,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript 0,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_0.flac,00003-f000003,0.6348689999999999,"Matilde hatte sich auf Hippolitens Befehl in ihr Gemach verfügt, aber zur Ruhe war sie wenig aufgelegt.","Matilda, who by Hippolita's order had retired to her apartment, was illdisposed to take any rest." 1,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_1.flac,00003-f000004,0.675,Ihres Bruders schreckliches Schicksal rührte sie tief.,The shocking fate of her brother had deeply affected her. 2,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_2.flac,00003-f000004,0.5980770000000001,"Sie war verwundert, Isabellen nicht zu sehn.",The shocking fate of her brother had deeply affected her. 3,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_3.flac,00003-f000005,0.470253,"Die seltsamen Reden ihres Vaters, dessen unverständliche Drohungen gegen seine fürstliche Gemahlin, und wütendes Betragen, erfüllten ihre sanfte Seele mit Schrecken und Besorgniß.","She was surprised at not seeing Isabella; but the strange words which had fallen from her father, and his obscure menace to the Princess his wife, accompanied by the most furious behaviour, had filled her gentle mind with terror and alarm." 4,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_4.flac,00003-f000006,0.5883189999999999,"Aengstlich wartete sie, daß Bianca zurück kommen mögte, ein junges Mädchen in ihren Diensten, das sie abgeschickt hatte, zu erfahren, wo Isabelle hingekommen sey.","She waited anxiously for the return of Bianca, a young damsel that attended her, whom she had sent to learn what was become of Isabella." 5,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_5.flac,00003-f000007,0.770932,"Bianca erschien bald, und berichtete ihrer Gebieterin, sie habe von den Bedienten vernommen, Isabelle sey nirgends zu finden.","Bianca soon appeared, and informed her mistress of what she had gathered from the servants, that Isabella was nowhere to be found." 6,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_6.flac,00003-f000008,0.628636,"Sie erzählte das Abentheuer des jungen Bauren, den man im Kreuzgange entdeckt hatte, obgleich mit manchem einfältigen Zusatz, aus den unzusammenhängenden Berichten der Hausleute; und vornemlich hielt sie sich bey dem Riesenbein und Fuß auf, die man im Galleriezimmer gesehen hatte.","She related the adventure of the young peasant who had been discovered in the vault, though with many simple additions from the incoherent accounts of the domestics; and she dwelt principally on the gigantic leg and foot which had been seen in the gallerychamber." 7,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_7.flac,00003-f000009,0.7402489999999999,"Dieser letzte Umstand hatte Bianca so erschreckt, daß sie froh war, als Matilde ihr erklärte, sie wolle nicht schlafen gehen, sondern wachen bis die Fürstin aufstände.","This last circumstance had terrified Bianca so much, that she was rejoiced when Matilda told her that she would not go to rest, but would watch till the Princess should rise." 8,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_8.flac,00003-f000010,0.826441,"Die junge Prinzessin quälte sich mit Vermuthungen über Isabellens Flucht, und Manfreds Drohungen gegen ihre Mutter.","The young Princess wearied herself in conjectures on the flight of Isabella, and on the threats of Manfred to her mother." 9,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_9.flac,00003-f000011,0.252273,Was konnt' er so nothwendig mit dem Capellan zu schaffen haben?,"But what business could he have so urgent with the chaplain? said Matilda, Does he intend to have my brother's body interred privately in the chapel?" 10,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_10.flac,00003-f000011,0.252273,Will er meines Bruders Leichnam in der Stille beysetzen lassen?," But what business could he have so urgent with the chaplain? said Matilda, Does he intend to have my brother's body interred privately in the chapel?" 11,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_11.flac,00003-f000012,0.9241940000000001,"O gnädiges Fräulein, ich errathe es, sagte Bianca.","Oh, Madam! said Bianca, now I guess." 12,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_12.flac,00003-f000013,0.3067,"Sie sind seine Erbin geworden, jetzt kann er die Zeit nicht erwarten, Sie verheirathet zu wissen.","As you are become his heiress, he is impatient to have you married: he has always been raving for more sons; I warrant he is now impatient for grandsons." 13,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_13.flac,00003-f000013,0.3067,"Ihn hat immer nach mehr Söhnen gelüstet, jetzt gelüstet ihn nach Enkeln."," As you are become his heiress, he is impatient to have you married: he has always been raving for more sons; I warrant he is now impatient for grandsons." 14,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_14.flac,00003-f000012,0.78871,"So wahr ich lebe, gnädiges Fräulein, endlich seh' ich Sie als Braut.","Oh, Madam! said Bianca, now I guess." 15,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_15.flac,00003-f000014,0.596763,"Liebes gnädiges Fräulein, Sie werden doch Ihre getreue Bianca nicht verstoßen?","As sure as I live, Madam, I shall see you a bride at last.Good madam, you won't cast off your faithful Bianca: you won't put Donna Rosara over me now you are a great Princess." 16,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_16.flac,00003-f000014,0.982609,"Sie werden Donna Rosaura nicht über mich setzen, nun Sie eine große Fürstin sind?","As sure as I live, Madam, I shall see you a bride at last.Good madam, you won't cast off your faithful Bianca: you won't put Donna Rosara over me now you are a great Princess." 17,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_17.flac,00003-f000015,0.28775500000000004,"Arme Bianca, sagte Matilde, wie fliegen deine Gedanken!","My poor Bianca, said Matilda, how fast your thoughts amble!" 18,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_18.flac,00003-f000016,0.211765,"Ich, eine große Fürstin?",I a great princess! 19,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_19.flac,00003-f000017,0.4669970000000001,"Hat Manfreds Betragen, seit meines Bruders Tod, dir bewiesen, daß seine Zärtlichkeit gegen mich vermehrt sey?",What hast thou seen in Manfred's behaviour since my brother's death that bespeaks any increase of tenderness to me? 20,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_20.flac,00003-f000018,1.3692600000000001,"Nein, Bianca, sein Herz war mir von jeher entfremdet; aber er ist mein Vater, ich darf nicht klagen.","No, Bianca; his heart was ever a stranger to mebut he is my father, and I must not complain." 21,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_21.flac,00003-f000019,0.149105,"Wenn der Himmel meines Vaters Herz gegen mich verschließt, so bezahlt er mein kleines Verdienst tausendfach, durch die Zärtlichkeit meiner Mutter.","Nay, if Heaven shuts my father's heart against me, it overpays my little merit in the tenderness of my motherO that dear mother! yes, Bianca, 'tis there I feel the rugged temper of Manfred." 22,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_22.flac,00003-f000019,0.149105,Meine theure Mutter!," Nay, if Heaven shuts my father's heart against me, it overpays my little merit in the tenderness of my motherO that dear mother! yes, Bianca, 'tis there I feel the rugged temper of Manfred." 23,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_23.flac,00003-f000019,0.149105,"Ihrentwegen, Bianca, fühl' ich Manfreds rauhe Gemüthsart."," Nay, if Heaven shuts my father's heart against me, it overpays my little merit in the tenderness of my motherO that dear mother! yes, Bianca, 'tis there I feel the rugged temper of Manfred." 24,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_24.flac,00003-f000020,0.74,"Seine Strenge gegen mich kann ich geduldig ertragen, aber es verwundet meine Seele, wenn ich Zeuge bin, wie ohne Ursach hart er gegen sie ist.",I can support his harshness to me with patience; but it wounds my soul when I am witness to his causeless severity towards her. 25,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_25.flac,00003-f000021,0.575,"O gnädiges Fräulein, sagte Bianca, alle Männer sind so gegen ihre Frauen, wenn sie ihrer satt sind!","Madam, said Bianca, all men use their wives so, when they are weary of them." 26,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_26.flac,00003-f000022,0.9359850000000001,"Und doch wünschtest du mir Glück, erwiederte Matilde, weil du dir einbildetest, mein Vater werde mich vermählen?","And yet you congratulated me but now, said Matilda, when you fancied my father intended to dispose of me!" 27,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_27.flac,00003-f000023,1.13654,"Sie müssen eine große Frau werden, versetzte Bianca, es mag kommen wie es will.","I would have you a great Lady, replied Bianca, come what will." 28,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_28.flac,00003-f000024,1.01629,"Ich wünsche nicht, daß Sie in einem Kloster versauren, wie Sie werden, wenn man Ihnen Ihren Willen läßt, und Ihre gnädige Frau Mutter nicht dazu thut, die wohl weiß, daß ein schlechter Mann besser ist, als kein Mann.","I do not wish to see you moped in a convent, as you would be if you had your will, and if my Lady, your mother, who knows that a bad husband is better than no husband at all, did not hinder you." 29,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_29.flac,00003-f000025,0.24,Gott sey bey uns! was rührt sich da?,Bless me! what noise is that! 30,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_30.flac,00003-f000026,0.245455,Heiliger Niklas vergieb mir!,St. Nicholas forgive me! 31,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_31.flac,00003-f000027,1.03,Ich scherzte nur.,I was but in jest. 32,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_32.flac,00003-f000028,0.19761900000000002,"Es ist der Wind, sprach Matilde, der durch die Zinnen des Thurmes seufzt.","It is the wind, said Matilda, whistling through the battlements in the tower above: you have heard it a thousand times." 