PMC 20201216 pmc.key 4848761 CC BY no 0 0 Jerome C Nwachukwu et al 10.15252/msb.20156701 4848761 27107013 MSB156701 864 4 Breast cancer Chemical biology Crystal structure Nuclear receptor Signal transduction Chemical Biology Structural Biology Transcription This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. surname:Nwachukwu;given-names:Jerome C surname:Srinivasan;given-names:Sathish surname:Carlson;given-names:Kathryn E surname:Josan;given-names:Jatinder S surname:Elemento;given-names:Olivier surname:Katzenellenbogen;given-names:John A surname:Zhou;given-names:Hai‐Bing surname:Nettles;given-names:Kendall W surname:Zheng;given-names:Yangfan surname:Wang;given-names:Song surname:Min;given-names:Jian surname:Dong;given-names:Chune surname:Liao;given-names:Zongquan surname:Nowak;given-names:Jason surname:Wright;given-names:Nicholas J surname:Houtman;given-names:René . () : 864 TITLE Mol Syst Biol Subject Categories front 12 2016 0 Predictive features of ligand‐specific signaling through the estrogen receptor 0.99101317 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:48Z MESH: estrogen receptor ABSTRACT abstract_title_1 81 Abstract ABSTRACT abstract 90 Some estrogen receptor‐α (ERα)‐targeted breast cancer therapies such as tamoxifen have tissue‐selective or cell‐specific activities, while others have similar activities in different cell types. To identify biophysical determinants of cell‐specific signaling and breast cancer cell proliferation, we synthesized 241 ERα ligands based on 19 chemical scaffolds, and compared ligand response using quantitative bioassays for canonical ERα activities and X‐ray crystallography. Ligands that regulate the dynamics and stability of the coactivator‐binding site in the C‐terminal ligand‐binding domain, called activation function‐2 (AF‐2), showed similar activity profiles in different cell types. Such ligands induced breast cancer cell proliferation in a manner that was predicted by the canonical recruitment of the coactivators NCOA1/2/3 and induction of the GREB1 proliferative gene. For some ligand series, a single inter‐atomic distance in the ligand‐binding domain predicted their proliferative effects. In contrast, the N‐terminal coactivator‐binding site, activation function‐1 (AF‐1), determined cell‐specific signaling induced by ligands that used alternate mechanisms to control cell proliferation. Thus, incorporating systems structural analyses with quantitative chemical biology reveals how ligands can achieve distinct allosteric signaling outcomes through ERα. 0.98243415 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:53Z PR: estrogen receptor‐α 0.9781553 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:58Z PR: ERα 0.9961785 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:43Z CHEBI: tamoxifen 0.9045924 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:00Z MESH: synthesized protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα 0.98368347 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:05Z MESH: quantitative bioassays 0.5754821 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.9963126 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:07Z MESH: X‐ray crystallography 0.99831116 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:07Z SO: coactivator‐binding site 0.99466616 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:13Z SO: ligand‐binding domain 0.99521536 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:17Z SO: activation function‐2 0.9947168 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:23Z SO: AF‐2 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 0.90314347 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:51Z PR: GREB1 evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:15Z inter‐atomic distance 0.9391775 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:13Z SO: ligand‐binding domain 0.99817234 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:08Z SO: coactivator‐binding site 0.9880258 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:21Z SO: activation function‐1 0.9855774 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:25Z SO: AF‐1 0.9663252 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:12Z MESH: systems structural analyses 0.9850201 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:15Z MESH: quantitative chemical biology 0.98969567 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα INTRO title_1 1503 Introduction INTRO paragraph 1516 Many drugs are small‐molecule ligands of allosteric signaling proteins, including G protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs) and nuclear receptors such as ERα. These receptors regulate distinct phenotypic outcomes (i.e., observable characteristics of cells and tissues, such as cell proliferation or the inflammatory response) in a ligand‐dependent manner. Small‐molecule ligands control receptor activity by modulating recruitment of effector enzymes to distal regions of the receptor, relative to the ligand‐binding site. Some of these ligands achieve selectivity for a subset of tissue‐ or pathway‐specific signaling outcomes, which is called selective modulation, functional selectivity, or biased signaling, through structural mechanisms that are poorly understood (Frolik et al, 1996; Nettles & Greene, 2005; Overington et al, 2006; Katritch et al, 2012; Wisler et al, 2014). For example, selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) such as tamoxifen (Nolvadex®; AstraZeneca) or raloxifene (Evista®; Eli Lilly) (Fig 1A) block the ERα‐mediated proliferative effects of the native estrogen, 17β‐estradiol (E2), on breast cancer cells, but promote beneficial estrogenic effects on bone mineral density and adverse estrogenic effects such as uterine proliferation, fatty liver, or stroke (Frolik et al, 1996; Fisher et al, 1998; McDonnell et al, 2002; Jordan, 2003). 0.99419004 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:48:39Z MESH: G protein‐coupled receptors 0.9895253 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:41:17Z MESH: GPCRs 0.9876436 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:41:43Z MESH: nuclear receptors 0.9964353 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.99821043 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:08:47Z SO: ligand‐binding site 0.6081143 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:48:43Z MESH: estrogen receptor modulators protein_type MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:41:05Z SERMs 0.9969007 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:44Z CHEBI: tamoxifen chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:51Z Nolvadex® 0.9951567 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:43:17Z CHEBI: raloxifene 0.80817395 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:51:27Z CHEBI: Evista® 0.9869108 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.9966714 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:51:32Z CHEBI: estrogen 0.9966848 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:49Z CHEBI: 17β‐estradiol 0.9977841 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:41Z CHEBI: E2 MSB-12-864-g002.jpg msb156701-fig-0001 FIG fig_title_caption 2912 Allosteric control of ERα activity 0.5108732 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα MSB-12-864-g002.jpg msb156701-fig-0001 FIG fig_caption 2951 Chemical structures of some common ERα ligands. BSC, basic side chain. E2‐rings are numbered A‐D. The E‐ring is the common site of attachment for BSC found in many SERMS. 0.722546 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.98871267 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:42Z CHEBI: E2 0.994365 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:41:05Z MESH: SERMS MSB-12-864-g002.jpg msb156701-fig-0001 FIG fig_caption 3129 ERα domain organization lettered, A‐F. DBD, DNA‐binding domain; LBD, ligand‐binding domain; AF, activation function 0.9844996 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.99813074 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:14Z SO: DBD 0.97538567 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:18Z SO: DNA‐binding domain 0.9980124 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:23Z SO: LBD 0.97787577 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:13Z SO: ligand‐binding domain 0.99472946 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:37Z SO: AF 0.6370711 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:51Z SO: activation function MSB-12-864-g002.jpg msb156701-fig-0001 FIG fig_caption 3252 Schematic illustration of the canonical ERα signaling pathway. 0.48197246 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα MSB-12-864-g002.jpg msb156701-fig-0001 FIG fig_caption 3319 Linear causality model for ERα‐mediated cell proliferation. 0.9659611 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα MSB-12-864-g002.jpg msb156701-fig-0001 FIG fig_caption 3383 Branched causality model for ERα‐mediated cell proliferation. 0.96815825 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα INTRO paragraph 3449 ERα contains structurally conserved globular domains of the nuclear receptor superfamily, including a DNA‐binding domain (DBD) that is connected by a flexible hinge region to the ligand‐binding domain (LBD), as well as unstructured AB and F domains at its amino and carboxyl termini, respectively (Fig 1B). The LBD contains a ligand‐dependent coactivator‐binding site called activation function‐2 (AF‐2). However, the agonist activity of SERMs derives from activation function‐1 (AF‐1)—a coactivator recruitment site located in the AB domain (Berry et al, 1990; Shang & Brown, 2002; Abot et al, 2013). 0.9963446 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.996717 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:17:59Z DUMMY: structurally conserved 0.99633765 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:06:29Z SO: globular domains 0.96176726 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:48:49Z MESH: nuclear receptor superfamily 0.9852898 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:19Z SO: DNA‐binding domain 0.99855286 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:15Z SO: DBD 0.49088258 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:18:10Z DUMMY: flexible 0.9973324 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:06:34Z SO: hinge region 0.95946825 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:13Z SO: ligand‐binding domain 0.9976718 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.9132317 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:18:12Z DUMMY: unstructured 0.99860966 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:03Z SO: AB structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:12Z F 0.99767905 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:08Z coactivator‐binding site 0.7260005 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:18Z SO: activation function‐2 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:23Z AF‐2 0.9952769 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:41:06Z MESH: SERMs structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:21Z activation function‐1 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z AF‐1 0.9973503 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:08:54Z SO: coactivator recruitment site structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:03Z AB INTRO paragraph 4073 AF‐1 and AF‐2 bind distinct but overlapping sets of coregulators (Webb et al, 1998; Endoh et al, 1999; Delage‐Mourroux et al, 2000; Yi et al, 2015). AF‐2 binds the signature LxxLL motif peptides of coactivators such as NCOA1/2/3 (also known as SRC‐1/2/3). AF‐1 binds a separate surface on these coactivators (Webb et al, 1998; Yi et al, 2015). Yet, it is unknown how different ERα ligands control AF‐1 through the LBD, and whether this inter‐domain communication is required for cell‐specific signaling or anti‐proliferative responses. 0.98835874 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.98771614 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:23Z SO: AF‐2 0.988358 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:23Z SO: AF‐2 0.9694072 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:06:42Z SO: LxxLL motif 0.9784671 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z PR: NCOA1/2/3 0.94810975 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:49:47Z PR: SRC‐1/2/3 0.9889884 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.9961467 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.9896169 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.99829656 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD INTRO paragraph 4636 In the canonical model of the ERα signaling pathway (Fig 1C), E2‐bound ERα forms a homodimer that binds DNA at estrogen‐response elements (EREs), recruits NCOA1/2/3 (Metivier et al, 2003; Johnson & O'Malley, 2012), and activates the GREB1 gene, which is required for proliferation of ERα‐positive breast cancer cells (Ghosh et al, 2000; Rae et al, 2005; Deschenes et al, 2007; Liu et al, 2012; Srinivasan et al, 2013). However, ERα‐mediated proliferative responses vary in a ligand‐dependent manner (Srinivasan et al, 2013); thus, it is not known whether this canonical model is widely applicable across diverse ERα ligands. protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα 0.9966757 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:18:15Z DUMMY: E2‐bound 0.99311686 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.996216 oligomeric_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:07:01Z DUMMY: homodimer 0.9631549 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:09:21Z SO: estrogen‐response elements 0.4373797 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:09:24Z SO: EREs 0.6682438 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z PR: NCOA1/2/3 0.80179566 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:51Z PR: GREB1 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα 0.552018 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.51123303 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα INTRO paragraph 5284 Our long‐term goal is to be able to predict proliferative or anti‐proliferative activity of a ligand in different tissues from its crystal structure by identifying different structural perturbations that lead to specific signaling outcomes. The simplest response model for ligand‐specific proliferative effects is a linear causality model, where the degree of NCOA1/2/3 recruitment determines GREB1 expression, which in turn drives ligand‐specific cell proliferation (Fig 1D). Alternatively, a more complicated branched causality model could explain ligand‐specific proliferative responses (Fig 1E). In this signaling model, multiple coregulator binding events and target genes (Won Jeong et al, 2012; Nwachukwu et al, 2014), LBD conformation, nucleocytoplasmic shuttling, the occupancy and dynamics of DNA binding, and other biophysical features could contribute independently to cell proliferation (Lickwar et al, 2012). 