,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript 0,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_0.flac,00001-f000002,1.0798,"Manfred, Fürst von Otranto, hatte einen Sohn und eine Tochter.","Manfred, Prince of Otranto, had one son and one daughter: the latter, a most beautiful virgin, aged eighteen, was called Matilda." 1,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_1.flac,00001-f000003,0.331895,"Diese, ein sehr schönes Fräulein von achtzehn Jahren, hieß Matilde.","Conrad, the son, was three years younger, a homely youth, sickly, and of no promising disposition; yet he was the darling of his father, who never showed any symptoms of affection to Matilda." 2,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_2.flac,00001-f000004,0.49804,"Corrado, der Sohn, war drey Jahr jünger, übel aussehend, kränklich, und ohne versprechende Anlagen; dennoch der Liebling seines Vaters, der selten Spuren einiger Zuneigung gegen Matilde blicken ließ. Manfred hatte eine Heirath für seinen Sohn mit Isabellen, der Tochter des Markgrafen von Vicenza besprochen; und ihre Vormünder hatten sie bereits in Manfreds Hände abgeliefert, damit er die Hochzeitfeyer vollziehen könne, sobald Corrado's schwacher Gesundheitszustand es erlaubte.","Manfred had contracted a marriage for his son with the Marquis of Vicenza's daughter, Isabella; and she had already been delivered by her guardians into the hands of Manfred, that he might celebrate the wedding as soon as Conrad's infirm state of health would permit." 3,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_3.flac,00001-f000005,0.787671,"Manfreds Hausgenossen und Nachbarn bemerkten seine Ungeduld, die Feyer zu vollziehen.",Manfred's impatience for this ceremonial was remarked by his family and neighbours. 4,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_4.flac,00001-f000006,0.447748,"Jene freylich scheuten seine Strenge, und unterstanden sich daher nicht, ihre Muthmaßungen über diese Eilfertigkeit zu äußern.","The former, indeed, apprehending the severity of their Prince's disposition, did not dare to utter their surmises on this precipitation." 5,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_5.flac,00001-f000007,0.6307689999999999,"Hippolite, seine Gemahlin, eine liebenswürdige Dame, wagte zuweilen ihm die Gefahr vorzustellen, die mit einer frühen Verheirathung ihres Sohnes, in Rücksicht seiner großen Jugend, und größeren Schwachheit, verbunden wäre.","Hippolita, his wife, an amiable lady, did sometimes venture to represent the danger of marrying their only son so early, considering his great youth, and greater infirmities; but she never received any other answer than reflections on her own sterility, who had given him but one heir." 6,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_6.flac,00001-f000008,0.30487,"Aber sie erhielt nichts zur Antwort, als Vorwürfe über ihre eigne Unfruchtbarkeit, da sie nur einen Erbherrn gebohren habe.",His tenants and subjects were less cautious in their discourses. 7,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_7.flac,00001-f000009,0.575651,"Vasallen und Unterthanen nahmen sich in ihren Reden minder in Acht: sie schoben diese hastige Vermählung, auf Rechnung der Furcht ihres Fürsten, eine alte Weissagung erfüllt zu sehn, nach welcher es hieß: die Burg und Herrschaft Otranto, sollten dem Geschlecht ihrer gegenwärtigen Einhaber entwendet werden, wenn dem wirklichen Besitzer seine Behausung zu enge würde.","They attributed this hasty wedding to the Prince's dread of seeing accomplished an ancient prophecy, which was said to have pronounced that the castle and lordship of Otranto should pass from the present family, whenever the real owner should be grown too large to inhabit it." 8,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_8.flac,00001-f000010,0.819125,"Es war schwer in dieser Weissagung einen Sinn zu finden; und noch schwerer zu begreifen, was sie mit der vorseyenden Vermählung für eine Verbindung habe.",It was difficult to make any sense of this prophecy; and still less easy to conceive what it had to do with the marriage in question. 9,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_9.flac,00001-f000011,0.462794,"Doch blieb das Volk, dieses Räthsels oder Widerspruchs ohngeachtet, nicht minder fest auf seiner Meinung.","Yet these mysteries, or contradictions, did not make the populace adhere the less to their opinion." 10,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_10.flac,00001-f000012,0.72205,Corrado's Geburtstag war zum Trauungsfest bestimmt.,Young Conrad's birthday was fixed for his espousals. 11,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_11.flac,00001-f000013,0.5925,"Die Gesellschaft befand sich in der Burgcapelle versammelt, und alles zur priesterlichen Einsegnung bereit, als man Corrado selbst vermißte.","The company was assembled in the chapel of the Castle, and everything ready for beginning the divine office, when Conrad himself was missing." 12,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_12.flac,00001-f000014,0.751695,"Manfred konnte keinen Verzug ertragen, er hatte nicht bemerkt daß sein Sohn sich entferne, und sandte einen seiner Begleiter den jungen Fürsten herbeyzurufen.","Manfred, impatient of the least delay, and who had not observed his son retire, despatched one of his attendants to summon the young Prince." 13,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_13.flac,00001-f000015,0.606312,"Der Bediente blieb nicht so lange weg, als er Zeit bedurfte über den Hof nach Corrado's Zimmern zu gehn, sondern lief athemlos zurück, und sah aus wie ein Wahnwitziger, seine Augen starrten, Schaum stand vor seinen Lippen.","The servant, who had not stayed long enough to have crossed the court to Conrad's apartment, came running back breathless, in a frantic manner, his eyes staring, and foaming at the month." 14,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_14.flac,00001-f000016,0.958333,"Er sprach kein Wort, und zeigte auf den Hof.","He said nothing, but pointed to the court." 15,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_15.flac,00001-f000017,1.15017,Die Gesellschaft ergrif Schauder und Entsetzen.,The company were struck with terror and amazement. 16,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_16.flac,00001-f000018,0.614118,"Die Fürstin Hippolite wuste nicht was vorgefallen seyn konnte, aber aus Angst um ihren Sohn fiel sie in Ohnmacht.","The Princess Hippolita, without knowing what was the matter, but anxious for her son, swooned away." 17,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_17.flac,00001-f000019,0.864342,"Manfred, minder besorgt, als aufgebracht über die Verzögerung der Trauung, und die Albernheit seines Bedienten, fragte gebieterisch, was es gäbe?","Manfred, less apprehensive than enraged at the procrastination of the nuptials, and at the folly of his domestic, asked imperiously what was the matter?" 