,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript 0,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_0.flac,00010-f000003,0.7492310000000001,"Jede Betrachtung, die Manfred über Geronimo's Betragen anstellte, trug dazu bey, ihn zu überreden, der Mönch unterstütze einen Liebeshandel zwischen Isabellen und Theodoren.","Every reflection which Manfred made on the Friar's behaviour, conspired to persuade him that Jerome was privy to an amour between Isabella and Theodore." 1,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_1.flac,00010-f000004,0.617021,"Aber Geronimo's neuerliche Anmaaßlichkeit, die von seiner vorherigen Sanftmuth merklich abstach, ließ ihn noch unendlich mehr besorgen.","But Jerome's new presumption, so dissonant from his former meekness, suggested still deeper apprehensions." 2,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_2.flac,00010-f000005,0.499471,"Der Fürst argwöhnte sogar, der Mönch steife sich auf eine geheime Unterstützung Friedrichs, dessen Ankunft mit dem befremdenden Auftritt Theodors zusammentraf, und in Verbindung zu stehen schien.","The Prince even suspected that the Friar depended on some secret support from Frederic, whose arrival, coinciding with the novel appearance of Theodore, seemed to bespeak a correspondence." 3,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_3.flac,00010-f000006,0.55,Noch verlegner machte ihn die Aehnlichkeit Theodors mit Alfonso's Bildniß.,Still more was he troubled with the resemblance of Theodore to Alfonso's portrait. 4,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_4.flac,00010-f000007,0.522,"Der letzte, wußte er, sey außer allem Zweifel ohne Nachkommen gestorben.",The latter he knew had unquestionably died without issue. 5,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_5.flac,00010-f000007,0.6625,Indessen hatte doch Friedrich ihm Isabellen zugesagt.,The latter he knew had unquestionably died without issue. 6,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_6.flac,00010-f000008,0.195349,Diese Widersprüche erfüllten sein Gemüth mit unzählichen Qualen.,Frederic had consented to bestow Isabella on him. 7,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_7.flac,00010-f000009,0.961111,"Er sah nur zwey Wege, sich aus diesen Schwierigkeiten zu ziehn.",These contradictions agitated his mind with numberless pangs. 8,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_8.flac,00010-f000010,0.586275,"Der eine war, seine Herrschaft dem Markgrafen abzutreten.",He saw but two methods of extricating himself from his difficulties. 9,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_9.flac,00010-f000011,0.906818,"Stolz, Ehrgeiz und Vertrauen auf alle Weissagungen, die eine Möglichkeit anzudeuten schienen, sie für seine Nachkommen zu bewahren, bekämpften diesen Gedanken.","The one was to resign his dominions to the Marquis pride, ambition, and his reliance on ancient prophecies, which had pointed out a possibility of his preserving them to his posterity, combated that thought." 10,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_10.flac,00010-f000012,0.509302,"Der andre war, seine Verbindung mit Isabellen zu beschleunigen.",The other was to press his marriage with Isabella. 11,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_11.flac,00010-f000013,0.014480600000000001,"Lange schwebt' er zwischen diesen ängstlichen Vorstellungen, und ging schweigend neben Hippoliten der Burg zu.","After long ruminating on these anxious thoughts, as he marched silently with Hippolita to the castle, he at last discoursed with that Princess on the subject of his disquiet, and used every insinuating and plausible argument to extract her consent to, even her promise of promoting the divorce." 12,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_12.flac,00010-f000013,0.014480600000000001,"Endlich besprach er sich mit dieser Fürstin über den Gegenstand seiner Unruhe, und bediente sich jedes einschmeichelnden und scheinbaren Grundes, sie in die Ehescheidung willigen, sie sogar versprechen zu lassen, sie zu befördern."," After long ruminating on these anxious thoughts, as he marched silently with Hippolita to the castle, he at last discoursed with that Princess on the subject of his disquiet, and used every insinuating and plausible argument to extract her consent to, even her promise of promoting the divorce." 13,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_13.flac,00010-f000014,0.5191560000000001,"Hippolite bedurfte wenig Ueberredung, sich nach seinem Gefallen zu lenken.",Hippolita needed little persuasions to bend her to his pleasure. 14,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_14.flac,00010-f000015,0.638261,"Erst versuchte sie, ihn für die Maasregel einzunehmen, seiner Regierung zu entsagen: als sie aber fand, wie fruchtlos ihre Ermahnungen waren, versicherte sie ihm, so weit es mit ihrem Gewissen bestehen könne, wolle sie einer Trennung kein Hinderniß in den Weg legen; obgleich sie unmöglich sich thätig erweisen könne, darauf zu dringen, so lange er ihr keine bessere Gründe dafür anführen werde, als er bisher gethan.","She endeavoured to win him over to the measure of resigning his dominions; but finding her exhortations fruitless, she assured him, that as far as her conscience would allow, she would raise no opposition to a separation, though without better founded scruples than what he yet alleged, she would not engage to be active in demanding it." 15,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_15.flac,00010-f000016,0.743984,"Diese Gefälligkeit war freylich nicht ganz genügend, doch hinreichend, Manfreds Hofnungen zu erwecken.","This compliance, though inadequate, was sufficient to raise Manfred's hopes." 16,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_16.flac,00010-f000017,0.605641,"Er vertraute, seine Macht und Reichthum würden sein Gesuch am Römischen Hofe leichtlich fördern, daher nahm er sich vor, den Markgrafen zu bereden, dorthin zu reisen.","He trusted that his power and wealth would easily advance his suit at the court of Rome, whither he resolved to engage Frederic to take a journey on purpose." 