,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript 0,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_1.flac,00025-f000002,0.566504,"Robert Kurtis hat den jungen Letourneur aufgehoben, eilt mit ihm über das überschwemmte Verdeck und setzt ihn auf die Strickleiter am Steuerbord.","NIGHT OF DECEMBER th.Curtis caught young Letourneur again in his arms, and running with him across the flooded deck deposited him safely in the starboard shrouds, whither his father and I climbed up beside him." 1,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_2.flac,00025-f000003,0.50641,"Sein Vater und ich, wir klettern zu ihm hin.",I now had time to look about me. 2,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_3.flac,00025-f000003,0.728571,Dann blicke ich um mich.,I now had time to look about me. 3,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_4.flac,00025-f000004,0.0168492,"Die Nacht ist hell genug, um erkennen zu können, was ringsum vorgeht.","The night was not very dark, and I could see that Curtis had returned to his post upon the poop; whilst in the extreme aft near the taffrail, which was still above water, I could distinguish the forms of Mr. and Mrs. Kear, Miss Herbey, and Mr. Falsten The lieutenant and the boatswain were on the far end of the forecastle; the remainder of the crew in the shrouds and topmasts." 4,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_5.flac,00025-f000004,0.0168492,Robert Kurtis ist auf seinen Posten zurückgekehrt und steht auf dem Oberdeck.," The night was not very dark, and I could see that Curtis had returned to his post upon the poop; whilst in the extreme aft near the taffrail, which was still above water, I could distinguish the forms of Mr. and Mrs. Kear, Miss Herbey, and Mr. Falsten The lieutenant and the boatswain were on the far end of the forecastle; the remainder of the crew in the shrouds and topmasts." 5,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_6.flac,00025-f000004,0.0168492,"Ganz rückwärts, nahe dem noch nicht überflutheten Hackbord, gewahre ich Mr. Kear, seine Frau, Miß Herbey und Falsten; auf der äußersten Spitze des Vorderkastells den Lieutenant und den Bootsmann, in den Mastkörben und auf den Strickleitern den Rest der Mannschaft."," The night was not very dark, and I could see that Curtis had returned to his post upon the poop; whilst in the extreme aft near the taffrail, which was still above water, I could distinguish the forms of Mr. and Mrs. Kear, Miss Herbey, and Mr. Falsten The lieutenant and the boatswain were on the far end of the forecastle; the remainder of the crew in the shrouds and topmasts." 6,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_7.flac,00025-f000005,0.373214,"André Letourneur ist nach dem Mastkorbe des Großmastes geklettert, mit Hilfe seines Vaters, der ihm den Fuß Stufe für Stufe heben mußte, und trotz des Rollens ist er ohne Unfall hinaufgekommen.","By the assistance of his father, who carefully guided his feet up the rigging, Andre was hoisted into the maintop." 7,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_8.flac,00025-f000006,0.410307,"Vernunft beizubringen, ist freilich unmöglich gewesen; sie verbleibt auf dem Oberdeck und läuft Gefahr, von den Wellen weggespült zu werden, wenn der Wind noch mehr auffrischt.","Mrs. Kear could not be induced to join him in his elevated position, in spite of being told that if the wind were to freshen she would inevitably be washed overboard by the waves; nothing could induce her to listen to remonstrance, and she insisted upon remaining on the poop, Miss Herbey, of course, staying by her side." 8,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_9.flac,00025-f000007,0.00941011,"Auch Miß Herbey hält bei ihr aus, da sie jene nicht verlassen will.","As soon as the captain saw the Chancellor was no longer sinking, he set to work to take down all the sails, yards and all, and the topgallants, in the hope that by removing everything that could compromise the equilibrium of the ship he might diminish the chance of her capsizing altogether." 9,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_10.flac,00025-f000007,0.377479,"Robert Kurtis' erste Sorge nach dem Aufhören des Sinkens war es, alle Segel abnehmen und alle Stengen und die Obermaste herabsenken zu lassen.","As soon as the captain saw the Chancellor was no longer sinking, he set to work to take down all the sails, yards and all, and the topgallants, in the hope that by removing everything that could compromise the equilibrium of the ship he might diminish the chance of her capsizing altogether." 