QB again, I will note that Moore averaged 15.7 PPR points per game in 11 starts with Darnold last season; he's averaging just 11.1 in 16 games with any other QB since the start of 2021. 27.4% of Darnold's passes went Moore's way last season, compared to just 22.3% of Mayfield's. If nothing else, hopefully Darnold leans on his best receiver more than Mayfield has. D'Andre Swift -- This one is, admittedly, a bit of a shot in the dark for someone looking for upside as the playoffs approach. Swift hasn't played more than 31% of the snaps in his past three games and doesn't have a double-digit carry game since Week 1, and it's possible this role remains in place through the rest of the season, given his struggles staying healthy. However, we know Swift is an elite playmaker when healthy, and there's at least a chance he gets back to being a 12- to 15-touch guy and is a top-12 RB. If you don't necessarily need to rely on him for Week 12 to win, he's definitely worth taking a flier on. One to buy-high David Montgomery -- I think Week 11 was probably a pretty good indicator of what to expect from Montgomery for at least the next three games with Khalil Herbert on IR. You'll have to live with a Week 14 bye, which is tough, but if you don't think you'll be in a must-win game there, Montgomery is coming off an 80% snap share with 17 carries and four targets, and should continue to dominate touches for the Bears. He's a must-start RB2 based on volume alone right now. Three to sell-high Isiah Pacheco -- Coming off his first ever 100-yard game and with Clyde Edwards-Helaire suffering a high-ankle injury, the arrow is definitely pointing up for Pacheco. But I'm not sure that arrow will ever point high enough to make him a must-start Fantasy option. The Chiefs have an awesome offense, but he's been a completely non-factor as a pass-catcher this season, so he's going to have to produce as a rusher, and this offense just doesn't feature their running backs -- the Chiefs have a Pass-Rate Over Expectation of 12.1%, the highest mark in the league. Their running backs have averaged less than a touchdown per game over the past two seasons, too, and Pacheco is not at all guaranteed to get those opportunities ahead of Jerick McKinnon, so I'm just not sure there's much more than low-end RB2 upside here, even if he's looked pretty good running the ball. Christian Watson -- We're like three weeks removed from everyone being convinced that Allen Lazard was Aaron Rodgers' clear favorite red zone target, but now it's Watson? I'm not buying it. Watson is a hugely talented player, and it's possible he's just the No. 1 option for the Packers, but we know by now not to be too swayed by gaudy touchdown spurts. Watson is still primarily a deep ball receiver who had as many targets last week as Randall Cobb, so I'm still viewing him as more of a high-upside WR3 than a must-start WR2. I'd rather have Lazard still, and if I could move Watson for someone like Gabe Davis, Devonta Smith, or DK Metcalf, I'd definitely do that. Latavius Murray -- Broncos running backs are averaging 15.6 PPR points per game right now. All of them. Combined. This is the lowest scoring offense in the league, and Murray is averaging just 3.3 yards per carry since joining them. Maybe he'll be a bigger part of the passing game moving forward -- Russell Wilson is throwing 8.1 passes to his RBs this season, a solid number -- but I'm having a hard time getting excited about Murray. I think you're hoping for RB2 upside in any given week, with RB3 outcomes more the norm than the exception. He's a fine player to have around on your roster, but he's probably more valuable to dangle in front of some RB-needy team right now. One to sell-low Miles Sanders -- Sanders' passing game role -- never particularly robust -- has completely evaporated of late, with just three targets in his past five games. That has rendered him truly a touchdown or bust Fantasy option, and the past two games have shown us what that means when he doesn't get into the end zone. The Eagles have a great offense, but they also have a ton of competition down by the goal line, but the bigger issue here is just that touchdowns are pretty random. When they're flowing, it's great, but Sanders is kind of a one-trick pony, and you probably just need to start him every week and ride the ups and downs. Or trade him and let him be someone else's headache. Our Latest Fantasy Football Stories Burning questions: Championship teams Chris Towers • 9 min read Playoff Stock Watch, rankings by position Jamey Eisenberg • 13 min read NFL Playoff Challenge picks, Championship Round lineups Injury Report: Who's in, who's out? Juan Carlos Blanco • 2 min read FFT: Key questions for conference-title weekend 2023 Dynasty Fantasy landing page Heath Cummings • 1 min read FFT: Week 12 trade advice, position previews Chris Towers 12 min read Chris Towers 9 min read Jamey Eisenberg 13 min read CBS Sports Staff 3 min read Juan Carlos Blanco 2 min read Heath Cummings 1 min read Conference Championship DFS lineups 2023 updated Dynasty TE rankings 2023 updated Dynasty WR rankings
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Gabon – democratic struggle means French and US troops going home Written by Explo Nani-Kofi Published in Analysis US paratroopers in Gabon 2016. Photo: Stars and Stripes Despite the complexity of popular revolutionary forces in Gabon, it is clear that colonial military forces must leave the country, argues Explo Nani-Kofi On 7th January, we entered the new year with an announcement on Gabonese radio, that the government of Gabon has been overthrown by the military, bringing an end to the 51-year rule of the Bongo dynasty. The group took advantage of the President being absent for medical treatment for some months to attempt the overthrow but were beaten back after a few hours. The group referred to itself as the Patriotic Youth Movement of the Gabon Defence and Security Forces. However, given the way they were stopped and their appeal to the population falling on deaf years, they hardly look anything like a popular movement. Although, oil revenues, with a gross domestic product per capita of US$ 8,600 should have made the Gabonese population quite well off, there is a skewed distribution of income. The richest 20% of the population earn over 90% of the income. French troops have been stationed in Gabon since 1964 and US troops were also sent there at the beginning of this year 2019 Gabon has a long tradition of political uproars. In 1964 when the first President of the country, Leon Mba, wanted to introduce one party