17,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_17.flac,00010-f000018,0.742046,"Dieser Fürst hatte sich seine Neigung für Matilden so sehr merken lassen, daß Manfred alle seine Wünsche zu erlangen hofte, wenn er seiner Tochter Reize ihm bald näher brächte, bald entfernte, je nachdem der Markgraf mehr oder weniger geneigt scheinen würde, zu seinen Absichten mitzuwirken.","That Prince had discovered so much passion for Matilda, that Manfred hoped to obtain all he wished by holding out or withdrawing his daughter's charms, according as the Marquis should appear more or less disposed to cooperate in his views." 18,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_18.flac,00010-f000019,0.575758,"Selbst durch Friedrichs Abwesenheit, würde er wesentlich gewinnen, indem er unterdessen Maasregeln für seine Sicherheit nehmen könne.","Even the absence of Frederic would be a material point gained, until he could take further measures for his security." 19,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_19.flac,00010-f000020,0.9902700000000001,"Er entließ Hippoliten in ihr Gemach, und ging zum Markgrafen; als er aber seinen Weg durch die große Halle nahm, stieß er auf Bianca.","Dismissing Hippolita to her apartment, he repaired to that of the Marquis; but crossing the great hall through which he was to pass he met Bianca." 20,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_20.flac,00010-f000021,0.596599,"Das Mädchen, wuste er, besaß beyder Fräulein Vertrauen.",The damsel he knew was in the confidence of both the young ladies. 21,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_21.flac,00010-f000022,0.670652,"Sogleich fiel es ihm ein, sie über Isabellen und Theodoren auf den Zahn zu fühlen.",It immediately occurred to him to sift her on the subject of Isabella and Theodore. 22,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_22.flac,00010-f000023,0.447792,"Er rief sie bey Seite in den Winkel des Fensterbogens der Halle, schmeichelte ihr mit viel freundlichen Worten und Versprechungen, und fragte sie endlich, ob sie nicht wisse, wie es mit Isabellens Herzen stehe?","Calling her aside into the recess of the oriel window of the hall, and soothing her with many fair words and promises, he demanded of her whether she knew aught of the state of Isabella's affections." 23,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_23.flac,00010-f000024,-0.09551280000000001,"Ich? gnädiger Herr nein, gnädiger Herr ja, gnädiger Herr das arme Fräulein!",no my Lordyes my Lordpoor Lady! she is wonderfully alarmed about her father's wounds; but I tell her he will do well; don't your Highness think so? 24,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_24.flac,00010-f000024,-0.09551280000000001,Sie ist so wundersamlich bekümmert um ihres Vaters Wunden., no my Lordyes my Lordpoor Lady! she is wonderfully alarmed about her father's wounds; but I tell her he will do well; don't your Highness think so? 25,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_25.flac,00010-f000024,-0.09551280000000001,"Aber ich sage ihr, er wird besser werden.", no my Lordyes my Lordpoor Lady! she is wonderfully alarmed about her father's wounds; but I tell her he will do well; don't your Highness think so? 26,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_26.flac,00010-f000024,-0.09551280000000001,Meynen, no my Lordyes my Lordpoor Lady! she is wonderfully alarmed about her father's wounds; but I tell her he will do well; don't your Highness think so? 27,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_27.flac,00010-f000025,0.10589100000000001,Ihre Hoheit nicht auch?,"I do not ask you, replied Manfred, what she thinks about her father; but you are in her secrets." 28,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_28.flac,00010-f000025,0.10589100000000001,"Ich frage dich nicht, wie sie über ihren Vater denkt, versetzte Manfred."," I do not ask you, replied Manfred, what she thinks about her father; but you are in her secrets." 29,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_30.flac,00010-f000026,0.45,"Komm, sey ein gutes Mädchen, und laß mich wissen; giebts irgend einen jungen Mann He?","Come, be a good girl and tell me; is there any young manha!you understand me." 30,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_31.flac,00010-f000027,0.7852939999999999,Du verstehst mich.,"understand your Highness? no, not I." 31,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_32.flac,00010-f000027,0.634821,Heilige Mutter! ich solte Ihre Hoheit verstehn?,"understand your Highness? no, not I." 32,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_33.flac,00010-f000028,0.255804,"Nein, nein, das untersteh' ich mich nicht Ich sagte ihr einige schmerzenstillende Kräuter, und Schlaf"," I told her a few vulnerary herbs and repose I am not talking, replied the Prince, impatiently, about her father; I know he will do well." 33,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_35.flac,00010-f000029,-0.170475,"Ich weiß, er wird besser werden.","Bless me, I rejoice to hear your Highness say so; for though I thought it not right to let my young Lady despond, methought his greatness had a wan look, and a somethingI remember when young Ferdinand was wounded by the Venetian Thou answerest from the point, interrupted Manfred; but here, take this jewel, perhaps that may fix thy attentionnay, no reverences; my favour shall not stop herecome, tell me truly; how stands Isabella's heart?" 34,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_36.flac,00010-f000029,-0.170475,Gottlob! daß Ihre Hoheit das sagen.," Bless me, I rejoice to hear your Highness say so; for though I thought it not right to let my young Lady despond, methought his greatness had a wan look, and a somethingI remember when young Ferdinand was wounded by the Venetian Thou answerest from the point, interrupted Manfred; but here, take this jewel, perhaps that may fix thy attentionnay, no reverences; my favour shall not stop herecome, tell me truly; how stands Isabella's heart?" 