PMC 20201222 pmc.key 5603727 CC BY no 2 2 10.1038/ncomms11032 ncomms11032 5603727 27010430 11032 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit surname:Janowski;given-names:Robert surname:Heinz;given-names:Gitta A. surname:Niessing;given-names:Dierk surname:Heissmeyer;given-names:Vigo surname:Sattler;given-names:Michael surname:Schlundt;given-names:Andreas surname:Wommelsdorf;given-names:Nina surname:Brenner;given-names:Sven surname:Gruber;given-names:Andreas R. surname:Blank;given-names:Michael surname:Buch;given-names:Thorsten surname:Buhmann;given-names:Raymund surname:Zavolan;given-names:Mihaela TITLE front 7 2016 0 Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 0.99516344 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:54Z PR: Roquin 0.99766684 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:49:06Z SO: hexaloop 0.99906087 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.9972155 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:56Z PR: Ox40 ABSTRACT abstract 77 The RNA-binding protein Roquin is required to prevent autoimmunity. Roquin controls T-helper cell activation and differentiation by limiting the induced expression of costimulatory receptors such as tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 4 (Tnfrs4 or Ox40). A constitutive decay element (CDE) with a characteristic triloop hairpin was previously shown to be recognized by Roquin. Here we use SELEX assays to identify a novel U-rich hexaloop motif, representing an alternative decay element (ADE). Crystal structures and NMR data show that the Roquin-1 ROQ domain recognizes hexaloops in the SELEX-derived ADE and in an ADE-like variant present in the Ox40 3′-UTR with identical binding modes. In cells, ADE-like and CDE-like motifs cooperate in the repression of Ox40 by Roquin. Our data reveal an unexpected recognition of hexaloop cis elements for the posttranscriptional regulation of target messenger RNAs by Roquin. 0.9985682 protein_type cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:18:16Z MESH: RNA-binding protein 0.9993561 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin 0.999308 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin protein_type MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:13:29Z costimulatory receptors protein PR: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:03:31Z tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 4 0.99900836 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:48Z PR: Tnfrs4 0.99922776 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.997199 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:41Z SO: constitutive decay element 0.9984106 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:47Z SO: CDE 0.99896395 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:18Z SO: triloop hairpin 0.9992754 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin 0.9988718 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:38Z MESH: SELEX assays 0.9985797 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:07Z SO: U-rich hexaloop motif 0.98554564 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:13Z SO: alternative decay element 0.99670464 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z SO: ADE 0.9987191 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:58:23Z DUMMY: Crystal structures 0.9983607 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:59Z MESH: NMR 0.99633616 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:34Z PR: Roquin-1 0.9992803 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9987386 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:49:11Z SO: hexaloops 0.9965312 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:45Z MESH: SELEX 0.9472056 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z SO: ADE 0.402406 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z SO: ADE 0.9993161 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.9978993 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:54Z SO: 3′-UTR structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE 0.99933356 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.9993765 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin 0.9838305 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:49:29Z SO: hexaloop cis elements 0.9847647 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:48Z CHEBI: messenger RNAs 0.99931824 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin ABSTRACT abstract 1004 Roquin is an RNA-binding protein that prevents autoimmunity by limiting expression of receptors such as Ox40. Here, the authors identify an RNA structure that they describe as an alternative decay element, and they characterise its interaction with Roquin using structural and biochemical techniques. 0.99907255 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin 0.9987923 protein_type cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:18:06Z MESH: RNA-binding protein 0.9930662 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.99891186 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99862254 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:58:26Z DUMMY: structure structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:14Z alternative decay element 0.9992798 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin 0.9988141 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:28:13Z MESH: structural and biochemical techniques INTRO paragraph 1306 Posttranscriptional gene regulation is involved in a wide range of cellular functions and its critical importance has been described for many developmental and differentiation processes. Consistently, mutations of factors involved in posttranscriptional gene regulation pathways were found associated with a number of genetically inherited diseases. The Roquin protein is essential in T cells for the prevention of autoimmune disease. This is evident from the so-called sanroque mutation in Roquin-1, a single amino acid exchange from Met199 to Arg that causes the development of systemic lupus erythematosus-like symptoms in homozygous mice. The Rc3h1 and Rc3h2 genes, encoding for Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 proteins in vertebrates, respectively, have both been shown to be essential for the survival of mice, but apparently serve redundant functions in T cells. Consistently, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells with the combined deletion of Roquin-encoding genes are spontaneously activated and CD4+ T-helper cells preferentially differentiate into the Th1, Tfh or Th17 subsets. Roquin-1 was shown to negatively regulate expression of transcripts encoding for co-stimulatory receptors such as Icos, Ox40 and CTLA-4, for cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor or for transcription factors such as IRF4, IκBNS and IκBζ (refs). 0.9982407 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin 0.998584 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z PR: Roquin-1 0.9994506 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:11:38Z DUMMY: Met199 0.9090607 residue_name cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:11:44Z SO: Arg 0.9979857 taxonomy_domain cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:12:07Z DUMMY: mice 0.9948087 gene cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:12:18Z GENE: Rc3h1 0.9945793 gene cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:12:23Z GENE: Rc3h2 0.99835825 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z PR: Roquin-1 0.99819595 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:11Z PR: Roquin-2 0.99857664 taxonomy_domain cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:12:12Z DUMMY: vertebrates 0.99825436 taxonomy_domain cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:12:08Z DUMMY: mice 0.9137891 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:53Z MESH: deletion of 0.99057406 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin 0.9987157 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z PR: Roquin-1 0.9979331 protein_type cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:12:51Z MESH: co-stimulatory receptors 0.99867827 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:50:12Z PR: Icos 0.99837804 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.9986387 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:53:21Z PR: CTLA-4 0.9791268 protein_type cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:13:45Z MESH: cytokines 0.91296864 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:14:28Z PR: interleukin (IL)-6 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:15:54Z tumour necrosis factor 0.9902424 protein_type cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:00Z MESH: transcription factors 0.9894326 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:06Z PR: IRF4 0.65273774 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:10Z PR: IκBNS 0.963164 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:15Z PR: IκBζ INTRO paragraph 2652 We have recently reported structural and functional data of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to a canonical constitutive decay element (CDE), a short stem loop (SL) that acts as a cis-regulatory RNA element in the 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) of target genes such as Tnf (ref). The ROQ domain adopts an extended winged helix fold that engages predominantly non-sequence-specific protein–RNA contacts and mainly recognizes the shape of the canonical Tnf CDE RNA. The structural data and mutational analysis indicated that a broader, extended range of sequence variations in both the loop and stem of the CDE element is recognized and regulated by Roquin. At the same time, Tan et al. described the crystal structure and supporting functional data of a similar interaction with a CDE-like SL, and reported a second binding site for a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) within an extended ROQ domain. The structural basis for CDE recognition by the Roquin-2 ROQ domain has also been recently reported. 0.9882385 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:32Z DUMMY: structural and functional data 0.99861914 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z PR: Roquin-1 0.9994229 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9990214 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:47Z DUMMY: bound to 0.9817135 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:42Z SO: constitutive decay element 0.94088954 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.9986866 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:09Z SO: short stem loop 0.99715364 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:13Z SO: SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z RNA 0.99731666 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:28Z SO: 3′-untranslated regions 0.99472845 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:34Z SO: 3′-UTRs 0.9919091 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:01Z PR: Tnf 0.9994338 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9923204 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:43Z SO: extended winged helix fold 0.9763267 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9922246 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z PR: Tnf 0.8482103 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.9985152 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99448186 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:20:06Z DUMMY: structural data 0.983335 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:49Z MESH: mutational analysis 0.9987087 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:18:31Z SO: loop 0.9761445 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:18:33Z SO: stem 0.91149104 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.9992151 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin 0.9987693 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:20:00Z DUMMY: crystal structure structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.9989596 site cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:06:51Z SO: second binding site 0.9989705 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:18:43Z CHEBI: double-stranded RNA 0.99912053 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:18:48Z CHEBI: dsRNA 0.9981774 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:31Z DUMMY: extended 0.9983943 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE 0.9977644 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:10Z PR: Roquin-2 0.9992968 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ INTRO paragraph 3652 We found that the posttranscriptional activity of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 is regulated through cleavage by the paracaspase MALT1 (refs). Enhanced MALT1-dependent cleavage and inactivation of Roquin, and thus less effective repression of target genes, result from increased strength of antigen recognition in T cells. These findings suggest that dependent on the strength of cognate antigen recognition differential gene expression and cell fate decisions can be established in naive T cells by a graded cleavage and inactivation of Roquin. In addition to this mechanism, the composition and binding affinity of cis-regulatory SL elements in the 3′-UTRs of target mRNAs may determine the sensitivity to repression by the trans-acting factor Roquin. Defining the SL RNA structures that are recognized by Roquin is therefore essential for our understanding of posttranscriptional gene regulation by Roquin and its involvement in T-cell biology and T-cell-driven pathology. 0.99875194 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z PR: Roquin-1 0.99869066 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:11Z PR: Roquin-2 0.9988292 protein_type cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:26Z MESH: paracaspase 0.9991509 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:18Z PR: MALT1 0.998901 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:18Z PR: MALT1 0.999226 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin 0.99925715 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin 0.9953003 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:58:31Z DUMMY: binding affinity structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.99862415 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z SO: 3′-UTRs 0.9908908 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:47Z CHEBI: mRNAs 0.9993056 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z RNA 0.9992386 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin 0.99929154 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin INTRO paragraph 4622 Here we present structural and functional evidence for a greatly expanded repertoire of RNA elements that are regulated by Roquin as demonstrated with a novel U-rich hexaloop SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain. We find an additive regulation of Ox40 gene expression based on both its CDE-like and hexaloop SL RNAs that we identified using Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX) experiments. Our X-ray crystallographic, NMR, biochemical and functional data combined with mutational analysis demonstrate that both triloop and hexaloop SL RNAs contribute to the functional activity of Roquin in T cells. 0.951145 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9992292 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:33Z U-rich hexaloop structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.99834704 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.99911016 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.99903107 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z DUMMY: bound to 0.9978402 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z PR: Roquin-1 0.9993236 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:52Z SO: ROQ 0.9987203 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE 0.9922536 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:24:00Z SO: hexaloop structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:23Z RNAs 0.9987448 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:36Z MESH: Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment 0.9978467 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z MESH: SELEX 0.91901964 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:43Z MESH: X-ray crystallographic 0.9959416 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z MESH: NMR 0.8331451 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:31Z DUMMY: biochemical and functional data 0.98718065 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:48Z MESH: mutational analysis 0.8578007 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:53Z SO: triloop 0.9144711 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:56Z SO: hexaloop structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:22:53Z RNAs 0.9992194 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:55Z PR: Roquin RESULTS title_1 5275 Results RESULTS title_2 5283 SELEX identifies novel RNA ligands of Roquin-1 0.99852544 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z MESH: SELEX 0.996561 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9990085 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z PR: Roquin-1 RESULTS paragraph 5330 We set out to identify Roquin-bound RNA motifs in an unbiased manner by performing SELEX experiments. A biotinylated amino-terminal protein fragment of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) was used to enrich RNAs from a library containing 47 random nucleotides over three sequential selection rounds. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of the RNA before and after each selection round revealed that the starting pool represented about 99.6% unique reads in ∼4.2 × 106 sequences. Bioinformatic analysis of NGS data sets derived from the starting pool and enriched selection rounds revealed that the complexity was reduced to 78.6% unique reads in 3.7 × 106 sequences that were analysed after 3 rounds of selection and enrichment. For NGS data analysis, the COMPAS software (AptaIT, Munich, Germany) was applied. Enriched sequences were clustered into so-called patterns with highly homologous sequences. Hereby, the algorithm at first identified frequent motifs of five to eight nucleotides length and subsequently used iterative cycles of proto-pattern formation to cluster sequences bearing two of such frequent motifs. A final aptamer pattern was built up by sequences bearing two frequent motifs and, at the same time, having high similarities also in other sequence parts. Based on this so-called co-occurrence approach, patterns on the basis of frequent motifs were generated and were searched for prominent hexamer sequences (Supplementary Fig. 1a). We identified 5′-CGTTTT-3′, 5′-GCGTTT-3′, 5′-TGCGTT-3′ and 5′-GTTTTA-3′ motifs that were also reconfirmed in an independent experiment (Supplementary Fig. 1a) and are located within highly similar sequences (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). Consistent with previous findings showing that the sanroque mutation does not impair RNA binding of Roquin, we found similarly enriched sequences in SELEX approaches using a corresponding Roquin-1 fragment harbouring the M199R mutation (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1b). Notably, our SELEX approach did not reveal the previously identified CDE sequence. We assume that the region of sequence identity in the CDE is too short for our sequence clustering algorithm. Evaluation of the structural context for the SELEX-derived motif suggested a putative SL formation with six unpaired nucleotides in a loop followed by a 5–8 nt stem, with one base in the stem not being paired (Supplementary Fig. 1c). Searching the 3′-UTRs of known Roquin targets with the consensus 5′-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3′, obtained by Motif-based sequence analysis (MEME), revealed a homologous sequence with the potential to form a hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 (Fig. 1b). Importantly, this motif is present across species in the 3′-UTRs of respective mRNAs and showed highest conservation in the loop and the upper stem sequences with a drop of conservation towards the boundaries of the motif (Fig. 1c,d). The predicted SL for the consensus SELEX-derived motif (from here on referred to as alternative decay element SL, ADE SL), the ADE-like SL, is positioned 5′ to another CDE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA. This CDE-like SL differs in the sequence of the upper stem from the canonical CDE from the 3′-UTR of Tnf mRNA (CDE SL) (Fig. 1d). 