{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They are passed by waves of fast moving families and people, running either to get home and get into their party clothes, or already on their way to their destinations. There are sparklers and fireworks, maypoles, cloth flower necklaces, bands playing and families picnicking.\nDM: Well, communally, not much at all. You, make an intelligence check and have advantage because of your alchemical history.\nPlayer: Okay, I'll take the first roll. Intelligence?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: 18.\nDM: You know it's had minor applications for a while, but it's only really been applied in very condensed and common use for, like the explosives you found in the mine, clearing out spaces in underground caverns, or for the detonation of localized rocks that are in the way of paths trying to be put in mountain ranges. Small scale black powder like this you haven't encountered, really, so this seems to be a relatively new use of this particular compound.\nPlayer: Up to this point, it's been rare that I or we've come across anything?\nDM: You've barely come across it at all. You've read about it. Actually, the dynamite sticks you found in the mine were probably the first ones you encountered in your experience. Not a lot of use for it in the small farming town of Felderwin.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus, Caleb, Jamedi, and you ran towards the stairs to the outside. Beau and Jester waited by the well for Fjord.\nDM: As you do, you pierce past all the humanoid muscles across the neck and its shoulders. Immediately, the water before you fills with crimson. You can see it thrash for a minute, its serpent arms trying to reach behind to strike at you. You swim away as they go limp, and it begins to float up. So that's that. You still have a little movement left.\nPlayer: I'm going to go towards the door as much as I can.\nDM: That is about as far as you can get. With dash, you can get up there so you're with Fjord. Make a constitution saving throw, please.\nPlayer: Not great. 12.\nDM: You are not drowning yet, but you're on the cusp.\nPlayer: That's my favorite condition is not drowning yet.\nDM: That ends your go, Nott. Caduceus, Caleb, and Jester, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb grapples it with Earthen Grasp. It manages to clean the tar off the lens, and breaks Caleb's concentration on the grapple by pinning him against the wall with a blade through the chest.\nDM: All right, there you go. You can still keep it in your visual range, but that\u2019s 30 feet back. Now you spin around with your crossbow, not suffering any attack of opportunity. All right, Molly.\nPlayer: Can I see anywhere where there seems to be a crack in the armor and make a--\nDM: You may, yes. Well, you can try and inspect.\nPlayer: I want to see if there\u2019s anything that looks like a good target to start doing some damage to.\nDM: At the moment, it hasn\u2019t taken a lot of damage, and it\u2019s hard to see if any--\nPlayer: Is there a plate open or anything at the moment near me?\nDM: The only plate that\u2019s open is the one that has the lens visible, but it\u2019s really close to the body and right now there\u2019s blades spinning in its space.\nPlayer: I\u2019m going to try and get to the side without the blade. I\u2019m going to try and chop open one of the plates on the back. I\u2019m going to start hacking away at it. Actually, even with the blades, there\u2019s an open place right now? Is there a place for me to start poking the tender insides?\nDM: At the moment, not really. It\u2019s still fresh in battle, and its armor plates are pretty much protecting all of it.\nPlayer: I\u2019m going to try and find one armor plate and start going to town.\nDM: Where are you going to attack its construction?\nPlayer: I want to get to its left hind quarters. I\u2019m going to run over to the opposite side, flank it with the lollipop.\nDM: Oh, with the lollipop? All righty. You\u2019re going to be right there, on top of the door?\nPlayer: Mm-hmm.\nDM: All righty, take your attacks.\nPlayer: First attack is a natural 20!\nDM: Nice! Make your damage on that and roll the second attack. That\u2019s--\nPlayer: 2d6 with ice damage. That\u2019s (counting) 17 points of damage.\nDM: 17 points of damage. Nice!\nPlayer: Next attack with the same sword. Actually, I\u2019m so sorry, that\u2019s the wrong sword. That\u2019s 18 points of damage because of the Summer\u2019s Dance.\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: Then the next one, Summer\u2019s Dance again, is not quite as good, 12. That does not hit.\nDM: 12 does not, but first strike carves through and some of the armor bends inward. As you cut through, plates bend inward, and have to try and retract to protect, but they\u2019re locked in place. You\u2019ve actually bent them to the point where they cannot reform this armored mesh. It\u2019s trying to correct itself, but busted in place. The second strike, as you come down, one of the blades catches and parries it off to the side. No impact on the second blow.\nPlayer: Okay. Going for a third strike.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: 14.\nDM: 14 does not hit. This is a tough mother. You go to strike a third time. You do hit, but it just doesn\u2019t cut through. The blade shakes a bit. You pull back, cursing yourself.\nPlayer: Is it worth seeing if it\u2019s going to-- well, it\u2019s blinded, so it\u2019s got disadvantage if it tries to even hit me with an attack, so I\u2019m going to try and back off and climb up that little hill.\nDM: For those questioning, even though it is blinded, it lowers its attack, because some people are like, \"Attacking things with blindness have advantage!\". Because it is nothing but a spinning, whirring of blades, and technically it has multiple forms of sight, it is not granting advantage on the attacks against it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and Jester, to almost universal horror, break out Fluffernutter, with Jester throwing the barrel in the air towards the heads, but Nott's explosive bolt misses and the barrel splashes into the water. Just prior to Yasha's turns, Caduceus casts Path to the Grave on the hydra, making it vulnerable to everything for double damage.\nDM: Well, here-- you resisted all of the damage from the arrow entirely. That's pretty slick. Yeah, it doesn't even catch you. No poison. You manage to stop it in place. The poison doesn't even hit your system.\nPlayer: I'm going to-- I'm going to not spend the ki point.\nDM: Watching you reach behind and catch the arrow and stop it from going there, and the second one just manages to dodge past you. (growling) It's going to go ahead and--\nPlayer: I look at him and I take the arrow and go--\nDM: That's when you take the 2d6.\nPlayer: No! Resistance! (spitting)\nDM: Spitting it out on the side, your lips and tongue go a little numb. All right, that ends its go. Fjord, you're up and then Caleb you're on deck.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax sneaks ahead to get a closer look around the room. As nothing happens, Percy then leads the way forward onto the platform.\nDM: Okay. So you step in. Most of you are at the base of the stairs. Grog is at the top of the stairs. Scanlan stepped up behind him to look at the runes on the blade. That's where you currently reside.\nPlayer: Is his eyesight still trained on Grog?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: I'm going to send my water elemental forward and see if it attracts its attention, since it's not a mortal.\nDM: Where do you send it?\nPlayer: Towards the anvil.\nDM: Okay. So you head up the stairs. The water elemental swarms around the side. You see wherever it moves forward there's steam pouring off from the heat of the ground and the surrounding metal and stone. As it comes up the steps, more and more steam (sizzling) emerging off the back of its body, it comes to the top and it's now next to Grog. You send it towards the anvil?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: He probably will eventually. So anyway. As you're striking the blades at him, the pain, he's just taking the pain to his back, now, because he's facing Scanlan, and both times hack into the back of his shoulderblades and the exposed muscle you can see as the blade draws back you can see the muscle and the blood arcing after each draw of the weapon. However, he glances over his shoulder at you as you finish your second blow and at the end of your turn he's gonna use two action points to use Whirlwind of Blows--\nPlayer: Can I move? Oh, I already moved.\nDM: You already moved, yeah. I mean, you can keep moving if you wanted to move away.\nPlayer: I wanted to move in between him and Scanlan, just wrap around.\nDM: You can't move between, but you can get there if you want.\nPlayer: Okay, that'd be good.\nDM: Okay. So he's gonna get an attack on everyone within range of his punches, which would be you and Scanlan. That is gonna be a 26 against you.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: And a natural 20 against Scanlan.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: The room itself-- Most of the walls have like a velvety texture to them. All the wood has been covered with some sort of material that has a comfortable almost-- Everything feels like it's a lounging bedroom. And that's the aesthetic of a lot of the interior of this location. You cannot quite see the source of the light in the room. It almost feels like there's an indirect lighting accoutrement across the ceiling. Whatever the source of lighting is, it's being spread across the top. It gives this sort of dark intimate feel to this current room at least. As he gestures out to the rest of you to sit. \"I fear there are only three seats, but I assume that your accompaniment are accustomed to standing, anyway. So do not worry. Very good. Now you say you come for membership. Membership does not come cheap. Membership does not come to anyone. We have a certain level of clientele we wish to keep, because in keeping this it is easy enough for us to consider it very-- how do I say?-- exquisite.\"\nPlayer: I'm sorry, before we go on, what was your name? I don't believe I caught it.\nDM: \"I did not catch your name either.\"\nPlayer: Oh, I'm sorry, I am Coralin. Coralin Shorthalt.\nDM: \"Coralin Shorthalt.\"\nPlayer: Of the Emon Shorthalts.\nDM: Takes your hand and leans forward, and gives you this ginger kiss to edge of your fingers. Yeah, there is a slimy-ish presence, but not too aggressive. Just a very well-trained type of dealing with guests.\nPlayer: I subversively wipe it on my robes.\nDM: \"My name is Vince Cyinnor. And I am the owner of this house of joy and pleasure.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The bolt starts at its tail, works its way up its spine, slowly and painfully torturing it as it courses up its evil body with an S burned into its torso. One of the dwarf guards congratulates you.\nDM: The dust settles, the adrenaline still pumping in your system, Scanlan. All the rest of the dwarves begin stepping down, putting their crossbows down, looking down at the little gnome that created a storm from its hands. One of them pats him on the shoulder and goes, \"Well done.\"\nPlayer: Thank you. Just promise me you'll that tell Pike about this.\nDM: \"Okay?\"\nPlayer: Because it was really cool, right?\nDM: \"That was pretty cool.\"\nPlayer: Okay, good.\nDM: All the dwarves look into the tunnel that it came from and the one that you spoke to earlier goes, \"So that's the kind of thing that's been coming out of there.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you quietly leaves the rest of the group to look for Harold, Kynan's father. He finds him just as he is closing up shop for the day.\nDM: It's hard to tell, looking around the room here. There are three doors that exit. One that he came through, which is apparently from the front of the butcher shop. This appears to be a central room that connects to wherever else he walked. There are two other doors.\nPlayer: They're not trapped, are they?\nDM: They're not trapped.\nPlayer: So I'm going to crouch down and push open the first door. What do I see?\nDM: The door immediately right or the door in front of you? The door in front of you is the one that the man traveled through.\nPlayer: Oh, no. Not that one. There were two other doors, weren't there?\nDM: There's the door that he came in from when he sat down, and then he left through the door across the way from you, and there is a door that been unopened.\nPlayer: There's one other door? That's the one.\nDM: Okay. You push open the door very quietly. It makes a little creaking sound, but you stop. Peering inside, it's dark. There appears to be a bed. There's a small table. There's what looks like an old pair of boots that are worn out on the side. It looks like a bedroom that nobody's currently in.\nPlayer: And there's no sign that this is a youth's bedroom or father's bedroom? What can I glean from what I see in here?\nDM: Make an investigation check.\nPlayer: I'm going to use Luck. That's better. 22.\nDM: Okay. You take a little bit of time in peering over the materials, looking at the bed size, looking at the boot size, looking at whatever you can nearby. This bed is definitely weathered. It's been used for a long time. There are a couple of small knick-knacks and toys that are discarded underneath that have been there for a while that lead you to believe that this was at one point a boy's room. However, what you do notice is that most of the materials, most of the belongings, anything that you would normally see in a boy's room, anything that would say that a person lives here seem to have been hastily grabbed and taken off.\nPlayer: And the father went out the other way? All right, so I creep back out the window and I go out the front and I knock really loud on the front door.\nDM: A couple moments later, a voice comes from the other side. \"Hello?\"\nPlayer: Hello. I'm sorry, I don't mean to bother you. I know you've closed up shop.\nDM: \"I'm done for business for the day. Come back tomorrow.\"\nPlayer: I'm actually not looking to buy anything. I owe your son a bit of money. I lost some money in a wager we made on a dog fight, and I was hoping to reimburse him. Do you know where he is?\nDM: The door opens a little bit, and an eye peeks through. You gather there's a slight scent of alcohol from the other side as he starts talking. He says, \"I don't know where my son's gone off to. He came in in a huff. We got in an argument. He grabbed his stuff and left. He does this every now and then. He'll be back.\"\nPlayer: You think he'll be back?\nDM: \"This isn't the first time he's done this.\"\nPlayer: I want to leave something with you.\nDM: \"You said it was money you owed him?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"I can give that to him.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, These stones are utilized, apparently, in both keeping the rift contained and keeping the city of Vesrah aloft and up towards the air. However, in the process of them researching where these lodestones came from, it was discovering in recent years that they were byproducts of one of the krakens that lives in the Water Elemental Plane.\nDM: One of them takes his bladed trident and hits her just gently on the side with the butt of it. She goes (snorts awake).\nPlayer: Ah, that's how you do it.\nDM: \"Ugh, yes, young Keyleth, hm.\"\nPlayer: Hi.\nDM: She leans forward, putting on the presentation, but you can hear just that slight undertone of frustration. \"What can I do for you?\"\nPlayer: Uh, yeah. I was just curious. I'm so sorry, first off--\nDM: \"Keep talking, please. What do you want?\" (all laugh)\nPlayer: You mentioned that there were only remnants of my mother that came back. Was she defeated by the kraken, or do you think this was from another means? Do you have any more information on her?\nDM: \"Child. There was little left of her and her allies. We found other pieces of her friends, but, pieces. Her leg was all we found. We could not recover much else, but the sea floor is littered with the many corpses and pieces of the kraken's various prey. It does not take much to ascertain the nature of her end.\"\nPlayer: And you're sure of this? This is what the kraken does to people?\nDM: \"What it does to anything that crosses its path. It eats to survive.\"\nPlayer: Hm. I was just wondering. If there was any other potential explanation or--?\nDM: \"I'm sure there is. There are many potential possibilities for anything that happens. I only have the information I was able to glean from the various scouts and teams.\"\nPlayer: How long ago was this?\nDM: \"This was four, five years back?\"\nPlayer: Really? All right. That's not that long, really. Did she stay long?\nDM: \"A few days. Prepared for the journey much like you did. That was the last we saw of them.\"\nPlayer: All right. I was just curious. Thank you.\nDM: \"I wish I had different news for you.\"\nPlayer: Did you keep anything? From what you found?\nDM: Her head turns curiously. \"I fear I did not.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"We gave a quiet burial to what we were able to recover, but that's all.\"\nPlayer: Well, I appreciate that much. Thank you for doing that.\nDM: \"Of course, and once again, I am sorry for your loss, Keyleth.\"\nPlayer: Oh. It's part of the duty.\nDM: \"Yes. Yes, it is.\"\nPlayer: Well, I should be getting my rest.\nDM: \"Yes, you should.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They decide to continue to act as part of the group until they are able to make a plan. The two groups meet up and begin getting to know each other a bit, over some drinks.\nDM: \"Oh, hi! Everything all right? You had a few bruiser types leading you in here, some of the crownsguard, huh?\"\nPlayer: Oh my gosh, there was this big trouble at the carnival, did you go?\nDM: \"I heard about that. I didn't go in there, but people are coming in here saying--\"\nPlayer: Somebody turned into a zombie and then--\nDM: \"I heard that! That's incredible!\"\nPlayer: Yeah! And then we're all under investigation because we saved them! These guards are weird. Hey, did you see the wizard guy, the stinky guy and the little halfling?\nDM: \"Yeah, they came in not but a few minutes before you did. They went upstairs.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you, Vex'ahlia, and the lifeless body of Vax'ildan, meanwhile, materialize from you's Plane Shift on the outskirts of Vesrah.\nDM: \"The power that is at our disposal could perhaps bring him back, though his form may be different than you recall.\"\nPlayer: I drop my form.\nDM: All right. The feathers scatter off as Keyleth is now returned to her half-elf image.\nPlayer: Do you have means of traveling quickly? We have a friend who is a cleric. Can you get us to her there and back quickly? Or someone who can Tree Stride me there and bring her back? I'm exhausted or else I would do it myself. Please? Please?\nDM: \"I have not a means of travel, but we could reach out to someone.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, yeah. Any--\nDM: \"All right.\" And she walks back to the altar, and you can see where there are a series of these statues. There's four of them in the center and there's one large statue in the center. And the center statue, it looks almost like long-petrified reef. It's white, it's porous, it looks like the long-dead reef. But it seems to swirl into a tree-like shape. It's this weird merging of sea and forest-based imagery, and as each various portion of the tree outstretches, you see various baubles are hanging from it. You see stones, necklaces, notes. Uvenda sets her staff to the side and her small, slightly arched form begins to slowly crawl up the side of the tree, and it looks a bit physically arduous for her but nobody offers to help. You see that this is something that she's done often and is part of her job as the guardian here in Vesrah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: All righty. So, as you rush around, you stab the wyvern on the back of its haunches and you see it shrieks in pain (screeches), looks over its shoulder and starts biting its tail, its stinger swinging about, but you avoid it, fling the other dagger to the side and then jam the other side of its haunches with your other hand. It's definitely aware of your presence now.\nPlayer: Did I use up all my movement?\nDM: Nope!\nPlayer: Knowing that it can swat at me, I'm going to try to go right back around where I came from.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: And I'm wearing the Cloak of Displacement.\nDM: Okay. It's going to swing at you with disadvantage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The cart came to a stop. Lorenzo saw Keg and looked surprised.\nDM: As the tree snaps and hits, he shouts back. Immediately the group looks out at all sides, taking this as a means of assault, Lorenzo glancing over and directly locking eyes with you, Keg. There's a look of taken aback and surprised. Before any reaction happens, though, you do get your action. You are casting Slow, you said?\nPlayer: Indeed I am. Molasses goes across my hand and I draw my hand down through the air, and I focus on these four, if I can. It's a 40-foot cube, putting this one in a corner.\nDM: How many can you target with this?\nPlayer: Up to six in a 40-foot cube.\nDM: Up to six? That'll be quite a lot. You can get all of these guys, if you want to.\nPlayer: All of them?\nDM: Well, let's see, because it's (counting) 40, yeah. This whole section here.\nPlayer: Well, you know, fuck it. Let's also get this horse.\nDM: There's six people there.\nPlayer: Oh, there's six of them? Oh, wow, yes!\nDM: There's the one who's helming this horse, the one who's helming these horses, the back of the cart, and then those four.\nPlayer: Yes, never mind. I didn't think we were getting all of those people. Good. All of the humanoids.\nDM: For the two thugs that are on the horses, two and a three. Natural two and a three. They are both slowed.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you moves closer to Keyleth in order to inspire her with a very dirty limerick. Keyleth doesn't quite understand it, but likes it enough to feel inspired.\nDM: Interposing Hand. You have half cover, Keyleth, as Bigby's Hand is essentially giving you some sort of armor bonus.\nPlayer: Does it stop him from moving towards her? Is that how it happens?\nDM: It gives her half cover.\nPlayer: It's like a wall.\nDM: Target can't move through the hand's space if its strength score is less than or equal to the hand's strength score.\nPlayer: Oh shit. It's probably super strong.\nDM: The hand's strength score is 26. It is equal.\nPlayer: So what does that mean? It's a roll?\nDM: So it can move through the hand.\nPlayer: Shit! Well, that didn't do much.\nDM: Hold on. Oh, it's less or equal to. So no, it cannot move through the hand. Sorry. I misread it. Currently, if it tries to force its way through the hand, it's going to hold it in place.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You managed to, thanks to a very high roll from Keyleth, discover there was some sort of a waterfall or trickle of liquid near the hip of this giant titan. Its giant, four, swinging arms only managed to clip Keyleth and Vax once.\nDM: Okay, the first shot? As you reach over and fire at that one, you hit it, and you watch as it scatters into stones across the far--\nPlayer: I'll put the first shot at that, and then shift the next two to the other one.\nDM: Yep. They have the same AC.\nPlayer: Okay, so that's seven points of psychic damage, and 36 points of normal damage!\nDM: To that one?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay, as the second one does blast a large chunk out of its torso and side, it still stands there with its angered arms open, ready to swing at whatever comes at it.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm good!\nDM: All right, that ends Percival's turn. Grog, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau and a disguised Caleb head to the docks, while you goes upstairs. He and Avantika chat before she begins keeping him busy .\nDM: \"Just open the fucking door.\" \"Okay.\" The door comes open. You see there, crunched down in the room, head hunched forward, is Bouldergut, who's been holding vigil at the doorway. (grunts) Pats you into the chamber. You get pushed in. Avantika's sitting on the edge of the bed, currently reading through a book with the window open outside, and goes, \"Quartermaster.\"\nPlayer: Captain.\nDM: \"Bouldergut, if you would be so kind as to keep watch on the hallway for a bit.\" Bouldergut goes, \"Okay. If I hear any--\" \"If you hear anything, don't bother.\" \"Okay.\" She leaves the chamber, closes the door behind her. Closes the book, sets it on a small table.\nPlayer: She's very loyal.\nDM: \"That is my favorite kind of person.\"\nPlayer: How long has Bouldergut been with you in your service?\nDM: \"Going on the better part of a decade. We actually both met when I was first beginning my career.\"\nPlayer: Quite some time. How have your evenings been?\nDM: \"Well, very busy with our attempt to make it to Darktow and keep things organized in preparation. So. Lonely.\"\nPlayer: Any more dreams?\nDM: \"A few.\"\nPlayer: Tell me.\nDM: \"How about I show you instead?\"\nPlayer: Yes. I'd like that.\nDM: So you begin keeping her busy.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, All carts passing through are being thoroughly inspected. Fjord uses the dodecahedron, since he'll be doing the talking.\nDM: 25 points of damage. Nice. As they're running, the bolt lets loose and goes right into the lower jaw of the one on the left, the one that was being referred to as Bodak.\nPlayer: Bodak.\nDM: Budak.\nPlayer: Budak.\nDM: As it hits, goes (gargling) and starts reaching up with the hand that's holding the club to try and pull the bolt out while the other head goes: \"Come on! Put your weight into it!\" And just keeps charging forward. That end your turn, Nott?\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: All right. Beau, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, All carts passing through are being thoroughly inspected. Fjord uses the dodecahedron, since he'll be doing the talking.\nDM: \"Oh, I'm fine. Thank you, I appreciate it. I should probably tie up some loose ends now that I have availability to do so. Thanks to you and your generosity.\"\nPlayer: A word of advice.\nDM: \"Mm-hmm?\"\nPlayer: Whatever was keeping you in this cell, whatever was making you comfortable in here, be careful of it. There's something inside you that's trying to put you in a box. Whatever guilt you're feeling, whatever thing that you feel that you're to blame for, I would unload that burden. If not on us, on somebody, although we're happy to take it.\nDM: Make an intimidation check.\nPlayer: Intimidation is fine. I was trying to be kind of nice.\nDM: It can ride a line.\nPlayer: Seven.\nDM: \"I appreciate your candor and advice, tall furry man. Maybe I'll find an ear to bend one day. Until then, let Gustav Fletching be forever your humble servant.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three locks' scratchings translate to the Common equivalent of 'open me', one of the locks' scratchings warns the party not to open it. you discovers that the lock saying 'No' is trapped, and the ones saying 'Yes' aren't.\nDM: So the cell on the left is closed, the cell on the right is closed. He walks up to that cell, and without even a bit of noise pulls out a keyring, unlocks it and puts the keys away. (grunts) Turns around and the rest of the Clasp scatter out of the hallway. He puts the box away in his cloak and he says, \"One hour. Do as you must.\"\nPlayer: I take the keys. We've got two to choose from?\nDM: He's at the door. He unlocked one for you guys.\nPlayer: No, no. But there's two cells? Or has he opened the cell that he's in?\nDM: There are three cells in this hallway. The middle cell is the one that he led you to and unlocked for you.\nPlayer: Okay, thanks.\nDM: And he steps away, looks at the rest of you guys--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: Okay. Both of you guys spend about ten, 15 minutes or so scanning through the crew, asking a few questions, helping a few folks out while keeping an eye on reactions around the general vicinity. No one sticks out to you as being either hiding their intent, shifty. There are a few folks that are aloof from the whole experience, who seem to be either in a state of shock, or discomfort based on their current surroundings, but nothing in a way that strikes you as nefarious or worrisome.\nPlayer: And are they all strangers, other than the people we brought back with us?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: They are strangers?\nDM: Yeah. There's a lot of people that live in Emon, and none of them seem to catch your eye.\nPlayer: Yeah. Is anyone still badly hurt?\nDM: Most of them have had their wounds tended to. There are a few that have general scars, some from elements of frostbite on their skin, who were caught in the blast, who were salvaged after Vorugal left. There are a few that have scrapes and bruises from fleeing from the town, from collapsing debris from different buildings and such, but no serious injuries. A few bone fractures here and there that have been set and bandaged.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: 15. \"Hosin, if you don't mind.\" And the door closes behind you guys. \"Well, Scanlan Shorthalt. What, may I ask, business do you run that gives you the liquid assets to think that you can walk and rub shoulders among such astute clientele? You are well-dressed, I see, and well-versed in conversation. But have not heard of you before and I have very acute ears for people of such heritage in this city.\"\nPlayer: We hail from Emon. We're not very flashy. We certainly don't do much in public in Emon. I prefer to make my money and enjoy my money and I don't believe in ostentation.\nDM: \"Why have you come to this establishment? I am made of ostentation, for I do not fear what people judge or think here. Do what you like.\"\nPlayer: Don't get me wrong. I enjoy the form of a beautiful woman as much as the next man.\nDM: \"Why limit yourself?\"\nPlayer: Who said I do?\nDM: \"Even this one here, while his appearance may be rough, I'm certain that under certain circumstances he could be persuaded to prove his weight in more than gold and weaponry.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After slamming his feet into the sand and preparing himself for conflict, he beckons you towards him. you faces off with Earthbreaker Groon.\nDM: It's hilarious, and it's disconcerting, because you're watching as Grog, in the middle of his rage, most of his attacks are amateur, far too wide away from the target, or by the time they get close, he is holding himself back. And you don't know why. Something is messing with his will and preventing him from being able to follow through with his attacks.\nPlayer: Okay. (sighs)\nDM: Second attack?\nPlayer: Second attack. I just want to touch him with my finger. Just, like, a boop.\nDM: Okay. You reach out and your finger touches his chest (cracking sound), and you feel--\nPlayer: He's real?! He's there?!\nDM: He's real. The skin's there.\nPlayer: Thought you might be a dragon. Wisdom saving throw?\nDM: That wasn't an attack.\nPlayer: Oh! I touched him!\nDM: You touched him.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Her smile shows two fanged canines. In a Zemnian accent she asks if they bring tidings from The Gentleman, and they confirm they are the help he sent.\nDM: \"Best intel we have involves that they hire their mercenaries from the Grudge Gang. They prefer to find people with keen eyes and distant shot.\"\nPlayer: The Grudge Gang-- they've hired the entire gang, or just the members of the--\nDM: \"Just members of the gang.\"\nPlayer: Where do they hang about?\nDM: \"All over the city, but the ones they've hired will probably stay within the estate.\"\nPlayer: They would stay there while they're under the employ of the Iron Shepherds?\nDM: \"Of course. That is what I do.\" She refers to the two guards behind you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Both groups are able to silently kill a guard, and Beau and Caduceus disguise themselves as guards to take their places on the wall while the others meet at the front gate. Nott lockpicks it and they go around to the back door without being seen.\nDM: They've been drinking. You have no idea if they're drunk. Frumpkin sees the two of them hushedly chatting to one other and drinking from tankards.\nPlayer: I will have Frumpkin back away, under the crack.\nDM: Okay. Make a stealth check for Frumpkin because now you are in eyesight of--\nPlayer: He is so little. He is so small.\nDM: I know.\nPlayer: Just one roll? That's okay. Hold on, everybody. 14. Wait, everything's crazy. I need a different browser window.\nDM: What did you roll?\nPlayer: Well, I rolled a 14 but it's better than that, it's 16.\nDM: That's fine. They do not see Fumpkin. They have had just enough to drink where they did not see Frumpkin.\nPlayer: (singing) The Itsy Bitsy Spider.\nDM: Frumpkin is going where?\nPlayer: Back under that door, and he will peeky-poo under the door he has not checked yet.\nDM: Okay. That leads into another chamber, a hallway, that continues down and then seems to open into another walkway.\nPlayer: Yeah, this door. This one here.\nDM: Frumpkin goes and opens that one, which leads into another hallway, a very small chamber, and there are a couple of odd pieces of dried goods in the corners, and a wooden trapdoor.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Still on the cliff in the Salted Bluffs, Vex'ahlia casts Locate Object to find the diamond that was dropped by Ogden Trickfoot.\nDM: Okay. You get a few feet past the cliff edge. Not a majestic jump and the cliff is not completely sheer; it does slightly angle outwards. So you gently leap off, and as you're falling you can see you probably have, I'd say about 300 feet or so before you're going to hit rock.\nPlayer: I'm going to hit rock?\nDM: The cliff is not perfectly vertical. It's a little bit angled and you're heading down to hit the rock.\nPlayer: I go, oops! And can I do a Gust against the cliff wall to push me back a little bit further?\nDM: Go ahead and make a wisdom check. This is a straight wisdom modifier check.\nPlayer: Oh, that's good! Just straight wisdom modifier? 20.\nDM: Okay. Like a gentle fart, you push yourself a little ways from the cliff. I'll say it does just enough of a shove where the trajectory changes slightly. You may or may not be right where the rock hits the surf. You can test it or not. It's up to you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nothing happens. Molly and you go back up the stairs, and pry out one of the glowing light rocks.\nDM: It did, but you guys have the same initiative round. So you used your reaction on your turn last round to hit it, as she was running away, and now it's reset to this round.\nPlayer: But did Yasha?\nDM: Yasha hasn't, no. Yasha ran out of range and hasn't been able to use her reaction to hit since then.\nPlayer: Oh, she ran out of range. Okay.\nDM: That's how you got the attack on it. She ran away and it hit her, and then you got a shot.\nPlayer: I was thinking there was another round in between that. I'm going to lay into it.\nDM: All right. So you're staying where you are and start--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb sends Frumpkin to scout ahead as Fjord, Jester, Nott, and Caleb all follow the Crownsguard back to the Stockade. youregard circles back to try and find Toya, the dwarven singer from the carnival's show.\nDM: 17. Okay. As you kind of dart through the flap of the tent and move behind one of the large carts that currently is still affixed to a horse that is currently just chewing on an apple, and you hear the crunch in its teeth, you glance over past the edge of the immediate near tent and you can see this group gathering there and it appears that no one's immediately aware of your presence.\nPlayer: Do I see the little girl whose name was-- what was her name?\nDM: Toya. You do not see her yet. The guard just got out there and they're just beginning to pull people out. You do see the fire dancer brought out there. You then see the two-- Yeah, Ornna. The Knot sisters are brought out and pushed out there and they're all looking very frustrated.\nPlayer: Are people being amicable?\nDM: Yeah, they're not shoving them around, they're just calling them out to the front so they know where they are.\nPlayer: Okay. I want to look around. Do I see any type of movement in the shadows, anyone looking suspicious?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Ooh yeah! Natural 18. 21.\nDM: 21. Okay, as you glance about, you don't see anything lurking in the shadows. What you do notice, though, is one of them bring Toya out of one of the-- the tent that's on the southern side and as he brings her out, there's a heavy thud sound, and you see coming out from behind the tent the large form of-- you heard the name Kylre once, but the devil toad. The obese lizard man who's stomping up behind.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before this happened, as a part of a journey towards this Tri-Spire, both Caleb and Jester made their way there. Caleb unsuccessfully entering a nicer district of the city that did not seem to believe or respect his presentation.\nDM: The Dancing Lights appear in the air and begin to drift in help fill out the area, your torch light still being this larger beacon of flame light in the space. Beau, you glance ahead and can see as the chin is lifted, a thick band of tattoos--\nPlayer: I think these goggles are like polarized. It's real cool. He's got a thick band of tattoos, sorry.\nDM: A thick band of tattoos that completely encompasses the neck to the point where what's exposed from beneath it's like black shapes and designs completely around.\nPlayer: Of the halfling?\nDM: Of the halfling, yeah.\nPlayer: Do they look old or like a fresher tattoo?\nDM: Did you roll a natural 20?\nPlayer: I did roll a natural 20.\nDM: Your amazing monk-like sight, they're not fresh.\nPlayer: They're not fresh.\nDM: They're not fresh.\nPlayer: Do I see puncture wounds?\nDM: You do not.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Also, there's this weird sense that creeps on Nott and Fjord as you're glancing forward and you both turn over your shoulder to see a massive pale white and blue arachnid creature, legs spindling outward, at a width of ten feet or more. Giant dripping fangs and beady red eyes, a row of them glaring right at you as this (hiss) pincers open up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex asks her invisible brother to pick the locks on her as they continue to walk. Within a few minutes, her wrists are free with a funny 'twins' remark from her brother as he continues walking behind the group.\nDM: It resembles that. The more you push into the city, the more diverse the populace becomes. And you do see the occasional human, the occasional elf, not being subjugated, though they do usually carry some sort of a bodyguard or a handful of servants at their side as well. But you do see devils walking amongst the people here. And many, many efreet that are all walking the streets with large scimitars at their side and with a uniform, a long silk vest of a dull grey charcoal pattern. And it looks to be a pendant that hangs around their neck that constantly churns with a flame. And it's a uniform for each of these, and you get the sense as they walk around singularly or in pairs, that these probably act as the patrol, as the guard of the city.\nPlayer: Those that are walkin' around that don't like have a bodyguard and don't seem to be enslaved, are they still wearing that white and gold cloak-y thing that our strange bit is wearing?\nDM: No. They are very diverse in their attire.\nPlayer: Really?\nDM: You get the sense that at least the outfits they're wearing is their signature outfit. But you also have a hard time grasping what the cultural intricacies are of the City of Brass. Being that you're Grog.\nPlayer: Hey, man.\nDM: As you're passing by these various aspects-- do you have a question?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On the second night, a group of bandits sneaks past Mollymauk's watch and triggers you's Alarm spell, prompting you to wake up the camp. The bandits are led by a man named Trevor, whom you charms using Friends.\nDM: Okay. As you begin to walk towards the cart, which is breaking the perimeter of their holding, the ones on that side go (disapproving sounds). The one who spoke up before just goes, \"All right. No big moves. No trouble wanted. Get your friends up. Place your valuables onto that cart for us, you have hitched over there. And we'll leave you with your life. No worries-- \"\nPlayer: I would like to cast Friends on that gentleman.\nDM: Okay. Make a sleight of hand check.\nPlayer: Ah, that's very low. That is a five.\nDM: As soon as you begin to-- and, correct me if I'm wrong. Friends-- actually, let me see here. Friends is-- no! It's--\nPlayer: Somatic and material. All I did was just do this with my thumb and I put a little bit of rouge on my cheek.\nDM: Okay. Yeah, so your charisma checks. The spell seems to take an effect.\nPlayer: You'll have to be careful. We are going for help. Medical help. We all have syphilis. Extreme syphilis.\nDM: Make a deception check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you leads them to the blacksmith, Sparkhammer Smithing. you trades all of their used weapons and 25 gold for one hand axe.\nDM: He sets the hammer into the water, the steam rises up, quenches the blade, takes the gloves off and wipes heavy sweat from the brow. \"You're looking for a--?\"\nPlayer: Hand axe! Something that is very sharp and can kill people!\nDM: \"That I can do.\" Turns around to the inside of the building and comes back. He has two hand axes, both look pretty well made, one looks a little more intricate than the other, but both are pretty solid. \"So we got these two.\" Throws one and catches it, throws the other and catches it.\nPlayer: Okay, put those on the table and then we will look at some other stuff first. Okay! I have six short swords, and I put them down on the table. I've got two daggers here! I've got two hand crossbows! Two light crossbows and two heavy crossbows!\nDM: You place them all down and looking at the quality and the shininess and the smooth, fresh weaponry that he's placed on the table and the pockmarked, used, damaged, in some cases gnoll mess covered weaponry, you immediately realize-- oh.\nPlayer: Maybe scrap metal is a good thing for this.\nDM: \"I say so, these have all seen some use. Not all that great. Sorry.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, All carts passing through are being thoroughly inspected. Fjord uses the dodecahedron, since he'll be doing the talking.\nDM: So as you rush up, the first one slams against the jaw of the left head, like slow-mo jaw spinning. The other one, you go to strike the other head and this one, the actual hand that's holding the battleaxe, drops the battleaxe to catch your large fist in its hand, and lean over. So one head is pulled back, and another head peeks around the other head goin--\nPlayer: With a Flurry of Blows, can I also try and make that a Stunning Strike? Can I double down?\nDM: There's nothing that says you can't. You would have to spend more ki points to try, though.\nPlayer: Yeah, I'm going to try and stun them with that first one.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Can I do that, or is it too far beyond?\nDM: You can, but you weren't aware of it. So we can try.\nPlayer: I'm okay, if it's too late.\nDM: That is a 19. That's a natural 16 plus three. It has a pretty good constitution modifier. So it does resist the Stunning Strike, but good try. That ends Beau's go. Caleb, you're up and then Caduceus.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of Vex and Vax, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city \u2014and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists.\nDM: 16 does not hit. As you try to shoot, this tiny little glowing thing darts out of the way and the bullet goes wide.\nPlayer: Shoot again. That's better. 25.\nDM: That does hit.\nPlayer: Okay. It has been way too long since I've done this. It's making me a little nervous. There we are. That's 11 points of piercing damage. That's with three points of necro in there.\nDM: All right, so that's your second attack. This time you do see as it moves out of the way you compensate for it and fire, this time you see the purple glow flicker as it takes an impact and recaptures itself into its original position.\nPlayer: And I'm going to take one more shot at it with-- remind me if I can do this-- deadeye with sharpshooter?\nDM: Deadeye sharpshooter? You can do that.\nPlayer: All right, deadeye sharpshooter. Thank god. This is just sucking. Oh my fucking god. I miss.\nDM: Okay. You don't misfire. All right, so after the second shot hits, you fire, trying to compensate a third time, but the pixie actually stays in position and your fire goes wide once more.\nPlayer: All right. Now I'm diving behind that tree. Bottom right. Heading that way, yeah.\nDM: Cool, that ends your turn. The purple pixie leader, the mystic you mentioned before, now angrily comes fluttering forward, as you both have vanished. Seeing this little circumstance, is going to, from this position, look towards you at the very front, Vax.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan, worried that Pike is in danger, inspires her. He then attempts to dominate the monster near her and succeeds.\nDM: It gives a very dull glow to the room. It's enough where you can see there is something there. You can even take a shot as opposed to not having any chance.\nPlayer: What about the little ooze? One of the little oozes?\nDM: Same possibility because you're currently blocked by this creature that's currently sinking into the lava.\nPlayer: I guess I should attack the one that's in the lava.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Okay. Well. Oh! Can I-- Is he within ten or five feet of the other, the little ooze?\nDM: No, he's ten feet from it.\nPlayer: Okay, then I'll just attack him with my-- I'll just attack him.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Seeing through Percy's disguise, he suggests that the real Vax join him after the feast begins. Assum then goes into more detail on the reasons for his distrust of the Briarwoods and notes that Lady Briarwood is an accomplished wizard.\nDM: You're saying this out loud? The conversation comes to a halt, she-- \"Yes, of course. I'm so sorry, what was your name again?\"\nPlayer: Vex'ahlia.\nDM: \"Vex'ahlia. Absolute pleasure to meet you. Delilah.\"\nPlayer: You as well. I notice your dress is quite lovely. It doesn't look like a fashion that I'm used to seeing. Where do you hail from originally?\nDM: \"We hail from Wildemount. It's quite a ways from here. The continent to the far east.\"\nPlayer: Really, I'm not familiar.\nDM: \"You should come by sometime. We haven't been home in a number of years, having to tend to Whitestone, but we have quite an elaborate homestead there. We'd love to have you come stay with us if you ever find yourself in that side of the world.\"\nPlayer: I would love to visit. How long have you been at Whitestone?\nDM: \"We've been at Whitestone for the better part of-- I can't even remember.\" And Lord Briarwood looks, he goes, \"Best I can recall, four or five years. It was an unfortunate mantle to pick up but we've done what we can in honor of the passed de Rolo family.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they find a cave filled with magical darkness. Keyleth shifts into an earth elemental to scout the cave, finding that it contains a strange planar rift and a group of grick.\nDM: You're moving slower than that because you're pulling it, towing the entire boat behind you, so you're going 20, but you're putting distance between you and the creature, for the rest of the party, which makes it harder for it to catch up. All right, that brings us to Pike!\nPlayer: Okay! I'm going to send a Guiding Bolt to the flying manta ray. So, I have to roll and see if it hits?\nDM: Yes. Add your spell modifier to it. Oh, you found your sheet?\nPlayer: Yeah, I did.\nDM: Awesome.\nPlayer: It doesn't hit. It's 12.\nDM: 12 does not hit, unfortunately. Once again, you fire and you think you hit one of them, but it seems to hit one of the group of three that's now flying overhead, and one shimmers and vanishes, seemingly unaffected by the bolt, but that one image of it disappears.\nPlayer: Can I do anything else? Since I'm just sitting.\nDM: No, not unless you want to move somewhere in the boat.\nPlayer: No. Dang it!\nDM: All right. It's now its turn. It is going to move. It gains up on the boat to about there. It actually gets a little lower. It's starting to gain on you guys, make its way (shh) gliding down towards the front, and you see now there's now two of them side by side that are coming down towards you guys.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She hides after her shots are off. Vorugal uses his Legendary Action to tail attack you'ildan, slamming him around but you manages to catch himself.\nDM: Okay, good to know. End of your turn, Vorugal is going to use his legendary action to make a tail attack against Vax.\nPlayer: Is that melee? Can I use Uncanny Dodge?\nDM: You can if it hits you, yeah. So that is a 26?\nPlayer: Shite! Yeah, Uncanny Dodge.\nDM: Okay. So as you get up there and the arrows smack into the sides, from both Vex's attacks--\nPlayer: Wait! I want to use my last Luck to make him roll again. Which I can do.\nDM: Okay, you can. That is 27.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The rest of the party creeps closer and the guards are alerted by Keg's lack of stealth. Meanwhile, Shak\u00e4ste has gotten both hands free and removed his gag, and casts Spiritual Weapon, which misses, but he is able to pick the lock of his cage and step out.\nDM: Protto, who has kept you at bay and can see the space between the bars, takes out his crossbow. The one that he can see best at this moment is Nott. He's going to take a shot at Nott. That's going to be a 17 plus four?\nPlayer: Oh yeah, that hits. For sure.\nDM: Plus six to hit. That hits. This is a longbow, not a crossbow. My apologies. That's two plus four. You take six points of piercing damage.\nPlayer: Okay. Yes, fine.\nDM: Then he's going to dart around the corner.\nPlayer: Oh wait, I can take my little-- my reaction, can't I?\nDM: Yes, you can.\nPlayer: What is that thing called? Uncanny Dodge? Uncanny Dodge! I'll reduce that to three.\nDM: There you go, so three damage to you. That's going to end Protto's go, as he darts around the corner. Beau, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The next evening, they hear a cry of Land ho! and rush on deck to find the ship being navigated through treacherous, reef-filled waters.\nDM: As you guys begin to approach, Keyleth, your feet eventually hit sand as opposed to treading water, and as you begin to walk up, the water comes past your waist, down to eventually your knees, and that is about as low as it goes.\nPlayer: As far as it goes, yeah.\nDM: And looking out above you, you can see this beautiful lagoon that is completely submerged in about a foot, foot and a half of water for a good mile in all directions. And you can see dozens and dozens of these Grecian looking white and green marble structures that rise up out of the water. You can see a series of poles that stand up holding these lanterns that have all been magically set alight to give the city a sort of a glow. You see shapes moving, you see figures shifting out of these buildings and making their way in your direction, and as you're looking at this space in front of you and you guys begin to kind of meet up, you watch as a figure (whoosh) out of the water next to Keyleth. You glance to your left and look down and you see what appears to be a child, maybe about 13 years old, human-like, though his ears come to a bit of a finned appearance. You can see what looks to be gill slits to the side of the neck, and he looks up at you with kind of a tattered, long-stiffened piece of cloth tunic and shorts that end at the knee,and he kinda looks up at you and just kinda smiles with these very, very bright, orange-ish yellow eyes, \"Hi.\"\nPlayer: Kaitiaki. And I drop to my knees and drop down and--\nDM: (sploosh) You go face-down into the water.\nPlayer: Gah! (heavy breathing)\nDM: Get up and (groans) push the water-- the hair back a bit.\nPlayer: And bow again.\nDM: Okay. \"Um... what are you doing?\"\nPlayer: Sorry, are you the leader-- are you the headmaster?\nDM: \"Yes. Yes, I am.\"\nPlayer: Oh! Hi. Uh, Keyleth.\nDM: \"Keyleth. \" And he reaches out and grabs your hand. \"Yulan.\"\nPlayer: Yulan!\nDM: \"Leader of the Water Ashari.\"\nPlayer: I am Keyleth, daughter of Vilya and Korren of the Air Ashari, and I am here to complete my Aramente. And I bow again, under the water.\nDM: (splash) Into the water again.\nPlayer: (gasps)\nDM: He shakes his head, you can see now he has these tossed medium-length dreadlocks that shake with his head as he turns side to side, He looks up at the rest of you, \"So! She yours?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Sam says sing loud, and sing proud. Q: How did Matt and Marisha meet?\nDM: Me and Marisha met-- a mutual friend of ours was putting together a sketch-writing group-- this was years ago.\nPlayer: It was supposed to be SNL, but geeky, nerdy stuff where we were going to write and perform our own sketches.\nDM: Those never pan out.\nPlayer: That never happened.\nDM: Not in L.A.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: But we met there, we harbored secret crushes for about a year, and then when we reconnected a little over a year later, I was out of a relationship, and she was just getting out of one, and we both started talking again. And then eventually we were like, \"Hey, this is cool. We should do this.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They find the circlet they were sent to find and Keyleth puts it on, attuning to it. Meanwhile, you is watching the streets and sees that there are a few individuals tailing them.\nDM: Okay. You do notice on the far end of the street there does appear to be a pair of individuals that are leaned against a building, looking right at you.\nPlayer: Yeah, that's what I was thinking.\nDM: They're about a block and a half down the direction you came.\nPlayer: I don't look at them. Can I try to attune with my new bloodaxe while I'm waiting?\nDM: You can. Just the bloodaxe?\nPlayer: Both.\nDM: Okay. So you sit down, your hands still inside the gauntlets, and take a moment to find the connection. You feel this rush of adrenaline hit your body as your hands seem to go numb for a moment, and in a flash your eyes see the chaos of the elements, of the creation of planets slamming into flames and earth, this instant vision of the very force of creation, a time before civilization, and you feel that fiery wrath all of a sudden burn through your fingertips. The vision ends and you look down, and as you curl your fingers, strength pulses through your body that you haven't understood in a while. As you're coming over that moment, the bloodaxe solidifies in your grip, and you can see where this rush could definitely send Kevdak's head to get a little big.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. you asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: It's going to burst out from the ground where you and Pike are as the last motion that it felt was you rushing over across the ground. (boom) It comes tearing through, making its bite attack against you and its tail attack against you as well, because of Pike not moving.\nPlayer: Question!\nDM: Yes?\nPlayer: Pike probably doesn't, but do I have any advantage being that I'm in this little closed-in bubble?\nDM: Technically, no, because it has reach. And it just kinda swerves around the inside and it knows this cavern pretty well as it's been through here a few times. So. That's going to be a 23 to hit on you?\nPlayer: Of course that hits.\nDM: For the bite attack.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus, on fire and concerned that Caleb and Nott still have not shown up, cast Meld Into Stone on himself. He became part of the wall and put out the fire on himself.\nDM: Nice. It gets hit twice. I'll say, go ahead and make an intimidation check. Just as part of this attack, since this was your intent.\nPlayer: 21.\nDM: You have the dragon's attention. He was slashing into Jester, and after that, twice in the side of the head, it (growling) back towards you.\nPlayer: Do I have to roll blink if I don't--\nDM: You can choose to end the spell.\nPlayer: But I think, doesn't it take an action or I can just choose?\nDM: That's a good question. Let's go ahead and check. It should tell you on the spell.\nPlayer: It says, \"you can dismiss this spell as an action.\"\nDM: Ah. So no.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy advises they don't have a plan yet so Raishan can't tell they are lying. you heads to Gilmore's house who has just woken up.\nDM: He ushers you to enter, and leads you to one of the small chairs. And he walks back into the kitchen, shouting over his shoulder, \"So! Vax'ildan, please. Tell me what's on your mind.\"\nPlayer: You know, we're getting closer to the end game here.\nDM: \"I certainly hope so. It's taken a couple years off my lifespan.\"\nPlayer: We just killed another one of the dragons.\nDM: \"Really?!\"\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: \"How many is that for you now? Three?\"\nPlayer: It is three.\nDM: \"Making a name for yourself. I'm proud of you.\" A few moments pass, and silence. And Gilmore walks back out, clutching a small tray with a few teacups. And as he's walking, he's twirling his finger and you can see a little spiral of flame encircling the tea kettle as it begins to heat up. He brings it over, sets it down on the table. Pulls his robe in and sits down across from you on this low slung tea table. Takes a bit and sips it. \"So, what brings you here this early in the morning, friend?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about Fjord's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: These guys are going to begin pushing the cart and it's going to move at half their movement to there. This one here is going to move up to here, right around the side of this wall, and it's going to take its longbow and fire at you, because you're the one they can see.\nPlayer: That's fair.\nDM: Disadvantage. That is a 15.\nPlayer: Miss.\nDM: This one, actually, you see over at the fire, and you grab the front of the armor of the gnoll and pull his in front of you, and it actually hits the back of his armor, splintering it, and the smell hits you.\nPlayer: I just go, excuse me for a second. Thank you.\nDM: As you let him go, there's this thick, oily, horrible liquid that's matted in the fur, and the touch of it's nasty. The smell itself is very acrid of rotting flesh and mangy fur. That's going to end all those guys there, they're pushing there. All right, that ends the gnolls' turn. Fjord, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party then retrieved their first artifact and then made their way towards the Pyrah tribe of the Ashari druids, the fire guardians of the gate to the Elemental Plane of Fire, which apparently Thordak, the Cinder King\u2014the great red dragon that helms the Chroma Conclave that has torn through all of the civilization of Tal'Dorei \u2014emerged from. The party went there, found a surviving faction of the Pyrah tribe including Cerkonos, their headmaster, as well as a few members of you's tribe, the Air Ashari, and her father.\nDM: All right. You all eventually find your ways to your rooms, happy and comfortable in the fact that no one has to take watch for this night. As you all get to bed, a few hours into the evening, Keyleth, you are just starting to doze off when you hear a knock at the door.\nPlayer: (gasps awake) Scanlan?\nDM: You open the door?\nPlayer: On my door?\nDM: On your door.\nPlayer: Who is it?\nDM: \"Keyleth, it is Cerkonos. Please open up. I wish to speak with you.\"\nPlayer: I open the door.\nDM: Okay. Cerkonos comes in. The first thing you notice-- previously, you had seen what was his burned-off arm at the shoulder. You can now see the flesh is extended and is currently very slowly in the process of regenerating his lost arm. And it catches you off-guard for a moment, and he puts his hand up and says, \"Sorry, it is not very presentable.\" And he still keeps his hand over it, slightly embarrassed by the mid-regenerative state of it. \"I'm sorry to have disturbed you, I come as unease has taken my mind.\" And he enters the room and closes the door behind him. \"May we sit?\"\nPlayer: Of course, please, Cerkonos.\nDM: He goes over and takes one of the nearby chairs and sets it down, places one across from him for you to sit, gestures with his one arm. Sits down. \"I would not speak with those I do not trust. And I have seen your purity of soul, Keyleth. So I come to you with these concerns.\" His eyes trail off for a moment in the distance, and he gathers his thoughts and his words. \"Four years ago, a young woman came to Pyrah for redemption. A lost girl, cast out and wishing for acceptance. We, as we do with outcasts, took her in, taught her. And in time, called her one of our own, one of the Pyrah. In recent months, she began to grow distant, taking to staying in the Cindergrove unattended for days at a time. One afternoon, the mountain moved, angry with shifting fires. We felt a disturbance in the Gate, and when we went to investigate, there she was, commanding powers we did not know she had.\"\nPlayer: What kind of powers? Beyond those of druidic nature?\nDM: \"These were the magics taken by man who defied the gods. These were the purest of ancient arcane threads. We watched as she reached out and tore open the Gate. She laughed as we called out to stop. But something terrible emerged from that wounded sky.\"\nPlayer: Thordak?\nDM: \"This dragon you speak of, yes. I defended all that I could, but the power was too great, and unconsciousness took me. I awoke to my people in tatters, the fires untethered, and this terrible girl gone. It is both embarrassing and greatly alarming that we could be infiltrated by such an entity. That blame falls on me, as the headmaster, for not seeing this earlier.\"\nPlayer: You acted within the good nature of our people, there's nothing wrong with that. How old was this girl when she came to you? And how old is she now?\nDM: \"When she came to us she couldn't be more than 15.\"\nPlayer: So she's 19, 20?\nDM: \"Perhaps. She did not seem to blossom into womanhood as many do. We considered her more of a runt of her litter, if you will.\"\nPlayer: And what was her race?\nDM: \"She seemed human.\"\nPlayer: She seemed human? What do you mean?\nDM: \"We take many forms as druids. If she was indeed human, at that age, to command such power... I do not know her true nature.\"\nPlayer: What was her name?\nDM: \"Her name was Raishan. Anyway. I wish to tell you this because my heart is heavy with guilt, and I want you to know that even in places of comfort, family, be careful, keep those you know you can trust close. Be mindful of those that promise aid when they have not proven themselves. If you have an instinct, follow it.\"\nPlayer: Are you referring to something in particular, Cerkonos?\nDM: \"I just do not wish you to make the same mistake I did. Anyway, I thank you for your companions and you coming to our aid. It shall not be forgotten.\"\nPlayer: I shall keep an ear open for the name Raishan. If I hear anything about her, I'll send word.\nDM: \"Should you need the aid of the Pyrah, though we are not much at now, come find me. I look forward for to you bringing Zephrah together. You will make a fine leader.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, Fjord attunes to the Wastehunter Blade. you, Yasha, Nott, and Fjord head to the Invulnerable Vagrant, where they buy two vials of holy water, a protection cloak for Fjord, two healing potions for Yasha, ink and parchment for you.\nDM: Okay. So you head back down. You are led down a tunnel. It weaves a bit. You turn to the right, down another tunnel for 100, 200, 300 feet.\nPlayer: (snaps fingers) Frumpkin back in.\nDM: Frumpkin back in.\nPlayer: 50 feet behind.\nDM: Right. You can see this a bit. These are tight, individual tunnels. It feels almost like a mine in the fact that it has occasionally a wood structure for support between it. A lot of it is packed with earth that's been carved out. Eventually you'll split off into two and you'll see what looks to be a small resting chamber with another set of tables and a bunk. You go past another area and there's occasional torchlight set up on parts of the wall. You can see a couple of shifty individuals that are in the process of stacking crates somewhere.\nPlayer: There's other people down here doing shit as we walk by.\nDM: Yeah. They'll walk by you and occasionally look. One of them will stop and inspect and move on. No one seems to fuck with you at the minute because you're with Kara. In fact, one of them seems to get close to you and looks and sees Dweez and goes (ugh) and just moves on. You do hear a noise, a strange like (guttural animal snorting) and you hear (whip crack) (animal grunting) echoing down the hall. You move around one spot and there's one archway that Frumpkin passes by, looking down, and you can see there's a pit, and there are a number of cages set up in there, about four of them, that have different creatures inside. It's too low-lit for Frumpkin to really see from this distance what's in there, but one of them is currently having a bit of a conniption fit and you see three cloaked figures that are on the outside. One of them is trying to whip elements of it that are coming at it; the other one is trying to prod it in the sides and it's getting agitated.\nPlayer: (as Jester) Jester has a question. She would like to know what it smells like in here.\nDM: At this point, it smells like wet dirt and earth. That's about it. It smells like a dank subterranean tunnel. As you pass by the creature smell, you can smell hints of dung, fresh and old, and some sort of pheromone, like a very strong pheromone that's very unpleasant, the scent. Continuing on, you move through another tunnel. Another figure walks by and stops as you pass and watches you as you continue. Down another set of stairs, and then eventually, the echo begins to get a little louder. Your feet hit wood. Frumpkin can see this as you pass in. You've hit a dock. This is now a natural cavern. The moisture catches you first. What was initially a somewhat cavernous damp has now become very moist and you can hear the slight sound of a river moving through. Frumpkin can see this, too. There's an entire underground river that is now curving past this entrance way, leading in two different directions. Along this river, you can see there are a few lanterns that are set up with this soft, greenish glow. They're perpetually burning in certain areas and are bolted into the rock and stone. There on the side of this dock, you can see four different boats that are currently roped and tied to the edge there. There is a figure sitting on a stool who is taking a dagger and moving it on the edge of one of the wooden poles that is on the very outside end of the dock. At this point, all of your blindfolds are removed and you've come to the end of this part of the journey.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott tries to soothe the creature by singing like Toya did earlier to the devil-toad, with comically bad results. youregard is slow to react, still momentarily convinced that the zombie attack is a part of the act, but finally attacks the creature with a flurry of blows that knocks the zombie around.\nDM: 17. You attempt with your first strike, and the creature just breaks away. Its strength is far more than you imagined it would be from what was originally an elderly-looking frame.\nPlayer: I go, oh, fuck that. I don't know if that's true, and I'm going to do a flurry of blows and do two, pop-pop. That's unarmed, right? Pop-pop.\nDM: That is correct.\nPlayer: I do two, right?\nDM: Yes, if you're using your ki point to do that, yes.\nPlayer: Yes, I am. So first one, it's plus six? Okay. First one is 19. No, 20. First one is 20 total, and then the second one is 15 total.\nDM: Both hit. Roll damage for each.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pumat Sol is out of healing potions, but Caleb buys 200 gp worth of paper, you buys a pearl of power, Nott buys two incendiary crossbow bolts, and Fjord buys an enchanted shield. The party discusses the Lawmaster\u2019s offer and decides against it.\nDM: \"Well, the issue here is that many of our finest investigators and hunters will be sent to the east and as such many of the criminals and individuals that we were in the process of finding and bringing to justice will now go free or return and run rampant.\"\nPlayer: If only my friend were here. Me and my friend Nott are really good at solving crimes, we're the best investigators.\nDM: \"Well, consider what I'm saying. At the very least, come back and notify me.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"No harm no foul otherwise.\" She leans forward and goes, \"Look, I understand. People are as varied as they are selfish. I believe in the Empire, but I definitely don't believe with all the people that run it. I do what I do because I feel if I don't a lot of good people will be crushed under the boot of those that misuse their power. But there are good people here, and we do what we can. I've seen the good that we can do. That's why I'm here. I wish to fight for this land that I call home, to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and combat the destructiveness and selfishness of anarchy. Utopia's impossible, I know that, but I do what I can to make life as livable as possible. Anyway, go speak with your friends, and I'll be here if you need me.\"\nPlayer: Do you think the war will make it all the way here?\nDM: \"If the war makes it here, then we're in far more trouble than I anticipated.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you then turns invisible, uses Disguise Self to look like a little beggar girl, and blends into the chaos. That night, The Traveler visits you.\nDM: \"I don't know. I've not come across it before. I'm interested, definitely. Be careful with that. Things that are unknown are notably able to draw dangerous and inquiring eyes and minds.\"\nPlayer: So I should keep it hidden?\nDM: \"I think you should.\"\nPlayer: I'll keep it in this pink bag. It's very discreet.\nDM: \"There are more like you out there.\"\nPlayer: I saw a couple medallions for you.\nDM: \"Well, I am worth worshipping, after all.\"\nPlayer: Obviously.\nDM: \"But you are my favorite.\"\nPlayer: I was going to ask if I was!\nDM: \"I hope that maybe you could all meet someday.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party managed to make their way outside of Emberhold proper, and they've all taken a moment to breathe, at this point realizing that, thankfully, for the most part they've all survived, aside from the missing party member and a few in a state of flux at the moment.\nDM: \"Good. The cruel king is down, and I thank you for that.\" She walks back to the little perch on the rock at the side of the wall and says, \"He tried to break me. Relish in his false superiority. Dragging hooks across my flesh, underestimating the will of a servant of Bahamut.\"\nPlayer: Are you congratulating us for being murderers? Is that what you're doing right now?\nDM: \"Murder and justice are two entirely different things and the deities of all good saw to it that this King's time was limited.\"\nPlayer: Are you suggesting now that we control the wills of the deities?\nDM: \"No, but we enact them, as long as we work within your plans to keep us safe.\"\nPlayer: That's mighty bold and presumptuous of you.\nDM: \"My life has been given to guidance of the platinum dragon, who has not seen nothing but the positive direction for all of your species, mine and the rest of humanity, that exists in the material plane. You would do well to not disrespect one who looks out for you, even though you may not look up to him for guidance. The reason these lands that you grew up in are safe and free, as much as they are, are because of the sacrifices of my brethren who came before me under his light and guidance. I'm not saying you to worship him-- each one has their own gods of choice. I just say, show some respect.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth, Vex'ahlia, and the lifeless body of Vax'ildan, meanwhile, materialize from Keyleth's Plane Shift on the outskirts of Vesrah.\nDM: \"Hope everything's okay.\" And he gives you a nod and steps over to the side and watches as you guys go, as he retrieves one of his Waverunner sailing boards, and watches with a look of intensity and worry on his brow, as his dark dwarven complexion vanishes in the distance. You guys approaching, rushing in towards the center of the city. As you begin to approach, you watch as Doty, who's been waiting patiently off to the side, comes up to you and is holding the book out, and starts thumbing through page after page after page.\nPlayer: Ah, yes, Doty, thank you. I'll review this all later. How many pages did you fill?\nDM: He goes past about 25 different pages, in very very tiny script, that goes into detail about the tides going in, each person that went in and out of the water, anything he saw in the further distance, various birds from the sky. He does have a few spatterings of white bird excrement across the top of his armor.\nPlayer: Sure he does.\nDM: He seems as proud as an automaton could.\nPlayer: Very well done, Doty, thank you. We'll have much more to write tonight, so save some energy for that. Will you-- Will you carry me?\nDM: He sweeps you up in a full-on princess carry, and begins running after Percival and Grog, towards the center of Vesrah. You guys reach the base of this. There are all the open stone pavilions, the central gathering areas, where you now see people starting to look up curiously, coming out of their various homes and places, noticing all this commotion happening on the top of the temple. You watch as there is a spattering of dark feathers up the top. And you guys begin to ascend one of the two spiral staircases that ascends to the upper level of the temple. Eventually you guys come to the surface, you're immediately greeted by one of the guards who is on guard currently with one of their spears. And upon recognizing you, he kind of steps aside and lets you in, and that's where you guys watch as Keyleth and Vex are laying Vax down onto a kind of makeshift bed of black feathers.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Above that, x bars against the wall where, in the center, you saw a gold inlaid seal with an empty triangular shape, like a pyramid inverted, and a series of these iron warriors that were embedded in the walls. Behind the stairway, you saw means of smelting metal and other forms of material.\nDM: Okay, so you can move Bigby's Hand. I'll see how many feet it can move, because it'll pick up the sword, I don't know if it can--\nPlayer: It can move 60 feet.\nDM: It can move 60 feet? Okay then! Then yes, it definitely can. It darts over to the guy who hit you with the flames, so go ahead and make your attack. I'll say for the purposes of this, I'll add an additional d12 slashing damage to its strike.\nPlayer: I got an 18. Plus something; I don't know.\nDM: 18 to roll for its attack, plus your spell attack, so that definitely hits.\nPlayer: Oh, plus 11. Yeah, that's huge. Is this a sword attack, or is this Bigby's Hand's clenched fist attack?\nDM: I'm making it a clenched fist attack, so it's 4d8 force damage from adding an additional d12 slashing because it's wielding a sword while it does it, because that's cool.\nPlayer: That's cool. Okay, I love you, and thank you. So I roll 4d8. Cool. Oh wait, wrong one.\nDM: 4d8 plus 1d12.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester already vandalized with the Raven's Den and the Hearth of the Allhammer, and decides to skip the Valley Archive of the Cobalt Soul, since it's where Beau and Caleb are training and researching. She also decides against the King's Hall, since there are a lot of guards and it is the center of local law enforcement.\nDM: Looking around, there are bowls throughout the room. Most of them appear to be empty, a few of them have a few knick-knacks thrown in there. They may have been things that people left as a gift or an offering. A few copper, one of them could even have a silver. You don't see any other boxes. It looks like they're cleared out fairly frequently.\nPlayer: If there's one close to me, I would like to cast Mage Hand and grab it.\nDM: Okay. Triple-checking if Mage Hand has--\nPlayer: I'm sure I will drop my form.\nDM: Well, Disguise Self remains cast. However, Mage Hand, if I recall, may have--\nPlayer: It's an action to make it appear.\nDM: Correct, but it's verbal and somatic, so as they're approaching, you look back and forth and begin casting a spell. As this is happening, they both go, \"Uh--\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: Okay. The orb vanishes, and with a flick of your wrist, a goodbye wave, you vanish entirely from sight. Which tent do you want to appear in?\nPlayer: I had wanted to go to not the one that Laura was saying, the other one. That's the one I was going to go to, because it's closer to the door.\nDM: So you appear inside this tent. And on the inside you can see there are two people that are currently within. Just to mark where the tent is.\nPlayer: Are they human? Or are they dancer?\nDM: They are human and they're pretty brutalized. One of them you see is this relatively well-dressed nobleman, his clothing filthy. Part of his face is swollen and bruised from what looks like he's been beaten within an inch of his life. The other one is a woman and you can see, one arm appears to be broken and she's cradling it in her hand. And they're both recoiling and holding to the back, like the corners of the tent, and when you appear, they both gasp and begin naturally scrambling away before they realize you're not an orc.\nPlayer: I say, come with me if you want to live. And do I have any movement? Can I try to unbind them?\nDM: Yeah, you don't have movement. You can start to move over to start unbinding them if you want to.\nPlayer: Okay, that's what I'll do.\nDM: Okay, so you go to the rope bonds and start helping them try and release themselves. Okay. That's the end of Scanlan's turn. Grog, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He admits that he is a scoundrel, to which Kaylie retorts that he is a scoundrel who has no boundaries and leaves a wake of people hurt. She demands that he draw his blade.\nDM: As you all go to your various rooms, Kaylie pulls out the chair and the table at the far end of your bedroom. Sets down and begins to pour glasses of wine and sits across. You guys have drinks and begin various conversations about-- (flute music) She's that good of a flute player. She asks you about your history and your travels and how you met Dr. Dranzel, and everything.\nPlayer: I tell her all the best parts, and leave out the naughty bits.\nDM: \"Interesting tale.\"\nPlayer: Kingslayer.\nDM: \"Right, right.\"\nPlayer: Leader of the rebellion.\nDM: \"So you've said, a number of times, aye.\" She drinks a little bit more of the wine, sets it down. \"I guess I should tell you a bit more about myself, then.\"\nPlayer: Yes, please, I'm fascinated.\nDM: \"Well, I grew up in Kymal, mostly, before moving to Westrunn to train at the College of the White Duke. Finest of the bards, he was.\"\nPlayer: Yes, yes he--\nDM: \"My mom gave all her savings to put me up there. Now, I only joined the troop about six months back. It was my third year at the Duke's when the good doctor came through and, well, I seized the opportunity. Now, to be perfectly honest up-front, I've already heard a bit about your tales, Shorthalt. (chuckles) The Charming of the Pauper Prince, your rendition of the Summer Sunder, the Cliffs of Dagger Bay. I've been hoping our paths would cross.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back at the bakery, Tary gives the Trickfoots the run of the shop (to the chagrin of Vex and you, who don't entirely trust the newcomers). Everyone retires to get ready for dinner.\nDM: \"Well, I've been watching Ogden. Traveling and seeing the sights of the countrysides of Tal'Dorei. It's life on the road.\"\nPlayer: I know. I understand that. How are my parents?\nDM: She looks around and goes, \"Well, we haven't heard from your immediate side of the family since your bastard father left for Wynandia across the sea. Good riddance. No offense.\"\nPlayer: No. None taken.\nDM: \"That was a long time ago. I was young. But no, seriously. You're not missing much with them.\"\nPlayer: Can I insight check her?\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Oh no. 13?\nDM: 13? She seems guarded and hard to read, but legit.\nPlayer: Okay. Well. Have you guys, in your travels-- you know who Scanlan Shorthalt is, I'm sure?\nDM: She lights up and goes, \"Yes, I've heard of him. Is he around?\"\nPlayer: He's not around.\nDM: \"Oh. Okay, but I've heard of him. I've heard of his exploits. (chuckles) As I've asked around, he's left quite a trail of ladies through the years.\"\nPlayer: He definitely has.\nDM: \"They have a lot to say about him.\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"Bit of a scoundrel, that one.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: \"Well, I appreciate your attempt to maneuver around my station of which you hold so clear. You seemingly attempt to bribe a warden of the stockade in an attempt to retrieve what appears to be a relatively... How do I put it? Immoral, destitute and feral creature.\"\nPlayer: Warden. This is just like this bastard. He always goes around trying to boss people around and throw his money around. And I turn and I punch Percy in the face.\nDM: Okay! Roll for an attack.\nPlayer: Oh, shit. Going for another one. A nine. Probably not.\nDM: Plus your strength modifier.\nPlayer: I don't have any strength. One, so that's ten.\nDM: Ten. Percy, do you take it?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Allura has been keeping an eye on Emon and Thordak has been re-shaping the land with fire. No one is sure where Vorgual is nesting.\nDM: \"(sighs) Well, let us rest for the evening.\" Drinks the last of her wine, stands up. \"We'll talk on the morrow.\" She gets up. \"Kima? I'm coming, let me finish.\"\nPlayer: (laugh)\nDM: \"No, seriously, it's good to see you all. I'm glad you're all right.\"\nPlayer: You should have been with us.\nDM: \"I should've been with you. I didn't know you left!\"\nPlayer: Sorry, Kima. We're dicks.\nDM: \"Is Westruun okay?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott thinks it does. Jester asks about Nott's first kiss-- it was just kids daring each other to kiss.\nDM: No. An entire day of travel which is a bit faster than a general sailing ship which is why the Mistake can go faster, but they're a pair. You're looking at about 14 days of travel.\nPlayer: To Darktow?\nDM: To Darktow, yeah.\nPlayer: 14 days?!\nDM: Welcome to being on the open seas, man.\nPlayer: Oh shit!\nDM: They don't have bullet trains in D&D. You have 11 days of supplies. There will have to be some sort of supply stop or a way of handling that.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Meanwhile, back on the ship, a more-than-normally subdued you casts both Alarm and the Tiny Hut in his cabin before casting Identify on the jar of beads and the ink from the Fun Ball, which has reset itself completely. The ink is 500 gp worth of magical ink.\nDM: Mm-hmm. The last one discusses the theories behind the ice fields and the underreaches of Eiselcross and the beasts that live and endure it.\nPlayer: Eiselcross.\nDM: Eiselcross. E-I-S-E-L-C-R-O-S-S. Eiselcross, you know, is a rather large body of land to the north of the main Wildemount continent. It's considered part of Wildemount overall, but it's just a frozen arctic cap.\nPlayer: Not separated in any way, just frozen over, to the north, or is it separate?\nDM: It's separate. The Frozen Depths-- there's a large channel of water that separates the main body of Wildemount and Eiselcross, but aside from two very small ice fishing villages that are expansions of the Dwendalian Empire, it is mostly uninhabited. Nobody really goes there. There's a bunch of creatures that have spent a millennia or more living in that place that are extremely dangerous, and it's just snow and ice, so nobody goes there.\nPlayer: Okay. Well, there's nothing else that I would do. I would say that all the time they were gone, he sits rolling the ball on the table and speed reading these books. That's it.\nDM: Cool enough. All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then encountered a very elderly goliath that Grog hadn't seen in quite some time named Shale, who spoke of the scouting crew that had been obliterated by the dragon. They followed Shale as she led them up the mountain, to where the dragon's current lair resides.\nDM: As you all find yourselves to rest within the confines, the comfortable confines, of Scanlan's mansion, Percy, I want you to go ahead and make a tinkering check.\nPlayer: That's tinkering is plus four, plus proficiency bonus, plus a d20, if I recall?\nDM: It's proficiency bonus, plus your dex for the purposes of fixing this.\nPlayer: Okay, that's even better. That'll do. 20.\nDM: 20, okay. It takes you most of the evening. You'll rest up but we'll say for the purposes of this you've only regained two hit dice for the evening's rest, of your spent hit dice.\nPlayer: Okay. So I'm just down two hit dice?\nDM: Yeah. Any that you've used, if you used any, you don't recover any but two. Normally you'd recover half of your unused hit dice right now. The gun is fixed, the materials that you were required to use will cost you half as much as the actual weapon is worth.\nPlayer: Lord almighty.\nDM: Which, let me look at my list here for that-- It's going to come to roughly 400 gold in materials to repair.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth tosses Percy his gun and he uses one of the boats as cover. The glass on the beach starts to be pulled up as two air elemental entities start to form.\nDM: 24. All righty. This one still is a larger impact than the last one, but it's still shooting in the middle of this swirling mass, so it's not impacting it as much as you'd hoped.\nPlayer: I'm going to take a third shot. And here we go. With the same Sharpshooter. 21.\nDM: 21 hits.\nPlayer: Ooh, that's nice! 25 points of damage. It was a very good shot. And I'm now going to call over the earpiece: everyone back! Giant flying glass wind, oh god! And I'm going to take a deep breath-- that's actually what I said. I'm going to take a deep breath and I'm going to dive underwater. Put my gun away and dive underwater.\nDM: All right. Underneath the surface there. It is murky and dark. It's so close to the shoreline and with the black silt that washes in there, you have no visibility underneath.\nPlayer: That's cool.\nDM: All right. That brings us to Grog.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She finds the pond from her vision after about 40 minutes of travel, identifies the footprints of the creature, and stealths after it. In a glade, after following the footprints for a while, you finds that the trail has gone cold.\nDM: The creature glances over at Trinket behind, looks up at you in the tree and in a creepily humanoid way, wipes the edge of its jaw and then leaps off this tree.\nPlayer: Trinket gets a swipe at him.\nDM: Yes, he does. And then it leaps in your direction in the sky. (impact, roar) Arms out, jaw open. Make the attack for Trinket.\nPlayer: I think he likes me, y'all. What is it, a bite attack or a claw attack? Does it matter?\nDM: Whichever one you want.\nPlayer: A bite attack, then. That is 12 plus nine. 21.\nDM: That hits! Go ahead and roll damage for Trinket.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The creature bites at Vax, but the rogue manages to dodge some of the damage. Its tail wraps around Grog, crushing, grappling, and restraining him.\nDM: Okay, it has a reach of ten. So you are technically within its melee range. So you can run but you'll take attack of opportunity from it if you do. Just so you're aware.\nPlayer: Can I still arrow it from where I am?\nDM: You can, but you have disadvantage on all your ranged attacks because you are in melee range.\nPlayer: Does it cancel out because I'm in the mountains?\nDM: Doesn't affect your attacks.\nPlayer: Damn it.\nDM: Sorry. It's up to you, you can stay where you are and take disadvantage on all your attacks, or you could run past and it gets a free swipe on you. Your call.\nPlayer: I'm going to try to back up.\nDM: Okay. Over to here? Like, how far?\nPlayer: Oh no. Wait, I can't see. I forgot my glasses.\nDM: Okay, you're right here.\nPlayer: Uh-huh.\nDM: You can try and back up this way if you wanted to get away.\nPlayer: Yeah, I'll try to back up towards, who is that?\nDM: That's Scanlan there. Oh, here?\nPlayer: Percy? I'll try to back towards Percy.\nDM: Right there?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you/Lucien/Nonagon told their group to scatter and vanish if things went wrong and wait till he returned. They buried him in the woods outside the hideout.\nDM: \"Well, we were all part of the same order at one point, and we splintered off. Luci-- Nonagon had a different path in mind for us, so we went north to Shady Creek Run and we started the Tomb Takers. It's just so good to see you.\"\nPlayer: It's good to be seen again. But again, it's got to be very quiet right now. It's been like three other names since the last time I saw you.\nDM: \"I should inform the others.\"\nPlayer: Please, keep it quiet for now. That book caused more trouble than you think, and it all laid on my shoulders. I was trying to protect the rest of you from some of the worst elements of that and I don't want any heat dropping on anybody who doesn't know what's coming yet.\nDM: \"Of course.\"\nPlayer: But let me know where they are and I'll get a hold of them. But don't let them know why yet.\nDM: The tabaxi curls in a little bit, leans over the table towards you with this big grin and says, \"Does this mean that it worked?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon being asked if she's herself, she affirms that she is. Despite her words, Percy gleans into her demeanor, but can't seem to find any sort of deceit in her expression or tone, again sadly noticing the change in his sister compared to five years ago.\nDM: 11. Okay. Best you can tell, she seems very honest. She seems forthright. You're used to the memory of your sister being this bright-eyed, cheerful, youngest of the bunch, and definitely a woman who sees the world with fresh eyes. These eyes are different. They're colder. They're hardened. In ways, you're impressed; in ways, you're also immediately sad to see that that memory of your sister probably is no longer there.\nPlayer: We're putting an end to the Briarwoods tonight. Before the sun sets. This is the end of them. It's all going to be over, and we're going to stop whatever it is they're doing under the city.\nDM: \"You say this. We've tried twice.\"\nPlayer: I know. This is it.\nDM: \"That's what the others thought. You left me, you know.\"\nPlayer: I know, and I'm so sorry.\nDM: \"Good. Well, if we're going to do this, let's get ready.\"\nPlayer: You're going to your room.\nDM: \"Yes, I am.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: The one that's now taken a crossbow bolt to the throat and has taken a Guiding Bolt, this giant blast of light explodes around this gnoll as it yelps and it encompasses its torso with this glittering light. Now the next attack against it has advantage. It is super hurt, but still standing. You're making your attack.\nPlayer: Yeah, I rolled the first one, which was a 24, but with advantage. That's less, so 24.\nDM: You were attacking the other one, so you do not get the benefit.\nPlayer: Oh yeah, I'm sorry. 24 for the first roll.\nDM: Still hits, go ahead and roll damage on that one.\nPlayer: Oh balls, that's--\nDM: What are you using?\nPlayer: Eldritch Blast.\nDM: It's a d10 for damage. That's a d12.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, while everyone else is taking breakfast, Pike checks the front door and finds about 20 skeletons waiting outside. She and Grog charge out to handle them.\nDM: And the third strike hits you for four points of slashing and a third dark smite. Another 13 points of necrotic damage.\nPlayer: That brings me exactly to zero.\nDM: You drop your form.\nPlayer: I drop form. Just form. I tanked that motherfucking fight, y'all.\nDM: So at that point, all of a sudden your form drops in place.\nPlayer: I'm still on the ceiling, right?\nDM: Yes, you are. The war priest across the way is going to look outward and begin to focus and chant under his breath, and the little bit of light begins to show, once again, the missing eye on most of these individuals. Delilah is not missing an eye, it seems, but the rest of them seem to have this appearance amongst them. As it releases this form of energy, you watch as a familiar, darker-burning flame begins to spill across the ceiling as a Flame Strike makes its way-- not a Fire Storm, Flame Strike. Sorry, so it's a column.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you looks over at Trinket's prone form, furious, places her Hunter's Mark on the creature, and uses Hail of Thorns, hitting both the creature and Grog. She shoots a second arrow which wedges itself under the creature's scales.\nDM: But you angrily turn around, release your arrow, firing a completely furious Hail of Thorns into the creature. As it hits, it shatters across its hide, some of it scattering onto Grog. You don't even care. You just focus the anger, pull out a second arrow, unleash this one. Actually jamming underneath one of the scales. You can see a little trickle of dark, deep purple blood beginning to pour from the wound.\nPlayer: I get out of the line.\nDM: Okay, where do you want to go?\nPlayer: Towards the little crevice.\nDM: Right there?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Hotis then attempts to flee but is held back by you. As the team assault him, a suit of armor animates and comes to his aid, hitting them all with a stored Fireball.\nDM: It also slowly repairs itself over time. So yes. You cast Slow. The rakshasa appears unaffected. However, the guardian's movements do seem to shimmer and shake as it's forcing its way through the arcane net you've now cast around it.\nPlayer: Cool. So now it takes a negative two penalty to its AC and its dexterity saving throws, and it can't use reactions.\nDM: Yep.\nPlayer: Sweet. And I move as far away from everything as I can.\nDM: Okay. So where are you going? Over here? That's about as far as you can get away from everything.\nPlayer: That's what I do.\nDM: All righty. That brings us to Thorbir.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau asks if Ophelia's priest can raise the dead, and Ophelia tells them that if they're looking for help, try the Blooming Grove where a strange hermit lives. They are led out through a hidden back tunnel and travel two hours east to the Sour Nest.\nDM: Definitely not living! As you begin to walk, you begin to hear the terrible crunching sound as its giant jaws snap into bone and tear into flesh.\nPlayer: You guys, Taliesin's a bear.\nDM: You do manage to just skirt along the side of the bear without any notice from their side. Continuing onward. The secondary hour goes without issue, but you do begin to come upon the outskirts of your recollection of where The Sour Nest resides. You're still a good 100 or so feet away, using the trees at your disposal and you can see now the wall that matches the perimeter. It's a thin, five foot wide wall with a very flimsy rail across the top, but it is a walkway for watch guards to keep an eye out. As you glance at this distance, you can see one figure that's walking the perimeter of the top of the wall, with a heavy crossbow at the ready. They stop and look out.\nPlayer: How dense is the forest around this place?\nDM: It's pretty dense. The reason it took two hours to get there is because you're going through the forest. Otherwise on foot, in any sort of open scenario, it would take you half the time.\nPlayer: There's no manicured, open place around. It's just nestled among trees around it or--?\nDM: It looks there is manicured to be about a ten-foot distance between the wall and any of the surrounding trees, specifically to make sure that any sort of approaching individuals would be out in the open. You can see now a little bit of light is coming through. It looks like they've cleared out a bit of the canopy, not entirely, but a bit of it to also prevent any low-hanging boughs or branches to curl into the interior of the walls. It's not a massive stronghold, it looks to be approximately a little larger than the Estate Sybaritic that you were at, but it's more for function than beautiful decor. A lot of the wood seems to be old and weathered from rain and dry seasons. It's just a beige- and gray-looking establishment. Pure function.\nPlayer: Our lot is hidden in the trees, a ways away?\nDM: Yes. You can barely see it above the wall, but the little bit you can see has that visual and you can see it's a mixture of stone and wood. The edges of the actual structure are stone and then wood is either then placed over stone or wood is the intermediate construction material.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The clusters start coalescing into a group that trails around Vox Machina, but are momentarily held at bay by the smoke from Percy\u2019s censer. When Grog, Vax, Vex, and you notice a pair of gloomstalkers circling in the sky above, the group decides to dodge into a nearby building.\nDM: It has what looks to be charcoal stones in the bottom clustered around, and these herbs are placed over it, and it's burning and smoldering over time.\nPlayer: Sure. Can I tell what the herbs are?\nDM: Make a medicine check. No, this would be a nature check, sorry.\nPlayer: Thank you. Is this something that I would get advantage on for my herb book?\nDM: Yes, you would.\nPlayer: 28.\nDM: Okay. I get to look this up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Dairon reveals how much she hates and distrusts the Kryn, and mentions she will be traveling to Bladegarden soon.\nDM: \"That's wonderful. I think in the long run, that'll be a very useful feature, but it's also not that uncommon of an object-- \"\nPlayer: It's touched by the moon.\nDM: \"Yeah. I'm touched by the sun every morning.\" \"I'll happily give you 30 gold pieces for that there sword, if you don't mind?\"\nPlayer: I paid all of my money for this, and it was so much more than that.\nDM: \"Well, that's the nature of business. I'm afraid.\" Make a persuasion check, if you want. Your persuasion pity roll.\nPlayer: 11.\nDM: \"All of your money?\"\nPlayer: Yeah. It actually was.\nDM: \"I'll take it off your hands for 40.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, okay.\nDM: \"All right. We'll find a good home for it. I trust you on that.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Thank you, Pumat.\nDM: \"No problem.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon hearing this news, Treev's demeanor slowly transitions from one of jovialness to one of acceptance. Percy informs Treev of their intent to overthrow Vorgual and free the Ravenites, but to do so they need his assistance in locating the owner of Cabal's Ruin, whom Treev reveals to be Mistress Asharru, one of his finest and most expensive.\nDM: \"She's one of our finest, and expensive because of it. But friend, she's been off for a week since her last job, so mayhaps her schedule is open. Would have to inquire. Write me a summary of your job you have for her. I'll have it delivered. Her answer may take a week or so.\"\nPlayer: We do not have, sadly, a week or so. The dragon falls in two weeks.\nDM: \"Well, write her a letter, she'll receive it, and she'll return to you when she sees it fit. Our business is our business. If you don't like it, shove off, find someone else.\"\nPlayer: Sadly no one else will do. Not that I want to inquire of the sort of business she's in, because that's inappropriate, but is she in the town at least? If we were to write her, could we get word to her quickly?\nDM: \"Why, I can get word to her immediately, but it's up to her when she wants to respond.\"\nPlayer: Is there anything else you can tell me about her?\nDM: He starts giving you a curious look and goes, \"You come in here asking to hire one of my finest and don't know what work she does?\"\nPlayer: I know what work she does.\nDM: \"What work do you need her for?\"\nPlayer: We need to save the world.\nDM: \"And you need her help to save the world.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth tosses Percy his gun and he uses one of the boats as cover. The glass on the beach starts to be pulled up as two air elemental entities start to form.\nDM: Okay, you're still technically in melee. It has a large reach with its [no audio] if you move five more feet, you can.\nPlayer: I'll move five more feet--\nDM: You're now above [no audio]\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: Knees and waist, so your movement is halved. However, as you pull out of its range, a giant pseudopod of swirling [no audio] (whoosh) runs towards you and gets an attack of opportunity on you.\nPlayer: That's fine.\nDM: It rolled really bad. That is a 14.\nPlayer: My AC is 18.\nDM: You weave underneath, the wind causes the water around you to splash and scatter in both directions, but you avoid a giant blender of broken glass to the face. What are you doing?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completed the venture of taking the Horn of Orcus to a place of safety and sealing it away, hopefully for eternity, with the help of Lady Kima and two of the Scalebearers. After heading to the basement of the Platinum Sanctuary in the city of Vasselheim, they succeeded in doing so.\nDM: That's going to be a 21. A 23. And a 19. All right, that's a six, seven damage. So total of 13 damage. As he reaches up and slams you, slams you again. And as you start backing up, he goes to slam you a third time, and you catch his head in the middle of your mitt, and he's now face-to-face with you, just like (snarls). You guys are both snarling at each other like two rabid beasts. It's your go.\nPlayer: I would like to keep his head right where I have it and take my elbow and drive it down into the bridge of his nose. So that's 25?\nDM: 25 hits.\nPlayer: 22?\nDM: Hits.\nPlayer: And 17.\nDM: 17 does miss. All right. So go ahead and roll damage for the next two strikes.\nPlayer: With this thing again? Six.\nDM: Six, all righty.\nPlayer: It's hard to get above a six. And six.\nDM: Six, nice. So as you hold him down, his face, (wham). Head goes, cracks against the ground of the Crucible. As he starts picking his head up again, you drill back again, (wham) hit him a second time. This time, you can see now. His nose was already busted before. Now it's nearly concave. It's like he didn't have a nose before and there's just a bloody void where it once was. He's still smiling in a weird, twisted way. He seems to be enjoying this almost as much as you. You go down for the third one, and this time he reaches up and grabs your elbow. He's going to take his turn to attempt to break your grapple as his action. Go ahead and roll either an athletics or an acrobatics check.\nPlayer: 12.\nDM: 12? All right. He kicks you up back onto your feet, and as he does, he kip-ups onto his feet, as well. Looks at you with a smile, wipes the snot and blood from the front of his face, licks it off his hand, and with that same hand he rears back, almost like he's winding up for a punch, and then just kicks you right in the center of your stomach.\nPlayer: I like the feint, I like the feint.\nDM: That's 22. Yeah, that'll hit. That is eight points of damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party then retrieved their first artifact and then made their way towards the Pyrah tribe of the Ashari druids, the fire guardians of the gate to the Elemental Plane of Fire, which apparently Thordak, the Cinder King\u2014the great red dragon that helms the Chroma Conclave that has torn through all of the civilization of Tal'Dorei \u2014emerged from. The party went there, found a surviving faction of the Pyrah tribe including Cerkonos, their headmaster, as well as a few members of Keyleth's tribe, the Air Ashari, and her father.\nDM: His structure is still standing as well. A few buildings around did not fare so well, but his shop and a number of other ones adjacent to it seem to still be standing. You can't really tell if they're functional, or how busy they are, or if anyone's doing anything with them, but that's still there. You do notice, though, at numerous parts of the street, there are just piles and piles of burnt wood and ash, like they're large burn piles that were set at different periods of time and have long since burned. Little bits of white, post-burning plumes that still smolder over the past few days. You're not quite sure what these piles contained at the time they were set ablaze. There is still the worship district here. You have the various temples. Best you can glance, a few of them have been partially toppled. There is damage to some of the buildings. Still too far away to make out any specific details beyond that, some of the structures having taken a hit in previous conflicts. You're not sure from which source.\nPlayer: What about the mayor's house where we heard Horace--?\nDM: The Margrave's. Towards the southern central portion of Westruun, south of the main town square where the bulk of your first Winter's Crest festival here in Westruun took place. The Margrave's house is at the very southernmost portion of that. That entire square is lined with row after row of sharpened wood sticks and various other weapons, tridents, broken swords that have been, with ropes, strapped together to form a military barricade. If anything were to attempt to attack from the ground, it would be difficult to do so if this area was filled with prepared soldiers, using these as protective guard. The actual Margrave's home is intact, although at this glance, you can see a lot of it has been defiled, elements of the outside walls are strewn with dark burgundy paint slapped over. You can see what looks to be some sort of strings adorning edges of it, like decoration. You see, walking through this area, what looks to be 12 or 13 or so armed individuals of varying heights. Probably a good six or seven goliaths among them. Others appear to be human, half-orc, it's hard to make out the full details from this distance. They're all on the outskirts surrounding what was previously the Margrave's home. Now the homestead of Kevdak, seemingly.\nPlayer: Can we see Kevdak anywhere?\nDM: You have no idea what Kevdak looks like.\nPlayer: I look for a bigger goliath than the rest, or one that looks older and bigger.\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: 16.\nDM: 16. At this distance, it's hard to make out any specific details. You can barely make out the fact that they're goliath. It's only because you've traveled with Grog so long you can pick out the details, the hairless form, the tattoos, the general tone of skin. They're male and female, it's a smattering of all different types of goliaths. Some of different thickness, some that are a little more barrel-chested and wide, some that are a little shorter. There are other similarly dressed individuals that are not goliaths as well, but they seem to be more of a subservient role within the herd than the goliaths that would be the ruling class within this self-contained society. But no one stands out to you as matching the descriptions of Kevdak that Grog gave you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. you managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: 18! Okay! You manage to leap behind Bigby's Hand and grab onto the side of it as the hand punches entirely out of the dragon's body, the wound slamming shut behind.\nPlayer: Oh god, I'm outside the dragon?!\nDM: You are now outside the dragon.\nPlayer: (screams) Shit!\nDM: Holding onto Bigby's Hand.\nPlayer: Is he flying? Does he stay still? What does he do?\nDM: He is flying.\nPlayer: He can fly?!\nDM: Bigby's Hand!\nPlayer: Not as fast as the dragon.\nDM: Bigby's Hand can move up to 60 feet, so no, it's slower than the dragon. Starting to drag a little bit behind as it's moving.\nPlayer: God. Okay! Hand can't do anything else, right?\nDM: No, that was its action. That's most of your turn, really, at this point. That was your movement to push through after the bonus attack, so you have your action. I'll give you your action.\nPlayer: You're not going to let me cast another spell, probably.\nDM: You have an action, so you could, technically. You look out as you punch through. You look down below you suddenly after you take a moment to look, and you can see part of Vax emerging from the side of the dragon. And then the whole dragon and Vax vanish.\nPlayer: Oh shit! Wait, I see Grog?\nDM: You do see Grog, dangling from the chain, slowly pulling his way up towards the back.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: Well, the Grasping Vine only pulls things towards where it emanates, and since he's right next to this, it'll just pull him right against it.\nPlayer: Okay, Tary-- where's Tary?\nDM: Tary's right here as well, it'll just pull him into the rock.\nPlayer: Well, bullshit all the way around. Then I just swim desperately, doggy paddle towards the portal.\nDM: You still have your bonus action.\nPlayer: There's-- what's left?\nDM: Your Wild Shape? Miss five hit points?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Looking outside, they see a simple street below them with buildings made of fine wood and thin palm trees. Based on the belongings left behind, they deduce that they are in Gilmore's old room, presumably on the second floor of the house they are in.\nDM: Currently, it's pretty bland. You can see a couple of colored tapestries similar to the center of the floor rug that are hanging, but there are a lot of blank areas. It looks like decorations have been removed, or at least haven't been there for a long time. The room, for the most part, seems to be abandoned.\nPlayer: Is the box trapped?\nDM: Make an investigation check.\nPlayer: Almost good, and then not. 14.\nDM: 14? It does not appear to be trapped.\nPlayer: Can I open it?\nDM: You do. Open it up, glance inside. It looks to be a series of folded papers.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The crew had been waiting a number of days, the repairs had been completed on Bisaft Isle. You guys decided to call it an evening and rest up.\nDM: Because spice trade and various-- spices, not spice-- trade here is quite prominent as well as other such materials in that same avenue, various herbs and compounds used in alchemical and medicinal purposes, yeah, you can find incense here, actually. It's marked up a little bit. Because it's Bisaft and because it's a trade post out in the middle of the ocean, the people can charge a little more and they know they can. Depending on how much incense you want to get?\nPlayer: He did not give me an amount, so what's a normal amount of incense that you would need for a month of incense burning?\nDM: For a person burning incense in their house?\nPlayer: Yeah. Like a hippie person.\nDM: We'll say about 20 gold worth, which would cost you 25 here.\nPlayer: Okay. I'll take 50 gold worth.\nDM: Okay. So you take 50 gold worth, but it'll cost you 60, we'll say. You mark off 60 gold, but you write down you have 50 gold worth of incense.\nPlayer: Great. Cool. Okay.\nDM: All right. The bee tour.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: \"I'm on it, I'm on it! Hold on!\" He whips around with this metallic cylinder that is very well sealed. \"See, I learn from my mistakes!\"\nPlayer: That's very impressive. Oh--\nDM: He walks very carefully, very gingerly placing it on the table. \"Okay. Carefully.\" He pulls out (fwoosh) a small torch. \"I have to unseal the metal.\"\nPlayer: Let's not do that! And I make a quick... I'm going to try and bap the thing down as quickly as I can.\nDM: Okay. You smack it out of his hand.\nPlayer: Let's... I trust you implicitly.\nDM: \"Heh heh heh heh. It's coffee.\" \"Black powder.\" (cackles)\nPlayer: I think you've had enough. I'm going to smell the coffee. It's really coffee?\nDM: Yeah. \"Sorry, trying to host. It's been a while since I've had a guest. Would you like some?\"\nPlayer: Just one spoonful would be quite--\nDM: He goes over to a small kettle and begins straining it through. He's got this little coffee brew on the side. \"So, real black powder. Wait! I do know you.\"\nPlayer: Yes!\nDM: \"You've purchased before.\"\nPlayer: I have.\nDM: \"Return customer. Not many of those.\"\nPlayer: Not many? Have there been others?\nDM: He pours a couple of cups for you, pulls it over to you. \"Oh, one. Months ago.\"\nPlayer: Really? Who would--?\nDM: \"Nice woman. Young, good outfit, well dressed, heh.\"\nPlayer: Excellent. She didn't happen to say where she was going, did she? By any chance?\nDM: \"No, no. Weeks, not months. Time-- strange.\"\nPlayer: Weeks? Very good to know. Thank you, that's so helpful. Did you talk about anything else with this nice young woman, at all?\nDM: \"No! She paid well!\"\nPlayer: I'm sure she did.\nDM: \"Kept her distance.\"\nPlayer: I'm sure she did as well. That's-- I'm curious, how have your own experiments been going? Going well? You should get that looked at some point. Three more, three more.\nDM: \"Three.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He says he wants to fix something in the world. The voice tells him to step in and have faith.\nDM: Your legs, your whole body eventually finds itself stepping into this thick, freezing liquid. You hear the whisper in your ears just as your head reaches the level of the blood, that says, \"Come. Come to me with your questions.\" Just as your head goes beneath the surface.\nPlayer: (sighs) We're doing this.\nDM: You're underneath and in darkness, feeling around the thick material, kind of just swishing your fingers around, but amongst the liquid, you still hear the whisper again in your ear: \"Come. Bring your questions.\"\nPlayer: And I swim down until it's uncomfortable.\nDM: You swim downward and you touch the bottom of the pool. You reach a somewhat concave, smooth floor to the pool.\nPlayer: I'm going to head to the surface. I don't know what's...\nDM: You head to the surface. There's no surface. It just keeps going.\nPlayer: (sighs) I do not do well with this.\nDM: You do not. You begin to panic.\nPlayer: Yes, I do.\nDM: You begin to reach around and try to swim up and find the surface, but it just keeps going. The liquid's thick and it's hard to pull through, and you can't open your eyes, and you can't see anything, and the iron-like flavor is starting to find its way to the inside of your mouth as it's seeping through your nose and your ears. You begin to panic even further as the cold is starting to take and you feel your muscles beginning to shake and seize from the onset of hypothermia. You begin to head to the bottom of the pool again, and this time, you crack your head on the bottom in the middle of your stupor, and you reach up and scream in pain. As you do, the blood fills your lungs and you begin to feel yourself drown. You begin to shake and convulse as you begin to try to find a way to force it out of your body and you can't. And at that moment, where all of a sudden you realize that this is it. This is the end. This is how the tale of Percival comes to an end. The sensation goes warm again. And it's like all that cold energy goes away, and you're now swimming in water, then air, and the pain subsides, and you're breathing normally. But you still stand in darkness, and you hear these distant footsteps. (clicking footsteps) Sourceless. No light, just shadow. And you look around over your shoulder and then right behind you, you see immediately a white porcelain face, the head is just standing there amongst the shadow.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With now only seven necklaces remaining, Scanlan hints that he won\u2019t be going, as he doesn\u2019t feel invited. Vax, Pike, and Grog quickly dispel that notion and welcome him back into the group.\nDM: Easily enough. You go by and you start kicking through the tunnel as you go. You can sense near proximity where any of the various weak points are in the stone. Systematically go through it, collapse it, piece by piece, until eventually most of the tunnel is useless and unusable.\nPlayer: It's like a platformer.\nDM: How long can you maintain your wild shape?\nPlayer: Half of my level, or something like that?\nDM: Oh, you're fine, then.\nPlayer: Or it's a third of my level? Still several hours.\nDM: You emerge a little over an hour or so of doing this. You emerge from the top. You watch as Keyleth (rock impacts), looking like a large version of Fantastic Four's Thing.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and Jester jump overboard as the crewman leaps from the crow's nest to the deck, breaking a leg and screaming, creating an uproar on deck. Nott and Jester make it safely to shore and stroll away to the tavern, joined shortly by Caleb and you.\nDM: You're lead back to the top of the docks. The figure has their hand on your shoulder and calls over somebody else. He goes, \"Hey, Waynon! Looks like we got someone who's stowed away here to Darktow.\"\nPlayer: I say Sup, Waynen?\nDM: He looks over to you and goes, \"What's your business?\"\nPlayer: I'm with Avantika's crew. You can ask her if you want, but I don't think you really want to. Pretty sure she's above your pay grade, am I right?\nDM: Make an intimidation check.\nPlayer: Great fucking intimidation. Nine.\nDM: Nine? He doesn't appear to be shaken by it, but at least he finds a bit of truth to what you're saying. He's like, \"Let her go.\"\nPlayer: That's right.\nDM: \"Don't go wandering these docks at night by yourself for no fucking reason.\"\nPlayer: Oh, I'm sorry. Are you afraid I'm going to stub a toe in the middle of the night?\nDM: He just turns around and walks away.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester and Fjord, also on deck, only see what appears to be ball lightning, but they see you being hurt by it, and Jester casts Cure Wounds on her, causing the creature to double in size. you and the being continue to battle, with you being seriously injured.\nDM: 25 points of damage to it. As it arcs past, one of the wings gets shaved off and falls and sputters and turns to particle sparks before vanishing into the storm. The wing begins to flicker to regrow itself. You have your second attack.\nPlayer: Oh, that's right. Okay. Still reckless.\nDM: Well, reckless is preventing the disadvantage.\nPlayer: Oh, shit, okay. That doesn't hit.\nDM: What'd you roll?\nPlayer: A three plus-- nine.\nDM: No. This one, unfortunately, goes wide with the second strike as your arm's looped through the mast, trying to hold on. This time, the other wing manages to flicker in and it just ducks out of the way. Jester, staying out or coming in?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Although not knowing anything about the new owner of The Leaky Tap, Lauren Schvine, Beauregard has a negative opinion of her and doesn't want to get to like her, apparently due to wanting to someday own the tavern herself. They head out into the streets of Zadash, in full RenFaire revelry.\nDM: While this was transpiring, you guys go to catch up while Caleb and Nott have approached the young half-elven woman who is shouting, \"King's Vault!\" As you approach, you see she has her hair tied back, and she's barking with this utmost confidence. \"King's Vault! Come play! Anyone, come to the front! Show us your majesty of attention!\"\nPlayer: Yeah, what sort of game is it that you are running?\nDM: \"Well, you place either a silver or a gold piece up and I will--\" and she pulls up three silver cups. \"I will place it underneath one of these. Mix it around. Pay attention. Guess the right one. Get your coin back plus one. Get it wrong, coin stays with me. Simple game.\"\nPlayer: Well, I just so happen to have three silver on me. It takes one silver to play?\nDM: \"Yes. At least.\"\nPlayer: At least. Well, I am feeling lucky today and always. Here it is.\nDM: \"Onto the table.\" She takes the center cup (click). Cup's over it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Lord and Lady Briarwood are still whole and they teleport away. The party aggressively interrogates the burned carriage driver and Percy asks about each member of his family.\nDM: \"Please don't, please.\" The rest of you are gathered, and you step out from the edge of the window and make your way with the rest of the crowd, and they're watching this display on the front of the palace.\nPlayer: Frederick de Rolo.\nDM: \"Yes?\"\nPlayer: Where is he?\nDM: \"He's gone. He's gone, sir. I'm sorry.\"\nPlayer: Lady Johanna.\nDM: \"They're all gone. Sir, they all--\"\nPlayer: Julius de Rolo.\nDM: \"I don't know.\"\nPlayer: Vesper de Rolo.\nDM: \"I don't--\"\nPlayer: Whitney de Rolo. Ludwig de Rolo. Oliver de Rolo.\nDM: \"Your family is gone, sir. They were taken. They were killed. I'm sorry.\"\nPlayer: You will tell us everything you've seen.\nDM: \"They'll find me, sir. They'll kill me.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The bowl is magical. It is used as a communion device.\nDM: The bowl is magical. It is used as a communion device. When granted with enough blood and given the proper ritual, it's used to acquire auguries, various bits of divination, and communication across the Divine Gate with whatever this Scaled Tyrant may be.\nPlayer: But it needs a lot of blood?\nDM: It needs enough to fill the bowl.\nPlayer: I can tell from my Identify spell that its purpose is to speak with this thing on the other side, this deity?\nDM: Some sort of communion, that's all you can make out from it.\nPlayer: What about the vials?\nDM: The vials are not magically enchanted.\nPlayer: That sucks. Nothing to be told, okay. I don't want this.\nDM: Hold on, Identify should--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back Blaze commercial\n International Tabletop Day 2018 reel\n Key Question Deadpool clip\nDM: They are goblins, as now you've gotten a moment to look. You see them in their greenish skin. They're wearing bits of cobbled-together leather and hide and pelts of whatever they've scavenged around. They have bits of red and purple paint smeared on their face in some war paint style. They're all like (goblin sounds). You, speaking Goblin, know that they're essentially shouting commands. \"Don't engage! Pull back and fire!\" They're all keeping their distance, at this point, this close up to fire, they're starting to back away and rotate, firing volleys of arrows again towards everybody in the center. That's going to be two against Caleb, one against Nott, two against Yasha, two against Jester, and two against Fjord. Actually, it should be only one against Fjord, because there's only eight goblins. Yeah, so two against Caleb. That's cocked. That's going to be a 12?\nPlayer: 12 does not hit.\nDM: And a six.\nPlayer: Does not hit!\nDM: Okay, both miss. Both deflecting off of the Mage Armor you put up before.\nPlayer: (vomiting)\nDM: That's going to be one against Nott. It's going to be an eight.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the mummified body, they loot an adamantine hammer and a gray leather belt studded with opals. Grog takes the hammer, and Percy puts on the belt.\nDM: So the first arrow shatters in place, then pull out the second one and go to fire, and as you strike, the arrow seems like it should hit it, but instead it hits one of the rags over its shoulder that makes it look like its mass is larger than it is, and it passes through harmlessly, causing the rag to flutter off, revealing its shoulder. You can see the bits of greenish muscle and sinew showing up beneath one of the gashes of its rotted shoulder. You're going to move or Trinket can move?\nPlayer: Can I climb up those rocks behind me and stand on the top of them?\nDM: Sure. On top of the rocks there, getting ready to fire.\nPlayer: And then Trinket is going to run over and stand next to Pike. He's going to try to protect us.\nDM: There you go. All righty.\nPlayer: Can he move far enough to be on the other side of her?\nDM: Nope. What's his movement? Is it 30 or 40?\nPlayer: 40.\nDM: 40? He could, actually.\nPlayer: Yeah, he goes to the other side.\nDM: He can move over there. Perfect. All right. Ending your turn. Pike's up next.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Further along the way, they meet refugees from Nogvurot. After the fourth day of travel, they camp and notice an overturned cart just off the road.\nDM: I'd say if you're looking at where the cart is, there's two on the sides here that were in the grass, and there's three that are directly behind the cart.\nPlayer: Roughly how far apart are those two?\nDM: They're about 60 feet apart.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to hold Slow for one side of the group if I decide they're a threat, if they sound like a threat.\nDM: Well, you have to release it next round or the spell's lost.\nPlayer: Yeah, that's fine.\nDM: Okay. You prepare, you're readying Slow.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Following The Gentleman's instructions, they find the Keystone Pub in the Puddles, the oldest section of town, which is covered by one to three inches of water and slowly sinking into the surrounding swamp. They climb eight feet up a rope to enter the bar, and rent rooms there in the haunted lower level.\nDM: \"The Midway. There's only really one stable. It's a bit large, there. It's in the Midway Docks, so keep an eye out, ask around, you'll find it.\"\nPlayer: Bonswallow.\nDM: \"Yeah?\"\nPlayer: We heard about a kooky regular. We just have to meet him. Febron?\nDM: \"You looking for old Febron?\"\nPlayer: Febron Keyes, yeah.\nDM: \"I ain't going to ask. He's over there. Left of the stage where it looks like he's passed out, probably in his own piss, most likely.\" He points in the direction, you can see where they're banging with hammers at the stage, there's one guy who's like (snoring). Just completely out. Probably drooling down the side of the face.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He practices with the group, to no avail. The barkeep comes back and Tary asks what she does during the day when the bar isn't open.\nDM: \"Honey, are you having a hard time asking questions? I get the sense that you're new to this whole thing.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. Yes, I am. I don't know what I'm doing, and I'm floundering a bit.\nDM: \"It was not hard to read from you. Let me tell you, the first thing that helps a lot? Ask what their name is.\"\nPlayer: What's your name?\nDM: \"Shauna. Shauna Rual. What's your name?\"\nPlayer: Taryon Darringon.\nDM: \"First thing you told me. Didn't even ask first.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you and Nott are both thrilled about this shop for differing reasons. you looks for books while Nott looks for baubles to steal.\nDM: (sniffs) He holds of the Fiends of Folklore book, \"Three gold pieces. This one, (sniffs)-- ten gold pieces.\"\nPlayer: Which one is which?\nDM: The Fiends of Folklore is the three, the other tome.\nPlayer: The arcane, weird one.\nDM: You're not quite sure what's in it.\nPlayer: Okay. Would you have any interest in a magic cat?\nDM: \"I'm sorry?\"\nPlayer: Frumpkin disappears from on Nott's shoulder. Reappears next to the little man.\nDM: (yelps) He like throws the books and grabs nearby this large sack and starts-- angrily beating the cat.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He tells them that the barrier is now up and they notice the shimmering barrier in the sky. Allura, Drake and Kima have all left to gain information on Raishan.\nDM: \"None of us have seen the dragon. None of us know its whereabouts, and attempts to scry have been balked. I do not know.\"\nPlayer: Okay, thank you.\nDM: \"It's all right. I believe there is information on the whereabouts of the white.\"\nPlayer: Do we know where?\nDM: \"I do not know. That is more for what they hold at the castle.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"Yell loudly if you need me.\"\nPlayer: Thank you.\nDM: \"It warms my heart to see you all safe.\"\nPlayer: Same.\nDM: He gives a little salute and a smile, and continues with the other guards back towards the center of the city. As you guys ascend the steps to Castle Whitestone, you enter the large gates that slowly creak open as you come to the familiar interior. You can hear the voices echoing in the distance from the nearby-- what was once the guest dining area of the castle has now been converted into a war room. As you approach the outside of the doors, they're partially ajar; on the inside you can see your sister, Cassandra, sitting at a table. Gilmore is leaned back, arms crossed, tugging on the end of his chin goatee, and you see Seeker Asum currently facing towards Cassandra. They're in mid-conversation right now. As soon as you enter the room: \"It is good to know that you all survive, as they've told me.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you immediately is hit by a crossbow bolt fired from under the table, and Caduceus comes face to face with Ruzza hiding in a corner. Roll initiative!\nDM: He instinctually slaps his hand up and it knocks your arm and it causes the shot to go firing off into the distance.\nPlayer: I will reload and fire again!\nDM: All right, go for it.\nPlayer: That's 20.\nDM: That'll hit, that'll hit.\nPlayer: Aw, that's cocked. Okay, ten points of damage.\nDM: Ten points of damage. This one sinks deep into the left pectoral muscle of Protto, piercing through the armor and then gets stuck. You hear this expiring bit of air from the throat and he seems like he's now having a hard time breathing. He's hurt, he's not at death's door but he's looking pretty hurt. All righty, Nott--\nPlayer: I'll duck down.\nDM: That ends your turn. Beau, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester tries cover it up with dolphin noise, but it sounds like dying dolphins and makes the situation worse. One of the figures on the ship grab the scruff of Marius's shirt, while the other starts to investigate the noise.\nDM: All right! That's a 17; 15 plus two on a constitution save. So Stunning Strike, no effect, unfortunately.\nPlayer: Cool, supes cool.\nDM: You still have your bonus action.\nPlayer: Yes, I do. I'm going to-- I can always disengage and run; I'm fast as fuck-- spend another ki point to do Patient Defense and hold my ground.\nDM: Okay. You got it.\nPlayer: Everyone else, please run.\nDM: Nott?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott says that they've been very clear that they're in this for what they can grab for themselves. She corrects Fjord's assumption that she relies on Caleb for protection, saying it's the other way around.\nDM: Yeah, you've heard them impact. It's just darkness, but you hear yelling and shouting and then talking back and forth and then Beau taking damage and this strange shifting of energy in the distance. What are you doing?\nPlayer: Oh, for gods' sakes. I am going to run straight through the--\nDM: 30. You get to the edge of it. You can barely peek out. You can continue to move, but it'll be your action to continue to move.\nPlayer: No, I'm going to stay at the edge of this and I'm going to use Vicious Mockery.\nDM: Okay, good to know.\nPlayer: (demonic voice) Stop where you are!\nDM: That is wisdom, right?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: That's an 18.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They agree and make their way into the fray. Dodging through and around burning buildings, the party takes down a few of the gnolls, including a couple of undead ones.\nDM: Yeah, so you maintain control over the Hideous Laughter. Okay. You rush into the cloud of ash after them, and you begin to see some of the shapes ahead of you of the gnolls there, pushing the cart. You're still behind them by about 30 or so feet, and right as you rush forward, darting in, the heat from the embers entering your lungs burn, and you put your mask over to block and help filter a bit, with the cloth and bandages, and right as you rush forward, you see the back of the heavy armored leader, that's bringing up the rear of where the cart is, and he turns and sees you.\nPlayer: Oh god.\nDM: As soon as you finish your movement, it spins and looks in your vicinity, to see that you're alone.\nPlayer: Oh god.\nDM: Takes his glaive.\nPlayer: Oh god!\nDM: And closes the distance with a giant downward swing.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, For you's initiation, she will have to embark alone on a hunt, guided by the Dawnfather. Cassandra suggests that Keeper Yennen might know more about the specifics.\nDM: The amphitheatre set up, which Keeper Yennen usually keeps for all his various sermons. It's early enough where nobody has gathered. It is not any of the chosen weekly holy days of Pelor, so as you arrive, he looks like he's in the process of going through and sweeping and doing his morning ritual of upkeep. And you walk up and you can see his beard has grown a bit longer now and his grey has spread a bit since last time you had a true conversation. It's been a very tense situation. You can see occasionally the accelerated age that recent events has imparted upon individuals of the city. But as he sweeps and notices you arrive, \"Oh, yes!\"\nPlayer: Hi.\nDM: \"Uh.\"\nPlayer: Vex'ahlia.\nDM: \"Vex'ahlia, thank you.\"\nPlayer: Lady Vex'ahlia, Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt, apparently, which I'm here to talk to you about.\nDM: \"Oh! Excuse me.\" And he wanders off and he puts the broom back in this little closet and clutter falls out. \"Oh, god-- Just a--\". Puts things back up. Closes the closet. Hobbles back in your direction. \"You are-- You are the Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tests the roots of the cursed tree for any illusory magic, but it is solid and real. you attempts to level up the Titanstone Knuckles by destroying the kitchen, much to Scanlan's consternation.\nDM: No, not so much. Sondur takes Fenthras and actually lets go of it to his side, and these vines grab it and hold it in place just wherever he lets it go. As he pulls back, his fingers curl up into these giant, extremely hard petrified root-like clusters, and he just starts starts whaling on you as you're holding onto that vine. Three strikes against you. The first one is gonna be a 25.\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: Second one is a 23.\nPlayer: Also hits.\nDM: Third one is a 15.\nPlayer: Misses.\nDM: It hits you, but just not enough to do any damage. So, looking at this, that brings it to, oh no, that's two. 14 points of bludgeoning damage on the first one, halved. And the second one--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She meets him and he lets her know that the Ruby will find her if she just keeps doing deeds, causing trouble, and being herself. She shows him the pamphlets she made for him and the Traveller thinks it's adorable.\nDM: \"He's not an interior guard. Based on his markings, it looks like he's supposed to be at the perimeter.\"\nPlayer: The guy that was all in his tattered coat and stuff?\nDM: \"Oh! I misunderstood.\"\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: \"He's not coming in.\"\nPlayer: But I hired him to guard me, though.\nDM: \"I'm sorry, we have to maintain a certain kind of presentation here.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There are two vines, one around Nott and one trying to wrap up you. They prove to be difficult opponents, dealing significant amounts of physical and poison damage, and grappling and restraining their targets.\nDM: 26 points of damage. As Yasha just carves through, the second strike cutting straight up the side, almost freeing you, it's shredded and still holding on by a thread of its life as it's trying to pull you back to wherever it crawled its way out of, but still standing. That finishes Yasha's go. Jester.\nPlayer: I'm going to cast --\nDM: It's barely holding on.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to Sacred Flame it.\nDM: All right. It fails with a four on its wisdom save there. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: This is radiant damage again! That's five?\nDM: Five points of damage; how do you want to do this, Jester? (cheering)\nPlayer: I say \"Put him down!\" Just like Yasha, I echo Yasha. Then I radiant damage the vine and then I stomp it with my giant feet, and then I also lift Fjord up onto my other shoulder.\nDM: Okay, the giant Jester stomping out the vine on the ground, it's now like-- (splattering) Parts of it are being crushed and turned to pulp.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog moves around, but doesn't start reverting out of mist form. Vax and the first worm are hit by a frost breath.\nDM: All of you who are mist form now revert, and you fall about five to ten feet and catch yourself on the ground, no harm no foul.\nPlayer: As I revert back can I slide down that wall to create some--\nDM: Did you want to move first over here to do it?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: So you shift over, you drop the spell.\nPlayer: Uh-huh, I drop the spell, and as I drop the spell I want to grab some wall and bring it down to make a big vibration, right in between these two motherfuckers.\nDM: Okay. Make a strength check.\nPlayer: Oh, jeez Louise. Oh, that's not too bad. It's not a saving throw.\nDM: Correct. Just a strength check; add your strength modifier.\nPlayer: 18?\nDM: 18. All right. So, as you slide down, you grab onto some of the loose rock and (rockslide) they come tumbling down as you slide down. So you land here, at the base of the two worms, and rocks tumble around you at the base of the cave-in. And you get the sensation that you may have made a decent bit of racket right around your feet.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He talks to a captain and trades a bottle of alcohol for passage around the lake. He tells the captain that he is from Port Damali.\nDM: \"I don't know. Probably died many years ago and no one goes around, seeing as it's cursed land. You'll see for yourself soon enough.\"\nPlayer: Did she have a wart on her nose?\nDM: \"Probably.\"\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: \"We don't really deal with witch folk.\"\nPlayer: Did she wear a hat? Like a pointy one?\nDM: \"I'd only expect as such.\"\nPlayer: Right?\nDM: (chuckles) Takes another swig as you guys begin to make your way towards the center of the Ustaloch--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Seeing through Percy's disguise, he suggests that the real Vax join him after the feast begins. Assum then goes into more detail on the reasons for his distrust of the Briarwoods and notes that Lady Briarwood is an accomplished wizard.\nDM: Okay. You gather across the ceiling as you go. You watch them head up the stairway to the second floor. They head to the right, down a long hallway, a series of doors. They come up to a door, where there are two guards standing outside. The same guards that led them inside the building, and were riding on horseback.\nPlayer: Could I Hunter's Mark him before they go in their bedroom?\nDM: Hunter's Mark is technically a minor spell. You could try it.\nPlayer: I mean they're walking away, when their back is turned, could I do it when they're not paying attention?\nDM: I'd say, make a stealth check. Trying to do this subtly at the table.\nPlayer: 20! (cheers)\nDM: You Hunter's Mark which one?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, To be honest with you, I thought we were going on a pleasure cruise. But you know, I\u2019ve met some people, and we\u2019ve had a great time, and yeah.\nDM: She goes-- nein-- \"Oh my goodness, that sounds terrible. Well, obviously we cannot have you touching it, then.\"\nPlayer: If you don't mind my asking--\nDM: \"Please, cut through the bullshit for me, please, Captain Fjord.\"\nPlayer: Tusktooth.\nDM: \"Will you tell me if I call you Tusktooth?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"Then, Captain Tusktooth, please tell me.\" [cheering]\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three of the bolts hit Percy in the chest and a fourth glances off his shoulder. Four more bolts hit Grog.\nDM: Okay, that brings us to the guards' turn. They all reload their crossbows. These four are now going to make shots at you, Percy. These three are going to take shots-- all five of these guys are going to take shots at Grog now. They're trying to take you down so they can move onto the next target. So four shots on you, Percy. That is 20?\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: 18?\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: 20?\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: And 11.\nPlayer: That does not hit.\nDM: Okay, so you take from three heavy crossbow bolts at you. Seven, 19, 32 points of piercing damage. All three bolts stick into your chest. They're big, long, thick, heavy crossbow bolts. One of them gleans off your shoulder and catches the edge of the wall, but the other two have actually sunk into your torso and are sticking out of you. The other five against you, Grog.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The woman tells him he'll be home soon enough, and then the spell ends. The twins go to search Hilda's house.\nDM: Okay, yeah. It's a simple lock. As you walk inside, you see the candle that was lit the other night has melted entirely and the wax is dripping off the side of the small bench where it was laid on.\nPlayer: One more in here. Is there any bullshit hiding around in here? 29.\nDM: 29. There's no bullshit, necessarily, but there is that pile of linens in the corner. You see it shifting slightly, and as you pull off the side you see there, bound, Hilda. She's like, (muffled noises).\nPlayer: All right, Whisper out, and I cut her free.\nDM: \"Oh!\"\nPlayer: You all right?\nDM: \"I'm all right.\"\nPlayer: What happened?\nDM: (stuttering) \"Naught but a few days ago, this blue-skinned woman came, and she seemed nice enough, and she asked me questions. She didn't hurt me or nothing, she just asked a lot of questions.\"\nPlayer: And you've met us before? No?\nDM: \"No. I've seen you around town. People talk about you, saying what you've done for the people...\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, To that end, they visit a mapmaker named Tyriok to get general directions toward the Sunder Peak mountain. After a couple days of travel, the party arrive at the mountain home of the Fire Ashari.\nDM: You guys keep running. You notice as you're bolting forward, the two entities that are looming reach over and--\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to stop, if I see one pick up a ball, I'm going to stop and take an action, if that's okay.\nDM: Sure, go for it.\nPlayer: I'm going to swing around, I'm going to pull Bad News out as I swing around, back myself down, and I'm taking an aimed shot at its arm.\nDM: Okay, go for it. You're spending a grit point?\nPlayer: Spending a grit point. It's been so long. There we are. Yeah! Oh, the curse is broken, that's 29, 31.\nDM: 31. Definitively hits.\nPlayer: 31.\nDM: What does the arm shot do? It's no damage, right?\nPlayer: The arm shot is-- okay, sorry. It's been a while. I've never done this one before. No damage, but it drops one item of my choice.\nDM: So as it's lifting the boulder, you fire, and it hits the elbow out from under it.\nPlayer: And I use the strength of the shot to pick myself up and keep on running.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and make an acrobatics check. So as one of them is lifting a giant boulder--\nPlayer: 23.\nDM: 23? You're fine. Percy swings around, fires Bad News. That echoes through the entire ravine, (echoing gunshot) acting as a sound focus. You hear it echoing outward from the blast that sends Percy back, but Percy turns around, throws his arm down on the ground, and using the momentum from the blast picks himself up, leaps onto his feet, and continues running in time with the rest of you, a trail of smoke billowing behind him from the barrel of Bad News, which you can see is now glowing with a bit of red warmth, the metal itself heated from the sheer force of the blast. At this time, you look up and see one of the entities with the two heads is lifting a boulder over its head. One of its elbows (gunshot) out from under it (collapsing sound) as it collapses onto its head, and that one also falls out of view as the other one looks back and sets the boulder down. Starts shaking its fists at the air (angry grunting).\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: Okay. A few of them stand up, hands on the side of their hilt, and stop there for a second before one individual steps out of the shadows and puts his hand up, putting it down. You recognize this to be Garthok.\nPlayer: Garthok!\nDM: He says, \"Don't worry, they're with me. I'm glad you made it. It had been a while. I was afraid maybe you wouldn't come.\"\nPlayer: We got held up by some wyverns. I almost died, it was crazy. We're here now.\nDM: \"It sounds like it. I'm sorry to hear it.\"\nPlayer: Hey. It's all right.\nDM: \"I'm glad you stayed alive.\" And as he starts to talk, the group of individuals standing about ten feet behind him separate as another figure pushes past them. Pulling the hood back, you can see a man about six feet in height, average human height, long, blond hair that trails past the middle of his back over a dark grey cloak. Fine features at one time; he looks older, you can see the weathering in his face and the various wrinkles and lines from years and years of living in this atmosphere.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester tries to help but is knocked out with some sort of sleeping gas. The rest of the Nein come to help with Jamedi and Avantika.\nDM: 15 points of damage to it, struck. The blow hits and sinks in. The creature's looking hurt, but it's still standing, though it is stunned.\nPlayer: Damn. All right, I'll reload and shoot again, this thing is--\nDM: With advantage because it's still stunned.\nPlayer: Great. 26.\nDM: 26 will do, yeah.\nPlayer: And then this is not a sneaky attacky, right?\nDM: Correct. You only get once per round.\nPlayer: Much better. 11, and I'll use Fury of the Small to make it 16.\nDM: All righty, it's looking really hurt. It's real hurt.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tary and the party are welcomed into the Darrington estate, where they meet Tary's father.\nDM: His eyes dart to you with a fiery hatred, like how dare you speak up right now. \"When your grandfather passed, when you were still but a baby, our lands were nearly taken from us by a rival barony from within the Dwendalian court. Lord Jaipher found loopholes to revoking our ownership and titles set by Oberon and in my panic and necessity, I found an ally in the Myriad.\"\nPlayer: In the Myriad?\nDM: \"Through a whispered hint, I met a man named Korshad, who ensured our surviving ownership in trade for a partnership with him. I signed, not wanting to toss, at the time, my only child onto the street. But as the decades passed, I did not realize in my haste, the depths of the deal that I had made. And with many harvests failing in recent years, the agreement now devours our livelihood from within. They now demand our accrued debt paid in full or they take full ownership of everything.\"\nPlayer: I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this. You're saying everything I've lived has all been built on this deal with this shady group? You're a criminal? You're just a criminal.\nDM: \"No. No, it is built on what we built as a family.\"\nPlayer: We didn't build anything as a family!\nDM: \"We did, and nearly had it taken away. I did this to maintain it. And I let you live as you all deserved to live.\"\nPlayer: But Papa, you never told me any of this. You were cold to us, and you told us a bare minimum of what you did and how you ran things.\nDM: \"I hoped to find a way to fix this before I needed to, yet here I am, prostrate before my own child. Broken.\" And he starts, like, tears just pour down his cheeks. \"I was just trying to make it right.\"\nPlayer: I didn't know any of this. How would I? And now I have to fix it for you by marrying some girl?\nDM: \"It's a marriage of convenience.\"\nPlayer: That's still a marriage.\nDM: \"It means nothing more than political gain. Your life is still yours to live.\"\nPlayer: No, it's not! I have to be here, I have to be with her. I have to live in her castle or she in mine. (sighs) Listen, I've learned a lot from these people over the last year or so. And one thing I've learned is that you are who you are whether you have a lot of money or not. And I don't have that much anymore and I'm still okay with that. And it's not because of the things I own, it's because of the deeds that I do. You've done some bad deeds in your life, and it sounds like you've done them to preserve our family and preserve our legacy, but that's not a reason to do them.\nDM: He leans forward to you and looks to you with an honest, more honest than you've seen him, very vulnerable expression. \"Every man and woman who has money has done bad things.\"\nPlayer: Yes, I'm sure that's true. And I assume I'm somehow complicit in this.\nDM: \"You are not. I tried to keep you, your sister, and your mother as innocent as I could. My back is to a wall now.\"\nPlayer: I'll have to think about this.\nDM: \"Think on it. The choice is still yours; I would not force you into this, but it is a chance I wish you to contemplate.\"\nPlayer: What have you done to our name? Do people know of this?\nDM: \"No.\"\nPlayer: And if I marry this girl, it will just all go away?\nDM: \"If you marry this girl, we will have the influence and the wealth to pay this debt and cut ties with the Myriad entirely. We would be a free family once more.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party, after essentially forcing this individual to reveal themself, the rakshasa fled through a tunnel underneath its room into a long subterranean tunnel fraught with traps that were set to protect it. The party managed to avoid these rather deftly until the steady decline of the hallway, combined with the increasing moisture and scent of refuse, caused a slick surface and our fantastic cleric, Brother Kash, Kashaw, slipped and fell down.\nDM: All right. Next up is the otyugh, who is extremely unhappy with how that went down. (growls) You now see as it pulls from the front of its body one giant backwards-looking elephant leg that steps into the front of the material, a second one, forward. It pulls itself completely out of the pile, and you can see a third one, like a giant tripod. These thick legs carry it forward. It is going to do a bite attack and a tentacle attack on you, and a tentacle attack on Keyleth, as you're the nearest to it. So as it rears back with its mouth, this giant maw opens with all these nasty jagged broken teeth, and the smell that comes out of its mouth is horrifying, even for your experience as a dragonborn. That would be... 18 to hit.\nPlayer: Did you roll at disadvantage?\nDM: Why would I have disadvantage?\nPlayer: Cloak of Displacement?\nDM: Oh! Good call. Oh, that's even higher. 19. But thank you for the reminder; that's good to know.\nPlayer: AC is 18.\nDM: So it hits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: As you're doing that, \"Good job!\", you look back just as two arrows go flying towards you from the two other gnolls. They both have disadvantage, I believe, right? Because you took your defensive stance.\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: All right, which is good because that would've been a 20, and an 11.\nPlayer: Miss, miss.\nDM: Well, that's the first attack. I rolled a 20 and 11. You dodge out of the way. The second one is going to be a 21 and a 22. That hits.\nPlayer: See if I can catch another arrow.\nDM: You take six points of piercing damage.\nPlayer: I'm going to do my Deflect Missile.\nDM: Reaction, right.\nPlayer: I'm going to try and do like a frisbee catch in the air.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and roll your die.\nPlayer: It's a d10, right, d10? What was it, six damage?\nDM: Six piercing damage.\nPlayer: Five plus my seven, so yes.\nDM: All right, so the first arrow you dodge out of the way, and the second one you see it coming out of the way. There's a brief moment where time seems to (whirring) and you catch it right in the middle of your hand. It pulls you back a little bit and looking down you can see the arrow is there, right in the middle of your grip.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Despite his efforts, you finds no record of the names of those who were only nearly killed. you does find some names mentioned, but nothing directly correlating to the experiments you is interested in ( Matt will send Liam those notes later).\nDM: The things you discover, from what's available to you in the archive: time is a constant, the motion moving forward unyielding. Some powerful arcane influences can accelerate or slow the rate at which time passes locally, even stop it. There are some stories from the Age of Arcanum that speak of the greatest of sages experimenting with reversing the forward momentum of time, and supposedly with some success. But the process apparently was so taxing and the energies required so extensive that it nearly killed those who passed through this natural flow. That's as much as you can pick up on the specific research involving that shift of time. They're more footnotes and like a, \"We don't mess with that because those who tried have mostly been disintegrated or destroyed in the process.\"\nPlayer: Nearly killed. Does it talk about any of the people who were nearly killed but weren't?\nDM: Yes, but they existed close to 1500 years ago.\nPlayer: No record of their names?\nDM: The names that were in there are none that correlate to anything you'd recognize.\nPlayer: I would still have spent the entire three days reading about that.\nDM: I'll send you those notes later. You do pick up, because of your very high roll, there are apparently some newer arcane experiments regarding time and reality being fielded within the Soltryce Academy in Rexxentrum. A newer magical energy seems to have been discovered, or rediscovered, that can seemingly adjust such properties with ease. It's being referred to as \"Dunamis.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Across from the entrance is a set of wooden doors which he listens at. He hears nothing, but notices that the door is unlocked.\nDM: You get the bonus if you're both like flanking them, or you're like harrying them in combat. Because you're at a distance, you don't get the bonus.\nPlayer: Okay, so that is a nine. And then I'm going to follow-- the nine of damage.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: And immediately follow up with my other dagger, which also hits.\nDM: All right, go ahead and roll damage on the second dagger. Which is 1d4 plus what?\nPlayer: Six. That's a nine.\nDM: Nine, okay. So, after the guy rips his arm out of Keyleth's face, essentially, a dagger comes swinging out from behind the doorway, stabs him in the other shoulder. You see he looks down at it confused for a second, and as that dagger vanishes in a puff of dark smoke, returning to your-- the side of your hilt, he looks up just in time to see the second dagger catch him right in the middle of the forehead, and he just falls onto his back at that point, unmoving. That duergar is stripped.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Checking their stomachs, they find a lot of bones, meat, and black feathers. They surmise at least part of her family didn't survive, and decide they can't leave her there, bringing her with them to Berleben, a miserable-looking but functional village in the depths of the swamp.\nDM: There are people walking through the streets. Some of them are carrying small sacks over their shoulder from one place to another, or in the process of wandering over to make about their business for the city, and they notice you approach, and they're slightly nosey, paying attention to these strangers that came in off the Byway.\nPlayer: I'm going to cast Disguise Self on myself.\nDM: Okay. To look like?\nPlayer: A little halfling girl.\nDM: All righty. (confused chirping)\nPlayer: It's still me. I can change my body into other things, woo!\nDM: (chirping) She seems fascinated and enthralled by this.\nPlayer: Oh, here! Take my mask. Oh, but you have a beak.\nDM: (clicking) It's terrifying.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He sees another statue, Vandran, which he also destroys. He ascends out of the water into a dark stone chamber, with a carving of a serpent with multiple carved eyes on its body. Watching.\nDM: You place your face down into the water, and as opposed to the stone surface you've seen there, it is this vacuous black void. There, you see in a sudden instant, the eye opens up before you, the bright yellow light enveloping you. Suddenly, there's searing heat and you pull back out of the pool and the entire chamber is filled with blazing hot steam. It hurts at first, but then, it begins to feel nice. This burning sensation crawling across your body, going instead from pain to a surge of strength. Of control, of purpose. The voice again says, \"Reward.\" As you look up around you the stone falls away and on the distance you can see that horizon once more. Now an endless ocean. You can see the faint ripples of waves across a sourceless bit of moonlight. There you see dozens of ships coming towards you. What do you do?\nPlayer: Can I look behind myself real fast?\nDM: You turn behind you and it is just darkness. Inky, infinite.\nPlayer: A shit load of ships coming towards me. Cool. Are there any pigeons in this dream?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: 16!\nDM: No.\nPlayer: Can I reach my hand out and try and control the ships?\nDM: As you concentrate, looking towards the right of you, where it looks like four or five vessels are in a localized portion of this black, endless ocean. As you concentrate you see the water begin to boil beneath them.\nPlayer: Yeah, we're going to go ahead and grab whatever the fuck that is and pull it up.\nDM: You watch as the ocean fires up like a spire, a pillar of solid ocean water. The ships are scattered in different directions, as it slams them down once more, scattering them into thousands of pieces of splintered wood.\nPlayer: Can I take both hands and do a coup de grace, two big (crashing) over the top?\nDM: The center of the ocean parts, giving this slight vacuum. This dual-sided, abyssal crevice in the center of the ocean. On the opposite ends of where your hands rise, you watch the waves rise up and in one fell sweep, two solid crystalline walls of water slam together and then even out. As the ripples subside, all you can see are the thousands and thousands of glittering shards of what once were that armada.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They continue to attack both gators. Yasha is held in the jaws of one, and Nott by the other.\nDM: You can get up to here, I'd say, if you move at the same pace. That's your movement. You have your action and your bonus still.\nPlayer: I don't think I'm-- I'm not within 60 feet of any of them, am I? No, I guess I am to throw a thing. Can I use my bonus to move a little bit further onto the top of this tree?\nDM: If you want to spend a ki point to do your step of the wind.\nPlayer: My step of the wind? I can't get within range of them with my step of the wind though, right?\nDM: Almost.\nPlayer: Fuck. God damn it.\nDM: Although if you aren't moving towards that tree and you move there instead--\nPlayer: If I move straight?\nDM: No, that's still the same. Yeah, just out of range.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The mist that was once Count Tylieri's body cannot escape from the force of the Wind Wall. However, Trinket is also bludgeoned by the heavy gusts.\nDM: You take-- ooh, that's a ten-- 13 points of piercing damage as the bolt strikes you right in the chest, cracking your sternum a little bit. You're like, (groans) that's going to suck. You feel the scraping of the bone as it impacts. The two with the longswords against you, Grog.\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: That is 18?\nPlayer: Misses.\nDM: That is a 12.\nPlayer: Misses!\nDM: Both of the blades come at you. One of them actually hits your shoulder, but it just sticks an inch into the flesh, and you just flex and the blade pops out. The second one swings out and you duck your head out of the way and it (whoosh) goes long and you just grin through the anger. That's awesome. Then these two are going to fire crossbows at you, Grog. That is going to be a 15?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: \"That, I'm afraid, would be me. (sly chuckle) Pleasure to meet you. I'm Warden Cyrus Hume. What is your name?\"\nPlayer: Cyrus Hume. I'm Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III of Whitestone.\nDM: \"This does me no service.\"\nPlayer: It will.\nDM: \"Hmph.\"\nPlayer: I am, of course, the newly appointed ambassador from Whitestone, and I have been brought down here because apparently you are holding one of my performers. A performer who is meant to be heading towards Whitestone in the next three weeks to perform for my sister.\nDM: \"Describe your performer, sir.\"\nPlayer: Oh, small, plain, female. (dismissive sigh)\nDM: (sighs heavily) \"I know of the one you speak. The same one we're arguing-- I assume this other individual that just left is one of your performers as well.\"\nPlayer: Yes, he is. He is one of the official performers-- they're supposed to be performing at the new coronation of a brand new temple in Whitestone. Much has been arranged, much has been paid for, and I don't want to explain any of this to the royal court.\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: Casting-- no, not yet. 13.\nDM: Okay. He goes--\nPlayer: If you were to be agreeable to helping us move this along, I would remember the favor. Whitestone would remember the favor.\nDM: \"Good. Well, listen. There are fines for damages, or she sits until tried. Now.\"\nPlayer: Damages?\nDM: \"The damages to the Nervous Brook pub are estimated to be upwards of 450 gold pieces, and the fine for drunken battery and disturbing the peace amounts to 250 gold pieces. 700 total and I would gladly let you take that rabid dug-grubber off of my hands.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax dashes past Greenbeard towards Kevdak, one of the herd members outside the arena attempting to swipe at the rogue but only catching feathers from the Deathwalker's Ward, and attacks the paralyzed Thunderlord with both daggers in hand. The blades strike true, Vax sinking the weapons up to the hilt into the flesh of the goliath, and the rogue flees the arena, but not before he leaves some parting words for Kevdak.\nDM: And with that, as you reach down and touch Grog with it, you see Grog's form shimmer for a second into dark shadow, and then vanish inside--\nPlayer: And I want to fly on past and go up to the next roof.\nDM: Okay. So Grog is currently off the table as he's locked inside the gauntlet.\nPlayer: Where should I go, where should I go?\nDM: Where are you going? As you rush away, you do get--\nPlayer: I'm going to fly back into the-- I'm going to fly around the back of the big building.\nDM: Back here, you mean?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay. We'll say for the purposes of this, you are back here.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: As you fly off from doing this, all of them swing wide at you, that's five attacks of opportunity against you. That's 20.\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: That is 17.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then made their way into the city of Deastok, to the Darrington Estate, and were led up into the study of Howaardt Darrington, father of Taryon. They all discussed the reasons of why Tary was brought back, the current financial state of the family, and the intent to resolve and remedy long-standing sins of the father through ' Taryon standing up and doing his family duty', from Howaardt's perspective.\nDM: 30, okay. You gather the direction that he glanced. It was a cursory look, more to see if the individual in question was still in the room or not. But you got the direction of it, and you know exactly where he was looking-- three tables and that way there. He leaves for a bit, and the laughter is still rising and falling throughout the room. The musicians in the corner, which are two younger human boys and what appears to be a female goliath, who has the heavier drum in the center, who is like the mid-piece, the big (heavy drum noises). The two guys, one of them has a small set of lap drums, (light drum noises) the faster beats. And the guy to the left of her-- they could be brothers; you're not too sure, their features are similar but different enough, the ages seem off. The guy on the left has a series of small wooden blocks and what looks to be some sort of contraption that has three or four different small percussion instruments that are all fixed to it and so he is leaping between them all. For being just percussion, that variety is still making a cool melody. You're still able to find certain notes and certain blends where it still is a very different and unique atmosphere. They manage to bring to this crescendo the piece that you entered on, and it finishes. There is no real-- there is occasionally a couple of claps here and most everyone is busy about their own shit.\nPlayer: All right, I clap. Excuse me, players?\nDM: As they're both looking over to grab a drink to stop and the younger guy with a scruffy chin and this mop of hair that's a little wild glances over to you: \"Yeah?\"\nPlayer: That was a really unique piece you guys just did there. Thank you.\nDM: \"You're welcome.\"\nPlayer: You know, I have only ever heard music like that one time, and it wasn't here. It wasn't in this city, it was actually in Emon. What was his name? Dranzel. It was a musician named Dranzel-- this is a long shot, but you haven't come across a Dr. Dranzel in your travels? I've always wanted to hear him play again.\nDM: \"Can't say I have, sir. My apologies.\"\nPlayer: Oh, shit.\nDM: \"Sorry. You guys ever heard of Dr. Dranzel?\" And the other guy goes, \"Nope.\"\nPlayer: Orcish. Stylish hats.\nDM: The goliath woman is sitting there and she is just staring off across the room and goes, \"No.\" \"Sorry, friend.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord is quickly rendered unconscious, but uses Relentless Endurance to pop back up to one hit point. He is almost immediately hit into unconsciousness again.\nDM: No, that was his movement. That's right, so he wouldn't move. He went top of the round. Thank you for the reminder of that. But he used his action to throw that. So that's all he has. That ends their go. Yasha, you're up.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to move to the guy who's been attacking my boy, Fjord.\nDM: This one here? All right. In the water or on the side?\nPlayer: On the side.\nDM: You got it.\nPlayer: I would like to rage.\nDM: Going the full Yasha, angry.\nPlayer: Divine Fury, all the bits.\nDM: Nott and Caleb, you're up next.\nPlayer: Reckless. Okay, that hits. 19.\nDM: 19 hits.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: So the first strike with the Divine, 3d6 plus seven.\nPlayer: Ooh. 20.\nDM: 20 points of damage on the first strike as you carve across its torso, it hisses back, still standing, though.\nPlayer: Another--\nDM: That's 2d6 plus five.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Trent says he would very much like to talk to her in the future. As he and Oremid leave, Caleb leans forward and looks at the ground.\nDM: \"Jester. Hold on just a second.\" She gets up and walks out of the room. A minute passes. Two minutes pass.\nPlayer: Anything on the desk of value?\nDM: On the desk of this woman who has left? There looks to be a small oil lantern set there that's flickering. It's well-made.\nPlayer: Nice pen or anything?\nDM: No, it looks like she took it with her.\nPlayer: I keep waiting.\nDM: About five minutes pass before she enters with a small parcel under her arm, and goes, \"I believe this is to you, Jester, correct?\" It's a small box about that big, it says \"Jester\" written in nice handwriting on it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You had discussed with them, last time, a plot - fixing their seemingly not-very-well-put-together plot into a better direction (thankfully) - to acquire a wax seal within the home of Lord Sutan, to create a letter that you feel would be incriminating. Then to infiltrate the High Richter's home, do the same, and then report them to the Lawmaster or whoever else you think would be of higher estate...\nDM: \"He's, I would say, not too terribly far from the Skyscape Park and where the Constellation Bridge tower stands. It's a three-story house, dark wood, gold leaf carving. It's a bit gaudy, hard to miss amongst some of the other ones there, although all of them are gaudy in their own right. Look for the three-story, iron-gated, dark greenwood building in that vicinity.\"\nPlayer: Great. Will do. Another thing that we realized-- in our efforts to frame and forge, which are vast, you don't happen to have any handwriting from Lord Sutan, do you?\nDM: \"Unfortunately, no, most lords are very careful with documentation transfer back and forth, they usually go through direct parcel services.\"\nPlayer: There was nothing that ousted you from your business, any sort of receipt, or--\nDM: \"Oh, no. (chuckles) Nothing that was directly from his hand, at least. They usually go through intermediaries for that purpose.\"\nPlayer: Is there anyone else in the area that we should know that he does business with, that he might communicate with regularly?\nDM: \"I mean, that would be the one that replaced us--\" And he nudges over to Horris on the side. \"That would be--\" I had that written down. Somewhere in here. Oh, shit, it's my older notes.\nPlayer: There's a pen pal. And finding out who the pen pal is--\nDM: Exactly.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pumat Sol is out of healing potions, but Caleb buys 200 gp worth of paper, you buys a pearl of power, Nott buys two incendiary crossbow bolts, and Fjord buys an enchanted shield. The party discusses the Lawmaster\u2019s offer and decides against it.\nDM: \"Providence it is. Enter, please.\" He leads you inside the hall of the king and there are the two archways between the clerk's center and the Lawbearer's small shrine within the chamber. He leads you down the right hallway past two sets of doors and there's a third door on the right that is partially ajar. As you enter it, you see a spacious if rather minimalistic chamber. It's a bare chamber beyond a bookcase, the desk, with a long bench in front of it, and a series of three small windows where the sunlight comes through-- or the light, there's not really sunlight at the moment because of the weather. Beyond that, it's white marble and fairly empty. There at the desk you see, her arms sprawled looking down over clusters of parchments, the Lawmaster Orentha Stonegrasp. Her gray hair has tumbled past her shoulders and her bangs have been pulled back like a natural circlet, keeping it out of her eyes. He pushes you into the chamber, she has a dark brown fur robe on. The cold morning air makes the room, especially the dark marble, very cold. She keeps it on for warmth. She looks up from the papers and greets you with a smile and goes, \"Thank you for coming. That was mighty fast. Have a seat, if you don't mind. Thank you, Voloshin, close the door, if you could.\" \"Of course, my dear.\" He closes the door, leaves you in there. \"I wasn't expecting such a rapid response, but I appreciate your expediency.\"\nPlayer: Well, we were right here.\nDM: \"That's fantastic. Please, have a seat. I'd like to discuss a few things with you if you don't mind. First off, congratulations yesterday. That was quite a display and a fantastic victory. Well--\"\nPlayer: Are we going to war?\nDM: \"I see you are aware of the shifts in our current imperial state of affairs. We haven't had war in generations. I'm hopeful that the conflict is swift, but I'll leave that concern to those with the right expertise. I'm tasked with keeping my people safe here, not on the front. Here. Now, wartime puts us in an unfortunate scenario. Zadash effectively governs the southern half of the empire and most of military might is now leaving us. Our Crownsguard will be stretched thin across keeping the peace and dealing with unrest and worry and protecting these walls from whatever pushes through the lines of battle and the general things that wander from beyond our boundaries. Money isn't an issue, but personnel is. There are outlying threats and criminals we no longer have the manpower for and as such, the Crown has approved an expanded mercenary budget. Now you've already proven your ability to me twice. Most recent, your skills in the Victory Pit showing you capable and loyal to the king. I know not your interest, but if you would come under contact, under my office as legionnaires of the empire, you would be responsible for protecting the lives of many innocent people. Now, under contract you would receive 15 gold a week per person as a stipend whether or not you were on contract or not. It could be at your leisure, months at a time with no work and you still get paid no matter what you do. Each assignment rewards its own bounty of course, case by case. The work I'll be presenting would largely involve the hunting of outstanding criminals, the acquisition of resources that may benefit the Empire in this time of war, and sometimes the extermination of dangerous creatures that threaten life away from the front lines. Now you'd all have credentials within the Empire and that will grant you access to supplies, pro bono. Access to empirical halls, and individuals otherwise restricted to the general populace.\"\nPlayer: Would we get healing potions?\nDM: \"When they're available, those supplies are a bit stretched thin and put toward the front lines. We could probably muster what we can. Could I hope for your help on this?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They play, with an eventual 600 gold pot, and Fjord wins. The Gentleman tells them they've been keeping an eye on their activities, and that the party (at least a pretty good physical description of Molly and you) are wanted for the murder of the High-Richter.\nDM: \"That's fine. We'll see how long Sutan stays in there, he has his ways. Depending on how strong a case you've left behind, and a little finagling on our end, if our partnership grows mutually beneficial, perhaps we could push that over the edge for him, and keep him away for quite some time. Now apparently I've also heard they're still seeking the murderers of the High-Richter. Particularly a purple-skinned tiefling who was spotted not far from the home that night, with rather ostentatious clothing. As well as a wandering dark-skinned youth, a woman with physical capability. So that doesn't bode well for you, does it?\"\nPlayer: Sucks being in the wrong place at the wrong time.\nDM: \"Well, as seeing as how we're friends now, I can say that I could probably make this investigation go away.\"\nPlayer: Is this an investigation that you caused to begin with?\nDM: \"No, this is an investigation that you caused.\"\nPlayer: Doing your bidding.\nDM: \"No.\"\nPlayer: Through one of your associates.\nDM: \"My associate was making sure that the events would transpire in our favor. But nevertheless, we were not the orchestrators of The Knights of Requital.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, K'Varn falls, but is immediately brought back to undeath by the Horn of Orcus. A ray from his eyestalk turns Kima to stone.\nDM: Kind of floating right in the middle there. Put you there for the time being. All right, that brings us to Vex.\nPlayer: Right, well, I'm gonna just do the Hail of Thorns again.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: From above. Yes, as the first attack.\nDM: You have disadvantage on this attack 'cause you have an earth elemental currently clutching--\nPlayer: Oh, right. It's a 19?\nDM: 19 just hits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party decides to leave it for now and possibly come back later. As they approach the Ounterloch which will lead them to the safe house, Febron is hit by another pollen blast and begins walking straight towards the lurking plant, but Calianna casts Levitate on him to keep him from stepping into it.\nDM: \"I don't know, I don't go into it. I recommend not getting too close, just in case. We usually stay right on the coastal side of it, you know?\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"Perfect.\"\nPlayer: (splashing)\nDM: \"No, what're you doing?! No, shit!\"\nPlayer: Then I go back out. I just wanted to see.\nDM: The whole time you're doing that, Kiri's like (chirping). Who's keeping watch on this?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of Vex and Vax, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city \u2014and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists.\nDM: As you're stalking through, looking about, you catch a scent, a new scent. One you're unfamiliar with. It smells sweet, like a freshly fallen and opened fruit. You immediately instinctively look down and sniff across the ground. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a glow as you see two small, humanoid entities with pairs of wings flutter in in front of you and stop. What languages do you know?\nPlayer: Elven, Sylvan, Primordial.\nDM: Okay. You do understand what they're saying, as they are both talking to each other in Sylvan. One says, \"I'm not familiar with this one! I don't think I've seen this creature in here before.\" The other one glances over and goes, \"You don't think she could've done it?\"\nPlayer: What was that last bit? Sorry.\nDM: \"You don't think that she could've done it? It's just a cat. Is it, though?\" They both get closer and inspect you. They're both rotating around your face and fluttering. One starts pulling on your ear a little bit, tugging on it.\nPlayer: I start purring.\nDM: \"It's okay.\" They move underneath, under your neck, and scratch just a little bit. The other one backs up and goes, \"We have to keep looking. Something did this.\"\nPlayer: I wait for a second, and then start stalking them.\nDM: You follow them?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay. The rest of you guys are taking a rest. You continue reading.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Many of the townsfolk gathered at that square were immediately killed. The party, as well as a few other straggling survivors, ran away as both the gargantuan black and green dragons began to chase them down.\nDM: I don't believe saves are ability checks, unfortunately, so that wouldn't affect that. Yeah, it is its own circumstance.\nPlayer: It's its own circumstance? In that case, I'm going to spend my point for Deadeye.\nDM: Okay. Advantage on the shot.\nPlayer: Advantage on the shot.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: And do I want to go nuts? I'm going to go nuts. I'm going to add Sharpshooter to that, might as well.\nDM: You cannot overlap the shots. No, only one shot effect on an attack at a time, sorry.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: The other clerk is probably a new hire, you haven't seen him here before. Young, early 20s, very, very thin hair, kind of waify. \"Lockpicks? This isn't--\"\nPlayer: Yeah, you know. I keep locking myself in the shitter and I'm really tired of asking people to come let me out. It's really--\nDM: \"I wish I could help. Those are outlawed, I'm sorry. That's not really--\"\nPlayer: Look, I've got these huge clumsy-fuck hands. Is there anything you could give me, maybe magical, that would just keep me from being embarrassed in front of my friends? It smells so bad and then they all come and the door opens and it's just awful!\nDM: As you're getting closer and closer to him, this, looming goliath who's feigning fear and worry in his face, the guy just retracts. \"I'm sorry! I don't-- We're closing shop!\"\nPlayer: No, do you have like a wand or a potion or like, a thing--\nDM: \"Good night!\" And he runs up the stairs to the second floor.\nPlayer: Fucking shit. Lovely goods you have here. I'll let myself out.\nDM: \"We'll come with you don't worry!\" He puts his other arm out.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: The three of you arm in arm.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pike realizes she has seen this place in a vision, as well as a cavern of blue crystal beyond it. They decide to cross it.\nDM: Okay, so. (grunts) You get up to the top. I'll put this here as a reminder. But that's where you are right now. Okay, that ends your turn. Scanlan!\nPlayer: Is there anywhere I can stay on the dance floor and get a line of sight with the creature?\nDM: I'll say you'll be able to get right up next to Tiberius, right here, and be able to get line of sight.\nPlayer: And can I throw lightning and not hit Tiberius?\nDM: No.\nPlayer: (nervous laugh) Okay, then. Then I don't do that. Instead, I will-- I've got nothing to do! Let's say I will try to-- is she-- it's a he.\nDM: It's a he.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He warns the rest of the Mighty Nein as combat continues. A crew member unfurls the sail, which is plain, attempting to escape the area.\nDM: Misses, yeah. You (bash) with your shield. Ricochets off, no issue. That's going to be the end of the Enforcers' turn. Jester, you're up.\nPlayer: Okay. Am I within 60 feet of this guy?\nDM: You look like you're-- it's close.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to step forward a little bit. There, there... sure.\nDM: Okay. (counting) Yeah, he's within 60 feet.\nPlayer: Okay I'm going to cast Hold Person at third level on both him and him.\nDM: Ooh! All right. He-- the guy with Marius-- rolls a natural 17. The guy next to Beau rolls a natural three.\nPlayer: Okay, well, he's paralyzed.\nDM: (singing) Paralyzed.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They are pulled into the center and announced as The Mighty Nein's final round. Knowing the Stubborn Stock is watching from behind the distant doorways that lead into the central arena, the members of the Mighty Nein all scattered about the sands as the sun begins to get close to dusk, shouting out their various plans and then abandoning them last minute.\nDM: Roll for attack, go for it. As Jester releases her grip, this giant, heavy-looking but gorgeous glittering lollipop apparates out of the air, streaking down towards the goblin's face. Not the goblin, the ogre's-- giant's face. It's been a week.\nPlayer: 16!\nDM: 16 hits, roll damage.\nPlayer: That slipped out of my hand. It doesn't count if it slips out of your hand. Ten points of damage! That's my bonus. For my actual thing, can I do a cantrip?\nDM: Yes, you can.\nPlayer: Yeah! I'm going to Sacred Flame him! He's got to roll dexterity over 14.\nDM: He rolled a 14, but has minus one dex.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog suggests that someone should check and make sure that it's just a statue. you goes up to inspect it.\nDM: There you go. As you step up and inspect the back of the statue, the stonework is very well done, and there is a very, very faint magical essence to this statue. It's so miniscule, and the only reason you're able to pick it up is you're so fine-tuned to seeking out that presence. It doesn't have a specific form; it doesn't have a specific school of magic applied to it. It just has a general, faint magical aura.\nPlayer: Is it carved out of the rock?\nDM: It's carved out of the white stone.\nPlayer: Got you. But it's not magically trapped?\nDM: Correct. It doesn't appear to have any sort of strong magical presence for a specific purpose.\nPlayer: And if we touch it, we're not going to be possessed or something.\nDM: You don't think so.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, It looks like really, really raw meat, purplish-red with jagged bone shards sticking out everywhere and seeping sludgy blood. you offers some to Vax, who declines but places a hand on you's shoulder.\nDM: Using the bone as the utensil, okay. As you spool it up, pop it in and chew, it's-- it's very gamey. It's warm. But the flavor, it's-- it's very iron-like.\nPlayer: Like chewing on pennies.\nDM: Kind of, yeah, and a similar texture. The bones do tear into parts of your upper lip.\nPlayer: Ah.\nDM: It hurts.\nPlayer: Ah.\nDM: I'd say, in the process of devouring this one bite, you do suffer-- You suffer two points of piercing damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Dwelma cast Dispel Magic ending the effects of Caleb's Slow spell and moved away from you. Beau was able to stop her from completely running away, but she was now out of the range of Lorenzo's spell.\nDM: Thank you for sticking with us. I know this is going late, but I want to see how this turns out. We've been gone for two weeks. Consider it a bonus episode.\nPlayer: There's no way I can make it to Lorenzo from here, is there?\nDM: It's possible.\nPlayer: Not anymore.\nDM: You can climb over the cart if you want to.\nPlayer: I'm going to get my ass kicked if I get there. I'm going to try and engage the barbarian before raging happens.\nDM: It's up to you.\nPlayer: God damn it. Fuck it, if you're in with Lorenzo, I'm going for Lorenzo.\nDM: Okay, make an acrobatics check to try and get over the cart without issue.\nPlayer: Ten.\nDM: Ten? You lose some movement, but you still have enough to get right there. That's as close as you get. Lorenzo's technically supposed to be in that space.\nPlayer: I'm going to take three attacks. I do not have advantage, obviously.\nDM: No, you do not.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party then, in trying to locate Grog's position, found their way, delving past the lava-fall of the obsidian rock duergar-Underdark, deeper in, discovering this cursed pit of undeath, bone shards, and glass. Upon traversing it they encountered one of these abominations that they've seen traces of left before\u2014this weird, partial-elven, partial-tentacle monstrosity that slashed through the party, nearly killed Trinket, but was defeated by Vox Machina .\n They managed to make their way across this bone field and discover what appears to be a camp across a number of pillars in the distance.\nDM: You pull back and the giant war hammer swings past you and you duck out of the way. Thankfully, though the duergar are relatively small, you're much smaller, and as a gnome you slip right out of the path of the actual hammer blow. Your first arrow misses, second one you said hits?\nPlayer: 25.\nDM: 25 definitively hits. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Ugh, why? Why? Oh, I'm cursed today! Eight.\nDM: Eight damage.\nPlayer: Eight damage.\nDM: All right, so, after he swings past Scanlan, who ducks out of the way, one arrow (whizzing sound effect) just cruises over his head and you hear it scattering and clattering against the rocks in the distance. He looks over in your direction as the second one just grazes his shoulder. You can see a little bit of blood begin to spill, but it doesn't even turn his head towards the wound, he's still just glaring at you angrily while you throw your dagger from behind. Him not even aware of your presence, currently.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While looking through the house, you and Keg noticed the horses outside starting to get nervous.\nDM: Spell's lost, Molly and Caleb start running out of the home to the tree line. And you're just going up on the roof?\nPlayer: Is there a roof to be got upon?\nDM: You're still on horseback, you can jump off your horse.\nPlayer: No, I jumped off my horse to feel the ground.\nDM: Right, right. So you're leaving your horse there and if-- you can try and look up on the roof. Part of it's collapsed. You don't know the state it's in, but you can try.\nPlayer: I'll get on my horse and head for the tree line with everyone else.\nDM: Okay (galloping). You start heading back to the tree line. What are you guys doing?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The dominated guard, who had been pointing his crossbow at Scanlan, quickly turns and aims at Sir Kerrion. you'ahlia ducks her head into the room and shoots at Sir Kerrion from her Longbow of the Sky Sentinel.\nDM: Correct. That was one of them. You fire it, it splits into three along the way, and you roll for each attack on each arrow.\nPlayer: Oh, that one doesn't hit. Well, probably not. 13?\nDM: No.\nPlayer: 18?\nDM: 18 unfortunately does not hit, either.\nPlayer: Jeez Louise, what a waste of a storm arrow.\nDM: And you still get a fourth attack with your second--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Adra is at the door, nervous, as Trinket is being prodded into the fighting ring in the tavern by some dwarves. you worriedly rushes down to the tavern's main room and tries to disengage Trinket.\nDM: Okay, as you guys head down, you can see now Balgus is now up and rubbing his chin. \"Oh, never fought a bear before! \"\nPlayer: No, Balgus! Fuck! Trinket, come here! Are we allowed to cuss? Trinket, come here!\nDM: You are very much allowed to cuss.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Isn't that right, guys? Fuck yeah!\nPlayer: No, no, and I run into the ring with him.\nDM: Okay, as you run into the ring a couple of the dwarves pat you on the back, you get a shove into the ring. It's now Trinket and you--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then encountered a very elderly goliath that Grog hadn't seen in quite some time named Shale, who spoke of the scouting crew that had been obliterated by the dragon. They followed Shale as she led them up the mountain, to where the dragon's current lair resides.\nDM: She shushes you. Puts her finger up and shushes you, then steps up and looks at you. The hardness in her face softens, and there is a little bit of tears gathering at the edge of her eyes when she says, \"Don't you die. You stay alive.\"\nPlayer: I don't intend to. But you know, I was just inside a--\nDM: \"You're. Not. Going. To die. You're going to go do your stupid world-saving mission like you told me, and you're going to come back, and we're going to have a lot to talk about.\"\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: \"All right. Can you do that for me?\"\nPlayer: I promise you. I promise you.\nDM: \"I'll hold you to that.\"\nPlayer: Well, you do the same, all right? Stay safe. I got you a present. It's a ring. It's a beautiful ring because you're a beautiful girl, and I'd like you to keep it.\nDM: She takes it and looks at it and goes, \"Are you sure this wasn't for someone else?\"\nPlayer: No. Never.\nDM: She puts it on.\nPlayer: And you're also strong, and you'll need this sword. And I give her my Singing Dawn Blade, which has a unique little imperfection at the bottom of it, and I say, this sword has killed a king, which makes it almost worthy enough for you. I hope that it keeps you safe until I can see you again.\nDM: \"I don't know what to say. I'll start with thank you. Well, I feel pretty well protected.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Get out of here. If you can, try to make your way to Vasselheim. There's three more dragons, and it'll be a while before I kill them all.\nDM: \"I don't know, you've done quite a bit of work in even these past few weeks. Vasselheim. I'll talk it over with the doctor. See what he's interested in. You promised.\"\nPlayer: Gnome's honor.\nDM: She reaches up and grabs your shirt and gives you a kiss on the forehead. And then pushes you away and says, \"Get out of my fucking face.\" Turns around and walks back towards Dr. Dranzel.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In each corner of the room is a six-inch hole leading to a slowly-descending tube. They find a key and some jewels on the bodies of the priestesses, and shove the limbs of the bodies into the corner holes to plug them.\nDM: Glancing at her expression, she's enthralled and there's a moment where her head turns and you see a flash of jealousy in her eyes, and then it reverts back and she goes, \"That sounds incredible.\"\nPlayer: How long has it been for you?\nDM: \"A few years, about.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, you know, beginner's luck, right?\nDM: \"Apparently.\" Her eyes are still locked on yours and she leans forward and takes her fingers and puts them through the side of your hair and goes, \"I can trust you, right?\"\nPlayer: Of course.\nDM: \"And you trust these people?\"\nPlayer: With my life.\nDM: \"Good. Good.\" She puts her fingers the rest of the way through your hair, through the back of your head, pulls you close and headbutts you a little bit and lets you go, and gets up and walks off.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ghurrix then slams his tail into Vax and follows that attack by swinging his mace in a backhand motion, but it whooshes over the rogue's head. The pit fiend flies down to the other side of the building, staying out of sight of the rest of Vox Machina.\nDM: 16? No. Now, the erinyes, which is up against you, Grog, let's see. Yep! It's going to go ahead and first reach off to the side and take its rope that it has. Throws it out in your direction. The rope suddenly sparks to life like a magical snake and begins wrapping around your body rapidly.\nPlayer: Not nice.\nDM: All right, go ahead and make either a strength or dexterity check.\nPlayer: I have advantage on both. No, strength. Natural 20.\nDM: No effect.\nPlayer: I did not do that in a gloating way, because I feel like that was very lucky.\nDM: The rope that tries to wrap around you bursts off and whips back to the side. The erinyes is now going to attempt to fly back and away from you, which is going to offer you an attack of opportunity, Grog.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog wants to destroy the orbs but Vex and Scanlan caution against it, not wanting to alert Thordak. Vex checks out the mast.\nDM: Eventually you make your way back to Scanlan's Magnificent Mansion and gather the rest of the party. Percy, Kima, Keyleth and Vax are all there, resting and eagerly awaiting your return.\nPlayer: I've got to try and fix my guns.\nDM: Okay, make some tinkering checks.\nPlayer: Is this a misfire check or a tinkering check, since I'm not in combat?\nDM: These are tinkering checks.\nPlayer: Okay, so it's proficiency bonus, dex roll. Ooh, 28!\nDM: That's your Animus?\nPlayer: Yep, that's fine.\nDM: I believe Bad News was also?\nPlayer: Yup. 26.\nDM: 26 is fine. You manage to get Bad News functioning again in the workshop below. And Retort was okay, right?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As well as that, they do some other activites, with Scanlan helping to set up a library and commissioning a painting of himself to hang in Greyskull Keep. Vax also contacts Gilmore to ask for his help with reopening trade in Whitestone.\nDM: Natural one on his part. He looks genuinely frightened and is about to back up and get the attention of the barmaid who's running this event and he sees the crowd around.\nPlayer: I mean, you're a farmer, right? You handle food.\nDM: He spits in his hand, puts it out and grabs your hand. The barmaid once again. \"And-- prove your strength!\" Roll a strength check. He has disadvantage.\nPlayer: 21.\nDM: Natural one. He's already straining and the back of his knuckles are immediately up against the wood. You can see fear in his eyes and he's gripping, but he's also trying to move his fingers to make sure he doesn't make too much contact with your hand. Go ahead and roll another strength check.\nPlayer: 11.\nDM: At which point, he sees the grin on your face and gets his will back behind him and (grunts) forces you back to the center. Make another strength check.\nPlayer: Oh, shit. Seven.\nDM: Natural 20.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan casts Eyebite to sicken the worm. Keyleth, out of turn order, instructs the team to get in view and within range of what she presents as a Fly spell.\nDM: Correct. Yep. Yep. As you release the arrow from the actual tension of the bow, as soon as it leaves your fingers it almost burns the tips as it races into this arrow of pure energy. As it divides in the middle of the air, you can see each arrow sparking off bits of electrical power on its--\nPlayer: Okay, so the first one is a 26.\nDM: Hits.\nPlayer: Should I roll damage for that one?\nDM: Roll to see how many hit.\nPlayer: The second one is a 29.\nDM: Hits.\nPlayer: The third one is a 20.\nDM: 20 hits. Yeah, all three hit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott grudgingly says she'll talk to you about it, and they give her the things they need identified. Molly throws in an extra platinum coin.\nDM: You back away from it, and it dissipates over the next 30 or so seconds. You keep watch to see if anybody else notices, and it doesn't. It rises up, and thankfully by the time it would hit the roof as a smoke beacon, it mostly has dissipated enough in the sky where it doesn't cause a column of visible darkness. The edge that you're catching of it, the little bit that's wafting through, has this very fine metallic smell to it, almost. The brief bit that catches your nostrils, you feel your sinuses open up very abruptly, and like a mouth full of wasabi, it's like (coughing). Eventually it clears out, and you walk inside.\nPlayer: So not a ball of fiery death.\nDM: No, not a ball of fiery death.\nPlayer: Okay, so it's cleared away, Schmidt's gone, I assume.\nDM: Schmidt is--\nPlayer: Well, if it wasn't damage-dealing, he's still there.\nDM: It might have been damage-dealing.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth makes sure he won't bleed to death. Vax and Keyleth intimidate the guards into letting the tiefling leave and bring the driver in their keep's holding cell.\nDM: \"We need to go ahead and notify--\" at this point you can see now, Tiberius, you've stepped up in front of the stairs as Allura comes rushing out to inspect everything and sees you.\nPlayer: (groaning, fumbling) And I go to Lockheed, and I use my telepathic bond that I have with my pet. And I convey to him, to tell her, I emote to him, with my telepathic link with him, and I (foreign words).\nDM: You can't even form language thoughts.\nPlayer: That's what I emote to him.\nDM: You can give him an emotion. That's the most you can get to him right now\nPlayer: Right, and I try to have him telepathically tell her.\nDM: Tell her what emotion?\nPlayer: Help.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: I do this.\nDM: She steps forward and says, \"Tiberius--\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you says that they've been very clear that they're in this for what they can grab for themselves. She corrects Fjord's assumption that she relies on Caleb for protection, saying it's the other way around.\nDM: From there you can see your friends. You can see Fjord. You can see the creature. You can see the shadow form out of the side. You can see Beau, with a hint of Molly poking out of the darkness.\nPlayer: All right, I'm going to shoot the shadow form.\nDM: All right, go for it. Roll for an attack.\nPlayer: (yelps) 20.\nDM: A 20 hits. Roll damage.\nPlayer: Sneak attack? MATT Sure. Technically, yeah, because these are considered one space, there. Okay. 16.\nDM: Okay, you watch as it dissipates. The impact hits it, and you see it react slightly, and then vanish into vapor.\nPlayer: It was all in my imagination! That's it. That's all I got.\nDM: All right, Jester, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The crew had been waiting a number of days, the repairs had been completed on Bisaft Isle. You guys decided to call it an evening and rest up.\nDM: Depends on what you're looking for. There is a blacksmith by the name of Keisha Budan who does most of the metalwork for the ship repairs and other general goods that require metalwork around the island.\nPlayer: Keisha?\nDM: As you approach the space she has-- you can tell from the large smokestack pouring out of the top of the forge that she keeps-- but as you approach, you can see a young woman in her late 20s or so, massive arms, her thick black hair pulled back into a tuft, and she has a leather apron on. You can see now a lot of metal reinforcements used for holding beams together in shipbuilding, and she's laying them out one by one as she finishes hammering and then quenching and then hammering and quenching. As you walk up, she rubs her brow. \"Can I help you?\"\nPlayer: Possibly not. Seems like you have your hands full right now. I was hoping to, at the very least, get a professional opinion about something.\nDM: \"I can do my best. I don't get many like your height in here, anyway.\"\nPlayer: That's what they tell me.\nDM: \"At the very least, I'm looking forward to sating my curiosity.\"\nPlayer: Well, I've recently taken to travelling, which, very new experience for someone of my disposition, and I came across something interesting and I was curious if you had an opinion on what this is and how one might fix it. I pull out a broken sword.\nDM: She takes it.\nPlayer: I was really hoping to be doing something with this at some point, and giving it as a gift to a friend who could use a pick-me-up.\nDM: \"This is very good craftsmanship. I could not do this. Unfortunately, the break is very bad. Do you have the other part of the weapon?\"\nPlayer: Sadly, I don't. It may not exist.\nDM: \"If given maybe a week with the right materials, I could maybe try to work on it, but honestly, your best bet is probably to go into the coast. We don't do much in the way of masterwork weapon craftsmanship here on Bisaft. My apologies.\"\nPlayer: Oh, that's all right. They're definitely trying hard to get us to leave a little sooner than we'd necessarily like to.\nDM: \"It has been very busy this past day or two.\"\nPlayer: Has everything been all right, by the way? This seems like a lot of commotion.\nDM: \"It's a lot of commotion, but they'll be gone soon. We get waves of people coming through.\"\nPlayer: Well, thank you so much for your time. I don't know what I could possibly do in return other than offer my gratitude.\nDM: She sits up for a second and looks you over. \"Can I have a hug?\"\nPlayer: Yeah. I go in.\nDM: She goes and takes it and cuddles you.\nPlayer: You want the spine lift?\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: \"Thank you. You're quite fuzzy, and I was curious.\"\nPlayer: Oh, thank you, it was a pleasure. I look forward to coming your way again one of these days.\nDM: \"Any time. We're here on the island. Nowhere else to go.\"\nPlayer: This is awfully nice.\nDM: \"There are worse places to live, I'll tell you that. Have a good day. What's your name?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: It catches you right in the middle of the sternum. The armor takes the brunt of it and it mostly just snaps at the impact, but it hurt. It'll bruise. That ends the remaining gnoll's turn. Next up would be Beau.\nPlayer: Oh, are there any close to me?\nDM: There's one you can close the gap with. There's only one that's currently standing in the room, the other one's been killed. It was shocked to death by Nott.\nPlayer: Okay, I'll close the gap and come at it with a big double swing from my staff.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Finally a decent roll. 19.\nDM: 19 hits, go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Six plus four. That's ten points of damage.\nDM: Ten points of damage, that's enough to do it. It had already been damaged previously by Fjord's Eldritch Blast and you watch as it snarls and pulls out its bow, pulls back, notches and releases the arrow. Moments after it's released, with a quick burst of action you saunter up to its side and hit it across the torso with the stick. You feel seven different ribs break as it doubles forward. As it looks at you for a second, you take where the staff has broken in and jam upward to where its lungs would be and it (chokes) and falls to the ground, dead.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, It hits and he feels poison begin to course through him, but he manages to resist it. The erinyes flies to the top of the tower in the center of the area.\nDM: Bigby's Hand can lift you up to about there. So you can see, with half cover, the erinyes down there, and three-quarters cover from the--\nPlayer: Oh, I can see them now? Oh, that's great! How far away are they from me?\nDM: It's hard to say. I'd say probably anywhere between 50, 60 feet? The erinyes is a little closer. She's maybe 35, 40 feet from you.\nPlayer: (softly) Fuck. All right, I will-- shit. I don't care about the fucking erinyes thing. If I take a lightning shot at the pit fiend, will I hit Vax?\nDM: You can probably aim it so it wouldn't.\nPlayer: Can I get it so close to him that he's frightened for a second?\nDM: Sure, you can do that!\nPlayer: It's such a weak attack, though. Shit. Shit! All right, sure, I'll take it. I'll do a Lightning Bolt-- No! I'm not, I'm going to hold my attack until one of them gets closer. I'm going to hold a spell. Do I have to declare it now?\nDM: You have to declare the spell.\nPlayer: Shit.\nDM: And whatever the trigger is.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Avantika had a head start on you, but he managed to catch up and reach the end of the tunnel at the same time as her. The two began to scrape grime off the floor.\nDM: As the two of you are currently scraping bits of grime and algae off the ground, there are bits of plants that are growing up like lightless kelp that seems to have made some sort of a living down here in this subterranean, water-filled chamber. As you're pushing through and scraping around, your hand scoops this large bit of grime from in front of you and you can see a stone relief at the very base of the bottom, a concave, spherical shape about the size of a fist.\nPlayer: Uh huh.\nDM: She notices it, looks at it, looks at you. What are you doing?\nPlayer: Could I try and stick my hand in my chest?\nDM: You can.\nPlayer: Does it go anywhere?\nDM: You go and jam your hand and its hitting your armor. You have a full-on leather plate right there.\nPlayer: I don't know what to do. Like the size of a fist? It's a sphere, right?\nDM: It's about that big, and you can see it is concave. It's about the size of the stone that you'd found.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tests the roots of the cursed tree for any illusory magic, but it is solid and real. Grog attempts to level up the Titanstone Knuckles by destroying the kitchen, much to Scanlan's consternation.\nDM: 20 points of damage to him. Nice. As you release the arrow, it sticks into his chest. (chuckles) \"You will--\" (explosion sound) It just bursts in his chest, these thorns go spraying into him and the nearby area, just like a pipe bomb went off in his chest, and he's just like (gasping roar of pain). All right. And do you want to move or stay where you are?\nPlayer: I'm gonna stay where I am.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: But I'm gonna hold onto that tree.\nDM: Okay, you grapple onto that tree. End of your turn, he's gonna use his last legendary action to make one attack with Fenthras back at you out of anger. That is a 25.\nPlayer: That hits me.\nDM: All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Towards the core and the back of this final defending pocket of uncorrupted forest is a stone building, windowless and overgrown. Nila determines that whatever the corruption is, it is not natural, and that there is some much older and much more powerful latent reasoning for it.\nDM: Looking through, there are a few languages that come through, most of them are elven and they are very old. Some of them appear to be 100, 200, 400-500 years old. Whatever individuals or families or bloodlines have been interred in this space have been placed here for a very long time, until recently.\nPlayer: Until recently, okay.\nDM: You do see one that appears to be maybe about ten years old. Very faint elements of wear and tear.\nPlayer: What's the name?\nDM: The name on that one would be Elvish and it would be Tyriel Casala.\nPlayer: Tyriel Castala?\nDM: Casala.\nPlayer: Casala.\nDM: She knows Elvish, but she doesn't really speak it often, so the pronunciations get a little weird.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tests the roots of the cursed tree for any illusory magic, but it is solid and real. Grog attempts to level up the Titanstone Knuckles by destroying the kitchen, much to you's consternation.\nDM: It's your call. It's a tough circumstance here, because to hit the treant from your perspective, you'd have to hit behind it, but you have no view behind it because you're on the ground.\nPlayer: Got it. Got it. All right.\nDM: I mean, if you want to try that, I'll give you a roll, and based on how good you roll it may or may not hit an ally.\nPlayer: Then I will not risk it and I will just Fireball good old Sondur, I guess.\nDM: All righty. How many more--\nPlayer: I'll use three more charges. I have seven total.\nDM: Okay. Seven total left? Or total?\nPlayer: Total. So I've used three.\nDM: Well no, you used five last time.\nPlayer: I thought the first one is just three balls? No? I don't know how this shit works.\nDM: What does it say on the actual item?\nPlayer: I don't have it anymore. I lost it months and months ago. (All laugh.)\nDM: It's a good thing it's in the DM's Guide. God damn it, Sam. Let me know these things, I can get you the item printout.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She asks the duo who they are. The footsteps stop twenty feet in front of her.\nDM: Head's down. The footsteps slow when they get about 20 feet from you. And they stop. You keep your head down. The dwarf figure brings one weird, swollen, twisted arm in front of the other, crosses it. The chained figure, you hear all the jangling, shifting, and as you get a better glance over your shoulder towards it, you can see the chains that dangle don't just dangle, they're all kind of slowly shifting and spinning around, like hundreds of small snakes that are just readjusting and moving across the body. You can see its eyes, part of its nose through as the chains pull across and hide most of its features. The skin itself a deep, deep pinkish-red, like a normal body that's been constricted so much that all the blood has rushed to the surface.\nPlayer: Off-the-cuff, do they seem familiar? Any idea on who they might be?\nDM: No. But there is a heavy breathing from the female dwarf figure that just-- they glance at each other.\nPlayer: I say, do you want to tell me? You want to tell me who you are? 'Cause I don't have a lot of time to deal with this.\nDM: The chained one says, \"You seem to walk with a white one.\"\nPlayer: Who's asking?\nDM: \"I am asking.\"\nPlayer: 'I' could be referred to many people, including myself. So I am asking--\nDM: \"Silence. You will bring us the white one, or you will be tribute yourself.\"\nPlayer: What do you want with him?\nDM: There's no response.\nPlayer: I don't think you'd want me as tribute, so you'd best bet tell me what you want with him, because maybe we could strike a deal.\nDM: \"The white one caught the attention of a creature that I wish to see pleased.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The guards attack. Caduceus casts disguise self and takes the image of a drunken, pirate-y old man and makes his way around the houses that line the dock, taking the long way around towards the boat.\nDM: He gets up to the top of the edge of the ship. And... let me roll for him to see if-- that's actually pretty good, okay. He glances about the scenario, takes in his chances and what's happening, and stands up and goes, \"Hold! Hold please! This is a big misunderstanding! Let's talk this out!\"\nPlayer: To us, or everybody?\nDM: To the guards. For the sake of this, I'm going to have one of you guys roll for him. Who wants to roll his--\nPlayer: I will roll.\nDM: Persuasion check with disadvantage.\nPlayer: Terrible. Both were threes.\nDM: No.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and Yasha kill one before she can fly away holding one of the crew. Caleb casts Fear and forces two more to flee.\nDM: Okay. There's the one on the back that's near death, it's going to attempt to fly away as well. It's going to move and dash. That's 80 feet out, and it's trying to catch up with the other two. Now there's three of them fleeing. That one, that one, and that one. All right. The two that are attacking-- there's two that are attacking the mast. One picked him one, one that's singing. I know, I'm trying to remember where it is. Okay, yeah. There we go. There's the one that tried to grab the one deckhand, it's going to swoop down and try and grab him again because he hasn't made his way fully in. Does manage to grab him. Swoops down, only gets partial, only 15 feet up with him. That's its turn. Let's see, the other two are going to go ahead-- Two are fleeing. That's fleeing. Oh, there's only one that's free. That one is going to attempt to attack one of the other sails because there's multiple sails up at that point. A smaller one. You know what? No, it's going to come after you since you're the one that's holding the sail. It's going to swoop down and attack you with claws.\nPlayer: Come at me, bitch.\nDM: That is a-- actually surprising, an 18.\nPlayer: Miss.\nDM: I think that misses you. Oh, it's at disadvantage, too, because you have your--\nPlayer: Patient Defense.\nDM: Yes. Second attack. Yeah, misses with both.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They return to the Blushing Tankard, where Ireena eplains the rules and introduces the defending champion team headed by Ol' Blemmy. The Nein outbid other teams for the right to compete, anteing 30 gold, and decide that Jester will sit out the contest, leaving their contestants as Beau, you, Fjord, Molly, and Nott.\nDM: \"Next up, we have Valkin!\" You see now, this very young-- looks like the runt of his family line of gnomes-- comes forward. Looks very thin, bright-eyed, and very stark contrast to the rest of them, as he gets closer to the table and sits down. \"Who's my competitor?\"\nPlayer: Ja hello, my name is Caleb.\nDM: Puts out a hand, \"Caleb, it's a pleasure.\"\nPlayer: It's a pleasure.\nDM: \"Best of luck. May the best gnome win.\"\nPlayer: Let's enjoy a good game. Did you just say, \"May the best gnome win?\"\nDM: \"Yes.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A black iron gate surrounds the property. The party circles around the building, looking for the best entrance, and notices a cellar door and several windows on the first floor.\nDM: There is the gate. The gate, and what looks to be a few rocks and a couple small trees that are on the actual grounds of the house surrounding it.\nPlayer: Is the cellar door hidden from view of everything or is it out in the open?\nDM: Which one?\nPlayer: The cellar door that we saw.\nDM: The cellar door is out in the open, buttressed against the back of the house. It's up against the ground on the side. It has two doors that open up and lead into the cellar below.\nPlayer: Does it look like anybody can see us?\nDM: From where you're standing? No. You're going to be hardpressed to get across without being in sight of somebody if someone were nearby.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With Caleb's dancing lights glowing ahead, The Mighty Nein row down the underground river, coming to smaller gaps every few miles in which the boat containing Yasha, Nott and Caleb pulls ahead in a friendly race. Throughout the journey, Jester fantasizes about Tusk Love, casting you as the hero, Oskar.\nDM: You watch as the moisture from the air and some of the water droplets from the river, from the splashing of the boat suddenly stick up and congeal in ice form around the outside of Fjord's body.\nPlayer: Hex is still maintained on that bastard, right?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: So I can roll 1d6. Or do I, for the-- I cast Hex on the one that was on Nott.\nDM: It only takes the 1d6 damage when you damage it.\nPlayer: Oh shit, right.\nDM: That ends Fjord's turn. Another one swoops down and is going to attempt to envelope the one that scorched its ally.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You had discussed with them, last time, a plot - fixing their seemingly not-very-well-put-together plot into a better direction (thankfully) - to acquire a wax seal within the home of Lord Sutan, to create a letter that you feel would be incriminating. Then to infiltrate the High Richter's home, do the same, and then report them to the Lawmaster or whoever else you think would be of higher estate...\nDM: Ten. Nothing easily does so. You can try and pry one of the panes out, but there\u2019s a decent chance it might break in the process if you\u2019re not careful.\nPlayer: That\u2019s fine.\nDM: You\u2019re going to try? You take one of your blades and you wedge it up underneath where the metal bar is, it\u2019s holding the pane in place to see if you can wedge it out. Go ahead and make a straight dexterity check.\nPlayer: Nope. One.\nDM: It shatters and breaks on both sides of the window. You watch as the window shatters outward--\nPlayer: I\u2019m going to jump out of it.\nDM: The pane itself is about that big, so you\u2019re going to take more of the window with you to do it.\nPlayer: Yeah, that\u2019s okay.\nDM: All right! You shoulder-roll-leap through, shattering the window out of the infirmary, rolling into the alley. You see this happen as Molly is a chaotic spill of glass shards and purple skin.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Wharfmaster has heard of Marius LePual, a dubious sort of prick, and he's probably hanging out at a waterfront dive somewhere. The other party members go to the Mother's Lighthouse, where Gladys, the Lightkeeper, is a follower of Melora and admits them because Caduceus is, too.\nDM: \"Depending. When he disappears to do most of his work beneath in the Sluice-- something. There are two submerged gates in the harbor.\"\nPlayer: The Sluice Weave, perhaps you are talking about?\nDM: \"The Sluice Weave, yes.\" Not that you'd know that, technically.\nPlayer: You said Sluice Weave. Oh, they said it? Eh, shit happens. Forget it.\nDM: It's fine, it's all good.\nPlayer: Banished from the game!\nDM: I know. You're done! Caleb is murdered. No.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog sprints directly into the mansion with Pike in his arms. you'ildan rockets towards the mansion door, stabbing Ghurrix in the face as he passes.\nDM: You could use your haste attack to hit him on the way through, and that can only be used as an attack anyway, because that's the nature of the haste bonus. You can use your action to neutralize the poison.\nPlayer: All right, question for Matt, and I'm Liam right now. If I bring her up ten hit points, right, poison doesn't bring her down anymore in 5e, it just puts her to disadvantage, correct?\nDM: This poison, you're not quite sure. You don't know the circumstance.\nPlayer: I'm going to use five points of Lay on Hands to cure the poison.\nDM: Okay, so the poison is removed from her. That is as much as you can do.\nPlayer: Well, if I can only use Lay on Hands once, I'm going to throw another dagger out the door into the pit fiend--\nDM: You cannot see him from that side of the door. The doorway is facing outward. He's on the other side of the doorway. That is the end of your turn. Pike is no longer poisoned. The bulging black veins retract from her throat. The shallow breath is still there, though fading. Percy.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They operate out of Darktow. Avantika is waiting for them to return somewhere in the Swavain Islands.\nDM: \"I don't know.\" You get the sense the more he looks at it, one, he's definitely not the navigator of the ship's crew, and probably can't read.\nPlayer: What's your name?\nDM: \"Gallan.\"\nPlayer: Gallan.\nDM: \"Gallan Wesmen.\"\nPlayer: I like your name.\nDM: \"Thank you.\"\nPlayer: Have you heard of The Traveler, Gallan?\nDM: \"I've met many travelers.\"\nPlayer: Have you heard of The Traveler?\nDM: His eyes go a little narrow. He's like, \"Oh no, not another one.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As the party launch their assault on the dragon, Zahra finally convinces the two giants to help. Though the dragon's mere presence is terrifying, the party hack steadily away at it.\nDM: So are you guys taking a short rest to heal up? Okay. If you haven't already rolled your dice-- You healed up now? Perfect. All right, so as you guys continue to trudge up this extremely cold-- let me see. I think it'll be a fun one to-- There we go. You guys continue to ascend up this pitch-black cavern here. It appears that both the giants and the dragon do not need light to make their way through this cavern structure. So you are the small beads of visual lightness in the entire structure. The floor itself is slick, and there are bits of rough rock that you can find foot purchase but there are a few moments where some of you slip and you lose about ten feet and then catch yourself and have to move upward with this slight 35-degree incline, slowly spiraling upward. You push forward for about 30 minutes or so in this long, seemingly-- for lack of a better term, there isn't a lot of changed variation to it; it's just a gradual spiral in itself.\nPlayer: I want to keep perception out to make sure that nothing is ahead of us.\nDM: Go ahead and roll a perception check.\nPlayer: Okay, but this is pertaining to dragons. He is one of my favored enemies, so I have additional bonuses to tracking him and insight against him. Favored enemies!\nDM: All right. So you're perceiving anything dragon-related and things that would be a forewarning of a dragon, okay.\nPlayer: Things he would have laid down for us. Stuff like that.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and roll again. You have an advantage.\nPlayer: You know, just to see. Okay. 18?\nDM: Okay. Glancing about, you do see there are claw marks along the walls, you can see where portions of this cavern were carved out by the claws of Rimefang. You can see that occasionally there are pieces of frozen rock that are solid ice, some that appear to be an unthawed chunk of flesh of some kind. As you push further up this cavern, you spot what looks like the lower half of a statue.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the end of their vacation, the group return to Whitestone. Keyleth visits the Sun Tree, which has leafed out and is looking much healthier these days, and has a short conversation with it.\nDM: Pike, on this day, you've been keeping tabs on this. A couple of the Pale Guard approach the bakery. One of them, without seeing you, walks in and goes, \"We're looking for Pike. Is Miss Pike in?\"\nPlayer: Yes?\nDM: \"Could you please come with us? There's somebody on the border requesting your presence.\"\nPlayer: Where?\nDM: \"On the outskirts of Whitestone.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Yes.\nDM: \"Someone who says they know you. You'd better come with us.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: The two guards step back and-- do you walk with them?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Further along the way, they meet refugees from Nogvurot. After the fourth day of travel, they camp and notice an overturned cart just off the road.\nDM: There is bone jewelry. There's a bone choker that's a series of finger bones that are lined end to end that goes around the neck, there's one that can go on the wrist, looks like there's a necklace that has a bunch of various canine teeth-- not necessarily from a canine, but sharp teeth from some sort of creature.\nPlayer: Where do these bones come from?\nDM: \"Oh, most of these were taken from various wolves, dire in nature.\"\nPlayer: Volves?\nDM: \"Wolves.\"\nPlayer: Wolves, wolves.\nDM: \"These are from the Zemni Fields, near Icehaven is where I hail. It's a very hunter-trapper community up there. I bring the goods to sell this far south.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party then, in trying to locate Grog's position, found their way, delving past the lava-fall of the obsidian rock duergar-Underdark, deeper in, discovering this cursed pit of undeath, bone shards, and glass. Upon traversing it they encountered one of these abominations that they've seen traces of left before\u2014this weird, partial-elven, partial-tentacle monstrosity that slashed through the party, nearly killed Trinket, but was defeated by Vox Machina .\n They managed to make their way across this bone field and discover what appears to be a camp across a number of pillars in the distance.\nDM: Okay, so you whip around, he's there in your face, go ahead and make-- You're using your action surge to fire two additional times, you said?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay, wow, four rounds. Go for an attack.\nPlayer: First attack with Pepperbox is 13?\nDM: 13? Unfortunately misses. Form shifts (whooshing sounds), and you can feel the psychic energy of its oppressive mental force, causing your hand to miss its aim with each pull of the trigger.\nPlayer: All right fire shot for 19.\nDM: 19 does hit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At sunset, they camp. you and Fjord take second watch, and are joined by Jester when their conversation wakes her.\nDM: Your first one impacts one guy and there\u2019s a splash of blood, silent. Once again, no sound here. The second one swings wide and the other guy captures it. He grabs your arm and pulls you in. He\u2019s going to make an athletics check against you. Make an athletics or acrobatics check to try and not be grappled.\nPlayer: 13?\nDM: That\u2019s not going to make it. He grapples and holds you in place. The other one takes and slams manacles onto your wrists and pulls it back, wrenching the blade from your grasp. Your arms are now locked behind you into these metal manacles.\nPlayer: Can I try to scream out in some way to the Stormlord?\nDM: You go ahead and scream. Make a straight wisdom check.\nPlayer: Three.\nDM: In that moment, as you try and scream out, your vocal cords strained by the sheer force of your voice, no sound comes out. Looking up in the sky, there isn\u2019t a single cloud in sight. Probably for the first time in weeks, since you\u2019ve been in this side of Wildemount, it is a clear night. No sign of clouds. No sign of storm. In that moment, as you\u2019re screaming out, the gag gets put into your mouth and tied behind your head. You glance over and you can see Jester being dragged. Now the manacles affixed to the back of her ankles and she\u2019s being pulled through the grass, Fjord a few feet behind her. Still unable to really make out the shapes of these hooded figures that are pulling them through and you are shoved to the ground.\nPlayer: Are my legs still free?\nDM: Your ankles are about to be manacled.\nPlayer: Can I kick?\nDM: Make another athletics check.\nPlayer: 25.\nDM: 25, all righty. With that, you manage to kick free and they can\u2019t quite get ahold on it and one figure steps forward, shorter than the others, stout looking, and goes, \"Oh for the--\" and his voice dissipates as he gets closer. I need you to make another wisdom saving throw.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, It depicts a curling worm with tooth-like scales over its skin. Its mouth is an open ring of teeth with three ivory eyes set where its tongue should be.\nDM: You hear Avantika's voice echo from across the way. She goes, \"These are the Chosen.\" She brings light over towards the one of Uk'otoa on the wall and goes, \"I guess that makes this one me?\" She takes her finger and takes a little blood from the corner of her mouth from the fight and draws a little smiley face on one of the three. \"And this one is you,\" and goes and draws another face on the middle one.\nPlayer: I can see the resemblance. The question is, if that's you, and that's me, who's our third friend?\nDM: \"That is a very good question.\"\nPlayer: You said you had met only one other Chosen before.\nDM: \"Only one, yes.\"\nPlayer: And what happened to them?\nDM: \"They were a very informative partner. They are the one that introduced me to the great possibility of power under Uk'otoa. We traveled this ocean for quite a number of years together, but they proved to be a coward. They took something important to our mission and vanished, and I have spent many years trying to recover what they stole. With no luck. I figured it was more worth my time to pillage enough coin to pay other people to find them for me. And so far, based on the fact that it brought you to me, a much more successful endeavor, eh?\"\nPlayer: Indeed. This person that seemed to have shown you the light, did you try to track them down? Do you know anything about them or where they might be? They would seem to be very useful in our current situation.\nDM: \"This is very true. Well, it seems I may have some information. Let's get back to the ship, eh? Let's finish our business here and let's talk over a glass of wine.\"\nPlayer: Well, we're obviously not in a huge rush. We have not explored all of this.\nDM: \"This is true.\" She begins to make her way towards the well at the center of the chamber.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you learns that the name of the female gnome flutist is Kaylie. you and Kaylie get to talking, and Kaylie quickly dismisses you's flirtations.\nDM: \"Certainly!\" He goes and calls over, he goes, \"Kaylie, Zed, help me with the tables.\" And the gnome and the rotund bearded human rush off and start grabbing a couple of the tables and they cram them in the corner, so now you basically have built this monopoly on the far corner of the tavern now, where all of you guys can sit around and cluster.\nPlayer: Kaylie, that was some fine playing. I might have a tip or two about breath control.\nDM: \"Sorry, not all of us are quite as old and seasoned as the others.\" (jeering and laughter)\nPlayer: Well, I've learned quite a thing or two in my years and, it might interest you to take a little private tutoring session sometime.\nDM: \"Scanlan Shorthalt. You know, I've heard quite a bit about you.\"\nPlayer: My legend is spread far and wide, I'm sure.\nDM: \"Indeed. And I know better than most ladies that may cross your path.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They ask Marius about what he was doing with the ship. Marius was not planning to go on the ship.\nDM: \"I wasn't headed anywhere. I was going to give back their money and send them off on their way, and you attacked, and they weren't going to let me stay behind, I guess.\"\nPlayer: Right. But now we've changed your plans, yes? You're with us?\nDM: \"Apparently!\"\nPlayer: And Avantika needs the sphere, correct?\nDM: \"Well, I don't have it!\"\nPlayer: No, but I do. Do you know where she is? I'll reach behind my back and use Minor Image again and show the sphere.\nDM: Right. \"I don't really-- I was just hired to pass on a letter and wait for some sort of an arrival of that, and then it never came, and then I asked for an extension in case it was just taking its time to get there. And then, never showed up. So I had to return the money, unfortunately. But you know, I like keeping a reputation as a reliable messenger.\"\nPlayer: Who were you going to give this to?\nDM: \"I was going to give it to-- what's his name, Captain Jawgrasp. Big fella, you cut the fuck out of and kicked him off the side of the docks.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Across from the entrance is a set of wooden doors which he listens at. He hears nothing, but notices that the door is unlocked.\nDM: Okay, so. Tiberius, as you're backing up, both the duergar turn around immediately, seeing you, and rear back with javelins, throwing them directly at you.\nPlayer: Oh! I'll cast Blur instead.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and roll initiative real fast to see who gets off first what.\nPlayer: I'm not going to count that. Oh, I'll count that. 19.\nDM: What, why didn't you count it?\nPlayer: Because it flew out of my hand, I didn't roll it.\nDM: Okay. All right.\nPlayer: Yeah. It's on camera, tell them to play back.\nDM: So you go ahead and cast Blur. You guys see as Tiberius comes running back, (startled sounds). He manages to cast a spell really fast as two javelins come flying towards him. His visible image begins to actually blur; the outline looks almost like there's two mirror images of Tiberius in the same place that are both shimmering and preventing them from actually telling where he's actually standing. The first javelin comes in at a 14.\nPlayer: Nope.\nDM: Second one comes in at a 17.\nPlayer: 17. Yes.\nDM: Oh sorry, no, it's a four, 'cause it has disadvantage. So both javelins just whish past. Looks like they pierced part of that kinda shimmering blurring form, but both just ricochet off the walls of stone and come clattering to the ground. Kinda near back where Kima and Grog are. They both step out of the way as they land.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They recover Magician's Judge. you opens the door leading to the trapdoor room with Knock, and Nott determines the trapdoor is trapped from the underside.