18,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_19.flac,00001-f000021,0.5294840000000001,"Unterdessen waren schon einige der Gesellschaft in den Hof gelaufen, woher man ein verwirrtes Getöse von Schrecken, Abscheu und Entsetzen vernahm.","In the meantime, some of the company had run into the court, from whence was heard a confused noise of shrieks, horror, and surprise." 19,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_20.flac,00001-f000022,0.728182,"Endlich ward Manfred bestürzt als sein Sohn nicht erschien, und ging selbst, um der Ursache dieser seltsamen Verwirrung nachzuforschen.","Manfred, who began to be alarmed at not seeing his son, went himself to get information of what occasioned this strange confusion." 20,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_21.flac,00001-f000023,0.8681450000000001,"Matilde blieb zum Beystand ihrer Mutter, und Isabelle leistete ihr darin Gesellschaft, die ohnedem keine Ungeduld nach einem Bräutigam bezeigen wollte, für den sie in der That wenig Neigung besaß.","Matilda remained endeavouring to assist her mother, and Isabella stayed for the same purpose, and to avoid showing any impatience for the bridegroom, for whom, in truth, she had conceived little affection." 21,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_22.flac,00001-f000024,0.616798,"Was Manfreds Augen zuerst auffiel, war ein Kreis seiner Bedienten, die etwas in die Höhe zu heben sich bemühten, das einem Berge schwarzer Federn ähnlich sah.",The first thing that struck Manfred's eyes was a group of his servants endeavouring to raise something that appeared to him a mountain of sable plumes. 22,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_23.flac,00001-f000025,0.683117,Er staunte und traute seinem Gesicht nicht.,He gazed without believing his sight. 23,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_24.flac,00001-f000026,0.882353,Was treibt ihr da? rief Manfred wütend:,"What are ye doing? cried Manfred, wrathfully; where is my son?" 24,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_25.flac,00001-f000020,0.18,wo ist mein Sohn?,the helmet! the helmet! 25,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_27.flac,00001-f000028,0.0375311,"Ihn erschütterten die Klagetone, die Furcht unbekannter Dinge überfiel ihn, er trat hastig hinzu was erblickten die Augen des Vaters?","Shocked with these lamentable sounds, and dreading he knew not what, he advanced hastily,but what a sight for a father's eyes! he beheld his child dashed to pieces, and almost buried under an enormous helmet, an hundred times more large than any casque ever made for human being, and shaded with a proportionable quantity of black feathers." 26,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_28.flac,00001-f000028,0.0375311,"er sah sein Kind zerschmettert, begraben gleichsam, unter einem ungeheuren Helm, hundertmal größer als irgend eine Sturmhaube die je für einen Sterblichen geschmiedet ward, und von einem verhältnißmäßig großen Busch schwarzer Federn beschattet."," Shocked with these lamentable sounds, and dreading he knew not what, he advanced hastily,but what a sight for a father's eyes! he beheld his child dashed to pieces, and almost buried under an enormous helmet, an hundred times more large than any casque ever made for human being, and shaded with a proportionable quantity of black feathers." 27,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_29.flac,00001-f000029,0.679334,"Dieser grauenvolle Anblick, die Unwissenheit aller Umstehenden auf was Art sich der Unfall ereignet habe, und über alles, die furchtbare Erscheinung vor ihm, benahmen dem Fürsten die Sprache.","The horror of the spectacle, the ignorance of all around how this misfortune had happened, and above all, the tremendous phenomenon before him, took away the Prince's speech." 28,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_30.flac,00001-f000030,0.5727270000000001,"Doch schwieg er länger, als selbst der Kummer schweigen kann.",Yet his silence lasted longer than even grief could occasion. 29,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_31.flac,00001-f000031,0.552821,"Seine Augen starrten auf das hin, was er vergebens wünschte für ein Gesicht halten zu können; und er schien minder empfindlich gegen seinen Verlust, als in Betrachtung verlohren, über den erstaunenswürdigen Gegenstand der ihn veranlaßte. Er berührte, untersuchte, den unglückbringenden Helm; selbst die blutenden zerstückelten Ueberreste des jungen Prinzen, konnten Manfreds Blicke von diesem Schreckenswunder nicht abziehn.","He fixed his eyes on what he wished in vain to believe a vision; and seemed less attentive to his loss, than buried in meditation on the stupendous object that had occasioned it." 30,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_32.flac,00001-f000032,0.48,"Wer seine partheyische Zärtlichkeit für den jungen Corrado gekannt hatte, war eben so verwundert über die Unempfindlichkeit des Fürsten, als betroffen über das Zeichen des Helms.","He touched, he examined the fatal casque; nor could even the bleeding mangled remains of the young Prince divert the eyes of Manfred from the portent before him." 31,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_33.flac,00001-f000033,0.4641770000000001,"Man trug den entstellten Leichnam in die Halle, ohne darüber im geringsten Manfreds Befehl zu erhalten.","All who had known his partial fondness for young Conrad, were as much surprised at their Prince's insensibility, as thunderstruck themselves at the miracle of the helmet." 32,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_34.flac,00001-f000034,0.4315,"Eben so wenig achtete er seiner Gemahlin und Tochter, die in der Capelle zurück blieben.","They conveyed the disfigured corpse into the hall, without receiving the least direction from Manfred." 33,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_35.flac,00001-f000035,0.264706,Die ersten Worte aus seinem Munde waren: Sorgt für Fräulein,As little was he attentive to the ladies who remained in the chapel. 34,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_36.flac,00001-f000036,-0.218644,Isabelle!,"On the contrary, without mentioning the unhappy princesses, his wife and daughter, the first sounds that dropped from Manfred's lips were, Take care of the Lady Isabella." 35,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_37.flac,00001-f000036,-0.218644,Den Bedienten fiel dieser sonderbare Befehl nicht auf.," On the contrary, without mentioning the unhappy princesses, his wife and daughter, the first sounds that dropped from Manfred's lips were, Take care of the Lady Isabella." 36,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_38.flac,00001-f000037,0.345089,"Liebe zu ihrer Herrschaft ließ sie annehmen, daß von ihr allein die Rede seyn könne: sie eilten zu ihrem Beystand.","The domestics, without observing the singularity of this direction, were guided by their affection to their mistress, to consider it as peculiarly addressed to her situation, and flew to her assistance." 