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TITLE front 23 2016 0 Structures of human ADAR2 bound to dsRNA reveal base-flipping mechanism and basis for site selectivity 0.9985019 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:34Z DUMMY: Structures 0.99872285 species cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:21Z MESH: human 0.9990864 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:24Z PR: ADAR2 0.998929 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:01:17Z DUMMY: bound to 0.99852717 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:06Z CHEBI: dsRNA ABSTRACT abstract 103 ADARs (adenosine deaminases acting on RNA) are editing enzymes that convert adenosine (A) to inosine (I) in duplex RNA, a modification reaction with wide-ranging consequences on RNA function. Our understanding of the ADAR reaction mechanism, origin of editing site selectivity and effect of mutations is limited by the lack of high-resolution structural data for complexes of ADARs bound to substrate RNAs. Here we describe four crystal structures of the deaminase domain of human ADAR2 bound to RNA duplexes bearing a mimic of the deamination reaction intermediate. These structures, together with structure-guided mutagenesis and RNA-modification experiments, explain the basis for ADAR deaminase domain’s dsRNA specificity, its base-flipping mechanism, and nearest neighbor preferences. In addition, an ADAR2-specific RNA-binding loop was identified near the enzyme active site rationalizing differences in selectivity observed between different ADARs. Finally, our results provide a structural framework for understanding the effects of ADAR mutations associated with human disease. 0.99897975 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:34Z MESH: ADARs 0.9843998 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:57:13Z MESH: adenosine deaminases acting on RNA 0.95987874 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:51:57Z MESH: editing enzymes 0.94079924 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:02Z SO: adenosine 0.83345747 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: A 0.88204086 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:31Z SO: inosine 0.8659339 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: I structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:31:35Z duplex RNA chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z RNA 0.9989807 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:42Z MESH: ADAR site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z editing site 0.99105096 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:53Z DUMMY: structural data 0.9989266 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:35Z MESH: ADARs 0.9990577 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:01:17Z DUMMY: bound to 0.99584216 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:00Z CHEBI: RNAs 0.9986969 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:45Z DUMMY: crystal structures 0.9977211 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:57:46Z SO: deaminase domain 0.9984072 species cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:20Z MESH: human 0.99940026 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:24Z PR: ADAR2 0.9990988 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:01:17Z DUMMY: bound to 0.83250415 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:32:33Z SO: RNA duplexes 0.9985316 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z DUMMY: structures 0.99882245 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:22:41Z MESH: structure-guided mutagenesis 0.9937575 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:22:45Z MESH: RNA-modification experiments 0.99831885 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:57:47Z deaminase domain 0.99779785 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:05Z CHEBI: dsRNA 0.9993356 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 0.99576366 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:57:37Z SO: RNA-binding loop 0.9980329 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:49Z SO: active site 0.998869 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:35Z MESH: ADARs 0.998367 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR 0.98297024 species cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:21Z MESH: human INTRO title_1 1192 Introduction INTRO paragraph 1205 RNA editing reactions alter a transcript’s genomically encoded sequence by inserting, deleting or modifying nucleotides. Deamination of adenosine (A), the most common form of RNA editing in humans, generates inosine (I) at the corresponding nucleotide position. Since I base pairs with cytidine (C), it functions like guanosine (G) in cellular processes such as splicing, translation and reverse transcription. A to I editing has wide-ranging consequences on RNA function including altering miRNA recognition sites, redirecting splicing and changing the meaning of specific codons. Two different enzymes carry out A to I editing in humans; ADAR1 and ADAR2. ADAR activity is required for nervous system function and altered editing has been linked to neurological disorders such as epilepsy and Prader Willi Syndrome. In addition, mutations in the ADAR1 gene are known to cause the autoimmune disease Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome (AGS) and the skin disorder Dyschromatosis Symmetrica Hereditaria (DSH). Hyper editing has been observed at certain sites in cancer cells, such as in the mRNA for AZIN1 (antizyme inhibitor 1). However, hypo editing also occurs in cancer-derived cell lines exemplified by reduced editing observed in the message for glioma-associated oncogene 1 (Gli1). chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z RNA 0.72157687 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:01Z SO: adenosine 0.75308394 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:41:26Z SO: A chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z RNA 0.99827206 species cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:04:12Z MESH: humans 0.8841903 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:30Z SO: inosine 0.9217293 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:41:31Z SO: I 0.9431153 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:41:38Z SO: I 0.7785633 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:15Z SO: cytidine 0.91272897 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:41:43Z SO: C 0.7327572 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:20Z SO: guanosine 0.825363 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:41:48Z SO: G chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z RNA 0.99877626 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:15:41Z SO: miRNA recognition sites 0.99836284 species cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:04:11Z MESH: humans 0.9990941 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:03:04Z PR: ADAR1 0.9991165 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 0.99190277 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR 0.99904984 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:03:05Z PR: ADAR1 0.9681562 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:03:38Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.99926287 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:03:47Z PR: AZIN1 0.9986138 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:03:54Z PR: antizyme inhibitor 1 0.9641166 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:04:01Z PR: glioma-associated oncogene 1 0.99926215 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:04:06Z PR: Gli1 INTRO paragraph 2486 The ADAR proteins have a modular structure with double stranded RNA binding domains (dsRBDs) and a C-terminal deaminase domain (see Fig. 1a for hADAR2 domains). ADARs efficiently deaminate specific adenosines in duplex RNA while leaving most adenosines unmodified. The mechanism of adenosine deamination requires ADAR to flip the reactive base out of an RNA double helix to access its active site. How an enzyme could accomplish this task with a duplex RNA substrate is not known. Furthermore, how an ADAR deaminase domain contributes to editing site selectivity is also unknown, since no structures of ADAR deaminase domain-RNA complexes have been reported. To address these knowledge gaps, we set out to trap the human ADAR2 deaminase domain (aa299–701, hADAR2d) bound to different duplex RNAs and solve structures for the resulting complexes using x-ray crystallography. We then evaluated the importance of protein-RNA contacts using structure-guided mutagenesis and RNA-modification experiments coupled with adenosine deamination kinetics. protein_type MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:20Z ADAR 0.9992841 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:41Z SO: double stranded RNA binding domains 0.9994134 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:53Z SO: dsRBDs 0.99909276 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:57:47Z SO: deaminase domain 0.91872007 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:46:38Z PR: hADAR2 0.99810696 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:35Z MESH: ADARs 0.77721 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:02:00Z SO: adenosines structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:31:35Z duplex RNA 0.5794063 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:02:01Z SO: adenosines 0.9443331 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:02Z SO: adenosine 0.9877467 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:27:36Z RNA double helix 0.99897516 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:49Z SO: active site structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:31:35Z duplex RNA 0.709389 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR 0.9973562 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:57:47Z SO: deaminase domain site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z editing site 0.99661 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z DUMMY: structures complex_assembly GO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:04:44Z ADAR deaminase domain-RNA 0.9986897 species cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:21Z MESH: human 0.99944955 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 0.9989267 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:57:47Z SO: deaminase domain residue_range DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:02:27Z 299–701 0.7764029 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:12Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.99901843 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:01:17Z DUMMY: bound to structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:32:49Z duplex RNAs 0.987329 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z DUMMY: structures 0.9989038 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:23:03Z MESH: x-ray crystallography chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z RNA 0.9989031 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:23:06Z MESH: structure-guided mutagenesis 0.9958802 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:23:10Z MESH: RNA-modification experiments experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:00:22Z adenosine deamination kinetics RESULTS title_1 3532 Results RESULTS title_2 3540 Trapping the flipped conformation protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:06:31Z flipped RESULTS paragraph 3574 The ADAR reaction involves the formation of a hydrated intermediate that loses ammonia to generate the inosine-containing product RNA (for reaction scheme see Fig. 1b). The covalent hydrate of the nucleoside analog 8-azanebularine (N) mimics the proposed high-energy intermediate (for reaction scheme see Fig. 1b). For trapping hADAR2d bound to RNA for crystallography, we incorporated 8-azanebularine into duplex RNAs shown recently to be excellent substrates for deamination by hADAR2d (for duplex sequence see Fig. 1c) (for characterization of protein–RNA complex see Supplementary Fig. 1). In addition, for one of these duplexes (Bdf2), we positioned the 8-azanebularine opposite either uridine or cytidine to mimic an A-U pair or A-C mismatch at the editing site creating a total of three different RNA substrates for structural studies (Fig. 1c). The hADAR2d protein (without RNA bound) has been previously crystallized and structurally characterized revealing features of the active site including the presence of zinc. In addition, an inositol hexakisphosphate (IHP) molecule was found buried in the core of the protein hydrogen bonded to numerous conserved polar residues. For crystallization of hADAR2d-RNA complexes, we used both the wild type (WT) deaminase domain and a mutant (E488Q) that has enhanced catalytic activity. A description of the crystallization conditions, X-ray diffraction data collection and solution of the structures can be found in Online Methods. 0.94199526 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR 0.96332026 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:31Z SO: inosine 0.99866235 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9991477 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:48Z CHEBI: 8-azanebularine 0.99645823 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:51Z CHEBI: N 0.99907047 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.99884796 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:01:17Z DUMMY: bound to 0.8323808 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.98299843 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:23:14Z MESH: crystallography 0.99916464 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:57Z CHEBI: 8-azanebularine structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:32:49Z duplex RNAs 0.99929583 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.7811063 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.7475698 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:51:54Z CHEBI: Bdf2 0.9990158 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:57Z CHEBI: 8-azanebularine 0.8530418 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: uridine 0.8605422 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:16Z SO: cytidine residue_name SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z A 0.5155651 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: U residue_name SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z A residue_name SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z C 0.99084514 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.9929611 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99910283 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.97947806 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:02:39Z DUMMY: without RNA bound 0.9955842 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:23:23Z MESH: crystallized 0.99900174 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:49Z SO: active site 0.9987931 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:15:30Z CHEBI: zinc 0.9990891 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:07:31Z CHEBI: inositol hexakisphosphate 0.9992798 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:07:36Z CHEBI: IHP 0.99433273 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:07:47Z MESH: hydrogen bonded 0.9975631 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:23:29Z MESH: crystallization 0.991581 complex_assembly cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:49Z GO: hADAR2d-RNA 0.99913406 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:59Z DUMMY: wild type 0.9992747 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:06:04Z DUMMY: WT 0.9838567 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:57:47Z SO: deaminase domain 0.99909234 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:07:53Z DUMMY: mutant 0.9990478 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:08:00Z MESH: E488Q experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:23:59Z X-ray diffraction data collection and solution 0.9910028 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z DUMMY: structures RESULTS paragraph 5058 Four protein-RNA combinations generated diffracting crystals that resulted in high-resolution structures (hADAR2d WT–Bdf2-U, hADAR2d WT–Bdf2-C, hADAR2d E488Q–Bdf2-C, hADAR2d E488Q–Gli1) (Table 1). In each of these complexes, the protein binds the RNA on one face of the duplex over ~ 20 bp using a positively charged surface near the zinc-containing active site (Fig. 2, Supplementary Fig. 2a). The large binding site (1493 Å2 RNA surface area and 1277 Å2 protein surface area buried) observed for hADAR2d is consistent with recent footprinting studies. Both strands of the RNA contact the protein with the majority of these interactions mediated through the phosphodiester-ribose backbone near the editing site (Fig. 2c, Supplementary Fig. 2 b–d). 