10,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_11.flac,00025-f000008,0.436458,Hierdurch hofft er das Kentern des Chancellor zu verhindern.,But may she not founder at any moment? 11,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_12.flac,00025-f000009,0.587681,Kann er aber nicht jeden Augenblick ganz untergehen?,"I said to Curtis, when I had joined him for a while upon the poop." 12,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_13.flac,00025-f000010,0.578488,Ich begebe mich zu Robert Kurtis und richte diese Frage an denselben.,"Everything depends upon the weather, he replied, in his calmest manner; that, of course, may change at any hour." 13,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_14.flac,00025-f000010,0.590526,"Das kann ich nicht wissen, erwidert er mir mit dem ruhigsten Tone, denn das hängt ganz von dem Zustande des Meeres ab.","Everything depends upon the weather, he replied, in his calmest manner; that, of course, may change at any hour." 14,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_15.flac,00025-f000011,0.13125,"Gewiß ist für jetzt nur, daß das Schiff sich im Gleichgewicht befindet; leider können sich diese Verhältnisse aber in jeder Minute verschlimmern.","One thing, however, is certain, the 'Chancellor' preserves her equilibrium for the present." 15,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_16.flac,00025-f000012,0.8940319999999999,"Kann der Chancellor noch, mit zwei Fuß Wasser über dem Deck, segeln?","But do you mean to say, I further asked, that she can sail with two feet of water over her deck?" 16,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_17.flac,00025-f000013,0.99375,"Nein, Mr. Kazallon, wohl aber kann er unter dem Einflüsse des Windes und der Strömung abweichen, und wenn er sich einige Tage so hält, doch irgend einen Küstenpunkt anlaufen.","No, Mr. Kazallon, she can't sail, but she can drift with the wind, and if the wind remains in its present quarter, in the course of a few days we might possibly sight the coast." 17,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_18.flac,00025-f000014,0.631613,"Uebrigens haben wir als letzte Zuflucht das Floß, das in wenigen Stunden fertig sein muß, und auf welchem wir uns, sobald der Tag anbricht, dann einschiffen können.","Besides, we shall have our raft as a last resource; in a few hours it will be ready, and at daybreak we can embark." 18,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_19.flac,00025-f000015,0.81383,Sie haben also noch immer nicht alle Hoffnung aufgegeben? fragte ich Robert Kurtis sehr erstaunt.,"You have not then, I added, abandoned all hope even yet?" 19,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_21.flac,00025-f000017,0.527595,"Alles, was ich Ihnen sagen kann, ist, daß, wenn unter hundert Chancen neunundneunzig gegen uns sind, doch die hundertste uns gehört.","While there's life there's hope, you know Mr. Kazallon; out of a hundred chances, ninetynine may be against us, but perhaps the odd one may be in our favour." 20,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_22.flac,00025-f000017,0.422674,"Wenn mich meine Erinnerung nicht trügt, so befindet sich der halbversunkene Chancellor genau in derselben Lage, wie im Jahre 1795 der Dreimaster Juno.","While there's life there's hope, you know Mr. Kazallon; out of a hundred chances, ninetynine may be against us, but perhaps the odd one may be in our favour." 21,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_23.flac,00025-f000018,0.7254550000000001,Länger als zwanzig Tage hat dieses Schiff halb im Wasser sich schwebend erhalten.,"Besides, I believe that our case is not without precedent." 22,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_24.flac,00025-f000019,0.432986,"Passagiere und Mannschaften waren in die Takelage geflüchtet, und als man endlich an's Land trieb, wurden Alle, die nicht den Strapazen und dem Hunger erlegen waren, glücklich gerettet.","In the year a threemaster, the 'Juno,' was precisely in the same halfsunk, waterlogged condition as ourselves; and yet with her passengers and crew clinging to her topmasts she drifted for twenty days, until she came in sight of land, when those who had survived the deprivation and fatigue were saved." 