35,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_37.flac,00010-f000029,-0.170475,"Ich wolte nur dem jungen Fräulein nicht den Muth benehmen, sonst schien es mir selbst, als sähen Seine Hoheit sehr bleich aus, und hätten so etwas Ihre Hoheit erinnern sich noch wohl, als Don Fernando von dem Venetianer verwundet war Du antwortest nie, was man dich fragt, unterbrach sie Manfred."," Bless me, I rejoice to hear your Highness say so; for though I thought it not right to let my young Lady despond, methought his greatness had a wan look, and a somethingI remember when young Ferdinand was wounded by the Venetian Thou answerest from the point, interrupted Manfred; but here, take this jewel, perhaps that may fix thy attentionnay, no reverences; my favour shall not stop herecome, tell me truly; how stands Isabella's heart?" 36,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_38.flac,00010-f000029,-0.170475,"Da, nimm diesen Ring, vielleicht wird der deine Gedanken besser zusammenhalten."," Bless me, I rejoice to hear your Highness say so; for though I thought it not right to let my young Lady despond, methought his greatness had a wan look, and a somethingI remember when young Ferdinand was wounded by the Venetian Thou answerest from the point, interrupted Manfred; but here, take this jewel, perhaps that may fix thy attentionnay, no reverences; my favour shall not stop herecome, tell me truly; how stands Isabella's heart?" 37,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_39.flac,00010-f000029,-0.170475,Mach keine Umstände.," Bless me, I rejoice to hear your Highness say so; for though I thought it not right to let my young Lady despond, methought his greatness had a wan look, and a somethingI remember when young Ferdinand was wounded by the Venetian Thou answerest from the point, interrupted Manfred; but here, take this jewel, perhaps that may fix thy attentionnay, no reverences; my favour shall not stop herecome, tell me truly; how stands Isabella's heart?" 38,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_40.flac,00010-f000029,-0.170475,Damit soll meine Gunst sich nicht begnügen.," Bless me, I rejoice to hear your Highness say so; for though I thought it not right to let my young Lady despond, methought his greatness had a wan look, and a somethingI remember when young Ferdinand was wounded by the Venetian Thou answerest from the point, interrupted Manfred; but here, take this jewel, perhaps that may fix thy attentionnay, no reverences; my favour shall not stop herecome, tell me truly; how stands Isabella's heart?" 39,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_41.flac,00010-f000029,-0.170475,Aber nun antworte mir auch ehrlich: wie stehts mit Isabellens Herzen?," Bless me, I rejoice to hear your Highness say so; for though I thought it not right to let my young Lady despond, methought his greatness had a wan look, and a somethingI remember when young Ferdinand was wounded by the Venetian Thou answerest from the point, interrupted Manfred; but here, take this jewel, perhaps that may fix thy attentionnay, no reverences; my favour shall not stop herecome, tell me truly; how stands Isabella's heart?" 40,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_42.flac,00010-f000029,-0.170475,"Ihre Hoheit können was Sie wollen, antwortete Bianca."," Bless me, I rejoice to hear your Highness say so; for though I thought it not right to let my young Lady despond, methought his greatness had a wan look, and a somethingI remember when young Ferdinand was wounded by the Venetian Thou answerest from the point, interrupted Manfred; but here, take this jewel, perhaps that may fix thy attentionnay, no reverences; my favour shall not stop herecome, tell me truly; how stands Isabella's heart?" 41,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_43.flac,00010-f000030,0.232517,Sicher und gewiß.,"said Bianca, to be surebut can your Highness keep a secret? if it should ever come out of your lips It shall not, it shall not, cried Manfred." 42,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_44.flac,00010-f000030,0.232517,Aber können Ihre Hoheit auch schweigen? wenn mich Ihre Hoheit je verriethen.," said Bianca, to be surebut can your Highness keep a secret? if it should ever come out of your lips It shall not, it shall not, cried Manfred." 43,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_45.flac,00010-f000031,0.744444,"Das werd' ich nicht, sprach Manfred.","Nay, but swear, your Highness." 44,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_47.flac,00010-f000032,0.46165,"Nun, Wahrheit bleibt Wahrheit!","By my halidame, if it should ever be known that I said it Why, truth is truth, I do not think my Lady Isabella ever much affectioned my young Lord your son; yet he was a sweet youth as one should see; I am sure, if I had been a Princessbut bless me!" 45,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_48.flac,00010-f000032,0.46165,"Ich glaube nicht, daß Fräulein Isabelle jemals den gnädigen Junker, Ihrer Hoheit Herrn Sohn, von Herzen lieb gehabt hat."," By my halidame, if it should ever be known that I said it Why, truth is truth, I do not think my Lady Isabella ever much affectioned my young Lord your son; yet he was a sweet youth as one should see; I am sure, if I had been a Princessbut bless me!" 46,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_49.flac,00010-f000033,0.786667,"Es war doch so ein hübscher, junger Herr.",I must attend my Lady Matilda; she will marvel what is become of me. 47,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_50.flac,00010-f000033,0.482143,"Gewiß und wahrhaftig! wär' ich eine Prinzessin aber Gott sey mir gnädig! ich muß Fräulein Matilden aufwarten, sie wird sich wundern, was aus mir geworden ist.",I must attend my Lady Matilda; she will marvel what is become of me. 48,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_51.flac,00010-f000034,0.888,"Halt! rief Manfred, du hast meiner Frage nicht genug gethan.","Stay, cried Manfred; thou hast not satisfied my question." 