0.99724627 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:07:07Z DUMMY: crystal structure 0.85250056 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z PR: NCOA1/2/3 0.99367493 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:51Z PR: GREB1 0.9958538 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD INTRO paragraph 6222 To test these signaling models, we profiled a diverse library of ERα ligands using systems biology approaches to X‐ray crystallography and chemical biology (Srinivasan et al, 2013), including a series of quantitative bioassays for ERα function that were statistically robust and reproducible, based on the Z’‐statistic (Fig EV1A and B; see Materials and Methods). We also determined the structures of 76 distinct ERα LBD complexes bound to different ligand types, which allowed us to understand how diverse ligand scaffolds distort the active conformation of the ERα LBD. Our findings here indicate that specific structural perturbations can be tied to ligand‐selective domain usage and signaling patterns, thus providing a framework for structure‐based design of improved breast cancer therapeutics, and understanding the different phenotypic effects of environmental estrogens. 0.54615736 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.9938122 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:21Z MESH: X‐ray crystallography 0.7150245 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:24Z MESH: chemical biology 0.65988773 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.6892823 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:07:11Z DUMMY: Z’‐statistic 0.9331319 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:27Z MESH: determined 0.99378294 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:07:15Z DUMMY: structures 0.9661832 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.47582763 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.97217715 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:18:20Z DUMMY: bound to 0.99364096 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:18:26Z DUMMY: active 0.99790215 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.99694806 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.997186 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:45:41Z CHEBI: estrogens MSB-12-864-g003.jpg msb156701-fig-0001ev FIG fig_title_caption 7118 High‐throughput screens for ERα ligand profiling protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα MSB-12-864-g003.jpg msb156701-fig-0001ev FIG fig_caption 7171 Summary of ligand screening assays used to measure ER‐mediated activities. ERE, estrogen‐response element; Luc, luciferase reporter gene; M2H, mammalian 2‐hybrid; UAS, upstream‐activating sequence. 0.9710028 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:35Z MESH: ligand screening assays 0.898545 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:06:51Z SO: ERE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:46:07Z estrogen‐response element experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:01:23Z Luc 0.44347644 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:39Z MESH: luciferase reporter gene 0.95992655 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:42Z MESH: M2H 0.9920692 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:45Z MESH: mammalian 2‐hybrid 0.9925506 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:06:55Z SO: UAS 0.9208929 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:06:59Z SO: upstream‐activating sequence MSB-12-864-g003.jpg msb156701-fig-0001ev FIG fig_caption 7377 Controls for screening assays described in panel (A), above. Error bars indicate mean ± SEM, n = 3. RESULTS title_1 7478 Results RESULTS title_2 7486 Strength of AF‐1 signaling does not determine cell‐specific signaling structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z AF‐1 RESULTS paragraph 7560 To compare ERα signaling induced by diverse ligand types, we synthesized and assayed a library of 241 ERα ligands containing 19 distinct molecular scaffolds. These include 15 indirect modulator series, which lack a SERM‐like side chain and modulate coactivator binding indirectly from the ligand‐binding pocket (Fig 2A–E; Dataset EV1) (Zheng et al, 2012) (Zhu et al, 2012) (Muthyala et al, 2003; Seo et al, 2006) (Srinivasan et al, 2013) (Wang et al, 2012) (Liao et al, 2014) (Min et al, 2013). We also generated four direct modulator series with side chains designed to directly dislocate h12 and thereby completely occlude the AF‐2 surface (Fig 2C and E; Dataset EV1) (Kieser et al, 2010). Ligand profiling using our quantitative bioassays revealed a wide range of ligand‐induced GREB1 expression, reporter gene activities, ERα‐coactivator interactions, and proliferative effects on MCF‐7 breast cancer cells (Figs EV1 and EV2A–J). This wide variance enabled us to probe specific features of ERα signaling using ligand class analyses, and identify signaling patterns shared by specific ligand series or scaffolds. 0.50055975 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.97331995 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:50Z MESH: synthesized and assayed protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα 0.8351258 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:18:32Z DUMMY: lack protein_type MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:47:26Z SERM‐like 0.9979671 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:09:30Z SO: ligand‐binding pocket 0.97495544 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.9794798 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z SO: AF‐2 surface 0.92169464 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:53Z MESH: Ligand profiling 0.9695189 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:55Z MESH: quantitative bioassays protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:51Z GREB1 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα 0.77025014 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.97555035 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:11:59Z MESH: ligand class analyses MSB-12-864-g004.jpg msb156701-fig-0002 FIG fig_title_caption 8708 Classes of compounds in the ERα ligand library protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα MSB-12-864-g004.jpg msb156701-fig-0002 FIG fig_caption 8759 Structure of the E2‐bound ERα LBD in complex with an NCOA2 peptide of (PDB 1GWR). 0.994959 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:07:28Z DUMMY: Structure 0.9947484 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:18:39Z DUMMY: E2‐bound 0.99766695 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.9940242 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.9758456 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:18:42Z DUMMY: in complex with 0.88555133 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:10Z PR: NCOA2 MSB-12-864-g004.jpg msb156701-fig-0002 FIG fig_caption 8845 Structural details of the ERα LBD bound to the indicated ligands. Unlike E2 (PDB 1GWR), TAM is a direct modulator with a BSC that dislocates h12 to block the NCOA2‐binding site (PDB 3ERT). OBHS is an indirect modulator that dislocates the h11 C‐terminus to destabilize the h11–h12 interface (PDB 4ZN9). 0.9972567 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.99309206 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.98950016 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:18:44Z DUMMY: bound to 0.9974898 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:42Z CHEBI: E2 0.9979062 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:01:45Z CHEBI: TAM 0.50051475 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:50Z SO: h12 0.99800706 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:09:35Z SO: NCOA2‐binding site 0.9172119 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:37Z CHEBI: OBHS 0.99688464 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:35Z SO: h11 0.9972157 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:09:38Z SO: h11–h12 interface MSB-12-864-g004.jpg msb156701-fig-0002 FIG fig_caption 9155 The ERα ligand library contains 241 ligands representing 15 indirect modulator scaffolds, plus 4 direct modulator scaffolds. The number of compounds per scaffold is shown in parentheses (see Dataset EV1 for individual compound information and Appendix Supplementary Methods for synthetic protocols). protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα MSB-12-864-g005.jpg msb156701-fig-0002ev FIG fig_title_caption 9459 ERα ligands induced a range of agonist activity profiles 0.45072588 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα MSB-12-864-g005.jpg msb156701-fig-0002ev FIG fig_caption 9520 Screening data from individual ligands are shown, grouped by scaffold. Each data point represents the activity of a distinct compound. Error bars indicate the class average (mean) ± range. *Direct modulator. MSB-12-864-g005.jpg msb156701-fig-0002ev FIG fig_caption 9731 Source data are available online for this figure. RESULTS paragraph 9783 We first asked whether direct modulation of the receptor with an extended side chain is required for cell‐specific signaling. To this end, we compared the average ligand‐induced GREB1 mRNA levels in MCF‐7 cells and 3×ERE‐Luc reporter gene activity in Ishikawa endometrial cancer cells (E‐Luc) or in HepG2 cells transfected with wild‐type ERα (L‐Luc ERα‐WT) (Figs 3A and EV2A–C). Direct modulators showed significant differences in average activity between cell types except OBHS‐ASC analogs, which had similar low agonist activities in the three cell types. The other direct modulators had low agonist activity in Ishikawa cells, no or inverse agonist activity in MCF‐7 cells, and more variable activity in HepG2 liver cells. While it was known that direct modulators such as tamoxifen drive cell‐specific signaling, these experiments reveal that indirect modulators also drive cell‐specific signaling, since eight of fourteen classes showed significant differences in average activity (Figs 3A and EV2A–C). 0.69088733 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 0.81260395 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:12:07Z MESH: 3×ERE‐Luc experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:55Z E‐Luc 0.9967254 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:52:35Z DUMMY: wild‐type 0.99650925 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z L‐Luc protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:01Z WT 0.94454867 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:08Z CHEBI: OBHS‐ASC 0.99727494 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:44Z CHEBI: tamoxifen MSB-12-864-g006.jpg msb156701-fig-0003 FIG fig_title_caption 10824 Ligand‐specific signaling underlies ERα‐mediated cell proliferation 0.5306793 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα MSB-12-864-g006.jpg msb156701-fig-0003 FIG fig_caption 10897 (A) Ligand‐specific ERα activities in HepG2, Ishikawa and MCF‐7 cells. The ligand‐induced L‐Luc ERα‐WT and E‐Luc activities and GREB1 mRNA levels are shown by scaffold (mean + SD). (B) Ligand class analysis of the L‐Luc ERα‐WT and ERα‐ΔAB activities in HepG2 cells. Significant sensitivity to AB domain deletion was determined by Student's t‐test (n = number of ligands per scaffold in Fig 2). The average activities of ligands classes are shown (mean + SEM). protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα 0.51193875 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:30Z MESH: L‐Luc protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:01Z WT experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:55Z E‐Luc protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 0.84152174 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:12:16Z MESH: class analysis experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z L‐Luc protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:01Z WT 0.9970581 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:52:46Z MESH: ERα‐ΔAB 0.8804764 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:02Z SO: AB experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:55:58Z Student's t‐test MSB-12-864-g006.jpg msb156701-fig-0003 FIG fig_caption 11389 Correlation and regression analyses in a large test set. The r 2 values are plotted as a heat map. In cluster 1, the first three comparisons (rows) showed significant positive correlations (F‐test for nonzero slope, P ≤ 0.05). In cluster 2, only one of these comparisons revealed a significant positive correlation, while none was significant in cluster 3. +, statistically significant correlations gained by deletion of the AB or F domains. −, significant correlations lost upon deletion of AB or F domains. 0.98742986 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:12:19Z MESH: Correlation and regression analyses 0.8578758 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:07:34Z DUMMY: r 2 values experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:37Z F‐test evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:26:18Z P 0.51995146 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:12:23Z MESH: deletion 0.9976948 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:03Z SO: AB 0.9931163 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:12Z SO: F 0.9974043 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:03Z SO: AB 0.97985506 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:11Z SO: F MSB-12-864-g006.jpg msb156701-fig-0003 FIG fig_caption 11906 Source data are available online for this figure. RESULTS paragraph 11958 Tamoxifen depends on AF‐1 for its cell‐specific activity (Sakamoto et al, 2002); therefore, we asked whether cell‐specific signaling observed here is due to a similar dependence on AF‐1 for activity (Fig EV1). To test this idea, we compared the average L‐Luc activities of each scaffold in HepG2 cells co‐transfected with wild‐type ERα or with ERα lacking the AB domain (Figs 1B and EV1). While E2 showed similar L‐Luc ERα‐WT and ERα‐ΔAB activities, tamoxifen showed complete loss of activity without the AB domain (Fig EV1B). Deletion of the AB domain significantly reduced the average L‐Luc activities of 14 scaffolds (Student's t‐test, P ≤ 0.05) (Fig 3B). These “AF‐1‐sensitive” activities were exhibited by both direct and indirect modulators, and were not limited to scaffolds that showed cell‐specific signaling (Fig 3A and B). Thus, the strength of AF‐1 signaling does not determine cell‐specific signaling. 