0.9651447 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:25:09Z DUMMY: Roquin-bound 0.9924872 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99846774 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z MESH: SELEX 0.76677024 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:25:14Z DUMMY: biotinylated 0.9984985 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z PR: Roquin-1 0.9967255 residue_range cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:25:28Z DUMMY: 2–440 0.9749494 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:24Z CHEBI: RNAs 0.99863577 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:24:40Z MESH: Next-generation sequencing 0.9970091 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:24:45Z MESH: NGS 0.99528474 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z CHEBI: RNA experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:55:34Z Bioinformatic analysis 0.99439526 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:24:46Z MESH: NGS 0.98924726 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:24:46Z MESH: NGS experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:26:29Z sequences were clustered 0.8315975 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:26:00Z MESH: co-occurrence approach 0.97932994 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:25:48Z CHEBI: 5′-CGTTTT-3′, 0.9844674 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:25:51Z CHEBI: 5′-GCGTTT-3′ 0.9835232 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:25:53Z CHEBI: 5′-TGCGTT-3′ 0.9755915 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:25:56Z CHEBI: 5′-GTTTTA-3′ 0.7393733 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:27:43Z MESH: sanroque mutation 0.88428193 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:52Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99901056 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.9975969 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z MESH: SELEX 0.9875162 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z PR: Roquin-1 0.99919564 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:27:27Z MESH: M199R 0.99796945 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z MESH: SELEX 0.94954765 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.98024344 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.9474953 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:25:43Z MESH: sequence clustering algorithm 0.99536514 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z MESH: SELEX 0.88014376 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SO: SL 0.9984586 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:27:03Z SO: loop 0.99756765 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:27:16Z SO: stem 0.9969927 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:27:19Z SO: stem 0.99515945 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z SO: 3′-UTRs 0.99263567 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:26:53Z 5′-TGCGTTTTAGGA-3′ experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:27:56Z Motif-based sequence analysis experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:28:04Z MEME structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:28:20Z hexaloop structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z 3′-UTR protein PR: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z 3′-UTRs chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:47Z mRNAs structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:28:33Z loop structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:28:44Z stem structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z SELEX structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:14Z alternative decay element structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z 3′-UTR protein PR: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z Ox40 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z mRNA structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z 3′-UTR protein PR: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z Tnf chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z mRNA structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL RESULTS title_2 8579 NMR analysis of Roquin-bound SL RNAs 0.99881387 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z MESH: NMR 0.99818295 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:30:20Z DUMMY: Roquin-bound structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:24Z RNAs RESULTS paragraph 8616 We used NMR to analyse the secondary structure of Roquin-1-binding motifs derived from SELEX. Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra of the free RNA and when bound to the Roquin-1 ROQ domain were recorded for the ADE SL, the ADE-like SL in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 and the previously identified Ox40 CDE-like SL (Fig. 2). The NMR data of the free RNAs show that almost all predicted base pairs in the stem regions of the hexa- and triloop SL including the closing base pairs are formed in all three RNAs. Notably, we also found an unambiguous imino proton signal for G15, but not G6, in the ADE SL, indicating a non-Watson–Crick G–G base pair at this position (Fig. 2a). Significant chemical shift perturbations (CSPs) are observed for imino proton signals on binding to the ROQ domain, demonstrating that formation of protein–RNA complexes involves contacts of the ROQ domain to the stem region of the RNA ligands (Fig. 2, bases coloured red). No imino correlations are observed for the predicted Watson–Crick base pairs at the bottom of the ADE SL and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs, as well as for the A–U base pair flanking the bulge in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2a,b), suggesting that these base pairs are dynamic. In contrast, all expected base pairs are observed for the Ox40 CDE-like SL RNA (Fig. 2c; see also Supplementary Notes). 0.998475 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z MESH: NMR 0.9946685 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:49:40Z SO: Roquin-1-binding motifs 0.9986072 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z MESH: SELEX 0.99881667 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:30:34Z MESH: Imino one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy 0.99819833 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:30:38Z MESH: NOESY 0.99832827 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z MESH: NMR 0.9899374 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:30:43Z DUMMY: spectra 0.9992435 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:31:25Z DUMMY: free 0.9974752 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99899244 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z DUMMY: bound to 0.998517 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z PR: Roquin-1 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z ROQ structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:19Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.99558234 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.98902494 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.99720323 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.9987368 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z MESH: NMR 0.99925417 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:31:28Z DUMMY: free 0.9956928 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:24Z CHEBI: RNAs 0.998304 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:49:43Z SO: stem regions structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:33:05Z hexa- and triloop structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.9935411 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z CHEBI: RNAs 0.9994659 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:41:45Z DUMMY: G15 0.9994592 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:03:46Z DUMMY: G6 0.55303484 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE 0.90414447 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SO: SL bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:32:33Z non-Watson–Crick G–G base pair 0.95133835 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:31:41Z DUMMY: chemical shift perturbations 0.8610426 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:31:48Z DUMMY: CSPs 0.94313014 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9837578 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9722012 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9979694 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:33:43Z SO: stem region 0.9739261 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:34:31Z Watson–Crick base pairs structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE 0.9495697 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SO: SL 0.91607153 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.9957671 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z CHEBI: RNAs 0.6105383 residue_name cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:02:40Z SO: A 0.6914492 residue_name cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:02:49Z SO: U structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:35:24Z bulge 0.98162246 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.99770725 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9916088 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.9975261 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA RESULTS title_2 10018 Structures of ROQ bound to ADE SL RNAs 0.9985252 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:35:02Z DUMMY: Structures 0.99909484 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.999019 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z DUMMY: bound to structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z RNAs RESULTS paragraph 10057 To elucidate how Roquin can recognize the novel SL elements identified in the SELEX approach, we solved crystal structures of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to these non-canonical RNA elements. The structures of ROQ bound to the 20-mer ADE SL (Supplementary Fig. 2a) and to the 22-mer Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs (Fig. 3a) were refined to a resolution of 3.0 and 2.2 Å, respectively. In both structures the RNA adopts an SL fold, where the hexaloop is located in the vicinity of the carboxy-terminal end of ROQ helix α4 and the N-terminal part of β3 (Fig. 3a,b and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b). The dsRNA stem is recognized in the same way as previously reported for the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e). As may be expected, the recognition of the hexaloop is significantly different from the triloop in the CDE RNA (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). Interestingly, although the sequences of the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are different, the overall structures and protein–RNA contacts are virtually identical (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). The only differences are a C19 bulge, the non-Watson–Crick G6–G15 base pair and the interaction of U1 with Trp184 and Phe194 in the ADE-like SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 2a,e–g). Given their highly similar binding modes we focus the following discussion on the structure of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA, as it naturally exists in the Ox40 3′-UTR and was solved at higher resolution. 0.99929214 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.9976331 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z MESH: SELEX 0.88738066 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:56:01Z MESH: solved 0.9981201 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:58:35Z DUMMY: crystal structures 0.99574417 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:35Z PR: Roquin-1 0.99937755 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9989785 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z DUMMY: bound to 0.9867727 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99827456 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:35:04Z DUMMY: structures 0.99751127 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9990022 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z DUMMY: bound to 0.9742184 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE 0.8739459 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SO: SL 0.9306097 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z RNAs 0.99819595 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:58:39Z DUMMY: structures 0.99550533 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.9942965 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:36:53Z SO: hexaloop 0.99924064 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9994573 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:36:23Z SO: helix 0.99950755 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:36:28Z SO: α4 0.9995253 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:36:34Z SO: β3 0.99905974 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:18:49Z CHEBI: dsRNA 0.8476505 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:36:50Z SO: stem 0.54066336 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z PR: Tnf 0.938291 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.6966292 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SO: SL 0.96888745 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99511886 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:49:50Z SO: hexaloop 0.99347335 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:37:18Z SO: triloop 0.9789211 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.873177 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9607949 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE 0.7767095 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SO: SL 0.8281227 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z RNAs 0.9970162 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:35:07Z DUMMY: structures chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.99493295 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:03:50Z DUMMY: C19 0.5360428 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:35:23Z SO: bulge bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:35:44Z non-Watson–Crick 0.99560696 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:03:54Z DUMMY: G6 0.96903014 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:41:45Z DUMMY: G15 bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:35:56Z base pair 0.9992611 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:03:58Z DUMMY: U1 0.9995658 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:35:14Z DUMMY: Trp184 0.99956375 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:35:18Z DUMMY: Phe194 0.7797527 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.99824846 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:35:09Z DUMMY: structure 0.8127755 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.68048805 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.9942849 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR RESULTS paragraph 11492 The overall orientation and recognition of the double-stranded stem in the Ox40 ADE-like SL is similar to the CDE triloop. Notably, the U-rich hexaloop in the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA binds to an extended surface on the ROQ domain that cannot be accessed by the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c) and includes a few pyrimidine-specific contacts. For example, the main chain atoms of Phe255 form two hydrogen bonds with the Watson–Crick face of the U11 base (Fig. 3d). Although in the structure of the Tnf CDE triloop the Tyr250 side chain engages only one hydrogen bond to the phosphate group of G12 (ref.), a number of contacts are observed with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d–f): the side chain hydroxyl of Tyr250 contacts the phosphate group of U11, while the aromatic ring is positioned by parallel and orthogonal stacking interactions with the U10 and U11 bases, on either side, respectively (Fig. 3e). In addition, the Tyr250 main-chain carbonyl interacts with U13 imino proton (Fig. 3d,e). Val257 and Lys259 in strand β3 are too far to contact the UGU triloop in the Tnf CDE RNA, but mediate a number of contacts with the longer hexaloop. The side chain of Lys259 forms hydrogen bonds with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11 (Fig. 3e,f) and the hydrophobic side chain of Val257 stacks with the U11 base (Fig. 3d,f). The RNA stem is closed by a Watson–Crick base pair (C8–G15 in the hexaloop SL RNA). Interestingly, the G9 base stacks on top of this closing base pair and takes a position that is very similar to the purine base of G12 in the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2b). The G9 base does not form a base pair with A14 but rather the A14 base packs into the minor groove of the RNA duplex. This arrangement provides an extended stacking interaction of G9, U10 and Tyr250 in the ROQ domain at the 5′-side of the RNA stem (Fig. 3e). The U11 and U13 bases stack with each other in the vicinity of the ROQ domain wing (Fig. 3b,d,f). This is possible by exposing the base C12 of the Ox-40 ADE-like SL towards the solvent, which accordingly does not show any contacts to the protein. In summary, similar to the CDE SL, both the ADE SL and ADE-like SL RNAs are recognized mainly by non-sequence-specific contacts. However, these involve an extended binding surface on the ROQ domain with a number of additional residues compared with the triloop RNA. 0.9986315 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:49:56Z SO: double-stranded stem 0.68550116 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.7644723 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.98503137 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.9581188 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:37:44Z SO: triloop structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:38:04Z U-rich hexaloop 0.52676684 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.64240104 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.65158087 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9272881 site cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:06:59Z SO: surface structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z ROQ 0.98314255 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.9670553 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:38:07Z SO: triloop 0.9995376 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:10Z DUMMY: Phe255 0.9970485 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:38:12Z MESH: hydrogen bonds 0.99941254 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:20Z DUMMY: U11 0.9979755 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:58:43Z DUMMY: structure 0.98815536 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z PR: Tnf 0.95641446 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.95013833 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:05Z SO: triloop 0.9995419 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z DUMMY: Tyr250 0.99712324 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:38:50Z MESH: hydrogen bond 0.9995309 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:24Z DUMMY: G12 0.94750226 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:03Z SO: hexaloop 0.9995185 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z DUMMY: Tyr250 0.9994367 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 0.988433 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:38:37Z MESH: stacking interactions 0.999371 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z DUMMY: U10 0.99931526 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 0.9995111 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z DUMMY: Tyr250 0.99948704 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:46Z DUMMY: U13 0.9995566 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:51Z DUMMY: Val257 0.99952316 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:56Z DUMMY: Lys259 0.97526985 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:50:01Z SO: strand 0.9988292 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:36:35Z SO: β3 0.63233346 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:03:04Z SO: UGU 0.862775 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:40:04Z SO: triloop 0.8768791 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z PR: Tnf 0.85423577 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.82655025 