23,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_25.flac,00025-f000020,0.640241,"Es ist das ein in den Annalen der Seefahrten zu bekanntes Factum, als daß es mir gerade jetzt nicht wieder in den Sinn kommen sollte.",So let us not despair; let us hold on to the hope that the survivors of the 'Chancellor' may be equally fortunate. 24,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_26.flac,00025-f000020,0.360222,"Nun, Mr. Kazallon, es liegt kein Grund vor, daß die Ueberlebenden des Chancellor nicht eben so viel Glück haben sollten, als die der Juno.",So let us not despair; let us hold on to the hope that the survivors of the 'Chancellor' may be equally fortunate. 25,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_28.flac,00025-f000022,0.425922,"Da sich die Bedingungen des Gleichgewichts jeden Augenblick ändern können, werden wir doch den Chancellor früher oder später verlassen müssen.","As it was necessary to be prepared to abandon the ship almost at a moment's notice, Dowlas was making every exertion to hurry on the construction of the raft." 26,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_29.flac,00025-f000023,0.140816,"Auch bleibt es dabei, daß morgen, sobald der Zimmermann mit dem Flosse fertig ist, dasselbe bestiegen werden soll.","A little before midnight he was on the point of conveying some planks for this purpose, when, to his astonishment and horror, he found that the framework had totally disappeared." 27,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_30.flac,00025-f000022,0.763969,"Nun stelle man sich die dumpfe Verzweiflung der Mannschaft vor, als Daoulas gegen Mitternacht die Bemerkung macht, daß das Gestell des Flosses verschwunden ist.","As it was necessary to be prepared to abandon the ship almost at a moment's notice, Dowlas was making every exertion to hurry on the construction of the raft." 28,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_31.flac,00025-f000025,0.414269,"Die Leinen, trotzdem man darauf gesehen hatte, nur haltbare zu verwenden, waren bei dem Auf und Abschwanken des Fahrzeuges gerissen, und etwa seit einer Stunde trieb der Unterbau des Rettungsflosses in der weiten See.","The crew were frantic at this new misfortune, and shouting Overboard with the masts! they began to cut down the rigging preparatory to taking possession of the masts for a new raft." 29,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_32.flac,00025-f000026,0.193846,"Als die Matrosen dieses neue Unglück vernahmen, ließen sie manchen Verzweiflungsschrei erschallen.","But here Curtis interposed: Back to your places, my men; back to your places." 30,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_33.flac,00025-f000024,0.05743009999999999,In's Meer!," The ropes that had attached it to the vessel had snapped as she became vertically displaced, and probably it had been adrift for more than an hour." 31,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_34.flac,00025-f000025,-0.00729167,Die Masten kappen! riefen sie halb von Sinnen.,"The crew were frantic at this new misfortune, and shouting Overboard with the masts! they began to cut down the rigging preparatory to taking possession of the masts for a new raft." 32,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_35.flac,00025-f000025,-0.00729167,"Sie wollen die Taue zerschneiden und die Untermasten in's Wasser stürzen, um sofort ein neues Floß daraus herzurichten."," The crew were frantic at this new misfortune, and shouting Overboard with the masts! they began to cut down the rigging preparatory to taking possession of the masts for a new raft." 33,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_36.flac,00025-f000026,-0.0047619,Aber Robert Kurtis mischt sich ein.,"But here Curtis interposed: Back to your places, my men; back to your places." 34,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_37.flac,00025-f000026,-0.0047619,"Auf Euern Posten, Jungens! ruft er."," But here Curtis interposed: Back to your places, my men; back to your places." 35,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_38.flac,00025-f000027,0.381818,Daß kein Faden ohne meinen Befehl zerschnitten wird!,"The ship will not sink yet, so don't touch a rope until I give you leave." 