37,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_39.flac,00001-f000038,0.583654,"Man brachte sie in ihr Schlafzimmer mehr todt als lebendig, und gleichgültig gegen alles seltsame das man ihr hinterbrachte, ausgenommen gegen den Verlust ihres Sohnes.","They conveyed her to her chamber more dead than alive, and indifferent to all the strange circumstances she heard, except the death of her son." 38,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_40.flac,00001-f000039,0.8546290000000001,"Matilde, kindlicher Zärtlichkeit voll, erstickte eignen Schmerz und Entsetzen, und dachte nur darauf ihre betrübte Mutter aufzurichten und zu trösten.","Matilda, who doted on her mother, smothered her own grief and amazement, and thought of nothing but assisting and comforting her afflicted parent." 39,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_41.flac,00001-f000040,0.875975,"Isabelle, die wie eine Tochter von Hippoliten behandelt war, und diese Zuneigung mit gleicher Erkenntlichkeit und Liebe erwiederte, war kaum weniger thätig um die Fürstin; und suchte zu gleicher Zeit das Gewicht des Grams mit zu tragen und zu vermindern, das ihre Matilde zu unterdrücken strebte, für welche sie das wärmste Mitgefühl der Freundschaft empfand.","Isabella, who had been treated by Hippolita like a daughter, and who returned that tenderness with equal duty and affection, was scarce less assiduous about the Princess; at the same time endeavouring to partake and lessen the weight of sorrow which she saw Matilda strove to suppress, for whom she had conceived the warmest sympathy of friendship." 40,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_42.flac,00001-f000041,0.992308,Doch konnte sie gleichfalls nicht umhin an ihre eigene Lage zu denken.,Yet her own situation could not help finding its place in her thoughts. 41,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_43.flac,00001-f000042,0.8526610000000001,"Corrado's Tod that ihr weiter nicht leid, als weil er schmerzlich war; und es durfte ihr nicht unangenehm seyn, einer Heyrath entbunden zu werden, die ihr wenig Glückseligkeit versprach, sowohl in Ansehung des Mannes den man ihr bestimmte, als in Rücksicht auf Manfreds strenge Stimmung, der trotz der großen Nachsicht, wodurch er sie auszeichnete, ihre Seele mit Schrecken erfüllte, indem er ohne Veranlassung gegen so liebenswürdige Fürstinnen, als Hippolite und Mathilde, hart war.","She felt no concern for the death of young Conrad, except commiseration; and she was not sorry to be delivered from a marriage which had promised her little felicity, either from her destined bridegroom, or from the severe temper of Manfred, who, though he had distinguished her by great indulgence, had imprinted her mind with terror, from his causeless rigour to such amiable princesses as Hippolita and Matilda." 42,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_44.flac,00001-f000043,0.650231,"Während die Damen der unglücklichen Mutter zu Bette halfen, blieb Manfred im Hofe, betrachtete unverwand den Verderben, verkündenden Helm, und kehrte sich nicht an die Menge, welche dieser seltsame Vorfall nach und nach um ihn versammelt hatte.","While the ladies were conveying the wretched mother to her bed, Manfred remained in the court, gazing on the ominous casque, and regardless of the crowd which the strangeness of the event had now assembled around him." 43,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_45.flac,00001-f000044,0.721765,"Nur von Zeit zu Zeit fragte er mit kurzen Worten: ob niemand wisse, woher der Helm gekommen seyn möge?","The few words he articulated, tended solely to inquiries, whether any man knew from whence it could have come?" 44,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_46.flac,00001-f000045,0.613462,Niemand konnte darüber die geringste Auskunft geben.,Nobody could give him the least information. 45,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_47.flac,00001-f000046,1.02544,"Da dies aber der einzige Gegenstand seiner Neugierde schien, so ahmten ihm die übrigen Zuschauer bald darin nach, deren Vermuthungen eben so ungereimt und unwahrscheinlich waren, als beyspiellos der Vorgang selbst.","However, as it seemed to be the sole object of his curiosity, it soon became so to the rest of the spectators, whose conjectures were as absurd and improbable, as the catastrophe itself was unprecedented." 46,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_48.flac,00001-f000047,0.47779,"Mitten unter ihrem unvernünftigen Rathen, bemerkte ein junger Bauer aus einem benachbarten Dorf, den der Lärmen herbeygelockt hatte, der wunderbare Helm sehe dem außerordentlich ähnlich, welchen die schwarze marmorne Bildsäule ihres hochseligen Fürsten Alfonso des Guten, in der San Nicola Kirche trage.","In the midst of their senseless guesses, a young peasant, whom rumour had drawn thither from a neighbouring village, observed that the miraculous helmet was exactly like that on the figure in black marble of Alfonso the Good, one of their former princes, in the church of St. Nicholas." 47,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_50.flac,00001-f000051,0.8390200000000001,"Die Zuschauer begriffen den Grimm des Fürsten eben so wenig als alles was sie sonst gesehen hatten, und wusten sich diesen neuen Umstand nicht zu enträthseln.","The spectators, who as little comprehended the cause of the Prince's fury as all the rest they had seen, were at a loss to unravel this new circumstance." 48,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_51.flac,00001-f000052,0.810662,"Noch betroffener war der junge Bauer, der gar nicht einsah, wie er den Fürsten beleidigt habe.","The young peasant himself was still more astonished, not conceiving how he had offended the Prince." 49,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_52.flac,00001-f000053,0.596483,"Doch faßte er sich, entzog, ohne Anstand oder Unterwürfigkeit zu verletzen, seinen Hals dem Griffe Manfred's, beugte seine Knie vor ihm, und fragte ehrfurchtsvoll, aber freylich mehr im Gefühl der Unschuld als niedergeschlagen: worin er schuldig sey?","Yet recollecting himself, with a mixture of grace and humility, he disengaged himself from Manfred's grip, and then with an obeisance, which discovered more jealousy of innocence than dismay, he asked, with respect, of what he was guilty?" 50,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_53.flac,00001-f000054,0.694905,"Manfred, mehr aufgebracht über die Stärke, wie schonend sie auch gebraucht ward, womit der Jüngling sich seiner Hand entledigt hatte, als versöhnt durch seine Demuth, befahl seinen Dienern ihn anzuhalten, und würde ihn in ihren Armen erstochen haben, hätten die Freunde, die er zum Hochzeitmale eingeladen, ihn nicht zurückgehalten.","Manfred, more enraged at the vigour, however decently exerted, with which the young man had shaken off his hold, than appeased by his submission, ordered his attendants to seize him, and, if he had not been withheld by his friends whom he had invited to the nuptials, would have poignarded the peasant in their arms." 51,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_54.flac,00001-f000055,0.648529,"Während dieses Wortwechsels, rannten einige der gemeinen Zuschauer in die große Kirche, die der Burg nahe stand, und kamen mit aufgesperrten Mäulern zurück, zu melden, Alfonso's Bildsäule habe ihren Helm verlohren.","During this altercation, some of the vulgar spectators had run to the great church, which stood near the castle, and came back open mouthed, declaring that the helmet was missing from Alfonso's statue." 