0.96222466 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9980579 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:59Z DUMMY: crystals 0.9982065 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z DUMMY: structures complex_assembly GO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:10:06Z hADAR2d WT–Bdf2-U complex_assembly GO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:10:29Z hADAR2d WT–Bdf2-C complex_assembly GO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:10:48Z hADAR2d E488Q–Bdf2-C complex_assembly GO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:11:08Z hADAR2d E488Q–Gli1 0.9987073 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9284509 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:59Z SO: zinc-containing active site 0.9984596 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:36:20Z SO: binding site 0.9986247 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.9866793 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:24:05Z MESH: footprinting studies 0.99813 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99800706 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:36Z SO: editing site RESULTS paragraph 5819 The structures show a large deviation from A-form RNA conformation at the editing site (Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Supplementary Video 1). The 8-azanebularine is flipped out of the helix and bound into the active site as its covalent hydrate where it interacts with several amino acids including V351, T375, K376, E396 and R455 (Fig. 3a, Supplementary Fig. 3a). The side chain of E396 H-bonds to purine N1 and O6. This interaction was expected given the proposed role of E396 in mediating proton transfers to and from N1 of the substrate adenosine. The 2’-hydroxyl of 8-azanebularine H-bonds to the backbone carbonyl of T375 while the T375 side chain contacts its 3’-phosphodiester. R455 and K376 help position the flipped nucleotide in the active site by fastening the phosphate backbone flanking the editing site. The R455 side chain ion pairs with the 5’-phosphodiester of 8-azanebularine while the K376 side chain contacts its 3’-phosphodiester. Lastly, the side chain of V351 provides a hydrophobic surface for interaction with the nucleobase of the edited nucleotide. RNA binding does not alter IHP binding or the H-bonding network linking IHP to the active site. 0.99818987 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z DUMMY: structures 0.9982555 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:02:57Z SO: A-form 0.99887973 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99887246 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.99917585 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:57Z CHEBI: 8-azanebularine protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:07:08Z flipped out 0.99900454 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:27:53Z SO: helix 0.9155072 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:03:08Z DUMMY: bound into 0.9986167 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:48Z SO: active site 0.99922204 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:49Z DUMMY: V351 0.99917525 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:54Z DUMMY: T375 0.99903846 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:59Z DUMMY: K376 0.99884415 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:18:04Z DUMMY: E396 0.9987985 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:18:09Z DUMMY: R455 0.998769 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:18:04Z DUMMY: E396 bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z H-bonds 0.9934475 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:48:08Z CHEBI: purine 0.9988231 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:18:04Z DUMMY: E396 0.9879749 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:02Z SO: adenosine 0.99917847 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:57Z CHEBI: 8-azanebularine bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z H-bonds 0.9989279 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:55Z DUMMY: T375 0.99882776 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:55Z DUMMY: T375 0.9987136 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:18:10Z DUMMY: R455 0.99870133 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:18:00Z DUMMY: K376 0.9843885 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:06:30Z DUMMY: flipped 0.99821293 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:48:13Z CHEBI: nucleotide 0.99880415 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:49Z SO: active site 0.9986296 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.99860805 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:18:10Z DUMMY: R455 bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z ion pairs 0.99918294 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:57Z CHEBI: 8-azanebularine 0.9986051 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:18:00Z DUMMY: K376 0.9990908 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:50Z DUMMY: V351 0.99874854 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:36:57Z SO: hydrophobic surface 0.98942393 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:46:23Z DUMMY: edited 0.9981103 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:48:16Z CHEBI: nucleotide 0.995777 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.3729107 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:07:37Z CHEBI: IHP 0.9979783 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:04Z SO: H-bonding network 0.5119935 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:07:37Z CHEBI: IHP 0.9989294 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:49Z SO: active site RESULTS title_2 6986 ADARs use a unique mechanism to modify duplex RNA 0.9981047 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:35Z MESH: ADARs structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:31:35Z duplex RNA RESULTS paragraph 7036 The ADAR2 base-flipping loop, bearing residue 488, approaches the RNA duplex from the minor groove side at the editing site. The side chain of this amino acid penetrates the helix where it occupies the space vacated by the flipped out base and H-bonds to the complementary strand orphaned base and to the 2’ hydroxyl of the nucleotide immediately 5’ to the editing site (Figs. 3b, 3c). In the four structures reported here, three different combinations of helix-penetrating residue and orphan base are observed (i.e. E488 + U, E488 + C and Q488 + C) and all three combinations show the same side chain and base positions (Figs. 3b, 3c, Supplementary Fig. 4a for overlay of all three). For instance, in the complex with hADAR2d E488Q and the Bdf2-C duplex, the protein recognizes an orphaned C by donating H-bonds from Nε2 to cytosine N3 and from its backbone NH to cytosine O2 (Fig. 3b). In the complex with hADAR2d WT and the Bdf2-U duplex, a similar interaction is observed with the E488 backbone NH hydrogen bonded to the uracil O2 and the E488 side chain H-bonded to the uracil N3H (Fig. 3c). Interestingly, the E488Q mutant was discovered in a screen for highly active ADAR2 mutants and this residue was suggested to be involved in base flipping given its effect on editing substrates with a fluorescent nucleobase at the editing site. ADARs react preferentially with adenosines in A•C mismatches and A-U pairs over A•A and A•G mismatches. A purine at the orphan base position (in its anti conformation) would clash with the 488 residue explaining the preference for pyrimidines here. 0.9994417 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 0.99918264 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:27:58Z SO: base-flipping loop 0.99751234 residue_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:32Z DUMMY: 488 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:30:55Z RNA duplex 0.99722815 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:51Z SO: minor groove 0.9979775 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.9921565 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:07:08Z DUMMY: flipped out chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:07:18Z base 0.98789185 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z MESH: H-bonds 0.9989936 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:06:38Z DUMMY: orphaned 0.6947453 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:48:22Z CHEBI: base 0.9976995 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.99824595 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z DUMMY: structures 0.9381093 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:06:47Z DUMMY: orphan 0.60220456 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:48:26Z CHEBI: base 0.999363 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:10Z DUMMY: E488 0.9889213 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:41:56Z SO: U 0.9993616 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:10Z DUMMY: E488 0.99251854 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:42:00Z SO: C 0.99935347 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:42Z DUMMY: Q488 0.9916214 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:42:04Z SO: C 0.9828668 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:24:16Z MESH: overlay 0.9671728 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:05:27Z DUMMY: complex with 0.86541456 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.9989945 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:08:01Z MESH: E488Q chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:52:55Z Bdf2-C duplex 0.9990213 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:06:37Z DUMMY: orphaned 0.9566689 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:42:08Z SO: C 0.9962413 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z MESH: H-bonds 0.86581516 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:42:12Z SO: cytosine 0.78094435 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:42:15Z SO: cytosine 0.9269556 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:05:27Z DUMMY: complex with 0.9941901 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.99929976 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:06:05Z DUMMY: WT chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:52:36Z Bdf2-U duplex 0.99912184 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:09Z DUMMY: E488 0.99585545 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:07:47Z MESH: hydrogen bonded 0.9463829 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:01Z SO: uracil 0.99911207 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:10Z DUMMY: E488 0.9715788 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z MESH: H-bonded 0.8851991 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:01Z SO: uracil 0.9990025 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:08:01Z MESH: E488Q 0.9992132 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:07:54Z DUMMY: mutant 0.99321604 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:46:34Z DUMMY: highly active 0.9993881 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 0.99603134 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:46:52Z DUMMY: mutants 0.99032086 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.98712754 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:35Z MESH: ADARs 0.8732036 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:02:01Z SO: adenosines 0.96431094 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:08:10Z SO: A•C structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:08:29Z A-U pairs 0.98836464 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:08:40Z SO: A•A 0.986636 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:08:49Z SO: A•G 0.7559921 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:48:55Z CHEBI: purine 0.99674976 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:06:48Z DUMMY: orphan chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:09:17Z base 0.99670094 residue_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:31Z DUMMY: 488 0.84466916 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:48:58Z CHEBI: pyrimidines RESULTS paragraph 8637 The interaction of the 488 residue with the orphaned base is reminiscent of an interaction observed for Hha I DNA methyltransfersase (MTase), a duplex DNA modifying enzyme that also uses a base flipping mechanism to access 2’-deoxycytidine (dC) for methylation. For that enzyme, Q237 H-bonds to an orphaned dG while it fills the void left by the flipped out dC (Supplementary Fig. 4b). In addition, two glycine residues flank Q237 allowing the loop to adopt the conformation necessary for penetration into the helix. The flipping loop in ADAR2 (i.e. aa487–489) also has the helix-penetrating residue flanked by glycines. However, unlike the case of the DNA MTase that approaches the DNA from the major groove, the ADAR2 loop approaches the duplex from the minor groove side. Such an approach requires deeper penetration of the intercalating residue to access the H-bonding sites on the orphaned base, necessitating an additional conformational change in the RNA duplex. This change includes shifting of the base pairs immediately 5’ to the editing site toward the helical axis and a widening of the major groove opposite the editing site (Figs. 4a, 4b, Supplementary Video 1). In the case of the hADAR2d WT–Bdf2-U RNA, this shift is accompanied by a shearing of the U11-A13' base pair with U11 shifted further in the direction of the major groove creating an unusual U-A "wobble" interaction with adenine N6 and N1 within H-bonding distance to uracil N3H and O2, respectively (Fig. 4c, Supplementary Fig. 3b). This type of wobble pair has been observed before and requires either the imino tautomer of adenine or the enol