49,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_52.flac,00010-f000035,1.11548,Hast du je eine Bestellung ausgerichtet?,"Hast thou ever carried any message, any letter?" 50,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_53.flac,00010-f000036,-0.03,Briefe getragen?,good gracious! cried Bianca; I carry a letter? 51,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_54.flac,00010-f000036,-0.03,Ach! du lieber Himmel! rief Bianca., good gracious! cried Bianca; I carry a letter? 52,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_55.flac,00010-f000037,0.8857139999999999,Ich solte Briefe tragen?,I would not to be a Queen. 53,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_56.flac,00010-f000038,1.38479,"Das wollt' ich nicht, wenn ich eine Königin werden könnte.","I hope your Highness thinks, though I am poor, I am honest." 54,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_57.flac,00010-f000039,0.597902,"Ich bin arm, aber ich hoffe, Ihre Hoheit halten mich für ehrlich!","Did your Highness never hear what Count Marsigli offered me, when he came a wooing to my Lady Matilda?" 55,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_58.flac,00010-f000039,0.789412,"Haben Ihre Hoheit nicht gehört, was mir Graf Marsigli bieten ließ, als er um Fräulein Matilden anhielt?","Did your Highness never hear what Count Marsigli offered me, when he came a wooing to my Lady Matilda?" 56,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_59.flac,00010-f000040,0.542553,"Ich habe keine Zeit, deine Historien anzuhören, sprach Manfred.","I have not leisure, said Manfred, to listen to thy tale." 57,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_60.flac,00010-f000041,0.613187,Ich zweifle an deiner Ehrlichkeit nicht.,I do not question thy honesty. 58,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_61.flac,00010-f000042,0.304306,"Aber eben um der Ehrlichkeit willen, bist du verpflichtet, mir nichts zu verhehlen.",But it is thy duty to conceal nothing from me. 59,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_62.flac,00010-f000043,0.63,Wie lange ist Isabelle mit Theodoren bekannt?,How long has Isabella been acquainted with Theodore? 60,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_63.flac,00010-f000044,0.310731,Ihre Hoheit wissen auch alles! rief Bianca.,"Nay, there is nothing can escape your Highness! said Bianca; not that I know any thing of the matter." 61,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_64.flac,00010-f000044,0.310731,Nur ich weiß leider ganz und gar nichts.," Nay, there is nothing can escape your Highness! said Bianca; not that I know any thing of the matter." 62,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_65.flac,00010-f000045,0.732305,"Theodor ist freylich ein wackrer junger Mann, und, wie Fräulein Matilde sagt, das wahre Ebenbild Alfonso des Guten.","Theodore, to be sure, is a proper young man, and, as my Lady Matilda says, the very image of good Alfonso." 63,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_66.flac,00010-f000046,0.8,Haben's Ihre Hoheit auch bemerkt?,Has not your Highness remarked it? 64,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_67.flac,00010-f000047,0.728571,"Ja, ja nein Quäle mich nicht, sprach Manfred.","Yes, yes,Nothou torturest me, said Manfred." 65,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_68.flac,00010-f000048,1.24783,Wo hat sie ihn gesehn? und wann?,Where did they meet? when? 66,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_69.flac,00010-f000049,0.576923,Wer?,my Lady Matilda? said Bianca. 67,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_70.flac,00010-f000049,0.576923,Fräulein Matilde? fragte Bianca., my Lady Matilda? said Bianca. 68,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_71.flac,00010-f000050,-0.00384615,"Nein, nein, nicht Matilde, Isabelle.","No, no, not Matilda: Isabella; when did Isabella first become acquainted with this Theodore!" 69,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_72.flac,00010-f000050,-0.00384615,Wann hat Isabelle Theodoren zuerst kennen lernen?," No, no, not Matilda: Isabella; when did Isabella first become acquainted with this Theodore!" 70,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_73.flac,00010-f000051,0.85614,"Heilige Mutter! antwortete Bianca, wie soll ich das wissen?","Virgin Mary! said Bianca, how should I know?" 71,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_74.flac,00010-f000052,0.828147,"Du weißt es, erwiederte Manfred, und ich will, ich muß es wissen.",your Highness is not jealous of young Theodore! said Bianca. 72,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_75.flac,00010-f000053,0.253846,Gott bewahre!,"Jealous! no, no." 73,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_76.flac,00010-f000054,0.917308,Ihre Hoheit ist doch nicht eifersüchtig auf den jungen Theodor? fragte Bianca.,Why should I be jealous? perhaps I mean to unite themIf I were sure Isabella would have no repugnance. 74,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_77.flac,00010-f000054,0.0306577,Eifersüchtig? warum solte ich eifersüchtig seyn?,Why should I be jealous? perhaps I mean to unite themIf I were sure Isabella would have no repugnance. 75,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_78.flac,00010-f000054,0.0306577,"Nein, nein, vielleicht geb' ich sie zusammen, wenn Isabelle nichts dawider hat.", Why should I be jealous? perhaps I mean to unite themIf I were sure Isabella would have no repugnance. 76,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_79.flac,00010-f000054,0.0306577,Dawider?, Why should I be jealous? perhaps I mean to unite themIf I were sure Isabella would have no repugnance. 