f000001,17.320,24.440,"L. JANUARY rd.Only eleven of us now remain; and the probability is very great that every day must now carry off at least its one victim, and perhaps more." f000002,24.440,38.000,"The end of the tragedy is rapidly approaching, and save for the chance, which is next to an impossibility, of our sighting land, or being picked up by a passing vessel, ere another week has elapsed not a single survivor of the Chancellor will remain." f000003,38.000,43.520,"The wind freshened considerably in the night, and it is now blowing pretty briskly from the northeast." f000004,43.520,49.240,"It has filled our sail, and the white foam in our wake is an indication that we are making some progress." f000005,49.240,54.440,"The captain reckons that we must be advancing at the rate of about three miles an hour." f000006,54.440,64.400,"Curtis and Falsten are certainly in the best condition amongst us, and in spite of their extreme emaciation they bear up wonderfully under the protracted hardships we have all endured." f000007,64.400,78.040,"Words cannot describe the melancholy state to which poor Miss Herbey bodily is reduced; her whole being seems absorbed into her soul, but that soul is brave and resolute as ever, living in heaven rather than on earth." f000008,78.040,88.400,"The boatswain, strong, energetic man that he was, has shrunk into a mere shadow of his former self, and I doubt whether any one would recognize him to be the same man." f000009,88.400,99.000,"He keeps perpetually to one corner of the raft, his head dropped upon his chest, and his long, bony hands lying upon knees that project sharply from his wornout trowsers." f000010,99.000,109.280,"Unlike Miss Herbey, his spirit seems to have sunk into apathy, and it is at times difficult to believe that he is living at all, so motionless and statuelike does he sit." f000011,109.280,111.800,"Silence continues to reign upon the raft." f000012,111.800,115.400,"Not a sound, not even a groan, escapes our lips." f000013,115.400,124.720,"We do not exchange ten words in the course of the day, and the few syllables that our parched tongue and swollen lips can pronounce are almost unintelligible." f000014,124.720,128.000,"Wasted and bloodless, we are no longer human beings; we are spectres." f000015,128.000,128.880,"end of chapter."