rule an uprising attempted to overthrow him. It was the former colonial master, France, which sent in troops to keep him in power after days of fighting. French troops have been stationed in the country since then. In early 1990, the post-Cold War mass movements for democratisation which swept across the African continent touched Gabon as well. A period of strikes and demonstrations engulfed the country. This culminated in a national political conference and a transitional government. In 1993, when the old President was returned to office through the ballot box, civil disturbances re-emerged. An accord was made between the government and opposition for a government of national unity which later collapsed. For the 58 years that Gabon has been an independent Republic, it has been ruled for 51 of those 58 years by the Bongo dynasty. Omar Bongo Ondiamba ruled the country for 42 years and now his son, Ali Bongo Ondiamba has just entered his 9th year in office. Ali's elections both in 2009 and 1016 were greeted with violence and dispute. After Ali Obongo's election in 2009, the opposition leader Andre Mba Obame declared himself President on 25 January 2011 and chose a cabinet claiming that he was the people's choice. Mba's party was accused of treason and dissolved on 26 January 2011 for threatening the peace, security, and stability of Gabon. In 2016 as well, former African Union chairman Jean Ping, who contested the Presidency against Ali Obongo, declared himself the rightful winner of the elections and called for a recount after Ali was declared the winner. This was followed by violence and sate repression. The violence across the country paralysed transportation and caused food shortage on the market. This led to looting. Gabon does not have the sort of ethnic tension that many African countries have because the various ethnic groups are spread across the country with widespread inter-marriage. This should facilitate the organisation and galvanising of the widespread anger against the dynasty which has been exhibited during political uproars. The failure of the recent coup shows that it is necessary to organize from within the masses and not to take for granted that the existing anger will bring people out once a given group rises up against the dynasty. Since the abortive coup, it seems the days of soldiers simply marching up to the broadcasting house and announcing the end of a regime are over. The only coup which has succeeded recently in Africa was the Zimbabwe coup of 2017. However, that was a different type of coup organized from within the ruling class involving apparent consultation with countries which had influence on the Zimbabwean government and could have supported a resistance from within the regime. Apart from organizing from below within the masses of the people, the political leaders should mobilize the people to demand and ensure that foreign troops from France and USA leave the country immediately. These foreign troops will always support the corrupt regimes which have enabled foreign companies to siphon profits out of the country. All peace loving and democratic forces worldwide should support the Gabonese in demanding that the French and American troops go home. The problem with citizens' assemblies By Elaine Graham-Leigh Bolsonaro under pressure from within and below By Orlando Hill The London working class have not forgotten Grenfell Rubberboat in a sharkpool: Tories exploit the Assange case Grenfell: justice delayed is justice denied By Isabel Carr Tagged under: Imperialism Revolution Africa Explo Nani-Kofi Explo Nani-Kofi is Societal Affairs Analyst and Social Justice Practitioner. He was born in Ghana where he started his activist as a grass root organizer for popular democracy. He coordinated the Campaign Against Proxy War in Africa and the IMF-World Bank Wanted For Fraud Campaign. He is a member of Counterfire and Director of the Kilombo Centre for Civil Society and African Self-Determination, in Peki, Ghana and London, UK. Sudan: the struggle continues Cameroon: neo-colonised before independence Sudan – food crisis provokes calls for regime change Burkina Faso: winning in the streets but losing in the ballot Angola: students and political detainees must be freed Burkina Faso: the West's armed puppets broken by the masses Ebola: epidemics and imperialism
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The Mission of Two Dimensions Preparatory Academy Charter School in partnership with parents and community is to develop knowledgeable reasoning and lifelong learners through a dynamic and challenging educational program of excellence that will foster productive, responsive citizens. Two Dimensions Preparatory Academy Charter School will be a caring community recognized for its excellent teaching, love of learning, and high academic standards. Students will respect themselves and others, honor their faith and country, and finally students will be prepared for a life that is rewarding. Thus, allowing them to make a notable contribution to society.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
A summer afternoon drive leads you down country roads to a fresh berry stand flaunting the most heavenly display of beautiful overflowing berry baskets, berry flavored cupcakes and cool, refreshing strawberry lemonade. As you approach, you are greeted by the sweetest little gal with an adorable smile, ready to assist you with any of the delicious treats from the Berry Cafe your heart desires. Who could resist? The perfect cling stamp set to create charming scenes on projects for friends and loved ones. 1. Berry Cafe: 3.5" x 3.5" 2. Sweet Strawberry Gal: 1.25" x 3.25"
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