33,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_33.flac,00003-f000028,0.19761900000000002,Du hast das tausendmal gehört.," It is the wind, said Matilda, whistling through the battlements in the tower above: you have heard it a thousand times." 34,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_37.flac,00003-f000031,0.29,"Du weist, wie viel Bewerbungen um mich er ausgeschlagen hat.","I am in no such danger, said Matilda: you know how many proposals for me he has rejected And you thank him, like a dutiful daughter, do you, Madam?" 35,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_38.flac,00003-f000031,0.29,"Und dafür danken Sie ihm als eine gehorsame Tochter? danken Sie ihm, gnädiges Fräulein?"," I am in no such danger, said Matilda: you know how many proposals for me he has rejected And you thank him, like a dutiful daughter, do you, Madam?" 36,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_39.flac,00003-f000032,0.0602986,"Nehmen Sie nur einmal an, er schickte morgen nach Ihnen, im großen Audienzzimmer, und ihm zur Seite stände ein liebenswürdiger junger Prinz, mit großen schwarzen Augen, einer glatten weißen Stirn, und krausen männlichen Locken, wie Wasserstrahlen; kurz gnädiges Fräulein, ein junger Held, der so aussähe wie das Bild Alfonso des Guten in der Gallerie, vor dem Sie Stunden lang sitzen und es anstaunen.","But come, Madam; suppose, tomorrow morning, he was to send for you to the great council chamber, and there you should find at his elbow a lovely young Prince, with large black eyes, a smooth white forehead, and manly curling locks like jet; in short, Madam, a young hero resembling the picture of the good Alfonso in the gallery, which you sit and gaze at for hours together Do not speak lightly of that picture, interrupted Matilda sighing; I know the adoration with which I look at that picture is uncommonbut I am not in love with a coloured panel." 37,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_40.flac,00003-f000032,0.0602986,"Sprich nicht leichtsinnig von dem Bilde, unterbrach sie seufzend Matilde."," But come, Madam; suppose, tomorrow morning, he was to send for you to the great council chamber, and there you should find at his elbow a lovely young Prince, with large black eyes, a smooth white forehead, and manly curling locks like jet; in short, Madam, a young hero resembling the picture of the good Alfonso in the gallery, which you sit and gaze at for hours together Do not speak lightly of that picture, interrupted Matilda sighing; I know the adoration with which I look at that picture is uncommonbut I am not in love with a coloured panel." 38,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_41.flac,00003-f000032,0.0602986,"Ich weiß, die Anbetung, mit der ich dies Gemälde betrachte, ist ungewöhnlich, aber in die bemalte Leinwand bin ich nicht verliebt."," But come, Madam; suppose, tomorrow morning, he was to send for you to the great council chamber, and there you should find at his elbow a lovely young Prince, with large black eyes, a smooth white forehead, and manly curling locks like jet; in short, Madam, a young hero resembling the picture of the good Alfonso in the gallery, which you sit and gaze at for hours together Do not speak lightly of that picture, interrupted Matilda sighing; I know the adoration with which I look at that picture is uncommonbut I am not in love with a coloured panel." 39,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_42.flac,00003-f000033,0.797575,"Die Tugenden dieses erhabenen Fürsten; die Ehrfurcht welche meine Mutter mir für sein Gedächtniß eingeflößt hat; dies Gebet, das sie mir, ich weiß nicht warum, befahl, an seinem Grabe abzulegen, alles trifft zusammen, mich zu bereden, daß mein Schicksal auf irgend eine Weise mit etwas, das ihm angehört, verbunden sey.","The character of that virtuous Prince, the veneration with which my mother has inspired me for his memory, the orisons which, I know not why, she has enjoined me to pour forth at his tomb, all have concurred to persuade me that somehow or other my destiny is linked with something relating to him." 40,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_43.flac,00003-f000034,0.141534,"Herr Gott! gnädiges Fräulein, wie könnte das zugehen? fragte Bianca.","how should that be? said Bianca; I have always heard that your family was in no way related to his: and I am sure I cannot conceive why my Lady, the Princess, sends you in a cold morning or a damp evening to pray at his tomb: he is no saint by the almanack." 41,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_44.flac,00003-f000034,0.141534,"Ich habe immer gehört, Ihr Geschlecht sey dem seinigen nicht verwand; und, wahrhaftig, ich kann nicht begreifen, warum Ihre Hoheit die Fürstin, Ihre Gnaden an kalten Morgen oder feuchten Abenden an seinem Grabe beten läßt?"," how should that be? said Bianca; I have always heard that your family was in no way related to his: and I am sure I cannot conceive why my Lady, the Princess, sends you in a cold morning or a damp evening to pray at his tomb: he is no saint by the almanack." 42,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_45.flac,00003-f000034,0.141534,Er ist doch kein Calenderheiliger?," how should that be? said Bianca; I have always heard that your family was in no way related to his: and I am sure I cannot conceive why my Lady, the Princess, sends you in a cold morning or a damp evening to pray at his tomb: he is no saint by the almanack." 43,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_46.flac,00003-f000035,0.649648,"Wenn Sie beten sollen, warum wenden Sie sich nicht lieber an unsern heiligen Sankt Niklas?","If you must pray, why does she not bid you address yourself to our great St. Nicholas?" 44,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_47.flac,00003-f000036,0.613187,"Ich weiß wohl, das ist der Heilige, den ich um einen Mann anrufe.",I am sure he is the saint I pray to for a husband. 45,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_48.flac,00003-f000037,0.26325,"Vielleicht wäre mein Gemüth wieder beruhigt, sagte Matilde, wenn meine Mutter mir ihre Ursache erklären wollte.","Perhaps my mind would be less affected, said Matilda, if my mother would explain her reasons to me: but it is the mystery she observes, that inspires me with thisI know not what to call it." 46,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_49.flac,00003-f000037,0.26325,"Aber eben dies Geheimnißvolle ihrer Winke, erweckt das Gefühl in mir, das ich nicht zu nennen weiß."," Perhaps my mind would be less affected, said Matilda, if my mother would explain her reasons to me: but it is the mystery she observes, that inspires me with thisI know not what to call it." 47,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_50.flac,00003-f000038,0.36190500000000003,"Da sie niemals nach Launen handelt, so bin ich gewiß, irgend ein verborgener Zusammenhang liegt darunter versteckt; ich bin davon überzeugt.","As she never acts from caprice, I am sure there is some fatal secret at bottomnay, I know there is: in her agony of grief for my brother's death she dropped some words that intimated as much." 48,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_51.flac,00003-f000038,0.36190500000000003,"In der heftigsten Qual ihres Schmerzes, über den Tod meines Bruders, ließ sie einige Worte fallen, die mich dessen versichern."," As she never acts from caprice, I am sure there is some fatal secret at bottomnay, I know there is: in her agony of grief for my brother's death she dropped some words that intimated as much." 49,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_52.flac,00003-f000039,0.8358969999999999,"O liebes gnädiges Fräulein! rief Bianca, was waren das für Worte?","Oh! dear Madam, cried Bianca, what were they?" 50,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_53.flac,00003-f000040,0.229412,"Nein, sagte Matilde, einen Ausdruck der Mutter, den sie wieder zurück zu nehmen wünschte, darf ihr Kind nicht wiederholen.","No, said Matilda, if a parent lets fall a word, and wishes it recalled, it is not for a child to utter it." 51,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_54.flac,00003-f000041,0.22567399999999999,"Ey, fragte Bianca, that es ihr leid, was sie gesagt hatte?","was she sorry for what she had said? asked Bianca; I am sure, Madam, you may trust me With my own little secrets when I have any, I may, said Matilda; but never with my mother's: a child ought to have no ears or eyes but as a parent directs." 52,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_55.flac,00003-f000041,0.22567399999999999,"Gnädiges Fräulein, mir können sie trauen!"," was she sorry for what she had said? asked Bianca; I am sure, Madam, you may trust me With my own little secrets when I have any, I may, said Matilda; but never with my mother's: a child ought to have no ears or eyes but as a parent directs." 