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9614888 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:50:05Z SO: hexaloop 0.9995204 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:57Z DUMMY: Lys259 0.997125 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:38:12Z MESH: hydrogen bonds 0.99947935 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z DUMMY: U10 0.99946886 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 0.9995478 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:52Z DUMMY: Val257 0.9861222 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:42:00Z MESH: stacks 0.9994474 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 0.9847534 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.73149467 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:50:19Z SO: stem bond_interaction MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:38:31Z Watson–Crick base pair 0.4196095 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:41:49Z DUMMY: C8 0.9977786 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:41:44Z DUMMY: G15 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:40:20Z hexaloop structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.47224718 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9993693 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:30Z DUMMY: G9 0.96473956 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:42:02Z MESH: stacks 0.9994293 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:25Z DUMMY: G12 0.96467096 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.9393875 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:40:24Z SO: triloop 0.99942005 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:30Z DUMMY: G9 0.9994319 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:04:02Z DUMMY: A14 0.99941397 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:04:05Z DUMMY: A14 0.9762536 site cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:07:04Z SO: minor groove 0.98802596 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99669194 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:38:43Z MESH: stacking interaction 0.9994955 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:30Z DUMMY: G9 0.9995376 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z DUMMY: U10 0.99954104 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z DUMMY: Tyr250 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z ROQ 0.9861221 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.8903051 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:50:24Z SO: stem 0.9993895 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 0.9993812 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z DUMMY: U13 0.9905889 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:41:39Z MESH: stack structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z ROQ 0.9990502 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:41:27Z SO: wing 0.9991504 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:41:34Z DUMMY: C12 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:41:06Z Ox-40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z RNAs structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z ROQ chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA RESULTS title_2 13852 NMR analysis of ROQ interactions with ADE SLs 0.99876106 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z MESH: NMR 0.9983512 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.6833393 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE 0.40453947 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:55Z SO: SLs RESULTS paragraph 13898 We next used NMR spectroscopy to compare the ROQ domain interaction of ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in solution. CSPs observed for amides in the ROQ domain on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (Fig. 4a,b) map to residues that also mediate key interactions with CDE SLs, such as Lys220, Lys239/Thr240 and Lys259/Arg260 (Fig. 4b). This is fully consistent with the interactions observed in the crystal structure (Supplementary Fig. 2c–e) and indicates a similar binding surface. However, there are also notable CSP differences when comparing binding of the ROQ domain to Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs and to the CDE-like SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR (Fig. 4c), or to the Tnf CDE SL RNA (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Notes). For example, Ser253 is strongly affected only on binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (Fig. 4a,b) in line with tight interactions with the hexaloop (Fig. 3d). On the other hand, comparison of ROQ domain binding with the ADE and with the ADE-like SL RNAs indicates almost identical NMR spectra and CSPs. This is consistent with the very similar structural features and mode of RNA recognition of the ROQ domain with these RNAs (Supplementary Fig. 2a,d,e). 0.998158 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:42:31Z MESH: NMR spectroscopy 0.99856 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z RNAs 0.7711108 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:31:48Z DUMMY: CSPs 0.9977921 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9104544 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.65870243 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.9343403 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:55Z SO: SLs 0.99947566 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:42:55Z DUMMY: Lys220 0.9994936 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:43:00Z DUMMY: Lys239 0.99952364 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:43:04Z DUMMY: Thr240 0.9994925 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:57Z DUMMY: Lys259 0.9995065 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:43:12Z DUMMY: Arg260 0.9986762 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:20:00Z DUMMY: crystal structure 0.99706936 site cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:43:47Z SO: binding surface 0.9667672 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:43:19Z DUMMY: CSP differences 0.9985941 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.860187 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z RNAs structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.9735641 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.99384964 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.8882557 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z PR: Tnf 0.40692672 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.9994935 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:32:06Z DUMMY: Ser253 0.96339715 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.99272835 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:43:58Z SO: hexaloop 0.99858105 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.8455614 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z RNAs 0.99870276 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z MESH: NMR 0.98940325 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:30:44Z DUMMY: spectra 0.71015626 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:31:48Z DUMMY: CSPs chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.9961659 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9940701 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z CHEBI: RNAs RESULTS title_2 15076 Mutational analysis of the ROQ-ADE interaction 0.99872553 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:49Z MESH: Mutational analysis structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z ROQ structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE RESULTS paragraph 15123 To examine the individual contributions of ROQ–hexaloop interactions for complex formation, we performed electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with variants of the ROQ domain and the Ox40 ADE-like RNA (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Fig. 4). Analysis of the interaction with wild-type ROQ revealed an apparent affinity in a similar range as for the Tnf CDE (Fig. 5a and ) Table 2). We next tested a set of mutants (Supplementary Fig. 4), which were designed based on contacts observed in the crystal structure (Fig. 3) and the NMR CSPs (Fig. 4a,b). In line with expectations from ROQ-Tnf CDE binding (see comparison in Supplementary Fig. 4) and based on our structural analysis, the key residues Lys220, Lys239, Lys259 and Arg260 strongly reduce or abolish binding after replacement by alanine. We also observe an almost complete loss of binding in the Y250A mutant to the hexaloop SL RNA, which had not been seen for the Tnf CDE previously (Fig. 5a). This underlines the central role of Tyr250 for stabilization of the hexaloop structure and recognition by stacking interactions (Fig. 3b,e). Mutation of Ser253, which shows large CSPs in the NMR titrations (Fig. 4a,b), does not significantly impair complex formation (Supplementary Fig. 4). The large chemical shift change is probably caused by ring current effects induced by the close proximity of the U11 and U13 bases. Finally, a mutant in the wing of the ROQ domain (S265Y) does only slightly impair binding, as has been previously observed for the interaction with the Tnf CDE (Supplementary Fig. 4). This indicates that replacement by Tyr does not strongly affect the RNA interaction, and that some conformational variations are tolerated. Thus, the mutational analysis is fully consistent with the recognition of the hexaloop observed in our crystal structures. 0.57086194 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9989199 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:44:28Z MESH: electrophoretic mobility shift assays 0.99855083 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:44:32Z MESH: EMSAs 0.9794989 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.99387276 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.99898165 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:56:48Z DUMMY: wild-type 0.9987429 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9966923 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:45:17Z DUMMY: affinity 0.9985247 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z PR: Tnf 0.9801728 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.9979738 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:20:00Z DUMMY: crystal structure 0.99468035 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z MESH: NMR 0.97366476 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:31:48Z DUMMY: CSPs complex_assembly GO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:31:39Z ROQ-Tnf CDE 0.995828 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:44:38Z MESH: structural analysis 0.9995509 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:42:56Z DUMMY: Lys220 0.99954456 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:43:01Z DUMMY: Lys239 0.99953663 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:57Z DUMMY: Lys259 0.9995377 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:43:13Z DUMMY: Arg260 0.99847454 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:44:45Z MESH: replacement 0.9950722 residue_name cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:44:48Z SO: alanine 0.99901664 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:16Z MESH: Y250A 0.9990872 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:05Z DUMMY: mutant 0.819331 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:50:28Z SO: hexaloop structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.99883825 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z PR: Tnf 0.99365145 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.9995796 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z DUMMY: Tyr250 0.8907902 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:50:32Z SO: hexaloop 0.9959369 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:38:38Z MESH: stacking interactions 0.9981415 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:56:06Z MESH: Mutation 0.99959916 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:32:06Z DUMMY: Ser253 0.9963606 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:31:48Z DUMMY: CSPs experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:59:07Z NMR titrations 0.98001057 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:45:22Z DUMMY: chemical shift change 0.9994816 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 0.999371 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z DUMMY: U13 0.99785703 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:45:52Z DUMMY: mutant 0.9994467 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:45:49Z SO: wing 0.9115498 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.99896014 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:45:46Z MESH: S265Y 0.9987878 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z PR: Tnf 0.99510777 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.99833244 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:45:59Z MESH: replacement 0.99740535 residue_name cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:45:56Z SO: Tyr 0.8353558 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9951656 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:49Z MESH: mutational analysis 0.8165691 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:46:05Z SO: hexaloop 0.99865377 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:59:12Z DUMMY: crystal structures RESULTS paragraph 16950 To prove the contribution of the key residue Tyr250 in Roquin-1 to Ox40 mRNA recognition and regulation, we set up a retroviral reconstitution system in Roquin-deficient CD4+ T cells. Isolated CD4+ T cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice harbouring floxed Roquin-1/2 encoding alleles, a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase and the reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator rtTA were treated in vitro with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, to induce deletion. The cells were then transduced with doxycycline-inducible retroviral vectors to reconstitute Roquin-1 expression (Fig. 5b). Depletion of Roquin proteins on tamoxifen treatment (Supplementary Fig. 5a) strongly increased surface expression of Ox40 and Icos (Fig. 5c). This increase in surface expression of both costimulatory receptors was partially corrected by the doxycycline-induced reconstitution with Roquin-1 WT protein (Fig. 5c left panels). Importantly, no effect was observed on expression of the Y250A mutant of Roquin-1 or the K220A, K239A and R260 mutant, which is strongly impaired in CDE SL interactions (Fig. 5c middle and right panels). The observed partial rescue may relate to the low, close to endogenous expression of these constructs (Supplementary Fig. 5b). However, it is also possible that continuous overexpression of targets following Roquin deletion induces a hyperactivated state in the T cells. This hyperactivation, compared with the actual posttranscriptional derepression, may contribute even stronger to the increased Icos and Ox40 expression levels. Hence, our structure–function analyses conclusively show that the Y250 residue is essential for Roquin interaction and regulation of Ox40, and potentially also for other Roquin targets such as Icos. 0.99958366 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z DUMMY: Tyr250 0.998746 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 0.9991165 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.9979837 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.99830437 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:08Z MESH: retroviral reconstitution system 0.2854319 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin gene GENE: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:38:23Z Rc3h1 gene GENE: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:39:25Z 2fl gene GENE: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:39:40Z fl taxonomy_domain DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:12:08Z mice 0.8110845 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 0.46404725 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:48:33Z PR: 2 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:52:01Z tamoxifen 0.87689686 protein_type cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:55:03Z MESH: reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator 0.96973455 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:50:00Z PR: rtTA 0.9987544 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:52:18Z CHEBI: 4-hydroxy tamoxifen 0.49092653 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:52:23Z CHEBI: doxycycline 0.9383189 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 0.8359207 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.93609476 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:52:07Z CHEBI: tamoxifen 0.99917966 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.9992281 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:50:11Z PR: Icos 0.9139179 protein_type cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:13:35Z MESH: costimulatory receptors 0.910425 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:52:22Z CHEBI: doxycycline 0.95158434 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 0.99925894 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:46:59Z DUMMY: WT 0.9990452 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:15Z MESH: Y250A 0.999201 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:05Z DUMMY: mutant 0.99857616 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 0.99902654 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:26Z MESH: K220A 0.99901557 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:31Z MESH: K239A 0.9989231 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:36Z MESH: R260 0.99922574 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:04Z DUMMY: mutant 0.711355 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.65221393 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SO: SL experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:50:32Z overexpression 0.67954826 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.9990539 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:50:12Z PR: Icos 0.9990062 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.99869114 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:11Z MESH: structure–function analyses 0.99956244 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:50:18Z DUMMY: Y250 0.99811304 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.9992256 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.98053783 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.9991659 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:50:12Z PR: Icos RESULTS paragraph 18696 We also investigated the role of individual nucleotides in the Ox40 ADE-like SL for complex formation with the ROQ domain. We designed four mutants (Mut1–4, see Supplementary Fig. 6) that were expected to disrupt key interactions with the protein according to our co-crystal structure (Fig. 3d–f and Supplementary Fig. 2). NMR analysis confirmed that all mutant RNAs formed the same base pairs in the stem region, identical to the wild-type ADE-like SL (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Fig. 6). We next used surface plasmon resonance experiments to determine dissociation constants for the ROQ-RNA interaction (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). Although the replacement of a C8–G15 closing base pair by A-U (Mut 4) only reduces the affinity threefold, reduction of loop size in the A14C mutant (Mut 1, see Table 2) reduces the affinity and binding is not detected by surface plasmon resonance. As intended, the mutation Mut 1 allows the formation of an additional base pair and thus leads to the formation of a tetraloop with a new G-C closing base pair (Supplementary Fig. 6a). Consistent with the structural analysis, we assume that this variant alters the hexaloop conformation and thus reduces the interaction with ROQ. Disruption of stacking interactions between G15, G9 and Y250 in the G9C mutant (Mut 2) completely abolished binding of ROQ to the SL RNA (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). No binding is also observed for the U11AU13G double mutant (Mut 3) (Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7), which abolishes specific interactions mediated by U11 and U13 in the hexaloop with ROQ (Fig. 3d). Consistent with the SELEX consensus (Fig. 1b), all of the tested mutations of conserved nucleotides in the loop reduce or abolish the interaction with ROQ. Interestingly, the affinity of the wild-type Tnf CDE and the Ox40 ADE-like SLs to ROQ are very similar (42 and 81 nM, respectively, Table 2 and Supplementary Fig. 7). 