77,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_80.flac,00010-f000055,0.279517,"Nein, dafür steh' ich, sagte Bianca.","Repugnance! no, I'll warrant her, said Bianca; he is as comely a youth as ever trod on Christian ground." 78,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_81.flac,00010-f000055,0.279517,"Es ist ein so hübscher Junge, als jemals einen christlichen Boden betreten hat."," Repugnance! no, I'll warrant her, said Bianca; he is as comely a youth as ever trod on Christian ground." 79,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_82.flac,00010-f000056,0.0392241,Wir mögen ihn alle gern leiden.,"We are all in love with him; there is not a soul in the castle but would be rejoiced to have him for our PrinceI mean, when it shall please heaven to call your Highness to itself." 80,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_83.flac,00010-f000056,0.0392241,"Es ist keine Seele von uns in der Burg, die ihn nicht gern zu unserm Fürsten hätte, ich meine, wenn es dem Himmel gefallen solte, Ihre Hoheit abzufordern."," We are all in love with him; there is not a soul in the castle but would be rejoiced to have him for our PrinceI mean, when it shall please heaven to call your Highness to itself." 81,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_86.flac,00010-f000057,0.36893899999999996,Ich darf keine Zeit verlieren.,"oh! this cursed Friar!but I must not lose timego, Bianca, attend Isabella; but I charge thee, not a word of what has passed." 82,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_87.flac,00010-f000057,0.36893899999999996,"Geh, Bianca, bediene Isabellen: aber ich befehle dir, kein Wort von dem zu verrathen, was unter uns vorgefallen ist."," oh! this cursed Friar!but I must not lose timego, Bianca, attend Isabella; but I charge thee, not a word of what has passed." 83,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_88.flac,00010-f000058,-0.0444444,"Such ein wenig auszuspähen, wie sie gegen Theodor gesinnt ist.","Find out how she is affected towards Theodore; bring me good news, and that ring has a companion." 84,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_89.flac,00010-f000058,-0.0444444,"Bring mir gute Neuigkeiten, und wo der Ring war, sind mehr."," Find out how she is affected towards Theodore; bring me good news, and that ring has a companion." 85,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_90.flac,00010-f000059,0.20368,Erwarte mich am Fuß der Windeltreppe.,"Wait at the foot of the winding staircase: I am going to visit the Marquis, and will talk further with thee at my return." 86,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_91.flac,00010-f000059,0.20368,"Ich gehe jetzt, den Markgrafen zu besuchen: wenn ich wiederkomme, reden wir weiter."," Wait at the foot of the winding staircase: I am going to visit the Marquis, and will talk further with thee at my return." 87,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_92.flac,00010-f000060,0.752139,"Nach einigen allgemeinen Gesprächen ersuchte Manfred Friedrichen, die beyden Ritter aus seiner Gesellschaft zu entlassen, weil er über dringende Geschäfte mit ihm zu reden habe.","Manfred, after some general conversation, desired Frederic to dismiss the two Knights, his companions, having to talk with him on urgent affairs." 88,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_93.flac,00010-f000061,0.186919,"Sobald sie allein waren, begann er auf eine schlaue Weise den Markgrafen über Matilden auszuforschen.","As soon as they were alone, he began in artful guise to sound the Marquis on the subject of Matilda; and finding him disposed to his wish, he let drop hints on the difficulties that would attend the celebration of their marriage, unlessAt that instant Bianca burst into the room with a wildness in her look and gestures that spoke the utmost terror." 89,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_94.flac,00010-f000061,0.186919,"Da er ihn nach seinem Wunsche gestimmt fand, ließ er einige Winke fallen, wie schwer es halten würde, die Heyrath zu vollziehn, bis Indem stürzte Bianca ins Zimmer mit so wilden Blicken und Gebehrden, daß sie den höchsten Grad des Schreckens verriethen. gnädiger Herr! gnädiger Herr! rief sie; wir sind alle verlohren!"," As soon as they were alone, he began in artful guise to sound the Marquis on the subject of Matilda; and finding him disposed to his wish, he let drop hints on the difficulties that would attend the celebration of their marriage, unlessAt that instant Bianca burst into the room with a wildness in her look and gestures that spoke the utmost terror." 90,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_95.flac,00010-f000062,0.3,Er ist wieder da! er ist wieder da!,it is come again! it is come again! 91,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_96.flac,00010-f000063,0.608333,Wer ist wieder da? fragte Manfred Erstaunens voll.,What is come again? cried Manfred amazed. 92,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_97.flac,00010-f000064,0.214286,O der Riese! seine Faust! sein Handschuh!,the Giant! the hand!support me! 93,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_99.flac,00010-f000065,1.24615,Ich verliere noch den Verstand darüber! rief Bianca.,"I am terrified out of my senses, cried Bianca." 94,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_100.flac,00010-f000066,0.948485,In der Burg bleib ich keine Nacht länger.,I will not sleep in the castle to night. 95,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_102.flac,00010-f000067,-0.0191919,Meine Sachen können morgen nachgeschickt werden!,my things may come after me tomorrow would I had been content to wed Francesco! this comes of ambition! 96,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_103.flac,00010-f000066,0.733333,Wär' ich nur Francesco's Frau!,I will not sleep in the castle to night. 