\nDM: So hi guys. Frumpkin slowly descends the staircase, and you can see a rack that is bolted into the wall that has chains hanging from it, a few other sets of manacles, a few torture implements: long metal things that are hooked at the end, brands. There are a few spaces that are currently empty where tools probably would normally hang, and there is another door that leads to a chamber beyond, and that's where you hear the whimpering coming from.\nPlayer: What I don't like about this is that the asshole was sleeping upstairs and we don't know about that at all, but I send Frumpkin along the ceiling and through-- that looks like a barred gate.\nDM: As Frumpkin looks within, you can see another chamber. You can see another hired figure, at least the same cloaked individuals you had encountered before, same attire, who is currently sitting at the back, up against the wall, and is looking in the direction of the door expectantly.\nPlayer: I will attempt to send Frumpkin over his head along the ceiling stealthily.\nDM: Make a stealth check for Frumpkin. Frumpkin also noticed there is a cage in the corner that contains two figures in there. Looks to be two humanoid figures.\nPlayer: Humanoid, that's it?\nDM: With that perception roll and the low light, it's hard to tell. One appears to be larger, one appears to be smaller.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pulling himself together, he circles past the herd member on top of him, looks over the side to see Pike, and inspires the cleric. Greenbeard, on the edge, limps to Kevdak, tells him to protect the herd, and casts Heal on the Thunderlord, Scanlan's Counterspell not strong enough to dispel it.\nDM: You rolled a one? So, as you leap off the side, your foot hits the edge of the tile, and the blade behind you swings. Which I believe is going to hit you with a 20. Is that your AC?\nPlayer: My AC's 18.\nDM: 18, yeah. You take seven plus four, 11 points of slashing damage.\nPlayer: I'm fine with that.\nDM: The blow, however, is just enough to throw you off-kilter, and you go plummeting down into the alleyway.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Falling prone. You can use your movement to get back up, the remainder of your movement, but you can't move from there. The fall does deal an additional five points of bludgeoning damage.\nPlayer: Don't care.\nDM: All right, so you get back up-- You're now in this alleyway right here facing this line here is all you can really see from your perspective.\nPlayer: Who can I see from my perspective?\nDM: You can see Vax, you can see Kevdak, and you can see this dude here, and an archer, but has partial cover because of the--\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to, as a bonus action I'm going to do a quick heal.\nDM: Okay. Second Wind?\nPlayer: Second Wind. Just to make that go away. God, that's amazing. 18 back, so, I've got--\nDM: Second Wind, man.\nPlayer: And ow! I'm going to pull out the big gun and I'm going to take a nice heavy serious look at Kevdak. What am I going to hit him with? I'm going to take a sharpshooter shot in his face. I'm going to go for a headshot with the big gun.\nDM: A headshot? With the big gun?\nPlayer: A headshot. With the big, with sharpshooter.\nDM: Right, so you're using the trickshot on him.\nPlayer: Trickshot on sharpshooter. I'm doing a combo. 23 to hit.\nDM: That hits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, That done, they begin to plan their way forward, using Locate Creature to determine the direction that the rakshasa has gone. Finding that their way forward is blocked by a stream of acid, the party mount up on the flying carpet.\nDM: You're barely catching yourself. She's over the other way right now. You, however, are submerged in the liquid now.\nPlayer: Am I under?\nDM: You're having to tread. You are now underneath. Yep. You are completely submerged.\nPlayer: Is the carpet with me?\nDM: Carpet is with you.\nPlayer: Under the acid.\nDM: It is currently (sizzling) in the acid.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, K'Varn falls, but is immediately brought back to undeath by the Horn of Orcus. A ray from his eyestalk turns Kima to stone.\nDM: Okay. You hold on, you get down. The spikes, now that you are up close, you can see, are about five and a half feet in length.\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: At the base, about that wide. And pretty nasty, jagged, covered in whatever rust, soot, ash found its way there.\nPlayer: Tetanus, yeah.\nDM: It's nasty times. It's going to be a little careful to get in there without hurting yourself.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: Go ahead and make just a straight dexterity check.\nPlayer: That's a 25.\nDM: 25. You manage to, Mission Impossible-style, swing underneath, grab the rope. You manage to keep yourself at a lithe, side angle where you reach between two of the jagged spikes. Reach down and grab this metal pole that was shining. Pull it out and it's an intricate gold and bronze javelin.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: Well, based on the circumstances I halved the damage required for it to make the saving throw to regurgitate. However a fireball explosion based on the--\nPlayer: Three, four, five, six, seven, eight. I'm sorry. You said 8d6?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: It's actually 29 points.\nDM: All right. So--\nPlayer: Please don't kill this thing.\nDM: No. As the Fireball explodes, the oil that you created inside ignites and also detonates.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Checking their stomachs, they find a lot of bones, meat, and black feathers. They surmise at least part of her family didn't survive, and decide they can't leave her there, bringing her with them to Berleben, a miserable-looking but functional village in the depths of the swamp.\nDM: As Jester begins walking off through the chamber, he's like, \"What can I get you guys? What you asking for? What you looking for?\"\nPlayer: What's your strongest drink?\nDM: \"That would be the Labenda Throat Grog.\"\nPlayer: What is-- what?\nDM: \"Labenda Throat Grog.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. That.\nDM: \"Burns you like a fucker.\"\nPlayer: Bender Throat Grog?\nDM: \"Labenda. The swamp you're in. Same color as the swamp. Burns your throat. Tastes like grog. That's where it got its name.\"\nPlayer: What do you mean, same color as the swamp? Green and shitty?\nDM: \"Yeah!\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you, touching the handprint burned onto Vax's back, casts Daylight as a light to guide him back from the darkness. Grog steps up, slaps Vax's body hard across the face, and tells him, I told you before.\nDM: Okay. The minute the words, what say you, leave your lips, one third of the glyph (charging noise) vibrates to life. Where the golden light of Sarenrae's power that the glyph initially emanates, the light, as it brightens, becomes a purplish-blue hue. So. Who wishes to be the next offering?\nPlayer: I'll go. I go up to him, and I prop up his back and set him up against my chest and whisper into his ear and say, I know you can hear me. I know you're still in there, and I'm sure she can hear me too, but your sister is right. You've held up to your promise, to her, and you've made a promise to me. We have to settle down and live happily together, remember? You promised me. Vesrah. So I want to give you a little bit of light to follow in the darkness. And I find the scar on his back of my handprint. And I find it and I cast Daylight into his back, into the hand print and say, and besides... You know I'm in love with you, right? (quietly) That's it.\nDM: Roll a d20 and add your wisdom.\nPlayer: God damn it (sniffles) Which dice? Okay. 20 total.\nDM: 20 total.\nPlayer: Yeah. (whispering) Come on, come on, come on.\nDM: As the Daylight spell brightens, your instinct is to close your eyes, but you push against it, and you know this will temporarily burn to your retinas but you still, holding that still--\nPlayer: I don't care.\nDM: --whispering into him. You can feel, not just the tears of your emotion but the instinctual pain of the blinding light piercing the inside of your eyes, but you hold strong as you whisper to him and as the final word leaves your lips, the second portion of the glyph grows alight and then transitions to that same purple-blue color. At which point, the Daylight spell diminishes in a way that you weren't expecting. As opposed to being this bright, glowing, blasting beacon, it shrinks down to a small condensed gentle glow, and you're afraid to move your hand.\nPlayer: And I don't.\nDM: Okay. There's the last offering.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They looked above and they saw what looked like the entrance to a cavern where at least the dragon seems to fly in and out of. It's a ways up the mountain, and there's a smaller cavern towards the base of the mountain.\nDM: So as you get to your feet, you look over your shoulder, you point your finger out and as you squint down, you use your ranger focus to make sure this guy is your quarry, and you take a quick scope of his body parts. You're like, those are the areas that will make him weakest. As you go to pull your arrow, you can feel a kink in your shoulder. The impact of the rock seems to have affected you. You release the first arrow and it's just slightly off mark. The second one you pull back and as you release it, it actually splinters off his shield as he knocks it out of the air.\nPlayer: I am going to run over to cover. What is that other side?\nDM: That is one of the mountain outcroppings.\nPlayer: Yeah, I am going to hide in that little thing and go, Trinket hide with me.\nDM: Okay, Trinket moves up. (bear moan) All right, and that's your turn.\nPlayer: That's all of it.\nDM: All right, Lyra, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party makes their way back to the Lavish Chateau, and swings by the Tidepeak, and you notices that the city does not seem to be massively changed, but the normal smoke plumes are just whips of smoke. They return to the Lavish Chateau where a few people are relaxing and having dinner.\nDM: Wearing a very, very fine shirt, but is Donald Ducking it the rest of the way. Thankfully, relatively thick, thick fur down there. You'd have to pry to get a good look. But is standing there, arms crossed, and goes, \"Oh, Jester!\" He comes over and picks you up... Actually, no, he wouldn't recognize you because you're a tortle.\nPlayer: Doesn't he know that I am Jester, still?\nDM: Probably not. Not unless you say anything.\nPlayer: Bluude, it's me!\nDM: Now we go into the \"Oh, Jester!\" There we go, that's the moment.\nPlayer: My tortle eyebrows are going like this.\nDM: Right, right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party then retrieved their first artifact and then made their way towards the Pyrah tribe of the Ashari druids, the fire guardians of the gate to the Elemental Plane of Fire, which apparently Thordak, the Cinder King\u2014the great red dragon that helms the Chroma Conclave that has torn through all of the civilization of Tal'Dorei \u2014emerged from. The party went there, found a surviving faction of the Pyrah tribe including Cerkonos, their headmaster, as well as a few members of Keyleth's tribe, the Air Ashari, and her father.\nDM: All right, the four of you convert into mist form, crest up over the edge and start drifting your way over the top of Westruun, leaving Scanlan, Grog, and Reginald amongst the crops.\nPlayer: Reginald, you want some ale?\nDM: \"Do you have some?\"\nPlayer: No, I do, yeah, hold on. Get the cask out, pour him a cup.\nDM: He drinks thirstily, both because he seems genuinely thirsty, and second, it seems like he could use a long, hard drink.\nPlayer: Pace yourself, son, there's a lot that's here.\nDM: \"I've been drinking longer than you've been alive, friend.\" Just (guzzles).\nPlayer: Wow. Another?\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\nPlayer: I'll keep them coming.\nDM: And, for that, we'll take a quick break, come back here. See you guys here in a few minutes, and we'll continue this story. See you in a minute! [break]\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Trent says he would very much like to talk to her in the future. As he and Oremid leave, Caleb leans forward and looks at the ground.\nDM: \"If you're going to go illegal, you can actually go just beyond the boundaries of the Empire to Shadycreek Run. Entire haven for murderers, thieves, and all sorts of strange people.\"\nPlayer: Maybe if it's not so gnarly?\nDM: \"There is Deastok to the west, as well as Kamordah. There's quite good drink in Kamordah. There's Pride's Call if you like the jovial dwarvenfolk there. Much less dark and intense as Grimgolir, because they're right on the boundary and most of them are fighting for the war as well. Personally, Rexxentrum's got it all.\"\nPlayer: We hear that. Soltryce Academy is located there as well.\nDM: \"Yeah, that it is.\"\nPlayer: Do you know anybody that's graduated from that academy?\nDM: \"Not privately, no. Like I said, I've only been here for about a little over a half a year. To me, it's not been too bad.\"\nPlayer: Fair enough. Well, I wish you the best.\nDM: \"You as well, my friends. Drink deep. Play hard.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy pulls his gun, fires, and hits. He takes a second shot but his gun jams.\nDM: And you feel the actual metal get extremely cold, and you have you have to shake it out like, aw, damn it.\nPlayer: Since I can't move, I'm gonna-- my movement, my minor is gonna be just fixing my-- yeah, so.\nDM: Okay, so your action is just trying to fix the gun?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: All right. That brings us to--\nPlayer: Damn.\nDM: Keyleth.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Sunlight illuminates the battlefield as Keyleth maintains the spell, preparing for another round of attacks. Lady Briarwood steps forward to ..., and Vax reacts just quickly enough to slash her with his Dagger of Life-Stealing, still poisoned.\nDM: She looks over to you and mutters under her breath (foreign word). It's a phrase you've never heard before, but as soon as it happens--\nPlayer: As soon as she does that-- do I see this?\nDM: You're just around the side of this.\nPlayer: I do not see it.\nDM: You glance around the side for three-quarters cover. Roll a perception check.\nPlayer: It's a dead roll, a dead roll, it's between two. That's terrible. Four.\nDM: Yeah, you do not see this happening, unfortunately. Your mind suddenly goes blank as the Power Word that's spoken suddenly stuns you in place, unable to react.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about Fjord's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: With that, you can make an attack with that as soon as it comes out. Make a melee spell attack, please.\nPlayer: Okay, 17?\nDM: 17 does hit.\nPlayer: Ooh, seven. Seven radiant damage.\nDM: Seven radiant damage, nice. As it strikes down, wham! From the creature, already watching its bones and its form shakes--\nPlayer: Oh wait, oh wait, oh wait, I was looking at the wrong spell, hold on. Oh, 1d8 plus three! Seven plus three-- Ten!\nDM: Ten. Oh, that'll be enough. You watch as it pulls back with the Infernal shouting of Mollymauk causing it to prepare itself for a lunge. As it gets low, its jaw snapping open, you watch as bits of its skin fall onto the ground as it does so (snarl). And right before it leaps, (wham) it just smashes it into the ground and its bones go flying and scattering in every which direction.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiberius rejoins the party at this point, still bestial. Lady Briarwood extends Percy a sarcastic invitation to visit his family at their home and Vex is able to hit her with an explosive arrow, launching shrapnel from the carriage.\nDM: 11? So half that, six damage to each. She needs to make a concentration check. Advantage on that for war caster. Yeah, that's a 19. Okay. So (explosion), a portion of the outside of the carriage just blows apart. Wood shrapnel goes flying to each other side. As the smoke settles and the explosion, you can see, both Lord and Lady Briarwood are still standing there, seemingly unscathed by the event. She wraps her arms around him and whispers in his ear, \"It's all right.\" And they both (whoosh) vanish in a swirl of arcane energy. You don't recognize it because right now you don't have the intelligence to really--\nPlayer: I want to walk over to the carriage driver.\nDM: You walk over to the carriage driver, who is currently on the ground, this young man who's horribly hurt, part of his torso is burned, and he's like, (coughs, grunts). Trying to climb away. (gasping) \"Please, please spare my life, please. What do you want from me?\" (labored breathing)\nPlayer: What do you know?\nDM: \"About what?\"\nPlayer: I shoot him in the right hand.\nDM: (gunshot, screams) It's an easy enough hit, he's prone before you. Three of his fingers are blown off, and the bloody stumps. (gasps, grunts) Shaking. (panting) \"I'm sorry. I don't-- look-- \"\nPlayer: You're from Whitestone, yes?\nDM: \"I am. You don't know what it's like. I had no choice.\"\nPlayer: Well, you do now. I reload again and put it on his left hand.\nDM: \"Please don't, please.\" The rest of you are gathered, and you step out from the edge of the window and make your way with the rest of the crowd, and they're watching this display on the front of the palace.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They continue to attack both gators. Yasha is held in the jaws of one, and Nott by the other.\nDM: Don't tempt me. You guys all take a moment, tend to your exhaustion from plunging into this swamp haphazardly, some of you taking quite a beating in the process. Jester guides your attention to this now struggling small bird creature. It looks to be about the size of a an adolescent child, maybe no more than-- well, let's say a little younger than that, maybe like an eight or nine year old. But instead of skin, it's just black feathers. No wings really, the feathers are too small among the arm to actually be flight-ready. The lower half of its body is still sunken and thick in the bog. It has, where its face is, two bright yellow eyes, very crow, raven-like eyes and a long black pointed beak. And (scared bird croaking).\nPlayer: Don't worry! I can help you.\nDM: (scared chirping)\nPlayer: Give me your hands.\nDM: (chirping)\nPlayer: Oh! I lift it up out.\nDM: Make a strength check\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She shouts What's the matter, Sylas? Afraid of a little gnome and a druid?\nDM: There's still a semi-visible form of his body, but in a mist form. It's trying to slowly escape off the top of this structure.\nPlayer: Okay. Pike is standing right next to him?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: I'm going to use Pike and use the light that I have off Pike and combine it to do a joint Sunbeam, holy bomb.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Boom.\nDM: Great.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They find a long metallic rod half buried in the rubble about the size of the platform hole in the room below. Yasha sticks a sword into the ashes in one urn, and shortly thereafter a small glowing orb emerges and attacks her.\nDM: You're not entirely certain, but you do notice, glancing about, that they seem to be emerging from them.\nPlayer: I'm actively tracking these at this point, I would imagine, so I can't be surprised anymore.\nDM: Right.\nPlayer: All right. Can I scoot around the-- I assume the clay pot is on the other side of that will-o'-wisp right now?\nDM: It is.\nPlayer: I'm going to scoot around to that side.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: I'm going to take my first shot at the will-o'-wisp as I'm dancing around it.\nDM: All righty. You swing wide with your first.\nPlayer: Yeah, let's see if this hits. 17?\nDM: 17 does not hit.\nPlayer: My god, really?!\nDM: You swing your blade and it ducks out of the way. These are quick little fuckers!\nPlayer: I'm going to take my bonus action, and I'm going to break the pot.\nDM: Okay. Swing.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau offers to be friends, and Jester gives her a big hug from behind as she's walking away.\nDM: As the rest of you are enduring the chaos of the rains above, keeping focused and keeping it steady, it's exhausting, both the attention required for you specifically and the hour being late. Thankfully, you slept in, so you can go on for quite some time. Yasha, where on the ship are you standing?\nPlayer: Anywhere I can be helping Fjord. If they need help with the lines--\nDM: The lines seem to be okay. Fjord's at the helm with Orly, so they're both towards the back.\nPlayer: Okay. I want to stay anywhere on the boat where the storm is most visible, so I guess--\nDM: Probably closer to the bow or the foremast.\nPlayer: That's where I'll be.\nDM: Okay. In keeping this going, do you head back up to help Fjord, or are you heading to rest as well?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. you managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: If it would have hit-- at whatever angle it would be, even then, it's only that wide and it would still puncture a tiny slit, and due to the density of both the muscles of the creature and its body, it took damage and there's a little bit of blood coming from the wound, you imagine, but it's not like it's going to leave an open, cavernous hole.\nPlayer: It's a cut.\nDM: Yeah, it's a cut.\nPlayer: Got it.\nDM: But you did see where it (tearing noise) through.\nPlayer: And when it went out, I didn't see any daylight or anything. Just disappeared.\nDM: You just saw it (tearing noise) through the creature's stomach. You do see a little bit of blood beginning to pour out of where the wound was.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog slams his war axe into the roof, splitting it open. Grog slides down into the room below, Pike jumping onto his foot and falls to the side.\nDM: (explosion) He gets shot in the back of the shoulderplate, you hear it ricochet and a little bit of blood begins to streak off the back of his head. He looks over his shoulder with an angry grunt, you can see now this dwarf, who's still swelling in size. It looks, (growls), an angry nostril flare. You, have your bow ready?\nPlayer: I wanna do Lightning Arrow on the guy attacking my brother.\nDM: That guy there?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay, go ahead and roll to attack.\nPlayer: Ugh, I don't think I hit.\nDM: What'd you roll?\nPlayer: I had rolled a four.\nDM: A four, you had a plus 11 to hit, it's going to be a 15, unfortunately you miss. The arrow streaks past. Yeah, the arrow just ended up striking the wall back here and (explosion) arcs lightning throughout the wall, unfortunately does not--\nPlayer: I Hunter's Mark him anyway, just for future stuff.\nDM: You used your--\nPlayer: That was a bon--\nDM: You used your bonus action to cast Lightning Arrow.\nPlayer: Oh! So I get a regular attack now?\nDM: Well, that was part of your regular attack, like your next arrow you fired.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy offers to show Tary his library at some point, and does show off the mechanism of Bad News. Tary, remembering his fee, writes Vox Machina a check for 16,000 gold (50,000 originally, minus expenses).\nDM: I could use the distraction, to be honest. You'll be fine, I mean, it's all tying up loose ends, and I'm more needed helping people that really need what I can do right now.\nPlayer: I understand.\nDM: It won't be long, they're gathering a lot of great healers. I know Keeper Yennen's coming along--\nPlayer: Oh, good.\nDM: -- and we're gonna be doing some people some real good.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: Might even bring the love of my Lady to a few people. Her light can definitely heal a lot of wounds and spirits, so.\nPlayer: All right. I give her a big hug, and I whisper in her ear. You don't always have to put on a brave face, dear.\nDM: She pulls back from you and kind of pats you on the side of your face. \"Yeah, I do.\" And she smiles and turns around and puts her hand out, and Allura takes her hand. \"Are we ready?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth, you'ahlia, and the lifeless body of Vax'ildan, meanwhile, materialize from Keyleth's Plane Shift on the outskirts of Vesrah.\nDM: Okay, I see. I got you. Okay so you climb onto the back of the giant raven, clutching your brother in one arm, and as the wings pick up, you use all the might that you have to just hold on. You're used to flying under your own power usually, not somebody else's. But as the wings take off, the sea breeze, thankfully, is not too heavy that day. And as you coast in, coming down, dodging between the various buildings heading towards the central risen chamber. You watch as the upper, third-tier level of this, there's a single chamber that is open and the outside wall is a series of pillars that makes up the structure. On the inside, you can see it dips down into three different sunken platforms, and in the center there are a handful of small statues, there's incense being burned, and what looks to be a small altar of some kind. There are four figures there inside, all dressed in similar blues and greens, aquas and whites, most of them are just long robes with dangling shell-based jewelry, and various smoothed-off stones that have been found tossed and rounded by the elements through the years. And in the center of the chamber, in the process of lighting a few of these, you're not quite sure of the material, but they appear to be candles, as you see they're being lit like candles. You see Uvenda is walking with her staff, taking this long burning tube, and is currently setting them alight as you approach. As the wings of the raven begin to prepare for landing, the wind kicks up in front and you see some of the other guardians put their arm up and look up curiously. Some of them reaching back and preparing for whatever may be there. Uvenda's voice however rings out across the center of this chamber and says, \"Stop! Stop. I know this one who approaches.\" And as they all slowly back up, Uvenda stumbles upward, sets aside her small hand-based wick to one of the servants and approaches the raven as you begin to slink off the side of the bird.\nPlayer: Please! Are there any clerics here?\nDM: \"We do have some here of a healing-based nature. Yes. Has he been hurt?\"\nPlayer: He's-- He's dead.\nDM: She slowly approaches and reaches over and puts her hand on the forehead of Vax's corpse. Runs her thumb along the cold skin. \"Indeed. The kraken claims another.\"\nPlayer: No. No, he won't claim him. What can we do?\nDM: \"The power that is at our disposal could perhaps bring him back, though his form may be different than you recall.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party, after essentially forcing this individual to reveal themself, the rakshasa fled through a tunnel underneath its room into a long subterranean tunnel fraught with traps that were set to protect it. The party managed to avoid these rather deftly until the steady decline of the hallway, combined with the increasing moisture and scent of refuse, caused a slick surface and our fantastic cleric, Brother Kash, Kashaw, slipped and fell down.\nDM: Looking on the far side, it's partially buried in the ground from the collection here, but you can see there is a bit of a push, like the door had been opened briefly and pushed things away, then slammed shut, and it's slowly starting to coalesce back towards it.\nPlayer: All right. Hold on, everybody. I walk right toward it, perception checking the area around it and the door itself. That's 24.\nDM: 24? The door appears to be a normal door. Nothing strange about its presentation. However, upon checking the handle on the edge of it, it does appear to be locked.\nPlayer: Locked. All right, well, I pull out my little sack and I pull out one of these (twing) and go to work on it. That is a 28.\nDM: 28. In a matter of seconds-- this is an old-school lock, and one that is generally used for not very security-required rooms. Flick of the wrist, (click, creak) the door pushes inward a little bit and you have to get your strength in to push back the cluster of dried and liquid plant matter that is rotting against it, with just enough of a gap to push through into a dark room beyond, it looks like.\nPlayer: I Fonzie'd it.\nDM: You did, kind of.\nPlayer: (Fonzie impressions) Hey. Okay, Tiberius, are you still lighting up this room?\nDM: He is currently the only light source, yes.\nPlayer: Okay, so there's probably a little bit of light going in there, so I'm trying to look in to see what I can see from his spill-in there.\nDM: Okay. Glancing into the next room, you can see there's a little bit of a trickle of liquid that has spilled from underneath the doorway from this room. And you get the feeling this door isn't open very often, if at all, and the little bit of slime that has coasted through only goes about five, ten feet into a long stone hallway that disappears in the darkness no more than maybe 20 feet from you. Even with the low light, you can see pretty far. To the right and left of you, though: sets of iron bars.\nPlayer: Okay. Tibs. Follow that. Try and keep behind me. And I throw up the hood and go as low to the ground as I can, and I start to Gollum along the floor, looking at the ground in front of me in the dim light, trying to see if I can see any traps ahead of me.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and make a perception check.\nPlayer: 25.\nDM: 25. As you begin walking into the hallway, you go past, and you start to notice from the visual around you, there's smooth stone floor. The iron bars are all the way across with some partitions between. This is in particular a subterranean holding facility, some sort of an underground prison, and it's very quiet and there is no light in here. There are sconces set up, but it looks like there have been no recent torches set.\nPlayer: Hear anything?\nDM: Hearing? You hear nothing. It is absolutely still and quiet.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They see many Dragonborn with tails who were killed in the initial battle. After inspecting the lair and gaining a bit of semblance of a plan, Percy asks if it is possible for them to take one of the bodies.\nDM: \"Many, yes. But small amounts... why? If you wish to take what they have, they mean nothing to us. One or two turned over will make no difference to the dragon.\"\nPlayer: Pull that one down, then.\nDM: \"Right.\" She points to it. Some of the Ravenites come over and haul one of the corpses off of the spike. It breaks off and snaps, and they bring it and throw it to the ground and step back.\nPlayer: Thank you. (sighs) It is exactly what I expect, I would assume.\nDM: The robes are familiar. The scale color is familiar.\nPlayer: I look it over. I check.\nDM: There, locked in the moments of valiant defense of his city, frozen and lost, the remains of Tiberius Stormwind, left a hero defending his people, defaced by Vorugal the Frigid Doom.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Erathis looks over us. There will be a time in which our salvation will come.\nDM: Yeah. There's four around him in the amphitheater. There are probably another ten or so scattered about the various ground surrounding it, just doing their own private prayer.\nPlayer: Do I have an opinion on Yennen?\nDM: Yennen? From your previous experience and what you've heard is a very-- can be a bit arrogant in his worship, but not in a way that is considered dangerous or impactful to when the de Rolo families were in rule. He does good for the people. Kind of a tool at times. But he practices well and he keeps the people's spirits up for those who worship.\nPlayer: We found him a bit obnoxious to our means and ends on occasion?\nDM: On occasion, but mostly just his personality. Nothing he's done personally. He's not a bad person, by any means. He's just, you know.\nPlayer: He's also not a lapdog.\nDM: Yeah. Strong-willed in his ideas.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: \"I know of him. He doesn't come in and drink, no. He spends most of his days over there in that big Trial Forge Temple of Kord.\"\nPlayer: He never comes out?\nDM: \"He'll go into the city on occasion. But he's one of them, how do I put it? 'Medititive' types.\"\nPlayer: \"Medititive\"?\nDM: \"Yes. Spends a lot of time thinking. Sleeping while standing up. It's weird.\"\nPlayer: What? I don't understand. How do you do that?\nDM: \"You'll have to ask him.\"\nPlayer: \"Medititive.\"\nDM: \"Yes.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, Caduceus, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. Fjord, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of Caleb.\nDM: Just so you know, this ship travels on an average pace of around 48 miles a day. Right now with the damage the sails have sustained, you're close to 20. You're less than half speed on the ship with the damage it's sustained at the sails. It's going to take you a while to get anywhere. But you have it.\nPlayer: How big are the holes? Are they giant?\nDM: They're beyond Mending.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Mending can do little tears and things.\nPlayer: No, I'm not talking Mending, I'm talking how big are the holes?\nDM: For the ones that are damaged, the sails are mostly destroyed. They caught fire and burned.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog gets one that has a point on it. They return to the others and Grog shows off his hat.\nDM: I mean, there are a few individuals here that are part of the guildhall. The hierarchy here is more like the few that run it, and then everyone else comes and goes as they please.\nPlayer: Yeah, yeah, come here, you. Do you have a tub? Do you have a bath? Look at me. Do you have a bath? I need a bath.\nDM: \"You look pretty rough.\"\nPlayer: Yeah?\nDM: \"Yeah. We could-- we got a washroom in the back, if you need it.\"\nPlayer: Is it hot? I feel like I need it to be hot.\nDM: \"You get what you get. It's water, buddy.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A scuffle ensues as they chase down a necromancer, a number of cultists, and some creatures from the Shadowfell. During the fray, Scanlan gets Sprigg back on his feet, and Keyleth kill a couple of the cultists with a Firestorm.\nDM: So the second dagger, you shiv him in the side and he (groans) goes to spin with the heavy crossbow and try and pull away, and as soon as the poison through him he goes, (gurgles) and you can see blood vomit down the front of his chest, his eyes roll back and he twinges and falls to the ground.\nPlayer: And there's another guy there who can see me, right?\nDM: Yeah, and he's hidden, but he's like (scared, heavy breathing).\nPlayer: Whisper.\nDM: Okay, he's trying to see that you're not being seen.\nPlayer: That is 31. Yeah, okay. So that is two plus eight is ten, plus psychic damage. 18. I'm going to bamf there with Whisper.\nDM: Okay. All righty. You hit him and you stand there. You're right in front of him now. All righty. That ends your go. As you appear over on the other side, you realize that over in the clearing there, there is another one of the robed figures, this one clutching a long, black, smooth staff that crooks over in the front that looks like a hand holding an eye.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He also sees a hatch slam open as Duke Goran Vedmire pulls himself up onto the roof. you summons Bigby's Hand as the goliath stalks towards him.\nDM: Okay. So you create the hand next to him, and as he starts stepping forward towards you with his sword at the ready, there's a shimmer in the air as a giant kind of vaguely purplish arcane hand all of a sudden appears. He looks confused for a second and rears back to try and attack it. As the hand pulls back, comes rushing forward towards him, I want you to go ahead and make a strength check with the hand.\nPlayer: Oh shit, he's strong.\nDM: The strength is plus eight, so add eight to this roll.\nPlayer: 17 plus eight...\nDM: Natural one. (cheering)\nPlayer: I'm going to kill everyone in this motherfucking house!\nDM: I've rolled so many ones today. This is ridiculous.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three charge at Grog as one heads towards her. The three warmongers swarm Grog, four of their attacks landing.\nDM: 19 on the first strike, the second one is 13, so that's a total of 32 points of slashing damage to you. And that's going to end the barbarians' turn, everyone else finishes out surprise round, now we're back into full initiative, everyone's in play, top of the round, Vex, you're up.\nPlayer: Okay. If I aim an arrow, it's at disadvantage?\nDM: If you aimed specifically for something? It would be at disadvantage and a minus five to hit.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm going to cast, I'm going to cast--\nDM: I mean, he's paralyzed, so it would have advantage, so it would cancel out, it would be just a regular attack at minus five.\nPlayer: Okay, here's my question.\nDM: Yes?\nPlayer: The siege arrow that Percy gave me, is that a magical weapon or a technical weapon?\nDM: It's a technical weapon, it's used essentially against structures, objects.\nPlayer: So just structures.\nDM: It's an explosive in an arrow that is used primarily to destroy structures, yeah.\nPlayer: So it wouldn't harm people?\nDM: I mean, it would hurt people like a regular arrow, and it might do a little bit extra, but--\nPlayer: Not anything crazy?\nDM: Not that you know of, you don't have a full understanding of what the arrow's capable of. You did not create it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completed the venture of taking the Horn of Orcus to a place of safety and sealing it away, hopefully for eternity, with the help of Lady Kima and two of the Scalebearers. After heading to the basement of the Platinum Sanctuary in the city of Vasselheim, they succeeded in doing so.\nDM: There you go. All righty, cool. So you hit him across the face and you hit him to the other side. He comes back, aligns his chin, and you can see he's now stooping in for some sort of an uppercut as he slips to the side a little bit with a sidestep. That will be a 25. A 20. And a one. So what's your AC?\nPlayer: 20.\nDM: All right, so both the first two hit. As he comes low for a full-on uppercut, hitting you for, that would be six points of damage (whack) under the chin. As you're currently reeling from the impact, he crouches down and is going to go for a knee to the middle of your groin. That is another six points of damage (whack) right in the Phillip junk. You instinctively give out a (grunts) from the impact. After that point, he comes up and it looks like he tries to go for some sort of a pile-drive grapple, and you instinctively kick off of him and his third attack is completely wasted. It's now your go.\nPlayer: No one fucks with Phillip Jr. I would like to bull rush and try and tackle him, and if it succeeds, I'd like to headbutt him on the ground.\nDM: Okay, okay. It's an action to do that, so you can use your bonus action to attempt--\nPlayer: And I would only get two attacks, right?\nDM: You only get one with this, technically. It's an action to grapple.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Though Keyleth is worried that Sprigg might be used and discarded by the spell, Sprigg reassures her, and they all join hands to Plane Shift. They pass through the Divine Gate, then drift through void for a while before another white flash lands them in what looks like an empty, decadent bathhouse.\nDM: You do. It's ironic that you did that. (chuckles) Glancing through, it appears to be describing a birth. Describing a tunnel, then a light, then a cry.\nPlayer: I skip to the end. Last page.\nDM: It seems to be an older man, surrounded by his family--\nPlayer: I've got it. I put it down. I pick up another one.\nDM: You glance through this book.\nPlayer: First page.\nDM: Begins very similarly to the last one.\nPlayer: Last page.\nDM: This one actually ends with what appears to be a horseback riding accident.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The bear clamps his jaws over the vampire's head and tears it off, the body turning to mist as he screams in pain. The mist hovers in place.\nDM: There's still some thick, purplish, congealed blood in his mouth, but the vampire's form has been forced to mist at zero hit points. All right, that brings us to Keyleth.\nPlayer: Okay! So seeing Vax go over the table and being like, \"That was cool,\" I'm also going to be like (grunts) over the table. I'm going to join the Dukes of Hazzard train.\nDM: Acrobatics check.\nPlayer: Damn it. That's not bad!\nDM: It's not a huge difficulty.\nPlayer: Acrobatics? 17?\nDM: 17, yeah. You jump up (shh) slide across, land across. The bonus there is that it takes only one block of movement to get across. That's five foot there.\nPlayer: So I'm going to come in and I see a headless dude with mist swirling around him?\nDM: No, you just see Grog, Vax, and Trinket in the center of this foyer, with a big cloud of mist near Trinket and Grog, and an entire array of guards with heavy crossbows trained down on the three of them in this ambush pit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pike realizes she has seen this place in a vision, as well as a cavern of blue crystal beyond it. They decide to cross it.\nDM: Yeah. Not sinking, but not being pulled out, either. It's this stalemate right now between the two. The vine is taut and holding Trinket level.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to spend my movement to get nice and firm, sit myself down, pull out the big gun.\nDM: Okay. Bad News. You see it over this wall now. The top of this stalagmite-- it's about 50 feet to the top. You get to the top, you pull the Bad News out. You have a pretty clear shot down towards the entity.\nPlayer: Taking a sharpshooter shot. Natural 20 on the first shot. (all cheer)\nDM: Go ahead and roll damage for this one.\nPlayer: This is going to be so much fun. (counts out loud) 42 points of damage.\nDM: How do you want to do this? (all cheer)\nPlayer: I take a bead and I want to wait until the eye is looking right at me, and I want to take it right through the eye.\nDM: Okay. So as the entity turns around, its head cocked to the side, its tendrils (sucking noise) flailing around it, one lifting it up. You can see, it begins to reach up to bring a lash down upon the bear that is being clasped on the ground, its eye streaks around and catches yours. You release, pull back on the trigger... (gunshot) The impact blows you off the top of the stalagmite. You fall in the air, but in that split second, you keep your vision on as you're floating back and this whole-- this moment as time slows, not wanting to lose this moment, you see the bullet (ssst) into the head. One of the eyes now goes dark from the crimson impact. The jaw opens slack (groaning), with all the teeth exposing as the back of the head (explosion).\nPlayer: (maniacal laughter)\nDM: Explodes. All across Vax. Who was standing behind it, just (vrushh)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, It is slightly blocked by the Wall of Stone but the space is big enough for them to squeeze in. Using Spiritual Weapon, Pike attempts to lasso the duergar guard but catches the wall instead.\nDM: 8 damage, all right. Your second arrow manages to find its mark. As it sticks pretty close to where the first arrow hit, or where he was shot from the Bad News. The duergar just shrugs it off angrily, and aims his crossbow from once on Percy, now onto you.\nPlayer: (nervously) Haha.\nDM: It's getting its shot at you. That is a 17 versus armor class.\nPlayer: Nope.\nDM: Nope?\nPlayer: Nope.\nDM: You manage to just dodge out of the way. You hear it whiz past your ear. That brings us to Percy.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three locks' scratchings translate to the Common equivalent of 'open me', one of the locks' scratchings warns the party not to open it. you discovers that the lock saying 'No' is trapped, and the ones saying 'Yes' aren't.\nDM: Okay. So you back up-- You notice at this point, as you step five feet back that that weapon he's carrying is pretty long and has a pretty decent reach. You may have to disengage to get out of there without taking another strike.\nPlayer: But if I were to go left or right, would I be out of range of hitting him because of the doorway?\nDM: You would be over here, probably, yeah.\nPlayer: So if I move sideways either way I can't hit him?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: So I'm not going to do that. I'm going to just step back against the back wall and hold.\nDM: Are you using your disengage action or not?\nPlayer: Was I within five feet of him? Yes, I'm going to use disengage.\nDM: Okay. So you use your bonus action to disengage. Because you're not used to fighting these long polearm weapons, as you begin to take another step back, you realize he can actually hit you from further away than you expect.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completed the venture of taking the Horn of Orcus to a place of safety and sealing it away, hopefully for eternity, with the help of Lady Kima and two of the Scalebearers. After heading to the basement of the Platinum Sanctuary in the city of Vasselheim, they succeeded in doing so.\nDM: So six damage? Okay, as you position him up, (whack) the elbow hits, and you can feel it sink in. What bones are there are mostly splintered and broken, and you get a good inch into his face with your elbow. As you pull back, he's looking really rough, and one of his eyes is beginning to swell entirely shut.\nPlayer: We look like a Rocky movie right now.\nDM: Yeah. This is a full-on, drag-out fight.\nPlayer: I must break you!\nDM: He angrily looks down at you, (snarls) and he reaches both of his hands up again in a giant hammer fashion. That's going to be a 17?\nPlayer: Misses.\nDM: A 20.\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: And a 15.\nPlayer: Misses!\nDM: So he brings it down. (wham) As it hits, you manage to take the brunt of it in the shoulder. The second hit comes down and slams you for eight points of damage. (wham) This one, you can feel the sternum crack. As he brings up his fists a third time, attempting to end this, you use the leverage you had when you pushed him up to actually spring your entire body upward and force him off you. He manages to get to his feet and you just get up and you both are bleeding from all over your faces with giant bruises, and both of you are barely holding yourselves up, breathing heavily. It's your go.\nPlayer: I'm going to rush at him, spit on my knuckles, swing back, and at the last second, take my right foot and drive it right through his kneecap.\nDM: Roll for attack.\nPlayer: Fuck you! Yes! 24.\nDM: 24 hits.\nPlayer: 22.\nDM: 22.\nPlayer: 19?\nDM: 19 just barely hits. (cheering) All right, so as you run forward, bring the leg up, (whack) you hit the side of the knee. Roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of Vex and you, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city \u2014and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists.\nDM: You're restrained, which means you can't move. The actual definition: attacks against you have advantage. Your attacks have disadvantage.\nPlayer: So I can still do stuff?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: What do freezing up and haste do mixed together? Anything? Cancel out?\nDM: It doesn't cancel out, it just means that you have disadvantage on all of your attacks. Your speed is zero; you can't move.\nPlayer: Do I have a third attack?\nDM: You do have a third attack.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, It tells her of skittering beasts that were awakened by the smaller one, a baby-like creature whose scream brought down the mine. Keyleth recognizes the skittering beasts, by their description, as ankhegs.\nDM: Yeah. This is what it would look like if you were to build to scale. Okay. So you guys find a place in the trees? Who's helming finding that spot? All right. Go ahead and roll an investigation check.\nPlayer: 15?\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Oh wait! I honestly don't know anymore what my favored terrain does for me.\nDM: No, this is exactly where to use it because forest is your favored terrain. This is exactly the kind of thing it would help with.\nPlayer: I always feel like I'm bullshitting it now. What am I rolling? Investigation?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: 24.\nDM: 24. You find one massive tree. The trees here can get pretty big, and there's one thick tree that the branches are pretty easy to climb, and up top it branches out and all the various branches that make up the canopy. It's almost like this little bowl at the very top, just underneath where the heavy foliage descends, and it's a perfect place for you guys to make a camp higher up off the ground.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog then takes the first bead of divinity -- the one from Ioun-- smashes it on the Anvil, and folds the powdered remains into the first ingot. With aid from Keyleth and Scanlan in the form of spells and inspiration, he does the same with the bead from Pelor, but has trouble with the one from the Raven Queen.\nDM: It is currently dangling off the side, along with other series of tools: tongs and other smaller blacksmithing accoutrements.\nPlayer: I'm going to run in that direction.\nDM: Okay. Five, ten, 15, 20. Another step, and you're starting to hit the molten metal and rock.\nPlayer: Molten metal and rock? I can't jump that, can I?\nDM: You can try, yeah. Make an athletics check.\nPlayer: Not an acrobatics check, I take it?\nDM: Not for the leap.\nPlayer: But there are chains that I can reach there?\nDM: If you're leaping towards the chains, you can attempt to grab it, yeah.\nPlayer: Well, I'm going to attempt to grab the hammer.\nDM: Okay. Are you using it to swing, or are you just trying to grab and hold on?\nPlayer: If it's available for a swing, I'll try for a swing.\nDM: Okay, I'll give you advantage if you're going for the chain, then, as you're swinging across it. Go for it.\nPlayer: Roll with advantage? Athletics?\nDM: Athletics.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The next morning, they split the party. Beau and you go to the Wharfmaster.\nDM: I don't know, just double checking. He looks at you and goes, \"Hold on a second.\" You see his gears turning and he goes through a couple books. \"Unfortunately, by the records records we have here, Vandren and his ship was lost at sea months ago.\"\nPlayer: You don't say.\nDM: \"I apologize.\"\nPlayer: That's quite unfortunate. I've been given a task here in town. Algar, does he do a lot of business here on the wharf?\nDM: \"Yes, he comes and goes rather commonly, yes.\"\nPlayer: I happen to have crossed paths with him one night while drinking. I guess we made quite the impression on him, and we are to deliver some items to his place of residence. However, my friend here was shit-faced and we forgot to ask where he lives. I was hoping, perhaps, if you could give us a point in the right direction?\nDM: \"I honestly don't know where he lives. But I know where he works.\"\nPlayer: Oh yes, then, that would be most helpful.\nDM: \"All right, he works in the Sluice Weave.\"\nPlayer: The Sluice Weave. Not loose leaf, Sluice Weave.\nDM: \"The Sluice Weave.\" S-L-U-I-C-E. Sluice Weave.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, When Vax emerges from the vision, he finds a small black opal in his hand. Grog, Scanlan, and you head next to the Trial Forge to visit Earthbreaker Groon.\nDM: \"You have drawn Kord's attention once, directly. He is aware of you. Should you wish to speak, that I can teach. It is a long process. Piety, meditation, and learning of the history of the Storm Lord himself. But it can be done.\"\nPlayer: How long of a process is this, that we're talking?\nDM: \"You cannot rush faith.\"\nPlayer: I'm not trying to rush faith. I'm just saying that Vecna has ascended to godhood. We have a limited amount of time to take him down. We need to speak with Kord.\nDM: \"I cannot help you.\"\nPlayer: You can't speak to him directly?\nDM: \"I can meditate and reach out, perhaps.\"\nPlayer: Maybe draw his attention to us? The need is dire.\nDM: \"It doesn't work the way you ask. Kord isn't a giving god.\"\nPlayer: He's not?\nDM: Make a religion check.\nPlayer: Okay, yeah, this is going to go so well. Hold up. 20?\nDM: Okay. You know about Kord. Kord, from what you understand, is the god of competition and storms and chaotic nature and good-neutral territory, but emphasizes contest and--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She noticed a groove running from the crystal's alcove towards the pedestal where she landed when she first dropped into the room. Twiggy cast Disguise Self to look like the portrait from the library, hoping the dragon would mistake her for Halas.\nDM: But it doesn't seem to be convinced, necessarily. Unfortunately. Dragons are pretty perceptive. Good call, though. That ends your turn? Fire elemental's go.\nPlayer: He multi-attacks.\nDM: But can it fly?\nPlayer: No. It can't.\nDM: It's out of range, unfortunately.\nPlayer: He sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius.\nDM: (burning) There you go. Does it stay put or move anywhere?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: 31 points of lightning damage to it. All righty! As you step to the side, releasing the bolt of lighting energy, it blasts into the front of its face. You can see one of its jaw mandibles gets torn off from part of the impact, you can see now the deep red blood begin to pool on the side of its face and drip down as it looks over, whipping its head in your direction.\nPlayer: (whimpers) Do I still have any movement?\nDM: Yeah, you only moved ten feet, so you still have 15 more feet.\nPlayer: I'm going to try to shuffle back into the tunnel there a little bit. And for my bonus, I'll Healing Word myself.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Okay, what is that, d4? Great, yeah, six points. Awesome.\nDM: All right, that finishes Scanlan's turn. Percy, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb changes Frumpkin into a spider. At the guard shift change after midnight, the group splits into two: Nott, Caduceus, and Keg in one group; Caleb, you, and Nila in the other.\nDM: Well, it's-- oh, that's fine, we'll do that. So that's nine-- add the two together-- it's nine plus four. So 13 points of damage on top of that. Right as you're slamming down, go ahead and make your next attack.\nPlayer: Mm-hmm, 23.\nDM: With advantage, these are with advantage because he's paralyzed and prone.\nPlayer: 23.\nDM: Go ahead and roll damage, crit.\nPlayer: That's much better. Eight plus four, so 12 damage.\nDM: 12 points of damage. Yeah, that'll do it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A breath of frost kills one of the giants before it is able to do much. Percy's engineering talent makes a showing, between a hand grenade and one of the exploding arrows he made for you.\nDM: So as you pull back your arrow, the actual shaft begins to spark with bluish energy as you release it. The arrow transforms (energy noises) into an arcing bolt of electrical energy. It impacts and courses through the upper torso of the dragon, as it's (grunts) still trying to shake off the damage it took from Percy's attack. It manages to push off most of the impact, but still takes damage from it. There's also a burst of fire from the impact, as well, you can see a bit of flame trickle up the side of his body and it eventually goes out from the cold in the air.\nPlayer: That was one attack.\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: But was the spell an action?\nPlayer: The Lightning Arrow is a bonus.\nDM: Oh, okay. So it makes your next attack do that. Right. Gotcha. So you have one more attack.\nPlayer: So I am going to send Trinket. Where is he?\nDM: Trinket's over here with the giants guarding him.\nPlayer: Dear lord. Can Trinket run around and attack his butt?\nDM: It's actually up on top of a 15-foot platform.\nPlayer: Oh, so Trinket can't do shit right now.\nDM: Not right now, but Trinket can move if you like.\nPlayer: Trinket's going to move, and I'm going to attack again, can I do that?\nDM: Yeah, you can do that.\nPlayer: We want to spread out.\nDM: That's as far as Trinket get can get, there.\nPlayer: Can I attack again?\nDM: You can, yeah.\nPlayer: All right, I'll hit him again. Okay, just a regular attack through the bow.\nDM: Yep. This is your second use of it, though; you're done with it.\nPlayer: Yes. 17.\nDM: 17. As you fire the arrow, it takes its wing and (whoosh) batters it out of the way, and the arrow shatters in mid air. You see a burst of fire as it does nothing.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Finally, as she begins to fall asleep, a vision does appear: a bipedal creature with six yellow eyes emerging from a pond. She wakes up and begins the Hunt.\nDM: 11, okay. Best you can tell, given the circumstances, the brief vision you had, the angle of the moonbeams are coming from the right and left, meaning from your perspective, they're coming at this angle upon the water. And as you step out into the night, you can see the moon is in a certain place in the sky where your vision, if that is in--\nPlayer: If I turn that way, it'll be coming at me this way.\nDM: Depending on if it's in a northern direction or not. You're trying to think of where the lake was. There are a couple of ponds that you've seen in the forest. You're not fully aware. Percival might be the person to ask about this.\nPlayer: Okay, okay. I'm going to run to Percy. Do I need to-- ooh, am I allowed to ask him? I'm going to run to Percy.\nDM: Okay. Percival, you've kind of been hoping that everything worked out okay. You haven't heard anything from Vex'ahlia since the morning. She's been gone for a good 13 hours at this point, and it's close to midnight.\nPlayer: At least I got some sleep!\nDM: A little bit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you goes first of Vox Machina, throwing the Sword of Kas to strike Vecna from below. Vecna, who seems shaken by the appearance of his nemesis' sword, banishes you from the battlefield.\nDM: 31 hits. So as you're getting the chain, as you leap over and go running across the platforms, you can see the entire platform is lilted to one side and some stones are tumbling and skidding off the side. You can see bits of the stone are charred from the immediate destruction and impact of the meteors. And as you pull the chain out, as you rush and attach it, the voice pulses through your head. \"Yes! He's here. Right there. Kill him! Take him down! Deliver me!\"\nPlayer: Can't wait. Okay. Calm down. 22. This is undead?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Just checking. Ten, 32, 33. Plus enlarge. Plus four, so 37 necrotic damage.\nDM: Necrotic?\nPlayer: Well no, I'm sorry. Not necrotic. Just 37 regular slashing damage.\nDM: All right, so 37 points of slashing damage. All right. With that you toss the blade up into the side. \"Oh.\" And you see for a second, there's a brief flash of recognition and a slight sliver of worry on his brow for but an instant, before his hand reaches up and grabs towards to try and pull the blade out.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of adventurers, Vox Machina, had found themselves in the Feywild, intent on discovering another one of the Vestiges of the Divergence, one of the many artifacts that they hope will aid them in their struggle against Thordak the Cinder King and the rest of the Chroma Conclave. They've defeated two of the members, three still remain, Thordak being the seeming powerhouse head of that troupe.\nDM: All right. So as you ascend the side of the nearest tree, and it resembles Atreyu climbing up the tree in the Swamp of Sadness, as it's these large gnarled branches and bits of muck and dust falling off the sides, and the oil slick that is surrounding the base makes it difficult to find your handholds, but you do eventually get your way up into the tree over the next five to ten minutes. You were going to cast Commune with Nature, you said?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: All right. What do you want to ask?\nPlayer: Do I sense a cancerous tree in the area?\nDM: You're asking this of the tree? Or is this the land around you, right?\nPlayer: Yeah, I'm not asking the tree.\nDM: You concentrate for a second. You feel yourself link with the land, and it's a very jarring sensation. You're used to connecting with nature being this serene, wonderful experience. This is like plugging into a nightmare. Suddenly, your thought process is filled with this ever-drawn sense of dread. You feel this cold sensation fill your form, and you manage to get this information across, but it leaves this very hollow feeling in the center of your being. Feeling out, you do not sense a cancerous tree, but you do sense the strengthening presence of the source of this entire swamp's perpetual destitution and slow decay, further to the northwest of this.\nPlayer: Northwest. Okay. So I can safely assume that the tree that they're heading towards is not cancerous.\nDM: Correct.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog then takes the first bead of divinity -- the one from Ioun-- smashes it on the Anvil, and folds the powdered remains into the first ingot. With aid from Keyleth and Scanlan in the form of spells and inspiration, he does the same with the bead from Pelor, but has trouble with the one from the Raven Queen.\nDM: So. Let's see here. Grog, Percival. You head to the original chamber before this. You find the tongs and some of the metallic ingot-based molds. You take in pieces of platinum equal to the amounts you guys had pulled up before. How much was it?\nPlayer: 300 platinum each.\nDM: That was for the face. For the trammels.\nPlayer: Oh. Would those little pyramids work to make the trammels? Or it needs more?\nDM: Well, no. There's other molds there with the smelting device.\nPlayer: I got 4,920 platinum.\nDM: If I recall, it was 1,500 platinum per piece, I believe.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you asks about Vandran, but the records show he was lost at sea. Algar works in the Sluice Weave.\nDM: \"Fuck if I know, to be honest. He takes up space. He's done some work at the docks here and there, but he rubs me the wrong way. Probably find him drinking at any of the dives.\"\nPlayer: That is where we should look.\nDM: \"If not drowned already.\"\nPlayer: Ah, yes. We did notice actually last night, there seemed to be an influx of strange characters coming in last night. Did you happen to see anything around this area?\nDM: \"There were some strange cats that came in last night off the docks, yes.\"\nPlayer: Anything in particular that caught your eye?\nDM: He starts giving you a curious look. \"You're asking a lot of questions for a person I've just met.\"\nPlayer: I'm sorry, I'm so new here. I was just hoping to acclimate myself and perhaps--\nDM: \"Of course. Let me give you a very prestigious piece of advice, I think that will help you in your business dealings here: Don't ask so many questions.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Approximately twenty-five refugees survive and stay the night in Greyskull Keep's temple. As the party tends to the wounded refugees and damaged structures, Grog and Percy begin arguing about using the evil skull from General Krieg's house to make a wish to undo the recent disaster.\nDM: Okay. She looks about curiously and the dwarf goes, \"Okay, what have we stepped into here?\" And Allura puts her hand on his shoulder and goes, \"Don't worry. I apologize for my intrusion. I had a-- is everything all right?\"\nPlayer: We could use your help at this moment.\nDM: \"Certainly. Sorry, this is a long-time friend of mine, Elementalist Drake Thunderbrand. If you don't mind him accompanying us as well?\"\nPlayer: Is he good?\nDM: \"Oh, he's one of the finest.\"\nPlayer: A good person?\nDM: \"I've put my life in his hands a number of times, yes.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you clicks his Boots of Haste and walks up to the archway. It leads into a hallway with one door at the end and another on either side.\nDM: There appears to be a hallway. There's a hallway that goes across the way. There's a door at the end of the hallway, and two doors to the right and left of this hallway.\nPlayer: All right, I'm going to juke to the left. I'm going to go to that door and try the knob.\nDM: Right here?\nPlayer: Nope, no, the other door in the room I'm in.\nDM: Oh, over here?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: You go over there and you try it. (click) It opens up.\nPlayer: (singing) Perception!\nDM: Opens up into what appears to be a storage room.\nPlayer: Nothing.\nDM: Series of barrels, small grain sacks in the far corner. It appears that most of the dry storage for the kitchen is kept in this room.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb ducks into an alleyway and does disguise self to look resplendent. He sent Frumpkin to follow after you and the guard kicked him out of the plane.\nDM: At the corners of these roads, you can see these tall lanterns that contain a very faintly ever-burning flame. Between each of them, there's a long, white, silken banner that hangs as part of decoration along each road. The roads themselves feel like they're always in some loose parade-type celebration, that's just part of the decor of the vicinity. The stark contrast between the Outersteads, to even the moderately average Innersteads, to the Tri-Spires is astronomical.\nPlayer: Can I ask the guard What is that building?\nDM: \"Have you not been here before?\"\nPlayer: No. I'm new to town, actually.\nDM: \"Interesting. You're in the Silken Terrace. What you're looking at right there is called the Triumph Chime. It's got all sorts of bars, gambling halls, inn rooms, brothel, everything you need up here.\"\nPlayer: Oh, wow. I didn't think you had things like this in the Empire.\nDM: \"We've got them in places. What, you think we're uncivilized folk? Where are you from?\"\nPlayer: I'm from the Menagerie Coast, actually. Nicodranas.\nDM: \"Huh. Well, you'll feel right at home, yeah.\"\nPlayer: Quite.\nDM: \"Well, here you are. Pillow Trove.\" As he motions over to the side, you see this luxurious inn that has this cylindrical appearance to the front and then turns into a blocky building behind. It has this gold and deep purple coloration to the pillars that hold up the various walls to each intersection, and as soon as you walk inside, the scents of scented candles and various lavender-type smells hit your nose. The element of it reminds you of home. As you walk inside, there's a beautiful semi-circle desk, and a human woman, probably in her mid-20s or so, jet black hair that's straight and dangles past her shoulders, watches you approach, as the guard says, \"I'll wait here and escort you out when you're done.\"\nPlayer: Thank you very much, kind sir! I walk grandiosely up to the woman. Hello. I have a package that's being delivered to here.\nDM: \"Very well. What is the name receiving?\"\nPlayer: Jester.\nDM: \"I shall inquire. I'll be back here in just a moment.\"\nPlayer: Thank you very much.\nDM: As she leaves from the front desk, you can see there are two crownsguard that are assigned to the sides that are keeping a close watch on you, but they're lackadaisy through their day. You get the sense they probably don't have to work too hard this side of the city. About five minutes pass.\nPlayer: Is anybody watching me?\nDM: They're both watching you, but not intently like hawks, more just making sure you're not doing anything silly. You watch as a rather bounding obese merchant in his late 40s or so comes barreling down the stairway, sniffling hard and rubbing his nose. He's dressed really well-- maybe a size too small, trying to reclaim a presentation maybe of a younger self and he hasn't quite come to terms with the fact that he's hitting that age. As he walks past, he goes, \"Ah. Good day.\"\nPlayer: Good day.\nDM: He exits the building. Another five minutes pass, and eventually the woman comes back and she goes, \"I'm sorry, we don't have a package for that name here. Is there any other it might be under?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, Caduceus, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. you, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of Caleb.\nDM: You guys have now pushed into the rest of the seafaring mist. It takes you a while to move beyond the Dragshallow Reef, the better part of the day before you escape the channel at the pace you're moving. The clouds are pretty heavy now. The open sky that you enjoyed on your way to Darktow has now become-- not a storm front by any means, but definitely cloudier skies. As you're heading outside, you can see Yasha smelling the air and be like, \"This might be getting close to storm weather.\"\nPlayer: Is that a good thing?\nDM: She smiles.\nPlayer: It's a good thing.\nDM: Continuing past into that space, repairs are being done best you can, with the ship still limping along. You make your way out of the Dragshallow Reef, out into open waters, and the ocean is yours.\nPlayer: Can I find Orly?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: I'll bring out the map.\nDM: Bring out the map.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At that moment, you and Jester fell onto the raised platform, catching the dragon off guard. As the dragon reared up to attack, Fjord cast Blink on himself, vanishing into the Ethereal Plane.\nDM: Yeah, it is concentration, so you're considered concentrating right now. It's friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the elemental.\nPlayer: Okay. What do I-- that's not good.\nDM: Do you have stats for the elemental?\nPlayer: Nope. I did when I was a druid.\nDM: It's okay. I'll find it right now for you, and I'll text it to you.\nPlayer: I can also use D&D Beyond.\nDM: Yeah, do that. Pull up the fire elemental there. Initiative, what's the number on there?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some strange cold feelings felt earlier by Fjord 16 , you 17 , and Caleb were revealed to be Dashilla ensorcelling them and sneaking away before they noticed her. Dashilla may cause a creature she has ensorcelled to react to a false image.\nDM: Five points of damage, reduced to two. She's going to rush toward you and take two claw strikes at you. Natural 19! Wow, fucking 19s this past round. Yeah, that's a 26 to hit you.\nPlayer: It hits.\nDM: On the second strike, a natural 17.\nPlayer: That also hits.\nDM: Yep, they both hit you. You take, ooh, 19 points of slashing damage from the first hit and 17 points of slashing damage from the second.\nPlayer: Damn.\nDM: That's ten feet of movement, and she's going to--\nPlayer: Oh, I use Hellish Rebuke!\nDM: Go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party awakens to a clean-shaven Caleb. They descend into the first chamber.\nDM: If you'd like to-- fucking stay! If you want to, you can appear up top there and get a flanking bonus.\nPlayer: That sounds dandy.\nDM: You can use it against them, they can use it against you, as long as you are directly across from an enemy with an ally, you can give yourself flanking benefit.\nPlayer: Great. I will break my Hex, and I will use a Hexblade's Curse as my bonus action on that gentleman.\nDM: On this one? Okay. There you go.\nPlayer: I will make two attacks with the Wastehunter falchion against him with the monstrous--\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Flanking gets-- what does it add? Does it do anything?\nDM: Flanking? It's advantage on your attacks.\nPlayer: Okay, so first attack. 15.\nDM: 15 does hit.\nPlayer: Great. And the second one. Neither of those are a crit, but that's a 24 on the second one.\nDM: That hits, roll damage for each.\nPlayer: (counting) 17. For the Hexblade, four points of damage, so 21 on the first one. (counting) 17 on the second.\nDM: How do you want to do this? You fucked that guy up.\nPlayer: I'll shift in right behind him and see Molly looking around, give him a little wink, and I'll take the falchion and take the back of his head off.\nDM: Molly, it\u2019s pulling back ready to leap at you, and as it lurches towards you it stops, you watch as the upper half of its shoulders and head slip and slough off into the water.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: The other large orc, the larger one with its axe is going to take two attacks with its greataxe against you. That is a 21 to hit and an 18 to hit.\nPlayer: Wait, I'm getting attacked by someone else, too?\nDM: Yeah, the other large orc there.\nPlayer: Yeah, both of those hit.\nDM: All right. You take 24 points of slashing damage as both of the greataxe blows come on from the other side, you're being--\nPlayer: 24?\nDM: --chiseled down now. Yes. That's going to end their turn. That brings us to Scanlan.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She finds the pond from her vision after about 40 minutes of travel, identifies the footprints of the creature, and stealths after it. In a glade, after following the footprints for a while, you finds that the trail has gone cold.\nDM: That is 28 points of slashing damage, and then it's going to attempt to bite you. You watch now this snub crocodile-like jaw unhinges and opens up with these natural spiked teeth on the top and bottom sides. It's going to reach out towards you. That is a 15.\nPlayer: That doesn't hit me.\nDM: It goes to bite towards you, and after the first strikes hit you, you duck out of the way and you hear him snatch together over top, making a horrible clenching noise, but you are not in the jaws when they close. As you look up as you duck down, it pulls back and (snorts) in a \"what have you got?\"-type expression. What are you doing?\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to pop Trinket out.\nDM: Okay, where?\nPlayer: Behind him.\nDM: You watch this tiny arc of black energy arc over and you swear you see two of the eyes, even though there is no visible iris, follow the immediate motion as the rest stay focused on you, and then Trinket appears behind it. (roars)\nPlayer: I'm going to disengage.\nDM: Okay, as your bonus.\nPlayer: And bamf up into the sky on my broom.\nDM: All righty. How high up are you going? Full movement?\nPlayer: What is that, 30?\nDM: That is 30, yes.\nPlayer: Yeah, but I want to get up to a tree that's far away from him. I don't want to hang out on the broom, I just want to be high enough that he can't jump up to me right away. You know what I mean?\nDM: Yep, so you are right up there.\nPlayer: Okay, and then I want to brace myself in a tree, so if I fell off the broom I wouldn't fall onto the ground.\nDM: So full movement would be about 20 feet up and ten feet back?\nPlayer: Yeah, sure.\nDM: Okay, so you would be about there, and you would be a little bit lower. We'll say for the purposes of this, because that direction does matter. All right, so you're back over here. Got it. Right up against this tree. That's your bonus action, that's your movement, what else are you doing?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the sidelines, Scanlan yells inspiration at you and Cutting Words at Kern. Keyleth attempts to heal you from a distance, but gets caught by a nearby Bastion.\nDM: (whack, whack) Yeah. And for those who are paying attention: they're both raging, they both take half damage, but since they're both doing it, we're negating both abilities because otherwise this battle would take three hours. (whack, whack) These fists, you see as they hit you, they're not just extremely strong and powerful previously, but they're hitting precise areas where you feel the muscle and bone is less resistant. There is technique to these punches that wasn't there before.\nPlayer: No problem!\nDM: He is going to dodge to the side here. (whoosh) Dodge off to the side (whoosh). Prepares himself, fists ready, for a defensive action. It's your go.\nPlayer: All right, I would like to enter a frenzied rage, and I would like to-- since he moves off to my side, I see him move, and I throw a back fist into the concave area of his nose.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: 23.\nDM: 23 hits.\nPlayer: Great. That is-- motherfucker, six.\nDM: Six damage?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: All righty.\nPlayer: I would like to then reach forward, as he's reeling back from that hit, with both of my thumbs and throw them towards his eyes.\nDM: You're going to attempt to blind? All right, so what this is going to be is for your second attack, a loose grapple, and we'll see if you can manage to push forward from that point. So go ahead and make an athletics check.\nPlayer: 14.\nDM: 14. That is going to be a 16 on his end, unfortunately. As you reach up, he (whoosh) slaps the hands away. His defensive posture-- he was ready for that sort of advance and he just knocks them to the side with a grin. Yeah. You do still have a bonus action, if you wish to use it.\nPlayer: If he knocks it aside, I take my right leg and I throw it to the outside of his kneecap, trying to snap his ACL or MCL.\nDM: Okay, go ahead and roll for the attack on that.\nPlayer: That's a 27.\nDM: 27 does indeed hit.\nPlayer: Why didn't that happen before? That's seven.\nDM: Seven points of damage? Oof, all right. As he pushes your hands out of the way, (whack) a resounding snap sound as your foot hits the side of his thigh. His leg muscles themselves are like a tree trunk and take most of the impact of the damage and you see him (pained cry). You can see the pain in his face. His grin gives way to a sudden grimace of pain. Your leg is now held in place; he resisted the full force of the blow to some physical damage himself, but not enough to knock the knee out. Do you want to move at all, or are you going to stay where you are?\nPlayer: I would like to move to flank his right side.\nDM: All righty.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog tells her to let her rage build and he will help her take down Raishan when the time is right. The meeting mostly consists of the group trying to figure out their next plan of attack, settling that they will go for Thordak before Raishan.\nDM: Drake steps forward and goes, \"I think that's a fine plan of action. Reach out to all those you brought in. Hopefully we can get a few of our friends in this as well.\"\nPlayer: Did an airship ever arrive?\nDM: They all look at each other, a bit confused. \"No.\"\nPlayer: An airship? Did anyone see an airship flying around?\nDM: \"I didn't see one.\" And Cassandra goes, \"No. There hasn't been an airship here, no. Are we expecting one?\"\nPlayer: Mm-hmm.\nDM: \"Good to know.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The herald comes down and asks for their names, Beau tries to pass them off as the Mighty Nein but the herald insists on their individual names, as they'll be needed to dispense a reward. Fjord gives the name Philbin, Beau says Lawrence, Nott gives Cowerie, you says Esma, and Yasha says Barry.\nDM: \"All right, Barry. Okay (clears throat). This here is a writ of Lawmaster intent. This will give you entrance to the location of where the job is supposed to take place. This supposed creature has holed up in a sewer nexus right on where the Interstead Sprawl meets with the outer wall of the Tri-Spires. We need you to travel down there, and, well, let's say there's a whole region on the inside where we've been hearing about this backing up of various liquid and strange noises from cleaners who were making their way through, so we sent a few crownsguards down and came across a mass of congealed sewage slime and webbing, so the fucking cowards ran back and we need to dig deeper. So here we are: find a way of whatever is creating this disturbance, kill it, take it back with proof of the kill, whatever built that little nest, and the Crown is willing to drop you about 700 gold pieces.\"\nPlayer: 700 gold pieces?\nDM: \"That's correct.\"\nPlayer: Just for the entrance, they are aware that there are several of us, we are just representatives of a slightly larger group.\nDM: \"Well, you have to divide it evenly from the 700 you get.\"\nPlayer: Of course, but we can all get entrance from this writ?\nDM: \"All the ones that are named on here.\"\nPlayer: You need all the names of everybody involved?\nDM: \"There's more involved?\"\nPlayer: Well, we're called the Mighty \"Nine,\" aren't we?\nDM: (groans) Takes the writ. \"And who are the other companions?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott says that they've been very clear that they're in this for what they can grab for themselves. She corrects Fjord's assumption that she relies on Caleb for protection, saying it's the other way around.\nDM: Yeah, he's a balding, portly gentleman, middle age or so. As you walk in, he, \"Aye, can I get you something?\"\nPlayer: Hey Clay, how's it going? Long night?\nDM: \"All right. Crazy night, from what I'm hearing.\"\nPlayer: I know, right? Can I go ahead and get a double to help with the night?\nDM: \"Aye, certainly. Here you go.\"\nPlayer: Had anyone come in tonight? Any one of the usuals? Seen Ulog? Seen Kara?\nDM: \"No? No. Oh no, Ulog was in earlier this evening.\"\nPlayer: Yeah?\nDM: \"He was here for a while, and then left with some friends. Think Dolan and his boy were in for a bit. They rushed out in a hurry about an hour ago?\"\nPlayer: All right. You didn't see them rush out with anybody?\nDM: \"Just the two of them.\"\nPlayer: Mention where they were going?\nDM: \"No, they just up and left. Figured they were done for the evening. They looked a bit hurried.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The creature bites at Vax, but the rogue manages to dodge some of the damage. Its tail wraps around Grog, crushing, grappling, and restraining him.\nDM: 19 points of piercing damage as its mouth lashes out, takes a chunk of your shoulder for a second, and you wrench yourself away and keep running.\nPlayer: Ugh.\nDM: Take the rest of your turn.\nPlayer: Ugh, okay. I'm going to shoot him.\nDM: Yes, you are.\nPlayer: Okay. That is 22.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: Okay. 14 for the first hit.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Second one is through the blazing bow, at 22.\nDM: Second one hits, first one misses, or did it hit?\nPlayer: Oh no, 14 was the damage to it.\nDM: For damage? All right, second one, blazing bow?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She Dimension Door'ed her way into the ritual room, which Vox Machina followed over the wall. She seemed to complete the ritual, creating this small, vacuous, spinning black sphere that is locked in place.\nDM: Okay, so, 20-foot radius so we'll say probably in the back here and forward this way, so this area between these. So as Keyleth, you put your arms up and this burst of glowing luminescent pinkish-purple energy begins to sparkle through the air like glitter suspended in low gravity, and it drifts through the air in the entire vicinity, you can see it clinging to you guys a little bit. All right. Are you going to move or you going to stay where you are?\nPlayer: I'll step back a bit.\nDM: Step out of the Faerie Fire or into it?\nPlayer: Step out of it.\nDM: Okay. Am I?\nPlayer: That's good.\nDM: Just ten feet? Okay. Ending your turn, Keyleth. Pike, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You made your way to the bottom, subterranean, guardian chamber, where you met a yuan-ti abomination that was laying guard to the true guardian: a large hydra. The hydra had turned around and laid waste to much of your party, but you managed to, through a series of clever choices, uses of fire magic, and some rapid assaults, managed to cleave all the heads from its body and kill it just in time.\nDM: Looking at his person, he has a short bow and a dagger, and that is it. He's not armed for any sort of main assault. In fact, most of his equipment and materials, in the way he's armored and dressed, is for expediency, lack of sound, and meant to blend into his surroundings fairly easy. A lot of browns, grays, and dull greens. He's definitely more of a scout and a tracker, based on his skill set from what you've seen, than any sort of frontline fighter.\nPlayer: I want to go over to Avantika.\nDM: As you approach, she gets up and rummages off the side and pulls off a small lantern she keeps notched on the side of her belt.\nPlayer: Do I see anything else tucked up under there while she is doing that that looks of interest or of importance?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Okay, okay. 19.\nDM: Nothing in particular beyond what she previously had, that you can tell at the moment, no. It's a small lantern, maybe that big, and she pulls a piece of cloth out that was meant to keep it from clattering or making any noise on the inside. She pulls out the cloth, tucks it in her pocket, ignites the end of an oil wick. The lantern glows a bit and gives off some light. She begins walking along the walls of the inside of the chamber.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After slamming his feet into the sand and preparing himself for conflict, he beckons you towards him. you faces off with Earthbreaker Groon.\nDM: 21, that's right, yeah. So you manage to resist, the effect of the stunning strike. He's gonna go for the secondary attack.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Which was seven plus 13, it's 20, so that still hits you.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: You take 18, reduce that to nine.\nPlayer: Oof .\nDM: Make another constitution saving throw.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He also casts Telekinesis on Grog and tows him with them. Scanlan says a prayer of thanks to the horses left behind, knowing that they'll probably die of starvation.\nDM: All right, as you guys are holding tight, both Scanlan and Vax are trying to grab something, holding onto rocks, but before they can get enough, they're both so small, it pushes them out.\nPlayer: How much time has passed?\nDM: It's three seconds. Oh! Passed since the bridge? About five, six minutes.\nPlayer: Can I try to catch them because I still have the Telekinesis going?\nDM: You can catch one of them.\nPlayer: (yelling) Why, Matthew?!\nDM: Because the spell has to be directed!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She falls backwards off the platform out of sight. Not knowing if she is just unconscious or dead, Grog leaps down and heads towards Vex.\nDM: Trinket's trying to get in on this side. All right, Percy's gone. Scanlan, do you want to try anything?\nPlayer: I can move within 30 feet of Vax?\nDM: You'd have to get on the ground to do it.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: Okay, make an acrobatics check, yeah.\nPlayer: 23.\nDM: 23. Okay, so you only take three points of damage from the fall. You don't fall prone. Okay, so going full movement from there, you can get there. Grog, full movement. Where are you going?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside.\nDM: In practice, yeah, whatever looks small enough and should fit, though it doesn't, but you make it fit. And it doesn't help. You do eventually find in one of the cells, closed and locked as you look by, there is one person in guard armor, in Westruun guard armor, that is in the cell. Not moving.\nPlayer: Hey. Hey, you. I kick him in the back a bit.\nDM: No movement.\nPlayer: I kick him harder.\nDM: No movement.\nPlayer: I look down the hallway. I back up a few steps. And I really run up and kick him really hard.\nDM: He just lurches over onto the side. Not moving.\nPlayer: Yeah, you're dead. Can I pat him down?\nDM: Yeah, you reach in and you can smell the decay starting to set in. And as you get close you can reach through the bars and see him, the actual area is closed and the door appears to be locked, and inspecting the body very quickly you can see that he was stabbed multiple times from behind and probably left in here to bleed out.\nPlayer: Low perception.\nDM: But you do find on him what appears to be a ring of keys. Not directly on his body, but underneath the corpse, like he was-- you gather best you can, someone probably grabbed it, got their way out, used that moment to stab him and escape.\nPlayer: Nice! I take the keys and I jauntily run by Orn Blackfoot and I go to Abjurist-- Hey, do you know who those other two voices are at the end of the hallway? Like, did you have anyone with you when you got put in here?\nDM: \"No, no one with me. Although-- been plenty of angry discussion from that dwarven fellow down the way.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, he's got a really rough accent.\nDM: \"I can hear you!\"\nPlayer: Shit. My voice carries. Are you all right here for one minute? I have to go perform an interview real fast.\nDM: \"I'm all right.\" And he just finishes eating the little bit of the ration that you gave him, like dried meats and bread.\nPlayer: All right, sit tight. All right, you two, put both your hands outside the cell where I can see them.\nDM: They both put their hands out. The dwarven man you can see puts his hand out, the skin is very wrinkled and you can see the varicose veins on it, the arm hair that you see on the dwarven arm is white, like bright white. The female hand comes out is thin, but the skin looks a little softer and younger.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth knocks on the door and quietly calls out for Jordana. A nervous voice from inside asks who they are.\nDM: 18. There's a pause. \"Crazy grandma? Come in.\" You hear the sound of a locking sound and the door opens up ever-so-slightly. A very, very dimly lit interior, there's a small lantern, a hooded lantern across the room. Other than that, you see the shadow of Jordana as she ushers you all in out of the rain.\nPlayer: So, hey guess what? It's started.\nDM: \"Yeah, apparently.\" She closes the door behind you, looks out the window that has the curtains closed and goes, \"Okay. So. It's underway. It's not safe to be here right now.\"\nPlayer: No.\nDM: \"Did anyone see you come in?\"\nPlayer: No, no.\nDM: \"Good. Who are you?\"\nPlayer: \"Oh. Well.\" How about Seeming? This whole time, have we looked like crazy peasants during the battle?\nDM: No.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: All right. Now it is Groon's turn. Groon is going to rush up to the front of Grog-- actually no, to the side here so you're both in combat, technically, and is going to make a flurry of blows attack using another one of his ki points. So that's gonna be four attacks, all against you, Grog.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: So that's a 27, hits, I'm pretty sure. Cocked. 26.\nPlayer: 27 and 26?\nDM: 16?\nPlayer: Oh, it misses!\nDM: And 28.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: You are unable to really feel around. You're like holding your hammer here, and the whole thing is squeezing against you and the muscles are pulling in, tense.\nPlayer: There's no way that I could try and push out with my legs to try and pull something out of the bag of holding, is there? It's too tight for that.\nDM: Well, what are you trying to pull out?\nPlayer: Maybe the alchemy jug?\nDM: You could probably pull the alchemy jug out if you wanted to, yeah.\nPlayer: I pull out the alchemy jug.\nDM: All right. And you force it out and hold it on the inside.\nPlayer: And I get super fucking wasted-- No, I'm kidding. (all laugh) I look inside of it, and I say, oil.\nDM: Okay. The jug now produces a bunch of oil.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: It gets to fill up the inside of the jug.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A breath of frost kills one of the giants before it is able to do much. Percy's engineering talent makes a showing, between a hand grenade and one of the exploding arrows he made for you.\nDM: It's still damage! So as you release the arrow, it just misses the top of the platform, and you get just enough of an angle that it hits one of the wings as it pulls it up, sticks into the part of its hand that crests the top of the wing. It (growls)--\nPlayer: And I say, fuck you!\nDM: Okay. And it echoes, \"Fuck you, fuck you...\" Do you or Trinket wish to move?\nPlayer: We're as far away as we can be, and I can't move any closer.\nDM: That's true. So now you and Trinket both make wisdom saving throws to try and shake the fear. Oh, and you're frightened, so actually, roll again on the attack. Disadvantage on the attacks. Just roll again. You're frightened.\nPlayer: No, both of those sucked. The first one was 20. 20 was the first!\nDM: So a total of 20 for the second roll? Well, that would hit. Well no, it has three-quarters cover so it wouldn't, unfortunately.\nPlayer: Matthew Mercer.\nDM: You were frightened! It's part of the effect. I had to remind myself that. So the arrow splinters off the top of the wing as it reaches upward, and you still feel the fear clutching your physical self.\nPlayer: Now we try to shake it off.\nDM: Now you try and shake it off.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog uses his Titanstone Knuckles to Enlarge and runs out right towards the dragon. Scanlan, still invisible, dashes through the ice.\nDM: That will put you about there. Okay. Yenk has a reach of ten because his arms are long, and you're within his combat range, so as soon as you fly up, he swings out with his fist to attempt to impact you.\nPlayer: All right, Uncanny Dodge.\nDM: As you're with your wings, dagger out, this fist comes swinging like a battering ram from the side. That is 22 to hit. Misses. (whoosh) You just barely dodge out of the way. You feel the force of it, the wind batter a bunch of errant falling sleet and snow across your face, but you rush past, the hasted bonus saving you on that one.\nPlayer: Okay, so how far did I just go?\nDM: That would have been 55 feet.\nPlayer: 55 feet. I can go 120 in one action, so that's my movement.\nDM: Halved, yeah.\nPlayer: Halved, but 120, so that's my movement, total. I'm going to throw Whisper in his face. I'm not going to bamf there; I'm just going to throw the dagger.\nDM: Into Vorugal?\nPlayer: Vorugal's face. That's halfsies, so I'm going to roll it again. That's way better. That is a 32.\nDM: That hits. How many Luck have you used, by the way?\nPlayer: One. That is 12 plus the psychic damage.\nDM: I thought you used Luck once before, today.\nPlayer: I don't think so. Not since waking up.\nDM: It would have been yesterday. You're right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you then asks the final question, from one father to another. The questions having been asked and the magic fading, the body reverts to its lifeless state.\nDM: It's just 11. All right, and one of them takes five points of damage and (impact sound) looks down at this little gnome that's there.\nPlayer: No, no, I'm still invisible. It's not a concentration spell.\nDM: Invisibility, I'm pretty sure that as soon as you do--\nPlayer: Oh, fuck.\nDM: The spell ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell.\nPlayer: Casts a spell?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Even though it's a concentration spell?\nDM: Yeah, you can cast other instantaneous spells, but as soon as you cast a spell you become visible.\nPlayer: What?\nDM: High-level invisibility, improved invisibility is the one that remains.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With a high-level Hold Monster, he paralyzes Zahra, Kash, and both their mounts, sending them plummeting back over the side of the tower. As Vecna's wounds again begin to seal, he telekinetically raises the central platform of the broken tower.\nDM: We're starting up at Grog's turn. We'll be right back here. Guys, we'll see you back here in just a minute. We'll make it quick, because we've got to rush in. Fast. Hold tight, and we'll see where the rest of this battle will go. See you guys in a minute. [break] And welcome back everybody. Before we get back into the fray, the winner in the chat tonight of the Wyrmwood giveaway was TwoOrThreeGodzillas. Congratulations, TwoOrThreeGodzillas. Enjoy dividing it amongst yourselves. Hope it's a good time for you, small box for a big creature, well done. So bringing it back in, last we left off, Vecna had just sent down another blast of arcane meteors pulled from beyond the realm slamming into the ground and sundering many of you, sending Scanlan into a point of near death where he popped back thanks to an aptly cast Death Ward in preparation for this combat. Vecna's round has ended with him shifting over to the opposite side of the battlefield. Grog, you're up.\nPlayer: From where I was released by the eagle when Scanlan changed back, I'm 20 feet off the deck. How far, if I was hereish--\nDM: If you were here and had gone straight up then fell back down, which technically would have dealt nine points of bludgeoning damage, reduced to four because you're ever raging. You've landed on the ground.\nPlayer: And he is off the deck how high about now? What would you ballpark it?\nDM: Vecna? I'd say probably 80 feet from down there.\nPlayer: This is one of those moments. I'm going to hold my action until I am within melee of, or fucking closer to--\nDM: What action are you holding?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A scuffle ensues as they chase down a necromancer, a number of cultists, and some creatures from the Shadowfell. During the fray, Scanlan gets Sprigg back on his feet, and Keyleth kill a couple of the cultists with a Firestorm.\nDM: I will say, at proximity to the flames that are starting to catch, you do take three points of fire damage.\nPlayer: Fine.\nDM: You threw the dagger at the big guy?\nPlayer: Whisper goes to the window at that guy there.\nDM: Go ahead and roll an attack.\nPlayer: And it's flanking, right? Because of where Grog is, or Keyleth?\nDM: It's not flanking, but you get to add sneak attack modifier.\nPlayer: Okay. Yeah, that's fine. That's 32.\nDM: Yeah, that hits. So you appear next to it.\nPlayer: Three plus psychic damage is four plus this junk. (counting) 33, doubled to 66 plus psychic damage is 74. Bamf there.\nDM: And you appear next to it. As the dagger sinks into its torso, you watch as its chest muscles and the iron cage-like armor around it seems to swallow the dagger. As it goes inside, you watch as some of the muscles all of a sudden (squelch) fall off of its body, like whatever energy's holding it together is untethered and this weird, fleshy, stitched-together creature is starting to fall apart. It's looking pretty hurt.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The fog follows them as they move, so that eventually Adella must give up and venture into the fog, losing all visibility. Keyleth and Tary give themselves gills and dive into the water to investigate.\nDM: Yeah, you grab whatever papers you can, there's a small leather tube, you grab that. Looking about inside, there's a ring of keys. You find a bunch of scattered coins throughout the room. It looks like there was a couple of small chests that just opened up and--\nPlayer: I'm looking more for magic, I don't care about gold-- magic or weird.\nDM: Right.\nPlayer: Catch the eye. Are the keys, like--\nDM: They look like some sort of opening device, yeah.\nPlayer: Oh, no. Okay, yeah, I'm gonna grab them anyway.\nDM: Okay. So you grab the keys. Cool. All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you and Yasha kill one before she can fly away holding one of the crew. Caleb casts Fear and forces two more to flee.\nDM: That'll do it. (cheering) And all out of hit points. So (arrow sound) the second one, you watch as it goes (pained sounds) and it begins to just careen down towards the edge of the ship.\nPlayer: Oh no!\nDM: It's about to slam-- we'll see, there's a percentage chance here.\nPlayer: Ooh, percentage dice?\nDM: I'm going to roll a percentile dice to see if it hits either on the deck, or over the edge. No, it hits on the deck.\nPlayer: Oh, nice.\nDM: 50% chance of either. It crashes in to the other guy, slams in to the side of the railing, manages to pull free and catches up with the other guy as they both run inside the ship. At this point, the other harpies now are just--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party awakens to a clean-shaven Caleb. They descend into the first chamber.\nDM: If you want to move around to get onto land, otherwise you're going to be having a hard time in the water here attacking them because you're constantly swimming.\nPlayer: Can I do that?\nDM: You still have movement, yeah. So you can move five, ten, 15, 20, 25 there. So you manage to whip around, get out, up onto land and not end up with a disadvantage on your attacks.\nPlayer: Okay, the first one is 15?\nDM: 15 does hit, yes.\nPlayer: Woohoo! Okay, second attack; not as good, 12.\nDM: 12 does not hit, unfortunately. But the first strike, as you pull up, cracks it right in the jaw. The next one, it manages to bash your arm out of the way and it deflects off the side-- no impact.\nPlayer: Okay, that's seven damage.\nDM: All righty, the first strike.\nPlayer: And then I am going to take my bonus and spend a ki point to do Patient Defense.\nDM: Okay, so as you get up on land, you focus and looking around side-to-side, make sure that you're aware of everything around you and get ready to defend and deflect.\nPlayer: A little in shock. (pants) Ah!\nDM: Okay, that finishes Beau's turn. Jester, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth follows behind, but can't get close enough to attack. you charges in, raging, and runs up to Jarett.\nDM: All right, so you charge in. Angry, you see Jarett's currently reaching back and trying to go for his crossbow now that this entity's in his face. He's grappled it with one arm and he's reaching back to try and grab it. You come rushing in. Go for it.\nPlayer: I take out a holy oil vial out of the Bag of Holding, I crush it in my hand, and I take a swing at whatever he's holding.\nDM: All right. Cool. So as you pull out (glass breaking) the pain from the glass even further angers you in your rage. You can see a mix of holy water and blood trickle down from your fist as you clench it. Go ahead and swing for a punch with disadvantage.\nPlayer: That's a one.\nDM: So that first strike just whiffs over. Through your anger, you're unable to focus on where this entity may be.\nPlayer: Not off to a good start with this. Number two. Disadvantage. Fuck.\nDM: What's the total?\nPlayer: 15.\nDM: 15 just barely hits. Go ahead and roll.\nPlayer: One of these guys?\nDM: Go ahead and roll that. Half that damage, yes.\nPlayer: One. Plus rage, which is--\nDM: Plus strength.\nPlayer: Oh, right. Eight.\nDM: So eight points of damage to it. All righty. (whack) It hits, and you hear this (yelps) sound as it takes the impact, and you can see this strange, angry face appear suddenly out of the shimmering air that just then disperses again, and you don't quite know where it is. You can make a third strike now, if you want.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The lights shift and the beautiful Ruby of the Sea descends the staircase and begins gently singing, entrancing the audience with her enchanting voice.\nDM: She immediately starts brushing your hair with her fingers on the side, \"You've gone so far and traveled so much. You have to tell me about what you've done.\"\nPlayer: I will of course! Do you want me to finish lacing you up? Your performance is tonight.\nDM: \"Yes, it is, please. Do not mind, she knows what to do.\" Now in front of the mirror with you behind her, she's looking at you through the mirror over her shoulder as you're helping lace up the back of her bodice.\nPlayer: We went to a town, and it was burned down and we killed a bunch of gnolls and we took off their ears. Then we went to another city and we fought these fish people in this swamp and it was really crazy. Oh my gosh, you should meet this monk girl that I know. She's crazy and she fights with her fists and also with a staff and she's really strong. There's this other girl who has wings. And I tell her all about it.\nDM: She's enthralled, listening to all this. \"I would never have thought my little Jester would be seeing the world and fighting creatures.\"\nPlayer: Fighting so much; you should see how strong I've gotten.\nDM: \"I want to see how strong you've gotten.\"\nPlayer: Well, I mean, okay. Do you want me to punch you?\nDM: \"Perhaps, wait until after the performance? I've just applied my-- anyway.\" At that point she stands up and Nadine helps her put the rest of her dress on. It's this beautiful deep purple, satin-type material. It's low-cut with this beautiful, long, training sleeve that hangs down past her knees when her arms are at her side. Puts on her necklace, a faint velvet choker that pulls across the back of the neck there and in the center is a small blue gem that she keeps to remind herself of you. She takes a moment to look in the mirror, \"Well, how do I look?\"\nPlayer: You look beautiful, Mama.\nDM: \"Then perhaps you should go join your friends.\"\nPlayer: Oh right, I can't disguise myself anymore, though. Can I borrow a cloak or something?\nDM: \"Perhaps.\" You can technically spend higher spell slots to cast a lower level spell.\nPlayer: Shit.\nDM: If you want to, it's up to you.\nPlayer: Okay, that's all that I'll do. I'll cast it again.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Dranzel says he assumed the guy was staying in the tavern. When asking the barkeep if Riskel is staying in the tavern the barkeep becomes guarded and defensive, saying that no one matching that description is staying there at the moment.\nDM: As you head to the barkeep, you see a dwarven woman wearing a simple blouse, but pulled up past the elbows. She's currently wiping down part of the front-- you can see her hair is pulled up to a ponytail that drifts past her shoulders down to the center of her chest. She glances up to you as you approach. \"Hi, so what can I get you, dear?\"\nPlayer: Hi. You have rooms, yes?\nDM: \"We have rooms, aye. We only got one currently not occupied.\"\nPlayer: Do you have an older gentleman? Elven, battle scars-- I describe him-- staying here right now?\nDM: \"No? No, I haven't seen someone like that.\"\nPlayer: Insight-check her?\nDM: Make an insight check.\nPlayer: That's okay. 23?\nDM: 23? Her demeanor has changed, and she has gotten guarded. \"Nope, haven't seen anyone like that here. Sorry! No. A lot of patrons coming through.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. So many people come in and out. It would be so easy to lose sight of somebody like that who came in. I put five gold pieces onto the countertop. It sure would be wonderful if you could remember anything about him being here, however.\nDM: She takes her cloth that she's wiping the counter with, and wipes over and pushes the gold coins towards you. Pulls back and goes, \"Sorry, dear. I can't help you.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Algar sees them and orders Xundi to finish them off quickly. Roll initiative.\nDM: 18 points of damage on the first strike. You carve through, you watch as a big piece of it splashes away. It's looking hurt. It's not heavy, but you're starting to see some wear and tear on the creature. You make your second attack?\nPlayer: Does he look like he's getting loose at all?\nDM: No, it looks like he's still held in there.\nPlayer: Oh, fuck. And I don't get to roll again, right?\nDM: No, you don't have a means for getting advantage. Remember, you have your reckless strikes.\nPlayer: Oh yes, let me do reckless.\nDM: Is that what you wanted to do?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: All right. Usually you say that at the top of the turn but it's been a while so you can do that.\nPlayer: Okay that'll definitely hit. Yeah, I'm sorry I'm out of practice, guys.\nDM: It's all good, it's all good.\nPlayer: And I'm on east coast time. Okay, 24.\nDM: 24 hits, yeah. Go ahead and roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As they catch up with the titan, Grog's Titanstone Knuckles begin to vibrate in resonance. Still about 200 miles away from Vasselheim, Scanlan and J'mon render the group invisible for the approach to the titan.\nDM: All right. Another giant arm swings, but swings wide as it attempts to swing in the same place it did before. It does not seem to see the two of you quickly approach the proximity of its torso. You hear this (zooming) passing over you by about 30 or 40 feet.\nPlayer: Oh, trying to go for J'mon?\nDM: No, trying to go where you guys were. You still have a visual point on it, so you direct and tug Vax by the hair and ears in the direction of the path you saw.\nPlayer: By the ponytail.\nDM: Yeah, basically. And there, on the edge, you can see J'mon Sa Ord there, wings flapping, as you guys rocket down and land right on the edge of the footsteps. There's about a five-foot gap where the water isn't rushing past.\nPlayer: Okay. I immediately cast Control Water and suck it inside.\nDM: Okay. The waterfall stops and bends upward and is now being held. You guys have a row of steps ahead of you that are safe enough to land on right now. They're still slick with water, but there isn't a rushing waterfall pouring over them.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan jumps off of you's shoulder, pulls out his Wand of Magic Missiles, and fires eight darts at the giant, causing some of its flesh to fall off and expose bone. The giant turns its head to face him, aware that it is now flanked.\nDM: Hits. He's very slow-moving and a very large target, he's very easy to hit, thankfully. So as you rush up, first, what you got?\nPlayer: 22 for the first one.\nDM: 22, nice.\nPlayer: 13 for the second one.\nDM: Nice.\nPlayer: 15 for the third one.\nDM: Nice! (whack) You slam the hammer into the side of one of its calves. It buckles for a second and you can see the muscle itself kind of snap and a piece of bone is now jutting out of the side of its leg.\nPlayer: (singing) Now we got Grog's blood.\nDM: With that, you swing the hammer around and slam it into the bone, actually jamming it deeper into its leg. (all yell)\nPlayer: Yes, yes!\nDM: As you pull back, these slow flames kind of burning the outside, you can see the flesh sizzling with the impact of the burning hammer. Swing it once in your hand, whack! Onto the other side, this time the actual leg bursts out that side and it falls almost a little bit, it's sort of walking on this stump of a leg now, you pretty much destroyed the bottom half of its middle of its calf to its foot, it's just slumping over, the toe's still kind of wiggling on its own. It's now half on part of its leg as at this point it kind of rotates in place towards you now, using one hand to get around as it brings this club up. Looking up into its face now, as you haven't really had a close-up on this, it's strange to see, you see there are similar features, you've encountered stone giants this up close and this personal, there is where your brethren, your blood comes from. However, half of its face is torn off by some sort of large claw mark. Where there would be an eye is just this sunken socket and there are these streaks of dried blood that long before the rainstorm came are just smeared across the face, and part of its jaw is broken open and you can see jagged broken teeth underneath, its tongue lolls out the side and it just (undead groan) reaches up with its club to come on down. All right, so the first, it's going to come down and strike you with this giant club-like piece of heavy wood and metal. That's a natural 20.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you sends Frumpkin to scout it out. He sees that the chimes are in a tree, and rather than wood are made from yellowed dried hollow bones tied with sinew.\nDM: It doesn't catch your mind as anything that is a defensive mechanism to undead that you would recognize.\nPlayer: It's hanging from a tree?\nDM: It is, about seven feet above Frumpkin.\nPlayer: I am going to send Frumpkin up the tree.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: I am going to send Frumpkin toward the branch.\nDM: Frumpkin manages to climb the tree using the outside of the somewhat twisted bark, getting to the top. From that viewing point, as Frumpkin gets out there you can--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they find a cave filled with magical darkness. Keyleth shifts into an earth elemental to scout the cave, finding that it contains a strange planar rift and a group of grick.\nDM: There is a singular cave on the far end. There's a slight outcropping, and then it leads into that one 20-foot-wide cavern that goes deeper in there.\nPlayer: I'm going to creep up just to the edge of the cave. I'm not going to go in. Is it a separate perception check for the inside of the cave as well?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: You want to make a stealth check one more time? Stealth check first.\nPlayer: Stealth check is good. It's a 21. 31.\nDM: 31, okay. So making your way up, you dodge from low on the side of the beach, jumping in front of these strange stone platforms, keeping in, look for cover. You make your way up against the side of a wall, begin to glance inside. Make a perception check.\nPlayer: And that is 19.\nDM: 19. It's pitch-black in the cavern. You have no light source, unfortunately. You have darkvision, which does help you to a certain extent. You cannot see the entirety of the cavern, but you can see about, let's say, 40 to 60 feet in. The beach gravel comes to a halt and comes to this smooth stone flooring. You don't see anything that particularly catches your attention.\nPlayer: Manufactured or made, or just paved floor?\nDM: It looks like it has some natural change in the topography. It's not a polished floor, but it's definitely been worn over time.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percival shoots Clarota in the head, releasing Scanlan, who had been grappled by the turncoat. As the remaining illithids take heavy damage, the two of them Plane Shift out of the room in self-preservation.\nDM: What are you doing? The other doorway isn't blocked, you have mind flayers running in, you have probably more and more swarming from underneath the temple, probably over at some point, from what you've seen of the temple structure.\nPlayer: Okay, so I'm going to attempt to crush the Horn. With a thousand pounds of pressure.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Because my Telekinesis is still going.\nDM: That's true.\nPlayer: I can't do anything else without dropping this thing because as soon as I do anything else, I drop the horn. So I have to do that first.\nDM: Okay, so you use your action, go ahead and roll for that, for the crushing of Telekinesis.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, When Lionel mentions that his boss is called the Meat Man, Vox Machina are all immediately intrigued; however, Lionel has never heard the name Shorthalt , nor does he recognize the description of their former gnomish companion, Scanlan. He tells them that his boss' actual name is Aes Adan.\nDM: \"I'm but a humble merchant from Ank'harel, and I'm seeking to make some contacts in this rumored emerging metropolis of Whitestone. Yes?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"Now, I have information that may be of use to you, my compatriots have told me. And, should my gatherers and whisperers be correct, in trade I would like to get some information from this one.\"\nPlayer: Possibly. What is it that you want to know?\nDM: \"Rumors tell me of these fabled Riflemen of Whitestone.\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"While paltry mechanical imitations have occasionally come across the markets on our side of the world, I hear that you were the designer of these instruments of death.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ogden tells her the history of how the Trickfoots were first cursed. He explains that he has spent his life researching this curse, and once succeeded in exorcising it from Johann some years ago.\nDM: \"Let's just say that some of our family aren't the most subtle.\" She looks down and to the side and averts her gaze. \"They're good people. They're very good people. Johann has done a lot for us, but he's more prideful than the rest of us. As soon as anyone starts any shit, he's the first to get in their face about it. He's a fiery one. It's why Astra took to him.\"\nPlayer: She's fiery as well, it seems.\nDM: \"She's something.\"\nPlayer: If you could settle down anywhere, where would it be?\nDM: She looks around at the whole city. \"Probably right here.\"\nPlayer: Whitestone is quite wonderful.\nDM: \"It's very nice. People here are far less dubious than the folks in Kymal, at the very least.\"\nPlayer: Pike's buttered us up quite well.\nDM: \"I miss her a lot. We grew up together. I don't know if you knew that.\"\nPlayer: I heard. How old was she when she left?\nDM: \"I don't know the specifics of it, but me and her were both in our first decade.\"\nPlayer: What was that like, having Pike leave and you staying behind?\nDM: \"We were friends. She was my only friend, at the time. I've always been a reader. They tell me the first of my kind, so I didn't take to making new friends very well. That, and Uncle needs someone to look after him, and I didn't really want to drop the ball on that.\"\nPlayer: Well, you're a good person.\nDM: \"I'm a person.\"\nPlayer: Would you like to see the library?\nDM: \"You have a library?\"\nPlayer: It's growing.\nDM: \"Yes, please!\"\nPlayer: I don't know how big the library is right now.\nDM: In Castle Whitestone?\nPlayer: I mean, it's my particular--\nDM: Oh, your personal library? It's not huge.\nPlayer: I'm growing it!\nDM: I know, but it took a while to construct it, and then some books have made their way in. It's maybe a third full, but as you show her, she's like, \"What kind of books do you have?\"\nPlayer: Oh, well, a lot of books about really terrible gods. Some good gods. Oh! I have something about the Feywild; I remember picking that up. Would you like to learn about the Feywild?\nDM: \"Yeah. I've only heard a few things.\"\nPlayer: I go dig through my books and find it.\nDM: She takes her straightened hair to the side, and she nervously steps back with it and smiles with her little gap tooth. \"Are you sure?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tries to call Scanlan over her Earring of Whisper, but she is just out of range. Percy runs up to the door and opens it, letting light and the sounds of battle enter the dining room.\nDM: Okay, so you just swing around (fwwwt) to the inside. You look up and immediately you see this curved banister and a whole row of guards up top with heavy crossbows. In the center, you can see some blur as Grog, Trinket, and some individual are in the middle of this tussle. The individual currently has Grog grasped by the throat.\nPlayer: How crazy-- I don't know if I can do Minor Illusion that way right now. So I'm going to call Hex on that first guard there.\nDM: Which one? Right there?\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: I'm going to burn my action surge, and I'm going to start taking my shots, and I'm just going to work my way up.\nDM: Okay, so you swing around the corner and look up at the one guard. As you concentrate for a second, bringing your gun up, your eyes begin to go black again, the smoke pouring out from the corner of it. Smoke begins to pour out of the midsection of the guard, who looks confused for a second, and it swirls around him as part of the Hex that has him marked, as you release your next three blasts.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord manages another kill with Eldritch Blast, leaving two up, including the priest. Caleb takes a hit that breaks his concentration on Molly's Haste, stunning Molly for a round.\nDM: Right now, you're in the water, so with full speed, you're probably not going to get to it unless you take an action to dash.\nPlayer: Okay. I'll hop up back on that, out of the water there.\nDM: You have 30 feet of movement. There's the guy who's underwater over here somewhere, and there's the guy that's currently assaulted by most of your team on the other side.\nPlayer: Okay, so I'll move closer to where I think the guy is.\nDM: (counting) There?\nPlayer: And then I will cast Healing Hands on myself.\nDM: Okay, so you reach down and touch the front of your chest--\nPlayer: Bring me to a whole seven.\nDM: Oh, shit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny you, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: This opens up slightly more, and you get to see a portion of the mineral growth-- a lot of the moisture that has coalesced into the ceiling has come into a central point, and over time, it just built up these central columns of rock and natural materials. A few pools have gathered towards the base. You see portions of the ground where elements of the acrid liquid that filled the pool over here just dripped in. Whether they began this way or turned by the dragon's presence, you are unaware. But that's as far as you can see.\nPlayer: Further along the wall, that little rock-- yeah. And just a little bit past it. And then closer to you.\nDM: At this point, you can make out that additional pool of acid, the far back corner and a risen platform, you see the portion of the cavernous stone beginning to mass into a higher level towards the far back corner.\nPlayer: I listen.\nDM: Roll a perception check.\nPlayer: 20.\nDM: 20. You listen in... Silence. Stillness. The very faint whisper of wind far behind you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They also discovered that the tower in the center is titled Entropis, where all the magic is being funneled at the moment. Thus having found this information, they gathered their resolve and continued their trek deeper and deeper into the city surrounding the tower Entropis, to discover what their purpose is here in Thar Amphala.\nDM: You continue further into the city. You still hear the distant, low shrieks of the gloom stalkers (shriek) overhead, swooping past in clusters, circling around. Occasionally you watch one or two swoop down and land on a distant rooftop, and you hear the crunching of heavy stone and whatever materials were still remaining on the roof of that structure as it lands and surveys a bit, and then (whoosh) takes off and joins the rest of its kin.\nPlayer: Do any of the buildings look remarkable or interesting? I'm trying to keep an eye out for any building that may have anything inside it of vague importance. Either the building itself is slightly more interesting, or it looks like maybe someone has boarded something up to try and maintain some kind of vigil against the darkness? I'm not entirely sure. Out of the ordinary.\nDM: Okay. Make an investigation check.\nPlayer: I knew you were going to say that. I'm not good at this. Nope. Nope, nope. That's a four. That's a natural one.\nDM: A lot of these buildings are hard to tell apart when they're all just in this state of disrepair and destruction.\nPlayer: Some of them have doors.\nDM: Some of them do. Some of them have windows, kind of.\nPlayer: Holes where windows might be.\nDM: Possibly. Some, you can't tell if it's a hole, or a window. Or a door? As you press forward.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: 12 does not hit. As you rush forward to swing with your first strike, the one that'd been firing at you from the previous round notices your approach, throws the longbow over the arm and brings up the shield in the same motion and deflects the quick thrust of your staff.\nPlayer: Uh-huh. Okay.\nDM: If you're doing Flurry of Blows you have two more attacks on it.\nPlayer: Yeah, wonder if that's a good idea. Maybe I should-- I'm going to Patient Defense this again. Do I have a bonus attack?\nDM: No, you do that instead of your bonus attack. You hit once, it gets deflected, and you spend your bonus action to do Patient Defense.\nPlayer: That didn't go as well as I thought.\nDM: That's all right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party, after essentially forcing this individual to reveal themself, the rakshasa fled through a tunnel underneath its room into a long subterranean tunnel fraught with traps that were set to protect it. The party managed to avoid these rather deftly until the steady decline of the hallway, combined with the increasing moisture and scent of refuse, caused a slick surface and our fantastic cleric, Brother Kash, Kashaw, slipped and fell down.\nDM: 22. Okay, so you pull off and away. You can see where it dragged across your scales, it left this nasty trail of black-- whatever you would call it, saliva-- but you manage to slip it off your hand, and you feel like it's probably not going to bother you too much. However, as you steady yourself, one of the tentacles comes swinging down towards you. That is also with disadvantage. That would be a 21 to hit.\nPlayer: Yeah, that hits.\nDM: All right. You take seven points of bludgeoning damage from the impact. That's only four points of piercing damage as the spines slam into your side and seem to stick onto you. You are also considered grappled and restrained for the time, as the tentacle wraps around you and the spines are digging into your body. It now has you by your waist and is holding you in place.\nPlayer: This is fun. How much damage is that, total?\nDM: That'd be a total of 11 damage.\nPlayer: Really? Plus the other damage?\nDM: Plus the bite, no. Did you not write down the bite damage I told you?\nPlayer: That's 16, so 26? 27. So what's half of that?\nDM: Half of that?\nPlayer: Because of the Stoneskin. My Stoneskin is still up.\nDM: Stoneskin is still up. That is correct. How long does that last?\nPlayer: Hour?\nDM: Hour. Yeah, that should've lasted long enough. You're fine, yeah. So half of that would've been--\nPlayer: I cast that when we were chasing him--\nDM: Yeah. 13 points of damage.\nPlayer: Okay. 13 points.\nDM: That was a lot of technicality in one turn. Well done, Tiberius. All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan manages to get some gold from Grog, although the latter is not great at counting. Percy checks in on Cassandra and tells her they've killed another dragon.\nDM: She gives you a very keen look. And you can see Cassandra. As much as she is the healthiest you've seen her physically, her eyes have dark circles over them. It looks like she's been very harried by the events of these past few weeks. Understandably so. But she takes and looks over the sheet and goes, \"Well, very well. Should be an interesting meeting then.\"\nPlayer: I think so. I do think so. It's good to see you taking command.\nDM: \"It's good to see you, and I look forward to you sharing some of the burden soon.\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"Right?\"\nPlayer: Quite possibly.\nDM: \"Right?\"\nPlayer: We will discuss whence the dragons are taken care of.\nDM: \"Good.\"\nPlayer: We will discuss, at the very least, relieving you of some of this burden.\nDM: \"Good.\"\nPlayer: I know it is not fair.\nDM: \"Whatever is fair in this life? The wonders of lordship and ladydom.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina, with nothing to do for the moment, head to Gilmore's Glorious Goods. The party enter Shaun Gilmore's shop in Abedar's Promenade, where you makes a beeline to find the man himself.\nDM: Yes. Gilmore, who has sweeped you out into the middle of Abedar\u2019s Promenade, takes you by the arm and begins to lead you happily up towards the Erudite Quarter of Emon, which has a secondary wall around it as well. As he brings you along, he talks happily and loudly about how, \"It\u2019s rather wonderful the way that we were presented with this opportunity over in Westruun. It\u2019s magnificent, the team they\u2019ve assembled to build this brand. I\u2019m very excited at how they brought it to my attention. I wanted to keep things very localized, of course, but it seems--\"\nPlayer: Will you trust the folk in Emon to handle your business or will you go between?\nDM: \"The folk in Westruun?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"The folk in Westruun?\" \"I have a couple of friends there that will oversee the process, but I will be very involved and keeping an eye, so I\u2019m not too terribly worried. Besides, it\u2019s a much smaller business we\u2019re running there and it\u2019ll be fine. Oh, look ahead.\" As you guys step into the Erudite Quarter, he\u2019s now brought you into essentially what is an outdoor botanical garden that is just a very nice walk. Grass across the ground, with fine well-cut bushes. There is a canopy of beautiful trees that are arcane, through arcane means, twisted and sculpted to form this long tunnel. It\u2019s strangely romantic. As Gilmore begins to walk you down, there\u2019s a fountain to the side, and he says, \"What about you? How\u2019s Vox Machina been? How\u2019ve they been treating you? How are you, Vax?\"\nPlayer: Well, we\u2019re tired, to be sure. I was not kidding before, we really are lucky to be alive. And that\u2019s thanks in large part to a lot of the gear you outfitted us with the last time.\nDM: \"Wondrous, I\u2019m happy to help. And have you been keeping up your end of the bargain? Have you been singing the praises of Gilmore\u2019s Glorious Goods across Kraghammer and beyond?\"\nPlayer: You were mentioned in Kraghammer. I regret to inform you, though, that we were forced to travel underground rather quickly and the duergar and the other things that we ran into were not really customers you\u2019d want to deal with. No, our lives were too much in harm\u2019s way. But now that we\u2019re above ground, I\u2019m looking to pick up where I left off.\nDM: \"Very well.\" And do your shop honor.\nPlayer: Your contribution to what we\u2019ve done -- And I place my hand on his hand. --was no small part in our survival. And I give it just a little squeeze. And I want to thank you. I don\u2019t know that I would be standing here if not for your help.\nDM: \"Had it not been for Gilmore\u2019s Glorious Goods.\" (all laugh) He looks you deep in the eyes, pats the top of your hand, and goes, \"Vax. This, that moment, that is why I do what I do.\"\nPlayer: You\u2019re a unique man, Gilmore. No question. Never met anyone quite like you.\nDM: \"Well. Would you care to share a glass of wine with a man not quite like anyone else you\u2019ve met?\"\nPlayer: Indeed. What do you recommend in the area?\nDM: \"Oh, please, come, there are casks that pour the finest of honeyed Syngoran wine. I know perhaps you\u2019ve not been home for quite some time?\"\nPlayer: That\u2019s a complicated thing for me, one that I\u2019m not really quite ready to talk about yet.\nDM: \"Oh.\"\nPlayer: Maybe someday.\nDM: \"Maybe with enough wine.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party awakens to a clean-shaven Caleb. They descend into the first chamber.\nDM: Fjord vanished. You see two now turning their eyes towards Mollymauk who's right there. There's one across the way that's currently barrelling on Beau and there's the one at the top of the stairs right now that looks like it's commanding a giant storm.\nPlayer: I'm going to go over to the one by Beau.\nDM: Over here?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: So that's five, ten, 15, 20, 25, 35. You're in the water swimming, so your attacks are at disadvantage right now.\nPlayer: Okay. All right.\nDM: If you wanted to do Reckless, you could counteract that, but you'll be taking--\nPlayer: Well, I had one natural 20, and then 18 was my lowest.\nDM: Wait, so that was disadvantage?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: As it's holding the child and it's looking down at the young boy, lifting it off the ground and bringing it towards its jaws as its teeth open wide, its lips curl back like it's ready to take a quick little nibble of the child's arm. Suddenly the bolt hits it in the side of the jaw and it's sticking out. (squeal, snarl) It starts looking over in your direction and it looks right towards you. (growl)\nPlayer: Can I use my regular-- regular gnoll. Do I have remaining movement as a bonus?\nDM: No, it's your full movement to get there. Bonus action you can dash if you want to.\nPlayer: Yes. I will dash away, but I can't hide. I will dash behind those rocks to my right.\nDM: Over here?\nPlayer: Yes. In those skulls or anywhere around there.\nDM: That works fine there. Beau.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Most of the party use Disguise Self to make themselves look wealthier, and less like unusual races. They leave the cart and the owl with the front hand of the inn and you tells him they'll be staying.\nDM: As you guys have been standing in the middle of the foyer area, you're pushed ahead by another group of about four individuals. They look to be merchants, well-dressed for the occasion, and they push passed. \"Ah, excuse me.\" They go and find another table, and you get the sense that the room probably is going to be filling up.\nPlayer: We should probably get a table as soon as possible. Where's the backstage door? Where do I get to my mom?\nDM: Your mom actually descends for her performance, so you'd have to go upstairs.\nPlayer: I want to go upstairs.\nDM: Okay. Just you?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: All right. So you guys all find a table?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau responded she has no respect for authority. Lorenzo responded Then another life it is.\nDM: Okay. You pour acid on the lock. It's going to take a moment. Acid isn't an immediate thing, if you're not going to splash it on somebody. It has to eat through metal.\nPlayer: Well, shit. Then I won't do that.\nDM: You would know that as an alchemist.\nPlayer: I will-- Shit, what do I do? I can't kill anything here. I'm going to try the lock. I'm going to try the lock. there's nothing else I can do.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: It's a natural one.\nDM: I think the signs are pointing in a direction. What are you doing, Nott?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you and Nott use WC and the horse from Alfield, which are pulling the cart. you rests in the back while Nott drives the wagon.\nDM: He goes \"Well, first off that's terribly rude, affecting me with any sort of arcane-based nature enchantments upon first meeting you when I've been so gracious.\"\nPlayer: Ja, we're a bunch of Arschlochs, yeah, we're assholes it's fine, but I'm just saying--\nDM: \"But do you pay?\"\nPlayer: Today we do.\nDM: \"Then I think we will do quite well working together.\"\nPlayer: Okay, you see this one? The purple one? He will cut you from navel to nuts, so please, have fun with us, but don't you fuck us.\nDM: \"I know better than to cross anyone with a--\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, Caduceus, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. Fjord, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of you.\nDM: You wake up, come to consciousness on the ground. Fjord is getting you up. You look over your shoulder, and you can see there's a whole shit ton of guards in the area that are subduing Yasha. Caduceus seems to have put his hands up.\nPlayer: What is my distance from the boat?\nDM: From the boat? From now, you'd be about 160 feet.\nPlayer: 160 feet? If I got to my feet, that's half my movement.\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: If I moved ten feet I'd be within 150 feet, correct? Yeah?\nDM: Yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog gets one that has a point on it. They return to the others and Grog shows off his hat.\nDM: \"They are comfortable.\" As he walks in, still bandaged on the arm, you can see there's a small kettle of tea set by the small fireplace right there. It's a tiny little table and a tiny little stool that he's just kind of sitting on right there. And he goes and he reaches over for the kettle. \"(groans)\" Tries to pick up the cup and just pours the tea into it.\nPlayer: (alarmed stuttering) I'm going to stop and attach and begin strapping this.\nDM: \"(confused stuttering)\"\nPlayer: Let me show you. It attaches like this.\nDM: \"Ooh.\"\nPlayer: Here are the two switches. (clicking) And for your mine.\nDM: \"Eh? Oh.\"\nPlayer: I grab, hit the button, twist, pull.\nDM: \"Oh? Eh? I just got that!\"\nPlayer: And I get the spike and attach it.\nDM: \"Oh.\"\nPlayer: Remove it, put the hand back on. Tea?\nDM: (chuckle, click) (excited laughter) \"Tea?\"\nPlayer: Sure. Why not? Always say yes.\nDM: \"Need another cup. (grunts)\" He stands up and goes over, still holding the kettle and splashing everywhere, and he's flipping through cabinets and knocking pieces of glass out. \"Ah! Found it.\" Pulls out another little ceramic cup and pours the tea in, sets it down. (chink, click) \"(cackles)\" \"To new hands!\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The undead dragon -- none other than the slain white dragon, Obatal\u00e1, that once served as Arkhan's mount -- unleashes a breath of bone shards at him. Vox Machina leap to Arkhan's defense, deciding it is best to face the Briarwoods now rather than later.\nDM: That's easy enough. Make an athletics check, actually, in case something goes horribly bad. You are raging, so you get advantage.\nPlayer: 25.\nDM: Okay. Easy enough. At that height, you take eight points of bludgeoning damage, reduced to four, and (impact) you land, arcing over her, both feet to each side of her, and you're standing, looming over her body as she's wrapped up in vines, going (grunting).\nPlayer: I fucking hate this dead bitch. And I raise the sword and start swinging down in these huge arcs at her. The first two attacks at her.\nDM: Okay. As you pull the blade up, the voice goes, \"Yes. Her. She's part of the web. Her. Her!\" And you give into the fury. Go ahead and make your attacks.\nPlayer: Are they with advantage because she's prone?\nDM: Correct. Well, she's restrained.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They decide to try to move away from it, and while they walk, Calianna tells Beau that she was raised by the Cult of the Caustic Heart, who kept her in seclusion and told her she was special and important. Meanwhile, the troll continues to keep pace with them off in the trees.\nDM: No traps, nothing like that. You do notice there are wounds across the body. Beyond the leg missing, there are a number of wounds. You can make a medicine check to try and ascertain what they are.\nPlayer: Ten.\nDM: Okay. They seem to be a combination of bite and claw marks. Not super deep slashing, but definitely a gash across the shoulder, the neck. There is one large puncture wound about that wide that's right around where the sternum is. But whatever punctured it, one of the edges is torn out, like something hooked was placed in and then pulled through, dragging the flesh with it.\nPlayer: Does her face look like--\nDM: Intact.\nPlayer: Yeah, we don't know this person, right?\nDM: No, you do not recognize this person, lifeless. You do see some rough elements of tattoos along the neck similar to the banded neck tattoos of members of The Gentleman's crew that you had seen before. Not as thick and dense, but you can see that there is a pattern to the acquisition of some of these tattoos for the ones who run the smuggling line. You're starting to ascertain and put that together, but intact.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ripley reappears out of reach of you. He throws his sword in desperation at her.\nDM: 32 points of damage. As she appears, you throw the axe, and it's a very short distance, so a big amount of your physical strength is put behind it. The axe embeds itself right in her upper abdomen, and she's like, (groaning). It's still in her right now, and she's, \"No.\"\nPlayer: I'm throwing my sword.\nDM: You're going to throw?\nPlayer: Yeah!\nDM: All right, roll with disadvantage.\nPlayer: I have advantage on my attack because I just inspired. Mythcarver.\nDM: Mythcarver? Yeah, but you'll have disadvantage, so it's your regular attack with no proficiency bonus. You're not proficient at throwing weapons, so this is a serious penalty.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina head down to the quarry as bloodied dwarves begin to come out of one of the tunnels, followed by ten goblins. A goblin attacks one of the dwarves; Percy, Vex and Vax attack the goblins.\nDM: With you guys charging in, you can now see a handful more goblins are rushing out. They are like running really fast, sprinting.\nPlayer: I throw Entangle up, in the distance wherever they're coming from.\nDM: Okay, what's the radius on that?\nPlayer: Like a hundred feet.\nDM: That's the range. What is the radius?\nPlayer: Oh, 20-foot radius.\nDM: Okay. You find a portion of the central point where the things exit from the tunnel and these strange reddish vines begin to protrude and to begin to grab nearby goblins and pull them up in this massive, weird vine creature. You hear (stomping) and you now see two larger ogre-like creatures come storming out.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nila speaks with a bird which tells her the forest has been like this since before its time and to beware of spirits and bone-spurred beasts. It leads them to the Mardun house, the Estate Sybaritic, a dark red wood two-story estate at the edge of the city that's in the beginning stages of showing disrepair, surrounded by a tall spear-topped stone wall.\nDM: \"I'll pass on the message! You'll be summoned if necessary, but (clicks tongue)\" Gives a motion over to the other guard who's finished eating, who's also pulled the shortbow off the shoulder and has knocked an arrow into it. Gives a whistle and the doors to the estate open, and you watch as three more guards emerge with crossbows, and one with a heavy crossbow at the ready. They all keep them at the ready, very close eye. One of them begins to patrol the outside of the building. You get the sense immediately that there's a general anxiety and tension at this space when strangers approach. They're being very careful.\nPlayer: Can I look around, do I see anybody who's hidden, watching from windows up above, anything that looks like we're being watched?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Not by guards, necessarily. 21.\nDM: You glance up, and on the second floor there is two sets of double windows. They're paned, one of them looks to be partially opened, and you can see on the inside there are curtains. One, the curtains are closed, the other is drawn to a side, and you see a figure looking out below. As soon as you look up and see it, the curtain closes.\nPlayer: Did I catch a glimpse of what the figure looks like?\nDM: The figure looked to be human, though the skin was dark. That's as best as you can get before they vanished.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, a group of suspicious temple workers interrupts, capturing Nott in a translucent force hamster ball while you casts Blink, multiple Charm Person spells, Mirror Image, and Hold Person to evade and misdirect her pursuers. She uses Dispel Magic on Nott's hamster ball and Nott doubles dashes away.\nDM: The Cloak of Shadows thing? All right, cool. As they're chasing, you Channel Divinity. You give a silent little whispered prayer to the Traveler to give you the opportunity to escape.\nPlayer: Please don't fuck me!\nDM: You vanish. You are invisible for the next six seconds.\nPlayer: I run as fast as I can and turn a corner.\nDM: Okay, and with that, you duck around into a little nook on the outside of an abode or home that's placed here on the outside of the temple. In that moment, make a stealth check with advantage, because you're invisible.\nPlayer: Natural 20!\nDM: Okay. You hear the voices of the crownsguard going on like, \"What--where-- Spread out! Where did you see them go?\" \"I didn't see. They just vanished! This is ridiculous. We're all going to get into serious trouble if we don't find them.\" They all begin to scatter about, and you begin to weave your way through some of the nearby alleyways into the shadows of the night. Yeah, that invisibility completely cut off their eyeline to keep following you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax hops up and bravely runs away, away. Tiberius misses a Counterspell as Delilah Briarwood deals him 21 points of psychic damage and drop his Intelligence and Charisma to 1, reducing him to instinctual responses and disabling his flying.\nDM: You take 66 points of necrotic damage as a sickly beam of black energy streaks out from her finger, plows into your torso, and you feel as if your soul is temporarily pulled from a portion of your body. For a second there, your eyes glance past the threshold of death, and you manage to pull yourself back in. The cold resonates through the rest of your body, and all of a sudden the temperature outside, which was already pretty chilly, feels freezing cold. Brush with the Finger of Death. All right, she is going to move over towards Sylas right here, getting into a protective standpoint, glancing down at the unconscious body of Vax. That brings us to-- we have Grog, Tiberius, and Scanlan.\nPlayer: I'm going first. Fucking shit. I know she's got me in her fucking claws.\nDM: You've figured this out now, after this whole (yelps). Keyleth, of course.\nPlayer: Can I still see through the window?\nDM: You can see through the window right there, yeah. It's hard, at this point.\nPlayer: Okay, I'll use my bonus action first to cast Healing Word on Vax. (singing) Oh, that Vax elf--\nDM: What's the range on Healing Word?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Trinket, who had been sleeping outside Percy's workshop, attacks the one next to Percy. Jarett gets up and runs to the cell, unlocking the door.\nDM: It swings towards you, and a giant slam of extremely condensed air with a raking claw impact hits you in the torso, doing 15 points of bludgeoning damage. The other one swings out, same direction. This time you actually pull off to the side and knock it out of the way with your Pepperbox. The one back there is going to attempt to grapple. Succeeds. That's its action, and you can see the driver that you had put into prison is currently being (choking) making strangling sounds in the distance. That ends it. Trinket's up.\nPlayer: Trinket. He can see Percy getting attacked and instinct takes over, and he runs forward and he claws him.\nDM: All right, go ahead and roll for the attack.\nPlayer: That does not hit. That's a natural 20.\nDM: That will hit! It begins.\nPlayer: Oh, that's the wrong thing. That's a 2d4.\nDM: So roll 2d4 and then multiply those by two.\nPlayer: 17 damage.\nDM: 17 damage, nice. Trinket runs up, coming out of his somewhat sleepy stupor, goes for a bite attack and grabs nothing with it, and turns around and rakes a claw backwards, manages to get the back of whatever this entity is, and you hear it scream (gasping scream). You do, at least.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you polymorphs Grog into a gorilla, and she herself Beast Shapes into a giant eagle. Everyone moves through the bog canopy and enters a shaded nightfall in proximity to the giant tree.\nDM: Don't forget your additional, because even if you're a fire elemental you still get your additional fire damage.\nPlayer: Flame hands, which is an additional d6, correct?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: So I am rolling 2d6 plus three twice, so I'll do 4d... or, I'll roll 3d6 twice. First one... not bad. Eight plus five is 13, plus another three, so 16. 16 for the first one.\nDM: 16 points of fire damage, all right. All right, the next one?\nPlayer: The next one is 14.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: And until the creature takes an action to douse the fire, the target takes-- oh, it also, anything that if I move within, it immediately takes 1d10 damage whenever I move into its space.\nDM: All right, so go ahead and roll another d10.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog, seeing the Thunderlord paralyzed, grabs onto the Bloodaxe and yanks it out of his grip. Grog then slashes at Kevdak's left arm, intending to slice it off.\nDM: Three. That's where you can get, right there. Okay. That ends your turn. Surprise back, Percy, you're up.\nPlayer: This'll be fun, we'll see what happens. All right, first thing I'm going to do is cast Hex on Kevdak, on the asshole, I'm going to Hex him.\nDM: Cast Hex on the asshole.\nPlayer: So he is now enveloped in my dark smoke of death. He's also now at disadvantage on all strength checks.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: That's a thing.\nDM: That's the thing with Hex, all right. So yeah. You watch as Grog walks around him, Grog's shadow seems to stretch out from his form, reach up, and wrap itself around, almost merging with the tattoos across his torso. The actual bear tattoo almost seems to be almost covered with shadow.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They join Avantika's crew at their table. Jester decides to fight a gnome seaman, Sorris Cade, at his invitation, and they have a friendly glorious bar fight until she decides that's enough and heals him a bit.\nDM: \"That's pretty good. Me, I've got a few odds and things, mainly with a longbow. Good shot there, but an eye that can see things on the horizon, mainly live up in the crow's nest, you know? Keep an eye out.\"\nPlayer: You know, this is our first time on these islands and I don't know much about it at all. Is there any legal system here? Do you know what I mean? Or is it just, you know-- (gunshots)\nDM: \"He's joking, right?\" Avantika goes, \"I'm afraid not. His bailiwick, apparently, is being curious and clueless.\"\nPlayer: I am a big reader and there is a lot I don't know, like my tall friend over here. I mean, there must be trouble that breaks out. There must be bar fights.\nDM: \"Of course, bar fights are fun. That's part of the reason we live here!\"\nPlayer: Well, I can see the appeal, but what happens if there's something risky or it causes theft of property for someone important?\nDM: \"If it's a member of the Revelry thieving from another member of the Revelry, and it gets found out, it's brought to Plank King. Plank King makes a judgment, based on that, some sort of reparations or-- (thud, screaming, impacts)\"\nPlayer: So Plank King is the law?\nDM: \"More or less.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She spends the rest of the time trying to cover it up more. Vex goes back to her perch and casts Pass Without A Trace.\nDM: Grog, any preparation you're doing for this? All righty. As time begins to tick down, 15 minutes left, ten minutes left--\nPlayer: I cast Enhance Ability on Scanlan.\nDM: Okay, you're enhancing his?\nPlayer: Charisma.\nDM: All righty.\nPlayer: And then I am going to move. We don't have anyone over here yet, really, correct?\nDM: No. You have Percy up here but no one down there.\nPlayer: All right, I'm going to-- fuck.\nDM: Going to?\nPlayer: Hide behind the tree and stealth as much as I can.\nDM: Okay, roll a stealth check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percival shoots Clarota in the head, releasing Scanlan, who had been grappled by the turncoat. As the remaining illithids take heavy damage, the two of them Plane Shift out of the room in self-preservation.\nDM: Okay, so the first dagger (shnk) sinks into the back of the neck. You just manage to miss all the seriously vital stuff, but you carve a giant section out of the side of its head. The rest of its leathery black outfit's now slick with its own blood. You see it angrily growls, almost this weird guttural, this (gurgling growl) sound as it still remains taut and clenched on Pike, its eyes glaring at you, basically telling you, \"Look what I'm about to do to your friend.\"\nPlayer: Okay, so good thing I have more knives. So I take the other one, flip it in my hand and then stick it into the neck afterwards. That's a 24.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: Yeah, it does. That's eight. Fire damage, I don't know if he takes any fire damage, and I'm going to then stick him with my poison dagger, which isn't going to poison him. But that is a 26 which hits as well.\nDM: That does hit.\nPlayer: And that is eight.\nDM: Eight points of damage. So the first one you stab in the side of the head, you pull back and toss it in the air, catch the second one. As it bursts into flames you place the searing dagger down into the center of its back between its shoulder blades. Its back tenses, and as it does it reaches back and tries to grab for the dagger as you pull back the third one. As it looks back at you it brings up one arm to stop you as it goes in to directly go after Pike's head. The third dagger you then stab it right in the front of the skull. Its eyes roll back in its head and its tentacles limply drag off. (cheering)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She locks the eyeball away in a box provided by Percy, and Grog stuffs Delilah\u2019s corpse into the Bag of Holding. Eventually, after discussing how to acquire the diamonds for Keyleth's spell and what they should do with the eye, everyone prepares to sleep for the night in the forest where they have landed.\nDM: \"I wonder why he guards my sight. Well.\" She goes into quiet contemplation for a moment. You see the strands of hair that emanate from the sides of the mask slowly shifting like waves on an ocean. \"This Vecna comes to your world to be a king?\"\nPlayer: That or grind us all into dust.\nDM: \"This is historical. Mortals continuously intend to find others to grind into dust. If this being has the power to block my sight, he has power beyond a mortal realm. Did you see anything? Anything else?\"\nPlayer: We traveled to the Shadowfell. There was a tower, and he had servants. He had powerful servants. A woman that we've fought before, and another, a man, a creature. I don't know. With a blade, a dark blade. And he was too powerful for us. He crushed us.\nDM: \"And in your short spark with him, you learned nothing more of his plan? No hint of what he's plotting?\"\nPlayer: He threw me to the ground the first second he laid his eye on me. He murdered my sister. I thought we had come to an arrangement.\nDM: \"We have.\"\nPlayer: Where is my sister?\nDM: \"She lives, still. She is beyond my influence. However, your body is ash, and your soul is steeped in the divine energies that uphold the paths between life and death. You've earned your eternal rest.\" The mask begins to recede into the darkness.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The creature's hand reaches through Percy's body and seems to grasp his spine, knocking him unconscious again. The banshee drifts back, away from the party.\nDM: Okay, and I'll say because you did it at a higher level, it's an additional five feet of movement on that. So, as the hand shoves toward the creature--\nPlayer: It takes no damage for that?\nDM: The forceful hand it doesn't, no. There's grasping hand and the clenched fist do damage.\nPlayer: All right, so then I'll just hit it. I'll just hit it hard.\nDM: Okay. So, you bitch-slap it physically hard. Clenched fist. Go ahead and make a spell attack. Go ahead and roll a d20, add your spell attack modifier.\nPlayer: 14. Plus, what am I adding? Oh, nine. Plus nine.\nDM: 14 plus nine? That hits. Go ahead and roll damage. That's 6d8 force damage because you cast it at 6th level.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Kynan, who has been appointed the captain, greets them. Vax reclaims his Serpent Belt from Kynan, saying he missed it.\nDM: \"That warms my heart, and to hear you say that, maybe one day I will be, as well, before my time is up.\"\nPlayer: I think we can make that happen.\nDM: \"I think so, too.\" He reaches out and pinches the air about a foot off of your face. \"There it is.\"\nPlayer: Well, let's go back. I have some thinking to do.\nDM: \"All right. Your gray blob is very nice.\"\nPlayer: Oh. Yes, she is.\nDM: \"Thank you for showing me. If you don't mind?\"\nPlayer: Oh, of course.\nDM: (grunts) You guys begin to slowly make your way back to Castle Whitestone. That's where we're going to take our break. We'll come back here in a few minutes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax looks for the hooded figure and he can't see him. Keyleth uses Heal on Percy and backs up to recover behind Trinket.\nDM: Halved to 14. Through your back from the blade. Surprised that the impact didn't take as well as it did, pulls the blade out. Looking at the blood curling on the edge of the blade, you glance over your shoulder at this thug-like figure. Young man, looking a little scared. That brings us to the goliath. Sees you. Dashes forward, takes no action, pulls out a shield and a big old thick broadsword. Comes up, yelling at you, getting your attention full-on gladiatoral warrior-on-warrior combat,. Shield at the ready, ready to tussle with you. Scanlan, you're up.\nPlayer: Me? Jesus, I can't do shit. I get up. Those are holes, craters?\nDM: Yeah. It's a gradual crevasse that comes down and comes up to these points here with the ground that's been blown out.\nPlayer: Okay. I get up to the edge. I can only run another 15 feet or something, right?\nDM: Yeah, roughly.\nPlayer: I get closer to the edge as far as I can. Shit. Man, I can't do much. How far apart are the farthest of the far?\nDM: Both of these guys are about 25, 30 feet from each other.\nPlayer: How about that one and the next one?\nDM: That one and the next one there? They would be roughly 65, 70 feet apart.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina make their way toward the buildings. They are met by a young boy named Yulan, who brings them to meet Uvenda, Heart of the Tides.\nDM: \"I am Uvenda, Heart of the Tides here. I had my own Aramente, long ago. And I knew your mother who came for her Aramente, as well.\"\nPlayer: You knew my mother?\nDM: \"She came here for her own Aramente. And now you come to complete what she could not. So--\"\nPlayer: I'm-- I'm--\nDM: \"-- you are welcome, Keyleth of the Zephra.\"\nPlayer: I'm sorry. I'm-- sorry, that just means she visited the Earth, and the Fire, and the Water Ashari. She completed her Aramente.\nDM: \"She did not, child.\"\nPlayer: What hap-- She-- I-- Everywhere I've been, she's been. Why not?\nDM: \"Come. Come. We shall speak, there is much to discuss, and it is growing cold out here, and you could probably all use a warm fire. So? See to our guests!\" And the folks around go from their tense reverie and begin to approach and take, like just instinctually taking your belongings, and helping you unload. You guys withdraw, and they back off as soon as they realize that wasn't part of the circumstance. But you are led deeper into this city, and there is a central temple that has multi-layers. Three floors with a number of spiral staircases on the outside of the structure that lead to it. Each floor is still very open and you get the sense that this whole city is built around the flow of ocean air and sea spray. And there is almost like a constant breeze that just blows through. And a lot of the buildings are rounded at the edges. The heavy waves and water that just come through here has-- you can see rounded and brought curvature to all the structures for as long as the city's been around. There are elements of shell-type shapes, there are bits of ocean inspiration to the architecture, it's a very interesting, alien, and beautiful place compared to where you've been before. You're led into this temple structure in the center of this city, you're brought to a series of what look almost like tree stumps, but they're made of a bright, bleached white, almost spongy material. And as you sit on them, food is brought to you, fish, fresh cooked platters. You guys are now being treated like honored guests, as you arrive. As you sit down, Keyleth, Uvenda, has a servant bring a much taller sponged stool than the ones you guys have, and it's set in front of you, and she uses her staff and (grunts) pole-vaults on top of it, and sits, crosses her legs, and sets the staff off to somebody and kinda leans down with her hands in front, her chin resting on them, her little beady gnomish eyes looking down at you. \"So, Keyleth, the Aramente is not easy.\"\nPlayer: I know.\nDM: \"Do you know what this leg of your journey entails?\"\nPlayer: I mean, I've made it this far. In my heart, I feel like I'm almost complete, but I feel like you're about to tell me something different.\nDM: \"You are near the completion of the Aramente, this is true, and through this, you will learn the strength of utilizing your own capabilities and those of your trusted allies. You will learn various ways of looking at the difficulties and challenges that are before you. And there are lessons as part of this, so listen carefully. For the final leg of your Aramente, we will wait 'til the morning sun comes to these waters, you and your compatriots will be brought down below the waves, below this city, to the Aerie of Torrent, where the Vesrah rift resides to the Water Elemental Plane. The Aerie is where we implant the lodestones that keep the village from sinking, and the rift size contained. The lodestones, unfortunately, do wane in power over time, so we must occasionally cross into the rift, and have our fastest Waverunners recover replacements within the Elemental Plane. The source of the lodestones, in which we have built and maintained this city. But the once-challenging path to these lodestones has now become deadly for all but our swiftest.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group eventually finds a place where they camp for the night. While they're there, Fjord convinces Jester to invite Avantika and Jamedi into you's Tiny Hut.\nDM: Sheathes the rapier, but keeps the dagger drawn, turned around in her hand so it's face down and looks over her shoulder both ways out towards the darkness. \"So how spacious is this?\" As you finish the spell, the strange, colored orb appears there on the side of the ruins.\nPlayer: At the surroundings here or what, we're behind a little bit of stone ruins, or--?\nDM: Yeah, there's a couple of small stone elements there.\nPlayer: Then it's gray, the same color as the stone. I have control of the color. Also out of curiosity, I am a transmutation wizard, so do I have a sense of how old the stone surrounding us is?\nDM: The stone here-- make an intelligence check.\nPlayer: Ugh, bad roll. 12.\nDM: You don't have specific information on it. It's quite old. It might be older than this age, might have existed pre-Calamity, or at least somewhere in that neighborhood. But you're not entirely certain.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog convinces Tary to eat a mouthful of dirt, saying it's a local custom. you transports them from Terrah to Greyskull Keep in Emon.\nDM: Approaches you, and for a moment puts a hand out almost to hail you, and then recognizes your face and steps forward. \"Keyleth? What brings you to Terra?\"\nPlayer: Kaitiaki, Dryden.\nDM: Kaitiaki.\nPlayer: How are you?\nDM: We are well.\nPlayer: Have you fared well here recently, in the past several months?\nDM: We have hunkered down. Our business was to make sure that no more of the Rifts befall the same fate of the Pyrah.\nPlayer: Have you talked to Cerkonos or Korren at all?\nDM: Not recently, no.\nPlayer: We have slayed the Chroma Conclave. All the dragons are dead.\nDM: Then this is a time for celebration.\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: I will pass this along.\nPlayer: I was wondering if I could speak to Headmaster Patisse.\nDM: Perhaps, but what do you wish to speak on?\nPlayer: I am intent on continuing my journey on to the Water Ashari tribe. And I need information from him.\nDM: To the Vesrah. Very well. I could help you with this information if need be.\nPlayer: Is Patisse indisposed?\nDM: No. No, right this way.\nPlayer: I mean it would just be nice to, like, say hi. While I'm here at least.\nDM: \"Very well.\" They turn around and begin to lead you back towards the outskirts of the city, not directly into Terra itself, but as you approach, and walk past, you can see the ground here-- every ten minutes or so you feel a sudden shift, and a slight quake beneath your feet. The landscape here, the closer you walk to the center of the village, seems to be in this perpetual state of shifting rock. And you watch as different areas kind of collide. Areas of stone kind of (cracking noise), and rocks tumble down. Parts of it break and crack and reform. At one point, as you guys are not maybe 200 feet out from the first major structures, the ground has one major spike. (loud rock slide) And you hear this heavy rolling rumble, and you watch as, maybe 300 feet off from the side, a new pinnacle is formed. Two big plates kind of (crack), jut upward, one kind of coasting over the other and coming to a halt. There is very heavy localized seismic activity as part of the proximity to the rift of the earth elemental plane here. And you watch as three druids come rushing out of the side of the Terra tribe, and as they focus, the rocks (crumbling noises) crumble back down and subside. The central mountain landscape, here, brought back to a momentary beat of peace and quiet.\nPlayer: I'm like a New Yorker on a subway.\nDM: Yeah. Just going straight in.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus realizes Beau has caught something from the bugs. They notice, sitting upon the five-sided temple they're heading to, is a giant snake person holding a scimitar.\nDM: It's a dice vault that keeps all your dice magnetically held together and it has this cool, glowing runic sigils on it as well as this glowing Wyrmwood symbol. You can find these at Wyrmwood on the Kickstarter currently. The keyword tonight is jungle. So go ahead and put jungle in once. More than once you'll be disqualified. Once again, only available for those in the U.S. and Canada, excluding Quebec. We're working on it. Anyway we'll be back here in a few minutes. We'll see you guys shortly.\nPlayer: Yeah. [break]\nDM: Welcome back everyone. So, before we back into the story we have our winner for the dice vault giveaway. Our winner is wolfstarumbra.\nPlayer: Ooh.\nDM: Now if that doesn't sound like someone's D&D character, I don't know what does.\nPlayer: Yeah, right?\nDM: Wolfstar, congratulations. We'll get your information and the dice vault sent out to you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. you managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: Trying to remember how this works. College of Lore. I don't know if it is. Because what you do is you grapple--\nPlayer: Oh, no, it's a War Caster feature.\nDM: Oh, War Caster! Thank you, that clarifies it. I was like, I don't see this in the College of Lore! You're confusing me! So as a War Caster, when a hostile creature's movement provokes an opportunity attack from you, you can use your reaction to cast a spell at the creature rather than making an opportunity attack. So yeah, if you wanted to go ahead and attempt to grapple--\nPlayer: I will grapple him and pull him back down.\nDM: You can totally attempt that. Bigby, go ahead and make a strength athletics check to beat a dragon's strength. Bigby is just slightly under the strength of the dragon, so let's see. It's a roll-off.\nPlayer: It's a roll-off! Oh my god. This is a critical roll. That's a two.\nDM: It was a 19 on my end. Natural 19. As Bigby's Hand reaches forward, the angry, wounded, frustrated, furious Umbrasyl just kicks the hand away, pulling up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Kashaw Vesh, a human cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Moving on, the party find a long-abandoned underground prison of sorts. In one of the cells they find a relatively fresh corpse, on which you casts Speak with Dead.\nDM: Okay, so as you sit down and you begin preparing your ritual, you once again mutter under your breath and begrudgingly pull out your symbol. As you continue casting the spell, there's a slight shimmer of greenish-blue light that slowly pours over the corpse, seeps into the bones, and for a moment you see Kashaw go into this trance-like state. Kashaw, you see from within the corpse, the face sits up with this horrible cracking bone-like sound. The skeletal element with this partially mummified and mostly rotten face steps forward, and the vacuous sockets that once held its eyes turn towards you, and you could swear you see the bone of its grimace grin as it airily whispers towards you, \"Why do you bother me?\"\nPlayer: Because I have questions.\nDM: \"What questions do you have?\"\nPlayer: What killed you?\nDM: \"Something that was not supposed to be here. Something vicious, something untrue. It wasn't what it seemed. This woman was asking for help, and no one's supposed to be down here if it's not their route. Occasionally, we come and check on these abandoned parts of the prison. A woman was here. A woman should not be down here. I went to ask what was wrong, and she took this from me.\" And the bony hand reaches up and gestures to the throat, and you can see there's giant claw marks across the front of its spinal cord where its neck is that give the sensation that something tore its throat out.\nPlayer: A woman did this to you?\nDM: \"Aye.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He tells them about his night with her, saying that he has now experienced the pleasures of the flesh. After a moment of talking, he pukes and confesses that women are not for him.\nDM: As Grog passes out at the table next to you, you look up and at this point, notice that most of the tavern is now empty and you have no idea what hour it is but it seems pretty late and pretty empty. You glance over and as the tavern is still open, it doesn't really close per se, but the night shift-- You see Shauna's finishing. She's throwing a shawl over, she's getting ready to leave. She looks over and sees you and takes off her shawl and throws it around Grog.\nPlayer: Thanks.\nDM: And goes, \"Take care of him.\"\nPlayer: I will. He's fine.\nDM: \"He's dumb.\"\nPlayer: He's not as dumb as he seems.\nDM: \"That's good. Because he seems pretty dumb.\"\nPlayer: I know it's just-- but his heart is so-- it's just as big as he is.\nDM: \"I can tell by the company he keeps. You guys wouldn't stick around if he wasn't.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon gaining consciousness, Grog drowns his sorrows in the familiar comforts of ale and whores. As Vox Machina are taking breakfast the next morning, they hear a horn blast signaling an attack on the city.\nDM: It's okay, it's a surprise round. Do you want to do anything with your self-placement or Trinket-wise?\nPlayer: Yeah, I want to climb a tree that I'm next to.\nDM: Okay. Using your movement. Go ahead and make, we'll say an athletics check to climb the tree.\nPlayer: What was that, athletics or acrobatics?\nDM: Athletics.\nPlayer: Why?\nDM: Because there's no branches nearby, you have to--\nPlayer: Six! I'm going to stay on the ground.\nDM: You slide back to the trunk, turn around and grab your bow and prepare yourself. Trinket, anything?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: -- get shocked as the burst of electrical energy shoots through the area, and she just kinda goes limp again, and is kind of floating in space.\nPlayer: And I saw Vax get swallowed? Did I see that happen?\nDM: You would've just barely seen it over your shoulder. And heard someone say it over the earpiece.\nPlayer: I-- fuckin' A. I swim up, and I swim-- god damn it.\nDM: You have your bonus action for a dash if you want to try and get closer, it's up to you.\nPlayer: I'm gonna try to shoot thorns, I guess, Hail of Thorns, maybe? Actually, I'm gonna try-- yeah. I'm gonna try--\nDM: What are you doing?\nPlayer: -- to shoot Hail of Thorns at-- directly at his mouth. I don't know, try to get him to like, do something to let go. Spit it up. It's the stupidest plan. I know. But, I'm not thinking clearly, my brother's got fucking swallowed.\nDM: Okay, what level Hail of Thorns?\nPlayer: I'm gonna do it at-- Oh, everything within five feet, and Keyleth is in five feet.\nDM: No, Keyleth is over here.\nPlayer: Okay. Is anything within five feet?\nDM: Currently, no.\nPlayer: Okay. Then I'm gonna-- I'm gonna cast it at fourth level.\nDM: Fourth level?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: You still have a fourth-level spell?\nPlayer: Oh no, I did Grasping Vine.\nDM: You did.\nPlayer: Did I?\nDM: That's when you pull--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax dashes past Greenbeard towards Kevdak, one of the herd members outside the arena attempting to swipe at the rogue but only catching feathers from the Deathwalker's Ward, and attacks the paralyzed Thunderlord with both daggers in hand. The blades strike true, Vax sinking the weapons up to the hilt into the flesh of the goliath, and the rogue flees the arena, but not before he leaves some parting words for Kevdak.\nDM: Seven plus eight, 15, reduced to half, that's seven. So I'll give you the direct amounts here. So this is with the reduction. So that's seven points of slashing damage. Another seven.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Another seven.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Here we go. That's a nine.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Not that great. That's a six.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: And then now the crit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: As you're pushing forward, the large black dragon is just toying with you-- it's climbing across the rooftops, and just watching you as you run, and you hear it chuckling under its breath-- (menacing chuckle, whoosh, impact).\nPlayer: Okay, is he taking to the air?\nDM: He takes to the air and jumps to another rooftop.\nPlayer: I'm going to try as I'm running-- do I have enough time to try and take a shot?\nDM: You can, yeah.\nPlayer: Am I going to be able to keep up with he group?\nDM: Probably not.\nPlayer: Never mind. Damn it, never mind.\nDM: So you're like, \"shit,\" and you just keep running. It now jumped over onto this rooftop and Raishan has moved up toward the center and making its way towards you. At this moment, another burst of fire over the wall much closer goes (boom) and swooping out of it, out of the flames, you see the largest red dragon you've ever experienced come swooshing through the flames, rises up past. The two other dragons almost lower their heads as it passes over.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before this happened, as a part of a journey towards this Tri-Spire, both Caleb and Jester made their way there. Caleb unsuccessfully entering a nicer district of the city that did not seem to believe or respect his presentation.\nDM: It spins around after Molly screamed at it, and it goes (snarling). You can see in your torch light, as you're clutching it in your hand as you rush towards it. You're going to have to drop that torch to grab your two-handed weapon.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: You drop it on the ground, and as it hits the ground, the light flickers off of its eight red beady eyes. It turns, its fangs open towards you and you see the venom and bits of Fjord blood dripping off of the end of it as you rush towards it. All right, you rage, what are you doing?\nPlayer: Rage, take out my sword and try to hit it between the eyes.\nDM: Go for it, roll for attack.\nPlayer: Okay. Okay. 23.\nDM: 23 hits! Roll damage.\nPlayer: What do I roll?!\nDM: It's d12 for your greatsword. Plus whatever your strength--\nPlayer: 2d6 plus three.\nDM: Oh the greatsword yeah, d12 is greataxe. 2d6, plus three, plus whatever your rage damage bonus is, which I think is two, right?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: Okay. Use that pit to your advantage. Good. Ending Percy's turn, Keyleth, you're up. Vex, you're on deck.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to take the two dudes who are in front of me, you can tell me if I can do this twice or not, I want to do my multi-slam attack, my multi-attack slam, and I want to go, in as dictated in Common as I can as an earth elemental, knock. Knock. And I want to take their heads and go, boof-boof.\nDM: Okay, so you'll move one, two to get into combat range with two of them. Go ahead and make a slam attack against each of them.\nPlayer: Against each of them?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Okay. Natural 19 on the first one.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: And a natural 18 on the second.\nDM: I'm going to say those both hit. Go ahead and roll slam damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: \"There are different people assigned to investigate. We were part of the team that was sent as part of the investigation raid on the Velvet Cabaret.\"\nPlayer: It's not a group of people. It's just, \"you're an investigator today\" kind of thing?\nDM: \"That's part of what we do as Bastions, aye.\"\nPlayer: Gotcha. Is there anyone else that is part of the investigation team that you think would be good to talk to?\nDM: \"They wouldn't have any more information than we do, no.\"\nPlayer: Can I do an insight check on him?\nDM: Yeah, go for it.\nPlayer: 23.\nDM: He seems forthright enough. He seems impatient and a little flustered with the fact that you've been pushing these questions to him. But he doesn't seem to be covering anything necessarily.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester plays Chopsticks , badly, at the piano. Caleb casts Haste on her and she switches to The Entertainer , not so badly, when the musician comes over and kicks her off.\nDM: You guys get your rooms situated. As the keys are being passed out to the different rooms, drinks are being handled. \"So are you looking for something strong or something strong?\"\nPlayer: Amaze me, baffle me, make me forget where I am.\nDM: She leans into you and goes \"I like you. You're colorful.\"\nPlayer: Bless you. You're colorful yourself. I love everything you're wearing.\nDM: \"Thank you. First one's on me, how about that?\"\nPlayer: Bless you. I'll happily pay for hers as well because I want to drink her under the fucking table.\nDM: \"Hold that till later on. That event's not till later tonight.\"\nPlayer: What happens later tonight? Other than more drink.\nDM: \"Is this your first time here?\"\nPlayer: Are we that obvious?\nDM: \"A bit. Well, we have some performances going on, and then we have our contest. Our weekly Hour of Honor. So just don't drink too much if you're looking to compete.\" She pops the top button off the top of her blouse and gives a better look at her dwarven cleavage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: I just realised that, 'cause it says-- I forgot, it says here-- it says until the target's grapple ends the target is restrained, and attacks against restrained creatures have advantage.\nPlayer: Is that at all connected to dexterity?\nDM: No.\nPlayer: No. Okay.\nDM: Sorry.\nPlayer: It's all right.\nDM: So that is--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex dodges the first attack but gets slammed by the second. Percy repairs The List and moves behind the tomb he is near, relieved that you is fine now, but the ghost passes through the stone and possesses him.\nDM: And with that, it goes dark and a spiritual intent takes over your body. You feel like you're being puppeted, and you have no control over yourself. You're hidden, captured within your own form. All right, that ends his turn. Vax, you're up.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: You still feel the residual warmth in your glove pulsing.\nPlayer: All right. I'm going to click my boots together. I'm going to move towards him.\nDM: Towards Percy?\nPlayer: Towards Percy. Shit. I'm going to take the keen dagger and stick it into his gut, and I'm going to take the glove with the symbol of Sarenrae and punch him in the nose.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they find a cave filled with magical darkness. Keyleth shifts into an earth elemental to scout the cave, finding that it contains a strange planar rift and a group of grick.\nDM: Yelling into the cavern, a big old goliath scream. Laser pointer if anyone needs it, by the way. There you go. All right, that brings us to Vex.\nPlayer: Which one looks biggest?\nDM: You're still on top of the flying carpet, the three of you.\nPlayer: Does one of the ghouls look scarier than the others?\nDM: Best you can tell, there are three that all look similar in stature. There's one over here that is generally larger, taller, more lanky, and appears to have a semblance of armor on him still. And he almost seems to be giving looks and silent commands to the others.\nPlayer: He's a master zombie. Hunter's Mark him.\nDM: What's the range on Hunter's Mark? You're back here.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pike says that sounds like somebody that I would love tremendously. The party take a short rest to recover properly from their fight against the kraken.\nDM: We have the winner in chat of our fantastic deck box from our friends at Wyrmwood, it is @stevetharia! @stevetharia, you are the winner, we're gonna go ahead and sign that box and get it sent to you, that Sentinel box. Congratulations. We'll have more giveaways in future episodes, so if you didn't get it tonight, come back again, and have another chance, which is awesome! All right. So. Bringing us back in. You guys have had some time to recover, gather your thoughts, gather your wits, and reflect on the recent near-permanent loss of your Champion of the Raven Queen, Vax'ildan. You now currently sit wherever you'd like within the city of Vesrah in preparation for an evening celebration. Is there anything you guys wish to do in the meantime?\nPlayer: How much time has passed since I got brought back up there?\nDM: About an hour.\nPlayer: About an hour?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: A little over an hour?\nDM: A little over an hour, I'd say.\nPlayer: A little over an hour?\nDM: Just from resting, yeah.\nPlayer: Just out of curiosity, do my wings 'shloop' back in?\nDM: Yes, they have retracted.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: You watch Grog, even in his large form, just disappear inside the kraken's maw. That's going to bring us to Grog's turn!\nPlayer: Cool. I'm in the womb again.\nDM: Yes you are.\nPlayer: There's fluid. Do I hear a heartbeat?\nDM: Very faintly you hear (heartbeat sounds). It's like a triple heartbeat.\nPlayer: Nice. Right. Cool. Am I restrained anymore?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Because I'm in the gut?\nDM: Because you're inside, being crushed by its interior muscles that are pulling you towards its digestive tract.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completed the venture of taking the Horn of Orcus to a place of safety and sealing it away, hopefully for eternity, with the help of Lady Kima and two of the Scalebearers. After heading to the basement of the Platinum Sanctuary in the city of Vasselheim, they succeeded in doing so.\nDM: As you jump off the other one, (whack) it catches the knee. It doesn't snap, but you can see there is a bend to it, and then he falls to the ground, on both of his busted knees now, looking up at you. And with the third strike, what are you going to do?\nPlayer: I would like to grab his head, since he's probably kneeling on the ground at this point, right? And say, there's only room for one to rage in this pit. And I take it, and I just smash into the top of his jaw, hopefully dislocating the bloody, lipless face that I see.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Wait, is he an orc?\nDM: He's a half-orc.\nPlayer: As a half-orc, does he got those big teeth?\nDM: There are little tusks there, yeah.\nPlayer: I'll grab onto those.\nDM: They're small to pull. You slam down on his face. (crunch) You can see the jaw crack open. The tongue instinctively moves around a little, but the jaw is definitely broken from the impact.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy then runs behind a pillar and hides. Delilah steps out of the smoke ready to attack, but sees only Trinket (wearing a Percy costume thanks to the Seeming spell) who was following Percy.\nDM: You trust them both, and right now, they've made an aggressive action against the Briarwoods. The next one you see, you're probably going to go ahead and try to make an aggressive action.\nPlayer: I'm going to do whatever you tell me. Were I to see her, the most important person to me in the world, act on Lady Briarwood, I'd be like, \"What's up, that's Lady Briarwood, kill her?\"\nDM: You would try and attack her to try to convince her to stop the assault, probably.\nPlayer: Okay, and I've seen Trinket and I've seen Scanlan?\nDM: You've seen Percy.\nPlayer: I've seen Percy?\nDM: Scanlan you haven't seen yet. You're still inside this cloud. All you've seen is Percy. You didn't even see her strike at you, other than seeing the arrows flying in so you know it's her.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The others try to persuade you to join them in swimming down, and Caleb casts Suggestion on her to convince her to try it. you, Beau, and Fjord join Yasha and Jester inside, you forgetting she's holding the weasel, who lives but isn't happy about it, joined shortly by Caleb, Caduceus, and Nugget.\nDM: You'll probably have to move a little farther back to break sight from one of these enemies, but go ahead.\nPlayer: That's fine. All right. Not great. 18.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Wait is this... stealth? 18.\nDM: Okay, good to know.\nPlayer: I was looking for the hide ability.\nDM: Gotcha. Yeah, that's just an action.\nPlayer: Have I been drunk at this point? I don't know, am I?\nDM: You're not quite-- No, you would've had to have been to go through, if you weren't affected by a Suggestion spell.\nPlayer: Okay, so I'm okay.\nDM: You're on the verge. Like, you're tipsy.\nPlayer: Okay, good.\nDM: But you're not drunk. All right, that finishes your go?\nPlayer: Yes!\nDM: Yasha, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He admits that he is a scoundrel, to which Kaylie retorts that he is a scoundrel who has no boundaries and leaves a wake of people hurt. She demands that he draw his blade.\nDM: The moment you say that, you see his jovial exterior harden for a second, and his eyes close and he goes, \"That's a strange name to bring up this late in the evening.\"\nPlayer: Bad news bears, right?\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. Yeah. I kind of almost died. Because of him, I guess.\nDM: \"Almost is better than actually, so congratulations.\"\nPlayer: Thank you. But yeah. There's a spinning ball of death, really. An orb that sucks things into it. It's black. It's underground. We don't know what to do with it really and I'm kind of worried, I guess, about it.\nDM: \"Spinning black orb of death...\"\nPlayer: They were trying to wake him up, but they said it was too early. They did it before Winter's Crest.\nDM: He thinks for a second and says, \"The only orb of spinning death I'm familiar with is a Sphere of Annihilation, but those are generally a bit larger than what you're describing to me, at the very least.\"\nPlayer: Well, I feel like maybe they wanted it to get bigger? I don't know. Oh! Oh! There was a hand, and an eye, and--\nDM: \"Those generally follow around the phrase 'Vecna'.\"\nPlayer: Oh, really?\nDM: \"I don't know too much other than what I've been told historically, and bits of information that I've picked up through the years. Vecna...\" And he thinks for a second, he starts looking about if anyone else is near the table, you guys are off and throwing darts.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The first strike hits him in the shoulder, the second caves his face in. The devil falls to the ground, unmoving.\nDM: 30, 35, 40. You get all the way into this room, you still have 20 feet of movement left, as you enter next to Grog and see two of the fleshy masses of tortured souls kind of starting to make their way in the direction of you and Grog.\nPlayer: What do I have left?\nDM: You have your bonus action, that's it. Because you cast Haste, and then did your movement.\nPlayer: Sure. I'll just pull out my rod, grip it hard, choke down on it, maybe grip it with my left hand so it feels different--\nDM: Very well.\nPlayer: And I'll say, lance! And I'll just use the rest of my movement to just charge at somebody.\nDM: You run up towards one of these creatures, and as you get closer, as you see it becomes more and more apparent in your vision, the more horrifying it gets as you get closer. What's Doty going to do?\nPlayer: As I took off I just said, \"Doty, on me!\" So he's coming.\nDM: Doty's movement is--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny you, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: Yeah. Okay, so, the blade is in there and it has found its way through the existing wound, but you don't quite have the strength to actually wrench it enough to do any real, serious damage as it is a very, very hardy and well-defended creature from its natural mass. The fleshy interior of a dragon is almost as dense and as protected as the armored hide on the outside, and that's one thing you weren't counting on when entering its form.\nPlayer: And what did I just do, though, with the dragon sword, did I widen the hole?\nDM: You've put the blade through the hole and so now you have that blade lodged in, you can then use that to try and widen it in successive turns in itself and that will prevent you from having disadvantage on the attacks with that blade going forward, because it's already in a soft place and you can just wedge it, but it's going to be a strength attack for each of those rounds. The dagger unfortunately, you just can't find any purchase at that point there in the time given, because of the movement and the squishing. You do also suffer an additional seven points of crushing damage.\nPlayer: Okay, and I forgot. One other thing I want to do-- I have movement too, can I use my legs to push as hard as I can forward a foot or something? I know with movement over difficult terrain it's halved, and I'm in the most difficult terrain.\nDM: You are in the most difficult terrain there probably is.\nPlayer: But if I use my movement could I shove and go like a foot towards the outside, half a foot or anything?\nDM: Pushing towards the wound?\nPlayer: Pushing in. Using my legs to go--\nDM: Okay. I would say that would be part of your attack next round. Actual movement within, you would be able to move a few feet but you'd have to release the blade to do so. Any actual blade pushing forward would be your next action, so hold off for the next round. Scanlan, what you got?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She comes back, and Tary blurts out what you said to him. She gives him points for boldness, but just points.\nDM: She is in the process of filling two plates she's bringing over. Her hair is kind of frazzled at this point. More people are coming in now as the hour is starting to hit where people are soon to fill the tavern floor for full.\nPlayer: Wow. Do you want a hand with that?\nDM: \"That'd be great. Thank you, I appreciate it.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, give them to me.\nDM: She hands you a few. Gives you two plates, picks up two of her own. \"This way.\" And she leads you over to one of the far end tables in the other room and she sets the plates down. \"Here you go, honey. Here you go, honey.\" Takes the plates from you. \"There you go.\"\nPlayer: You look so busy.\nDM: \"I am.\"\nPlayer: Could you do me a favor?\nDM: \"Mm-hm.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus realizes Beau has caught something from the bugs. They notice, sitting upon the five-sided temple they're heading to, is a giant snake person holding a scimitar.\nDM: Stealth owl. All right, we're going to take a quick break and come back to that with that stealth check and this next leg of the journey into the island of Urukaxl. Um... what's up?\nPlayer: The giveaway just happens now. We don't have to say anything.\nDM: Yeah, well...\nPlayer: Oh we do?\nDM: No, we do. It's still here.\nPlayer: Awesome.\nDM: So we have our fantastic Wyrmwood giveaway tonight. We have-- here we are. So moving forward you'll have to move into the chat-- that's how it's been-- move into the Critical Role chat on Twitch. That's twitch.tv/criticalrole. To win tonight's awesome Wenge Turquoise Inlay Halloween Dice Vault. (Oohs)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you then focuses on the zombie woman and Hexes her before making an attack. Though she seems damaged, she does not fall.\nDM: Okay. So you watch as Fjord lumbers towards it, his large, armored half-orc form holding the blade in his hand. Puts his hand out, and the shadows suddenly swirl and gather around this zombified woman's form and cling to it, like it's holding it in place. So with it now hexed, what would you like to do?\nPlayer: I would like to use my falchion to open it the fuck up.\nDM: All right, go for it.\nPlayer: 21.\nDM: That definitely hits. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: That's 12 points of damage, plus five points of necrotic damage.\nDM: 17 points of damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon returning to the city of Whitestone, they found the rebellion was successful. The undead hordes have fallen to the blades of the surviving rallied warriors of Whitestone.\nDM: His eyes go wide and he nods and says, \"This is a challenge. But I believe I do know someone whom I can order such a grand canvas from. This can be done. This can be done.\" And you see he smiles and takes your hand once again. \"This can be done.\"\nPlayer: Thank you, sir. Jameson, was it?\nDM: \"Jameson, yes.\"\nPlayer: You have done a noble deed for your people and for the rebel forces.\nDM: \"Eclipsed by the deeds you have done, Sir Gnome.\"\nPlayer: Oh, that is true.\nDM: He rushes off to prepare himself.\nPlayer: And then, one last thing. On a serious note, I do some research to see if me, or any one of my party could, over time and with great effort, learn the skills required to utilize a teleportation circle.\nDM: Okay, go ahead and make an arcana check.\nPlayer: Not great. Arcana? 11.\nDM: Yeah. What little you know of teleportation-based magics, which is not your forte in your bardic experiences, but what you've heard and what you've seen, while you've traveled with Tiberius, and you've come across other individuals that used the arcane spells that caused transport, teleportation circles themselves are a very specific ritual. It's a spell that comes from within the arcane caster's capabilities. If you yourself do not have that, you're not going to be able to utilize it at a drop of a hat. After asking around, you find there once was a teleportation destination circle in Castle Whitestone that was part of the network of Tal'Dorei, in Emon, but has since been destroyed and sundered and has been for quite some time. You imagine probably when the Briarwoods came, it was deemed a dangerous little loose thread. So, over the period of the next week or so, best you can ascertain is that type of transportation here is going to be probably not likely, at least not with the resources you have at your disposal. You may have to travel elsewhere.\nPlayer: It's not a skill I can learn?\nDM: It's a spell you could learn, but that would be something you would have to swap out as you level up or choose as your spell progression down the road.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She asks if he can get any of their items through the bars. He reaches his claws through as far as he can, but everything is still about a foot out of his reach.\nDM: You can see that the fur is beginning to send off smoke smoke and burn against the bars as he's leaning against them.\nPlayer: Okay, back away. Maybe you can try and just break through these manacles. Can you do that?\nDM: Reaches up and grabs the one around your ankle and tugs, and you see it begin to singe the outside of his tongue. And he's pulling. Make a strength check.\nPlayer: Okay. Okay. Okay. 17?\nDM: 17. The chain on one of your ankles begins to bend. It's not quite-- doesn't fully break. But you can see that it's getting some headway.\nPlayer: I want to pull my leg at the same time and see if I can help him out at all.\nDM: Make a strength check as well.\nPlayer: Should've had him do this to Grog. Okay. I suck at strength checks. Okay. 15.\nDM: 15? Okay. Between both Trinket and you pulling, you do manage to get one of the chains to (snapping sound), and you get one ankle free.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A breath of frost kills one of the giants before it is able to do much. Percy's engineering talent makes a showing, between a hand grenade and one of the exploding arrows he made for Vex.\nDM: Okay, so you use your action surge, and that's it for this round. You use your first round to reload Bad News and place it back up on top.\nPlayer: Come on.\nDM: Another head shot, you said?\nPlayer: Yeah. Oh! 19! That's much better. Plus 12, that's 32 to hit. And that's 15 points of damage, and head shot means he's got disadvantage on all attacks for the next round.\nDM: Okay, good to know. So I'm going to go ahead and roll. All right, so. (gunshot) From the impact of the blast, you see the shot ricochet off of Rimefang's face. The impact sends a couple pieces of white dragon scale shooting off into the darkness, and the head (grunts) rears from the impact, shakes, seemingly loosely shaken by the impact of the blast. The blowback from the gun actually sends a large crack through the physical body of the ice warrior ahead of you, and it collapses into a pile of ice on the ground in front of you.\nPlayer: I feel a little guilty about that. I feel very guilty about that.\nDM: You get the feeling that whatever was there probably has not been alive for quite a while.\nPlayer: Okay, I feel a little better.\nDM: Frozen solid. It breaks like the T-1000.\nPlayer: And he was the most useful he's ever been.\nDM: That ends Percy's turn. We're up at Vex.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Despite Keyleth's protests, the party heads towards the basement as you is urged by his sister to sneak off down another hall towards the direction of Anders' study.\nDM: All right, as you make your way down the hallway, you hear what sounds like a muffled female voice from behind a distant doorway. Like a small cry in pain or worry.\nPlayer: Do I need to stealth again, or am I already stealthed?\nDM: You rolled stealth before this.\nPlayer: Yeah. It was like 23 before.\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: So I'm going to move toward that sound. Carefully.\nDM: Okay. It leads down. There are three doorways on this side of the hallway. The central door there is where you hear the noise coming from.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina made the relatively grim journey back to the mountainside, finding it now brimming with volcanic rock and volcanic activity that previously lay dormant. Upon climbing the side of the mountain, you found remnants of the Pyrah tribe still alive and making their way up the mountain, as damaged as they are, in hopes of sealing this now progressively swelling tear between the prime Material Plane and the Elemental Plane of Fire.\nDM: Okay, so you use your shield brooch, okay. As it strikes out towards you, streaking its elemental claws outward, you back away, instilling the power of the brooch, and you see an arcane shield temporarily ricochets, pushing its claw away from you. You run away unharmed to the other side of the rock.\nPlayer: Instead of going to the other side of the rock, I'm going to run straight back, and I'm just going to shoot at it as I run away. I'm going to make two more shots at it.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Oh, I'm going to take one more shot, because I have to reload. That's a 15.\nDM: 15 hits.\nPlayer: Wow! Holy cow.\nDM: Elementals aren't very hard to hit.\nPlayer: No, that was amazing. That's ten points of damage. And then I reload.\nDM: All right, and you reload. All right, that ends Percy's turn. Scanlan, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, That spell-spitter lady from the capital took the book and left. Their group was all part of the same order at one point and splintered off, going north to Shady Creek Run and starting the Tomb Takers.\nDM: \"Interesting. I have one question, before we get too deep in this conversation. How did you find your way in here?\"\nPlayer: I'm a bit of an enthusiast of the underworld. So I came across some information.\nDM: \"Go on.\"\nPlayer: Demedan got his order of bloodroot. It was really good.\nDM: \"Demedan gave you this information?\"\nPlayer: No, Demedan was clumsy with his information.\nDM: \"Equally dangerous, good to know. Remember that.\" The goliath cracks knuckles. \"All right, so. Interesting. Now you know the way in. That's dangerous, as we've just made acquaintances and you now know the direct path into my domain. So to make this a comfortable conversation and possibly an arrangement going forward that we can all agree upon, I have one small request.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the conclusion of the performance, she ascends back up the stairs to her chambers. you explains that Marion generally entertains clients after the performance, on a selective basis.\nDM: \"You've said you wanted me to meet your friends. I want to hear their stories and I need to say thank you to those who've kept my little girl safe.\"\nPlayer: Mama, that's so wonderful. I'll be right back. Can they come upstairs?\nDM: \"Of course, of course.\"\nPlayer: Do you know if we can stay here tonight?\nDM: \"Well, you are welcome to stay in your room, if you like. I can definitely have rooms arranged for all of you, if you would prefer.\"\nPlayer: We'll see what they think.\nDM: \"Whatever you prefer, my dear.\"\nPlayer: I run downstairs. (shouting) You can talk to her tonight! We can go back upstairs, come on. I turn back around and go running back upstairs.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you plays Chopsticks , badly, at the piano. Caleb casts Haste on her and she switches to The Entertainer , not so badly, when the musician comes over and kicks her off.\nDM: It's impressive. A little off-key, but overall impressive, the speed of the composition. Right as she starts crescendoing, about to get to the quiet part (speedily playing The Entertainer), a hand slams down on the keys, and that same half-elven gentlemen leans in once more and goes, \"If I might please request my instrument returned to me, my dear.\"\nPlayer: This is a really good piano.\nDM: \"Thank you.\"\nPlayer: You should be really proud it's yours.\nDM: \"I am.\"\nPlayer: Do you have a tip jar?\nDM: \"I have a tipping hat.\" He pulls off from the side this wide-brimmed hat that comes to a point in the front and floppy in the back, and he sets it up on top of the piano.\nPlayer: I really think the first couple tips should be to me because I really set up the room for you.\nDM: \"Well then, I certainly hope the first few tips come while you're at the bench.\"\nPlayer: Fabulous.\nDM: And he sits down at the bench and pushes you off of it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester plays Chopsticks , badly, at the piano. Caleb casts Haste on her and she switches to The Entertainer , not so badly, when the musician comes over and kicks her off.\nDM: You and Rissa go into a full run. You beating her easily. You get to the table and scoot into the side. As she approaches, you watch as two male gnomes intercept her, and block her path. One of them goes, \"Uh-uh, sorry Tinkertop, table's not for you.\" She goes, \"Fuck off, Fitz! I've worked hard enough. I saw this table fair and square.\" The other one goes, \"You don't work, Tabletop, just like your brain-sick dad. This table's for working folk.\" Fitz glances over and says, \"Go ask your pops to make you a table to drink at alone. Might buy you an hour before it breaks.\"\nPlayer: I'm going to walk right into the middle of this. Gentle persons, are you harassing our employee right now?\nDM: They both look wildly confused. \"No, no.\"\nPlayer: We have employed the services of this person right here, and I would agree that you should probably leave right now and get another table for yourselves.\nDM: Make an intimidation check.\nPlayer: Nope, that's a four.\nDM: As you lean forward in that tense glare, a little bit of a liquor-based burp comes up abruptly and breaks the intensity of the moment. \"Oh, someone's starting early, not too bad. No, from what I've heard about these folks, their blood's fire, but on the inside they're nothing but cold and clammy.\" He goes and flicks the edge of your nose, these two little gnomish punks.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the conclusion of the performance, she ascends back up the stairs to her chambers. you explains that Marion generally entertains clients after the performance, on a selective basis.\nDM: \"Well, I am grateful that you all have kept her safe. I'm excited to hear that you've been able to do such incredible things! Is this your friend that you mentioned before? The Traveler?\"\nPlayer: Oh, no he's not here.\nDM: \"No, but the healing.\"\nPlayer: The healing? Yeah!\nDM: \"Wow! Oh, very well! Well, that is incredible.\"\nPlayer: I know, yeah!\nDM: \"Well, I-- Here, let's have some drinks.\" The servants begin to uncork the wine and--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He drops Bad News then pulls out Retort, misses one shot and the other hits. He burns his action surge to try and hit more, taking three more shots with only one of them hitting.\nDM: As the billowing cloud of toxic fumes fills you, you instinctually freak out for a second before you realize that the magical protection in your lungs is preventing any of it from taking hold inside. That's cocked. It does make its save.\nPlayer: What kind of save is it?\nDM: It's a constitution.\nPlayer: Does the Hand need to make a save? Hand has an AC of 20 and my hit points.\nDM: I don't know if the poison's going to affect Bigby's Hand. It'is arcane. It's not going to affect that. That's for more of physically hitting it. However, Vorugal does end up taking 38 points of poison damage.\nPlayer: And then Vax goes, \"Wait a second, Larkin was a dragon?!\"\nDM: Okay, at this point, that's going to end Raishan's turn. Yenk gets up, looking at the battlefield. He sees this giant, hulking goliath. Well, technically with Seeming, a large dragonborn with an axe. Lurches forward. Kima gets an attack of opportunity against Yenk.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He then asks what happens to his soul if he dies during their assassination mission. Ipkesh says that if the rest of Vox Machina completes the contract for him, then his soul is fine.\nDM: \"Once you are there, you are on your own. However, I can ensure that you are brought there unharmed.\"\nPlayer: With access to our foe?\nDM: \"I can imagine that can be arranged.\"\nPlayer: Can it be arranged in writing?\nDM: \"To the extent of my capabilities, yes. Just as you have limitations, as do I.\"\nPlayer: I would be very pleased if we could complete this contract, if this contract becomes null and void, not with us getting to the Bastion of Flesh, but with our return to our plane, with our enemy harmed. We get what we want, you get what you want. Not we get towards what we want, you get what you want.\nDM: \"But where in this is it fair for me to suffer for your stupidity?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog then takes the first bead of divinity -- the one from Ioun-- smashes it on the Anvil, and folds the powdered remains into the first ingot. With aid from you and Scanlan in the form of spells and inspiration, he does the same with the bead from Pelor, but has trouble with the one from the Raven Queen.\nDM: So as the blade arcs overhead towards you, you barely duck out of the way. It slams on the ground, sending shards of stone and metal up in the air around you. You feel it rain over your shoulder and the back of your head as you slowly pull away from it. All righty, now it is the elemental's turn.\nPlayer: Okay, it's going to move over to him. And he's bigger than large, so he's going to do a multiattack. He's going to do two slam attacks. Plus seven to hit. (groans) One's a natural one; the other's a natural 18. So one hits. 2d8 plus four bludgeoning damage.\nDM: What's the attack? 18 plus?\nPlayer: 18 plus seven.\nDM: Okay, so it would be 25? That hits. Are the creature's attacks considered magical?\nPlayer: They're two bludgeoning attacks.\nDM: Nowhere on there does it say it does magical damage?\nPlayer: It just says bludgeoning damage.\nDM: Okay. So as the elemental swings out both fists against it, no effect. None of its attacks seem to have any effect or impact on the creature. It's like bludgeoning the side of a mountain.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tells them that her most trusted team of smugglers on the Zadash route were slain a month ago by the Jagentoths, who sponsor the Iron Shepherds. She wants retribution by killing everyone in the Sour Nest, but it cannot be traceable back to the Marduns.\nDM: They wordlessly walk and lead you around through a dining chamber back to a small storage-- it'd be kitchen adjacent, though you don't see a kitchen yet. You can smell that musty scent of stored oats and grains, rice.\nPlayer: Did I see any books on the way out?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: 14.\nDM: None down here. None of the rooms you were brought through seem to have any sort of a shelf unit or anything that carries tomes or books of any kind, unfortunately.\nPlayer: Fuck this podunk town.\nDM: There doesn't seem to be very well-read people though there're probably some. You're led into this storage room and down a staircase through a trapdoor. It's pulled open. You're led into this wine cellar and in the back of the wine cellar, they move aside a case shelving for wine, and they're all resting on it, some missing, others moving it there. There's a small tunnel that you all have to duck down. You have to nearly crawl through to get your rather large firbolg form.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside.\nDM: So Divine Intervention, there are elements of it that could be preparatory. By the nature of it, it's more of a sudden prayer of desperation. It's one of those things where the effects can range. It can be something that's immediate; it can be something that's more long. Understanding that, acknowledge when would be the good time to use it, whether it be now or later. Depends on what you're requesting, what you're praying for.\nPlayer: To come help us kill a dragon. So that.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and roll a percentile dice, then.\nPlayer: What do I have--\nDM: Roll 2d10. You may have a die that has multiple numbers on it.\nPlayer: I do. Is this the percentile?\nDM: Yes. Roll that first. What'd you roll?\nPlayer: What do I need to roll?\nDM: I believe you need to roll under your level. What did you roll?\nPlayer: I rolled an 80.\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: It never works!\nDM: So, as you call to Sarenrae, the boundaries and barriers that keep the gods from directly interfering with this realm are particularly strong this morning. While you feel her glow upon you, her warmth and protection guiding you to victory, there is not more within her strength or sphere of influence she can grant you at this time.\nPlayer: Dammit. I don't feel her warmth, though.\nDM: What else would you like to do?\nPlayer: Just go eat.\nDM: All right, so the sun has come up, the hour hits to eight, nine in the morning, you're looking at about three hours until the dragon's--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group gathered together, rode onto a magically elevated skyship, and traversing the ocean, carrying the Horn of Orcus within this holy container. They found themselves, over the ocean, suddenly attacked by a band of what seemed to be wyvern- and griffon-riding bandits.\nDM: He gives a look to the rest of the group here, and you can see there's a noticeable bead of sweat he kind of wipes off his forehead. \"I just needed to confirm that this was not some haphazardly constructed fake or some other artifact mistaken for such a horn, but we indeed have within our presence one of the Horns of Orcus, and this does not bode well.\"\nPlayer: (whistles)\nDM: \"Thankfully--\"\nPlayer: Are you guys-- oh, sorry.\nDM: \"No, please. What do you want to say?\"\nPlayer: I was just wondering. You've had one of these before, yes?\nDM: \"No, but we know that these exist. A few of us do; the knowledge itself has been lost to time intentionally. It was brought to my attention, and through discussions with the Council that sent you on this journey, that this would be the safest place to seal such an artifact, and amongst all our other options, as of this time, I see no other choice. So. What's been proposed. Allow me to explain to you the plan. One of our most divine relics of our most beloved protector Bahamut was kept deep beneath this temple, within the mountain we rest against. The Star of Exaltation, a crystal born from the tear Bahamut shed for the sacrifices his first devoted made in the Great War of the Beginnings, the Dawn War. This item was unfortunately lost nearly 300 years ago, giving the last of its power to protect this very Vasselheim. The intervention it brought from our great deity expended and left the artifact destroyed. Since the chamber that held this Star, a blessed and ever-watched nexus beneath the gaze of the Great Platinum Dragon Himself, has gone empty, we've tended to it. We've kept it fairly well-watched and in the state it was originally constructed for. And we think no greater location to seal such a deeply-rooted evil exists within our spheres of influence or any other. Unfortunately, the last time the chamber was cleansed and prepared was some 15 years ago. Our curate tasked one of our own Scalebearers--\" And he looks over towards Yonn, who sheepishly backs away. \"-- was tasked with preparing it for your arrival, and the artifact's, and it was found that the lower chambers have been infested with some manner of foul subterranean spider creature.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nothing happens. Molly and Beau go back up the stairs, and pry out one of the glowing light rocks.\nDM: There's a very faint magical aura from the symbol in the center, but it seems largely clouded and marked off. It's like somebody had taped over a blacklit drawing. It's been marred and prevented from use, from what it seems at the moment.\nPlayer: Is there a type? I will ask that every time.\nDM: Yes, there is. And just to be consistent, here.\nPlayer: Friendship magic.\nDM: It is conjuration. There is a very faint magical essence, straight ahead. As you focus and lean forward, it becomes a little stronger. Above the bookshelf, there is a shape, embedded in the wall, that is emitting a slight magical aura.\nPlayer: In the wall, above the bookshelf?\nDM: Above the bookshelf, you don't have quite enough light, and Yasha's holding the torch that's being cut off from the roof.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott advises you to play a little hard to get with Fjord. The party choose ship's jobs to learn: Caleb navigation, Nott powder monkey, Fjord quartermaster, you carpenter, Caduceus boatswain and Beau cooper.\nDM: Jester, the Mistake is keeping in time with the Squalleater and you're brought-- it slows down a bit and you're brought over to the opposite side and there, looking around, you wander under the deck and find, at one of the tables, Waldok, who's one of the deckhands of the ship. He's currently sitting at a table with a large tankard of really rough grog or ale, biting his lower lip, and he has his sleeve pulled up and you can see Orly has this unique bowstring of some kind that's wrapped between two fingers, an inkwell, and a needle that's tied up in it, and he's currently halfway through doing this really good-looking, elaborate tattoo across the arm of this deckhand.\nPlayer: Whoa!\nDM: He's got his patch over his eye, right up against one of the portholes where the light's coming through and he's using it for perspective, and he's lording over this smaller, thin human, and glances over, \"Oh, hey there.\"\nPlayer: Can I go stand over his shoulder and stare at what he's doing?\nDM: Yeah, you keep watch and he's doing this curled mermaid that is coming up and, on one hand is holding on at the hip and the other is picking a fruit off of a tree. You begin to question the design a bit and Orly says, offhand, \"It's what he requested.\"\nPlayer: Why are you having a mermaid pick fruit if she's in the water?\nDM: He's sitting there going like, \"(grunting) Well, I had a rough fight with some scurvy a few years back and a few things I like the idea of ladies in the sea that can save me from scurvy.\"\nPlayer: Oh, that's really smart. It's very meaningful.\nDM: Orly chuckles under his breath. It's very well done, and you can see now the other tattoos that are across his body were probably done by him on himself.\nPlayer: Hey, Orly, I'm training to be a carpenter, did you know?\nDM: \"I wasn't aware, actually, but m-m-maybe you should ask around for the man who's doing the repairs around this place.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, I will definitely do that, but I also want to learn how to do tattoos. Can you teach me that?\nDM: \"I can try and teach you some of--\"\nPlayer: I'm a really good artist, Orly.\nDM: \"-- m-m-my skills. However, I got a specific talent with some of this here.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, it's a thing that you wrap around your fingers and then you go like this?\nDM: \"Kind of. Here, do you m-m-mind?\" The guy's like, \"Uh.\"\nPlayer: I'm a really good artist, don't worry.\nDM: \"Sure?\" Orly helps show you how he threads this and gets the needle set up. Go ahead and make a performance check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Sylas leaps out of the smoke towards Percy's hiding place, pulls out his large two handed onyx blade and hits Percy twice. Each hit robs Percy of strength and grants a boost to Sylas.\nDM: Okay. You feel as each strike of the blade cuts into your flesh, a portion of your body's strength is sapped from it. Your strength goes down by two.\nPlayer: My strength is a negative one.\nDM: No, I mean your score. Not the modifier, your score.\nPlayer: Oh, so my strength is at zero, then.\nDM: What is your strength normally?\nPlayer: 12.\nDM: 12, so it's now ten.\nPlayer: It's now ten, which means my modifier is zero.\nDM: You see the energy fill him now.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax dashes past Greenbeard towards Kevdak, one of the herd members outside the arena attempting to swipe at the rogue but only catching feathers from the Deathwalker's Ward, and attacks the paralyzed Thunderlord with both daggers in hand. The blades strike true, Vax sinking the weapons up to the hilt into the flesh of the goliath, and the rogue flees the arena, but not before he leaves some parting words for Kevdak.\nDM: This will put you in range for their strikes, so you're going to have to stay in place or move past and suffer five attacks of opportunity.\nPlayer: Wait, all of them can attack, but I'm in the air!\nDM: But for you to get low enough to hand him that, they all have big double greatswords, and they're-- well, half of them are half-giants. So you can do this. As you swish up, which you've already said you're going to do, you fly up and you reach down.\nPlayer: With the locket and I hit.\nDM: With the locket and you hand over to him, do you--\nPlayer: I don't hand it to him.\nDM: Okay. So you just hold it there?\nPlayer: I'm putting Grog in the fucking locket.\nDM: Oh.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester tries to help but is knocked out with some sort of sleeping gas. The rest of the Nein come to help with Jamedi and Avantika.\nDM: The body attempts to leap and the head stumbles underneath with some of the snake heads. The momentum carries it, but it runs straight into the base of the tree, crossing the way before (impact) on the ground. The head, still (growling). Coming to rest on the ground.\nPlayer: She still has one more attack, can she use the rest of her movement to move towards the jaguar? I think she has ten feet of her movement.\nDM: She could, yeah. If she has the rest of her movement, she can use it to move up.\nPlayer: Is that melee or just outside of it?\nDM: It's melee.\nPlayer: Oh great, reckless as well. 21.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: Yeah! 14 points of damage. Plus three, right? Or no?\nDM: The 3d6 only happens on the first attack. So it's only 2d6 for the second one.\nPlayer: Oh, thank you. Lets back it down to nine.\nDM: Okay, got it. Plus six, so 14. Okay, got it. That finishes Yasha's go. Fjord and Nott, you guys are up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax looks for the hooded figure and he can't see him. Keyleth uses Heal on Percy and backs up to recover behind Trinket.\nDM: You push her back five feet there, and you push into that space there. First attack, she puts the shield up and as you slam into the shield, slides against, you see all the glass building up behind her ankles and tumbling into the crevasse behind her.\nPlayer: I do another.\nDM: All right go for it. Roll again.\nPlayer: Yes! 23.\nDM: That is a 13, as she stands there with her blade at the ready, getting ready to arc down with the counterattack, you slam into her shield and she (yells) falls backward, tumbling into the crevasse. Down into the pile in the center. She takes 15 points of damage from the impact and the shards of broken, jagged glass that are at the bottom of it from the explosion before and she's like (groans) on the ground.\nPlayer: Can I look over my shoulder at the rogue?\nDM: Yes, you can.\nPlayer: Because he's got the little dagger, right?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Can I say Sit down before I open you up! And I would like to take off towards the guy that I was first engaged with that's at the back corner of the map with the rest of my movement. I have one attack left. Yeah. Reckless, please, chef. 25.\nDM: Yeah, that'll hit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He warns the rest of the Mighty Nein as combat continues. A crew member unfurls the sail, which is plain, attempting to escape the area.\nDM: Yeah, that's going to be bad for him. This is for the zealot. There we go. The first hit equals 1d6 plus half your-- okay, so it's 2d6 plus six damage.\nPlayer: 15.\nDM: The dice are doubled. Plus an additional d6.\nPlayer: 18 plus six is 24, plus an additional d6.\nDM: That's doubled.\nPlayer: That's two. What did I say?\nDM: 26, I think?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: That's 28 plus six for her barbarian level. Yeah, she just eviscerates him.\nPlayer: Nice!\nDM: Man. As he's there, frozen in place, Yasha's rushed up and cleaves right through his chest, and you watch as he folds into two pieces, both tumbling off into the water. There's now two halves of the orc floating in the water below.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog comes back to his senses and shouts \u201cthe letters in the wind are O,R,I\u201d\n While trying to help Pike, Vex is targetted by the sphinx and falls unconscious. Vax wraps a pre-tied loop around Grogs neck and uses him as an anchor before jumping into the cyclone after you.\nDM: You see him vanish. There's the rope there that Vax is carrying. You can grab onto that and wrestle through. With that, Scanlan manages to pull himself through the portal, landing onto the side right there. And you're fine now. That's probably going to take your full action, everything to get there, but you're out--\nPlayer: Bonus too?\nDM: I'll give you a bonus, sure, because your movement.\nPlayer: All right. Do I have time to assess and see that she's dead?\nDM: She's doing pretty rough, yeah.\nPlayer: I will heal her.\nDM: All right. Healing Word.\nPlayer: Healing Word at level--\nDM: What level are you doing?\nPlayer: I don't have many levels. At level three.\nDM: Okay. So that's 3d4 plus five.\nPlayer: I roll?\nDM: Yes. 3d4 plus five. Finishing up Scanlan's turn--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The creature in the cell tries to choke out Desmond, but the carriage driver manages to resist. Trinket backs away, taking a hit as he does, then jumps and leaps onto the nearest creature, knocking it prone.\nDM: I would say this guy has three-quarters cover, so it would be disadvantage on the attack. You already have disadvantage because it's invisible, so it's hard to hit, regardless.\nPlayer: That was the same one each time. 28.\nDM: 28? 28 hits.\nPlayer: Oh, I didn't fucking Hunter's Mark him. God damn it. Fuck. 15.\nDM: 15 points of damage. The first arrow sinks into whatever's there, and you can see it jutting out of no physical space.\nPlayer: Now I'm going to Hunter's Mark him and I'm going to hit him again. Can I do that?\nDM: Technically, it's part of your attack. You can do two attacks first, then you can bonus action, so you're like (arrow sounds) and then you Hunter's Mark it after.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: You can't tell if the sour smell is intentional flavor or just time taking its toll. It'll be tart one way or the other.\nPlayer: Do we see any crownsguard around? In the street.\nDM: Over time you will. They're scattered a bit thin and a lot of them are currently focused on either perimeter watch, in case they come back, or helping out those that need help inside the city.\nPlayer: I'd just like to find one, if I could.\nDM: Within ten minutes of wandering through the city as you guys have gathered yourselves and begun heading towards the eastern side, you see a crownsguard who is currently walking by with some washrags under one arm and a little streak of dried blood down the side of their face. Looks to be a young man probably in his mid-20s or so. Longish hair that's been heavily braided on the sides and then pinned to the back in a tuft of a ponytail.\nPlayer: Howdy!\nDM: \"Yes?\"\nPlayer: Sorry to bother, but we've been commissioned by Bryce to make a little expedition to go after those gnolls and we're going to need an extra steed if the Crownsguard has one.\nDM: \"We're not allowed to give out any Crownsguard supplies. If you're looking for a steed, you'd probably have to go to the On the Wind Stables. They're going to be your best bet.\"\nPlayer: Where would those be?\nDM: \"Right--\" and points over towards the northern side of the town. It's one of the buildings that's taken a little bit of fire damage.\nPlayer: Are you concerned about the people that live in this town? Clock's ticking on their lives and you want me to go get a steed from another stable instead of saving their lives?\nDM: \"It's not--\"\nPlayer: I sure would hate to have to report this to Bryce. I think they'd be pretty upset about it.\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: 13.\nDM: \"Look, I mean no offense whatsoever and if-- I can go find Bryce and see if we-- the Watchmaster would be much more suited to--\"\nPlayer: Your name?\nDM: \"Reggie.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Further along the way, they meet refugees from Nogvurot. After the fourth day of travel, they camp and notice an overturned cart just off the road.\nDM: Passes them over. They're all rolled up and ready to go. \"As far as repair kits go, these are a little pricier. If you're looking specifically for cart repairs, one kit I can sell to you for, say, 25 gold pieces. That contains all that you'd require for any on-the-road going: wheel repairs, your axle, equipment for keeping your horses attached to your cart.\"\nPlayer: You wouldn't happen to have any raw canvas I could use to possibly put a bit of a pup tent?\nDM: \"Raw canvas I can do, but beyond that, the rest of it's up to you.\"\nPlayer: I'll take the repair kit.\nDM: \"25 gold for that.\"\nPlayer: And however much basic supplies to put this together, and I'll figure out how handy I am on the road.\nDM: \"All right. Rolled canvas here, I've got about 20 square feet of rolled canvas. Will that do?\"\nPlayer: Will that do?\nDM: Will it do?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you anxiously jumped, worried about what Avantika will do if he does not catch up to her. The well continues down almost 80 feet; strangely, it is salt water.\nDM: You begin to close the gap slowly, but she's eagerly swimming down with almost a fervor. As you get deeper into this column, this basin below, the walls begin to grow thick with algae and grime like a thick-- It could be a plant matter that's just accrued over the walls, or it could be waste matter from the hydra in its home that has slowly congealed to cover the walls. The stone begins to give way to this dark, slick material. Once you hit about the 70, 80 foot point, the tunnel begins to open like a giant bulb or internal, spherical chamber. Role another athletics check.\nPlayer: 14.\nDM: She's still keeping her distance from you. Heading deeper in, the saltiness of the water, the brininess, the flavor in your mouth gets more intense. What was once a semblance of sea water is definitively sea water, but also very strongly briny sea water. Make another athletics check.\nPlayer: The bulb-- we've entered that chamber, right?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: What's our visibility like? 40, 60?\nDM: For you, because you have dark vision, you can see within 30 feet of you, essentially. As far as you look the chamber is--\nPlayer: There's not a lot of natural light, right?\nDM: No. Not at all. It's pitch black down here. That being the case, you don't see the bottom of the chamber, you just see it open--\nPlayer: And just her.\nDM: And just her, but she's gaining.\nPlayer: James Cameron going down to find the Titanic.\nDM: Just delving straight down into the darkness. Make another athletics check.\nPlayer: 20.\nDM: 20, okay. She did not role that well that time. She's beginning to tire, it seems, or at least you're starting to pick up speed. As you continue to follow, you get probably 40 or so feet from her, but she's still ahead of you. Role again.\nPlayer: Natural 20.\nDM: Natural 20, nice! She rolled okay. You see, now, the bottom begin to approach. In the peripheral of your dark vision, the floor greets to meet you and you pick up enough speed to where you both impact the bottom of this chamber at the same time. You both hit. She looks up at you, and your eyes meet. A few bubbles escape from her mouth and you see her big, wide, toothy grin and she begins scraping grime off the floor.\nPlayer: I do the same.\nDM: All right. Make an investigation check.\nPlayer: I don't know what I'm looking for. 23.\nDM: 23!\nPlayer: Plus five.\nDM: As the two of you are currently scraping bits of grime and algae off the ground, there are bits of plants that are growing up like lightless kelp that seems to have made some sort of a living down here in this subterranean, water-filled chamber. As you're pushing through and scraping around, your hand scoops this large bit of grime from in front of you and you can see a stone relief at the very base of the bottom, a concave, spherical shape about the size of a fist.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While the party gather and wait for Queen Ulara to reappear from Scanlan's Banishment, Vax helps Keyleth get Grog out of his shackles. Ulara appears just then and is immediately grappled by Keyleth in her elemental form.\nDM: \"K'Varn--\" At which point, there's a shudder in her body and her eyes go from this strange blue color to this strange swimming black that covers the entirety of each eye. At which point, she shakes for a second. Her shoulders shift and you clutch her in your arms. As you do, you see the blackness now has that same green glow that the rest of them had, but it's framing the pools of shadow that her eyes have become. Her jaw falls slack for a second and this voice comes through. \"Ah, there! (chuckles) There we are. I can see you all so clearly.\"\nPlayer: Not me!\nDM: \"You'd be surprised, dragonborn.\" (all gasp)\nPlayer: You're pretty good. (all laugh)\nDM: \"Word has reached my ears, but to see you, to look upon you, is everything. Come. You are close, yes? Come to me, as my guests. I invite you. The temple doors are open. I'd like to see you in person.\"\nPlayer: (stammers) Can you be more specific? Like, do we go left, or right, or... specific.\nDM: \"You're already on the right path. Come to me. You are my treasured guests.\" At which point, the blackness in the eyes begins to intensify and begin to spill like black tears from the face. Her body shudders before the back convulses, and then falls limp, a little bit of smoke rising from the mouth.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The explosion rocks the vicinity, toppling the cart. A glass container that was in the back of the cart shatters.\nDM: -- due to the darkness in this room it's very hard to see, other than the slight glow from the lava. So you fire all three rays, and you see them streak through, and each one gives off just enough light from the actual flaming ray to glow to the vicinity, but not the actual target. You see them both streak off and slam the wall on the opposite side.\nPlayer: Wait, do I add my dex on those?\nDM: You add your spell modifier.\nPlayer: (whispers) What's my spell modifier?\nDM: It's on top of your spell page!\nPlayer: Oh! Oh, no, I'm sorry, 20-- plus nine on all that.\nDM: Good to know.\nPlayer: Yeah, sorry.\nDM: All three hit. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: There you go.\nPlayer: Okay, first one does five--\nDM: It's his first time casting spells, guys. (mouths) It's not.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The others try to persuade you to join them in swimming down, and Caleb casts Suggestion on her to convince her to try it. you, Beau, and Fjord join Yasha and Jester inside, you forgetting she's holding the weasel, who lives but isn't happy about it, joined shortly by Caleb, Caduceus, and Nugget.\nDM: All right. So, that is about as far as you can get right there because Fjord is currently in the far corner. And I'm marking you with concentration just so I can keep tabs on that. All right, so that ends Caleb's go. Nott, you're up.