0.9842052 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.9966175 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9972644 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:52:58Z DUMMY: co-crystal structure 0.9988814 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:11:00Z MESH: NMR 0.99574333 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:05Z DUMMY: mutant 0.9964078 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z CHEBI: RNAs 0.9985248 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:50:37Z SO: stem region 0.99884385 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:56:48Z DUMMY: wild-type structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:55:31Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL 0.99892396 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:56:11Z MESH: surface plasmon resonance 0.9980252 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:54:58Z DUMMY: dissociation constants 0.9205294 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.98794657 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99840325 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:56:15Z MESH: replacement 0.81623113 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:41:50Z DUMMY: C8 0.9292495 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:41:45Z DUMMY: G15 residue_name SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:54:39Z A residue_name SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:54:54Z U 0.99763864 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:07:37Z MESH: Mut 4 0.9982413 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:55:00Z DUMMY: affinity 0.9934295 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:55:03Z SO: loop 0.9989876 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:56:11Z MESH: A14C 0.99875975 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:05Z DUMMY: mutant 0.9978521 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:07:44Z MESH: Mut 1 0.99799025 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:59:17Z DUMMY: affinity 0.9988158 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:56:19Z MESH: surface plasmon resonance 0.9981153 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:07:41Z MESH: Mut 1 0.9308423 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:53:24Z SO: tetraloop 0.95997465 residue_name cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:53:29Z SO: G 0.5003149 residue_name cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:53:32Z SO: C 0.998454 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:56:23Z MESH: structural analysis 0.98113084 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:53:27Z SO: hexaloop 0.9990087 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9951514 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:38:38Z MESH: stacking interactions 0.9995321 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:41:45Z DUMMY: G15 0.9995315 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:30Z DUMMY: G9 0.9995627 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:50:18Z DUMMY: Y250 0.999084 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:07:52Z MESH: G9C 0.9987691 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:05Z DUMMY: mutant 0.998194 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:07:56Z MESH: Mut 2 0.99908125 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.7375572 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SO: SL 0.9985176 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9990637 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:07:59Z MESH: U11AU13G 0.87387824 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:53:20Z DUMMY: double mutant 0.99743533 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:08:02Z MESH: Mut 3 0.99944335 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 0.9994752 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z DUMMY: U13 0.9511435 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:57:01Z SO: hexaloop 0.9990427 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.99818856 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z MESH: SELEX 0.9801459 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:56:26Z MESH: mutations 0.9941527 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:04:56Z DUMMY: conserved 0.76714593 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:03:18Z CHEBI: nucleotides 0.9993561 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:50:41Z SO: loop 0.9990563 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.99808085 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:56:44Z DUMMY: affinity 0.9990527 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:56:47Z DUMMY: wild-type 0.9979182 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z PR: Tnf 0.999074 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.9827404 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:56:39Z SLs 0.9989209 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ RESULTS title_2 20620 Roquin binding to different SLs in the Ox40 3′-UTR 0.99846894 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.9759562 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:56Z SO: SLs 0.99118257 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.99868476 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR RESULTS paragraph 20673 We have recently shown that Roquin-1 binds to a CDE-like motif in the 3′-UTR of Ox40 mRNA (Figs 1d and 4c). We therefore investigated whether the interactions with the CDE-like and the ADE-like SL RNAs both contribute to Roquin-1 binding in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. The binding affinities of either motif for the N-terminal domain of Roquin-1 (residues 2–440) (Supplementary Fig. 8a,b) or the ROQ domain alone are in a similar range (Table 2). The dissociation constants for the ROQ interaction with the Ox40 CDE-like SL and the ADE-like SL RNAs are 1,460 and 81 nM, respectively (Table 2). This is consistent with the extended binding interface and additional interactions observed with the hexaloop, and suggests a preferential binding to the hexaloop SL RNA in the Ox40 3′-UTR. We designed different variants of the 3′-UTR by point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region, where none, individual, or both SL RNA motifs were mutated to impair Roquin-1 binding (Fig. 6a). These RNAs were then tested in EMSAs with the Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) (Fig. 6b). Gel shift assays show that binding to the wild-type 3′-UTR construct leads to two distinct bands during the titrations, which should reflect binding to one and both RNA motifs, respectively. Consistent with this, both bands are strongly reduced when mutations are introduced that interfere with the formation of both SLs. Notably, among these, the slower migrating band disappears when either of the two SL RNA motifs is altered to impair Roquin binding, indicating an interaction with the remaining wild-type SL. We thus conclude that Roquin is able to bind to both SL RNA motifs in the context of the full-length Ox40 3′-UTR. 0.99918157 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE 0.99742573 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.5423517 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.9989874 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z RNAs 0.99871516 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 0.99912286 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:48Z DUMMY: full-length 0.7309824 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.99523497 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.99872977 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:57:49Z DUMMY: binding affinities 0.9112169 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:50:50Z SO: N-terminal domain 0.9990762 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 0.99726003 residue_range cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:57:39Z DUMMY: 2–440 0.99652255 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.7369649 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:05:02Z DUMMY: alone 0.9983428 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:57:52Z DUMMY: dissociation constants 0.99771035 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.7745781 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z RNAs 0.99896085 site cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:57:54Z SO: binding interface 0.97753364 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:50:55Z SO: hexaloop 0.98032665 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:50:59Z SO: hexaloop 0.55398023 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SO: SL 0.7436355 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.687771 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.9913631 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.9859484 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.99777985 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:09Z MESH: point mutagenesis 0.99876404 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:51:03Z SO: stem region structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.99167025 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:29Z MESH: mutated 0.9986234 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z RNAs 0.9987255 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:44:33Z MESH: EMSAs 0.99890405 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 0.99708897 residue_range cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:06Z DUMMY: 2–440 0.9988554 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:31Z MESH: Gel shift assays 0.99911386 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:56:48Z DUMMY: wild-type 0.98302835 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.5753093 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:12Z MESH: titrations chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.99355304 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:55Z SO: SLs structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.99898416 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.99907994 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:56:48Z DUMMY: wild-type 0.99864656 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SO: SL 0.99924207 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:14Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.9991266 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:48Z DUMMY: full-length 0.7265932 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.9900917 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR RESULTS title_2 22420 Regulation of Ox40 expression via two motifs in its 3′-UTR 0.9974759 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.99918497 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR RESULTS paragraph 22481 To investigate the role of the new ADE-like motif in target mRNA regulation, we introduced Ox40 mRNA variants harbouring altered 3′-UTRs in cells. Considering the close proximity of the ADE-like and CDE-like SL RNAs in the 3′-UTR (Fig. 6a), which is essential for Roquin-mediated posttranscriptional regulation of Ox40 (ref.) we tested individual contributions and the functional cooperation of the two RNA elements by deletion and point mutagenesis abrogating base pairing in the stem region (Fig. 6a,c and Supplementary Fig. 8c). Specifically, using retroviruses we introduced Ox40 expression constructs placed under the control of different 3′-UTRs into Roquin-1/2-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Doxycycline treatment of cells from this cell line enabled ectopic Roquin-1 and co-translational mCherry expression due to the stable integration of an inducible lentiviral vector (Supplementary Fig. 8c). The expression of Ox40 in cells with and without doxycycline treatment was then quantified by flow cytometry (Supplementary Fig. 8c). Comparing the ratio of Ox40 mean fluorescence intensities in cells with and without doxycycline treatment normalized to the values from cells that expressed Ox40 constructs without 3′-UTR revealed a comparable importance of both structural elements (Fig. 6c). In fact, only deletion or point mutagenesis of the sequences encoding both structures at the same time (3′-UTR 1–80 and double mut) neutralized Roquin-dependent repression of Ox40. In contrast, individual mutations that left the hexaloop (3′-UTR 1–120 or CDE mut) or the CDE-like triloop intact still enabled Roquin-dependent repression, which occurred in an attenuated manner compared with the full-length 3′-UTR (Fig. 6c). structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE 0.99036014 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:31Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.671629 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:56:52Z MESH: introduced 0.990399 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 0.9963111 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.7862771 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:05:08Z DUMMY: altered 0.9987849 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z SO: 3′-UTRs structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z RNAs 0.99850893 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.9983773 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.99746215 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:57Z PR: Ox40 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.99881566 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:01:09Z MESH: deletion and point mutagenesis 0.5700114 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:05:22Z DUMMY: abrogating 0.7782713 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:01:02Z MESH: base pairing 0.9992924 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:51:08Z SO: stem region 0.9529885 taxonomy_domain cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:57Z DUMMY: retroviruses 0.9859139 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.9985753 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z SO: 3′-UTRs protein PR: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z Roquin-1 protein PR: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:00:57Z 2 0.9797829 taxonomy_domain cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:52Z DUMMY: mouse 0.9972741 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:52:23Z CHEBI: Doxycycline 0.99609536 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 0.9766459 taxonomy_domain cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:00:02Z DUMMY: lentiviral 0.99310863 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.99667835 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:52:23Z CHEBI: doxycycline 0.9986136 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:57:07Z MESH: flow cytometry 0.99719197 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.90989846 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:01:22Z DUMMY: mean fluorescence intensities 0.9950245 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:52:23Z CHEBI: doxycycline 0.9867207 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.9982474 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:05:27Z DUMMY: without 0.99512595 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.99880457 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:57:11Z MESH: deletion or point mutagenesis 0.9773251 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.9329071 residue_range cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:01:31Z DUMMY: 1–80 0.6988458 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:05:32Z DUMMY: double mut 0.99707687 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.99741423 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.57831496 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:57:15Z MESH: mutations 0.9994469 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:01:24Z SO: hexaloop 0.9683312 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.9663568 residue_range cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:01:29Z DUMMY: 1–120 0.97203094 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:02:16Z MESH: CDE mut structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE 0.99853253 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:01:50Z SO: triloop 0.9925096 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:05:36Z DUMMY: intact 0.9965833 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.99906594 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:48Z DUMMY: full-length 0.9937899 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR RESULTS paragraph 24230 To further analyse the functional consequences of Roquin binding to the 3′-UTR, we also measured mRNA decay rates after introducing the different Ox40 constructs into HeLa tet-off cells that allow to turn off transcription from the tetracycline-repressed vectors by addition of doxycycline (Fig. 6d). Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR revealed a strong stabilization of the Ox40 mRNA by deletion of the 3′-UTR (CDS t1/2=311 min vs full-length t1/2=96 min). A comparable stabilization was achieved by combined mutation of the CDE-like and the ADE-like SLs (ADE/CDE-like mut t1/2=255 min). Individual mutations of either the ADE-like or the CDE-like SLs showed intermediate effects (ADE-like mut t1/2=170 min, CDE-like mut t1/2=167 min), respectively. These findings underscore the importance of both structural motifs and reveal that they have an additive effect on the regulation of Ox40 mRNA expression in cells. 0.9989039 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.9987954 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.78876597 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:02:27Z DUMMY: mRNA decay rates 0.9760877 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.9977901 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:52:23Z CHEBI: doxycycline 0.99879247 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:02:32Z MESH: Quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR 0.98678535 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.9933763 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.939572 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:54Z MESH: deletion of 0.9988038 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:55Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.9977502 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:02:43Z SO: CDS 0.9904898 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:03:14Z DUMMY: t1/2 0.99908286 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:48Z DUMMY: full-length 0.9917712 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:03:15Z DUMMY: t1/2 0.8857194 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:03:37Z MESH: combined mutation structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE 0.9874823 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:56Z SO: SLs structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE 0.93274784 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:04:38Z DUMMY: mut 0.98995334 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:03:15Z DUMMY: t1/2 0.99069643 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:57:20Z MESH: mutations structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE 0.99896514 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:56Z SO: SLs structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE 0.9443407 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:04:39Z DUMMY: mut 0.99150085 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:03:15Z DUMMY: t1/2 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z CDE 0.8648062 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:04:39Z DUMMY: mut 0.99243325 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:03:15Z DUMMY: t1/2 0.99606055 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.97424805 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA DISCUSS title_1 25165 Discussion DISCUSS paragraph 25176 Recent structural and functional studies have provided first insight into the RNA binding of Roquin. Structures of Roquin bound to CDE SL RNAs indicated mainly shape recognition of the SL RNA in the so-called A-site of the N-terminal region of the Roquin protein with no sequence specificity, except the requirement for a pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop. Considering that the CDE RNA recognition is mostly structure specific and not sequence dependent, a wide spectrum of target mRNA might be recognized by Roquin. Some evidence for this is provided by a recent study by Landthaler and colleagues. 