,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript 0,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_1.flac,00042-f000002,0.00732265,Heute herrscht in der Atmosphäre um uns wieder vollkommene Ruhe.,"JANUARY th and th.On the th the wind dropped, and there was a dead calm; not a ripple disturbed the surface of the long undulations as they rose and fell beneath us; and if it were not for the slight current which is carrying us we know not whither, the raft would be absolutely stationary." 1,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_2.flac,00042-f000002,0.00732265,"Die Sonne brennt, die Brise schweigt ganz und gar und keine Furche unterbricht die langen Wellen des Meeres, das sich unmerklich hebt."," JANUARY th and th.On the th the wind dropped, and there was a dead calm; not a ripple disturbed the surface of the long undulations as they rose and fell beneath us; and if it were not for the slight current which is carrying us we know not whither, the raft would be absolutely stationary." 2,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_3.flac,00042-f000003,0.6585810000000001,"Wenn keine Strömung vorhanden ist, deren Richtung wir nicht zu bestimmen im Stande sind, so muß das Floß ganz unbeweglich fest stehen.",The heat was intolerable; our thirst more intolerable still; and now it was that for the first time I fully realized how the insufficiency of drink could cause torture more unendurable than the pangs of hunger. 3,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_4.flac,00042-f000004,0.404211,"Ich sagte, daß die Hitze heute unerträglich sei; unser Durst ist aber in Folge dessen noch weit unerträglicher.","Mouth, throat, pharynx, all alike were parched and dry, every gland becoming hard as horn under the action of the hot air we breathed." 4,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_5.flac,00042-f000005,0.611069,"Zum ersten Male leiden wir ganz entsetzlich von dem Mangel an Wasser, und mir wird es nun deutlicher, daß die Qualen des Durstes noch schrecklicher sind, als die des Hungers.","At my urgent solicitation the captain was for once induced to double our allowance of water; and this relaxation of the ordinary rule enabled us to attempt to slake our thirst four times in the day, instead of only twice." 5,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_6.flac,00042-f000006,0.598913,"Schon hat sich bei den Meisten von uns der Mund, der Schlund und der Kehlkopf vor Trockenheit zusammengeschnürt, und die Schleimhäute verhornen fast durch die warme Luft, welche das Athmen ihnen zuführt.","I use the word attempt advisedly; for the water at the bottom of the barrel, though kept covered by a sail, became so warm that it was perfectly flat and unrefreshing." 6,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_7.flac,00042-f000007,0.453125,Auf meine Bitte geht der Kapitän für dieses Mal von dem gewohnten Régime ab.,"It was a most trying day, and the sailors relapsed into a condition of deep despondency." 7,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_8.flac,00042-f000008,0.256897,"Er erlaubt eine doppelte Wasserration, und wir haben an diesem Tage unseren Durst vier Mal, wohl oder übel, stillen können.","The moon was nearly full, but when she rose the breeze did not return." 8,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_9.flac,00042-f000006,0.5021979999999999,"Ich sage wohl oder übel, denn dieses auf dem Boden der Tonne befindliche Wasser ist trotz der Bedeckung mit einem nassen Segel ganz lauwarm geworden.","I use the word attempt advisedly; for the water at the bottom of the barrel, though kept covered by a sail, became so warm that it was perfectly flat and unrefreshing." 9,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_10.flac,00042-f000007,0.354849,"Alles in Allem ist heute ein böser Tag, und von Neuem verfallen die Matrosen unter den Qualen des Hungers der Verzweiflung.","It was a most trying day, and the sailors relapsed into a condition of deep despondency." 10,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_11.flac,00042-f000010,0.756275,Auch bei Aufgang des Mondes hat sich die Brise nicht wieder erhoben.,"Today we are still becalmed, and the temperature is as high as ever." 11,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_13.flac,00042-f000011,0.276,"Nach dem Lande auszulugen, hat man jetzt ganz aufgegeben.","The air is heated like a furnace, and the sun scorches like fire." 12,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_14.flac,00042-f000010,0.377444,Der ganze Erdball scheint nur noch eine Wasserkugel zu sein immer und ewig der grenzenlose Ocean!,"Today we are still becalmed, and the temperature is as high as ever." 13,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_15.flac,00042-f000013,0.0909091,"Am 10. dieselbe Ruhe, dieselbe Hitze.","O for one good draught, even if it should exhaust the whole supply!" 