\nPlayer: I see the damage done to my lovely friends, and seeing as I care about Caleb slightly more, I will attack the one that hit-- no offense-- I will attack the one that hit Caleb with a shot of a Tinkertop Blaster, whatever it's called.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: All right, so that's 20-something to hit.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: He's engaged with firbolg over here, right?\nDM: Mhmm.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They join Avantika's crew at their table. Jester decides to fight a gnome seaman, Sorris Cade, at his invitation, and they have a friendly glorious bar fight until she decides that's enough and heals him a bit.\nDM: Declare, thank you. \"You must declare the amount of which you have recently come upon, and from that there is a tithe offer to the Plank King, roughly about 25-30%. But we do not pay for our ship repairs, we have free asylum here within the island, and we are under the strict law that if anyone double-crosses anyone else within the bounds of the city, they will have the hammer of the Plank King down upon them.\"\nPlayer: It's very intense.\nDM: \"That is the way of life.\"\nPlayer: So it's less like a government and more of a union that you buy into?\nDM: \"More or less, yes. They're not much into governing, more just--\"\nPlayer: Like a union with a dictator?\nDM: \"A union with a very hard-headed and forthright union leader.\"\nPlayer: \"Hmm. Do you ever think you could make a good union leader?\"\nDM: \"Nah. I have my own specific interests, they're much more narrow.\"\nPlayer: Huh.\nDM: \"Why, do you have aspirations?\"\nPlayer: No.\nDM: \"I didn't think so.\"\nPlayer: Who needs aspirations?\nDM: \"Well, some of us do. There has to be more to you than just this contradictory-for-the-sake-of-being-contradictory aspect, eh?\"\nPlayer: I would love for you to tell me about it someday.\nDM: \"Come, let's have a drink, huh? First round's on me.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percival shoots Clarota in the head, releasing Scanlan, who had been grappled by the turncoat. As the remaining illithids take heavy damage, the two of them Plane Shift out of the room in self-preservation.\nDM: Very, very expensive potion used. All right, so. Vex? You're on Trinket still, do you want to hold your action and wait for the rest of the carpet, do you want to attack anyone, what do you want to do?\nPlayer: I want to attack the Elder Brain.\nDM: Okay. Go for it.\nPlayer: I'm going to-- I think all I can do is a Conjure Barrage.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: So it's the cone of attack.\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: So that will get hopefully all the things, because I'm shooting down, right?\nDM: Well, how big is the cone?\nPlayer: It's 60 feet.\nDM: 60-foot cone from your angle here, if you're going for the brain it'll catch this guy, maybe, as a cone that goes down this way.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Unless you want to go this way and hit these guys, or this guy.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you sits down with a solitaire player in the bar and tries to start a game with him. The man refuses because he doesn't play with devils .\nDM: \"I told him not to go. Stupid, it is for the common folk and the young. He's always had his head in the clouds.\"\nPlayer: Has he? That's not what other people have said.\nDM: \"Other people are stupid.\"\nPlayer: Why do you think he went? Why do you think that happened to him?\nDM: \"He's lonely. Don't trust the carnival. Nothing but spooks and magicians and things that want to take your life and take your money, take your family, whisk you away. Fuck the circus.\"\nPlayer: Fuck the circus. So that's what you think happened to him, then? I feel like there's something evil afoot.\nDM: \"Says the devil.\"\nPlayer: Again, I've been called worse. Sure you have in your time, as well.\nDM: He takes the drink, sips it. \"Don't come 'round here no more.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With Delilah dead, the skeletal dragon also falls to pieces, no longer held together by her magic. Sylas, seeing his wife fall, cries out.\nDM: It's a saving throw, it's not an attack. Yeah, the Earthbind does not take effect on him unfortunately--\nPlayer: Can I do it again immediately? Can I try again?\nDM: No, it's an action to cast the spell.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Sorry.\nPlayer: I know! Can I wait and--\nDM: Okay, Scanlan Two? Anything?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back at the bakery, Tary gives the Trickfoots the run of the shop (to the chagrin of Vex and you, who don't entirely trust the newcomers). Everyone retires to get ready for dinner.\nDM: Because there are only within the castle at any given time, four baths. Four rooms that contain full baths. Occasionally, you have to wait for a person, but they immediately scatter. Three of them are taken.\nPlayer: Okay. We might have to wait a little bit.\nDM: You wait a while. Eventually, they one by one start making their way down to the main banquet hall of the castle. Cleaned up. You watch as Johann comes down, wearing his same clothing that appears to have been cleaned. \"Wow! I'm appreciative that you have servants here that can do such a nice job with such fine family threads.\" His mustache is done perfectly. His hair is still slick and wet from the bath, combed over. \"Well, thank you. It's in the blood.\"\nPlayer: (chuckles) It sure is.\nDM: He turns around. \"Astra? What's taking her so long?\" Walks back out to the stairway and rushes past the guards, his little gnomish head dodging by their knees, almost. He goes, (shouting) \"Astra!\" You hear a voice go, (shouting) \"I'm almost done! Wait and be patient!\" He goes back. \"She'll be down in a moment. Don't worry. In the meantime, is there an appetizer course?\"\nPlayer: Sure. Why don't you take a seat, and order whatever you want, on me.\nDM: \"You're so generous!\" He pinches your cheek. He waltzes over to the table, sits down and grabs the fork and knife. \"Two bottles of red, and... ooh, what vintage have you?\" He begins talking with the servants about what various wines are available.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord tells them he sees visions of a giant eye, and hears a voice. The sphere reminds him of that eye, and he wants to know where the temple is.\nDM: The lantern hits the ground and tips over, and a little bit of oil spills out, but it doesn't like scatter and ignite. He's like, \"Shit!\" and he quickly goes and picks it back up again. While you're investigating, the first couple crates you can get to without making any sort of noise that gets his attention, you can tell, you lift up the top ones. The first one you come to is filled with hardtack.\nPlayer: Ugh.\nDM: The second one you come to, a smell gets your attention immediately, and you lift it up, and it does have a similar smell to that gunpowder type material that you encountered on that pistol.\nPlayer: Are they in bags, pouches, boxes? Is it just loose?\nDM: You see small kegs that are currently closed off.\nPlayer: I'll take a keg.\nDM: Okay, it's about that big.\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: You're going to pull it out, you got one.\nPlayer: Okay, next box.\nDM: Okay, he's now picked up the lantern again because you've looked through two crates now.\nPlayer: Okay, shit. I'll use that Mage Hand again. This time, I'll unbuckle his belt.\nDM: He's clutching that lantern with a death grip now, and is now scanning the room, and suddenly his pants (whoosh) to the ground. He's like, \"Whoa, shit!\" and he's reaching down with the other hand trying to pull it up, and he's got like the lantern in one hand, his hand on the outside of the pants in the other. He's tripping a bit and bumps into one of the crates. You manage to get to a third crate. You open it up and look inside, and it looks like it's a bunch of coiled rope. It's a lot of repair materials for the ship. There's a thick tar-like substance. It's probably used for some form of repairs.\nPlayer: Okay, well can I get to one more box?\nDM: Okay, he gets his pants up.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: He's now in the process of walking through the room. Is there anything else you're going to do?\nPlayer: Ooh, I have things. I have things! I have some shards of shiny pottery. I will throw them across the room.\nDM: Make a dexterity check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about Fjord's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: Right. Misses. The first one, you watch as it just moves past you and slams into the door. The next one, from this guy up here--\nPlayer: I immediately go whoops.\nDM: That's a 12 and a two. The other one misses into the wall. This one over here is going to fire at you. That's a 16 and a 14, plus three, 17.\nPlayer: 17 is my armor class.\nDM: The first two one hits the door; the other one, you duck out of the way; and the third one comes and it's piercing right towards your chest. It's going to deal 2d8, seven points of piercing damage.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm going to use Deflect Missiles for my reaction.\nDM: Oh, right! Because you got that for your-- Okay. As a reaction, you watch this one arrow that you can't quite duck out of the way--\nPlayer: (grunting exertions)\nDM: All right. So go ahead and make the roll.\nPlayer: But it's not super-- I'm still level three, so it's more like a cat swat.\nDM: Yeah, you're trying to swat it and see if you can carry the momentum with it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott says she thinks its 50-50 Fjord is going evil and suggests Caleb be ready to restrain him. Fjord casts Underwater Breathing on the group and they descend.\nDM: One hits you for six points of piercing damage, as it claws-- or this would be a bite. It grabs and bites towards you.\nPlayer: Reduced to half?\nDM: Oh, no, it's a strike, so bludgeoning. It's halved to three. You take three points of bludgeoning damage. This one is going to attempt to grab you with the tentacle. Natural 20.\nPlayer: Does he get a bonus for that natural 20? Does he get some sort of bonus to that natural 20? Does that make something better about that?\nDM: You don't know.\nPlayer: I mean, because I'm going to cancel it, if it does anything.\nDM: It's a critical hit, up to you. Are you canceling it or not?\nPlayer: I'm canceling it.\nDM: Okay. It still hits, but it's not a critical. You take eight points of bludgeoning damage, reduced to four, and you are grappled. As its tentacle reaches around you, another one that looks like it has a protrusion from its chest, almost like a third arm-- it's a tentacle that wraps around, and grabs at your torso, and is crushing you. You can feel faint bits of it that are scraping at the skin. That finishes their turn. Beau, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vanessa makes them an offer: They may undergo a trial to become fully-fledged guild members, and thereby be retroactively written into the contract for the hydra. Otherwise, they will be prosecuted as poachers.\nDM: She reaches to part of her shoulder pauldron, lifts it up, and you can see there's a brand on the side of her arm.\nPlayer: My body's a temple. I don't like that.\nDM: \"Then perhaps you'd like the judgment.\"\nPlayer: The judgment? Oh no, no. Do I have to get branded?\nDM: \"It does not hurt much.\"\nPlayer: (whimpers) I'm really wimpy.\nDM: \"Gnomes... Three days. Will you accept?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, During the night, you'ildan's door opens slightly and there is a knock. Gilmore pops his head in.\nDM: You look over and you see Gilmore pop his head in with a soft smile. \"I'm sorry if I'm waking you up.\"\nPlayer: It's all right.\nDM: \"Here.\" And he produces what looks like a folded pile of material and throws it on the foot of your bed and goes, \"Come, Vax, I made you a gift. Put it on, come walk with me awhile. We have a lot to talk about.\"\nPlayer: I open it up.\nDM: It's a very well-crafted silk robe of dark blue and black. Beaded, nice against the skin. It's really, really nice.\nPlayer: (quietly) Give me a minute. (louder) There's a wooden screen in the room. I go behind it and wipe any oil left off my butt.\nDM: That's fantastic.\nPlayer: Everything looks all right. And I put it on.\nDM: All right. He waits for you patiently in the hallway. So he begins walking along. Puts his arm out to you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Die! Die! .\nDM: All right. Good to know. And so as you pull back the arrow and release it, there is that-- the way that you constructed it, there's just this pouch of very thick gooey-- is this the spell or is it the actual arrow constructed by Percy?\nPlayer: It's the arrow.\nDM: Right, the one that he built? So what happens is that the front of the arrow, it doesn't do any actual damage on the impact. Instead what it does is it, when it smacks into it, there's a pouch in the front that detonates from the impact and sends this very quick-setting tar, like glue substance. That just spatters across the body and lower torso, it expands like a foam. There's no damage on that one, but it's currently (grunts) grappled by it and cannot move from its place.\nPlayer: Awesome. And so I'll shoot another arrow at the other lady.\nDM: Okay. Go for it. Roll for an attack.\nPlayer: I know she's running away, but she's a bad guy. I didn't hit her, though.\nDM: What did you roll?\nPlayer: 16.\nDM: Heh. It's funny-- mages don't have a lot of armor. Even with mage armor, you manage to hit her square in the back. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: 16.\nDM: She goes (cries out) and stumbles, and catches herself and gets back up and you can see the arrow sticking straight up out of her back. Probably four inches into the back of her shoulder blade.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Lionel Gayheart Chod, a half-orc bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, while everyone else is taking breakfast, Pike checks the front door and finds about 20 skeletons waiting outside. She and Grog charge out to handle them.\nDM: You take 16, reduced to half, so you take eight points of bludgeoning damage as you slam into the ground at the top, and you stand up and there's about five feet between you and Grog, and one of the cultists is there right in front of you, who's like, \"Shit!\"\nPlayer: I rage.\nDM: Do you want to attack him? Go for it.\nPlayer: I think the anti-gravity is screwing me up. Three, plus 12.\nDM: Three plus 12 still hits, actually.\nPlayer: He does it clumsily.\nDM: Your first strike is 2d6 plus ten damage.\nPlayer: Seven. 17.\nDM: 17 points of slashing damage as you pull your greataxe up and rake past. You see his chest split open and he (grunts) pulls back. He's still alive, and as he looks up at you from under the hood, he is also missing one of his eyes. (pants)\nPlayer: Second attack? Rage, bonus action...\nDM: You have an extra attack as a barbarian, so you get a second attack.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, Caduceus, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. Fjord, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of you.\nDM: For the travel of Beau to the front, and the rest of the guard to get there; for the Plank King conversation; for him to descend the Throne Roost to make his way through the city to the docks; yeah, that's over an hour.\nPlayer: Then in these circumstances, I would dismiss Frumpkin from the Material Plane and bring him back on my shoulder, so he's with me.\nDM: Okay. As Frumpkin appears on the shoulder, one of the watch goes, \"Oh, where'd you come from, little one? Didn't even see you come in.\" Begins scritching Frumpkin.\nPlayer: He's friendly. That's my pet cat.\nDM: Doesn't even talk to you. Just looks at Frumpkin. \"Who's a cute little kitty? We don't get cats much on this island. It's good to see one. Wonder what ship you came aboard?\"\nPlayer: I'm thinking really bad thoughts.\nDM: Eventually, as the crowd begins to part, you see a number of the guard, a few of the bodyguards that you had seen previously sitting amongst the shadows of the Throne Roost when you first arrived the night before. You guys came roaring into this town; you definitely did. There you see Beauregard being flanked by three guards, one better-armored than the others, and then there, stepping behind that, the looming figure of the Plank King. He approaches. \"So not here but 24 hours and you've already made a mess of our little home, have you? I could see the flames from my Roost. My crow's men tell me they spotted you walking aboard the Squalleater and assault Avantika, one of our own. Apparently a few of you fleeing into the city. You know I have my misgivings about trusting anyone, but I'm far more likely to toss in with those that I've mistrusted long enough to at least know where they stand. I don't know a fucking bit about all of you. So my other friend--\" and he points towards Jamedi, who's now in the back, and the rest of you see, \"-- says that you've all come in with her lot naught but maybe two weeks back, and that not most of you have much of an experience on the sea, naught but one. The rest of you still haven't quite found your legs on the waters. I'm going to ask you right now, what brought you out there, to mucking with the pirates' deals? Speak up!\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and you, to almost universal horror, break out Fluffernutter, with you throwing the barrel in the air towards the heads, but Nott's explosive bolt misses and the barrel splashes into the water. Just prior to Yasha's turns, Caduceus casts Path to the Grave on the hydra, making it vulnerable to everything for double damage.\nDM: No, it just says, you create it for a minute, it says it's concentration, an unoccupied space, you can move the illusion for 30 feet in space you can see, but it must remain within 120 feet of you.\nPlayer: Okay, then--\nDM: But you cannot see any of these spaces where it is.\nPlayer: Oh, can I move around the corner? Then see it?\nDM: You can. Right now it's consumed in darkness. You cannot see anything past this. The Hunger of Hadar is blocking all your vision. You do not know where your illusion is, you just see this large sphere of darkness.\nPlayer: I can't move it at all?\nDM: Correct.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Laura tries to stall the beginning of the episode by showing off her dice bag shaped like a bear.\nDM: \"Of course. You do realise that you can still call me father. I mean, I know you're the leader, but--\"\nPlayer: Can I? Is that allowed? I don't really know.\nDM: He puts his hand up and puts his arm around your shoulder and guides you off away from the chaos of the celebration. You hear the whistling of music and flutes and thin tanner drums going off in the distance. And as it fades the further off you guys walk in the direction of the tree where the ceremony took place-- (something falls in the background) \"Oh, sorry.\"\nPlayer: You should fire that guy.\nDM: \"I will.\"\nPlayer: Shitty servants.\nDM: \"It's very windy up here. Don't worry about it.\"\nPlayer: Yes, that's true.\nDM: As you walk further away towards the tree, he takes his arm off from around your shoulder and says, \"Now, I understand you have many questions and we've prepared you as much as we could leading up to this journey you've gone on, but now you're here.\"\nPlayer: I guess.\nDM: \"Primarily, the people of Zephra look to you for guidance when choices are hard, difficult.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"You are the acting head of law, like I've been all this time. If there is conflict, if there is difficulty, if there is a challenge that presents itself, that requires the wisdom of a leader to step in--\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Meanwhile, the rest of the party arrive at The Shade, a lounge tavern with segmented spots that doubles as a hookah bar. Keyleth reveals that the Earth Ashari are super into hookah , which could mean that when she visited months ago, she had partaken in it.\nDM: He bows his head ever so slowly towards you. \"Then be pleased.\" And he takes the cards and shuffles them back into the deck, rights them into a perfect square with one quick move of his hand, and places them back in front, puts his hands back on his knees, and closes his eyes and puts his head down. There's a pause, and he reaches over and grabs a small, partially eaten apple and (chomp).\nPlayer: I as quietly as possible put another five gold in front of him.\nDM: His chewing stops, and he swallows. Reaches out, patting around it, and finds the gold coins. Puts it into a pocket. \"You ask for one more question. What do you inquire?\" (card shuffling)\nPlayer: Did I make the right choice?\nDM: Two cards land across the carpet before you. One of them shows upon it two hands joining, and the other one shows a symbol of a sun rising over a mountain range. He says, \"You've made many choices, but the one you speak of brings unity and a new dawn.\"\nPlayer: Be pleased.\nDM: He nods. \"Be pleased.\" Takes the cards up, shuffles them back into the deck, and sets it down. He goes back into his meditative trance.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan thinks you is looking better these days and they haven't had a depressing chat in a while. you tells him he's in love and he has to run, but they'll talk about it later.\nDM: The campaign is over. Whitestone burns in flames. You make your way there. Jarett, you can see, finishing a meal. Looks over to you. There's nobody else in the training area. It's still relatively early. You do, with your perception, see back on the main stone building, you see a few individuals walking back and forth in front of one of the windows. It looks like things are starting up over there for training for the day. Jarett finishes his meal, scarfs up the last bit of egg on the side of the plate, \"Hey!\"\nPlayer: Jarett!\nDM: \"Yes!\"\nPlayer: Hey, I don't want to interrupt. Kynan, the new guy. Is he around?\nDM: \"Probably inside, sleeping or waking.\"\nPlayer: Okay if I go in?\nDM: \"Sure. This way.\"\nPlayer: Just be a minute.\nDM: \"Sure, go for it.\" He sits back down. You head inside. The door's not locked. You open it. You see ten different individuals that are all in the process of waking up. You can smell coffee. Very basic breakfast meats being cooked. Some of them are around tables talking, hunched forward and laughing. As soon as you walk in, a few of them turn and look at you. Some don't recognize you, some do. You see, in the far corner sitting alone at one of the tables is Kynan, who is prison-style guarding his food and eating by himself.\nPlayer: Right towards him. Hey.\nDM: \"Hello.\"\nPlayer: How are you fitting in?\nDM: \"All right. Everyone here's been fine.\"\nPlayer: You hanging back?\nDM: \"I mean, as much as I need to. This is still a lot. Jarett's been good. He's been watching.\"\nPlayer: He's a good man. Yeah, I get it. We killed another dragon.\nDM: \"That-- wow.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. I don't want you to question your decision here, all right?\nDM: \"No, I mean-- I don't have anything else right now really. So, what's the question?\"\nPlayer: There's no question. But if you could, I have two favors I want to ask.\nDM: \"Okay.\"\nPlayer: First one is, after I leave here today, could you embrace these people?\nDM: \"Yeah, I'm trying.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, I know, and I know you have reservations, and I know that you've got guilt. When I walk out of here, I want you to work on letting go of that. For real! Leap of faith kind of shit. Just let go of it.\nDM: (sighs) \"Well, I'll do my best.\"\nPlayer: I know. Scratch that, three favors.\nDM: He looks down a little bit for a second seeming like \"oh boy.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, I know I'm a handful. The second one, I don't even need for you to say anything about this, but you know the white-haired guy I travel with?\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He lands right in front of you, who sees a deathly hunger in the man's eyes. Swiping at the goliath with clawed hands, he manages to catch you off guard with the first attack, but just misses with the second.\nDM: Okay. War hammer (fwoosh) bursts into flames. Your eyes all of a sudden go into an intense glare as you rear up and go into your frenzied rage. Make your attacks. Do it.\nPlayer: Advantage on them. That's much better. That's 24?\nDM: 24 hits on the first strike. You only have advantage on the first attack.\nPlayer: Oh, gotcha. Okay. Just the first one.\nDM: Yeah, the first one's a reckless strike.\nPlayer: Okay. 21?\nDM: Hits, as well.\nPlayer: And 20.\nDM: All three hit.\nPlayer: Yes. Okay.\nDM: That's with the minus five, right?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and Jester jump overboard as the crewman leaps from the crow's nest to the deck, breaking a leg and screaming, creating an uproar on deck. Nott and Jester make it safely to shore and stroll away to the tavern, joined shortly by Caleb and Beau.\nDM: Waldok's not really caring as much, more just like, \"No, it's fucking his fault!\" and Zoen's like, \"Oversharing?\" Caduceus?\nPlayer: I just want to find out what was up from somebody.\nDM: One of the guards is keeping an eye over there with the torch. He's like, \"Yeah, it looks like there's a break-in of some sort; a guy was stabbed, got him safe. Another man broke his fucking leg and he's being taken care of.\"\nPlayer: Really? Does he need healing? I can do that, or otherwise.\nDM: \"Sure, I guess. This way.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, I'll take care of it real quick.\nDM: He brings you over to the dock and you look over and there's this guy, you know his name is Bart, he's one of the deckhands, and he's over on the side right now just going (pained groaning) and you can see, it's snapped. Like, bone protruded and everything.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: Oh, and as a note, I need you to make a concentration check for both of those hits, they were 14 damage each, so, and you have Warcaster, right?\nPlayer: Oh, yes. Oh yes.\nDM: So go ahead and make constitution checks. Constitution. Let me look at this.\nPlayer: That's 11 plus two is 13, right? Not great, not great. And 14. 13 and 14.\nDM: Okay, yeah, that's gonna end concentration, Bigby's Hand off the table.\nPlayer: (gasps) Bigby's Hand is gone.\nDM: Too much damage for you on that one. So from the impact of the blows you just managed, the spell fizzles from your mind and the hand dissipates into the distance. All right, now, Grog.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and Caleb find an archery range, and posing as father and daughter, try it out. Caleb fails embarassingly, but Nott hits the bullseye on all three targets, winning a crude doll of King Bertrand Dwendal, two wooden swords (which she gives to Beau), and two rats in cages (one of which she gives to Yasha, since it's her favorite food).\nDM: As you get up and start walking away, the herald stands up and begins walking towards the other side of the anvil.\nPlayer: I walk really quickly.\nDM: There's like speedily running granny into the crowd and as you get--\nPlayer: Drop disguise.\nDM: Drop disguise-- in the middle of the crowd?\nPlayer: Well, no, I zoom around the corner.\nDM: Still in your disguise as you're charging into the crowd, behind you, you hear a voice (scream). \"That old woman! Find her!\" There's screaming and you hear this ruckus as people around start looking behind at the shouting sound as you dart around the corner. Drop disguise and as you do, you can now see the herald and the two keepers of the temple are now pushing through the crowd, looking, searching like, \"Has anyone seen an old woman?\" Is describing you as best they can and it looks like there's a bit of commotion going on. As you begin to disperse into the crowd, making your way--\nPlayer: I take a bite of my caramel apple, and I go walking down.\nDM: You hear a crunch sound and your hand shakes for a second and you look down and a mysterious secondary bite was taken out of the apple.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There are two vines, one around Nott and one trying to wrap up Jester. They prove to be difficult opponents, dealing significant amounts of physical and poison damage, and grappling and restraining their targets.\nDM: You can either attempt to help her escape or you can attempt to punch the vine. The choice is yours.\nPlayer: I'll attempt to help Nott escape.\nDM: All right. This is your action.\nPlayer: It might be a terrible mistake.\nDM: Make an athletics check.\nPlayer: Okay. (singing) Don't fuck me, Gil. Fuck me. Almost every time. Nine!\nDM: Nine. Unfortunately, it's too strong and as you try and pull the vines away, they just are locked in this death grip around Nott. That ends your action. Caduceus.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Molly and you remain outside while Jester and Fjord deceive their way into the house disguised as Prucine and a crownsguard. Caleb, Nott, and Ulog sneak in the back door.\nDM: No, most everybody's at the gala right now. You can see in the distance, you can see the party's still going on. The music's still playing from the distance. There's still drinking and revelry muffled in the distance, the din of the crowd giving this low (distant cheering).\nPlayer: If I get a chance, I want to try and lose him.\nDM: He's not following you. He's just watching you as you walk. So you're going to try and move out of his eyesight?\nPlayer: I'm going to try and move around, yeah, and move out of his eyesight.\nDM: You move out of his eyesight.\nPlayer: Anything? Do I notice any following me?\nDM: Perception check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party decides to leave it for now and possibly come back later. As they approach the Ounterloch which will lead them to the safe house, Febron is hit by another pollen blast and begins walking straight towards the lurking plant, but Calianna casts Levitate on him to keep him from stepping into it.\nDM: Okay. As you tiptoe through the edges, leaping from cluster of root to cluster of root, being as quiet as you can, you come around the first tree where this figure had vanished, look around to where it's currently waiting and you see two trees that grew together and a large rock that's wedged at the base of it. Crouched below, behind the rock, you see this bulbous humanoid creature, with a deep green-blue skin tone with little pustules and boils on it, at the edges of the shoulder and arm. You see long stringy black hair that goes past the front of the chest. The torso appears to be swollen, this belly protruding beyond it. You can see hanging around the neck other pieces of hollowed bone, very similar to that chime that you saw being described by Caleb.\nPlayer: Is it a troll?\nDM: It appears to be trollish in nature. The pustules and part of its body, there's this thick green liquid that's oozing out in places. It's sitting there clinging to the rock with its long fingers, clutching it, looking over in the direction of where you were, breathing heavy.\nPlayer: Does he see The Mighty Nein?\nDM: It seems to be looking in the direction where you were.\nPlayer: But he doesn't see me.\nDM: He doesn't see you at the moment, no.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As you does this, he has to have complete concentration. As Frumpkin flies above the lake, he sees two islands within the lake.\nDM: You don't get the idea that most devils or demons have a vulnerability to radiant or holy damage. Some might, some don't, but you're unable to take a bead on this. The book you have is informative from an encyclopedia standpoint. It's sort of storytelling and an informative thing, but it's not a catalog about all the aspects and details of each creature.\nPlayer: Right, it's a kid's Encyclopedia Britannica, and scanning through, I saw one thing that popped out.\nDM: Yeah, you were like, wait.\nPlayer: May I ask with my intelligence score of 18 and the Keen Mind feat, could we say that Caleb is a speed reader?\nDM: In comparison to some, maybe. You're not Johnny Five-style, I know kung-fu.\nPlayer: Believably, not magic.\nDM: Yeah, you can read pretty quick, let's say. You spend a lot of time by yourself reading.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The humans are a man with white hair and black markings on his face, and a woman with long black hair with reddish-brown skin who carries a scimitar. At their side are two sacks and a cage with something inside it.\nDM: The cage is not empty, there is something inside, but you're not quite close enough to make out any details. You can just see there is a cage and some shape inside. You make a perception check.\nPlayer: That's cocked. (deep voice) 27.\nDM: I will say make a stealth check as well. This is to both get close enough to witness their conversation but not be noticed as overtly trying to--\nPlayer: 17.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: That was bad.\nDM: You saddle up and instinctually go to lean on the wall. And go (winces). This is not conducive to your usual casual tactics. But you pay attention and you catch bits and pieces of their conversation. They're arguing about price. They are both talking about how much it's worth. Is it even worth bringing it here? We've come this far. We already have the offer. Might as well go through with it. One of them talks about how they hate the Fetters.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you learns that the name of the female gnome flutist is Kaylie. you and Kaylie get to talking, and Kaylie quickly dismisses you's flirtations.\nDM: She actually at that point goes , turns around, \"Doctor! You weren't kidding. This one's certainly a card.\" And she gives you a wink, and passes a drink your way across the table. As the crowd simmers down, people go back about their business, and the drinks are brought to the table and scattered about, the rest of you find your seats, and sitting around, they gather up the coin that was taken, and Kent, who sits down next to Dr. Dranzel, looks over and says: \"Ah, it's been a while, Scanlan. I'm glad to see you. Glad you could join us. It was like old times. It was nice.\"\nPlayer: \"It was nice. What have you fellows been doing for these years?\"\nDM: \"Well, we just finished up coming out here and playing for Winter's Crest. We made a good deal of money, we're on our way out and figured we'd finish up a few of these gigs.\" And Dr. Dranzel kicks in and says, \"Emon, these days, seems to be doing all right. Paid us well for our time here and, well, you've earned a little coin yourself from this.\" And he takes a little handful of coins from the pile they had amassed and chucks it over your way. It's like 25 gold.\nPlayer: Oh, well, thank you, but I can't possibly accept this.\nDM: \"Fair enough!\" And he scoops it back.\nPlayer: You deserve it. It's your gig, you booked it. I'm just playing here for the night.\nDM: \"Ah, you're fine.\" At this point, you guys notice a small halfling boy, definitely not an adult, probably in his late teens, comes up to the edge of the table, you know, big eyes and softer features, and he's dressed a little inconspicuously, comes up. \"Doctor. Good performance, good performance.\" and he claps and looks about the rest of the table. And Doctor's like, \"It's fine, boy, they're friends.\" At which point the boy nods, looks about the rest of you, lifts up a small satchel and unloads it on the table next to Dr. Dranzel, and you see spill out a much larger collection of coppers, silver, rings, bits of jewelry, a few loose coin purses, and Dr. Dranzel reaches over and pats him on the head. \"Good boy, Samson, good boy.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax decks one of the skeletons with his right fist which has the symbol of Sarenrae sewn into the glove. The skeleton shrugs off the weak attack.\nDM: If you want to make an athletics check to leap up and use that to jump off, you-- mister athletic movement and high speed.\nPlayer: 19?\nDM: Rolled a 19?\nPlayer: 12 and seven.\nDM: I'll say you leap up on the wall, use that as kind of a stepping point, and jump as far as you can. You get 20 feet forward beyond the wall (heavy landing) land with your hammer to your side, (flames ignite), flames flickering off the edge of it. You still have-- I'd give you 20 more feet of movement at this point because you're a crazy-fast barbarian.\nPlayer: Can I reach them?\nDM: You'd be able to reach two of them, right on the other side of Pike.\nPlayer: \"Tee time!\" And I rush up with the war hammer and swing.\nDM: Okay, go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about Fjord's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: You've taken a total of six damage and your max HP is down by six. But you have currently the new invoked Rite on each blade.\nPlayer: Can I use my bonus action really fast?\nDM: You may.\nPlayer: To say a little pray to the Traveler, and I'm going to cast Spiritual Weapon.\nDM: You may do that. Where are you going to cast it?\nPlayer: I'm going to cast it right above this zombie gnoll. It's going to be in the shape of a giant lollipop. Like a bludgeoning lollipop.\nDM: You watch as this flash of purplish energy suddenly apparates into the air. This thick-like wooden handle that is jammed into a massive, bludgeoning, solid piece of sugary goodness.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vouk, terrified, casts Haste on himself, dropping Invisibility, and leaps for the window. As he does so, Keyleth whacks him in the face with her staff, knocking him unconscious.\nDM: You whack him right in the face, knocking the teeth out, and he just falls to the ground. Unconscious and bleeding.\nPlayer: Good, yes, keep him alive.\nDM: All right. That ends his turn . Wow. Man. Surprise rounds, man. You guys are nasty. All right. Scanlan, you're up.\nPlayer: Scanlan's up?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: All right. I go run up to the guard I have dominated, and I just-- Is he still dominated, can I change the domination?\nDM: I mean, you can cancel it, but otherwise he's just--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, Keyleth checks in with Eskil to hear about his research on the Shadowfell. She learns that the iron necklaces taken from the cultists could be used to guide a planeshift spell, but would require some modification.\nDM: \"Wait, that guy looks familiar.\" I forgot to also say we have a winner, by the way. Kiajade. Congratulations. I should have mentioned that. I got caught up in the story. Thank god that's never happened before. But congratulations. All right. You've acquired your chalices. What other business do you guys want to take care of?\nPlayer: I'm going to make sure I have enough powder and shot for a bit of a jaunt, so I'm going into the stores of what we make here and reloading. I'm also going to try and make some silver shot. I've never tried it before.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Not a ton. I want to try and make 12. I want to see if I can make 12.\nDM: Make a tinkering check. Dexterity. Well, no. This would be intelligence.\nPlayer: It's intelligence?\nDM: It's a new concept you're trying.\nPlayer: Intelligence check.\nDM: Plus your proficiency.\nPlayer: Plus my proficiency. That's 19.\nDM: 19? Sure. You manage to make about 12 pieces of silver shot. You know, for the most part, because it's not as hard as other forms, it's going to be... but it is susceptible to enchantment.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Yasha is introduced to Marion, who welcomes the Mighty Nein back and offers them food and rooms. you informs her mother that Algar has fled the city and claims she doesn't know why.\nDM: \"Huh. Well, that may very well be a great turn of luck in my benefit, definitely. Thank you for looking into that.\"\nPlayer: Of course! Yeah, we were going to talk to him and everything, but he is gone, so...\nDM: \" Well... that makes me feel more comfortable, thank you very much.\"\nPlayer: Of course.\nDM: \"I appreciate it.\"\nPlayer: Do you guys want to eat anything? (sounds of agreement)\nDM: \"Very well! I will ensure that you are all properly taken care of this night.\" (clapping twice) She goes ahead and brings the servants back in. A meal is placed for the rest of you, and as the evening progresses, and you take a bit of time to rest--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You had discussed with them, last time, a plot - fixing their seemingly not-very-well-put-together plot into a better direction (thankfully) - to acquire a wax seal within the home of Lord Sutan, to create a letter that you feel would be incriminating. Then to infiltrate the High Richter's home, do the same, and then report them to the Lawmaster or whoever else you think would be of higher estate...\nDM: It's fine. They succeed. You shout this and one of them (groan). They grab and throw you into the room. You (whoosh) into the chamber and they close the door, pushing you inside of it.\nPlayer: It would've been a plus three modifier, sorry.\nDM: Well, what's the DC of the spell is what I'm asking?\nPlayer: I'm trying to find that. I'm not used to magic.\nDM: That's okay.\nPlayer: Yeah, never mind.\nDM: It's fine. They shove you into the chamber. They close the door. You land on the ground and you hear it lock behind you.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: You are now a dangerous patient who needs other glancing. While that's happening and they're distracted by that, you guys--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy manages to get a shot off and pushes Yenk away, although Yenk still gets a hit on him. Yenk falls off the wall due to the force.\nDM: 13 points of damage. Gets pushed back. Because he's still holding onto the edge, he has to see if he can-- No, it does not. Yenk loses grip from the blast of the gun after punching you, stumbles back. Claw hits the edge and falls down prone to the ground at the base of the ravine. 40 feet.\nPlayer: 50 feet.\nDM: 50 feet. Taking an additional 16 points of bludgeoning damage, which is halved.\nPlayer: Do I join the initiative order?\nDM: You do. Go ahead and roll initiative.\nPlayer: 21.\nDM: 21. All right. That ends Yenk's turn. Vorugal does not get the ice breath back. However, does see both of you in the vicinity.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tary and the party are welcomed into the Darrington estate, where they meet Tary's father.\nDM: \"That is good. Just know that I was worried. You fill your head with these fantasies and ideals and step out into the unknown. Do you know how many men and women are found gutted in the streets and left and abandoned to rot away in forests by some bandits on the roadside? Not to mention the various beasts of the wild out there. I was worried about you.\"\nPlayer: Well, I was in danger for much of my time away, but that's not a bad thing, sometimes. Becoming an adventurer or whatever I am now, it wasn't supposed to be easy. It was supposed to be hard, and it was, and it had risks. But along the way, I did much, and I stand before you now as a different man than who left. One who has been through a lot and knows the dangers of the world, but is also a survivor. You know, when I left, I told you I was going to prove myself to you. That I would bring you back stories of my exploits and show you what kind of a man I really was. And I wrote a lot of them down in a book, but I don't think I want to show it to you, because I don't think you deserve to see it. You never supported me as a child, and you don't now. Financially, yes, but not as a father. And the things I did while I was away-- well, the book is a diary now. It's for me, not for you.\nDM: \"Taryon... while my parenting may have been strict or distant at times, I didn't reflect on my care for you. We have a legacy in this family to maintain.\"\nPlayer: Yes, I know. That's all you seem to care about.\nDM: \"That's all that matters.\"\nPlayer: It's not all that matters. I know that I carry your blood and that means a lot to you.\nDM: \"This money that you seem to relish in, that you took without asking, the last of our coffers. Your grandfather started this, and I've done everything to maintain it. And your interests, your attention, could not be brought to learn and maintain this business after me, so I've had to turn to Maryanne. It's not that I don't love you, but you have another purpose in this family. And that is why I've brought you here.\"\nPlayer: And what is that?\nDM: And you watch as his hands are shaking and he's fidgeting and scratching his chin and running his fingers through his sideburns. \"We're impoverished. I haven't been able to pay our staff in nearly two months. Everything that I had to do to maintain this legacy has come back to bear fruit, and the debt that we owe is vast.\"\nPlayer: I don't believe you. Where's the money? Where's the family money?\nDM: He looks around at the rest of you, and you can see now there is trepidation with having this conversation in front of strangers.\nPlayer: It's all right. They're with me.\nDM: He reaches over and grabs off his desk an already opened bottle of some sort of wine. Takes a quick swig and sets it down. Slumps into his chair in front of the fire and rests his face on his hand. \"Everything your grandfather Oberon built, it's on the verge of fading away. All the taxes we claim on our lands now go straight to a syndicate that we owe a lot of money to. Unless we find a way to pay off the debts of your father and his father before him, we will all be thrown into the cold or worse. Now, I've seen this storm coming for a while, Taryon. I've spent years trying to coax a family union with the Truscans; you know this. After much toil and diplomacy, they have agreed to wed you to their daughter Lydia. This union will bring our family a renewed avenue to wealth and protection within the empire! We can stave off this terrible end, and you will be a hero within the family.\"\nPlayer: I don't understand. The way we lived, the way you talked, made it seem like there was endless money, forever.\nDM: \"This stems to your lack of respect.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the Platinum Sanctuary, the twins are greeted by Highbearer Vord. He offers to seal Opash's book in a vault beneath the city, but you, who doesn't entirely trust him, tells him they didn't actually bring it with them.\nDM: No, because Imposter is the ability to mimic somebody else. It has nothing to do-- A disguise kit is what you're using.\nPlayer: And I've always had a disguise kit.\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: Because I did something back in the home game, I did something.\nDM: Yeah, you've done a couple of things. But it's not an ability you have.\nPlayer: No?\nDM: Well, you do have an ability, but it's only for you, it's not for Doty.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you walks into Avantika's darkened, candlelit cabin, where she asks you to tell her how he was chosen by Uk'otoa. Caleb goes into Frumpkin, currently a one-ounce elf owl, who perches on the balcony where he watches but cannot hear the conversation.\nDM: She leans her shoulder against the doorway, looking over at your eyes, distantly reaching for memories, and goes, \"There has been one other. It's been many years. This came to me through a series of unexpected--\" You see her searching for the right words and says, \"I've always considered myself a very lucky person. At first I thought this was a terrible portent, when this beautiful Uk'otoa spoke to me. It was a purpose that nobody else in Darktow was going on, and with that I began to gather my crew. It took a while, but each of them began to believe as well. All of them support, and when this is done, the blessing is high. Nay, he is unstoppable behind me as I am on the sea.\"\nPlayer: The blessing, you say? I haven't heard speak blessing. I've heard words of encouragement. And your crew believes as you do?\nDM: \"They have now, yes. I've read the books, I've looked up about the Ki'Nau. I've learned of the history. As they once were the masters of the Lucidian Ocean so too will be I. So too can be us.\"\nPlayer: I look forward to this very, very much. I noticed, as we were leaving your quarters, that beautiful iron piece above your doorway. A snake circling back upon itself, the eye in the middle, but it seemed there were small eyes all around the body of the snake.\nDM: \"They say that Uk'otoa is an infinite length entity, a serpent that entwines the entirety of the water. That is but eyes across its body to see what else it must conquer.\"\nPlayer: That sounds--\nDM: \"Beautiful?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Comparing it to his intact map of the Lucidian Ocean, he agrees it looks like the Inkclaw Reef. If it is, the X marked on the burned map seems to be the island of Urukaxl.\nDM: Yasha actually approaches from the side, overhearing the conversation, looks up to you, Caduceus, and goes, \"I know what it's like to be looking for some meaning. Some guidance. Do you trust in your visions?\"\nPlayer: I did. I-- yeah.\nDM: \"And you have strong faith in this thing you follow?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"Then if you ever go off the path, maybe they'll tell you. You just have to keep looking.\"\nPlayer: Well, that's fair. I hadn't really thought about that.\nDM: \"It's kind of new to myself as well.\"\nPlayer: We're heading towards an island. I've heard stories. Let's go to the island.\nDM: As you guys are--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Yasha grapples him, and Fjord tells him to surrender, which he does. They recover the package he was guarding: a beautiful wooden box.\nDM: There are three locks. There's one lock in the front, and two on each side. Rapidly, they come open.\nPlayer: Wow. I want to go look.\nDM: Okay. You go to open it up and the inside, it's soft, velvet interior of the case. There you see a small ceramic pot of some kind, roughly about that big, that has a lid on it, and it is enclosed. Then above it, mashed in there, a paintbrush. About a foot long.\nPlayer: A foot-long paintbrush and a little pot of paint.\nDM: A little pot of paint, it looks like.\nPlayer: We're not going to touch this. We're going to take these to our friends who know what to do with it.\nDM: The guard glances over and goes, \"This is bullshit. This is fucking bullshit.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Judging by the weather, they have arrived somewhere in Exandria. As Vox Machina comes within range of the base of the tower, they are addressed by an omnipresent, directionless voice.\nDM: Pike and Scanlan. Because you took the carpet, you're going to have to be near Grog for where you guys land. Going to be the circumstance there. Percy, you just run up the side to get there?\nPlayer: No, I was on the carpet and hopped and left them because they had to go pick up.\nDM: If that's the case, then I'll say that you're landing.\nPlayer: No, they had to go get Scanlan--\nDM: Oh, you had to go get Scanlan?\nPlayer: It's 35 feet.\nDM: If you guys had leave Scanlan behind, that's a whole different thing.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He manages to fix the gun quickly and looks up, seeing Sir Kerrion Stonefell standing behind the desk. Percy tells him, If you're lucky, you die last.\nDM: That definitely misses. As you swing in, (nervous yell) just ducks out of the way, and even though he's older, he reacted pretty quickly. Your weapon slams into the ground, splintering some of the wood. You peel back for a second attack.\nPlayer: That makes me even angrier. And now I'll use inspiration. 18... minus five, 23!\nDM: 23 does hit! Plus ten damage.\nPlayer: Okay. Plus eight is 13, 17, 27!\nDM: 27 points of damage, ooh!\nPlayer: Plus four for the fire damage, but still the 27 total.\nDM: So, as he ducks out of the way, you bring up the hammer a second time and (whack) smack him right square in the chest. (grunts) The wind escapes him for a moment and the flames lick across the front of his chest. He catches himself on the table between the sofa and chair behind him. Gets back on his feet. Looks to you for a second and pulls out two short swords.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The two imps still in the chamber turn invisible and attempt to flee. The Wall of Fire dissipates, revealing Taryon's bleeding unconscious form.\nDM: Because technically they were in melee range with you, since you pushed them out of the way, as they vanish you do get one attack of opportunity across them with disadvantage.\nPlayer: Ooh! Am I still all fire giant form?\nDM: Yes you are.\nPlayer: That's cool. Okay. With disadvantage?\nDM: With disadvantage.\nPlayer: On both of them?\nDM: On just one of them.\nPlayer: Just one of them?\nDM: Because you only have one reaction.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you mentions that the ritual to revive the tree would take some time, up to eight hours for the greatest effect. Scanlan protests that healing the tree doesn't matter because none of them know anything about Pelor anyway.\nDM: 16? Okay. Pelor is the god of the sun and agriculture. It's a good deity and is generally worshipped by farmers and simple folk and people that live off the land, and generally it's the most nature-based deity of the main spectrum, outside of Melora, which is the deity of nature.\nPlayer: Oh. Well, dope! Would I know stuff like that too, then?\nDM: You know of Pelor, yeah. There are elements of Pelor's following that bleeds into your druidic nature, though you don't necessarily follow a deity.\nPlayer: Right. We're free.\nDM: You believe that the essence of nature in itself is your patron.\nPlayer: Totally.\nDM: You are not a religious man by nature, and you know that there is a strong following of Pelor in the town. The entire graveyard that you talked about earlier, that one is largely built around the imagery of Pelor. And of all the gods that are worshipped here, Pelor's probably 75% of the population of Whitestone where, in some shape or form, if not devout worshippers, at least were like, yeah, Pelor's cool.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Dairon reveals how much she hates and distrusts the Kryn, and mentions she will be traveling to Bladegarden soon.\nDM: No, but it'll be an item on your person tomorrow. When I get in there to customize it. It'll be waiting for you.\nPlayer: I'll wake up in the morning, early after my drug hangover, and make my way, quietly.\nDM: Quite a headache.\nPlayer: Quite a headache! Coffee, the bacon that I had in my pocket from yesterday.\nDM: Pocket bacon! It's the best kind!\nPlayer: I head to the Cobalt Reserve.\nDM: Cobalt Soul. Cobalt Reserve is on Tal'Dorei.\nPlayer: Sorry, the Cobalt Soul branch in Zadash.\nDM: All righty. You head to the Archive. What would you like to do?\nPlayer: I'll see if I can find Dairon.\nDM: All right. You ask around for a bit. Some of the various monks recognize you on entry, and they greet you with an acknowledging nod. You didn't make a lot of friends while you were here, of course.\nPlayer: Sup?\nDM: However, you do come across Archivist Xenoth who, as you're asking the question, one of the monks sends you over to Xenoth. He goes, \"Oh, Beauregard. It's good to see you.\"\nPlayer: Hey!\nDM: \"How may we help you?\"\nPlayer: Is Dairon in?\nDM: \"I can go and inquire. Are you here for more training?\"\nPlayer: Just find Dairon. Thank you.\nDM: He looks genuinely spooked by the smile and is like, \"That's something. Manners! That's new. I'm proud of-- \"\nPlayer: Just go find Dairon.\nDM: \"Right, all right.\" He turns around and ascends up one of the slowly curving staircases that is carved through one of the bookshelves. You see a bookshelf that ends and then a further depth in and there's a staircase that rides up to the top. There's a second level above. He's gone for about 15 or so minutes and then eventually descends the stairs. From behind, you can see Dairon. Her dark skin over the shoulders draped in this long cloak-vest, similar to the arraignments you wear, but with a deep gray. Her at-home wear. As she steps down, her elvish features smiling, her eyes taking acknowledgement of your presence, approaches you. \"You have called for me.\"\nPlayer: Talk in private?\nDM: \"Of course. This way,\" and Dairon walks past. Xenoth goes, \"It was good to see you, Beauregard!\"\nPlayer: Bye, Xenoth!\nDM: Dairon leads you to one of the meeting chambers, which is usually used for research and individuals that want to quietly read through books or take notes. Dairon closes the door behind, and it's just the two of you. \"So what are the honors?\"\nPlayer: Just want to let you know I'm in town and busy.\nDM: \"Good. I've heard. You are making a small name for yourself with your friends.\"\nPlayer: Is that good or bad?\nDM: \"I don't know, is it?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They agree and make their way into the fray. Dodging through and around burning buildings, the party takes down a few of the gnolls, including a couple of undead ones.\nDM: All right, cool. All right, well let's roll it back a little bit here and see how this helps you. All right, cool. So. No, it's fine. So Jester, Molly, what are you guys doing?\nPlayer: I was going to run to see where the cart was going. Full dash.\nDM: Okay. As you sprint off, with a full dash, you don't quite get as close as Nott does.\nPlayer: No, I wouldn't.\nDM: Because Nott is much faster.\nPlayer: Is he triggering my spider sense at all?\nDM: No.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The attack missed, but she was able to Blink into the Ethereal Plane afterwards. Finally Caleb and you dropped into the chaos.\nDM: As you go to fire a second round, you pull back and shoot and the mechanism misfires slightly and all of a sudden it scrapes you on the side of the cheek and you're like, \"Ah!\"\nPlayer: Damn it. Okay.\nDM: Okay. You still have your movement if you wanted to move.\nPlayer: No, because it'll hit me. I mean, I guess it'll hit me anyway, right?\nDM: I mean, you can still move within its melee if you wanted to try and re-maneuver.\nPlayer: Okay, I'll walk around away from the fire guy.\nDM: Okay. There you go. The fire guy does get an attack against you.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: That is a 12. I don't think that hits you.\nPlayer: No.\nDM: You just manage to avoid it. Okay. Caleb, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He charges at the dire wolf with his greataxe and lands two hard-hitting blows, the beast wounded but growling with its fangs bared. Waking up from Grog's shout, the party finds themselves surprised and ambushed by more orcs and another that seems to be a half-ogre/half orc humanoid rushing towards Percy.\nDM: Yeah, he does not make that. So you shoot, he gets knocked prone. As you shoot his foot out from under him, he stumbles to one knee and then you just kick out and push him onto his back. That's the first shot.\nPlayer: And it does six points of damage-- I'm sorry, it does 12 points of damage plus three points of fire damage.\nDM: Nice.\nPlayer: And now my other shot. Marking that off. I'm going to shoot him while he's down.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: So, do I get a bonus to hit there?\nDM: You have advantage because he's prone.\nPlayer: Okay, I get advantage. So I'm actually using--\nDM: He's right there in front of you and he's not able to really dodge effectively, so I'm going to give you advantage on this attack.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Then Tiberius uses Telekinesis to slam one ogre into the other and they are both knocked prone. Tiberius turns to Grog and yells, They're all yours, buddy.\nDM: Okay. You pull out your arrow and as you pull it back, a little bit of energy courses through your fingers, strikes through your arrow. You can now see this crackling energy as you're pulling it taut in your bow. You let it loose, roll for attack.\nPlayer: Okay! 21!\nDM: 21 hits.\nPlayer: All right. Then I do something else. 1d8. Right?\nDM: Yep. You do the damage of the arrow plus the damage of the spell.\nPlayer: Holy moly! So that's this. 13 for the arrow and then 4d8 for the spell. (counting) 17!\nDM: 17. Okay. The ogre that's been beaten, blasted by the fireball, it's getting up-- (grunt). It grabs its club, and it begins to get up on one leg as the Lightning Arrow slams into its chest. You can see it hits. Looks down for a second, and then the charge pulses through its entire torso. As it does, it screams out, \"Ugh!\" into the cavern, its whole muscle system locks tight and it falls forward again, onto its chest, smoke rising off of its whole upper area, unmoving, on the ground. He is gone.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Roughly eight days into the journey, they spot a Clovis Concord ship. Avantika says they could head it off, and asks you what he thinks they should do.\nDM: Yes, Bouldergut is on this ship. She has been moved from The Mistake partially because Bouldergut acts as a bodyguard to Avantika and because the other ship itself is in serious need of repairs. They assume probably don't put the giant heavy ogre on it.\nPlayer: Can I find Bouldergut?\nDM: Sure enough. Bouldergut is down there currently getting ready with a giant great club that is carved from an older masthead.\nPlayer: Bouldergut?\nDM: \"What?\"\nPlayer: I'm sure that is just for show, yes?\nDM: \"Right. For show.\"\nPlayer: It's important you understand I have an agreement with the captain. No unnecessary bloodshed. You will make sure that the rest of the men know this.\nDM: She looks back and Avantika goes, \"Oh don't worry. You are the quartermaster. You are the one who is to be boarding any sort of ships that we encounter so you choose your people.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy starts running towards Grog, unloading his last two shots at the dominated orc. Both shots impact and down the orc.\nDM: As the flower girl picks up the back end, you guys trudge on horseback into the heart of this section of the Vesper Timberlands. It is a very dense forest and you find that any straight-road path is not going to function, as you're constantly having to weave in and out from the thick tree trunks and heavy foliage that has taken over the floor. Plus a layer of snow that tends to encapsulate the area, your movement is relatively restrained than this pace you're normally used to going. You have-- what bonuses do you have because of the forest terrain?\nPlayer: I have--\nDM: To the group's movement, if any?\nPlayer: Yes, movement is fine for all of the group.\nDM: Thankfully, though, you have Vex guiding you on this path and where it would be a very difficult experience pushing through this forest, especially with the time limit you have, she is able to find the quickest paths to dodge any of the heavy areas that are dense with dangerous snowfall.\nPlayer: I would also like to perception ahead and make sure that nothing is going to sneak attack us again.\nDM: Understood, understood.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before they leave Vex'ahlia asks if she has seen an older gnome and Yulia says she hasn't seen Wilhand, which might be a good thing. She shows them the hiding place they were using, with a broken shrine to Melora.\nDM: Okay. You see, even a quick glance, there's a small broken statue that lies to the ground, and you can see the semblance of a destroyed shrine. This back room was a shrine to Melora, and has since been seemingly tossed aside in the hurried state of trying to protect one's family.\nPlayer: Can I reach down and pick up the statue?\nDM: It's in three pieces. As you pick it up, she goes, \"Oh, I'm so sorry, we--\" She goes for your hand and goes, \"I didn't-- hopefully she'll forgive us, I know she will.\"\nPlayer: Tell me about this deity.\nDM: \"Melora?\"\nPlayer: Melora.\nDM: And you've heard Melora, it's a whole section of Vasselheim that is based around her sphere of influence, and she is actually where most of the food in Vasselheim is grown in such a cold environment, her blessing is what allows the land there to be fertile for crops from many different places.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On Vax's request, Gilmore procures a favor for him with the Lyceum. Vax also purchases three enchanted daggers, presumably as a gift for Kynan Leore.\nDM: \"Well, looking at these, this one--\" She points to the one that looks like just a casual, wood chest. \"This would be easier to hide in plain sight amongst the rest of your furniture. This one, however, would be difficult to locate in a more shaded, or lightless, circumstance.\"\nPlayer: Hm. I want ostentatiousness.\nDM: \"Then perhaps this one?\"\nPlayer: Yes, please. That. Thanks. Thank you. 200 to you. Also, I know Gilmore is otherwise entertained. Can you try to identify something for me? Do you have that-- I mean, judging by the glint in your eye and beauty in your heart, I'm sure you have many skills I don't know about, but I'm wondering if you could identify this small, red vial with a floating something in it, that I procured quite some time ago! Do you remember that?\nDM: Yes. This vial, if I recall, it has this small--\nPlayer: Have I tried this, once before?\nDM: No, this is the one that was found--\nPlayer: Me and Pike found some stuff in somebody's house? I don't even remember, this was a year ago.\nDM: Right. Yes, okay. There we go. And make a persuasion roll, actually, on this one.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Above that, x bars against the wall where, in the center, you saw a gold inlaid seal with an empty triangular shape, like a pyramid inverted, and a series of these iron warriors that were embedded in the walls. Behind the stairway, you saw means of smelting metal and other forms of material.\nDM: So that's going to end its turn. The chest slams shut now and the flames retract back inside, and you watch it exhaust smoke out each sides of its armor, and the flames that you saw burning in there are now dimmed, but beginning to flare up again. The one that's by you, Grog, is going to go ahead and move adjacently. Its head spins around for a second to look up at you and then it spins back to you, it's going to make two strikes at you with its greatsword. It has advantage on you because you used reckless.\nPlayer: Yes, it does.\nDM: All right. That is 31.\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: That is 30.\nPlayer: 30 points of damage.\nDM: No, that's two attacks.\nPlayer: Oh yeah, they both hit. Of course.\nDM: Okay. So for these, 33 points of slashing damage, reduced to half.\nPlayer: What is that?\nDM: So that's 16? Right? Yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After they finish talking to Claudia, they see a group of finer dressed people in the tavern, and Claudia tells the group she's helping them work through some issues . The strangers and Claudia all go to the basement.\nDM: No, you do not. They all look at their hands. The younger one with the mustache keeps stroking the front of his face and goes, \"I'll raise four.\" You don't roll yet. You have to raise first.\nPlayer: I thought I was trying to cheat and replace one of my things.\nDM: Oh, you were. Yes, you're right.\nPlayer: Do I get to choose what it is, or do I roll again?\nDM: You just roll again.\nPlayer: Okay. I rolled it. It was shit. Okay.\nDM: He goes, \"Raising an additional two gold pieces.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A couple of hours later, the ship comes upon an unnatural-looking fog bank in the ocean. Adella tries to veer around it.\nDM: Yeah, you're fine. So you move around behind Trinket. All righty. That ends your turn, Vax. Percy, you're up.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm gonna take a quick look around to see if I can figure out what's causing this fog because it's annoying me.\nDM: Perception check.\nPlayer: That's a 19.\nDM: Glancing about in the area, it's hard to see, especially from this vantage point. The area is so heavily obscured with fog. You do glance and see what looks to be a very, very faint general glow in a lower area towards the edge of the ship. But that's all you can make out.\nPlayer: Starboard? Port?\nDM: It'd be on this side.\nPlayer: All right. Somebody take a look at anything. There's a glow coming from the starboard side of the enemy ship. It's the one closest to our ship. We need to find out what's causing this fog. In the meantime, I'm gonna slowly make my way down a couple of the ropes. Is that an enemy right there? That guy?\nDM: You're up here.\nPlayer: Yeah, I know. I'm asking if that's an enemy on our ship, right there.\nDM: This is an enemy right there.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny you, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: I'd say yes, because the only reason you didn't have disadvantage with the other blade is because it was within an existing wound and then you pulled back.\nPlayer: Then I miss.\nDM: Okay, the other dagger, you go ahead and stab again, this time it hits a dense part of muscle and does sink in, but not enough to do any serious damage from the inside.\nPlayer: And there's air queefing in and out of this slot?\nDM: A little bit, yes. It's about that wide. You staying there?\nPlayer: Yes. No. I'm going to slide my body and try to stick head and dagger arm out of it and hang half in and half out, if possible.\nDM: Yeah. Go ahead and make a straight strength check.\nPlayer: 13.\nDM: 13? That's fine. Thankfully, the DC's lower because you managed to carve the large wound in. You plant your feet against the other muscle wall that you are between and you push off and get yourself through. And in the most awkward, tiny birth, just above your armpits, your head and arm emerge out the side. Immediately a gust of wind hits your hand as you realize and look down: you are hundreds of feet above the ground. Bramblewood right beneath you. But you are partially out of the dragon.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On Vax's request, Gilmore procures a favor for him with the Lyceum. Vax also purchases three enchanted daggers, presumably as a gift for Kynan Leore.\nDM: 11. His head turns to the side a little bit, peering through you with a slight scowl. \"Last we talked, the reason we didn't report you to the guard for breaking through our defenses was you promised to look beneath the city and bring back various artifacts you were in search of.\"\nPlayer: Ooh, we found one!\nDM: \"Did you, now?\"\nPlayer: A couple, yes. And we killed a bunch of those buttholes.\nDM: \"Can I see one of these artifacts?\"\nPlayer: I don't have it on me right now.\nDM: \"We're done here, Headmaster.\" And the mirror shimmers and closes suddenly.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog tells her to let her rage build and he will help her take down Raishan when the time is right. The meeting mostly consists of the group trying to figure out their next plan of attack, settling that they will go for Thordak before Raishan.\nDM: 25? Okay. It's hard to read the demeanor of Raishan in general. It's this middle ground of neutral expression with a half-cocked grin. Information flows at this consistent rate of being generally difficult to read. The beat of hesitation is meant for emphasis, more than covering, if that makes any sense. So it seems to have an honesty to it, if you could read any honesty from Raishan.\nPlayer: Raishan, now that we know you're you, do you have to continue the ruse of being Asum, or can you bring him here?\nDM: \"I can certainly bring him here if you'd like. However, he is doing quite a lot of good with the Clasp, and Brom and Tofor underneath Emon right now, and they've managed to save many lives and continue to do so.\"\nPlayer: Maybe you could pop him over then? Just for a little bit.\nDM: \"Well--\"\nPlayer: You're quite powerful.\nDM: \"What do you have need for Asum?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She decides to wait and cast Sunbeam as soon as she gets a visual on him. you slams the Titanstone Knuckles together to cast Enlarge on himself.\nDM: As you climb over the side, you do manage to get right over (impacts) right there. You see the erinyes is ducked down with the longbow drawn, with an arrow. Looks up and sees your much larger, now, face, grinning over the side, as you grin back and then (impact) land on the opposite.\nPlayer: (panting) Hold on, I need a breather. Naw, I'm just fucking about. You're dead. Can I go into a frenzied-- no, that was my bonus action, so I get two. Can I do reckless, Great Weapon Master, two attacks on She-Ra?\nDM: Yes, you may.\nPlayer: 21.\nDM: 21? Does hit. However, she's going to use her reaction to parry. So, as you begin to do that, she releases the tension on the arrow, pulls her longsword out, and parries the blade to the side. It adds four to her AC, and you miss by one. The axe slides off and slams into the stonework next to her as she begins to step away from you.\nPlayer: Whoa. Do I know if she can do that again?\nDM: You don't know.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group eventually finds a place where they camp for the night. While they're there, you convinces Jester to invite Avantika and Jamedi into Caleb's Tiny Hut.\nDM: \"I share what is needed. I share with them the elements of the dreams and visions I've been given. For me it is one thing to have a loyal crew; it is another to have a crew that has faith in you beyond being just captain. I do not want a mutiny, and what's more effective than someone that thinks that not only are you a proper captain, but you are the link to their god?\"\nPlayer: Very effective.\nDM: \"There are ranging levels of belief, maybe, but I think with the time we spend together and the willingness to understand the possibilities of having a captain with such capabilities at their disposal, that-- well, riches are not that far off on the horizon, eh?\"\nPlayer: Blind belief is quite remarkable. I'm assuming you've shown them things to garner some level of expectation of your abilities?\nDM: \"Oh, do not misunderstand, I myself have gutted and cut down dozens of men who have attempted to take my position.\"\nPlayer: I don't doubt it for a moment.\nDM: \"Speaking of which,\" and she removes her dagger and rapier and looks about and you can see beautiful weapons, very well made and very well kept. In fact, most of her equipment that she has, you can see her fiddling with occasionally to adjust and clean things as she moves through. There's a very forceful intent to make sure everything is properly placed and well taken care of on her person. She looks about and goes, \"And as much as we are keeping an eye on us ahead, I am still keeping and eye on all of you, of course.\"\nPlayer: I would expect nothing less.\nDM: \"Because, while I would like to believe this new-found kinship could make for some very incredible possibilities in the future, you cross me and this blade will find your heart faster than anything you've seen move.\"\nPlayer: Let's hope it doesn't come to that.\nDM: \"I hope not either.\" She reaches out and pokes your nose and turns around.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina, with nothing to do for the moment, head to Gilmore's Glorious Goods. The party enter Shaun Gilmore's shop in Abedar's Promenade, where you makes a beeline to find the man himself.\nDM: Gilmore's a very handsome gentleman. I would say he's not fit and muscular. He is a handsome, comfortably jovial gentleman.\nPlayer: I'm picturing Jeremy Irons in a wizard robe.\nDM: Kind of. Imagine him with a little more paunch.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: But very charismatic. Open chest to his vest, with a number of gold chains and medallions that dangle around.\nPlayer: I feel you.\nDM: It's almost like a wizard's track suit. (all laugh)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina are on a boat.\nDM: Okay. Keeping an eye out, and as you move, you catch a little more of the shape in the distance. It looks a little small to be a landmass. If it is landmass, it's a very small one.\nPlayer: Oh.\nDM: But it's stationary.\nPlayer: Oh, it could be another ship, possibly.\nDM: It could be a ship, it could be anything that would be stationary. Literally, it's only because of your keen vantage point, and your honed eyesight, that you're able to even make that slight, little bump in the horizon from here.\nPlayer: All right. Captain?\nDM: As you fly down, you see her, she's at the front of the ship. She has her one hand currently on the wheel, and she's looking out, chatting to the side with one of her crewmates, and turns around as you fly down next to her. She's surprised at your immediate appearance and she's like, \"Oh, (gasps) sorry, I--\"\nPlayer: You'll get used to that someday.\nDM: One of these days, I'm sure. \"What can I do for you?\"\nPlayer: I see something on the horizon; do you know of any masses in the area? Maybe a ship, or island, or--\nDM: \"Take the helm.\" She hands off the wheel to one of her compatriots, and she rummages over in one of the small chests to the side, and pulls out a large scroll and slams it onto a table she keeps maybe ten feet off to the right of her. And she goes through and pulls out a few instruments. Marks the sun and takes a good five minutes or so getting a really strong idea of where the positioning is. She looks down. \"No, not much in the way of landmasses out here, my dear.\"\nPlayer: Do you have a telescope?\nDM: She goes and pulls out her particular eye glass. It's small, but functional. Glances over, and you look over in the direction and point it out. There's nothing on the horizon.\nPlayer: May I take that and fly up? I swear I'll give it back.\nDM: There's a long pause--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The rest of the Mighty Nein resist the song's effect and attack. Jester's\n Spiritual Weapon and Caduceus's\n Swarm of Beetles hurt one harpy enough that it stops singing.\nDM: Back to the top of the round, harpies. Those two harpies full dash, full run, go spinning back in the direction they came. As far away from you as they can get.\nPlayer: Auf Wiedersehen!\nDM: Those two, for the time being, are out of the way. Let's see if they can make their save. Nope!\nPlayer: They have to be out of line of sight. If they can see there's me on the boat--\nDM: That's true, yeah.\nPlayer: That's what the spell says.\nDM: Yeah, facing away doesn't matter. Yeah, no, they're still running.\nPlayer: See ya!\nDM: Okay. There's the one on the back that's near death, it's going to attempt to fly away as well. It's going to move and dash. That's 80 feet out, and it's trying to catch up with the other two. Now there's three of them fleeing. That one, that one, and that one. All right. The two that are attacking-- there's two that are attacking the mast. One picked him one, one that's singing. I know, I'm trying to remember where it is. Okay, yeah. There we go. There's the one that tried to grab the one deckhand, it's going to swoop down and try and grab him again because he hasn't made his way fully in. Does manage to grab him. Swoops down, only gets partial, only 15 feet up with him. That's its turn. Let's see, the other two are going to go ahead-- Two are fleeing. That's fleeing. Oh, there's only one that's free. That one is going to attempt to attack one of the other sails because there's multiple sails up at that point. A smaller one. You know what? No, it's going to come after you since you're the one that's holding the sail. It's going to swoop down and attack you with claws.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: Okay. Looking at the barrel, there are no traps currently set, and it's not locked. The only traps were on the outside of the cellar, from what you knew previously, and as that mechanism had already been shown to you by Garthok, so that was easily disabled.\nPlayer: I'm not going to go crazy, I'm just going to go to the bottom of the ladder-- in I go.\nDM: Okay. So while you guys are taking a rest--\nPlayer: 30 for stealth.\nDM: You drop down the ladder. As you head down what probably comes to about 15, 20 or so feet into pitch black-- it's completely dark down there. Do you have any light source, or do you want to--\nPlayer: I have a Flame Tongue Dagger.\nDM: Okay, so you pull the Flame Tongue Dagger. It puts out a very, very low candlelight, opens up the vicinity to you as your feet splash down into very, very shallow, a couple inches, shallow water. Looking around you, you are in a subterranean sewer system. The smell hits you as you hit the bottom of it. This is the entire underbelly of Emon, and there is the slight sound of trickling water that's rushing through this tunnel you're currently standing in. The ladder drops close to about a foot above the floor before it comes to a complete stop. Looking to your right, it descends a little further down on that side, and you can hear-- make a perception check.\nPlayer: 22.\nDM: Okay. To the right of you, what should be the eastern tunnel, you can hear the sound of trickling water growing louder; it's almost like this stream meets another. As you listen to the left, and the stench is pretty rough in this part, to the left you can see in the tunnel is a very, very faint dim, yellow light that is shifting ever so slightly in the distance as it curves around out of view. It is level to where you are now, actually, slight incline for a little bit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She then retreats back through the window and hides. you strafes clockwise around Utugash and fires his Ring of the Ram at full strength towards the devil, but the blast misses completely.\nDM: The ram head goes careening out of the wall of fire, slamming into the stone work and causing a big crack in the stone in the wall. The pit fiend says, \"I will eat your face first.\"\nPlayer: Oh Jesus, I like my face.\nDM: You're still hasted.\nPlayer: Still hasted. For my second thing, I can only do a melee attack. I can't cast anything, I can't reach into my satchel or anything.\nDM: The bonus action you have from Haste is for weapon attack only. Or you can try and run away.\nPlayer: Yeah, I could.\nDM: So he'll get an attack of opportunity on you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You began to look throughout the room. You found a sword across the upper ceiling, an ornamental blade of some kind.\nDM: For the most part, the places of worship, they're not very prominent. They're not huge temples. They're kept here out of law that was decided upon, but they're nice. They usually have a handful of crownsguard stationed to each, but it's not like they're under intense watch. There aren't a lot of worshipers during certain times of the day.\nPlayer: Is there any one that seems emptier than other ones?\nDM: Of all of them, I would say it would be the Raven's Den, which is at the Ossuary Gates, which is the large, vast graveyard of most of the higher-ranked families of this city. The Matron of Ravens' temple is the one that's least attended, largely because, dealing with death, it's not as bright and welcoming to the common folk.\nPlayer: Could I try to get in there when nobody's in there?\nDM: Okay. You wait for a while, and see a moment where it is relatively calm. The outside of the shrine is this iron obsidian archway that stretches up about 20 feet to frame a small shrine, topped with a statue of the Matron, and her ravens about her, this circle of ravens that curves around. You see the female figure standing in stone, the sculpture of the porcelain face-- the only material that's not the same as the darkened stone around her-- it's a white porcelain mask that is affixed to the front of the statue. At the base of it, you can see a number of bowls and offerings that have been left around from people that have come and passed through. Beyond that, there is a door to the small shrine behind it, it's this small structure. Maybe 20 feet by ten feet. It's not a very large shrine. You've seen groups of people that function as morticians, in long dark robes and dark clothing, that have entered and exited this facility. You wait for a while, as there is one body that's being interred at a family plot, and then as they all begin to scatter, you see a few other leave, and at that moment, the interior, from what you can tell, is empty, or at least you've watched three individuals leave.\nPlayer: Can I get in my disguise kit and affix a mustache onto her porcelain mask, and put a wig on her, and then write across the bottom of it \"The Traveler was here,\" and leave a pamphlet?\nDM: You can certainly try.\nPlayer: I want to see as much as I can do in that amount of time before anybody comes back.\nDM: Sleight of hand for the mustache.\nPlayer: Oh no. Off to a good start. Nine.\nDM: As you leap up onto the statue, and go to affix the mustache to it, a voice over by the shrine says, \"Excuse me? Excuse me!\"\nPlayer: Oh hello, yes?\nDM: You see a pale young man, short blonde hair, emerge with a similar dark robe that you didn't see in the inside of the shrine. He goes \"Could you please-- you're not allowed to climb the statue.\"\nPlayer: There was a smudge on her face, and I know that the people get really pissed when there's stuff on their statues. I was trying to clean it off for you.\nDM: \"I appreciate that-- Well, thank you. It's just-- considered--\"\nPlayer: I rub my arm across it to try and clean it off.\nDM: \"Thank you so much.\"\nPlayer: I think I got it though! Don't worry.\nDM: \"I appreciate that.\"\nPlayer: I'm going to sit here and worship her now. That's all.\nDM: \"Please do. Please I can pray with you if you'd like.\"\nPlayer: Oh, that'd be great.\nDM: He sits down next to you and you both silently sit there, on your knees, and begin to pray quietly up to the Queen. You watch as one raven looks down over you both. Soon as he looks up and finishes his prayer, he extends his hand for a moment and it takes off.\nPlayer: Does that always happen when you pray to this lady?\nDM: \"Not often, but perhaps she smiles upon you.\"\nPlayer: She does. I know she does because she likes me so much because I worship her real good.\nDM: \"All right. Well, have a good day.\" He gets up.\nPlayer: You too.\nDM: At this point, the rest of the funeral procession is now returning to the shrine.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Allura and Kima arrive, Allura reporting that Vecna's cloud has spread across the Ozmit Sea to Tal'Dorei. When Vex mentions that Vecna can spy on anyone at any time, Vord offers to loan her a ring called the Band of Shrouds, saying it will protect against prying magics.\nDM: It looks like most of the sanctum is now dissipating and heading out towards the front of the temple and going about some sort of structured exit to prepare for this assault.\nPlayer: Allura!\nDM: As she's standing by, walking with Kima, they're in a heated discussion with a member of the Paramours of the Quadroads. She turns. \"Vax'ildan, yes. It's good to see you.\"\nPlayer: It is so good to see you. We need advice. We need help. There you go. When we fought Vecna, he threw us around like ragdolls. He held us. He did whatever he wanted. Do you have any way, any thing, any suggestion for helping us avoid his grasp again? Because if it went the way it went the last time we are fucked right out of the gate.\nDM: \"What do you perceive as the weaknesses you suffered in that previous battle?\"\nPlayer: What was that?\nDM: \"What do you perceive are the weaknesses that you suffered in that previous battle?\"\nPlayer: He was able to hold us, magically.\nDM: \"There are ways to make sure those bindings don't hold you still. There are magics that can prevent that. And if your enemy is as strong a magic user as I know, he will use distance to his advantage. Close that distance and make it your advantage. I know not quite what he's capable of in his new ascended form, and that scares me. But strike quickly, strike true. Everything you've got, work together. Communicate. And anything you can do to allow yourself preparation, and the jump on this fray, do it. That ring that Vord gave you, that'll be a boon enough. If you can catch him off guard, that might mean everything.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you and Scanlan break off to try to find the Lord of the Quadroads, whom you hopes may owe him a favor, while everyone else proceeds to the Temple of Sarenrae. At the temple, Pike asks a fellow devotee about physically contacting Sarenrae, then kneels at an altar to pray.\nDM: Yeah, there's the captain. The one that looks scared looks over and says, \"Is your other friend around? The other big one?\"\nPlayer: Kind of blanched complexion, orange hair?\nDM: \"Yeah with the--\"\nPlayer: Hits people in the face?\nDM: \"That one.\"\nPlayer: Somewhere around here.\nDM: Turns to the guard captain and goes, \"There's another one around here. Possibly two.\"\nPlayer: You know, the thing about that one, though, he doesn't like to leave loose ends.\nDM: Make an intimidation check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: He comes back and he's now keeping, previously it was out in the open, he's learned his lesson. He has these glass vials, similar to what they put potions in, but now he's filling them with powder. And he brings out about four of them. \"This is as much as I will spare. I already sold a lot recently to the lady. I have my own tinkering to do, but if you wish to buy these?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"I would be happy to sell.\"\nPlayer: That would be lovely.\nDM: \"Okay. Process of distilling, drying, preparing, 250 gold!\"\nPlayer: I think that's very fair.\nDM: \"Wondrous! Deal, deal.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina, with nothing to do for the moment, head to Gilmore's Glorious Goods. The party enter Shaun Gilmore's shop in Abedar's Promenade, where you makes a beeline to find the man himself.\nDM: \"Dragonborn. But yes! How about yourselves? You look like you've --\" He gives you all a look over. \"--like you've maybe not slept in a fortnight.\"\nPlayer: Well. We're lucky we're not dead. It came close a couple of times. We were off on official business for the emperor. We've been underground for weeks and weeks. We've only seen the sun for a couple of days.\nDM: \"Oh. That kind of a weekend. I know how that goes.\"\nPlayer: Needless to say, our stores are terribly depleted. We are going to need to stock up a bit before we head out of town again. I don't want to rush things, though. I think my friends probably want to shop about. My sister can probably handle things for me. I would love to take a stroll with you around the city. Get a bit of lunch, a bite, and hear about what's been happening. Hear the rumors of town. We all know nobody matches your shrewdness in business. That's no surprise.\nDM: (chuckles)\nPlayer: But I'm wondering what you've heard. What's on the wind? Can you take the afternoon off?\nDM: He looks over at the same half-elven woman who was trying to stop you earlier. She gives a look like, 'what's he going to say?' No one's ever asked him this question. He goes, \"For you? Of course.\" (all laugh)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb casts Identify on the bag from Lorenzo's room, learning that it is a Bag of Holding. Fjord flips the bag inside out, dropping the contents all over the floor.\nDM: It was just casting a spell, and she wasn't always touching it necessarily. She was just near it, and sometimes would touch it.\nPlayer: (growling)\nDM: About two dozen teeth clatter to the ground, from varying backgrounds, and levels of decay. A meat hook: a handheld meat hook. Looks a bit rusted.\nPlayer: Gross.\nDM: There is a red gem a well-carved red gem about that big, not quite a ruby, called a corundum gem. A sealed envelope-- a wax-sealed envelope, but as part of the seal there's a coin pressed into the seal.\nPlayer: A special coin? What does the coin look like?\nDM: That's what it looks like.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pyrah has been destroyed, apparently during Thordak's escape from the Elemental Plane of Fire. Where the Fire Ashari village once stood, there is now nothing but sundered wood, charred bodies, and trees flattened by an explosive blast.\nDM: So you take Allura's hand and you put your focus into the crystal sphere, your vision lifts out of the keep with extreme speed. You find your visual surroundings thrust across the Ozmit Sea. You find yourself swooping across the shores of Othanzia, over the forests, eventually coming upon the blackened clouds that perpetually hang above the charred mountain range that contains the home of the Fire Ashari and the entrance to the elemental plane of fire. Your vision crests the mountain and steps into the valley of broken, blackened shale to the ever-burning forest. As you come upon it, you recall where the Fire Ashari village was and where you were greeted before and given your trials. Where there is now nothing but sundered, broken wood, tents, destroyed bodies burned and charred and curled up in horrible ever-gasping pain. The forest itself is flattened from the inside out, like a blast from the center of it just exploded outward, the trees all bent and snapped at the base, and in the center, where there once was that small pool of molten lava that you created the portal through and stepped into the elemental plane, there is a large, ominous, flickering gash between the planes that is roughly 30 to 40 feet in width and height that is pulsing as fire and magma pours out of it. You can see wandering imps and elementals and various entities slowly peeking out and escaping and wandering throughout the mountain tops. From what you can see, there are no signs of any survivors.\nPlayer: It destroyed everything. They killed everyone.\nDM: Allura at this point, who pulls out of the ritual, reaches out and grabs you by the shoulders.\nPlayer: We failed.\nDM: And she looks you in the eyes, and for a moment you feel like her normally warm and embracing face has gone cold and intense and her voice seems to echo with an undercurrent of arcane focus and volume. She goes--\nPlayer: My people failed, we failed our cause.\nDM: \"Keyleth, you failed no one, this is not your doing. This burden is ours as a people to hold, do not let this wash over you or he wins. This is their making, this is not yours. These creatures are evil incarnate, and it is our job, our true calling to end what they have done. Do not let this crush you, you are stronger than that. Pull yourself together. Your people, those that remain, they stand behind you.\"\nPlayer: I'm not as strong as you, Allura.\nDM: \"But you can be and you will be. Do you trust me? Do you trust me?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"Good.\" Her grasp releases.\nPlayer: That's my people.\nDM: \"And mine, and all of ours. There are many secrets in these lands. I'm a firm believer that there's always a way to victory, if we are smart about it and if we're quick about it. Now, I think we should look for survivors. Gather those we know that can rally to our cause, in Emon and beyond. What say you?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Kashaw Vesh, a human cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Hotis then attempts to flee but is held back by Tiberius. As the team assault him, a suit of armor animates and comes to his aid, hitting them all with a stored Fireball.\nDM: All right, so. That is the creature's turn. It finishes its spell, pulls back. However, the gem goes to a dull, dark state. No more stored magical energy. Kash, what are you doing?\nPlayer: I've got to heal myself, unfortunately, because I'm getting down there. So I'm going to Cure Wounds.\nDM: Okay. At what level? You can cast it at a higher level.\nPlayer: I know. I'm not sure I want to, yet. You know what? I am. I'm going to Mass Cure Wounds right now, just because I'm so low.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: So it's level 5.\nDM: Okay, so Mass Cure Wounds.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you waits for Vex to return from her walk with Percy. He tells her to keep both eyes open and Vex says she is very perceptive.\nDM: As you approach the door, you look down and see a smear of dark, reflective oil across the walkway about two feet leading up to your room. You guys have a cluster of rooms in this long hallway, and it arcs around like an L. So you guys are in this big L of all your rooms scattered throughout.\nPlayer: How thick is it? Is it viscous?\nDM: Yeah, it's pretty slippery.\nPlayer: Put my hand in it. Does that stay?\nDM: The hand stays for a minute, then--\nPlayer: Goes away.\nDM: Yeah, it's pretty thick.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: Also has a fume to it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy decides to try his hand at finding a magic shop. Despite his efforts at haggling with the storeowner he does find, he utterly fails to convince her to sell her wares for a reduced price.\nDM: \"Well, knowing that is now a magic potion of healing and two other magical potions, that is a very valuable belt with its contents. I would sell you just the belt for five silver pieces. To include the vials, and they do come as a set, unfortunately, that would run you 275 gold pieces.\"\nPlayer: Now, see, we don't know what kind of healing potion that is, and those other two vials could have-- there is an expiration date on those things. And how long have you had it?\nDM: \"We've had it for a number of years.\"\nPlayer: A number of years? Well, in that case, they've probably gone stale by now. I would say 75 gold at the very best.\nDM: (chuckles) \"That is not going to work.\" She reaches out and takes the belt away from you and sets it back down on the inside.\nPlayer: 75 gold will not do you for that, then?\nDM: \"For the belt, maybe.\"\nPlayer: For the belt, obviously. We've already established that that's in the silver range and certainly not touching the gold.\nDM: \"Right, but you're willing to have and to offer that 75 gold for it, please.\"\nPlayer: 75 gold for the entire set.\nDM: \"No, it's not going to work. I'm sorry.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb messages Nott that the guards are on their way downstairs, and their continued exploration show no one else upstairs. Reluctantly, Caleb uses the scroll of Invisibilty that Calianna gifted him, telling Keg he'll stay with her and bamfing spider-Frumpkin onto her shoulder.\nDM: He's still standing, but he's looking pretty beat up and he's just making vowel sounds now. Speech isn't capable given the series of events that have transpired.\nPlayer: I'm going to say Shut up! And crack him across the face again with my bonus, my off-handed.\nDM: Also with advantage.\nPlayer: That was a Gil, but he did good. 19.\nDM: That hits, roll damage.\nPlayer: Nine damage.\nDM: As you're like, \"Shh!\" (crunching noises)\nPlayer: Shh, go to sleep.\nDM: Just repeatedly slamming his head into the stone until his arms go limp. You slide his face across the stone as he collapses to the ground. [cheering]\nPlayer: I'm going to take my scarf, wipe the wall.\nDM: As you're doing that, the guy behind him, who was his backup, sees this happen, because his initiative's next in the order, and he turns and runs. [laughter, cheering] He goes at a full run and then a dash, so he's about 60 feet away from you down the hallway getting near the front doors of the fortress.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the Platinum Sanctuary, the twins are greeted by Highbearer Vord. He offers to seal Opash's book in a vault beneath the city, but Vax, who doesn't entirely trust him, tells him they didn't actually bring it with them.\nDM: How do you say this? (all laugh) She's literally outside, sitting on the outside wall of the gate, leaning forward, just on a stool, with a loaded crossbow over her lap, looking out at the distance. And you're down below, about 20 feet down.\nPlayer: You there, excuse me. Hello?\nDM: She looks over the top. \"Yeah?\"\nPlayer: Hi! Taryon Darrington. New member of the group. Hi.\nDM: \"Hi.\"\nPlayer: Yes, we're working on a very important project. It's an undercover mission in a foreign land, and we're going to need a disguise. Specifically, a wig, a convincing wig. We all thought that it might be a good idea to have some real hair for this wig, and, well, you have beautiful hair. I wouldn't mind if you would lend it to the cause. I'd like to buy your hair for 100 gold pieces. (all laugh)\nDM: Go ahead and roll a persuasion check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He then inspires you with his harmonica. Keyleth, under the thrall of the ghost, attacks Scanlan with her staff and hits despite the bard's Cutting Words.\nDM: All three hit? All right, so no attacks of opportunity against Trinket. Roll damage, and everyone takes that damage.\nPlayer: I don't know what to roll for cannonball damage because I've never actually gotten to hit.\nDM: Oh, I know. I have this. It's 2d6 plus four.\nPlayer: Okay. For each person?\nDM: Yep.\nPlayer: Oh, okay, so ten for Keyleth.\nDM: Ten points of bludgeoning damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He turns away from the group and notices Scanlan and Percy, still disguised as peasants. Not recognizing Percy, he brings two of his guards forward.\nDM: All right. As you guys are making your way back towards the tavern, there is a small group of Whitestone villagers walking and having a conversation. Not heated, but there is a sense of desperate conversation amongst them. And, standing with them you can see there's an older gentleman, mostly bald, long scraggly gray hair that falls past his shoulders, a little bit hunched. He's wearing dark leathers and a cloak that's over one shoulder and drags the ground behind him. And they're talking to him and he's growling to himself and the best you can make out is there's an argument about farming shipments and the inability to make dates and requirements. He shouts back to the remainder, says, \"Listen, it is beyond my control. This is what has been decreed by Sir Kerrion. That is how it'll be. If you cannot provide, then taxes will be pulled. If you cannot pay, then there are far worse things we can take. Now, be on your way!\" And steps away from the group, looks over and sees a little boy and this in the shadows skulking individual. \"You there!\"\nPlayer: Yes?\nDM: \"You new around here?\"\nPlayer: A bit, yes.\nDM: \"I don't recognize you.\" And two of the guards step forward.\nPlayer: I suppose it's our good luck, then.\nDM: \"What's your name?\"\nPlayer: (sighs) Reggie.\nDM: Make a deception check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you's axe, however, takes a chunk out of it. The party continue to fight as the Trickfoots scatter and hide.\nDM: Right there. You come up right to the side of it, and you can look up and see it now. It's forming this wall of screaming faces at you, and a lot of them are watching as-- all of them are facing Pike as she disappears, and all of a sudden, all at once, a hundred faces go (shhhp) to you, and (gurgling growl). What are you doing?\nPlayer: All eyes on me. I swing at it. The first one regular.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: 28.\nDM: 28 hits. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: We'll see what happens now. 24 points of damage.\nDM: 24 points of damage. As you rush up angrily, you swing your axe, with additional?\nPlayer: Necrotic, four.\nDM: All right, 28. All right, cool. You swing, and as your axe cleaves through the side of it, you watch as parts of it break open, sending chunks of it flying, and the creature (shrieks) seems to scream in pain from the impact.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan\n Dimension Doors into Percy's workshop, sees Percy outside the door, and heads that way. He sees the enemy right in front of him and retreats back into the workshop, inspiring Percy as he does.\nDM: Nine. As you pull over your Pepperbox, you're like, (ping). The actual barrel comes off and hits the ground and rolls off toward the back of the room.\nPlayer: I'm tossing it into my room. I'm using an action surge. Actually, can I even do that? Yes, I'm going to use my action surge, and I'm going to walk over to the wraith on the ground, put the barrel of Bad News up to it, and pull the trigger.\nDM: The wraith is no longer on the ground, by the way.\nPlayer: Is he not?\nDM: The entity actually, upon looking, is immune to being prone. So we won't retcon anything, but as you go to pull the barrel up, you can see now the face is standing up before you.\nPlayer: I'm just going to try and shove it until I hit something and then pull.\nDM: Okay, so go ahead and roll with disadvantage with Bad News.\nPlayer: 22.\nDM: 22 hits. Go ahead and roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He and his party were left for dead, but his patron goddess, Tiamat, kept him alive. He offers a temporary alliance with Vox Machina against Vecna.\nDM: Okay. First off, make a perception check as you glance out to see how close you are to the nearby wall.\nPlayer: 30.\nDM: 30, okay. You notice you're on a different part of the city than you were previously. If the city's moving forward, if you consider the direction that the titan is traversing forward, you guys were to the back and right side of Thar Amphala. Like a clock; if twelve o'clock is where it was traveling, you guys were around four or five o'clock. Looking now at the layout of the city, you're closer to 11 and 12 right now. And you're maybe about 200 feet from the nearest wall. You can see the curvature of the dome is pretty striking from your current position. And you can see the pulses, the waves. Imagine like a reverse waterfall of energy shooting upward. And every now and then, there's a burst.\nPlayer: Does it look like there's an area that the pulses are brighter, along the wall?\nDM: Yes. You do see the pulses aren't universal. There are certain locations, about six of them throughout the city, that you occasionally see them (bursting), and they spread out.\nPlayer: Are we close to one of those pulses?\nDM: You can maneuver there. It's not directly behind you, but you can eventually get to that location, yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus, you, Jamedi, and Nott ran towards the stairs to the outside. Beau and Jester waited by the well for Fjord.\nDM: It gets you to the last bit of air as it's about to hit the surface. At the end of this combat round, basically after Fjord, the chamber that Beau is in is now full. The water has filled the entirety of the temple.\nPlayer: So all the way to the tippy-top?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Oh, balls. I'll use bonus action and movement to go as high as I can. Do I reach the trap door?\nDM: You do reach the door.\nPlayer: I will pull out the wire from my spell components and try to jimmy to lock. Oh god, I don't know what to do! I'm underwater, yeah? So I still have action, so I'm going to try to open the lock.\nDM: Okay. Make a lock picking attempt.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The dwarf's skull has a hole bored into it, like the goblins Vex discovered earlier. The hooded figure nods towards the duergar general and they walk back to the barracks.\nDM: You hear what sounds like guttural Dwarvish being shouted angrily, cursing from the interior, and a few other dwarven voices also joining in-- more than two. You hear some horrible, sick thuds and some impacts and some cries of pain. And eventually, the five duergar dragging the captives walk out, carrying cudgels at their side, still dripping with fresh blood. They kind of go amongst their own business from there.\nPlayer: Okay. I think I'll go back to my fellows. There's nothing I can see-- that door doesn't lock-- does it lock by any chance?\nDM: It's just an opening tent.\nPlayer: Open tent. There's nothing lying around, none of that black armor lying around or anything? Any extra things --\nDM: Not on the street.\nPlayer: Okay, I think I will just make back for my friends, then.\nDM: Okay, make a stealth check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He sees another statue, Vandran, which he also destroys. He ascends out of the water into a dark stone chamber, with a carving of a serpent with multiple carved eyes on its body. Watching.\nDM: You don't need to. That was more helpful earlier in the campaign, when everything was a super mystery. You spilled all the beans recently, so it's fine. You walk in darkness, your eyes trained on a barely visible horizon of faded blue. The lightless midnight horizon that breaks this endless void. The ground is soft beneath your feet and your slow gait bounces slightly with each step. Like time is crawling in this buoyant space. You look down at yourself, obscured by a shadow, until a faint yellow light bursts from your sword. The light of a yellow eye now open from the hilt like a lantern, lighting a tangled forest of kelp before you. Bubbles escape the corner of your mouth, but you breath the waters calmly, like a thick vapor. \"Learn.\" You search through the mass of shifting slick sea vines eventually coming upon the base of a staircase going up. \"Grow.\" What do you do?\nPlayer: I climb those motherfucking stairs.\nDM: As you ascend the cold stone stairs, the beam of the eye lighting the way, your passage is suddenly blocked by something. A statue; humanoid, but featureless. \"Provoke.\"\nPlayer: I'll fire two blasts of Eldritch Blast at it.\nDM: The statue breaks apart, its various shards emerging from the detonation and slowly sinking in what is now the thick waters around you. As the head tumbles past the light of the edge of your sword, the face is recognizable in a flash: Sabian. You push beyond, continuing to ascend the stairs. You come upon another statue, larger and looming more than the last. What do you do?\nPlayer: Witch Bolt, right to its chest.\nDM: As the darkened energy arcs from the hilt of your blade, hitting it you watch as the cracks spider up the stone before it detonates into hundreds of shards of dark stone. You see half of the face slowly hit and clatter onto the stone before falling off to the side. Vandren. Do you continue up?\nPlayer: The stairs, are they staying the same, is there anything at the foot of the statue after they break apart?\nDM: Looking down the statue itself is now immaterial. You've entirely annihilated it and you glance over the side, and what few shards still remain, slowly drift beyond your view into the dark abyss below.\nPlayer: I'll move forward.\nDM: Continuing to ascend these steps one by one, they grow more and more narrow. You think you see an approaching surface of some kind. You're clear of the water, suddenly breaking the surface and you're standing in a dark stone chamber. You've managed to get all the way up standing within the ankle high water in the middle of the stone chamber and you watch, as all the liquid begins to drain. Until there's no more water around you. Revealing in the center of this chamber, an intricate circle in the ground, maybe two feet across. Beautiful ancient craftsmanship, detailed to depict a serpent body coiled. Carved eyes emerging from the creature's body every few inches. The center of the water is a circle of water, like a well. \"Watching.\" What do you do?\nPlayer: I'll summon the sword and hold the eye facing the circle.\nDM: As you hold the blade up, you see the light hits the water and is absorbed by it. You don't see anything beneath it. It seems to be just a void that eats the light.\nPlayer: Void that eats the light. Can I walk into the center of the circle?\nDM: You step into it?\nPlayer: Well, I definitely do now.\nDM: Well, is that what you want to do?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay, you step into the circle, it's only a few inches deep of water and your feet feel the bottom. It is shallow. You're now standing above it, it's only about two feet across, so it's basically you standing over the small pool.\nPlayer: Is there a ceiling, are there walls, are there statues in this space?\nDM: Looking around you, you can see stone walls and you could see a ceiling above you. It is almost plain featureless room, aside from the very edges of stone stacked upon itself.\nPlayer: Watching. Can I look into the eye of the sword, do I see anything?\nDM: You look towards the hilt and the eye stares back at you. The light temporarily blinding you for a moment, as you adjust.\nPlayer: What the fuck? Can I try and take the edge of the blade and press it into the floor?\nDM: You press the blade in through the water and it hits the stone.\nPlayer: Jesus. (English accent) I don't know what you want from me!\nDM: No response. Then you hear once more, \"Watch.\"\nPlayer: I've stared at the eye. Fuck. I have no idea.\nDM: Make a perception check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy says the something terrible has happened and needs help fixing something. A voice calls out and asks if he is trying to fix himself or something else.\nDM: As you step out of the room, you hear a whisper come from beyond the chamber, within the darkness. It says, \"Is it yourself you wish to fix or something more?\"\nPlayer: I don't think I can be fixed. There is something broken in the world.\nDM: \"Then come. Let us talk.\"\nPlayer: ...I don't understand how these things work. I'm so sorry. Where do you wish me to go?\nDM: \"Have faith.\"\nPlayer: (disbelieving laugh)\nDM: \"Step in. Join me.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the Platinum Sanctuary, the twins are greeted by Highbearer Vord. He offers to seal Opash's book in a vault beneath the city, but you, who doesn't entirely trust him, tells him they didn't actually bring it with them.\nDM: It's how nimble your fingers are. It's a dexterity bonus plus the proficiency modifier for a disguise kit. If you are proficient with this kit, with the disguise kit?\nPlayer: Oh, my gods.\nDM: What are your proficiencies?\nPlayer: I don't think so. I mean, I don't know, so I'm just going to say no.\nDM: Then it's just dexterity.\nPlayer: Dexterity.\nDM: Just roll a d20, add your dex bonus.\nPlayer: Okay. All right, I'm going to go for like, a General Krieg-type look to the face? I'm going to do my best--\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Kashaw Vesh, a human cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: All right. As you guys step across the way. It's about a block up. One of them is partially inside the alley between two of the buildings. You can see he has one hand up on the wall and the other down. One of them is relieving himself on the side of the building, while the other is keeping watch, arms crossed, looking out across the road. The one that's immediately present, or before you, you can see is human, a scruffy brown beard around the edge of the chin. The hair itself is cut very short. A little heavier in appearance. A little muscle, a little layer of winter padding, but the black leather armor definitely gives you the appearance of somebody who is a Bastion of the Raven Queen. As you approach, the hooded half-elf, the dwarf walking with the giant axe, and the bumbling dragonborn, the human cleric with a very angry disposition, and the awkward half-elf druid stepping in pace with him. Gives you all a cursory look and immediately puts a hand to his side where you can see that there is a rapier currently sheathed. \"Aye, you walk with purpose.\"\nPlayer: We walk for the Guild.\nDM: \"Slayer's Take it is?\"\nPlayer: It is.\nDM: \"What business have you on this side of town, then? Aren't you supposed to be out past the walls killing creatures and such?\"\nPlayer: Our business takes us where our business takes us. Our business brings us here today.\nDM: \"All right, then what's your business?\"\nPlayer: You might be having some trouble?\nDM: \"Aye.\"\nPlayer: What's causing you trouble and what's going to get us out of here might be the same thing.\nDM: The gentleman to the left of him finishes shaking off the rest of his alleyway journey.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She Dimension Door'ed her way into the ritual room, which Vox Machina followed over the wall. She seemed to complete the ritual, creating this small, vacuous, spinning black sphere that is locked in place.\nDM: 14 and 12, yeah, so it was 26 psychic damage you took on the first strike and the second one was seven, too. 21.\nPlayer: I thought the second one failed?\nDM: The third one. It has three attacks.\nPlayer: Oh, there's three.\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Okay, so what was the total, sorry?\nDM: It would be 26 and 21, so yeah, 47 points of psychic damage as its arm reaches out towards you and strikes. Also, I need you to make a wisdom saving throw.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: Just enough pause for you to duck out of the way. However, he uses that inertia to spin back on Vax for a 27.\nPlayer: Uncanny Dodge.\nDM: And a 21.\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: So first one Uncanny Dodge, second one full brunt.\nDM: So Scanlan, you take nine points of bludgeoning damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They make their way to Greyskull Keep, where they find that their old servants, Laina and Erwen, have returned.\nDM: You guys head into the city, and with each street corner there's another building with a roof that's being re-roofed. You can see walls being re-stoned and structured. You can see carts being brought in from the docks as trade has now begun anew within the city, and there is a semblance of culture, life and society continuing to still re-emerge and spread with each visit to the city, and it's very heartwarming and harkening to the good that you've done through the struggles and challenges leading up to this time.\nPlayer: I'm sorry, old man, who's in charge here these days?\nDM: \"In charge of what?\"\nPlayer: The city? Who's running things?\nDM: \"Oh, the Council.\"\nPlayer: They're doing all right?\nDM: \"I think so?\"\nPlayer: Okay, everything steady as she goes?\nDM: \"I mean, my house is in ruins and I haven't seen my grandchildren but--\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites you, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: Okay, go for it. She throws down a couple of Cure Light Wounds. She's going to do 3rd level to each of you.\nPlayer: Dope.\nDM: Of Cure Wounds. This'll be 3d8 plus five to each of you. So 23 to you, and 21 to you, Scanlan. She'll do a third one to you, Keyleth. Because you're looking pretty rough, right Keyleth?\nPlayer: Huh?\nDM: You're looking pretty rough?\nPlayer: I'm at 65 now, with that. So I'm still 30 under.\nDM: So on top of that you get another 13. Pike's going to stay with you guys.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: Okay. So we'll go ahead and take a break as the party is resting for the evening, we'll be back here in a few minutes, guys, to continue this next chapter of Vox Machina's adventure. All right, see you in a little bit. [break] Hey guys, welcome back. So. Kicking into high gear to return to the game as it's going. You guys go through your restful evening, except for Grog, resting up and getting prepared for whatever comes your way, except for Grog. As you spend the night fending off sleep, staring at Craven Edge there on your lap, feeling the cold blade against your fingertips and considering and still feeling the strength that it's imbued upon you pulsing through your veins.\nPlayer: Yeah, could I ask it one question?\nDM: Yeah, yeah.\nPlayer: Right, it was a good day, right? Like, superb.\nDM: \"Yes.\"\nPlayer: Do you remember your former owners?\nDM: \"I do.\"\nPlayer: Do you remember Lord Briarwood?\nDM: \"I do.\"\nPlayer: How was he?\nDM: \"He was a stalwart champion. He kept me fed. Mostly.\"\nPlayer: Did he give you a goal? You know, before we put him into different pieces, he was, like, trying to build up this god called Vecna. You don't know anything about a god called Vecna, do you?\nDM: \"Doesn't interest me.\"\nPlayer: No?\nDM: \"No.\"\nPlayer: Just the blood.\nDM: \"Just the hunger.\"\nPlayer: Right, the hunger.\nDM: \"It's all there is, is the hunger.\"\nPlayer: But look, we did really good today. So I'm not going to go to sleep, I'm going to carry this over the next day, I want to see how hard we can push this.\nDM: \"So close to being full.\"\nPlayer: You're close to being full? Hold on, how many more lives do you need?\nDM: \"I'm close.\"\nPlayer: Do you know, do you know what happens when you get full? Like, do you get bigger? Do I get stronger?\nDM: \"Feed me and you'll find out.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She chases after Protto and Ruzza, who have disappeared further along the hallway into the next room. The still-invisible Caleb follows, sending spider-Frumpkin ahead, who sees another caged, manacled and gagged prisoner in the next room before the guards shut the door behind them.\nDM: Frumpkin curls beneath the door frame, revealing this other hired guard that was back further in the chamber. Protto and Ruzza, they've lifted another barred trap door that guards another set of stairs that goes deeper below into another chamber.\nPlayer: A dungeon in a dungeon?\nDM: They're stepping further down into this next bit, at which point Protto looks over his shoulder and goes, \"Hurry!\" (arrow firing) No, he gets an attack before you can pull him back. That's a 16 plus six; that's a 24.\nPlayer: Maybe it's only one point of damage!\nDM: That is 11 points of piercing damage.\nPlayer: (groaning)\nDM: A rapid-fired arrow about that long, I'd say, against a spider would look terrible if it wasn't a fey entity that dissipates into dust as it blinks back into its home dimension.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As they move through the city, the group encounters clusters of undead from two factions: one wearing symbols of Pelor, the Dawn Father, while the other faction seems to be associated with Vecna. you, looking more closely at a group of skeletons as they pass, determines they must be at least 500 years old.\nDM: I called the airport to try and coordinate this time with you guys. Cost me 17,000 dollars for that one five-second bit, so enjoy it, guys.\nPlayer: Worth it.\nDM: Totally worth it.\nPlayer: These bodies, compared to the ex-champion of the Raven Queen, do these bodies seem even older? More decayed? Do we have any sense for how old these fuckers are?\nDM: You would have to get up close and that would be a medicine check. Would you want to try and make your way close enough to one of these bodies to inspect it enough?\nPlayer: How far off are they?\nDM: If you guys continue moving forward, you'll be at that intersection in about 30 seconds.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After having some time to catch up with her, exchange information about your travels, youd had discovered that there have been some issues with one client of hers within the town, and managed to gather a little bit of information, but began to seek more about this Algar, this figure who had grown jealous of other clientele, and seemed to be becoming a point of concern for Marion, and you took it upon yourselves to look into this individual, and possibly find a way to resolve this while you're in town. You also began to run into some other curious mysteries, you went to the lighthouse, and spoke with the lighthouse keeper there for a bit, you had found a strange tower in the open quay, and then eventually discovered along the wharf, a tavern of familiar name, based on some of the previous things you were looking out for, the Wayfarer's Cove.\nDM: Sitting there on the table, both these large, scaled, coming to the point of these hooked claws, these hands are wrapped around this heavy tankard. The head shifts over your direction where the eye patch meets your gaze first before the other eye creeps past the extending hard brow. \"I'm sorry, what you asking, eh?\"\nPlayer: I was asking how you got your eye patch. Did you-- did somebody shoot it out of your eye?\nDM: \"Well t-that's certainly a possibility, cher.\"\nPlayer: You don't remember?\nDM: \"You don't think that perhaps someone's going to tell you their life story just without even knowing you? You can buy me a drink first.\"\nPlayer: Oh yeah, I will buy you a drink if you tell me how your eyeball went missing!\nDM: \"Very well.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Uten tells Keyleth that he has been in the city for twelve years and worked with Senokir in the jewelry business for ten of them. It is unknown how long Senokir has been in the city, as he keeps his personal life very private.\nDM: \"Well, here it's a few rooms. It's large enough to house Whaska and his servants to construct the crafts that they are good at.\"\nPlayer: What do they construct?\nDM: \"As far as I know, arms, armor. You see, fire giants, they find their sense of self-worth in society by their craftsmanship. So it's a very important thing for some.\"\nPlayer: Right. Yeah. So, like, wheels? Or like weapons? Arms? You said arms.\nDM: \"I said arms.\"\nPlayer: I have a hard time listening when you talk like that.\nDM: \"Would you like me to speak slower?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They catch the attention of some Carvers and pretend to be sightseeing. The guards become scared of Trinket so you sends him mopishly back to the tavern.\nDM: (growls) You hear in the distance. The one goes like, \"Look, I'll show you to the statue and that's it, then you got to go.\"\nPlayer: All right. Thank you.\nDM: \"I don't see many half-elves here and honestly I'm excited to meet you, so let's do this quickly. Come with me.\" He leads you further into the cityscape. Down the road, you end up going through a few buildings. You find one large wrought iron fence with a series of carved spikes towards the top, and you see the beautiful dark marble building with the gold trim.\nPlayer: Oh, this one's amazing.\nDM: \"This is what you were talking about, Greyspine Manor. Lot of rich sons of bitches.\"\nPlayer: Wow, so you said the Greyspines own this one?\nDM: \"Aye.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Lionel Gayheart Chod, a half-orc bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, while everyone else is taking breakfast, Pike checks the front door and finds about 20 skeletons waiting outside. She and Grog charge out to handle them.\nDM: Closest to you are the skeletons here, or if you wanted to rush around and get the guy with the big heavy armor.\nPlayer: That's the old guy?\nDM: There's an old one with a staff, there's a black knight in all the armor with the halberd, or there's some skeletons.\nPlayer: Can I make it over to the black knight?\nDM: Yeah, you can make it over to him.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: You get up to him right there.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The guardian retreats from the anvil, stops, and turns around, holding up a giant, cleaver-like sword with the flat facing out. As Grog steps up to the anvil, the guardian tilts the blade so that the edge faces forward.\nDM: Okay. So you head up the stairs. The water elemental swarms around the side. You see wherever it moves forward there's steam pouring off from the heat of the ground and the surrounding metal and stone. As it comes up the steps, more and more steam (sizzling) emerging off the back of its body, it comes to the top and it's now next to Grog. You send it towards the anvil?\nPlayer: Yeah, but didn't Grog train to the right?\nDM: Grog stepped to the right and then began to step forward and then stopped.\nPlayer: Does the water elemental seem to be catching its attention at all, or is it still looking at Grog?\nDM: It's still looking at Grog.\nPlayer: Can I move the elemental to the left to see if it follows the elemental?\nDM: Okay, the elemental moves to the left. It doesn't follow the elemental.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three locks' scratchings translate to the Common equivalent of 'open me', one of the locks' scratchings warns the party not to open it. you discovers that the lock saying 'No' is trapped, and the ones saying 'Yes' aren't.\nDM: In order to sneak attack a creature, you have to have an ally adjacent to the enemy, not to you. The idea is, they're being harried by two different points and can't form a good defense\nPlayer: Okay, all right. Then I'm going to use Disengage, I'm going to step five feet back. I'm going to use one action to click my Boots of Haste. And then can I attack, because the boots are on, after that? Then I'll throw a dagger at him.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: That is a 24.\nDM: 24 does hit.\nPlayer: All right. 11 from the Keen Dagger.\nDM: All right. Cool. All right. We have now officially, as of this moment, entered combat. You technically would be next in the initiative round at this point, but you're holding your action until-- what are you holding your action until?\nPlayer: I was only going to do that if you told me that I could move around him, now that I know that I can't--\nDM: All right, you did that, okay. Okay, never mind. Gotcha. All right, cool. So that will be, in theory, the first opening to the battle. Now we start the initiative order. All right. So now we're starting off. Vex, you're up first.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy walks up to the doors and tries to open them, but can't. Vax prepares to unlock it, but there isn't a lock; the doors are barred from the inside.\nDM: With a brief burst of wind energy, a shimmering form, somewhat humanoid in shape, but still amorphous appears.\nPlayer: Hi, Darrell.\nDM: (wind sounds) and begins to shove itself up against the bottom of the wooden bar. Make your check, as well.\nPlayer: That was a six. Is that for me?\nDM: That's for you, and then roll and add five for your Unseen Servant.\nPlayer: So, five extra to that is 11. Right? No?\nDM: Roll again, add five.\nPlayer: Oh, I see. Four. So that's a nine.\nDM: The three of you, one mystically summoned from a plane beyond your own, cannot seem to budge this single wooden door! You've defeated beholders. You've slaughtered illithid underneath, in the Underdark, deep in the belly of the planet. But this door bests you!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A frustrated Tiberius yells at them, intimidating them until they step back. Tiberius apologizes and gets off with a warning and a threat.\nDM: You make your way through the alleyways, eventually back towards the building proper. What would you like to do?\nPlayer: Just going to watch, that's all. Do I see any security details? See who's guarding the place.\nDM: There are Carvers doing rounds around the city. On the streets wandering through in pairs, keeping watch. You don't see any particular guard outside, but you do see individuals moving past windows. There's a little bit of light from the inside of the buildings.\nPlayer: No Carvers or any sort of guard detail outside the house? Anything like that?\nDM: Not between the gates. The yard area and to the front door.\nPlayer: Okay. Heavily heavily guarded by the looks of what's inside and what's outside the gate?\nDM: What's outside the gate? You're hard pressed to find a moment where the street isn't visible to some Carver. This area is pretty well guarded. You figure largely because the person who is currently the Ironkeeper of the entire city of Kraghammer lives within that building as well as one of the more powerful dwarven families, so it's pretty well watched.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to head back to the inn, then. I'm not going to poke the bear.\nDM: You all eventually gather back at the tavern.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, That done, they begin to plan their way forward, using Locate Creature to determine the direction that the rakshasa has gone. Finding that their way forward is blocked by a stream of acid, the party mount up on the flying carpet.\nDM: The carpet takes 16 points of acid damage. As you're taking your turn to pull it out as opposed to trying to escape from that point, you take another 15 points of acid damage, until eventually you're pulled out from the entire pool and carried over to the other side and then dropped on the other side, both of you guys pulling the carpet out. The carpet itself, its color has dampened. Portions of the corners of the carpet have dissolved, and you can see the liquid on it is still eating away at the actual fibers of the carpet. You're still submerged. You take another 18 points of acid damage, reduced to nine again. Same as you took last time. And what are you doing?\nPlayer: Me? I'm trying to climb up onto the rock that is right there that I didn't jump onto.\nDM: Right here? There's only enough room for two people.\nPlayer: Who's on it now?\nDM: Currently, Tiberius and Thorbir.\nPlayer: Well, I guess I'm swimming through acid, then.\nDM: You can try and get on there, but you'd probably push somebody else off.\nPlayer: No, I'm just going to start wading towards the other side.\nDM: Okay. Athletics roll. It is a very thick, gloopy liquid.\nPlayer: That's all right because I rolled a 19, so that is a total of 21.\nDM: 21. That'll be enough to get you just towards the edge and you (grunts) pull yourself out onto the side of the stonework, taking a final 13 points of acid damage, halved because of your armor. You take seven. (pants) On the side, both you and Kashaw are catching yourself, wiping it off the parts of the flesh. You can see, there's scarring on your skin from where the liquid began to dissolve some of the flesh on the outer layers. The carpet itself is still (sizzling). The edges of it are starting to burn away and dissolve.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: Nine points of force damage as the lollipop hits it in the back of the skull and it leans forward and grabs the back of its skull with this pounding, throbbing pain in its head.\nPlayer: And then I'm going to use Toll The Dead on the one in front of Beau.\nDM: All righty. So what does it have to roll?\nPlayer: He has to roll a wisdom saving throw.\nDM: Okay. And the range of that one is?\nPlayer: 60 feet.\nDM: So that rolls a nine plus zero, nine.\nPlayer: Yeah! So he takes 1d12 necrotic damage! Two. It's a little bell this time.\nDM: Just a little bell. You watch as a little bit of blood comes out the side one of the hyena's ears.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: 12, that'll work, because none of them-- only one of them did 20 damage and it's minimum of ten, so as long as you get above a ten with each one, you're fine.\nPlayer: Okay. So I got to do two more?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Yeah, that's 16 plus two.\nDM: Okay. Another one.\nPlayer: 17 plus two.\nDM: Another one.\nPlayer: Two plus two.\nDM: You have advantage on these.\nPlayer: Seven plus two. Nine.\nDM: Nine. Nope.\nPlayer: No good. No bueno.\nDM: With that, you lose your concentration on the Domination spell. As that fades--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Hotis then attempts to flee but is held back by you. As the team assault him, a suit of armor animates and comes to his aid, hitting them all with a stored Fireball.\nDM: I'm clarifying this because the spell says this. They make a dex saving throw, or they're lifted by the pillar. If they make a save, they are not touched by the pillar.\nPlayer: Right. That means they don't get pinned by it.\nDM: No, they don't take any damage. If they make their save, they dodge out of the way. That's how the spell is designed.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: It's primarily intended to be a defensive spell that can occasionally be used offensively, if they fail their save. The shield guardian takes the damage.\nPlayer: And he's pinned.\nDM: And he's pinned, currently. Yep.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The tunnel continues in a slow decline and curve to the left. Twenty minutes down there is a small alcove to the right where they find another abandoned camp of four tents and another seal of Bahamut.\nDM: And as you glance about you can see, in this alcove, looking at the dirt itself, it looks like there was a serious struggle. You can start seeing drag mark--\nPlayer: Can I use Tracking and see what happened, like Prince Humperdink, please? Can do?\nDM: Ah, well, this is part of your investigation roll, essentially.\nPlayer: Okay, okay.\nDM: Unless you want to track to where the tracks went, that's a different story. That's--\nPlayer: Well, can I see who was attacked first? Does it look like Kima was attacked, or she--\nDM: It's hard to tell, you see some of the footsteps, and some of the drag marks, while mostly worn over, elements do show some of the fairer folk. The duergar have a very distinct footprint or size. You do see one that resembles more of, like, gnomish or halfling origin. You see drag marks in the dirt, you see other individuals, looks like there were chunks of rock that have been chopped off the side of the wall that look fresh, where you can see the soot that has settled into this part of the cavern is no longer visible where these scratch marks basically took off and exposed fresh rock.\nPlayer: The drag marks, do they lead outside of the alcove and down?\nDM: They do, and they lead down the tunnel further.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: With that, you look over and see the rooftop up there. You leap off each side, Ninja Gaiden-style. Hop onto the rooftop with a solid view of the entire battlefield before you, including the one flying creature up there.\nPlayer: Oh, okay. Then I'm going to Hunter's Mark the magic user.\nDM: All righty.\nPlayer: And I'm going to Conjure Barrage in a cone to get as many of those fucks as I can.\nDM: Okay, so it's a 60-foot cone. Right there?\nPlayer: Yeah, sure. Sorry, Scanlan.\nDM: You will hit Scanlan, as well.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the sidelines, Scanlan yells inspiration at you and Cutting Words at Kern. Keyleth attempts to heal you from a distance, but gets caught by a nearby Bastion.\nDM: You see him snarl to the side as you toss his wineskin to the ground and you chug your own. It tastes very heavily-- this is frost giant strength, you said?\nPlayer: Or the stone giant, yeah.\nDM: Oh, the stone giant. It tastes very heavily of black charcoal, dust, grit, and the actual liquid itself has a very gravelly texture as it goes down your throat, and you can feel chunks getting caught, but you push through and continue gulping it. It's thicker, like a molasses, than it is an actual liquid. You finish it off, toss it to the side. Go ahead and mark your increase to strength for this.\nPlayer: I got it down already.\nDM: You came prepared!\nPlayer: (singing) We're going to need a montage, a montage.\nDM: You toss your wineskin to the side. The bookie, you hear now, raises his hand. \"All here in attendance. We have here in the Crucible this day, a rematch of titans. The standing champion of all the Braving Grounds of Vasselheim: Kern the Hammer.\" (cheers) (booing) Coins start raining on you copper, silver, and gold pieces spin down on the ground around you, Grog. You guys just stand tensely locked in that warrior glare. \"Challenging him, once again, tail between his legs, intent on claiming his glory, returning to the Crucible, Philip.\"\nPlayer: No! Philip is dead. There is no Philip. There is only Grog, the Vengeful. (cheering)\nDM: Cheers go up around the outside of the Crucible. You can now see the entire crowd-- the energy itself is electric in the air; eyes are intense and bloodshot. Everyone is looking down into what is about to be, hopefully, a drag-out, throwdown fight. You feel the rippling strength of your stone giant elders tearing through your body. You flex, and you hear with each muscle tensing and the popping of bones and sinew as you prepare yourself for this. As you're doing this, you see across the way, Kern cracks his knuckles, and you can see the giant scar from his snarling lip. You realize he hasn't been snarling this whole time; it's just the natural state of his current smile. And then he snarls. You can see his orcish tusks protruding out, and the gums themselves, black and purple, peering out from underneath his upper lip that you once destroyed. \"I'm going to take yours this time, boy.\"\nPlayer: Enough words, toothless. Let's do this.\nDM: Roll initiative.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A couple of hours later, the ship comes upon an unnatural-looking fog bank in the ocean. Adella tries to veer around it.\nDM: The fog is still in this vicinity right now. So, you're under the effect of a Fog Cloud spell... for the area. So, basically, the area around is heavily obscured. So that will increase uh, AC to a number of individuals. Perfect. All right, so. So first off, this elemental rushes forward to Grog, splashes around in your direction. Grog, it's gonna go ahead and take a series of swings at you.\nPlayer: Sweet.\nDM: Yeah, it's gonna take two slam attacks. That is a 23 to hit?\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: And an 18 to hit.\nPlayer: Hits also.\nDM: All righty. So you suffer 12 points of bludgeoning damage. That's full damage. You're not raging.\nPlayer: Nope.\nDM: And that is 15. 15 points of bludgeoning damage.\nPlayer: Total? Or 12 and 15 both?\nDM: 12 and 15.\nPlayer: Gotcha.\nDM: All right, that ends that guy's turn. Next up is Vax and Vex.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Lionel Gayheart Chod, a half-orc bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Everyone orders drinks, you asking for a chocolate milk. Grog asks this newcomer barbarian a few questions, sizing him up, then punches him across the jaw.\nDM: No, no. You're now raging, so now your muscles swell, the veins bulge out, with this big grin on his mouth. When Grog's raging, Grog's angry rage. He's happy rage.\nPlayer: Oh, check it out! You can see my veins go (jingling).\nDM: So what do you want to do for your turn?\nPlayer: I want to go and do... So I run up to him, and I go to do the really cool thing I heard in a cool story where I twist up my fist and I go (whoosh) (pow). I've always wanted to try this, and this looks like a better time than ever to try it out.\nDM: So, roll for an attack and it's plus ten. We'll say plus ten for this.\nPlayer: 17.\nDM: What's your AC? 17? Go ahead and roll a d4 and add your strength modifier, which I think is a plus five.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He asks to know what Vox Machina have been doing over the last week, so Vax'ildan gives the account of what they accomplished underneath Kraghammer. Kima vouches for the account.\nDM: Allura stands up and begins to leave. The sovereign stands up and as he stands up the guards come out and they come to his side.\nPlayer: Good Sovereign, if I can have a moment? Did I hear correctly that Lord and Lady Briarwood were in town?\nDM: \"They were but a week ago.\"\nPlayer: They were but a week ago? And they've left, have they?\nDM: \"Yes. Do you know of Lord and Lady Briarwood?\"\nPlayer: Just in passing. Did they have business in town? Was there something in particular? I'm just curious. It doesn't really matter. I mean it does matter but not particularly.\nDM: \"It was relatively routine, we're establishing an official trade route through the northeast. Spanning the Boreal Plane to Whitestone.\"\nPlayer: Oh.\nDM: \"They inherited the region after the unfortunate demise of the Derolo family.\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"However our ambassador has noted that they've rebuilt rather well and honored the memory of the family and they're really committed to reestablishing the foothold of Whitestone in the north. So they came here on a diplomatic mission to open trade.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A scuffle ensues as they chase down a necromancer, a number of cultists, and some creatures from the Shadowfell. During the fray, Scanlan gets Sprigg back on his feet, and Keyleth kill a couple of the cultists with a Firestorm.\nDM: You see, currently down below-- make a perception check. Actually, you wouldn't even see them from your perspective.\nPlayer: I just rolled a natural 20.\nDM: Right, it's blocking your vision from this side. You do see Scanlan, you see Sprigg who is currently conscious, you see this necromancer who is currently held with brambles, and you see two streaking flames and hear screams on this side of the building.\nPlayer: Weird question, really quickly. Where is that giant log trap?\nDM: Right there.\nPlayer: How much swing does it have? Is it locked all the way over here, or is it hung back there?\nDM: It looks more like a drop.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you already vandalized with the Raven's Den and the Hearth of the Allhammer, and decides to skip the Valley Archive of the Cobalt Soul, since it's where Beau and Caleb are training and researching. She also decides against the King's Hall, since there are a lot of guards and it is the center of local law enforcement.\nDM: As you're rushing down, you look and there's two open doorways. One of them appears to be a dark interior, the other appears to lead to some sort of candlelight. The hall's coming to an end ahead of you. Right or left, which way are you going?\nPlayer: Wait. Say that again.\nDM: There's two open doorways. One is dark on the inside, the other seems to have candlelight from the interior.\nPlayer: Dark.\nDM: All right, you duck into the dark room.\nPlayer: This is like a Choose Your Own Adventure.\nDM: Yeah. The footfalls are coming faster and faster behind you, and Nott, you're noticing that they're drawing weapons and one of them appears to be pulling out some sort of a bead out of their pocket. That's all you notice.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back Blaze commercial\n International Tabletop Day 2018 reel\n Key Question Deadpool clip\nDM: That finishes Molly's go. Now, the ogres take their turn. This one right here, next to Beau, as you charged up and attempted to pummel it, go in a defensive stance, (chuckles). He's going to make two greatclub swings towards you, with disadvantage, because you have your-- Even with disadvantage, that is a 19 to hit? I rolled a 19 and a 13.\nPlayer: Uh-huh.\nDM: That hits. The second one, that is an 18 and a 14.\nPlayer: Okay, miss.\nDM: The second one misses. The first one, as it swings down towards you with heavy aggression. That is 13 points of bludgeoning damage as it slams into you and you hit up against the tree. As you barely catch yourself and right, the second swing goes through, and with that, you manage to pull underneath, your defensive stance ready to go, and you jam the club into the tree. The tree actually shakes, sending a bunch of leaves and a couple of birds scatter out from the inside as the ogre pulls the club back.\nPlayer: 13, correct?\nDM: Correct. With that, the ogre goes ahead and-- Actually, he's just going to move over here, and is going to shout at the dogs, \"Go! Carve face!\" The dogs get ready to pounce.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However the devil manages to resist the spell, which backfires on the druid by flashing in her eyes. you decides to head downstairs to try some of that meat the devils have been eating.\nDM: Okay. As the two of you head down, you can see-- There's that one central table to the left western side of the room that has almost like a trough look to it, with the jagged edges?\nPlayer: Yup.\nDM: Currently has four imps that are perched on the edge that are just tearing into bits, tearing it off and chewing and they all stop and look up at you, all four at once, as you walk down and they all just slowly chew as you approach and walk into the chamber.\nPlayer: Are they wearing armor and shit?\nDM: No.\nPlayer: Okay, good.\nDM: They are not wearing armor. Ipkesh is present, but not at the same table he was earlier. He's currently at the bar area talking with his rotund barkeep.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex explains about the stones and warns them that Thordak might come. you starts Plant Growth and helps to cast aside snow from the cropland.\nDM: It affects all normal plants within a hundred-foot radius. So you have a very specific portion that you revitalize in the ravine.\nPlayer: Okay. Well, I talked to Tooma and find out where she--\nDM: Actually, no, all plants in a half-mile radius are--\nPlayer: That's what I thought, yeah. In the eight hour one that's like, crazy.\nDM: I should have kept reading. Okay, so yeah. You talk to her about it, and she tells you, \"The ravine itself does not have the nutrients to support crops, but we had farmland right above the ravine.\"\nPlayer: All right. Do you plan to still reside there?\nDM: \"Once the snow melts, yes.\"\nPlayer: I'll do what I can. And I go there.\nDM: Okay. You get there, and through the use of your elemental magics, you easily cast aside the snow. And from underneath, you can see where once there was a heavy amount of cropland that has all died off because of the recent freeze that came with Vorugal. You take the eight hours to concentrate and as you, do you enrich the land. You can watch as many of these dead seeds come to life with green once more. Suddenly, you see sprouting bits of delicious cabbages and other forms of produce begin to spring to life and grow nutrient rich. As this happens, you can see a few of the Ravenites who followed you to watch this are taken aback and excitedly rush down to tell the rest of the people. The rest of you are bored out of your mind for the next eight hours.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon returning to the city of Whitestone, they found the rebellion was successful. The undead hordes have fallen to the blades of the surviving rallied warriors of Whitestone.\nDM: The crowd look among themselves and one of the lead architects for this whole endeavor nods to you. \"Sounds like a fair trade. If you're certain, sir.\"\nPlayer: I'm a very stringent businessman. Do hurry before I change my mind.\nDM: Gold piece is in your hand faster than you have a chance to-- you chip a tooth.\nPlayer: I don't understand this practice. It tastes like shit. Tastes fucking horrible.\nDM: Two casks of their precious ale roll up to the base of your foot.\nPlayer: (gasps) Two?!\nDM: Two.\nPlayer: One for each arm, eh? All right, the one that I have, I'm not stopping, until it's completely empty. Bring your goblets and cups. It's time to get fucked up.\nDM: Fantastic. All right, Vex.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog tells her to let her rage build and he will help her take down Raishan when the time is right. The meeting mostly consists of the group trying to figure out their next plan of attack, settling that they will go for Thordak before Raishan.\nDM: All right! So, bringing it back in. As your blade swings through and passes through the form of Seeker Asum, it shimmers and then darts backward into the corner of the room.\nPlayer: I immediately sheath and say No more tricks. If we're going to do this, we need everybody to know what's on the table.\nDM: At which point, everyone who stood up and held off at the chaos, you see all the faces going off in realization. Asum goes from a defensive position and then stands up again. Crosses the arms.\nPlayer: We're either going to win, or we're not. I was hoping you were going to take care of that.\nDM: \"We're working on that plan as we speak. But pardon me if I take a few-- how do you say-- careful backups in case one would take a blade and stab at an ally, supposedly.\"\nPlayer: You know damn well that we're not allies. You know damn well that this is a tenuous relationship. And you know that neither of us trust the other.\nDM: At which point, Allura puts her hand out and goes, \"I'm sorry. What the hell is going on here?!\"\nPlayer: We'll get there. I would hope that you wouldn't trust us, and I would hope that you understand that we don't trust you. But we need to make a real plan now.\nDM: As the tension slowly subsides, Gilmore puts his finger up, \"Pardon my momentary ignorance. Would you like me to cleanse the room?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There was a cart of horses pulling a group of four gnomes that all eventually revealed themselves to be family of Pike Trickfoot. After taking them in, whether or not Vox Machina was excited or eager to, nevertheless they treated them with hospitality, gave them a place to stay, gave them food for the evening, conversations were had, and information was passed around.\nDM: \"Of course. Enjoy. I'll just--\" And she goes back to her meal and begins cutting it up with fervor or frustration.\nPlayer: Can I take JB and ask her, did you happen to see my home on the tour?\nDM: \"I don't know where you live.\"\nPlayer: Would you like to see? I'd love to show you.\nDM: She sidelong glances at Pike helping Ogden up as they begin to make their way out. \"You know what? Yes. I would love that.\"\nPlayer: All right. I take her.\nDM: So you guys begin making your way. While they exit, because Ogden's a little slower, you and Ogden eventually make your way out to the front part of the castle, walking along the side grounds. He's with his cane, walking. \"What did you wish to discuss, young Pike?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They turned Caleb away after seeing the state of his clothes. you convinces the guard to walk her to the Pillowtrove.\nDM: After asking some questions and making your way around you eventually find the Tri-Spires, which is not too difficult to see once you know what you're looking for. You see these three very unique-looking towers that ascend past a round wall that encases the interior of this elite portion of the city. As you approach the wall-- the outer walls you see are basic stonework and masonry, thick as they may be and used as from a defensive position-- these walls are made of solid marble, and look more decorative than designed to be a military buttress of any kind. As you approach, you can see there are two entrances to it-- or at least you've been told there are two. The one that's nearest to you opens in the direction of the Pentamarket, and while the portcullis is lifted you see there are two crownsguard there, currently standing with spears and shields at the ready. A horse-drawn carriage clomps by you and makes its way inside. You guys approach and one of the guards steps forward. \"Can I help you, please?\"\nPlayer: Yes, we have business at the Pillow Trove.\nDM: \"I don't think you do. Please, shove off.\"\nPlayer: Oh, well, I have business at the Pillow Trove.\nDM: \"What's your business with the Pillow Trove?\"\nPlayer: I have a package that's being delivered there. What business do you have at the Pillow Trove?\nDM: \"Look, your friend here looks like he just wandered out of the Evening Nip if anything, so it would be best--\"\nPlayer: Oh, yes, I hired him to protect me because you know I'm very fragile and delicate, but if he doesn't look well enough to be my guard, you're welcome to walk me instead.\nDM: They look at each other. Make a persuasion check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, During the second watch, you is awakened by his Alarm and sends Frumpkin to investigate. Frumpkin sees a merrow has emerged into the chamber, who sees both the bodies and Frumpkin, and throws a spear at him, but you is able to bamf him out safely.\nDM: The loudest cat you've ever heard. Frumpkin is the neighborhood cat in heat at this point. He makes his way down through the tunnel. Make a perception check with disadvantage for Frumpkin because he\u2019s now coming around the edge.\nPlayer: Someone told me that cats have advantage on perception. Are they full of shit? You\u2019re my DM. Would it cancel out, is why I'm asking?\nDM: Would it cancel out? I would ask you to keep the stats of your cat on you for future reference.\nPlayer: I will.\nDM: They have advantage on wisdom perception checks that rely on smell. I'd say sure.\nPlayer: So cancel?\nDM: Yeah, it'll cancel out, so a straight roll.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The papers he burned were mostly maps. Their job was to meet with Marius LePual and either get the money back, or the orb, and deliver either to Avantika.\nDM: There was some things with bits of coded language on it, it looked like. But those have also been burned, and they're in chunks. You do your--?\nPlayer: Yeah, it takes ten-ish minutes to do Comprehend Languages, and if I'm touching--\nDM: Is it ten minute casting time?\nPlayer: It is ten minutes plus one minute as a ritual. So yeah.\nDM: As a ritual, it's whatever the duration is--\nPlayer: Casting time one action, plus ten minutes.\nDM: One action plus ten minutes, okay. There you go. Then it would be a total of 11 minutes. All righty. While you're working on that, you guys can continue to pry, if you want.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina made the relatively grim journey back to the mountainside, finding it now brimming with volcanic rock and volcanic activity that previously lay dormant. Upon climbing the side of the mountain, you found remnants of the Pyrah tribe still alive and making their way up the mountain, as damaged as they are, in hopes of sealing this now progressively swelling tear between the prime Material Plane and the Elemental Plane of Fire.\nDM: Okay, so as you throw the dagger, it goes right past Grog's ear and you hear the (whoosh) of the wind as it just brushes past your face. After you finish your backswing with Craven Edge, as the salamander creature rears back from the impact, it looks towards you, and its eyes twitch ever so slightly to your right as it sees the incoming blade a little too late as it (impact) right into its right eye socket. Its tongue lolls out of its jaw as it falls onto its back, and its tail moves and twitches for a few seconds before it eventually goes limp.\nPlayer: No, no, he's still alive! And I kick him. Now he's dead.\nDM: Grog stomps it into the ground. The twitching stops, the salamander now destroyed.\nPlayer: Does the dagger stay in his eye socket?\nDM: It's currently in the eye socket, yeah.\nPlayer: Ooh. Can I reach down and grab it?\nDM: Yeah. You reach down and grab the dagger, and as you pull it out, (poof) it turns into smoke in your hand.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, All carts passing through are being thoroughly inspected. Fjord uses the dodecahedron, since he'll be doing the talking.\nDM: Well, it's a series of chemicals. Tar, amber, resin, and things that are pulled from tree sap. There are other processes where you can distill that down, along with some more crude clays, to create this kind of adhesive. If you'd like to.\nPlayer: Yeah, I'll turn into a little gnome or something, and go around and shop, and get all the components I might need.\nDM: Okay. So you can go ahead and do that. Go ahead and make a general deception check.\nPlayer: Oh boy. Yeah, that's a two.\nDM: Okay. So you--\nPlayer: Oh, but deception's a minus three, so.\nDM: So negative one?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Silverware, tools, and coins looted from ships were tangled in the seaweed near the bases of the walls all around the chamber. The Mighty Nein realized that the floor they were walking on was almost completely covered in humanoid bones.\nDM: Okay. Glancing around, you can see areas where the seaweed is slowly shifting from the movement of Caleb's Expeditious Retreat. What was once still shifts, and you can see elements of the stone wall behind it. Your eyes barely make out a handful of small carvings in the wall. Small runic letters that are not in line, but at angle sporadically carved at places, but where the seaweed moves over and blocks it.\nPlayer: Does my Detect Magic-- which I think is just barely still up? I don't feel like this has been a ten-minute venture since that.\nDM: Yeah, I'd say you're pushing the edge on this one.\nPlayer: It's not much longer, I know.\nDM: I'd say as you step into this chamber-- are you heading to the center of it?\nPlayer: No, I'm just coming in and looking around.\nDM: As you're standing at the mouth of this, just past the edge, you do not detect anything particularly magical. Then as you take your first step into the chamber, you see this. You almost run into it. In the middle of this chamber, there is a small two-foot pedestal and a disc, a stone disc about that wide and about two feet from edge to edge that is resting on it but at an angle. It looks old. It looks weathered and there appears to be a spiral of runes, two sets of them, that curve inward around each other before merging in the center with one singular sigil where they meet.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside.\nDM: Look down, you see a young woman, maybe in her late teens, early twenties, long brown hair, tangled, covering one half of her face. You can see the edges of her lips are cracked from just dryness and lack of moisture. She's wearing, both of them actually are wearing just these long, simple cloth drape-over robes that are just, y'know, for any prisoners in here that need to not be wearing their normal clothing.\nPlayer: I've got three other goblets left, can I both give them a goblet and some ale, just to wet their lips and get a drink in?\nDM: They eagerly take it and begin scarfing it down, the dwarf's like, \"Oh! That's nothing!\" You can look at the dwarf now, he's elderly, crotchety, half-blind, one clouded eye, but for being a man who's been stuck in prison and slowly dying, he's got this wry grin on him at all times.\nPlayer: You're turning away good ale. Looks like you've seen many a moon.\nDM: \"You're telling me that. But no, seriously, that's like half full. Come on, don't be stingy!\"\nPlayer: I like your gall. And I pour more ale in.\nDM: \"That's the ticket!\" It's like spilling on the sides and getting stuck in his bright, bushy white beard, and each bit that dribbles down, he goes-- catches it and then pushes it back in, not wasting a single drop.\nPlayer: Beautiful. If you don't mind, ladies first, love, what is your name? Why are you in here?\nDM: \"It's Amelia. I was taken because they were-- the beasts were dealing with an uprising from some of us farm folk and, well, they took me as leverage in the argument. Stopped their-- stopped their arguing.\"\nPlayer: You're-- you're farm folk?\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\nPlayer: Do you have any family?\nDM: \"I do.\"\nPlayer: What are their names?\nDM: \"There's my father Reginald.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She Dimension Door'ed her way into the ritual room, which Vox Machina followed over the wall. She seemed to complete the ritual, creating this small, vacuous, spinning black sphere that is locked in place.\nDM: Yeah, you have no visual on him. The smoke entity has moved into the wall and is nowhere in your visible range right now, so you have nothing that you can attack in theory that you know of.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: If you have any buff spells, anything you want to do in preparation for it, or hold your action as well until it reappears, you can do that.\nPlayer: Okay, I'll hold my action.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Are you staying put? Are you moving at all, or do you want to stay where you are?\nPlayer: I think I'll stay. I can't see where I'm at, but I think I'll just stay.\nDM: Okay. Cool.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord tells them he sees visions of a giant eye, and hears a voice. The sphere reminds him of that eye, and he wants to know where the temple is.\nDM: Okay! It (whoosh) (clattering), the small shatter. The guy's like, \"Who goes there?\" (grunting) He goes walking in that direction. You get one final crate that you get to. You pull it open. Looking inside, it looks to be-- I'm sorry there isn't a whole lot more to find, but most of the cargo here is food. You find a lot of an older set of fruit, maybe various things that were brought from their last destination. The smell immediately hits you, of like fermenting orange and other types of various sweet, or at least now sweet, and fermented fruit.\nPlayer: Yeah, I'll grab some of that, too.\nDM: Okay. You quickly fill your pockets. It's squishy to the touch. When they put it in there, it (squish) on the inside. You feel it, the cold wetness of it, spilling against your shirt. You get some pockets filled with fermented fruit.\nPlayer: Okay, so I got an armful of gunpowder.\nDM: Yep.\nPlayer: Armful of rotting fruit.\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: That's a success. [cheering]\nDM: You make your way back?\nPlayer: I'm going to head back, yeah.\nDM: Okay, make another stealth check.\nPlayer: Oh boy, with advantage, I hope?\nDM: Yep.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax decks one of the skeletons with his right fist which has the symbol of Sarenrae sewn into the glove. The skeleton shrugs off the weak attack.\nDM: 11? Okay. As you smack into it, you can see the bones themselves are brittle by nature, but the solid slamming force of a thick piece of honed metal into the side of this bone-brittle creature just sends it shattering to the side. You get the feeling that these entities are particularly fragile against bludgeoning weapons. So your first strike just scatters one of the skeletons across the ground. You have one more in your reach if you want to go for your second attack.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: 20.\nDM: 20. Go ahead and roll damage on that one.\nPlayer: 16. 22.\nDM: (explosion noise) The second one just explodes up into the air. You can see one of its shields goes flying off and lands on one of the roofs, almost like Walter White's pizza.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord instructed Orly Skiffback to plot a course for Bisaft Isle. The\n Squall Eater\n still needs repairs from the battle with Avantika and her crew on Darktow Isle.\nDM: It's already powder. It's already explosive. You're just constructing a casing and a means of detonation. Just roll and add your dexterity modifier.\nPlayer: Three times?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: All right. Two, 11, 13! Plus four. So 17, 15, low.\nDM: Okay. You make two.\nPlayer: Hey! That's great.\nDM: The third one...\nPlayer: Oh no.\nDM: In the crow's nest, as Fjord--\nPlayer: No, I'm down near the cannons.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The younger half-elf tells her father that she still needs time with Vox Machina, but she will return to Zephrah when she is done. Korrin accepts this and tells her that\u2014while she is not bound to Zephrah\u2014it is her home.\nDM: \"All right. Come back. Do what you need to. You're not bound to this mountain. Just know that your heart is here, and we'll call for you if we need you. And when you're not needed beyond it, this is your home.\"\nPlayer: Thanks, Dad.\nDM: \"I'm proud of you.\" And his professional exterior falls away and he just steps forward and gives you a big, warm, fatherly embrace and just holds you there.\nPlayer: Okay, Dad. Thank-- okay.\nDM: \"Sorry.\" He rights his posture, shoulders back.\nPlayer: I do the same. Adjust my mantle a bit. Another question. Do I have to wear this like all the time? It's a little unwieldy. It feels a little froufrou-y. Kind of ceremonial. It's just a little, feel like I'm going to trip on it.\nDM: \"You know, do what you like. It's yours.\"\nPlayer: Okay. 'Cause going upstairs in it, like in the heels, it's a little unwieldy. I mean, it's beautiful! I'm going to go get a drink.\nDM: \"You probably should.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Yeah.\nDM: \"All right.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Above that, x bars against the wall where, in the center, you saw a gold inlaid seal with an empty triangular shape, like a pyramid inverted, and a series of these iron warriors that were embedded in the walls. Behind the stairway, you saw means of smelting metal and other forms of material.\nDM: 32 points of slashing damage as the blade rakes across the front of your chest and forces you back even further. Your shoulders end up slamming into the ceiling from the impact of both you retracting back and the blow itself. Your wings have to catch you for a second and you're keeping yourself elevated at the moment. Finishing your turn there. That brings us to Grog.\nPlayer: Right. Standing by the blacksmithing stuff, I say, you are interrupting Grog's arts and crafts! And I would like to rage.\nDM: All right. Into a rage you go.\nPlayer: And I would like to charge at that little bastard right there.\nDM: This one here on its own?\nPlayer: Yes, please.\nDM: Up into his face you go.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They don't see any movement, but Vax notices that one of the doors is broken and left ajar. you turns into a bat and flies up to one of the windows on the upper floor.\nDM: -- splatters and puddles of blood. Large bits of blood across the ground that is dried, but from your current vision from this, there is no sign of any living or individuals or bodies. There was a battle that took place here, but there is nothing present to signify who or what.\nPlayer: How big is this room?\nDM: This room is about 25 feet tall\nPlayer: Does it look like it goes deeper?\nDM: It does look like it goes deeper, there is a slight-- this is the upper floor, there is a grade, almost like a slow-- the word escapes me for a second.\nPlayer: Like a downgrade.\nDM: Yes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Cree asks the others where Lucien is. Caleb lies that Lucien had his own business, and they parted ways.\nDM: Then the barkeep, who's the ragged middle-aged man who's running the bar at the moment. One eye, you don't know if it's swollen shut or if he's missing an eye or he's just wanting to study you very closely with the left one. He leans forward and goes, \"You're joking, right?\"\nPlayer: (forced) Ha! Yeah. (forced laughter)\nDM: \"It's funny, It's a funny joke, that's a really funny joke.\"\nPlayer: It's a good one. I've been working on it.\nDM: \"I can tell. It's workshopped well.\"\nPlayer: Well, we'll just have some whiskey, then.\nDM: \"Whiskey, I got you whiskey.\" Puts a couple shots on the bar, fills them up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, ((not completed))\nDM: Pushing further in you can see now the clouds beginning to dissipate, and also for the first time since you've been here you see blue sky directly above the city. The vibrant orange-red-purple colors of the sunset now come cascading along the city of Whitestone, and there's a collective (gasps), an inhale and gasp of awe from the soldiers and the people alike as this opens up above you. You begin to walk past. The Alcove's to your left, if you wish to--\nPlayer: I want to stop in.\nDM: Okay. As you start heading towards the Alcove you can see Jordana is already out on the front stoop looking up at the sky. She looks over and sees you. \"Percival!\"\nPlayer: I give her a big hug.\nDM: It takes her by surprise at the moment, and then she gives in and continues to give the hug back.\nPlayer: This would not have been possible without your help. Thank you for everything.\nDM: \"Of course.\" She leans into the hug a little bit, then nods and then raises her head. \"Did you see my father?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, while everyone else is taking breakfast, Pike checks the front door and finds about 20 skeletons waiting outside. She and Grog charge out to handle them.\nDM: Still does not hit. As soon as you fire, it hits but it sparks off what looks like big plate armor on this caster that the robes were obscuring. As it hits, it tears through the cloth and you see the reflection of armor beneath.\nPlayer: That's irritating. All right, forget sharpshooter. One more. That's better. 24 to hit.\nDM: 24 hits, yeah.\nPlayer: This is not the one I have the Hex on, right? Okay, that's fine. I should have done that differently. 12 points of damage and one point of psychic damage.\nDM: All righty. This does hit. (gunshot) Doesn't seem to affect him much.\nPlayer: He's still fine, isn't he? That's fine. I'm going to hit him again.\nDM: Go for it. Scanlan, you're up next.\nPlayer: That's like 35 to hit. Jesus Christ, I rolled a 19. And that's 17 points of damage and one point of psychic damage.\nDM: All righty. Still standing. Not showing any wear and tear. Taking damage, but does not appear to be wounded significantly.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The next morning, you scries to check on Greyskull Keep.\nDM: You take a moment and concentrate on the kitchen. At this point in time, you can see early morning. Laina is currently in there, yawning, and is cleaning about and starting to make a small breakfast for all the guards. You can hear in the distance, some conversation in the distant room. It appears to be a couple of your various employed mercenaries having a conversation as she's making breakfast.\nPlayer: So they're fine.\nDM: They seem fine.\nPlayer: So I knock that one off, and I'll try for Pike.\nDM: Okay. Concentrating on Pike-- about two minutes of hard concentration. There's no connection.\nPlayer: They wiped my poo away.\nDM: You gather, due to the relatively fresh and unstable nature of this potion you had concocted, you can only have one source connection up at a time, so when you left it in your keep, it seems that the one you had at the temple of Sarenrae was alleviated of its magical presence. What was once a magical scry poo is literally just Scan-scat at the temple.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Lillith Daturai the tiefling wizard (guest Kit Buss), currently magically disguised as a human servant) enters the scene, and Seeker Assum appears out of a wardrobe in the Briarwoods' bedroom before leaping down to Vax and pulling him away from the attacking nobles, but he then succumbs to Silas' charm attack. In her eagle form, Keyleth swoops into the bedroom and grabs Scanlan in her talons with the intention of joining the fight below.\nDM: The fury pumps through your veins in an attempt at vengeance at what appears to be your twin brother at death's door. You pull the arrow from the back of your quiver. As you feel the energy gather from the atmosphere around you, while the energy itself is a blue crackling energy, you see it as bright, vibrant crimson red. You release it with a scream towards Lady Briarwood. Go ahead and roll damage on that.\nPlayer: What do I do, times two?\nDM: Yes, times two.\nPlayer: So it was 32 damage on her, and then everybody within ten feet has to make a dex save.\nDM: All right, he doesn't get one.\nPlayer: Not him. He's not in it. And I Hunter's Marked her.\nDM: Right, so it does additional damage.\nPlayer: Fuck. One.\nDM: One. Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. you managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: Okay, so you'll be there. At the end of your turn, Umbrasyl's going to use another legendary action to make a second tail attack at Scanlan again, frustrated by this whole circumstance.\nPlayer: I'm sure he is.\nDM: That's a 20.\nPlayer: Can I use Cutting Words?\nDM: You may, if you want to.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: It's a natural 20.\nPlayer: Oh?!\nDM: You could reduce the damage though, with your Cutting Words.\nPlayer: All right, I'll do that.\nDM: Probably for the best. For that, you suffer 28 points of bludgeoning damage. As the tail swoops down, finding its mark, slamming into you, sending you against the wall of the stonework, and you stumble forward back into place, feeling already the impact of the bludgeoning wound.\nPlayer: That's a four, so.\nDM: So you reduce that to 24.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord manages another kill with Eldritch Blast, leaving two up, including the priest. Caleb takes a hit that breaks his concentration on Molly's Haste, stunning Molly for a round.\nDM: Jester, as you come back into the next chamber, you're looking around and there's no sign of Kiri. You see natural stone, the pool, a piece of wall to the side, and there's no sign.\nPlayer: Oh no! She's been taken! Kiri! Kiri!\nDM: (like Jester) \"I'm Kiri!\" You look around and you don't see anything.\nPlayer: Kiri? Where are you? Are you invisible?\nDM: (like Jester) \"Yes, I'm very sweet!\"\nPlayer: Oh, Kiri! I'm going to find you. Say \"warmer\" or \"colder,\" and I start walking around the room. Warmer?\nDM: (like Jester) \"Warmer?\" You slowly start making your way towards this weird cylindrical stone wall that you now realize wasn't there before.\nPlayer: This is a weird-looking wall.\nDM: You reach through and your hand goes right into a tuft of feathers. (startled chirping)\nPlayer: Kiri!\nDM: Kiri reaches up and grabs your hand, and you pull her through the illusion. She steps out and goes, (like Cali) \"I killed people!\"\nPlayer: Good for you! I did too, just barely. It was a bad day for me, Kiri.\nDM: Kiri points to one of the bodies of the merrow that you had killed the night before that's barely visible out of the water there. It looks like it has a couple stab wounds to it, and Kiri's like--\nPlayer: Did you go stab a dead person?\nDM: (chirping)\nPlayer: We should probably teach you that's not the coolest thing to do, I don't think, but it's fine that you did it this time. I'm sure he didn't feel it. But probably if we're in a place where other people are around, we probably shouldn't stab people that are already hurt.\nDM: (like Jester) \"Okay, okay, okay.\"\nPlayer: I mean, no, that's a lie. Unless they are attacking you. Don't stab people that are dead-dead.\nDM: (like Jester) \"Okay, okay, okay.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With you's dancing lights glowing ahead, The Mighty Nein row down the underground river, coming to smaller gaps every few miles in which the boat containing Yasha, Nott and you pulls ahead in a friendly race. Throughout the journey, Jester fantasizes about Tusk Love, casting Fjord as the hero, Oskar.\nDM: That ends Fjord's turn. Another one swoops down and is going to attempt to envelope the one that scorched its ally.\nPlayer: I am a monk, it's fine.\nDM: That's going to be a 14 to hit.\nPlayer: Yeah, of course it hits.\nDM: You take nine points of bludgeoning damage and it is attached to you.\nPlayer: Yeah that's wunderbar.\nDM: The one that is still existing is going to attempt to attach to you once again, Nott.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Trinket races to Vax's side as Vex unleashes two more arrows at Lady Briarwood. Both strike true, momentarily dispelling her cloak's Mirror Image effect.\nDM: Actually, ignore the last attack. Because technically, Lady Briarwood would have lost her concentration on the Haste spell she had on him from the damage she took earlier.\nPlayer: Ignore the last attack?\nDM: Ignore the last attack.\nPlayer: So that would have been-- my first save is 13?\nDM: 13? All right, that does succeed.\nPlayer: And that's 22, yeah.\nDM: So you resist the effect of the two strikes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: \"Well, for now, I have a number of operatives topside who are currently trying to get as much information on the red one as possible. The piles of wealth are growing, and it looks like the beast is building a damn home out of the district.\"\nPlayer: The city's going to need a black market.\nDM: \"Oh, I am aware, and we are preparing for that. However, it's still fairly fresh, and individuals aren't willing to release any coin when all of it goes to the pouches of the thing that sits on us. Word has gotten back that Westruun was also hit rather hard in the night. And these creatures have continued eastward ever since-- no further word on their whereabouts. So we're put in a reactionary position, which I loathe. We're used to being ahead of the rest of the curve.\"\nPlayer: Well, here's where we could help each other.\nDM: \"It would appear that could be a possibility.\"\nPlayer: We need this city to stay alive. We need the citizenry to be fed, and we need people to know where they're going to get their medicine and when they're going to get their food. We understand it's going to be tricky. We need information, we need spies, we need to know what's happening in the city, and you need people like us to stay out of your way.\nDM: \"That seems like a fairly top-heavy trade in our direction, if you ask me. There are many ways to get people out of our way.\"\nPlayer: There are ways that we can benefit each other.\nDM: \"I would love to hear it.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: However! Still rolled pretty low on the damage. That's going to be nine points of piercing damage for the second one.\nPlayer: Can I use it again or no?\nDM: What does it say on the glove? It's a reaction. You only get one reaction per round, so no, you cannot.\nPlayer: What did they roll to hit, though?\nDM: That one was a 20, a natural 20.\nPlayer: A natural 20, so it hits no matter what.\nDM: Yeah. So yeah, you take nine points of piercing damage as the other javelin streaks past you, it cuts past the shoulder, nothing too bad, but didn't quite take away from the moment that you just got to enjoy.\nPlayer: I took eight points of damage?\nDM: Nine points of piercing damage. All right, that ends that orc's turn. This one, the one that seems more decorated with the gem-encrusted headband runs out and starts shouting orders.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord wanted to immediately head towards the orb, but the rest of the party wanted to investigate Vandran's cabin further. Caduceus determined the creature that left claw marks was the same one that forced the box open.\nDM: Oh, got you. So it would be 20 feet because you round down in D&D unless it specially says otherwise. So you'd be just out of range.\nPlayer: Then let me spend a ki point to do Step of the Wind.\nDM: All right, that'll get you the distance you need there.\nPlayer: Which sucks, but that's okay. Then I'm going to attack.\nDM: (singing) Do it!\nPlayer: Just jam my staff into its face. Not too bad. 22.\nDM: 22 hits.\nPlayer: Okay. That's good. Ten.\nDM: Ten points of damage. You have advantage on that attack, by the way, because of the Guiding Bolt.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The three guards dart out into the rainstorm. you leaps over the banister, holding his warhammer over his head, and slams it down into the torso of one of the prone guards, caving in the armor and ribcage.\nDM: Even if you don't need the advantage, it's nice to roll a second time in case because there's a chance of a natural 20.\nPlayer: That's 20, 30.\nDM: 30 points of damage on him. (whack) This one you actually bring down onto his other leg. That leg snaps.\nPlayer: Is he on his back?\nDM: He's on his back and he's trying to pull away from you.\nPlayer: Right on the knee.\nDM: Right on the knee? (crack) It snaps underneath and he screams out in pain as the hammer pulls back. You can see where the bone is jutting out. You've actually taken off the lower half of his leg from the sheer bludgeoning force, and he's now bleeding out onto the ground a little bit. Not as much as he would be, because the flame cauterized the impact from the hammer.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They decide to find another way for Horris to leave and return to the inn. you tells the group that the stone from the Sutan Residence is half of a set of Sending Stones, and they put it in the Haversack.\nDM: \"Ten whole platinum. All right there. 50 gold from each of you. That\u2019s a healing potion to each of you.\"\nPlayer: Also, I assume it is out of my reach price-wise, and I'm on a budget, but do you deal in arcane knowledge? Pre-prepared scrolls of any kind?\nDM: \"Yeah. We have certainly many number of various scrolls and scroll types and spells. If that's what you're looking for, we can definitely provide.\"\nPlayer: What is the range? What are your lowest rung, I guess I'm curious to know.\nDM: \"I'm going to go ahead and double-check here.\" He goes through his ledger. \"Let's see. The very basic ones, whether that be cantrips or 1st-level spellcasting, those are fairly common. Those will put you back about 50 to 100 gold, approximately.\"\nPlayer: DM, a question from Liam. Can cantrips be added if they're found?\nDM: I imagine they could.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, you douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: 13 points of damage from that first strike. You carve through the body. Its eyes still locked on-- (chuckles) Its eyes are still locked on Shak\u00e4ste, not looking away, going (grunts).\nPlayer: Shot number two is 21 to hit.\nDM: That hits. Roll damage again for that one.\nPlayer: That's seven points of damage. I'm going to try and see what happens if I disengage.\nDM: All right. So as you back away.\nPlayer: I'm going to back away towards me.\nDM: That way. It sees you walk away and makes a strike towards you.\nPlayer: Does he try and make his strike?\nDM: He does.\nPlayer: I was just curious. I was going to hit him if he's going to try and hit me. I'm going to hit him right back with Blood Maledict.\nDM: Okay. That'll give him disadvantage.\nPlayer: I'm going to use the full Blood Maledict so I'm going to take a little damage. Yep. Oh, I take my three points of damage. I start bleeding again from the neck.\nDM: As his eyes go black and you watch him begin to bleed from the corners of its eyes. The second roll for that attack was a three plus five. So yeah, it misses you; it's an eight.\nPlayer: I'm going to back up a little further to get--\nDM: Like over here? Ending Molly's turn, Nott, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan then inspires Grog, the goliath seeing the gnome's ass as two round globes of victory. Scanlan then backs away out of sight to avoid getting shot by arrows.\nDM: Yes, and they all have advantage because he's paralyzed. This is bad for Kevdak, but we'll see how it works.\nPlayer: Okay, so.\nDM: Still raging, so everything's half-damage.\nPlayer: So 19 plus 12 probably hits on the first attack.\nDM: Yeah, that does.\nPlayer: Okay. 19 plus 12 hits on the second.\nDM: Yep.\nPlayer: And 17 plus 12 hits on the third?\nDM: Yeah, they all hit.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm adjusting my glasses, I'm so nervous. Okay. 28 on the first hit.\nDM: 28, reduced to 14, okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and Jester jump overboard as the crewman leaps from the crow's nest to the deck, breaking a leg and screaming, creating an uproar on deck. Nott and Jester make it safely to shore and stroll away to the tavern, joined shortly by Caleb and you.\nDM: Okay. You only see one figure that you recognize from the crew and they are recovering from a series of stab wounds and are deep in their cups.\nPlayer: Oh. What's-his-name.\nDM: Waldok.\nPlayer: I sit down next to Waldok with another drink and hand him a drink.\nDM: He takes it and goes, \"Thanks!\" (hiccup)\nPlayer: Holy shit, man. I am so sorry we couldn't have been there to protect you from these attackers.\nDM: \"Attackers? It's just fucking him.\" He points over at the other guy who's just like, \"Stop rubbing it in. I'm sorry! You fucking jumped into the middle of my room at night while I was sleeping. What else am I supposed to do?\" He's like, \"Not stab me, asshole!\"\nPlayer: Who's the other guy's name?\nDM: \"That's Zoen.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party awakens to a clean-shaven Caleb. They descend into the first chamber.\nDM: Oh, buddy. That does hit you. So the first harpoon strike against you-- that's eight plus four, 12 points of piercing damage. It jams you into the abdomen from that side. The other strike--\nPlayer: The other person, I'm casting Curse of the Eyeless on the second.\nDM: This guy's finishing his round. He's attempting to bite you, that's going to be a 15.\nPlayer: That does not hit.\nDM: As he bites down towards you, this time as you pull the trident out you jam it up and it throws him off and clips him in the side of the chin, breaking off one of his teeth. At that moment, the guy behind you is going to swing in with his harpoon as well.\nPlayer: Curse of the Eyeless.\nDM: Okay, reaction to that.\nPlayer: And I take my three points of damage.\nDM: That's cocked. So he has a regular strike on this one, so the attack with the harpoon is going to be a 21 to hit, unfortunately.\nPlayer: With disadvantage?\nDM: Well, he had advantage because he had you flanked, so it just made it a general roll.\nPlayer: Okay, that hits.\nDM: So that is going to be ten points of piercing damage as the other harpoon jams you in the back. As you're arcing upward, it's going to attempt to bite down at you, but its eyes have gone dark and it's just biting wild in front, using the thrashing of your body to guide itself. That is going to be a natural seven plus six, 13. Misses. So it bites down, you manage to duck out of the way and slam the hilt of your scimitar up into its face and knock it off to the side. That's going to end their go. That brings us to Beau. I need you to make a death saving throw, please.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: \"You know, some folks don't have as much coin as others, but what can you do to really help them? We do what we can, but there's a lot of dangerous things out there. We got all sorts of baddies coming over from Xhorhas, we got the possible encroaching of foreign powers always looking to peek over the mountain range and try and steal some of our hard-earned materials. So I think it's good they keep us nice and safe and, I mean, I got myself a fine business, too.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. I think it's great that you support the barracks. Do they come in for regular purchases every week or every month or find themselves in your store more often than not?\nDM: \"Who are you referring to?\"\nPlayer: The members of the Cerberus Assembly.\nDM: \"Oh no, they don't come to the store often. They usually send requests, they make orders and I have them sent on over to either Rexxentrum or the Hall, if that's where they're going to be utilizing them.\"\nPlayer: That's wonderful. Well, thank you, thank you for your time.\nDM: \"No worries. They're a fine bunch. They do a lot of good, they keep the Crown in check, they make sure there's no abuse of power and they also have been very staunch supporters of helping promote learning here in the smaller, more middle to lower classes here in Zadash.\"\nPlayer: Oh really? They're not as protective of certain knowledges as other parts of the government might be?\nDM: \"Well, I mean, protective of knowledge in the sense that not everyone can be trusted with knowledge and, I'm not going to lie, some of the things even I know could be real dangerous in the wrong hands, so I think it's important there has to be a certain level of control. I've seen some really nutty people out there that I can't imagine what it would be like if we didn't have some sort of law and order.\"\nPlayer: But they might be a bit more open-minded to people sharing in that knowledge if they were the right type of person, say?\nDM: \"Could very well be! They've been very kind to me.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Kashaw Vesh, a human cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Hotis then attempts to flee but is held back by Tiberius. As the team assault him, a suit of armor animates and comes to his aid, hitting them all with a stored Fireball.\nDM: Okay. All right, so you create a spiritual weapon of some kind. What weapon would you like to create?\nPlayer: How about a giant mace?\nDM: Okay, so as you clutch your holy symbol to yourself, now there's a sudden pillar of bright, vibrant healing light surrounded by that same halo of pitch-black darkness, almost like this strange border around it. This duality hits the ground, and as it vanishes, you can see on the ground this shimmering, almost static-y mace is left behind, almost flickering in and out of existence. It drifts off on its own and is now hovering in the air next to you.\nPlayer: Sweet.\nDM: Do you wish to send it up?\nPlayer: I do. I wish to send it towards the rakshasa. Concentrate all fire on the rakshasa.\nDM: Okay. What's the damage on the magical weapon?\nPlayer: When I cast the spell, I can make a melee spell attack against a creature within five feet of the weapon.\nDM: All right, so roll a d20 and add your spell attack bonus.\nPlayer: Spell attack bonus is-- 20.\nDM: 20 hits. Roll damage. It's 1d8 plus five, which is your spell bonus.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then made their way into the city of Deastok, to the Darrington Estate, and were led up into the study of Howaardt Darrington, father of you. They all discussed the reasons of why Tary was brought back, the current financial state of the family, and the intent to resolve and remedy long-standing sins of the father through ' you standing up and doing his family duty', from Howaardt's perspective.\nDM: Okay. You make your way back to the second floor and off to the far western end of the estate, to what you recall being Maryanne's chambers. So as you enter her room, which has become her own study, as you recall last time seeing her, her room was becoming more and more of a functional office, and as you knock and push the door open like a familiar brother does, not wishing for any patience on her end, necessarily, you can see the interiors. The bed's there for function. Most if it is, I wouldn't say a replica, but it very much resembles the decor and mood of your father's study. You see her currently sitting at a desk in the corner. Her blonde hair is tied back in a tied braid that runs down her back. She wears a coat and pants and seems to be dressed a little formally or businesslike for being casually at home. You haven't really seen her dress like this before, at least not in a casual circumstance. As you glance over past the doorway she looks up from her papers and goes, \"Brother!\"\nPlayer: Hello, sister.\nDM: \"Brother, what--\" She closes the book. You can see she's been looking over ledgers and catalogues. Looks like she's been doing a fair amount of work here at the desk and stands up in a very formal way and begins to step towards you. \"When have you arrived?\"\nPlayer: Just today. Father kidnapped me and brought me home.\nDM: \"Kidnapped?\"\nPlayer: Well, I'm not a kid, but still works. Abducted. Abducted me and brought me home. Paid someone to do it.\nDM: \"Right.\"\nPlayer: Yes. Anyway, it's good to see you. Your room is coming along quite nicely. It seems like you're running the show now, is that true?\nDM: \"No, not quite, but the responsibilities have definitely been mounting. You look well. How have the wind-tossed roads of Exandria treated you this past year?\"\nPlayer: Well, I have had many adventures and close calls, but I won't bore you with those details. It's been an interesting year abroad, and I would say I'm glad to be back, but for the abduction part and also the fact that I've now learned that we are destitute? Is that true?\nDM: \"We're on the path to destitution, yes.\"\nPlayer: So it's true; he wasn't just trying to guilt me.\nDM: \"Probably both, to be honest. We're in a relatively dire situation compared to our previous long-standing lifestyle choices. We're trying to fix this mess.\"\nPlayer: And what would have been your plan had I not arrived today?\nDM: \"Well, you were part of the plan. We're trying to figure this out the best we can and given the circumstances, we feel this is probably one of the most viable and least dangerous or risky endeavors in which we can right the family's trajectory.\"\nPlayer: By marrying me to some lady I've never met?\nDM: \"Oh, you're welcome to meet her. I've met her. I helped to arrange this.\"\nPlayer: What is she like?\nDM: \"She's very nice. She's very pretty, a bit bookish, which once again would befit you rather well, but let's be honest. This is a political marriage. You do what you want. I mean, there isn't a politician or a lord of this land that hasn't in some way, shape, or form made their own life outside of the family.\" At that point, you noticed she gets a bit dark and seems to speak with this bit of sarcasm.\nPlayer: And father's businesses, are they being run the same way? With the same attention to detail?\nDM: \"There's been no necessary change to the way business has been done. Other than the transition of some responsibilities, of course.\" And she gives a slight nod. She's getting a little uncomfortable as this conversation continues.\nPlayer: Listen, I'm sorry to pop in like this and challenge your judgment, but me marrying this person would solve our problems long-term? Somehow?\nDM: \"Marrying into this family, the Truscan lot, would enable us the resources and connections to reacquire the deeds to our land, to reacquire the business elements that we've been in this unnecessary partnership with for some time, and would enable us to once again reclaim complete rulership of our family-controlled lands.\"\nPlayer: Do we not own anything anymore?\nDM: \"It is a partnership that is quickly sliding into the behest of the Myriad.\"\nPlayer: So what is ours now? Anything? Our personal belongings? This home?\nDM: \"We still own everything, in partnership. Own solely on our own? Some of the furniture.\"\nPlayer: And again, if I do this, what's to say we're not just going to drive up another debt again? Doesn't seem like father or you have been very good at keeping us in the black.\nDM: \"I have only been recently brought into this unfortunate circumstance, brother. And you can trust in knowing that in my studies and my time spent here, working with father, being very clear, and very thorough with the mistakes he's made in the past, I will not be doomed to repeat them.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They arrive without too much trouble at a point directly above where Vex senses the sword. you glides through the earth as an elemental, but is unable to find the sword, so Vex decides to look for it by dousing herself in Oil of Etherealness.\nDM: Okay. You coast along the outside and you can sense that you're traveling on the outskirts of this descending tunnel where the acidic liquid is encased, and eventually it rounds out.\nPlayer: I do another sword check.\nDM: Make an investigation check.\nPlayer: Am I at disadvantage again?\nDM: No, because you know what you're looking for.\nPlayer: That's good! Don't fuck me, Gil! 16.\nDM: Okay. You reach out and you grab forth, and you feel a few things that you grab and as you sense them, you poke your head through, which in the process of doing, you do suffer six points of acid damage, and your hands find bones. And glancing through a little bit into the space, you can see the entire bottom of this basin is bones. Probably a good four to five feet of stacked bones. This has been used as a means of disposing of unwanted things.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While Beau throws wild haymakers, missing with her first hit, Dairon retaliates with only very light, disciplined taps. Beau's next few hits land hard.\nDM: \"Right, that'll probably be in the Hillsward. It's a bit pricey, but I don't know if it's open this late.\"\nPlayer: I know, but how much are we talking about?\nDM: \"Oh, I'd put it maybe somewhere in the neighborhood of five silver for a bath.\"\nPlayer: That's expensive.\nDM: \"But you get bathed like proper, multiple people bathing you.\"\nPlayer: Northward, you say?\nDM: \"No, Hillsward.\"\nPlayer: Okay, good.\nDM: \"I mean, no offense to you. Their clientele is a bit, upper class.\"\nPlayer: I'm not worried.\nDM: \"Alright, fair enough.\"\nPlayer: Danke. And I head up there.\nDM: Okay. Beau, as you exit with Zeenoth. As soon as you step into the night air, a second figure flanks your other side. The hooded figure from earlier that had caught you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ogden tells her the history of how the Trickfoots were first cursed. He explains that he has spent his life researching this curse, and once succeeded in exorcising it from Johann some years ago.\nDM: Okay. You do note this in the first couple days: while it's been long blown-over and destroyed and scattered, you do see elements that seem like a large nest that have been wind-scattered up here and left for a long time. And as you look through the chunks and pieces, you see bits of dried leather, flesh, and with that in mind, over the next two days, you begin to see, way off in the north, what appear to be a number of flying entities that group in clusters that kind of exist over the cliffside, down along the actual mountain edge, and occasionally have apparently made distant nests and are still maneuvering in the distance.\nPlayer: Do I see the type of feather it is? Can I tell what kind of creature it was?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: 32.\nDM: Using the combination of your broom and your ranger-like vision, you've encountered these creatures once before, at the Salted Bluff, but avoided them. There are small clusters of harpies that make their home here on the cliffsides by the ocean.\nPlayer: Yeah, they took all our horses.\nDM: Yep. They picked them apart last time you first made your way to Whitestone. So you're very careful to make sure that whatever camp you set up is camouflaged as best as possible. Since that is one of your specialties as a ranger, it's not too bad. Go ahead and make a stealth check, please. This will be your stealth check for the camp.\nPlayer: I can't cast Pass Without a Trace?\nDM: Not on your camp.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you responds, Speak fast, before I kill you. you and Trinket enter the room.\nDM: And now there's a bear coughing and kind of thrashing about the room. The table it bumps into and it kind of topples over.\nPlayer: Is this like a turn thing or can I do something?\nDM: Well, this is just a reactionary moment of you guys coughing and trying to get out of this poisonous fume.\nPlayer: I mean, can I quickly cast Protection from Poison on Trinket?\nDM: You can, yes.\nPlayer: Okay. I do that.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: And that cures it.\nDM: That completely removes the poison?\nPlayer: Yes it does.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Yay Trinket!\nDM: Well done. So that's your action. You now, as you are checking the door and you open it up, you hear all this commotion going off to the side now. Scanlan, you're over there as well, watching as more plumes of these poisonous smoke bits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The barbarian prepares to enter the fray, but Anders casts Dominate Person on the goliath who easily falls prey to the spell. He then orders the dominated Grog to kill Vax, who looks at the goliath with trepidation.\nDM: That would be 16 points of slashing damage, and 20 points of slashing damage with the second strike, so a total of 36 points of slashing damage. And you can feel this strange, angry vibrating growl coming from within this unhallowed armor that floats before you. That ends their go. Keyleth, you're up.\nPlayer: I'm running like hell. Running, running, running. Can I see? Can I peek around the corner just to see?\nDM: You can just peek around the corner and see the circumstance.\nPlayer: Can I see Cassandra?\nDM: You do, yes.\nPlayer: Healing Word.\nDM: Okay, go ahead and roll.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina made the relatively grim journey back to the mountainside, finding it now brimming with volcanic rock and volcanic activity that previously lay dormant. Upon climbing the side of the mountain, you found remnants of the Pyrah tribe still alive and making their way up the mountain, as damaged as they are, in hopes of sealing this now progressively swelling tear between the prime Material Plane and the Elemental Plane of Fire.\nDM: Both just (fireball impacts), cracking into the ground to the sides of where you're standing, barely missing them. It keeps glaring down at the rest of you with a smile. Ending that, it brings us to Vax. You're up.\nPlayer: I got a high stealth right beforehand, so am I hidden at the moment?\nDM: As far as you know, depending on the individual. You don't know who saw you and who didn't.\nPlayer: As far as I know. All right. Balls. I'm just going to throw three daggers at the salamander, right from where I am.\nDM: Right from where you are? All right.\nPlayer: Yeah, okay, so. First is a 20, second is a 14, third is a 19.\nDM: Okay. The first one was what?\nPlayer: 20.\nDM: The first and the third hit. If you are hidden, though, which you would technically be hidden from this individual, you do have advantage on those attacks, so you can reroll the--\nPlayer: And if I'm hidden it's a surprise, right? On that guy? You tell me.\nDM: No, no, it's a sneak attack if you're hidden. A surprise round is if they have no idea that you're there.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, One, a duergar, is wearing similar armor to the guards but with silver and gold scrolling and wearing a long, dark, tattered purple cape, and a scar across the cheek that leads into a gnarled grey beard. On its back is a gargantuan scabbard holding a two-handed sword.\nDM: -- not so small, not dwarven. Actually, very tall, lanky, long, black and purple robes, a hood, obscuring its features, stepping roughly two feet behind it as they both step on to the platform to address the rest of the guard and the approaching party of duergar dwarves you've been following. You can see some conversation happening, but you're too far away to really make out anything that's being said, do you want to move closer?\nPlayer: Do I speak their language?\nDM: Do you speak Undercommon?\nPlayer: Nope!\nDM: Then you-- it all sounds gibberish to you!\nPlayer: Then, no thank you.\nDM: Okay. But you see some conversation happening. This seemingly officious duergar, this general that steps out and commands the attention in the room, makes a few gestures, shouts out to amongst the other nearby. Not quite sure, but you get the idea he's giving orders or directions. The war party then begins to pull the slaves back away, and--\nPlayer: The captives? Okay.\nDM: The captives. Begins pulling them away toward another section on the side. As it does, the tall, lanky figure, which you now get the sense that it's not really walking. It's just kind of drifting--\nPlayer: (apprehensive sound)\nDM: -- holds its hand out. This long, long finger and lanky hand, and as it does, every single duergar in the vicinity, whatever it was doing, stops in place, and all turn and look at it, as one.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Kashaw Vesh, a human cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party, after essentially forcing this individual to reveal themself, the rakshasa fled through a tunnel underneath its room into a long subterranean tunnel fraught with traps that were set to protect it. The party managed to avoid these rather deftly until the steady decline of the hallway, combined with the increasing moisture and scent of refuse, caused a slick surface and our fantastic cleric, Brother Kash, you, slipped and fell down.\nDM: You leap, slam down on top of the rat swarm that just jettisoned off the side of Keyleth. I'm going to say for that impact, go ahead and roll 1d6. It takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage from you stepping on a few of the rats.\nPlayer: Six.\nDM: Six! All righty. And they're now all around you on the ground and they're trying to swarm away from the impact zone. You still have your action.\nPlayer: Okay, so. I haven't played a character this high-level in this system, so bear with me while I walk through this. I believe that I can attack three times in a round, right? I have the extra attack feature?\nDM: Yes, as a fighter, you do. You have three attacks.\nPlayer: Okay, so I'm going to take my axe and just try to kill as many of these things as I possibly can. So I swing my axe.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: And I roll a two.\nDM: All right, you swing your axe for the first batch of rats. Unfortunately, it's hard to see where the compost pile and the rats separate. You cleave through a bunch of the slimy mess, slinging a bunch of it against the wall, and as you spatter a bit against Keyleth, who's behind you. Roll for your next attack.\nPlayer: Very unhappy about that. Okay, three. How's that hole looking? It's a great hole, right?\nDM: You decide, as opposed to a small swath, let's make it a wider one, and your axe swings again. This time you catch a singular rat, but with the flat of the blade, and you send it flying about ten feet, where it comes back unharmed and joins the rest of its crew.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you disguises herself as a Tortle again, and the Mighty Nein makes their way upstairs. you tells Bluud, the Ruby of the Sea's bodyguard, and he hugs her before letting them pass to see Marion, who recognizes you after a few moments.\nDM: She has not. She's like, \"Oh, my goodness! It is so nice to meet you, Yasha.\" She shakes her hand and Yasha awkwardly, \"Hi,\" and looks to the rest of you and leans towards the back wall and crosses her arms. Not one for social graces, necessarily, but seemingly looking at Marion, looking at Jester, looking at Marion, and can see the relation. Marion sits down in front of her mirror and her little table set up in the corner, spins back towards the rest of you. \"Welcome back. There is no performance tonight, I apologize, but if you would like us to provide food for you or whatever you like, please, do not bother to let me know.\"\nPlayer: So, you know that guy?\nDM: \"There are a number of guys that I know, yes.\"\nPlayer: The guy that was bugging you.\nDM: \"Algar, yes.\"\nPlayer: We went to go talk to him, but he had already left.\nDM: \"He left?\"\nPlayer: Yes, he had fled the city, apparently. Things happened, they were real bad or something, I don't know.\nDM: \"Huh. Well, that may very well be a great turn of luck in my benefit, definitely. Thank you for looking into that.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group gathered together, rode onto a magically elevated skyship, and traversing the ocean, carrying the Horn of Orcus within this holy container. They found themselves, over the ocean, suddenly attacked by a band of what seemed to be wyvern- and griffon-riding bandits.\nDM: Looking into your spell now. Oh, Control Flames is a cantrip. You are able to control just enough fire to burn away the things. It wouldn't actually do any damage if released. Control Fire kind of like captures an element of it.\nPlayer: Okay. So that's what I was using, the element of what I did.\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: So I used it so I could have the fire.\nDM: Exactly.\nPlayer: Got it.\nDM: You set it as a catalyst to it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: \"I hope so. We'll do what we can in the meantime to see to your refugees and hopefully try and prepare ourselves.\"\nPlayer: There will be a few more through, possibly tomorrow, with word.\nDM: \"All right. We'll be prepared. Thank you.\" She reaches out and puts her hand on yours, again, and looks you sternly in the face and goes, \"Be careful.\"\nPlayer: I will.\nDM: \"You're all I have left.\"\nPlayer: And Cassandra, I'm proud of you. You're doing very well here.\nDM: \"There's still a ways to go, brother.\"\nPlayer: We'll get there.\nDM: She hands you the gatestone. And with that, there's a slight popping sound as you're in a very soft bit of bluish-purple light. Your body slowly subsides and fades into nothing before it (poof) vanishes out of existence. As you guys are back at the keep, suddenly, who has the gatestone? As you're holding it, it begins to shake in your hand and give off a warm light.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group mists around checking out the terrain. you, Scanlan and Percy de-mist to look around and you casts Commune with Nature to try and get some more information.\nDM: All of this is stone with about a foot layer of ice on the outside of it. Portions of it that have been broken or struck, you can see some exposure to it. This ravine is not normally covered in snow and ice; Vorugal's presence has brought a persistent blizzard and icy atmosphere to it. So all the ice and snow you see here is technically not natural to the terrain, and most of this ravine has a very strong foundation of solid stone, natural rock, and other various geological layers beneath.\nPlayer: So it is fairly sturdy and not apparently going to collapse at any moment?\nDM: Correct. It appears like what happened with you and Pike earlier was an anomaly that only happens when you roll two natural ones.\nPlayer: Sure. Okay. Can I get a sense on what the weather is going to be like for the next 24 hours?\nDM: Reaching out to the vicinity and picking up what you can, it's hard to get specifics, but it looks to be at least a coming sleet storm. Not hail; nothing too heavy, but it looks like it's going to have some times of limited visibility, and very cold.\nPlayer: Bummer. Okay. Good to know. And do I sense Raishan?\nDM: Within three miles? You get the essence of the surrounding terrain that there is another large dragon presence nearby, though you don't get a specific location.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then made their way into the city of Deastok, to the Darrington Estate, and were led up into the study of Howaardt Darrington, father of you. They all discussed the reasons of why Tary was brought back, the current financial state of the family, and the intent to resolve and remedy long-standing sins of the father through ' you standing up and doing his family duty', from Howaardt's perspective.\nDM: As you're exiting the house and Berthold's opening the door, you hear some heavy creaking from the stair that leads down to the main area, and you watch as an older woman in her early fifties or so with her mid-length, curly brown hair in shades of gray, green eyes behind a small set of reading spectacles, stoic of face, wearing what looks to be some sort of a finely crafted silk robe, clutching a book under her arm, comes down the steps and looks down and goes, \"Taryon?\"\nPlayer: Mama?\nDM: \"Taryon, my boy!\" And she sets the book down and walks up, puts her hands out as she says, \"Oh,\" takes you at the sides of the face and pulls you in for (kisses). \"Oh, terribly sorry. I didn't realize that we had guests.\"\nPlayer: Oh, yes, these are my allies and my friends. This is the team known as Vox Machina. They are a fearless band of adventurers and they have taken me in as their own.\nDM: \"Look at you, so rugged!\"\nPlayer: Well. Yes, I am, a bit!\nDM: \"So you've had some adventures with my boy, have you?\" \"That's wonderful. Have you spoken with your father?\"\nPlayer: Yes, I've spoken to Father, and Sister, and it's good to know they're healthy. And it's lovely to see you, as well. Have you been happy at all, this last year?\nDM: \"I--\" And she reaches back and takes the book off the step and goes, \"I've been making my way through your library.\"\nPlayer: Oh! Oh, my books, in my room.\nDM: \"Yes! Well, I've had a lot of time to myself. Been a bit under the weather for some time, and these have kept me fine company.\"\nPlayer: Oh. That's lovely. I hope you've enjoyed them as much as I did. What's your favorite one?\nDM: \"Well, not this piece of trash.\" And she sets it down. \"There's one. What was it called? The River's Dawn. It was a brilliant--\"\nPlayer: Before the River's Dawn, yes.\nDM: \"Before the River's Dawn! That one, yes. It was a continuation of the creation myth of Wildmount, but it turned into the spirits of the gods, these two fauns, and they fell in love but could not be together because the dawn had to rise and the sun would shine. It was very, very beautiful!\"\nPlayer: Yes, yes! No it was, but also heartbreaking at the same time.\nDM: \"Very much so. It reminded me of you.\"\nPlayer: Yes. That's one of my favorites, as well.\nDM: \"Well. I didn't break the binding too much, I hope.\"\nPlayer: I'll fix it if you did. It's all right.\nDM: \"All right.\"\nPlayer: Well, that's wonderful to hear. I'm glad you've been entertaining yourself. I know living with Papa can be very hard, and it's been very hard on you all these years.\nDM: \"If you would excuse us for just a moment, please. Just a few moments.\" And she points towards the door.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party then, in trying to locate Grog's position, found their way, delving past the lava-fall of the obsidian rock duergar-Underdark, deeper in, discovering this cursed pit of undeath, bone shards, and glass. Upon traversing it they encountered one of these abominations that they've seen traces of left before\u2014this weird, partial-elven, partial-tentacle monstrosity that slashed through the party, nearly killed Trinket, but was defeated by Vox Machina .\n They managed to make their way across this bone field and discover what appears to be a camp across a number of pillars in the distance.\nDM: So, you double over, clutching your skull, as the pain is too much to bear, and you find yourself unable to actually draw commands to your muscles for them to function. You are currently stunned.\nPlayer: Great.\nDM: Roll for Trinket.\nPlayer: Oh, he rolled an eight.\nDM: Trinket falls to the ground with this horrible (bear groan) sound, digging his nose into the actual dirt to try and find a way to escape this piercing mental agony, this psychic damage...\nPlayer: It's pretty shitty, you guys. It sucks.\nDM: Both of you guys take 22 points of psychic damage, by the way.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With that, the first timer runs out, and the ceiling of the chamber slams shut. This leaves you and one of the planars up in the tower, separated from everyone else below.\nDM: Yes, you can. The planar is still holding on to the back of your head, it's going to make another strength check.\nPlayer: I'm going to try to tail whip him. Is that a thing I can do?\nDM: Make an athletics check.\nPlayer: Okay. Oh, I have a red dice, it's so perfect and I never choose this one.\nDM: What did you roll?\nPlayer: Oh, okay, well. What am I adding to it?\nDM: Add your strength modifier. If there isn't an athletics score, then whatever your strength modifier is.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about you's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: That's more because these walls are not the most sturdy. There you go. Stands up to you. This one is going to step forward into the way. This one is going to join in there. Those three now in visual range. These two are both going to take shots at Jester. This one's going to take a shot at Fjord. Two longbows aiming in your direction. That's a 20 and a natural one. The second one misses. You suffer eight points of piercing damage as the arrow sinks right into your torso, right in the stomach area, and pierces through. You catch it with your hand, but it's still a few inches into your actual midsection. Then there's the one over here that turned around and sees you now engaging with the current pack leader.\nPlayer: But I'm a gnoll! Ah!\nDM: That's a 15.\nPlayer: I'm just confused, that hits.\nDM: That's going to be six points of piercing damage. This one now slams into the side of your knee, and hits the meaty part, so thankfully it's not locked in the bone or any of the joint, but it hits you in the side and you buckle to that side from the pain.\nPlayer: Understood.\nDM: This guy over here is going to leap down and begin helping push the cart. With that, the cart pushes another full 40 feet and is currently off of the board. Let me mark it over here.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The others try to persuade Nott to join them in swimming down, and you casts Suggestion on her to convince her to try it. Nott, Beau, and Fjord join Yasha and Jester inside, Nott forgetting she's holding the weasel, who lives but isn't happy about it, joined shortly by you, Caduceus, and Nugget.\nDM: Okay. As Frumpkin pulls his way through the tunnel, slowly the tentacles unfurling and dragging him forward through this slick, somewhat slimy algae grooved tube. It goes on for about a good 150 feet before it meets another grate.\nPlayer: At this point I can't send in-- I can only watch, but I did tell him to go. So what would you-- well it's up to you what Frumpkin would interpret that as.\nDM: All right, so you can't watch at this distance?\nPlayer: Well I think what we've established--\nDM: Oh, you can view, but you cannot give actions.\nPlayer: I can view, but I can't give commands. But I said to go in, so it's up to you what--\nDM: So Frumpkin comes to this next grate. Go ahead and make a strength check for Frumpkin.\nPlayer: That is-- oh, for Frumpkin. So I need to go to a different tag. That's a three.\nDM: It's a three. Frumpkin is unable to push past that secondary grate and fighting with it for a bit, returns to you within range to communicate and tells you there's no further to that tunnel.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: Yep. It appears into your space in a burst of dull greenish-blue fire, and there you see it, dripping with salt water across its blade.\nPlayer: Can I use my bonus action to cast Hex at that right gnoll?\nDM: You may. That one is now hexed. You watch as the gore that's been dripping from the front of its body seems to roll up its torso in reverse before it slips into its armor and grasps itself, the darkened shadowed gore now holding it in place as the Hex curse.\nPlayer: Can I reach back and fire Eldritch Blast into it?\nDM: You may.\nPlayer: 16.\nDM: That hits. Plus 1d6.\nPlayer: Six plus four, ten, 1d6, 15 points of damage.\nDM: 15 points of damage. (explosion) That one immediately drops what it was eating as the blast slams into it, as it's confused by the wrapping of the Hex. As it reels and almost stumbles onto its back, its foot crushes one of the nearby skulls, and there you see this gaping wound in its chest where the armor's been sundered. There's a smoking plume of blackened, horrible, shaded smoke pouring from it.\nPlayer: Can I use my distance to move over here, if I may?\nDM: That's as far as you can, there.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, while everyone else is taking breakfast, Pike checks the front door and finds about 20 skeletons waiting outside. She and Grog charge out to handle them.\nDM: It doesn't set them on fire. All righty. Keyleth, that's your action. What else are you going to do?\nPlayer: Can I move any? Can I back out of wherever I am? Where am I?\nDM: You're right there. Two skeletons get attacks of opportunity on you if you move. It's up to you.\nPlayer: I'll stay. Let me back out of it.\nDM: Okay. Two attacks of opportunity on you. That is a 24?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: And a 17.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: All right. You take 22 points of slashing damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The first shot ricochets off armor but the second two hit the guard, nearly knocking him off his feet. Percy takes an ominous step up the stairs.\nDM: No, the idea is the banister rides up and there's a wall along it, and then they're all up on the second floor here looking down at this.\nPlayer: So there's no way up there?\nDM: You could leap up. Make an acrobatics check to leap up and over the banister.\nPlayer: That's what I'll do. Yeah, that's good. That's 30.\nDM: Yeah, you jump, grab it, flip over, land on the balcony next to the guy enveloped in smoke.\nPlayer: And I stab him.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Okay. Did the leaping take any of my actions? It's movement?\nDM: No, it's part of your movement.\nPlayer: Okay, so that's 22.\nDM: 22 hits.\nPlayer: And a 16. And a one.\nDM: First two hit.\nPlayer: Yeah, okay. The first one is the Flametongue dagger. That is four plus six is ten. And the second one is the keen dagger, and that is two plus seven is nine.\nDM: All right. As you rush up, the guard looking at you, confused, the smoke swirling around him. (stabbing sounds) As the first two daggers stab in, the second one actually finds between his ribs up to where his heart is, and you see him gasp for a second as he crumples beneath your grip, and you slide the blade out as he crumples to the ground.\nPlayer: That's the button.\nDM: That is the dead button. All right. That ends your turn. Tylieri--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party awakens to a clean-shaven Caleb. They descend into the first chamber.\nDM: It's going to pull back after it finishes clawing into you. It's going to try and bite down with its jaws. That's a 19 to hit.\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: You take another seven points of piercing damage. The one behind there, who sees its friend digging into Fjord's torso and body, watches as it finishes its round of strikes and then under-handed throws its harpoon towards him. That's another 18 to hit.\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: With that, you take ten points of piercing damage. I need you to make a strength check. As it pierces, you grab it, and it manages to careen into the side of your hip, and it hits bone. You feel it grind against the inside with the pain.\nPlayer: That's a 17.\nDM: You beat it. Rolled a 15. So you do not get pulled. It does not give him his follow-up attack. However, he's going to move forward to get his follow-up attack anyway with the rest of his movement, and is going to attempt to bite you, and is going to miss. That's a nine.\nPlayer: Nein!\nDM: He goes to bite and as you pull the harpoon out, and turn back your shield you bash the side of its face and it manages to pull back. It scrapes across its fish-like face, but no impact or damage. All right, that's going to finish his go. The one that is right next to you, Yasha, is going to shift around, not leaving combat with you, but going behind the pillar to give itself some cover from anybody who's out in the vicinity. It's going to attempt to make two strikes against you.\nPlayer: I didn't-- I need to make Hex checks.\nDM: Yes, you do.\nPlayer: Oh shit, how many of them? Three?\nDM: Three.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then move on to the room where Chod found the Orb of Annihilation. Inside the room are cultists throwing offerings into the orb.\nDM: Well, it doesn't have a magical bonus right now. So just 1d8 plus your strength modifier. What's your strength modifier?\nPlayer: I can't even find it. I think it's one, but this is an old sheet.\nDM: So, 1d8 plus one, your strength hasn't gone up.\nPlayer: Thank you. Seven.\nDM: Seven damage.\nPlayer: Plus one. So eight damage.\nDM: Eight damage. How do you want to do this, Scanlan?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Taking one of its hands as a trophy, she then leaves the woods to return to Whitestone Castle as the morning sun rises.\nDM: Okay. You walk over and you find, indeed, the creature is laid out. It is dead. It is cold. The arrow sticking out of the back, the final blow, seems to have hit a very core nerve center of its back. So carve whatever trophy you wish from its body.\nPlayer: I'm just going to cut his hand off. I'm going to cut his hand off, no biggie.\nDM: Okay. So you eventually pull out a small dagger and hack the hand off. It takes you a little while but you do manage to get it. The hand alone probably weighs almost as much as you do.\nPlayer: Jeez! This was maybe the wrong sort of trophy to grab, okay!\nDM: Trinket walks over and takes it up in his jaws.\nPlayer: Wow. You're really strong, did you know that? And I guess I'm going to-- You don't have to carry it just yet, 'cause I want to set fire to the body and burn it. I'm going to use some of the branches from the trees he fucking knocked over to set a fire around.\nDM: You do notice that, because this area is very thickly wooded, setting a fire in the middle of the Parchwood Forest, probably not a good idea.\nPlayer: Well, I'm going to do it in that opening right there. Look at that. I guess I can't, because--\nDM: You try and tug the creature, and even with Trinket's help, this thing weighs two tons.\nPlayer: I feel like, as a hunter, I would know how to set a fire to something without setting fucking fire to the trees. I'm good at campfires.\nDM: Make a wisdom survival check. No advantage on this one. You would have disadvantage, so it's negated.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The stranger pulled a card, said, I wish that I was a powerful lord of the Quadroads, and then ran off in a carriage that suddenly appeared for him. you never got the stranger's name.\nDM: Which actually plays into her opening. The other thing you did, which happens towards the end of the year, is you said you went to the Frostweald.\nPlayer: I did, yeah. I was curious about the werewolves. So I went to go see the nymph in the frozen lake. You know, the one that's all about Grog.\nDM: Mm-hm.\nPlayer: So I had a conversation with her, and I felt really bad because I wasn't as affectionate as last time, so I gave her this palm-sized ruby that was at the bottom of the bag. Looked really pretty, so I gave it to her.\nDM: She thanked you.\nPlayer: She did. We hit it off. And I asked her if the werewolves were just in the Feywild. Turns out--\nDM: Lycanthropy is scattered throughout the planes.\nPlayer: Well, I didn't fucking know that.\nDM: Now you do. She passed that information on to you. All right. So. That's the truncated example of Grog's year. We might come back to it here in a minute. Next up would be Pike, because that's a good transition point there. So, what'd you do?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, This perplexes them for a little while. They try heating up the pieces, but that does nothing either.\nDM: Okay, so you go ahead and you pull out the chunks of heated, now cooling platinum and drop them into the coals for a moment. You pull them off the coals, carefully.\nPlayer: Can I run up and MJ the new gold pyramid into the--?\nDM: Sure, make an intelligence check.\nPlayer: An intelligence check? Oh, because I got to put them together. Two!\nDM: Grog is having a hard time with that. Okay.\nPlayer: I'm making an origami swan.\nDM: All right, you guys eventually help him put it together a second time.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about you's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: You, on the wall, dance off the way, leap as it goes up. All right, and I believe that's all the gnolls immediately in the vicinity that are in combat. That ends the gnolls' turn. Fjord, you're up.\nPlayer: Yeah, great, awesome, sweet. Can I use Eldritch Blast against the big fucking guy, because he didn't get any closer for a melee attack, right?\nDM: You're still within his attack range, because he has the glaive. You do have disadvantage on Eldritch Blast.\nPlayer: Oh. Imma fucking move out of his attack range. Does that give him attack of opportunity? Yeah, I'm doing that anyway. I'm going to move back towards the corner where I was going.\nDM: Right there?\nPlayer: No, all the way back. Back towards my original hiding place.\nDM: You pull back to the corner there. As you pull back, he takes a step forward and reaches out with the glaive to try and strike you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester and Fjord, also on deck, only see what appears to be ball lightning, but they see you being hurt by it, and Jester casts Cure Wounds on her, causing the creature to double in size. you and the being continue to battle, with you being seriously injured.\nDM: Yeah, it's staying. You reach out and your hand passes partly through it and it goes numb, the field of sparkling energy lightly electrifying the skin around your hand. But you manage to get hold of something-- it's not solid matter, but something. As it tries to move away, you keep it there, barred in place. That ends its turn; it's your go.\nPlayer: All right, I'm going to take out my sword and I'm going to attack it.\nDM: Go for it, you've got two attacks.\nPlayer: Okay that's-- okay. Oh wow, okay.\nDM: Are you doing this reckless or not?\nPlayer: Oh, shit! Sorry. No, I'll take the first roll. Sorry. I'm forgetting everything. No, I'm not doing reckless. It was 21.\nDM: 21 hits.\nPlayer: Yeah, okay, so I'll take out my sword and I'll attack.\nDM: Go for it. Describe to me your attack. As you're holding it with one hand and pulling the blade out...\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside.\nDM: Oh, I like to. I also want to point out that you guys held my dragon to the ground for two rounds and hit it like a goddamn pincushion.\nPlayer: You'll feel better once Scanlan and I have dissolved.\nDM: I will. All right. End of Pike's turn. Vax, you're up first. At the top of your round--\nPlayer: I'm just going to take the dragon blade and I'm going to as best as I can drag it in front of me.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: I'm going to cut the insides of this--\nDM: First, you take eight points of bludgeoning damage as it is crushing you, muscles tensing on the inside are just-- You're in between musculature right now and just being crushed.\nPlayer: Yes. Probably its sphincter. Now what?\nDM: You are restrained, so go ahead and make your attack at disadvantage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The two guards nearest you pull out their swords and swing at him. One blade hits him in the shoulder but doesn't do any real damage and the second misses entirely as you ducks out of the way.\nDM: Both of the blades come at you. One of them actually hits your shoulder, but it just sticks an inch into the flesh, and you just flex and the blade pops out. The second one swings out and you duck your head out of the way and it (whoosh) goes long and you just grin through the anger. That's awesome. Then these two are going to fire crossbows at you, Grog. That is going to be a 15?\nPlayer: Misses.\nDM: And a 23.\nPlayer: Damn, I was almost Neo, just dodging all sorts of shit.\nDM: Another ten. 13 points of piercing damage.\nPlayer: Halved to seven?\nDM: Half that to seven, yeah. And then now the three aiming at Trinket. They all have disadvantage, I believe?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pike realizes she has seen this place in a vision, as well as a cavern of blue crystal beyond it. They decide to cross it.