0.99671257 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:44Z CHEBI: Tamoxifen 0.95681185 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.9622051 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:56:28Z average L‐Luc activities 0.97614646 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:12:27Z MESH: co‐transfected 0.99681187 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:52:35Z DUMMY: wild‐type 0.9976277 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.99342316 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.9647014 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:18:49Z DUMMY: lacking the structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:03Z AB 0.99783427 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:42Z CHEBI: E2 experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z L‐Luc protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:00Z WT 0.9962079 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:52:46Z MESH: ERα‐ΔAB 0.996908 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:44Z CHEBI: tamoxifen 0.87945706 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:18:53Z DUMMY: without structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:03Z AB 0.7637515 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:12:31Z MESH: Deletion of structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:03Z AB evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:08:00Z average L‐Luc activities experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:53:06Z Student's t‐test evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:26:18Z P structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z AF‐1 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z AF‐1 RESULTS title_2 12926 Identifying cell‐specific signaling clusters in ERα ligand classes 0.9333595 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα RESULTS paragraph 12997 As another approach to identifying cell‐specific signaling, we determined the degree of correlation between ligand‐induced activities in the different cell types. Here, we compared ligands within each class (Fig 3C), instead of comparing average activities (Fig 3A and B). For each ligand class or scaffold, we calculated the Pearson's correlation coefficient, r, for pairwise comparison of activity profiles in breast (GREB1), liver (L‐Luc), and endometrial cells (E‐Luc). The value of r ranges from −1 to 1, and it defines the extent to which the data fit a straight line when compounds show similar agonist/antagonist activity profiles between cell types (Fig EV3A). We also calculated the coefficient of determination, r 2, which describes the percentage of variance in a dependent variable such as proliferation that can be predicted by an independent variable such as GREB1 expression. We present both calculations as r 2 to readily compare signaling specificities using a heat map on which the red–yellow palette indicates significant positive correlations (P ≤ 0.05, F‐test for nonzero slope), while the blue palette denotes negative correlations (Fig 3C–F). 0.8269178 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:08:09Z DUMMY: Pearson's correlation coefficient 0.8409841 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:08:12Z DUMMY: r 0.9782397 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z L‐Luc experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:55Z E‐Luc 0.8962522 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:08:17Z DUMMY: r evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:08:50Z coefficient of determination 0.8511789 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:08:53Z DUMMY: r 2 0.98343074 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 0.9520688 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:08:57Z DUMMY: r 2 evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:26:18Z P experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:57:27Z F‐test MSB-12-864-g007.jpg msb156701-fig-0003ev FIG fig_title_caption 14188 The side chain of OBHS‐BSC analogs induces cell‐specific signaling chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:52Z OBHS‐BSC MSB-12-864-g007.jpg msb156701-fig-0003ev FIG fig_caption 14259 Correlation analysis of OBHS versus OBHS‐BSC activity across cell types. 0.99562293 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:37Z CHEBI: OBHS chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:52Z OBHS‐BSC MSB-12-864-g007.jpg msb156701-fig-0003ev FIG fig_caption 14334 Correlation analysis of L‐Luc ERα‐ΔAB activity versus endogenous ERα activity of OBHS analogs. In panel (D), L‐Luc ERα‐WT activity from panel (B) is shown for comparison. experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z L‐Luc 0.99583405 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:52:47Z MESH: ERα‐ΔAB protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα 0.97782236 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:37Z CHEBI: OBHS experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z L‐Luc protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:01Z WT MSB-12-864-g007.jpg msb156701-fig-0003ev FIG fig_caption 14521 Correlation analysis of L‐Luc ERα‐ΔF activity versus endogenous ERα activities of OBHS analogs. experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z L‐Luc 0.9871301 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:06:47Z MESH: ERα‐ΔF protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα 0.9828555 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:37Z CHEBI: OBHS MSB-12-864-g007.jpg msb156701-fig-0003ev FIG fig_caption 14629 Correlation analysis of MCF‐7 cell proliferation versus NCOA2/3 recruitment or GREB1 levels observed in response to (G) OBHS‐N and (H) OBHS‐BSC analogs. 0.6739586 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:49:52Z PR: NCOA2/3 0.95227623 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 0.9852438 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:40Z CHEBI: OBHS‐N 0.9810481 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:51Z CHEBI: OBHS‐BSC MSB-12-864-g007.jpg msb156701-fig-0003ev FIG fig_caption 14788 Data information: In each panel, a data point indicates the activity of a distinct compound.Source data are available online for this figure. RESULTS paragraph 14932 This analysis revealed diverse signaling specificities that we grouped into three clusters. Scaffolds in cluster 1 exhibited strongly correlated GREB1 levels, E‐Luc and L‐Luc activity profiles across the three cell types (Fig 3C lanes 1–4), suggesting these ligands use similar ERα signaling pathways in the breast, endometrial, and liver cell types. This cluster includes WAY‐C, OBHS, OBHS‐N, and triaryl‐ethylene analogs, all of which are indirect modulators. Cluster 2 contains scaffolds with activities that were positively correlated in only two of the three cell types, indicating cell‐specific signaling (Fig 3C lanes 5–12). This cluster includes two classes of direct modulators (cyclofenil‐ASC and WAY dimer), and six classes of indirect modulators (2,5‐DTP, 3,4‐DTP, S‐OBHS‐2 and S‐OBHS‐3, furan, and WAY‐D). In this cluster, the correlated activities varied by scaffold. For example, 3,4‐DTP, furan, and S‐OBHS‐2 drove positively correlated GREB1 levels and E‐Luc but not L‐Luc ERα‐WT activity (Fig 3C lanes 5–7). In contrast, WAY dimer and WAY‐D analogs drove positively correlated GREB1 levels and L‐Luc ERα‐WT but not E‐Luc activity (Fig 3C lanes 8 and 9). The last set of scaffolds, cluster 3, displayed cell‐specific activities that were not correlated in any of the three cell types (Fig 3C lanes 13–19). This cluster includes two direct modulator scaffolds (OBHS‐ASC and OBHS‐BSC), and five indirect modulator scaffolds (A‐CD, cyclofenil, 3,4‐DTPD, imine, and imidazopyridine). protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:55Z E‐Luc experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z L‐Luc 0.96300846 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.9935394 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:04:18Z CHEBI: WAY‐C 0.5436915 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:37Z CHEBI: OBHS 0.6676753 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:41Z CHEBI: OBHS‐N chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:08:31Z triaryl‐ethylene 0.98814267 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:06:19Z CHEBI: cyclofenil‐ASC 0.9942509 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:01:20Z CHEBI: WAY dimer 0.99742794 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:01:24Z CHEBI: 2,5‐DTP 0.99740154 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:01:27Z CHEBI: 3,4‐DTP 0.6645348 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:14Z CHEBI: S‐OBHS‐2 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:04:56Z S‐OBHS‐3 0.9984285 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:01:30Z CHEBI: furan 0.99470615 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:03Z CHEBI: WAY‐D 0.9973963 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:01:33Z CHEBI: 3,4‐DTP 0.99861944 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:01:36Z CHEBI: furan 0.6933242 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:14Z CHEBI: S‐OBHS‐2 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:55Z E‐Luc experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z L‐Luc 0.9050587 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:01Z WT 0.99606335 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:01:40Z CHEBI: WAY dimer 0.9956608 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:03Z CHEBI: WAY‐D protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z L‐Luc 0.83370477 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:01Z WT experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:55Z E‐Luc chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:09Z OBHS‐ASC chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:52Z OBHS‐BSC 0.9929027 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:54Z CHEBI: A‐CD 0.99842876 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:06:00Z CHEBI: cyclofenil 0.9973632 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:49Z CHEBI: 3,4‐DTPD 0.99747247 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:01:45Z CHEBI: imine 0.9938916 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:06:06Z CHEBI: imidazopyridine RESULTS paragraph 16503 These results suggest that addition of an extended side chain to an ERα ligand scaffold is sufficient to induce cell‐specific signaling, where the relative activity profiles of the individual ligands change between cell types. This is demonstrated by directly comparing the signaling specificities of matched OBHS (indirect modulator, cluster 1) and OBHS‐BSC analogs (direct modulator, cluster 3), which differ only in the basic side chain (Fig 2E). The activities of OBHS analogs were positively correlated across the three cell types, but the side chain of OBHS‐BSC analogs was sufficient to abolish these correlations (Figs 3C lanes 1 and 19, and EV3A–C). 0.9594942 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.99750704 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:37Z CHEBI: OBHS chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:52Z OBHS‐BSC 0.7002744 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:37Z CHEBI: OBHS chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:52Z OBHS‐BSC RESULTS paragraph 17173 The indirect modulator scaffolds in clusters 2 and 3 showed cell‐specific signaling patterns without the extended side chain typically viewed as the primary chemical and structural mechanism driving cell‐specific activity. Many of these scaffolds drove similar average activities of the ligand class in the different cell types (Fig 3A), but the individual ligands in each class had different cell‐specific activities (Fig EV2A–C). Thus, examining the correlated patterns of ERα activity within each scaffold demonstrates that an extended side chain is not required for cell‐specific signaling. protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα RESULTS title_2 17781 Modulation of signaling specificity by AF‐1 0.80650944 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 RESULTS paragraph 17827 To evaluate the role of AF‐1 and the F domain in ERα signaling specificity, we compared activity of truncated ERα constructs in HepG2 liver cells with endogenous ERα activity in the other cell types. The positive correlation between the L‐Luc and E‐Luc activities or GREB1 levels induced by scaffolds in cluster 1 was generally retained without the AB domain, or the F domain (Fig 3D lanes 1–4). This demonstrates that the signaling specificities underlying these positive correlations are not modified by AF‐1. OBHS analogs showed an average L‐Luc ERα‐ΔAB activity of 3.2% ± 3 (mean + SEM) relative to E2. Despite this nearly complete lack of activity, the pattern of L‐Luc ERα‐ΔAB activity was still highly correlated with the E‐Luc activity and GREB1 expression (Fig EV3D and E), demonstrating that very small AF‐2 activities can be amplified by AF‐1 to produce robust signals. Similarly, deletion of the F domain did not abolish correlations between the L‐Luc and E‐Luc or GREB1 levels induced by OBHS analogs (Fig EV3F). These similar patterns of ligand activity in the wild‐type and deletion mutants suggest that AF‐1 and the F domain purely amplify the AF‐2 activities of ligands in cluster 1. 0.9814356 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:12Z F 0.91343945 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.9525181 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.9613005 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.92285633 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z MESH: L‐Luc experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:55Z E‐Luc protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:03Z AB structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:12Z F 0.9698805 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:37Z OBHS 0.9410656 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z MESH: L‐Luc 0.9903858 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:52:47Z MESH: ERα‐ΔAB 0.9981902 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:42Z CHEBI: E2 0.9430773 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z MESH: L‐Luc 0.992173 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:52:47Z MESH: ERα‐ΔAB experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:55Z E‐Luc protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z AF‐2 0.96515197 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.7311077 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:12:37Z MESH: deletion of 0.9980215 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:12Z SO: F 0.916756 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z MESH: L‐Luc experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:55Z E‐Luc protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:37Z OBHS 0.99662095 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:52:36Z DUMMY: wild‐type 0.4187774 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:18:59Z DUMMY: mutants 0.9841226 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:12Z F structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z AF‐2 RESULTS paragraph 19077 In contrast, AF‐1 was a determinant of signaling specificity for scaffolds in cluster 2. Deletion of the AB or F domain altered correlations for six of the eight scaffolds in this cluster (2,5‐DTP, 3,4‐DTP, S‐OBHS‐3, WAY‐D, WAY dimer, and cyclofenil‐ASC) (Fig 3D lanes 5–12). Comparing Fig 3C and D, the + and − signs indicate where the deletion mutant assays led to a gain or loss of statically significant correlation, respectively. Thus, in cluster 2, AF‐1 substantially modulated the specificity of ligands with cell‐specific activity (Fig 3D lanes 5–12). For ligands in cluster 3, we could not eliminate a role for AF‐1 in determining signaling specificity, since this cluster lacked positively correlated activity profiles (Fig 3C), and deletion of the AB or F domain rarely induced such correlations (Fig 3D), except for A‐CD and OBHS‐ASC analogs, where deletion of the AB domain or F domain led to positive correlations with E‐Luc activity and/or GREB1 levels (Fig 3D lanes 13 and 18). Thus, ligands in cluster 2 rely on AF‐1 for both activity (Fig 3B) and signaling specificity (Fig 3D). As discussed below, this cell specificity derives from alternate coactivator preferences. 