,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript 0,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_0.flac,00007-f000001,0.858627,"Gar sittig und still hatte sich Undine vor und während der Trauung bewiesen, nun aber war es, als schäumten alle die wunderlichen Grillen, welche in ihr hausten, um so dreister und kecklicher auf der Oberfläche hervor.","Both before and during the ceremony, Undine had shown herself gentle and quiet; but it now seemed as if all the wayward humors which rioted within her, burst forth all the more boldly and unrestrainedly." 1,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_1.flac,00007-f000002,0.605485,"Sie neckte Bräutigam und Pflegeeltern und selbst den noch kaum so hochverehrten Priester mit allerhand kindischen Streichen, und als die Wirtin etwas dagegen sagen wollte, brachten diese ein paar ernste Worte des Ritters, worin er Undinen mit großer Bedeutsamkeit seine Hausfrau nannte, zum Schweigen.","She teased her bridegroom and her fosterparents, and even the holy man whom she had so lately reverenced, with all sorts of childish tricks; and when the old woman was about to reprove her, she was quickly silenced by a few grave words from the knight, speaking of Undine now as his wife." 2,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_2.flac,00007-f000003,0.56087,"Ihm selbst indessen, dem Ritter, gefiel Undinens kindisches Bezeigen ebensowenig; aber da half kein Winken und kein Räuspern und keine tadelnde Rede.","Nevertheless, the knight himself was equally little pleased with Undine's childish behavior: but no signs, and no reproachful words were of any avail." 3,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_3.flac,00007-f000004,0.597129,"Sooft die Braut ihres Lieblings Unzufriedenheit merkte und das geschah einigemal , ward sie freilich stiller, setzte sich neben ihn, streichelte ihn, flüsterte ihm lächelnd etwas in das Ohr und glättete so die aufsteigenden Falten seiner Stirn.","It is true, whenever the bride noticed her husband's dissatisfactionand this occurred occasionallyshe became more quiet, sat down by his side, caressed him, whispered something smilingly into his ear, and smoothed the wrinkles that were gathering on his brow." 4,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_4.flac,00007-f000005,0.178831,"Aber gleich darauf riß sie irgendein toller Einfall wieder in das gaukelnde Treiben hinein, und es ging nur ärger als zuvor.","But immediately afterward, some wild freak would again lead her to return to her ridiculous proceedings, and matters would be worse than before." 5,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_5.flac,00007-f000005,0.178831,Da sagte der Priester sehr ernsthaft und sehr freundlich:," But immediately afterward, some wild freak would again lead her to return to her ridiculous proceedings, and matters would be worse than before." 6,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_6.flac,00007-f000006,0.557143,"Mein anmutiges junges Mägdlein, man kann Euch zwar nicht ohne Ergötzen ansehn, aber denkt darauf, Eure Seele beizeiten so zu stimmen, daß sie immer die Harmonie zu der Seele Eures angetrauten Bräutigams anklingen lasse.","At length the priest said in a serious and kind tone: My fair young maiden, no one indeed can look at you without delight; but remember so to attune your soul betimes, that it may ever harmonize with that of your wedded husband." 7,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_7.flac,00007-f000007,0.543714,"Seele! lachte ihn Undine an, das klingt recht hübsch und mag auch für die mehrsten Leute eine gar erbauliche und nutzreiche Regel sein.","Soul! said Undine, laughing; that sounds pretty enough, and may be a very edifying and useful caution for most people." 8,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_8.flac,00007-f000008,0.0628507,"Aber wenn nun eins gar keine Seele hat, bitt Euch, was soll es denn da stimmen?","But when one hasn't a soul at all, I beg you, what is there to attune then? and that is my case." 9,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_9.flac,00007-f000008,0.0628507,Und so geht es mir.," But when one hasn't a soul at all, I beg you, what is there to attune then? and that is my case." 10,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_10.flac,00007-f000009,0.628235,"Der Priester schwieg tiefverletzt, im frommen Zürnen, und kehrte sein Antlitz wehmütig von dem Mädchen ab.","The priest was silent and deeply wounded, and with holy displeasure he turned his face from the girl." 11,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_11.flac,00007-f000010,0.197872,"Sie aber ging schmeichelnd auf ihn zu und sagte: Nein, hört doch erst ordentlich, eh Ihr böse ausseht, denn Euer Böseaussehn tut mir weh, und Ihr müßt doch keiner Kreatur weh tun, die Euch ihrerseits nichts zuleide getan hat.","She, however, went