\nDM: Unfortunately not, due to the failed dexterity save. It practically knocked the wind out of you due to the impact.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: That was the unfortunate part of missing that dexterity check.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: However, it does deal from the crushing damage to the entity that'll be I'll say 3d10 points of damage. I'll see if it makes its save to reduce to half. Which it does. Rolled a 21. What's your DC in your spell?\nPlayer: 17.\nDM: So it makes its save, so it's half damage. Roll 3d10 and it's half that.\nPlayer: (counting noises) What is that, 19.\nDM: Okay, so it takes a total of nine points of damage. Crushing damage from the blow of the stone on top of it. Nice. As it (crssh) shrugs off bits of chunks of stone that are around its body, you can see a little bit of blood is being pulled to the seams of its body. It's taken some hits. It's still doing all right but it's definitely-- you can see it's not impervious by any means. That brings us to Vax.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, \u275e Clarota expresses a deep desire to free his people in the hope that they will allow him to rejoin the colony, his family. Vox Machina wants to know if they can jury-rig a helmet like Clarota's for themselves, but Clarota says they don't need it.\nDM: As it pulls the hood back, you see once again this kind of haphazard, metallic cluster of patches of metal, and iron, this dull kind of blue metallish glow, that you can only now see once he's sitting in near pitch darkness. As he reaches up and runs his finger along it, \"Yes. This I feel can protect me. But I think... I think there is a way to change the tides of this circumstance, I feel that if I could somehow free my people from the influence of K'varn, release its hold on the hive mind, my people would allow me to rejoin the colony. To be one again with my family. My brethren.\"\nPlayer: I have a few questions. Is that all right?\nDM: \"Yes.\"\nPlayer: You and your brethren, without this, do you think as one?\nDM: \"We think as individuals, but the hive mind connects us all. The hive mind gives us knowledge, history, direction. It is the source of our family.\"\nPlayer: So, one individual of your family sees something, the entire hive sees the same, is that correct?\nDM: \"Yes.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you already vandalized with the Raven's Den and the Hearth of the Allhammer, and decides to skip the Valley Archive of the Cobalt Soul, since it's where Beau and Caleb are training and researching. She also decides against the King's Hall, since there are a lot of guards and it is the center of local law enforcement.\nDM: Okay. You begin painting rainbow colors and pulling out all your various pigments and the platinum begins to give way to a Technicolor vomit nightmare.\nPlayer: With a mustache. And a straw hat.\nDM: As you're getting to the mustache, you hear many, many footfalls approaching and a voice saying, \"Yeah, just this way, I--\"\nPlayer: I drop down and run.\nDM: Okay. As he's in the middle of talking, (thud). Make an acrobatics check, because it's a 15-foot drop.\nPlayer: 21.\nDM: Wow, okay. A three-point landing in the middle. You're still--\nPlayer: I'm still the dragon.\nDM: But there's also the Invoke Duplicity of him there, so there's one, he goes, \"That's the--\" (thud), \"What? Huh?\"\nPlayer: (shrieks) And I run.\nDM: They give chase. They go, \"After whoever that is!\" There are now five crownsguard and two members of the House giving chase down one of the hallways.\nPlayer: Was there an exit? Looking for an exit.\nDM: Make a perception check to look around you, as this is happening rather rapidly.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Many of the townsfolk gathered at that square were immediately killed. The party, as well as a few other straggling survivors, ran away as both the gargantuan black and green dragons began to chase them down.\nDM: There's a slight pause before you can see the gem, the swirl coalesces into what looks like a spectral face. You can make out what looks to be eyes, a mouth and a nose. Though the nose itself is less of a pronounced human nose and--\nPlayer: I'm looking at the floor, I'm not looking at it.\nDM: Okay. But you see where the nose is, instead there are two nasal passages. And you hear a voice slowly creak out from it and say, \"All that I require is for you to destroy this prison. Free my spirit from generations of torment, that is all I ask.\"\nPlayer: Hey, quick question, who are you? Who were you before you were in this prison?\nDM: \"It's been too long, too long have I been here, I do not know who I am.\"\nPlayer: Ah, well, go fuck yourself. And I put the blanket over it.\nDM: The blanket covers the skull.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The hired crew begins to run belowdecks and hide. Two harpies try to pick up members of the crew.\nDM: No, the sail is not completely destroyed, and it could be repaired, should they not continue to pull it apart.\nPlayer: They look like they're still going for it?\nDM: It looks like it.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm going to run over and try and collapse the sail. So it's not unfurled, try and collapse it? I don't know if that's the right call.\nDM: You can give it a shot. All right. You have done a little bit of sail work. I'd say make a quick intelligence check. Having not been formally trained, necessarily, we'll see if you can--\nPlayer: 17.\nDM: Yeah, in your time on the ship and studying how the different elements of the ship maneuver together to create motion and riding the wind, you figure out that one of the various ropes you pull and release and will cause the sail to entirely come down, or you could just pull it up and cause it to no longer be unfurled.\nPlayer: Whatever's quickest.\nDM: Probably pull it in. You grab the rope and pull it up. Both the harpies are curving around for another series of attacks on it, but you're pulling that element of the sail up.\nPlayer: Can I take a bonus action to do Patient Defense after I do that?\nDM: You can. Your arm holds the rope in place and you get yourself ready in case anything happens. That finishes your go. Jester, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Across from the entrance is a set of wooden doors which he listens at. He hears nothing, but notices that the door is unlocked.\nDM: Okay. The 21 misses, the 23 hits. Because they have cover and because it's so dark it's difficult to make out their form, but you do manage to hit one with the arrow.\nPlayer: Okay. I Hunter's Mark him.\nDM: Okay. Next time, make sure you do that before you attack. Otherwise it won't count for the attack.\nPlayer: Okay. Okay. 13, uh, 12! Math! Stay in school.\nDM: All right. There you go. 12, then add your Hunter's Mark bonus to that as well.\nPlayer: Oh, good, one.\nDM: All right, gotcha. So one arrow sinks in the shoulder, but doesn't appear to be stopping his angry advance towards Tiberius. Let's see. You're staying where you are?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax dashes past Greenbeard towards Kevdak, one of the herd members outside the arena attempting to swipe at the rogue but only catching feathers from the Deathwalker's Ward, and attacks the paralyzed Thunderlord with both daggers in hand. The blades strike true, Vax sinking the weapons up to the hilt into the flesh of the goliath, and the rogue flees the arena, but not before he leaves some parting words for Kevdak.\nDM: Yeah, Aid just gives you guys extra hit points. So anyway. 17. Doesn't hit. All right. So three more attacks. That was cocked. 19?\nPlayer: It's my armor class.\nDM: All right, 26?\nPlayer: Fuck. Balls. Shit. Mother bitch.\nDM: And that's 19 again. So four attacks hit you.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: First one is for 14 points of slashing damage.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Next one, hoo, that's eight, 12 points of slashing damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiberius calls for Erwen, waking him up. The dragonborn realizes that it's six a.m. and sends Erwen back to bed, saying they'll talk about it later in the day.\nDM: So go ahead and make another tinkering check. And the cost of the Pepperbox should be at the bottom of your--\nPlayer: Is it the whole cost or half?\nDM: Should be half the cost. It should say under the repair rules for a misfire.\nPlayer: Half cost. Oh my god, that's awful. Okay, tinkering check. 12.\nDM: 12. Okay.\nPlayer: Technically, that would be a success.\nDM: Yeah. So you take the rest of the morning, unsleeping, the dark bags under your eyes. You manage to get the Pepperbox back in working order.\nPlayer: Oh, I was asleep. I wasn't with them, so I just woke up really early.\nDM: Right, right. But even so, even though you slept, it hasn't been very restful. It's been technically enough to rest, but your evening has been fraught with nightmares. Perpetually. But your Pepperbox is repaired, and does cost you half the cost of the weapon cost to repair.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She says the Kashaw is off brooding somewhere. Zahra was reading up about the history of Whitestone.\nDM: \"Oh, I'm just learning about the history of Whitestone and I'm very intrigued as to the actual properties of this stone the entire town is built on. There's a lot of really, really interesting things that can be done with the materials in these mountains.\"\nPlayer: I'm sure you have ideas.\nDM: \"I do.\"\nPlayer: I sit down next to her and ask, just catching up, and see if they've spotted any dragons.\nDM: You guys continue your conversation, catching up, letting her know how things happened, and vice versa. You don't get any info that any dragons have come by. Apparently, there have been a few other arcane practitioners that have been helping set up some sort of barrier to help, essentially, dissuade attention towards the city. The idea of keeping this place as far off the map as possible, should any prying eyes find their way there. It's in the process of being set up right now.\nPlayer: Zahra, how long did it take you to make that arrow?\nDM: \"A few weeks.\"\nPlayer: If I were to give you some more money, do you think you could do it again?\nDM: \"Probably, based on what-- (sighs) if I'm able to use some of the resources here within the castle, maybe.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She then targets Greenbeard and shoots a fourth arrow with the Blazing Bowstring. The arrow hits the paralyzed goliath druid, setting a portion of his robes on fire.\nDM: You can certain try it. You rush past one of the peasants, fear in their face, they're confused and looking around and you see there's mud and a little trickle of blood that's dried down their face. As you (darting noise) by, they go, (gasps) You don't pay too much mind to them.\nPlayer: Acrobatics check?\nDM: Make an acrobatics check.\nPlayer: 30.\nDM: 30. You manage to make it up to the top.\nPlayer: Do I have an action left?\nDM: No, you used your action.\nPlayer: Action, action, bonus action with the hasted boots?\nDM: Technically, you wouldn't be able to move at this point even, but I'm letting you do that. Usually your move, it's a little weird.\nPlayer: Okay, so I'm outta gas.\nDM: So yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Bear-Keyleth complies. Vex starts clapping too and invites everyone to see the Amazing Trinket , like a circus ringmaster.\nDM: Have you ever seen fireworks go off in a cloud? You get that little boof, boof. There's a bunch of that above you. Cloud, lights flashing. You begin singing your tune. Do you give an inspiration dice to her?\nPlayer: Sure, I would love to give her an inspiration dice.\nDM: A d8 inspiration dice from the bard as you hear the enchanting, jaunty, bear dancing theme.\nPlayer: (singing) Oh, look over there! It's a bear! Yeah!\nDM: Bard getting his bard on. Go ahead and make a performance check.\nPlayer: Who, me?\nDM: No, she does. You're performing as a bear!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Kynan stabs Keyleth, disappearing and reappearing to do so. Luska gets up out of the crevasse.\nDM: Five points of piercing damage to you, Scanlan, as you're running across. Grog's taken none because Grog's rage essentially halves the one point you take per walk, so you don't take any damage. Everyone else has been barely moving, so they've been doing the half move. You take one point of damage per square you move.\nPlayer: So you're dying? Okay, so I'll turn to Vex and I'll heal her. I'll sing: (singing) I heal you. I heal you so bad. I heal you so bad, it's driving me mad, it's driving me mad.\nDM: What level are you casting it as?\nPlayer: Two.\nDM: 2nd-level? Okay, so 2d4 plus six.\nPlayer: Ooh! 12.\nDM: 12 points healed to you, Vex. All right. The mage, who is currently held in the whirlwind-- let's see, here.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There was a cart of horses pulling a group of four gnomes that all eventually revealed themselves to be family of Pike Trickfoot. After taking them in, whether or not Vox Machina was excited or eager to, nevertheless they treated them with hospitality, gave them a place to stay, gave them food for the evening, conversations were had, and information was passed around.\nDM: \"Right. I'm not one to judge. I mean, you've seen Ogden.\" And you glance over at Ogden, who's now in the process of trying to comb the oatmeal out of his beard while he's muttering below his breath. (incoherent muttering)\nPlayer: Are you coming with, buddy?\nDM: \"What?\"\nPlayer: Do you want to go on the tour?\nDM: \"Of course!\"\nPlayer: Huh. Can we borrow Trinket for that? Oh, Vex isn't here. I'm sure we could borrow Trinket for the day. You ever ridden a bear, old man?\nDM: (snoring)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The first stab hits, catching it off guard, but Percy's inexperience with the weapon and the pain in his throat allow the creature to grab the blade and pull Percy towards itself. Vex fires again at the vampire, the arrow sinking deep into its side.\nDM: It creates an additional dart per spell level, so it's initially three, and it's three levels higher, it gets to six.\nPlayer: Oh, so it doesn't increase it three darts per level. It's one. So if I do a level four, I get two darts for each fucker.\nDM: Essentially, yeah. I'd be 6d4 plus six.\nPlayer: 6d4 plus six. Okay, so 2d4 plus two for each guy. I'll do that.\nDM: And they hit automatically. There is no roll for it.\nPlayer: Great. And it can't hit my friends or anything, right? I mean, they're Magic Missiles.\nDM: No, they unerringly hit. They're like homing arcane projectiles.\nPlayer: Do I have to roll this six times or just two?\nDM: Six times. I know.\nPlayer: So, three plus two for the first guy.\nDM: Okay, so five against him.\nPlayer: Ten for the second guy.\nDM: All righty.\nPlayer: And seven for the third guy.\nDM: All righty. So as you get up--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With you's hide- and leather-based armor having dissolved due to acid, Vax gives his magical armor to the goliath and instead dons his acid-resistant armor. Percy examines the cart.\nDM: The armor you had on was hide, which was a dex bonus of 12 plus your dex. Studded leather is also the same, so your AC actually goes up.\nPlayer: Oh! Ho! Something that you'd think!\nDM: So, what was your AC previously?\nPlayer: 18?\nDM: 18?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: It should now be 20.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott says that they've been very clear that they're in this for what they can grab for themselves. She corrects Fjord's assumption that she relies on Caleb for protection, saying it's the other way around.\nDM: She looks at you confused and goes, \"Well, regardless, your friends are involved in something that as a precaution, as I have been housing certain meetings out of friendship with an individual, there is danger that I might be pulled up in this. So I am preparing to sell off the tavern.\"\nPlayer: (gasps) Wait a minute, but wouldn't that draw attention to the tavern?\nDM: \"It will only draw attention to me.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: She walks over and finishes tidying paperwork on the side.\nPlayer: Who are you selling it to?\nDM: Make a general charisma roll. Just for the hell of it.\nPlayer: Well see, this is why I-- oh no. Ten?\nDM: Ten? She goes, \"To a friend.\"\nPlayer: Oh. Friends are good. Can I have that safe though?\nDM: (sighs) She kneels down at the side of the room and there's a cloth put over a small table, like an end table, and she removes the flowers from it, pulls the cloth off and it's a safe.\nPlayer: What's it made out of?\nDM: \"Out of iron. What else would you make a safe out of?\"\nPlayer: Oh. Okay.\nDM: She pulls out a key and unlocks it, brings out a couple of bags of coin, brings out a couple other bags of something. You don't hear any noise, the rustling as she pulls it out. Sets them off to the side, looks at you while she does so the whole time like--\nPlayer: Are those drugs?\nDM: \"Here\u2019s your safe.\"\nPlayer: Thank you.\nDM: Hands it to you. It's small. It's heavy, but you're pretty strong. \"All right.\"\nPlayer: Well, all right. Will you be gone in the morning, then?\nDM: \"Probably.\"\nPlayer: Oh no! But Claudia, I really like you.\nDM: \"Well, I like you too. But that's okay. Don't worry. The woman I'm selling this to is also a very good person and a good friend.\"\nPlayer: What's her name?\nDM: There's a brief pause, glances over at the paperwork on the table--\nPlayer: I look down at the paperwork on the table, too.\nDM: \"Lauren. Lauren Schvine.\"\nPlayer: Is that what it says?\nDM: It is.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they find a cave filled with magical darkness. you shifts into an earth elemental to scout the cave, finding that it contains a strange planar rift and a group of grick.\nDM: Grog's loud laughter bellows, echoing through the cavern. You make your way underneath the ground, using your tremor sense to formulate where the top of this cavern would be, and you poke your head through the floor. Looking into this, you can see now, there are portions of this cavern where it looks like elements of the mithril veins that the subterranean Kraghammer mines were currently pulling from seem to now spread down into this cavern. There are small veins that trickle through the rock in this cavern of mithril. You also look up and... make a perception check.\nPlayer: With advantage, right?\nDM: This is wisdom, yep.\nPlayer: That's a 13. That's a 19! I'll take that one.\nDM: All right, total of?\nPlayer: 29.\nDM: 29. You take a moment and formulate your vision, the firelight still trickling through, although you have darkvision. You look about the room, and you can see there is a strange energy about the room. There's something about this room that feels similar to when you encountered the Frost Plane during the first Westruun winter's veil encounter. There's a type of energy that seems to be brought into being whenever you've caught a mind flayer shifting and bamfing out of any sort of combat you come into. There's something about this room that seems like it's crossing over or has a thin barrier with some other plane.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In reaction, the vampire strikes out and grabs Grog by the throat, the claws digging in slightly. The guards all reload their crossbow bolts.\nDM: That's that action there. All right, that brings us to the guards. The guards all reload their crossbow bolts, move in. These three now see the bear in the back and they're going to fire on Trinket. These seven are all going to fire on Grog, now that he's held there. So the three against Trinket. That's going to be a 16?\nPlayer: Doesn't hit!\nDM: That's going to be a 20?\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: And a 22.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: So Trinket takes six points of piercing damage and 11 points of piercing damage. Total of 17 points of damage to Trinket as two bolts (shink, shink). One of them bounces off the armor. One actually sticks and Trinket, (growls) but it's not enough to really cause much of a worry.\nPlayer: Yeah, he doesn't care.\nDM: The other seven against you, Grog. Natural 20. Natural one. That's not going to hit, that's a natural five. 18?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They are brought to meet Flamespeaker Cerkonos, the headmaster of the tribe. Cerkonos confirms that you's mother, Vilya, came through about ten years ago on her own aramente.\nDM: You all move together into the Cindergrove forest, pushing through the hardened, blackened tree trunks to the left and the right of you. The actual floor of the forest, what appears to be piles and piles of burnt-away brush, ash, and whatever else once was considered life amongst the boughs of these trees when they grew there. Eventually, you find your way to the center of the forest, and you can see now the source of these molten rock sprays. There is a large crevasse bisecting the center of the forest, about 35 to 40 feet across and about five feet wide that is a pool of slowly roiling lava. You can see the actual air around it is heavily warped by this intense heat that's being released, and all the trees that are immediately around it are all warped and bent and have been burnt to near lack of recognition. Standing there, amongst the edge of it, is Cerkonos with his arms crossed, trained on you, Keyleth. You see occasionally a couple of bubbles (lava bubbling) in the lava behind him, and even his form is shifting from behind as the air itself ripples and changes. He looks at you and says, \"Sit. Focus. Ask permission.\"\nPlayer: I do as he says.\nDM: Go ahead and make a wisdom check. Roll a d20. Add your wisdom bonus.\nPlayer: 27.\nDM: 27. As you sit down and close your eyes, you begin to focus your mind towards the center of this mountain, the heart of the fire that gives it its life, and as you all watch, a minute passes of silence before suddenly the ground shifts again and you can see the lava begin to grow more and more active, sending off little spittles of rock.\nPlayer: I push it out and continue to focus.\nDM: You guys begin to see now the lava is shifting and beginning to roil and you're almost afraid it's going to start bubbling over and fill the area, and this nervousness grips your heart. Especially you, Vax, who had previously had some unhappy run-ins with molten rock. It's a genuine fear that you hadn't quite acknowledged since that moment, and you begin to feel really uncomfortable being this close to this opening. As you continue to focus, you hear Cerkonos's voice again, calm and methodical. \"Ask permission.\" I'd like you to go ahead and roll a nature check.\nPlayer: 19.\nDM: 19. (rock scraping) The ground shifts again. You can now watch the lava. Strangely enough, it's beginning to billow upward but not spill over the edges of the crevasse. It's actually slowly circling. You hear this strange sucking sound, almost like sludge is being pulled through a tube, and the lava beginning to slowly spin and spin. Cerkonos is still-- the back of him you can only imagine is either burnt to a crisp by the sheer proximity of the heat, but he is unmoved.\nPlayer: I push it out and continue to focus. Just focus and meditate on asking permission.\nDM: \"Keyleth of the Air Ashari. Ask permission!\" Go ahead and roll one more wisdom check. d20 plus five. This time, with advantage.\nPlayer: Oh my god, I rolled the same thing twice. Wisdom, five. 18.\nDM: 18. At this point, you guys notice one final shift of the ground, and the trees actually crack, and you see bits of broken branch and tree begin to fall and hit the ground around you. The air is beginning to pick up, and even though you try and cover your face the ash is still pushing through and your eyes are starting to hurt. You feel suddenly this blockage, this tension, like the mountain was fighting you, give way. And in that moment you (gasps) breathe in and open your eyes, and you all notice that the lava that has been slowly circling now (whoosh) pulls down into a vortex that disappears into the crevasse and is now a spinning whirlpool of molten rock in the crevasse, as Cerkonos still stands there. Cerkonos now steps aside and seems to vanish from your sight in but an instant, his voice lingering in the air, saying, \"Now, you may enter.\" Looking down, you lean over and you can see this slow spiral of molten rock. It seems to disappear 15 to 20 feet below, you cannot see the bottom of it, and when you try and lean forward the heat is so intense that you have to close your eyes; you're forced to. There is a leap of faith here.\nPlayer: Before I leap down, I cast Protection from Flame on myself? Or Protection from Energy, and I'm going to use fire.\nDM: Which gives you fire resistance?\nPlayer: Gives me fire resistance.\nDM: Okay, good to know. And then... Keyleth?\nPlayer: I close my eyes and let myself fall.\nDM: You guys watch as Keyleth steps forward and tumbles off the edge, into the vortex of molten rock. (whoosh) She's gone.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party, after essentially forcing this individual to reveal themself, the rakshasa fled through a tunnel underneath its room into a long subterranean tunnel fraught with traps that were set to protect it. The party managed to avoid these rather deftly until the steady decline of the hallway, combined with the increasing moisture and scent of refuse, caused a slick surface and our fantastic cleric, Brother Kash, Kashaw, slipped and fell down.\nDM: It's a giant cylindrical-- it looks like it was once a cistern that has been turned into some sort of a refuse--\nPlayer: Is there a roof?\nDM: From what you can see? Roll a perception check.\nPlayer: What do I use?\nDM: Perception. It's a skill. You don't use it very often.\nPlayer: 15. No, 14.\nDM: As far as you can see, it goes up maybe 30 or so feet beyond the radius of your Light spell and fades into darkness. You have no idea if there's a ceiling or end to it or how far it would be if there was one.\nPlayer: Okay. Well, I've got one right next to me, right?\nDM: You do.\nPlayer: I'm going to put out my hand and I'm going to do a Firebolt right next to that one.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and roll to attack with disadvantage.\nPlayer: Why, are they on me?\nDM: Yeah, they're right up against you. Ranged attacks, when you're in melee with the target, it's at disadvantage.\nPlayer: Oh, right. Well, then I'm going to not do that. I'm going to cast Obelisk of Stone and then quicken spell and then I'm going to do a Firebolt. That's what I'm going to do.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you manages another kill with Eldritch Blast, leaving two up, including the priest. Caleb takes a hit that breaks his concentration on Molly's Haste, stunning Molly for a round.\nDM: If you look at the trident, it looks like it's a very tightly woven rope, but the individual threads of rope are treated like a leather-type stat, so it's a really tight leather cord.\nPlayer: Is it attached to his person in some way?\nDM: From what you can see, where it was dangling from there, they\u2019re wrapped in a loose loop around the side of their armor, and when they throw it, they catch the end of it and pull it back.\nPlayer: I'll take the trident and unhook it from his armor.\nDM: Okay. It's about 60 feet of leather cord, if you want to call it that. Sturdy leather cord. It's heavy, so it's about twice the weight of hemp rope. It's stronger, but it's heavier.\nPlayer: These guys were big.\nDM: Yeah, they're pretty strong.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Lionel Gayheart Chod, a half-orc bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a while they hear something approaching, and Scanlan preps his mansion as a safe retreat. The figures turn out to be a handful of skeletons, which are easily dispatched.\nDM: You have not been in this specific tunnel. You haven't seen anything that looks familiar. The path you went before was a natural cavern. This one is pushed straight through.\nPlayer: Yeah. But I can see how, I'm the only one who's been in this mountain, so there's maybe a little trust. I got this! I haven't been here, but I got it!\nDM: All right, so do you push your way towards the front?\nPlayer: Sure.\nDM: All right. So, Pike and Vax, as you guys are moving forward, your bardbarian friend pushes aside and muscles up to become the point at the tip of the sphere.\nPlayer: I crop-dust all of you as I go in front of you.\nDM: After that, after Percy and Vex?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy casts Hex on Ripley and tells her to put her weapons down, and they will listen. Keyleth attempts to cast Hold Person and it has no effect.\nDM: She stops moving. The other figure is standing there, looking what to do. The goliath is holding the crate now.\nPlayer: Put the crate down or I'll shoot out your ankle.\nDM: The goliath shouts out, \"Here or bring it to you?\"\nPlayer: Put it down right where it is.\nDM: Drops it to the ground and begins to back away from the crate about there. Anna, who's standing there now, looking over and seeing you where the voice is coming from--\nPlayer: If I see a twitch, I fire.\nDM: \"Faster than anticipated. Congratulations. Well, now. We stand in a curious position. Shall we talk?\"\nPlayer: You can talk. You have however long I choose to give you.\nDM: You see the blood pooling down her shoulder. The other humanoid male, you can see now it's a man behind there holding the blade out to the side.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about Fjord's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: \"Oh, I don't know what happened. They started to burn the buildings and these things started rushing. The city is under attack.\"\nPlayer: What things?\nDM: (panicked) \"Big things. Dog-faced. I can't-- Come on.\" They just keep running.\nPlayer: Dogs are attacking the village!\nDM: At this point, you guys can see more people are fleeing. As you get closer, about 100 feet outside the city, you watch as the droves of people are beginning to get-- at least either the ones that are actively fleeing have made it out of the city, or in the process the stragglers are still coming through. You see a young human man with scrappy, tattered brown hair, a bit of blood dripping down his face, running before his back arches and he falls into the grass. You can see an arrow protruding from his back. At that point, you can see, standing up from behind one of the exterior walls of the city, a humanoid creature stretching up to about seven feet tall, muscular torso with thin dog-like legs. You watch as it extends its neck with spots of fur, its ears curled upwards as it has a dog-like snout at the front of it.\nPlayer: Werewolves!\nDM: You watch as it leaps onto the back of this fallen villager, bites into the shoulder, and tears a chunk out. Swallows it before it growls into the air (yipping howl).\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Nein ask Gilda and Wallace to take care of Kiri, which pleases the Schuster children. Jester, Nott, and you have emotional goodbyes with Kiri, and Beau gives the Schusters 50 gp to help with the expense.\nDM: (like Molly) \"Take care of them.\" Looks to you, and comes up and cuddles up against your chest where she had slept the night before and (chirping).\nPlayer: Scratch those feathers.\nDM: The feathers fluff up a bit.\nPlayer: Goodbye, Kiri. We will send you treasures from all of our travels.\nDM: (like Jester) \"Okay.\"\nPlayer: We will miss you very much.\nDM: Kiri turns back and steps beside the kids. The family looks out and goes, \"If there's ever the opportunity to pay this back or forward, we will. Thank you.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Many of the townsfolk gathered at that square were immediately killed. The party, as well as a few other straggling survivors, ran away as both the gargantuan black and green dragons began to chase them down.\nDM: It's going to make a bite attack against Pike and two claw attacks against Grog, who are right there. So Pike, you look up as its jaws come down at you from above. That's a natural 20.\nPlayer: Oh fuck, shit.\nDM: Against you, Grog, two claw attacks, that is 23.\nPlayer: Come on, taint-smear.\nDM: And 22.\nPlayer: Tickles, both of them.\nDM: Okay, so against you, Grog, you take--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, To that end, they visit a mapmaker named Tyriok to get general directions toward the Sunder Peak mountain. After a couple days of travel, the party arrive at the mountain home of the Fire Ashari.\nDM: 14. Glancing at the two sides, the left path appears to be far more worn. The right path is largely untouched, with a thin layer of ash coating it, so you get the feeling that one hasn't seen use in quite some time.\nPlayer: Are the prints going both directions, or is there a majority going one or the other?\nDM: On the left side, they seem to go both ways, but even those prints are fairly old. At least a week or two has seen any sort of traction on the path.\nPlayer: Footprints, horse prints, both?\nDM: Footprints.\nPlayer: No horse prints.\nDM: Correct.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth, angry and frustrated at the whole situation, drops her form, channels her rage, and unleashes a Fire Storm at Kevdak, Greenbeard, and several of the herd members nearby. Vax watches on in awe as the entire square is ignited in her flames of fury, the rogue quietly and quickly falling a little deeper in love with her.\nDM: Let's see the roll there. All right, so you manage to barely push past, but you do trigger a second attack of opportunity to do so. From that guy, that big half-orc there that gets in your way. So that's two strikes against you, that is a natural 20. And that's going to be a 13.\nPlayer: Okay, well that misses.\nDM: So that is a pretty low roll, ten points of slashing damage.\nPlayer: I'm alive, I'm alive.\nDM: What are you at? What're you at?\nPlayer: I am at 15.\nDM: So as you dodge past, get slammed by two blades, you arc around the corner and they're all looking at each other, confused, some of them affected by this magic they aren't expecting, and you rush around and you see in the distance Kevdak, who's now getting shot a couple times, gets set on fire, flames burst up, and he starts screaming out in pain. As you turn the corner, you look over at your Spiritual Weapon, and you can nudge it forward. Right there, its full movement, 20 feet. Go ahead and make an attack with your spell attack modifier. Does not have advantage because he is no longer paralyzed.\nPlayer: 20.\nDM: 20 hits. Go ahead and roll damage. So 4d8 plus four.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There is a red clay urn suspended from chains close to the ceiling. Two alcoves on either side hold similar clay urns, half full of ashes.\nDM: Sure, start shifting some of the rock. Make a strength check. This would be athletics to do this. Athletics, sorry.\nPlayer: Okay. I think that's a 15.\nDM: Okay. You start shifting and pull the rocks off. The rod begins to coil. You start moving it and you pull and manage to pull it free from the stone. Some of the rocks falling down and stumbling to the side. You pull out a four and a half foot long rod that is straight towards the bottom for about a foot and then is in a tight coil to the very top where there is a small metallic knob at the very top. You pull it forth and it vibrates a little from the impact of pulling it out from under the stone, and then it comes to still in your hand.\nPlayer: Does it wobble?\nDM: A little bit, very faintly.\nPlayer: Does it make any noise?\nDM: No.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: A gentle snowfall is coming down. The sky itself you can see is covered in light, white clouds. Just enough moisture to carry the little snowfall that's happening. There are folks in the center of the town that are surprised to see this arrival, but recognize you and cheer a little bit. \"Hey! Percival.\"\nPlayer: Thank you for that smattering of applause. Golf claps, please. Golf claps.\nDM: The refugees all gather up behind you, and you guys walk towards Castle Whitestone.\nPlayer: We make our way to the castle.\nDM: The guards greet you and lead you inside. And within a few minutes, Cassandra comes down from the upper floor. \"Percival, you've returned.\"\nPlayer: Things are not going well. Have you heard any news of Emon and what has been transpiring there?\nDM: \"No, we've been focused on restoring our city. Why?\"\nPlayer: Yesterday, we were attacked by a group of chromatic dragons. The city is destroyed. There's no simple way to say this, but we're under siege. We were afraid that Whitestone would be destroyed, as well, but it seems that they have passed over you so far, but we fear for many cities' safety. I was hoping that it would be all right if we moved a small number of refugees through to Whitestone for the time being. Less than a hundred, I imagine. These are the first 20-some-odd that we've pulled through.\nDM: And she looks behind you, looks to the crowd, snaps her fingers. Some of the guards step forward, she goes, \"Please, if you would make sure to find any of the various unoccupied buildings are provided to these refugees. Thank you.\" And the guards nod, and begin gathering the group and sending them back into town, and she gives you a look back and says, \"For better or for worse, we happen to have a number of vacancies in the city due to recent events. But--\"\nPlayer: Oh! Well, yes. Nothing I-- Anything I should know about?\nDM: \"No, just-- We've lost many in the struggle against the Briarwoods. But yes, they will be provided for, I assure you.\"\nPlayer: So I will let you know to stop all business with Emon for now. Be very wary, prepare the city for a possible dragon attack. Things are looking dark.\nDM: \"Yes, yes.\"\nPlayer: And if it's possible, any research-- any energy that can be put forward towards mounting some sort of defense against these creatures would be greatly appreciated.\nDM: \"Right, right, well, we had a few individuals that were researching the ziggurat beneath the city. Two left a while back and we had one arrive just the other day.\"\nPlayer: Who arrived the other day?\nDM: \"I cannot recall his name-- Realm Seeker, Realm Seer-- I'm not--\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They find a long metallic rod half buried in the rubble about the size of the platform hole in the room below. Yasha sticks a sword into the ashes in one urn, and shortly thereafter a small glowing orb emerges and attacks her.\nDM: That's a ranged attack against the target creature. Yeah, no. You try to smash it, but it ducks out of the way. Because you're smashing it, it doesn't hit the ground and shatter, so you still have it your hand. But you swing with it to try to break it over this entity, and it dodges out of the way. They are very quick.\nPlayer: Okay. Do I still get my bonus attack?\nDM: Because it was a ranged attack, sure. It's stretching it a little bit, but I will let it happen.\nPlayer: Natural 19. 25.\nDM: 25 does hit. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Eight damage.\nDM: Eight points of damage for that one. Nice.\nPlayer: Do I punch a ghost?\nDM: You do hit it, but it doesn't take as much damage as you would expect. As you swing toward it, it gives resistance to your fist, and numbs it as you punch through it. It does react to the impact, but it's not quite as impactful as you hoped a swing that strong should have been.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: The fire guy. He's actually on top of another larger orc, so you burst through, the fire is destroyed and you see a bunch of the stone is thrown aside, what was the campfire has now been detonated in a burst of snow and earth. You burst out. Are you catching him?\nPlayer: Yeah. That's cool.\nDM: So you burst up, the bigger orc body then rolls off onto the ground and keeps smoldering. You catch the guy who's on fire, currently holding him above you. What are you going to do?\nPlayer: First, I want to stamp him out in the fire, in the snow, sorry. Stamp out his fire in the snow.\nDM: You're clutching him. He's flailing about in your grip. Fire's out.\nPlayer: And then I'm going to, I want to grapple onto him. I want to start dragging him over to this nearby tree.\nDM: So make a grapple check, it's an athletics.\nPlayer: Athletics?\nDM: Yep.\nPlayer: I've only got basic stats here.\nDM: Roll a d20, add your strength modifier.\nPlayer: Oh. 19. 20, 20.\nDM: He rolled a one. Yep. Through the flames and the chaos, he can't even resist, and you have him in a full grapple. He's not restrained, he can still attack, but he's at disadvantage on all his attacks, but he can't move, his movement is zero and you're currently holding him in place.\nPlayer: Okay. Can I start dragging him over so--\nDM: At half-speed, yeah, you've already done 20 feet to get there, so you can move him ten feet.\nPlayer: Okay. I'll slowly start dragging him to this tree over here. So we can tie him up.\nDM: One, two. That's as far as you can drag him there.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: As you're pulling him back, and he's like, (struggling noises).\nPlayer: Come on.\nDM: All right, that ends your turn. Vex, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Above that, x bars against the wall where, in the center, you saw a gold inlaid seal with an empty triangular shape, like a pyramid inverted, and a series of these iron warriors that were embedded in the walls. Behind the stairway, you saw means of smelting metal and other forms of material.\nDM: 24 points of damage. All righty. And are you going to stay wherever you are, or do you want to move?\nPlayer: How high is the ceiling?\nDM: The ceiling is about 30 feet up.\nPlayer: Yeah, I'm going to fly up.\nDM: 25 to 30 feet.\nPlayer: All right. I'm going to go to the roof.\nDM: Okay. You're going to go all the way up to the roof?\nPlayer: Oh yeah. Some of that was lightning damage. That was two points of lightning damage. Because they're made of metal. I don't know if that did anything special.\nDM: Okay. Thank you for the heads-up on that. All righty. So ending your turn, that brings us to Vax.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Still on the cliff in the Salted Bluffs, Vex'ahlia casts Locate Object to find the diamond that was dropped by Ogden Trickfoot.\nDM: \"Oh, that definitely runs in the family.\" She looks over to you Pike, again, and is like, \"I am so sorry. I didn't--\"\nPlayer: It's okay.\nDM: \"I'll try and make it up to you.\"\nPlayer: Just know I don't want you to-- if you don't want to stay here, you don't have to stay here. I'm not holding you here against your will in any way, but I would love for you to stay because I would love to get to know you better.\nDM: \"How could I say no? (chuckles) I'll stay until you need me to leave.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: At which point, you watch as Vex and Keyleth and the broom come up and land on the cliffside.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She also knows of Sabian, who works with Cadmus Leeland, pirate captain of the Widow's Embrace. At that moment, Yasha walks into the bar.\nDM: You don't see anything in the way of a ship shack right now. You do see a man. An older, grizzled fisherman of some kind, or at least a dock worker. He has this long cap on that dangles past his mid-shoulders, in a heavy dark gray cloth shirt that is drenched with sweat like he's been doing hard work throughout most of the day. You see him currently tying a small rowboat to the edge there and holding it in place.\nPlayer: Old timer! I'm sorry to bother you, I don't see a mariner's office around here. Is that your rowboat?\nDM: \"Oh yeah, this here is my boat. What's your name, sir?\"\nPlayer: Fjord.\nDM: \"Fjord. Jimmy.\"\nPlayer: Jimmy.\nDM: \"Pleasure to meet you.\"\nPlayer: Absolutely.\nDM: \"You much of a shipman yourself?\"\nPlayer: Little bit, little bit, my friends here were hoping to explore the coast a bit. And if I could put some coin in your pocket, I was wondering if you would mind parting with your vessel here for a little bit.\nDM: We'll say, because you have a sailor's background at this point, you guys converse back and forth a bit. You swap some stories with him about how he used to be a dockworker, and some of the ships he was on back in the day.\nPlayer: Tales of the worst greenhorns you've ever worked with.\nDM: Yeah, about five minutes of back and forth you get to the point where you're both laughing and feel comfy. Eventually he goes, \"Don't even worry about the money, just, I'll keep an eye on out here and don't take it too far out in the bay. When you're done, bring it back.\"\nPlayer: That is most kind of you, we are much obliged.\nDM: \"Least I could do.\" He goes ahead and helps untie the boat. You have it at your disposal.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiberius waltzes into the room and casts Light and then Obelisk of Stone under a second mind flayer. The mind flayer rolls off the pillar before it slams into the ceiling and then disappears.\nDM: You look through here and see what appears to be some sort of a kitchen. You can see shelf units, you can see what looks like a few tables, you can see some kitchen elements.\nPlayer: I'm gonna walk all the way in, all the way in.\nDM: All right, you walk all the way in. There's a door towards the back--\nPlayer: The right, what do I see?\nDM: The right, you see what looks to be a doorway that's partially open that leads to a staircase.\nPlayer: Up or down?\nDM: Looks like it's going up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He and his party were left for dead, but his patron goddess, Tiamat, kept him alive. He offers a temporary alliance with Vox Machina against Vecna.\nDM: Eventually, you come around one cluster of exterior buildings. It looks to be what was once a manor, that was converted to a fortress. Like a small exterior fortress to this inner circle of Thar Amphala. You curve around and there you see, familiar to you from once before, the walls that surround the exterior of this inner sanctum of Thar Amphala, and the basis of this field that contains the entirety of the city. Looking at the wall, you can already feel the dangerous vibration of this field being so close. There's this violent hum to the air, that with each pulse hits this certain frequency of sound that causes your ear to tweak just a hint. And you can see violent waves of green-blue magical energy, (pulsing) up the side of the wall, like a very powerful reverse waterfall. Shooting up, to gather and maintain this field. You cannot see the crest. The crest was visible from the outside of the wall. And the energy field is being produced on the outside of the wall. You're on the inside of it. But you can gather the base location of where this burst is happening to get an idea of loosely where it might be.\nPlayer: How thick is the wall?\nDM: You don't know.\nPlayer: And we saw the crest before because there was a doorway in the outer wall.\nDM: Correct. Yes.\nPlayer: Is there any kind of doorway around us?\nDM: You glance over to where the door was, below the crest, before, and you can see the opposite side of a door, currently, yes. It is shut. And appears to be made of hard wood with-- It's iron bar reinforced crosshatch.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Though the armor was originally Vax's, Vex claims it before he can take it back.\nDM: (wave noises) As the tunnel begins to curve larger and larger, eventually you come around a bend and the tunnel opens up into a humongous cavern housing an underground lake circling a large island. From what you can see on the edges of the walls that are closest to you as the island disappears into darkness about a hundred feet ahead of you, there are these blue crystals that you've seen throughout this tunnel completely covering the walls of this entire cavern. There is only maybe bits of and places around the wall, about five, ten feet across where there will be no crystal. Otherwise it's just grey stone and blue crystal jutting from the sides.\nPlayer: I go over to one of the crystal walls and I put my hand on the crystal and I cast Daylight, trying to see if I can emanate it up through the dome.\nDM: Okay. You cast Daylight and on the actual crystal source that you cast it on, daylight emanates from it and gives a bright beacon of light.\nPlayer: I want it to light up the crystal. Trying to see how far I can get it to reach up to the top.\nDM: Right. You notice that from the whatever crystal vein structure some of these are connected by, some of them tend to glow in spots, but you see it's localized. All this crystal isn't interconnected, is what this tells you.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: There are pockets here and there that are interconnected, but there are multiple veins of it going through the entire.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside.\nDM: All right, so they're all going to take javelin shots at-- miss. Miss. Two-- miss. Hit. Hit. Three hits. And so they're all just (effort sounds) chucking these javelins upward. Four, eight, that's 12, plus seven-- 19 points of damage from the javelins as some stick in then fall out, the wounds are now becoming visible. Umbrasyl's-- there's visible wounding but doesn't appear to be in dire straits or anything. Grog, you're up.\nPlayer: Yes, I have two questions. One of the things I picked up from Kevdak were four enchanted javelins. What do those do?\nDM: They're thrown, ranged attacks.\nPlayer: And they're just enchanted?\nDM: They're plus one to hit and damage.\nPlayer: Just that.\nDM: That's it, yeah. It's a relatively simple enchantment.\nPlayer: What is my climbing speed? If my natural speed is 50 and I wanted to climb that column, what's the climbing speed?\nDM: Climbing speed? I mean, if you roll a decent climb check-- here. That would be-- I'd say that would be an athletics check to see if you can climb it, and I'd put it at about half speed. But you're also prone, so getting up from that's half your speed.\nPlayer: On my back, can I use my bonus action to drink the potion of speed, which makes me hasted?\nDM: Yes you can. You now have technically four attacks per round.\nPlayer: I do. And it doubles my speed, right?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Okay, so I have 100 feet, so can I stand up?\nDM: Yep. 50 feet.\nPlayer: Can I try and climb that column towards Umbrasyl's feet?\nDM: Athletics check.\nPlayer: That's not awesome. 18.\nDM: 18. You just manage to get to the top with the last bit of your movement. So you are up about ten feet from Umbrasyl right now, pushing on 15 at an angle.\nPlayer: So I have four attacks?\nDM: Yes. You're not in melee, though.\nPlayer: Yeah, so I'll use three of the enchanted javelins and the javelin of lightning.\nDM: Okay. All right, so you (effort sounds) finally with the javelin of lightning. So go ahead and make the first three strikes.\nPlayer: Reckless, all of them.\nDM: Okay, so with advantage on each of these. The range on the javelin strikes, I'm just going to pull it up real fast, since this is the first time you've used this.\nPlayer: Yeah, it's 120 feet for the javelin of lightning.\nDM: Yeah, within 30-foot range, so it's fine. Go ahead and roll. First one is?\nPlayer: It's an 11 plus-- just my natural like--\nDM: It's 11 plus one for being enchanted.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Lillith Daturai the tiefling wizard (guest Kit Buss), currently magically disguised as a human servant) enters the scene, and Seeker Assum appears out of a wardrobe in the Briarwoods' bedroom before leaping down to Vax and pulling him away from the attacking nobles, but he then succumbs to Silas' charm attack. In her eagle form, Keyleth swoops into the bedroom and grabs Scanlan in her talons with the intention of joining the fight below.\nDM: You didn't die. Sorry. My apologies. Vex, you swing around the corner, just getting to the outskirts.\nPlayer: Right as I get outside-- I would whistle, but Vex can whistle, and she whistles for Trinket.\nDM: You're not sure where Trinket is.\nPlayer: No, but I whistle for him. He knows to listen for it.\nDM: Do you want to get as close as possible to the fray?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: I'd say as you turn the corner, that will get you about there, and you can see now, there is Seeker Asum and Lord Briarwood both standing over what looks to be a small cluster of cloth, the source of the dread.\nPlayer: I scream. Can I attack?\nDM: You can, yeah.\nPlayer: Okay, if I did something that did five feet-- ten feet... I've got to look at this. Yeah, ten feet. If I hit Lady Briarwood, would that hit my brother, or would that just hit Bastard Briarwood?\nDM: No, that would just hit her. Oh, within ten feet? It would hit Seeker and Sylas, yeah.\nPlayer: Fuck it, I'm doing it. Lightning Arrow right at her face.\nDM: Okay, go for it. Roll for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They double back, scry again, and eventually find her still traveling on the main road. As the bounty hunter approaches on her horse, the party prepare an ambush for her.\nDM: You pat her down? Yeah, she has two daggers, one placed in each boot, stealthily hidden. She has a shortbow that is over her chest and shoulder, and a side quiver of about 40 arrows.\nPlayer: Oh shit! These are good arrows.\nDM: She goes, \"Thank you.\"\nPlayer: Just noticed the good work, that's all.\nDM: \"I make them myself.\"\nPlayer: I show her one of my owlbear arrows.\nDM: \"Owlbear?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three of the bolts hit Percy in the chest and a fourth glances off his shoulder. Four more bolts hit you.\nDM: Okay, so you take from three heavy crossbow bolts at you. Seven, 19, 32 points of piercing damage. All three bolts stick into your chest. They're big, long, thick, heavy crossbow bolts. One of them gleans off your shoulder and catches the edge of the wall, but the other two have actually sunk into your torso and are sticking out of you. The other five against you, Grog.\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: Since you did not do reckless strike last time, they are not with advantage. That is 19?\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: 12?\nPlayer: Misses.\nDM: Oh, that's a 25.\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: That is a 19?\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: Last one is a 24.\nPlayer: Yep, so four out of the five.\nDM: Yep. That's 11 plus seven. 18.\nPlayer: 18.\nDM: Plus eight. 25.\nPlayer: 26.\nDM: Plus 13. So 39.\nPlayer: 39. Half.\nDM: 18.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: 18 points of piercing damage again. Bolts are sticking out of your body all over. You almost have additional armor from the number of bolts that are on your body, but you're still standing there, frothing at the mouth, angry, just like, \"Come at me!\" That ends the guards' turn. They all reload their bolts and pull their crossbows up. Vex, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: As this gnoll here has taken the impact is going to rush over towards Mollymauk to attempt to take a strike. While another gnoll who's bloodied and partially crushed is now hobbling its way up out of this tunnel and spins around to see you up against the side of the wall (growls and yips). All right, Fjord?\nPlayer: 16 plus six, so 22?\nDM: That hits. The gnoll's going to be striking you. That's a three, that's not going to happen. No.\nPlayer: Eight plus four is 12 plus four points of necrotic for 16 total points of damage.\nDM: All right. The reason it misses is right as it swings towards you, Fjord raises the back of the sword and fires a blast of eldritch energy that hits the back of the gnoll's shoulder as it tries to spin and strike you. As it does, it goes wide. It pirouettes on its foot and stumbles back into the open hole. (high-pitched yell)\nPlayer: Oh, there's an open fucking hole?! That's good to know! Oh, shit!\nDM: Yeah!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Judging by the weather, they have arrived somewhere in Exandria. As Vox Machina comes within range of the base of the tower, they are addressed by an omnipresent, directionless voice.\nDM: 18. Just ricochets off the armor. There's one here that's going to go toward Pike. And you're not held, right? You resisted it. So it's going to go ahead and make a strike on you; that's another 15. Just hits your armor and scrapes off, no effect. This one's going to rush forward, two against Vax on the ground. It has advantage. That's a 19.\nPlayer: To do what?\nDM: To attack you.\nPlayer: All right, so I'm at disadvantage, but I have advantage, so it would be one straight roll?\nDM: No, it has advantage against you because you're paralyzed, so yeah, it would be one straight roll. The first roll was 19.\nPlayer: Oh, so no.\nDM: No. Your armor class is 21 naturally?\nPlayer: It is 21 when the daggers are out, and my daggers are in my hands. I mean, I don't know, this is kinda loosey-goosey. All right, then I'm at 20.\nDM: Yeah, so it still misses you. The other one, no, misses. Both of them just miss you. The effect of the 9th-level spell is just enough of a vibration that the attacks are being-- You're moving just, (grunts) ever so faintly out of the way.\nPlayer: Familiar.\nDM: One attacking Keyleth. That is a 24.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The spiraling tower of black iron and copper. He throws a square, metal icon.\nDM: All right. You leap over, grasping, lose your hand for a second, and get back up there. The soreness is starting to kick in; you're not used to this much physical activity of this type of strength, and it's kicking your ass.\nPlayer: So fast, but so weak.\nDM: So fast, but so weak. It's already hot here, and the beads of sweat are pouring down your face at this point.\nPlayer: I have little indoor fans, like I'm a baseball mascot.\nDM: Yeah, basically. Thankfully you have fire resistance so you don't have to worry about the heat getting too much on you. It's more of the physical exertion that's getting you. You do eventually pull over to the next window. As you get to it, you pull up into the lip, and as you reach out to grab, your hand hits something. You look up, and you see that this particular opening has an imperfect, thick glass window or at least a glass surface that is currently blocking the entrance. This is actually a window that is closed.\nPlayer: Is it transparent?\nDM: Somewhat transparent, yes.\nPlayer: So it's just cloudy?\nDM: It's somewhat opaque, because of the nature of its creation it wasn't perfect glass. It's about that thick, and the entire oval is about six feet high, and about four feet wide.\nPlayer: Can I check for traps?\nDM: Sure, go for it. Make an investigation check.\nPlayer: Okay, oh good, 27.\nDM: All right. This window is trapped. As you glance around, you can see that it is. It is a window that has a slot on the side. The glass is wider than the window in a slot that's pulled up through chains that you gather would probably lift it from the inside, like a winch that would pull it open or closed. However, on the bottom, you can see along the edge. On the very bottom edge, you can see some sort of slight bit of material that doesn't match both the glass or the blackened iron structure of this building. It's a silver plate that rests where the glass sits down. As soon as it would move, a weight would shift, and something would happen.\nPlayer: Looking at it, do I think I could disarm it from this side? Or is it something from the inside of the room?\nDM: It would need to be something from the inside. Even if you were to attempt to do it from the inside, you would have to be at the base of the structure. From this side, it's too big for you to do anything, really.\nPlayer: Okay, and I can't see shit.\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Natural 20.\nDM: Which gives you a total of?\nPlayer: Oh, perception? A total of 32.\nDM: All right. As you peer in and close your eye on the inside, you can see another bedroom similar to the one over there that you just passed by. But this one is exorbitant in its decor. You see beautiful deep red tapestries along each wall that are the full length of it. The bed itself is a canopy bed that is 40 feet tall with heavy dark silks and fabrics that dangle from it. This is a gaudy bedroom for some sort of a giant.\nPlayer: Any armor on the walls?\nDM: No armor visible from this perspective, no. You do see small pieces of art. There are other metallic trinkets that are built into the wall. But nothing that resembles armor, unfortunately.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: No. It's just on the ground going (confused whimpering). It's about to try and get back up. Caleb, you're up.\nPlayer: I'm going to go along the edge of the steps this way and come down toward it and I'm going to now spin and flames lick around it and I'll go (flick) and I flick that off my hand. This time is also not good. It is a 13.\nDM: 13. It has disadvantage because it's still prone.\nPlayer: Oh. For my attack?\nDM: Yes. Against ranged spells.\nPlayer: Same thing. Rolled the same thing.\nDM: Yeah, you release it and it just skids across the ground. Like skipping a stone across a lake. It slams into the wall behind it and (explosion).\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With the giant asleep, Keyleth has enough time to cast Geas and bring it under her control. When it wakes up, it agrees to stay with them peacefully and help attack K'Varn when they are ready.\nDM: It's 15 feet up, so you can jump down into the ring if you wanted to go down there. Or you can move around this way.\nPlayer: Oh gosh. I don't really jump well. All right, I'm going to jump into the ring, I guess. And then can I shoot from there or will the wall be in my way?\nDM: He's big enough where you'd be able to see him.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: So you leap off the side. As you leap in the air, he glances over with his large eye and does a backswing with the club in mid-air, trying to basically baseball-swing you.\nPlayer: Oh, he'll hit me.\nDM: We'll find out. That is an 18?\nPlayer: Oh yeah.\nDM: Okay. You take 19 points of bludgeoning damage. As he (impact sound).\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The ogre's jaw goes slack as it tumbles forward, lifeless. Percy shoots ice at an ooze and it quivers but the ice gets absorbed.\nDM: Okay. Gotcha. Both shots into it. You see its form kind of quiver at the impact, but it's still slowly slithering forward. Now comes to Keyleth!\nPlayer: Okay. I wanna move, kind of be like, whoops, sorry, 'scuse me, pardon me, and come like heresies. Would you say that I'm 30 feet away from that guy?\nDM: Just barely. Like, he's just in the cusp of 30 feet from you.\nPlayer: Will my Thorn Whip reach him? My 30-foot-range Thorn Whip?\nDM: You can certainly try!\nPlayer: I'm gonna try and Thorn Whip him!\nDM: Okay!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Clarota moves forward to greet them. The illithids remove the helmet from Clarota's head, seeming to welcome him back into their fold.\nDM: Okay. As they begin to move in, and are hovering forward, looking around the room, taking in the scenery, but they're all focused toward the center, they're all just moving towards the Elder Brain. And they make their way up towards it, looking very intent and very frightened at the prospect of what maybe has happened in this room. As they all approach, you can see that low, dull, kind of purplish glow of the Elder Brain is still pumping, but slowly brighter and brighter, almost like it's coming to more life. You can hear the cage rattling of the various entities that are still inside, like the one that's still grappling Grog off to the side. The horn of Orcus, which is still being held aloft by your Telekinesis spell, is just hovering through the air, slowly rotating on its own, little strips of K'Varn's flesh still freshly tumbling from the side.\nPlayer: And it's at the halfway point between where she is and where I'm standing.\nDM: So right here?\nPlayer: Yeah, right there.\nDM: Not this big, of course.\nPlayer: It's really heavy, guys!\nDM: As they all move towards the center, Clarota, with his hands up, turns around, pulls back the hood, and steps towards the other mind flayers, hands stretched out, moving up to the point here.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Kashaw Vesh, a human cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: 15 feet behind? All right. And Keyleth, you continue up that way. All right, so that'll be the marching order.\nPlayer: So I've got my axe out. And may I make a perception check to see what I see? To just see if I can pick up footprints or motion or whatever?\nDM: This would be more tracking, if you're looking for footprints, so that'd be wisdom.\nPlayer: Okay. Just a straight wisdom?\nDM: Survival.\nPlayer: Survival, hang on. Not my system. Eight.\nDM: Eight? Okay. It's hard to tell. It looks like this area is not heavily traversed, and what little sign of footprints there are scattered enough that it's hard to make out a specific print. But I mean, they have been traveled before.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Across from the entrance is a set of wooden doors which he listens at. He hears nothing, but notices that the door is unlocked.\nDM: Both arrows impact his chest. The duergar steps back for a second, surprised by the moment, looks really furious and begins to step forward, his size enlarging.\nPlayer: I knock him right in the face with the butt of my gun as he rounds the corner.\nDM: All right. Go ahead and make a stealth check to see whether or not he sees you.\nPlayer: I can't use my previous stealth roll?\nDM: Not for this point. This is an active combat.\nPlayer: Damn it. Eight.\nDM: Okay. So you still get the attack, but you don't have advantage, 'cause he's aware you're there. As he's running past you, he glances and sees you in the corner of his eye and is preparing for the blows. Go ahead and roll your attack.\nPlayer: What do I add to this, by the way? I've never done a physical attack.\nDM: You're hitting it with the blunt. Go ahead and roll a d20 and add your strength modifier and four.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: Yeah. That is going to miss you at a 12. It (swoosh) throws, the javelin arcs past you. This one over here is going to come forward and it's going to take a javelin as well out and chuck it right at you, Grog.\nPlayer: Heh, you're dead.\nDM: That is a 20 to hit.\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: You take ten points of piercing damage, reduced to five, as you basically (impact)--\nPlayer: (snapping noise)\nDM: Snap it off and grin in its face.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After an intense stare, the air shimmering between them, the mind flayer's gaze turns its attention towards queen. Scorpion-you moves to the king, with Laduguer-Tiberius manically laughing on her back.\nDM: You are going to have a disadvantage on the tail attack, because you have Tiberius on your back and you're trying to make sure you don't hit him with your tail.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: So, first two claw strikes.\nPlayer: Okay, first one, probably not gonna hit. 12?\nDM: No, that does not hit.\nPlayer: Second one. 16?\nDM: Does not hit. Clink, clink! Off the armor. Tail strike.\nPlayer: Tail strike. Two. Ten. Nothing.\nDM: Yeah, unfortunately just his thick suit of armor-- you're just hitting at him with the giant scorpion claws, but nothing seems to be getting through.\nPlayer: God, you're so heavy, Tiberius, god!\nDM: You hear this clacking scorpion angrily (scorpion sounds).\nPlayer: My balance is wonky.\nDM: Pike, you're up!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before it flies away, the duck reveals that there are two other entrances into the mountain. Meanwhile, you has slipped away to follow the footsteps around the mountain.\nDM: You follow the tracks, and about 200 or so feet around the edge, and you have to follow them between a few smaller rocks that are jutting out at the base of the mountain, and the terrain itself rolls a bit, and cracks in places. There are small fissures from recent rains that caused the earth to well up and tear in places, and eventually the tracks curve in towards the mountain and end, and it's just sheer mountain. There's no sign of an entryway visually.\nPlayer: Can I search for one?\nDM: Make an investigation check.\nPlayer: Do I get advantage because it's a mountain?\nDM: You do, actually, yes. Favored terrain.\nPlayer: Fucking balls. Perception?\nDM: Investigation.\nPlayer: No, I want perception.\nDM: You're getting investigation.\nPlayer: 11.\nDM: 11? You have no idea where the entrance is. The tracks end in this general vicinity, and it's just rock. It doesn't even look like there's handholds.\nPlayer: Weird. I wonder if it's an illusion. Can I put my hand on the rocks and see if there's an illusion?\nDM: Okay. You put your hands out to feel against the rock, and your hand passes through.\nPlayer: What-what! I feel like Vex is really good at finding illusions. Oh, shit! Okay, well, can I put the front of my face through the wall and see what I see?\nDM: Sure. You poke into the darkness, and it is pitch-black on the inside. As you poke past the illusion, it's about two inches or so of this rocky, heavy orange-red stone, and as you peer in you can see a cavern about ten feet wide or so and about 12 to ten feet tall. Natural along the walls, you can see the ground itself is smoothed over, and it's straight. It's a straight tunnel. It's not a rocky natural formation, it's like it was pushed and carved into the rock, like something heavy or something very focused drove through. You glance over to the side, and you catch what appears to be a face in the wall, about that big around. It's featureless, you just see two eye sockets, a mouth, and a nose. You see a flash of green light. I need you to make a constitution saving throw.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, 826LA video\n Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Critical Role add\n Good Fortnite Kevin Add\n Starter Kit season 2 Numenera promo\nDM: As your cat begins to approach, one of the servants goes, \"You can't be in here,\" and-- Not everyone's going to kick a cat into dust! Picks up Frumpkin and begins to bring Frumpkin away while the page begins gathering a breath and you now see a very well-dressed halfling with a curled mass of brown hair up top. It's graying and white on the sides, who sits up to meet with another important figure. Frumpkin has been pulled away.\nPlayer: Where did my cat go?\nDM: Your cat is being held by a servant.\nPlayer: The last I see of Frumpkin is where?\nDM: Being led back towards where you came, like taking the cat outside.\nPlayer: Okay. I count to six and then I snap my fingers and pull him off of this plane.\nDM: Okay. Servant's probably confused. What're you guys doing?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A breath of frost kills one of the giants before it is able to do much. Percy's engineering talent makes a showing, between a hand grenade and one of the exploding arrows he made for Vex.\nDM: Okay. You do a quick little hand gesture, hum to yourself the arcane ritual, and a very large, mystical see-through replica of your fist appears in the air above you and goes spinning off in the air in an arc. Straight up Popeye-punching towards the dragon. Let's go ahead, and Bigby-- what do you have to roll for that?\nPlayer: Oh, I have to roll for that?\nDM: Let me see what the effect is on that, remind myself real fast. Bigby's Hand. All right, so it's an AC of 20. Or no, that's the hand, all right. Clenched fist, cool. So make a melee spell attack. So roll a d20 and then add your spell attack modifier.\nPlayer: That's the spell attack bonus thing? Okay. 19.\nDM: 19. (wham) Just barely hits as the fist goes slamming into the side of the dragon's face, big old Popeye punch to the side of the jaw. So go ahead and roll 4d8 points of force damage.\nPlayer: 4d8. I'm taking yours, and I hope that's okay. Ten, 13, 18, 21. Plus something?\nDM: That's 21 points of damage, nice. (whack) It gets socked in the jaw. The hand whips around again, preparing for the next round. Do you want to use anything, move, use your bonus action?\nPlayer: I'm 20 feet away. I will go 18 feet away from it and drop the grenade.\nDM: Okay. So you move forward right here?\nPlayer: Yeah, closer to it.\nDM: Okay. The grenade is right there on the ground that Percy made. All right. Going to stay where you are?\nPlayer: Can I keep moving?\nDM: You can keep moving. You moved 18 feet backward, you mean?\nPlayer: No, I had to move closer to it.\nDM: Right, so you moved three feet of your 25 feet, dropped it, and you still have 22 feet you can move.\nPlayer: But if I leave, he's going to whack me.\nDM: No, he's this far away. You have to be within a certain range for him to hit you.\nPlayer: Wait, how close did I put the grenade to him?\nDM: It's currently 18 feet away from him.\nPlayer: No, I wanted to put it two feet away from him.\nDM: Oh, I see! There, that makes more sense. So now there is a grenade on the ground, right there. You are there, right next to Grog. So yeah, you cannot move away without it taking a swipe.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina, with nothing to do for the moment, head to Gilmore's Glorious Goods. The party enter Shaun Gilmore's shop in Abedar's Promenade, where you makes a beeline to find the man himself.\nDM: It's all right. There are some books stacked up. There is a small, embedded glass case that seems to have a couple of items that are under a purplish-maroon, velvet piece of material that's currently covering them. There is that beaded curtain with strips of material that block the back room.\nPlayer: Okay, and there's a person manning the --\nDM: No, not currently. It is just an empty desk.\nPlayer: Is there a bell or anything?\nDM: There is a bell.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: As you hit the bell, one of the employees who is helping somebody looks around and goes, \"I'm sorry.\" What you see is a half-elven woman with thick spectacles who is currently stepping over to try and stop you. However, the beaded curtain swishes open with the grandiose gesture of one slightly meaty hand. Stepping out in his fine, gold-trimmed, purple robes, his longish thick, black, coarse hair pulled into a nice ponytail. Smoothly-shaved face with a slight hint of a braided goatee that dangles about three inches from his chin.\nPlayer: Will you remind me because it's been a while. Gilmore's a good-looking man, though, isn't he?\nDM: Yeah. He's handsome.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A couple of hours later, the ship comes upon an unnatural-looking fog bank in the ocean. Adella tries to veer around it.\nDM: But I don't have that time, unfortunately. (all laugh) Right, so you guys, right over to this ship here?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: You drop him in the crow's nest.\nPlayer: Uh-huh.\nDM: All right. And you are currently on your bow? Is that all you're gonna do?\nPlayer: I'm on-- yeah, I'm on my broom. I'm just riding my bow around.\nDM: Fair enough.\nPlayer: Can I drift down to where I can see anything and I say to Keyleth, Uh, fog? Can you do anything about the fog?\nDM: On their ship?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay. So as you coast down a little lower, I want you to make a perception check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A fireball trap goes off, knocking most of the party over except for Grog and Vax. There is now a giant crater in the ground and the smell of gunpowder fills the air.\nDM: She makes it. It doesn't knock her prone. It hits her in the foot. She almost falls over. Roll damage.\nPlayer: Make sure I'm rolling all the right dice. That'll do. That's six plus ten. 22 points of damage plus three points of necrotic damage.\nDM: Nice. (gunshot) The blast hits the leg. It almost knocks her onto the ground, but she catches herself against the tree right behind her and pushes herself into place.\nPlayer: That's funny. I'm going to burn an action surge and I'm going to shoot her two more times because it's funny. Where is she? What's behind her?\nDM: It is a tree about ten feet behind her.\nPlayer: I'm going to hit her again with an attempt to knock her down; I'm going to burn another grit for that. That is 32 to hit.\nDM: 32 to hit? That'll hit.\nPlayer: Not quite as good. 14 points of damage, plus three points of necrotic. Another strength check.\nDM: Another strength check. This one she does not make. As she readies herself, you fire a second time, and it hits her foot. You can see a spatter of blood off the side. She falls and slams down on the ground taking three points of piercing damage landing onto the broken glass and the rubble around her.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percival shoots Clarota in the head, releasing Scanlan, who had been grappled by the turncoat. As the remaining illithids take heavy damage, the two of them Plane Shift out of the room in self-preservation.\nDM: 19 on him? Okay. So it's still alive, just looking really, really rough. The brain's just now pierced with a bunch of arrows, some of it, it's barely holding itself on top of its feet. And the troll also takes the damage as well, just seems to shrug it off, just seems to angrily-- roars up from the bottom of the temple at you, now seemingly helpless in the current circumstance.\nPlayer: So then I want to attack the Elder Brain again.\nDM: All right. So you release it down.\nPlayer: 20.\nDM: Very nice, that hits, go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: All right. 11.\nDM: 11 points of damage, all right.\nPlayer: Oh, wait, wait! No, lies! 13.\nDM: 13, okay, there we go.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pike realizes she has seen this place in a vision, as well as a cavern of blue crystal beyond it. They decide to cross it.\nDM: 13. Okay! You can decide whether or not you want to attempt to ascend this or make any attacks this turn, because right now it's going to take your full round to get to the top of this. It's a very thin, jagged, almost vertical wall you're trying to climb up and hold onto.\nPlayer: How far away am I from the stones? From the platform?\nDM: From the platform here?\nPlayer: From something I can stand on that's not sand.\nDM: You're probably about 35 feet.\nPlayer: So I could make it in a run?\nDM: You could make it in a run, yeah.\nPlayer: All right. I mean, in a standard movement action?\nDM: No. You'd almost make it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and Caleb find an archery range, and posing as father and daughter, try it out. Caleb fails embarassingly, but Nott hits the bullseye on all three targets, winning a crude doll of King Bertrand Dwendal, two wooden swords (which she gives to you), and two rats in cages (one of which she gives to Yasha, since it's her favorite food).\nDM: \"Whoever wins this, gets to go up against our finest solder who should be back from his lunch break here in the next ten minutes or so. We have the new challenger Beau. Let's see.\" He points over to the grizzled-looking beastly man who's currently chugging down the final bits of a tankard of ale. Spins around, wipes it off his beard and stands up. \"Yeah, I'm coming.\" He gets up onto the edge of the stage and goes, \"Well, this is Kendall.\" \"He's a strong fellow. Good luck.\" He sits down.\nPlayer: I'm going to fail this miserably.\nDM: Sits down at his stool, puts his meaty arm out with the fingers and goes--\nPlayer: Good to meet you, Kendall.\nDM: \"Sure.\"\nPlayer: Ugh, it's sweaty.\nDM: It is sweaty.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: 22. So you rush forward, slam the sword into the side of the lizard creature. It puts its shield up and it manages to block most of the blow, but it still slides off and slams into part of its neck area. It shoves the blade out. However, it fails its save.\nPlayer: Yes!\nDM: Take a strength point off of it and add that to what you have now. What's your strength currently?\nPlayer: 22.\nDM: So it goes up another plus one to attack and damage. If it became 22, it does.\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: All right. Grog, that ends your turn. Vex, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party realizes they can't hurt the troll, or Beau will take more damage and die. Jester casts Healing Word on her, bringing her back conscious but still being carried off by the troll.\nDM: Nope. The Fire Bolt vanishes beyond its space there. Anybody else with a ranged attack that wants to try and make it?\nPlayer: Sure, I'll take a shot.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: At disadvantage?\nDM: At this range it is.\nPlayer: 12.\nDM: 12 misses. It's starting to hit the mist and its form is starting to become a little harder to see and it's running with such an intense speed.\nPlayer: I've got one more hasted action.\nDM: You do. And a bonus action attack if you want to.\nPlayer: Terrible. 14?\nDM: 14? No, just misses.\nPlayer: Okay, and a bonus attack action. 16.\nDM: Roll damage. It does strike.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The first figure is cut in half at the waist. you takes a closer look at the room and sees that the second figure is still breathing.\nDM: Okay. As you slowly slip into the chamber, closing the door ever so slightly to make just the faintest creaking of metal on metal, you slip into the chamber, and you can see there's shelves with various torture instruments just strewn across it. It looks like a terrible nightmare version of Percy's work chamber back in Greyskull Keep. There are two doors in the room, one on the north side and one on the eastern side, and the body that's on one table you can see appears to be human, older male. There are signs of some sort of physical scarring on the body, whether it be necromantic or corruption-based, it has been long dead. There is a very strong smell of decay. The other table, you do see the slight moving chest of a living dwarf, a female dwarf that appears to be passed out, unconscious, and has suffered quite a bit of torturous wounds. You can see hundreds of small scratches and jagged dagger wounds in the side of the shoulders and arms, the face, and is currently strapped down to the table.\nPlayer: I'm going to use Divine Sense in this room. Am I within 50, 60 feet of that dwarf?\nDM: You are, yes.\nPlayer: Yeah, Divine Sense.\nDM: Divine Sense, to sense--\nPlayer: Presence of strong evil registers on my senses.\nDM: Within 60 feet of you. All right. Nothing coming from that dwarf, but there are a number of other sources throughout the fortress. Not in the room, but within 60 feet of you, you get a view of the chamber to the north of you and a chamber to the east of you. The eastern chamber, nothing. The chamber to the north of you, just beyond that door, there is a signature.\nPlayer: And the dwarf appears alive?\nDM: Yes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The twins have their drinks and wish each other good luck on their separate trials. Her group leaves the tavern, Grog saying goodbye to Vax as the rogue flips him off in true Vax fashion.\nDM: You may have even been able to do before you slept the night before, so then you would have all your spells back. So we'll say you did that. So you have an extra Invisibility spell in your Ioun Stone.\nPlayer: And I can store three spells in there, right?\nDM: Three spell levels.\nPlayer: Three spell level-- So only one spell at a time?\nDM: Or you can do three 1st-level spells.\nPlayer: Oh! Then never mind. I thought it was three different spells. I've already got an extra Lightning Bolt in there. I won't add to it, never mind.\nDM: Then yeah, that is a full Ioun Stone. That thing is pulsing with energy and going, \"I'm good.\"\nPlayer: I'm good, didn't understand.\nDM: Fair enough. Percy.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the sidelines, Scanlan yells inspiration at you and Cutting Words at Kern. Keyleth attempts to heal you from a distance, but gets caught by a nearby Bastion.\nDM: Okay. So. As you dodge off to the side, Kern's grabbing his face, and just takes a moment. Hears your footsteps along the side, as there is no stealth to this; there are just footprints. However, Kern does attempt to sidestep over. He's going to attempt to make three strikes at you, with a disadvantage on all of them because he's currently blinded.\nPlayer: All right, you seem to be rolling pretty high. You could use the dice that I threw.\nDM: And rolls against him have advantage as well. All right, so attacks against you. That is going to be a 14.\nPlayer: Misses!\nDM: Natural 20 or an eight. So that'll be 16.\nPlayer: Okay, that misses.\nDM: 19 and 19. Another one does hit. So, wide punches forward. They're a foot away from you. You chuckle, getting out of the way, and as you chuckle, he hears that. (snap) And for a moment, his mind clarifies, even though his eyes are closed with a trickle of blood off the side of one of the eye. He immediately goes into a faster-than-you-expected midsection punch that (whack) smacks you right in the middle of your laughing stomach. Because you're laughing, there is that tension, but it wasn't flexed, prepared for an actual impact from a fist. And you take seven points of damage from the hit to your abdomen.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: It is your turn. He is still blinded, so you have advantage on all these attacks. As you reel from the hit to your midsection--\nPlayer: I want to move-- no, I'll stay right where I am. Can I reach forward, grab his head and his shoulder, and go in for a bite attack at his neck?\nDM: You certainly can.\nPlayer: (growls) Yes! Aiming for the jugular. 23.\nDM: 23? Definitely hits. Go ahead and roll damage on that.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon returning to the city of Whitestone, they found the rebellion was successful. The undead hordes have fallen to the blades of the surviving rallied warriors of Whitestone.\nDM: Okay. After asking around for a few days, you manage to discover there is a budding local artist who doesn't really believe in his artwork. He currently works in the stables on the far southwest side of town. But people have seen some of his work and tried to bolster him, so you're sent in his direction and as you get there, you can see him. He's currently in the process of actually cutting through one of his recent works he wasn't happy with and he's violently tearing through it. As you step into the stable, he stops and puts it off to the side. \"Sorry, sir, can I help you?\"\nPlayer: Ah, hello. My name is Scanlan Shorthalt. I was the leader of the rebellion that just defeated Lord and Lady Briarwood.\nDM: \"Oh! The pleasure is mine.\" He is now averting his gaze and almost bowing his head like you're royalty. He's very flustered and flushed by the sudden appearance.\nPlayer: I hear you are a budding artist and I am, if nothing else, a supporter of the arts.\nDM: \"My talents are far unrefined and nowhere near powerful or decent enough for your attentions.\"\nPlayer: Well, I believe in you. And I need you for a very important commission. A great good has been done here by the rebels, by the townspeople, with the help of Vox Machina and of course, with the help of Vox Machina's leader, myself. Therefore, I'm here to commission a humble portrait of myself. You may not know him, but there was a folk hero in my town growing up. His name was Fabio. He would frequently pose with windblown hair and an open shirt on a horse. I was thinking something like that, and also I have this figure of Pike. She's a friend of mine. I'd like her on the back of the horse, arms around my waist, looking super hot. If that's possible.\nDM: Make a persuasion check. Only because he's so down on his own skills.\nPlayer: 33.\nDM: As you're telling this tale, he goes from bashful and meek to staring off in the distance, the artistic inspiration rolling through his head.\nPlayer: Oh. Sorry, 31. I was wrong.\nDM: Unchanged. He begins finishing your sentences as you're describing scenery and extrapolating on it. You can see the artistic mind is definitely spinning. He looks to you and goes, \"It would be my honor. Please.\" He reaches forward and takes your gnomish hand and you know, you're about two and a half feet shorter than him, but he's still very humble, kneels down and says, \"I would be honored to do this portrait. No charge.\"\nPlayer: Please, I insist. I must give you something for your troubles.\nDM: \"Whatever you deem fit, Sir Gnome, but I--\"\nPlayer: What's your name, young sir?\nDM: \"Jameson.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, while everyone else is taking breakfast, Pike checks the front door and finds about 20 skeletons waiting outside. She and you charge out to handle them.\nDM: And a 24. You take 11 points of slashing damage. Three of them are swinging at you and you're dodging out of the way, and then one of them catches you across the shoulder and you're like, (grunts). All right, that ends their go. Grog.\nPlayer: I'm going to charge in towards the pedestal. What's the first thing that I reach?\nDM: The first thing that you reach over here is a skeleton.\nPlayer: Yeah. Reckless, great weapon master.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: 27?\nDM: That hits. Minimum damage, you destroy it, because of the great weapon master. You walk up, smash. There's one also adjacent to you there.\nPlayer: Yep. Him, too.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Reckless again. 20, even.\nDM: 20 hits. Minimum damage shatters that skeleton. You can move five feet in and get a third one, if you'd like.\nPlayer: Actually, I would like to smash the Titanstone Knuckles together and cast Enlarge on myself.\nDM: Okay. So instead, you go into full, large-size Grog mode here. (impact sound) There you have it.\nPlayer: Fee fie foe, you're fucked.\nDM: That's your turn, Grog? Lionel.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you fires a Bramble Shot from Fenthras, but it goes wide and slams into the building behind the two fiends. A series of vines explode from the arrow and wrap around the building.\nDM: I'll put you just slightly in there. And there you are. You're not quite hidden but you're peeking around the side.\nPlayer: How many feet away am I from them?\nDM: From Ghurrix?\nPlayer: From Trinket.\nDM: Oh, from Trinket you are roughly 40. A little over 40 feet away. All right?\nPlayer: Thank you.\nDM: No worries. That's your turn. Keyleth, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Above that, x bars against the wall where, in the center, you saw a gold inlaid seal with an empty triangular shape, like a pyramid inverted, and a series of these iron warriors that were embedded in the walls. Behind the stairway, you saw means of smelting metal and other forms of material.\nDM: As you're running along the wall, it hits you from behind and for a second you feel the urge to black out and you fight through it and keep running. You can feel the warm spreading on the back of your shoulder blades from the blow, and you careen around that corner and stop, spinning to survey the room. What are you doing?\nPlayer: I pull up. I'm going to take my first shot. I'm going to take a straight shot and I'm going to blow a point of grit. We'll get to that, and I'm going to try to get him to drop his sword. First thing is I'm going to try and get him to drop the sword. That's a 34 to hit.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: Strength save against a 20.\nDM: Okay. That is a 13.\nPlayer: Drop your sword.\nDM: Its sword clangs to the ground as you fire. You see one of its fingers is bent back and busted from the impact and it looks over for a second. You watch as its broken finger (clicks) snaps back into place and it looks back at you.\nPlayer: Okay, so that was shot number one. Oh boy, here we go! I've also got to do damage on that, which is-- I'm so sorry, where are all my dice? There we are. Oh, I didn't do that, so none of that. Where are we going? I'm going to drop three points of Cabal into this, as well. Oh, there we are. Six points of psychic damage, four points of lightning damage, and 16 points of standard piercing damage.\nDM: Got you. And which weapon's this?\nPlayer: Animus.\nDM: Got it. Perfect. All right, so (boom) the finger curls back and breaks into place.\nPlayer: Next thing I'm going to do, I'm going to cast Hex on him. Give him disadvantage on strength saving throws.\nDM: Well, strength ability checks.\nPlayer: Strength ability checks. And I'm going to take a sharpshooter shot. That's 20?\nDM: 20 just barely hits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they find a cave filled with magical darkness. Keyleth shifts into an earth elemental to scout the cave, finding that it contains a strange planar rift and a group of grick.\nDM: First thing you notice one of them is giving off an awful stench. The smell you smelled when you first entered the cavern is now so strong that it's nearly overpowering.\nPlayer: Is there one specifically?\nDM: It's hard to find a source to it. However, you are taking a claw strike from each of them.\nPlayer: Oh, good.\nDM: That is going to be a six. That misses. That is a 19?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Hits. 18?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: And then 20.\nPlayer: Hell yeah.\nDM: All right. So, three claw strikes. You take seven points of slashing damage, another seven points of slashing damage, and then a ten, so that's a total of 24 points of slashing damage.\nPlayer: Okay. (grunts)\nDM: As all these horribly-muddied and half-rotted claws start sinking past the armor into your flesh, the back of your neck. One catches you in the side. And it all happens so fast, you feel like you're almost spun around by the sheer force of the impact. I need you to make three constitution saving throws.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord instructed Orly Skiffback to plot a course for Bisaft Isle. The\n Squall Eater\n still needs repairs from the battle with Avantika and her crew on Darktow Isle.\nDM: To that degree, you guys have a few days of travel, anything you'd like to accomplish in this time? You've taken a long rest for the first evening. You're restored if you need to restore your spells and hit points.\nPlayer: I have a small list.\nDM: What is your small list, Nott?\nPlayer: Okay, you said that we have some cannons aboard. Do we have gunpowder?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Okay. I would like to fashion, if I can, three more explosive arrowheads for myself, if possible?\nDM: Sure!\nPlayer: Or attempt to.\nDM: Sure, let's do it. Let's give it a shot. Roll a tinkering check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of adventurers, Vox Machina, had found themselves in the Feywild, intent on discovering another one of the Vestiges of the Divergence, one of the many artifacts that they hope will aid them in their struggle against Thordak the Cinder King and the rest of the Chroma Conclave. They've defeated two of the members, three still remain, Thordak being the seeming powerhouse head of that troupe.\nDM: No, Vax is in the next river over. Percy is about maybe 20 feet from you, but is quickly being rushed down the river.\nPlayer: Vax is? Or Percy?\nDM: Percy.\nPlayer: Okay, so first, I'm going to Control Water. I'm going to stop the flow of current and see if I can get it to burp out Percy.\nDM: Okay. Just pat it.\nPlayer: I'm going to burp the river.\nDM: (shushing) It's okay, Gilded Run. It's okay. All right, perfect. So you see this influx and see Vex get thrown out of the river. You see Percy's hand get pulled back under as the river pulls him along at a very fast speed. You concentrate, and as you put your fingers forward, you see the rapid river begin to slow down at a certain point, and it's almost like an invisible dam gets held up as the waters continue to flow out and carry him a little bit further. It slowly descends to leave him on an empty bank of water as the rest of it slowly seeps to a much lower level. You catch your breath, Percy. However, I need you to make a wisdom check, as this is a very powerful, magically-enforced river, and it's currently combating the strength of your spell. This is Keyleth. She's making a wisdom check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: The one gnoll goes (growls). All right. Seems immediately confused by the appearance of two Jesters in proximity. That's your action. That's your go?\nPlayer: Yeah, and then can I use my movement to crouch behind this table?\nDM: Nah, that's as far as you can get with your movement, unfortunately.\nPlayer: Okie dokie.\nDM: Ending Jester's turn. These two guys come into play. This one rushes up and swings at the illusory Jester; passes through, no effect. This one's going to-- five, six. It does not have a ranged attack, so instead it's going to rush forward and engage with you right there.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: It's now Beau's go.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they find a cave filled with magical darkness. Keyleth shifts into an earth elemental to scout the cave, finding that it contains a strange planar rift and a group of grick.\nDM: It does not, technically. It just means he can move it, so yeah, it does not cancel out the disadvantage.\nPlayer: Oh, so I've got to roll a couple more times?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: They both hit. They're both high.\nDM: Okay, great. There you go. So, as you're on the boat, you can see the hand grasping. It gives you a moment of bravery. You pull out (swoosh, swoosh) let loose two more arrows into the slightly dark, shrouded exterior of the boat. Both arrows strike true into the currently-grappled cloak-like creature.\nPlayer: 26 for those two. Plus Hunter's Mark. Oh, wait! No, 30 for those two. And 9 for Hunter's Mark.\nDM: Nice. Portions of it are trying to squeeze free of this arcane hand. One strikes through its wing, leaving a gaping wound in the middle, where you can see it's going to have a hard time maintaining height at this point. The second one strikes it and actually pierces one of its red, glowing eyes. It gives out this horrible, painful screeching sound (screech) into the cavern as you can now see what was once two gleaming red, piercing eyes, left with only one, and darkness on the other side of its face.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She Dimension Door'ed her way into the ritual room, which Vox Machina followed over the wall. She seemed to complete the ritual, creating this small, vacuous, spinning black sphere that is locked in place.\nDM: If you want to, you can hold. You can use your action to ready an attack so whenever a trigger of your choosing happens, you can then make your attack.\nPlayer: I would like to do that.\nDM: Okay. What trigger would you like?\nPlayer: When he reappears.\nDM: Okay, and comes within melee range?\nPlayer: Yeah, when I can see him with my beautiful eyes.\nDM: Okay, so you're holding your action there. Good to know. Keyleth, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As they wake up after their rest, you detects, with the last, fading trace of her Hunter's Mark, that the duergar queen is on the move out of the city. They break camp and start after her.\nDM: Go ahead and make a tracking check, so just go ahead and roll a d20. You have advantage, because you're in the Underdark.\nPlayer: What do I add that to?\nDM: It should be under your tracking ability under your ranger abilities there. In your spells, under you ranger abilities. I'll see if I find it before you.\nPlayer: I don't understand.\nDM: It's on the sheet I gave you, with all your character stuff.\nPlayer: Oh. Okay, cool.\nDM: That one. The one that's easiest.\nPlayer: Natural explorer, primeval awareness.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: I don't have any idea what I'm looking for. (all laugh) I'm just looking at words right now.\nDM: It's a survival check. There you go.\nPlayer: It's a survival check.\nDM: You have advantage on it.\nPlayer: Okay. Oh, good. So that's 22.\nDM: 22. All right. Looking around, what you do find is, there is a very familiar scent that a goliath barbarian does have. You, using Trinket's help, as you yourself are not quite as attuned, Trinket does pick up a little bit of Grog's scent in this pathway. So Trinket (moans) gives you a nudge and points deeper down the cavern. And you can see what looks to be a smattering of small duergar-sized feet and two grooves.\nPlayer: Two grooves?\nDM: About two-inch-wide grooves that continue down the path.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She is, however, always looking for crew, and she's heading back to Marquet soon. She introduces herself as Captain Adella of the Drensala Vis.\nDM: \"Yeah, half-elf fella? Yeah, he was in here a few months back when I was last docked in Nicodranas. Working with that lowlife, Cadmus. Haven't seen him since, though.\".\nPlayer: Cadmus, you said?\nDM: \"Cadmus Leeland. You know Cadmus Leeland?\"\nPlayer: The name rings a bell.\nDM: \"He's a right fuckface, I'll tell you that.\"\nPlayer: A few months, you say?\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, When Vax emerges from the vision, he finds a small black opal in his hand. you, Scanlan, and Vex head next to the Trial Forge to visit Earthbreaker Groon.\nDM: You walk through the halls, your footfalls echoing across the stone floor. The large archways and the pillars. It is very quiet. As you approach the edge of the central sandpit, in the center you see Groon, currently sitting in meditation with something drawn in the sand with a finger. Some sort of a sketch.\nPlayer: May I approach?\nDM: The head, facing away from you, picks up a bit. \"You may.\"\nPlayer: (jumping and landing) Three-point stance.\nDM: Slowly stands up and brushes sand from the hands. Not turning, but just looking over the shoulder ever so slightly at you. \"What brings you to the temple at this hour?\"\nPlayer: We have urgent business-- what are you drawing there?\nDM: \"Finish your statement.\"\nPlayer: Right, sorry. We come with grim tidings. Vecna is at large, and we mean to take him down.\nDM: \"I know only what I've been told. We are gathering the monks for defense of the city. Awaiting orders. I'm trying to meditate on where this danger is.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: But it's a melee spell attack, I'm pretty sure. So Vampiric Touch. All right, so you use your action to cast it on yourself and then make a melee spell attack against the creature, so go ahead and roll a d20. With disadvantage because you are restrained.\nPlayer: Aw. So the lower of those two.\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: I can't use Luck on the lower of those two?\nDM: You can.\nPlayer: Oh. Okay. Okay, that's better. Still not gonna be enough. Plus my spell attack bonus? Is that what, how--?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: That's still not gonna be enough. So that's 20?\nDM: 20 hits!\nPlayer: Oh!\nDM: Yeah!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Wohn rushes to the front door and spots Nott, but falls victim to her Hideous Laughter and is knocked prone, while Keg finishes the second guard ( Phil) and rushes over to attack Wohn. When Wohn shrugs off the Hideous Laughter, she retaliates on Keg, attacking her with you's stolen Magicians's Judge, dispelling the Haste and stunning her.\nDM: Yes, she does. Nila's standing there, finishes the Poison Spray, suddenly there's this blur of speed, plate, and hair as Keg rushes by Nila's side, actually causing the edge of her clothing to ripple up and back down into place. They're both there, right in your face, and they watch as you emerge. They don't even have time to process what you are. You're just a shape and anger, and they're like, \"Whoa!\" What do you want to do?\nPlayer: I'm going to smack the poisoned one with my battleaxe.\nDM: All right, go for it. First attack.\nPlayer: 17 to hit.\nDM: That hits, roll damage.\nPlayer: Okay, and then 1d8 plus four. That's eight.\nDM: Eight points of damage. (smack) He looks hurt, like between the poison gas and that he's hurt. He's not down yet, but he's looking rough.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to smack him again, this time with the warhammer, why not, just for fun. That will be 15 plus seven. I can't do math.\nDM: 15 plus seven? Yeah, 25, that hits. Roll damage.\nPlayer: Then that is 11.\nDM: 11. With that, he's (smack), \"What the--?!\" Second hit and he goes down like a sack of potatoes. (cheering) He is on the ground, not moving. His friend just sees it, goes, \"What?!\"\nPlayer: Then I have another action. I'm going to smack him, the friend that's still there. 11?\nDM: 11. This time, seeing this go down, he dodges out of the way and your weapon scrapes across the outside of the door frame, actually cutting a bit into it. You have to pull it out. Still have your bonus action if you wanted to do a fourth attack.\nPlayer: I do want to do a fourth attack. I'm going to try again. 12.\nDM: 12. Unfortunately, he just manages to duck twice. The second time actually gleans off the shoulder, but the armor's too thick. No impact.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb grapples it with Earthen Grasp. It manages to clean the tar off the lens, and breaks Caleb's concentration on the grapple by pinning him against the wall with a blade through the chest.\nDM: At the moment, for you, if you move over Beau's body. It's a tough call. I mean, I'll let you do it, if you want to. You'll have to be standing over her unconscious body.\nPlayer: I was about to say, is it in any way that going to give her a little cover, at the very least?\nDM: Probably not.\nPlayer: I'll move in and then move around-- well, no, goddamn it.\nDM: It's up to you.\nPlayer: I'm going to take a couple shots and see how this goes.\nDM: Go for it. Take those shots, Molly.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord manages another kill with Eldritch Blast, leaving two up, including the priest. Caleb takes a hit that breaks his concentration on Molly's Haste, stunning Molly for a round.\nDM: You see remnants of crates and broken goods littered across the rough staircase, now that you take a moment to inspect it. Make an investigation check if you want to glance about the space.\nPlayer: With disadvantage!\nDM: Yes, because you are drunk.\nPlayer: That's an eight.\nDM: You find some broken pieces of pottery, it seems like. Nice, polished on one side, with a nice glaze.\nPlayer: I'll take those.\nDM: You can write down in your inventory \"broken pieces of shiny pottery.\" Fjord?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tests the roots of the cursed tree for any illusory magic, but it is solid and real. you attempts to level up the Titanstone Knuckles by destroying the kitchen, much to Scanlan's consternation.\nDM: You reach over and leap through the hole. Catch it. Yeah, it's still open, it's like pulled open and actually--\nPlayer: I don't make it all the way in, though, do I? It's up there.\nDM: Oh, no, the hole that he pulled in was the entrance you walked in to the base.\nPlayer: Oh, good.\nDM: So you get there.\nPlayer: Little colonoscopy?\nDM: Little bit, yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tary and Grog see Utugash making some unknown gestures in the air with one hand. you pushes past Tary and climbs through the window to get in range.\nDM: Okay, so you step through, you get about there. You have ten feet more movement. So that'll do it. All right, so.\nPlayer: Can I Blight and then back out? Back through the window?\nDM: You're not going to have enough movement. You'll get up into the window. You won't get all the way through.\nPlayer: (grunts) Shit!\nDM: That is a 21. What's your DC?\nPlayer: Fuck! Are you serious? 20.\nDM: Yeah, so takes half damage. Go ahead and roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They see one of the vials to be what they recognize as being a Potion of Greater Healing. As for the second vial, she mentions it being very handy when it comes to escaping.\nDM: Eight? You give a quick once-over of the room. The place is pretty barren. Other than the large drums of what seems like three inches of some weird caustic substance at the bottom.\nPlayer: I hate what you've done with the place.\nDM: It's a recurring substance. A lot of the vials are based around it. There's a recurring theme of this caustic liquid throughout all of her instruments.\nPlayer: We'll have a conversation about what she was trying to do off-camera so I can have a better understanding of it.\nDM: In what way?\nPlayer: I figure I may poke you later to get a better understanding, just so we don't have to bore other people with her technical accoutrements, but I would like, at some point, an out-of-character understanding of what I'm looking at. Of what I could discern about what I'm looking at.\nDM: Or we could have it on camera.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, To that end, they visit a mapmaker named Tyriok to get general directions toward the Sunder Peak mountain. After a couple days of travel, the party arrive at the mountain home of the Fire Ashari.\nDM: One of them rolls down, and it would have impacted except for the Wall of Stone, it hits-- let me see the strength of that-- oh, it rolled a one on its strength. The boulder slams right at the bottom of the ravine, gets even more speed as it ramps up like a bowling ball and slams into the stone wall. The stone wall (impact noise) heaves and cracks, and portions of it fall and collapse, but it does manage to stop the force of that boulder. The second one comes overhead towards you. Go ahead and make a d20 roll and add five to it.\nPlayer: 19.\nDM: 19? Yeah, I rolled an eight. You manage to (straining) catch the boulder. It's just on the cusp of the weight limit you would have on Telekinesis, but you manage to stop it in mid-air and catch it. You're just throwing it off to the side?\nPlayer: No, I'm going to huck it right back to the other guy again! (swish, whoosh)\nDM: Okay. It's a heavy boulder and it's a long 50-foot distance away so I'm going to go ahead and have you roll another d20 plus five.\nPlayer: That's 14.\nDM: 14. You manage to stop it from crushing your party, and you throw it up and it manages to roll up the side, get partway up, and then continue arcing and rolling down. Away from you guys, safely. Skee ball style.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The room itself is large and octagonal, 30 feet high, with a ten-foot wide square pillar descending ten feet from the ceiling above them at its center, 15 feet above the one-foot tall triangular raised platform on the floor. The platform has a series of symbols carved into it, and a small, very deep central hole.\nDM: Oh, yeah. The next trap you come up to, you leap up onto the side, using your fingers to dig into some of the holes there, and jam about three ball bearings into the one hole that you see is the one where the bolt is actually embedded within, and as soon as you step back down, you hear this grinding noise, and the trap is pretty shattered from the inside.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to go to trap one. Ooh, not as good. Six plus six, right? 12?\nDM: 12. The middle one is still broken. There's only three platforms you've seen that actually lead to this trap. You've broken two of them. The third and final one, you go to attempt to put the ball bearing in there.\nPlayer: Oh boy.\nDM: However, it does shoot forth, through your thumb. That's going to be a 21 to hit.\nPlayer: Oh, yeah, that hits.\nDM: You take eight points of piercing damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He, Grog, Vex, and Scanlan go through it to Kraghammer. They emerge inside the Thunderbrand estate and are met by a grumpy Lord Thunderbrand, who had stayed up all night waiting for them.\nDM: \"It's funny, because I already did. I gave you a permanent entry to my own household, my family's household, by offering you this sigil, that gave you entrance to the interior of our well-guarded estate. That was a trade enough. That was what we agreed upon through the mirror.\"\nPlayer: That was just to get me here quicker, I thought.\nDM: \"So you come into my home and try to extort me?\"\nPlayer: No, not at all! Here's what happened, see. We were on an adventure-- I pull out the carpet out of my Bag of Holding. And this carpet was enchanted once with the ability to fly, and it helped us many times in many adventures. It was de-chanted, I guess, if you want to say it. And we need it re-chanted. And I thought that House Thunderbrand would be a strong enough house to have the ability to do such a thing. Maybe not as it seems. And I hand him the amulet as I'm saying this.\nDM: He takes the amulet.\nPlayer: And not as a trade, but as a favor for just the effort, or maybe because I'm not strong enough as a sorcerer myself to do it.\nDM: Make a persuasion roll.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you tries to soothe the creature by singing like Toya did earlier to the devil-toad, with comically bad results. Beauregard is slow to react, still momentarily convinced that the zombie attack is a part of the act, but finally attacks the creature with a flurry of blows that knocks the zombie around.\nDM: Okay. As you're singing out this discordant sound, folks nearby are covering their ears and glancing back and looking in surprise at this strange creature giving off this--\nPlayer: Does it die?\nDM: No. However, it now, after taking a few hits nearby, its red eyes-- or at least one red eye slips over to look in your direction. That's as much of an effect.\nPlayer: Fuck!\nDM: Do you want to move, or are you going to stay there?\nPlayer: Yes, I'm going to move, and I'm going to dash behind somebody in the crowd, some weak-looking individual.\nDM: Okay. You can get behind there. Okay. All right, that ends your turn?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, K'Varn falls, but is immediately brought back to undeath by the Horn of Orcus. A ray from his eyestalk turns Kima to stone.\nDM: Each of those attacks is reduced by one because your axe is currently not magical in the front of his anti-magic cone.\nPlayer: Right, okay. Two plus--\nDM: I got those numbers for you.\nPlayer: There's one more 'cause it's three strikes for Frenzied, right?\nDM: You already-- Those were three strikes.\nPlayer: I thought I only did two. Yeah, I only did two. The third one's not great, so--\nDM: Oh, it's 20-- Sorry, I heard twenty-- 21, 29, 17, sorry. So that was-- The first attack was 20--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb just walks away. Without much hope of success, they try to destroy the bowl.\nDM: Okay. You hold your Magician's Judge up, you lift it over your head, and swing it down with all your might. Go ahead and make the check for the Dispel Magic on the sword.\nPlayer: What's that?\nDM: It's under the description of the sword on your app. It's a d20 plus-- Not the attack roll; it's under the ability.\nPlayer: --cast as a 3rd-level and the ability check bonus for the spell is plus three.\nDM: Yeah, so roll and add three.\nPlayer: 13?\nDM: 13. As you strike downward, there's a brief moment where you see a flash of energy as if the field is temporarily dissipating whatever magical connection this object holds. In that brief, ever-so-subtle instance of time in which this marble bowl is left in a brief blip in history, it is exposed to the elements. The blade carves through and shatters. The glow, (explosion)! For that instance, there is a brief burst of bright green, blue, red, white, black energy that emanates and this low growling rumble. And, with that, the bowl and whatever enchantment it held is gone.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. you managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: It may have less than one hit point, in which case, you're just going to turn right back into Scanlan.\nPlayer: I think he's dead.\nDM: Let's find out. It has two hit points!\nPlayer: Oh god! Oh no, but wait, I took damage last round, too.\nDM: That was before you transformed. It was at the top of your round.\nPlayer: Hey, I'm still a snake! Well, I'm not going to try that any more. If I drop form, is that my whole round?\nDM: No, you just let it go.\nPlayer: I'm going to drop the snake. Snake was a try and fail.\nDM: It was a good idea. Just not a very strong snake.\nPlayer: I drop the snake, try to get that little bubble of air (gasps), and I'll fucking cast Bigby's Hand.\nDM: Okay! So, using that little pocket of air, you bring your hand up, you do your quick somatic components, shouting the phrase, and Bigby's Hand appears and is currently being squished between some of the walls of the stomach.\nPlayer: Can he move at all?\nDM: Yeah!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the sidelines, Scanlan yells inspiration at you and Cutting Words at Kern. Keyleth attempts to heal you from a distance, but gets caught by a nearby Bastion.\nDM: Okay. So, you rush forward with your leg (whoomph) he manages to duck out of the way, bringing his knee up to the side. Comes down to try and get ready for the next attack; however, you already used that inertia of the kick to bring your fist down (whack) right across the front of his face. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: That's an eight.\nDM: Eight. All right. Okay, and the third strike, you come out to follow that up with a full combo, at which point however, he reaches out, (clutching noise) grabs the sides of your wrists with both of his hands and brings it down to where you're now face-to-face again, left at his mercy at this point. You're off-balance and led towards him. It's Kern's turn. Kern is going to reach back and attempt to headbutt you in the front. That is a 21.\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: That is an 11.\nPlayer: Misses.\nDM: And that's going to be a 22.\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: Just (whack) headbutts you right square in the face. You reel back from it. He goes to headbutt again. This time you duck out of the way. However, at that point, he pulls you closer in towards him, still holding your wrists to his side, and he headbutts you a third time. So, the first headbutt does nine points of damage, and the other one does seven points of damage.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: (whack, whoosh, whack) Pulling you in, this time releasing you from the sheer impact, pushing you back onto your feet. It's your go.\nPlayer: Am I back to the wall?\nDM: You're pretty close to the wall, yeah.\nPlayer: I'd like to take a step back, put my back foot on the wall, and then push off into the air with a huge overhand right.\nDM: Nice! Okay, pushing off in the air and arcing down with the fist.\nPlayer: That's a 22.\nDM: 22 hits.\nPlayer: Eight points of damage.\nDM: Eight points of damage. All righty.\nPlayer: And then I say, you were supposed to be the only lipless one. And I soccer ball the shit out of those dimes between his legs. Nice! 25.\nDM: 25, that definitely hits.\nPlayer: That is seven.\nDM: All righty. (whack) With another screeching (howls in pain) your foot immediately cracks right. You've now repeatedly pummeled him into his man-bits, and you can see there is a dark stain in his trousers when you pull your foot back. You've definitely drawn blood in his nether regions.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus, Caleb, Jamedi, and Nott ran towards the stairs to the outside. you and Jester waited by the well for Fjord.\nDM: It does! It scrapes across your shield as you swim away quickly, just barely making it! That finishes your turn, Fjord. Beau, you're up.\nPlayer: Okay, what do I see? Where am I? Quick look around!\nDM: You're going up the staircase, but you're part way up.\nPlayer: The water's still filling?\nDM: Yeah, still filling, and it's still above you, like you can maybe catch up to the top if you want to. If you use your full movement, you'll get up to the top where the door is.\nPlayer: I'm going to keep moving upwards, and while I'm doing that, I want to take out the 50-foot rope we have. Then I want to grab something heavy that I have. I've got to have something stupid and heavy that I don't care about, and I want to tie it to the other end. A crowbar! I take the crowbar and then tie it, and I drop it down the well with the rope.\nDM: Downstairs, you mean?\nPlayer: Uh-huh.\nDM: You tie, take the crowbar and throw it behind so it's like (bouncing) and rolls partway down the stairs.\nPlayer: I want to take the rope and double-grab it around me and keep hauling ass up the stairs.\nDM: Okay, with that, you'll make it all the way to the top. You get to the small inner chamber, which is now halfway to stomach-filled. Making it to the top, you look up and you can see there is-- it's a little bit crouch-down, there is the latch, and there is the lock mechanism beneath it.\nPlayer: Fuck! It's locked?\nDM: Yeah. You locked it behind you when you guys entered the temple.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester and Fjord, also on deck, only see what appears to be ball lightning, but they see you being hurt by it, and Jester casts Cure Wounds on her, causing the creature to double in size. you and the being continue to battle, with you being seriously injured.\nDM: That succeeds. Okay, and that's a good thing. You take 13 points of lightning damage and you do not drop your weapon. You shrug off the numbness from the impact, but it is 15 feet above you.\nPlayer: Fuck.\nDM: Which is out of your melee range. It's up near the sail on the mast. It's your turn.\nPlayer: I call out to the Stormlord. What do you want me to do?!\nDM: Do you wait for a response?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: No response. Just the sound of thunder and lightning rolling.\nPlayer: Okay. I move closer to it.\nDM: How do you move closer to it?\nPlayer: Is it directly above me?\nDM: It's above and back, up by the mast and the sail. About 15 feet above you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Though the armor was originally Vax's, Vex claims it before he can take it back.\nDM: There aren't usually this many penis jokes in a session, folks. It just happens to be one of those days. So, glancing down below, you see it too. There are approximately two and a half boats that are made of some sort of a combination of wood and metal, like a heavily rusted iron. One of them looks mildly serviceable, the other one is broken with a large hole in the bottom of it.\nPlayer: I do a lap.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Go check it out.\nDM: You look around. There doesn't appear to be much else around, but you do catch what looks like a semblance of a half-eaten corpse, a bone that is left partially buried in the ground. You don't know how long that's been there, either. It's bleached bone at this point. Whatever fishes live in this landscape have picked it clean.\nPlayer: So there's nothing in the boats at all?\nDM: Nope.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, \u275d'Cause I'm so bright. \u275e \u2014 Grog The duergar attack Vax, Grog, Vex, and you.\nDM: All right. He turns around. Gives you a look, a strange look, he goes. \"Men, all of you, drop your weapons! Now. We are surrendering to our new infiltrators.\" He throws his war hammer to the ground. The rest of them all kind of look around. Go ahead and, I'm gonna have you make intimidation check on his behalf.\nPlayer: Okay, on his behalf?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Do I add mine?\nDM: No, I'm just considering that, so you rolled 11?\nPlayer: 11. (sings along with the music)\nDM: The three other duergar look confused, look at the dead mind flayer, look at their general telling them to surrender, and they all kinda throw their weapons to the ground, and stand there with their arms to the side, kind of waiting for what's gonna happen next. As you finish that, Clarota slowly drifts down.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester uses Locate Object to find the wax seal in another room, the master bedroom, where a rug and a metal cabinet give off magical auras under Caleb's Detect Magic. Jester realizes the seal is underneath the rug.\nDM: Yes, you can still talk. You're (muffled sounds). You still have the breath you had in your body when it went around you, so I'll say you have enough air for one spell and then that's all.\nPlayer: Okay. I will touch it with Shocking Grasp, cast Shocking Grasp on it.\nDM: Is that a spell attack roll?\nPlayer: It's touch, to hit plus five. So I have to roll.\nDM: Yeah, you would have disadvantage because you're restrained, but it's also smothering you so I would give you advantage to that, so it's just a straight roll.\nPlayer: 13 plus five. 18!\nDM: That hits! Go ahead and roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb grapples it with Earthen Grasp. It manages to clean the tar off the lens, and breaks Caleb's concentration on the grapple by pinning him against the wall with a blade through the chest.\nDM: First strike it dodges; it moves out of the way. The second strike actually makes an impact, so roll for that.\nPlayer: That's okay. (counting) That's 12 points of damage.\nDM: 12 points of damage, all righty. Carves through with the second strike.\nPlayer: For a third, slightly less exciting attack. Natural 20!\nDM: This is your off-hand, so it's not a magical weapon.\nPlayer: But its magicked up.\nDM: Correct, so the extra rite damage is magical, but the actual blade will be halved.\nPlayer: Okay, that's fine.\nDM: So roll the d6 for your blade.\nPlayer: That's two to three, so that's five.\nDM: Five reduced to two. So two damage plus this, doubled. Well no, sorry, the two is doubled because it was a crit. So it would have been four plus three, which is seven.\nPlayer: So it was a five.\nDM: Sure, it's five damage.\nPlayer: And then six because this is doubled.\nDM: So 11 points of damage. Now the armor is reduced to 16 as you're carving away at its armored shell. It's starting to look pretty hurt. You see it shifting rapidly trying to figure out its situation and tactically maneuver best it can.\nPlayer: I'm going to see if I can hop back up out of-- am I ever getting out of melee, or am I not getting out of melee?\nDM: If you back all the way up to here, you can. Or all the way up to the top.\nPlayer: It will still get an attack of opportunity on me, though. Without disadvantage now.\nDM: At the moment, no.\nPlayer: You know, I'm going to stick around for now.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As well as that, they do some other activites, with Scanlan helping to set up a library and commissioning a painting of himself to hang in Greyskull Keep. Vax also contacts Gilmore to ask for his help with reopening trade in Whitestone.\nDM: So, Grog. As you take up the blade in your hands, you hear coming out of the ether, a gentle, low velvet voice caresses the inside of your head saying, \"You, are you to be my wielder?\"\nPlayer: What the shit?\nDM: \"Speak your name, warrior.\"\nPlayer: Grog.\nDM: \"Warrior Grog, have you taken up the blade of Craven Edge?\"\nPlayer: Is that what this is? Do you have a female setting?\nDM: You hear a long, drawn-out sigh. \"Do you accept my power?\"\nPlayer: There's a power that comes with you? What kind of power?\nDM: \"Do you enjoy drinking the strength of your foes, watching them beaten before you, and have that very power become your own?\"\nPlayer: Sounds pretty good.\nDM: \"Do you wish the shadows to encase your form and grant you resilience and anger, forcing those to kneel before you in fear.\"\nPlayer: The shadows?\nDM: \"Do you accept, Grog?\"\nPlayer: Fuck yeah.\nDM: \"Then it is done. Together, we will accomplish great things.\"\nPlayer: Do you have a name? Do I call upon you? Can I call you Bacon?\nDM: \"You call me Bacon and this blade will cut the very hand you hold. My name is Craven Edge. It will do you well to remember that.\"\nPlayer: Right. Yep. Was totally kidding about the bacon, Craven Edge. Well, I'm excited about this partnership. Clearly we will be a force to be reckoned with. By the way, can other people hear you?\nDM: Silence.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He takes off his clothes and he enters the pool, swimming to the bottom. Percy begins to panic when he can't reach the surface and he hits his head, filling his lungs with the blood.\nDM: You begin to reach around and try to swim up and find the surface, but it just keeps going. The liquid's thick and it's hard to pull through, and you can't open your eyes, and you can't see anything, and the iron-like flavor is starting to find its way to the inside of your mouth as it's seeping through your nose and your ears. You begin to panic even further as the cold is starting to take and you feel your muscles beginning to shake and seize from the onset of hypothermia. You begin to head to the bottom of the pool again, and this time, you crack your head on the bottom in the middle of your stupor, and you reach up and scream in pain. As you do, the blood fills your lungs and you begin to feel yourself drown. You begin to shake and convulse as you begin to try to find a way to force it out of your body and you can't. And at that moment, where all of a sudden you realize that this is it. This is the end. This is how the tale of Percival comes to an end. The sensation goes warm again. And it's like all that cold energy goes away, and you're now swimming in water, then air, and the pain subsides, and you're breathing normally. But you still stand in darkness, and you hear these distant footsteps. (clicking footsteps) Sourceless. No light, just shadow. And you look around over your shoulder and then right behind you, you see immediately a white porcelain face, the head is just standing there amongst the shadow.\nPlayer: (takes deep breaths) Do you know what I've done?\nDM: \"I've watched.\"\nPlayer: I have questions.\nDM: \"Then ask them.\"\nPlayer: First is, can we stop it? Can we stop what's been released? Is there something I can do?\nDM: \"Many things are released in this world. Many terrible, many wonderful. Many things. Ask the right questions.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There are two vines, one around Nott and one trying to wrap up Jester. They prove to be difficult opponents, dealing significant amounts of physical and poison damage, and grappling and restraining their targets.\nDM: 15 points of radiant damage to each. The vine that was constricting around you hadn't taken any damage yet. You see a burst of radiant energy. You watch as it lights up the area briefly. The one that's currently burning around there, the radiant damage burns past. You can see part of it blacken from the impact of the radiant energy, but it's still holding Nott tight. That ends your go. Yasha. What's Yasha doing?\nPlayer: Fuck. Yeah. Yasha would like to fucking rag\u00e9 and she will take-- to rag\u00e9. Take two strikes using Divine Fury while she's raging of radiant damage towards--\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Reckless. That's 20 for the first one.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: Second one is 23.\nDM: Both hit. Roll damage. Still tearing into that same vine that's holding Nott.\nPlayer: 19 points with radiant damage on the end of that.\nDM: Correct. Damage on the second strike? 2d6 plus five. Weirdly cocked.\nPlayer: 11 points of damage.\nDM: 11 points of damage. Hacking through that vine. It's still holding Nott, but it is looking really rough. It's on the edge of keeping itself held together and you can see the parts of where Yasha's carved through and where the radiant energy has blasted it. It's starting to leak this thick, green sap. It's having a hard time.\nPlayer: Thick, green sap?\nDM: Yeah, it's a plant bleeding. If you've ever seen a plant bleed.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He admitted Vandran had been the captain of the ship that sank. Avantika concluded Vandran would not have traveled without the orb so it is likely still at the site of the wreck.\nDM: You do recall, actually. It was somewhere coming back along this trade route and somewhere in this space the storm had blown through. This is where it sank and you washed up--\nPlayer: Darktow's over here, right?\nDM: Darktow's over here. You washed up on this island, here.\nPlayer: We're over here.\nDM: You guys are over there at Urukaxl. You washed up over here, so the storm was in this vicinity.\nPlayer: Okay, okay, okay. Yep. Fuck it. Yes, I do remember where the ship sank.\nDM: \"Then, my friend, I think we are going to do even more amazing things together.\"\nPlayer: I agree. I believe that will have to wait until we find ourselves on Darktow, though.\nDM: \"I have been patient this long. I can be patient a bit further. Very well.\" She leans forward with the wine glass, very close, and goes, \"It's been a very long day. I think rest is in order?\"\nPlayer: I would agree.\nDM: She takes a big, long drink of wine, sets it down. \"Well, there are ways to complete a hopeful future pact together. Many different ways.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog is delighted by the offer of a free drink. To Vex's horror, Vax'ildan offers everyone in the tavern a round of drinks.\nDM: She reaches below and pulls out a big tome and starts thumbing through it. \"You know, actually we have openings right now on the second floor.\"\nPlayer: Several rooms, or just one?\nDM: \"Do you need them side by side?\"\nPlayer: That would be nice.\nDM: \"We could pull him there and push him into room seven.\"\nPlayer: Something with a little bed for me.\nDM: \"Giles!\" One of the dwarf barmaiders comes over. \"Aye?\" \"Get Stepheson out of his room, move him to the third floor. We have to open a block for our new guests.\" \"Ugh, fine.\" The older dwarf stumbles his way up the stairs begrudgingly. \"Right, so I can get a room for each of you. We're looking at eight rooms separately, that will run you per evening about 25 gold pieces. Does that sound about right?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: Yep. The two other ones that rush up and come along the flank with the hyena to you, Fjord. First one goes, that is going to be a 15 plus two, 17?\nPlayer: That will hit.\nDM: All right. Actually, it has advantage on the roll because of pack tactics. It didn't really help, let's see here. You take two points of piercing damage.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: The other one is going to attack you.\nPlayer: It will take ten points of cold damage in return.\nDM: Which causes it to shatter into ice on the ground. It bites you and its snout (explosion) T-1000 style. It shatters into a million ice pieces.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Everyone orders drinks, Lionel asking for a chocolate milk. you asks this newcomer barbarian a few questions, sizing him up, then punches him across the jaw.\nDM: As you're preparing, Grog, this guy who's a little larger than you are, and as soon as he stands up you're like, \"Oh!\" And he's quicker than you thought. Grog, what are you gonna do?\nPlayer: Are we at a table or the bar?\nDM: You are, yeah.\nPlayer: At a table or at the bar?\nDM: Oh, you were at a table within the bar.\nPlayer: Magnificent. I flip up the table in my hands and I smash it over his head.\nDM: Okay, go ahead and roll for an attack.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a while they hear something approaching, and Scanlan preps his mansion as a safe retreat. The figures turn out to be a handful of skeletons, which are easily dispatched.\nDM: 15's not too bad. You taste it, and you smell it. It's not ash. It's very, very, very fine powder. It has an earthy rock taste to it.\nPlayer: And are there any tracks or footprints ahead of Pike and I?\nDM: Make a survival check.\nPlayer: Survival. Ooh, that's good. 19.\nDM: 19. You do see some tracks stepping up and down, yes.\nPlayer: Both ways?\nDM: Both ways.\nPlayer: Shite.\nDM: All right. So pushing forward, another 30 or 40 feet, roll another investigation check.\nPlayer: Not perception?\nDM: Not for checking for traps, man, it's investigation. Always been.\nPlayer: 21.\nDM: 21, okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pike realizes she has seen this place in a vision, as well as a cavern of blue crystal beyond it. They decide to cross it.\nDM: Okay, Trinket scrambles up the side of the wall. As it does, one of the white eyes is looking around like an iguana (tchh) focuses on Trinket, (whoosh) goes to whip toward Trinket. That is going to be a 24 versus his armor class.\nPlayer: Oh, it hits!\nDM: Trinket takes 17 points of damage.\nPlayer: Oh no!\nDM: Plus an additional five points of acid damage.\nPlayer: Trinket's unconscious!\nDM: As Trinket climbs up the wall, (shh, groan) and then streaks and falls back down onto the bone, unconscious.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They leave the bar, and Keyleth brings them back to Whitestone. In Whitestone, Scanlan goes to check on Kaylie, and the two of them discuss moving on with their lives.\nDM: Okay. Asking around a bit, it doesn't take much to find Kaylie in your old room in Whitestone, the one where you both left when you first exited the group for a short time. She's in there, bandaged up, and looks like she's taking a dagger and throwing it into the wall, then walking over and pulling it back out, sitting back on the bed and throwing it, and it bounces off. The hilt hits. She's like, \"Fuck.\" Picks it back up and doesn't notice you in the doorway. As she sits back down, she looks over.\nPlayer: Hi.\nDM: \"Hi.\"\nPlayer: You with a dagger in your hand's always a little scary.\nDM: \"Why, does it frighten you?\"\nPlayer: Not any--\nDM: \"Boo!\"\nPlayer: (yelps) Okay, it frightens me a little.\nDM: She sheathes it on the side.\nPlayer: You okay?\nDM: \"I've had better days. I'm all right.\"\nPlayer: Good.\nDM: \"You're alive.\"\nPlayer: Surprisingly, yes. We won.\nDM: \"I figured, if you're standing here before me. That's good. Congratulations.\"\nPlayer: Thanks. I'm sorry that I had to go do that. I had to.\nDM: \"I'd be disappointed if you'd've came back with me. More important things.\"\nPlayer: So what now? Do you want to go back to Ank'Harel and keep criming?\nDM: You watch for a brief second her tough exterior break, and you can see her eyes welling up a little bit. She looks at the ground for a minute, then looks back up at you. \"I'm glad you're safe.\"\nPlayer: I'm so happy I got to see you again. I thought for a second that when we said goodbye, it was the last time.\nDM: \"I didn't. I know you too well, at this point. You're too much of a turd to die.\"\nPlayer: That's true. Only good people die.\nDM: \"I'd like to go back to Ank'Harel. I don't know if this whole Meat Man thing's for me anymore.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. No, I hear you. I don't know if it's for me, either. It was fun.\nDM: \"It was a lot of fun!\"\nPlayer: It felt like we were killing time a little bit. There's something else that we should do. I don't know what. Maybe your thing won't be my thing.\nDM: \"Let's find someone to pass on the mantle to, eh?\"\nPlayer: That's a good idea.\nDM: \"I think the Meat Man should be there, just not us.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny you, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: It would be part of the attack to draw it out and attack. It wouldn't use your movement. It would be part of the attack to draw it out and attack with it. It wouldn't use your movement.\nPlayer: My dagger hand's the one that's out. I want to try to maneuver the sword around and stab inward and keep cutting bacon in here. I want to attack the dragon, but still from the inside with the hand that's inside.\nDM: Okay. You're in a weird position now where the blade's at your side, so pulling away from the body, there's very little strength to pull that way, since you punched through the wound. So you're essentially holding the blade right here.\nPlayer: Then if I did this, can I just continue to saw in the same direction and do an attack?\nDM: You'd be at a disadvantage on it.\nPlayer: Visual. I don't know what I'm seeing.\nDM: T You stabbed through, you cut a wound. Holding that blade, you punched through, and the thickness is about most of your body's length. So most of your body is still in the wound. You've just barely pushed through, and you're still holding the blade back this way. There's no real strength to attack from this position because you're being squished.\nPlayer: Then I'm going to attack at disadvantage with the dragon blade, and then I'm going to stab with the dagger that's outside.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Dragon blade on the inside rolled a 15.\nDM: 15?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: There's just not enough strength to get it though. You try and pull upward and the blade comes loose, comes towards your body, but doesn't actually find any additional part of the muscle to cut through.\nPlayer: Dagger on the outside is 21.\nDM: 21? Just scrapes across the hide. Not strong enough to pierce it from the outside. You do also take one point of bludgeoning damage as the wound tenses around you once more. Scanlan!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: Yep. So you guys make your way, reversing your steps, outside of the Tri-Spire, making your way towards the western side of the Interstead Sprawl, to the Song & Supper Inn.\nPlayer: Before we leave, are there any benches around, just sitting?\nDM: There are a few, yeah.\nPlayer: I want to leave one of the pamphlets for the Traveler sitting on a bench.\nDM: Okay, you sneakily slip it into a small gap, so it's visible, but not liable to be blown away. Perfect.\nPlayer: Minus one.\nDM: As you guys make your way to the interior of the inn, it is lively. It is the loudest, musically, tavern, you've seen. You get the sense, both by title, and by the interior, that this essentially a perpetual an open mic night for any musicians or bards who want to come and try out their craft. There are three different bands that are cycling through on the main, raised dais to perform. The atmosphere is lively, and folks come here for that. It's a poor tavern, comparatively. The interior looks like a lot of the paint is chipped and run or crinkled, the smell inside is not the best, but it serves basic food, basic drinks, and at least an atmosphere of music and fun. Some folks sing along, and jump into a shanty or two. As you come in, you can see both Ulog and Dolan are currently sitting at a table across from each other. As they notice you guys approach, they raise a drink, and you can see the rest of the table they have ready for you guys to come and sit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back at the bakery, Tary gives the Trickfoots the run of the shop (to the chagrin of Vex and you, who don't entirely trust the newcomers). Everyone retires to get ready for dinner.\nDM: She sits down next to you and begins asking about, \"I can't believe that you stepped into the same ridiculousness that Wilhand did and it's brought you all this. We just thought he was an old coot.\"\nPlayer: Well, he's all I've known and he's wonderful. He's my family, since I left, and I'm sorry I haven't really contacted you guys.\nDM: \"It's all right. We make ourselves scarce on purpose.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. Well, so you've been taking care of Ogden?\nDM: \"We've been helping out, but mostly me, yeah.\"\nPlayer: Has he told you anything that he dreams about?\nDM: You can see that she stiffens up a little bit. \"So he's already told you.\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"I don't want to ruin an evening that's going so well, but he's had visions. I'm worried about you. When we got your letter that-- we didn't know how to find you. We didn't think that you were in the area. When your letter found us, we thought maybe you weren't that far away, so we began to search our way along the Silver Cut.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Can I insight check her again?\nDM: Yeah, go for it.\nPlayer: I can't figure out what's going on. Ugh, balls. Oh, wait. 16?\nDM: She's hard to read, in general. Even when she was a kid, she was an odd duck. She seems genuine.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They see many Dragonborn with tails who were killed in the initial battle. After inspecting the lair and gaining a bit of semblance of a plan, Percy asks if it is possible for them to take one of the bodies.\nDM: No, this is more of an icy terrain. Nevertheless, between the two of you keeping an eye out, through this Marduk Enki-loving fool over here--\nPlayer: Bless you for knowing a Sumerian deity.\nDM: You look off and see that most of it, and its design here is to be a sentry point. The reason it's built over the structure is it has a view of the entirety of this central open valley in the ravine. There are nooks and crannies. There are elements of ice that can be carved away. There are small alcoves that could be out of sight, lower beyond the ice steps and such, but there is no extremely visible pockets or things that are completely out of the visual sight from that perch. It was designed specifically to be a place to survey everything.\nPlayer: Are there other perches?\nDM: From what you can see here? There are outcroppings of stone and elements that jut out naturally from the valley wall, but it's a wide berth from each side.\nPlayer: Does this seem like the only thing, or would there be other sentry points, as well?\nDM: If flown to and held in, yeah. There are a couple of other rock areas where the dragon would be able to hold himself, but this is definitively--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, It sees through lenses and the idea of blinding it by obscuring those lenses appeals to all of them. They decide to steal some tar on the way for that purpose.\nDM: Nine, okay. It's not that they don't buy it, they're just more caught off-guard by your presence, and not listening to the words you're saying. The one supervisor who keeps rushing forward goes, \"You know, lad, you don't have permission. Show me your--\" At which point you see Cleff, looking nervously, steps forward and goes, \"Hello there. Cleff Tinkertop, we're all right. They're with me.\" The dwarf comes to a slow jog, to a stop, and goes, \"Cleff, what the fuck are you doing down here?\" Schmidt drags the bucket about 15 feet off to the side, and it is near the base of the fence.\nPlayer: Okay, I'll cast Mage Hand.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Are people looking right now?\nDM: Yes, they are looking.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: It's about 15-20 feet to the left, but they're currently focused on your group, which is gathered at the edge of the yard where they assemble all of their very powerful military weapons.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the city below, they watch as a group of devas join battle against a group of gloomstalkers, and both are annihilated by a single swipe of the titan's arm. Grog, hanging off Vecna's side, pulls out Pelor's Divine Trammel and drives it into the closest wound\u2014the first of their three trammels to be attached.\nDM: The second one has suffered enough damage to be picked off, and part of its jaw gets blasted off, and it melts into that liquid black smoke-like disappearing ether.\nPlayer: For my third action, oh god, I'm going to run down a little bit. I'm going to try and get three of these guys in a line.\nDM: Okay, so you're moving down this way?\nPlayer: Just a little bit. I'm going to be one space away. I'm not going around that way, but I'm going to try to back around.\nDM: This way? Okay, yeah, you can move over here.\nPlayer: I don't want to get too far away, because I'm not done with my movement. I'm trying to get the shot as I run.\nDM: That's 20 feet, and you can fire and hit three of these skeletons in one shot.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They continue to attack both gators. you is held in the jaws of one, and Nott by the other.\nDM: In its jaws. So you are restrained. You can still attack it, but you're at disadvantage on all your attacks.\nPlayer: Okay. I will try to attack. Divine fury, and if I do reckless, does that mean--\nDM: If you reckless, it'll become regular attacks.\nPlayer: Okay. I'll do that.\nDM: All right. Make your two strikes. First one with divine fury as you swing down towards the top of its jaws with your blade.\nPlayer: That's a natural one.\nDM: As you go to swing, the jaws tense against you and (groans) it hurts and all your muscles tense from the pain, but you stay focused going for your second strike.\nPlayer: Okay. Sorry, hold on. Oh wait, no, I'm doing this one. 17.\nDM: 17 does hit, roll damage. This still gets divine fury though, because it's the first strike that you hit with.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A partnership with Obsidian for the upcoming Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire where the cast of Critical Role voice act in. Plus free DLC unlocked for custom voice sets and character portraits of Vox Machina, including Gilmore, available to use in game.\nDM: I think Max is voicing-- No, I'm voicing Gilmore. We're super excited, they look amazing, and we're excited for you guys to check it out. You can go ahead and pre-order now at versusevil.com/criticalrole to pre-order the game if you want to check it out. I love the series and I'm super excited for the sequel, completely unbiased and then biased--hell yeah.\nPlayer: Recording Vox Machina and Gilmore lines was sur-real!\nDM: That was the most surreal thing.\nPlayer: It was so good!\nDM: So crazy.\nPlayer: Travis's might have been my favorite. It was fun.\nDM: All right, 826LA did you make it all through everything there?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As Keyleth finishes casting the spell, Percy gathers a bundle of Vex's arrows and starts whacking Vax on the chest with it, chastising him for being reckless especially with Cassandra's life being in danger. Keyleth backs away as the moment is ruined, both her and Vax pointing out that the younger de Rolo would've died if he hadn't taken action.\nDM: As you're saying this, you turn around, you can see she's sat up and she sees this conversation and goes, \"Percy?\"\nPlayer: Hi.\nDM: \"Percy!\"\nPlayer: I'm so sorry.\nDM: And she gets up off the ground and runs up and just grabs you and embraces you tightly. You can feel all the muscles tense in her body as she just holds you with a slight shake to her body.\nPlayer: I'm so sorry for leaving you.\nDM: \"I thought you were dead.\" She pulls away for a second and just looks at you, and there's a coldness to her face. She's happy, but even for her young age, you can see there's lines at the corners of her eyes. She's probably been through a lot. She smiles and looks up at you again and you can see there's the white shocks in her hair, and she looks up and touches your hair and goes, \"I see we've both survived quite a bit.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They enter the next room, but the three thugs have disappeared. As you approaches the gate, a gout of flame roars out at her, causing damage.\nDM: (whoosh) A cone of flame just bursts forward from the brazier in your direction. I need you to make a dexterity saving throw, please.\nPlayer: Oh. I rolled a two. So nine.\nDM: You take ten points of fire damage as it just incinerates past you. And you take a step back, and the flame is now super small. Like it just expended a lot of its fire energy. In the brazier it's just this low flicker. And it begins to burn brighter again--\nPlayer: Aah! While it's going, I'm going to see if I can yank open the thing!\nDM: All right, go ahead and make a strength check.\nPlayer: (whining) Can I do athletics? [laughter]\nDM: This is a straight strength check unfortunately, sorry.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You had discussed with them, last time, a plot - fixing their seemingly not-very-well-put-together plot into a better direction (thankfully) - to acquire a wax seal within the home of Lord Sutan, to create a letter that you feel would be incriminating. Then to infiltrate the High Richter's home, do the same, and then report them to the Lawmaster or whoever else you think would be of higher estate...\nDM: He goes, \"What do you call the king on his birthday?\" The crownsguard goes, \"I don\u2019t know. What do you call a king on his birthday?\" \"An arsehole.\" The guard goes--\nPlayer: Here\u2019s the thing. He\u2019s not a joke-telling kind of comedian. He\u2019s more of a farce kind of comedian. Physical comedy. It\u2019s more like a jester, if you will. And I push him and-- so he falls down. See?\nDM: (impact noise) At which point the two guards go: (laugh)\nPlayer: He\u2019s so good. He really sells it.\nDM: Ulog like gets off the ground and glares at you this very furious fiery stare and then gets up and then stumbles again and falls on the ground, flat again. The guard goes, \" All right, get in.\" Ulog now has like a bloody nose and as you ushers him in, he looks back. \"Oh, we\u2019re going to talk later.\"\nPlayer: But I got you in the door, right?\nDM: You eventually make your way over to the edge of the alley, coming up to the hatch that leads you out of the sewer. There you guys see the two approaching shapes of Jester and Ulog. Ulog looking festive, if the wear is a bit tiny, making his hair and beard poof out of the sides of the mask.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The horse pulling the party's cart, spooked after being smacked on its rear end, rides off into the northern fields. The party chases it down and sets off northward up the Amber Road, passing along the way a large caravan that doesn't stop.\nDM: To be fair, your face itches in general from the sheer amount of filth that's on it. It's hard to really differentiate.\nPlayer: In the middle of the field you hear Ooh, look at that! What do I see?\nDM: Make a perception check for your birdie.\nPlayer: That's a nine.\nDM: Glancing over and doing a wide pass around as everyone begins to gather their things and head towards the cart, the road's pretty open. At this point, the previous caravan is invisible from that height, the hills close that distance. You don't see anything coming your way. It seems pretty open and safe.\nPlayer: Okay. I keep flying for a little bit longer.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they find a cave filled with magical darkness. Keyleth shifts into an earth elemental to scout the cave, finding that it contains a strange planar rift and a group of grick.\nDM: It begins to curve about 20 feet in, so you're unable to make much past that distance, and it looks like a continuation of the water flowing through, or into; you're not quite able to tell from this distance.\nPlayer: (singing) Nobody knows what it's like-- (singing) To be a shark man.\nDM: (laugh) Percy. You manage to pull from it all the teeth in the process.\nPlayer: For you.\nDM: So that comes to roughly 45 cloaker teeth. You don't know what that'll be worth, but you have that at your disposal. So you can write down, \"45 cloaker teeth.\" You manage to skin most of it. You get most of the top of its hide usable. It's still wet. It'll take a while to do that, let alone in an area where it's dry on the surface. But you manage to pull most of the top of it off, so you have this wet, skinned portion of the back of the cloaker at your disposal.\nPlayer: I'm going to build a relative canopy specifically for the left side of the boat so that we're protected and visibly obscured from anybody in the city.\nDM: Okay. Make a tinker check.\nPlayer: What's the bonus on that, again?\nDM: Well, for that, it should be dex, I believe.\nPlayer: Dex, thank you. (raspberry noise)\nDM: Plus four, because you're proficient with it. So it's your dex plus your proficiency modifier.\nPlayer: That's 11.\nDM: 11?\nPlayer: I rolled really badly.\nDM: Yeah, you did. You still have the hide. In the time it takes for you to get to the beach, you don't have much material at your disposal, and to fashion anything that's on that side, the most you manage to get is a slight lift to it, and by the time you get to the beach, it just collapses on itself.\nPlayer: Okay. Once we're at the beach and we have all evening, I'll make another attempt.\nDM: Okay, it'll take you some time. It's doable, but it'll take a while.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: You can get there. You're outside of the insect cloud, not a worry. As you're running, you're cleaning it, polishing, loading it. Okay, looks good.\nPlayer: Oh, yes. I'm going to spend my bonus action to do a quick heal.\nDM: Okay, your Second Wind?\nPlayer: My Second Wind.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Oh, god. That was awful. That's okay. So, yeah. Good. You can move on, sorry.\nDM: Okay. Vex.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and Jester jump overboard as the crewman leaps from the crow's nest to the deck, breaking a leg and screaming, creating an uproar on deck. Nott and Jester make it safely to shore and stroll away to the tavern, joined shortly by Caleb and Beau.\nDM: (gasp) He looks down and you can see there's a wave of relief on him as he doesn't have this like protruding fracture. It's set. Still, you can see the bone, but it's much better-looking than it was.\nPlayer: Let's give him a Cure Wounds level three just to--\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Or, what does he look like, a level two or a level three to you?\nDM: With that medicine check? A level two should be sufficient.\nPlayer: A level two should be sufficient. All right. Let's just take care of this. Can you tell me what happened, son?\nDM: \"I don't know. I was up in the crow's nest and suddenly it--\"\nPlayer: 21.\nDM: 21? \"Suddenly it's-- oh my god. Thank you!\"\nPlayer: While you were up the crow's nest, what happened?\nDM: \"It was catching fire! I was trying to put it out, but it just kept growing and growing and I could feel the heat, and it was--\"\nPlayer: It looks fine up there.\nDM: \"I know, I don't--\"\nPlayer: What did you-- what was the last 24 hours for you? What did you?\nDM: \"What do you mean?\"\nPlayer: I mean like, I don't-- oh, no.\nDM: \"What?\"\nPlayer: (sighs) I may have left some of the fruit that we picked up in our last stop in the kitchen. I don't know what you've been eating for the last-- that's maybe my fault. I really hope it isn't, but--\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: Seven.\nDM: He goes like, \"No, I don't think it's that. It was sudden and it was intense, and then it was gone! It's fucking crazy.\"\nPlayer: I'm going to be worried-- I'm going to check to make sure I've got all this, just in case, because that sounds awfully familiar. Do you need a drink?\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\nPlayer: Come on. We're going to bring you back, it's okay.\nDM: (groans) He stands up and like he's leaning on you for support, but once he gets to his foot, it's fine and he's like, \"Oh, man!\"\nPlayer: Poor guy. Come on.\nDM: All right. You lead him over.\nPlayer: I'm bringing back-- I'm going to just sort of-- yeah. Bring him back, and then tell everybody.\nDM: Some of the port guard are like going through the ship now, and they're going through--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex pops Trinket out and casts Speak with Animals, talking to her friend for a little while.\nDM: You take 42 points of damage from your maximum of 76 hit points as an elephant, as all of a sudden, what little bit of vision you have through the pounding headache, you glance through in time to see Grog's form (roaring) run up and slam his axe into you twice.\nPlayer: How much damage?\nDM: 42.\nPlayer: What's my form?\nDM: 76.\nPlayer: I fucking headbutt him, I'm going to gorge him! Let's go!\nDM: You're going to gorge him?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you, Pike and Clarota come to their senses, but Vox Machina has lost any advantage of surprise they may have had. Vox Machina hurriedly searches the rest of the floor.\nDM: It's dissipated at this point. It's thin enough. You still can smell it, and it smells awful, like a very, very heavy, electrical fire-type smell.\nPlayer: So I can see that guy?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: So should I notch an arrow and try to hit him?\nDM: It's up to you. What're you going to do?\nPlayer: All right, I attack him, then!\nDM: All right, go for it then.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The spiraling tower of black iron and copper. He throws a square, metal icon.\nDM: As you guys step down, the two giant guards step back and begin to walk towards the door to let you out.\nPlayer: Actually, madam, master. Do you have any symbols that you can give us, like something we could show people so they don't try to claim us for themselves? Because we're a lot smaller than everyone else here. Something that shows that we're your slaves?\nDM: \"Hmm.\" She gets up from behind the desk, and walks up the stairs for a moment.\nPlayer: Is she out of the room?\nDM: She's out of the room, currently.\nPlayer: And two other giants are behind us?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: What are they doing?\nDM: They're standing watching all of you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about Fjord's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: You did the dodge action, as an action, which doesn't take any ki points. You spent one doing a Flurry of Blows earlier.\nPlayer: I spent one doing deflect, and then one to do Flurry of Blows.\nDM: This is your third one.\nPlayer: No. This is the second one. This is the first Flurry of Blows I'm doing.\nDM: I'm sorry, that's what I was asking, my confusion. Cool, so go for it.\nPlayer: Shit, I don't remember. This was what I rolled, right? Okay, not good. Ten.\nDM: Ten against him? Nope. As you kick both feet forward, one hits and skims off the shoulder. The other?\nPlayer: The other is okay. 15.\nDM: 15 just hits. Go ahead and roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They are greeted by the voice of the rakshasa, who calls himself Hotis and offers them a new contract to replace their current one. Thorbir senses Hotis' insincerity and refuses the deal.\nDM: Yeah. Even though you're invisible, he looked right at you and cast the spell. You gather that there's something about him that can see through invisibility. With that, he's going to move in that direction. And at the end of that, that brings us to Vax.\nPlayer: All right. Well, I earlier rolled a 32 on stealth, but I don't know if that means shit right now, but I'm clicking my Boots of Haste and moving along the wall.\nDM: Along the wall here?\nPlayer: No. I'm going to stay put. I'm going to attack him. I'm going to throw-- dagger, dagger, dagger-- through the air. (flying blades) From the shadows. I have no idea. He might be able to see me like the Predator.\nDM: Okay. Go for it.\nPlayer: He already moved, right? So I don't get advantage for Assassinate, but we'll see if I get sneak attack damage. That's a three, so that's shit. That's a nine-- 15.\nDM: 15? Misses.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group gathered together, rode onto a magically elevated skyship, and traversing the ocean, carrying the Horn of Orcus within this holy container. They found themselves, over the ocean, suddenly attacked by a band of what seemed to be wyvern- and griffon-riding bandits.\nDM: So all of them take full damage, except for this one takes half damage, so go ahead and roll the damage on that.\nPlayer: Okay. 3d8. 15, and then 20 for the big one with the Hunter's Mark.\nDM: All righty. So. So you moved, did that. Do you want to move Trinket as well?\nPlayer: Can I have Trinket attack?\nDM: Trinket--\nPlayer: Oh, that's a lot of them.\nDM: Well, that, and the spell you cast was an action. Trinket can attack as part of your attack round.\nPlayer: Okay, so I get a second attack?\nDM: Well, no, your spell was an action. So that's your turn. You do Conjure Barrage instead of your attack.\nPlayer: Cool, I'm going to step back against the wall.\nDM: All right, so you step back there. Do you want to move Trinket anywhere in particular?\nPlayer: Nah, he can't really get anywhere, it's fine.\nDM: All right, Trinket is there and-- (bear noises)\nPlayer: It's good times, guys.\nDM: Angrily, a growl in the distance. Grog, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then made their way into the city of Deastok, to the Darrington Estate, and were led up into the study of Howaardt Darrington, father of you. They all discussed the reasons of why Tary was brought back, the current financial state of the family, and the intent to resolve and remedy long-standing sins of the father through ' you standing up and doing his family duty', from Howaardt's perspective.\nDM: \"I have only been recently brought into this unfortunate circumstance, brother. And you can trust in knowing that in my studies and my time spent here, working with father, being very clear, and very thorough with the mistakes he's made in the past, I will not be doomed to repeat them.\"\nPlayer: So you and he are two peas in a pod, yes?\nDM: \"Well, he's certainly in need of retiring based on the stress he's put upon himself. It would not be long until I will take over the responsibilities.\"\nPlayer: Well, I may poke around and see if there's another way I could help. But before I do, is this fun for you? Do you like running this business, or almost running it?\nDM: \"It's certainly a better challenge than many other daughters of lords are given in their time.\"\nPlayer: Do you have any friends?\nDM: \"Friends come, when the money and power's in place. You know this.\"\nPlayer: I do.\nDM: \"It's the way the land works.\"\nPlayer: Well, I'll leave you to your work, and-- love the decorations. I'm considering the offer and I'll have an answer for you by tomorrow morning.\nDM: \"Wonderful.\" As you begin to make any sort of exit, she catches you and goes, \"Brother, your arrival here is a great boon to us. You have the power to change the fate of this family. Consider the respect you have for the people who have worked their entire lives to provide for you what you have been given. Mother and Father sacrificed so much for us. Consider weighing one's selfish interest versus the importance of a bloodline. That is all I ask.\"\nPlayer: All right. I'll consider it. With all my intellect.\nDM: \"Well, it's good to see you.\" She steps forward and gives you a half-hug. It's like--\nPlayer: A pat. The back pat. Good day.\nDM: \"Good day.\" She straightens her coat and sits back behind her desk and waits for you to leave.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The resulting shockwave of radiant energy annihilates thirty-six of the skeletons, leaving only about twenty remaining which rush towards the glowing beacon of a gnome. you, thoroughly impressed with Pike, jumps off as well but due to the slickness of the wall falls short of reaching her.\nDM: The wall itself is slick, and as you push down, you lose your traction on the front. It doesn't cause you to fall, per se, but you manage to get ten feet off the actual wall, landing (boof) with a thud in the dirt, and Pike still 25 feet away from you.\nPlayer: Okay, do I still have a move, or is that my move?\nDM: I'm going to say that's going to be your move.\nPlayer: Okay, shit. How many are in my line of sight?\nDM: The 20 or so that are left are currently 55 feet from you and beyond.\nPlayer: And are they clumped together by any chance?\nDM: They are; they're very clumped together.\nPlayer: Oh, great.\nDM: All their friends just turned to ash, and they're now starting to climb over the armor to find their way towards Pike.\nPlayer: Okay, then I'm going to cast Lightning Bolt on them. Will I hit Pike? Is she in my line of fire?\nDM: Not if you angle it towards the edge.\nPlayer: I will angle it, then.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: Oh, and also, Lightning Bolt comes out of my body?\nDM: Out of your body in a straight line.\nPlayer: Can it come from my cock region?\nDM: If you would like to.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The woman goes to look and some time passes, before coming back with no package. She asks for one for Lavorre and the woman checks again.\nDM: She leaves again for another few minutes. Comes back after that, \"I'm sorry, there's nothing under that name.\"\nPlayer: Anything from The Ruby of the Sea, maybe?\nDM: \"I'll check one more time.\"\nPlayer: Okay, thank you.\nDM: She leaves.\nPlayer: I smile back at the guard, like (pained laugh) this is crazy, isn't it?\nDM: She comes back out. \"I'm terribly sorry, we do not have a package for or under any of those names.\"\nPlayer: Well, that's really weird. Okay. Well, tell you what, how about, because it's probably going to be coming, you know, I'm here really early for it, you know-- so if it comes for me-- when it does-- could you leave word with the guard outside the Tri-Spire?\nDM: \"Which one?\"\nPlayer: The guard house, you know.\nDM: \"Oh. All right, okay.\"\nPlayer: Then I can come and ask if it's been delivered and then I can come, because I don't want to have to walk all the way here, you know, if it's not here for me yet.\nDM: \"Very well. I'll make a note of it.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Unless I should maybe stay here, waiting for it?\nDM: \"If you like, we could set you up with a room.\"\nPlayer: Oh! Yes, how much would that be?\nDM: \"Well, depends on the size. We have our general suites, we have the lordly suites, and then we have the diplomatic invitational suites. Pricing begins at ten gold per room for the basic suites, 20 for the next tier up, and for the diplomatic ones, those run about 50 gold a night.\"\nPlayer: Well, I normally stay in the diplomatic rooms, but I guess the smallest room because, you know, I'm small.\nDM: \"Of course. Ten gold per night, how long do you plan to stay?\"\nPlayer: Probably just tonight, because it'll probably be here in the morning.\nDM: \"All right. That was Jester, right?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"Very well, all right.\"\nPlayer: Oh yes, here you go, thank you.\nDM: \"Thank you, and here is the key to your room.\"\nPlayer: Oh, thank you!\nDM: \"Second floor, third door on the left, it should be number 12.\"\nPlayer: 12, that's my favorite number!\nDM: \"So sorry I couldn't be of help with you.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the Feywild, Scanlan lays forth Vax\u2019s empty armor for Vex to see. Keyleth says she may be able to bring him back, but the spell would consume 25,000 gold pieces\u2019 worth of diamonds -- which they do not have.\nDM: As you get down close to glance at the rather disturbingly bloodied face of Delilah Briarwood, the eye shifts back towards you. The closer you get, you watch as the thinning slit of the pupil seems to widen and focus on you. It's an unsettling presence. As you try and concentrate to see if there's any immediate signs of whether it be sigils or arcane marks that would mark it to be more of a magically enchanted object than an actual organic eye, nothing comes to mind other than the fact that it seems to be very intent on studying you back.\nPlayer: Can I try to remove it from the ocular cavity?\nDM: Using your fingers?\nPlayer: Yeah. My tiny, ocular hands.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and make an athletics check.\nPlayer: Nine.\nDM: Okay, you (slurping).\nPlayer: I can inspire myself, I suppose.\nDM: If you want to. Up to you. How many more bardic inspirations do you have after the battle?\nPlayer: Two, right? I didn't Cutting Words anyone. Those count as inspiration, right?\nDM: Yeah. Your fingers are now knuckle-deep in Delilah Briarwood's socket.\nPlayer: I'll inspire myself just to give it a serious try. That's plus ten, so that's a 19 plus, I guess, three for Jack of All Trades?\nDM: If you're not trained in it, then yeah.\nPlayer: 22.\nDM: You begin humming your favorite eye-pulling song under your breath and with a horrible sucking sound, you pull the eye from her socket, leaving this trail of dark black and red viscera that dangles from it loosely. As you pull it free, whatever attached the eye to it seems to burn off and fall, leaving just the circular socket. I also need you to roll a wisdom saving throw.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you comes up with the name The Mistake. Caleb has finished casting Comprehend Languages and is able to read the partially burned papers.\nDM: \"Ah!\" He points towards you and, \"Um.\" He's not a very intelligent fellow. \"Go... fetch me some... dried meat.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, I don't feel doing that. Maybe you should just go upstairs.\nDM: \"I'm going to go lay down for a minute.\"\nPlayer: Hmm, okay. I'm just going to tie your hands while you're sleeping, though, okay?\nDM: \"Okay.\"\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: You head down to the cabin quarters to one of the small cots that are there, essentially, and tie him down. He's like, \"Mmm.\" He passes out; he's exhausted.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At that point, the Gentleman calls them over, and you tells him they mean to be of service. The Gentleman wants to know how they found him, and Beau says that Demedan was clumsy with his information.\nDM: Okay. The first cards are dealt out for the first round. This is Gambit of Ord. This is different from The Crick-Queen's Call. This is a Marquesian card game. Roll a d8, but keep it hidden to yourself. All right. \"So now, I'm going to go ahead and raise another 50 gold.\" (clinking) Onto the table.\nPlayer: My goodness, this is getting expensive quite fast.\nDM: \"Well, we deal with quite a large amount of business.\"\nPlayer: (yawning) 50 gold.\nDM: So you put another 50 gold?\nPlayer: Mm-hmm.\nDM: All right. Go ahead and roll a d6, and keep that secret alongside that die. \"Do you wish to raise?\"\nPlayer: You first.\nDM: \"I raised first last time. I'm offering you the chance to raise if you'd like.\"\nPlayer: Funny how that works. No, I'm good where I am.\nDM: \"Interesting. I'll raise another 50 gold.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord is quickly rendered unconscious, but uses Relentless Endurance to pop back up to one hit point. He is almost immediately hit into unconsciousness again.\nDM: 13's fine, you maintain concentration. The other one that's right next to Beau is going to attempt to also throw its harpoon at you, since it saw that you were the source of this. They're trying to break the spell.\nPlayer: I'm going to go ahead and cast some bullshit on that.\nDM: You were holding an attack. You'll have to say that\u2014\nPlayer: This is a reaction. I'm doing a Blood Maledict. The next two attacks are disadvantage.\nDM: You're amplifying it?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay, go for it. So roll the damage, that's disadvantage on that.\nPlayer: One point of damage.\nDM: That's a 17 to hit. What's your armor class?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex, Pike, and Scanlan invoke their divine blessings, and Scanlan prepares the Tome of Isolation.\nDM: 44? So you stealth up around the edge and you see now, where once it was divided into two chambers, it now seems the chambers converged once more into a single room. It's not very big, and the tower's been slowly tapering the higher up you go. The room is fairly empty. You see a few vases in the corners and some basic ancient decor. Standing, not noticing you're there, you see three figures in full dark armor. Similar to who you fought in the ziggurat, or the one who was guarding the tunnel that led up into Thar Amphala.\nPlayer: They don't look like the big kahuna, they look like the underlings?\nDM: The underlings. You see them in the same dark, horned armor. There's one that's humanoid sized and one that looks to be halfling size. Or two of them, halfling size.\nPlayer: From my hidden position, I want to see if I see any traps in the room.\nDM: Make an investigation check for the immediate entry.\nPlayer: I'm not entering. I want to do it from my peeky spot.\nDM: For the immediate entry for what you can see. You can't investigate from across the room.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you sings a jaunting welcoming song, Hello, we're here to pay you calling. Hello, hello, I don't know what rhymes with calling.\nDM: As you scamper by, behind Magrim, following him towards the kitchen area of the abode, Magrim stops and turns, rubs his stomach, goes (groaning) and continues walking forward, seemingly unperturbed by the sound.\nPlayer: I'm snooping around, trying to see if there's any lords or higher ranking individuals in the area.\nDM: Okay, I'll say within the time that you have within the house, you wander through quite a few rooms. There's a wonderful music room, which contains a number of dwarven instruments that you've read of and many instruments that you know as well. You actually find another, what do you call it again? A shawm?\nPlayer: Shawm.\nDM: A shawm. You find another shawm within, more finely crafted than the one that you have.\nPlayer: Oh fuck.\nDM: A gift of lords, if you will.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As well as that, they do some other activites, with Scanlan helping to set up a library and commissioning a painting of himself to hang in Greyskull Keep. Vax also contacts Gilmore to ask for his help with reopening trade in Whitestone.\nDM: The speed of that as it continues forward. You get word back. Nothing from Allura Vysoren yet. Eskil does respond, saying he is currently finishing up some personal business, but will make his way towards Whitestone within a couple weeks, with some of his compatriots who may also be of aid. Information has been gotten across, but it won't be until probably after this festival for them to begin their investigation. However, in the meantime, Keeper Yennen and a few of the smaller local arcanists do make a couple trips down to inspect the ziggurat themselves. When they return, Yennen is at a loss. Most of them don't quite understand the nature of the magic there. It seems to be immobile. It seems to be completely either negating, consuming, or preventing any sort of magical force within a specific radius of it. A lot of their normal arcane methods of inspecting or divine methods of inspecting this site are not functional. This is more like bring old tomes and research historical records of things that may be similar to this. So when you bring up that you had reached out to Eskil Ryndarien with the information you had, you gather that will probably be a much more fruitful endeavor. As of right now, no one has any clue what this is.\nPlayer: And we searched the Briarwoods' library that they had gathered together that say anything about--\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Some of the information you acquired from Scanlan's memory and a little bit of research into Vecna. Very little information really exists, but as the keeper of secrets, you get the sense that most anything of importance in dealing with this ritual has been destroyed as part of its preparation because secrets are meant to be kept and hoarded. So not much luck in that regard, unfortunately. However, as the second week draws to a close, the Winter's Crest day comes forward. As the morning crests into the proper Winter's Crest festival, you all awaken in Castle Whitestone to an unusually cold morning. As you look out, there is a fresh dusting of white snow that has gently caressed the entirety of this valley and the entire city itself. You all get yourselves ready, gather your belongings and preparing for the festival you've been helping get ready this entire week, you walk down towards Whitestone itself. As you get to the outskirts of the city, you can already hear in the distance music beginning to play. Blue and white ribbons are hung up all throughout the town, on the outside of buildings, outside of taverns, outside of even the remaining wreckage that is only partially built. It seems that overnight, people just went through the town and decorated whatever needed to be decorated to wipe clean the memory of the recent trials and difficulty that everyone's undergone. You begin to make your way towards the center of the town, to the town square where the Sun Tree is, and as you approach, you now see the source of the music, as a number of individuals in the town have brought out their instruments. They're playing, some more discordant than others, but overall, a sense of joy as people for the first time in a long time are truly embracing this positive atmosphere. You see children laughing and running through the streets. You can smell fresh-cooked pies and various bakery items just filling the air around you. Looking over, as you approach the Sun Tree, you can see where once bodies hung from its boughs, there now are strings of blue and white ribbons that are intertwined with each other, braided and set across from branch to branch. You can see fine little glass structures that have been hand blown and left to drape from them to be part of the festivities. As you begin to make your way up there, immediately people begin to notice your presence, and you can see people in the streets begin to gather up and begin cheering. You hear voices mutter out, \"Vox Machina!\" People start reaching out and shaking your hands. \"Thank you so much, thank you.\" You're taken aback by the attention. It's reminding you a little bit of the awkwardness you had with the last Winter's Crest in Emon.\nPlayer: Be on the lookout for eggs, giant frosty-looking eggs.\nDM: You make your way towards the Sun Tree and there you see Keeper Yennen is in the process of speaking with a few of the people that helped him with this entire rebellion, in setting up this event, and he greets you all as you approach. \"Oh, my friends! How wondrous. Glad to see you are all wakened and ready and well rested, I assume.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Victor isn't home and the workers on the roof say he has been gone for a couple of hours. Percy opens the door gingerly and doesn't see Victor.\nDM: (thud) You see off to the side, what you didn't initially notice as you entered, what appears to be a wooden trapdoor in the far corner that (thud).\nPlayer: Oh, sweet gods of Pelor!\nDM: (repeated thuds) And you notice that apparently something-- a large sack of some heavy material has rolled off a nearby table and is now currently holding the door down.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: You hear a muffled, \"I'm inside!\"\nPlayer: I'm going to go try and lift it. (grunts)\nDM: You lift it up, set it off to the side. (boosh) \"(coughing) What's going on? You trying to kill me?\"\nPlayer: No! Hello, Victor. I was just to give you money. You were stuck-- you had gotten stuck down-- what is down there?\nDM: \"This is my mining building.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Laina brings up the subject of payment for the staff at Greyskull Keep, so Vax, Vex and you front their wages.\nDM: \"Thank you kindly, Tiberius. Thank you.\" And he wanders off and begins counting out change into a smaller purse.\nPlayer: When they start to go, I'd like to go to the temple with the sigils and talk to the guy who runs the place.\nDM: Oh, you mean the Lyceum?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay, the Alabaster Lyceum.\nPlayer: Yeah, because I learned something new this week and I was like, I'm dumb. But that's where I would like to head.\nDM: All right. So you make your way towards the Alabaster Lyceum. The rest of you head down into Percy's workshop. So you head around the outskirts of the inner portion of the keep itself, down the stairway that leads to the basement floor, which contains a small cell, like a holding cell that you had constructed for you in case you had somebody to take prisoner at some point. To the right. To the left of you, there's a small turning hallway that leads to the workshop. The workshop contains a series of various tools, workbenches. It actually has a working forge, with anvil and various blacksmithing tools. And as you guys come down, the heat is already blasting from it, and you can see Percy madly diving into work of some kind.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They say their goodbyes. Vex gives him one of the two gate stones, and with that, Scanlan leaves the castle with Kaylie.\nDM: Pike kinda walks up to you as they walk out of the room and puts her gauntleted hand on your shoulder and just says, \"We all make mistakes, I make 'em a lot.\"\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: You have a lot of other people to look up to, aside from just me.\nPlayer: I've learned that.\nDM: His path is his own. And he'll come back. Right?\nPlayer: I don't know. But he's our friend. I like having him around.\nDM: Me too. (sighs) Let's get a drink.\nPlayer: What? MATT Let's get a drink. Let's get a drink. You wanna go in town?\nDM: Yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ripley hopes that there isn't as Percy opens the door, pushing the doctor in as he enters behind her. The room itself is dark as Grog lights up a torch and hands it to Percy.\nDM: Okay. You glance about the room. It's lived in. The actual bed covers themselves are pulled off. You can see she has a vanity mirror cabinet in the far corner. It's all put away. The chair's open a little, like it was stepped out of. The room is absent of anyone.\nPlayer: I walk over to the closet. I open it.\nDM: Okay. You open the closet. She has outfits there. Many of them don't appear to have been worn in a while.\nPlayer: Looking for signs of life with the paper on the desk.\nDM: You search her desk?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: Make an investigation check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they must gather three lodestones that have been dropped by a kraken living not far from the rift. They must not, however, kill the kraken, as the Water Ashari people would then lose their source of lodestones.\nDM: She swallows strongly. \"Your mother was a brave woman, very much like you, now that I see you before me. Unsure of herself, and wishing to please, and not disappoint. And it's hard to ascertain but I fear it's perhaps that lack of confidence that may have caused her failure.\"\nPlayer: Did she not make it out? Of the water plane?\nDM: \"She brought her own companions, that she had found and brought with her along her path. Our guides brought her to the rift, and her companions did not survive. Your mother did not return, and we sent scouts to try and retrieve her body so she could be interred correctly, but we only found a leg.\"\nPlayer: She's still alive. That means she's still alive.\nDM: \"Hold onto that hope. Use it, and finish what she started. She lives through you at the very least. Hold that memory.\"\nPlayer: I will hold on to it, but I hope you know that does not define me. I'm not her.\nDM: \"Good. Then perhaps you have a chance.\"\nPlayer: We'll complete your task. Thank you.\nDM: \"You've come far, young Keyleth. I have faith that you will rise, and become the Voice of the Tempest. For now, we rest. Eat. Sleep. For tomorrow, you face the pet of the Titans.\" And that's where we'll leave tonight's session.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: All right, that ends your turn. Then it's going to use a legendary action to attempt to hit you with a tentacle. That is a 28 to hit. All right.\nPlayer: Oh shit, 22. No. Hits me.\nDM: Yep. That is--\nPlayer: Oh, uh, hold on. Two. What's 28 to hit? Nah, wouldn't hit 28. Never mind. 'Cause I'm blessed but it's not much--\nDM: 28 points of bludgeoning damage. LIAM. Okay. Uncanny Dodge? Okay, so reduce that by half, so it's 14 and you are grappled.\nPlayer: Oh, good.\nDM: As the tentacle wraps around you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They see two guards patrolling the top of the wall. Keg steps on a hornet nest, and Caleb sends owl- Frumpkin bouncing off a tree to distract the suspicious guard.\nDM: That's what you see within the interior of the courtyard. The wall itself resides probably about out here.\nPlayer: This is inside the wall?\nDM: This is inside the wall.\nPlayer: Oh jeez.\nDM: Above that, still--\nPlayer: There's a second floor?\nDM: There's a second floor.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you challenges Gunther to a match. After a long, intense duel, you emerges victorious.\nDM: He's a very strong looking human male with ruddy, tan skin and long, jet black hair that's braided in a single thick braid that goes past his waist in the back. He's dressed in partial scalemail across the chest and part of the shoulders, a dull iron color to it that's over his chest. You see a heavy waistband of dull gray leather that's like a thick, almost a foot thick piece around there and a rough-looking warhammer that's strapped to his side and he has his arms crossed and smiling widely at you with a very welcoming smile. \"That was impressive. That guy you just destroyed up there? He's kind of a douche.\"\nPlayer: I could tell.\nDM: \"What's your purpose here? Are you looking for work?\" ASHLEY Me or--? \"Yes, you.\"\nPlayer: I mean, it depends on what kind of work, I guess.\nDM: \"Well, mercenary work, of course.\"\nPlayer: Oh, well yeah.\nDM: \"All right, well, first off, my name is Darrow.\"\nPlayer: Hello Darrow.\nDM: \"What's your name? Yasha, you said?\"\nPlayer: My name is Yasha.\nDM: \"All right, pleasure to meet you. Well, I am the de facto leader of a mercenary band known as the Stubborn Stock. We're out of Guar on the Menagerie Coast, but we've been hired for about a seven month stint so far by the Empire and it's been paying pretty well. We've had some pretty good scenarios here. The retainer's been nice and honestly, it's not bad to be paid to sit around in case they need us.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Dranzel divulges that he doesn't know who the wealthy person is, that the gold is in an abandoned building in the Cloud Top district, and that it's long abandoned and boarded up but hard to get into. Percy says that this building has probably been pillaged already.\nDM: He takes the coin. Takes the drink. \"Well, you know where it is. You know what it looks like. If you're interested in finding your way in and come out with anything, we'll be here about another week.\"\nPlayer: All right. How long have you been here?\nDM: \"Probably been here about two weeks now. Two and a half weeks.\"\nPlayer: Hmm. Have you noticed-- I'm sure you've seen many people come in and out, but an older gentleman dressed much nicer than he should be in an establishment like this?\nDM: You describe Riskel to him? Riskel's elven. Thin features, older. Has some battle scars, but long-ish hair kept behind his ears. And as you describe it, he goes, \"Yes, yes actually. We had a gentleman like that who came in here a couple of times about a week ago, and last saw a few days ago.\"\nPlayer: A few days ago?\nDM: \"Yeah! He came in and watched one of our performances. Tipped us rather well!\" (chuckles)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog and Arkhan, who are too big to squeeze past the trap, instead lock arms and use the Boots of Spider Climbing to walk across the ceiling. They all reach the other side and carry on.\nDM: You guys continue up the next set of spiral stairs, climbing higher and higher up Entropis. You can see, every now and then, one of the various vein-like cracks of energy that's holding the tower together. You can glance out and see, very obscured, movement in the distance. It's too fractured; too much diffraction. Continuing upward, you come to a second, or another, floor. About four minutes of climbing. This next half-chamber, you see dozens of sets of chains and manacles affixed to the walls, where tortured corpses are currently dangling from them, left in pieces. The scent is terrible. Decay is strong.\nPlayer: I cast Divine Sense. Undead.\nDM: No undead.\nPlayer: Traps?\nDM: Go ahead and make an investigation check.\nPlayer: 18.\nDM: Okay. No traps in this chamber.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A passing guard tells them the Bastions are preparing for a fight against Vecna. you'ildan leads the way to the Duskmeadow district, to the Raven's Crest temple.\nDM: Vax'ildan. As the panic and pain subsides, much easier now than it was your previous ventures, into this communion, the darkness surrounds you, familiar, but you are intent, and you are driven. The very force of your conversation is pushed out from your personality into this ether, this surrounding, infinite void, and a familiar voice comes. \"You burn with intent, my feathered boy.\"\nPlayer: We need to talk.\nDM: \"Then talk we shall. Speak your mind.\" You still see nothing around you, it's just the voice from the darkness.\nPlayer: We were too late to stop him. Vecna.\nDM: \"I sensed it, yes.\"\nPlayer: This dead man who wanted to be a god is now a fucking god. We have been speaking to your brothers and sisters, your found family, and they are arming us with what we need to fight your foe. You know who he is. He is upon us and I have come to you for aid. And as I have learned, he is somewhat akin to you. He was one of us and has ascended, like you.\nDM: \"He is no kin to me. He is a trier. He is a copycat. He ascends for selfish reasons, whereas I was merely following my destiny. He will be destroyed. You have the tools. You have the means. The weave is tangled before us. The threads grow knotted, hard to follow. But yours still glows so bright into that terrible knot.\"\nPlayer: This thing. This man is your enemy, yes?\nDM: \"As he is the enemy of all things.\"\nPlayer: Agreed. I have come here seeking power.\nDM: \"You have my blessing already.\"\nPlayer: What of these trammels? These fragments of divinity. Have you that in you?\nDM: \"I do not know much of these trammels but that they were used. But I fear that is beyond my knowledge. The Knowing Mistress would be the one to speak to.\"\nPlayer: We have.\nDM: \"Then what do you need of me?\"\nPlayer: We need to power trammels. The Dawnfather, the Knowing Mistress have contributed to our cause, to your cause, these seeds of power. I had hoped you could offer the same.\nDM: At this point, you feel a finger trace across your chin from behind. You feel an arm, the weight resting on your shoulder, and it pulls and turns you around, and as you spin, you come face to face with the porcelain mask you are so familiar with. As the hand still holds the edge of your cheek and your shoulder, \"Am I to believe that this is not some ploy to diminish my power and leave me vulnerable to cast me from my seat?\"\nPlayer: I thought you knew me inside and out.\nDM: \"I know you, but do you know them? Do you think I've been welcome since I entered this pantheon? My existence is perpetually a threat to the creators. If anything, part of this burden that we all face lies on my shoulders, as well. Why would they not think to strike at two birds with one stone?\" At which point, you watch the feathers of her dress furl out a bit, like a bird that's hit a chill.\nPlayer: Well, it depends on you, then, and how much you want this wretch taken down.\nDM: Make a persuasion check.\nPlayer: 18.\nDM: There's a long, silent stare. \"I put my faith in you, my fate-touched. Do not forget that. And all I ask is you put all your faith in me.\"\nPlayer: You have it.\nDM: \"Then I shall watch your thread. Now wake up.\" In that instant, everything goes black once more, and you feel the pain, the heat in your lungs, but then it subsides quickly, and you stay there beneath the familiar, thick surface of the blood. No need for air.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tary purchases a few healing potions and a Scroll of Fire Shield from Cyric. While the shopkeeper leaves to gift-wrap the potions, they hear a loud clang from outside; Doty has knocked out the two guards who were following them.\nDM: As you guys are walking closer to the outside of Zephra, you see a couple of individuals beginning to approach, three or four children, just seeing these strange visitors in the outskirts. They're also keeping low and not trying to draw your attention too strongly, though they are out in the middle of the open. You see a few bushes and elements. You see two grown individuals walking up with the children, one of which appears to be a relatively young girl, maybe around 13, 14 years old who pushes the kids to the back and goes, \"Keyleth?\"\nPlayer: Yes, hi, hi. What's your name?\nDM: \"Sora. You used to watch over me when I was little.\"\nPlayer: Oh my goodness, Sora. Wow, last time I saw you, you were like, like, oh man. Look how big you've gotten.\nDM: \"I--\"\nPlayer: Do you still know that handshake? Do you remember the--\nDM: It takes a moment for you guys to figure it out.\nPlayer: And there, you've got it. You got it.\nDM: It's slightly awkward, but for the most part you recall it.\nPlayer: Yeah, yeah.\nDM: \"I'm much older now, I don't need to--\"\nPlayer: Oh man.\nDM: \"I didn't--\"\nPlayer: You forgot--\nDM: \"You're back.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. I guess I am.\nDM: \"We have to tell everyone else.\"\nPlayer: Hey, hey.\nDM: The kids are all just quietly staring wide-eyed and smiling quietly.\nPlayer: Sora, Sora. Have you seen my dad around?\nDM: \"Do you want me to get him?\"\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: \"Okay.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"C'mon, c'mon kids.\" And takes them by the hand and they all drag the kids off as you guys wait in the outskirts of the city. One of the kids who didn't quite get a hand on this young three-year-old boy who's running behind them stops. Turns and stares at you all, but stares specifically at Grog and is just wide-eyed, going--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites you, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: Oh. oh! The frozen man. Okay. Keyleth. You take a moment to cut through and there's the other undamaged mandible, the eye appears to be undamaged but those are all going to be very careful, time-intensive things to remove properly. There isn't much that can really be pulled from this other than that. There's not a whole lot of material on--\nPlayer: Can I vial any of the blood?\nDM: You can bottle some of the blood, yeah.\nPlayer: Yeah, I want to do that.\nDM: Okay, so you bottle some of the blood--\nPlayer: And I'm going to take that mandible if I can.\nDM: Okay, so you remove a mandible. So you can mark that down. All right, so you guys are gathering money.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of adventurers, Vox Machina, had found themselves in the Feywild, intent on discovering another one of the Vestiges of the Divergence, one of the many artifacts that they hope will aid them in their struggle against Thordak the Cinder King and the rest of the Chroma Conclave. They've defeated two of the members, three still remain, Thordak being the seeming powerhouse head of that troupe.\nDM: He does. However, in the purposes of this type of circumstance, it's usually meant for smaller plants that have no sentience that you can normally interact with, like roses and petunias.\nPlayer: I've done this before with talking to the treant.\nDM: You can probably communicate with it, yes. I'm saying, issuing commands on this might be a little more difficult for the rest of the spells.\nPlayer: What if I cast at a higher level? Would that help?\nDM: This is not a spell that can be cast at a higher level, unfortunately. So what do you want to do? You're casting Speak With Plants.\nPlayer: Well, I cast it, so I'm going to say Hey! You spit that out of your mouth right now, mister! You don't know where that's been! And trust me, I do.\nDM: Make an intimidation check. (cheering)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Uk'otoa was sealed beneath the ocean, and his temples defaced. Avantika intends to bring him back.\nDM: No. As you walk and you are led, Vera tells two of the various deckhands to grab their shit and leave for the night. They confusedly do so and look a bit put out by it, but you guys are led to these two chambers that are more comfortable than at least the area you slept in The Mistake.\nPlayer: As we're moving through, can we clock sort of what's being kept on the ship? Are there cells, are there barrels, are there packages of things?\nDM: That would be down in the cargo hold, which you've not been led to. You guys are currently on the main upper decks now. You're led to your chambers. There are still guards posted on the outside. There isn't a complete trust in this regard, but it's not having weapons trained on you the entirety of your stay now, at least.\nPlayer: Did we previously see what the flag they were flying was and what it looked like? I can't remember.\nDM: You didn't pay a very close attention to it, but you can go and check if you'd like.\nPlayer: Can we do that now?\nDM: Sure. You head up to it and the flag actually is an exact, or is close to a replica of the tattoo that she has on her sternum.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth fires her Sunbeam at him, but he resists most of its effects. Scanlan falls from the sky, as casting his previous spell caused him to stop concentrating on Bigby's Hand, which then dispersed.\nDM: The bite attack is 25. This here, you take 15 points of piercing damage-- Sorry, 15 plus eight. So 23 points of piercing damage, total. I need you to make a constitution saving throw.\nPlayer: Tight. Cool, that is a four.\nDM: Okay, so you are now poisoned as the fangs poison your body. You feel it pulsing through yourself.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: And you suffer--\nPlayer: I've got to get my calculator out to find out if I'm about to die.\nDM: 25 points of poison damage from failing the save.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of Vex and you, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city \u2014and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists.\nDM: This other one here, glancing over and seeing you there, is going to look towards you. I need you to make a wisdom saving throw.\nPlayer: I've got advantage. Good, I got a 19.\nDM: 19. You have advantage from?\nPlayer: Being a half-elf. Oh, it's not charm, is it? Then the first one was shitty. Ten or 11, somewhere around there.\nDM: You are a kitty cat.\nPlayer: Can I use luck to take my second roll? I have luck left?\nDM: You have one luck left?\nPlayer: I have two luck left, after sleeping.\nDM: Yeah, technically.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: I'd say it's about anywhere from 16 to 20 feet tall. It's two-story, but it's not extremely well-built.\nPlayer: I'm going to try to get a vantage point where I can at least get where he's only three-quarters cover. So I suppose I'm going to head south down the alley to see if I can get a--\nDM: Pushing to these guys?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay, so one-- You can get to about there if you want to.\nPlayer: I can get a good look at him there.\nDM: You can see, yeah. He'll have half-cover from there.\nPlayer: Half-cover's fine. So, if I were to knock him prone, would he fall off the roof, or could I try and push him off the roof? These are my--\nDM: For the wyvern, or for the rider?\nPlayer: The wyvern.\nDM: You can try. It's hard-pressed, he's sturdy on the side, knocking him prone might fall over onto the rooftop. Who knows if it'll slide or not. It's your call. What do you want to try?\nPlayer: I'll try knocking him prone, and see if that does it.\nDM: Okay!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny you, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: 12 points of lightning damage. All right. The bolt of lightning bursts through the body. All righty. That comes to the top of the round. At the end of Scanlan's turn, it's going to use a legendary action to strike down, with the tail, onto Vax behind, as you are already in that vicinity.\nPlayer: Dex save?\nDM: No, this is instead going to be a 26 to hit.\nPlayer: Yeah, that-- oh, displacer cloak. Did you do that at disadvantage?\nDM: That is instead a 24 to hit.\nPlayer: That does hit. I'll use Uncanny Dodge, though.\nDM: All right. So what would be 18 damage, you take nine instead from the tail. Percy.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: It is a small enough space, I'll let you make an athletics check or acrobatics check instead of athletics.\nPlayer: Is it small enough to where I can do the wedge myself--\nDM: It is not small enough for that, unfortunately. It's about a ten foot gap, but you can leap from side to side or you can climb with athletics. It's your choice.\nPlayer: Is leap from side to side also athletics?\nDM: That's acrobatics to do that.\nPlayer: Yeah, that one. Let's do that one.\nDM: It's monkish. Go for it.\nPlayer: Monkish? Okay. 19.\nDM: You leap, leap, leap, leap. You get about 20 feet up your movement before you have to grab onto the wall to stop yourself.\nPlayer: 18. Sorry.\nDM: That's fine. Still enough. And if you wanted to use an action to dash, you could make it the rest of the way up.\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: Pole vaulting off, parkouring up the wall until eventually you leap and get back up to the top.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party continued in the direction Jester sensed the orb through Locate Object. Jester's spell fades.\nDM: Go for it. Yasha, by the way, is no longer raging. She wasn't attacked or didn't-- Oh no, but she did get an attack of opportunity, so she would be. You're correct.\nPlayer: So 20 on the first one.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: The second is a 24.\nDM: Yeah, both hit.\nPlayer: The first one (counting). Damn it. Seven plus three is ten. And the second one--\nDM: First blow, as she swings by, carves through as it goes taut for a second, all of its muscle seizing, and then goes limp as its torso begins to drift away from the lower half of its fish body and it begins to slowly float off.\nPlayer: Great. Shit. So if I didn't need that second attack, did I waste it on the one that was there?\nDM: Right now, you still have the second attack. It depends on the movement you have and I don't what else you can get in range for.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog and Scanlan break off to try to find the Lord of the Quadroads, whom Grog hopes may owe him a favor, while everyone else proceeds to the Temple of Sarenrae. At the temple, you asks a fellow devotee about physically contacting Sarenrae, then kneels at an altar to pray.\nDM: All right, so you two are splitting off and the rest of you are going to Sarenrae? All right. The five of you make your way through the Quad Roads, towards the northern side of the Quad Roads before it splits off at the base of the mountain and before it divides off towards the Abundant Terrace and the Trial Forge. The Braving Grounds. That is where you spent a lot of time raising the temple of the Everlight, Sarenrae. Traversing there on the cold day, the city seems to be as vibrant as ever, and as dour as ever, as is the nature of those who live in these northern lands, but you know, smiles and existence come together occasionally. You come to the temple. It looks well-kept. The various clerics and acolytes that you had assigned to watch over it in your absence over this past year and a half before you ventured out to defeat the Conclave seem to have taken good care, and it's warming to your heart to see what appears to be children stepping out, laughing with their parents in what seems to have been a small service of some kind. And as you begin to watch and approach, you can see the acolytes that are saying goodbye to those at the front door glance over and see your face, and they brighten immediately. There you go, clear your nose. Acolyte Sheila, who is one of the older women who first helped you raise it and became one of your first acolytes here at the temple. The temple which is being known now as the Temple of Renewal. It is the official title of the location, which is taken from the realm of Sarenrae, known as the Island of Renewal. As she sees your face, Acolyte Sheila goes, \"Pike! Mistress Pike!\" And runs up and takes you in her arms. She tries to lift you, but you're far too heavy with the armor. (grunts)\nPlayer: That's okay. I'm heavier than I look.\nDM: \"Yes, of course.\"\nPlayer: Pure muscle.\nDM: You guys see this woman in probably her late-forties or early-fifties, mostly gray-silver hair with streaks and bits of a dark brown. It's put back in some sort of a bun with a large stick through the center to hold it in place. She's wearing robes of light blue and gold, very much in the way that you've seen Pike wear most of her equipment and earlier armor to her deity. She looks around. \"Well, my apologies. I am Sheila, and I know who you are. We've heard much. You are welcome. You are welcome here at the Temple of Renewal. Please come in.\"\nPlayer: It looks lovely in here. You guys have really kept it up quite nice.\nDM: \"The hard part was already done. Come into her light, please.\" And leads you all into this tower. The excavation site here. What was once a large pit, below which the original temple was, the edges have been ground down to be this slow decline, and a tower was risen up. The actual stonework was ascended about 15 feet up, so it's not quite street level; it's a little below, but it's this small bowl that leads to the tower itself, and then it rises up a good 30 feet.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They book rooms for ten nights, and Pike manages to score them free drinks. While the rest of the party get ready to dive into the water, Tary pulls Vax aside and gives him an unspecified magical item.\nDM: \"Let me see here.\" And he brings up this small abacus and starts doing math really quickly on the side you see. \"Nine days, you said?\"\nPlayer: Ten days.\nDM: \"Ten days, all right. We'll put that at an even-- with discount for friendships, 1500 gold for the entire stay.\"\nPlayer: Oh! Well, seems-- and food is included, I'm assuming.\nDM: \"Oh, no. I'm sorry.\"\nPlayer: Where would we go eat?\nDM: \"Well, we have a restaurant within as well, and there are plenty of places to eat around the way. We are happy to bring it to your quarters, but there is a surcharge for it, of course.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy takes a shot at one as it reaches for his leg, exploding the skeleton into splinters of bone. However, another one immediately takes its place.\nDM: With the rocketing (blast) sound, the Pepperbox fires, and the skeleton in front of you just explodes into splinters of bone, just... being scattered amongst the crowd of skeletons behind it. However, the moment that that one is gone, another one seems to already be crawling into its place.\nPlayer: Whatever you're going to do, do it! I'm firing again.\nDM: Okay, fire again.\nPlayer: 24.\nDM: What is it, 24?\nPlayer: 24. 11 points of damage.\nDM: 11 points of damage? (gunshot) It fires and blasts off most of the skull on the skeleton, and you can see its jaw hangs open, but it still (skeletal hiss).\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside.\nDM: Four. Fassbender's still standing there. On a five or six, it recharges. That ends Vax's turn. Keyleth, you're up.\nPlayer: Okay. As an earth elemental I want to drop into the earth and Earthglide.\nDM: All right. How many feet are you going?\nPlayer: With my 60 feet-- question, can I get across and to the top of this pillar here? Maybe?\nDM: Oh, right there?\nPlayer: That one.\nDM: You can get up to there. You're wider than the pillar, though. You like--\nPlayer: Earthglide to the top, so it's 30 feet tall. (nervous laughter) And I'm going to use my momentum to see if I can rocket myself out and see if I can jump and grab onto his leg.\nDM: Okay, so you're making this a jump action, then?\nPlayer: Yeah, I want to shoot out of the pillar.\nDM: Using the momentum of the Earthglide?\nPlayer: And shoot out with a waterslide trajectory, woo! Yeah? Maybe?\nDM: Okay. I'll say that-- It's pretty fast-- Also pretty heavy as an earth elemental.\nPlayer: I'm thinking about it real hard.\nDM: Go ahead and make an athletics check.\nPlayer: So is that strength as a--\nDM: That would be strength as an earth elemental if you do not have a specific skill for it.\nPlayer: I'm going to use Scanlan's inspiration. Ooh, that's good. 18 plus five, so, 23.\nDM: 23. You manage to leap and catch the bottom of its foot. (cheering) You're not halting or doing anything to Umbrasyl other than the fact that you're holding on to--\nPlayer: But I've got his foot. And I'm heavy as fuck. Well, if Fassbender weighs, what was it, like 1,200 pounds? 2,800 pounds?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: So I'm at least as heavy if not heavier than Fassbender. A ton is 1,000 pounds. Right?\nDM: 2,000.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You began to look throughout the room. You found a sword across the upper ceiling, an ornamental blade of some kind.\nDM: A moment passes, and the door (lock clicks, creak). Dolan's head peeks out. \"Gentlemen, it's good to see you. What news have you?\"\nPlayer: Only a moment of your time. I'm a little embarrassed that I did not remember this the other day, but it was quite an evening that night.\nDM: \"Of course.\"\nPlayer: When Ulog was in that house, he found something that I think you should have. Shortly before he expired, he shoved it into my hand. I pull out those papers that he found about the wife. It's a little frayed, he shoved it into my hand. We are lucky that it did not burn up, but take this, please.\nDM: \"Of course. I'll see what I can do. Things are a bit tense right now, of course.\"\nPlayer: When it makes sense.\nDM: \"Of course. How is Horris?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The druid wishes him good luck as the rogue runs straight for Tylieri. He stabs the vampire three times in the side, first with the Flametongue Dagger, then the Keen Dagger, then the Flametongue again.\nDM: I know. To look at you, reach up with the throat that he's grasped, and sink his fangs directly into your throat, Grog.\nPlayer: (angry noise) I have a little collar. Does that help at all?\nDM: Not in this moment. You have a big neck. Very big neck, and a very tiny collar. That will be a 20 to hit?\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: All righty. So you take nine points of piercing damage.\nPlayer: Is that halved?\nDM: That is halved. Yeah. So say five, round up.\nPlayer: Sure.\nDM: However, you do take 14 points of necrotic damage. That is not reduced. But your maximum hit points are now reduced by 14.\nPlayer: Got it.\nDM: As you feel that same similar cold feeling as the life blood's being drained out of your body and you see his eyes cresting at you with this wild glare. That ends your turn, Vax?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of five tieflings, a goliath, and the undisguised Doty all walk out of the alleyway. There are many other streets branching off; the City of Dis is much larger than even the City of Brass was.\nDM: Sure. This would be more perception, actually because you're trying to pick up details in the scenery.\nPlayer: Perception check?\nDM: Nature to understand if you knew what they were.\nPlayer: That's a shithole roll 14.\nDM: 14?\nPlayer: Total.\nDM: You do, occasionally, catch what looks to be some element of small, flying, buzzing pests, but they're different than what you're used to. The brief glances you get of one that comes nearby, it seems to have eight sets of wings and some horrid-looking pincers on the front and looks like a nasty denizen of the scenery. And immediately, you're like, \"Ugh!\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex pays for their rooms and receives the keys from Treev as you follows the masked figure to where they are heading into several alleyways, his skills in pursuing those who wish to be hidden serving him well. Eventually, he notices the figure entering a closed store called A Kingly Home and depositing the scroll inside a barrel before sneaking off.\nDM: 22. You look down the hallway, and you see the shadow of the figure framed against what looks to be another opening on the opposite side but the sunlight is coming through. You can just see the dark outline as it darts forward and then leaps off again, down the right past that exit. You follow, and you look off the side just as you see the figure slink behind one large crate next to a storage section outside of a warehouse. It ducks behind another one. Darts up to a building that looks to be shuttered and closed. It looks like a furniture store with a little sign at the top that says, \"A Kingly Home.\" It moves an empty rain barrel to the side and slips the leather case through a hole that was previously hidden by the barrel, dropping it inside the building, slides the barrel over it again. Looks back and forth. Make another stealth check.\nPlayer: 25.\nDM: 25. Doesn't seem to make notice, and then darts off, leaping, leaping up onto a rooftop and vanishing off.\nPlayer: You said, \"A Kingly Home\"?\nDM: A Kingly Home.\nPlayer: I'm going to stealth back to the Debt's Respite.\nDM: Keeping a very close watch on the path you took and marking it mentally back to the Debt's Respite. It's probably a good mile off from where you guys were, if not a little further. You guys continue your conversation, go about your own business. Eventually, Vax returns with the information, the path of wherever this letter was dropped off to.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of you and Vax, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city \u2014and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists.\nDM: You currently have no way of seeing it right now unless you move far enough in that direction. You may.\nPlayer: I'm going to try to get into sight.\nDM: That's as far as you can get. I would say it has three-quarters cover, so you can attack it, but it gets plus five to its AC.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm going to attack it. 23?\nDM: 23 hits.\nPlayer: Then I'm going to attack it again with my blazing bowstring. 26.\nDM: That hits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex interrogates Grog first, then goes to the front desk, where she learns that Vax had been let into the room earlier. She immediately hunts down her brother and sics Trinket to pin him down, whereupon they work out that Tary was responsible for the dogs.\nDM: \"Let me see.\" He pulls past and makes his way towards the room, and looks inside, and you can see him go, (distressed noise).\nPlayer: Has this happened before?\nDM: \"No! I've never seen those dogs here before. The breed? They don't exist!\"\nPlayer: I've never seen them before, either. I've never seen anything like it.\nDM: (exclaims in a foreign language)\nPlayer: How good a job did you do on our stuff?\nDM: It's still torn and messed up, but it's not covered in urine. It still smells terrible in there.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He takes a drink. Ipkesh asks what their business is.\nDM: \"I have not met them, but stories do swirl, and find my ears. It does all of us well here to know what's going on.\"\nPlayer: Well, I will admit, we have some questions.\nDM: \"Well, perhaps I have some answers.\"\nPlayer: We've heard of a-- would you call it a prison? An underground series of cells, beneath the tower? Beneath the tower, beneath the city. That's where we think we might find our boy.\nDM: \"There is a prison here, yes. I know it well.\"\nPlayer: You know it well, I would hope not from personal experience?\nDM: \"Oh, no, no. It imprisons many things, but-- I would be blunt with you as well. We live here under the interest of business, yes?\"\nPlayer: I understand.\nDM: \"Information is a resource.\"\nPlayer: A very, very great one. There is a prison, underground, people go there. Perhaps this is an easy question to ask that will flow freewy-- freely. What is this? Why do people get sent to that prison?\nDM: \"What do you have to offer for my information?\"\nPlayer: What are you in the market for? I have dull things, but I get the distinct impression you're not necessarily somebody who's going to be interested in coin?\nDM: \"I prefer not to dole out small tidbits. I prefer to bundle in larger packages.\"\nPlayer: I understand. How do I know that what you have to offer is worthwhile?\nDM: \"I can--\"\nPlayer: I have a proposal.\nDM: \"Hm, tempt me.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They ask Marius about what he was doing with the ship. Marius was not planning to go on the ship.\nDM: \"Ah!\" He starts pulling up the scrap of his sleeves. \"Do you have any idea how much I paid for this?\"\nPlayer: Throw them overboard.\nDM: \"I'm going to remember this.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, you should.\nDM: He combs his hair over.\nPlayer: It was a pretty fucking dope thing. Okay. Here is the thing, this reputation you keep talking about? That you are so deeply concerned about--\nDM: He pulls a tooth out.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They decide to find another way for Horris to leave and return to the inn. Caleb tells the group that the stone from the Sutan Residence is half of a set of Sending Stones, and they put it in the Haversack.\nDM: \"We got this nice shield over here that we just had finished a couple days ago. That's an enchanted little delightful piece. That one is a little more affordable at about 550 gold pieces.\"\nPlayer: What does it look like, though?\nDM: The shield itself has the head of two lions, facing away from each other, with their claws extended. It has almost a diamond shape. It's a pretty decent size. The coloration of it is a bright gold where the lions are. The back of it is a dull, almost graphite metallic, with a gold border around the edge of it. It\u2019s very pretty.\nPlayer: What does it do?\nDM: \"This one? It improves your defenses more than a normal shield would. It instinctively places the shield in places that might help protect from incoming blows, therefore making you hard to connect with.\"\nPlayer: Oh. That's pretty cool.\nDM: (whispers) \"It's a plus one.\"\nPlayer: How much is your fancy box?\nDM: \"The fancy box that you\u2019re requesting, while not actually enchanted, it is taking away one of the objects that we keep contained. So, respectfully, I'll have to charge you the cost of that one and a replacement, but that'll simply put you back about 15 gold pieces total.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She has many stories about Jester, but none she will speak about in mixed company. Jester, who forgot to cast disguise self, puts on her cast-iron tiki mask, which Marion notes is 'interesting' for dinner.\nDM: \"Curious choice, but I understand probably for the best. There is not much of a mouth hole, so eating is going to be very difficult.\" Takes a little spoon and is like, \"All right, here we go try to make it-- there it is. Perfect.\" You guys talk for a bit. She shares some embarrassing stories of Jester's childhood. Asks each of you a little bit about your story, and we'll say for the better part of the evening, it's an enjoyable respite from the chaos of the day and the chaos of the journey. Your blink dog has dried, as has your weasel.\nPlayer: Oh yeah! Can I go check on Professor Thaddeus?\nDM: You can, and as you go ahead and find-- there is a coat room, essentially, where the young man who had originally met you when you got there is inside. You can see him sitting in the back on a stool going like this. He's staring in the far way, and there's a coat rack where Professor Thaddeus is sitting on there, staring at him. As you enter the chamber--\nPlayer: Hey.\nDM: \"Oh, hey.\"\nPlayer: Is my bird okay?\nDM: You can see there's some scratches on his cheek. \"Yeah, he's fine. Just watching him right there.\"\nPlayer: Uh-huh. You didn't traumatize him, did you?\nDM: I think not? Hard to feed these.\nPlayer: Yeah, I know. I grab the food that I just took from my plate and I'm like, \"Thaddeus, come. Thaddeus?\"\nDM: Roll an animal handling check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He arrived to find her nude on the balcony, creating and manipulating a column of water. She was unfazed by his arrival, already having two wine glasses set out on her desk.\nDM: She takes a little silk robe and places it over her and sits down. There are already two glasses places on the table. She uncorks it and pours two glasses.\nPlayer: To your success.\nDM: \"To our success in time, eh?\"\nPlayer: One can hope. It's only fair; you've been on this journey far longer than I have.\nDM: \"This is true.\" Not the best wine you've had, but it's serviceable.\nPlayer: Not aerated.\nDM: \"I am excited for you to experience this.\"\nPlayer: I am as well. Is it everything you thought it would be?\nDM: \"I've only but scratched the surface, and I've never felt a connection like this with the sea that has been my life. It's incredible. I can only do it in bursts, but I can cause it to swell and move and part and flood and shift. It's-- (sighs). Soon.\" She reaches out and touches the top of your hand. \"Soon. I promise. Now, we were talking before and I think it's only fair.\" She takes another big sip. \"Your blade is very interesting. I knew one other who had a blade very similar. Referred to it as the Sword of Fathoms.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The next morning, they continue through the Quannah Breach in the Dunrock Mountains at the northern border of the Dwendalian Empire. They reach the gate run by the Uteloch family of the tribes.\nDM: As you travel through these winding ravines, choosing the one to the right, which you know to be the wider of the two, the low howl of the wind that's traversing these sheared twisted walls, like a haunting, whistling, and moan sound. It accompanies the brush growing more dense. The air grows colder still, as white banks of snow and ice frame various ledges and outcroppings along these strangely curved and smoothly sheared cliffsides. It feels like a giant had grabbed a mountain range and tore it in two and there's an even break on each side. It winds and curves. It's like a natural labyrinth. A few miles through this strange maze, you're met with a makeshift wall and a ten-foot wooden gate. Your eyes, at first, notice a few dozen wooden poles carved into spikes that emerge from the ground, pointed in your direction from the base, many of which are stained dark while others still bear the weathered skulls of warning. Three armored folk stand there; two human men and a half-orc woman all bearing weapons and watching you carefully as you approach.\nPlayer: This isn't the gate, right?\nDM: This is the gate.\nPlayer: Oh, it is?\nDM: You've reached the edge of the Quannah Breach and turned to the final bastion outside of the Empire.\nPlayer: But it's not the gate into Shadycreek Run.\nDM: It's the gate into the region of Shadycreek Run.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Wohn rushes to the front door and spots Nott, but falls victim to her Hideous Laughter and is knocked prone, while Keg finishes the second guard ( Phil) and rushes over to attack Wohn. When Wohn shrugs off the Hideous Laughter, she retaliates on Keg, attacking her with Yasha's stolen Magicians's Judge, dispelling the Haste and stunning her.\nDM: Well, technically, you don't have advantage. It's advantage on melee attacks, not ranged attacks, but it's fine.\nPlayer: Second is a 15. First is total shit, second is a 15.\nDM: 15 hits.\nPlayer: Third is better than that.\nDM: So two hits.\nPlayer: That is eight for the first and eight for the second.\nDM: Nice! Oof. That'll be enough. How do you want to do this, Caleb?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jarrett seems elated at the news. you also mentions that Scanlan has left Whitestone.\nDM: And look, I understand that, and I warned him. He knew full well the dangers involved; he's a much stronger man than I am. Who was I to tell him this? And he's very persuasive.\nPlayer: He is. When was the first time you gave it to him?\nDM: Not more than maybe a week or two ago?\nPlayer: Thank you. Thank you for giving them to me.\nDM: Yes, it was burning a hole in my pocket. And I don't want to hold onto it.\nPlayer: I understand.\nDM: Sorry.\nPlayer: I appreciate your service, Jarrett.\nDM: I appreciate your understanding.\nPlayer: Get better. Keep training.\nDM: Yes, I should do that.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: He turns around, \"You lot heard nothing! Nock your crossbows, nock--\" (whack) and slaps one guy on the back of the head. \"All right. Focus up, on the targets,\" and you hear him begin taking a few volleys off in the distance as you walk your way back to the castle. The rest of you, as you walk through Whitestone, Taryon, you watch this beautiful, wonderfully slightly backwards city--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pike realizes she has seen this place in a vision, as well as a cavern of blue crystal beyond it. They decide to cross it.\nDM: 47 points of damage. Oof. So as you rush past, you (swoosh) slam the blade into the side. You see where part of it seems to start and open, but it's starting to close up again. You reopen that seam and drag across, leaving a giant wound across its side.\nPlayer: Okay, and then with that knife in, I'm going to stick the other knife in and attempt to attack it and then drag it to the ground. Grapple it to the ground with my body as I attack. Second attack is a 25.\nDM: 25 hits.\nPlayer: Okay. That's seven.\nDM: Are you doing damage, or you grappling him?\nPlayer: I'll grapple.\nDM: Okay, so there's no damage on this. Go ahead and make an athletics check.\nPlayer: Okay. 20. Natural 20. (all cheer)\nDM: Nice! So you grab it, and you pull it. You have it currently held. Its physical body is pulled to the ground, and you can see its arms are trying to pull it up off the ground, and (slurpy noises) flipping around. Complete chaos in the air. You imagine you'll probably have a hard time holding it down, but for now it's currently blinded and grappled.\nPlayer: With haste, I have a third attack.\nDM: You do.\nPlayer: I'm going to drag across its throat. That is a 25.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: And that's seven.\nDM: You don't get the bonus-- oh, for the extra attack you do, because it's with your main arm. So, seven damage? All right. Cool. You bring the blade across, and you can see the blood begin to pour out from it, and as it does, you can see the throat opens up, and where you cut on the throat you can see what looks like white gleaming teeth on the inside of its throat. The entire interior of its trachea is coated with teeth.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She rents them a boat called the Shore Shanty, helmed by Captain Santy, for three days' use. After about two hours of sailing, they arrive above the undersea volcano.\nDM: Hobbles off and makes his way back up the stairs. So you come outside to this one dock hub. It's a modest two-story building looks like it has like a watch tower second story and the bottom floor is much larger. The door is currently closed. The wood looks a little sea-rotted. You can see the edges of the wood are curling and dark and perpetually damp. Little bits of green moss and various fungus are starting to gather at the very edges of the building, but it seems to be standing and has been there for a while.\nPlayer: (knocking sound)\nDM: You knock on the door. A voice inside goes \"Come in.\"\nPlayer: (door creak) I don't know why I made the sound effect.\nDM: That's okay. As you push the door open, glancing inside, there's general gray dull daylight coming from the cloudy sky, but there are also a few oil lanterns hanging in different places. You can see stacks of maps or other heavy pieces of parchment that are curled up and tied off in sections. There are small crates, most of them empty, that are scattered about the entranceway here, and as you enter the building you watch as a very tall, thin, lanky female half-orc spins around across the room with a singular monocle that is very, very intense to make one eye look really big over the other. Spins around; sides of the head shaved and the rest of it slicked back against the head with a little bit of a light brown shock against the black to one side. Dressed fairly nice but you can see the clothing at an immediate glance is nice upfront and then tatters at the bottom. Spins around. \"Yes?\"\nPlayer: We were hoping to charter a ship at great expedience to about five miles off the coast to the plume of smoke and the underwater volcano.\nDM: You watch as the one eye, moving independently of the other, glances and looks each of you very quickly up and down and then slicks back into place. \"That can be arranged, yes.\"\nPlayer: Excellent.\nDM: \"How long would you wish to charter this ship?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan casts invisibility on himself and then pokes his head out the door, not able to discern how the battle is going so returns to the mansion. Vorugal flies up, out of the range of Yenk.\nDM: Right now? 60 feet up. Yenk leaps and can't quite get that height and angrily begins to reach over and climb up the side of the mountain there.\nPlayer: Can I attack him right now?\nDM: What's up?\nPlayer: Can I attack him right now?\nDM: Which one?\nPlayer: Vorugal. 60 feet. I'm sharpshooter; he's 60 feet away from me.\nDM: 60 feet is your range. He's a little higher than 60 feet from the angle.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you immediately is hit by a crossbow bolt fired from under the table, and Caduceus comes face to face with Ruzza hiding in a corner. Roll initiative!\nDM: Yeah, we're going back to the next combat round. You technically have not gotten your reaction yet. So no.\nPlayer: You know what? I won't, just in case I want to react to something else.\nDM: Well, that finishes Protto's turn. Nott, you're up.\nPlayer: Did Protto duck or anything?