We thought we would start off with the workshops where we could access local trainers, so the first workshops are; Professional podcasting and new media, Social media for beginners and An essential guide to SEO. Professional podcasting and New Media is being run by Dan Lynch who many of you will know as @methoddan on Twitter. He has run the workshop before for Fact Liverpool back in 2013 and as there was a lot of interest back then we thought thought we would run it again. On this course you'll learn professional tips from Dan Lynch, a podcaster and audio engineer with years of experience working on some of the most popular technology shows in the world. TWIT.tv, LinuxOutlaws, RatholeRadio and more. Prices: Workshop prices range from £39 to £99 depending on the type and duration of the workshop. If your looking to develop your skills in 2015 then this half day introductory workshop to social media will fit you fine. Covering platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram we'll advise you how to make the most of your digital presence for your businesses. We demonstrate how to use the hardware and the software - from signing up, to branding your sites, to linking your platforms together, we can give you hints and tips to make all this easy to understand. You'll be able to brand your social media sites so when people visit they know who you are and what your business does. All the workshops dates are flexible at the moment but as soon as we have enough people signed up toe start the workshops we will. We have a range sessions we are still working upon and when we have more details we will let you know. You can sign up to the mailing list and we'll let you know as soon as these become available.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Eugene Asti Eugene Asti studied at the Mannes College of Music, New York with Jeannette Haien where he earned his B.Mus. and M.A. and subsequently studied piano accompaniment with Graham Johnson at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. Eugene currently teaches at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and is Vocal Accompaniment Coordinator at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance and regularly gives masterclasses both in the UK and abroad. One of the foremost accompanists of his generation, he has performed with many great artists including Dame Felicity Lott, Dame Sarah Connolly, Sir Willard White, Sir Thomas Allen, Sir Bryn Terfel, Angelika Kirchschlager and the late Dame Margaret Price in venues such as the Wigmore Hall and the Barbican, London; the Musikverein in Vienna; Mariinsky Theatre in St Petersburg; the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam; the Kölner Philharmonie; the Megaron in Athens; the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels; Symphony Hall in Birmingham and the Alice Tully Hall and Carnegie Hall in New York. His many recordings include the complete songs and duets by Felix Mendelssohn, songs by Fanny Mendelssohn and the complete songs of Clara Schumann all for Hyperion. Other recordings include a live recital disc with Dame Sarah Connolly for Signum; the complete Mozart songs with Sophie Karthäuser and Stephan Loges for Cyprès; a disc of Schumann Lieder entitled Songs of Love and Loss with Sarah Connolly for Chandos; a recital of English song entitled Most Grand to Die and Schubert's Schwanengesang for BIS with James Rutherford and most recently, a disc of Poulenc Melodies Les Anges Musiciens and Hugo Wolf Kennst du das Land both with Sophie Karthaüser for Harmonia Mundi. Future recordings include a disc of Debussy Melodies with Sophie Karthaüser for Harmonia Mundi and Schubert's Winterreise with James Rutherford for BIS. In 2009 Eugene devised and curated a recital series to honour the anniversary of Felix Mendelssohn, for London's King's Place. He has also completed an edition of rare Mendelssohn songs for Bärenreiter which was published in 2008. Recent engagements include a concert with Dame Sarah Connolly and Tenebrae Choir at the Wigmore Hall, a recital with Dame Sarah Connolly at the Oxford Lieder Festival, recitals with Sophie Karthäuser at the L'Amphitheatre Vauban a Namur, The Théâtre de la Ville, Paris and the Aula Collegium Novum Hall in Krakow and concerts and a masterclass at the Clara Schumann Festival at St John's, Smith Square in London. Eugene is a Steinway Artist. Last updated: Sep 2019 Helen Abbott Benjamin Appl James Baillieu Lotte Betts-Dean Helen Charlston Schubert & Co. Dame Sarah Connolly DBE Julius Drake Marcus Farnsworth Cheryl Frances-Hoad Christina Gansch Joseph Havlat Sholto Kynoch Dorottya Láng Simon Lepper Natasha Loges Frederick Long Joan Rodgers Klemens Sander Robin Tritschler Ailish Tynan Roderick Williams Ensemble x.y
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Jill Carlson joined Goldman Sachs after graduating from Harvard and began a career in conventional financial services before being bitten by the blockchain bug. She moved to the UK for an M.Sc at Oxford (where her dissertation was on Cryptocurrency) and a spell at the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance before joining Chain. Chain build permissioned blockchains for companies including Visa, the subject of this podcast. I'd urge you to take a look at the Chain white paper as well! Tomorrow's Transactions podast no. 280, edited 10th November 2016.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
You Are Here: Home → 2020 → June → 5 → UN report cites impunity for human rights violations in the Philippines UN report cites impunity for human rights violations in the Philippines Anne Marxze Umil June 5, 2020 President Duterte, United Nations, United Nations Human Rights Committee The report noted that while many of the human rights concerns it has documented are long-standing, however, it has become intense in recent years adding that the killing of alleged drug suspects has become widespread and systematic as well as the killing of numerous human rights defenders. Related article: 'Anti-Terror Bill worrying' – UN report MANILA – "Persistent impunity and formidable barriers to accessing justice" must be urgently addressed in the Philippines. This is the gist of a report on the situation of human rights in the Philippines released by United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights Michel Bachelet yesterday, June 4. The report was the result of the UN Human Rights Council's adoption of the Iceland resolution on July 11, 2019. In the report, it was stressed that "a heavy-handed focus on countering national security threats and illegal drugs has resulted in serious human rights violations in the Philippines, including killings and arbitrary detentions, as well as the vilification of dissent." The report is based on the 893 written submissions to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) which it received last Jan. 31. These include the submissions from the Philippine government as well as the non-government organizations. A dialogue was held with government officials in Bangkok, Thailand. The OHCHR however did not receive a permission from the government to visit the the Philippines. The key human rights issues in the UN report include the human rights violations in the context of the campaign against illegal drugs, national security and civic space, the situation of indigenous peoples, farmers and internally displaced people and incitement to hatred and violence. Part of the