14,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_16.flac,00042-f000011,0.639683,"Der Himmel gießt nur einen Feuerregen auf uns herab, und wir athmen glühende Luft.","The air is heated like a furnace, and the sun scorches like fire." 15,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_17.flac,00042-f000012,0.5761649999999999,"Unser Bedürfniß zu trinken wächst ohne Maß, und wir vergessen fast die Pein des Hungers; mit solcher Gier erwarten wir den Augenblick, bis Robert Kurtis die wenigen Tropfen unserer Wasserrationen austheilt.",The torments of famine are all forgotten: our thoughts are concentrated with fevered expectation upon the longedfor moment when Curtis shall dole out the scanty measure of lukewarm water that makes up our ration. 16,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_18.flac,00042-f000013,0.782143,"O, könnten wir uns nur einmal satt trinken, könnten wir unseren Vorrath erschöpfen und dann sterben!","O for one good draught, even if it should exhaust the whole supply!" 17,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_19.flac,00042-f000015,0.462793,"In diesem Augenblicke, es ist jetzt Mittag, wird einer unserer Gefährten von den heftigsten Schmerzen ergriffen, die ihm manchen gräßlichen Schrei auspressen.","About noon we were startled by sharp cries of agony, and looking round I saw Owen writhing in the most horrible convulsions." 18,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_21.flac,00042-f000016,0.0589286,Ich schleppe mich zu ihm hin.,"I went towards him, for, detestable as his conduct had been, common humanity prompted me to see whether I could afford him any relief." 19,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_22.flac,00042-f000016,0.407143,"Was er auch verbrochen haben mag, die Menschlichkeit gebietet es, zu versuchen, ob ihm einige Hilfe zu bringen ist.","I went towards him, for, detestable as his conduct had been, common humanity prompted me to see whether I could afford him any relief." 20,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_23.flac,00042-f000017,0.686538,Aber gleichzeitig stößt der Matrose Flaypol einen lauten Schrei aus; ich drehe mich um.,"But before I reached him, a shout from Flaypole arrested my attention." 21,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_24.flac,00042-f000018,0.5830649999999999,"Flaypol ist am Maste in die Höhe geklettert, und seine Hand zeigt nach Osten gegen den Horizont.","The man was up in the mast, and with great excitement pointing to the east." 22,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_25.flac,00042-f000019,-0.171429,Ein Schiff! ruft er.,A ship! 23,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_26.flac,00042-f000020,0.04,Schnell sind Alle auf den Füßen.,A ship! he cried. 24,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_27.flac,00042-f000021,0.3,Eine Todesstille herrscht an Bord.,In an instant all were on their feet. 25,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_28.flac,00042-f000022,0.864035,Auch Owen vergißt seine Schmerzen und hat sich mit erhoben.,Even Owen stopped his cries and stood erect. 26,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_29.flac,00042-f000023,0.915281,Wirklich ist in der von Flaypol bezeichneten Richtung ein weißlicher Punkt sichtbar.,It was quite true that in the direction indicated by Flaypole there was a white speck visible upon the horizon. 27,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_31.flac,00042-f000024,0.278571,Ist es ein Segel?,But did it move? 28,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_32.flac,00042-f000027,0.495833,"Was denken die Seeleute darüber, welche ja dafür ein so scharfes, geübtes Auge haben?",I glanced at Curtis as he stood with folded arms intently gazing at the distant point. 29,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_34.flac,00042-f000028,0.8,"Wenn jener weiße Punkt ein Segel ist, wird er sich darüber nicht täuschen.","His brow was furrowed, and he contracted every feature, as with halfclosed eyes, he concentrated his power of vision upon that one faint spot in the faroff horizon." 30,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_35.flac,00042-f000029,0.4613640000000001,"Doch nein, er schüttelt den Kopf, seine Arme fallen schlaff herab.",But at length he dropped his arms and shook his head. 31,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_36.flac,00042-f000030,0.166667,Ich sehe dorthin.,"I looked again, but the spot was no longer there." 32,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_37.flac,00042-f000030,0.166667,Der weiße Punkt ist nicht mehr vorhanden.," I looked again, but the spot was no longer there." 