\nDM: Yeah, Protto is currently now behind the table and using it as cover.\nPlayer: So I cannot see The Devil Wears Prada?\nDM: No, you cannot.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by you, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: No! They are way over-- they're like a tiny little dragon speck in the distance. We'll get to you guys here in just a moment, but their situation is a little more dire and immediate, so I have to figure out what's going on with them right now.\nPlayer: What if we could've chased after them? Right away?\nDM: You can if you want to. Did you want to go after them?\nPlayer: Yeah. I would have chased after them, immediately, when it took off.\nDM: Okay, we'll get to that in just a minute. As it is-- the dragon's speed is it can fly 80 feet per round.\nPlayer: That's really fast, though.\nDM: Yeah, and it's making double-dash manoeuvring here, even at your fly speed on the broom--\nPlayer: What do great eagles have? Giant eagles, I think, have really fast speed too.\nDM: Let's check that real fast. Giant eagles--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Dairon reveals how much she hates and distrusts the Kryn, and mentions she will be traveling to Bladegarden soon.\nDM: \"I'm going to travel to Bladegarden. See what I can gather on the front lines. With these conflicts escalating, I wish to be informed as to who's in charge there and perhaps what dangers might be creeping further into the empire.\"\nPlayer: This Bloodgarden in the northeast side?\nDM: \"Bladegarden is outside of where the garrisons are, yes. It's where most of the main military is held.\"\nPlayer: Well, I still have a lot of training, so come back alive, I guess.\nDM: (chuckles) \"I've survived long enough. Anyway, one more round of sparring?\"\nPlayer: Sure!\nDM: With that, you and Dairon continue to trade blows and continue the lessons throughout the day.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Across from the entrance is a set of wooden doors which he listens at. He hears nothing, but notices that the door is unlocked.\nDM: Yes. From around the corner, you pull back, leap up, jump onto Grog's back and attempt to spring off of it.\nPlayer: 11.\nDM: 11, okay. All right. So you jump off of Grog's back. Grog, not expecting it, instinctively ducks down and the force you push off, as he's not aware there's going to be a giant cat there--\nPlayer: Uh-huh.\nDM: -- in doing so, it doesn't give you the momentum you need. You are able to jump over him and get kind of into center of the fray. But you do not have the pounce attack, unfortunately.\nPlayer: Okay. That's fine.\nDM: But it gets you there, at least.\nPlayer: Oh, can I not attack?\nDM: You can attack, yeah.\nPlayer: Okay, okay, okay. I'm gonna go ahead and do my bite attack.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: I'm gonna go right for his throat. Still with the same intention that I had in mind.\nDM: Okay, this is the one that took the arrow from Laura.\nPlayer: Okay, 17.\nDM: 17? That hits. Go ahead and roll for damage.\nPlayer: 1d10 plus five. Where's my d10s? Ten damage. Piercing damage.\nDM: Ten piercing damage, all right. So, as you rush forward, you bite at him. You see he pulls back, but you get a big, meaty chunk of his forearm and clamp down, and you feel a snap, some sort of bone in the middle of his arm and he gives out a horrible-- (yells) sound, as he takes the butt of his hammer and hits you on the snout. Doesn't do any damage, but it's enough to get you to kind of let go of your grip a little bit, and he rips his arm out of your jaws. Leaving that kind of nasty, irony taste of duergar blood, that you've now become accustomed to, unfortunately. That ends the round. Now you have Tiberius and a cat in your way.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Laina welcomes them home and tells them there has been no news or visitors, except Allura to check in on them a few days ago. She preps a meal for them while they discuss how to handle the Horn of Orcus that they have acquired.\nDM: Erwen, who's by the door, leads her to the guest room and you guys take a moment to rest. We'll go ahead and pick up next session at that point, where Allura's being brought in, so we'll stop the game there as I have to rush to the airport, but before that we have some gifts to open from you guys.\nPlayer: You're rushing to the airport tonight?\nDM: Huh?\nPlayer: You're rushing to the airport tonight?\nDM: Yeah, I got a redeye, 1AM. To be in Sandusky, Ohio. At Collisi--er no, Collosalcon. Please come.\nPlayer: You're going to do the waterslides, right? You won't ride waterslides?\nDM: It'll be fun. Guys, thank you so much for watching, that was a lot of fun.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Judging by the weather, they have arrived somewhere in Exandria. As Vox Machina comes within range of the base of the tower, they are addressed by an omnipresent, directionless voice.\nDM: Delilah's over here. She and two skeletons right now are lording over the paralyzed Vax on the ground.\nPlayer: If I move at all, I'm going to take opportunity from skeletons.\nDM: Yep. They don't do a whole lot of damage, but damage adds up.\nPlayer: Jesus. Okay, I am going to head to Delilah. I can move up to her, correct?\nDM: You're going to move straight up to her?\nPlayer: Can I?\nDM: You can, yeah. Both skeletons get attacks of opportunity on you. That's a nine and a 12. They both hit you, but the mantle writhes out in front of you. You watch as various leaves unfurl almost like a cat's fur on the back of its neck, and it deflects the blows from the skeletons as you rush past.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: Yeah, okay, fourth level? So that is an additional 4d10 piercing damage towards the attack. Go ahead and roll the attack.\nPlayer: 23?\nDM: 23 is the disadvantage?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay, that hits.\nPlayer: 11 plus three lightning and then-- how many? 4d10?\nDM: 4d10.\nPlayer: 18.\nDM: Okay, plus 18 points of damage. So as you fire the arrow, it sinks into the side of its mouth, just bursts with thorns in the vicinity. Kind of roils, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. You have your secondary attack if you want to.\nPlayer: Yeah, I guess I'm gonna try to shoot at his eye.\nDM: Okay, go ahead and roll.\nPlayer: 29.\nDM: 29 hits.\nPlayer: 16, plus four lightning, nothing.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: And I'm gonna-- This is so stupid. I'm gonna swim back down and try to hide. I've got nothing.\nDM: You already used your bonus action, unfortunately. To cast the spell.\nPlayer: Yes, I did. I'm gonna stand right there and say, fuck you, let go of my brother.\nDM: Okay. Percival, you're on the other side of the portal, looking through and you're watch--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Wohn was walking alongside the third cart. Keg did not recognize the cart's driver.\nDM: No, from what your experience would be, they would probably go to the hideout, to their little homestead deeper into the Savalierwood. They would drop off their payload and celebrate, probably, for an evening of revelry, and then come back the next day to begin the process of preparing them for delivery, which involves breaking them.\nPlayer: Presumably, there are people in Shadycreek Run who would love to see them dead.\nDM: Presumably. There are also people that would--\nPlayer: Would help them?\nDM: --would help them. They have allies.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: I mean, they're working for one of the tribe families, so yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina is recovering after their battle with both Vorugal and Yenk. A group of them start to harvest from their fallen enemies.\nDM: Okay, so you head to the dragon. Okay. So you guys head over there. You now see partially elements of the wall that had crumbled in on Vorugal's body. You see now, emerging from the center of the scales in the chest as it lays on its back, slain, its throat torn out by Raishan, a piercing tree begins to burrow its way through the torso of the dragon and bloom outwards. Waiting for that process to finish, you bring out your carving dagger and--\nPlayer: I patiently wait for the tree.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: I don't want to interrupt. That's rude.\nDM: It grows pretty fast as part of the enchantment of Fenthras. So, that brief pause completed, you go to town with your blade on the dragon's corpse. Let's go ahead and make a check on this. This would be--\nPlayer: Nature, right?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: With advantage. Oh, that's good. 28.\nDM: 28, okay. It'll take you the better part of about an hour to really harvest everything you want from this that's usable, and that's with aid from Scanlan, because it's a very big dragon, and that's a pretty small blade. So you begin that process.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Then continuing to follow where this route led you, upward, hopefully towards the underbelly of the city of Thar Amphala. You uncovered a mostly cleaned out vault and did battle with some undead trolls that immediately rushed in and attacked you.\nDM: Okay. And that one does finish it. So that's three skeletons down. Grog, I want to to individually roll an initiative check for me.\nPlayer: Natural 20. With Gil's dice.\nDM: So as you guys are watching this happen, the other five rush in to close the gap, but you are at the ready, and you get to strike before they do.\nPlayer: Nice. Am I hitting them? Yeah, Okay. Reckless, great weapon master. 31 for the first one.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: Okay, cool.\nDM: Your minimum damage will kill them. So as the first one comes up towards you, you swing up. As you slam into it, you watch as its bony body blows up against the side of the nearby stone building and then scrapes to the ground.\nPlayer: Can I use the other strike on another?\nDM: Yes, you can.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: So Kent Plucker approaches you as you approach and goes like, \"Scanlan. Good thing you're here. I think we may need your silvered tongue to go ahead and help us out in this endeavor. Dr. Dranzel's inside; he's been arguing with the warden for quite some time. We're trying to get Kaylie out.\"\nPlayer: What happened? Why is she in jail?\nDM: \"She got in a bit of a bar fight last night, it seems. Messed up quite a few gentlemen and all of them are arrested and being held inside. They're wanting a bit of change to do the damages and pay for the fine of whatever else she's done. And, well, we're not keen on really paying fines, so we're trying to see how much we can get out of this with our--\"\nPlayer: What's the fine?\nDM: \"I don't know. We didn't go in as a full group. The guards wouldn't let us.\"\nPlayer: Was she injured in any way?\nDM: \"I haven't seen her. You'll have to go inside to find out.\"\nPlayer: All right. Thank you. You won't be needed here anymore. You guys can leave.\nDM: They all look at each other. \"If it's fine by you, we're going to wait for Dr. Dranzel.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the entrance, they're stopped by several zolezzo, who ask their business and where they hail from. you says she's Fiona Fancypants, theater critic extraordinaire, then rolls a seven on deception.\nDM: He looks back to the rest of the zolezzo, and they discuss for a moment for themselves, and he says, \"Well, I apologize, but there is no entry after dark on this side of the wharf, regardless. If you want to enter, you have to enter from the main gates.\"\nPlayer: Oh no, but she's performing soon, and we're going to miss it if we go all the way around!\nDM: \"Well, then you'll have to find some way to make it through the gate.\" He holds his hand out.\nPlayer: (singsong) Here we go, we need some money. Let's see how much I have. I have five gold to put in his hand?\nDM: You put five gold in his hand?\nPlayer: That's a lot of gold, isn't it. I don't know, here you go!\nDM: He shakes it in his palm. \"Very well, let them in.\" To the side, they have a portcullis that is held up by some sort of chain mechanism that is beyond the wall. They step aside and let you in, they usher you through quickly because nobody's supposed to come through this entrance. As they all walk by, you can see them all looking each of you up and down, taking a mental note of what you have on you, who you are, what you look like, as well as what they perceive to be inside the cart. A few strange faces at the cluster of creatures around Jester and the rather disinterested looking owl that's clutching the forearm bracer of Beauregard. You pass through this archway on the exterior wall and immediately look before you, and you can see the eastern side of the harbor here, what is known as the Restless Wharf. Immediately before you, you can see a plethora of people that are walking along this heavy dockside harbor. There are a number of warehouses and small huts and buildings that are built both on the dock and built along the side of where it adjusts from stone and sand into wood and elements that turn into the docks themselves. You can see tall cranes made of wood and cord and rope, some of them ten feet, some of them 25-30 feet or so, that are in the process of either loading or off-loading various materials from the trade ships that are making their way into harbor or loading up to leave in the morning. You see two or three larger guild buildings that tend to be the hubs of information for those that are coming from the docks. There are a few dockmasters that are walking around who are in the process of taking down information of who it is entering or exiting with their ships, making sure that everything is being handled, and you see a number of zolezzo that are also keeping a close eye. Torches are now lit as the sky grows darker, and there's one that's going through the city and lighting the actual oil lanterns that hang on these tall, thin poles that dot the city that have to be lit at dusk. One thing that does catch your eye is, right towards the center of this harbor where the Restless Wharf would be transitioning into what you know as the Open Quay, which is the other half of this harbor, there is a massive lighthouse that sits on this one bit of rock that protrudes where the docks come to an end and an element of the stone floor continues out before breaking off into a shelf into the ocean below. You can see this beautiful lighthouse. You know it as the Mother's Lighthouse. It catches your attention specifically, Caduceus, because the beautiful design of this lighthouse, while it seems natural and a gradual tower-like point on the back side, on the northern side, the southern side that faces the ocean has a 20-foot relief of the upper torso of a woman that is emerging from the lighthouse looking out over the ocean. A beautiful sculpture with wild hair that tangles and curls around the shoulders and then merges in with the stonework of this lighthouse, but what's unique is the way the lighthouse itself is placed as it rotates. As the light beacon comes across, you watch as the eyes of the woman flare up as the light passes that side of the tower. You recognize, the closer you get to this area, this large sculpture is that of the Wildmother, of Melora. That is where the Mother's Lighthouse title comes from.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you stares up at him and his many guards. Tylieri leaps up onto the ceiling and sticks to it, skittering across like a spider.\nDM: He jumps up and spider-crawls across the ceiling, and then drops down. Yeah. With deft acrobatic feats, he leaps across, drops and lands right in front of you. You can see now in his face, as slovenly as it is, there is a look of deathly hunger in his eyes, and fangs bared from under his lips.\nPlayer: That's a neat trick.\nDM: He is now going to make two melee attacks against you. That's a natural 20 with the claw, and the other one's going to be a 15? I don't think it's going to hit.\nPlayer: No.\nDM: So he now has these long claws in his hand. The first one (whoosh). It catches you off guard from the sheer weird assault that he's brought to you.\nPlayer: What's wrong with you?\nDM: You take 16 points of slashing damage (whoosh) from the first arc, and he goes up with the second hand and this time you (grunt) pull out of the way. His hand manages to knock some of the bolts free that were jammed in your chest.\nPlayer: Half the 16, right?\nDM: Half of 16, correct.\nPlayer: So, eight.\nDM: Because you're raging, so eight on that one. That's his go. And he just grins at you with this hissing sound, licking his fanged lips. That ends his turn. That brings us to Grog. You're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Knowing that time is of the essence, the party debates why they're going to Ripley's chambers. Percy is insistent on seeing Ripley's work for himself, and then he takes The List and presses the barrel gently into her back, mentioning that it's not personal; he's simply a little nervous.\nDM: \"Understood.\" She straightens up a little more and continues walking ever so carefully. Not quite leaning her head or making too many large movements, but definitely still keeping a seemingly nervous eye on how quiet the atmosphere is.\nPlayer: I creep over to one of the doors in the room and see if I can hear anything on the other side.\nDM: You don't hear anything inside the room. Roll a perception check.\nPlayer: (groans) 14.\nDM: You hear some slight, muffled, dull thud noise, but you can't really tell how close it is. It's very, very faint.\nPlayer: Can I see if the door handle is--\nDM: (click) It's open.\nPlayer: I step to the side and push it open.\nDM: Push it open (creak) The door opens. Everyone before you whips around, hearing the noise in the silence. Looking inside, it appears to be a long-untouched music room, a space for hosting individuals where you would have small performances, and there is a very cold fireplace in the far corner. There is a small, circular window that is placed in the center of the room that has a very thick glass pane with cross bar on it that seems to look out. And this is your first view-- for you, especially, since you woke up in the tunnel-- your first view of the outside.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the ground, she continues to shoot it, taking heavy damage herself. A well-placed arrow to the shoulder takes the creature down without killing it.\nDM: There you go! So the jaws clamp on you, and you just muscle and squeeze out. You can feel the teeth tear against your flesh between the bits of your leather armor. As you pull away, the armor snaps open on its hinges and you now have your bloodied shoulder exposed in the moonlight right now in the canopy. As it's there, you're heaving, it's kind of heaving, staring you down. What are you going to do? It's your turn.\nPlayer: I'm going to have Trinket run up and I'm going to, fuckin' A, have to disengage, and run the fuck away, 'cause that's all I can do. I'm going to disengage and run as far towards that tree circle as I can.\nDM: As you move, with disengage, you can go around.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: That's where you can get, right there.\nPlayer: Yeah. So I want Trinket in front of me, and then I'm going to take two more shots at him.\nDM: Okay, go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina are on a boat.\nDM: 21? Okay. You take a moment and glance out in the same direction you were, and you scan past the horizon. Nothing.\nPlayer: Motherfuck. Well, I come back down. It went under water, whatever it was. Does that mean it was big enough to be some sort of sea monster? Was it a sea monster?\nDM: \"I sincerely hope not, for all of our sakes. But, nevertheless, I'm gonna go ahead and have the men man our ballistas. Just to be safe.\"\nPlayer: How quickly do those things move?\nDM: \"What things?\"\nPlayer: Sea monsters.\nDM: \"Depends on the sea monster.\"\nPlayer: This one was very large.\nDM: \"Hopefully slowly.\" And she shouts off, \"Full sail!\" A bunch of the deckhands start pulling the ropes down, letting the sail come to a full-- flutter of wind itself isn't too terribly strong, but it's enough to at least inflate the sails even further, and give a little more of a speedy direction.\nPlayer: I wanna go back up and keep an eye, with the spyglass, on any kind of movement, that looks like it's coming towards us.\nDM: Okay, cool. Some of her men go over and start loading the large ballistas to the back of the ship. Anybody else hanging out on the deck?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax, invisible, goes to find Vex and tells her about the seeing stones. The stones were near the collapse.\nDM: The handful of dragonborn that were there, after the collapse, were walking back to the internal cavern area. As you head back, a large portion of Ravenites have all come out of their caves, and right now are in the process of scouring the ruins. Some of them are putting armaments away. Tooma is out there, currently conversing with a number of the other community leaders that are deciding what the next steps are.\nPlayer: I approach Tooma. (clears throat) Tooma, it's time that we make our departure very soon.\nDM: \"Very well.\"\nPlayer: I want to thank you so much for everything that you provided and everything that your people have done.\nDM: \"I wish to thank you for your sticking to your word.\"\nPlayer: Of course. I would love to help and leave some parting gift in any way that I can.\nDM: \"The riches from the hoard will provide enough for us. You need not worry.\"\nPlayer: What was your land like before Vorugal got here? I know it wasn't as icy and as frigid.\nDM: \"It was without snow. We are at the south side of Wildemount. I hope this fades with time, we are not bound for snow people.\"\nPlayer: I can attempt to maybe revitalize your plant life as much as I can before I leave.\nDM: \"You can do this?\"\nPlayer: I can.\nDM: \"By all means. We would appreciate it.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Its first action is to rake its scimitar across the stone, causing an echo throughout the chamber, then resheathing it and pulling its longbow. It is a strong opponent, managing to cost Jester over half her hit points with one arrow.\nDM: All right. Now the chamber, primarily, is now visible to everybody without issue, yourself included.\nPlayer: Then I'm going to take some cover.\nDM: Is it an action to cast Light as a cantrip?\nPlayer: Oh, it's an action, never mind, can't do it!\nDM: Well, you had cast Light previously on the edge of your staff. You're still giving off your own light source.\nPlayer: Okay, well I'm going to hide.\nDM: Are you going to stay put, then?\nPlayer: I'm going to pull in the back and hide.\nDM: In the back of the hallway there?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you restrains Daxio further with a vine. Grog shackles Daxio with manacles and pulls him out of the cell, smashing him against the opposite wall.\nDM: All right. Second one-- natural one on the second roll. Metal's clinking against the wall. Third one-- is going to be a 17?\nPlayer: 17 is exactly what he needed.\nDM: 17 does hit, all right. It's going to try and trip-attack you, so you take as this third strike-- 12 points of slashing damage. And make a strength saving throw.\nPlayer: 15.\nDM: 15. With that, slams it around and hits you right about the kneecap. The blade hits the armor and it guards most of it, but the sheer force of the impact knocks you off your feet and you land face-down on the ground, in front. With that, Daxio uses the momentum of the strike to and use the action surge ability. He's gonna do three more strikes against your now-prone self. With disadvantage, and you're prone so each attack has no disadvantage against you.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: That's a natural 20.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott says that they've been very clear that they're in this for what they can grab for themselves. She corrects Fjord's assumption that she relies on Caleb for protection, saying it's the other way around.\nDM: Sure. Waiting on the opposite side. You got it. All right. That brings it up to the top. Beau, you're up.\nPlayer: Okay. I still have him restrained. I can't see or do shit. Still holding onto the rope, can I full-on football tackle him and try and push him out of this dark cloud?\nDM: Try and shove, you mean?\nPlayer: Uh-huh.\nDM: Well, if you have someone grappled, you can pull them at half movement.\nPlayer: Oh, I'll do that, then. I'm going to start, with the rope wrapped around, start like a lifeguard, backing out.\nDM: This way or this way?\nPlayer: Yeah, towards Fjord. I felt Fjord go by, so I want to try and go towards Fjord.\nDM: Okay, so you manage to push it out of it, right there, and you're both outside of the darkness.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord uses Misty Step to appear next to Caleb in the water, startling him, and they're joined by Caduceus. you Sends to her mother, asking if she's singing tonight.\nDM: Are you heading back to the main road, to one of the entrances to the eastern gate of the city? Or are you heading towards the coastline to the actual wharf itself?\nPlayer: Whatever way is faster.\nDM: Probably the wharf.\nPlayer: Let's do the wharf.\nDM: Okay. You head along the coastline, eventually finding your way to where the wall itself slowly diminishes in steps. It does extend out into the ocean, there is no direct path where you can walk along the shore and go into the city. It is specifically marked off. There is an archway there that is gated by two of the guards that run the city.\nPlayer: I cast Disguise Self before we get up there.\nDM: Okay. You do see about six zolezzo that are currently guarding that entrance. The rest of you see armored guards, varying from the scalemail and the maroons and muted colors of the townsguard you're used to seeing in the Empire. Here, the zolezzo have a blue and green base, but you can see on the armor, each individual zolezzo has their own unique decoration and flair to it, some way of customizing it, making it their own. As such, even within their own ranks there is a sense of color and individuality, and their own armored senses. That doesn't mean they're not still armed and wondering who the fuck you are as you approach the exterior of the city. As your cart begins to approach, four of the six zolezzo immediately raise their weapons, and they begin to approach. \"Halt! What is your business in Nicodranas?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, you douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: It's Molly, Fjord, Jester, Nott, the manticore, Beau, then Caleb and the priest together, then Shak\u00e4ste.\nPlayer: Vicious Mockery on the manticore.\nDM: All righty, 12.\nPlayer: I don't actually know what it's rolling against. What is it against?\nDM: It's eight plus two, which is your proficiency bonus, which is ten. Plus your wisdom modifier. What is your wisdom modifier?\nPlayer: My wisdom modifier, I believe it's three.\nDM: It would be 13, so it hits, yeah.\nPlayer: All right! That's one point of psychic damage and it has disadvantage on the next attack. (rasping) You should leave and protect the child. Trying to--\nDM: All right, the female face grins even wider, the eyes narrow (growls).\nPlayer: I'm going to back up.\nDM: It seems like it shakes its head a bit. It seems strangely wounded briefly, but then grins at the prospect of a new meal.\nPlayer: I'm backing up a little bit. I'm going to step back ten feet.\nDM: You move back ten feet to there.\nPlayer: Yeah, backing up.\nDM: That brings us to Fjord's turn.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pike tells Scanlan that while she does love him, she has feelings for someone else. She kisses his cheek and bids him goodnight.\nDM: And-- anything else, before the evening's rest comes? All right. Sleep finds you all, some easier than others, until a measured period of time, I believe?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Grog sprung awake, gathered the folks in the pre-dawn hour of the following morning. You gather your stuff, exit the mansion, and start making your way towards the Margrave's house.\nPlayer: Is there anyone on the street?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: 19. Plus zero.\nDM: You guys exit Wilhand's place and there is a cross-street that Wilhand's home is nearby, that's like a building sandwiching it on each side, and the one just south of it is on the corner of that cross street. Across the way as you guys exit the room, or exit the front of the building, you see two figures stand up, arms crossed. The same individuals you saw earlier.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They looked above and they saw what looked like the entrance to a cavern where at least the dragon seems to fly in and out of. It's a ways up the mountain, and there's a smaller cavern towards the base of the mountain.\nDM: All right, that'll do. So at the top of the round as one giant has pulled itself out of the cavern and begins shouting over in Giant about the intruders. The secondary one that comes stalking out of the forest, both of them with these giant axes that are currently held on the side of leather belts (roars) give a bellowing scream and go charging into the fray. At the top of the round, though, Percy is ready. What have you got?\nPlayer: What is that strange orange thing, right here?\nDM: This is actually a tree.\nPlayer: That's a tree. Okay, good. So that's cover?\nDM: Yeah. This rock and these boulders here have some cover, but from a giant who has a very large perspective maybe not as much as you'd think.\nPlayer: Okay, so is there any way I can maybe get some partial cover right over here?\nDM: You could move over this way, yes.\nPlayer: Yeah. So I've got cover from the tree from this one until he moves, but I can see this guy?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: It is Bad News time! I'm going to bust out Bad News and take a shot.\nDM: All right, so. Rip out Bad News, uses one of your attacks, second attack prepares it. You're ready to fire, go ahead and shoot.\nPlayer: All right. They're pretty big, so I'm going to take the negative five to my attack bonus and see what that does. That's a 21.\nDM: 21 will hit.\nPlayer: That's a good shot. Oh yeah! That's 17, 27, plus-- 33 points of damage.\nDM: 33 points of damage? Nice. So you hear this loud, ringing explosion that echoes through this small valley at the base of the mountain, and from out the corner of your eye, it's the first time you've seen this weapon do its wonders. You see a flash of light, a plume of smoke goes up and you see this impossibly fast blast of some projectile go slamming into the shoulder of the giant over here that's currently reaching for a rock. It pushes him back against the wall, which prevents him from falling over and he catches himself. Looks back, and you can see there's a small crater in the armor where a little bit of blood begins to pour out, and a little bit of smoke seems to be pouring out of the impact. (snarls and yells) Gives out a really angry yell. You can see like spittle that begins to shake loose and spray from his mouth out of frustration. That the end of your turn?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex, you, and Pike convince him not to eat it, though, on the chance that the fruits are actually souls. Over the next few hours, the party make their way to a clearing containing the immense citadel of the Dawnfather, lit by a giant beacon of sunlight.\nDM: \"The Dawnfather is the god of the harvest. Good luck. Sorry if I came off a bit brusque. It's been a long time since anyone's talked to me.\"\nPlayer: No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.\nDM: \"Apology accepted.\"\nPlayer: Would you like a hug?\nDM: \"No. I would most definitely not like a hug.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Well, it was wonderful meeting you. Absolutely. Thank you. All right, bye. Okay, bye.\nDM: \"Good day.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex and you investigate a tunnel to determine which of two they will continue down. After deciding the left one is the most likely, Grog charges ahead, the others giving chase.\nDM: We shall say, a general sense of this area, you look and you can see, in this area, unlike the previous sections, there are small clusters of bats on the ceiling.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to--\nDM: As apparently they have an exit of some kind to the surface.\nPlayer: I'm going to go ahead and cast Beast Sense on one of the bats.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: And I'm going to channel myself through the bat and I'm going to make him fly down the far left tunnel.\nDM: Okay. So as you guys are walking over there, one of the bats--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He calls out what he has to do to fix this and with no answer, he turns to leave. A light illuminates the next chamber.\nDM: You enter the next chamber, where you see the interior of this structure is ivory-white bone and glass, with a blue hint, very much resembling the interior of a very naturally, beautifully-carved ice cavern. There is a stairway that ascends, as well as other hallways that lead out from the central nerve center of the lower floor of the main structure. As you walk into this central chamber, you see, ever so faintly, at the very top of the stairs, a pair of feet (footsteps) walk and disappear up the stairs.\nPlayer: I'm going to charge after them.\nDM: Okay. You go running up the stairway. (thud thud) You get to the top, and you can see at the very top of the stairs a dark wooden door with a dark iron rim and what appears to be a large hanger or handle or knocker bolted to it and it (thud) just closes as you come underneath the top of the archway and up the stairs.\nPlayer: I knock.\nDM: (doosh) Once?\nPlayer: Three times.\nDM: (doosh doosh) With each hit, you can hear the reverberation of the echo of the knock through a much larger chamber beyond. As soon as you release the actual door knocker, the door (thump-crash, creak) just creaks open ever so slightly into a very, very dark chamber. You can see very, very little in here, other than the basic outline of what looks to be a little bit of floor, some sort of a smooth, glassy surface that refracts just a little bit of light that makes it through what looks to be some sort of broken-up glass dome-type structure above you. You can't make out much beyond that. It's very dark in here.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Lady Kima identifies one of the thralls, a dwarf, as a former companion of hers. you asks Scanlan to distract Kima for a moment.\nDM: Kima steps in at this point and says, \"I agree. (sigh) We have quite a journey ahead of us.\" At which point, Clarota pipes up and says, \"Indeed. We're not too far from Yug'Voril. Let us rest.\"\nPlayer: Kima. I... just wanted to apologize.\nDM: \"What for?\"\nPlayer: I came across too harshly that night.\nDM: She puts her hand up and... in a matronly way. \"It's honestly not a worry. War is stressful, and all of us have been through a lot for this experience. I understand. I've been where you've been, and it's not uncommon to question everything around you, and with good reason: that's what keeps you alive. Were you to believe every person that crossed your path, you would not have made it past your 15th season. I can assure you, as best as I can, that I mean the best for all of us. I just know that if we don't do what we're here to do, far more people will suffer than the few I've brought down here to protect me and for me to protect. I'm not asking for your trust. I'm just asking for your patience.\"\nPlayer: Well, I can grant you that. Only if you promise to grant us respect in return, because I feel you were a little untrusting of what we were doing up front, which I once again understand.\nDM: \"You caught me at a rough time.\"\nPlayer: Same here.\nDM: \"Well, thank you.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They join Avantika's crew at their table. you decides to fight a gnome seaman, Sorris Cade, at his invitation, and they have a friendly glorious bar fight until she decides that's enough and heals him a bit.\nDM: She's drinking and watching. One leg up on the table and she's glancing over, watching this transpire. You're going to sweep as you get up?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Roll for attack.\nPlayer: 13.\nDM: 13 does not hit.\nPlayer: No!\nDM: You sweep and he leaps up and then, from the air, tries to come down onto your leg with the full force of his tiny gnomish body. Natural 20.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You managed to, thanks to a very high roll from Keyleth, discover there was some sort of a waterfall or trickle of liquid near the hip of this giant titan. Its giant, four, swinging arms only managed to clip Keyleth and Vax once.\nDM: 23 points of damage in the first hit. As you spin around, jaw open, growling in rage (yells), you bring the axe across, and it cuts across the front of its chest. You watch as pieces of rock break off, and it still holds strong against the impact.\nPlayer: I do it again!\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Reckless, Great Weapon Master this time! 25.\nDM: 25 hits.\nPlayer: 31 points of damage.\nDM: Nice! The second hit, you swing around and slam it. It actually gets stuck and wedged in part of its body. The mouth opens and gives this guttural (grunts) as a reaction. Actually giving a pain exert upon the hit. However, as it reaches out, both of its hands grab the edge of the axe. All right. That end your turn?\nPlayer: Is he holding my axe?\nDM: He's attempting to.\nPlayer: Well, I wanted to move!\nDM: Okay, then move.\nPlayer: I'm moving! I would like to go (counting) 30 feet to face off with this guy.\nDM: All right. Well, that guy swings at you with his fist as you pull away. You rip the axe out of its grasp, and instead it takes one wide swing with its right fist.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After slamming his feet into the sand and preparing himself for conflict, he beckons you towards him. you faces off with Earthbreaker Groon.\nDM: So you're raging, so you take half damage from these, because they're bludgeoning, since he's punching you.\nPlayer: Mmhmm.\nDM: His eyes flash, he rushes up and pummels you once in the chin, elbows you in the sternum, goes and grabs your shoulder and leaps over behind you and then kicks straight back into the middle of your shoulder blades and (pained gasp) you feel the breath almost get kicked out of you. That is 15 bludgeoning damage, halved to--\nPlayer: Seven?\nDM: We'll say eight.\nPlayer: Eight? Yeah.\nDM: That is nine, reduced to five, and that is 13 reduced to seven. There you go.\nPlayer: Oh shit, that's 20 points of damage. Cool.\nDM: That's his turn. You're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before this happened, as a part of a journey towards this Tri-Spire, both Caleb and you made their way there. Caleb unsuccessfully entering a nicer district of the city that did not seem to believe or respect his presentation.\nDM: You do, and you go through. It'll take you a little while to go through all the bodies here, so we'll get to see how many you get through here.\nPlayer: Did you say two sets of armor? Would that fit in the bag?\nDM: Hmm?\nPlayer: Would that fit in the bag? Two sets of armor?\nDM: Well, I believe it would because it is a volume/space thing. It'll take up a lot of space within the-- and you have two two-foot by two-foot spaces on the two sides, and then you have the main eight-foot cube section there, so.\nPlayer: Okay, we'll bring these back to the Crownsguard and hopefully get some reward.\nDM: You do find another pair of studded leather armor that has like a sea motif to it. There's shells pressed into it, and a wave pattern on the edges. The person it's attached to has a bunch of tattoos across their body as well, that insinuate a lot of time at sea, different names of different ships that are different points of faded on the body. They may have been a sailor at some point in their life and has expired under here.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then made their way into the city of Deastok, to the Darrington Estate, and were led up into the study of Howaardt Darrington, father of Taryon. They all discussed the reasons of why Tary was brought back, the current financial state of the family, and the intent to resolve and remedy long-standing sins of the father through ' Taryon standing up and doing his family duty', from Howaardt's perspective.\nDM: Sure. You catch his attention. He comes back to the table as you step up and start in his direction, he goes, \"Hey. Another round, eh?\"\nPlayer: Actually, no. I give him five gold.\nDM: \"All right. You want another one?\"\nPlayer: No, I'd rather not. No, I was just wondering, do you know how long Korshad usually hangs out here every night?\nDM: \"Varies. Easily probably another hour or so.\"\nPlayer: Always with the same company, or different people?\nDM: \"Varies. They've been here most of the afternoon.\"\nPlayer: Oh, wow. Would you mind going over to him and just letting him know that the gentleman who bought him the drink would love a moment of his time.\nDM: \"Oh, all right.\"\nPlayer: Taryon Darrington. He needs to know the name.\nDM: \"Okay. I will.\" He looks at the gold and goes, \"All right. I will.\"\nPlayer: No rush. But make sure it happens.\nDM: You see he noticeably gets a little nervous. Walks over. Do you go back to your table to join your compatriots? Okay. As you're watching, he actually has to psych himself up. He approaches and then turns around and stops for a second, and goes up to the table again and stops himself and gets the gumption up this time and goes to the table. And you see him talking to Korshad, who at this point has his hand on the tip of the drink, glances up at him. Looks over at the table again.\nPlayer: I walk over and put my hand on Taryon's shoulder and keep eye-contact with Korshad.\nDM: You see a smile creep slowly across Korshad's face. Puts his hand up and immediately you can watch as Wence, who's in the middle of talking and expressing this goes, \"Yes.\" And quickly darts away. Korshad gives a point to the rest of the guys and you watch his lips say, \"Excuse me a moment.\" He stands up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the orchards outside the Fortress of the Sun, Vox Machina plan their next steps. They decide to make Terrah their next stop, for its proximity to the Pools of Wittebak, where Pelor said they could find the key to Ioun's whereabouts.\nDM: All right. So as you walk down into the village, a number of the guardians step out quickly, seeing an approaching party, however, recognizing Keyleth and her station immediately, turn into an escort that leads you to the center portion of the village.\nPlayer: I request Pa'tice.\nDM: Quickly enough, they go and retrieve Pa'tice. You see the elderly form of the leader you've met before step out, the graying hair, the weathered dark skin tones, the long greens and brown leathers that drape off, showing hints of the knees and lower feet, the large walking staff that he carries at his side as he approaches and the headdress that seems to be a combination of thick twines and shale shards that have been woven in, steps forward. \"Keyleth. An unexpected visit, most definitely.\"\nPlayer: Kaitiaki.\nDM: \"Kaitiaki.\"\nPlayer: Pa'tice, I am so sorry for the late intrusion. We've just gotten back from the plane of Elysium, so we're a little tired. Yeah, we're fighting a god right now, well, more of like a demi-god, so have you heard of Vecna? Sorry, I'm probably getting ahead of myself. Do you have any food? Let's talk over dinner.\nDM: \"We have food, yes. You are guests of Terrah. Please, we will provide whatever you require. Come, provide them a meal!\" And he puts his hand out and they run off quickly.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: Ten? You go to swing, and as it sees you suddenly, it backs away, and your staff hits the dirt right next to it. (snarls) It just barely misses it. Caleb, you following up?\nPlayer: Caleb sends Frumpkin right down to the one that Jester was attacking and I will send out a Fire Bolt at the same time.\nDM: Go for it. Roll your attack roll for the Fire Bolt.\nPlayer: That's at advantage if my birdie is bothering him up close.\nDM: Right. Okay. Wait, you're going for the one that Jester is attacking?\nPlayer: Yeah, the one that Jester is attacking.\nDM: Okay. Go for it.\nPlayer: That is-- oh, that's good. That is 21.\nDM: 21 hits. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: These spells are all still new to me. Oh, that's a big one.\nDM: One point of damage.\nPlayer: Big one point of damage.\nDM: It begins to burn this small circular image on the hyena's body. (yelping) Go ahead and--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, Caduceus, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. you, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of Caleb.\nDM: \"Okay. O great king, give me a bit of time with this, if you don't mind?\" He looks around. Everyone's looking at him. At this moment he glances around and sees the dozens and dozens of eyes locked on him, and he starts getting a little nervous. You see a little sweat drop on his forehead, and he adjusts his glasses again. They're starting to fog a bit. He goes, (clears throat), plops down, and starts going through, and pulls out paper and a quill. He sets up in the middle of the dock area and starts going through and point-by-point deciphering and translating each part of the cipher over to one of his empty pages.\nPlayer: Great king, if we may, time we have.\nDM: \"That we do.\"\nPlayer: It's at your whim that we serve. I think it would be only fair to ask that we remain under guard while your compatriot here translates that text.\nDM: \"Oh, we're standing right here.\"\nPlayer: Fair enough.\nDM: \"You still haven't answered my question. What brought you to these waters? Why'd you throw in with her lot?\" You see now, they're bringing Avantika forward with the rest of you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: That ends its turn. Now having it appeared, as this round has happened, I would like both Grog and Percy to--\nPlayer: I'm going to shoot the purple thing with a violent shot.\nDM: How many points into it?\nPlayer: I'm going to drop all three points into violent shot.\nDM: Okay! That adds plus six to your misfire. So you have like a 46% chance of misfiring on this shot.\nPlayer: If I roll a six. A six or lower. It--\nDM: Well, it adds plus two to your misfire per point spent.\nPlayer: Oh! Never mind then! Oh shit! Then never mind. Then I'm just going to take two points of violent shot. So that's--\nDM: So that would bring it to a misfire of seven.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay! So take your shot.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Rain begins to fall. Percy puts his Hat of Disguise back on.\nDM: All right. So you groups divide, Scanlan heading towards the northeastern house, the rest of you heading towards the northwestern house. Eventually, you get to the outskirts of both abodes, and you can see the dark clouds in the sky, occasional claps of thunder and flashes of light. Even though it's midday, it's pretty dark right now. The few folks that are out and about have their heads covered with hoods, and they're trying to stay under overhangs to stay nice and as dry as they can. You are all soaked to the bone at this point, just pushing through. Your cough is still setting in pretty heavily at this point, too. You guys make your way to the outskirts of the home. You, Scanlan, skipping along, the boy that you are with your one weird wandering eye, find your way to the other abode. So. What's the plan?\nPlayer: How far is the gate from the front door?\nDM: It's about 25, 30 feet. And the house that you're looking at right now, it's very well-crafted. Looks like it's made from a lot of the fine timber of Whitestone, the lighter woods and dark woods contrast with each other, stained to show the variation in the two. It's a very beautiful home.\nPlayer: Okay. Any guards? Anything around?\nDM: Currently, you can see there is one guard visible at the front. That's all you can see at the moment.\nPlayer: And if I walk around back, is there any guards around back?\nDM: There is a second guard around back that is just now stepping out of an outhouse that is situated behind the building.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax sneaks ahead to get a closer look around the room. As nothing happens, Percy then leads the way forward onto the platform.\nDM: 21. The runes across the blade specifically deal with cursing the physical form of what touches its blade.\nPlayer: Shit. Okay, cool. Instead of walking towards the anvil, can I start walking to the right, towards one of those chains that's dangling on?\nDM: The chains are immediately to the left and right of the anvil, so to go towards the chain you'd be stepping closer to the anvil, and as you turn to the side its head tracks you as you go.\nPlayer: Is it tilting it down?\nDM: You haven't moved forward, so no.\nPlayer: Okay. Can I keep moving in that direction?\nDM: Okay, you begin to step forward towards the chain. The blade comes down to a flat end towards you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party finally decides on a two-pronged plan. Vax and Scanlan will sneak in to kill the illithid, while the rest of the party creates a distraction and try to blind them with light.\nDM: Plus your tinker's kit proficiency. It's down underneath your skills. Proficiency, at the very bottom left.\nPlayer: Yeah, I don't have a number for that.\nDM: You can add your proficiency modifier to your intelligence check. Add your intelligence modifier plus four.\nPlayer: Ah, thank you. 17.\nDM: All right, and so what are you trying to accomplish with this arrow again?\nPlayer: I was just trying to make an entanglement arrow. It's a trapper's arrow.\nDM: Okay. You manage to work out what seems like a tanglefoot bag-type detonation, where if an arrow were fired, it would be a grapple check against the individual, probably give them penalties until they're able to break free of the grapple. So yeah, success on that one.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Across from them, in the wall on the far end of the space, are three arches into more tunnels. Patrolling the openings are a number of humanoids, skeletons, and one larger creature.\nDM: You back up into the hallway to find a space that isn't immediately visible and begin to build the circle of incantation. The rest of you keep watch in case anything begins to make its way toward the entrance. As you complete the ritual, your vision expands, and you feel your essence being pulled up through the earth and rock, changing from gray and brown to black and dead, until eventually, for a brief instant, you see a burst of the city of Thar Amphala, matching precisely your memory of the inner sanctum of the city. In an instant, there's a rush of momentum and energy, and you see footsteps. You see before you the death knight that you had previously encountered in the struggle is stepping up these dark, ruddy stone steps. One, two, three, you can hear the echo surround you in this slightly curving staircase.\nPlayer: Do I see Delilah?\nDM: You do not. Unfortunately, you see a very vague image of a room that's disappearing behind him as it curves around where you can see two other armored figures similar to the one that's in the center archway that are standing watch in that chamber. They vanish as he curves around, and you watch as he steps up, step-step-step.\nPlayer: Can I get any other details on where he is? Can I see any other identifying landmarks?\nDM: Currently it's a windowless stairway that curves.\nPlayer: Is he going upwards?\nDM: Yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you, meanwhile, has dropped off Toya at her tent and makes his way back to the docks. When he sees the rest of the party in chains, he decides to turn himself in as well and gets locked up with the rest.\nDM: You get a little closer, you are still maybe a good 100 feet or so away from them, keeping to the shadows along a building, keeping low. Thankfully it's nighttime, it's pushing midnight at this point. Because you're ostentatiously dressed, but there isn't a lot of light in your colors. As far as you know right now, no one can see you, you're too far away to hear much, but you can keep an eye on them.\nPlayer: Oh, what's the play? What's the play? Ah! I'm going to-- Yeah, fuck it. I'm going to walk up.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: With briskly. There I find you! I've been looking everywhere. You're not supposed to leave the bloody inn you-- oh. (sighs) They're already in trouble, apparently.\nDM: \"I love when they do this! Chain him up.\" You are shackled as well.\nPlayer: All right. Less questions to answer.\nDM: At this point, Norda is starting to smile a bit. She's like \"Man, if we could have more criminals like you lot, my job would be far easier. I would get home a lot earlier.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He warns the rest of the Mighty Nein as combat continues. A crew member unfurls the sail, which is plain, attempting to escape the area.\nDM: You do have enough movement, you have 15 feet more, so you leap down onto his crumpled unconscious body, and his other friend is going to pull back to try and take a shot while he's backing up towards the back portion of the ship.\nPlayer: I go Melee range, you can't do it! And then a 19?\nDM: That'll hit. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Big money. Okay! Nine. Die! Die!\nDM: And so he-- You (impact sound), and he falls unconscious onto the ground.\nPlayer: I turn to Marius and I say \"The Gentleman sent us? Gentleman? You a Gentleman?\"\nDM: He's like (startled gasping). Make a persuasion check.\nPlayer: Really?\nDM: Yeah!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They make their way to Greyskull Keep, where they find that their old servants, Laina and Erwen, have returned.\nDM: Captain Adella's there with her crew behind her. \"It's been an absolute pleasure. Should you require our assistance again, you know where to find us, and if not, we're busy making money elsewhere, fuck off.\"\nPlayer: 1,500?\nDM: She takes the coin purse from you.\nPlayer: Plus 150 tip.\nDM: Takes that, hands it to one of her-- her first mate--\nPlayer: Plus 200 for any damages to your ship.\nDM: \"It was quite damaged.\" Passes it off to her first mate again and you can see the first mate is kind of the sheepish mousy gentleman who is currently in process of counting all the coins as they come in, he's, like, the on-board accountant and he's just-- \"We're good.\" \"Wonderful. Thank you so much for your patronage. Wish you all a fond farewell. Now shoo.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The bard then goes to Lyra to back her up and he inspires her. you, seeing Percy flanked by the two orcs on him, casts Hunter's Mark on the wounded one and shoots him with the Blazing Bowstring.\nDM: Yep. Roll twice for Trinket. As the arrow (sploof) hits him on the chest area and (boom) bursts into flames, igniting part of his shoulder. As he looks down you hear this guttural growl from around the corner. As he glances over Trinket comes jumping out of the shadows from behind the tree.\nPlayer: Trinket! I never know what to look at because I never attack with Trinket.\nDM: Attack bonus.\nPlayer: Okay. That's 22 for one.\nDM: 22 hits. Roll for the second attack.\nPlayer: The second one is a 16.\nDM: 16 just barely hits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They find a long metallic rod half buried in the rubble about the size of the platform hole in the room below. Yasha sticks a sword into the ashes in one urn, and shortly thereafter a small glowing orb emerges and attacks her.\nDM: Seven. That urn explodes on the inside of the alcove as the streaking, hot Scorching Ray slams into the clay, causing the top half of it to detonate. The bottom half of the clay cracks, and the bottom still remains in place, the ash clouding out of it. The one--\nPlayer: So that did not get destroyed, then, it got damaged?\nDM: This will-o'-wisp flickers out. It had been heavily damaged already, and that amount of scattering of the ash caused it to flicker and disintegrate. The bottom of the urn is still holding itself in place, the top half scattered and broken.\nPlayer: That was just one, so I continue to wrap my hand around, and a second one shoots out at the one in the ceiling. That is a natural 18.\nDM: That hits. Roll damage on that one.\nPlayer: Yeah. That is an eight.\nDM: Eight? It shatters and breaks. The ash comes clouding down like the slight drizzle of soft dust and ash. This will-o'-wisp vanishes into the space.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog then takes the first bead of divinity -- the one from Ioun-- smashes it on the Anvil, and folds the powdered remains into the first ingot. With aid from Keyleth and Scanlan in the form of spells and inspiration, he does the same with the bead from Pelor, but has trouble with the one from the Raven Queen.\nDM: All right, so you glide down and you grab his body, and you lift him up, and you get him out of the lava but that's as much movement as you've got.\nPlayer: Can I use my action to--\nDM: It's your action to grab and pull him out.\nPlayer: Can I use my bonus action to dash away?\nDM: You can. I'll say you move half speed because you're having to bring him with you.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to back up.\nDM: So you can get both of you guys back up to wherever you want to go.\nPlayer: Into the corner.\nDM: Into the corner? So you get about there.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy and Vex go out into the woods to camp together for the night, but not before Vex sends Trinket to keep Keyleth company in her room. you finds a clearing in the woods to sit for a moment, where she is joined by the wolf Galdric.\nDM: Probably. He's not a full, ruined beast. He lives in the forest. Smells of earth, dust, and nature. Doesn't seem to react to your hug, but allows it.\nPlayer: I sit next to him.\nDM: He seems to share the space with you for the time that you're in the forest. Not a strong connection, but an acknowledgement, mainly focusing on the moon before it passes through the canopy and is no longer visible.\nPlayer: I came out here to build a little something, so I'm glad to have you out here for a little bit. Thank you for staying with me.\nDM: The one ear to the side perks open to listen to your statement, but the vision doesn't meet yours, still focused in space as it fades. You get the essence that the wolf acknowledges you.\nPlayer: (sighs) I feel like Grog would be so happy right now to be around a wolf. I give him a scratch behind his ear.\nDM: He actually seems to enjoy it and gives into it. One of the giant hind legs of the wolf--\nPlayer: Oh, that's a good boy. I give out a little howl.\nDM: He howls along with you. (howls)\nPlayer: That was for my friend Vax.\nDM: The wolf gets up, circles you once, and makes his way into the darkness of the forest once more.\nPlayer: Goodbye. After a bit, I head back.\nDM: Okay. Grog?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, These stones are utilized, apparently, in both keeping the rift contained and keeping the city of Vesrah aloft and up towards the air. However, in the process of them researching where these lodestones came from, it was discovering in recent years that they were byproducts of one of the krakens that lives in the Water Elemental Plane.\nDM: Okay. As you put your hand towards it, you feel a very, very faint vibration, actually a very similar vibration to the throat bead.\nPlayer: Really. Are the throat beads green? Do they look similar?\nDM: At this point, now? You notice, yes, they're made of the same material. You see that a lot of-- the lodestones' main purpose is here, but a lot of the inherent magic of them, or at least the enchantment properties of it, it's a pretty big part of the general life here at Vesrah.\nPlayer: Do the beads tend to react when they get closer to the lodestone?\nDM: There is no change. But you do feel that faint hum and vibration of power of the lodestone that is embedded within.\nPlayer: I turn to Durent. Whereabouts do they tend to be found? The lodestones?\nDM: \"Well, I mean, all over.\"\nPlayer: All over?\nDM: \"Who knows where they've been dropped. The ocean tends to swallow things up. You might have to dig. Mostly we find them buried.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Taliesin and Marisha start eating popcorn. Scanlan manages to maintain his eyebite spell; he tries to escape the acidic digestive track by casting Thunderwave from the inside of the worm.\nDM: I think you can still move around, you just think you have to have concentration towards it, I'll have to--\nPlayer: I'm going to have my concentration on reverting. But in the meantime, I'm going to--\nDM: You can use your action to begin to revert your form, yeah.\nPlayer: I have to use my action?\nDM: However, nope! Reverting takes a minute, during which time a creature is incapacitated and can't move.\nPlayer: (sputtering)\nDM: So yeah. So currently--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the Platinum Sanctuary, the twins are greeted by Highbearer Vord. He offers to seal Opash's book in a vault beneath the city, but Vax, who doesn't entirely trust him, tells him they didn't actually bring it with them.\nDM: Puts his hands aside and steps back. \"Oh. Well. Return with the tome, should you see fit to leave it here.\"\nPlayer: Can I ask you, how much do you know of Orcus?\nDM: \"I know enough.\"\nPlayer: I don't know much of anything, and it's important that we learn.\nDM: \"Hmm.\" So, he nods to one of the other advisors who steps off for a moment. \"Sit a moment. This is a conversation to have.\" And some of the guards come and bring a few chairs and set them behind you. \"Orcus, the demon prince of undeath, resides in the depths of Thanatos, one of the varying realms of the Abyss. It is here that he snuffs the life from all creatures and brings them under his sway. He is an entity of ever-hungering need for power, and to take all life and break it so he can bring it under his control. Thankfully, as one of the betrayer gods, he was sealed away, and the Divine Gate was placed up to prevent his, and any other evil entities' entrance into our world. However, that does not prevent him from sending his minions, sending his powers, sending his influence out through the permeable, small gaps in this gate. So his influence remains.\"\nPlayer: He only has two horns, right?\nDM: \"Oh! Four, once.\"\nPlayer: Four?\nDM: \"Two that he maintains on himself to this day, and two that were severed, enchanted, and bequeathed into two of his, at the time, one of his champions.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party tear into the cherub creature while it summons lava from the ground beneath them, traps Keyleth and Grog in the earth, and attempts to freeze Vax in a casing of ice. As it takes heavy damage, the creature unleashes a burst of radiant energy from its chest, doing a huge amount of damage to everyone close by.\nDM: 40, nice! So as it hits, you watch as the brambles try and wrap around it, but it actually flies free.\nPlayer: Oh wait! Plus the blazing bowstring, another two fire damage.\nDM: 42 total. You can see more of it's just falling out of its small, decomposing torso, and it's trying to fly upward now, towards the light. It's on the edge.\nPlayer: I want to try to do the same thing again.\nDM: Okay, go for it.\nPlayer: With a Blazing Bowstring again. 28.\nDM: 28 hits. Roll damage.\nPlayer: Okay, bramble shot again, because I get two, motherfucker! That's ten for my Blazing Bowstring. Oh, Jesus H. Macy. 19, plus five is 24, plus eight is 32, 36. Oh my god, 34. 38, plus ten is 48.\nDM: How do you want to do this? (cheering)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While everyone is fooling around on the beach, and Grog is burying Tary in the sand, Vax takes an opportunity to steal Tary's clothes and hide them in Percy's room.\nDM: All right, as you pull the patch and throw it in the room, it glows a bright orange and then flashes and burns into two small coal-like embers that when they slam into the ground, crack and open, and from those two embers you see two full-grown mastiffs. (barking and snorting)\nPlayer: There's food in there. Eat it all. Scratch through everything you want.\nDM: They both start eating. They go nuts on the place.\nPlayer: And use this as your latrine as well.\nDM: One of them goes, (sniffs) and just pisses on one of the sacks. You're not quite sure which one it is.\nPlayer: Good doggy. All right. You're free now. Go away. I don't know.\nDM: Do you leave them in the room?\nPlayer: Yeah, just stay here, go, whatever you want. I don't know. I feel weird. I don't need a pet right now.\nDM: You leave and close the door behind you? Okay. All right, so you guys meet up again. You get more drinks, you begin to wander the city. Is there anything else you want to do while you're out and about for the afternoon?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party then retrieved their first artifact and then made their way towards the Pyrah tribe of the Ashari druids, the fire guardians of the gate to the Elemental Plane of Fire, which apparently Thordak, the Cinder King\u2014the great red dragon that helms the Chroma Conclave that has torn through all of the civilization of Tal'Dorei \u2014emerged from. The party went there, found a surviving faction of the Pyrah tribe including Cerkonos, their headmaster, as well as a few members of Keyleth's tribe, the Air Ashari, and her father.\nDM: 28! Yeah, Vax, keeping an eye, the guard doesn't seem to have kept notice and continues walking off towards the distant farmhouse. The plants all wrap around his body and he: \"What's this? Stupid-- \"\nPlayer: I run over and I tackle him, knock him to the ground, put my hand over his mouth, punch him in the forehead. Punch him again. Punch him a third time. And I barely lift my hand.\nDM: \"You motherfucker-- \"\nPlayer: Punch him again.\nDM: At this point, now he's got blood pouring out of the corner of the eye. One eye has gone a little red from burst vessels. You can see it starting to swell up already. Blood's now pouring out the side of the nose where you've hit it, and he's still fighting even though the plants have kept him entangled. As soon as the calm comes to him (heavy breathing).\nPlayer: (sing-song) Horace.\nDM: The eyes go wide and all the tension in the body loosens. \"Fucking hell.\"\nPlayer: (muffled) Fucking hell.\nDM: You're still holding his face? (muffled) \"Fucking hell.\"\nPlayer: I'm going to move my hand. If you make a sound, wash, rinse, repeat, yeah? Nod. Shut the fuck up.\nDM: He spits a couple teeth out the side of his mouth.\nPlayer: You're looking big.\nDM: \"You're supposed to be dead. You're supposed to be fucking dead. I watched you beaten to death. Why the fuck are you still alive?\"\nPlayer: Yeah, right. Funny thing about me. So look, who else is out in this field with you right now?\nDM: \"No one. It's me and Cole, but Cole's heading back to the city. We have other ones passed out around, but most of them stay in town, especially during the day. That's where the festivities are.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth polymorphs Grog into a gorilla, and she herself Beast Shapes into a giant eagle. Everyone moves through the bog canopy and enters a shaded nightfall in proximity to the giant tree.\nDM: Well, I mean, you need an eight-hour rest for a full night's rest, so it depends how much time you want to push off until you begin taking your rest.\nPlayer: Oh, right. Well, how about a couple hours?\nDM: Okay. First hour, seemingly no real change. Second hour, go ahead and make another perception check.\nPlayer: 17.\nDM: 17. You do notice a little ways off, some of the tree brush shifts a little bit, and then you see what looks to be a few trees kind of (fwoosh).\nPlayer: Disappear?\nDM: Seemingly there's now a hole in the canopy where once was straight canopy.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside.\nDM: Three hours, so, from what he's doing with the aid of people that aided him, which would be Vex asking about, the few folks that have any experience with any sort of blacksmithy are the folks that make horseshoes, and that's the extent of the complication they can create. So they can attempt to, with your aid, craft some springs. They have the materials to do very basic metalwork and ironwork, but the people you encounter, two folks in particular, they're both a little confused by your overall design and are waiting for you to lead them in a specific direction.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm just going to take them and I'm going to start building one and see if they can follow suit then. Three springs will be more than enough for this design.\nDM: How big a spring?\nPlayer: I would say, how tall is this dragon?\nDM: Roughly 30 to 40 feet, depending.\nPlayer: About a two-to-three-foot spring, then. Three two-to-three-foot springs made of solid iron. Just enough to lift the system and toss. And it's just, you make them like chainmail. It's a process that exists. I'm not going nuts.\nDM: I'm not saying you're going nuts. You are a little stretched for supplies and manpower based on the circumstances in Westruun for a complicated task, but it's fairly possible, but it will pretty much take the entirety of your day and most of your night to prepare this. You'll be able to squeeze by with this, with the construction of the device, and have maybe just enough room for-- I'll let you squeeze in a long rest.\nPlayer: That'll be perfect.\nDM: But that's success or fail.\nPlayer: That'll do.\nDM: Okay. What are the rest of you guys planning?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, To that end, they visit a mapmaker named Tyriok to get general directions toward the Sunder Peak mountain. After a couple days of travel, the party arrive at the mountain home of the Fire Ashari.\nDM: 24? Yeah, you maintain concentration. As it almost knocks you off your side, you manage to (grunts) maintain your focus on the spell; your Telekinesis is still going.\nPlayer: I try to hit him with an arrow.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: 16.\nDM: 16 hits. You go (flying arrow) you loose it and it goes hurtling up the side through the darkness and it finds purchase somewhere in the face of the entity. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Yeah! 17.\nDM: 17, nice.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of Vex and Vax, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city \u2014and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists.\nDM: Okay, gotcha. Okay, so you take the shot, the blast echoing throughout the trees and the treeline. You watch as the pixie takes the slug and actually gets thrown to the ground and then flutters back up, barely.\nPlayer: Flutters back up, barely?\nDM: Yeah. It was undamaged before.\nPlayer: Nothing fancy, just hitting it again.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: That's a 23.\nDM: That'll hit. Roll damage.\nPlayer: That's better. 24 points of damage.\nDM: 24 points of damage. You hear this horrible, high pitched (yelps) as the light is scattered by a burst of what looks like a tiny blood spray, and dust and smoke.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The crew had been waiting a number of days, the repairs had been completed on Bisaft Isle. You guys decided to call it an evening and rest up.\nDM: \"Misan!\" The little boy goes, \"What?\" \"Bring some honeycomb over here for a customer!\" \"Okay!\" He cuts a little piece off with a dull knife and holds it on the edge of the knife and walks over. You see the bees covered up his arm and he puts it over and hands it to you.\nPlayer: Wow!\nDM: It's gooey. It's very sweet and very waxy.\nPlayer: It's really good. It's like gum, but sweet. Can I have a jar of it?\nDM: The boy heads back to his work and she's waving some of the bees away and goes, \"Sure. Let's walk back. I'll be happy to sell you a jar or two. How many would you like?\"\nPlayer: With the actual honeycomb in it?\nDM: \"Of course!\"\nPlayer: I want two jars.\nDM: \"Two jars. That'll run you five gold pieces.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"All right.\" She claps her hands together happily and leads you back, telling you more about the waves of various traders and merchants that come through. Some individuals, some names, she throws out that she's met and flirted with and one that asked her to marry him when she was younger but she turned him down. You have no idea who any of these people are, but you can't help but be half-fascinated, because they're stories. You have two jars of honey plus honeycomb for five gold.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you, Beau, and Molly go to The Fungal Fount. On the way, Beau brings up the issue of what to do with Kiri-- she's afraid Kiri will die if they keep her with them.\nDM: \"Right, okay. So I've been working on something for you based on what you requested and I have these.\" He puts these two vials on the table. One of them is a healing potion, larger than the basic kind. The other is a sky blue color, and as he sets it on the table, as soon as it impacts, there's a flash and you see some sparkles kind of going (energy crackling) through it before it settles. And he goes, \"I'm going to be honest, not entirely certain the extent of what this is. It protects you from something. I know the basis of it is insulation.\"\nPlayer: What's the gold stuff in there?\nDM: \"I do not see what you mean.\"\nPlayer: What's the stuff that swirled around when you put it on the table?\nDM: He taps it again and (energy crackling). It looks like a spark.\nPlayer: What is that?\nDM: \"I don't know. But I bet it's interesting.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the orchards outside the Fortress of the Sun, Vox Machina plan their next steps. They decide to make Terrah their next stop, for its proximity to the Pools of Wittebak, where Pelor said they could find the key to Ioun's whereabouts.\nDM: Pa'tice, who's sat down with you, says quickly, \"We have been made aware via the other Ashari that there is some danger possibly coming. We are awaiting word of what to do other than keep ourselves in a defensive position. We have to guard the rift, of course. But should there be a call to action, we'll do what we can. I'm unfamiliar with this Vecna, but whatever you plan, please be careful.\"\nPlayer: (sighs) Okay. More than anything, I think I would want you all to be relief for the surrounding area and surrounding villages if anything disastrous were to happen. I know you have to guard the rift and that is insanely important and especially right now with someone like Vecna who could potentially abuse that. But if anything were to happen, I don't know if you could house extra people during a disaster.\nDM: \"We are quite good at assembling makeshift and temporary lodging. The rock is our friend, if you will.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, that's more, I think, what we would need.\nDM: \"Of course, of course! Not a worry.\"\nPlayer: Currently, Vecna is just north of Vasselheim, close to Pyrah.\nDM: \"Have you asked Pyrah for aid, as well?\"\nPlayer: They've also been put on alert, but we have not personally been there yet since this has happened.\nDM: \"Well. Good. They're closer. But we're happy to help if we can.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Algar sees them and orders Xundi to finish them off quickly. Roll initiative.\nDM: It's okay. We'll get that fixed in the app. It's plus three to hit, so go ahead and roll an attack to hit.\nPlayer: No, that's an eight.\nDM: That does not hit unfortunately. But you now have a swarm of beetles now here in this dark underground area--\nPlayer: For my actual action I'm going to put-- I'm going to use one of my Channel Divinities.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: On the water creature just to-- just for now I'm going to cast the-- Path to the Grave.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: And then that's my turn.\nDM: That finishes your go. Fjord, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before this happened, as a part of a journey towards this Tri-Spire, both Caleb and Jester made their way there. Caleb unsuccessfully entering a nicer district of the city that did not seem to believe or respect his presentation.\nDM: Eight damage. Angrily, in response to this, you sweep down with a giant golf swing of your staff, and as it hits, it impacts, bludgeons the side of its body. It gets slammed, hits the wall, and falls to the ground. Some of the gas seeps out of its body, but it isn't exposed. It is dead, but the method of damage delivery seemingly didn't disturb whatever was contained within its body.\nPlayer: Interesting. I still have my other attack, yeah? Can I move in and kick that guy?\nDM: Over which one?\nPlayer: Yeah, that one. I'm going to rat kick. Rat kick. Natural 20!\nDM: Jesus!\nPlayer: Come on, give me that big ol' four-- That's a one! Six damage.\nDM: You rush up and critically kick this rat in the side of its body. Wham! You feel breaks and bones, or might be sticks, might be whatever else has created this shell of debris about its body. It gives this screeching sound as falls over onto its side and then gets back in its place. It's hurting, it's barely holding itself in place, but it's angry and ready to snap back at you.\nPlayer: I reach over to Yasha and I go--\nDM: And it is Yasha's turn, actually.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Wary of its toxins, they all stay out of melee range. When the troll gets to its feet, it moves closer to Beau and Yasha, hitting them both with its poison spray and poisoning Yasha, but she shrugs it off at the end of her turn.\nDM: No. It's real angry at him because it just got Hexed, Blasted, and then Bolted. It's going to bypass the shiny swords right there.\nPlayer: Does it get close enough for me to take a swing?\nDM: It does.\nPlayer: Swing, swing. I just get two attacks, right?\nDM: You were holding your action, so you get two attacks, yeah.\nPlayer: Actually, I'm going to use the good sword. It doesn't matter. That's awful, and that's pretty good. That's 11, that misses, and 19, that hits.\nDM: That does hit.\nPlayer: That's 1d6 plus 1d4. 2d6 now, that's right. That's not bad. That's ten points of damage.\nDM: Ten points of damage, as you strike it with one blade and miss with another. Immediately, as you strike across it with your blade, the venom splashes into your face. You suffer 13 points of poison damage, and then it moves out of your combat range. You can still take your reaction if you wanted to.\nPlayer: I will take my reaction. 13 points of damage?\nDM: Yep.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: All righty. As you pull back through and it returns, it's gonna ahead and use-- It's taking another legendary action to make a-- This is gonna be a tentacle attack against you, Grog?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: With advantage, that's going to be nine plus 18, that's 27?\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: You take 12 points of bludgeoning damage plus ten, that's 22. Divided by that. 11.\nPlayer: 11.\nDM: All right, Percy's--\nPlayer: Can I make a retalito-ri-teh?\nDM: You already used it.\nPlayer: I did.\nDM: Sorry.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the mummified body, they loot an adamantine hammer and a gray leather belt studded with opals. Grog takes the hammer, and Percy puts on the belt.\nDM: I know. As you crest the top of this upper area of the road, you glance down and can see a portion of it is underwater, there's a small pool where droplets drop and at the edge of it you can barely see the shape of a creature, hunched at the edge of the waterside.\nPlayer: How close am I to that?\nDM: It's about 50 to 55 feet from you.\nPlayer: Divine Sense.\nDM: Okay. Divine Sense to see if--\nPlayer: It's undead.\nDM: It is not undead; you do not get an undead sense.\nPlayer: Okay. Or a fiend or a celestial?\nDM: It's too far away to get a close view at this point because it's at the edge of your darkvision. You can just make out its shape; it's humanoid, it has two arms, two legs, and it looks roughly the size of you or Vex. But you now see it's sitting at a fallen and partially ruined dwarven statue, some sort of structure that was on a pedestal that had fallen at the edge-- and it's sitting over top of it. It's got gray, splotchy skin, tough exterior, armored spines or plates along its back that stick up as it hunches forward like some sort of porcupine.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ogden tells her the history of how the Trickfoots were first cursed. He explains that he has spent his life researching this curse, and once succeeded in exorcising it from Johann some years ago.\nDM: \"Okay.\" And she goes in to tell you what she knows of the curse, in fair detail, talking about how, long ago, there was people in the family that apparently killed a brother and pissed off a god, and ever since, the family was cursed, so they left what was once the gnomish city of Wittebach. And the curse seems to manifest when a Trickfoot falls too deep into the spell of selfishness or dark thoughts and habits, and manifests in these shades that eventually hollow them out to the point where they are nothing but a being of avarice and greed.\nPlayer: Of greed, hm?\nDM: \"Well, it's part of the reason that we have such a bad reputation. Those that befell the curse kind of tore a path through the countryside.\"\nPlayer: Now, you say 'hollowed out by shades'. Do you still look like a normal gnome, or?\nDM: \"I haven't seen anyone. I don't know. This is stuff that I heard from Uncle Ogden.\"\nPlayer: Wow. I wonder what that looks like.\nDM: \"Hopefully we never find out.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As the giant approaches, its smell overwhelms them and causes Vax to retch, blowing their cover. Scanlan casts Domination to bring it under his control before it can attack, but the spell wears off before you can finish tying it up.\nDM: Go, go. Someone let Sam in! All right, so as this giant entity reaches over and is going to attempt to try and slam his fist down on top of you.\nPlayer: Ah!\nDM: That is going to be a 21.\nPlayer: Against my AC?\nDM: Against your armor class, yes.\nPlayer: Oh no, that hits me!\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: That doesn't count.\nDM: You take 14 points of bludgeoning damage, as the hand just slams down onto your sister.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and Caleb find an archery range, and posing as father and daughter, try it out. Caleb fails embarassingly, but Nott hits the bullseye on all three targets, winning a crude doll of King Bertrand Dwendal, two wooden swords (which she gives to Beau), and two rats in cages (one of which she gives to you, since it's her favorite food).\nDM: As Leopold is talking up this whole this whole, \"All right, come watch now! Here is our finest--\" and it fades away in the background as Gunther, who's leaning forward now, says \"Interesting styling. I've seen it before.\"\nPlayer: What do you mean?\nDM: \"You're not from around here, are you?\"\nPlayer: Well, neither are you. What does that have to do with anything?\nDM: \"Nothing. Just an observation. I've been on the front lines long enough.\" With that, Leopold walks up and goes \"Three, two--\" Make a strength check with advantage, because he wasn't expecting it. (cheering)\nPlayer: Natural 20. (cheering)\nDM: Natural 20. No joke. No joke. Right there.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: All right. So the crit, 28 points of bludgeoning damage. And the last one is gonna be 14 points of bludgeoning damage. And he's going to use three ki points. As he comes around, elbows you to the side of the face, you just weren't expecting it and it cracks you and you feel like a tooth crack and the pain sears through your jaw and you're like, ugh! And then he brings his lower hand and (impact) hits you right in the center of the abdomen, and it hits you, and it hurts, but it's not as impactful as you thought it would be for the force, but you feel like this strange, like, quivering vibration in your midsection, like almost like the muscles are spasming uncontrollably and you don't quite understand why. That is going to end his turn. Grog, you're up.\nPlayer: No! And I go into a frenzied rage. If it's gonna be an ass-beating we take, we might as well just get on with it. And I'll use reckless attack and Great Weapon Master against him.\nDM: Okay, go for it.\nPlayer: Which means he gets advantage on everything against me, but fuck it, he's hitting anyway. Oh, 19, so close. 28.\nDM: 28 hits.\nPlayer: 23?\nDM: 23 hits.\nPlayer: 16.\nDM: Misses.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tasks him to find, within one hour, the tome containing the Incantation of Isolation. The party begins their search.\nDM: Glancing about, you don't see any signs on the books. You do notice, however, there are hundreds of those somewhat spectral keepers of the library that are moving tomes through and organizing and relocating things, just like you saw when you first entered.\nPlayer: They're spectral?\nDM: They're spectral, yeah.\nPlayer: I'm going to go try to talk to one of them.\nDM: Okay. One of them's currently pulling books out. You can see the basic shimmering outline of a humanoid form, and they're taking a book off and stacking it and finding another.\nPlayer: Hello, sir. Do you have language? Can you speak?\nDM: He turns and looks to you for a second.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They make a circuit of the volcanic cone, finding a small hole that Grog is able to punch wide enough to admit all of them. They navigate their way through a combination of air- and water-filled tunnels, using water from Grog's Alchemy Jug to breathe through the sections that have only deoxygenated air.\nDM: Well, you've moved maybe 15 feet. I'd say you probably have, at his flying speed, maybe a third of his fly speed left.\nPlayer: That's another 40 feet.\nDM: (chuckles) So there is that.\nPlayer: All right. Well, then you guys got this well in hand. I'm going to fly to the other guy. Is he going to get an attack on me?\nDM: This guy here?\nPlayer: Yeah. As I fly up high?\nDM: You fly to him and you're gliding above right now.\nPlayer: No, I'm going to go to the furthest guy.\nDM: Over here? (gliding noises) Okay. You're currently floating above the lava. It's not affecting you as you (whoosh) fly by. Because you're flying, no, I will say the mom bulette does not notice you pass. It does not get an attack of opportunity.\nPlayer: (whispering) I'm the Crow.\nDM: Essentially. All right, that ends your turn. Vax.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog convinces Tary to eat a mouthful of dirt, saying it's a local custom. you transports them from Terrah to Greyskull Keep in Emon.\nDM: And there are certain portions which are broken up by hard lines, it's like this parallel intersection multiple times as the tattoo progresses down. Very, very loose, almost a flowing central shoulder-based robe that tosses down the front of the body and meets with a long skirt that drags behind him as he steps out. And as he looks over in the direction of you, you can see the eyes are very hardened, dark, deep brown in color, and the sockets are very weathered, his skin texture in general is pretty weathered. He looks over towards you, clean-shaven, short white hair, puts a hand up. \"Keyleth, you grace the Terra with your presence. What can we be of service to you for?\"\nPlayer: I stand more in attention, more formal. Good to see you, Patisse, it's been quite some time.\nDM: You as well.\nPlayer: I just came to check in after the recent events in the world, make sure everyone was okay.\nDM: Everything seems to be fine. We've been intent of care to the rift, and from the word that seems to have passed quickly since your arrival over the past few days, it's come to our attention that Thordak no longer sits in the center of the city of Emon.\nPlayer: That's correct. We've also slain his right-hand man, Raishan, who seemed to be the mastermind of the entire orchestration.\nDM: Good. Good and well done.\nPlayer: Thank you. I couldn't have done it without your help and training, so I appreciate that.\nDM: You are but a seed, you allowed it to germinate. So what do you need?\nPlayer: Well, I'm intent on continuing on with my Aramente now that there's relative peace in the world. The Vesrah people are quite insular, of course. I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to get there and any advice in general on dealing with them?\nDM: It has been a long time since I've attended any sort of gathering with the Vesrah. It is for people of our skill set not the easiest of journeys, as many of us are capable of traversing through the sentinels of nature. Unfortunately, most of the tree life that exists around Vesrah is beneath the water.\nPlayer: Right.\nDM: So your most likely form of transport will be that of a vessel across the waves.\nPlayer: Who's their headmaster there now? Do you know?\nDM: The headmaster there-- Uvenda, the heart of the tides.\nPlayer: Uvenda.\nDM: Uvenda.\nPlayer: Uvenda, the heart of the tides. What can I expect of this Uvenda? Uvenda.\nDM: Not what you'd expect. I'll leave it at that.\nPlayer: That's very vague of you, Patisse.\nDM: Well, what would be the fun if I were to unveil the next fold of your Aramente?\nPlayer: No, you've got a point. Do you recommend by ship or would flight be more appropriate?\nDM: If you have the means, that is up to you.\nPlayer: All right. Any other words of encouragement?\nDM: Listen closely. Keep your friends about you. That should be sufficient.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you, Percy, and Keyleth go to the library to do research on the Nine Hells for their next mission. They find very little and move on to examining the papers they took from Raishan's lair, including the large book that Gilmore had cautioned them about.\nDM: There is the one large dark leather tome that is still locked on the side, and that was what was on the--\nPlayer: Right. That one feels, is like super scary-looking, though, right?\nDM: Of all the books, it looks like probably the premium book of Opash's collection.\nPlayer: Does it have writing on the cover?\nDM: It has no writing on the cover. It is just a dark black, leather-bound tome roughly that big that looks like it's weathered, scratched in places. It has kind of like a deep, metallic cornered trimmed bits to it.\nPlayer: But Gilmore looked at that. I had Gilmore look at it and he said it was scary.\nDM: He said whoever decides to read it should be strong of will. That was his warning.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back at the bakery, Tary gives the Trickfoots the run of the shop (to the chagrin of you and Pike, who don't entirely trust the newcomers). Everyone retires to get ready for dinner.\nDM: (raspy grunt) He gets up and leans the stick off to the side, and it (thudding noise) onto the ground.\nPlayer: I'll crouch down and start untying his little boots.\nDM: \"That's all right. I can get that.\"\nPlayer: I don't mind.\nDM: He leans back and lets you do it.\nPlayer: What kind of dark things are we talking?\nDM: \"There's a legend in the Trickfoots. Every generation, one is born with the blood curse. One that carries with it the anger of someone slighted when we first became Trickfoots. Maybe it's superstition, but every one of these individuals died a horrible, painful death, screaming of a shadow that came for them. It's a myth, I know, but these dreams are real, and I'd rather be careful and wrong than careless and right.\"\nPlayer: Do you see the shadow in your dreams?\nDM: \"Shapeless. Dark. Eyes like burning coals.\"\nPlayer: Does that sound like the smoke demon that we saw come out of Percy? Anything like that?\nDM: Shapeless, black shadow with red eyes sounds similar, but Orthax was generally black smoke. Had form, and the eyes were more of a yellow.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about Fjord's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: As you dig in and hang down, you watch as your hood and hair hangs upside down. You pull the crossbow down. The tension of the bolt is holding it in, thankfully, otherwise it would just fall from its upside down standpoint, and you fire! You can go ahead and make a strike. Technically you have two that you're in view of here, they both have three-quarters cover because of the nearby door and the angle.\nPlayer: The ones next to her?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Ugh. Well, I got to hit them.\nDM: Which one are you shooting? The skeletal one or the--?\nPlayer: The one that I hit before.\nDM: Okay, so that one. Go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau smashed her red elemental gem and summoned a fire elemental to attack the dragon. The elemental hit the dragon and caught it on fire, but the dragon retaliated with lightning breath.\nDM: Just the look! I'm not saying you did, but you have the look. Jester is surrounded by sparkling unicorns and is just like, \"Uh!\" What are you doing?\nPlayer: Oh wow! Fuck it, I'm going to try it. I'm going to try to cast Bane on this thing.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Is that insane? I don't know if that's insane.\nDM: Saving throw is?\nPlayer: It's a 16 Charisma. That may be insane.\nDM: Charisma. Plus three. That's a ten. It fails.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: Easily enough. It's still raining, but not quite the heavy drizzle it was earlier. It's lighting up a little bit. As soon as you step outside, you can see, way far off in the distance, a little bit of blue begin to break. The heavy part of the stormfront, at least, is beginning to pass. You pick up the remainder of your ordered baked goods and a loaf of bread as well.\nPlayer: On the top shelf, behind you there. What do you call those? These pastries? I slide the smut under a tray of bread.\nDM: You slide it under a what?\nPlayer: A tray of bread on the counter.\nDM: Just on the counter?\nPlayer: Yeah. Hide it.\nDM: Make a sleight of hand check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you tells him to cross off teleportation from his list of adventures, as Keyleth opens a tree portal. They rush through into Whitestone, much to Tary's delight.\nDM: \"Could you hold this?\" And he reaches back and pulls out a small pouch and puts it in your hand. \"I don't feel comfortable holding on to this.\"\nPlayer: What is it?\nDM: It was requested by your small bard friend and I probably should not have it on my person.\nPlayer: Requested?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: What is it? Components of a potion? I don't...\nDM: One that you should not probably drink.\nPlayer: What is it, Jarrett?\nDM: It's suude. It's illegal. You should not-- It is dangerous.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you already vandalized with the Raven's Den and the Hearth of the Allhammer, and decides to skip the Valley Archive of the Cobalt Soul, since it's where Beau and Caleb are training and researching. She also decides against the King's Hall, since there are a lot of guards and it is the center of local law enforcement.\nDM: As you approach, this beautiful but small white building is draped in deep blue tapestries, while a reflective mirrored sphere sits atop the roof during the day. I think you've passed by and seen it before when you were traversing the city. Are you going at day or nighttime?\nPlayer: We're checking out during the day, you know, like we're visitors.\nDM: Okay. The inside is open archways and floor spaces. They're made available for worship, but also used for meditation. There are a few folks in there that are quietly, eyes closed, taking in the atmosphere of the interior. There's areas for reading and there's areas for napping and sleeping. Of the Bahamut worshiping that goes on in places you've seen on the Menagerie Coast, this one is a little more New Age-y than you're used to. About noonish when you arrive, there is a sermon beginning, where there is the Herald of the House, which is a silver-scaled dragonborn in his older years. He looks very tired and as withered as a dragonborn can through their silver scales. He's in the process of giving this very deeply empowering speech about, \"The majesty of Bahamut bestows upon us the knowledge and the grace in which we can be beacons of truth and justice in a world that wishes to swallow all with chaos.\"\nPlayer: (snoring)\nDM: But yeah, the midday stakeout appears to go well. What do you wish to do?\nPlayer: How often does he come back?\nDM: He's there most of the day, and in the evening he appears to go nap somewhere within the Platinum House.\nPlayer: And then he gives his sermon during the next day and the next day? We scout it out a couple days in a row to really get the feel for the guards.\nDM: Okay, make an investigation check.\nPlayer: With advantage because Nott's helping me?\nDM: Sure, sure.\nPlayer: Oh Jesus H. Macy. Nine. Nein!\nDM: There's a couple entrances, some hallways.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The spiraling tower of black iron and copper. He throws a square, metal icon.\nDM: \"By one each time. Perhaps it was time for you to lose cards after all. Based on our agreement, you and your friends are now property of Juuraiel. However, I see that you are traveled. You seem capable. You are bold. You walk in here after acquiring the will of Whaska. So, you want freedom, yes?\"\nPlayer: Yes?\nDM: \"Then perhaps there is a favor you can do for me. In exchange for this favor, I will nullify our contract, and you will be free to go. Does this sound viable?\"\nPlayer: Possibly. Is it a card game?\nDM: \"The other choice is you are now mine. Or, as you threatened boldly before, that I was to die. But I can say, given the current place that you reside, the enchantments I have on this room, the friends of mine that I have at your back, you will not have the outcome you wish.\"\nPlayer: What is your offer?\nDM: \"Do you agree?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of Vex and Vax, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city \u2014and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists.\nDM: That one is spattered by the impact. You see the chunks of it hit the tree behind, and you see a wing right in front of you, Scanlan.\nPlayer: I reload. I flip around the other side of the tree.\nDM: Over to this side here?\nPlayer: Over to this side so I can get a good vantage point on that one that thinks it's hiding right over there. I use my bonus action to cast Hex on him.\nDM: To carry it over?\nPlayer: Yep, to carry it over. And I take a shot at him. That's 22 to hit?\nDM: 22 hits.\nPlayer: Ten points of damage. Three necrotic.\nDM: It gets shot. The impact hits the tree next to it, but it splinters and hits it, takes some damage but not a whole lot.\nPlayer: I'm going to burn an action surge and take three more shots at it.\nDM: You can do that. You're ignoring the cover because of your sharpshooter feat, so go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you'ahlia goes to find Zahra who is reading in the castle. She tells Zahra she used her arrow and they've killed Umbrasyl.\nDM: You head off and, asking around, you find Zahra is actually up in Castle Whitestone right now, just poring through one of the studies of books, and is just currently reading and reading on her own. As you eventually ask around and find your way there, entering the room, you see her with a small set of spectacles at the end of her nose. She takes them off and, \"My darling Vex'ahlia!\" And comes up and just gives you a big hug and picks you up and sets you down. \"I'm so glad to see you're all right.\"\nPlayer: Dear, the dragon arrow you gave me? Killed him. Well, I didn't kill him, actually, with it, but I did a lot of damage.\nDM: \"You killed a dragon?\"\nPlayer: Umbrasyl. Dead. One down.\nDM: \"I knew you would.\"\nPlayer: Where's Cashew?\nDM: \"I don't know. He's testy these days. I'm sure he's around.\"\nPlayer: I know his name is fucking Kashaw. So he's not there.\nDM: \"Probably down in the city somewhere. He's helping where he can. You know broody types.\"\nPlayer: I do know broody types.\nDM: Yes, you do.\nPlayer: What are you reading?\nDM: \"Oh, I'm just learning about the history of Whitestone and I'm very intrigued as to the actual properties of this stone the entire town is built on. There's a lot of really, really interesting things that can be done with the materials in these mountains.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, the other members of Vox Machina interject and say that he is not free to go just yet; they still need him to testify in front of Sovereign Uriel Tal'Dorei III to prove that their earlier actions at the feast held for Lord and Lady Briarwood were justified (see:\n The Feast/\n Crimson Diplomacy). Rejoining the party, you wonders aloud why Desmond is still in the cell.\nDM: The bag of gems, it's a few semi-precious stones, but then there are a couple of well-carved sapphires, emeralds, couple of nice gems. The overall worth of that bag probably comes to about 1,200 gold.\nPlayer: Awesome! And then the jewelry box?\nDM: The jewelry box has largely gold rings, a few gold earrings, the overall worth of the jewelry in there from what you can ascertain given the time that you were spending with it and your experience with having to hock and pawn things that you've acquired over your travels, you could probably sell everything in the jewelry box for about 150 gold.\nPlayer: Is any of it, you know, magical?\nDM: No, there are no magical implements of it. It is purely just a jewelry box for Tylieri's own collection.\nPlayer: I'm keeping the jewelry box, 'cause I want it.\nDM: Okay. It is a nice jewelry box.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On you's request, Gilmore procures a favor for him with the Lyceum. you also purchases three enchanted daggers, presumably as a gift for Kynan Leore.\nDM: Vax has vanished. While you might have noticed, instead the explosion-like eruption of gas from your dragonborn friend distracted you and gave him the proper getaway. You vanish.\nPlayer: Yeah, I'm totally down an alleyway, through the alley, onto another main thoroughfare. I grab a random person on the street. Excuse me, I'm looking for a specific butcher. Harold the butcher. Do you know? I think he's in the upper slums. Can you point me toward him?\nDM: The individual you stopped is a younger gentleman, probably in his mid-20s or so, a bit dirty in the face and coming from a day of work, going to the local tavern to finish his eve with some drinks. \"I can't say I do. I mean, there are butchers all over town. There's one--\"\nPlayer: Where's the upper slums? Upper slums, please.\nDM: \"Oh, that would be north side of Emon. That way.\" He points you towards the--\nPlayer: I don't even say anything else. I just walk. I don't know how long that will take me.\nDM: It will take you about, from where you are right now, 30 minutes. All right, so you guys get back to the keep. Grog has eaten his fill.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some distance down the path, they come across the mangled remains of four duergar, who appear to have been torn apart by a centipede-like monster. Trinket picks up Grog's scent, and they find the tracks of more duergar dragging some manner of stretcher or cart.\nDM: Keeping your eyes peeled, you travel for another two and a half hours down this cavern path. It grows tighter at points where you can only really fit three or four individuals through, it's about 20, 25 feet wide, then opens up sporadically into other small pockets, where the natural topography of this portion of this Underdark cavern structure seems to weave and bend. The warmth and that sulfurous smell that was intrinsic to the duergar portion of this cavern that you were so used to, begins to slowly fade and temperature begins to drop. Still uncomfortable, but it's growing more humid as opposed to dry heat.\nPlayer: It's so good.\nDM: After another hour of travel, keeping your eyes out, the temperature drops significantly and is actually quite cold. The heat in the volcanic portion of this cavern structure apparently has passed you now, and you've hit an area of the rock where it is a much more chilled, much more ominous--\nPlayer: It's humid still?\nDM: Human?\nPlayer: Humid.\nDM: Humid? The humidity begins to fade as well. The air becomes a dry cold.\nPlayer: So we're past that.\nDM: You eventually using, which by the way the only light source you have going forward is the light from your staff.\nPlayer: Oh, Light!\nDM: I assume you've had it up this whole time or you've been walking in the darkness.\nPlayer: Oh, yes, of course.\nDM: (chuckles) You continue down and the topography, which was once the black, jagged obsidian flooring of the previous portion of the Underdark, begins to give way to a more natural gray sand-type texture. Your feet sink about a quarter inch or so with each step, and you get about ten, 15 feet before the color of the sand and the texture changes dramatically. It looks almost like a peppering of small whitish-yellow stones and rocks, as well as bits of black and grey. It's like a giant, rocky pit out in front of you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, It also leaves their list of suspects at two: Ol' Blemmy and the little beggar girl. On the way to Blemmy's home, Jester casts Locate Object and gets a blip on the tokens.\nDM: There isn't a skylight, per se, but you do see there is a little smokestack that's about three feet wide or so. Two and a half feet wide.\nPlayer: I'm going to peek in. Can I see down?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: (fake coughs) Okay. 14.\nDM: 14. Glancing inside, it's dark, except for you can see the little beams of sunlight that are coming through the slats of wood on the roof.\nPlayer: Goggles.\nDM: Glancing inside, looking through, you can see four figures in there that are currently not moving and they're all clustered together in the far corner.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon returning to the city of Whitestone, they found the rebellion was successful. The undead hordes have fallen to the blades of the surviving rallied warriors of Whitestone.\nDM: Yeah, in a brilliant holiday montage, as the cold weather finds its way into the valley of Whitestone, Grog goes around aiding many of the groups repairing and reassembling the glory of Whitestone, finding the structures that are broken or destroyed and trying to clean them, prepare for new building properties. You come by, eagerly lifting, carrying, dropping, slamming, and holding in place extremely heavy pieces of stone and masonry. In some cases, putting a few of the local strong men to shame and some of the local ladies, very blush-worthy in your presence. You are very happy. Go ahead and make three strength checks for me.\nPlayer: Oh shit, three of them. That's a 24.\nDM: Okay, second one?\nPlayer: That's a 22.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: 22. 24, 22, 22.\nDM: Through the process of these two weeks, not only have you managed to surprise the local denizens of the city with your feats of strength and masculine physique-- as when Grog is building, Grog does so shirtless.\nPlayer: As anything. Might as well get a show out of it.\nDM: In doing so, some of the local denizens pull some cash to the side to thank you for your efforts. You find at the end of the week you are granted a small pouch which contains 315 gold pieces as a thanks from the locals for all the help both in the rebellion, the freeing of Whitestone, and for your feats of magnificent musculature.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The helmed horrors then surround Vax and while the first one misses, the second once again strikes true with its weapon and deals heavy damage to the rogue. Keyleth sprints down the hall, sees Cassandra, and casts Healing Word on her.\nDM: All right. Ripley is just going to stay put for the time being. She's held by a bear and being pushed along. She's just \"Ugh.\"\nPlayer: With no weapons and no armor.\nDM: Leather armor, basically.\nPlayer: Leather armor, yeah.\nDM: Percy, you're up.\nPlayer: I'm going to run in. I can move six, right?\nDM: You can move six squares, yes.\nPlayer: One, two. Can I get a good view of Professor Anders and maybe get a little cover from the dining room table?\nDM: You can a little bit, yeah.\nPlayer: All right, I'll take my cover. I'm going to pull out--\nDM: As you walk in, around the corner you can see these armor attacking Grog, his axe forward at these two armored entities floating in the air. You see Anders in the corner, clutching a hand over one eye with blood streaking down the face, a number of wounds bleeding out from the armor. Already been a rough day for him, and your eye slips down, and for the first time in a long time, you see on the ground before you, clutching her throat, no wound or blood splatter but clutching her throat and breathing heavily, your sister Cassandra. And you look back up at Anders and you feel the burning rage begin to billow up inside you, and as you walk in the room towards the center of the table, you guys who are able to see the room, you see now, from outside of his sleeves, outside from under his coat, there's blackish purple smoke beginning to (whoosh) billow out from behind.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They looked above and they saw what looked like the entrance to a cavern where at least the dragon seems to fly in and out of. It's a ways up the mountain, and there's a smaller cavern towards the base of the mountain.\nDM: As Grog mentions this, you guys have moved past most of the village, and you've gone towards the back of this large chamber, and you do see what appears to be a tunnel that ascends upwards, deeper into the mountain proper. See, did it again. It's made me all self-conscious. But the entrance is entirely frozen. There is a wall of solid ice between yourselves and the continuation of this tunnel.\nPlayer: (Grog voice) How thick is it?\nDM: It's hard to see how thick it is from this side.\nPlayer: (Grog voice) Can Grog run at it and try to bash it really fast?\nDM: So as you guys step up, Grog runs ahead of the rest of the giants and goes as hard as he can towards this. So swinging with the axe towards the ice. Go ahead and make an attack roll.\nPlayer: It's a hammer, which I feel would be better against ice.\nDM: This giant flaming warhammer from King Murghol.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back at the bakery, Tary gives the Trickfoots the run of the shop (to the chagrin of you and Pike, who don't entirely trust the newcomers). Everyone retires to get ready for dinner.\nDM: \"You're so generous!\" He pinches your cheek. He waltzes over to the table, sits down and grabs the fork and knife. \"Two bottles of red, and... ooh, what vintage have you?\" He begins talking with the servants about what various wines are available.\nPlayer: I'm just going to pop into the kitchen.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: And tell the staff in the kitchen obviously, you can make whatever you want. I'm just hoping maybe you don't make it too tasty tonight. Nothing too extravagant. You know, nice, but average. Right?\nDM: The servants that are there, the whole waitstaff and kitchen staff go, \"Of course, milady.\"\nPlayer: Nothing great.\nDM: \"A curious request, but one we will fulfill to our greatest ability.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Unable to think of anything to draw, Jester only writes Well, why didn't you come? and closes the book.\nDM: You all wake up. The front door which is right across from where you are is partially ajar, partway open.\nPlayer: I go outside and get some fresh air and see what I see.\nDM: Okay. Make a perception check.\nPlayer: 17.\nDM: You walk outside. It's early afternoon now. It's chilly. Snowfall has set in now, and there is a faint snowfall over the entire grounds of the interior of this courtyard where the trees have been cleared for the construction of The Sour Nest, is just white. You see it gathering up on the tops of the walls on the outside. It's almost beautiful, if not for the connotation of where you are. All around you, on the outskirts of the wall you can see where the white is dusting over the purple and grays of the Savalierwood that surrounds you. You do notice, across the way, the open gates on the southern side of the wall that enters into the courtyard are also partially ajar. You see faint footsteps leading from the gate to where you are.\nPlayer: Are they deep, heavy dwarf footprints?\nDM: They are, and they're heading away from you.\nPlayer: I rub my thumb along the lucky rock in my pocket, and smile at the snow and think about playing in it when I was younger, and go inside to wake up anyone who's still sleeping.\nDM: Okay. Beau, at one point you did wake up this morning. Halfheartedly, as some people aren't as stealthy in their exits as others.\nPlayer: Cling clang, clung clung!\nDM: Open one eye and glance over, and the door closes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On the second night, a group of bandits sneaks past youmauk's watch and triggers Caleb's Alarm spell, prompting Caleb to wake up the camp. The bandits are led by a man named Trevor, whom Caleb charms using Friends.\nDM: Correct. You went to intercede. I'll allow you to take the hit on that one then. The damage goes through to you automatically.\nPlayer: Can I Blood Maledict one of them, or no?\nDM: I'll allow you to do one of them.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Well, technically I already made the attack rolls, and you didn't say that.\nPlayer: Oh, okay. Never mind.\nDM: That's okay. That would have been seven points of piercing damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: He's easy to see because Molly has this faint, luminous glow around the sword from his right. You see that as a beacon. You're like, \"That I know, that I can follow.\" You cozy up right next to Molly and carefully prepare yourself.\nPlayer: Where are they?\nDM: What action are you holding? If any.\nPlayer: I-- Because I moved and I'm not near anything.\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: So I'll take the Dodge action.\nDM: Okay. Dodge action. You're just being careful. All right, ending Beau's turn, Molly, you're up again.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: Nine points of piercing damage. All right, that ends that orc's turn. This one, the one that seems more decorated with the gem-encrusted headband runs out and starts shouting orders.\nPlayer: Did the two that were on me attack?\nDM: He's going to come forward and begin to attempt to attack your orb as well. All three strike at the orb, trying to cut through.\nPlayer: Can I act like they're hurting me?\nDM: If you want to.\nPlayer: Ugh! Ah! Ooh! Oh!\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: Deception?\nDM: Deception, yes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex, Pike and Clarota come to their senses, but Vox Machina has lost any advantage of surprise they may have had. Vox Machina hurriedly searches the rest of the floor.\nDM: 27. You smell that on this floor, there doesn't appear to be any duergar in your immediate vicinity. There is a strong, lingering scent of them coming from the doorway that you're currently at.\nPlayer: A strong, lingering scent?\nDM: Correct, like it-- you can kind of tell there was a recent moving of a large number of duergar.\nPlayer: But probably not present.\nDM: You don't know.\nPlayer: Whatever. I guess we'll see what's in here.\nDM: All righty.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While Beau throws wild haymakers, missing with her first hit, Dairon retaliates with only very light, disciplined taps. Beau's next few hits land hard.\nDM: For as far south as this is, it's pretty decent compared to the other areas. Most of the Hillsward-- you get the sense that a lot of the rural farming community that fills out most of Trostenwald, a lot of the money that gets made goes directly to the central portion of this ward, where this bathhouse is. It's small, but it's really well put together. As you walk inside, you can see there are marble busts set on the sides of the entrance way, each side. You can see nice tapestries that are pulled back over the windows, and as both of you walk in, you see this young man, maybe his mid-twenties or so. Human, but he looks very thin and sickly, like he had a rough upbringing, and his general constitution has suffered for it. He has a warm smile, and he's wearing these long white robes with what looks to be a yellowish scarf that's wrapped around as he approaches. \"Hello and good morning. Can I help you?\"\nPlayer: Yes, one moment. (quietly) Stay close to me and let me do the talking. (louder) Hello, please, don't focus-- my daughter is shy.\nDM: \"I'm very sorry.\"\nPlayer: I've had a terrible day. Some disgusting derelict has vomited all over me, I smell like filth, and I would like to spend a couple of hours in your finest bath. Maybe not your finest. A good bath, for a couple of hours. My daughter and I. I will need adjoining baths, if you have that. For modesty's sake, my daughter and I.\nDM: \"That can be done. Of course.\" Make a persuasion check.\nPlayer: (humming) There's a 12.\nDM: \"For two hours, that will run-- for two baths adjoining, we'll put it at eight silver pieces.\"\nPlayer: That's fine. I definitely have that. I take out the eight silver, I slap it down.\nDM: \"Wonderful. We'll show you to your bathroom.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The efreeti watching the fight looks towards you and shouts Halt! In the name of the Sultan!\nDM: Actually, he's not going to move toward you. He's going to stay back there, on top of the bridge, and he's going to hurl two balls of flame at you.\nPlayer: Why, why!\nDM: That is going to be a 21 to hit.\nPlayer: I mean, yeah.\nDM: And a ten to hit.\nPlayer: No!\nDM: So the second one misses you and blasts in the ground next to you, but the first one does--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You all then managed to, trying to find some sort of lead on what the next step would be, went toward The Evening Nip, apparently to seek, possibly, this individual known as The Gentleman who you had heard of previously. As Cara, one of the Knights of Requital who had vanished, seemingly had some sort of connection there.\nDM: So as you guys all watch this dark-furred tabaxi giving this big, strong hug around Mollymauk's shoulders. Pulls away and looks at you and goes, \"It has been too long, two ye--\"\nPlayer: Far too long!\nDM: \"Two years! Look at you! You grew out your hair!\"\nPlayer: Ah yes, it's been quite an interesting two years.\nDM: \"And you are covered in tattoos!\"\nPlayer: We'll catch up, we need a table, we need drinks for me and my compatriots.\nDM: \"Of course, you-- these are your friends now?\"\nPlayer: It's a long story and I can't tell you everything right now. You know how it is.\nDM: \"Very well.\" As the tabaxi turns around, you can see there is posted right off to the right and around the corner a hulking figure that has leaned around the edge that leads into this L-shaped tavern. A hefty, muscular ogre that is wearing patchwork hide armor and holding a giant maul resting on the ground, looks back around the corner with these beady, dark eyes and large, looming jaw with angry broken teeth protruding from underneath going (snorts). Looks at the rest of you. Other folks around are looking a bit confused at your entry. Right immediately to your left is a table with a rough-and-tumble looking cutthroat sitting there eating a sandwich with a half-drunken drink, who's chewing slowly with this glare of mistrust in your direction. There are two balconies up above you in the chamber. You now get a better look up at the top, there are a number of individuals posted and some of them appear to be drinking, but there is at least one of them immediately in your view who has two skulking looking individuals with long dark cloaks and dark armor, carrying what looks almost like a heavy crossbow, but it's a long, metal rod. You've only seen them in use here and there, but these are some sort of a rifle-like firearm that are usually reserved for the armies and Bladegarden and to the far east of Xhorhas. A recently emerging technology that has been largely guarded within use of the empire itself.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before impacting to the ground of one of the top chambers of the pyramid. Looking within the interior of this five-sided chamber, you noticed amongst the two pillars to the side a raised platform where there was a fountain of some kind, surrounded by three of these mostly-humanoid but snake-scaled, covered in places, yuan-ti people.\nDM: I don't know if you have enough room, or enough distance, to get over here. You'd have to go over. Either way, you're going to take some attacks of opportunity, so it's up to you.\nPlayer: Okay, so I'll just go for these two right there in the corner.\nDM: You jump onto your feet and leap up onto the top, and you're now pincered from both at different angles. What are you going to do?\nPlayer: I say We come in peace-- I can't even. Then I throw a punch. I'm going to see if I can hit the one to my right first.\nDM: Okay, go for it.\nPlayer: That was almost great. 12. Nope, 15.\nDM: 15 hits.\nPlayer: I'm going to punch with my fist. Which is good. Nine. I'm going to spend a ki point to stun.\nDM: It's nine damage.\nPlayer: Stunning strike.\nDM: That's a natural 18 plus zero.\nPlayer: Bullshit!\nDM: It does make the save.\nPlayer: I will punch the other one.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Sorry, 13.\nDM: 13 does hit. They're not wearing much in armor. They're here for ceremonial reasons.\nPlayer: Eight points of damage.\nDM: Eight points of damage to the other one, so both been hit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Briarwoods share their version of their acquaintance with the de Rolos and inheritance of Whitestone. you does not go to meet Assum, but eventually, when the meal ends, follows the Briarwoods out of the hall and to their room.\nDM: Okay. So. (creak) You open the door and enter the room, closing it behind you. As soon as you enter the room, it's a large guest room. There are two windows across the way with curtains drawn to the side. You can see the darkness of the night sky behind that, and the rest of the low-lit Cloudtop District visible, and the courtyard surrounding the palace. Immediately to the right and left of you, you see two large tables that are covered in black cloths, that are just, tables to be, you know, vases and stuff set up on them. One's clean, one has actual decor on it. There are two wooden tables immediately to the right and left of you. There's a large red rug, central to the floor, that is circular, and on the far corners next to the two windows you see armoires, like dressers, for clothing and such. In the center of the room, you see, on top of the rug, against the wall between the two windows is a large canopy bed, very beautifully carved from dark wood, has a purple cloth silk canopy that drifts down around it. And on the far end, you can see now, against one of the tables, is Lady Briarwood is currently taking jewelry off of one of her arms while Lord Briarwood is right by the bed, holding on to the post, like he's just walked over to that area.\nPlayer: They're both at the bed?\nDM: They're both at the bed.\nPlayer: I got a 25 for stealth and it didn't work?\nDM: They're both looking in your direction.\nPlayer: All right. Oh, sorry. Sorry, I heard a noise in here. I work for the city. I apologize. That was really stupid. As you were. I walk out.\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: I'll use my last Luck of the day. Didn't do it; same thing. Nine, 11.\nDM: 11?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Lord Briarwood goes, \"Oh, well, that's all right. Not to worry, in no serious rush. Isn't that right, my dear?\" And she looks over, she stops taking her jewelry off and turns. \"Yes, yes, of course. As you, a man who works for the city.\"\nPlayer: Yes ma'am.\nDM: \"What do you do for the city, if I may ask?\"\nPlayer: Oh, I'm a guard. I mean, there's not really a name for what I do. I work for Uriel, I just-- I'm security, ma'am, and I thought I heard a noise in here. And I heard a body fall, I thought-- sounded like a body fell.\nDM: They both step a little bit closer. Looking at you--\nPlayer: I'm backing up as I'm talking, I'm right at the door! I didn't shut it behind me, I just cracked it open.\nDM: Right. Lady Briarwood goes, \"You look strangely similar to a gentleman we just had dinner with.\"\nPlayer: That's crazy!\nDM: \"It's uncanny how similar you look.\"\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: (arcane chanting)\nPlayer: And I run!\nDM: You get to make a wisdom save, is what you do.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan is no longer conscious as the bulette thrashes him around. Pike rushes to Scanlan, pulling herself over a ledge to get to him, and heals him.\nDM: As you rush past, before you attack? This duergar that was right by you, that has currently grown to a larger size gets a free swing at you.\nPlayer: Ain't no thing.\nDM: That's going to be a 21 to hit.\nPlayer: Okay, that hits.\nDM: All right, with its war pike it takes-- deals 14 points of damage to you.\nPlayer: Who cares, I'm saving my gnome friend, okay. Here I go. 14, it's a 25 to hit his butt.\nDM: 25 hits.\nPlayer: This is my keen dagger, with vorpal blade, two plus seven is nine, that's just nine. Where's a pencil, that's a pencil. And then we add my Sneak Attack damage, which is six, seven, ten. 15. 21, plus nine, is 30.\nDM: All right, nice.\nPlayer: To the butt. Specifically to the butt.\nDM: As you rush up, you take a moment as it's thrashing about, and you can see what looks, anatomy-wise, to be probably where it expels whatever it eats.\nPlayer: The hole? Right in there.\nDM: You go ahead and just slash and eviscerate there.\nPlayer: How do you like me now?\nDM: Even back there it's heavily armored, it takes, you carve through, and it-- You've definitely left a lasting impression on this bulette.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nothing happens. Molly and you go back up the stairs, and pry out one of the glowing light rocks.\nDM: Nine points of damage, nice. As you slap it with the side of the bo again, you watch and it buckles in places.\nPlayer: I'm going to go ahead and do Flurry of Blows for these next two. That's a natural 18.\nDM: That hits, definitely.\nPlayer: So five points of damage. The second one. That's not great. That's 11.\nDM: Still hits.\nPlayer: Great, and that's seven points of damage.\nDM: You're punching this thing, and you're watching it quiver and part of it is shifting and it's looking pretty damaged in spite of its size at this point in time, so well done. Yasha, what are you doing?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside.\nDM: And what would be the late teens, and for what to you seems like forever, one key does (squeaking) in the lock and it opens. She, who's been like sitting down the whole time, stands up weakly and grabs the bars and pulls herself up and waits for you to let her through if she does, just being patient.\nPlayer: Amelia, if you would, please stay with me. Funny, I believe I heard of a man named Reginald. Very brave. Not sure where he is, but we're going to get you out of the city, just stay put for a moment.\nDM: \"Okay.\"\nPlayer: All right, you, you salty bastard, what's your name?\nDM: \"Old Davin. What's your name?\"\nPlayer: Lord Grog. Emphasis on the Lord.\nDM: \"Lord Grog.\"\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: \"Lord of?\"\nPlayer: The Vales of Strongjaw.\nDM: \"I'll take it, that's fine. Get me out, please?\"\nPlayer: Right. Oh, keys. Can I take the keyring and can I pry the metal keyring-- is it like one solid piece or is it the kind that I could maybe bend it open?\nDM: I mean, it is one solid piece that has been looped twice, but it has been-- the iron itself has been bent around itself to make it nice and tight, form-fit on one end. Go ahead and make a strength check.\nPlayer: 26.\nDM: Ping. Like, you were preparing yourself for a full pull, and with but a minor twitch of your muscles it just bends open.\nPlayer: Can I take half the keys and give them to Amelia and say, love, would you go and let out the kind gentleman with the reddish beard and the little blood on his mouth named Abjurist, would you try these keys and see if his cell will open? Not yet for Mr. Blackfoot across the way.\nDM: \"Right. I will, I will.\" She rushes off and starts fumbling through the keys, and you hear in the distance her making her way through the keys as--\nPlayer: I take the other half and start trying to get Da-- what was his name?\nDM: Old Davin.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Algar sees them and orders Xundi to finish them off quickly. Roll initiative.\nDM: All righty. That was the first attack. You do that with your--? You have an extra attack; you can do two strikes.\nPlayer: Oh, I forgot about that. Jesus, sorry.\nDM: It's okay.\nPlayer: Oh, that does not hit. No, that does not hit. Seven.\nDM: Seven does not hit, no. You swing twice. First strike hits, second one swings wide as it dodges out of the way. It seems like when the first hit its head area, where its head would be splits in two, one's still focused on Beau and the other one curves around to look at you for a second. You see this dull glow where its sentient eyes would be and is now focused on each of you. Does that end your turn, Yasha?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: All right. That brings us to Algar. Algar, having this happen, goes, \"Shit! Protect me!\" Pulls out a potion and drinks it real fast.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: As the guy turns around, you can see him. He's mid to late thirties, you would expect, dark hair slicked back, the hairline pulling back a bit, male pattern baldness-style, human, and as soon he whips around: \"Oh, I'm just perusing.\"\nPlayer: It's not one of your favorites?\nDM: \"I don't know, I've not read it, I couldn't tell you.\"\nPlayer: What's your name?\nDM: \"I need to go.\" He pushes past you, and as he begins to exit the chamber, he goes, \"I'm all right, I'm good, thank you this time, good bye,\" and darts out into the rain.\nPlayer: I open it up and see what Shallow Breaths is about.\nDM: It is smutty. We're talking like, Anne Rice fairy tale book-level.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The bartender\u2014after glancing at Ipkesh\u2014gives it to you for free. The goliath examines the meat.\nDM: The thick, greasy guy sits, goes, \"Oh, yeah.\" He looks over to Ipkesh-- Winks at you. \"On the house.\"\nPlayer: Oh, that's very kind of you. See? Look, experimenting with new cultures is really quite nice. New tastes and all. What does it look like?\nDM: It looks like-- You know steak tartare where it has that purplish-red color to it?\nPlayer: Very red.\nDM: Imagine that, but there's a series of jagged bone shards sticking out at sections of it, like whatever it was carved off of had been pulverized before it was butchered.\nPlayer: Mm. Tenderized.\nDM: Yes. But with the bone still present within. And it is seeping this sludge-like, bloody fluid that is just pooled around it on this iron platter.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back Blaze commercial\n International Tabletop Day 2018 reel\n Key Question Deadpool clip\nDM: As you suddenly watch him, already a sluggish creature, moving at an even more sluggish pace, the shadows around, all of a sudden, jump off of the nearby tree trunks and cling to the interior of its form, around where the nooks and crannies are. Almost like a small-scale Venom symbiote at times.\nPlayer: I use my 30 feet of speed to run this way, southeast.\nDM: Southeast. Around this way, or this way?\nPlayer: Between these two trees, if I can. Towards this direction.\nDM: Okay. That's ten. 15. 20. 25.\nPlayer: Can I get within melee of this guy?\nDM: You do get past this guy, who does get an attack of opportunity on you, if you'd like.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of adventurers, Vox Machina, had found themselves in the Feywild, intent on discovering another one of the Vestiges of the Divergence, one of the many artifacts that they hope will aid them in their struggle against Thordak the Cinder King and the rest of the Chroma Conclave. They've defeated two of the members, three still remain, Thordak being the seeming powerhouse head of that troupe.\nDM: So as you guys begin to prepare your attempt to cross the river, Keyleth concentrates. The river stalls for a moment, and then pushes past, seemingly unaffected. Mind you, the spell does seem to have an effect when you're having a better time concentrating, but it is a magical force versus a magical force, and you can see it actually angrily swells against the resistance. That's where the actual tension comes from. There is something living, like an entity that these rivers seem to almost mingle as.\nPlayer: Are there a bunch of trees?\nDM: There are a few sporadic trees scattered around, yes.\nPlayer: How tall are they?\nDM: They're not that tall. Some are maybe 15, 20 feet up. These trees specifically are a little more marsh-based. They're not quite swamp-based trees, but that's as tall as they get.\nPlayer: And the river's 20 feet wide, right?\nDM: No, these are maybe five feet wide.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: 15? She gives you a look like she's trying to read you, looks about left and right. Glances at you and looks a little ugh. Glances at you and looks really taken aback, and then comes back to you with a escape of comfort.\nPlayer: Watching her, I pull out another five and spread them in front of the first nine.\nDM: \"Well, I mean, some businesses here are a bit shady, I won't lie. And there are some long-standing businesses that have quarrels. Usually, they end in small scuffles, or one purchases the other and ousts them from the city. This is one of the few areas in which the more adult pleasures can be found, so there's a lot of money to be had. But recently, there's been, at least from what I've heard, a series of bodies have turned up. There were a few found, fished out by the Bastions in the water trough on the outskirts of the Duskmeadow.\"\nPlayer: The Bastions what are they?\nDM: \"Bastions who are the guardians of the city. From what I hear, they had been mauled by some sort of strange beast.\"\nPlayer: Mauled?\nDM: \"Now, beasts on the outside of the city, that I can see. But on the inside, that is the stuff of nightmares. Is it not?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: As you draw its life force away, grabbing onto the tendrils of its tentacles like, \"Argh!\" You watch as the necrotic energy pulses into it and pulls the life force into you\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: All righty.\nPlayer: Y'know, small but okay.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: And once again casting, recasting Sanctuary on myself.\nDM: All righty.\nPlayer: Because it went away when I did that.\nDM: Sanctuary is concentration?\nPlayer: No, well, I don't know, but it goes away when I attack him.\nDM: True. However, if Sanctuary is a concentration, 'cause Vampiric Touch is also a concentration.\nPlayer: Well, it would have gone away either way, right?\nDM: I'm saying, if Sanctuary is a concentration spell--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He also recognises Dr. Dranzel in the half-orc violinist. you asks Dr. Dranzel if he can jump in.\nDM: As you're getting that word out, you're shoved forward, stumbling, almost being tripped by a few of the patrons, but as you stop and look up, you see before you a young, cute gnomish girl with very short pixie-brown hair, currently playing the flute. She looks over at you and gives you a winky grin. To the right of her you see a rather rotund human male, with a bushy blond beard and raggedy hair who currently has a series of small percussion drums around him and just hitting around, and to the other side of the small gnome girl you see a half-elven, more mature woman, in the later years for a half-elven woman, hair tied into a very, very tight bun, and she is in the process of singing this wondrous tune that matches this improvisational feel of the band. Currently Kent is not paying attention and is on the far right side, but behind them all, towering over, just by stature, is Dr. Dranzel with his violin, and as you stumble forward he looks over and just gives you a smile and keeps playing.\nPlayer: Mind if I jump in?\nDM: \"It would be an honor! Scanlan Shorthalt, ladies and gentlemen! Jump into the fray!\"\nPlayer: Feast your eyes, feast your ears, on quite a traveling troupe of musicians, and one humble gnome who is so lucky and humbled to join them. Please, keep the tips flowing for us, and your waitresses!\nDM: And with that, the current song comes to a close, they all lift their instruments expectantly and look towards you.\nPlayer: Let's play our old standard. And a oney and a twoey and a oney and a twoey.\nDM: What instrument do you pull out?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: Then you still have Hunter's Mark on him, yeah. Continues upward. That comes to the next part. Grog, you're up.\nPlayer: I had one question. I drank that Potion of Speed. It hastes me for a minute. How many rounds is a minute?\nDM: That has gone away, unfortunately.\nPlayer: Well, there's nothing to do but to climb back up the chain!\nDM: Make an athletics check.\nPlayer: Up the chain! Fucking weiner snap. 15.\nDM: 15? All righty. You manage to pull yourself halfway up the chain. You get back to where you were towards the base of the tail. That's the extent of your round there. The wind resistance itself, you can see the axe itself, after you tried to tug it forward, did bring it a little loose. So its position is still a little precarious.\nPlayer: Might as well say something cool. I can do this all day! I'm really not confident.\nDM: All right. Vax.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tests the roots of the cursed tree for any illusory magic, but it is solid and real. Grog attempts to level up the Titanstone Knuckles by destroying the kitchen, much to Scanlan's consternation.\nDM: 17. The flaming shot unfortunately goes wide, slams into the wall next to him and the flame curls up.\nPlayer: Okay, so 23 on the second hit.\nDM: Second hit does hit, so roll damage.\nPlayer: 15.\nDM: 15 points of damage? All righty.\nPlayer: And then I'm gonna duck behind the tree as much as I can.\nDM: Well, that was your full movement was to get there, so.\nPlayer: Can I not use my full movement to get--\nDM: To get behind the tree? Hmm, you wouldn't really have much of a shot at him. I guess he--\nPlayer: Could I have shot him before I moved?\nDM: You would've been there, suuuure. I normally don't let that retroactively happen.\nPlayer: Okay okay okay.\nDM: I'm gonna say you're halfway through. You're sort of there.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: All right. So. That brings us to Vax. You're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Algar sees them and orders Xundi to finish them off quickly. Roll initiative.\nDM: The hand reaches and grasps towards it and pulls, but it's locked in place. There's no trick to removing it that the hand seems to be able to deal with, but it's a good thought.\nPlayer: I give him a purple nurple. And then I'll back up a couple feet and fire at the big water blob. Does it get an attack or no?\nDM: It does not have reach with its slam, so no.\nPlayer: Okay, I'll fire.\nDM: All right, go for it.\nPlayer: That is a 17, I believe.\nDM: 17 hits, go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: 17, plus I'll use Fury of the Small to add another six, that's 23!\nDM: Nice! 23 points of damage, well done. All right, that finishes your turn. That brings us to Beau.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord is quickly rendered unconscious, but uses Relentless Endurance to pop back up to one hit point. He is almost immediately hit into unconsciousness again.\nDM: You get dragged 20 feet through the water into range with it. Beau, you make your Sentinel Strike on it?\nPlayer: Oh!\nDM: Natural 20, nice. Go ahead and--\nPlayer: That was awesome. Doubling the dice, that's eight plus four, which is 12, plus another dice, that's two.\nDM: The dice of the enlarged is also doubled, too.\nPlayer: That's right. That's two plus another four. Sorry, that's two doubled which is four, so that's 16 damage.\nDM: 16 points of damage. Crack!\nPlayer: As he grabs the chain, big Beau steps on the chain and cracks him right in the face.\nDM: As it gets cracked, you watch as one of the teeth goes flying from the impact of your giant elbow hammer into its jaw. Using that momentum, it looks back, its eyes clenched down on Fjord, now almost prostrate before it, holding onto the harpoon, and goes for the face. This is with disadvantage, though. That'll save you. It was a 17 and a two. It goes to bite you, and you manage to pull up your sword in the way and block it. Its jaws open and this terrible fishing breath smell cascades over your face.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of Vex and Vax, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city \u2014and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists.\nDM: They stop and move, stop and move. They're doing a full perimeter. Apparently, they are some sort of a search party. Occasionally, you can hear bits and pieces of conversation at a distance, thanks to your better hearing as Minxie, but not incredible bits. They're discussing a scare. They're discussing the enchantment that was placed. They're discussing new intrusion. That's about the most you can make out of the conversation. You continue to follow them. You're going into the second or third hour of following them, and they're still doing a wide perimeter in the forest. They meet up with a third one, and they have a quick little discussion and then branch off.\nPlayer: Can I hear the little discussion, anything?\nDM: If you want to get closer.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay. Make a stealth check.\nPlayer: I have stealth as Minxie. I get benefits, right, as a tiger? Oh, yeah, I do. Oh, not good. Ten.\nDM: All right. As you creep forward in the middle of their discussion, the three of them all whip around at you. One of them pulls a wand out and puts it out in front, and the other two back up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She smells an sharp, chemical odor down that tunnel as well, and determines that the Briarwoods must have their acid pits down that side. By now, the party has traveled so far from the castle they are nearer the outskirts of Whitestone.\nDM: All right. Continuing to push forward, about another five minutes or so, keeping track of your distance to the castle you're starting to get towards the outside perimeter of the actual city itself. As you're keeping tabs on distance traveled to that area, you catch, based on your last perception roll, there is a portion of the floor that seems to have some placed crooked chunks of stone. You see pieces of broken stone here and there, things that have fallen out from being hauled from the distant dig into wherever the ziggurat is, but there's one section where it appears there's platforms.\nPlayer: Looks a little hinky?\nDM: It looks like it's deliberately placed, as opposed to dropped and left there.\nPlayer: I'd like to carefully approach and disarm anything I can detect or find.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and make a check.\nPlayer: Is that thieves' tools?\nDM: That's thieves' tools, yeah.\nPlayer: That's a 27.\nDM: Okay. You find two of the large stone slabs that are part of this discarded sequence here, they have beneath them some small magical burst that is waiting to detonate. You manage to mark it and take a couple of other stone pieces to wedge underneath it to prevent it from depressing onto whatever the trigger may be, and note to the rest of the party to avoid that section.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As such, its weird angelic baby-like form had withered and twisted, and in battling the celestial which manipulated the terrain around them , they managed to defeat it and destroy it before it could escape. They gathered some of its remaining glittery ashes and proceeded to fly up through the sinkhole as the rest of the ankheg swarm that seemed to parade through the tunnels within began to swarm up the sides and spit acid at the party as they escaped out the top into the moonlit sky.\nDM: 22. \"Hmm. You are young. Not yet spoiled by the strange truths of the world around you. I admire your optimism in the face of the unknown. It may be your salvation or it may be your end. Only time will tell. I'll give you this farmland.\"\nPlayer: We are most grateful.\nDM: \"But. If at any point your family comes back to me requesting any more inches in our agreement, I will happily take it back.\"\nPlayer: Understood. I wasn't quite finished yet, though.\nDM: He leans back in his chair, his arms now being removed from his mouth and going to an expectant cross.\nPlayer: What we saw down there in the platinum mines was the 230,000 gold that we owe you times ten. Times 20. What we've just done for you has given you access to as much money as you could ever want, and I feel that's valuable. My family will require a bit of spending money to get ourselves back on our feet. We are... accustomed to a lifestyle, and we'd like to maintain it for a little while at least. I'd say 50,000 gold should be about enough to last us for a year or two.\nDM: He nods, leans forward. \"Then you'd better start saving.\"\nPlayer: What if I sweetened the deal? We have among us an amazing sorceress who could open that mine up for you with a flick of her wrist, save you hours and hours of work. Possibly back-breaking work that could cost the lives of many of your men.\nDM: \"That would be a very kind gesture towards the state you left the mine in.\"\nPlayer: (clears throat) So that's a maybe?\nDM: \"Let's call it the last thread of my patience, young Darrington.\"\nPlayer: So that's a hard yes.\nDM: \"Duala, you may return to your quarters. Thank you very much.\" She gets up and looks past you all with a nod, and then her guardian escorts her back into the chamber as Korshad is just trained on you. \"What I have given you is far more than many in my position would. I will work hard to make sure that this softness I have displayed does not hinder my reputation. And the more you press, the more you may be the end of that softness, my friend. I recommend you stick to the deal we've made. Be happy that I've shown any mercy. And be on your way.\"\nPlayer: All right. I'll make do, and we'll have to adjust our living standards, that's all.\nDM: \"Indeed. Perhaps your father might raise a finger or two and earn some money for himself.\"\nPlayer: We'll see. Thank you. Bidet.\nDM: \"Good evening.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Kima happily tests out her new paladin sword. you goes down to the training area to test out her staff.\nDM: All right, you four head down to the training room. Kima comes down to watch as well. Pike comes down, eager to watch what this new artifact does. You head down to the training area. You have the big sandpit that's cordoned off with the wooden outskirts, you have the various dummies set up in certain ways, you have the portion of the room that has the armor stand on the side, the weapon stand. What do you want to do?\nPlayer: Ooh-hoo. Okay. All right. Everyone stay back. I'm going to start by casting the lowest level of spell out of it, see what it does.\nDM: Which is?\nPlayer: Apparently a Fireball.\nDM: Okay. At where?\nPlayer: Whatever is further in the sandpit. I told everyone to stand back.\nDM: Everyone stays back. Furthest part of the sandpit is going to be one of the various combat dummies. So you launch-- put the staff down, you guys watch as in the centerpiece at the top, where that one gem is hovering and slowly rotating in place, the gem begins to glow bright red from its soft bluish-green composure. As it hits bright red, this beam of familiar red arcane energy streaks forward, hits it and detonates into a shaking explosion, destroying the wooden dummy and singeing the one immediately left to it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau questions some of the Gentleman's minions who investigated and fled the facility previously. They encountered little lights with a shocking jolt coming out of the walls.\nDM: Okay. Cree is still standing by the bar with the satchel on. As you stand up and start approaching, she smiles.\nPlayer: A lifetime ago.\nDM: \"Indeed. I can tell you it's so good to see you.\"\nPlayer: I have a weird question, and I apologize for it. The spell I used to get away, it-- I wasn't there for as long as you thought I was. I missed how everything ended in the end. I hate to ask, but I was long gone before anything really started to go down. How did everything end? Can you just-- I'll explain why in a moment.\nDM: \"Well, you had acquired the tome with the ritual spell that you required to attempt to reach the city. That lady-- I don't remember her name. The spell slinger from the capital. She came and oversaw and performed the ritual for you. I don't trust those folk, but I trust you, and if you trusted, than that was enough for me. You gave us a speech. We had a fine meal. We all got ready there in the forest.\"\nPlayer: That's where I lost you, then.\nDM: \"She said it would be hard for us to tell whether or not it worked at first, but we went and checked, and you were not breathing. For a good hour, you were not breathing and you had gone cold. We knew then that-- that we had lost you. We checked, and I'm very attuned to vitals, as you know. There was no heartbeat. So we waited longer. The sun rose, and nothing. So, as you told us, if anything were to go wrong, we had to get rid of any sign, any trace. So, not far from the Tomb Taker hideout, we buried you and we went our separate ways. She took the tome, the mage woman, it was part of the arrangement you had with her.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before resting, Keyleth uses what power she has left for the day to cast Greater Restoration on Vax. The rogue is then restored to his original youthful self, with Keyleth remarking that his aged look made him look very distinguished.\nDM: (bear noises) Goes into the kitchen. All right, so as you guys are preparing to rest for the evening, you head down to the workshop.\nPlayer: Yeah, just to work on the broom.\nDM: Okay. Are you aiding?\nPlayer: Sure.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and make a tinkering check with advantage.\nPlayer: All right. Oh! With advantage. Very nice. It's new now, I have to remember, I got a new number. Natural 20.\nDM: You guys, there are other numbers between these, by the way.\nPlayer: Are there? Are there? LA-New York-LA-New York, sorry, yeah.\nDM: Don't poke the badger, Percy.\nPlayer: I gave it to Ashly this week, it was working fine.\nDM: Yeah, no.\nPlayer: The other Ashly.\nDM: All right, so. You guys work the evening, and though you were uncertain, Vex is actually a very quick learner and is eager to help, and so between bringing tools at your disposal and helping you hold a few places properly during the construction process, you manage to get far more headway than you expected in just an evening's bit of work. You still have probably a couple of days of work before you can actually complete your prototype for this and try it out, but--\nPlayer: Can I at least have the tether done, or is it still in progress?\nDM: The tether for?\nPlayer: For a dex save if you fall off.\nDM: Yeah, I'd say you've gotten that enough.\nPlayer: All right. Can't stabilize yet, but at least there's a-- okay.\nDM: Yeah. At least if there's ever a tumble there's a tether piece that would hopefully have a chance of keeping the broom with you, so.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, K'Varn falls, but is immediately brought back to undeath by the Horn of Orcus. A ray from his eyestalk turns Kima to stone.\nDM: Nine? As you're attempting to fashion it to the arrow, unfortunately, the vial shatters in your hand. You take three points of acid damage.\nPlayer: Ow. I wasn't-- Aw, I wouldn't have put the acid in yet. Okay, fine.\nDM: It happens at the process of you setting it up.\nPlayer: Damn it. All right.\nDM: Based on the roll you made.\nPlayer: I'm having bad rolls for this stuff, man.\nDM: Better to get them out of the way now, then.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Briarwoods reach the top and disappear from view, but Vex watches them move towards a smaller structure at the top. They break up into smaller groups and begin the climb the stairs after them.\nDM: You see, as they're having this conversation, they talk a bit with Vax, speak with Cassandra, then they step forward and begin to open the two doors to the central chamber.\nPlayer: Can I ask a clarification question? The mojo they have on me: do I think they're my best friends in the world, or is it more Kilgrave; I do whatever they say, but have my own opinion trapped away?\nDM: You have your own opinion, you just trust them implicitly. They have to be protected.\nPlayer: All right. It's a little of both, it seems like.\nDM: Like any close friend who would ask something of you and say, \"please come with me,\" there is an essence that you're compelled--\nPlayer: I trust them.\nDM: You trust them, yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you, Caleb, Jamedi, and Nott ran towards the stairs to the outside. Beau and Jester waited by the well for Fjord.\nDM: The malison, in a burst of angry pixies swarming around his body, is looking really hurt. As he moves around, the trail of blood stays in the water behind the head as it shifts around. Both of the serpent arms look up towards Caduceus, the source of these angry spirits, and is going to make two strikes against him.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Because you're the one right there. That is 13 to hit?\nPlayer: Nope!\nDM: Second strike, that's a 12!\nPlayer: Nope!\nDM: It's like 18, six; 16, eight. Bad rolls! Both serpent strikes from its arms reach out towards you, and Caduceus, you're tiny enough right now. Although, are you still holding the tiny spell on Caduceus?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suspicious, you tries to see if the bartender was lying about anything, but all she can tell is that he's a really creepy guy having an unspoken conversation with a devil. The man pulls out some black iron keys from under the table and passes them to Vox Machina.\nDM: 17? I mean, he's hard to read, but he seems to be a pretty fucking creepy guy who's giving you rooms to stay in, and seems to be making eye contact and his reactions based on some sort of unspoken conversation with this other entity in the room with you. But he reaches down without breaking eye contact with the rest of you as well and puts a set of three keys onto the table. They're all these ragged-looking black iron constructs that are identical in some ways but their handcrafted visual style shows that they have different slight changes to their designs. Kind of shoves them forward towards you. \"Premium.\" And he reaches down. You hear the clanking of some sort of glass-like instruments and he pulls up these small, almost dull gray-looking sponge-like stones that are about that large. Kind of puts one out in front of each of you. Takes the coins. (sighs) Goes and walks back--\nPlayer: Wait, before he walks away. How long have you owned this space?\nDM: \"Oh, I don't own it. I just work here.\"\nPlayer: Who runs it, then?\nDM: \"Why you asking so many questions, girl?\"\nPlayer: I'm curious, big man. That's all.\nDM: Make a persuasion check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: And coast down and you land harshly, taking three points of damage in your crow form as you hit and land and tumble down a few stairs.\nPlayer: Ooh, stairs.\nDM: At that point, you're in complete darkness right now, you can see a faint distant bit of light that's barely creeping in from the entrance you came from. Around you, though, nothing.\nPlayer: I'll break form and come back as Scanlan.\nDM: Okay. You come back as a gnome. Now your darkvision kicks in and indeed you can see there is a smoothly carved tunnel overhead that descends down a long flight of stairs. Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Natural 18.\nDM: And you have 60-foot darkvision? As a gnome?\nPlayer: It just says darkvision. I didn't write down the distance.\nDM: Okay, I'm going to look this up real fast. Because this is important to know for this circumstance.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She pointed out\n The Mistake\n was still in need of repairs. Avantika agreed, saying also that she has a contact on Darktow who can help find another temple of Uk'otoa.\nDM: At this point Vera says, \"Captain, at this moment, it appears that we have maybe 11 days of supplies, given that our crew has now swelled. As such, we could probably make it back to Darktow to also complete the repairs on The Mist, as it is seaworthy, but I do not know how long. So that would be my recommendation. Maybe making a stop or two along the way, whatever's close by.\" The \"captain considers. \"Very well, I guess we'll make our way westward onto Darktow to get repairs done, \"to supply up, and should you wish to stay, make our way to the next leg of our journey. Who knows? It seems that you are up for your own rewards to be reaped, eh?\"\nPlayer: Indeed. Such a mighty display on the way back, I feel like I would be left wanting if I didn't try and pursue the same sort of glory.\nDM: \"Of course. Well, these gifts are paltry. Once Uk'otoa is truly free, then the true blessing can be given.\"\nPlayer: Captain, may I ask, you knew of this location already. Do you have a lead on another?\nDM: \"I have a lead on someone that should be in Darktow that would be able to-- with the right amount of coin-- give us the information we seek. Hopefully. If not, we'll be sitting here with our thumbs up our asses, but I've paid well enough, and this person has come through before, so fingers crossed, eh?\"\nPlayer: Indeed.\nDM: \"Regardless, I think we could all use a bit of rest, eh?\" Looks over to Caduceus.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Lady Kima identifies one of the thralls, a dwarf, as a former companion of hers. Keyleth asks Scanlan to distract Kima for a moment.\nDM: You look through the bodies. It looks like most of their adornments, other than the natural armor and weapons they have, nothing of particular interest. Make an investigation check.\nPlayer: Oh, wait, I get to go twice because it's Underdark. That was great. 16.\nDM: Okay. 16? Yeah, you're not able to really pull anything from their bodies, unfortunately. However, after Kima finishes healing you, Kima walks over to the dwarf corpse as you're inspecting it and gives it a look-over and shakes her head.\nPlayer: What do you see, Kima?\nDM: (sighs) \"This was one of my companions.\"\nPlayer: (gasps) Oh, no.\nDM: \"Well, judging by the scars across his body, he had already been made a thrall of one of the illithid. Most likely the one that we finished back there.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The spiraling tower of black iron and copper. He throws a square, metal icon.\nDM: It's closed. The two servant giants closed it. Juuraiel leans forward with a grin, \"So, please. What do you come here requesting?\"\nPlayer: Hello. Hi, there. Hi.\nDM: \"Even smaller!\" And now leans in real close to the edge of the desk. The massive size of her face and the breath; it's delightful. It's a combination of rotting vegetation and very dry earth. But her teeth are gleaming. The smile is interested in whatever you're about to say.\nPlayer: Hi there. I'm a bit of a gambler. I'm known around the worlds as being one of the luckiest men with a deck of cards you've ever met. I've won games in many of the different planes. I see that you collect many treasures that you've won in matches as well. Is that true?\nDM: Eyes shift back and forth over the rest of you here, \"I have an interest in games of chance on occasion, yes. So, you come all this way to play games?\"\nPlayer: Yes, I have. I spend my life just playing games. It's my livelihood. I've won many things over the years. In fact, all of these great people, large and small next to me, I won in various card games around the planes. That one over there, the big one, I won him in a game of Gin Rummy in the Feywild. This guy I picked up in a game of Fish. I'm here to collect, possibly, one of your items, if that's all right with you?\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: 32.\nDM: Leans even farther forward, to where it's about two feet between you and her large eyes that have come in, and her chin is scraping against the wood to get a really good look at you. She looks over, her red pupils slowly inspecting you. The grin grows even wider as she leans back, \"Well, you intrigue me, small one. If your luck has been so great as to collect these fine specimens of strangers and you bring them all with you to such a place. Where do you hail from, if I might ask?\"\nPlayer: Places. That information is not relevant right now.\nDM: \"Fair enough. So! You come to play me for what?\"\nPlayer: Maybe I'll decide after our match.\nDM: \"Well, I need to know what the ante is, so I can ask for a suitable request for my side.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You began to look throughout the room. You found a sword across the upper ceiling, an ornamental blade of some kind.\nDM: Your vision, as this happens, all of a sudden goes black. You watch as this dark blood pools at the corners of Yasha's face, as you go blind from his blood maledict. So roll with disadvantage on the attack.\nPlayer: Yeah! Disadvantage would mean it was--?\nDM: Lowest one.\nPlayer: The lowest number, okay. I didn't know if it-- okay, three. Oh, sorry, five. Six!\nDM: You see it just in time and bat it out of the way. It hits the stone next to you. You do suffer 11 points of psychic damage, however.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm unconscious?\nDM: You watch as she swings at you, and the impact, as you parry it, Yasha goes down with the blade swing, onto the ground.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Running for almost two hours, the Mighty Nein were consistently faster than the pursuing yuan-ti. However, the explosion attracted the attention of a lizardfolk hunting party.\nDM: Okay, so you are successfully stealthed, this is not technically a success because this isn't actually helping the endeavor, but you do manage to move ahead, and at your speed you come upon the hunting party. You can see now, there are about six lizardmen with nets, shields, and spears that are currently making their way in the direction of near where your party is currently waiting for you. The more time that passes, the closer the yuan-ti get to your party.\nPlayer: I'm going to cast Mage Hand. They're holding nets and what else?\nDM: Four of them have shields and spears, and two of them have spears with nets, and the other ones have nets apparently tucked behind their back. They're out here to catch and drag things back.\nPlayer: Okay, Jesus, I got nothing, man. I'm just going to try to Mage Hand and trip the guy in the back with his own net. Just pull it down a little.\nDM: Okay, make an arcana check.\nPlayer: Arcana check?\nDM: Yes. This is to see if you can influence the magical nature of your cantrip strong enough to try and trip up one of them.\nPlayer: Okay, arcana check is a 20.\nDM: Okay, that's barely a success because that's not a very effective plan, necessarily.\nPlayer: Sure. Didn't know what else to do, but okay.\nDM: One of them gets tripped up in the net and the other ones look back at it and start clacking at it and they're complaining about the one guy that fell behind like an asshole and is slowing down their trajectory. Not a lot of distraction. You can return, you figure you bought a little bit of time for your party but not much.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth polymorphs Grog into a gorilla, and she herself Beast Shapes into a giant eagle. Everyone moves through the bog canopy and enters a shaded nightfall in proximity to the giant tree.\nDM: 13 points of damage with one lightning, and, that's a lucky roll, eight points of piercing damage with one lightning.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: As two additional arrows just wh-whack! right inside of you, and you look down and can see these large, thin stiletto-like wooden forms that are just pierced into your armor and cut into your flesh.\nPlayer: Is that plus one additional lightning damage, you mean?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Okay, so 14 and nine?\nDM: Right. Yep. That's gonna end Sondur's turn. The two dead trees that you saw quaking on the sides suddenly burst out, the roots becoming legs, and you watch as two treants emerge from the sides of the tree.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. you asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: Oh, with the disadvantage-- sorry, the second roll-- thank you for reminding me there. It would have been a 13 on the second one plus nine, that would be 20.\nPlayer: Still hits! Uncanny Dodge please! To halve the damage.\nDM: To halve the damage? Yeah, you can do that on this one. But first then there's the bite. I will do that now. That is 21 points of piercing damage?\nPlayer: Unconscious.\nDM: With it halved?\nPlayer: 21 halved?\nDM: 21 halved would put you at 11.\nPlayer: Oh, yeah. Okay, no, I'm still on my feet.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: (dazed mumbling)\nDM: The tail stinger's going to swing at you with disadvantage. That is 14. Rolled a six and a five. So, as the bite clamps down at you its tail tries to strike at you but misses entirely. However, its jaws attempt to close around you, I need you to go ahead and make a dexterity saving throw.\nPlayer: Hold on. 16.\nDM: 16. As you try and move out of the way, it's not quite fast enough as darkness takes you, the mouth (slam shut sound) clamps around you, (gulp noise) and you are swallowed.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The twins are not aware of how close everyone is to being killed. They both say that it was probably Gustav since he was the leader of the circus.\nDM: \"(sighs) I'd say Bosun's a stand up guy, if a bit of a self-absorbed dick at times. And we all knew Gustav was going to shit the bed sooner or later, I mean, this is his karma. I just don't know how, or why, but I can guarantee you, if this was my carnival, this shit wouldn't have happened.\"\nPlayer: Really?\nDM: \"Mm-hmm.\"\nPlayer: What exactly would you have done?\nDM: \"Well, first off, I would have made sure that we had better support from the guard before this all happened so nobody else got killed.\"\nPlayer: They were useless.\nDM: \"Secondly, I would have made sure that there weren't any old folks that made it in to fucking turn into shit.\"\nPlayer: Well, that's on me and-- That's on me.\nDM: \"I don't know.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: That's enough. With the blast of the Fire Bolt, and the incineration of the Sacred Flame, you watch as that hyena bursts into fire and flops to the ground while it burns, smouldering, its flesh becoming the meals it had previously feasted upon. Molly and Nott?\nPlayer: I'll take my run first? That's a-- wow. 17. My brain.\nDM: That hits. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: That's seven points, plus three radiant.\nDM: The first strike just completely cleaves it in half, like its momentum, running, almost like it hits the blade, and you hold it out and the momentum just carries it over, seamlessly carving through it.\nPlayer: Am I close enough to hit the third one that's still left with my second attack?\nDM: You can have movement to close it. There's one right in front of Beau, so you're a little ways away, but you can close the gap, while Nott and--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Two larger, ogre-like creatures come storming out. Scanlan, uncharacteristically serious, says I don't like goblins.\nDM: Yeah, it's fine. Then we have Scanlan. I'll get you guys in placement here, as your bear is currently back at the inn.\nPlayer: He is still?\nDM: Unless you wanted to bring him along.\nPlayer: Well, I thought I brought him. I should have mentioned that.\nDM: All right, we'll say you brought him along. That's fine.\nPlayer: I'm sorry, I should have emphasized that more.\nDM: That's all right. Those of you going first, we're going to keep you on the field here.\nPlayer: Oh god.\nDM: A number of goblins that are currently held over here.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy runs into the study, notices his barely conscious sister, and looks towards Anders, pulling off the Hat of Disguise. The smoke from before billows out of his body and begins to encompass him, only now more intense due to his rage.\nDM: In the frustration, the rage and such, you pull up your gun and as you go to fire, the bullet gets caught in the chamber and it almost ejects the entire barrel from the front of it. It's not too difficult to repair, but it definitely upsets the current flow.\nPlayer: I'm going to attempt to repair it really quickly. Trying to remember how to do that because I hate it. (mumbling)\nDM: Is it an action or is it an attack to do? Should say under the--\nPlayer: Action, shit.\nDM: Yeah, so you have to use your next turn to try and repair it.\nPlayer: (sighs) So I'm just going to sit and scream a little bit. (shouting)\nDM: Okay, you can see that this whole moment here, as the smoke pours out from the front of the gun, you yell out angrily and there is this unnatural bassy reverb from your scream that shakes the room. Anders actually takes a step back from this and is looking about the room, and finds himself basically trapped in the far corner of his study.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth casts a Sleet Storm on the Briarwoods. Vax misses a dagger throw and chugs a greater healing potion, still backing up.\nDM: Go ahead and roll damage for the arrow. And you do an additional 2d6 radiant damage to Lord Briarwood.\nPlayer: Oh wait. 15, 19. Plus ten for the Blazing Bowstring, so 22, and then what did you say?\nDM: 2d6 radiant damage.\nPlayer: Seven more, so 29 damage.\nDM: Okay, good to know. So as the arrow impacts, (impact sound) he puts up his cloak to guard in time, as it goes (whooshing) through the cloak, you hear this (grunts) in pain as the arrow bursts, and as the cloak comes back, you can see this burning sensation across the front of Lord Briarwood. Where the flesh was healing and sewing itself up, that has been halted immediately by the impact of the holy water, which is beginning to pockmark and burn his flesh.\nPlayer: Awesome. Then I'm going to hit him again! So yes, I'm going to do the same thing! Except I'm out of my Blazing Bowstring; it fizzled out.\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Okay that's a 29 to hit.\nDM: That'll hit.\nPlayer: Okay. That's good. Plus two radiant damage.\nDM: That's your second holy arrow, right?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ogden tells her the history of how the Trickfoots were first cursed. He explains that he has spent his life researching this curse, and once succeeded in exorcising it from Johann some years ago.\nDM: Well, Teleport Via Plants, whoever can fit through there in that short time, you can probably get you guys and the gnomes through, but referring to your Wind Walk, which, how many targets can that affect at once? Up to ten willing creatures.\nPlayer: And there's how many gnomes?\nDM: There's four.\nPlayer: Four.\nDM: So you'd leave one behind.\nPlayer: Then we'd leave one behind. Okay.\nDM: Which, you'd have to talk to them about that.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog then takes the first bead of divinity -- the one from Ioun-- smashes it on the Anvil, and folds the powdered remains into the first ingot. With aid from Keyleth and Scanlan in the form of spells and inspiration, he does the same with the bead from Pelor, but has trouble with the one from the Raven Queen.\nDM: Okay. Good to know. All right, that ends Percival's turn, holding his action to attack when it attacks. Vax, you're up.\nPlayer: Oh jeez. You know what, I tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to run over right next to Keyleth.\nDM: All righty. 20, 25, 30. That's about as far as you can get on regular movement.\nPlayer: Right. I know what I want to do here. Is Percy within 30 feet of me?\nDM: Percy is, yes.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm going to cast Bless on Scanlan, Keyleth, and Percy.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suvo's Secrets: Despite the drab tent looking very unwelcome, Caduceus and you enter the tent to purchase some diamonds. Suvo has twelve diamonds available for sale.\nDM: She leans forward and her hands hit the front of her knees. Leaning back, she looks very small, but once she steps into the little bit of light that's coming through the front of the tent, Suvo's a fairly large dragonborn, and, even just leaning forward sitting, is almost as tall as you are, Jester.\nPlayer: Whoa!\nDM: \"Diamonds, you say?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"How many diamonds are you looking for?\"\nPlayer: How many do you have?\nDM: \"Maybe 12.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by you, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: 22. Okay. Trinket (bear sniffs and growl) runs past here, but can only make 20 feet of its movement because he used the rest to get out of prone. However, strafes aside and begins reaching out and starts snapping, so you want to give Trinket--?\nPlayer: He's going to attack him.\nDM: Okay. As part of your attack action? Is that what you're doing?\nPlayer: Yeah, I'm going to have Trinket do one of his attacks so I can move and run.\nDM: As your bonus action on it? Okay, go for it. Have Trinket roll for an attack. With disadvantage because it is invisible.\nPlayer: That doesn't count? I feel like it still counts, though. It's only 15.\nDM: 15. Trinket slashes out in the air. With the obfuscation of the Stinking Cloud and the invisible dragon, Trinket's just getting mouthfuls of air.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With a 25 intelligence check, Caleb determines he can create a key to the cipher by staying up all night. They talk about what to do next with the book and the jewels they found, but reach no conclusions and everyone goes to bed except Caleb, who creates the key they had discussed.\nDM: You guys at this point have been brought to the docks now, and you're being pushed toward the direction-- You can see the Squalleater there waiting, and there a number of figures already on deck.\nPlayer: Is there ever a moment it looks like nobody's looking at us, or me?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: No. Seven.\nDM: You don't know. You don't see anybody, necessarily. You have Bouldergut walking behind you, and other people are being ushered in.\nPlayer: Can I fall back and talk to Bouldergut?\nDM: Sure.\nPlayer: Bouldergut, what is going on right now?\nDM: \"I don't know. I wanted to sleep longer.\"\nPlayer: Me too! Everybody seems so angry at everybody else. Look at the ship right now! It looks crazy, all these people walking around.\nDM: \"I know, I want to just eat breakfast.\"\nPlayer: Me too! While I'm talking to her and hopefully when I point at the ship-- Does she look where I point?\nDM: Make a persuasion check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The snake figure grabs Jester and Caduceus casts Blindness on it but maintains its hold on Jester. Fjord shoots a blast at the snake creature and Nott casts Tasha's Hideous Laughter.\nDM: Glancing around, I mean, the manticore's causing a huge ruckus in the middle of the city and those that have begun to realize that it's an illusion are looking around confusedly and at the moment do not see you, but that time is going to be very short because you're out in the middle of the sunlight. The trees aren't above you now. This is an open clearing in the middle of the jungle and you're just running up the side of these temple stairs with the light down upon you from the sky.\nPlayer: How tall is this person who's just died?\nDM: Maybe-- from foot to shoulder?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: About four foot.\nPlayer: He's only four feet?\nDM: Yeah. It's like a tiny, hunched--\nPlayer: Okay, I take out some iron and I go (whooshing) and he shrinks to an eighth of that and I pick him up.\nDM: Wait, the one you just shot?\nPlayer: Yeah, I don't want to leave him here.\nDM: He's at the bottom of the temple.\nPlayer: Oh, he went down there? I thought he was at our feet.\nDM: No, you guys have been climbing the temple and he kicked him down off the side of it. It's all good.\nPlayer: I would only do it if he was right where we were.\nDM: Right. No worries.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by you, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: No. Not to mention the fact that you are technically in its melee range. So any of your ranged attacks--\nPlayer: Are at disadvantage again, right?\nDM: Unless it's five foot. Is it five foot, or is it melee? Trying to remember. I think it's five feet. But regardless, it's close to you, it's bad news.\nPlayer: If Trinket gets up, does that use any of my stuff? Trinket can move freely--\nDM: Trinket can move independently of you.\nPlayer: So Trinket is going to get up.\nDM: It's half-movement, yeah.\nPlayer: And he's going to bite Umbrasyl's tail to try to distract him, so I can run between his legs.\nDM: Okay. So Trinket's going to go ahead and-- roll a perception check for Trinket.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The spiraling tower of black iron and copper. He throws a square, metal icon.\nDM: She reaches down to the side of the desk, and pulls out a very small book, relative size, and flips through, and opens a page to turn towards you. \"This is what I seek to see destroyed. You can tell, Ghurrix wears a symbol of his station. It is a thick, black chain. And at the bottom, it has the symbol of two manacles intertwined within a red symbol that pulses with anger. That is your mark.\"\nPlayer: Are you sure you don't want just a game of Pinochle instead?\nDM: \"You try my patience, small one.\"\nPlayer: Please, call me Kenny Rogers.\nDM: \"Two days. Go!\"\nPlayer: Let's go, slaves! I'm sorry, equals, peers, let's go!\nDM: As you guys step down, the two giant guards step back and begin to walk towards the door to let you out.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon gaining consciousness, you drowns his sorrows in the familiar comforts of ale and whores. As Vox Machina are taking breakfast the next morning, they hear a horn blast signaling an attack on the city.\nDM: All right, as you rush up, axe in your hand, you rush up the side of the stone ramp that she's created and it's right in slamming distance. Go ahead.\nPlayer: I swing away. 24.\nDM: 24 hits.\nPlayer: Yes, and the second. 16.\nDM: 16, no. 16 misses. And then?\nPlayer: That's it, just the two. I'm not frenzied. Yes. 17.\nDM: 17 points of damage as you hack once again, slamming into the side of one of the necks, causing a gout of purplish blood to spray over the right side of your body. That ends the combat round for the surprise round. The creature is now aware that you're definitely there. Everyone roll initiative. All right, so 25 to 20?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She goes to tell Captain Adella, but finds that the dark spot has disappeared when she looks again. Adella nonetheless prepares for battle as a precaution.\nDM: As you approach from behind, she's currently holding the wheel, and she doesn't even turn her head to you, goes, \"Yes?\"\nPlayer: Would you like more speed behind those sails?\nDM: \"I mean, always, but--\"\nPlayer: Okay! And then I go back and I start doing Gusts into the sails.\nDM: Okay, Gust is a what-level spell?\nPlayer: Well, it's a cantrip, or I could do a level three Gust of Wind.\nDM: Gust would be like a (pfft). It's more of a heavy fart.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Following The Gentleman's instructions, they find the Keystone Pub in the Puddles, the oldest section of town, which is covered by one to three inches of water and slowly sinking into the surrounding swamp. They climb eight feet up a rope to enter the bar, and rent rooms there in the haunted lower level.\nDM: Yeah, from the bottom out. The lips are cracked. The left eye is angling off in an off direction. He looks like he's probably been kicked in the face a few times by probably a horse at some point in his childhood. He's definitely had a rough go at life, probably, but has seemed to have carved a living. The very balding head on top, jaundiced skin, looks like he's sweating from the general humidity of the air in there, along with probably who knows how much he's been drinking and he's sweating the alcohol through his pores. Doesn't take care of himself. He looks up. \"So what you doing?\"\nPlayer: You just seem like such a charming gentleman.\nDM: \"Why the fuck did you flick me?\"\nPlayer: We were sent for.\nDM: \"From-- ? Where's my fucking drink?\"\nPlayer: A certain gentleman.\nDM: Tension goes straight. This eye goes (fwoop!). Joins the other.\nPlayer: I hand him the drink one more time.\nDM: \"You were sent by The Gentleman? Yeah? What's he want?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On Vax's request, Gilmore procures a favor for him with the Lyceum. Vax also purchases three enchanted daggers, presumably as a gift for Kynan Leore.\nDM: \"If you're asking for access to one of our closely guarded sigils for the Thunderbrands, you say, within Kraghammer?\"\nPlayer: Yes, yes. We'll have to speak with them as well.\nDM: \"Well, then I will-- just one moment.\" And he reaches into a pouch and pulls out this mirror, this oval mirror and sets it onto his desk. Reaches underneath and pulls out a small chest. Opens up the chest, and you can see in this chest that there are probably two dozen of these tiny little marbles, all different colors, some different shapes, and he goes, these little labels you can't really see from your perspective. He takes one out, places it in the top of the mirror, and as he does, the mirror all of a sudden shimmers for a second, and what was originally a normal reflection is now this light, glowing blue, slightly glowing water-like surface. He takes it and lifts it up to himself. \"Hello. Hello? Hello!\" A moment later, you hear this distant voice echoing with this strange warbling filter over it. \"I'm coming, what's taking your time. Yes, Headmaster, what do you require? Well, there's a gentleman here, dragonborn, who is requesting use of your sigil of teleportation. Do you know this gentleman?\" Turns it around, and you can see in there, this is the same long-bearded dwarven individual that met you at the actual Thunderbrand house, and had a bit of an argument with you early in your travels in Kraghammer.\nPlayer: We've got things for you, this time, like we said we would get for you. In the Underdark. It's really inconvenient, but we have things that we need to get to you quickly.\nDM: \"Now, listen here. Last we spoke, you and your friends stormed into our lair, nearly destroyed our precious arcane defenses of our homestead--\"\nPlayer: He was drinking. He's an alcoholic. He's got help since then.\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: What is it?\nDM: This is deception. Well, you are an alcoholic, but that wasn't what he meant.\nPlayer: 20.\nDM: 20. He goes, \"Either way, we can't just let anyone willy-nilly knowing how to directly appear in the center of our homestead.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The one in front of Grog quickly moves to his side and grasps onto his armor, pulling him in. It attempts to bite into the goliath, but its fangs catch and deflect off of the little bit of chainmail around his neck, given to him by Scanlan.\nDM: Yeah, so the first one slashes across the side of your shoulder, but you manage to pull out of the way just in time to lessen the impact. This, however, sets you up for the easily dodged second blow. You swoop out of the way just barely in time, feeling the wind (whoosh) above your head. That ends their turn. Now we're at the top of the initiative order: surprise round. This would not have been enough noise to wake you guys yet, so you're going to hold on until somebody can get your attention. Top of the round will be Vex.\nPlayer: I'm going to say Wake the fuck up! And I am going to-- can I hide? Is that what I do as my bonus?\nDM: You have nowhere to hide in this room, unfortunately.\nPlayer: Even if it's super-duper dark?\nDM: You get the idea that these creatures probably aren't largely affected by the dark.\nPlayer: That makes perfect sense. I'm going to Hunter's Mark the one that looks the strongest.\nDM: Okay. The one that's most visible to you would probably be this one going after your brother. You mark that one.\nPlayer: I am now going to attack him with my blazing bow.\nDM: All righty, go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before impacting to the ground of one of the top chambers of the pyramid. Looking within the interior of this five-sided chamber, you noticed amongst the two pillars to the side a raised platform where there was a fountain of some kind, surrounded by three of these mostly-humanoid but snake-scaled, covered in places, yuan-ti people.\nDM: Nice! Jumps off of the side, and with the momentum she leaps onto the platform. She pulls her sword out, arcs it past the already punched, damaged yuan-ti in front. Reacts, looks over the shoulder towards you as you go for your second attack. Same one?\nPlayer: Yes, please. Natural 20. With that barbarian critical! Double the dice. (counting) That's 17 points of damage on the second one.\nDM: 17 points of damage?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: Okay, then.\nPlayer: Not a lot. They were low.\nDM: On the same one, right?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: With the second strike-- the first one carves past, it hisses at her, Yasha then spins the sword around and with one giant snap the head (plop) and the body falls off to the side of the ground and crumbles.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the border, Pike is greeted by a caravan of several gnomes: Johann, Astra, Ogden, and JB.\nDM: Okay. So, while you guys are having this conversation, Taryon, you hear what sounds like ruckus, laughter, conversation, voices overlapping, getting louder and louder and then suddenly the front door to the Slayer's Cake, which has been quiet this afternoon, (thud). And then, \"Oh! This place is amazing! Do you smell that? You smell that, Uncle?\" And you watch as the uncle comes in. (sniffs) \"Smells like rocks.\"\nPlayer: Rocks?\nDM: \"He lost his smell when he was very-- it was a terrible accident. Horse hoof in the face. Anyway, hi! We're family of Pike Trickfoot, and we were told to come here and try your wares! So this is a bakery?\"\nPlayer: In Gnomish, welcome to the store. Any family of Pike Trickfoot is family of mine. I am one of her closest friends, Taryon Darrington. Here you go. Blondies on the house for everyone to celebrate your blondie, Pike Trickfoot.\nDM: \"She wasn't always blonde, you know.\"\nPlayer: Oh, I don't know that at all. What?\nDM: Yeah. I guess she wanted a change of pace. She had dark hair when she was younger.\nPlayer: Really?\nDM: \"Astra, free treats!\" And they start grabbing and filling their pockets with blondies and eating them in between.\nPlayer: I've got more. Sure. You can take all you want. Everything in the store is yours.\nDM: You watch as JB walks up with long, dark hair, and goes, \"Do you happen to have any water?\"\nPlayer: Of course! Doty, go fetch some water for these fine gnomes.\nDM: \"Tary.\" Grabs and gets a small bucket of water and sets it down. You watch as JB begins breaking up the pastry and dipping it in the water and then feeding it to the uncle.\nPlayer: Ugh.\nDM: Occasionally has to right his face, and it's getting caught in the beard a little bit.\nPlayer: You know, family is everything, and I'm so pleased to meet you. Can you tell me what she was like as a child?\nDM: \"Well, (chuckles) she--\" At that point, the door bursts open and the rest of you arrive there at the Slayer's Cake.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: 12? You don't see Gilmore anywhere. You look about the bodies. You know the color of his robe, but you don't see it anywhere on the ground. In the chaos you really have no idea where he is.\nPlayer: Okay, I will-- (sings) Bigby's Hand! Shamone! I will Bigby's Hand and put it right in front of him and-- wow, it's so tiny compared to him! I will use it as a Interposing Hand, blocking him from approaching us. And I will use my movement to climb into the circle of good.\nDM: Okay, you can get there. Okay, that ends your turn.\nPlayer: And I'll-- shit.\nDM: Want to inspire somebody?\nPlayer: I guess, I mean, who's near him? Just Grog right?\nDM: Right now, it's Grog, Percy and Pike are all still out right now.\nPlayer: They'll get away right, they're going to run? You're going to run, right? They'll be fine. All right. I'll inspire Grog by saying, you're a magnificent, handsome bastard, don't die!\nDM: All right. You take a d10 inspiration die.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, you douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: 11 points of damage is just what you needed. With your first strike, infused with the rite, you streak down with your first blow and your scimitar carves through the upper part of its shoulder blade into its ribcage. As you do, you watch as whatever necrotic energy's holding its body together suddenly dissipates and all the bones clatter to the ground in a pile.\nPlayer: I'm going to keep running and to get to the other side of that other gnoll.\nDM: This one here?\nPlayer: Yeah. Actually, if there's any way, can I get all the way around him?\nDM: (counting) Yes, there is.\nPlayer: Yeah! I don't know if this is helpful, but I'm going to take my second swing. That's 18 to hit.\nDM: That hits. Roll damage. You don't get the bonus to your wisdom, but you still have the rite on that one.\nPlayer: That's ten points of damage.\nDM: Ten points of damage on the other.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you goes to the center of town to find Yennen, who tells her she will have to meditate under the Sun Tree to be granted a vision of her quarry. From there, she will track down the quarry and decide its fate, preferably bringing back some manner of trophy.\nDM: As you all separate and scatter off into your own business for the day in Whitestone. Vex'ahlia, you find a comfortable place at the base of the tree. You sit, cross your legs, look up, and close your eyes and concentrate.\nPlayer: I feel itchy, but I'm okay. I'm going to stay still.\nDM: What thoughts are on your mind? What do you wish to do? What is your approach to this meditation?\nPlayer: Okay. He said I'm supposed to meditate on the tree? Or on Pelor? I'm going to try thinking about the tree first. A lot. I'm thinking about the leaves swaying and I think about finding a quarry and, you know, hunting things. Then I'm going to start thinking about what it feels like to walk through the woods barefoot and hear the leaves crunching underneath my feet and hear twigs breaking as I hunt creatures and track them.\nDM: Okay. As you focus on this and you can hear the breeze. You extend what best can be described as your current consciousness or imagination to the breadth of the Parchwood that consumes the valleys of the Alabaster Sierras surrounding Whitestone. You focus. And you remember the journeys you had in the trees when you first arrived. The wandering hunt, the phantom individual wandering the trees in the distance that you didn't quite mark. And you're curious about that moment and you start thinking about the people that have lived here their whole life and think of the toil. And then your eyes open and the sun, which was just beginning to come over the hills into the sky, is now far past the horizon. You're unsure how much time has passed, but you've had no vision. You've had no words, no sign, and you're now starting to hit into the afternoon. You've probably been here for a number of hours at this point. And you're starting to feel the sweat drip beneath the armor. Discomfort's settling in a little bit. And you're beginning to feel that conscious difficulty with separating what your mind is trying to do and what your body is telling you it's not enjoying.\nPlayer: Okay. I should've learned Speak With Plants from Keyleth. I'm going to sink down and I'm going to take my armor off and try to feel the bark beneath my back.\nDM: Okay. So you turn around, armor off, just wearing your undertunic, and you press your back against the actual tree itself, leaning your head against it, and you close your eyes again and begin to concentrate. At this point in the day, the sun has crested over, so the shadow is still hitting you from the side of the tree. So you're not as warm as you were before. You focus, and you concentrate again on the expanse of this landscape, the strange difference between the warm midday, the cold mornings and evenings, and the freezing nights that bring mists and low clouds that shroud Whitestone in this somewhat middle-to-northern area of Tal'Dorei itself into the mystic, dark mythology that has encapsulated it since it was first founded. After a while of concentrating and letting your mind wander, your eyes open again, and now you're hitting sunset. It's growing colder, the breeze has picked up a bit, and you see some clouds making their way slowly from the wind of the southwest, cresting over the mountains on the western side, the Alabaster Sierras. No vision, no words. You can start seeing now people are walking the street, watching you strangely as they pass. You hear horse hooves hitting as they pass by with carts and people stop and stare and awkwardly whisper to each other and keep walking.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They agree they will return in two weeks with word or else the Ravenites will go to Vorugal. They visit the lair of the dragon and find one of the spheres akin to those they saw in Brimscythe's lair; they don't mess with it.\nDM: They do. You move over the bulk of this giant pile of rubble and begin to descend the other side, and you can see now there is an active village here that is half-frozen entirely. Half of it seems to be abandoned; the other half of it is completely coated in solid ice. The crowd leads you past that abandoned village to a series of tunnels against the wall, maybe 300 or 400 feet past that cluster of trees that you saw. Leads you into this tunnel, and on the inside, there are small glow stones set in portions of the stone. Not naturally forming, but essentially small natural bits of torchlight just pressed into the stonework to give some sort of a light source. You're led in for about five or so minutes. and you see other offshoot tunnels. It's like a giant anthill weaved throughout this, and you can see rudimentary furniture made of wood and stone, with limestone rock, whatever's available within the actual ravine here.\nPlayer: Can I get a sense on when this was carved? If this was carved recently or if this has been here a while?\nDM: Make a nature check.\nPlayer: Ooh, 27.\nDM: Best you can tell from looking at the rock and knowing the amount of erosion versus the curvature of it, these tunnels have been here for a very long time. This portion opens up and you can see now there is a much more refined, village-type structure inside, maybe 30-plus small homes carved from rock and stone. Built much better than the makeshift huts that you saw outside. You also see a giant pile of broken chains to the left side of the entryway. Many of them are manacles and neck vices that are just thrown and discarded in this large pile.\nPlayer: Tiberius never mentioned this side of Draconia.\nDM: As you are brought into the center of this larger chamber you see two dozen Draconians that are out and about just currently gathering materials, talking and walking, and stop and see as you enter and just watch as you pass by. Colors range from metallic to chromatic, all spectrum; it's a mish-mash of all walks and sizes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus takes six days to make Lesser Healing Potions (one potion per day). Caleb asks you to take him with her to the Valley Archive of the Cobalt Soul when she goes back for training, so he can peruse their library.\nDM: Yeah, that one does no damage. You catch one arrow out of the air. It just barely nicks your shoulder. The other one you catch just as it scrapes past the side of your arm. The third one you catch in the middle of the air with no impact. In the blink of an eye, you've deflected all three arrows shot at the same time.\nPlayer: I turn to Tubo and I go Did you see that?!\nDM: \"I did. And with that, your training is complete.\"\nPlayer: Oh. I don't get to kill those guys?\nDM: \"No!\" He hands the shortbow to the other one and they all head back upstairs.\nPlayer: Sorry, I'm sure you're really lovely people.\nDM: \"Impressive. Dairon was not wrong about you.\"\nPlayer: Wait, what has-- Dairon's been talking about me? What has she been saying?\nDM: \"That you are an apt pupil. Now, our time is done. I have things to do. And four days with you has been more than enough.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. I get that a lot.\nDM: He makes his way back up and escorts you out of the training chamber.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tests the roots of the cursed tree for any illusory magic, but it is solid and real. Grog attempts to level up the Titanstone Knuckles by destroying the kitchen, much to Scanlan's consternation.\nDM: For a legendary resistance, it does. Which is why if you can burn through those early, then they're a little more vulnerable.\nPlayer: And just because nothing else seems to be happening, I'm just gonna burn my Action Surge and just keep plowing into him for two more shots.\nDM: All right. How much damage did the first one do?\nPlayer: That did 20 points of damage.\nDM: Nice! (gunshot sound)\nPlayer: Taking another shot, that's 29.\nDM: Hits.\nPlayer: That's 28 points of damage.\nDM: Three hits. Go ahead and roll the other two damage, now.\nPlayer: Hm?\nDM: So you hit with all three, so.\nPlayer: No, I've been doing damage.\nDM: Oh, those were the damage.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Oh, I'm sorry.\nPlayer: Sorry. That's 20 points of damage and 28 points of damage. 22... wait. 20 points of damage on the first attack.\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Attack I just did was 28 points of damage.\nDM: 28, sorry, all right, and then the third one.\nPlayer: And then the third one.\nDM: Roll to hit.\nPlayer: That hits, that's a 31.\nDM: All righty.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the city below, they watch as a group of devas join battle against a group of gloomstalkers, and both are annihilated by a single swipe of the titan's arm. Grog, hanging off Vecna's side, pulls out Pelor's Divine Trammel and drives it into the closest wound\u2014the first of their three trammels to be attached.\nDM: You can move 50 feet on the broom, so you can get about here. You won't be able to get all the way over.\nPlayer: Could I get here? Am I within range of Pike, then? 60 feet? I'm higher than I would be.\nDM: You can try. You can coast to about here.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm going to be about that height, but I want to be over the edge.\nDM: Okay. That ends your turn, Vex?\nPlayer: Yeah!\nDM: All righty. Let's see here. He's going to spend two points to cast another spell.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As they catch up with the titan, Grog's Titanstone Knuckles begin to vibrate in resonance. Still about 200 miles away from Vasselheim, Scanlan and J'mon render the group invisible for the approach to the titan.\nDM: As it attempts to dive past you, you duck out of the way, still nocking a secondary arrow. Its claws hits the back of the dragon scales. You hear the scrape of it going across the back, but having no effect on the hard, armored brass dragon's back. The gloomstalker then shrieks once more and takes back up into the clouds and vanishes.\nPlayer: Did I get an attack of opportunity on it with daggers?\nDM: You can definitely attack it with daggers, if you'd like.\nPlayer: Yeah, that hits. 29.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: If my friend the dragon is against it, do I get sneak attack?\nDM: No. Sorry.\nPlayer: All right. That is 12 for that.\nDM: 12 damage. How much damage did you do?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you and Beau remain outside while Jester and Fjord deceive their way into the house disguised as Prucine and a crownsguard. Caleb, Nott, and Ulog sneak in the back door.\nDM: Yes. Make a stealth check? You, as you begin to set up busking, one of the other guards wandering by comes by, kicks your cards a bit, and goes, \"Hey, hey! Move along. No street busking, too late. Gala's on.\"\nPlayer: Oh, no, I'm on break. One on the house?\nDM: \"I said piss off. Keep moving.\"\nPlayer: I'm going to very slowly put my stuff together and fold it all up.\nDM: He sits there and watches you do it.\nPlayer: Move around, yeah, but as long as I have an eye on the main thoroughfare.\nDM: Okay. What did you roll for stealth?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The crew had been waiting a number of days, the repairs had been completed on Bisaft Isle. You guys decided to call it an evening and rest up.\nDM: Bisaft. There's a lot of ships. Probably about 20 or so. They're mainly Concord military vessels, similar to the one you saw and avoided on the outskirts of Nicodranas. Glancing over, there are a few groups of soldiers on the docks stretching. Looks like they're loading supplies into the ships. They're making a stop and the ships are waiting for others to fill up because it's a small dock. It's mainly meant to maintain, at most, six or seven ships at a time, so they're having to go in waves to take supplies and they're probably cleaning out some of what Bisaft Port has.\nPlayer: As we make our way by, can I identify a low-ranking member of one of the crewmen of one of those ships as they're, perhaps, reaching for a bundle or something?\nDM: Sure, yeah. There's a number you can go ahead and stop. There's one of them nearby that is sitting there stretching legs and gathering their supplies in a small sack. They probably bought a few things to take on the path.\nPlayer: You there! By gods, you guys are stocking up something fierce!\nDM: \"Yes, we are making our way through the waters. This is just a quick stop.\"\nPlayer: Amazing. Do you mind if I ask where all this traffic is going?\nDM: \"Well, with the recent attacks, the war at the Empire, it's getting a little hairy, so the Marquis Olesya Lapidus is calling many of the warships to the southern coast to be a precaution near the border.\"\nPlayer: Oh, I understand. I'm sorry to hear it's moving so aggressively. Are you concerned, or do you feel strength in your numbers?\nDM: (noncommittal consideration) \"This is a conflict between them, but it is still important to be careful. We have an alliance from a trade standpoint with the Empire, but they are not entirely the most pleasant people, so they can deal with their problems and if comes to us, we'll keep it to the shore. The good news is, as far as I know, Xhorhas isn't a naval-oriented people. What I have heard,\" and he leans in a bit, \"is the underelves apparently snuck past the mountain range and attacked further inland. Felderwin was assaulted and the fields were set ablaze.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Many of the townsfolk gathered at that square were immediately killed. The party, as well as a few other straggling survivors, ran away as both the gargantuan black and green dragons began to chase them down.\nDM: No, unfortunately, the fog cloud is just high enough where it covers this area for you guys. However, you could jump off if you wanted to, make an acrobatics roll and then maybe do your attack afterwards. If you wanted to try that, your call.\nPlayer: Wouldn't I still be in the fog cloud if I was on the ground?\nDM: No, the fog cloud is elevated up here. It starts here and then goes upward. Keyleth created it in the air. You guys are at the base of it right now.\nPlayer: So I can use my movement to jump down?\nDM: Yes, if you want to.\nPlayer: All right, I'm going to fucking Hunter's Mark him.\nDM: You can't see him right now, unfortunately.\nPlayer: I'm going to jump fucking down on the ground.\nDM: So you jump. Go ahead and make an acrobatics check. As you leap off the highest part of the wall of your Keep, all of a sudden the fog dissipates and you see the ground rushing up towards you.\nPlayer: 14.\nDM: 14. You manage to catch yourself. You aren't knocked prone, but you do suffer five points of damage from the fall. But you catch yourself (grunts), get up, and now you can see at the very, very base of the fog cloud, the head peeking though and the wings occasionally (wingbeats) from out underneath, and you have visual on the dragon.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to Hunter's Mark him. And I'm going to shoot him through the Sky Sentinel.\nDM: You already used the Sky Sentinel if I recall against the green dragon, didn't you?\nPlayer: On the worm.\nDM: Was it the worm? Okay.\nPlayer: And I multiclassed today, so I'm a rogue, so I get Sneak Attack on this.\nDM: It currently does not have--\nPlayer: Does it know that-- does it see me?\nDM: You haven't tried to stealth, so technically yes. As soon as you jumped off and land, and hurt yourself and your ankle, you look up and it sees you.\nPlayer: Never fucking mind. Balls, all kind of balls around here right now. The first attack is 25.\nDM: 25 hits.\nPlayer: The second attack is 24.\nDM: Both hit.\nPlayer: The third attack is 16.\nDM: 16 misses.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three crossbow bolts come flying out of nowhere\u2014two hitting Grog. They notice three duergar, with a strange, unfamiliar beast accompanying them:\u00a0 a large brain with a set of claws.\nDM: Well you can dash as your action, but dash is your, basically a double move. So you move and use your action to move as well.\nPlayer: And that's it.\nDM: That's all you'll be able to do.\nPlayer: Um, I'm gonna-- no. I'll you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go-- hey, god. I'm gonna move over here, stealthily. And go for ready.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: That's what it's called, right? And wait?\nDM: Just wait.\nPlayer: And the trigger is when this asshole duergar moves forward, I'm gonna stick him in the back of the neck.\nDM: Okay. All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Smoke also emerges from the guard, who looks confused as the smoke begins curling around him, marking him with a Hex. Percy fires three times.\nDM: Okay, so you swing around the corner and look up at the one guard. As you concentrate for a second, bringing your gun up, your eyes begin to go black again, the smoke pouring out from the corner of it. Smoke begins to pour out of the midsection of the guard, who looks confused for a second, and it swirls around him as part of the Hex that has him marked, as you release your next three blasts.\nPlayer: Okay. This is with sharpshooter.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: That sucks. Ten?\nDM: Ten misses. First shot just (ricochet noise) goes wide, blasting a chunk out of the upstairs hallway.\nPlayer: 11.\nDM: 11 also goes wide. This time (ricochet noise) blasting part of the banister in front. The guard dodges out of the way as the wood splinters past him.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, No time to worry: Roll Initiative! you and Fjord step out to see the zombie guards, who look to be about ready to rush toward the big tent where they are standing.\nDM: Nine points of cold damage to it. You watch as it's trying to bite with no effect towards Beau's arm as she's pulling away. The sphere slams into the side of its shoulder, it would be this side, and it pulls back. You watch as the arm breaks a bit and the ice shards coalesce around the outside of the armor and linger with this frost and mist that sprays off the impact. It looks fairly damaged.\nPlayer: Question, am I supposed to roll initiative for Frumpkin as well?\nDM: Technically by the rules, yes. But it might be easier to have you guys go at the same time.\nPlayer: Okay, if that's what you want to do.\nDM: Sure, for now.\nPlayer: I'm sending Frumpkin to zip under that tent. He has 40 feet of movement.\nDM: This one here?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Easy enough. Frumpkin is underneath there.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about Fjord's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: Nine points of damage. You manage to jam underneath and hit it in the chest. It shrieks with pain and pushes the blade out of its body with a sheer flexing of its muscle. It begins to try and get up off the ground. It's hurt, but it's still standing or about to be standing in a moment. You can move if you'd like to.\nPlayer: Yeah, that's right. I can break combat with it. It doesn't matter, right? At this point? Or does it get an attack of opportunity?\nDM: It does get an attack of opportunity, but it has disadvantage on him.\nPlayer: There's no way I can circle up onto the wall, is there?\nDM: Onto the wall?\nPlayer: Yeah. Get a little vantage on him.\nDM: You could.\nPlayer: I want to be able to hop on because I want to head that direction afterwards. All right.\nDM: You get up onto the wall.\nPlayer: And that way, if he tries to run or do anything, I can futz with him.\nDM: Cool, that's fine. Molly, your turn is over. Jester, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As Nott rode on the back of a horse with you, she flipped through Jester's sketchbook. There are caricatures of each member of the Mighty Nein and several people they have encountered through their journey.\nDM: So you carry on at a pretty good pace, and you're traveling rather swiftly. Though traveling at this speed, it's harder to perceive things at a distance. Thankfully, this renewed vigor from the tea that you had for the evening may help you in that endeavor as well. So, who is keeping watch on the roads ahead of you?\nPlayer: I am.\nDM: All right. Go ahead and make a perception check with advantage, and minus five to whatever you--\nPlayer: So advantage minus five on both?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: Okay that's not good; that's a one. Okay, that means I got a seven.\nDM: Okay then.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you casts Invisibility on himself and starts digging through his pockets, looking for anything he could use to create fire. He finds a Potion of Fire Breath.\nDM: You're checking your pockets. You find the potion. You look down and you notice, even through the storm, you can see in the distance, there's the dark shape of a giant lumbering zombie guard making its way down to this part of the town. What are you doing?\nPlayer: So I'm on a roof that's all soaking wet, right?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: There's no crawl space access? No attic I can get to?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Okay. Whoa, nothing. Two.\nDM: Two? This is a pretty solid roof with apparently no entry point at any points. The craftsmanship is flawless.\nPlayer: Okay. You know what? I'll just try it. I will Fire Breath Potion myself.\nDM: Okay, you pull up (boink), pull the cork off, (glug glug).\nPlayer: I don't know what this thing does. I've just got this.\nDM: As you feel the fluid find its way down your esophagus, it warms it like a fine whiskey would, but the warmth just grows and grows to the point where it's almost too hot, but it never quite reaches a point where it's painful, but you feel as if this need to belch is burbling within your stomach, and at any given point in time, you could let that belch fly forward.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She Dimension Door'ed her way into the ritual room, which Vox Machina followed over the wall. She seemed to complete the ritual, creating this small, vacuous, spinning black sphere that is locked in place.\nDM: So Minor Illusion, as a limitation, it wouldn't be a full-body illusion, but you can take elements of your features.\nPlayer: I'm in smoke. I'm just taking--\nDM: Yeah. Where once Percy's face existed, it twists into this shimmering apparition of Sylas Briarwood looking down at her as his face contorts into horrible, screaming pain. The head rises up and almost soundlessly, he screams out as the flesh begins to melt from the bone. As it does, Percy's voice rings out in this cacophonous roar that shakes the cavern around you.\nPlayer: That pain you're feeling, I've felt for years. Don't think I've imagined every way to hurt you! I could spend years hurting you before you die, in ways you cannot imagine. Now, how do we stop it?\nDM: \"I don't know. I don't even know if it worked. We've been preparing for this ritual for... five godforsaken years. All to repay a debt. And that's all. You forced us. It was too soon.\"\nPlayer: Why? Why was it too soon? What were you waiting for?\nDM: \"We were waiting for a particular date. There is a time each year in which the barriers between realms grow and grow very weak. You recall Erevan's attempt generations ago to blur between the realm of ice and this one, which you call the Winter's Crest. Well, this is too early, and you saw our failure. He will not be happy, I imagine. And I still owe him for what he gave me. For what he gave us.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog football tackles the held Riskel to the ground. Vax pummels riskel with the blunt end of his daggers.\nDM: He's not tied up. The vine grabbed around, but doesn't appear to be really changing his physicality.\nPlayer: Okay. Can I make, with my Spiritual Weapon, a sort of-- holding like a--\nDM: It's a weapon. Spiritual Weapon. Weapon's in the name. What kind of weapon would you want to summon?\nPlayer: I want to make a lasso again. A lariat. Maybe with a little stinger on the end. Just to listen.\nDM: All right, a little lasso there.\nPlayer: So his arms--\nDM: Well, we'll have to see.\nPlayer: If it works.\nDM: So go ahead and roll and add your spell attack. It has advantage, because he's prone still.\nPlayer: That would be a natural 20. (cheering)\nDM: He's also now grappled.\nPlayer: He's also now grappled. Okay. Can the stinger go right here to his neck?\nDM: Sure. It's right there. The spiritual energy wraps around the body. He's held there, with the vine both holding him there. The stinger (swish) up over the throat.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They learn that the corpse was killed by a woman who was not supposed to be there, some 14 weeks ago. The corpse has since seen others pass by, particularly a dwarf.\nDM: 17, all right. So the guy walks into the room, looks back and forth. The one behind him steps forward into the room a bit. The other one steps behind him. Looks about. Looks from one side of the room, looks over to your room. There's almost a glimmer of recognition in his eye, and continues walking past. They just start walking back the direction you guys came from.\nPlayer: Uh.\nDM: The other one--\nPlayer: I throw up a Wall of Stone.\nDM: Where?\nPlayer: Right there.\nDM: Right there?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, These stones are utilized, apparently, in both keeping the rift contained and keeping the city of Vesrah aloft and up towards the air. However, in the process of them researching where these lodestones came from, it was discovering in recent years that they were byproducts of one of the krakens that lives in the Water Elemental Plane.\nDM: It's ridiculous. So you guys all eventually dive into the water, and as you do, you look down and there is essentially a 40-foot-wide gap in the beach here, just barely submerged beach, that coasts down and drops off directly down into this cylindrical section that is just open. And as you drift down, your goggles visible, you can see around you, dry, pale reef that slowly gives way to colorful, life-teeming reef. You see hundreds of fish of different sizes and colors, all darting in and out of the various gaps and openings in the side, you see vibrant plant life beginning to massively jut out from the side of this reef. Further down, you see eels twisting through, and bits of kelp and other long, underwater plant life tickle your body as you push past and drift, keeping track of where you're slowly sinking down, desperately trying to follow this dwarf that is no longer in view, he just dove straight down and is far more comfortable under the water than most of you. Eventually, the reef begins to cluster in tighter and tighter, and you start getting a little nervous as to if you're going to hit a bottom or hit a pinch point. And then suddenly it stops, the reef just ends, and you now are floating down into what appears to be endless dark ocean. And just below, you see just a faint bit of light, and you start noticing the dark color is because you're about to hit an extremely dense forest of underwater plant life. You watch as all of these long, thin tendrils of almost vines covered in elongated leaves begin to curl up around you, and you start pushing through, following this light, and as you get across to the edge, Keyleth, you're the closest ahead and you guys have just enough light to watch the bead of where Keyleth is. Keyleth, you can still see Durent and keep that pace. He leads you down over this bank of where the top of this underwater forest ends, and you see, attached to the reef above by a single pillar of stonework that seems to be built or carved out of the reef, emerges a spiraling tower that eventually ends on the floor of the ocean here. It's made of a yellowish-white sandstone-like color, there are pillars carved out of it, naturalistic, but also have almost a series of bevelled edges to them. Within the inside, there is a dull green glow that is pulsating, and as Durent makes his way down toward one of the many openings in the floors, you can see there is a very, very faint sparkling energy that seems to just drift up out of the center of this tower. As you make it further down towards the base, you now begin to see through some of the openings, the center of this tower is hollow. It is an exterior, like a very thin Colosseum-like structure that goes up for multiple floors, slowly pincering as it gets to the top, and it is just an open interior inside. As eventually you touch down onto the soft bottom of the ocean here and begin making your way, slowly swimming towards the interior, you can see a number of other similarly dressed Waveriders as well as armored guardians that stand, all with various trident or spear-like weapons. A number of them appear to be of varying races, human, half-elf, elf, it appears that Durent is the only dwarf you see in this vicinity, and a couple of them appear to be merfolk, like straight-up half-human, half-fish, tails, fins, gills, the whole circumstance.\nPlayer: What does their hair look like?\nDM: You see two of them, one of which is male. No visible hair on him, actually, just the frill that goes down his head. The other is female. Long, deep, dark blue hair that drifts past, and as she shifts and looks in your direction, you watch it hold in place and slowly shift as the water currents push through.\nPlayer: I just stare at her.\nDM: As you're entranced by this, your attention slowly glides over to the very center, the base of this temple, where you can see there are these three large, smooth, gray-ish rocks that are embedded in the ground, about five feet wide, and in the center of these three rocks, you see what appears to be-- it's almost like an oval shape, about ten feet tall, about five feet wide, that is crackling blue energy. This opening, here. And you can watch as occasionally clouds of black, murky soot or sand, deep, deep ocean sand, push through. You can see, as you get closer and peer in, this is a doorway into the plane, this is the rift. Unlike the one that you saw at Pyrah, which seemed to flicker and have a barely contained energy when you've seen it at its torn-open stages, this appears to be fairly contained. It's demure, there's not a lot of movement, it's just stationary, and the guards that surround it in the center of this temple all look inward, keeping vigilant watch. As you follow Durent, making his way towards the doorway, you can see within each of these three large, half-buried stones, there is a smaller, deep emerald green, almost jade-looking stone that is about that large that is embedded in each of these. Durent points over to one of them, and you hear him, through the water, the throat bead carrying the sound of his voice through, \"This is what you're looking for. This is a lodestone. Take your time, as much as you need, to study it. Find what you need. Let me know when you're ready to pass through.\"\nPlayer: Are they all the same color? Every lodestone looks the same?\nDM: Yeah, you glance through, they're all the same color. Slight variations, and the shapes change a little bit, some are perfectly spherical, some are a little oblong, just whatever shape it eventually hardened into.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog and Arkhan together smash the wall to pieces, dislodging the crystal and opening up one-sixth of the barrier dome above them.\nDM: He runs up the side. (impacts) He glances down, looking towards where you are. All right, that's going to bring us to Vax's turn.\nPlayer: Yeah, okay, so if I get to the very edge there, am I in range of Delilah on the ground with Sharpshooter? Cover doesn't do much, except full cover.\nDM: Yeah, she would have cover in this circumstance, but you avoid it with Sharpshooter, so you can.\nPlayer: And am I within 60 feet over there, about?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to throw Whisper at her, and she's down, so I have advantage. That is a 27 to hit.\nDM: 27 to hit hits.\nPlayer: And I'm going to bamf there.\nDM: She's prone, so yeah. You have disadvantage on the attack against her.\nPlayer: What, because she's prone?\nDM: It's a ranged attack. You don't have advantage against her because there's nothing giving you advantage.\nPlayer: Her being prone doesn't give me advantage?\nDM: No, her being prone, against ranged attacks, it's with disadvantage. Roll a second time.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She is going to try to find all the bowls, if she can, and destroy them. They find a giant banyan tree surrounded by water in the approximate location indicated by the corpse, with six more bodies tied to it.\nDM: Well no, you haven't submerged in the water yet. But it looks about waist high as you lower the water level.\nPlayer: It's all right. 14.\nDM: You do glance up and see a band of teal fabric tied around one of the branches or the edges of the roots at the top part about ten feet up that has been weathered and dirtied from just being there for a long time. A lot of the color has faded. But you just barely pick out its location.\nPlayer: It's just one little ribbon?\nDM: It looks like it might have been a bandana that was wrapped and tied around a root above.\nPlayer: I'm going to see if I can climb the tree and get to it.\nDM: Okay. So you wade through the water.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There is an awkward moment as Pike and Keyleth realize why she is late.\nDM: \"A title that has been unfulfilled for quite some time, and I, for one, being the figurehead of the city, I wish to welcome you as a member of our chamber, as the Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt. Do you understand the responsibilities?\"\nPlayer: I have no idea of the responsibilities. In fact, I have no idea what being a lady really means, except for saying I'm a lady every once in a while.\nDM: \"To be perfectly honest, it means very little.\"\nPlayer: Oh!\nDM: \"I can say that from experience. It means people look at you and expect you to have the answer, and you--\"\nPlayer: Have all the answers.\nDM: She leans in and goes, \"And you're really just making it up best you can, but you do your best. But as the Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt, upon the completion of the Grey Hunt, you are responsible for overseeing local diplomacy and rooting out mundane and supernatural dangers throughout the surrounding Parchwood.\"\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: \"To protect the citizens of Whitestone.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, you, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. Fjord, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of Caleb.\nDM: She takes another eight damage, but it's reduced to four. That finishes Yasha's go. Caduceus, you're up.\nPlayer: Okay. I just saw that we are running, apparently.\nDM: You see Yasha run past you. You look over and you watch as Beau and Jester (blink). They're gone.\nPlayer: Well, okay. Let's see. I'm going to follow Yasha, because that's apparently the way-- how much distance can I cover? How close to her can I get?\nDM: We'll find out. Movement 30 if you're rushing past her.\nPlayer: Is there an easier way off or is that the easiest way off the boat?\nDM: There are three ways off the boat. There's either this gangplank, which is closer to you, this gangplank, which is further from you but generally will meet the same distance, or jumping in the water.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Though the armor was originally Vax's, Vex claims it before he can take it back.\nDM: There are pockets here and there that are interconnected, but there are multiple veins of it going through the entire.\nPlayer: What kind of liquid is this lake made of?\nDM: So, as you approach, the hard stone surface you guys have been walking on in the tunnel begins to give way to like a coarse sand, almost like a gravelly shore. And it appears to be fresh water. It's clear. The smell is a little musty, but not too bad. And you approach, and you can see there's just these very gentle, very soft waves that occasionally lap up on the shore, but only a few inches. There's not a whole lot of motion to the water within this cavern.\nPlayer: Can we see to the bottom? Is it that clear?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: I've got an idea. I'm going to find a small rock-- Oh, go ahead.\nDM: I'll finish my description. (chuckles) So there's this lake circling this large island across the way. You also see on this side of the shore, central, there is a large stone bridge that arches over the lake and makes landfall about roughly 200 feet on the other side, at the very, very tip closest to you of this island. It's about 15 feet wide this bridge, maybe 20 feet, and is an immediate walkway onto this island across. You can see just faintly on the edge of this island a glowing bioluminescent fungal forest that covers a large portion of this island's top side. The edges of it, you can see, rise up into cliffs that have eroded over time and are rather stark in places.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He tells them about his night with her, saying that he has now experienced the pleasures of the flesh. After a moment of talking, he pukes and confesses that women are not for him.\nDM: \"Good! As the sophist of native ingenuity, you have much responsibility in this time of recovery, and I'm growing a bit weary of the burden.\"\nPlayer: I will happily take some layers of both that paperwork and that cake off your hands. And I grab a slice.\nDM: She hands it over to you.\nPlayer: I do ask tomorrow that we handle this little interesting tidbit. I hand her the documents I put together earlier with the titling that needs to be dealt with.\nDM: She takes it and goes, \"Huh. Grand Poobah, that's-- we'll certainly discuss that.\"\nPlayer: I expect somebody will come up with something delightful for that one.\nDM: \"We can take our time with that one. I'm not going to lie, it's been so long, I've forgotten we have not had any purveyor of the Grey Hunt.\"\nPlayer: Quite a while. A long while.\nDM: \"So, Vex'ahlia.\"\nPlayer: It seemed appropriate. Even before things became what they are, yes.\nDM: \"Before we can officiate that she has to undergo the Hunt itself.\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"I don't know how that works.\"\nPlayer: I--\nDM: \"Keeper Yennen might.\"\nPlayer: He does, if I recall.\nDM: \"Keeper Yennen should know. I'm a bit out of my depth at this point. I've done--\" You see she sighs deeply and looks over at her garden-- For the first time in a while, you see Cassandra break from the stoic leader to Cassandra, your sister, and she leans forward and takes your hand and goes, \"I'm so very tired. I've missed you. I need your help. Please.\"\nPlayer: We're going to make this right. We're going to-- the machine will run again. All of this will work again.\nDM: \"I know. They're good people, many good people here, and you've all saw to that. I've saw to it. I need rest.\"\nPlayer: I will help.\nDM: \"Thank you. There's more cake in it for you.\"\nPlayer: I could use more cake.\nDM: She wipes a little tear from her face. \"I'm glad you're safe.\"\nPlayer: How goes the training of the company of shot?\nDM: \"It's functional as it can be. We're having to ration ammunition as we have to rely on you for that and you've been gone.\"\nPlayer: Well, we're going to fix that as well.\nDM: \"Perhaps you should helm most of that training since the majority effort has been at the hip and making things up as they go.\"\nPlayer: The guards? The captain of the guards has been taking care of everything?\nDM: \"Yes, yes. We lost a few in the last altercations but we have a good long standing number of individuals who have stepped up and what was his name? The one that you brought in?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog's axe, however, takes a chunk out of it. The party continue to fight as the Trickfoots scatter and hide.\nDM: There are multiple faces. They're all different creature faces. They all look to be humanoid. They're all shouting and screaming and shifting and roiling inside.\nPlayer: Can I do a perception check to see if I recognize either Pike's face in there or Ogden's face or any of the gnomes' face? Do I recognize any faces?\nDM: Sure. This would be your action to do that, but yeah.\nPlayer: My whole action?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Great, 17.\nDM: Okay. Glancing at it, all the faces seem relatively blank and it's mostly the same face over and over and over again. So there's no real variation to them.\nPlayer: Okay. And that's my whole action?\nDM: That's your whole action, yeah.\nPlayer: Okay. That's my action.\nDM: Okay. So at this point, the gnomes over here are just staying where they are. You watch as Ogden takes another hobbled step back past Taryon and goes, \"Protect me!\" and puts his hand up to you and kind of hides partially behind you, Taryon. JB stays there. She seems relatively safe and watches as Vex approaches and is like (heavy breathing) and moves along the side of the rock. Pike, your turn.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then made their way into the city of Deastok, to the Darrington Estate, and were led up into the study of Howaardt Darrington, father of Taryon. They all discussed the reasons of why Tary was brought back, the current financial state of the family, and the intent to resolve and remedy long-standing sins of the father through ' Taryon standing up and doing his family duty', from Howaardt's perspective.\nDM: You haven't asked him yet, no. There are a few barhands that walk around, but the one you've been going with, you can go ahead and catch his eye as you go through the area. \"Hey, do you need something?\"\nPlayer: Of course, darling. I didn't catch your name.\nDM: \"Oh! Wence.\"\nPlayer: Wence, thank you so much. Could I grab another of those fabulous five-gold drinks there, that you brought to our friend?\nDM: \"Oh, you want Schlond's Embrace. Okay. If you're sure about that.\"\nPlayer: I don't know, what is it?\nDM: \"It's an acquired taste. It's made from a very long-distilled, 40-year processing of a heavy mint leaf, and that, when it's been very thickly fermented, is mixed in with this very sour port base that's been repeatedly funneled and sifted until it's become almost thick in its own right. That's mixed together with a few other sugars and a bit of a special fruit. Honestly, I think it tastes pretty shitty, but it's what he likes.\"\nPlayer: I'm going to give it a go.\nDM: \"All right then! Five gold.\" He goes and makes the drink for you again.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Checking their stomachs, they find a lot of bones, meat, and black feathers. They surmise at least part of her family didn't survive, and decide they can't leave her there, bringing her with them to Berleben, a miserable-looking but functional village in the depths of the swamp.