97,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_104.flac,00010-f000067,0.587719,"Das kommt davon, wenn man zu hochmüthig ist!",my things may come after me tomorrow would I had been content to wed Francesco! this comes of ambition! 98,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_105.flac,00010-f000068,0.561189,"Was hat dich so erschreckt, armes Mädchen? sagte der Markgraf.","What has terrified thee thus, young woman? said the Marquis." 99,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_106.flac,00010-f000069,0.28,Hier bist du sicher: fürchte nichts.,Thou art safe here; be not alarmed. 100,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_107.flac,00010-f000070,0.304787,"Ihre Hoheit sind aus der Maaßen gütig, antwortete Bianca, aber ich wage nicht, Ich bitte, lassen Sie mich gehn.","Oh! your Greatness is wonderfully good, said Bianca, but I dare notno, pray let me goI had rather leave everything behind me, than stay another hour under this roof." 101,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_108.flac,00010-f000070,0.304787,"Ich will lieber nackend in die Welt hinaus, als eine Stunde länger unter diesem Dach bleiben."," Oh! your Greatness is wonderfully good, said Bianca, but I dare notno, pray let me goI had rather leave everything behind me, than stay another hour under this roof." 102,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_109.flac,00010-f000071,0.685714,"Du bist nicht gescheut, sprach Manfred.","Go to, thou hast lost thy senses, said Manfred." 103,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_110.flac,00010-f000072,-0.00153061,"Unterbrich uns nicht, wir sprechen hier von wichtigen Dingen.","Interrupt us not; we were communing on important mattersMy Lord, this wench is subject to fitsCome with me, Bianca." 104,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_111.flac,00010-f000072,-0.00153061,"Mein Fürst, dies Mädchen hat hysterische Zufälle."," Interrupt us not; we were communing on important mattersMy Lord, this wench is subject to fitsCome with me, Bianca." 105,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_112.flac,00010-f000073,0.214286,"Geh hinaus, Bianca.",Oh! the Saints! 106,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_113.flac,00010-f000074,0.1835,"O bey allen Heiligen, nein! sagte Bianca.","No, said Bianca, for certain it comes to warn your Highness; why should it appear to me else?" 107,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_114.flac,00010-f000073,0.535714,"Er kommt sicherlich, Ihre Hoheit zu warnen?",Oh! the Saints! 108,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_115.flac,00010-f000075,0.268421,Warum solte er mir sonst erscheinen?,I say my prayers morning and eveningoh! if your Highness had believed Diego! 109,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_116.flac,00010-f000075,0.268421,Ich bete alle Morgen meine drei Abendsegen., I say my prayers morning and eveningoh! if your Highness had believed Diego! 110,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_119.flac,00010-f000076,-0.125641,"Vater Geronimo hat uns oft gesagt, in diesen Tagen würde die Weissagung wahr werden.","Tis the same hand that he saw the foot to in the gallerychamber Father Jerome has often told us the prophecy would be out one of these days'Bianca,' said he, 'mark my words' Thou ravest, said Manfred, in a rage; be gone, and keep these fooleries to frighten thy companions." 111,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_120.flac,00010-f000076,-0.125641,"Bianca, sprach er, merk auf meine Worte"," Tis the same hand that he saw the foot to in the gallerychamber Father Jerome has often told us the prophecy would be out one of these days'Bianca,' said he, 'mark my words' Thou ravest, said Manfred, in a rage; be gone, and keep these fooleries to frighten thy companions." 112,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_121.flac,00010-f000076,-0.125641,"Du bist toll, sprach Manfred wüthend, deinen Cameraden kannst du solche Possen glauben machen."," Tis the same hand that he saw the foot to in the gallerychamber Father Jerome has often told us the prophecy would be out one of these days'Bianca,' said he, 'mark my words' Thou ravest, said Manfred, in a rage; be gone, and keep these fooleries to frighten thy companions." 113,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_122.flac,00010-f000077,0.15606099999999998,"Ihre Hoheit meynen wohl, ich hätte nichts gesehn? rief Bianca.","my Lord, cried Bianca, do you think I have seen nothing? go to the foot of the great stairs yourselfas I live I saw it." 114,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_124.flac,00010-f000078,-0.00545455,Sie nur selbst die Treppe hinunter.,"Saw what? tell us, fair maid, what thou hast seen, said Frederic." 115,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_125.flac,00010-f000078,-0.00545455,"So wahr ich lebe, ich sah ihn!"," Saw what? tell us, fair maid, what thou hast seen, said Frederic." 116,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_127.flac,00010-f000079,0.471053,"Wie mag nur Ihre Hoheit, sprach Manfred, auf das Fiebergeschwätz einer albernen Dirne hören wollen, der man so lange Gespenstermährchen vorerzählt hat, bis sie glaubt.","Can your Highness listen, said Manfred, to the delirium of a silly wench, who has heard stories of apparitions until she believes them?" 117,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_128.flac,00010-f000079,0.816608,"Dies ist mehr als Einbildung, sagte der Markgraf, ihr Schrecken ist zu natürlich und zu heftig, für ein Werk der Phantasie.","Can your Highness listen, said Manfred, to the delirium of a silly wench, who has heard stories of apparitions until she believes them?" 118,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_130.flac,00010-f000081,0.272727,"Ja, gnädiger Herr, ich danke Ihre Hoheit, sagte Bianca.","Tell us, fair maiden, what it is has moved thee thus?" 119,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_131.flac,00010-f000082,0.46982299999999994,"Ich sehe wohl recht blaß aus, wenn ich mich erholt habe, wird das schon besser werden.","Yes, my Lord, thank your Greatness, said Bianca; I believe I look very pale; I shall be better when I have recovered myselfI was going to my Lady Isabella's chamber, by his Highness's order We do not want the circumstances, interrupted Manfred." 