0.9907372 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.9822912 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:12:41Z MESH: Deletion of 0.99755126 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:03Z SO: AB 0.9729634 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:12Z SO: F 0.9972523 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:01:50Z CHEBI: 2,5‐DTP 0.9971563 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:01:52Z CHEBI: 3,4‐DTP chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:13:51Z S‐OBHS‐3 0.92636657 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:03Z CHEBI: WAY‐D 0.9874922 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:01:56Z CHEBI: WAY dimer 0.9927645 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:06:20Z CHEBI: cyclofenil‐ASC 0.97313994 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:12:45Z MESH: deletion mutant assays 0.9914057 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.9862086 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.978631 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:12:49Z MESH: deletion of 0.997577 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:03Z SO: AB 0.9891452 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:12Z SO: F chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:55Z A‐CD 0.97583896 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:09Z CHEBI: OBHS‐ASC 0.96934676 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:12:51Z MESH: deletion of 0.99685115 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:03Z SO: AB 0.9968815 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:12Z SO: F experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:55Z E‐Luc protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 0.98908633 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 RESULTS title_2 20306 Ligand‐specific control of GREB1 expression 0.99805826 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 RESULTS paragraph 20352 To determine whether ligand classes control expression of native ERα target genes through the canonical linear signaling pathway, we performed pairwise linear regression analyses using ERα–NCOA1/2/3 interactions in M2H assay as independent predictors of GREB1 expression (the dependent variable) (Figs EV1 and EV2A, F–H). In cluster 1, the recruitment of NCOA1 and NCOA2 was highest for WAY‐C, followed by triaryl‐ethylene, OBHS‐N, and OBHS series, while for NCOA3, OBHS‐N compounds induced the most recruitment and OBHS ligands were inverse agonists (Fig EV2F–H). The average induction of GREB1 by cluster 1 ligands showed greater variance, with a range between ~25 and ~75% for OBHS and a range from full agonist to inverse agonist for the others in cluster 1 (Fig EV2A). GREB1 levels induced by OBHS analogs were determined by recruitment of NCOA1 but not NCOA2/3 (Fig 3E lane 1), suggesting that there may be alternate or preferential use of these coactivators by different classes. However, in cluster 1, NCOA1/2/3 recruitment generally predicted GREB1 levels (Fig 3E lanes 1–4), consistent with the canonical signaling model (Fig 1D). protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα 0.98062885 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:12:56Z MESH: pairwise linear regression analyses 0.96621025 complex_assembly cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:34:55Z GO: ERα–NCOA1/2/3 0.9850155 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:12:59Z MESH: M2H assay protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 0.9985461 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:49:56Z PR: NCOA1 0.9983197 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:11Z PR: NCOA2 0.99309796 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:04:18Z CHEBI: WAY‐C 0.9910898 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:08:31Z CHEBI: triaryl‐ethylene 0.9588286 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:41Z CHEBI: OBHS‐N 0.6048767 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:37Z CHEBI: OBHS 0.9985275 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:49:59Z PR: NCOA3 0.93739086 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:41Z CHEBI: OBHS‐N 0.8894773 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:37Z CHEBI: OBHS protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 0.97384655 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:37Z CHEBI: OBHS protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 0.97890204 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:37Z CHEBI: OBHS 0.9983368 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:50:03Z PR: NCOA1 0.8513415 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:50:07Z PR: NCOA2/3 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 RESULTS paragraph 21517 For clusters 2 and 3, GREB1 activity was generally not predicted by NCOA1/2/3 recruitment. Direct modulators showed low NCOA1/2/3 recruitment (Fig EV2F–H), but only OBHS‐ASC analogs had NCOA2 recruitment profiles that predicted a full range of effects on GREB1 levels (Figs 3E lanes 9, 11, 18–19, and EV2A). The indirect modulators in clusters 2 and 3 stimulated NCOA1/2/3 recruitment and GREB1 expression with substantial variance (Figs 3A and EV2F–H). However, ligand‐induced GREB1 levels were generally not determined by NCOA1/2/3 recruitment (Fig 3E lanes 5–19), consistent with an alternate causality model (Fig 1E). Out of 11 indirect modulator series in cluster 2 or 3, only the S‐OBHS‐3 class had NCOA1/2/3 recruitment profiles that predicted GREB1 levels (Fig 3E lane 12). These results suggest that compounds that show cell‐specific signaling do not activate GREB1, or use coactivators other than NCOA1/2/3 to control GREB1 expression (Fig 1E). protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 0.93991566 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:09Z CHEBI: OBHS‐ASC protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:11Z NCOA2 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:13:51Z S‐OBHS‐3 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 0.92096794 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 0.66645485 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z PR: NCOA1/2/3 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 RESULTS title_2 22497 Ligand‐specific control of cell proliferation RESULTS paragraph 22545 To determine mechanisms for ligand‐dependent control of breast cancer cell proliferation, we performed linear regression analyses across the 19 scaffolds using MCF‐7 cell proliferation as the dependent variable, and the other activities as independent variables (Fig 3F). In cluster 1, E‐Luc and L‐Luc activities, NCOA1/2/3 recruitment, and GREB1 levels generally predicted the proliferative response (Fig 3F lanes 2–4). With the OBHS‐N compounds, NCOA3 and GREB1 showed near perfect prediction of proliferation (Fig EV3G), with unexplained variance similar to the noise in the assays. The lack of significant predictors for OBHS analogs (Fig 3F lane 1) reflects their small range of proliferative effects on MCF‐7 cells (Fig EV2I). The significant correlations with GREB1 expression and NCOA1/2/3 recruitment observed in this cluster are consistent with the canonical signaling model (Fig 1D), where NCOA1/2/3 recruitment determines GREB1 expression, which then drives proliferation. 0.98775655 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:13:05Z MESH: linear regression analyses 0.8465802 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:55Z MESH: E‐Luc 0.81952065 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z MESH: L‐Luc protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 0.94380665 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:41Z OBHS‐N 0.99678516 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:50:11Z PR: NCOA3 0.99611676 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:38Z OBHS 0.9898878 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 0.9906052 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 RESULTS paragraph 23550 Ligands in cluster 2 and cluster 3 showed a wide range of proliferative effects on MCF‐7 cells (Fig EV2I). Despite this phenotypic variance, proliferation was not generally predicted by correlated NCOA1/2/3 recruitment and GREB1 induction (Figs 3F lanes 5–19, and EV3H). Out of 15 ligand series in these clusters, only 2,5‐DTP analogs induced a proliferative response that was predicted by GREB1 levels, which were not determined by NCOA1/2/3 recruitment (Fig 3E and F lane 10). 3,4‐DTP, cyclofenil, 3,4‐DTPD, and imidazopyridine analogs had NCOA1/3 recruitment profiles that predicted their proliferative effects, without determining GREB1 levels (Fig 3E and F, lanes 5 and 14–16). Similarly, S‐OBHS‐3, cyclofenil‐ASC, and OBHS‐ASC had positively correlated NCOA1/2/3 recruitment and GREB1 levels, but none of these activities determined their proliferative effects (Fig 3E and F lanes 11–12 and 18). For ligands that show cell‐specific signaling, ERα‐mediated recruitment of other coregulators and activation of other target genes likely determine their proliferative effects on MCF‐7 cells. protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 0.99721795 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:02:03Z CHEBI: 2,5‐DTP protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 0.9969743 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:02:06Z CHEBI: 3,4‐DTP 0.99792635 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:06:01Z CHEBI: cyclofenil 0.99604523 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:49Z CHEBI: 3,4‐DTPD 0.97465694 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:06:07Z CHEBI: imidazopyridine protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:13:20Z NCOA1/3 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 0.8801133 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:13:51Z CHEBI: S‐OBHS‐3 0.9819379 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:06:20Z CHEBI: cyclofenil‐ASC 0.92578393 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:09Z CHEBI: OBHS‐ASC protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 0.9874334 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα RESULTS title_2 24678 NCOA3 occupancy at GREB1 did not predict the proliferative response 0.99655735 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:50:15Z PR: NCOA3 0.8558061 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 RESULTS paragraph 24746 We also questioned whether promoter occupancy by coactivators is statistically robust and reproducible for ligand class analysis using a chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)‐based quantitative assay, and whether it has a better predictive power than the M2H assay. ERα and NCOA3 cycle on and off the GREB1 promoter (Nwachukwu et al, 2014). Therefore, we first performed a time‐course study, and found that E2 and the WAY‐C analog, AAPII‐151‐4, induced recruitment of NCOA3 to the GREB1 promoter in a temporal cycle that peaked after 45 min in MCF‐7 cells (Fig 4A). At this time point, other WAY‐C analogs also induced recruitment of NCOA3 at this site to varying degrees (Fig 4B). The Z’ for this assay was 0.6, showing statistical robustness (see Materials and Methods). We prepared biological replicates with different cell passage numbers and separately prepared samples, which showed r 2 of 0.81, demonstrating high reproducibility (Fig 4C). experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:13:54Z chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)‐based quantitative assay, 0.8732414 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:13:58Z MESH: M2H assay 0.99798834 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z PR: ERα 0.9980611 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:50:21Z PR: NCOA3 0.9242139 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 0.91339153 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:14:01Z MESH: time‐course study 0.9979705 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:42Z CHEBI: E2 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:04:18Z WAY‐C 0.97044486 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:02:11Z CHEBI: AAPII‐151‐4 0.9977604 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:50:24Z PR: NCOA3 0.8418753 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:04:18Z WAY‐C 0.9977362 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:50:26Z PR: NCOA3 0.9782229 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:09:08Z DUMMY: Z’ 0.9696659 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:09:11Z DUMMY: r 2 MSB-12-864-g008.jpg msb156701-fig-0004 FIG fig_title_caption 25714 NCOA3 occupancy at GREB1 is statistically robust but does not predict transcriptional activity 0.9965205 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:50:31Z PR: NCOA3 0.7577269 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 MSB-12-864-g008.jpg msb156701-fig-0004 FIG fig_caption 25810 Kinetic ChIP assay examining recruitment of NCOA3 to the GREB1 gene in MCF‐7 cells stimulated with E2 or the indicated WAY‐C analog. The average of duplicate experiments (mean ± SEM) is shown. 0.9934087 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:14:10Z MESH: Kinetic ChIP assay 0.9978503 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:50:33Z PR: NCOA3 0.75698066 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 0.99739885 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:42Z CHEBI: E2 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:04:18Z WAY‐C MSB-12-864-g008.jpg msb156701-fig-0004 FIG fig_caption 26010 NCOA3 occupancy at GREB1 was compared by ChIP assay 45 min after stimulation with vehicle, E2, or the WAY‐C analogs. In panel (B), the average recruitment of two biological replicates are shown as mean + SEM, and the Z‐score is indicated. In panel (C), correlation analysis was performed for two biological replicates. 0.9935454 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:50:36Z PR: NCOA3 0.5045772 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 0.99326444 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:14:13Z MESH: ChIP assay 0.99746776 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:42Z CHEBI: E2 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:04:18Z WAY‐C evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:25:46Z Z‐score 0.85250723 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:14:17Z MESH: correlation analysis MSB-12-864-g008.jpg msb156701-fig-0004 FIG fig_caption 26336 Linear regression analyses comparing the ability of NCOA3 recruitment, measured by ChIP or M2H, to predict other agonist activities of WAY‐C analogs. *Significant positive correlation (F‐test for nonzero slope, P‐value). 