0.9988534 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:04:50Z MESH: structural and functional studies 0.93467873 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9992625 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.99817 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:04:54Z DUMMY: Structures 0.99925584 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.9990138 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z DUMMY: bound to 0.7221931 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z RNAs 0.6122311 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SO: SL 0.93589884 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9987804 site cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:07:11Z SO: A-site 0.997312 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:51:26Z SO: N-terminal region 0.99929726 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.9654463 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-21T18:27:48Z SO: pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triloop 0.60207105 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:48Z SO: CDE 0.97175974 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99886143 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.99937844 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin DISCUSS paragraph 25783 Here we have used SELEX assays to identify a novel RNA recognition motif of Roquin-1, which is present in the Ox40 3′-UTR and variations of which may be found in the 3′-UTRs of many other genes. Our experiments show that this SELEX-derived ADE shows functional activity comparable to the previously established CDE motif. The ADE and Ox40 ADE-like SL RNAs adopt SL folds with a hexaloop instead of a triloop. Notably, the recognition of the respective RNA-helical stem regions by the ROQ domain is identical for the triloop and hexaloop motifs. However, the U-rich hexaloops in the ADE and ADE-like SL RNAs mediate a number of additional contacts with the helix α4 and strand β3 in the ROQ domain that are absent in the triloop CDE (Fig. 3b–f). Of particular importance for the hexaloop recognition is Tyr250, which acts as a stabilizing element for the integrity of a defined loop conformation. It stacks with nucleotides in the hexaloop but not the CDE triloop (Fig. 3b,c). The functional role of Tyr250 for ADE-mediated mRNA regulation by Roquin-1 is thus explained by our experiments (Fig. 5b,c). The preference for U-rich hexaloops depends on nucleotide-specific interactions of ROQ with U10, U11 and U13 in the Ox40 ADE-like SL. Consistent with this, loss of ROQ binding is observed on replacement of U11 and U13 by other bases (Table 2). In spite of these differences in some aspects of the RNA recognition, overall features of Roquin targets are conserved in ADE and CDE-like RNAs, namely, a crucial role of non-sequence-specific contacts to the RNA stem and mainly shape recognition of the hexa- and triloops, respectively. A unique feature of the bound RNA structure, common to both tri- and hexaloops, is the stacking of a purine base onto the closing base pair (Fig. 3b,c). Previous structural data and the results presented here therefore suggest that Roquin may recognize additional SL RNA motifs, potentially with larger loops. 0.9988766 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:05:30Z MESH: SELEX assays 0.9923244 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:05:39Z SO: RNA recognition motif 0.99919313 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 0.88746005 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.9967925 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.9957634 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z SO: 3′-UTRs 0.99643964 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z MESH: SELEX 0.9982218 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z CDE 0.9281349 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE 0.87787974 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.42448312 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z RNAs structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL 0.99660945 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:36Z SO: hexaloop 0.9957638 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:51:30Z SO: triloop 0.9988192 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:06:12Z SO: RNA-helical stem regions 0.8417624 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.99877614 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:06:17Z SO: triloop 0.9985618 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:06:19Z SO: hexaloop structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:06:37Z U-rich hexaloops 0.6006369 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL 0.9911668 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z CHEBI: RNAs 0.9992685 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:36:24Z SO: helix 0.99927753 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:36:29Z SO: α4 0.9989827 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:51:35Z SO: strand 0.9980052 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:36:35Z SO: β3 0.93937474 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9972836 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:06:40Z SO: triloop 0.9993648 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z SO: CDE 0.9876096 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:06:56Z SO: hexaloop 0.9995902 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z DUMMY: Tyr250 0.9939247 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:06:43Z SO: loop 0.9806161 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:06:45Z MESH: stacks 0.99591607 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:06:54Z SO: hexaloop 0.9982152 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z SO: CDE 0.99293983 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:06:59Z SO: triloop 0.999584 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:20Z DUMMY: Tyr250 0.8600026 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE 0.59197795 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.9991595 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:14Z U-rich hexaloops 0.9991885 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9994654 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z DUMMY: U10 0.99945253 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 0.99944156 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z DUMMY: U13 0.70635414 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.8362893 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE 0.63001364 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SO: SL 0.9986156 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9978624 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:57:24Z MESH: replacement 0.9993247 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 0.999315 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z DUMMY: U13 chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.9880661 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.5921936 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z CDE chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z RNAs 0.8661621 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.7980392 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:57Z SO: stem structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:08:28Z hexa- and triloops 0.9992067 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:05:52Z DUMMY: bound 0.97536874 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9976661 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:49Z DUMMY: structure 0.92127097 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:51Z SO: tri- and hexaloops 0.97104734 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:54Z MESH: stacking 0.9913735 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:20:07Z DUMMY: structural data 0.9992354 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.98030317 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:08:34Z SO: loops DISCUSS paragraph 27734 Interestingly, the SELEX-derived motif resembles the U-rich motifs that were identified recently by Murakawa et al.. In their study, several U-rich loops of various sizes were identified by crosslinking and immunoprecipitation of Roquin-1 using PAR-CLIP and the data also included sequences comprising the U-rich hexaloop identified in our present work. Most probably, the experimental setup of Murakawa et al. revealed both high- and low-affinity target motifs for Roquin, whereas our structural study reports on a high-affinity binding motif. Notably, Murakawa et al. neither found the Roquin-regulated Ox40 nor the Tnf 3′-UTRs, as both genes are not expressed in HEK 293 cells. However, their newly identified U-rich target SL within the 3′-UTR of A20 mRNA supports our conclusion that Roquin can accept alternative target motifs apart from the classical CDE triloop arrangement. It remains to be seen which exact features govern the recognition of the A20 SL by Roquin. 0.9982291 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z MESH: SELEX 0.9992132 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:08:51Z SO: U-rich motifs 0.9991099 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:08:53Z SO: U-rich loops 0.99874634 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:09:01Z MESH: crosslinking and immunoprecipitation 0.9992239 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 0.99885863 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:09:04Z MESH: PAR-CLIP 0.9274671 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:09:09Z SO: U-rich hexaloop 0.9991829 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.93437153 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:09:16Z MESH: structural study 0.9968534 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.99820507 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.99075 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z PR: Tnf 0.9986799 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z SO: 3′-UTRs structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL 0.9981084 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.9981975 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:54:12Z PR: A20 0.99777573 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.99930227 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.9984925 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z SO: CDE 0.9898441 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:09:32Z SO: triloop 0.99866307 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:54:13Z PR: A20 0.9991019 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SO: SL 0.999321 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin DISCUSS paragraph 28712 The regulatory cis RNA elements in 3′-UTRs may also be targeted by additional trans-acting factors. We have recently identified the endonuclease Regnase-1 as a cofactor of Roquin function that shares an overlapping set of target mRNAs. In another study, the overlap in targets was confirmed, but a mutually exclusive regulation was proposed based on studies in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated myeloid cells. In these cells, Roquin induced mRNA decay only for translationally inactive mRNAs, while Regnase-1-induced mRNA decay depended on active translation of the target. In CD4+ T cells, Ox40 does not show derepression in individual knockouts of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 encoding genes, but is strongly induced upon combined deficiency of both genes. In addition, conditional deletion of the Regnase-1-encoding gene induced Ox40 expression in these cells. Whether induced decay of Ox40 mRNA by Roquin or Regnase proteins occurs in a mutually exclusive manner at different points during T-cell activation or shows cooperative regulation will have to await a direct comparison of T cells with single, double and triple knockouts of these genes. However, in cultures of CD4+ T cells, Ox40 is translated on day 4–5 and is expressed much higher in T cells with combined deficiency of Roquin-1 and Roquin-2. At this time point, the short-term inducible reconstitution with WT Roquin-1 was effective to reduced Ox40 expression, demonstrating the regulation of a translationally active mRNA by Roquin-1 in T cells (Fig. 5c). 0.9979055 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:53:15Z SO: cis RNA elements 0.9985352 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z SO: 3′-UTRs 0.9989159 protein_type cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:10:16Z MESH: endonuclease 0.9992896 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:10:21Z PR: Regnase-1 0.99783343 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.9970878 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:47Z CHEBI: mRNAs chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:10:42Z lipopolysaccharide chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:10:51Z LPS 0.9987564 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.9633093 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.62592363 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:05:58Z DUMMY: inactive 0.9974112 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:47Z CHEBI: mRNAs 0.9992381 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:10:22Z PR: Regnase-1 0.9640897 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.9966534 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.9888611 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 0.9852724 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:11Z PR: Roquin-2 0.8447384 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:57:33Z MESH: deficiency experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:54Z deletion of 0.9980139 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:10:22Z PR: Regnase-1 0.9953726 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.9960139 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.9970066 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.99847347 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:56Z PR: Roquin 0.99569356 protein_type cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:55:11Z MESH: Regnase experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:57:52Z double and triple knockouts 0.99602485 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.99506897 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 0.992296 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:11Z PR: Roquin-2 0.5500128 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:57:57Z MESH: reconstitution 0.99912375 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:00Z DUMMY: WT 0.9981454 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 0.9952649 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.54457563 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:06:02Z DUMMY: active 0.99797314 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.99881476 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 DISCUSS paragraph 30235 Recombinant N-terminal protein fragments of Roquin-1 or Roquin-2 bind with comparable affinity to Ox40 mRNA in EMSAs and the 3′-UTR of Ox40 is similarly retained by the two recombinant proteins in filter binding assays. Given the almost identical RNA contacts in both paralogues, we assume a similar recognition of ADE and CDE motifs in the Ox40 3′-UTR by both proteins. In contrast, structural details on how Regnase-1 can interact with these SL RNAs are currently missing. Surprisingly, transcriptome-wide mapping of Regnase-1-binding sites in crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments identified specific triloop structures with pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine loops in 3- to 7-nt-long stems, as well as a novel hexaloop structure in the Ptgs2 gene. Both were required for Regnase-1-mediated repression. These findings therefore raise the possibility that Regnase-1 interacts with ADE-like hexaloop structures either in a direct or indirect manner. 0.9991494 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:36Z PR: Roquin-1 0.999046 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:11Z PR: Roquin-2 0.8295006 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.99895585 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.99817204 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:44:33Z MESH: EMSAs 0.9980009 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.95859957 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.99855715 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:12:20Z MESH: filter binding assays chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.99897313 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z CDE 0.9221935 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.997972 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.99927336 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:10:22Z PR: Regnase-1 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z RNAs 0.9973216 site cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:12:13Z SO: Regnase-1-binding sites 0.9932945 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:12:17Z MESH: crosslinking and immunoprecipitation experiments 0.97262865 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:12:42Z SO: triloop 0.973413 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:12:31Z SO: pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine loops 0.99757975 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:12:28Z SO: stems 0.9753175 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:12:33Z SO: hexaloop 0.7826226 gene cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:54:30Z GENE: Ptgs2 0.9988354 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:10:22Z PR: Regnase-1 0.99926615 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:10:22Z PR: Regnase-1 0.72274804 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE 0.6536611 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:12:40Z SO: hexaloop DISCUSS paragraph 31199 Nevertheless, it becomes clear that composite cis-elements, that is, the presence of several SLs as in Ox40 or Icos, could attract multiple trans-acting factors that may potentially co-regulate or even act cooperatively to control mRNA expression through posttranscriptional pathways of gene regulation. The novel 3′-UTR loop motif that we have identified as a bona fide target of Roquin now expands this multilayer mode of co-regulation. We suggest that differential regulation of mRNA expression is not only achieved through multiple regulators with individual preferences for a given motif or variants thereof, but that regulators may also identify and use distinct motifs, as long as they exhibit some basic features regarding shape, size and sequence. 