conclusion of the High Commissioner's report is "the need for independent, impartial and effective investigations into the killings and stands ready to assist credible efforts towards accountability at the national and international level." The report detailed its findings on the President Duterte's campaign against illegal drugs which have killed thousands from the time he began his presidency in 2016. The OHCHR noted that the drug campaign-related killings "appear to have a widespread and systematic character." The report noted that the policy, particularly the Philippine National Police Command Memorandum Circular No. 16-2016 which launch the anti-illegal drugs campaign called Double Barrel have encouraged "violations of the due process." "The terms 'negation' and 'neutralization' of 'drug personalities' appear throughout Circular 16-2016. Such ill-defined and ominous language, coupled with repeated verbal encouragement by the highest level of State officials to use lethal force, may have emboldened police to treat the circular as permission to kill," the report read. The report also noted the inconsistent data of drug suspects killed in the government's campaign against illegal drugs. It said the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency said there are 5,601 persons killed by the police since the launch of Double Barrel in July 1, 2016 until Jan. 31, 2020. In President Duterte's 2017 Year-End report, there are also 16,355 "homicide cases as under investigations" listed as accomplishments in the fight against illegal drugs. "The most conservative figure, based on Government data, suggests that since July 2016, 8,663 people have been killed – with other estimates of up to triple that number. This clearly illustrates the need for a transparent and comprehensive reporting system for data on killings by State and non-State actors," the report read. It also noted that the Police Internal Affairs Services (IAS) reportedly conducted 4,583 investigations between July 2016 and May 2019. However, only the case of 17 year-old Kian delos Santos was solved where three police officers were convicted. The OHCHR also noted that administrative sanctions against the police are also insufficient as well as the lack of progress in the investigation of drug related cases referred to the Office of the Ombudsman. On the killing of human rights defenders, the OHCHR has also documented that, between 2015 and 2019, at least 248 human rights defenders, legal professionals, journalists and trade unionists have been killed in relation to their work. These statistics were verified by the OHCHR. They said the requested to the Philippine government the figures on the said killings but did not receive anything. The report also noted that the inclusion of 649 people in the Department of Justice's petition to declare Communist Party of the Philippines and New People's Army as terrorist groups under Human Security Act is "extremely dangerous." Read: Repackaged 'terror list' remains baseless, says rights lawyer They cited as an example the killing of human rights lawyer Benjamin Ramos, Haide Flores, city councilor Bernardino "Toto" Patigas and lawyer Anthony Trinidad whose cases remain unsolved. The report also cited raids in offices of non-government organizations which have resulted in the detention of some individuals and the charges they face including for illegal possession of firearms, abduction and sedition. "While judicial remedies such as the Supreme Court's writ of amparo are available, in one recent case, civil society members seeking temporary protection orders against the Government were themselves charged with perjury," the report read. The OHCHR also noted the increase in the killing of lawyers over the past five years, many of whom are working on politically sensitive cases or advocating for land rights of farmers and indigenous peoples. "Most cases remain unresolved. Reprisals, threats and criminal charges, often for non-bailable offenses, against legal professionals involved in human rights cases are also prevalent," the report read. Read: Rights defenders decry revival of fabricated perjury charges Bachelet said there is a "need for an independent, impartial and effective investigations into the killings." She added that the UNHRC is also "ready to assist credible efforts towards accountability at the national and international level." Bachelet reiterated that "people who use or sell drugs do not lose their human rights." "People who disagree with Government policies and criticize them, including in international fora, should not be vilified as terrorist sympathizers," she added. Rights groups, on the other hand, welcomed the report of the UNHRC. They said that the government should "seriously rethink its draconian approaches like institutionalizing opportunities for even more widespread violations through dubious 'anti-terror' legislation, national security policies and those related to its bloody anti-narcotics campaign," Ecumenical Voice for Human Rights and Peace in the Philippines (EcuVoice) said in a statement.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Brand NEW Energy Efficient SMART Home in Newcastle! This home is under construction so check back for more info and pics. Here is what we have for now…..This versatile floor design offers a split plan, very LARGE kitchen that is more of the traditional layout yet still feels extremely open concept, and the covered back patio will allow you to enjoy your fully sodded & fully fenced backyard. As you enter your new home you will be greeted with lustrous wood look tile throughout the main living area. The 10' ceilings makes your home feel so much bigger as well! TANKLESS water heater makes sure you always have enough at all times and can take as long of a bath as you want. This growing neighborhood is conveniently located just 20 or so minutes from OKC or Norman. 1 year builders warranty and 10 year structural/foundation warranty IS included. To learn more, schedule a showing today!