0.8993063 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:14:21Z MESH: Linear regression analyses 0.9973508 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:50:42Z PR: NCOA3 0.9898379 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:14:23Z MESH: ChIP 0.9818325 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:14:26Z MESH: M2H chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:04:18Z WAY‐C experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:20:04Z F‐test evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:26:05Z P‐value MSB-12-864-g008.jpg msb156701-fig-0004 FIG fig_caption 26563 Source data are available online for this figure. RESULTS paragraph 26615 The M2H assay for NCOA3 recruitment broadly correlated with the other assays, and was predictive for GREB1 expression and cell proliferation (Fig 3E). However, the ChIP assays for WAY‐C‐induced recruitment of NCOA3 to the GREB1 promoter did not correlate with any of the other WAY‐C activity profiles (Fig 4D), although the positive correlation between ChIP assays and NCOA3 recruitment via M2H assay showed a trend toward significance with r 2 = 0.36 and P = 0.09 (F‐test for nonzero slope). Thus, the simplified coactivator‐binding assay showed much greater predictive power than the ChIP assay for ligand‐specific effects on GREB1 expression and cell proliferation. 0.98578024 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:14:29Z MESH: M2H assay 0.99369276 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:50:45Z PR: NCOA3 0.96231395 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 0.9859141 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:14:32Z MESH: ChIP assays 0.974938 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:04:18Z CHEBI: WAY‐C 0.997054 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:50:48Z PR: NCOA3 0.90827537 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 0.92724705 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:04:19Z CHEBI: WAY‐C 0.9725241 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:14:35Z MESH: ChIP assays 0.99389195 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:50:50Z PR: NCOA3 0.98268086 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:14:38Z MESH: M2H assay evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:25:29Z r 2 evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:26:18Z P experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:19:37Z F‐test 0.97863764 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:14:43Z MESH: coactivator‐binding assay 0.96783495 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:14:45Z MESH: ChIP assay 0.95587784 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 RESULTS title_2 27302 ERβ activity is not an independent predictor of cell‐specific activity 0.933958 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:49:12Z PR: ERβ RESULTS paragraph 27376 One difference between MCF‐7 breast cancer cells and Ishikawa endometrial cancer cells is the contribution of ERβ to estrogenic response, as Ishikawa cells may express ERβ (Bhat & Pezzuto, 2001). When overexpressed in MCF‐7 cells, ERβ alters E2‐induced expression of only a subset of ERα‐target genes (Wu et al, 2011), raising the possibility that ligand‐induced ERβ activity may contribute to E‐Luc activities, and thus underlie the lack of correlation between the E‐Luc and L‐Luc ERα‐WT activities or GREB1 levels induced by cell‐specific modulators in cluster 2 and cluster 3 (Fig 3C). 0.8390067 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:50:58Z PR: ERβ 0.9147357 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:51:03Z PR: ERβ 0.98094374 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:14:50Z MESH: overexpressed 0.9563717 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:51:05Z PR: ERβ 0.9714489 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:42Z CHEBI: E2 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα 0.44195107 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:49:21Z PR: ERβ 0.88420296 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:55Z MESH: E‐Luc 0.95827705 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:55Z MESH: E‐Luc 0.9432032 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z MESH: L‐Luc protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:59Z ERα 0.7737816 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:01Z DUMMY: WT 0.96682733 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 RESULTS paragraph 27993 To test this idea, we determined the L‐Luc ERβ activity profiles of the ligands (Fig EV1). All direct modulator and two indirect modulator scaffolds (OBHS and S‐OBHS‐3) lacked ERβ agonist activity. However, the other ligands showed a range of ERβ activities (Fig EV2J). For most scaffolds, L‐Luc ERβ and E‐Luc activities were not correlated, except for 2,5‐DTP and cyclofenil analogs, which showed moderate but significant correlations (Fig EV4A). Nevertheless, the E‐Luc activities of both 2,5‐DTP and cyclofenil analogs were better predicted by their L‐Luc ERα‐WT than L‐Luc ERβ activities (Fig EV4A and B). Thus, ERβ activity was not an independent determinant of the observed activity profiles. 0.85501605 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z MESH: L‐Luc 0.9511798 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:38Z CHEBI: OBHS 0.80254567 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:13:51Z CHEBI: S‐OBHS‐3 0.7573789 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z MESH: L‐Luc 0.39837897 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:56Z MESH: E‐Luc 0.997215 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:02:18Z CHEBI: 2,5‐DTP 0.9970463 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:06:01Z CHEBI: cyclofenil experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:56Z E‐Luc 0.9972227 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:02:21Z CHEBI: 2,5‐DTP chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:06:01Z cyclofenil 0.74976367 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z MESH: L‐Luc 0.60933095 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:01Z WT 0.7702003 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:31Z MESH: L‐Luc 0.57141453 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:51:13Z PR: ERβ MSB-12-864-g009.jpg msb156701-fig-0004ev FIG fig_title_caption 28725 ERβ activity is not an independent predictor of E‐Luc activity 0.5572566 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:49:32Z PR: ERβ experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:56Z E‐Luc MSB-12-864-g009.jpg msb156701-fig-0004ev FIG fig_caption 28791 ERβ activity in HepG2 cells rarely correlates with E‐Luc activity. 0.85604817 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:49:40Z PR: ERβ 0.7764904 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:56Z MESH: E‐Luc MSB-12-864-g009.jpg msb156701-fig-0004ev FIG fig_caption 28861 ERα activity of 2,5‐DTP and cyclofenil analogs correlates with E‐Luc activity. protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z ERα 0.99681073 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:02:26Z CHEBI: 2,5‐DTP 0.9913715 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:06:01Z CHEBI: cyclofenil experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:54:56Z E‐Luc MSB-12-864-g009.jpg msb156701-fig-0004ev FIG fig_caption 28945 Data information: The r 2 and P values for the indicated correlations are shown in both panels. *Significant positive correlation (F‐test for nonzero slope, P‐value) 0.9492532 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:09:16Z DUMMY: r 2 evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:09:36Z P values experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:20:04Z F‐test evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:26:06Z P‐value RESULTS title_2 29116 Structural features of consistent signaling across cell types RESULTS paragraph 29178 To overcome barriers to crystallization of ERα LBD complexes, we developed a conformation‐trapping X‐ray crystallography approach using the ERα‐Y537S mutation (Nettles et al, 2008; Bruning et al, 2010; Srinivasan et al, 2013). To further validate this approach, we solved the structure of the ERα‐Y537S LBD in complex with diethylstilbestrol (DES), which bound identically in the wild‐type and ERα‐Y537S LBDs, demonstrating again that this surface mutation stabilizes h12 dynamics to facilitate crystallization without changing ligand binding (Appendix Fig S1A and B) (Nettles et al, 2008; Bruning et al, 2010; Delfosse et al, 2012). Using this approach, we solved 76 ERα LBD structures in the active conformation and bound to ligands studied here (Appendix Fig S1C). Eleven of these structures have been published, while 65 are new, including the DES‐bound ERα‐Y537S LBD. We present 57 of these new structures here (Dataset EV2), while the remaining eight new structures bound to OBHS‐N analogs will be published elsewhere (S. Srinivasan et al, in preparation). Examining many closely related structures allows us to visualize subtle structural differences, in effect using X‐ray crystallography as a systems biology tool. 0.9824072 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:14:56Z MESH: crystallization 0.99178946 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.6792933 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.99458843 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:15:00Z MESH: conformation‐trapping X‐ray crystallography 0.9950919 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:07:41Z MESH: ERα‐Y537S 0.9639338 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:15:03Z MESH: solved 0.9943229 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:09:54Z DUMMY: structure 0.9968536 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:07:42Z MESH: ERα‐Y537S 0.98712665 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.9900389 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:19:05Z DUMMY: in complex with 0.9972697 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:02:32Z CHEBI: diethylstilbestrol 0.9976993 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:02:35Z CHEBI: DES 0.9972461 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:52:36Z DUMMY: wild‐type 0.9963813 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:07:42Z MESH: ERα‐Y537S 0.97803456 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:07:21Z SO: LBDs 0.7712057 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.92050976 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:15:07Z MESH: solved 0.99171996 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.9457268 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.99098295 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:10:00Z DUMMY: structures 0.9952619 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:19:17Z DUMMY: active conformation 0.8746801 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:19:20Z DUMMY: bound to ligands 0.98621434 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:10:02Z DUMMY: structures 0.9961564 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:19:22Z DUMMY: DES‐bound 0.996548 mutant cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:07:42Z MESH: ERα‐Y537S 0.9871116 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.991763 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:10:08Z DUMMY: structures 0.9558419 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:10:11Z DUMMY: structures 0.98350334 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:19:25Z DUMMY: bound to 0.9924657 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:41Z CHEBI: OBHS‐N 0.99455065 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:10:18Z DUMMY: structures 0.9958229 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:15:24Z MESH: X‐ray crystallography RESULTS paragraph 30436 The indirect modulator scaffolds in cluster 1 did not show cell‐specific signaling (Fig 3C), but shared common structural perturbations that we designed to modulate h12 dynamics. Based on our original OBHS structure, the OBHS, OBHS‐N, and triaryl‐ethylene compounds were modified with h11‐directed pendant groups (Zheng et al, 2012; Zhu et al, 2012; Liao et al, 2014). Superposing the LBDs based on the class of bound ligands provides an ensemble view of the structural variance and clarifies what part of the ligand‐binding pocket is differentially perturbed or targeted. 0.7064927 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.76004595 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:38Z CHEBI: OBHS 0.9969669 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:10:40Z DUMMY: structure 0.9129474 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:38Z CHEBI: OBHS 0.9696711 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:41Z CHEBI: OBHS‐N 0.9701834 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:08:30Z CHEBI: triaryl‐ethylene structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z h11 0.99451905 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:15:29Z MESH: Superposing 0.9976539 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:07:25Z SO: LBDs 0.997629 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:09:45Z SO: ligand‐binding pocket RESULTS paragraph 31023 The 24 structures containing OBHS, OBHS‐N, or triaryl‐ethylene analogs showed structural diversity in the same part of the scaffolds (Figs 5A and EV5A), and the same region of the LBD—the C‐terminal end of h11 (Figs 5B and C, and EV5B), which in turn nudges h12 (Fig 5C and D). We observed that the OBHS‐N analogs displaced h11 along a vector away from Leu354 in a region of h3 that is unaffected by the ligands, and toward the dimer interface. For the triaryl‐ethylene analogs, the displacement of h11 was in a perpendicular direction, away from Ile424 in h8 and toward h12. Remarkably, these individual inter‐atomic distances showed a ligand class‐specific ability to significantly predict proliferative effects (Fig 5E and F), demonstrating the feasibility of developing a minimal set of activity predictors from crystal structures. 0.9963756 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:02:47Z DUMMY: structures 0.96527314 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:38Z CHEBI: OBHS 0.8041764 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:41Z CHEBI: OBHS‐N chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:08:31Z triaryl‐ethylene 0.99776983 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.949963 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 0.8083586 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:41Z OBHS‐N 0.9745204 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 0.99872535 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:05:46Z DUMMY: Leu354 0.8633965 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:39Z SO: h3 0.9823445 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:09:51Z SO: dimer interface chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:08:31Z triaryl‐ethylene 0.9856156 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 0.9987231 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:05:49Z DUMMY: Ile424 0.8637221 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:09:13Z SO: h8 0.4989166 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.9894757 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:03:07Z DUMMY: inter‐atomic distances 0.9974425 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:03:11Z DUMMY: crystal structures MSB-12-864-g010.jpg msb156701-fig-0005 FIG fig_title_caption 31879 Structural determinants of consistent signaling MSB-12-864-g010.jpg msb156701-fig-0005 FIG fig_caption 31927 Structure‐class analysis of triaryl‐ethylene analogs. Triaryl‐ethylene analogs bound to the superposed crystal structures of the ERα LBD are shown. Arrows indicate chemical variance in the orientation of the different h11‐directed ligand side groups (PDB 5DK9, 5DKB, 5DKE, 5DKG, 5DKS, 5DL4, 5DLR, 5DMC, 5DMF and 5DP0). 