\nDM: There's one older woman going by, who's hunched, has her own hood up, and a long gray cloak. She's wearing a stained linen blouse and says, \"What do you want?\"\nPlayer: Lovely weather we're having, huh?\nDM: \"Weather's shit.\"\nPlayer: Okay! I was wondering if you could point us towards an inn, or the Keystone Pub maybe?\nDM: \"Keystone Pub's in the Puddles, that way.\"\nPlayer: Thank you.\nDM: \"Look for the crooked tower thing.\"\nPlayer: Can you sleep there?\nDM: \"I mean, you can. I wouldn't be caught dead there.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about you's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: You are visible to a number of gnolls in this courtyard. You don't have any movement to back away from that edge, unfortunately.\nPlayer: I was hoping to just be-- Because I can't see that far-- to be right here to hit the only guy that could see me on the ground there.\nDM: Right, but you're right on the corner, that's how you were able to see him and send him this way.\nPlayer: The guy on the roof can see me as well?\nDM: Yeah, they can both see you. Just so you know. The rest of them probably can't, but you transform yourself into a gnoll-like appearance. All right. Does that end your turn?\nPlayer: That is it.\nDM: All righty. In the back of the alleyway, one of the gnolls stands thicker, more angry, and more ornate than the rest of the pack. You see heavy scale mail armor across the torso, and a large helmet across its head. You look as thick spines about a foot and a half to two feet long are woven into the scales themselves off the shoulders, the back of the helmet, and the sides of the armor. They look natural, as opposed to metal, like long, bony spines that are put onto it, both as an ornate adornment, or possibly just a means of defense and to look scary. It begins barking and steps forward, giving motions to some of the other gnolls, and the ones that are on the cart continue pushing it, as it steps forward--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: Okay. You can just barely make out the position of where Umbrasyl is. You can go ahead and make the attack, but it's going to get cover bonus to the range.\nPlayer: Can I peek out? Can I move out?\nDM: You can move here if you want to, and it'll help a little bit. It'll only give it a minor bonus. Go ahead and make your attack.\nPlayer: What's that?\nDM: Go ahead and make your spell attack. Is this basic level Guiding Bolt?\nPlayer: Basic level Guiding Bolt.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Nope. Doesn't hit.\nDM: You try and reach around and as it's moving its wings about, you manage to strike the stone just blocking half of its form. It splashes with energy and dissipates with no effect, unfortunately.\nPlayer: All right. Can I tuck back in?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: And I'm going to move the Spiritual Weapon with my bonus attack, or can I not do that?\nDM: You can do that, yeah. 20 feet? To there.\nPlayer: Okay. That's it. That's what I can do.\nDM: Is that as far as you can move it? Spiritual Weapon can move, I believe it's 20 feet. Yeah, that's as far as you can get it.\nPlayer: No, 60 feet!\nDM: The range of the spell is 60 feet, but as a bonus action, you can move it 20 feet and repeat the attack.\nPlayer: Oh.\nDM: Keyleth, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She also knows of Sabian, who works with Cadmus Leeland, pirate captain of the Widow's Embrace. At that moment, Yasha walks into the bar.\nDM: The somewhat portly half-elf greets you as you approach again. \"All right, would you like another drink?\"\nPlayer: You know, I'm still working on the first one, but I love your establishment--\nDM: \"Oh, why wait, it's good to have a backup, right?\"\nPlayer: Ja. I will take a backup, you are correct.\nDM: \"All right, very well.\"\nPlayer: While you're pouring, I had a question for you. My friends and I, we have just rolled into town, and while we were walking through, we noticed this very strange tower here. It's so bizarre, what is that place?\nDM: \"I'm sorry, what? The big blue tower over in the Quay?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Utugash takes flight and lands on top of Tova and you, crushing and pinning them to the ground. The pit fiend takes some damage due to Tova's Curse of Mutual Suffering.\nDM: It's either ten or half of the damage, so you're fine. With you both pinned-- you, at immediate visual perspective, look the most vulnerable to Utugash, as you are a tiny half-elf girl, as far as he's concerned. He's going to use his next two attacks, the axe and the tail, with advantage against you because you are currently knocked prone.\nPlayer: Aw, desu desu.\nDM: The axe is going to be a 32 to hit?\nPlayer: What? 32?\nDM: 32 to hit.\nPlayer: I mean, yeah.\nDM: 25 points of slashing damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completed the venture of taking the Horn of Orcus to a place of safety and sealing it away, hopefully for eternity, with the help of Lady Kima and two of the Scalebearers. After heading to the basement of the Platinum Sanctuary in the city of Vasselheim, they succeeded in doing so.\nDM: There you are. A gracious warrior of the woods. While on the ground, he reaches forward and attempts to sweep your legs out from under you. Go ahead and make-- this would be an acrobatics-- no, we'll make this a dexterity saving throw. Why not?\nPlayer: Ten.\nDM: Ten. (whoosh) Pulls your legs out from under you, slams you onto your back. As he leaps up on top of you immediately and with both of his fists in the air slams them down towards your face. That's going to be a 22.\nPlayer: What?\nDM: 22 to hit. You take six points of damage.\nPlayer: Oh, good. I was thinking 22 points of damage!\nDM: And a 23 to hit, it's going to be an additional eight points of damage. Just once down on your face, and again with a second slam, right down onto the front of the face again. You can taste all the irony blood and liquid pouring through your sinuses down into the back of your throat as you're currently on the ground with him on top of you. You're both looking pretty rough. Where are you at, hit point-wise?\nPlayer: I say, tastes like home. And I spit in his face and reach up and thunderclap both of his ears.\nDM: All right, go ahead and roll for attack.\nPlayer: 24.\nDM: Hits.\nPlayer: 17.\nDM: 17 does not hit.\nPlayer: 22.\nDM: 22 does hit. So you reach up. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Oh yeah, right.\nDM: (whack) Thunderclap to the side of both his ears.\nPlayer: Six.\nDM: Six points of damage. As he rears back and instinctively his hands go up and try and grab at your wrists, you pull the wrists back, and he's holding you from that point. You attempt to go for another strike, but he just redirects it with his own arms. You manage to pull out of the grip with a third strike. What are you doing for that one?\nPlayer: He pulled away from my wrists, and I'll give him a little of the same. Put my fists together and just swing straight down into his solar plexus since he's sitting on top of me.\nDM: Roll damage.\nPlayer: That's a five.\nDM: Five. (wham) You hit and you hear the wind out of him from the impact, (wheezes) and he's trying to get the wind back.\nPlayer: I can't hear you. What?\nDM: He pushes off of your chest to stand up for a second and (gasps) gets one big inhale of air, and as he does, he reaches up his leg and then tries to curb-stomp kick you right in the stomach while you're still on the ground. That will be 18.\nPlayer: Misses!\nDM: All right. A 19.\nPlayer: Misses!\nDM: And that will be a 24.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A bit later, Howaardt comes out to speak to them. He apologizes for the scene they saw inside and thanks them for their friendship to Tary.\nDM: She's inside right now. As you walk inside, she's sitting at the table where everyone had breakfast, she's eating what was on her plate, alone. She turns around.\nPlayer: Mama, I'm sorry to spring all of this on you and I must go back to Whitestone with my friends, to tie up some loose ends, but I'll be back soon. Days, maybe a week.\nDM: \"Be back, please.\"\nPlayer: In the meantime, though, can you think about something for me?\nDM: \"Of course, what do you need?\"\nPlayer: The charity. Papa and Sister can run it, they have smarter business acumen than I do, but the brigade, I was wondering if you wanted to do it with me. You have a taste for adventure, you could help be our manager! Tend to us when we're injured...\nDM: \"Taryon, I'm far too old for adventure.\"\nPlayer: I don't think that's true!\nDM: \"As an organizer?\"\nPlayer: Yes, yes! Remember in Escape from Brave Mountain? Remember the kindly old wizard who stayed back and tended to the injured and fed them when they were sick with that mystical plague that they got? You could be that old-- Yes. Think about it. Read the book again. And when I come back, we'll talk.\nDM: \"All right. But if you're going out and you're coming back, and I'm to help, bring back a better outfit.\"\nPlayer: Okay! Do you have a color in mind?\nDM: \"Royal blue.\"\nPlayer: On it. I give her a big hug.\nDM: She gives you a big hug. As she hugs you, her mouth gets near your ear and she goes, \"I'm glad you listened.\"\nPlayer: Me too. Mama, this is going to be fun, fun, fun!\nDM: She sniffles a bit and pushes you away. \"Now go, go! Hurry back! Be safe!\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau immediately kills one after her Stunning Strike succeeds. The other one runs for it, meeting Keg at the bottom of the stairs as she comes down.\nDM: That's a natural five on his wisdom saving throw. Dexterity or wisdom, I don't remember, but it doesn't matter.\nPlayer: It's a dex 16 save.\nDM: Yeah, that's not happening.\nPlayer: I didn't think so.\nDM: Go ahead and roll your damage on that.\nPlayer: That's 14 points of damage.\nDM: Keg, you watch the person run around the corner and look at you and go \"Uh. (pained grunting),\" get shot with two bolts from behind, tense up, and then burst into radiant flame and then collapse to the ground, slow smoldering on the stone. [cheering]\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott says she thinks its 50-50 Fjord is going evil and suggests Caleb be ready to restrain him. Fjord casts Underwater Breathing on the group and they descend.\nDM: It's clear water, so the light does carry further, and you guys aren't going as deep. You do manage to make out, as you get further and further down, the general shape of the tower within sight. It is comparatively murky because of the lack of light, but you can see the shape. You can also, based on the warning that Caleb had given, see some of the figures. You see about five of them, all tangled or wrapped in threads of this seaweed. Regular seaweed, not the strange crimson type that you came across in the Diver's Grave.\nPlayer: I'm going to do a little ping of Eyes of the Grave, just to make sure there's no more of them in this other than the ones we can see.\nDM: What's the range on that?\nPlayer: 60 feet.\nDM: All right. You're going to have to get pretty close to try it.\nPlayer: I know that we're heading-- once I feel like, or maybe I should hit it again--\nDM: Okay, as you swim down to get within range to use your Eyes of the Grave, thankfully, the nearest creature doesn't seem to notice your approach. It is not undead. Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Come on. Ah, better. 20.\nDM: Actually, roll at disadvantage because you don't have darkvision, unfortunately, and you're low enough now where the light is limited.\nPlayer: 16.\nDM: 16's still okay. Now that you have a better look at it, at a closer perspective, the humanoid creature-- no clothing. It is thin. The limbs are a little stretched, but there are tiny fins at the edge of the arms. Along the sides of the head, there are gills. It has a strange glance, looking around like a sentry, almost. It's not undead. It appears to be more of a fish person.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan uses lightning bolt and inspires Grog. Vax flies down, practically slamming into the whirlwind, stabbing it, and landing next to Trinket.\nDM: You're ground into the sand right now, dug a few inches into it from the impact of your shoulder and left a groove on the beach.\nPlayer: Ow!\nDM: There's glass sticking into your shoulder and you're like \"Ugh!\"\nPlayer: Ugh! I stand up for my movement.\nDM: Half your movement.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: So you still have 15 more feet you can move.\nPlayer: Hunter's Mark that motherfucker!\nDM: Big one?\nPlayer: Yeah, the big one! And then I'm going to shoot him! Twice! With Fenthras, which is the first time I've actually shot a real arrow for this one.\nDM: Do it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina made the relatively grim journey back to the mountainside, finding it now brimming with volcanic rock and volcanic activity that previously lay dormant. Upon climbing the side of the mountain, you found remnants of the Pyrah tribe still alive and making their way up the mountain, as damaged as they are, in hopes of sealing this now progressively swelling tear between the prime Material Plane and the Elemental Plane of Fire.\nDM: Practically. As far as the Cindergrove's concerned, they're pretty sad-looking. A lot of them have been destroyed and torn and pushed down around.\nPlayer: All right. I'm going to try to use one as protection. I'm going to hop behind the one over this way.\nDM: This way, here?\nPlayer: And I'm going to Hunter's Mark the efreeti.\nDM: All righty. Mark the efreeti.\nPlayer: And then I'm going to use my Longbow of the Sky Sentinel. And I'm going to shoot him three times!\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: That first one probably does not succeed. It is a 16.\nDM: That does not hit, nope.\nPlayer: What about 23?\nDM: That does hit.\nPlayer: All right. How about... mega miss. So one of those hits, because I'm a loser.\nDM: Streaking past, and the third one hits as he's holding the flame balls in his hands. Seeing the small impact, he just glares at you though the impact.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then encountered a very elderly goliath that Grog hadn't seen in quite some time named Shale, who spoke of the scouting crew that had been obliterated by the dragon. They followed Shale as she led them up the mountain, to where the dragon's current lair resides.\nDM: Especially while drinking. You find your way back to your forge, which is still functional. It was not one of the buildings that fell on the initial attack. You heat it up late into the evening. It doesn't require a lot because it's smaller work. Go ahead and make a blacksmithing check with your proficiency bonus. Plus, with this, it would be dexterity. Because it's very, very minute work.\nPlayer: Could I have inspired him?\nDM: You could. Yes! You can very much do that.\nPlayer: I will give him a limerick to inspire him with.\nDM: Drunken Scanlan limerick, here we go!\nPlayer: Have you heard the legend of Shale? One eye, elderly, frail? To a black dragon, she told, \"You may be ancient, but I'm old!\" And somehow lived to tell the tale. (cheering)\nDM: Go and take your d10 inspiration dice, if you want to add that to the roll.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Then continuing to follow where this route led you, upward, hopefully towards the underbelly of the city of Thar Amphala. You uncovered a mostly cleaned out vault and did battle with some undead trolls that immediately rushed in and attacked you.\nDM: Okay, so turning around, upper left corner. Okay. That one is the Dwarven rune that represents the number three.\nPlayer: Three. All right. Now, to the upper right-hand corner.\nDM: That is the number one.\nPlayer: Okay. I put her on the ground and I say, okay, look at the lower right-hand corner.\nDM: So lower right-hand corner would be a two.\nPlayer: And now the lower left-hand corner.\nDM: A four.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While Beau throws wild haymakers, missing with her first hit, Dairon retaliates with only very light, disciplined taps. Beau's next few hits land hard.\nDM: You head inside. It looks as chaotic as you left it. You see what looks to be a small bowl of heated porridge that's gathered on the counter, and cross-legged on top is the fantastic gnomish purveyor of the interior, Oglen. \"Hello?\"\nPlayer: Good day to you, sir!\nDM: \"Good day to you as well.\"\nPlayer: I give Nott a little shove over towards the shelves and walk up to him, right up to the counter. What are you eating there? That looks good.\nDM: \"Breakfast.\"\nPlayer: All right, yeah. That's what that is. You know, I wanted to thank you for the book. I don't know if you read it yourself, but I read it cover to cover quickly. It was fascinating and very useful. [aside, quietly] I hope you're doing stuff over there.\nDM: \"All sales are final!\"\nPlayer: Well, here's the thing. I have read this book and loved it, and if you would like to purchase it for the low, low price of one gold, you can sell it again. You sold it to me for three. You have it back for one. You can turn a profit.\nDM: Make a persuasion check.\nPlayer: Natural 20.\nDM: You watch as some of the porridge is spilling out the side of his mouth, and he rubs it off. \"All right.\" And he pulls a gold coin out of his pouch.\nPlayer: That is a good decision, and it was a good book. I am grateful for the knowledge you have imparted upon me.\nDM: \"Might I have the book?\"\nPlayer: Oh, of course! It's right here on the table. Sorry, grandfather.\nDM: \"All sales are final.\"\nPlayer: Right. You will not sell that back to me, for sure.\nDM: \"Do you want it? I can sell it to you for three gold.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb grapples it with Earthen Grasp. It manages to clean the tar off the lens, and breaks Caleb's concentration on the grapple by pinning him against the wall with a blade through the chest.\nDM: For those questioning, even though it is blinded, it lowers its attack, because some people are like, \"Attacking things with blindness have advantage!\". Because it is nothing but a spinning, whirring of blades, and technically it has multiple forms of sight, it is not granting advantage on the attacks against it.\nPlayer: I\u2019m going to try and hop up that hill really quickly.\nDM: All righty. You try and move this way?\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: All right, you\u2019re hopping up this edge.\nPlayer: As high as I can get to get out of its range.\nDM: Okay, so that will be probably over here, best you can for this.\nPlayer: Yeah. Right over there is good.\nDM: You manage to scoot yourself up to that side and climb away. It does swing out towards you. It does have disadvantage on the attack because of the blindness. That will bring it to a 13 to hit.\nPlayer: That does not hit.\nDM: You manage to duck out of the way.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott tries to soothe the creature by singing like Toya did earlier to the devil-toad, with comically bad results. Beauregard is slow to react, still momentarily convinced that the zombie attack is a part of the act, but finally attacks the creature with a flurry of blows that knocks the zombie around.\nDM: Ten, oh, shit. That's right, you're with Nott, that's what happened. So Molly, you go ahead and go for your turn as well. My apologies.\nPlayer: I'm going to yell to the back, open the tent wide! And I'm going to pull-- how far away am I?\nDM: You're right there. You're in the middle of the crowd as it's swarming around you and Yasha.\nPlayer: (sighs) I'm going to run around and see if I can flank that creature, if I can move towards flanking that creature with the other two.\nDM: You can't really flank it, but you can get next to it.\nPlayer: All right. Can I get close enough to take a shot?\nDM: You can, yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They also found that a number of gold coins, a bit of his horde that had been buried, were now exposed by these strange smooth tunnels that were carved into the rock. Upon Vex , Scanlan, and Trinket inquiring there, the rest of the party scattered: Pike and Keyleth went to find what seemed to be the owner of the house, now frozen in fright in a far alcove; and the rest of the group traveling towards the mouth of the cavern itself.\nDM: 18 total? 18 just hits. So, go ahead and roll damage for the javelin. As you rear back, aim it with your eyes, and the frustration is palpable from Craven Edge as you put it aside to throw the javelin instead as it arcs into a bolt of energy that streaks forth, slams into the hide of the giant purple worm. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: 19.\nDM: 19. All righty. Great. It rears in place, shakes itself for a second. It has no eyes, so it's not looking in any different direction, it just seems to be flailing in its current location.\nPlayer: Can I go into a rage?\nDM: Yes you may.\nPlayer: I would like to rage.\nDM: All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: A barkeep comes by, a human gentleman you recognize from before as Once-Lucky Ned, who had originally given you some information. Comes by, puts the drinks down. \"I thought it was you!\"\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: \"Heh, heh. Phillip! Phillip! It's good to see you.\"\nPlayer: No, no, it was-- it was Philip before, and now it's Grog.\nDM: \"Oh, he beat the name out of you. That's harsh.\"\nPlayer: No, no, no. That was the first time, and then I came back and won my vengeance. Right?\nDM: \"Right, right.\"\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: \"You want to be known as... I see (clicks tongue). I got you.\"\nPlayer: Grog, Grog.\nDM: \"Grog the Phillip is in town! Should anyone wish to take the title of the Crucible, this would be the one to talk to. Heh-heh.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Judging by the weather, they have arrived somewhere in Exandria. As Vox Machina comes within range of the base of the tower, they are addressed by an omnipresent, directionless voice.\nDM: We had this discussion before, because in the ability, it has Slimy Doom, which whenever it takes damage, it becomes stunned, which is the most broken--\nPlayer: I almost did that.\nDM: I know, but I think the DND ruling, technically, they have to fail three saves before it affects them.\nPlayer: But it's a 5th-level fucking spell. That's a lot!\nDM: I know.\nPlayer: That's lame. Three rounds for a 5th-level spell?\nDM: Look. I'll say this. I'll let Mind Fire work on her for now.\nPlayer: Oh, he doesn't look happy. I feel like I just pissed off the DM.\nDM: No, you didn't piss off the DM. This spell has a lot of contention in the community, but the official DND ruling was it doesn't affect until they fail all three rolls, but as it's written, it doesn't say that. It says they're afflicted on being hit, so I'm letting it go through because you didn't choose the cheesy-ass stun-lock broken spell.\nPlayer: It does say that after succeeding on three of these, the creature recovers from the disease, so they were already affected.\nDM: Which is what I'm saying. This is between what's written in the spell and the arguments that people have made with DND on Twitter, and they clarified that's not how it works. It's a mis-type. It wasn't clear. I'm letting it work. Be happy with the book.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, while everyone else is taking breakfast, Pike checks the front door and finds about 20 skeletons waiting outside. She and Grog charge out to handle them.\nDM: Prismatic Spray I'm pretty sure is a 60-foot cone. So it is this big old fun guy. What are you doing?\nPlayer: Will it hit the protective thing, as well as the people on the ceiling?\nDM: You can try and spray them, as it is a cone. You can aim it up probably to catch the edge of it.\nPlayer: I'm mainly aiming at the two dudes above.\nDM: All right, so you can hit those guys and the blackguard, if you want to. All righty, so roll a d8.\nPlayer: A d8? Just 1d8?\nDM: For that guy there.\nPlayer: Oh, that's right, to pick the color. Four.\nDM: All righty, that's green, so poison for him. For the sphere?\nPlayer: Seven.\nDM: Seven for the sphere. That is violet. No effect. Okay, that guy there?\nPlayer: Two.\nDM: Two. Orange. Acid. And the guard.\nPlayer: Five.\nDM: Five. Cold. All right, so roll 10d6. Failure for him. Failure for the blackguard, who rolled a four. All three of them fail.\nPlayer: Okay. (counting) 39.\nDM: 39. All righty... This war priest over here, the one on the far end, as you strike. That was with the acid ray. The green ray strikes him and he goes (death rattle) and slowly dissolves into a pile of purplish-red mush that begins to smear across the roof. The other two are impacted by it, and they're reeling from the pain. They're starting to show some real wear and tear now. That's going to end yours?\nPlayer: Yeah, pretty much. Oh, and I'll fly closer to the sphere. I said that already.\nDM: Yeah. Vax.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan throws out a fireball, hitting two of the lackeys. The mage uses Misty Step and Scanlan tries to counterspell his attack, inspiring himself with fusaka.\nDM: Yes. And has pulled out a pistol. So the gunner here, using a pistol, is going to take three shots at you, Vax.\nPlayer: With disadvantage.\nDM: With disadvantage on them, correct. Well, two shots. One, and then a reload, and then one. So the first shot with disadvantage, that's a 27 and 24.\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: All right, so the disadvantage has faded.\nPlayer: Loses it for the rest of the round.\nDM: But still. You take from the first hit 12 points of piercing damage, and the second strike without disadvantage is terrible. That is a 13.\nPlayer: I'm fine.\nDM: Rolled a three, but it did not roll enough to misfire. So reload, last shot fire misses. It's going to run this way.\nPlayer: Oh, can I uncanny dodge? Or is it too late?\nDM: Yeah, you can do that. So half damage. All righty, the other one who's in front of you, Grog, and is scared out of his mind is going to attempt to step back.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: Going to ask. Sherri kinda greets you as you enter and goes, \"Hello, Scanlan. Gilmore is back in Westruun, weeks away from opening his new establishment, but can I help you?\"\nPlayer: Two things. One, when he returns, he made me a potion, a while back. I'm running a bit low. It was a scrying sort of thing. When he gets back, maybe he can whip me up another batch for next time I come pay a visit, but also-- oh, yes?\nDM: She puts up her hand for a second and walks off through the beaded curtains in the back, and comes back with Gilmore.\nPlayer: Oh!\nDM: Gilmore steps forth. \"Terribly sorry, Scanlan, trying to keep business right now kind of on the DL. There's a special event tonight.\" And you see how dressed up he is. \"I imagine, being part of the council, you're probably invited too.\"\nPlayer: Yes, I was just going there now.\nDM: \"Oh, well, I'll accompany you!\"\nPlayer: All right, we'll save business for another day.\nDM: \"Well, what business did you have?\"\nPlayer: I just wondered-- I may want to try to find someone at some point tonight. I don't know how.\nDM: \"Hmm, scrying. We've had this conversation before.\"\nPlayer: Yes, but a different sort, a less fecal sort.\nDM: \"Not going to lie, I'm very glad to hear that.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth heads down to the archers she attacked before, but this time, they are more prepared and resist the Whirlwind. She continues to encompass their space, hoping to disrupt their shots.\nDM: What're you doing? Ashley, what're you doing? So your Sprinter's Boots activate, which gives you double movement. Right? So you can move 50 feet. But you moved up, it took you 25 to stand up because it's half your speed to get up from prone, so you still have 25 feet you can move.\nPlayer: Okay, so I'm going to go around to the side.\nDM: This side? All right, so you move. Here? Right?\nPlayer: Yeah, as far as it'll--\nDM: Okay, so you rush over there. That one guy takes a swing at you as you rush by, gah!, or girl I should say, the female half-elf swings with the giant blade. That's going to be a 23?\nPlayer: Fuck. Yeah.\nDM: Okay. As the blade smacks you from behind as you rush past, you suffer 14 points of slashing damage. In your back. But you keep running around the edge. All right, what are you doing?\nPlayer: All right, I'm going to heal myself.\nDM: All righty.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Just then, a buzzing small dark shape appears and stops for a second. It is a jet black hummingbird with something long and metallic in its beak.\nDM: You hear as Ruzza looks over to Protto and goes, \"Are they coming or not? I'm getting impatient.\" Protto goes, \"Yeah, maybe we should poke one of them.\" He pulls out a blade and jams it into the cage to the left. You hear a voice against the gag. A muffled yell.\nPlayer: I am going to move into the room and sit down on the floor between the cage and the door, pressed against the wall.\nDM: Right here?\nPlayer: Ja and just wait.\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: 19.\nDM: You move up against the side. What faint bit of light is coming from the almost entirely extinguished torch on the wall. You see a bit of shifting movement and you hear the movement of chains inside the cage where the blade had just been stabbed inside. You see a large, shifting gray-white shape in the shadow. You hear a muffled voice cursing against the constraints of the binding. Out of the corner of your eye, a hand slips out of a chain, carrying the same metal object that the small bird was carrying in its beak. [cheering]\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After having some time to catch up with her, exchange information about your travels, youd had discovered that there have been some issues with one client of hers within the town, and managed to gather a little bit of information, but began to seek more about this Algar, this figure who had grown jealous of other clientele, and seemed to be becoming a point of concern for Marion, and you took it upon yourselves to look into this individual, and possibly find a way to resolve this while you're in town. You also began to run into some other curious mysteries, you went to the lighthouse, and spoke with the lighthouse keeper there for a bit, you had found a strange tower in the open quay, and then eventually discovered along the wharf, a tavern of familiar name, based on some of the previous things you were looking out for, the Wayfarer's Cove.\nDM: \"(sighs)\" He raises one of his fingers up towards the bar and the bartender glances up. \"Oh another round, okay.\" He turns around and begins preparing what looks to be another drink. Lowers his hand and claw which scrapes across the wood and leaves this little curl of-- little shaving that is put to the side as his hand comes to rest, looking back at you with his one eye. \"How about this then? Let's trade a story, huh?\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"Y-you tell me where you're from and why it brought you in to my table, then m-maybe I'll tell you how I lost this, yeah?\"\nPlayer: Okay. Well I'm from up the street kind of. I'm the daughter of the Ruby of the Sea. Do you work for any government officials?\nDM: \" No.\"\nPlayer: I'm the daughter of the Ruby of the Sea. And you know these are my friends and we've gotten into a lot of hijinks and um... what all did you want to know?\nDM: Drink gets brought down to the table. \"Don't worry, she's going to take care of it.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Since this is a recruiting tool, Wastiker approaches them about joining the Righteous Brand for a gold a day pay, but is turned down. you is approached by Darrow, the leader of the mercenary band called the Stubborn Stock out of the Menagerie Coast.\nDM: \"Well, not yet. Not yet. Just the ones that come too close in. There've been a few excursions into the Empire itself and that's why we're hired. They're basically bringing everyone they can on hand to help keep the home fort defended.\"\nPlayer: What are you fighting, if I may ask?\nDM: \"What am I fighting? Right now?\"\nPlayer: Well, in Xhorhas. If you go out there.\nDM: \"Oh, we haven't been to Xhorhas yet.\"\nPlayer: You haven't been to Xhorhas.\nDM: \"They've kept us in the Empire so far.\"\nPlayer: They've kept you in the Empire.\nDM: \"Yeah. They keep the army on the eastern side, but we're meant to find things that the army cannot be bothered to do.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog, Vax, and Percy move to tackle the three planars in the air. Two fall, but the third manages to grab on to you's dragon form as she flies up.\nDM: And a 12. So two of them. You shoot two of the wings out of the way and they plummet down, and you manage to coast past two of them in your dragon form. One of them does manage to grab onto you and get its hands, big strong hands on the back of your head and try and steer you to the side.\nPlayer: Can I cast Frightful Presence?\nDM: We'll get to that in just a moment. It's going to attempt to-- no. It tries to pull against you, but even with its extremely strong planar strength it cannot guide you away from the path, and you push past. You are now outside of the chamber in the base of the tower, just flying upward. You can go ahead and use your Frightful Presence. All right, so that's your action.\nPlayer: All of the creatures-- no, of my choosing, so all the bad-- not bad guys, but you know, people we're fighting.\nDM: As you roar loudly and it echoes, filling the entirety of the chamber, the music of the surroundings now merging and shifting with this horrible dragon roar. None of these angelic entities seem even remotely affected by it.\nPlayer: Oh, really? They don't even have to make a wisdom saving throw?\nDM: They are immune to fear. Or being frightened, sorry.\nPlayer: That makes sense.\nDM: But do you continue flying upward? Okay! So you finish your spell, you take your shots, Keyleth, Pike, anything?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He uses a healing potion and then starts slashing with his sword at the creature, from the inside. He manages to kill it and gets back up.\nDM: Okay, so that's as far as you could get. Because on land it's considered rough terrain. Or, you can go full speed but you'll take damage for every five feet you move full speed. Glass, it sucks. All right, that ends Percy's turn, Grog you're up.\nPlayer: All right, since he killed the big one can I fly down to the one that's right next to Vax with Scanlan on my booty?\nDM: Yes you can. (caws) Right next to him.\nPlayer: Yeah. Now, if hopefully I wanted him to lift the form, would I hold my action?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Yes! I want to do that.\nDM: So holding your attacks until the form is lifted.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, K'Varn falls, but is immediately brought back to undeath by the Horn of Orcus. A ray from his eyestalk turns Kima to stone.\nDM: Okay, so you pull your arrow, your hands shaking slightly as you see this creature now focusing its attention on Grog below. You pull out the arrow, you focus your magical energy. The shaft of the arrow, you know, juts out all these different thorns and you release it below. Go ahead and roll your attack.\nPlayer: Oh. Okay, that's 29.\nDM: 29 hits.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Are you doing a secondary attack?\nPlayer: Yes, I am.\nDM: Go ahead and roll your secondary attack now, just to get it out of the way.\nPlayer: Okay. The secondary attack I wanted to shoot through my Bloodseeking Bow, though.\nDM: All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of adventurers, Vox Machina, had found themselves in the Feywild, intent on discovering another one of the Vestiges of the Divergence, one of the many artifacts that they hope will aid them in their struggle against Thordak the Cinder King and the rest of the Chroma Conclave. They've defeated two of the members, three still remain, Thordak being the seeming powerhouse head of that troupe.\nDM: He pulls up a small pan flute from his side and (whistling). There's an awkward pause, and he goes, \"Shit!\" He then tries to scoot away as far as he can, but is once again caught between the very taut sides of the rope, unable to shift. That brings us to Pike.\nPlayer: Okay! How far are we from the disgusting thing?\nDM: You guys are over here, so I'd say, from what you can gauge here, you're approximately 40 feet from it.\nPlayer: 40 feet? Great. So I'm going to get a little bit closer.\nDM: You go right up to the edge of the water, toes dipping in.\nPlayer: I'm going to use my trusty old friend Guiding Bolt. I'm going to Guiding Bolt his face.\nDM: Of course you are.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She is searching for not only her five-year-old son, but also her partner. Shadycreek Run is still two days travel away, and the Sour Nest, Lorenzo's encampment, is another two hours north into the forest from there.\nDM: As you guys gather up onto your horses, Keg takes the lead and you all begin your trek northward once more. Both memory of Mollymauk behind you on one shoulder, and the image of the face of your vengeance before you. You continue on your journey for the next hour or so before you catch a glance, Keg, at the road above. You see three shapes in the road.\nPlayer: Can I perception check it?\nDM: Perception check.\nPlayer: That's a 13.\nDM: 13? You get a little closer and you look and it looks to be three figures that are left in the road. People left in the road.\nPlayer: Dead?\nDM: Not moving.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They find a pile of linens in the corner, and inside, the real Hilda, bound, struggling and gagged amongst a pile of clothes. She tells them how the drow woman came to her home a few days ago, tied her up, and asked questions about her life.\nDM: 22. The skies here grow gray with clouds as the mountain spire-peppered landscape is broken up by far-reaching forests and river-traced glades. The air appears cold, as the winter here seems to cling to the countryside for a majority of the year, a mixture of gloom and beauty as unique as it is impressive. That's about as much as you can glean from this standpoint. It's very blurred on the outskirts. It seems similar to a harsher Whitestone landscape. This is definitely further east. Looking at placement of the sun in the sky, it's further to the west.\nPlayer: They've gone east. They're still on the northern end of the continent, if they're on the continent at all.\nDM: No, any further north from here and they'd be in the water. For the time they've traveled, they're east on Wildmount somewhere, you can gather.\nPlayer: East on Wildmount. Is there any other sign? Can I see a tree?\nDM: Unfortunately, the scrying location, the actual orb that you see from is very limited in scope. The fact that you're able to even make out the details that I told you are because you're seeing color and images and shapes in the distance. You get a vague idea of landscape, but it's all very blurred.\nPlayer: Is it giving me any sense of anywhere I've been before?\nDM: You have not really traveled length and breadth of anywhere outside of Tal'Dorei, so no. What you do see, though, is on the front of the horse, you see the same cloaked figure riding the horse. Glances back over the shoulder and you can see what appears to be a pale-skinned human woman, looks in her twenties or so, but same outfit. And looks back and checks on him. He's stirring a little bit, and she glances back and goes, \"Be patient. We're almost there.\" (hoofbeats)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He informs them that Kashaw is back and they will be having a meeting in a little bit. Assum tells them food is probably ready and leaves.\nDM: Kima takes a couple steps and says, \"Wow, I'm more tired than I expected after that fight. Then again, we did kill a dragon! And that is fantastic!\"\nPlayer: We did. Yeah. And you got a brilliant new sword.\nDM: Which she pulls out and (swish). You can see the arc of light streak across the blade as she flings it in the air with incredible strength for a halfling of her size. She's still marveled by it. \"You know what? I'm not going to sleep. I'm going to go practice!\" And she goes and runs off down one of the hallways towards one of the castle's training rooms.\nPlayer: Wait, Kima, Kima! You don't hear anything when you use that, do you? Like voices or someone talking to you or--\nDM: She holds the blade up to her ear. \"No.\"\nPlayer: No, good! Good. It's a beginner problem, but you're quite advanced. Not worried about it. Enjoy!\nDM: \"Thanks, Grog!\" Slaps you on the shoulder with an awkward glance and continues the excited steps forward into vanishing somewhere into the castle.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, K'Varn falls, but is immediately brought back to undeath by the Horn of Orcus. A ray from his eyestalk turns Kima to stone.\nDM: Scanlan, you're up. You're currently face-down on the ground. Or no, sorry, you're on, like, your hurt knee. You're not prone, you manage to catch yourself up.\nPlayer: I stand, I look at the creature. No, I don't look at the creature. I just sort of look near the creature, and I will punch it in its face with Bigby's Hand.\nDM: All righty, let's go ahead and pull this up real fast. How does the-- What's the effect on that one?\nPlayer: Hand is an object that has an AC of 20. Strength of 26. Blah blah blah.\nDM: This is the Forceful Hand?\nPlayer: It's the Clenched Fist.\nDM: Clenched Fist.\nPlayer: It's a melee attack, it's like--\nDM: All right, so go ahead and make a melee attack with your game statistics. So go ahead and roll d20.\nPlayer: d20.\nDM: Add your strength modifier and your proficiency modifier.\nPlayer: Ten.\nDM: Ten.\nPlayer: Right?\nDM: Total of ten?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After they leave, you asks about Zanror's preparations. The plan is to get to its cave so it can't fly.\nDM: \"Well, the creature sleeps at the top of Gatshadow. We've acquired an ally in this city that seems to know a secret byway to get to the side of that cavern. I figure that way we can go ahead and take the fight to it where it sleeps, when it's not ready.\"\nPlayer: Interesting.\nDM: \"Can't fly if it's stuck in a cave.\"\nPlayer: Very true. Have you seen this cave?\nDM: \"Only from afar, but we have some scouts that are making their way there right now.\"\nPlayer: Might report back with how-- the size of the cave.\nDM: \"Should know soon.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus, Caleb, Jamedi, and Nott ran towards the stairs to the outside. you and Jester waited by the well for Fjord.\nDM: That you know of. There are holes above, which is where the sacrificial blood would drip through into the fountain. So, what are you doing, guys? Are you running first?\nPlayer: Uh huh.\nDM: You're swimming?\nPlayer: I'm swimming up.\nDM: (counting)\nPlayer: I'm going to spend a ki point to do Step of the Wind.\nDM: Beau is also--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax dashes past Greenbeard towards Kevdak, one of the herd members outside the arena attempting to swipe at the rogue but only catching feathers from the Deathwalker's Ward, and attacks the paralyzed Thunderlord with both daggers in hand. The blades strike true, Vax sinking the weapons up to the hilt into the flesh of the goliath, and the rogue flees the arena, but not before he leaves some parting words for Kevdak.\nDM: Right now, you're not a huge threat to them at the moment and they're both going to focus actually on you, Scanlan. When it gets around to their turn, though. This guy's going to go ahead and pull both of these innocent folk in front of them as a shield. This guy's going to get freaked out, rush around the building and try to escape there. Okay. So! Bringing us into the combat portion of the round, Grog, you have two more attacking you. This is the bladestorms.\nPlayer: Bladestorms?\nDM: With advantage, that's going to be a 14.\nPlayer: That'll miss. I haven't said that much tonight.\nDM: 18?\nPlayer: That misses.\nDM: So first one, both attacks swinging across you, you're feeling it on your back, but it's catching most of your armor and part of your flesh that is nice and calloused and does not really do any damage. The second one rolls a 20. Second one, and second attack on the second one is a 21.\nPlayer: That hits, yeah.\nDM: Yeah. Okay. So you get a critical and hit on this one. So this is the bladestorm. Critical is going to be 16, eight points of slashing damage on that one. And the next one's going to be four points of slashing damage. This is already halved. Just so you know. So that's that round there. Against Pike, only one of them could get to you and still attack this round, so Pike, that's 19?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog brings down the hammer onto the knee of his unbroken leg, severing the lower half of it entirely. you fires a Lightning Arrow into the group of guards escaping.\nDM: Okay. The guy that Trinket swiped just screams (pained scream) as you can see the electricity charging through him, and the wet rain that hit him has caused it to even give more--\nPlayer: I thought Trinket swiped the Hunter's Marked guy, though.\nDM: Did he?\nPlayer: He did.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: I remember you saying that.\nDM: Then I'll give you that. So the guy who is Hunter's Marked ends up destroyed, the electricity bouncing through his armor. He goes, (moan) and falls to the ground and crumples over. The other two guys get jolted and almost knocked off their feet. They're both looking really, really rough, and they both look at each other (panting) and just keep running with what little strength they have left. You still have a second attack, don't you?\nPlayer: I do.\nDM: Go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He, Grog, you, and Scanlan go through it to Kraghammer. They emerge inside the Thunderbrand estate and are met by a grumpy Lord Thunderbrand, who had stayed up all night waiting for them.\nDM: It's not going to matter. You keep talking, and as you're explaining this, he's not even paying attention to you. The dwarf is staring at the amulet, looking at the back of it where the inscription is. And you swear for a minute, you see what looks like a tear, gathering in the corner of the eye of the dwarf, who then reaches up and wipes it from the corner and takes the amulet and puts it in the pocket and says, \"My apologies. Thank you for returning this. You were talking about the carpet, right?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"You want it to be enchanted?\"\nPlayer: Well, we've heard very wonderful things about your abilities and not many people can do such a feat.\nDM: \"We have done a carpet before. Only one. It's very possible.\"\nPlayer: Did it look anything like this one?\nDM: \"Not this pattern, no, that one was more of a blue. I mean this can be enchanted, but the materials and the time put into it-- It's a very pricey endeavor. A carpet of this size, especially.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They have been watching him, trying to figure him out. Herd members are out getting ready for battle as Vox Machina walks through.\nDM: He says, \"We have company.\" They both sit back as he goes upright as you approach. \"Glad to see you had the sense to take my summons. So. Now's the day where we prepare.\"\nPlayer: Aye, wouldn't miss it for the world.\nDM: (sighs) \"First and foremost, Grog, take that shit off. It's really freaking out most of our people.\"\nPlayer: It is pretty sweet, though, isn't it?\nDM: \"It's confusing, to say the least, aye?\"\nPlayer: We all have our preparations to make before battle. Don't worry about mine.\nDM: \"To each their own, I suppose. Heh. You've fallen in some strange paths since we last met.\"\nPlayer: You have no idea.\nDM: \"Rest of you, can we expect your attendance in this glorious fight?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: Okay, so as a Prismatic Spray, in this direction-- out this way, it'll just crest past the front of the kraken and the tentacles-- let's see here. Prismatic Spray, that's a dexterity saving throw on that.\nPlayer: I'm sure it makes it.\nDM: That is a 23.\nPlayer: Yeah, of course it makes it.\nDM: All right, so roll for your first beam, which is against the kraken itself.\nPlayer: Do I roll a d8? Or wait, to choose what kind of beam?\nDM: Are you focusing on the kraken or one of its tentacles?\nPlayer: I mean, no tentacles are holding anything right now, right?\nDM: Currently, no.\nPlayer: All right, so--\nDM: So it'd be just the kraken.\nPlayer: Just the kraken.\nDM: All right, so roll a d8 to see which beam hits it.\nPlayer: Five?\nDM: Five, that is 10d6 cold damage.\nPlayer: Oh, cold! That's good.\nDM: So go ahead and roll that.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth tries to decide how to help and eventually casts Sunbeam at Yenk and Vorugal. She then goes into Air Elemental form and flies by Vorugal.\nDM: 46 points of bludgeoning damage, reduced to 23, plus ten points of ice damage as the hooves slam into you, leaving these frozen cracks where the blood should be emanating from. It seals the wound, almost.\nPlayer: 14, so I reduce that by 14.\nDM: Correct, reduce that by 14, and then make your retaliatory strike.\nPlayer: Great weapon master, reckless.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: 26?\nDM: That hits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Barely able to see Ghurrix, she fires two arrows at him. The first arrow misses completely but the second hits.\nDM: Trinket's full movement, he can get there and start trying to climb. Go ahead and roll an athletics check for Trinket.\nPlayer: He rolled really low. What is that, just strength?\nDM: Yeah, for him.\nPlayer: So he rolled five.\nDM: Trinket is leaving these giant claw marks on the outside of the building. Not quite getting there. Starting to break the side of the stand that's next to him.\nPlayer: Wow, I've got to get some more 20s out here.\nDM: Actually, at this point, too, a number of the individuals on the street that are watching, as you're starting to move around, people are starting to back away and leave the space. These two guys disappear and start heading out of the street to get away from everything. These guys all begin to move this direction to get away from it all, pulling their various chained servants with them.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, \u201c\n Kerplash! \u201d\n \u2013\n you 14 !h \n Percy takes two shots at the little oozes.\nDM: Okay. So I'll go ahead and say it's thunder damage. All right, so they're pushed how long? Ten feet?\nPlayer: Ten feet. Directly away from me.\nDM: Yeah. So they're pushed right there. Got it.\nPlayer: I was hoping they would go into the lava.\nDM: Unfortunately, it's not far enough. Is that your turn?\nPlayer: Yep!\nDM: All right. Pike!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott responds that she is only going for grumpy people today! Caleb asks if that was Nott's idea, and she says it was from a wise weirdo.\nDM: Okay. He's moved onto-- it looks like he's cycling through different pieces of news, and as you approach, he's shouting, \"Families missing in Nogvurot! Crick kidnappers steal them away in the night! Lock and seal your windows and doors while you slumber! The attack on Alfield has ended! Terrible--\" and you approach him at that point.\nPlayer: Excuse me, town crier man?\nDM: \"Yeah?\"\nPlayer: Where does your news come from?\nDM: \"From my boss.\"\nPlayer: Where is your boss located?\nDM: \"It's the King's Hall.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The two guards spot him and throw their mugs at him, wounding him slightly before Caleb bamfs him out. Nott stealths in further to see if she can get the trapdoor open so Frumpkin can scout the basement but is unsuccessful at opening the intervening door, and while exploring knocks over a pile of pots, alerting the guards to her presence.\nDM: Hearing this noise, you are on the wall at this point keeping an eye. You guys would probably be at angles here if you maintained patrol and tried to case both sides.\nPlayer: I want to look at the window. Do I see that figure I just saw? Does it seem like the pots and pans got that figure's attention and they're hastily moving?\nDM: You saw them move casually past one window and then move quicker past the other.\nPlayer: Okay, where am I?\nDM: You're over here, on the wall.\nPlayer: I'm over there.\nDM: You guys have been on the wall this whole time, so you're right over here. Essentially about that high.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tary throws acid onto the devil, but he manages to resist it entirely. Tary just stabs Utugash with his lance and calls for Doty to come back him up.\nDM: Well because he hurt himself going through the metal outside. So Doty comes rushing in and goes (impact sound) and just collapses on the ground next to you, superheated. (sizzling noise)\nPlayer: Oh no! Is he going to melt?\nDM: You don't think so.\nPlayer: He's in the fire, right?\nDM: He's in the fire, yeah.\nPlayer: Oh god. Is he making some sort of window that someone else could walk over?\nDM: No, the flames curl around, sorry. All right, so that ends Taryon's turn.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After slamming his feet into the sand and preparing himself for conflict, he beckons you towards him. you faces off with Earthbreaker Groon.\nDM: 18 points of damage, gotcha. That's your first strike (hitting sound). You feel the weapon behind you make contact with a form, and (cracking noise), you see a little bit of sand out of your peripheral this side go (scattering sound) as his form gets pushed about a foot, kind of setting some of it off.\nPlayer: So it goes (low hitting sound). I close my eyes again. I swing around the other way, and I try to connect.\nDM: Okay, roll again with disadvantage.\nPlayer: That's not bad. 14 and 20, uh... 29.\nDM: That hits, yes.\nPlayer: Yes, okay. Damn, same thing, so 18 points of damage.\nDM: 18 points of damage. All righty. As he takes both impacts, kind of parrying them with his forearms with each impact. They're still hitting him, and he's still taking the brunt of the attack and the pain, but with each hit you can feel the force of his forearm is almost stopping still the hammer blow as you're throwing it behind you, and you can see him gritting teeth with each impact, but he's just staring right at you again as you kind of spin around, open your eye again to see what you did. He kind of gives you a bit of a narrowed glare--\nPlayer: Stink eye?\nDM: Little bit of a stink eye.\nPlayer: Fuck.\nDM: But like an intentional kind of connecting point and just says--\nPlayer: Pink eye?\nDM: No, that's a whole different-- that's a different monk path. (all laugh)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then head off to look for Jarett. The party heads back to the castle and finds the Marquetian mercenary doing his job, crossbow at the ready.\nDM: It doesn't take you long. He is still stationed as one of the central figures guarding the actual castle of Whitestone itself. Similar to the place you saw him last time you guys had a conversation walking up to the castle. He stands there with his crossbow at the ready, giving a long view over the surrounding valley before he watches you approach. \"Friends, you have returned. I hope all is well on your end. Can I be of service?\"\nPlayer: You can tell us all about where you're from, actually. Did you leave Marquet a long time ago?\nDM: \"It was maybe ten, nine years ago, and it was not under the best terms. Probably would be in jail had I not got away.\"\nPlayer: Oh, really?\nDM: \"They are not very forgiving of broken laws there, and based on certain judgments... let's just say a slap on the wrist usually takes the wrist with it.\"\nPlayer: What did you do?\nDM: (sighs) \"Whatever was needed for survival.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan disguises himself as Viskorad, one of the cultists they killed, and goes ahead of the group with Simon 3. While the others stealth along behind him, he approaches the figures in the archways ahead.\nDM: The shambling skeletons to the left of you, you can hear the scraping and clacking sound as their bones rattle and shift across the stone floor, pieces of rock being pushed as their feet drag across the stone dwarven walkways. The two torch-bearing, cloaked figures you can see approaching, and they're talking amongst themselves. One of them is currently holding some sort of a holy symbol in their hand, and they're starting to glow a bit. They're glaring forward. The armored figure with the arms crossed puts a hand out like this. They both look over and stop and hold in place. The armored figure steps forward. You can hear the armored footfalls across the stone. The rot behemoth, which you now see emerging behind. Rot behemoth, the entities you saw patrolling Thar Amphala and two of them stormed into Sprigg's house, begins to follow behind him.\nPlayer: So far it's going great, guys.\nDM: Every minute or two, you have the vibrating footfall of the titan, and a few of the rocks fall and tumble from the ceiling, and a bit of dust begins to get knocked free from the high-up ceiling of the cavern. The armored figure approaches, gets within about 15 feet of you and stops. You see no face. This is Magneto-style; there's space for the eyes and the mouth, but it's too shadowed for you to make any features out. It's this dark void. You can see the hooked, spiked shoulders and the horns built to come out of the sides of the helmet. Arms still crossed before. \"What did you say?\"\nPlayer: We were tunneling with the orb, and we found something. An ancient, dwarven artifact. It bends reality. It changed things. It changed my voice! It changed my whole world for a moment. It's still down there. Odell needs help!\nDM: There's a pregnant pause, a stillness that causes the back of your neck to grow warm. The nerves begin to creep up the back of your spine. Instinctually, your eyes begin to glance at the two other archways as you see shapes shifting. The armored figure gives a subtle chuckle, \"Very well. Lead us to this find.\"\nPlayer: I have been injured. Take the orb, go down to where we were, down that way. I will go get help for myself. Odell needs you to help him contain the power.\nDM: The head retracts slightly, confused and a bit worried. He takes one step onto the back foot, almost like it's not sure if it should be close to you or not. It raises its hand back towards the two other torch-bearing, cloaked figures and goes, \"Vislal, take the orb.\" One of the hooded figures steps forward and takes a moment and concentrates. The orb jolts towards him immediately and he yelps. He's going to try again. Okay. With a second try, you can see the sweat on his brow as he begins to step backward, like, \"I'm not really good with this.\" Are you relinquishing your control over it?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: So then he focuses for a moment, and the orb-- you can feel the slight bit of will that you had imposed over it has pulled back. The orb begins to push forward slowly in his direction of choice. You can see a smile come across his hairless, older face. He nudges the other figure, which you can see is a female half-orc who looks heavily scarred across the chin and the side of the neck, and they're both missing the corresponding eye. They both begin to move forward and slowly push the orb past you. The vibration you hear getting louder in your guys' direction as the armored figure begins to follow suit behind. The rot behemoth begins to follow, and the armored knight goes, \"Keep watch.\" The skeletons begin to move backward with the rot behemoth. Now you have the heavy footfalls of the large, looming rot behemoth in the center walkway and a handful of skeletons for that approach, blockading that, as the knight, with the two other hooded figures, begin to make their way towards the entrance where you guys rose up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They find five sea spawn guarding the tower, which appears to be a temple, and Caleb, Caduceus, and Fjord all surprise attack the first one simultaneously, killing it. The sea spawn are fairly easy to kill, even though the party has terrible attack rolls and takes some damage, and eventually Nott crossbows two of them, you takes out another, and Caleb and Jester finish off the last.\nDM: 12 points of damage. Its jaw snaps out of place. It looks like it's trying to bite towards you, but its jaw is limply unable to close.\nPlayer: It's still going?\nDM: It's still going.\nPlayer: Flurry of Blows.\nDM: Ki point. Two more hits.\nPlayer: Ki point. Two more hits. First one hits, barely, but hits with a 13.\nDM: All right, roll your--\nPlayer: Mm-hmm! 11 damage.\nDM: 11 damage? You crack again. The jaw actually tears off, and blood's filling. Its eyes are going wide. It's barely holding on.\nPlayer: No, sorry, six plus four. Ten.\nDM: Okay, so ten damage, gotcha. All right, that's all right. And your final attack?\nPlayer: I was looking at my wrong thing. Hits, and one more time. Please, die. Six.\nDM: Okay. With the last hit as its jaw snapped apart, you grab its head and ram it into your knee, and as you pull the leg back, the face is collapsed inward and it goes limp.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They catch the attention of some Carvers and pretend to be sightseeing. The guards become scared of Trinket so you sends him mopishly back to the tavern.\nDM: \"Oh, they have friends everywhere, but I personally don't like them. They run business pretty dark. They work most of their employees to the ground. To the bone.\"\nPlayer: Oh no!\nDM: \"I don't think that's how you run a business. Well, that's how you run a business for profit, but not for--\"\nPlayer: Wow. It sounds like they would run the mithral mine which we've heard is so hard on its employees.\nDM: \"Aye, that's the one.\"\nPlayer: Oh, really?\nDM: \"Yeah. I don't know, I don't go that far south, doesn't interest me.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He then casts Sanctuary on Keyleth. Percy heads back to the group and fires at the bone devil, pushing it back and away from the prone druid.\nDM: Echoing through the hall. Everyone who is ever searching for anything knows exactly where to go now.\nPlayer: Yeah, fuck it. It's worth it, though. 13 points of damage and five psychic.\nDM: Okay. Still standing, but looking rough.\nPlayer: And another shot, same thing, with advantage. That's fine. 24?\nDM: 24. Yep.\nPlayer: Thank god they're easy to hit. That's 16 points of damage and four psychic.\nDM: The third spine devil's upper torso is disintegrated by the blast. Its wings flick off to its sides, spattering part of the bone devil.\nPlayer: I'm going to spend my last Grit. Last Grit is a shot to the spine devil.\nDM: That was already three attacks. That was three more attacks.\nPlayer: That was one, two--\nDM: Yeah, you killed the second one, and then shot twice to kill a third one. So you're out of attacks.\nPlayer: I'm done. Reload, and that's the end of my turn.\nDM: All righty. At this point, you guys can hear distant yelling getting louder and louder down the hallway where you came from. You hear the voices echoing and swarming, and people are starting to get closer, knowing where you are. Tova, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The others try to persuade Nott to join them in swimming down, and you casts Suggestion on her to convince her to try it. Nott, Beau, and Fjord join Yasha and Jester inside, Nott forgetting she's holding the weasel, who lives but isn't happy about it, joined shortly by you, Caduceus, and Nugget.\nDM: You suffer-- oh wow. That is 12 points of bludgeoning damage. You get slammed in the lower back, the hip area, and almost spin from the blow of it, but continue to stumble forward over to the position you wanted to be.\nPlayer: So, I stumble forward, and I'm reaching into my pockets, and I pull out the iron powder, and I throw it into the air again, and I go (whoof) with my hands, and Beauregard enlarges within the grasp of this... thing.\nDM: All right. Still restrained.\nPlayer: Yeah, but with advantage on strength checks now.\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: And I will go as far into that corner, hiding between Fjord and the corner, if I'm able to.\nDM: All right. So, that is about as far as you can get right there because Fjord is currently in the far corner. And I'm marking you with concentration just so I can keep tabs on that. All right, so that ends Caleb's go. Nott, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On Vax's request, Gilmore procures a favor for him with the Lyceum. Vax also purchases three enchanted daggers, presumably as a gift for Kynan Leore.\nDM: \"Oh! You're friends with that one? She was real nice. That bear was adorable. Happy to help with that one.\"\nPlayer: His name is Trinket.\nDM: \"Oh, is that what it was?\"\nPlayer: I'm surprised she didn't tell you. It's an adorable name.\nDM: \"Probably had. It's just been a while.\"\nPlayer: This is Lockheed.\nDM: \"Oh, you're so cute, Lockheed.\" You guys talk for a little bit and eventually make your way back.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The lights shift and the beautiful Ruby of the Sea descends the staircase and begins gently singing, entrancing the audience with her enchanting voice.\nDM: That includes the people who are standing because the tables have either been taken. Some of the tables here are set in reserve for people that are only two folks that sit there and no one else is allowed to take the table and it is enforced. They come with their own Zolezzo bodyguards.\nPlayer: Are they there? The two people?\nDM: Yeah, there is a couple that is currently situated on one of the central tables.\nPlayer: What do they look like?\nDM: The first one you see is a human woman, probably in her early twenties or so, very vibrant blonde hair that is pulled back and left into these curls that spiral down off the shoulders. Wearing a low-shoulder dress that's made of a very fine-- you can't really make out the material, but it has a sheen to it. Beautiful jewelry. Across the way, you can see a much older man. Receding hairline a bit, deep grayish turning white hair, very deep set crows feet in the sides of his face where his eyes are almost not visible. The eyelids themselves seem to be almost drooping and the wrinkles beneath are encroaching upon what little of the eyes you can see. Probably in his seventies or so, very well dressed, with a coat and tails. Both their attire seems to be more Dwendalian than Menagerie Coast. At least in the styles that they are wearing, though they do have two Zolezzo that are hired and keeping a watch at the table.\nPlayer: Jester. You recognize those stuffy pants people?\nDM: You do not.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb asks you if she's angry he used magic to influence her. you says she didn't mind and it was helpful, but he should warn her before if he's going to do it again.\nDM: Keeping an eye out, you begin to watch as multiple ships begin to cruise out from Nicodranas. At first you begin to get nervous, but watching them, you can see it's the early morning. Right as dawn hits, a lot of these fisherman ships start going out and finding sections where lots of schools tend to come to feed. Beyond that, you don't see any encroaching danger.\nPlayer: Are there any distinct flags or colors hanging from our rigging?\nDM: You have sails. There is a flag that sits at the top of the main mast, but it is currently tied up.\nPlayer: Okay. Can I skitter up there and see what it is if it were to unfurl?\nDM: It's big, so you'd have to unfurl to see it.\nPlayer: Can I pull it down? Is there a thing?\nDM: Yeah, you can bring it down. You bring the flag down and open it up, and it's a light gray flag that looks almost like a curled wave. It looks like a wave of water that curls away. That's the best you can ascertain as to what the design means.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Edit(( 20:16 - 33:14 not completed))\n Yennen gathers the townsfolk in the center of Whitestone around the Sun Tree. A full celebration breaks out as the citizens of Whitestone are finally, for the first time in a long time, allowed to be truly happy.\nDM: The men look about themselves and Yennen, \"Not entirely certain. However, she has been known to carry a quiver or two, and this one here wields a blade as long as his body.\"\nPlayer: The Briarwoods are broken and gone. You can die today, or you can take your licks and help rebuild this city. No one is here to protect you or save you. You can work hard, start again.\nDM: Make a persuasion check. With advantage, based on their current circumstance.\nPlayer: Intimidation, you said, or persuasion?\nDM: Whichever you'd prefer.\nPlayer: It's average, it's 13.\nDM: 13? Okay. You can see the goliath, Vedmeyer, lowers his head. \"I accept. Jazna?\" She looks over. \"It seems you lack what has kept me alive all these years: a spine. Kill me. I'd rather not stay at your beck and call.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She comes back to consciousness. Vex releases Trinket from the necklace.\nDM: Yeah. You have these three little spine devils that are like flying imps covered in spines that are relatively small, and you have one big bone devil-- that was the one that just almost killed Keyleth.\nPlayer: I'll throw acid at one, I guess.\nDM: At which one?\nPlayer: The one who looks the meanest.\nDM: That's the bone devil. All right. Dex save. That is a 14. What's your DC?\nPlayer: 17.\nDM: So yeah. Go ahead and roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On the way back to the castle, Vax checks in on Hilda through a window. He sees her sitting alone in her hovel, doing nothing suspicious.\nDM: Ha okay. You guys go ahead and make your way towards Yennen's small temple in town. It's past the evening sun, so you see Yennen's one younger boy who helps him keep the establishment. He's in the process of sweeping some of the fallen leaves and various dust that has found its way into the half-open dome place of worship. As you approach he says, \"Hi.\"\nPlayer: Can I ask you a question, Keeper?\nDM: \"Oh are you looking for Yennen?\"\nPlayer: Oh shit, yeah, sorry.\nDM: This is the younger boy.\nPlayer: Keeper-in-training, is Keeper Yennen here?\nDM: \"Let me get him.\" Puts the broom away. Leaves for a second. The door opens to the side, and you see Yennen come out, half awake. Looks like he's in his evening attire, sleeping attire.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you finds Jarett who is eating to talk about their drug deal. Jarett is concerned about him wanting to pick up a bad habit and suggests he tries to stick with getting laid, to get himself back in the game.\nDM: \"Then something else that reminds you of her. Something that you can look at in that moment when you're not so sure.\"\nPlayer: How did you get so wise, Jarett?\nDM: \"Drink a lot, listen to people talk. There are none wiser than barkeeps, my friend, and I have been friends with many a barkeep.\"\nPlayer: These are all good suggestions. But I'm a man of instinct, and my instincts said I need to supplement my body with some extra liquid courage. So if you can please continue to look for me.\nDM: \"I will continue searching and providing what you require.\"\nPlayer: I've heard that it can help people in moments of panic and stress.\nDM: \"And I've watched it ruin lives near K'Tawl Swamp!\"\nPlayer: I can handle a lot of things.\nDM: \"You are a strange gnome.\"\nPlayer: Takes one to know one?\nDM: \"Does not work in this circumstance but I applaud your attempt. It was good. I'll do what I can. But don't forget you have more than one reason to stick around.\"\nPlayer: I know. That's what worries me. I'll think about what you said. Maybe I'll go have a toss, see if that helps, too.\nDM: \"Here, tell you what. Come here.\"\nPlayer: Yes?\nDM: And he suckerpunches you in the face. You unexpectedly fall back. You feel the pulsing of the blood run to your cheek. Your eyesight goes white for a second. He goes, \"See, now you have to live to return the favor.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus tells him they may have that delivery, and Orly offers that Marius often hangs around the docks at night. Fjord wanders over to another customer in the bar and asks about the mysterious tower, but she doesn't know anything.\nDM: \"I think when we round up with a full crew and supplies gathered up. Probably want to take some time to relax here in town for another week or so and then we'll head off. It's probably going to be a good six, seven months' journey before we come back. But if you and your accountant friend are looking to come, we got room for two more.\"\nPlayer: Two only? Do you have room for-- well, it's just six right now.\nDM: \"If you want to pay passage.\"\nPlayer: This is certainly possible. You are heading back to Marquet, you say?\nDM: \"Yeah, direct. Couple stops along the coast, but--\"\nPlayer: We'll keep it in mind.\nDM: \"Very well.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He heads to the Temple of Sarenrae and gets two vials of Holy Oil, one for Vex and one for himself. He finds Father Tristan and asks him for a symbol of Sarenrae.\nDM: And he steps away, goes back, disappears for a minute, comes back and he's holding in a chain around his neck-- It's seen some years of use, but still clean and very well kept, an identical holy symbol of Sarenrae as the one that Pike keeps around her neck. He hands it over and puts it over your head. \"May she keep you safe and bring your soul to redemption.\"\nPlayer: It reminds me of my friend.\nDM: \"As it should.\" Pats you on the cheek. \"As it should.\"\nPlayer: All right, so chore number two down. I would like to go to Uriel's temple and ask the guards if anyone has seen my belt, Simon.\nDM: You are stopped at the edge of the Cloudtop District. The guards see you as you approach and block the doorway and say, \"We're sorry, but Vox Machina has been given no passage into the Cloudtop District at this time.\"\nPlayer: I understand. I don't mean to go in. I understand that we caused a lot of trouble, and I am very sorry, and I don't mean to be any further trouble. There is a belt that I left inside.\nDM: \"That's certainly unfortunate, isn't it?\"\nPlayer: Have you seen a snake called Simon? Or any snake?\nDM: Both the guards look at each other and laugh for a second. \"Piss off.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you and Nott use WC and the horse from Alfield, which are pulling the cart. you rests in the back while Nott drives the wagon.\nDM: You guys you have rested for the evening. you continue back onto the path and continue forward. Who's keeping watch on this next journey? Perception check for me, please.\nPlayer: It's a 12.\nDM: You glance off the side of the western edge of the Amber Road and see a neglected gravesite, maybe 300 feet off the road's path. It's overgrown in the fields. At a quick glance, you can gather maybe close to 200 various stones that are grave markers in various states of disrepair and erosion over time. As you ride past and see in the distance, it looks to be an older landmark, that's been left to be reclaimed by nature.\nPlayer: At our closest, where do we get to it before passing it?\nDM: You'd probably get about 80 or 90 feet from it.\nPlayer: Is everybody sleeping?\nDM: No, everyone's up in the cart, or riding.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: You guys continue on past, up the road. Are you still keeping watch on this?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Trent is curious about you, who admits she is from Xhorhas and has been in the Empire only about eight months. During their conversation, she fails a wisdom save, but with no obvious consequence.\nDM: They both have a knowing look at each other and look back to you. Trent casts forward and says, \"We have been studying for quite some time as is the nature of protecting our people here, yes, but there are still many mysteries beyond the boundaries. Why? Is there something you know that we don't?\"\nPlayer: Just if you're fighting-- I just wanted to know if you were fighting the Kryn.\nDM: \"Very much so. They have killed many of our people. The skies to the east darken, and we want to keep that darkness from spreading. We wish the sun to continue to rise on this empire, and currently it does not over the Ashkeeper Peaks.\"\nPlayer: I wish you the best of luck.\nDM: \"Thank you. If you're ever near Rexxentrum, find me. I would like to continue this conversation.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Oremid Hass speaks up and goes, \"All right. Well, anyway, a wonderful night to you all. Rest well. Congratulations and well fought.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, It unleashes its electricity upon Grog and Keyleth. Grog manages to dodge most of the damage and reduce it further with Stone's Endurance, but Keyleth takes the hit head on and reverts back to her normal form, slightly singed.\nDM: A 14 does not hit, unfortunately. The first arrow just ricochets and shatters across the part of its body.\nPlayer: Great. Good times, good times. 16. Both miss. Fucking A. What a waste.\nDM: Both arrows just explode across its hide. It's too thick.\nPlayer: This dice is out for the rest of the game. I'm gonna run. Is there an outcropping where we are? I can't see.\nDM: Right here, a little bit. If you pull fully in on this side from where it--\nPlayer: I'm going to pull fully in on that side.\nDM: Okay. Don't forget your laser pointers, by the way, guys. It's good for letting me know exactly where you want to go.\nPlayer: I can't see.\nDM: I know. Just so you know. And Trinket's going to stay there?\nPlayer: He's gonna rest. And he's going to keep protecting Scanlan, because--\nDM: All right. Trinket's gonna stay right there, guarding the giant gnome.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completed the venture of taking the Horn of Orcus to a place of safety and sealing it away, hopefully for eternity, with the help of Lady Kima and two of the Scalebearers. After heading to the basement of the Platinum Sanctuary in the city of Vasselheim, they succeeded in doing so.\nDM: That ends his turn now, you're up, Grog. You're both now standing face-to-face again, you're reeling from the kick to the breadbasket.\nPlayer: You hit me with the knuckle you fucking licked. So I'd like to jump forward and throw my knee forward and at the last minute pull it back and throw my fist in a Superman punch.\nDM: All right, go ahead and roll.\nPlayer: Yes, fuck you, 19.\nDM: 19 just barely hits.\nPlayer: And I'll follow it over with a left-right. (boom, boom)\nDM: Go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex, you, and Pike convince him not to eat it, though, on the chance that the fruits are actually souls. Over the next few hours, the party make their way to a clearing containing the immense citadel of the Dawnfather, lit by a giant beacon of sunlight.\nDM: You see one tree that looks definitely the most amiable of the ones in the field and you approach it.\nPlayer: Amiable?\nDM: Amicable. Pick your term.\nPlayer: Amicable, amiable. All right, I'll talk to a tree. That's what I'm going to do.\nDM: As you finish your spell and reach out, your finger touching the warm exterior of the tree. The light's still a little blinding, but you've adjusted to it now, where you can make out shapes and color, as opposed to the blaring white. What do you say?\nPlayer: Hey, Sun Tree bro. Are you a Sun Tree bro? Are you a Sun Tree brother? What's your name?\nDM: \"I'm a tree of the sun. And I'm not your bro.\"\nPlayer: No, I didn't know if you knew the Sun Tree that grew in Whitestone on the Prime Material Plane. I didn't know if you knew him.\nDM: \"So because I'm a tree of the sun, you assume that I know all other trees of the sun. Is that what this is? It's one of those things? We all look alike, don't we? Just all of us trees of the sun, right?\"\nPlayer: Can you tell me a little about this plane? How do we talk to Pelor? How do we see him?\nDM: \"I recommend probably going towards the giant golden fortress that is right behind you. It's probably a good place to look, where all the light's coming from.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Yeah. Wow. I have a friend who wants to know about the fruit. He's wondering if the fruit is souls? If he can eat the fruit.\nDM: \"The fruit is not souls! It's fruit.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Then continuing to follow where this route led you, upward, hopefully towards the underbelly of the city of Thar Amphala. You uncovered a mostly cleaned out vault and did battle with some undead trolls that immediately rushed in and attacked you.\nDM: You do not find any other traps. There's no other issues that worry you upon this climb. You do eventually come to the top of the third switchback stairway and it leads you into a slight curved cavern. The stairs stop and it leads into a continuation of the dwarf-like hallway structure that you had below, but it is curving around now, in sections. I would say, as opposed to a gradual curve, the design in the structure here has a very rigid, geometric shape, so the curvature is in sections.\nPlayer: Yeah, I appreciate it as I go, and I look for traps.\nDM: All right, go for it.\nPlayer: Love it. That's an 18.\nDM: Okay. Coming around the edge no traps, no plates. Nothing catches your attention. However, this tunnel comes to an end, and it opens up into a larger crevasse than the one that you previously saw that held a number of city buildings of the remains of Thomara. It looks to be about 100 to 120 feet tall, you assume, from the bits of the stalactites that you can see, barely reaching the edge of your visual range. Very faint bit of light here, bioluminescent fungus in a dull orangish color that dots the edges of this interior chamber.\nPlayer: And is it like where I killed that motherfucker? They were built into the cliff face, right?\nDM: Yes. This one is larger than the one you were in before, and you can see just beyond your visual range, a number of these buildings, partially crumbled in some places, some still standing obstinately against the ever-shifting interior of the titan's form, the chamber curling upward as the ceiling crawls higher and higher just beyond your visual range, and you can faintly see the images of dozens of thin bridges that weave over themselves across different levels, up into the higher portion.\nPlayer: I want to confirm an intuition and use my last Divine Sense and feel undead.\nDM: Okay, what's the range on that one?\nPlayer: 60 feet.\nDM: 60 feet? You do not sense any undead within the 60-foot range.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina made the relatively grim journey back to the mountainside, finding it now brimming with volcanic rock and volcanic activity that previously lay dormant. Upon climbing the side of the mountain, you found remnants of the Pyrah tribe still alive and making their way up the mountain, as damaged as they are, in hopes of sealing this now progressively swelling tear between the prime Material Plane and the Elemental Plane of Fire.\nDM: So. As the flame begins to trickle and burn over the edge, you can see there is an intelligence to it. There are a couple of arms that writhe over the side and the head pops over and glances, and stops in place, frozen, staring over in the direction of the bounding dragonborn.\nPlayer: It's a fire elemental?\nDM: It's smaller than what you're used to seeing, but it is indeed a creature made of elemental flame.\nPlayer: Would he be considered a primordial?\nDM: It would be considered an elemental.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm going to go fire elemental.\nDM: Okay. So you're using your transform--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax yells, Your turn Grog, as he yanks open the door. The duergar backs up and the room's interior is revealed \u2014 a torture chamber, including a rack which is occupied.\nDM: You've got to move through people. The area is congested. Small spaces, man. Downside of a big party.\nPlayer: Okay. 22.\nDM: 22. You manage to move through, push the bear out of the way. Move, Trinket. Get out the way!\nPlayer: (muttering) Bear!\nDM: You manage to make your way, squeeze past Percy.\nPlayer: The bear surprisingly smells really nice.\nDM: All right, Tiberius, what do you want to do now?\nPlayer: I'm going to follow suit as I see what Vax is doing. I'm going to cast Hold Person on the dwarf.\nDM: You don't have visual on the dwarf currently, the dwarf is back--\nPlayer: What? That's absurd!\nDM: As you run through the hallway - which you don't know there's a dwarf there - you rush out to the hallway after hearing all this commotion. You look in and there's an open door into a room that's currently vacant. You don't have enough movement to get close enough, unfortunately.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They are pulled into the center and announced as The Mighty Nein's final round. Knowing the Stubborn Stock is watching from behind the distant doorways that lead into the central arena, the members of the Mighty Nein all scattered about the sands as the sun begins to get close to dusk, shouting out their various plans and then abandoning them last minute.\nDM: That adds plus five to your AC, so it's 19 on this attack. That's still a 21 to hit though, so it still hits you. 13 plus eight, sorry.\nPlayer: Well bring it on, here we go.\nDM: As this chunk of the pillar goes flying across the arena towards you, it hits the top of the wall, which breaks, and a good foot and a half section of it, shatters as it slams into your chest.\nPlayer: What did it do, it did to 19? I can do a reaction, can't I?\nDM: You can.\nPlayer: I cast Shield.\nDM: All right! There you go. As you see it slam into the wall above you and go swinging, you throw up the shield and all of a sudden there's a spark of arcane energy as it gets deflected inches off of the top of Caleb's head before slamming into the side of the actual tournament arena, hitting the stone, causing it to crack, and people in the front area (gasp).\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of you and Vax, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city \u2014and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists.\nDM: So close. You're on the cusp of your week end, too. You guys make your way-- hoping that the music now is fixed. We shall see. It's a cable issue, not an iPad issue, it looks like. As you guys push on, you eventually see a cluster of small glowing lights in the distance, Vex. Garmelie immediately goes, \"I'm going to hide now,\" and he goes invisible.\nPlayer: Garmelie, won't they see you?\nDM: \"That's possible. Should I just stay back?\"\nPlayer: You should probably just hold onto Grog. If he runs in, just trail behind him.\nDM: \"Okay,\" and you feel the little hand grab the back of your belt again, a similar situation. You hear (groans). You guys now see what appears to be a thicket in the center of this portion of the forest. Maybe 20 or so natural-looking homes forming a small glowing community, almost like they were grown out of the ground of the local trees. The bark itself protrudes from the side of a tree and creates a dome-like abode that has carved little windows in it and a glowing interior. It's a very pretty fairy community out there, right in there in the center. All of the fey lights in the forest are slowly drifting in towards the center of this community. At a hundred-foot distance, you can just make out the faintest details.\nPlayer: They're teeny, though? It's teeny little houses?\nDM: Yes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Gilmore tells him that he needs to stay alive and keep fighting because Vox Machina needs to keep promoting him. They say their goodbyes and Shaun makes him promise he will see him next time.\nDM: \"He better be. Don't worry about it. Go. Kill a dragon. Another. Kill two more. Kill six more, I don't care! Just know that you're coming back, because I need you and your friends to keep pimping out my name.\"\nPlayer: Sure. Whoever gets you will be a very lucky man.\nDM: \"I know. I know.\"\nPlayer: Love you.\nDM: \"I know. You sure you don't want any tea?\"\nPlayer: I'm really nauseous right now. I almost didn't come here.\nDM: \"I'm glad you did.\" He takes your cup. \"Waste not, want not. (sips) Now go! Stop being uncomfortable in front of me! I need to get my morning--\"\nPlayer: Yeah. Yes.\nDM: \"--situated.\"\nPlayer: Goodbye.\nDM: He stands there. Waves his hand and the door opens on its own.\nPlayer: I leave.\nDM: He takes you by the shoulder real fast before you leave, and turns around and goes, \"'Till next time. Say it.\"\nPlayer: 'Till next time.\nDM: \"All right. Go.\" And you feel a little pat on your backside, on the way out. He sits there holding his tea, watching you leave. Door slams behind you. You make your way back.\nPlayer: I'm sorry I made you do that in that skullcap, Matt.\nDM: Look, I don't have to look at this. I'm fine! From my perspective, this is easy.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau tries to reassure him that she is a capable adult goblin woman. Beau and Caleb look for you while you follows the woman.\nDM: As you're walking and you're concentrating, you watch as the satchel itself lifts and tugs and just tugs. Her head spins around and looks behind her, looks back.\nPlayer: I press up against the wall.\nDM: Glances around confused, eyes one of the small pauper children that's off to the side, begging on the side of the road--\nPlayer: It was that one.\nDM: Scoffs and holds her chin up and then continues walking with a brisker pace.\nPlayer: I follow at a brisker pace.\nDM: Make another stealth check, please.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, while everyone else is taking breakfast, Pike checks the front door and finds about 20 skeletons waiting outside. She and Grog charge out to handle them.\nDM: This isn't the one in the fully dark armor. This is the one that has armor under a cloak. It looks like an older man's face. Has this staff at the side and a mace hanging from the belt and is currently casting spells from the ceiling right now.\nPlayer: Goddamn it. I wanted to throw some electricity on it and I blanked because my brain is made of Swiss cheese. Is it too late?\nDM: I'll let you throw it on.\nPlayer: I'm going to add-- on that last shot, I'm going to add 5d6 worth of electricity damage.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: (counting) 16 points of lightning damage.\nDM: 16 points of lightning damage.\nPlayer: That's five Cabal's. (blast) Five Cabal's.\nDM: All righty. That ends your turn, Percival?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Scanlan, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy admits to Vex that he may have panicked and hinted that they had eloped together. As Scanlan realizes that they are not just betrothed but, in fact, married, Percy casts a Cone of Silence to prevent him from shouting this to everyone else.\nDM: The Ioun stone actually is giving a faint glow similar to the glow that you see emanating from Sprigg's torso.\nPlayer: Is it glowing any more than--\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Oh, okay. That's an eight. Maybe 11, I don't know. Do I add Jack of All Trades?\nDM: You do, yeah. If you're not--\nPlayer: I really want to know. I will inspire myself, and I'll add a d12. That makes it 16.\nDM: Okay. You start getting the sense, the further you walk, both your stone and Sprigg are beginning to emanate a slightly stronger glow, and so you guys begin to realize that this could be used as a path to something. You're not quite sure.\nPlayer: Let's keep going.\nDM: Okay. So everyone's going behind.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three locks' scratchings translate to the Common equivalent of 'open me', one of the locks' scratchings warns the party not to open it. Vax discovers that the lock saying 'No' is trapped, and the ones saying 'Yes' aren't.\nDM: Wait, no. That is a 17. Sorry, I misdid the math. So it does go through him. So as you finish the Hold Person, he (groans) locks up into place, tense, his eyes darting around with an angry fury. Anything else you want to do?\nPlayer: I will, with my bonus, can I talk to him?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: I will say hey man! Just give up already. Come on! Come on! That's my intimidation.\nDM: Make an intimidation check.\nPlayer: 21.\nDM: 21. He seems visibly shaken by the presence of the two of you and the fact that he can't move right now. That's the best I can give you at the moment.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He requests that they kill Utugash, the devil that Ipkesh works for. If Utugash is taking out, Ipkesh and his friends could rise up in the devil hierarchy.\nDM: \"What I'm trying to say is, it behooves you to make this contract. So. What you seek is the Mentiri. The Mentiri is the prison beneath the city. I can tell you more, I can get you there. I can probably even find out who there knows of or is involved with this rakshasa. And this favor I ask will lead you to this path.\" He leans forward after taking a big sip of his wine, finishing the last of it, setting it aside with a heavy (poof) on the table. \"I work for Utugash, one of the prominent owners and taskmasters involved in moving souls and soul goods throughout this area of Dis. He is slovenly, he is lazy, he is powerful, and he needs to fall.\"\nPlayer: Is he a pit fiend?\nDM: \"At one time, maybe. At this time, his laziness has left him a useless sack of demon shit, and I have bent under his fist and brow for far too long. I have friends now in other places, and if his business were to crumble, that void left behind could elevate me and my compatriots.\"\nPlayer: Of course.\nDM: \"Now, I have friends in this prison, and the offense of travelers tearing down someone of prominence, and yourselves being still within your very mortal coils, why that's what this prison is designed for; for those that break the laws of the land but haven't yet passed. To be ripened. To be kept, until they do, once the corruption has set them for the rest of our factory. So, you slay this creature, I can see that you are safely arrested and placed with allies on the inside that could move you around and bring you fairly close to this rakshasa you seek. That is my offer.\"\nPlayer: This is a fair offer. I will quietly, without naming names of any kind, confer with my compatriots and we will give you a yes or no, without naming names of any kind.\nDM: \"Very well.\"\nPlayer: Before we leave, and just as a personal favor. I've been touched by a demon before, by a creature. Does it show here? Can you see?\nDM: He gives you a strong look.\nPlayer: I'm going to pull Hex up on myself.\nDM: At which point, you see his expression change, and he rears back and goes, \"It doesn't show, but the blood ward leaves its scar on many who exist here. Your essence is not of the Abyss, I would not worry. But do be careful in flashing such power.\"\nPlayer: I'm thankful. My last question this taskmaster of yours, the name you gave me, is it his true name?\nDM: \"No. True names, now that is an expensive trade.\"\nPlayer: One would hope. Would have made our job much easier.\nDM: \"And mine long ago.\"\nPlayer: Fair. We will meditate upon it.\nDM: \"I will say beware the Whisperers, the golden-armored fliers, the watchers of the archdevil himself. His paranoia seeks to know everything that goes on, and should such treachery that we talk of be revealed, well, that would a very unfitting end to me, my compatriots, and every one of your friends.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pike tells Scanlan that while she does love him, she has feelings for someone else. She kisses his cheek and bids him goodnight.\nDM: Okay. You approach, you recognize them. They're the same two people that were watching you while you guys were resting directly after the battle with Kevdak in the center of the square, the two that were assigned to keep an eye on you.\nPlayer: Hello. What're your two names?\nDM: They look at each other. \"Veskin. Mortar. What do you want?\"\nPlayer: Funny, I feel like I've seen you about in the last few hours, watching us.\nDM: \"Keeping an eye out.\"\nPlayer: Huh. Why?\nDM: \"Because you killed our leader. Takes a while to see what strength is a man who's killed your leader. If he's a murderer. If he's an honor-bound man. Or if he's a piece of shit that you should wipe off your heels.\"\nPlayer: Hm.\nDM: \"Takes a bit of watching to get that. Jury's still out.\"\nPlayer: Don't you have a new leader now?\nDM: They look at each other. \"Maybe.\"\nPlayer: Would you like to walk with us? We're going for a little morning stroll.\nDM: \"Nothing else to do.\" And they wipe a little bit of sleep from one of the corner of the eye. \"Lead on.\"\nPlayer: And we head to the Margrave's house.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog goes into a rage and smashes the horror next to him with the warhammer. Scanlan approaches the nearby creature and casts Thunderwave to knock it back, but it easily shrugs off the attack and slashes Scanlan in retaliation as the other horror slashes at Grog, all the attacks hitting their intended targets.\nDM: So you take-- that's seven plus 11 points of slashing damage. (whoosh) As it goes to strike a second time, you see the second blow coming and just duck out of the way. That ends their go. Next up is Keyleth.\nPlayer: So there are two guys alive right now?\nDM: Correct, yes.\nPlayer: One's on Scanlan.\nDM: One's on Grog. The one on Grog is looking a little rough. The one near Scanlan's doing okay.\nPlayer: How's Cassandra looking next to me?\nDM: She's fine. There's no blood. There's nothing; the wound is gone entirely. But other than that, she looks fine.\nPlayer: Looks fine. Okay, I've got my Grasping Vine still up. I'm going to wrap it around the guy that's close to Scanlan and just yank him off of Scanlan.\nDM: Okay. This pulls him over Scanlan's form and slams him right next to Cassandra.\nPlayer: Okay, and then I will just go, oh! And pop him with my staff.\nDM: Go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. you asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: Nope. You detect no movement inside whatsoever. Dark windows over the course of the evening, no sign.\nPlayer: All right, well, I guess I'll go back to the keep.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: And I will sit up. No one's there? I'll sit up in my sister's room.\nDM: All right. Well, as you guys are walking back--\nPlayer: Stealth, please. I'm not walking in the open.\nDM: All right, make a stealth check.\nPlayer: 27.\nDM: 27? All right. All of you that are out looking for him, make a perception check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy walks up to the doors and tries to open them, but can't. Vax prepares to unlock it, but there isn't a lock; the doors are barred from the inside.\nDM: There appears to be something on the the altar in the distance, small and scattered about it, but from this distance, it's hard to make out the details. But you hear Vax muffled through the door.\nPlayer: All right, how big is this thing that's keeping the door shut?\nDM: It's about eight feet wide and about a foot-- eight feet long, about a foot wide and about six inches thick. A big old piece of wooden board.\nPlayer: A couple hundred pounds?\nDM: I would say it probably weighs about 40 or 50 pounds.\nPlayer: 40 or 50 pounds?!\nDM: It's wood. It's porous.\nPlayer: And how high off the ground? Could I touch it?\nDM: You could touch it. It gets to about your head, a little higher.\nPlayer: All right. I'm going to try and lift it off.\nDM: Go ahead a make a strength check. Athletics! Make this athletics.\nPlayer: Athletics? Hmm. Not good. 12!\nDM: (grunting) From this position, it's not even budging.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy pulls his gun, fires, and hits. He takes a second shot but his gun jams.\nDM: All right, so you move up to there. Go ahead and do your full round of attacks. I am doing multi-attack. Okay, are you averting your gaze or not?\nPlayer: I'm a cave bear, I'm blind. I'm like a blind fish. I have darkvision and, like, cataracts.\nDM: Darkvision means you can see in the dark. But it doesn't mean that you don't see. (Sam laughs)\nPlayer: Well I'm a bear.\nDM: You are a bear. I'm eating at his leg. I'm not looking at his eyes. I'm not, like, waxing poetically at how sexy he is. No.\nPlayer: Not whispering sweet nothings in his ear.\nDM: I know.\nPlayer: I'm gnawing at his leg.\nDM: That's true.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. you managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: Yeah. If you were to use Cutting Words on this, it would reduce the damage all of you would take from it.\nPlayer: All right, I will use Cutting Words to reduce the damage.\nDM: What are your cutting words, Scanlan?\nPlayer: My cutting words are, \"Your lower intestine smells like shit!\"\nDM: Go ahead and roll your bardic inspiration die.\nPlayer: A ten? Shit roll. Three!\nDM: So 18 saving throw. What was yours?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan is no longer conscious as the bulette thrashes him around. you rushes to Scanlan, pulling herself over a ledge to get to him, and heals him.\nDM: That was the baseline. You run up, it takes all the strength you can feel, you're gonna be sore in the morning. All your muscles tense as you pull yourself up, with all the inertia from the run, your parkour up to the top, land, Scanlan's there, currently being flung around, you manage to reach up and grab him, and get in a brief tug of war with the bulette creature.\nPlayer: Hey, get away from him, man!\nDM: As you cast Cure Wounds. Go ahead and--\nPlayer: So that's Mass Cure Wounds, so does that heal--\nDM: Is it Mass Cure Wounds, or just doing Cure Wounds?\nPlayer: I'll just do Cure Wounds.\nDM: So at what level are you using?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A couple of hours later, the ship comes upon an unnatural-looking fog bank in the ocean. Adella tries to veer around it.\nDM: Yeah, that could climb up and get onto the edge of the ship, right next to Keyleth, who's currently concentrating. You see her eyes kinda glowing, and her hands glowing with this faint aqua-look as the water is now, immediately to the right of her, curling up and splashing over the bow of the ship, and just pouring into the ship below.\nPlayer: So cool. So cool. Okay, I just yell back to Doty, Get rid of the grappling hooks! I don't know, I have no idea what I'm doing.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: And then I see that the giant thing in front of me, right? Do I see the thing?\nDM: You do see it, yeah. It's currently bound by the series of thorny vines.\nPlayer: Great. I'll reach into my magic bag, and pull out a vial of acid and just throw it at the thing.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and roll an attack. It is restrained, so you have advantage on the ranged attack roll.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They have been working on the ship and it is not a full ship, just pieces. It seems like an old keepsake that Vorugal has been bringing from lair to lair.\nDM: Just the top of the deck, and where the mast connects to the-- that portion is still frozen into the upper part of the throne. There is no entrance immediately visible, but you can break through some more ice or try to break through the actual deck to get there.\nPlayer: I cast a Flaming Sphere.\nDM: Okay. A flaming ball begins to roll on the bridge of the ship.\nPlayer: Where does it look like the most convenient entrance? With ice and stuff?\nDM: Maybe four feet away from where the ice begins. You can see there is one broken portion of the ship deck, maybe about a three-foot, four-foot hole that you could melt towards if you wanted to.\nPlayer: All right, I'm going to concentrate my Flaming Sphere on that and start melting it.\nDM: Okay. It's taking a while. About how long does the spell last, the Flaming Sphere?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There are two vines, one around Nott and one trying to wrap up Jester. They prove to be difficult opponents, dealing significant amounts of physical and poison damage, and grappling and restraining their targets.\nDM: This looks to be a sister hatchery room to the one on the south. This one does not contain a body, but just other clusters of eggs.\nPlayer: Is it possible to tell if these eggs might hatch anytime soon, or are they that's left of them?\nDM: Make a nature check.\nPlayer: All right. Let's do that. My nature is terrible, which is ironic. But I rolled a natural 20, so that should do.\nDM: With what experience you have with seeing much smaller snakes and other type creatures in nature, you're not really fully understanding the gestation period of yuan-ti. These eggs don't look like they're ready to hatch in the next few days or so. There's still some time before the oldest clutches of--\nPlayer: Is this true? Both look similar, both seem--\nDM: Yeah, I'd say so.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex and Grog check for tracks, but Grog discovers that there are a cluster of tracks from around seven people that are a day old at most that lead into the tunnel. Percy, Vax, and Keyleth suddenly notice a drop in temperature and, looking around, they notice in the darkness something that the half-elves had faced once before, in Vasselheim: ghosts.\nDM: All right. Percy, you're up first. You glance around, and you can see the two entities going (hiss) towards you, towards Keyleth, and you glance over your shoulder and see one drifting out of the distance towards Vax.\nPlayer: I yell, \"Look out!\" And I take several steps toward Vax.\nDM: To there?\nPlayer: Actually, on the other side of the pillar so I can actually see the one that's getting towards him.\nDM: There?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: You won't be able to see this one, just those. This one actually will block your view to that one. These are about ten feet tall. These are the little sections here, so right now, you would be able to see these two here and barely see this one. It would have three-quarters cover. Which you ignore, with Sharpshooter.\nPlayer: I know. I want to back up into that corner, though, just to get away from them.\nDM: Over here?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay, so you can see one of them right now.\nPlayer: I'll take-- fuck. Yep, screw it. I'll take shots with the Pepperbox.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: I'll take my first shot.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: That can't be right. Just checking. 20. Natural 20.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: All right, you just rush to the side of her and begin hacking away at the tentacle. You watch as you're carving into it and it begins to break away. It doesn't fully--\nPlayer: I've got one more attack, so I'll keep going then.\nDM: Okay, go for it.\nPlayer: All right. This is venom. That's 24, plus--\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: Okay, good, plus nothing. Where the hell do I keep putting my dice? Where's a four? Where's a fucking four? There it is, plus four is ten. I'll unload some poison in it, that's a DC 15.\nDM: Okay, it succeeds.\nPlayer: Okay. Is it halved then, or nothing, for the poison?\nDM: What does it say on the item?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: Pushing forward, deeper into the city, you make your way through the Temple District, and start pushing through Abdar's Promenade once again, retracing your steps from the day before, dodging through open areas as fast as possible to stay within the shadows. All of you go darting into one of the alleyways. As you turn behind you, you can see your tiny-legged gnomish bard friend, keeping up as best as he can before his foot hitting a divot on the ground and (slam) falling face first on the ground, making just enough noise--\nPlayer: Sorry. Sorry.\nDM: You hear a little screech in the distance. (screech) And coming up on the rooftop, you can see, perched up there, appears to be one wyvern that is looking over down at the currently toppled gnome, and on top of the wyvern, you see something riding it. Something that is holding reins on the edge, something humanoid is glancing over, just a little enough of a shadow, to see.\nPlayer: He sees me? I see him?\nDM: He looks down at you, yeah.\nPlayer: Okay. I will cast Hold Person on him.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tests the roots of the cursed tree for any illusory magic, but it is solid and real. you attempts to level up the Titanstone Knuckles by destroying the kitchen, much to Scanlan's consternation.\nDM: Yeah, where when it hits you you can use your reaction, but you used your reaction to get an attack of opportunity, so you still hit him.\nPlayer: Oh, that's true.\nDM: But essentially, they don't have to do that now. As long as they hit you, you can use your reaction to just hit them back.\nPlayer: Hit them back.\nDM: So yeah, as long as you stay within melee--\nPlayer: As long as I'm within five feet. That count on his two hits against me?\nDM: I mean, you can only do it once, because you only get one reaction.\nPlayer: One time. Okay.\nDM: And you technically already hit him with that.\nPlayer: That's true.\nDM: Same thing, so you used your attack of opportunity, so you can do that whenever anybody hits you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus, you, Jamedi, and Nott ran towards the stairs to the outside. Beau and Jester waited by the well for Fjord.\nDM: Currently, no. It's raised up and closed off, the front, when you opened the doorway to get deeper into the basement.\nPlayer: Can we see to the ceiling of this chamber?\nDM: Make a perception check. With you, disadvantage because you are human.\nPlayer: Eyes up. Make a perception, you said?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: 15.\nDM: You can see the pillar that holds the fountain at the top, and there are the stairs, still part of it, and you can see where it's up there, but whatever mechanism, rocks--\nPlayer: Yeah, it's stuck up there, ja?\nDM: Mm-hmm.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Kynan, who has been appointed the captain, greets them. Vax reclaims his Serpent Belt from Kynan, saying he missed it.\nDM: I don't know. Well, now you get to get a wood that everyone on here is jealous of. If you go ahead and enter, the code word in the Twitch chat is 'family', so when you're prompted, go ahead and put 'family' and see if you can win. See you guys here in a few minutes. [break] Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Critical Role. First and foremost-- nice try, guys. First and foremost, we have our winner for the break. It is, and pardon me for butchering your chat handle, emiliaaldean. E-M-I-L-I-A-A-L-D-E-A-N. Emelialdean. Congratulations! You won your fantastic Wyrmwood card case. It will come to you, signed by the cast, for you to put things inside. Put things inside! Put many things inside. Now! Back into the game, guys. So, Pike. Having walked him back to the castle, we'll jump in for a moment as Vex, you've been leading JB.\nPlayer: I have!\nDM: She walks alongside you at a comfortable three-foot distance, but she's walking with you.\nPlayer: You know you can walk next to me?\nDM: \"I am walking next to you.\"\nPlayer: Oh, I thought she was walking behind me. Is she walking next to me?\nDM: She's behind and to the side.\nPlayer: No, seriously. Come over here. I don't want to turn my head when I'm talking to you, dear.\nDM: \"Right.\" She quickens her pace. You know, gnomish gait.\nPlayer: I walk slower. So this is my home. We just built it. Isn't it wonderful?\nDM: \"It's beautiful.\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"What's it like having a home?\"\nPlayer: Oh. I went a long time without one, as well. It feels wonderful to finally have someplace to settle down.\nDM: \"That's very nice. We're always moving from place to place.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. Why is that?\nDM: \"We can't afford to put stakes down anywhere, and it doesn't take long for people to figure out who we are.\"\nPlayer: What are you?\nDM: \"Trickfoots?\"\nPlayer: Well, yes. I know. I know that. But my experience with Trickfoots has always been pleasant.\nDM: \"Let's just say that some of our family aren't the most subtle.\" She looks down and to the side and averts her gaze. \"They're good people. They're very good people. Johann has done a lot for us, but he's more prideful than the rest of us. As soon as anyone starts any shit, he's the first to get in their face about it. He's a fiery one. It's why Astra took to him.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, So, the trammels now complete, each glowing with the runes of each gifted deity power source -- we have one that glows yellow across its runic outside, one that has a sky blue, and one that emanates a black shadow from its runes, representing each deity that bequeathed an element of their power unto these trammels. You then decided to have Scanlan drop his Magnificent Mansion and decide where your next journey was.\nDM: All right, so as you finish the drink, you blink your eyes. I'm going to ask you, Scanlan, who do you see first?\nPlayer: Let's see here, what do we got, six people over here?\nDM: Well, you have two that have dove off to the side.\nPlayer: Oh, okay. Then I'll roll a d4. One, two-- oh wait, it's just three. It was a fucking four. Two! Okay, Keyleth.\nDM: No, Keyleth is being shielded right now.\nPlayer: Oh shit! Well, then it's just Vex or Percy? Or wait, are those two, too?\nDM: The other people in the room right now are Percival, Vex, or Grog.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the sidelines, Scanlan yells inspiration at you and Cutting Words at Kern. Keyleth attempts to heal you from a distance, but gets caught by a nearby Bastion.\nDM: (roars) Trinket roars with you. (roar) This roar of victory, which people around immediately take two steps away from the large bear that's suddenly roaring in the center. You guys are unfazed, too focused on each other.\nPlayer: I rush up and get him, give him a little nasty-- of the last time for a double thunderclap, to either side of his ears.\nDM: Oof, okay.\nPlayer: That is a 13.\nDM: 13. Unfortunately, as you go to swing, he (whoosh) ducks out of the way, and your hands slap into each other, finding no purchase on his head.\nPlayer: That's all right. Since I didn't find any purchase, I'll see where his ears are, try and grab them, and I'm going to attempt to rip his ears off of his head. His nice pointy ears.\nDM: Okay, so your second attack is going to be to try and grab his ears. Go for it.\nPlayer: 16.\nDM: 16, no. As you go up for the one ear, he parries it to the side with his hand.\nPlayer: (sighs) Third attack. 14.\nDM: 14. (whoosh) Knocks that one out of the way. As you're (whoosh, whoosh) swinging at him, he seems to just be dodging out of the way. He still has the force behind him, but whatever he's picked up now has completely thrown you off. You weren't prepared. You were prepared for a bruiser. You've now seen, still a bruiser, but with a little more refined technique, and it's throwing you off your game. You need to resettle yourself. You need to pull yourself in, Grog. However, in that moment of thinking, he swings at you with a double pummel up towards the torso. That is a natural 20. That is going to be a 13.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You had discussed with them, last time, a plot - fixing their seemingly not-very-well-put-together plot into a better direction (thankfully) - to acquire a wax seal within the home of Lord Sutan, to create a letter that you feel would be incriminating. Then to infiltrate the High Richter's home, do the same, and then report them to the Lawmaster or whoever else you think would be of higher estate...\nDM: Wooo! Sydney football rules. Weird. But, you do see this individual is currently has a full arm bandaged, with blood soaked and dried on parts of it, and they are currently asleep, and the door is closed. There is a lantern inside that is set to keep the room warm.\nPlayer: Is there the ability for Frumpkin to move around to the exact opposite side of this building?\nDM: Yeah, have him move around, go around the front.\nPlayer: Yeah, he will jump up to any windowsill on the back of the house as well.\nDM: As Frumpkin keeps watch on each of these, each chamber seems to either be empty or there's somebody in some state of either rest, or waiting. You see one person, a younger girl maybe fifteen or sixteen years old, who is waiting on the edge of a bed, sitting quietly in a room by herself. Glancing around, she looks over and sees Frumpkin, and goes, \"Kitty!\" and makes the hand motion to try and pet-- You go around the back door and you can see one room has two beds that currently have two individuals that are coughing heavily. They're sick with something pretty bad, and there is a person inside that is dressed in a white robe that is in the process of bringing them both broth, but they have a mask over their face, a piece of cloth tied behind, and it looks like they're treating some diseased patients. This is, for all intents and purposes, an infirmary.\nPlayer: Yeah, did you say this was a one story building?\nDM: It's a one story building, but it's quite long. It goes back quite a bit. Other buildings are spotty and build the space around the outside of this block, whereas this infirmary stretches the entire length of the block.\nPlayer: Five to ten minutes of hopping from ground to window a bunch of times, all I find are patient rooms. No sort of office or anything else?\nDM: Correct, it looks like all-- It looks like it's built so that all the rooms that have sunlight are the rooms where the patients would stay. Anything important would be kept in the interior of the building.\nPlayer: One last thing, how high is the roof?\nDM: The roof is about, I'd say, 12 feet up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Within an hour, he is presented by Chef Varon with a salad made entirely of thinly sliced meats; Grog declares it the official meal of Whitestone and names it GoFiBePo. After discussing what has happened, considering where there may be more ziggurats across the continents, and what to do next, the group retire for the night.\nDM: He's actually eating out in the garden. He has one of the little tables set out there. It's a nice morning out in Whitestone right now. It's chilly, but the clouds have broken a bit. You can see some blue skies; a little bit of sun's breaking through. He's out there with Jecht, his associate, who's in the process of cutting his food for him while Eskil's sitting there, still looking through books and occasionally reaching over and plucking things from his plate to eat. As you approach him, he doesn't even look up. He goes, \"Yes? What do you require?\"\nPlayer: Good morning.\nDM: \"Good morning to you, as well, I suppose.\"\nPlayer: Lovely weather today, isn't it?\nDM: \"It is weather, yes.\"\nPlayer: So! How's the research on the Shadowfell going?\nDM: \"It's done. I've researched it. I don't know what you require.\"\nPlayer: All of it. All of the research?\nDM: \"As much as is in the tomes I have at my disposal, yes.\"\nPlayer: Anything we should know? Anything important? Fill us in a little bit? Spark Notes?\nDM: \"It's a plane of negative energy, and elements of it are used to funnel the transition of souls from life to death or back. A number of it is scourged by undeath and those that skirt that process. It exists as a mirror plane, much like the Feywild. There are elements that resemble Exandria, but twisted, shifted. It is a very barren, very broken, dust-filled, dark-- not a very pleasant place, really.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax then heads back to the tavern as you is asking about Sand-kheg's Hide and is disgusted with the process by which it is made.\nDM: Keeping a very close watch on the path you took and marking it mentally back to the Debt's Respite. It's probably a good mile off from where you guys were, if not a little further. You guys continue your conversation, go about your own business. Eventually, Vax returns with the information, the path of wherever this letter was dropped off to.\nPlayer: Just curious, have you ever had the Sandkheg Hide?\nDM: \"Are you serious?\"\nPlayer: Yeah. I'm just asking.\nDM: \"No, I ain't drinking that bullshit.\"\nPlayer: Really?\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\nPlayer: Too stiff for you?\nDM: \"Too stiff for anyone! It's-- what?\"\nPlayer: I mean, I hear only real bosses can drink that jazz.\nDM: \"That's not a drink. That's probably squeezed from the arsehole of some sort of beast out in the desert. I prefer my stuff taken from berries and the sweet stuff.\"\nPlayer: What do you mean, some beast? Who'd make a drink out of some animal's whatever?\nDM: \"Have you have some, have you tasted it?\"\nPlayer: Yeah!\nDM: \"Then I guess you know what an animal's bum tastes like, eh?\"\nPlayer: (sputters) Hold on. You mean they squeeze the asshole of something out there?\nDM: \"Oh, completely!\"\nPlayer: No!\nDM: \"They hold it down and just squeeze its abdomen and the whole sandkheg spews out into this little glass barrel and then you pay for it. Top dollar.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, it's 300 something gold!\nDM: \"Oh, did you buy some?\"\nPlayer: No.\nDM: Make an insight check.\nPlayer: Three.\nDM: You brain is filled with image of whatever creature your imagination has come up with being held down.\nPlayer: It's a giant, hairy water yak.\nDM: And it is squeezing some sort of yellowish liquid from its abdomen into a glass wine bottle, and you're now looking over at Percy and Keyleth who had just had sips of this earlier. It's not sitting well with your stomach.\nPlayer: We were gifted a bottle, and a couple of my friends had partook.\nDM: (cackles)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester purchases the Dust of Deliciousness, and manages to get 5 gp off because Pumat likes her. As Beau and Caleb leave the group, you and Jester continue on their shopping trip:\n Grace of the Wilds: you follows his nose to an herb shop in the Pentamarket.\nDM: \"No, I'm Jesna Bree. But this is Grace of the Wilds, this is my shop. But welcome! Welcome. Welcome, welcome.\"\nPlayer: I'm still playing catch-up, one second. Hi! I was curious-- I was looking to maybe start learning how to make some healing potions of some kind--\nDM: \"For training? You want to train?\"\nPlayer: Well, yeah. I mean, if that's possible. And also, I'm-- just some stuff for cooking. And otherwise I'm just looking for a nice general set of a few things. I've got a list here, just some food flavors as well.\nDM: \"Of course, of course! Just give me your list, I'd like to see.\"\nPlayer: Oh, sure. This is actually my general--\nDM: I know. I figured. \"Oh. Ah. Okay, yeah!\" And as she's talking to you, you watch as her other hand takes a piece of chalk and is writing on the wall behind her. \"I'd be more than happy to help, and I can help! A lot of things I can help you with too, and I'm happy to!\" And then, in kind of crappy handwriting underneath all the various prices of the herbs and things that are provided you now see 'training.' She's added it to her list of things that she does, as talking to you.\nPlayer: You're probably the person to ask if there's a good tea shop in town. I feel like you'd probably know where to get a nice caffeinated beverage.\nDM: \"Oh! Oh, yes. Oh yes. Oh yes, I can help with the tea. The tea? I can help with. So, training! What do you want to train in? Please, tell me.\"\nPlayer: I've been hoping to learn how to make healing potions, actually, in general. Just start to kind of break in that, uh--\nDM: \"Okay, okay. Okay, that can be done. It may take some time. Little bit of time. Give me your time, we'll make it work.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They also found that a number of gold coins, a bit of his horde that had been buried, were now exposed by these strange smooth tunnels that were carved into the rock. Upon Vex , Scanlan, and Trinket inquiring there, the rest of the party scattered: Pike and Keyleth went to find what seemed to be the owner of the house, now frozen in fright in a far alcove; and the rest of the group traveling towards the mouth of the cavern itself.\nDM: And you feel the ground beneath you begin to shake, as it bursts out of the ground. That's a 20 to hit.\nPlayer: 20? Can I use Evasion or no?\nDM: To reduce the damage in half if you want. Huh? What's your AC?\nPlayer: Oh, with the boots on, 18.\nDM: It rolled a 20.\nPlayer: Yeah, I know. So tell me what happens.\nDM: So, as you look around you all of a sudden the jaws start coming up out of the ground behind you, the teeth biting into your body as you try and wrest yourself away from its grip. You take 20 points of piercing damage.\nPlayer: Oh, well, Uncanny Dodge. Right? Evasion is for spell effects--\nDM: Right, Evasion does not help you in this circumstance, Uncanny Dodge allows you to reduce the damage by half. So yes, you can do that. So you take ten damage instead. I need you to make a dexterity saving throw.\nPlayer: That's okay. All right, so. Okay. Natural 20!\nDM: As the jaws attempt to clamp around you, you manage to just pull yourself away, tearing your knees across the teeth, but rolling in the opposite direction, right in the place where you were as it bursts out of the ground just beside you and rights itself around in that direction. As its full body emerges now, you can see its tail flop out of the tunnel it just made with this giant hooked stinger on the end as it whips off in your direction. That is going to be a 15 to hit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completed the venture of taking the Horn of Orcus to a place of safety and sealing it away, hopefully for eternity, with the help of Lady Kima and two of the Scalebearers. After heading to the basement of the Platinum Sanctuary in the city of Vasselheim, they succeeded in doing so.\nDM: Okay, so as you reach up to try to get his eyes, he grasps your hands and instead begins pulling back on the wrists. You can feel the tension of the bone beginning to bend from the sheer strength and force of it. As you pull back your arms, you attempt to headbutt him again and he dodges his head out of the way, and he knows he has you at an advantageous position. What do you want the third attack to be?\nPlayer: He's still on top of me, isn't he?\nDM: Yeah. Where are you at hit point-wise, by the way?\nPlayer: 18.\nDM: He's looking pretty rough, too. So what do you want the third attack to be?\nPlayer: Would you say he's on my chest?\nDM: He's currently on your chest and waist area right now, like (grunts) holding you down.\nPlayer: I was going to grapple him, but if he's on my chest, I'll use my thighs to shove him up towards the upper part of my body and I'll drive down my elbow at the same time. Into that whole bloody target area.\nDM: Okay. As you shift upward, you bring your elbow forward. Roll for attack.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There they are greeted by Keyleth's father, Korrin. A ceremony is held, the whole village gathering to celebrate beneath a huge tree in the center of town.\nDM: He's in the process of a conversation. And it's interesting. During this whole thing, he was excited to see you and that you've come, but he's also-- he's kept a strange distance from you during this preparation. He smiles, and you guys meet eyes occasionally, but he's also just focusing on this endeavor, and then you kind of come out of the blue. \"Ah, yes, Vax'ildan.\"\nPlayer: Forgive me. Might I have just a moment?\nDM: \"Quickly. We're about to begin, but yes.\"\nPlayer: I will be brief. I just wanted to take a moment to say, I really wish you could've seen some of the things she has done. I know you are proud of her. I've never met anyone like her. She's going to do your people very proud. I'm grateful.\nDM: \"As are we all.\"\nPlayer: You've a lot to do.\nDM: \"As do you. As does she.\" And he reaches out and pats you on the head and ruffles your hair a little bit. And even that feels a little awkward for him, like he felt impulsive to do it, and then 'oh, that wasn't very-- mm.'\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The spiraling tower of black iron and copper. He throws a square, metal icon.\nDM: Uten is like, \"Okay, follow me. I will lead you.\" Even he is looking a little weird over at Senokir.\nPlayer: And when I cast Seeming, I also cast it on myself, making myself look like an azer?\nDM: An azer. The flaming beard dwarf.\nPlayer: Yeah, I don't know if I can make flames with Seeming.\nDM: We'll say for the purposes of the illusion you can pull off something that resembles flames enough to the point where it should pass.\nPlayer: All right, great.\nDM: All right, so, as you guys walk out into the city, you are lead by Uten on a similar path that led you by the Pyriculum where you met Whaska, but you continue past that in the northeast direction heading towards, as he tells you as you pass, near the naval grounds of the Sea of Fire. Beyond that, you guys find the streets become wider and the network of clusters of metal cages begin to adorn portions of the center street islands. Within these cages, you see humanoids of all walks of life, creatures, beasts; it's a collection, a veritable zoo of entities from all the planes, all bound to various cages, chains, and other elements, whereas efreeti individually bark from top in a language you don't understand. You see large banners and streamers set across elements of the road to mark various segments of this area, and at this point Uten turns to you and goes, \"Well, you have officially reached The Arches. I will bid you adieu as I also will not want to deal with a pit fiend. Good luck.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about Fjord's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: Pulls out the heavy crossbow and fires and does 11 points of damage, which is enough to shatter the skeletal gnoll witherling. As it falls to the ground and breaks into a scattered pile of bone bits and dried gnoll flesh. That ends the guards' turn. Molly, you're up.\nPlayer: I'm going to stab this thing that just fell right in front of me. Just going to stab it.\nDM: It is prone, so I believe you have advantage against it. Yep! With each attack.\nPlayer: Question about Rite of the Dawn, is it just plus three or is it just my wisdom or is it also a--?\nDM: Wisdom bonus is against undead creatures.\nPlayer: Okay, this is not an undead creature.\nDM: It is not. There are undead creatures among the pack, but there are none there. It's just straight Rite damage.\nPlayer: So it's just an extra 1d4. Okay, just checking. That's how that works. Okay, cool. See if I hit? Thank you. 13?\nDM: 13 unfortunately misses. The first strike--\nPlayer: Oh my god.\nDM: As you swing down onto the ground, it scrambles about and pulls its shield up just in time. Your blade catches the edge, embeds itself an inch into its rear.\nPlayer: I hit it with the other one.\nDM: You use your one blade to push the shield off to the side as it's still there, and trying to jam downward. Go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you, seeing the Thunderlord paralyzed, grabs onto the Bloodaxe and yanks it out of his grip. you then slashes at Kevdak's left arm, intending to slice it off.\nDM: Five. Whoosh, you hack the blade and it sinks quite a bit into the arm right above the elbow, you can see as you pull it out, a bit of bone is exposed from it, but the arm is still intact. It wasn't enough damage to go through, but he's like, (stifled yell)\nPlayer: And it hit him, right? So is it an automatic critical because it hit?\nDM: Because you were within five feet, so, yes. So double the dice. So what'd you roll on the dice?\nPlayer: So it was a two.\nDM: So four. So instead it would be seven damage. Still not enough. But you do do a significant amount of damage to his left arm. His now-open hand's gripping nothing. Actually the one hand was holding the axe and the other one was pointing up, so he's like, (strained sound) looking at you right now as the blood begins to seep out of the fresh wound on his left arm.\nPlayer: Do I have any of my movement left, can I move around behind him? 50.\nDM: You can move three more spaces, so yeah.\nPlayer: I'll either flank him or, yeah.\nDM: Three. That's where you can get, right there. Okay. That ends your turn. Surprise back, Percy, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: Okay. So you move over and leap up onto Grog's back, holding tightly. What's the trigger for your action that you're holding?\nPlayer: On his next attack on somebody.\nDM: The next time you sense the dragon is attacking somebody?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: All right. What action are you holding? Is it a spell?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: So you begin preparing the spell. You are now concentrating on it, as you're holding the back of Grog. Okay. Holding that bit, that brings us to Keyleth. What are you doing?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Trent says he would very much like to talk to her in the future. As he and Oremid leave, Caleb leans forward and looks at the ground.\nDM: Well kept, almost bouncy brunette hair, and golden eyes, and she smiles as you enter. \"Hello, how might I help you this evening?\"\nPlayer: Hi, do you remember me? I was here before.\nDM: \"I do remember, yes. Good to see you.\"\nPlayer: You too. Did you know we just won in the Victory Pit?\nDM: \"I did not. I did not attend that portion of the festival, but congratulations!\"\nPlayer: Thank you, we're kind of famous now.\nDM: \"That's wonderful.\"\nPlayer: We think we might stay here tonight, too, because we thought it would be nice for The Pillow Trove to have famous people staying here for you.\nDM: \"But of course. Is that a room for each of you?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: He's going to use another ki point, a bonus action, as he goes into a defensive stance, a familiar one that you've seen before.\nPlayer: Before I whooped somebody's ass.\nDM: Yeah. But into this fully defensive, looking about and keeping his eyes aware of the entirety of his surroundings. And is going to stay right there. That brings us to Grog.\nPlayer: Piece of shit, I don't know what that stance is-- I chop at him some more with Craven Edge! I don't know, can I do one Great Weapon Master and the other two just regular?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm gonna do that.\nDM: Are you doing reckless attacks or not?\nPlayer: Yeah, reckless.\nDM: Okay. His patient defense gives you disadvantage on all attacks-- He just nullifies it, so you just have one roll per attack.\nPlayer: 16?\nDM: Misses. Just knocks the blade out with his own hand, you hear it (impact) off to the side.\nPlayer: 16.\nDM: This time he actually catches with the two sides of his hand and throws it back towards you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus, Caleb, Jamedi, and Nott ran towards the stairs to the outside. Beau and Jester waited by the well for you.\nDM: So nine. This burst of radiant energy inside-- (growling) There's bubbles that escape from its mouth. It's going to come forward and take two swipes at you, Fjord, with both of its serpent hands.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: All right. That is a 16 to hit.\nPlayer: Misses.\nDM: And a natural 20, but it has disadvantage because it's in water. That is still a 19 to hit.\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: You do manage to take-- from one serpent, you just manage to glide out of the way in the middle of the water. The second one, that is four plus three, seven piercing damage, including ten points of poison damage.\nPlayer: Fuck, ten poison?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Is it diluted by the water?\nDM: Unfortunately, no, because it's straight from the fangs in your bloodstream. It surges pain in your chest. You also lose a bit of air instinctively from the pain. So, consider now, your air supply is halved.\nPlayer: Okay. Is that half my Constitution modifier?\nDM: Essentially, the DC is going higher when we start getting to that, depending on how long we're down here.\nPlayer: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!\nDM: That ends his go. Now it's the two broodguards.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As they enter the cavern, they hear a skittering and two umber hulks drop from the ceiling.\nDM: --its mandibles to strike at Grog, it (clicks) looks off to you for a second, goes back, at which point Grog has put his axe up to its face and is holding it at bay. As its mandibles are tied in with its blades, and the handle of the axe is trying to hold it back. It strikes at you with its two claws, Grog. That is going to be a 27.\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: And a 14.\nPlayer: Misses.\nDM: Okay, then from the one claw that gets you, you take six points of slashing damage.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: All right everyone, roll initiative. (group groans)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percival shoots Clarota in the head, releasing Scanlan, who had been grappled by the turncoat. As the remaining illithids take heavy damage, the two of them Plane Shift out of the room in self-preservation.\nDM: You know what? He is grappling and he is right in the way, I'll go ahead and give you advantage on that attack. Roll again.\nPlayer: Yes! So I just roll again?\nDM: Roll again. Take whatever it is.\nPlayer: 22!\nDM: 22 will hit, okay. Because it is a stationary position, completely engulfing, and you have such a great view from above.\nPlayer: Right? 11 points of damage?\nDM: Okay. Did you roll your Hunter's Mark damage?\nPlayer: No, I did not.\nDM: Don't forget Hunter's Mark.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, you douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: Outnumbered, and crossbow. As the pack lord approaches, cackling at the sight of you, you see a look of recognition on its eyes as it pulls back its longbow and is going to go ahead and fire immediately at-- Well, first I'm going to see-- It does see through the illusion, so it does not fire for the fake Jester; however, it does fire for you, the actual Jester.\nPlayer: I'm going to use Blood Maledict.\nDM: You currently do not have visual.\nPlayer: I do not have visual?\nDM: Not in your current position, nope.\nPlayer: Damn it. Fine.\nDM: So that's an attack on you with a longbow. That is going to be a 15.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As you does this, he has to have complete concentration. As Frumpkin flies above the lake, he sees two islands within the lake.\nDM: As you concentrate, the bird's-eye view of Trostenwald-- Frumpkin carries up high into the air. For the large lake that it is, you can see two smaller land masses in the center of the lake. Technically not north from where you are now, since you're back in the city, it's more of a northeastern direction. They're both relatively small, one's maybe a few hundred feet across, another one is maybe 50 feet across. It's a smaller mass. Watching as it coasts downward and does a pass over the larger one, make a perception check for Frumpkin.\nPlayer: That is a six plus very little or nothing, so you can guesstimate.\nDM: There is a faint treeline on this island. The island has a few small trees, which is mainly what you had seen during the night when you looked out over the water, Beauregard. The land mass was actually the very top of this tree line. It's a small grove that has clustered there on the center of this island. Unable to make out any other details other than the tops of these trees and there's a few spots in between where you can see overgrown grass and general ground, rock.\nPlayer: This is the bigger one?\nDM: The bigger one, yeah. Make a perception check for the smaller one.\nPlayer: Worse. Five.\nDM: The other one has maybe five or six trees on it, but most of them appear to have either died or be standing alone on this small mass. That one looks pretty barren. Even with as bad of a look as that was, it doesn't look like there's anything visible on that land mass.\nPlayer: Does it look balder than the other?\nDM: It does.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: The larger one has much more of a cluster, a grove.\nPlayer: Last question, I can probably tell how far apart these two islands are, yeah?\nDM: Yeah, they're roughly 600 feet apart from each other.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group began to see a light flickering on and off ahead. Fjord worried it could be Dashilla's lantern lure as described in the sea shanty.\nDM: Okay. You see this coral space around. It's massive; it's maybe 250, 300 feet across, and it's this dead chunk of coral reef in this vicinity that amassed around this central stone that rises up. There's a small crevasse on the side of it that goes down about 30 or so feet and you can see fish weaving through.\nPlayer: But I did see where this flashing source was?\nDM: Yeah, but it's occasional.\nPlayer: Occasional, okay. So it's not like there was a creature that Frumpkin and I were able to aim towards, it was just this thing that was appearing and disappearing?\nDM: Yeah, and maybe every now and then reorient the direction that Frumpkin was traveling. As you come to see this space, does Frumpkin continue to get closer?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay. Frumpkin moves around and it takes a while because Frumpkin isn't very good at perceiving right now.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: Everything is still obscured in this black inky space, by the way. Oh, you guys missed that while you were away. The kraken did an ink jet and filled this entire 60-foot radius with ink. The whole area is drastically obscured.\nPlayer: Even though there's my Control Water current going outward? Which lasts for ten minutes!\nDM: Well, lasts for ten minutes while you're concentrating, did you maintain concentration--\nPlayer: I haven't broke concentration--\nDM: That's true--\nPlayer: I saved for it.\nDM: Well, save right now.\nPlayer: I already saved for it while I was inside of him. I can save again.\nDM: Right, but you just took damage from the--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He also requests that the contract only be considered completed once Vox Machina is safely back on their home plane, but Ipkesh doesn't think that he should have to pay for their stupidity. The devil tells them that normally the jailers would confiscate their possessions upon their arrest, but Ipkesh can arrange for them to keep their items on their persons.\nDM: Okay. He seems honest. You get the sense here: he doesn't gain anything if you all fail. If you complete both sides of the contract and then he dies, he gets nothing.\nPlayer: Right.\nDM: So-- (weird Skype noises) If you were to escape--\nPlayer: What was that?\nDM: If-- I dunno.\nPlayer: It was like an old woman was trying to talk to us!\nDM: But yes. So, you get the sense that the purpose of this contract is in hopes of eventual corruption.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party continued in the direction Jester sensed the orb through Locate Object. Jester's spell fades.\nDM: All right, and then the claw attack. Ooh, that's going to be a 22 to hit. You suffer from the bite attack nine points of piercing damage.\nPlayer: Suffer me the little merrow.\nDM: Then the claws deal ten points of slashing damage.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: It's going to attempt to move out of the way of each of you because it doesn't know any better. It has a swim speed of 40 feet, so it's going to attempt to pull back to get some range. You each technically get an attack of opportunity on it.\nPlayer: Pop pop.\nDM: It's hoping. Disadvantage on each attack.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: The Bahamut section is far away. That's another section of the city. You are now on the line between the Duskmeadow and the Quad Roads, so it's Erathis and the Raven Queen.\nPlayer: I'm pulling a mask off the wall. This is a beautiful piece. Do you make them yourself?\nDM: \"I do. I do, I make them myself by hand, hence the price.\"\nPlayer: They are quite beautiful. We're travelers here. I've never seen a neighborhood like this. Is there a festival going on here, or is this pretty much the basic fare of the day here?\nDM: \"This is the localized festival of the city. If you've been around Vasselheim long enough you've seen there is little interest in celebration depending on some places. But, at least on this line, some people can appreciate the fleetness that is life and grasp it by the roots and make it its own before it's snuffed out.\"\nPlayer: Here particularly, there seems to be electricity in the air almost. It's very bustling. This is the norm around here?\nDM: \"Consistently. That's why I come and bring my business here. I wouldn't do very well up north, I'll tell you that. All them dragon types--\" Looks to you. \"No offense. All them silver dragon lovers have an issue with things as celebratory.\"\nPlayer: And I pull out ten gold, and I spread them on her desk.\nDM: \"How many masks?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Judging by the weather, they have arrived somewhere in Exandria. As Vox Machina comes within range of the base of the tower, they are addressed by an omnipresent, directionless voice.\nDM: As far as the ray that you have, the eye perspective, you're hitting right there, so you're just out of range to get rid of the paralysis from Vex and off Vax. If you manage to break from this somehow and you rotate, the spell would have no effect while it's on them.\nPlayer: They're broken from it by being in his gaze? Am I in his gaze?\nDM: No, you are not.\nPlayer: So I can still cast spells. But if I move into his gaze, I cannot.\nDM: Correct. Or if you shoot something through the cone, it will dissipate.\nPlayer: If I shoot up at Vecna, will it go through the cone?\nDM: Yeah, probably. You're just outside of it.\nPlayer: I will not go through the cone?\nDM: Probably. You can angle it that way, yeah. Keyleth, what are you doing?\nPlayer: It is now my turn.\nDM: Also, I need you to make a concentration check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, It hits Utugash and Tova, knocking them both prone. The flames from the Wall of Fire are extinguished...before reigniting because the spell is still active.\nDM: So, the water (whoosh), and the wall of fire in that one section (sputtering, fire roaring back to life). Unfortunately, the enchantment continues to produce flames once the spell disseminates the water. The nature of the spell is it perpetually conjures fire. So, there is a brief moment where it causes a gap, and the flames pick up once more. He is knocked prone, he took damage.\nPlayer: Okay. I tried. Sorry, guys.\nDM: Are you going to move, or are you going to stay where you are, Keyleth?\nPlayer: I'm going to back up as-- Can I crawl? Do I have enough movement to crawl back through the window?\nDM: You do.\nPlayer: I'll do that.\nDM: So you go back there, and you can move right back, around--\nPlayer: Yeah, I want to keep it, use it as like cover.\nDM: Okay. That ends Keyleth's turn. Tova. Grog.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, you, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. Fjord, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of Caleb.\nDM: You can probably all-- they do round you up. However, as soon as you begin to make any physical action towards spellcasting--\nPlayer: It's all vocal.\nDM: It's only verbal?\nPlayer: It's only verbal. And I tell them.\nDM: You tell them you're going to cast a spell?\nPlayer: I'm going to be healing everybody. It's a thing that I--\nDM: \"No spellcasting.\"\nPlayer: (loud sigh)\nDM: \"Don't want any funny stuff.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They manage to intimidate and terrify both boys, who deny knowing anything about the theft but agree to investigate for them and scamper off. Their boss notes they had it coming and this may be the making of them.\nDM: With Rissa guiding you guys back, you manage to make your way outside of the main Idle Shelf area and in towards the cluster of the Silver Falls. As you approach, you can see the beautiful, very wide waterfall that cascades down about a thousand feet, across the mountainside, until eventually it falls into this large lake, where you can see columns of steam are rising up. The closer you get, you begin to realize that there is an element of this lake, this waterfall, and some sort of a steam engine-type mechanism built into the surrounding rock that they use to fuel probably the furnaces and elements of the technology within this city. As you begin to hit the residential area, you can see these large, somewhat crooked-looking towers that themselves are maybe what would be the equivalent of 1500- to 1000-square-foot apartments, but stacked four or five on top of each other, with spiraling stairs on the outside to go to each level. There aren't a lot of folks currently at home, other than stay-at-home dads or moms that are watching children, some folks that are putting out laundry on lines that are connecting between multiple towers and are dangling up two or three stories above the street. But they're all made of dark irons and blacker metals, so it gives the district this very weirdly-- what's the word I'm looking for? A whimsical Industrial Revolution feel. It's a unique mixture.\nPlayer: Dr. Seuss meets--\nDM: Kind of. Or a hint of Howl's Moving Castle in places. There's also that spray of the waterfall hitting the lake behind, which gives occasionally this light misting of water through the air. You can see faint bits of rainbow that come through where the mist hits the sunlight as it makes its way across the waterfall spray.\nPlayer: You said the waterfall goes up a thousand feet.\nDM: Mm-hmm.\nPlayer: And the apartments don't go as high as that.\nDM: No, not at all.\nPlayer: So if I got in the middle of the area and cast Locate Object, it would do a really big radius. It would reach at least the top of the buildings.\nDM: Oh yeah, very much so.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: All right. You guys continue to head south, eventually following the path that you lead along with Keyleth's directional--\nPlayer: I keep an eye out for any enemies along the way.\nDM: Indeed you do, make a perception check, being the scout person for this.\nPlayer: I'm going to do that with advantage because I'm in the woods.\nDM: You're in the forest, yeah, that is true.\nPlayer: 25.\nDM: 25. With that, you manage to skirt the outside of what appears to be another localized basilisk nest. You catch it early enough and guide the party around it to avoid that on your way.\nPlayer: Let's go this way and then circle back.\nDM: You eventually make your way to the outskirts of the forest, the trees begin to thin out, the snow begins to melt, the temperature begins to rise somewhat. It's still cold-ish, but it's less freezing.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A breath of frost kills one of the giants before it is able to do much. Percy's engineering talent makes a showing, between a hand grenade and one of the exploding arrows he made for you.\nDM: Right now? No. You can see parts of the wings fluttering over, but you don't have a very good visual on it.\nPlayer: And he's pretty far away?\nDM: He's decent distance, yeah.\nPlayer: If I just try to (bowstring noise) up?\nDM: You can try to. It has three-quarters cover, so it gets a plus five to its armor class.\nPlayer: And I'm at disadvantage. Does it seem like if I cast something that would do mass damage, would the giant then not want to attack with us anymore?\nDM: That's a risk you'd have to take.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth also casts Healing Word on Desmond, bringing him back to consciousness. Grog swings at the entity with his Firebrand Warhammer, hitting all three times and doing heavy damage.\nDM: Okay. I will say you would normally get advantage. Because you're attacking it through the bars, melee, it disables it, so it's just a straight attack. You're having to fight it through prison bars with daggers, which is difficult.\nPlayer: All right. So the first one is terrible, it's a 14.\nDM: 14 misses, unfortunately.\nPlayer: And that's where the sneak attack damage is, right?\nDM: Well, it's the first attack you get on it would get it. So even if you miss the first attack, you can still get it with the second and third.\nPlayer: All right. Third one is a 21.\nDM: That does hit.\nPlayer: So there's the delivery system, and that is the Keen Dagger. 26, 27, 32. 38.\nDM: All right. With that, the first blade comes through and you try and get it through the bars and it gets nothing. You pull back, take the other dagger and swing through it. Falls too wide and you have to bring your arm back. This time, you can see after Grog has slammed it with the hammer, it falls. The sparkles come towards the edge. Its slamming its back into the bars. It's right there in front of you, and you use that instance to go ahead and reach through the bars, grab it by the throat, and stab it repeatedly, at which point its form disperses into wind around you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites you, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: It's going to turn around. You can see now, its tail emerges, and it's going to arc up and try and bite and slam in your direction with both sides of its body at once. This tail does not have a stinger on it, but it is still a giant bludgeoning implement. First attack is going to be a 19 to hit?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Next one is going to be a 16 to hit.\nPlayer: No.\nDM: All right, so the tail slams on the ground next to you, estimating your position and failing and just hitting the rocks that you had slid down. However, it does bite down with its open, icy jaws. You take 17 points of piercing damage, as well as an additional six points of cold damage.\nPlayer: Bringing it to a total of 22?\nDM: 22, yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Her smile shows two fanged canines. In a Zemnian accent she asks if they bring tidings from The Gentleman, and they confirm they are the help he sent.\nDM: \"Intriguing. Very well.\" They go down. \"(sighing) We and these Jagentoths have feuded for quite some time between these tribes. Many times it has come to bloodshed, but now with the Grudge Gang and the Taskers making open justice throughout the realm messy, we must take to other means. We cannot deliver our retribution with hands that can be traced back to us. As this affects both the Marduns and The Gentleman, he is wise to send you, and this kindness shall be repaid in person. The Jagentoths have slaughtered and stolen from us a major source of contraband and income. It's only fair we do the same in kind. We here of the Estate Sybaritic require you to cut one of the limbs of their business. Kill their best handymen. Hunt the Iron Shepherds.\"\nPlayer: One more time, please?\nDM: \"Hunt the Iron Shepherds.\"\nPlayer: Your accent is thick.\nDM: \"I have not been as far south as some of you, I can tell.\"\nPlayer: No, I appreciate hearing the old tongue again.\nDM: She says to you in Zemnian, \"Well, stick around.\" (in Common) \"Last I heard, they are still out on the road. They live at The Sour Nest, a small stronghold not far from here on the edge of North Clover to the eastern side. They have a number of hired hands that guard the locale. It's a difficult infiltration, but it's your best chance of catching them off guard. If you have other ideas, we are open to suggestions. Am I to believe that you have been sent,\" and her eyes fall over Nila, \"as trained killers, able to deal with this?\"\nPlayer: Some of us are trained killers for sure, and we have picked up help as we have seen fit. Everyone has been carefully selected, carefully vetted. I'm sure that with your input on their mannerisms and habits, their routines, we will do quite well.\nDM: \"All right. Let us hope that the priest was not incorrect. Either way, I would like to see them taken down a peg. So do you accept this offer?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Wohn rushes to the front door and spots you, but falls victim to her Hideous Laughter and is knocked prone, while Keg finishes the second guard ( Phil) and rushes over to attack Wohn. When Wohn shrugs off the Hideous Laughter, she retaliates on Keg, attacking her with Yasha's stolen Magicians's Judge, dispelling the Haste and stunning her.\nDM: A natural 19 on the dice. Going to move in here, this one is going to move in as well. They are probably going to move right there. They're both going to make attacks on Nott.\nPlayer: Sure.\nDM: The first one is going to be a 13 to hit.\nPlayer: Miss!\nDM: You duck out of the way. You see the short sword they pull spark across the stone, carving down the side. No impact. The other one uses that moment to try and swing at you. That's equally terrible! That's far worse, actually. That's a six.\nPlayer: Miss.\nDM: Both of them (whooshing), no effect, but they're both shouting back over their shoulders like, \"Intruder! Company!\" That finishes their go. Nila, you're up first.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb grapples it with Earthen Grasp. It manages to clean the tar off the lens, and breaks Caleb's concentration on the grapple by pinning him against the wall with a blade through the chest.\nDM: 11, unfortunately, does not hit. Your blade scrapes across its armored exterior, not finding purchase in any of its innards.\nPlayer: Divine Fury, can you do it on the first or only if the first--\nDM: The first attack that hits.\nPlayer: That first attack that hits.\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: Can I use my extra attack?\nDM: Yeah, you get that every round.\nPlayer: That\u2019s better. That\u2019s 21.\nDM: 21 hits! Roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Orly is a bagpiper, second mate, and navigator normally, currently between ships. He doesn't know Sabian, but he does know Marius LePual, who's been waiting for something to be delivered.\nDM: 21? Orly looks you straight with his one good eye, glances up and down. You get a good look. The leather eye patch itself has its own carving into it like it was wettened at one point and then shaved to have a very similar pattern as the curling wave tattoos that match his upper arms and you can now see the backs and sides of his neck. Looking through you for a moment, goes--\nPlayer: Sipping my milk. Milk mustache.\nDM: \"Let me tell you something. If what you say is true, it could very well be that you and your friends here might have a way of taking some of the weight off of M-M-Marius. I haven't seen him in some time, but I do know sometimes he hangs around the docks at night. Round m-m-midnight. Sometimes he's meeting folks in ships and selling things I can only imagine is illegal. Sometimes he's picking things up.\"\nPlayer: You wouldn't mind me asking for a brief description of him so we can identify him when we see him? That would be most advantageous.\nDM: \"What you looking for skinny-ass little half-elf fellow. Sides of his head shaved real low. Tiny little fuzz.\"\nPlayer: Super cool.\nDM: \"With a big old flop of blonde hair, hangs around in front of the face.\"\nPlayer: That's pretty cool.\nDM: \"Other than that, he don't dress m-m-mighty rich or anything. Tends to stay out of sight, so maybe be best you keep a keen eye around the shadows, huh?\"\nPlayer: Sure. I imagine he's probably a little jumpy of people if he owes money and that sort of thing. That can make someone very mistrusting. I would hate to invoke your name in front of him, but--\nDM: \"If all goes well and you end up doing him a solid, don't be afraid to tell him that Orly put you in the right direction, huh?\"\nPlayer: Thanks, friend, that's great.\nDM: \"If not, don't say a fucking word.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Many of the townsfolk gathered at that square were immediately killed. The party, as well as a few other straggling survivors, ran away as both the gargantuan black and green dragons began to chase them down.\nDM: Yeah, I'll let you know where you are at. You cast, let's see, you cast Heal once, which I believe was your 6th-level spell, and then you cast Mass Cure Wounds, so a 5th-level spell. So you've cast a 6th and a 5th.\nPlayer: One 6th and one 5th?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: Okay. All right, and then healthwise, where am I at? Went down 66?\nDM: Healthwise, you were down 66 and then you healed up, I don't remember the exact number. It was like 24. We'll go with 24. It's fine.\nPlayer: Okay guys, let's do a Mass Cure Wounds then at fourth level.\nDM: Okay. Which one is this? Are you casting Cure Wounds?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: On who?\nPlayer: A Mass Cure Wounds, sorry.\nDM: Mass Cure Wounds is a 5th-level spell.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The crew had been waiting a number of days, the repairs had been completed on Bisaft Isle. You guys decided to call it an evening and rest up.\nDM: Well, you go ahead and ask. There's maybe four servers that are running around like crazy that are in the process of handing things out and taking stuff, but there is one individual you see, this woman in her late 50s, early 60s. Beautiful brown skin, big smile, a little heavyset, who seems to be looking over the place like she is the owner of this meadery. Looks over to you and, as your eyes meet, notices the look of, \"I need help,\" and goes over and goes, \"Hello, darling. How can I help you?\"\nPlayer: I think he wanted to try some mead, I wanted to try some mead, and then we wanted to buy some mead.\nDM: \"Well, I can help with any of these, of course.\"\nPlayer: Mm-hmm.\nDM: \"What's your name?\"\nPlayer: Beau.\nDM: \"Beau. Well, a pleasure to meet you. I am Bentha Tamalos, and welcome to my meadery.\"\nPlayer: Benth-- can I call you Ben?\nDM: \"Call me Bentha, please.\"\nPlayer: Bentha. Pleasure.\nDM: \"Pleasure to meet you as well, darling. Well, how many bottles would you like? Do you want to have glasses separately or do you want to just buy bottles and serve yourselves?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog's axe, however, takes a chunk out of it. The party continue to fight as the Trickfoots scatter and hide.\nDM: Okay. Five-foot radius. Yeah, so you can-- it basically encompasses the whole size of the creature. So you watch as, in the middle of the sky, the full moon that's partially almost at its zenith, you watch as almost a secondary moon appears next to it for a moment, and a single column of bright moonlight hits the ground.\nPlayer: Kinda harnessing the moon, you know?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Yeah, moon goddess shit? Yeah.\nDM: And it's illuminating the creature from the inside, and where the smoke is, you can now see there are portions of it that are burning on the inside, like there's small holes being dug through it as the beam continues to focus on it. Are you gonna-- you can still move the rest of your movement, or you can stay where you are.\nPlayer: I'll kind of shift towards the front of the column, so I have the column behind my back.\nDM: Right there?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay. You leap over some of the leftover sacks and offerings there and put your back against the column. All right, perfect. That brings us to the gnomes' turns. These guys, you watch as Johann and Astra just move behind the side of the rock. They're too entranced to look away, but you guys seem to have this handled, so they're watching from the side. You watch as Ogden begins to-- oh god!-- he hobbles back behind you, Taryon, and goes like, \"Excuse me!\" and pushes alongside you to move behind the rock here.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He admits that he is a scoundrel, to which Kaylie retorts that he is a scoundrel who has no boundaries and leaves a wake of people hurt. She demands that he draw his blade.\nDM: \"That's not true, but you've been doing it a bit, which is more than I expected, to be honest. So I appreciate that, I really do.\"\nPlayer: Not only that, we've, I don't know if word has reached you yet, but in Whitestone we're working towards establishing a Gilmore-themed library for the people with your name attached to it.\nDM: \"Well.\"\nPlayer: Something respectable for a change!\nDM: \"Oh, I don't know about that. I've still got to finish building my shop in Westruun, but when that is done, I'll be more than happy to look into it.\"\nPlayer: If you need any help, count on us.\nDM: \"Whitestone. Whitestone. Hmm. Place has been kind of dour as of late.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon gaining consciousness, Grog drowns his sorrows in the familiar comforts of ale and whores. As Vox Machina are taking breakfast the next morning, they hear a horn blast signaling an attack on the city.\nDM: We'll find them. We've got carpets from you guys to use. We'll get that in just a second. It's fine. We've got to move. So Percy?\nPlayer: I have the carpet, I'm going to head towards that small--\nDM: You have the laser pointer. Show me.\nPlayer: What is that?\nDM: That is a rock.\nPlayer: I'm going to move just to the other side of that.\nDM: Okay, you coast through here, unseen.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With a high-level Hold Monster, he paralyzes Zahra, Kash, and both their mounts, sending them plummeting back over the side of the tower. As Vecna's wounds again begin to seal, he telekinetically raises the central platform of the broken tower.\nDM: 36, all righty. All right, he's going to use his third, or sorry, his final legendary action for this round to cast Firebolt at you, Scanlan.\nPlayer: I cannot protect against that. I have no Counterspell that reaches him. Right?\nDM: At this moment, no. That is an eight plus 16, that is a 24 to hit.\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: All right. You suffer 23 points of fire damage.\nPlayer: Great.\nDM: All righty. So at the end of Vax's turn, that brings us to the 20 initiative count. At this point in time--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you then takes the first bead of divinity -- the one from Ioun-- smashes it on the Anvil, and folds the powdered remains into the first ingot. With aid from Keyleth and Scanlan in the form of spells and inspiration, he does the same with the bead from Pelor, but has trouble with the one from the Raven Queen.\nDM: Yeah, you're fine. So you maintain concentration on your form. Perfect. That finishes Keyleth's turn. Grog, what are you doing?\nPlayer: Yeah. It's hammer time. I'm going to run down here-- five, ten, 15-- right there, to this side.\nDM: Perfect, you can get up right against there. The elemental gets one swing at you as you go out of its range. That is a three plus seven. Ten. It hits your back and it's like, ooh. It's kind of cool.\nPlayer: And I'll take both of my attacks at the giant death-bringer. Just reckless, not great weapon master. Hoping for a crit, which was not it. 31.\nDM: Hits.\nPlayer: Great. That's better. 32.\nDM: Hits. These are both with the minus five?\nPlayer: No, not great weapon master. Just reckless. Six, 22 for the first one.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party leaves his office and looks for Foreman Herris to learn about what creatures they might encounter in the mines. Scanlan sings a song of rest:\u00a0 Scanlan make you feel good.\nDM: Why not! Why split the party? So the the group makes their way over to the outskirts of the building. Opens up and a very nice, portly looking dwarf with a big tuft of a chinstrap beard. Big reddish, ruddy nose. Leather apron on. And he opens the door. \"Aye, hello! Nice to meet you. What can I do for ye?\"\nPlayer: Hi. You must be Hieris?\nDM: \"I am, I am. Foreman of this here fine mine.\"\nPlayer: Wonderful to meet you. I've heard wonderful things about you.\nDM: \"Oh, have you! From who?\"\nPlayer: Uh, from Lord Greyspine himself.\nDM: \"Really? Oh. All right. Well, how can I be of service?\"\nPlayer: We were curious. I'm sure you witnessed all of those wonderful goblins and trolls and other nonsense coming out of the mine.\nDM: \"Aye. Nasty lot. It always makes my weeks that much more interesting.\"\nPlayer: Weeks? So this has been happening for quite a while?\nDM: \"Unfortunately, at least five or six.\"\nPlayer: And what kind of monsters have you been dealing with?\nDM: \"Terrible kinds.\" He starts rubbing his chin for a little and goes, \"We generally deal with the occasional goblin den we stumble across when opening new tunnels. That's part of the norm. Other nasty underground beasties. However, over this past few weeks, we've seen some real nightmarish things slither out of the shadows. Many goblins stitched together, like some kind of ball of screaming green lint.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Yasha, furious, uses Necrotic Shroud and two large, skeletal black wings emerge from her shoulder blades, the tips of her hair turn black, and her eyes go jet black. Two wolves attack Jester, still trying to pull you out of danger.\nDM: Five points of damage. You strike past it. It keeps running, charges this direction. The ogre right now, being surrounded and watching the rest of its fellows run away, is backing up and looking, \"Where Emmett?!\" Oh yeah, thank you. He's blocked from my position. He is going to, seeing everything else fleeing, scatter as well. Just runs off the map. That finishes their go. Caleb, you're up.\nPlayer: Yeah, okay, I'm going to start muttering under my breath and stretch out two hands and send two Magic Missiles: one at the one that ran that way, and two at this one, and two at the one that ran that way.\nDM: Okay. You're casting it at level two?\nPlayer: I'm casting it at level two.\nDM: Yeah, so it's two missiles each. Go ahead and roll damage. 1d4 plus one per missile.\nPlayer: Okay, so the one that was near Nott is three and seven for that one.\nDM: He gets hit by both, continues to run. He's wounded, but still alive.\nPlayer: Verdammt. Two, three and seven for that one as well.\nDM: Seven for this one? The one that's running past Molly, both missiles hit it from two different sides, and his head pops open from both sides of the force damage hitting it. Its body runs for like three more steps before it (boom) onto the ground on its own.\nPlayer: I will just stay put.\nDM: Okay, finishing Caleb's go. Fjord, you're up. Molly, you're on deck.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Just then, Tary's force bubble expires, and Ogden goes plummeting over the cliff. Vax dives after him and catches him.\nDM: \"I don't care about the money, that's what they wanted. Honestly, I just used this as an excuse to get to see you again. It would have been fine if no one had found out anything. We would have been heroes. We would have had no reason to not be friends again. We would have saved you, as far as you know, from a terrible curse, and maybe that would have-- maybe then I would have been a hero to you. But I'm nothing. I'm a caretaker to a swindler and move around too much to make any real friends, so that's just my lot in life, I guess.\"\nPlayer: It doesn't have to be.\nDM: \"That's all I know.\"\nPlayer: But you're very smart. I think there's more for you in this life than you know.\nDM: You can see now, she's just tears now, at this point.\nPlayer: I'm going to walk over to Johann and Astra.\nDM: Okay. Yeah, they've let the invisibility down at this point. They're both just entangled. \"Oh! There's some sort of misunderstanding here. We were under the impression that there was a terrible curse.\"\nPlayer: \"Money?\"\nDM: \"No! No! We-- Look. Look! Okay. Look, we have been following--\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some strange cold feelings felt earlier by Fjord 16 , Jester 17 , and Caleb were revealed to be Dashilla ensorcelling them and sneaking away before they noticed her. Dashilla may cause a creature she has ensorcelled to react to a false image.\nDM: No, it lasts until the beginning of the next combat round. Okay, she's going to go ahead and do a multi-attack with her claws against Beauregard because she's in melee.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: That's two strikes against you, these giant bladed, fingered claws. First one is-- that's a natural 14 plus seven. That's 21 to hit.\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: The second one is a natural 16.\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: All right, so you get hit from each. You take, from the first strike, 12 points of slashing damage. The second one, 14 points of slashing damage. In what already was clouded silt is now clouded further by your own blood from the slash marks across the front and the side of your neck and jaw, and the pain sears through. In an instant, all you see is the claws streaking through and the glowing yellow eyes before they rescind back into the cloud.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: All right. So, Craven Edge, as you're holding it, all of a sudden the handle becomes white hot and you immediately take six points of fire damage just holding it.\nPlayer: Grip it harder! (groan)\nDM: Fire's biting through. Three attacks against you, Scanlan.\nPlayer: Oh, God.\nDM: Currently two of which are flanking you, so they're going to have advantage on the attacks. So that's a natural 20 on one of them. This guy is-- 18. That hits. And then this guy here without the advantage-- still hits with a 17.\nPlayer: I'm going to use Cutting Words on the last guy.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: I'm going to just-- (plays flute badly) to distract him.\nDM: Okay, go ahead and roll a d10.\nPlayer: d10. Which one's ten, I never remember. This one. Nine!\nDM: Okay! So he rolled a 17 plus seven, that would've been a 24, that brings him to 15, which I believe misses you. So the last strike, as he swings towards you, the shrilling tones, it causes him to reach up and grab one of his lizard-like ear holes and (snarling) the swing goes wildly over your head. However, as you duck down, you look up as you see the shadow come down of two large clubs that (boom boom) over the head of your tiny gnomish form. That's going to be-- (groans)\nPlayer: Oh, that's not a good sound.\nDM: Oh, and they also get bites after this, too. All right, so you take 12, which would double to 24-- Oh, no, sorry, 12-- 20 points of bludgeoning damage from one. You take 12 points of damage from the other. So 32 points of damage total. And they're both going to attempt to bite you as well, with advantage.\nPlayer: A bite with advantage!\nDM: That is a 20 on the first one.\nPlayer: That's the damage it does?\nDM: That's to hit. And that one's going to -- double 19, so they both hit. So you take another 20 points of damage total of piercing damage as they both start tearing into your body.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They continue to attack both gators. Yasha is held in the jaws of one, and Nott by the other.\nDM: Okay. Moving on. That's fine. It's okay. It's still a fair amount of damage. Molly, what are you doing?\nPlayer: With my running speed, how close can I get and still have an action?\nDM: That's it.\nPlayer: That's as far as I can get without an action?\nDM: Unfortunately, you guys are running through a swamp behind who engaged it, so it's an unfortunate circumstance.\nPlayer: At the very least, then, I'm going to--\nDM: Fortune favors the bold in this case.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside.\nDM: All right, you make your way to the Iron Stocks. And it is currently unguarded, there is nobody there, the Herd has lost interest in it, the door's partially ajar, and as you walk inside you can already smell the place just reeks of refuse and decay. It looks like everything left in the middle of a workday. There are still ledgers open on the front desk, you can see what looks to be a small group of-- a barracks-type scenario to the left of the entrance that is just completely abandoned and looks like some cases are left open, scattering various keepsakes and bottles that are shattered on the ground, a lot of people left either to go into battle to defend against the dragon, to lose their life in it, or just to get the hell out of Dodge.\nPlayer: Can I walk up to the ledger and pretend to read it?\nDM: Yeah. You pick it up and leaf through for a few pages, lotta great squiggles.\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: Some pretty handwriting, you can tell--\nPlayer: Any squiggles that look familiar?\nDM: Um, no. No, none that-- I mean, some look familiar, some are more rounded--\nPlayer: Oh, this poor bastard right here, yep, I remember him, good chap. Hello? Is anyone in here?\nDM: There's a slight pause. Then you hear a voice echo from the right side of the room, down a hall just through the stone, you can barely make it out because the distance it's at, because you're hearing the echo protrude from quite a distance, but a voice just says, \"Hey! Hey! In here! Need food please!\"\nPlayer: Oh, shit. So I go in that direction. Open the door and try and make my way that way.\nDM: You charge down the hallway and there are a number of cells that are immediately here. Some of them are open and abandoned entirely, there are a few that you look off to the side, looks like a few individuals just passed away inside the cell. You come to a set of stairs that leads down into the next subterranean region and you hear the voice again, much closer, be like, \"Hey! Hey! I hear your footsteps!\" And you see a hand reaching out from behind some of the bars.\nPlayer: Put your hand back inside.\nDM: The hand retracts as you look over.\nPlayer: That's a good lad. What's your name? Before I approach. Still far enough away.\nDM: \"Ah. Orn. Orn Finch at your service. Been in here far too long and very thirsty. I will be happily at your service, fair muscled man, should you see fit to relinquish me from these binds.\" And you look at him, he looks like a lowly beggar, longish tattered hair, wearing just general tattered and soiled clothing, no shoes, feet look blistered and black.\nPlayer: Ugh. I'm going to call you Orn Blackfoot.\nDM: \"Blackfoot it is, Orn Blackfoot at your service, if you could just--\"\nPlayer: My name is Lord Grog.\nDM: \"Lord. It is my pleasure.\" And he reaches through and grasps your hand, his fingers are bony and thin, and he takes it and shakes it with what little strength he has.\nPlayer: Man, you are looking a little rispy-- Pour out a little ale into a goblet, and I give him a goblet of ale.\nDM: He snatches it from you and slurps into it, extremely thirsty.\nPlayer: Ah-ah, not too fast, not too fast, don't want to get the bubbles. And I reach into the Bag of Holding and I have a dry food ration. I have three left. Now I have two. And I give him some dried food ration.\nDM: He takes it and eagerly starts jamming it into his mouth. As he's eating, he's not even talking at you, this is just sheer hunger, the need to survive has taken over and he's just cramming it in there, choking a couple of times, keeping himself okay.\nPlayer: Pace yourself, lad. Tell me, why are you in here, Orn Blackfoot?\nDM: \"Ah, well, this is-- everyone just started yelling and they abandoned us all here. It's been terrible hearing the moans and screams going silent. I thought they abandoned us all.\"\nPlayer: No, they did, to be clear. They totally abandoned you. You are really the only person I know of that's in here. All the other mates around you, they're either sleeping or, you know.\nDM: \"I appreciate the food and drink, you've certainly done--\" At which point a voice comes from about two cells over behind you that goes-- \"Did I hear food and drink?\"\nPlayer: Fuck.\nDM: \"Food-- food and drink, please. Please.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party were able to ride the flooding water safely away from the temple, but were noticed by about twenty yuan-ti.\nDM: That's one-- that's two successes on that one! We'll add to that. So keeping a close eye, Caleb is darting ahead, into the jungle, shouting out various issues. Jamedi is trying to keep up with you but behind is also helping you keep an eye and shouting out traps that he had helped you bypass before and making sure you guys don't fall off the path that you had made your way through that he had set on his map beforehand that had avoided the bigger dangers in the jungle. Between the two of you, you manage to get a fair bit in there, and the sound of the chasing yuan-ti does not seem to be getting louder, which is good. That's one, who does the next offer?\nPlayer: I was going to say Yasha can take out the Magician's Judge and start cleaving machete-style through the brush, making it far easier for us to move.\nDM: Okay, Yasha going to push at the front, which, with a higher speed than you, she can definitely do, and begin to carve through swarths of the jungle to make it an easier passage. For her, make an athletics check, please.\nPlayer: Advantage or straight up?\nDM: Straight up, unless she's raging.\nPlayer: Oh, she's rage-clearing!\nDM: Okay, I'll allow that for this.\nPlayer: 21-- 22.\nDM: That's a success. Yasha's now ahead of the group, she's carving through, you can see there are bits when you come up to the front, where there is just dense clusters of tangled vines where the path you are taking-- Caleb stops you at the front, because you deviated a little from the path where you were because you were running too fast. At this point, you're not used to this level of acceleration for an extended period of time. Right at the end of your Expeditious Retreat, right as the spell is about to fade, you come to that group of vines. At that point you're about to spin and warn everybody, and all you see is this blur of Yasha carve through them. They all fall to the ground, the path before you is open, she goes \"Go!\" All of you just keep running in that direction. Yasha's continuing that, who's taking the next bit?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, First, you checks in with Percy to see if he can identify the pond she saw in her vision; he gives her a map and some suggestions. With a good idea now of where to go, you rides Trinket into the forest toward the Alabaster Sierras.\nDM: 22. You make your way and you find the pond, and you recognize it exactly the moment you get there. This is exactly the pond in your vision.\nPlayer: This is where it was!\nDM: You glance over and start finding your way around the edge, and eventually you find the thick, heavy footfalls right beneath the water. He leapt straight out of the water so there were no tracks directly out of it, but you look just beneath the surface.\nPlayer: I remember him jumping into the trees!\nDM: Yes, you look up and you can see a few branches are broken, and you begin to trace the direction of where it went.\nPlayer: I cast Pass Without a Trace on myself, and I'm going to stealth after him.\nDM: Okay. All right, go ahead and roll a stealth check. Are you still on Trinket for this?\nPlayer: I'm going to put him in the locket for the time being.\nDM: Trinket goes into the necklace. Go ahead and roll stealth with your Pass Without a Trace bonus.\nPlayer: Oh, right! 33.\nDM: 33, okay. Very quietly, you dart up into the trees and begin leaping from broken branch to broken branch. Eventually it leads you into a small opening between a series-- the trees here are truly thick, but there's certain areas where they begin to separate a bit, and you can see heavy impacts where it leapt down and found some soft ground and begins running. And you can see the tracks, and you take a moment and study these tracks, and you can see exactly how these thick three-toed feet of the creature dig into the dirt, and you take a very, very close watch on them. I need you to go ahead and make another wisdom survival check to see where those footfalls will take you.\nPlayer: So again, a 24. Oh wait, 22.\nDM: 22, okay. So you begin darting through, and you notice there are points where it leaps into the trees and vanishes. The trail stops, but you can follow brief bits. But this creature's heavy, you can see it doesn't leap into the boughs and hang on a branch, it leaps up onto an actual tree trunk and then leaps off the trunk, and where it does, the bark splinters and breaks. Whatever this is, it's extremely dense. It's extremely heavy. And to have the power and strength to lift its form on that thickness means it has some power behind it. Continuing to keep tabs, you're darting through the dark woods. Out of the right of you, you hear a sudden noise, and you are surprised, as a series of birds come fluttering past you, apparently startled from something nearby, and you watch as a forest elk darts past and is a sign of-- you know, naturally in this environment-- of relatively recent movement. And you get the sense that you might be gaining on this creature, whatever it's charging.\nPlayer: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.\nDM: So as you're leaping and running and making the best possible path you can, eventually, the trail begins to grow a little cold, and you find a small glade--\nPlayer: A small poo.\nDM: Yeah, I know. About 30 feet across. The trees open and there's this space and it's pristine, untouched. The trail ends entirely.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb grapples it with Earthen Grasp. It manages to clean the tar off the lens, and breaks Caleb's concentration on the grapple by pinning him against the wall with a blade through the chest.\nDM: It does roll past here, stopping at this point. It\u2019d be about here, I think. As it spins in this direction, the things that drew its attention originally, which is Beau and Nott in that corner. Nott, you do get an attack of opportunity with a melee weapon, if you have one, but you have your crossbow out?\nPlayer: I probably have my crossbow out.\nDM: So yeah, you don\u2019t do much of an attack there.\nPlayer: I\u2019ll hit it with my crossbow.\nDM: Roll an attack. Improvised weapon for a melee.\nPlayer: Yeah. 18.\nDM: 18 just hits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Since this is a recruiting tool, Wastiker approaches them about joining the Righteous Brand for a gold a day pay, but is turned down. you is approached by Darrow, the leader of the mercenary band called the Stubborn Stock out of the Menagerie Coast.\nDM: \"All right, pleasure to meet you. Well, I am the de facto leader of a mercenary band known as the Stubborn Stock. We're out of Guar on the Menagerie Coast, but we've been hired for about a seven month stint so far by the Empire and it's been paying pretty well. We've had some pretty good scenarios here. The retainer's been nice and honestly, it's not bad to be paid to sit around in case they need us.\"\nPlayer: What kind of work? It's just going out and killing things?\nDM: \"Well, when they need us. To kill things, to hunt things down. There's a lot of business that they can't bring the military to and the Crownsguard stay in the cities so they send us out and about. That's only if they need us.\"\nPlayer: It's no contract? You can come and go as you please if you like?\nDM: \"Well, it's contract. You have to be there for their disposal. We're stationed up in Nogvurot and have been for the length of this contract, but we were able to come down for this celebration and it's been not too bad. It's good wage, sit around, occasionally hunt down some criminal Xhorhasian terror that's come down from the mountains. It's a pretty decent living if I say so myself and you look like a very capable soldier if I say, again.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. Yeah, you can say so.\nDM: \"Sure. Would you be interested?\"\nPlayer: Maybe. I don't know. Do you have like a pamphlet or something?\nDM: \"We have no pamphlet. My band of esteemed warriors are planning to be in the Victory Pit later this afternoon.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There they are greeted by Keyleth's father, Korrin. A ceremony is held, the whole village gathering to celebrate beneath a huge tree in the center of town.\nDM: \"C'mon, c'mon kids.\" And takes them by the hand and they all drag the kids off as you guys wait in the outskirts of the city. One of the kids who didn't quite get a hand on this young three-year-old boy who's running behind them stops. Turns and stares at you all, but stares specifically at Grog and is just wide-eyed, going--\nPlayer: Hey.\nDM: \"Hi.\"\nPlayer: Eat your vegetables, you'll look like this.\nDM: \"Okay.\"\nPlayer: Now get out of here!\nDM: (yells) (all laugh) Just immediately bolts past to catch up with the rest of the crowd.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party, including Avantika and Jamedi confronts three unhappy-looking yuan-ti (pureblood priestesses), and one taller gray figure with a large hooded snake head (a yuan-ti mind whisperer).\nDM: Resists it, unfortunately. There's a (impact) as you hit. You realize as you're trying to do Stunning Strike, you don't fully understand the physicality of it. Its body and organ placement is different from the usual, other human-type creatures you've studied, and so you're just unable to hit the right point in its body.\nPlayer: Okay. Hit it again. That was such bullshit. 11.\nDM: In your confusion and frustration of not being able to find the soft spot in its body, your second strike goes and it manages to dodge out of the way. No impact.\nPlayer: I just look at it and I just go I don't feel very good. Then I'm going to do Patient Defense.\nDM: All right, so then you go in Patient Defense to protect yourself. Got it.\nPlayer: I'm a little nauseous.\nDM: That is now Yasha's turn. Before Yasha can begin the round, Caduceus?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax hops up and bravely runs away, away. Tiberius misses a Counterspell as Delilah Briarwood deals him 21 points of psychic damage and drop his Intelligence and Charisma to 1, reducing him to instinctual responses and disabling his flying.\nDM: For hitting you. All right. And now he's going to make an athletics check to attempt to grapple you. That is going to be a 13.\nPlayer: As I see this going on, can I call out with Cutting Words to distract him?\nDM: You could, yes.\nPlayer: Okay. (singing) Distraction, distraction! Distraction! Distraction, distraction!\nDM: Go ahead and roll a d10.\nPlayer: What do I roll?\nDM: d10. And subtract that from his attack modifier.\nPlayer: Six.\nDM: Okay. With that, as he reaches down in an attempt to grapple you and grab you by the throat, the fingers are coming towards you and you try and attempt to roll out of the way. All of sudden, you hear, \"Distraction!\" and Lord Briarwood's, (annoyed sigh). You see his massive eyeroll and then goes in for the attack, but that's given you enough time to roll out of the way his hand only meets the ground. He's then going to step back and get adjacent to Lady Briarwood. That ends his turn. Keyleth, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy takes some shots at Ripley and manages to knock her over. Grog attacks one of the gunslingers.\nDM: Actually, because she's on the ground it's at disadvantage. Any ranged attacks against prone people.\nPlayer: Even with Sharpshooter? Even with standard Sharpshooter bonus of ignore three-quarter cover?\nDM: It's not so much cover, it's more the fact that they're a smaller target to hit because they're closer to the ground.\nPlayer: So the full range Sharpshooter ignore three-quarter cover would not cancel that out?\nDM: It's not cover that gives her the bonus.\nPlayer: The whole theory being that it's easier to hit smaller targets.\nDM: Right, it affects cover, it doesn't affect her being a smaller target in general to hit. It's the way the rule works.\nPlayer: That's okay. She's down. What am I going to do? I'm not even going to pretend. I'll burn a point of grit to also ignore that.\nDM: Okay, there you go. It's a straight attack roll.\nPlayer: That's probably not going to hit. Let's see. 14.\nDM: 14 does not hit. It scoots past her and slams into the tree behind her. You see the splintering of petrified bark.\nPlayer: I throw my gun behind on my shoulder, and I'm going to head to my right to try to get some cover with that tree.\nDM: Around Keyleth?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Yasha has a tinder box, so you uses Mage Hand to hold the dynamite, Yasha lights it, and you and Jester (who has cast Pass Without a Trace and needs to be within 30 feet) sneak up and move it into the house. After a tense pause, it explodes, blowing apart the tree and knocking the troll prone, and allowing the party a surprise round.\nDM: Each Magic Missile, the spray is still jumping off of its body in these very proximity-based sprays of terrible toxin. So yeah, it's still happening.\nPlayer: Can I scoot back behind that tree to the west?\nDM: Are you only making the one attack?\nPlayer: I'll make another one when I get over there.\nDM: Over here?\nPlayer: Can I go farther around? Just as far around as I can-- yeah.\nDM: As you're rushing past.\nPlayer: That one hits. 19 plus something. This is not a sneak attack, though.\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: Well, poo. Six points of damage.\nDM: Six points of damage to it. As the bolt sticks in the back, you watch as one of its bulbous pustules sprays venom behind it, impacting nothing in its proximity.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Hotis then attempts to flee but is held back by Tiberius. As the team assault him, a suit of armor animates and comes to his aid, hitting them all with a stored Fireball.\nDM: You guys watch as Keyleth now angrily morphs into this large, white saber-toothed tiger that roars on the ground where she once was. You can move, still, if you wish.\nPlayer: I'm going for rakshasa, so I'm going to head this way.\nDM: You have a speed of 40, I think?\nPlayer: Speed is 40.\nDM: So you can get right up next to it. Yep. So you run around the side of the giant statue and right up in the face of Hotis, personally.\nPlayer: Yeah, that's fine. Bring it.\nDM: End of Keyleth's turn. Tiberius, you're up. Thorbir, you're on deck.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, If that fails, once their main force is on the bridge, Grog will cut the rope holding the bridge. you casts her spell.\nDM: And you can actually see that the bridge looks attached to it, it's a very, very convincing illusion. And you kind of have to remind yourself that it's an illusion, just so you don't fall for it either!\nPlayer: Yes, be careful guys, please be careful!\nDM: All right. So you're kind of chilling in the middle of the bridge?\nPlayer: Mm-hm.\nDM: All right. The rest of you are--\nPlayer: All right, I'm on the outside of the bridge.\nDM: -- on the other side-- outside of the bridge.\nPlayer: I'm out with them.\nDM: Okay. So you're off the bridge now.\nPlayer: Gone. Yeah.\nDM: All right. So now, Tiberius, Vax, you guys walk across the bridge, keeping grip both side rails, feeling it rock to and fro from the continuous warm bellowing of wind up from the cavern beneath you. Eventually you bring your way across. What looks like you should be stepping on terrain is still the bridge, and it takes you a minute to adjust to the fact that you're still going across the bridge, but it looks like rocky terrain. Eventually you make it to the other side and you grab purchase on stone. Looking ahead of you, you can see about 60 feet ahead of you the outskirts of the war camp.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester and Fjord, also on deck, only see what appears to be ball lightning, but they see you being hurt by it, and Jester casts Cure Wounds on her, causing the creature to double in size. you and the being continue to battle, with you being seriously injured.\nDM: 19 points of damage on the first strike. Carves through the center of its leg area, you watch as energy dissipates. The leg goes (poof) and vanishes. Now it's hovering lightly with the other leg below it. You see energy sparking around where the leg's reforming.\nPlayer: (groans) Okay.\nDM: What are you doing with your second attack?\nPlayer: Yeah. Since I have reckless, I can still continue to do it?\nDM: Reckless for all your attacks this round, yeah.\nPlayer: I'm sorry, guys. Okay, 19.\nDM: 19 hits. Roll damage a second time.\nPlayer: Fuck. Ten.\nDM: Ten points of damage. You strike it again with the blade. It seems to shrug it off. It seems to be hardier than it was when you started this fight.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She Dimension Door'ed her way into the ritual room, which Vox Machina followed over the wall. She seemed to complete the ritual, creating this small, vacuous, spinning black sphere that is locked in place.\nDM: Make an intelligence check. Just roll a d20 and add your intelligence. And you have advantage on it because he's your favored.\nPlayer: I'm not that smart. 12.\nDM: 12? Okay. You know that these creatures are incorporeal. They can generally shift in and out of solid matter as a way of moving and defending itself. You know that they're difficult to fight in the dark. You also know that they, because of their form, are generally resistant to a lot of types of elemental-type damage. And lighting and cold: no effect whatsoever.\nPlayer: Got it.\nDM: As well as poison.\nPlayer: Good to know.\nDM: That's as much as you can ascertain with that roll.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, Caduceus, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. you, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of Caleb.\nDM: She's not going to do anything with her action? She can dash with her action and move again if you're trying to get her to move.\nPlayer: Oh yeah, double dash. Yeah, I'm sorry. A little frazzled.\nDM: 40. What's her movement?\nPlayer: 40 and bonus to rage.\nDM: All right. As she charges past, that guard sees her running and goes, \"Wait!\" There's a huge distraction now. This person here who saw all of a sudden the flames erupt who was part of Avantika's crew, one of the crew members, is going to take an attack of opportunity at her as well as she runs past. She is raging, though, so she takes half damage. Ooh, that's going to be a 21 to hit.\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: She takes another eight damage, but it's reduced to four. That finishes Yasha's go. Caduceus, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before this happened, as a part of a journey towards this Tri-Spire, both Caleb and Jester made their way there. Caleb unsuccessfully entering a nicer district of the city that did not seem to believe or respect his presentation.\nDM: Laura Bailey, the kind of friend that tells you when you have a booger in your nose. I really appreciate it.\nPlayer: Can I jump this gap where Molly is and avoid the webbing?\nDM: You can certainly try. Go ahead and make an athletics check. You are standing in webbing, so it's being able to--\nPlayer: Natural 20.\nDM: I will say yes! I will give you the ability to leap through and land off to this side using your movement and avoid that ten feet and still manage to free yourself from the webbing. So that was 15 feet of your movement used to leap.\nPlayer: So I have 25 more feet?\nDM: Yep.\nPlayer: How close can I get to the spider?\nDM: Let's give it a shot.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party share tales from their time apart. Vex, to great dismay, learns about the fate of the flying carpet.\nDM: Okay. Blacksmithing is more for construction. The blacksmith there says, \"Well, I mean, I can certainly make some for you, but there's already plenty of ready-made ones over at the general store across the way.\" And he points to a smaller building.\nPlayer: I would like a quarterstaff, though, with bladed ends. It is why I came to you, sir.\nDM: \"All right.\" And the scruffy-chinned human rubs his half-beard and thinks it over. \"I can probably fashion something. I can't tell you how wieldy it'll be, but we can certainly try. Give me about-- four hours, probably, with a ready-made quarterstaff?\"\nPlayer: Wonderful.\nDM: \"All right. For the custom, put you back about, say, 80 gold for the custom job.\"\nPlayer: Wonderful.\nDM: \"You wanted a crossbow, you said. You want a heavy crossbow or--\"\nPlayer: Oh. What do you prefer? I'm a sorcerer, so I've got to keep it light.\nDM: \"Then you're probably going to go with a regular hand-crossbow. Go talk to that general store over there.\" And he sends you across the way. You head over to the general store. You purchase, base price for a hand-crossbow is 75 gold pieces, so mark that off.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina managed to fly over the main part of the camp, but the duergar will reach them shortly. Vox Machina briefly take care of the wounded and unconscious before running towards the back of the camp, through the buildings, to the main tunnel.\nDM: You all manage to push towards the back of the entire war camp, into this tunnel. Hearing behind you the distant echoing shouts of approximately 30-plus duergar heading in your direction. You hear a few other ballista bolts hitting the wall above you of the stone.\nPlayer: Are we all in the tunnel?\nDM: You guys have now pushed into the tunnel.\nPlayer: I wait for everybody to pass and I cast all my Grand Columns.\nDM: Okay, how many can you--\nPlayer: Three.\nDM: Three per spell? And how many spell levels do you have currently?\nPlayer: That's it, that's what I did the SP for, so that I could cast this right now.\nDM: Right. So you have one.\nPlayer: I have none in my column.\nDM: Right. How many spell castings did you have left? Two?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you polymorphs Grog into a gorilla, and she herself Beast Shapes into a giant eagle. Everyone moves through the bog canopy and enters a shaded nightfall in proximity to the giant tree.\nDM: Okay, I mean, there are a number of areas that are somewhat clear on the ground, but there is no-- All the landscape is coated with this molasses-type material, even the bits that aren't submerged and are relatively shallow, there is still that substance all across them.\nPlayer: I was doing a tighter loop.\nDM: Right.\nPlayer: Of the tree, see if I can get any more details that we haven't already seen.\nDM: Okay. Keeping your eyes out as best you can as you loop around a second time, you get closer, no real change in what you're able to observe. You have a higher detailed look at it, but once again, you see a number of these vine-clusters around the base of some of these branches, you see elements where the bark has split and sealed over and split again and just spills out more of this black filth.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: You aren't able to make out any sort of other details about its surface.\nPlayer: I fly back to the others.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back at the bakery, Tary gives the Trickfoots the run of the shop (to the chagrin of Vex and you, who don't entirely trust the newcomers). Everyone retires to get ready for dinner.\nDM: \"Astra met Johann about ten years ago. He needed someone to nail him down. Spry, wily, prone to terrible choices. He's a stupid boy. Stupid, stupid boy.\" At which point, Johann, who's been talking, stops and goes, in Undercommon, \"I can hear you, Dad. Anyway! She's good to him. If she breaks his heart, I'll kill her.\"\nPlayer: There you go. And any word from my family? My mother, anything? It's been a long time since I talked to them.\nDM: \"They absconded east and got in a little trouble.\"\nPlayer: That makes sense.\nDM: \"It's just like my brother to do that. He's the one who held the stupid gene on our generation.\"\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: \"I'm tired now.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: At which point, JB, who's been over there talking with you and asking questions about the castle and what accommodations there are, sees Uncle Ogden get up. \"Oh, Uncle, I'll help you. I'm so sorry, Lady Vex'ahlia.\" She stands up and walks around and grabs the elbow. \"Uncle Ogden, are you tired?\"\nPlayer: I can have someone take him, if you'd like to stay?\nDM: \"He's very fragile. If you'd trust anyone to take him?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: It appears to be. The doors are closed, but it is warm on the inside, and upon checking the door, it is not locked.\nPlayer: Nice. We go in.\nDM: You step inside the interior and there is one other patron, who is currently in the process of looking through one of the glass cases in the far end of the room. You can see it's a rather portly looking gentleman, probably middle-aged or so. His hair is curled and unkempt, but pulled close to his scalp. His cheeks are ruddy, like the cold weather has caused him to get a bit flush, and he's in the process of glancing over as soon as you enter. He looks sidelong to your troupe as you enter and tries to mind his own business. There across the room, you can see there are two Pumat Sols currently, one of them smiling and looking out your direction, the other one that is keeping an eye on the gentleman in the corner. The one that watches you enter gives a big grin, \"Why hello there!\"\nPlayer: Good to see you again! Boy, it is sure coming down outside, wish there was a way to dry off real fast.\nDM: \"Well, if that's what you're asking, I would be happy to help you.\"\nPlayer: I am!\nDM: He walks on over and starts breathing heavily on you.\nPlayer: (quietly) Fuck. (clears throat) What does it smell like?\nDM: His breath is warm. There are elements of an herbal scent that immediately is overtaken with a--\nPlayer: Sour cream and onion chips.\nDM: Yeah, it's not entirely unpleasant, but not pleasant either. It's a warm cow-breath smell.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three locks' scratchings translate to the Common equivalent of 'open me', one of the locks' scratchings warns the party not to open it. Vax discovers that the lock saying 'No' is trapped, and the ones saying 'Yes' aren't.\nDM: 26. You stand firm in your position. The blade strikes and gashes open a part of your shin, but you just hold your place there, leaning against the wall for support. Doesn't affect you.\nPlayer: So 13 total halved, so seven?\nDM: Mm-hm. Next is going to-- You know what, he's going to go ahead and attempt to strike you two more times. That is going to be a 16 to hit?\nPlayer: Misses.\nDM: And this one is going to take a minus five on that one. That was a-- Oh, okay. All right, that's 24.\nPlayer: That'll hit.\nDM: All right. This is going to be a Great Weapon Master strike. So this is 20 points of slashing damage, halved to ten. And is going to hold firm in his current position, daring anyone to come near, yeah. Holding this pincher point. Keyleth, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The next morning, they continue through the Quannah Breach in the Dunrock Mountains at the northern border of the Dwendalian Empire. They reach the gate run by the Uteloch family of the tribes.\nDM: As you guys continue your trek northward for the next day, you slowly push forward and watch as the rolling hills of this northern valley begin to even out. The high grasses growing dense and dusted with snow in the wake of this snowstorm that has passed through the night. It's now this beautiful, ice topped wonderland before you. As the storm is past, breaks in the clouds begin to slowly emerge and show you glimmers of blue in the sky. With sunlight comes a welcome comparative warmth, and this dusted field of diamonds begins to slowly thaw over the midday's journey. The looming peaks of the Dunrock mountain range approach closer, engulfing your horizon almost like a toothy jaw of some ancient titan that surrounds your peripheral. You can make out, as you get closer, the craggy break in the mountains ahead, familiar to you. It's like a spiral fracture of a bone, where suddenly what was once a solid mountain range seems to have torn and sundered into two separate ravines that seem to share a similar shape. This you recognize as the Quannah Breach. You guys begin to approach, by mid to late afternoon, the front of the breach, where you can see six crownsguard in a small outpost built at the base of the Quannah Breach. These, as you know, are usually folks that essentially warn people from traveling into the Breach, and if they do, let them know that any return is going to be probably highly searched and highly inquired. They enforce it, unless you slip them some coin. Then it's not an issue on the way back. They're more there to make money.\nPlayer: For appearances, yeah.\nDM: As you approach, familiar to you, a crownsguard begins to put a hand up to the approaching horses and say, \"Hail!\"\nPlayer: Oh, goddamn it.\nDM: \"Where are you traveling to?\"\nPlayer: Shadycreek.\nDM: \"You have business in these cursed lands?\"\nPlayer: Yeah, we're trying to get fucked. Can we move along?\nDM: \"Well, your life is your own, as is your business, but you must understand that coming back is no easy task. A thorough search and inquiry into your person will be required--\"\nPlayer: Yeah, blah, blah, blah. Can I give you a couple of coins and you let us on our way, please?\nDM: \"Very well.\" How much do you give him?\nPlayer: How little will he take?\nDM: Customary to your experience and the times that you've traveled with the Iron Shepherds, it's usually about two gold to just pass.\nPlayer: Okay, yeah.\nDM: He takes it and quietly lets you pass. Per person.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party continued in the direction Jester sensed the orb through Locate Object. Jester's spell fades.\nDM: I would say that gets you right about there. You'd be just in range for the one that's incapacitated.\nPlayer: Is that melee?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Okay, yeah.\nDM: It's just a-- down, it swims down.\nPlayer: I should have to roll, yeah?\nDM: Yeah, reroll for this one.\nPlayer: 17.\nDM: 17 hits!\nPlayer: Okay, great. This does not have the extra d6, so that's three plus six is nine, 12 points of slashing damage.\nDM: 12 points of slashing damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. you managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: All right. That will technically be at the start of its turn, but we will carry that over. All right. The cloud appears in this space. You can already hear (coughing). Are you going to move or stay where you are?\nPlayer: There's no more cloud of insects, yeah?\nDM: It's still in this vicinity.\nPlayer: Is there any way to avoid it? Move up to where Kiki is or anything?\nDM: Yeah, if you want to make a strength check to climb.\nPlayer: All right, I'll do that. I'll move up to where Kiki is. 17.\nDM: 17. Yeah, you actually hopscotch up, leap over Percy and get up on top next to her over there.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, Caduceus, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. you, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of Caleb.\nDM: As you do, you rush past some of the guards that are on the opposite side that were rushing towards you. There's, I believe at this point, four of them that were heading your direction, because there was the one that was going towards Caleb. So we'll say two of them you'll have to push past. They both are going to make attacks of opportunity on you. Just an attempt to grapple to stop.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Make your acrobatics or athletics check to try and break free.\nPlayer: Acrobatics or athletics. We'll make it athletics, straight up. That is a 17.\nDM: That succeeds. They literally rolled a natural 14 plus two. 16 was the highest roll. The other rolled a two. You manage to shrug past. You push out of his grasp. He's like, \"Hey, wait!\"\nPlayer: Great. One more.\nDM: Well, no, you--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax dashes past Greenbeard towards Kevdak, one of the herd members outside the arena attempting to swipe at the rogue but only catching feathers from the Deathwalker's Ward, and attacks the paralyzed Thunderlord with both daggers in hand. The blades strike true, Vax sinking the weapons up to the hilt into the flesh of the goliath, and the rogue flees the arena, but not before he leaves some parting words for Kevdak.\nDM: Marisha, you do get an attack of opportunity, it does fall and hit the barrel next to you, I mean, next to Vax. It doesn't hit you, but it spooks you momentarily as it slams onto the barrel next to your side and rolls off.\nPlayer: Rolling terribly.\nDM: What'd you get, Keyleth?\nPlayer: Ten total.\nDM: Ten total? Misses.\nPlayer: Oh no, oh, I had to roll to hit. I'm sorry, I was rolling damage.\nDM: What'd you roll?\nPlayer: I didn't roll to hit. To hit, that is, plus, 16 to hit?\nDM: 16 versus the archer? 17. Just misses.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Wohn rushes to the front door and spots you, but falls victim to her Hideous Laughter and is knocked prone, while Keg finishes the second guard ( Phil) and rushes over to attack Wohn. When Wohn shrugs off the Hideous Laughter, she retaliates on Keg, attacking her with Yasha's stolen Magicians's Judge, dispelling the Haste and stunning her.\nDM: Past this way, you see a figure make their way to the door, and put their back to it. They haven't noticed you yet.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: As they put their back to the door, focusing on where the sound of those fireworks go off, looks back through the doorway, into the middle of the mess hall, hears this commotion and looks right to you.\nPlayer: Wait, sees me or doesn't see me?\nDM: Does see you. Because you're not trying to hide and it is a lit interior. This is Wohn. This is the female human barbarian that had rushed Caleb before. Previously had a great maul. However, is instead wielding a very familiar two-handed greatsword. Wide blade with runic hilt. The weapon that Yasha had on her--\nPlayer: Oh, that's right, they had the weapons. Shit.\nDM: However, that's her turn. That brings us to Nila. You're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan disguises himself as Viskorad, one of the cultists they killed, and goes ahead of the group with Simon 3. While the others stealth along behind him, he approaches the figures in the archways ahead.\nDM: Wow. That's some pretty solid rolls, guys. You all stay as quiet as possible, moving along the exterior of Vex's ability to move forward. You move forward slowly while keeping Scanlan in sight. You slowly begin to move forward, with Simon Three humming slowly in front of you.\nPlayer: I am going to limp as I go.\nDM: Interesting character choice.\nPlayer: Strong choices, commit to them a hundred percent.\nDM: You guys are quietly stepping through, and you hear his footfalls echoing, and immediately you see some of the torches shift, and there's some talk and some whispering back and forth and a small shout. You watch as some of the skeletal entities at two of the entrances shift and look in that direction, and begin to shamble slowly. The two torch-bearers on the right begin to move forward as the armored figure in the center watches on, arms crossed. What are you doing? You have three archways.\nPlayer: I go to the one that had that knight near it, right?\nDM: That's the middle one.\nPlayer: I'll go to the middle one. I'm going to keep the ball in front of me to obscure me a little bit. Not dead in front of me, but it's up here, just in case. Hanging my head a little bit. I'll go up and say: Power! So much power! I've never experienced anything like it before! Come! I need aid!\nDM: Make a deception check with advantage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A scuffle ensues as they chase down a necromancer, a number of cultists, and some creatures from the Shadowfell. During the fray, Scanlan gets Sprigg back on his feet, and Keyleth kill a couple of the cultists with a Firestorm.\nDM: You know what? Yes, because he was not stealthing. You watch as he darts by, and you would have a shot, yeah.\nPlayer: All right, then I'm going to shoot at him. I'm going to Hunter's Mark him!\nDM: All righty, look at that!\nPlayer: Trinket doesn't have enough movement to get over by him, does he?\nDM: No, but Trinket can attack whatever's in your area, too.\nPlayer: I'm going to attack him with my Bramble Shot. With the Blazing Bowstring. Ooh, yeah. That's a 31.\nDM: 31? That hits!\nPlayer: Yes! Okay! Do I get sneak attack on him? I don't, do I?\nDM: No.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You had discussed with them, last time, a plot - fixing their seemingly not-very-well-put-together plot into a better direction (thankfully) - to acquire a wax seal within the home of Lord Sutan, to create a letter that you feel would be incriminating. Then to infiltrate the High Richter's home, do the same, and then report them to the Lawmaster or whoever else you think would be of higher estate...\nDM: You hear Horris, off to the side, arms crossed now, hearing all this, goes, \"Yeah, you could say that.\"\nPlayer: This Ren Sutan, any idea where we might be able to find him?\nDM: They both look at each other, and you watch as Dolan glances out the window. \"Not that far outside of the Apple Tree Tutorship vicinity, you will find a white and peach building, with a few banners in the front, and that's Ren's new practice.\"\nPlayer: A physician also.\nDM: \"Yes.\"\nPlayer: A dark physician, most likely, hmm?\nDM: \"I mean, sure.\" He looks confused. \"Dark physicianry I guess is an issue in some parts of the world, I suppose?\"\nPlayer: Yeah, rampant where I'm from. Just real fucking dark.\nDM: He looks back at Horris. Horris is like, \"Right. Well, if you come across any dark physicianry, please do your best to quell it where it... seeds.\"\nPlayer: Indeed I will. Indeed.\nDM: \"Thank you.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pumat Sol is out of healing potions, but Caleb buys 200 gp worth of paper, Jester buys a pearl of power, you buys two incendiary crossbow bolts, and Fjord buys an enchanted shield. The party discusses the Lawmaster\u2019s offer and decides against it.\nDM: \"Fair enough.\" About five minutes pass and then the Pumat comes down, he's got a small, bound cluster of bolts and he goes, \"Hey, so it's all we got, but we've got a batch here of ten enchanted crossbow bolts. These upon firing should offer a small batch of fiery impact on whatever you strike with them.\"\nPlayer: How much are they?\nDM: \"For each of these, it's 50 gold per bolt.\"\nPlayer: I'll take two bolts please.\nDM: \"Two bolts, here you go.\"\nPlayer: Thank you.\nDM: He passes them over to you. These bolts, upon impact, do an additional 1d8 fire damage.\nPlayer: Nice.\nDM: You have two of them, and it's one use only.\nPlayer: Okay. 1d8 fire damage. Great.\nDM: You may have a chance of recovering them, depending.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ireena and a passing Crownsguard both seem to think that keeping a lot of money on their persons was pretty stupid, and under you's Zone of Truth Ireena denies knowing anything about it. They decide to visit Rissa's father, and to investigate Ashton and Fitz, the two gnome boys who were taunting Rissa the previous day.\nDM: She leans forward, looks up to him. (like Cleff) \"She's a mighty big bird!\" He's like, \"That's a nice trick on that one! I like that.\"\nPlayer: She's very talented.\nDM: \"Do you like--\" and he pulls this small contraption, it's actually a miniature version of what you saw those large bolt throwers that were constructed out front, where it has this bowed arc and there's a small, blunted stick in it. He goes, \"All you do is pull back on this trigger.\" Ping! It fires off, narrowly missing the side of Beau's head, hits something, and you hear glass shatter in the background and he goes, \"Oh, maybe not that one.\" Puts it back. (cranking) And hands something over to Kiri, who accepts it. There's a moment where things are awkward and there's a tension, and you're about to go-- before it opens up and from the inside you see this tiny metallic bird, its wings flap up and down. A music box begins to play (metallic song) and Kiri, looking at this, begins mimicking exactly the sound of the music box (metallic song). It's almost one beat behind it, until it synchronizes, and she's mimicking at such an incredibly fast pace behind it that they're almost in unison, until eventually it slows down and comes to a stop. Kiri looks back to you (chirping).\nPlayer: Do you like it? How much is that?\nDM: \"Oh, that one, it's a beautiful piece. I'll be happy to let it go for about three gold pieces.\"\nPlayer: Three gold pieces. I think that's worth it, Kiri. Okay. Three gold pieces.\nDM: There's a whole smattering of cool contraptions, now that you're looking at the back, too. Some that look like they could be armaments, almost. Some that look like they're the insides of larger machine pieces.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You hunted it down, slew it, brought its head back, and - after arguing with a very tired and just-kind-of-wanting-to-get-it-over-with Lawmaster in Trostenwald - managed to convince her enough to let you off the hook...and leave most of the standing legal issues with Gustav. Thus, disbanding the circus, and setting you and Yasha free.\nDM: Because it is not a riding horse, it is a beast of burden, so it's about the same pace that you're going. As you guys pull slightly off into the grass, the cart bumps as it hits some rocks and patches of dirt and thick grass. They continue to pass, and as they do, you see the individuals. The one in the front has what looks to be a thick scarf tossed over the shoulder obscuring part of the face, and she gives a hand salute up to you as it passes and a bit of a head nod. As you wave your hand frantically, a bit of eye contact is made and continues past.\nPlayer: Are you going to Nicodranas?\nDM: No response. The first cart continues past.\nPlayer: Hi. Hi, are you going to Nicodranas?\nDM: The next one looks over to you for a second, the head cocked a little bit. \"No, we are on our way to Port Zoon.\"\nPlayer: Oh.\nDM: \"By way of Nicodranas.\"\nPlayer: Oh! Did you come from Zadash?\nDM: \"We briefly did, yes, but we are returning. We have finished our wares and we have things to bring back to sell.\"\nPlayer: How far is it to Zadash?\nDM: \"Uh...\" At this point he's passed by you and his voice gets a bit louder over his shoulder and he's like, \"From this point, it's probably around 150 miles.\"\nPlayer: Thank you!\nDM: The next one continues, one after another. You get a better look, too. The ones at the front that were pretty heavily covered, as opposed to the ones in the back which are a little taller, and as you look into the back, there's little flaps and openings on the inside, you can see there's families traveling.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you and the crewman make their way upstairs, fighting, and Jester joins in the fray as Caduceus makes it onto the boat, which still moving away from the harbor, and he drops the disguise. The crewman continues to attack as Jester and you try to convince him to put down his weapon.\nDM: 17 points of damage. (crash) Right in the back of the skull. He's like, \"Ahh!\", and you can see him holding back, he's holding the sword. He's hurt. But he's still coming at you.\nPlayer: (arrow noise) I am standing next to Fjord and Beau.\nDM: All right. With an immediate burst of speed in a rush, very akin to The Flash making his way through the city, Caleb just (poof!) appears there on top with Fjord and Beau.\nPlayer: Feels good, man.\nDM: The guy who's now looking at you, Jester, you see the guy had his sword out and, \"Ah!\", looks confused and sees you and goes, (growls) and is going to come up with the sword. He doesn't realize how fucked he is. He doesn't know that the ship has been taken. He's feeling pretty competent.\nPlayer: He's the only one having a worse day than us.\nDM: Probably. All right, so on that, he's going to go ahead and make his way towards you, Jester. He comes up and is going to make two swings at you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan throws out a fireball, hitting two of the lackeys. The mage uses Misty Step and Scanlan tries to counterspell his attack, inspiring himself with fusaka.\nDM: So the first shot with this is going to be 12 points of piercing damage from the first strike, plus two psychic, as the impact hits you and you feel this shocking ring in your head. You see a flash suddenly in your mind of the dark-shadowed face of Orthax laughing.\nPlayer: 14 points total?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: Second shot, which is a Violent Shot, on hit has double dice value. So that's 18 points of piercing damage.\nPlayer: I'm going to try and slow it down with a catch.\nDM: Okay. Plus four psychic.\nPlayer: So I'm going to try and lower that 18.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Ooh! I lower it by 14 points.\nDM: Okay. You catch the bullet, and for the most part it still pierces through.\nPlayer: So four points of damage plus four psychic.\nDM: Plus four psychic so eight total.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon gaining consciousness, Grog drowns his sorrows in the familiar comforts of ale and whores. As Vox Machina are taking breakfast the next morning, they hear a horn blast signaling an attack on the city.\nDM: Yep. It did seem to heal a bit of its wounds as the heads pull out of it. It has a sense of regeneration.\nPlayer: And I go, oh no you don't. And I stick out my ring and Chain Lightning him again.\nDM: Chain Lightning is a 6th-level spell.\nPlayer: Yeah, I know, and I had one stored in my ring.\nDM: Your ring can only store up to a 3rd-level spell. We went over this last time. It's okay.\nPlayer: No, I thought that was the Ioun Stone. We all learned something today, kids. I don't do that. Instead, fine. I'm going to cast Telekinesis once. And I'm instantly going to do quicken spell and do five sorcerer points to cast it immediately again. Cast it on one head and another head and (bashing, tying sounds). To try and wrap them all and choke them.\nDM: Go ahead and roll an arcana check for the first one.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tary purchases a few healing potions and a Scroll of Fire Shield from Cyric. While the shopkeeper leaves to gift-wrap the potions, they hear a loud clang from outside; Doty has knocked out the two guards who were following them.\nDM: But you could ask around and try to find somebody. It'll take a little time. You guys are right now hitting the cusp of dawn. Sorry, dusk.\nPlayer: Is there somewhere I could find before things close? Just to see?\nDM: Make an investigation check.\nPlayer: Oh, balls. That's terrible.\nDM: What did you roll?\nPlayer: I rolled 13.\nDM: You manage to find one location, but it's been closed for half an hour when you get there.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax sneaks ahead to get a closer look around the room. As nothing happens, Percy then leads the way forward onto the platform.\nDM: So Grog, go up to the top? You make it to the very top of the stairs, and there is the anvil there before you, and the heat you can feel. You know when you're close to an explosion and there's that brief minute of extremely uncomfortable heat that you flinch? It's that, perpetually and all of you are sweating masses beneath your armor. You're afraid at certain points that your eyebrows are beginning to singe and curl. It's hard to breathe because the air is so hot and so thick, and occasionally you can't help but find yourself coughing at the caustic black smoke that fills a large portion of the chamber.\nPlayer: I am consciously checking my beard.\nDM: Okay. As you approach the top of the stairs, the head looks down at you. What do you do?\nPlayer: Am I standing at the anvil now?\nDM: You're standing right at the edge of the stairs, the very top of the platform, and the anvil's maybe five feet in front of you. You can see all the chains that are hanging on the side and dangling off the sides of the platform.\nPlayer: Can I see where the chains are leading or are they just dangling off?\nDM: The platform is about 20 feet wide and so the chains that are all hooked at multiple places to the edges and the outside part of the anvil are taut and then dangling off the edge of the platform. So you can't see where it goes. You know one of them is the hammer, because that's what he let fly off the side.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He loses concentration on Bigby's hand. you flies down and grabs Pike then rolls them to the mansion door.\nDM: Okay. You are leaving his combat range in doing so, so he's going to get his attack of opportunity on you, as part of his bite strike against you. That is 18 plus 14, so 32.\nPlayer: That hits. Do I have momentum, grabbing her?\nDM: If it drops you, you drop, and you drop with her.\nPlayer: I would imagine I did this. That's the intention. Up and over.\nDM: I understand that. The attack of a bite is going to change your trajectory of a dragon slashing at you. That is eight--\nPlayer: I'm out, dude. I've got five hit points.\nDM: Total would be eight plus eight, plus an additional 4d6 cold damage. Yeah. You grab Pike. As you begin to try to make the way, the bite snatches into you and lifts you up and throws you to the ground next to Pike, and you're both there on the ground.\nPlayer: But he bit me, right?\nDM: Yes, didn't bite Pike. You're both right outside of the door right now.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They move stealthily towards the campsite. you approached first, and the adult (a Firbolg) reads her mind to assess if the party are a threat.\nDM: Her immediate tension drops slightly. She's still maintaining a very defensive position in front of the child. One hand is still up, but it seems that she's pulled back a bit from the aggressive stance she was previously in. As she lifts her face a bit, you can see a bit more of her expression in the light as the hair pulls away as she lifts her chin. You can see that the face is humanoid, but with a wider nose. The skin is grayish, almost a blue tint, with bits of a soft fur. It takes you a second to recognize where you've seen these features before. This appears to be the same type of race that Pumat Sol is.\nPlayer: Firbolg?\nDM: It is a firbolg.\nPlayer: Amazing!\nDM: You can see there is a series of necklaces that looks to be bones and rocks and stones that have been polished that dangle around her neck as adornments and trinkets. A few bird skulls hanging on it, as well. The child, also you see, is a young firbolg, as well. Knees tucked against his chest. You can see that the child looks scraped up and bruised, and appears to have been injured.\nPlayer: I say, Bad guys kidnapping kids, right? That's scary stuff. Trying to protect your son?\nDM: \"Not my son, but we have lost a few, yes.\"\nPlayer: Who--\nDM: Looks past you, for a second, to Molly, who is not being stealthy, either. \"How many are you?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After slamming his feet into the sand and preparing himself for conflict, he beckons you towards him. you faces off with Earthbreaker Groon.\nDM: He just kind of like parries it to the side, ducks under and rights himself, just out of your grasp.\nPlayer: Cool, that was nice. Do I have a second attack?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Two-handed great weapon master, please.\nDM: Okay, go for it.\nPlayer: That's not going to hit. 24.\nDM: 24 hits.\nPlayer: Oh, it does?\nDM: Yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Uvenda suggests that Vox Machina take some time to practice fighting underwater before they go into the rift.\nDM: (bear noises) He kinda lands in the sand. Looks around, very nervously. Looks at one of the nearby kinda floating pieces of weird errant plant matter and-- (all laugh)\nPlayer: Yeah. We're good? Are you all right?\nDM: \"I'm okay.\"\nPlayer: All right. Just giving you a heads up; you may be turned into a whale in a little bit.\nDM: \"What is a whale?\" (all laugh)\nPlayer: You'll be really, really big and you'll be able to swim a lot better. All right? Just remember to follow my lead. And I'm gonna hang onto you when you are a whale, all right?\nDM: \"Okay.\"\nPlayer: Okay. I love you.\nDM: \"I trust you.\"\nPlayer: I trust you, too. I love you.\nDM: \"Love you.\"\nPlayer: I'm proud of you.\nDM: \"Okay.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completed the venture of taking the Horn of Orcus to a place of safety and sealing it away, hopefully for eternity, with the help of Lady Kima and two of the Scalebearers. After heading to the basement of the Platinum Sanctuary in the city of Vasselheim, they succeeded in doing so.\nDM: The blood's pouring down the front of his face and his throat. You clip him right in the center of his throat. You hear the coughing sound as he, with his other hand, reaches up and grabs his throat. You can now see his front teeth visible through the lip that's no longer there. And what's your third strike?\nPlayer: Would you say that he bends forward, then, because he's grabbing his throat like that?\nDM: He's tough. He's bending forward, but he's not completely incapacitated. He's in pain.\nPlayer: Right, I would say I go up next to him and invoke a fabled hero that I heard about in the woods named Macho Man Randy Savage, and I double-tap my elbow and drive it down on top of his head.\nDM: All right. Go ahead and roll damage on this one.\nPlayer: Thank you. Six.\nDM: Six. So as you leap up, using the goliath weight coming down, you double-tap the elbow and you bring it down on top of his head. He, from the sheer force of it (wham) slams down face-first into the dirt, just like that. Onto the ground. As he's getting up, he's looking kind of rough.