tautomer of uracil. The ADAR-induced distortion in RNA conformation results in a kink in the RNA strand opposite the editing site (Fig. 4b). This kink is stabilized by interactions of the side chains of R510 and S495 with phosphodiesters in the RNA backbone of the unedited strand (Fig. 4a). Interestingly, ADAR2’s flipping loop approach from the minor groove side is like that seen with certain DNA repair glycosylases (e.g. UDG, HOGG1, and AAG) that also project intercalating residues from loops bound in the minor groove (Supplementary Fig. 5a). However, these enzymes typically bend the DNA duplex at the site of modification to allow for penetration of intercalating residues and damage recognition. While hADAR2d clearly alters the duplex conformation to gain access to the modification site from the minor groove, it does not bend the RNA duplex (Figs. 2a, 2b, 4b). Furthermore, ADARs do not modify duplex DNA. The DNA B-form helix has groove widths and depths that would prevent productive interactions with ADAR. For instance, ADAR can readily penetrate an A-form helix from the minor groove side and place the helix-penetrating residue in the space occupied by the editing site base (Supplementary Fig. 6). However, this residue cannot penetrate the minor groove enough to occupy the base position in a B-form helix (Supplementary Fig. 6). Furthermore, DNA lacks the 2’ hydroxyls that are used by ADAR for substrate recognition (Fig. 2c). Indeed, in each of the four complexes reported here, the protein contacts at least five ribose 2’ hydroxyl groups (Fig. 2c, Supplementary Fig. 2 b–d). Thus, hADAR2d uses a substrate recognition and base flipping mechanism with similarities to other known nucleic acid-modifying enzymes but uniquely suited for reaction with adenosine in the context of duplex RNA. 0.9974469 residue_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:32Z DUMMY: 488 0.9990959 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:06:38Z DUMMY: orphaned 0.9591489 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:49:01Z CHEBI: base 0.9977617 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:24:59Z MESH: Hha I DNA methyltransfersase 0.9968746 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:25:04Z MESH: MTase structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:49:21Z duplex DNA 0.99842787 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: 2’-deoxycytidine 0.97770005 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: dC 0.9995128 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:18:48Z DUMMY: Q237 bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z H-bonds 0.9990414 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:06:38Z DUMMY: orphaned 0.9147552 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: dG 0.9971653 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:07:08Z DUMMY: flipped out 0.9703764 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: dC 0.99789643 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:42:23Z SO: glycine 0.9994641 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:18:49Z DUMMY: Q237 0.9993062 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:28:07Z SO: loop 0.997288 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:28:15Z SO: helix 0.9986617 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:28:21Z SO: flipping loop 0.9993537 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 residue_range DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:54:28Z 487–489 0.9980204 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:42:28Z SO: glycines 0.9977419 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:25:17Z MESH: DNA MTase 0.9906059 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:23:31Z CHEBI: DNA site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:40:26Z major groove 0.99939466 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 0.9992674 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:28:38Z SO: loop 0.68094194 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:49:35Z SO: duplex 0.59689695 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:52Z SO: minor groove site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:39:21Z intercalating residue 0.9982203 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:39:33Z SO: H-bonding sites 0.99910116 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:06:38Z DUMMY: orphaned 0.84678537 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:49:44Z CHEBI: base structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:30:55Z RNA duplex 0.9960686 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:40:26Z major groove 0.99697006 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site complex_assembly GO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:10:07Z hADAR2d WT–Bdf2-U 0.97821975 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9989342 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:06Z DUMMY: U11 0.9988201 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:15Z DUMMY: A13 0.99946505 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:07Z DUMMY: U11 site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:40:26Z major groove structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:13:06Z U-A "wobble" 0.5591882 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: adenine 0.7370374 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:21:38Z MESH: H-bonding 0.8015464 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:01Z SO: uracil 0.6237521 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: adenine 0.6437778 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:00Z SO: uracil 0.9985373 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR 0.99536455 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.94565856 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:28:44Z SO: kink 0.9887573 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99767315 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.9601849 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:28:49Z SO: kink 0.9994771 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:21Z DUMMY: R510 0.99949586 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:26Z DUMMY: S495 0.9960375 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99935323 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 0.99848336 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:28:52Z SO: flipping loop site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:52Z minor groove 0.9986412 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:22:34Z MESH: DNA repair glycosylases 0.99917066 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:22:40Z PR: UDG 0.9991449 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:22:44Z PR: HOGG1 0.9991235 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:22:49Z PR: AAG 0.99796695 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:28:59Z SO: loops protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:11:42Z bound in 0.7273954 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:52Z SO: minor groove chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:21:20Z DNA duplex mutant MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z hADAR2d site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:52Z minor groove structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:30:55Z RNA duplex protein_type MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:35Z ADARs structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:49:22Z duplex DNA chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:23:31Z DNA structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:26:46Z B-form helix protein_type MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z ADAR protein_type MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z ADAR structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:27:09Z A-form helix site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:52Z minor groove site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z editing site site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:52Z minor groove structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:26:47Z B-form helix chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:23:30Z DNA protein_type MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z ADAR mutant MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z hADAR2d protein_type MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:25:50Z nucleic acid-modifying enzymes residue_name SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:02Z adenosine structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:31:35Z duplex RNA RESULTS title_2 12089 Structures explain nearest neighbor preferences 0.99768806 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z DUMMY: Structures RESULTS paragraph 12137 ADARs have a preference for editing adenosines with 5’ nearest neighbor U (or A) and 3’ nearest neighbor G. The ADAR2 flipping loop occupies the minor groove spanning the three base pairs that include the nearest neighbor nucleotides flanking the edited base (Figs. 3b, 3c). As described above, the base pair including the 5’ nearest neighbor U (U11-A13’ in the Bdf2 duplex) is shifted from the position it would occupy in a typical A-form helix to accommodate the loop (Fig. 4a). Also, the minor groove edge of this pair is juxtaposed to the protein backbone at G489. Modeling a G-C or C-G pair at this position (i.e. 5’ G or 5’ C) suggests a 2-amino group in the minor groove would clash with the protein at G489 (Fig. 5a, Supplementary Fig. 7c). Indeed, replacing the U-A pair adjacent to the editing site with a C-G pair in the Gli1 duplex substrate resulted in an 80% reduction in the rate of hADAR2d-catalyzed deamination (Figs. 5b, 5c). To determine whether this effect arises from an increase in local duplex stability from the C-G for U-A substitution or from the presence of the 2-amino group, we replaced the U-A pair with a U-2-aminopurine (2AP) pair. 2AP is an adenosine analog that forms a base pair with uridine of similar stability to a U-A pair, but places an amino group in the minor groove (Fig. 5b). Importantly, this substitution also resulted in an 80% reduction in rate, illustrating the detrimental effect of the amino group in the minor groove at this location. These observations suggest that hADAR2’s 5’ nearest neighbor preference for U (or A) is due to a destabilizing clash with the protein backbone at G489 that results from the presence of an amino group in the minor groove at this location for sequences with 5’ nearest neighbor G or C. However, the observed clash is not severe and the enzyme would be able to accommodate G or C 5’ nearest neighbors by slight structural perturbations, explaining why this sequence preference is not an absolute requirement. 0.99847287 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:35Z MESH: ADARs 0.61509526 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:02:01Z SO: adenosines 0.9750131 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:42:34Z SO: U 0.97945625 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:42:38Z SO: A 0.99179685 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:42:41Z SO: G 0.9993987 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 0.99877775 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:29:06Z SO: flipping loop 0.9863656 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:52Z SO: minor groove 0.96959674 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:42:45Z SO: U 0.9284168 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:07Z DUMMY: U11 0.6566469 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:15Z DUMMY: A13 0.9246292 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:51:55Z CHEBI: Bdf2 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:27:08Z A-form helix 0.9993144 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:29:11Z SO: loop 0.97895014 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:52Z SO: minor groove 0.9993475 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:21:15Z DUMMY: G489 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:28:27Z G-C or C-G pair 0.7440572 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:42:49Z SO: G 0.88882107 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:42:53Z SO: C site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:52Z minor groove 0.9992286 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:21:16Z DUMMY: G489 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:29:06Z U-A pair 0.9971872 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:28:45Z C-G pair 0.8445411 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:04:07Z PR: Gli1 0.9993086 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:29:05Z U-A pair structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:29:45Z U-2-aminopurine (2AP) pair 0.99904865 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:29:58Z SO: 2AP 0.9955627 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:02Z SO: adenosine 0.8317101 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:42:57Z SO: uridine structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:29:06Z U-A pair 0.6579745 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:52Z SO: minor groove site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:52Z minor groove 0.9993399 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:46:38Z PR: hADAR2 0.9527736 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:43:02Z SO: U 0.97002554 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:43:05Z SO: A 0.99912757 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:21:16Z DUMMY: G489 0.6631111 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:52Z SO: minor groove 0.9823569 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:43:09Z SO: G 0.98902214 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:43:14Z SO: C 0.985767 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:43:19Z SO: G 0.98667836 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:43:22Z SO: C RESULTS paragraph 14150 In each of the hADAR2d-RNA structures reported here, the backbone carbonyl oxygen at S486 accepts an H-bond from the 2-amino group of the G on the 3’ side of the edited nucleotide (Fig. 5d). Guanine is the only common nucleobase that presents an H-bond donor in the RNA minor groove suggesting that other nucleotides in this position would reduce editing efficiency. Indeed, mutating this base to A, C or U, while maintaining base pairing at this position, reduced the rate of deamination by hADAR2d in Gli1 mRNA model substrates (Supplementary Fig. 7 a–b). To test the importance of the amino group on the 3’ G in the hADAR2d reaction, we prepared RNA duplex substrates with purine analogs on the 3’ side of the edited A (Fig. 5e). We tested a G analog that lacks the 2-amino group (inosine, I) and one that blocks access to this amino group (N2-methylguanosine (N2MeG). In addition, we compared a 3’ A to a 3’ 2AP since 2AP could form the H-bonding interaction observed with S486. We found the substrate with a 3’ N2MeG to be unreactive to hADAR2d-catalyzed deamination confirming the importance of the observed close approach by the protein to the 3’ G 2-amino group (Fig. 5f). In addition, the substrate with a 3’ I displayed a reduced deamination rate compared to the substrate with a 3’ G suggesting the observed H-bond to the 2-amino group contributes to the 3’ nearest neighbor selectivity (Fig. 5f). This conclusion is further supported by the observation that deamination in the substrate with a 3’ 2AP is faster than in the substrate with a 3’ A (Fig. 5f). 