53,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_56.flac,00003-f000041,0.22567399999999999,"Mit meinen eignen kleinen Geheimnissen, wenn ich ihrer habe, kann ich das wohl, sprach Matilde, aber nie mit den Geheimnissen meiner Mutter."," was she sorry for what she had said? asked Bianca; I am sure, Madam, you may trust me With my own little secrets when I have any, I may, said Matilda; but never with my mother's: a child ought to have no ears or eyes but as a parent directs." 54,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_57.flac,00003-f000042,0.688235,"Eine Tochter muß weder Augen noch Ohren haben, als nach dem Willen ihrer Mutter.","Well! to be sure, Madam, you were born to be a saint, said Bianca, and there is no resisting one's vocation: you will end in a convent at last." 55,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_58.flac,00003-f000043,0.895098,"Nun gewiß, gnädiges Fräulein, rief Bianca, Sie sind zur Heiligen gebohren, und seinem Beruf kann niemand wiederstehn!","But there is my Lady Isabella would not be so reserved to me: she will let me talk to her of young men: and when a handsome cavalier has come to the castle, she has owned to me that she wished your brother Conrad resembled him." 56,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_59.flac,00003-f000044,0.658095,Sie kommen doch noch am Ende ins Kloster.,"Bianca, said the Princess, I do not allow you to mention my friend disrespectfully." 57,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_60.flac,00003-f000043,0.675982,"Fräulein Isabelle würde nicht so hinterm Berge gegen mich halten; sie hört gern, wenn ich ihr von jungen Herrn vorschwatze; und so oft ein schmucker Ritter ins Schloß kam, gestand sie mir, wie sehr sie wünsche, Junker Corrado mögte ihm ähnlich sehn.","But there is my Lady Isabella would not be so reserved to me: she will let me talk to her of young men: and when a handsome cavalier has come to the castle, she has owned to me that she wished your brother Conrad resembled him." 58,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_61.flac,00003-f000044,0.63662,"Bianca, sagte die Prinzessin, ich erlaube dir nicht, die Achtung gegen meine Freundin zu vergessen.","Bianca, said the Princess, I do not allow you to mention my friend disrespectfully." 59,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_62.flac,00003-f000045,0.463077,"Isabelle ist geneigt zum Scherzen, aber ihre Seele ist so rein, als die Tugend selbst.","Isabella is of a cheerful disposition, but her soul is pure as virtue itself." 60,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_63.flac,00003-f000046,0.938286,"Sie weiß, welch ein Plaudermaul du bist, und hat dich vielleicht zuweilen zum Schwazen aufgemuntert, um sich der Schwermuth zu entreissen, und die Einsamkeit zu beleben, worin uns mein Vater hält.","She knows your idle babbling humour, and perhaps has now and then encouraged it, to divert melancholy, and enliven the solitude in which my father keeps us Blessed Mary! said Bianca, starting, there it is again!" 61,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_64.flac,00003-f000047,0.294643,"Heilige Mutter! rief Bianca, und fuhr zusammen, da ist es wieder!","Dear Madam, do you hear nothing? this castle is certainly haunted!" 62,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_65.flac,00003-f000048,0.768966,Hören Sie nichts gnädiges Fräulein?,"Peace! said Matilda, and listen!" 63,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_66.flac,00003-f000048,0.27931,Es spukt sicherlich in dieser Burg!,"Peace! said Matilda, and listen!" 64,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_67.flac,00003-f000049,1.40228,"Still, sprach Matilde, und horch auf! ich glaube eine Stimme zu vernehmen.","I did think I heard a voice but it must be fancy: your terrors, I suppose, have infected me." 65,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_69.flac,00003-f000051,0.7598060000000001,"Warlich, warlich, gnädiges Fräulein, sagte Bianca, halbweinend vor Angst, ich habe gewiß eine Stimme gehört.","Madam, said Bianca, halfweeping with agony, I am sure I heard a voice." 66,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_70.flac,00003-f000052,0.594,Liegt jemand in der untern Kammer? fragte die Prinzessin.,Does anybody lie in the chamber beneath? said the Princess. 67,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_71.flac,00003-f000053,0.4708100000000001,"Das hat sich niemand unterstanden, antwortete Bianca, seit der große Sterndeuter, Ihres Bruders Hofmeister, sich ersäufte.","Nobody has dared to lie there, answered Bianca, since the great astrologer, that was your brother's tutor, drowned himself." 68,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_72.flac,00003-f000054,0.23674499999999998,"Sicherlich, gnädiges Fräulein, besucht unsers jungen Prinzen Geist den seinigen in der Kammer unter uns.","For certain, Madam, his ghost and the young Prince's are now met in the chamber belowfor Heaven's sake let us fly to your mother's apartment!" 69,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_73.flac,00003-f000054,0.23674499999999998,"Ums Himmels willen, lassen Sie uns in das Gemach Ihrer gnädigen Mutter flüchten!"," For certain, Madam, his ghost and the young Prince's are now met in the chamber belowfor Heaven's sake let us fly to your mother's apartment!" 70,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_74.flac,00003-f000055,1.13896,"Ich befehle dir, bleib, sprach Matilde.","I charge you not to stir, said Matilda." 71,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_75.flac,00003-f000056,0.8590909999999999,"Sind dies leidende Geister, so müssen wir sie befragen, ob ihre Qualen zu lindern stehn?","If they are spirits in pain, we may ease their sufferings by questioning them." 72,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_76.flac,00003-f000057,0.75,"Sie können uns nicht schaden wollen, denn wir haben sie nicht beleidigt; und wollen sie schaden, so sind wir nicht mehr sicher in einem Zimmer, als in dem andern.","They can mean no hurt to us, for we have not injured themand if they should, shall we be more safe in one chamber than in another?" 73,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_77.flac,00003-f000058,0.670879,"Gieb mir meinen Rosenkranz; erst will ich beten, und dann zu ihnen reden.","Reach me my beads; we will say a prayer, and then speak to them." 74,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_78.flac,00003-f000059,0.285714,"O! gnädiges Fräulein, rief Bianca, ich spräche nicht zu einem Geist, und wenn ich die ganze Welt dadurch gewönne!","dear Lady, I would not speak to a ghost for the world! cried Bianca." 75,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_79.flac,00003-f000060,0.696104,"Als sie dies sagte, hörten sie die Fensterrahmen der kleinen Kammer unter Matilden öffnen.",As she said those words they heard the casement of the little chamber below Matilda's open. 76,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_80.flac,00003-f000061,0.8564290000000001,"Sie horchten wohl zu, und bald däuchte es ihnen, als vernähmen sie jemand singen, aber die Worte konnten sie nicht verstehn.","They listened attentively, and in a few minutes thought they heard a person sing, but could not distinguish the words." 77,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_81.flac,00003-f000062,0.0545884,"Dies kann kein böser Geist seyn, sagte die Prinzessin leise: es ist ohne Zweifel jemand von unsern Leuten.","This can be no evil spirit, said the Princess, in a low voice; it is undoubtedly one of the familyopen the window, and we shall know the voice." 78,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_82.flac,00003-f000062,0.0545884,"Mach' das Fenster auf, wir werden die Stimme kennen."," This can be no evil spirit, said the Princess, in a low voice; it is undoubtedly one of the familyopen the window, and we shall know the voice." 79,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_83.flac,00003-f000063,1.24853,"Ich unterstehe michs nicht, gnädiges Fräulein, sagte Bianca.","I dare not, indeed, Madam, said Bianca." 80,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_84.flac,00003-f000064,0.5007689999999999,"Du bist eine rechte Närrin, versetzte Matilde, und öfnete sanft das Fenster.","Thou art a very fool, said Matilda, opening the window gently herself." 81,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_85.flac,00003-f000065,0.556513,"Doch bemerkte die Person die unten war, das Geräusch welches die Prinzessin machte, und hielt ein.","The noise the Princess made was, however, heard by the person beneath, who stopped; and they concluded had heard the casement open." 82,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_86.flac,00003-f000066,0.503977,"Sie schlossen daraus, man habe die Eröfnung des Geschosses bemerkt.","Is anybody below? said the Princess; if there is, speak." 83,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_87.flac,00003-f000066,0.164286,Ist jemand unten? fragte die Prinzessin.,"Is anybody below? said the Princess; if there is, speak." 84,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_88.flac,00003-f000066,0.164286,"Wer da ist, antworte!"," Is anybody below? said the Princess; if there is, speak." 85,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_89.flac,00003-f000067,0.225,"Ja, sagte eine unbekannte Stimme.","Yes, said an unknown voice." 86,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_90.flac,00003-f000068,0.757143,Wer ist es? fragte Matilde.,Who is it? said Matilda. 87,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_91.flac,00003-f000069,0.744444,"Ein Fremder, antwortete die Stimme.","A stranger, replied the voice." 