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The hired crew begins to run belowdecks and hide. Two harpies try to pick up members of the crew.\nDM: Eight points of damage. Yeah, that'll do it. As it's flying away, it gets about ten or so feet up, and the deckhand is screaming \"Ah! Help me!\"\nPlayer: I've got you, nameless deckhand!\nDM: The bolt hits it, spins in the air, a cluster of feathers, then slams down hard on the deck of the ship. The deckhand also hits, and rolls, and hits the side of the ladder that leads up to the poop deck. He's like (groaning) and now starting to freak out looking at the other harpies that are circling. There's still five of them.\nPlayer: I'll use my movement to run over to the deckhand and be like: You're okay now!\nDM: \"Ah!\"\nPlayer: You're fine!\nDM: All right. Fjord?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The lights shift and the beautiful Ruby of the Sea descends the staircase and begins gently singing, entrancing the audience with her enchanting voice.\nDM: You hear a voice from behind her go, \"I'm sorry, what?\" From peeking over her shoulder as your vision focuses into the chamber beyond, low lit beyond the series of candles that are set around the single mirror. You see the beautiful red skin of your mother and the dark hair tumbled past the shoulder as she's been wearing a mostly laced up bodice, as the other servant is in the process of lacing and tying it. Glances over her shoulder and pushes past the edge of the chair.\nPlayer: It's me!\nDM: You see her smile brightly, her faintly white glowing hint of yellowish-gold tint to her eyes brighten immediately and goes, \"Well, come in! Please, close the door.\"\nPlayer: Excuse me, Nadine.\nDM: Nadine closes the door and goes, \"I'm very confused by this, Mistress, but whatever you require.\" At which point, the other one who's lacing is still pulling on the back of the bodice, and without even looking at her Marion pushes her aside, \"Shh.\"\nPlayer: I run forward and give her a big hug.\nDM: As you give her a hug, she holds you there and goes, \"You look different.\"\nPlayer: (whispers) It's a spell! I'm actually still me, don't worry.\nDM: There's a nod and the tension in her body melts as her arms close around your shoulders and back and pulls you in close. This moment of warmth and relief that washes over both of you and being reunited here in this chamber. The two servants sit in the back, awkwardly not quite understanding entirely either and whispering to each other, while Marion continues to hold you and rock you back and forth. \"My beautiful Jester, I have missed you so much.\"\nPlayer: I missed you so much! I wanted to come home sooner, but we got distracted because we went to the Empire.\nDM: \"I remember you telling me you telling me you were going to go there.\"\nPlayer: Oh that's right, I sent you messages! Yeah!\nDM: \"How was it? I have not traveled beyond the boundaries.\"\nPlayer: It's really cold and the people are pretty strict, but there's some really nice people that you can meet. I met a lot of friends! You should meet them.\nDM: \"I'd be happy to.\"\nPlayer: They're downstairs!\nDM: She traces her fingers down your face.\nPlayer: Here! I put her hand on my horn so she can tell it's there.\nDM: She feels it. \"Can I see my little girl?\"\nPlayer: Is it okay with--?\nDM: \"They're fine.\" You drop the illusion and even though she knew, it wasn't until she gets an opportunity to look upon your face, and your hair, and your eyes, and your smile that you watch life breathe in like a renewed fire into the chest of your mother. Immediately she grabs the sides of your cheeks and pulls you in, \"I've missed you so much.\" Brings you in, and kisses you on the forehead, and starts running her fingers through your hair.\nPlayer: Be careful of the weasel. His name is Sprinkle, Mama.\nDM: \"He is very adorable.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: As you go to the gate, it's opened up and you can see there, standing by himself, Seeker Asum. Hood back, bald halfling helm with his tattoos greeting you. He goes, \"Hello, Vex.\"\nPlayer: Hi.\nDM: \"I've come to request your presence at the Precepts Stage within the Cloudtop District near dusk. All of Vox Machina, this evening, if you don't mind.\"\nPlayer: Oh. Well, why?\nDM: \"Uriel and I have been in extensive discussion these past few days, and the reveal of Riskel's betrayal has had a profound effect on Uriel, and rumors have been spreading amongst the district and the higher order of the city. Uriel is to make a statement regarding it and to prevent any political intrigue will talk to the politically inclined populace first. As members of the council, we would like for you to be there to help us based on the reaction. If you would be so kind?\"\nPlayer: Yes, of course. I'll tell the rest of the group. We were planning on heading out to Whitestone today, but we can put that off if it's very important?\nDM: \"It's rather important.\"\nPlayer: All right. What were you guys fighting about before? Can you tell me?\nDM: \"It's nothing you need to worry about.\"\nPlayer: Really? It looked kind of serious.\nDM: \"I think tonight's discussion will absolve any questions you have.\"\nPlayer: Is anybody in trouble?\nDM: \"No. You're fine. You've done nothing.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan, who was in front of you, quickly casts Dominate Monster and succeeds in taming the gloomstalker. With it now under his control, he names it Mr. Mistoffelees and orders it to call off the hunt.\nDM: Okay. Natural 19 plus three. So, as you shift down into the tiny mouse-like form, its claws immediately slam into and sink into the mouse body. Yeah, that's a 23 to hit.\nPlayer: Yeah. Immediately poof.\nDM: How much hit points does your mouse form have? Like one?\nPlayer: I'm assuming no more than a kitten's worth.\nDM: Right, so yeah. So, we'll say for the purposes, one. So that would be 16 points of piercing damage, so your form immediately reverts, its claws now fill with your regular Keyleth form. You take 15 points of piercing damage, Keyleth, and you are grappled.\nPlayer: Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool story. Cool.\nDM: As soon as it grabs you, it begins to pull you out of the tunnel and lift with you in its claws.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As Grog asks where the skull is now, Allura joins the group to assure him it is beyond any of their reach now. Allura offers to help you check in on her temple.\nDM: Retracted immediately. As she was here helping defend, she didn't waste her 8th-level slot, she is able to get you guys all flying for the moment and you all coast. As she finishes casting the spell, you could see some of the nearby wardens of the Platinum Sanctuary go, \"Um--\" \"I know it's arcane, shut up. It's fine.\" You all take off the steps and begin to glide down over to the city, and there you can already see people are coming out of their homes. Exactly. So eventually, you find your way north to the Quadroads, towards the base of the Heaven Stair Mountain, where the temple resides. The temple looks like it's sustained a little bit of damage. It looks like a portion of the upper floor of the three-tier tower-- Colosseum-esque, but it does taper a bit towards the top. The top part has partially fallen in and it looks like it's seen wear and tear, but it doesn't look like it's been destroyed or anything. As you come up to the temple, you can already see there are refugees of homes that were destroyed from the incursion of the Braving Grounds that are being gathered in and the temple's filled with people. On the outside, you see Gesyra, the older woman who helped you found the temple and build it. As she approaches, she's now one of the Priests of Rebirth and has been working with you for some time and turns and sees your face. You can see her graying hair, which is bunned up very tightly in the back. She has her spectacles and she has the long robes of blue and gold. She sees you. \"My Pike!\" She rushes up and gives you a hug. She's much bigger than you, being a human, but her posture puts her almost on your level. \"I'm so glad you're safe.\"\nPlayer: It's so wonderful to see your face.\nDM: \"We've housed who we can. We're a bit at capacity at the moment.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Well, it looks a bit better than I thought it would.\nDM: \"We did our best to defend. Is it done?\"\nPlayer: It's done.\nDM: You see her eyes crack at that moment and tears begin to flow. She smiles. \"I knew you could do it.\"\nPlayer: Well, we all did.\nDM: She looks around at the rest of you, pats you on the head for a minute and pulls away and goes, \"You get to wear the greatest outfits, don't you?\"\nPlayer: (giggles)\nDM: \"Well, anything you need, food, we have room for a few more.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb grapples it with Earthen Grasp. It manages to clean the tar off the lens, and breaks Caleb's concentration on the grapple by pinning him against the wall with a blade through the chest.\nDM: The second one, you strike again. This time, one of the blades swings outward, and thankfully, the blade doesn\u2019t hit the staff to cut the wood, however, it does, the backhand, impact it and prevent the blow from actually striking its body.\nPlayer: Two twos.\nDM: That\u2019s not fun.\nPlayer: I guess I will do an unarmed attack.\nDM: You go and punch the armored sphere.\nPlayer: So frustrated that I can\u2019t get my staff up there, I\u2019m just going to go and try and whack it with my fist.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: 17, which just misses.\nDM: It just misses. Well, not so much a miss. You hit it, but you go (metallic clang), \"Oh!\" You can feel that from the knuckles right to the funny bone.\nPlayer: Do I have any more movement?\nDM: From there, you have ten feet.\nPlayer: Can I back up towards, or even get this-- I\u2019m just going to stay where I am.\nDM: Okay. Finishing Beau\u2019s turn, that brings us to Nott and Molly--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they find a cave filled with magical darkness. Keyleth shifts into an earth elemental to scout the cave, finding that it contains a strange planar rift and a group of grick.\nDM: Interesting! Okay. So Clarota, at this time, is also going to attempt a Mind Blast on the creature. It moves to the back of the boat and while it's currently grappled, he's going to attempt that. The saving throw does succeed, so it only takes half damage. Okay. Marking that. And then as you do Telekinesis. Roll a d20 plus five.\nPlayer: Okay. And do I have advantage because of the grapple?\nDM: The grapple does not give you advantage, no. So you have disadvantage on the roll, technically, because you are scared of it.\nPlayer: And that's my what?\nDM: Plus five.\nPlayer: 17.\nDM: 17? All right. So! As you focus your energy once again-- even just facing this creature is a terrifying thing-- you see that one gleaming bit of red that's piercing through the darkness. The secondary form around it dissipates. Where there was once two gliding, one of them vanishes entirely as that gleaming red is suddenly much brighter, yanked from its socket. It now gives out another painful screech (screeches) as it is blinded, being crushed by a Bigby Hand, and you now have drifting amongst you at your control one of the eyes of this creature. (all laugh)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He wakes after a very restful night's sleep. Fjord accompanies Horris to the city gates only to find that the crownsguard are interviewing everyone leaving the city.\nDM: You find your way there. Yannick is inside currently, working on hammering out the edges of a piece of armor. \"Hello. Can I help you?\"\nPlayer: Yes. Do you make anything out of lead?\nDM: \"I mean, I certainly can. Depends what you're hoping to have made.\"\nPlayer: Could you perhaps make me a really pretty-- so, my mother is a big fan of things made out of lead. She said she likes the color of that metal.\nDM: \"That's a very curious liking, but sure, I'll take it.\"\nPlayer: She gets a lot of things in gold and stuff and so she says that lead looks very different from that and she thinks it's pretty.\nDM: \"Hey, I'm not judging.\"\nPlayer: So I want to make her a really pretty jewelry box out of lead.\nDM: The halfling scratches his temple and goes, \"Well, I mean, if you're willing to pay, I can make it.\"\nPlayer: Okay! It's like she has a lot of jewelry, so something like around this big.\nDM: \"It's going to be a lot of lead, and a few days to make it.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He wakes after a very restful night's sleep. you accompanies Horris to the city gates only to find that the crownsguard are interviewing everyone leaving the city.\nDM: Okay. You guys get to get your breakfast started and such. You guys begin to walk, heading southward, since that was where the Alfield suggestion was, making your way. The general bustle is still happening. There's still not a lot of crownsguard on the street corners you're used to seeing them posted at, and as you make your way towards the southern portion of the Interstead Sprawl, to the southern gate, you can see why. The exit gates are swarming with crownsguard. The portcullis is down, with the smaller side doors open, and every person who enters and exits is being interviewed and being checked as to whether or not they're allowed to leave. It seems that lock-down is very serious during this investigation. Horris immediately clamps up and grabs your arm and goes, \"I don\u2019t-- I don't know--\"\nPlayer: Stay casual, stay calm, just turn and we're going to slowly start walking back. Just act normal.\nDM: \"Okay.\" You both slowly make your way through that intersection and back, and no one seems to pay much mind. They're consumed with the current hustle and bustle at the gate. As you guys are walking back, Horris is like, \"Is there another way out? Is there someone, something you know--\"\nPlayer: There always is. And if all else fails, there's the sewers. You're not opposed to getting a little dirty to get out of town, are you?\nDM: \"No, no, no.\"\nPlayer: We'll want to wait until we have more of the others, just in case. I'm afraid the sewers might be being cased as well, so stay put for a little while longer, we'll find you a quiet spot in the Leaky Tap, but let me check with the others.\nDM: \"Okay, okay.\" All right. As you guys are getting the rest of your morning on, what do you want to do?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party then retrieved their first artifact and then made their way towards the Pyrah tribe of the Ashari druids, the fire guardians of the gate to the Elemental Plane of Fire, which apparently Thordak, the Cinder King\u2014the great red dragon that helms the Chroma Conclave that has torn through all of the civilization of Tal'Dorei \u2014emerged from. The party went there, found a surviving faction of the Pyrah tribe including Cerkonos, their headmaster, as well as a few members of Keyleth's tribe, the Air Ashari, and her father.\nDM: You can see there's some heavy bruising on his face and part of his cheek is swollen. He goes, \"It would be hard around these parts to find someone who likes a dragon, let alone that one.\"\nPlayer: Good.\nDM: \"Not the worst of the worries right now, though.\"\nPlayer: What's the worst?\nDM: \"The ones who work for him.\"\nPlayer: Right. So you have to provide food for everybody living in the city? Is that how that goes?\nDM: \"Every one of them. Otherwise they just go ahead and steal from whoever's nearby. Isn't a caravan that's made their way past Westruun in the past week.\"\nPlayer: Well, here's the thing. We're trying to help you. We're trying to find a way to (clicking) (choking) kill the fucks. You get me? Ill-kay the agons-dray.\nDM: Drops the fruit he has in his hand. \"Please! Please help us, please!\"\nPlayer: Act natural! Keep picking, keep picking, keep picking! We want to help you. We really, really, really want to help you.\nDM: \"They have my daughter.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester sees this. Matt realizes at this point that the Lesser Restoration Caduceus cast on Beau last episode should have cured her disease, so it kicks in now.\nDM: That's what I get for fast reading. Going, \"Oh well, it doesn't list that among the conditions\" but disease is not a condition. That's my fault.\nPlayer: As we're mounting up or getting ready to do something, I'm going to go over to Jamedi Cosko and just say: Hey, Jamedi.\nDM: He's sitting there.\nPlayer: Wow, that was a tough battle.\nDM: He's inspecting the side of the walls and the carvings.\nPlayer: Oof, I need a drink. Do you want one?\nDM: \"I am okay, but I appreciate the offer.\"\nPlayer: You do drink liquids, don't you?\nDM: \"I do on occasion, yes.\"\nPlayer: Well then, why wouldn't you want a nice little nip of something?\nDM: He turns back towards you with a curious glance and says--\nPlayer: It's really good.\nDM: \"I'm sober.\"\nPlayer: I have some jerky. Do you want a little nibble? You do eat food, don't you?\nDM: His eyes narrow. \"Yes, I would love some jerky.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the Feywild, Scanlan lays forth Vax\u2019s empty armor for Vex to see. Keyleth says she may be able to bring him back, but the spell would consume 25,000 gold pieces\u2019 worth of diamonds -- which they do not have.\nDM: As this is happening, you watch as he's looking at it and this hand goes up and starts clawing into his own eye socket.\nPlayer: I'm going to use every dex I have. I'm going to slap fucking hard.\nDM: Dex isn't going to help you so much as it's going to be a strength thing. Go ahead and make an athletics check. For you, for this, this would be an acrobatics to try and dodge out of the way.\nPlayer: Strength check?\nDM: Athletics.\nPlayer: Oh, athletics, that's better.\nDM: You're trying to slap it out of his grasp.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Across from the entrance is a set of wooden doors which he listens at. He hears nothing, but notices that the door is unlocked.\nDM: Okay, as you do so she kinda stops and looks back over her shoulder and gives a begrudging nod. But you can see she's-- there's shaking, her hand holding the greatsword is currently shaking with rage.\nPlayer: I say-- (silent) Two words, three syllables.\nDM: All right, so. Coasting down this hallway. It leads down to an open doorway and a closed doorway immediately to your right. And then the room to-- actually, the doorway's to your left, and to the right you see another wall to another room that you don't have a doorway currently available.\nPlayer: There's a door to my left and a door straight ahead, right?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: Okay, I inch up to the closed door on the left and place my ear to the door and listen.\nDM: Okay, go ahead and make a perception check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completed the venture of taking the Horn of Orcus to a place of safety and sealing it away, hopefully for eternity, with the help of Lady Kima and two of the Scalebearers. After heading to the basement of the Platinum Sanctuary in the city of Vasselheim, they succeeded in doing so.\nDM: If you're going to do grundle damage. So as he's reeling and tries to reach out, swiping a back-fist into open air, you rush up and (whack) hit him with sheer force that you hear a unanimous (groans) in the crowd all around echo down. His knees immediately bend in towards each other, and you can see the sound escape instinctively from him, it's like, (wheezes). As you reel for your second strike, which is going to be? What's the second one you do?\nPlayer: Well, did he drop to his knees?\nDM: No, he's still standing, but barely.\nPlayer: Oh, really? Yeah, same place.\nDM: You pull back and (whack) a second time in the same spot, this sending him onto the ground from behind. He is currently prone. Okay, that's rough.\nPlayer: Literally trying to see him cough a testicle.\nDM: Well, regardless of what happens, there's going to be a search. You're going to need a scouting party to find where one of them went. So at the top of his turn, gets up and wipes dirt crust from his eyes, reeling from the impact. Uses half his movement to get up and staggers toward you as you're just welcoming it. Looks up at you for a second and says, \"You shouldn't have done that, tall guy.\" At which point, he goes and lunges for your midsection a second time. Misses with that strike, as you dodge out of the way he spins around and attempts to back-kick you to the torso. That will hit. A 26. And that one is going to-- That's going to be six points of damage to you from the back-kick, and as his foot comes down, he's still reaching for his groin from the sheer pain, he just rushes forward and attempts to bite into your shoulder. That's going to be a 20.\nPlayer: He rolled a 20?\nDM: Not a natural 20. Just a total of 20. He's rolled a lot of 20s. That's going to be seven damage as he sinks his teeth into the side of your shoulder and neck area. And tears a chunk of your flesh out of the sides of his mouth, now, in the muscle. So you reel back in pain and you're both clutched in this gladiatorial grip. It's your go.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax walks along the wall, unable to attack from a distance, and heads to Scanlan. Grog directs his attention to the remaining horror and smashes it twice with the warhammer.\nDM: I'll say yeah, you can see him all right. You can move over there and get a better view a little bit. Just around this corner, off the table.\nPlayer: And I'm going to Hunter's Mark him.\nDM: Hunter's Mark him?\nPlayer: And then I'm going to shoot him.\nDM: Okay, go for it.\nPlayer: Oh gosh, I'm just so nervous about picking the 20. No. 19?\nDM: 19? The arrow hits the armor and shatters across the side.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and Jester jump overboard as the crewman leaps from the crow's nest to the deck, breaking a leg and screaming, creating an uproar on deck. Nott and Jester make it safely to shore and stroll away to the tavern, joined shortly by Caleb and Beau.\nDM: Glancing over, you don't see any torch-bearing guards, but you do see a figure that is doing a visual pass on the deck of the ship.\nPlayer: I might see if there's a torch-bearer walking around really quickly.\nDM: You see one that's maybe 25, 30 feet from you that's just walking through the street.\nPlayer: Excuse me, sir.\nDM: Turns around. \"Hey.\"\nPlayer: We had a little trouble on our ship earlier. I was curious if everything was all right. I heard a little commotion.\nDM: \"I don't know. It's not my jurisdiction tonight.\"\nPlayer: Well, if I wanted to find out what went down do you know who I would talk to?\nDM: \"Probably one of the guys closer to the ship.\"\nPlayer: I'll be right back.\nDM: \"Okay.\"\nPlayer: I'm going to go find a guard and ask them what's up.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party, after essentially forcing this individual to reveal themself, the rakshasa fled through a tunnel underneath its room into a long subterranean tunnel fraught with traps that were set to protect it. The party managed to avoid these rather deftly until the steady decline of the hallway, combined with the increasing moisture and scent of refuse, caused a slick surface and our fantastic cleric, Brother Kash, Kashaw, slipped and fell down.\nDM: Next to him? Okay, you will get free strikes from both the rat swarms, currently, because you'll be passing through there and out of their melee range. You cool with that?\nPlayer: No, I'm not. Can I take a step back?\nDM: You can. This guy will still get an attack of opportunity on you.\nPlayer: Really? I thought I could move five feet.\nDM: You can use an action to disengage.\nPlayer: Okay. I won't do anything. Here's what I'm going to do instead. I'm sorry, I don't know what was wrong. I've been off, and I apologize for how I've been sounding. What I'm going to do is I'm going to lift my finger and I'm going to aim behind that three-headed bastard and I'm going to release a 4th-level Fireball.\nDM: Over here?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: Show me with your laser pointer where you want the impact to be.\nPlayer: Behind him where it won't hurt Keyleth and will just hurt him. Wherever that is.\nDM: Okay. I'd say that'd probably be right around this area here.\nPlayer: I'm going to immediately spend two sorcery points and quicken spell, and I'm going to turn around and do three Scorching Rays to follow up the Fireball right at that dude, each head.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: I'm going to, on that spell, spend another--\nDM: Wait up, let's do the Fireball first.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: One thing at a time. So as you use your ring, you focus. The ray streaks past. Slams into the wall behind (explosion sound) with a deafening roar, and you guys definitely hear this. The hallway in the distance suddenly brightens up, and you can see a bit of flame roll up, and the scent of smoke comes wafting past you as a wave of heat blasts through the tunnel.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus, Caleb, Jamedi, and you ran towards the stairs to the outside. Beau and Jester waited by the well for Fjord.\nDM: I'd allow it. Because we'll say you're like-- You were standing on the water so as you're leaning over the surface you're like squeezing it out.\nPlayer: 16 to hit again.\nDM: Nice.\nPlayer: Another 11 points of damage.\nDM: 11 points of damage, good. So, I now need everyone to roll initiative.\nPlayer: If I'm on top of the water, how much space do I have?\nDM: Well, now you don't anymore. The water surface begins to crush underneath you and then you have to delve underneath as it meets it. It's filled up and it's now making its way up the stairs, towards the top of the temple. So, 25 to 20, anyone?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Prismatic Wall disappears, and they are able to watch as she steps safely through the annihilation orb and out of sight. you, momentarily unaffected by Feeblemind due to the anti-magic field from the orb, prays to Sarenrae for guidance.\nDM: 22. As you concentrate, you feel the warmth of Sarenrae's embrace descend from the darkness of the inside of your eyelids. You see the angelic form of her flaming aura come down and her hands touch the sides of your cheek. She turns your head around towards the orb. And, where previously you saw the little black dot, instead, you see a large oval doorway. Around it, it is flickering madly like a hundred spinning razors around the edges, but just beyond it you can see what appears to be a desolate, gray landscape, what looks to be a scattering of city buildings across this broken, black shadowland, and in the center a singular black obsidian tower that rises up to where you can't quite see the top from your current angle. And she gets down really close to the side of your ear. You feel the warmth of her divine breath against your face. She says, \"This is the destiny. This needs to stop. Only terror will come through this.\"\nPlayer: We have to go there?\nDM: \"Whatever way you can. Our reach cannot go beyond the Divine Gate.\"\nPlayer: If I go there, will you not be able to go with me?\nDM: \"I will be diminished, if at all able to.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Thank you.\nDM: And her finger touches your head and she kisses the top of your forehead and you feel the warm presence again, and she withdraws. As she withdraws, the cold is even harder with her absence because now the proximity of that shadow, of this room, just this general sense of negative energy and death that emanates from this direction behind you. As soon as you watch her light vanish and you open your eyes again, you're chilled to the bone.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The one criminal in Port Damali that the Gentleman can recommend is Father Dwondaff Pierce: a dwarven Cleric of the Changebringer, who operates a house of worship called The Pearl Shrine . If you wants Pierce's help and the Gentleman's help, he should tell Father Pierce that he brings many gifts .\nDM: \"Dwarven fellow. Scraggly in the face. Dresses well. He helms the Pearl Shrine, a house of worship to Avandra, the Changebringer. Tell him that you bring many gifts.\"\nPlayer: I bring many gifts.\nDM: \"Should you not work with Father Pierce and his network, be careful. You could easily find yourself on an opposing side to my business, and I do not take kindly to betrayal.\"\nPlayer: Indeed, I wouldn't dare. After all, you do have a little way of keeping track of where we are and what we do.\nDM: \"That I do.\"\nPlayer: I appreciate your help in this matter. Hopefully we can be of some service to you down there.\nDM: \"If something comes to mind, I'll send it your way.\"\nPlayer: Please do.\nDM: \"And if anything comes to mind that would be of interest to my ears, business or otherwise, please keep me informed.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Bear-Keyleth does a somersault causing Balgus to double over with laughter. The jovial air is restored to the tavern and Vex picks up a cup to collect tips.\nDM: \"Yeah, there's a happy growl! Oh, it's been so long since I've been outside!\" A little tear on the edge of his face. As you approach up his side--\nPlayer: Arm around his shoulder.\nDM: Immediately, instinctively, he slaps it off his arm and turns around.\nPlayer: Take this! You are an impressive specimen, my good man. I have never had a fight that amazing in at least a week. That was something to see. Here, take this, and after this one there's three more.\nDM: He's drunk, you're offering him ale, and he's been laughing at a bear for two minutes. Make a persuasion roll with advantage.\nPlayer: Yeah! Persuasion, you say? 15.\nDM: Two rolls, yeah, you have advantage.\nPlayer: Oh! 15.\nDM: 15! He looks at you with this big grin, and you can now see his gnarled, yellow dwarven teeth, this railroad of terror that his mouth is. This big smile. He reaches out, his beard poofing over the side, grabs it and goes, \"See, now this is dwarven hospitality!\" He lifts his drink up and it spills a little bit on his arm. He's like, \"Hey!\" Everyone lifts up and cheers again. (cheering) Everyone still keeps drinking through the fog. It's like a bad sauna in here right now. Everyone's fighting their way through. At which point now, Balgus slaps you on the shoulder, takes a drink, and wanders out of the fight ring, goes and finds a table to sit down and begin chugging what you gave him.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex goes to the center of town to find Yennen, who tells her she will have to meditate under the Sun Tree to be granted a vision of her quarry. From there, she will track down the quarry and decide its fate, preferably bringing back some manner of trophy.\nDM: All right. You walk up and, I mean, the city's starting to slowly spring to life as the morning hours climb forward. People are arriving and putting the last touches on the caravan. The Pale Guard is finished and they've assigned the division between those who are going to stay and those who are to escort the caravan to Emon. Pike, are you with the rest of the party?\nPlayer: Yeah, I need to see what's going on.\nDM: As you're walking, one of the Pale Guards sees you and walks up and goes, \"Lady Pike? Are you to join us on the caravan?\"\nPlayer: That was today?\nDM: \"We're leaving. It's-- I mean, I just don't know.\"\nPlayer: What-- Oh! What exactly were we doing? I'm sorry, I've had a night.\nDM: \"You escorted the caravan from Emon to Whitestone and now we're returning to Emon from Whitestone with the caravan. I just wanted to know if you wished to come or stay. We're leaving right now.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group heads to the harbor and borrows a rowboat. They send you, pretending to be Tracy the Valley Girl, over to two patrolling zolezzo guards and she picks up a conversation with one, Merpal, telling him she's from out of town and wants to see the Sluice Weave while she's here.\nDM: \"Well, the Sluice Weave is a series of tunnels that were installed probably a century ago that are responsible for-- They are ducts that guide water from the ocean to a series of small engines in the city that help propel the furnaces that the various businesses and locations here that require that sort of intense power to utilize. It's also--\"\nPlayer: Wow! I hear they're haunted. Are they haunted?\nDM: \"Well, not haunted, per se. But there are--\"\nPlayer: Oh, you gave me a little smirk. They're totally haunted!\nDM: He goes, \"Not haunted, but there are elements to it--\"\nPlayer: I give him a little (giggle).\nDM: He's like (uncomfortable laugh). He goes, \"There also-- There are things that help maintain the Sluice ducts, and occasionally help protect elements of the bay if ever it's under attack.\"\nPlayer: I bet you're first in line to protect the city against an attack, aren't you?\nDM: (sheepishly) \"I mean, there's been-- You know. About a year ago they had this one ship that came into the-- There were these thieves-- And I happened to be on job at the moment and so-- yeah!\"\nPlayer: Wow! So interesting. So, have you been down there?\nDM: \"I haven't been down in the Sluice area, there. The entrance, as far as I know, is mostly hidden, the one inside the city.\"\nPlayer: Oh, so there's one inside the city?\nDM: \"Somewhere, I don't know.\"\nPlayer: Oh wow. I heard there was one in the ocean!\nDM: \"Yeah, there's two or three, I think, that are right down off the side-- Here, come here.\" And he leads you over.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There was a cart of horses pulling a group of four gnomes that all eventually revealed themselves to be family of you Trickfoot. After taking them in, whether or not Vox Machina was excited or eager to, nevertheless they treated them with hospitality, gave them a place to stay, gave them food for the evening, conversations were had, and information was passed around.\nDM: \"I find little in faith. However, the exorcism is based in divine magics and some bits of information I've gleaned from the Age of Arcanum, long ago, back when possession was a common thing and gods still walked the earth. What I've found--\" And he leans forward on his stick. \"-- is to perform this. Pardon me, it's the breakfast. All the oatmeal. It's good for the fiber.\"\nPlayer: It sure is.\nDM: \"What I would require would be the highest point on the highest mountain in the vicinity. As high up as we can go. Like somewhere in those mountains there.\" He points a broad stroke to the north, northeast, to the Alabaster Sierras that surround the Parchwood. \"And when the moon is full, as that was when the original curse was cast upon us, there, we hallow the ground to prepare. Perhaps you or another individual of a clerical background could do so, and it does take some time to hallow it. But with the ground hallowed, and the moon is full, I can perform the exorcism. Now, should the shades be strong enough to survive the exorcism, as they have once before, it will be up to you and your friends to slay them while they're bound on that land. And if you cast them to the shadows where they came, the blood curse on you would be no more.\"\nPlayer: But they'll come back again?\nDM: \"They are passed on through the bloodline.\"\nPlayer: Is there any way to get rid of them forever?\nDM: \"From an individual, yes. Overall, I know not. That involves silly, crazy god stuff, and, well, they haven't been around often. There are a few things we need to prepare for the exorcism that I don't have the access of. If you wish to go through with this, let me know. If you find this all mumbo jumbo and you don't believe me, I don't blame you, either, and we can be on our way. Choice is yours.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As well as that, they do some other activites, with Scanlan helping to set up a library and commissioning a painting of himself to hang in Greyskull Keep. Vax also contacts Gilmore to ask for his help with reopening trade in Whitestone.\nDM: That's good. She has disadvantage on these because of the fright. I'm giving her that, but even still, she still rolls a 17. What did you roll, total?\nPlayer: 19.\nDM: 19. You guys keep it-- she's still holding you there, you're not able to gain any ground. You're really impressed by this display she's giving you. Roll again.\nPlayer: Do I have advantage? No.\nDM: No.\nPlayer: 12.\nDM: 12? Okay. She forces you back down--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy goes with Keyleth and Tiberius to look for ammunition supplies. Though black powder is not a commonly-sold commodity in Vasselheim, Percy manages to find one eccentric older man who sells it.\nDM: \"Glorious!\" He turns around and jams the hog head into the barrel of black powder, picks it up. (poof) The soot settles against you and the rest of you guys as you now find yourself partially covered in this slowly dissipating cloud of black powder. (coughs) You cough instinctively and push it away. \"Yes. 400 gold. You pay?\"\nPlayer: I gingerly put the purse down in front of me.\nDM: He takes it. With a whisk, it's already put away into a side pouch, and you hear the clanging of haphazard coins in his far pocket. \"Here! Hog head! Take it! (grunts) To Samson! This way!\" And he grabs your arm and drags you out of his hovel. He points across the way with his shaking, crooked finger. \"Samson! There! In the brick building! Tell him Victor sent you. He'll give you ore!\"\nPlayer: Thank you for all of your help. You've been so kind.\nDM: \"My pleasure. You want more powder, come back. Yes, yes?!\"\nPlayer: I might do that.\nDM: \"Good! Goodbye!\" And pushes you out, takes both of you by the arms and pushes you out, slams the door behind, and you are left standing there, half-covered in blackened soot and black powder, in the center of the thoroughfare, midday, stunned by the whole encounter.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: As they're both right there, rushing towards you, you say this and you're going to pull out and fire at one. The one to the right or the left?\nPlayer: The first one who spotted me.\nDM: The one that first spotted you would be the one on the left, so as it's rushing towards you, go ahead and fire.\nPlayer: Okay, 18.\nDM: 18 hits. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Eight.\nDM: Eight points of damage, not--\nPlayer: Ten, 11 points of damage, because I'm going to use Fury of the Small.\nDM: Okay, 11 points of damage. It hurts, but it's still rushing forward. They both begin to rush in to close the gap. The rest of you guys rush in; to get to him, it will take the full round to get there. You guys use your movement and dash in. Those of you who don't have darkvision, you can't see anything.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She goes to tell Captain Adella, but finds that the dark spot has disappeared when she looks again. Adella nonetheless prepares for battle as a precaution.\nDM: 14. It doesn't take much for you to realize that this fog is pretty localized. It's not an entire bank that covers the entirety of the ocean in actuance. You kind of travel from one side of the boat to the other to get the scope of it. It's pretty narrow and pretty focused in its direction.\nPlayer: Does this look like something that I would have? Like, is this another druid doing a fog cloud spell?\nDM: You recognize this to be of similar size although magnified.\nPlayer: Bigger than us?\nDM: A little--\nPlayer: Than my spell. Bigger than my spell?\nDM: Bigger than the usual spell that you are used to casting but it does appear localized enough to be of a similar-type spell or effect.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus and Shak\u00e4ste investigate the back chambers, whch are holding chained, gagged humanoid figures. Lorenzo appears and casts Cone of Cold, knocking out you and Shak\u00e4ste, and wounding Keg and Caduceus.\nDM: There goes Nott. That brings us to Beau! What are you doing? You come to consciousness. You're prone. You have to use half your movement to get up.\nPlayer: I get up. Still have 20 feet of movement left. Can I make it to Lorenzo?\nDM: (counting)\nPlayer: God, I'm so mad. How far away am I?\nDM: You are ten feet from Lorenzo.\nPlayer: God, that sucks! I'm going to use a ki point to get there. (grunts) Step of the Wind. Hope that was a good call. I'm going to unleash on him, because I'm fucking pissed. First attack. Uh-huh! Yep! 24. [cheering]\nDM: Roll damage.\nPlayer: All the rage and fury. And-- I'm going to spend my last ki point to do Stunning Strike.\nDM: I'm going to use my little Shapeways dice for this one. That's a plus six constitution modifier on this one, but it rolled a natural four. [cheering]\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After slamming his feet into the sand and preparing himself for conflict, he beckons you towards him. you faces off with Earthbreaker Groon.\nDM: 24, he got a 21. So we'll say for this, you go ahead, you'll be releasing the grapple, but you slam him on the ground and make him prone. So you manage to just (grunts) rip him off of whatever weird center of gravity he's forced himself into, lift him over your head, and just pile-drive him into the ground.\nPlayer: Great.\nDM: (boom) Once again, you see sand and dust kick up, and then you see these two legs sticking up as you've basically planted him in the ground like a carrot. And he is currently prone on the ground, yes.\nPlayer: Great! When he's prone, do I get advantage on attacks?\nDM: When he is prone, attack rolls against the creature have advantage if you're within five feet, so yes you do.\nPlayer: Great. Great Weapon Master, dwarven thrower, and I say I want to know the answer to the lesson! (everyone laughs) 29 minus five, 24?\nDM: 24, that hits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Further along the way, they meet refugees from Nogvurot. After the fourth day of travel, they camp and notice an overturned cart just off the road.\nDM: Kiri's sitting there on the edge, eyes half-closed, and her feathers all puffed up. She looks over towards you, (coos).\nPlayer: Do you get cold? Yes? Or No?\nDM: (like Jester) \"Yes?\"\nPlayer: You get cold. Oh, I run back in and try to get some warm clothes for Kiri.\nDM: Okay, easy enough. It costs you three silver to get the proper thick fur material to give her enough to keep warm.\nPlayer: Something really pretty though.\nDM: Eh, beggars can't be choosers in this circumstance, but you get something functional.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There are two vines, one around Nott and one trying to wrap up Jester. They prove to be difficult opponents, dealing significant amounts of physical and poison damage, and grappling and restraining their targets.\nDM: All right. Roll a strength saving throw to see if you can manage to break through the entangling vines to get towards it.\nPlayer: That's not good, though. Oh, good, natural 16.\nDM: You feel them pull at your shins but you still kick through and you hear them snap as you manage to brush past their grip making your way towards-- which one, the one that has Nott?\nPlayer: Yeah, the one that has Nott.\nDM: Go ahead and make your first attack.\nPlayer: Yeah. As I'm arcing down and I look out the side, is the eye doing anything?\nDM: It's present.\nPlayer: Cool, it's there, good deal. 23.\nDM: That hits. Go ahead and roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan then inspires Grog, the goliath seeing the gnome's ass as two round globes of victory. Scanlan then backs away out of sight to avoid getting shot by arrows.\nDM: Okay, that reduces to eight. All the arrows strike true, thump-thump-thump, but still each one is only piercing the flesh so far, he's generally so dense in his musculature, each impact is not having the same satisfying (impact) sound you're used to. But that ends your held action and it is now your turn.\nPlayer: Oh, but I get another attack, because that's just one attack.\nDM: Oh right, that was the sky sentinel, go for it. Take a second attack.\nPlayer: My second attack, I'm going to take at Greenbeard, and I'm going to shoot through the flaming bowstring.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: 17 plus 12 probably hits? 17 plus 12?\nDM: Yeah, that's going to hit.\nPlayer: Okay. Gah! 14 on that one.\nDM: 14, okay. 14 damage to him. Greenbeard is currently stuck there in place, the arrow sinks into his robe and you don't even see the impact, it absorbs into the cloth and he goes, ah, and you hear the escaping air from the impact but he can't actually move.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Around the back of the building, Percy goes to the first door he sees and attempts to open it, only to find it locked. you runs up and pulls out his lockpicks, unlocking the door with no difficulty.\nDM: Rain's still pouring down, you have your hood up, the water's dripping past your face as you're trying to concentrate. You get the tools in. It's not a very complicated lock. (click, creak) You push it open, leading you guys into the interior of what looks like a kitchen.\nPlayer: Perception check. Which is a 25.\nDM: 25. As you look inside, it's a cold kitchen. It hasn't been in use for a while. The fire's up, there's a little bit of a slab in the corner where most of the preparations are done, there's a few cabinets that are up. It's dark. There's no lantern.\nPlayer: And what are the other doors?\nDM: There's a door immediately to your left, and there's, across the way, is an archway opening. There's no actual door there. It's just a walkway that leads into the next room.\nPlayer: So it's open straight ahead?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: I haven't used any movement. If I go to the archway right across, right?\nDM: Yep.\nPlayer: I'm clicking my boots as I walk forward. Do I perception check again at the arch, or does the same one hold?\nDM: As you glance through, you can see what appears to be...\nPlayer: I unlocked the door and I've walked ten feet.\nDM: There appears to be a hallway. There's a hallway that goes across the way. There's a door at the end of the hallway, and two doors to the right and left of this hallway.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Towards the core and the back of this final defending pocket of uncorrupted forest is a stone building, windowless and overgrown. Nila determines that whatever the corruption is, it is not natural, and that there is some much older and much more powerful latent reasoning for it.\nDM: Best you can see, no. It's pretty well made. The walls and the roof all appear to be made from stone.\nPlayer: But no windows or anything?\nDM: There are windows. You can only really see the front and right side of it, the southeast side of it from your perspective-- there is a single window. It is an arched window that looks like it may have been built at one point to hold glass or stained glass, but it is no longer there. You can see the soft, jungle-like flora at the base of it has swooped up and grown over and into the interior of the structure. Best you can tell from this distance, there is no visible light immediately inside, but there is a bit of natural light that is coming in through the open space.\nPlayer: Can I go over to the window and take a peek in, stealthily?\nDM: Sure, roll a stealth check.\nPlayer: 12. I'll take a big swig of booze and then go over and try.\nDM: Okay. You begin to dart across the open space, dodging through gravestones and as you're passing one of them, there is a bit of a thorned vine that catches the back of your cloak. It pulls taut before you get yanked on your neck, slip back, and Nott slams on the ground giving a little sound.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On you's request, Gilmore procures a favor for him with the Lyceum. you also purchases three enchanted daggers, presumably as a gift for Kynan Leore.\nDM: She's red in the face. At this point in time, the beaded curtains reopen. Have you finished the conversation, or do you want to keep going?\nPlayer: No. After ten minutes of finishing all that, of telling every tiny detail, if you mind me backtracking, I briefly place my hand on top of his, and say, it was terrible. I've never seen anything like it. Now we're back. We're in our home, and I'm hoping to learn how Uriel is doing, how the city is faring. Is there any news? Things are ill in Kraghammer; they still haven't seen the last of their troubles, but I'm also concerned for our new home here.\nDM: \"As far as I'm aware, this city has been doing rather well. Since Winter's Crest just this previous year, trade has been booming, we're opening up pathways all across the continent, we've improved relations with many other distant kingdoms, and I'm opening a second shop! I mean, that's amazing! And who would've thought?\"\nPlayer: And Westruun, how's it going?\nDM: \"So far, so good. We're going through the construction process, and I'm making sure that I have a rather supple income of artifacts and oddities that I have to sell at both locations. I have to widen my input of various items and--\"\nPlayer: You're a busy man.\nDM: \"Oh, yes.\"\nPlayer: Have you any time for leisure?\nDM: \"Eventually.\" You can see, he's a little more worn than you've seen Gilmore before. He's still Gilmore, and he's excited, but after the tale you told him and opening the second shop has been a little rough on him, and his jovial self is a little more wearied. Though he still looks fabulous.\nPlayer: You seem a tad weary. Is there anything I can do to help you?\nDM: \"Just praise the brand. Praise the brand, young Vax.\"\nPlayer: That will happen. I did not even mean to discuss this, coming here, but I noticed, coming in, a sigil under your carpet. I had no intention of this, but we need to get back to Kraghammer in a bit of a hurry, and I certainly have no abilities, but do you remember my friend Tiberius? Dragonborn fellow?\nDM: \"Yes! Yes, I remember him.\"\nPlayer: He needs to run an errand back in Kraghammer. Is there any way you could hook us up with a favor?\nDM: \"What kind of favor?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: \"I haven't looked around, to be perfectly honest. I've been a little focused on--\" and he gestures out with his hands at the rubble that was once his life.\nPlayer: You had a lot of meat, didn't you?\nDM: \"Well, you have to present meat. A lot of people around here eat meat.\"\nPlayer: Would you say that you offer a larger selection of meat than some of the other establishments in town?\nDM: \"If you're asking me, then the best meat. Don't know about quantity, but quality was--\" (tongue click)\nPlayer: I feel like I've been robbed of the experience of your fine, fine meat products, and I, for one, would like you to rebuild so that I might try some of your meats.\nDM: \"Well, if at some point the gracious gods see fit to bequeath upon me a strike of good luck and I can get to rebuilding, my friend, one day, you may be able to try one of my meats.\"\nPlayer: I'm going to take a look-- Is the friend who's dead skeletonized?\nDM: Oh, yeah, burnt charred.\nPlayer: Oh, burnt, okay. Where is this butcher that you mentioned as well?\nDM: \"Oh that's--\" He steps out through where the doorframe is still standing, the one that you defended yourself through most of that battle, just a free-standing frame now.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott says that they've been very clear that they're in this for what they can grab for themselves. She corrects you's assumption that she relies on Caleb for protection, saying it's the other way around.\nDM: \"I will. Thankfully, when all this went down, we were both in the Song and Supper, so at least we have an alibi. I've just never done something like this before. Pardon my nerves.\" You see his hands are literally shaking, and you see notice now he is very nervous.\nPlayer: Have a drink. It\u2019ll help with that.\nDM: \"I will.\" He goes off to the corner and pulls out a small glass bottle of liquor. He comes over, and him and Horris give a very tight hug to each other, and then separate. Dolan sits down, puts the drink on the table. \"Thank you.\"\nPlayer: Of course. We'll have to regroup, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.\nDM: \"Go.\"\nPlayer: We leave.\nDM: Horris comes with you guys towards the Leaky Tap. You guys make your way to the Leaky Tap.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completed the venture of taking the Horn of Orcus to a place of safety and sealing it away, hopefully for eternity, with the help of Lady Kima and two of the Scalebearers. After heading to the basement of the Platinum Sanctuary in the city of Vasselheim, they succeeded in doing so.\nDM: All right. Riki-oh style. I like it. All right. So. As you go ahead, go ahead and just roll a basic attack.\nPlayer: Fuck. Thank you, god. 26.\nDM: 26. Make a dexterity save on his end-- no, that won't work. So you throw the dirt up. As he's rushing towards you to follow up on the attack, the dirt goes streaming into his eyes and for a second he stumbles and starts trying to wipe his face. As he does, he has the blood on his hands that's also getting in his eyes, the blood's starting to cake up a bit, and he's just reaching out in the area. So that's your first attack.\nPlayer: Because I feel like we have a kinship, I take my foot and I throw it right up into his grundle, just soccer-kick the shit out of his nuts.\nDM: Go ahead and roll an attack. You have advantage on this currently, because he can't see it coming.\nPlayer: That's even better! 25.\nDM: 25. Go ahead and roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog football tackles the held Riskel to the ground. Vax pummels riskel with the blunt end of his daggers.\nDM: I'd say because you're already there and shouting at him, it can be a bonus action. So if you want to take your action still.\nPlayer: I can't do anything, I'm behind all those fucking people. Well, if we're fighting then, I can't do much. I will just-- I will blind him this time.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Can I do that?\nDM: Sure.\nPlayer: I'll blind him at a level three.\nDM: Ooh, level three blind.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax dashes past Greenbeard towards Kevdak, one of the herd members outside the arena attempting to swipe at the rogue but only catching feathers from the Deathwalker's Ward, and attacks the paralyzed Thunderlord with both daggers in hand. The blades strike true, Vax sinking the weapons up to the hilt into the flesh of the goliath, and the rogue flees the arena, but not before he leaves some parting words for Kevdak.\nDM: They're both, having now made out the connection between the mooning and Kevdak holding himself in place, they're both trying to take you out. One of them has disadvantage because you're in its spot and it couldn't get away from you, it had nowhere to go really. So one's taking two attacks at you, Scanlan. That is going to be, heh, a 12.\nPlayer: Miss.\nDM: And a 26.\nPlayer: Hit.\nDM: The other one's going to have two attacks with disadvantage against you. That's, even with disadvantage, that's a 21.\nPlayer: Hit.\nDM: And the other one with disadvantage is a 15.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The dragon bit at her as she left, giving Jester time to run to the sphere and escape. you fired one more bolt before touching the sphere and vanishing.\nDM: Going to run to the front; it makes an attack of opportunity against you. That's going to hit. That's a 15 plus nine, yeah, it's 24. It's going to be a bite attack against you, which does more damage. That's going to be 18 points of piercing damage.\nPlayer: Mm-hmm. I'm okay.\nDM: The jaws bite into you and you feel it rake across your shoulder, but you manage to pull out, roll on the ground to back up and you manage to get your arm up and pull yourself onto the platform where the orb is still glowing that dull green color.\nPlayer: I'll turn around and fire my crossbow at the thing.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: It's not great. It's only a 16.\nDM: The bolt ricochets off of the hard scales of the dragon's hide.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party, including Avantika and Jamedi confronts three unhappy-looking yuan-ti (pureblood priestesses), and one taller gray figure with a large hooded snake head (a yuan-ti mind whisperer).\nDM: As Yasha darts off, the pureblood behind manages to swipe out with the scimitar. Has an attack of opportunity against her. That is going to be a natural-- They're rolling really good! 17 plus three. 20.\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: With that, Yasha suffers seven-- six on the d6. Seven points of slashing damage, reduced to three because she's raging.\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: Then Yasha shrugs off the impact, rushes towards the large gray snake entity, and?\nPlayer: Reckless attacks.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Oh, that definitely hits. That's a 22?\nDM: That is correct. Go ahead and roll damage on that one.\nPlayer: 11-- 16 points of damage on the first one.\nDM: Okay. 16 points of damage. It is vulnerable against that. That is technically 32 points of damage from that strike. How does Yasha want to do this?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: Looking along the walls, you start heading in that direction, you do see a few markings that basically say 'sanctuary' in Thieves' Cant, in the direction of the light.\nPlayer: All right. Confirmed.\nDM: You guys continue onward?\nPlayer: Yeah, I'll lead the way. Yeah, we sat here for 20 minutes in the stank.\nDM: Yes. (clears throat) So, you guys continue forward up that tunnel. Eventually, as it curves around, the light-- you can see-- it's shifting, because it appears to be a distant fire light that is the source in this vicinity, and as you turn the corner, as the tunnel slowly curves around, it opens up into a large central sewer chamber, though most of it is dry, and you can see there is a large mound of dirt in the center that seems to rise above most of the water that has collected along the ceiling, and there are a series of platforms constructed out of wooden scaffolding at different levels all throughout this chamber. Some of it looks a little rickety, some of it looks very old, but various states of moisture rot. (offscreen sneeze) You hear a sneeze from the distance from one of the-- As you look and see a series of small bonfires throughout the room that are currently lit and surrounded by figures. You see a ramshackle tent city, and/or a series of small, wooden hovels that have constructed here. You see a number of figures that are huddled around these bonfires: cloaks, hoods up, generally keeping warm in what is a relatively cold, subterranean area. You guys, glancing over here, as you're first looking, and you can see a few of them appear to be laid up and hurt, and there appear to be at least a few individuals that are heavily bandaged or have slings on. As you guys step into the room, not being very stealthy in your arrival--\nPlayer: We could have been, but I use a bit of sign language from the Cant, and let them know that I'm part of the Clasp?\nDM: Okay. A few of them stand up, hands on the side of their hilt, and stop there for a second before one individual steps out of the shadows and puts his hand up, putting it down. You recognize this to be Garthok.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: So you can make it. We'll say that's as far as you can get, no reason to hide, you're still out in the open, you don't have anything to hide behind, unfortunately.\nPlayer: Can I sit on the ground? I wanna sit on the ground and wrap my cloak around me and make myself look like a rock.\nDM: Actually, you do back up into the ink cloud, so you can.\nPlayer: Hey!\nDM: Which is not obscured to the kraken. So, you cannot hide. He can still see you in the ink cloud.\nPlayer: Oh really?\nDM: Yeah, so--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They also found that a number of gold coins, a bit of his horde that had been buried, were now exposed by these strange smooth tunnels that were carved into the rock. Upon Vex , Scanlan, and Trinket inquiring there, the rest of the party scattered: Pike and Keyleth went to find what seemed to be the owner of the house, now frozen in fright in a far alcove; and the rest of the group traveling towards the mouth of the cavern itself.\nDM: All right. That definitely hits. However, it is not sneak attack damage. You are hiding definitely behind the pillar, but your footsteps. And you get the essence as soon as you see the creature, its head follows you across the room, you get the sense immediately that it is not a sight-based creature, it is definitely a movement-based creature, and its head just follows you as you move.\nPlayer: I'll defer, but let me ask, going stealth and rolling a 28 on stealth, the footsteps were still enough to alert it to where I was?\nDM: Is it a natural 20?\nPlayer: I didn't attack yet. No, it was a combined 28, just to go stealth.\nDM: A combined 28. Right, even so, not quite light enough. Not with the knowledge that it was an issue with this entity, and due to the proximity of it, and it being a very sensitive creature to the rock's movement, it still picks you up.\nPlayer: And I should have one attack. I should have an attack, right? Because I did the boots, I ran over here--\nDM: Yep, so you have an attack.\nPlayer: Two.\nDM: Well, two attacks, you have offhand, so yeah.\nPlayer: Two, yeah. Two, because it was double the speed because of the boots. All right. First one is shit. That is 14. And the second one is-- I'm going to do Luck on that. The second one is 20.\nDM: The second one hits. The first one unfortunately just bounces off of its hide.\nPlayer: That's not a lot. But it is seven points of damage.\nDM: Seven points of damage, got it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party makes their way back to the Lavish Chateau, and swings by the Tidepeak, and you notices that the city does not seem to be massively changed, but the normal smoke plumes are just whips of smoke. They return to the Lavish Chateau where a few people are relaxing and having dinner.\nDM: \"Of course, I assume that is the case.\" He knocks on the door. At that point, the door opens up a bit and peeking through is the Ruby of the Sea, Marion, whose hair is perfectly curled, even without an evening performance. She smiles at the sight of all of you at the door and looks curiously at the large skirt-faring tortle. \"Hello?\"\nPlayer: Hi! Do you have company?\nDM: \"Not at the moment, no.\"\nPlayer: Can we come in and talk to you for just a second?\nDM: \"Oh, Jester! Hi! Yeah, please, do come inside, everyone. Come on.\" You all make your way into the chamber.\nPlayer: I'll drop the disguise spell once we're inside.\nDM: Okay. She shoos out her servants, and the door closes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She rents them a boat called the Shore Shanty, helmed by Captain Santy, for three days' use. After about two hours of sailing, they arrive above the undersea volcano.\nDM: \"There we go, straight questions.\" He rubs his swollen cheek side. You can see his teeth are graying and yellow. There's a little bit of blackened decay at the edges, but he grins a little bit at the sight of the gold. \"I need a little more than that paltry sum.\"\nPlayer: Paltry sum? How much gold do you see every day? I pull out another piece. Is this enough?\nDM: \"Make it five, and I'll introduce you to my docksmen.\"\nPlayer: All I want to know is where the volcano is.\nDM: \"But you're not looking for a ship to rent, right? Like he said?\"\nPlayer: No.\nDM: \"All right. (sniffles) Volcano is that way.\" And he points out. You see he glances over, he lines up where you can see a couple of larger rocks that are breaking out from the shore surface maybe 20 or 30 feet out from where the pebble beach ends and meets the water line. He's lining up his arm and, \"That way, about five miles.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completed the venture of taking the Horn of Orcus to a place of safety and sealing it away, hopefully for eternity, with the help of Lady Kima and two of the Scalebearers. After heading to the basement of the Platinum Sanctuary in the city of Vasselheim, they succeeded in doing so.\nDM: That's going to be a gif. And as you now see Kern prepares for a second bout, it's your turn, Grog. What are you doing?\nPlayer: I would like to go into a frenzied rage. I would like to start with a giant front-kick forward and then hammer him down.\nDM: All right. Go for the first strike.\nPlayer: Shit, that misses. Two.\nDM: That's probably going to miss.\nPlayer: Yep. That's a 19.\nDM: 19 is going to hit.\nPlayer: And also 19.\nDM: Both hit, yep. So you go to kick with the front kick, and he dodges to the side. However, you still, using your giant haymaker, the inertia clips him across the face. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: That is a 16.\nDM: You're not fighting with your axe. This is with your fists. So rolling 1d4 and then half that.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Protto shoots his longbow through the two intervening portcullises at Beau, but one misses and she catches the other. She and Keg get the gate up and Caleb wedges the table underneath.\nDM: You watch the naturally twisted and gnarled wooden staff that Caduceus carries, which previously had a dozen of small knot holes in it, suddenly begin to exude dozens and dozens and dozens of small beetles that begin to swarm out of the staff and curling onto the ground. You can place it.\nPlayer: Can I put it right on top of that problem in the corner, so it can't quite be seen by anyone down the hall, but close enough to bite?\nDM: It's 30 feet, you can't quite get it to them.\nPlayer: Even if I go all the way? Okay. How close can I get to him?\nDM: You're right next to him. This swarm of beetles is right beneath the floating bust of Nefertiti.\nPlayer: Can it make a bite attack?\nDM: It won't be able to attack this turn, unfortunately.\nPlayer: I think I get a bite attack on first appearance.\nDM: Right, but how close can you summon it?\nPlayer: 30 feet.\nDM: Right, so it appears 30 feet--\nPlayer: Can't move yet.\nDM: Right, but it's not quite close enough to bite. It's about ten feet away.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Yasha grapples him, and you tells him to surrender, which he does. They recover the package he was guarding: a beautiful wooden box.\nDM: As you move around the corner, in a flash, you hear (grunting). You see this quick arc of steel as suddenly, from around the corner, a fairly well-armed man with sun-darkened skin, short hair pulled into a tight top-knot or a bun of some kind, holding a longsword two-handed, swings at you, three strikes. That is 24 to hit.\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: That is 18 to hit.\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: And, ooh, that is a 26 to hit.\nPlayer: Misses.\nDM: Three hits there. That is 16 points of slashing damage, 13 points of slashing damage, and, oh, 18 points of slashing damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax walks along the wall, unable to attack from a distance, and heads to you. Grog directs his attention to the remaining horror and smashes it twice with the warhammer.\nDM: As you rush in the air, you hesitate for a moment, remembering the Pike thing, and you see this burning arcane rage in the face of this entity. At that moment, that hesitation was all it needed. It takes the shield and almost knocks the weapon out of your hand. You catch yourself, land on your feet-- yeah, your fingers sting a little bit. Worth a shot. All right, in retribution, it's going to strike at you twice. That's a 15?\nPlayer: That fails.\nDM: 21.\nPlayer: That is successful.\nDM: That is seven points of slashing damage.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: All right. Keyleth, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy offers to donate his Manual of Quickness of Action in return for access to the library's private collection. They are shown two books, one in Abyssal and one in Common.\nDM: There is very little talk about celestial blood, divas, other than the fact that there's been a long-standing battle since the founding. Since the prime gods and betrayer gods divided early in the creation of Exandria and--\nPlayer: There's no talk about using celestial power as some sort of weapon against these creatures.\nDM: Not celestial power necessarily, but some of the entities are susceptible to various divine magics and abilities, and that is a strong back and forth between the two sides. The big war is between the devils and the demons. The Abyss, which is the nature of chaos and evil and driven hunger at whatever cost, versus the power-hungry devils, which build structure, dominance, expanding their territory, and ruling through structure and power.\nPlayer: Okay, so within evil, there is chaos versus order is kind of the internal conflict of evil.\nDM: Yes, those are the two sides, devils versus demons.\nPlayer: All right. This is all very useful.\nDM: But there are many tiers of the hells and nine--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before impacting to the ground of one of the top chambers of the pyramid. Looking within the interior of this five-sided chamber, you noticed amongst the two pillars to the side a raised platform where there was a fountain of some kind, surrounded by three of these mostly-humanoid but snake-scaled, covered in places, yuan-ti people.\nDM: I believe that's all of us. Beginning now this round of combat; Beau, you have the jump. Everyone is prone, by the way. You slid down the stairs on your ass and impacted with the stone floor of this chamber. Nott, what would you like to-- sorry, Beau is-- sorry. Beau.\nPlayer: These are lizard people? Or these are snake people?\nDM: Yeah, these are--\nPlayer: These are the yuan-ti.\nDM: Yes, these are the yuan-ti. These three individuals that are mostly humanoid, but bits of their skin are scaled, their eyes are yellow, you can see sharpened teeth. This individual here is the one with the large hooded snake head that's still a bit taller than the rest and these long lanky arms. Gray skin.\nPlayer: Do they look super pissed off?\nDM: They look very unhappy that you've stumbled into this chamber.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside.\nDM: You hear two voices simultaneously down the end of the hallway come in, one of which is a very weak female voice, the other is a very loud kind of-- \"Hey, bring me food this way, please!\" The other one is like, \"Please, I ask of you, I'm starving.\" And you see these two hands come out of the two cells in the distance.\nPlayer: Right, I'm going to pick a number between one and ten. Ready? Go.\nDM: There's an awkward pause. \"Three?\" \"Seven! Definitely seven!\"\nPlayer: I lean over to Abjurist Noja, I say, I actually don't know any numbers, so. Y'know what, we're going to deliberate and we'll be with you in just a moment. (whispers) Abjurist, how old y--, why are you in here, who put you in here?\nDM: \"I've only been in here for about a week. Got in an altercation in my store when these brutes started walking in. Threw me in here, didn't even let me take my spellbook.\"\nPlayer: Oh, that is a crime. I love b-- I can't even say it. Hold on, stay right there, I'll get you out-- And I walk back to Orn Blackfoot, I go, look, hey, so I gave you food, can you do anything, like, special?\nDM: \"What?\"\nPlayer: Like, can you make your hands turn to flame, can you disappear, are you really good with a bow and arrow?\nDM: \"No! No.\" And he reaches out and grabbing at your clothes though and starts pulling you--\nPlayer: Hey! Orn, chill!\nDM: \"But I have friends in many places, though. I can, I can get you things. I can make connections--\"\nPlayer: Yeah, but most of the people in here are dead, right, like they're probably not--\nDM: \"Not even here, Emon! I can get you anything you need from Emon. I can get you from Stillben. And Lansway, just name it and get me out of here and I can--\"\nPlayer: How long has it been since you've been to Emon?\nDM: \"Few months?\"\nPlayer: You got any loved ones there?\nDM: \"Why?\"\nPlayer: I don't know, just asking, like, do you want me to take a note from you to them or something, you know.\nDM: \"No, if you can release me, I'd be more than happy to take it myself if you don't mind.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, no, I'm still deliberating, sorry. Enjoy the food that you snuck in your jacket pocket. And I go back towards the front desk area. And I try and find any-- is there a lever on the wall to release the cells or can I look for keys?\nDM: You-- make an investigation check.\nPlayer: Fuck me.\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Your fate is in excellent hands. Oh shit, you're not dead! Minus two for a 17!\nDM: Ah! All righty. So. After spending the good part of an hour or so clamoring through, just throwing bookshelves over and (crashing) taking the desk and actually throwing it onto its back and pulling drawers out, this is Grog's method of investigation here, you're just--\nPlayer: Yeah, just trying some splinters of wood in the locks just in case.\nDM: Yeah, yeah. You break off a few forks in some locks.\nPlayer: Forks, yeah.\nDM: In practice, yeah, whatever looks small enough and should fit, though it doesn't, but you make it fit. And it doesn't help. You do eventually find in one of the cells, closed and locked as you look by, there is one person in guard armor, in Westruun guard armor, that is in the cell. Not moving.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord sincerely responds that he's doing a great job. you asks the Dragonborn innkeeper for directions to the Archives.\nDM: From where you are now, you guys are in the Eastern Outersteads, it would be west. And he goes, \"Actually (ugh), hold on just a second, I'll get to your meal. Follow me.\" He comes out from behind the bar and slaps it up, and puts an arm around your shoulder and leads you right immediately outside to the front of the tavern, pushing you along.\nPlayer: Ja, okay, I shrink inward.\nDM: He goes, \"You look over that rooftop there, and you can see that-- \" and you see this slowly tapering tower that then curves off at the very top to be a very dome-like pinnacle. The stonework itself appears to be like a smooth concrete looking texture just from this distance, and the way the morning sun is hitting it, half of it is just bright and reflective and really intricate carving and various tiers along the towers. He goes, \"That there's the Archive. That's what you're looking for. So just look at that tower and keep going.\"\nPlayer: Thank you.\nDM: \"No worries.\"\nPlayer: Also, asking the DM, not this dragonborn, but you had mentioned the Chastity's Nook. Caleb would remember if you said what area it's in?\nDM: Tri-Spires.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party enters the tunnel uncovered by opening the hatch. They go down a wooden stairway.\nDM: All right, you step under one of the nearby tables and come out, completely invisible. You make your way, stepping through the kitchen, downstairs and find that you currently, right now-- Vax, you are going to unlock the latch, you said?\nPlayer: I'm sorry, I was just thinking of Wendydoodle's art from the comic. Yeah, yeah, I'm going to check that door for traps, is what I'm going to do.\nDM: All right, perception check. Wait, you checked earlier, there's no traps. There's just a lock.\nPlayer: Earlier, yeah, I did get a 25 up top, yeah. I thought you were giving me another door. Yeah, 25 up top where the fake bags of rice were.\nDM: Right, but it was still locked, you didn't roll to--\nPlayer: To pick it, sure, that's no problem. It is a 23.\nDM: 23, it's a little tough, you just manage to get it up and it comes off and the latch-- pretty solid still.\nPlayer: Amateurs.\nDM: Okay, you open the (creaks) leads down below and you find yourself looking down into a familiar stairway that leads into darkness.\nPlayer: All right, I know sometimes I can seem like I'm an idiot, but let me do the talking, yeah? And then I start down and lead the way.\nDM: All right, so, as you push down the stairway, we're doing marching order here just so we have it. So we have currently, you're at the front, who's behind Vax?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: The orange one, okay. Both of them have been damaged now, a little bit. You watch as it shakes its head for a second, and it's beginning to string another arrow. That finishes your turn?\nPlayer: Oh, had he not been damaged yet?\nDM: He had not been damaged before.\nPlayer: I shouldn't have rolled a 12. I should have rolled an eight.\nDM: Then roll that eight.\nPlayer: Six damage.\nDM: Weirdly, more damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A breath of frost kills one of the giants before it is able to do much. Percy's engineering talent makes a showing, between a hand grenade and one of the exploding arrows he made for you.\nDM: Okay. So as you take your shot, (gunshot) it ricochets off the armor. The dragon's starting to look a little rough. You can see bits of the blood beginning to seep from the inside of its scales. It's starting to look a little harsher and harsher. It's still standing up pretty well, but you can see, it's starting to get a little more battle-worn. That ends Percy's turn. Vex, you're up.\nPlayer: Me?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to move Trinket away.\nDM: Trinket stands up, and Trinket's going to move back this way.\nPlayer: Yeah, and then hide behind that outcropping thing. Yeah.\nDM: Okay. As he moves away, the dragon uses his reaction. It's going to be a bite attack on him, actually.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Sarenrae thanks Pike for her role in restoring worship at her temple, and shows her how the pearl-like granules on the beach are actually the souls of worshippers come to live with her. As a parting gift, she grants her the Blessing of the Everlight.\nDM: \"It's all right. But for everything great that we may have created, you continue to create far better. Our existence brings threat. We've brought two calamities before. We try and avoid a third. Whether we diminish in time or just maintain this balance, it's you, and your children, and your children's children, that hold the keys to the future of your lives, your people, your culture, and us. So don't apologize.\"\nPlayer: Would you say Sarenrae's attractive?\nDM: Are you asking her, or is this a question to me as the DM?\nPlayer: Yeah, that one.\nDM: She's beautiful. I wouldn't put it in terms of any sort of a sexual object.\nPlayer: She's just beautiful.\nDM: She's just an incredibly beautiful, powerful, feminine form. And, to the extent where Grog, who usually being a man who's driven by base needs, not a single thought comes across you in any base or defacing way, it is too powerful. It overwhelms it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They prepare a couple of longer-term spells before bed: Pike uses Vex's last ornate chalice to cast Heroes' Feast. Scanlan, for the very first time, casts Wish and asks for a Scanlan-simulacrum, which begins to form out of falling snow.\nDM: Over the next 12 hours, you sit there focusing on trying to press your will into this congealing snow golem of Scanlan, and watch as it slowly takes form and breathes air, and-- with no equipment, of course-- but has your knowledge, your spells. Eventually, the completion of the spell brings to life a secondary Scanlan, under your beck and call.\nPlayer: Oh my god. Hello, Scanlan, is it you?\nDM: \"It's me.\"\nPlayer: (gasps) Oh! You're shorter than I thought you'd be.\nDM: \"Speak for yourself.\"\nPlayer: All right, let's just see if you're really Scanlan.\nDM: He's already naked.\nPlayer: Oh, okay. Let's see. I whip out my little measuring tape. One inch, by one inch, by one inch. Mm-hmm. That part's the same.\nDM: \"Mm-hmm. How do we know I'm not the real Scanlan?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They reconnect on the other side. The right and left paths have rubble and weblike threads hang from the ceiling covering half the path.\nDM: You feel like you've been pulled through something, but it doesn't have a mighty effect, although, Grog, glancing at Vex you can see there is definitely a little bit more of a weathered look to her, crow's nests forming, deep-seated frown lines.\nPlayer: Oh, jeez. I shout out-- I run towards the other water portal.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: And I shout out, Pike, do you know the names of the four ancient gods? Is your name four? That's stupid.\nDM: There doesn't seem to be a reaction. Pike goes, \"No, I mean, the gods that were at the beginning, there's--\"\nPlayer: Yeah?\nDM: \"There was Pelor and Melora and, I mean, they're the ones who cast away the elements, the chaos that this realm was first. I don't know!\" And she seems-- she's bungled and unable to really formulate what you're asking.\nPlayer: I wouldn't have any religion, anything to base that off of?\nDM: Make a religion check if you want to.\nPlayer: Wow. Wow. Two! That's four ones in a night.\nDM: Wow. Wow. It's the reverse Percy tonight.\nPlayer: I've been cursed.\nDM: You try and think back to the conversation you had with Highbearer Vord in the Platinum Sanctuary, and your mind's a blank. You can't recall any of that conversation.\nPlayer: I have an advantage on anything having to do with dragons.\nDM: It has nothing to do with dragons.\nPlayer: Well, I was just checking.\nDM: This is the creation myth of all of existence. However, you still have your action if you want to do something. You're by the pool, it's right to your right, and there's this sphinx now rearing--\nPlayer: I saw Percy dip his hand into the water, so I do the same thing to see what it does.\nDM: You what? You put your--\nPlayer: I put my hand in the water.\nDM: You dip your hand in the water. The hand, once it breaks the surface, it vanishes into darkness below the water. You don't even see, there's no visual on it.\nPlayer: Does it hurt?\nDM: No, it doesn't hurt, it's cold, it's very cold.\nPlayer: Pull it back out.\nDM: Pull it back out. Your hand is wet and it drips and you shake it free.\nPlayer: Can I use a bonus action to try to hide? Is there anywhere to hide? Maybe against a wall or something?\nDM: You move one, two, three, four, five, six. You're not going to be able to get completely out of sight. Unless you want to jump in the water.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group gathered together, rode onto a magically elevated skyship, and traversing the ocean, carrying the Horn of Orcus within this holy container. They found themselves, over the ocean, suddenly attacked by a band of what seemed to be wyvern- and griffon-riding bandits.\nDM: Your eyes adjust a little bit, and you can see what looks like-- this room, for the most part, doesn't have any sort of details. There are a couple of sconces with low, flickering light that are embedded in the side of the walls of this 50 foot by 50 foot room. It's about 20 feet high.\nPlayer: I go ahead and I do a little Wind Gust and I go, (blows air).\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Down the hall, to clear out the fog.\nDM: Which spell is this?\nPlayer: Gust of Wind.\nDM: Okay, so you cast Gust of Wind. The mist that was filling this room blows out the other side and you can see, the room is a little more visible now.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you polymorphs Grog into a gorilla, and she herself Beast Shapes into a giant eagle. Everyone moves through the bog canopy and enters a shaded nightfall in proximity to the giant tree.\nDM: Suddenly your consciousness kind of extends into all the nearby, and it's rush because there's just life all around you, life itself is dark, it's twisted, but it is living. What do you wish to ask of the nearby essence?\nPlayer: Um, okay. Can I figure out what is feeding the tree, what the tree, if the tree is consuming things around it, what is fueling the tree?\nDM: The response?\nPlayer: I sense a lot coming out from the tree, that's clear, can I sense an energy going in towards the tree?\nDM: Well, your question is, what is feeding the tree? You have to ask a question.\nPlayer: What is fueling the tree, yes.\nDM: Sondur.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Yasha, furious, uses Necrotic Shroud and two large, skeletal black wings emerge from her shoulder blades, the tips of her hair turn black, and her eyes go jet black. Two wolves attack Jester, still trying to pull Caleb out of danger.\nDM: You do one point of damage to it as you slug it in the back of the head, it runs off the board in this direction. This one is going to run this way.\nPlayer: I'm going to take a--\nDM: Yes, you do. Go for it.\nPlayer: That's 19.\nDM: That hits. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: That's five points of damage.\nDM: Five points of damage. You strike past it. It keeps running, charges this direction. The ogre right now, being surrounded and watching the rest of its fellows run away, is backing up and looking, \"Where Emmett?!\" Oh yeah, thank you. He's blocked from my position. He is going to, seeing everything else fleeing, scatter as well. Just runs off the map. That finishes their go. Caleb, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He snaps his fingers and an imp appears on his shoulder. He introduces the imp as Vasa, their guide.\nDM: \"Vasa will guide you. Thankfully, the stronghold is near the torture pits, so there is general din and sound and agony to surround. So that might offer you some solace in being unheard. But be careful.\"\nPlayer: Any advice would be welcome. We want what you want.\nDM: \"I know. Rest. Prepare. Enter where is easiest, always the path of least resistance. Get the jump, surprise and silence. When it's time to leave, I can help you travel mostly unseen, should you avoid some of the more piercing eyes of this domain.\"\nPlayer: Would you know where to get a Silence spell, out of curiosity?\nDM: \"I can provide maybe one or two.\"\nPlayer: One would be-- two would be even more helpful.\nDM: \"Very well. Rest. I'll be here waiting.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: As you enter, Hosin lowers his head and offers his arms at the rest of you to acquiesce. Stepping into the room, you see-- once again, a room that has a square or rectangular table in the center that has a series of small platters on it with bits of previously devoured meal, and there are three small cushions on the ground that you see would act as some sort of sitting arrangement. The opposite side of the room has three large purple cushions on which there are two women, also servants, that are just lying back comfortably, just resting, and in the center, you see a man, very dark complexion, ratty looking, crimped dark hair, very well-trimmed beard and mustache ensemble, and long black and gold robes. Very, very long sleeves and jewelry adorning every ounce of his hands, his fingers, you can barely see the actual skin beneath, there is just so much jewelry adorning him. He looks up smiling with his elbows near the edge of the table. \"Have a seat. We are to talk, yes? Introduce yourselves. Guests are always welcome, but I wish to know who it is that I am guesting for.\"\nPlayer: I seat Coralin and have a seat myself. And pretending to check out the women in the room, I make a perception check. And that is a 16.\nDM: All right, what are trying to see?\nPlayer: Oh, if anything sets off my alarm bells.\nDM: They seem to be lounging. And there isn't like fear in their eyes or that they are being mistreated per se. Almost like they're here for atmosphere.\nPlayer: And the room itself?\nDM: The room itself-- Most of the walls have like a velvety texture to them. All the wood has been covered with some sort of material that has a comfortable almost-- Everything feels like it's a lounging bedroom. And that's the aesthetic of a lot of the interior of this location. You cannot quite see the source of the light in the room. It almost feels like there's an indirect lighting accoutrement across the ceiling. Whatever the source of lighting is, it's being spread across the top. It gives this sort of dark intimate feel to this current room at least. As he gestures out to the rest of you to sit. \"I fear there are only three seats, but I assume that your accompaniment are accustomed to standing, anyway. So do not worry. Very good. Now you say you come for membership. Membership does not come cheap. Membership does not come to anyone. We have a certain level of clientele we wish to keep, because in keeping this it is easy enough for us to consider it very-- how do I say?-- exquisite.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At sunset, they camp. you and Fjord take second watch, and are joined by Jester when their conversation wakes her.\nDM: Fjord maintains it, but all this in absolute silence. There is no sound, just shadows and starlight. As you\u2019re now being grappled by two men, the spell breaks from you. However, they\u2019re still holding you. As you feel a gag pulled over your mouth from one of them, the other one begins to throw rope around you. You\u2019re looking over the side and you can see another gag showed into Fjord\u2019s mouth. Manacles are being shoved onto his arms and legs. He's unable to move. Jester tries to break free off the opposite-- not with a natural seven. She\u2019s kicking and screaming, but there is no sound coming out and as she\u2019s pushed down, another figure comes up and throws shackles onto her arms behind her and her legs. She\u2019s yelling and yelling and a gag is pulled over her mouth. What are you doing?\nPlayer: Am I--?\nDM: There\u2019s two people that are now coming to grapple you.\nPlayer: I take out my weapon and I\u2019m ready to go.\nDM: All right. You pull your weapon. Make an attack, if you want.\nPlayer: Yes. Okay. 25.\nDM: 25 hits. Roll damage on that.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They arrive at the Cerulean Palace. Realizing that Scanlan had J'mon's medallion when he left, they instead present J'mon's flute and ask for an audience.\nDM: Yeah, it's easy enough to find. You head down to where the makeshift garrison, which has now seen reconstruction, actually being turned into a decent functional garrison within the town itself. A lot of the guards are out there running through their drills for the afternoon, and you can see Jarrett is in the process of running them through what looks like ranged combat training. As you approach, Jarett looks over and watches you walking up from a distance and kind of gives a wave, \"Hello!\"\nPlayer: Hi.\nDM: \"So, everything seems to be in order here. I have to say, I am very glad to know that we have no more dragons for quite some time.\" And you see he's recovering; he's healing, but there is noticeable scarring on the side of his neck. And it looks like he's going through the process of recovering from the Thordak battle, but he's doing much better than the last time you saw him.\nPlayer: How are you mentally?\nDM: To be perfectly honest, very happy to not be anywhere near that terrible city. I never thought I had the sense for the slower parts of the countryside, but I don't know; I've come to like it here in Whitestone.\nPlayer: It is quite nice. Well, you're welcome to stay.\nDM: Well, I was intending to.\nPlayer: We are planning to rebuild our home in Emon as well.\nDM: Yes, yes.\nPlayer: So it's up to you where you'd like to be.\nDM: Really, you employ me so it is more up to you, but I kind of like the change in temperature.\nPlayer: I do too.\nDM: Bit chillier up here, north.\nPlayer: Well, in case you're wondering, we just came from Marquet.\nDM: Oh?\nPlayer: Where we spoke with the Grand Maven?\nDM: Right?\nPlayer: Of J'mon Sa Ord. Spoke very highly of you and she's working on getting your name cleared.\nDM: Really?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Seeker Assum had requested to have been met in the foyer by our rogue here, who forgot and then decided to go on his own upstairs, following the Briarwoods to the second floor where their guest room was set. He distracted one of the guards with his Serpent Belt, knocked out the other, entered the room, and found himself face-to-face with the Briarwoods themselves.\nDM: 15, okay. Gives you a look. \"Very well. Apparently, the help was not very helpful.\" At which point, you hear this fast knock at the door, and you hear a voice go, \"Are you all right? Is everyone all right?\" Behind the door. At which point, Lady Briarwood just does this with her finger, and the door swings open (creak) on its own. The guard that ran after your belt is standing there holding the groggy, just slightly coming to second guard that you knocked out, and as he pulls him towards the door, he looks over and sees this, and he goes, drops him, and goes for his weapon, and Lord Briarwood puts his hand up, and goes, \"Do not worry. We're just having a conversation. Close the door. And get him up. Yes, not a worry sir.\" And he closes the door, and you hear the scuffling behind the wood of him, adjusting and waking up the guard who you had clobbered in the side of the head, getting him to consciousness. So they're both just looking you over. Lord Briarwood's just walking back and forth, keeping a very keen eye. He walks between you and the door. As you stand there. Almost like he's waiting for a reaction of some kind, for you to initiate something.\nPlayer: Thank you so much. Thank you so much! What can I do to help? I'm pretty meager a servant, but anything you need, whatever you need! Gosh, you guys are good-looking. It isn't that, is it?\nDM: You hear a throaty chuckle from Lady Briarwood across the way. (chuckles) \"No, but what do you think, my love?\" Lord Briarwood comes up from behind, his hands on the back of your shoulder, and says, \"Like we said, you haven't the gift of the silver tongue. But I applaud your effort.\"\nPlayer: Well, my mom and dad said I'm a real good speaker. They paid for a tutor? To teach me how to talk. And it's worked out really well for me in my life. So if you need an ambassador, or a butler who talks? I could do that for you.\nDM: Lady Briarwood at this point steps a couple steps closer. She's still about 15 feet from you. He's right behind you. Right between you and the door. She steps forward and looks over at her husband again, and goes, \"What do you think? Can we trust him?\" And Lord Briarwood leans forward, and you can feel his chin peeking into your peripheral vision. \"I'm afraid not. It seems--\"\nPlayer: Well, here's the thing you need to know about Uriel. And I take a step back.\nDM: Into him?\nPlayer: No! Away.\nDM: He's between you and the door.\nPlayer: Well, does he hold me if I turn? Well, I just said that, right? Here's the thing about Uriel.\nDM: As you go to move away, his arms that are on your shoulder, tighten, flex, and hold you in place.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He pulls out Bad News and swings it like a bat, bludgeoning the entity and thankfully not damaging the gun. The entity strikes back at Percy, missing the first swing but hitting with the second.\nDM: No, the dodge is not there. It rarely came into play. Okay, so that puts you at another 15 points of bludgeoning damage as it just smacks you right across the head. Your eyes go dizzy for a second, and you take a minute to refocus your vision, and you can now see in the air, the shimmering expression that looks like a humanoid face stretched and ghastly going (gasps) in front of you, but it's still barely even visible, and only because of the proximity to you are you able to actually make out any sort of shape or shimmer in the air in front of you. The other one is attempting to choke out the prisoner. However, the prisoner resists through athletics, so he's currently holding back at bay the strength of the entity. That ends its turn. Trinket's up.\nPlayer: Trinket's up! He's going to try to jump and land on top of the ghostly thing and bite its face. I don't know how to do that.\nDM: To do a real leap, Trinket would have to back up and then run towards it. If Trinket wants to do that. Okay. So Trinket backs up. As it does, it gets one free swipe at Trinket. That is 18 to hit.\nPlayer: I'm having an issue here. Because I have 18 in parentheses, and then I wrote a 20 and I circled it and I don't know why.\nDM: I don't know why, either.\nPlayer: 18 is probably--\nDM: Yeah, we'll say 18. So that hits. Trinket takes 15 points of bludgeoning damage as the entity swings out and backhands Trinket. However Trinket now leaps-- go ahead and make an athletics check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb and the crewman make their way upstairs, fighting, and you joins in the fray as Caduceus makes it onto the boat, which still moving away from the harbor, and he drops the disguise. The crewman continues to attack as you and Caleb try to convince him to put down his weapon.\nDM: Probably. All right, so on that, he's going to go ahead and make his way towards you, Jester. He comes up and is going to make two swings at you.\nPlayer: I use Hellish Rebuke.\nDM: Well, first you have to see if it hits. That is going to be a 15 to hit. I believe that misses.\nPlayer: No.\nDM: That's a 19 to hit.\nPlayer: Okay, yes. I use Hellish Rebuke.\nDM: All right, go for it. That is ten points of slashing damage to you.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: A two-handed (whoosh) swings past you.\nPlayer: He takes 21 points of damage back.\nDM: He has to make a save, right?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: That is a natural 14, but has no bonus to his dex, so it's a 14.\nPlayer: Yeah, it's only a 12 dex save.\nDM: Right, because it's a racial ability.\nPlayer: Yeah, it's a racial ability.\nDM: He takes half damage? What is it?\nPlayer: What did I say? 21? Half of that, 11.\nDM: All right. Ice shards pierce out of the blast area and his body is (groans). He's looking really hurt now, and he's frustrated and his eyes are starting to go a little wild, realizing that this is turning on him pretty heavily. All right. Caduceus. (counting) You're just like, (breathing hard). As you glance over--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth, maintaining concentration on Grasping Vine, grabs the helmed horror next to Scanlan and drags it towards her. She then attempts to hit it with her staff but the attack is deflected easily due to how thick the armor is.\nDM: Okay. He is technically in melee with you, so you get disadvantage on these strikes unless you want to move away.\nPlayer: Does he get an attack of opportunity, though, if I scooch back?\nDM: He would, unless-- he didn't take one against you when you ran back because you disengaged, so yes, he would.\nPlayer: Okay, yeah.\nDM: Okay, so you move back a step. That is a 21.\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: Okay, you take nine points of slashing damage as you reach back. The creature (whoosh) arcs with its sword and manages to strike you.\nPlayer: Bastard!\nDM: Roll for your attacks.\nPlayer: Okay, that is a 26 and a 23.\nDM: Both hit.\nPlayer: I didn't Hunter's Mark him, because I'm brilliant. Yes! 15, 30, 34 points.\nDM: 34 points of damage for both?\nPlayer: Yeah, two eights. Plus 14. Plus my bracers.\nDM: Right. You pull the arrows out and launch them both simultaneously, two arrows in one notch; release them both. One slams into the armor. That one goes underneath the helmet, and as it strikes you hear this horrible echoing (screeching) screech that echoes as the armor (thud) falls to the ground.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, K'Varn falls, but is immediately brought back to undeath by the Horn of Orcus. A ray from his eyestalk turns Kima to stone.\nDM: Okay, so, as you release the Telekinesis, you pull and pull, but that horn is definitively locked in place.\nPlayer: Okay. Then I'll spend five more and I'll attempt to rip off one of his tentacles.\nDM: Stalks? Okay. Go ahead, make another check.\nPlayer: I'm going to check that last one off. Check this off. I'm blast-- I'm using all these from my Ioun stones!\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: I, yeah. That hits. What is that? My, 20-- Oh no-- Fuck what I said, it's 29.\nDM: 29?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: All right. So as you pull, one of the eye stalks gets flung off the body, and you can see this, like, spurt of brackish blood that spills across the area nearby.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You managed to, thanks to a very high roll from Keyleth, discover there was some sort of a waterfall or trickle of liquid near the hip of this giant titan. Its giant, four, swinging arms only managed to clip Keyleth and Vax once.\nDM: All right. So as it emerges from the wall, coming toward you. You do this triple strike against it. And it manages to carve across part of its chest, but its momentum is still strong, and both fists come to the side to hit you and rattle you from both sides. That is a 16?\nPlayer: Nope!\nDM: Misses! And a 24.\nPlayer: And that hits.\nDM: So you manage to deflect one blow, the other one clocks you on the side of the head. That is 11 points of bludgeoning damage.\nPlayer: Yeah, okay. There's all the healing I just did. It's all gone.\nDM: All right. And now this fellow here is going to swoop over and slam the ground near Pike.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: Exactly. You glance about the room as you're walking forward carefully, looking at the floorboards, looking at the tapestries on the walls, looking for anything that would be out of sorts, and your eyes very keen to find anything out of the ordinary. The room thankfully does not appear to have anything specifically trapped. It seems fairly safe.\nPlayer: Oh. Okay. And those are doors up there?\nDM: Yeah. Door to the right, door to the left.\nPlayer: Would that check include the doors themselves?\nDM: I would say with a natural 20, yes. The doors both also seem to be functional doors, not designed with any sort of trap attached.\nPlayer: All right. Pressing my ear to the door on my left.\nDM: Okay. Listen to it. Perception roll.\nPlayer: So many. Six.\nDM: Seems fairly quiet.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With Caleb's dancing lights glowing ahead, The Mighty Nein row down the underground river, coming to smaller gaps every few miles in which the boat containing Yasha, you and Caleb pulls ahead in a friendly race. Throughout the journey, Jester fantasizes about Tusk Love, casting Fjord as the hero, Oskar.\nDM: On the water? Okay. As you reach over the edge of the boat and slowly lower your tiny goblin feet across the surface, breaking the water (water splashing). (cheering) Go ahead and make a general dexterity check for me, please.\nPlayer: Ooh, not good, but it's dexterity, so six?\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: This is fun! Hand me a rope, I'll water ski!\nDM: As you're so entranced by this, you glance down just in time to see one of those stones that's protruding from the river seems to have come out of nowhere. Before you have a minute to punch off, it hits you across the knee and bruises the heck out of it. Your whole leg starts throbbing and you're like, \"Ah!\" So your skiing is now (crashing splashes) underneath.\nPlayer: All right, I'll try to pull myself back up?\nDM: All right, it takes you a moment and Caleb, you go and help get Nott up onto the boat, but as you do, a little water logged, the water splashed over your face a bit.\nPlayer: Jesus, that's an intense water ski.\nDM: Because at that moment the lights go out. As soon as you pull Nott up into the ship, there's a brief moment where Nott breathes and looks back up with a smile about to say thank you before you see, out of the corner of your eye, one of the stalagmites at the top of the ceiling detach, float down and open up, almost like an umbrella before it lands and collapses on top of Nott.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He hands her warning written in Elven to keep quiet during the meeting. He apologizes for leaving Whitestone mostly in her hands while he is busy with the dragons, promising he'll relieve her of some of the burdens when they have finished the fight.\nDM: Okay. You head outside of the main castle, down to where the training barracks are for Whitestone. And you can see Jarett's already out there, with a small, metallic platter on his lap, scarfing up some food real fast. He's gotten his day started relatively early and as soon as you approach, mouth's already full. \"Mmm! Scanlan! It's good to see you.\"\nPlayer: Good to see you too! What're you enjoying there?\nDM: \"The usual gruel that you find in this city.\"\nPlayer: Oh, I thought it might be something, meat-based that you could have popped up a bit with your spice.\nDM: \"Oh, well trust me, I've used it on the eggs and it makes it bearable. Whitestone is not well known for its cuisine from what I can tell. Everything's gray and lacks flavor.\"\nPlayer: I'll invite you over to my house some time, give you a proper chicken dinner.\nDM: \"All right, I will happily take you up on that offer, thank you.\"\nPlayer: Wanted to check in on (lowers voice) the task we talked about?\nDM: \"The task?\"\nPlayer: You know, the mission we discussed.\nDM: \"Remind me again?\"\nPlayer: I don't want to talk about it out in the open. But you know there was some illicit--\nDM: \"Oh!\"\nPlayer: Items of medicine.\nDM: \"Yes, I sent a request through someone I know.\"\nPlayer: Sent a request?! You're using other people? I trust you, I don't trust other people!\nDM: \"I'm not going to leave the city right now to go find-- Look, I have two people I know that might be able to get what you need. But it's going to take time.\"\nPlayer: (sighs) I don't have time. (sighs)\nDM: \"When did you pick up this habit?! I'm worried about you now, Scanlan.\"\nPlayer: I haven't picked it up. I'm trying to pick it up, damn it! It's the most difficult habit to pick up! Listen, can I confide in you, man to man, one on one, here?\nDM: \"Certainly.\"\nPlayer: You're a fighter, you're a strapping young battle man, aren't you?\nDM: (chuckles) \"I have been told this once or twice, yes.\"\nPlayer: I haven't felt myself recently. You know, we have these fights and some of them are pretty epic and there's monsters involved and I'm usually on my game, but lately I'm feeling a little off! How do you cope with that?\nDM: \"Well largely by not using illicit substances?!\"\nPlayer: Don't judge! Don't judge.\nDM: \"I'm not judging! I'm worried about you. Like, if you don't even have a habit, why would you look for this? The Scanlan I knew, the one that hired me, he knew how to deal with this issue. He got laid.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the sidelines, Scanlan yells inspiration at you and Cutting Words at Kern. Keyleth attempts to heal you from a distance, but gets caught by a nearby Bastion.\nDM: This is yours, I believe. And that's going to be a nine. Or, sorry, a ten. So first one hits, second two miss. (whack) The first one comes through and smacks you right in the center of the stomach. With a double hit, that's 14 points of damage.\nPlayer: I would like to use my Stone's Endurance.\nDM: Go for it. You, at that point as the punch hits your stomach, you flex, feeling the strength of the mountain fill your body, your ancestral roots of your stone giant brethren fill your form.\nPlayer: That's 16.\nDM: 16. As the fist (crash) finds the side of your stomach, the iron-like form that is your torso stops his fist in its place, and you see him (pained exhale) pull away, shaking his hand. As he shakes away, he brings up his other hand to backhand you. You duck out of the way. He swings with a kick around with the momentum, and you catch it in the middle of the air. So we're going to start your turn with you now holding his leg up by the side of your head.\nPlayer: Oh, fantastic. I'll keep that leg up in the air. I'll move it over to my shoulder, take both my hands up and bring it down on top of his kneecap, hyper-flexing the leg. (yelling)\nDM: Go ahead and roll for attack on this.\nPlayer: That's better. 26. (cheering) That's eight.\nDM: Eight damage? All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott says that they've been very clear that they're in this for what they can grab for themselves. She corrects Fjord's assumption that she relies on Caleb for protection, saying it's the other way around.\nDM: Yep. So you head back up into the Leaky Tap Tavern. There\u2019s a handful of patrons, a lot of them are talking or whispering about the events tonight. Talking about, \"The tower\u2019s still up there! It\u2019s crazy!\" The general conversation-hubbub through the room.\nPlayer: I go to the barkeep. Is Claudia awake?\nDM: \"Probably in her office.\"\nPlayer: Okay! I go and knock on the door.\nDM: Okay. \"Who is it?\"\nPlayer: It\u2019s me, Jester!\nDM: \"Um, w-what do you want?\"\nPlayer: Claudia! When we were over at the Gala, we saw things that were going on, it was crazy, a tower exploded and then all hell broke loose. Did you know someone tried to steal my stuff?\nDM: \"I did not know that. My apologies.\"\nPlayer: Do you have maybe a safe or something? Because I don\u2019t feel safe carrying around my jewelry anymore with me.\nDM: \"No, not on me. Well-- Come back in the morning, I might have something for you.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Avantika jumped in unexpectedly. As you made to follow her, Caleb grabbed him and warned him about the abjuration magic with an unknown purpose.\nDM: She whips around as you do that and both her hand grabs your wrist to deflect it and you wrench your wrist free as a natural instinct and you both have this moment of-- Eh!\nPlayer: You know, I do have a solution I think for this. Jamedi! You worthless sack of shit, you haven't done a damn thing since we got in this temple. You like to scout ahead, go forward? Get your ass down that well.\nDM: He's still at the top of the stairs. He goes, \"Well, for one thing, I was paid to go to the temple, and no further. The fact that I have even come this far is because I need to claim my pay.\"\nPlayer: What do you want, a cookie? Get down the fucking well, let's go.\nDM: Avantika goes, \"Actually, I think ladies first.\"\nPlayer: Well, I would insist to join you, if that is the case.\nDM: \"May the best one win.\" She dives in.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before impacting to the ground of one of the top chambers of the pyramid. Looking within the interior of this five-sided chamber, you noticed amongst the two pillars to the side a raised platform where there was a fountain of some kind, surrounded by three of these mostly-humanoid but snake-scaled, covered in places, yuan-ti people.\nDM: All right. (hisses) towards you, its fangs bared. That ends your go, Jester. Caleb and Caduceus, you guys are up at the same time.\nPlayer: I was rummaging in my pockets for the molasses, but everybody is dropping, so instead I pull out a burned twig and hold my hand out and cast Witch Bolt at 3rd-level through the twig towards snakeman.\nDM: Ooh! All righty. Roll for attack.\nPlayer: That is a 21.\nDM: That'll hit.\nPlayer: Okay, so that's 3d12, which I have never used in my life. I think it's this one. The fuck is that?! That's an 11. Plus six is 17. 25 lightning damage.\nDM: Nice!\nPlayer: Which I did from the ground, I guess, so I will stand up now. Am I within five feet of that guy?\nDM: You are, yes.\nPlayer: Hey, I'm going to run for it. I'm going to go toward that pillar there.\nDM: Over here?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: (counting) 25. As you rush by, its snake head cranes around and extends out to bite towards the side of your shoulder and arm as you rush past.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, To step up to plate, Vex'ahlia. She accepted the challenge and, racing to the top of the tower before the fires could be extinguished in the brazier that awaited her, she threw herself into the fire.\nDM: Standing a full ten feet taller than you, practically, the wings slightly bent, the large planar entity kneels down. \"Hello.\"\nPlayer: Hello. Vacation Scanlan here. Couple questions. By the way, was he one of the ones who fought in there?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Oh. Do they all look alike? 17 plus one.\nDM: Hard to tell. You didn't pay a lot of attention.\nPlayer: Okay. Hey, just wondering, a few questions. A: How does one get out of here? Is there a door to another plane?\nDM: \"I imagine the same way you came in.\"\nPlayer: A god brought us here. All right, cool. Number two: Are there any other like your Dawnfather around here? Any other gods in the area?\nDM: \"Across Elysium, there are two deities that call it home: the Dawnfather and the Everlight.\"\nPlayer: So we covered our bases. Out of curiosity What are you called?\nDM: He looks very closely, and you get sense that part of its nature is scanning through you; it's getting a sense and a read of you as an individual, and it says, \"No one you need to worry about.\" Stands up and then takes two steps back (heavy footfalls) into place and looks straight ahead.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb changes Frumpkin into a spider. At the guard shift change after midnight, the group splits into two: Nott, Caduceus, and Keg in one group; Caleb, you, and Nila in the other.\nDM: Easy enough to do. Go ahead and make a martial arts attack. Technically, you have advantage because he's paralyzed.\nPlayer: Okay. Just a straight attack?\nDM: Yep.\nPlayer: Okay. 16? No, sorry, 15?\nDM: That hits, it's an auto-crit because he's held. Roll your martial arts damage.\nPlayer: Aw, I rolled a one. Plus two, plus four. Six damage.\nDM: Six damage. You throw him to the ground. He falls and takes an additional five points of bludgeoning damage. After the fall, hits the ground-- off the wall, on the backside of it, he's now face down on the ground, still held.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Molly and Beau remain outside while Jester and Fjord deceive their way into the house disguised as Prucine and a crownsguard. you, Nott, and Ulog sneak in the back door.\nDM: You don't see any secret entrances, you don't see any other gates. Looks like the front door is the main way to get in, or over the wall. There is no one watching the back, as it is a solid gate. It seems like the only entrance is from the front, and that's probably intentional from a defensive standpoint.\nPlayer: How high is the wall?\nDM: The wall is about-- let me check real fast. This would be seven-foot.\nPlayer: Seven foot? Frumpkin's on top of the wall. What do I see?\nDM: You glance down. A small area of wildflower and natural bushes have grown to fill the space in between, where it's thigh-high. There is a door in the back, near the wall, with a small yard, maybe a ten-foot yard, towards the very back area. There's a small porch area with nice chair and a little reading nook. There's a book left outside that looks like it got rained on and forgotten, it's dried and crinkled. There is a door that leads in from the back of that porch area there.\nPlayer: Are there any people?\nDM: There are no people in the back.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Deep in the dungeons of Whitestone Castle, in feigning helping a suspicious old woman out of her cell, you'ahlia breaks the lockpick she was using intentionally. The old woman angrily clutches you's arm, and the ranger notices a very disturbing sensation, or lack of, from the woman's grip.\nDM: Anyway! Let's get kicking into this evening's episode of Critical Role. So. To get all of you up to speed. The party has traveled to Whitestone, partially to free their name of some negative political ramifications back in their home city of Emon, and to aid Percy in possibly freeing his hometown of Whitestone from the oppression of Lord and Lady Briarwood, a couple who have risen to power over the past five years after slaughtering his family and taking it over and keeping it all this time. After arriving, they found a very heavy undead presence in the town, with giant zombies roaming the streets as sentinels. Most of the townsfolk kept under perpetual watch in this slowly will-crushing atmosphere. But as Vox Machina arrived, they began to instill the thoughts of rebellion. Stoking those flames once again with the return of the surviving de Rolo, they began to sway the people's minds to make a final stand. During that time, they also discovered that Percy's sister Cassandra is also a surviving de Rolo and exists somewhere in Castle Whitestone, seemingly under lock and key. The party began to systematically take out members of the new nobles who worked underneath the Briarwoods, setting many buildings on fire, leaving emblems of the de Rolo crest across the town and written in the sky, and after an extensive battle, began to make their way toward Castle Whitestone itself. Burrowing into a partially collapsed but long-remembered secret passage underneath the castle, the party rested for the evening with the help of their recently arrived cleric Pike, who had managed to project herself through the will of Sarenrae as a spiritual body given temporary physical form. While they were searching this tunnel, it led to the dungeons, the prison cells beneath the Castle Whitestone where Percy once woke up five years before, before Cassandra helped him escape. While they were walking through those cells, they discovered an old woman currently locked down below there who is asking for the party's aid in freeing her from her imprisonment. And last time we left off, you were helping with--\nPlayer: Fake helping.\nDM: Fake helping with the lock, much to her chagrin.\nPlayer: Yeah, and I had just snapped it off into the locks so that it's jammed it.\nDM: Yeah, you're a terrible person. All right, so as you snap off the lock and pull away from it, having the strange physical interaction in the darkness around here, Trinket behind you just breathing over your shoulder, keeping close to you just in case anything's wrong. She pulls her hands away. \"Fine. (huff) Do as you wish, leave me to rot.\"\nPlayer: Oh, we'll be back. Don't worry.\nDM: She backs up and sits in the far corner of the prison cell and (huffs).\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you then turns invisible, uses Disguise Self to look like a little beggar girl, and blends into the chaos. That night, The Traveler visits you.\nDM: As your evening comes to a close and you go back to The Leaky Tap to go for a rest, you have a moment to yourself to think and have a moment to breathe and gain a little bit of calm. You sense a presence. Sitting on the bed next to you, you see the familiar dark green cloak.\nPlayer: Hi. Did you see what I did?\nDM: \"I did.\"\nPlayer: Do you like me again?\nDM: \"I was never disappointed in the first place, Jester.\" The hood still obscuring most of the face, just the lower jaw and mouth visible.\nPlayer: Why didn't you come?\nDM: \"I did.\"\nPlayer: I didn't see you.\nDM: \"You don't need to see me to know that I'm with you. And you're free now.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. You promise you won't leave?\nDM: \"As long as you continue to be that wonderful little seed of joy and chaos in the world, I'll be walking behind you the entire time.\"\nPlayer: If things had gotten really bad, though, you would have stepped in, right? You wouldn't have let something really bad happen?\nDM: \"Not within my power, no.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"I do appreciate your artwork.\"\nPlayer: I think he looks better now.\nDM: \"You're improving. Keep meeting new people. Tell them of what we have accomplished. We want more friends, don't we?\"\nPlayer: So many.\nDM: \"Do you think I could have a look at that strange relic?\"\nPlayer: Which one? We found a lot of relics.\nDM: \"The one that you procured from that Xhorhasian warrior.\"\nPlayer: Oh, the box? Yeah, of course. I dig into the haversack and show it to him.\nDM: He extends his hand and takes it and looks to it.\nPlayer: What do you think it is?\nDM: You see the side of the mouth of the Traveler curl into an amused smirk. \"Curious. Curious, indeed.\"\nPlayer: He said something about having babies or something with it. I can't remember.\nDM: \"I don't think I've ever come across magic like that.\"\nPlayer: What kind of magic is it?\nDM: \"I don't know. I've not come across it before. I'm interested, definitely. Be careful with that. Things that are unknown are notably able to draw dangerous and inquiring eyes and minds.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The spiraling tower of black iron and copper. He throws a square, metal icon.\nDM: Yeah, as you approach the two of them, with the red chain around their necks and arms and they are leaning over the edge of the small wooden platform looking dejected at the ground. And approaching them, the skin itself is like a soft white porcelain with a slight translucent blue hue to it, white pupiless eyes. They look human, but they are beautiful and out of place here. Even in their destitution, you can't help but be struck by their presence. Both their chains are currently locked to this stump that is in the center of this wooden platform and behind it you see this grotesque-looking dwarf in very fine clothing that is very very dirty and old. He stands there clutching the edges of his lapel going, \"All right, we've got here before you two, two I found and kept beneath my will. For sale. With angel blood within them.\"\nPlayer: (French accent) Hello, I am slave master Francois Australia and I am curious about your two angel boys.\nDM: \"Well, if you're looking to purchase, these will both set you back about 10,000 gold apiece or 18 for the set.\"\nPlayer: (French accent) What can they do? I would be curious to find out.\nDM: (whispering) \"Whatever the fuck they can do I don't know. I wasn't selling them for their skillset. I was selling them for their uniqueness.\"\nPlayer: (French accent) How do you know anything about these boys? How did you get them?\nDM: \"What's it to you, small one?\"\nPlayer: (French accent) I like to see a chain of ownership so I know that the previous owner will not hunt me down and kill me in the night!\nDM: \"There is no previous owner! I went and got them myself! The chain of ownership is this chain right here.\" He points to the one on the stump. You can see greasy black hair that is parted in the middle, mustache comes down into a weirdly fluffy beard that has weird oily portions of it. He's an awful-looking dwarf. \"So, are you going to buy or shall I wait for the ones I'm looking for?\"\nPlayer: (French accent) Which ones are those?\nDM: \"Piss off.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Molly asks to see the falchion, and tries to cast Charm Person on you, but he resists it. Animated D&D Beyond add\n Spellslingers gag reel\n Good Fortnight Kevin add\n How To Play: Pitchstorm\n Wednesday Club 5-minute one-shot: evil scientist plan\nDM: You head to the Midway Docks. Following the outskirts of the Drydocks, which are a number of these wooden docks that head out into various edges of the swamp, where there are small boats that are currently roped off and being watched by the crownsguard that come across with torches, make sure that nothing gets stolen or anyone is doing anything untoward over in the area. Asking around, you eventually find your way to a relatively simple-looking building. Single story, but it stretches quite a bit and you can see a number of windows that are faintly glowing with candlelight. On the inside, it does appear to be a simple inn, with a small bar in the far corner. It's better than the Keystone Pub, but only incrementally. Entering inside, it's relatively quiet. Looks to be one person who is drinking alone on the far end, and you see across the way a female human in her middle age, a warm smile with a cracked face who glances up from a small book that she is thumbing through and goes, \"Good evening folks. Can I help you?\"\nPlayer: Yes, you can. We're weary travelers in need of respite and perhaps some drinks.\nDM: \"Well, I can provide both. My name is Uma Cole. Pleasure to meet you.\"\nPlayer: Uma. (kiss) Matt: \"Oh! Well--\" Was that a dirty hand?\nDM: \"Oh no, I keep quite clean.\"\nPlayer: I was asking out of character, but okay. Did you give me the dirty hand, ma'am?\nDM: I was trying to process what that was referring to. \"Oh, you stop.\" No, the hand was clean.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"We do have about four rooms available for rent, if y'all are willing to stay for the evening. Our selection of liquors and beers are not extremely versatile, but welcome to provide as needed.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Kashaw Vesh, a human cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The corpse notes that they are in the lower halls of the Amaranthine Oubliette and that it last saw someone pass by its cell two weeks ago, heading the direction they came from. A couple of guards, Duskmeadow\n Bastions, pass by, but the party hide from them and proceed past the cells to a locked door.\nDM: Total of 12? Okay. As you swing back, you dodge out of the way as you're pulling her along the floor. That's your turn. This ghost entity here does not get its possession back. It's going to make a Withering Touch against you, Thorbir.\nPlayer: Damn it!\nDM: With a 13.\nPlayer: Against my--\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: No. 20.\nDM: As you reach out, you manage to pull back with your axe and swing in its direction. It dissipates its form for a second, and the attack whiffs through the air. However, as you pull on that side, Vax comes up from behind you. I want you to go ahead and do two attacks against Thorbir, with advantage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The archers being restricted by Keyleth, realizing the source of the spell that is holding Kevdak in place, take aim and fire at Scanlan, one of them jumping off the roof to get a clear shot and evading the air elemental's attack of opportunity. Three out of four arrows manage to hit the bard despite one of the archer's aim being disrupted.\nDM: This one over here didn't notice you swing by over the top, swoosh overhead. It does see Percy on the roof that shot it, you do have partial cover, so. We'll say that's half cover, so plus two to your AC against this guy's two arrow shots against you. All righty. That is 26 to hit.\nPlayer: Well, that hits.\nDM: All right. Second strike. Same thing, 26.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: 18 and 18.\nPlayer: 18 and 18? I can use the-- yeah, I only have one reaction, so. All right.\nDM: So that's nine points of piercing damage with the first shot.\nPlayer: I'll take that.\nDM: And 14 points of piercing damage with the second one.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth and you try flirting with him. Keyleth tries to stroke his muscled arm and gets her hand slapped away for her awkwardness.\nDM: As your arm reaches for his bicep, his hand, belying his grumpy, half-asleep haze-- with unnatural speed reaches out and slaps your hand to the side. Not painfully, but just, \"No touching the drunk dwarf.\"\nPlayer: Sorry about my friend, Balgus. She's just so impressed with your muscles. We've heard amazing things about you here.\nDM: \"Have you?\"\nPlayer: We have. MATT \"Tell me, what have you heard?\" We've heard that no fighter can match your skill.\nDM: \"You've heard correct.\"\nPlayer: We've heard that you know more about this town than anyone else.\nDM: \"I've been around a bit, yeah.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. I bet nobody knows more about the Greyspines than you do and they've been around a long time.\nDM: \"Political ass minds is what they are.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With the giant asleep, Keyleth has enough time to cast Geas and bring it under her control. When it wakes up, it agrees to stay with them peacefully and help attack K'Varn when they are ready.\nDM: Attempts to break free of grapple, can't do, so he's stuck where he is. He currently has nothing in range to attack.\nPlayer: Except for me.\nDM: No, you're 15 feet below, he doesn't have range on you at the moment. He tries to take a swing at you, but partially because he's so high up, he cannot move. And because you are so small, you literally just stand there as the swing-- The wind blows your hair back a little bit.\nPlayer: Ooh!\nDM: But does not find purchase on your body.\nPlayer: I'm a little dainty gnome!\nDM: Completely wasted its turn, well done. All right, so that brings us to you, again. Actually, no. It now goes to everyone else because they have all arrived on the scene now.\nPlayer: Right, good, thank god.\nDM: You guys are all starting to appear. We'll say--\nPlayer: Don't kill the giant!\nDM: Over this area.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: All right, second shot. The first one (boom) slams and blasts near the ocular socket of Umbrasyl, shattering the bone, but not actually damaging the eye. The second shot manages to go through the wing, but unfortunately, the area was already damaged, and it's minimal in the effect on the dragon. Third strike?\nPlayer: Yeah, third strike. Here we go. Actually, you know what, I'm going to go for advantage. I'm going to go for sharpshooter advantage one more time, just for shits and giggles. Jesus. Do I call it?\nDM: It fell to the table.\nPlayer: So, yeah, I miss.\nDM: Two other shots, unfortunately, (bang).\nPlayer: I'm going to hide. I'm going to pull top right, and go up. I'm going up and I'm getting the fuck back there, as far back as I can get.\nDM: Okay. End of Percy's turn, going to use another legendary action to slam with the tail once again towards you, Vax. This is going to be--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party were able to ride the flooding water safely away from the temple, but were noticed by about twenty yuan-ti.\nDM: That's a success. Yasha's now ahead of the group, she's carving through, you can see there are bits when you come up to the front, where there is just dense clusters of tangled vines where the path you are taking-- Caleb stops you at the front, because you deviated a little from the path where you were because you were running too fast. At this point, you're not used to this level of acceleration for an extended period of time. Right at the end of your Expeditious Retreat, right as the spell is about to fade, you come to that group of vines. At that point you're about to spin and warn everybody, and all you see is this blur of Yasha carve through them. They all fall to the ground, the path before you is open, she goes \"Go!\" All of you just keep running in that direction. Yasha's continuing that, who's taking the next bit?\nPlayer: I'll use Thaumaturgy to create the sound of a rushing group of us, but throw it-- happening, I'm going to move us off into the jungle in the other direction. \"You can create instantaneous sound that originates from a point of your choice within range--\" This is a rumble, within 30 feet, a rumble of thunder--\nDM: Yeah, rumble of thunder you can do, it has limitations to the sound you can make, but you can make a rumble of thunder.\nPlayer: I can't make it the cry of a raven-- \"such as\" is what it says.\nDM: Oh, \"such as--\" I misunderstood what you're saying. Yeah, there are certain sounds you can make, the sound of a whole group--\nPlayer: I'm making the sound of people rummaging through--\nDM: Okay, so rustling in the bushes, it makes sense.\nPlayer: Yes, I'm pushing it away from us and moving us in that direction.\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: Come on, man, not some sucky stuff. Ah! Not bad, 15.\nDM: 15? That's just barely a success.\nPlayer: I'll take just barely today.\nDM: All right, so with that, you hear the chanting sounds, the war cry of yuan-ti behind you, and it begins to divert slightly, getting them off track just a little bit. All right, who's taking the next bit? Who hasn't offered one?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the Platinum Sanctuary, the twins are greeted by Highbearer Vord. He offers to seal Opash's book in a vault beneath the city, but Vax, who doesn't entirely trust him, tells him they didn't actually bring it with them.\nDM: \"Ah, it was getting too long, anyway.\" She makes her way down the ladder and just walks past you into the keep. Comes back about half an hour later, head completely shaved smooth, and she's got, in a little square of fabric, a cluster of all of her red hair. She balls it up, comes over.\nPlayer: A pleasure doing business with you. This haircut might very well be the fate of the world, so thank you.\nDM: \"You're welcome.\"\nPlayer: Here's your money.\nDM: \"Thank you. Here's your fucking hair. God damn weirdo.\" And walks off and heads back to her perch at the top of the wall.\nPlayer: Buy my book! (all laugh)\nDM: Okay. You now have Shayne's hair--\nPlayer: I'm going to try and make a wig out of it.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The next morning, they continue through the Quannah Breach in the Dunrock Mountains at the northern border of the Dwendalian Empire. They reach the gate run by the Uteloch family of the tribes.\nDM: You don't know that. ASHLY. Dangerous, violent were-goats. You don't find any other threat or anything during your watch. Next watch?\nPlayer: I'll take it.\nDM: Beau, make a perception check.\nPlayer: Six total.\nDM: Everything seems pretty kosher.\nPlayer: I'm a little zoned out.\nDM: During your watch is when the heavy part of the storm begins to hit. No thunder. It's just very cold and you can see your breath, and you're having to involuntarily shiver as the cold kicks in. You can see now the snow piling up and you're thankful, at this moment, that you found this outcropping in Keg's vision, because the distant hills that are open are now heavily piling with this soft, powdered snow. It's starting to fall and the wind is pushing through and some of it's hitting the left side of your face. It's starting to go a little numb and you have to brush it off every now and then and try to do your best to dry up the biting cold water that is melting against your cheek. Nevertheless, your watch comes to an end without an issue. Who wants to take the final watch?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau, Caleb, and Molly ran towards the treeline intending to get into trees. Nott hid inside the house while Keg stood her ground.\nDM: There is Caleb. There's Molly, just on the outskirts of the forest, this way. Bursting to each side of you, you see these large insectoid creatures that burst out of the dirt and ground. Beau, you are right over on this side, as you left your horse on a southern direction there. Both Nott and Keg are about 100 feet that direction. Your horses are currently--\nPlayer: Oh, so they went after them?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Oh.\nDM: While you guys are over by the house, you watch as this is going on, and there doesn't appear to be any action immediately near you, so you're quite a distance away.\nPlayer: Can I rush forward now?\nDM: You can. If your horse is still right by the-- No, your horses rushed off towards the--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Evening Nip\n By the time you returns to Zadash, the rest of the Mighty Nein is genuinely worried that you just kind of vanished for two weeks. Rather than rejoin the group, you heads straight to the Evening Nip to speak with the Gentleman.\nDM: \"I have some reaches in places, yes. That's quite a scope you're requesting. I would say it's a good bet that most criminal elements you would encounter there are not at my network, except for a handful. It might be more useful to you to know the ones to trust.\"\nPlayer: That's where I was going with that.\nDM: \"Okay. Port Damali, you say?\"\nPlayer: Yeah, it's where I'm from.\nDM: \"Really?\"\nPlayer: Indeed.\nDM: \"The jewel of the coast. I've been a number of times, though it's been years since I've been able to leave my work here alone. So if you're looking to expand your portfolio beyond Zadash, that is commendable. The one contact I could recommend in Port Damali would be Father Dwondaff Pierce.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: As the evening clocks in close to midnight and the majority of the patrons begin to dwindle and scatter into the night air, you watch as Ulog enters quietly, gives a nod of knowing towards the two of you, then, on his own, steps down into the cellar. About ten minutes or so later, you watch as Kara, the half-elf girl you had met before, enters, gives you a glance, but doesn't acknowledge anything, orders a drink, leans against the wall, then eventually disappears down into the cellar as well. Later on, you watch as Dolan, the human you had spoke with, that seemed to be the one spearheading this meeting before, enters with another human male. They both look back and forth, acknowledge you guys. The two of them eventually splinter off to different sides of the room, waiting. One, and a few minutes later, the other down into the cellar area.\nPlayer: Did we recognize the other human male that he's with?\nDM: No.\nPlayer: Does he seem to be armed, or shady, or have lots of scars on his person?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: 13.\nDM: 13. Hard to tell at this distance. You didn't see any visible or apparent scars or anything that gave you a sense of shiftiness, other than the careful demeanor. It didn't look to be a face of a rugged soldier, by any means.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: No more dead bodies. Even this one you find is mostly like it was stuffed behind some of the barrels.\nPlayer: Can I tell how it died?\nDM: You can make a medicine check.\nPlayer: Not good. Five.\nDM: No idea.\nPlayer: Died of a broken heart.\nDM: It's just a skeleton.\nPlayer: No clothes?\nDM: There is some elements of cloth on there but it's been down here long enough to decompose to a mostly skeletal state. So it was probably here a long time ago, and it was pressed up into this corner and barrels were pushed up against it to keep it out of sight. Probably the reason it hasn't been found until now.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester, thinking Nott has turned on them with the rest of the goblins and shot down Caleb, frantically runs over and casts Cure Wounds on Caleb, healing him 20 points, but he pretends it had no effect and continues playing dead. Jester drags him away.\nDM: Well, you're more than ten feet. Unfortunately, he does succeed. However, you do manage to maintain the rest of your ability.\nPlayer: Okay, so now I have an attack, because of Extra Attack?\nDM: Yep, you have two attacks. Oh, no, this is an action to do that, so no, you cannot attack this round.\nPlayer: Even the extra action?\nDM: No, because you get two attacks for the attack action. But that's your action.\nPlayer: Well, I'd like to rage.\nDM: Yes, you may. As you step up to this ogre, your wings unfurled, you give out this heavy Yasha roar that echoes in the space around you as your wings flex out even further. This dark energy pulling in, and the ogre's like (confused grunts)-- looking taken aback by this unexpected display of power.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While you throws wild haymakers, missing with her first hit, Dairon retaliates with only very light, disciplined taps. you's next few hits land hard.\nDM: As you guys are all finishing your drinks and standing up to leave the table, a familiar voice pipes in from the center of the tavern. \"Beauregard?\"\nPlayer: (groans)\nDM: And the Archivist who was there earlier during the trial in the stockade. \"It's been difficult to find you. Do you mind if we speak?\"\nPlayer: Hey, Zeenoth! Hey. It's been all of about twenty minutes since I've seen you last.\nDM: \"Yes, um, would you walk with me? I believe we have much to discuss.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"Don't worry. She'll be returned to you. Just--\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester uses her disguise kit to put makeup on Beau. Yasha stays on the ship to keep an eye on Gallan and Marius.\nDM: Okay, you approach. This is a human fellow, lanky with a very pronounced Adam's apple and a cleft chin. Big sideburns and this mop of reddish-brown hair, a thick sweater on that bunches up around the neck. He turns back as you approach. \"Hi, can I help you?\"\nPlayer: Yes. We're trying to get in and out of port as fast as we can looking to acquire a few crew members. Would you do me a favor though? I'll produce the five gold and say: Would you mind telling any inquiring minds that we've been here for awhile and that we're coming from--\nDM: \"You're on The Mistake?\"\nPlayer: The Mistake, that's correct, yes, and we are coming over from-- what was the port in between Port Damali and this one?\nDM: Well there's two, but Port Zoon's the closest.\nPlayer: Yeah, we're out of Port Zoon and we're just trying to get there and back in the same day if we can.\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: 15.\nDM: He gives you a nod and goes to shake your hand and goes, \"Understood.\" Slips the coin into his hand. \"All right, in and out real quick.\" Take the paper, folds it and hands it back to you.\nPlayer: Is there a posting for people looking for crew positions? A sign?\nDM: \"For that you're probably going to look outside of the Seafloor's Bounty or probably on the board at the Withered Bird Inn.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Seafloor's Bounty or the Withered Bird Inn.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She Dimension Door'ed her way into the ritual room, which Vox Machina followed over the wall. She seemed to complete the ritual, creating this small, vacuous, spinning black sphere that is locked in place.\nDM: Okay, your muscle control comes back to you and Cassandra is holding your freshly slapped face, gives you a look and goes, \"Brother. Let's go to our people. Let's tell them that for the first time in five years Whitestone is free.\"\nPlayer: Oh god. Yeah. I'm letting it go.\nDM: She reaches over and she takes your arm in her arm.\nPlayer: Oh god.\nDM: She takes your arm in her arm and begins walking both of you back towards the tunnels.\nPlayer: That one was enchanted. Okay. Two enchantments. Yeah, all right.\nDM: And with that, we're going to go ahead and take a quick bathroom break. Meet you guys back here in a few minutes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Trent says he would very much like to talk to her in the future. As he and Oremid leave, Caleb leans forward and looks at the ground.\nDM: He gives a look and goes, \"Uh,\" and looks back and forth between his companions. He goes, \"What are you insinuating?\"\nPlayer: I'm talking about somebody to talk to.\nDM: \"Right! Right.\"\nPlayer: To relieve your mind of your stress!\nDM: \"Right. I really appreciate that offer. Genuinely, Jester Fancypants McGee. However, such is my life-- \"\nPlayer: I know you have people that work for you--\nDM: \"Maybe in a week. Give me some time. A lot of stuff percolating right now, but Leaky Tap, right?\"\nPlayer: Or the Pillow Trove.\nDM: \"Or the Pillow Trove. All right, well I may have use of your services soon. Not at the moment, but soon.\"\nPlayer: Okay. I can help your mind! You just relieve that stress! It's somebody to talk to, it's very helpful.\nDM: \"I appreciate that. Soon.\" He is trying desperately to not make the wrong impression to his friends. He darts off with them into the night.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Very little information is gleaned before you crushes the man\u2019s head. Scanlan and Vax climb on board Mr. Mistoffelees to conduct a scouting pass while everyone else settles in for a short rest.\nDM: You get the sense that, as you say that, it does hurt him a little. His demeanor, while already pretty shattered, just even further (sad noise).\nPlayer: Does he have any pouches on him, or anything in his hands?\nDM: He had a small sack over his shoulder that he was leaving with. He's just adorned in regular--\nPlayer: Is the sack on the ground now or is it still over his shoulder?\nDM: No, it's currently on the ground. He dropped it as soon as you rushed and pushed him.\nPlayer: I take the satchel, and I give it to Pike and say: look in here.\nDM: You glance inside. As soon as you grab it, you hear the clanging of metal. You look inside and you can see what appear to be a handful of dark metal shortswords, daggers, simple dried rations, and, in fact, as you glance inside the room now, you can see a lot of the supplies here, aside from construction supplies, you see a handful of weapons that are well-made, recent-made, not seen battle yet.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group spends the rest of the day doing the tour, but decide not to go to the Baumbauch Brewery due to Jester, Beau, and Fjord swindling the employees the previous day. They meet Voss and June at the Husseldorf Brewery, and visit the von Brandt Brewery as well.\nDM: 12. You take the better part of 30 minutes or so, and you find there's a lot of books on farming techniques. There's a lot of books about how to grow, care for different types of vegetation, plants, various beasts of burden. You find books on the different seasons and what's best for different types of grain and wheats. You manage to pull through and find a couple of books that deal with discussion of the Menagerie Coast that talk about what's called the Clovis Concord. It's more of a discussion of the political structure that maintains all the city-states there.\nPlayer: And the person who ran this place was an older man, right? Just sipping tea.\nDM: Yeah, Sheenah, yeah.\nPlayer: I'm sorry. You have a nice selection here. Do you mind if I ask-- I haven't seen any other booksellers of any kind in town. I'm not really looking for anything on farming, so much. Is there anywhere else I could look into?\nDM: \"If you're looking for some sort of a library, your best bet is to go to Zadash up north.\"\nPlayer: Zadash.\nDM: \"That's where the Library of the Cobalt Soul resides. They have all the information you could hope for. A bit pricey to peruse their interior, unless you have proper coverage, but unfortunately if what we have isn't what you're looking for, I can't help you.\"\nPlayer: No, it's a fine selection. Sorry. How much for this book on hoe technique?\nDM: \"Oh! Jamieson's Hoedown, yes, quite. That will be two silver pieces.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group eventually finds a place where they camp for the night. While they're there, Fjord convinces you to invite Avantika and Jamedi into Caleb's Tiny Hut.\nDM: All right. Continuing forward for the next few hours or so, the heat is getting heavier and heavier as the afternoon sky now greets you. You find yourself stopping to eat and drink water along the way with what supplies you have available to you. The next few hours or so as it begins to get darker and darker--\nPlayer: I have a question.\nDM: Yes?\nPlayer: With my medicine stuff, would I know anything that would help get rid of bugs and stuff? That would keep bugs away from me?\nDM: It's possible. Make a nature check.\nPlayer: Oh no, a natural one.\nDM: You have no clue.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party goes to bed in spite of the raucous partying, exhausted from the day's ordeal. The next day, they stop by Tinkertop Inventions and pick up you's new crossbow.\nDM: Fjord musters the cart, the horses, retrieves them from where they were stored during your stay here.\nPlayer: Are we making our way out of town?\nDM: Looks like it, unless you guys have anything else planned.\nPlayer: On the way out of town-- you said when we came into town there were some guards with pistols, with guns?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Do we see any on the way out?\nDM: Make a perception check, as you make your way through the bottom end of the city.\nPlayer: 14.\nDM: 14? Glancing through, there are two crownsguard that walk by, both gnomish. One of them appears to be carrying a heavy sword on the back. The other one does have some sort of strange contraption, like a firearm pistol at its side.\nPlayer: I'm going to try to steal it.\nDM: Make a sleight of hand check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pumat offers to order more incense in stock, if this is going to be a regular order from you. you was also hoping to look through Pumat's collection of spell scrolls, in particular any Transmutation spells.\nDM: \"Feel free to ask and I'll go ahead--\" and he grabs this small wood front, wood back, with leather edging binding ledger or catalog that he pulls out and opens it up, \"Yeah, let me know what you're looking for. I'll tell you if we got one in stock.\"\nPlayer: If you could flip to the transmutation.\nDM: Takes a little set of glasses and puts them on the edge of his nose. \"All right.\"\nPlayer: I'm looking for one that can help if your friends are falling and you don't want them to fall so hard.\nDM: \"Feather Fall. We got that, sure.\"\nPlayer: Okay. I get hurt very easily and I need something to help me get out of Dodge a little bit quicker.\nDM: \"All right, there's a few options there. For lower level enchantments, we got an Expeditious Retreat spell. That'll help get you out of the thick of things.\"\nPlayer: That's a winner.\nDM: \"All right, that's putting that down as well as a possibility. Those prices here, because they're both relatively simple spells, so I'll put them at about 100 gold apiece. That's 200 gold total for those two spells.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: It won't take terribly long. It takes you a little longer. Although if you're going to the same place he's already been to, then it completely circumvents that.\nPlayer: Do they do custom there?\nDM: You go and inquire. They do custom work, but it takes a little bit of time. It's a little pricier as opposed to buying one off the rack.\nPlayer: That's fine.\nDM: It'll take about a day for them to finish the work on it, and it will run you about two silver.\nPlayer: Done.\nDM: If you're providing the cloak. Were you having a custom one made? Are you having a liner put in, or having a custom cloak made?\nPlayer: I would like to take one of their cloaks and have a blue liner put on the inside to make it reversible.\nDM: Okay, yeah. Full purchase of the cloak, and that'll put you about four silver for the full cloak. That includes the work, the lining addition, and the time waiting for it.\nPlayer: Like one of those baggier, poncho coats. One of those?\nDM: Okay, so hooded cloak and the front and the back with slits for arms to come through. Got it. You have that ordered. It'll be ready by midday tomorrow, they're saying.\nPlayer: Thank you, sir!\nDM: You guys are going to make your way to the Pentamarket. At this point in time, it is still a fairly moderate downpour through the day. As you begin to come through, some of the carts are closed in the middle of the market: the ones that are more open that sell fresh goods or things that can be ruined by rainwater and that don't have quite as strong of a canopy, but there are some that are still open. They have hooded lanterns out to draw attention towards them, you have barkers shouting out, \"Meats, fresh meats!\" and trying to get your attention over there, but you guys maneuver through, making a beeline to your location. Eventually you come up to the warm-looking, dark wood exterior of the Vulnerable Vagrant facility.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside.\nDM: \"Right if I know! Got real drunk and woke up in here, everyone started screaming and running away, and I'm like ahh, run away you pansies, and they did, ran away, they never came back. Some packed fire, but not a problem now.\" And yes, the one snowblind eye doesn't move at all, the other one glances around, that one's completely stuck in a forward position.\nPlayer: Is that magic?\nDM: \"I mean, certainly gets the ladies.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, it does.\nDM: \"But no, it's a reminder to not, well, to not mess with your people.\"\nPlayer: Oh. Well, I'm sorry to hear that. But they do make you look very young.\nDM: \"Much worse, say I.\"\nPlayer: Now if we let you out of here, right, which we're actually in the process of doing, what is your weapon of choice?\nDM: \"Oh, oh.\" And he thinks to himself for a moment. \"I would have to say my weapon of choice would be Bloodvine ale. Aye.\"\nPlayer: Bloodvine ale?\nDM: \"Aye, if we're picking poison, that's my favorite.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, no, my-- He's a dwarf, right?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Yeah. Obviously we are brothers of the beard. Like, to fight with, right?\nDM: \"Oh, that kills, eh?\"\nPlayer: Yeah, stab, poke, enchant, whatever.\nDM: \"Once upon a time I was quite a duelist, so if you got something pointy and prickling I can spear 'em with the best of them.\"\nPlayer: I do have a Greatsword of Frenzy, but it's a two-handed weapon.\nDM: \"Ah, that's not my preference.\"\nPlayer: I do also have one regular, just a regular longsword. About the best I have.\nDM: \"Yeah, that'll do, certainly, I'll take a longsword.\"\nPlayer: All right, so. Have I got the door open yet?\nDM: Not yet. But at this time there's an awkward pause and now you're like, don't have any more conversation. But you still have to finish the-- about a minute later, he's sitting there going, \"Come on, come on, come on.\" Eventually-- tink!-- it opens up. \"Yes!\" And he pushes it open as you pull it open.\nPlayer: Before I give you this sword--\nDM: \"Aye?\"\nPlayer: --are you up for the fight of your life?\nDM: \"Yes?\"\nPlayer: Can I insight check him?\nDM: Yes, you may.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The hired crew begins to run belowdecks and hide. Two harpies try to pick up members of the crew.\nDM: Yasha carves through a large chunk of it. The harpy still holds onto the deckhand, but is unable to make a drop. This brings us to Nott and Fjord.\nPlayer: Is anyone in melee range with anyone else?\nDM: Currently, there is the one holding the deckhand that Yasha just attacked.\nPlayer: I'm going to shoot at that one.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Okay. 15.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: Sneak attack.\nDM: They're not very armored or dexterous creatures.\nPlayer: 18 points of damage!\nDM: 18 points of damage, nice. Blasts! You see it has to right itself, she's flapping her wings, but still holding on and trying now desperately to just get away. There's no attempt to interface; she has her quarry and is about to bolt.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They meet up with you and Yasha again and all begin to head to the main tent for the event... Keyword for the giveaway is Beginnings \n BackBlaze Ad\n Saga of Sundry Ad\n CR Fake Perfume Ad\n Painter's Guild Alpha Ad\n Thrashtopia - How to Grow a Plant After The Apocalypse\n Chronicles of Exandria Ad\n How to Play- Photosynthesis the Board Game\n Art Reel\n Giveaway Winner: GTDevoto\nDM: It's so hackneyed. As you guys begin to approach the outside of this large, dark navy tent, people are being inspected and ushered through by the well-groomed half-orc on one side, and the pale woman, Yasha, you met for a second time approaching the outskirts of this carnival, with entry fees being collected by both as people begin to pass into this large structure. A few feet off to the side, you see a small crowd gathered around Mollymauk, who is sitting atop a small blanket and has cards splayed before him, a similar set that you saw Jester toying with earlier, and a farmer sits across from him, listening intently. \"All right, so what can you tell me about this here cough?\"\nPlayer: How long have you had it?\nDM: \"Oh, going on like three, four months.\" (coughs)\nPlayer: It looks like it's getting better. Oh yes. Does it feel like it's getting better?\nDM: \"Oh, right now? Yeah.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, look at that. I would maybe breathe a tincture or something. Let's-- yeah, maybe you should get that looked at.\nDM: \"From who? What do the cards tell me?\"\nPlayer: Some sort of physician, perhaps.\nDM: \"Right! Of course! Oh, thank you so much.\" And he places a--\nPlayer: Platinum Dragon be with you. Thank you.\nDM: Stands up. \"Dear, a physician!\" And he walks off.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She is. They head into town towards sunset so they can see the show, and you casts Disguise Self.\nDM: Okay. You do see about six zolezzo that are currently guarding that entrance. The rest of you see armored guards, varying from the scalemail and the maroons and muted colors of the townsguard you're used to seeing in the Empire. Here, the zolezzo have a blue and green base, but you can see on the armor, each individual zolezzo has their own unique decoration and flair to it, some way of customizing it, making it their own. As such, even within their own ranks there is a sense of color and individuality, and their own armored senses. That doesn't mean they're not still armed and wondering who the fuck you are as you approach the exterior of the city. As your cart begins to approach, four of the six zolezzo immediately raise their weapons, and they begin to approach. \"Halt! What is your business in Nicodranas?\"\nPlayer: We came to see the Ruby of the Sea perform tonight, ha!\nDM: The one at the front, you can see beneath his helmet, which has these two bits of chainmail that curl open like curtains on each side of his face. He pulls them out of the way and looks forward towards the rest of the crew there. You can see his darker skin and his thick brow, it's almost like a unibrow that sits over sun-dried lips that are a bit cracked and parched. He glances forward, looks over the rest of you and goes, \"The Ruby of the Sea?\"\nPlayer: Yeah!\nDM: Make a persuasion check.\nPlayer: I'll use the red dice for the Ruby. 15?\nDM: 15? Okay. He goes, \"All right, and where do you hail from?\"\nPlayer: We hail from Port Damali.\nDM: Port Damali is from the other side, but it's fine. He goes, \"All right. It's roundabout. And you are?\"\nPlayer: I am Fiona Fancypants! Theater critic extraordinaire!\nDM: Now make a deception check.\nPlayer: That fell out of my hands, it doesn't count. Oh, it's the same roll! Shit. Seven.\nDM: He looks back to the rest of the zolezzo, and they discuss for a moment for themselves, and he says, \"Well, I apologize, but there is no entry after dark on this side of the wharf, regardless. If you want to enter, you have to enter from the main gates.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus takes six days to make Lesser Healing Potions (one potion per day). Caleb asks Beau to take him with her to the Valley Archive of the Cobalt Soul when she goes back for training, so he can peruse their library.\nDM: You make it as far south as Trostenwald before the frustration wells up inside you. It's been a series of dead ends. You've asked around and listened, and anyone who would've crossed paths with some of the shipping lanes that you're familiar with and that Sabian was familiar with, none of them are passing this far north. You assume that to continue this, you would have to go to the Menagerie Coast, and that would involve a thorough passage through Nicodranas and the various wharf taverns and seeing what old connections you might be able to dredge up in that time, but that's going to take you a little while.\nPlayer: Yeah, I think I'll make it to the end of that week and start to make my way back.\nDM: By the end of the week, you'll get not quite to Nicodranas. If you want to, you can traverse the Wuyun Gorge, pass through the Wuyun Gates, and head into the Menagerie Coast. You will be alone, and it isn't a not-dangerous road. So just be aware. There are some possibilities.\nPlayer: No, I know now that the strength is in the numbers of the group. I'll stop and head back.\nDM: You sure?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay. After this unfortunately not-fruitful travel south in seeking out any possible word of Sabian, you shift your attention back and decide to rally with your allies. Perhaps that's the direction you want to go in the future. Okay, what else would you like to do?\nPlayer: That's about it.\nDM: Okay. Very well. Anybody else?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The citizens of the town keep a very wide berth as the giants pass and do their best to avoid them. Eagle-you and Scanlan finish their initial loop around the city, and you drops off Scanlan on a wall near the farmlands.\nDM: Farmlands look likely to be the largest cluster of people. You can see, since it's getting to the end of the day, there are folks finishing up gathering the crops that were available to them or sort of planting as they go through. And you can see there's about five or six people that are all in one group. Most everyone else seems to be relatively solitary and trying to go about their business as fast as possible.\nPlayer: The town square's emptying out?\nDM: The town square? Nobody is in the town square. People are avoiding it like the plague. There's eight bodies hanging from the tree, and nobody wants to be there.\nPlayer: All right. I'm going to swoop down and find a tree, where the five or six farmers are, and perch, see if Scanlan can get a good--\nDM: There actually are no trees by the farm, all the trees have been cleared out to make the farmland. So there's actually a bit of the forest that's been cleared for that purpose.\nPlayer: It's just open and empty.\nDM: Yeah. You can go to a tree that's nearby, but that's like 300 feet away.\nPlayer: A rooftop? A wall? Anything I can perch on?\nDM: There is a wall. There is a wall on the outskirts of Whitestone.\nPlayer: I perch on the wall.\nDM: Okay. You swoop down and you perch on the edge of the wall there. It's about 25 feet up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tries to pay them and they refuse. She glances worriedly at Grog and he assures her that things are going to change with the herd.\nDM: \"Better go clean you up. Go clean you up.\" And he's like, \"Okay!\" And he runs in behind her as she turns again and takes the door and pauses for a moment looking out at you and says once again, very quietly under her breath, \"Thank you.\"\nPlayer: Have you-- sorry. Have you seen a small elderly-- an older gnome?\nDM: \"Wilhand?\"\nPlayer: Yes, have you seen him, is he all right?\nDM: \"We've been staying inside since the incursion came.\"\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: \"The few that I have seen were not under good circumstances. But the fact that I haven't seen him might be a good thing.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott says that they've been very clear that they're in this for what they can grab for themselves. She corrects Fjord's assumption that she relies on Caleb for protection, saying it's the other way around.\nDM: You cast the spell and then hold the very last moment, waiting to release it, and then if it doesn't happen, the spell expends. I'm sorry.\nPlayer: That is rough. That was a second level. Okay, can I go and see what's going on around the big black spot?\nDM: Sure. (counting) 30. You can just manage to see Nott at the corner of it, and that's about as much as you can see. The rest of it\u2019s just darkness still encompassing the corner.\nPlayer: I guess I'll use my dash to go forward and see what\u2019s going on.\nDM: 25 or 30? You could get either of those spaces there, if you want to.\nPlayer: I'll go right there.\nDM: Right there, all right. So now you can see it, but that's your movement and your action.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You began to look throughout the room. You found a sword across the upper ceiling, an ornamental blade of some kind.\nDM: 13? Glancing about in the area, with torchlight from Yasha, you can see one visible pot that has not been shattered in that cage.\nPlayer: Okay, I will send a little Firebolt off and try to strike it. It's at disadvantage, correct? Okay, that's very bad. Also very bad. That's a ten.\nDM: A ten just barely misses. You attempt to strike through, and it smashes against the wrought iron gate on the outside and disperses against it.\nPlayer: Ja, I will walk toward it to get closer, as much as I can.\nDM: You can get right up to it if you want to.\nPlayer: I should have done that first, ja?\nDM: That brings us to Jester and Molly.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He enters a chamber of stained glass. you steps into a pool of ice-cold blood and goes underneath the surface.\nDM: You ascend a few feet behind her, about 40 or so feet, until it comes to a single large doorway of deep, deep dark oak wood with what looks to be a dark iron ring in the center. As she steps up to it, she takes it and (thud) knocks on it twice. (deep creak) It just shifts open and leads into a central chamber now that looks about a hundred feet high, and it is a large steepled dome of what looks to be nothing but stained glass. It's awe-inspiring. It's beautiful: the colors, the light as it peeks through. The source of light, diffused as it is by the clouds, is sourceless in here. It seems like there are beams of light coming from all directions and all the colors are just strewn across the floor in what looks like this perpetually-shifting kaleidoscope of dots of reds and blues and purples and yellows and pinks and whites. You can see, across the room, there are three other figures that are all dressed in the same dark robes, the veils over their heads, of varying size. You can't make out what their racial background is, per se, but they are all stationed around the center of the room, in which lies, from what you can see, a very, very large round pool of some sort of deep crimson liquid.\nPlayer: I have come to pay a debt, and I do so gladly and without question. What would you have of me?\nDM: \"You came to speak with the Lady. Well, the way is before you.\" She gestures to the pool.\nPlayer: I walk slow and straight in.\nDM: You step into it. (squelch) It comes up to your ankles, to your knees. And what catches you first is that the liquid is very thick. It is viscous in a familiar way. This is most definitively a pool of blood. And it is cold. It is ice-cold. As you step in, you can feel that as it begins to seep into your boots and begins to find its way into the crevices of your outfit as you get down into your waist, it's just chilling. You can't help but to stand up straight as you step further in, not quite sure of how deep it gets. And it gets deeper. And deeper. Up past your chest, up past your shoulders, and you're not even halfway into the center of the pool before it's going past your nose.\nPlayer: I keep going.\nDM: You take your last breath, hold it, and submerge yourself in the pool. Darkness around you, the cold sensation. Nothing... Nothing... Nothing...\nPlayer: I open my mouth and inhale.\nDM: As you do, you feel the blood fill your lungs and immediately your lungs begin to seize with the lack of oxygen. You instinctually begin to reach up for the water and pull, but you can't rise. You can't get up. And at that point, the cold, piercing pain of the liquid in your lungs becomes warm. All the liquid around you becomes warm. And in the darkness, where you cannot see, you calm, as suddenly your breathing is no longer difficult. It's natural. It's like air. And it's reminiscent of being in the womb, of the moment of birth you'd forgotten so long ago, that you're just surrounded in darkness and comfort. And piercing the center of this darkness before you, you see a very faint bead of white light just begin to spark and grow, and grow, and as that light widens out, it becomes a face. A porcelain face. A nose, lips, a chin, empty dark sockets, long dark hair that goes to crimson and surrounds you. You see a small hand reach up behind and lift you from your legs. And for what you thought was only a few feet of liquid, you look around you and it is an endless space, a space you've been before, a space that you once visited in your sleep, in your dreams. You look down below and you can see the infinite skein of threads that you were once given inspection to. As you look down, you see the very palm of the Raven Queen holding you aloft in this space as the mask pulls in close to you with a smile. The lips don't move, but you hear a voice from all directions in your head. A comforting voice. A welcoming voice. \"My champion. Vax'ildan. You've come to me at last.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you asks one last time for the Ruby of the Sea, but there's no notice. you books a room and goes upstairs to her room and talks to the Traveller.\nDM: The cloak nods down towards you and the voice slowly cascades out from underneath, \"I'm so sorry she's not aware that you're here now, but you're with friends.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Do you think you could help me, though?\nDM: \"Child, I think I help you quite a bit already.\"\nPlayer: I know. You do.\nDM: \"What do you need?\"\nPlayer: I don't know how to let her know-- I don't know what to do.\nDM: He leans forward and the hand reaches out and takes your chin a little bit and holds it there. There in the dark space of the hood, you can see the familiar verdant irises looking back and the warmth fills you once more, the comfort that kept you comfortable so many years alone in that room. \"I think the more deeds you do, the more lives you change, the more confident brats you break-- She'll find you.\"\nPlayer: Okay. I pull out the pamphlet. Look what I made for you!\nDM: The hand pulls back and takes the pamphlet. \"Hmm. Adorable.\"\nPlayer: People are going to worship you like crazy.\nDM: \"You know what to do, then?\"\nPlayer: Yes! Okay. I missed you.\nDM: \"I'm never far.\"\nPlayer: (high-pitched) All right, I'm going to walk, if you want to follow me, I'm going to go over here then.\nDM: As you look down at the pamphlet and look up to say that, he's gone. You hear this faint little (chuckles).\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group tries to see if the hut may have an opening where they may have hidden, but instead they find Kyrle and Toya nearby within the clearing. They see Kylre and he attacks.\nDM: Unfortunately, you're having a hard time to make out any sign. You guys make your way towards the center of this cluster of trees.\nPlayer: As we walk, Fjord and I will keep a lookout for any more crustacean empty shells.\nDM: Okay. Make a perception check. Well, one of you do, the other can aid if you want to, and that gives you advantage on the roll.\nPlayer: Help me. I get advantage?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Thank god you're helping me. Just perception? 20 total.\nDM: You don't see any more crab shells, but you do glance a bit ahead, and amongst the trees, you can see stonework. Stones stacked in a wall that is toppled over and fallen. A small ruin. Some sort of a structure, once a single-story structure that seems to have fallen inward and been destroyed. Partially overgrown, and what little moonlight comes through, you can make out the shape of it. There's corners still standing, but other than that, it looks like it's been toppled over and left to ruin.\nPlayer: Is that a cave? I think your eyes are better than mine. TRAVIS. Yeah. With my darkvision, can I zero-in on what she's looking at?\nDM: If you get a little closer, you can, yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Two shadows step into the alleyway so she quickly cancels the spell and continues walking. She hears footsteps following her.\nDM: As you exit the building and turn right and into the alleyway, being careful not to be seen in your tiefling form, begin to cast the spell as you see two shadows step into the entranceway of the alleyway.\nPlayer: Nope. I stop it.\nDM: Okay. So you stop it?\nPlayer: Yep, and I just kind of keep walking.\nDM: You just keep walking? Okay. You don't even look back, you just keep walking?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: Okay. Keep walking, and you hear footsteps behind you.\nPlayer: I start blocking around.\nDM: Okay. As you go blocking around, the footsteps seem to be keeping pace with you. There's two sets of them.\nPlayer: Peek over my shoulder. Do I get a glimpse on who they are?\nDM: You see what appears to be a squat, kind of tan-skinned dwarf-like figure.\nPlayer: It's the dwarf again.\nDM: The features, like you expect to see a dwarf, appears to be a female dwarf of some kind, but there's some sort of physical alteration's taken place. They look like they've been either very injured and healed wrong, or some sort of corruption has taken place. But it's walking forward with this hobbling gait, and to the left you see the other entity that is just wrapped in chains, and they're about 30 feet behind you.\nPlayer: 30 feet behind me?\nDM: About 30 feet behind you, yeah.\nPlayer: Are we alone?\nDM: It's just you and the two of them right now. Just in this small alleyway off in the building that's immediately adjacent to the structure where you're staying.\nPlayer: I'm still, I imagine, within range of the tavern?\nDM: Yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The axe sinks deep into the arm, but does not deal enough damage to completely sever it. Percy, up on the roof, casts Hex on Kevdak, shadows stretching from Grog's own and clinging to the Thunderlord.\nDM: I would say from your perspective on the rooftop, because he was turned this way and is facing this way, you would have a big ol' view of his back and shoulders.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm going to take a shot for the elbow.\nDM: On this arm?\nPlayer: I'm going to try, yeah, on the visible elbow.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: I'm going to sharpshooter through that shit, see what happens.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Okay. And I'm happy if you want to put any weird disadvantage--\nDM: You have advantage on the attack because he's paralyzed.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The resulting blast ignites the wooden spikes. Scanlan then manages to leap down to the adjacent roof and, unable to heal you due to being out of range, heals Pike with Healing Word.\nDM: This is with your axe, right? So with the axe, it's a d12 plus your raging bonus, plus your strength.\nPlayer: 11. Which is seven. Or eight. Rage bonus is eight.\nDM: Well, the rage bonus should be plus-- the total becomes plus--\nPlayer: Oh sorry, the total bonus is eight.\nDM: Three plus-- four, isn't it, right now? So it should be seven.\nPlayer: That's why that's a seven. That's it. Right.\nDM: Yeah. You're not using your warhammer. You're not attuned to this weapon.\nPlayer: Right, okay, so whatever.\nDM: So what'd you roll on the dice?\nPlayer: 11.\nDM: 11. Technically it's a critical hit. So, I mean, it's a critical hit, so you do your brutal critical. You roll two more d12s. So it was an 11 times two, that's 22, plus seven, that's 29, plus 2d12.\nPlayer: Five, so that's 34.\nDM: 34.\nPlayer: And a nine, so that's 43.\nDM: 43 reduced to half, that's 21 points of slashing damage.\nPlayer: And that's the first one, called shot.\nDM: With that, thunk, the blade finds its way into his side, as you hear cracking on the rock below him, the sound of the left gauntlet, (cracking) hitting the bottom of the square. The fingers twitch in the gauntlet as he's currently standing there with his left arm bisected from the rest of his body.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about Fjord's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: Here we go. You just make a ranged attack with it, so roll a d20, add your dexterity modifier and your proficiency modifier, so same as any of your other attacks, because it counts as a monk weapon.\nPlayer: Okay, 16.\nDM: 16 hits. It takes 1d8, so roll 1d8, plus two.\nPlayer: Four. Four damage total.\nDM: All right. I wonder, does it add your damage bonus to it, or the original weapon, because it is your strength throwing it back. Pardon me, folks, while we're figuring out new abilities they can use.\nPlayer: You make the attack with proficiency and the missile counts as a monk weapon for the attack.\nDM: It is your attack, so you get to add your dex bonus.\nPlayer: So six total.\nDM: All right, so six points of damage. You watch as the arrow just sinks into the chest of its thick hide armor. (snarling)\nPlayer: I go Hah! Ooh.\nDM: The other ones that are throwing stuff onto the cart hear this commotion and turn around and look at you. Three of them continue just throwing stuff onto the cart faster, while the one that's immediately in front of you spins around and stands tall. You can see it looking down at you a full foot and a half, almost two feet taller than you. (snarling) It's going to go ahead and grabs a spear off the side of the wall that it had leaning against and it's going to try to thrust it at you. It still has disadvantage on the attack, though, because you're in your stance. That's 16.\nPlayer: Miss.\nDM: This one, as it goes and thrusts with the spear, coming off of the adrenaline of the deflected missile, you duck low, and then kick the spear up, which slams into the top of the door frame and completely misses you. He's now stepping into the door frame, completely filling it as you're backing up into your space, and the two of you are in this very intense, small, occupied block.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: \"If you look over there.\" He points on the wall, you see a framed symbol: three diamond shards that all point to the center in a flux capacitor-like design. He goes, \"I'm actually an annex of the Cerberus Assembly. So I get certain favors and I do things for them. I provide them, occasionally, with my capabilities and some enchanted objects, and in return they were kind enough to provide me with, well me, and him, and him.\"\nPlayer: So the Cerberus Assembly is that powerful with magic?\nDM: \"They're about the most powerful you find in the Empire, yeah. So me and my brothers here are actually, technically, we're a Simulacrum.\"\nPlayer: Oh. That's fascinating.\nDM: \"But you know, we do what we can.\"\nPlayer: If someone were to want someone with that sort of magical power, you could not provide that, but the Cerberus Assembly could?\nDM: \"Well, I guarantee with enough positive reinforcement, with enough friendship attained with certain members like I have developed over many years of hard work and providing services, perhaps one day you too could be the fine owner of three other versions of your tiny self.\"\nPlayer: That's amazing. Are they a secretive group? Do they have a business card or anything?\nDM: \"Not much of a business card. They got members all over. Most of them are up in the capital, but there is one of them that runs that Hall of Erudition. Right over in the Tri-Spires.\"\nPlayer: Thank you. Thank you for the information.\nDM: \"Of course, happy to help.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: As you guys make your way to the interior of the Pillow Trove, the same woman clerk, who you met the other day, is there in the process of going through and organizing the last bit of information of the few folks that got rooms the night before. You see at the top of the split staircase a female elf: brunette with golden eyes, older in the face. You see some lines along the cheeks that-- for elves, that age gracefully-- shows a bit of age. You see a very beautiful, laced, red dress that goes up to the neck, with a bit of a window right there. The arms are crossed and folded in front, and as you enter, looks down and smiles. The clerk glances up, \"Oh, hello again.\"\nPlayer: She's beautiful. Who's that?\nDM: \"That's Madam Luenna. Madame?\" and the woman descends the stairs, one step at a time, arms crossed. \"Hello. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.\"\nPlayer: You too.\nDM: \"Can I help you?\"\nPlayer: I don't know. I just asked who you were because you're really pretty.\nDM: \"I am the owner of the Pillow Trove.\"\nPlayer: Oh! It's beautiful! You did a really good job in here decorating.\nDM: \"Thank you so much. I greatly appreciate it.\"\nPlayer: Your dress is really pretty, too.\nDM: \"Thank you kindly. So?\"\nPlayer: I came to get all my stuff out of my room and then I'm going to give the key back, okay?\nDM: \"You're checking out? How unfortunate.\"\nPlayer: I am, but I'll be back very soon because I have a package coming. So be on the lookout for one to Jester.\nDM: \"Jester. Is that your name?\"\nPlayer: That is me.\nDM: She takes your hand and holds it. \"A pleasure, my dear. Good bye.\"\nPlayer: Good bye.\nDM: Turns and makes her way back up the stairs.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As the titan's reaching arm grinds to a halt above them, the arcane energy that was holding together the Tower of Entropis dissipates, and the tower begins to fall.\nDM: You watch as Zahra, suddenly her cloak extends into two large, leathery bat wings and she flies her way up pretty close to where you are. For a second there, you glance down. Roll a perception check.\nPlayer: Ten.\nDM: You see a gloomstalker coming right at you.\nPlayer: (screams)\nDM: As you hold the sword out in front, you notice in a second, it's Zahra.\nPlayer: Oh. Not a gloomstalker.\nDM: But the sword, at this point, as you hold it out in front of you and push back, it goes, \"One part is done. Well played. But he still survives. We'll take him. And we'll take that dragon. The hand must be destroyed. It's still out there. Together--\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, Caduceus, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. Fjord, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of Caleb.\nDM: Okay. People in the nearby streets that are seeing this go like, \"Are you serious? That crazy bitch!\"\nPlayer: She's finally-- Finally!\nDM: A few people nearby take this and go, \"Oh, oh!\" and start going inside to avoid this. Other folks are getting angry and throwing their glasses on the ground and, \"Oh! I knew one day-- Ugh!\" They're pissed and going to grab their things and maybe start a militia against her. We don't know. You've rallied the corner.\nPlayer: Okay, good. Are there any guards within earshot that heard me shouting?\nDM: There are guards rushing towards the action that's happening behind you, and there are a few that are-- There's a bunch now making their way towards this intersection.\nPlayer: I'm definitely waving my tankard around and shouting at them. Ah! The docks!\nDM: Okay. You're up ahead and you hear this in the back, but you don't know it's Jester. You just hear a lot of shouting, so you're like, \"Oh man, my deception worked, other people are yelling this!\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy also insists that once a year Cassandra leave Whitestone for a period to have fun and do nothing. Vasselheim\n For generations to come in Vasselheim, that titan will stand there, lording over the city, as a reminder of what transpired, of what could have been lost, and what was saved that day, in memory of those that were lost.\nDM: Which currently has been cleared out of any cursed undead that they know of. It's a process that takes a while, but it becomes a monument to that battle and it becomes converted into a symbol of hope for the city. For generations to come in Vasselheim, that titan will stand there, lording over the city, as a reminder of what transpired, of what could have been lost, and what was saved that day in memory of those that were lost. And as you point up to that and they all realize, they slowly remove your shackles.\nPlayer: Oh, I'm free to go?\nDM: \"Yes, sir. Thank you, thank you.\"\nPlayer: That's unexpected. Could you point me in the direction of a library?\nDM: \"Sure, come with me.\" As you begin to walk out you watch as a familiar figure steps up to this portion of the Bastions' guard post, you see a familiar merchant who rushes up and goes, \"I was being summoned. They found the-- why's he walking free?\"\nPlayer: Yes. You. You will come with me.\nDM: \"Gentlemen, this is the man who punched me. This is the man who ruined my business. I can--\"\nPlayer: Gentlemen, whose word are you going to take? The savior of Vasselheim, or his new tutor?\nDM: \"What?\" The guards go, \"Cobalt Reserve library station is down that way to the left. Hard to miss, big blue dome. You two work this out.\" And they retract back into the guard post, leaving the two of you in the street.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, they cannot find anything, and Jester skips away. you buys a huge, silly tapestry of the Platinum Dragon.\nDM: One of the people running the booth, quickly, as you see a mid-30s, half-elf man with a bit of chin scruff and very short hair, leans around the corner and goes, \"Oh, for the Platinum Dragon. This one was handcrafted by me and my mate, over the period of about two months. Hand embroidered. Very difficult. Very exquisite. For the entire piece, the central piece you're inquiring about, that'll run you about ten gold pieces. We have smaller, almost doily-sized renditions of it back here.\"\nPlayer: How big is this piece, out of curiosity?\nDM: He takes the back and unfolds it entirely but can't quite get the full arm length to get up there. He's like, \"This one's about six and a half, seven feet from top to bottom. Can be used as a rug, should you be so inclined and you aren't quite a fan of the Platinum Dragon and want him beneath your feet--\"\nPlayer: It's purchased. Ten gold? My god.\nDM: \"Right away!\" He takes it, begins folding it up with one of his other compatriots. They take the twine and manage to fasten it in three places.\nPlayer: Bless you, master craftsmen! My god. It is such a rendition of the Platinum Dragon that I've never seen before. I clutch at my Platinum Dragon brooch. It's beautiful.\nDM: He says, \"We're happy to bring joy to you and the house of your great deity.\" They hand you this relatively massive tapestry that's almost seven feet end to end.\nPlayer: Oh, I have fucking plans, people! Swing it over my shoulder, and I'll be walking around like a pike.\nDM: As this is happening, you see that there are two other games. You're now seeing the central space here. You've walked past this structure. It's this small, forum-like circular stone building that's been emptied and closed. Now there's crowds walking in and out the front doorway, and around it are where a lot of these games are set up. You do see one that has a big banner that says Eagle Shot. There is one large, central platform where it looks like this is where a lot of public presentations are given here in the Pentamarket. It's currently set up with a central table and a number of members of the Righteous Brand, as well as one that is a very well-adorned human male with brown hair that's pulled up into a topknot. He has a big, thick beard. Looks like a handsome fellow and he's currently barking out something about the military. You're too far away to make out the details of it. That one has a wooden carved sign that says Soldier's Spirit. It's currently put on the edge of the stage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After they finish talking to Claudia, they see a group of finer dressed people in the tavern, and Claudia tells the group she's helping them work through some issues . The strangers and Claudia all go to the basement.\nDM: The young guy is sweating a bit and he gets more nervous. He just continues to stroke his little caterpillar mustache, quicker and smaller bits. The older guy who seems to be playing rather spacey the whole time suddenly zooms in on your hands and goes, \"I do say, I think we're being had.\"\nPlayer: What, by who?\nDM: He leans forward and pulls one of the cards that you had slipped into your sleeve, out onto the table.\nPlayer: Oh, that's weird where did that come from? I shouldn't wear such loose sleeves, you guys. That was really obvious.\nDM: The old guy stands up and leans forward. You can see he has this bloodshot corners, a little bit where the white show for deep brown irises. The smell of alcohol and dirt wafts off of him as he leans forward. \"I will not report you for cheating, but we will taking the rest of the pot.\"\nPlayer: Wait, cheating? What are you talking about?\nDM: He just takes the coins and scoops them up.\nPlayer: Wait, I thought that was part of the game. Is it not?\nDM: They get up and leave.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Gentleman recommends taking the Bromkiln Byway the 70 miles to Berleben. Caleb and you head to the Invulnerable Vagrant, where Caleb gets 30 gp worth of incense and 100 gp of paper and ink, and you drools over (but can't afford) some enchanted bracers.\nDM: \"That's one of the few items we have left. Yeah. I apologize, it's a little embarrassing, we've all been talking about how it's really embarrassing. It's hard to have a shop without inventory.\"\nPlayer: Bracers?\nDM: \"Oh, yeah. Right over here.\" Goes and pulls one of the boxes from the shelves. It has a glass top and he presents it to you. There's a velvet interior with two little alcoves inside where these very beautiful, silver bracers with scrolling and runic sigils carved into it across the band are present, \"These would make a better defensive capability for someone who does not themselves partake in the use of armor.\"\nPlayer: Oh. I don't partake in the use of armor.\nDM: \"Well, that sounds like it's meant to be.\"\nPlayer: Uh-huh. How much?\nDM: \"1200 gold pieces.\"\nPlayer: Holy shit, Pumat! The fuck?!\nDM: \"What?\"\nPlayer: I'll come back when I'm fucking rich, aight?\nDM: \"Okay, they'll be here waiting for you.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you changes Frumpkin into a spider. At the guard shift change after midnight, the group splits into two: Nott, Caduceus, and Keg in one group; you, Beau, and Nila in the other.\nDM: Okay. There does not appear to be any person in the courtyard. Those two guards are the only two that were currently set on the outside. You can see the horses that were pulling the carts that are set over on the side at the moment. You can see the carts that have since been repaired and are currently waiting in rest. You can see the front door to the stronghold, and you can see the back door.\nPlayer: Frumpkin saw all of this, yeah? Saw the doors, all of that? I'm going to creep my way to the front door and as I go, I'm going to cast Detect Magic.\nDM: You're still on the outside of the wall.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: You have to make your way through the perimeter of the wall, which has its own front gate, which is closed. Do you want to head to that?\nPlayer: Right, to the outer wall.\nDM: The outer wall and out that way, okay. Cast Detect Magic?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: After the initial pat, you were focused, it didn't bother much. You feel your belt tug a bit and you feel suddenly the back of your armor begin to get a little lighter as your pouch is noticeably being removed from your person.\nPlayer: He doesn't know by whom!\nDM: No.\nPlayer: Just knows that it's happening?\nDM: It's happening.\nPlayer: And can't react?\nDM: I mean, he can if he chooses too.\nPlayer: Oh god.\nDM: Shak\u00e4ste, do you want to do anything?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Roughly eight days into the journey, they spot a Clovis Concord ship. Avantika says they could head it off, and asks you what he thinks they should do.\nDM: Okay. Glancing at it, it's a pretty well made ship. It's meant for speed. It doesn't appear to be heavily manned. It's not carrying or transporting people. It doesn't seem to be a transport ship of any means. You see a handful of small sailors on board with a hand crossbow or a saber that's sheathed at the side. You see on the deck a handful of crates that were not kept beneath, which means it's probably pretty well-packed. It does appear to be Concord colors. Since it's traveling southward, you gather it's probably recently finished-- especially with your experience as a sailor-- finished stocking up on all its materials, travel supplies and its goods. Based on the path it's heading southward, it's either going to arc around to Tal'Dorei or be heading in the direction of Marquet or possibly, if it's feeling risky, the Shattered Teeth.\nPlayer: Captain, are you in a habit of intercepting said vessels in your time at sea?\nDM: \"Depends if we can do so quickly without losing any sort of momentum, perhaps? Not all ships are boarded and there is a loss of life. Most, I'd say probably 80 percent of encounters out here, is just intimidation. Most let us take what we want and continue on our way. They don't want to die.\"\nPlayer: It's important that you know in my previous life I had encounters with pirating vessels as well and most of those experiences I did not enjoy.\nDM: \"Well, to be fair, there are plenty of assholes on these waters, so it does not surprise me. But it is your choice, I say. You may talk amongst your friends, but there is opportunity.\"\nPlayer: You say no need for a loss of life?\nDM: \"Not unless they-- how do you say-- they are stupid?\"\nPlayer: Or stubborn.\nDM: \"Either or.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Its burrowing creates mountains and cliffs that look about to break and crush the crowd below. Three larger humanoid figures stand above a crowd in this mural as well.\nDM: There are different epochs in historical time in which there have been advances and developments of arcane runes and sigils. There is the early basis of magical runes, which is a deviation of Draconic as a language, and then there are ways that they've been altered and made more efficient. These are very old, base, early Draconic runes. As such, they hold a lot more very primal magical power, and usually are reserved for larger rituals and magics that are meant to last for very long periods of time. The nature of the magic on these runes, from what you can tell, it's a little hard to get the direct essence, but there is some sort of an abjuration-based magic.\nPlayer: I'm going to go investigate-- not the hydra, the creature that I killed.\nDM: You head on over to the other yuan-ti, and as you approach, the body lies there, tongue lolling out and drool and blood, a mixture of thick saliva mingling with the dark black-purple blood out of the corner of its mouth, its eyes wide open and rolled back. Its dark, thick green scales of its snake-like head and thick, muscular scaled torso all lie limp across the stone where it was slain. Its blade has clattered to the ground a few feet from its grasp and its polished marble and silver shield scattered a few feet from its form. The rest of its tail coils and is limp off to the side from there.\nPlayer: I'll rifle around looking for any keys or objects.\nDM: Make an investigation check.\nPlayer: 25.\nDM: Nice. You find on its body 26 pieces of gold. Only gold, no other pieces of coin on its body. The blade is a very, very large blade. It looks like it's well made, both for ceremonial purposes and for actual combat. It is both beautiful and very well made, and the shield itself is also exquisitely crafted and shows no signs of wear.\nPlayer: I'll take the shield and hang on to it until I can give it someone who wants it.\nDM: Okay. At this point, Avantika's walked to the edge of the well and looks down into the space below.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you jumped out of her hiding place, darted past Lorenzo, and dumped her flask of oil all over him. She onto one of the carts inside of the illusion.\nDM: Right there in front of you. For you who can watch, the back half of Nott is still visible. The entire cart is filled with cages. Front to back.\nPlayer: They're invisible cages?\nDM: The cages are blanketed by some sort of illusion.\nPlayer: The part of me that hit the cage is now invisible also?\nDM: Correct, but just the front half. It looks like Nott vanishes partway through, like you've stepped through part of a doorway. On the inside, you see a very sweaty human man who is gagged and leaned up against the cage like, (whines). He looks up towards you.\nPlayer: That's all I've got.\nDM: That's all you've got.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Really nice boat you got here. \u201d\n \u2013\n Nott greeting Avantika 1 edit \n She takes possession of The Mistake, tells her crew to repair it, and tells the Nein to bring their things aboard, they're remaining.\nDM: \"So you stole my ship and came all this way to tell me that this item was not in your possession and is another place. Why were you coming to the island? I'm very confused.\"\nPlayer: Well, you see, Marquis LePual let us know that you were in dire need of it, and that there was heavy coin and glory in its delivery. Now, as you can see, I lost my original crew and found these bunch of fuckwits. You see, I do owe them a little bit of coin for their trouble, and I sure would hate to leave them empty-handed. Plus I want to see what happens when you're reunited with your treasure.\nDM: \"Well, first off, Marius LePual is merely a bullshit messenger, but I'm glad at least he could bring you to us. Is that all you know about the actual sphere?\"\nPlayer: Perhaps. [laughter]\nDM: She's looking right into you, lids half-closed, this dagger stare of trying to read any sort of give.\nPlayer: Captain, I hope you understand that this is not my first rodeo. If I were to tell you everything that I know right now, why would you need me alive?\nDM: \"Very well, let's trade a bit. The object I have not seen before, but I know of it and am hoping to bring it to this island for a purpose. I had recently hired an individual known as Jamedi Cosko, a very well-established adventurer, delver of dungeons. Cosko is a--\" Not Costco. [laughter]\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy says he'll just have to live with that and shoots. Percy fires and Vax throws a dagger, both passing through Ripley's form.\nDM: The goliath probably took some damage, too. (chuckles) Trinket also takes the damage, by the way. Roll a reflex save.\nPlayer: Trinket was on the ground, wasn't he?\nDM: Yep.\nPlayer: Dexterity. 21 for Trinket.\nDM: Grog is not blasted prone. Managed to catch himself.\nPlayer: 21.\nDM: 21. Trinket takes 32 points of fire damage.\nPlayer: Good, because if he had taken the full thing, he would have been unconscious.\nDM: As the ringing subsides from the blast, you all were thrown dozens of feet from your current placement, most of you onto your back aside from you, Vax, and you, Grog. Actually, Trinket would have caught himself as well. You now see a giant crater in the ground with rock and rubble and shards of glass tossed around you. The trees in the center have been blasted out, and you can see a number of broken trunks and roots curved up with little bits of fire and flame burning off their edge, what little bit of burnable material still remained on some of the living trees. The smell of heavy gunpowder recently burned sits in the air as the giant cloud of smoke rises up in the center of the jungle. At this point in time, the goliath has stepped forward from the brush, as well as two other figures off to the side wielding long-barreled rifle-like weapons. There are a few other figures on this side, as well.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth, angry and frustrated at the whole situation, drops her form, channels her rage, and unleashes a Fire Storm at Kevdak, Greenbeard, and several of the herd members nearby. Vax watches on in awe as the entire square is ignited in her flames of fury, the rogue quietly and quickly falling a little deeper in love with her.\nDM: The Command move means on their next turn they attack each other. Doesn't mean that they're charmed or dominated.\nPlayer: But how many feet did I move, how many feet am I able to move anyway?\nDM: That would've been ten feet, you can move 15 more.\nPlayer: Okay, I can move 15 more anyway.\nDM: Yeah. But you will take two attacks of opportunity if you move out of range of these two.\nPlayer: But wouldn't that be included in the attacks that I just took? If I can move 15 total?\nDM: You can move 25 total because of your tiny feet. You moved ten, you have 15 more feet you can move.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Over breakfast, Cassandra tells you about the history and responsibilities of her new title, Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt. Her duty will be to tend to the surrounding Parchwood, rooting out mundane and supernatural threats to Whitestone.\nDM: \"If you do not succeed, then you will have to wait until the Dawnfather presents the next opportunity for the Hunt.\"\nPlayer: Right.\nDM: \"I don't know--\"\nPlayer: When that could--\nDM: \"-- when that would be.\"\nPlayer: So wait, has the opportunity presented itself now?\nDM: \"Well, it's as soon as you wish to go and find your way to the Sun Tree and meditate for the sign. I don't know the specifics of this. This is just from what the--\" And she starts pulling over this cluster of books she had on the side and she starts rummaging through, and she pulls it over and goes: \"It's unfortunately very vague. And it's, apparently-- Keeper Yennen might know more.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and Yasha kill one before she can fly away holding one of the crew. Caleb casts Fear and forces two more to flee.\nDM: That was the first time that it's been wounded. It gets hit by the large, spiritual lollipop as it's trying to carry off the deckhand, still holding on.\nPlayer: I think I'm going to use Guiding Bolt on the one that was flying away that was singing.\nDM: Okay, go for it. It's quite a ways away and you can see it (flapping).\nPlayer: I get 120 feet.\nDM: Yeah, definitely within 120 feet, so go ahead and roll for the attack on that.\nPlayer: Okay, okay, okay.\nDM: Level one?\nPlayer: Yes, level one.\nDM: It looks pretty hurt.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: \"Just a moment!\" Suddenly the door, whoosh!, slams open and before you, you see Victor, half covered in soot, has a big old thick pair of glasses on his face, one of which is cracked. You can see his chin now has this puffed out, partially burnt and curled bit of a goatee at the very tip of his chin. He looks up at you with these giant eyes that are projected and magnified by his eyewear. \"Can I help you?!\"\nPlayer: Yes, it's Percival. Do you remember me?\nDM: \"No!\"\nPlayer: Excellent.\nDM: \"Is that all?!\"\nPlayer: I was hoping to procure some black powder again. We had a-- we made a deal last time--\nDM: \"Yes, yes, come in, please come in!\"\nPlayer: Do I have to? Okay.\nDM: He turns around and heads back inside.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny you, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: As he curls back, the cavern is revealed further. The pool does come to an end. There are pieces of stone that jut out of the floor. You do see now, scattered across the grounds, occasionally a bit of shine, a little coin-- gold, silver-- elements of wealth that've been dragged deeper into the cavern that have left behind them some remnants in the process of being carried and carted in.\nPlayer: If I look back, can I see my sister from where I am?\nDM: Actually, no. Because she's really well stealthed.\nPlayer: She can't see me either?\nDM: No. You guys have no visual perspective on each other. You've all stealthed away from your own party.\nPlayer: Okay. There's a pool of acid right by me, yeah?\nDM: Yes, there is.\nPlayer: Is there dim light here?\nDM: The light grows dim at about this point, then it becomes darkness at about this point.\nPlayer: But you said that I can see a pool of liquid, right?\nDM: Yeah. What little bit of daylight that's coming in the cavern entrance would be over here.\nPlayer: Is the surface of the liquid flat as far as I can see?\nDM: What you can see, it is flat. There's a little, very faint breeze that occasionally comes through so there's a slight disturbance here and there, but no specific visual disturbance.\nPlayer: How far along that pool can I actually see? If you had to do a cut-off point?\nDM: Because of your darkvision, being an elf, you can see pretty much to the edge of this.\nPlayer: Okay. So it doesn't look like there's a big divot?\nDM: There's no displacement of the pool.\nPlayer: I'm going to creep along the wall towards that pillar. I'll stop in that corner, and then move towards you one. Does it give me a better view?\nDM: A little bit of a further view, just the cavern continues in that direction.\nPlayer: Can I still hear the same thing?\nDM: You can hear it very faintly. You can't quite make out the source. There is something about the room and the air that's travelling through here. The sound itself, you're just barely catching it and it seems to be reverberating to a small extent off the walls of this cavern, which carry sound very well.\nPlayer: What do I see if I look up?\nDM: You look up, you see about 60 feet, 70 feet in the air, just past where your vision begins to fade-- The only reason you know there's a ceiling there is because there are a few points of rock, the top of the cavern does descend into stalactites-- it is?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina made the relatively grim journey back to the mountainside, finding it now brimming with volcanic rock and volcanic activity that previously lay dormant. Upon climbing the side of the mountain, you found remnants of the Pyrah tribe still alive and making their way up the mountain, as damaged as they are, in hopes of sealing this now progressively swelling tear between the prime Material Plane and the Elemental Plane of Fire.\nDM: Without issue, you land-- not even, no. Two-point landing, on your feet, knee down, still clutching your ready-to-go bow, unscathed by the boiling cauldron of molten rock.\nPlayer: And I Hunter's Mark the guy attacking near Percy and Scanlan and I shoot two arrows into him.\nDM: Okay, right there. Go for it. Two attacks.\nPlayer: Ugh. Where is my thing? Hold on, sorry. (giggles)\nDM: You're on deck, Keyleth.\nPlayer: 21?\nDM: 21 hits.\nPlayer: And 17.\nDM: Both hit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, while everyone else is taking breakfast, Pike checks the front door and finds about 20 skeletons waiting outside. She and Grog charge out to handle them.\nDM: All righty. Indeed, what looked like two different hallways was one entrance to the chamber that was divided by a singular column in the center. You both flank around as it opens up inside. You see a 50-foot-tall, 70-foot-wide natural cavern chamber that rounds out over the top, and you see it end on the opposite side. There are two pillars nearer to your end that both hold defaced statues of a woman on each. Defaced statues of a woman. Partially destroyed and collapsed. There are elements of it broken on the ground. The heads removed. In the center of the chamber, you see before you a massive stone-stepped pyramid, similar to the ziggurat you've found. The design is a little different, and you get the sense that a lot of it is still buried and it's just the top that has been uncovered and repurposed for whatever this may be. You do see, there are a number of cloaked figures scattered across these steps, and some of them are out looking in your direction as soon as you come around the side. They're all wearing the same black outfits, the cloaks. Some of them have the hoods back; some of them have the hoods on. Roughly, you have what looks to be six or seven from what you can view. There are two of them at the very top that currently have what looks like another crate that has been opened, and there above them, you can see the black orb, exactly like the one you have underneath Whitestone, and they're in the process of taking objects out and throwing them up into the sphere, and you watch as they flash and vanish into the darkness. You see one cloaked figure that's currently shouting out and giving commands right now.\nPlayer: Do they see us?\nDM: With all of your stealth? You got a 19, correct? One of them shouts out, \"We have visitors!\"\nPlayer: Do they only see that side? Do they see us come around the other side of the pillar? They see all of us.\nDM: As soon as they all glance over, you guys are out in the open of a hallway. Once they see him, they see the spread of you. As this happens, you watch as a number of skeletons walk out from the halls on the sides, and one seems to suddenly shake and rise up from the ground: a large skeleton with what looks like giant horns that curve out of the head, standing about 12 feet tall. Looks to be some sort of minotaur-like beast, but bone and anger.\nPlayer: How far away is the ziggurat?\nDM: The ziggurat from you guys? Let's pull out a map. (cheering)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord, Jester, and Beau had fought a giant water snake that was terrorizing the townsfolk. Jester had almost died during this fight.\nDM: The Lochward is where the Old Mud Hole would be at. The Lochward is to the eastern side of the entire city. The Lochward is the central one.\nPlayer: The wards border the lake.\nDM: So you make your way to the Old Mud Hole. Entering inside, this is a dark dive of a bar, you've been there once before. It smells heavily of old, wet wood, ale stains, and peanut. It's a very small area and of the four tables that are there, they are mostly empty, except for one old man who is sitting there in the process of playing a game of solitaire with his cards and a man in his 30s thumbing through a book, who would be the barkeep if there were more patrons at the moment. He's flipping through and glances up and gives you a look as you enter. \"Can I help you? Are you looking for drinks? Can I get you anything?\"\nPlayer: Yeah, I would really love a drink and I sit down next to him. What do you have? I need something heavier than a trost. I've had enough trosts to last me a lifetime.\nDM: \"We have liquor.\"\nPlayer: I will take your liquor.\nDM: \"I will get some whiskey for you then. Whiskey, everyone?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, All carts passing through are being thoroughly inspected. Fjord uses the dodecahedron, since he'll be doing the talking.\nDM: Five points of damage with the Spiritual Weapon. (smacks) on the back of the shoulders, and you still have your action to do a cantrip.\nPlayer: I'm going to run forward and touch him and cast Inflict Wounds.\nDM: That's two spells in the same round.\nPlayer: Just kidding!\nDM: You can do a cantrip.\nPlayer: I'm going to cantrip him. Damn it. I'm going to cast Toll the Dead.\nDM: Okay, that's a-- what save?\nPlayer: That's a-- let me click on it and find out. Wisdom.\nDM: Wisdom. That is a nine. He does not succeed, so go ahead and roll damage on that.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Above that, x bars against the wall where, in the center, you saw a gold inlaid seal with an empty triangular shape, like a pyramid inverted, and a series of these iron warriors that were embedded in the walls. Behind the stairway, you saw means of smelting metal and other forms of material.\nDM: Okay. 24 points of damage to him. All right, perfect. So the fist comes by and slams into it. The sword arcs through its armor and you watch some of the plates separate a bit, but it's still holding itself in place. That's your action?\nPlayer: Oh, I get a bonus. I will inspire Keyleth. I guess. Not that she needs any help; she's so fricking powerful, but I will inspire Keyleth by singing (singing) Your Minxie brings all the boys to the yard and they're like, it's better than yours, damn right, it's better than yours, you can teach them, but you'd have to \"chorge?\" (speaking) I don't know.\nDM: Take a d12 \"chorge\" die. All right. And do you want to move at all?\nPlayer: I'm close to a guy who's going to hit me if I move, right?\nDM: You're not currently in melee with a guy yet, but you're on the outside of melee with two guys.\nPlayer: Then I will move dead center on the board.\nDM: All right, so you're going to move back up the stairs a bit, then. You'll be here. That ends your turn, Scanlan. Keyleth, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Many of the townsfolk gathered at that square were immediately killed. The party, as well as a few other straggling survivors, ran away as both the gargantuan black and green dragons began to chase them down.\nDM: Okay. So as you reach out, you feel Sarenrae's warmth come to you, wordless. Attempting to comfort, but even then there is a trepidation in Sarenrae who is, you gather yourself, still taking in the circumstances that have happened. You feel that warmth begin to coalesce into a specific form, and everyone who has come into the temple with you gasps aloud as over these central worship platforms in the center of the temple, a glowing orb begin to form that then slowly takes the form of a humanoid with wings, similar to the ones you've worn in your celestial form. As the light fades, you can see, levitating roughly a foot off the ground, a human. White eyes and pale blue skin, hairless with a simple breastplate that's silver with gold lining on it, a single sword sheathed on the side, and beautiful white angel wings sprouting from its back. The entity stands there and looks down towards you. \"I have been sent to your aid. Are you, Pike Trickfoot, to give me a task?\" The voice itself seems otherworldly, and understanding the basis of the spell, you need a specific task in mind for it, and it is expensive to maintain in materials, the longer the task requires.\nPlayer: Okay. We need your help. As you can see, our city has fallen to pieces by these dragons that are attacking us. And we ask that you aid us in battle somehow.\nDM: \"Lead me to a battle if you wish. I haven't much time on your plane. If you have a task that I can complete at this moment.\" And you know that to maintain this spell cost about 100 gold per minute.\nPlayer: Okay. Ah, shit. Okay.\nDM: Or 1,000 gold per hour depending on the-- Or 10,000 gold per day. Yeah, it depends on the task it required. It needs to be a little more specific than just \"aid us in battle,\" because if there isn't a immediate battle happening, because the longer it's out, the more expensive it will be. You asked it to rebuild and it looks to you and says, \"If you require my aid in rebuilding...\" She looks with her head around the temple. \"This I can help with quite a bit of haste, as it is within the realm of our patron lady.\"\nPlayer: Okay, well, yes. Rebuild our keep.\nDM: \"It will be done, within the hour.\" So you can mark off 1,000 gold worth of materials, and at this point, the Planar Ally's wings unfurl and begin to float up, and as it does it lift its hands and all the shattered stained glass begins to lift off the ground with it. And you watch as they all begin to reform.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There was a cart of horses pulling a group of four gnomes that all eventually revealed themselves to be family of you Trickfoot. After taking them in, whether or not Vox Machina was excited or eager to, nevertheless they treated them with hospitality, gave them a place to stay, gave them food for the evening, conversations were had, and information was passed around.\nDM: So you guys begin making your way. While they exit, because Ogden's a little slower, you and Ogden eventually make your way out to the front part of the castle, walking along the side grounds. He's with his cane, walking. \"What did you wish to discuss, young Pike?\"\nPlayer: I'm blanking right now. Is there a temple of Sarenrae here?\nDM: You have definitely had one constructed. It's a smaller scale. The larger temples here are for Pelor and such and you've been away. Most of your focus has been in Vasselheim and Emon, so you haven't done the full temple construct here, but there's a small shrine that you've built so at least you can go there.\nPlayer: I would love to walk you to something that I was a part of building and creating here in the city, if you'd like.\nDM: \"Of course. Lead the way. I am your guest. I am here at your behest.\"\nPlayer: I walk him to the shrine of Sarenrae.\nDM: Okay. There was a big building that collapsed during the Briarwood period. The lot was cleaned out, and it's a small standing shrine to Sarenrae at the time being, to eventually be the placeholder for the full temple's construction that you'll build around it. But for the time being, essentially a few small benches, set in a circular stone fashion, and there's a fountain-like carving. A simple carving of Sarenrae for people to pray to. You eventually walk him to that centerpiece. It's mostly empty this time of day. Nobody's currently in the process of upkeep; there isn't a need for it. Some fallen leaves, and it's a little dirty on some of the benches, but you brush it off and you both sit on the bench, looking up at the big winged statue of her. He sits down.\nPlayer: Do you know where we are?\nDM: \"No idea.\"\nPlayer: This is a shrine of Sarenrae, who I follow, and I wanted to bring you here because I wanted to share it with you.\nDM: \"Thank you. It's very peaceful.\"\nPlayer: (sighs) How are you feeling?\nDM: After looking around for a minute, he leans into you and goes, \"Pike, we need to talk. I've been tying together the missing pieces of our history for most of my life. This information has helped me once before, and as I'm sure has been discussed at length with your friends, there is a curse upon this bloodline. My research has brought me some knowledge, and I've been able to cast this curse out of one Trickfoot before, but I failed once before that. And I miss her to this day. Do you want to know the history of our curse?\"\nPlayer: I would.\nDM: \"Over four centuries ago, when our kin still occupied the city of Witterbach, up in the Cliffkeep Mountains, long before our bloodline took the name Trickfoot, there was a wily rock gnome called OG Pipemender. Now, OG grew jealous of his brother, Lons, and his business's success, and his marriage, apparently. So, seeking a means of balancing their standing, bringing Lons down a peg or two, OG plotted to undermine and shame his brother, and destroy his life. Now, he was successful in this plot, at least from what I've gleaned. Lons was ruined, but not before it was revealed to Lons that OG himself was the culprit. Now, cornered and fearing for his life, OG lashed out and slew his brother. He fled Witterbach and wandered the mountains for weeks, scavenging to survive. On a full moon, he was visited by a vision of what is believed to be the Lawbearer, Erathis herself. At least, an aspect of her, at the very least. Now, this grave injustice he had committed did not go unnoticed by the Lawbearer, and it required punishment. And a curse was set within the very blood of OG himself. One that lay dormant from generation to generation, unless those carrying the seed fell to extreme selfishness and wanton destruction of others. Now, we Trickfoots may not have the best reputation, but what we do, we do it to survive. And we hurt no other in the process. Those that wander too far into the dark call up this curse and the shades within them slowly hollow them out, leaving a ravenous, selfish beast of a gnome. These visions that I've dreamt, I've had them before. They were not wrong. I saw the shades within my beloved, Ishma, but knew too little at the time to stop them. I caught the shades within others since. Within Johann here, even, years and years ago. And used what I learned to exorcise them out. Now, these visions I have now show you, young Pike. A darkness within you far greater than the others, and I don't know what has drawn them to you. You walk with such light, and I am worried what could be hidden beneath all the layers of silver and gold and blue and Sarenrae's blessing that could still draw these shades to you. Where you've been, what you've done, I know not. I know not the justice of the goddess, can presume not to know, I don't bother myself with such unknowable things. But I am here to try and help, if I can. If you'll have me.\"\nPlayer: Wow. That's a lot.\nDM: \"I've had an entire lifetime to think and learn and research and regret.\"\nPlayer: How long have you been having visions, in terms of this happening with me?\nDM: \"This is only over the past couple of years, but I knew not where to find you until you sent your letter.\"\nPlayer: And what are your thoughts on JB?\nDM: \"She is very dedicated. She's very sweet. She's a bit distracted, at times. She cares much for the stories of you and your friends. The poor thing's been at my side for the majority of her youth. I feel like a burden. She looks after me and not much else, so she lives vicariously through the stories she manages to assemble of you.\"\nPlayer: And she knows about all this, as well?\nDM: \"They all know. We've had time to speak. I was the one that insisted we come see you, and I do apologize for the rest of them. They are unique.\"\nPlayer: Well, I think I was at first shocked, and I feel like I need to apologize for my trepidation and wariness at first.\nDM: \"It's understood. Like I said, we have a reputation. One that you've, as far as what I've heard, been able to kick to the curb.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: Okay. There's one fellow over here that is a bit far away who steps off. Instead of holding the same clubs and shields or other various hack weapons, he's carrying a gnarled staff.\nPlayer: Oh, shit.\nDM: Steps forward and sees the weapon that you fired twice and had been fixing, this large metallic dangerous entity, looks forward and begins hissing under his breath (hissing gibberish).\nPlayer: Do I see this?\nDM: You do.\nPlayer: I'm going to release my--\nDM: Though you are being slammed on the ground. I'd say make a perception check, actually, to see if you see this.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Because you are currently--\nPlayer: 19!\nDM: Yes, actually, I will say you do see this.\nPlayer: I will release my Counterspell.\nDM: Okay!\nPlayer: I assume he's casting something.\nDM: He is, actually--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog then takes the first bead of divinity -- the one from Ioun-- smashes it on the Anvil, and folds the powdered remains into the first ingot. With aid from Keyleth and Scanlan in the form of spells and inspiration, he does the same with the bead from Pelor, but has trouble with the one from the Raven Queen.\nDM: Well, let me double check on that for your bardic ability. And how many more bardic inspirations do you have at this point, by the way?\nPlayer: I've only used two.\nDM: You used Cutting Words, you've inspired Keyleth, and you've inspired Grog.\nPlayer: Oh, Cutting Words counts? Then I've used four so far, and I have two more to go.\nDM: Two more to go. And as far as your peerless skill, you can add it to any ability check, yeah, so not a save, unfortunately.\nPlayer: All right, bye guys.\nDM: What was the total?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The rest of the party creeps closer and the guards are alerted by Keg's lack of stealth. Meanwhile, Shak\u00e4ste has gotten both hands free and removed his gag, and casts Spiritual Weapon, which misses, but he is able to pick the lock of his cage and step out.\nDM: Not bad. As he dodges the first one, the other one-- He tries to duck out of the way and instead, you see it vanish into the cloak. At first, you thought it just passed through harmlessly, but you hear an \"Ugh!\" and he falls and limps against the wall for a second before looking up in your direction with a snarl.\nPlayer: (yelp)\nDM: All right. That finish your turn?\nPlayer: Have I done all of my movement? Yeah?\nDM: No. Technically, you still have about 15 feet.\nPlayer: I'll just duck over towards Shak\u00e4ste so I'm not right in eyeline of either of the hallway baddies.\nDM: You go to duck over towards Shak\u00e4ste, and your face hits something that's not there. It's like some sort of invisible force.\nPlayer: Why do I keep running into things? I need contact lenses.\nDM: You immediately recognize the familiar scent of Caleb's coat right in front of you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth polymorphs Grog into a gorilla, and she herself Beast Shapes into a giant eagle. Everyone moves through the bog canopy and enters a shaded nightfall in proximity to the giant tree.\nDM: They're below the treeline. Percy, as you get closer you begin to notice that the actual roots of the tree almost come 10 feet up before they merge with the outside of the tree itself, a number of--\nPlayer: Is it a solid trunk, or is it like a combined trunk?\nDM: It's a solid trunk in most of its places, but there are swaths of vines that wrap around it and curl and create these giant, tight nets, almost like a Rat King of tails across certain portions of its exterior near the base, and where some of the roots join with the central tree trunk.\nPlayer: I'm gonna back up and try and find a place to scan the ground, find a place to put a door for our mansion.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Safe.\nDM: Okay, I mean, there are a number of areas that are somewhat clear on the ground, but there is no-- All the landscape is coated with this molasses-type material, even the bits that aren't submerged and are relatively shallow, there is still that substance all across them.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord tells them he sees visions of a giant eye, and hears a voice. The sphere reminds him of that eye, and he wants to know where the temple is.\nDM: As he does so, the guy's like, \"Jamedi, the captain will be right here-- What?\" Just looks really confused.\nPlayer: Is there a way to slip by?\nDM: Your stealth check, yes there is. You dart past.\nPlayer: Slip by the back, yeah.\nDM: Right at that moment you look over your shoulder, and you can see the captain is now heading down the hallway in your direction.\nPlayer: Okay, I'll make the effect disappear.\nDM: He goes, \"What? I don't?\"\nPlayer: Oh, but I'll leave the effect of the cards still there. [cheering]\nDM: You run to the end of the hallway. You see those stairs ascending down into the cargo hold below, and you hear over your shoulder, \"And where is he?\" \"No, but Captain, he was right-- Look at the cards.\"\nPlayer: Poof!\nDM: You hear the argument, and the guy desperately trying to explain what he just saw, as you disappear down into the cargo hold below.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you discovers a copy of The Courting of the Crick under Prucine's bed. Caleb notices a magical essence from a rolltop desk as Ulog lockpicks it open, emanating from what appears to be a spell case within it.\nDM: There looks like a space there, it's a table, it doesn't have a drawer or anything, it's just a table you can hide something on or put something underneath.\nPlayer: Is there clutter on the desk at all, or decorations and stuff?\nDM: A faint bit; there's like a candle and a small piece of clockwork.\nPlayer: I'll fold up the Knights of Requital letter and hide it under her clock.\nDM: Okay. At that point, Ulog goes--\nPlayer: Leave a little bit showing in the back, so that someone could find if they're investigating.\nDM: Right. There's another thing that you see there. There is a small box that is wrapped in silver cord that is resting on the desk on top of a stack of books.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He admits that he is a scoundrel, to which Kaylie retorts that he is a scoundrel who has no boundaries and leaves a wake of people hurt. She demands that he draw his blade.\nDM: \"I'm happy to take care of this for you.\" He loads his crossbow and plops himself down at the edge of the hall where he has a view of every single door at the south end of the keep. And he's, like, perched and ready. All right. You guys come to consciousness the next morning, more hungover than others, depending on the individual. Come down, breakfast has already been prepared and waiting. Poor Laina's been trying to keep it warm for you, and part of it's already being eaten by your guests, who, half of them fell asleep in the actual dining room. Nevertheless, all of you come down. Scanlan, you eventually come out of your confused reverie. Not a lot of good sleep throughout the evening and Kaylie never came back throughout the night.\nPlayer: Mm. Is Dr. Dranzel around?\nDM: Yeah. As you head down to the main dining area, Dranzel is there and he's a little hungover himself and enjoying the remnants of his meal. Poor Laina is not designed to produce breakfast for over 11 people in a morning.\nPlayer: Old friend, a quick word.\nDM: \"Yes. Good morning, Scanlan.\"\nPlayer: Good morning-- Well, morning to you as well. Did you know?\nDM: \"About?\"\nPlayer: Did you know? About the girl?\nDM: \"What did she do?\"\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: \"What did she do?\" And you can see, he looks a little worried now. He's checking his pockets.\nPlayer: Does he seem-- Can I insight check him?\nDM: Yeah, make an insight check.\nPlayer: Does he seem genuine? Oh, boy. Three.\nDM: Three. Seems pretty genuine. Yeah, he's hard to read beyond hung over and mildly confused. And you spent a lot of time with him, so you know his demeanor pretty well. But yeah, he seems genuinely like (stutters) \"If she's done anything wrong, let me know. She's part of my troupe. I take responsibility for her.\"\nPlayer: No, no. She's a fine player and a fine, upstanding person, and you should take special interest in her. She's a good one. Please, if she continues on with your troupe, take good care of her, all right?\nDM: \"Of course. As long as she keeps bringing in the change and doesn't piss me off, I think we're good.\"\nPlayer: She might. All right.\nDM: Takes his hat and puts it on, finishes his breakfast.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The others try to persuade Nott to join them in swimming down, and Caleb casts Suggestion on her to convince her to try it. Nott, you, and Fjord join Yasha and Jester inside, Nott forgetting she's holding the weasel, who lives but isn't happy about it, joined shortly by Caleb, Caduceus, and Nugget.\nDM: You pull your sword out of the wall and get ready for the next round of combat. This brings us to the top of the round. Beau, you're up! Jester, you're next.\nPlayer: (deep voice) I'm back! Can I do like a cool, monk-like kick and go pop pop! Like two unarmed attacks as I kick-kick with my legs?\nDM: Yeah, yeah! Make--\nPlayer: Some capoeira shit?\nDM: Yeah, you can. Which, as you do, it's a spray and spin windmill of water in the air around it. Go ahead and make your attacks.\nPlayer: First two unarmed. That first one is an 18, being a 25. Second one's an eight, being a 15.\nDM: Both hit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan uses a new spell, Bigby's Hand, to grab and hold the cloaker. Vex shoots out one of its eyes, Tiberius telekinetically removes the other, and Vax gets the killing shot.\nDM: Pike, then Scanlan. All right, so top of the round. Percy, you're out in the ship. Are you going to stay on the ship?\nPlayer: (garbled) No. (garbled) These cookies are really good!\nDM: I know. Timing is everything. What are you doing? Quick!\nPlayer: I'm going to tug on the rope three times in succession to let our shark friend know that it's time to boogie. I'm going to take the rope. I'm going to jump out of the boat. Is there anything to tie the rope to?\nDM: This beach is just gravel. There's no particular physical element. Maybe on the far end, there might be a part of the wall, but it's going to be an awkward hinge, and there's really nowhere to latch--\nPlayer: Is there something that if I had an adhesive that I could--\nDM: Well, if you have an adhesive, you might be able to stick it to the wall at the far end of the beach-- the cavern wall that you're up against-- but there's nothing actually on the beach floor at all.\nPlayer: I'm going to attempt to take the piece of rope, place it against the wall, and take an ice shot slightly above the rope and freeze it to the wall.\nDM: Okay. So as you hold it up, you line up your enchanted ice chamber of your Pepperbox, fire, and with an extremely loud echoing (gun noise) gun shot sound throughout the cavern, you see a blast. The bullet itself ricochets and spins off into the distance, into the darkness, but you do see left behind, where part of the rock has chiseled from the impact, ice has coalesced and cracked and has, for the time being, held the rope to the edge of the cavern.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, First, you checks in with Percy to see if he can identify the pond she saw in her vision; he gives her a map and some suggestions. With a good idea now of where to go, you rides Trinket into the forest toward the Alabaster Sierras.\nDM: Okay, so as you reach this clearing, you glance about, and it appears to be empty. There's nothing here. There's no sign. You can attempt to find tracks, if you'd like.\nPlayer: But I'd have to hop down on the ground.\nDM: You're currently up in the tree, yes.\nPlayer: I'm still stealthed, though.\nDM: You are.\nPlayer: I'm going to climb down the tree.\nDM: Okay, you find your way, stepping onto the somewhat soft floor of the forest.\nPlayer: Oh, that's actually really good. I'm going to take a minute. I don't know what kind of creature it is, though. I don't know if I can use my Primeval Awareness.\nDM: Well, you can certainly try.\nPlayer: I'm going to try my Primeval Awareness.\nDM: Okay, and what are you concentrating on?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: \"While these entities do concern us, there is the alternate vow that we've spoken, and that is to protect Vasselheim. The city has stood as long as it has because we have not left our post. And the moment that we were to attempt to move even a minority of our people in the city to be of aid to you in this endeavor, this would be the moment that the Dragon Queen will be waiting for to attack our citadel. There are many more forces beyond these dragons that you speak of in this world, bent against the destruction of this city. And we stand because we hold vigil here.