120,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_132.flac,00010-f000082,0.46982299999999994,"Ich ging nach dem Zimmer der Fräulein Isabelle, wie mir Seine Hoheit befohlen hatten."," Yes, my Lord, thank your Greatness, said Bianca; I believe I look very pale; I shall be better when I have recovered myselfI was going to my Lady Isabella's chamber, by his Highness's order We do not want the circumstances, interrupted Manfred." 121,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_133.flac,00010-f000083,1.28723,Das brauchen wir alles nicht! unterbrach sie Manfred.,"Since his Highness will have it so, proceed; but be brief." 122,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_135.flac,00010-f000083,0.89375,Ihre Hoheit fahren einen immer so an! versetzte Bianca.,"Since his Highness will have it so, proceed; but be brief." 123,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_136.flac,00010-f000084,0.8207209999999999,"Mein Haar mag in einer schönen Unordnung seyn so muß ich in meinem Leben nicht Recht! wie ich die Ehre hatte, Ihrer Hoheit zu sagen, Seine Hoheit befahlen mir, mich zu Fräulein Isabellen zu begeben.","what imports it to the Marquis, that I gave thee a bauble for thy faithful attendance on my daughter? we want to know what thou sawest." 124,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_137.flac,00010-f000085,0.550909,"Sie wohnt im blaßblauen Zimmer, eine Treppe hoch, rechter Hand.","I was going to tell your Highness, said Bianca, if you would permit me." 125,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_138.flac,00010-f000086,0.834167,"Als ich nun an die große Treppe kam, und eben den Ring betrachtete, den mir Seine Hoheit geschenkt haben Zur Sache, Mensch! fuhr sie Manfred an.","So as I was rubbing the ringI am sure I had not gone up three steps, but I heard the rattling of armour; for all the world such a clatter as Diego says he heard when the Giant turned him about in the gallerychamber." 126,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_139.flac,00010-f000087,0.547619,"Was soll es dem Markgrafen, zu wissen, daß ich dir für die treue Bedienung meiner Tochter eine Kleinigkeit schenkte?","What Giant is this, my Lord? said the Marquis; is your castle haunted by giants and goblins?" 127,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_140.flac,00010-f000084,0.35681799999999997,"Was du sahst, wollen wir wissen!"," what imports it to the Marquis, that I gave thee a bauble for thy faithful attendance on my daughter? we want to know what thou sawest." 128,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_141.flac,00010-f000085,0.8920100000000001,"Dabey bin ich grade, sagte Bianca, aber Ihre Hoheit lassen einen nicht ausreden!","I was going to tell your Highness, said Bianca, if you would permit me." 129,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_142.flac,00010-f000089,0.347321,"Ich rieb just den Ring ein wenig, und war gewiß noch nicht drey Stufen hinaufgestiegen, so hört' ich ein Geklirr wie Eisen, als ob Küraß und Schwerdt zusammenschlügen.","I marvel his Highness has not told you; mayhap you do not know there is a prophecy This trifling is intolerable, interrupted Manfred." 130,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_143.flac,00010-f000090,0.283099,"Liebster Welt, wie Jago sagt, daß der Riese im Galleriezimmer gegen ihn angegangen sey.","Let us dismiss this silly wench, my Lord! we have more important affairs to discuss." 131,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_144.flac,00010-f000087,-0.07111110000000001,"Was meynt sie damit, mein Fürst? sagte der Markgraf.","What Giant is this, my Lord? said the Marquis; is your castle haunted by giants and goblins?" 132,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_145.flac,00010-f000087,-0.07111110000000001,Hausen," What Giant is this, my Lord? said the Marquis; is your castle haunted by giants and goblins?" 133,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_146.flac,00010-f000087,-0.07111110000000001,Riesen und Poltergeister in dieser Burg?," What Giant is this, my Lord? said the Marquis; is your castle haunted by giants and goblins?" 134,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_147.flac,00010-f000088,0.230956,Ey du mein lieber Heyland!,"what, has not your Greatness heard the story of the Giant in the gallerychamber? cried Bianca." 135,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_148.flac,00010-f000088,0.230956,"Haben Ihre Hoheit die schöne Geschichte, von dem Riesen aus dem Galleriezimmer, noch nicht gehört? fragte Bianca."," what, has not your Greatness heard the story of the Giant in the gallerychamber? cried Bianca." 136,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_149.flac,00010-f000093,0.758916,"Das soll mich ja Wunder nehmen, wenn der gnädige Herr davon nichts erzählt hat.","So Jaquez thinks, may it please your Greatness, said Bianca." 137,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_150.flac,00010-f000089,0.526667,"So wissen Ihre Hoheit auch wohl nicht einmal, von der prächtigen Prophezeihung?","I marvel his Highness has not told you; mayhap you do not know there is a prophecy This trifling is intolerable, interrupted Manfred." 138,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_151.flac,00010-f000089,0.526667,"Das ist nicht auszuhalten, unterbrach sie Manfred."," I marvel his Highness has not told you; mayhap you do not know there is a prophecy This trifling is intolerable, interrupted Manfred." 