88,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_92.flac,00003-f000070,0.552714,"Welcher Fremde? fragte sie; und wer kann zu dieser ungewöhnlichen Stunde hieher kommen, wo alle Thore der Burg verschlossen sind?","What stranger? said she; and how didst thou come there at this unusual hour, when all the gates of the castle are locked?" 89,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_93.flac,00003-f000071,0.44386000000000003,"Ich bin nicht mit meinem Willen hieher gekommen, erwiederte die Stimme.","I am not here willingly, answered the voice." 90,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_94.flac,00003-f000072,0.871014,"Verzeihn Sie mir, Signora, wenn ich Ihre Ruhe gestört habe; ich wuste nicht, daß man mich vernehmen könnte.","But pardon me, Lady, if I have disturbed your rest; I knew not that I was overheard." 91,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_95.flac,00003-f000073,0.535096,"Mich flieht der Schlaf; und ich verließ mein rastloses Lager, ungeduldig aus dieser Burg entlassen zu werden, um die peinliche Zeit damit zu verbringen, daß ich dem schönen Morgen entgegen sähe.","Sleep had forsaken me; I left a restless couch, and came to waste the irksome hours with gazing on the fair approach of morning, impatient to be dismissed from this castle." 92,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_96.flac,00003-f000074,0.5147689999999999,"Ihre Sprache und Ihre Stimme, versetzte Matilde, haben einen Anstrich von Schwermuth.","Thy words and accents, said Matilda, are of melancholy cast; if thou art unhappy, I pity thee." 93,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_97.flac,00003-f000075,0.25,"Sind Sie unglücklich, so bedaure ich Sie.","If poverty afflicts thee, let me know it; I will mention thee to the Princess, whose beneficent soul ever melts for the distressed, and she will relieve thee." 94,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_98.flac,00003-f000076,0.804545,"Leiden Sie aus Armuth, so lassen Sie mich's wissen.","I am indeed unhappy, said the stranger; and I know not what wealth is." 95,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_99.flac,00003-f000075,0.8355790000000001,"Ich will der Fürstin davon sagen, deren wohlthätige Seele gegen jede Noth empfindlich ist; sie wird Ihnen aufhelfen.","If poverty afflicts thee, let me know it; I will mention thee to the Princess, whose beneficent soul ever melts for the distressed, and she will relieve thee." 96,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_100.flac,00003-f000076,0.374138,"Ich bin in der That unglücklich, sagte der Fremde, und kenne den Wohlstand nicht: aber ich klage das Loos nicht an, das der Himmel mir zutheilte.","I am indeed unhappy, said the stranger; and I know not what wealth is." 97,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_101.flac,00003-f000077,0.387838,"Ich bin jung und stark, und schäme mich nicht, für meinen Unterhalt zu arbeiten.","But I do not complain of the lot which Heaven has cast for me; I am young and healthy, and am not ashamed of owing my support to myselfyet think me not proud, or that I disdain your generous offers." 98,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_102.flac,00003-f000077,0.387838,"Halten Sie mich nicht für so übermüthig, daß ich Ihr großmüthiges Anbieten verachten könne."," But I do not complain of the lot which Heaven has cast for me; I am young and healthy, and am not ashamed of owing my support to myselfyet think me not proud, or that I disdain your generous offers." 99,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_103.flac,00003-f000079,0.636321,"Ich will Ihrer in meinem Gebet gedenken, und den Segen des Himmels für Sie, die Sie so gnädig sind, und für Ihre edle Gebieterin erflehen.","Now I have it, Madam, said Bianca, whispering the Princess; this is certainly the young peasant; and, by my conscience, he is in loveWell! this is a charming adventure!do, Madam, let us sift him." 100,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_104.flac,00003-f000080,0.781395,"Ich seufze, Signora, aber um andre, nicht um mich.","He does not know you, but takes you for one of my Lady Hippolita's women." 101,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_105.flac,00003-f000079,0.132099,"Nun hab' ichs, gnädiges Fräulein, zischelte Bianca der Prinzessin zu, dies ist sicherlich der Bauerjunge, und auf mein Gewissen! er ist verliebt.","Now I have it, Madam, said Bianca, whispering the Princess; this is certainly the young peasant; and, by my conscience, he is in loveWell! this is a charming adventure!do, Madam, let us sift him." 102,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_106.flac,00003-f000079,0.132099,Das ist ein himmlisches Abentheuer!," Now I have it, Madam, said Bianca, whispering the Princess; this is certainly the young peasant; and, by my conscience, he is in loveWell! this is a charming adventure!do, Madam, let us sift him." 103,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_107.flac,00003-f000081,0.590476,"Liebes gnädiges Fräulein, lassen Sie uns ihn ausholen.","Art thou not ashamed, Bianca! said the Princess." 104,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_108.flac,00003-f000080,0.635,"Er kennt Ihre Gnaden nicht, er hält Sie für ein Kammerfräulein der Fürstin Hippolite.","He does not know you, but takes you for one of my Lady Hippolita's women." 105,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_109.flac,00003-f000081,0.604762,"Schämst du dich nicht, Bianca? sagte die Prinzessin.","Art thou not ashamed, Bianca! said the Princess." 106,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_110.flac,00003-f000084,0.437666,"Wer giebt mir das Recht, den Herzens Geheimnissen dieses jungen Mannes nachzuforschen?",Are those circumstances that authorise us to make a property of him? 107,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_111.flac,00003-f000083,0.441489,"Er scheint rechtschaffen und aufrichtig, und sagt uns er sey unglücklich.","He seems virtuous and frank, and tells us he is unhappy." 108,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_112.flac,00003-f000084,0.18571400000000002,Sollen diese Eigenschaften ihn uns Preis geben?,Are those circumstances that authorise us to make a property of him? 109,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_113.flac,00003-f000085,0.602273,Welchen Anspruch haben wir auf sein Vertrauen?,How are we entitled to his confidence? 110,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_115.flac,00003-f000086,0.5990949999999999,"Ein Liebhaber hat ja keine größere Freude, als wenn er von seinem Herzens Schatz reden kann.","how little you know of love! replied Bianca; why, lovers have no pleasure equal to talking of their mistress." 111,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_116.flac,00003-f000087,0.7320300000000001,Und mich willst du zur Vertrauten eines Bauren machen? fragte die Prinzessin.,And would you have ME become a peasant's confidante? said the Princess. 112,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_117.flac,00003-f000087,0.738788,"Wohl, so lassen Sie mich mit ihm reden, sagte Bianca.",And would you have ME become a peasant's confidante? said the Princess. 113,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_118.flac,00003-f000088,0.8453719999999999,"Obschon ich jetzt die Ehre habe, Ihrer Gnaden Ehrenfräulein zu seyn, so war ich nicht immer so vornehm.","Well, then, let me talk to him, said Bianca; though I have the honour of being your Highness's maid of honour, I was not always so great." 114,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_119.flac,00003-f000089,0.85,"Zudem, wenn Liebe alle Stände gleich macht, so erhebt sie ja auch alle Stände.","Besides, if love levels ranks, it raises them too; I have a respect for any young man in love." 115,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_120.flac,00003-f000090,0.6545449999999999,"Ich habe Achtung für jeden jungen Mann, der verliebt ist.","Peace, simpleton! said the Princess." 116,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_121.flac,00003-f000091,0.09,"Schweig, Gimpel! unterbrach sie die Prinzessin.","Though he said he was unhappy, it does not follow that he must be in love." 117,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_122.flac,00003-f000091,0.09,Er nannte sich unglücklich.," Though he said he was unhappy, it does not follow that he must be in love." 118,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_123.flac,00003-f000092,-0.057509199999999996,"Folgt daraus, daß er verliebt sey?","Think of all that has happened today, and tell me if there are no misfortunes but what love causes.Stranger, resumed the Princess, if thy misfortunes have not been occasioned by thy own fault, and are within the compass of the Princess Hippolita's power to redress, I will take upon me to answer that she will be thy protectress." 119,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_124.flac,00003-f000092,-0.057509199999999996,"Bedenk' was alles heute vorgefallen ist, und dann sprich, ob es kein ander Unglück giebt, als was von Liebe kommt."," Think of all that has happened today, and tell me if there are no misfortunes but what love causes.Stranger, resumed the Princess, if thy misfortunes have not been occasioned by thy own fault, and are within the compass of the Princess Hippolita's power to redress, I will take upon me to answer that she will be thy protectress." 