\"\nPlayer: But, sir, you should understand how close this destruction came from your doorstep.\nDM: \"And yet it avoided our city. Do you know why? Because even such creatures know better than to lend their talons against us.\"\nPlayer: But how do you know that will happen the next time? Is that always where you're going to place your bet?\nDM: \"Do you think this will be the first time that ancient dragons have attempted to attack our fair city?\"\nPlayer: How about four?\nDM: \"I can guarantee you, should they mount an attack on us, four or not, they will fall.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you sees Toya being led out with the devil toad, Kylre. you makes a distraction by hitting a horse on the buttocks.\nDM: As you come up around the back of the devil toad, the guard that runs past doesn't immediately notice you because he's focused on where this cart is running off and you can see another guard that was far away from this encampment that's circling back with him. The two of them are now bolting in the direction as the cart begins to slow. It's not just going forward forever but it spooked him and it's starting to slow down. They're just going to inspect it. However, as you slink up behind, the devil toad's head curls back towards you and you hear this deep, guttural (growls).\nPlayer: \"Okay. It's okay. Toya?\" And I look at Toya. \"Hey, come on, let's get out of here, let's go.\"\nDM: At which point a voice says, \"Excuse me?!\" And you can see the three guards are there staring at you.\nPlayer: Fuck. You didn't say there were fucking guards.\nDM: I did say there were three guards. The three guards watching them.\nPlayer: I thought you said they left.\nDM: One of them left.\nPlayer: One of them left. So wait. Oh shit.\nDM: It's a bad stealth check, I'm sorry. But there's now three crownsguard right there and they're like, \"Can I help you?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of adventurers, Vox Machina, had found themselves in the Feywild, intent on discovering another one of the Vestiges of the Divergence, one of the many artifacts that they hope will aid them in their struggle against Thordak the Cinder King and the rest of the Chroma Conclave. They've defeated two of the members, three still remain, Thordak being the seeming powerhouse head of that troupe.\nDM: I don't think that's how it works. It's not like you hit a couple fingers and they drop a cup. This is a massive muscle currently clamped on you, trying to swallow you.\nPlayer: I was hoping.\nDM: I know. Sorry.\nPlayer: Okay, in that case, I'm going to grab my sword and start hacking at him.\nDM: Okay, so we'll say you use your bonus action to draw your weapon. It's right there by your side. You pull it out. Go ahead and make your attacks against the crocodile.\nPlayer: Okay, that's a 15?\nDM: 15 just barely hits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The fiend then attempts to bite his throat, but Scanlan begins shouting up at him. The bard's Cutting Words distract the pit fiend and cause his bite to just barely miss.\nDM: There you go. 44 points of bludgeoning damage. As the tail (whack) slams into you as it spins around, and as the tail hits you it already has its mace, the flames curling off of it, swinging in a backhand motion, toward you. That's going to be a 22.\nPlayer: Doesn't hit!\nDM: Doesn't hit?\nPlayer: Doesn't hit, because I just got knocked down, so it went over my fucking prone body!\nDM: Okay, so that ends its turn at the moment.\nPlayer: Everyone hears (groaning).\nDM: And you know what? Actually--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Nein feel sorry for the hapless bandits, who keep apologizing, and Molly gives them the hide armor he bought on the road. The party encourages them to find a different line of work and they run off.\nDM: It's hard to tell. The buildings that are in the outside of the upper ridge look to be varying sizes. They don't appear to be super tiny, by any means. You do see from this perspective, as you're heading down to the base of the mountain, you're at the top of the hill, and this last leg as you start pushing in towards Hupperdook, at the base of where the waterfall is hitting, behind that row, you can see what look to be numerous towers, thin and tall, like these weird needles of buildings that kind of cluster around the base of the waterfall. That's as much as you can make out at this distance.\nPlayer: On a scale of one to ten, one being like a shit-ass swamp town and ten being like Rexxentrum, what does the civilization of this city look like?\nDM: The technology, as you get closer and closer and begin seeing these fields of construction, the industry is pretty prominent. It's the most you've ever seen. As far as the beauty of a living, civilized town, five or six, maybe?\nPlayer: But not podunk?\nDM: It's not podunk, by any means.\nPlayer: It's builded?\nDM: Yeah. It's well-built. It seems comfortable. The base area around the mountain as you begin to approach-- and you can see now where the clouds and bits of steam are mingling and rising up, mixing into the sky above you-- the colors here are fairly drab: browns, grays, dark graphite metals. And immediately, you can see the ground itself.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He wants to find Sabian. The party agrees to head to Nicodranas, where you's mother lives, although you will have to disguise herself because she can't be seen there.\nDM: Yasha's somewhere just going like, (sighs). All right, have you guys decided to start making your way to the Menagerie Coast?\nPlayer: Wait, I got to get my handaxe first, so I pick that up.\nDM: Yeah, easy enough. Pumat's there. \"Yeah, we worked real hard on this one, so I hope you enjoy what we've imbued into this previously-not-very-interesting weapon to make it just a whole lot more interesting.\"\nPlayer: It is so interesting now. Did you want to put a ribbon on it or something to make it prettier?\nDM: \"Do you want to request a ribbon? We've got multiple colors.\"\nPlayer: (gasps) What colors?\nDM: Green and gold.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You began to look throughout the room. You found a sword across the upper ceiling, an ornamental blade of some kind.\nDM: You do and as you summon it, there before you is not the Wastehunter Blade, but the falchion now returned to grasp with a strange, more hooked and jagged appearance to it. It seems the essence of this pact has consumed the weapon you had bound with and made it one with the falchion you made this pact with oh so long ago.\nPlayer: I try and keep my-- (clears throat) Fu-- Make it disappear again. Has anybody woken up? Are any eyes open at all?\nDM: At the moment, no.\nPlayer: I'll lay back down and go to sleep.\nDM: That's where we'll take our break.\nPlayer: Holy shit!\nDM: We'll be right back, guys. As a reminder, we do have our giveaway tonight. We have the wenge hero vault, which is the awesome dark wood color from our friends at Wyrmwood. You can contain your dice or your character model. This will go to whoever wins tonight's giveaway. Once again, if you are in the U.S or in Canada, you are capable of winning this tonight, unless you are in Quebec, unfortunately. Come on into the Twitch chat right now. The keyword for tonight's \"harvest.\" You can only enter once. If you enter more than once, you will be unfortunately disqualified from this. We'll come back at the end of the break to give this to the winner, so we'll see you guys here in a few minutes. Thanks so much.\nPlayer: Oh, you crazy motherfucker!\nDM: (evil laughter) (break) Welcome back everybody! First off we have--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog convinces Tary to eat a mouthful of dirt, saying it's a local custom. Keyleth transports them from Terrah to Greyskull Keep in Emon.\nDM: You're eventually led to this individual who, pointed out, is dressed simply at first glance. The clothing he wears, just a plain white, billowing shirt, nice tailored pants, and some boots that go just up to the mid-calf. Dark brown-red skin, completely shaved, smooth, bald, shining in the sun, no facial hair, with piercing blue-grey eyes. As soon as you begin to approach, he's finishing a conversation with someone and turns to you and flashes the brightest of white smiles and goes, \"Hello! Ah, you look like you are looking for some help, or in aid of something, yes? No?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: You're staring at me. What do you want?\nPlayer: We are-- I don't know if you've noticed, but the city has just been saved.\nDM: I have noticed it, strangely enough. I've watched it be saved, and--\nPlayer: Yes, then you maybe saw us in the fray, and now, after saving this beautiful city, we are on our way to the middle of the fucking sea. Would somebody be able to take us?\nDM: Well, are you looking for a-- to purchase a vessel?\nPlayer: No. To rent a crew of well-seasoned sailors who know their way around the ocean.\nDM: I guess it really depends on the size of the vessel you're taking-- what ship do you have?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord manages another kill with Eldritch Blast, leaving two up, including the priest. Caleb takes a hit that breaks his concentration on Molly's Haste, stunning Molly for a round.\nDM: And is going to vanish once more beneath the surface of the water. You don't know quite where it is, that\u2019s where you last saw it disappear. That brings us to Beau.\nPlayer: It's me already? Oh, shit. I'm going to unleash on this guy. Again, crack, crack, see what happens.\nDM: You have advantage on these because you're flanked currently with Jester.\nPlayer: Oh, goodness gracious! Yes! I'm going to try and use my staff to pole vault me up in the air and go crack, crack, with two big swoopy swoops. I'll take the 13, eight plus six is 13. 14!\nDM: 14 hits him. Armor class of 13.\nPlayer: That's eight plus another four so that's 12 damage for the first one. Second one. That hits, 18.\nDM: 18 hits, roll damage for the second strike.\nPlayer: Five damage.\nDM: Whack, whack! You hit both sides with the staff. It's being knocked around, spitting blood out of its mouth. It's hurt.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the border, you is greeted by a caravan of several gnomes: Johann, Astra, Ogden, and JB.\nDM: \"Yes.\" Johann claps his arm on the side of your shoulder. \"Yes, of course! It's been-- I can't even remember. Look at how big you are! Last I saw you, you were waist-high to a knuckle-punch. It's been far too long. And so strong!\" He's slapping the side of your arm, and they're all doing the whole family gathering, pulling and tugging, and you're starting to feel uncomfortable from all the attention, and the guards are all confused but also mildly amused by this family gathering. The old one now catches up, and you recognize that this is your uncle Ogden Trickfoot, who is the father to both Johann and JB. As he approaches, he has this small walking cane and he's walking at an angle because he doesn't quite see you. He's like, \"Are you sure that she's around?\"\nPlayer: I'm right here!\nDM: \"Huh?\"\nPlayer: Hi.\nDM: \"Ah. Yes.\"\nPlayer: How are you?\nDM: \"I'm all right. It's so good to see you.\"\nPlayer: It's so wonderful to see you.\nDM: \"There you are.\"\nPlayer: I'm here.\nDM: He adjusts his head a little. \"They tell me that you slay dragons!\"\nPlayer: Yes, I did. With my friends.\nDM: \"What?\"\nPlayer: Who I would love to introduce you guys to. My friends?\nDM: \"What did she say?\"\nPlayer: My friends!\nDM: JB's like, \"She said yes. She's slayed dragons.\"\nPlayer: I also--\nDM: \"What?\"\nPlayer: I also have a bakery!\nDM: \"She says a bakery?\"\nPlayer: It's called the Slayer's Cake!\nDM: \"Cake?\" Suddenly you see his face brighten. Between the bursts of facial and head hair, you see a little bit of rosy cheeks poke through with a smile. JB goes, \"We'll get you cake. We'll get you a cake, uncle.\"\nPlayer: Come this way. I didn't realize you guys would be coming, but I'm glad that you got my letter and everything else.\nDM: At which point, the blonde one goes, \"Yes, of course we did. You are as beautiful as everything they told me. I'm Astra, by the way. I'm Johann's wife. We haven't met, but you are a sight to see.\" She takes your hands and pulls your hands and goes, \"Oh my, and aren't you the strapping young lady. Who's the lucky man?\"\nPlayer: Oh. Well, no one right now.\nDM: \"Oh. Shouldn't be a problem. Or woman. Whatever, I don't know. You can tell me later.\"\nPlayer: We'll discuss later, maybe, but do come in. I would love to introduce you to some friends of mine. Come into town.\nDM: JB's smile creeps, and you see the gap in her teeth once more. \"Are these friends Vox Machina?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party, after essentially forcing this individual to reveal themself, the rakshasa fled through a tunnel underneath its room into a long subterranean tunnel fraught with traps that were set to protect it. The party managed to avoid these rather deftly until the steady decline of the hallway, combined with the increasing moisture and scent of refuse, caused a slick surface and our fantastic cleric, Brother Kash, Kashaw, slipped and fell down.\nDM: Six, okay. All right. As the skittering seems to go to a fervored frenzy, you can see masses and masses of extremely matted fur moving and quivering through this refuse as a series of rat swarms pour out of the edges of this giant dung pile. And where at the center that giant entity has revealed itself to be a terrifying visage of some kind. I'm going to have you go ahead and roll an arcana check.\nPlayer: 22.\nDM: 22. Immediately, as soon as this creature comes out (squelch), this horrible guttural bubbling sound its throat makes as it pulls itself out of this nasty collection of refuse. You've read of this in quite a few tomes before in your travels. This is known as an otyugh.\nPlayer: A what?\nDM: An otyugh.\nPlayer: Oh. Nasty things, these otyughs.\nDM: Usually riddled with disease, they're controlled garbage disposals for those that can keep control of them. And it is Kashaw's turn.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The creatures then approach and attack you with their longswords, the second horror striking true with its two strikes. Cassandra clutches her bleeding throat, not unconscious yet but barely clinging to life.\nDM: Well, you have to roll to heal. You pull back, and it's a really unsettling thing as you pull up her head to try and feed her the potion.\nPlayer: It's 2d4?\nDM: It's just a regular healing potion?\nPlayer: Yeah, regular. It's the lowest of the rung. Moderate? I think it's called moderate?\nDM: Sorry, got it right here. That's 2d4 plus two.\nPlayer: So four. Six. And then I want to step in front of her, between her and that one, and then stab the one.\nDM: Okay, as you take the potion, it's a messy process. You get most of it in her, but some of it drips on the ground, but the wound seems to close. All the blood goes away on the ground around her neck from the splashing of the potion, which has vanished entirely, and you can see she's (gasping).\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan calls the dog back. Ripley says she has fairly taken these vestiges as Vox Machina has, but Percy says they still have old debts to settle.\nDM: Okay, gotcha. She says, \"I have fairly procured a few artifacts for myself, and you have done the same. Do we call it an honorable draw and go our own ways?\"\nPlayer: I am in agreement that on that level, all debts are settled and fair. However, I believe we have some previous debts to still settle.\nDM: \"I have no interest in the petty tyranny of drakes and dragons. Every great beast that has asserted dominance through history has fallen to the ingenuity of man. I worry not what you're after.\"\nPlayer: You are so dull!\nDM: \"The other races, Percy, and you know this in your heart, they lack our dynamic ability to adapt, to build upon failure so quickly that success becomes an inevitability. I have faith you will all succeed in your mission, so long as you keep your precious white-haired boy in the lead.\"\nPlayer: You two really follow her? Are you idiots?\nDM: The man with the dagger out glares off at you in the distance. Make a perception check, actually.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you moves towards the mouth of the alleyway to try and get out of the erinyes's line of sight. He once again prepares to cast Otiluke's Resilient Sphere when Ghurrix is in range.\nDM: The sniper can still get you. With 25 movement, you can't get far enough away, unless you want to use your action to dash.\nPlayer: No thank you. How high, he would be--?\nDM: Actually, technically, you used half your movement for prone, so you can only get that far.\nPlayer: Oh. Is there anything I can hide behind?\nDM: Currently, no.\nPlayer: Can I hide behind Pike?\nDM: You can't get that far.\nPlayer: Jump in the lava?\nDM: If you want to.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Out in the hall, as Trinket is dragging Ripley, the doctor breaks free of Trinket's jaws and reaches into her pocket. She throws a stone down onto the ground, the stone detonating and releasing a fog-like substance.\nDM: You hit it, then yeah. With the creature looming there, you manage to bend it back into place. You get it aligned as best as you can. That's your action, though.\nPlayer: If that had been a slightly bigger fuck-up, that would have been-- oh god! Okay.\nDM: So your gun's functional, but that's your action.\nPlayer: I'm going to use an action surge anyway, so it doesn't matter.\nDM: Yes, you are. Okay.\nPlayer: I'm going to break off from this guy, and I'm going to rush towards Professor.\nDM: Okay, gets an attack of opportunity on you.\nPlayer: Go ahead. Don't care.\nDM: Guy rolls a 14.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: So you just (whoosh) duck under it instinctually. It comes toward you. Eyes forward, you duck underneath the blade.\nPlayer: I push him in the face. I don't care.\nDM: Okay, you get right up to there, and you can see Anders backing away as you approach.\nPlayer: I'm going to unload in him.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: That's 21 to hit.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: That's 25 to hit.\nDM: That hits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They agree they will return in two weeks with word or else the Ravenites will go to Vorugal. They visit the lair of the dragon and find one of the spheres akin to those they saw in Brimscythe's lair; they don't mess with it.\nDM: They approach, and stop for a second. A few of the folks who came over and went to grab for chains have stopped and are holding them in their hand.\nPlayer: I have to tell you something. We're not actually Draconian.\nDM: He leans in and gives you this very keen look now, and takes a few steps closer. He's about five feet from you now. \"From where I stand, you look pretty fucking Draconian to me.\"\nPlayer: Well, we have some really good magic users with us. Look, forgive us for making tails. We don't know anything about your culture. We're idiots! We came here because we know you're under attack, and we're trying to help.\nDM: \"And you just wander into the caves of the Ravenites, dressed in the face of those that broke our backs?\"\nPlayer: Yep, because we're stupid!\nDM: Make a persuasion check with disadvantage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord tells Beau to give an already blushing and uncomfortable Caleb a hug. She very awkwardly does.\nDM: It takes a short time but you manage to, in the next ten minutes or so, feel comfortable that you've mended most of what the harpies had done.\nPlayer: I'm going to go down and let the crew know that everything seems to be copacetic upstairs.\nDM: The two crew that you hired who already rushed in there are in the process of telling the story of what they just saw. They're like, \"And then there was a blasting light up there! It was crazy!\"\nPlayer: Hey, everything seems to have calmed down upstairs, everything seems fine. I think I'm going to try blintzes for breakfast tomorrow. I feel like we could all use a treat.\nDM: You notice half of them go, \"Yeah!\"\nPlayer: They don't know what I'm making them out of, but yeah.\nDM: No. And the other half are like, \"Blintzes?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With a high-level Hold Monster, he paralyzes Zahra, Kash, and both their mounts, sending them plummeting back over the side of the tower. As Vecna's wounds again begin to seal, he telekinetically raises the central platform of the broken tower.\nDM: I'd say you need about 50 feet to get to Grog. 50 feet of your movement, you get down to where Grog is. What are you doing?\nPlayer: I'm going to scoop him up if he can do a little jump and whoosh.\nDM: What's the strength of your planetar?\nPlayer: 24 strength.\nDM: Yeah, you could, yeah. You could probably do that. Roll a strength check for me, if you don't mind.\nPlayer: Okay, that's fine. I rolled a nine plus seven, so 16.\nDM: So you swoop down, arm underneath Grog's shoulders. It's your action do that, I'll say. Grab and get hold, and then--?\nPlayer: Going the rest of my movement, which you said I used 40 feet? 50? So I have another 70 feet of movement.\nDM: You get him about there.\nPlayer: Can I use my bonus to dash a little further?\nDM: I don't think you have a bonus to dash, unfortunately.\nPlayer: Can I, because you held your action. Can I get up there and give him the cheerleader, like the figure skater, Go, Grog! And see if I can do the, you know?\nDM: You've already used your action, unfortunately. That would be an action to try and do that.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Got a copy of Kevdak's bear tattoo done on his back, because that shit's behind me, and made Kevdak's skull into a mug. Returned to Vasselheim and defended his title in the Crucible.\nDM: You watch as in the center of his pupils a little sparkle of interest kicks in. And, I mean, five percent soberer at the prospect of something fun of this stranger that gave him a drink and goes: \"Wait, what are you talking about?\"\nPlayer: Well, listen. I am kind of like an evangelical spreader of good news. And I found this. And one time I pulled a card out and I got a magic weapon. It was amazing. And I just figured, like, you look like a guy that would appreciate such a weapon, so--\nDM: (belches)\nPlayer: -- and I open the Deck. I thought maybe you would like to draw a card.\nDM: He takes a second and looks around. Looks at the Deck. \"Is this some sort of a magic trick?\"\nPlayer: Yes. Yep.\nDM: \"All right. Do you want me to tell you what it is?\"\nPlayer: Sure. Yeah. Just draw it and-- Actually, just hold it and don't tell me what it is.\nDM: Okay. Let me get my cards out.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Another archer, unable to hit Vex, aims for Percy and fires two arrows. Both of them hit the gunslinger, the second arrow deflected enough to reduce damage.\nDM: So go ahead and mark that. Okay. And this guy over here at the very top moves over as well and is going to go ahead and take two more shots at Scanlan. Since there's currently not a whole lot he can see in the area that's a threat to him, near this gleaming beacon of pink and purple up on the rooftop another friend of his is currently whaling on, so. Two attacks against you. That's going to be a 19.\nPlayer: Hit.\nDM: And 23.\nPlayer: Hit.\nDM: All right. You take another six points of piercing damage. Go ahead and make your--\nPlayer: Yeah, 20.\nDM: What was it? 20? Okay. Second one is 14 points of piercing damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott puts one of the jewels in bed with him as they hear someone enter the room above, and they dive under the bed. The crewman above falls through the carpet-covered hole into the room with them, waking the sleeper, who stabs him.\nDM: I mean, he's not dead, but for his level of life experience, he's taken a significant amount of damage and if left it will probably eventually get infected.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to give him a level two Cure Wounds to get him going. That'd ought to heal him, right?\nDM: Go for it and roll.\nPlayer: All right, let's do a level two. Let's see what that looks like. That's 2d8. Don't know why I'm being so fuddy-duddy about this. Do I get a specialty-- no, it's only when I'm healing myself. Okay, 18.\nDM: That's enough to bring him back. You concentrate on him, he winces and you watch as the wounds close up. There's no mark, no scarring. He looks at the wound and goes, \"Mr. Clay, thank you very much.\"\nPlayer: Okay, you're going to want to sit down. Take it easy for a while. I wouldn't get up for like a good half hour. Be very gentle on yourself. Why don't we get this man a drink?\nDM: \"I appreciate that. You're too kind, really.\" Zoen goes \"See? No hard feelings, right?\" and Waldock decks him across the chin. Zoen falls to the ground grabbing the side of his face.\nPlayer: Why don't you get that man a drink?\nDM: \"I think I'm going to do that.\" He gets up. While that's happening, and that's happening, and that's happening.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, to the party. Percy dons his mask and sticks his head into a sand pile that he uncovers under some of the rocks.\nDM: Percy, you also suffered seven points of damage from the crushing and bludgeoning on your head as it passed through.\nPlayer: And I take the fire hand and I stick it, and I light up my fire and I stick it in the fire.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Does anything happen?\nDM: You put your hand in and your hand is still-- it's hot because of the flame that's on it. As you put it in, it is a scorching hot pain.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: You take two points of fire damage just from placing it in there.\nPlayer: Okay, I pull it out and I go fire elemental.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Algar sees them and orders Xundi to finish them off quickly. Roll initiative.\nDM: I'll say if you wanted to try and vertical leap from here, go ahead and make an athletics check to see if, given the circumstances of the turn, you can make it.\nPlayer: Okay, 22.\nDM: 22? I'll allow you to just get the final distance on the edge and have to correct yourself and then catch it on the ledge. But that's the end of your movement there.\nPlayer: (panting) Fuck, you guys. And I'm going to take my shurikens and pop pop!\nDM: Towards?\nPlayer: Whoever I can see.\nDM: You can barely see Algar just around the corner. Three-quarters cover. And then there's the protector who looks fairly hurt.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There they are greeted by you's father, Korrin. A ceremony is held, the whole village gathering to celebrate beneath a huge tree in the center of town.\nDM: A short time passes. A few moments, before you begin to see the city suddenly come to more vibrant life. People are stepping out of their abodes. Dozens of individuals are beginning to come together, talking, whispering, and some looking back and watching you all in the outskirts of Zephra, until eventually it seems a procession of some kind is all gathering and moving out of this mass of people in your direction. As you look, you begin to see people adorned in similar clothing as to when you first encountered Keyleth in the swamps outside of Stillben. You see these leather-based, almost scaled-looking armor that drifts down to the legs. You see people that hold giant staffs that hold golds and greens and blue colors that mark the symbols of the Zephra tribe. And then, in the center of them, you've met once before, you see stepping forth, Korren, the father of Keyleth and the current acting Voice of Tempest of the Zephra. His long white, silver hair drifting behind him. He approaches with a look. Everyone holds back as he steps forth from the crowd and ignoring the rest of you, just goes and beelines straight to Keyleth. You can see him, he has a bit of a limp to him that you don't recall from last time, but he seems other than that in good health. As he approaches you, he clasps his hands out in front of him and takes a good long look at you as he reaches out and takes your hands into his own. \"My daughter.\"\nPlayer: I just drop to a knee and say, Kaitiyaki, father.\nDM: \"Kaitiyaki, Keyleth. We've heard that the defense of Emon was successful, yes?\"\nPlayer: Yes, we have defeated the Chroma Conclave. The help of Vox Machina and many many others, at the cost of many lives.\nDM: \"Good, good. I'm glad we could be of some aid to your journey.\"\nPlayer: Yes, thank you. The Air Ashari were very valuable during that day. Very courageous.\nDM: \"And we will remember those we lost in that fray. The great sacrifices that they gave so that these children could live. So?\" And at this point, he now takes notice of the rest of the group. \"By what joy do we have of bringing your allies here and returning to your people?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party awakens to a clean-shaven Caleb. They descend into the first chamber.\nDM: Actually, if you wanted to jump across, I will say because he\u2019s surprised, and he isn't aware that you're there quite yet, if you want to leap across, make an acrobatics check, if you still wanted to try and do so. You will land in the water. You'll be about waist-high in the water, if not more.\nPlayer: No, I'll be good. This is regular attacks, right?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: First attack. That was good. 20?\nDM: 20 hits.\nPlayer: Second attack. That's garbage, that's an eight.\nDM: First one hits.\nPlayer: Eight damage. I'm going to spend a ki and do Flurry of Blows. Two unarmed strikes. Natural one.\nDM: Nope.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of Vex and Vax, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city \u2014and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists.\nDM: It's not great. It would slow your pace if you didn't have her leading you through. It's still not the fastest pace in the world, but you're able to keep going at a decent rate.\nPlayer: Can I jog up to Garmelie and Vex real fast? You said that there were lycans at some point, and you said they move through the trees, right?\nDM: \"Yes, from what I've heard.\"\nPlayer: Would that be these trees?\nDM: \"Possibly.\"\nPlayer: Right. Have you seen a lycan?\nDM: \"I haven't.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: And Scanlan taking the rear. As you guys hear the crashing of stone at the far corner accompanied directly after the whisper of Vax's cry-out of \"Jenga!\" you already know shit is going down. Percy, you're up first. Clutching the bottom of the broom that has not moved yet, what are you doing with your turn?\nPlayer: I'm going to drop down. I'll let go of the broom. I'm going to just fire blind where I heard the noise coming from.\nDM: So you're firing in this direction?\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: Go ahead and make your attacks at disadvantage.\nPlayer: Disadvantage. That is a 25.\nDM: Due to the massive size of this currently still invisible entity, you do manage to catch an odd bullet towards its form. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Oh my god. Ten points of piercing damage.\nDM: All righty. (gunshot sound) Gun goes off, echoes, little bit of dust comes loose from the ceiling and falls down as you ready for your next shot.\nPlayer: I'll take the next shot. Forget it. Might as well go for it.\nDM: At disadvantage.\nPlayer: That's 20.\nDM: This time, the shot goes the second time (gunshot sound) poofs against some stone in the distance, not hitting its mark.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they find a cave filled with magical darkness. Keyleth shifts into an earth elemental to scout the cave, finding that it contains a strange planar rift and a group of grick.\nDM: Okay, you're attacking him twice. As you're sitting on the carpet, you pull out (schwoop, schwoop) and rapidly release two arrows in succession.\nPlayer: Oh, natural 20! (all cheer)\nDM: Yeah! All right. And what's the other attack?\nPlayer: 21.\nDM: Both hit. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Hit him. Oh, actually, 23. I forgot I had bracers on.\nDM: That hits. Well, the bracers only affect your damage, not to hit.\nPlayer: Good to know! 21!\nDM: You get +2 to all damage rolls with ranged attacks.\nPlayer: What do I do for a critical, then?\nDM: You roll the regular damage, multiply it by two, and then add your modifier at the end.\nPlayer: Okay. Oh, that's not that good. 15 for the first one. And 12 for the second one.\nDM: And Hunter's Mark on both of those?\nPlayer: And Hunter's Mark on both!\nDM: Because it's on the board?\nPlayer: That was definitely a six. That was a six!\nDM: There you go!\nPlayer: Seven, then, for Hunter's Mark.\nDM: The smoke filters out of the way, and you make the visual. You see your brother on the ground, currently seizing, and in the rubble, you see the shadow of one of the undead, still standing angrily. It rears back with its claws forward and gives this horrible gnashing sound as its jaw opens and actually widens. This long tongue (wet sucking noise) whips out on it. As you bear down and release one arrow, (shoomf) piercing the side of its shoulder. As it reaches out to break it off, its tongue still out, the second one goes into the tongue, out the back of the throat. (choking noise) It reaches up and breaks off the arrow in the throat, looks towards you, goes to lunge, and as it does, you can see it just collapses on top of his body, no longer moving.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The female gunner lives through the impact and the mage also dies on impact. Percy uses Diplomacy on Kynan, stunning him.\nDM: He's like (grunt). The electricity hit. He's currently shocked. He's going to be stunned-- he can't do anything for the next round.\nPlayer: Okay. Am I close enough-- in theory, I wanted to be touching distance to Keyleth?\nDM: Yes, you are.\nPlayer: Can I use a bonus to feed her a potion, or is that a full action?\nDM: To feed somebody a potion? That's a full action.\nPlayer: (high voice) All right, next round.\nDM: Yourself is a bonus. But that requires you to pull it out, grab someone, open their mouth, pull off the cork, pour it down, and make sure they swallow it.\nPlayer: Okay, that's fine. For the rest of my action, I'm going to, after that, two slashes with the sword to finish it up, and then hop down.\nDM: Go for it. Go for it.\nPlayer: Do I have advantage because he's fucked at the moment?\nDM: Oh yeah, no. He is stunned, so attacks have advantage.\nPlayer: Okay, so let's do two little slashes.\nDM: Technically, it's incapacitated--\nPlayer: Natural 20!\nDM: Well they're both crits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They get into the rowboat, Fjord and Jester swimming alongside and Nott trying unsuccessfully to hide from them before they leave. you turns Frumpkin into an octopus and throws him into the water.\nDM: Okay. So, there is a circular pipe entrance or a tunnel entrance 40 feet down, right as the water gets darker and more murky. Bits of clustered seaweed begin to come up and tickle the bottoms of Frumpkin's tentacles in that vicinity. Elements of it are blocking the front, but you can clearly see there is a dark tunnel that continues into the earth, beneath the city, beneath the docks. You don't know how far it goes, necessarily.\nPlayer: Do Frumpkin and I see anything alive or moving down here?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Pretty good. 18.\nDM: You do not see anything alive or moving in this vicinity. Best you can see, the tunnel continues in for about 15 or so feet, and there is a metal grate. You can see eight or so bars across. Actually, about ten bars, about an inch thick each, and they're horizontal, though it's a little bit tilted to one side.\nPlayer: How far apart are each of the bars?\nDM: With eight of them and it's about four and a half, five feet across. Sorry, ten across. It would be about six inches between each.\nPlayer: I think my octopus could probably squeeze through that.\nDM: Yeah, your octopus could.\nPlayer: (plopping sound)\nDM: All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, We are so sorry! We didn't know it was you folks!\nDM: \"It belonged to someone. They're alive. We didn't kill them, but we took their stuff and we sent them on their way.\"\nPlayer: Are you bullshitting us?\nDM: \"No!\"\nPlayer: Are you bullshitting me now?\nDM: \"No!\"\nPlayer: I'm looking in his cart.\nDM: Okay, make an investigation check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax offers the helmet and the proposal that should she still fall under any control, one of them could strike her to break it, and that it would go a long way towards earning trust. As they enter the cellar, Cassandra accepts Vax's offer and dons the helmet as it is attuned to her over the next half-hour.\nDM: She sits down a couple of steps deeper into the cellar. Curls around a corner; ushers you all over into the shadows.\nPlayer: Can I see, before we leave, are we near any windows?\nDM: From this location? No. All the windows that would be here would face out into the north side of Whitestone, which is forested.\nPlayer: Backyard?\nDM: You guys are on the north side of the castle now. The city is south from you.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: So you take a moment and sit. While you guys are waiting, she takes a moment. She's adjusting it and feeling it and inspecting her hands. (sighs) \"I don't feel any different. While we wait--\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: \"We've been told something similar before, and that didn't go too well. Put the skull down, please.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. But it's a wish. We can wish for anything.\nDM: \"Grog, please, trust me? Put the skull down.\"\nPlayer: I don't want to put it down.\nDM: \"I know. Do you trust me?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"Put the skull down, Grog.\"\nPlayer: I drop the skull.\nDM: Okay. The tapestry clatters to the ground and opens up, and the skull rolls for a second and stops on its side. You can see now, the golden skull is just resting there. The gem still with the intricate filigree, buried within the eye socket. Pike turns to the rest of you and calls you over. \"We don't know what this is. And dangerous magics are drawn to imagery like this. Let us see what this is about, first.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Just then, Tary's force bubble expires, and Ogden goes plummeting over the cliff. you dives after him and catches him.\nDM: Actually, for this in particular, because it's less of a reaction, this is a-- make a dexterity check. This is just a plus your dexterity bonus.\nPlayer: Okay. I have Luck. I've got one Luck left. 20.\nDM: You reach out once and grab a section of the cloth and it tears-- and he keeps plummeting. You watch as the stones below-- it's a jagged base of the Salted Bluffs. About ten feet before impact, as his screaming has stopped-- and you grab him and just (whff) right across the surface of the water, but inches! His toes-- the tips of his feet skid across the surface of the water as you (whoosh) and rocket him straight back up towards the top of the cliff. It's going to take you a little while to get up there now.\nPlayer: Sure.\nDM: Diving is one thing. He is unconscious in your grasp.\nPlayer: And the Haste is gone by the time I've gone through all that?\nDM: Yeah. So you're slowly flying your way back up. You guys are bent over and you can see the raven wings-- you can't quite see whether or not he got him, but all you see is Vax slowly making his way back towards the top of the cliff.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There was a cart of horses pulling a group of four gnomes that all eventually revealed themselves to be family of Pike Trickfoot. After taking them in, whether or not Vox Machina was excited or eager to, nevertheless they treated them with hospitality, gave them a place to stay, gave them food for the evening, conversations were had, and information was passed around.\nDM: \"All of that! All of it, honestly.\" Johann at this point is still enthralled and goes, \"Where does one procure such a weapon?\"\nPlayer: One does not, sadly.\nDM: \"Okay.\"\nPlayer: They're very rare outside of this castle, and traditionally when they're found outside of this castle, they're collected and the owner is often killed.\nDM: \"Good to know! Good to know, Astra.\" And Astra goes, \"What?! I think it's sexy.\" And Johann's like, \"If you have one lying around you don't need, just let me-- \"\nPlayer: I will let you know.\nDM: \"Okay.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: Well, nine plus rage damage-- well, 9 times two, so it's 18 plus rage damage, plus your strength modifier. You destroyed the tentacle. The tentacle's dead.\nPlayer: Cool. (all laugh)\nDM: Yeah, Keyleth's tentacle is just smeared like a-- you slam into it and watch as a cloud of dark purple liquid kind of goes past her face. The blood from the kraken clears and the tentacle just goes limp, the section that's been removed from the rest of the tendril.\nPlayer: Not that you even need it, but I try and release Vax as well.\nDM: Go for it. So roll for--\nPlayer: Reckless! 16. 30-- 20-- 32.\nDM: Yeah, it hits.\nPlayer: Cool. Seven. 22.\nDM: 22. You slam into the side of Vax's tentacle, bash it, bash it. It's starting to tear apart, but it's not enough to free him entirely.\nPlayer: Cool. I am going to biggity-buck the fat out! (all laugh)\nDM: All right, your movement is 50, and you've not used Alter Self, right?\nPlayer: No, 'cause I don't have that!\nDM: Yes, that's--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Meanwhile, the rest of the party arrive at The Shade, a lounge tavern with segmented spots that doubles as a hookah bar. Keyleth reveals that the Earth Ashari are super into hookah , which could mean that when she visited months ago, she had partaken in it.\nDM: He nods. \"It may take a bit of time. I know someone who could bring this, but I could not bring you to them. They'd have to bring it to you.\"\nPlayer: Where can we meet?\nDM: \"Well, where are you staying?\"\nPlayer: I'm staying outside of the walls in a small encampment, but I can meet him sometime tonight inside the walls.\nDM: \"Where would you need to meet?\"\nPlayer: How about where we first met, at that same intersection, or is that too busy?\nDM: \"That is far too busy. It needs to be private, away.\"\nPlayer: I'm sort of a visitor here.\nDM: \"If you want a place to stay, there is Luck's Run, the casino. There are back rooms there.\"\nPlayer: There's a casino?\nDM: \"Yes.\"\nPlayer: Hells yes.\nDM: \"There is the Debt's Respite Inn, which has its own grasp of lowlifes. Those are probably the best bets.\"\nPlayer: Let's meet in a room at the casino.\nDM: \"The casino it is. Which room?\"\nPlayer: The red room? I'm not familiar with this casino. I'll need some guidance.\nDM: \"Wear a red shirt. He will find you in the casino.\"\nPlayer: Okay. That sounds good.\nDM: \"All right. Hour past sundown, we'll find you there.\"\nPlayer: Tonight? What time?\nDM: \"An hour past sundown.\"\nPlayer: Oh, sorry. I was thinking about the casino. Sorry.\nDM: \"How much do you want?\"\nPlayer: Oh my god. I'm not prepared for this!\nDM: He starts looking a little untrusting.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: \"From what I hear, as my assistant has told me, your business is shoes. Tell me, why would the business of shoes require such an ostentatious location for business?\"\nPlayer: The shoes are the public face, but the well runs deep.\nDM: \"We get to the meat of the matter, eh? So, shoes is but an appearance. What is your business aside from cobbling, Mr. Shorthalt?\"\nPlayer: I know my way around poison, and I hear you have the rarest of breeds here. I have come to spend some money to satisfy my clients.\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: 15 again.\nDM: What was it?\nPlayer: 15 again.\nDM: \"Poisons? So you supply to what? King-killers? Supply to sell-swords? You apply them to your own weapons? You realize this city is very, very tight-knit when it comes to these sorts of industries. Although I know you would think possibly to find it here, I guarantee you what we deal with here has nothing to do with slitting of throats.\"\nPlayer: I'm not looking to sell. I'm looking to buy.\nDM: \"I will tell you one thing that I am interested in buying. I'm interested in buying information. I'm interested in buying loyalty. I'm interested in buying trust. Since you've walked into this room, there has been an air of something not right about you. And through this conversation, I have come to believe that perhaps you're not telling me the truth. Now, I will ask of you this moment, whoever you may be, Shorthalt or not, but this entire facility is very well paid to make sure that should you try anything funny, you won't get but two steps before the heads leave your shoulders. So let's be frank here. Who are you? Why are you here?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He asks to know what Vox Machina have been doing over the last week, so Vax'ildan gives the account of what they accomplished underneath Kraghammer. Kima vouches for the account.\nDM: She steps back over to her chair, sits down, and says, \"Just a precaution, I like to keep my private things private. But, a deal is a deal and you've done as you've asked. So as we've discussed, 10,000 gold pieces, to the lot of you, and my greatest thanks.\"\nPlayer: I take that. \"to the lot of you, and my greatest thanks.\" (all laugh)\nDM: She hands it out to Vex's eager palm. It's very heavy.\nPlayer: Good thing I'm strong then, huh?\nDM: With her 9 strength, it sags.\nPlayer: Sorry about the hand gesture there, stop it. (all laugh)\nDM: Internet. She sits back down, says, \"You tell me what else if anything has transpired, and I'll let you know what you've missed.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There was a cart of horses pulling a group of four gnomes that all eventually revealed themselves to be family of Pike Trickfoot. After taking them in, whether or not Vox Machina was excited or eager to, nevertheless they treated them with hospitality, gave them a place to stay, gave them food for the evening, conversations were had, and information was passed around.\nDM: All right. You guys stay for a bit and have some tea with him and catch up, and let him know more of the adventures that you've had since last you checked up on him in Westruun. Anything else you guys want to work out here in Westruun with Wilhand?\nPlayer: I'll just ask him, is there any message you wish to send to Ogden or the rest of the Trickfoots?\nDM: \"I would tell them that if they have a penchant for sweets, they should curb that a bit. Apparently there's a family history of diabetes.\"\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: \"Just a word of advice I'm throwing out there for their own well-being.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Family history, got it.\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: \"And don't be penises.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matt promoted their charity, 826LA, and then character intro videos were re-aired.\nDM: See you guys in a little bit. [character intros] Welcome back, guys. All right, I think everyone is sufficiently rested and bathroom breaked.\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: And so we will pick it back up. So as you all regain consciousness and prepare yourselves for the day ahead, once again, you've gone a number of days without sunlight, without any vision of the sky. It's a very disorienting experience for all of you who are unfamiliar with subterranean territory. Even though you are rested, you don't feel rested. There's kinks in your back from the rocky floor. The best you could find yourself any sort of comfort here is from whatever you have on your back. Most of you sleep in your armor out of necessity and paranoia. As consciousness comes to you, you guys are able to try and find your way back out now that you've been sealed in.\nPlayer: Can we squish through the little cracks?\nDM: No.\nPlayer: We have to cut it down?\nDM: You have about a five, six-inch gap between each of them.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Deciding there is no time like the present, you sets off for the Sun Tree. She spends the rest of the day sitting at its base and meditating, hoping for a vision, though none arrives.\nDM: You lean back into Trinket and the warmth is comforting, as it is getting colder here, especially beneath the earth in a space that, aside from the natural earth insulation, the cold of the night of Whitestone does get pretty biting.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: The warmth is welcome. And you think back and you have really no sense of what time it is, you really don't. You have no idea how long you've been in there. It could have been minutes, hours, it's hard to tell.\nPlayer: It's days down here, Trinket. We're imprisoned forever! This fucking title! I thought I wanted it! I thought I did!\nDM: Trinket goes, \"Really?\"\nPlayer: Yeah, I know!\nDM: \"I don't want to stay here forever.\"\nPlayer: Well, it's not going to be forever, eventually we'll get sick of it, dear.\nDM: \"Okay.\"\nPlayer: And then we'll leave.\nDM: And Trinket kind of falls asleep.\nPlayer: I lean back on him and just look up at the roots and say, oh, Pelor! You have something to tell me and I want to hear it! And I'm getting tired of being down here but I swear I'm fine, I'm going to keep concentrating, because I'm committed to you and I'm committed to this Hunt and I'm committed to this title and this city... and your tree, and your leaves, and your trunk, and these roots, and the dirt around me, and all of that. And I'm going to keep thinking.\nDM: Okay. As you're thinking about this, you're leaning back into Trinket. The warmth is comforting. Make another wisdom saving throw.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party share tales from their time apart. Vex, to great dismay, learns about the fate of the flying carpet.\nDM: Grog, you come up to a gentleman. He's dressed in a fine velvet bright-red-and-maroon tunic, and he's carrying a small satchel at his side, and he's standing outside of a small tent and he's like, \"Anyone? Come forth! I carry oddities of all kinds! If you wish to see what I have for sale, I'll be happy to sell them!\" Turns and sees you. \"Oh. You, sir! You look like you're in an inquiring mood.\"\nPlayer: What'd you call me?\nDM: \"Sir. It's a respectful term.\"\nPlayer: What were you saying?\nDM: \"I should probably go.\"\nPlayer: No, wait, you said you have oddities.\nDM: \"Yes. Strange things from around the lands. I have them sent in from all over the continents.\"\nPlayer: Go on, then. Like what?\nDM: \"Like--\" And he reaches into his pouch and pulls out this small jar that contains a liquid, and you can see something sort of floating in this liquid. It's a little bit cloudy. \"This is the eye of a basilisk I procured from the distant north of Tal'Dorei.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They are pulled into the center and announced as The Mighty Nein's final round. Knowing the Stubborn Stock is watching from behind the distant doorways that lead into the central arena, the members of the Mighty Nein all scattered about the sands as the sun begins to get close to dusk, shouting out their various plans and then abandoning them last minute.\nDM: We've used it occasionally, but it works against you guys as well. If you manage to get directly across from a creature with an ally in melee, you get advantage on the attack.\nPlayer: All right, so this is advantage on the attack.\nDM: You were ranged last campaign so it didn't come into play very often.\nPlayer: No, not very often. I was trying to remember. I'm not feeling good about that one. Here we are. That's a 25 to hit.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: I assume I don't get the extra bonus for radiant.\nDM: No, he's not undead.\nPlayer: (counting) Eight points of damage.\nDM: Eight points of damage for the first strike.\nPlayer: Then the next one is a natural 20! That's 14 points of damage.\nDM: The first strike you carve up alongside its blubbery, thick belly that's flipping over this piece of cloth that it has matted around its midsection. As you cut through, it buckles a little bit on that one side of the leg and you use that moment to cut behind its thigh, right down below where the Achilles tendon is. As you cut across, blood spatters across the sand and (yelling).\nPlayer: All right!\nDM: That's your turn?\nPlayer: Yeah, I'm holding.\nDM: He's going to use a legendary action.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, To be honest with you, I thought we were going on a pleasure cruise. But you know, I\u2019ve met some people, and we\u2019ve had a great time, and yeah.\nDM: \"I must commend you, it has been a very long time since someone has been so bold with such massive balls to come onto my ship. And I think that perhaps I got where I am today not by seeing through a few paltry illusions.\"\nPlayer: Well, I must commend you on your perceptiveness. My balls are quite large. [cheering] I will drop the mask.\nDM: You drop the the Disguise Self, okay. As you say that and the Disguise Self drops, you hear a series of sounds that you hadn't really heard in succession before. (clicking) [groaning] As you see most of the crew now wielding some variation of the firearms you had seen both in Hupperdook or the traveling armies of the Empire eastward towards the boundaries of Xhorhas. [laughter] Have them trained on the lot of you. The captain still now has her hands crossed in front of you and goes, \"Well, I guess now that we are out in the open, who the fuck are you and how did you come in the possession of The Mist?\"\nPlayer: That is a wonderful story. One that I would love to share. You have the honor of being in the company of The Mighty Nein. [cheering]\nDM: \"But there are only seven of you.\" [laughter]\nPlayer: It's a long story, but I'm afraid we won't be able to tell it or further converse unless we have an atmosphere of equal exchange here, and this hostile act is not a step in the right direction, Captain.\nDM: \"So you are the captain of that ship. Are you suggesting that we parlay?\" [laughter]\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He says he does. Vex shoots two arrows, one into the giant's knee and one into its chest.\nDM: You do have advantage on this, if you wish to roll. You technically have him flanked with the other guy.\nPlayer: That's a 26.\nDM: That hits, definitely.\nPlayer: Yeah, because he's surrounded. All right, so I'm up on his shoulders at this point. One plus seven is eight, plus ten, 11, 16, that's 21, 23.\nDM: 23 points of damage?\nPlayer: Yeah, with Flametongue.\nDM: All righty. So as you leap into the air, you bring the blade, slam into the center of its face, over one of the eyebrows. It slams into the skull, and using your weight, you tear down, dragging the blade across its face. The bone is brittle underneath its flesh, and it hacks part of its face open. The bone and teeth immediately become visible. Its jaw clenches and actually clamps onto your blade as it reaches the bottom of its face and you catch yourself there for a second, the horrible scent of its rotting flesh hitting your body. You manage to take your foot up, push off, pulling the blade out from under its toothy grasp, and you land on the ground right beside it. Big old jagged gash in the side of its face.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Broker, a red-skinned, horned tiefling ambushes the party with the help of a sickly older lady and a scarred, masked humanoid. The Broker names Nefertiri, Nethspira and Bellenore , sisters of Lillith, as his quest givers, and hints that he is acting legally.\nDM: All right, Trinket (galloping sounds) rolls forward and (bear rolling sounds). Both of them try to move out of the way, they both get their dex save. All right, so Broker manages to pull out of the way just in time. However, the other, the big, thicker character doesn't quite have the dexterity to shift out of the way and takes the full impact. Okay. He suffers 14 points of bludgeoning damage as Trinket tears through.\nPlayer: Eat it! Go, Trinket!\nDM: He is knocked prone.\nPlayer: Good job, buddy! Little buddy!\nDM: That's Trinket's attack.\nPlayer: Then I get a move, still. I mean, I get an action. I'm going attack him! I'm going to attack the Broker!\nDM: For how that works for you and your bear, because that's his attack this turn.\nPlayer: I mean, yes. I'm assuming that's his attack, or was that his move?\nDM: Well, that's his attack. It's been a while since you attacked with Trinket.\nPlayer: I get to have Trinket attack, and then I get to attack.\nDM: Once, right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Briarwoods reach the top and disappear from view, but Vex watches them move towards a smaller structure at the top. They break up into smaller groups and begin the climb the stairs after them.\nDM: As you put the mask on and you begin to ascend, you can feel the nerves tickle your belly and you know what you're about to encounter, and doing so, you feel that heat rise in the back of your neck, and as you do, (whoosh) the smoke begins to billow out from under your collar and out of your sleeves.\nPlayer: I make my way to the top of the stairs.\nDM: Trinket coming slowly behind you. They open the doors and they're beginning to step into the chamber.\nPlayer: Sylas!\nDM: They stop. Both Lord and Lady Briarwood look over their shoulder.\nPlayer: A moment of your time.\nDM: They look at each other, (sighs) close the chamber door. Sylas reaches out and grabs something or pushes something that's out of sight, and then they both turn and begin to step forward a little bit, with Vax and Cassandra flanking them, stopping right outside of the doors.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester purchases the Dust of Deliciousness, and manages to get 5 gp off because Pumat likes her. As Beau and Caleb leave the group, you and Jester continue on their shopping trip:\n Grace of the Wilds: you follows his nose to an herb shop in the Pentamarket.\nDM: Yeah, you would be purchasing proficiencies, the training is what you would be doing. This would be the bulk of your downtime, because it will take a while for you to really get--\nPlayer: I only had a couple other light things I was going to do anyway.\nDM: But the full training for this will come to about, I'll say, 200 gold.\nPlayer: I can do that.\nDM: And you are now proficient in the herbalism kit.\nPlayer: Actually, I was already proficient in the herbalism kit, I was just specifically looking for the stuff to make the potions.\nDM: Oh, I misunderstood! Oh!\nPlayer: No, I got that already. I've never-- Back when I did this they didn't have all this craziness.\nDM: I've got you. Well, if that's the case, buying the materials-- You're essentially buying them at half-price. You can make healing potions, but you get to make them at 25 gold apiece, as opposed to 50.\nPlayer: Sure! I'll get-- Let's get 150 gold worth of that, and then probably some cooking spices, too.\nDM: Okay, yeah. Cooking spices will run you a gold for the full set.\nPlayer: Oh, so it's 151. Anything else of interest or otherwise? Maybe some good beverages or otherwise there?\nDM: You can find a whole bevy of beverages all throughout the Pentamarket.\nPlayer: Yeah, I'll find other stuff otherwise. Other than that I've got diamonds and some-- I'm looking for some general store kind of stuff.\nDM: Okay. So at 150 gold, (counting) that's six healing potions that you have the materials to make. But you can spend your downtime during this week to make a few, if you'd like.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: That'll put you at about one potion per day of creation. So you can easily take this time to make all six.\nPlayer: Oh, easily.\nDM: They're baseline healing potions, level one, but you should be able to do so. Cool. And you made a friend with Jasna Bree!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, before Anders takes his dagger and slits her throat. Two sources of metal clank together but you can't tell who or want made the sounds.\nDM: Great. All right, so as you step across the threshold of the room, the tile in front of you all of a sudden bursts in a flash of blue, painfully cold energy, like there's a concentrated moment of shredding ice.\nPlayer: Am I able to use evasion for that?\nDM: You can, technically.\nPlayer: So if I succeed, I take no damage.\nDM: Correct. Okay, so you take no damage. You dart across, just managing to use that momentum and your intensity toward this horrible moment that just happened before you. And you feel the explosion happen behind you. You just manage to pass beyond it. You rush forward to him. All right. And he's dropped her to the ground now. She's fallen onto her hands and knees.\nPlayer: I'm going into his guts.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: So first attack is a 25, second attack is a 20, and the third attack is a 26. One, two, three?\nDM: One, two, three.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: It's been about an hour or so since that last encounter as you were travelling through the forest, so with Hex, up to an hour. Yeah, unfortunately.\nPlayer: Oh, fuck it. And it's a full day's rest? It's a long rest.\nDM: For you, yeah. 'Cause it's the feat as opposed to an actual class feature. All right, taking your aim.\nPlayer: That's fine! Taking that shot.\nDM: Sharpshooter or not?\nPlayer: No, not Sharpshooter. That's 24 to hit.\nDM: 24 hits! Heavy plate armor covered orc-like creature. Bigger than a regular orc that you've seen before.\nPlayer: He has a strength saving throw?\nDM: Yes, he does.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Trent says he would very much like to talk to her in the future. As he and Oremid leave, Caleb leans forward and looks at the ground.\nDM: This was her ceding to the Victory Pit victory and return customer price. Jester, what are you doing?\nPlayer: I'm going to see if my package is here from my mom.\nDM: Okay, so you head to where you went previously, which is a little side chamber. There's a young woman there waiting, who is falling asleep at the desk. \"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't see you there. Can I help you?\"\nPlayer: I blend in with my environment very often. It's common.\nDM: \"Oh. Well, very well done.\"\nPlayer: I have a package here, probably.\nDM: \"Name?\"\nPlayer: Jester.\nDM: \"Jester. Hold on just a second.\" She gets up and walks out of the room. A minute passes. Two minutes pass.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A scuffle ensues as they chase down a necromancer, a number of cultists, and some creatures from the Shadowfell. During the fray, Scanlan gets Sprigg back on his feet, and Keyleth kill a couple of the cultists with a Firestorm.\nDM: Okay, 27. So that's your first strike. (arrow shot) First one just (impact sound) hits in the side and you see the bolt of energy arc out and the flames burn up the arrow. By the way, the wall behind you is starting to get really warm.\nPlayer: I'm going to move forward. I'm going to actually move toward the corner where Keyleth is.\nDM: There's a guy on the ground there.\nPlayer: Oh, there is?\nDM: Yeah. So you've got to step over him.\nPlayer: I'm going to step on him.\nDM: As you move past, he does get a swing with his shortsword at you. Oh, wow. That's a 25.\nPlayer: Oh, wow. He hits me. Probably because I stepped on him.\nDM: I think so. So you take nine points of slashing damage. Just like, (pain sound) as you're walking past.\nPlayer: (pain sound) Fuck. Ah, shit. Okay, I'm going to hit the big hulking thing again.\nDM: I realized he had disadvantage, but I rolled another 18, so it's fine.\nPlayer: Oh, okay, well, yeah. I'm going to do the same thing with the big hulking guy.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: 25 to hit.\nDM: 25 hits.\nPlayer: Oh, I didn't add plus ten to the previous one!\nDM: Because of the sharpshooter, all right. 39 last time. So go ahead and take a swing at it.\nPlayer: Thanks! 14.\nDM: You're up next, Keyleth.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Howaardt confesses to his son that their family has become impoverished, unable to pay their debts to the Myriad. He has brought Tary home to take up the mantle of duty to his family by marrying one Lydia, a daughter of the wealthy Truscan family, which would solve their financial problems.\nDM: \"You underestimate the sheer size and how ingrained they are in the society here. This is no guild. Wildmount is the Myriad in many ways.\"\nPlayer: And if I say no and they take all of our possessions and our estate, everything, what then? We're ruined.\nDM: \"We're on the street. We are but beggars within our own city, at the mercy of those we've been taxing.\"\nPlayer: How could you do this to us?\nDM: \"Because I loved you. I loved you all, and I did what was necessary.\"\nPlayer: You never told us that. You always talked about bloodlines and legacies and the Darrington name. But you never told us you were proud. You never comforted us. You never cared what I wanted to do or who I wanted to be. I'm cursed with this name now, Darrington. You've sullied our name by enforcing these taxes and just being an asshole to everyone around our whole city, and now I have to live with it or marry this girl to save it. Listen, I'm sorry I left, and I'm sorry I took all of that gold. I did not know it was everything. But what you're asking me is-- I'll need to think. I'm sorry.\nDM: \"I owe you that, at least. I never claimed to be a good man. I never claimed to be a good father, good husband, but I can try to be better, can't I?\"\nPlayer: Yes, you can. I'm going to go see Mother and Sister. Might my friends stay here the night?\nDM: \"Of course, and enjoy the grounds while you can.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, they cannot find anything, and you skips away. Molly buys a huge, silly tapestry of the Platinum Dragon.\nDM: \"Candy apple, all right, for you and the six for you. (shouting) All out of caramel apples for the time being, but return here in an hour!\"\nPlayer: An hour! You have to wait because we got all of them!\nDM: There's this little girl across the way who's like--\nPlayer: Aw. I cut a little slice off and give her one little slice.\nDM: You approach, and she gets scared. As you get closer you can see she looks a little disheveled. Probably one of the less well-off people of the city of Zadash. You don't see a parental figure in the near vicinity.\nPlayer: Where's your mama? Do you have a mama? Is she around?\nDM: Just runs off.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With Bigby's Hand aiding in you's intimidation, the herd members holding Zanror and his mate release them. He puts his arm around his mate, Worra, apologizing for what happened.\nDM: As Bigby's hand points to Zanror, the two that are holding the chains move up and begin to unchain them both, taking the shackles off his hands and the female goliath at his side. Eventually he stands up, reaches over and puts his arm around her and says, \"I am sorry, Worra.\"\nPlayer: Worra.\nDM: Worra. She stands and goes, \"Do not be sorry. It seems we've been delivered from our judgment.\" She looks up towards you. You don't recognize her.\nPlayer: I don't.\nDM: She's not from the original Herd.\nPlayer: Zanror, she is quite a beauty. Congratulations.\nDM: \"You saved us narrowly being executed, Grog.\" And he stands up and gets to the front of all the rest of the Herd there. \"Call forth the rest of our people. We do not leave this town yet. We claim Westruun home for one more night. For it is tomorrow at dawn, we slam our blades against the hide of a dragon.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the tower, you continues to hurry upward while trying to shake off the planar that has grabbed on to her. Although it does slow her down, she gets rid of it in time to reach the very top of the tower before it closes.\nDM: Yeah, it hits you, you take disadvantage on your next strike. Go ahead and roll an athletics check to try and buck him off. One last time, this is the only one you have time for. Disadvantage because he punched you in the face.\nPlayer: Okay, 14.\nDM: 14, all right, you're slowing down, you're slowing down, you're not quite getting there, he's bashing you in the face--\nPlayer: I'm going to take my claws up and rake him!\nDM: Okay, make another strength check.\nPlayer: What is it, 18!\nDM: 11! You thrust him off your face! As he falls off down below, (flapping) you make it up to the top, and you now see the brazier is about the size of your dragon form. It's physically your size and you can see now the tower's beginning to close around you, what are you going to do?\nPlayer: I'm going to reach the tower thing and push myself up through.\nDM: Okay, you pull your way up to the top, and now you're right above the brazier and the flames. You look down into the brazier, the fire there burning is ever-present light--\nPlayer: I rush into the fire!\nDM: You dive into the fire. Your dragon form. which resists it at that point, it immerses your entire form, at which point you hear the tower, guys, above you crack and you hear this echoing (smash) sound, of what sounds like shattering of a thousand windows at once. You, as you dive into the flames, feel this moment of searing bright pain in your eyes, in your mind. Your dragon form is immune to flames, but your form suddenly shrinks, the spell dispelled, the dragonoid form cast away. You sense this kind of lost nothing; your whole body is numb at this point, and you are just surrounded by a white light. Much like where Vax, in the plane in his communion with the Raven Queen is shrouded in darkness, this is endless, every color. You have no sense of personal form. You have no sense of time, place, and for the first time in a long time, you don't remember your name. For a brief instant, you think, what bit of conscious thought you can make, is this is what oblivion feels like? Did you make the right choice? Were you led astray? Were you strong of heart enough? The flames were intended to cleanse away sin, darkness, possibly those who are unworthy. Is this it now? Did you fail? You guys down below watch as the chamber doors that closed off above you (scraping noise) open up again to reveal the tower. And you can see there, suspended in the middle of the air, thousands of shards of stained glass that had shattered inwards from the impact but frozen, held in place. As they all slowly retract back, reforming the windows that were once there. Whatever impact or shock wave had scattered them below reversed and repaired. And you watch as they do so, ascending, until the tower's back untouched as it was. The one planar that had ridden the dragon form of Vex towards the top of the tower slowly descends (flapping) and lands next to the three others. And they all give a nod towards the Dawnfather, who's still there, not looking upward, just looking at the rest of the remaining members of Vox Machina, his beacon of attention just shifting from one to the other. The three planars leave the still-open doors. \"What does she mean to you?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb and Nott use WC and the horse from Alfield, which are pulling the cart. Caleb rests in the back while Nott drives the wagon.\nDM: \"We have a few in stock, actually. You want to--\" and he's like \"I'm already on it.\" Then he turns around and pulls out a large, eight vial collecting case that he sets on the table. \"That's one there. And there's another. We've got a variety of vials at your disposal, so let us know what you're looking for.\"\nPlayer: How much would a greater healing potion run me?\nDM: \"That? Let's see here. That would put you back about 200 gold pieces for a single vial.\"\nPlayer: How about one of the more basic healing potions?\nDM: \"A general?\"\nPlayer: A general, yes.\nDM: \"That'll put you at a simple 50 gold pieces.\"\nPlayer: I'll take one of those.\nDM: \"It would be my pleasure, Mr. Green Man.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Many of the townsfolk gathered at that square were immediately killed. The party, as well as a few other straggling survivors, ran away as both the gargantuan black and green dragons began to chase them down.\nDM: Yeah, it can't see right now. Currently it's obscured. Oh, hold on! But it has blindsight 60 feet, so it has no effect on him, unfortunately. So as it stops in the air, it still manages to use its sense of smell and the general atmospheric ability to sense what's around it. It seem to move its head and search--\nPlayer: Can I attack right now? I was holding my attack.\nDM: You can. Now, what's the range on your daggers?\nPlayer: 60, because I'm Sharpshooter.\nDM: 30, 40, 50, 60-- it's just at the cusp. Like just barely cusp, but yeah, you can get your attack.\nPlayer: So I'm going before him, and it's a surprise attack because I'm hidden and I'm going first--\nDM: Yes, you're essentially interrupting his attack because the moment he came into range--\nPlayer: So it's an advantage and it is an automatic crit?\nDM: It's not a automatic crit, it's not surprised.\nPlayer: It's not surprised?\nDM: No, it know you guys are there.\nPlayer: Even hiding behind a tree? All right.\nDM: A surprise generally means that it has absolutely no idea that you are there or there's any sort of threat from you.\nPlayer: 24.\nDM: 24 hits.\nPlayer: All right. And then the second dagger I throw-- I can only throw a second one-- is also a 24.\nDM: Both hit.\nPlayer: So the first one is double dice, so eight plus-- 14, 15, 18, 23, 25. Double dice is 50 plus seven is-- Yeah, 57 for the first.\nDM: Ooh, nice.\nPlayer: And the second one goes bink. That is a ten.\nDM: Ten, all right. 57 points of damage, that's-- Is that straight-up dice rolls? That's crazy.\nPlayer: That's Sneak Attack, I've gone up a level to 13--\nDM: Right, so it's a d6 or 7d6.\nPlayer: 7d6-- Oh, wait.\nDM: It's not doubled, though.\nPlayer: Sorry, sorry, sorry. 25 plus seven is 32. Sorry, 32.\nDM: 32, there you go, I was like, that's really high for a non-crit.\nPlayer: The second one was ten. 32, ten.\nDM: So 42 points of damage. Still not shabby by any means. Gotcha, as you chuck both daggers in the direction where you can see as it's now at the very bottom of the fog cloud. You have enough visual to strike towards it without missing and both daggers sink into the bottom of the creature. One of them you know was a nice, impactful wounding for any other creature, but it doesn't seem to have taken much issue with the impact of the blade. Appear at your side again. That ends your reaction. Now Vorugal is going to go. Looking at the area of most density--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you scritches Keyleth behind the ear, nudging the heart aside with his toe, and then exits the temple. Simultaneously, Scanlan opens the door to magical laboratory, with a robed duergar inside.\nDM: Okay, you make your way into what looks like a giant foyer, into a secondary entrance in the side of the fortress.\nPlayer: I just walk all the way over to the corner, stealthing.\nDM: Make a stealth check.\nPlayer: It's high, it's 28.\nDM: 28, got it, okay. So, as you make your way through, you eventually careen to this corner. You can see another hallway, what appears to be another room of some kind. You also glance back and see there are two sets of stairways that go up and down.\nPlayer: What's behind me?\nDM: This is a giant foyer that leads outside of the fortress.\nPlayer: And the edge of the map this way?\nDM: This way here? This way? This comes to an abrupt end at that point, a rocky wall into the mountain itself that it's buttressed up against.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm gonna keep coming this way, stealthing.\nDM: All right. As you move through--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Shaking, he releases the surge of scorching energy and it blasts into the side of the naga. you shoots the naga twice Legolas-style using her Blazing Bowstring, one arrow bursting into flames as it flies through the air.\nDM: An additional seven, so 18 total damage and that arrow (impact) in the side of its body. One of the serpent heads reels back from the pain. It begins snatching at where the arrow's now protruding from it, trying to break it off.\nPlayer: Then I'm going to roll again! That's a 24!\nDM: That hits, go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Awesome. That's an eight.\nDM: Grog, you're on deck.\nPlayer: Seven plus seven is 14!\nDM: 14 damage, all right. Both arrows sink into it. Definitely piercing through the scales a little bit, but not sticking too deeply into its body; it's definitely a hearty creature. Grog, you're up!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Above that, x bars against the wall where, in the center, you saw a gold inlaid seal with an empty triangular shape, like a pyramid inverted, and a series of these iron warriors that were embedded in the walls. Behind the stairway, you saw means of smelting metal and other forms of material.\nDM: It's going to stop partway through there, and it's going to go right up there. You watch as underneath the head, the armor part in the chest suddenly hinges open, and you see this bright burning furnace in the center of its chest that (boom) lets out this extremely white-hot burning angry torrent of flame.\nPlayer: Can I cast Cutting Words, or can I use Cutting Words?\nDM: You can, if you'd like.\nPlayer: I don't know if it's going to do anything, but sure.\nDM: It can reduce damage. Because Cutting Words can reduce damage on an attack.\nPlayer: Only by a little. I want him to miss, right?\nDM: Well, it's going to hit regardless. You guys have to make saving throws.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ogden tells her the history of how the Trickfoots were first cursed. He explains that he has spent his life researching this curse, and once succeeded in exorcising it from Johann some years ago.\nDM: She takes her straightened hair to the side, and she nervously steps back with it and smiles with her little gap tooth. \"Are you sure?\"\nPlayer: Of course. Have you ever learned anything about the curse on your family? Have you seen that in books?\nDM: She starts getting a little dark and says, \"Not in the books, no. Nobody really writes books about the Trickfoots. I know what Ogden's talked about, and why we're here. I think he wants to try and help.\"\nPlayer: Right. Have you ever seen anyone be affected by it, personally?\nDM: \"Not in my lifetime. The last one Ogden went to was before our time, me and Pike. It doesn't happen often-- the vision, at least.\"\nPlayer: Well, that's good.\nDM: \"I don't know if it's a coming of age thing or not.\"\nPlayer: But you've never had any visions.\nDM: \"No. I wish I did. That would be interesting. Would be different.\"\nPlayer: You are quite different. That's something to be proud of.\nDM: She takes the book. (sighs)\nPlayer: You know, one of my very best friends, Taryon Darrington, is an incredible writer, and I bet if you told him about the curse, he'd be willing to write it down.\nDM: \"Really?\"\nPlayer: Oh yes. You would go into complete detail about it, and he would make it sound very interesting. Maybe we could have somebody draw pictures for it!\nDM: (stutters) \"Okay.\"\nPlayer: Trickfoots could be legends.\nDM: \"Well, you already have one.\"\nPlayer: Well, yes. But there are multiple chapters.\nDM: \"Okay. Well, we'd have to talk to Uncle Ogden about that; he knows it better than anybody.\"\nPlayer: Of course, yes. We'll sit down with him, but I bet you know quite a few details, as well, having taken care of him for so long.\nDM: \"Maybe. I don't know.\"\nPlayer: We should find Tary. Take that with you.\nDM: \"You're sure?\"\nPlayer: Yes, yes. We can talk about it on the way back.\nDM: \"Okay.\" She follows after you as you guys head back to the castle. Eventually you guys stumble up to the castle, and there's Taryon with Doty. What are you guys in the process of doing right now?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Taliesin and Marisha start eating popcorn. Scanlan manages to maintain his eyebite spell; he tries to escape the acidic digestive track by casting Thunderwave from the inside of the worm.\nDM: Oh, I get to make the save to see if the Eyebite maintains itself. That would be a-- no, it rolled a ten and it's minus two on its wisdom save. So it still has disadvantage on its attacks.\nPlayer: Okay, all right. Are there any stalactites coming from the ceiling?\nDM: There are, actually. There's a number of them. Just in this general vicinity there's a whole mess of them up above from just the natural formation of it.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to shoot Conjure Barrage at the ceiling and try to create noise away from us.\nDM: Whereabouts?\nPlayer: How about towards the ceiling above the frost worm?\nDM: Over there? Okay. All right, so, okay. The frost worm is in the way to hit that angle, so you may have to move to do so.\nPlayer: Which way could I shoot that he would not be in the way?\nDM: You have to probably move this way to get around him just to hit him at this angle just because it's such a large entity.\nPlayer: Huh? God, I don't know. I mean.\nDM: What you got?\nPlayer: I'm going to move as quietly as I can around towards that little crevice.\nDM: Go ahead and make a general dexterity check.\nPlayer: Just add my dexterity to it? 17?\nDM: 17? Okay. As you move past, stepping as gingerly as you can, you can see it slap; it moves its face in the direction of where you're going, but you just manage to move beyond where it thought you were, and it misses you as you move by. So now you have visual on it.\nPlayer: Okay. Now I want to shoot Conjure Barrage at the ceiling above the frost one.\nDM: Okay. Conjure Barrage up here. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Okay. That is 3d8, I guess. 14 plus five. What's 14 plus five? 19.\nDM: 19 damage? All right. And with that, you release a blasting torrent of arrows at the ceiling in this giant cone blast. It strikes into the ceiling through the force of the magical bow that you're holding. You can see a number of rocks in bits and pieces begin to chip off, and a few small stalactites crack and plummet downward. I need a dex save from Grog and Keyleth.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you asks for a pinch of Percy's black powder. Percy initially refuses due to running low on it, but as the smell hits him he agrees.\nDM: Deftly blended in with the tattoos, unless those who are aware, there are strange new series of markings across Grog's face that he may not notice for quite some time.\nPlayer: I did do little hairs on them, as well.\nDM: Oh, how detailed.\nPlayer: Well, it grows here, so it grows there.\nDM: You don't know.\nPlayer: I don't know. Or do I?\nDM: Oh! All right. You guys go to sleep?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: \"As you know, my dealings with fate take a lot out of me. I'm not quite ready for another round of tellings. You see, this city, as most bits of civilization, are very eager to hear what the future has in store for them. So I'm a bit tapped out at the moment.\" And you can see a bit of dried blood around one of her nostrils. And if you recall last time, the process was very physically taxing on her. \"Perhaps return in a week or so. And if I'm not here, I'm around.\"\nPlayer: Old one, are you still willing to trade today?\nDM: \"Trade?\"\nPlayer: I'm wondering if you have any poisons beyond the run-of-the-mill nightshades this afternoon or morning?\nDM: She stands up and reaches over, and there's a small alchemical glassware set up on the side. And you see it's cracked and old and it's been brutalized. And she pulls a very small vial of some dark, black, almost umbra-type liquid where you can't even see shine in the light. It absorbs all the light. She puts it forward. \"This would be very unfortunate to find its way into the bloodstream of an enemy, yes?\"\nPlayer: What do you want for it?\nDM: \"A favor. Not now, but perhaps down the road.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tests the roots of the cursed tree for any illusory magic, but it is solid and real. Grog attempts to level up the Titanstone Knuckles by destroying the kitchen, much to Scanlan's consternation.\nDM: As you look off to the side of the tree, rounding the bend, you see a very tall and thin, chest-forward, regal-posed, almost elflike but still exaggerated in the Feylike features. Long ears that curl past the head. The head itself is small with a pointed chin, the eyes almond-shaped and wild, curly orange hair like a lion's mane that goes down to the lower back, just up and large, curves up at the very tip. You see sleeveless silk vestments of blue and green billowing freely behind him as he walks up clapping.\nPlayer: I instantly case Cure Wounds on myself again.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: At a level three.\nDM: How much do you heal?\nPlayer: 13 plus eight is 25.\nDM: There you go. 25.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They learn that the corpse was killed by a woman who was not supposed to be there, some 14 weeks ago. The corpse has since seen others pass by, particularly a dwarf.\nDM: At this point in time, as you guys are having this conversation, you moved up and looked and you can see there are two humanoids walking from this direction further down this hallway, which you can see leads this direction.\nPlayer: I'd like to imagine that Thorbir and Vax left that conversation behind a little.\nDM: As you see them approaching here, stepping in your direction, they are both dressed in full Duskmeadow Bastion armor. The one on the far end appears to be older, balding with thinning gray hair. The one who's further up is in his forties. Big thick brown beard, hair pulled back into a ponytail, and they're both lightly conversing to each other. Not paying much attention, like they're running through a routine.\nPlayer: I start pushing back on Thorbir, backing everybody up, silently pushing backward and trying to steer everyone in a heap backwards and to the side of the cell we just came from. Just trust me.\nDM: Make a stealth check.\nPlayer: 19.\nDM: 19? Okay. As you're pushing everyone back, (shushing) whispering all this, you hear a voice say, \"Hello? Hold on. Hello?\" The one with the beard approaches with his hand on his weapon, the other one moving along the back.\nPlayer: Did I get them into the cell?\nDM: You pushed them far back and into the cell?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He uses a healing potion and then starts slashing with his sword at the creature, from the inside. He manages to kill it and gets back up.\nDM: Before you continue that, as soon as Bigby's Hand appears, the eagle form vanishes and Grog, you come out with your axes in your hands, angry.\nPlayer: Surprise, bitches!\nDM: Not raging unfortunately, but you do get your attacks.\nPlayer: Surprise, gents.\nDM: You're angry, you're just not raging. So go ahead, and take your two attacks.\nPlayer: Woohoo! I would like to make them reckless attacks.\nDM: That's fine, but these are regular not rage attacks.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you offers to scry on Hilda's missing husband for her. While Hilda goes to find something of his for the scrying, Percival suggests that JB could help with researching the orb under Whitestone Castle.\nDM: \"He's got dusty brown hair, usually about shoulder length. Well, he doesn't really grow facial hair but he's pretty scruffy, lower the way. It's been many months, so I don't know. Medium build? Maybe about this high?\" And she gives a couple of inches off her own height. \"He's got a right scar across his neck and his chest right there he got when he was a kid.\"\nPlayer: All right. Should be enough. I'll do an actual scrying spell.\nDM: All righty. So looking at the scrying spell here. All right. You sit there and focus and concentrate-- and darkness. Nothing. No link. She's looking expectantly.\nPlayer: What's that?\nDM: She's looking at you expectantly.\nPlayer: Hilda? If he is on this plane of existence, I don't know if it's a good sign. But it doesn't mean that he couldn't be lost somewhere else. My spell only extends to this plane of existence but there are many planes. I can try again.\nDM: \"No. That's all right. That's all I needed to know. Thank you.\" At this point, as the sun is setting, starting to go into the evening, you can see the light causing her to blear a little bit. Here in the shade she's like, \"Can we perhaps talk in the morning?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After slamming his feet into the sand and preparing himself for conflict, he beckons you towards him. you faces off with Earthbreaker Groon.\nDM: Okay. His turn. He slowly walks around you. And says, \"Your size is useful for those who know not how to use it against you.\" And he rushes down, beneath your large standing form, and goes into a series of strikes against the inside of your knees and your legs and we'll see how the last blow hits.\nPlayer: I've been forgetting to roll my enlarged damage.\nDM: That's a 30 on the first hit.\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: That is a 21 on the second hit.\nPlayer: (high pitched) Yeah, sure.\nDM: That is a 29 on the third hit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, All three of them turn towards him and give him a strange look as they see what he's doing. Then Scanlan inspires you.\nDM: Yeah you (sucking noise) pull your hammer out without an issue. You're embarrassed at the fact that it was even embedded in what is essentially hard earth, and you still couldn't pull it free. But now it's blazing with flames; it's tight in your grasp. What are you going to follow it up with?\nPlayer: Can I use the great weapon master on these attacks, and I'll use reckless attack for advantage on them, and anybody that attacks me gets advantage, as well?\nDM: Okay. Yes, you can.\nPlayer: Thank god. 21.\nDM: 21 hits.\nPlayer: Beautiful, and the second one. That's landed on the side. That's 24.\nDM: Yep, both hit. Go ahead and roll damage plus ten to each.\nPlayer: (sings) Yeah, nipples.\nDM: To which one, the one that's next to Percy or the one that's in front of you here?\nPlayer: The one that's next to me!\nDM: All righty.\nPlayer: 14 and 15, so 25 for the first one.\nDM: All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He warns the rest of the Mighty Nein as combat continues. A crew member unfurls the sail, which is plain, attempting to escape the area.\nDM: Nice. He immediately breaks out of the stupor, glances over and looks at you, and he's hurt pretty bad. He's glancing over in your direction, looking at the rest of everyone there, seeing how things are shifting. Looking to his ship, he looks like he's planning something. What else are you going to do?\nPlayer: Bonus action. I'll shoot him again.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Not as good. 17 to hit.\nDM: 17 to hit? That still hits.\nPlayer: Yeah. Eight more points of damage.\nDM: (death groans) (cheering) He tumbles forward over and falls into the water.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There is a defense being set up around the city to draw attention away from it. Vex asks if she could make another dragon slaying arrow and she says she'll work on it if she can get some resources from Percy.\nDM: You start asking around. You come across a few folks you recognize, you find a few of the guards who helped you with the initial reconstruction of this city and such and asking around. One of the nearby guards takes his helmet off and is like, \"First off, I am so excited that you guys are back. I'm so glad you're all safe. I heard that you were off to do some dangerous things.\"\nPlayer: You heard right.\nDM: \"Well, great, I'm glad that you've survived. Looking for Mr. Gilmore, he's actually down with the Realmseer. They're inspecting the ziggurat underneath the city, so you could head down there if you wanted to find him.\"\nPlayer: Thank you. I'm not terribly familiar with Whitestone, could you point us in the right direction?\nDM: \"It's under the castle.\"\nPlayer: The castle.\nDM: \"Yes.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Yasha needs to go to some islands she has dreamed of. They introduce Caduceus to her, while Caleb asks the bartender about the mysterious tower that changes proportions as you approach it, but all the bartender knows is that it's some kind of illusion magic.\nDM: All right. You look, and of the two that are there, one of them seems to be pretty preoccupied with the ships that are being loaded. And one of them appears to be half-present, probably in mid-daydream, yawning at his post, and looks younger than the other one. Between the two of them, he's probably the most insecure, if you had to decide.\nPlayer: (Valley girl voice) Oh gosh, isn't the water just so beautiful? Man, it's--\nDM: \"I'm sorry, can I help you?\"\nPlayer: It's hot out here, just so moist. This air, right? And I-- (sighs) What's your name?\nDM: \"I'm sorry, I am working at the moment--\"\nPlayer: Oh great, because I could totally use some help.\nDM: You can see his eyes roll and he goes, \"What can I do to help you, then?\"\nPlayer: Well, you see, I'm from out of town-- I'm Tracy, by the way. What's your name?\nDM: He sighs heavily and reaches out and finally takes the hand. He goes, \"Hello, I am Zolezzo Merpol.\"\nPlayer: Merpol, hi. It's just, you know, I'm here and I'm trying to get the true Nicodranas experience while I'm in town and, you know, I just, I've heard rumors from people, you know, about this thing called the Sluice Weave. And you know, I would just love to see it, see if it's real, you know?\nDM: Make a persuasion check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jarett grapples the one in the cell, dragging it back out into the hallway. Vex runs down the stairs, just barely getting a shot off on the enemy Jarett is grappling, then places her Hunter's Mark on it.\nDM: No, half of that was getting to that point. You could dash and try and make your way in, but you wouldn't be able to do anything.\nPlayer: Can I dash and then make a bonus action?\nDM: You could, yeah. Your call. What do you got? Grog, you're on deck.\nPlayer: I'll just wait.\nDM: Okay. Keyleth waits there. Grog, you're up.\nPlayer: Let me just scootch over so I can be behind Vex.\nDM: You have a little better movement, so you actually manage to get two more squares in. What's your speed again?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, All carts passing through are being thoroughly inspected. Fjord uses the dodecahedron, since he'll be doing the talking.\nDM: The ettin gets up, and sees the beetles eating his ally. One head goes the other goes (growling). Let's see. Nope! They go (grunting), pick up one weapon, pick up the other, and just bolt away. Just book it out of here. Self-preservation has kicked in.\nPlayer: If no one does anything else, I will send another Fireball 150 feet.\nDM: It just starts running away. That is an 11 minus one, does not make its next dexterity save. It's running up the mountains and like (grunting), looking over its shoulder like, \"Mmm. !\"\nPlayer: 25 points of fire damage.\nDM: How do you want to do this?\nPlayer: Because I have such an easy target at his back, I give a little bit of a curveball to it, and I make the fireball beam of red go (whirring) (explosion) and erupt about 15 feet back, and just burn the backside.\nDM: You watch as It laughs and laughs, and in the distance: (boom). And pieces go (whoosh). Like one of those cartoons, like, (distant explosion, fwoosh). Yeah, the wind blows past you guys. Make a wisdom saving throw.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Deciding there is no time like the present, you sets off for the Sun Tree. She spends the rest of the day sitting at its base and meditating, hoping for a vision, though none arrives.\nDM: \"Yeah! I'll wait by the door! Right?\" \"Sure, whatever, man, go for it. It's fine.\" And they go back to fixing the inside. They're fixing windowsills. Joe, who seems to be a really sweet guy probably in his mid-to-late 30s, shaved head that's just starting to come in a little bit, square jaw, but it's Slingblade-style hung off to one side a little. But he seems like he's a fair worker and intent on the job that is set before him.\nPlayer: You're doing good work, Joseph!\nDM: \"Thank you!\" And he follows you in as you enter the tunnel and begins to walk in the tunnel with you.\nPlayer: At the door!\nDM: \"Ah! Right! This isn't a door.\"\nPlayer: All right. Keep walking.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: As I go, I want to put my hands on the roots and I'm going to say, hey, Sun Tree! I know I can't hear you, but I really need your help right now. And I hope you can hear me. I don't know how to do this, exactly, but I need to talk to Pelor, and there's a lot of people that are looking at me like I know what I'm doing, but I have no freaking clue. So if you could help guide me, that would be great. I sit down and I keep my hands on the roots.\nDM: As you concentrate and keep your hands on the roots, time passes, what seems like ten, 20, 30, 60 minutes of silence, occasionally broken by a voice down the hallway going, \"You okay?\"\nPlayer: Yes!\nDM: \"All right!\" You come back to focusing on the task at hand, and at times you catch yourself. You swear you feel the roots get warmer and then you, conscious of it, and you feel along, and no, it's probably about the same. You may have psyched yourself out, you're not sure. Close your eyes again and you focus. As the boredom instinctively sets in, you have a hard time standing still. You're an individual who likes being bombarded with sensory elements. You're a person who needs to know what's going on around you, you always have been. That sense of self-preservation, paranoia, whatever you want to call it, is being conflicted heavily with the idea of being still, quiet, and focused for a protracted period of time. You're battling that antsiness, you are far too conscious of your physical body and the discomfort you're feeling. I want you to go ahead and make a wisdom saving throw.\nPlayer: God damn it! Ten.\nDM: Ten? You can feel the pain begin to rise from sitting for so long. Your pelvic bone, from being in that position for a long period of time, is beginning to grow more and more sore. You begin to shift in place and as you do, it doesn't help. So you shift again, that doesn't help. And every single position you try and shift, it seems to throb in pain from being stationary for so long in a position that you're not used to. It's distracting to you. Eventually a voice comes through down the hallway that goes, \"All right, we're done and we're leaving. You good?\"\nPlayer: Great, Joseph. You know what?\nDM: \"What?\"\nPlayer: Thanks! For everything, have a good night.\nDM: \"You too!\"\nPlayer: Okay!\nDM: \"You okay in there?\"\nPlayer: I'm great, you can go. You can go.\nDM: \"Looks scary.\"\nPlayer: It's not. But don't come down here, thank you.\nDM: \"All right. Well, have a good night, miss!\"\nPlayer: Okay!\nDM: You hear the footsteps grow quieter and quieter and then a (kch) as the hatch that led to the basement that you carved the tunnel from closes.\nPlayer: Is Trinket here with me?\nDM: Trinket is in your necklace.\nPlayer: Pop that fucker out.\nDM: Very tight space. There's now a big bear and you're like (rrr) on the side.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Once inside, they ask Ornna and the sisters what they know, but they only saw what everyone else saw. The sisters think it was a hit job, but Ornna doesn't believe that someone would go to that extreme.\nDM: He doesn't go to sleep but he knows you're there and he's keeping an eye, but he's not doing anything.\nPlayer: Okay, well it's good enough, I guess.\nDM: But he's definitely aware that you're there.\nPlayer: I'm going to go towards the big tent just so I can see if I can sense any evil.\nDM: Okay. Really quickly, just to check because it's-- That's right, Charm Person is not--\nPlayer: It's not, yes.\nDM: Okay. It's at this point that you turn your attention to the tent and focus. There is a hefty, radiating warm fiendish source from the inside of that large tent.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group heads to the harbor and borrows a rowboat. They send you, pretending to be Tracy the Valley Girl, over to two patrolling zolezzo guards and she picks up a conversation with one, Merpal, telling him she's from out of town and wants to see the Sluice Weave while she's here.\nDM: From this distance it's too hard to see beneath the water. It gets a little too murky. But he points in a general direction and you get a loose idea of where it may be.\nPlayer: Wow, yeah. Cool.\nDM: He's like, \"So what are you up to while you're in the city?\"\nPlayer: Wow! Yeah, you know, I'm just so busy. You know, just trying to fill my schedule with things. I should probably go now.\nDM: \"Of course! Where are you staying?\"\nPlayer: (forced giggling) I'm staying at the Lavish Chateau!\nDM: \"Oh, wow! That is a very expensive place.\"\nPlayer: I know. You probably couldn't afford it, so--\nDM: You can see the visible (pained grunt) to his chest. He's like, \"Well, perhaps I'll-- If you want other things to see around the city when I'm not on my post, I could maybe come by and give you a little tour?\"\nPlayer: Sure, that sounds great!\nDM: \"Of course. What are you doing right now? I only have about 40 minutes until I get to switch my shift, and then I'm off for the rest of the afternoon.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You began to look throughout the room. You found a sword across the upper ceiling, an ornamental blade of some kind.\nDM: \"Thank you. Please.\" She passes out blindfolds to you guys. You figure out an order of making your way down and as you made your way to this portion of the cavern, you walk back, being lead by Kara through the Underworks.\nPlayer: Do I see anything of note through Frumpkin's eyes as we walk?\nDM: Same path as you went last time, not as busy. Nobody else is walking through the halls. It's early enough where there isn't much. You do come past that chamber before where you saw the cages in there and there's two more cages set inside, even larger. One of them is a heavy meshed series of metal. You don't hear anything in there.\nPlayer: Can I tell what's inside there?\nDM: Make a perception check for Frumpkin.\nPlayer: Come on, Frumpkin.\nDM: With disadvantage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They don't find any hidden compartments in Riskel's room. Vex asks a guard when the last time was someone saw Riskel.\nDM: Pretty much any caster of a decent, mediocre skill for casting can be done, and it's not a terribly uncommon enchantment, it's just expensive.\nPlayer: Do we have any idea when the letters came in to Emon that we were successful?\nDM: Which ones? You sent different ones at different times.\nPlayer: Either or. When did they get them, do we know? Can we find that information?\nDM: The letter that you guys had sent that just absolved you of your stuff that you had sealed, that was sent closer to Winter's Crest, and that has not arrived yet. The one that you sent to Allura, regarding the inspection of the ziggurat--\nPlayer: Yes, that one.\nDM: That arrived about a week and a half ago, so-- that arrived a lot sooner because you sent it a lot sooner, and Allura's already left, and apparently has gone to seek some allies to help her--\nPlayer: And it's been about three days since they've seen Riskel?\nDM: About three days, yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She explains that she wants to go back someday. She doesn't know where Zuala was buried, but she has so many flowers to bring to her.\nDM: Okay. First thing Frumpkin notices is the ocean here is not as deep as the Diver's Grave. It goes down maybe 300 feet. It's still deep, but it's a third of the depth you ended up having to go down.\nPlayer: I'm going to send him in slowly larger circles over time.\nDM: Frumpkin does see a shape amongst the clusters of seaweed and other bits of life that exist down there in natural ocean life. You can see chunks of ocean rock and volcanic rock, things that may have been lobbed from ancient volcanic detonations, and a tower; a sub-ocean tower that's leaning at an angle. You can see bits of broken rock based around it, and the seaweed is cluttered up around the base of it.\nPlayer: Now are we talking architecture or natural?\nDM: Architecture, constructed.\nPlayer: I relay this.\nDM: The top of it is somewhat jagged; it has sustained some erosion or damage towards its top, and it leads down inside. You can see shelves or bits where there may have been stairs or levels, but most of that has fallen inward, and from Frumpkin's exterior perspective, mostly hollow and disappearing into darkness the further in. With a 14, Frumpkin also notices a little bit of movement. Towards the very tops of the seaweed, there are humanoid bodies that are tangled in the seaweed a bit that appear to be floating there, and then one of them twitches and goes (moaning).\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you puts his wings out and flies underneath Vorugal in stealth, throwing Whisper at him. He hits and blinks up with the blade, now on the dragon.\nDM: All right, before you get there, he's now (roars). The angry scream. Vorugal's head swoops around underneath and directly into your eyes as you dart away with the blade. He spins in place and bites at you as you're trying to pull away.\nPlayer: I have advantage on dexterity saving throws.\nDM: Okay. This is a bite attack, so it doesn't matter. So that is a 26?\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: All right. So you take 22 points of piercing damage.\nPlayer: Okay. Can I Uncanny Dodge this? Is this melee?\nDM: Yeah, it's a melee attack, so you can do that. Plus 14 points of cold damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He, Grog, you, and Scanlan go through it to Kraghammer. They emerge inside the Thunderbrand estate and are met by a grumpy Lord Thunderbrand, who had stayed up all night waiting for them.\nDM: Nostoc also looks at you and goes, \"And while I respect your memory, a dwarf's mind is like a trap that you can't escape. I believe the agreed upon price was 25,000 gold pieces.\"\nPlayer: Oh it was? That is so weird, I remember 30.\nDM: \"I don't even know what you fought. If you're going to collect your money, tell me what the hell you freaking killed.\"\nPlayer: Mind flayers! A beholder! Have you heard of a beholder?\nDM: \"You fought a beholder?\"\nPlayer: We fought a fucking beholder.\nDM: \"Really? And you're all still alive?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tary runs up to Doty, picks up his book, puts it in his Bag of Holding, then curls up into a ball as he casts Sanctuary on himself. you hops back through the window and casts Sunbeam.\nDM: To both of them. Nice. As the beam (pssh) across the room it streaks down the way and both of them get engulfed. As the beam of bright sunlight energy slowly diminishes, their faces are seared. You see smoke pouring out of their eyes as they're both reaching up to the sockets. That was not so good for them. They're both looking pretty rough already.\nPlayer: I look at Tary. Tary is within 30 feet of me, yeah?\nDM: You don't see Tary. You just see a column of fire.\nPlayer: I don't see Tary.\nDM: Tary is currently inside the wall of fire, curled in a ball. All you see is a giant column of flame in the center of the room. And half of Doty being slowly heated up.\nPlayer: Do I see anyone else, and does anyone else look rough?\nDM: You see Grog with a giant cage on his upper body, wrapping around his torso.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: Okay. As you are beginning to go through his body, you guys have rushed beneath, and as you can see, the dwarf, Hosin, is walking down the hallway really quickly with his robes open.\nPlayer: As a gadfly, can I really quickly buzz in front of him?\nDM: You pull underneath, because you had to go underneath the door to make it into the hallway. You see him, he's about 15 feet away, and as he's walking, he's looking about very nervously. He's seen one of the guards is approaching, and he looks back over and sees the rat scurrying down the hallway.\nPlayer: How far away is he from me?\nDM: He's about 20 feet.\nPlayer: How far away is the guard in front of him?\nDM: You know what, let me go ahead and pull this up. It'll give a good indicator of the circumstance here.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon gaining consciousness, Grog drowns his sorrows in the familiar comforts of ale and whores. As Vox Machina are taking breakfast the next morning, they hear a horn blast signaling an attack on the city.\nDM: Yeah, you can see its body, it's pretty large, mainly just the heads are visible, the ramp is blocking the lower half of it. So you can't see its legs and its main part of its torso, but you can see the necks and the heads.\nPlayer: So I can't see its body.\nDM: Currently, no. It is blocked by her stone.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to shoot towards where-- is this bad? Oh no! I'm going to shoot towards where all of the heads are joined together.\nDM: It managed to unravel itself during its turn, but it used its attacks to do so.\nPlayer: Yeah, down where all these heads are connected. Right here.\nDM: Oh, okay. You can sort of see that area. Best you can, yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord manages another kill with Eldritch Blast, leaving two up, including the priest. Caleb takes a hit that breaks his concentration on Molly's Haste, stunning Molly for a round.\nDM: And from Jester. Both of you guys, make an attack. With disadvantage for you, Yasha. It's risky on its endeavor, but it's what's going to give it an opportunity to try and get out of this lockdown.\nPlayer: It hits.\nDM: What'd you roll?\nPlayer: I rolled a 16 and a 21.\nDM: Okay, 16 hits.\nPlayer: That's just a regular attack.\nDM: Yeah, regular attack.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of Vex and Vax, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city \u2014and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists.\nDM: It does. He slams into the ground with all the weight of a falling stone goliath into the dirt. At which point the pixies immediately go off and turn around. \"You would cast incantations towards us?\"\nPlayer: No, I cast it to my friend, who is about 12 foot tall and a giant target. Come on, don't make stories up where there aren't any.\nDM: \"Stories, nothing.\"\nPlayer: What? You fairies are manifesting these ideas, okay? You are creating a dichotomy that does not exist.\nDM: They all gather and begin to whisper to each other, their heads darting around.\nPlayer: Oh, see, look. They're doing it right now.\nDM: At this point \"This display is enough. Your words and your actions speak in difference, in entirely opposing directions. If you are to continue to throw these words, these deceptions, these lies in our direction, then perhaps we'll take you all for our garden.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax walks along the wall, unable to attack from a distance, and heads to Scanlan. you directs his attention to the remaining horror and smashes it twice with the warhammer.\nDM: Run towards it, jumping and putting one foot on the table; using that as momentum to rush in the air. Go ahead and roll your attack.\nPlayer: 24?\nDM: 24 hits.\nPlayer: And 25.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: 20 with fire damage.\nDM: Nice.\nPlayer: And 16 with fire damage.\nDM: Gotcha. (grunts) Bringing the hammer down, the helmet actually gets pushed into the armor and has to reform itself. Before it has a chance to, you bring around the hammer and hit the shield with such force that it pushes it into itself and slams it against the wall. You take the back of the hammer and slam it up under the actual helmet, hitting the creature. You see the flames burn across the side of its arcane form, causing it to shimmer for a second. It's looking pretty rough. Instead of using the table, though, you use Grog's knee. You just run, jump onto his knee with one foot, leap off, blade in the air, go for the strike.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then encountered a very elderly goliath that Grog hadn't seen in quite some time named Shale, who spoke of the scouting crew that had been obliterated by the dragon. They followed Shale as she led them up the mountain, to where the dragon's current lair resides.\nDM: It's just kind of makeshift. However, whoever who once ran this place is no longer here, probably left with the first or second wave of evacuees. Everyone here is just kind of doing their part to keep it going.\nPlayer: Can I grab someone nearby that looks like they're up and about and actually accomplishing things?\nDM: Yeah. There's an older woman who did not drink but just was around last evening who's done most of the cleaning-- and even though there's no reason to clean, she's still just kind of going through the motions of wiping down the counters and putting things away properly.\nPlayer: Dear heart, um--\nDM: \"Yes?\"\nPlayer: Could you spread the word that there's going to be a town meeting?\nDM: \"A town meeting? What for?\"\nPlayer: So we can talk about how to keep everyone safe, dear.\nDM: \"All right.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and Caleb find an archery range, and posing as father and daughter, try it out. Caleb fails embarassingly, but Nott hits the bullseye on all three targets, winning a crude doll of King Bertrand Dwendal, two wooden swords (which she gives to you), and two rats in cages (one of which she gives to Yasha, since it's her favorite food).\nDM: He goes, \"No, you're not--\" Points over and that large forum building, that circular forum building that you saw that now the crowd's starting to wash into that had been closed off previous weeks, he goes, \"That, that is the Victory Pit. That will be happening in a few hours, but you're welcome to compete here if you're feeling so feisty.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, sure.\nDM: \"What's your name?\"\nPlayer: Beau.\nDM: \"Ah. Recruiter Leopold Wanstiker. Pleasure to meet you.\"\nPlayer: Person Beau. Nice to meet you. What is it? Leopold Sydney?\nDM: Recruiter Leopold Wanstiker. W-A-N-S-T-I-K-E-R.\nPlayer: Wang stacker. All right.\nDM: So.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and Jester, to almost universal horror, break out Fluffernutter, with Jester throwing the barrel in the air towards the heads, but Nott's explosive bolt misses and the barrel splashes into the water. Just prior to Yasha's turns, Caduceus casts Path to the Grave on the hydra, making it vulnerable to everything for double damage.\nDM: 13 points of piercing damage, and ten points of poison damage. She got lucky on those rolls there. It's going to stay back here in the corner, trying to keep away. It's just using its arrows from a distance. It's starting to show some wear and tear. This guy over here has been pummelled with a few things and the tentacles have been tearing through him, but he's staying outside of the radius of that sphere. That finishes his go. Fjord, you're up.\nPlayer: Yeah. Yep. Good shit, good stuff. I'm going to (tongue clicking) move a little closer to the column and I'll send two arcs of Eldritch Blast towards the--\nDM: You're moving, you said?\nPlayer: Yeah, just closer to Nott.\nDM: Okay, here. As you're moving in that direction (whooshing)-- this against the hydra?\nPlayer: Yes. 17?\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: Okay, so second one. Natural 20.\nDM: Ooh.\nPlayer: Okay, okay, okay. The first one is 12, second one is nine, 18, 22 points of damage.\nDM: 22 points of damage. As both bolts slam into the head, you watch as the head pops.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, To be honest with you, I thought we were going on a pleasure cruise. But you know, I\u2019ve met some people, and we\u2019ve had a great time, and yeah.\nDM: She turns back to you and begins to walk a circle around you, arms behind her back now. Folded. \"Jawgrasp, so you come to me with a new crew, and you tell me that you are successful but yet you are not. Describe to me what transpired to prevent you from acquiring this thing you have paid for.\"\nPlayer: Well you see, we now know the location of the artifact you seek. It's as good as ours.\nDM: \"How did this terrible, terrible thing happen to you?\" She reaches up and touches the side of your neck.\nPlayer: Oh god.\nDM: Her hand passes through--\nPlayer: It's real sore.\nDM: --the illusion, and she steps back and goes... [groaning]\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Stretching away from them are the remains of an ancient city, with a massive obsidian spire at its center. Above them, Vex notices a faint strand of bluish-purple light stretching from the orb, where they emerged, to the very top of the tower, and from the tower down to two other orbs.\nDM: You glance inside, and as you peek over the top, in the brief bits of light coming through the shadow in here, you can see the collapsed piles of broken stone and wood planks that used to hold the structure of the upper level together. You can see what looks like furniture that's been destroyed. Simple, basic. This is not an extravagantly decorated space. Built for function, more than anything. But moving amidst the shadow, you see what appears to be a humanoid creature of pale gray skin, elongated limbs, long, clawed fingers. Bald head, pointed, hooked ears, and what looks to be slightly broken, jagged, yellow, elongated teeth in this jaw, as it's currently munching on what looks to be a small furred rodent of some kind. (crunching)\nPlayer: This is probably redundant, but I will Divine Sense undead.\nDM: It is very undead.\nPlayer: Do I sense, see, hear anything besides this one?\nDM: What's the radius?\nPlayer: 60 feet.\nDM: Nothing else catches your attention, no. You watch as it finishes and walks toward the doorway. Vex'ahlia, as you're off to the side, you watch as this creature leans forward and goes into a sprint, and then leaps up onto a distant rooftop. (leaping noises) Just leaping from rooftop to rooftop. As you're watching that leap, another movement catches your eye, and you see another one about three blocks down. You can see, there are at least a handful of these creatures stalking through the ruins, leaping from building to building, from floor to floor.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: You don't know how deep it is, but it's, it's not, it's hard sand, it's packed, so you just kind of--\nPlayer: Yeah, but I meant the depression, is it like a couple feet?\nDM: Right, the depression's like an inch.\nPlayer: Okay, cool.\nDM: Oh, you mean the depression into the actual ground?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: About four feet.\nPlayer: Oh, shit. Yeah. So.\nDM: So you vault into it in a bound.\nPlayer: Does he move at all?\nDM: No. He's still facing a little bit away from you in the far corner.\nPlayer: I put my fist in my hand and I bow slightly. Does he move at all?\nDM: The silence is broken immediately by a low, rumbling voice that seems to have no particular source in the vicinity where you stand. It says, \"You come because your lands now harbor a terrible conflagration. How do you think Groon can assist?\" Still facing away from you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: Dolan goes, \"Kara, her skills are more in the interpersonal level, not so much infiltration. And I'm just me, so I don't think I'd be of much help.\"\nPlayer: Do you have healing potions?\nDM: \"Actually, yes. Not many. We have a few left over. Horris should have a few more.\"\nPlayer: Just in case we get hurt or something.\nDM: \"I hope that isn't the case. Just in case, all right. I'll have those sent. I'll send them along with Ulog for you.\"\nPlayer: Thank you.\nDM: \"Of course.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She finds the pond from her vision after about 40 minutes of travel, identifies the footprints of the creature, and stealths after it. In a glade, after following the footprints for a while, you finds that the trail has gone cold.\nDM: 32. Okay. You step out into the shadow, using the edges, and you do see the very faint trail-- not of feet on the ground, but of claw marks, carefully placed. Almost like it monkey-walked along the sides of this glade. The tracks and claw marks stop in this small cluster of bushes where inside, you can just barely see the faintest hidden glow of six tiny yellow dots.\nPlayer: Is it looking at me?\nDM: It's hard to tell the direction.\nPlayer: Yeah. I'm going to take out an arrow.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Oh god. And I'm going to fire a Bramble Shot at the eyes, and I'm Sharpshooter.\nDM: You are. Okay, Sharpshooter, so minus five to hit, plus ten to damage. Go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the ground, she continues to shoot it, taking heavy damage herself. A well-placed arrow to the shoulder takes the creature down without killing it.\nDM: It stands up. It almost falls again on its knee, grasps, and puts its arm over where the last arrow went in. It turns around, and leaps back into the forest.\nPlayer: It can leap? No! It leaves? I take the final arrow before it gets away.\nDM: Okay, go ahead and fire.\nPlayer: 18.\nDM: That hits. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: I'm going to throw up. Sorry this is so late, guys. 15, 16, 17, plus two lightning damage.\nDM: As it leaps in the air, you barely see the shadow disappearing into the canopy. You take your final arrow and let loose. How do you want to do this?\nPlayer: Just right between the shoulder blades.\nDM: It hits. You think it hit. You don't hear anything. Quiet. And then the heaviest boulder-like impact of its body onto the forest ground, skidding into the mud, hitting another tree. That tree falls on top, and you have to dodge onto the side to make sure that nothing else falls in the area. And then stillness and calm and quiet hits, and the cold finally comes in. As the blood is pumping and the adrenaline's hitting you, you felt so warm and you're sweating, and at that point as you're breathing in heavily, you can feel the biting cold of the air hitting your lungs, and at that point the adrenaline begins to subside, and you notice your breath is showing up and it is a very cold low mist night now emerging within the forest.\nPlayer: I walk up and I scratch Trinket on the head. You did real good there, bud.\nDM: (bear noises)\nPlayer: We're not dead! And I cast Cure Wounds on myself.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: And then I walk over and try to find a fucking trophy on this guy.\nDM: Okay. You walk over and you find, indeed, the creature is laid out. It is dead. It is cold. The arrow sticking out of the back, the final blow, seems to have hit a very core nerve center of its back. So carve whatever trophy you wish from its body.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: It's too hard to see from the outside. You can barely tell there are books there. The very low light there is inside, you can't make out any details.\nPlayer: Okay. It's a single level house? Nothing fancy about it?\nDM: Single level house, it might be two rooms. No, it's not quite like impoverished, but it's not--\nPlayer: Any papers? Any weapons visible?\nDM: You do see a heavy crook of some kind, like a staff with a big heavy wooden knot at the end. It can be used to defend oneself and also as a walking stick. A shillelagh if you will. You can see a general shortsword that is put on a belt that is hung on a wall, but nothing in there that is militarized.\nPlayer: Okay. All right. I guess that's all I can glean from this. I'll knock on the door, and then run away before they can see.\nDM: Immediately inside you hear some rustling and all the lights inside go out and it goes dark. You run away.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Yasha has a tinder box, so Nott uses Mage Hand to hold the dynamite, Yasha lights it, and Nott and you (who has cast Pass Without a Trace and needs to be within 30 feet) sneak up and move it into the house. After a tense pause, it explodes, blowing apart the tree and knocking the troll prone, and allowing the party a surprise round.\nDM: Okay, you are readying an attack, for what? What's the trigger? Comes within range? Got it. Okay, that finishes Yasha's turn. Jester, you're up.\nPlayer: That's me! I'm going to cast Spiritual Weapon right above it!\nDM: Right above it!\nPlayer: And it's going to hit him!\nDM: All right, roll for your attack.\nPlayer: It's not at disadvantage, because it's melee, right?\nDM: Correct. Technically it's at advantage, because it is prone. I imagine it's considered a melee attack.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They spend some time catching up, and Scanlan asks Kaylie if she can see about getting some ducks as pets for Chod. She agrees, and also loans them an Amulet of the Drunkard and several healing potions.\nDM: 15. And without an issue or any sort of a loss of step or position, eventually you watch as the ominous spire-like jagged dagger-topped Smouldercrown Mountains begin to break the horizon and make their way towards you. You're now, at that speed, it hasn't been that long since you left, maybe a few hours out of Ank'harel. So you're maybe around ten o'clock in the evening or so, 10:30. Going to go ahead and move over here to a non--\nPlayer: I was gonna argue that since he has the Duck Totem, that technically he would have a natural migration sense of what direction he was gonna go.\nDM: That's a good argument to make, but not necessary, but good for holding on to that.\nPlayer: Yeah, just thought I'd put that out there. I feel like his duck sense would be tingling. Always knows where South is.\nDM: Not denying. Recognized, but unnecessary in the moment.\nPlayer: Unnecessary, but worth noting.\nDM: Worth noting, indeed. But yeah. So the spires of the mountain are surprisingly steep. They're steeple-like, almost, in a lot of places. They're all just jutting up like these gargantuan spikes that were pressed out of the earth from some sort of landmass shift or some volcanic activity long, long ago. But you can see the densely packed rock formations, and the mountain cluster is maybe, at most, I'll say three miles, four miles across. It's not a very, very big mountain range. And it's called Smouldercrown because the circular pattern of the oval-like pattern of the mountains that rise up and resembles at a distance like a king's crown in the way that it circles around itself. You recall one of three different entrances, the one that was safest that you guys took when you entered, the central portion of the mountain range from the outside, and you guide the rest of them to the exterior of this space. You can see it's a small valley between two of the exterior mountains that collide together, and there is a valley path, where you see a number of dried trees. Some do appear to be alive, Keyleth, though they're designed to weather extreme droughts. They seem to have some sort of weird fruit that they're bearing, dripping off some of the branches, but the leaves themselves are brown and withered and you haven't quite seen plant la-life-- plant life like this before.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: Eight? Okay. It's hard to tell. It looks like this area is not heavily traversed, and what little sign of footprints there are scattered enough that it's hard to make out a specific print. But I mean, they have been traveled before.\nPlayer: I'm looking over Thorbir's head and looking for traps as he walks from behind. 22.\nDM: 22? All right. As you guys are walking forward and going through this, you get about 40 feet forward before you catch that there is a slight divot, a small drop in the dirt, and one looks like a section of intentionally placed plate of some kind.\nPlayer: Wait a tick. I'm going to go up to the edge of it and try to inspect it and see if I can find a trigger or see how it works. Six. And that is, what is that, perception?\nDM: Are you checking to see how it works?\nPlayer: I want to see if I can disarm.\nDM: To disarm it. Okay, that would be with your thieves' tools. So this would be a dexterity plus your thieves' tools, so plus seven.\nPlayer: That's a 19.\nDM: 19? Okay. As you go to the plate, you stop and look up at the walls to the side, and to each side of the wall you can see these tiny little holes, these little quarter-sized, gold-piece-sized tunnels bored multiple places on both sides of this wall. And you take the plate, you realize this is a pressure plate-based trap, and taking one dagger, you slightly lift it. The second one, you eventually find beneath where the trigger apparatus is, and you gingerly cut each part of these spring-loaded triggers until eventually the plate rises more and more and more and you remove the last bit, the plate tips over, and the trap itself is disarmed.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan runs toward the general, Come here big guy. Come here, gives him a big hug and banishes him to another dimension.\nDM: You leap down, go in for the attack, this duergar already used its reaction, so it can't attack you.\nPlayer: So if he fails to save, I knock him over. That's plus seven, so 19?\nDM: 19 does hit.\nPlayer: Awesome!\nDM: Does save though, is not knocked over.\nPlayer: A strength save?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Aw, damn it.\nDM: This is a big creature.\nPlayer: He does, I do 2d8 of bludgeoning damage.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Seven, nine, 14 damage.\nDM: 14 damage, all right. You have multi attack or did you get the one hit?\nPlayer: Well, I charged, yeah.\nDM: Okay yeah, so the charge is the hit. But you slam into it, your horn gores, you can see actually, you slam it into the side of the armor wound that Grog left and then Tiberius pried open. Part of it gets pulled back, and you see a quick splatter of some sort of bloody splash as you're staring to actually pull apart its interior. The horn is jabbed in there, and it manages to shrug it off at the last point. You do significant gore to its side.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Meanwhile, the rest of the party arrive at The Shade, a lounge tavern with segmented spots that doubles as a hookah bar. you reveals that the Earth Ashari are super into hookah , which could mean that when she visited months ago, she had partaken in it.\nDM: You go up to what appears to be a woman, probably in her late thirties. Her hair is long past her shoulders, and these dark black, brunette waves that spray out like mermaid hair across her shoulders. As you approach, she eagerly reaches out. \"You look like you are traveling here to Ank'Harel in search of beautiful, delicious fruits of which to whet your palate. Yes? Would you like for these fine apples, of which are the finest you could find?\"\nPlayer: Apples? Oh wow. I was looking for something a little bit more exotic. Something native to this land.\nDM: \"Ah, well--\" She takes the apples back. \"What you'd prefer, then, would be the kurrak fruit.\" And she pulls out what looks like a mango, but the exterior of it is very rough, with these little spines all around it. \"While it is difficult to hold, crack open for a delightful flavor. It is gentle. It is like a sweet water experience.\"\nPlayer: That was very descriptive. Thank you.\nDM: \"Of course.\"\nPlayer: How much do I owe you for this?\nDM: \"For this, that would be two silver pieces.\"\nPlayer: Two silver. And how much, just for future reference, are the apples?\nDM: \"The apples would go for one silver piece apiece.\"\nPlayer: One silver apiece. That's pretty steep. Don't worry about it. Here you go. I give her a little extra.\nDM: \"Thank you so much for your patronage. Anything else you would like?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: \"Look, Scanlan. Father. I spent a lifetime hating you. I'd imagined the moment we would finally meet for so long, planned it out in my head, had it all worked out. My idea of you, what you'd be like, what you'd say, and you know what? Up until last night, I was pretty spot-on. I don't know what I wanted. I have a lot to process, to think about. But I'd prefer not to do it in this dank cell, so if you have a way out, please, now's the time to do it.\"\nPlayer: You think now? All right, is anyone watching?\nDM: There are two guards that are not watching directly, but they're muscled up against the bars and keeping an eye over the shoulder.\nPlayer: I'll need a distraction. Do you think you can come up with one?\nDM: Her eyes turn for a second and she goes, (chuckles) \"I think that can be done.\" She leans up to the side of the bar and peeks her head out for a second. Closes her mouth, cups it with her hand, and you start hearing from the opposite side of the room, through arcane ventriloquism, these three different male voices going, \"I'll fuck you up!\" You hear punches and you hear all of this screaming and chaos. At which point, the two guards look over. One of them gives the other a motion, and they both run off to see the other side of the room. She looks back at you.\nPlayer: You'll have to teach me that trick. And then I Dimension Door us out onto the street.\nDM: As you reach for her, she still pulls away a little bit, but you still grab hold and (poof) puff of smoke. You guys (magic sound) appear outside, landing a couple of feet above the ground and catch yourselves. You're off to the side of the stockade where it meets with one of the nearby walls. No one seems to immediately notice you, other than a couple of people that are walking down the street that see two individuals appear out of the ether and land onto the ground.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you/Lucien/Nonagon told their group to scatter and vanish if things went wrong and wait till he returned. They buried him in the woods outside the hideout.\nDM: \"Well, that spell-spitter lady from the capital. She said you were gone, she took the book and left, and her contract said she was in the right and that we knew better than to go toe to toe with her and her ilk.\"\nPlayer: Obviously. Is everybody else all right? I know it has been a while. I had to stay underground.\nDM: \"Unfortunately, Jurrel met with the axe of the law shortly after you left us.\"\nPlayer: Damn shame.\nDM: \"Zoran, Ottis, and Tyffial have all scattered amongst the empire...\"\nPlayer: Damn shame.\nDM: \"But, do you want me to find the others?\"\nPlayer: No, actually I'm--\nDM: \"I know where Tyffial is!\"\nPlayer: Where is Tyffial? I would rather obviously deliver everything in person. Honestly if I had known you were here I would've made arrangements. I didn't want to shock you.\nDM: \"She's up in Nogvurot. We can travel there, I can send a message and have her come down to us.\"\nPlayer: I'm working on something very delicate, I need everything to be very quiet.\nDM: \"Very well, Nonagon.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You began to look throughout the room. You found a sword across the upper ceiling, an ornamental blade of some kind.\nDM: That's for melee stuff. This is it being covered, and you're aiming through these tiny holes as you're firing at it.\nPlayer: It has half-cover or something?\nDM: Well essentially. Yeah, I'd say at this close it has three-quarters cover. It's a plus five to its AC. What did you roll?\nPlayer: The first roll was 22.\nDM: Yeah, it hits. We'll say it hits, because you're right up against it with a crossbow. You're not having to aim in with it. You're (bolt flying). Roll the damage.\nPlayer: Six points of damage.\nDM: Six is enough. The pots aren't very strong; it's just hard to touch (shattering). That will-o'-wisp manages to discorporate next to you.\nPlayer: Eight is Enough. I'll skitter around towards the candelabra over there, and as I go I'll (cocks crossbow) and fire another shot at the other pot.\nDM: Okay, that one you do have disadvantage on as you're farther away from it.\nPlayer: 19.\nDM: 19 still hits. Go ahead and roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some strange cold feelings felt earlier by Fjord 16 , Jester 17 , and you were revealed to be Dashilla ensorcelling them and sneaking away before they noticed her. Dashilla may cause a creature she has ensorcelled to react to a false image.\nDM: All right. That ends Yasha's turn. Caleb. You are conscious, prone, floating, sinking towards the ground as you come to consciousness as Yasha grabs and jolts you awake.\nPlayer: If I crouch behind the table from where Dashilla is, will I get half cover or something?\nDM: Yeah, you'd get half cover. Yeah.\nPlayer: Okay. So I am going to do that and then I am going to--\nDM: Getting up from prone?\nPlayer: I would like to stay semi-crouched to try and get some cover from that thing.\nDM: Yeah, you can get cover.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before this happened, as a part of a journey towards this Tri-Spire, both Caleb and Jester made their way there. Caleb unsuccessfully entering a nicer district of the city that did not seem to believe or respect his presentation.\nDM: You may. Make your three attacks with disadvantage because it's a ranged attack in immediate face-to-face range.\nPlayer: That's a nine, plus two for 11.\nDM: 11 misses. The first one goes wide, second strike.\nPlayer: That's a one.\nDM: Goes wide again.\nPlayer: 16.\nDM: 16 does hit. Your first time using the glove, you're not too sure how the aiming works and the first two go off to the side, you're like \"Shit! Shit!\" (boom) The third one finally impacts. Roll damage for that.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Even further down, the twins notice a crack in the wall stopped up with a boulder. Grog moves the rock, and they find a side passageway beyond.\nDM: 19, okay. As you look across the body, I mean there's nothing formal about this area, there's no fine, chiseled structure. It looks like a natural formation. It just appears to have been the final destination for whoever these individuals were. And you do notice, the way they're adorned, they were an adventuring party. They were people who came down here long ago for whatever reason and the last destination was this small cavernous space.\nPlayer: You said they're covered in webs?\nDM: There are webs on them, but the webs themselves are small, natural spider.\nPlayer: Small, natural. So not Bilbo Baggins.\nDM: But you do notice that each one of their skulls has a giant hole bored into the bone itself. Different places in the skull.\nPlayer: I'm just going to start searching all of them.\nDM: Anyone else want to do anything?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau moves by Caleb to try and catch them. Jester summons her spectral weapon (a huge pink/purple lollipop) and whacks Trevor into the sky where he is burned to ash in midair.\nDM: The last thing you watch is the leader, who'd been talking with you, gets slammed up in the air about two feet with an uppercut from a mystical lollipop, and then all the rays incinerate him into ash in midair. He is scattered to ash. One of the other guys gets hit with his own bolt. Another guy goes blind. What are you doing?\nPlayer: I was Eldritch Blasting him.\nDM: Against which guy?\nPlayer: Just any of them.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: 19 to hit.\nDM: 19 to hit works. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: That is 12 points of damage.\nDM: He gets a blast to the side of the face and goes down unconscious onto the ground. His crossbow fires wide into the air, and disappears into the night sky. As soon as this happens, as you fall unconscious, all these hits happen like this Mexican standoff that just suddenly-- All this action happens at once. Caleb goes down! Two other guys double over! Two of them go, \"Wait, wait! Hold on! Hold on!\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A couple of hours later, the ship comes upon an unnatural-looking fog bank in the ocean. Adella tries to veer around it.\nDM: You see one, it's a little ways up from where the ship is actually hitting the water. You would have to probably swim close enough to get there. I'm going to say, make an athletics check to see how quickly you can try and swim against the ocean just for this brief moment. You're going to have to roll pretty high.\nPlayer: Well, that's not great. Just straight athletics?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Athletics is pretty good! 15!\nDM: 15?\nPlayer: Yeah!\nDM: I'll say you don't fall too far behind the ship, it's still going faster than you and the water is kind of up and down. Using your Alter Self gills, you can dive below the surface to try and avoid the choppiness of the ocean, and you come back up. What's the range on your Thorn Whip?\nPlayer: 30-foot range.\nDM: 30-foot range, and it pulls whatever is there ten feet towards you. We can say it'll pull you ten feet towards it. So it gives you a slight arc, but not enough to actually reach the ship, you can just cruise past the grasping range of Taryon. So, Taryon, as you're there on the side and you glance over and you watch as Keyleth suddenly produces a large thorny whip, a druidic vine that wraps around the small cleat on the side of the ship.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: As you walk in, the two Dawn Marshals that are out there put their arms together and they lower their head and bow. And as you enter, they close the doors behind you guys. The doors slam behind you and you feel the stone shift from the impact of the thud. 25-, 30-foot-tall doors that mark the front of this.\nPlayer: It's all right. Pucker up, we're okay.\nDM: The echo of the stone slam down the long hall. You can see there are large pillars that mark the run to the central chamber. You've been here before, and as you walk across the smooth, very, very simple stonework ahead, you can see there is the central portion. It's almost like a giant cross, like both sides of the temple meet in the center. And there is a circular dip in the ground. Not really a pit, it's only about four feet down. But it's filled with a coarse sand, and as you guys walk up to that edge, each monk acknowledging you as you pass quietly, you can hear the gentle chanting in the distance of low, rumbling Gregorian voices, (chanting). And there, sitting in the center of this open circular sand patch, is the Earthbreaker himself. He is sitting there, legs crossed, arms resting at the edge of his knees, eyes closed. You can see, even from here for those who haven't seen him before, he wears simple free-flowing pants of a dark reddish color with a gold trim on the sides, but they're tattered towards the bottom. He has a one-shoulder wrap across the front there and these large prayer beads that hang around his neck. His skin is very dark and weathered by sun and training, and he is probably the most muscular human being you have seen for his proportional form, he is a human being built for discipline and physical martial training and battle. Older though, still you can see his long grey beard that rests about middle to his chest, the balding on the front a little bit, the rest of his grey hair rests to his mid-back, and he just sits there quietly in the center. The rest of the monks have gathered up and begun to form around the circle.\nPlayer: How many monks, would you say?\nDM: Right now, about 15?\nPlayer: One-five.\nDM: Yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They get three rooms, order some food under the name Nein, and have a seat together after. you goes to play cards with some other bargoers, two of which look much better off than the rest of the patrons there.\nDM: You do not see any half-orcs in this bar. As you go over to the table, the two gentlemen who are playing cards, you sit down and glance. One of them looks to be an older man in his 50s or so, his pattern baldness curling back, but has this curled mush of brown, now graying, hair on the outskirts of it. He's wearing a billowing shirt of a nicer silk. That's why it caught your eye. These two seem, not extremely well-off by any means, but at least better than a lot of the other riff-raff that are finding their way in, including you guys.\nPlayer: My dress is nice, I don't know what you're talking about.\nDM: Your dress is pretty nice, you're right. That's true. The other one is in the process of heavily concentrating on his hand. This one looks a lot younger. He has this scraggly mustache. It looks like he's probably been growing it since childhood, and has let it go in its glory. He has a button-up high collar bit and a cravat that has loosened and fallen. Both of these gentlemen, upon a closer look, look like they're dressing up beyond their station, and at the end of the night have come to alleviate their stresses with drink and yelling at each other over cards.\nPlayer: Hop, hop. I sit down.\nDM: \"Yes?\"\nPlayer: What are we playing? Are we playing Go Fish, or War, or--\nDM: They both stop mid-conversation and glance over. \"We're playing whatever suits us at the moment. We're in the midst-- \"\nPlayer: What is suiting you right now?\nDM: \"Well, we are in the moment finishing a quick game of poker. If you would be so kind as to leave us to our game in peace, that would be appreciated.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Meanwhile, the rest of the party arrive at The Shade, a lounge tavern with segmented spots that doubles as a hookah bar. you reveals that the Earth Ashari are super into hookah , which could mean that when she visited months ago, she had partaken in it.\nDM: Okay. You watch as she walks away, she had her hands out to Vex, and as soon as Vex keeps walking away, she goes--\nPlayer: I toss her a gold. She's with me.\nDM: \"You are free to shop here any day you like.\"\nPlayer: And what was your name?\nDM: She pulls the coin out and pops it away and says, \"I am Shubad.\"\nPlayer: Shubad?\nDM: \"Shubad.\"\nPlayer: Keyleth.\nDM: \"A pleasure to meet you.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the sidelines, Scanlan yells inspiration at you and Cutting Words at Kern. Keyleth attempts to heal you from a distance, but gets caught by a nearby Bastion.\nDM: Vax stands behind you and is like, \"Yes, I'll stand behind your bet,\" and keeps his gold to himself. At this point, the crowd separates. This tension's mounting, and everyone's eyes are on Kern as he steps up to the edge of the Crucible. You now notice the dark figure. The noonday sun is now high in the sky, and you can see, by the little bit of the shadowed outline of Kern, muscle-bound, looming over the edge of the Crucible. You hear a voice call down to you, low and gravelly and familiar. \"You! Did you like the gift I sent you?\"\nPlayer: I reach into my belt and I pull out his upper lip, and I give it a smell and I say, I've enjoyed it very much. I've come to collect the rest. And I fling it into the pit.\nDM: It hits the ground. \"You're not wearing the medal. A shame, really. I thought you'd be more proud of your status.\" (whoosh, thud). He leaps down into the pit right before you, this grin on his face. As everyone's gathering around, people are now swarming the bookie, handing gold left and right, and he's making notes in his little ledger out of his pocket. People are beginning to gather around and crush against the outsides of the Crucible with some people being careful, almost being pushed in. At this point in time, now, Kern's glaring at you and you guys are slowly circling each other. (grunts) \"You've been training, I see. Good. So have I!\" He goes and takes his wine skin, pops off the top--\nPlayer: Hold! Surely a man of your stature would honor me by sharing a drink before this battle.\nDM: He takes (glugging) and throws you the wineskin.\nPlayer: How much is left in there?\nDM: About a third. You're clutching it in your hand, and he's staring at you intently.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She lets it loose. The ogre, beaten by the fireball, grabs its club and gets on one leg.\nDM: Ten damage. Nice. As he falls to the ground, the arc arcs over to the other one who drops his club for a second. Picks it up angrily.\nPlayer: I can reassign my Hunter's Mark to him now?\nDM: You can.\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: Yes, all right. That brings us to--\nPlayer: Oh, my Hunter's Mark! I didn't do my Hunter's Mark damage. But it doesn't matter. He's dead.\nDM: It doesn't matter. You killed him.\nPlayer: All right, cool.\nDM: You just ultra killed him! (valley girl voice) He is so dead. Oh my god. This ogre is done. (normal voice) All right. The other ogre's angry. It's now the goblins' turn. These goblins rush up. They are dashing forward.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, When the pair reaches the outskirts of the walls, you casts Invisibility on them both. Now unable to see the eagle he's riding on, you holds her tightly around the neck.\nDM: No, you don't have an immediate lead of visual recognition. In the meantime, you guys make your way. Swooping down, you can see that cluster, that murder of crows circling out. It's making a large pass over this entire valley. You take this cue as you get to within visual range of the city to cast Invisibility on both of you. Is that a 3rd-level spell?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: Okay. Both of you vanish from view, which is a strange feeling for you because you cannot see Keyleth, you're grasping onto something you can't see.\nPlayer: Oh, shit.\nDM: And you just look like you're gliding through the air.\nPlayer: Can I do one of these?\nDM: Yeah, you grab on very tightly.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: Total of 11 points of damage. Or ten, you're right. From the bear. Bear attacking you, actually no, first the orc attacking Trinket now.\nPlayer: No!\nDM: With advantage.\nPlayer: No!\nDM: Oh man, that's a 16 even with advantage.\nPlayer: Ha!\nDM: Just slamming a greataxe over Trinket's armor, Trinket--\nPlayer: Trinket's yawning.\nDM: Bear against you, Keyleth, that's going to be a natural 20 with the bite.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ripley then takes the vials and a pouch of money with her. you inquires as to what the vials contain.\nDM: She gives you the weapon begrudgingly. Hands you a pouch about this big that's pretty heavy, containing a series of iron balls inside. You can see there's the various instruments she uses for forging them and crafting them there across the table. She puts her hand out towards you for the armor. She puts it on, a little quicker this time, because she feels like she had a little victory. She takes a little vial, puts it in her pocket. She reaches over and grabs a little pouch inside the side with change. Puts a little bit of money to the side there.\nPlayer: What are in those vials?\nDM: She reaches in, pulls them out, shows them to you. And you recognize the color. She goes, \"What, you think you're the only one who doesn't occasionally suffer a wound? I have to look after myself, as well.\" It's a greater healing potion.\nPlayer: One of them is? Or they both are?\nDM: The one she pulled out and showed you.\nPlayer: What about the other one?\nDM: \"Really?\"\nPlayer: Really. Lest your brains leak out your ears.\nDM: She pulls out the other one. \"This is in case things go really poorly and I need to uphold my sense of self-preservation.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While Beau throws wild haymakers, missing with her first hit, Dairon retaliates with only very light, disciplined taps. Beau's next few hits land hard.\nDM: Plenty of things, actually. No one's watching. There's a vase that's really nice. The doorknob itself is a brass, gold-like material.\nPlayer: I'll start working on that.\nDM: Using your thieves' tools, you can get that free, if you want.\nPlayer: After a while, I put a toe into the water, feel it, and I'm like: Nah. I'll use my empty flask and fill it up with water.\nDM: Okay. You get a water flask.\nPlayer: Then work on the doorknob.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and make a thieves' tools check, adding your dexterity.\nPlayer: 12.\nDM: Add the dexterity and your proficiency.\nPlayer: Oh. 14.\nDM: There you go. With very little sound, the doorknob comes off, and you have now a solid brass doorknob. There is the vase.\nPlayer: Is it a big vase?\nDM: It's like that big. It's more of a decorative flower holder over by the window.\nPlayer: Sure. I'll try to get that too.\nDM: Easy. You get it. There's nobody watching you!\nPlayer: I'll also save the flowers in a separate pouch.\nDM: Okay. There you go.\nPlayer: Any towels. Ooh, you know what?\nDM: Yeah, the linens can be taken.\nPlayer: I'm going to take one towel and tear it into shreds, and use it to replace any of my bandages that have worn or fallen off.\nDM: Easy enough. There's some nice clean bandages. Good.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He charges at the dire wolf with his greataxe and lands two hard-hitting blows, the beast wounded but growling with its fangs bared. Waking up from Grog's shout, the party finds themselves surprised and ambushed by more orcs and another that seems to be a half-ogre/half orc humanoid rushing towards Percy.\nDM: Yes. Currently there's only two attacks on you from this ogre-like creature and this orc. Oh, that's not going to be very good. That would be a nine?\nPlayer: No.\nDM: What's your AC?\nPlayer: 18.\nDM: 18, that is not going to hit. And then we also have-- that'll be a 22.\nPlayer: That's going to hit.\nDM: All right, so the giant ogre-ish type creature comes rushing towards you. Swings with its giant club and slams the ground next you as you manage to roll out of the way and get up to your feet, and as you do the orc to the other side swings with what looks like a heavy axe and it nicks you in the side of the shoulder blade, dealing 12 points of slashing damage.\nPlayer: Hm!\nDM: We have-- this guy just barely gets to Scanlan. Scanlan, as you're standing up one of the orcs rushes up behind and you see he's holding another large, double-handed great axe--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you greets Jarett who directs him to Kynan with the other troops, finding him eating alone. you requests that he tries to fit in at Whitestone, keep an eye on Cassandra and gives him Simon.\nDM: \"It's all I have to keep me going right now.\" He reaches his hand up towards the snake, and Simon leaps from from your hand to his and swirls down his arm. He looks confused for a second as it wraps around his waist and then forms into the shape of a belt. You now see a few other guys in the room, and the room's got a little bit quieter. They're all watching what's happening, \"What's going on?\" He notices the attention and, \"I'll take good care of him.\"\nPlayer: I believe you.\nDM: \"I mean no offense. It's a lot of attention right now.\"\nPlayer: I give a slap on his cheek. Remember everything I said, all right?\nDM: \"Yeah, I will.\"\nPlayer: You're a good kid. (whack)\nDM: (soft chuckle) \"Same temple.\"\nPlayer: I'll see you later, all right?\nDM: \"Yeah. Definitely.\" And you head out. Okay. At this point in time, a number of pages have been sent throughout the city to gather those who've been wandering about Whitestone, as you are being called to the meeting in the second floor war room held within the castle itself.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy pulls his gun, fires, and hits. He takes a second shot but his gun jams.\nDM: 16? You can feel the oppression of the umber hulk's gaze, but you shrug it off, your bear mind not affected by the measly tricks and traits--\nPlayer: Urgh, I'm a bear!\nDM: -of these strange underground entities.\nPlayer: Okay. Now I'm attacking.\nDM: Roll for your four attacks.\nPlayer: First one probably misses. With my claw, 14.\nDM: 14 misses. (group laughs)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As he impacts and withdraws the axe, Grog's stamina finally gives out and the goliath falls unconscious, but not without with a smile on his face. Upon seeing Kevdak fall by Grog's hand, all of the herd members within the square gasp, the former Thunderlord's body shrinking upon death.\nDM: Just a moment, guys. Broom of Flying. Speed of 50 feet. So you moved from over here, which would have put you-- it's about 50 to get there. So you could use your action to dash with it, you'd land, that's all you could do.\nPlayer: I couldn't do anything else? Okay. Then I guess I'm going to stay where I am and-- Jeez. Can I hold my action? I'm going to hold my action until--\nDM: Yeah, it's an action to feed a potion to anyone.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: What are you going to do, Vex? Hurry up.\nPlayer: I'm going to hold my action until Grog is healed.\nDM: Okay. Okay.\nPlayer: And I-- can I shout anything?\nDM: If you want to.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There are two vines, one around Nott and one trying to wrap up you. They prove to be difficult opponents, dealing significant amounts of physical and poison damage, and grappling and restraining their targets.\nDM: It looks like a decomposed corpse. Tattered clothing, broken leather belt, a simple satchel hangs open, just rotted and gone. It's been there for a long time.\nPlayer: Anything in the satchel?\nDM: You go ahead and scoot down for a look.\nPlayer: Did it look like-- like no way I could tell if she took anything from the satchel?\nDM: You have no idea.\nPlayer: She took something from the satchel. I stomp back to the rest of the group.\nDM: She was the first to inspect the body. \"So who is to make their descent? How about you, Captain Tusktooth? Will you choose one of your subordinates to lead the fray into the subterranean chambers?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, \u201d\n \u2013\n The Zadash Starosta receives word that war has been declared. 4 edit \n A page rushes in and says he needs to speak to the Starosta immediately, on orders from King Bertrand Dwendal himself. Nott uses Silent Image to create a box around her and stealths over to eavesdrop, only hearing part of the conversation, learning that the Empire has declared war on Xhorhas although it will not be announced until tomorrow.\nDM: Okay. You back up towards where you guys came in, and there's a crownsguard there, arms crossed, looking up.\nPlayer: Man, I cannot wait to see this year's Victory Pit competition! I hear the beasts are heartier than they were last year.\nDM: \"I certainly hope so. It's going to be a lot of fun to watch.\"\nPlayer: Which one is your favorite so far?\nDM: \"Oh, which one?\"\nPlayer: The beast they selected this year.\nDM: \"Well, I haven't seen them. They keep those under wraps. It's part of the surprise.\"\nPlayer: Really?\nDM: \"Yeah!\"\nPlayer: Man, I heard you guys were more informed than that.\nDM: \"Not us, that's above our pay grade.\"\nPlayer: Really? Sheesh. What do you got to do to get duty like that?\nDM: \"Well, you probably have to go to the King's Hall and sign up for the Crownsguard. Kiss ass for a few years and maybe then.\"\nPlayer: Where do the handlers of those beasts stay around here?\nDM: \"I don't know. That's, once again, outside of my jurisdiction. They keep a lot of things separate intentionally.\"\nPlayer: Fair enough. You feel like dropping a coin on a team, remember The Mighty Nein.\nDM: \"Right. Appreciate that, friend.\"\nPlayer: I walk away.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the orchards outside the Fortress of the Sun, Vox Machina plan their next steps. They decide to make Terrah their next stop, for its proximity to the Pools of Wittebak, where Pelor said they could find the key to Ioun's whereabouts.\nDM: All right, so as you complete your spell, Keyleth, you step through the base of the nearest tree, possibly the same one you spoke with earlier if you want to be a dick about it.\nPlayer: Oh yeah! Let's walk through that asshole. That sounds worse for us. But fuck it.\nDM: All right, you aggressively stampede through the center of this one tree and emerge on the other side from one of the surrounding trees on the Terrah village. There are a number of these pseudo-petrified or dried-out large-trunk trees that seem to have slowly died off from the heavy tectonic shifts and small quakes that happen in this area, that have made a lot of the land unable to support large forms of plant life, or at least the trees that used to exist here. So you step out and emerge from the exterior of the village as it domes down into this small crater that you recall seeing before, where most of the village inhabits the central portion, and the village is there before you.\nPlayer: What were the shard things called again?\nDM: The shard things?\nPlayer: The things we need to collect?\nDM: There wasn't really a name for them more than they're small pieces of essence of the deity.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He offers them two jobs. The first is to reconnect with an old friend named Ophelia Mardun 350 miles northwest on the outskirts of Shadycreek Run, who has requested his aid in stabilizing her situation.\nDM: \"Keeping his mouth shut and knowing where the secrets are and not giving those secrets up. He's been pressed for it a few times and has proven to be trustworthy, and I admire that.\"\nPlayer: Would we have the same sort of timetable for this mission, a month?\nDM: \"The sooner the better, as the longer these shipments continues to elude us, the more money we're losing. Like I said, a timely manner, there may be a bonus.\"\nPlayer: Anything else?\nDM: \"Those are the two at the moment. If those don't tickle your fancy, I'm sure we could have another opportunity in the next week or two. I just would hate to see these go to less qualified individuals.\"\nPlayer: Well, perhaps we'll partake of some beverages and discuss.\nDM: \"Of course.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy advises they don't have a plan yet so Raishan can't tell they are lying. you heads to Gilmore's house who has just woken up.\nDM: Fair enough. Vax, as you rush down towards the homestead that Gilmore had made here in Whitestone, the door is closed. There's a large pile out front of ruined furniture that's been jammed into this collection. Presumably from the last encounter they had when the incursion of assassins made their way in. But the door's closed, and seemingly locked.\nPlayer: (knocks)\nDM: A few moments pass, no response. (Mario coin sound)\nPlayer: That's him, that's magic!\nDM: But you find a cool coin.\nPlayer: (knocks)\nDM: Yeah. Eventually you hear a little rustling, and you hear a voice, muffled, from the upper floor say, \"Confound it, I'll be right down!\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group find very little else at the pub. you notes the book that Vosna is reading, a Zemnian romance called The Rosed Embrace, and starts a conversation about the author.\nDM: \"Mein Gott, I did not know about this. I may have to send out Zadash and see if we can find some of those books. Thank you.\"\nPlayer: You're a big reader or just Samuel?\nDM: \"Just recently Samuel. I read on occasion. It depends on what you can find.\"\nPlayer: I read a lot, but all I've been able to find in this town is that parchment place.\nDM: \"The parchment place is good for trash. If you're looking for unique stuff, there's a few places you can go.\"\nPlayer: Here in town?\nDM: \"Here in town, yeah. If you're having a hard time finding a specific book, I would recommend going to Burnished Bibelots.\"\nPlayer: Burnished Bibelots. Which ward is that in?\nDM: \"That is in the North Ward, just on the outskirts of the main market street. It's a bit of a cluttered mess, but Oglen would be happy to help you.\"\nPlayer: Oglen?\nDM: \"Oglen.\"\nPlayer: That is good to know. Thank you.\nDM: \"Not to worry.\"\nPlayer: Those are hard to find, the Farthing's Embrace.\nDM: \"I imagine so. It can't be that bad.\"\nPlayer: He wasn't as proud of them. Early work and all that.\nDM: \"Of course. I have a contact in Rexxentrum. If I cannot find it in Zadash, I will get it from Rexxentrum.\"\nPlayer: That would be the place.\nDM: \"What's your name?\"\nPlayer: My name is Caleb.\nDM: \"Caleb. Pleasure to meet you. I am Vosna.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Molly asks to see the falchion, and tries to cast Charm Person on Fjord, but he resists it. Animated D&D Beyond add\n Spellslingers gag reel\n Good Fortnight Kevin add\n How To Play: Pitchstorm\n Wednesday Club 5-minute one-shot: evil scientist plan\nDM: \"Well, the order goes out there, and pay upon delivery. It took me the better part of a month to get here.\"\nPlayer: I commiserate for your thirst for fiction. I struggle with it myself. How far in are you? Are you almost finished with it?\nDM: \"I'm about three chapters in. It's just starting to get interesting.\"\nPlayer: Is it a page turner?\nDM: \"Yes.\"\nPlayer: Okay, I'm obviously just a little bit jealous, but I don't want to take you away from your reading time.\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Nine.\nDM: There's a little bit of text just barely visible at this proximity to the cover of the book, but you can't make it out in this low light.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: \"He still hasn't given me the proper details yet and he hasn't called in the debt, but he told me one day, I was to help him test someone, and he'd train me.\"\nPlayer: In that Trial Forge, are there like, more of him, like a bunch of big, jacked-out guys in there?\nDM: \"Not as big as him, no. But there's plenty of others that train under him. All sorts of warriors. Weapons of all kinds. It's Kord!\" He looks over, and you see in the distance, the giant statue of Kord that sits atop the Trial Forge. He looks over and with a look of reverence, gives a nod, and you can see that this man, a glimmer of faith in his eyes. He himself probably a follower of Kord as well. \"He's a great man. I'm not the right temperament, it seems. But that's fine. He's getting along okay.\"\nPlayer: Right. I won't take up too much more of your time, but if I could ask you one last thing. Aside from the Slayer's Take and the Trial Forge, if you had to find men at arms, men to attack a very large foe, possibly quite dangerous, where would you go?\nDM: \"Probably the Platinum Sanctuary. Between them and the Trial Forge, that's most of the actual army. Most of it's Trial Forge. It's part of what the Braving Grounds are about. They train the armies here, it's where they breed warriors.\"\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: \"Most of the Bastions that look over the city are trained here, so it's-- those are my best bets, at least. Not much of a political man.\"\nPlayer: Well, it's been good seeing you. No one hit quite as hard as you did.\nDM: \"You too. Um. The medal was a joke. I was in a sore place. Literally, a very, very sore place.\"\nPlayer: Uh-huh.\nDM: \"I wanted to apologize for that.\"\nPlayer: Uh-huh.\nDM: \"I should go.\" He starts walking past you, out into the main street.\nPlayer: Kern. Kord's strength to you, my friend.\nDM: He doesn't even look back to you. \"Uh, you too!\" and keeps walking.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows you, Caduceus, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. Fjord, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of Caleb.\nDM: No, Yasha's being held. As far as she knows, Yasha is doing okay, or the guards have her. Nott is the one that keeps darting around, so she's going to raise a hand and cast Eldritch Blast at Nott.\nPlayer: Eldritch Blast.\nDM: Ooh, that's 24 to hit.\nPlayer: That'll hit.\nDM: You take three points of force damage. As you're jumping off, suddenly you get hit across the chin, but it's a glancing blow and your world goes a little dizzy for a second. The second one misses entirely.\nPlayer: You said three points, right?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Oh. Okay. That's not as bad as I was preparing for.\nDM: She didn't roll very good on the damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: You're going to get up around there, unless you want to try and go over the top of the rocks. That way is going to require a climb check.\nPlayer: Oh really, I can parkour it? Yeah!\nDM: All right, go ahead and make a strength check.\nPlayer: 14.\nDM: Yeah, it's not too hard. You ran up, grab, leap over the side. You can get right there.\nPlayer: Oh, okay. I think the dragon is roughly here?\nDM: In this vicinity. You can see Trinket is currently snarling and lashing out and biting in this area of the cavern.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tary purchases a few healing potions and a Scroll of Fire Shield from Cyric. While the shopkeeper leaves to gift-wrap the potions, they hear a loud clang from outside; Doty has knocked out the two guards who were following them.\nDM: As you both ascend the stairs, you see standing-- previously not noticed as you guys were having a conversation-- but off to the sides of each side of the entryway, the two doors that are closed, there are two women in long black gowns with dark veils that drift over their head to the mid torso, that you had lead you into the chamber initially. Both suddenly present themselves, bow, and step out of the side as the chamber doors open to the interior of the Raven's Crest temple. There, standing as the doors open, is what looks to be an older woman wearing the same attire, the same dark veil, somewhat able to see her features beneath the dark material that hangs in front of her. She steps forward as the doors open.\nPlayer: Hello there. You recognize me. This is my friend. We bring you an offering for the Queen.\nDM: The woman bends down, takes the tome from your hand. She holds it, she takes her fingers and brushes the cloth away that currently obscures the tome, takes a look at it, holds it a foot further away from her face, and throws the cloth over the front, clasps it in her arms and brings it down towards her torso. And, for the first time since this-- you've heard her speak before, you have done this before-- but the strange eerie kind of airy whisper comes out from this older woman as she bends forward, clutching this tome. \"We thank you. And we will be sure that this finds its final seal.\"\nPlayer: She has begun to speak to me. Her desires are not clear, entirely, but I am listening. And I intend to learn.\nDM: \"Good.\"\nPlayer: We have to go. But I mean to come back.\nDM: \"Whenever you're ready. The vision of the gods is obscured beyond the Divine Gate. We are not just their tools but their extensions. The creations that act as their fingers in this plane. The center of all other life and death. Be watchful. Be vigilant.\" She bows, and backs into the Raven's Crest once more as the doors close, the two other women now flanking out of the shadows and stepping before each door, and seemingly just not paying attention to your presence.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: There are many that sell jewelry, many that sell very well-made clothing, some of them party attire, there are some that sell exotic fruits that have been imported in various states of ripeness.\nPlayer: Is anyone selling any masks?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Passive or active?\nDM: That would be an active perception check as you're seeking it.\nPlayer: 21.\nDM: 21. You do glance around and there is one cart that carries costume, party attire supplies. It doesn't seem to have too many customers right now, but they do have a couple of masks that are on display.\nPlayer: Are there any masks that look like tiger masks?\nDM: Looking at it, there are none that are tiger-specific, no. They seem to be molded leather and some more impish, goblin-y in appearance.\nPlayer: Is there someone working the stand?\nDM: There is, yes. You see a woman in her forties or so, thin, with a big toothy smile. Her hair is pulled back into tight bun. You can see there's little bit of her blondish hair turning to gray on the sides around her ears, Reed Richard-style.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord tells them he sees visions of a giant eye, and hears a voice. The sphere reminds him of that eye, and he wants to know where the temple is.\nDM: How thorough do you want this search to be? Because it'll take you a while to go through the entire cargo hold.\nPlayer: Looking for interesting boxes. I don't want to spend more than five minutes down here, if possible.\nDM: Okay, you'll probably have to snuff the lantern one more time, and really frustrate the hell out of him.\nPlayer: Sure. Maybe I can, can I grab it out of his hand?\nDM: The flint?\nPlayer: Or the lantern?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Make him drop it?\nDM: Okay, all right. He lights the lantern, holds it up, and you knock it out of his hand?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Hold on a second, I got to make a roll here.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She glances up and sees an imp wearing gold armor watching her from above. She looks at it and slowly nods.\nDM: It doesn't react. Its head twitches a little bit, and it just sets back in itself, looking at you, its eyes these gleaming black, shining discs in the darkness.\nPlayer: And then I start heading back towards the tavern.\nDM: It just watches you. And as you exit the alleyway from where you came, the two devils that attempted to assail you there, no longer anywhere in sight, the--\nPlayer: Before I round the corner, I want to just take and do a quick Shapechange again into the tiefling that I was.\nDM: Okay. As your form changes as you turn the corner--\nPlayer: Into the tavern.\nDM: -- into the tavern. Yep.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Shale, a goliath fighter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As Scanlan manages to save Vax and Grog from Umbrasyl's threat, the group encounters a former Grog's companion, you, who also shows interest in killing the dragon. Expand\nDM: No, you come down and as you speak with the remnants of the Herd of Storms, many of which, a number of them did survive the battle, though scarred horribly, and many did lose their life in the battle with Umbrasyl. Zanror, Worra, recovering all right. However, the number's now thinned down to a simple 12 members of the Herd. As you speak with Zanror, he looks to you and says, \"Shale. You live.\"\nPlayer: Obviously.\nDM: \"Have you word of the mountain? The dragon?\"\nPlayer: I toss one of its teeth at him. He will trouble us no more. He is a bygone.\nDM: \"Good. Good.\" He takes the tooth and gives it to Worra. \"Well.\"\nPlayer: It's the work of those adventurers.\nDM: \"Vox Machina, they call themselves.\"\nPlayer: They are truly great.\nDM: \"Good. We need greatness in this world. We--\"\nPlayer: Don't be so glum, you old fool.\nDM: He grins to himself.\nPlayer: This is a day of glory. A great battle has been won.\nDM: \"It is. But there's been a lot of cost in it, too.\"\nPlayer: There's always cost. We will all die, it just depends on how. We died fighting a dragon, and we lived fighting a dragon. What more do you want? That's the smile I want to see.\nDM: \"I'm glad you're back, Shale. Your wisdom stays strong.\"\nPlayer: Well, now that Kevdak's out of the way, maybe people will listen to what I have to say for a change.\nDM: \"We've been talking here. I think the Herd of Storms died in battle with the dragon. There's not many of us left.\"\nPlayer: But there are other herds.\nDM: \"There are. And while we lost the Rivermaw, I think maybe it's time we went and joined them.\"\nPlayer: I like that idea.\nDM: \"They're damper lands. Better for raising children. Take a break from all this warring and go back to a simple life. Will you come with us, Shale?\"\nPlayer: Of course.\nDM: \"Good. We'll set out tomorrow. At dawn, we plan.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott and Caleb find an archery range, and posing as father and daughter, try it out. Caleb fails embarassingly, but Nott hits the bullseye on all three targets, winning a crude doll of King Bertrand Dwendal, two wooden swords (which she gives to you), and two rats in cages (one of which she gives to Yasha, since it's her favorite food).\nDM: Yes, exactly. He's like super butch. Hand clasped with a trained soldier who's wearing elements of the Righteous Brand armor but has taken bits of it off and they're both going (grunting). They're in the middle of an arm wrestling match and they're both tensing back and forth (grunting) before the brawny guy slams the soldier's arm down to the table. He goes (yelling). The crowd around goes (cheering). There's a shout and cheer and the gentleman in the center goes, \"That was well done. Well done and congratulations to you. Now that you've proven yourself my friend, would you be interested at all in joining the Righteous Brand? Being a strong warrior in his own right,\" and the guy's like, \"Ah, piss off! I don't want to.\" He goes like, \"It's a good wage. Gold per day. Fed. All the equipment you need. You help keep the Empire safe. No? All right, very well. Anyone else?\"\nPlayer: Yeah, what's up?\nDM: \"Well, we are having a contest to see who here is the strongest.\"\nPlayer: Cool. Who's the strongest?\nDM: \"Well, so far, it's that gentleman.\" Points over to the heavy, burly fellow who's off to the side. He's currently flexing and cracking his wrist.\nPlayer: If you win, do you have to stick around and arm wrestle a whole bunch of people because you're suddenly the best? I don't want to dedicate more time to this.\nDM: \"I mean, you don't have to.\"\nPlayer: Do I still get to be the best though if this guy sticks around and just keeps going?\nDM: \"Probably, but don't be surprised if other contenders start following you around the town to try and take your title.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you asks if she hopes that he might come back again? Cree did not expect to see him again, and she feels that whatever grace brought him back again was taken away by the Mighty Nein's carelessness.\nDM: I wasn't expecting to see him this last time. I feel like whatever grace brought him back to us, maybe it was your carelessness that took him from us again.\nPlayer: Indeed, maybe it was. You have my apologies and my condolences.\nDM: It is all right. I have started a new life here, and it has been serving me well.\nPlayer: I hate to leave you with such sour news, but I must be going.\nDM: Such are these days. Thank you for your candor. She turns around and walks away.\nPlayer: Fuck. Then I'll head back to The Leaky Tap.\nDM: Okay. You guys have all gathered up at The Leaky Tap?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: 23? He seems fairly forthright and honest. There is a sense of urgency to him. He's really insisting you guys be there.\nPlayer: Okay. Well, we will be, then.\nDM: \"Wondrous. I will notify the rest of the council. I look forward to seeing you this evening.\"\nPlayer: Yes, if you see my brother anywhere, can you send him home?\nDM: \"Yeah, I'll keep an eye out. I have a network in the city. I can probably locate him within the hour, if need be.\"\nPlayer: Thank you.\nDM: \"No worries.\" He walks away. As he steps away, you look for a second. You glance away and look back, and he's gone.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He offers to pay her double to break the contract, but she refuses. The rest of Vox Machina emerge from Keyleth's tree portal near the ruins of Draconia and make their way, in cloud form, north to the main road.\nDM: Okay. (whoosh) You all head back up into the sky, and you can see now the clouds in this vicinity are growing darker. It looks like it's probably going to rain in the next few hours or so.\nPlayer: Okay. So we're less noticeable?\nDM: The temperature right now means it might even sleet; you're not sure. You make your way, coasting over the farmland. Looking down, you can see it's all segmented and all marked off with various colored fences. Everything is really well-organized here, and all the land has been divided. You eventually make your way towards the base of the hill and cruise up to the outskirts of the city, where you see the large stone walls that encircle elements of the outskirts, and you see where each one of these walls opens up to some sort of a pathway. There is a large metallic gate that is currently separated and lifted up in the back that can be slammed and closed and shut in case you need to keep anybody in or out.\nPlayer: Ping!\nDM: You're getting no ping yet.\nPlayer: No pings? Okay.\nDM: You guys are now over the wall now, these six plumes of mist coasting above. What do you do?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you football tackles the held Riskel to the ground. Vax pummels riskel with the blunt end of his daggers.\nDM: You can, by just controlling it with your mind. So I will say, go ahead and make an athletics check, just to--\nPlayer: Strength or athletics?\nDM: This'd be athletics. Athletics is better for you, technically.\nPlayer: Yeah, it is. 20.\nDM: Yeah. You lift him over your shoulder, past Pike. Take him out into the hallway. You gonna keep him on your shoulder? Or slam him down?\nPlayer: Yeah, I was gonna slam him into the wall.\nDM: Wham, whack, into the wall. Go ahead and roll 1d6 plus your strength modifier. For the sheer force of this, this near currently helpless individual slammed against the stone wall.\nPlayer: Seven.\nDM: All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Yasha has a tinder box, so Nott uses Mage Hand to hold the dynamite, Yasha lights it, and Nott and Jester (who has cast Pass Without a Trace and needs to be within 30 feet) sneak up and move it into the house. After a tense pause, it explodes, blowing apart the tree and knocking the troll prone, and allowing the party a surprise round.\nDM: All right, you go into your defensive stance, preparing for any sort of assault towards you. Yasha, you're up.\nPlayer: Did I go my full speed?\nDM: No, you didn't.\nPlayer: Can I move back a little?\nDM: If you want to, yeah.\nPlayer: One more, that's good.\nDM: All right, there you go. Yasha.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The spiraling tower of black iron and copper. He throws a square, metal icon.\nDM: The pit fiend has turned about and is standing there with its arms crossed, watching this transpire maybe halfway up the block where you guys had set up. Its eyes narrow with a bright spark of yellow light that situates where its face is. (heavy footsteps) It saunters up in your direction, looks over to where the rest of you are, and where the two--\nPlayer: Is he coming over?\nDM: He's heading in your direction.\nPlayer: Okay, I'll summon the magnificent mansion door, and I'll say to the slaves: (French accent) All right, it was worth a try, but we must pack it in.\nDM: As you're saying this, the pit fiend puts a hand up. Its mouth doesn't move but you hear a voice piercing deep inside your head. It says, \"Stop. I have discourse to make with you, small one.\"\nPlayer: But of course. I am here to sell, if you are here to buy.\nDM: \"I have interest with your aasimar.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth polymorphs Grog into a gorilla, and she herself Beast Shapes into a giant eagle. Everyone moves through the bog canopy and enters a shaded nightfall in proximity to the giant tree.\nDM: Okay. As you guys push on forward, Keyleth guiding the direction, you're the only one who moves without an issue. Are you tracking ahead of the party, or are you staying with them?\nPlayer: I am tracking a little bit ahead of them.\nDM: All right. You travel for about another hour or so forward, and you, just being naturally alert as you are, notice some shift of movement that is more sudden than the slow sway of some of the various branches and boughs of nearby trees. A little bit in the direction you're traveling and to the left.\nPlayer: What did it look like? Just movement?\nDM: It moves again, and you see what appears to be some almost large rock-like figure that's shifting, and the more you take a moment to focus, it looks like a humanoid-type creature hunched over, facing away from you.\nPlayer: (mouthing) We should go, we should go that way. Can I point everybody to go around, keeping a wide berth?\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy goes with Keyleth and Tiberius to look for ammunition supplies. Though black powder is not a commonly-sold commodity in Vasselheim, Percy manages to find one eccentric older man who sells it.\nDM: \"For the barrel? The barrel, that'll run you... (mutters) 4,623 gold pieces for the barrel. However, for the hogshead--\" You can see now the spittle dribbling down his chin.\nPlayer: I can! It's as if I can see the spittle myself!\nDM: Yes, indeed! \"But! For the hogshead, which-- ooh!\" And he turns around and shuffles through a bunch of pieces of burlap and sacks and pulls out what looks to be an actual dried and hollowed-out hog's head. \"To fill this? To fill this hog's head with it? This'll only cost you 426 gold pieces. Yes?\"\nPlayer: How about 400 even, and you can direct me to some ore, as well?\nDM: \"Ore? I do not work in ore.\"\nPlayer: I thought you might have a friend.\nDM: Make a persuasion roll.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you, averting her eyes, shoots two arrows, both finding their target. The umber hulk begins to burn, reeling back, and fixates on her.\nDM: Nice! (Liam imitates arrows firing) So, as your arrows sink into him, one blasts into him. Fire cascades up the side, you can see the middle of its plates beginning to burn and torch the cinderous glow. It reels back, gets its claws ready, now fixated on you 'cause you just announced your presence to it.\nPlayer: I'm looking again, so.\nDM: All right. Anything you wanna do with...?\nPlayer: Trinket?\nDM: Trinket.\nPlayer: Oh, yeah. Can he run up and attack the other one? While keeping his eyes down?\nDM: He would have to use one of your attacks to do that.\nPlayer: Oh okay, well then he's just hanging out.\nDM: Trinket's just hanging out.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: You push off of him, run across this wall, leap, hit this pillar, and then, using the momentum, leap and land right in front of the gnoll there.\nPlayer: As I'm leaping, I want to take the staff and come down and go (crack) with a slap. Double handed, piece of shit gnoll! Oh god, it's a two!\nDM: What was the other one?\nPlayer: That was my eight-sided die. I'm trying to efficient my rolls.\nDM: Roll both? Yeah. As you swing down, the gnoll manages to see you up in the air and side steps as you hit the stonework.\nPlayer: I scream as I come down the whole way going (screaming).\nDM: (gnoll laughter)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Dranzel divulges that he doesn't know who the wealthy person is, that the gold is in an abandoned building in the Cloud Top district, and that it's long abandoned and boarded up but hard to get into. Percy says that this building has probably been pillaged already.\nDM: \"I know that a few individuals have tried to make their way in. Came out with hefty sums of gold but seemed to be a bit spooked.\"\nPlayer: I'm gonna pull up a chair and sit down in front of him. Hi, there. My name's Greg. Greg. Yeah, I'm Scanlan's friend, Craig.\nDM: \"Hello, Greg. All right, Craig.\"\nPlayer: Scanlan might be able to help you with this. I'll definitely be able to help you with this, but I'm not going to do anything unless I know something more, so if you want to go into the house, if you want me to break us into the house, which I can certainly do, I really need to know a little bit more. Your chances of getting whatever you're after inside raise if you're honest with me. And I don't feel yet like you're being honest with me, so I want to help you, but I don't think I can and without me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but we're not getting in the house, so is there anything else you wanna tell me about--?\nDM: \"That's all I know. All I know is they've had a few other of the thieving persuasion have made their way in before and they came out with a decent chunk of change, given that they could only be in there for a short time.\"\nPlayer: I'm gonna insight check. That is a 19.\nDM: He's hard to read, but the best you can tell is he's been pretty clear with you. And at this point as you're looking at him, his eyes go--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Above that, x bars against the wall where, in the center, you saw a gold inlaid seal with an empty triangular shape, like a pyramid inverted, and a series of these iron warriors that were embedded in the walls. Behind the stairway, you saw means of smelting metal and other forms of material.\nDM: Yeah. Sure. So with that, first you knock it prone onto the ground, tripping out from under itself as you sweep across its legs, you watch as one of the pauldrons that's built into its leg splinters off, and you can see the inner mechanisms of the construct's leg. What do you want to do for your second attack?\nPlayer: I want to hit it again! Reckless, great weapon master. Thank god for that. Seven. Shit, that might not be so good. 20.\nDM: 20 just barely hits.\nPlayer: Oh, it hits. Okay. One, seven, 17! Oh, 17 plus ten, so 27.\nDM: You're in melee, too, so the reduce his ability doesn't really affect you since you're right up against him. How much was that damage total?\nPlayer: 27.\nDM: 27 points. Okay. As you swipe it from under the ground and it falls onto its back, it slams, hits the ground with a hard metallic (clang). Using that momentum you swing back, (wham) and slam down on top of its chest, which caves in briefly, you can see bits of the flame of the interior furnace flickering around the edges where the metal's now crinkled inward, exposing the burning flame. Is that your turn?\nPlayer: Can I spend an action surge to do one more strike into his Gallagher-afflicted chest. Reckless, great weapon master! That's a lot. 16, 20, 34, 29.\nDM: 29 hits. Roll damage. You have two more attacks with your action surge.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Seeing through Percy's disguise, he suggests that the real Vax join him after the feast begins. Assum then goes into more detail on the reasons for his distrust of the Briarwoods and notes that Lady Briarwood is an accomplished wizard.\nDM: At this point, the dessert has been brought out. It's a fine, almost creme brulee-type dish. It's delicious.\nPlayer: Are they whispering to themselves, still?\nDM: As part of the discussions, there are a few side exchanges here and there. The best you can make from it is, \"Did you notice him?\" She says, \"Yes, don't worry.\" And, \"Tonight, we'll stay.\" And those are the only things you can make out from the exchanges back and forth.\nPlayer: How long do you plan on staying here, Lord and Lady?\nDM: \"Well, after this dinner, I imagine a few days, and we'll be on our way. We're merely here to finalize the paperwork for the bridge construction.\" She looks over and gives a nod to Lord Daxio, who gives her a nod back. \"And maybe see the city for a while, and make our way back. It's too hard to be away, and our nephew has been left in charge of this.\"\nPlayer: Do you have plans on the morrow? I would love to give you a tour of the city.\nDM: \"That would be lovely.\"\nPlayer: Wonderful! Should I send word? How should we arrange this?\nDM: \"Where are you staying?\"\nPlayer: We are outside of town at our own keep, actually.\nDM: \"What's it called?\"\nPlayer: The Greyskull Keep.\nDM: \"Greyskull Keep. We will have you sent for when the time is right.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They go inside, finding the shop to be run by one Cydric Gillsman, who recognizes Grog. He only agrees to do business once Grog has assured him Vex isn't around.\nDM: \"No, I'm waiting on-- Trade's been a little slow. Looks like things are getting up in Emon, so hopefully we'll have more soon. But for the time being, I do have some more healing potions.\" And he goes into the back room, and you hear him rummaging for a minute. You hear one crate fall over and a couple of things shatter. \"Ah god damn--\". And eventually he comes back through the door, and he's holding in his arms a few clusters of various glass vials. Some of them have been repurposed and taped at the top, but they're functional. He sets them down on the counter. \"All right. I have six potions of healing, and I have three of greater healing, and one superior.\"\nPlayer: Do I know how much these things tend to cost?\nDM: Make an intelligence check.\nPlayer: Ooh! This is not a save.\nDM: Yes, just add your modifier.\nPlayer: 20!\nDM: Yes, actually. The healing potions can range around 75 to 100 gold pieces generally. The uncommon ones can range somewhere in the 500 gold pieces range. The superior, however, are much rarer to come by, and the fact he even has one, with how recently you guys cleared him out, it's pretty decent. That one can run anywhere between 4,000-5,000 gold pieces.\nPlayer: And it's six, three, and one? Is that right?\nDM: Six, three, and one.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Then continuing to follow where this route led you, upward, hopefully towards the underbelly of the city of Thar Amphala. You uncovered a mostly cleaned out vault and did battle with some undead trolls that immediately rushed in and attacked you.\nDM: All right. Cool. Technically, leveling up didn't affect your AC; however, calculating the magic item did.\nPlayer: But I feated, so I'm good!\nDM: I know. So as it swings toward you, its claw streaks out and has no effect. And then they both vanish. You want to take an attack of opportunity? You can if you'd like to.\nPlayer: War Caster?\nDM: War Caster. You can attempt to cast a spell on it as a reaction, if you'd like. This one's going to back away into the wall, as well. Vex, you also get an attack of opportunity if you'd like, with a melee weapon.\nPlayer: Does it have to be a bonus action?\nDM: No, it can be an action. That's part of the War Caster feat.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ripley mentions that she has no reason to lie at this point, and reluctantly agrees to aid the party in finding Cassandra. you asks the doctor if she is a magic user.\nDM: \"If it gets me out of here and gets me free to do my own business, then yes. I'll have to get a few things from my room, but I would be more than happy to be free of this desolate landscape. This whole town is a ruin of misery, and it has no color. It has no culture. I've grown bored of it.\"\nPlayer: You say you're a scientist.\nDM: \"Yes.\"\nPlayer: Do you use magic?\nDM: \"I've no interest in paltry magics. I'm more of one who embraces the sciences as a means of understanding mystery. My whole purpose here was one giant chemical experiment.\"\nPlayer: Then who cast Seeming on you?\nDM: \"Oh, that isn't to say I have don't have my tricks.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The female gunner lives through the impact and the mage also dies on impact. Percy uses Diplomacy on Kynan, stunning him.\nDM: If you slide down to meet her, with that kind of force, you will take seven points of piercing damage reduced to three.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: So that's three points of piercing damage. You (sliding noise) down to the bottom.\nPlayer: Can I make-- is she prone?\nDM: She is prone, yes.\nPlayer: Do I get advantage on that anyway, then?\nDM: You do.\nPlayer: Can I make it great weapon master, please?\nDM: You may.\nPlayer: Thank you. (quietly) I won't need it. That's even better. (counting) 32. No, minus five. 28.\nDM: 28.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott says that they've been very clear that they're in this for what they can grab for themselves. She corrects you's assumption that she relies on Caleb for protection, saying it's the other way around.\nDM: There's a moment pause and the door opens up very quickly with just enough space to let you in. Do you go in?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay, you head inside. It's dark in there, but you have your dark vision, so you look around and it looks like Dolan and Horris are both in there. Horris has a candle light with a side hood that's keeping it contained to a small area. Dolan goes, \"Oh, thank god you're okay! We're trying-- We don't know what to do.\"\nPlayer: It's all right. Take a breath. Is there a back door to this place?\nDM: \"Through the bedroom.\"\nPlayer: Beau's going to be coming around the back, make sure she gets let in.\nDM: \"Okay.\" Horris is in the process of taking things and putting them into a sack. They are basically rapidly--\nPlayer: You're leaving?\nDM: \"We can't stay here!\"\nPlayer: Why?\nDM: \"If they trace anything back to us, they're going to string us up in front of the tower.\"\nPlayer: Take a deep breath, friend. Listen, Ulog is dead. He sacrificed himself in a very brave moment. He threw himself at the Richter, threw a gem in her mouth, and exploded in a Fireball. Listen, I think--\nDM: \"Great, so now we have a murder on our hands, too.\"\nPlayer: I think--\nDM: Horris goes, \"Keep your mouth down! Please!\"\nPlayer: I don't think any of this leads back to us. We still have to complete our mission. We got to make sure that Lord Sutan is implicated in this, but right now we're clean.\nDM: \"At this point, that doesn't even matter. We can't--\"\nPlayer: The Richter's gone! You have a chance to ascend to her seat! Wasn't that the plan?\nDM: \"Yes, but if there is any chance they can bring that back to us-- maybe we leave town for a short time. Maybe just go.\"\nPlayer: Stop. Don't be a coward in this moment. If you want to help this city, if you want to help make the empire better, you're going to have to stand strong. A little risk is going to come with this job, especially in that position. You knew the risk going into this, didn't you? To put your money and your lives at risk?\nDM: Make a persuasion check.\nPlayer: 15.\nDM: 15. He goes, \"You're right, we should--\" And Horris goes, \"No! What, do you want them to go ahead and throw us in the dungeon? Is that what you want? I understand what you're saying, but none of us knew that the High-Richter was going to be dead! I'm sure they have ways of tracing that back. What good--\" And Dolan goes, \"Calm down. Please. Maybe he's right, maybe they don't have a way to bring it back. If we see this through--\" Horris takes the satchel and sets it on the table, puts the candle below it and walks up, grabs the side of Dolan's shoulders, and says, \"I understand, but I don't want to lose you, and this scares the shit out of me.\" They both take a moment and look at each other. Horris looks at you and says, \"I think you're right. Neither of us know how to talk our way out of the guards if they come by, we're not good liars.\"\nPlayer: I understand. Fortunately, in this situation, you don't have much to lie about. You were here. You weren't at the Richter\u2019s. You weren't involved in it in any way. The Knights of Requital are going to take the fall for this, that would be the only tie-in. Ulog is dead. You have a chance to do some real good here.\nDM: Horris nods. \"Okay. Then we stay.\" And Dolan says, \"No, I stay. Just in case things go wrong, I want you safe and gone. If this is to be turned around, I'm the one they're going to look to. I\u2019m the one who actually has the political influence here. I'm the one who can talk and make a difference, if that is to be done in the next few days, or the next week. If you can just, for a while, trust me and just leave. Is that okay?\" He looks to you, and Horris kind of-- \"Fine, but I'll come back soon.\"\nPlayer: We'll keep an eye out. I promise. If anything needs to be shared between, you can rely on us to pass a message.\nDM: Dolan nods. \"Okay. I'm good. Sorry, Horris, I don't need you for this. It would be stupid for both of us, should anything go wrong, to be taken, swept up by this. Okay? Trust me.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They are pulled into the center and announced as The Mighty Nein's final round. Knowing the Stubborn Stock is watching from behind the distant doorways that lead into the central arena, the members of the Mighty Nein all scattered about the sands as the sun begins to get close to dusk, shouting out their various plans and then abandoning them last minute.\nDM: No. That's your turn. Fjord, you're up. You're in the middle of the field and you see both Yasha and Molly crushed into the ground. This little lollipop is (flittering) in the air behind.\nPlayer: Lovely. Yeah, I'm going to use Eldritch Blast. Shoot across the arena, 120 feet. Try and hit him.\nDM: All right. You move into the space here?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: You can see him over the wall.\nPlayer: That is a 16 plus six, 22.\nDM: That'll hit. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: That is 12 plus two, 14 points of Eldritch Blast damage.\nDM: Nice! That's a good hit. (impact) Off the side of the shoulder. You can watch where the section, where the skin used to be is now exposed muscle. Where it's burned off, the outer layer of the body.\nPlayer: Can I use the rest of my speed to move behind the column, so that I'm hiding behind the column?\nDM: Sure.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While all of this has been happening with Scanlan, the rest of Vox Machina begins their assault on Count Tylieri's mansion. As you and Trinket rush the front door, Percy, Vex'ahlia, Vax'ildan, and Keyleth are sneaking around the back.\nDM: Percy, Vex, you guys are all back this way. The back of the building. You can see what looks to be one door to a back room. Grog, as you come slamming up with Trinket behind you (thudding footsteps) up to the front of the building, you see the front doors are there before you.\nPlayer: Oh, they're in front of us?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: I'm already raging?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: I just fucking bust through, apeshit-style.\nDM: Okay. Make a strength check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They agree they will return in two weeks with word or else the Ravenites will go to Vorugal. They visit the lair of the dragon and find one of the spheres akin to those they saw in Brimscythe's lair; they don't mess with it.\nDM: You're led past a couple of these stone structures and there is a central, open circular plot between a lot of these. There's a fountain that seems to spring a very clean source of water within the center of this chamber. Beyond that, there is a larger temple-like square structure that has a slight trapezoidal appearance to it. The entranceway is an open arch, and you can see a large fire burning on the inside of it. You are led around the fountain and led to the inside. There, sitting on a large stone seat made of haphazard bits of rock and stone, it looks relatively uncomfortable, a large stone throne, there is a female dragonborn. She wears long, drab, gray robes, tattered at the edges, a hood loosely pulled back and a large scarf or wrap around her neck and shoulders. She just sits there with her hands over the side, draped, and as you walk in and your eyes adjust you can see that she looks very old. As you're brought in, the rest of your crew still pushes you in with the spears. She leans forward. \"Are these prisoners of ours?\" The dragonborn who brought you in goes, \"They are, for the time being. They say they come here because the Frigid Doom and other dragons who came are killing their people, as well. They have come to fight the dragon, or so they claim. They walked in under guise of our enemy. It is your wisdom to make these choices.\" And the larger dragonborn bows his head and steps away, the spears pull back and they step, blocking the exits that you walked through; the entire archway now is shoulder to shoulder dragonborn with spears at the ready.\nPlayer: Tooma. We apologize for coming in the guise of your enemies. Unfortunately, we don't know much about your culture, and no one ever informed us of what you have suffered, and we apologize.\nDM: Make a persuasion check.\nPlayer: 23?\nDM: You're saying this in Draconic, I assume? She leans in a bit, and the firelight crackles under her chin, and you can see the teeth on one side pull out beyond the lip, and it gives her this lopsided look. The tongue wipes across the front, and she leans in toward you. \"You come here to fight the Frigid Doom, you say?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"I would be lying if I said it did not bring a chance for freedom to all of us Ravenites.\"\nPlayer: Much deserved.\nDM: \"But as time progresses, I fear we shake one bond to step into another. The dragon presented itself as our savior, but has since required an ever-growing fealty.\"\nPlayer: They do that.\nDM: \"Without the Draconians, without the Sky-walkers, and without the Doom, we would be free. Rebuild our culture.\"\nPlayer: I want nothing more for you than that. Let us help you.\nDM: Now, the rest of you hear this \"Do your friends speak Common?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: Six points of piercing damage. The bird goes (thud) on the ground and then dissipates. You watch as the four hyenas suddenly rush in towards where the bird had fallen, and they all go to the spot where it landed and find an arrow lying there, and (snarling and yipping).\nPlayer: I cast Spiritual Weapon above the two gnolls directly in front of me.\nDM: The range on that is--?\nPlayer: Range on that is 60 feet.\nDM: You're placing it where? Right there?\nPlayer: Yeah, right there. It's going to giant lollipop down and smack one of them in the face.\nDM: All right. Which one?\nPlayer: This one. The one on your left.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and roll a spell attack.\nPlayer: Ooh, 19 plus whatever!\nDM: Nice. Roll damage on that, that definitely hits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott immediately is hit by a crossbow bolt fired from under the table, and Caduceus comes face to face with Ruzza hiding in a corner. Roll initiative!\nDM: You do, you see the other thug immediately around that corner, who is also firing from that side across the way.\nPlayer: I go, 'Sup! (pow) Okay, first roll. Natural 20! [cheering] Doubling the dice damage. Ooh, that's a seven! So 14 plus four, 18.\nDM: 18 points of damage to him, nice. All righty. So with a heavy clock to the side he gets thrown back into a torch that is in the wall. That catches flame a little bit on his shoulder and he brushes it out. He is looking both distracted and pretty hurt.\nPlayer: That's cool. I'm going to take my off hand, I'm going to run and just take the edge of my arm into his throat.\nDM: Go for it, second strike.\nPlayer: Second strike, 14?\nDM: 14, does hit!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percival shoots Clarota in the head, releasing Scanlan, who had been grappled by the turncoat. As the remaining illithids take heavy damage, the two of them Plane Shift out of the room in self-preservation.\nDM: It's not double damage, because you're not hitting the structure. So 11 points of damage? All right, now I want you to go ahead and make a strength check.\nPlayer: Okay, that sounds fun.\nDM: So just roll and add your strength modifier of the earth elemental.\nPlayer: 14?\nDM: Okay, as you punch upward, you're still partially absorbed into the earth, but your fist comes through and it slams in, and you feel this sickening thud sound as your fist hits the interior of the brain. It still moves a little bit but it stays in its place held aloft by its own psychic defense mechanism. Make your second attack.\nPlayer: Okay, yeah, same, 21.\nDM: 21 hits. Go ahead and roll damage on that one.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus and Shak\u00e4ste investigate the back chambers, whch are holding chained, gagged humanoid figures. Lorenzo appears and casts Cone of Cold, knocking out you and Shak\u00e4ste, and wounding Keg and Caduceus.\nDM: Well you only make one attack-- no two attacks. I've allowed that house rule. Held attacks get the extra attack feature, so go for it. So both hit.\nPlayer: Both hit. First one. 13 damage.\nDM: Nice.\nPlayer: Second one-- wait! No, I'm wrong. These are throwing stars.\nDM: They're throwing stars, yeah. Sorry.\nPlayer: Wrong die, I was doing my melee attack. First one. Okay. Seven damage. Second one: five damage.\nDM: A total of 12 damage from those two strikes. Nott you also got one as well.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you steps up onto the ledge of the tower, attaches the Chain of Returning to his axe, and throws it towards the pit fiend. The axe embeds itself in his back.\nDM: 29 points of damage. The axe jams and embeds itself into the back. The pit fiend is like (snarling). The voice once again emanates from its telepathic push into your respective brains in the vicinity. \"You have angered the city guard. You have no victory now.\"\nPlayer: Well, I'm not going to do any good up here. I still have my movement, right? I'm going to try some stupid shit. Since the axe is in his back, can I Indiana Jones down to the ground? (singing Indiana Jones theme song) Just, (yelling) trying to get down to the ground or underneath him. I may hit the ground, but maybe it will be slowed by the--?\nDM: I need you to roll an acrobatics check to land this.\nPlayer: I understand.\nDM: You are heavy, and the chain itself is going to come loose as you come down, so roll an acrobatics check.\nPlayer: Not great. Nine.\nDM: You swing, and you land. You stumble. You roll and land straight into the lava.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At which point they realized that the head of this cult, or at least this group here at the top of the pyramid, was none other than Lady Delilah Briarwood, who then protected herself and two of her cult members beneath the veil of a Prismatic Wall in the shape of a sphere. Vox Machina did battle with a number of undead and other cultists and followers of the Whispered One, that involved largely just throwing a bunch of them into the ceiling, including Vox Machina themselves , thanks to a well-placed Reverse Gravity.\nDM: Which, just as a note, the visual of Grog pulling this body out of the Bag of Holding is much like trying to pull a Slim Jim out of the wrapper. It pulls weird and you have to yank.\nPlayer: What an analogy. The sausage without the casing.\nDM: Yeah, it's like by sections, and you watch him strain as you pull some out and it folds over. It's just really awkward and awful. But yeah, you manage to get the body out.\nPlayer: Close the Bag of Holding and I just drag him back over.\nDM: (impacts) Up each step.\nPlayer: Everybody ready? And a one, and a two, and a (whoosh).\nDM: As you throw it, it impacts, and you watch as the body stops in mid-air from the gravity, stopping where it stands. Its legs fold over, and like a broken physics engine, you watch as the body (crackling) twists, cracks, and gets sucked in.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before this happened, as a part of a journey towards this Tri-Spire, both Caleb and Jester made their way there. Caleb unsuccessfully entering a nicer district of the city that did not seem to believe or respect his presentation.\nDM: All righty. Let me pull this up real fast. Easy enough to find! You head to another section of the Interstead sprawl--\nPlayer: Have we been here yet?\nDM: No, you have not been. You come to what is a small, dark-wood, rough and tumble dive bar with two very dangerous-looking guards at the outside. You see these thicker human guys, one who is completely bald, pale skin, big square chin that looks like it's been broken in multiple places who has his arms crossed. The other one looks to be a spindly guy who's sitting there, daggers sheathed on both sides, and they both watch you as you enter and they both just stare.\nPlayer: They're bouncers, like rough bouncers at that bar.\nDM: Yeah. Which is interesting, because you expect for them to go through that it would be a really rowdy place but it's very quiet. You walk inside and aside from the central candle-lit chandelier that is almost obtrusively laid from a low ceiling with a number of small booths that are built out of wood as well, it has a classic Old-England pub feel, but everything smells of dried beers and ale and rotted wood. You only see two other patrons in there that are at separate booths drinking alone, and across the way you see this very, very old dwarf with half of his beard burned away and this perpetual grimace. He's sitting there looking out. As you enter, he perks up, \"Aye. Can I help you?\"\nPlayer: He's the bartender?\nDM: Yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party then, in trying to locate Grog's position, found their way, delving past the lava-fall of the obsidian rock duergar-Underdark, deeper in, discovering this cursed pit of undeath, bone shards, and glass. Upon traversing it they encountered one of these abominations that they've seen traces of left before\u2014this weird, partial-elven, partial-tentacle monstrosity that slashed through the party, nearly killed Trinket, but was defeated by Vox Machina .\n They managed to make their way across this bone field and discover what appears to be a camp across a number of pillars in the distance.\nDM: Yeah, very bad news. Okay. That brings us to Pike, who's also going to try and make her saving throw. Fails it, unfortunately. Pike dropped her shield, dropped her mace, and is clutching the side of her head, screaming silently as the pain is wracking her brain from the inside. That brings us to this duergar, who's going to rush over to the one who just banished his queen and attempt to-- his physical form begins to swell with strength and frustration. The duergar swings at you with his war pick. That is...\nPlayer: \"(singing) Oh, don't hit me!\" I cast a little count, cutting-- what is it?\nDM: Cutting Words?\nPlayer: Cutting Words.\nDM: Okay. So it's a 16. Go ahead and roll your d10 number. It's a d10 now.\nPlayer: That's d10?\nDM: It's a d10 now. You leveled up, yeah!\nPlayer: I don't even-- I've never rolled a d10 before!\nDM: Now you have!\nPlayer: This is a d10?\nDM: Yep, so it's a 16.\nPlayer: It was a four.\nDM: It was a four, so it takes that down from a 16 to a 12, which does miss.\nPlayer: He misses! (all laugh)\nDM: So as he rushes towards you--\nPlayer: (singing) No, don't hit me!\nDM: He stops for a second, confused. He puts the war pick down for a second like, \"Wait-- argh! (groans) You gnome!\" Doesn't know why he listened to you and is equally frustrated with himself now as he is you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You began to look throughout the room. You found a sword across the upper ceiling, an ornamental blade of some kind.\nDM: 21, okay! You go through from cage to cage. The urns are scattered ash. Nothing catches your eye from those two. The nooses you pull through and tug on, and the rope rots and breaks in your grasp. You go past the brazier on that side with the ashes, and you poke around with your staff, and something catches your staff underneath the ash. You prod in there, and as you push it aside, there's an object in the ash that is partially burned. As you pull it free and dust it off, it's another book. A large portion of the back of it is burned off, and most of the pages are destroyed on the back end, but a good half of the book is mostly still intact. Like when it got thrown in there to be destroyed, the flame wasn't quite strong enough to consume the entire book.\nPlayer: Can I do a little flip through of it?\nDM: Yeah. As you go through, it's filled with strange script and scrolling. Make an arcana check.\nPlayer: Can I use a ki point to get advantage?\nDM: You can.\nPlayer: I'll mark that down really quick. I'll take that 11 over that two. 13?\nDM: 13. You don't understand the nature of any of this, but it seems magical in nature. The script and elements of design remind you of the things you saw on the ceiling in the previous room. Though not exact, there are similarities to the way the script is drawn.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He growls back and draws out two rapiers. you has been keeping a close watch on Sir Kerrion to see if he is a vampire, but from what she has seen so far he doesn't look like one.\nDM: At your size, you can't quite get to him, unfortunately. You can try and move around this way, maybe. You will probably take an attack of opportunity from this guy, but you can try and move around.\nPlayer: Oh, from a random shithead? Yeah, let's do it.\nDM: What's your movement?\nPlayer: 50 feet.\nDM: Yeah, you can do that. You move around and you get over there.\nPlayer: Is that flanking?\nDM: It's not flanking, no. Yeah, it's not flanking per se. I mean, you're adjacent to him. You'd have to be on opposite sides to flank.\nPlayer: I know, that's what I was trying to get. All right. Well, then, since Vax has that guy, I'll go for this guy. Take him out.\nDM: Okay. So you move into that guy there.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With a high-level Hold Monster, he paralyzes Zahra, Kash, and both their mounts, sending them plummeting back over the side of the tower. As Vecna's wounds again begin to seal, he telekinetically raises the central platform of the broken tower.\nDM: You could try. Bigby's Hand is pulled back currently, being controlled by the other Scanlan. You could try and leap into it.\nPlayer: Would I go out of melee range of this guy? Would he get an attack of opportunity?\nDM: No. Because both you and Bigby's Hand are technically right up against him.\nPlayer: Okay. I'll grab that thumb instead.\nDM: So you're still holding on to him or-- SAM; I'm going to see if I can hold onto both. You reach out and you grab onto the edge of the other Bigby's Hand.\nPlayer: Yeah, I'm good.\nDM: Okay. That's your turn. Pike.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three locks' scratchings translate to the Common equivalent of 'open me', one of the locks' scratchings warns the party not to open it. you discovers that the lock saying 'No' is trapped, and the ones saying 'Yes' aren't.\nDM: So, as you push in the doorway, quietly, you see, for a moment inside, you can see there's a little bit of light from overheard in the room that lights it up. You see in the distance what looks to be a latrine in the far corner, and as soon as you peek in the doorway, you glance out the side of your eyeline, and you immediately see a figure, and a flash of metal.\nPlayer: Okay, I'll use Uncanny Dodge, then.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: Unless it's an area effect. If it's an area effect I'll use Evasion.\nDM: No, it is a direct attack, as a giant metallic glaive comes down to you. That is going to be a 19 to hit.\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: All right. That is 18 points of piercing. I'm sorry, slashing damage.\nPlayer: Nine points with the Uncanny Dodge.\nDM: Okay. At this point now you reveal the interior, and right here at the door, you see there, standing, Daxio right before you. Armored up, sweat on the brow, holding what looks to be a large glaive, a halberd-type weapon with a giant bladed tip, which (whack) strikes you and gets back in defensive position. \"You! I knew it.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, K'Varn falls, but is immediately brought back to undeath by the Horn of Orcus. A ray from his eyestalk turns Kima to stone.\nDM: You-- Unfortunately, from your position, since it slammed in this direction, you don't have eyesight on him, unless he's considered having cover right now.\nPlayer: Have I actually moved all six of my-- All six of my spaces for movement?\nDM: To move around the whole platform? Yeah, you would have had to. You can still fire, but he'll have three-quarters cover.\nPlayer: I ignore three-quarters cover!\nDM: Then fucking fire.\nPlayer: Thank you. All right. I'm spending the last of my Grit to do yet another head shot.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, announcement of Critical Role at New York Comic Con\n D&D Beyond ad\n Additional Knowledge Acquired : Marisha tells the Critters about Twitch Prime\n Loremasters: Legends ad\n Spellslingers gag reel for Day 9 vs. Ari Stidham \n How To Play with Becca Scott : Becca teaches us how to play Coup \n previously on Good Fornight Kevin : a parody of sitcoms set in bars\n fan art reel Frumpkin(in owl form) flew quietly towards the campfire.\nDM: Yeah. We're in a forest at night, guys. Frumpkin makes his way through the dark tree bottoms, eventually coming upon-- actually, this would be a more creepy setting for this, I think. That's better. Frumpkin slowly comes upon the warmth of this distant fire, closer and closer until coming around the corner, seeing a small fire heating a cauldron of some kind, some metal bowl. A bit of steam is rising off of whatever liquid is in the interior. You see an elderly woman in darker, tattered clothing that drapes off of the body, hunched but tall, very tall, like six and a half feet tall at a hunch. Make a perception check for Frumpkin, please, at this distance with disadvantage.\nPlayer: With disadvantage?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Okay. Perception, you said? 14.\nDM: The skin of this woman is a faint gray color, almost a gray-blue tint. The hair is this matted mess of tangled white and gray that is pulled back and tied behind the head where it cascades over the shoulders. The ears are long and pointed, out to the sides a bit. The nose is wide and pressed up into the face. She is going back and forth from this little hovel that's on the opposite side, that's built between two trees: a large thick one and another that seems to have fallen and come to rest at an angle next to it. In that small cranny between the two trees, you can see this little hut built of thatch and sticks and rope to construct this little home. It's almost like an arch that's holding it up. Near the ground of this cauldron, you see a child of some kind that is sitting on the ground, holding knees to its chest. It looks to be a boy.\nPlayer: Knees to chest?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Okay. She is paying him no mind at the moment?\nDM: At the moment, no. It looks like she is going to and from this little homestead and putting things into this cauldron.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back at the bakery, Tary gives the Trickfoots the run of the shop (to the chagrin of Vex and you, who don't entirely trust the newcomers). Everyone retires to get ready for dinner.\nDM: Do you understand Undercommon? Okay, then yeah. He looks back and goes, \"It's been travel. They take care of me. We're here now.\" His hand reaches over and grabs your hand and holds it for a second. He goes, \"We're here now to protect you.\"\nPlayer: Protect me from what?\nDM: \"From the curse.\"\nPlayer: What do you mean?\nDM: \"I've been having visions of you. An angel of light swallowed by dark.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Are these just dreams?\nDM: \"They come often, and the dreams that come often generally come to pass. There is a curse in our blood, and we wish to save you from that curse.\" His fingers tighten a little bit on your hand. Not in a painful way, but an emphatic hold. \"I'm worried for you. You're the only good one.\" His hand releases your hand. He drools a little bit and wipes it with his hand.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, All carts passing through are being thoroughly inspected. Fjord uses the dodecahedron, since he'll be doing the talking.\nDM: That is a 19. That's a natural 16 plus three. It has a pretty good constitution modifier. So it does resist the Stunning Strike, but good try. That ends Beau's go. Caleb, you're up and then Caduceus.\nPlayer: I don't know if this is going to hit me, but I'm going to risk going this way away from it up onto the gray stone.\nDM: This way over here?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: All right, it is not stunned, it does get a reaction. So as you're pulling back, it swings high with its club as it's currently dropped the battleaxe. That's going to be a natural 15 plus eight. That is a 23 to hit.\nPlayer: I'll take it.\nDM: All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The guardian appears just then, a corrupted-looking cherub. It releases a horrible scream and they leap into combat.\nDM: All righty. All right, guys, we're going to keep this coming at everyone fast, because we're going to make this happen. All right, first and foremost, as this creature emerges and you guys are in your respective places, Percival, you're up first.\nPlayer: Where am I?\nDM: You're up here near the top of the platform, where you saw the recess.\nPlayer: Goddamn it! Okay, so I'm far away from that little bugger, aren't I?\nDM: Yeah, it appeared on the opposite side of this double chamber. It's all up from there.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm going to hop off the broom.\nDM: Okay. So you hop off of there.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Stretching away from them are the remains of an ancient city, with a massive obsidian spire at its center. Above them, Vex notices a faint strand of bluish-purple light stretching from the orb, where they emerged, to the very top of the tower, and from the tower down to two other orbs.\nDM: You have not seen anything like these before. Black as night against the gray sky. From this distance, you make out no details in their bodies. It's almost like a moving shadow above you. Wherever light would hit to give you some sense of structure, it's just absence, void. It's just a flying shadow.\nPlayer: Are there any buildings that have enough structure to them where it feels like there might be things inside that have been relatively unmolested at this point?\nDM: Possibly. Make a perception check.\nPlayer: 12.\nDM: 12. I mean, there are some buildings that look like they have some structure, and the further into the city you get, the more you see that this becomes a little less destroyed. But you begin to see some figures moving that are not armored undead, not zombies, and not any of these quick-moving creatures. You see three figures walking back towards the orb where you guys came from in the same black cult robes, hoods off. They would appear to be human.\nPlayer: But they're cultists.\nDM: But they're cultists.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While you throws wild haymakers, missing with her first hit, Dairon retaliates with only very light, disciplined taps. you's next few hits land hard.\nDM: \"Do what you must. Travel the world. Use what I've taught you. Learn about injustice. Those you don't trust, follow them. Bend them. Make them tell the truth and admit their guilt. Find where ever corruption is. Root it out and let the system do its job. If the system isn't doing its job, destroy the system.\"\nPlayer: Why are you doing this? Why me?\nDM: \"Because a long time ago, I was a wayward girl with no direction, was angry, and fighting at the world. And someone did this for me.\"\nPlayer: I don't really believe in systems or being a part of them, let alone a system that takes down other systems. Seems almost hypocritical.\nDM: \"Perhaps. Who knows. Maybe one day you'll find the corruption inside our own.\"\nPlayer: Touche.\nDM: \"Go. Get some rest. Clean up a bit, I think you could use it.\"\nPlayer: You might have broke my wrist.\nDM: \"It'll heal. Zeenoth.\" She slaps him awake. His unconscious body on the ground.\nPlayer: Bye, Zeenoth! Zeenoth!\nDM: (coughing)\nPlayer: Zeenoth!\nDM: \"Oh dear.\"\nPlayer: Bye.\nDM: \"Goodbye. I have such great pleasure in saying goodbye, and good riddance.\"\nPlayer: I leave.\nDM: You make your way back to the tavern, go back into the room, and, exhaustedly, pass out. Let's bring everyone else back in.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The bard summons Bigby's Hand and places it between the druid and the pit fiend, using it as an Interposing Hand. Pike is still inside the mansion, having seen Percy stick his head and arm out to fire, then duck back in.\nDM: Yes, you are. For the time being. Pike is inside the mansion right now. She watched Percy step into the door frame, fire a few shots out, and then duck right behind it again.\nPlayer: Okay. So she's looking through the door. What can she see?\nDM: Right now all she sees is Grog and Trinket were attacking the pit fiend as it flew off, and that's all she sees now is Grog and Trinket by themselves outside on the street.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: And this watery sphere that's floating in space.\nPlayer: Okay, she's going to step out of the door, and she's going to cast Spiritual Weapon.\nDM: Okay, where is she going to cast it?\nPlayer: At fourth level. If she makes it an anvil, can she knock him down to the ground?\nDM: That's more of a flavor element.\nPlayer: I want to make it barbed noose to go around his neck.\nDM: Okay. In true Sarenrae fashion. All right. So for the purposes of that we will say that this glowing yellow--\nPlayer: It's a yellow noose, so it looks spiritual.\nDM: All righty. So we'll say that it's in the same space as him where you conjure it. There. At a fourth level. So at fourth level, that means its attacks do 4d8 plus five per hit. If it hits. Now that it's landed, so you cast a spell, it makes a melee attack. So go ahead and roll a d20, adding ten to that.\nPlayer: 23?\nDM: That hits, so go ahead and roll 4d8 plus five.\nPlayer: 26 points. And is that all the bonus?\nDM: That's all the bonus action.\nPlayer: Okay, cool.\nDM: She cannot cast any other spell, unless it's second level or lower.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb confronts Fjord about his wager in the card game with the Gentleman. Fjord says it was his funds, not the party's, and Caleb tells him he is okay with calculated risks.\nDM: \"Generally, no. Most of the folks that work with the Gentleman and that we work for are well-paying because they're well-off. Some of them aren't the most moral, either. We don't do anything that hurts the folk that don't deserve it. At least from what I know. We don't kill, we don't murder. We just move and sell and deal in various goods that aren't perfectly legal.\"\nPlayer: Did Ulog and Dolan know about your involvement with the Gentleman?\nDM: \"No.\"\nPlayer: All right, here's my question. Ulog was in against the High-Richter. That was his motivation. Dolan wanted to get after Lord Sutan for running him out of his practice.\nDM: \"Right.\"\nPlayer: What did you get out of all this?\nDM: \"Well, if I have a friend that makes it high in the political chain of the city-- Dolan-- and I have the ear of the Gentleman, that's a mighty powerful ally to the underworld without that ally knowing.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, It seems that every text in the library that should mention Vecna now simply, somehow, doesn\u2019t. While the others are researching, you goes to the kitchen and requests \u201ca salad with meat in it.\u201d\nDM: You look at the wait staff and they, \"Actually, sir, it was Chef Varon.\" You look over and you see this one, and you've seen a couple of the chefs here, you haven't interfaced with them too much. You're not a social figure necessarily, more of a demanding figure when it comes to the food and the meal. But you see this gentleman with this thin John Waters pencil mustache, this thinning hair that's short, but slick, with a bit of pattern baldness going on. He's a bit thick around the waist and he's sitting there with a big, beaming grin of pride.\nPlayer: Chef, this is going to put you on the map. We need to name it.\nDM: \"Oh, well, Grand Poobah, I image that would be your honor to give. I am but humbled to present you with such a meal, so the choice is yours.\"\nPlayer: What fine tender meats are in this dish?\nDM: \"Oh, well, we've got quite a variety. I wanted to provide an extravagant walk through the various creatures that we prepare here in Whitestone. Would you like me to continue?\"\nPlayer: Please, yes! I'm talking to myself.\nDM: \"We have two-week salted goat meat. On top of that we have hickory-kept long angle-smoked fish guts mixed in there with a wondrous mix of minced steaks, we've spared no possible expense on the various pieces of the cow. We've, from that point forward, presented a sprinkling of pork belly that's been ground up and salt-cured as well over the period of about two months usually kept to our various steam meals, but I thought this was a special occasion.\"\nPlayer: I'm just free-dripping saliva in and on the plate.\nDM: \"So, it has a very sedimentary layers of the planet-type feel to it where each reveal occurs it's a whole different genus of animal. You're eating nature in a bowl!\"\nPlayer: I mean, did you even, like, salt it or nothing? It's just all these beautiful animals in my own private ark of a bowl?\nDM: \"They came salted.\"\nPlayer: Well, because it's got goat, fish, beef, and pork in it I'm going to call it the GoFiBePo.\nDM: \"GoFiBePo it is.\"\nPlayer: But, like, you seem to have an accent, so let's put a little flair on it when you say it. The bowl of GoFiBePo.\nDM: \"GoFiBePo.\"\nPlayer: I like it.\nDM: \"Of course, Grand Poobah.\"\nPlayer: And I must decree there will be no utensils used when you dine of this sublime dish.\nDM: He begins writing these things down. \"All right, all right. You would need approval from Lady Cassandra, of course, to put this in the familial--\"\nPlayer: Approval?\nDM: \"Well, if you were to make this the official meal of Whitestone, that is entirely within--\"\nPlayer: This just gets better and better. Submit whatever paperwork is necessary. See that it's done.\nDM: \"You heard him, folks! Grand Poobah has spoken.\"\nPlayer: GoFiBePo.\nDM: GoFiBePo.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}