0.99904656 complex_assembly cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:50Z GO: hADAR2d-RNA 0.9972102 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z DUMMY: structures 0.9994696 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:36:39Z DUMMY: S486 0.9939011 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z MESH: H-bond 0.9806425 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:43:27Z SO: G 0.7793279 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:43:30Z SO: Guanine 0.8778884 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z MESH: H-bond site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:30:41Z RNA minor groove 0.9876578 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:24:43Z MESH: mutating 0.9561622 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:43:41Z SO: A 0.9668023 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:43:45Z SO: C 0.9219839 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:43:49Z SO: U 0.9993303 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.35575464 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:04:07Z PR: Gli1 0.99058235 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:03:39Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.95881605 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:43:53Z SO: G 0.9977976 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:30:55Z RNA duplex protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:44:11Z edited 0.9810914 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:44:00Z SO: A 0.98723465 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: G 0.9829754 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:31Z SO: inosine 0.92541546 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: I 0.5322165 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: A 0.9744812 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:29:59Z SO: 2AP 0.9918903 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:29:59Z SO: 2AP 0.989429 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:21:43Z MESH: H-bonding interaction 0.9993993 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:36:40Z DUMMY: S486 0.99861157 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.69805527 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: G 0.7320845 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:44:28Z SO: I evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:53:26Z reduced deamination rate 0.74582076 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:44:38Z SO: G 0.9892564 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z MESH: H-bond 0.9920855 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:29:59Z SO: 2AP 0.5132235 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: A RESULTS title_2 15744 RNA-binding loops of the ADAR catalytic domain 0.91373694 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:37:23Z SO: RNA-binding loops 0.97370166 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR 0.99916327 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:04Z SO: catalytic domain RESULTS paragraph 15791 The structures reported here identify RNA-binding loops of the ADAR catalytic domain and suggest roles for several amino acids not previously known to be important for editing, either substrate binding or catalysis (Fig. 6). The side chain for R510 ion-pairs with the 3’ phosphodiester of the orphaned nucleotide (Figs. 3a, 3c). This residue is conserved in ADAR2s and ADAR1s, but is glutamine in the editing-inactive ADAR3s (Supplementary Table 1). Mutation of hADAR2d at this site to either glutamine (R510Q) or to alanine (R510A) reduced the measured deamination rate constant by approximately an order of magnitude (Fig. 6c). In addition, the contact point near the 5’ end of the unedited strand involves G593, K594 and R348, residues completely conserved in the family of ADAR2s (Fig. 2c, Supplementary Table 1). Mutation of any of these residues to alanine (G593A, K594A, R348A) substantially reduces editing activity (Fig. 6c). In addition, mutation of G593 to glutamic acid (G593E) resulted in a nearly two orders of magnitude reduction in rate, consistent with proximity of this residue to the negatively charged phosphodiester backbone of the RNA (Fig. 6c). 0.99837226 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z DUMMY: structures structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:37:23Z RNA-binding loops 0.9976526 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR 0.9970461 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:04Z SO: catalytic domain 0.9994267 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:22Z DUMMY: R510 bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z ion-pairs 0.99920183 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:06:38Z DUMMY: orphaned 0.99883956 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:49:50Z CHEBI: nucleotide 0.99890375 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:14:34Z DUMMY: conserved 0.9977901 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:39:28Z MESH: ADAR2s 0.99760556 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:00:29Z MESH: ADAR1s 0.99579865 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:39:08Z SO: glutamine 0.9983585 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:14:40Z DUMMY: editing-inactive 0.9725391 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:22:15Z MESH: ADAR3s 0.99792516 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:24:49Z MESH: Mutation 0.9440897 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.9937645 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:39:09Z SO: glutamine 0.99827445 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:22:23Z MESH: R510Q 0.99398625 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:39:14Z SO: alanine 0.99841607 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:22:27Z MESH: R510A 0.9965238 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:53:31Z DUMMY: deamination rate constant 0.99949515 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:38:30Z DUMMY: G593 0.9994505 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:38:36Z DUMMY: K594 0.99943036 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:38:41Z DUMMY: R348 0.9988131 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:14:31Z DUMMY: completely conserved 0.9438753 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:39:28Z MESH: ADAR2s 0.99778724 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:24:58Z MESH: Mutation 0.99302965 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:39:14Z SO: alanine 0.99885595 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:38:47Z MESH: G593A 0.9989629 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:38:53Z MESH: K594A 0.9989385 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:38:58Z MESH: R348A 0.9981035 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:25:00Z MESH: mutation 0.9993979 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:38:32Z DUMMY: G593 residue_name SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z glutamic acid 0.99825233 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:39:03Z MESH: G593E 0.9984108 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA RESULTS paragraph 16963 RNA binding leads to an ordering of the 454–477 loop, which was disordered in the RNA-free hADAR2d structure (Fig. 1d, green) (Supplementary Video 2). This loop binds the RNA duplex contacting the minor groove near the editing site and inserting into the adjacent major groove (Fig. 6e). This loop sequence is conserved in ADAR2s but different in the family of ADAR1s (Fig. 6d). The substantial difference in sequence between the ADARs in this RNA-binding loop suggests differences in editing site selectivity between the two ADARs arise, at least in part, from differences in how this loop binds RNA substrates. 0.6001128 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA residue_range DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:40:19Z 454–477 0.9937284 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:29:18Z SO: loop 0.9932376 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:14:50Z DUMMY: disordered 0.9989104 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:39:49Z DUMMY: RNA-free 0.99718505 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.9979814 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:53:34Z DUMMY: structure 0.998911 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:29:23Z SO: loop structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:30:55Z RNA duplex 0.99427783 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:52Z SO: minor groove 0.99578905 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.99090636 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:40:25Z SO: major groove 0.9991843 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:29:26Z SO: loop 0.99838054 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:14:53Z DUMMY: conserved 0.6705302 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:39:29Z MESH: ADAR2s 0.6655557 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:00:56Z MESH: ADAR1s 0.999097 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:35Z MESH: ADARs 0.99858767 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:57:38Z SO: RNA-binding loop site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z editing site 0.9991285 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:35Z MESH: ADARs 0.99679714 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:29:31Z SO: loop 0.98521477 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA DISCUSS title_1 17578 Discussion DISCUSS paragraph 17589 Base flipping is a well-characterized mechanism by which nucleic acid modifying enzymes gain access to sites of reaction that are otherwise buried in base-paired structures. DNA methylases, DNA repair glycosylases and RNA loop modifying enzymes are known that flip a nucleotide out of a base pair. However, none of the structurally characterized base-flipping enzymes access their reactive sites from within a normal base-paired RNA duplex. We are aware of one other protein-induced nucleotide flipping from an RNA duplex region. Bacterial initiation factor 1 (IF1) binds to the 30S ribosomal subunit at helix 44 of 16S RNA with A1492 and A1493 flipped out of the helix and bound into protein pockets (Supplementary Fig. 5b). However, these nucleotides are located in a highly distorted and dynamic duplex region containing several mismatches and are predisposed to undergo this conformational change. Thus, this system is not illustrative of base flipping from a normal duplex and does not involve an enzyme that must carryout a chemical reaction on the flipped out nucleotide. Other RNA modification enzymes are known that flip nucleotides out of loops, even from base pairs in loop regions (pseudoU synthetase, tRNA transglycosylase, and restrictocin bound to sarcin/ricin loop of 28S rRNA) (Supplementary Fig. 5b). Because the modification sites are not flanked on both sides by normal duplex, these enzymes do not experience the same limits in approach to the substrate that ADARs do. The fact that ADARs must induce flipping from a normal duplex has implications on its preference for adenosines flanked by certain base pairs, a phenomenon that was not well understood prior to this work. protein_type MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:41:18Z nucleic acid modifying enzymes evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z structures 0.997954 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:40:47Z MESH: DNA methylases 0.9979725 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:22:35Z MESH: DNA repair glycosylases 0.9971772 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:40:53Z MESH: RNA loop modifying enzymes 0.9964095 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:50:00Z CHEBI: nucleotide protein_type MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:41:38Z base-flipping enzymes 0.919165 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:39:46Z SO: reactive sites 0.94549394 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:40:25Z DUMMY: normal base-paired structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:30:55Z RNA duplex structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:30:55Z RNA duplex 0.99814737 taxonomy_domain cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:41:59Z DUMMY: Bacterial 0.99891967 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:42:05Z PR: initiation factor 1 0.9992797 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:42:10Z PR: IF1 0.9169075 complex_assembly cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:22:34Z GO: 30S ribosomal subunit 0.9989307 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:45:14Z SO: helix 44 0.9986292 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:41:48Z CHEBI: 16S RNA 0.99948263 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:21:21Z DUMMY: A1492 0.99949086 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:21:24Z DUMMY: A1493 protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:07:08Z flipped out 0.98667866 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:03:09Z DUMMY: bound into 0.9971239 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:39:57Z SO: protein pockets 0.9980407 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:46:58Z DUMMY: highly distorted 0.96871644 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:05Z DUMMY: dynamic 0.7489393 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:29:49Z SO: duplex region protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:40:16Z normal protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:07:08Z flipped out 0.9982912 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:50:08Z CHEBI: nucleotide 0.99167943 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:42:22Z MESH: RNA modification enzymes 0.998663 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:42:37Z MESH: pseudoU synthetase 0.9987348 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:42:42Z MESH: tRNA transglycosylase 0.98716146 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:43:47Z PR: restrictocin 0.99900997 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:01:17Z DUMMY: bound to 0.9991325 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:43:38Z SO: sarcin/ricin loop 0.99810815 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:42:28Z CHEBI: 28S rRNA 0.9044156 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:40:01Z SO: modification sites 0.9764273 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:40:15Z DUMMY: normal structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:40:35Z duplex 0.985137 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:35Z MESH: ADARs 0.9747775 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:35Z MESH: ADARs protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:40:16Z normal structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:40:45Z duplex 0.9428024 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:02:01Z SO: adenosines DISCUSS paragraph 19284 In our structures, the flipped out 8-azanebularine is hydrated, mimicking the tetrahedral intermediate predicted for deamination of adenosine (Figs. 1b, 3a, Supplementary Fig. 3 a–b). Our use of 8-azanebularine, with its high propensity to form a covalent hydrate, allowed us to capture a true mimic of the tetrahedral intermediate and reveal the interactions between the deaminase active site and the reactive nucleotide. In addition, 8-azanebularine was found to adopt a 2’-endo sugar pucker with its 2’-hydroxyl H-bonded to the protein backbone carbonyl at T375. The 2’ endo conformation appears to facilitate access of the nucleobase to the zinc-bound water for nucleophilic attack at C6. 