52,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_56.flac,00001-f000058,0.27,Ungeheuer!,Sorcerer! 53,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_57.flac,00001-f000059,1.21429,Zauberer! du hast dies gethan!,tis thou hast done this! 54,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_58.flac,00001-f000060,1.23478,du hast meinen Sohn erschlagen!,tis thou hast slain my son! 55,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_65.flac,00001-f000062,0.7737390000000001,"Vergeblich machte der Jüngling Vorstellungen, gegen diesen Richterspruch ohne Untersuchung, vergeblich suchten Manfreds Freunde ihn von diesem wunderlichen und ungegründeten Entschluß abzuziehn.",It was in vain for the youth to represent against this preposterous sentence: in vain did Manfred's friends endeavour to divert him from this savage and illgrounded resolution. 56,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_66.flac,00001-f000063,-0.048659100000000004,Der große Hause war entzückt über die Entscheidung seines Gebieters.,"The generality were charmed with their lord's decision, which, to their apprehensions, carried great appearance of justice, as the Magician was to be punished by the very instrument with which he had offended: nor were they struck with the least compunction at the probability of the youth being starved, for they firmly believed that, by his diabolic skill, he could easily supply himself with nutriment." 57,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_67.flac,00001-f000063,-0.048659100000000004,"Seiner Meinung nach war sie in hohem Grade gerecht, sie strafte ja den Zauberer durch das nemliche Werkzeug, womit er gesündigt hatte."," The generality were charmed with their lord's decision, which, to their apprehensions, carried great appearance of justice, as the Magician was to be punished by the very instrument with which he had offended: nor were they struck with the least compunction at the probability of the youth being starved, for they firmly believed that, by his diabolic skill, he could easily supply himself with nutriment." 58,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_68.flac,00001-f000063,-0.048659100000000004,"Auch empfand er nicht das geringste Beyleid, durch den Gedanken an die Möglichkeit, daß der Jüngling verhungern könne, denn er glaubte festiglich, den werde seine teuflische Geschicklichkeit gar leichtlich mit Nahrung versorgen."," The generality were charmed with their lord's decision, which, to their apprehensions, carried great appearance of justice, as the Magician was to be punished by the very instrument with which he had offended: nor were they struck with the least compunction at the probability of the youth being starved, for they firmly believed that, by his diabolic skill, he could easily supply himself with nutriment." 59,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_69.flac,00001-f000064,0.750818,"Dergestalt sah Manfred seine Befehle freudig befolgt; bestellte eine Wache, mit gemeßnem Befehl, dem Gefangenen keine Lebensmittel zukommen zu lassen; entließ seine Freunde und Diener, und ging auf sein Zimmer, nachdem er die Thore der Burg verschlossen, worin er nur seinen Hausgenossen zu bleiben verstattete.","Manfred thus saw his commands even cheerfully obeyed; and appointing a guard with strict orders to prevent any food being conveyed to the prisoner, he dismissed his friends and attendants, and retired to his own chamber, after locking the gates of the castle, in which he suffered none but his domestics to remain." 60,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_70.flac,00001-f000065,0.68506,"Unterdessen hatten die Sorgfalt und der Eifer der jungen Damen die Fürstin Hippolite wieder zu sich gebracht, die mitten in der Heftigkeit ihres eignen Schmerzes oft Nachricht von ihrem Gemahl zu haben verlangte, ihr Gefolge gern verlassen hätte um über ihn zu wachen, und endlich Matilden gebot sie zu verlassen, um ihren Vater zu besuchen und zu trösten.","In the meantime, the care and zeal of the young Ladies had brought the Princess Hippolita to herself, who amidst the transports of her own sorrow frequently demanded news of her lord, would have dismissed her attendants to watch over him, and at last enjoined Matilda to leave her, and visit and comfort her father." 61,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_71.flac,00001-f000066,0.136213,"Matilde, der es an liebevoller Ergebenheit gegen ihren Vater nie gebrach, obwohl sie vor seinem rauhen Wesen zitterte, gehorchte den Befehlen Hippolitens, die sie ihrer Freundin mit Thränen empfahl.","Matilda, who wanted no affectionate duty to Manfred, though she trembled at his austerity, obeyed the orders of Hippolita, whom she tenderly recommended to Isabella; and inquiring of the domestics for her father, was informed that he was retired to his chamber, and had commanded that nobody should have admittance to him." 62,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_72.flac,00001-f000066,0.136213,"Sie fragte die Bedienten nach ihrem Vater, und erfuhr, er sey auf sein Zimmer gegangen, woselbst er verboten habe irgend jemanden vor ihm zu lassen."," Matilda, who wanted no affectionate duty to Manfred, though she trembled at his austerity, obeyed the orders of Hippolita, whom she tenderly recommended to Isabella; and inquiring of the domestics for her father, was informed that he was retired to his chamber, and had commanded that nobody should have admittance to him." 63,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_73.flac,00001-f000067,0.332362,"Sie schloß, er sey im Gram über den Tod ihres Bruders verlohren, und fürchtete seine Thränen mögten sich bey dem Anblick des einzigen ihm übrig gebliebenen Kindes erneuern, darum stand sie an, ob sie sich zu seiner Betrübnis drängen solle; doch ihre Besorgniß für ihn, und die Zuversicht auf die Befehle ihrer Mutter, gaben ihr den Muth seinem Gebot nicht zu gehorchen.","Concluding that he was immersed in sorrow for the death of her brother, and fearing to renew his tears by the sight of his sole remaining child, she hesitated whether she should break in upon his affliction; yet solicitude for him, backed by the commands of her mother, encouraged her to venture disobeying the orders he had given; a fault she had never been guilty of before." 