0.99104416 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:15:36Z MESH: Structure‐class analysis chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:08:31Z triaryl‐ethylene chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:08:31Z Triaryl‐ethylene 0.9835514 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:19:30Z DUMMY: bound to 0.99520504 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:15:39Z MESH: superposed 0.9967205 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:03:19Z DUMMY: crystal structures 0.9971552 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.9955042 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.3932451 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 MSB-12-864-g010.jpg msb156701-fig-0005 FIG fig_caption 32255 Triaryl‐ethylene analogs induce variance of ERα conformations at the C‐terminal region of h11. Panel (B) shows the crystal structure of a triaryl‐ethylene analog‐bound ERα LBD (PDB 5DLR). The h11–h12 interface (circled) includes the C‐terminal part of h11. This region was expanded in panel (C), where the 10 triaryl‐ethylene analog‐bound ERα LBD structures (see Datasets EV1 and EV2) were superposed to show variations in the h11 C‐terminus (PDB 5DK9, 5DKB, 5DKE, 5DKG, 5DKS, 5DL4, 5DLR, 5DMC, 5DMF, and 5DP0). chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:08:31Z Triaryl‐ethylene 0.99039906 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.9382732 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 0.9974959 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:03:25Z DUMMY: crystal structure chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:08:31Z triaryl‐ethylene 0.99623007 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.9846935 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.99638605 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:09:56Z SO: h11–h12 interface 0.96403486 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:08:31Z triaryl‐ethylene 0.99468887 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.9621993 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.99664575 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:03:29Z DUMMY: structures 0.9946602 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:15:43Z MESH: superposed 0.9513391 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 MSB-12-864-g010.jpg msb156701-fig-0005 FIG fig_caption 32789 ERα LBDs in complex with diethylstilbestrol (DES) or a triaryl‐ethylene analog were superposed to show that the ligand‐induced difference in h11 conformation is transmitted to the C‐terminus of h12 (PDB 4ZN7, 5DMC). 0.9905766 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.98728615 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:07:31Z SO: LBDs 0.95576185 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:19:33Z DUMMY: in complex with 0.9977882 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:02:40Z CHEBI: diethylstilbestrol 0.9981653 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:02:42Z CHEBI: DES chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:08:31Z triaryl‐ethylene 0.9955011 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:15:47Z MESH: superposed 0.9965508 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 0.9915627 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 MSB-12-864-g010.jpg msb156701-fig-0005 FIG fig_caption 33012 Inter‐atomic distances predict the proliferative effects of specific ligand series. Ile424–His524 distance measured in the crystal structures correlates with the proliferative effect of triaryl‐ethylene analogs in MCF‐7 cells. In contrast, the Leu354–Leu525 distance correlates with the proliferative effects of OBHS‐N analogs in MCF‐7 cells. 0.9898077 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:03:38Z DUMMY: Inter‐atomic distances 0.98629063 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:05:53Z DUMMY: Ile424 0.73622644 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:11:24Z DUMMY: His524 evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:11:37Z distance 0.9973312 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:03:49Z DUMMY: crystal structures chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:08:31Z triaryl‐ethylene 0.9721175 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:06:04Z DUMMY: Leu354 0.64800006 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:11:08Z DUMMY: Leu525 evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:11:46Z distance chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:41Z OBHS‐N MSB-12-864-g010.jpg msb156701-fig-0005 FIG fig_caption 33369 Structure‐class analysis of WAY‐C analogs. WAY‐C side groups subtly nudge h12 Leu540. ERα LBD structures bound to 4 distinct WAY‐C analogs were superposed (PDB 4 IU7, 4IV4, 4IVW, 4IW6) (see Datasets EV1 and EV2). 0.984905 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:15:52Z MESH: Structure‐class analysis 0.99775034 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:04:19Z CHEBI: WAY‐C 0.9974684 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:04:19Z CHEBI: WAY‐C 0.6735084 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.99860686 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:06:11Z DUMMY: Leu540 0.99446446 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.97007364 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.99538004 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:04:00Z DUMMY: structures 0.9724702 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:19:37Z DUMMY: bound to chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:04:19Z WAY‐C 0.9926271 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:15:54Z MESH: superposed MSB-12-864-g010.jpg msb156701-fig-0005 FIG fig_caption 33592 Source data are available online for this figure. MSB-12-864-g011.jpg msb156701-fig-0005ev FIG fig_title_caption 33644 Structure‐class analysis of indirect modulators 0.96463877 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:15:58Z MESH: Structure‐class analysis MSB-12-864-g011.jpg msb156701-fig-0005ev FIG fig_caption 33694 Structure‐class analysis of indirect modulators in cluster 1. Crystal structures of the ERα LBD bound to OBHS and OBHS‐N analogs were superposed. The bound ligands are shown in panel (A). Arrows indicate chemical variance in the orientation of the different h11‐directed ligand side groups. Panel (B) shows the ligand‐induced conformational variation at the C‐terminal region of h11 (OBHS: PDB 4ZN9, 4ZNH, 4ZNS, 4ZNT, 4ZNU, 4ZNV, and 4ZNW; OBHS‐N: PDB 4ZUB, 4ZUC, 4ZWH, 4ZWK, 5BNU, 5BP6, 5BPR, and 5BQ4). 0.9879625 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:16:01Z MESH: Structure‐class analysis 0.99701476 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:04:05Z DUMMY: Crystal structures 0.99095917 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.98924434 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.9945032 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:19:42Z DUMMY: bound to 0.80187863 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:38Z CHEBI: OBHS chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:41Z OBHS‐N 0.9949473 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:16:04Z MESH: superposed 0.30305144 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 0.88866675 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 0.98454535 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:38Z CHEBI: OBHS 0.88782674 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:41Z CHEBI: OBHS‐N MSB-12-864-g011.jpg msb156701-fig-0005ev FIG fig_caption 34213 Structure‐class analysis of indirect modulators in clusters 2 and 3. Crystal structures of the ERα LBD bound to ligands with cell‐specific activities were superposed. The bound ligands are shown, and arrows indicate considerable variation in the orientation of the different h3‐, h8‐, h11‐, or h12‐directed ligand side groups. 0.9906344 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:16:07Z MESH: Structure‐class analysis 0.99684536 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:04:12Z DUMMY: Crystal structures 0.9966181 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.99585813 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.99386704 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:19:50Z DUMMY: bound to 0.99511755 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:16:09Z MESH: superposed 0.51302165 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:38Z SO: h3 0.8291484 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:09:14Z SO: h8 0.81261206 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 0.56028163 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 RESULTS paragraph 34553 As visualized in four LBD structures (Srinivasan et al, 2013), WAY‐C analogs were designed with small substitutions that slightly nudge h12 Leu540, without exiting the ligand‐binding pocket (Fig 5G and H). Therefore, changing h12 dynamics maintains the canonical signaling pathway defined by E2 (Fig 1D) to support AF‐2‐driven signaling and recruit NCOA1/2/3 for GREB1‐stimulated proliferation. 0.9919625 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.99573463 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:04:16Z DUMMY: structures 0.9974811 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:04:19Z CHEBI: WAY‐C 0.62945586 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.99864286 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:06:16Z DUMMY: Leu540 0.9961742 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:10:02Z SO: ligand‐binding pocket 0.58697456 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.9964024 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:42Z CHEBI: E2 0.8013544 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z SO: AF‐2 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 0.9558981 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z PR: GREB1 RESULTS title_2 34961 Ligands with cell‐specific activity alter the shape of the AF‐2 surface site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z AF‐2 surface RESULTS paragraph 35037 Direct modulators like tamoxifen drive AF‐1‐dependent cell‐specific activity by completely occluding AF‐2, but it is not known how indirect modulators produce cell‐specific ERα activity. Therefore, we examined another 50 LBD structures containing ligands in clusters 2 and 3. These structures demonstrated that cell‐specific activity derived from altering the shape of the AF‐2 surface without an extended side chain. 0.99780315 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:38:44Z CHEBI: tamoxifen structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z AF‐1 0.92056084 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z SO: AF‐2 0.93319297 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.9463632 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.99304503 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:04:20Z DUMMY: structures 0.996619 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:04:26Z DUMMY: structures site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z AF‐2 surface RESULTS paragraph 35470 Ligands in cluster 2 and cluster 3 showed conformational heterogeneity in parts of the scaffold that were directed toward multiple regions of the receptor including h3, h8, h11, h12, and/or the β‐sheets (Fig EV5C–G). For instance, S‐OBHS‐2 and S‐OBHS‐3 analogs (Fig 2) had similar ERα activity profiles in the different cell types (Fig EV2A–C), but the 2‐ versus 3‐methyl substituted phenol rings altered the correlated signaling patterns in different cell types (Fig 3B lanes 7 and 12). Structurally, the 2‐ versus 3‐methyl substitutions changed the binding position of the A‐ and E‐ring phenols by 1.0 Å and 2.2 Å, respectively (Fig EV5C). This difference in ligand positioning altered the AF‐2 surface via a shift in the N‐terminus of h12, which directly contacts the coactivator. This effect is evident in a single structure due to its 1 Å magnitude (Fig 6A and B). The shifts in h12 residues Asp538 and Leu539 led to rotation of the coactivator peptide (Fig 6C). Thus, cell‐specific activity can stem from perturbation of the AF‐2 surface without an extended side chain, which presumably alters the receptor–coregulator interaction profile. 0.6167863 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:39Z SO: h3 0.99027514 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:09:14Z SO: h8 0.9901378 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 0.5148027 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.99690086 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:07:35Z SO: β‐sheets 0.8626019 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:14Z CHEBI: S‐OBHS‐2 0.8850729 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:13:50Z CHEBI: S‐OBHS‐3 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z ERα 0.9642925 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z SO: AF‐2 surface 0.9710217 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.99724615 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:04:34Z DUMMY: structure 0.89150023 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.9988188 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:06:19Z DUMMY: Asp538 0.9988593 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:06:22Z DUMMY: Leu539 0.95563185 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z SO: AF‐2 surface MSB-12-864-g012.jpg msb156701-fig-0006 FIG fig_title_caption 36665 Structural correlates of cell‐specific signaling MSB-12-864-g012.jpg msb156701-fig-0006 FIG fig_caption 36716 S‐OBHS‐2/3 analogs subtly distort the AF‐2 surface. Panel (A) shows the crystal structure of an S‐OBHS‐3‐bound ERα LBD (PDB 5DUH). The h3–h12 interface (circled) at AF‐2 (pink) was expanded in panels (B, C). The S‐OBHS‐2/3‐bound ERα LBDs were superposed to show shifts in h3 (panel B) and the NCOA2 peptide docked at the AF‐2 surface (panel C). chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:14:59Z S‐OBHS‐2/3 0.77102524 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:12Z SO: AF‐2 surface 0.9972326 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:04:42Z DUMMY: crystal structure protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:54Z S‐OBHS‐3‐bound 0.9974546 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.98308796 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.99694616 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:30Z SO: h3–h12 interface structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z AF‐2 protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:16:18Z S‐OBHS‐2/3‐bound 0.99649495 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.9761948 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:07:44Z SO: LBDs 0.9918316 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:16:26Z MESH: superposed 0.6813256 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:39Z SO: h3 0.77806485 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:11Z PR: NCOA2 site SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z AF‐2 surface MSB-12-864-g012.jpg msb156701-fig-0006 FIG fig_caption 37088 Crystal structures show that 2,5‐DTP analogs shift h3 and h11 further apart compared to an A‐CD‐ring estrogen (PDB 4PPS, 5DRM, 5DRJ). The 2F o‐F c electron density map and F o‐F c difference map of a 2,5‐DTP‐bound structure (PDB 5DRJ) were contoured at 1.0 sigma and ± 3.0 sigma, respectively. 