0.99846375 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z DUMMY: structures 0.7341455 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:07:08Z DUMMY: flipped out 0.9991346 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:57Z CHEBI: 8-azanebularine 0.99516124 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:02Z SO: adenosine 0.99915075 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:57Z CHEBI: 8-azanebularine 0.99889934 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:26Z MESH: deaminase 0.9989484 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:49Z SO: active site 0.99914354 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:57Z CHEBI: 8-azanebularine bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z H-bonded 0.99943453 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:55Z DUMMY: T375 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:15:31Z zinc 0.99898225 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:50:47Z CHEBI: water DISCUSS paragraph 19985 Several other base-flipping enzymes stabilize the altered nucleic acid conformation by intercalation of an amino acid side chain into the space vacated by the flipped out base. For hADAR2, E488 serves this role. In the two structures with wild type hADAR2, the E488 residue and orphan base are in nearly identical positions (see Supplementary Fig. 4a for overlay). Thus, the E488 side chain directly contacts each orphan base, likely by accepting an H-bond from uracil N3H or by donating an H-bond to cytidine N3. The latter interaction requires E488 to be protonated. The pKa of E488 in the ADAR-RNA complex has not been measured, but proximity to H-bond acceptors, such as cytidine N3, and insertion between stacked nucleobases, would undoubtedly elevate this value and could lead to a substantial fraction in the protonated state at physiologically relevant pH. Since the glutamine side chain is fully protonated under physiologically relevant conditions, a rate enhancement for the E488Q mutant would be expected if the reaction requires E488 protonation. 0.9445512 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:41:38Z MESH: base-flipping enzymes 0.9972215 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:07:08Z DUMMY: flipped out chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:16:10Z base 0.99940264 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:46:38Z PR: hADAR2 0.99926263 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:10Z DUMMY: E488 0.99782324 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z DUMMY: structures 0.9990086 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:59Z DUMMY: wild type 0.9993981 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:46:38Z PR: hADAR2 0.99897194 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:10Z DUMMY: E488 protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:06:48Z orphan chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:16:18Z base 0.6052293 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:25:11Z MESH: overlay 0.9988833 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:10Z DUMMY: E488 protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:06:48Z orphan chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:16:26Z base bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z H-bond 0.59853625 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:01Z SO: uracil bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z H-bond 0.51537895 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:16Z SO: cytidine 0.9992355 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:10Z DUMMY: E488 0.99447674 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:16:32Z DUMMY: protonated evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:45:48Z pKa 0.9993344 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:10Z DUMMY: E488 0.9990718 complex_assembly cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:45:29Z GO: ADAR-RNA bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z H-bond 0.7995467 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:16Z SO: cytidine 0.99874926 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:16:35Z DUMMY: protonated 0.99577385 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:39:09Z SO: glutamine 0.99860775 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:16:36Z DUMMY: fully protonated 0.99905044 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:08:01Z MESH: E488Q 0.99912184 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:07:54Z DUMMY: mutant 0.99913186 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:10Z DUMMY: E488 DISCUSS paragraph 21045 The interactions of hADAR2d with base pairs adjacent to the editing site adenosine explain the known 5’ and 3’ nearest neighbor preferences (Fig. 5). While these studies indicate the ADAR2 catalytic domain makes an important contact to the 3’ nearest neighbor G, Stefl et al. suggested the 3’ G preference arises from dsRBD binding selectivity for ADAR2. These authors reported a model for ADAR2’s dsRBDs bound to an editing substrate based on NMR data from the isolated dsRBDs (lacking the deaminase domain) and short RNA fragments derived from the GluR-B R/G site RNA. They describe an interaction wherein the 3’ G 2-amino group H-bonds to the backbone carbonyl of S258 found in the β1-β2 loop of ADAR2’s dsRBDII. It is not possible for the S486-3’G interaction we describe here and the S258-3’G interaction reported by Stefl et al. to exist in the same complex since both involve protein loops bound in the RNA minor groove at the same location. Because our structures have captured the edited nucleotide in the conformation required to access the active site, the interactions observed here are highly likely to occur during the deamination reaction at the editing site. However, since dsRBDs are known to bind promiscuously with duplex RNA, it is possible that the S258-3’G interaction found in a complex lacking the deaminase domain is not relevant to catalysis at the editing site. It is also possible that ADAR dsRBD and catalytic domain binding are sequential, with release of the dsRBD from the RNA taking place prior to catalytic domain engagement and base flipping. 0.9993193 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.9967619 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.76166403 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:02Z SO: adenosine 0.9994361 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 0.9991903 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:04Z SO: catalytic domain 0.98009014 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:44:47Z SO: G 0.51092875 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:44:51Z SO: G 0.9994537 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:47:55Z SO: dsRBD 0.99942076 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 0.9994153 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 0.9995172 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:54Z SO: dsRBDs 0.99904764 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:01:17Z DUMMY: bound to 0.9986879 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:25:23Z MESH: NMR 0.96731144 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:11Z DUMMY: isolated 0.9992256 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:54Z SO: dsRBDs 0.9985185 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:16:51Z DUMMY: lacking 0.9970796 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:57:47Z SO: deaminase domain 0.9971438 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9595557 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:00:38Z PR: GluR-B 0.98169994 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:41:00Z SO: R/G site 0.9967219 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.906457 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:44:54Z SO: G bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z H-bonds 0.9995441 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:21:31Z DUMMY: S258 0.9991859 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:34:22Z SO: β1-β2 loop 0.9994288 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 0.99953234 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:48:02Z SO: dsRBDII 0.99939764 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:36:40Z DUMMY: S486 residue_name SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z G 0.9991021 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:21:31Z DUMMY: S258 residue_name SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z G 0.9948474 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:11:43Z DUMMY: bound in 0.9951953 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.991618 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:52Z SO: minor groove 0.9984658 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z DUMMY: structures 0.99736243 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:24Z DUMMY: edited 0.99850154 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:50:53Z CHEBI: nucleotide 0.99837446 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:49Z SO: active site 0.9976063 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.9995388 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:54Z SO: dsRBDs structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:31:35Z duplex RNA 0.9989403 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:21:31Z DUMMY: S258 residue_name SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z G 0.97664535 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:16:56Z DUMMY: lacking the 0.99540865 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:57:47Z SO: deaminase domain 0.9973092 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.99937254 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR 0.9995197 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:47:55Z SO: dsRBD 0.99380386 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:04Z SO: catalytic domain 0.9995154 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:47:54Z SO: dsRBD 0.99624735 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9874256 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:04Z SO: catalytic domain DISCUSS paragraph 22645 Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome (AGS) and Dyschromatosis Symmetrica Hereditaria (DSH) are human diseases caused by mutations in the human ADAR1 gene and several of the disease-associated mutations are found in the deaminase domain. Given the conservation in RNA binding surface and active site residues, we expect the hADAR1 catalytic domain to bind RNA with a similar orientation of the helix found in our hADAR2d-RNA structures. When one maps the locations of the AGS-associated mutations onto the hADAR2d-RNA complex, two mutations involve residues in close proximity to the RNA (< 4 Å) (Supplementary Fig. 8a). G487 of hADAR2 is found on the flipping loop near the RNA (Fig. 3b). Sequence in this loop is highly conserved among ADARs and corresponds to G1007 in hADAR1 (Supplementary Table 2). An arginine at this position would preclude close approach of the flipping loop to the RNA, preventing E1008 insertion and base flipping into the active site (Supplementary Fig. 8b). This is consistent with the observation that the G1007R mutation in hADAR1 inhibits RNA editing activity. Also, K376 forms salt bridges with both the 5’ and 3’ phosphodiesters of the guanosine on the 3’ side of the editing site (Fig. 2). The corresponding residue in hADAR1 (R892) could form similar contacts and the R892H mutation would likely alter this interaction. 0.9938544 species cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:21Z MESH: human 0.9985089 species cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:21Z MESH: human 0.999252 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:03:05Z PR: ADAR1 0.99922824 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:57:47Z SO: deaminase domain 0.9987702 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:41:07Z SO: RNA binding surface site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:49Z active site 0.9994324 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:20Z PR: hADAR1 0.9993752 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:03Z SO: catalytic domain 0.9968593 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99922734 complex_assembly cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:50Z GO: hADAR2d-RNA 0.9981173 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z DUMMY: structures 0.9991992 complex_assembly cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:50Z GO: hADAR2d-RNA 0.9861281 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9995925 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:40Z DUMMY: G487 0.9994024 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:46:38Z PR: hADAR2 0.9993557 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:35:12Z SO: flipping loop 0.9945998 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99882966 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:35:16Z SO: loop 0.99887 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:17:13Z DUMMY: highly conserved 0.998966 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:35Z MESH: ADARs 0.9995789 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:48Z DUMMY: G1007 0.99942446 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:20Z PR: hADAR1 0.99708956 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:03Z SO: arginine 0.9993628 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:35:20Z SO: flipping loop 0.9951999 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9995913 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:54Z DUMMY: E1008 0.99899435 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:49Z SO: active site 0.99878937 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:59Z MESH: G1007R 0.9994253 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:20Z PR: hADAR1 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:53Z RNA 0.99956375 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:18:00Z DUMMY: K376 0.9936708 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:21:50Z MESH: salt bridges 0.96985614 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:21Z SO: guanosine 0.998822 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.9994412 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:20Z PR: hADAR1 0.9995346 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:50:09Z DUMMY: R892 0.99895656 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:50:15Z MESH: R892H DISCUSS paragraph 23997 In summary, the structures described here establish human ADAR2 as a base-flipping enzyme that uses a unique mechanism well suited for modifying duplex RNA. In addition, this work provides a basis for understanding the role of the ADAR catalytic domain in determining editing site selectivity and additional structural context to evaluate the impact of ADAR mutations associated with human disease. 