text "Spotify Wrapped 2018 (Web Tool). Spotify Wrapped 2018 is a fun site put out by Spotify that lets you sign in with your Spotify account and relive the music you've listened to the past year. Full disclosure, you're reading a newsletter by someone who ""started 2018 by listening to One In A Million by Hannah Montana""." "Belarusian hackers are trying to overthrow the Lukashenko regime . A group of activist-hackers in Belarus have infiltrated almost every part of the country's government, leaking sensitive information and defacing government websites as an act of protest. The Belarus Cyber Partisans are 15 IT and cybersecurity experts whose aim is to bring democracy and rule of law back into the country. The group received help from BYPOL, another group made up of former government officials who defected and current ones working to topple the regime from the inside. Data leaked by the group includes lists of police informants, secret recordings captured by the government wiretapping system, and personal information on spies." JerryScript (GitHub Repo). JerryScript is a lightweight JavaScript engine for resource-constrained devices. It is heavily optimized for low memory consumption and can run on devices with less than 64 KB of RAM and less than 200 KB of flash memory. JerryScript features a mature C API and it is easy to embed in applications. "Helix (GitHub Repo). Helix is an editor written in Rust. Its editing model is heavily based on kakoune. Helix features vim-like modal editing, multiple selections, built-in language server support, and syntax highlighting and code editing via tree-sitter." "Sony offers a first look at the orb-like PSVR2 headset . Sony has revealed the first photos of its upcoming PS5-compatible virtual reality headset. The PSVR2 will have similar ergonomics and balancing as the first version. It will feature a lens adjustment dial, a more rounded shape, a slimmer and lighter design, a force-feedback motor, a new cooling system, and an updated white casing for the controllers. The headset will have OLED panels with 2,000x2,040 pixel resolution per eye and a 110-degree field of view, eye-tracking, and an inside-out head-tracking system. Pictures of the headset are available in the article." "California is cracking down on the gig economy . A new bill has been passed by the state Assembly in California that will make it harder for companies to classify workers as independent contractors instead of employees, as is common practice for many companies that wish to skirt state and federal labor laws. Hundreds and thousands of workers, ranging from Uber and Amazon drivers to manicurists and exotic dancers, would likely become employees under the new bill. As employees, workers will gain labor protections and benefits such as unemployment insurance, health care subsidies, paid parental leave, overtime pay, workers’ compensation, and guaranteed minimum hourly rates. Many companies have fought back against the bill as it adds to the costs of running a business. The bill will still have to pass through the state Senate before it becomes law." "#LockdownConf: How to Learn New Skills While Social Distancing . A recent streamed event discussed how to learn new skills when practicing social distancing. The talk discussed how to choose skills, making an action plan to learn the chosen skill/s, planning out time and avoiding procrastination, and various mentalities to adopt in order to ensure and recognize success. A link to the talk is available in the article." "Computer Vision (GitHub Repo). This repository contains examples and best practice guidelines for building computer vision systems. It uses existing state-of-the-art libraries to teach students about computer vision algorithms, neural architectures, and operationalizing these systems. Examples are provided as Jupyter notebooks and common utility functions, using PyTorch as the underlying deep learning library." Virgin Atlantic Flies World's First Waste-Based Biofuel Commercial Flight . Lanzatech is a company that came up with a gas fermentation process to recycle waste from steel mills into jet fuel. Virgin Atlantic just completed the first flight using this fuel. They are planning to create three UK based plants by 2025 that will create 125 million gallons of jet fuel per year and would save 1 million tons in carbon emissions per year. "A Senior Engineer's CheckList (16 minute read). This is a checklist of tasks that can be applied to any software engineer but is targeted at senior engineers. Each task is sorted by effort, category, and its impact on one's career and company." "Distrobox (GitHub Repo). Distrobox creates fully mutable containers in environments where the file system is immutable or where the user doesn't have privileges to modify the host. Distrobox can be used to run any Linux distribution in the terminal, as well as install development and debugging tools, editors, and SDKs without sudo or access to a traditional package manager." "Getting The Most Out Of Git (10 minute read). This article explores some less known, but very useful features in Git. It teaches the reader how to recover deleted commits, clean up commit histories, use submodules to manage third-party code, and more. A cheat sheet that lists the most important Git commands is linked." UseHooks.ts (GitHub Repo). UseHooks.ts is a React hook library written in Typescript. It contains many useful code snippets that can be easily copied to the clipboard. A hosted version is available. "New Google Wallet UI leaks early, drives user experience while Pay takes back seat as a service . Google Wallet is returning and may take over Google Pay. Wallet will likely become a place for digital cards, while Pay will remain the primary service for paying for things. It is possible that Wallet will become the main app and Pay will be the name of the service on the backend." "PolarDB (GitHub Repo). PolarDB is a system that extends PostgreSQL into a share-nothing database that supports global data consistency and ACID across database nodes, distributed SQL processing, and data redundancy and high availability through Paxos-based replication. It adds new features to PostgreSQL while remaining compatible with single-node PostgreSQL." "China's brightest children are being recruited to develop AI 'killer bots' . 31 of China's top students have been recruited straight from high school to begin training as AI weapons researchers. Each student will be mentored by two senior weapons scientists, one from academia and one from the defense industry. After four years, the students will enter Phd programs and eventually lead China's AI weapons program. One instructor says ""We are looking for other qualities such as creative thinking, willingness to fight, a persistence when facing challenges. A passion for developing new weapons is a must...and they must also be patriots."" Berkeley CS professor Stuart Russell expresses his concern at the program, saying ""Machines should never be allowed to decide to kill humans. I hope all these students will begin their course by watching the movie Slaughterbots.""" "Coinbase removes ‘backed by US dollars’ claim for USDC stablecoin . Coinbase has made an important update on the USD Coin page following an audit. The page previously stated that all of the coin's reserves were held in cash, but the audit found that USDC's reserves were not fully backed by US dollars held in a bank account. Coinbase's USDC page now states that each USDC is backed by one dollar or asset with equivalent fair value. Users can always redeem one USDC for one US dollar. Circle, the company that oversees USDC, recently announced plans to become a full-reserve national digital currency bank in the US." "The cesspool of the internet is to be found in a village in North Holland (22 minute read). Two men from The Hague, 75-year-old Bap K. and 34-year-old Reinier van E., ran Ecatel from a data center in a town north-west of Amsterdam. Due to Dutch law, hosting companies can't be prosecuted for the actions of those who hire their servers. Ecatel shielded its clients from the law by claiming to know nothing about its clients' actions, responding to no one, and being obstructive. The Ecatel network was known for its connections with cybercrime, malware, and child pornography. Ecatel's offices were raided in September by the Dutch Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation Service based on suspicions that the business had avoided paying hundreds of thousands of euros in tax." "Twitter wants you to retweet with TikTok-like reaction videos . Twitter is testing a new feature that allows people to post video reactions to tweets, similar to TikTok's video reply feature. The test is limited to iOS for now. Users with the feature will see an option to react with a Tweet Take in the retweet menu. Instagram also added its own version of TikTok's video replies last month." "NASA must rework planetary protection plans, panel advises . NASA's rules for preventing the spread of earthly microbes, as well as the spread of alien life on Earth, require rethinking, according to an independent agency advisory panel. Current rules are costly and some procedures do not make sense, considering the scientific knowledge we have gained since the rules were created. The Moon is classified as potentially of interest for research on the origins of life, but few scientists now see it as an important site for studying these questions, except for at its poles. Reclassifying the Moon as nonessential for biological studies would simplify exploration for space agencies. Mars has been treated as if microbes could survive on the planet, but many scientists now think that it is unlikely. Earth has been bombarded by meteorites that originated from Mars with no known biological harm in the past, so its guidelines for returning samples should be reviewed. NASA is not a regulatory agency, and commercial actors, for example, Tesla, have launched objects into space with no planetary protection evaluation in the past. Humans will eventually contaminate Mars, so research into water-rich regions should be explored as soon as possible." "CES 2022 Liveblog: The Gadgets Keep Coming at Tech’s Big Show (45 minute read). CES 2022 is the first in-person CES in two years, but many attendees have still decided to stay home this year. This page contains live coverage of CES news, with photos, videos, and reports on many of the technologies introduced at the event. The page will be constantly updated during the event, so refresh it to see the latest news." "China's digital currency comes to its biggest messaging app WeChat, which has over a billion users . WeChat plans to roll out China's e-CNY digital currency for use in its app. WeChat is used everywhere in China, with the super app offering many functions such as messaging, payments, taxi-hailing, and food orders. WeChat Pay has over 800 million monthly users. Alipay has also started trialing digital yuan payments. The People's Bank of China has expanded the rollout of its e-CNY app to certain regions and cities, allowing anyone in those areas to use the service." Proton Player (GitHub Repo). Proton Player is an HTML5-based streaming music player designed to be used by developers to build their own music players. It is compatible across many devices and browsers. The project is backed by a paid development team with customers. A demo player is available. "Worldle Is Like Wordle, but for Geography . Worldle, a spinoff of the popular game Wordle, moves the puzzle from the dictionary to the atlas. Players have six tries to guess the name of a country from its outline. It shows colored clues on how close geographically players are to the right nation. The game can also show the distance in kilometers or miles from the player's guess to the actual location. Worldle gained more than 500,000 players on its first day of release on Sunday." "Eat Less Red Meat, Scientists Said. Now Some Believe That Was Bad Advice (10 minute read). Public health officials have long been urging Americans to limit the consumption of red and processed meats due to its links with heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses. Researchers have recently revealed that the advice was not backed by good scientific evidence. Large studies have found little health benefits from eating less beef and pork. Some scientists have criticized these studies, saying that it is irresponsible to publish results that may harm peoples' health. There is a growing awareness of the environmental impact of the meat industry. Red meat consumption has fallen since 1970, and has largely been replaced by poultry." "The race is on to replace the hypodermic needle . Up to 8% of people report avoiding vaccines due to the pain of needles. Constant use of needles can also pose health risks, such as an increased risk of infection. Scientists at Rutgers University have developed a patch full of microscopic needles that can be attached to the skin and deliver a drug without causing any pain. The needles are 3D-printed with polymers and the core structure can be programmed and reshaped. They can be attached for long periods of time, which means they can be used to track antibodies or changes in the DNA. The researchers were able to show that the microneedles could be used to deliver a drug over the course of a full, 24-hour day." "DuckDuckGo Taps Apple Maps to Power Private Search Results . Privacy-conscious search engine DuckDuckGo is now partnering with Apple Maps for map and address related searches for DuckDuckGo on mobile and desktop. Apple Maps does not require DuckDuckGo to send any IP address information to Apple, and DuckDuckGo immediately discards approximate location information necessary for local searches immediately after the search." "Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine shows positive results, moves to larger studies . Moderna, a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based vaccine manufacturer has completed phase 1 clinical trials on a COVID-19 vaccine candidate with encouraging early results. The trial had 45 participants, eight who developed neutralizing antibodies at levels seen in patients who had recovered from COVID-19. Phase 1 trials are designed to evaluate the safety of a drug rather than to measure its effectiveness. The only side effect of the vaccine was a redness in the area where the person was injected. Antibodies that the patients developed were effective at limiting viral replication in the lab. Moderna is using a messenger RNA vaccine approach that has never been marketed in the USA. Phase 2 trials are now underway and Moderna expects to begin a phase 3 clinical trial as early as July." "FDA approves genetically engineered pigs . The FDA has approved genetically engineered pigs developed by Revivicor, a medical company, for use in food and medical products. The pigs can now be used in the production of drugs, to provide organs and tissues for transplants, and to produce meat that is safe to eat. It is the first-ever approval of an animal biotechnology product for both food consumption and medical use. The pigs lack a molecule called alpha-gal sugar, which can trigger allergic reactions. Removing the molecule means products developed from these pigs can be used by people who are allergic to it." "The pirate assembling a better sports streaming service . HeheStreams is a service that streams live broadcasts of every NBA, NHL, NFL, and MLB game on TV. It costs $100 a year, half of what the NBA charges for its League Pass, but without the bureaucracy and obligations to cable powerbrokers. The service is breaking all sorts of copyright laws. Local blackout restrictions and television contracts mean that consumers can't always access the content they want, which is why they turn to using alternative services." "Shopify's payment option to be added to Facebook, Instagram . Shopify is expanding its Shop Pay payment option to all users selling on Facebook and Instagram. It will be available to Instagram users in the US from Tuesday, and to Facebook users in the coming weeks. Customers will be able to use Shop Pay alongside other payment options such as Facebook Pay. This is the first time the feature has been made available outside Shopify's platform." "Hub (GitHub Repo). Hub is a method of storing, accessing, and managing datasets with version-control for PyTorch/TensorFlow. It stores datasets on the cloud so that data can be accessed anywhere. Hub makes any data type stored on the cloud usable as fast as if it was stored on-premise." This super-tree could help feed the world and fight climate change . Pongamia is a tropical tree that can grow on just about any land without pesticides or irrigation while producing beans packed with protein and oil. "Google unveils Stadia cloud gaming service, launches in 2019 . Google announced its new cloud gaming service, Stadia, at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. The service will launch in the UK, US, Canada, and Europe in 2019, and will be able to stream games to the Chrome browser, Chromecast, and Pixel devices. Stadia will be closely integrated with YouTube, with features such as a ‘play now’ button on game videos, the ability to share gameplay clips, and also by letting viewers play games alongside content creators. Along with Stadia, Google will also be releasing a new game controller and launch their own game studio, Stadia Games and Entertainment." "Couchbase Capella DB as a service - flexible, full-featured, and fully managed (Sponsor). Capella is an enterprise-grade, scalable JSON document and key-value database, with SQL access and built-in full-text search, eventing, and analytics to easily support your many use cases. Try it for free & be up & running in 3 minutes—no credit card required." Defensive CSS (Website). This site contains practical CSS and design tips for building future-proof user interfaces. Gitin (GitHub Repo). Gitin is a tool to allow users to explore GitHub repositories directly from the command line in MacOS and Linux. It is an alternate and interactive way to explore the commit history. Users can also implement changes directly through the tool. The repository contains a GIF that quickly demonstrates the different functions and how the tool can be used. "Nvidia is reportedly preparing to abandon its $40 billion takeover of Arm . Nvidia is preparing to abandon its $40 billion acquisition of chip designer Arm. Regulators have sued to block the transaction on antitrust grounds and there are multiple other regulatory obstacles to overcome. SoftBank, who currently owns Arm, is still optimistic that the sale will go through. Nvidia is not expecting regulators to allow the deal to be finalized." "A Swedish company offers plant based burger, and it tastes like human meat . Oumph! is a Swedish company that created human-flavored plant-based meat to encourage people to try out plant-based meats." "Relativity Space's massive 3D printers are reinventing rockets, and building the factory of the future . Relativity Space is a company that uses 3D printing to build rockets. The company has the world's largest 3D printers, capable of printing metal pieces up to 32-feet tall. 95 percent of the parts for its Terran 1 rocket are 3D-printed, making the rocket many times less complex compared to traditional rockets. The company aims to eventually be able to turn raw materials into a rocket on the launchpad in under 60 days. A video with footage of the printing process is available in the article." "SpaceX fires up world’s largest rocket booster on the first try . SpaceX has successfully fired up Super Heavy, the largest rocket booster in the world. Booster 3 was completed around July 1 and it passed its first cryogenic proof test on July 12. It successfully ignited three Raptor engines on its first go on July 19. This is the first Starship prototype that completed its cryogenic and static fire tests on its first attempt. The success makes it clear that SpaceX's Starship launch vehicle design, production, and operations are rapidly maturing." "An Analysis of Bitcoin's Throughput Bottlenecks, Potential Solutions, and Future Prospects (1 hour read). There has been some debate about the growth of Bitcoin's blockchain for years now, with some groups wanting to increase transaction throughput by increasing block size while others want to focus on technologies that decrease the resources necessary to run the network as it grows. This article analyzes the major throughput bottlenecks that restrict Bitcoin's safe throughput capacity and discusses what throughput capacity we can expect in the future." "Pyright (GitHub Repo). Pyright is a static type checker for the Python language and was created to address gaps in current type checkers such as mypy. It is written in Typescript and runs within node so it does not require a Python environment, and it is typically 5x faster than other type checkers written in Python. Pyright only supports Python 3.0 and higher, and there are no plans on supporting previous versions." "Celebrating Imgur's Next Chapter . Imgur has been acquired by MediaLab. The image-sharing site reaches 300 million people and is home to one of the largest single independent communities online. MediaLab owns a range of internet brands, including Whisper, Kik, and WorldStarHipHop. Its resources and shared services will help the Imgur team add new features and tools and help grow the site." "Iran’s Insoluble Paradox of Cutting Off the Internet . Recent unrest in Iran has resulted in internet blackouts over the weekend. The Iranian government has denied a cover-up after an airliner was shot down last week. There was a drop in Iran's international internet access on Saturday and Sunday, and a drop in connectivity at Tehran's Sharif University on Monday ahead of any new demonstrations. Iran has used internet blackouts as a form of control during other periods of civil unrest. There is a high cost to the country's economy every time the internet is disconnected. Iran lost $1.5 billion within four days during a blackout in November. The blackouts are causing more Iranians to be aware of their oppression from their government and the power of the internet." "Tesla launches car insurance offering in California . Tesla has launched a car insurance offering which provides Tesla owners with up to 30 percent lower rates. It will start rolling out to US states in the next few months, beginning with California. Factors such as the company's vehicle safety features, including Autopilot, make lower-priced insurance possible. Tesla doesn't use GPS or camera footage when pricing insurance, but some of the data collected from the vehicles is used when calculating insurance prices. Existing customers will be able to purchase an insurance policy in as little as one minute on Tesla's website." "Developers Flee Open Source Project After ‘Takeover’ By Korean Crown Prince . Freenode is a large open-source project that runs Internet Relay Chat networks. The entire network was recently purchased by Andrew Lee, the Crown Prince of Korea. A dozen Freenode staff volunteers have resigned, saying that they believe Lee took over the network under false pretenses. It is unknown what effect the changes in the Freenode network will have on developers around the world. The former Freenode staff members have launched a new chat network to continue Freenode's mission." "Alphabet’s Project Taara laser tech beamed 700TB of data across nearly 5km . While Google shut down Project Loon earlier this year, some of the technology remained in development. Free Space Optical Communication (FSOC) links can create a 20Gbps broadband link from two points that have a clear line of sight. Project Taara is setting up FSOC links in several places around the world to test the technology. It recently set up a link to connect a service across the Congo river and transmitted nearly 700TB of data in 20 days. The link had a 99.9 percent availability, even with haze, light rain, birds, and other obstacles. Project Taara aims to provide an indistinguishable experience between FSOC and fixed fiber connections." "Travelex being held to ransom by hackers . Hackers have forced Travelex to turn off its computer systems and resort to pen and paper. The attack occurred on New Year's Eve and it forced Travelex to take down its websites across 30 countries. A ransomware gang called Sodinokibi has claimed responsibility for the attack, demanding $6 million from Travelex. It claims to have obtained 5GB of sensitive customer data, including dates of birth, credit card information, and national insurance numbers. The Information Commissioner's Office has not received a data breach report from Travelex. Travelex has been working with police and has deployed IT specialists and external cyber-security experts to investigate the issue. Many businesses that rely on Travelex's services have been affected by the attack." "AutoAnimate (GitHub Repo). AutoAnimate is a zero-configure animation utility that adds smooth transitions to web apps. It can be used with Vue, React, or any other JavaScript application. AutoAnimate can add animations to interfaces with just one line of code. Examples are available." "YouTube TV finally goes nationwide almost two years after launch . YouTube TV is launching nationwide, it's now available in 98% of US households. All viewers will have access to at least three out of the four major broadcasters (ABC, CBS, Fox, and NBC) depending on their location, most will have all four. The subscription is meant to replace cable, and costs $40/month. There's a link inside to check if it's available for your zip code." "This Stunning Image of Our Galaxy's Center Reveals a Mysterious Phenomenon . Daniel Wang, a professor of astronomy, has stitched together hundreds of images to create a panorama of the center of the Milky Way. The resulting map captures some of the processes that occur at the galactic core. It is hard to observe the Milky Way's core due to the vast amounts of dust and gas surrounding its supermassive black hole. Wang used X-rays and radio observations to probe the region. Central regions of galaxies are believed to play an essential role in galaxy formation and evolution. The image can be viewed in the article." "Nx - The fastest growing monorepo solution in the JS ecosystem . Nx is a fast, extensible build system that features built-in monorepo support. It is lightweight and it has a plugin system with support for Angular, React, Next, Next.js, Node, and more. Nx doesn't just help set up monorepos and execute tasks, it also guides developers through the development lifecycle. Links to courses and more resources about Nx are available in the article." "French privacy regulator rules against use of Google Analytics . France's privacy regulator has ruled that Google Analytics is in breach of EU privacy law because it transfers personal data to the US. An unnamed website has been ordered to stop using the service to comply with the GDPR. An Austrian regulator also ruled similarly in January. While Google has adopted additional measures to regulate data transfers, they are not sufficient enough to prevent US intelligence services from accessing the data." EfficientDet (GitHub Repo). EfficientDet is an object detection package for Keras and Tensorflow. Pretrained weights files are available. A few example outputs are provided. "Google Maps will soon show COVID vaccine locations . Google will start loading Search and Maps with information on vaccination sites. The update will roll out in the coming weeks to Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, with more areas to come. Users will be able to search 'COVID vaccine' and view location results, appointment information, and other site information. Google will be opening up various Google facilities as vaccine sites. It plans to launch a 'Get the Facts' campaign across its services to provide authoritative information to the public about vaccines." "Ask HN: What game do you wish existed? (Hacker News Thread). This Hacker News thread contains a list of games that people wish existed. The top replies include a game that simulates being a mouse existing with regular humans, a game similar to Civilization but for countries, and a true MMORPG that simulates a real virtual world. The discussions center around similar games that already exist and the reasons why such games don't currently exist." "Israeli Startup Nanox Gets FDA Approval for Digital X-ray System . An Israeli startup, Nanox, has developed a new type of X-ray machine that generates 3D images. It emits less radiation and costs a fraction of the price of conventional imaging devices. The Nanox.ARC uses a proprietary silicon chip embedded with 100 million nanocones that generate X-rays. The FDA has granted clearance for the single-source Nanox.ARC, and Nanox expects to get the same approval for its multisource Nanox.ARC and the Nanox.CLOUD. Nanox plans to deploy the multisource Nanox.ARC across the globe. The device will expand access to imaging services to the roughly two-thirds of the world's population who currently have limited or no meaningful access to imaging." "China’s social credit system stopped millions of people from buying travel tickets . The social credit system in China was launched in 2014 and is still being piloted in specific regions. A full nationwide rollout is expected in 2020. The system tracks individuals and companies on certain factors, for example, whether they pay taxes or fines, and gives them a score based on their track record. Penalties for having a low score include restrictions on travel and education. In 2018, Chinese courts denied 17.5 million requests to fly and 5.5 million train tickets. While the idea is controversial outside of China, it is reported that many citizens welcome the system as it has helped deter fraud and improve public health." "Learn Javascript (Web App). This is an introduction to modern Javascript with very small lessons and an online code editor where you can immediately apply those lessons. It requires a GitHub account to get started, but the design is nice and the exercises are really easy to follow." Brain Implant Bypasses Eyes To Help Blind People See . Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine have devised a way to use a brain implant to stimulate the visual cortex to produce a relatively clear and functional kind of bionic vision. Dynamic current steering involves tracing shapes with electricity onto the brain's surface. The Orion system uses an eyeglass-mounted video camera to send information to an electrode array on top of the brain's visual cortex. It is currently limited in resolution due to engineering limitations. Six patients have received the implant so far and it has allowed them to see letters as they are drawn. A short video is available in the article that shows one of the patients detecting letters as they are drawn on a screen. "Reddit’s former CEO is now in the forest-planting business . Former Reddit CEO Yishan Wong is building a system to transform desert land into fertile ground to grow the trees we need to help stop climate change. Trees can recapture carbon at scale, but efforts at reforestation have been moving slowly. Part of the reason for this is the lack of land, as some of the previously forested land is now covered by cities or used for farming. Wong's startup hopes to restore land by irrigating seedlings with desalinated water. A restored forest will eventually be able to sustain itself." Google raises its GSuite Prices . Google is raising the prices for GSuite from $5 and $10 per user per month for its basic and business plans to $6 and $12 per user per month respectively. The Enterprise plan will stay at $25 per user per month. The new pricing will go into effect on April 2. There are now 4 million businesses on GSuite. "Airbnb files to go public, turned a profit last quarter . Airbnb has filed to go public under the symbol ABNB on the Nasdaq. While the company had turned a profit last quarter, it has primarily turned net losses throughout the years, with other occasional quarters of profitability. The company will set up 9.2 million shares of non-voting stock aside in an endowment fund for hosts. Airbnb claims that its community of hosts and guests differentiates it from its competitors. The pandemic had an impact on the business, but it is starting to recover in some areas. Airbnb had numerous issues with hosts this year due to cancellations, and a host proposed a class-action lawsuit against the company earlier this month." "Rust GPU (GitHub Repo). Rust GPU is an attempt at making Rust a first-class language and ecosystem for building GPU code. It can currently compile and run simple shaders, but many things, such as loops and switches, aren't supported yet. An example rendering is available in the repository." "The World’s First Robotics Venture Factory Is On ‘Robot Island’ In Denmark . If robot startups shared information, they would be capable of much more than they currently are. There are more than 150 robotics companies in Odense, Denmark. 30 years ago, several companies and groups in the area started working together, resulting in Blue Ocean Robotics, the world's first robotics venture factory. Each robot at the factory adds to the core of software that all member companies have access to." "The Engineer’s Guide to Career Growth — Advice from My Time at Stripe and Facebook (27 minute read). Raylene Yung was an engineering manager at Facebook in 2011, starting from a team of three. She left in 2015 as the youngest engineering director at a public company with over 10,000 employees and joined Stripe where she built the product management team, defined career growth and recruiting frameworks, ran the core Payments business, and created the company’s global engineering hub. In this interview, Yung discusses career growth for engineers. She shares a collection of career lessons, discusses career tracks, and talks about specific career roadblocks." "Google launches Android 11 Developer Preview 2 with foldable, call screening, and Neural Networks API improvements . Google has released the second Android 11 developer preview. It features hinge angle detection, call screening improvements, and new ops in the Neural Networks API. DP2 is only available on eight Pixel phones, and it can only be installed via a manual flash. Android 11 is still not ready for early adopters to try. Google will likely release Android 11 to more phones in DP3 or by the first beta." "Free Discourse for Open Source (Hosting). Discourse is an open source forum software company started by Jeff Atwood (co-founder/former CEO of Stack Overflow). Discourse started giving free hosting to a few open source projects a couple of years ago. Now, any project that has at least 15 contributors and a need for a discussion forum can apply to get a free hosted Discourse forum. If you're involved in any open source projects, this might be worth taking a look at." "Boston Dynamics’ Spot is leaving the laboratory . Boston Dynamics will be releasing its Spot robot to companies who have good uses for it. Spot is able to go where you tell it, avoid obstacles, and keep its balance under extreme circumstances. It can carry up to four hardware modules on its back, so companies can swap in whatever skills the robot needs for its jobs. Boston Dynamics is focusing on uses in closed and controlled spaces. The company has stated that they are not interested in Spot being used as a weapon. Spot's model of the world is pretty shallow, consisting mostly of obstacles, footholds, and preprogrammed routes. It is not designed to interact with humans. Academic roboticists usually develop human-robot interaction skills early in development as it is harder to retrofit human interaction into existing systems, so Spot's inability to interact with human beings remains a major question mark for the project's future." "A new underwater greenhouse could reveal the future of agriculture . Nemo's Garden is an underwater greenhouse project that uses the ocean's environmental qualities to create a habitat for growing fresh produce. It was designed for regions where environmental, economic, or morphologic factors make plant development challenging. More than 100 different plants have been grown using this method. Tests showed that plants produced in the environment were richer in nutritional content than those grown using traditional methods. The concept is now being exported around the world." "Internet goliath Tencent is building a city the size of Midtown Manhattan in China . Tencent will build a 320-acre campus in Shenzhen for its employees in China. It will have offices, residences, retail, open spaces, and grass-covered rooftops. NBBJ won the development contract for the campus after participating in an international design competition held by Tencent last year. Renders of the design are available in the article." "ICON and Lennar reveal the world’s largest 3D-printed community, designed by BIG . ICON and Lennar have partnered to 3D print a 100-home neighborhood in Austin. All 100 residences will be printed with ICON's Vulcan printer, which can print concrete structures of up to 3,000 square feet. The aim of the project is to create affordable and sustainable homes that will still entice buyers. No estimated completion date has been set yet. The buildings will have similar or greater longevity than those built with standard concrete masonry units." New Google Pay debit card lets you actually spend the money people send you . Android users in the US will soon be able to request a Google Pay Balance Card that will allow them to spend their Google Pay balance. The card will be NFC tap-and-pay only. The Google Pay app will allow P2P payments. Users will still be able to transfer their balance to a bank account for free. There are plans to introduce Google Bank Accounts later in the year that will be full-blown digital bank accounts. "Beijing plans an AI Atlantis for the South China Sea – without a human in sight . China is planning on building a $160 million deep sea base at the bottom of the South China Sea. Scientists say that due to the immense pressure, this will be even harder than building a space station. The base will be run by AI and will be used to launch missions to explore the ocean floor, which is currently 99% unexplored. China is also planning on building the first manned deep sea station about 2 miles below the surface and 20 floating nuclear power plants to support commercial and military activities starting in 2020. President Xi Jinping is urging Chinese scientists to be daring, saying ""There is no road in the deep sea, we do not need to chase after other countries, we are the road."" He declared that China is on a ""march into the ocean to accelerate the build-up of maritime power""." "Signal CEO Hacks Cellebrite iPhone Hacking Device Used By Cops . Signal founder Moxie Marlinspike recently published details of exploits for Cellebrite devices, noting that the software was missing many industry-standard exploit mitigation defenses. Cellebrite devices are used by law enforcement to gather evidence from encrypted devices. Future versions of Signal will include files that Marlinspike has implied were designed to tamper with Cellebrite devices. Signal's research into Cellebrite's software may have also uncovered some copyright violations." "Spotify will now let artists directly upload their music to the platform . Spotify has launched an invite-only beta program allowing indie artists to upload their music directly to the platform. Spotify will give 50% of Spotify's net revenue for songs uploaded this way to artists, in line with their existing deals (they give Universal Music 52-55% of revenue). Spotify has already been testing the feature for the past few months with artists like VIAA and Michael Brun." DEEP LEARNING WITH PYTORCH: A 60 MINUTE BLITZ (Website). This tutorial aims to give the student an understanding of Pytorch's Tensor library and neural networks at a high level. The student will train a small neural network to classify images. A two-minute video is available to preview the course. "Astronomers have spotted the universe’s first molecule . Helium Hydride (HeH) is thought to be the first molecule that would have formed following the Big Bang. Using a special telescope that is built into a converted 747 jet, scientists were able to detect a light signal emitted by HeH molecules some 3000 light-years away from Earth. Helium is a typically non-reactive molecule, which means the conditions needed to create HeH would be extreme, and this discovery proves that the molecule has been created and exists in space. HeH has been synthesized in human laboratories before and it is theorized that it may still be created by dying stars." "Rocket Launch in New Zealand Brings Quick, Cheap Space Access . Government backed rocket launches generally cost between $150 million and $300 million. SpaceX was able to get costs down to about $60 million per launch. By using smaller rockets, Rocket Labs is able to send up satellites for a cost of just $5.7 million per launch. Rocket Labs' Electon Rocket is 56 feet tall compared to 230 feet for SpaceX's Falcon 9. Rocket Labs launches out of a remote sheep farm turned spaceport on New Zealand’s North Island. Rocket Labs had sent up two test flights in May 2017 and January 2018, but this was its first real commercial launch. It carried up 6 satellites for other companies, an entire ecosystem of startups with shoebox-sized satellites for imaging, science missions and communications is now starting to spring up around this new affordable launch service." "Record-breaking hydrogen electrolyzer claims 95% efficiency . Hysata, an Australian company, has developed new electrolyzer technology that promises to create competitively priced green hydrogen within just a few years. The cost of creating green hydrogen is one of the biggest barriers against using it as an energy source. By generating more hydrogen from the same sources, Hysata could drive the price of green hydrogen down to a point where it becomes competitive with dirty hydrogen and fossil fuels. Hysata's process is 98% efficient with extremely low gas crossover. The company plans to have its technology commercialized by 2025." "A first look at Microsoft’s new Windows 11 Android apps support . Microsoft has released the first preview of its Android app support in Windows 11 to testers in the Windows Insider program. Apps will be listed in the Microsoft Store, but users will be sent to Amazon's Appstore to get them installed or updated. The apps will run in a virtual machine side by side with other Windows apps. There are only 50 apps officially available with the preview. More details on the preview, including screenshots of the setup process and Android apps running on Windows, are available." Have a protein you want inhibited? New software can design a blocker . Researchers have created software that can design inhibitors for target proteins to block their activity. The software designs proteins that are later encoded into DNA and inserted into yeast cells for production. The resulting proteins are easy to make and extremely stable even at high temperatures. Proteins generally have to be injected to be effective and there is no guarantee that they will go where they are needed. "What's it like to bootstrap a business before it can financially support you? . Running out of cash is probably a founder's biggest fear. Indie Hackers is a community mostly made up of founders who shoulder their company's financial burden personally. They generally take one of three strategies to bootstrapping. Founders might only opt for business ideas that can generate good revenue upfront. Others might bootstrap full time while only relying on personal savings. Working on an idea while still working at a day job is also an option. It is possible to bootstrap without outside funding, but it can be stressful before you have a working business." "Tesla Cybertruck To Join Dubai Police Fleet In 2020 . Tesla's Cybertruck will be joining Dubai's police fleet in 2020. A photo of a modified Cybertruck with the official livery of the Dubai police force was posted on the organization's Twitter account. Dubai's police fleet includes models like the Bugatti Veyron, Aston Martin One-77, BMW i8, Ferrari LaFerrari, Lamborghini Aventador, Lykan HyperSport, and many others. The Cybertruck is a purpose-built pickup truck with off-road capability, a futuristic design, seating for 6, and an electric powertrain that offers a maximum range of over 800 km. Its cabin has a 17-inch touchscreen interface, and its cargo bay is 6.5 feet long with a storage space of about 100 cubic feet. The pickup has a maximum towing capacity of 6,350 kg and a 0-100 km per hour sprint time of about three seconds." "We Asked People Around the World How They Feel About Artificial Intelligence. Here’s What We Learned . A survey was conducted on 66,800 people, asking them how they felt about artificial intelligence. Over half of the respondents had some knowledge of AI, with around 10 percent of people feeling that they were well educated about the topic. Younger people tended to report feeling more knowledgable. People were split between feeling concerned, curious, and hopeful about AI. Most people reported wanting AI to eventually become smarter than them. There were concerns about the future of AI, with most people thinking of '1984' when asked which movie best described the future of AI. People in the survey were open-minded and aware that they need to pay attention to AI." "Blue Origin will run an “astronaut rehearsal” during a launch this week to prep for human spaceflight . Blue Origin is planning an astronaut rehearsal during its launch on April 14. The rehearsal will include boarding, preflight operations, and then returning to a staged version of an exit capsule. It will be similar to the procedure that private astronauts will perform during a real launch. The flight will have a test dummy on board to measure data about what the launch would be like for people. Blue Origin will launch at 8 AM CDT from West Texas. A live feed will be available an hour before launch." "China starts testing digital currency as Facebook's Libra faces setback . China has started trials for its digital currency. The district of Suzhou will be paying half of its travel subsidies given to public sector workers in May using the digital currency. China plans to expand its pilot schemes to Shenzhen, Xiongan, and Chengdu. The 2022 Winter Olympic games may be used as a test for the currency. China has not yet announced an official timetable for releasing the digital yuan. However, reports indicate that the currency will be available to the public later this year." "Say goodbye to temporary fillings: scientists successfully use a gel to regrow tooth enamel . Scientists from Zhejiang University have developed a new gel that helps to regrow tooth enamel. Enamel is the tough outer tissue layer of our teeth. General wear and tear through the exposure to certain sugars and acids tend to erode the enamel, leading to holes that require fillings. The scientists were able to grow enamel with the same structure and similar mechanical properties as native enamel, meaning that fillings might soon become a thing of the past. Enamel was grown from a gel that was made from calcium and phosphate ions mixed with trimethylamine. When the gel was applied to the sample teeth, it formed a new enamel layer approximately 3 micrometers in thickness within 48 hours. The researchers are hoping to conduct trials on people within the next two years." Video Of A Drone ‘walking’ A Dog During The Coronavirus Lockdown Goes Viral . A video of a dog being walked by a drone during self-quarantine has gone viral. It is similar to the scene in Back to the Future 2 when Marty spots a drone-like device walking a dog. The idea is novel but probably won't work for most animals. The American Kennel Club recommends that people do not walk their dogs with drones. "btrace (GitHub Repo). btrace is an Android trace tool based on Systrace. It supports custom and native events, and it can be set to only capture trace events of the main thread. btrace is easy to use and stable and it has lower latency than Systrace." "3D printed tiles help revive coral beds in Hong Kong coastal waters (3 minute video). Marine biologists and architects in Hong Kong worked together to develop 3D-printed clay tiles that help coral grow. Coral doesn't like sand, so the clay tiles were designed to prevent sediment buildup and to create a surface for the coral to grow. The tiles were seeded with coral and 100% of the coral was still surviving after two months. The team hopes that the tiles can be used to help other reefs damaged by pollution, fishing, and bleaching." "A “halo drive” could accelerate interstellar spacecraft to close to the speed of light . In 2016, Stephen Hawking and billionaire Yuri Milner planned a project to send thousands of tiny spacecraft to visit a nearby star system, demonstrating technology that would allow for interstellar travel. This technology was based on laser propulsion, which is theoretically able to accelerate spacecraft to up to 20% of the speed of light. A new theory by Daniel Kipping from Columbia University may be able to accelerate spacecraft even more, approaching relativistic speeds. The idea is similar to NASA's gravitational slingshots, where a spacecraft uses the gravitational field of a planet to accelerate without using more fuel. Instead of using a planet, however, Kipping’s idea involves sending photons around a black hole and then using the extra energy to power a light sail, powering what he calls a ‘halo drive’." "Swift Algorithms (GitHub Repo). Swift Algorithms is a package of sequence and collection algorithms along with their related types. It features combinations/permutations, mutating algorithms, combining collections, subsetting operations, and other useful operations." "Swift: Google's bet on differentiable programming (40 minute read). Two years ago, a team at Google started a project to make Swift the first mainstream language with first-class language-integrated differentiable programming capabilities. The project hasn't received a lot of interest as Swift is mostly unknown in the machine learning community. Swift is a better choice for machine learning as it is faster than Python and it allows for much more control while still using high-level language. While the project is not ready for general production usage, it shows that Swift could potentially become a key player in the machine learning ecosystem." "Putin Wants His Own Internet . A new bill dubbed the ‘Sovereign Internet’ will create a single command post in which authorities can control the Russian cyberspace. While the reason given for this bill was to protect against foreign threats, as new US laws permit offensive measures against Russia and other designated adversaries, critics say that the real motivation for the new law is so that certain types of traffic can be cut off during times of civil unrest. Putin has stated that it is unlikely that the US will ever unplug Russia from the web, as it would cause them enormous damage, but the threat is real, so the country has to prepare for the scenario. The proposed Sovereign Internet will use Deep Package Inspection to analyze volumes and types of traffic in real time and selectively block or reroute the data as required." "Wasmer (GitHub Repo). Wasmer is a standalone JIT WebAssembly runtime, which is able to run any WebAssembly file. It aims to be fully compatible with Emscripten, Rust, and Go. Wasmer can be embedded directly into Rust applications." "A White Dwarf Was Observed 'Switching On and Off' for the First Time . A white dwarf has been observed flickering on and off, an event that has never been seen in other white dwarfs. The white dwarf was feeding off of an orbiting companion star. Researchers believe that something may have interfered with its fuel supply, causing reconfigurations of the white dwarf's surface magnetic field that shifted the star's brightness. The researchers hope that the observation will help them learn more about how objects such as black holes and white dwarfs feed on colossal amounts of surrounding materials from nearby stars." "New Tesla Cybertruck prototype spotted with bed cover . A new Tesla Cybertruck prototype that features a bed cover has been spotted at Tesla’s Fremont factory. Tesla has delayed the Cybertruck until at least 2023, but new prototypes have been spotted around California and Texas over the last few months. The article contains several photos and drone footage showing the prototype and the Fremont factory. Links to photos and videos of other sightings are available." "SSH Made Easy with Tailscale (Sponsor). Easy, secure SSH connections forever with less than 5 minutes of setup. Connect from anywhere to anywhere. Our free plan is free forever. Install now." "Meet the Chinese robot worm that could crawl into your brain . Researchers at Shenzhen have created a robot worm that can enter the human body, move along blood vessels, and hook up to neurons. The 1mm by 3mm robotic worm is powered by an external magnetic field generator. It is controlled by changing the magnetic fields around its body. The robot can squeeze through gaps by using infrared radiation to contract its body by more than a third. It can change color due to the hydrogel that it is made from. The robot can be used to deliver drugs to a targeted area, limiting the effects of the drug to the areas where it is needed and reducing the risk of side effects. It could also be used to create a brain-computer interface. It is unlikely that the technology could be used as a weapon as a person needs to lie still in a special environment in order for the robot to be controlled." "SVG Repo (Website). This site contains over 300,000 SVG vectors and icons. An ML-powered search is available. Most icons and vectors can be used for commercial projects without any royalties." "Napster sold to London startup MelodyVR in surprise $70m deal . MelodyVR, a startup that films and streams gigs that can be viewed with virtual reality headsets, has purchased Napster for $70m. Napster, which started as an illegal downloading platform in the 1990s, currently has 3 million users with a library of 90 million licensed tracks. MelodyVR has hosted acts such as The Chainsmokers and Cypress Hill. It has studios in London and Los Angeles for artists to perform at. Users can pay to watch the performances through the MelodyVR app. MelodyVR funded the deal through a combination of cash and shares. Napster made $1.8m in pre-tax profits last year after delivering 10.8 billion streams to its consumers and business partners." Tiny KABOOM (GitHub Repo). Tiny KABOOM is a teaching aid designed to help with the understanding of raytracing for explosions in C++. It is written in 180 lines of code and it is accompanied by a guide that explains the theory and reasoning behind the code. "DARPA is Eyeing a High-Tech Contact Lens Straight Out of 'Mission: Impossible' . The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is reportedly interested in a new high-tech contact lens being developed by a French team. DARPA has been looking for a high-tech eyepiece for more than a decade. The contact lens is able to relay visual information wirelessly and provide augmented vision assistance. It uses a flexible micro-battery that is able to power an LED for several hours. The lens was originally designed for medical and automotive applications, but it has also gained interest for other uses by DARPA and Microsoft." "A New Battery-Free System Gives Devices an 'Infinite Lifetime' . BFree is a system that allows devices to smoothly operate any time power is available. It uses a power-failure resistant version of Python and energy-harvesting hardware. Anyone can use the system to make their own sustainable electronics. Last year, the researchers behind the technology unveiled a Game Boy powered by the kinetic energy of button presses. The project hopes to reduce the number of dead batteries that end up as e-waste." "Uber launches app aimed at connecting workers with businesses . Uber has launched an app that will connect temporary workers looking to work shifts with businesses trying to fill up rosters. The Uber Works app will only be available in Chicago during its testing period. It will display information about shifts such as gross pay, work location, required skills, and dress code. Temporary workers can track their shifts and breaks using the app. New laws in California may require Uber to classify drivers as employees from January 1. Uber has been facing record losses, competition in Asia, and slowing revenue growth." "MailtoUI (Website). MailtoUI is a simple JavaScript library that creates an enhanced mailto link with a convenient user interface. Users who click on a mailto link are presented with a choice of using a web email client, a local email app, or to copy the email to clipboard. The UI is completely customizable. MailtoUI requires no dependencies and works across virtually all devices and modern browsers for desktop or mobile." "Ethereal Tower with 99 Floating Islands Designed For Shenzhen, China . Sou Fujimoto Architects' submission for the New City Center Landmark competition is a massive floating tower designed for the bay of Shenzhen's Qianhaiwan district. The proposed tower is made up of a collection of towers joined together and stands at 880-feet tall. It will be mostly made of steel, carbon fiber, Kevlar Rope, and concrete. The core will be kept together using outlying tension cables made to resemble water flowing down to the bay. Pictures of the design are available in the article." "Robotic fish powered by electronic blood can swim for 36 hours . Researchers at Cornell University have developed a robot that is powered by its own artificial circulatory system. The robot can swim at a rate of 1.5 body lengths per minute, which is around 10 meters per hour. It is powered by flow batteries, so power is generated as liquid moves through the robot. The flow of the liquid to certain areas can also change the pressure in these areas, for example, it can cause the structure on one side of the robot’s tail to inflate, resulting in a bending motion. While the robot was only tested for a few hours, it could theoretically swim continuously for 36 hours. Two short videos are available showing the robot in action." "Brave is launching its own search engine with the help of ex-Cliqz devs and tech . Brave, the privacy-focused browser, is launching its own search engine. It acquired an open-source search engine developed by the team behind Cliqs, a now-defunct anti-tracking search-browser combo. The engine is built on top of a completely independent index and it can deliver the quality people expect without compromising their privacy. It does not collect IP addresses or use personally identifiable information to improve search results. Brave Search will be offered as a choice to Brave browser users and it will potentially become the default choice." Scientists develop first-of-its-kind implant that relieves pain without drugs . Researchers have developed an implant that can relieve pain on demand without the use of drugs. The device works by wrapping around nerves and delivering targeted cooling via evaporation. A sensor ensures that the cooling doesn't damage any tissue. The device can be remotely activated and users can control its intensity. Cooling nerves numbs them and blocks pain signals to the brain. The device is water-soluble and it is naturally absorbed by the body after use. "Declaration of Digital Independence . The internet has changed from a group of individuals publishing content to vast digital empires controlling sections of the internet and wielding large amounts of power. These companies that own platforms used by millions of people around the world are able to moderate and control the content that users see, resulting in the manipulation of discussion, misinformation in news, interference with political affairs, and more. The Declaration of Digital Independence is a set of nine principles that lays out strict rules for how data and content on the internet should be handled. Rather than being controlled by large corporations, the internet should be controlled by a decentralized network of individuals. People can sign to show their support for the document." "Exclusive Q&A: Neuralink’s Quest to Beat the Speed of Type (17 minute read). Neuralink is a fully implantable brain-machine interface that uses super-thin threads that can snake through brain tissue to pick up signals. The company has demonstrated its technology in pigs and monkeys. This article features an interview with the head of Neuralink's brain signals team, Joseph O’Doherty. The interview covers Neuralink's goals, the hardware and software used, what the team is working on now, and the limitations of the technology." "Pfizer CEO says he would take coronavirus vaccine first to ease public concern . Chairman and CEO of Pfizer, Dr. Albert Bourla, has said he is willing to be among the first to take a coronavirus vaccine to ease public concern about its safety. However, there are ethical considerations about who should receive the vaccine first, and Bourla might not be eligible for the first round of vaccines due to his age and work environment. Bourla expects that demand for the vaccine will be much higher than anything that the company can produce, so supply will be limited." "AI and the News: An Open Challenge (Application). This is an application for a challenge that will award up to $750,000 to a range of projects at the intersection of AI and the news. Projects should seek to solve one of four problems: ensuring transparency in platform governance, stopping bad actors from spreading disinformation, empowering journalists, and reimagining AI and the news. Individual grants will be between $75,000 and $200,000 and projects should last about a year." "Uncontrolled reentry: Why China “just not caring” is a huge problem for space . China's Long March 5B rocket is expected to make an uncontrolled reentry in the next few days. It is not the first time the China National Space Administration has opted for an uncontrolled reentry. Uncontrolled re-entries are dangerous as pieces of debris can cause damage. It is unknown where the rocket might reenter, but its erratic trajectory places it in the path of several populated areas. There are no international regulations that require controlled reentries, but it is best practice by space agencies around the world." "Isn’t it good, Swedish plywood: the miraculous eco-town with a 20-storey wooden skyscraper . Skellefteå is a town in the far north of Sweden with a climate-conscious focus. It runs on 100% renewable energy and recycles 120,000 tonnes of electronic waste a year. The town recently erected a 20 story wooden skyscraper. It is made up of glued laminated timber and cross-laminated timber. The nature of the wood made construction incredibly fast and there was practically zero waste on-site. Many more details about the building, including photos, are available in the article." "Advice for Tech Workers to Navigate the Most Heated Job Market of All Time (11 minute read). The job market is on fire across the globe, with demand for employees outstripping supply. While the root causes of the heated hiring market are longer-term forces, the easing of lockdowns means it may cool down by early 2022. This article contains advice for tech workers, both junior and more experienced, on how to make the most out of this heated market while it lasts." "A new technique successfully fried up to 75 percent of tumors using ultrasound . Scientists from the University of Michigan used ultrasound waves to eliminate up to 75% of liver tumor material in rat bodies. The rats' immune systems were then able to remove the leftover cancerous tissues and prevent reemergence. The technique is already being deployed in human trials in the US and Europe. Liver cancer is one of the top 10 causes of cancer-related deaths in the world, with survival rates at less than 18% in the US." Chinese Mars rover returns first pictures . China's Zhurong rover landed in the Utopia Planitia basin on Mars early Sunday. The rover is equipped with tools to assess rock chemistry and a radar to look for subsurface water-ice. Chinese scientists hope that the rover will last at least 90 days. Images from the rover have been released and are available in the article. "The F1 of the future: Flying cars set to take to the skies in outback Coober Pedy . Airspeeder is a startup that aims to host a full-scale flying car race in South Australia before the end of the year. The flying cars are cheaper than helicopters and faster than air taxis. There will be no drivers racing in the vehicles initially, but the company plans to obtain the licensing to allow real pilots in the races." Zoo Saving DNA From Rare Animals In Case They Go Extinct . England's Chester Zoo and a tissue bank called Nature's SAFE have partnered up to cryogenically freeze genetic material from animals that pass away at the zoo. The preserved material could save species from extinction in the future. Small tissue samples will be taken from animals and cryogenically frozen at temperatures of -320.8 Fahrenheit using liquid nitrogen. The technology will provide a safeguard for many animals that are currently going extinct. "bullet : Beautiful Python Prompts Made Simple (GitHub Repo). Bullet allows for customized prompts in Python and has extensive support for formatting, colors, styling, and even support for emojis. There are many examples of its usage in the repository. Users can choose between bullet, check, inputs, numbers, passwords, yes/no, vertical, and slide prompts, and have full control over the style and look of the prompts." "A New Strain of Drug-Resistant Malaria Has Sprung Up in Africa . Global malaria deaths declined to 409,000 in 2019, compared to 585,000 in 2010. Several countries have eliminated the disease, or are about to. A new strain of the parasite has shown resistance to one of the most commonly used malaria treatments. The new strain could lead to more deaths, an increased spread in the resistance itself, and a loss of confidence in malaria treatments. Increased funding for more testing and research capacity, as well as more effective use of drugs by providers and patients, will help limit the spread of the new strain. The mutation was seen in Southeast Asia in 2013, and it is being held at bay there with the careful use of drugs." "Instagram hides likes count in international test 'to remove pressure' . Instagram is hiding the number of likes on posts in several countries in order to remove pressure on users. Users in Canada, Japan, Australia, and other countries will no longer see a tally of likes on their posts but will still be able to see lists of people who have liked a post by clicking into it. Studies have shown that social media platforms can affect mental health and that the instant feedback from likes can affect people's level of self-esteem. The number of likes on a post can also be a valuable measure of popularity and value for a business on Instagram." "VS Code theme studio (Website). VS Code theme studio helps you easily design, deploy, and share VS Code themes. A marketplace with existing themes is available." Google helps map one cubic millimeter of human brain tissue that comes in at 1.4 petabytes . Google and Harvard University have released a browsable 