120,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_125.flac,00003-f000092,-0.057509199999999996,"Fremdling, begann die Prinzessin von neuem, wenn Sie nicht unglücklich sind durch eigne Schuld, und die Fürstin Hippolite Ihnen helfen kann, so nehme ich es auf mich, dafür zu haften, daß ihr Schutz Ihnen nicht entstehn soll."," Think of all that has happened today, and tell me if there are no misfortunes but what love causes.Stranger, resumed the Princess, if thy misfortunes have not been occasioned by thy own fault, and are within the compass of the Princess Hippolita's power to redress, I will take upon me to answer that she will be thy protectress." 121,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_126.flac,00003-f000093,0.903647,"Entläßt man Sie aus dieser Burg, so wenden Sie sich an den ehrwürdigen Vater Geronimo, in dem Kloster hart an der Kirche Sanct Nicola, und entdecken sich ihm so weit Sie gut finden.","When thou art dismissed from this castle, repair to holy father Jerome, at the convent adjoining to the church of St. Nicholas, and make thy story known to him, as far as thou thinkest meet." 122,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_127.flac,00003-f000094,0.339904,"Er wird die Fürstin sicherlich davon unterrichten, die aller Hülflosen Mutter ist.","He will not fail to inform the Princess, who is the mother of all that want her assistance." 123,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_128.flac,00003-f000094,0.339904,Leben Sie wohl!," He will not fail to inform the Princess, who is the mother of all that want her assistance." 124,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_129.flac,00003-f000095,0.601625,"Es ist nicht ziemlich, daß ich, zu dieser ungewöhnlichen Stunde, mich mit einem Mann länger unterhalte.",Farewell; it is not seemly for me to hold farther converse with a man at this unwonted hour. 125,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_130.flac,00003-f000096,0.351923,"Die Heiligen schützen Sie für diese Gnade, Signora! sagte der Bauer, aber o! wenn ein armer verdienstloser Fremdling, um einen Augenblick länger Gehör bitten dürfte, darf er es wagen?","if a poor and worthless stranger might presume to beg a minute's audience farther; am I so happy? the casement is not shut; might I venture to ask Speak quickly, said Matilda; the morning dawns apace: should the labourers come into the fields and perceive usWhat wouldst thou ask?" 126,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_131.flac,00003-f000097,0.147826,Sie schließen das Fenster nicht?,"I know not how, I know not if I dare, said the Young stranger, faltering; yet the humanity with which you have spoken to me emboldensLady! dare I trust you?" 127,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_132.flac,00003-f000097,0.147826,"Bin ich so glücklich, daß Sie mirs gestatten?"," I know not how, I know not if I dare, said the Young stranger, faltering; yet the humanity with which you have spoken to me emboldensLady! dare I trust you?" 128,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_133.flac,00003-f000097,0.147826,"Sprechen Sie kurz, versetzte Matilde, der Morgen dämmert schon heran; die Arbeiter dürfen nicht ihr Feld zu bestellen kommen, und uns gewahr werden."," I know not how, I know not if I dare, said the Young stranger, faltering; yet the humanity with which you have spoken to me emboldensLady! dare I trust you?" 129,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_134.flac,00003-f000098,0.6375,Was begehren Sie?,"Heavens! said Matilda, what dost thou mean?" 130,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_135.flac,00003-f000098,0.888158,"Ich weiß nicht wie, ich weiß nicht ob ich darf, sagte der junge Fremde stammelnd, aber das Erbarmen Ihrer Worte giebt mir Herz.","Heavens! said Matilda, what dost thou mean?" 131,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_136.flac,00003-f000099,0.8,"Darf ich Ihnen trauen, Signora?",With what wouldst thou trust me? 132,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_138.flac,00003-f000099,0.7769229999999999,Was wollen Sie mir vertrauen?,With what wouldst thou trust me? 133,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_139.flac,00003-f000100,0.253846,"Was die Unschuld hören kann, dürfen Sie mir nicht verhehlen.","Speak boldly, if thy secret is fit to be entrusted to a virtuous breast." 134,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_140.flac,00003-f000101,0.728038,"Ich wollte fragen, sagte der Bauer, der sich gefaßt hatte, ob es wahr ist was ich von den Bedienten gehört habe, daß die Prinzessin in der Burg nicht zu finden sey?","I would ask, said the peasant, recollecting himself, whether what I have heard from the domestics is true, that the Princess is missing from the castle?" 135,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_141.flac,00003-f000102,1.365,Was geht Sie das an? erwiederte Matilde.,What imports it to thee to know? replied Matilda. 136,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_142.flac,00003-f000103,0.265116,Ihre ersten Reden waren weiser und schicklicher.,Thy first words bespoke a prudent and becoming gravity. 137,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_143.flac,00003-f000104,0.691071,"Sind Sie hergekommen, Fürsten Angelegenheiten auszuspähen?",Dost thou come hither to pry into the secrets of Manfred? 138,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_145.flac,00003-f000106,0.814286,Leben Sie wohl.,I have been mistaken in thee. 139,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_146.flac,00003-f000107,0.6377510000000001,"Mit diesen Worten schlug sie eilig das Fenster zu, ohne dem jungen Mann Zeit zur Antwort zu lassen.","Saying these words she shut the casement hastily, without giving the young man time to reply." 140,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_147.flac,00003-f000108,0.301001,"Ich hätte weißlicher gethan, sagte die Prinzessin etwas bitter gegen Bianca, dich mit dem Bauren reden zu lassen.","I had acted more wisely, said the Princess to Bianca, with some sharpness, if I had let thee converse with this peasant; his inquisitiveness seems of a piece with thy own." 141,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_148.flac,00003-f000108,0.301001,Seine Fragsucht ist wie es scheint mit der deinigen aus einem Stück.," I had acted more wisely, said the Princess to Bianca, with some sharpness, if I had let thee converse with this peasant; his inquisitiveness seems of a piece with thy own." 142,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_149.flac,00003-f000109,0.934489,"Ich darf mit Ihren Gnaden nicht rechten, erwiederte Bianca, aber die Fragen die ich ihm vorgelegt haben würde, mögten leicht mehr zum Zweck geführt haben, als die welche Sie zu thun geruhten.","It is not fit for me to argue with your Highness, replied Bianca; but perhaps the questions I should have put to him would have been more to the purpose than those you have been pleased to ask him." 143,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_150.flac,00003-f000110,0.5274439999999999,"O, sonder Zweifel! sprach Matilde, du bist ein schlauer Diebesfänger!","Oh! no doubt, said Matilda; you are a very discreet personage!" 144,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_151.flac,00003-f000111,0.913725,"Darf ich wissen, was du gefragt haben würdest?",May I know what YOU would have asked him? 145,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_152.flac,00003-f000112,0.85,"Wer in die Charten sieht, antwortete Bianca, begreift oft mehr vom Spiel, als wer sie hält.","A bystander often sees more of the game than those that play, answered Bianca." 146,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_153.flac,00003-f000113,0.67013,"Glauben denn Ihr Gnaden etwa, er habe aus bloßer Neugier Fräulein Isabellen nachgefragt?","Does your Highness think, Madam, that this question about my Lady Isabella was the result of mere curiosity?" 147,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_154.flac,00003-f000114,1.15536,"Nein, nein, gnädiges Fräulein, da steckt mehr dahinter, als Sie vornehmen Leute sich einbilden.","No, no, Madam, there is more in it than you great folks are aware of." 148,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_155.flac,00003-f000115,0.821775,"Lopez erzählt mir, alle Bedienten glauben, der junge Bursche habe Fräulein Isabellen fortgeholfen; nun bitte ich Sie zu bemerken, gnädiges Fräulein, wir beyde wissen ja wohl, daß Fräulein Isabelle niemals sonderliches Behagen an Ihrem hochseeligen Herrn Bruder fand, gut, er ist gerade zur rechten Zeit aus der Welt gegangen, ich klage niemanden an.","Lopez told me that all the servants believe this young fellow contrived my Lady Isabella's escape; now, pray, Madam, observe you and I both know that my Lady Isabella never much fancied the Prince your brother." 149,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_156.flac,00003-f000115,0.563955,"Ein Helm fällt aus der Luft, so sagen Seine Hoheit, Ihr Herr Vater; aber Lopez und alle Bedienten sagen, dieser junge Springinsfeld sey ein Hexenmeister, und habe ihn dem steinernen Alfonso weggemaust.","Lopez told me that all the servants believe this young fellow contrived my Lady Isabella's escape; now, pray, Madam, observe you and I both know that my Lady Isabella never much fancied the Prince your brother." 150,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_157.flac,00003-f000116,0.582353,"Wirst du aufhören, ungereimtes Zeug zu reden? fragte Matilde.",Well! he is killed just in a critical minuteI accuse nobody. 151,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_158.flac,00003-f000117,0.012458799999999999,"Sobald Ihre Gnaden befehlen, erwiederte Bianca.","A helmet falls from the moonso, my Lord, your father says; but Lopez and all the servants say that this young spark is a magician, and stole it from Alfonso's tomb Have done with this rhapsody of impertinence, said Matilda." 