33,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_38.flac,00042-f000031,0.412946,"Es war kein Schiff, es war irgend ein Reflex, ein schäumender Wellenkamm, oder, wenn es ein Schiff gewesen ist, so ist es eben wieder verschwunden.","If it were a ship, that ship had disappeared; but probably it had been a mere reflection, or, more likely still, only the crest of some curling wave." 34,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_39.flac,00042-f000032,0.510606,Welch' eine Niedergeschlagenheit folgt diesen Momenten der Hoffnung!,A deep dejection followed this phantom ray of hope. 35,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_40.flac,00042-f000033,0.166667,Alle haben wir unseren gewohnten Platz wieder eingenommen.,All returned to their accustomed places. 36,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_41.flac,00042-f000034,0.786567,"Robert Kurtis verharrt unbeweglich, aber er mustert den Horizont nicht mehr.","Curtis alone remained motionless, but his eye no longer scanned the distant view." 37,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_42.flac,00042-f000035,0.498333,Da wiederholen sich Owen's Schmerzensschreie heftiger als zuvor.,Owen now began to shriek more wildly than ever. 38,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_43.flac,00042-f000036,0.559091,"Sein ganzer Körper windet sich unter der qualvollen Pein, und sein Anblick ist wahrhaft erschreckend.","He presented truly a most melancholy sight; he writhed with the most hideous contortions, and had all the appearance of suffering from tetanus." 39,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_44.flac,00042-f000037,0.859032,"Seine Kehle schnürt ein spasmodischer Krampf zusammen, seine Zunge ist trocken, der Leib aufgetrieben, der Puls klein, schnell und unregelmäßig.","His throat was contracted by repeated spasms, his tongue was parched, his body swollen, and his pulse, though feeble, was rapid and irregular." 40,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_45.flac,00042-f000038,0.0942308,Der Unglückliche leidet an convulsivischen Bewegungen und selbst an tetanischem Zucken.,The poor wretch's symptoms were precisely such as to lead us to suspect that he had taken some corrosive poison. 41,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_46.flac,00042-f000038,0.0942308,Diese Symptome lassen keinen Zweifel übrig:, The poor wretch's symptoms were precisely such as to lead us to suspect that he had taken some corrosive poison. 42,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_48.flac,00042-f000039,1.02165,"Wir haben kein Gegenmittel, um die Wirkung des Giftes zu neutralisiren, doch kann man wohl Erbrechen hervorrufen, um den Mageninhalt des Kranken fortzuschaffen.",Of course it was quite out of our power to administer any antidote; all that we could devise was to make him swallow something that might act as an emetic. 43,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_49.flac,00042-f000040,0.31558400000000003,"Warmes Wasser muß diesen Erfolg erzielen, und ich bitte also Robert Kurtis um etwas Wasser.",I asked Curtis for a little of the lukewarm water. 44,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_50.flac,00042-f000041,1.01366,Der Kapitän sagt es mir zu.,no! of that water I will not touch a drop. 45,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_53.flac,00042-f000042,-0.0385965,Nein! Nein!.Warum dieses Nein?,"I supposed he did not understand what we were going to do, and endeavoured to explain; but all in vain; he persisted in refusing to taste the water in the second barrel." 46,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_54.flac,00042-f000042,-0.0385965,"Ich kehre zu Owen zurück und erkläre ihm, was ich vorhabe."," I supposed he did not understand what we were going to do, and endeavoured to explain; but all in vain; he persisted in refusing to taste the water in the second barrel." 47,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_55.flac,00042-f000042,-0.0385965,"Noch entschiedener widersetzt er sich aber, von diesem Wasser zu trinken."," I supposed he did not understand what we were going to do, and endeavoured to explain; but all in vain; he persisted in refusing to taste the water in the second barrel." 48,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_56.flac,00042-f000043,0.549841,"Ich versuche demnach durch Kitzeln des Schlundes bei dem Unglücklichen Erbrechen zu erzeugen, und bald giebt er auch bläuliche Massen von sich.","I then tried to induce vomiting by tickling his uvula, and he brought off some bluish secretion from his stomach, the character of which confirmed our previous suspicionsthat he had been poisoned by oxide of copper." 49,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00042-chancellor_57.flac,00042-f000044,0.259365,"Es ist nur zu gewiß, daß Owen mit einem Kupfersulfat, mit Kupfervitriol vergiftet ist, und was wir auch vornehmen, Owen ist verloren!",We now felt convinced that any efforts on our part to save him would be of no avail.