up to him caressingly, and said: No! listen to me first, before you look angry, for your look of anger gives me pain, and you must not give pain to any creature who has done you no wrongonly have patience with me, and I will tell you properly what I mean." 12,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_12.flac,00007-f000010,0.197872,"Zeigt Euch nur duldsam gegen mich, und ich will's Euch ordentlich sagen, wie ich's meine."," She, however, went up to him caressingly, and said: No! listen to me first, before you look angry, for your look of anger gives me pain, and you must not give pain to any creature who has done you no wrongonly have patience with me, and I will tell you properly what I mean." 13,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_13.flac,00007-f000011,0.6064,"Man sah, sie stellte sich in Bereitschaft, etwas recht Ausführliches zu erzählen, aber plötzlich stockte sie, wie von einem innern Schauer ergriffen, und brach in einen reichen Strom der wehmütigsten Tränen aus.","It was evident that she was preparing herself to explain something in detail, but suddenly she hesitated, as if seized with an inward shuddering, and burst out into a flood of tears." 14,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_14.flac,00007-f000012,0.699445,"Sie wußten alle nicht mehr, was sie recht aus ihr machen sollten, und starrten sie in unterschiedlichen Besorgnissen schweigend an.","They none of them knew what to make of this ebullition, and filled with various apprehensions they gazed at her in silence." 15,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_15.flac,00007-f000013,0.10288800000000001,"Da sagte sie endlich, sich ihre Tränen abtrocknend und den Priester ernsthaft ansehend:","At length, wiping away her tears, and looking earnestly at the reverend man, she said: There must be something beautiful, but at the same time extremely awful, about a soul." 16,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_16.flac,00007-f000013,0.10288800000000001,"Es muß etwas Liebes, aber auch etwas höchst Furchtbares um eine Seele sein."," At length, wiping away her tears, and looking earnestly at the reverend man, she said: There must be something beautiful, but at the same time extremely awful, about a soul." 17,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_17.flac,00007-f000014,0.24827600000000002,"Um Gott, mein frommer Mann, wär es nicht besser, man würde ihrer nie teilhaftig?","Tell me, holy sir, were it not better that we never shared such a gift?" 18,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_18.flac,00007-f000015,0.98783,"Sie schwieg wieder still, wie auf Antwort wartend, ihre Tränen waren gehemmt.","She was silent again as if waiting for an answer, and her tears had ceased to flow." 19,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_19.flac,00007-f000016,0.632393,Alle in der Hütte hatten sich von ihren Sitzen erhoben und traten schaudernd vor ihr zurück.,All in the cottage had risen from their seats and had stepped back from her with horror. 20,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_20.flac,00007-f000017,0.471341,"Sie aber schien nur für den Geistlichen Augen zu haben, auf ihren Zügen malte sich der Ausdruck einer fürchtenden Neubegier, die eben deshalb den andern höchst furchtbar vorkam.","She, however, seemed to have eyes for no one but the holy man; her features wore an expression of fearful curiosity, which appeared terrible to those who saw her." 21,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_23.flac,00007-f000020,1.2,"Und ach, ich war so leicht, so lustig sonst!",I was so lighthearted and so merry till now! 22,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_24.flac,00007-f000021,0.612401,Und in einen erneuten Tränenstrom brach sie aus und schlug das Gewand vor ihrem Antlitze zusammen.,"And she burst into a fresh flood of tears, and covered her face with the drapery she wore." 23,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_25.flac,00007-f000022,0.558538,"Da trat der Preister, ernsten Ansehens, auf sie zu und sprach sie an und beschwur sie bei den heiligsten Namen, sie solle die lichte Hülle abwerfen, falls etwas Böses in ihr sei.","Then the priest went up to her with a solemn air, and spoke to her, and conjured her by the name of the Most Holy to cast aside the veil that enveloped her, if any spirit of evil possessed her." 24,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_26.flac,00007-f000023,0.925357,"Sie aber sank vor ihm in die Knie, alles Fromme wiederholend, was er sprach, und Gott lobend und beteuernd, sie meine es gut mit der ganzen Welt.","But she sank on her knees before him, repeating all the sacred words he uttered, praising God, and protesting that she wished well with the whole world." 