1.4-petabyte reconstruction of roughly one cubic millimeter of brain tissue. The 3D reconstruction was created from 225 million 2D images of tissues collected from donors who had undergone surgery to treat epilepsy. It represents only one-millionth the volume of an entire brain. A link to the reconstruction is available in the article. "Amazon to pay $1 billion+ for self-driving tech firm Zoox . Amazon is set to announce a deal to purchase Zoox for upwards of $1 billion. Self-driving technology is important to Amazon as it could potentially lower the costs of delivering goods to customers. Zoox aims to develop a fully integrated vehicle, not just core autonomous technology. Developing a car costs billions of dollars, and Zoox will require a lot more funding if it wants to continue on its mission. Amazon's plans for Zoox's technology are still unclear." "Amazon will let you stream free movies and TV shows through IMDb . Amazon's IMDb has launched a free ad-supported streaming service called Freedive, which is available via the IMDb website and Amazon's Fire TV (it's coming soon to IMDb's mobile app). It includes shows like ""The Bachelor"" and ""Heroes"" as well as movies like ""Awakenings"" and ""The Illusionist""." "GPS and water don't mix. So scientists have found a new way to navigate under the sea . GPS systems are unable to work underwater as water breaks down the radio waves GPS relies on to function. MIT scientists have developed a device called an underwater backscatter localization (UBL) that can provide positioning information using acoustic signals without even using a battery. Existing underwater devices require batteries and usually act as sound emitters. The UBL reflects signals back to its source using a charge gained from the materials it is built with. Due to the method the materials use to store energy to produce a charge, its performance is random, but by using a range of frequencies, scientists can still pinpoint locations with accuracy." "Google to slow hiring for rest of 2020, CEO tells staff . Google will slow hiring for the rest of the year but will continue to onboard many of the people that they have hired but haven't started yet. The search company will focus its investments on data centers and machines and non-business essential marketing and travel. While many companies have fired thousands of workers, Google remains a haven for current employees during the pandemic. However, the decision to slow hiring shows how even Google is being affected by the recent economic downturn." "The Pentagon’s New Laser-Based Tool Uses Your Heartbeat to Track You . A new laser-based tool developed by the Pentagon can detect a heartbeat signature from up to 200 meters away. The laser uses a technique similar to common infrared heart rate monitors, and can positively identify a target as long as the target remains still. Biometric security may be convenient for smartphones, but the information that is used to keep your phone secure is the same information that can identify a person for surveillance reasons. Facial recognition is already being used to survey populations around the world, even when the technology isn’t perfect. Cardiac biometrics are significantly better at identifying individuals, with a 98 percent accuracy rate. Other biometrics such as voice are being researched to increase their ability to identify individuals accurately. Even ‘brain prints’ could eventually be used for our security and surveillance." "makesure (GitHub Repo). makesure is a task/command runner with declarative goals and dependencies. It can create shortcuts in scripts so that specific parts can be called or skipped. It is portable, simple to use, and it features useful built-in facilities." "Fortnite splits into two different games tomorrow because of Epic and Apple’s fight . Fortnite players on iOS or macOS won't be able to play the new season when it arrives as the game is still banned from Apple's App Store. A judge has allowed Apple to leave Fortnite off the App Store but has prevented Apple from removing all of Epic's developer accounts, including the account linked with Epic's Unreal Engine. Any Apple device with Fortnite already installed can continue to run the app but won't be able to receive any updates for it. A court hearing on September 28 will make more permanent decisions on the case. Apple has said that it will bring Fortnite back to the App Store if Epic complies with the App Store guidelines." "Samsung caught throttling 10,000 phone apps—and its own home screen . Samsung has been accused of throttling 10,000 Android apps. It uses an app called the Game Optimizing Service to throttle non-benchmark apps, dropping performance by up to 45%. The behavior has been observed on the Galaxy S10, S20, S21, and S22. Users have been able to produce wild performance changes by changing app package names. The throttling applies to many apps, not just games. It even applies to Samsung's own apps and home screen." "Don’t let your issue tracker be a four-letter word. Use Shortcut. (Sponsor). Frustrated with your project management software? Shortcut is a goldilocks solution for software engineers, product managers, and designers, providing the ease of use of a simple tool with the power and flexibility of an overly complex one. Learn more." "Alleged leaked video shows off Samsung’s folding Galaxy Z Flip . Samsung is likely to announce its next folding phone this month. The phone is rumored to be called the Galaxy Z Flip, and it will probably be revealed at Samsung's Unpacked event on February 11th, along with the Galaxy S20 flagship smartphone. Video of the Galaxy Z Flip has been leaked on Twitter. A 19-second video is available that shows the phone being opened and closed." "The race to create a perfect lie detector – and the dangers of succeeding (21 minute read). Brain scanning technologies, merged with advancements in artificial intelligence, are expected to make lie-detection systems that are much more accurate than conventional polygraphs. People are only able to separate facts from fiction around 54 percent of the time, which is not much better than flipping a coin. Advancements in recent years include the rise in affordable computing power, brain scanning techniques, and AI. Some startups, wishing to gain investments or operate at a commercial level, want us to believe that an almost infallible lie detector is on the brink of discovery. The main technological advantage when working with AI is the ability to utilize vast amounts of data to make inferences which humans would miss. In this era of mass surveillance, with people’s personal lives existing online, it is scary to consider that entities such as governments or corporations would want to peer into one's innermost thoughts. No matter how good the technologies get, the liar that believes his/her own lies will still be protected from the technology." The Unix Game (Website). The Unix Game is a programming contest where players solve coding challenges by constructing pipelines of UNIX text processing utilities to complete the solution. There is a leaderboard and users can display badges of honor to showcase progress to friends. "The US Just Announced Plans to Test Five Digital Currencies . The Digital Dollar Project was founded in 2020 to investigate and promote research into a central bank digital currency (CBDC). It recently declared that it will launch five pilot programs over the next 12 months to test the possible deployment of a CBDC in the US. The recent interest in cryptocurrencies places control of money back into the private sector, so central banks worldwide are executing CBDC projects to confront threats and improve payment systems for the next generation of financial technology. The data generated from the pilot programs will be publicly available." Cloud Without Complexity (Sponsor). Cloud Without Complexity . Vultr offers powerful cloud compute and simplified instance management across 22 global locations. Deploy now in 60 seconds or less with one of 12 pre-selected operating systems or bring-your-own ISO! TLDR readers can get a $100 credit just for signing up with this link! Woman dies during a ransomware attack on a German hospital . A woman has died in Duesseldorf University Hospital during a ransomware attack. It is possibly the first death directly linked to a cyberattack on a hospital. The hospital couldn't accept emergency patients due to the attack and the patient was sent to another health care facility around 20 miles away. Hospitals rely heavily on internet-connected devices but many aren't prepared for cyberattacks. Security experts have been saying for years that it is a matter of time before cyberattacks on hospital systems would result in someone's death. The cyberattack was intended for a nearby university and it was stopped once the authorities told the attackers they had actually shut down a hospital. German authorities may treat the cyberattack as a homicide. "Alright folks, gather round and let me tell you the story of (almost). In 2016, Uber was still in its hyper-growth phase. The app was starting to show some cracks, and the team was constantly doing hotfixes. As the design was scaling badly, Uber formed a team to build a new mobile architecture for the app. After a few months, the project was looking good, but as soon as the company-wide rollout began, problems started to show up. At this point, Uber had already invested too much to back out of the project, so the team continued to work to fix it. After fixing a long list of issues, the app was finally released, and the engineers stopped working 90 hour work weeks for a while." "Kubernetes YAML Generator (Website). This page generates a YAML script based on an editable configuration. Users can specify resource types, DNS policies, containers, and other settings and easily export them." "Virgin Reveals Its New Design Concept for the Hyperloop . Virgin appears to have changed its mind on how it plans to build its Hyperloop since its tests at the end of last year. The company recently released new designs showing battery-powered pods that hang off tracks, rather than magnetically levitating over them. Virgin's new proposed Hyperloop system is 10 times more efficient than current MagLev trains, while still being able to move people at high speeds without direct emissions. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2027." "Swift Weekly (Newsletter). Swift Weekly is a great resource to keep up with the Swift ecosystem. It's sort of like TLDR for Swift, it has curated news, tutorials, talks, and open source libraries, if you're an iOS developer definitely check this out!" fontpreview (GitHub Repo). fontpreview is a command-line tool for searching and previewing local fonts. It uses a fuzzy search provided by fzf. fontpreview is highly customizable and can be configured through command-line flags or using environment variables. "Enormous balloon could help astronomers get clear view of space . SuperBIT (the Superpressure balloon-borne imaging telescope) is a helium balloon that floats up to 25 miles above the surface of the Earth and expands to a football-stadium size when fully inflated. It can take pictures as clear as a space telescope, but at a fraction of the cost. The design can be tweaked and improved over time. SuperBIT will circumnavigate the Earth several times starting next April. Its first mission will be to watch collisions between clusters of galaxies." "Your Brain Is Fooled Into Feeling Shapes and Textures On This Temperature-Changing Touchscreen . Researchers from Texas A&M University have developed a touchscreen device that can increase its surface friction to create the illusion of physical shapes and textures when touched. The amount of friction on the screen can be controlled through temperature. Current prototypes aren't able to make detailed temperature adjustments, but the team hopes to eventually develop touchscreen devices that can trick the brain into thinking it is feeling real physical buttons." "NASA’s Juno spacecraft finds just how deep Jupiter’s Great Red Spot goes . NASA’s Juno spacecraft has revealed that Jupiter's iconic Great Red Spot extends hundreds of miles into the planet. The storm's diameter is about 10,000 miles wide and between 186 and 310 miles deep. It is so large that the Juno spacecraft was able to measure the small perturbations in gravity produced by the storm as it passed over. These gravity signals were combined with previous microwave measurements to calculate the depth of the storm. While the storm is deep, it is not nearly as deep as some of the surrounding jet streams which extend up to 1,800 miles into the planet." "Police Are Using Drones to Yell at People for Being Outside . Many people are still not following social distancing policies. Spanish authorities are dealing with non-compliant citizens by using speaker-mounted drones to find and yell at people congregating on the streets. A video was released earlier this year showing a Chinese drone telling citizens to remain indoors and wear masks, but it is unknown whether the video is real or not. US authorities are unlikely to employ these tactics on home soil." "ML Engineering Career Transition Guide (Guide). This is a guide written by a Google Brain engineer to help software engineers who want to get into ML engineering but don't know where to start. It gives some good advice on necessary qualifications, getting experience, learning resources, and applying for jobs. There is an emphasis on AI Safety, but I think this advice is sort of applicable to all sorts of ML engineering work (so if you want to build Skynet, you should still check this out)." "Apple threatens to remove Airbnb from App Store over virtual experiences commission . Apple has demanded a 30% commission for sales of online classes sold by Airbnb and ClassPass. The platforms received notice from Apple once the companies transitioned classes to a virtual format. Other similar businesses have paid fees for years. ClassPass has until the end of the year to comply, but it has already stopped selling virtual classes via its iPhone app. Apple is still negotiating with Airbnb, who had been planning on offering online experiences since before the pandemic." "Google spin-off that stores energy in molten salt backed by Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates . Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates have both invested in a new Google spin-off company called Malta, which raised $26 million to create ""solar salt"", a form of salt that can store thermal energy. The idea is to use electricity from solar panels to power a heat pump, then store this energy in the salt. An advisor in Google's X division says ""A lack of affordable, reliable grid-scale energy storage is currently limiting the shift to renewable energy. Malta's technology gives us a shot at storing all the renewable energy we create cheaply and reliably.""" "Apple releasing iOS 14 public beta today with redesigned home screen, widgets, more . The first public betas of iOS 14, iPadOS 14, and tvOS 14 are now available. People interested in signing up for Apple's public beta testing program can do so via the Apple website. The new iOS features support for widgets on the home screen, picture-in-picture, App Library, and more. Testers should expect performance and stability issues when running the beta. The full version should be released in the fall." "YouTube Reveals Revenue for First Time: $15.1 Billion in 2019 . YouTube generated $15.1 billion in ad revenue in fiscal 2019. This is the first time Google has separated YouTube's earnings from Google's earnings reports. YouTube Music and YouTube Premium have more than 20 million paid subscribers and the YouTube TV streaming bundle has more than two million subscribers. Subscriptions now account for $3 billion a year in revenue. YouTube will continue to focus on its subscription business moving forward. The video streaming service has seen enormous growth, almost doubling its ad revenue in the past two years. Google Cloud generated $8.9 billion in revenue last year. Overall, Alphabet received $161.8 billion in revenue in fiscal 2019." "Lucasfilm hires the YouTube deepfaker who put its Luke, Leia and Tarkin cameos to shame . YouTuber Shamook gained millions of views when he released deepfake videos that 'fixed' several CGI cameos from Star Wars and other big-budget movies. Instead of removing the videos, Lucasfilm decided to hire Shamook as a Senior Facial Capture Artist. Examples of Shamook's work are available in the article." "Apple recalls 15in MacBook Pro laptops over battery fire risk . Apple has issued a recall on some of its 15-inch MacBook Pro laptops sold between September 2015 and February 2017. These laptops contain batteries that may overheat and pose a fire safety risk. MacBook Pro owners can check whether their laptops are part of this recall on the Apple website. Apple will replace these laptop batteries free of charge, but the service may take one or two weeks. Laptop and desktop computers brought in $5.5 billion in revenue for Apple last quarter. Apple has recently also recalled some of its plug adapters due to an issue that caused electric shocks when touched." "Amazon’s Wheel of Time show is finally revealed in its first trailer . Amazon has released the first trailer for The Wheel of Time series. It establishes some of the basic tenets of Robert Jordan's world, with a specific focus on Moiraine Damodred. The trailer shows the five central characters that Moiraine ends up mentoring through the series. Various locations from the story are teased. The trailer is available in the article." New SpaceX Starlink Maritime service brings internet to boats . Boat owners will now be able to access Starlink's internet service from the most remote waters across the world. "The Plague Killing Frogs Everywhere Is Far Worse Than Scientists Thought . Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, or Bd, is a fungus that invades the skin cells of frogs, making the skin peel and causing death. In 2007, researchers speculated that Bd had caused a population decline in over 200 species of frogs worldwide. A recent study has found that populations of over 500 species of frogs have declined due to the fungus, including 90 species that may have gone extinct. The fungus thrives in cool, moist conditions, so frogs that live in cloud forests and mountainsides are particularly at risk. Frogs have a large impact on the ecosystem, so scientists are looking into ways to contain and control the Bd outbreak." "Ask HN: Is your company considering inflation in this year's comp review cycle? (HackerNews Thread). Companies often give raises that are lower than the rate of inflation, despite employees receiving excellent performance ratings. This can cause employee dissatisfaction, especially when they realize that they can get paid more by switching jobs. This HackerNews thread discusses annual raises, what people usually get and expect, why companies might not consider inflation when calculating raises, job-hopping, and more. Many times budgets and other factors restrict managers' abilities to give higher raises and the salary may still be acceptable without a significant raise." "The ugly, geeky war for web privacy is playing out in the W3C (23 minute read). The World Wide Consortium (W3C) is an online community where the people who operate the internet discuss how the internet should work. Decisions are made by consensus in public GitHub forums or open Zoom meetings. The W3C has become a key battleground in the war over web privacy. As browsers have started to embrace and implement web privacy measures, the companies that rely on cross-site tracking are fighting for their survival. This article covers the privacy debate from both sides." Cows wearing VR headsets might produce better milk . Moscow farmers strapped VR headsets to cows to see if it improved their mood and milk production. The cattle viewed simulated fields with pleasing landscapes via headsets that were adapted to the cows' heads. Tests showed that the headsets reduced the cows' anxiety and boosted their overall sentiment. Further study is still required to see whether the headsets affected the quality or volume of the cows' milk. Doodle CSS (GitHub Page). Doodle CSS is a simple hand-drawn HTML/CSS theme. This page shows off all the elements and features in the theme with interactive demos and examples. "Ghidra Software Reverse Engineering Framework (GitHub Repo). Ghidra is a software reverse engineering framework created and maintained by the National Security Agency. The framework includes a suite of tools that enables users to analyze compiled code across a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. Users can develop their own plug-in components or scripts using Java or Python. The repository is a placeholder for a full, open-source release and currently contains no code, however, Ghidra can be downloaded from the project homepage that is linked." "$5bn project to map DNA of every animal, plant and fungus . The Earth BioGenome Project is a $4.7 billion ""moonshot for biology"" that aims to sequence the genomes of 1.5 million species. Less than 3,500 species are currently sequenced, and only about 100 of those are at reference quality. Harris Lewin, chair of the project, believes that the project could be as transformational for biology as the Human Genome Project. He says ""Having the roadmap, the blueprints...will be a tremendous resource for new discoveries, understanding the rules of life, how evolution works, new approaches for the conservation of rare and endangered species, and...new resources for researchers in agricultural and medical fields.""" "A New Origami Lunar Habitat Can Unfold Into 750 Times Its Own Size . SAGA's LUNARK is a habitat designed to help people live on the lunar surface. It has a carbon fiber shell that is arranged in an origami format that allows it to expand to 750 times its size. The habitat can withstand extreme weather conditions, but inside, it offers the comforts of home. When folded, it can fit inside a shipping container, and it only takes two people to set up. Pictures of the habitat are available in the article." "Tesla starts the quarter by laying off more sales staff . Tesla made the decision to cut costs and close down some of its retail locations back in February, and now dozens of staff in three locations have been laid off. The teams affected were known as ‘inside sales’ and their responsibilities included taking inbound calls, helping with deliveries, and the washing and detailing of vehicles. Tesla still has stores open at these locations. All areas of sales and marketing are being evaluated within Tesla as they focus their efforts on producing a cheaper Model 3, as well as the launch of new models next year." "SpaceX gets FCC license for 1 million satellite-broadband user terminals . SpaceX has received approval from the Federal Communications Commission to deploy up to 1 million Starlink user terminals in the United States. It applied for the license in early 2019, and the license is now valid for 15 years. SpaceX's user terminals will look like a UFO on a stick and will be able to self-orientate. The design of the terminals is simple. Users will only need to point it to the sky and plug it in for the device to work. The Starlink network currently consists of 362 satellites. SpaceX plans to grow the network, so it will likely apply for a license for more terminals in the future." "These lizards use bubbles to breathe underwater . New research shows that a dozen species of Caribbean and Latin American anoles can exhale air underwater to create oxygen-filled bubbles that cling to their heads. Scientists theorize that the bubbles could be helping the animals remove carbon dioxide and pull in more oxygen from water via diffusion. An analysis of the anoles that displayed this behavior and their lineages determined that the behavior evolved five separate times in the lizards. Several types of insects display similar behavior, but insects have significantly lower metabolic rates, need less oxygen, and are smaller, so the bubbles have a larger surface area to body mass ratio." "New York's solution to hand sanitizer shortage: Prison labor, hourly wages below $1 . Due to the lack of hand sanitizer over coronavirus fears, New York has started using its prisoners to produce its own. NYS Clean will be produced by prisoners working for as little as 16 cents an hour. Hand sanitizer prices have soared, and state and local governments will save a lot as they plan to distribute the product to schools, local governments, prisons, and other public entities free of charge. Critics have accused the prisons of slave labor." "Principles and Techniques of Data Science (Website). This is the textbook for Data 100, the Principles and Techniques of Data Science, at UC Berkeley. The course assumes that the student is comfortable with the information presented in Data 8, Berkeley’s Foundations of Data Science course. Previous knowledge of Python and familiarity with partial derivatives, gradients, vector algebra, and matrix algebra is also required." CYBERTEC Data Science & PostgreSQL . PostgreSQL 14 has a new multirange feature that makes range types in PostgreSQL more powerful. Range types allow developers to store various kinds of intervals with upper and lower bounds. A multirange is a compilation of ranges. This article looks at multiranges in PostgreSQL and gives examples of how to use them. Twitter reportedly working on new feature to let users write full articles . Twitter Articles is a new experimental feature that will let Twitter users write longer texts. The company started with a 140 character limit but raised it to 280 in 2017. It introduced continuous threads in 2020 so that users could attach multiple tweets to the same conversation. Increasing the character limit and allowing articles will let Twitter compete with blogging platforms like Medium. Twitter has confirmed that it will share more details about Twitter Articles soon. "'We've bought the wrong satellites': UK tech gamble baffles experts . The UK government is planning to invest hundreds of millions of pounds into OneWeb, a company that is building a network of satellites in low Earth orbit to connect people to the internet. OneWeb lobbyists convinced the government that the satellites could be redesigned to piggyback a navigation payload on them. Every major positioning system currently in use is in medium Earth orbit, while OneWeb's satellites are in low Earth orbit, which is not suitable for military-grade GPS systems. The UK government has been accused of choosing OneWeb for nationalistic reasons, ignoring industry policies. OneWeb filed for bankruptcy in the US in March." "Physicists Prove Anyons Exist, a Third Type of Particle in the Universe . Physicists have found evidence that anyons exist. Anyons are particle-like objects that were first predicted by theorists in the early 1980s. They only exist in two dimensions under certain circumstances. When anyons move around each other, their collective quantum state shifts, and it might require three to five or more revolutions before they return to their original state. This property makes them appealing for fields such as quantum computing. Anyons represent a whole 'kingdom' of particles with many varieties that can be studied and potentially harnessed in the future." "Node.js CLI Apps Best Practices (GitHub Repo). This repository contains a guide on best practices for building Node.js Command Line Interface applications. The guide covers the command line experience, interoperability, accessibility, testing, and errors. Each section includes the best practice, the reason for why the best practice should be implemented, and a more detailed discussion of the topic." "GameSnacks brings quick, casual games to any device . Many games don't load well on low memory devices and 2G or 3G networks. Google has introduced GameSnacks to address this issue. GameSnacks games are fast, easy to play, and available on any device that connects to the internet. It will be available for people in Indonesia through Gojek. GameSnacks achieves fast performance through reducing the size of the initially-loaded HTML page by compressing elements and waiting to load them when necessary. Google has reached out to developers to contact the GameSnacks team if they want to create games and apps for the platform." "A New Membrane Can Substantially Upgrade Wearable Energy Generators . Scientists from Japan and China have created a new triboelectric fabric that can generate power from body motion while maintaining the flexibility and breathability of modern clothing. The team achieved these properties by using a multilayered triboelectric nanogenerator, nanowires, and a polystyrene charge storage layer. The technology is currently not able to generate large amounts of power, but the development of the new material represents a substantial advancement towards the future of wearable applications." "“Expert” hackers used 11 0-days to infect Windows, iOS, and Android users . Google researchers have discovered a team of advanced hackers who have exploited at least 11 0-day vulnerabilities over nine months. The hackers used compromised websites to infect fully patched devices running Windows, iOS, and Android. Google security researchers described the group as 'highly sophisticated'. While people should still keep their software updated and avoid suspicious websites, neither of those things would have helped the victims hacked by this group." "Rocky Linux (GitHub Repo). Rocky Linux is a community-driven enterprise Operating System designed to be compatible with Enterprise Linux. It was created in response to the CentOS project's recent announcements. Rocky Linux will function as a downstream build, as CentOS had done previously. There is currently no release date." "Your DNA for Sale: 23andMe, Drug Giant Make $300 Million Deal . GlaxoSmithKline has invested $300 million into Home-DNA-test provider 23andMe. As part of the deal, the pharmaceutical giant will have access to the genetic information of 23andMe's five million customers. 23andMe charges up to $199 for DNA ancestry and health tests. Customers agree to have their DNA used for medical research when they sign up for the tests. Critics of the deal say that it is unfair that 23andMe is making money both from customers and from selling customers' data, and that the problem with customers agreeing to the Terms of Service is that nobody reads the terms before agreeing to them. The deal will last four years, and the companies will split any costs and profits related to any drugs that result from the partnership." "Facebook launches an ‘Audio’ hub in the U.S. for podcasts, live audio, and short-form clips . Facebook has announced a new Audio destination in its mobile app for users in the US. The feature can be accessed through the Watch tab. It allows users to discover podcasts, Live Audio Rooms, and short form audio. Facebook is working on tools that will help it identify and act upon audio content that violates its Community Standards to prevent the platform from spreading more misinformation. Screenshots of the new feature are available in the article." "Building an adaptive favicon . This article teaches readers how to build an adaptive favicon with SVG. Custom favicons are a great way to polish a web project. They are usually made using ICO files, but browsers have recently started allowing SVGs. A live demo, as well as a video version of the article, is available." "If you ever wanted to help find new planets, now’s your chance . The team behind Next-Generation Transit Survey, a planet-hunting telescope array, is asking the public to double-check its computers and make a final call on what a signal is. The NGTS scans large areas of the sky to detect dips in light caused by planets crossing between the stars and Earth. There are many phenomena that can cause similar-looking dips, so humans are needed to make the call on whether a planet has been detected or not. More details about how to help, as well as links to sign up, are available in the article." "New AI fake text generator may be too dangerous to release, say creators . OpenAI, a research company backed by Elon Musk, has produced a new AI fake text generator which is so impressive that the company has declined to release a full report on its capabilities for fear of misuse. The AI, GPT2, is able to generate plausible text that matches the style and subject of its inputs, without the common quirks of other previous AI systems such as forgetting what it is writing about midway through paragraphs or creating mangled sentences. For example, it is currently able to generate an infinite number of positive (or negative) reviews for products. There are examples of its outputs in the article, and a video demonstrating a version of the AI." "Announcing Parcel CSS: A new CSS parser, compiler, and minifier written in Rust! . Parcel CSS is a CSS parser, compiler, and minifier written in Rust. It performs significantly better than existing tooling while also improving minification quality. Parcel CSS can handle compiling CSS modules, tree shaking, automatically adding and removing vendor prefixes for browser targets, and transpiling modern CSS features. Performance benchmarks, as well as an explanation of the architecture, are available in the article." "Enjoy The Extra Day Off! More Bosses Give 4-Day Workweek A Try . More and more companies around the world are seeing benefits when implementing a four-day workweek, including higher sales, efficiency, employee satisfaction, and profits. Instead of moving to 10-hour shifts, four days a week, many employers are going straight to a 32-hour workweek without cutting pay. Most employees are not productive for all the hours they are working, and cutting work hours meant that employees had to cut out distractions and wasted time to meet targets. American companies tend to prioritize profits over worker benefits. It may be difficult to change the culture even with evidence showing the benefits of change." "scalene (GitHub Repo). Scalene is a high-performance CPU and memory profiler for Python. It is fast as it uses sampling instead of instrumentation or relying on Python's tracing facilities. Scalene performs CPU profiling at the line level, providing a high level of detail. The line tracking can also identify code responsible for memory growth." "Ask HN: What Have You Learned at Google as a Software Engineer? (Hacker News Thread). Working at Google means you have many amazing tools at your disposal to help your productivity, but the organization and management can result in frustration. It is impossible to escape the politics of the workplace, and at Google, developers are very competitive. Co-workers are usually quite intelligent, and continual skill development is important and encouraged." "Biohackers are pirating a cheap version of a million-dollar gene therapy . An international team of biohackers is creating a pirated version of a million-dollar gene therapy. Glybera is a gene therapy that costs $1 million per treatment. It treats an inherited disease that affects the fat levels in blood. The biohackers developed the first prototype of their version of the gene therapy with less than $7,000. They will require help to complete the animal testing stage, which is much more expensive. Glybera uses viruses to deliver the genes, but the knock-off version uses minicircles, which are less efficient. Viruses are expensive to procure. While Glybera only requires one shot, the new treatment will likely require multiple injections over a six month period. The group is not ready for patients and the drug still requires further development." OrioleDB (GitHub Repo). OrioleDB is a storage engine for PostgreSQL designed for modern hardware. It builds on the table access method framework and other standard PostgreSQL extension interfaces. OrioleDB is currently in public alpha status. "Dazzling drone display during Olympic Opening Ceremony (2 minute video). This video shows the drone display during the Olympic Opening Ceremony. The display was made up of 1,800 drones. It morphs into various shapes before creating a vision of the globe in 3D." "Mark Zuckerberg says the internet needs a ‘more active role’ for regulators . Mark Zuckerberg has highlighted four areas (data portability, election integrity, harmful content, and privacy) which he believes require regulation, in an op-ed published on March 30. He stated that a more active role is required by governments to counter broader threats in society while balancing freedom of expression. It appears that after facing years of problems relating to privacy and content, Zuckerberg feels that internet companies should have more responsibility to enforce standards on harmful content and that regulators should define this content and set out guidelines for removing it." Uber Go Style Guide (GitHub Repo). This is the style guide for writing Go code at Uber. All code should be error free when run through golint and go vet. More information on Go tools is available. Command Line Interface Guidelines (Website). This is a guide for writing better command-line programs. It is written for those who are looking for principles and best practices for CLI UI design. The guide covers the philosophy of CLI UI design first before delving into design guidelines. Further resources are offered at the end of the guide. "Hyundai Acquires Boston Dynamics, Company Most Famous for Robot Police Dogs . Boston Dynamics has been purchased by Hyundai in a deal valued at $1.1 billion. Softbank will retain a 20 percent stake in Boston Dynamics. It is unclear what Hyundai wants from the acquisition, but it appears the company has ambitions beyond car manufacturing. Hyundai released a video celebrating the purchase that features robot dogs in various scenarios. A link to the 1-minute video is available in the article." "Apple reportedly wants to make its own wireless chips for the iPhone . Apple is opening an office in southern California and hiring engineers to work on wireless radios, radio-frequency integrated circuits, and a wireless SoC. The area is home to Broadcom and Skyworks' engineering offices. It appears Apple is attempting to recruit talent from these companies so it can develop its own hardware and lessen its reliance on them. Apple has long-term supply and licensing agreements with Qualcomm and Broadcom that extend until at least 2023, so it will be some time before Apple will have its own chips in its iPhones." "Slack shares surge 48% over reference price in market debut . Slack debuted on the stock exchange on Thursday, soaring 48.5 percent on its first day. It was a direct listing rather than an Initial Public Offering, which meant that Slack did not receive any additional funding and no new stocks were created. Similar to other tech companies, Slack shares have a dual-class structure, with Class B shares carrying 10 times more voting power than Class A shares. Slack reports that it has 10 million daily users, with a 49 percent increase in paid customers year over year." "This Baby Horse Was Cloned Using DNA That Was Frozen for 40 Years . Cloning technology has become more common since Dolly the sheep was born in 1996, with companies now cloning animals commercially. Recently, a Przewalski's horse was produced through cloning. The breed of horse hasn't been seen in the wild since 1969 as humans and livestock took over the land they inhabited. Scientists used cryopreserved cells from San Diego Zoo's Frozen Zoo to create the horse. The original horse was born in 1975 and its cells were preserved for 40 years before being used. When the cloned horse matures, it will add much-needed genetic variation to the species." "The 5 biggest announcements from Apple’s March event . Apple has announced its new suite of subscription services, with a focus on an advertisement-free experience and user privacy. All data regarding a customer’s viewing history will remain on the user's device and not shared with Apple or advertisers. Apple News Plus will open up a range of magazines and news subscriptions for $9.99, including family sharing, and is available now. The Apple Arcade gaming subscription service will let subscribers play a range of games across all of Apple's devices and will be available later this year at a yet to be disclosed price. Apple TV users will be able to subscribe to their preferred channels directly through Apple TV Channels, and Apple plans to bring original content to their devices through Apple TV Plus, however, there are not many details about this service besides a list of celebrities having signed on to create content for the platform. Finally, Apple has released a credit card with cash back benefits that will be stored in Apple Wallet, with the option of users obtaining a physical card if required. A seven minute video is available with the main highlights of Apple's keynote." Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI (Website). CS193p (Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI) is a course from Stanford University that explains the fundamentals of how to build applications for iOS using SwiftUI. The Spring 2020 version was delivered online and Stanford has made the lectures available to everybody on its YouTube channel. This site contains the supporting material for the course. Watch Cassie the bipedal robot run a 5K . Cassie is a bipedal robot created by Oregon State University engineers. The robot can go up and down stairs without the use of cameras or LIDAR. It taught itself to run using an AI technique called Deep Reinforcement Learning. The robot was able to complete a 5 kilometer run across the university campus in just over 53 minutes. Videos showing the robot completing the 5k run are available in the article. "Foxconn confirms that mass production of the iPhone will begin in India soon . Foxconn CEO Terry Gou has announced that Foxconn will start manufacturing iPhones in India and that the company is currently in talks with the Indian government regarding investment terms. It is unclear which models will be manufactured in India, but initial reports suggest that it will be the iPhone X. Labor costs are 3 times lower in India, and impact from any potential US-China trade war would be significantly lessened. Wistron, a Foxconn competitor, has been manufacturing the iPhone SE in India since 2017 and have recently started manufacturing the iPhone 7." "This Japanese hotel room costs $1 a night. The catch? You have to livestream your stay . A hotel in the Japanese city of Fukuoka allows guests to have the option of paying around $1 per night if they agree to have their entire stay live-streamed. The stream is video-only, so guests will have privacy in their conversations or phone calls. Guests can turn the lights off, and the bathroom area is out of camera range. There have been four guests who have taken up the offer so far, and the hotel's YouTube channel has now passed 1,000 subscribers. The channel will be monetized once it accumulates more than 4,000 view hours. When the room is vacant or not streaming, the owner will post a live stream of himself working in the office. Fukuoka is one of CNN Travel's must-visit destinations for 2019. The city is known for its incredible food." Docker Security: Free eBook + Video Series (Sponsor). Docker Security: Free eBook + Video Series . Learn how to audit and secure the Docker platform in this comprehensive guide authored by HackerSploit. Download the eBook and you'll also get access to the accompanying 9-episode video series. Download instantly -- no registration required. "The SpaceX Starship is a very big deal . The magnitude of the vision that Starship embodies is often overlooked. Starship is designed to launch with Super Heavy, both of which are designed to be fully reusable with low costs. The cost of launching materials with this setup could be reduced to 1000 times less than launches with Shuttle. It would be a profitable venture if it were to launch any payload currently in the market. SpaceX is looking to build dozens of Starships, and could potentially launch a million tonnes to orbit per year, far existing the current launch market of 500 tonnes per year. Starship is designed for building nations in space. It is capable of launching supplies, such as food, fuel, and heavy construction equipment, into space at an incredible rate at a low cost." "Amazon announces new cloud gaming service called Luna . Amazon has announced a new cloud gaming platform called Luna. News of the service has been rumored since last year. It will be initially available on PC, Mac, Fire TV, and via web apps. Users in the US can request early access, with an introductory price of $5.99 a month. The service offers subscribers the ability to play Luna Plus channel games on two devices simultaneously. 4K/60fps resolution will be available for select titles. Luna will feature Twitch integration. Amazon has also announced its own Alexa-enabled Luna Controller which will cost $49.99. Over 100 titles will be available at launch, and Amazon has partnered with Ubisoft for content." "Hope for your hairline may be coming as biotech startups try to reverse balding . The pandemic has caused hairlines to recede faster than usual through both stress and the aftereffects of Covid-19. dNovo, a biotech startup, claims that it can create new hair using customized stem cells produced from a few drops of blood. The cells are reportedly able to evade immune responses and avoid rejection. Once implanted, the cells take around one to three months before starting to grow hair. The technology is still years away from being ready for humans, but it has shown promising results with mice." "PayPal to acquire shopping and rewards platform Honey for $4B . PayPal has announced that it will acquire Honey Science Corporation for $4 billion in mostly cash. Honey makes a deal-finding browser add-on and mobile application. The acquisition will make PayPal part of the deal discovery process. PayPal will add Honey's product discovery, price tracking, offers, and loyalty features to its products. Its merchants will gain the ability to offer targeted and more personalized promotions to customers. Apple, Google, Facebook, and other tech companies have entered the payments market in recent years. With Honey, PayPal shifts the battle away from the checkout page to the shopping experience." "Belarus Is Trying to Block Parts of the Internet Amid Historic Protests . Thousands of people protested in Belarus on the weekend over the results of the presidential election. Long-time president Alexander Lukashenko won 80 percent of the vote, extending his 26-year long rule. Government authorities responded to protestors with rubber bullets, stun grenades, and a partial internet shutdown. Twitter announced that it had detected blocking and throttling and Access Now reported that dozens of websites had been blocked, including VPN services." Ray.so (Website). Ray.so lets developers create code snippet images. Users can edit the theme and change the syntax highlighting to any language. "Introduction to Machine Learning Interviews (Book). This book contains the collective wisdom of many people who have interviewed, or been interviewed, for a machine learning position. It consists of two parts. The first part is an overview of the machine-learning interview process and the role itself, and the second part consists of over 200 knowledge questions that cover important concepts and common misconceptions in machine learning." "SpaceX CEO Elon Musk lays out ambitious deadline for BFR-built Mars Base Alpha . Elon Musk sent out two tweets regarding SpaceX's Mars Base Alpha. The first was a digital rendering of what Mars Base Alpha might look like, and in the second he said that the base would probably be built by 2028." "Tesla launches new Supercharger with 1,000 mph charging, better efficiency, and more . The new Supercharger V3 is launching in Fremont today with 250 kW charging and better efficiency. The benefits are available to Model 3 owners after a software update. The Model S and Model X will be supported in the future, but there have been no announcements about the timeframe. Along with the ability to charge at a rate of 1,000 mph, the new update will also grant the Model 3 the ability to pre-heat the car battery prior to charging, allowing for an average reduction of charge times by 25%. Using liquid cooled charging cables, the Supercharger V3 will have a 1 MW power cabinet, which is able to charge vehicles independently without power share between stalls." "Stein (GitHub Repo). Stein connects to Google Sheets to create an API service. Developers can quickly deploy projects using familiar tools, such as Google Forms and Google Sheets. Stein offers a hosted service, but developers can easily copy to code from the repository and host their own Stein API service if desired. Once the API is set up, developers can easily read, search for, and update data hosted on Google Sheets." "A US firm is turning Arabian Desert air into bottled water . Zero Mass Water, an Arizona-based technology firm, is using renewable energy to harvest water from the air to create bottled water at a plant near Dubai. Its bottling plant runs on solar energy. The bottles that Zero Mass use are recyclable and the bottle caps are made from bamboo. Zero Mass will only be able to produce up to 2.3 million liters annually, selling the water at around $3.80 a liter. Gulf nations are finding ways to reduce their heavy dependence on food imports as it deals with the pandemic disrupting global supply chains. The technique that Zero Mass is using could be used to supply indoor farming setups with water in dry countries." "Everything Google Announced at I/O 2019 That Matters (10 minute read). Google announced a series of updates to its product range at its I/O conference. All Google Home devices have now been rebranded as Nest devices. Alarms in Google Nest Hub (previously Google Home) can now be stopped just by saying the word ‘stop’. Maps now has an incognito mode, and Pixel users will start seeing augmented reality walking directions in the app. Google will now let users opt to automatically remove data at certain intervals. New Pixel phones were announced at $399 for the Pixel 3a and $479 for the Pixel 3a XL, with both phones boasting a 30 hour long battery life. Google Assistant has received a massive speed boost and features a new driving mode that provides less distraction for drivers. Android Q will have a live caption capability that works on videos offline and it will also feature a dark mode. Other improvements to AR features and Duplex were also announced." "In depth guide to running Elasticsearch in production . Elasticsearch can be awesome, fast, and easy to use, but it can also be opaque, confusing, and seem to break randomly for no reason. It is a management framework for running distributed installations of Apache Lucene. Nodes are instances of ES, Indices are a high-level extraction of your data, and Shards are instances of Apache Lucene. In order to set it up properly, it's important to have the right amount of RAM, enough CPUs to do logging, and configure your data disks to fit your specific needs." "Theatre.js (GitHub Repo). Theatre.js is an animation library for high-fidelity motion graphics. It can be used to animate 3D objects or HTML/SVG, design micro-interactions, choreograph generative interactive art, and more. GIF examples are available." Silice (GitHub Repo). Silice is an open-source language for writing algorithms that fully exploit FPGA architectures. It is closely integrated with FPGA hardware so developers have full control. FPGA hardware is not required to start with Silice as designs and their outputs can be simulated and visualized. "Is wind power’s future in deep water? . Hywind Scotland is an offshore location in Scotland that has five 574ft-tall wind turbines that generate enough electricity for more than 20,000 homes. It is the first floating wind energy array. The turbines are held in place with mooring cables attached to anchors on the seafloor. Floating wind turbines can access deeper waters, where the world's strongest and most consistent winds blow. They can be installed out of sight of coastal residents." "blackbird (Website). blackbird is a color theme. It is available for VSCode, VIM, terminal, and websites. An example is available on the website." "Google 'LaMDA' is the next breakthough in AI understanding . LaMDA is Google's latest breakthrough in understanding natural language. Conversations between people can start in one place and end up somewhere completely different, which can confuse chatbots. LaMDA can engage in free-flowing conversations about a seemingly endless number of topics. Google will eventually use LaMDA in products such as Assistant, Search, and Workspace. Some short examples of conversations with LaMDA are available in the article." "Sidewalk Labs products will be folded into Google proper . Sidewalk Labs is winding down after six years. The unit had plans to build a smart neighborhood on Toronto's waterfront, but the project was shut down in May last year due to unprecedented economic uncertainty. Its CEO has also had to step down due to health-related reasons. Sidewalk products Pebble, Mesa, Delve, and Affordable Electrification will join Google." "Mighty is a Chromium Mac browser streamed from the cloud . Mighty is a browser for macOS that uses cloud servers so users can load hundreds of tabs without their computers slowing down. The thin client uses no more than 500MB of RAM, running the cloud browser at 4K and 60 frames per second. Users will need a 100Mbps connection. Access to the servers costs $30 a month. Mighty promises to keep user data private." "Bellard's QuickJS (GitHub Repo). QuickJS is a small, embeddable JavaScript engine. It consists of a few C files with no dependencies. It has almost complete ES2019 support including modules, asynchronous generators, and full Annex B support. It can also support big integers, big floating-point numbers, and operator overloading." "Tesla launches 'TeslaMic,' a microphone for in-car karaoke . Tesla has launched a microphone designed for its in-car karaoke system. The TeslaMic costs around $188 and is only available in China. The in-car karaoke system was bundled in as part of a Chinese New Year software update. It is a newer, more complete karaoke system and not just an update to the Caraoke feature released in 2019. Tesla has expanded its US trademark to include audio products, so it may launch the TeslaMic in more markets. A video from Tesla (in Chinese) showing the new features of the Chinese New Year update with footage of the TeslaMic is available in the article." "Driving the Polestar 2, the first electric car with a brain by Google . The Polestar 2 is a new luxury electric vehicle from Volvo. It is the first electric car to have a brain exclusively powered by Google using the Android Automotive operating system. The system can control everything in the car including temperature, navigation, and radio. It can be activated using Google Assistant voice commands but the software requires a working internet connection. The Polestar 2 features a 78kWh battery pack and has a range of 291 miles. Its engine can deliver 408 horsepower and can go 0 to 60 mph in under 5 seconds. Images of the Polestar 2 are available in the article." "Paper-thin piano demonstrates the power of printed electronics and NFC . Prelonic Interactive Paper (PIP) is a technology that combines printed circuitry and NFC to create a new way to interact with mobile devices. Developed by Prelonic, an Austrian tech company, PIP can be used to make paper-thin interfaces. Prelonic created a piano keyboard using PIP technology, pairing it with a smartphone app to demonstrate how its technology can be used. A picture of the paper piano is available in the article." Chrome can now instantly caption audio and video on the web . Google's Live Caption feature is now available to anyone using Chrome browser. The feature uses machine learning to create captions for audio or video. It first appeared on Pixel phones in 2019. Captions will appear with muted audio. The feature only works in English. "Apple's Director of Machine Learning Resigns Due to Return to Office Work . Apple's director of machine learning, Ian Goodfellow, has resigned from his role due in part to Apple's plan to return to in-person work. Employees are required to work from the office at least three days per week by May 23. A group of employees sent a letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook regarding the issue, saying that many feel that they have to choose between their families, well-being, being empowered to do their best work, or being a part of Apple." "SpaceX will destroy one of its rockets in the pursuit of safety this weekend . SpaceX will launch a Falcon 9 rocket early Saturday morning from Florida. The rocket will break apart in midair just a few minutes after takeoff in order to demonstrate SpaceX's ability to handle a catastrophic failure of one of its vehicles. If the demonstration is successful, it will put SpaceX one step closer to putting real people in its Falcon 9 rocket for the first time. Crew Dragon is equipped with eight thrusters on the outer hull of its capsule. The thrusters are designed to carry the Crew Dragon away from a malfunctioning rocket to a place where it can safely deploy its parachutes. SpaceX will be working with NASA and the Air Force to conduct the test and to recover the capsule and resulting debris." "Russia claims new missile is 27 times faster than sound . Russia has developed a new intercontinental weapon that can fly at 27 times the speed of sound while carrying a nuclear weapon of up to two megatons. The Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle has been described as a technological breakthrough. It can make sharp maneuvers in the atmosphere, making it hard to intercept. The first missile unit with the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle was put on combat duty in the southern Ural Mountains. Russia claims that US efforts to develop a missile defense system eroded Russia's nuclear deterrent, so it had to develop advanced weapons as a response. For the first time, Russia is developing an entirely new class of weapons, unlike in the past when it was catching up with the US. China has tested its own hypersonic glide vehicle. US officials have discussed adding additional sensors or interceptors in space, so that enemy missiles can be detected and destroyed sooner." "Clubhouse launches its DM feature Backchannel . Clubhouse has launched its direct messaging feature. Backchannel allows users to chat one-on-one or in groups. Users can send links but not images or videos. More functionality, along with a few other features, will be coming soon. Clubhouse has been downloaded more than 8 million times on Android devices. More than 500,000 rooms are created daily on the platform." Top Announcements of AWS re:Invent 2021 . AWS re:Invent is on from November 29 to December 3. This page provides a summary of each announcement along with a link to the Amazon press release. It will be updated daily with some of the most noteworthy launches from the event. "NVIDIA Releases Open-Source GPU Kernel Modules . NVIDIA is now publishing Linux GPU kernel modules as open-source starting with the R515 driver release. This will significantly improve the experience of using Nvidia GPUs in Linux. It will also improve Nvidia GPU driver quality and security. Nvidia plans to publish a snapshot of the source code for each new driver release on GitHub. More details about the R515 release and what it means for users, developers, and Nvidia partners are available in the article." "South Korea plans to host world’s first floating city by 2025 . Oceanix has signed an agreement to build a floating city in the seas near Busan, South Korea. The city will be made up of hexagonal modules stable enough to resist a category 5 hurricane. Oceanix plans to create a 75ha city with an initial population of 10,000, split into villages of up to 1,650 residents. It aims to have the first platforms in the water by 2025. The company is in talks with at least 10 governments about building more floating cities." "Trippy 'Vortex Rings' Inside Magnetic Material Seen for First Time, Says Study . Scientists recently found vortex rings for the first time in a magnetic material. Rings usually form when fluid flows back onto itself after flowing through a constricted space. The study confirms a decades-long prediction, and it could help scientists confirm even more complex theoretical magnetic structures. Unlike rings in fluid, which are constantly in motion and last for a short time, the magnetic ring vortices held still in a static state, vanishing only when the material was heated and exposed to strong magnetic fields. Understanding magnetic vortex rings could lead to the next generation of data storage solutions, neuromorphic engineering, and many other technologies." "Eva Icons (Open Source). This is a really great open source icon set, downloadable in png or svg formats. There are also two versions, one with filled icons and one with icons that are just outlined. If you're working on a web project, these can also be installed directly via NPM." "Anti-aging molecules safely reset mouse cells to youthful states . As the body ages, it becomes less efficient at repair, resulting in diseases like Alzheimer's, heart disease, and cancer. Scientists from the Salk Institute have reversed the aging process in mice by using four reprogramming molecules called Yamanaka factors. The molecules reset the mice's cells to more youthful states, making them resemble younger animals in many ways. Mice that were treated for longer periods showed more beneficial effects. The next steps in the research will be to improve the delivery of the molecules and see how long the effects of the therapy can last." "Teens choose YouTube over Netflix for the first time, according to new survey . According to a recent survey by Piper Jaffray, YouTube has passed Netflix as the preferred platform for watching video among teens. 