139,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_152.flac,00010-f000096,0.21844,"Laß uns das alberne Mädchen fortschicken, mein Fürst.","I looked up, and, if your Greatness will believe me, I saw upon the uppermost banister of the great stairs a hand in armour as big as big." 140,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_153.flac,00010-f000097,0.16071400000000002,Wir haben wichtigere Gegenstände abzumachen.,I thought I should have swooned. 141,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_154.flac,00010-f000091,0.48,"Erlauben Sie mir, sprach Friedrich, dies sind auch keine Kleinigkeiten.","By your favour, said Frederic, these are no trifles." 142,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_155.flac,00010-f000099,0.516,"Das ungeheure Schwerdt, das mir im Walde angewiesen ward; der Helm, zu dem es sich gesellt: sind auch das Träume dieses unschuldigen Mädchens?",My Lady Matilda told me but yester morning that her Highness Hippolita knows something. 143,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_156.flac,00010-f000093,1.10087,"So denkt Diego auch, mit Ihrer Hoheit Wohlnehmen, sagte Bianca.","So Jaquez thinks, may it please your Greatness, said Bianca." 144,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_157.flac,00010-f000101,0.686154,"Er spricht, der Mond geht nicht zu Ende, bis wir eine große Veränderung erleben.","Lord Marquis, it much misgives me that this scene is concerted to affront me." 145,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_158.flac,00010-f000095,0.985738,"Mich solls nicht Wunder nehmen, wenn die morgen im Tage eintrifft: denn, wie gesagt, als ich das Waffengerassel hörte, lief mir der kalte Schweis über den ganzen Leib.","For my part, I should not be surprised if it was to happen tomorrow; for, as I was saying, when I heard the clattering of armour, I was all in a cold sweat." 146,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_159.flac,00010-f000096,0.680357,"Ich blickte in die Höhe, und Ihre Hoheit mögen mir glauben, ich erblickte auf dem obern Geländer der großen Treppe eine geharnischte Hand, so groß und dick","I looked up, and, if your Greatness will believe me, I saw upon the uppermost banister of the great stairs a hand in armour as big as big." 147,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_160.flac,00010-f000097,0.728571,"Ich dachte, ich müste in Ohnmacht fallen: ich bin in einem Satz hieher gelaufen.",I thought I should have swooned. 148,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_161.flac,00010-f000098,0.716883,"Wolte Gott, ich wäre mit heiler Haut aus der Burg!",I never stopped until I came hitherwould I were well out of this castle. 149,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_163.flac,00010-f000101,0.575385,"Herr Markgraf, eine bittre Ahndung überfällt mich, daß dieser Auftritt abgeredet sey, mich zu beleidigen.","Lord Marquis, it much misgives me that this scene is concerted to affront me." 150,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_164.flac,00010-f000102,0.244068,"Sind meine eignen Leute bestochen, ehrenrührige Mährchen von mir auszubringen?",Are my own domestics suborned to spread tales injurious to my honour? 151,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_165.flac,00010-f000103,0.514205,"Machen Sie Ihre Ansprüche durch männliche Tapferkeit geltend; oder lassen Sie uns, meinem Vorschlage gemäß, unsre Fehde durch die Wechselheyrath unsrer Kinder begraben: aber glauben Sie mir, es ziemt keinem Fürsten, Mägde zu erkaufen.","Pursue your claim by manly daring; or let us bury our feuds, as was proposed, by the intermarriage of our children." 152,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_166.flac,00010-f000104,0.39868400000000004,"Der Vorwurf ist unter mir, sagte Friedrich.","But trust me, it ill becomes a Prince of your bearing to practise on mercenary wenches." 153,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_167.flac,00010-f000105,0.642857,Bis diese Stunde hab' ich diese Jungfrau nie gesehn.,"I scorn your imputation, said Frederic." 154,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_168.flac,00010-f000106,1.00968,Ich schenkt' ihr keinen Edelstein.,Until this hour I never set eyes on this damsel: I have given her no jewel. 155,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_169.flac,00010-f000107,0.363441,"Manfred, Manfred, Ihr Gewissen, Ihre Verschuldung klagt Sie an, und mögte gern den Verdacht auf mich werfen.","My Lord, my Lord, your conscience, your guilt accuses you, and would throw the suspicion on me; but keep your daughter, and think no more of Isabella." 156,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_170.flac,00010-f000108,0.534211,"Behalten Sie Ihre Tochter, und denken Sie nicht mehr an Isabellen.",The judgments already fallen on your house forbid me matching into it. 157,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_171.flac,00010-f000109,0.25875,"Die Gerichte, die schon über Ihr Haus ergangen sind, verbieten mir, mich mit ihm zu verbinden.","Manfred, alarmed at the resolute tone in which Frederic delivered these words, endeavoured to pacify him." 158,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_172.flac,00010-f000109,1.1362,"Manfreden beunruhigte der entschlossene Ton, mit dem Friedrich diese Worte sprach, also suchte er ihn zufrieden zu reden.","Manfred, alarmed at the resolute tone in which Frederic delivered these words, endeavoured to pacify him." 159,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_173.flac,00010-f000110,0.526999,"Er schickte Bianca fort, und war so nachgebend gegen den Markgrafen, wußte Matildens Vorzüge so geschickt herauszustreichen, daß Friedrich noch einmal wankte.","Dismissing Bianca, he made such submissions to the Marquis, and threw in such artful encomiums on Matilda, that Frederic was once more staggered." 160,11.burg_von_otranto_1406_librivox,00010-otranto_174.flac,00010-f000111,0.503333,"Doch konnte eine so junge Leidenschaft, wie die seinige, die Gewissenszweifel, die in ihm aufgestiegen waren, nicht sogleich überwinden.","However, as his passion was of so recent a date, it could not at once surmount the scruples he had conceived."