25,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_27.flac,00007-f000024,0.20686,Da sagte endlich der Priester zum Ritter:,"Then at last the priest said to the knight: Sir bridegroom, I will leave you alone with her whom I have united to you in marriage." 26,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_28.flac,00007-f000024,0.20686,"Herr Bräutigam, ich lasse Euch allein mit der, die ich Euch angetraut habe."," Then at last the priest said to the knight: Sir bridegroom, I will leave you alone with her whom I have united to you in marriage." 27,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_29.flac,00007-f000025,0.478873,"Soviel ich ergründen kann, ist nichts Übles an ihr, wohl aber des Wundersamen viel.","So far as I can discover there is nothing of evil in her, but much indeed that is mysterious." 28,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_30.flac,00007-f000026,0.667308,"Ich empfehle Euch Vorsicht, Liebe und Treue.","I commend to youprudence, love, and fidelity." 29,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_31.flac,00007-f000027,0.498957,"Damit ging er hinaus, die Fischersleute folgten ihm, sich bekreuzend.","So saying, he went out, and the fisherman and his wife followed him, crossing themselves." 30,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_32.flac,00007-f000028,0.751204,"Undine war auf die Knie gesunken, sie entschleierte ihr Angesicht und sagte, scheu nach Huldbranden umblickend: Ach, nun willst du mich gewiß nicht behalten; und hab ich doch nichts Böses getan, ich armes, armes Kind! und hab ich doch nichts Böses getan, ich armes, armes Kind!","Undine had sunk on her knees: she unveiled her face and said, looking timidly round on Huldbrand: Alas! you will surely now not keep me as your own; and yet I have done no evil, poor child that I am!" 31,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_33.flac,00007-f000029,0.684276,"Sie sah dabei so unendlich anmutig und rührend aus, daß ihr Bräutigam alles Grauens und aller Rätselhaftigkeit vergaß, zu ihr hineilend und sie in seinen Armen emporrichtend.","As she said this, she looked so exquisitely graceful and touching, that her bridegroom forgot all the horror he had felt, and all the mystery that clung to her, and hastening to her he raised her in his arms." 32,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_34.flac,00007-f000030,0.45485200000000003,"Da lächelte sie durch ihre Tränen; es war, als wenn das Morgenrot auf kleinen Bächen spielt. es war, als wenn das Morgenrot auf kleinen Bächen spielt.",She smiled through her tears; it was a smile like the morninglight playing on a little stream. 33,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_35.flac,00007-f000031,0.752632,Du kannst nicht von mir lassen! flüsterte sie vertraulich und sicher und streichelte mit den zarten Händchen des Ritters Wangen.,"You cannot leave me, she whispered, with confident security, stroking the knight's cheek with her tender hand." 34,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_36.flac,00007-f000032,0.381603,"Dieser wandte sich darüber von den furchtbaren Gedanken ab, die noch im Hintergrunde seiner Seele lauerten und ihm einreden wollten, er sei an eine Fei oder sonst ein böslich neckendes Wesen der Geisterwelt angetraut; nur noch die einzige Frage ging fast unversehens über seine Lippen:","Huldbrand tried to dismiss the fearful thoughts that still lurked in the background of his mind, persuading him that he was married to a fairy or to some malicious and mischievous being of the spirit world, only the single question half unawares escaped his lips: My little Undine, tell me this one thing, what was it you said of spirits of the earth and of Kuhleborn, when the priest knocked at the door?" 35,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_37.flac,00007-f000033,0.07822689999999999,"Liebes Undinchen, sage mir doch das eine, was war es, daß du von Erdgeistern sprachst, da der Priester an die Tür klopfte, und von Kühleborn?","It was nothing but fairy tales!children's fairy tales! said Undine, with all her wonted gayety; I frightened you at first with them, and then you frightened me, that's the end of our story and of our nuptial evening." 36,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_38.flac,00007-f000033,0.07822689999999999,Märchen!," It was nothing but fairy tales!children's fairy tales! said Undine, with all her wonted gayety; I frightened you at first with them, and then you frightened me, that's the end of our story and of our nuptial evening." 37,18.undine_1503_librivox,00007-undine_39.flac,00007-f000033,0.07822689999999999,Kindermärchen! sagte Undine lachend und ganz wieder in ihrer gewohnten Lustigkeit.," It was nothing but fairy tales!children's fairy tales! said Undine, with all her wonted gayety; I frightened you at first with them, and then you frightened me, that's the end of our story and of our nuptial evening."