64,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_74.flac,00001-f000067,0.332362,Diesen Fehler beging sie zum erstenmal.," Concluding that he was immersed in sorrow for the death of her brother, and fearing to renew his tears by the sight of his sole remaining child, she hesitated whether she should break in upon his affliction; yet solicitude for him, backed by the commands of her mother, encouraged her to venture disobeying the orders he had given; a fault she had never been guilty of before." 65,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_75.flac,00001-f000068,1.42154,Die zarte Schüchternheit ihrer Seele verweilte sie einige Minuten an seiner Thüre.,The gentle timidity of her nature made her pause for some minutes at his door. 66,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_76.flac,00001-f000069,0.631941,Sie hörte ihn in unregelmäßigen Schritten das Zimmer auf und abgehen; dieser Unmuth vermehrte ihre Bedenklichkeit.,"She heard him traverse his chamber backwards, and forwards with disordered steps; a mood which increased her apprehensions." 67,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_77.flac,00001-f000070,0.6539189999999999,"Dennoch war sie eben im Begrif um Zulassung zu bitten, als Manfred plötzlich die Thür aufriß, und, da es Dämmerung war, die zu der Verwirrung seines Gemüths hinzukam, die Person nicht gleich erkannte, sondern zornig fragte: wer ist da?","She was, however, just going to beg admittance, when Manfred suddenly opened the door; and as it was now twilight, concurring with the disorder of his mind, he did not distinguish the person, but asked angrily, who it was?" 68,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_79.flac,00001-f000072,0.705495,"Mein theurer Vater, ich bin es, Ihre Tochter.","Manfred, stepping back hastily, cried, Begone!" 69,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_80.flac,00001-f000073,0.993798,"Manfred trat hastig zurück, und rief: Geh, ich bedarf keiner Tochter! und damit wandte er sich um, und warf die Thür vor der erschrockenen Matilde zu.","I do not want a daughter; and flinging back abruptly, clapped the door against the terrified Matilda." 70,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_81.flac,00001-f000074,0.488571,"Sie kannte ihres Vaters Heftigkeit zu gut, um eine zweyte Unterbrechung zu wagen.",She was too well acquainted with her father's impetuosity to venture a second intrusion. 71,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_82.flac,00001-f000075,0.591329,"Als sie sich von der Erschütterung über eine so bittere Aufnahme ein wenig erholt hatte, wischte sie ihre Zähren weg, um der Wunde zuvorzukommen, welche die Wahrnehmung derselben dem Schmerz Hippolitens hätte hinzufügen müssen, die sich sehr ängstlich nach Manfreds Gesundheit erkundigte, und wie er seinen Verlust ertrüge?","When she had a little recovered the shock of so bitter a reception, she wiped away her tears to prevent the additional stab that the knowledge of it would give to Hippolita, who questioned her in the most anxious terms on the health of Manfred, and how he bore his loss." 72,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_83.flac,00001-f000076,0.7035710000000001,"Matilde versicherte sie: er sey wohl, und fasse sich in sein Unglück mit männlicher Stärke.","Matilda assured her he was well, and supported his misfortune with manly fortitude." 73,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_84.flac,00001-f000077,0.195202,Will er sich mir denn nicht zeigen? sprach Hippolite traurend.,"But will he not let me see him? said Hippolita mournfully; will he not permit me to blend my tears with his, and shed a mother's sorrows in the bosom of her Lord?" 74,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_85.flac,00001-f000077,0.195202,"Will er mir nicht erlauben, meine Thränen mit den seinigen zu vermischen, und den Gram einer Mutter in den Busen des Gatten aufnehmen?"," But will he not let me see him? said Hippolita mournfully; will he not permit me to blend my tears with his, and shed a mother's sorrows in the bosom of her Lord?" 75,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_86.flac,00001-f000078,0.288462,Oder hintergeht mich Matilde?,"Or do you deceive me, Matilda?" 76,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_87.flac,00001-f000079,0.6261260000000001,Ich weiß wie Manfred an seinem Sohne hieng.,I know how Manfred doted on his son: is not the stroke too heavy for him? has he not sunk under it? 77,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_89.flac,00001-f000081,1.03818,"Ach, ich fürchte das schlimmste! richtet mich auf, Kinder, ich will, ich will zu meinem Gemahl, bringt mich gleich zu ihm.","I dread the worst!Raise me, my maidens; I will, I will see my Lord." 78,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_90.flac,00001-f000082,0.797143,Er ist mir theurer als alles!,Bear me to him instantly: he is dearer to me even than my children. 79,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_91.flac,00001-f000083,0.589992,"Matilde winkte Isabellen, Hippolitens Aufstehen zu verhindern; und beyde liebliche Mädchen boten jede sanfte Gewalt auf, die Fürstin zurück zu halten und zu beruhigen, als ein Diener Manfreds hereintrat, Isabellen kund zu thun, sein Herr begehre mit ihr zu reden.","Matilda made signs to Isabella to prevent Hippolita's rising; and both those lovely young women were using their gentle violence to stop and calm the Princess, when a servant, on the part of Manfred, arrived and told Isabella that his Lord demanded to speak with her." 80,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_92.flac,00001-f000084,0.285714,Mit mir! rief Isabelle.,With me! cried Isabella. 81,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_93.flac,00001-f000085,0.182286,"Gehen Sie, sagte Hippolite, für welche eine Botschaft von ihrem Gemahl wohlthätig war:","Go, said Hippolita, relieved by a message from her Lord: Manfred cannot support the sight of his own family." 82,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_94.flac,00001-f000085,0.182286,Manfred kann den Anblick seiner eignen Familie nicht ertragen.," Go, said Hippolita, relieved by a message from her Lord: Manfred cannot support the sight of his own family." 83,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_95.flac,00001-f000086,0.8619049999999999,"Er traut Ihnen mehr Fassung zu als uns, und fürchtet den Ausbruch meiner Schmerzen.","He thinks you less disordered than we are, and dreads the shock of my grief." 84,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_96.flac,00001-f000087,0.823887,"Trösten Sie ihn, theure Isabelle, und sagen Sie ihm; ich wolle lieber meinen Gram unterdrücken, als den seinigen vermehren.","Console him, dear Isabella, and tell him I will smother my own anguish rather than add to his." 85,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_97.flac,00001-f000088,1.3985299999999998,"Da es jetzt Abend war, trug der Bediente, der Isabellen berief, eine Fackel vor ihr her.",As it was now evening the servant who conducted Isabella bore a torch before her. 86,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_99.flac,00001-f000090,0.652782,"Nimm das Licht mit dir und geh! darauf zog er die Thür heftig zu, warf sich auf eine Bank an der Wand, und bat Isabellen, sich neben ihm zu setzen.","Then shutting the door impetuously, he flung himself upon a bench against the wall, and bade Isabella sit by him." 87,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_100.flac,00001-f000091,0.27,Sie gehorchte zitternd.,She obeyed trembling. 