0.99809986 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:52:35Z DUMMY: structures 0.9985241 species cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:21Z MESH: human 0.99930704 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:31:34Z duplex RNA 0.9993051 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR 0.99936724 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:04Z SO: catalytic domain site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z editing site 0.9992137 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR 0.99801874 species cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:21Z MESH: human METHODS title_1 24396 Online Methods METHODS paragraph 24411 Unless otherwise stated, reagents were purchased from Fisher Scientific, Sigma-Aldrich, or Life Technologies. T4 polynucleotide kinase, T4 DNA ligase, molecular biology grade bovine serum albumin (BSA), and RNase inhibitor were purchased from New England Biolabs. γ-[32P] ATP was purchased from Perkin-Elmer Life Sciences. The Avian Myeloblastosis Virus (AMV) reverse transcriptase, deoxynucleotide triphosphate (dNTP) mix and RQ1 RNase free DNase were purchased from Promega. Pfu Ultra II was purchased from Stratagene. Dpn 1 was purchased from Invitrogen. Quickchange XL II mutagenesis kit was purchased from Agilent Technologies. RNA oligonucleotides were synthesized at the University of Utah DNA/Peptide Core Facility or purchased from GE Healthcare Dharmacon, Inc. or Sigma Aldrich. DNA oligonucleotides were purchased from Integrated DNA Technologies. Storage phosphor imaging plates from Molecular Dynamics were imaged using Molecular Dynamics 9400 Typhoon phosphorimager. Data were analyzed using Molecular Dynamics ImageQuant 5.2 software. Electrospray Ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry of oligonucleotide samples was carried out at the Campus Mass Spectrometry Facilities, UC Davis. Oligonucleotide masses were determined using Mongo Oligo Mass Calculator v2.06. METHODS title_2 25690 Expression and purification of hADAR2 deaminase domain (hADAR2d) for crystallography METHODS paragraph 25775 Protein expression and purification were carried out by modifying a previously reported protocol. In brief, BCY123 cells were transformed with a pSc-ADAR construct encoding either hADAR2d-WT or hADAR2d-E488Q (corresponding to the deaminase domain; residues 299–701). Cells were streaked on yeast minimal media minus uracil (CM-ura) plates. A single colony was used to inoculate a 15 mL CM-ura starter culture. After shaking at 300 rpm and 30 °C overnight, 10 mL of starter culture was used to inoculate each liter of yeast growth media. After 24 h, cells were induced with the addition of 110 mL of sterile 30% galactose per liter, and protein was expressed for 5 h. Cells were collected by centrifugation and stored at −80 °C. Cells were lysed in Buffer A (20 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 5% glycerol, 35 mM imidazole, 1mM BME, 0.01% Triton × 100) with 750 mM NaCl using a microfluidizer and cell lysate clarified by centrifugation (39,000 × g for 25 min). Lysate was passed over a 5 mL Ni-NTA column; washed in three steps with 20–50mL of Lysis Buffer, Wash I buffer (Buffer A + 300 mM NaCl), and Wash II buffer (Buffer A + 100 mM NaCl); and protein eluted by a 35–300 mM imidazole gradient in Wash II over 80 min at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. Fractions containing the target protein were pooled and further purified on a 2 mL GE Healthcare Lifesciences Hi-Trap Heparin HP column in the absence of BME. The 10xHis fusion protein was cleaved with an optimized ratio of 1 mg of TEV protease for each 1 mg of protein. Cleavage was carried out for 1–2 h before passing the product over another Ni-NTA column at 0.5 mL/min. The flow-through and wash were collected; dialyzed against 20 mM Tris pH 8.0, 200 mM NaCl, 5% glycerol, and 1 mM BME; and concentrated to just under 1 mL for gel filtration on a GE Healthcare HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 200 PG column. Fractions containing purified protein were pooled and concentrated to 5–7 mg/mL for crystallography trials. METHODS title_2 27739 Purification of RNAs for crystallography METHODS paragraph 27780 The 8-azanebularine (N) phosphoramidite was synthesized as previously described and RNAs were synthesized as previously described. Single-stranded RNAs (See Supplementary Table 2 for sequences) were purified by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and visualized using UV shadowing. Bands were excised from the gel, crushed and soaked overnight at 4 °C in 0.5 M NH4OAc, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 0.1 mM EDTA. Polyacrylamide fragments were removed using a 0.2 µm filter followed by desalting on C18 Sep-Pak column. The RNA solutions were lyophilized to dryness, re-suspended in nuclease-free water, quantified by absorbance at 260 nm and stored at −70 °C. Oligonucleotide mass was confirmed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Unmodified RNA stands were purchased from Dharmacon-GE Life Sciences and purified as described above. Duplex RNA was hybridized in a 1:1 ratio by heating to 95 °C for 5 min and slowly cooling to 30 °C. METHODS title_2 28746 hADAR2d-RNA complex crystallization METHODS paragraph 28782 Crystals of hADAR2d E488Q+Bdf2-C RNA complex were grown at room temperature by the sitting drop vapor diffusion method. A solution of 0.5 µL volume containing 4.5 mg/mL protein and 70 µM of Bdf2-C 23mer RNA (1:0.7 ADAR2:RNA molar ratio) were mixed with 0.5 µL of 0.1 M MES:NaOH pH 6.5, 9% (w/v) PEG 3350, 13% glycerol, and 0.015M NAD, which was added to improve crystal growth. Crystals took several weeks to grow. A single, cube-shaped crystal about 120 µm in size was soaked briefly in a solution of mother liquor plus 30% glycerol before flash-cooling in liquid nitrogen. Data were collected via fine-phi slicing using 0.2° oscillations on beamline 24-ID-C at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratories in Chicago. To obtain crystals of the hADAR2d+WT:Bdf2-C RNA, an identical procedure was used as above; however, the crystallization conditions had slightly different concentrations of reagents (10% PEG 3350, 15% glycerol, 0.1 M MES:NaOH pH 6.5, no NAD). For the hADAR2d+WT:Bdf2-U construct, hanging drop vapor diffusion using 200 nL of a mixture containing 4.5 mg/mL protein and 70 µM of Bdf2-U (1:0.7 molar ratio) and 200 nL of a mother liquor (0.1 M ammonium acetate, 0.1M Bis-tris pH 5.5, 17% PEG 10,000) yielded several crystals with a morphology similar to the one described above. All wild type crystals were soaked briefly in a solution of mother liquor plus 30% glycerol before flash-cooling in liquid nitrogen. Data were collected via fine-phi slicing using 0.2° oscillations on beamline 12-2 at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource. Crystals of the hADAR2d E488Q+Gli1 RNA complex were grown using hanging drop vapor diffusion. A solution of volume 200 nL containing 4.5 mg/mL protein and 100 µM of Gli1 23mer RNA (1:1 ADAR2:RNA molar ratio) were mixed with 200 nL of 0.1 M MES:NaOH pH 6.5 and 12% PEG 20,000. At room temperature, a single diamond-shaped crystal about 150 µm long and 50 µm wide was observed about a week later. This crystal was soaked briefly in a solution of mother liquor plus 30% glycerol before flash-cooling in liquid nitrogen. Data were collected on beamline 12-2 at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource using the fine-phi splicing described above. METHODS title_2 31039 Processing and refinement of crystallographic data METHODS paragraph 31090 Data for the E488Q Bdf2-C-bound and Gli1-bound structures were processed using XDS and scaled with Aimless (CCP4 1994). Diffraction data for hADAR2d wild type structures were processed with XDS and scaled with SCALA (Kabsch, 2010). The RNA-free hADAR2d crystal structure (PDB ID: 1ZY7) was used as a model for molecular replacement using PHENIX. The structures were refined using PHENIX including TLS parameters and Zn coordination restraints. Ideal Zn-ligand distances were determined using average distances found for similar coordination models in the PDB database. Table 1 gives the statistics in data processing and model refinement. The asymmetric unit for Gli1-bound hADAR2d E488Q includes two complexes of protein:RNA. In each of these complexes, the first 17 residues of the deaminase domain (residues 299–316) as well as a C-terminal proline (Pro701) are disordered and were therefore not included in the model. However, although the RNA-free ADAR2 structure (PDB ID: 1ZY7) lacked electron density for residues 457–475, we observed density for the backbone atoms of these residues. These residues were initially modeled as polyalanine. After a several rounds of refinement, electron density revealed the location of some side chains. Residues whose basic side chains interact with the RNA backbone are clearly defined in the final density map. Although some non-RNA-binding side chains show only weak density, backbone density is strong. As observed in the original hADAR2d RNA-free structure, inositol hexakisphosphate (IHP) was buried in the enzyme core. The asymmetric units for Bdf2-bound ADARs contain one ADAR2d:RNA complex (protein chain A) and one RNA-free ADAR2d monomer (chain D). The N-terminus of the Bdf2-bound structures include more residues than Gli1-bound, beginning at Pro305 in chain A and Thr304 for chain D in the mutant structure, and beginning at Arg307 in chain A and Thr304 or Pro305 in chain D in the wild type structures. The first few residues (in structures in which the specified residues are modeled) had weak side chain density, including residues 305 and 307 in chain A, and residues 304–307 in chain D, and are modeled in the structure as alanine. The last residue of E488Q+Bdf2-C, Pro701, had very weak electron density for both protein subunits in the asymmetric unit. Unlike the E488Q+Gli1 structure, electron density was defined better in the originally disordered loop (residues 457–475) for most residues in the Bdf2-bound structures. With the exception of Glu466 in the wildtype structures, we were able to model-build in main chain and side chain atoms for all residues of this loop in the ADAR subunit complexed to the Bdf2 RNA duplexes. In the RNA-free subunit (chain D) of E488Q+Bdf2-C, a crystal contact stabilized this flexible loop so that we were able to model in the backbone for residues 457–475, but residues 465–475 were modeled as alanine because of poorly defined side chain density. An identical crystal contact was observed in the wildtype structures. In the wt+Bdf2-C complex, density for residues 467–470 was strong enough for side chains to be included in these structures; however, side chain density was not strong for residues 465, 466, 471, 473–475, and 477. Therefore, these side chains were not included in the model. In wt+Bdf2-U, density for side chains 465, 466, 470, 471, and 473–475 was too weak to model. IHP was observed in all ADAR deaminase domains in the asymmetric unit. To model the hydrated 8-azanebularine nucleotide in all RNAs, a CCP4 dictionary file for adenosine (A) was modified to replace the 6-amino group with hydrogen, to change atom 8 to nitrogen and to include an additional hydroxyl group off carbon 6. Additionally, an energy minimization calculated idealized structure was used to determine ideal bond angles and distances for the modified base of the hydrated 8-azanebularine (unpublished data, Professor Dean Tantillo, University of California- Davis). The refinement restraint dictionary file was edited to match these parameters. METHODS title_2 35146 Expression and purification of hADAR2d for in vitro deamination kinetics METHODS paragraph 35219 Histidine-tagged human ADAR2 deaminase domain (hADAR2d) and hADAR2d mutant proteins were expressed in S. cerevisiae strain BCY123 and purified as described above with the following modifications. Cell lysate was 0.45 µm filtered after centrifugation and loaded 3 times through 5 mL Ni-NTA Superflow (Qiagen) at 3 mL/min. Washes of 50 ml with buffer 1, 2 and 3 at 4 mL/min followed by elution with 35 mL gradient from Buffer 3 to elution buffer. Selected elution fractions from the Ni NTA column were pooled and loaded at 0.5 mL/min on 1 mL HiTrap Heparin HP column from GE. The column was washed with 10 mL of Heparin 1 buffer at 0.5 mL/min and eluted with a 12 mL gradient from Heparin 1 to Heparin 2 buffer. Selected elution fractions from the Heparin column were pooled and concentrated to <300 µL in 10,000 MWCO Amicon Ultra 4 centrifugal filter at 6500 RCF and 4 °C. TEV protease cleavage and gel filtration steps were omitted. Buffer exchange was accomplished via 3 rounds of concentration to <300 µL followed by addition of 3 mL of Storage buffer. After final concentration, protein concentrations were determined using BSA standards visualized by SYPRO Orange staining on SDS-polyacrylamide gels and the purified proteins were stored at −70 °C. METHODS title_2 36484 Site-directed mutagenesis METHODS paragraph 36510 Mutagenesis of hADAR2 catalytic domain was carried out via PCR site directed mutagenesis using the primers listed in Supplementary Table 2. All primers were purchased from IDT and PAGE purified as described above but were desalted by phenol chloroform extraction, ethanol precipitation and 70% ethanol wash instead of C18 Sep-Pack. Sequences for mutant plasmids were confirmed by Sanger sequencing. METHODS title_2 36909 Preparation of hGLI1 splint-ligated RNA METHODS paragraph 36949 Oligonucleotides were purified as described above but were desalted by phenol chloroform extraction, ethanol precipitation and 70% ethanol wash. The 3’ GLI1 top strand 12 mer RNAs were radiolabeled with [γ-32P] at the 5’ end with T4 PNK as described previously. Labeled 3’ GLI1 top strand 12 mer RNAs were ligated as previously described to give an internally labeled RNA. The splint ligation products were PAGE purified as described above. Labeled RNAs were hybridized with the complementary GLI1 bottom strand 24 mer RNA (Y is chosen based on the identity of X, see Fig. 3b) in 10 mM Tris-HCl, 0.1 mM EDTA pH 7.5 and 100 mM NaCl. See Supplementary Table 2 for RNA sequences. METHODS title_2 37633 In vitro deamination kinetics with internally32P labeled substrates METHODS paragraph 37701 Deamination kinetics of analog containing RNAs were carried out as previously described but with the following modifications. The final reaction volume was 10 µL. Final enzyme concentration was 300 nM. Final RNA concentration was 10 nM. Final reaction conditions were: 16 mM Tris HCl pH 7.4, 3.3% glycerol, 1.6 mM EDTA, 0.003% Nonidet NP-40, 60 mM KCl, 7.1 mM NaCl, 0.5 mM DTT, 160 units/mL Rnasin, 1 µg/mL yeast tRNA. Reactions were quenched by adding 190 µL 95 °C nuclease-free water followed by incubation at 95 °C for 5 min or by 10 µL 0.5% SDS at 95 °C followed by incubation at 95 °C for 5 min. Each experiment was carried out in triplicate, and the rate constants reported in the text are average values ± standard deviations. Sequences of RNAs used to prepare internally labeled substrates are shown in Supplementary Table 2. For comparison of hADAR2-D mutants, deamination kinetics were carried out as described above with the following modifications. Final reaction conditions were 300 nM hADAR2d, 10 nM RNA, 16 mM Tris HCl pH 7.4, 3.6% glycerol, 1.6 mM EDTA, 0.003% Nonidet NP-40, 60 mM KCl, 8.6 mM NaCl, 0.5 mM DTT, 160 units/mL Rnasin, 1 µg/mL yeast tRNA. METHODS title_2 38891 EMSA analysis of radioactively labelled RNA METHODS paragraph 38935 Duplex RNAs containing 8-azanebularine and32P labeled were prepared as previously described. Samples containing 0.25 nM RNA and different concentrations of hADAR2d E488Q (128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25 and 0 nM) were equilibrated in 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7, 6% glycerol, 0.5 mM DTT, 60 mM KCl, 20 mM NaCl, 0.1 mM BME, 1.5 mM EDTA, 0.003% NP-40, 160 units/ml RNasin, 100 µg/ml BSA and 1.0 µg/ml yeast tRNA for 30 min at 30 °C. Assay and data analysis were carried out as previously described. See Supplementary Table 2 for RNA sequences. METHODS title_2 39485 In vitro transcription of RNA METHODS paragraph 39515 A truncation of hGLI1 mRNA incorporating 81 nucleotides upstream and 65 nucleotides downstream of the edited site was transcribed and purified as previously described. 