37 percent of teens stream videos most often off YouTube, compared to 35 percent who use Netflix as their main source of streaming video. Piper Jaffray attributes the preference for YouTube to its wide array of teen-oriented content. Netflix shares have fallen 27 percent in the last three months and they face increasing competition from other upcoming streaming services. Teens still prefer Netflix more than its competitors, such as Hulu and Amazon Prime Video." "Suspected Russian hackers spied on U.S. Treasury emails . According to people familiar with the matter, Russian hackers have been monitoring internal emails at the US Treasury and Commerce departments. The incident led to a National Security Council meeting at the White House on Saturday. US officials have not released many details beyond confirming that there was a breach at one of its agencies. The Russian foreign ministry has denied the allegations. SolarWinds, an IT company that serves several US government departments, released a statement late Sunday saying that its software may have been subverted by a supply chain attack by a nation-state earlier this year. The diversity of SolarWinds’ customer base may mean other government agencies may be at risk." "El Salvador plans to create an entire city based on Bitcoin . El Salvador plans to build a Bitcoin City near a volcano along the Gulf of Fonseca. The city will be shaped like a coin and have its own geothermal power plant. There will be no capital gains, income, payroll, or property taxes in the city, only value-added tax. El Salvador created a $1 billion US Bitcoin bond to pay for energy and mining infrastructure and to buy more bitcoin. The country will start selling its crypto holdings in five years and pay an extra dividend to bondholders." "AWS launches Amazon Honeycode, a no-code mobile and web app builder . Amazon Honeycode is a fully managed low-code/no-code development tool with a web-based, drag-and-drop interface builder. Developers can build applications for up to 20 users for free. Honeycode provides a set of templates for common use cases, for example, to-do list applications, customer trackers, survey schedules, and inventory management. It provides users with a spreadsheet view as its core data interface and users work with standard spreadsheet-style formulas. The service currently only runs in the AWS US West region but it will be rolled out to other regions soon." "In A World First, Scientists Made Human Milk Outside of the Breast . A company called BIOMILQ recently announced that it has produced the world's first cell-cultured human milk. The milk is intended to be a healthier and more eco-friendly alternative to bovine-based infant formula. It has a macronutrient profile that matches the types and proportions of nutrients present in breast milk. The company makes it clear that its milk is not exactly the same as breast milk, and that its product is to be used as a supplemental feeding option. BIOMILQ's milk was developed in just 11 months. The company is partly funded by Bill Gates." "Tesla files plans for diner/drive-in theater supercharger on Santa Monica Blvd. in Hollywood . Tesla has filed plans for a 29-stall supercharger and diner/drive-in theater in Hollywood. It will be located on Santa Monica Boulevard at the intersection with Orange Drive. The location is currently occupied by a Shakey’s Pizza Parlor, which will be demolished for the new two-story diner. The theater will show short features meant to last as long as a standard charging session. Tesla has applied for a permit to have the site operational 24 hours a day. The building plans are available in the article." "NZ to trial world-first commercial long-range, wireless power transmission . New Zealand company Emrod has developed a method of safely and wirelessly transmitting electric power across long distances. Its technology appears to be able to move large amounts of electricity between any two points that can be joined with line-of-sight relays. Powerco, the second-biggest energy distributor in New Zealand, plans to use the technology to deliver electricity in remote places or across areas with challenging terrain. Emrod's initial prototype is only capable of delivering a few kilowatts of power, but it can be scaled up to transmit 100 times more power over much longer distances. The technology will work in any atmospheric conditions as long as the line of sight is maintained. A laser safety curtain is used to trigger a shut down if any object comes near the main beam." "Larry Tesler, the Apple employee who invented cut, copy and paste, dies at 74 . Larry Tesler, one of the first computer scientists who worked at Apple, has passed away at the age of 74. Tesler created computerized cut, copy, and paste. He studied computer science at Stanford University and worked at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Tesler helped find a hippie commune in rural Oregon in 1970. He was passionate about modeless computing, a type of computing where users don't have to switch constantly between different input states. Tesler met Steve Jobs in late 1979 while working at Xerox. A few months later, he was working for Apple on the Apple Lisa project. He left Apple in 1997 and later worked at Amazon, Yahoo!, and then as a freelancer." "Amazon to offer broadband access from orbit with 3,236-satellite ‘Project Kuiper’ constellation . Joining SpaceX, OneWeb, Telesat, and other companies looking to bring global internet access through satellite technology is Amazon, who recently announced Project Kuiper. According to their application with the International Telecommunications Union, Amazon plans to send 3,236 satellites into orbit in a constellation that will be able to serve around 95% of the world's population. This is just one of Amazon's space projects, and it is clear that CEO Jeff Bezos has more than a passing interest in space. There is no official timeline for when Project Kuiper will be completed or details about how much the service might cost." "How Netflix Content Engineering makes a federated graph searchable . The Studio Search platform was developed by Netflix to take a portion of a federated graph and make it searchable. This article describes how it was made. It covers why and how it was developed, how it was scaled and deployed, and the challenges that are still being solved." "UPS, Amazon delivery drones a step closer to reality with new US rules . The Federal Aviation Administration has announced new rules for unmanned aircraft that weigh more than 0.55 pounds and operate around people. The new rules address safety and security concerns around the aircraft and they are the latest in a series of steps to solidify regulations around drone deliveries and flights around the US. It will be two years before the new rules go into effect." "Tailwind Mobile (GitHub Repo). Tailwind Mobile is a library of mobile UI components built with Tailwind CSS. All components come with native-like iOS and Material Design themes created using official design guidelines. Tailwind Mobile is currently available for React, Vue, and it is coming soon for Svelte." "Reality is for the birds: New VR simulator lets people 'fly' over cities of the world . Somniacs AG is a startup that offers a VR setup that aims to fulfill the common human dream of flying. Users lie on their front on the machine with their arms spread out. They are able to choose from a range of scenarios and locations. For example, users can choose to fly over New York City or fly over a prehistoric landscape filled with animated dinosaurs. A sea-turtle edition is to be released in the near future. Birdly was first produced in 2014 and around 50 units have been sold primarily to museums and other institutions in North America and Europe. While no Japanese company has purchased a machine, one was exhibited at the Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies in Chiba. VR is a rapidly growing industry with active usage in fields outside of gaming, such as in sports training." "24-Hour Solar Energy: Molten Salt Makes It Possible, and Prices Are Falling Fast (10 minute read). A solar plant in the Nevada desert is making solar energy an affordable, carbon-free, 24-hour energy source by heating molten salt to 1,050 degrees Fahrenheit, storing it in a giant insulated tank, and then using it to make steam to run a turbine. These salt-powered towers are much cheaper than the equivalent amount of lithium-ion batteries. A new plant to be built in Australia will generate electricity at just over 6 cents per kilowatt-hour. The technology is still relatively new, but if it proves to be reliable, it is poised to take off." "Virgin Hyperloop selects West Virginia to test its futuristic transport system . Virgin Hyperloop One will build a $500 million certification center in West Virginia. It will act as a center for testing, developing, and validating the technology behind the hyperloop system. The hyperloop system is still theoretical and there is no fully functioning hyperloop in the world that has been tested with human passengers. Virgin Hyperloop One has reportedly sent its magnetic levitating pod through an airless tube at speeds of up to 240 mph at its test facility north of Las Vegas. The hyperloop's theoretical maximum speed is 700 mph, which the company believes can be achieved with an additional 1.2 miles of track. Virgin Hyperloop One intends to build its first hyperloop system in India." The Big List of Naughty Strings (Github Repo). This is a big list of strings that can cause problems when inserted by users. Handy to check against if you're doing any sort of QA on a site that accepts text input from users. "Nigeria can’t decide what to do about the rise and rise of cryptocurrency . The Central Bank of Nigeria sent a notice on February 5 warning the public about the dangers and risks of cryptocurrencies. Two days later, the bank clarified that it had not imposed any new restrictions on the technology, as there were already existing restrictions on financial institutions. Cryptocurrencies have soared in popularity in the country over the last few years. There have been conflicting views in the government about how cryptocurrencies should be regulated." "Google announces a new $999 Glass augmented reality headset . Google has announced a new Glass augmented reality headset that is targeted at enterprise users. The $999 headset is now classified by Google as an official product rather than an experiment. It has a new processor, an improved camera, a USB-C port, and advanced machine learning capabilities. Google has partnered with Smith Optics to produce a safety frame for the Glass. While it was originally built for consumers, pushback due to privacy concerns made Google change its strategy and start marketing the device to businesses only. Google boasts that businesses have reported faster production times, improved quality, and reduced costs by using Glass." "First room-temperature superconductor reported . Scientists have discovered the first chemical that superconducts at room temperature. It is still unclear exactly what the chemical is, and the process only works at 2.5 million atmospheres of pressure. To create the chemical, the scientists put sulfur and carbon inside a high-pressure chamber with hydrogen and exposed the mixture to a green laser for several hours. The resulting chemical demonstrated superconductivity, which was confirmed by testing its magnetic properties. Studying the material would require equipment that can withstand the incredibly high pressures inside the chamber." "Dura (GitHub Repo). Dura snapshots changes in a repository automatically so that developers can revert their code back to any time. It is a background process and will watch for changes every five seconds or so. Dura is still in the prototype phase, so there may be stability issues." "ElegantTimeline (GitHub Repo). This repository contains a SwiftUI demonstration of a multi-faceted timeline view with interactions between the calendar, list, and app theme. It is designed for developers to learn how to implement similar features into their own apps. ElegantTimeLine features paging and theme changes, a sidebar with multiple functions, calendar and list interaction, fast scrolling, and more. Additional resources are linked in the repository." "Lyft buys a startup that runs ads on top of ridesharing cars . Lyft has acquired Halo Cars, a startup that pays drivers to run taxi-style ads on top of their vehicles. Halo currently only operates in two cities, so it is likely that Lyft acquired the team for its media division. With Halo, full-time, highly rated drivers are able to earn up to $400 per month for carrying a connected, video-capable ad installation on their cars as they work. Marketers can choose which locations their ads would be displayed. Lyft lost $651.8 million in fiscal 2019, so it is likely they are looking at alternative revenue sources, such as advertising on cars. The move might also benefit drivers, who have long complained about low pay." "How Scientists Grew Human Muscles in Pig Embryos, and Why It Matters for Organ Transplants . Scientists from the University of Minnesota recently unveiled two sets of chimeras. One was a group of piglets, each of which carried genes from two different pigs. The other was pig embryos that developed human muscles after being transplanted into surrogate pigs. This research could lead to ways to replace lost muscle and provide an unlimited supply of organs for transplantation. Organs produced by this method will have a low risk of being rejected by patients' immune systems as the genes for the human tissue can be sourced from the patient themselves." Apollo (GitHub Repo). Apollo is a personal search engine for your digital footprint. Users can store information in the database for easy retrieval through search. It stores all data locally. A short video demo is available. "Lucid beats Tesla Model S Plaid prototype on racetrack with its own tri-motor Air test vehicle . Lucid has beaten the Tesla Model S Plaid prototype's Laguna Seca race track record with its Air electric vehicle. The tri-motor performance version of the Air electric has over 1,200 hp. It recorded a conservative 1:33 in its timed lap. Lucid is expected to announce the details of its high-performance Air electric car soon. Tesla is rumored to be launching a new version of its flagship sedan next week. A video of the record-breaking lap is in the article." "Facebook Plans Global Financial System Based on Cryptocurrency . Facebook has revealed plans to build an alternative financial system based on a cryptocurrency. Libra was announced with 27 partners, including Mastercard and Uber. Facebook aims to launch the cryptocurrency with 100 partners next year. The company hopes that Libra will become the foundation for a financial system that is not controlled by banks. Libra will be backed by government currencies, so it will not fluctuate more than real-world money, unlike Bitcoin. The project will be run by a non-profit entity in Switzerland, independent of Facebook, as Facebook is distancing itself from direct management of Libra. This is in order to protect the privacy of people who use the currency. Facebook promises that users’ financial data will never be used to target ads on its platform." "New evidence of watery plumes on Jupiter’s moon Europa . The reddish-brown 'scars' that form on the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa are actually etched into the layer of water ice that covers the surface of a potentially habitable subsurface ocean. It is thought that the cracks form when Jupiter tugs at Europa and breaks the ice apart. In 2000, the Galileo probe found that there were fewer than expected fast-moving protons in the vicinity of the moon. Scientists found that some of this proton depletion was due to a plume of water vapor shooting out into space. These plumes could hold information about what lies beneath Europa's icy surface. The European Space Agency is planning to launch a probe in 2022 to investigate Jupiter and its moons. It will arrive in the Jupiter system in 2029 and it will be able to collect samples to study these plumes." Chinese scientists develop world’s strongest glass that’s as hard as diamond . Chinese scientists have developed a glassy material that can scratch diamond crystals with ease. The new material is comparable in strength to a diamond and it has properties similar to semiconductors used in solar cells. Diamonds get their immense strength and hardness through the organized internal structure of their atoms and molecules. The new material's properties originate from a combination of order and disorder in its molecules. "Google Lens Announces New 'Homework' Filter, Solves Math Problems With Photo . Google Lens is integrating a feature from Socratic that will enable the app to solve equations from a picture. The app will be able to return a step-by-step guide with explanations for how to solve problems. There is no announcement date for when the feature will go live in Lens, but it is already available in Socratic. Google added 3D models to Search in May this year, allowing users to see anatomy models and cellular structures in augmented reality. The feature now has almost 100 STEM-related 3D objects available." "automl-gs (GitHub Repo). automl-gs allows citizen data scientists and engineers without a deep statistical background to automatically generate deep learning models and native Python code pipelines that can be integrated into any prediction workflow. Users only need to input a CSV data file and automl-gs will output a folder with the generated models and files. It can currently use both Tensorflow and XGBoost frameworks, with more frameworks planned to be implemented in the future." "Robots will soon invade St. Petersburg’s sewer pipes. Do not fear them . Autonomous crawling robots are being used to scan sewage pipes for potential problems in St. Petersburg. Between 2015 and 2016, the city's pipes overflowed by up to 1 billion gallons. It was determined that old pipes were the cause of the issue, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection required the city to upgrade the system, allowing five years for the city to evaluate the state of its pipes. The crawling robots are able to map the pipe system and prioritize sections of the pipe network that require the most work. They can scan between 7,000 to 10,000 linear feet of pipe per day, compared to the 2,000 feet of pipe that can be inspected with current methods." "Webinar: Move Fast and Don’t Break Privacy (Sponsor). Webinar: Move Fast and Don’t Break Privacy . Not all data is created equal. Some data is special and requires better protection.In this webinar, we will discuss how leading companies like Netflix and Apple secure and protect sensitive data with zero-trust data privacy vaults. We will introduce and demo Skyflow, a data privacy vault delivered as an API, and answer live questions.Join Skyflow’s Head of Developer Relations, Sean Falconer, tomorrow April 13th at 10am PT for ‘Move Fast and Don’t Break Privacy’.Register now." "Instagram will start removing influencers’ branded posts that advertise vapes, tobacco, and weapons . Instagram will begin to enforce existing rules against advertising vapes, tobacco, and weapon products more strictly. Products such as alcohol and diet supplements will have special restrictions put into place, with age restrictions on who will be able to see the content. New Instagram users have to input birthdates. Facebook's Brand Collabs Manager is being made available to a select group of Instagram creators. These changes were expected when Instagram began hiding the public like count on posts. As Instagram begins to start formally recognizing the work that influencers do, it is more responsible for the posts that these influencers make, so it is essential for it to start taking down posts that don't comply with its rules." Gilead stock pops 16% after report says coronavirus drug trial shows encouraging early results . Gilead Sciences recently completed a clinical trial of its antiviral drug Remdesivir. The results showed promising results for the drug's use in treating COVID-19. Patients treated with the drug had rapid recoveries in fever and respiratory symptoms and were discharged from hospital in less than a week. Gilead's stock price has risen by more than 16% in response to the news. "Amazon will launch a new location-tracking mesh network system later this year . Amazon Sidewalk is a networking and location system that links smart home devices and other Amazon products using Bluetooth Low Energy. It turns devices like smart lights into network bridges, allowing the system to triangulate a device's approximate location based on its contact with other Sidewalk-enabled devices. Sidewalk will be used to help simplify device setup, extend the working range of devices, and help devices stay online and updated. There are some security features to prevent unauthorized users from collecting data. Amazon is actively looking for third-party device partners for the project. A link to a list of Sidewalk-compatible devices is available in the article." "First new Alzheimer treatment in 20 years approved . Aducanumab is the first new treatment for Alzheimer's disease that has been approved for use in the US in nearly 20 years. It targets the underlying cause of the disease rather than its symptoms. While it is not a miracle drug, its approval will be a huge boost to dementia research. Alzheimer's disease affects more than 30 million people around the world, most over the age of 65." "RCE in Google Cloud Deployment Manager (12 minute read). This article follows how a flaw was discovered and exploited in an internal test version of Google Cloud Deployment Manager. The flaw allowed requests to be issued to Google internal endpoints through Google's Global Software Load Balancer, which could have led to remote code execution. The discovery of the flaw resulted in a $31,337 reward." "Cuttlefish remember the what, when, and where of meals—even into old age . Cuttlefish seem to exhibit a form of episodic memory that doesn't decrease with age. They can remember what they ate, where, and when, and use this information to make decisions in the future. The ability may help cuttlefish avoid past mating partners. Cuttlefish are not completely free from age-related memory decline, with some studies finding signs of age-related deterioration of long-term memory." "Spacecraft DAPPER will study 'Dark Ages' of the universe in radio waves . The Dark Ages Polarimetry Pathfinder (DAPPER) is a spacecraft designed to look for faint radio signals from the early universe while operating in low lunar orbit. Scientists can learn more about the early dark period of the cosmos and understand how and when the first stars began to form by studying the energy produced by hydrogen clouds in the form of radio waves. Most of these waves are blocked by the Earth's atmosphere, so DAPPER will go to the far side of the Moon, which is radio-quiet. DAPPER will be part of the NASA Artemis program, which aims to land the next humans on the Moon by 2024." Starfish larvae inspire vortex-powered microrobot . Researchers from ETH Zurich have designed an economical swimming microrobot inspired by starfish larvae. Starfish larvae are covered in hundreds of thousands of tiny hairs that help the creatures move by creating vortices in the water around them. The robots' swimming direction can be controlled using ultrasound waves. The microrobots could one day be used to deliver drugs in the body and the ultrasound-activated cilia could find use in manipulating small volumes of liquid. "Spotify begins testing its first hardware: a car smart assistant . Spotify will begin public tests of their voice-controlled smart assistant for cars, a device that will help the company learn how people consume audio while they are driving. The ‘Car Thing’ will be available to some premium users for free. It plugs into the car’s 12-volt outlet and connects to devices via Bluetooth. Users activate the device by saying ‘Hey, Spotify’. There are currently no intentions to launch the device more broadly to the public, and the device is only being tested with select people. Spotify states that its focus is on becoming the world’s best audio platform, not on creating hardware." "New “Glowworm attack” recovers audio from devices’ power LEDs . Glowworm is a passive attack that converts the fluctuations in LED signal strength into audio signals. The fluctuations aren't perceptible to the naked eye, but they can be read with a photodiode coupled to a simple optical telescope up to 35 meters away. Glowworm can only decode audio signals from electronic systems, so it can't be used to spy on real-world conversations. The attack requires a clean line of sight to the target system's LEDs. It won't work with a recording of the LEDs as even a high-definition close-up video would barely be able to capture the fluctuations. A link to the full research paper is available in the article." "A Successful Artificial Memory Has Been Created . Scientists have been able to create artificial memories in lab mice, resulting in mice that responded to a stimulus that they haven't been trained on before. In the experiment, mice were artificially trained to associate the smell of cherry blossoms with a foot shock. The mice had their cherry blossom smell-detecting nerves stimulated artificially along with nerves that were important for the aversive reaction to foot shocks. They were not exposed to the actual smell of cherry blossoms or real shocks. When tested, the mice responded to the real cherry blossom odor by showing avoidance. The study showed that the stimulation in these specific areas in the brain led to activity in other regions of the brain that were associated with memory formation. Memory transfer has been observed before in sea slugs through RNA and has been partially successful in experiments involving rodents through transferring recordings of electrical activity. However, in this study, the memories were completely artificial." "Flight rules for Git (GitHub Repo). Flight rules are the hard-earned body of knowledge recorded in manuals that serve as extremely detailed standard operating procedures for what to do if X occurs. This repository contains a manual for using Git. It covers how to use repositories, editing commits, staging, branches, tracking, configuration, and more. There are books, tutorials, scripts, and other resources available." "China clones 'Sherlock Holmes' police dog to cut training times . Scientists from China's Yunnan province have cloned a police dog in a programme they hope will cut the training time and costs for police dogs. Kunxun the police dog is now 3 months old and will undergo training in drug detection, crowd control, and searching for evidence. It will become a fully fledged police dog at 10 months, a process that usually takes five years and 500,000 yuan. China is not the first country to clone dogs for functionality, as South Korea has been cloning Labrador retrievers to sniff out drugs in their customs service since 2007." "Charity Water Thirst (Book). This book costs $17, I usually don't put paid products here but I'm making an exception since this is a charity. Basically if you buy the book (which is about the Founder/CEO of Charity Water's journey from being a nightclub promoter to running a charity that's provided clean water to 8.4 million people), Charity Water gets $30, and they get another $30 if you tweet/instagram about the book." "Netflix will start publishing video games, has hired former EA exec . Netflix hired a former EA and Oculus executive to lead a Netflix game-publishing team. The company has not confirmed what type of service it is creating, but it likely means that video games will be available on Netflix soon. Netflix has been building a collection of exclusive TV series based on video game licenses. There are a growing amount of cloud-based gaming subscription services." Turkey’s Newfound Cache of Rare Earths Could Supply the World’s EVs and More . Turkey recently discovered a massive rare earth reserve almost as big as the world's largest in China. "High-order Virtual Machine (GitHub Repo). High-order Virtual Machine (HVM) is a pure functional compile target in Rust that is lazy, non-garbage-collected, and massively parallel. It can be exponentially faster than most functional runtimes. Benchmark results comparing HVM to Haskell's GHC are available." Why senior engineers get nothing done . The life of a new team member and the life of a senior engineer can be very different. Newer team members tend to code for longer and attend fewer meetings than senior engineers "Google will test letting Android developers use their own billing systems, starting with Spotify . Google is letting a few developers offer their own payment systems in a pilot test. Spotify will be the first company in the test. The test will help Google increase its understanding of user choice billing. Google plans to allow additional billing systems in South Korea in response to legislation passed in the country last year." "Hush (GitHub Repo). Hush is a content blocker for Safari that blocks nags to accept cookies and privacy-invasive tracking. It has no access to your browsing habits or passwords, nor does it track behavior or collect crash reports. Hush is written in Swift UI and has native support for M1 processors." "Google Workers Demand Company Cut Contracts With Oil Industry . More than 1,100 Google employees joined together to publish an open letter to Googles chief financial officer, Ruth Porat, to demand that the company create a stronger plan to address climate change. The letter urges Google to put its users first, and that it should stop offering cloud computing services to oil-related companies. Google's services include using AI-powered algorithms to help these companies identify new oil extraction sites. The letter also demands that Google stop funding conservative trade groups, that it should aim to generate zero carbon emissions by 2030, and that it should stop any collaborations that involve the mistreatment of refugees. Google has declined to comment on the letter. It has previously made statements about its efforts to achieve environmental sustainability. Amazon employees have also recently called on Amazon to phase out fossil fuel use and cut out all cloud computing contracts with the oil and gas industry. The company has responded by purchasing more electric vehicles in order to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040 but has declined to cut its cloud computing contracts." Easily segment and activate customer data to improve data governance and orchestration (Sponsor). Lytics Cloud Connect lets you query customer data (using SQL) to instantly build segments from data in your data warehouse. Empower your organization to activate that data and push it to leading ad platforms — without custom connectors. Learn more. "Thousands of people have taken a Facebook pledge to storm Area 51 to 'see them aliens' . Over 300,000 people have signed up to a Facebook event pledging to raid Area 51. Attendees will run in a style adopted from a Japanese manga into the secure area on September 20. Area 51 has been shrouded in mystery for decades, with the government finally officially acknowledging it as a military site in 2013. Many people believe it is where the US government stores its secrets about aliens and UFOs. A few weeks ago, a group of US senators was briefed about reported encounters between the US Navy and an unidentified flying object." "People Are Jailbreaking Used Teslas to Get the Features They Expect . Tesla will sometimes claw back software upgrades from used cars, removing features that owners had paid for at the time of sale. If customers want to get those features back, they have to pay Tesla the full cost of the feature to turn it back on. Tesla employees are told to put the software features back if people complain to avoid bad publicity. The company can turn off any feature for any reason. Some owners have resorted to jailbreaking their Teslas to re-enable features. While this has saved many owners from losing functionality in their vehicles, it also voids their warranty with Tesla." Tinker With a Neural Network Right Here in Your Browser (Website). This site hosts an interactive in-browser neural network. Users can tweak the individual components of the neural network to visualize how it works. "I test in prod (12 minute read). Testing in production happens all the time, but many engineers don't admit to it. If they were honest about testing in production, then the whole experience could be a lot smoother, as safeguards and testing parameters could be put in place in case of failure. Once deployed, it is the systems that are being tested, rather than the code. Systems can have factors that cause instability that are hard to predict. Some bugs can't be found until the code has been deployed. It is important to manage risks by planning ahead for issues. Only production code represents reality, and testing in production is the only way to build high-quality programs." "Kubernetes Failure Stories (GitHub Repo). Interesting concept, this is a collection of things going terribly wrong with Kubernetes, so you can learn from other peoples' mistakes without having to make them yourself!" "GoFrame (GitHub Repo). GoFrame is an application development framework for Golang. It provides core components and modules, such as logging, file/memory lock, database ORM, https, and more. A diagram of its architecture is available." "Advent of Code 2018 (Coding Challenge). The annual Advent of Code coding challenge is underway, there's one coding puzzle each day until Christmas. It's pretty relaxed and really well set up, you can use any programming language you want, and if you want to take it seriously there's a leaderboard as well. If you're a redditor, you can also check out their subreddit (it's fairly active) at /r/adventofcode." "Tesla has a new product: Autobidder, a step toward becoming an electric utility . Autobidder is software from Tesla that provides companies with the ability to autonomously monetize battery assets. It features price, load, and generation forecasting, dispatch optimization, and smart bidding for energy systems. The software has been used to drive down energy prices where Tesla has deployed its Powerpacks. Tesla is looking to start introducing the software in the UK. A screenshot of Autobidder's UI is available in the article." "Live workshop: Build an IoT app in 2 hours (Sponsor). Open source time series platform InfluxDB is running this free, hands-on virtual workshop on how to build an IoT application. It will go over data ingestion, collection, storage, and visualization. Learn more." "Playroom (GitHub Repo). Playroom allows developers to simultaneously design across a variety of themes and screen sizes. Developers can iterate designs, create quick mockups and interactive prototypes, evaluate the flexibility of their design system, and share their work simply by copying the URL. It is powered by JSX and works with any component library." "Explore the immersive web with Firefox Reality. Now available for Viveport, Oculus, and Daydream . Mozilla has created a new VR/AR browser called Firefox Reality. Mozilla has rethought everything to make a browser usable in virtual, mixed, and augmented reality settings. Text input is still a chore, so they have voice search. They've worked with a number of creators to bring a large collection of games, videos, environments, and experiences that can be accessed directly from the home screen. As always with Firefox, it is built with privacy in mind (this 1.0 release includes a private browsing mode) and it is free and open source. There is a 40 second video demo at the end of the article." "The LG Wing could have a surprisingly thin flip-around screen, as shown in new leaks . The LG Wing is a dual-screen device with a swiveling mechanism. Early images and videos show that the Wing has a triple-camera setup, will come in two colors, and will have 5G support. The rotating screen appears to be quite thin. LG will launch the device on September 14th. An 8-second video showing the device from different angles is available in the article." "Doing Western students' homework is big business in Kenya . In Kenya, academic writing can earn workers as much as $1,000 a month, as long as the work gets clients good grades. Contract cheating has become a lucrative business in Kenya in recent years. Kenya is where most academic writers are based, according to researchers. People in Kenya are incredibly qualified with very high levels of English and they are able to write high quality essays quickly. Students can bypass anti-plagiarism software by contracting off their assignment work. The global contract cheating industry is worth more than $1 billion, with writers in Kenya only seeing a small share of it as businesses take most of the money. Some countries, such as Australia, and many states in the US, have implemented legislation against contract cheating, and governments have urged PayPal and Google to lock payments and advertisements for contract cheating websites. This hasn't done much to slow down the industry. It will exist as long as writers need money and students need to pass assignments to earn degrees." "Learn Puppeteer & Playwright (Website). This website contains tips, tricks, and in-depth guides on Puppeteer and Playwright. Puppeteer is a Headless Chrome Node.js API and Playwright is a Node.js library to automate Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit. Recent guides cover topics such as clicking and typing, navigating and waiting, and working with selectors." "Facebook contest reveals deepfake detection is still an ‘unsolved problem’ . Facebook's Deepfake Detection Challenge is an open competition to find algorithms that can spot AI-manipulated videos. This year's winning algorithm could spot real-world examples of deep fakes with an average accuracy of 65.18%. Deepfakes have become an increasing threat for social media as it has the obvious potential to be misused. The political effects of deepfakes have so far been minimal. More than 35,000 detection algorithms were entered into the competition. The results of the competition show that a lot of work still needs to be done before automated systems can reliably spot deepfake content." "Apple Plans on Combining iPhone, iPad, Mac Apps by 2021 . Apple plans to release a new software development kit later this year for developers to port their iPad apps to Mac OS. Future changes to Mac’s computer hardware may help developers create cross-platform apps, as Apple plans to move their computer range over to using their own custom processors as early as 2020. Apple plans to have all of its apps available on all platforms as a ‘single binary’ by 2021, however, there are no plans to combine Mac OS and iOS into a single operating system." "NASA Has Created Oxygen on Mars In a Major Milestone for Space Exploration . The Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE) is a machine that can extract breathable oxygen from carbon dioxide on Mars. It heats Martian air to about 1,470 degrees Fahrenheit and then extracts oxygen from it using a process called solid oxide electrolysis. MOXIE successfully produced about five grams of oxygen on April 20, enough to keep an astronaut alive for 10 minutes. Its peak production rate is 10 grams of oxygen an hour. Oxygen will be needed to fuel a return trip to Mars." "Embracing a Wetter Future, the Dutch Turn to Floating Homes . Dutch communities have been building homes on the water for over a decade, creating flood-resistant towns for a region with scarce land and dense populations. These homes can cope with rising seas or rain-induced floods. They usually rest on steel poles and are connected to local sewer systems and power grids. The technology is now ready for large-scale deployment, and projects are being proposed in many countries, including Britain, France, Norway, and the Maldives. A picture of a floating home development in Amsterdam is available in the article." "Apple’s kind of a bank now . Apple will handle the lending for its new buy now, pay later service through its subsidiary Apple Financing LLC. The subsidiary is licensed to provide lending services and will remain separate from Apple's main business. It is the first time that Apple will take on financial responsibilities like credit checks and lending. The company will run soft credit checks when customers apply for its Pay Later service. It will not extend additional credit to users who miss a payment, although missed payments won't count against users’ overall credit score. More details about Apple's new Pay Later service are available in the article." "Inside the JavaScript Engine . This article is the second in a series that takes a deeper look into JavaScript and how it actually works. It discusses the internal parts of the JavaScript engine and why JavaScript isn't an interpreted language anymore. Topics discussed include the memory heap and call stack, interpretation, and just-in-time compilation." This is Samsung's foldable smartphone . Samsung unveiled its much anticipated foldable phone today. Google is officially supporting these new foldable devices with Android and have updated their developer guidelines on how to build apps for these new foldable devices. There's a gif of the phone actually folding in the article. "Trickbot—the for-hire botnet Microsoft attacked—is scrambling to stay alive . Trickbot is a for-hire botnet that has infected more than one million devices since 2016. Microsoft and a host of industry partners recently took coordinated action to disrupt the network. After identifying Trickbot's servers, Microsoft and its partners initiated legal actions to get hosting providers to take them down. While the botnet is currently out of action, the operators can still revive it." "Project Quay (GitHub Repo). Project Quay is a package that builds, stores, and distributes container images. It features Docker Registry Protocol v2, Docker Manifest Schema v2.1 and v2.2, Image Squashing, Continuous Integration, Security Vulnerability Analysis via Clair, and more. A live instance of Project Quay, as well as a talk and a documentary about Project Quay, is linked." "OpenStreetMap is Having a Moment (11 minute read). OpenStreetMap is a project to build an open map of the world, with over 1.5 million individuals contributing data to the free web map since 2005. It is used by services such as Snap Maps, Apple Maps, and Bing Maps. The project receives significant funding from corporations, and corporate teams are responsible for 75% of road editing activity in areas where their companies operate. Some members of the OSM community feel that the project is being irreversibly adulterated by corporate actors. Companies are likely motivated to contribute to the project as an act of avoiding paying Google for their mapping services. While in some cases, corporate intrusion can be bad, in this situation, it seems that all parties are aiming for the same goal." "Here’s What Happens When an Algorithm Determines Your Work Schedule . Rosters have always been an issue for businesses, especially those in the retail, hospitality, and foodservice industries. Employees in these industries often work long and unpredictable hours. Work rosters are being increasingly scheduled by algorithms that analyze seasonal sales patterns, customer trends, and even the weather to organize staff rosters. Workers claim that automated scheduling systems are making them miserable. The algorithms often fail to consider the needs of an employee the way that a human manager would. As the algorithms are essentially a black box, it is unknown whether any considerations are ever made in favor of workers. Trained algorithms are often biased towards the data they are trained on. If the data had been trained based on decisions made by someone who was prejudiced against a certain group, the resulting model will also tend to be prejudiced against these groups. Labor laws have not caught up yet to this development in technology." "New experimental Lockheed supersonic jet starts production . NASA has awarded Lockheed Martin a contract to design a quiet supersonic jet. Currently supersonic jets are banned because they cause loud ""sonic booms"". The slender design of this jet would be able to reduce noise to a level where supersonic flight is tenable. The new X-59 will cruise at a speed of about 940 mph at an altitude of 55,000 feet, and will be about as loud as a car door closing. It is expected to conduct its first flight in 2021." "Glean (GitHub Repo). Glean is a system for collecting, deriving, and working with facts about source code. It can be used to collect and store detailed information about code structure, query information about code, or to power tools from online IDE features for offline code analysis. Glean currently supports JavaScript/Flow and Hack." SpaceX Launching Satellite to Display Billboard Ads in Space . Canadian startup Geometric Energy Corporation has announced a partnership with SpaceX to launch a digital billboard into orbit. The advertisement satellite will have a massive screen on one side where people can bid to have images displayed. Anyone will be able to purchase digital advertising space through a bidding process. There will be five tokens available that determine how the ads are displayed. SpaceX has yet to comment on the partnership. "Gigantic Chinese telescope opens to astronomers worldwide . The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) in southern China is preparing to open to astronomers around the world, pending approval from the Chinese government in a review meeting scheduled for next month. FAST is able to detect extremely faint radio-wave signals from an array of sources across the Universe. It can only examine a tiny fraction of the sky at one time compared to other telescopes, so while it is unlikely to discover new sources of fast radio bursts, it is useful for getting more details about known sources. FAST will also be useful for finding ripples in space-time. It is possible that FAST may discover radio waves generated by other intelligent life forms. The team at FAST are currently working out how to store and process the enormous amount of data that the telescope will collect." "Microsoft to force Chrome default search to Bing using Office 365 installer . Microsoft will use its Office 365 installer to force Chrome users to switch their default search engine to Bing. The Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus installer that will be released next month will contain a new Chrome extension that will change Chrome's default search engine settings. If Bing is already the default search engine, the extension will not be installed. Microsoft is marketing this update to IT admins as enabling its Microsoft Search functionality in Chrome. Admins will be able to block the Chrome extension install through Group Policy, and users are able to remove it after it has been installed. Users will still be able to choose their default search engine after removing the extension. Microsoft will roll out the update in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and India next month." "‘My God, I’m in a whale’s mouth’: lobster diver on brush with hungry humpback . Michael Packard, a New England lobster diver, recently survived being trapped in the mouth of a humpback whale off the coast of Cape Cod. He was able to keep breathing through his scuba tank. After half a minute, the whale surfaced and vomited him out. Packard was taken to hospital and discharged later that day. A humpback's esophagus won't accept anything larger than a melon, so the whale likely panicked. The area that Packard was diving in is known for gatherings of juvenile humpback whales." "Fresh (Website). Fresh is a web framework built for speed, reliability, and simplicity. It features just-in-time rendering, island based client hydration, zero runtime overhead, no build step or configuration, and TypeScript support. The framework is still undergoing frequent core functionality changes so it shouldn't be used for production yet." "Apple is targeting April to launch its new video service, but Netflix won't be a part of it and HBO is in doubt . Apple’s much anticipated new video streaming service is set to launch in April. The plan is to simplify video streaming by allowing users to watch content from multiple content distributors through one app and one subscription, but some distributors are disputing Apple’s suggested terms. Apple aims to take a 30% cut of the revenue from subscribers, which is double the 15% it currently takes for subscriptions to current services through its App Store. Regardless of which streaming services are on board, Apple plans to release a ton of original content on its platform, having signed multi-year deals with entertainers such as Oprah, Reese Witherspoon, and Steven Spielberg." "Google promises “spectacular” city GPS improvement with 3D building data . GPS accuracy can be affected by tall buildings, but Google claims it can correct for this with its new 3D mapping aided correction module for Android. Using the massive amount of 3D building data that it has available in Google Maps, Google can calculate how a GPS signal bounces off of surrounding buildings and correct for the interference. The module improves location accuracy in cities spectacularly, reducing wrong-side-of-the-street occurrences by approximately 75%. It will be part of Google Play Services' Fused Location Provider API. The feature will work in 3,850 cities around the world. It will be rolled out in early 2021." "The World Just Witnessed the First Entirely Virtual Presidential Campaign . Ukraine’s new president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, was elected in a landslide decision on Sunday. The former entertainer and comedian conducted his entire campaign online and through media, with no public contact with the electorate and only debating with other candidates towards the end of the campaign period. Voters were addressed through YouTube videos, Instagram posts, and appearing on TV. The virtual campaign allowed Zelenskiy to run without a clearly defined policy. He vaguely alluded to positions on policy issues and solicited advice from voters on his campaign website. His final platform was published online a few days before the election and contained only a few general sentences regarding major issues. It is hoped that the novice politician, who is from outside the existing political system, may be able to bring reform throughout the country." The Pentagon Has Officially Released Three Videos Showing UFOs . The Pentagon has released three declassified videos showing Navy pilots interacting with UFOs. A spokesperson for the Department of Defense said the videos were being released in order to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether the footage was real or not. The Pentagon had determined that the videos did not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems and that the release of the videos would not impinge on any subsequent investigations. A link to the videos is available in the article. "Netflix tests a TikTok-style feed for kids . Netflix is testing a new feed on its iOS app designed for kids. Kids Clips will use a similar interface to TikTok and show short clips from Netflix's library of children's content. The amount of clips users are able to watch is limited to up to 20 clips in a single sitting. Netflix considers TikTok a major competitor, so the new feature is likely aimed at stealing time away from the service. The feature is launching this week in the US, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and Spanish-speaking Latin America." A.I. could open new routes to psychiatric treatments by mapping psychedelic trips in the brain . Researchers used artificial intelligence to map people's subjective experiences while using psychedelics to specific regions of the brain. The study involved analyzing self-reported psychedelic drug experiences and linking the most commonly used words with receptors in the brain known to bind to each drug. It found new links and patterns that confirm existing research. The insights could lead to new ways to produce desired treatment effects for a range of psychiatric conditions. "React Table (GitHub Repo). React Table is a headless UI library that has an API for building lightweight, fast, and extendable datagrids for React. It doesn't render or supply any UI elements. React Table supports columns, materialized data, sorting, filtering, grouping, pagination, expanded states, and the ability to add functionality through custom plugin hooks." "The Navy May Use Robo-Ships to Hunt and Kill Enemy Subs, Terminator-Style . The US Navy has plans to use a fleet of uncrewed warships to hunt and destroy submarines. It is in the process of issuing contracts for up to 40 medium unmanned surface vehicles (MUSVs). MUSVs are significantly cheaper to build and maintain while still being deadly effective at their jobs. Anti-submarine warfare can involve long periods of drudgery, as it is a process that involves sometimes waiting for months for possible enemy submarine contact. Freeing up manned cruisers, destroyers, and submarines from anti-submarine warfare and assigning the task to MUSVs would free up billions of dollars worth of warships to do other tasks. While it sounds like a good idea, the results could be disappointing. Previous attempts at automating sea mine-hunting took nearly a decade to produce results, and moving targets will be much more challenging." "Liquid-in-liquid printing method could put 3D-printed organs in reach . Replicating organs such as gastric tracts, windpipes, and blood vessels is a major challenge as they can be difficult to construct without supporting scaffolding, which can be difficult or impossible to remove after construction. Previous attempts to create support structures with liquids have failed. Researchers from China have been able to create a stable membrane using hydrophilic polymers. These liquid structures are able to hold their shape for up to 10 days." "Grafana Mimir (GitHub Repo). Grafana Mimir provides long-term storage for Prometheus, a systems and service monitoring system. It features massive scalability, a global view of metrics, cheap and durable metric storage, high availability, and a multi-tenant architecture. An introductory video is available on the Grafana Mimir website." "CSS-Only Chat (GitHub Repo). CSS-Only Chat is an asynchronous web-based chat application that requires no browser reloads and no JavaScript. In order for a chat application to work, an app only needs to be able to send and receive data, and CSS-Only Chat achieves this through the use of buttons. The idea was inspired via a tweet, and a gif demo is available to view on the repository." "GitHub Copilot is generally available to all developers . GitHub Copilot is now generally available to individual developers. Developers can get a 60-day free trial, after which the service will be billed at $10 per calendar month or $100 per year. Verified students and maintainers of popular open source projects will be able to use GitHub Copilot for free. GitHub Copilot will be available for companies later this year." "'Mighty mice' stay musclebound in space, boon for astronauts . 40 mice have returned to Earth after a month-long stay at the International Space Station. Eight of the mice were genetically engineered to grow more muscle, and these mice were able to maintain their bulk after the trip. The 24 regular untreated mice lost considerable muscle and bone mass as expected. Eight of the normal mice received the 'mighty mouse' treatment while in space and these mice returned with dramatically bigger muscles. The findings could potentially lead to preventative treatments for muscle and bone loss in astronauts during prolonged space trips." "Samsung shows off stretchable OLED screen in prototype heart rate monitor . Samsung is making screens that can be stretched in all directions like rubber bands. It recently created an OLED display that can be stretched by up to 30 percent while operating as normal. The display can be used to measure and check biometric data directly on the skin. It still works as normal after being stretched 1,000 times. The displays built with this technology are basic and can only be used for simple applications." "Windows 11 leak reveals new UI, Start menu, and more . An early version of Windows 11 has leaked online ahead of its unveiling on June 24. It features a new user interface, Start menu, and more. The OS reuses many parts of Windows 10X, an operating system for dual-screen devices that was canceled. Microsoft is overhauling its Windows app store to allow developers to submit any Windows application and it is considering allowing third-party commerce platforms in apps. It is also improving the Xbox experience by integrating the Xbox app to offer quick access to Xbox Game Pass games, the social parts of the Xbox network, and the Xbox store. Screenshots from the leak are available in the article." "China unveils 600 kph superfast maglev train . China's state-owned train developer CRRC has unveiled a magnetic levitation train that can reach speeds of up to 600 kph. It began development in 2016, with a successful trial run in June last year. The maglev can make the trip from Beijing to Shanghai in three and a half hours, two hours shorter than the time needed for a conventional bullet train to travel the same distance. CRRC exports trains worldwide, but it has yet to release plans for how it will commercialize the maglev." "Inside Virgin Hyperloop, I caught a glimpse of a high-speed transport future . The Virgin Hyperloop is a transport system that features high-tech pods zooming through tunnels at speeds of up to 760 miles an hour using magnetic levitation. It is supposed to be more efficient than traditional maglev transport and could potentially offer airline speeds on the ground. Virgin has built a prototype Devloop tube in the Nevada desert just outside Las Vegas. A video explaining hyperloop technology, with footage from inside the Devloop, is available in the article." "Nasa will send four astronauts to Moon for two WEEKS in next decade . Artemis is NASA's next manned moon mission, which is planned for 2024. It will be the first time astronauts have set foot on the lunar surface since 1972. Two astronauts will spend 6.5 days on the moon, which is twice as long as any astronauts before them. During the mission, the astronauts will carry out at least four moonwalks in order to perform observations and collect samples of ice. Potential landing sites are being investigated, mostly around the moon's south pole, which is thought to house deposits of ice trapped in craters. An unpressurized rover will be deployed to allow the astronauts to travel over nine miles from their landing site. NASA has recently uncovered 18 Earth-sized planets outside our Solar System. One of these planets may have the potential to sustain life." "Tesla blocks access to anonymous workplace chat app Blind amid crackdown on employee leaks . Blind, an app that allows employees to discuss workplace matters anonymously through public and private forums, has been blocked by Tesla. Employees noticed that their verification emails were not being received in their work inboxes and that they couldn’t access the app when using Tesla’s Wi-Fi networks. Tesla has not commented on its reasons for blocking the app. However, it is believed that it may be linked to the theft and leaking of confidential information by a former employee last year." "Equifax was hacked by Chinese military officers, federal prosecutors say . The Department of Justice has announced the indictment of four members of China's military over the 2017 hack of Equifax. Using a vulnerability in the framework used by Equifax, the hackers obtained sensitive information such as names, social security numbers, birthdates, addresses, driver's license numbers, and sometimes even credit card numbers. Around 150 million Americans were affected by the attack. This is the second time the DOJ has indicted members of China's People's Liberation Army in an economic espionage case. There is no evidence that the stolen data has been used. People in the US are getting used to hearing about data breaches and should be more careful about managing the data that they give to companies." "The World Is a Mess. We Need Fully Automated Luxury Communism . Lab-grown food is starting to become a reality, but at the moment, it is far too expensive. The first ‘cultured beef’ burgers are set to hit the market next year at $50 each. While lab-grown food uses fewer resources, produces negligible greenhouse gasses, and doesn’t require animals to die, companies that own these technologies charge for their products. With automation technology taking away manual labor jobs, people are able to afford less and may miss out on being able to purchase goods such as lab-grown food. The article argues that in order for society to progress, companies should aim to better the worldwide community rather than only seeking profits." "Cuttlefish perceive depth—and they wore 3D glasses to prove it . Our brain perceives what we see in 3D by processing and combining the images from both of our eyes. A new study shows that cuttlefish also perceive the world similarly. The study equipped cuttlefish with little 3D glasses and placed them in front of a screen with a 3D movie of a shrimp passing by. When the cuttlefish saw the shrimp, they attempted to grab it with their tentacles. This behavior shows that cuttlefish are capable of binocular vision. Many other animals also share similar vision systems. While other animals have eyes that look at the same thing at the same time, cuttlefish eyes are able to move independently from each other. This study demonstrates an example of convergent evolution." "We Spoke To Uber Drivers Who Have Taken Over The Company’s Offices In France (11 minute read). Uber drivers across France have occupied or shut down many of the company's Greenlight Hubs in order to negotiate better working conditions. Greenlight Hubs are facilities where new drivers can be registered and be onboarded, and where existing drivers can get in-person support. Uber has attempted to move its operations over to hotels and co-working spaces. As the company grew, it increased its own cut of fares and decreased the minimum fares for trips. The drivers have nine demands in their protest. They want a driver cap and a study on Uber's market effects, dynamic pricing instead of fixed pricing, an increase in the minimum driver fare, pay for time spent driving to pick up passengers, an increase in the base pay rate, union representation, removal of the penalty for cancelling trips, the ability to review trip prices and destinations before cancelling, and a driver verification system." "Taking a Fall: The 120-MPH, 35,000 Feet, 3-Minutes-To-Impact Survival Guide . This article talks about how to survive falling from a plane. If you are falling from a plane, it's best to fall with the plane as you'll have a semi-protective cocoon to protect you, which is better than nothing at all. Otherwise, you should find a good place to land. Look for somewhere soft, and try to avoid water. The article is full of stories of people who have survived falling from planes." "Revealed: leak uncovers global abuse of cyber-surveillance weapon (11 minute read). The Israeli surveillance company NSO Group sells hacking software used by authoritarian governments to target citizens around the world. Pegasus is a malware that infects mobile devices and extracts data. It can record calls and secretly activate microphones. The malware can infect phones without any user interaction. NSO sells the malware to military, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies in 40 unnamed countries." "Citizen is now paying New Yorkers to livestream crimes . Citizen, the app that allows people to submit local crime reports, is paying people at a starting rate of $25 an hour to livestream crimes around New York City. It is keeping its hiring activity quiet and posting ads for the position through another company. Citizen is not mentioned in the job postings, which have all been deleted. The company has been criticized many times for encouraging reckless behavior." "GM and Michelin will bring airless tires to passenger cars by 2024 . GM and Michelin have unveiled Uptis, a Unique Puncture-proof Tire System, which is an airless tire for passenger cars. A mix of composite rubber and fiberglass allows Uptis to operate at highway speeds. GM will start testing Uptis on a fleet of Chevy Bolts later this year. The airless tires will prevent blowouts and irregular wear, as well as reduce the need for environmentally harmful tire production. Cars, especially self-driving vehicles, will be able to operate around the clock without fear of a stray nail ruining a trip." "Everything Apple just announced at its Mac and iPad Pro event . Apple unveiled a new 13.3-inch retina Macbook Air at $1,199 for a 128GB model and $1,399 for a 256GB model. Both models will have USB-C ports and fingerprint Touch ID. There is a new 11-inch iPad Pro starting at $799 as well as an updated 12.9-inch iPad Pro starting at $999. Both new iPads will have USB-C ports, liquid retina displays, Face ID, and will let you charge your iPhone through your iPad. The most expensive model has 1TB storage, cellular connectivity, and costs an insane $1,899. Apple also updated the Apple Pencil stylus which lets you write on your iPad, it will cost $129 (the previous generation cost $99). There is also a new Mac Mini with 4 USB-C ports. The base model starts at $799, whereas the previous generation base model was only $499." "Vitalik Buterin proposes calldata limit per block to lower ETH gas costs . Vitalik Buterin has proposed a new limit on the total transaction calldata in a block to decrease the overall gas cost over the Ethereum network. Decreasing the calldata gas cost could create a security risk, but Buterin's proposal aims to balance that risk. If accepted, the network will require a scheduled network upgrade and miners will need to comply with the new rules. The community is discussing other options to combat the rise of gas fees. The increase in fees has resulted in users switching to lower-cost Ethereum Virtual-Machine compatible networks." "Kickstarter plans to move its crowdfunding platform to the blockchain . Kickstarter has announced plans to create an open source protocol to decentralize the platform's core functionality. Its goal is for multiple platforms to use the protocol. The company launched a new organization called Kickstarter PBC to develop the protocol and will be establishing an independent governance lab to engage with the public on the topic of protocol governance. It will use the Celo blockchain, which uses a consensus mechanism that is apparently carbon negative." "Ring let employees watch customer videos, claim reports . The smart doorbell company Ring, bought by Amazon for $1 billion, let employees watch live feeds of both the inside and outside of their customer's homes. Because Ring's AI didn't work well, they had a team of humans in Ukraine watching customer videos to tag objects like cars and people so their AI could learn the difference. Ring says that their policies have changed since 2016 when this is said to have occurred." "Clubhouse is no longer invite-only . Clubhouse is no longer invite-only. New users are now able to sign up. People on the waitlist will be added over time. Clubhouse also has a new logo, as well as a new app icon. The invite system allowed Clubhouse to grow in a measured way, making sure that things didn't break as the service scaled. There is increasing competition in the social audio space, so Clubhouse needs to open up its service to remain competitive." "Exclusive: Amazon rolls out machines that pack orders and replace jobs . Amazon has begun to roll out machines that are able to pack customer orders. The machines scan products coming down from a conveyor belt and then packs each item into custom sized boxes. Installing these machines may mean more than 1,300 jobs would be cut across 55 Amazon fulfillment centers. At $1 million per machine, Amazon expects to recover the costs in under two years. The machines are able to work four to five times faster than human workers. While the goal is to eventually have a completely automated warehouse, Amazon plans to replace workers through attrition, opting to stop hiring new workers and letting current employees either train into different roles or leave the company on their own terms." "Eternal Terminal (Website). Eternal Terminal is a remote shell that reconnects without interrupting the session. It is heavily inspired by ssh, autossh, and mosh. While mosh provides the same core functionality as ET, it doesn't support native scrolling nor tmux control mode." "Apple will offer iPhone parts and instructions for DIY repair . Apple is opening up iPhones and Macs to at-home repairs. It will start selling more than 200 individual parts and tools for users to repair their devices at home, starting with the iPhone 12 and 13. Customers will receive a recycling credit for returning used parts after completing repairs. Repair manuals will be available so customers can review the process before buying parts. Self Service Repair will launch early next year in the US and then expand to other countries." "Career Advice Nobody Gave Me: Never ignore a recruiter (12 minute read). This article gives readers tips on how to best interact with recruiters and negotiate the best career advances. While there are many reasons to not respond to recruiters, they can be one of the best career resources available. Recruiters have real insight into how much any role pays and can help further a career without the worker putting in the effort to search for a role. They can help you to stay aware of your market value and job options." AIDungeon2 (GitHub Repo). AIDungeon2 is a text-based adventure game that is generated using a deep learning model. Users can enter any action they want and the model will continue generating a story based on the action. Players can choose from several possible settings and characters. The game is available to play online. Code for the game is available but the model for AIDungeon2 is temporarily unavailable to download due to cost. "OpticSim.jl (GitHub Repo). OpticSim.jl is a package designed to allow optical engineers to create optical systems procedurally. It supports a large variety of surface types that can be composed into complex 3D objects. OpticSim.jl provides extensive control over the modeling, simulation, visualization, and optimization of optical systems. Examples are available in the documentation." "Apple AR Headset Coming in Late 2022 With Mac-Level Computing Power . Apple's augmented reality headset project is set to launch its first device next year. The device will be able to operate independently and will have a comprehensive range of applications. It will have two processors, a higher-end main processor similar to the M1 chip and a lower-end processor for managing sensor-related aspects of the device. The device will support virtual reality and Wi-Fi 6E technology." "Lab-grown fish just got real. San Diego startup shows off first slaughter-free yellowtail . BlueNalu, a San Diego based food-tech startup, unveiled its lab-created yellowtail fish product at a small event in San Diego Bay last week. The fish meat is grown through cell cultures in a food manufacturing facility. Making food in labs is already common practice and produces popular products such as Greek yogurt, Oreos, ketchup, and more. BlueNalu's fish can withstand different cooking methods, including steaming, frying, and marinating. It can even be eaten raw. The startup hopes to launch its product into a test market within two years. Pictures of the meat prepared in dishes, as well as an infographic about how the fish meat is produced, are available in the article." "Push Notifications, WebXR, and better PWA support coming to iOS . The iOS 15.4 beta has added icon support in the Web App Manifest, Web Push, and many APIs, such as WebXL for AR and VR. Most of the changes were unannounced. This article gives a detailed overview of the changes and what they mean for developers." "Anyone else feel the constant urge to leave the field and become a plumber/electrician/brickie? Anyone done this? (Reddit Thread). Being a developer can be difficult with the constant upskilling required to stay in the game. The grass may look greener in other fields where people can leave work at work. However, the trade-off is usually not worth it. This