88,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_101.flac,00001-f000092,0.895652,"Ich schickte zu Ihnen, sprach er und darauf schwieg er, und schien sehr verwirrt.","I sent for you, Lady, said heand then stopped under great appearance of confusion." 89,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_102.flac,00001-f000093,0.075,Gnädiger Herr!,My Lord! 90,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_104.flac,00001-f000096,0.509266,"Wie, gnädiger Herr? sagte Isabelle; können Sie mich in Verdacht haben, unempfindlich zu seyn?","Yes, cruel fate! and I have lost the hopes of my race!" 91,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_105.flac,00001-f000097,0.8809520000000001,Nie würd' ich meiner Pflicht und Liebe so vergessen.,But Conrad was not worthy of your beauty. 92,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_106.flac,00001-f000098,0.60656,"Denken Sie nicht mehr an ihn, unterbrach sie Manfred, er war ein kränklicher, schwächlicher Knabe, den mir der Himmel vielleicht genommen hat, damit ich die Ehre meines Hauses auf so zerbrechlichen Grund nicht bauen möge.","How, my Lord! said Isabella; sure you do not suspect me of not feeling the concern I ought: my duty and affection would have always Think no more of him, interrupted Manfred; he was a sickly, puny child, and Heaven has perhaps taken him away, that I might not trust the honours of my house on so frail a foundation." 93,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_107.flac,00001-f000099,0.876923,Geschlecht erfordert zahlreiche Sprossen.,The line of Manfred calls for numerous supports. 94,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_108.flac,00001-f000100,0.54009,Meine thörichte Zärtlichkeit für den Knaben hat die Augen meiner Klugheit geblendet aber jetzt ist alles besser.,My foolish fondness for that boy blinded the eyes of my prudencebut it is better as it is. 95,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_109.flac,00001-f000101,0.249153,"In wenig Jahren hoff' ich Ursache zu haben, mich über den Tod Corrado's zu freuen.","I hope, in a few years, to have reason to rejoice at the death of Conrad." 96,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_110.flac,00001-f000102,0.2775,Worte schildern Isabellens Erstaunen nicht.,Words cannot paint the astonishment of Isabella. 97,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_111.flac,00001-f000103,0.5534479999999999,"Anfangs fürchtete sie, der Gram habe Manfreds Verstand zerrüttet.",At first she apprehended that grief had disordered Manfred's understanding. 98,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_114.flac,00001-f000108,0.83,"Kurz, Fräulein, Sie haben einen Gemahl verlohren der Ihrer Reize nicht wehrt war: jetzt sollen sie einen bessern Besitzer finden.","In short, Lady, you have missed a husband undeserving of your charms: they shall now be better disposed of." 99,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_115.flac,00001-f000109,0.806337,"Statt eines siechen Knaben, erhalten Sie einen Mann in der Fülle seiner Kraft, der Ihre Schönheit zu schätzen weiß, und Ihnen eine zahlreiche Nachkommenschaft gewähren wird.","Instead of a sickly boy, you shall have a husband in the prime of his age, who will know how to value your beauties, and who may expect a numerous offspring." 100,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_117.flac,00001-f000110,0.647727,"Kommt mein Vater jemals zurück, so werde ich mich in seinen Willen fügen, wie ich that, da ich meinen Willen darin gab, Ihren Sohn zu ehelichen.","Alas, my Lord! said Isabella, my mind is too sadly engrossed by the recent catastrophe in your family to think of another marriage." 101,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_118.flac,00001-f000111,0.844283,"Bis zu seiner Rückkehr aber, erlauben Sie mir unter Ihrem gastfreyen Dache zu verweilen, und meine trübe Stunden damit zuzubringen, daß ich Ihren Kummer, Hippolitens und Matildens zu lindern suche.","If ever my father returns, and it shall be his pleasure, I shall obey, as I did when I consented to give my hand to your son: but until his return, permit me to remain under your hospitable roof, and employ the melancholy hours in assuaging yours, Hippolita's, and the fair Matilda's affliction." 102,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_119.flac,00001-f000112,0.730973,"Ich bat Sie schon einmal, sagte Manfred unruhig, daß Sie den Namen dieser Person nicht aussprechen mögten: sie muß Ihnen von dieser Stunde an so fremd werden als mir;","I desired you once before, said Manfred angrily, not to name that woman: from this hour she must be a stranger to you, as she must be to me." 103,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_120.flac,00001-f000113,1.00339,"Kurz, Isabelle, da ich Ihnen meinen Sohn nicht geben kann, so biete ich mich an seine Stelle.","In short, Isabella, since I cannot give you my son, I offer you myself." 104,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_121.flac,00001-f000114,0.789474,"Himmel! rief Isabelle, die aus ihrem Irrthum erwachte, was hör' ich?","Heavens! cried Isabella, waking from her delusion, what do I hear?" 105,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_123.flac,00001-f000117,0.5875,Sie? mein Schwiegervater!,the father of Conrad! the husband of the virtuous and tender Hippolita! 106,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_124.flac,00001-f000119,0.575,Corrado's Vater! der zärtlichen liebevollen Hippolite Gemahl!,Too long has she cursed me by her unfruitfulness. 107,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_126.flac,00001-f000121,0.661905,"Sie war halbtod vor Schrecken und Abscheu, sie schrie auf und fuhr zurück.","At those words he seized the cold hand of Isabella, who was half dead with fright and horror." 108,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_127.flac,00001-f000122,0.778932,"Manfred erhob sich sie zu verfolgen, als der Mond der jetzt aufgegangen war, und durch das entgegenstehende Fenstergeschoß fiel, seinem Anblick die Federn des unglücksweissagenden Helms zeigte, die sich zu der Höhe der Fenster erhoben, und wie im Sturm, vorwärts und rückwärts schwankten; ein holer rasselnder Ton begleitete sie.","She shrieked, and started from him, Manfred rose to pursue her, when the moon, which was now up, and gleamed in at the opposite casement, presented to his sight the plumes of the fatal helmet, which rose to the height of the windows, waving backwards and forwards in a tempestuous manner, and accompanied with a hollow and rustling sound." 