152,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_159.flac,00003-f000117,0.012458799999999999,"Sonderbar aber bleibt es immer, daß Fräulein Isabelle noch an dem nemlichen Tage davon läuft, wo dieser junge Zauberer gerade am Eingang der Fallthüre gefunden wird ich klage niemanden an wenn unser gnädiger Junker aber mit rechten Dingen zu Tode gekommen ist, Ich befehle dir, sagte Matilde, keinen Argwohn gegen den unbefleckten Ruf meiner Isabelle zu wagen."," A helmet falls from the moonso, my Lord, your father says; but Lopez and all the servants say that this young spark is a magician, and stole it from Alfonso's tomb Have done with this rhapsody of impertinence, said Matilda." 153,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_160.flac,00003-f000118,0.564267,"Unbefleckt oder nicht unbefleckt, antwortete Bianca, fort ist sie, ein Fremder findet sich den niemand kennt, Sie selbst befragen ihn, er sagt er sey verliebt, oder unglücklich, das ist einerley richtig, er sagt er sey unglücklich um andre; nun frag' ich: wer ist unglücklich um andre?","Nay, Madam, as you please, cried Bianca; yet it is very particular though, that my Lady Isabella should be missing the very same day, and that this young sorcerer should be found at the mouth of the trapdoor." 154,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_161.flac,00003-f000119,0.283553,"Antwort, der in andre verliebt ist.","I accuse nobody; but if my young Lord came honestly by his death Dare not on thy duty, said Matilda, to breathe a suspicion on the purity of my dear Isabella's fame." 155,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_162.flac,00003-f000120,0.491892,Und gleich darauf meint die unschuldige Seele: ob Fräulein Isabelle nicht zu finden sey?,"and at the very next word, he asks innocently, pour soul! if my Lady Isabella is missing." 156,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_163.flac,00003-f000120,0.793074,"Deine Bemerkungen, sprach Matilde, sind freylich nicht ganz ohne Grund.","and at the very next word, he asks innocently, pour soul! if my Lady Isabella is missing." 157,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_164.flac,00003-f000121,-0.0203704,Isabellens Flucht setzt mich in Erstaunen.,"To be sure, said Matilda, thy observations are not totally without foundationIsabella's flight amazes me." 158,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_165.flac,00003-f000122,0.692593,"Des Fremden Neugier ist auffallend, doch hat Isabelle nie einen ihrer Gedanken mir verborgen.",The curiosity of the stranger is very particular; yet Isabella never concealed a thought from me. 159,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_166.flac,00003-f000122,0.466923,"Das gab sie vor, sagte Bianca, um Ihrer Gnaden Geheimnisse herauszulocken.",The curiosity of the stranger is very particular; yet Isabella never concealed a thought from me. 160,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_167.flac,00003-f000123,0.822857,"Wer weiß, gnädiges Fräulein, ob dieser Fremde nicht irgend ein verkleideter Prinz ist?","So she told you, said Bianca, to fish out your secrets; but who knows, Madam, but this stranger may be some Prince in disguise?" 161,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_168.flac,00003-f000124,0.752473,"Lassen Sie mich das Fenster wieder öfnen, gnädiges Fräulein, ich will ich noch ein wenig vernehmen.","Do, Madam, let me open the window, and ask him a few questions." 162,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_169.flac,00003-f000125,0.637857,"Nein, erwiederte Matilde, ich frage mit einem Wort, ob er etwas von Isabellen weiß? einer längern Unterhaltung mit mir, ist er nicht werth.","No, replied Matilda, I will ask him myself, if he knows aught of Isabella; he is not worthy I should converse farther with him." 163,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_170.flac,00003-f000126,0.824176,"Schon wollte sie das Geschoß ihres Fensters eröfnen, als sie an dem Pförtchen der Burg schellen hörte, das dem Thurm, wo Mathildens Zimmer war, zur Rechten lag.","She was going to open the casement, when they heard the bell ring at the posterngate of the castle, which is on the right hand of the tower, where Matilda lay." 164,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_171.flac,00003-f000127,0.24827600000000002,"Dies verhinderte die Prinzessin, den Fremden aufs neue anzureden.",This prevented the Princess from renewing the conversation with the stranger. 165,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_172.flac,00003-f000127,1.01557,"Sie blieb eine Zeitlang schweigend, und wandte dann sich gegen Bianca:",This prevented the Princess from renewing the conversation with the stranger. 166,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_173.flac,00003-f000128,0.14375,"Ich bin überzeugt, Isabellens Flucht hat keine unwürdige Ursache."," After continuing silent for some time, I am persuaded, said she to Bianca, that whatever be the cause of Isabella's flight it had no unworthy motive." 167,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_174.flac,00003-f000129,0.46756800000000004,"Nahm dieser Fremdling Theil daran, so muste sie seiner Treue und Rechtschaffenheit gewiß seyn.","If this stranger was accessory to it, she must be satisfied with his fidelity and worth." 168,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_175.flac,00003-f000130,0.833584,"Bemerktest du nicht, Bianca, wie ich, daß seine Worte ein ungewöhnliches Gepräge von Frömmigkeit trugen?","I observed, did not you, Bianca? that his words were tinctured with an uncommon infusion of piety." 169,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_176.flac,00003-f000131,-0.027777800000000002,So spricht kein Missethäter.,It was no ruffian's speech; his phrases were becoming a man of gentle birth. 170,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_177.flac,00003-f000131,-0.027777800000000002,Seine Ausdrücke würden einem Manne von edler Geburt geziemen., It was no ruffian's speech; his phrases were becoming a man of gentle birth. 171,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_178.flac,00003-f000132,1.0833,"Sagt' ich nicht, gnädiges Fräulein, fragte Bianca, es sey sicherlich ein verkleideter Prinz?","I told you, Madam, said Bianca, that I was sure he was some Prince in disguise." 172,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_179.flac,00003-f000133,0.20364100000000002,"Wenn sie ihn aber zu ihrer Flucht gebrauchte, sagte Matilde, wie willst du das erklären, daß er sie nicht dabey begleitete?","Yet, said Matilda, if he was privy to her escape, how will you account for his not accompanying her in her flight? why expose himself unnecessarily and rashly to my father's resentment?" 173,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_180.flac,00003-f000133,0.20364100000000002,"Warum setzt er sich ohne Noth und tollkühn, der Rache meines Vaters aus?"," Yet, said Matilda, if he was privy to her escape, how will you account for his not accompanying her in her flight? why expose himself unnecessarily and rashly to my father's resentment?" 174,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_181.flac,00003-f000134,0.7190000000000001,"O gnädiges Fräulein, erwiederte Bianca, ist er unter der Sturmhaube weggekommen, so wird er auch Wege finden, dem Zorn Ihres Herrn Vaters zu entgehn.","As for that, Madam, replied she, if he could get from under the helmet, he will find ways of eluding your father's anger." 175,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_182.flac,00003-f000135,1.0833,"Wer weiß, wie viel Talismane der in der Tasche hat?",I do not doubt but he has some talisman or other about him. 176,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_183.flac,00003-f000136,0.5100600000000001,"Du hilfst dir aus aller Noth mit Zaubermitteln, sprach Matilde: wer sich aber mit höllischen Geistern abgiebt, darf die gottgesegneten Namen nicht aussprechen, wie er that.","You resolve everything into magic, said Matilda; but a man who has any intercourse with infernal spirits, does not dare to make use of those tremendous and holy words which he uttered." 177,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_184.flac,00003-f000137,0.601333,"Hörtest du nicht, wie andächtig er gelobte, meiner im Gebet an die Heiligen des Himmels zu denken?",Didst thou not observe with what fervour he vowed to remember ME to heaven in his prayers? 178,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_185.flac,00003-f000138,1.0117,Isabelle war unstreitig von seiner Gottesfurcht überzeugt.,Yes; Isabella was undoubtedly convinced of his piety. 179,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_186.flac,00003-f000139,0.611522,"Verlassen Sie sich auf die Gottesfurcht eines jungen Burschen, und eines Fräuleins, die mit einander entlaufen wollen! rief Bianca.",Commend me to the piety of a young fellow and a damsel that consult to elope! said Bianca. 180,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_187.flac,00003-f000140,0.901337,"Nein, nein, gnädiges Fräulein, Donna Isabelle ist aus ganz anderm Thon geformt, als Sie sich einbilden.","No, no, Madam, my Lady Isabella is of another guess mould than you take her for." 181,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_188.flac,00003-f000141,0.088587,"In Ihrer Gesellschaft konnte sie freylich seufzen und die Augen verdrehen, weil sie weiß, Sie sind eine Heilige, aber sobald Sie den Rücken drehten Du thust ihr Unrecht, sprach Matilde, Isabelle ist keine Heuchlerin.","She used indeed to sigh and lift up her eyes in your company, because she knows you are a saint; but when your back was turned You wrong her, said Matilda; Isabella is no hypocrite; she has a due sense of devotion, but never affected a call she has not." 182,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_189.flac,00003-f000141,0.088587,"Es fehlt ihr nicht an Frömmigkeit, aber nie prahlte sie mit einem Beruf, den sie nicht empfand."," She used indeed to sigh and lift up her eyes in your company, because she knows you are a saint; but when your back was turned You wrong her, said Matilda; Isabella is no hypocrite; she has a due sense of devotion, but never affected a call she has not." 183,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_190.flac,00003-f000141,0.088587,Im Gegentheil bestritt sie immer meine Neigung für das Kloster.," She used indeed to sigh and lift up her eyes in your company, because she knows you are a saint; but when your back was turned You wrong her, said Matilda; Isabella is no hypocrite; she has a due sense of devotion, but never affected a call she has not." 184,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_191.flac,00003-f000142,0.6737850000000001,"Und obschon ich bekenne, daß mich das Geheimniß das sie mir aus ihrer Flucht machte, in Verlegenheit setzt; obwohl es scheint, als bestehe das nicht mit unsrer Freundschaft; so kann ich doch den uneigennützigen Eifer nicht vergessen, mit dem sie mich immer abhielt, den Schleyer zu ergreifen.","On the contrary, she always combated my inclination for the cloister; and though I own the mystery she has made to me of her flight confounds me; though it seems inconsistent with the friendship between us; I cannot forget the disinterested warmth with which she always opposed my taking the veil." 185,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_192.flac,00003-f000143,0.48214300000000004,"Sie wünschte mich verheyrathet zu sehn, wenn gleich mein Leibgedinge, für ihre und meines Bruders Kinder, ein Verlust gewesen wäre.","She wished to see me married, though my dower would have been a loss to her and my brother's children." 186,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_193.flac,00003-f000144,1.17391,Ihrentwegen will ich gut von diesem jungen Bauren denken.,For her sake I will believe well of this young peasant. 187,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_194.flac,00003-f000145,1.31748,"Ihre Gnaden glauben also, es könne wohl einige Liebe unter ihnen Statt finden? fragte Bianca.","Then you do think there is some liking between them, said Bianca." 188,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_195.flac,00003-f000146,0.773913,"Indem trat ein Bedienter eilig in das Zimmer, der Prinzessin zu melden, daß Fräulein Isabelle gefunden sey.","While she was speaking, a servant came hastily into the chamber and told the Princess that the Lady Isabella was found." 189,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_196.flac,00003-f000147,1.03333,Wo? fragte Matilde.,Where? said Matilda. 190,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_197.flac,00003-f000148,0.331993,"Sie hat sich in die Kirche Sanct Nicola geflüchtet, antwortete der Bediente.","She has taken sanctuary in St. Nicholas's church, replied the servant; Father Jerome has brought the news himself; he is below with his Highness." 191,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_198.flac,00003-f000148,0.331993,Vater Geronimo hat die Nachricht selbst überbracht; er ist unten bey Seiner Hoheit.," She has taken sanctuary in St. Nicholas's church, replied the servant; Father Jerome has brought the news himself; he is below with his Highness." 192,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_199.flac,00003-f000149,1.13645,Wo ist meine Mutter? sagte Matilde.,Where is my mother? said Matilda. 193,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_200.flac,00003-f000150,0.912821,"In ihrem Zimmer, sie fragt nach Ihren Gnaden.","She is in her own chamber, Madam, and has asked for you." 194,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_201.flac,00003-f000151,0.839076,"Manfred war mit Tages Anbruch aufgestanden, und in Hippolitens Gemach gegangen, um zu erforschen, ob sie etwas von Isabellen wisse.","Manfred had risen at the first dawn of light, and gone to Hippolita's apartment, to inquire if she knew aught of Isabella." 195,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_202.flac,00003-f000152,0.708023,"Während er sie ausfragte, benachrichtigte man ihn, daß Geronimo ihn zu sprechen verlange.","While he was questioning her, word was brought that Jerome demanded to speak with him." 196,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_203.flac,00003-f000153,0.14613099999999998,"Manfred ließ sich von der Ursache nichts träumen, die den Mönch herbrachte.","Manfred, little suspecting the cause of the Friar's arrival, and knowing he was employed by Hippolita in her charities, ordered him to be admitted, intending to leave them together, while he pursued his search after Isabella." 197,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_204.flac,00003-f000153,0.14613099999999998,"Er wuste, daß ihn Hippolite als ihren Almosenier gebrauchte, und befahl ihm hereinzukommen, weil er beyde zusammen lassen wollte, um indessen seine Nachforschungen nach Isabellen fortzusetzen."," Manfred, little suspecting the cause of the Friar's arrival, and knowing he was employed by Hippolita in her charities, ordered him to be admitted, intending to leave them together, while he pursued his search after Isabella." 198,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_205.flac,00003-f000154,0.593478,Gilt Ihr Besuch mir oder der Fürstin? fragte Manfred.,Is your business with me or the Princess? said Manfred. 199,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_206.flac,00003-f000155,0.214286,"Beiden, antwortete der ehrwürdige Mann.","With both, replied the holy man." 200,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_207.flac,00003-f000156,0.854348,Was wissen Sie von ihr? unterbrach ihn Manfred eifrig,"The Lady Isabella What of her? interrupted Manfred, eagerly." 201,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_208.flac,00003-f000157,0.978947,"Sie steht am Altar Sankt Nicola, erwiederte Geronimo.","Is at St. Nicholas's altar, replied Jerome." 202,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_209.flac,00003-f000158,0.745487,"Das geht meine Gemahlin nicht an, sprach Manfred bestürzt; folgen Sie mir in mein Zimmer, Vater, und belehren Sie mich, wie sie dorthin gekommen ist?","That is no business of Hippolita, said Manfred with confusion; let us retire to my chamber, Father, and inform me how she came thither." 203,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_210.flac,00003-f000159,0.252303,"Nein, gnädiger Herr, antwortete der gute Alte, mit einem Ausdruck von Festigkeit und Ansehn, das selbst dem entschlossenen Manfred Einhalt that, der nicht umhin konnte, Geronimo's Heiligen gleiche Tugenden zu verehren: mein Auftrag geht Sie beyde an, und Ihre Hoheit werden mir erlauben, ihn in Ihrer beyder Gegenwart auszurichten.","No, my Lord, replied the good man, with an air of firmness and authority, that daunted even the resolute Manfred, who could not help revering the saintlike virtues of Jerome; my commission is to both, and with your Highness's goodliking, in the presence of both I shall deliver it; but first, my Lord, I must interrogate the Princess, whether she is acquainted with the cause of the Lady Isabella's retirement from your castle." 204,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_211.flac,00003-f000159,0.252303,"Erst aber, gnädiger Herr, muß ich die Fürstin fragen, ob ihr die Ursache von Fräulein Isabellens Entfernung aus der Burg bekannt ist?"," No, my Lord, replied the good man, with an air of firmness and authority, that daunted even the resolute Manfred, who could not help revering the saintlike virtues of Jerome; my commission is to both, and with your Highness's goodliking, in the presence of both I shall deliver it; but first, my Lord, I must interrogate the Princess, whether she is acquainted with the cause of the Lady Isabella's retirement from your castle." 205,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_212.flac,00003-f000160,0.303571,"Nein, auf meine Seele, sprach Hippolite.","No, on my soul, said Hippolita; does Isabella charge me with being privy to it?" 206,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_213.flac,00003-f000160,0.303571,"Beschuldigt mich Isabelle, daß ich darum gewußt habe?"," No, on my soul, said Hippolita; does Isabella charge me with being privy to it?" 207,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_214.flac,00003-f000161,0.690628,"Vater, unterbrach sie Manfred, ich hege alle schuldige Ehrerbietung gegen Ihren heiligen Stand; aber hier bin ich Herr, und werde nie zugeben, daß sich ein pfäffischer Unterhändler in meine häußlichen Angelegenheiten mische.","Father, interrupted Manfred, I pay due reverence to your holy profession; but I am sovereign here, and will allow no meddling priest to interfere in the affairs of my domestic." 208,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_215.flac,00003-f000162,0.12447000000000001,"Haben Sie etwas zu bestellen, so folgen Sie mir auf mein Zimmer.",If you have aught to say attend me to my chamber; I do not use to let my wife be acquainted with the secret affairs of my state; they are not within a woman's province. 209,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_216.flac,00003-f000162,0.12447000000000001,"Ich bin nicht gewohnt, meine Gemahlin um geheime Staatsgeschäfte wissen zu lassen.", If you have aught to say attend me to my chamber; I do not use to let my wife be acquainted with the secret affairs of my state; they are not within a woman's province. 210,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_217.flac,00003-f000162,0.12447000000000001,Darum hat sich keine Frau zu bekümmern., If you have aught to say attend me to my chamber; I do not use to let my wife be acquainted with the secret affairs of my state; they are not within a woman's province. 211,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_218.flac,00003-f000163,1.1247200000000002,"Gnädiger Herr, antwortete der ehrwürdige Mann, ich dränge mich nie zu Familiengeheimnissen.","My Lord, said the holy man, I am no intruder into the secrets of families." 212,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_219.flac,00003-f000164,0.374933,"Mein Amt ist Frieden zu verbreiten, Zwiespalt zu heilen, Buße zu predigen, und den Menschen zu lehren, daß er seine ungezähmten Leidenschaften bändige.","My office is to promote peace, to heal divisions, to preach repentance, and teach mankind to curb their headstrong passions." 213,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_220.flac,00003-f000165,1.06685,"Ich verzeihe Ihrer Hoheit, daß Sie mich so unfreundlich angeredet haben, ich weiß meine Schuldigkeit, und bin der Diener eines mächtigern Herrn als Manfred.","I forgive your Highness's uncharitable apostrophe; I know my duty, and am the minister of a mightier prince than Manfred." 214,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_221.flac,00003-f000166,0.562281,"Hören Sie, was der zu Ihnen spricht, durch meinen Mund.",Hearken to him who speaks through my organs. 215,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_222.flac,00003-f000167,0.698571,Manfred bebte vor Wuth und Schaam.,Manfred trembled with rage and shame. 216,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_223.flac,00003-f000168,0.718761,"Auf Hippolitens Antlitz lag Erstaunen und Ungeduld, zu erfahren wo dies hinauslaufen würde, und ihr Stillschweigen bewies deutlich, wie gehorsam sie gegen Manfred sey.",Hippolita's countenance declared her astonishment and impatience to know where this would end. 217,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_225.flac,00003-f000169,0.0115385,Manfred veränderte die Farbe,Her silence more strongly spoke her observance of Manfred. 218,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_226.flac,00003-f000170,0.498681,"Da es ihr nun aber nicht länger möglich ist, Ihnen anzugehören, so ersucht sie um Ihre Einwilligung, daß sie an heiliger Stäte bleiben möge, bis sie Nachricht von ihrem Vater bekommen kann, oder durch die Gewißheit seines Todes, die Freyheit erhält, mit Einwilligung ihrer Vormünder, eine schickliche Heirath für sich zu treffen.","The Lady Isabella, resumed Jerome, commends herself to both your Highnesses; she thanks both for the kindness with which she has been treated in your castle: she deplores the loss of your son, and her own misfortune in not becoming the daughter of such wise and noble Princes, whom she shall always respect as Parents; she prays for uninterrupted union and felicity between you Manfred's colour changed: but as it is no longer possible for her to be allied to you, she entreats your consent to remain in sanctuary, till she can learn news of her father, or, by the certainty of his death, be at liberty, with the approbation of her guardians, to dispose of herself in suitable marriage." 219,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_227.flac,00003-f000171,0.640979,"Diese Einwilligung geb' ich niemals, sagte der Fürst; ich bestehe darauf, daß sie ohne Verzug in die Burg zurück kehre: ich muß ihren Vormündern für sie stehn, und werde sie in niemandes Gewahrsam dulden, als in der meinigen.","I shall give no such consent, said the Prince, but insist on her return to the castle without delay: I am answerable for her person to her guardians, and will not brook her being in any hands but my own." 220,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_228.flac,00003-f000171,0.751042,"Ihre Hoheit geruhen sich zu erinnern, versetzte der Mönch, ob das mit einigem Anstande hinführo geschehen kann?","I shall give no such consent, said the Prince, but insist on her return to the castle without delay: I am answerable for her person to her guardians, and will not brook her being in any hands but my own." 221,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_229.flac,00003-f000172,0.531,"Ich brauche keinen Hofmeister, sagte Manfred erröthend.","Your Highness will recollect whether that can any longer be proper, replied the Friar." 222,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_230.flac,00003-f000173,0.0627872,"Isabellens Betragen giebt zu seltsamen Argwohn Anlaß, und der junge Bube, wenigstens ein Mitschuldiger ihrer Flucht, wo nicht deren Ursach Deren Ursach? unterbrach ihn Geronimo.","I want no monitor, said Manfred, colouring; Isabella's conduct leaves room for strange suspicionsand that young villain, who was at least the accomplice of her flight, if not the cause of it The cause! interrupted Jerome; was a YOUNG man the cause?" 223,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_231.flac,00003-f000173,0.0627872,War ein junger Mann deren Ursach?," I want no monitor, said Manfred, colouring; Isabella's conduct leaves room for strange suspicionsand that young villain, who was at least the accomplice of her flight, if not the cause of it The cause! interrupted Jerome; was a YOUNG man the cause?" 224,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_232.flac,00003-f000174,0.638636,Ich ertrag' es nicht länger! rief Manfred.,This is not to be borne! cried Manfred. 225,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_233.flac,00003-f000175,0.93,"Darf ein unverschämter Pfaff, mir in meinem eignen Pallast Trotz bieten?",Am I to be bearded in my own palace by an insolent Monk? 226,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_234.flac,00003-f000176,0.5304760000000001,"Ich wette, Sie sind der Vertraute ihrer Liebeshändel.","Thou art privy, I guess, to their amours." 227,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_235.flac,00003-f000177,0.585338,"Wäre Ihre Hoheit nicht in Ihrem Gewissen überzeugt, sprach Geronimo, wie ungerecht Sie mich anklagen, so würd' ich zum Himmel beten, daß er Ihren lieblosen Verdacht aufkläre.","I would pray to heaven to clear up your uncharitable surmises, said Jerome, if your Highness were not satisfied in your conscience how unjustly you accuse me." 228,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_236.flac,00003-f000178,0.205256,"Jetzt bete ich zum Himmel, daß er diese Lieblosigkeit vergebe.","I do pray to heaven to pardon that uncharitableness: and I implore your Highness to leave the Princess at peace in that holy place, where she is not liable to be disturbed by such vain and worldly fantasies as discourses of love from any man." 229,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_237.flac,00003-f000178,0.205256,"Und Ihre Hoheit beschwöre ich, die Prinzessin friedlich an der heiligen Stäte zu lassen, wo sie der Störung nicht ausgesetzt ist, so eitles und weltliches Geschwätz anhören zu müssen, als die Liebeserklärungen eines Mannes sind."," I do pray to heaven to pardon that uncharitableness: and I implore your Highness to leave the Princess at peace in that holy place, where she is not liable to be disturbed by such vain and worldly fantasies as discourses of love from any man." 230,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_238.flac,00003-f000179,0.7625,"Predige mir nicht, sprach Manfred, sondern geh, und führe die Prinzessin zu ihrer Pflicht zurück.","Cant not to me, said Manfred, but return and bring the Princess to her duty." 231,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_239.flac,00003-f000180,0.6212770000000001,"Es ist meine Pflicht, antwortete Geronimo, mich ihrer Rückkehr hieher zu widersetzen.","It is my duty to prevent her return hither, said Jerome." 232,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_240.flac,00003-f000181,0.573333,"Wo sie ist, sind Waisen und Jungfrauen am besten verwahrt, vor den Schlingen und Tücken dieser Welt; und keine Macht, als die eines Vaters, soll sie von dort hinwegnehmen.",She is where orphans and virgins are safest from the snares and wiles of this world; and nothing but a parent's authority shall take her thence. 233,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_241.flac,00003-f000182,0.8775,"Ich bin ihr Vater, schrie Manfred, und fordre sie!","I am her parent, cried Manfred, and demand her." 234,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_242.flac,00003-f000183,0.8278530000000001,"Sie wünschte Ihre Hoheit zum Vater zu haben, erwiederte der Mönch, aber der Himmel, der dieses Band untersagte, hat jede Verbindung unter Ihnen auf ewig zerrissen, und ich erkläre Ihnen, gnädiger Herr Halt ein, Verwegner, unterbrach ihn Manfred, und fürchte meinen Zorn!","She wished to have you for her parent, said the Friar; but Heaven that forbad that connection has for ever dissolved all ties betwixt you: and I announce to your Highness Stop! audacious man, said Manfred, and dread my displeasure." 235,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00003-otranto_244.flac,00003-f000184,0.327703,Sie reden nach Ihrer Pflicht.,"Holy farther, said Hippolita, it is your office to be no respecter of persons: you must speak as your duty prescribes: but it is my duty to hear nothing that it pleases not my Lord I should hear."