0.9875123 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:51:43Z SO: cis-elements 0.99735665 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:56Z SO: SLs 0.99912375 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.9991041 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:50:12Z PR: Icos 0.99302953 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.99902904 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.9989248 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:52:06Z SO: loop motif 0.99890745 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z PR: Roquin 0.99247086 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA DISCUSS paragraph 31958 The presence of distinct motifs in 3′-UTRs offers a broader variability for gene regulation by RNA cis elements. Their accessibility can be modulated by trans-acting factors that may bind regulatory motifs, unfold higher-order structures in the RNA or maintain a preference for duplex structures as was shown recently for mRNAs that are recognized by Staufen-1 (ref.). In the 3′-UTR of the Ox40 mRNA, we find one ADE-like and one CDE-like SL, with similar binding to the ROQ domain. The exact stoichiometry of Roquin bound to the Ox40 3′-UTR is unknown. The recently identified secondary binding site for dsRNA in Roquin (B-site) could potentially allow for simultaneous binding of dsRNA and thereby promote engagement of Roquin and target RNAs before recognition of high-affinity SLs. In this respect, it is interesting to note that symmetry-related RNA molecules of both Tnf CDE and ADE SL RNAs are found in the respective crystal lattice in a position that corresponds to the recognition of dsRNA in the B site. This opens the possibility that one Roquin molecule may cluster two motifs in a given 3′-UTR and/or cluster motifs from distinct 3′-UTRs to enhance downstream processing. Interestingly, two SL RNA elements that resemble bona fide ligands of Roquin have also been identified in the 3′-UTR of the Nfkbid mRNA. We therefore hypothesize that the combination of multiple binding sites may be more commonly used to enhance the functional activity of Roquin. At the same time, the combination of cis elements may be important for differential gene regulation, as composite cis elements with lower affinity may be less sensitive to Roquin. This will lead to less effective repression in T cells when antigen recognition is of moderate signal strength and only incomplete cleavage of Roquin by MALT1 occurs. For understanding the intricate complexity of 3′-UTR regulation, future work will be necessary by combining large-scale approaches, such as cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments to identify RNA-binding sites, and structural biology to dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms. 0.9928853 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z SO: 3′-UTRs 0.79129803 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:52:01Z cis elements 0.9927049 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.9975552 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:47Z CHEBI: mRNAs 0.9991005 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:54:45Z PR: Staufen-1 0.9969147 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.79383564 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.99736387 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z CDE 0.95566744 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SO: SL 0.57247937 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:53Z SO: ROQ 0.9991161 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z PR: Roquin 0.99886376 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z DUMMY: bound to 0.9245208 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.9904696 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.9989626 site cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:13:23Z SO: secondary binding site 0.99887556 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:18:49Z CHEBI: dsRNA 0.9992712 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z PR: Roquin 0.9988733 site cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:07:17Z SO: B-site 0.99899644 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:18:49Z CHEBI: dsRNA 0.99919754 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z PR: Roquin 0.9935114 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z CHEBI: RNAs 0.9756884 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:59:53Z DUMMY: affinity 0.92923236 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:56Z SO: SLs 0.99072266 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z CHEBI: RNA 0.86320907 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z PR: Tnf 0.9981781 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z SO: CDE 0.86849904 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE 0.9844396 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SO: SL 0.5286891 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z CHEBI: RNAs 0.97968245 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:59:58Z DUMMY: crystal lattice 0.9987657 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:18:49Z CHEBI: dsRNA 0.99879366 site cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:07:20Z SO: B site 0.99900573 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z PR: Roquin 0.98514485 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.98854566 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z SO: 3′-UTRs structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:53Z RNA 0.99904746 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z PR: Roquin 0.9960357 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.99478585 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:54:57Z PR: Nfkbid 0.99842215 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:32Z CHEBI: mRNA 0.9988235 site cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:07:24Z SO: binding sites 0.9991352 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z PR: Roquin structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:52:01Z cis elements structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:52:01Z cis elements 0.8306765 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:00:02Z DUMMY: affinity 0.9990102 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z PR: Roquin 0.99905556 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:06:57Z PR: Roquin 0.9985819 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:19:18Z PR: MALT1 0.98063207 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.99854404 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:13:32Z MESH: cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments 0.9990144 site cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:13:42Z SO: RNA-binding sites 0.9000343 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:13:35Z MESH: structural biology METHODS title_1 34078 Methods METHODS title_2 34086 SELEX experiments METHODS paragraph 34104 Selection of Roquin-1-bound RNAs from a random RNA library was performed in three rounds of selection with increased stringency of washing (3 × 100 μl, 4 × 100 μl and 5 × 100 μl washing steps) and with decreased protein concentrations (250, 150 and 50 nM). Before selection, 100 μg recombinant Roquin-1 and Roquin-1 M199R N-terminal protein (residues 2–440) were biotinylated: proteins were incubated for 30 min on ice with 10 × molar excess of EZ-link PEG4-NHS-Biotin (Pierce) in PBS (0.1 mg ml−1). Subsequently, the biotinylated protein was purified via gel filtration (MicroSpin column P6, BioRad) and the loss of protein during the biotinylation procedure was estimated by SDS–PAGE and Coomassie staining. The efficiency of the biotinylation reaction was evaluated after spotting of unlabelled and labelled proteins onto a nitrocellulose membrane. After blocking the membrane with 1% BSA in PBS, it was incubated in streptavidin–PE (R-Phycoerythrin) diluted 1:1,000 in PBS for 30 min at room temperature (RT). Subsequently, the membrane was washed three times with PBS and fluorescence intensity of PE bound to biotinylated protein was determined by fluoroimaging (Raytest, FLA5000, 473 nm, Y510 filter). METHODS paragraph 35349 The RNA startpool containing the 47-nt random sequence as well as the RNA pools for the second and third selection rounds were transcribed in vitro from double-stranded PCR DNA, and protein-bound RNA was isolated and reverse transcribed before PCR amplification, as previously described. Following transcription, the samples were separated on an 8% PAGE, the bands excised and RNA purified. Every round of selection started by combining the RNA pool (400 pmol) with biotinylated protein and incubating the mix for 30 min at 37 °C. Subsequently, binding buffer-equilibrated streptavidin-magnetic beads were added and incubated (10 min, 37 °C) to bind the protein–RNA complexes, followed by washes. By boiling the beads in 0.2 mM EDTA in water for 3 min, protein and RNA molecules were released. After removal of beads, the solution served as template for reverse transcription (One-Step RT-PCR Kit, Qiagen) and from the obtained complementary DNA the RNA pool of the next round of selection was transcribed. The cDNAs from every selection round (startpool, round 1, round 2 and round 3) were used for Index-PCRs to analyse the pool composition at every stage during selection. Comparable amounts of the PCR products were combined to one cDNA library and analysed by Solexa Illumina sequencing. METHODS title_2 36660 Sequence motif and structural analysis METHODS paragraph 36699 To identify sequence motifs to which Roquin specifically binds, we counted the number of occurrences of each hexamer (46=4,096 motifs) in the sequences obtained by SELEX. We then generated a data set of randomized sequences of the same nucleotide composition as the SELEX-derived sequences, by permuting the SELEX-derived sequences with a custom script. Finally, we counted the number of occurrences of each hexamer in the set of randomized sequences and computed the log2 ratio of the number of occurrences of each motif in the real and randomized sequence sets. To identify a shared sequence motif in the SELEX patterns that showed the strongest enrichment in our selection experiments, the top 100 patterns were analysed with the Motif-based sequence analysis tool MEME ( using the default settings. This analysis revealed three sequence motifs of which the first is shown in Fig. 1b. For the construction of sequence logos, we screened the obtained nucleotide sequences from SELEX replicate 1 and extracted the nucleotide sequences including the 7-nt flanking regions. Sequence logos were constructed with WebLogo 2.8.2 ( METHODS paragraph 37877 For the Ox40 3′-UTR sequence alignment, we extracted Multiz alignments of 60 Vertebrates from the UCSC mouse GRCm38/mm10 assembly for the genomic region chr4:156,016,498–156,016,520. For each species contained in the alignment, we extracted genomic coordinates of the aligned sequence, extended the coordinates by 10 nt upstream and downstream, and retrieved the extended sequences from the corresponding genome assemblies. Finally, sequences were aligned with ClustalW 2.1 with standard settings and the alignment was visualized using Jalview. METHODS paragraph 38428 To evaluate the structural context the inferred motif is located in, we first appended to the nucleotide sequences obtained from the SELEX experiment the SELEX primers 5′-GGAGAGATGTGAACTT-3′ and 5′-AGTTTCGTGGATGCCAC-3′ to the 5′- and 3′-end, respectively. Next, we screened for sequences that contained the inferred motif and performed secondary structure prediction on those sequences with RNAfold from the ViennaRNA package version 1.8 with parameters '-p -d2'. Next, we used a custom Perl script to parse the base-pairing probability file generated by RNAfold and to calculate an average base-pair probability over all sequences that contained the inferred motif. METHODS title_2 39107 Production of proteins METHODS paragraph 39130 Cloning of expression vectors for Roquin-1 ROQ (residues 147–326), ROQ (residues 171–326) and Roquin-1 N-term (residues 2–440) was carried out by standard procedures as described previously. Briefly, PCR-amplified fragments were put into pETM11 and pETTrx1a vectors based on pET24d as provided by the Protein Expression and Purification Facility at Helmholtz Zentrum München. All vectors contained tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease recognition sites for subsequent proteolytic removal of the tags. All length-variable Roquin-1 expression constructs were designed and cloned via restriction sites NcoI (5′) and XhoI (3′). ROQ domain RNA-binding mutants were cloned by Quick change PCR with high-fidelity Phusion DNA polymerase and subsequent treatment with DnpI. Alternatively, we used conventional cloning with a two-step PCR protocol and enzymatic restriction. METHODS paragraph 40003 The Roquin-1 fragments (147–326) and (171–326) were expressed as N-terminal His6-thioredoxin fusion proteins as recently described. Isotope-labelled protein for NMR studies was expressed in M9 minimal medium supplemented with 0.5 g l−1 15N ammonium chloride and 2 g l−1unlabelled or [U-13C] glucose. For the preparation of deuterated proteins, cells were adapted and grown as described previously. Briefly, we used a protocol with stepwise adaptation of cells to deuterium changing buffer from no D2O, low glucose to 50% D2O, low glucose and finally 99.5% D2O with deuterated glucose. The Roquin-1 N-terminal domain (residues 2–440) was expressed and purified essentially as described above for the ROQ domain, but no thioredoxin tag was used. For Roquin-1 N-terminal domain, all expression media and the final buffer contained 100 or 25 μM of zinc chloride, respectively. METHODS title_2 40897 RNA preparation METHODS paragraph 40913 RNAs were synthesized and purchased from IBA GmbH (Göttingen, Germany), purified via PAGE followed by two steps of desalting. No major impurities were seen in NMR spectra. Complex formation for crystallography and NMR experiments was achieved by dissolving the lyophilized RNA in water or NMR buffer. This stock solution was snap-cooled by boiling at 95 °C for 5 min and transferred to an ice-cold bath for 10 min before aliquoting. All RNAs were stored at −80 °C, to avoid degradation and thermodynamically favoured duplex formation. METHODS paragraph 41461 Full length and fragments of Ox40 3′-UTR mRNA were produced by in vitro transcription (IVT) from DNA templates harbouring a T7 promoter site either with direct incorporation of α-32P-labelled UTP or subsequent 3′-labelling of purified RNA with γ-32P-labelled ATP. DNA templates were cloned by primer extension PCR. For IVT, 50–150 nM of DNA were incubated with 11 mM magnesium chloride, 8% (w/v) PEG8000, 1.25 mM of each NTP and 0.05 mg ml−1 of T7 polymerase in 1 × standard reaction buffer for 3–5 h at 37 °C. Labelled RNAs were produced in 50 μl reactions and purified via spin columns and directly subjected to EMSA assays. Unlabelled RNAs were produced in reactions of 500–5,000 μl. After IVT, the reactions were separated on 8% denaturing SDS–PAGEs, RNA of interest excised and eluted from the gel using the Elutrap kit (GE Healthcare). After elution, RNAs were dialysed against water and lyophilized. Subsequently, RNAs were dissolved in water and stocks generated by boiling them at 95 °C for 5 min and transferred to an ice-cold bath for 10 min before aliquoting. Labelling for EMSA assays was carried out as for short motifs and described recently. As a modification, dephosphorylation was performed for 30 min and 3′-phosphorylation with γ-32P-labelled ATP and T4 polynucleotide kinase for 90 min for higher efficiency, respectively. METHODS title_2 42857 NMR spectroscopy METHODS paragraph 42874 NMR measurements of Roquin-1 ROQ (147–326) and ROQ (171–326) were performed in buffers as described, mixed with 10% D2O. Backbone chemical shift assignments of ROQ (171–326) with 1.1- to 1.2-fold excess of the Ox40 ADE-like SL motif or consensus ADE SL RNAs were recorded with protein concentrations of 350–400 μM. HNCA, HNCACB, HNCO, HNcaCO and 3D 15N-edited NOESY spectra were acquired at 298K on Bruker Avance III spectrometers at field strengths corresponding to 600 and 800 MHz proton Larmor frequency, equipped with TCI cryogenic probe heads. Spectra of ROQ in complex with Ox40 CDE-like SL RNA and the RNA alone have been reported before. Spectra were processed with Topspin3.2 and analysed with CCPNMR Analysis and Sparky. For RNA motifs, one- and two-dimensional imino NOESY spectra with water-flip-back WATERGATE were recorded at 600–900 MHz, at 278 and 298 K at 150–350 μM RNA concentrations. Sequential assignments were guided by secondary structure predictions with mfold and supported by 15N chemical shifts from natural abundance SOFAST-HMQC experiments. METHODS title_2 43968 Electrophoretic mobility shift assays METHODS paragraph 44006 The EMSAs with ROQ domain and individual motifs were performed as described previously. In short, for the binding reaction a mastermix containing transfer RNA, 32P-labelled SL RNA and reaction buffer was prepared and then mixed with dilutions of the recombinant proteins to achieve the indicated protein concentrations. The binding was performed for 10 min at RT or 20 min on ice in 20 μl reaction volume in the presence of 2.5 μg μl−1 tRNA from baker’s yeast (Sigma), 500 pM 32P-labelled RNA, 20 mM HEPES (pH 7.4), 50 mM NaCl, 1 mM MgCl2, 1 mM dithiothreitol and 1 μg μl−1 BSA. For the binding reaction of Roquin-1 N-terminal with full-length Ox40 3′-UTRs or fragments thereof, ∼1 pmol of RNA was incubated with protein concentrations between 0 and 1,000 μM in a volume of 20 μl. RNP complexes were resolved by PAGE (6% polyacrylamide, 5% glycerol, 0.5 × TBE) at 120 V for 40 min at RT. Gels were then fixed, dried and exposed to a phosphor imager screen. METHODS title_2 45015 X-ray crystallography METHODS paragraph 45037 The crystallization experiments for ROQ–RNA complexes were performed at the X-ray Crystallography Platform at Helmholtz Zentrum München. The crystals of both, Roquin-1 ROQ (171–326) with Ox40 ADE-like SL motif (22mer, 5′-UCCACACCGUUCUAGGUGCUGG-3′) and with the consensus SELEX-derived ADE SL motif (20mer, 5′-UGACUGCGUUUUAGGAGUUA-3′) were obtained from the same condition: 100 mM Bis-Tris buffer pH 5.5, 200 mM sodium chloride and 25% (v/w) PEG 3350. Crystallization was performed using the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method at 292 K in 24-well plates and a protein concentration of 12 mg ml−1. The crystals appeared after 1 day. For the X-ray diffraction experiments, the crystals of both co-complexes were mounted in a nylon fibre loop and flash cooled to 100 K in liquid nitrogen. The cryoprotection was performed for 2 s in reservoir solution complemented with 20% (v/v) ethylene glycol. Diffraction data for ROQ Ox40 ADE-like motif was collected on the ID29 beamline (ESRF, Grenoble, France) using a Pilatus 6M at a wavelength of 1.25363 Å. Diffraction data for the ROQ-ADE complex were collected using Pilatus 2M detector at 1.00003 Å wavelength at PXIII beamline at SLS (Villigen, Switzerland). All data sets were indexed and integrated using XDS and scaled using SCALA. Intensities were converted to structure–factor amplitudes using the programme TRUNCATE. Table 1 summarizes data collection and processing statistics for both data sets. METHODS title_2 46524 Structure determination and refinement METHODS paragraph 46563 The structure of both ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL and ROQ-ADE SL were solved by molecular replacement using the native Roquin-1 ROQ (147–326) structure as a search model (PDB: 4QI0 (ref.)). Model building was performed in COOT. RNA molecules were modelled manually. The refinement of both structures was done in REFMAC5 (ref.) using the maximum-likelihood target function including translation, libration and screw-rotation displacements of a pseudo-rigid body (TLS). For the ROQ-ADE SL structure, non-crystallographic symmetry (NCS) averaging was implemented. The final models are characterized by R and Rfree factors of 21.8 and 25.7% for ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL, and 18.6 and 23.4% for ROQ-ADE SL (Table 1), respecively. The stereochemical analysis of both final models was done in PROCHECK and MolProbity. It indicates that there are no residues with generously allowed or unfavourable backbone dihedral angles, and that 99.4% (for ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL structure) and 92.3% (for ROQ-ADE SL structure) of all residues are in the core region of the Ramachandran plot. METHODS title_2 47625 Functional assays METHODS paragraph 47643 Functional assays determining the Roquin-mediated regulation of Ox40 with different 3′-UTR variants were performed as described previously. In brief, Rc3h1/2−/− mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells, stably transduced with a doxycycline-inducible Roquin-1-p2A-mCherry construct, were retrovirally infected with Ox40 constructs of different 3′-UTR length or mutation, which led to the expression of Ox40 on the cell surface (CDE-like mutation changing nt 14–16 GCA to CGT, ADE-like mutation changing nt 15–17 from GGT to CCA). Forty-eight hours after infection, the cells were split and one half of the cells was treated with doxycycline (1 μg ml−1), to induce expression of Roquin-1 and mCherry, connected via the self-cleaving peptide p2A. Thus, Roquin-expressing cells were marked by mCherry expression. Sixteen to 20 h after induction, the cells were harvested, stained with allophycocyanin (APC)-conjugated anti-Ox40 and analysed by flow cytometry. To compare the Ox40 expression levels achieved by different constructs, the relative Ox40 mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) was determined by dividing the MFI of treated (mCherry+) cells by the MFI of untreated (mCherry−) cells. METHODS title_2 48849 Mouse experiments METHODS paragraph 48867 Compound mutant mice with the Rc3h1fl/fl (ref.) and Rc3h2fl/fl (ref.) (denoted Rc3h1/2fl/fl), as well as Cd4-Cre-ERT2 (ref.) and Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(rtTA*M2)Jae alleles were maintained on a C57BL/6 genetic background. All animals were housed in a pathogen-free barrier facility in accordance with the Ludwig-Maximilians-University München institutional, state and federal guidelines. METHODS title_2 49249 Generation of overexpression vectors METHODS paragraph 49286 Expression constructs of Roquin-1 and Ox40 were cloned into a modified pRetroX-Tight vector (Clontech). The puromycine-resistance cassette was removed and a cassette containing attR1-ccdB-attR2 was inserted, to generate a Gateway destination vector. Roquin-1 and Ox40 constructs were inserted by LR reaction (Invitrogen). Any mutants thereof were generated by site-directed mutagenesis. METHODS title_2 49673 Virus production METHODS paragraph 49690 Replication-deficient retrovirus production and T-cell transduction was performed as previously described. Briefly, retroviral and packaging plasmids were introduced into HEK293T cells by calcium-phosphate transfection. Forty-eight hours after transfection, cell culture supernatants containing the retrovirus particles were harvested, passed through 0.45-μm filters and stored at −80 °C. METHODS title_2 50085 Cell isolation and culture METHODS paragraph 50112 Splenocytes were isolated from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice. CD4+ T cells were isolated by negative selection with magnetic beads according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Stem Cell Technologies). CD4+ T cells were cultured in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% (vol/vol) fetal bovine serum, 1 × nonessential amino acids (Lonza), 10 mM HEPES pH 7.4 (Invitrogen), 50 μM β-mercaptoethanol (Invitrogen) and 100 U ml−1 penicillin–streptomycin (Invitrogen). Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion was induced by addition of 4′OH-Tamoxifen (0.3 μM) for 24 h. For TH1 differentiation, CD4+ T cells were cultured in six-well plates pre-coated with goat anti-hamster IgG (MP Biochemicals) and DMEM medium further supplemented with anti-CD3 (0,25 μg ml−1), anti-CD28 (2,5 μg ml−1), IL-12 (10 ng ml−1) and anti-IL-4 (10 μg ml−1) for 40 h. Cells were then infected with retroviral constructs, allowing reconstitution with either Roquin-1, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A, and cultured in IL-2 containing media (20 U ml−1). Forty-eight hours after transduction, the cells were split and one half of cells was treated with doxycycline (1 μg ml−1), to induce expression of Roquin-1 WT and Roquin-1 mutants. Twenty-four hours after induction, the cells were harvested for analysis by immunoblot and flow cytometry with the indicated antibodies (1:200 anti-mouse Icos-biotin clone 7E–17G9 (eBioscience); 1:200 Streptavidin-PerCP (Becton Dickinson); 1:200 anti-mouse Ox40-PE clone OX-86 (eBioscience)). METHODS title_2 51678 Immunoblot analysis METHODS paragraph 51698 CD4+ T cells were incubated for 15 min on ice with lysis buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 0.25% (vol/vol) Nonidet-P40, 1.5 mM MgCl2 and protease inhibitor mix without EDTA (Roche) and 1 mM dithiothreitol). Lysate was cleared by centrifugation (10 min, 10 000 g, 4 °C). Immunoblotting was performed by standard protocols with hybridoma supernatants containing monoclonal antibody recognizing Roquin-1 and Roquin-2 (anti-roquin, clone 3F12). METHODS title_2 52168 mRNA decay experiments METHODS paragraph 52191 Hela Tet-Off Advanced Cells (Clontech 631156) were stably transduced with retroviruses expressing different Ox40 constructs. FACS analysis 41 h post transduction revealed similar Ox40 surface expression levels on all five cell samples. After transduction, the cell lines were initially cultured for at least 48 h without doxycycline, to ensure high Ox40-expression levels. For each time point, 400 000 cells were spread on one well in a six-well plate. To switch off Ox40-transcription, doxycycline was supplied with the medium at time point 0. After one washing step with PBS, cells were directly harvested from each well with Trizol before Dox application (0 h), as well as 2, 3 and 4 h after Dox application. RNA was isolated using standard Trizol protocols. Reverse transcription was performed with the Qiagen Quantitect Reverse Transcription Kit following the manufacturer’s protocols. Quantitative PCR was carried out on a Roche Light Cycler 480 using the Light Cycler 480 Probes Master Mix and primer-/probe-combinations from Roches Universal Probe Library. Relative mRNA expression levels were calculated by normalization to the housekeeper gene ywhaz. METHODS title_2 53364 Surface plasmon resonance METHODS paragraph 53390 ROQ–RNA binding experiments were performed on a BIACORE 3000 instrument (Biacore Inc.). ROQ domain was diluted to a final concentration of 35 μg ml−1 in 10 mM HEPES pH 7.0 and chemically immobilized (amine coupling) onto CM5 sensor chips (Biacore Inc.). The RNA samples were diluted in the running buffer (10 mM HEPES pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM MgCl2 and 0.005% Tween 20) to the final concentration of 31.25, 62.5, 125, 250 and 500 nM, and 1 and 2 μM, and injected over the sensor chip surface at 30 μl min−1 at 10 °C. The RNA samples were injected onto the sensor chip from the lowest to the highest concentration. Each RNA-type sample was tested three times with the exception of Mut1–3 two times. Injection of 250 nM RNA was always performed in duplicate within each experiment. To subtract any background noise from each data set, all samples were also run over an unmodified sensor chip surface. Data were analysed using BIAevaluation programme (Biacore Inc.) (Supplementary Fig. 7). For each measurement, the equilibrium dissociation constant was calculated (KD) from steady state binding. The KD from three independent experiments were used to calculate the mean values of these variables and the s.e.m. The results for all tested RNA samples are compared in Table 2. METHODS title_1 54700 Additional information METHODS paragraph 54723 Accession codes: Atomic coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession codes 5F5H and 5F5F for the ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL and ROQ-ADE SL, respectively. Chemical shifts of the ROQ-Ox40 ADE-like SL and ROQ-ADE SL have been deposited in the Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank under accession codes 26587 and 26588, respectively. METHODS paragraph 55100 How to cite this article: Janowski, R. et al. Roquin recognizes a non-canonical hexaloop structure in the 3′-UTR of Ox40. Nat. Commun. 7:11032 doi: 10.1038/ncomms11032 (2016). SUPPL title_1 55278 Supplementary Material 160 165 surname:Turner;given-names:M. surname:Hodson;given-names:D. 22326859 REF Curr. Opin. 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Immunol. ref 11 2010 58853 Roquin binds inducible costimulator mRNA and effectors of mRNA decay to induce microRNA-independent post-transcriptional repression SUPPL footnote 58985 The authors declare no competing financial interests. SUPPL footnote 59039 Author contributions A.S. carried out cloning, protein expression and purification, and NMR experiments. R.J. performed crystallization and structure determination. G.A.H. carried out EMSA assays and SELEX experiments, and functional studies were performed by G.A.H, N.W. and S.B. M.B. and R.B. helped setting up the SELEX experiments and identified patterns from NGS data, on the basis of which A.G. and M.Z. analysed the motifs and secondary structures. T.B. contributed unpublished reagents and advice. A.S., G.A.H., R.J., V.H., D.N. and M.S. designed the project and wrote the paper. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript. ncomms11032-f1.jpg f1 FIG fig_title_caption 59694 SELEX identifies a novel SL RNA ligand of Roquin-1. 0.99867624 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z MESH: SELEX structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z RNA 0.99889547 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z PR: Roquin-1 ncomms11032-f1.jpg f1 FIG fig_caption 59746 (a) Enriched hexamers that were found by Roquin-1 N terminus (residues 2–440) or Roquin-1 M199R N terminus (residues 2–440) (see also Supplementary Fig. 1). (b) An ADE sequence motif in the Ox40 3′-UTR closely resembles the MEME motif found in SELEX-enriched RNA sequences. (c) Conservation of the motif found in Ox40 3′-UTRs for various species as indicated. The labels correspond to the versions of the genome assemblies in the UCSC server (see Method section). rn5 is the fifth assembly version of the rat (Rattus novegicus). (d) Schematic representation of the predicted SELEX-derived consensus SL, ADE and the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop SL. The broken line between the G–G base pair in the ADE SL indicates a putative non-Watson–Crick pairing. The Ox40 CDE-like SL and the Tnf CDE SL are shown for comparison. See also Supplementary Fig. 1. 0.9983136 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z PR: Roquin-1 0.98717 residue_range cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:06Z DUMMY: 2–440 0.9905509 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:25:23Z MESH: Roquin-1 M199R 0.9926335 residue_range cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:06Z DUMMY: 2–440 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE 0.9990056 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.9970143 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:28:05Z MEME experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z SELEX chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z RNA 0.99904794 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 0.99671257 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:35Z SO: 3′-UTRs 0.819655 gene cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:26:08Z GENE: rn5 0.99080855 taxonomy_domain cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:26:24Z DUMMY: rat 0.998237 species cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:26:28Z MESH: Rattus novegicus 0.9896595 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:10:46Z MESH: SELEX 0.999212 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SO: SL 0.9978643 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE 0.99909174 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE 0.5517586 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:25:59Z SO: hexaloop 0.9973182 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SO: SL 0.99191344 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE 0.9988574 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SO: SL 0.99405 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:25:29Z MESH: non-Watson–Crick pairing 0.9991272 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL 0.99904054 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z PR: Tnf 0.9984888 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z SO: CDE 0.9993819 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SO: SL ncomms11032-f2.jpg f2 FIG fig_title_caption 60600 NMR analysis of the SL RNAs used in this study. 0.9987049 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:11:01Z MESH: NMR 0.740567 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SO: SL 0.99782336 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z CHEBI: RNAs ncomms11032-f2.jpg f2 FIG fig_caption 60648 Imino proton regions of one-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of (a) the ADE SL (b), the Ox40 ADE-like SL and (c) the Ox40 CDE-like SL are shown for free RNAs (black) and in complex with the Roquin-1 ROQ domain (red). The respective SL RNAs and their base pairs are indicated. Red asterisks indicate NMR signals of the protein. Black asterisks in a indicate a second conformation (see Supplementary Notes). Green lines in the secondary structure schemes on the left refer to visible imino NMR signals and thus experimental confirmation of the base pairs indicated. Red nucleotides indicate significant chemical shift changes observed. The dotted green line between G6 and G15 in a highlights a G–G base pair. 0.9983751 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:28:54Z MESH: 1H NMR 0.96020836 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:30:44Z DUMMY: spectra 0.33613744 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z SO: ADE 0.9985172 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SO: SL 0.9983272 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL 0.99902046 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL 0.9962031 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:29:07Z DUMMY: free 0.99861133 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z CHEBI: RNAs 0.9984067 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:29:09Z DUMMY: in complex with 0.99903893 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z PR: Roquin-1 0.9993687 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z SO: ROQ 0.9271932 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SO: SL 0.9986072 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z CHEBI: RNAs 0.9963952 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:11:01Z MESH: NMR experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:30:16Z NMR evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:30:26Z signals 0.9993081 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:04:11Z DUMMY: G6 0.9993088 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:41:45Z DUMMY: G15 0.87975496 residue_name cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:04:18Z SO: G 0.6958209 residue_name cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:04:21Z SO: G ncomms11032-f3.jpg f3 FIG fig_title_caption 61352 Structure of the Roquin-1 ROQ domain bound to Ox40 ADE-like RNA. 0.99648666 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:00:07Z DUMMY: Structure 0.99886006 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z PR: Roquin-1 0.99948585 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z SO: ROQ 0.9990448 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:16:48Z DUMMY: bound to 0.18962327 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z RNA ncomms11032-f3.jpg f3 FIG fig_caption 61417 (a) Cartoon presentation of the crystal structure of the ROQ domain (residues 174–325; blue) and the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA (magenta). Selected RNA bases and protein secondary structure elements are labelled. (b) Close-up view of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (bases in the RNA hexaloop are shown in magenta) and (c) the previously reported structure of the ROQ-Tnf CDE complex (bases of the triloop RNA are shown in green). Only RNA-interacting residues that are different in both structures are shown. Both protein chains and remaining parts of both RNAs are shown in grey and protein residue side chains are shown in turquoise. (d) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U11 and U13 of the Ox40 ADE-like SL RNA. The nucleotides interact with the C-terminal end of helix α4 (Tyr250 and Ser253) and the N-terminal part of strand β3 (Phe255 and Val257). The protein chain is shown in turquoise and the RNA is shown in grey. Atoms are colour coded according to charge. (e) Close-up view of the contacts between the ROQ domain and nucleotides U10, U11 and U13 in the RNA hexaloop. U11 and U13 contact the C-terminal end of helix α4: residues Tyr250 and Gln247. The side chain of Tyr250 makes hydrophobic interactions with the pyrimidine side chain of U10 on one side and U11 on the other side. Lys259 interacts with the phosphate groups of U10 and U11. (f) Close-up view of the hydrophobic interaction between Val257 and U11, as well as the double hydrogen bond of Lys259 with phosphate groups of U10 and U11. In d – f, amino acids are shown in turquoise and blue, nucleotides in grey colour. See also Supplementary Notes and Supplementary Fig. 2. 0.9974001 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:20:00Z DUMMY: crystal structure 0.88668007 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z SO: ROQ 0.99723226 residue_range cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:30:52Z DUMMY: 174–325 0.8609921 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z RNA 0.94823456 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z CHEBI: RNA 0.8175388 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL 0.99320316 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z CHEBI: RNA 0.7903729 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:31:11Z SO: hexaloop 0.99641955 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:31:14Z DUMMY: structure 0.99920934 complex_assembly cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:31:38Z GO: ROQ-Tnf CDE 0.9983535 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z CHEBI: RNA 0.99855155 site cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:31:50Z SO: RNA-interacting residues 0.9811787 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:31:17Z DUMMY: structures 0.802569 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z CHEBI: RNAs 0.8209271 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z SO: ROQ 0.99922943 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 0.9991623 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z DUMMY: U13 0.88035244 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:58Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL chemical CHEBI: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z RNA 0.99901223 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:36:24Z SO: helix 0.9995128 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:36:29Z SO: α4 0.9995265 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z DUMMY: Tyr250 0.9995233 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:32:05Z DUMMY: Ser253 0.9988016 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:32:19Z SO: strand 0.99937767 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:36:35Z SO: β3 0.9995455 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:11Z DUMMY: Phe255 0.99955183 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:52Z DUMMY: Val257 0.9871703 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z CHEBI: RNA 0.5823077 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z SO: ROQ 0.99887043 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z DUMMY: U10 0.9986286 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 0.99868125 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z DUMMY: U13 0.99749124 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z CHEBI: RNA 0.89736986 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:32:32Z SO: hexaloop 0.9991937 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 0.9991509 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:47Z DUMMY: U13 0.9988734 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:36:24Z SO: helix 0.9994973 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:36:29Z SO: α4 0.999548 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z DUMMY: Tyr250 0.9995427 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:32:25Z DUMMY: Gln247 0.9995388 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:07:21Z DUMMY: Tyr250 0.9973186 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:32:41Z MESH: hydrophobic interactions 0.9991774 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z DUMMY: U10 0.99929774 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 0.99951506 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:57Z DUMMY: Lys259 0.99859947 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z DUMMY: U10 0.99843067 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 0.99698883 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:32:35Z MESH: hydrophobic interaction 0.99956053 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:52Z DUMMY: Val257 0.9993325 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 0.9677324 bond_interaction cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:38:51Z MESH: hydrogen bond 0.9994991 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:57Z DUMMY: Lys259 0.9987135 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:40Z DUMMY: U10 0.99837035 residue_name_number cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:39:21Z DUMMY: U11 ncomms11032-f4.jpg f4 FIG fig_title_caption 63093 NMR analysis of ROQ domain interactions with the Ox40 ADE-like hexaloop RNA. 0.99871564 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:11:01Z MESH: NMR 0.99909353 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z SO: ROQ 0.31922945 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:20Z ADE 0.91523105 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:32:58Z SO: hexaloop 0.99889934 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:54Z CHEBI: RNA ncomms11032-f4.jpg f4 FIG fig_caption 63170 (a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of either the free ROQ domain (171–326, black) or in complex with stoichiometric amounts of the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red). Selected shifts of amide resonances are indicated. (b) Plot of chemical shift change versus residue number in the ROQ domain (residues 171–326) from a. Grey negative bars indicate missing assignments in one of the spectra. Gaps indicate prolines. (c) Overlay of the ROQ domain alone (black) or in complex with the Ox40 ADE-like SL (red) or the Ox40 CDE-like SL (green). See also Supplementary Notes and Supplementary Fig. 3. 0.9846147 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:33:09Z MESH: Overlay 0.9984504 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:33:07Z MESH: 1H,15N HSQC 0.9905441 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:30:44Z DUMMY: spectra 0.9992193 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:33:05Z DUMMY: free 0.99527836 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z SO: ROQ 0.99727803 residue_range cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:33:02Z DUMMY: 171–326 0.998635 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:33:34Z DUMMY: in complex with 0.9983432 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL 0.8958258 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:33:18Z DUMMY: chemical shift change 0.9957028 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z SO: ROQ 0.99748224 residue_range cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:33:29Z DUMMY: 171–326 evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:30:44Z spectra 0.9977138 residue_name cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:33:52Z SO: prolines 0.99569786 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:58:02Z MESH: Overlay 0.9927193 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z SO: ROQ 0.9894419 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:33:38Z DUMMY: alone 0.99848765 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:33:35Z DUMMY: in complex with 0.9983423 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL 0.9987739 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL ncomms11032-f5.jpg f5 FIG fig_title_caption 63754 Mutational analysis of Roquin-1-interactions with Ox40 ADE-like SL and Ox40 3′-UTR. 0.99873173 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:49Z MESH: Mutational analysis 0.9989117 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z PR: Roquin-1 0.9989034 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL 0.99886 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 0.99926394 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR ncomms11032-f5.jpg f5 FIG fig_caption 63840 (a) EMSA assay comparing binding of the wild-type and of the Y250A mutant ROQ domain for binding to the Ox40 ADE-like SL (left) or the previously described Tnf CDE SL (right). A comparison of further mutants is shown in Supplementary Fig. 4. (b) Schematic overview of the timeline used for the reconstitution experiment shown in c. (c) Flow cytometry of Ox40 and Icos surface expression on CD4+ Th1 cells from Rc3h1/2fl/fl; Cd4-Cre-ERT2; rtTA mice treated with tamoxifen (+tam) to induce Rc3h1/2fl/fl deletion or left untreated (− tam). The cells were then either left untransduced (UT) or were transduced with retrovirus containing a doxycycline-inducible cassette, to express Roquin-1 WT, Roquin-1 Y250A or Roquin-1 K220A, K239A and R260A mutants (see also Supplementary Fig. 5). 0.9986687 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:34:27Z MESH: EMSA assay 0.99906 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:56:48Z DUMMY: wild-type 0.9991366 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:16Z MESH: Y250A 0.9991787 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:05Z DUMMY: mutant 0.99912864 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z SO: ROQ 0.9992931 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL 0.99656075 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:03Z PR: Tnf 0.9992507 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z SO: CDE 0.9995161 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SO: SL 0.99809736 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:58:08Z MESH: Flow cytometry 0.9991708 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 0.99922466 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:50:12Z PR: Icos gene GENE: cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:04:32Z Rc3h1 gene GENE: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:40:24Z 2fl gene GENE: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:40:33Z fl taxonomy_domain DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:12:08Z mice 0.99808097 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:52:07Z CHEBI: tamoxifen gene GENE: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:38:23Z Rc3h1 gene GENE: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:40:55Z 2fl gene GENE: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:41:04Z fl experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:41:12Z deletion 0.8627631 taxonomy_domain cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:04:28Z DUMMY: retrovirus 0.9809732 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:52:23Z CHEBI: doxycycline 0.99905056 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z PR: Roquin-1 0.999236 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:00Z DUMMY: WT 0.99354047 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z PR: Roquin-1 0.99891853 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:16Z MESH: Y250A 0.9958498 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z PR: Roquin-1 0.9989888 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:27Z MESH: K220A 0.99904567 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:47:32Z MESH: K239A 0.9991043 mutant cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:08:08Z MESH: R260A 0.9720185 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:06:07Z DUMMY: mutants ncomms11032-f6.jpg f6 FIG fig_title_caption 64624 Functional importance of Roquin-1 target motifs in cells. 0.99915963 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z PR: Roquin-1 ncomms11032-f6.jpg f6 FIG fig_caption 64682 (a) Overview of the Ox40 3′-UTR and truncated/mutated versions thereof as used for EMSA assays in b and the expression experiments of Ox40 in c and d. (b) EMSA experiments probing the interaction between the Roquin-1 N-terminal region (residues 2–440) and either the complete wild-type Ox40 3′-UTR or versions with mutations of the CDE-like SL, the ADE-like SL or both SLs (see a). Arrows indicate the individual binding events to either motif. It is noteworthy that the higher bands observed at large protein concentrations are probably additional nonspecific, lower-affinity interactions of Roquin-1 with the 3′-UTR or protein aggregates. (c) Relative Ox40 MFI normalized to expression levels from the Ox40 CDS construct. Error bars show s.d. of seven (CDS, 1–40, 1–80, 1–120 and full-length), six (ADE-like mut and CDE mut) or three (double mut) independent experiments. Statistical significance was calculated by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test (**P<0.01). (d) mRNA decay curves of Hela Tet-Off cells stably transduced with retroviruses expressing Ox40 CDS without 3′-UTR (CDS, red line), Ox40 CDS with its wild-type 3′-UTR (full length, black line), Ox40 full length with mutated ADE-like motif (ADE-like mut, grey line), Ox40 full length with mutated CDE-like motif (CDE-like mut, green line) or Ox40 full length with mutated ADE and CDE motifs (Double mut, blue line). Error bars represent the mean of technical duplicates in one experiment. mRNA half-life times were calculated with Graph Pad Prism. Data are representative of two experiments with similar results. 0.99841917 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 0.9961896 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:41:44Z truncated 0.8903231 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:06:11Z DUMMY: mutated 0.99823916 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:58:13Z MESH: EMSA 0.99877816 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 0.9985067 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:58:18Z MESH: EMSA 0.99905396 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z PR: Roquin-1 0.9968333 residue_range cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:06Z DUMMY: 2–440 0.9991339 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:56:48Z DUMMY: wild-type 0.9980616 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 0.99715513 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.7102474 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:06:33Z MESH: mutations structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL 0.9990656 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:56Z SO: SLs 0.99915844 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z PR: Roquin-1 0.9939894 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.997663 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:02:02Z MFI normalized to expression levels 0.9985461 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 0.9986028 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:52:10Z SO: CDS 0.99770576 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:52:14Z SO: CDS 0.99085015 residue_range cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:42:02Z DUMMY: 1–40 0.9923784 residue_range cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:42:04Z DUMMY: 1–80 0.9935768 residue_range cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:42:07Z DUMMY: 1–120 0.9991054 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:58:48Z DUMMY: full-length structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z ADE protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:04:39Z mut structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z CDE protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:04:39Z mut 0.9723385 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:44:06Z DUMMY: double mut 0.9786065 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:44:57Z MESH: one-way analysis of variance 0.9746026 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:45:00Z MESH: ANOVA 0.9963377 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:45:03Z MESH: Kruskal–Wallis test experimental_method MESH: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:45:15Z Dunn’s multiple comparison test 0.8908773 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:44:44Z DUMMY: mRNA decay curves 0.81856394 taxonomy_domain cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:59:58Z DUMMY: retroviruses 0.9983322 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 0.9993038 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:52:18Z SO: CDS 0.99445134 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.99649316 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:52:21Z SO: CDS 0.9984894 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 0.9992124 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:52:25Z SO: CDS 0.99915004 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:56:48Z DUMMY: wild-type 0.9978146 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:56Z SO: 3′-UTR 0.99912804 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:41:57Z DUMMY: full length 0.994334 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 0.99896866 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:41:57Z DUMMY: full length 0.9987374 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:06:37Z DUMMY: mutated structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z ADE protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:04:39Z mut 0.99554765 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 0.99903417 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:41:57Z DUMMY: full length 0.9986092 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:06:41Z DUMMY: mutated structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z CDE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z CDE protein_state DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:04:39Z mut 0.99811494 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:59Z PR: Ox40 0.9990178 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:41:57Z DUMMY: full length 0.9988682 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:06:45Z DUMMY: mutated 0.9991461 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z SO: ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z CDE 0.9728278 protein_state cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:45:36Z DUMMY: Double mut evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:46:02Z mRNA half-life times t1.xml t1 TABLE table_title_caption 66346 Data collection and refinement statistics. evidence DUMMY: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:46:40Z Data collection and refinement statistics t1.xml t1 TABLE table <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <table frame="hsides" rules="groups" border="1"><colgroup><col align="left"/><col align="center"/><col align="center"/></colgroup><thead valign="bottom"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>ROQ-</bold><italic><bold>Ox40</bold></italic> <bold>ADE-like SL</bold></th><th align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><bold>ROQ-ADE SL</bold></th></tr></thead><tbody valign="top"><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>Data collection</italic></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> space group</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>P</italic>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>P</italic>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub>2<sub>1</sub></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> Cell dimensions</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>a</italic>, <italic>b</italic>, <italic>c</italic> (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">89.66, 115.79, 42.61</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">72.90, 89.30, 144.70</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>α, β, γ</italic> (°)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">90, 90, 90</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">90, 90, 90</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Resolution (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">50–2.23 (2.29–2.23)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">50–3.0 (3.08–3.00)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>R</italic><sub>merge</sub></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">5.9 (68.3)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">14.8 (93.8)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>I</italic>/σ<italic>I</italic></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">14.9 (2.1)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">16.7 (3.1)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Completeness (%)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">98.7 (97.7)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">99.9 (99.9)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Redundancy</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.9 (3.7)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">13.2 (12.7)</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>Refinement</italic></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Resolution (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2.23</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">3.00</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> No. reflections</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">21,018</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">18,598</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> <italic>R</italic><sub>work</sub>/<italic>R</italic><sub>free</sub></td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">21.8/25.7</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">18.6/23.4</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> No. atoms</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Protein</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">2,404</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">4,820</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Ligand/ion</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">894</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1,708</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Water</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">99</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">49</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic> B</italic>-factor overall</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">47.2</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">60.4</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"><italic>Root mean squared deviations</italic></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Bond lengths (Å)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.006</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.014</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Bond angles (°)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.07</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.77</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50"> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">Ramachandran plot</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Most favoured (%)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">98.6</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">99.8</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" charoff="50"> Additional allowed (%)</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">1.4</td><td align="center" valign="top" charoff="50">0.2</td></tr></tbody></table> 66389   ROQ-Ox40ADE-like SL ROQ-ADE SL Data collection  space group P21212 P212121        Cell dimensions  a, b, c (Å) 89.66, 115.79, 42.61 72.90, 89.30, 144.70  α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90  Resolution (Å) 50–2.23 (2.29–2.23) 50–3.0 (3.08–3.00)  Rmerge 5.9 (68.3) 14.8 (93.8)  I/σI 14.9 (2.1) 16.7 (3.1)  Completeness (%) 98.7 (97.7) 99.9 (99.9)  Redundancy 3.9 (3.7) 13.2 (12.7)       Refinement  Resolution (Å) 2.23 3.00  No. reflections 21,018 18,598  Rwork/Rfree 21.8/25.7 18.6/23.4        No. atoms  Protein 2,404 4,820  Ligand/ion 894 1,708  Water 99 49  B-factor overall 47.2 60.4       Root mean squared deviations  Bond lengths (Å) 0.006 0.014  Bond angles (°) 1.07 1.77       Ramachandran plot  Most favoured (%) 98.6 99.8  Additional allowed (%) 1.4 0.2 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z ROQ protein PR: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:47:58Z Ox40 structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:48:13Z ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z ROQ 0.63217163 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z SO: ADE structure_element SO: cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SL 0.82124245 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T14:02:09Z DUMMY: Root mean squared deviations t1.xml t1 TABLE table_footnote 67293 ADE, alternative decay element; CDE, constitutive decay element; SL, stem loop. 0.99650574 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:21Z SO: ADE 0.99682564 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:09:14Z SO: alternative decay element 0.9959423 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:49Z SO: CDE 0.9972935 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:08:42Z SO: constitutive decay element 0.99917656 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:17:15Z SO: SL 0.9992657 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:48:26Z SO: stem loop t1.xml t1 TABLE table_footnote 67373 For each data set, only one crystal has been used. 0.98535776 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:48:24Z DUMMY: crystal t1.xml t1 TABLE table_footnote 67424 *Values in parentheses are for highest-resolution shell. t2 TABLE table_title_caption 67481 KD for selected RNAs obtained from SPR measurements with immobilized ROQ domain of Roquin-1. 0.9948697 evidence cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:48:44Z DUMMY: KD 0.9986085 chemical cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:23:25Z CHEBI: RNAs 0.99467736 experimental_method cleaner0 2023-09-15T13:48:41Z MESH: SPR measurements 0.8360924 structure_element cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:21:54Z SO: ROQ 0.9990565 protein cleaner0 2023-09-15T12:07:37Z PR: Roquin-1