109,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_130.flac,00001-f000124,0.93,"Himmel und Hölle sollen meinem Vorsatz nicht einhalten, sprach Manfred, und nahte sich aufs neue der Prinzessin, sie zu ergreifen.","Heaven nor Hell shall impede my designs, said Manfred, advancing again to seize the Princess." 110,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_131.flac,00001-f000125,0.680458,"In dem Augenblick erseufzte das Bildniß seines Großvaters, das über der Bank hing, wo sie gesessen hatten, aus tiefer Brust.","At that instant the portrait of his grandfather, which hung over the bench where they had been sitting, uttered a deep sigh, and heaved its breast." 111,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_133.flac,00001-f000127,0.145714,zu gleicher Zeit ging sie auf die Thür zu.,What sound was that? and at the same time made towards the door. 112,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_134.flac,00001-f000128,0.808526,"Manfred, getheilt zwischen dem Vorsatz Isabellens Entweichung zu verhindern, die jetzt bis an die Treppe gekommen war, und der Unmöglichkeit, seine Augen von dem Gemälde abzuwenden, das sich zu bewegen anfing, war ihr dennoch einige Schritte gefolgt, mit beständigem Rückblick auf das Bildniß, als er es seinen Rahmen verlassen sah, und ernst und schwermüthig zum Boden herabsteigen.","Manfred, distracted between the flight of Isabella, who had now reached the stairs, and yet unable to keep his eyes from the picture, which began to move, had, however, advanced some steps after her, still looking backwards on the portrait, when he saw it quit its panel, and descend on the floor with a grave and melancholy air." 113,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_135.flac,00001-f000129,0.716571,Träum' ich? rief Manfred zurückkehrend; oder sind die Teufel selbst gegen mich verbunden?,"Do I dream? cried Manfred, returning; or are the devils themselves in league against me?" 114,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_137.flac,00001-f000132,0.544643,"Voran! rief Manfred, ich folge dir in den Abgrund der Verdammniß!",Lead on! cried Manfred; I will follow thee to the gulf of perdition. 115,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_138.flac,00001-f000133,0.573994,"Das Gespenst ging langsam und traurig bis ans Ende des Ganges, in ein Zimmer rechter Hand.","The spectre marched sedately, but dejected, to the end of the gallery, and turned into a chamber on the right hand." 116,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_139.flac,00001-f000134,0.972308,"Manfred folgte ihm in kleiner Entfernung, voll Bekümmerniß und Abscheu, aber entschlossen.","Manfred accompanied him at a little distance, full of anxiety and horror, but resolved." 117,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_140.flac,00001-f000135,0.625738,"Da er in das Zimmer treten wollte, schlug eine unsichtbare Hand die Thür gewaltsam vor ihm zu.","As he would have entered the chamber, the door was clapped to with violence by an invisible hand." 118,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_141.flac,00001-f000136,0.830888,"Des Fürsten Muth wuchs durch dieses Hinderniß, er strebte die Thür mit dem Fuß aufzusprengen, aber sie widerstand seinen Kräften.","The Prince, collecting courage from this delay, would have forcibly burst open the door with his foot, but found that it resisted his utmost efforts." 119,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_142.flac,00001-f000137,1.11574,"Will die Hölle meine Neugier nicht befriedigen, sprach Manfred, so sollen menschliche Mittel, die in meiner Hand stehen, meinen Stamm erhalten;","Since Hell will not satisfy my curiosity, said Manfred, I will use the human means in my power for preserving my race; Isabella shall not escape me." 120,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_143.flac,00001-f000138,0.22612800000000002,Isabelle darf mir nicht entgehen.,"The lady, whose resolution had given way to terror the moment she had quitted Manfred, continued her flight to the bottom of the principal staircase." 121,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_144.flac,00001-f000138,0.22612800000000002,"Des Fräuleins Entschlossenheit wich, sobald sie Manfred verließ, dem Schrecken; sie floh bis an den Fuß der Haupttreppe."," The lady, whose resolution had given way to terror the moment she had quitted Manfred, continued her flight to the bottom of the principal staircase." 122,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_145.flac,00001-f000139,0.329173,"Hier stand sie einen Augen blick still, und wuste nicht wohin sie ihre Schritte wenden solle, oder auf was Art der Gewaltthätigkeit des Fürsten entkommen.","There she stopped, not knowing whither to direct her steps, nor how to escape from the impetuosity of the Prince." 123,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_146.flac,00001-f000140,0.965035,"Die Thore der Burg waren bekanntlich geschlossen, und Wächter im Hofe ausgestellt.","The gates of the castle, she knew, were locked, and guards placed in the court." 124,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_147.flac,00001-f000141,0.861835,"Ihr Herz trieb sie zu Hippoliten zu gehen, und sie auf das grausame Schicksal vorzubereiten, das ihrer wartete: ab er dort würde sie Manfred ohne Zweifel suchen, seine Heftigkeit könnte ihn verleiten, das Unrecht, das er vorhatte, zu verdoppeln, und ihnen bliebe kein Raum, den Ausbruch seiner Leidenschaft zu vermeiden.","Should she, as her heart prompted her, go and prepare Hippolita for the cruel destiny that awaited her, she did not doubt but Manfred would seek her there, and that his violence would incite him to double the injury he meditated, without leaving room for them to avoid the impetuosity of his passions." 125,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_148.flac,00001-f000142,0.722078,"Aufschub hingegen würde ihm Zeit geben, die Abscheulichkeit seiner Entwürfe einzusehen, oder einen günstigen Umstand für Isabellen herbeyführen, wenn sie nur wenigstens diese Nacht seinem verhaßten Vorsatz entzogen würde.","Delay might give him time to reflect on the horrid measures he had conceived, or produce some circumstance in her favour, if she couldfor that night, at leastavoid his odious purpose." 126,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_150.flac,00001-f000145,0.6998949999999999,"Von diesen Gedanken bestürmt, die sich einer den andern jagten, erinnerte sie sich eines unterirrdischen Ganges, der von den Gewölben der Burg zu der San Nicola Kirche führte.","As these thoughts passed rapidly through her mind, she recollected a subterraneous passage which led from the vaults of the castle to the church of St. Nicholas." 