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The prospective developer of a large wind farm yesterday denied its plans would leave a Caithness village beset on all sides by turbines. Objectors to Eon's scheme at Golticlay, near Lybster, believe it would leave residents encircled by whirling blades on land and at sea. Councillors formally objected to the plans last September, highlighting concerns about the negative impact on osprey and rare wildcat populations, resulting in an inquiry. But the energy giant says its proposed 19 turbines satisfy the guidelines and could be accommodated within the landscape without undue problems. On the first day of a public local inquiry into the plans, Eon consultant Jon Mason said the development is sited in an area where wind farms are "likely to be acceptable," under Scottish planning policy. Objectors fear the development, when taken together with the existing Burn of Whilk and onshore farms and the hundreds being erected immediately off the east Caithness coast, will lead to Lybster being "encircled" by the towers. But Mr Mason, a landscape architect, said the Golticlay turbines, which would stand up to 425 feet high, would not be visually prominent from the majority of views or from the affected settlement. He said: "Neither Burn of Whilk nor the BOWL offshore project is visible from a majority of the settlement either. "Those locations where all three developments would be visible are in the minority. Mr Mason did not believe the development would, as objectors allege, blight the local stretch of the North Coast 500. He said the turbines, where visible from the A99 and A9, would be set back from the roads and clearly visible only for relatively short sections north of Latheronwheel and south of Wick. Turbines are already very visible from the route and have been since before it was launched. "They have not inhibited its success," he said. The inquiry in Wick will run until Friday.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Amishi in Sanskrit, an ancient language means 'pure'. The brand signifies just that. Pure beauty. Pure innocence. Pure design. Amishi, named after the designer herself, was founded with passion to create handbags and jewellery for the contemporary woman who had both style and substance. Her creations are sheer poetry and she is motivated to create the most desirable pieces of luxury by observing nature and the world around her. Her spirituality has enabled her to create purses which are balanced in design and bring about a sense of fulfillment and balance in the life of the woman who wears it. The vision has always been to make jewelry and handbags that are irresistible and, therefore, will be handed down through generations. The pieces are always fresh, unique, exciting and timeless with roots emanating from ancient cultures. The regal essence of the Amishi handbag conveys the spirit of Royalty to women who wear them. They are eternal classic pieces. Sold in the world's leading stores, Amishi clutch bags and jewelry have been appreciated by celebrities and Royalty including Princess Eugenie, Princess Beatrice, Kimberley Walsh, Nicole Scherzinger, to name a few. www.amishi.london Where can you shop Amishi Tax Free: Amishi, London 45 Maddox Street, W1S 2PE, London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Material issues are continually assessed as part of our risk management and business planning processes and the group integrates horizon scanning into these processes to seek new market opportunities and identify emerging issues that many have an impact on our business over the longer term. The map below highlights the areas of focus for JM which we have identified as key to our business and most important to our stakeholders. Our stakeholders are crucial to our long term success. Their views inform and help shape our strategy, framework and sustainable business goals, which you can access below.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Blog Multichannel Marketing Facebook apps: there's no such thing as a free audience Facebook's success hasn't only netted its founders, early employees and investors billions of dollars, the world's largest social network has built an ecosystem that has served as the foundation for other businesses collectively worth billions. From large social gaming companies like Zynga all the way to individual developers building Facebook apps out of their bedrooms, Facebook's launch of a development platform in 2006 proved to be a game-changer for online entrepreneurs. Can Zynga wean itself off Facebook fast enough? After a rocky start, Facebook's life as a publicly-traded company has settled down a bit. Despite healthy skepticism about its prospects in light of a $100bn valuation, its stock price has stabilised (for now) while industry observers and investors are taking stock of its actual — not hypothetical — business. But one of Facebook's best friends, social gaming giant Zynga, hasn't been so fortunate. Today, its stock plunged to under $5, its lowest level since the company went public last year. June 12th 2012 19:53 Facebook launches its own app store Facebook has built a multi-billion dollar ecosystem with its application platform, but much of the growth of that platform has been driven by social games created by companies like Zynga. In an effort to help the 900m-plus Facebook users discover apps of all shapes and sizes, and create new monetization opportunities for app developers, Facebook yesterday announced the launch of its own app store, the App Center. Zynga reports record revenue in Q1, but big loss Social gaming on Facebook may be past its prime, but don't tell social gaming juggernaut Zynga that casual gaming is. The company, which went public late last year, yesterday reported $321m in revenue in the first quarter of 2012 — its highest quarterly revenue figure ever. All told, bookings rose to $329m, up 15% year-over-year, while the $321m in revenue represented a more impressive 32% year-over-year increase. April 27th 2012 14:58 Has social gaming on Facebook peaked? One of the biggest drivers of Facebook's success has arguably been the rise of social gaming. From Mafia Wars to Farmville, Facebook's platform has become a virtual gaming console of sorts for millions upon millions of consumers, creating a multi-billion dollar virtual currency opportunity for Facebook that it's exploiting with Facebook Credits. Draw Something: one app + five weeks + 20m downloads = $200m acquisition by Zynga What does a single app that generates 20m downloads and $100,000 per day in revenue in five weeks? In the case of OMGPOP, the maker of the hit app Draw Something, it apparently gets you acquired in week six. Today, social gaming giant Zynga announced that it has acquired OMGPOP. March 21st 2012 19:41 Can Zynga succeed as a platform? Yesterday's announcement that it is effectively becoming a platform may be the most important yet in the short history of social gaming juggernaut Zynga. Although it's a billion dollar company, Zynga owes much of its success to another platform – Facebook. March 2nd 2012 05:12 Facebook Credits may be illegal: lawyers In the