thread is full of anecdotes on what it is like working in other professions and reasons why software development is really a good career to be in." "NGINX to Join F5: Proud to Finish One Chapter and Excited to Start the Next . Gus Robertson, the CEO of NGINX announces the acquisition of NGINX by F5. He reflects on the history of the company and the challenge of finding a commercial offering based around a web server. NGINX is used by over 364 million sites, including nearly 67% of the highest traffic sites on the internet. The acquisition by F5 has huge potential, as F5 is the industry leader in application infrastructure for network and security teams and NGINX is the industry leader in application infrastructure for developer and DevOps teams. F5 will continue to keep the NGINX brand open-source, which was a core part of the deal." "Real-Time Voice Cloning (GitHub Repo). This repository contains a vocoder that works in real time, using an implementation of Transfer Learning from Speaker Verification to Multispeaker Text-To-Speech Synthesis (SV2TTS). It is able to create a numerical representation of a voice from a few seconds of audio and then use it to create a text-to-speech model for new voices. Python 3.7 is required to run the code, and a GPU is highly recommended. A video demonstrating the software is available." "SpaceX is converting an oil rig into a floating launch pad in the ocean for its Starship rocket in Mississippi . Last year, SpaceX bought two oil rigs off the coast of Texas to convert them into ocean spaceports. One of the rigs, Phobus, has been moved to Pascagoula, Mississippi, where a shipbuilding and repair company will remove its drilling equipment. The project will take six months. Construction on the other oil rig, Deimos, has started already and it could begin launch operations next year. Both rigs will serve as ocean launch and landing platforms for Starship." "Google employees are fighting over their company’s decision to ban a Hong Kong protest video game app . Google removed a pro-Hong Kong protestor mobile game from the Google Play store, resulting in many of its employees posting messages of solidarity with Hong Kong protesters in internal mailing lists and message boards. The issue was addressed by leadership at the company's most recent TGIF meeting, where a debate occurred about Google's ethical responsibilities regarding supporting democratic movements. The Revolution of Our Times was a game that allowed players to participate in virtual recreations of the pro-democracy demonstrations. Proceeds from the game were donated to charity. Google claims that the game capitalized on sensitive events, which violated one of its policies. Other tech companies such as Blizzard and Apple have recently made controversial decisions related to the protests in Hong Kong." "GitPals (Website). GitPals is a page where developers can connect with other developers whose projects match with their skills. The page lists projects, the development tools the project uses, and the help required on the project. Developers can apply to help with projects on the site." "Google Daydream 6DOF controller videos: The first wave hits . Google announced their 6 degrees of freedom VR controller a few months ago. Now, the first videos and reviews of the controller in action are out. The field of vision is surprisingly wide, and tracking is about as good as Windows VR headsets. Battery life isn't great. There's a short 30 second video in the article of the controllers in action in the article." "‘Buy the Constitution’ Aftermath: Everyone Very Mad, Confused, Losing Lots of Money, Fighting, Crying, Etc (11 minute read). ConstitutionDAO raised $40 million to buy an original copy of the Constitution but failed. Due to high fees, many investors in the project will lose their investments. The admin team made several controversial decisions and then reversed them, causing chaos in the community. While the project was a mess, many still think of it as a success, with the DAO allowing people to go toe-to-toe in an auction against a hedge fund CEO." "Fish Eggs Can Survive a Journey Through Both Ends of a Duck . A recent study on the role of ducks in dispersing fish eggs has found that some eggs remain viable after being eaten and pooped out by waterfowl. The researchers fed eight captive ducks roughly 500 eggs each from two invasive species of carp. Six of the ducks passed living eggs in their feces, and three fish successfully hatched. A single carp can lay up to 1.5 million eggs several times a year. Even a tiny percentage of surviving eggs is significant and helps explain how fish sometimes seem to appear out of nowhere in isolated bodies of water." "Ukraine Pushes to Unplug Russia From the Internet . Ukraine has asked the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to disconnect all Russian sites from the internet. The request seeks to revoke domains and shut down Domain Name Servers (DNS) in the country. If approved, people around the world will be cut off from Russian websites and Russian citizens will only be able to reach Russian parts of the internet. Cyberattacks are impeding communications for Ukraine's government and citizens. However, the request could do more harm than good, and it sets a precedent that threatens other countries' unrestricted access to the internet in the future." "extension.dev (Website). extension.dev allows developers to build and deploy Chrome extensions to a whole company in minutes instead of days. It features the ability to create contextual internal tools, add or remove HTML, and extract and process data. Developers can leverage JavaScript to build completely custom features. extension.dev was built with security as a top priority." "WeWork reveals massive $900 million loss in filing to go public . WeWork, which has rebranded as the We Company, release its IPO prospectus on Wednesday, revealing a $900 million loss in six months. It was recently valued at $47 billion. With 527,000 members, WeWork currently has 528 locations, with plans to open another 169 new locations. Membership has grown by over 100 percent every year since 2014. WeWork wants to differentiate its losses from the losses of other money-losing businesses such as Uber and Lyft, saying that the losses should be viewed as investments and that renting out workspace is a proven business model." "The First Hologram Machine That Projects Life-Size In Full-Color . PORTL is a fully self-contained hologram machine that projects life-sized holograms in full color. It can be used to project a live image of a person anywhere in the world. An in-built camera allows the person in the hologram to view their audience, and it features a touchscreen so people can interact with the image. They are starting to appear worldwide in malls, airports, and museums. Each machine costs $60,000. A miniature version of the device will be released in the future. There are videos in the article that show the device in action." "Jacques Cousteau’s Grandson Wants to Build the International Space Station of the Sea (15 minute read). Jacques Consteau was a legendary explorer and oceanographer who led a series of underwater habitat missions several decades ago. His grandson, Fabien, is leading a project to build the world's largest underwater research station. Proteus will be located at a depth of 60 feet in an area off the coast of Curaçao. The station will allow scientists to study the ocean for 10 to 12 hours a day, with continuous access to deeper waters. Divers staying at Proteus will be able to remain in underwater habitats for an indefinite amount of time without risking decompression sickness. Proteus will feature an opening at the bottom of the habitat that will allow divers to enter and exit through a pressurized chamber. Building the structure will present many challenges and cost an estimated $135 million." "TikTok CEO Kevin Mayer to leave the company . TikTok CEO Kevin Mayer has resigned from the company just months after his appointment. The role that Mayer signed up for will change significantly due to the US Administration's decision to force the company to sell off its US business. Vanessa Pappas, TikTok's US general manager, will be the interim global head at the company. TikTok must be sold by September 15 or it will be banned in the US. The company filed a lawsuit against the US Government on Monday claiming that it was deprived of due process. If the lawsuit is successful, it could delay the ban and give TikTok more time to negotiate a better deal." "Termshark (GitHub Repo). Termshark is a terminal UI for tshark. Users can remotely debug machines with large pcaps without copying the information back to their desktops. It is written in Golang, and binaries are available for download." "Hackers behind the world’s deadliest code are probing US power firms . A group called Xenotime, who had been targeting oil and gas facilities in the Middle East, are now setting their eyes on electrical utilities in the US and Asia. Cybersecurity firm Dragos claim they have evidence that Xenotime has been attempting to steal login credentials from employees since the end of 2018. The group had previously installed malicious code in a Saudi petrochemical plant in 2017 that disabled safety mechanisms designed to prevent serious industrial accidents. No evidence has been presented yet confirming that Xenotime has been able to successfully penetrate any US-based systems." "Alternative rocket builder SpinLaunch completes successful first test flight . SpinLaunch is a startup that is developing a launch system that uses kinetic energy as its primary method to get spacecraft to orbit. It recently conducted the successful first test flight of a prototype of its vacuum-sealed centrifuge in New Mexico. The centrifuge accelerates projectiles to high speed and then releases it at many thousands of miles an hour for launch. Using this approach will mean that rockets will need less fuel, resulting in a reduction in the size, complexity, and costs of rockets." "Cameo launches Cameo Calls, a service for fans to video chat with celebs . Cameo Calls lets fans chat one-on-one with influencers and celebrities. Users can book calls through Cameo's website or app. The talent sets the duration, time, and price of the call. There is a dedicated photo opp at the end of each call. Cameo thinks that Cameo Calls could replace celebrity meet-and-greets. While the sessions are only a few minutes long, the fan receives a more personal experience." "China is building a floating train that could be faster than air travel . China has revealed a prototype of a new magnetic levitation train that can reach speeds up to 600 km/hr. The country already has the fastest commercial maglev service, which runs between Shanghai’s Pudong airport and the city center at a maximum speed of 431 km/hr. A maglev service between Beijing and Shanghai travels at around 350 km/hr over the 1300 kilometer distance. The journey takes around four and a half hours by plane, but the new maglev trains may be able to complete the journey in only three and a half hours. Japan is currently building a maglev line between Tokyo and Nagoya, scheduled to be open in 2027." "Zuckerberg tells Facebook employees they are now 'Metamates' . Facebook employees, who have been colloquially known as 'Facebookers', will now be known as 'Metamates'. The change comes after an all-hands meeting detailing the company's new direction. Facebook is not the only company that uses these types of phrases to refer to its employees. The new nickname for workers comes with new company values such as being direct and respectful of colleagues." "[Webinar] Dissecting the Log4j Vulnerability: Future-Proof Your Cloud for Whatever Comes Next (Sponsor). [Webinar] Dissecting the Log4j Vulnerability: Future-Proof Your Cloud for Whatever Comes Next . Join Lacework for this live webinar where we take a closer look at the Log4j vulnerability, review its overall impact, and share tips on how to quickly reduce risk if you are compromised." Teleport's 2022 Security Speaker Series (Sponsor). Come hear what some of the world’s foremost security experts such as Troy Hunt and Michael Coates see on the security horizon for 2022. Join today. "Fortnite’s Marshmello concert was a bizarre and exciting glimpse of the future . A concert was held in the popular game Fortnite, and it was an interesting experience for millions of users in attendance. Users were transported to a special concert location in the game, where EDM producer Marshmello played a live 10 minute set. Epic games was able to create a new virtual experience that brought together millions of players to enjoy the visually impressive event - which then turned into a killing field as soon as it ended." "fselect (GitHub Repo). fselect allows you to use SQL-like grammar to find files. It can handle complex queries, search within archives, search by various file attributes, and more." "Gen Z’s new favorite app . BeReal is a new social media app that has become popular with Gen Z. The app encourages users to post once every day to show their friends what they are doing in real time. Users have to post within two minutes of receiving a randomly-timed notification. Those who don't post will not be able to view their friend's pictures. BeReal is currently ranked 4th in downloads in the US, UK, and France." "Google Engineering Practices Documentation (GitHub Repo). This repository contains documents that detail the best practice guidelines that Google has developed. There are two documents, the Code Reviewer's Guide and the Change Author's Guide." "Facebook is reportedly working on a Clubhouse copy . Facebook is in the early stages of developing a Clubhouse clone. The news comes just days after CEO Mark Zuckerberg appeared on a Clubhouse event as a guest. Facebook has cloned functionality from other social media sites before, so it is not surprising that it is now copying Clubhouse. Twitter is also working on its own version of the app." "CRISPR enters its first human clinical trials . CRISPR has the promise of being able to cure most of the over 6,000 known genetic diseases. In its first clinical trials, CRISPR is being used to combat cancer, genetic blindness, and blood disorders in people. If these trials are successful, a variety of other diseases will be targeted. Previous promising technologies, such as stem cell injections and conventional gene therapies, have failed to produce desired results in humans. CRISPR works by cutting up DNA in precise locations to disable certain genes, remove troublesome DNA, or repair DNA problems. The process can sometimes go wrong, and even when it goes as planned, the changes can have unexpected consequences. In the first CRISPR trials in cancer and blood disorders, scientists will make the changes outside the body and observe the cells first to check for problems, rather than setting CRISPR loose in the body." Amazon Prime members can now send gifts with just a phone number or email address . Amazon is launching a gifting feature that will allow Prime subscribers to send gifts using only an email address or phone number. The program is limited to mobile users in the continental US. Gift recipients will receive a notice about the gift and will be able to organize to receive it through their Amazon account. There is an option to accept the gift but convert it to an Amazon gift card without the gift-giver being notified. The gift-giver won't be charged for the gift until it is accepted. Amazon will roll out the feature over the coming weeks. """Turbo-charged"" coral to breathe new life into the Great Barrier Reef . Severe bleaching events have led to the widespread death of coral in the Great Barrier Reef. Researchers at Australia's Southern Cross University are planning to put millions of 'turbo-charged' coral babies into the reef's most degraded areas. Scientists collected millions of coral sperm and eggs during the most recent mass spawning event and co-cultured the coral larvae with a type of algae called zooxanthellae. This greatly increased the chances of the coral surviving. The algae gives the coral the potential to acquire more energy and possess higher thermal tolerance. If this technique is successful, it could serve as a blueprint for reef restoration efforts around the world. Scaling the operation will require a lot of work. The current method is only able to patch up small parts of a reef, rather than whole kilometers." "python-ds (GitHub Repo). This repository contains questions and resources regarding data structures and algorithms in Python. The goal of the repository is to help developers prepare for interviews and to increase knowledge. It is still being developed, and contributions are welcome." "2020: The Year of the Linux Desktop - Moving from Macbook to Linux . This is a guide for moving from macOS to Linux. It discusses different distros, how to optimize battery life, and various other tweaks to the OS that can make transitioning easier." "Clean-code-typescript (GitHub Repo). This GitHub repository contains a guide on producing readable, reusable, and refactorable code in Typescript. The principles used in this guide are from Robert C. Martin's book, Clean Code. It is packed with examples of good and bad code, organized by sections, with clear explanations on why certain methods of formatting are more efficient, effective, and readable." "Google reportedly abandoned a cloud computing product for the Chinese market . Google has abandoned plans for a cloud computing product designed for the Chinese market and other politically controversial countries. The project, codenamed 'Isolated Region', was intended for countries that required control over the flow of data within their borders. It was created so that governments and companies in restricted regions could move data on servers separate to Google's central cloud computing systems and network infrastructure. The project was shut down after conversations and input from government stakeholders." Facebook's Zuckerberg said he will 'go to the mat' and fight breakup in leaked audio . Facebook's CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg will fight efforts to split up the tech giant. He says that breaking up Facebook won't solve issues with spreading misinformation or with election interference. Problems with these issues are likely to increase if the tech giant was split up as the separated companies will find it more difficult to coordinate and work together. Many people and politicians have called for Facebook to be broken up as the platform has developed an unprecedented amount of power. Zuckerberg says that Facebook's intention is to work with the government and to do good things. Harvard scientists create gene-editing tool that could rival CRISPR . Retron Library Recombineering is a new gene-editing tool that enables scientists to perform millions of genetic experiments simultaneously. It uses segments of bacterial DNA called retrons which can make fragments of single-stranded DNA. Retrons can introduce mutant DNA into a replicating cell so that it becomes incorporated into the daughter cells' DNA. They can also be used as markers to allow scientists to track individuals in a pool of bacteria. "SiriControl (GitHub Repo). SiriControl allows developers to write custom voice modules for Siri, adding voice controlled capability to any project. It works by syncing commands with Google notes and it is able to be run on any computer with Python installed. It can be used in conjunction with Raspberry Pi to control almost any device from anywhere in the world, as long as it has an internet connection. Users do not need to install any additional hardware and minimal setup is required." "Mono Icons (Website). This site contains 136 open-source icons that can be used in a wide range of digital products. The icons can be downloaded as SVG or the code can be copied from the site. Users can download all the icons at once, search for specific icons, or browse through all the icons." "Connected bike and treadmill-maker Peloton files confidentially for IPO . Peloton, an exercise tech and service provider, has filed for an Initial Public Offering with a confidential draft submission. The terms of the IPO have not yet been disclosed to the public. Peloton entered into the market with a smart exercise bike, which paired custom hardware with a large interactive display, allowing users to access courses, streamed classes, and coaching. Its latest offering is a treadmill with similar features. The company is estimated to be valued at around $4 billion." How We Built r/Place (19 minute read). Place was a project by Reddit where users could place a single colored tile on a collaborative canvas every few minutes. Each tile placed was relayed to observers in real-time. This article discusses how multiple engineering teams worked together to create Place. A link to the code for Place is available. "Google is bringing Chrome OS to PCs and Macs . Chrome OS Flex is a new version of Chrome OS designed to run on PCs and Macs. It is designed for businesses and schools and can be installed within minutes. The OS looks and feels identical to Chrome OS on a Chromebook, but some features may be dependent on the hardware that it is running on. Chrome OS Flex is still in early access mode. It can be booted from a USB drive without being installed." "These $2,000 solar panels pull clean drinking water out of the air, and they might be a solution to the global water crisis . A startup backed by Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos has built a solar panel that can extract water out of moisture in the air. A single $2000 panel can extract about 10 bottles worth of clean water per day. The company believes this is a solution to the global water crisis, which has left 2 billion people without clean drinking water." Netflix rolls out Top 10 feature to help show what people are actually watching . Netflix has introduced a Top 10 row to its homepage. It will be updated daily with the most popular titles in the subscriber's country. There will also be top 10 lists for each category. The feature was trialed in the UK and Mexico last year. Netflix's list of top shows from last year was mostly dominated by Netflix original shows as the company has lost much of its top licensed content. MIT creates disturbing ‘deepfake’ video of Nixon announcing Apollo 11 disaster . MIT has released a 7-minute video that shows President Richard Nixon delivering an Apollo 11 contingency speech. It took the team at MIT more than half a year to create the footage. The goal of the project was to prove the dangerous influence that deep fake videos can have. A 40-second clip from the video is available in the article. "If You Thought Quantum Mechanics Was Weird, You Need to Check Out Entangled Time . In 1935, Albert Einstein and Erwin Schrödinger debated over the implications of the new theory of quantum mechanics. One area in particular, the inability to describe two quantum systems or particles independently after they have interacted, or entanglement, was one of the main focuses of their discussion. Schrödinger’s cat was created in order to help articulate an idea during these talks. Einstein later wrote in a paper that year about quantum nonlocality, where once two quantum systems have met and separated, it is impossible to measure one without changing the properties of the other. In 2013, a team at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem reported entangling photons that had never coexisted, demonstrating entanglement over time. The implications of this experiment are strange, as it could mean that the measurement of photons now could affect the photons that were being measured back through time." "GAF Energy’s easy-install solar shingles aim to outshine Tesla roofs and traditional panels . GAF Energy's Timberline Solar shingles can be installed by any roofer with a nail gun. They are weatherproof and can be walked on for roof maintenance. Other solar shingles require specialists to install, which increases the cost of installation, especially for rural areas where there may also be lower availability. GAF Energy is the first company to receive UL’s new building-integrated photovoltaic solar roofing certification." "Heat Listed (19 minute read). The Chicago Police Department is using an algorithm to predict whether citizens will be involved with a shooting incident. While the system identifies people who might be involved with an incident, it doesn't say on which side the citizen might be involved. This resulted in a citizen with no record of violence being continually contacted by the police, which caused the person to be targeted twice by violent crime. The system uses data from police stops and arrests to make educated guesses about what might happen. Using this kind of system could put entire populations at risk of over-policing." "Textual (GitHub Repo). Textual is a Text User Interface framework for Python. It features Rich, asynchronous event handling, widgets, and CSS themes. Screenshots and examples are available in the repository." "Coinbase is launching a marketplace for NFTs . Coinbase plans to launch a marketplace that lets users mint, collect, and trade NFTs. NFTs are unique digital assets designed to represent ownership of online items. The NFT market boomed this year, topping $10 billion in transaction volume in the third quarter. Coinbase NFT will have social features and tap into the creator economy. It will allow Coinbase to build a new revenue stream to lessen the company's heavy reliance on exchange fees." "Google is opening its first physical retail store this summer in NYC . The first physical retail Google Store will debut in New York City this summer. It will display and sell a variety of Google products and serve as a place for customers to pick up online orders. The stores will showcase how Google's products work together, offer in-store experts, assist with setups and repairs, and host workshops on how to make the most of Google's products and services. It is unknown whether Google plans to expand beyond a single location." openpilot (GitHub Repo). openpilot is an open-source driving agent. It is able to perform Adaptive Cruise Control and Lane Keeping Assist System for many selected models of vehicles. openpilot is about on par with Tesla Autopilot and GM Super Cruise. The codebase is designed so developers can quickly build prototypes to test. "Uber just added public transportation to its app . People in Denver will start seeing public transport options when they open their Uber app, in an experiment to see whether the app will boost public transport usage. Uber aims to be the ‘all-in-one’ app for transportion needs and is testing to see whether more people will use public transport systems in this new system. This change comes after Uber has been criticized for causing a decrease in public transport use." "Astronomers discover new 'fossil galaxy' buried deep within the Milky Way . A 'fossil galaxy' has been discovered in the Milky Way. It would have collided with the Milky Way when it was still in its infancy, with its remnants accounting for about one-third of the Milky Way's spherical halo. Despite its size, it was previously hidden from view by clouds of interstellar dust. The fossil galaxy was discovered by measuring spectra for more than half a million stars across the Milky Way in near-infrared light. A patch of stars had a chemical composition and velocity that could only come from another galaxy. The fossil galaxy would have been one of the earliest to merge with the Milky Way." "Google plans to release a foldable Pixel in late 2021, according to leaked document . A device codenamed Passport is likely a foldable Google Pixel phone that will be released in the fourth quarter of next year. The device was listed in a leaked internal document that also mentioned the Pixel 5A and two other devices that could be Pixel 6 models. Google confirmed that it was prototyping foldable phone technology ahead of its annual I/O developer conference last year. At the time, a spokesperson said that the company hadn't found a clear use case for foldable devices yet." "Exclusive: Alibaba-backed startup AutoX applies for driver-less test permit in California . AutoX, a Hong Kong-based company founded by a former Princeton professor, has applied for a permit to drive self-driving vehicles without an in-car backup driver in California. If successful, AutoX will be able to test self-driving cars with only a remote human operator as a backup. AutoX is currently one of four firms that hold a license to test carrying passengers in the presence of a human backup driver. Waymo is the only company so far to have a license for testing without a safety driver. Other companies such as Uber and General Motors are vying for breakthroughs in the self-driving vehicle market. AutoX counts China's Dongfeng Motor Group and Alibaba among its main investors. It has deployed 100 RoboTaxi vehicles in 10 cities including Shenzhen, Shanghai, and San Jose. US regulators have been clamping down on Chinese tech players looking to come to the United States." "HTC’s former CEO is making a risky bet on a new VR headset and virtual world . XRSpace will be launching its Mova virtual reality headset later this year. The device will sell for $599. It features 5G support, a hand tracking interface, and a virtual world called Manova. Manova will contain a variety of public and private locations where people can meet and participate in activities. It will only be available through the Mova headset. Many companies have failed to launch virtual worlds, but XRSpace believes that Manova will succeed as it was built with the VR experience in mind, rather than for the PC first." "I attended a virtual conference with an AI version of Deepak Chopra. It was bizarre and transfixing . The AI Foundation creates avatars with artificial intelligence that look and sound like the people they are meant to represent. Each avatar is trained by the person they emulate in order to learn to become digital extensions that can communicate on behalf of their real selves. If an AI doesn't know the answer to a question, it will ask its human about it at another time. Instead of replacing people, the idea is to use the digital personas to allow one person to do more work. The article describes a scenario where five of the digital personas are put together into a simulated meditation session." "Apple Researching Keyboards With Adaptive Displays on Each Key . Apple has been granted a patent for 'Electronic devices having keys with coherent fiber bundles'. The patent describes how each key on a keyboard could have a display connected via a coherent fiber bundle. This would mean that the whole keyboard could be reconfigured as needed, with the keys matching the key mapping without physical modifications. The displays could also indicate the current status of each key. This system doesn't interfere with the dome or scissor switches of physical keyboards, so Apple could theoretically use it with the current Magic Keyboard design." "'A more humane country': Canada to ban keeping whales, dolphins in captivity . The House of Commons in Canada has voted to ban keeping whales, dolphins, and porpoises in captivity. Parks who already own animals will be allowed to keep them, but obtaining new cetaceans or breeding them will now result in a fine of up to $200,000. The law also bans exporting animals or using them for entertainment. Marineland, an amusement park and zoo who looks after around 61 cetaceans, had strongly opposed the bill as they claimed that the animals were their main attraction. Cetaceans may be kept in captivity if they are receiving care or rehabilitation after an injury, or for scientific research." "AI and Solar Energy Powered Mayflower Sails for Ocean Exploration . ProMare, a non-profit marine research corporation, and IBM have launched an AI and solar-powered ship. In 2021, the Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) will sail on a route similar to its namesake Mayflower, who sailed across the Atlantic 400 years ago. It will collect data from the ocean to help scientists tackle issues such as global warming and marine mammal conservation. The onboard AI can scan the horizon for possible hazards, make informed decisions, and change its course based on live data. The MAS will carry an octopus robot named Artie, who can answer questions about the ship, the ocean, or about himself on the MAS website." OpenAI's DALL-E 2 produces fantastical images of most anything you can imagine . OpenAI's DALL-E AI is capable of generating images based on attributes from a written description. It can also combine multiple images into a collage. DALL-E was trained with objectionable images removed from its training data and the system actively prevents creating pictures with specific keywords to prevent abuse. The newest version allows users to edit images and generate variations of existing images. Examples of artworks created by DALL-E are available in the article. "SQLite-New (GitHub Repo). SQLite-New is an open-source browser for SQLite database files. Users can create, define, modify and delete database files, tables, indexes, and records. It runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS, and a compiled binary is available for Windows." "Make your app enterprise-ready (Sponsor). What do products like Slack, Zoom, and Asana all have in common? They became enterprise-ready faster than their peers.Developers use WorkOS' APIs to quickly integrate enterprise features to their app. Implement Single Sign-On (SAML), SCIM user provisioning, and more in minutes, not months. Learn more." "Researchers accidentally breed sturddlefish . Researchers from Hungary accidentally bred a new type of fish when trying to attempt gynogenesis, a type of reproduction in which sperm is used from one creature to fertilize an egg, but its DNA is ignored. The sturddlefish is the result of a cross between an American Paddlefish and a Russian Sturgeon. There were three phenotypes, some that looked more like the paddlefish, some that looked mostly like the sturgeon, and some that inherited features of both. Both fish are endangered and are considered to be living fossils as they have not changed much over a long period of time. Their last common ancestor likely lived 184 million years ago." "Xiaomi beats out Samsung to become #1 smartphone manufacturer . Xiaomi is the world's biggest smartphone vendor, with 17.1 percent of the global market. The company has been aggressively expanding since Huawei received its US export bans. Xiaomi has 58 smartphone models that cover every possible market segment. The company is a major player in the Chinese and Indian markets. It doesn't do smartphone business in the US. Samsung is facing temporary problems due to the resurgence of Covid-19 in Vietnam, where it has major phone manufacturing facilities. The company's leader is still in jail on bribery charges." "Analysis: Coronavirus has temporarily reduced China’s CO2 emissions by a quarter . The impact of the coronavirus on China's energy demand and emissions is only beginning to be felt, with CO2 emissions dropping significantly during and after the Chinese New Year holiday. Coal use is reporting daily data at a four-year low, oil refinery operating rates in Shandong are at the lowest level since 2015, levels of NO2 air pollution over China are down 36% compared to the same period last year, and domestic flights are down 70% compared to last month. Overall, the virus has contributed to reductions of 15%-40% in output across key industrial sectors, wiping out a quarter or more of the country's CO2 emissions over the past two weeks. Shutdowns of a week or more are not uncommon in China, and the reduction would only really reduce annual figures by around one percent, as emissions catch up rapidly after a shutdown. The only way for the reduced levels could be maintained is if there is less demand from China after restrictions are lifted. Many people and businesses have been affected financially due to the shutdown, and demand may drop significantly as things start to return to the new normal." "Verily details drive-through COVID-19 testing in new video . Verily has published a video of its in-person drive-through COVID-19 testing process. To qualify for testing, people must first take an online screening questionnaire on Verily's website. Once qualified, Verily issues a reference ID and sets an appointment and location for testing. The testing site will have three stations. The first station is for ID verification, the second station matches your ID to a lab kit, and the third station is where the nasal swab is performed. Results will be available two to four days later. Testing is limited to Santa Clara and San Mateo counties, and it is not sure whether the program will expand beyond California." "Apple, Google, and Microsoft want to kill the password with “Passkey” standard . Apple, Google, and Microsoft have launched a joint effort to kill the password and replace it with the passkey standard. The passkey standard allows users to log in to apps and websites through an authentication request sent to the user's phone. It will use Bluetooth to verify physical proximity. Passkeys can be backed up to cloud services to make it easy to authenticate new devices and sync passkeys across devices. Users can set up multiple devices as authenticators." "This Rapid 3D-Printing Method Could Be the Secret to Developing 3D-Printed Organs . Engineers from the University of Buffalo have developed a method of 3D printing that is 10-50 times faster than the industry standard. The process uses stereolithography, a method that uses lasers to harden liquid resin and jelly-like substances called hydrogels. The method is suited for printing tiny details, which will be critical in the eventual production of 3D-printed human tissue and organs. Sped-up footage showing the 3D printer fully constructing an artificial hand in just 19 minutes is available in the article." "How Indian lawyers, scientists gave Sci-Hub its first legal defence team . Sci-Hub is a website that hosts over 87 million research papers and makes them available for free to students and academics. There have been many attempts to sue the creator of the site in the US and across Europe. The owner of the site had always responded by doing nothing. In December 2020, three academic publishing giants filed a lawsuit against Sci-Hub in India, the country with the second-largest number of Sci-Hub users in the world. This article tells the story of how Sci-Hub gained legal representation in India and some of the arguments in the case. The next hearing for the case is on September 21." "Microsoft and Nvidia team up to train one of the world’s largest language models . Microsoft and Nvidia have trained what they claim is the largest and most capable AI-powered language model to date. Megatron-Turing Natural Language Generation (MT-NLP) contains 530 billion parameters and achieves unmatched accuracy in a broad set of natural language tasks. It was trained on a data set with 270 billion tokens from English sources. As with other language models, MT-NLP has picked up biases and stereotypes from its training data. The amount of computing needed to train a model has dropped significantly over time, but there are still large environmental costs for training models and data storage." "Facebook's 'Bulletin' newsletter platform could launch before the end of June . Facebook's newsletter subscription service Bulletin could be launched before the end of June. There will be both free and paid versions of the platform. Facebook has recruited writers who focus on sports, fashion, the environment, and local news. It has avoided hiring writers who cover political subjects. Facebook has offered journalists two-year deals to convince them that it is committed to the project." "Apple to close US retail stores and all others outside China until March 27th . Apple will close all of its retail stores outside of Greater China until March 27 in order to minimize the risk of coronavirus transmission. The online store will remain operational, as well as the stores within China. Customers will still be able to find authorized repair shops that remain open or arrange mail-in service. Employees will still be paid while the stores are closed. WWDC 2020 will be an online-only experience when it happens in June." "Disney announces $12.99 bundle for Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+ . A bundle package from Disney including Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+ will be available from the 12th of November for $12.99 a month. The pricing is cheaper than or on par with competitor streaming services, such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. While Disney plans to launch Disney+ internationally, details have yet to be released. The bundle may not be available for an international audience due to licensing issues. Disney is still in talks with distributors for where Disney+ will be available, but it is likely to be at least available through Apple and Amazon." "Alibaba’s keyless and cashless hotel is straight out of the future (6:36 video). Alibaba, known for its e-commerce platforms, has branched out into retail, restaurants, and even hotels. It has opened a hotel near its headquarters in Hangzhuo where almost everything is automated. The hotel lobby has no counters or couches. A staff member will assist foreigners for check-in, but Chinese nationals can check-in via an app or using kiosks. Elevator and doors are accessed with face scans. Each room has a personal assistant speaker, similar to Amazon's Alexa, where guests can order room service, or control the lights and curtains in their room. A robot butler can deliver most items and is able to ride elevators solo. Guests can order food at the restaurant, to be delivered by a robot server, and a robot bartender can mix drinks for the guest at the bar. The hotel opened for guests at the end of 2018. Fly Zoo's aim isn't just to build a futuristic hotel, but to test technologies that can be sold to other existing hotels." "‘Deep Nostalgia’ Can Now Make Old Photos of Your Relatives Dance and Blow Kisses . MyHeritage has doubled the number of movements that can be applied to still photos in Deep Nostalgia. Deep Nostalgia has created over 72 million photo animations since its launch five weeks ago. The 10 new options include expressions like kisses, an approving nod, and even a dance. Examples of animations generated by Deep Nostalgia are available in the article." Rough Awesome Font (GitHub Website). This page contains a library of SVG icons with a rough hand-drawn effect. Users can search for icons and customize the color and background of the icons. The SVG source can be copied directly into your projects. 2022 State of the Java Ecosystem Report (Sponsor). New Relic's State of the Java Ecosystem Report is based on data gathered from millions of applications providing performance data. Read it here to get an in-depth look at one of today's most popular programming languages. "Medusa (GitHub Repo). Medusa is a headless commerce engine for creating digital commerce apps. It can be used as a backend of an app, as an application, to create traditional e-commerce websites, and more. Medusa is highly customizable, flexible, and scalable. It can integrate with popular commerce tools." "RisingWave (GitHub Repo). RisingWave is a cloud-native streaming database that uses SQL as the interface language. It consumes streaming data, performs continuous queries, and updates results dynamically. RisingWave can collect and transform data from streams, create materialized views for data, and perform data queries. Everything in RisingWave is done via Postgres-compatible SQL." """Extremely fast-charging"" battery hits 60 percent in under 6 minutes . Scientists in China have developed an extremely fast charging technology that can charge a lithium-ion battery to up to 60 percent capacity in under six minutes. The technology involves a redesigned anode with a porous architecture and graphite particles strewn throughout. It could help electric vehicles reach the US Department of Energy's Fast Charge Goal of 10 miles of travel per minute of charging." "Nvidia reveals enterprise H100 GPU for AI and teases ‘world’s fastest AI supercomputer’ . Nvidia has announced details about its new silicon architecture, the first data center GPU built using that architecture, and plans to build the world's fastest AI supercomputer. The new Hopper architecture is designed to accelerate the training of Transformer models on Nvidia's new H100 GPUs by six times compared to previous-generation chips. The H100 GPU contains 80 billion transistors and has a memory bandwidth of 3TB/s. It will allow models to be trained in days rather than weeks. Eos will be a supercomputer built using the Hopper architecture and offer 18.4 exaflops of AI performance." "SWR (GitHub Repo). SWR is a React Hooks library for data fetching. It can provide a stream of data updates constantly and automatically with just one hook. SWR is transport and protocol agnostic and it features built-in cache and request deduplication, revalidation on focus and network recovery, pagination and scroll position recovery, and more. Examples are available." "Facebook Messenger gets an unsend feature . In an update coming out today, Facebook Messenger users will be able to delete their messages after they have been sent. The new feature allows users to delete their messages within 10 minutes of sending them. Facebook had previously been criticized as Mark Zuckerberg (and possibly other executives) had been able to delete messages, unlike average users." "Amazon to open all-new grocery stores separate from Whole Foods . Whole foods have always been an ‘upper-scale’ grocery store option with strict quality standards on the items that it carries. Amazon has decided to try to take a larger part of the grocery store market by opening a new type of grocery store. It has already signed leases in many locations and they plan to open their first store in Los Angeles. The layout of the stores is a mystery, as the properties that Amazon have leased are just a little over half the size of normal grocery stores. Amazon has a definite lead in the online marketplace and this announcement is consistent with their latest trend of breaking into the brick and mortar game." "GitHub CLI 2.0 includes extensions! . GitHub CLI 2.0 supports extensions. Creating extensions is simple, and anyone can make custom commands and extend the core functionality of GitHub CLI. Links to documentation on how to create extensions, as well as several examples, are available in the article." "Facebook, Ray-Ban debut picture-taking smart glasses . Facebook and Ray-Ban's Wayfarer Stories smart glasses are now available for purchase in the US, UK, Italy, Australia, Ireland, and Canada. The $299 glasses can record photos and 30-second videos via dual 5-megapixel cameras, play open-air sound without headphones, and take calls. Photos and videos can be shared with a companion smartphone app. Wayfarer Stories come in several styles and colors and can be made as sunglasses or with untinted, prescription, or progressive lenses. The glasses will only have a couple of hours of battery life, but its included charging case will provide roughly a day of use." "Apple reportedly wants to launch a self-driving EV in 2025 with a custom chip . Apple has reportedly accelerated its timeline for Project Titan, its secretive autonomous electric car project. It has completed much of the core work in creating a new processor that will power the vehicle. The project aims to create an autonomous car with a spacious interior that does not have a steering wheel. Apple has not decided whether it will sell the cars to individuals or operate a self-driving fleet to compete with other rideshare providers. The vehicle will be compatible with the combined changing system standard." "free-for.dev (Website). This site contains a list of software and other offerings that have free tiers for developers. It mostly contains software that infrastructure developers are likely to find useful. The list only contains as-a-Service offerings, not self-hosted software." "graphql-yoga (GitHub Repo). GraphQL Yoga is a fully-featured GraphQL server with sensible defaults and everything required for a minimal setup. It supports GraphQL subscriptions, file uploads, JSON and GraphQL content types, ESM, and plugins. GraphQL Yoga is compatible with all GraphQL clients and can be deployed anywhere." "Twitter makes big changes for devs as it eyes decentralized future . Twitter's new API is ready to come out of early access. The upgrade will provide more freedom to developers to build third-party Twitter clients. Twitter has removed restrictions from its Developer Policy to make it easier for developers to compete with Twitter in ways that the company didn't allow before. The company aims to let developers drive the future of innovation on Twitter, making its platform decentralized and becoming more of a communications protocol than a social network." "In Nevada desert, a technology firm aims to be a government . Jeffrey Berns, CEO of Blockchains LLC, wants the Nevada government to allow companies like his to form local governments on land they own, granting them power over everything from schools to law enforcement. Berns envisions a city based on digital currencies and blockchain storage. His company is proposing to build a 15,000 home town 12 miles east of Reno. Nevada Lawmakers have responded with intrigue and skepticism. The proposed legislation has yet to be formally filed or discussed in public hearings." "Gorse (GitHub Repo). Gorse is a recommendation system written in Go. It can be easily introduced into a wide variety of online services. Gorse features AutoML, distributed recommendations, RESTful APIs, and a dashboard for data import and export, monitoring, and cluster status checking." Russian agent 'tricked into detailing Navalny assassination bid' . Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny duped a Russian FSB state agent into revealing details of an attack on him by posing as a senior officer seeking details for a report on the operation. Navalny collapsed on board a Russian airliner in the near-fatal attack in August. The swift response of the airline pilot and the emergency medical team where Navalny was first treated was likely the reason the assassination failed. The Kremlin continues to deny any link between the Russian state and the attack on Navalny. "Pornhub Purges 10 Million Videos After Losing Credit Card Support . Pornhub is purging videos from all of its unverified uploaders. From now, it will only host videos created by official content partners and creators from the site's verified models program. At least 10 million videos were removed in the purge, with the site now only hosting around 2.9 million clips. Pornhub made the announcement days after Discover, Mastercard, and Visa stopped accepting payments from the site over concerns it was hosting illegal material." "Tinder users will soon be able to access a background check database . Match Group has made an investment into Garbo, a non-profit, female-founded background check platform. Garbo's platform will soon be available to Match Group app users, starting with Tinder. The platform collects data about people from numerous sources and returns information about any arrests, convictions, restraining orders, harassment, or violent crimes. Most times, only a first name and a phone number is required. How Garbo will be integrated into Match Group's apps remains to be seen." "Facebook is suing a domain registrar for selling deceptive web addresses . Facebook has filed a lawsuit against Namecheap and Whoisguard for allowing customers to register domains intended to deceive people. Namecheap has stated that it takes fraud and abuse allegations extremely seriously and that it follows standard industry protocols in instances of trademark claims. It claims that Facebook's lawsuit was an attempt to infringe on the privacy of its customers. In 2008, Verizon won $33.2 million in a lawsuit against a domain registrar in a similar case." "Meta is launching an avatar store, and designer clothes are the first products . Meta is launching an online store where Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger users can purchase digital clothes for their avatars. The store will feature brands such as Prada, Balenciaga, and Thom Browne. There is no information on how much the items in the store will cost. The store is set to launch 'soon'. Pictures of Mark Zuckerberg's avatar wearing different digital outfits are available in the article." "Listen Later (Web Tool). This is a nifty tool that lets you take Youtube videos and convert them into audio podcasts. Then it publishes this audio to a podcast RSS feed and gives you the URL, so you can subscribe to the audio feed from your podcast player. It's a really creative way to listen to Youtube videos on the go. Also, no sign up required, which I'm always a huge fan of!" Elon Musk promises demo of a working Neuralink device on Friday . Neuralink will demonstrate a working device on August 28. The device is likely to be a brain-machine interface. Elon Musk has also promised a demo of neurons firing in real-time at the event. Neuralink's goal is to connect to the brain in a non-invasive way to merge human brains with AI. A special robot was created to attach the company's technology to the brain. The second generation of the robot will be unveiled at the event. "Chinese Scientists Have Cloned a Genetically Altered Primate For The First Time . Chinese scientists have managed to clone primates after editing their genes. This used to not be possible because of the way genes lock down when faced with stress. The scientists produced five infant macaques with the exact same genes, including a copy of a gene that had been inserted into the original monkey using CRISPR. Creating clones helps limit variables in experiments, because each animal is identical to the last, making it easier to notice subtle effects that otherwise could be missed." "Microsoft and Niantic demo a HoloLens version of Pokémon Go . Microsoft has launched its new Microsoft Mesh mixed reality platform, which allows anyone to have shared virtual experiences on a variety of devices. Part of the announcement for Microsoft Mesh included a brief demonstration of Pokémon Go running on the HoloLens 2 headset. The video of the Pokémon Go demonstration is available in the article." "Hermes JS Engine (GitHub Repo). Hermes is a JavaScript engine optimized for running React Native on Android. It features fast app launch times, decreased memory usage, small app sizes, ahead-of-time static optimization, and compact bytecode. Hermes can be integrated into existing React Native apps." "Step-by-step guide to modern & secure CI setup . It is important to deliver changes as fast as possible in modern application development. Secure continuous integration can be achieved using DroneCI, GitHub, and Slack. Drone requires a VPS with SSH access and a public IP. It is possible to set up a simple web app for free using a Amazon Cloud VPS service. Step by step instructions are provided." "Nvidia’s AI recreates Pac-Man from scratch just by watching it being played . Nvidia researchers have taught an AI system called GameGAN to recreate Pac-Man only by watching it being played. No coding or pre-rendered images were provided to the software, which was only fed visual data of the game along with the accompanying controller inputs. The resulting game was able to be played by humans and will be released online in the near future. There are some differences to the original game, but the main components are recognizable. A 24-second video showing a short demo of the recreated Pac-Man game is available" "Highlights from the International Landscape Photographer of the Year . The International Landscape Photographer of the Year competition is now in its eighth year. The competition has no specific categories and no strict definition of what a landscape photograph should be, allowing photographers to be more creative with their entries. This article contains several entries from the competition. A link to a larger gallery is available at the end of the article." "mailtolink.me (Web Tool). This is a cool web tool that lets you write an email and it will automatically generate the mailto link so you can create a hyperlink that populates the email automatically using href=""mailto...""." "The 5 biggest announcements from the Google Pixel 3 event . Google announced a 5.5-inch Pixel 3 and a 6.3-inch Pixel 3 XL for $799 and $899 respectively (available on October 18th). It is also rolling out Google Duplex (the cool AI feature where you can have an AI assistant call and make reservations and appointments for you) in November. The Pixel 3 will also offer a feature that automatically screens out spam phone calls. Google also introduced the Pixel Slate, a 12.3-inch tablet for $599 with an optional keyboard for $199 and an optional stylus for $99. Google also announced Home Hub, a smart speaker with a screen, which integrates with Google Photos (so it can be used as a picture frame), Youtube, and Google Assistant. It's available for $149 and is available on October 22nd." "NASA’s next decade: Build a mission to an ice giant . The astronomy community has released its second decadal survey focused on the needs of astronomers and planetary scientists who study our Solar System. The survey recommends orbiters for Uranus and Enceladus and preparations for sample returns from Mars, the Moon, and Ceres. Which projects will be launched will depend on whether planetary science budgets keep pace with inflation. Details about the proposed projects are available in the article." "Scientists build wireless pacemaker that dissolves in body . Researchers have developed a battery-free pacemaker that can be implanted directly onto the surface of the heart and absorbed by the body when no longer needed. It is inexpensive and can be remotely controlled and programmed from outside the body. The device is powered by wireless technology similar to that used in the wireless charging of smartphones. It hasn't been tested in humans yet, but animal tests show that it can generate the necessary power to be used in adult humans." "Uber sues California over the gig-worker law. Now what? . Ride-hailing and delivery drivers from Uber and Postmates are suing the state of California over a law that is set to take effect today. AB 5 introduces a test for determining when a worker must be classified as an employee and therefore be entitled to minimum wage and benefits. This law has severe implications for the business models of companies that rely on contractors. The lawsuit is an attempt to get lawmakers to rethink the law to create a better solution. Some workers want to remain classified as independent contractors due to the schedule flexibility it provides them. Experts believe that it is likely the lawsuit will be unsuccessful. Workers from many industries are affected by this law, including truck drivers, freelance journalists, and musicians. Some of these groups have also filed lawsuits." "TikTok is testing a ‘Watch History’ so you can finally find that video you saw . TikTok is testing a new Watch History feature. The option will appear under the 'Content and Activity' section in settings. There are few details available about the feature. Users have created workarounds to TikTok's lack of a watch history, but the new feature will make finding watched videos significantly easier." Vulture (GitHub Repo). Vulture finds unused code in Python programs to make it easy to clean up code or find errors in large codebases. It complements pyflakes and supports Python 3.6 and above. Vulture can be customized with whitelists. Prisons Across the US Are Quietly Building Databases of Incarcerated People's Voice Prints (10 minute read). Prisons are building databases of their inmate’s voice prints. The methods used to collect this data include taking away privileges until the prisoner complies. Voice recognition data is being used to identify parties in a phone call and the technology is able to identify ‘suspicious’ phone calls. The data is not erased when prisoners are released and is being used to identify calls involving past inmates. "css.gg (GitHub Repo). css.gg is a library of minimalistic icons built entirely in CSS. It is lightweight, accessible, fast, and the icons are Retina Ready. It features an API endpoint that can return data in JSON, style, or markup code." Meet the XB-1: A prototype for a modern supersonic passenger jet . Boom Supersonic is a startup that is planning to build a new generation of supersonic passenger jets. The company has already pre-sold $6 billion worth of its aircraft. Each plane will be able to seat 65 to 88 passengers and travel at supersonic speeds over water. Boom hopes that the aircraft will be available for commercial flights before the end of the decade. It will begin flight tests for its XB-1 demonstrator aircraft in the third quarter of 2021. Boom hopes to begin flying its full-size aircraft in 2026. An image gallery featuring the XB-1 demonstrator aircraft is available in the article. "Free eBook: Understanding Databases -- Deploy High-Performance Database Clusters in Modern Applications (Sponsor). Free eBook: Understanding Databases -- Deploy High-Performance Database Clusters in Modern Applications . Develop a high-level understanding of industry-standard databases, the design of database architectures, and different deployment methods in the cloud. This eBook is available as instant download -- no registration required, download here." "Facebook Dating launches in the United States today . Facebook Dating has launched in the US, a year after it started testing in other countries. Users 18 and over will start seeing a new tab within the Facebook mobile app where they can create a separate profile and meet people who share similar interests according to their main Facebook profiles. The app will make sure users don't match with friends unless they choose to use the 'secret crush' feature, which matches users if they both select each other. Facebook Dating is free and there are no ads or in-app purchases. There is Instagram integration and a feature where users can alert others to the location of their dates for safety. It will be launched in Europe later in the year and is currently available in 20 countries." "Tesla shows how it’s building ventilators with car parts . Tesla and other car manufacturers are building ventilators for the COVID-19 crisis. Ford is working with GE to build ventilators, respirators, and face shields, and GM is building ventilators and will soon be able to produce 50,000 face masks a day. A four-minute video is available that shows how Tesla is building its ventilators. Ventilators are being built using available car parts. Automotive companies stockpile parts in order to prevent shortages in their production lines, so they currently have a large supply of available materials." "Due to coronavirus, Pokémon Go just got easier to play inside . Pokémon Go is now easier to play inside as Niantic tweaks the game in response to the pandemic. Niantic is prioritizing updates for features that make it easier to play alone. The game is usually designed to be a social experience that requires players to go outside and seek out specific locations. Niantic's updates will increase habitats and pokéstops will drop gifts at a higher frequency. Certain items are also on sale." ".gitignore.io (Website). .gitignore.io is a service designed to help create .gitignore files for Git repositories. Users enter their operating system and language (and other specifications if required), and the site generates a template .gitignore file. A video tutorial is available." "Newly identified dinosaur had teeth that were constantly replaced . Iberospinus natarioi, a newly identified 8-meter-long predatory dinosaur, represents a new genus and species of spinosaurid, a group that includes the Spinosaurus. An analysis of the spinosaurid's jaws found that it grew teeth to replace those that broke or got lodged in prey. Replacement teeth aren't uncommon in spinosaurids, but this species' system allowed for a much faster turnaround time. Its teeth were also serrated. The dinosaur had a complex system of nerves in its lower jaw that probably helped it sense prey more effectively." "Verizon begins rolling out its 5G wireless network for smartphones . Chicago and Minneapolis now have access to Verizon's 5G wireless network. The network will deliver speeds of up to 1 Gbps, which is roughly 10 times faster than current LTE connections. Currently, only the Motorola Z3 will support the network, but Samsung will be releasing its Galaxy 10 5G model later this year. T-Mobile and Sprint are also planning to roll out 5G later this year." "Google’s Shadow Work Force: Temps Who Outnumber Full-Time Employees . As of March, Google works with around 121,000 temp workers and contractors, with only around 102,000 full-time employees. The growing number of temp workers brings into question the management practices at Google. Employees have reported being dismissed by their agencies after a Google manager had told the agency that they wanted them gone. Temp employees also receive fewer benefits and pay than their full-time counterparts, even though they work the same hours and have the same expectations. Google claims that it has processes and policies in place to make sure that temp workers and contractors have a good experience working for the company." "Walmart Robots To Begin Fulfilling Grocery Orders, Replacing Workers . Robots are being deployed in Walmart stores and they will be tasked with fulfilling online orders. The new robots are able to collect items about 10 times faster than a human worker. Walmart is transitioning into an increasingly automated model, and it is hiring fewer workers as a result. Brick and mortar retail stores are struggling against online-only sites. Walmart offers a service where customers can place orders online and have them delivered to their home or to the store parking lot. This system has issues, such as keeping track of stock, and using robots will significantly improve the service. Walmart already employs a fleet of robots that can scan store shelves three times faster than humans can. Brick and mortar companies have the added cost of maintaining a physical retail space, and so it makes sense that they will try to cut costs in order to remain competitive." "New mystery AWS product ‘Infinidash’ goes viral — despite being entirely fictional . Developer educator Joe Nash wondered whether merely mentioning a new AWS product on Twitter would be enough to see it appear in job ads. After tweeting out this idea, AWS Infinidash was born. The idea went viral, with many developers tweeting about the fake product and making songs, blog posts, service integrations, and explainer videos. Three days after Nash's tweet, Signal posted a job ad for a Server Engineer that required Infinidash experience. Examples of some of the content created for Infinidash are available in the article." "Universal Radio Hacker (GitHub Repo). The Universal Radio Hacker (URH) is a suite for wireless protocol investigation. It allows for easy demodulation of signals and automatic detection of modulation parameters, making it easy to identify data in the air. Guides on how to hack stuff with URH are available in the repository." "go-zero (GitHub Repo). go-zero is a web and rpc framework. It features built-in middlewares, chained timeout control, rate limiting, microservice management and concurrent toolkits, and more. go-zero integrates many engineering practices to ensure stability with resilient design." "The Rust CUDA Project (GitHub Repo). The Rust CUDA Project is an ecosystem of libraries and tools for writing and executing GPU code in Rust. It aims to make Rust a tier-1 language for extremely fast GPU computing using the CUDA toolkit. This repository contains libraries and tools to make CUDA usable with Rust, with crates for all corners of the CUDA ecosystem." "AI researchers want to study AI the same way social scientists study humans . One of the most uncomfortable aspects of AI technology is that we do not understand how the algorithms that we end up with work. While we know that the technology works and we are starting to depend on their use, it is still a mystery as to how these decisions are being made. A group of researchers are now arguing that AI behavior should be studied similar to humans and other animals by using empirical observation and experimentation. The interactions and effects of humans living and interacting with AI should be studied as we are moving into an age where we are becoming a giant human-machine system." "LidarPhone attack converts smart vacuums into microphones . A team of academics has converted a smart vacuum cleaner into a microphone capable of recording nearby conversations. The LidarPhone technique exploits the Xiaomi Roborock vacuum's built-in LiDAR laser-based navigation component and converts it into a laser microphone. Laser microphones are well-known surveillance tools that can record conversations from afar. While the attack sounds like a potential invasion of privacy, it is unlikely to be used as there are far easier methods of spying on people than overwriting a vacuum's firmware to control its laser navigation system." A Birth Control Pill for Men Could Start Human Trials This Year . Researchers at the University of Minnesota have developed a non-hormonal form of male birth control and plans to start early human trials by the end of the year. The contraceptive kept lab mice sterile for up to six weeks with seemingly no side effects. It works by targeting how the body interacts with vitamin A. The treatment is estimated to be 99% effective and the effects appear to be completely reversible. "Visa to acquire Plaid, the fintech powering Venmo and other banking apps, in $5.3 billion deal . Visa is buying Plaid in a deal worth $5.3 billion. Plaid's API software is used by many companies to connect to users' bank accounts. One in four people in the United States with bank accounts has used Plaid's services. Visa was an early investor in the start-up, along with Mastercard, Citi, American Express, and Goldman Sachs. Plaid has seen a compound annual growth rate of roughly 100% since 2015. Its customer base doubled from 2017 to 2018 and has expanded to the UK and Canada. Visa has estimated that the deal could add up to 100 basis points to the company's net revenue growth by 2021." "Supercharge Your MacOS and iOS Productivity With Setapp's Limited Time Offer (Sponsor). Supercharge Your MacOS and iOS Productivity With Setapp's Limited Time Offer . Sometimes being more productive is about a new tool that irons out the kinks in your workflow, other times it’s about saving time on researching said tools.Setapp's subscription bundle gives you an all-access pass to over 200 curated Mac and iOS apps to boost your productivity. Sign up now to discover and use top productivity apps for your Mac and iPhone with our limited offer of an extended 14-day free trial." "Bitcoin Coders Send International Lightning Payment Over Ham Radio . The Lightning Network is a protocol that enables fast transactions between participating Bitcoin nodes. Two developers, one in Toronto, Canada, and another in San Francisco, California, have successfully sent a bitcoin lightning payment over radio waves. While the transaction was just a demonstration of the concept, there could be practical uses for this method. For example, users can still complete transactions through this method even if a country censors parts of the internet (eg. if the Bitcoin network was blocked). Blockstream, a technology infrastructure startup, has satellites that can beam bitcoin to users around the world for similar reasons. The researchers admit that everything was coordinated before the radio signal was sent and that a real-world application would require expensive equipment." "Japan's 'flying car' gets off ground with a person aboard . SkyDrive Inc has successfully carried out a test flight of its flying car with a person on board. The vehicle, which looks like a slick motorcycle with propellers, flew several feet off the ground and hovered around for four minutes. SkyDrive hopes to have a real-life product by 2023. At the moment, the vehicle can only fly for up to 10 minutes. Electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicles have the potential to offer quick point-to-point personal travel but there are still many challenges to overcome such as battery sizes, air traffic control, and other infrastructure issues. Pictures of the vehicle are available in the article." Clay.CSS (GitHub Website). Clay.CSS is a micro CSS util class for applying 3D claymorphism styles to elements. It is fully customizable and extensible with CSS variables. SASS mixin is supported. Examples are available. "PSA: Last chance to browse using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is this week . Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser is officially retiring after 27 years on June 15. The browser reached its peak in 2003 but fell off after new browsers entered the market. Microsoft Edge features an IE mode that provides access to legacy Internet Explorer-based websites and apps. The retirement doesn't affect in-market Windows LTSC, Server Internet Explorer 11 desktop applications, or the MSHTML engine." "Modern city dwellers have lost about half their gut microbes . Scientists comparing the genomes of intestinal bacteria in primate and human populations have found that humans have lost many microbes that have been present in our guts since before humans became human. Certain gut microbes are found in almost all primates, suggesting that they share a common ancestor. Gut bacteria can influence mood and how the immune system responds to pathogens and allergens, making the researchers concerned about how these absent gut microbes could affect human health. It may be possible to restore them with probiotics." "simdjson : Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second (GitHub Repo). JSON documents are everywhere on the internet, and this C++ library is able to parse gigabytes of JSON data in seconds. simdjson uses fewer instructions compared to RapidJSON and sajson, while still fully validating the document. The parser creates an immutable DOM file which can later be accessed. There are instructions on installation and use, as well as performance comparisons with other JSON parsers." Scientists build first ‘liquibots’ that run continuously without electricity . A new type of robot can operate autonomously while being submerged in a chemical solution. The liquibots can transport payloads up and down a system as long as there are reactants available. The technology could have applications in automated chemical synthesis or drug delivery systems. A quick video showing the robots in motion is available in the article. "'Great Resignation' gains steam as return-to-work plans take effect . A recent survey by jobs site Monster found that 95 percent of workers are now considering changing jobs, with 92 percent willing to switch industries to find the right position. Burnout and lack of growth opportunities were the biggest drivers for the shift. There are also a higher number of job openings than ever before, contributing to why people are willing to try out new opportunities. Many employees want to continue working remotely, so most organizations are trying to work out how to combine remote and on-site work." "Virgin Orbit loses its first rocket shortly after engine ignition . Virgin Orbit ignited its LauncherOne rocket over the Pacific Ocean on Monday. Shortly after ignition, an anomaly occurred and the rocket was lost. The crew that ran the test made it safely back to base. Virgin Orbit states that the test ran as expected and that it now has plenty of data to analyze. The company eventually plans to be able to launch payloads of up to 300kg to low-Earth orbit at a base price of $12 million. The LauncherOne rocket has been in development for seven years." "Now Xiaomi's got smart glasses too, and they have a built-in display . Xiaomi has launched a pair of smart glasses. The Xiaomi Smart Glasses weigh 51 grams and feature a MicroLED display built into the right lenses, a 5-megapixel camera, a quad-core ARM processor, a battery, a touchpad on the frame, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. The display is monochrome and can show things like a clock, texts, and navigation instructions. Users will not need a smartphone to use the Smart Glasses. Pricing and availability will be released soon." "Meta open sources early-stage AI translation tool that works across 200 languages . Meta has created a single AI model capable of translating across 200 different languages. It has open-sourced the project so that others can build on the work. Meta sees the universal speech translator as important for growth across its platforms. Machine translation helps the company better understand its users, and the technology could develop into a killer app for its future augmented reality glasses." "Pacific volcano: New Zealand sends flight to assess Tonga damage . An underwater volcano erupted near Tonga on Saturday, sending a plume of ash into the sky and triggering tsunami warnings in several countries. The eruption coated Tonga in volcanic ash and cut off internet and phone lines. Power and service is being restored to some parts of the island, but many people are still uncontactable. New Zealand has sent a plane to assess the damage. Satellite images suggest that some of the outlying islands have been completely submerged." "Make it easy for clients to report bugs and feedback for websites with BugHerd (Sponsor). Clients leave feedback on the website. BugHerd captures the technical information (browser, OS, & screenshots) to help you resolve them fast." "Inside the Lab Where Robots Run Their Own Experiments (8 minute video). Strateos is a robotic cloud lab that automates the laboratory process so that researchers can perform experiments remotely. Lab work is time-intensive and prone to human error. Using automation, multiple experiments can be performed simultaneously and perfectly and the results are more accurate. Many instructions in chemistry are ambiguous, but Strateos' experiments are all defined by code, which means that all experiments can be perfectly replicated. Strateos provides a web app where scientists can define their experiments. The platform allows anyone to access state-of-the-art equipment for their experiments. This video explains how Strateos works while showing footage of what goes on inside the lab." "NASA puts $7M toward long-shot research, from moon mining to solar lenses . NASA's Innovative Advanced Concepts program provides grants for unique ideas for space exploration and observation. The grants are given in three tiers, a conceptual stage, a demonstration stage, and a development stage. So far, there have only been three Phase III rewards, which speaks to how open the program is to new ideas. One of the ideas that has now reached Phase III is a solar gravitational lens project that could potentially create detailed pictures of neighboring star systems through observing light that is bent around our sun." Elon Musk’s SpaceX inks satellite connectivity deal with Google Cloud . Google has signed a deal with SpaceX to use Starlink with its cloud unit. Starlink terminals will be installed at Google's cloud data centers around the world. Starlink-Google Cloud capabilities will be available to customers by the end of 2021. Microsoft Azure also partnered with SpaceX last year in a similar partnership. Amazon plans to leverage internet connectivity from its Kuiper satellites to supercharge its AWS cloud services. "App Ideas Collection (GitHub Repo). This repository contains a collection of ideas for projects which are designed to improve coding skills. Each project contains a clear and descriptive objective, self-reported user experiences on completing the project, a list of bonus optional features to implement, and a list of resources to help locate the information needed to complete the project. The projects are divided into three tiers based on the knowledge and experience required to complete them." Brain implant and signal decoder have done the impossible and reversed paralysis . Scientists at Battelle Memorial Institute have developed a brain implant that was able to restore both movement and touch in a patient with paralysis caused by a brain injury. The patient that received the implant was able to do things like swipe a credit card and play Guitar Hero again. The device is able to tap into faint brain signals for touch and then amplify these signals. It also reads brain activity and translates signals into movements. "Google to acquire Fitbit, valuing the smartwatch maker at about $2.1 billion . Alphabet is set to buy Fitbit in a deal valued around $2.1 billion. Fitbit's stock surged due to the announcement. Google plans to advance its ambitions for Wear OS by working with Fitbit's experts. It will not use health and wellness data from Fitbit for its ads. There are concerns that this acquisition may result in Google receiving the ability to gain deep insights into people's most sensitive information. Google purchased a $40 million share of Fossil's smartwatch technology in January. Fitbit has faced strong competition with Apple's smartwatch. At the end of 2018, Apple owned about half of the global smartwatch market in terms of units shipped. Google licenses its Wear platform to other companies but it currently doesn't produce its own smartwatch." "Transformers for software engineers (21 minute read). The Transformer model architecture, originally introduced for machine translation, is now used for a wide range of domains, including text, audio, video, and more. This article reverse engineers the Transformer architecture and uses the language of software engineering to explain how these models work. It is an introduction to the details of the Transformer model for those with a software engineering background, particularly for those looking to do interpretability work." "Large language models will change science (11 minute read). Thousands of scientific papers are submitted every year, making it difficult for anyone to keep up with scientific literature. Advances in natural language processing and large language models mean it is now possible for machines to understand natural language. It will soon be possible for AI to find relevant papers, determine the accuracy of a paper, and figure out its importance and novelty. These systems could one day consume more scientific research than humans and generate new scientific discoveries. They could also tutor humans by understanding their learning path and feeding them information at the time they need it." "Bootstrap 5 alpha (13 minute read). Bootstrap 5's first alpha has been released. It no longer depends on jQuery and support for Internet Explorer has been dropped. The docs and logo have been redesigned. CSS custom properties now support a handful of components and layout options. Docs and forms are now more customizable. A new utility API has been implemented to further enable people to build new CSS libraries and toolkits. Bootstrap 5's enhanced grid system features an xxl grid tier, vertical spacing classes, a replacement for form layout options, and more. Features such as RTL, an offcanvas menu, and more are planned for future releases." "Why ‘De-Extinction’ Is Impossible, But Could Work Anyway . De-extinction is not possible as even slight alterations in gene order can have significant effects. Even with 100% of an animal's genetic code, scientists can only create organisms with the same gene order and chromosome count as its living relatives. While de-extinction may be impossible, it is possible to create functional equivalents through breeding or gene insertion. This can be used to introduce species back into environments to benefit ecosystems." "The Boston Dynamics Robot Dog Got a Job on an Oil Rig . Boston Dynamics' Spot is known for its ability to walk around, open doors, climb steps, and even take clean dishes out of a dishwasher. An oil and gas company in Norway has just deployed a Spot robot to patrol a production vessel at the Skarv field in the Norwegian Sea. It will be tasked with running inspections, checking for hydrocarbon leaks, and putting together reports based on the data it collects. Spot will make offshore operations safer. Boston Dynamics has been leasing Spot robots commercially since September 2019 and has customers such as the Massachusetts police department. The robot has been promoted for use in construction, public safety, oil and gas applications, and even entertainment." "Amazon is adding a Venmo checkout option next year . Amazon will be adding a Venmo option to checkout for users in the US starting next year. The retail giant recently announced its third-quarter results, a 13% year-over-year revenue increase. There are already many payment methods available for Amazon customers, so it is unknown how widely the new payment option will be utilized. While Venmo has features that allow the purchase of cryptocurrencies, Amazon does not yet accept crypto." "Mojo Vision Puts Its AR Contact Lens Into Its CEO’s Eyes . Mojo Vision's AR contact lens allows its wearers to see 3D interfaces and applications. Its latest version features onboard microbatteries, a 14,000 pixels per inch monochrome microLED display, a 5-gigahertz radio, and eye tracking. Mojo's CEO recently wore the contacts in the first ever on-eye demonstration of the technology. This article features an interview with Steve Sinclair, Mojo's senior vice-president of product and marketing, where he talks about the company's progress and the challenges that remain." "Apple's ""game-changing"" VR headset coming out in January . Apple's VR/AR headset will be released in January 2023, according to Apple insider Ming-Chi Kuo. The mixed reality headset will be the most complicated product Apple has ever designed. It will be a premium product with very high-fidelity displays, Apple silicon power, and a very hefty price tag. The launch of the headset will likely lead to rapid growth in the industry." Lark (GitHub Repo). Lark is a parsing toolkit for Python that can parse all context-free languages. It can automatically build annotated parse-trees and it provides first-rate performance in terms of both Big-O complexity and measured run-time. Examples and performance comparisons are available. "Engineers Have Figured Out How to Make Interactive Paper . Engineers at Purdue University have created a printing process that can print interactive circuits on paper. The process involves coating the paper with highly fluorinated molecules to make it dust, oil, and water repellent, and then printing layers of circuits on top. These printed areas are capable of communicating wirelessly via Bluetooth using electricity generated from contact with a finger. There are two short videos in the article that demonstrate the technology in action." "Facebook names a new CTO with a major focus on hardware . Facebook has promoted Andrew Bosworth, the current head of its hardware division, to the role of chief technology officer. The current CTO Mike Schroepfer will become a senior fellow next year. Bosworth will continue to lead Facebook Reality Labs while also assuming responsibility for Facebook's broader software engineering and artificial intelligence efforts. Facebook is still relatively new to selling hardware, but it has significantly ramped up its efforts in recent years under Bosworth's watch." "NASA's OSIRIS-REx successfully collected bits of an orbiting asteroid . Tuesday afternoon marked the first time that a NASA mission has managed to intercept, interact with, and collect samples from an asteroid. The $800 million OSIRIS-REx spacecraft collected a small sample of regolith from the passing asteroid, 101955 Bennu. Asteroids like Bennu contain original materials from the solar nebula that collapsed to form our sun and planets. They may also give clues to how life started. Carbonite minerals were found on Bennu, suggesting that the asteroid was once part of an even larger asteroid with liquid water." "Intel buys into an AI chip that can transfer data 1,000 times faster . Untether AI raised $13 million from investors, including Intel, as it works on developing a chip that can perform neural network processing at warp speed. The current design can transfer data to different parts of the chip 1,000 times faster than a conventional AI chip. Performance speed in most chips is usually slowed down by the movement of data between the chip and memory. Untether AI's chip uses near-memory computing to overcome this problem. Unlike the types of chips that are used in data centers to train large neural networks, Untether AI's chip will be an ‘interference chip’, similar to those found in mobile phones." Spotify is testing interactive podcast ads so you never have to remember a promo code again . Spotify will be testing a new feature that allows podcasts to embed a link on their episode pages that leads directly to an advertiser's webpage. The system will load pages with promo codes automatically inserted to remove the work from users. Spotify is looking for more ways to create more of a direct funnel for brands. Streaming Ad Insertion was introduced in January for Spotify's exclusive shows. The technology targets users based on their demographics and other data points in real-time and then inserts ads into podcasts as they are being listened to. "Facebook could reportedly face multibillion-dollar FTC fine over privacy violations . The FTC is in discussions with Facebook over the exact amount of a multi-billion dollar fine as a result of privacy violations by Facebook. If an agreement is not reached over the amount of the fine, the FTC is likely to bring Facebook to court. The largest fine that the FTC has previously issued was to Google in 2012, at $22.5 million, as the company tracked users of Apple’s Safari browser after explicitly saying it wouldn’t. Privacy advocates argue that a multi-million dollar fine may not be effective in persuading Facebook to change its behavior, so the FTC is pushing for a much larger deterrent in addition to the threat of a court trial." "China Appears to Block Microsoft's Bing, Despite Company's Own Censorship . China has blocked Bing, even though Bing already censors results in China. It's part of a wider crackdown on internet freedoms by the Communist Party, as they've blocked Instagram and WhatsApp in recent years in addition to Twitter, Facebook, and Google. Bing was one of the last holes in the Great Firewall, and was the last resort for people looking for an alternative to Baidu." How to Make an NFT in 14 Lines of Code (14 minute read). This tutorial will teach you how to mint your own NFTs. It is beginner-friendly and does not require any prior knowledge of the Ethereum network or smart contracts. The tutorial is part of a series that teaches readers how to build fully functional web apps for selling their own NFTs. "Google launches Ripple, an open standard that could bring tiny radars to Ford cars and more . Google has launched an open-source API standard called Ripple. Ripple brings Google's Project Soli tiny radar technology to devices outside of Google. Project Soli can monitor sleep quality, control smartwatches, count sheets of paper, and more. Ripple was released by the Consumer Technology Association, but it is clear that Google is behind the project. Ford is planning to use the technology as an interior radar to enhance its driver-assist technologies." "Physicists Say We're Officially at the ""Threshold of Nuclear Fusion Ignition"" . A recent experiment put scientists at the threshold of fusion ignition. The experiment involved using a powerful laser to heat and compress hydrogen fuel. To achieve the goal of fusion ignition, the energy from the fusion reaction must exceed the energy delivered by the laser. The scientists were able to produce roughly 70 percent of the energy required. The UK's planned nuclear fusion reactor is expected to be operational no earlier than 2040, so it will likely still be some time before the technology is ready." "Zod (GitHub Repo). Zod is a TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library. It requires zero dependencies and will work in Node.js and browsers. With Zod, developers declare a validator once and it will automatically infer the static TypeScript type. A list of tools that are built on top of or that support Zod is available." "Zingg (GitHub Repo). Zingg is a package that features scalable fuzzy matching for data mastering, deduplication, and entity resolution. It can be used to quickly integrate data silos and build unified views at scale. Zingg works for English, Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Hindi, and other languages." "Announcing Flutter for Windows . Flutter is a cross-platform platform that compiles apps that take full advantage of hardware graphics into machine code. Windows support is now available. The Windows version can work with Windows modalities for internationalization and communicate with the Win32, COM, and Windows Runtime APIs. Several common plugins have been adapted to include Windows support, and community packages that add support for various Windows features are available. More details about Flutter Windows support, along with screenshots of Windows apps built with Flutter, are available in the article." "Find security problems in hours, not days (Sponsor). Find security problems in hours, not days . You can’t fix what you can’t find: Sourcegraph helps you quickly find vulnerabilities across your entire codebase, fix them in an automated, streamlined fashion, and track your remediation initiatives to completion. Identify incident root causes with confidence, improve production stability, and reduce the time to recovery." "Google co-founder Sergey Brin operates a high-tech, rapid response disaster relief group . Sergey Brin, who stepped down from Alphabet last year, is the sole donor to Global Support Development, a charity that runs a global rapid-response disaster relief operation. GSD has dispersed humanitarian aid at disaster events such as Hurricane Dorian in 2018, responding to the emergency long before the government did. The organization was formally established in late 2018 as a non-profit charity. A list of all past responses is available in the article." "Lesser Known PostgreSQL Features (31 minute read). Many users are not aware of all the features in tools that they use on a daily basis. This article presents the lesser-known features of PostgresSQL. It includes tips on how to match against multiple patterns, multiple ways to produce a pivot table, how to keep a separate history file per database, and much more." Amazon to introduce a new Alexa feature to mimic anyone’s voice . A new Amazon Alexa feature can mimic any human's voice using less than a minute of recorded audio. "From floating guts to 'sticky' blood – here's how to do surgery in space . While humans haven't needed surgery in space yet, the time is coming near when it will be necessary as spaceflight is becoming more accessible. Current procedures on the ISS are to stabilize patients enough to transport them back to Earth for surgery. However, that procedure won't work for longer missions, such as trips to Mars. Space travel changes many aspects of how the body works due to changed physics. Experimental surgeries have already been performed on rats in microgravity, resulting in innovations such as magnetic surgical tools. A specialized surgical enclosure could help solve many of the issues associated with the lack of gravity. 3D printing will be an important technology when it comes to equipping space surgeons. Robotic surgery is also another option, but the lag in communications in space is an issue." "Leaked Galaxy Buds Pro image reveals new rounded design . An image of Samsung's upcoming Galaxy Buds Pro true wireless earbuds has leaked, featuring a more rounded shape than the Galaxy Buds and Galaxy Buds Plus. The leaked images, including renders of the case, are available in the article. The Galaxy Buds Pro are rumored to have active noise cancellation and improvements to ambient mode. They are expected to be revealed with the Galaxy S21 phones in January." "Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook will shift to emphasize encrypted ephemeral messages . Mark Zuckerberg today released a 3200-word statement saying that encryption will be one of the keys to Facebook’s future. He announced plans to shift the company’s messaging platforms to be more like WhatsApp, with its end-to-end chat encryption. These privacy tools also allow for the development of payment and commerce systems, which is a primary focus for Facebook. Zuckerberg states that it is willing to be banned from countries that do not allow for encrypted communications and Facebook will move customer data storage away from countries that have weak records of human rights, like privacy or freedom of expression." "Exclusive: In a world first, Facebook to give data on hate speech suspects to French courts . Facebook has agreed to submit data to judges that contains information which identifies French users suspected of hate speech. The government has been working with Facebook to take a leading role globally on the regulation of hate speech and the spread of misinformation online. Facebook has previously helped the French government on terrorist investigations. By expanding their scope of aid to the government, they are sending the message that hate speech is no longer part of free speech and will be regulated in the same way as terrorism. The French government acknowledges the power that Facebook has but is reluctant to support laws to break up large, powerful companies." "Kaolin (GitHub Repo). Kaolin is a PyTorch library for accelerating 3D deep learning research. It provides efficient implementations of differentiable 3D modules for use in deep learning systems. Kaolin can load and preprocess several popular 3D data sets which can be manipulated, mitigating the need to write boilerplate code. It supports an array of loss functions and evaluation metrics and can provide visualization functionality to render the 3D results. A curated model zoo comprising of many state-of-the-art 3D deep learning architectures is provided to serve as a starting point for future research endeavors." The Windows 11 app store is already more useful after just a week . Some popular apps are starting to appear in the Microsoft Store on Windows 11. The Microsoft Store is changing to include traditional desktop apps. Any app can now be part of the store. Developers are allowed to use their own payment platforms and keep all of the revenue from apps if they choose to do so. The improvement to the store means that Windows users will have an easier time finding trusted installers for their apps. "Webcam Hacking (16 minute read). Bug hunting is about finding assumptions in software and violating those assumptions to see what happens. iOS and macOS requires each app to be granted camera/microphone permissions explicitly, but Apple grants its own apps these permissions for free. Other new web technologies allow websites to use Safari's permission to use the camera directly. Safari tracks permission settings on a per-website basis so that websites can access sensitive content such as GPS location or the camera without always asking for permission. Once these vulnerabilities are known, it is possible to test out obscure cases until the browser shows weird behaviors, and then eventually these exploits can be chained together to gain access to a user's webcam." "AR Mario Kart anchors Universal’s Super Nintendo World in February . Universal has announced a February 4 opening for the Japanese edition of Super Nintendo World in Osaka. Guests will be able to visit attractions with augmented reality glasses and interact with the virtual world using a Power-Up Band that can be purchased for around $30. Universal had originally planned to open the park in the summer to coincide with the Summer Olympics in Tokyo, but both events were postponed due to the pandemic. The 47-second video announcement for the park opening is available in the article." "Gene therapy injection in one eye surprises scientists by improving vision in both . An international team of scientists successfully treated 37 patients suffering from Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), a disease that causes optic nerve degeneration and rapid vision loss. LHON can cause people to become legally blind within a few weeks of disease onset. It affects 1 in 30,000 people, mostly men, starting in their 20s and 30s. A majority of patients carry a specific mutation, which the scientists targeted using a technique called mitochondrial targeting. While the treatment was only applied to one eye, both eyes improved for 78% of the patients. The scientists theorized that this was due to the transfer of viral vector DNA from the injected eye, which was confirmed later with experiments on macaques. The same technology can be used to treat other mitochondrial diseases." "McDonald's confirms creation of McPlant plant-based burger, unveils new Crispy Chicken Sandwich will debut in 2021 . McDonald's announced a new plant-based burger and a new Crispy Chicken Sandwich during its virtual investor update on Monday. It also released its quarterly earnings, beating analysts' projections. However, shares dropped by more than 1.5% after the announcement. Other fast-food chains have already released plant-based burgers. McDonald's will be using Beyond Meat's non-meat patties for its McPlant platform. The company has also announced a new loyalty program called ""MyMcDonald's"" that will award customers based on spending." "Crazy Work Hours and Lots of Cameras: Silicon Valley Goes to China . A group of Silicon Valley investors and executives visited Shenzhen and Beijing, China. They were struck by how fast everything moves. The speed of development is faster, and startups will raise money every six months as opposed to every 18-24 months for US based startups. China's AI development is much faster due to lax privacy laws and robust government support. Chinese startups have a concept of 996, 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week. Chinese companies tend to be more top down, while US companies give smart employees more freedom to be creative. They are much less concerned about the social impact of technology and cooperate fully with governmental efforts to track citizens. Facial recognition software is everywhere. Lan Xuezhao of Basis Set Ventures says ""I live in San Francisco, but I find it helpful to visit the other parallel universe from time to time. To some degree, it’s like looking into the future.""" "Walmart Grocery is now offering a $98 per year ‘Delivery Unlimited’ subscription . Walmart Grocery has launched a new ‘Delivery Unlimited’ subscription. For $98 a year, or $12.95 a month, subscribers will be able to get unlimited included grocery delivery. Target’s Shipt currently offers a $9.99 pay-per-order option, and Instacart offers a $99 per year subscription. Amazon Prime is currently the most expensive delivery subscription option at $119 per year. However, the subscription includes delivery for more than just groceries. It is unclear which areas Walmart Grocery will deliver to at this time. Walmart’s entry into the grocery business has significantly boosted its earnings, with sales in the first quarter increasing by 37 percent." Zoom is adding live translation services and coming to Facebook VR . Zoom plans to add real-time transcription for up to 30 languages and real-time translation across as many as 12 languages by the end of next year. The company is also expanding its whiteboard feature to make it available outside of meetings in Zoom apps and the web. Zoom Whiteboard will have sticky notes and comments and can be viewed at any time. Zoom is coming to Facebook's Horizon Workrooms early next year. People will be able to view and interact with Zoom Whiteboards in virtual spaces. Useful Python decorators for Data Scientists . This article contains a collection of @decorators that may be useful for Data Scientists. It shows the code for each decorator and its output and then explains how the decorator can help data scientists. A link to the ipython notebook is available. "Repairing cell structures altered by obesity restores metabolic function . Scientists from Harvard repaired cell structures altered by obesity in mice and restored healthy metabolic function in the cells. The team used a mix of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and high-resolution imaging to see the effects of fatty liver disease on a molecular level. They then patched up the alterations with technologies used to repair molecules and proteins. Cell metabolism returned to normal after the cell structures were repaired. The discovery could be used to offer new ways to manage obesity and prevent its impacts." "Devtron (GitHub Repo). Devtron is a platform for operationalizing and maintaining applications on Kubernetes. It features a zero-code software delivery workflow, multi-cloud deployment, an application debugging dashboard, operational insights, and more. Screenshots are available in the repository." "Ethereum just activated its 'London' hard fork, and it's a really big deal . Ethereum's London hard fork has been activated. The network will now algorithmically decide the transaction fee based on the overall demand on the network. Users will still be able to jump the queue by tipping. Another change in the code will double the block size to smooth out spikes in demand and to help gas fees stay stable. While there will be twice the number of blocks, the upgrade has been designed so that the protocol only wants the blocks to be half full. The London fork also paves the way for Ethereum 2.0, which will see the network switch from the proof-of-work mining system to proof-of-stake." "The 5 biggest announcements from Apple’s ‘One More Thing’ hardware event . Apple announced new versions of the MacBook Air, the 13-inch MacBook Pro, and the Mac mini at its 'One More Thing' live stream. The new hardware will use Apple's new M1 chip, which features an octa-core processor containing the fastest CPU cores of any processor ever made and the best performance per watt of any CPU in its class on the market. It also has an eight-core integrated graphics processing unit. The new MacBook Air will start at $999, the Mac mini at $699, and the 13-inch MacBook Pro at $1,299. They are available for pre-order now. macOS Big Sur will launch on November 12." A new heat engine with no moving parts is as efficient as a steam turbine . Engineers at MIT and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory have designed a heat engine with no moving parts. The engine can convert heat to electricity with over 40% efficiency. The researchers plan to create a system that stores excess renewable energy into heavily insulated banks of hot graphite that will use the new engine to convert the heat to energy when needed. The battery can operate at high temperatures with low maintenance costs as it has no moving parts. It could enable a fully decarbonized power grid. "Reflecting on My Failure to Build a Billion-Dollar Company (10 minute read). Sahil Lavingia, an entrepreneur, reflects on his journey in building a startup and why it failed to become a billion-dollar company. As the second employee at Pinterest, he was able to quickly raise capital for his idea, Gumroad, but then problems with running the venture soon materialized. Lavingia’s successes and failures throughout the journey are analyzed, and the lessons he learned from the experience are shared in a mature, balanced way." "NASA calls Voyager 2, and the spacecraft answers from interstellar space . Voyager 2 has been in space for 43 years and it is now 125 astronomical units away from Earth. In 1989, scientists ordered Voyager 2 to fly in a trajectory that resulted in it only being able to communicate with a radio antenna facility in Canberra, Australia. The facility had to be refurbished in March, with work completing in February next year. To test the new hardware at the facility, Voyager mission managers sent a series of signals to Voyager 2, which it responded to. It was the first time since March that NASA has been able to communicate with the spacecraft." "Raspberry Pi as a local server for self hosting applications . This post follows cri's experiments with setting up a Raspberry Pi 4 as a local server for heavy tasks, such as time-lapse creation and other long-running tasks and services. It covers connecting the RPi to a Macbook Pro 13"" 2010, connecting the RPi to Wi-Fi, benchmarking transfer speeds, and installation of applications." "UK chancellor announces 2% 'digital services tax' on tech giants' revenues starting in April 2020 . The UK plans to levy a 2% tax on tech companies making over £500 million a year in global revenues. The tax will only be applied on advertising and streaming entertainment, not on product sales. The taxes will be rolled out in April 2020, and will generate about £400 million in revenue. The UK is also in talks with the rest of the G20 and OECD to discuss how best to tax tech giants. It is still possible that they will scrap this plan in favor of an international plan. UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond says ""This shows we are serious about this reform. It is only right that these global giants pay their fair share.""" "YouTube plans week-long live shopping event, following tests of livestream shopping with creators . YouTube plans to host a week-long live shopping event starting on November 15. The event will allow viewers to shop for products, unlock limited-time offers, and engage with creators and other viewers. YouTube has been testing livestream shopping as part of a larger initiative around integrated shopping on the platform. Several YouTube creators have successfully launched products on livestreams. TikTok and Facebook also have shopping features and live shopping." "Verizon sells Yahoo and AOL businesses to Apollo for $5 billion . Apollo Global Management will buy Verizon Media Group for $5 billion. Verizon will retain a 10% stake in the company, which will be rebranded to just 'Yahoo'. Online media brands that were owned by Yahoo and AOL like TechCrunch, Yahoo Finance, and Engadget now belong to Apollo. The sale signals that Verizon is no longer interested in media. It will instead focus on its wireless networks and other internet provider businesses." "Glorious Demo (Github Repo). This is a cool open source tool that makes it really easy to create an animated demo of your code in action. Very nifty, you can create a nice demo in just 5 to 10 lines of code." This Plant Lurks Underground to Trap Prey in a Way We've Never Seen Before . A newly discovered species of carnivorous plant grows its pitchers underground to target bugs that dwell inside the dirt. "Android’s ‘Nearby Share’ file sharing feature is finally launching . Nearby Share is already available on some Pixel and Samsung phones and will roll out to other devices over the next few weeks. It will make it easier to share files, images, links, and other content between Android devices. Users will be able to set preferred visibility for Nearby Share to different levels, allowing them to stay hidden or send and receive files anonymously if desired. Nearby Share will share files with the fastest method available between the devices, even when the devices are offline. It does not work with iOS devices, Macs, or Windows machines but Google plans to expand the feature to additional platforms in the future." "Introduction to Machine Learning for Coders (Free Online Course). This is a free course provided by fast.ai, taught by Jeremy Howard (Kaggle's #1 competitor 2 years running). The goal is to provide a crash course in machine learning for developers. About 1 year of coding experience and knowledge of high school math is required for this course. You should plan to spend around 8 hours a week for 12 weeks to complete the material." "San Francisco becomes first US city to ban sale of e-cigarettes . The sale of e-cigarettes is now banned in San Francisco. Traditional cigarettes and marijuana products, including vapes for cannabis, are still legal to purchase. Legislators banned nicotine based e-cigarettes as they have been the cause of a rise in nicotine use in teens. Juul, one of the largest producers of nicotine products for e-cigarettes, has its main offices in San Francisco. Former adult smokers who had been using e-cigarette alternatives to quit smoking will now have to look elsewhere. Many small businesses have also been affected by the legislation." "Ask HN: What are your favorite developer-efficiency tips? (Hacker News Thread). Recording yourself or pretending to stream your work is a novel way of increasing productivity at work as it gets you into a certain mindset. Sometimes it can get difficult to start working. A technique to get started faster is to spend some time at the end of a work session to make it easier to accomplish something early in your next work session, for example, making a to-do list or creating an easy-to-fix issue. Dedicating only a little bit of time to read documentation and code can result in a vast amount of knowledge that can help save a lot of time and solve problems later on. This thread contains many more efficiency tips for developers." "Inside TikTok's killer algorithm . TikTok has revealed how its algorithm works. The code that TikTok uses to pick the next video to display is a large part of its $20-$30 billion valuation. A ""transparency center"" has been set up in Los Angeles which will have exhibits showing how TikTok's algorithms and data practices work. The algorithm uses machine learning to determine what the user is likely to engage with and then sends more of the same content. It groups videos into clusters based on similar themes and tries to avoid sending multiple videos with the same music or from the same creator. As the system can produce filter bubbles, TikTok's product and policy teams monitor accounts for misinformation and other content before it reaches the main feed." Import Tracker (GitHub Repo). Import Tracker is a Python package for tracking and managing optional dependencies. It enables developers to track and map each module within a project to the set of dependencies it relies on. Import Tracker prevents code from crashing when uninstalled imports are imported. It can programmatically determine the install_requires and extras_require arguments for setuptools.setup. "Solar Power Beamed Down To Earth From Space Moves Forward . The US Air Force is researching a technology that can harvest solar energy in space and then beam it down when required. Space-based solar power can reduce infrastructure costs and it also doesn't take up as much valuable land as other methods. The technology is available, with satellites expecting to launch in 2024. As the cost of Earth-bound solar power continues to drop, the need for space solar power isn't urgent. This research could result in technology that benefits many people, similar to GPS." "OpenAI launches Codex, an API for translating natural language into code . OpenAI Codex is an AI system that translates natural language into code. It was trained on billions of lines of public code so it works with a broad set of frameworks and languages. Codex is available via an API in private beta. It will be free during its initial testing period. While it is highly capable, Codex has some significant limitations, including biases and sample inefficiencies. Codex powers GitHub Copilot, a code suggestion service launched earlier this summer." "The Supreme Court hears Oracle v. Google tomorrow—here’s what’s at stake . Oracle v. Google is a landmark case that will consider whether application-programming interfaces (APIs) can be protected by copyright. In 2014, Oracle sued Google for re-implementing APIs from the Java programming language. An appeals court ruled in Oracle's favor in 2018. Google continues to fight the case, claiming that restrictions on APIs would stifle software innovation. Every significant computer program uses APIs, so restricting them by copyright could create legal landmines for many companies. It could also give rise to API copyright trolls, who acquire copyrights to sue companies using older software. The case is now before the Supreme Court, and the results of the case will have a large impact on the software industry." "China's Xi Jinping personally halted Ant's record-breaking $37 billion IPO after boss Jack Ma snubbed government leaders, report says . President Xi Jinping halted Ant Group's initial public offering after Jack Ma criticized government leaders. The listing was expected to be the largest in history, but new lending rules led to the offering being suspended. Big private businesses that rack up wealth and power in the country are seen as a challenge to authority. Ma had criticized global banking rules and had wanted to use innovation to help solve China's financial problems. Xi and other government officials were enraged by Ma's comments and suspended the IPO on November 3. Ant Group had already secured over $3 trillion in orders from investors at the time." "Apple Announces New Lockdown Mode on iOS 16 With 'Extreme' Level of Security . Apple announced a new Lockdown Mode in iOS 16, iPadOS 16, and macOS Ventura. The feature will provide an extreme level of security by strictly limiting or disabling the functionality of features, apps, and websites. A list of current protections is available in the article. Apple will add more protections over time. A new Lockdown Mode category in Apple's Security Bounty program will pay up to $2 million for Lockdown Mode bypasses." "Google is shutting down Google+ for consumers following security lapse . Google is shutting down Google+ over the course of the next 10 months due to low engagement (90% of user sessions last less than 5 seconds). Only the consumer version is being shut down, there is an enterprise version that is being kept open.They also announced that there was an undisclosed security flaw that was fixed back in March, it's unrelated to the shutdown." "Apple acquires Shazam, offering more ways to discover and enjoy music . Apple has officially acquired Shazam, the popular song identification app. The $400 million deal was announced near the end of last year but was just now completed. Apple has announced that Shazam will now be ad free for all users. Shazam has over 1 billion downloads and is used by 20 million users per day." "Next Web Browser (Github Repo). Next is an open source Lisp-based keyboard-oriented extensible web-browser designed for power users. The goal is to enable power users to be more productive by allowing fast tab switching and fast navigation without having to use a mouse. I can see how this could get big, a web browser is probably most people's most used application so it makes sense to invest some time in getting fast with it (like how people invest time learning text editors like vim/emacs). It's still pretty early stage and is missing some key stuff like adblock, but it's definitely something to keep an eye on (and a cool project for Lisp fans!)." "A second Apple self-driving car engineer is accused of stealing trade secrets . Jizhong Chen, an Apple engineer working on autonomous vehicles, was accused by the FBI of stealing trade secrets. Chen backed up his work information onto personal devices, claiming he was applying for other internal jobs, but had instead applied for external jobs. Chen was put on a Performance Improvement Plan in December, but is now suspended without pay after the discovery of his activities in January." "Meet Kryptology: Coinbase’s Open Source Cryptography Library . Kryptology is a cryptographic library from Coinbase that enables developers to create novel crypto innovations with state-of-the-art cryptography. Crypto was founded on cryptographic innovation and cryptography is a driver for innovation in crypto. Kryptology contains a toolbox of secure, audited, and easy-to-use APIs that are designed to be misuse-resistant. It is now open source." "Ask HN: Which tools have made you a much better programmer? (Hacker News Thread). Some tools can make coding much easier and help developers become more productive. Examples can include version control, flame graphs, regex, vim, and bash. This thread contains many lists of developer tools, as well as explanations for why these tools are effective productivity enhancers." "Nuklear (GitHub Repo). Nuklear is an immediate-mode cross-platform graphical user interface toolkit written in ANSI C. It focuses on portability, efficiency, and simplicity. Nuklear has a small codebase and no dependencies, and it is fully customizable. Examples are available in the repository." "US Regulators Approve Roche's New And Faster COVID-19 Test . US regulators have given emergency approval for Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche's new COVID-19 diagnosis test. The test can be run in high volumes on fully automated equipment, providing results much faster than other tests available. Widespread testing is essential in the race to control the spread of the virus. Roche will have millions of tests available each month and it is committed to pushing its production capacity in order to deliver as many tests as possible." "Inside Google's Plan to Disrupt the College Degree . Google recently announced plans to launch new certificate programs designed to help people bridge skill gaps and get qualifications without a college degree. The plan includes three new Google Career Certificates on Coursera, a new Associate Android Developer Certification course, over 100,000 need-based scholarships, and partnerships with employers to hire graduates of the program. Courses will take six months or less to complete." "Turn any SQL database into an API and no-code app (Sponsor). Turn any SQL database into an API and no-code app . Directus is an open-source library built using TypeScript that installs on top of any SQL database, automatically creating a REST+GraphQL API and no-code app that enables anyone to connect, manage, and visualize data.""Tripadvisor is using Directus to bring our products, data and content closer together."" - Antoine Veliz, VP Design, TripadvisorLearn more or check us out on GitHub!" "Warner Music Signed an Algorithm to a Record Deal — What Happens Next?Warner Music has purchased 600 short tracks on 20 albums that were created by an algorithm in a deal that has people debating about the future of music. Endel is an app that creates soundscapes based on personalized data, such as a user’s location, time, and the weather. All 600 tracks were created ‘with a click of a button’ using Endel’s algorithm, and the company even hired a third party to name the tracks. Warner Music is known for investing in AI music products. As the market for ambient music increases, it makes sense for music labels to try to dominate these genres, especially if they can do it cheaply and easily. ). Warner Music has purchased 600 short tracks on 20 albums that were created by an algorithm in a deal that has people debating about the future of music. Endel is an app that creates soundscapes based on personalized data, such as a user’s location, time, and the weather. All 600 tracks were created ‘with a click of a button’ using Endel’s algorithm, and the company even hired a third party to name the tracks. Warner Music is known for investing in AI music products. As the market for ambient music increases, it makes sense for music labels to try to dominate these genres, especially if they can do it cheaply and easily." Android Developer Roadmap - MindOrks (GitHub Repo). This is a roadmap for learning Android App Development. It lists core components with subtopics in each section. All the resources required to learn each section are provided through a linked course. "Scientists Create New Way to Convert Methane Into Rocket Fuel on Mars . Researchers have discovered a new method of converting methane into rocket fuel on Mars. While the new method has succeeded in lab tests, a lot of engineering and research is needed before it can be used on real missions. The new method uses a single-atom zinc catalyst and an existing method of converting water into breathable oxygen. Modern-day rockets use liquid hydrogen fuels, but there are many benefits to methane-based fuels, and some companies are already endorsing the new method." "Google announces Pixel 5, Pixel 4A 5G, and Pixel 4A all at once . Google has announced the Pixel 4A, Pixel 5, and the Pixel 4A 5G. The Pixel 4A will ship on August 20th while the other two handsets will ship sometime this fall. It will be sold primarily online and US carriers will likely forgo putting significant support behind it due to it not being a 5G phone. Google likely made the triple announcement to let prospective buyers know when 5G will be coming to its devices. The Pixel 4A will be $349, coming only in one screen size and one color. A list of specs is available in the article." "Microsoft hologram speaking Japanese (2 minute video). In this video, a presenter demonstrates Microsoft's Mixed Reality studio's ability to generate a hologram. The presenter's hologram speaks Japanese to demonstrate a new neural text-to-speech engine that creates speech in a different language using the speaker's voice." "TikTok’s parent company is gearing up to invest a lot of money in VR . ByteDance is planning to invest 'tons of money' to develop VR-related content. Over 40 job listings have popped up for Pico, a VR headset maker that ByteDance acquired last year. Pico may be looking to establish a presence in the US. It launched its flagship headset in Europe last month for €449." "Robotic Third Arm Can Smash Through Walls . Researchers from the Université de Sherbrooke in Canada have created a waist-mounted remote-controlled hydraulic arm that is gentle enough to pick fruit but also powerful enough to punch through a wall. This type of wearable robotic arm is known as a supernumerary robotic arm. It weighs about four kilograms and can lift five kilograms, with a maximum speed of 3.4 meters per second. At the moment, the arm is remotely controlled by a second human, but researchers have suggested adding sensors on the arm so that it can provide more functionality. Pictures and video of the robotic arm are available in the article." Twitter is now letting developers add labels to bot accounts . Twitter is now letting developers add labels to their bot accounts. The feature has been in testing since September and was meant to be rolled out by the end of 2022. Automated account owners can now opt in to have the label applied to their account. Twitter won't be auditing the accounts that apply for the new label. The company is also working on implementing a label to memorialize people who have died. "Apple now offers iPhone repairs in the comfort of your home . Apple has teamed up with Go Tech Services to provide home repairs in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Houston, and Dallas. Some customers will now see an onsite repair option when they go to Apple's support site. The service will only cover certain types of repairs, and an onsite visit fee may apply. Apple already offers onsite repairs for large organizations through AppleCare for Enterprise." "Flax Engine (GitHub Repo). Flax Engine is a 3D game engine written in C++ and C#. It is designed for a fast workflow and it features cross-platform support, visual scripting, open-world tools, and more. Screenshots are available." "First Ever 3D Printed House for Sale Listed on Zillow for $299,000 USD . SQ4D is the first company to publicly list a 3D printed house for sale. Its list price is $299,000, while the average list price in the neighborhood is $394,000. SQ4D is offering a 50-year limited warranty on the build. The house is 1,500 sqft, with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. A link to the listing, as well as several videos showing the building process and the house itself, is available in the article." "Scientists Just Discovered That Platypus Fur Glows Green Under UV Light . Scientists have discovered that platypus fur glows in the dark when exposed to ultraviolet light. Biofluorescence is rare in nature, but the scientists were inspired to look for it in platypus after it was found in the fur of New World flying squirrels while studying lichens with a blacklight. Monotremes branched off from the marsupial-placental lineage more than 150 million years ago. The presence of biofluorescent fur in platypus shows how deep in the mammalian tree the trait of biofluorescent fur is." "Concorde 2.0: NASA shares incredible video of 'quiet' supersonic jet with 925mph speeds . NASA's X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology (QueSST) is an experimental supersonic jet designed to reach speeds of Mach 1.4 (925mph). It is slower than the Concorde, but its cutting-edge design allows it to emit a sonic boom about as loud as the sound of a car door closing. Lockheed Martin was awarded a $247.5 million contract to assemble the aircraft in 2018. A timelapse clip that shows the aircraft being assembled is available in the article." "Google, Meta, and others will have to explain their algorithms under new EU legislation . The EU's new Digital Service Act will force tech companies to take greater responsibility for content on their platforms. The new rules will distinguish between companies of different sizes, with the largest companies facing the most scrutiny. Non-compliance can result in fines of up to six percent of a company's annual turnover. The act still needs to be officially voted into law, but the last step is mostly a formality. More details about the new rules are available in the article." "Machines Beat Humans on a Reading Test. But Do They Understand? (17 minute read). Computers have become decent at translation and sentiment analysis, but this doesn't mean they have human-level reading comprehension yet. The General Language Understanding Evaluation was developed in 2018. It was designed to represent challenges that the research community thought were interesting. At first, machines failed miserably on the test, but then newer algorithms started to perform well. Despite performing well on the GLUE, machines probably aren't really understanding language. A new test called SuperGLUE has been developed to challenge newer systems." "Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt will leave Alphabet’s board after 18 years . Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO and former Alphabet executive chairman, has announced his decision to step down as a board member of Alphabet. He will be retained in the company as a technical advisor but wishes to focus on other things such as teaching and the work at his philanthropic organization. While Schmidt has been a key player in causing Google to become the company it is today, there has also been controversy with his leadership. Google has recently come under scrutiny for sexual misconduct within the company, and Schmidt had been named in a lawsuit involving harassment by multiple executives." "Virgin Galactic could beat SpaceX to major milestone Thursday . On Thursday, Virgin Galactic will attempt to beat out SpaceX and Blue Origin to be the first commercial launch to send a human to space without the support of a government space agency. Technically they're only going into the mesosphere (50 miles above Earth), it's a little fuzzy what the technical definition of space is. Billionaire Richard Branson, owner of Virgin, had previously said that he would send humans to space by Christmas. Eventually Virgin Galactic wants to send tourists to space, but plans have been pushed back because a crash killed one of their test pilots." "The Atlantic Ocean is getting wider every year, pushing the Americas away from Europe and Africa. We may finally know why. . The Atlantic Ocean is growing 1.5 inches wider every year because the tectonic plates under the Americas are separating from those beneath Europe and Africa. This is due to the formation of a large underwater mountain range in the middle of the ocean called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge separates the North American plate from the Eurasian plate, and the South American plate from the African plate. It sits on a convection hotspot on the Earth's crust. The process started about 200 million years ago." "Wasp (Website). Wasp is a declarative domain-specific language for developers who want to use a modern web dev stack without writing boilerplate. It unifies frontend, backend, and deployment under one concise language. Wasp is designed to be easy to use and scale. Examples of deployed apps are available." "Apple and Google launch exposure notification API, enabling public health authorities to release apps . Apple and Google have released their exposure notification API to the public. The exposure notification system is designed to notify individuals of potential exposure to people who have been confirmed to have COVID-19 while preserving privacy. Apple and Google will not be releasing their own apps - public health agencies will need to create their own apps to make use of the API. Health agencies are free to define what constitutes potential exposure in terms of exposed time and distance, and they can modify other parameters to their own standards. Apps that seek geolocation information permissions from users will not be able to use the API. Apple and Google may integrate the API as a system-level feature in a later update, but that strategy is still under revision." Every Programmer Should Know (GitHub Repo). A collection of things every software developer should know. "Github Jira Integration (Github App). Github just announced a first party integration with Jira, which should be nifty for people who use both services. I know there are a lot of people who have hacked together solutions to do this, hopefully this integration will solve that pain point." "Automagica (GitHub Repo). Automagica is an open-source Smart Robotic Process Automation platform. Users can write cross-platform automation scripts using Python. Officially, only Windows is supported. Using Automagica, users can automate browsing/scraping, SAP, folder and file manipulation, and more. Natural Language scripts are supported." "Former SpaceX engineers bring autonomous, electric rail vehicle startup out of stealth . Parallel Systems is a company founded by three former SpaceX engineers to build autonomous battery-electric rail vehicles. It aims to reduce carbon emissions in freight and solve the supply chain constraints of trucking and railway systems. The startup recently came out of stealth mode with a $49.55 million Series A raise. It will use the funds to build a second-generation vehicle and launch an advanced testing program to figure out how to integrate the vehicles into real-world operations. Parallel will have to convince a legacy railroad partner to let the startup use its rails before finding out if its tech can handle real-world operations." "Simplenetes (GitHub Repo). Simplenetes is a simplified version of Kubernetes that has fewer moving parts. It supports multiple replicas of pods, load-balancers, internal proxies, CI/CD pipelines, Letsencrypt certificates, health checks, and more." "StoreKit 2 with updates to in-app purchases and subscriptions now available for developers . StoreKit 2 is now available as part of iOS 15, iPadOS 15, tvOS 15, and watchOS 8. It improves the way in-app purchases and subscriptions work. Developers will receive up-to-date information about their apps and users will have more secure purchases, an easier refund process, and the ability to manage their individual app subscriptions. The App Store Server API has been updated to add real-time purchase notifications for developers. Developers will now be able to see users' in-app purchase history and get subscription expiration, offer redemption, and refund notifications." "Apple reportedly threatened to boot Facebook from the App Store over human trafficking concerns . Apple threatened to kick Facebook off its App Store after a report in 2019 detailed how the platform was used to sell victims of human trafficking. Facebook was aware of the practice before the report, having conducted its own investigations. Facebook's AI content moderators can't detect most languages used on the platform, and its human moderators don't know how to speak the languages used in those markets. This has resulted in criminal organizations using the platform to conduct their business." "Git User Switch (GitHub Repo). Git User Switch allows developers to switch user, email, and signingKey with ease. A GIF demo is available that shows how it works." Zoom now has an SDK for putting Zoom into other things . Zoom has released a software development kit (SDK) to help developers build Zoom into their software. Developers can use the SDK to embed Zoom's chat functions in a variety of places without being tied to the Zoom Meetings user interface. Zoom is rolling out a centralized portal for developers to learn about and access available developer tools. It includes an analytics dashboard where developers can monitor how users are interacting with Zoom features. Open Source SPL scripts make microservice development more efficient (Sponsor). Agile SPL syntax enables more convenient programming. The open-source data processing component can be seamlessly integrated into any Java application. Learn more. Joe Schmoe: An illustrated avatar collection for developers and designers (Web Tool). Joe Schmoe is an API that will generate an avatar that can be used as a placeholder profile picture for a website. It is possible to use the API to generate a different avatar every time or users can opt for a specific avatar to be used every page load. It is very simple and easy to use and there is a demo of the tool available on the site. new.css (GitHub Repo). new.css is a classless CSS framework that can write modern websites using only HTML. It features a dark mode and support for custom color themes and fonts using CSS variables. new.css is only ~4.5kb. There are two customizable pre-made themes. "The PinePhone Pro brings upgraded hardware to the Linux phone . Pine64 is now taking preorders for the PinePhone Pro, the fastest mainline Linux smartphone on the market. It features a removable back with privacy dip switches to kill the modem and pogo pins that support a variety of attachable backs that can add extra functionality. The phone is designed for users who want to use a Linux-only smartphone and are willing to accept software limitations. It will start shipping on January 24." "Apple’s Double Agent (11 minute read). Apple has largely kept its response to leaks under wraps. Its anti-leak team, officially called Global Security, employs former US intelligence and FBI agents. The team is tasked with cracking down on leaks and leakers, but very little is known about how it operates. One of the ways the team gains intelligence is by cultivating relationships with people in the jailbreaking community. This article tells the story of a member of the jailbreaking community who willingly reached out to Apple with information on leaks. The informant never received compensation for the leaks, so they decided to tell their story instead." "Loot is a viral social network that looks like nothing you've ever seen (14 minute read). Loot, an NFT-based social network, is a project by Dom Hoffman, the co-creator of Vine. Hoffman's idea was to let people create NFTs based on his item generator for free minus the transaction fees required by the Ethereum network. He offered up 7,777 bags of items, which were all snapped up almost instantly. In five days, Loot bags had a market cap of $180 million. The idea for Loot is that the items will eventually be part of a game or even the metaverse, but it is up to the community on what will happen next." "Designed in Minecraft, built IRL . Block by Block is a joint venture by the UN, Microsoft, and Mojang to improve marginalized areas by actively engaging community members in public projects. More than 17,000 people have participated in Block by Block initiatives in around 100 different countries. One of the projects in Gaza involved helping a group of citizens to design and build a community garden in Minecraft. The design was later transformed into reality, becoming the Az-Zawayda Community Garden that opened on December 31, 2018. The Block by Block foundation continues to run relief projects in many countries." "These tiny $17,500 prefab 'urban escape pods' from former Tesla and SpaceX designers are now available to preorder . Jupe is a startup that creates sci-fi inspired portable shelters. Its team consists of designers from Tesla, SpaceX, and Airbnb. The prefab shelters are designed to go anywhere, with solar panels and batteries to supply power when off the grid. They are spacious, with enough room for a queen-sized bed, a desk, a chair, an ottoman, and 38 cubic feet of storage space in the floors. At $17,500, the shelters are available now for preorder. An image gallery showing off the different features of the shelters is available in the article." "Elon Musk breaks ground on Tesla's Shanghai factory . Tesla has started construction on a $140 million Shanghai factory. In October, they said that they were operating at a 55-60% cost disadvantage in China due to transport costs, tariffs, and Chinese cash incentives. This new factory will help them close that gap, and it is expected to start producing cars in the second half of 2019, starting at 3,000 Model 3's per week and eventually producing 500,000 vehicles per year." "AMD-Powered Frontier Supercomputer Breaks the Exascale Barrier, Now Fastest in the World . The AMD-powered Frontier supercomputer is the first officially recognized exascale supercomputer in the world. It ranks first on the Top500 list of the world's fastest supercomputers and is faster than the next seven supercomputers on the list combined. Frontier also ranks as the fastest AI system on the planet. It runs on the most power-efficient supercomputing architecture in the world. More details, including benchmark results and pictures of the supercomputer, are available in the article." "Transparent solar panels could replace windows in the future . Transparent solar panels have the potential to shift cities from major energy users to providers in an instant. There are several transparent solar panel technologies. Some can convert almost any glass sheet or window into a transparent solar panel. The more transparent a panel is, the less efficient it is, so scientists still need to increase the technology’s efficiency before it can be scaled up." "Kickstarter will not voluntarily recognize its employee union . Kickstarter will not voluntarily recognize Kickstarter United, its employee-created union, but are opting instead for a National Labor Relations Board election. CEO Aziz Hasan wrote in an email that a union would hurt the company and that the company recognizes the needs of its employees. A union would significantly change the way the company operates, and Hasan was concerned that employees were being pressured by their managers to form opinions regarding the union effort." "A coordinated drone attack has knocked out half of Saudi Arabia’s oil supply . Houthi rebels have claimed responsibility for an attack that caused fires at a major oil processing facility and nearby oil field in Saudi Arabia. 10 drones were involved in the attack, which caused the suspension of around half of Saudi Arabia's daily oil production. Houthi rebels have used drones in a number of attacks this year, packing the drones with explosives and then flying them at high speed towards their targets. The group originally used standard, off-the-shelf drones, but more recently they have been using sophisticated models with a range of more than 900 miles. While the Houthi group has claimed responsibility, the US has blamed Iran for the attack. Iran has rejected the accusation. These drone attacks may cost no more than $15,000 each and are incredibly hard to stop, meaning that this attack could change the face of the Yemen War." "Amazon One’s palm-scanning tech makes first move into entertainment venues . Amazon One is launching at Colorado's Red Rocks Amphitheater as part of a partnership with ticketing firm AXS. It is the first time the palm reading technology has been deployed outside of Amazon and Whole Food stores. More AXS ticketed venues are expected to have the technology soon. Amazon is trying to make the technology more convenient than regular contactless cards and QR codes, but numerous privacy experts have expressed skepticism towards the technology as it gives Amazon more insight into customers' shopping habits and hobbies. Amazon is trying to encourage sign-ups by offering $10 for a palm print." "AWS S3: Why sometimes you should press the $100k button . This article tells the story of how a team generated a massive amount of data with their MVP and blew through their cloud budget for the year by May. Multiple small issues resulted in a storage bill of almost $100,000 per month. Amazon had a solution to the issue that would have cost around $100,000, but the team decided to try to implement their own. This resulted in the team spending months of meetings developing a solution based on a misunderstanding." mailgo (GitHub Repo). mailgo is a JavaScript package that transforms mailto and tel links into a menu that allows users to open the links directly in an app. A GIF demo is available. "Microsoft gets exclusive license for OpenAI’s GPT-3 language model . Microsoft will exclusively license GPT-3 from OpenAI. GPT-3 can unlock a lot of commercial and creative potential, with the possibilities only limited by the ideas and scenarios that can be imagined. The details of the licensing agreement are still unclear, but OpenAI will continue to offer GPT-3 and its other models via its Azure-hosted API. OpenAI has been experimenting with safeguards against the misuse of GPT-3 at the API level. This includes filters that can pick up antisemitic content while still allowing neutral content regarding Judaism." "Amazon Copycat is Stealing My Product, Images, Branding & More . BeltBro is a product that uses two belt loops to hold up pants and shorts. It took two years to develop the branding and marketing for the product and the website for it was launched in February, during one of the toughest times to start a small business. Over 50,000 customers purchased products through the website. BeltBro started selling its product on Amazon FBA, and a Chinese company cloned the entire listing. The scammers even bought fake reviews to boost their listing and lowered their prices well below the price for the original product. Despite being in Amazon's special 'Brand Registry' program, BeltBro received no support from the company." "Google's speedier internet standard is now an actual standard . Google's Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC) is now an official Internet standard. It uses UDP (User Datagram Protocol) and provides faster encrypted connections and better handling of network switches. The technology is effectively a replacement for TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), which has been available since 1974. QUIC was introduced as an experimental Chrome add-on in 2013. Google applied for standard consideration in 2016." "How to safely run DDL operations without interrupting production API traffic (12 minute read). PostgreSQL's Data Definition Language is used to handle database descriptions and schemas and to define and modify the structure of data. This article discusses how to safely run DDL operations without interrupting production API traffic. It covers what transactional DDLs are, locking, constraints, enum types, and table, column, and index operations." "Svelte Storm (GitHub Repo). Svelte Storm is a Svelte IDE with a built-in State Manager window for viewing projects in real-time. It features file directory access and a built-in terminal. Svelte Storm is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems." "I Am a Heroin User. I Do Not Have a Drug Problem (12 minute read). Carl Hart, a neuroscientist and Ziff Professor of Psychology at Columbia University, says that the media's sensationalistic coverage of the opioid crisis exploits ignorance and fear to vilify certain members of society. More than 70 percent of drug users do not meet the health criteria for drug addiction. A typical drug user is likely to be a responsible professional who uses drugs for many reasons. This interview with Hart discusses the opioid crisis, drug use, addiction, and how society's views on drugs should be reviewed." "Not Self-Driving, But Tele-Driving: Startup to Deploy Remote-Controlled Cars as a Step Towards Full Autonomy . Vay is a Berlin-based startup that plans to use human teledrivers to drive cars remotely. Its customers will be able to order a vehicle to drive themselves, with the teledrivers taking over between rides. Vay claims that its rides will cost a fraction of what Uber and Lyft currently charge for rides. The vehicles are being tested in Berlin. Vay aims to launch its service in Europe and the US next year. A video explaining the service is available in the article." How Apple could kill CAPTCHAs with Private Access Tokens . Apple plans to kill CAPTCHAs with its new Private Access Tokens technology. Private Access Tokens can prove that an HTTP request is coming from a human by recognizing if a client device is following typical user patterns. Signed tokens are sent to servers in a multi-step process that doesn't involve the server knowing anything about the device or user. Using Private Access Tokens requires a device running iOS 16 or macOS Ventura. Apple is working to make Private Access Tokens a web standard. More on how the technology works is available in the article. Physicists Just Built The First Working Prototype Of A 'Quantum Radar' . Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon where two particles are inextricably linked across space and time. An engineer from MIT demonstrated in 2008 that it was possible to illuminate objects using barely any photons using features of quantum entanglement. Researchers have recently developed a working prototype of a quantum radar. It works on the same principle as a normal radar except is uses pairs of entangled photons rather than sending out radio waves to scan an area. One photon is sent towards an object while another photon remains in the device to be monitored. The method is less affected by background radiation noise compared to conventional radar. "Open Source Stack to Build a Modern Network Monitoring (Sponsor). Learn how a network automation solution uses Telegraf and InfluxDB to speed up enterprise adoption of network automation, reduce their operational costs, and increase the reliability of their service. Learn more." "Bodies in Seats (28 min read). A Facebook content moderator had a heart attack and died while on the job after reporting high levels of stress, constantly fearing that he would lose his job. The content moderation site he worked at in Tampa, Florida was the worst-performing site in North America. Previous reports into these moderation facilities have shown that employees are working under sub-optimal conditions. Employees are constantly reminded that they are replaceable. Some employees who work in content moderation did not initially aim to work in the department. They were hired for other jobs and then ‘promoted’ into these roles. Others applied for jobs that promised normal working hours, bonuses, regular schedules, and a good work-life balance, but were then put into working night shifts. It seems that the company’s strategy is to fill its centers with bodies in order to moderate their content, without a care for how the person is hired, treated, or cared for after working in such a traumatizing role." "Tesla got hauled in by Chinese government after it quietly downgraded the chips in some of its Model 3 cars . Tesla Model 3 owners in China recently started to notice that their cars were being equipped with an older generation computer chip despite being told that the cars came with the newest chip installed. The Chinese government had ordered Tesla to shut down its Shanghai Gigafactory at the end of January. It re-opened on February 10, but the company is still trying to recover from the disruption. Tesla executives were summoned to explain the issue to China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, who ordered them to rectify the problem according to related regulations. Tesla has offered a free hardware upgrade for customers once production recovers, but some owners are looking at forming a class action suit. The newest chip is 21 times faster than the older generation chip, but Tesla insists that this makes almost no difference to the driver experience." "Tesla to start offering 'Enhanced Autopilot' for roughly half the cost of FSD . Tesla is offering Enhanced Autopilot in Australia for roughly half the price of the Full Self-Driving package. Enhanced Autopilot adds automated lane changes, on- and off-ramp navigation, Smart Summon, and AutoPark. It does not include city/town navigation with navigation skills. Enhanced Autopilot still requires the driver to maintain both hands on the wheel at all times." "Japan's Hayabusa2 Spacecraft Successfully Deploys Landers to Asteroid Ryugu's Surface . Two Japanese probes have touched down on the asteroid Ryugu, and are now hopping around its surface inspecting the asteroid. Eventually, the probes will fire a small missile at the asteroid to create a crater in order to gather fresh samples from the inside. The probes will return to Earth in 2020." "Invisible 'Keyhole' Security Developed With Printable Electronics . A researcher from the Swiss research institute EMPA has developed an invisible lock system that uses conductive ink on a transparent polymer film to create invisible buttons. The result is a lock mechanism with no obvious way for it to be opened. It can be integrated with existing systems. A short video about the lock mechanism is available in the article. The technology is scalable, so the lock could be used for doors and other building entrances." James Webb Space Telescope: Sun shield is fully deployed . The James Webb telescope has successfully deployed its giant kite-shaped sun shield. The sun shield will give the telescope the required sensitivity to detect signals coming from the most distant objects in the universe. Deploying the five-membrane sun shield was a major triumph for the engineering teams at NASA and Northrop Grumman. The sun shield will cast a shadow that will lower the environment around the telescope's mirrors and instruments to below minus 230C. A diagram showing how the telescope will unfold in space is available in the article. A Niche American Car Becomes the Fastest Car Ever . The SSC Tuatara recently achieved a speed of 316.11 mph on a seven-mile strip of road near Las Vegas. SSC is a niche brand that was formed in 1998. It currently has 24 employees. Only 100 Tuataras will be produced. Ddosify (GitHub Repo). Ddosify is a high-performance load testing tool. It is protocol-agnostic and scenario-based and it can test system limits across different load types. Examples are available. "YouTube launches optimized /Fashion page with curated videos, original content . YouTube's new /Fashion is a single destination for style content on YouTube, featuring a unique homepage and video watching experience on mobile. It has a carousel with large cover images of recent videos on the top of the screen. There is original content that includes behind-the-scenes videos and live streams of the latest collections straight from the runway. YouTube has partnered with fashion brands to generate content from fashion professionals, publishers, and brands across the industry. In the next few months, YouTube will start localizing the page for global markets and add more international voices." "Robot bartending company is handing out cash to the people it is replacing . Automation will have a massive impact on employment in the coming decade. For every robotic bartending system they sell, startup Makr Shakr will give a $1,000 monthly stipend to a select person in a field likely to be affected by automation. The program will start in December. Brian Townsell, a US citizen who has worked in hospitality much of his career, will be the first recipient of the scheme. Makr Shakr hopes that the stipend will help support people to look for more stable forms of employment. It is unknown how long people will continue to receive money." "This microbe no longer needs to eat food to grow, thanks to a bit of genetic engineering . Synthetic biologists have engineered a bacterium that builds its cells by absorbing carbon dioxide. The microbes could eventually be engineered to turn carbon dioxide into medicines and other high-value compounds. Scientists could not engineer bacteria that could photosynthesize, as the process is too complex. Instead, the bacteria were given the ability to eat formate and transform it into ATP. The energy from the ATP is then used to activate enzymes that convert carbon dioxide into sugars and other organic molecules. Initially, the bacteria still preferred their natural metabolism, but after placing the bacteria in environments that heavily restricted their diet, the bacteria eventually evolved the ability to be autotrophic. A total of 11 new genetic mutations were observed in the evolved bacteria." """A risk worth taking"". Richard Browning is Born to Engineer (4 minute video). As a kid, Richard Browning used to build and fly model gliders with his father. Browning has always been interested in potential ideas and solving the problems that would make these ideas manifest in reality. An idea about a different type of flight that used the human body sparked the development of a flight suit that attaches engines to a person’s back and arms. For Browning, being able to make ideas like this into reality makes engineering an extremely rewarding career path." "How to Excel in Tech Without Learning to Code (15 minute read). This article talks about the benefits of becoming technically literate and gives the reader tips on how to become more technically literate. Being technically literate means being comfortable with the basics of how technology works and having a deeper understanding of the area you work in. Becoming more technically literate can help you work better with engineers, identify chances to automate or improve your workflows, and understand the tools that you use every day. It can be achieved through study, mentorship and networking, and by learning refined search skills." "Apple becomes first U.S. company to reach a $2 trillion market cap . Apple hit a market cap of $2 trillion on Wednesday and is the first publicly traded US company to reach the milestone. It broke the barrier just before 11 am with a price of $467.77. Apple first reached a $1 trillion market cap in August 2018. It posted a strong third quarter in late July, reporting $59.7 billion in revenue and double-digit growth in its products and services. While Apple closed many of its retail stores during the quarter, work-from-home trends and strong online sales boosted overall operations." "Streamz (GitHub Repo). Streamz is a Python package that helps you build pipelines to manage continuous streams of data. It can support simple use cases as well as complex pipelines that involve branching, joining, flow control, feedback, back pressure, etc. Streamz can work with Pandas and cuDF dataframes." "Blitz.js (Website). Blitz is a full-stack React framework that features a ""Zero-API"" data layer abstraction that lets you import server code directly into React components. New Blitz apps have basic components like user sign up, log in, and password reset already built in. Blitz was designed for tiny to large database-backed applications with one or more graphical user interfaces." Apple in talks with Chinese battery makers for Apple Car . Apple is allegedly talking to two major Chinese battery makers about supplying batteries for its electric vehicle. One of Apple's conditions for the potential suppliers is that they will need to build manufacturing sites in the US. The manufacturers are reluctant to build a US factory due to tensions between China and the US. Apple has lost several top managers in its EV project. It is still actively recruiting new hires. Apple is apparently aiming to release the Apple Car in 2024. "Yahoo Answers will be shut down forever on May 4th . Yahoo Answers will shut down on May 4. After that day, the website will start redirecting to the Yahoo homepage and all of the platform's archives will cease to exist. New submissions will no longer be accepted on the site after April 20. Users will have until June 30 to request their data before it becomes inaccessible. The service has become less popular over the years, so the company has decided to shift its resources away to focus on other products." "Moderna starts clinical trial of booster shot targeting omicron Covid variant . Moderna has started clinical trials to study the safety and effectiveness of a booster shot that specifically targets the omicron variant. The trial will have around 600 adult participants. Data on Moderna's current booster shot shows that while it weakens over time, the shot still provides some protection against the variant. Pfizer and BioNTech have also started trials on an omicron-specific vaccine with plans to have the vaccine ready by March." "Scientists Create Record-Breaking Laser With Mind Blowing Power . A Korean research team has created a laser with an intensity equal to the combined power of all the sunlight across the entire planet focused in an area roughly the size of a speck of dust. The technology will enable scientists to study cosmic phenomena in the lab instead of just through simulations and theories. It also has applications in cancer treatment, potentially dropping the costs of Proton therapy and making it available for more patients." "The Modern Guide to OAuth - Free eBook (Sponsor). Learn how OAuth is actually used in the real world. We cover topics like the eight common OAuth modes, how to use the Authorization Code grant, and why you should never use the implicit grant. Become an OAuth expert today! Download here." "Josh (GitHub Repo). Josh (Just One Single History) combines the advantages of monorepos with those of multirepos. It can be used for partial cloning of repositories, to simplify code sharing and dependency management, and more." "China Is Leading the Next Step in Fighting Malaria in Africa . A Chinese philanthropist and his company, New South, have set their sights on Kenya in their mission to eradicate malaria. The company produces medicine that combats malaria and wants to make the world know that Chinese medicines are of high quality and not inferior. It aims to use a Mass Drug Administration approach, where antimalarial medication is given to everybody in an area all at once to combat the disease. Theoretically, this would wipe out the disease in the area. MDA has been used successfully before. However, skeptics argue that the approach increases the chance of the disease developing drug resistance. Doctors in Kenya welcome the treatment as malaria is a heavy burden on the country’s medical system." "Uber tests letting California drivers set their own prices . A new feature for Uber drivers in California will let them set their own prices for some circumstances instead of accepting Uber's set price. Drivers will be able to increase fares up to five times more than Uber's original price. The test is currently limited to drivers going to airports from Santa Barbara, Palm Springs, or Sacramento. California has recently implemented a new gig work law that changes how independent contractors are classified. The new fare-setting system is part of Uber's plan to continue classifying drivers as independent contractors. Other new changes include drivers receiving more trip information before accepting rides, drivers being able to reject customers without penalties, customers being given estimated prices rather than exact prices upfront, and the ability for customers to select favorite drivers to request them again." "How Have I Been Pwned became the keeper of the internet’s biggest data breaches (12 minute read). Have I Been Pwned was launched in 2013 to help people find out if they have fallen victim to a data breach. It currently has just under 10 billion records and it processes thousands of requests each day. The site handles a lot of sensitive information. Troy Hunt, the creator of the site, had to make many judgments on what data to allow on the site and what access users should have. Hunt prioritized the safety and security of the data, and when he offered the site up for sale, it was to ensure that the site would be eventually passed on to good hands. Several parties attempted to buy the site but Hunt turned them all down in the end. Hunt will continue operating the site, loading over 102 million records into the site's database in June alone." "Gmail, YouTube, Google Docs, and other services go down in multiple countries . At 3.47 AM PT, Google experienced an authentication outage for around 45 minutes. Users experienced high error rates when trying to login to services during this period. The outage affected business operation times in multiple markets and led to a slight drop in pre-market trading for Alphabet. Coincidentally, Microsoft Outlook is also experiencing some problems. The unprecedented failure has reminded many of just how much Google affects their lives." "Web Animation Performance Fundamentals – How to Make Your Pages Look Smooth (16 minute read). Web pages are interactive animations played back by the web browser. Every movement, including scrolling, zooming, text selection, and hovering over a button is technically an animation. This guide explains how browsers turn code into pixels and how to work with them to make pages look smoother." "Facebook will host a paid movie premiere this month . Facebook will host the premiere of The Outsider, a documentary about the National 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York City. The film will be available for 12 hours from August 19 at 8 PM ET. There will be a Facebook Live panel discussion after the premiere. Virtual tickets will cost $4. Facebook won't be taking a cut of ticket sales as it is waiving commissions on creators' revenue until 2023. The Outsider will hit theaters and other streaming platforms in September." "Elf (GitHub Repo). Elf is a reactive immutable state management solution built on top of RxJS. It is modular by design and it features a CLI, first class entities support, persistent states, devtools, and more. Examples are available." This Startup Made a Functioning 'Invisibility Shield'. Here's How It Works . UK-based startup Invisibility Shield Co. sells an invisibility shield that works using an optical phenomenon called lenticular lensing. It is the same mechanism used in tilt cards which change pictures depending on the angle. The shield directs light from the subject sideways and away from the observer. This article explains how the technology works and links to resources on how to make your own. Pictures of the shield are available. "Japan approves first human-animal embryo experiments . Human-animal embryos have been made before in the United States, but have never been brought to term. Until March, Japan had explicitly banned the growth of animal embryos containing human cells beyond 14 days, but new laws now allow human-animal embryos to be transplanted into surrogate animals and brought to term. In previous research, mouse induced pluripotent stem cells were introduced into a rat embryo that was unable to produce a pancreas, which resulted in the rat growing a pancreas made entirely of mouse cells. Experiments using human iPS cells in sheep have not been successful due to the genetic distance between humans and sheep. Hiromitsu Nakauchi, who leads teams at the University of Tokyo and at Stanford University, plans to introduce human iPS cells at different stages of growth in animal embryos in order to overcome the problems in previous experiments caused by the genetic difference between humans and other animals." "The Simplest of Slumbers (13 minute read). This article describes several sleep studies in animals to explore the nature of sleep. There is a lot of variation in how different animals sleep. Animals with brains consolidate memories, flush out toxic waste, and strengthen connections between nerve cells during sleep. Animals without brains seem to also need sleep, suggesting that sleep plays a deeper role in preserving basic physiological processes. The study of sleep in brainless creatures is controversial, but new data shows that even the earliest lifeforms show signs of sleep." "Academics steal data from air-gapped systems using PC fan vibrations . Air-gapped systems are systems that aren't connected to any network. These systems generally run critical operations or have sensitive data, so limiting exposure to outside networks is a necessary security measure. Mordechai Guri and his team have been researching methods of extracting data from air-gapped systems and have developed a plethora of techniques over the years. A new technique involves installing malware onto the air-gapped machine which makes the fans inside the computer vibrate at certain frequencies. These frequencies can be recorded using a phone's accelerometer and then decoded later on. While the technique is innovative, it is extremely slow, extracting data at half a bit per second. Real-life attackers are likely to use faster methods." "Elon Musk: Starlink 2.0 will be 'almost an order of magnitude more capable' . The next generation of Starlink satellites will be four times heavier than the current model, weighing in at roughly 1.25 tons. Elon Musk says that they will be almost an order of magnitude more capable than Starlink 1 satellites, but did not specify whether he was referring to bandwidth or throughput. SpaceX has sent more than 2,000 Starlink satellites into orbit so far, and more than 1,600 of those are still operational. Launching the next-gen satellites will likely require Starship, which is estimated to be able to lift payloads of 150 tons to low-earth orbit. Starship's maiden launch could happen this summer." Hardware hacker brings online multiplayer to the original Game Boy . A hardware hacker has reverse-engineered the Game Boy's link cable to make it work over the internet. It connects to a client on a Raspberry Pi which then connects to an online game server. The Game Boy thinks it is connected to another Game Boy normally and is unaware of the server. There is a custom PCB in the works so users don't have to shred their link cables. A video showing two Game Boys playing Tetris over the internet is available in the article. Meta opens up access to its VR social platform Horizon Worlds . Meta is opening up access to its VR social platform Horizon Worlds for people in the US and Canada over the age of 18. Horizon Worlds is Meta's first attempt at releasing something that resembles a metaverse. It is a multiplayer platform that lets people hang out with up to 20 people at a time in a variety of virtual worlds. Users can write basic code that sets rules for how objects work. Meta plans to release free code and assets so users can build worlds. "What to expect from Apple’s ‘Time Flies’ event: Apple Watch Series 6, a redesigned iPad Air, and more . Apple's 'Time Flies' event will be on September 15. While the event usually means the announcement of new iPhones, it is unlikely that new iPhones will be announced at the event as Apple has already said that new iPhones won't go on sale during the usual time this year. Several Apple Watch announcements are expected, including a Series 6 Watch, the launch of watchOS 7, and updates to the Series 5 and Series 3 watches. The iPad Air might get a redesign with an edge-to-edge screen, Touch ID on the power button, and a Smart Connector. The arrival of the new iPad could also mean that Apple intends to release iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 at the event. Apple has been working on a variety of different hardware projects, including headphones and AirTags, and also on a subscription bundle called Apple One." "Slang (Programming Language). This is the Github Repo for a new programming language called Slang. This is really cool, it allows you to program sounds in your browser using really simple syntax." "Starship chilled. Starship pressurized. And for the first time, it didn’t explode . SpaceX has finally completed a successful cryogenic test of a Starship prototype. The test was completed on Sunday in South Texas. SpaceX has lost three full-scale Starship prototypes during cryogenic and pressure tests since November 2019. The next step for SpaceX is to attach a single Raptor engine to the Starship prototype and conduct a static fire test. If this static fire test is successful, the vehicle will make a 150-meter 'hop' test. Most parts for the next prototype have already been created." "An introduction to Parag Agrawal, Twitter’s new CEO . Parag Agrawal is taking over Twitter as CEO. Agrawal has been with the company for over a decade. One of his biggest projects with the company has been the decentralized Bluesky platform, which has picked up steam in the past few months. His years of experience with the company and work in helping modernize Twitter's tech stack makes him an interesting choice for CEO. Many more details about Agrawal's career at Twitter are available in the article." "What a World at Home Looks Like (3 minute video). Public spaces around the world are now nearly deserted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This video shows many normally-crowded locations empty of people, some of them appearing to be completely deserted. In locations where there are still people, they are few and spread apart." Work at Supabase (Sponsor). Supabase is hiring remote engineers to build the open source alternative to Firebase. "NBA suspends season as player tests positive for coronavirus . The National Basketball Association has suspended all games until further notice after a player on the Utah Jazz team tested positive for COVID-19. Two games were postponed last-minute, with stadiums already packed with fans. The NBA has considered switching to playing games in empty arenas. Rudy Gobert, the player who tested positive for COVID-19, had made light of the outbreak earlier in the week, touching all the microphones and recording equipment in the media room during a press conference." "caffeine (GitHub Repo). caffeine is a basic REST service for JSON data. It can be used for prototyping and MVPs. All data is managed in-memory, and it features schema validation, search using jq-like syntax, CORS, and more. A sample Vue app using caffeine is available as a demo." "With Seven Floors in 12 Days, China Builds Hotel in Record Time . The China State Construction company recently put together a seven-story hotel in just 12 days. Most of the hotel was built in an automated factory. Once the parts and components of the building were ready, the workers simply had to piece them together on-site. Each component was digitally monitored to quickly identify faults and fix them. The process reduces material waste, construction waste, and energy consumption, as well as noise pollution on-site. A 30-second video showing the construction process is available in the article." "Roboto … But Make It Flex . Roboto Flex is a new version of Google's popular Roboto font that was released in 2011. The update comes with a huge range of weights and widths across optical sizes, plus additional capabilities for fine-tuning. It is designed to be super-scalable, adaptable, customizable, and optimizable. Many more details about the font, along with examples, are available in the article." Elon Musk has a ticket to ride on Richard Branson’s spaceplane . Elon Musk bought a ticket to space from Virgin Galactic before Richard Branson's flight on Sunday. Virgin Galactic has sold around 600 tickets for SpaceShipTwo. Musk is friends with Branson. Buying the ticket was a friendly endorsement of Virgin Galactic's rocket-powered plane. SpaceX has its first astronaut mission in September. It will be a longer trip into orbit. A picture of Musk and Branson together hanging out the morning before Branson went to space is available in the article. Google Chrome's new Journeys feature helps you find that tab you just lost . Journeys is a new feature in Google Chrome that groups items in a user's search and browsing history by subject or topic. Users will see an option to resume their research when typing related words into the search bar. The option will show a list of relevant sites from their history. It will show sites with the most interaction at the top. The feature will only group search history on individual devices. It will roll out with the next update. "How To Design Mobile Apps For One-Hand Usage (16 minute read). Most smartphones sold today have large displays and this presents new challenges and opportunities for app makers and designers. The first iPhone was designed for comfortable one-handed operation, but larger screen sizes mean that the thumb can no longer easily move across to the other side of the screen. Designing apps for one-handed use should be a top priority for app makers as it is the way most users use their devices. It isn't just about ensuring that the thumb can easily reach everything on the screen. Good one-handed apps are able to help users use their devices quickly and efficiently." "How the Fastest Spaceship Ever Is Getting Terrifyingly Close to the Sun . NASA's Parker Solar Probe launched in 2018. It is now closer to the Sun than any previous spacecraft. The spacecraft will travel to just 4.3 million miles from the center of the star, seven times closer than any previous mission. As it continues to swing past the Sun, it will reach a top speed of 430,000 miles per hour. The mission should yield insights into the mechanisms behind solar wind and the high temperature of the Sun's corona." "Hologram Doctors Visit Space Station For The First Time Ever . A hologram medical team was 'holoported' aboard the International Space Station using Microsoft's Kinect camera and software from AEXA Aerospace, a startup that develops hologram tech. The technology could help humans communicate and explore in new ways over vast distances. NASA has been dabbling in hologram technology since 2016. AEXA's technology could make the 'holodecks' aboard Star Trek starships a reality." "Frog regrows amputated leg after drug treatment . A team of scientists have used a cocktail of drugs to stimulate the regrowth of amputated frog legs. After the frogs' limbs were amputated, their wounds were enclosed in a silicone cap containing a five-drug cocktail. The frogs that were treated showed a dramatic regrowth of tissue, with many re-creating an almost fully functional leg that responded to touch. The scientists believe that a similar method could work on adult humans. They will have to prove the method works on mammals before any human testing will begin." "A robot apple-picker is now harvesting fruit in New Zealand orchards . One of New Zealand’s largest food producers has been working with a US startup to produce a robotic system that will work alongside humans to pick fruit 24 hours a day. The robot will not replace jobs but was created instead as there was a growing labor shortage for seasonal workers. Using lidar to navigate the rows between trees, the machine will detect whether a fruit is ripe and then use a vacuum to pick the fruit. While aspects of farming, such as weeding, have been automated for a while now, picking fruits and vegetables is a much harder task due to the careful judgment and delicate handling required to ensure quality crops." "New secret-spilling flaw affects almost every Intel chip since 2011 . Zombieload, a new vulnerability discovered in Intel chips, is made up of four bugs which allow for a side-channel attack to target Intel chips by exploiting design flaws. Almost every computer with Intel chips dating back to 2011 is affected by the vulnerability. AMD and ARM chips are not affected. A proof of concept by researchers demonstrates that they can surveil someone else’s computer while they are browsing the internet. Cloud and virtual machines are also affected by the bug. No real-world attacks have been recorded, and Intel has already released code to patch some of their chips." "Facebook rolls out its local news 'Today In' feature to more than 400 U.S. cities . Facebook has been testing a local news feature called ""Today In"" in 5 US cities since January. Now it is launching the service in over 400 cities in the US. Anthea Strong, Facebook's product manager for local news and information, says ""We are super aware of the mistakes that have been made in the past. We are trying to be careful every time we make a move, how is this going to affect the community? How could this be misused? This is a particular type of information that is hard to find. People want local news and information. It's about the stuff happening down the street.""" "When AI takes on Eurovision: Can a computer write a hit song? . 'Can AI Kick It' is a team of Dutch academics who used AI techniques to generate music that was then entered into Eurovision. The lyrics were especially novel, but the team doesn't endorse the message that the AI-generated. AI is being used more in mainstream music composition as artists look for new inspiration. The AI Song Contest was a competition inspired by Eurovision that was supposed to be held this month, but was canceled due to the pandemic." "‘A Shameful Nightmare’: Truckloads of Perfectly Good JUMP Bikes Are Being Shredded . JUMP is a bike-and-scooter share startup owned by Uber that operates in 37 cities around the world. In the last few weeks, thousands of JUMP electric bikes and scooters have been condemned to be recycled. The vehicles are in good condition and many people feel that they are being wasted. There is currently a high demand for micro-mobility devices. An Uber spokesperson stated that due to issues with maintenance, liability, safety, and a lack of consumer-grade charging equipment, the best approach was to recycle the vehicles rather than to redistribute them." Twitter to start testing voice DMs . Twitter is now experimenting with letting people record and send voice messages through direct messages. Brazil will be the first country to test the feature. Voice messages will have a 20-second time limit. Twitter received significant criticism over its audio tweets feature due to the company's failure to factor in accessibility into its design. "Ikea is going to sell robotic furniture to maximize space for city dwellers . Ikea has announced the release of a new storage system which can transform into different types of furniture depending on what is required. ‘Rognan’ is controlled by a touchpad and is designed to allow people to make the most of the space they have in their apartments. It will launch first in Hong Kong and Japan, where apartments are famously limited in space. No announcements have been made yet about the price." "Quantum Sensor Opens ‘a New Window into the Underground’ . A team of physicists and engineers have successfully tested a quantum gravity gradiometer. Quantum gravity gradiometers can map out underground spaces without physically digging into them. They have the potential to assess a wide range of environments. The sensors work by manipulating the quantum properties of atoms to measure minute variations in gravitational fields. In a real-world test, the sensor was able to detect a tunnel buried three feet beneath a road." "Iowa caucus debacle is one of the most stunning tech failures ever . Iowa Democratic Party officials found irregularities in the data collected by its caucusing app during the recent elections, causing them to switch from the app to counting votes manually. The Iowa Democrats were using an app made by a startup named Shadow Inc, which is managed by a nonprofit investment company called Acronym. According to the party, the issue only affected reporting and did not affect how accurate the data was. The Iowa Democratic Party used an application made by Microsoft in 2016 and the reason they chose to switch to using the untested startup's app is unclear. In August, the Democratic National Committee had recommended Iowa stop using an app altogether. The fact that it has taken so much time for the party to recover from the coding issue shows how unprepared they would have been in the event of an actual cyberattack." "AI Fiddle (Web Tool). AI Fiddle is like JS Fiddle for AI. It allows users to create, run, and visualize machine learning models within a web browser interface. There is an existing library of user-created machine learning models and users can contribute to the database." "Cinder (GitHub Repo). Cinder is Instagram's internal performance-oriented production version of CPython 3.8. It features bytecode inline caching, eager evaluation of coroutines, a method-at-a-time JIT, and an experimental bytecode compiler. The code was made public as some of its work might be beneficial to those working on CPython." "Coronavirus breakthrough: dexamethasone is first drug shown to save lives . A randomized, controlled clinical trial in the United Kingdom has found that an inexpensive and commonly used steroid is effective in treating the symptoms of COVID-19. Dexamethasone cut deaths by about one-third in patients who were on ventilators due to the coronavirus. The UK government authorized the use of dexamethasone for COVID-19 treatment shortly after the results were released. Steroid treatments for the coronavirus have been controversial as the drugs suppress the immune system. The study found no outstanding adverse effects from the treatment. Dexamethasone is readily available and cheap." "Tesla Full Self Driving subscriptions are now available for $199 a month . Tesla's Full Self Driving package is now available for $199 a month, except for Tesla owners who purchased the Enhanced Autopilot package, who can get it for $99 a month. The package can be canceled at any time. Tesla owners who don't have the required hardware for the package can upgrade their vehicles for $1,500 to make them FSD-ready. The FSD software still requires active driver supervision." "Two people with paralysis walk again using an implanted device . University of Louisville researchers have helped two people with paralysis due to spinal cord injuries walk again with a new implant that delivers electrical stimulation to the spinal cord. They're not all the way healed, but they can walk gingerly with the help of a walker. The technique isn't perfect, and two other study participants still can't walk, but they can stand and move their legs so it's still a huge improvement. It's still really early on, and researchers still don't know why it works for some people and not others, but hopefully this tech will continue to improve." "Airline Pilots Landing At LAX Report ""A Guy In Jetpack"" Flying Alongside Them . Airline pilots landing at Los Angeles International Airport on Sunday reported seeing 'a guy in a jetpack' flying about 300 yards off their wing while on final approach to landing. The airliner was descending through 3,000 feet when the man showed up next to them. There are a low number of known jetpack designs capable of such a feat. It is unlikely that this was one of them." "Partytown (GitHub Repo). Partytown is a library that helps relocate resource-intensive scripts into a web worker. It helps speed up sites by offloading third-party scripts off the main thread. Partytown can also sandbox third-party scripts, allowing developers to control what the scripts can execute." "Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Elon Musk, Apple, and others hacked in unprecedented Twitter attack . Twitter accounts of some major companies and individuals were compromised in an attack that resulted in Twitter blocking new tweets from all verified users and locking all compromised accounts. The compromised accounts tweeted messages promoting a bitcoin scam. One of Twitter's own internal employee tools were compromised and used in the attack. The scammer has so far amassed over 12 bitcoins." "Facebook cancels F8 developer conference due to coronavirus concerns . The in-person portion of Facebook's F8 developer conference has been canceled due to coronavirus concerns. Facebook will replace the main F8 conference with locally hosted events, videos, and live-streamed content. While Facebook considered allowing the conference to continue, many international developers would not be able to attend. Many companies have pulled out of GDC 2020 and the Mobile World Congress was canceled earlier in February due to the coronavirus outbreak." "Uber Direct and Connect will deliver toilet paper, meds, and more . Uber has launched Uber Direct and Uber Connect, two trial programs to help people get groceries, medications, and basic supplies. Direct brings items from stores to people's homes, while Connect allows people to send packages to friends and family members. The services are now available in 25 cities across the US, Mexico, and Australia. 🚀 Science &" "github.🏄‍♂️ (GitHub Repo). github.🏄‍♂️ opens up GitHub pages in a browser-based VS code environment and allows developers to easily explore code on GitHub. It can be activated by replacing '.com' with '.surf' on GitHub, by using the Chrome browser extension, or through CLI. Examples are provided in the repository." "Elon Musk to answer questions from Twitter staff this week . Elon Musk is attending an all-hands meeting at Twitter on Thursday this week. He will answer pre-submitted questions from employees during the meeting. Musk recently challenged Twitter over the number of bots on its service, so Twitter said last week that it would provide him with a firehose of internal data on bots and spam accounts. Many Twitter employees have been on edge since Musk launched his bid to buy the social media company. Musk recently told his employees to return to the office full-time, while Twitter employees are allowed to work from home or wherever they feel most productive." "Samsung’s top executive gets 30 months in prison for bribery . Samsung's leader, Lee Jae-yong, has returned to prison after his case was retried. The new ruling reduces Lee’s sentence from 5 years to 30 months in prison. As he has already served one year, he only has a year and a half left to serve. Lee was accused of bribing a government official for favorable rulings related to the merger of two Samsung affiliates. Samsung makes anywhere from 10 to 20 percent of South Korea's GDP, and Samsung executives have received reduced sentences or presidential pardons for their crimes for years. The company is currently going through a major transition after its chairman, Lee Kun-hee, passed away in October." "Event Horizon Telescope captures new view of black hole in polarized light . The Event Horizon Telescope recently captured an image of a black hole in polarized light. The ability to measure polarization is expected to result in insights into how black holes absorb matter and emit powerful jets from their cores. Located in the constellation of Virgo, the first images of the black hole were published in April 2019. A gallery featuring images of the black hole is available." secrets (GitHub Repo). secrets is a command-line tool that can help prevent developers from committing secret keys into source code. It scans for secret keys locally before the commit. secrets is fast and has a low rate of false positives. "Facebook returns to its roots with Campus, a college student-only social network . Facebook Campus is Facebook's new social media networking platform that offers college students a private place to connect and get updates related to their schools. A .edu email is required to join the platform, which will live within a dedicated section of the Facebook app. Campus is Facebook's attempt at regaining the younger audience, many who have shifted their attention to other social apps. Some colleges have signed up to publish updates and news to their Facebook Campus feed. Facebook Campus will be available at around 30 colleges and universities across the US at launch. Screenshots from the platform are available in the article." "A complete guide to using CSS filters with SVGs (16 minute read). CSS has several filters to help improve websites. These can be used to blur images, adjust contrast and saturation, change the hue, reduce opacity, and more. This article looks at how to use SVG filters. It includes an overview of SVGs and a list of 17 filter primitives." "Ukraine Calls on Hacker Underground to Defend Against Russia . The Ukrainian government is asking for volunteers from the country's hacker underground. Volunteers will be divided into defensive units, to help protect critical infrastructure, and offensive units, to spy on Russian troops. Requests began to appear on hacker forums after Russian forces started attacking cities across Ukraine. The posts were made on behalf of a Defense Ministry official. A new piece of destructive software was discovered circulating around Ukraine on Wednesday, but Russia has denied involvement." "Jim Lanzone breaks up with Tinder, swipes right to take the CEO job at Yahoo, Renate Nyborg takes Tinder CEO role . Jim Lanzone, the current CEO of Tinder, has been appointed the new CEO for Yahoo under Apollo Global. Apollo recently acquired Yahoo for $5 billion from Verizon. Lanzone was at Tinder for 14 months. His appointment implies that Apollo may be interested in making Yahoo into a more profitable operation. Renate Nyborg will take over the role of CEO at Tinder. Nyborg met her husband on the dating app and has a very long track record in tech." "Facebook’s Tuned is a private messaging app made for couples . Facebook has quietly released a new iOS app called Tuned. Tuned is designed for couples. It allows any two people to send messages and media to each other, as long as they're located in the US or Canada. The app uses phone numbers, rather than Facebook accounts. As it is an NPE Team app, it might not be updated frequently and Facebook might decide to scrap it entirely if there is no market for it." "The Boring Company tests its ‘Teslas in Tunnels’ system in Las Vegas . The Boring Company started tests on its Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC) tunnels this week. There are three stops in the LVCC system, two above ground and one in the middle of the tunnels. The system uses Tesla vehicles to transport passengers. Passengers use an app to summon cars for rides. The loop turns a 45-minute walk into a two-minute ride. There was some confusion with customers during the tests. Scaling the current system might be an issue for the company, which wants to eventually build a massive tunnel system throughout the whole city. Footage from some of the test rides is available in the article." "Company Aims to Make Nuclear Reactors Pocket-Sized . NuScale's small modular nuclear reactors use gravity and buoyancy to spontaneously circulate cooling water. They are capable of generating 60 MWe using a small, safe, and scalable version of a pressurized water reactor technology. Around 100 of them can fit into the containment chamber of a large conventional reactor. The article links to a 13-minute video that walks the viewer through NuScale's test facilities." "See the tiny new Apple stores inside Target . Apple and Target have teamed up to put Tiny Apple stores inside Targets. There are currently 17 Tiny Apple stores nationwide, with many more planned. The employees at these kiosks will have special product training, but it doesn't look like the kiosks offer any sort of technical support. Apple is also getting a special section on Target's website and app. A picture of one of the Tiny Apple stores is available in the article." "NSFW.js (GitHub Repo). NSFW.js allows for client-side content filtering, meaning that image files can be classified before it reaches the server. It classifies images into one of 5 categories: drawing, hentai, neutral, porn, or sexy, and also gives a probability ratio for each image classification. The tool is around 90% accurate, and can lesser server load as well as workload, stopping users from uploading images which may not be appropriate for your website." "Arecibo Observatory: Media Resources (Website). The Arecibo Observatory was completed in 1963 and it contributed to many important scientific discoveries. On November 19, a review of engineering assessments found that some damage to the observatory couldn't be fixed, so the US National Science Foundation began plans to decommission the structure. The observatory was collapsed on December 3. Footage of the collapse is available." CHIRP (GitHub Repo). The CISA Hunt and Incident Response Program (CHIRP) is a forensic collection tool written in Python. It queries hosts for Indicators of Compromise and outputs the data in a JSON format for further analysis without modifying any system data. "Nissan and NASA team up on 15-minute EV charging . Nissan, NASA, and other big-name automakers have teamed up to outline a vision around next-generation battery technology. The plans include a dedicated production facility and possible 15-minute charging times for electric vehicles. Nissan sees cheaper solid-state batteries as a key pillar in the strategy due to their superior energy density, lower costs, and potentially shorter charging times. The company plans to have a production line up and running by 2024 and launch an EV with a solid-state battery by 2028." "Rolls-Royce plans 16 mini-nuclear plants for UK . Rolls-Royce is planning to build up to 16 mini-nuclear plants in the UK. The project will create 6,000 new jobs over the next five years. It is expected to receive at least £200m funding from the government as part of a long-delayed green plan for economic recovery. Nuclear is essential if the UK is to meet its target of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050, but all of the UK's seven nuclear reactor sites are due to go offline by 2035. Small Modular Reactors can be assembled into larger plants, lowering the costs of building a nuclear power station. As well as providing the country with low-carbon electricity, the concept may become an export industry." "Youtube is now showing ad-supported Hollywood movies . Youtube is now showing about 100 full-length movies for free, including ""Legally Blond"", ""Terminator"", and ""Rocky"". The terms of Youtube's deal with Hollywood studios are undisclosed, but Youtube Director of Product Management Rohit Dhawan says that the selection is expected to expand, and that eventually advertisers could have a way to sponsor individual movies, and even offer complimentary views and exclusive screenings." "Free Log4j Cloud Threat Hunting Assessment (Sponsor). Free Log4j Cloud Threat Hunting Assessment . To help you quickly handle Log4j and other known or unknown threats, Lacework is offering a free, no obligation, 14-day Cloud Threat Hunting Assessment. Our cloud security experts will work with you to find all vulnerable systems across your entire cloud and container environments and continuously monitor for active signs of compromise — helping to reduce risk and better protect your business." "Python overtakes Java to become second-most popular language on GitHub after JavaScript . GitHub's annual State of the Octoverse report shows that Python is now the second-most popular language in GitHub's repositories. While Dart and Rust were the fastest growing languages, Python growth was still up by 151 percent. 10 million new GitHub accounts were created in 2019, with most new developers coming from Asia. Python's growth is linked to the increasing interest in data and machine learning. GitHub was acquired by Microsoft last year." "This edible blob filled with water means you don’t need a plastic bottle . Notpla is a startup that creates edible packaging made from seaweed and plant extracts. Water-filled pods will be available for runners at a half-marathon in London on March 1. The pods are made by dipping a sphere of ice in a mixture of calcium chloride and brown algae extract. The extract forms an edible membrane that holds everything in place as the ice melts. These packets of water can be opened by biting and then eaten or thrown away. The packaging will quickly biodegrade. While the design can replace plastic bottles in some situations, they are biodegradable and can only hold small amounts of water, so a more long-term solution for plastic bottles still needs to be found." "Endless AI-generated spam risks clogging up Google’s search results . Content marketing agency Fractl created a completely AI-generated blog using an open-source tool called Grover. Grover can easily generate fake news articles, as well as spot articles that were generated by itself and other AI. Fractl created the fake blog to bring attention to the fact that the internet will soon be flooded with AI-generated articles that will be targeted at Google search rankings. In the past, article spinners performed a similar task and Google was able to eventually block these sites from appearing in results, but blocking AI-generated content will be much more difficult. Google did not respond when asked about their plans on detecting AI-generated text." "Was Amazon's Headquarters Contest a Bait-and-Switch? Critics Say Yes . Amazon critics are saying that the company's decision to split its second headquarters into two (one in New York and one in Washington DC) showed that the bidding process for HQ2 was a farce. Some believe that the decision was made long ago and that the bidding process was just a ruse to extract concessions and kickbacks. Others have been saying all along that HQ2 would be split into multiple locations that Amazon would again play against one another to strengthen its bargaining position. One critic says ""It's tempting to roll your eyes at this soap opera, but Amazon will walk away from this stunt with a cache of incredibly valuable data. It's learned all kinds of things from the bidding cities like their future infrastructure plans that even their citizens are not privy to. Amazon will put this data to prodigious use in the coming years as it looks to expand its market power and sideline the competition.""" "Yelp now offers personalized results based on your diet and lifestyle . Users will be able to start selecting specific interests for restaurants and businesses in the Yelp app on iOS and Android. The feature will roll out over the course of the next year. Yelp will categorize businesses based on information from user-generated reviews, photos, questions, and answers. The Yelp app will provide personalized search results using a machine learning algorithm. This is the first time Yelp has offered personalization options, and it shows how the company is expanding its focus beyond food. Businesses won't have to do anything on their side." "We Built an ‘Unbelievable’ (but Legal). Facial Recognition technology has developed quickly but the law has not yet caught up with it. Using public camera footage and images of people obtained through their employer’s websites combined with Amazon’s commercial face recognition service, it was possible to create a system that was able to identify individuals who had passed through the observed area. While the technology can be used for good, for example, finding missing children, the potential for abuse is high. Civil liberties advocates warn that the use of the technology by the government to target and identify citizens could have a chilling effect on free speech." "Uber CEO says its service will probably shut down temporarily in California if it's forced to classify drivers as employees . Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi said that Uber will likely shut down temporarily in California if the ruling that the company must reclassify its drivers as full-time employees is not overturned. Khosrowshahi is advocating an alternate solution to the law that would have gig companies paying into a fund that provides workers paid time off or health-care benefits. If Uber's appeal is not successful, the company will likely pause operations and resume later at a more limited capacity. The service will likely shut down until November, when voters will decide on a law that would exempt drivers for app-based transportation and delivery companies from being considered employees. Khosrowshahi emphasized that pausing the service will have negative impacts on drivers' livelihoods in the state during a time of hardship." "Apple launches Arm-based Mac, iOS 14, macOS Big Sur, and more . Apple announced updates to iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, TV OS, and WatchOS in the opening keynote for WWDC2020. Public betas will start next month. iOS 14 will introduce new capabilities for Siri, Messages, Home, and Maps, as well as the ability to view PIP video. iPadOS 14 introduces a sidebar to several of Apple's apps, compact notifications, an OS-wide search, and a new Scribble App. macOS Big Sur is the next big update to macOS which will feature a complete redesign, a tool to port iOS apps to macOS, faster loading times for Safari, and more security features. WatchOS 7 will make customizing watch faces easier, and grant users the ability to share faces as well. It adds sleep tracking, the ability to track handwashing, as well as dance routines. A new Metal-optimized graphics processor and other custom acceleration silicon will ship in systems by the end of 2020 and be rolled out to the rest of the Mac line over the next two years." "Onefetch (GitHub Repo). Onefetch is a command line tool that displays information from a Git project directly in Terminal. It currently supports 20 different languages, and more can be added upon request. Screenshots are available that show the output." Watch Robots Make Pizzas From Start to Finish at an Automated Pizzeria . Pazzi Pizzeria is a restaurant in Paris where customers can watch their pizzas being made by a team of robots. It took eight years to develop the pizza bots. The robots ensure a consistent product. They are remotely monitored and can be manually controlled to fix any issues. The restaurant opened last week and it plans to expand internationally. A one-and-a-half-minute video featuring the robots in action is available in the article. Facebook is working on visual search for shopping on Instagram . Facebook is in the early stages of building camera-based search tools for Instagram. The feature will help users find products inside the app. Facebook Shops will soon arrive on Marketplace and WhatsApp. Businesses will be able to create storefronts in WhatsApp. The company is also working on a feature that will allow businesses to target ads based on people's individual shopping preferences. "Google continues to tighten its belt as it enters a 'difficult' few months, and that includes telling employees they can't expense perks like food . Google employees will not be able to expense on food and other perks like home office furniture and fitness subscriptions while working from home. Employees will not be able to use unused budgets towards these expenses nor donate any surplus cash to charities. Google doesn't usually reimburse employees for food expenses while working at home. Employees receive free meals while working on campus. Since everyone has been working from home due to the pandemic, Google has had to clarify its rules." "postgresqltuner (GitHub Repo). postgresqltuner is a simple script that analyzes your PostgreSQL database and outputs with tuning advice. Installation instructions are available for Debian, Fedora, and MacOS systems. There is an example of the output included in the repository." "The internet is splitting apart. The Internet Archive wants to save it all forever (11 minute read). The internet is at risk of splitting apart as countries start blocking specific parts of the internet and companies create ecosystems for their products while providing content only for paying customers. Future regulations could potentially create more problems, as website owners may soon be liable for content created and posted by their users. The Internet Archive is already struggling to save everything. Services like the Wayback Machine now play an important role in legal and other matters. If the balkanization of the internet is avoided, then the Internet Archive could one day transform the way historians learn about larger historical moments." "I interviewed at six top companies in Silicon Valley in six days, and stumbled into six job offers . This is an article by a mobile engineer who interviewed at LinkedIn, Yelp, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google and got all six job offers. It also includes the study plan they used, and lessons learned (mostly generic stuff like practicing algorithms, remember that it's a numbers game etc.). Probably worth reading if you're looking for jobs soon." "Ramping Up Its COVID Response, EU Will Buy Up To 1.8B Doses Of Pfizer Vaccine . The European Union has signed a deal for up to 1.8 billion doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. The deal guarantees 900 million doses, with 900 million options to cover future unknowns, such as whether a booster shot will be required and what will happen with variants. Vaccine production will happen within the EU, and the contract will likely extend into 2023. Other contracts and vaccine deals are also being discussed." "Venmo’s new crypto service lets you buy and sell bitcoin, ether, and litecoin . Venmo will soon let its users buy, sell, and hold bitcoin, ether, litecoin, and bitcoin cash. The feature will roll out for all customers in the next few weeks. There will be a minimum purchase fee of 50 cents. Users will be limited to $20,000 in cryptocurrency purchases each week, with a total limit of $50,000 during each 12-month period. Venmo will not support peer-to-peer transactions, so users will have to convert their funds back to USD to transfer elsewhere. PayPal and Venmo use the Paxos crypto brokerage service." "Elementz (GitHub Repo). Elementz is a React component library for building apps. More than half of the library code is SCSS so it is easily customizable and smooth. It features a full Table component, Smooth Loading Skeleton wrappers with zero configuration, and more. Examples of its components are available." "Rivian built an electric truck before Tesla. We got to drive it . The 2022 Rivian R1T is the first fully electric pickup to go on sale. It will be available in January 2022 with a starting price of $67,500. The R1T is powered by four motors, one on each wheel, making light work of any obstacles or steep inclines. It can put out more than 800 horsepower and over 900 pound-feet of torque between the front and rear wheels. This article describes what it's like to ride in an R1T. Pictures of the vehicle are available." "There's a Reliable Way to Trigger Lucid Dreams, Scientists Have Found . A common Alzheimer's drug used to treat memory decline may promote lucid dreaming. In a study of 121 participants who had experience in lucid dreaming, those who took the drug were able to enter the dream state at a significantly higher rate than those who took a placebo. The method could help scientists finally conduct proper research on lucid dreaming. The safety of the technique still hasn't been fully researched." "There are an insane amount of cool space things happening in 2021 . 2020 was a big year for the space industry, with three missions launched to Mars, NASA getting back into the human spaceflight game, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft touching an asteroid, a Japanese vehicle returning with several grams of asteroid regolith, China bringing back some Moon rocks, and many Starships in Texas. In 2021, the three Mars missions will reach the planet. There will be more Starship flights, with SpaceX rapidly producing Starship vehicles at its Boca Chica Launch site. The James Webb Space Telescope will likely stick to its launch date in October." "A French union cut power to an Amazon facility in support of workers . France has now seen three weeks of labor strikes over pension reforms. These strikes have halted trains, subways, the national economy, and Amazon. A strategic pre-holiday attack on Amazon left a facility without power on December 22. The facility was set to ship 50,000 packages that night. A local branch of the General Confederation of Labor union (CGT) claimed responsibility for the attack. Power to the facility was cut between midnight until early morning. French protestors have targeted other public buildings and big businesses with power cuts and some households have been affected. Some of these power cuts have affected doctors performing surgeries, raising concerns about the dangers of the attacks and causing some groups to consider legal action against the CGT." "Ray tracing and 64-bit only: What you should know about Arm's 2023 CPUs and GPUs (12 minute read). Arm has revealed its new line of CPUs and GPUs that will power next year's smartphones. While the changes in CPU architecture were not as big as last year's, the company's vision of a 64-bit-only Android future is starting to take shape. Arm's new Immortalis GPU features improvements such as variable-rate shading, efficiency gains, and ray-tracing. Details about each of the newly announced CPUs and GPUs are available in the article." "Samsung’s new TV remote uses radio waves from your router to stay charged . Samsung's new Eco Remote can harvest RF waves and convert them into energy. It can also be charged from both indoor and outdoor light, as well as over USB-C. A white model will be introduced this year. Samsung estimates that switching to solar-powered remotes could prevent 99 million batteries from being discarded over the course of seven years." "Ask HN: One-person SaaS apps that are profitable? (HackerNews Thread). A user asks whether one-person SaaS apps are profitable as they are looking for inspiration for a side project. Top commenters have successful SaaS businesses that earn over $30,000 a month, and these threads have many users asking for further details and tips on how to build a business. The commenters who have these businesses all mention that it is a full-time job, and not their side projects. They also mention that it takes some time before their business took off. It is recommended that SaaS providers cater to businesses rather than individuals, as it becomes much more profitable." "Rocket (GitHub Repo). Rocket is an async web framework for Rust with a focus on usability, security, extensibility, and speed. It provides routing, pre-processing of requests, and post-processing of responses. Documentation and guides are available." AppleCare+ monthly plans switch to subscription model . Apple has quietly changed the terms of AppleCare+ to allow customers to essentially purchase an indefinite monthly subscription rather than be restricted to a two to three year period. The changes almost went under the radar after Apple's recent event. Customers will be able to continue their monthly AppleCare+ subscriptions as long as they like or until Apple is no longer able to service their device. "KeyDB (GitHub Repo). KeyDB is a high-performance fork of Redis, an in-memory database, which focuses on multithreading, memory efficiency, and high throughput. It can perform twice as many queries per second as Redis, with 60% lower latency. KeyDB was created as the developers of Redis have stated that they will not support multithreading and the KeyDB team wanted open-source implementations of features from proprietary modules." "A Snapchat-owned location app just added a leaderboard comparing who stays home the most . Snapchat-owned location app Zenly is gamifying social distancing with a leaderboard for people who have spent the most time at home. Zenly usually encourages people to share locations to meet up with friends, but it has switched up its incentives and is now encouraging people to stay at home. The app also shows an overlay that shows the number of coronavirus cases in a state or country." "Mysterious Monolith Update: New Mysterious Monolith Appears in Romania . Another monolith, similar to the recent Utah monolith, has appeared in Romania. It stands at around the same height as its Utah twin, with deliberate scribbles scratched on its entire face. The David Zwirner gallery claims that the monolith is the work of a minimalist artist who died in 2011. A Redditor investigated the Utah monolith and discovered it was installed around five years ago. Officials at Utah's Bureau of Land Management announced that the monolith had disappeared over the weekend." "Coronavirus: US accuses China of hacking coronavirus research . The FBI claims that it has seen hacking attempts on US groups researching vaccines, treatments, and testing for the coronavirus. It issued a public service announcement on Wednesday that healthcare, pharmaceutical, and research sectors working on COVID-19 response were prime targets for hackers. China has been blamed for the attacks. China-linked hackers have stolen data from the US before, including from the US Military." "This new milk alternative uses a ‘cow-free’ dairy protein . Betterland is a startup that produces cow-free milk using animal-free dairy protein made from fungi. The dairy protein gives cow's milk its desired properties when used in coffee or baking. Betterland uses genetically modified fungi to produce the protein, which is then combined with sugar and fat to produce milk that is virtually indistinguishable from cow's milk. It will launch its product at a premium price, but the company aims to eventually compete on price with traditional milk." Today’s Robotic Surgery Turns Surgical Trainees Into Spectators (10 minute read). Surgeons are reluctant to give trainees control during robotic surgeries because the procedure would take longer and it increases risk to the patient. "Amazon is launching a new program to donate unsold products, after reports that millions were being destroyed . Amazon is launching a new program called Fulfillment by Amazon Donations. From September 1, unsold or unwanted products that sellers wish to dispose of will be donated to a network of nonprofits and charities. Sellers can opt out of the program if they want. Amazon routinely discards unsold inventory, sending products to landfills instead of to people in need. Amazon charges 50 cents to return unsold inventory to sellers, and 15 cents for disposal." "Samsung’s next Galaxy Unpacked device lineup may have been entirely spoiled in huge new leak . Noted leaker Evan Blass unveiled a lot of the upcoming news from Samsung's next Galaxy Unpacked event in a series of tweets recently. The tweets revealed two new Galaxy foldables, a new Galaxy FE phone, two new Galaxy Watches, and a new set of Galaxy Buds. Each tweet includes a GIF that shows off the device. The event will likely take place on August 11. The tweets are available in the article." "Walmart is working on an Amazon Prime competitor, called Walmart+ . Walmart is developing a rival subscription service to Amazon Prime called Walmart+. It plans to start publicly testing Walmart+ as soon as March. Amazon Prime is currently $119 a year and includes perks such as unlimited one-day shipping and access to entertainment content. Walmart currently offers a $98 annual subscription for unlimited same-day delivery of groceries. The details regarding Walmart+ are scarce, but it is rumored that Walmart+ aims to include perks that Amazon cannot match." "France asks search engines and app stores to remove Wish . Several French ministers have asked the main search engines and mobile app stores operating in France to hide Wish's website and mobile app in the country. The e-commerce platform was found to sell counterfeit and unsafe products. If the tech companies comply, Wish will still be available for people who already have the app, but it will disappear from search results and app stores. If Wish implements the proper changes to comply with French regulation, then the administration may consider lifting the shadowban." "Native American Tribe Gets Early Access to SpaceX's Starlink and Says It's Fast . The Hoh Tribe, a Native American tribe in Washington state, recently tweeted that it had received access to SpaceX's Starlink network. Based on the state's coast, residents previously had astonishingly slow internet speeds, but now the community can access remote learning and healthcare. Starlink is capable of delivering 100Mbps download speeds at a latency below 30 milliseconds. It is currently unavailable to the public, but Elon Musk has said that the company plans to start trials soon for residents based in the northern US and possibly southern Canada." "Scientists Find Vital Genes Evolving in Genome’s Junkyard . Scientists had previously thought that essential genes were frozen in time, not evolving. Experiments have shown that the genes guiding the development of the body plans in fruit flies and mice can be swapped out because they are so similar. However, a new study has found that a large class of genes in fruit flies essential for survival are evolving extremely rapidly. The genes' ability to keep changing could be the key to their essential nature. The results also mean that gene scientists could be looking in the wrong place for important genes relevant to a variety of medical conditions and biological mysteries." "Netflix Picks France to Test First Linear Offering . France will be the first country to receive Netflix's first channel offering. Direct will be a linear channel that airs shows in real-time. It will only be available via web browser. France was chosen as the testing country for this feature due to its consumption of traditional TV. Many people in France prefer a laid back experience where they don't have to choose shows. The feature may also appeal to older demographics, which make up a significant portion of households in France." "Facebook is audaciously launching a video gadget for your home, called Portal. Is that a good idea? Facebook came out with it's own smart home device, it's sort of a tablet with a speaker attached to the base. It's called Facebook Portal, and it comes in two sizes, a 15-inch display for $349 and a 10-inch display for $199. You can sync your Facebook account to it and make video calls through Facebook Messenger. It also has a ""AI-powered Smart Camera"", which means that the camera swivels and follows you as you move around the room, so you can stay in the video. Portal comes with Amazon Alexa integration built in, and is available for pre-order today (the first units ship in November). Facebook came out with it's own smart home device, it's sort of a tablet with a speaker attached to the base. It's called Facebook Portal, and it comes in two sizes, a 15-inch display for $349 and a 10-inch display for $199. You can sync your Facebook account to it and make video calls through Facebook Messenger. It also has a ""AI-powered Smart Camera"", which means that the camera swivels and follows you as you move around the room, so you can stay in the video. Portal comes with Amazon Alexa integration built in, and is available for pre-order today (the first units ship in November)." "Compliance Doesn't Have to be Complicated (Sponsor). Compliance Doesn't Have to be Complicated . “But are you SOC 2 compliant?” Don’t let that question hold up deals.Drata has built the world’s most advanced continuous automation platform for SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA, & PCI DSS. With 50 + integrations, you can connect to your tech stack, start collecting evidence, and gain a real-time view of your security posture.TLDR subscribers: save 10% and get your free compliance assessment." "Twitter Will Allow Employees To Work At Home Forever . Jack Dorsey emailed Twitter employees on Tuesday informing them that they will be allowed to work from home permanently. Some jobs, such as server maintenance, will still require employees to come in. Twitter started encouraging employees to work from home at the beginning of March. The company had predicted that the change would become permanent as people discovered the benefits of remote work. Twitter had plans to start working in a distributed way before the pandemic. It is unlikely to open its officers before September and almost all business travel will be canceled until then as well." "'Siri, I'm getting pulled over': A new shortcut for iPhones can automatically record the police . One of the big new features in iOS 12 is an app called Shortcuts, which allows power users to write scripts for their iPhones. There is now a script called Police that will activate the front facing camera and save the file to Dropbox if you just say the trigger phrase, for example ""Hey Siri, I'm getting pulled over.""" "Chinese scientists have put human brain genes in monkeys—and yes, they may be smarter . Scientists in southern China have genetically engineered macaque monkeys so that they carry a gene that is believed to play a significant role in shaping human intelligence. The modified monkeys’ brains took longer to develop, just like in humans, and they performed better in memory tests. While the US and countries in Europe have been increasing restrictions on the use of primates in genetic studies, Chinese scientists continue to use primates and other animals, seemingly without restrictions, in their genetic experiments. More studies on genetically modified monkeys are still being conducted which are testing the effects of other human genes when inserted into monkey embryos." "Free Auth for any Project - Learn Authentication with FusionAuth (Sponsor). Get authentication and authorization up and running in minutes for your side project or POC. User registration, SSO, MFA, and more. Download and learn it on your own. Free forever with FusionAuth Community!" "Bay Area-based Air Protein makes “meat” from thin air using space-age science . Air Protein is a startup that makes a meat alternative using fermentation technology. Its technology can transform CO2 into a complete edible protein, making meat in days while using exponentially less arable land, natural resources, and with less greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional farming. The protein flour produced by the microbes can be made into a range of meatless meat products. Fermentation technology has enabled a new wave of alternative protein products. More than $1.5 billion was invested into companies making alternative protein in 2020, with at least $435 million of that just for those using fermentation." LG Display shows off a versatile lineup of transparent OLED screens at CES 2022 . LG Display has unveiled several new concepts that will be on display at CES 2022. The OLED Shelf consists of two transparent OLED displays mounted on top of each other to display art or media on top of shelves. Show Window is a set of four displays that can be used to play media in shop windows. The Shopping Managing Showcase is a display for luxurious department stores to display items and graphics that highlight certain parts of the products. Smart Window is a transparent OLED screen for video calls or presentations in the office. Pictures of some of the concepts are available in the article. "Wormholes Reveal a Way to Manipulate Black Hole Information in the Lab . Physicists predict that information can be transmitted across two black holes paired via quantum entanglement. If the theory is correct, it might offer clues on how to unite quantum mechanics with the theory of general relativity that describes gravity. It would also mean that the universe is created from the interconnections between particles described by quantum entanglement. The black holes involved in this theory aren't the usual ones found in space, but small ones that can be created on a lab benchtop using just a few atoms or ions." "Are Delivery Drones Commercially Viable? Iceland Is About to Find Out . Icelandic startup Aha is using drones to deliver hot food, groceries, and electronics to households in Iceland's capital city of Reykjavik. The crazy part is that they don't have any cameras, radars, or other imaging systems; they are literally just flying by GPS coordinates along routes that have been certified to be free of trees, buildings, and other tall structures. They've completed over 500 deliveries over 5 months with no injuries. You just enter your order into the Aha app, and Aha's cook loads the food onto the drone. Then you track the delivery, go outside to meet it, and agree to accept it. Then the drone lowers your food on a line and buzzes home. Delivery is around US $7, and can be much faster than delivery drivers." gron (GitHub Repo). gron transforms JSON into discreet assignments so that it can be grepped. It shows the data that is requested along with the path to the data. It can also turn filtered data back into JSON. "Amazon is launching an invite-based ordering option, starting with the PS5 and Xbox Series X . Amazon is launching an invite-based ordering service for high-demand, low-supply products to prevent inventory shortages and price gouging. The program aims to ensure that genuine customers are able to purchase these products. Customers will be able to request an invitation to buy the items at no additional cost. Amazon will verify genuine customers by looking at their purchase history and account creation dates. The program will launch in the US starting with the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X game consoles." "Hungry? - Lunch on us next week at the DX Summit virtual conference (Sponsor). Hungry? - Lunch on us next week at the DX Summit virtual conference . As a TLDR subscriber, you're invited to the most influential technology and marketing event of the year! Register for free today and master new skills and network with the world’s most successful digital experience leaders. Join us on May 18 at 11am ET for our great lineup of speakers - including leaders from Google, HP, and Ribo AI as we discuss NextGen Customer Service Excellence through data and journey orchestration.Register today for this digital CX conference to receive a free Uber Eats voucher to use toward lunch delivery of your choice." "Rivian Soars Past $100 Billion Following America's Biggest IPO Since Facebook . Rivian had one of the biggest initial public offerings in the last 9 years, raising a total of $11.9 billion. Its estimated value is now more than $100 billion, making it the second highest-valued US carmaker behind Tesla. The IPO's success was likely due to the positive reception to its electric R1T pickup and its close ties to Amazon. Amazon is contracted to buy 100,000 of Rivian's electric vans." "6,000-square-foot estate in Decentraland’s Fashion District will be developed to stage fashion shows . A virtual estate in Decentraland has sold for 618,000 MANA, about $2.4 million at the time. Tokens.com Corp. now owns around 6,090 square feet of virtual land in Decentraland’s Fashion District. It plans to use the estate for staging fashion shows with clothing brands. Decentraland is still largely undeveloped, but investor interest has grown as large companies stake claims in the metaverse. Many luxury brands have already entered the metaverse through designer NFTs." "Britain intervenes in Nvidia's $40 billion Arm takeover on national security concerns . The UK government has issued a Public Interest Intervention Notice on Nvidia's proposed takeover of Arm. A report on the competition and national security aspects of the deal will be compiled before July 30. While the UK government wants to support the tech industry and welcomes foreign investment, it has to consider the national security implications of a transaction of this nature. Nvidia does not believe that the transaction poses any material national security issues." "Inbox Kitten (Open Source Web Tool). Inbox Kitten is an open source, serverless disposable email service. There is a super easy to use hosted version, and you can obviously deploy your own private instance with the source code through Github." "Tech Stocks Killing Your Portfolio? De-risk It with This App (Sponsor). Tech Stocks Killing Your Portfolio? De-risk It with This App . With the NASDAQ down 23% YTD, investors with tech heavy portfolios are singing the blues (cough cough, Cathie Wood).So how do you de-risk your portfolio?" "Physicists Developed a Superconductor Circuit Long Thought to Be Impossible . Superconductors could take supercomputing technology to a whole new level, but there are many challenges in trying to design superconducting components. A team of scientists recently discovered a technique that can direct superconducting electrons down a one-way street, which is needed for components like diodes, without external magnetic fields. There are still many problems with superconductivity to overcome before they can be used in next-generation computing. For example, the phenomenon typically only occurs in materials chilled to just above absolute zero." "Hide likes? Facebook and Instagram will leave that decision up to you . Facebook and Instagram will soon let users decide if they want to hide the number of likes in posts. The concept is currently in testing but it will likely roll out to everyone in the next few weeks. Giving users more control over seeing likes is part of an effort to reduce comparison on social media. Facebook has been hiding like tallies since 2019, but the change was not popular with everyone, especially those who rely on likes to track what's popular." "Temporal: getting started with JavaScript’s new date time API (14 minute read). The Temporal date time API is a proposed replacement to JavaScript's current date time API. Temporal features support for time zones, non-Gregorian calendars, and specialized classes for Temporal values. All objects are immutable, and January is month 1. This blog post is a guide on how to get started with Temporal. It goes through the basics, covers the classes of the API and how they fit together, and ends with a comprehensive section with examples." "microStudio (Website). microStudio is an integrated video game development environment. It includes all the tools required to create a video game, including a sprite editor, a map editor, and a code editor. microStudio is run online and several people can work on the same project with instant synchronization. Games can be easily installed on smartphones and tablets. There are demo games available." "GIFRun (Website). GIFRun creates high-quality GIFs from video streaming sites. Users just need to paste in the link to the video, and then they can choose when the GIF starts and adjust the length and speed of the GIF. They can also add text." "Machine learning has been used to automatically translate long-lost languages . In 1886, a collection of stones and tablets bearing similar scripts was discovered on the Mediterranean island of Crete that had inscriptions from unknown languages that dated from around 1400 BCE. These were one of the earliest forms of writing discovered, and it was later determined that the inscriptions actually consisted of two separate languages. The older language, Linear A, still hasn’t been deciphered, but Linear B was determined to be an early form of Greek and was translated in 1953. Using machine learning, scientists built a model that was able to translate older languages by identifying patterns in which languages evolve and comparing the old text to their modern progenies. The technique was used to translate 67 percent of a Linear B text automatically. Using this technique, it may be possible to ‘brute force’ a translation of Linear A by testing the algorithm against multiple modern languages." Researchers Have Successfully Made First-Ever Robotic Arm That Can Be Controlled By Your Mind . Researchers have successfully made a robotic arm that can continually track and follow a computer cursor controlled by one’s thoughts. It uses a non-invasive brain-computer interface (BCI) developed at Carnegie Mellon University. Previous versions of BCIs have required invasive procedures to get high-resolution signals. The new approach to building BCIs improved BCI learning by nearly 60 percent for traditional tasks and continuous tracking of a computer cursor by over 500 percent. It has been tested on 68 able-bodied human subjects and the team plans to conduct clinical trials on patients in the near future. "Package Place (Website). Package Place is a postal package tracking API to get the latest status of your packages. It supports Canada Post, FedEx, SkyNet Worldwide, USPS, and UPS." "Scientists Create Immature Human Eggs From Stem Cells . A team of Japanese scientists turned human blood cells into stem cells, which they then transformed into very immature human eggs. This is huge, because being able to create human eggs means that theoretically, babies someday could be made from the blood, hair or skin cells of children, grandmothers, even deceased people. People could even potentially make babies from cells stolen from celebrities, such as skin cells left behind on a soda can." "Apple's Coolest iOS 16 Feature Lets You Drag Subjects Right Out of Images . iOS 16 has a new feature that allows users to pull subjects out of any image or photo and paste them into another photo or use them as a sticker in the Messages app. 'Lift subject from background' is part of the Visual Look Up suite of functions. It works in Photos, Screenshot, Quick Look, Safari, and videos on the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. A video showing how the feature works is available." "Antarctica melting: Climate change and the journey to the 'doomsday glacier' (11 minute read). Icefin is a remotely operated robot submarine. It was sent to investigate an area where the Thwaites glacier meets warm ocean water, causing it to start melting. The Thwaites glacier is roughly the size of Britain and currently accounts for four percent of the world sea-level rise each year. Satellite data shows that it is melting increasingly rapidly, and it could eventually raise the world sea level up by more than half a meter. It takes teams whole weeks to get to the glacier, which makes it difficult to study and understand. Before the Icefin expedition, only four other people, the advance party for the Icefin team, have ever been at the front of the glacier. The ice in Antarctica holds 90 percent of the world's freshwater. Researchers hope to find out what is causing the aggressive melting of the Thwaites by using Icefin to study the water underneath the ice." Data Diff (GitHub Repo). Data Diff is a command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases. "Grindr has been sold by its Chinese owner after the US expressed security concerns . Grindr has been sold to San Vicente Acquisition for around $608.5 million. Beijing Kunlun Tech bought Grindr in 2018, but the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States identified Kunlun's ownership of the app as a national security risk and set a June 2020 deadline for it to sell the business. The sale to San Vicente Acquisition is still pending review. Grindr has previously been accused of sharing personal data with ad companies in violation of GDPR, as well as sharing its users' HIV statuses with outside companies." "Researchers Rig Worms' Brains to Predict Smells With Machine Learning . Scientists used machine learning to analyze worm brain signals to reveal what the worm recently smelled. Caenorhabditis elegans have 302 neurons, making them easier to monitor than more complex organisms. The scientists exposed the worms to five smells. The algorithm was clearly able to differentiate between two of the smells, but often confused the other three. This research could help scientists gain a deeper understanding of how the brain encodes information and what goes wrong in cases of sensory processing disorders." "Ride-hail firm Lyft races to leave Uber behind in IPO chase . Lyft, last valued at $15 billion in a private fundraising round, is expected to go public as early as the first quarter of 2019 for between $20 billion and $30 billion. Earlier this year, Lyft said it had 35% of the US ride-sharing market." "Self-Proclaimed Satoshi Craig Wright Files US Copyright Registrations for BTC White Paper . Craig Wright, an Australian entrepreneur who claims to be the creator of Bitcoin, has filed copyright registrations for the original Bitcoin white paper. He claims he is the original author of the white paper and Bitcoin code. The Copyright Office receives registrations without verification, and there are no official avenues to challenge a registration. Wright has been steeped in controversy since he has been trying to establish himself as the creator of Bitcoin, which he believes has been ‘bastardized’ by protocol developer groups." "Contemporary Installations Where Art Meets Engineering . Art installations are a genre of contemporary art that lets users interact with art in a way that would not be possible with classic paintings and sculptures. When combined with engineering, these artworks evolve into both a visual and physical experience. This article contains nine examples, with photos and videos, of art installations that masterfully combine art and engineering." "Apple tweaks its troubled MacBook keyboard design yet again, expands repair program . Apple has announced that all MacBooks with the butterfly mechanism will be fully eligible for Apple’s Keyboard Service Program, as long as the model was first sold within the last four years. The keyboard has been redesigned using new materials in the new MacBook Pros announced today. Many Macbooks have been seeing issues with their keyboards and Apple has only recently started to acknowledge the problem. The new keyboard redesign will not be available for older models." "Video Emerges Of Marine F-35B Crashing In A Ball Of Fire After Colliding With A KC-130J . Video showing a US Marine Corps F-35B Joint Strike Fight crashing into the ground into a ball of flame after it collided with a KC-130J Hercules tanker-transport was posted on social media recently. The F-35B's pilot was able to eject safely and the crew of the Hercules transport also survived after an emergency landing. Martin-Baker, the company the built the ejection seats used in the F-35B, quickly highlighted on social media that its products have now saved 7,633 lives over the years. A 9-second video showing the crash is available in the article." "Amazon starts making its own TVs with new Fire TV Omni and 4-Series . Amazon has announced its Omni and 4-Series Amazon-branded 4K Fire TVs. The Omni series is a higher-end option with better picture quality and Alexa hands-free voice control. Voice commands will always be available, even when the TV is off. The commands can be used to adjust the TV's brightness, volume, to find something to watch, and more. The Omni also has a picture-in-picture mode for checking smart home cameras. Both the Omni and 4-Series can be wirelessly linked to Echo speakers. Pricing for a range of display sizes is available in the article." "Writing a ""bare metal"" operating system for Raspberry Pi 4 (GitHub Repo). Operating systems help us interact with machines by drawing on screens, processing inputs, working with hardware, and much more. This repository is the beginning of a tutorial on how to write an operating system for the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, a low-cost device used by millions of people around the world. An interest in hardware is recommended." "Airbnb now offers virtual ‘travel’ experiences to keep you entertained at home . Airbnb Online Experiences now offers remote activities, such as bartending and cooking classes, virtual bike tours, drawing lessons, and more. Experiences launched in 2016 as part of Airbnb's plan to transform the rental platform into a full-fledged travel company. With most nonessential businesses being closed, Airbnb hopes that the online-only relaunch might give guests something to do and potentially give local hosts a new source of income. Experiences range from a few dollars up to $65 per person per activity. Airbnb has partnered with a few organizations to offer free live activities catered towards the elderly. These activities will be hosted on Zoom, with Airbnb providing the hosts paid access for free. Science &" Fortnite’s experimental story is an attempt to create ‘the entertainment experience of the future’ . Fortnite has been trying to tell a story since it launched its battle royale mode in 2017. The story is a key element of the experience as Epic aims to create truly mass-scale broad-based entertainment. A story is critical in gaining emotional attachment to an entertainment experience. Fortnite uses big events to tell its stories. Each event leaves a permanent impression in the world and allows the developers to add more lore. Epic is sensitive to feedback and has changed the story before. Fortnite will continue to experiment with different ways to tell its story. "UK's air-breathing rocket engine set for key tests . A rocket engine that could take a plane from London to Sydney in about four hours will begin a new phase of testing in the next month in Colorado. The Sabre engine is designed to work like an air-breathing engine from standstill to Mach 5.5, and then in a rocket mode that reaches 25 times the speed of sound when it reaches a high altitude. This means the engine will need to be able to manage extreme temperatures. The part that is being tested is a pre-cooler heat-exchanger that will take an incoming airstream of up to 1000 degrees Celcius and cool it to -150 degrees Celsius in under 1/100th of a second." "Scientists Build Machine That Keeps Human Livers Functioning outside of the Body for 1 Week . A machine built by researchers in Zurich can keep human livers alive outside of the body for an entire week. Until now, livers could only be kept alive outside of the body for 12 hours. Livers kept alive inside the machine can regenerate. In trials, six out of ten livers deemed unsuitable for transplant were able to recover to full functionality within one week of being hooked up to the machine. The ability to regenerate livers so they are suitable for transplant is a huge moment in medical history. Liver4Life was developed over four years, and it mimics body processes such as circulation, blood filtering, and movement." "Google Flights Offering Price Guarantee . Google Flights is offering a price guarantee for a limited time, between August 13 and September 2, 2019. Some flights will start showing a price guarantee badge, and if a booking is made and the price drops, Google will refund the difference in price if it's between $5 and $500. Using price estimating algorithms, Google is offering the guarantee on flights where it is confident that the prices shown are the lowest available before the flight departs. If prices drop, Google will alert the customer and deposit the difference back into their bank account." "Amazon warehouse workers push to unionize in NYC . Employees at Amazon's new Staten Island fulfillment center have announced they intend to unionize. The workers say they want to address safety concerns, lengthy unpaid security checks, unreasonable hourly quotas, and insufficient breaks. Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have sent Amazon a letter saying that raising minimum wage to $15/hour doesn't ""give you a free pass to engage in potentially illegal anti-union behavior.""" "World's Largest Nuclear Fusion Experiment Clears Milestone . The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project is an experiment that aims to reach the next stage in the development of nuclear energy by generating emissions-free electricity. Located in southern France, ITER is now 6.5 years away from 'First Plasma'. A recently installed cryostat base and lower cylinder pave the way for the installation of the tokamak, the housing for the powerful magnetic field that will encase the ultra-hot plasma fusion core. After ITER becomes operational, it will still take 10 years until it is fully powered up. 35 nations have cooperated together on the project." "NextUI (Website). NextUI is a React UI library that can help developers build beautiful websites regardless of their design experience. It features customizable themes, light and dark UIs, fast performance, and a fully-typed API. Interactive examples and comparisons with other languages are available." "Uber Rewards is rolling out. Here’s how the perks work . Uber's rewards program is now available in most major cities across the US. It will roll out internationally once it's nailed the user experience. Perks include Uber credits, priority support, no surge pricing, and high rollers can even get a dedicated 24/7 phone support line." A Revolutionary Solid-State Battery Is Nearly Here (12 minute read). QuantumScape’s solid-state batteries for electric vehicles will be available on the market as soon as 2024. "Amazon’s first clothing store opens its doors in Los Angeles . Amazon has opened a brick-and-mortar clothing store in Los Angeles, California. Amazon Style will feature clothing from brands like Levi's, Tommy Hilfiger, Champion, and more. Store employees will be present to help customers. Each item of clothing in the store will feature a QR code that customers can scan if they want to try on or purchase the item. Customers can pick clothes from Amazon.com and have them delivered to the store to try on. A video showing off the store concept is available in the article." "The 65-inch Looking Glass 8K Holographic Display is Largest Ever Created . Looking Glass Factory has announced a 65-inch, 8K holographic display panel. The display is able to show 3D holographic content to groups of up to 50 people. It can create a sense of considerable depth using its 3-inch thick display. The display can currently only show Looking Glass holographic creations. Looking Glass claims that the display is already being used by entertainment companies for both storytelling and marketing. It has not revealed the price of the display, but interested parties can sign up to pre-order it on the company's website." "New type of 3D printing uses sound waves to build up objects . Direct sound printing (DSP) is a new 3D printing technology developed by scientists at Canada's Concordia University. It involves sending focused pulses of ultrasound through a chamber into a liquid resin contained within. The sound causes rapidly oscillating microscopic bubbles to form at specific points in the resin, causing the resin to solidify at the exact location of the bubble. DSP is able to produce small, detailed items within structures that have opaque surfaces. It could potentially be used to 3D-print repairs into internal components or create implants inside a human body without surgery." "Feels is a new dating app trying to ditch swiping for Stories . Feels is a new dating app with an interface that is more similar to a Snapchat-style story or a TikTok feed than the profiles found in other dating apps. It currently has around 100,000 users, with the company mainly focusing its efforts on the French market. The app tries to distinguish itself from other dating apps with its interface and controls. There are premium features that offer more visibility and the ability to swipe back to previous profiles." "Watch as choked up executive tells 3,500 rideshare employees they are being laid off effective immediately over a three-minute ZOOM call . Thousands of Uber employees were laid off during a three-minute Zoom call last week. Uber's business has dropped by more than half and there is no longer enough work for many frontline customer support employees. Employees will continue to stay on Uber's payroll until the date on their severance packages. Uber expects to pay out around $20 million in costs for severance and related charges. A link to a recording of the call is available in the article." "Over 200,000 users signed up for Apple News+ during its first 48 hours, report says . Apple News+ received over 200,000 subscriptions in its first 48 hours. All of these new subscribers are taking advantage of the trial period so it is yet to be seen whether Apple will retain their numbers. More people signed up to Apple News+ than Texture, a magazine subscription service that Apple acquired last year, which Apple News+ is based on. Some publishers have become more cautious about the effects of using the subscription service. However, many are confident in Apple News’ editor in chief, who has a reputation for knowing what good content is." Disney streaming exec Kevin Mayer becomes TikTok’s new CEO . Kevin Mayer will be leaving Disney to become TikTok's new CEO as well as COO of ByteDance. Mayer oversaw the launch of Disney+ last fall and was a potential successor to Bob Iger. Bob Chapek has since replaced Iger's position as CEO of Disney. A high-profile American executive could help address politicians' security concerns over TikTok's Chinese ownership. Rebecca Campbell will be taking over Mayer's role at Disney. "Electron-boilerplate (GitHub Repo). Electron-boilerplate contains code to kickstart creating an app with Electron. It is fully set up for cross-platform builds, has silent updates, has an app menu that adheres to system UI guidelines, and more. An example of a production app built using this boilerplate is available." "Soft robot chameleon changes color in real-time to match background . Researchers working at Seoul National University have developed a soft robot chameleon that can change colors to match its background in real time. Its skin contains a liquid ink that changes color with heat, allowing it to display virtually any color. The robot's underbelly has sensors to recognize colors. While it has its obvious military applications, the researchers envision the technology also being used in fashion and art displays. A video of the robot moving and changing colors to match its background is available in the article." "TensorFlow Privacy (GitHub Repo). Tensorflow Privacy implements Tensorflow optimizers for training machine learning models with differential privacy. The repository contains source code, tutorials, and analysis tools for computing under these privacy constraints. Contribution to the repository is encouraged." "Twitter lays off workers, report contends Elon Musk’s bid is in jeopardy . Twitter is laying off 30% of its talent-acquisition team. The company suspended hiring in May to shave costs. Twitter executives are restructuring the company to align with business needs. Elon Musk's deal to buy Twitter may be in trouble after Musk's team concluded that Twitter's figures on spam accounts were not verifiable." "China establishes company to build satellite broadband megaconstellation . The China Satellite Network Group Co. Ltd. is a new company created by the Chinese government dedicated to creating and operating a 13,000-satellite broadband constellation. The company will exist independently from and parallel to China's main space contractors. Other state-owned enterprises and commercial sector space companies could be involved in the project. The project will contribute to economic development while enabling domestic connectivity needs. It is unknown when construction of the constellation will be complete." "Machine Learning Reimagines the Building Blocks of Computing . Machine learning and traditional algorithms are substantially different ways of computing. Researchers are starting to use machine learning to improve the performance of traditional algorithms. This article provides examples of how algorithms with predictions can improve Bloom filters, an algorithm for checking site addresses against a blacklist, and other traditional algorithms." "Seeing Theory (Website). Seeing Theory is a visual introduction to probability and statistics. It covers basic probability, compound probability, probability distributions, frequentist interference, bayesian interference, and regression analysis. Each chapter contains interactive exercises to help visualize and understand the information." "The boring technology behind a one-person Internet company (12 minute read). Listen Notes is a podcast search engine and database which was built without a lot of engineers and is based on easily accessible technology. Instagram was acquired by Facebook for $1 billion and it only had 13 employees, not all who were engineers. Listen Notes required a website that provided an interface for users and a search function and API for developers. It is hosted completely on AWS. The one-man business employs the service of many other companies to automate and handle tasks such as monitoring, and it is an example of how a company/application can be built and run using off-the-shelf tools and services found on the internet. Hiring services and on-demand contractors can save a lot of time, as well as removing the need to employ a lot of full-time employees." "Student Builds Life-Saving Device That Can Instantly Stop Bleeding From Stab Wounds . A student has developed a device that can prevent severe blood loss resulting from deep stabbing wounds or impalement. The device consists of a silicon balloon sleeve and an actuator. The balloon is inserted into the wound and inflated to create pressure. It can stop hemorrhaging in less than a minute. The device is still in its prototype stage, but the creators have filed for a UK patent and plan to make it available in a few years." "Dawn Aerospace conducts five flights of its suborbital spaceplane . Dawn Aerospace has completed five test flights of its Mk-II Aurora spaceplane. The spaceplane is designed to fly up to 60 miles above the Earth's surface, although its test flights only reached altitudes of 3,400 feet. It can take off and land from conventional airports and potentially perform multiple flights to and from space every day. Mk-II is less than 16 feet long and weighs only 165 pounds empty. While Mk-II can only carry a payload of less than 8.8 pounds, Mk-III will be capable of carrying up to 551 pounds to orbit. Mk-III will be fitted with a rocket engine to enable supersonic performance and high-altitude testing." "Hacker claims to have stolen data on 1 billion Chinese citizens . A hacker under the handle 'ChinaDan' is selling several databases that they claim contains terabytes of stolen information on roughly one billion Chinese citizens for 10 bitcoins. The hacker says the information was leaked from the Shanghai National Police database. It includes data such as names, addresses, national ID numbers, contact numbers, and criminal records. This could be the most significant data breach yet for China and its citizens." "Disney bans Netflix ads from all of its TV channels except ESPN . Disney has banned Netflix ads from all of its TV platforms except for ESPN in preparation for its launch of Disney+ on November 12. The company had originally considered banning ads for all Disney+ competitors, including Amazon Prime Video. Amazon is currently not planning to offer support for Disney+ on its Amazon Fire TV Platform. Disney+ will cost $6.99 per month, or $69.99 for a full year, and will be ad-free. The service will offer a bundle deal that includes access to ESPN+ and Hulu. Disney took full control of Hulu in May." "Open-Source Leg: The quest to create a bionic limb that anyone can build . The Open-Source Leg is a collaborative project to bring researchers together to create an open-source bionic leg. One of the biggest challenges in developing bionic technology is that many groups are working separately on a solution, all in secret. Research teams usually have to design systems from scratch if they want to build anything, resulting in slow development. Open-Source Leg could eventually become the most common hardware system for prostheses control. It has a simple and portable design that is economical, scalable, and customizable." "Dutch surgeon wins landmark 'right to be forgotten' case . A Dutch surgeon won a case that forced Google to remove mentions of her medical negligence from their search results. The judge said that while information about her 2014 negligence on a web forum was correct, it had her name on a blacklist suggesting she was unfit to treat people, which was not what the disciplinary panel said (she only had a minor disciplinary action). About 3 million Europeans have asked to have links removed from search engines under the EU's ""right to be forgotten"" law." "The Mantis Shrimp Will Change How You See the World . Researchers have developed an optical sensor that can fit on a smartphone and is capable of hyperspectral and polarimetric imaging. It is still in the proof-of-concept phase, but modeling simulations suggest that the design could potentially make detectors capable of sensing up to 15 spatially registered spectral channels. Mantis shrimp have up to 16 photoreceptors and can see in ultraviolet and polarized light. They are the only animals capable of detecting light that is polarized circularly. Computers can make use of data-rich hyperspectral and polarimetric images, and the new design makes the technology potentially more accessible." Tesla unveils its 'secret to a quiet cabin': Proprietary 'Tesla Glass' . Tesla has released a video about its proprietary Tesla Glass. The automaker launched Tesla Glass as a secret project in 2016. Tesla uses its glass in its vehicles and Solarglass roof tiles. Every vehicle uses double-paned glass with a dampening acoustic layer in between. The glass is safe in case of accidents and it protects occupants from UV rays and noise. Glass used in the front windshield has to act as a lens for the vehicle's front-facing Autopilot camera. The video is available in the article. "Convoy (GitHub Repo). Convoy is a fast & secure webhooks service. It features two retry mechanisms, a management UI, and the ability to fan-out events to multiple endpoints. More features, such as rate limiting, replay attacks prevention, and multiple ingest sources will be implemented soon." "Conservationists plant a 'super grove' of redwood trees cloned from ancient stumps . A group of conservationists have planted a new ""super grove"" of redwood trees cloned with DNA extracted from ancient redwood stumps that are larger than any trees currently in existence. One was 400 feet tall and over 3,000 years old when it was cut down in 1890. They also help filter water and soil and are resistant to wildfires, droughts, and pests. Group leader David Milarch says ""These saplings have extraordinary potential to purify our air, water and soil for generations to come. We hope this 'super grove,' which has the capability to become an eternal forest, is allowed to grow unmolested by manmade or natural disasters and thus propagate forever.""" "Project Management for Software Engineering Teams (Sponsor). Imagine how much more you could get done if your project management tools didn't make you sigh. Shortcut is the ideal solution for task management, bug tracking, iteration planning, and reporting. Delight the scrum gods and give us a try." "How is computer programming different today than 20 years ago? . Computer programming has changed significantly in the last 20 years, and this blog post contains a long list of things that have changed. Some programming concepts like immutability, pattern matching, and tail recursion are now commonly used. A lot of desktop software is now just a webpage bundled with a browser. Package management ecosystems are now prevalent, and people no longer have to search through random websites and follow complicated instructions to install libraries. Security has become more of a focus. There are many other changes listed in the article." "Building a “smart” security camera with a Raspberry Pi (18 minute read). Scarecrow-Cam is a Raspberry Pi-powered camera that detects people with Tensorflow Object Detection and greets them with a warning sound. Overly cautious security cameras are often triggered by light, wind, cars, or other non-human objects, which can be annoying. Human detection on cameras greatly improves the camera's use as a security device. This article describes how to create Scarecrow-cam. It includes the code as well as videos of the software in action." Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 leak shows design without a rotating bezel . Samsung's new Galaxy Watch 5 Pro will have a capacitive touch bezel instead of a rotating bezel. It will have a raised bezel to provide more protection to the watch face. The lower-end model will have a similar look but with a flat front. Both models have a rubber watch band. Both watches should be released in August. Leaked images of the watches are available in the article. ‘Hybrid’ Quantum Networking Demonstrated for First Time . Researchers in France and the US demonstrated hybrid quantum networking in an experiment that combined two methods of encoding information in photons. Quantum systems can encode information as either Discrete Variables in particles or Continuous Variables in waves. Scientists were able to combine the two techniques by establishing and distributing entanglement between DV and CV encoded states of light within a single quantum network. The technique is likely an important step in creating the next generation of quantum systems. "5 Big Lies Junior Programmers Are Told (12 minute read). People are often told things early in their careers that turn out to be irrelevant, and even detrimental, to their careers. This article discusses six myths in the software development industry that should be challenged by junior programmers in order to develop into better engineers. Questioning these popular ideas can help developers to become more valuable to their teams." "Why Whole Foods is trying out a 'dark store' as part of its vision for the future of grocery shopping online . Whole Foods is opening its first online-only store in New York. The store will not be open to the public. Instead, Amazon delivery drivers will collect orders from the shop and deliver them to customers. Amazon had converted a few of its stores to temporary online-only stores to help meet demand but has since reverted four of them. While demand for grocery delivery has risen since the pandemic, plans for the online-only location were made pre-COVID-19. Amazon recently launched its first Amazon Fresh supermarket in Los Angeles." "China leapfrogs world with first 6G experimental satellite . China sent a 6G satellite into space on top of a Long March-6 carrier rocket from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center. The satellite will be used to verify the performance of 6G technology in space. 