0.9974384 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:04:46Z DUMMY: Crystal structures 0.98484725 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:02:48Z CHEBI: 2,5‐DTP 0.9452825 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:39Z SO: h3 0.99413896 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:16:59Z estrogen 0.978199 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:17:26Z DUMMY: 2F o‐F c electron density map 0.9819667 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:17:11Z DUMMY: F o‐F c difference map protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:17:52Z 2,5‐DTP‐bound 0.9718598 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:04:52Z DUMMY: structure MSB-12-864-g012.jpg msb156701-fig-0006 FIG fig_caption 37398 Average (mean + SEM) α‐carbon distance measured from h3 Thr347 to h11 Leu525 of A‐CD‐, 2,5‐DTP‐, and 3,4‐DTPD‐bound ERα LBDs. *Two‐tailed Student's t‐test, P = 0.002 (PDB A‐CD: 5DI7, 5DID, 5DIE, 5DIG, and 4PPS; 2,5‐DTP: 4IWC, 5DRM, and 5DRJ; 3,4‐DTPD: 5DTV and 5DU5). 0.9582201 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:04:57Z DUMMY: α‐carbon distance 0.9764398 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:39Z SO: h3 0.9974693 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:06:26Z DUMMY: Thr347 0.9939917 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 0.9983132 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:06:29Z DUMMY: Leu525 protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:28:54Z A‐CD‐, 2,5‐DTP‐, and 3,4‐DTPD‐bound 0.996784 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.99171036 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:07:48Z SO: LBDs experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:28:17Z Student's t‐test evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:26:19Z P chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:28:04Z A‐CD 0.9906206 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:02:52Z CHEBI: 2,5‐DTP 0.98730147 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:49Z CHEBI: 3,4‐DTPD MSB-12-864-g012.jpg msb156701-fig-0006 FIG fig_caption 37696 Crystal structures show that a 3,4‐DTPD analog shifts h3 (F) and the NCOA2 (G) peptide compared to an A‐CD‐ring estrogen (PDB 4PPS, 5DTV). 0.9977703 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:05:02Z DUMMY: Crystal structures 0.99749833 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:49Z CHEBI: 3,4‐DTPD 0.7596846 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:39Z SO: h3 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:51:12Z F 0.5140214 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:11Z PR: NCOA2 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:55Z A‐CD chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:29:12Z estrogen MSB-12-864-g012.jpg msb156701-fig-0006 FIG fig_caption 37841 Hierarchical clustering of ligand‐specific binding of 154 interacting peptides to the ERα LBD was performed in triplicate by MARCoNI analysis. 0.7017504 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:16:31Z MESH: Hierarchical clustering 0.99713767 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.99558806 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.97988975 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:16:34Z MESH: MARCoNI analysis MSB-12-864-g012.jpg msb156701-fig-0006 FIG fig_caption 37988 Source data are available online for this figure. RESULTS paragraph 38040 The 2,5‐DTP analogs showed perturbation of h11, as well as h3, which forms part of the AF‐2 surface. These compounds bind the LBD in an unusual fashion because they have a phenol‐to‐phenol length of ~12 Å, which is longer than steroids and other prototypical ERα agonists that are ~10 Å in length. One phenol pushed further toward h3 (Fig 6D), while the other phenol pushed toward the C‐terminus of h11 to a greater extent than A‐CD‐ring estrogens (Nwachukwu et al, 2014), which are close structural analogs of E2 that lack a B‐ring (Fig 2). To quantify this difference, we compared the distance between α‐carbons at h3 Thr347 and h11 Leu525 in the set of structures containing 2,5‐DTP analogs (n = 3) or A‐CD‐ring analogs (n = 5) (Fig 6E). We observed a difference of 0.4 Å that was significant (two‐tailed Student's t‐test, P = 0.002) due to the very tight clustering of the 2,5‐DTP‐induced LBD conformation. The shifts in h3 suggest these compounds are positioned to alter coregulator preferences. chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:03:10Z 2,5‐DTP 0.99617827 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 0.9889631 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:39Z SO: h3 0.9715357 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z SO: AF‐2 surface 0.97476834 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.43669656 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.98127764 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:39Z SO: h3 0.9963342 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:55Z A‐CD chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:29:51Z estrogens 0.99769753 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:42Z CHEBI: E2 0.9318791 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:05:15Z DUMMY: distance 0.9763156 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:39Z SO: h3 0.9987458 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:06:33Z DUMMY: Thr347 0.99291295 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 0.99873775 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:06:35Z DUMMY: Leu525 0.99461865 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:05:18Z DUMMY: structures 0.9943036 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:03:35Z CHEBI: 2,5‐DTP chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:55Z A‐CD experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:28:18Z Student's t‐test evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:26:19Z P 0.9942724 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:03:38Z CHEBI: 2,5‐DTP 0.8768127 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.85706687 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:39Z SO: h3 RESULTS paragraph 39088 The 2,5‐DTP and 3,4‐DTP scaffolds are isomeric, but with aryl groups at obtuse and acute angles, respectively (Fig 2). The crystal structure of ERα in complex with a 3,4‐DTP is unknown; however, we solved two crystal structures of ERα bound to 3,4‐DTPD analogs and one structure containing a furan ligand—all of which have a 3,4‐diaryl configuration (Fig 2; Datasets EV1 and EV2). In these structures, the A‐ring mimetic of the 3,4‐DTPD scaffold bound h3 Glu353 as expected, but the other phenol wrapped around h3 to form a hydrogen bond with Thr347, indicating a change in binding epitopes in the ERα ligand‐binding pocket (Fig 6F). The 3,4‐DTPD analogs also induced a shift in h3 positioning, which translated again into a shift in the bound coactivator peptide (Fig 6F). Therefore, these indirect modulators, including S‐OBHS‐2, S‐OBHS‐3, 2,5‐DTP, and 3,4‐DTPD analogs—all of which show cell‐specific activity profiles—induced shifts in h3 and h12 that were transmitted to the coactivator peptide via an altered AF‐2 surface. 0.99704283 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:03:43Z CHEBI: 2,5‐DTP 0.9970254 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:03:46Z CHEBI: 3,4‐DTP 0.99742705 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:05:27Z DUMMY: crystal structure 0.9969002 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.9694765 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:19:59Z DUMMY: in complex with 0.9962179 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:03:51Z CHEBI: 3,4‐DTP 0.79860765 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:16:39Z MESH: solved 0.9974173 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:05:31Z DUMMY: crystal structures 0.99612707 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.9932176 protein_state cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:20:02Z DUMMY: bound to 0.9937948 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:50Z CHEBI: 3,4‐DTPD 0.7612082 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:05:34Z DUMMY: structure 0.9876172 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:03:55Z CHEBI: furan 0.9957991 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:05:38Z DUMMY: structures 0.99678385 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:50Z CHEBI: 3,4‐DTPD 0.47391936 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:39Z SO: h3 0.99885285 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:06:39Z DUMMY: Glu353 0.5352343 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:39Z SO: h3 bond_interaction MESH: 2023-07-28T14:21:04Z hydrogen bond 0.99898213 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:06:42Z DUMMY: Thr347 0.98964405 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.99798995 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:10:19Z SO: ligand‐binding pocket chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:50Z 3,4‐DTPD 0.5454983 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:39Z SO: h3 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:14Z S‐OBHS‐2 0.7148489 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:13:51Z CHEBI: S‐OBHS‐3 0.99419975 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:05:01Z CHEBI: 2,5‐DTP 0.99482787 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:05:50Z CHEBI: 3,4‐DTPD 0.85888684 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:39Z SO: h3 0.7486747 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.9619484 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z SO: AF‐2 surface RESULTS paragraph 40164 To test whether the AF‐2 surface shows changes in shape in solution, we used the microarray assay for real‐time coregulator–nuclear receptor interaction (MARCoNI) analysis (Aarts et al, 2013). Here, the ligand‐dependent interactions of the ERα LBD with over 150 distinct LxxLL motif peptides were assayed to define structural fingerprints for the AF‐2 surface, in a manner similar to the use of phage display peptides as structural probes (Connor et al, 2001). Despite the similar average activities of these ligand classes (Fig 3A and B), 2,5‐DTP and 3,4‐DTP analogs displayed remarkably different peptide recruitment patterns (Fig 6H), consistent with the structural analyses. 0.9325462 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z SO: AF‐2 surface 0.8547747 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:16:47Z MESH: microarray assay for real‐time coregulator–nuclear receptor interaction experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:17:11Z MARCoNI 0.997502 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.99503595 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:31:29Z LxxLL motif 0.9527356 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z SO: AF‐2 surface 0.8179392 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:17:15Z MESH: phage display peptides 0.9957962 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:05:07Z CHEBI: 2,5‐DTP 0.9952011 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:05:10Z CHEBI: 3,4‐DTP 0.95486695 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:17:17Z MESH: structural analyses RESULTS paragraph 40862 Hierarchical clustering revealed that many of the 2,5‐DTP analogs recapitulated most of the peptide recruitment and dismissal patterns observed with E2 (Fig 6H). However, there was a unique cluster of peptides that were recruited by E2 but not the 2,5‐DTP analogs. In contrast, 3,4‐DTP analogs dismissed most of the peptides from the AF‐2 surface (Fig 6H). Thus, the isomeric attachment of diaryl groups to the thiophene core changed the AF‐2 surface from inside the ligand‐binding pocket, as predicted by the crystal structures. Together, these findings suggest that without an extended side chain, cell‐specific activity stems from different coregulator recruitment profiles, due to unique ligand‐induced conformations of the AF‐2 surface, in addition to differential usage of AF‐1. Indirect modulators in cluster 1 avoid this by perturbing the h11–h12 interface, and modulating the dynamics of h12 without changing the shape of AF‐2 when stabilized. 0.9910126 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:17:21Z MESH: Hierarchical clustering 0.9818026 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:05:13Z CHEBI: 2,5‐DTP 0.9958525 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:42Z CHEBI: E2 0.9956453 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:42Z CHEBI: E2 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:32:03Z 2,5‐DTP chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:32:20Z 3,4‐DTP 0.8935431 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z SO: AF‐2 surface 0.28013456 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T14:05:17Z CHEBI: thiophene 0.9795056 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z SO: AF‐2 surface 0.9978263 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:10:24Z SO: ligand‐binding pocket 0.99719036 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:05:44Z DUMMY: crystal structures 0.98265505 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z SO: AF‐2 surface 0.8201614 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.99679905 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:10:28Z SO: h11–h12 interface 0.98348224 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z AF‐2 DISCUSS title_1 41841 Discussion DISCUSS paragraph 41852 Our goal was to identify a minimal set of predictors that would link specific structural perturbations to ERα signaling pathways that control cell‐specific signaling and proliferation. We found a very strong set of predictors, where ligands in cluster 1, defined by similar signaling across cell types, showed indirect modulation of h12 dynamics via the h11–12 interface or slight contact with h12. This perturbation determined proliferation that correlated strongly with AF‐2 activity, recruitment of NCOA1/2/3 family members, and induction of the GREB1 gene, consistent with the canonical ERα signaling pathway (Fig 1D). For ligands in cluster 1, deletion of AF‐1 reduced activity to varying degrees, but did not change the underlying signaling patterns established through AF‐2. In contrast, an extended side chain designed to directly reposition h12 and completely disrupt the AF‐2 surface results in cell‐specific signaling. This was demonstrated with direct modulators in clusters 2 and 3. Cluster 2 was defined by ligand classes that showed correlated activities in two of the three cell types tested, while ligand classes in cluster 3 did not show correlated activities among any of the three cell types. Compared to cluster 1, the structural rules are less clear in clusters 2 and 3, but a number of indirect modulator classes perturbed the LBD conformation at the intersection of h3, the h12 N‐terminus, and the AF‐2 surface. Ligands in these classes altered the shape of AF‐2 to affect coregulator preferences. For direct and indirect modulators in cluster 2 or 3, the canonical ERα signaling pathway involving recruitment of NCOA1/2/3 and induction of GREB1 did not generally predict their proliferative effects, indicating an alternate causal model (Fig 1E). 