run-up to the Facebook IPO, some observers are casting a skeptical eye towards the social network's advertising business. Ads, not surprisingly, account for much of the company's revenue, and there are certainly some areas of concern. But if two lawyers have their way, Facebook's virtual currency business, which many believe is also crucial to the company's future, could be facing major challenges. Has social gaming's popularity been overstated? If you've followed the rise of social gaming over the past several years, you might have drawn the conclusion that social gaming companies like Zynga, which is gearing up to go public, and Playfish, which was acquired by EA, represent the future of gaming. After all, while there's no doubt that hardcore gamers aren't disappearing, the tens of millions of users playing casual games like Farmville on social networks, namely Facebook, vastly outnumber the number who are buying the latest and greatest consoles and gaming rigs. October 19th 2011 04:09 Blog Ecommerce Consumable goods dominate mobile games: report While the business of virtual goods has probably been popularized most by social games such as Farmville, the mobile market for virtual goods has developed into a lucrative space for mobile games as well. There's a good reason for this: charging for a mobile game itself has become increasingly difficult for many game developers, and virtual goods offer one of the best ways to implement a freemium model. According to mobile ad network Flurry, as of June 2011, well over half (65%) of the revenue for top-grossing games in Apple's U.S. App Store was generated by freemium games. Just six months earlier, 61% of revenue was generated by paid games. Blog Community Management Are cracks already showing in Google+? Google+ may represent the biggest threat Facebook has ever faced since it launched more than half a decade ago. But is Google's new social network, which may be off to the fastest start ever for a social network, already buckling underneath the surface? Despite the fact that Google may have finally built a social network capable of competing in the market, cracks are showing which raise doubts about Google+'s future prospects. Blog User Experience and Usability Q&A: Samih Toukan, CEO of Jabbar Internet Group Samih Toukan is Chairman and CEO at Jabbar Internet Group, the leading group of internet sites and web properties in the Middle East and North Africa. In 2000, along with Hussam Khoury, Samih founded the Arab Internet services company, Maktoob as the world's first Arabic / English email service provider. Following the subsequent acquisition of Maktoob by Yahoo, Samih founded Jabbar Internet Group, an integrated group of online companies and websites. The group's assets extend from e-commerce sites to online games, to advertising products & search services. I caught up with Samih to find out a little more about the companies within the Jabbar Internet Group, and the future of digital marketing in the Middle East… June 21st 2011 11:18
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
const uint DefaultOverlap = 300; const uint MaxSplit = 100; void usage(const std::string &progn, const char *msg = 0, ...) { if (msg) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, msg); vfprintf(stderr, msg, ap); va_end(ap); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } fprintf( stderr, "\n" "usage: %s [options] <input .khvr> \n" "Split a single large .khvr into a grid of smaller khvrs.\n" "Output filenames are written next to the input khvr with filenames like\n" " -R#C#.khvr\n" "Supported options are:\n" " --help | -?: Display this usage message\n" " --rows <num>: number of rows [required]\n" " --cols <num>: number of cols [required]\n" " --overlap <num>: number of pixels overlap between pieces [default %u]\n" " --quiet: Don't report files/sizes at end\n", progn.c_str(), DefaultOverlap); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::string progname = argv[0]; // process commandline options int argn; bool help = false; bool quiet = false; std::string input; uint rows = 0; uint cols = 0; uint overlap = DefaultOverlap; khGetopt options; options.helpOpt(help); options.flagOpt("quiet", quiet); options.opt("rows", rows, &khGetopt::RangeValidator<uint, 1, MaxSplit>); options.opt("cols", cols, &khGetopt::RangeValidator<uint, 1, MaxSplit>); options.opt("overlap", overlap); options.setRequired("rows", "cols"); if (!options.processAll(argc, argv, argn) || help) usage(progname); input = GetNextArgAsString(); // validate, post-process options if (input.empty()) usage(progname, "No .khvr specified"); std::string splitname = khDropExtension(input); try { // load existing virtualraster khVirtualRaster virtraster; if (!virtraster.Load(input)) { notify(NFY_FATAL, "Unable to load %s", input.c_str()); } uint32 nominalwidth = (uint32)ceil((double)virtraster.cropExtents.width() / cols); uint32 nominalheight = (uint32)ceil((double)virtraster.cropExtents.height() / rows); if ((overlap >= nominalwidth) || (overlap >= nominalheight)) { notify(NFY_FATAL, "Overlap too big for resulting split size"); } uint numgroups = 0; // compute pixel extents of khvr tiles std::vector<khExtents<uint32> > tileExtents; tileExtents.reserve(virtraster.inputTiles.size()); for (std::vector<khVirtualRaster::InputTile>::const_iterator tileDef = virtraster.inputTiles.begin(); tileDef < virtraster.inputTiles.end(); ++tileDef) { khOffset<uint32> tileOrigin(XYOrder, uint32(((tileDef->origin.x() - virtraster.origin.x()) / virtraster.pixelsize.width) + 0.5), uint32(((tileDef->origin.y() - virtraster.origin.y()) / virtraster.pixelsize.height) + 0.5)); tileExtents.push_back(khExtents<uint32>(tileOrigin, tileDef->rastersize)); } // process each of the split pieces for (uint32 r = 0; r < rows; ++r) { uint32 y, height; if (r == 0) { y = virtraster.cropExtents.beginY(); // "+ overlap - (overlap / 2)" to deal with odd overlap height = nominalheight + overlap - (overlap / 2); } else { y = virtraster.cropExtents.beginY() + (r * nominalheight) - (overlap / 2); height = nominalheight + overlap; } if (y >= virtraster.cropExtents.endY()) { // in practice this shouldn't ever happen // put a really small image (height < rows) could trigger it continue; } if (y + height > virtraster.cropExtents.endY()) { height = virtraster.cropExtents.endY() - y; } for (uint32 c = 0; c < cols; ++c) { uint32 x, width; if (c == 0) { x = virtraster.cropExtents.beginX(); // "+ overlap - (overlap / 2)" to deal with odd overlap width = nominalwidth + overlap - (overlap / 2); } else { x = virtraster.cropExtents.beginX() + (c * nominalwidth) - (overlap / 2); width = nominalwidth + overlap; } if (x >= virtraster.cropExtents.endX()) { // in practice this shouldn't ever happen // put a really small image (width < cols) could trigger it continue; } if (x + width > virtraster.cropExtents.endX()) { width = virtraster.cropExtents.endX() - x; } khExtents<uint32> piecePixelExtents (khOffset<uint32>(XYOrder, x, y), khSize<uint32>(width, height)); // see if any tiles intersect with this piece std::vector<uint> found; found.reserve(tileExtents.size()); khExtents<uint32> coveredExtents; for (uint i = 0; i < tileExtents.size(); ++i) { if (tileExtents[i].intersects(piecePixelExtents)) { coveredExtents.grow(tileExtents[i]); found.push_back(i); } } // make a new khvr if (found.size()) { khExtents<uint32> saveExtents = khExtents<uint32>::Intersection (coveredExtents, piecePixelExtents); khVirtualRaster copy = virtraster; copy.cropExtents = saveExtents; copy.inputTiles.clear(); copy.inputTiles.reserve(found.size()); for (std::vector<uint>::const_iterator i = found.begin(); i != found.end(); ++i) { copy.inputTiles.push_back(virtraster.inputTiles[*i]); } ++numgroups; std::ostringstream fname; fname << splitname << "-R" << r << "C" << c << ".khvr"; if (!copy.Save(fname.str())) { notify(NFY_FATAL, "Unable to save %s", fname.str().c_str()); } if (!quiet) { double size = ((double)saveExtents.width() * (double)saveExtents.height() * 3) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); std::cout << std::setw(6) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << size << "G " << fname.str() << std::endl; } } } } } catch (const std::exception &e) { notify(NFY_FATAL, "%s", e.what()); } catch (...) { notify(NFY_FATAL, "Caught unknown exception"); } return 0; }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
The Horrifyingly Relatable Specter of a Mom Still Breastfeeding Her Four-Year-Old Tracy Clark-Flory As my baby has crossed over the one-year mark, while still breastfeeding part-time, I have started to take notice of the "weirdo" moms. The ones still breastfeeding their babies past whatever indeterminate point of not-a-weirdo no return. Case in point: This Chicago Tribune op-ed headlined, "I'm still breastfeeding my four-year-old. Here's why." It showed up this morning in my Google News search for mom stuff, and I clicked with anticipatory horror. The particular sort of horror that you feel toward something that is both entirely socially unacceptable and actually kind of relatable. "I had vowed to myself that I would breastfeed until my son turned two," writes Elisabeth Becker Topkara. "Two came and went." Friends and family judged and counseled her around when to stop. She writes, "Some suggested a (seemingly random) appropriate age - one, two or three years - while others listed milestones that would automatically age him out of the breastfeeding club ('when he can talk,' 'when he's in school')." Instead, she kept on keeping on, sometimes even falsely talking about breastfeeding in the past-tense to hide it from judgmental eyes. But now she's written an op-ed about it, and about which many people will surely have very strongly held opinions. This is precisely the kind of mom that, these days, makes me shift a little uneasily in my seat. Not because I anticipate breastfeeding until my son is four-years-old, or even close to it (here I am, performatively distancing myself), but rather because of the generalized threat of judgment, of being deemed a weirdo mom, a mom who is a little too much of a mom. It is not unlike my experience in the first few months after giving birth. I had this sense that so much about motherhood felt like ironic performance art. Everything had air quotes around it. I was coming up against all of the bad stereotypes that come with motherhood—and probably some degree of internalized sexism—which made it hard to fully own the role. I tried to hold my mom-ness at arm's length, lest I be judged by it. It was a smart survival instinct, because what happens—dear god what happens—is that you start to develop empathy and understanding for other moms. Which is terrifying, because it's kind of like becoming like other moms. In the past, I might have seen that infamous mom breastfeeding her three-year-old on the cover of Time magazine and thought, Huh, okay, and promptly moved on with my life. Now, I think, Oh shit, will that be me? In large part because it doesn't seem all that weird to me anymore and that is mildly alarming. In fact, in my pre-child memory that Time cover featured a nursing five-year-old, not a three-year-old, a mere 22 months older than my son. And thus begins the unanswerable calculus: At what point—at how many months, exactly—do you tip over into weirdo territory? So much of early breastfeeding is about simply surviving the marathon of expectations—from holier than thou "breast is best" rhetoric to the more soberly put recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics to exclusive breastfeed for the first six months, and then breastfeed alongside solids until at least 12 months. Meeting those expectations is tough under the very best and rarest of circumstances, which, for moms working outside the home, include decent paid maternity leave and a job that allows for pumping breaks. As a result, the reality is that breastfeeding statistics in this country show significant racial and class disparities. Which is to say, worrying about becoming a weirdo mom is an absurd privilege. If you want to—and are lucky enough to be allowed to—make it to the 12-month mark, then says the AAP, breastfeeding should continue "for as long as mutually desired by mother and baby." So, you go from the precise world of mainstream medical recommendation—which provides a normative defense against the creeps who look askew at breastfeeding moms—to the wilderness of dysfunctional public perception relating to all things boobs, motherhood, and babies. You've crossed the finish line, but you're still running—maybe not all the time, just sometimes, once or twice a day—because you like running, actually. As a 1994 study of moms still breastfeeding after 12 months found, "The most frequently chosen reason for long-term breastfeeding was that breastfeeding was a special time for mother and baby that the mother was not ready to give up." That same study noted the phenomenon of "closet nursers" and found that one of the major themes to emerge from these women's comments was "the importance of being strong in the face of social unacceptability." How quickly, and imprecisely, the very thing that you labored at—desperately, insanely, unrealistically—in