3’ Nearest neighbor mutants of hGLI1 RNA were generated by site directed mutagenesis to generate G to A, G to C and G to U nearest neighbor mutants. A second site −32 bases from the edit site was mutated to maintain the original secondary structure of the RNA. See Supplementary Table 2 for primers used for mutagenesis. METHODS title_2 40008 Deamination kinetics of transcribed hGLI1 RNAs METHODS paragraph 40055 Deamination kinetics of transcribed RNAs were carried out as previously described but with the following modifications. Final reaction volume was 20 µL. Final enzyme concentrations was 10 nM. Final RNA concentration was 2 nM. Final reaction conditions were: 17 mM Tris HCl pH 7.4, 5.0% glycerol, 1.6 mM EDTA, 0.003% Nonidet NP-40, 60 mM KCl, 15.6 mM NaCl, 0.5 mM DTT, 160 units/mL RNasin, 1 µg/mL yeast tRNA. Reactions were quenched by adding 10 µL 0.5% SDS at 95 °C followed by incubation at 95 °C for 5 min. cDNA was generated from RNA via RT-PCR, Sanger sequenced and quantified using SeqScanner 2 software from Applied Biosystems. The kobs (min−1) of each assay was calculated as described previously. SUPPL title_1 40773 Supplementary Material SUPPL footnote 40796 Accession codes. Coordinates for the hADAR2d-RNA complexes have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) with PDB IDs of 5ED1 and 5ED2 for the hADAR2d-E488Q–Bdf2-C RNA and hADAR2d-E488Q–Gli1 RNA complexes, respectively, and 5HP2 and 5HP3 for the hADAR2d-WT–Bdf2-U RNA and hADAR2d-WT–Bdf2-C RNA complexes, respectively. SUPPL footnote 41128 Author Contributions SUPPL footnote 41149 J.M.T., M.M.M., A.I.S. and Y.Z. purified protein. K.J.P and J.M.T. designed and purified RNA for crystallography and characterized protein/RNA binding. M.M.M. and A.I.S. conducted crystallization trials. M.M.M and A.J.F collected diffraction data and solved/refined crystal structure. J.M.T., Y.Z. and J.H. measured enzyme reaction rates. K.T. synthesized 8-azanebularane phosphoramidite. J.M.T and A.I.S conducted mutagenesis. J.M.T., M.M.M., P.A.B. and A.J.F. analyzed the structures. P.A.B. wrote the initial manuscript draft. J.M.T, M.M.M, P.A.B and A.J.F edited the manuscript. REF title 41732 References surname:Grosjean;given-names:H REF Fine-Tuning of RNA Functions by Modification and Editing ref 2005 41743 817 846 surname:Bass;given-names:BL 12045112 REF Ann. Rev. Biochem ref 71 2002 41744 RNA editing by adenosine deaminases that act on RNA 321 349 surname:Nishikura;given-names:K 20192758 REF Ann. Rev. 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Biol ref 9 2014 45673 Click Modification of RNA at Adenosine: Structure and Reactivity of 7-Ethynyl- and 7-Triazolyl-8-aza-7-deazaadenosine in RNA nihms771539f1.jpg F1 FIG fig_title_caption 45798 Human ADAR2 and modified RNAs for crystallography 0.9986065 species cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:21Z MESH: Human 0.99896836 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 0.99857223 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:01Z CHEBI: RNAs 0.9975631 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:25:39Z MESH: crystallography nihms771539f1.jpg F1 FIG fig_caption 45848 a, Domain map for human ADAR2 b, ADAR reaction showing intermediate and 8-azanebularine (N) hydrate that mimics this structure c, Duplex RNAs used for crystallization. Bdf2 duplex sequence is derived from an editing site found in S. cerevisiae Bdf2 mRNA and Gli1 duplex has sequence surrounding the human Gli1 mRNA editing site. Italics indicate nucleotides added for duplex stability. 0.9989446 species cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:21Z MESH: human 0.9990251 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:25Z PR: ADAR2 0.9266272 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR 0.9857567 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:50:59Z CHEBI: 8-azanebularine (N) hydrate 0.96221715 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:53:40Z DUMMY: structure structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:32:49Z Duplex RNAs experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:18:16Z crystallization chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:56:56Z Bdf2 duplex 0.9983212 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.9985363 species cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:00:09Z MESH: S. cerevisiae chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:18:38Z Bdf2 mRNA 0.9987307 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:04:07Z PR: Gli1 0.9989792 species cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:21Z MESH: human 0.9988563 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:04:07Z PR: Gli1 0.9985222 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:03:39Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.9907459 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site nihms771539f2.jpg F2 FIG fig_title_caption 46234 Structure of hADAR2d E488Q bound to the Bdf2-C RNA duplex at 2.75 Å resolution 0.9970282 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:53:43Z DUMMY: Structure 0.99791294 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.998582 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:08:01Z MESH: E488Q 0.9990499 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:01:18Z DUMMY: bound to chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:57:17Z Bdf2-C RNA duplex nihms771539f2.jpg F2 FIG fig_caption 46314 a, View of structure perpendicular to the dsRNA helical axis. Colors correspond to those in Figs. 1a and 1c; flipped out base N is highlighted red, zinc in grey space-filling sphere, Q488 in yellow, previously disordered aa454–477 loop in green and inositol hexakisphosphate (IHP) in space filling. A transparent surface is shown for the hADAR2d protein. b, View of structure along the dsRNA helical axis. c, Summary of the contacts between hADAR2d E488Q and the Bdf2-C RNA duplex. 0.99907035 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:06Z CHEBI: dsRNA protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:07:08Z flipped out 0.999035 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:15:31Z CHEBI: zinc 0.99951625 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:17:43Z DUMMY: Q488 0.5178192 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:29Z DUMMY: disordered residue_range DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:57:38Z 454–477 0.9989749 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:35:57Z SO: loop 0.9988637 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:07:32Z CHEBI: inositol hexakisphosphate 0.9992667 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:07:37Z CHEBI: IHP 0.9985935 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.9990765 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:06Z CHEBI: dsRNA 0.9896716 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.998769 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:08:01Z MESH: E488Q chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:57:53Z Bdf2-C RNA duplex nihms771539f3.jpg F3 FIG fig_title_caption 46798 ADAR recognition of the flipped out and orphaned nucleotides 0.998789 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR 0.9985868 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:07:08Z DUMMY: flipped out 0.9991916 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:06:38Z DUMMY: orphaned 0.99902225 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:19:09Z CHEBI: nucleotides nihms771539f3.jpg F3 FIG fig_caption 46859 a, Contacts to the editing site nucleotide (N) in the active site. Colors correspond to those in Figs. 1 and 2. b, Orphan nucleotide recognition in the hADAR2d E488Q–Bdf2-C complex. c, Orphan nucleotide recognition in the hADAR2d WT–Bdf2-U complex. 0.998191 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.99055076 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:51:43Z CHEBI: nucleotide 0.9990679 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:49Z SO: active site protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:06:48Z Orphan 0.8251463 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:19:07Z CHEBI: nucleotide complex_assembly GO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:10:49Z hADAR2d E488Q–Bdf2-C protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:06:48Z Orphan 0.83549184 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:19:03Z CHEBI: nucleotide complex_assembly GO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:10:07Z hADAR2d WT–Bdf2-U nihms771539f4.jpg F4 FIG fig_title_caption 47112 Other ADAR-induced changes in RNA conformation 0.672993 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR 0.99880266 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:55Z CHEBI: RNA nihms771539f4.jpg F4 FIG fig_caption 47159 a, hADAR2d shifts the position of U11-A13’ base pair from ideal A-form RNA helix (yellow). b, Overlay of Bdf2 duplex RNA and idealized A form duplex of same sequence (yellow) illustrating kink in strand and widening of major groove opposite editing site induced by hADAR2d. c, Unusual “wobble” A13’-U11 interaction in the hADAR2d WT–Bdf2-U complex shown in stick with H-bond indicated with yellow dashes and distances shown in Å. The position of this base pair in the hADAR2d E488Q–Bdf2-C duplex is shown in wire with H-bonds shown with gray dashes. 0.9941765 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.99901235 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:07Z DUMMY: U11 0.99883956 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:16Z DUMMY: A13 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:20:34Z A-form RNA helix 0.99814093 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:25:45Z MESH: Overlay chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:19:30Z Bdf2 duplex RNA structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:20:49Z A form duplex 0.93573886 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:40:26Z SO: major groove 0.9937397 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.9929726 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:13Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.9968669 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:16Z DUMMY: A13 0.9984688 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:07Z DUMMY: U11 complex_assembly GO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:10:07Z hADAR2d WT–Bdf2-U 0.9863496 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z MESH: H-bond complex_assembly GO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:10:49Z hADAR2d E488Q–Bdf2-C 0.9943462 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z MESH: H-bonds nihms771539f5.jpg F5 FIG fig_title_caption 47722 Interactions with editing site nearest neighbor nucleotides 0.99873394 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.9519506 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:51:50Z CHEBI: nucleotides nihms771539f5.jpg F5 FIG fig_caption 47782 a, The minor groove edge of the U11-A13’ base pair from the Bdf2 duplex approaches G489; model with a C-G pair at this position suggests a clash with the G 2-amino group b, RNA duplex substrates prepared with different 5’ nearest neighbor nucleotides adjacent to editing site indicated in red (2AP = 2-aminopurine). c, Comparison of deamination rate constants by hADAR2d at the editing site adenosine (red) for duplexes bearing different 5’ nearest neighbors; krel = kobs/(kobs for unmodified RNA). Error bars, s.d (n=3 technical replicates). d, hADAR2 S486 backbone H-bond with 3’ G 2-amino group; e, RNA duplex substrates prepared with different 3’ nearest neighbor nucleotides adjacent to editing site indicated in red (I = inosine, N2MeG = N2-methylguanosine, 2AP = 2-aminopurine). f, Comparison of deamination rate constants by hADAR2d at the editing site adenosine (red) for duplexes bearing different 3’ nearest neighbors. krel = kobs/(kobs for unmodified RNA). Error bars, s.d (n=3 technical replicates). * indicates no reaction product observed. 