127,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_151.flac,00001-f000146,0.606554,"Konnte sie den Altar erreichen, ehe man sie einholte, so wuste sie, selbst Manfreds Gewaltthätigkeit werde nicht wagen, eine so heilige Stätte zu entweihen; auch faßte sie den Entschluß, wenn sich kein ander Mittel zu ihrer Befreyung darböte, sich auf immer unter die heiligen Jungfrauen einzusperren, deren Kloster an den Dom stieß.","Could she reach the altar before she was overtaken, she knew even Manfred's violence would not dare to profane the sacredness of the place; and she determined, if no other means of deliverance offered, to shut herself up for ever among the holy virgins whose convent was contiguous to the cathedral." 128,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_152.flac,00001-f000147,0.57033,"In diesem Vorsatz ergrif sie eine Lampe, die am Fuß der Treppe brannte, und eilte zu dem geheimen Durchgang.","In this resolution, she seized a lamp that burned at the foot of the staircase, and hurried towards the secret passage." 129,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_153.flac,00001-f000148,0.864023,"Der untere Theil der Burg war in verschiedene sehr durcheinander laufende Kreuzgänge ausgehölt; und es war nicht leicht, für jemanden der so geängstigt ward, die Thüre zu finden, welche die Höle aufschloß.",The lower part of the castle was hollowed into several intricate cloisters; and it was not easy for one under so much anxiety to find the door that opened into the cavern. 130,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_154.flac,00001-f000149,0.0597688,Eine schauerliche Stille herrschte in diesen unterirrdischen Gegenden.,"An awful silence reigned throughout those subterraneous regions, except now and then some blasts of wind that shook the doors she had passed, and which, grating on the rusty hinges, were reechoed through that long labyrinth of darkness." 131,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_155.flac,00001-f000149,0.0597688,"Zuweilen nur erschütterte ein Windstoß die Thüren, durch die sie gekommen war, und das Scharren ihrer rostigen Angeln hallte durch das lange Labyrinth der Finsterniß wieder."," An awful silence reigned throughout those subterraneous regions, except now and then some blasts of wind that shook the doors she had passed, and which, grating on the rusty hinges, were reechoed through that long labyrinth of darkness." 132,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_156.flac,00001-f000150,0.80177,"Jedes Geräusch erfüllte sie mit neuen Schrecken; und doch fürchtete sie noch viel mehr Manfreds wütende Stimme zu vernehmen, wie er seine Bedienten antriebe, sie zu verfolgen.",Every murmur struck her with new terror; yet more she dreaded to hear the wrathful voice of Manfred urging his domestics to pursue her. 133,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_157.flac,00001-f000151,1.0971799999999998,"Sie trat so leise auf als ihre Ungeduld nur erlauben konnte, und doch stand sie oftmals still und horchte, ob man ihr auch folge?","She trod as softly as impatience would give her leave, yet frequently stopped and listened to hear if she was followed." 134,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_158.flac,00001-f000152,0.4613640000000001,"In einem dieser Augenblicke kam es ihr vor, sie höre einen Seufzer.",In one of those moments she thought she heard a sigh. 135,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_159.flac,00001-f000153,0.99,Sie schauderte und trat einige Schritte zurück.,"She shuddered, and recoiled a few paces." 136,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_160.flac,00001-f000154,0.5875,"Gleich darauf schien es ihr, sie vernehme einen Fußtritt.",In a moment she thought she heard the step of some person. 137,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_161.flac,00001-f000155,0.618333,"Ihr Blut erstarrte, sie schloß es sey Manfred.",Her blood curdled; she concluded it was Manfred. 138,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_162.flac,00001-f000156,0.52987,"Jede Vorstellung, die das Entsetzen eingeben kann, bestürmte ihre Seele.",Every suggestion that horror could inspire rushed into her mind. 139,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_163.flac,00001-f000157,1.14029,"Sie verurtheilte ihre rasche Flucht, die sie seiner Wuth an einem Ort blos gegeben habe, wo ihr Geschrey wahrscheinlich niemandes Beistand herzurufen könne.","She condemned her rash flight, which had thus exposed her to his rage in a place where her cries were not likely to draw anybody to her assistance." 140,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_164.flac,00001-f000158,0.521053,Doch schien das Geräusch nicht von hintenher zu kommen.,Yet the sound seemed not to come from behind. 141,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_165.flac,00001-f000159,1.03696,"Wuste Manfred wo sie war, so muste er ihr gefolgt seyn.","If Manfred knew where she was, he must have followed her." 142,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_166.flac,00001-f000160,0.6067600000000001,"Noch war sie in einem der Kreuzgänge, und hatte den Fußtritt zu deutlich gehört, als daß er dort her kommen sollte, wo sie gewesen war.","She was still in one of the cloisters, and the steps she had heard were too distinct to proceed from the way she had come." 143,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_167.flac,00001-f000161,-0.00323241,Diese Betrachtung gab ihr Muth.,"Cheered with this reflection, and hoping to find a friend in whoever was not the Prince, she was going to advance, when a door that stood ajar, at some distance to the left, was opened gently: but ere her lamp, which she held up, could discover who opened it, the person retreated precipitately on seeing the light." 144,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_168.flac,00001-f000161,-0.00323241,"Wer nicht der Fürst war, in dem hofte sie einen Freund zu finden."," Cheered with this reflection, and hoping to find a friend in whoever was not the Prince, she was going to advance, when a door that stood ajar, at some distance to the left, was opened gently: but ere her lamp, which she held up, could discover who opened it, the person retreated precipitately on seeing the light." 145,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_169.flac,00001-f000161,-0.00323241,"Schon wollte sie vorwärts gehen, als eine Thür, die in einiger Entfernung zur linken angelehnt war, leise geöfnet ward: aber bevor ihre Lampe, die sie in die Höhe hielt, ihr entdecken konnte wer sie geöfnet habe, ging der Oefner, bey dem Anblick des Lichtes, schnell zurück."," Cheered with this reflection, and hoping to find a friend in whoever was not the Prince, she was going to advance, when a door that stood ajar, at some distance to the left, was opened gently: but ere her lamp, which she held up, could discover who opened it, the person retreated precipitately on seeing the light." 146,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00001-otranto_170.flac,00001-f000162,0.148374,"Jeder Vorfall war hinreichend, Isabellens Muth zu erschüttern.","Isabella, whom every incident was sufficient to dismay, hesitated whether she should proceed."