order to meet expectations becomes a tool of judgment. This seems to happen right around the one-year mark, when moms are freed from a sense of medically-mandated obligation. When they can do it in no small part because they enjoy it. In truth, the lesser-cited World Health Organization recommendations suggest "continued breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond." Several months ago, I was out shopping with my baby strapped to my chest when a hip, young-ish mom approached me. "Is he still nursing?" she asked, bizarrely and invasively. When I said yes, she launched into personal story time. "My son nursed until he was four. It was so cute, he would tell me, 'What did you eat today, mommy? Your milk tastes funny!'" Later, as I smiled uncomfortably, she added, "He would even unclip my nursing bra for me and say, 'Thank you, mommy,' afterward." I am not going to lie. I have since recounted that story many times with something like horrified glee to my friends, moms and non-moms alike. I feel bad for mocking that woman, who optimistically, albeit somewhat non-consensually, decided to share her breastfeeding journey with me. But part of what inspired my mockery was how easy it was to imagine, even in some small way, becoming like her. Because, yeah, I do genuinely believe that it can be "a special time for mother and baby" and, no, I don't just yet feel "ready to give up" entirely. I agree with Becker Topkara when she writes, "Breastfeeding is a powerful thing. When people see this as damaging, deviant or 'sick,' they aim to contend with women's power to give and sustain life." It's a power that is most palatable when it takes place within the largely unrealistic expectation-setting dictates of medical recommendation—and while hidden away under a swaddling blanket. It's treated as somewhat suspect when women enjoy, and are not restricted, by motherhood. The real horror here isn't a mom breastfeeding a four-year-old, it's the judgment directed at her. It's how quickly and easily the revered and holy state of "breastfeeding mom" is rendered obscene and harmful. These weirdo moms are scary because they are cautionary tales.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
BANGALORE: Our forefathers built tanks and irrigation wells interlinking them ensuring no rain water is wasted. This system ensured water availability throughout the year for drinking, irrigation washing, etc. Doddanekundi lake in Bengaluru is one among the cluster of tanks/lakes. Doddanekundi lake is spread over 115 Acres and covers areas of Marathahalli, Doddanekundi, CV Raman Nagar and Vignan Nagar. The spurt of infrastructural development due to an ever growing population in the recent past gulped the green zones of this Garden City, thus turning it into a concrete jungle. This created ecological imbalance and adverse impact on climate, ground water level, eco systems, fauna, and flora. Luckily Doddanekkundi lake survived this onslaught. However, in the process of rejuvenation, inlet water to the lake was diverted, thus depriving water flow into the lake. There have been joint efforts by Govt. authorities and local communities towards safeguarding this lake which was on the verge of extinction. As a community initiative, a Trust called NeTRA (Nekundi Tank Rejuvenation Association), which was formed with six resident welfare associations of communities living around the lake, and Rotary Club of JB Nagar have teamed up to work for the rejuvenation of the lake. The lake has been a victim of encroachment, dumping of debris, solid waste and untreated waste water. BDA, with a budget of Rs 10.5 Cr from Karnataka Government, had carried out basic rejuvenation work such as strengthening of the bund, construction of walking track, creation of two Islands, etc. Speaking at the occasion, Rotary JB Nagar President Jothish R informed that Rotary and NeTRA has plans to setup Bio STPs to treat the waste water so that the lake will receive only treated water during the dry season and rain water in monsoon. This will not only recharge ground water but there will be an overall improvement of the urban eco-system, thus restoring ecological balance including fauna and flora. As part of the overall rejuvenation program, a greening project involving plantation of saplings and trees is planned. Intel India has come forward to support the greening activities that will involve plantation of 800 saplings by Intel employees, and upkeep of the plants for one year. Chenniappan S, President of Netra briefed about other initiatives on the Doddanekundi lake rejuvenation agenda are children's park and amphi theater, gym facility, peripheral fencing work and installation of solar energy plant on the bund. NeTRA also plans for cultural and recreation activities. Currently, the walking track on the bund is being used by hundreds of people, all days of the week. The Lakeathon was attended by more than thousand participants. Many corporates, government authorities, and residents of Marathalli, CV Raman Nagar, Kaggadaspura, Doddanekundi, Vignana Nagar attended the event.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: How to get lynx to recognize whitespace in filenames I'm using a script to find a list of all .pdf files on a url. But lynx seems to have a problem with spaces in filenames. Here's the script: lynx --dump http://www.somesite/here/ | awk '/http/{print $2} | grep pdf > ~/Desktop/links.txt This works as expected until there is a .pdf with whitespace in the filename. Lynx seems to truncate the filename at the whitespace. Is there some way to prevent this? A: awk (by default) uses blanks as field-separators, and lynx is rendering a blank in a dumped url as a blank. Work around it as I suggested in a bug report: lynx -listonly -dump http://www.somesite/here/ | \ awk '/\.pdf$/{ sub("^[ ]*[0-9]+.[ ]*","",$0); print}' > ~/Desktop/links.txt If the content happens to be in UTF-8 encoding, lynx unescapes the text (undoes URL-encoding such as %20), showing a blank in this case (making that two or more fields for awk, depending on the number of blanks in the name). That unescaping was done for Debian #398274, in 2013 (i.e., you've got that feature with Ubuntu 18.04). Adding the -listonly option reduces the number of incorrect matches, by looking only at the list of URLs. If you wanted to look for multiple file-types, you could list the suffixes as alternatives in the regular expression, e.g., something like this: awk '/\.(pdf|odt|doc|docx)$/{ sub("^[ ]*[0-9]+.[ ]*","",$0); print}' > ~/Desktop/links.txt
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }