,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript 0,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_1.flac,00021-f000002,0.626359,"In der That ist es nothwendig, dieses beschränkte Bassin, und zwar sobald als möglich, zu verlassen.",NOVEMBER st to th.There was assuredly no time to be lost before we ought to leave Ham Rock reef. 1,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_2.flac,00021-f000002,0.927667,"Das Wetter, welches uns während des ganzen Monats November begünstigt hat, droht umzuschlagen.",NOVEMBER st to th.There was assuredly no time to be lost before we ought to leave Ham Rock reef. 2,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_3.flac,00021-f000003,0.24219699999999997,Seit gestern ist das Barometer gesunken und rings um den HamRock geht die See höher.,"The barometer had been falling ever since the morning, the sea was getting rougher, and there was every symptom that the weather, hitherto so favourable, was on the point of breaking; and in the event of a gale the Chancellor must inevitably be dashed to pieces on the rocks." 3,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_4.flac,00021-f000003,0.24219699999999997,Das Eiland bietet den Windstößen zu wenig Widerstand; der Chancellor müßte hier ohne Zweifel zertrümmert werden.," The barometer had been falling ever since the morning, the sea was getting rougher, and there was every symptom that the weather, hitherto so favourable, was on the point of breaking; and in the event of a gale the Chancellor must inevitably be dashed to pieces on the rocks." 4,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_5.flac,00021-f000004,0.84898,"Während der Ebbe am heutigen Abend haben wir, Robert Kurtis, Falsten, der Hochbootsmann, der Zimmermann und ich, uns nach der jetzt freiliegenden Basaltbarriere begeben.","In the evening, when the tide was quite low, and the rocks uncovered, Curtis, the boatswain, and Dowlas went to examine the ridge which had proved so serious an obstruction, Falsten and I accompanied them." 5,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_6.flac,00021-f000005,0.594379,"Ein Passiren derselben ist nur zu erzwingen, wenn die Felskante in einer Breite von etwa zehn und einer Länge von sechs Fuß mit der Spitzhaue bearbeitet wird.",We came to the conclusion that the only way of effecting a passage was by cutting away the rocks with pikes over a surface measuring ten feet by six. 6,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_7.flac,00021-f000006,0.5397850000000001,"Eine Tieferlegung von acht bis neun Zoll muß für den Chancellor schon das nöthige Wasser schaffen, und wenn man diesem kleinen Canale mit der nöthigen Vorsicht folgt, kann der Chancellor ihn ohne Schaden zu nehmen durchfahren und dicht außerhalb desselben in tiefes Fahrwasser gelangen.","An extra depth of nine or ten inches would give a sufficient gauge, and the channel might be accurately marked out by buoys; in this way it was conjectured the ship might be got over the ridge and so reach the deep water beyond." 7,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_8.flac,00021-f000007,0.666438,"Dieser Basalt ist aber so hart wie Granit, bemerkt der Hochbootsmann, und das wird um so mehr eine lange Zeit beanspruchende Arbeit werden, als sie nur während der Tiefebbe, d. h. während zwei Stunden von vierundzwanzigen, vorgenommen werden kann.","But this basalt is as hard as granite, said the boatswain; besides, we can only get at it at low water, and consequently could only work at it for two hours out of the twentyfour." 8,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_9.flac,00021-f000008,0.216393,"Ein Grund mehr, Hochbootsmann, um keine Secunde zu verlieren, erwidert ihm Robert Kurtis.","All the more reason why we should begin at once, boatswain, said Curtis." 9,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_10.flac,00021-f000009,0.453348,"Ei, Kapitän, sagt Daoulas, einen Monat über werden wir damit zu thun haben!","But if it is to take us a month, captain, perhaps by that time the ship may be knocked to atoms." 10,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_11.flac,00021-f000008,-0.00491803,"Ging' es denn gar nicht an, die Felsen zu sprengen?","All the more reason why we should begin at once, boatswain, said Curtis." 11,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_12.flac,00021-f000008,-0.00491803,Pulver ist ja an Bord.," All the more reason why we should begin at once, boatswain, said Curtis." 12,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_13.flac,00021-f000011,0.597857,Zu dem Zwecke zu wenig! erklärt der Hochbootsmann.,Not enough for that; said the boatswain. 13,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_15.flac,00021-f000009,0.18928599999999998,Einen Monat lang Arbeit!,"But if it is to take us a month, captain, perhaps by that time the ship may be knocked to atoms." 14,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_16.flac,00021-f000009,0.18928599999999998,Vor Verlauf eines Monats wird aber das Schiff durch die Wellen zerstört sein.," But if it is to take us a month, captain, perhaps by that time the ship may be knocked to atoms." 15,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_17.flac,00021-f000012,0.907971,"Wir haben ja etwas Vorzüglicheres, als Pulver, sagt da Falsten.","You have something better than powder, said Falsten." 16,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_18.flac,00021-f000011,0.486429,Und was? fragt Robert Kurtis mit einer Wendung nach dem Ingenieur.,Not enough for that; said the boatswain. 17,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_19.flac,00021-f000013,0.682143,Das NatronPikrat! antwortet der Ingenieur.,What's that? asked the captain. 18,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_20.flac,00021-f000013,0.3,"Das NatronPikrat, wahrhaftig!",What's that? asked the captain. 19,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_21.flac,00021-f000014,0.5320199999999999,Das von dem unglücklichen Ruby herein gepaschte Colli.,"Picrate of potash, was the reply." 20,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_22.flac,00021-f000015,0.226923,"Die explosive Substanz, welche nahe daran gewesen ist, das Schiff zu zersplittern, soll nun dazu dienen, unser Fahrthinderniß zu beseitigen!","And so the explosive substance with which poor Ruby had so grievously imperilled the vessel was now to serve her in good stead, and I now saw what a lucky thing it was that the case had been deposited safely on the reef, instead of being thrown into the sea." 21,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_23.flac,00021-f000015,0.226923,"Ein Sprengloch in den Basalt, und die Felskante existirt nicht mehr!"," And so the explosive substance with which poor Ruby had so grievously imperilled the vessel was now to serve her in good stead, and I now saw what a lucky thing it was that the case had been deposited safely on the reef, instead of being thrown into the sea." 22,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_24.flac,00021-f000016,0.09761900000000001,Das Pikratcolli ist wie gesagt auf dem Riff an sicherer Stelle niedergelegt worden.,"Picric acid is a crystalline bitter product extracted from coal tar, and forming, in combination with potash, a yellow salt known as picrate of potash." 23,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_25.flac,00021-f000016,0.09761900000000001,"Es darf als ein Glück betrachtet werden, daß man jenes nach seiner Entfernung aus dem Raume nicht in's Meer geworfen hat."," Picric acid is a crystalline bitter product extracted from coal tar, and forming, in combination with potash, a yellow salt known as picrate of potash." 24,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_27.flac,00021-f000018,0.62392,"Alles berechtigt zu der Hoffnung, daß derselbe während der Nacht vollendet werden wird und daß morgen mit Tagesanbruch nach stattgehabter erfolgreicher Explosion die Durchfahrt frei gelegt sein werde.","Picrate is easily ignited by any sharp or violent shock, and some gunpriming which we had in our possession would answer the purpose of setting it alight." 25,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_28.flac,00021-f000019,0.518907,"Bekanntlich ist die Pikrinsäure ein kristallinischer Körper von bitterem Geschmacke, den man aus Steinkohlentheer gewinnt und welcher mit Natron eine gelbgefärbte Verbindung, eben jenes NatronPikrat, bildet.","The sailors went off at once for their pikes, and Dowlas and his assistants, under the direction of Falsten, who, as an engineer, understood such matters, proceeded to hollow out a mine wherein to deposit the powder." 26,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_29.flac,00021-f000018,0.692812,"Die explosive Gewalt dieser Substanz erreicht zwar die der Schießbaumwolle noch nicht, übertrifft indessen die des gewöhnlichen Pulvers um ein Bedeutendes.","Picrate is easily ignited by any sharp or violent shock, and some gunpriming which we had in our possession would answer the purpose of setting it alight." 27,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_30.flac,00021-f000019,-0.00373422,"Seine Entzündung erfolgt schon durch einen heftigen, kurzen Stoß, wir werden sie aber auch durch Zündpillen leicht ermöglichen können.","The sailors went off at once for their pikes, and Dowlas and his assistants, under the direction of Falsten, who, as an engineer, understood such matters, proceeded to hollow out a mine wherein to deposit the powder." 28,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_31.flac,00021-f000019,-0.00373422,"Daoulas hat zwar, so gut wie seine Leute, tüchtig gearbeitet, bei Tagesanbruch ist das Sprengloch aber noch weit von seiner Vollendung entfernt."," The sailors went off at once for their pikes, and Dowlas and his assistants, under the direction of Falsten, who, as an engineer, understood such matters, proceeded to hollow out a mine wherein to deposit the powder." 29,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_32.flac,00021-f000020,0.196025,"Wirklich kann an demselben nur zur Zeit der tiefsten Ebbe, d. h. immer nur eine Stunde lang gearbeitet werden.","At first we hoped that everything would be ready for the blasting to take place on the following morning, but when daylight appeared we found that the men, although they had laboured with a will, had only been able to work for an hour at low water and that four tides must ebb before the mine had been sunk to the required depth." 30,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_33.flac,00021-f000020,0.196025,"Vier Gezeiten werden vorübergehen müssen, jenem die gewünschte Tiefe zu geben."," At first we hoped that everything would be ready for the blasting to take place on the following morning, but when daylight appeared we found that the men, although they had laboured with a will, had only been able to work for an hour at low water and that four tides must ebb before the mine had been sunk to the required depth." 31,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_34.flac,00021-f000021,1.0569600000000001,Erst am Morgen des 23. ist die mühsame Arbeit vollbracht.,Not until eight o'clock on the morning of the rd was the work complete. 32,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_35.flac,00021-f000022,0.6714289999999999,"Die Basaltmauer ist mit einem schräg nach unten verlaufenden Sprengloche versehen, hinreichend für gut zehn Pfund des explosiven Salzes, und diese Mine soll sofort geladen werden.","The hole was bored obliquely in the rock, and was large enough to contain about ten pounds of explosive matter." 33,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_36.flac,00021-f000023,0.19433499999999998,Gerade vor dem Einbringen des Pikrats in das Loch bemerkt Falsten.,"Just as the picrate was being introduced into the aperture, Falsten interposed: Stop, he said, I think it will be best to mix the picrate with common powder, as that will allow us to fire the mine with a match instead of the gunpriming which would be necessary to produce a shock." 34,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_37.flac,00021-f000023,0.19433499999999998,"Wir sollten unser Sprengmittel mit gewöhnlichem Pulver vermischen, das erlaubt uns, die Mine durch eine Lunte in Brand zu setzen, was jedenfalls geeigneter erscheint, als die Explosion einer Zündpille durch einen Schlag zu veranlassen."," Just as the picrate was being introduced into the aperture, Falsten interposed: Stop, he said, I think it will be best to mix the picrate with common powder, as that will allow us to fire the mine with a match instead of the gunpriming which would be necessary to produce a shock." 35,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_38.flac,00021-f000024,0.028666000000000007,"Uebrigens hat man sich überzeugt, daß die gleichzeitige Anwendung von Pulver und Pikrat bei harten Felsarten bessere Resultate erzielt.","Besides, it is an understood thing that the addition of gunpowder renders picrate far more effective in blasting such rocks as this, as then the violence of the picrate prepares the way for the powder which, slower in its action, will complete the disseverment of the basalt." 36,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_39.flac,00021-f000024,0.028666000000000007,"Das seiner Natur nach sehr plötzlich wirkende Pikrat arbeitet dabei, wie es scheint, dem Pulver vor, welches sich langsamer entzündend den Basalt dann vollends zur Seite wirft."," Besides, it is an understood thing that the addition of gunpowder renders picrate far more effective in blasting such rocks as this, as then the violence of the picrate prepares the way for the powder which, slower in its action, will complete the disseverment of the basalt." 37,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_40.flac,00021-f000025,0.7608699999999999,"Sehr oft spricht der Ingenieur Falsten nicht, aber wenn er es thut, sind es Worte von Gehalt.","Falsten is not a great talker, but what he does say is always very much to the point." 38,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_41.flac,00021-f000026,0.131984,Sein Rath wird befolgt.,"His good advice was immediately followed; the two substances were mixed together, and after a match had been introduced the compound was rammed closely into the hole." 39,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_42.flac,00021-f000026,0.131984,"Man vermengt die beiden Substanzen und bringt nach vorhergegangener Einführung einer Lunte die Mischung in das Sprengloch, das sorgfältig verschlossen wird."," His good advice was immediately followed; the two substances were mixed together, and after a match had been introduced the compound was rammed closely into the hole." 40,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_43.flac,00021-f000027,0.8248840000000001,"Der Chancellor liegt weit genug von der Mine entfernt, so daß für ihn von der Explosion Nichts zu fürchten ist; doch haben sich Passagiere und Mannschaften aus Vorsicht bis nach den entfernteren Theilen des Riffs und in die Grotte zurückgezogen, und auch Mr. Kear hat sich bequemen müssen, trotz seiner Einwendungen das Schiff zu verlassen.","Notwithstanding that the Chancellor was at a distance from the rocks that insured her from any danger of being injured by the explosion, it was thought advisable that the passengers and crew should take refuge in the grotto at the extremity of the reef, and even Mr. Kear, in spite of his many objections, was forced to leave the ship." 41,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_44.flac,00021-f000028,0.4955640000000001,"Falsten entzündet die Lunte, welche eine Brenndauer von zehn Minuten haben muß, und gesellt sich dann zu uns.","Falsten, as soon as he had set fire to the match, joined us in our retreat." 42,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_45.flac,00021-f000028,-0.111668,Die Explosion erfolgt.,"Falsten, as soon as he had set fire to the match, joined us in our retreat." 43,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_46.flac,00021-f000028,-0.111668,"Sie ist dumpf und weniger laut gewesen, als man erwartet hätte, doch soll das bei allen tief angelegten Minen der Fall sein."," Falsten, as soon as he had set fire to the match, joined us in our retreat." 44,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_47.flac,00021-f000028,-0.111668,Wir eilen hinzu.," Falsten, as soon as he had set fire to the match, joined us in our retreat." 45,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_48.flac,00021-f000029,0.0141268,Die Operation ist vollkommen geglückt.,"The train was to burn for ten minutes, and at the end of that time the explosion took place; the report, on account of the depth of the mine, being muffled, and much less noisy than we had expected." 46,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_49.flac,00021-f000029,0.0141268,"Die Basaltwand ist buchstäblich zerstäubt, und jetzt durchsetzt ein kleiner Canal, den die Fluth eben anzufüllen beginnt, das Hinderniß und gewährt uns einen unbehinderten Durchgang."," The train was to burn for ten minutes, and at the end of that time the explosion took place; the report, on account of the depth of the mine, being muffled, and much less noisy than we had expected." 47,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_50.flac,00021-f000029,0.0141268,Ein allgemeines Hurrah!," The train was to burn for ten minutes, and at the end of that time the explosion took place; the report, on account of the depth of the mine, being muffled, and much less noisy than we had expected." 48,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_51.flac,00021-f000030,1.00116,"Die Kerkerthür ist offen, wir brauchen nur zu entfliehen!",But the operation had been perfectly successful. 49,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_52.flac,00021-f000031,0.467117,"Nach eingetretenem Hochwasser wird der Chancellor mittels seiner Anker angeholt, passirt den Canal und schwimmt im freien Wasser!","Before we reached the ridge we could see that the basalt had been literally reduced to powder, and that a little channel, already being filled by the rising tide, had been cut right through the obstacle." 50,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_53.flac,00021-f000032,0.10291700000000001,"Noch einen Tag lang müssen wir uns jedoch bei dem Eilande aufhalten, denn in seinen jetzigen Verhältnissen vermag das Schiff nicht zu segeln und muß erst noch Ballast einnehmen, um seine Stabilität zu sichern.","A loud hurrah rang through the air; our prisondoors were opened, and we were prisoners no more!" 51,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_54.flac,00021-f000033,0.6090909999999999,"Während der nächsten vierundzwanzig Stunden beschäftigt sich die Mannschaft also mit der Einladung von Steinen und derjenigen Baumwollenballen, welche am wenigsten Havarie erlitten haben.","At high tide the Chancellor weighed anchor and floated out into the open sea, but she was not in a condition to sail until she had been ballasted; and for the next twentyfour hours the crew were busily employed in taking up blocks of stone, and such of the bales of cotton as had sustained the least amount of injury." 52,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00021-chancellor_55.flac,00021-f000034,0.464484,"Heute unternehmen Mr. Letourneur, Miß Herbey und ich noch einen letzten Spaziergang durch die Felsen des Riffs, welches wir nie wiedersehen sollen und auf oder neben dem wir drei Wochen verlebten.","In the course of the day, M. Letourneur, Andre, Miss Herbey, and I took a farewell walk round the reef, and Andre with artistic skill, carved on the wall of the grotto the word Chancellor, the designation Ham Rock, which we had given to the reef,and the date of our running aground."