6G is expected to be over 100 times faster than its predecessor, allowing lossless transmissions over long distances with less power. The satellite has a system to provide abundant satellite images and data. There are still many technical hurdles to overcome before 6G becomes commercially available." "Drone Swarms Are Getting Too Fast For Humans To Fight, U.S. General Warns . Humans may not be able to fight back against swarms of enemy drones, which might mean the rules governing human control over artificial intelligence might need to be relaxed. Current rules require meaningful human control over any lethal system. Pentagon leaders need to discuss how much human control of AI is needed to be safe but still effective, considering the context of countering new threats such as drone swarms. In these situations, humans on their own may be outclassed. AI could lead to reduced casualties due to target misidentification. Failing to deploy the best AI could mean defeat on the battlefield." Uber reportedly looking to buy Postmates delivery service . Uber has made an offer to purchase Postmates. It had previously tried to acquire GrubHub but talks were stopped due to antitrust concerns. Grubhub now plans to merge with Just Eat Takeaway in a deal worth $7.3 billion. The talks are still ongoing and the deal has not been finalized yet. "And Co (Desktop App & Chrome Extension). This is a free desktop app/chrome extension put out by the freelance marketplace Fiverr, which basically gives you everything you need to run a freelance business. It has features for invoicing, proposals, contracts, time and expense tracking, and more. If you're a freelancer, definitely take a look at this, I'm kind of surprised that something this fully featured is free." "All of Italy is being placed on lockdown due to coronavirus . The whole of Italy has been placed on lockdown to stop the spread of COVID-19. People are no longer allowed to assemble in public and many businesses will be closed. There are more than 9,100 confirmed cases in Italy, with more than 460 people dead. Cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in all regions of the country. The disease has now infected more than 113,000 people globally and caused nearly 4,000 deaths." "Apple Acquires AI Music Startup That Can Generate Dynamic Soundtracks . Apple has acquired AI Music, a startup that uses artificial intelligence to generate personalized soundtracks and adaptive music. AI Music can generate dynamic soundtracks that change based on user interaction, for example, it can adjust its tune based on a listener's heartbeat. The company previously advertised its technology as a way for advertisers to create audio to match user context and moods. There are many ways Apple could use this technology, for example, it could provide royalty-free songs for slideshows or music for Apple Fitness+." "Walmart sues Tesla over solar panels it says caused multiple fires . Walmart has sued Tesla, claiming that Tesla's solar panels caused fires in seven of its stores, destroying merchandise and property and resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses. According to Walmart, Tesla failed to produce solar tiles that lived up to industry standards. Walmart has installed Tesla's solar panels on the roofs of around 240 of its stores. Tesla paid $2.6 billion in 2016 to buy SolarCity before producing its own solar tiles. Last year, Tesla reported a $408 million loss in its second quarter, despite selling more cars than ever. It is currently facing a field investigation by the US National Transportation Safety Board after several Model X and Model S owners claimed that their cars burst into flames." "How I Might Have Hacked Any Microsoft Account . Until recently, hackers could change the password of any Microsoft account by sending all of the possible security codes concurrently. To do so wouldn't be easy for anyone, as it would require a lot of computing resources and thousands of IP addresses. This article follows how the vulnerability was discovered. It was reported to Microsoft and patched in November. A $50,000 bounty was rewarded for reporting the issue." "Reddit adds chat rooms for subreddits . Reddit is adding a new chat tool that allows users to start small group chats from within popular subreddits. ‘Start Chatting’ randomly matches small groups of up to seven users in a subreddit who want to chat, creating a group thread where they can exchange messages. The feature has been testing in a handful of subreddits but it has been pushed to release sooner due to an uptick in its use since the beginning of the year. It will be available to around 16,000 SFW subreddits soon, with more available in the coming weeks." "Google Podcasts in-episode search is coming, shows now being fully transcribed . Google Podcasts is now automatically transcribing some podcasts and then inserting the transcripts into the podcast’s page metadata. This makes content from the podcasts searchable, which means podcasts can now be found by entering certain phrases or topics into the search field. The technology behind the transcripts may be used to help more people consume content if they prefer text over audio mediums." "Ninja announces he is leaving Twitch to stream exclusively on Mixer . One of Twitch's most popular stars, Tyler 'Ninja' Blevins, is leaving the platform to stream exclusively on Mixer. Mixer is a streaming service owned by Microsoft and was previously known as Beam. Ninja will continue to stream Fortnite and says that his streams will be the same on the new platform. Twitch has congratulated Ninja on his accomplishments in the gaming community. Fortnite has recently held its inaugural World Cup Finals in New York City, where Ninja was both a competitor and a commentator. Ninja has also appeared on the cover of ESPN and on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. He will be appearing at Lollapalooza in Chicago this week." "Tokyo installed see-through public toilets in a park to let people inspect their cleanliness before using them, at which point the glass turns opaque . Tokyo has installed see-through bathroom facilities in two of the city's public parks. The bathrooms are made out of smart glass that turns opaque when the stalls are locked. The use of public toilets in Japan is limited due to negative stereotypes. The new bathrooms are part of a project to redesign Tokyo's public bathrooms so that they can be used by anyone. Video of the new bathrooms is available in the article." "AdonisJS (Website). AdonisJS is a framework for creating fully functional web apps and API servers. It can handle HTTP requests, database queries, user authentication, file uploads, email, and more. AdonisJS features a rich routing layer, controllers, a schema-based validator, and a template engine. Examples are available." "10-minute, $1,800 plunge shows Bitcoin’s volatility . Bitcoin soared 39 percent this week to $13,852, the highest it has been since January 2018. However, it dropped more than $1,800 after it hit its peak, with large swings continuing throughout the week. Large exchanges such as Coinbase experienced system dropouts due to the high volume of traffic they experienced. Facebook’s recent announcement of their Libra cryptocurrency appears to have helped bring attention back to Bitcoin. Many cryptocurrency related companies saw a rise in stock prices this week." Meta announces plans to build an AI-powered ‘universal speech translator’ . Meta has announced an AI research project to create translation software that works for everyone in the world. Roughly 20% of the world speaks languages not covered by current translation tools. Many of these languages don't have easily accessible texts in the quantity required to train AI systems. Meta will develop tools to train AI models using fewer training examples and a system to directly translate speech in real-time without the need for a written component to serve as an intermediary. There is no set timeframe for completing the project. "Tiny Triboelectric Nanogenerator Can Harvest Energy From the Breeze You Make When You Walk . Researchers in China have designed a type of tiny wind turbine that can scavenge wind energy from small breezes, like those generated by walking. It is made of two plastic strips in a tube that flutter or clap together when there is airflow. It generates electricity through a phenomenon called the triboelectric effect. The device can generate power using a breeze as gentle as 1.6 m/s. It performs best when the wind velocity is between 4 to 8 m/s. With a high wind-to-energy conversion efficiency of 3.23%, the team hopes the device can bring wind power to areas where traditional wind turbines can't reach. Videos of the device are available in the article." Epic’s new RealityScan app can make 3D models from smartphone photos . RealityScan is an app from Epic Games that can construct 3D models of objects using a series of smartphone photos. It can be used to scan real-world objects and bring them into games or other projects. The app is in a limited (and currently full) beta. Epic is hosting a 'State of Unreal' event today at 11 AM ET. A video that shows how RealityScan works is available in the article. "Apple Glass could adjust lenses to match user's prescription . Apple was recently granted a patent for smart glasses or a headset that could potentially adjust its lenses to correct the wearer's vision. The company proposes to use a stack of lenses for each eye that can be precisely adjusted to control how much light passes through. An eye-tracking system could be used to provide more advanced adjustment to the user's vision. Many more details about the technology, including figures from the patent, are available in the article." "LG Unveils OLED EX, the Next Generation of Its OLED TV Tech . LG's OLED EX is the company's next generation of its OLED display technology. It promises to boost maximum brightness, enhance picture quality, and allow for smaller display bezels. The new displays use a compound called deuterium combined with algorithmic image processing to increase brightness by up to 30% over conventional OLED displays. They will be used in every OLED TV manufactured at Samsung's Paju and Guangzhou locations in the second quarter of next year. While the global TV market declined by 12% this year, LG saw a 70% growth in OLED sales." "Apple wants your iPhone to replace your passport and driver's license . Apple has filed a series of patent applications all entitled 'Proving Verified Claims of User Identity'. The patents detail methods to record, transmit, and confirm a user's identification. While the proposals don't mention iPhones at all, the systems could potentially be integrated into iPhones to make it so they can provide valid, verifiable identification. Many countries are starting to allow the use of mobile passports, and it is likely the trend to digitize ID will continue." "Mysterious 'Robin Hood' hackers donating stolen money . A group of hackers has donated stolen money to charities, claiming that they want to make the world a better place. Children International has stated it will not keep the money and The Water Project has yet to release a statement about the donations. The donations were made through The Giving Block, a service that helps non-profits receive donations in cryptocurrencies. The Giving Block is working to trace the funds and determine if they came from stolen sources. It claims that the funds will be easier to trace as the donations were made using cryptocurrency. No identity information is required when donating to The Giving Block. The donations raise moral and legal issues." "The automation platform Atlassian & Slack swear by (Sponsor). Learn about Workato, the fastest-growing enterprise automation platform during this year's Automate conference, which features sessions with Serena Williams, the CIO of GitLab, the ""Godfather of MarTech"" and more. Learn more." The Collison Brothers Built Stripe Into A $95 Billion Unicorn With Eye-Popping Financials. Inside Their Plan To Stay On Top (12 minute read). John and Patrick Collision founded Stripe in 2010. The company's gross revenue reached nearly $12 billion in 2021. It reached a valuation of $95 billion in March 2021. This article tells the story of the Collision brothers and Stripe. It talks about how the company was built as well as its plans for the future. "Scale Cross-Browser UI Testing with Testim's Powerful AI (Sponsor). Developers use Testim so they can spend less time creating, editing, and updating UI tests and more time innovating on their apps. Start testing today!" "Language Interpretability Tool (GitHub Repo). The Language Interpretability Tool (LIT) is a visual and interactive model-understanding tool for Natural Language Processing models. It features salience maps, custom metrics, the ability to compare models, rich visualization of model predictions, and more. LIT is framework-agnostic and compatible with TensorFlow, PyTorch, and other frameworks." "Brave browser-maker launches privacy-friendly news reader . Brave Software is introducing a news reader designed to protect user privacy by stopping sites from tracking what users view. Brave Today delivers personalized news feeds in a way that Brave, ISPs, and third parties are unable to track. It uses various techniques to preserve user anonymity, including encrypting requests, stripping out headers, and using separate services to prevent data combination. Brave Today has 15 news categories from 300 sources and it will be integrated directly into all versions of the browser except for Android. An explanation of how the service works is available in the article." Introduction to Linear Algebra for Applied Machine Learning with Python (Book). Every machine learning model is based on linear algebra. This document contains introductory level linear algebra notes for applied machine learning. The notes are meant to be used as a reference and are not a comprehensive review. "Ask HN: What is your best advice for a junior software developer? (Hacker News Thread). Really long, popular thread on Hacker News about advice for junior developers. There's life advice, career advice, technical advice, tough love and more. Couple highlights: ""Being valuable to the person who's employing you is what makes you progress in your career."" and ""Do not try to understand everything in order to do something.""" "Tampa teenager and two others arrested for Twitter Bitcoin hack . A 17-year-old was arrested as the mastermind behind the Twitter Bitcoin hack on July 15th. Two other individuals were also charged for their involvement. 30 felony charges have been filed against the teen. The IRS Criminal Investigation Cyber Crimes Unit found the identity of the attackers by analyzing the blockchain and de-anonymized bitcoin transactions. According to Twitter, the hackers used a phone spear-phishing attack to access Twitter's internal systems. They targeted 130 accounts in total, tweeting from 45 of them. Twitter has improved its security protocols in response to the attack." "Disney's new Netflix rival will be called Disney+ and launch late 2019 . Disney will launch a Netflix competitor called Disney+ in late 2019. They have already announced that they will pull all of their movies from Netflix in 2019. The service will feature shows set in the Star Wars and Marvel universes as well as a reboot of High School Musical. They've put up a landing page with the logos Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic." "‘It will change everything’: DeepMind’s AI makes gigantic leap in solving protein structures . DeepMind's AlphaFold can determine a protein's 3D shape using its amino-acid sequence. The ability to accurately predict protein structures from their amino-acid sequence enables quicker and more advanced drug discovery. AlphaFold has the potential to change medicine, research, bioengineering, and other related fields. While there are other existing methods to solve protein structures, AlphaFold enables scientists to use lower-quality and easier-to-collect experimental data to create good structures, which means that more can be achieved with less lab equipment. Some areas of research are set to flourish soon due to the enormous amount of genomic data that can now be reliably translated into structures." Apple developing new external display that’s around half the price of the Pro Display XDR . Apple may be preparing to launch a new external display this year. The display will be slightly smaller than the Pro Display XDR and about half the price. A leak in December suggested that Apple was developing 24-inch and 27-inch external displays. Apple is also working on a successor to the Pro Display XDR with an Apple-made SoC and Neural Engine. "Facebook’s Meta watch has a camera notch, according to first leaked image . Leaked images of Facebook's smartwatch show a camera notch that is clearly visible when the watch's screen is off. The watch will have LTE support and health, fitness, and messaging features. It will also have a second detachable camera. Facebook originally planned to release the device in Summer 2022, but the company has not confirmed any dates. A picture of the smartwatch is available in the article." "Amazon is in talks to buy MGM for $9 billion . Amazon has reportedly offered $9 billion to purchase MGM, the film giant that owns a historic catalog of films, an array of production and distribution companies, and the content network Epix. MGM has been up for sale since December 2020. It has a library of 4,000 films and 17,000 hours of TV. The James Bond franchise, one of the most valuable film franchises ever made, will be part of the deal." "Project Management Has Never Been Easier (Sponsor). Imagine how much more you could get done if your project management tools didn't make you sigh. Shortcut is the ideal solution for task management, bug tracking, iteration planning, and reporting. Delight the scrum gods and give us a try." "Samsung’s new partnership offers another glimpse of a drone delivery future — in only one Irish town . Samsung has partnered with Irish drone delivery company Manna to bring drone delivery of small electronics like phones and smartwatches to a small town in Ireland. Residents of the town will receive their devices within three minutes if they order from Samsung's Irish online store. Manna's drones can travel at speeds of over 60 kilometers per hour, and they will only operate within a two-kilometer radius from their dispatch center. People in the town have already been able to order groceries and medicines to be delivered by drone since last year, thanks to a deal Manna has with Tesco." bor (GitHub Repo). bor is a source code searcher written in Python. It can search for 'class' and 'def' keywords in source files and directories. Examples are available. "Quantum: Handover for fully flexible satellite . Traditionally, satellites have been hardware products that can't be reconfigured after launch. Quantum is the first fully software-defined spacecraft. Instead of being built to serve one particular niche, it can be reprogrammed on the fly. The UK Space Agency says ""Having assets in space that are flexible and can meet changing needs is absolutely essential, and that has underpinned the UK Space Agency's investment strategy in telecoms over the last few years.""" "Chinese city 'plans to launch artificial moon to replace streetlights' . Chengdu plans on launching an artificial moon into the sky by 2020, which will be eight times as bright as the real moon. The idea is to use this ""illumination satellite"" to replace street lights. Officials say that it will not be bright enough to harm night-time wildlife." "Papers With Code (Directory). Papers With Code is a website that contains links to free resources on Machine Learning, including papers, code, and evaluation tables. Anyone can contribute to the database and to the project. The site is organized so users can look for the most cutting edge research straight away, or they can browse by specific topics." "In Finland, scientists are growing coffee in a lab . The amount of land suitable for coffee plantations is shrinking due to climate change. Researchers in Finland are experimenting with growing coffee from plant cells in bioreactors. They are using the same techniques that others are using to make lab-grown meat. It is easier to grow plants using this method compared to meat as the nutrient media for plant-cell cultures are much less complex and plant cells grow freely without attaching to surfaces. Coffee created with this technique tastes and smells like ordinary coffee. The process can be modified to generate different blends of compounds." "Lit (GitHub Repo). Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components. It features a component base class that provides reactive state, scoped styles, and a declarative template system. Lit can be used to create shareable components, design systems, sites, and apps." "Google's balloon internet is coming to Kenya in 2019 . Google's Project Loon is a project designed to launch balloons into the stratosphere to bring internet to remote or rural areas where cell towers aren't economical. A Loon spokesperson says ""It's easiest to think of them as floating cellphone towers. Loon works with mobile network operators to extend their networks to unconnected or under-connected communities."" Loon will be launching balloons in Kenya in 2019 to provide service to Kenyans in rural and mountainous regions." "12 Exciting Engineering Milestones to Look for in 2022 . This article gives an overview of engineering milestones that will happen in 2022. The technologies include Wi-Fi 6E, electric planes, 3-nanometer chips, cryogenic energy storage, and more." "Tesla’s new Boombox feature will let car owners fart at unsuspecting neighbors . Tesla has rolled out its 2020.48.26 firmware update, which gives Tesla owners the ability to play sounds from the speakers on the outside of their cars, if they have them. There are several default sounds to choose from, or owners can upload up to five custom sounds. Tesla cars manufactured after September 1st, 2019 have the outer speakers built-in. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration requires the speakers so that electric cars can emit noise to alert pedestrians. An 11-minute video covering the new firmware update is available in the article." "Disney Plus to Add a Cheaper Tier With Ads Late This Year . Disney Plus is introducing a cheaper, ad-supported subscription in the US this year and internationally next year. It has not specified the new tier price or launch date. Many other streaming services offer tiers that include ads for a lower subscription price. Disney aims to reach 230 million to 260 million subscribers by 2024. It had almost 130 million subscribers at the beginning of this year." "Weird 'gel-like' substance found on moon by China's lunar rover Yutu-2 . China's Yutu-2 lunar rover has found an unusually colored gel-like substance on the far side of the moon. Scientists were about to power down the rover to rest when they noticed a crater with a strange material in the inner edge of an impact crater. Its shape and color was significantly different from the surrounding lunar soil. Scientists are still trying to determine what the substance is. The Chang'e-4 mission is the first to explore the far side of the moon, which has unique features that might bring breakthrough findings. Earth only sees one side of the moon, and it is thought that the geology of the other side is very different from the one we see." North Korea hackers use social media to target security researchers . Google has uncovered an on-going state-backed hacking campaign run by North Korea. The attackers pose as security researchers by creating numerous fake social media profiles and a fake blog. They offer to work with real security researchers and then share collaboration tools containing malicious code to install malware on their systems. The attackers were able to create a backdoor to fully patched and updated versions of Windows 10 and Chrome browser. North Korea's cyber army comprises thousands of expert hackers who have a record of major cyber disruptions. "10 real-world stories of how we’ve compromised CI/CD pipelines (12 minute read). Attacks on continuous integration and continuous delivery/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines have been on the rise as build pipelines are increasingly understood as highly-privileged targets with a substantial attack surface. This article shares 10 stories about CI/CD pipeline security assessments to demonstrate potential weak points and show what attacks may look like in practice. Most compromises are caused due to default configurations, overpermissive permissions and roles, a lack of security controls, and a lack of segmentation and segregation." Apple employees say the company is cracking down on remote work . Apple will roll out a new hybrid model that requires employees to return to the office three days a week starting in September. The company has historically discouraged employees from working from home. Some employees have said that they won't be continuing with the company due to the new hybrid model. Employees are trying to find ways to get Apple to change its mind. "Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods Are Taking on These 3 Foods After Burgers . The plant-based meat industry is now worth $800 million and accounts for two percent of packaged meat sales. Both Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods have started to expand their product ranges. Impossible Foods plans to work with Wow Bao, a Chicago-founded chain of Asian restaurants, to produce a steamed dumpling. The aim is to eventually move into the Asian market, which is emerging as the fastest-growing market for plant-based meat alternatives. Impossible Foods has also started the development of a fish alternative and it aims to recreate every animal-based product by 2035. Beyond Meat has teamed up with Subway to produce the Beyond Meatball Marinara sub, which will be available in 685 restaurants in the United States and Canada for a limited time from September." "guietta (GitHub Repo). guietta is a tool for making simple Python GUIs. It supports input fields, buttons, variables, and functions. A demo is available on the repository." "TikTok crosses 2 billion downloads after ‘best quarter for any app ever’ . TikTok was downloaded 315 million times during Q1 2020, officially crossing 2 billion total downloads across iOS and android. The company has generated $435.3 million in lifetime revenue from user spending on iOS and $21.4 million in revenue on Android. China is the top source of revenue for TikTok, followed by the US. A chart showing TikTok’s growth per quarter since 2017 is available." "Nvidia’s latest AI software turns rough doodles into realistic landscapes . Using a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) AI model, Nvidia has developed prototype software that gives users a ‘smart paintbrush’ that can turn sketches into realistic landscapes. While it is not the first of its kind, it is the most polished demonstration of the concept. A GIF and a two minute video showing the software in action is available in the article. The software demonstration is impressive, but it skips over the limitations of these AI systems, as it is geared towards painting only certain types of simple textures that the GAN has trained well on. Other, more complex textures are much tricker and the results would look a lot less impressive." "Huawei made its own Siri rival called Celia . Huawei has launched its own voice assistant called Celia. It can understand commands in English, French, and Spanish, and it will be able to interact with some basic phone features at launch. Celia will be able to use AI to detect objects. The feature will appear on Huawei devices via an OTA update on April 7." "Amazon announces its first fully autonomous mobile warehouse robot . Amazon has unveiled Proteus, its first fully autonomous mobile robot. The robot is designed to move large carts throughout Amazon's warehouses. It can safely navigate around humans. Proteus robots feature advanced safety, perception, and navigation technology. A video of the robot stopping when a human steps in front of it is available in the article. Amazon also announced a robotic arm that can lift and move packages and a camera system that can scan barcodes." "Kuo: iPhone 13 to support LEO satellite communication, allowing users to make phone calls and send texts without cell signal . The iPhone 13 will feature a low-earth-orbit satellite communication mode, according to Ming-Chi Kuo. Users will be able to send messages and make phone calls with their devices even if they are not within standard cell tower coverage. The technology might also be used in the upcoming Apple AR headset, the Apple Car, and other Internet-of-Things accessories. It is unclear whether the satellite features will be free, as well as whether the connection will only work for Apple services. Apple is expected to announce the iPhone 13 lineup in September." "BytePS (GitHub Repo). BytePS is a distributed training framework that supports TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and MXNet. It can run on either TCP or RDMA networks. BytePS is high performing and can run at double the training speed compared with Horovod and NCCL. A step-by-step tutorial, as well as a best practice guide for optimal performance, is available." Simple Search is a browser extension that gives you Google circa 2010 . Simple Search is a browser extension that removes all the widgets that Google has been building into its search results over the last 10 years. Google now attempts to show users the most important information from websites in infoboxes. This plugin is an attempt to recreate an older version of the search service. The extension works for Bing as well and it is available for both Firefox and Chrome. Pulse (GitHub Repo). Pulse is a logging system for Apple Platforms. It records logs locally and they never leave the device. Screenshots of Pulse running on various Apple devices are available in the article. "Bitsy is the small video game engine with a big community . Bitsy is a video game engine released five years ago that allows users to easily create narrative games in 8-bit pixel art. It has been used to tell jokes, write poems, and share stories. The app was originally created so the developer could make games on their phone while commuting to work. Bitsy now has a community of creators who make games as well as extensions to the engine. Links to several Bitsy games are available in the article." "World’s First Airport For Flying Cars And Drones Opens This Year . Urban Air Port will build its first Air-One transport hub for autonomous delivery drones and electric flying cars in Coventry, UK. The facility will launch later this year and support delivery drone and air taxi technology, and it will eventually transport cargo and people across cities. Urban Air Port aims to install over 200 similar sites worldwide by 2025." Learn CSS (Website). This course breaks down the fundamentals of CSS. Its modules are designed to create well-rounded developers that are ready to take on any user interface. Each module contains interactive demos and self-assessments. The course was created for developers of all skill levels. "Tavern Owner Sets Up Virtual Pub for Town Patrons—But Welcomes More Than 14,500 Global Customers . An ex-landlady has set up a virtual pub that regularly hosts live music, quizzes, DJ sets, and open mic, and comedy nights. The UK-based pub now has 14,500 customers, with members from Australia, the USA, Canada, Spain, and Italy. Its popularity has blown up in recent weeks. The owner has started creating an international team in order to keep the page running 24/7." "Introducing Dark Mode (beta). Stack Overflow now has a dark mode, after the feature was listed as the #1 most upvoted Feature Request overall. Implementing dark mode was a challenge as there are hundreds of communities with different design aesthetics on Stack Overflow. Dark mode can now be selected in user preferences. You must be logged into your account to access the option." "Zoom Thanksgiving gift: Company announces no time limits on family video get-togethers for holiday . Zoom will remove time limits for family meetings during Thanksgiving for all of its users. Normally, video conferences are limited to 40 minutes unless users pay a $15 per month fee. The limit will lift from midnight ET on November 26 through to 6 am ET on November 27. Zoom now services 300 million daily video meetings and the company estimates it will do 3 trillion video meeting minutes this year." "The only time you'll hear ppl cheer for a rocket to explode (Twitter Video). SpaceX's Crew Dragon capsule was launched atop a Falcon 9 rocket on Sunday, and about 84 seconds after liftoff, it ejected itself from the rocket to simulate emergency procedures. Bad weather had delayed the test, which was planned for Saturday. With the test's success, the first astronaut mission could happen as soon as April. A 17-second video is available that shows the Falcon 9 rocket exploding during the test." "Google has quietly added DuckDuckGo as a search engine option for Chrome users in ~60 markets . It appears that the Chromium 73 update released yesterday included an update to the list of default search options, which now includes the privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo. The search engine is now available as an option in around 60 markets. Another privacy search engine, French-based Qwant, has also been added, but only in its home market, France. Pro-privacy search engines have been growing steadily in popularity in the last few years, and DuckDuckGo has recently received outside investment in order to scale its efforts and increase in size. Google has also finally released the Duck.com domain-name to DuckDuckGo, where it previously had it pointing back to Google.com." "Everything we think we know about Google’s mystery gaming announcement . Google is set to make an announcement at the Game Developers Conference tomorrow, and there are some theories about what Google’s vision for the future of gaming could be. It is most likely that the big announcement is related to cloud gaming, especially since Project Cloud had just successfully finished prior their tweet about the event. Google has had several strategic hires related to cloud gaming in the past 18 months, including people who had previously been working on game streaming services. A hardware component, similar to the Chromecast, may also be announced along with a game controller that looks like a cross between the PlayStation controller and the Ouya Gamepad. Ubisoft, ID Software, and Crystal Dynamics will have representatives at the Google event, which suggests that some big single-player titles will be available at launch." "Singapore Shows What Serious Urban Farming Looks Like . Singapore imports almost 90 percent of its food. In 2019, Singapore launched its 30 by 30 initiative with the aim of producing 30 percent of its nutritional needs locally by 2030. When the project started, the city had 220 farms, meeting 14 percent of its demand for leafy vegetables, 26 percent for eggs, and 10 percent for fish. 30 by 30 is increasing its demand for tech-based solutions due to the limited land in Singapore. This article explores some of Singapore's farms and their solutions to increasing food production." "How to Detect Unused CSS or JavaScript . It can be a tedious task to remove redundant code, especially if it's a very large codebase with several modules in it. Chrome DevTools can be a very handy tool to use in this scenario. The coverage tab calculates the coverage of the code, giving you the Total Bytes, Unused Bytes, and Usage Visualization categorized by file type. This shows how much code belongs to functions that haven't been executed. Screenshots of the process are available in the article." "Samsung Galaxy S21, S21 Plus, and S21 Ultra first look: polished design (and prices). Samsung's Galaxy S21 ($799), Galaxy S21 Plus ($999), and Galaxy S21 Ultra ($1,199) have arrived. The Galaxy S21 features almost the same specs as the S21 Plus, excluding obvious differences in screen size, battery size, and some other minor details. Samsung achieved the lower price points by changing to lower resolution screens with subtly curved edges and by reducing the RAM from 12GB to 8GB. The Galaxy S21's back panel is made of polycarbonate plastic. There are still significant internal upgrades, as well as a redesign of the lineup. The Galaxy S21 Ultra features the best of Samsung's hardware. It will be the first Galaxy S phone to support Samsung's S Pen stylus. Images of the devices are available in the article." "A New Brain Implant Automatically Detects and Kills Pain in Real Time . A group from the New York University School of Medicine has developed a brain-machine interface (BMI) that connects two brain regions together to detect and kill pain in real-time. One part of the BMI is connected to a region of the brain that detects pain, and another part dampens pain when activated. The implant only works when there is pain, so it doesn't constantly stimulate the brain. It has so far only been tested on rats, but it seems to be an effective strategy for pain therapy. While it may seem to be overkill, it could be a preferable choice to drugs for chronic pain sufferers." Scientists Watch a Memory Form in a Living Brain . Scientists from the University of Southern California were able to visualize memories forming in the brains of genetically modified zebrafish in the lab. The team expected the brains to form new neurons after learning a fear response but instead found that synapses were pruned from an area related to associative memories. It is possible that fish brains use different methods to encode different types of memories. They may choose to prune synapses to form stronger responses when presented with fear-stimuli. The researchers hope to see if their findings will translate to other animals. "Report: NASA’s major projects busting budgets, schedules . NASA’s major projects are more than 27 percent over baseline costs and the average launch delay is 13 months. The James Webb Space Telescope is the main offender for these oversights, as it has delayed its launch by 14 years and its budget is around $8.6 billion above initial cost estimates. NASA’s mega-rocket, the Space Launch System, has also run over cost due to production challenges and likely faces more delays. The Parker Solar Probe launched on time and came millions of dollars under budget, however. Currently, NASA plans to invest $63 billion into 24 major projects." "Go+ (GitHub Repo). Go+ is a language for engineering, STEM education, and data science. It is statically typed with a script-like style that is more readable than Go. Go+ features list comprehensions, map literals, slice literals, lambda expressions, and much more and it is fully compatible with the Go language. Examples and tutorials are available." "INPUT (Website). INPUT is a system for making fonts designed for code. It offers monospaced and proportional fonts, with a large range of widths, weights, and styles for richer code formatting. An interactive preview is available." "A mildly insane idea for disabling the coronavirus . If the coronavirus's spike protein was destroyed, then it wouldn't be able to infect anything. Our cells have a system for destroying proteins that involves tagging targeted proteins with a special protein called ubiquitin. There are no proteins that can attach ubiquitin to the viral spike protein, so a team at Harvard produced one. The bioengineered protein attaches to the viral spike protein, which then allows the ubiquitin to attach to it. Unfortunately, the bioengineered protein also sticks to proteins essential to the health of normal cells, so the technique isn't viable. However, the technology used to create it could be applied to other cases in the future." "Apple will require apps to add privacy ‘nutrition labels’ starting December 8th . App Store developers will be required to provide privacy information for their apps starting on December 8th. Apple's privacy 'nutrition labels' list what information an app collects and presents the information visually on the app page. An example of a privacy nutrition label is available in the article. Developers will be required to keep their labels up to date, making sure that users know how their information is used before any app is allowed on their phones." "European Space Agency probe to intercept a comet . Comet Interceptor is a new space venture that will launch in 2028, aiming to catch and study an object from the outer reaches of the Solar System. The probe will consist of three components, the main mothership and two smaller spacecraft that will separate near a comet to conduct different but complementary studies. It is estimated that the total cost of the operation will be about €150 million. The Comet Interceptor will wait in space until an optimal target is identified, and then it will set off to meet it. This is necessary as comets usually give short notice to their existence. New facilities will soon be able to detect celestial bodies with more accuracy." "Facebook names first members of oversight board that can overrule Zuckerberg . Facebook's new content oversight board will focus on challenging content issues, including hate speech, harassment, and people's safety. The board consists of 20 members who have lived in 27 countries and speak at least 28 languages. Members include a former prime minister and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. The board will eventually grow to 40 members. It will initially focus on cases where content was removed, and Facebook expects it will only take on dozens of cases to start. The board’s case decisions must be made and implemented within 90 days, though Facebook can ask for a 30-day review for exceptional cases." "Israeli hospital says it may have found Covid-19 cure as all treated patients make full recovery . Researchers from Israel have reported that seriously ill Covid-19 patients treated with a relatively unknown cancer drug made full recoveries within five days of treatment. Out of 30 patients treated, 29 showed significant improvement within two days. EXO-CD24 was developed as a cure for certain types of cancer. It fights the cytokine storm that is believed to be responsible for many Covid-19 related deaths." "DeepMind’s New AI With a Memory Outperforms Algorithms 25 Times Its Size . While larger language models perform better, they are expensive and harder to analyze than the average neural network, which are already known for being black boxes. DeepMind has built a language model called the Retrieval-Enhanced Transformer (RETRO), which has the ability to look up information on a database. RETRO was able to outperform language models multiple times its size. The model is still quite large, but the project demonstrates how scaling models may not be the best route to better performance." Tesla Model S Plaid breaks 200 mph top speed for the first time . A Tesla Model S Plaid was able to reach the automaker's promised top speed of 200 mph after it was hacked to remove software limitations. "12 Leading UI/UX Design Trends to Dominate in 2020-2021 . Digital designs are constantly changing in order to fit users' ever-evolving needs and tastes. Dark mode is one of the hottest web design trends as it looks ultra-modern, allows highlighting and popping other design elements, saves on device battery power, and reduces eye strain. Imperfect visuals are becoming more accepted as they make things look more unique and inventive. Immersive 3D elements, soft shadows, layers, and floating elements are making websites seem more futuristic and also have some practical uses in UI design. Websites are finding new ways to present information, like different methods of graphing data, combining different art mediums, and integrating computer-generated graphics into designs. Designers are making text larger and less complicated, simplifying language and using less formal tones in their communications. Color designs are a lot bolder, with frequent unusual combinations." "Microsoft Surface roadmap revealed in new book — including mysterious ‘Andromeda’ device . Tech journalist Brad Sams' new book ""Beneath a Surface"" talks about Microsoft's hardware roadmap. Next spring Microsoft may unveil an ""ambient computing"" device, a device that can sense and respond to a user's presence. 2020's Surface will include a ""modular design"" to make the device super easy to upgrade in piecemeal fashion instead of having to buy a completely new one every couple of years. Finally, there's ""Andromeda"", a foldable, dual-screen device that could mark the company's re-entrance into the smartphone market, due later next year." "'It's the screams of the damned!' The eerie AI world of deepfake music . OpenAI's Jukebox project uses artificial intelligence to generate music in a variety of genres and artist styles. The project has imitated many artists, alive and dead. A sample of one of Jukebox's productions is available in the article. Deepfake music will have wide-ranging ramifications for the music industry. Companies could eventually start generating their own music rather than paying for royalties. Already, artists are suing companies for creating tracks based on their voice. The legal status of AI impersonation is still yet to be determined." Golang for Node.js Developers (GitHub Repo). This repository contains a guide for people who have Node.js knowledge that want to learn Go. Developers who know Go who want to learn Node.js may also benefit from the guide. It is assumed that users have gone through the Tour of Go tutorial. The guide will only introduce a high-level understanding of Go. Further work will be required to fully understand the language. "DeepMind scientists: Reinforcement learning is enough for general AI . Scientists from DeepMind have published a paper that argues that artificial general intelligence can be developed from reinforcement learning, a branch of AI that is based on reward maximization. The idea is based on how natural intelligence developed. Natural intelligence developed through billions of years of natural selection and random variation, where those that had the right traits to survive lived and passed on their attributes, and those that didn't were eliminated. That system has led to intelligence with all kinds of skills and abilities." "Algo Deck (GitHub Repo). Algo Deck is an open-source collection of over 200 algorithmic flash cards. The aim of the project is to prepare developers to succeed in algorithm and data structure interviews. Topics include arrays, encoding, hash tables, recursion, math, and more. The code examples are in Java." "Facebook acquires the developers of VR military simulator Onward . Facebook's Oculus division has acquired Downpour Interactive, the virtual reality game developer behind the hit multiplayer military simulator Onward. Everyone from Downpour Interactive will move over to the Oculus Studios team in some capacity. Onward will continue to be supported on all current platforms and its feature roadmap remains unchanged. Downpour Interactive will retain full control of all development." "Slidev (GitHub Repo). Slidev creates presentation slides for developers. It is markdown-based, themable, interactive, fast, and customizable. Slidev has built-in recording and the ability to export into PDF, PNG, or to a hostable SPA." "AwesomeXSS (GitHub Repo). This repository is a collection of XSS resources. It contains a library of challenges, resources, tools, and code." "Upcoming SpaceX launch to be first supported by U.S. Space Force . The new US Space Force was created as the sixth branch of the military in December. SpaceX is planning to launch its third round of Starlink internet satellites early this week. The launch will be the first official launch supported by the US Space Force. It will be supporting the launch by providing tracking, security, safety, and other logistics. The Air Force was responsible for conducting a majority of the military's space-based programs, and the Space Force will expand the role as part of the Air Force. Its main command is currently at the Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado." "Spotify’s pitch to podcasters: valuable listener data . Podcasters will be able to view listener data with the new Spotify for Podcasters dashboard which is coming out of beta today. The dashboard will display listeners' music taste, age, gender, location, and how long they listened to a particular episode. It could potentially be used as a place to handle ad insertion if Spotify wanted to become an ad network. Spotify's other podcast-creation technologies, Anchor and SoundTrap, are kept separate from the dashboard. Around 100,000 podcasts have signed up for Spotify's platform since its beta rollout last October, and Spotify has more than 450,000 shows as part of its catalog." "After months-long 'pause', shortlived Google Allo messaging app will soon be sunset for good . Google is shutting down their Google Allo chat app ""soon"", 8 months after the company said they were ""pausing investment"" in the app. The Google Allo project lead left for Facebook in January. Essentially the entire team has been moved to work on Android Messages. Google Hangouts ""classic"", the version that's in your Gmail, is getting shut down as well and all users will be migrated to Hangouts Meet, Google's enterprised focused Slack-like chat. It will open to consumers sometime in 2019. The long-term plan seems to make Android Messages the future of Google consumer chat." "Things I believe (10 minute read). Becoming a software developer requires certain mindsets and skills. A developer needs to be able to think through problems and solve them in the most simple and efficient manner. Coding is obviously essential, but on top of that, creating software also requires design skills. Good code not only works, but it is readable, reusable, and completes a task in the most efficient way possible. The choice of language and technologies used will have huge effects on each project. Working with others is sometimes necessary, and it is important to know how to manage employees and work with other people. It is easy to forget about self-care and self-development, but these are important areas to look after in order to progress in life." "Aided by stem cells, a lizard regenerates a perfect tail for first time in more than 250 million years . Scientists from the University of Southern California have regrown lizard tails with spinal columns and nerves intact. Lizards can regrow their tails, but naturally regrown lizard tails usually feature a cartilage tube instead of a spinal column and nerves. The scientists used stem cells and gene editing tools to regenerate perfect tails. The study provides scientists with a blueprint for improving healing in wounds that don't naturally regenerate." "Today is the last day you can play the original 'FarmVille' . FarmVille has shut down. Adobe ended support for Flash, which is required for the game to run, on December 31, 2020. Zynga warned players about the shutdown in September, and removed in-app purchases for the game on November 17. The sequels are still available." "If you’ll pay more, new Uber Comfort offers Quiet Rides . Uber has launched a new option that allows passengers to communicate their preferences to drivers before they are picked up. Uber Comfort costs around 20 to 40 percent more than UberX rides, but passengers are able to signal their preferred car temperature and whether they would like their driver to remain silent during the trip. The quiet mode has been well received by both drivers and passengers. Uber Comfort vehicles need to meet higher vehicle make, model, year, and legroom requirements, while maintaining a 4.85 or higher rating to be eligible. It is now available in 43 cities and smaller states across the US, and also in Ottawa, Canada." Uber will now let you see how many one-star ratings you got from drivers . Uber is allowing its customers to see what ratings they have received from drivers. Customers will be able to see their ratings in the app's new privacy menu. Uber uses the rating system to police its users. A low rating can result in both drivers and riders being kicked off the platform. Uber released a list of cities with the highest and lowest ratings. New York City came in first for the lowest average rider rating among large US cities. "'I'd be dead': Renowned scientist gets experimental brain surgery to fight alcoholism . A doctor in Canada has undergone an experimental treatment to treat his alcohol addiction. Electrodes were placed deep into his brain and attached to a pacemaker-like device in order to stimulate the part of the brain that is linked to dopamine. Evidence has shown addiction to be a brain-based, brain circuit illness. Using a brain-based intervention may be effective in disrupting the circuit dysfunction in the brain so that the person is no longer addicted to alcohol. The treatment is not a total cure and further therapy is required. After the treatment, the patient was able to stop drinking and became much more positive about life." Facebook will let all employees who can work remotely to request to work from home full-time . Facebook will allow all full-time employees whose jobs can be done remotely to request full-time remote work. It will also allow employees to request remote work across international borders. Those who want to work in an office will be asked to come into the office at least half of the time. Facebook plans to organize regular in-person gatherings for all of its workers. "I Accidentally Uncovered a Nationwide Scam on Airbnb (25 minute read). While on a trip to Chicago, Allie Conti had an experience that led to her discovering a nationwide Airbnb scam. 10 minutes before the allotted check-in time, the host called Conti and told her that the property she had booked was currently having issues with plumbing, and asked whether it was possible for Conti to move to a different property temporarily while the issue was fixed. The backup property was significantly different from the pictures the host had provided and was run down and dirty. After only staying one night, the host said that Conti had to change properties again as the next tenants who had booked the room was set to move in - the plumbing issue was still ongoing. Conti booked a hotel room and was only able to receive $399 out of the $1,221.20 she paid for the Airbnb room as a refund. The host requested a five-star review for the experience. Upon investigation of the host's profile, Conti found that they had fake profile images, fake reviews, and that other suspicious hosts had used the same photos for their listings. Conti discovered at least 94 properties in eight different cities that were linked to this network of fake accounts. Despite the potential for scamming, Conti concludes that Airbnb's easily exploitable system may still be cheaper than renting a hotel in the long run." "CheerpX: Using WebAssembly to run any programming language in the browser . CheerpX is a WebAssembly-based virtual machine that can run X86 binaries in the browser. It can be used to run any programming language REPL by letting the whole build run on top of the CheerpX VM. The project aims to eventually be able to make an always available, zero-cost virtual machine with guaranteed data privacy. Examples are available." "Laser Destroys Cancer Cells Circulating in the Blood . Scientists from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences have developed a system that can accurately detect cancer cells in the bloodstream and destroy these cells in real time as they pass through the body. The machine could mean that doctors will eventually be able to destroy cancer cells in the bloodstream before they form new tumors in the body with a harmless, noninvasive, and thorough procedure. In the study, the machine was able to detect cancer cells in 27 out of the 28 patients, with a sensitivity that is about 1,000 times better than current technology. It works by aiming a laser at a vein, where it heats up circulating tumor cells faster than normal cells, causing them to expand quickly and die, a process which produces sound. The sound produced indicates how many cells have passed through the laser." NASA is going back to Venus to discover why it became a runaway hothouse . NASA will send two spacecraft to explore Venus before the end of the decade. The DAVINCI+ mission will study how the planet's atmosphere formed and evolved and determine whether the planet ever had an ocean. It will also be able to return high-resolution pictures of the planet's geological features. The VERITAS mission will map the planet's surface to determine its history and understand why it developed so differently from Earth. It will also map infrared emissions from the planet's surface to map its rock types. "GPT-3 Bot Posed as a Human on AskReddit for a Week (17 minute read). GPT-3 was released by OpenAI in June this year. It can generate large amounts of texts from prompts. Many experts agree that GPT-3's generated text is shockingly good for a computer program. A Reddit user used a version of GPT-3 to generate long answers on AskReddit threads within minutes of the thread being posted. After this raised suspicions, a company that offered GPT-3 services admitted that one of their customers was abusing their service and the posts stopped. All the posts by the bot are still available for viewing, with 13 examples embedded in the article." "Indian Scientists Discover Bacteria That Eats Toxic Metals From Water, Making It Safe . Scientists from India have discovered a bacteria that can remove toxic hexavalent chromium from water. Hexavalent chromium is a metal that can cause different kinds of cancers, liver ailments, and kidney issues. The bacteria can easily be added to water treatment processes and it is cheaper than chemical treatment. Deploying the bacteria would remove the need for extra separation processes. Water-borne diseases kill 3.4 million people around the world each year." "Getting acquainted with Tailwind UI (Website). Tailwind UI is a collection of professionally designed, pre-built, fully responsive HTML snippets that can be dropped into Tailwind projects. This page contains a collection of free sample components. Categories include marketing, application UI, tables, forms, navigation, layouts, and elements. Each section provides a basic preview of the element and a link to the HTML code." "What Are Antibody Tests, and Can They Prove Coronavirus Immunity? . Medical professionals are rushing to create coronavirus antibody tests in order to see if a person ever contracted SARS-CoV-2, regardless of whether they experienced symptoms. If these tests can indicate immunity to the virus, it might mean that people might start being able to resume normal activities if they have the right antibodies. There is still no clear consensus on whether humans develop immunity to the coronavirus. Governments are considering issuing 'immunity passports' in the event the evidence shows that the presence of antibodies means that a person has developed an immunity. This might open up issues with privacy and health discrimination. Current laws mostly allow for the screening of employees for health reasons, as well as for employers to prohibit an employee from coming to work if the employer can show that the employee poses a significant risk." Baldness discovery paints molecule as potent stimulator of new hair growth . A signaling molecule was found to be critical to new hair growth. "What to expect at CES 2019 . At next week's Consumer Electronic Show (CES), a number of futuristic devices will be unveiled, including 8k TVs, foldable screens on phones, tablets, and TVs, virtual assistants including Alexa Auto, Amazon's in-car virtual assistant, smart home gadgets like fridges, ovens, and even toilets, autonomous cars, and 5G devices. Should be fun!" "Elon Musk holds Twitter vote over $21bn Tesla share sale . Elon Musk has asked his Twitter followers to vote on whether he should sell 10% of his Tesla shares. The poll is a response to a proposed billionaires tax, which may see billionaires paying taxes on unrealized gains even if they do not sell any stock. Critics of the law argue that the value of assets does not always go up. Musk does not receive a cash salary or any bonuses, so the only way for him to pay tax is to sell stock. He has an option that expires in August next year to buy 22.86 million Tesla shares at $6.24 each." "Humans Can Learn to 'Echolocate' in Just 10 Weeks, Experiment Shows . Humans can learn echolocation to navigate mazes and identify the size and orientation of objects in just 10 weeks." "Elon Musk says Starlink will be available worldwide in August . Starlink will be available worldwide except at the North and South Poles from August. The service is now operational in 12 countries, with more being added every month. There are now over 1,800 Starlink satellites in low-orbit serving more than 69,000 customers. The Starlink venture will cost SpaceX $5 billion to $10 billion to deploy. SpaceX has already partnered with wireless carriers around the world to provide internet connections. The company currently sells its hardware at a loss, but it is working on next-generation terminals that will cost less." "Linux Inside (Book). This book is about the Linux kernel and its insides. It covers how the Linux kernel works and other low-level subject matters. Topics include booting, initialization, interrupts, system calls, synchronization primitives, and memory management. The book is still a work in progress." "Police in India arrested ten students for playing PUBG . PUBG has been banned in Gujarat, a western state in India, due to its violence and addictiveness, which parents and educators claimed affected students’ ability to study. A group of students was arrested for playing the game in public. Police claimed that the students were so engrossed in the game that they did not notice them approaching. The students were later released on bail. Rival game, Fortnite, has not yet been banned, however, this may be due to Its more fantasy feel and the extra steps required to download the game on Android OS." "SpaceX will launch NASA's Europa Clipper mission to Jupiter's moon . NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft is scheduled to launch in October 2024 from the Kennedy Space Center on top of a Falcon Heavy rocket. The contract with SpaceX for the launch is worth approximately $178 million. Congress had originally wanted NASA to use its Space Launch System to launch the Europa Clipper, but a single SLS launch was estimated to cost over $2 billion. If the Europa Clipper launches on time, it will reach Jupiter's orbit in April 2030. It will be investigating whether Europa has conditions suitable for life." "XLite (GitHub Repo). XLite is an SQLite extension written in Rust. It allows users to query spreadsheets as SQLite virtual tables. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements are currently not supported." "Dive into Deep Learning (Website). Dive into Deep Learning is a book about deep learning using the NumPy interface. Each section of the book is an executable Jupyter notebook. It offers an interactive learning experience with maths, figures, code, text, and discussions. There is an active community for support." "NASA InSight Mission (Livestream). NASA is trying to land the InSight spacecraft on Mars at 3pm Eastern Time, the livestream starts at 2pm Eastern Time (8 hours after you receive this email). The landing sequence will take 7 minutes, with the landing probe hurtling through the Martian atmosphere at 12,300 mph. The probe will be used to deploy a seismometer to listen for earthquakes, dig below the planet's surface to inspect the interior, and emit radio waves that we can monitor from Earth. This link is to NASA's official website, they have links for the stream on Youtube, Facebook, Twitch, etc." "Awesome UI Component Library (Github Repo). I was looking around for a good React component library to use for the TLDR website, when I stumbled upon this excellent curated list. It has a fairly comprehensive list of UI component libraries for React, Vue, Angular, Ember, and Mithril, and each library comes with a description and a Github star count." "Robot successfully performs keyhole surgery on pigs without human help . The Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot (Star) is the first robotic system to plan, adapt, and execute a surgical plan in soft tissue with minimal human intervention. It recently performed laparoscopic surgery to connect two ends of an intestine in four pigs. Connecting two ends of an intestine is a challenging procedure that requires high accuracy and consistency. Star was able to perform the procedure with significantly better results compared to humans performing the same procedure. The robot could one day be used to provide predictable and consistent patient outcomes in surgery." "ColossalAI (GitHub Repo). ColossalAI is a unified deep learning system for large-scale parallel training. It supports data, pipeline, sequence, 1D, 2D, 2.5D, and 3D tensor parallelism and is extensible for new parallelism. ColossalAI provides tools to kickstart distributed training in a few lines. Benchmarking stats are available." "China Wants to Test All 11 Million Wuhan Residents for Coronavirus—in 10 Days . In anticipation of a second wave of coronavirus cases, China has announced plans to rapidly test all 11 million residents of Wuhan in just 10 days. A small cluster outbreak of six cases was reported over the weekend, after a month without new infections. All six patients come from the same residential compound. Five of them are asymptomatic. The tests are free and the residents report that they seem to be voluntary. The program will cost the city an estimated 1 billion yuan (~$141 million)." "LeetFree (Website). LeetFree aims to provide real leaked coding whiteboard interview questions that people can use to prepare for job interviews. All leaked interview questions are collected from the internet, and the collection includes questions from companies such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Amazon. It is suggested that users try to quickly understand the solutions to the questions and practice explaining the answers on Whiteboard, as the interviewers only care about the potential employees' Whiteboard communication skills." "Stackprinter (GitHub Repo). Stackprinter provides more talkative crash logs for Python. It is able to provide similar output to an interactive debugger but through a log file. While it is not a fully-grown error monitoring system, it is able to give an output that is more helpful than Python’s built-in crash messages." How I Made a Self-Quoting Tweet (12 minute read). This article details how to create a tweet that quotes itself. The idea is to correctly guess the ID that a given tweet is going to get and then tweeting it with the profile URL. The resulting tweet doesn't display itself as somebody had done this seven years ago and cost a principal engineer an entire day of wading through heap dumps to figure out what was happening. It is possible to use this method to quote tweets from the future. "TETRIS-OS (GitHub Repo). TETRIS-OS is an operating system that only plays Tetris. It runs a fully custom bootloader, with a custom music track runner and fully hardcoded Tetris theme. The OS displays double-buffered 60 FPS graphics at 320x200 pixels with a custom 8-bit RGB palette. A 23-minute video explaining the development process behind TETRIS-OS is linked." "k6 (GitHub Repo). k6 is a modern load testing tool that provides a clean scripting API, local and cloud execution, and flexible configuration. A GIF demo is available. k6 features scripting in ES6 JS, TLS, flexible metrics storage and visualization, and more." "SpaceX Wants to Launch 4 Tourists Into Super High Orbit . SpaceX wants to launch up to four tourists into a super high orbit by the end of next year. It will be working with Space Adventures Inc., a company that has already helped put tourists into orbit while working with the Russian space program. Ticket prices are expected to be in the millions. The passengers will fly to an orbit two to three times higher than the ISS, at roughly 500 to 750 miles above Earth. SpaceX will use the same type of Dragon capsule that NASA will use in a few months to launch astronauts to the space station." "Iced (GitHub Repo). Iced is a cross-platform GUI library for Rust that is focused on simplicity and type-safety. It features a simple API, a responsive layout, built-in widgets, a modular ecosystem, and more. Ice was inspired by the Elm Architecture and it is still an experimental software. Due to the speed of development, the master branch can contain breaking changes." "Giant flywheel project in Scotland could prevent UK blackouts . A new project in Scotland could prevent blackouts across Britain by stabilizing the energy grid's electrical frequency. The project will cost around £25m. Spinning turbines in a traditional power station help balance out Britain's power grid's frequency to about 50 hertz. Currently, renewable energy sources are shut down when there is an excess of energy. An imbalance in the frequency of the grid can cause a nationwide blackout. The project will build a flywheel to imitate the spinning turbines to keep the grid's frequency steady so that more renewable energy can be used. It will not produce any emissions." "Microsoft Doubles Down on Open Source, .NET . Microsoft is open sourcing their most popular Windows UX Framework components, the Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Forms, and Windows UI XAML Library (WinUI). Developers will be able to create Winforms and WPF apps with the open source .NET Core 3, as Microsoft moves away from the proprietary .NET framework. They also announced the preview of Visual Studio 2019 for both Windows and Mac (links inside)."