0.8802955 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.5235491 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.99708647 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:33:15Z SO: h11–12 interface 0.7182491 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.6642222 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z SO: AF‐2 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 0.92598903 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.9340975 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:17:26Z MESH: deletion structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z AF‐1 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z AF‐2 0.7415674 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.9791953 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z SO: AF‐2 surface 0.9899205 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.94423753 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:12:39Z SO: h3 0.9293732 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.96612656 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z SO: AF‐2 surface structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z AF‐2 0.9450942 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z NCOA1/2/3 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:52Z GREB1 DISCUSS paragraph 43650 These principles outlined above provide a structural basis for how the ligand–receptor interface leads to different signaling specificities through AF‐1 and AF‐2. It is noteworthy that regulation of h12 dynamics indirectly through h11 can virtually abolish AF‐2 activity, and yet still drive robust transcriptional activity through AF‐1, as demonstrated with the OBHS series. This finding can be explained by the fact that NCOA1/2/3 contain distinct binding sites for interaction with AF‐1 and AF‐2 (McInerney et al, 1996; Webb et al, 1998), which allows ligands to nucleate ERα–NCOA1/2/3 interaction through AF‐2, and reinforce this interaction with additional binding to AF‐1. Completely blocking AF‐2 with an extended side chain or altering the shape of AF‐2 changes the preference away from NCOA1/2/3 for determining GREB1 levels and proliferation of breast cancer cells. AF‐2 blockade also allows AF‐1 to function independently, which is important since AF‐1 drives tissue‐selective effects in vivo. This was demonstrated with AF‐1 knockout mice that show E2‐dependent vascular protection, but not uterine proliferation, thus highlighting the role of AF‐1 in tissue‐selective or cell‐specific signaling (Billon‐Gales et al, 2009; Abot et al, 2013). 0.9938232 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:10:33Z SO: ligand–receptor interface 0.9457522 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.96084327 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z SO: AF‐2 0.97882164 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.9980751 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z AF‐2 0.9495473 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.43619075 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:03:38Z CHEBI: OBHS 0.6342545 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:46Z PR: NCOA1/2/3 0.9928863 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:10:41Z SO: binding sites 0.943999 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.94957405 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z SO: AF‐2 0.9724985 complex_assembly cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:34:54Z GO: ERα–NCOA1/2/3 0.95173496 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z SO: AF‐2 0.92101926 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.7640235 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z SO: AF‐2 0.92421794 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z SO: AF‐2 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:47Z NCOA1/2/3 0.9842743 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:53Z PR: GREB1 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:24Z AF‐2 0.9037087 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.89438206 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.43650404 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.73675174 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:49:42Z CHEBI: E2 0.88954836 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 DISCUSS paragraph 44954 One current limitation to our approach is the identification of statistical variables that predict ligand‐specific activity. Here, we examined many LBD structures and tested several variables that were not predictive, including ERβ activity, the strength of AF‐1 signaling, and NCOA3 occupancy at the GREB1 gene. Similarly, we visualized structures to identify patterns. There are many systems biology approaches that could contribute to the unbiased identification of predictive variables for statistical modeling. For example, phage display was used to identify the androgen receptor interactome, which was cloned into an M2H library and used to identify clusters of ligand‐selective interactions (Norris et al, 2009). Also, we have used siRNA screening to identify a number of coregulators required for ERα‐mediated repression of the IL‐6 gene (Nwachukwu et al, 2014). However, the use of larger datasets to identify such predictor variables has its own limitations, one of the major ones being the probability of false positives from multiple hypothesis testing. If we calculated inter‐atomic distance matrices containing 4,000 atoms per structure × 76 ligand–receptor complexes, we would have 3 × 105 predictions. One way to address this issue is to use the cross‐validation concept, where hypotheses are generated on training sets of ligands and tested with another set of ligands. 0.970414 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:42:24Z SO: LBD 0.99617624 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:05:50Z DUMMY: structures 0.99014485 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:51:17Z PR: ERβ structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z AF‐1 0.9916755 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:51:22Z PR: NCOA3 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:53Z GREB1 0.9942068 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:05:53Z DUMMY: structures 0.9900647 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:17:30Z MESH: phage display 0.4478848 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:17:33Z MESH: M2H 0.9732868 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:17:35Z MESH: siRNA screening 0.9902525 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.9951785 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:06:00Z DUMMY: inter‐atomic distance matrices DISCUSS paragraph 46367 Based on this work, we propose several testable hypotheses for drug discovery. We have identified atomic vectors for the OBHS‐N and triaryl‐ethylene classes that predict ligand response (Fig 5E and F). These ligands in cluster 1 drive consistent, canonical signaling across cell types, which is desirable for generating full antagonists. Indeed, the most anti‐proliferative compound in the OBHS‐N series had a fulvestrant‐like profile across a battery of assays (S. Srinivasan et al, in preparation). Secondly, our finding that WAY‐C compounds do not rely of AF‐1 for signaling efficacy may derive from the slight contacts with h12 observed in crystal structures (Figs 3B and 5H), unlike other compounds in cluster 1 that dislocate h11 and rely on AF‐1 for signaling efficacy (Figs 3B and 5C, and EV5B). Thirdly, we found ligands that achieved cell‐specific activity without a prototypical extended side chain. Some of these ligands altered the shape of the AF‐2 surface by perturbing the h3–h12 interface, thus providing a route to new SERM‐like activity profiles by combining indirect and direct modulation of receptor structure. Incorporation of statistical approaches to understand relationships between structure and signaling variables moves us toward predictive models for complex ERα‐mediated responses such as in vivo uterine proliferation or tumor growth, and more generally toward structure‐based design for other allosteric drug targets including GPCRs and other nuclear receptors. 0.9962663 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:06:12Z DUMMY: atomic vectors chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:41Z OBHS‐N 0.8877854 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:08:31Z CHEBI: triaryl‐ethylene chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:02:41Z OBHS‐N 0.96572393 chemical cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:04:19Z CHEBI: WAY‐C 0.89169496 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z SO: AF‐1 0.98411536 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:51Z SO: h12 0.9975318 evidence cleaner0 2023-07-05T15:06:21Z DUMMY: crystal structures 0.9966354 structure_element cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:48:36Z SO: h11 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:40:26Z AF‐1 0.992412 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:13Z SO: AF‐2 surface 0.99735576 site cleaner0 2023-07-05T13:15:30Z SO: h3–h12 interface 0.9914342 protein cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:39:00Z PR: ERα 0.95777607 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:41:18Z MESH: GPCRs 0.83924866 protein_type cleaner0 2023-07-05T12:41:44Z MESH: nuclear receptors METHODS title_1 47895 Materials and Methods METHODS title_2 47917 Statistical analysis METHODS paragraph 47938 Correlation and linear regression analyses were performed using GraphPad Prism software. For correlation analysis, the degree to which two datasets vary together was calculated with the Pearson correlation coefficient (r). However, we reported r 2 rather than r, to facilitate comparison with the linear regression results for which we calculated and reported r 2 (Fig 3C–F). Significance for r 2 was determined using the F‐test for nonzero slope. High‐throughput assays were considered statistically robust if they show Z’ > 0.5, where Z’ = 1 − (3(σp+σn)/|μp−μn|), for the mean (σ) and standard deviations (μ) of the positive and negative controls (Fig EV1A and B). METHODS title_2 48631 ERα ligand library METHODS paragraph 48654 The library of compounds examined includes both previously reported (Srinivasan et al, 2013) and newly synthesized compound series (see Dataset EV1 for individual compound information, and Appendix Supplementary Methods for synthetic protocols). METHODS title_2 48902 Luciferase reporter assays METHODS paragraph 48929 Cells were transfected with FugeneHD reagent (Roche Applied Sciences, Indianapolis, IN) in 384‐well plates. After 24 h, cells were stimulated with 10 μM compounds dispensed using a 100‐nl pintool Biomeck NXP workstation (Beckman Coulter Inc.). Luciferase activity was measured 24 h later (see Appendix Supplementary Methods for more details). METHODS title_2 49281 Mammalian 2‐hybrid (M2H) assays METHODS paragraph 49315 HEK293T cells were transfected with 5× UAS‐luciferase reporter, and wild‐type ERα‐VP16 activation domain plus full‐length NCOA1/2/3‐GAL4 DBD fusion protein expression plasmids, using the TransIT‐LT1 transfection reagent (Mirus Bio LLC, Madison, WI). The next day, cells were stimulated with 10 μM compounds using a 100‐nl pintool Biomeck NXP workstation (Beckman Coulter Inc.). Luciferase activity was measured after 24 h (see Appendix Supplementary Methods for more details). METHODS title_2 49813 Cell proliferation assay METHODS paragraph 49838 MCF‐7 cells were plated on 384‐well plates in phenol red‐free media plus 10% FBS and stimulated with 10 μM compounds using 100‐nl pintool Biomeck NXP workstation (Beckman Coulter Inc.). Cell numbers determined 1 week later (see Appendix Supplementary Methods for more details). METHODS title_2 50128 Quantitative RT–PCR METHODS paragraph 50150 MCF‐7 cells were steroid‐deprived and stimulated with compounds for 24 h. Total RNA was extracted and reverse‐transcribed. The cDNA was analyzed using TaqMan Gene Expression Master Mix (Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY), GREB1 and GAPDH (control) primers, and hybridization probes (see Appendix Supplementary Methods for more details). METHODS title_2 50497 MARCoNI coregulator‐interaction profiling METHODS paragraph 50541 This assay was performed as previously described with the ERα LBD, 10 μM compounds, and a PamChiP peptide microarray (PamGene International) containing 154 unique coregulator peptides (Aarts et al, 2013) (see Appendix Supplementary Methods for more details). METHODS title_2 50805 Protein production and X‐ray crystallography METHODS paragraph 50852 ERα protein was produced as previously described (Bruning et al, 2010). New ERα LBD structures (see Dataset EV2 for data collection and refinement statistics) were solved by molecular replacement using PHENIX (Adams et al, 2010), refined using ExCoR as previously described (Nwachukwu et al, 2013), and COOT (Emsley & Cowtan, 2004) for ligand‐docking and rebuilding. METHODS title_2 51227 Data availability METHODS paragraph 51245 Crystal structures analyzed in this study include the following: 1GWR (Warnmark et al, 2002), 3ERD and 3ERT (Shiau et al, 1998), 4ZN9 (Zheng et al, 2012), 4IWC, 4 IU7, 4IV4, 4IVW, 4IW6, 4IUI, 4IV2, 4IVY and 4IW8 (Srinivasan et al, 2013), and 4PPS (Nwachukwu et al, 2014). New crystal structures analyzed in this study were deposited in the RCSB protein data bank ( 4ZN7, 4ZNH, 4ZNS, 4ZNT, 4ZNU, 4ZNV, 4ZNW, 5DI7, 5DID, 5DIE, 5DIG, 5DK9, 5DKB, 5DKE, 5DKG, 5DKS, 5DL4, 5DLR, 5DMC, 5DMF, 5DP0, 5DRM, 5DRJ, 5DTV, 5DU5, 5DUE, 5DUG, 5DUH, 5DXK, 5DXM, 5DXP, 5DXQ, 5DXR, 5EHJ, 5DY8, 5DYB, 5DYD, 5DZ0, 5DZ1, 5DZ3, 5DZH, 5DZI, 5E0W, 5E0X, 5E14, 5E15, 5E19, 5E1C, 5DVS, 5DVV, 5DWE, 5DWG, 5DWI, 5DWJ, 5EGV, 5EI1, 5EIT. AUTH_CONT title_1 51978 Author contributions AUTH_CONT paragraph 51999 JCN and SS contributed equally to this work. JCN and SS designed and performed experiments and wrote the manuscript; YZ, KEC, SW, JM, CD, ZL, VC, JN, NJW, JSJ, and RH performed experiments; HBZ designed experiments; and JAK and KWN designed experiments and wrote the manuscript. COMP_INT title_1 52278 Conflict of Interest COMP_INT paragraph 52299 The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. 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