0.9869756 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:16:52Z SO: minor groove 0.9958093 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:07Z DUMMY: U11 0.99367744 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:19:16Z DUMMY: A13 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:58:57Z Bdf2 duplex 0.9993899 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:21:16Z DUMMY: G489 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:28:46Z C-G pair 0.9566321 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:09Z SO: G structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:30:56Z RNA duplex 0.7529088 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.9990361 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:29:59Z SO: 2AP 0.99899167 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:59:43Z SO: 2-aminopurine 0.9970023 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:53:48Z DUMMY: deamination rate constants 0.9987447 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:14Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.7024581 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z SO: editing site 0.55011916 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:02Z SO: adenosine 0.97258997 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:53:52Z DUMMY: krel 0.94377023 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:53:54Z DUMMY: kobs 0.8698986 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:53:57Z DUMMY: kobs 0.98879784 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:37Z DUMMY: unmodified 0.9937929 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:55Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9985972 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:46:38Z PR: hADAR2 0.99932015 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:36:40Z DUMMY: S486 bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:59:14Z H-bond 0.6379478 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:13Z SO: G structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:30:56Z RNA duplex site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z editing site 0.99500763 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:45:49Z SO: I 0.9854151 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:31Z SO: inosine 0.9990403 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:29:59Z SO: 2AP 0.9989734 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:59:43Z SO: 2-aminopurine 0.9968157 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:54:01Z DUMMY: deamination rate constants 0.9987704 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:14Z MESH: hADAR2d site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:14:37Z editing site 0.65553534 residue_name cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:01:02Z SO: adenosine 0.9769455 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:54:04Z DUMMY: krel 0.9269417 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:54:06Z DUMMY: kobs 0.88645303 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:54:09Z DUMMY: kobs 0.987695 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:47:40Z DUMMY: unmodified 0.99183536 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:56:55Z CHEBI: RNA nihms771539f6.jpg F6 FIG fig_title_caption 48849 RNA-binding loops in the ADAR catalytic domain structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:37:23Z RNA-binding loops 0.9925573 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T09:55:43Z MESH: ADAR 0.9990459 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:49:04Z SO: catalytic domain nihms771539f6.jpg F6 FIG fig_caption 48896 a, hADAR2 residues that contact phosphodiester backbone near 5’ end of unedited strand. b, Location of mutations introduced at protein-RNA interface. c, Comparison of deamination rate constants of the different hADAR2d mutants (Log scale). krel = kobs for mutant/kobs for WT. Error bars, s.d (n=3 technical replicates). d, Sequence alignment of ADAR2s (A2) and ADAR1s (A1) from different organisms with different levels of conservation colored (Yellow: conserved in all ADAR1s and ADAR2s, red: conserved in ADAR2s, blue: conserved in ADAR1s. e, Interaction of the ADAR-specific RNA-binding loop near the 5’ end of the edited strand. Colors as in d, white: not conserved, flipped out base is shown in pink. 0.9970124 protein cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:46:38Z PR: hADAR2 0.99850833 site cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:41:15Z SO: protein-RNA interface 0.99788064 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:54:14Z DUMMY: deamination rate constants 0.99785066 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:05:14Z MESH: hADAR2d 0.9954659 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:54:18Z DUMMY: krel 0.9914875 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:54:21Z DUMMY: kobs 0.99773955 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:07:54Z DUMMY: mutant 0.99239796 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:54:24Z DUMMY: kobs 0.99920267 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:06:05Z DUMMY: WT 0.9984065 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:26:06Z MESH: Sequence alignment 0.99840504 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:39:29Z MESH: ADAR2s 0.9985267 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:00:55Z MESH: ADAR1s 0.9959396 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:26:34Z DUMMY: conserved 0.9972862 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:00:56Z MESH: ADAR1s 0.99812835 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:39:29Z MESH: ADAR2s 0.9985238 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:26:31Z DUMMY: conserved 0.9984205 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T10:39:29Z MESH: ADAR2s 0.99872893 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:26:29Z DUMMY: conserved 0.99857724 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:00:56Z MESH: ADAR1s structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-25T12:45:44Z ADAR-specific RNA-binding loop 0.9985478 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:26:26Z DUMMY: not conserved protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:07:08Z flipped out chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-25T13:26:21Z base T1.xml T1 TABLE table_caption 49606 Data Processing and Refinement Statistics. T1.xml T1 TABLE table <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <table frame="hsides" rules="groups"><thead><tr><th align="left" valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Complex</th><th align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ADAR2-D_E488Q:BDF2-C<break/>23mer</th><th align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ADAR2-D_E488Q:GLI1<break/>23mer</th><th align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ADAR2-D_wt:BDF2-U<break/>23mer</th><th align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">ADAR2-D_wt:BDF2-C<break/>23mer</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><bold>Data Collection</bold></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Synchrotron (Beamline)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">APS (24-ID-C)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">SSRL (12-2)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">SSRL (12-2)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">SSRL (12-2)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Wavelength (Å)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.9792</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.9795</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.9795</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.9795</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Space Group</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">P2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">P2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">P2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">P2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub></td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Cell dimensions</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>a</italic>, <italic>b</italic>, <italic>c</italic>, (Å)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">82.36, 107.50, 121.10</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">79.13, 81.61, 256.62</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">81.32, 106.68, 120.49</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">81.51, 107.21, 120.62</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">α, β, γ (°)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">90, 90, 90</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">90, 90, 90</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">90, 90, 90</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">90, 90, 90</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Resolution (Å)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">100 – 2.75 (2.82 – 2.75)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">50.0 – 2.95 (3.03 – 2.95)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">100 – 2.98 (3.06 – 2.98)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">100 – 3.09 (3.17 – 3.09)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><italic>R<sub>merge</sub></italic> (%)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">7.0 (68.5)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">9.6 (135.1)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">14.4 (86.3)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">11.6 (68.7)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">CC<sub>1/2</sub></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">99.6 (66.3)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">99.7 (47.6)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">99.1 (75.3)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">99.3 (77.1)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">I/σ (I)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">11.57 (1.52)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">12.27 (1.16)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.00 (1.88)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">10.56 (1.75)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Completeness (%)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">96.5 (98.8)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">98.1 (98.9)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">97.3 (90.0)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">96.8 (89.1)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Redundancy</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.93 (3.00)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">5.19 (5.13)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">4.79 (4.56)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.31 (2.84)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><bold>Refinement</bold></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">  Resolution (Å)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.75</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.95</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">2.98</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.09</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">  No of reflections (F&gt;0)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">27,153</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">35,727</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">21,376</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">19,325</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">  <italic>R<sub>work</sub></italic>/ <italic>R<sub>free</sub></italic></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">16.27/22.34</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">18.79/20.75</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">16.67 / 24.67</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">16.29 / 23.79</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><bold>No. of atoms</bold></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">  Protein</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">6197</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">6038</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">6168</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">6157</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">  RNA</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">973</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1950</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">973</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">973</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">  Inositol Hexakisphosphate<break/>  (IHP)</td><td align="left" valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">72</td><td align="left" valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">72</td><td align="left" valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">72</td><td align="left" valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">72</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">  Zn</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">2</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">2</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">2</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">2</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">  Waters</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">33</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><bold><italic>B</italic> factors</bold></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">  Protein</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">68.46</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">90.65</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">63.63</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">67.92</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">  RNA</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">88.24</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">108.8</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">69.70</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">77.49</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">  Inositol Hexakisphosphate<break/>  (IHP)</td><td align="left" valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">47.10</td><td align="left" valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">65.57</td><td align="left" valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">44.23</td><td align="left" valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">43.77</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">  Zn</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">48.47</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">64.38</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">38.25</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">49.04</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">  Waters</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">48.11</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">N/A</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">43.66</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">50.20</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"><bold>r.m.s deviations</bold></td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">  Bond lengths (Å)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.010</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.007</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.009</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.010</td></tr><tr><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">  Bond angles (°)</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.342</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">0.885</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.359</td><td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1">1.365</td></tr></tbody></table> 49649 Complex ADAR2-D_E488Q:BDF2-C23mer ADAR2-D_E488Q:GLI123mer ADAR2-D_wt:BDF2-U23mer ADAR2-D_wt:BDF2-C23mer Data Collection Synchrotron (Beamline) APS (24-ID-C) SSRL (12-2) SSRL (12-2) SSRL (12-2) Wavelength (Å) 0.9792 0.9795 0.9795 0.9795 Space Group P212121 P212121 P212121 P212121 Cell dimensions a, b, c, (Å) 82.36, 107.50, 121.10 79.13, 81.61, 256.62 81.32, 106.68, 120.49 81.51, 107.21, 120.62 α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 Resolution (Å) 100 – 2.75 (2.82 – 2.75) 50.0 – 2.95 (3.03 – 2.95) 100 – 2.98 (3.06 – 2.98) 100 – 3.09 (3.17 – 3.09) Rmerge (%) 7.0 (68.5) 9.6 (135.1) 14.4 (86.3) 11.6 (68.7) CC1/2 99.6 (66.3) 99.7 (47.6) 99.1 (75.3) 99.3 (77.1) I/σ (I) 11.57 (1.52) 12.27 (1.16) 10.00 (1.88) 10.56 (1.75) Completeness (%) 96.5 (98.8) 98.1 (98.9) 97.3 (90.0) 96.8 (89.1) Redundancy 2.93 (3.00) 5.19 (5.13) 4.79 (4.56) 3.31 (2.84) Refinement   Resolution (Å) 2.75 2.95 2.98 3.09   No of reflections (F>0) 27,153 35,727 21,376 19,325   Rwork/ Rfree 16.27/22.34 18.79/20.75 16.67 / 24.67 16.29 / 23.79 No. of atoms   Protein 6197 6038 6168 6157   RNA 973 1950 973 973   Inositol Hexakisphosphate  (IHP) 72 72 72 72   Zn 2 2 2 2   Waters 33 0 1 1 B factors   Protein 68.46 90.65 63.63 67.92   RNA 88.24 108.8 69.70 77.49   Inositol Hexakisphosphate  (IHP) 47.10 65.57 44.23 43.77   Zn 48.47 64.38 38.25 49.04   Waters 48.11 N/A 43.66 50.20 r.m.s deviations   Bond lengths (Å) 0.010 0.007 0.009 0.010   Bond angles (°) 1.342 0.885 1.359 1.365