36,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_39.flac,00025-f000027,0.381818,Der Chancellor ist im Gleichgewicht!," The ship will not sink yet, so don't touch a rope until I give you leave." 37,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_40.flac,00025-f000028,0.363175,"Der Chancellor geht noch nicht unter!.Bei der entschiedenen Stimme ihres Kapitäns gewinnt die Mannschaft wieder einige Besinnung, und trotz der bösen Absicht Einiger unter ihnen begiebt sich Jeder wieder auf den ihm angewiesenen Platz.","The firmness of the captain's voice brought the men to their senses, and although some of them could ill disguise their reluctance, all returned to their posts." 38,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_41.flac,00025-f000029,0.0559211,"Sobald der Tag graut, steigt Robert Kurtis so weit als möglich in die Höhe, und sein Blick durchschweift forschend den Umkreis um das Schiff.","When daylight had sufficiently advanced Curtis mounted the mast, and looked around for the missing raft; but it was nowhere to be seen." 39,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_42.flac,00025-f000029,0.0559211,Unnützes Suchen!," When daylight had sufficiently advanced Curtis mounted the mast, and looked around for the missing raft; but it was nowhere to be seen." 40,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_43.flac,00025-f000030,-0.005,Das Floß ist längst außer Sehweite!,"The sea was far too rough for the men to venture to take out the whaleboat in search of it, and there was no choice but to set to work and to construct a new raft immediately." 41,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_44.flac,00025-f000030,-0.005,Soll man die Jolle bemannen und dasselbe aufzusuchen ausfahren?," The sea was far too rough for the men to venture to take out the whaleboat in search of it, and there was no choice but to set to work and to construct a new raft immediately." 42,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_45.flac,00025-f000030,-0.005,"Auch das ist unmöglich, denn die See geht so hohl, daß das kleine Fahrzeug ihr nicht zu widerstehen vermag."," The sea was far too rough for the men to venture to take out the whaleboat in search of it, and there was no choice but to set to work and to construct a new raft immediately." 43,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_46.flac,00025-f000031,0.394624,Man muß sich demnach zur Construction eines neuen Flosses entschließen und ohne Zaudern an die Arbeit gehen.,"Since the sea has become so much rougher, Mrs. Kear has been induced to leave the poop, and has managed to join M. Letourneur and his son on the maintop, where she lies in a state of complete prostration." 44,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_47.flac,00025-f000032,0.1275,Inzwischen sind die Wellen immer stärker geworden.,I need hardly add that Miss Herbey continues in her unwearied attendance. 45,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_49.flac,00025-f000033,0.279331,"Kear hat sich endlich entschlossen, den Platz auf dem Oberdeck zu verlassen, auf dem sie übrigens in einem Zustande vollständiger Willenlosigkeit lag.","The space to which these four people are limited is necessarily very small, nowhere measuring twelve feet across; to prevent them losing their balance some spars have been lashed from shroud to shroud, and for the convenience of the two ladies Curtis has contrived to make a temporary awning of a sail." 46,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_50.flac,00025-f000034,1.48455,Mr. Kear hat sich mit Silas Huntly im Mastkorbe des Besanmastes eingerichtet.,Mr. Kear has installed himself with Silas Huntly on the foretop. 47,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_51.flac,00025-f000035,-0.0137255,Neben Mrs.,"A few cases of preserved meat and biscuit and some barrels of water, that floated between the masts after the submersion of the deck, have been hoisted to the topmasts and fastened firmly to the stays." 48,13.chancellor_1006_librivox,00025-chancellor_52.flac,00025-f000035,-0.0137255,"Kear und Miß Herbey befinden sich die Herren Letourneur, Alle auf der in ihrem größten Durchmesser höchstens zwölf Fuß messenden Plattform enge an einander gedrückt."," A few cases of preserved meat and biscuit and some barrels of water, that floated between the masts after the submersion of the deck, have been hoisted to the topmasts and fastened firmly to the stays."